James Jesus Angleton, head of CIA counterintelligence for three decades, long ago explained to me that intelligence services create stories inside stories, each with its carefully constructed trail of evidence, in order to create false trails as diversions.

Such painstaking work can serve a variety of purposes. It can be used to embarrass or discredit an innocent person or organization that has an unhelpful position on an important issue and is in the way of an agenda. It can be used as a red herring to draw attention away from a failing explanation of an event by producing an alternative false explanation.

I forget what Angleton called them, but the strategy is to have within a false story other stories that are there but withheld because of “national security” or “politically sensitive issues” or some such. Then if the official story gets into trouble, the backup story can be released in order to deflect attention into a new false story or to support the original story. Angleton said that intelligence services protect their necessary misdeeds by burying the misdeed in competing explanations.

Watching the expert craftsmanship of the “Saudis did 9/11” story, I have been wondering if the Saudi story is what Angleton described as a “story within a story”.

The official 9/11 story has taken too many hits to remain standing. The collapse of Building 7, which, if memory serves, was not mentioned at all in the 9/11 Commission Report, has been proven to have been a controlled demolition. Building 7 collapsed at free fall acceleration, which can only be achieved with controlled demolition.

Over 100 firemen, policemen, and building maintenance personnel who were inside the two towers prior to their collapse report hearing and experiencing multiple explosions. According to William Rodriguez, a maintenance employee in the north tower, there were explosions in the sub-basements of the tower prior to the time airplanes are said to have hit the towers.

An international team of scientists found in the dust of the towers both reacted and unreacted residues of explosives and substances capable of instantly producing the extreme temperatures that cut steel.

A large number of pilots, both commercial and military, have questioned the ability of alleged hijackers with substandard flight skills to conduct the maneuvers required by the flight paths.

2,500 architects and engineers have called for an independent investigation of the failure of the towers that were certified to be capable of withstanding a hit by airplanes.

The revelation that the 9/11 attack was financed by the Saudi government has the effect of bolstering the sagging official story while simultaneously satisfying the growing recognition that something is wrong with the official story.

Commentators and media are treating the story of Saudi financing of 9/11 as a major revelation that damns the Bush regime, but the revelation not only leaves in place but also strengthens the official story that Osama bin Laden carried out the attack with precisely the hijackers identified in the original story. The Bush regime is damned merely for protecting its Saudi friends and withholding evidence of Saudi financing.

The evidence of Saudi financing is what restores the credibility of the original story. Nothing changes in the story of the collapse of the three WTC buildings, the attack on the Pentagon, and the crashed airliner in Pennsylvania. American anger is now directed at the Saudis for financing the successful attacks.

To hype the Saudi story is to support the official story. A number of commentators who are usually suspicious of government are practically jumping up and down for joy that now they have something to pin on Bush. They haven’t noticed that what they are pinning on him supports the official 9/11 story.

Moreover, they have not explained why the Saudi government would finance an attack on the country that protects it. Saudi Arabia is a long-time partner. They accept pieces of paper for their oil and then use the paper to finance the US Treasury’s debt and to purchase US weapons systems, purchases that lead to larger weapons sales, thus spreading R&D costs over larger volume.

What do the Saudis have to gain from embarrassing the US by demonstrating the total failure of US national security? Really, if a few hijackers can outfox the NSA, the CIA, and the national security state, we clearly aren’t getting out money’s worth and are giving up our civil liberties for nothing.

Saudi financing does not explain who had access to wire the buildings for demolition, or to schedule on 9/11 a simulated attack that the actual attack modeled, thus causing confusion among some authorities about what was real and what was not.

Saudi financing does not explain the dancing Israelis who were apprehended filming the attacks on the towers and who later said on Israeli TV that they were sent to New York to film the attack. How did the Israelis know? Did Prince Bandar tell them? Bush didn’t tell us about the Saudis, and the Israelis didn’t tell us about the attack. Which is worse?

This Saudi revelation is too convenient for the official story. How do we know that it was not devised as a story inside the story to be used when the story got into trouble? The Saudis would be a logical choice to be put in such a position as the original neoconservative plan for overthrowing Middle Eastern governments included overthrowing Saudi Arabia. Now we have an excuse.

I have doubts that the alleged hijackers played any role other than cover for bringing down buildings by controlled demolition. Possibly the hijackers and the Saudis who financed them, if the evidence is real and not concocted, were not aware of their role and thought they were participating in a different deception.

Are we being deceived again with a story inside a story? Will it succeed along the lines that Angleton explained? Or will it possibly backfire? If the US government will hide some of the truth from us for 13 years, why not all of the truth? What else in the official story is false?

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments. His internet columns have attracted a worldwide following. Roberts’ latest books are The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism and Economic Dissolution of the WestHow America Was Lost, and The Neoconservative Threat to World Order.

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U.S. President Barack Obama’s trip to Vietnam and lifting of the arms embargo will no doubt boost bilateral relations. But for Hanoi it is still a rebalance, not a pivot, as Vietnam still has a strong reliance on Russian military exports.

Earlier this week, in a farewell trip to Asia, U.S. President Barack Obama concluded a visit to Vietnam. It was literally a roaring success. The people in the streets of Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City greeted the President with flags and welcoming posters and the audience in the National Convention Center burst into applause at every strong statement, hearty reference or joke that Obama uttered during his address.

The kicker of the trip was, of course, the lifting of the U.S. arms embargo on Vietnam, perhaps the strongest reminder of the Vietnam War, which still haunts bilateral relations in the form of Agent Orange contamination and unexploded ordnance in Vietnam and a large anti-Communist Vietnamese diaspora in the U.S. By fully removing the arms trade ban, the U.S. Administration has helped the two countries to turn the page and finally speak of properly normalized relations.

But it is more than that. Obama is busy with his legacy-building, and it could not be a better way to round up his Asia-Pacific “rebalance” than with a trip to the number one “new” partner in Asia (Vietnam) as well as the number one “old” partner in Asia (Japan). Coincidentally – or perhaps not – both of them are active members of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), widely seen as the economic fulcrum of Obama’s “rebalance” project.

Vietnam’s global thinking

From Vietnam’s perspective, the burgeoning relations with the U.S. are even a bigger deal. Having suffered from bloc politics dearly, the Vietnamese have developed a certain kind of political thinking, where independence is top priority and can only be achieved by balancing partnerships with global and regional powers. Pitching the country’s stable political system, strong military, strategic position, and a vibrant and promising economy to various global and regional players, the Vietnamese leadership is aiming to diversify its foreign policy.

South Korea brings Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). Japan brings Official Development Assistance (ODA). The EU brings technology. Russia brings military equipment, and energy technology, including nuclear, oil and gas projects. The U.S. brings its huge market for textiles and agriculture, as well as geopolitical support. China brings an ideological alliance and trade.

China is a special case, of course. The kind of love-hate relationship Vietnam has with China goes way back in history. Geographically, there is no alternative to China as the closest strategic partner. The relationship between the two Communist parties is very strong and Vietnam’s policies are often based on lessons from the China relationship. China is Vietnam’s largest trade partner and the two countries share a strong connection with traditional Confucian political culture.

At the same time, the Vietnamese live in constant concern over perceived sovereignty threats, especially in the South China Sea. Moreover, Vietnam is experiencing a huge and further growing trade deficit with China, which threatens to make the former dependent on the latter.

As Vietnam has been gaining momentum of economic growth, lifting itself out of poverty and straight into the league of developing powerhouses, the country’s elite is trying to balance out China. There is no getting away from the big northern neighbor, but the Vietnamese could certainly use a better hand when dealing with the Chinese and make this relationship more beneficial if they have stronger partnerships with the U.S., Japan, ASEAN countries and Russia.

The future of Russia’s relationship with Vietnam

Russia, in turn, is an important factor in Vietnam’s external ties. The ongoing sales of Russian frigates, submarines, missiles, and air defense systems are precisely what gives Vietnam the ability to leave China with a proverbial bloody nose in case there is an actual military clash in the South China Sea. Moreover, the high status of the Russia-Vietnam political relationship is also supposed to hold China back, leaving Beijing reluctant to threaten its ties with Moscow.

At least this was true when the U.S. arms embargo was in place. So will this change? Not immediately, that is for sure. Arms procurement strategies do not change overnight, and with Russia’s dominant position on the Vietnamese arms market, it is likely to remain the leader over the coming decade. The U.S. may occupy certain niches, especially high-tech, like maritime surveillance, or perhaps coast guard ships and transport airplanes. But Russia will remain the key seller of all the hard-hitting weaponry.

What are the implications for Russia then? U.S.-Vietnam relations are developing at a very fast pace. In 2015 Barack Obama received the general secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam, Nguyen Phu Trong, at the White House, essentially acknowledging that socialist rule is not an impediment to bilateral ties. This time, Obama chose not to tie the arms embargo to Vietnam’s progress on human rights, once again signaling that U.S. geopolitical and economic interests in Vietnam are more important than promotion of liberal democracy there. This trend will no doubt continue if tensions rise in the Asia-Pacific region.

This is why Russia’s role in Vietnamese foreign policy will likely face a relative decline, at least if current trends prevail. The strong military connection dates back to a time when Russia was the only strong partner for Vietnam. Now things are different – when China, the U.S., Japan, India, South Korea and the EU are all making plays for Vietnam, it is illogical to assume that Russia’s posture could continue to be as strong as it is currently.

Fundamental changes in the way how Russia and Vietnam cooperate have to happen to change the nature of their relations. So, Russia has to keep in mind that gaining momentum is the only way not to fall behind.

Anton Tsvetov is the Media and Government Relations Manager at the Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC), a Moscow-based foreign policy think-tank. He also has a blog at Russia Beyond the Headlines.

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Washington Complicates the Dispute in the South China Sea

July 20th, 2016 by Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya

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Washington Complicates the Dispute in the South China Sea

July 20th, 2016 by Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya

A negotiated settlement between the People’s Republic of China and the Republic of the Philippines over the Sino-Filipino territorial dispute(s) over ownership of the Spratly Islands (known as Nansha Islands in China) appears possible with the change of government in Manila. The term of the cabinet of Filipino President Benigno Aquino III and Filipino Secretary of Foreign Affairs Albert del Rosario, who both rejected bilateral talks with Beijing, ended on June 30, 2016. They have been respectively replaced by Rodrigo Duterte in the Malacañan Palace and Perfecto Yasay Jr. in the Department of Foreign Affairs. The new Filipino government in Manila has made several overtures about holding bilateral talks with Beijing and Foreign Secretary Yasay has announced that a special envoy will be appointed for negotiations with China.

Relations between the Philippines and China became strained under the Aquino III Administration. It rehabilitated the territorial dispute with China and eagerly began welcoming the revitalization of the US military presence in Southeast Asia. In 2011, a political decision was made under Benigno Aquino to refer to the South China Sea as the West Philippine Sea as a means of emphasizing the claim of the Philippines. The Aquino III Administration would even mandate the renaming of the South China Sea into law by an administrative order in 2012. Agitating relations further, the Aquino III Administration initiated legal action over the territorial dispute against China through the Dutch-based Permanent Court of Arbitration on October 29, 2015.

On July 5, 2016 – just one week before the ruling of the Permanent Court of Arbitration on July 12, 2016 – President Duterte offered to hold talks with China. While he will surely use the Permanent Court of Arbitration as leverage in Sino-Filipino bilateral talks, Duterte appears to be keen on a settlement with China. These offers are part of a buildup from the 2016 election period in the Philippines.

While campaigning for the presidency of the Philippines, Duterte’s discourse on China was one that sent mixed signals. It shifted between antagonistic and conciliatory language. Undoubtedly, this was politicking and political catering by President Duterte. His altering discourse on China was a political tactic to domestically gain both the support of Filipinos with nationalist attitudes about the Spratly Islands and those Filipinos, including the influential ethnic Chinese Filipino business class, that want peace, economic cooperation, and trade with a vibrant China.

At the international level, Duterte may have been sending mixed signals as part of a tactic to satisfy both the United States and China. His antagonistic remarks pleased Washington while his consolatory remarks were aimed at not alienating Beijing and to signal that he was willing to hold talks. Despite his criticism of Beijing, he always made signals that he wanted to establish dialogue with China. Interestingly, Duterte was even the only key politician in the 2016 Philippine general-elections who publicly admitted that he went to talk about the Spratly Islands with the US Embassy in Manila.

On the campaign trail Duterte commented that he would seek Chinese help to build a trans-Philippines rail network connecting the islands of Luzon and Mindanao and that if China accepted the mammoth transportation project that he was willing to end his public criticism about Manila’s territorial dispute with Beijing. In other words, Duterte was saying that a future Filipino government under him would negotiate with China in exchange for economic concessions or assistance from Beijing.

After Duterte won the presidential elections, his tone towards China altered. He became much more tempered and be very cordial to China. Before Duterte even officially became president, he held meetings with Zhao Jianhua, the Chinese ambassador to the Philippines, on May 16, 2016. The meeting was symbolic, because Ambassador Zhao was only one of three ambassadors – the other two being the diplomatic representatives of Israel and Japan – that Duterte met with as the presumptive-president of the Philippines. Since that time Rodrigo Duterte would meet with Ambassador Zhao three more times, including several days before the ruling Permanent Court of Arbitration on July 7, 2016.

Beijing’s Claim to the South China Sea

Beijing claims that China has had sovereignty over the area for thousands of years. The Chinese Empire under the Ming Dynasty even possessed the western shores adjacent to the area. This was when Vietnam was a part of China. Vietnam also lays claims to the Spratly Islands (known as the Quan đao Truong Sa by the Vietnamese) and the Paracel Islands (known as Xisha by the Chinese and as Hoàng Sa by the Vietnamese).

Supporting the Chinese claim are the facts that Japan annexed the area in 1938 as part of its takeover of Taiwan from China and that Kuomintang-ruled mainland China claimed the area in 1947 under an «eleven dash line» demarcation while Malaysia and Brunei were still British colonies and Vietnam was still a French colony. Only the Philippines had officially become independent from the US one year before the Kuomintang claim, in 1946.

There are important historical and legal facts that should be taken into consideration. Before the US went to war with the Japanese, it never challenged the Japanese annexation of the area as a takeover of the territory of the Philippines as a possession of the US. Nor were the islands in the South China Sea included as part of the Philippine territory handed over from Spain to the US in 1898. It was only with US backing in the 1970s that the Philippines started making international claims to the area.

Washington: The Meddling Third Party

China is interested in establishing what Xi Jinping calls a «community of destiny.» Beijing wants cooperation and trade, not war or conflict with the Philippines or any of the other member states of the Association of the Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). Its major aim is to expand the Silk Road, both on land and at sea, and to buttress regional integration and economic prosperity. In this regard, it has even given favourable treatment and offered advantageous trade conditions to the member states of the ASEAN on multiple occasions.

Like President Duterte, the Chinese government has signaled that it is ready to hold direct negotiations over the territorial dispute in the South China Sea. China has even declared that it is willing to share the area’s wealth and resources in joint development projects. This is what Beijing has described as a «sustainable approach.» In return Beijing has asked that Manila rejects the Permanent Court of Arbitration’s ruling, which will also affect the cross-cutting territorial claims of Brunei, Malaysia, and Vietnam.

In a scenario where the Philippines gains control of the disputed territory in the South China Sea, Manila would turn to the US and US allies like Japan, South Korea, and Australia for the development of the region. The Philippines cannot develop or extract the energy resources of the area by itself. Foreign energy companies from the US and states allied to the US would get preferential treatment and profit off the oil and gas. In return the Philippines would get undersized economic returns.

Even under the framework of the above scenario, if it is not the biggest consumer, China would still be one of the major consumers of any energy reserves extracted from the South China Sea. China could also even be asked by the Philippines to develop the region’s energy reserves. Since Beijing will be the main customer, there are those in the Philippines that realize that it would actually be more lucrative for the Philippines to work with China to jointly develop the regions energy reserve. This is why there are those in the Philippines who prefer bilateral talks. The main hurdle to talks between Beijing and Manila, however, is the United States.

What is at stake in the disputed zone are not only large amounts of hydrocarbon reserves in what some in China have called a «second Persian Gulf» of energy, fishing, and one of the most important maritime corridors and trade routes in the world. Chinese national security interests are also heavily tied to the area. Chinese trade and energy supplies would be disrupted if maritime movement were halted in the South China Sea, which is why the US military is heavily focused on having a presence in the area. In part, this is what Washington’s «Pivot to Asia» is all about.

Washington, which (unlike Beijing) itself has refused to even sign the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, is using the Philippines as a pretext for playing a dirty game against China merely because it views Beijing as its strategic rival. The US is intentionally ratcheting tensions up in the South China Sea to justify both the US naval presence adjacent to the Chinese coast and the creation of a network of military alliances to encircle and pressure Beijing. Using coercive diplomacy, economic warfare, a strategy of tension, and a two-pronged approach of confrontation and cooperation, the US is trying to consign China to the position of a junior partner. The US is also doing its best to create a wedge in Eurasia between China and the Russian Federation.

Ironically, while it is demonizing China as a regional threat, Washington is sending contradictory messages to its regional allies. The US has been vilifying Beijing while it simultaneously orders the US military to hold multilateral or bilateral military exercises with the Chinese military, such as the Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) Exercise (June-July 2016), China-US Joint Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief Tabletop Exercise (November 2012), and the China-US Anti-piracy Exercise in the Gulf of Aden (September 2012).

Regional leaders should take note of the US modus operandi. US leaders are not willing to directly confront China. Instead they are using countries like the Philippines as pawns, leverage, and negotiating chips to either bargain with or obstruct an increasingly assertive and economically prosperous China.

This article was originally published by the Strategic Culture Foundation on July 11, 2016.


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The presidential administration of former Philippine president Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo was marked by corruption, fraud, misuse of public funds, and utter disregard for constitutionalism and the rule of law. She has been widely accused of murder, kidnapping, plundering, and cheating. The US Embassy in Manila was even informed in 2005 by corporate accounting firm SGV founder Washington Sycip that her husband, José Miguel Arroyo, was one  of the most corrupt figures in the Philippines, according to US diplomat cables that were leaked in 2011. The Arroyo Administration also arbitrarily and unlawfully arrested her political opponents while it used national security measures and the language of law and order as pretexts to suppress her opponents and Filipinos and Filipinas seeking justice.

The Hello Garci scandal that emerged in 2005 merely served to prove that the 2004 Philippine general-election’s were rigged by Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo and her political associates. After the scandal, Arroyo would admit that the audio evidence produced about her election rigging was authentic, but nothing happened to her. Her government argued on the basis of procedural law that since the key evidence against Arroyo was a phone conversation that was recorded without her consent that it could not be used while her political party and coalition prevented her impeachment and justice from ever taking place through legislative means by blocking any action against her by using their majority vote in the Congress of the Philippines.

Although former president Arroyo escaped legal prosecution over electoral fraud, her feuds with other elites or oligarchs eventually materialized in a criminal case against her being opened over the plundering of 366 million Philippine pesos from the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) intelligence funds from 2008 to 2010.  There are, however,  two sets of justice in the Philippines: one for the rich and powerful elites and another for the general population.

Arroyo was given special treatment and put under hospital arrest at the Veterans Memorial Medical Center in Quezon City where she enjoyed and was afforded extraordinary rights for about four years. She was allowed to go on special holiday breaks and to spend the December holiday season with her family in their luxurious La Vista residence. Her trial was even suspended twice for a one-month period staring  on 20 October 2015 and then again for a three-month period starting on 24 November 2015.

After Rodrigo Duterte was elected as the president of the Philippines he said that he was ready to grant former Philippine president Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo a pardon. Being influenced by the political change in Manila and new atmosphere in the Philippines, the Supreme Court of the Philippines, which itself is a corrupt institution that caters to interest groups, finally  acquitted Arroyo. No longer arguing that she needed to be in the hospital, Arroyo would leave the the Veterans Memorial Medical Center. She escaped justice once again and it is unlikely that anything besides token action will be taken against her for her past crimes as the president of the Philippines.

Without expressing doubt about the legitimacy of the legal process or analyzing the political nature of the Supreme Court acquittal, the following is a report of the acquittal of Arroyo that looks at the appointment origins of all the judges involved. It is worth noting that almost all of the judges in the Supreme Court were appointed by Arroyo herself. 

Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, Asia-Pacific Research Editor, 21 July 2016.

Former Philippine president Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo during hospital arrest.

Former former Philippine president Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo leaving the hospital after she is acquitted.

Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo with her lawyer Raul Lambino taking a picture right after her acquittal.

MANILA, Philippines – After nearly 4 years of hospital arrest, former Philippine president Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo will soon be free.

The Supreme Court on Tuesday, July 19, acquitted Mrs Arroyo of plunder as it granted her plea to drop the case against her. This sets in motion her release from the Veterans Memorial Medical Center, where she has been detained since October 2012.

SC Spokesman Theodore Te told a press conference Tuesday afternoon that the Court annulled the criminal case for “insufficiency of evidence” and ordered her “immediate release.”

Te said the vote was 11-4 in favor of Arroyo’s petition to junk a Sandiganbayan ruling that gave the go-signal for her plunder trial in connection with charges that she misused funds of the state-run Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO).

Covered by the case aside from Arroyo is former PCSO budget officer Benigno Aguas, who is detained at Camp Crame. He was also ordered released.

Quoting from the decision, Te said: “Wherefore, the Court grants the petitions for certiorari; annuls and sets aside the resolutions issued in Criminal Case No. SB-12-CRM-0174 by the Sandiganbayan on April 6, 2015 and September 10, 2015; grants the petitioners’ respective demurrers to evidence; dismisses Criminal Case No. SB-12-CRM-0174 as to the petitioners Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo and Benigno Aguas for insufficiency of evidence; ORDERS the immediate release from detention of said petitioners; and makes no pronouncements on costs of suit.”

The justices who dissented or voted against Arroyo are Chief Justice Maria Lourdes Sereno, Senior Associate Justice Antonio Carpio, and Associate Justices Marvic Leonen and Benjamin Caguioa. Of the 4, only Carpio is an appointee of Mrs Arroyo; the rest were appointed by former president Benigno Aquino III.

The 11 justices who ruled in favor of the former president are:

  • Justice Presbitero Velasco Jr
  • Justice Teresita de Castro
  • Justice Arturo Brion
  • Justice Diosdado Peralta
  • Justice Lucas Bersamin
  • Justice Mariano del Castillo
  • Justice Jose Perez
  • Justice Jose Mendoza
  • Justice Bienvenido Reyes
  • Justice Estela Perlas-Bernabe
  • Justice Francis Jardeleza

Of the 11, eight are Arroyo appointees and 3 were appointed by Aquino: Bernabe, Reyes and Jardeleza.

‘Final bastion of justice’

One of Arroyo’s lawyers, Raul Lambino, was with her Tuesday at the Veterans hospital.

He told radio station dzMM: “Kasama ko nga po si Pangulong Arroyo rito at lubos po yung ating kagalakan ngayon dito sa naging botohan o info na dumating sa amin. Naiyak po siya siyempre lahat ng mga kasama namin rito sa magandang balitang dumating sa atin.” (I am with President Arroyo, and we’re grateful for the decision or the information that reached us. We are all in tears.)

Para sa akin, malaya na ang dating Pangulo,” he added. (As far as I am concerned, our president is free.)

Lambino said the Philippine National Police would process Arroyo’s release after the SC releases its verdict.

Arroyo’s other lawyer, Ferdinand Topacio, said in a statement: “The Supreme Court has once again proven itself to be the final bastion of justice and the rule of law. Its ruling today has validated what we have been saying for six years now: that the charges against former President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo are nothing more than disingenuous attempts at political persecution by a corrupt and inept Aquino administration intent on covering up its gross lack of accomplishments by harassing its political opponents.”

The Court found the evidence against her weak, the same sources said. Prior to this, the Supreme Court already stopped her trial at the Sandiganbayan.

The 69-year-old Arroyo, who is currently Pampanga representative, is the second Philippine president to be detained for plunder.

In April 2001, ousted president Joseph Estrada was jailed for plunder over charges of unexplained wealth. The Sandiganbayan convicted and sentenced him to life in jail in September 2007. But only 6 weeks after, in October 2007, his successor Arroyo pardoned him.

Landmark ruling

Tuesday’s landmark ruling on Mrs Arroyo came barely a month after Aquino stepped down from office and less than a week before President Rodrigo Duterte, who favors her release, delivers his first State of the Nation Address (SONA.).

It was Aquino who jailed Arroyo and subsequently led the impeachment charge against her appointed chief justice, the late Renato Corona.

Through veteran lawyer Estelito Mendoza, Arroyo had petitioned the Supreme Court to approve her “demurrer to evidence,” a plea to dismiss a case on the basis of weak evidence. She went to the High Tribunal for relief after the anti-graft court Sandiganbayan dismissed the demurrer.

Arroyo filed the “demurrer to evidence” in 2014 before the Sandiganbayan. The anti-graft court dismissed this in April 2015, paving the way for her trial for plunder over the alleged misuse of PCSO funds.

Arroyo then challenged the Sandiganbayan ruling before the Supreme Court in a 100-page petition filed by Mendoza.

PCSO plunder

The Court’s approval of the Arroyo petition in effect acquits her of the P366-million plunder suit filed by the Ombudsman in July 2012 against her and 9 other former goverment officials.

The Ombudsman’s suit, filed a week before then President Aquino was to deliver his 3rd SONA, alleged that Mrs Arroyo approved the alleged diversion of PCSO’s intelligence funds for purposes not related to the core work of the agency, which is to help indigents and sectors working with them.

On top of this, Arroyo had also asked the Supreme Court to in the meantime stop her trial at the Sandiganbayan. The SC granted this motion last year and extended the trial suspension to this year.

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TASHKENT, Uzbekistan – Belarus is ready for strengthening relations with China and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko said as he met with Chinese President Xi Jinping in Tashkent on 24 June, BelTA has learned.

“I would like to thank you for Belarus, the only European state, getting the observer status in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. It would be impossible without China’s support. We are really grateful to you,” Alexander Lukashenko said addressing Xi Jinping.

The Belarusian head of state emphasized that both China and the SCO can rely on Belarus’ support in any issues. “We are ready to become ‘a western gate’ for this organization,” the Belarusian leader said. Alexander Lukashenko cited the Chinese-Belarusian Industrial Park Great Stone project as an example of how Belarus is consistent in fulfilling its obligations. “You have called the project a pearl of the Great Silk Road. We will do our best and are doing the utmost to fill the project with concrete economic content,” said the President of Belarus.

For his part, Xi Jinping congratulated Alexander Lukashenko on the successful 5th Belarusian People’s Congress which discussed the five-year plan of country’s social and economic development. “I am sure that under your leadership Belarus will make new progress,” said the Chinese President.

He has noted that the Belarusian-Chinese relations have been rapidly developing, with the two countries supporting each other in all the matters. Mentioning the ongoing parliamentary election campaign in Belarus, Xi Jinping supported the efforts aimed at creating calm atmosphere for the elections.

Xi Jinping invited Alexander Lukashenko to pay a state visit to China and expressed readiness for further strengthening of all-round cooperation.

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A raíz de la adopción de una legislación para proteger al fumador contra los efectos del tabaco en el 2008, la empresa multinacional Philip Morris entabló una demanda contra Uruguay ante el Centro Internacional de Arreglo de Disputas entre Inversionista Extranjero y Estado (CIADI, más conocido por sus siglas en inglés ICSID) en el 2010. Se trata de un mecanismo arbitral instituido en 1965 en el marco del Banco Mundial, que ha sido objeto de numerosas críticas en años recientes, en particular a partir de la experiencia de América Latina (Nota 1).

Una verdadera “première” uruguaya

Para Uruguay, la demanda de Philip Morris es la primera demanda en su historia. Según registros oficiales del CIADI, se trata de un Estado que ha sido demandado en tan solo dos ocasiones, la otra demanda se encuentra pendiente de resolución (ver datos oficiales sobre ambas demandas). Cabe recordar que hace más de 20 años, en 1995, la primera demanda interpuesta contra un Estado de América Latina ante el CIADI fue contra Costa Rica (caso de la Hacienda Santa Elena, resuelto mediante laudo del CIADI en el 2000), después de sufrir Costa Rica presiones externas de Estados Unidos para que ratificara la Convención de 1965, acto que realizó en 1993 (Nota 2): recordemos (en particular para el lector más joven) que, gracias a esta ratificación “forzada”, una propiedad adquirida en 1970 por un precio de 395.000 US$, fue objeto de un demanda internacional contra Costa Rica interpuesta en mayo de 1995 por 41 millones de US$ ante el CIADI, el cual decidió en su laudo del 17 de febrero del 2000 ordenar un pago indemnizatorio a Costa Rica por 16 millones de US$.

Más recientemente, en abril del 2016, un Estado con mayor experiencia en el CIADI que la de Costa Rica o de Uruguay, Venezuela, fue condenado por el CIADI a pagar la suma de 1.386 millones de US$ a una empresa minera canadiense  (ver  nota ). En el 2012, Ecuador fue condenado a pagar a un consorcio norteamericano de empresas petroleras Occidental Petroleum la suma de 1.770 millones de US$, un monto jamás ordenado por un tribunal del CIADI (ver  texto integral  del laudo arbitral, adoptado por 2 votos a favor y uno en contra).

Como tuvimos la oportunidad de precisarlo con relación al último tratado bilateral de inversiones (más conocido como TBI) ratificado por Costa Rica en el 2016, los TBI y las cláusulas CIADI que contienen encuentran su origen en un discurso muy en boga en los años 90: “Un dogma (que a la fecha se ha mantenido incólume en muchos sectores) consistió en considerar en aquellos años que la inversión extranjera era garantía de crecimiento económico y de desarrollo: los indicadores sociales en buena parte de América Latina 15 años después evidencian que algunos bemoles se debieron de imponer. /…/  Un dogma asociado al anterior (y que se mantiene también muy presente en algunos sectores) es que sin TBI no hay inversión extranjera: este dogma hace a un lado algunas realidades difíciles de obviar, como por ejemplo el hecho que Brasil, 5ª economía mundial, no ha ratificado ninguno de estos tratados” (ver nuestra  nota  sobre el acuerdo bilateral de inversiones China-Costa Rica publicada en el Observatorio de la Política de China, p. 2)

Brasil, primer receptor de inversión extranjera en América Latina, no es parte a la Convención de Washington de 1965, (al igual que México, Cuba, o República Dominicana y la misma Canadá hasta el 2013) ni ha ratificado un solo de los TBI que ha suscrito. Por su parte, Bolivia, Ecuador y Venezuela han denunciado la Convención de 1965 (en el 2007, 2010 y 2012 respectivamente); al igual que la India, Indonesia o Sudáfrica, estos Estados de América Latina han procedido a renegociar o a suspender varios de sus TBI en aras de limitar de manera sustancial el alcance de las cláusulas CIADI insertas en algunos de ellos.

La demanda de Philip Morris contra Uruguay se basó en el TBI vigente entre Uruguay y Suiza: un  tratado bilateral redactado de tal manera por los negociadores suizos, que también ha dado pié para una demanda contra Costa Rica interpuesta por un grupo de accionistas suizos dueños… de una empresa de gas mejicana que opera en Costa Rica (Nota 3).

La decisión del CIADI

En su laudo arbitral dado a conocer el pasado 8 de julio del 2016 (ver texto completo ), el CIADI rechaza los cargos presentados por la empresa tabacalera, y falla a favor de Uruguay, condenando a la empresa a pagar 7 millones de US$ a Uruguay así como a asumir los gastos de funcionamiento del CIADI (que ascienden a unos 1,5 millones de US$). Se lee en este  artículo  de prensa que: “Uruguay sostuvo que las medidas que adoptó fueron en su rol legítimo de regulador y en pos de velar por la salud de la población; que se tomaron en cumplimiento del Convenio Marco del Control del Tabaco (CMCT), y que fueron efectivas para descender el porcentaje de fumadores en el país. Solicitó, por tanto, que se desestimara el reclamo de Philip Morris y se compensara a Uruguay por todos los gastos en los que incurrió en el proceso judicial“.

En una etapa preliminar, Uruguay había cuestionado la competencia del CIADI, basándose en el hecho que su sistema judicial (tribunal contencioso administrativo y juez constitucional) había conocido de acciones legales contra esta legislación entre el 2008 y el 2009, y que el juez uruguayo había confirmado su plena validez dentro del ordenamiento jurídico uruguayo (ver detalle de las acciones legales en los párrafos 153-167 del laudo de pasado 8 de julio del 2016). El 2 de julio del 2013, el tribunal arbitral del CIADI se había declarado competente, rechazando los alegatos presentados por Uruguay (ver  texto completo  de su decisión sobre su competencia).

Un detalle de interés para juristas

En su decisión sobre la pretendida denegación de justicia a la empresa tabacalera, los miembros del tribunal precisan que: “The relationship between the parallel administrative and constitutional systems is critical in determining whether justice was denied. That system was in place before the Claimants invested in Uruguay. The Claimants’ knowledge of this relationship is evidenced by Abal’s procedural stance in challenging the 80/80 Regulation. The Respondent further rejects the Claimants’ contention that the alleged contradictory character of the two decisions, means, ultimately, that the Claimants were deprived of a decision on the legality of Decree 287. On the contrary, there was a clear legal decision on the constitutionality of Law 18,256 and the validity of its implementing Decree, respectively. Each decision was “reasonably substantiated.” Both courts received vigorous argument from both sides (Abal/MPH), and subsequently reviewed, analyzed, adjudicated upon the claims and dismissed them” (párrafos 513-514). Con relación a la constitucionalidad de un texto, a distinguir de la legalidad del mismo (que una empresa minera canadiense recientemente consideró oportuno incluir en su demanda contra Costa Rica alegando también “contradicciones” del sistema judicial costarricense), el tribunal del CIADI indica que: “According to the Tribunal, the simple fact is that the Supreme Court and the TCA are co-equal under the Uruguay constitutional system. Both have original and exclusive jurisdiction: the SCJ to determine the constitutionality of a law; the TCA to declare the validity or illegality of an administrative act adopted pursuant to a law determined to be constitutional, examining whether the administrative act is “contrary to a rule of law or under a distortion of authority” (párrafo 522).  En sus apreciaciones finales sobre el sistema juidicial uruguayo, los tres árbitros del CIADI  aclaran no obstante que: “In the Tribunal’s view, it is unusual that the Uruguayan judicial system separates out the mechanisms of review in this way, without any system for resolving conflicts of reasoning. The Tribunal believes, however, that it would not be appropriate to find a denial of justice because of this discrepancy. The Claimants were able to have their day (or days) in court, and there was an available judicial body with jurisdiction to hear their challenge to the 80/80 Regulation and which gave a properly reasoned decision. The fact that there is no further recourse from the TCA decision, which did not follow the reasoning of the SCJ, seems to be a quirk of the judicial system” (párrafo 527).

Posiblemente poco familiarizados con las peculiaridades del sistema constitucional vigente en Uruguay (como es lo usual cuando se revisa la trayectoria y hoja de vida de quiénes son llamados a ser árbitros en el CIADI), los integrantes del tribunal señalan también que: “In other words, the failure of the TCA to follow the Supreme Court’s interpretation of Articles 9 and 24 of Law 18,256 may appear unusual, even surprising, but it is not shocking and it is not serious enough in itself to constitute a denial of justice. Outright conflicts within national legal systems may be regrettable but they are not unheard of” (párrafo 529).

El peso de un “amicus curiae”

Ante los alegatos de la empresa tabacalera multinacional con relación al carácter supuestamente “arbitrario” de las medidas tomadas para proteger la salud de los uruguayos, los árbitros del CIADI parecen haber tomado en consideración, además de los argumentos de Uruguay, el “amicus curiae” sometido al tribunal arbitral por parte de un tercero: en este caso, la Organización Mundial para la Salud (OMS, más conocida por sus siglas en ingles WHO) y de su homóloga panamericana (OPS o PAHO en inglés). La lectura del fallo no permite saber hasta qué punto la iniciativa de estas dos organizaciones internacionales pudo influenciar a los árbitros, pero el hecho merece ser señalado: es posiblemente la primera vez en la historia del CIADI que sus árbitros reciben un “amicus curiae” proveniente de dos órganos internacionales en materia de salud (uno de carácter universal, parte del sistema de Naciones Unidas, otro de carácter regional, perteneciente al sistema interamericano).

En el párrafo 391 del laudo arbitral, leemos que: “Both measures have been implemented by the State for the purpose of protecting public health. The connection between the objective pursued by the State and the utility of the two measures is recognized by the WHO and the PAHO Amicus Briefs, which contain a thorough analysis of the history of tobacco control and the measures adopted to that effect. The WHO submission concludes that “the Uruguayan measures in question are effective means of protecting public health”. The PAHO submission holds that “Uruguay’s tobacco control measures are a reasonable and responsible response to the deceptive advertising, marketing and promotion strategies employed by the tobacco industry, they are evidence based, and they have proven effective in reducing tobacco consumption“.

Los gastos en honorarios de abogados

Notemos que en el párrafo 583 de la decisión arbitral dada recientemente a conocer, se lee que Uruguay debió sufragar gastos para su defensa que ascienden a más de 10 millones de US$ (el monto exacto dado a conocer es de: 10.319.833.57), mientras que la empresa reconoció haber gastado casi 17 millones de US$ (16.906.045.46). Estos datos confirman nuevamente el alto costo que significa para el erario público de un Estado el enfrentar demandas de este tipo. Actualmente, en la región centroamericana, El Salvador espera una decisión del CIADI con relación a una demanda interpuesta en el 2009 por una empresa minera por no haber renovado una concesión minera (caso  Pacific Rim Cayman LLC, por 300 millones de US$): una nota reciente indica que El Salvador ya ha destinado 13 millones de US$ en gastos relacionados con su defensa (ver  nota  de prensa). Por su parte, Costa Rica fue demandada en el 2014 por la empresa minera canadiense Infinito Gold al ver su proyecto suspendido por decisión de la justicia costarricense en el 2010, confirmada en el 2011 (caso  Infinito Gold Ltd, por 94 millones de US$) (Nota 4).  Recientemente, Panamá fue demandado de igual forma por una empresa minera norteamericana por 268 millones de US$ (Nota 5).

Colombia se estrenará en el CIADI con la demanda planteada en marzo del 2016 por la corporación suiza Glencore con base en… el TBI Colombia-Suiza  (ver ficha técnica): en un  artículo  sobre la anatomía de un escándalo se leyó (en febrero del 2016) en Colombia que: ” los señores de Glencore están conminando a la Contraloría General a que se arrodille, a que se arrodille el Estado colombiano y a que, en una diligencia de conciliación, le pidamos perdón y le devolvamos 62.000 millones de pesos”. Esta primera demanda que enfrenta Colombia en el CIADI, y que desde el 2011 la Embajada de Estados Unidos en Bogotá preveía (Nota 6), bien podría ser seguida de otras anunciadas por empresas mineras: varios consorcios de empresas mineras han anunciado su intención de demandar a Colombia por unos 16.500 millones de US$ (ver  nota ), a raíz de un fallo de la Corte de Constitucionalidad de Colombia de febrero del 2016 que prohíbe la minería en los páramos colombianos (ver  nota  de El Espectador).

Notemos que América Latina es una región objeto de una sostenida actividad del CIADI: de los 212 casos actualmente pendientes de resolución ante el CIADI al momento de redactar estas breves líneas, 58 conciernen a  Estados de América Latina. Según los datos proporcionados en el sitio oficial del CIADI, Argentina acumula un total de 53 casos (de los cuales 17 pendientes de resolución) y Venezuela, 40 casos (de los cuales 24 en espera de resolución). Aparecen luego México (suscriptor de un gran cantidad de TBI y tratados de libre comercio) que totaliza  17 demandas (de las cuales dos pendientes de resolución), Perú con 15 casos (de los cuales tres pendientes), Ecuador 14 (dos en proceso) y a Costa Rica con 10 casos acumulados, de los cuales 5 actualmente en proceso de resolución.

En el párrafo 590 conclusivo del laudo del tribunal del CIADI a favor de Uruguay, se lee que: “For the reasons set forth above, the Tribunal decides as follows: (1) The Claimants’ claims are dismissed; and (2) The Claimants shall pay to the Respondent an amount of US$7 million on account of its own costs, and shall be responsible for all the fees and expenses of the Tribunal and ICSID’s administrative fees and expenses, reimbursing to the Respondent all the amounts paid by it to the Centre on that account“.

Breves valoraciones conclusivas

Pese a una gran cantidad de titulares de prensa refiriendo a la “victoria” uruguaya y a la “derrota” de la tabacalera, esta nueva decisión del CIADI viene a evidenciar nuevamente los efectos negativos del sistema de arbitraje de inversión para las economías de los Estados de América Latina. Estos van más allá de los únicos honorarios que las finanzas públicas deben sufragar ante cada una de las demandas planteadas en su contra. En muchos casos, se trata de demandas abusivas que buscan forzar a un Estado a frenar sus políticas públicas en materia de salud, de ambiente, de protección del recurso hídrico, en materia de protección de poblaciones indígenas, entre otros ámbitos;  o bien en materia de recortes presupuestarios, lo cual explica la inédita situación actual de España, con 27 demandas pendientes de resolución ante el CIADI (Nota 7).

Estas demandas también pueden buscar producir un efecto disuasivo en otros Estados, en los que temblorosos decisores políticos se pueden de pronto ver inclinados por la mayor prudencia y cautela al ver a un Estado demandado cuando adopta algún tipo de legislación o regulación específica.

Decisiones ya no políticas, sino de la misma justicia nacional, y que resulten ser negativas para el inversionista extranjero, también están llevando a sus abogados a recurrir ante el CIADI: intentar obtener ante el CIADI lo que (como en el caso de Uruguay) la justicia nacional había declarado legal o (como en el caso de Infinito Gold en Costa Rica, totalmente ilegal) pareciera entonces constituirse en una muy cuestionable tendencia a la que se está prestando el CIADI.

 Nicolás Boeglin


Nota 1: Sobre los efectos negativos para la economía de los Estados de América Latina del sistema instituido por el CIADI en 1965 y consolidado con la red de TBI adoptados de manera profusa en los años 90, remitimos al muy completo artículo de ZABALO P., “América Latina ante las demandas inveror-Estado”, Revista de Economía Mundial, Núm. 31 (Mayo-Agosto, 2012), pp. 261-296. Texto disponible  aquí. Sobre las diversas estrategias de los Estados de la región latinoamericana para limitar el alcance de ciertos tratados con cláusulas muy favorables para el inversionista extranjero, véase el análisis detallado de la profesora Katia Fach Gomez: FACH GOMEZ K., “Proponiendo un decálogo conciliador para Latinoamérica y CIADI”, Revista Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Políticas (Medellín, Colombia), Vol. 40 (Dic. 2010), No. 113, pp. 439-454, disponible aquí. Más modesta, remitimos al lector a nuestra breve nota  publicada en diciembre del 2013 en inglés: BOEGLIN N., “ICSID and Latin America Criticism, withdrawal and the search for alternatives”, Bretton Woods Project, December 3, 2013, texto disponible aquí. 

Nota 2: El caso de la adhesión de Costa Rica a la Convención CIADI es bastante ilustrativo en América Latina. Costa Rica firmó la Convención de Washington que establece el CIADI en 1981, pero la ratificó tan solo 12 años después, en 1993.  Este plazo se debe a la renuencia de Costa Rica a ratificarla mientras no se resolviera el caso de Santa Elena ante sus tribunales nacionales. El caso Santa Elena refiere a una expropiación realizada con motivo de la creación del Parque Nacional Santa Rosa en 1978, la cual dio lugar a un reclamo por parte de la Compañia de Desarrollos de Santa Elena SA, controlada por ciudadanos norteamericanos, por 6,400.000 US$: el Estado ofrecía un monto de 1,900.000 US$, considerando que la propiedad había sido adquirida en 1970 por dicha sociedad a un precio de 395.000 US$. Ante la falta de acuerdo, y posterior a la ratificación de Costa Rica en 1993 de la Convención CIADI, la compañía reclamó el 31 de mayo de 1995 a Costa Rica el pago de 41 millones de US$, y el CIADI decidió en su laudo del 17 de febrero del 2000 ordenar un pago indemnizatorio de 16 millones de US$. Se lee en  un  memorandum  de la GCAB (Global Committee of Argentina Bondholders) sobre la situación en Argentina que esta decisión de Costa Rica resultó de presiones directas de Estados Unidos en relación al caso Santa Elena: ” En los años 90, después de un reclamo por una supuesta expropriación de un inversionista norteamericano, Costa Rica se rehusó a someter la controversia a un arbitraje del CIADI. El inversionista norteamericano  invocó la enmienda Helms y se suspendió un préstamo de 175 milliones de US$ del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo a Costa Rica. Costa Rica consintió someterse al procedimiento del CIADI, y el inversionista norteamericano recuperó 16 millones US$” (Tradución libre del autor). En una nota de La Nación de 1997 (ver  nota ) sobre acciones indebidas de parte del senado Helms por problemas de ciudadanos norteamericanos, se lee que: ”La conducta de este senador compagina con su pretensión, en 1993, de bloquear los préstamos para Costa Rica del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID) para que se pagara la expropiación de la hacienda Santa Elena, propiedad de Joseph Hamilton”.

Nota 3: El tratado bilateral de inversiones de Costa Rica con Suiza (firmado en agosto del 2000 y aprobado el 12 de febrero del año 2002 – ver  texto  de la ley 8218) ha dado lugar a una demanda contra Costa Rica en el 2013 ante el CIADI de un grupo de accionistas suizos denominado Cervin Investment S.A. que controla mayoritariamente a la empresa mexicana Gaz Z por 30 millones de US$ (ver  ficha técnica  de la demanda, caso ARB 13/2): este caso, que se origina en intentos en Costa Rica para regular la distribución del gas, se encuentra pendiente de resolución, con audiencias realizadas el pasado 11 de julio del 2016, según indica la ficha sobre detalles procesales disponible aquí.

Nota 4: Sobre este caso contra Costa Rica, que, al parecer no ha despertado mayor interés en la literatura especializada, pese a tratarse de un proyecto minero altamente cuestionado, objeto de una serie de escándalos en Costa Rica a partir del 2008, remitimos al lector a nuestra breve nota: BOEGLIN N.,  “La solicitud de Costa Rica de poner término a la demanda de Infinito Gold ante el CIADI: breves reflexiones”, OPALC, Sciences-Po Paris,  15 de agosto del 2015. Texto disponible aquí.

Nota 5: Sobre esta última demanda contra Panamá, remitimos al lector a nuestra nota: BOEGLIN N., “A propósito de la reciente demanda contra Panamá ante el CIADI: breves apuntes”, OPALC, Sciences Po, Paris, mayo 2016, disponible aquí.

Nota 6: En una nota preparada por la Embajada de Estados Unidos en Bogotá de mayo del 2011 (y destinada a las empresas norteamericanas interesadas en invertir en Colombia) se reconocía la dificultad que presentaba para el inversionista extranjero la legislación colombiana (al restringir la posibilidad de acudir a un arbitraje internacional), pero informaba que la suscripción de numerosos Tratados Bilaterales de Inversión (TBI) por parte de Colombia podría cambiar la situación: se lee textualmente en esta nota que: “Since Colombia has become party to FTAs and multilateral and bilateral investment treaties, the number of international investment arbitration cases between investors and State entities will increase. These arbitration processes may help to change Colombian case law because FTAs, BITs and multilateral investment treaties empower arbitration tribunals to decide cases related to breach of treaty standards of investment protection”.

Nota 7: A raíz de un recorte en las subvenciones estatales para proyectos de producción de energía eólica y solar, España se ha visto inundada de demandas que la colocan  por encima de Venezuela y de Argentina en el CIADI. En estos momentos, de los 212 casos pendientes registrados en el CIADI, España acumula 27 demandas (según las cifras oficiales del CIADI a la hora de redactar esta nota), seguida por Venezuela (24) y Argentina (17). En América Latina, luego de Venezuela y Argentina, aparecen con mayor número de demandas registradas en el CIADI Costa Rica (con cinco demandas), Perú (con tres demandas), Ecuador, México y Panamá (con dos cada uno), así como Bolivia, Colombia, El Salvador, con una demanda pendiente de resolución.


Nicolás Boeglin : Profesor de Derecho Internacional Público, Facultad de Derecho, Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR). 

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Drapeau sur carte d'Europe

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When more than 300 protesters assembled in May at the Holiday Inn in Lakewood, Colorado — the venue chosen by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) for an auction of oil and gas leases on public lands — several of the demonstrators were in fact undercover agents sent by law enforcement to keep tabs on the demonstration, according to emails obtained by The Intercept.

The “Keep it in the Ground” movement, a broad effort to block the development of drilling projects, has rapidly gained traction over the last year, raising pressure on the Obama administration to curtail hydraulic fracturing, known as fracking, and coal mining on federal public lands. In response, government agencies and industry groups have sharply criticized the activists in public, while quietly moving to track their activities.

The emails, which were obtained through an open records act request, show that the Lakewood Police Department collected details about the protest from undercover officers as the event was being planned. During the auction, both local law enforcement and federal agents went undercover among the protesters.

The emails further show that police monitored Keep it in the Ground participating groups such as 350.org, Break Free Movement, Rainforest Action Network, and WildEarth Guardians, while relying upon intelligence gathered by Anadarko, one of the largest oil and gas producers in the region.

“Gentlemen, Here is some additional intelligence on the group you may be dealing with today,” wrote Kevin Paletta, Lakewood’s then-chief of police, on May 12, the day of the protest. The Anadarko report, forwarded to Paletta by Joni Inman, a public relations consultant, warned of activist trainings conducted by “the very active off-shoot of 350.org” that had “the goal of encouraging ‘direct action’ such as blocking, vandalism, and trespass.”

The protesters waved signs and marched outside of the Holiday Inn. The auction went on as planned and there were no arrests.

“I believe the BLM reached out to us,” Steve Davis, the public information officer for the Lakewood police, told The Intercept about preparations for the protest. He added that the protest was “very peaceful.”

“Our goal is to provide for public safety and the safety of our employees,” says Steven Hall, the BLM Colorado Communications Director, when asked about the agency’s undercover work. “Any actions that we take are designed to achieved those goals. We do not discuss the details of our law enforcement activities.”

BLM reimbursed the Lakewood police for costs associated with covering the protest, the emails and a scanned copy of the check show.


Police officers block the entrance to the Bureau of Land Management auction at
the Holiday Inn of Lakewood, Colorado, May 12, 2016.

Photo: Olivia Abtahi/Survival Media Agency 

Aggressive Stance

Despite a relatively uncontroversial protest, the tactics revealed by the emails, recent public statements, and other maneuvers suggest that the federal government is beginning to take a more aggressive stance toward the Keep it in the Ground movement.

“I’m really wondering what more the BLM is up to,” said Jeremy Nichols, a climate and energy program director for WildEarth Guardians. “Some of the emails indicate more extensive intel gathering on their end.”

“Why are climate activists, who are only calling on the BLM to follow President Obama’s lead and heed universally accepted science, facing this kind of uphill response?” Nichols asked rhetorically. “It’s a shame that the BLM has turned climate concerns into a law enforcement issue instead of a genuine policy discussion.”

During a congressional hearing in March, Neil Kornze — the agency’s Director and former senior policy advisor for U.S. Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid — appeared to compare the anti-fracking activists to the armed anti-government militia members who occupied the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon.

“We have had a situation where we have had militia; we’ve had people raising arms at different times. We are on heightened alert and we are concerned about safety. And so a situation that we are not used to, separating out who is a bidder and who is not, gives us pause,” Kornze said, explaining to GOP congressman that his agency faced “abnormal security” concerns.

The bureau maintains its own force of special agents to investigate crimes committed on public lands. The website for the agency notes that “investigations may require the use of undercover officers, informants, surveillance and travel to various locations throughout the United States.”

Broader Trend

In recent years federal and private sector groups have poured resources into surveilling environmental organizations.

In 2013, The Guardian revealed that the FBI had spied on activists organizing opposition to the Keystone XL pipeline. The agency “collated inside knowledge about forthcoming protests, documented the identities of individuals photographing oil-related infrastructure, scrutinized police intelligence and cultivated at least one informant.” The FBI later confirmedthat the investigation violated its own guidelines.

In 2011, an executive with Anadarko boasted that his company was deploying military-like psychological warfare techniques to deal with the “controversy that we as an industry are dealing with,” calling the opposition to the industry “an insurgency.”


Protestors gather inside the Holiday Inn of Lakewood, Colorado
to protest the auctioning of public lands for oil and gas companies, May 12, 2016.

Photo: Olivia Abtahi/Survival Media Agency

Online Auctions to “End the Circus”

The focus on preventing the leasing of public lands for fracking gained national headlines in 2008 when activist Tim DeChristopher successfully bid on 22,000 acres of oil and gas land in Utah. DeChristopher, who servedtwo years in prison, did not intend to pay but won the bid in order to disrupt the auction and call attention to the leasing program. That pricing regime allows private corporations to pay deeply discounted rates — as little as $1.50 per acre — for drilling rights.

In 2009, the U.S. Department of Interior’s Office of Inspector General released a report calling on the bureau to do a study on “which auction process is best suited for oil and gas leases” in order to prevent the next Tim DeChristopher, whose action landed an explicit mention in the report’s introduction. An email exchange from the day before the Lakewood Holiday Inn action shows both a Lakewood police officer and BLM officer on high alert about the possibility of another DeChristopher-type action taking place. Among the choices laid out in the report as a possible new bidding method was online bidding.

Just days after the Lakewood protest, Kathleen Sgamma — a lobbyist for industry-funded group Western Energy Alliance — advocated for online bidding as a means to “end the circus.” In a May 18 email, BLM Office of Law Enforcement Special Agent-in-Charge Gary Mannino thanked Lakewood Police Chief Kevin Paletta for his department’s help and conveyed that public auctions could soon become a thing of the past.

Congress has followed suit. On June 24, Rep. Alan Lowenthal, D-Calif., and Rep. Garret Graves, R-La., introduced Innovation in Offshore Leasing Act (H.R. 5577), which calls for online bidding for oil and gas contained in waters controlled by the federal government. On July 6, the U.S. House Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources held a hearing on the bill and it has since passed out of the House Natural Resources Committee.

While the oil and gas industry has come out in support of online bidding, and one contractor in particular named EnergyNet stands to profit from such an arrangement, several environmental groups issued a statementdecrying the shift toward online bidding. EnergyNet, whose CEO testified at the June 24 congressional hearing, will oversee a September 20 BLM auction originally scheduled to unfold in Washington, D.C.

Two recently-released studies concluded that phasing out fossil fuel leases on public lands is crucial for meeting the 2° C climate change temperature-rise goal, with one concluding that even burning the existing fossil fuels already leased on public lands would surpass the 2° C goal. After the release of those two studies, environmental groups filed a legal petition with the Interior Department calling for a moratorium on federal fossil fuels leases.

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Russian President Vladimir Putin did on Sunday what no major western leader from the NATO member countries cared to do when he telephoned his Turkish counterpart Recep Erdogan to convey his sympathy, goodwill and best wishes for the latter’s success in restoring constitutional order and stability as soon as possible after the attempted coup Friday night.

The US Secretary of State John Kerry instead made an overnight air dash to Brussels to have a breakfast meeting on Monday with the EU foreign ministers to discuss a unified stance on the crisis in Turkey. The French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault was in an angry mood ahead of the breakfast, saying “questions” have arisen as to whether Turkey is any longer a “viable” ally. He voiced “suspicions” over Turkey’s intentions and insisted that European backing for Erdogan against the coup was not a “blank cheque” for him to suppress his opponents.

The US has expressed displeasure regarding the Turkish allegations of an American hand in the failed coup. Indeed, Turkish allegation has no precedent in NATO’s 67-year old history – of one member plotting regime change in another member country through violent means. Clearly, US and Turkey are on a collision course over the extradition of the Islamist preacher Fethullah Gulen living in exile in Pennsylvania whom the Turkish government has named as the key plotter behind the coup. Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim has warned that Ankara will regard the US as an “enemy” if it harbored Gulen. The dramatic developments expose the cracks appearing in the western alliance system. (See the commentary in the Russian news agency Sputnik entitled NATO R.I.P (1949-2016): Will Turkey-US Rift Over Gulen Destroy Alliance?)

Interestingly, the senior Turkish army officials detained so far include the following:

  • Commander of the Incirlik air base (and 10 of his subordinates) where NATO forces are located and 90 percent of the US’ tactical nuclear weapons in Europe are stored;
  • Army Commander in charge of the border with Syria and Iraq;
  • Corps Commander who commands the NATO contingency force based in Istanbul; and,
  • Former military attaches in Israel and Kuwait.

Most certainly, the needle of suspicion points toward the Americans having had some knowledge of the coup beforehand. Two F-16 aircraft and two ‘tankers’ to provide mid-air refuelling for them and used in the coup attempt actually took off from Incirlik.

GettyImages-545517586.0Of course, Ankara has been wary of the US and France establishing military bases in northern Syria with the support of local Kurdish tribes, which it suspected would be a stepping stone leading to the creation of a ‘Kurdistan’. (The advisor on foreign affairs to Iran’s supreme leader, Ali Akbar Velayati, who is an influential figure in Tehran alleged on Sunday that the US is attempting to create a Kurdistan state carved out of neighboring countries with Kurdish population, which will be a “second Israel” in the Middle East to serve Washington’s regional interests.)

Today, the famous Saudi whistleblower known as ‘Mujtahid’ has come out with a sensational disclosure that the UAE played a role in the coup and had kept Saudi Arabia in the loop. Also, the deposed ruler of Qatar Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani (who is a close friend of Erdogan) has alleged that the US, another Western country (presumably France) had staged the coup and that Saudi Arabia was involved in it. (here and here) Meanwhile, word has leaked to the media that in a closed-door briefing to the Iranian parliament on Sunday, Foreign Minister Mohammad Zarif hinted at Saudi and Qatari involvement in the coup.

Putin’s phone call to Erdogan suggests the possibility that Russian and Turkish intelligence are keeping in touch. The two leaders have agreed to meet shortly.

The timing of the coup attempt – following the failure of the US push to establish a NATO presence in the Black Sea and in the wake of the Russian-Turkish rapprochement – becomes significant. Equally, the signs of shift in Turkey’s interventionist policies in Syria would have unnerved the US and its regional allies.

Israel, Saudi Arabia and Qatar have a great deal to lose if Turkey establishes ties with Syria, which is on the cards. Thus, stopping Erdogan on his tracks has become an urgent imperative for these countries. The spectre of the Syrian government regaining control over the country’s territory haunts Israel, which has been hoping that a weakened and fragmented Syria would work to its advantage to permanently annex the occupied territories in the Golan Heights. Again, Turkey’s abandonment of the ‘regime change’ agenda in Syria means a geopolitical victory for Iran. On the contrary, a triumphant and battle-hardened Hezbollah next door means that its vast superiority in conventional military strength will be rendered even more irrelevant in countering the resistance movement. Significantly, Israel is keeping stony silence.

Will the US and its regional allies simply throw in the towel or will bide their time to make a renewed bid to depose Erdogan? That is the big question. Erdogan’s popularity is soaring sky-high today within Turkey. He can be trusted to complete the ‘vetting’ process to purge the Gulenists ensconced in the state apparatus and the armed forces. The meeting of the High Military Council due in August to decide on the retirement, promotions and transfers of the military top brass gives Erdogan the free hand to remove the Gulenists.

M. K. Bhadrakumar is the former career diplomat in the Indian Foreign Service.

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CIA Rebels Behead Kid And Other U.S. Successes in Syria

July 20th, 2016 by Moon of Alabama

The U.S. “regime change” operation in Syria recently tallied up some major successes.

The Syrian Democratic Force, a U.S. sponsored group of mostly Syrian Kurds, is besieging the Islamic State held eastern city of Manbij. According to the UN’s Human Rights commissioner 70,000 civilians in Manbij are cut off from all supplies. We have yet to hear calls for an immediate breaking of the siege or for enforced air drops of supplies to these people. Where are all the R2P fans in the Obama administration and all the well paid Syrian opposition propaganda groups on this? That the U.S. has managed to avoid any questions about this siege is surely a success.

Instead of delivering food the U.S. did some different air drops on Marjib:

At least 56 civilians were killed on Tuesday in air strikes north of the besieged Islamic State-held city of Manbij in northern Syria, and residents said they believed the attack was carried out by U.S.-led warplanes, a monitoring group said.The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the dead included 11 children, and that dozens more people were wounded.

The CIA finances a long list of proxies in Syria to fight the Syrian government and the millions of people its protects. It has delivered high powered TOW anti-tank weapons to many of thesegroups:

The groups that the CIA currently allows munitions to be shared with are: … Nour al-Din al-Zenki Movement, (Harakat Nour al-Din al-Zenki)…

According to the BBC Foreign News producer Riam Dalati it is a group of these Nour al-Din al-Zenki “moderate rebels” who yesterday captured a Palestinian boy of some 8. 10, maybe 12 years, taunted him and accused him of fighting on the Syrian government’s side. The boy had no uniform on and had medical infusion tubes in his right arm.

The CIA supported “moderate rebels” then behead the boy with a knife right on the back of that red pickup truck. There are photos and videos of the child alive as well as video of the beheading. The Zinki group, like its CIA supporters, was already known for torturing people.

This shows again that the Obama administration has “done nothing”, or at least not enough, to help these democratic forces in Syria. If these moderate people would have received more weapons, they could have used something better than a rusty knife to slaughter the boy. Indeed the group blames the “international community” for such behavior of its members.

The Obama administration has done its best to shield not only the above “moderates but also al-Qaeda in Syria, aka Jabhat al Nusra, from attacks by the Syrian and Russian forces. U.S. supported “moderate rebels”, like the friendly folks above, mixed with al-Qaeda fighters and the U.S. insisted that thereby both are under its ceasefire agreement with Russian forces. Obviously the U.S. has long considered al-Qaeda in Syria to be some local problem that could be used to further “regime change” but would never become a danger for the U.S. itself or its interests. The Russians insist that the group is a legitimate target and rejected new disguised U.S. attempts to shield it.

Something happened though that suddenly let the Obama administration -here Secretary of State Kerry- change tact:

The fact is that Nusrah is plotting against countries in the world. What happened in Nice last night could just as well have come from Nusrah or wherever it came from as any other entity, because that’s what they do.

The fact that the Nice attack followed a script published in an al-Qaeda pamphlet might have helped to finally stop the nefarious schemes of those administration circles who nurtured the group. But again this only happened after some messy incident. Not once has the administration refrained from supporting the most brutal radicals, in Afghanistan, in Libya ,in Syria and elsewhere, until these came back to bite. It seems to have taken a “success” of 80+ killed people in Nice to move the U.S. away from supporting al-Qaeda.

Without al-Qaeda’s ruthless fighters the CIA supported  “moderate rebels” have no chance to win the war against the Syrian government. The U.S. is starting to follow the Russian script and will attack al-Qaeda and other like groups in Syria. The “regime change by force” project is thereby, for now, practically dead. Turkey is moving away from its nefarious role in Syria and is making friends again with the Syrian allies Russia and Iran. This will give additional impetus to the administration’s silent retreat from its “regime change” project.

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The latest mystery puzzle on the geopolitical chessboard is who was really behind that failed military coup to overthrow Turkey’s President Recep Erdogan over the weekend? Erdogan immediately blamed his former ally and now exiled enemy in Pennsylvania – the 75-year old Islamic cleric Fethullah Gulen. The Turkish labor minister went so far as to charge the United States with inciting the quickly quelled “uprising” as described by both Erdogan and Western media.

A rebel Turkish military faction seized two airports closing a third as well as closing both bridges over the Bosphorus Strait separating Asian Turkey from European Turkey, and launching air attacks on Istanbul and Ankara with helicopter gunships and F-16 jets as well as tanks rocking Ankara’s parliamentary building and Turkish intelligence headquarters, totaling 294 deaths from last Friday evening through the morning hours on Saturday. The Erdogan government immediately honed in to arrest senior military officers in command at Incirlik Air Base in southern Turkey, which closed temporarily the crucial launch pad facility used by US Empire for airstrike dominance over Syria and Iraq ostensibly to target ISIS terrorists, the same proxy war terrorist allies that both the US and Turkey for the last four years have been deploying in their still ongoing regime change war against Assad’s Syria. Turkish police are now searching the air base after Incirlik’s commander’s was arrested for his and others’ involvement over the weekend allowing the base to be used for refueling planes deployed during the foiled coup attempt. Incirlik also happens to store the largest NATO nuclear arsenal.


In the weekend’s aftermath, a number of analysts, pundits and political armchair quarterbacks are all abuzz, speculating that the sultan madman Erdogan, known for executing false flags against his own citizens, may well have staged yet another clumsily faked operation this weekend. Already by Monday the sultan arrested over 6,000 of his enemies in the Turkish military and Turkish legal system in a nationwide purge. By Tuesday that number extended deep into security police and teachers alike, skyrocketing to 20,000 arrested or suspended, eliminating in one fell swoop any and all serious threats from anti-Erdogan opposition camps. Perhaps for that very reason alone, in rare form even every rival political party in the Ankara Parliament unanimously condemned the coup from the get-go, knowing if they didn’t, the resurging dictator-in-charge would include them in his lethal kill roundup too. European Union leaders are expressing concern that the dictator has abandoned all rule of law arresting thousands from his alleged preplanned lists of potential enemies.

On the other hand, The Guardian’s former chief foreign leader writer David Hurst, now editor of Middle East Eye, is enamored by Erdogan’s sudden newfound strength and power, gleefully pointing out in his latest piece how Western mainstream media outlets were all too quick to miscall the coup as already successful:

BBC Arabic, Sky News Arabic, El Arabiya TV, the ITN diplomatic editor, the US networks were all running commentaries saying Erdogan was finished, or had fled to Germany.

Hurst accurately reports that Western leaders like Obama and Kerry silently waited for hours in hopes that Erdogan would be dethroned before finally conceding, issuing public statements backing the Erdogan government, seemingly only after they had no other choice. The Ankara shill David Hurst paints a heroic Erdogan bravely inspiring his nation onto “democratic” victory:

“The turning point in last night’s morality play in Turkey came when images of Erdogan speaking into his iPhone were broadcast and spread virally over social media,” calling his citizens into harm’s way to hit the streets in every Turkish city to both ensure the coup would be unsuccessful while proudly celebrating the historic moment together as one unified people and nation in an Erdogan-esque kumbaya moment.

Using his own people as crisis actors, Hollywood or for that matter Washington could never have dramatically scripted or staged a better soap opera production where every Turk was reminded just how proud they are to be Turkish. Recently resigned Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu summarized Turkey’s patriotic reaction to the attempted overthrow still in process:

It’s time to have solidarity with the Turkish people… At this moment people in different cities are in the streets, the squares [protesting] against this coup d’état attempt.

Typically what do political leaders do when they’re struggling to stay in power? They launch a fake coup or war, sabre rattling against internal or external threats to rally a jingoistic nationalism amongst its malleable, flag-waving citizenry.

Barely two weeks went by since Erdogan was forced to grovel at Putin’s feet, with an  apology letter for last November’s shoot down of the Russian jet, including full financial compensation to the pilot’s bereaved family. Since ascending in 2003 to Turkey’s PM job and presidency in 2014, a few days ago Erdogan was floundering at his weakest low point, his political life barely hanging by a thread, on the outs with both US and prominent EU powers like Germany, brushed aside and scorned with louder threats of NATO dis-membership and EU barring, dreams of his Ottoman Empire shattered with his ISIS buddies’ defeat in Syria and Iraq, increasing acts of deadly terrorism at home that has virtually shut down his nation’s critically vital tourism industry, his recession-racked economy frozen in stagnation, and Kurdish opposition groups and political enemies galore growing by the minute.

What a difference a few days can make with what increasingly appears to be a staged coup. Now Erdogan’s back in the driver’s seat with carte blanch authority to bring back the death penalty (only abolished when he’d hoped back in 2004 for EU membership) and permanently remove every real and imagined opponent he’s ever had using as his scapegoat blaming an exile protected by the US government as the coup mastermind. Of course the accused cleric Gulen insists that Erdogan “staged” his own failed coup. Erdogan himself on Saturday described the weekend’s unfolding events as “a gift from God,” a brilliant stroke of luck, lending yet more credence to growing legions adhering to the false flag theory.

Another highly suspicious loose end that the Erdogan regime propped up to announce to the world allegedly occurred during Erdogan’s flight back from his seaside holiday resort town Marmaris. Two F-16’s piloted by rebel flyers could have easily shot Erdogan’s plane out of the sky but for some mysterious, unexplained reason failed to snuff the leader when they had their best chance with his plane locked in their sights. If that’s true, and a renegade military faction was actually serious about deposing the president, Erdogan would never have made it to Ankara. Erdogan further boasted how minutes after he’d leave a location in Marmaris, bombs were suddenly exploding right behind just missing him by minutes. His megalomaniac bravado always seems to destroy his already near nonexistent credibility.

This “inside job” theory is but one highly plausible choice, that Erdogan did arrange his own failed coup to reinvent himself overnight as the popular “hero” of his nation’s 80 million strong population. Another equally probable explanation could be that Erdogan might actually be telling the truth for a change, that the US Empire and Gulen did actually orchestrate the attempt to remove him from power. Proponents of this conclusion cite the fact that a sizeable portion of the imam’s loyal diehard following happened to be in high places in both Turkey’s military officer command as well as standing high court judges. Reports are circulating that they’d been alerted that they were already on a purge list for impending arrest roundups and hence they rushed to cheat their own fate by pulling off a last minute, slipshod effort to take down the sultan before the sultan took them down. The surfacing of preplanned purge lists can also be used to promote the contention that the coup effort was real.

The controversial religious leader Gulen had a falling out with his ex-buddy Erdogan over a corruption scandal back in 2011. Prior to then, for years the two had been self-serving, mutually allied supporters of both each other and Islamic jihadism. Also for decades Gulen has been steeped deep in US deep state ties – namely the CIA and Department of Education. The multibillionaire Gulen worth $25 billion owns the largest network of charter schools throughout America and hundreds more throughout the world, and since 1998 lives comfortably on a large remote compound near small town Pennsylvania. Through three prominently known CIA officials, Gulen was able to receive permanent US residence status and his green card to evade prosecution for treason in his own country.

Gulen schools worldwide teach Islamic extremism and funnel graduating students into the CIA-terrorist pipeline. Gulen and his Islamic movement along with the Turkish government both have actively worked with CIA’s covert global operations to create insurgent terrorist forces from Chechnya to the South Caucasus, especially throughout Central Asia all the way to western China’s Xinjiang Province, stirring up anti-Moscow and anti-Beijing Islamic terrorism by exploiting various native Muslim populations through Gulen’s jihadist school indoctrination from the Tatars to the Uyghurs. Gulen has long played a central role in the US foreign policy to transform virtually all of both Russia and China’s border neighbors into hostile enemies in order to isolate and weaken the two powers that most threaten US Empire’s unipolar sole superpower hegemonic status.

Virtually from the Turkish coup’s onset, Erdogan began demanding that Washington arrest and extradite Gulen back to Turkey. After calling Turkish accusations that the US played any role in the attempted power grab “utterly false and harmful,” fork-tongued John Kerry stated that if Ankara hands its evidence over to US authorities that prove the imam is in fact responsible for the coup, then the US government will send Gulen back to face trial, but not until then. But because Gulen has been such an integral influential presence and asset in both America’s foreign policy as well as worldwide propagandizing as a school of terrorism machine, the odds are extremely nil that the exiled leader would ever be forced to return to Turkey to face sure death.

Meanwhile over the last year on a different but related matter, the Obama administration has chosen to militarily support the Syrian Kurds in which Turkey has long targeted the Kurds as its eternal ethnic enemy, with many Kurds inhabiting southeastern Turkey fighting for independence as Erdogan orders brutal assaults to ethnically cleanse Kurds from the entire region, continuing his Turkish airstrikes against Kurds living in northern Iraq fighting ISIS, and sending ISIS militants across the Turkish border to kill Syrian Kurds and Assad forces.

The Turkmen brethren the Azeris’ April fool’s invasion of the ancient Armenian homeland Nagorno-Karabakh aroused Erdogan’s promise of continued support “to the end” against another sworn enemy – the genocided Christian Armenians – illustrating over a century long history of Turkey’s lustful binges of ethnic purging. As another slap in the face last month, Germany formally recognized the Armenian genocide. With the Greater Israel Project dictating US Empire’s vision to balkanize Syria, Iraq, Libya and potentially Turkey, Kurdish autonomy fits right in synch with their imperialistic Great Game plan.

In response to Erdogan’s reckless behavior in recent months, both Europe and Washington have at least publicly given the erratic despot their cold shoulder, secretly preferring to see Erdogan ousted. Hence, the apparent overt support for last weekend’s coup against him. Thus shunned by the West, Friday night into Saturday’s skullduggery could well be direct payback against Erdogan for his recent shift toward détente with Russia. Journalist Andrew Korybko suggests Russian intelligence could have even tipped Erdogan off of the coming coup attempt.

Also if Turkey really believes that the US Empire was behind an actual conspiracy carried out to destroy Erdogan, why after only a day or so would Erdogan allow the US to resume using its Incirlik Air Base again? After all, such a covert criminal offense would be considered an act of war. Why wouldn’t all diplomatic relations be immediately cut off and all American Embassy personnel sent home? In all likelihood, the entire weekend’s events was a joint false flag operation by both Turkey and the United States. The US continues to protect Gulen and his global methods of preaching jihadism worldwide while a fake spat erupts temporarily between Empire and its longtime crucial NATO puppet ally Turkey. This is perhaps the most viable explanation and how clandestine backroom deals are typically forged under false pretenses on the geopolitics chessboard. Potential blackmail maintains the lie that keeps all the criminal players in check. And increased authoritarian control in one country is good for increasing authoritarian control in all countries according to New World Order’s code of psychopathic conduct.

At the end of the day, or more aptly at the end of the weekend, the bottom line is, Erdogan has morphed from just days earlier as a NATO liability and political pariah to the most dangerous despot currently holding more power than he’s ever had in his life. And whether he alone staged the false flag or US-Gulen forces staged a botched coup, or all parties are guilty to one extent or another by either complicit or actively plotted and executed design, Erdogan still holds another three million more Syrian refugees he can unleash at any time to Europe as punishment should he be exposed and held accountable. In effect, Erdogan holds the cards to further extort more concessions over and above the $6 billion the EU’s already agreed to cough up to make him stop flooding yet more refugees onto the European continent that’s already teetering on the brink of total self-destruction.

It’s the grossest form of perverse injustice when the likes of the US, Israel, Saudi Arabia and Turkey have collectively created the terrorists and caused the wars driving the mass migration crisis, with Israel and Saudi Arabia flatly refusing to accept refugees, and Turkey holding power to extort a weakened, compromised Europe into accepting Turkey’s heavy-handed coercion into EU membership while further charging extortion fees, then threatening to create a far worst crisis if additional demands aren’t met. On top of that, the barbaric conditions and criminal abuses perpetrated especially inside the Turkish refugee camps have resulted in yet another appalling humanitarian crisis. When a handful of evil, mentally ill psychopaths rule the world as they do, this is what we get – a world out of control and ready to terminally explode.

Joachim Hagopian is a West Point graduate and former US Army officer. He has written a manuscript based on his unique military experience entitled “Don’t Let The Bastards Getcha Down.” It examines and focuses on US international relations, leadership and national security issues. After the military, Joachim earned a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and worked as a licensed therapist in the mental health field with abused youth and adolescents for more than a quarter century. In recent years he has focused on his writing, becoming an alternative media journalist. His blog site is at http://empireexposed.blogspot.co.id/.

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Contemporary global capitalism is characterized by extreme wealth concentration and a rapidly expanding and largely impoverished global labour force. Mainstream institutions such as the World Bank and International Labour Organization encourage integration into global value chains as a development strategy that, they claim, will reduce poverty. In reality, employment within these chains generates new forms of worker poverty and contributes to global wealth concentration. That is why they should be labelled global poverty chains.

Tax haven in the sky by Mike Constable.

Global inequality has never been greater. For example, the wealth of the world’s richest 62 people, who between them have more wealth than half of the world’s population, rose by 44 per cent between 2010 and 2015. Over the same period the wealth of the bottom 50 per cent of humanity fell by approximately 38 per cent.

Very large numbers, perhaps the majority, of the world’s labour force is poor. In 2010 there were approximately 942 million working poor (almost 1 in 3 workers globally living on under $2 [U.S.] a day). However, these figures are a significant underestimate.

Measuring Poverty

The International Labour Organization calculates poverty using the World Bank’s ‘purchasing power parity (PPP)’ international poverty lines of $1 and $2 [U.S.] a day – where $1 a day represents ‘extreme poverty’ and $2 a day simply ‘poverty’.

People who live above these poverty lines are held to be not poor. These poverty lines reflect the international equivalent of what $1 or $2 could have purchased in 1985 in the United States. Whilst the poverty lines have been updated since then, their purchasing powers hover around these symbolic figures. A moment’s reflection suggests that $1 or $2 a day in the U.S. in 1985 could buy hardly anything. Quite obviously higher poverty lines are necessary. The problem for the World Bank is that depending on where they are set, they would show that much greater numbers of the world’s population live in poverty. And that reality contradicts the neoliberal celebration of global capitalism.

The World Bank’s poverty lines are uni-dimensional: they are only concerned with the costs of consumption (the meaning of purchasing power parity). They take no account of other, multidimensional, forms of poverty, such as back-breaking labour and unsafe living conditions. While hundreds of millions of workers across the global south earn more than $1, $2 or $5 PPP a day, these wages do not cover their subsistence costs. In order to survive they have to work many additional hours, with negative consequences for their health. But according to the World Bank these workers are not poor.

So where do global value chains, or what more accurately should be called global poverty chains, enter this equation?

North-South Logic

Since the 1980s, increasing numbers of corporations have trans-nationalized – by operating across borders. They are often headquartered in the global north while components are produced, assembled and sourced from across the global south. Northern corporations preside over systems of production and exchange based upon increasingly intense intra-supplier competition. In this way labour costs are reduced in at least three ways: 1) through outsourcing production from relatively expensive northern labour markets to relatively cheap southern labour markets, 2) by exerting downward cost pressures throughout the chain – where supplier firms are pushed to undercut each other in order to receive or keep their contracts, and 3) by using these pressures to intimidate northern workers to accept pay cuts, or lose their jobs off-shore. Supplier firms respond to these overbearing pressures rationally – by slashing wage costs.

Under these conditions of intense intra-supplier competition and worker exploitation, trans-national corporations are able to capture the lion’s share of the value created within these chains It is not surprising, then, that employment for supplier firms in global supply chains is often predicated upon, and contributes to, the reproduction of mass poverty.

A well-known example of this dynamic – of corporate value-capture and worker impoverishment – is Apple’s supply chain. Its profit for the iPhone in 2010 constituted over 58 per cent of the device’s final sale price, while Chinese worker’s share was only 1.8 per cent. In 2010, Foxconn, one of Apple’s principal Asian suppliers, employed around 500,000 workers in its factories in Shenzhen and Chengdu. It rose to infamy that year following reports of 18 attempted suicides by workers, 14 of which were fatal. Foxconn employs a military-style labour-regime. At the start of the day managers ask workers “How are you?” and staff must reply “Good! Very good! Very, very good!” After that they must work in silence, monitored by managers and with strict limits on toilet breaks. Pay is very low, and overtime is often the only way that workers can earn enough to live on.

A similar dynamic operates in the global garment industry where approximately 30 million workers are employed. There are regular media reports about abusive working conditions in these industries, ranging from extremely low pay, to child labour and forced labour. Most horrifically, in Bangladesh in April 2013 1,113 garment workers were killed and 2,500 injured following the collapse of Rana Plaza, an 8 story building in which textile factories operated. In his overview of the apparel sector across 17 countries John Pickles documents how, from the mid-2000s onwards, “wage levels were driven below subsistence costs.” In India, Bangladesh and Cambodia, for example, basic wages as a percentage of living wages are 26%, 19% and 21% respectively.

In Cambodia’s garment industry conditions are so harsh that workers regularly faint at work as a consequence of the intensity of the labour required of them. Overtime is a necessity as regular wages are insufficient to meet their daily needs. While the government limits overtime to 2 hours per day, this is not legally enforced and the economic pressures upon workers to exceed these hours are intense. Most workers in the large Cambodian textile factories work between 3 and 5 hours overtime a day.

The ‘choice’ facing workers in many of these burgeoning industries is to engage in very high volumes of health-damaging work in order to earn a subsistence, or live in very deep poverty.

Lead firm’s capture the lion’s share of value generated within global poverty chains because workers in these chains are ruthlessly exploited. Wealth concentration and mass poverty are two sides of the same coin of global capitalist development. A more equitable share of the value generated throughout these chains could contribute significantly to the genuine amelioration of these workers conditions and a reduction in the number of the world’s working poor. But it would also threaten, and potentially undermine lead firm power and reduce profits. This is the trade-off that global policymakers and business must address if we are to rethink the global labour market and new ways of sharing prosperity more equitably are to be found. •

Benjamin Selwyn is Director of the Centre for Global Political Economy at the University of Sussex, UK. His publications include The Global Development Crisis (2014), and “Global Value Chains or Global Poverty Chains: A New Research Agenda” (2016, CGPE Working Paper, no. 10, University of Sussex). This article first published by Sheffield Political Economy Research Institute (SPERI).

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Engaged in his dirty spate of housecleaning under the auspices of protecting the constitution and the Turkish state, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan continues to insist on one vital scalp in his enterprise.

Thus far, the cleric Fethullah Gülen has eluded Ankara from his abode in Pennsylvania. From his base, something of a global network has been constructed, one discernable through foundations and an assortment of endeavours pursued under the guise of a faith movement. These do not attest to the spirit of a pacifist warrior, averse to revolution. They suggest influence, and the markings of power.

For the cleric’s enemies, there is much to be said that he has profited from the land of the free, seething about an individual he once desired to share power with.  Notions of democracy are distant here; more significant is a distinct appraisal of power padded by such notions as “liberal” and “moderate”. These are the necessary marketing tools for a political figure in exile.

The cleric’s movement, Hizmet, prides itself on sponsoring education and running programs heavy with the anti-radicalization agenda. His opponents, such as attorney Robert Amsterdam, retained by Ankara to investigate alleged financial misconduct in the United States, suggest that the movement’s leader “is a money-laundering criminal” (Foreign Policy, Jul 18).

Politics can be a dirty thing indeed, and in the case of Hizmet, education via some hundreds of charter schools in the United States has become an enterprise of channelling and re-directing to the Gülenistas.

This also has a further benefit: lobbying various levels of government within the United States, and funding trips to Turkey for no less than 200 congressmen, a clear violation of House of Representative rules.[1] Influence, in short, is being assiduously cultivated.

An individual such as Erdoğan is bound to be suspicious of mass education endeavours that favour a particular slant for the obvious reason that he has one himself. Hardly in the mould of a free-thinker, he is bound to see rival ideas as guns and bullets.

The failure of the coup has given the president a strong hand to press Washington on Gülen, who has come out of traditional obscurity to suggest how rich it was to be accused of leading a coup from abroad, “As someone who suffered under multiple military coups during the last five decades”.  Sadly, those who suffer instability are not necessarily going to prevent it from recurring.

The attempt to drum up the case to the Obama administration is another feature of Turkey’s recent foreign policy: play the card of the stabilising power, be it in terms of quelling flows of refugees into the European Union, or stemming the forces of fundamentalism. This, despite a distinct ambivalence, if not actual tactical corporation at points with Islamic state officials. Fundamentalism does come in different shades.

As for what Ankara is seeking to adduce to prove the link to Gülen, the bar of evidence can be rather low.  To justify the value of a fight, the enemy must always be inflated, credited with more influence and power than he necessarily has.  Nothing is worse in revolutions and wars than the notion that one’s opponent was mediocre and incapable. The look in that mirror can prove most unenviable.

This strategy of inflation entails a ballooning approach on the part of the victor, one that has seen 20,000 government employees detained across various fields of employment.  These include 185 admirals and colonels, and 1,500 finance ministry officials.  Not even the prime minister’s office has been spared: 257 personnel have been let go. The smell of treason is wafting.

The coup plotters may certainly have drawn inspiration from Gülen in some form, alongside those traditional Kemalists who treat the Turkish constitution as the ultimate State fetish. The cleric’s Hizmet movement in Turkey is not to be taken lightly, and has been accused of winning supporters in the country’s judicial and military circles.

This has spilled over into a personalised flexing of muscle.  In 2013, Erdoğan took note of the efforts on the part of judicial officers in their efforts to bring corruption charges against officials within his inner circle, including son Bilal. By way of retaliation, Hizmet was confronted, its followers ostensibly removed from schools, and the officer corps and the police forces purged.

What we do have to go on in place of solid evidence on external plotting is a diet of overcooked rhetoric.  Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim has gone to the press to say that Washington has been supplied with details of the cleric’s “involvement” further adding on Saturday that any country standing by the exile “is no friend of Turkey [and] is engaged in a serious war with Turkey.”[2] On Tuesday, the White House spokesman Josh Earnest revealed that Ankara had supplied the State Department with relevant material.

Much of Ankara’s policy towards its allies is ceremonial rather than substantive, but the point being made is important enough.  Washington does not want a querulous NATO ally, one whose relationship will jeopardise the use of, for instance, bases in operations against Islamic State forces and the like.

On the other side of the ledger, assumptions that Gülen is encased in some moral white knight armour would also be misplaced.  Political systems are mothers of necessity, breeding allies who may well in time become outcasts. Today’s outcasts can, in turn, become tomorrow’s autocrats.

History’s examples of moderate exiles, harboured in more tolerant waters, are few and far between.  Had the coup succeeded, irrespective of whether Gülen’s hand was heavy or otherwise, the cauldron of Turkish politics may well have done something else. We may never know, though the hand of tyranny is rarely out of a job.

Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He lectures at RMIT University, Melbourne. Email: [email protected]


[1] http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2015/10/29/turkish-faith-movement-secretly-funded-200-trips-lawmakers-and-staff/74535104/

[2] http://foreignpolicy.com/2016/07/18/the-public-trial-of-fethullah-gulen/

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Another false flag in Würzburg, Bavaria, Germany. A young man attacks four passengers in a train and later a passerby in the street. The scenes repeat themselves now in rapid cadence. Paris, Brussels, Nice, Bangladesh… Same patterns, same motives – and same group of terrorists claiming credit. The lies and propaganda are becoming more flagrant, and, We, the People, just swallow it. No questions asked. For how long? Until it is too late – when we are all militarized and can’t make a move without being watched – or killed for disobedience?

How much longer!

Tell me friends, world compatriots – how much longer are we just looking on and accepting what authorities want us to believe for the purposes of serving the elite that directs and pays them? A corporate and financial elite that needs a militarized society to drive the final nail into the coffin of democracy? Of sovereignty? Of individual freedom?

How much longer?

As reported by the Swiss and various German media, on 18 July, in a train near Wuerzburg, Bavaria, allegedly a young, 17-year old Afghan citizen, who arrived a year ago in Germany as a refugee, attacked a traveling Hong Kong family and a passerby with an axe and knife, injuring all five people of whom at least two seriously. His alleged motive was revenge on infidels – those who do not believe in the Quran. The msm say that during the attack, according to witnesses – who are these witnesses? – he yelled repeatedly “Allahu akbar” (“God is Great”).

When the train came to a screeching emergency halt, the alleged perpetrator eventually jumped to escape. While running, he allegedly attacked a passerby. A special police commando, coincidentally (term used by the msm) in the area pursued the young man and killed him in, what they call, ‘self-defense’! – Wonderful! – An armed to the teeth German police commando killed a 17-year old boy, armed merely with an axe and knife – in self-defense!

Voilà. Again dead men don’t talk.

And Würzburg’s Ober-Prosecutor can now freely invent whatever suits the purpose, i.e. that a few hours after the attack, ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack, and that there was an apparent video from the alleged terrorist in which he was announcing ‘revenge’, that in his rented room the police found a hand-painted IS-flag and a letter that looked like a good-by letter to his father. The name of the young man — ehhh ‘terrorist’ was as of this writing not revealed.

This morning, the ISIS-Daesh propaganda website, called Amaq – does anybody ever check who is truly behind this internet site? – published a video showing a young ISIS soldier, proclaiming, ’I am a soldier of the Islamic State and am about to start a sacred operation in Germany’. And the young man is wielding a knife which the German investigators are still trying to figure out whether it’s the same one the Würzburg ‘terrorist’ has used in his train assault.

I’m not kidding. This is what the German and European media are trying to have the public at large swallow. Getting more and more flagrant in their lies, is of no concern to the criminal authorities, the real perpetrators of the crimes committed, the murdered people left behind by these false flags, in Paris, San Bernardino, Orlando, Brussels, Nice, Bangladesh —- and the list goes on and is growing.

This is the new CIA-led ‘Gladio’, as well depicted by Paul Craig Roberts  – destroying any free ideas, spreading fear, making citizens compliant. ‘Gladio’ was the code name for the operation designed and led by CIA after WWII to destroy the Communist parties in France and foremost in Italy. With a series of false flags which were years later officially revealed by an investigating judge – too late for people to still relate to the events – the plan was successful; the left was divided, decimated people put under fear – supporting the fake Cold War against the ‘horrendous’ danger called Soviet Union. – Cui Bono? Naturally the military industrial complex, the predators of humanity, the ever smaller elite behind Washington, NATO and the European vassal states – then, in the 1960’s / 1970’s – as well as today.

People out of fear will ask for more police and military protection. It will be a piece of cake for European puppet politicians to glide through their respective parliaments laws and even constitutional amendments allowing a permanent state of war, Martial Law, to be enshrined in the countries’ legislation. France, after the false flag Nice Bastille Day massacre will most likely be the first one to enter a permanent state of emergency, effectively Martial Law.

Europe must be militarized to oppress any peoples’ protests that may arise with future barbarities the ‘establishment’ will impose upon its citizens, like the TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership), currently being ‘negotiated’ in secret and behind closed doors by a small unelected group of people in Brussels – the TTIP, which, if signed and ratified by the EU member countries, would super-impose corporate private courts over countries sovereign courts and legal systems, leaving behind a trail of misery, of outright slavehood for European citizens.

Militarization also means deviating people’s minds from the imminent NATO threat, allowing NATO to further advance and encroach Russia, further provoking Russia into a WWIII- to be played out in Europe, naturally, not in the sacred US of A. Of course not. That would be the third time in a century that Europe would be destroyed by a Washington instigated war; most likely humanity would be wiped out. Or, there may be just enough serfs left to slave for the elite which has been hiding in bunkers during their imposed world holocaust. When the dust settles, they may have what they always wanted – the remaining natural resources of planet earth all for themselves, not having to protect and share them with 7.3 billion co-inhabitants.

Let’s remind ourselves, the final objective of this evil group is Full Spectrum Dominance over the world’s energy, people and finances. This plan is not new. It was coined in the seventies by Henry Kissinger, a backbone of the nefarious Bilderberg Society, when he said, ‘who controls energy controls whole continents, who controls food, controls people, and who controls money can control the entire world’.

We are soon there, but can still stop it. It’s not yet too late. One of the most direct ways is by dismantling the European Union, the Euro and eliminate NATO from Europe. BREXIT gives us hope. It is already inspiring other nations to exit this atrocious fiefdom in Brussels. None of these three yokes – EU, Euro, NATO – oppressing Europeans was a European idea in the first place. They were the concepts for future dominance emerging during or shortly after WWII of the Machiavellian secretive and invisible elite behind the United States of America who carried out – and still carries out – their wishes. Stooges directing vassals to oppress people.

How many massacres will it take until we see the light?

Peter Koenig is an economist and geopolitical analyst. He is also a former World Bank staff and worked extensively around the world in the fields of environment and water resources. He writes regularly for Global Research, ICH, RT, Sputnik, PressTV, Chinese 4th Media, TeleSUR, The Vineyard of The Saker Blog, and other internet sites. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed – fiction based on facts and on 30 years of World Bank experience around the globe. He is also a co-author of The World Order and Revolution! – Essays from the Resistance.

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US-NATO Border Confrontation with Russia, Risks Nuclear War

July 20th, 2016 by Prof Michael Hudson

JESSICA DESVARIEUX, TRNN: Welcome to the Real News Network. I’m Jessica Desvarieux in Washington.

President Obama met with NATO leaders in Warsaw last weekend to what seemed like a restatement of vows to protect Europe. Let’s take a listen to what the president had to say.

BARACK OBAMA: In this challenging moment, I want to take this opportunity to state clearly what will never change. And that is the unwavering commitment of the United States to the security and defense of Europe, to our transatlantic relationship, to our commitment to our common defense. Throughout my time in office, one of my top foreign policy priorities has been to strengthen our alliances, especially with NATO. And as I reflect on the past eight years, both the progress and the challenges, I can say with confidence that we’ve delivered on that promise. The United States has increased our presence here in Europe. NATO is as strong, as nimble, and as ready as ever.

DESVARIEUX: So ready that the president will be sending 1,000 troops to Poland as one of four battalions that are being sent to countries bordering Russia. But what is really at the heart of this matter? Are these just tactics by the U.S. leading to an escalation of tensions between the U.S. and Russia? And what role should NATO be playing in maintaining a balanced Europe?

Now joining us to help us answer these questions is our guest, Michael Hudson. Michael is a Distinguished Research Professor of Economics at the University of Missouri, Kansas City. He’s also the author of many books, including his latest, Killing the Host: How Financial Parasites and Debt Destroy the Global Economy. Thank you so much for joining us, Michael.

MICHAEL HUDSON: It’s good to be here.

DESVARIEUX: So, Michael, we just heard President Obama pledging his allegiance to protecting Europe. Does Europe really need protecting, though?

HUDSON: Well, as soon as Obama made those words, there was a fury of European statements saying that Obama and NATO was making Europe less secure. The French prime minister, Francois Hollande, says that we don’t need NATO. NATO has no role to play in our Russian relations. That leaders of the two major German parties, both the Social Democrats and the Christian Democrats, said that NATO was warmongering. Gorbachev came out and said the world has never been closer to nuclear war than it is at present. William Perry, the former head of the Pentagon in the mid-90s, said that NATO was threatening and trying to provoke atomic war in Europe.

And one of Russia’s leading military strategists said here’s what the problem is: NATO wants to move bombers and atomic weapons right up to the border of Russia. That means that if they launch over us, we have only a few seconds to retaliate. President Putin a little while ago had given a speech saying that Russia doesn’t really have a land army. In fact, today, no country in the world, in the Northern Hemisphere, at least, has a land army that can invade anywhere. Try to imagine America being invaded by Canada, or by Mexico on its borders. You can’t imagine it. Impossible. No democracy can afford a land army anymore because the costs are so high that the costs of mounting a land war will just impoverish the economy.

As a matter of fact, what NATO is trying to do is to goad Russia into building up an army so it can undercut its economy by diverting more and more resources away from the economy towards the military. Russia’s not falling for it. Putin said that Russia has no intention of mounting a land army. It is unthinkable that it could even want to invade the Baltics or Poland. But Putin did say we have one means of retaliation, and that’s atomic bombs. Atomic weapons are basically defensive. They’re saying, we don’t need an army anymore. Nor does any country need an army if they have an atomic weapon, because if you attack us we’ll wipe you out. And we’ll be wiped out, too, but you’re never going to be able to conquer us. And no country, really, can conquer any other country. Russia can’t conquer Europe.

So the effect, Putin and the Russian leaders have said, look, if they suppose that an American plane goes a little bit off, like, you know, the ships try to provoke things, we don’t know whether it’s an atomic attack at all. We can’t take a risk. If there’s a little bit of a movement against us, we’re going to launch the hydrogen bombs, and there goes Berlin, Frankfurt, London, Manchester, Brussels. That’s why you’re having all of these warnings. And Europe is absolutely terrified that Obama is going to destabilize. And even more terrified of Hillary getting in, who’s indicated she’s going to appoint a superhawk, the Cheney protege Flournoy, as Secretary of Defense, and appoint Nuland, Victoria Nuland, as Secretary of State.

And all throughout Europe–I’ve been in Germany twice in the last two months, and they’re really worried that somehow America is telling Europe, let’s you and Russia fight. And basically it’s a crisis.

DESVARIEUX: Okay. Michael, I want to get back to your point about how we’re seeing this narrative develop about a potential nuclear war on the horizon. And it seems like it’s quite real. This is not just conjecture, here. We have U.S. and Russia’s military forces warning that a nuclear war is nearer than ever before.

So let’s talk about interests, here. On either side, let’s be as specific as possible, and call a spade a spade. In whose interest is it to keep up this narrative? Because I’m sure there are people not just in the United States that profit from this, but also in Russia. Can you speak to that?

HUDSON: Well, one of the points made at the NATO meetings was NATO urged countries not to rely on Russian weaponry. There was an insistence by Obama that the NATO countries spend 2 percent of their GDP on NATO, on arms, mainly by buying arms from American military manufacturers, Raytheon, Boeing and the others.

Now, look at what’s happening in Europe. It’s not even growing 2 percent because of the austerity that’s being imposed on it. So 2 percent is the entire annual economic growth in Europe. This large amount has to be spent on American arms. So it turns out that this sabre-rattling to Russia merely means, is a means of obliging the European countries to pay the United States arms manufacturers for goods, and to basically hold you up, Europe up for ransom, saying if you don’t be a part of this, we’re not going to defend you, and Europe is saying, well you know, we really don’t need defense. We’d rather have an economic relationship with Russia. Especially the Germans say, we don’t want the sanctions. The Italians say, we don’t want the sanctions. We don’t want you to make money off Russia. Buy from us, not from Russia. Buy your agricultural goods and your other goods from us, from countries in the dollar orbit, not from the Russian orbit.

And that, essentially, is what Obama meant by the reset. It meant a new Cold War, but the essence of the Cold War is to fight in the new way, which is a financial war, with the military only being a kind of catalyst for the financial warfare between the United States on the one hand. And it’s now–the first effect of the reset–was to drive Russia into an alliance with China. And now, NATO may be overplaying this right-wing hand so much that it’s driving Germany and Italy and France out of NATO. That is the effect this is–what it’s doing is rather effective.

DESVARIEUX: Michael, what about on the Russian side? There are interests that are encouraging this reset?

HUDSON: They had hoped that the reset would mean a winding down of military. Russia would like to use, every country would like to use more of its resources for the domestic economy, not for the military overhead. And in a way, America is trying to force Russia to spend more on overhead as part of its economic warfare with Russia.

This is Brzezinski’s plan in Afghanistan, you know, way under the Carter administration. If you can force Russia to pay more for its military to defend Afghanistan, then its economy would buckle and you’ll have discontent there. And then the Americans can come in and promote nationalist and other localist breakups, and try to break up Russia just as America is trying to push a breakup of China as a long-term strategy. And this is going–there’s no way that this cannot backfire on the United States.

DESVARIEUX: Okay. Let’s talk about what everyday people could do to move away from accepting this narrative, or move away from this potential reset that President Obama is proposing? What policy decisions could be made to de-escalate this tension?

HUDSON: Essentially to dissolve NATO, which France has been pushing now for many years. There’s no need for NATO now that there’s no threat of any military invasion anymore. Remember after World War II, NATO was put up when there was a thought that, well, the first idea is European countries should never go to war with each other again. There will never be war between France, Germany, Italy. That’s been solved. There’s no way in which European countries would go to war.

The second thing was, well, what if Russia would re-invade like it did when it fought against Hitler? Well, there’s no danger of Russia invading anymore. In fact, in 1990, when the Soviet Union broke up, the Ukraine passed a resolution that it wanted to remain neutral and benefit from its sort of neutral pivot between Russia and Europe. And the United States put $5 billion into Ukraine, and spurred a lot of nationalist revolution. And so it took the United States 20 years to turn that around and to somehow break up this neutrality.

So the U.S. strategy is to prevent neutrality. Europe’s economic interest is to achieve neutrality with Russia, and have economic unity so that there’s little chance of any confrontation with Russia as there is among the European countries themselves.

DESVARIEUX: All right. Michael Hudson, always a pleasure having you on the program. Thank you so much for being with us.

HUDSON: Good to be here.

DESVARIEUX: And thank you for joining us on the Real News Network.

Michael Hudson is a Distinguished Research Professor of Economics at the University of Missouri, Kansas City. He is the author of The Bubble and Beyond and Finance Capitalism and its Discontents. His most recent book is titled Killing the Host: How Financial Parasites and Debt Bondage Destroy the Global Economy.

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Tough Russian Anti-Capitalist Literature

July 20th, 2016 by Andre Vltchek

Imagine Moscow being taken over by some international corporate cartel. By a monster which has its own factories and office buildings, security services, private prisons, re-education (‘training’) centers, and its obedient mass media outlets. Imagine that it also has detailed databases on almost everyone who really matters in the capital.

Imagine that human lives suddenly don’t matter. People are only expected to produce and consume; they become fully disposable.

Imagine that the once greatly educated Russia with its legendary artists and philosophers is gradually getting reduced to an unimaginably primitive level. Suddenly, there is US pop trash flying about everywhere, and the greatest entertainment for the masses comes from watching countless television ‘reality shows’, including those that graphically depict, candidly, how both men and women are shitting and pissing in the capital’s public toilets.

That’s what you get when reading a witty, provocative and thoroughly outrageous novel by Sergei Minaev, called “R.A.B.”; 521 pages of it!

In all his novels, including “Soulless”, “The Telki”, “Media Sapiens” and “R.A.B.”, Minaev masterfully depicts the perpetual crimes committed by corporate culture and its mainstream media. Brutally and candidly he describes an apocalyptic society constructed on the soulless, merciless and murderous principles of the modern Western-style capitalist system.

In such a world, nothing is sacred anymore. The ‘elites’ are having great fun hunting on the outskirts of the city, not for some animals, but for homeless people living in abandoned pipelines (“R.A.B.”). A US mainstream television news channel, together with its local counterpart, manage to trigger a military conflict between Georgia and Russia, after hiring several combat helicopters and retired soldiers, killing real people, just in order to increase their ratings. And several terrorist attacks in Moscow are being paid for and staged by other big media conglomerates (“Media Sapiens”).

Minaev is not crying; he is definitely far from being a ‘bleeding heart’. He is tough and cynical. His characters are mostly ruthless super-yuppies from Moscow, go-getters, living a fast life, taking drugs, partying in luxury clubs, having sex literally with everything that moves (“Soulless”).

But they get burned, destroyed, brought to near suicide.

They have no ideology, no political views. They laugh at, they insult everything and everybody, but deep inside they are actually suffering from a horrible void, from emptiness. In those rare moments of honesty, they admit to each other and to themselves, that they are actually still longing for at least ‘something pure and decent’, uncorrupted by the global market-fundamentalist regime and its ‘values’ and ‘culture’.


In R.A.B. Minaev goes much further. His yuppies (paradoxically, the mid and upper-level managers) start a rebellion against the system. They go on strike, march through the streets, and build barricades. They begin demanding social justice. They burn down their own offices.

They do it after their Russian toy-producing company (and other companies all over the city) gets swallowed by a US-based multi-national corporation, which immediately begins dismantling all social benefits, while injecting uncertainty and fear into the workplace. A multi-national also opens a horrid toy factory on the outskirts of Moscow, which then employs desperate immigrants from the Central Asian republics.

The privately-owned mass media outlets first confront the protesters, and then follow up with pro-corporate propaganda and in the end the corporate security services and the army. Many people disappear. Others are locked up in the offices and secret prisons of the corporations, and tortured. Those who survive become ‘unemployable’, their names permanently on the blacklist.

But what does Minaev really call for? Is it a true revolution?

Yes and no. He does not believe that in the countries that have been conquered by market fundamentalism and by unbridled consumerism, a ‘real revolution’ is possible. He does not think that the people there have any ideals or any zeal left. At the same time, at least some of his characters are clearly unwilling to surrender.

It is chilling to read R.A.B. while at the same time those ‘rebellions’ in Greece, France, Spain and the U.K. are taking place.

One of the main characters of R.A.B. confronts the demonstrators: It is not a revolution! You are all parts of the system. You just want a better deal for yourself. Through this rebellion, you are actually negotiating with the cartel of the corporations. If you get what you are asking for, you’ll happily remain where you are and carry on as if nothing happened.


Then Minaev does exactly what no Western writer would dare to do. He begins to argue that to destroy the system, there has to be an armed struggle. Otherwise no real change could ever be achieved.

The suppressed rebellion of the yuppies eventually triggers much a wider movement, and soon there are real battles raging in several provincial capitals.

The end of the novel is open. The main character of R.A.B. is destroyed. He loses the love of his life (in desperation she commits suicide); he has no job, no money and no place to go. But he is still alive. Russia is still alive. It is obvious that no matter what, it will never accept this monstrous system that was forced on it by the West.


It all may sound like an insane fantasy, but in fact what Minaev writes about is not too far from the nightmares that Russia was descending into right after Gorbachev allowed the country (USSR) to fall apart, and then Yeltsin introduced unbridled privatization and gave unprecedented concessions to foreign corporations. During that period, Russia went through something that could be easily described as a social genocide. Life expectancy dropped to the levels of war-torn countries in Africa. Lawlessness ruled. All ideals were ridiculed and spat at. A big number of Russian intellectuals were bought and organized by the West into countless NGO’s. The lowest grade of Western pop and entertainment torpedoed Russian culture. During those dark days, the West finally succeeded in bringing Russia to its knees.

Not even two decades later, a new Russia is once again proud, strong and confident.

It rose to its feet, it began successfully producing again, and it underwent a tremendous and positive social transformation.

Just one week ago I returned from the Russian Far East, from the cities of Vladivostok, Khabarovsk and Petropavlovsk Kamchatski. Wherever I went, I witnessed new and impressive infrastructure. I encountered a confident, hard working nation, which was working hard to restore at least some of the socialist structures and benefits that it used to enjoy in the past.

The new, present-day Russia is much closer to China; much more impressed by the Chinese system, than by what it was forced to adopt in the past; during the “pro-Western era” which is now generally considered to be synonymous to a national disaster.

Russian writers played an important role in describing the horrors of the Gorbachev/Yeltsin years, and of the brutal global economic, political and ‘cultural’ regime injected by the West to all the corners of the Planet. From an outrageous Eduard Limonov’s novel “It’s Me, Eddie” to Minaev’s “R.A.B.”, Russian literature has been daring, insulting, direct and brutally honest.

While Limonov and Minaev sell millions of copies of their books at home, their work is virtually unknown in the West. I found no English translations when searching on Amazon.com, and elsewhere.

In his New York-based “Eddie”, Limonov is calling openly for terrorist acts against the Western regime, while some of Minaev’s characters also believe in an armed struggle, although of more conventional type.

Nothing is spared. When the US toy-producing corporation demands a special tax from its employees in Russia, for “helping out those poor children in the Third World”, the main character of R.A.B. thinks: “well, they can now use that money to buy coffins for children they employ and kill in Indonesia or Thailand”. When the tax goes slightly up, he comments: “now they will have enough funds to dig at least a few mass graves”.

All this is simply too outrageous for Western readers. Or more precisely, the ‘book business’ most likely ‘thinks’ that it is.

The fact remains that despite what is constantly repeated by Western propaganda, those who read Russian can clearly see and appreciate that Russian literature is actually much more free, daring and rebellious than its counterpart in the West.

When several Russian bestselling novelists are calling openly for combat against the global regime (the same regime which is, until now, at least partially, controlling the economy of their country), one has no choice but to be impressed by the level of freedom in the country which allows such work to be published and then promoted.

But in the West, you would never know all this, unless you spoke Russian. It is because in the West (and in its ‘client’ states and colonies) you are being extremely well ‘protected’ from such uncomfortable (and the regime would even say ‘dangerous’) thoughts!

Andre Vltchek is a philosopher, novelist, filmmaker and investigative journalist. He covered wars and conflicts in dozens of countries. His latest books are: “Exposing Lies Of The Empire” and Fighting Against Western ImperialismDiscussion with Noam Chomsky: On Western TerrorismPoint of No Return is his critically acclaimed political novel. Oceania – a book on Western imperialism in the South Pacific. His provocative book about Indonesia: “Indonesia – The Archipelago of Fear”. Andre is making films for teleSUR and Press TV. After living for many years in Latin America and Oceania, Vltchek presently resides and works in East Asia and the Middle East. He can be reached through his website or his Twitter.

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In August, 2014, the US-led “coalition” began bombing Iraq and Syria to, in the words of President Obama, “degrade and ultimately destroy the terrorist group known as ISIS.” For nearly two years — despite President Obama announcing last November that ISIS was “contained” — the bombing has continued unabated.

A milestone was reached this month, however, as the US coalition dropped its 50,000th bomb against Iraq and Syria. With each bomb costing on average somewhere around $50,000, those bombs have cost US (for the most part) taxpayers at least two and a half billion dollars. Factor in the cost of keeping the bombers in the air, the cost of training the pilots, maintenance, etc. and the cost skyrockets upward from there.

In fact, as of February of this year, the US “war on ISIS” has cost more than $6 billion, to the boundless delight of the Beltway defense contractors.

There will be plenty of money for the other contractors if the bombing finally ceases and the US reaches its real goal of overthrowing Syrian president Assad: Imagine how much damage to infrastructure, environment, etc. will have been done by 50,000 bombs. The US taxpayers will pay once to blow the place up and then pay again to build it back up. Except like in Afghanistan, nothing will actually be rebuilt. The money will just disappear.

War really is a racket.

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While the Western media poses as perplexed over the recent string of horrific attacks across Europe and particularly in France, the latest of which unfolded this week in the seaside city of Nice leaving over 80 dead and many more injured, it is clear that France itself has cultivated the soil within which terrorism and violence has taken root.

Through France’s own domestic and foreign policy, it has created the perfect storm to continue “watering” terrorism at home and abroad, while its political leaders carefully cultivate the predictable division, fear, hysteria, and violence that is now unfolding. Between attacks in 2015 and 2016, over 200 people have now died in France as a result of violent domestic attacks.

French Foreign Support of Terrorism 

Since 2011, France has played a key role in destabilizing North Africa and the Middle East. In 2011, it participated in the US-led NATO assault on Libya, as well as sending troops to other African nations including the Ivory Coast and Mali. France also currently maintains troops in Sahara, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Liberia, Central African Republic, and Sahel in Africa, as well as troops still participating in the ongoing occupation of Afghanistan.

While France has portrayed these operations as essential for maintaining global stability and security, it has done anything but. In addition to creating chaos from which torrents of refugees are now fleeing – all the way to Europe – it should be noted that a component of French involvement abroad is also the arming and funding of militant groups. This was especially so in Libya, where France helped install into power terrorists affiliated with Al Qaeda.

The London Telegraph’s 2011 article, “France supplying weapons to Libyan rebels,” would report that:

France has begun supplying weapons to the Libyan rebels despite the UN arms embargo, confirming on Wednesday it had dropped assault rifles into the Nafusa Mountains south-west of Tripoli.

It would also report that:

The air drop would appear to be in violation of the arms embargo against Libya instituted by the United Nations. But Nato officials believe that the UN security council resolution 1973 which authorised the bombing campaign allows for a wide range of actions in furtherance of the mission to “protect civilians”.

It retrospect, it was clear that France’s actions had little to do with an interest in “protecting civilians” and instead led directly to the overthrow of the Libyan government. The militant forces, armed, backed, and even provided air cover by NATO would be later revealed to be extremists directly affiliated with Al Qaeda and would later transform into the so-called “Islamic State” (ISIS) in Libya.

Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi had for decades subdued and kept in check extremist elements centered primarily in eastern Libya’s Cyrenaica region, particularly in the cities of Benghazi, Tobruk, and Derna which would later go on to become epicenters of US military and diplomatic activity after the war as well as a springboard for Western-backed terrorism in Syria.And France would likewise play a key role in supporting terrorism in Syria – a former French colony – providing arms, funding, and political support to supposed “rebel” groups who, ironically, fly the flags of the French mandate side-by-side those of Al Qaeda.The London Guardian’s article, “France funding Syrian rebels in new push to oust Assad,” would report that:

France has emerged as the most prominent backer of Syria’s armed opposition and is now directly funding rebel groups around Aleppo as part of a new push to oust the embattled Assad regime.

Large sums of cash have been delivered by French government proxies across the Turkish border to rebel commanders in the past month, diplomatic sources have confirmed. The money has been used to buy weapons inside Syria and to fund armed operations against loyalist forces.

For 5 years now, France, along with the US and overt state sponsors of terrorism including Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar, have waged proxy war on Syria giving rise to terrorist organizations with full-scale military capabilities including mechanized, anti-tank, and anti-air warfare.

The sheer scale of the terrorist organizations France has helped cultivate in Syria are astounding. Billions of dollars are involved, and tens of thousands of fighters from across the world, including France itself, have created logistical lines wrapping around the planet to feed the conflict.

The London Telegraph’s article, “Islamic State: Where do its fighters come from?,” would reveal that (emphasis added):

Nearly a fifth of fighters are residents or nationals of Western European countries,and an estimated 1,200 people have travelled from France alone.

This flow of foreign fighters has alarmed governments around the world, raising fears that returnees from may plot attacks in their home nations. Scotland Yard said that at least half of the 700 British residents – a statistic from the British police – suspected of fighting alongside Isil are now back in the UK.

That 800 British residents have fought alongside ISIS and returned to the UK, but are not immediately placed in prison, is astounding – but common across all of Europe with some governments even working with those who recruited them to help “integrate” them back into society.

But “integration” is not what is happening.

French Domestic Support for Terrorism 

While the French government’s support for terrorism abroad is quite overt – manifesting itself in weapon and cash deliveries and open declarations of support for militant groups – its support for terrorism at home is more subtle.

As in the UK, terrorists returning from French-backed violence in Syria are not arrested and imprisoned, but instead placed on “watch lists” the French government claims it lacks the resources to properly maintain. NBC News would claim in an article titled, “French Intelligence Is Tracking 1,000 Who Have Been to Iraq, Syria: Expert,” that:

“French intelligence is mostly focused today on more than 1,000 French citizens that traveled to Syria and Iraq since 2012,” said Jean-Charles Brisard, the author of “Zarqawi: The New Face of Al-Qaeda.”

He added that one-fifth of them were being tracked around the clock. “This is a problem of resources,” he added. “We cannot follow everyone.”

At the same time French security agencies are failing to follow terrorists who should in fact be imprisoned, French political leaders openly encourage misunderstanding and mistrust between French Muslims and the rest of the population, fostering a climate of hate, fear, division and eventually violence.

An intentionally divisive society “seeded” with experienced terrorists returning from full-scale warfare almost ensures violent terrorist attacks like the “Charlie Hebdo” attack, the November 2015 Paris attack, or the most recent atrocity committed in Nice – if it was even a terrorist attack.

Was Nice the Scene of a Terrorist Attack? Does it Matter?

While the suspect of the Nice attack, Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, is so far not being publicly linked to terrorist groups, he did have a criminal record and was well known to French police.

The media has so far portrayed the suspect as especially nonreligious or political, and instead, a man facing immense personal and financial troubles. But because the French government and media has so successfully divided and misled the public, the attack appears to automatically being lumped into the long and growing list of actual terrorist attacks carried out by French-backed terrorists returning from abroad, simply because of the suspect’s name and ethnicity.

Whatever truth emerges regarding the most recent attack, those before it, and the manner in which this most recent attack has been exploited by the media and politicians, reveals France as a nation that has carefully and intentionally sown the seeds of terrorism and violence, and is now harvesting the predictable horrors that have emerged.

If money, weapons, hatred, and bigotry are the necessities of growing terrorism, France withdrawing from its various wars and proxy wars abroad, while defusing racial, ethnic, and religious tensions at home would be essential in strangling terrorism. However, judging by the highly polarized reaction prompted by a dishonest Western media and equally dishonest, opportunistic Western politicians and political groups, it is very likely this harvest will yield many more horrors to come.

Tony Cartalucci, Bangkok-based geopolitical researcher and writer, especially for the online magazine New Eastern Outlook”.

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Horrifying scenes of the beheading of a very young Palestinian boy by the US and UK backed terrorist faction in Syria, Nour-Al-Din Al-Zenki, flooded social media feeds yesterday. 

The US is scrambling to both disassociate themselves and their proxy murderers from this abhorrent crime. 21WIRE will not post the videos in the report below as they may be too distressing, but they are available in the link to the article.  We stress that this footage is graphic and horrific.

The Daily Mail report indicates that the child had quite possibly been tortured prior to his crude beheading at the hands of one of the thugs bullying and beating him on film.

“Harakat Nour al-Din al-Zenki is an Islamist rebel group in Syria formed in late 2011 during the Syrian Civil War.

Named for Emir of Aleppo Nur ad-Din, the movement was formed in Aleppo to fight against the Syrian Arab Army, and it joined the Army of Mujahideen in the war against the Islamic State.

The United States supplied the group with money and BGM-71 TOW anti-tank missiles during its war against ISIS and the government.

In December 2014, it joined the Levant Front and also the Fatah Halab operations room.”
~Daily Mail

Nour al-Din al-Zenki

The child was accused of fighting for the Al Quds Brigade, a pro-Syrian government group of Palestinian resistance fighting alongside the SAA in Syria.  This, despite the boy being as young as 11 years old according to some reports.

“The child, who is ostensibly under the age of 12, was arrested by Islamist militants fighting for the Turkish-backed Nour al-Din al-Zenki Movement for allegedly being a fighter of the Palestinian Liwaa Al Quds (Al-Quds Brigade). Liwaa Al Quds is a pro-government Palestinian paramilitary faction made up of the Palestinians who have been driven out of their homes in the Handarat Camp once Islamist militants took over the neighborhood. Today, the group is fighting alongside the Syrian Army to retake the Camp.” ~ Al Masdar News.

This entire incident demonstrates that these US backed “moderate rebels” are nothing more than drug fuelled monsters creating a hell on earth in Syria in the image of their donor’s vision for the region. We cannot disassociate the US coalition from these heinous crimes, they have facilitated and supported them.  These terrorist gangs are nothing more than a variation on the CIA outreach organisations, the same function as Blackwater/Academi and DynCorp mercenaries, only transposed onto new legions of Islamo-fascist brutal thugs and killers.

The US is deploying the “distance from accountability” stratagem but its not working, their connections and links are no longer obscured and many are waking up to the fact that the crimes carried out by these multi-branded psychopaths are an extension of the pure evil that resides in the White House overworld and CIA underworld.

The following report is from Yalla La Barra:

“On the morning of July 19, members of the Free Syrian Army faction Nour el-Din Al-Zinki captured a 12 year old boy in Handarat claiming that he was a member of the Palestinian Quds brigade and that he was fighting for Assad. Soon after, two videos appeared online.

The first showed them taunting the boy, who seemed injured, in the back of a pick up truck.

The second video shows them beheading him. During the beheading, you could hear one of the men telling the one who was doing the deed to be careful not to cut his own hand in the process. You could also hear the group shouting “takbeer” and “Allahu Akbar” several times. After he was done, he raised the boy’s head in the air and his friends go into a another round of takbeers and Allahu akbars. The following is a video of the beheading.

It is very graphic and I don’t recommend you watch it.

By the early evening, the official facebook page of the Quds Brigade denied that the boy was a fighter and stressed that his identity and origin is not known to them.

Here’s a summarized translation of the Quds Brigade:


It should be noted that Zinki is one of the CIA vetted factions in Syria that the US has supplied with TOW anti-tank missiles. The Daily Beast wrote:

“The front includes not only hardline Salafist factions from the groups known as the Islamic Front but more moderate brigades like the Muslim Brotherhood-linked Mujahideen Army and Harakat Nour al-Din al-Zenki, a militia that has also received TOW missiles from Washington in the past.”

In a statement released today (see English translation below), the Zinki group admitted that it’s own members committed the beheading.


At today’s State Department briefing, Mark Toner was as usual playing dumb.

He said that if the US could have proof that Zinki did indeed commit the beheading then it would give them “pause about further assistance to the group”. What more proof would they need than an admission by the group itself that some of it’s members were responsible? Here is a transcript of that exchange:

QUESTION: I’m wondering if you have seen or you’re aware of this beheading of a child by a group that is supported by the United States.

MR TONER: Yeah. No, thanks. We’ve obviously seen the reports, and we just can’t confirm. We’re seeking more information. We understand from unconfirmed reports that the group, the Free Syrian Army, has appointed a commission to investigate the incident and that they’ve made arrests of those allegedly involved. I’d refer you to – it’s Al Zinki, I guess, is the group —


MR TONER: — for additional information. But I can only say that it’s an appalling report, and obviously, we’re very concerned certainly if it’s accurate. We’re trying to get more information and more details.

QUESTION: Okay. Is that the kind of thing that could – that if you’re – if you are able to confirm it and if you do get – if you’re able to back up the reports —


QUESTION: Is this the kind of thing that would affect assistance, U.S. assistance to this specific group but also just in general to the FSA?

MR TONER: Well, I think we’d take a – if, as you said, if we can prove that this was indeed what happened and this group was involved in it, I think it would certainly give us pause.

QUESTION: It would give you pause?

MR TONER: Well, give us pause about any assistance or, frankly, any further involvement with this group.

QUESTION: So, in other words, so it will draw – there will be some kind of consequence if you’re satisfied that this actually happened?

MR TONER: I can’t – again, I can’t say what that consequence will be, but it will certainly give us, as I said, serious pause and we’ll look at, frankly, any affiliation or cooperation with this group we may have going forward, if these allegations are proven true.

And here’s the video:


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On July 18th, Rob Nichols, the President of the American Bankers’ Association, which is controlled by the mega-banks, struck back against Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump. Nichols criticized Trump’s insistence to restore the Democratic U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s top reform of the U.S. economy, the Glass-Steagall Act, which prevented another taxpayer bailout of Wall Street firms for their gambling losses — it was the law President Bill Clinton with overwhelming Republican support in 1999 repealed. Trump is committing himself against that Clinton-Republican repeal of FDR’s law. Trump insists it be restored so that there won’t be a repeat of the Bush-Obama Wall Street bailout.

ABA chief Nichols told Morning Consult, “America’s banking industry is well poised to fuel economic growth and job creation,” and so they should continue to be supported by the government. He called Trump’s stand to restore Glass-Steagall “a return to Depression-era regulation that would restrain banks’ ability to drive our economy forward. All of our bank regulatory agencies have agreed that Glass-Steagall would not have prevented the crisis or the housing market collapse.”

Many economists disagree with the ABA on that, and have called for restoration of the Glass-Steagall Act.

The major newsmedia and politicians refer to Glass-Steagall for its supposedly capping bank-size, but it never actually did any such thing: it instead separated commercial banks (lenders to consumers and businesses) from investment banks (stockbrokers and other market-makers for the sale of financial gambles) and from insurers (which take on the risks that other financial firms avoid). It never established any cap on bank-size.

What produced the 2008 crash was the Clinton-Republican Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, named after the three conservative Republicans (Phil Gramm, Jim Leach, and Tom Bliley) who wrote it. Sanford Weill, then merely the head of Travelers Insurance, was a financial empire-builder who wanted his firm to buy Citibank, so as to produce the first financial conglomerate, Citigroup — a merger which the Glass-Steagall Act would have blocked from happening. Weill’s Clinton-Administration friends Robert J. Rubin and Lawrence Summers had no trouble convincing their boss to say yes to Gramm-Leach-Bliley, though this would toss out the core of Democrat FDR’s lasting heritage and restore the cause of the Great Depression: Wall Street’s gambling with depositors’ savings — gambling with assets that are so crucial the government would be politically compelled to backstop to prevent bankrupting tens of millions of people, savers who had made no error. It’s a Hobson’s choice of either revolution or else Wall Street bailouts; that Hobson’s choice is what Glass-Steagall ended.

The great journalist who goes by the pseudonym “Tyler Durden” headlined on 25 July 2012, “In Defining Hypocrisy, Weill, Who Led Repeal Of Glass Steagall, Now Says Big Banks Should Be Broken Up” and he quoted Weill’s recent statement, “I am suggesting that [big banks] be broken up so that the taxpayer will never be at risk, the depositors won’t be at risk, the leverage of the banks will be something reasonable.” Weill gave as his excuse for his 180-degree turnabout, “The world we live in now is different from the world we lived in ten years ago,” but, in regard to the issue at hand, he was lying: his argument there was equally applicable today as it was in 2000 when he induced Clinton-Republicans to repeal it, and as it was in 1933 when FDR signed Glass-Steagall into law. Weill, after all, was saying this after the 2008 crash, which produced a huge taxpayer bailout of his own and the other Wall Street firms.

On 8 August 2012, Pam Martens — the best of all reporters about Wall Street — bannered “The Untold Story of the Bailout of Citigroup” and she recounted the relevant history:

“The Citigroup merger occurred in 1998. Glass-Steagall was repealed on November 12, 1999 with the enactment of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act. It was just nine years later that Citigroup was teetering on the brink of collapse after holding $1.3 trillion off its balance sheet, gorging on toxic assets, and failing to disclose an extra $39 billion in subprime mortgage exposure. (As we discussed yesterday in Part One, we still don’t know just how bad Citigroup’s accounting was because the SEC has redacted much of that information from public records on its web site.)”

A financial-industry arbitrator headlined in American Banker magazine (which represents only medium-and-small-sized banks), on 11 December 2015, “A New Glass-Steagall Would Be Too Good for Banks to Pass Up”, and he noted that the megabanks’ allegtions that Glass-Steagall is incompatible with modern finance is phony. Akshat Tewary wrote: “The proposed 21st Century Glass-Steagall Act — sponsored by Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Republican Sen. John McCain — mirrors many of the features of the original law, while also accounting for more recent innovations in banking and finance.”

Only by deception can the megabanks oppose Glass-Steagall; but it’s a multibillion-dollar deception which benefits the top financial executives, and so it is backed up by an enormous lobbying operation, and any Presidential candidate who fails to go along with that is going far out on a limb.

The issue here was never really about bank size, however; it was always an issue of risk-transference, from Wall Street to Main Street (like: from the American Bankers’ Association, to American Banker magazine) — to transfer the megabanks’ gambling risks to the public while the rewards remain privatized to the megabank executives via their pay and bonuses. That’s what they want. In other words: it’s a scam, and part of the money from it ends up advertising politicians and fooling voters.

And for Rob Nichols and Wall Street to criticize “a return to Depression-era regulation” is for them to be seeking to go back to what had preceded the 1929 Crash. That’s what we have now, but in the form of the Clinton-Republicanism (‘bipartisanship’) that produced the 2008 crash, and that then was cumbersomely dealt with in the Dodd-Frank Act, which was co-written by Wall Street and Democrats, and which has, after 2008, produced a weak economic recovery, which goes almost only to the wealthiest 1%. That’s the Obama version of the Clinton plan. But it’s not only excruciatingly cumbersome; it is a cumbersome band-aid covering a gaping bleeding wound: the post-2008 economy.

Glass-Steagall wasn’t any such cumbersome law as Obama passed; it was, instead, the “Depression-era regulation” that very simply separated, from one-another: commercial banking, from investment banking, from insurance. It said: you can do any one of those, but not more than one.

Perhaps Donald Trump has found some way to run a Presidential campaign that doesn’t depend upon the good will, and megabuck donations, from Wall Street, because it now seems extremely likely that he’s not going to be getting much in the way of donations from them. He hasn’t in the past, and he now seems even less likely to in the future.

Nichols presented his criticism in a ‘bipartisan’ way, but it wasn’t even really bipartisan: the situation is actually very different when a Bernie Sanders, who won’t be the President, coerces Hillary Clinton, who might, to accept in ‘her’ Party platform a demand for restoring Glass-Steagall; it is entirely different when a Donald Trump, who actually might become President, demands that it be in his Party’s platform.

The best way for Trump to try to squeeze some lemonade out of this otherwise sour (for a Presidential nominee) political lemon that he’s now pushing, would be for him to make one of his major campaign themes against Hillary Clinton: “If I become President, then Elizabeth Warren’s 21st Century Glass-Steagall Act will become the law of this land.” How could Hillary trump that? For her even to challenge it (which would require her to repudiate her entire record) would cause people to distrust her even more than they already do. Maybe this would even be Trump’s call of “Checkmate!” against her.

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.


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For anyone but the most incapable of reading between the mainstream media lines it’s been obvious that there has been a vicious propaganda war going on against Jeremy Corbyn ever since he became the star of the show during the 2015 Labour leadership election. Now there is some serious academic research to back it up too.

The London School of Economics has produced a report called “Journalistic Representation of Jeremy Corbyn in the British press” that demonstrates the existence of an extreme systemic bias against Jeremy Corbyn in the corporate mainstream media.

The report analysed hundreds of articles about Jeremy Corbyn in the mainstream newspapers and identified three main delegitimisation propaganda tactics used to attack Jeremy Corbyn.

  • Ignoring Jeremy Corbyn’s words/policies, or actively misrepresenting them
  • Using Scorn, ridicule and personal attacks
  • Smear by association tactics

These are some of the specific findings in the report:

  • Almost three quarters of all stories failed to accurately report Jeremy Corbyn’s actual views on subjects.
  • 52% of all newspaper articles didn’t mention Corbyn’s actual views at all, while another 22% misrepresented his views or took them out of context.
  • Only one in five Daily Telegraph articles about Jeremy Corbyn even bothered to quote anything he had said whatever.
  • The worst offenders at misrepresenting Jeremy Corbyn’s views/policies were the Evening Standard (39% of articles), Express (37%) and Telegraph (29%).
  • In the period between September 1st and his election as Labour leader on September 12th an astonishing 42% of all newspaper articles attempted to frame him as a communist.
  • 0% of Daily Mail and Express articles presented Jeremy Corbyn’s views/policies without alteration. The average across all newspapers was just 11%.
  • 22% of all newspaper articles designated Jeremy Corbyn as “dangerous”, rising to 50% of articles in the Telegraph and 63% of articles in the Express.
  • All newspapers ran significantly more critical articles than positive ones, including the supposedly left-liberal Guardian, Mirror and Independent. On average over 50% of articles about Corbyn were negative or highly critical, while less than 10% adopted a positive tone.
  • 80% of Daily Express articles about Jeremy Corbyn used ridicule and scorn to delegitimise him. The other worst offenders at using ridicule tactics were the Daily Mail (54%), Evening Standard (47%) and Sun (45%).
  • The worst offenders at publishing personal attacks were the Express (40% of all articles) and the Evening Standard (26%).
  • The supposedly left-liberal Daily Mirror and Independent newspapers were far more likely to include quotes from anti-Corbyn Labour politicians, than quotes from those who support him.
The report finished with some damning conclusions about the extreme levels of anti-Corbyn bias in the mainstream print media:

“Jeremy Corbyn is systematically ridiculed, scorned and the object of personal attacks by most newspapers.”

“With the vast majority of the British newspapers situated moderately to firmly on the right of the political spectrum, the analysis of our data also points to a strong ideological bias. The rightwing newspapers were particularly negative and acerbic towards Corbyn. At the same time, we could also clearly observe a degree of”anti-Corbyn reporting in the left-leaning and liberal newspapers. This was especially visible through the amplification of internal struggles and tensions within the Labour Party regarding Corbyn. This manifested itself by the newspapers providing an extensive and enthusiastic platform to those forces in the Labour Party that aggressively contested Corbyn and what he stands for. Arguably, exposing the internal tensions within the Labour Party could be seen as part of the watchdog role of the media. However, as pointed out above, there was quite a considerable amount of coverage that was very one-sided, only giving voice to those that are against Corbyn and at the same time ignoring those that are in favour of him and his policies.”

“Is it acceptable that the majority of the British newspapers uses its mediated power to attack and delegitimise the leader of the largest opposition party against a right-wing government to such an extent and with such vigour? This is not merely a political question, but also an ethical and a democratic one. Certainly democracies need their media to challenge power and offer robust debate, but when this transgresses into an antagonism that undermines legitimate political voices that dare to contest the current status quo, then it is not democracy that is served.”

It’s quite extraordinary to see the mainstream press who have spent the last year systematically misrepresenting, ridiculing, abusing and bullying Jeremy Corbyn jumping on examples of abusive behaviour (many of them hugely exaggerated or entirely fabricated) in order to portray Jeremy Corbyn as the leader of a pack of thugs.The tide of mainstream media support for the botched anti-democratic effort by Labour coup plotters to bully Jeremy Corbyn into resignation (which included a Daily Mirror front page demanding he quits) shows how much the press pack continue to hate and fear him.

The corporate newspapers still command a huge amount of power to shape the parameters of political discourse. The mainstream media trope that Jeremy Corbyn is “unelectable” has been rote learned and repeated so often that it’s simply accepted as a folk-truth by millions of people. The new trope that the savagely authoritarian right-winger Theresa May is “a safe pair of hands” is already doing the rounds, and being mindlessly repeated by people who know nothing about her six year track record of authoritarianism and incompetence at the Home Office.

Just as the mainstream press are on a mission to delegitimise Jeremy Corbyn as much as they can, they’re determined to gloss over Theresa May’s appalling track record and sing her praises, and the sad fact is that blatant propaganda tactics like this work a treat. After 10 months of extremely biased anti-Corbyn press coverage his approval ratings are at an all-time low, while an incredible 55% of people are positive about Theresa May becoming Prime Minister despite her utterly toxic track record at the Home Office.

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The US-backed ‘moderate rebels’ from the Harakat Nour al-Din al-Zenki captured a Palestinian kid, accused him of being a “spy” of Palestinian pro-government militia, Liwa al-Quds, and beheaded him for this. The event was in the militant-controlled refugee camp “Handarat Camp” in northern Aleppo. Nour al-Din al-Zenki operates in the area of Aleppo city and receives financial aid from the United States, in a CIA run program to support the so-called “moderate rebel groups.”

Nour al-Din al-Zenki is affiliated to the Supreme Military Command (SMC) of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and as major part of FSA units collaborates with various Jihadist groups, including the Al Qaeda affiliate in Syria, Al Nusra.

Deputy Spokesperson for the State Department, Mark Toner, told reporters at a daily briefing Tuesday that the US may reconsider assistance to the group if reports of beheaded boy are confirmed. Toner refused to provide any information about the expected US reaction.

Meanwhile, US-led coalition air strikes have allegedly killed about 60 civilians in the village of Tokhar near Syria’s Manbij. Various reports suggest numbers from 56 to 120 dead civilians, including kids, as result of the US air strikes. On Monday, 21 civilian were killed in U.S.-led coalition air strikes on Manbij’s northern Hazawneh quarter. The coalition, that has been providing air support for the Kurdish-led military operation in Manbij, has not provided comments, yet. However, if they even comment, it’s clear that they will call these facts a common mistake and forget as they did with the Doctors Without Borders hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan.



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Member of the Iraqi parliament’s Foreign Relations Committee Abdol Razzaq Heidari told FNA on Wednesday that some political figures in certain countries should be blamed for dispatching terrorists to Iraq and Syria and for supplying them with weapons and equipment.

Some people under the auspicies and supervision of certain Islamic countries, specially some political figures, who have Takfiri or Wahhabi thoughts are sent to ideological and training centers in Syria and Iraq to fight for the terrorist groups, he said.

Also, another Iraqi legislator, Alia Nassif, told FNA today that “the Iraqi government should identify all Arab and non-Arab terrorists and file a lawsuit against the governments of the countries of their origin at the international courts like the Hague”.

Their remarks came a week after activists gathered outside Saudi Arabia’s embassy in Washington, D.C., to denounce Riyadh’s support of terrorism in the Middle East and around the world.

Hundreds of Americans of various Middle Eastern descent attended the protest on to slam Saudi Arabia’s funding of the ISIL terrorist group.

The protesters then marched to the White House to denounce the regime’s intervention in Syria, Yemen, Bahrain and Iraq.

“Saudi, ISIL are the same; the only difference is the name” and “people yes, Saudi no, the royal family’s got to go”, were among the many slogans chanted during the demonstration.

The protesters called on US officials to sever ties with Riyadh, describing the regime as the root of all evil in the Middle East.

“We know that Saudi Arabia is involved in spreading extremism, the Wahhabi ideology, first around the Middle East and South Asia and now it’s really all over the world,” said protest attendee Medea Benjamin, a member of the Code Pink, a peace and social justice movement working to end US-funded wars and occupations.

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Donald Trump and the Revolt of the Proles.

July 20th, 2016 by Mike Whitney

“For the past 25 years, the center-left has told the bottom 60% of the income distribution in their countries the following story: “Globalization is good for you.

It’s awesome. It’s really great. We’re going to sign these trade agreements. Don’t worry, there will be compensation. You’ll be fine. You’ll all end up as computer programmers. It’ll be fantastic. And, by the way, we don’t really care because we’re all going to move to the middle because that’s where the voters are, and they’re the ones with the money, and they’re the only ones we really care about…and you basically take the bottom 30% of the income distribution and you say, “We don’t care what happens to you. You’re now something to be policed. You’re now something that has to have its behavior changed. We’re going to nudge you into better parts…

It’s a very paternal, patronizing relationship. This is no longer the warm embrace of social democracy, arm in arm in solidarity with the working classes. They are to policed and excluded in their housing estates, so you can feel safe in your neighborhoods and private schools.

So once this has evolved over 20 years, you have this revolt, not just against Brexit. It’s not about the EU. It’s about the elites. It’s about the 1%. It’s about the fact that your parties, have sold you down the river.  (Excerpt from Mark Blyth’s “Brexit” on YouTube)

GrAl / Shutterstock.com

Liberals and progressives love to point across the aisle and accuse their opponents of racism, misogyny and xenophobia, but that’s not what the Trump campaign is all about. And that’s not what Brexit was about. While it’s true that anti-immigrant sentiment is on the rise in Europe and the US, the hostility has less to do with race than it does jobs and wages. In other words, Brexit is a revolt against a free trade regime in which all the benefits have accrued to the uber-rich while everyone else has seen their incomes slide, their future’s dim and their standard of living plunge. As Vincent Bevins of the Los Angeles Times said:

Both Brexit and Trumpism are the very, very wrong answers to legitimate questions that urban elites have refused to ask for thirty years …since the 1980s the elites in rich countries have overplayed their hand, taking all the gains for themselves and just covering their ears when anyone else talks, and now they are watching in horror as voters revolt.

Fake liberals like Tony Blair and Bill Clinton have been big proponents of free trade and thus contributed greatly to this groundswell revolution against condescending elites and technocrats whose ultimate goal is to level the playing field so that workers in the developed countries compete nose to nose with underpaid wage slaves in China, Vietnam and across Asia. As Blyth says in the YouTube piece:

Because the long run effect of the euro is going to be to drive western European wages down to eastern European levels.

Bingo. More and more people know that this this is the real objective of free trade, to lower wages and crush organized labor in order to boost profits. And this is why the media has been unable to undermine public support from Brexit or Trump, because the issues impact working people and their standard of living DIRECTLY. The majority of voters now believe that these elite-backed policies are destructive to their interests and a threat to their survival. That’s why they remain indifferent to the media’s charges of racism.

Elites understand what’s going on. They know they got too greedy and went overboard. They also know the public is mad as hell and want blood which is why the markets have gone crazy. Investors have driven “safe haven” bonds into record territory which signals the big money guys are terrified of the changes that the election could bring. What does that tell you? Check this out from Fortune magazine:

Wealthy US investors are hoarding record cash balances out of fear that US presidential election will wreak havoc on their retirement accounts a senior USB Group AG executive said … Although the US stock market hit a new high this week, many clients would rather sit on the sidelines than risk the kind of losses they faced in 2008, he said…

A UBS survey of 2,200 high net worth investors found that 84% of them think the election will have a significant impact on their financial health, McCann said, citing a report to be released later in July.” (“Wealthy are hoarding cash out of fear of what the election will bring”, Fortune)

So moneybags investors think that there’s going to be a day of reckoning and that all the anti-free trade, protectionist rhetoric emerging from the various campaigns is going to weigh on the markets?

It sure looks that way, and some would say that that day has already arrived. This is from the World Socialist Web Site:

A report issued by the GTA on Wednesday said the term “slowdown” created the impression that, while it is losing momentum, world trade is still growing and one country’s exports do not come at the expense of others. These “rosy impressions” should be set aside because its analysis revealed that world export volume reached a plateau at the beginning of 2015. World trade was not only slowing down, but not growing at all….

The report warned that a “negative feedback loop” could develop where zero trade growth fuelled the resort to ever-more protectionist measures, leading to a further decline in trade. While the report did not draw out the implications of its warning, they are clear. It was such a feedback loop that developed in the 1930s, intensifying the Great Depression and ultimately leading to the outbreak of the Second World War in 1939.
(“Global trade stagnates amid wave of protectionism”, Nick Beams, World Socialist Web Site)

Global trade has already been hammered by misguided central bank policies that merely try to steal export-share by weakening the currency. (The race to the bottom) But now we are embarking a period of strong economic nationalism which threatens to break up the Eurozone, intensify the call for protective tariffs on foreign-manufactured goods, and launch a full-blown trade war on China. And it’s all a reaction to the way that free trade was rigged to benefit the 1 percent alone. Elites can only blame themselves. Here’s how Glenn Greenwald summed it up in a recent article at The Intercept:

Brexit….could have been a positive development. But that would require that elites…react to the shock of this repudiation by spending some time reflecting on their own flaws, analyzing what they have done to contribute to such mass outrage and deprivation, in order to engage in course correction…

Instead of acknowledging and addressing the fundamental flaws within themselves, they are devoting their energies to demonizing the victims of their corruption, all in order to de-legitimize those grievances and thus relieve themselves of responsibility to meaningfully address them. That reaction only serves to bolster, if not vindicate, the animating perceptions that these elite institutions are hopelessly self-interested, toxic, and destructive and thus cannot be reformed but rather must be destroyed. That, in turn, only ensures that there will be many more Brexits, and Trumps, in our collective future.
(“Brexit is only the latest proof of the insularity and failure of western establishment institutions”, Glenn Greenwald, The Intercept)

Western elites were shocked by Brexit, shocked that all their fear mongering and finger-wagging amounted to nothing. The same is true in the US, where the media’s daily attacks on Trump have failed to erode his base of support at all, in fact, they may have added to it.

Why is that? Why has the media’s repudiation of Trump only increased his popularity and strengthened the resolve of his supporters? Has the media lost its power to influence or is something else going on?

The media hasn’t lost its power, it’s just that personal experience is more powerful than propaganda.

What personal experience are we talking about?

Economic insecurity. Brexit was about economic insecurity. The Trump phenom is about economic insecurity. The rise of left and right-wing groups across Europe and the US is about economic insecurity. This isn’t about ideology, it’s about reality; the reality of not knowing if you’re ever going to be able to retire or put your kids through school or make your house payment or scrape by until payday. The reality of muddling by in an economy where the prospects for survival look worse with every passing day. That’s the reality that made Trump possible, and that’s what this election is about, economic insecurity.

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MikeWhitney lives in Washington state. He is a contributor to Hopeless: Barack Obama and the Politics of Illusion (AK Press). Hopeless is also available in a Kindle edition. He can be reached at [email protected].

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Video: The European Union: Part of America’s Imperial Project

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and James Corbett, July 18 2016

The EU is a Cold War Construct, a US imperial project formulated by the Washington Consensus. The growing movement against EU domination is an anti-imperial initiative of Worldwide significance.

turkeyflagimage5Turkey Between Two Fascisms

By Jooneed Khan, July 19 2016

In Turkey, where the attempted coup failed and arms went silent after 24 hours of clashes and killings, civilian fascism has won over military fascism – even as both competed to project each camp as “the better protector of Democracy”!

GMO labeling

In the Shadow of Monsanto: GMO Regulation and “The Right to Know”

By Colin Todhunter, July 19 2016

The GMO agritech sector and food companies have spent tens of millions of dollars in the US to prevent the labelling of foods containing genetically modified organisms (GMOs). The public have genuine concerns about GM but are being denied the right to know if GMOs are in the food they eat. And the concerns they have are valid.


Washington Is Politicizing The Olympics: Ongoing Attempts to Ban Russia. Geopolitical Implications

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, July 19 2016

Washington and its Canadian vassal are trying to use a Western media-created Russian athletic doping scandal to ban Russian participation in the Olympic games in Brazil. Washington and Canada are pressuring other countries to get on board with Washington’s vendetta against Russia. The vendetta is conducted under the cover of “protecting clean athletics.”

flag-of-the African-Union

African Union Summit Issues E-Passport amid Discussions on Peace and Unity

By Abayomi Azikiwe, July 19 2016

African Union appeals for readmission while organization takes on efforts to resolve conflict in South Sudan African Union (AU) member-states held their 27th Ordinary Assembly of Heads-of-State in Kigali, Rwanda on July 17-18 where historic decisions on the launching of a continental passport and trade zone took center stage marking a stark contrast to recent developments in Europe.


NATO, Germany and “The Dirty War on Syria”

By Prof. Tim Anderson, July 19 2016

Widespread alarm has been expressed across Germany at the announcement of NATO exercises along Russia’s borders, in Poland and the Baltic states. The development came on the anniversary of the defeat of Nazi Germany, and as the conflicts in Ukraine and the NATO-driven war on Syria continue.

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NATO, Germany and “The Dirty War on Syria”

July 19th, 2016 by Prof. Tim Anderson

Widespread alarm has been expressed across Germany at the announcement of NATO exercises along Russia’s borders, in Poland and the Baltic states. The development came on the anniversary of the defeat of Nazi Germany, and as the conflicts in Ukraine and the NATO-driven war on Syria continue.

There is deep unease in Germany over the expansion of NATO operations, in Eastern Europe and the Middle East.

A recent poll showed that only 9% of German people backed NATO’s latest sabre rattling against Russia. Most feel less secure. Demonstrations persist against US bases in Germany which are used for drone warfare.

The German people are very aware that their army invaded the Soviet Union, just three generations ago, with disastrous consequences for both sides. Even Germany foreign minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier criticised the US-led adventures, saying in June that NATO “war-mongering” near Russia’s borders adds fuel to an “old confrontation.” According to RT, two-thirds of Germans agreed with their foreign minister that NATO should abandon its “sabre-rattling”.

Professor Tim Anderson presented the German version of his book  The Dirty War on Syria (Der schmutzige krieg gegen syrien) at the Democracy and Human Rights Centre in Berlin.


A conference in Germany in October will incorporate the war on Syria into discussions of a renewed threat of war in Europe.


The English edition of The Dirty War on Syria, published by Global Research is available here

ISBN Number: 978-0-9737147-8-4
Year: 2016
Author: Tim Anderson
Pages: 240

List Price: $23.95

Special Price: $15.00

Click image to order

Also available in PDF format here

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America’s Police Are Victimized By Their Training?

July 19th, 2016 by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

It is too early to know if the shooting of police in Dallas and Baton Rouge are the beginnings of acts of retribution against police for their wanton murders of citizens. The saying is that “what goes around, comes around.” If police murders of citizens have provoked retribution, police and those who train them need to be honest and recognize that they have brought it upon themselves.

Killings by police have gone on too long. The killings are too gratuitous, and the police have largely escaped accountability for actions that, if committed by private citizens, would result in life imprisonment or the death penalty.

There has been no accountability, because the police unions and the white community rush to the defense of the police. In rare instances when prosecutors bring charges, as in the case of Freddie Gray, the police are not convicted.

Presstitutes treat killings by police as acts of racism, and that is the way the public sees them. This infuriates black communities even more as the indifference of whites to the murders is regarded as racist acceptance of the murder of black people.

In actual fact, police kill more whites than blacks, and often black police are involved in the killings of blacks. For example, of the six police responsible for Freddie Gray’s death, three are black.


The different attitude between whites and blacks to killings by police is explained by the fact that whites assume that police seldom, if ever, behave inappropriately, whereas blacks have witnessed many killings by police and subsequent lack of concern by white communities other than concern that blacks will riot in protest. To blacks it looks like racism. To whites it looks like justice.

As I reported, killings and violent abuse of the public by the police can be explained by the change in their training. The police or many of them are being trained to react as a military occupying a hostile population. An occupying force is taught to protect itself, not the public.


This training works for the Israeli army occupying Palestine, but it does not work on the streets and in the homes of the United States. The Israeli methods have clearly failed for the American public and, if Dallas and Baton Rouge are the beginning stages of retribution, also for the police.

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O pacto de ferro entre a Otan e a União Europeia

July 19th, 2016 by Manlio Dinucci

“Em face dos desafios sem precedentes provenientes do Leste e do Sul, chegou a hora de dar um novo alento e uma nova substância à parceria estratégica Otan-UE”: começa assim a Declaração conjunta assinada na última sexta-feira (8) na Cúpula da Otan de Varsóvia, pelo secretário-geral da Otan, Jens Stoltenberg, o presidente do Conselho Europeu, Donald Tusk, e o presidente da Comissão Europeia, Jean-Claude Junker.

Um cheque em branco para a guerra, que os representantes da União Europeia deram aos Estados Unidos. Efetivamente, são os Estados Unidos que detêm o comando da Otan – da qual fazem parte 22 dos 28 países da União Europeia (21 entre 27 quando o Reino Unido sair da UE) – e imprimem sua estratégia. Enunciado plenamente no comunicado aprovado em 9 de julho pela Cúpula : um documento de 139 pontos – elaborado por Washington quase exclusivamente com Berlim, Paris e Londres – que os demais chefes de Estado e de governo, inclusive o primeiro-ministro italiano Renzi, subscreveram de olhos fechados.

Após estender-se agressivamente para o Leste no interior da ex-URSS e ter organizado o golpe neonazista da Praça Maïdan para reabrir a frente oriental contra a Rússia, a Otan acusa a Rússia de “ações agressivas, desestabilização da Ucrânia, violação dos direitos humanos na Crimeia, atividades militares provocadoras nas fronteiras da Otan no Báltico e no Mar Negro e no Mediterrâneo oriental em apoio ao regime sírio, vontade demonstrada de obter objetivos políticos pela ameaça e pela utilização da força, e uma retórica nuclear agressiva”.

Em face de tudo isso, a Otan “responde” reforçando a “dissuasão” (ou seja, suas forças nucleares na Europa) e sua “presença avançada na parte oriental da Aliança” (ou seja, o deslocamento militar para a fronteira com a Rússia). Trata-se de uma verdadeira declaração de guerra (mesmo se a Otan assegura que “não busca a confrontação com a Rússia”), o que pode fazer saltar pelos ares de um momento a outro não importa que acordo econômico dos países europeus com a Rússia.

Na frente meridional, depois de ter demolido a Líbia por uma ação combinada do interior e do exterior e de ter testado a mesma operação na Síria, (fracassada graças à intervenção russa); após ter armado e treinado grupos terroristas e ter favorecido a formação do chamado Estado Islâmico e sua ofensiva na Síria e Iraque, empurrando ondas de refugiados para a Europa, a Otan se declara “preocupada” pela crise que ameaça a estabilidade regional e a segurança de suas fronteiras meridionais, pela tragédia humanitária dos refugiados; ela “condena” as violências do chamado Estado Islâmico contra os civis e, em termos mais fortes, “o regime sírio e seus apoiadores pela violação do cessar-fogo”. Para “responder a essas ameaças, inclusive as que vêm do sul”, a Otan potencializa suas forças com alta capacidade e poder de deslocamento. Isto requer “investimentos apropriados”, ou seja, uma despesa militar adaptada que os aliados se comprometeram a aumentar.

Dados oficiais publicados pela Otan durante a Cúpula mostram que a despesa militar da Itália em 2015 foi de 17 bilhões e 642 milhões de euros e que a de 2016 está estimada em 19 bilhões e 980 milhões de euros, ou seja, um aumento de 2,3 bilhões de euros. Se temos em conta as despesas militares fora do orçamento da Defesa (missões internacionais, navios de guerra e outros), a despesa é na realidade muito mais elevada. Se nos atemos apenas aos dados da Otan, a Itália em 2016 dispendeu para o setor militar em média 55 milhões de euros por dia.

Enquanto o primeiro-ministro italiano Renzi se pavoneava entre os “grandes” na Cúpula de Varsóvia, e o parlamento (inclusive a oposição) se volta para o outro lado, a Otan e a UE decidem nosso caminho.

Manlio Dinucci

Fonte : Il Manifesto

Tradução de José Reinaldo Carvalho para Resistência


Manlio Dinucci é jornalista e geógrafo italiano


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The term “mandate” has been sluicing through the Australian electoral system in its predictable wash-up. In that particular country, it never matters whether one wins by one vote or a hundred thousand: everyone has a “clear mandate” to do what they damn well wish they think they were encouraged to do.

It is worth remembering that the Australian prime minister, Malcolm Turnbull, took his government, and the country, to an election, and tediously long eight-week campaign, after seeking a double dissolution (that is, of both chambers of Parliament).

That effort was meant to improve his numbers and obtain the proverbial mandate against those in the Senate considered all too obstructionist for his governing – democracy, in other words, is not a matter of all parties but only the majority.

What happened on election night was considerable bloodletting, a brutal display of voter vengeance that could only have been taken one way. It might have been deemed a massacre, and others with a mild acquaintance of their ancient history would have used the term Pyrrhic victory.

In 279 BC, the battle of Asculum in Apulia got that fateful tag with the help of King Pyrrhus of Epicurus.  The Empiriotic forces did endeavour to win the day, but at considerable cost at the hands of the Roman forces commanded by Consul Publius Decius Mus.

As Plutarch noted in Pyrrhus (75 AD), “he had lost a great part of the forces he brought with him, and almost all his particular friends and principal commanders; there were no others there to make recruits, and he found the confederates in Italy backward.”  Far from actually being given any sort of mandate, the election result for the prime minister was a hectoring punishment, a deliverance of sheer disgust.

The government came within a whisker of terribly calculated defeat.  It staved off swings in several crucial seats, and even now, the final seat of Herbert is being mulled over with an eight vote margin. (Labor having won the seat, but pending a recount.)

Even then, Turnbull could say that the Coalition was heading to what might be termed a “solid” majority of a flimsy 77 seats. (Not so, if Herbert is lost.)  “We’ve won the election, that’s the mandate.  All of our policies that we took to the election we will deliver.”

The assessment coming from the machine men – party director Tony Nutt and pollster Mark Textor, both of whom sound like the sorts of implements you would find in an obsolete writing bureau – could only speak in the dry terms of electoral concerns about the economy, and the fact that they should have been more “attack” advertisements.

The point with Nutt is significant. Here he was, the strategist of the Liberal Party, running what was termed an eight-week “dictatorship” of micromanaging constipation.  Liberal party state branches across the country were studiously ignored, while ammunition against the Labor opposition remained unused, if, indeed, it was ever stored up.

An unnamed (of course) source from the Liberal party claimed that Nutt’s time as chief of staff for former Victorian premier Ted Baillieu entailed “doing nothing more than complaining if his tea didn’t come in a cup and saucer and making orders for the stationary cupboard.  He can hardly use an email.”[1]

The result should not have necessarily emboldened the opposition Labor Party either.  Its leaders had already set the tribal trend in motion with the respective acts of internal political assassinations, first against Kevin Rudd, then against Julia Gillard.  Labor deserved to win seats, but not government.

Turnbull has done his cosmetic best with the thinned team he has to work with.  With fewer sitting members, his decision has been to overcompensate: inflate the ministry, bulk it and bulge it in the hope that no one will notice the fewer chairs and voices.

Australia’s government now has the largest cabinet since 1975, with an assortment of positions split like a meal amongst a parsimonious family. Victorian Kelly O’Dwyer found her position on small business removed, with assistant treasurer responsibilities renamed.

The defence portfolio was split, with Christopher Pyne essentially taking over the meaty aspects of shipbuilding and the defence industry more broadly, while the erstwhile Defence Minister Marise Payne finds that a somewhat lesser portion of the pie left. With Pyne busying himself, she won’t have much to play with.

The division is significant in pushing the Turnbull government into a more military frame of mind.  Think defence, think business. This is hardly endearing in a peaceful context, but it certainly will tickle parts of the electorate intoxicated by the link between armaments and money.  Pyne certainly thinks so, seen defence as “an economic and innovation driver as we shift from the post mining construction boom period into a new age of innovation.”[2]

The gesture of creating a grander front bench was not fooling certain Coalition government members.  The faces were bright enough for the swearing in ceremony, but the ceremony could only go so far.  The ever dyed-in-the-wool conservative Eric Abetz noted that the lack of any frontbencher from Tasmania. The opposition leader noted the prevailing issues of female representation and the lack of a tourism portfolio.  Turnbull remains one tainted by the sweet smell of failing success

Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He lectures at RMIT University, Melbourne. Email: [email protected]


[1] http://www.news.com.au/national/federal-election/liberals-line-up-to-attack-coalition-campaign-head-accused-of-running-dictatorship/news-story/c652cbc53304a308c5ee3c61b0e95e46

[2] https://theconversation.com/turnbulls-reshuffle-pyne-nationals-winners-conservatives-get-little-62628

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African Union appeals for readmission while organization takes on efforts to resolve conflict in South Sudan

African Union (AU) member-states held their 27th Ordinary Assembly of Heads-of-State in Kigali, Rwanda on July 17-18 where historic decisions on the launching of a continental passport and trade zone took center stage marking a stark contrast to recent developments in Europe.

The gathering was characterized by optimism in regard to the future of the African continent with a special emphasis on unity, self-sufficiency and conflict resolution.

Newly-elected AU leader Chadian President H.E. Idriss Deby, Chairperson of the African Union, addressed the body expressing his appreciation to the Government of Rwanda for hosting the Summit, saying “Our Union is facing emergency issues on a daily basis, these issues require instant and effective mechanisms to address them.”

African Union 27 Session Participates, July 17-18, 2016

Deby emphasized that the AU Summit was held under the theme “African Year on Human Rights with a particular focus on the Rights of Women”. He said the Summit dealt with important issues with the foresight to exchange views and perspectives on adopting viable solutions for the continent.

Host President Paul Kgame of Rwanda spoke to the need for African unity and the role of a united continent in world affairs. He pointed out that a cohesive African policy would enhance the standing of the AU within the international community.

Kagame said “Then unity of our continent with an emphasis on integration among other things should never be a subject to preconditions or exceptions because lasting solutions always involve everyone. We meet here as the African Union to discuss serious business; beginning with a focus on the rights of Africa’s women and this matter is on the agenda for good reason. If men and women do not stand in solidarity, then we are going to come up short across the board.”

The president then went on emphasizing “We will also address urgent threats to peace and security and elect new leadership for our organization. Good ideas were discussed on financing the African Union. We should be the ones to pay for activities in which everyone has a stake. This puts responsibility and ownership in our hands and we are capable of it and we were shown how to do so and I urge us to move forward with the required political will without delay. We need to start doing things differently and better. If Africa’s challenges are treated as routine it means we have accepted to be held back by them forever. We must all reject that future. An important change in the decision to organize the summit in a way that allows Africa to concentrate on its priorities with fewer distractions in the corridors and lobby’s leads us to thank the chairperson of the AU-Summit, President Idriss Deby and the chairperson of the Commission Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma for the business-like manner in with which they have managed this process from the beginning,” Kagame added.

Women’s Rights and Continental Unity

In her opening address, H.E. Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, the African Union Commission Chairperson, expressed gratitude to the government and people of Rwanda for their outstanding organization of the gathering and its hospitality. Dlamini-Zuma commended President Paul Kagame for leading by example in the field of gender equality and political empowerment in recognizing women as the center of national development inside the Central and East African country.

Dlamini-Zuma said of Rwanda that “We used to hear the people saying that behind any successful man, there is a woman. But in Rwanda we can now say women and men stand side by side to achieve success.”

Rwanda leads the African continent and other areas of the world with the majority of its legislature (64 percent) consisting of women parliamentarians.

On a broader continental level the AUC Chairperson reviewed the programs implemented by the Commission over the last four years under her leadership which included the adoption of Agenda 2063. This plan grew out of the commemoration on May 25, 2013 of the 50th anniversary of the Organization of African Unity (OAU), the predecessor of the AU. The thrust of the report was designed to establish a policy framework leading to the achievement of a continent that is structurally integrated, politically peaceful and economically prosperous– guided by its own citizens determined to play a dynamic role in world affairs.

Dlamini-Zuma reported that Africa is full of promise, potentialities and positivity as it relates to contemporary times and the future. Nonetheless, the current situation is also full of anguish in many areas, where African people are in desperate need of peace and stability in order to rebuild communities and societies.

The AUC Chairperson said “We are encouraged that after the recent problems in South Sudan, the Inter-governmental Authority on Development (IGAD) met yesterday (July 16), and we are sure that their decisions will give hope to the people and especially the civilians of South Sudan.”

Fighting erupted once again earlier in July between two rival factions of the government in Juba which has created concern over the reconciliation process between Republic of South Sudan President Salva Kiir and Vice-President Reik Machar. South Sudan is the world’s youngest nation having gained its independence in 2011 in the aftermath of the partitioning of the Africa’s largest nation-state of Sudan. Now the Republic of Sudan in the North and the Republic of South Sudan in Juba are ruled as separate states.

Dlamini Zuma also said that the Commission stands prepared to hand over the leadership due to an optimistic view for the continent. She noted the satisfaction felt towards the missions achieved during her tenure.

She stressed that “In our years of service to the AU member-states and to the Peoples of Africa, we build on the foundations of those that went before us, to build a Union of the People by engaging with civil society and citizens. We worked tirelessly to ensure that we leave institutions more effective than what we found. This work is not yet complete, and in our handover to the incoming Commission once elected, we shall highlight both achievements and the challenges still remaining.”

Although Dlamini-Zuma was scheduled to handover the AUC to another chairperson, the Summit failed to achieve consensus on a new leader and she will remain in this position until the next meeting scheduled for early 2017. ‘‘The Heads of State have asked us to carry on our duties till the next elections in Jan 2017. We’ll just do that,” Dlamini-Zuma confirmed during remarks at the closing ceremony.

According to Africanews.com, “There were three candidates vying for the post: Uganda’s former vice president Specioza Wandira Kazibwe, Bostwana’s Foreign Minister Pelonomi Venson Moitoi and Agapito Mba Mokuy, Equatorial Guinea’s Foreign Minister. Even though the Botswana candidate got 16 votes to top the poll, it fell short of the two-thirds majority required to emerge winner. The next summit is slated for early next year when the AU will hold new elections to replace Dlamini-Zuma. (July 18)

Morocco to Return to the African Union

Another major development during the course of the 27th Ordinary Session was the appeal by the Kingdom of Morocco to rejoin the AU. The northwest African state left the organization in 1984 when it was still known as the OAU over the recognition by the continental body of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) headed by the Polisario Front (PF), the liberation movement demanding full independence for the former colony of the so-called Spanish Sahara.

Morocco has claimed sovereignty over the area rich in phosphates. An armed struggle by the PF was waged for many years. The United Nations has mandated that internationally-supervised elections by held to determine the future of the Western Sahara. Yet Morocco has refused to abide by the UN resolutions which are supported by the AU.

Being the only African country not a member of the continental body, Moroccan King Mohammed VI made the appeal for readmission through a message to the summit in Rwanda this year saying it was time for Morocco to rejoin its family. The Western Sahara is claimed by Morocco as its “southern province” despite the years-long struggle for national independence supported by progressive forces throughout the world.

In the statement sent to the 27th Ordinary Session by the Kingdom, it says “Today, Morocco wishes resolutely and unequivocally to regain its place within its institutional family and to continue to live up to its responsibilities, with even more resolve and enthusiasm. Morocco firmly believes in the wisdom of the AU and its ability to restore legality and correct mistakes along the way. Our friends have long been asking us to return among them so that Morocco may take its natural place within its institutional family. That time has now come … the time for ideology is over. Our peoples need concrete, tangible action.”

Nonetheless, the AU said it will continue advocating for the full rights of the people in Western Sahara with the objective of holding a referendum on the self-determination and independence of the territory.

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“They create a desert, and they call it peace.” Tacitus

Dear Margot Wallström,

I am writing this letter to bring to your attention and that of the Swedish government the seriousness of the situation in the Iraqi city of Fallujah and to express views about Swedish action in this conflict. I feel deeply concerned about the terrible situation in Iraq. I am writing to you and the government because I am very worried about Sweden´s Iraq policy. The views I am expressing are my own, but also those of the Iraq Solidarity Association.

“Fallujah cannot become a new Ramadi”, writes the International Red Cross in a statement about the growing humanitarian crisis. A sack of flour costs 850 US dollars, small children are starving and people are eating grass in the encircled city.

Ramadi “was liberated” by being destroyed. The civilian population of the city are internal refugees. The bombs of the US-Coalition contributed to death and destruction.

Fallujah was seized by IS roughly two years ago and has since then been bombed by the government. The US-Coalition has also bombed the city for 22 months. Almost 4000 dead civilians have during this period been brought to the Fallujah General Hospital, now the only hospital in Fallujah. Many of the staff have fled and the lack of medicines is great. The hospital is partially destroyed by the government´s attacks. For months the city has been encircled by US-trained government forces with military advisors from both the US and Iran and of feared pro-Iranian, uncontrolled para-military forces. These are committing crimes against international law of the same sort as IS: imprisonment, murder, torture and ethnic cleansing.

The severe war crimes and crimes against human rights being committed by IS, both in areas they control and against innocent civilians in many Iraqi cities, must not hide or diminish the crimes of the US-Coalition, the government or the militia.

A real victory over IS requires even the participation of the Sunni population. Without them Iraq cannot be unified and achieve national reconciliation.

The people who are trying to flee from Fallujah are being shot at by IS and wind up in the hands of the sectarian militias, who separate boys and men from their families and take them away. The presence of the militias hinders the participation of the Sunni population in the fight against IS.

Terrifying stories of murder and torture are retold by refugees -and other organisations that take care of traumatised refugees- frightened to death of both IS and sectarian militias. These include the infamous Badr militia that with the good memory of the US spread death and destruction among Sunni Muslims and other opposition during the occupation years. They now control Iraq´s Ministry of the Interior.

On the 6th of June the UN High Commissioner warned about the illegal attacks on those fleeing and demanded that the perpetrators be held accountable.

Even the population of Mosul fears the coming attempt to take the city. It has been terror bombed for a long time by the US-Coalition and the government. Infrastructures, such as electricity plants and water facilities, essential for the civilian population, have been destroyed.

On the 19th of March this year the US-Coalition bombed the University of Mosul and killed 95 civilians, including many teachers and their families. A hundred people were wounded. Prime Minister Abadi as we as the Chief of the Badr miitia have announced that the militias shall participate in “the liberation” of Mosul.

It is obvious that Iraq, as a consequence of the US invasion and occupation in 2003, is a collapsed state with a dysfunctional regime where no institutions function. Enormous contradictions exist within the ruling political class. The population has had enough and has shown it in massive demonstrations throughout the country since 2011. Now recently the Iraqi parliament was taken over by overwhelmingly Shiite, dissatisfied protesters. Four demonstrators were shot to death. The protesters blame the government for the lack of security: the poor in Sadr City, in Shiite market places and neighbourhoods are exposed to terrifying attacks from i.e. car bombs.

The Assistant UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Kate Gilmore, underlines that “the country is politically paralysed” and warned the international community of being “co-responsible” to the Iraqi government´s disinterest in the suffering of the Iraqi people, of not having a plan for the future and on only focusing on war. In her report after a recent visit to Iraq she stressed that Iraq needs a “competent and committed government for national unity”. Political and diplomatic solutions are needed for all of Iraq´s people, and she regretted the Iraq´s internal refugees are getting too little international assistance.

We in the Iraq Solidarity Association, like you and the government, want to combat the bloodstained discredited IS- warriors. Many well-known Middle East experts reject however mass bombing as a method to destroy IS, while the US stresses that “the war on terror” may continue for decades and escalates its military presence in Iraq. It is primarily the civilian population which is afflicted with death and destruction from the air attacks.

Many we-known commentators have quoted the Roman Senator Tacitus: “They create a desert, and they call it peace.” They believe this is what the US bombing is achieving.

In the government proposal on “The Continued Swedish participation in the military education contribution in northern Iraq” the government provides clear support for the US-Coalition bombings. “They have been a pre-condition for the Iraqi Defence Forces and those armed militia allied with them – the so called Popular Mobilization Units – being successful in liberating parts of Iraq from ISIL”, writes the government which is conscious that parts of the armed forces and the militias commit war crimes against the civilian population.

In the Foreign Policy Committee Proposal (2015/16:UU12) it is stated that the Committee supports “the international Coalition against Daish and welcomes that Sweden is part of the core group of the coalition”.

The Pentagon has recently expressed that it is acceptable with 10 dead civilians. Far more civilians are being killed, but there is total silence in this question and denial on the part of the US. There is also total silence about the enormous destruction of infrastructure.

During the 2003-11 occupation the US committed all kinds of conceivable war crimes. No responsible person has been made to face charges. International law is not applied to the US. It is difficult to believe that the people of Fallujah now welcome these new bombings of their city, which the US to a large extent destroyed in two massive attacks in 2004, when thousands of civilians were killed. Collective punishment is a war crime!

Terror bombing can never contribute to a solution of Iraq´s problems. Is it reasonable to believe that Iraq´s people welcome bombings carried out by the state that enforced devastating sanctions and destroyed the country during the Gulf War and that was in the forefront for the illegal invasion and occupation?

Why does the government express support for the armed militias which commit terrible crimes against parts of the population and which the (Iraqi) government does not control or hold responsible for the war crimes committed?

Swedish military should not intervene in the ongoing war in Iraq. Rather, Sweden should invest even more in humanitarian aid to Iraq´s internally displaced refugees, not least those fleeing from Fallujah.

Sweden should in the UN and other international organisations lead the way for political and diplomatic solutions and make great efforts so that a national non-sectarian Iraqi unity government comes into existence, a government that works for the best of all Iraqi ethnic and religious groups.

Those responsible in the US and in Great Britain must be held responsible for the unlawful attack on Iraq and for the war crimes committed! International law must be defended in Iraq and justice given to Iraq´s people!

Stockholm June 16, 2016

With kind regards,

Sigyn Meder,

Chair of the Iraq Solidarity Association in Sweden

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Otan/Exit, objetivo vital

July 19th, 2016 by Manlio Dinucci

Enquanto a atenção político-midiática está concentrada no Brexit e outros possíveis descolamentos da União Europeia (UE), a Otan, com a desatenção geral, aumenta sua presença e sua influência na Europa. O secretário geral Stoltenberg, tendo tomado conhecimento de que “o povo britânico decidiu sair da União Europeia”, assegura que “o Reino Unido continuará a jogar seu papel dirigente na Otan”. Ele sublinha assim que, diante da crescente instabilidade e incerteza, “A Otan é mais importante do que nunca como base da cooperação entre os aliados europeus e entre a Europa e a América do Norte”.

No momento em que a UE se fissura e perde pedaços, pela rebelião de vastos setores populares deteriorados pelas políticas “comunitárias” e sob o efeito de suas próprias rivalidades internas, a Otan se coloca, de uma maneira mais explícita do que nunca, como base de união entre os Estados europeus. Estes se encontram desta maneira engatados e ainda mais subordinados aos Estados Unidos, os quais reforçam sua liderança nessa aliança.

A Cúpula da Otan de chefes de Estado e de governo, que se realizará em 8 e 9 de julho em Varsóvia, foi preparada por um encontro (13 e 14 de junho) entre os ministros da defesa, ampliado à Ucrânia, que contudo não faz parte oficialmente da Otan. No encontro decidiu-se aumentar a “presença avançada” na Europa Oriental, na fronteira da Rússia, deslocando rotativamente quatro batalhões multinacionais nos Estados bálticos e na Polônia. Esse deslocamento pode ser rapidamente reforçado, como o demonstrou um exercício da “Força máxima” durante o qual um milhar de soldados e 400 veículos foram transferidos em quatro dias da Espanha à Polônia. Com esse mesmo objetivo decidiu-se aumentar a presença naval da Otan no Báltico e no Nar Negro, nas fronteiras das águas territoriais russas. Ao mesmo tempo, a Otan projetará mais forças militares, incluindo aviões radar Awacs, no Mediterrâneo, no Oriente Médio e na África.

Na mesma reunião, os ministros da defesa se comprometeram a aumentar em 2016 a despesa militar em mais de três bilhões de dólares da Otan (que, considerando apenas os orçamentos da defesa, monta a mais da metade da mundial), e a continuar a aumentar nos próximos anos. Eis as preliminares da Cúpula de Varsóvia, que se propõe três objetivos chave: “reforçar a dissuasão” (ou seja, as forças nucleares da Otan na Europa); “projetar a estabilidade além das fronteiras da Aliança” (ou seja, projetar as forças militares no Oriente Médio, na África e Ásia, inclusive além do Afeganistão); “ampliar a cooperação com a UE” (ou seja, integrar ainda mais as forças europeias na Otan sob o comando dos EUA).

A crise da UE, que emergiu com o Brexit, facilita o projeto de Washington: levar a Otan a um nível superior, criando um bloco militar, político e econômico (através do TTIP) EUA-UE, sempre sob comando estadunidense, oposto à área euro-asiática em ascensão, fundada sobre a aliança Rússia-China. Nesse quadro, a afirmação do primeiro-ministro italiano Renzi no fórum de São Petersburgo, de que “a palavra guerra fria está fora da história e da realidade, pois a UE e a Rússia se tornam excelentes vizinhos”, é tragicamente grotesca. O enterro do gasoduto South Stream Rússia-Itália e as sanções contra a Rússia, ambos sob as ordens de Washington, já fizeram com que a Itália perdesse bilhões de euros. E os novos contratos assinados em São Petersburgo podem ir aos ares a qualquer momento no terreno minado pela escalada da Otan contra a Rússia. Escalada na qual o governo Renzi participa. Enquanto ele declara que a guerra fria está fora da realidade, colabora com a instalação na Itália de novas bombas nucleares estadunidenses para o ataque contra a Rússia.

Manlio Dinucci



Tradução : José Reinaldo Carvalho  Editor do site Resistência

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La Nato e il «golpe» turco

July 19th, 2016 by Manlio Dinucci

Erdogan in fuga che vola sull’Europa alla ricerca di un governo che gli conceda l’asilo politico, i golpisti ormai al potere perché occupano la televisione e i ponti sul Bosforo, Washington e le capitali europee, perfino la Nato, colte di sorpresa dal golpe: queste le prime «notizie» dalla Turchia. Una più falsa dell’altra. Emerge anzitutto il fatto che, pur nella sua tragicità (centinaia di morti e migliaia di arresti), quella in Turchia si presenta come la messinscena di un colpo di stato.

I golpisti non cercano di catturare Erdogan, ufficialmente in vacanza sul Mar Egeo, ma gli lasciano tutto il tempo per spostarsi. Occupano simbolicamente la televisione di stato, ma non oscurano le emittenti private filogovernative e Internet, permettendo a Erdogan di usarle per il suo «appello al popolo». Bombardano simbolicamente il parlamento di Ankara, quando è vuoto. Occupano i ponti sul Bosforo non in piena notte, ma in modo plateale la sera quando la città è affollata, mettendosi così in trappola. Non occupano invece le principali arterie, lasciando campo libero alle forze governative.

L’azione, pur destinata al fallimento, ha richiesto la preparazione e mobilitazione di migliaia di uomini, mezzi corazzati e aerei. Impossibile che la Nato fosse all’oscuro di ciò che si stava preparando. In Turchia c’è una rete di importanti basi Nato sotto comando Usa, ciascuna dotata di un proprio apparato di itelligence. Nella gigantesca base di Incirlik, da cui opera l’aviazione statunitense e alleata, sono depositate almeno 50 bombe nucleari Usa B-61, destinate ad essere sostituite dalle nuove B61-12. A Izmir c’è il Comando terrestre alleato (Landcom), ossia il comando addetto alla preparazione e al coordinamento di tutte le forze terrestri della Nato, agli ordini del generale Usa Darryl Williams, già comandante dello U.S. Army Africa a Vicenza. Il quartiere generale di Izmir è stato visitato alla fine di giugno dal nuovo Comandante supremo alleato in Europa, il generale Usa Curtis Scaparrotti.

Oltre ai comandi e alle basi ufficiali, Usa e Nato hanno in Turchia una rete coperta di comandi e basi costituita per la guerra alla Siria e altre operazioni. Come ha documentato anche un’inchiesta del New York Times, nel quadro di una rete internazionale organizzata dalla Cia, dal 2012 è arrivato nella base aerea turca di Esenboga un flusso incessante di armi, acquistate con miliardi di dollari forniti dall’Arabia Saudita e altre monarchie del Golfo, che sono state fornite attraverso il confine turco ai «ribelli» in Siria e anche all’Isis/Daesh,.

Forniti di passaporti falsi (specialità Cia), migliaia di combattenti islamici sono affluiti nelle province turche di Adana e Hatai, confinante con la Siria, dove la Cia ha aperto centri di formazione militare.

È quindi del tutto falsa la «notizia», diffusa in questi giorni, che Washington non gradisce un alleato come Erdogan perché questi sostiene sottobanco l’Isis/Daesh. Ancora non ci sono elementi fondati per capire se c’è, e in quale misura, una incrinatura nei rapporti tra Ankara e Washington e soprattutto quali nei siano i motivi reali. Accusando  Fethullah Gulen, residente negli Usa dal 1999 e alleato di Erdogan fino al 2013, di aver ispirato il golpe, e richiedendone l’estradizione, Erdogan gioca al rialzo, per ottenere dagli Usa e dagli alleati europei maggiori contropartite per il «prezioso ruolo» (come l’ha definito Stoltenberg il 16 luglio) della Turchia nella Nato.

Intanto Erdogan fa piazza pulita degli oppositori, mentre la Mogherini avverte che, se usa la pena di morte, la Turchia non può entrare nella Ue, poiché ha firmato la Convenzione sui diritti umani.

Manlio Dinucci

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Il patto d’acciaio Nato-Ue

July 19th, 2016 by Manlio Dinucci

«Di fronte alle sfide senza precedenti provenienti da Est e da Sud, è giunta l’ora di dare nuovo impeto e nuova sostanza alla partnership strategica Nato-Ue»: così esordisce la Dichiarazione congiunta firmata l’8 luglio, al Summit Nato di Varsavia, dal segretario generale della Nato Jens Stoltenberg, dal presidente del Consiglio europeo Donald Tusk e dal presidente della Commissione europea Jean-Claude Juncker.

Una cambiale in bianco per la guerra, che i rappresentanti dell’Unione europea hanno messo in mano agli Stati uniti. Sono infatti gli Usa che detengono il comando della Nato – di cui fanno parte 22 dei 28 paesi dell’Unione europea (21 su 27 una volta uscita dalla Ue la Gran Bretagna) – e le imprimono la loro strategia. Enunciata appieno nel comunicato approvato il 9 luglio dal Summit: un documento in 139 punti – concordato da Washington quasi esclusivamente con Berlino, Parigi e Londra – che gli altri capi di stato e di governo, compreso il premier Renzi, hanno sottoscritto a occhi chiusi.

Dopo essersi estesa aggressivamente ad Est fin dentro il territorio dell’ex Urss e aver organizzato il putsch neonazista di piazza Maidan per riaprire il fronte orientale contro la Russia, la Nato accusa la Russia di «azioni aggressive, destabilizzazione dell’Ucraina, violazione dei diritti umani in Crimea, attività militari provocatorie ai confini della Nato nel Baltico e Mar Nero e nel Mediterraneo orientale a sostegno del regime siriano, dimostrata volontà di ottenere scopi politici con la minaccia e l’uso della forza, aggressiva retorica nucleare».

Di fronte a tutto questo, la Nato «risponde» rafforzando la «deterrenza» (ossia le sue forze nucleari in Europa) e la «presenza avanzata nella parte orientale dell’Alleanza» (ossia lo schieramento militare a ridosso della Russia). Una vera e propria dichiarazione di guerra (anche se la Nato assicura che «non cerca il confronto con la Russia»), che può far saltare da un momento all’altro qualunque accordo economico dei paesi europei con la Russia.

Sul fronte meridionale, dopo aver demolito la Libia con una azione combinata dall’interno e dall’esterno e aver tentato la stessa operazione in Siria (fallita per l’intervento russo); dopo aver armato e addestrato gruppi terroristi e aver favorito la formazione dell’Isis/Daesh e la sua offensiva in Siria e Iraq, spingendo ondate di profughi verso l’Europa, la Nato si dichiara «preoccupata» per la crisi che minaccia la stabilità regionale e la sicurezza dei suoi confini meridionali, per la tragedia umanitaria dei profughi; «condanna» le violenze dell’Isis/Daesh contro i civili e, in termini più forti, «il regime siriano e i suoi sostenitori per la violazione del cessate il fuoco».

Per «rispondere a queste minacce, comprese quelle da sud», la Nato potenzia le sue forze ad alta capacità e dispiegabilità. Ciò richiede «appropriati investimenti», ossia una adeguata spesa militare che gli alleati si sono impegnati ad accrescere.

Dalle cifre ufficiali pub-blicate dalla Nato durante il Summit, risulta che la spesa militare dell’Italia nel 2015 è stata di 17 miliardi 642 milioni di euro e che quella del 2016 è stimata in 19 miliardi 980 milioni di euro, ossia aumentata di 2,3 miliardi. Tenendo conto delle spese militari extra budget della Difesa (missioni internazionali, navi da guerra e altre), la spesa è in realtà molto più alta. Stando alla sola cifra della Nato, l’Italia nel 2016 spende in media per il militare circa 55 milioni di euro al giorno.

Mentre il premier Renzi si pavoneggia tra i «grandi» al Summit di Varsavia, e il parlamento (opposizioni comprese) gira la testa dall’altra parte, la Nato e la Ue decidono della nostra vita.

Manlio Dinucci


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Nato/Exit, obiettivo vitale

July 19th, 2016 by Manlio Dinucci

Mentre l’attenzione politico-mediatica è concentrata sulla Brexit e su possibili altri scollamenti della Ue, la Nato, nella generale disattenzione, accresce la sua presenza e influenza in Europa. Il segretario generale Stoltenberg, preso atto che «il popolo britannico ha deciso di lasciare l’Unione europea», assicura che «il Regno Unito continuerà a svolgere il suo ruolo dirigente nella Nato». Sottolinea quindi che, di fronte alla crescente instabilità e incertezza, «la Nato è più importante che mai quale base della cooperazione tra gli alleati europei e tra l’Europa e il Nordamerica».

Nel momento in cui la Ue si incrina e perde pezzi, per la ribellione di vasti settori popolari danneggiati dalle politiche «comunitarie» e per effetto delle sue stesse rivalità interne, la Nato si pone, in modo più esplicito che mai, quale base di unione tra gli stati europei. Essi vengono in tal modo agganciati e subordinati ancor più agli Stati uniti d’America, i quali rafforzano la loro leadership in questa alleanza.

Il Summit Nato dei capi di stato e di governo, che si terrà a Varsavia l’8-9 luglio, è stato preparato da un incontro (13-14 giugno) tra i ministri della difesa, allargato all’Ucraina pur non facendo essa parte ufficialmente della Nato. Nell’incontro è stato deciso di accrescere la «presenza avanzata» nell’Europa orientale, a ridosso della Russia, schierando a rotazione quattro battaglioni multinazionali negli stati baltici e in Polonia.

Tale schieramento può essere rapidamente rafforzato, come ha dimostrato una esercitazione della «Forza di punta» durante la quale un migliaio di soldati e 400 veicoli militari sono stati trasferiti in quattro giorni dalla Spagna alla Polonia. Per lo stesso fine è stato deciso di accrescere la presenza navale Nato nel Baltico e nel Mar Nero, ai limiti delle acque territoriali russe. Contemporaneamente la Nato proietterà più forze militari, compresi aerei radar Awacs, nel Mediterraneo, in Medioriente e Africa.

Nella stessa riunione, i ministri della difesa si sono impegnati ad aumentare nel 2016 di oltre 3 miliardi di dollari la spesa militare Nato (che, stando ai soli bilanci della difesa, ammonta a oltre la metà di quella mondiale), e a continuare ad accrescerla nei prossimi anni. Queste sono le premesse dell’imminente Summit di Varsavia, che si pone tre obiettivi chiave: «rafforzare la deterrenza» (ossia le forze nucleari Nato in Europa); «proiettare stabilità al di là dei confini dell’Alleanza» (ossia proiettare forze militari in Medioriente, Africa e Asia, anche oltre l’Afghanistan); «allargare la cooperazione con la Ue» (ossia integrare ancor più le forze europee nella Nato sotto comando Usa).

La crisi della Ue, emersa con la Brexit, facilita il progetto di Washington: portare la Nato a un livello superiore, creando un blocco militare, politico ed economico (tramite il Ttip) Usa-Ue, sempre sotto comando Usa, contrapposto all’area eurasiatica in ascesa, basata sull’alleanza Russia-Cina. In tale quadro, l’affermazione del premier Renzi al forum di San Pietroburgo, «la parola guerra fredda è fuori dalla storia e dalla realtà, Ue e Russia tornino ad essere ottimi vicini di casa», è tragicamente grottesca. L’affossamento del gasdotto South Stream Russia-Italia e le sanzioni contro la Russia, ambedue per ordine di Washington, hanno già fatto perdere all’Italia miliardi di euro. E i nuovi contratti firmati a San Pietroburgo possono saltare in qualsiasi momento sul terreno minato della escalation Nato contro la Russia. Alla quale partecipa il governo Renzi che, mentre dichiara la guerra fredda fuori dalla realtà, collabora allo schieramento in Italia delle nuove bombe nucleari Usa per l’attacco alla Russia.

Manlio Dinucci
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Turkey Between Two Fascisms

July 19th, 2016 by Jooneed Khan

In Turkey, where the attempted coup failed and arms went silent after 24 hours of clashes and killings, civilian fascism has won over military fascism – even as both competed to project each camp as “the better protector of Democracy”!

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, elected in 2014 and whose AKP party swept back to power with 52% of the votes last November, repeated through the crisis that he and his government represented democratic legitimacy and blamed the putschist “treason” on “a handful of military people” close to his Islamist rival Fethullah Gülen, living in self-exile in the US.

In a country where the military sees itself as the guardian of Kemalist legitimacy and has often seized power by coups d’État in the past, the putsch leaders this time accused Erdogan and his team of violating the constitution, perverting democracy, expanding and deepening corruption, putting “internal and regional peace” at risk, and rushing towards authoritarianism.

Restoring the Death Penalty

Back in power in Ankara yesterday from his base in Istanbul, where he was mayor once and where he stayed throughout the crisis, Erdogan quickly told the coup participants, 2800 of whom were behind bars, that he would “make them pay dearly for their treason” – a threat he has effectively implemented against critical journalists, political rivals and dissenters, and the Kurdish minority fighting for its human and national rights.

He called for the extradition of Gülen from theUSand of eight coup participants fromGreecewhere they landed in a military helicopter. He made of the Gülen issue a test ofUSfriendship – with theUSkeeping a nuclear arsenal atTurkey’s Incirlik Air Base.Turkey’s borders were closed to prevent further escapes. And he pledged to restore the death penalty – abolished in 2002 to prepareTurkey’s entry into the EU. And deep purges are under way in all sectors of public life, army included.

He called the coup attempt “a gift from Heaven”  – a statement which led many to opine Erdogan had staged the coup himself for his own political ends. Gülen quickly told The Guardian at hisPennsylvaniaretreat he too suspected Erdogan to have staged the coup. He said he was opposed to coups, having suffered personally at the hands of the military. “Turkeycannot go back on Democracy”, he added grandly.

Abandonments and Betrayals

Interesting parallel: after Russia intervened decisively to back up the Assad régime against Daesh/ISIS inSyria, Erdogan accused theUSof leavingTurkeyin the lurch – one reason perhaps of his rapprochement with Putin. Similarly, Daesh/ISIS turned againstTurkeyand other NATO countries, includingFrance, for their betrayal of the cause of the “Levant Caliphate” afterRussiastepped in…

The official toll of the coup attempt rose yesterday to 265 killed and 1.400 wounded. Rescued by the courageous mobilization of his supporters, predominantly young males, in the streets ofIstanbulandAnkara, Erdogan is set to re-launch his agendas of president-dictator-sultan on the Saudi model and of neo-ottoman expansionism inCentral Asiaand the Arab countries. He is only 35-40 MPs short of the majority needed to pass his supreme-presidency constitutional reform – but his triumph over the true-false coup gives him a free hand to push for one-man rule, with a cowed and tamed military in tow.

Neo-Con warmongers who run the US/EU/NATO Empire’s military combine, and who are charting a warpath againstRussiafor the post-Obama administration, would have applauded to see the back of Erdogan after he reconciled with Putin and began looking East towardsEurasia. But the coup attempt was too amateurish and improvised to have been a NATO Hawk operation, according to many observers. This does not preclude that NATO political Doves may have colluded in Erdogan’s “coup” mise-en-scène…

Eclipse of the Turkish Left

In all of this brown and grey theatre, the Turkish Left is conspicuously absent. The Left these days is in alliance with the Kurds in the People’s Democracy Party (HDP). But from the June to the November 2015 parliamentary elections, the HDP lost more than half of its MPs (dropping from 80 to 30), while the AKP regained its absolute majority with 325 of the 550 seats in Parliament.

This bad drama of desperation has eclipsed, momentarily one hopes, theTurkeyof writers like Nazim Hikmet, Yasar Kemal, Sabahattin Ali, Elif Shafak, of film-makers like Yilmaz Güney, Semih Kaplanoglu, Nuri Bilgi Ceyhan, Orhan Eskikoy, or even of political leaders like Bulent Ecevit.Turkeyis polarized not just between civilians and the military, but also between secularists and islamists. The 99% versus the 1% polarization seems late in coming. The Turkish Left continues to smoulder under the ashes.

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We at the Syrian American Will Association (SAWA) are writing to you, the great American people.  We are a U.S. civic, social, and educational association established by Americans of Syrian origin who are concerned that the American government policy toward Syria is harming the national interest of the United States, and is having a catastrophic impact on the Syrian people.  As set out in our Mission Statement, we are determined to bring to U.S. policymakers, the media, and the general public a better understanding of the true situation in Syria; especially why we oppose U.S. government support to the so-called “Moderate Syrian Opposition” who in reality are overwhelmingly not Syrian but are foreign terrorists and criminals..

The fate of Syria should not matter only to Syrians and Syrian-Americans BUT to ALL AMERICANS regardless of party identification, religion, or national origin.  To put it plainly, the U.S. government policy toward Syria is undermining American interests and threatening the safety of Americans, HERE IN OUR OWN COUNTRY.  Whether direct or indirect, the U.S. government support for Syrian fundamentalist fighters and foreign groups destroying Syria and terrorizing the Syrian people is a terrible mistake, which can only result in a heightened threat to the region, and ultimately the world and to the United States.  We at SAWA are working to help stop this mistake, but we need your help.

No American can forget the terrible day on September 11, 2001, when jihad terrorists affiliated with al-Qaeda attacked our country.  Since then al-Qaeda has been held up as the epitome of the terrorist threat to the U.S. Why then is the U.S. government – the Obama Administration and many in Congress in both parties pursuing a policy in Syria that STRENGTHENS THE LOCAL AL-QAEDA AFFILIATED ALONG WITH ALLIED TERRORIST GROUPS?  While THE U.S. government formally claiming only to support “vetted moderate opposition”  IN REALITY Washington, in collaboration with key regional allies is cooperating with and tacitly supporting all terrorists groups

The same groups that are backed by a range of foreign power, including Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey; who are competing for influence in Syria and to make Syria an Islamic country instead of being a secular one.

Supporting such groups will not be successful in overthrowing the Syrian government.  The majority of the Syrian people know that for them this is a simple matter of survival for themselves, their families, and their country. The large majority of Syrians know they must defeat these foreign terrorists and create the opportunity to work for a peaceful, prosperous, democratic, and secular future but even so by letting countries like Saudi Arabia and Turkey to keep setting the direction of the U.S. government policy will keep the war in Syria burning and prolong the suffering of the Syrian people.  It will also mean more money and arms going to strengthen the terrorists and incubating a threat to the United States and Americans here at home.  

The best outcome in Syria for U.S. government interests is to stay away and stop supporting the illegal groups fighting the legitimate Syrian government, furthermore, pressure the regional power allies to stop interfering in the Syrian situation.  Syrians can work out their own affairs, and will reject the kind of poison represented by western media coverage that want us to believe this is a religious civil war among the Syrians.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  This is a huge propaganda line from outside sponsors of terrorism against Syria who wish to impose and place their narrow sectarian tyranny in place of a secular state supported by the majority of Syrians representing the whole nation.

We at SAWA support a united, sovereign, secular, and democratic Syria free of foreign interference, under the authority of the current constitution of the Syrian Arab Republic and the will of the Syrian people.  We seek a positive and mutually beneficial future relationship between the United States and Syria, as two sovereign countries that together can make an essential contribution to human civilization, and in particular the defense of civilization against terrorist groups.

But that future is hard to see as long as the U.S. policymakers are undermining our own country’s interests by helping anti-Syrian terrorists.  The supply of American taxpayers’ money and U.S. weapons to terrorist groups must be stopped. 

American aid to all armed groups in Syria, whether labeled “vetted moderates” or not, needs to be halted, and Washington needs to pressure our allies to do likewise.  The stated goal of the American government policy of overthrowing the legal elected government of Syria which is the only real force fighting against the terrorists needs to be ended.

We at SAWA ask for your support in getting this message to American policymakers.  Please write to your Senators and Congressmen, to President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry, and tell them:

I am opposed to American aid to all groups and any group that is fighting the legitimate government of Syria. We the American people need to stop  trying to overthrow the elected Syrian government and instead support a peaceful negotiated solution among the Syrians themselves only.

We welcome your contributions and membership to work together with SAWA to change a policy that it not in America’s interest.

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On Monday, 18 July 2016, the British government will seek the approval of parliament for its proposal to renew the UK’s Trident nuclear weapons system. This involves the replacement of the four British-built submarines from which US-supplied Trident II missiles carrying nuclear warheads manufactured in Britain can be launched. The first of the replacement submarines is planned to enter service in the early 2030s.

The last Labour government initiated the process of replacement by publishing a White Paper, The Future of the United Kingdom’s Nuclear Deterrent, in December 2006. This recommended that the new system should provide “continuous at-sea deterrence” (CASD) as the current one does – in other words, that at least one submarine be on patrol armed with Trident missiles at any time.

The White Paper asserts that the UK needs nuclear weapons:

to deter and prevent nuclear blackmail and acts of aggression against our vital interests that cannot be countered by other means” (Paragraph 3-4)

Obviously, this reasoning applies with even greater force to weaker states, like Iran, that are threatened by stronger ones, like the US and Israel. Indeed, on the basis of this reasoning, it is impossible to avoid the conclusion that every state should get nuclear weapons, if it can possibly afford them.

The key question for those who assert the UK’s right to possess nuclear weapons is how can they reasonably deny that right to any other state in the world?

The White Paper proposal was approved by the House of Commons in March 2007 by 409 votes to 161, the Labour government enjoying solid support from the Conservative MPs for its proposal. However, around a quarter of Labour MPs defied their government and joined the Liberal Democrats, the SNP and Plaid Cymru in voting against.

The final decision will be taken on Monday. The outcome is not in doubt: with an overall majority in the House of Commons, the Conservative government can win the vote on its own. Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn is opposed to nuclear weapons but a majority of his MPs will vote in favour. The Liberal Democrats, the SNP and Plaid Cymru will again oppose. There is little doubt that the UK will have a submarine-based nuclear weapons system that could remain operational into the 2060s.

The official estimate of the cost of building the replacement submarines is now £31 bn (US$42 bn), up from £25 bn in 2011 (see House of Commons Briefing Paper, Replacing the UK’s ‘Trident’ Nuclear Deterrent, 12 July 2016).  A contingency of £10 bn will also be set aside, giving an upper-end estimate of the submarine acquisition cost of £41 bn.  As for the in-service costs of the nuclear weapons system as a whole, the Commons Briefing Paper suggests that might be as much as £140 bnn over its projected 30-year lifetime.

Deterrent independent?

Conservative and Labour advocates for the retention of the Trident system invariably describe it as an “independent” nuclear deterrent. For instance, on 9 April 2015, Defence Secretary Michael Fallon said that, if a Labour government scrapped it, this “would shatter the 60-year consensus that has existed among governments of all colours in favour of an operationally independent nuclear deterrent”. Labour responded by insisting that “Labour is committed to maintaining a minimum, credible, independent nuclear deterrent, delivered through a ‘continuous at-sea deterrent’.” But is Britain’s nuclear deterrent really “independent”?

At least eight (and perhaps nine) states ­in the world now possess functional nuclear weapons and the means of delivering them. All of them, bar one, manufacture and maintain their own nuclear weapons and the means of delivering them. All of them, bar one, have complete control over the use of their systems. In other words, all of them, bar one, possess what can reasonably be described as an “independent” nuclear deterrent that doesn’t rely on another state to provide vital parts of it.

The exception is Britain. China has an “independent” nuclear deterrent. So has France, India, Israel, Pakistan, Russia and the US – and perhaps North Korea. Britain hasn’t.

Unlike other states that have nuclear weapons systems, Britain is dependent on another state to manufacture an essential element of its only nuclear weapons system – the Trident missiles that are supposed to carry Britain’s weapons to target. These are manufactured by Lockheed Martin in the US.

And Britain’s dependence on the US doesn’t end with the purchase of the missiles – Britain depends on the US Navy to service the missiles as well.  A common pool of missiles is maintained at the US Strategic Weapons facility at Kings Bay, Georgia, USA, from which the US itself and Britain draw serviced missiles as required.

There is some doubt about the degree of “operational” independence that Britain enjoys in respect of its nuclear weapons system (of which more later). But there is no doubt that Britain is dependent on the US for the manufacture and maintenance of a key element of the system. So, to call it an “independent” nuclear deterrent is fraudulent.

Independent foreign policy?

The plain truth is that, if Britain doesn’t maintain friendly relations with the US, then it won’t have a functional nuclear weapons system, despite having spent billions of pounds of British taxpayers’ money on it – because the US would simply cease providing Britain with serviceable Trident missiles.

So, there is a strong incentive for Britain to follow the US in foreign policy, since independence from the US in foreign policy could lead to its nuclear weapons system becoming non-functional. Sustained opposition to the US in foreign policy certainly would. As long as Britain is tied to the US by a requirement for US-supplied and maintained missiles for its nuclear weapons system, it cannot have a wholly independent foreign policy.

In these circumstances, it is highly unlikely that Britain would use its nuclear weapons system to strike a target without the approval of the US, whether or not it is theoretically possible for Britain to do so. So, it is absurd to describe it as an “independent” nuclear deterrent.

The above applies to the UK’s current nuclear weapons system. But it applies equally to the proposed replacement. To ask the British taxpayer to fork out upwards of £200 bn in the pretence that the UK will continue to possess an “independent” nuclear deterrent is fraudulent.

Surprisingly, the December 2006 White Paper conceded that our US-dependent nuclear deterrent will become non-functional if relations sour with the US.  Paragraph 4-7 puts it this way:

“We continue to believe that the costs of developing a nuclear deterrent relying solely on UK sources outweigh the benefits. We do not see a good case for making what would be a substantial additional investment in our nuclear deterrent purely to insure against a, highly unlikely, deep and enduring breakdown in relations with the US. We therefore believe that it makes sense to continue to procure elements of the system from the US.”

Operationally independent?

British governments have always insisted that Britain’s nuclear weapons system is “operationally” independent of the US. The December 2006 White Paper (4-6) states that “the UK’s current nuclear deterrent is fully operationally independent of the US”. Apparently, if a British prime minister decides to press the nuclear button, it is impossible for the US to stop the launch of missiles or prevent them from delivering British nuclear warheads to the selected target. Maybe so.

Is a British prime minister really free to strike any target he/she chooses in this world with nuclear weapons, at a time of his choosing, using US-supplied missiles? I doubt that the US would sell any foreign power – even a close ally – a weapons system with which the foreign power is free to do catastrophic damage to US allies, not to mention the US itself. Surely, the US must have a mechanism, under its explicit control, to prevent the targeting of states that it doesn’t want targeted?

David Morrison is the co-author of  A Dangerous Delusion: Why the West is Wrong about Nuclear Iran (published by Elliott & Thompson, 2013). Morrison has written many articles on the US-led invasion of Iraq.

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Newly installed U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May is prepared to authorize a nuclear strike that could kill hundreds of thousands of innocent people.

So she said before Parliament on Monday, as the body debated whether to renew Trident, Britain’s aging nuclear weapons system.

According to the Independent, May was challenged on her support for the program by the SNP’s George Kerevan, who asked: “Are you prepared to authorize a nuclear strike that could kill hundreds of thousands of men, women and children?”

May replied with one word: “Yes.”

Later, when it was his turn to speak, Labour party leader Jeremy Corbyn countered that he “would not take a decision that kills millions of innocent people,” saying: ”

I do not believe the threat of mass murder is a legitimate way to go about international relations.”

Corbyn’s stance puts him at odds with the official stance of his party, a fact that was not lost during the debate, which comes amid intense Labour infighting.

Meanwhile, the Telegraph reported on another tense exchange in the chamber, this one between May and Green MP Caroline Lucas:

Caroline Lucas, the Green MP:

“If keeping and renewing our nuclear weapons is so vital to our national security and our safety, then does she accept the logic of that position must be that every other single country must seek to acquire nuclear weapons?

“Does she really think the world would be a safer place if it did? Our nuclear weapons are driving proliferation, not the opposite.”

Theresa May, the Prime Minister

“No, I don’t accept that at all and I have say to the honorable lady that sadly she and some members of the Labour Party seem to be the first to defend the country’s enemies and the last to actually accept the capabilities that we need.”

Lucas hit back on Twitter:

According to the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND), which favors scrapping Trident and was holding a #StopTrident rally outside the House of Commons on Monday evening, the weapons system serves “no legitimate purpose” and is hugely wasteful.

Of the Trident vote, CND’s general secretary Kate Hudson said:

“This is a once in a generation opportunity to break with this massively expensive yet redundant old technology and instead spend Britain’s valuable resources on meeting the security challenges we face today, like terrorism and climate change.”

Meanwhile, wrote Andrew Smith of the Campaign Against Arms Trade on Monday, “even if we put the financial implications to one side, the potential impact of the weapons is far too deadly to contemplate. One Trident submarine has the power to kill 5.4 million people, and it would do so indiscriminately. The impact could be on an even greater scale than Hiroshima.”

Opposition to Trident is widespread in Scotland, where the issue was among several fueling2014’s independence campaign. Anti-Trident protests were held in more than 30 Scottish cities, towns, and villages on Saturday, according to The Herald.

On Monday, SNP’s Westminster leader Angus Robertson described Trident as an “immoral, obscene, and redundant weapons system” and said renewing the program would speed up Scottish independence.

“The people of Scotland have shown repeatedly, clearly and consistently that we are opposed to the renewal of nuclear weapons,” he said.

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Strangely, amid the spike in racial tensions after the killing of two black men by police in Louisiana and Minnesota, and of five white police officers by a black sharpshooter in Dallas, one American reality has gone unmentioned.  The U.S. has been fighting wars — declared, half-declared, and undeclared — for almost 15 years and, distant as they are, they’ve been coming home in all sorts of barely noted ways.  In the years in which the U.S. has up-armored globally, the country has also seen an arms race developing on the domestic front.  As vets have returned from their Iraq and Afghan tours of duty, striking numbers of them have gone into police work at a time when American weaponry, vehicles, and military equipment — including, for instance, MRAPs (mine-resistant ambush protected vehicles) — have poured off America’s distant battlefields and, via the Pentagon, into police departments nationwide.  And while the police were militarizing, gun companies have been marketingbattlefield-style assault rifles to Americans by the millions, at the very moment when it has become ever more possible for citizens to carry weapons of every sort in a concealed or open fashion in public.

The result in Dallas: Micah Johnson, a disturbed Army Reserves veteran, who spent a tour of duty in Afghanistan and practiced military tactics in his backyard, armed with an SKS semi-automatic assault rifle, wearing full body armor, and angry over police killings of black civilians, took out those five white officers.  One of them was a Navy vet who had servedthree tours of duty in Iraq and another a former Marine who had trained local police for DynCorp, a private contractor, in Iraq and Afghanistan.  Meanwhile, civilian protesters, also armed with assault rifles (quite legal in the streets of Dallas), scattered as the first shots rang out and were, in some cases, taken in by the police as suspects.  And at least two unarmed protesters were wounded by Johnson.  (Think of that, in his terms, as “collateral damage.”)  In the end, he would be killed by a Remotec Andros F5 robot, built by weapons-maker Northrop Grumman, carrying a pound of C4 plastic explosive, and typical of robots that police departments now possess.

In other words, this incident was capped by the first use of deadly force by a drone in the United States.  Consider that a war-comes-home upping of the ante.  Already, reports the Defense One website, makers of military-grade robots — a burgeoning field for the Pentagon — are imagining other ways to employ such armed bots not only on our distant battlefields but at home in a future in which they will be “useful, cheap, and ubiquitous,” and capable ofTasing as well as killing.

Of course, among the many things that have also come home from the country’s wars, Predator and Reaper drones are now flying over “the homeland” on missions for the Pentagon, not to mention the FBI, the Border Patrol, and other domestic agencies.  So the future stage is set.  Once you’ve used any kind of drone in the U.S. to kill by remote control, it’s only logical — given some future extreme situation — to extend that use to the skies and so consider firing a missile at some U.S. target, as the CIA and the Air Force have been doing regularly for years in places like Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, and Somalia. And of course, in our domestic arms race, with small drones commercially available to anyone and the first of them armed (no matter the rudimentary nature of that armament), it’s not hard to imagine a future Micah Johnson, white or black, using one of them sooner or later.  After all, Johnson was already talking about planting “IEDs” (the term for insurgent roadside bombs in our war zones) and a flying IED is a relatively modest step from there.

So, welcome to the “home front,” folks.  And speaking of drones, it’s worth giving a little thought to what might, in fact, still come home, to the sort of example that two administrations have set by turning the president into an assassin-in-chief and regularly creating law for themselves when it comes to the targeting of distant peoples.  In that light,TomDispatch regular Rebecca Gordon considers America’s Trojan Horse technology of death and just what it may someday smuggle into “the homeland.”

Tom Dispatch

The Trojan Drone: An Illegal Military Strategy Disguised as Technological Advance

By Rebecca Gordon

Think of it as the Trojan Drone, the ultimate techno-weapon of American warfare in these years, a single remotely operated plane sent to take out a single key figure. It’s a shiny video game for grown ups — a Mortal Kombator Call of Duty where the animated enemies bleed real blood. Just like the giant wooden horse the Greeks convinced the Trojans to bring inside their gates, however, the drone carries something deadly in its belly: a new and illegal military strategy disguised as an impressive piece of technology.

The technical advances embodied in drone technology distract us from a more fundamental change in military strategy. However it is achieved — whether through conventional air strikes, cruise missiles fired from ships, or by drone — the United States has now embraced extrajudicial executions on foreign soil. Successive administrations have implemented this momentous change with little public discussion. And most of the discussion we’ve had has focused more on the new instrument (drone technology) than on its purpose (assassination). It’s a case of the means justifying the end. The drones work so well that it must be all right to kill people with them.

The Rise of the Drones

The Bush administration launched the assassination program in October 2001 in Afghanistan, expanded it in 2002 to Yemen, and went from there. Under Obama, with an actual White House “kill list,” the use of drones has again expanded, this time nine-fold, with growing numbers of attacks in Pakistan, Yemen, Libya, and Somalia, as well as in the Afghan, Iraqi, and Syrian war zones.

There’s an obvious appeal to a technology that allows pilots for the CIA, Joint Special Operations Command, or the Air Force to sit safely in front of video screens in Nevada or elsewhere in the U.S., while killing people half a world away. This is especially true for a president running a global war with a public that does not easily accept American casualties and a Congress that prefers not to be responsible for war and peace decision-making. Drone assassinations have allowed President Obama to spread the “war on terror” to ever more places (even as he quietly retired that phrase), without U.S. casualties or congressional oversight and approval.

One problem has, however, dogged the drone program from the beginning: just like conventional air strikes, remotely targeted missiles and bombs tend to kill the wrong people. Over the last seven years, the count of civilians killed by drones has been mounting. Actual figures are hard to come by, although a number of nongovernmental organizations and journalists have done a good job of collating information from a variety of sources and offering reasonable estimates.

Analysis from all these sources suggests that there are at least three reasons why civilians die in such attacks.

1. The intelligence information on the individual targeted is often wrong. He isn’t where they think he is, or he isn’t even who they think he is. For example, in 2014 a British human rights organization, Reprieve, compiled data on drone strikes that targeted specific individuals in Yemen and Pakistan.According to the Guardian, Reprieve’s work

indicates that even when operators target specific individuals — the most focused effort of what Barack Obama calls ‘targeted killing’ — they kill vastly more people than their targets, often needing to strike multiple times. Attempts to kill 41 men resulted in the deaths of an estimated 1,147 people, as of 24 November [2014].

Some of these men were reported in the media as killed multiple times. Even if they didn’t die in the first, second, and in some cases third attempts, other people certainly did. Reprieve also reports one particularly egregious case of mistaken identity:

Someone with the same name as a terror suspect on the Obama administration’s ‘kill list’ was killed on the third attempt by U.S. drones. His brother was captured, interrogated, and encouraged to ‘tell the Americans what they want to hear’: that they had in fact killed the right person.

2. There isn’t even a named target. The CIA has long based drone assassination targeting for many missions not on direct intelligence about a particular individual, but on what it calls the “signature” of possible terrorist activity (that is, the behavior or look of people below). Such “signature strikes” target unidentified individuals based on some suspicious activity, usually picked up through drone surveillance. Such a “signature” can be as ill defined as “a gathering of men, teenaged to middle-aged, traveling in convoys or carrying weapons” in countries where many men may be armed. Unfortunately, while such a gathering may indeed indicate some kind of military activity, it may also describe a rural wedding in, say, Yemen, involving driving in convoy from the groom’s town to the bride’s, accompanied sometimes by celebratory gunfire.

Not everyone in the government is convinced that signature strikes are a good idea. In 2012, the New York Timesreported this joke at the State Department: “When the C.I.A. sees ‘three guys doing jumping jacks,’ the agency thinks it is a terrorist training camp.”

The fact that signature strikes continue to this day suggests that Secretary of State John Kerry was not entirely truthful when, in 2013, he saidat a BBC forum: “The only people that we fire a drone at are confirmed terrorist targets at the highest level after a great deal of vetting that takes a long period of time. We don’t just fire a drone at somebody and think they’re a terrorist.”

3. They were in the way, and so became “collateral damage.” This is the term military theorists regularly use to describe human beings or civilian infrastructure unavoidably destroyed in an attack on a legitimate military target. Of course, a drone operator’s understanding of the term “unavoidable” may be different from that of a woman who has just lost three of her four sons as they were returning home from shopping for supplies to celebrate Eid-al-Fitr, the end of the holy month of Ramadan.

In addition, drone strikes don’t just kill people, including women and children; they also destroy buildings and other property. For example, the Bureau of Investigative Journalism says that, in Pakistan, more than 60% of all strikes target domestic buildings — people’s houses. In other words, “collateral damage” often refers to the destruction of the homes of any survivors of a drone attack.

Not surprisingly, people don’t like living in terror of deadly missiles screaming out of a clear blue sky. Many observers have argued that terrorist organizations have used widespread fear and anger over drone attacks as a recruiting tool. Al-Qaeda and ISIS appear to offer Pakistanis, Yemenis, and others an alternative to simply waiting for an attack they can’t prevent. The CIA itself recognized the counterproductive potential of drone killings, which they call “HVT [High Value Target] operations.” A leaked July 2009 CIA report on “Best Practices in Counter-Insurgency” outlines the issues:

Potential negative effects of HVT operations include increasing the level of insurgent support, causing a government to neglect other aspects of its counterinsurgency strategy, altering insurgent strategy or organization in ways that favor the insurgents, strengthening an armed group’s bond with the population, radicalizing an insurgent group’s remaining leaders, creating a vacuum into which more radical groups can enter, and escalating or deescalating a conflict in ways that favor the insurgents.

So there are long-term strategic problems with targeted killings by drone. In addition, drones may help spread and intensify terror movements and insurgencies, rather than destroying them or their leaderships. Often, as Andrew Cockburn has made clear in his book Kill Chain, the successors to leaders assassinated by drone turn out to be younger, more effective, and more brutal.

There is, however, another problem with this sort of warfare. Such killings — at least when they take place outside a declared war zone — are almost certainly illegal; that is, they are murders, plain and simple.

Targeted Killing Is Murder

In my household we have a rule: we’re not allowed to kill something just because we’re afraid of it. This has saved the lives of countless spiders and other creatures sporting (in my view at least) too many legs.

Whatever your view on arachnids, should it really be permissible to killpeople simply because we are afraid of them? After all, that’s what these drone assassinations are — extrajudicial executions of people someone believes we should be afraid of. It is easier to see an illegal execution for what it is when the killer is not separated from the target by thousands of miles and a video screen.  Drone technology is really a Trojan Horse, a distracting, glitzy means of smuggling an illegal and immoral tactic into the heart of U.S. foreign relations.

Not all killing is illegal, of course. There are situations in which both international and U.S. laws permit killing. One of these is self-defense; another is war. However, a “war” waged against a tactic (terrorism), or even more vaguely, against an emotion (terror) is only metaphorically a war. Under international law, real wars, in which it is legal to kill the enemy, involve sustained combat between organized military forces.

Outside of the fighting in Iraq, Afghanistan, and now possibly Syria (where Congress has arguably never even declared war), the “war on terror” is not a war at all. It is instead a conflict with an ever-expanding list of targets, no defined geographical boundaries, and no foreseeable endpoint. It is a campaign against any conceivable potential U.S. enemy, fought in fits and starts in many countries on several continents. It involves ongoing covert operations largely hidden from everyone except its targets. As an undertaking, it lacks the regular, sustained conflict between armies that characterizes war in the legal sense. Such operations fit another category far better: assassination, illegal at least since President Jimmy Carter’s Executive Order 12036, which stated, “No person employed by or acting on behalf of the United States Government shall engage in, or conspire to engage in, assassination.”

Nor is the Middle East the only region where the United States is using targeted killing outside a shooting war. The U.S. military also deploys dronesin parts of Africa. In fact, President Obama’s nominee to head U.S. Africa Command, Marine Lieutenant General Thomas Waldhauser, recently toldSenator Lindsay Graham that he thinks he should be free to order drone killings on his own authority.

So much for war and “war.” What about self-defense? At every stage of the “war on terror,” Washington has claimed self-defense. That was the explanation for rounding up hundreds of Muslims living in the U.S. immediately after the attacks of 9/11, torturing some of them, and holding them incommunicado for months in a Brooklyn, New York, jail. It was the excuse offered for beginning torture programs in CIA “black sites” and at Guantánamo. It was the reason the U.S. gave for invading Afghanistan, and later for invading Iraq — before, as Bush administration representatives andthe president himself kept saying, “the smoking gun” of Saddam Hussein’s supposed weapons of mass destruction turned into “a mushroom cloud” over, presumably, some American city.

And self-defense has been the Justice Department’s rationale for targeted killing as well. In a November 2011 paper prepared by that department for the White House, its author (identity unknown) outlined the necessary conditions to make a targeted killing legal:

(1) an informed, high-level official of the U.S. government has determined that the targeted individual poses an imminent threat of violent attack against the United States; 

(2) capture is infeasible, and the United States continues to monitor whether capture becomes feasible; and 

(3) the operation would be conducted in a manner consistent with applicable law of war principles.”

That would seem to rule out most U.S. targeted killings. Few of their targets were people on the verge of a violent attack on the United States or U.S. soldiers in the field. Ah, but in the through-the-looking-glass logic of the Obama Justice Department, “imminent” turns out not to mean “imminent” in the sense that something is about to happen. As that document explains: “The condition that an operational leader present an ‘imminent’ threat of violent attack against the United States does not require the United States to have clear evidence that a specific attack on U.S. persons and interests will take place in the immediate future.

It turns out that the threat from any “operational leader” is always imminent, because “with respect to al-Qaeda leaders who are continually planning attacks, the United States is likely to have only a limited window of opportunity within which to defend Americans.” In other words, once a person has been identified as an al-Qaeda or allied group “leader,” he is by definition “continually planning attacks,” always represents an imminent danger, and so is a legitimate target. Q.E.D.

In fact, few enough of these targeted killings, including the signature ones can be defended as instances of self-defense. We should call them what they really are: extrajudicial executions.

The U.N. Special Rapporteur on Extrajudicial, Summary, or Arbitrary Executions has agreed with this view. In his 2013 report to the General Assembly, Christof Heyns noted that international human rights law guarantees a right to life. This right is enshrined in the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights and given legal force in, among other treaties, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, to which the United States is a party. There certainly are legal limits to the right to life, including — in countries that have the death penalty — the state’s right to execute a person after a legitimate trial. To execute someone without a trial, however, is an “extrajudicial killing” and a human rights crime.

Obama “Comes Clean”

By the middle of President Obama’s second term in office, criticism of this extrajudicial killing program, and especially of the civilian deaths involved, had mushroomed. So, in May 2013, at least 11 years after the program was launched, the president announced a shift in drone strategy, telling an audience at the National Defense University that the U.S. would engage in “targeted killings” of al-Qaeda militants only when there was a “near-certainty” that no civilians would be injured. He added that he was planning to make the drone program more transparent than it had been and to transfer most of its operations from the CIA to the Pentagon.

In the two years since, little of this has happened. Although Obama has continued the job of personally approving drone targets, the CIA still runsmuch of the program.

On July 1st, he did finally take a step towards providing greater transparency. The Office of the Director of National Intelligence issued a report stating that, outside of more conventional war zones like those in Syria, Afghanistan, and Iraq, U.S. airstrikes have killed “64 to 116 civilian bystanders and about 2,500 members of terrorist groups.” These estimates are, in fact, quite a bit lower than those supplied by the various groups that track such killings. Note as well that, legally speaking, not only the “collateral damage” victims, but all those that Americans identified as “members of terrorist groups” died via illegal, extrajudicial executions.

The document fulfills one of the requirements of a newly issued executive order, which, among other things, requires the government to release a report by May 1st of each year containing “information about the number of strikes undertaken by the U.S. Government against terrorist targets outside areas of active hostilities [i.e., outside genuine war zones]” for the previous calendar year.

Attached to the executive order was a “fact sheet,” which noted that one goal of the new executive order is to “set standards for other nations to follow.” How happy would the United States really be if other nations decided that they had the right to kill anyone who scares them? How would the United States react if Syrian President Bashar al-Assad decided to take out a U.S. general or two, on the grounds that, since the U.S. is supporting forces that seek to depose him, those generals are (as the Fact Sheet puts it) “targetable in the exercise of national self-defense”?

Some critics of the Obama drone program have welcomed the executive order, which does include a new emphasis on protecting civilians. But the larger effect of the order is to make the practice of illegal assassination a permanent feature of U.S. policy. It assumes that we can expect an annual murder toll announcement for years to come. No future is contemplated in which the United States will not be raining death from the sky on people who cannot defend themselves. The drones will continue to fly, but the Trojan Drone’s work is complete.

Rebecca Gordon, a TomDispatch regular, teaches philosophy at the University of San Francisco. She is the author of Mainstreaming Torture and most recently of American Nuremberg: The U.S. Officials Who Should Stand Trial for Post-9/11 War Crimes. She can be contacted at www.mainstreamingtorture.org.

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Washington and its Canadian vassal are trying to use a Western media-created Russian athletic doping scandal to ban Russian participation in the Olympic games in Brazil. Washington and Canada are pressuring other countries to get on board with Washington’s vendetta against Russia. The vendetta is conducted under the cover of “protecting clean athletics.”

You can bet your life that Washington is not motivated by a respect for fairness in sports. Washington is busy at home destroying fairness to the poor, and Washington, which disregards the sovereignty of countries and international law against naked aggression, is busy abroad destroying millions of lives for hegemonic purposes.

We could conclude that Washington wants hegemony in sports just as it does in foreign affairs and wants Russian athletes out of the way so that Americans can win more medals. But this would be to miss the real point of Washington’s campaign against Russia. The “doping scandal” is part of Washington’s ongoing effort to isolate Russia and to build opposition to Putin inside Russia.

There is a minority known as “Atlanticist Integrationists” inside the Russian government and in the business sector that believes that it is more important for Russia to be integrated into the West than to be sovereign. This minority of Russians is willing to trade off Russian independence for Western acceptance. Essentially they are traitors who Putin tolerates.

With the ban on Russia’s participation in the Olympics, Washington is attempting to strengthen this opposition to Putin. Now the opposition can say: “Putin’s intransigence has kept Russia out of the Olympics. Putin has isolated Russia. We must cooperate (a euphemism for giving in) with the West or become an outcast.”

This is Washington’s game. The Olympic ban is directed at undermining Putin among Russians. “He kept us out of the Olympics!”

The Atlanticist Integrationists are willing to betray either Assad or Crimea in order to gain acceptance by Washington. Thus, Washington is working to strengthen its Russian allies.

Europeans are disturbed by Washington’s politicization of the Olympics. European Olympic Committee President Pat Hickey objected to Washington’s attempt to impose punishment “before any evidence has been presented. Such interference and calls ahead of the McLaren Report’s publication are totally against internationally recognized fair legal process and may have completely undermined the integrity and therefore the credibility of this important report.”

Hickey said that it is clear from the Washington/Canadian effort that “both the independence and the confidentiality of the report have been compromised.”

Hickey goes on to say:

It is clear that only athletes and organizations known to support a ban of the Russian Olympic Team have been contacted.

I have to question on what authority the USA and Canadian anti-doping agencies prepared their letter and what mandate they have to lead an international call for a ban of another nation in the Olympic family.

Whilst I fully understand and share international concerns over the recent doping allegations, we cannot allow any individuals or groups to interfere or damage the integrity of fair and due legal process.

Washington, of course, has no respect for due process in the United States itself, or in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Yemen, Pakistan, Syria, Ukraine, Honduras, Venezuela, Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Ecuador, or Great Britain, a vassal state told by Obama that it would not be permitted to leave the EU. Why would Washington be concerned that Russia be permitted due process?

In its report, the New York Times, the madam of the American media whorehouse, did not mention Hickey’s concerns.

The McLaren Report is supposed to be an investigation of the charge that the use of drugs by Russian athletes to improve performance is widespread and supported by the Russian government. Washington has too much money and too many threats for any report that can be used to discredit Russia to be honest. Read my report today about MH-17, or remember Washington’s description of an independent election in Crimea, in which the voters almost unanimously chose to rejoin Russia where the province had resided since the 1700s, as “Russian invasion and annexation.”

It takes a very brave person, such as Pat Hickey, to stand up to Washington, and we don’t know whether Hickey will succumb to Washington’s pressures, which most certainly now will be applied to Hickey.

Washington will continue to demonize Russia until a war is provoked or until the Russian government capitulates and accepts partial vassalage, betraying either Assad or Crimea.

Perhaps Russia and China should organize the Eurasian Olympics and leave the Western Olympics. As Washington has restarted the Cold War and is intent on driving it to the hot stage, the competition can be over how Latin American and African countries align. If they are free to choose, it is unlikely that Africans and Latin Americans would join the racist Western white man’s games.

We must wonder when the point comes that Russia and China cease just sitting there absorbing for the sake of peace endless affronts and provocations. When, if ever, that point arrives, the West will cease to be the arbiter of human affairs.

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments. His internet columns have attracted a worldwide following. Roberts’ latest books are The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism and Economic Dissolution of the WestHow America Was Lost, and The Neoconservative Threat to World Order.

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On the evening of July 15, a group of Turkish army officers announced that they had staged a military coup d’etat and had assumed control of the country. They claimed that Erdogan was in a desperate flight for his life and that they were now in the process of restoring order. The only problem for those army officers and their sponsors far away in Langley, Virginia and Saylorsburg, Pennsylvania– where Turkish political operator, Fetullah Gülen, hides in exile under CIA protection–is that they did not succeed.

Behind the coup attempt is a far more dramatic story of the huge geopolitical shift that the often unpredictable political survivor, President (still) Recep Erdogan, was in the midst of making when Gülen’s loyalists made their desperate, now apparently failed coup attempt. What follows is a series of Q&A remarks to the background of the dramatic events unfolding in a pivotal part of the geopolitical order.

Q: How would you comment on the events of Friday to Saturday evening, when the army carried out a coup? Were  these events  predictable?

WE: The coup was a reaction to the recent dramatic geopolitical shift of Erdogan. It was instigated by networks in Turkey loyal to the CIA. It clearly was a desperate move, ill-prepared.

Q: What do you think are the real reasons for such a move of the army?

WE: This was a network of officers inside the Army loyal to the Fetullah Gülen Movement. Gülen is a 100% CIA controlled asset. He even lives since years in exile in Saylorsburg, Pennsylvania having gotten safe passage and a green card by former top CIA people like Graham Fuller and the former US Ambassador to Ankara. 

Gülen has been a decades-long mad project of the CIA to weaponize political Islam as an instrument of regime change. Recall that in 2013 there were mass protests against Erdogan in Istanbul and elsewhere. That was when Gülen, who previously had made a deal with Erdogan’s AK Party, broke and criticized Erdogan as a tyrant in the Gülen-controlled media such as Zaman. Since then Erdogan has been moving to root out his internal most dangerous adversary, Gülen and friends, including raids on Zaman and other Gülen-controlled media. This is not about a battle between the White Knight and Evil Knievel. It is about power pure in Turkish politics. If you are interested in the details of the Gülen CIA project I urge readers to look in my book, The Lost Hegemon (German: Amerikas Heilige Krieg). 

Q: Do you think these events in Turkey could lead to civil war, as interpreted by some commentators?

WE: I doubt that. The Gülen Movement in the past two years has been severely reduced in influence by Erdogan and his head of intelligence—purges etc. The traditional so-called Ataturk Army as State Guardian is long gone …since the 1980s. 

What is interesting to watch now will be the foreign policy of Erdogan: Rapprochement with Russia, reopening talks on the Russia Turkish Stream gas pipeline to the Greek border. The simultaneous Erdogan rapprochement with Netanyahu. And most critical, Erdogan’s apparent agreement, part of Putin’s demands for resumption of ties, that Turkey cease efforts to topple Assad by covertly backing DAESH or other terrorists in Syria and training them in Turkey, selling their oil on the black market. This is a huge geopolitical defeat for Obama, probably the most incompetent President in American history (even though he has some serious competition for the title from George W. Bush and Clinton).

Q: Do you believe that in this way Erdogan indeed be overthrown?

WE: Not likely as it now looks. Even in the early hours when Erdogan was able to tell media that it was a Gülen coup try, I was convinced Gülen would fail. Today, July 16, it seems he has failed. The CIA has egg on its face and Obama and NATO try to cover it up by their “warm embrace of the democratically elected Erdogan (sic!).” They cared not that in Ukraine when the CIA ran the Maidan Square coup in February 2014, that Viktor Yanukovic was the “democratically elected president of Ukraine.” Look at the mess Washington made there in their effort to provoke a split between Russia and the EU.

Q: How should we interpret the information alleged that Erdogan sought asylum in Germany, and do you think that Germany would not approve?

WE: There are many wild rumors. I have no information on that.

Q: How do you put the United States and Russia in relation to recent events?

WE: It should be clear from what I have said that Washington was behind the coup as their impotent reaction to the major Erdogan geopolitical shift since June, when he fired Davotoglu as Prime Minister and named loyalist Binali Yıldırım. At that point Erdogan simultaneously turned away from the Washington anti-Assad strategy in Syria and towards Israel (who is in a sharp geopolitical conflict with Washington these days), towards Russia and now, even towards Assad in Syria. 

Q: What impact on developments has the fact that Turkey is a member of NATO?

WE: This is difficult to assess. Washington desperately needs Turkey in NATO for its global strategy, especially in controlling oil flows of the Middle East, and now its natural gas. This is why the moment it was clear the coup would fail, Obama and company “embraced” their “friend” Erdogan. It’s called damage control in intelligence parlance.

Q: Do you believe that it is good for Turkey that Erdogan and the current government is removed in this way, rather than in the elections?

WE: By the time I am writing this, it appears he is firmly still in power, perhaps more than before. 

Q: How do you think the events in Turkey may affect the European Union? 

WE: The EU is in the process of dissolving as a project. It was always a monstrous idea, encouraged in the 1950s by Churchill, by the early CIA and their European friends like Monnet, in order for the US better to control Europe. That was obvious when President Obama made his brazen intervention into British politics to tell the British not to exit the EU. The European Union is a monstrous top-down faceless bureaucracy, unelected, unanswerable to the people, sitting in Brussels next to NATO headquarters. 

Brexit started the dissolution. It will now go rather fast now is my feeling. Perhaps Hungary will be next if the CIA is not able to do a color revolution against Orban before their October referendum on “Huexit.” France? Marie Le Pen’s supporters and millions of French are fed up with dictates from Brussels. Look at the recent criminal decision, despite huge scientific evidence that glyphosate, the widest-used weed killer in the EU, is carcinogenic, to ignore all health and safety evidence even of EU governments, and arbitrarily re-approve it for 18 more months of poisoning of the food and the population. This is not what the people of Europe or anywhere deserve from their civil servants. 

Q: How do you think the events in Turkey may affect the migrant crisis, and do you expect the reopening of so-called Balkan route for refugees?

WE: It’s too early to say. If Erdogan and Assad, brokered by Putin and Russia, and perhaps some cooperation from Israel, manage to make true peace in Syria, the refugee flow from the war could cease. People want to return home, rebuild their lives in their own country.

F. William Engdahl is strategic risk consultant and lecturer, he holds a degree in politics from Princeton University and is a best-selling author on oil and geopolitics, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”

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As fake evidence now gets sorted out from the real stuff considerable evidence emerges that the coup in Turkey was either completely staged or at least a controlled provocation as a prelude to large, well planned purges.

While some junior officers involved in the coup may have believe that it was for real, Erdogan and his power apparatus knew that the coup was coming and had everything under control. One wonders how those juniors were deceived and what provoked them into their hasty, amateurish, hapless attempt. Did some allegedly upcoming investigation spook them?

Erdogan admitted today an TV that he knew the coup was coming:

7:47 PM – 17 Jul 2016 Mahir Zeynalov @MahirZeynalovErdogan acknowledges they knew about a “military activity” at least 7-10 hours before the coup vid

9:34am 18 Jul 2016 Borzou Daragahi @borzou

Turkey official: “Gulenists in military under investigation for some time. Group acted out of emergency when realized under investigation”

These “Gülenist” were more likely those nationalist Kemalist seculars which the New York Times now labels “extreme”.

That the coup was expected explains why Erdogan left his vacation hotel in Marmaris hours before soldiers showed up to arrest him:

9:12 PM – 15 Jul 2016 (((Garrett Khoury))) @KhouryGarrett#Turkey: Erdogan confirms coup forces surrounded his hotel in Marmaris…4 hours after he had left. That’s a special sort of ineptitude.

It also explains why two F-16 fighter jets, allegedly part of the coup, had Erdogan’s plane in sight but did not take it down:

“At least two F-16s harassed Erdogan’s plane while it was in the air and en route to Istanbul. They locked their radars on his plane and on two other F-16s protecting him,” a former military officer with knowledge of the events told Reuters.”Why they didn’t fire is a mystery,” he said.

These pilots were not real partakers of the coup. They must have had orders not to shoot. Flight radar data showed Erodgan’s plane circling in a holding pattern south west of Istanbul for hours. It would have been very easy eliminate him.

From the same Reuters piece:

The former military officer said the coup plotters appeared to have launched their attempt prematurely because they realized they were under surveillance, something corroborated by other officials in Ankara.

Colonel Pat Lang, who for years worked as U.S. military intelligence official in Turkey, contacted old acquaintances:

I am assured by Turkish sources that Erdogan and senior officers he had appointed manipulated low level plotting to create a “coup” that could be defeated easily leading to his consolidation of power.

There is precedence for such a coup in Turkey’s history:

The Auspicious Incident (or Event) (Turkish: (in Istanbul) Vaka-i Hayriye “Fortunate Event”; (in Balkans) Vaka-i Şerriyye, “Unfortunate Incident”) was the forced disbandment of the centuries-old Janissary corps by Sultan Mahmud II on 15 June 1826. Most of the 135,000 Janissaries revolted against Mahmud II, and after the rebellion was suppressed, its leaders killed, and many members exiled or imprisoned, the Janissary corps was disbanded and replaced with a more modern military force.

Historians suggest that Mahmud II purposely incited the revolt and have described it as the sultan’s “coup against the Janissaries”.

This coup is Erdogan’s Reichstagsfire, the alleged torching of the German parliament building in February 1933 which was used by Hitler to purge communists and other enemies of his rule.

The stage-managed coup is now followed by a real one in which Erdogan takes down all presumed enemies.

Within hours after the coup against Erdogan 2,750 judges were relieved. Hundreds of judges, including supreme court judges selected by Erdogan’s AKP predecessor Gul, were imprisoned. Last night 7,899 police and 631 gendarme officers were relieved of duty and their weapons confiscated. 30 governors and 47 local governors have been suspended. The Higher Education Board announced an upcoming “cleaning” at schools and universities. Twenty independent Turkish news sites have been closed. Businessmen and bankers not in line with Erdogan are next. The lists used for these wide purges must have been prepared well ahead of the coup.

3,000 soldiers, conscripts ordered to take part in the coup but also many high officers were imprisoned. These include 103 generals and admirals, many of whom had not taken part in the coup but explicitly spoke out against it. More high officerswere relieved of duty. All major units of the Turkish military have lost some of their top commanders. Captured soldiers were humiliated by police special forces, the most loyal to Erdogan. They had to undress and were shown cowering on the ground. Pictures of these humiliations were widely distributed. This will break moral on all military levels!

The move against the military is reminiscent of Stalin’s purge of officers in the Soviet military in 1937-41. The Soviet military disaster in the Soviet-Finish winter war of 1939 and the incredibly high losses in the first years of the fight against the Germans and their allies were the result of these purges. The Turkish military, the second biggest of NATO, is now an empty hull and will no longer be able to launch any consistent, larger operation.

Erdogan has asked his followers to stay in the streets for a whole week to “defend the state”. The purges are not over.

One might argue that this coup and Erdogan’s purges, will give him independence in foreign policy and will allow him to move out of the U.S./NATO realm towards Russia, China and Iran. Erodgan’s people accuse the U.S. of being behind the coup. The threat of blocking Incirlik air base, the center of U.S. operations in Syria, against Russia’s southern flank and the main storage area for U.S. tactical nuclear weapons in the Middle East, will cower Washington and prevent any outright “western” measures against him.

The Turkish state is now crippled. The experience and knowledge of all those people purged now is irreplaceable. Any unexpected event, military or civil, will be met with confused and disordered responses. Despite Erdogan’s current success hubris will take its toll and Erdogan’s triumph will soon be followed by a deep fall.

What are the real friends Turkey under Erdogan has left in the international field? Some toothless Muslim Brotherhood leaders and the dictators of Qatar are the only ones I can think of. Without international goodwill left anywhere Turkey’s economy will soon be in ever deeper trouble. The problem of radical Islamists, incited by Erdogan to fight against the Syrian people, will come back to bite Turkey. Erdogan may have believed that such radical forces are controllable. He will become another sorcerer’s apprentice to learn that they never are.

These extreme Jhadis Erdogan imported and supplied in Syria are also the reason why we all should be happy that thecoup did not by any chance succeed. Would Erdogan have been killed, civil war on the streets of Turkey would have been inevitable. Heavily armed Islamist would have attack the army and other government forces. Various ethnic and religious groups would be fighting each other. The war by radical proxies in neighboring Syria and Iraq would have come back home to Turkey just like the war against the Soviets in Afghanistan came home to Pakistan.

That still might happen. But the chances that some upcoming misstep by Erdogan will now lead to a less brutal change of power are now higher than before.

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The source disclosed certain paragraphs of the agreement signed between the US Department of Defense and the Iraqi Kurdistan Region’s Peshmerga ministry, including establishment of 5 US military bases in the region.

“One of the bases will be set up in Atroush region, two in Harir region and two large bases in Erbil and Duhok,” the source, who called for anonymity, told Iraq’s al-Ma’loumah news agency.

“Based on the MoU, the Americans should pay the salaries of Peshmerga forces and train and equip them for 10 years,” he added.

His remarks came after a military MOU was signed on Tuesday between the US Department of Defense and the Peshmerga Ministry at the government of Kurdistan to support the Kurdish forces in fighting the ISIL in Iraq.

KRG President Masoud Barzani received a United States military delegation headed by Elissa Slotkin, the acting assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs.

The meeting was followed by a telephone conversation between President Barzani and Ashton Carter, the US Secretary of Defense.

Kurdish officials described the agreement as an important step towards a new phase of cooperation and coordination between the US and Kurdistan.

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The Republican National Convention opened Monday at the Quicken Loans Arena in Cleveland with security reminiscent of a military occupation. The delegates quickly ratified a rules committee report ensuring that delegates pledged to vote for Donald Trump will be bound to vote for him on the first ballot, and then adopted an ultra-right party platform.

Over the next few days the convention will officially endorse Trump, who is scheduled to accept the nomination on Thursday.

The theme of the first day was “Make America Safe Again,” with a focus on attacking immigrants, militarism and expanding the powers of the police. Speeches inside the convention in support of a wall with Mexico, increased police-state measures and an assault on democratic rights were mirrored outside by the deployment of thousands of police, miles of barricades and even the National Guard.

The convention has been declared a National Special Security Event, making all security operations subordinate to the Secret Service and the Department of Homeland Security. Cleveland has been given a federal grant of $50 million to cover equipment and personnel expenses. Some 500 city police officers are to be joined by 1,500 officers from other law enforcement agencies across the state and 3,000 federal agents. An undisclosed number of National Guard troops will also be on standby under the direction of the US Northern Command, which was formed in 2002 to facilitate domestic deployment of the military.

Anticipating protests, Cleveland has acquired 2,000 sets of riot gear with batons and prepared 1,000 beds in local jails for mass arrests. The police have added AR-15 semi-automatic rifles, sniper teams and armored cars to their arsenal.

Particularly following the murder of five police officers in Dallas, Texas on July 7 and three more in Baton Rouge, Louisiana ten days later, police are taking extreme measures. Ohio allows the open carry of firearms, which has led to some police associations to call for emergency orders suspending existing laws.

Stephen Loomis, president of the Cleveland Police Patrolmen’s Association, sent a letter to Ohio governor and former primary opponent of Trump, John Kasich, asking him to use an executive order to ban openly carrying firearms around the convention. Loomis told CNN: “I don’t care if it’s constitutional or not at this point. They can fight about it after the RNC, or they can lift it after the RNC, but I want him to absolutely outlaw open-carry in Cuyahoga County until this RNC is over.” Kasich declined the request.

The speakers within the convention are a significant departure from prior years. Many senior Republican officials have refused to participate, including Kasich and both living, former Republican presidents, George H.W. Bush and his son George W. Bush. While some leading Republicans have refused to endorse Trump, only a small number are opposing his nomination.

A minority of delegates, led by Senator Mike Lee of Utah and former Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, tried to force a roll-call vote on the rules of the convention with the distant hope of allowing an initial free vote for pledged delegates. Trump’s nomination would have remained likely, but it would no longer have been automatic. They were shouted down by the majority, and the rules of the convention were accepted with a voice vote.

In the place of more established Republican officials are obscure actors like Scott Baio, once well-known for playing Chachi on the 1970s sitcom “Happy Days,” lower-ranking office-holders looking to make a name for themselves, and politicians long out of office like former New York City mayor (1993-2001) Rudy Giuliani.

Giuliani delivered a fascistic rant late in the evening, summed up in his pledge to Islamic extremists: “You know who you are, and we are coming to get you!”

Significantly, David Clarke, the Sheriff of Milwaukee County, was one of the prime-time speakers Monday night. In a series of interviews and an opinion piece published in The Hill, Clarke, who is himself African-American, declared that the United States is currently in a civil war against Black Lives Matter protesters, who he compared to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). In his speech, he denounced protests against police violence as “anarchy.”

While few police chiefs openly express Clarke’s views, the militarized response to protesters around the convention demonstrated a clear practical agreement.

Both Donald Trump and the Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton, are despised by broad layers of the American population. Polls show Trump with a disapproval rating just below 60 percent while Clinton has a disapproval rating of 56 percent. Roughly a third of Americans approve of neither. Under conditions of broad disaffection with both political parties, the state feels the need to ensure compliance through an increasingly militarized police force.

The Democratic convention is scheduled to open in Philadelphia on July 25. The federal government has set aside a similar sum of $43.1 million for its security.

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The GMO agritech sector and food companies have spent tens of millions of dollars in the US to prevent the labelling of foods containing genetically modified organisms (GMOs). The public have genuine concerns about GM but are being denied the right to know if GMOs are in the food they eat. And the concerns they have are valid.

There is sufficient evidence that indicates the adverse health impacts of genetically engineered food and its associated input, glyphosate, which a major World Health Organization report states is “probably carcinogenic to humans.” The majority of GM crops are modified to withstand unlimited doses of glyphosate. The main GM crops – corn, canola, soy and sugar beets – end up in 70 per cent of processed foods in North America.

Over the past few years, the Canada-based Kids Right To Know (KRTK) group has been campaigning for the mandatory labelling of GMOs in food products. Consumers have a right to know what is in their food and the processes or substances involved in producing it that could have health-damaging consequences.

On 30 June, Rachel Parent (founder of KRTK) met with Canada’s new Minister of Health Dr. Jane Philpott to discuss GMOs and labelling. She was joined by Steven Druker, author of ‘Altered Genes. Twisted Truth’, as well as Aube Giroux, a documentary film maker. Parent explained to the minister that the vast majority of Canadians want mandatory GMO labelling and presented her with an extensive list of international organizations that support GMO labelling, including the Ontario Public Health Association, Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment, American Nurses Association and the British Medical Association.

The minister was given a document containing 10 published, peer-reviewed studies that raise serious concerns about the health risks of GMOs. Another document signed by 300 independent scientific researchers who advise that there is no scientific consensus on GMO safety was presented, along with a further document of 126 international health and public interest organizations that believe that GMOs have not been proven safe.

She also received a copy of the 2015 WHO report that declared glyphosate to be a probable carcinogen to humans, the active ingredient in Roundup herbicide, which in sprayed on about 85 per cent of genetically modified crops.

Regulatory delinquency

Steven Druker and Aube Giroux then presented the minister with a copy of the Royal Society of Canada report that was commissioned by Health Canada (the federal department responsible for helping Canadians maintain and improve their health) in 2001. Some 15 years on, 51 of the 53 recommendations in the report have not been implemented, including recommendations about independent testing and transparency.

It might seem reasonable to require any testing of GMOs for health safety to be done exclusively by the public sector and government institutions – free from outside pressures – and to ensure a fool-proof regulatory regime predicated on sound independent research and verification of claims open to public scrutiny. It’s the least we could expect considering that GM has the potential to irreversibly alter the genetic core of the food supply.

Despite this, in a 2015 meeting with two senior officials from Health Canada, Parent was informed that the agency does not carry out its own safety studies on GMOs: it merely reviews the data given to it by the industry and approves GM foods based on non-peer-reviewed industry-submitted information. One of the officials stated, “It’s up to them [the industry] to demonstrate the safety.” She was told that because some of the data is proprietary data, Health Canada is not going to divulge information to anyone else to test the product.

If, for some, that implies regulatory delinquency, consider that even when Health Canada reviews internationally published studies, something is clearly amiss. For example, a study by the University of Sherbrooke found Bt (insecticide used with GMO crops) in the blood of human foetuses and their mothers. However, Parent was told during the 2015 meeting, “It didn’t say the foods were not safe. It just said we may have detected something in the blood of pregnant women… .”

Apparently, Health Canada’s toxicologist didn’t agree with the techniques used and therefore couldn’t draw any new conclusions or questions about GMOs. So that was the end of it.

Parent says: “Personally, if there was a study that said there was even a possibility of a widely used insecticide found in the blood of unborn foetuses, I’d be extremely concerned! I’d have lots of questions and want to see more tests done!”

Minister Philpott argues that mandatory labelling is usually based on safety concerns and regulations, thus implying GMOs are safe to consume. During the recent meeting, however, in addition to the evidence presented by Parent, Steven Druker went on to explain to the minister that there is solid evidence to prove that GMOs in fact do have many health risks associated with them.

Keeping the public in the dark

After the meeting, Parent met with MP Pierre-Luc Dusseault who is introducing Bill C-291 for mandatory GMO labelling in Canada, which is expected to have its first reading in December. The next day, she was in Montpelier, Vermont, to celebrate their GMO labelling law that had just come into effect. While Vermont’s Governor Shumlin spoke about the importance of the new labelling law, Bernie Sanders gave an impassioned speech and warned of the revised DARK Act that would overturn Vermont’s democratically achieved state labelling law.

The Dark (Deny Americans the Right to Know) Act is a piece of anti-consumer, pro-industry GMO ‘labelling’ legislation that carries no penalties if not complied with and uses a code to denote genetically modified ingredients that requires a smart phone to decipher. It is intended to obscure the fact that a product has undergone genetic modification and is a cynical tactic designed to preempt state and local authority attempts to label and regulate GM foods.

During an interview with Global News last year, the then Canadian Health Minister Rona Ambrose stated,

“If we had the evidence that this [GM food] was unhealthy, Health Canada would act and impose mandatory labels… But right now there is no scientific evidence that conclusively says that in any way genetically modified foods are unhealthy for Canadians.”

According to Rachel Parent, public officials should be looking for conclusive proof that GMOs are safe. Instead, they appear to want conclusive proof that GMOs are not safe, and, until that evidence is in, GMOs can stay on the market without proper labels. Perhaps such officials may also wish to consider that GM ingredients should not even be on the commercial market in the first place, since, according to the evidence presented in Steven Druker’s book, the industry subverted science, corrupted government and deceived the public in order to put them there.

Parent concludes that nobody wants to take on the responsibility of making GMO labelling mandatory in Canada, despite the fact that over 60 countries around the world have this law already and polls show that about 90 per cent of Canadians want this to happen.

At the very least, mandatory labelling should be a no-brainer. Why flood the market with GMOs and just hope for the best – when the evidence indicates we should expect the worst?

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Jeremy Corbyn: A Question of Leadership

July 19th, 2016 by Hilary Wainwright

‘He’s a decent man, with great integrity – but he’s not a real leader’ is the constant refrain from Jeremy Corbyn’s critics, questioning his electability. At the same time, half of the voting population has railed – in the Brexit vote – against the establishment, jam packed with would-be and retired leaders of the kind that critics want to put in Corbyn’s place. Isn’t it time we put the idea of leadership as we know it under scrutiny?

Let’s start by distinguishing Corbyn’s electability from his credibility as prime minister on the model required by our present unwritten constitution, under which immense and mostly invisible powers are concentrated on Her Majesty’s First Minster.

Electability and organisation 

First, the conditions for his electability. A starting point must be that the general election he will face, whenever it comes, will not be taking place in a functioning political system with a high turnout and strong levels of trust in the main political parties. Rather, it will come after more than a decade of growing disengagement from mainstream politics, especially by the young and the poor and insecure, to a point where the present government was voted for by only 24% of the eligible electorate and many constituency Labour parties have been struggling even to ensure a quorum at their meetings.

To be electable in today’s mood of anti-establishment politics, any leader and party has to be able to reach out beyond the political system and give a voice to those who have no vested interest in that system. Neither left nor right in the Labour Party has been good at this, preferring to presume that the party’s union links provide them with an inbuilt communication with the wider public. Corbyn, aided by the one-person, one-vote system for electing the leader has not taken union support for granted, and has shown himself able to reach out and demonstrate that he would open up spaces in politics for the disenfranchised and ensure they had a voice. He has re-engaged hundreds of thousands of young people, whether or not they are union members.

The explanation emerges in conversation with anyone under 30 who has an ounce of idealism. Gemma Jamieson Malik, for example, a London PhD student driven by housing costs to live out of London, explains: ‘It’s not that I’m a Jeremy Corbyn fan. It’s that he’s opened a space for a new politics I and my friends can feel part of. He’s generated a new energy around Labour.’

Or young artist Mel Evans speaking at a local Momentum meeting: ‘I haven’t been to a party-related political meeting like this for ten years; they had become so boring and so pointless. Now with Jeremy I feel I have a voice and it’s worth being involved. ’

Typically, the young don’t just engage with institutions as they are; they bring new ideas and they shake things up, producing new political configurations with the potential of attracting more of their generation. Hence Momumentum, the organisation created largely by these young Corbynista is not a reocnisable organisation by the stereotypes of the traditional left. It treats political education through football sessions with disaffected youth as important as left caucuses in the party, if not more so; it chooses initiatives like ‘the people’s PPE’ over the stale, pale, male political rallies of the past.

This is the generation whose culture, including political culture, has been shaped by using the tools of the new information and communication technology to share, collaborate and network, emancipating themselves daily from overbearing authority, hierarchy and other forms of centralised, commanding domination. A collaborative, facilitating kind of leadership and political organisation is the only one with which they can engage.

In this way they are building on the innovations of the class of ’68. Jeremy Corbyn’s generation. For this reason, the gap between generations and classes shouldn’t be exaggerated. Older working-class people of Corbyn’s generation listened to Bob Dylan, and the women in their communities were influenced by and contributed to feminism.

Money where his mouth is 

On the other hand, as the Brexit result demonstrates, there are distinct problems to be addressed among the white working class, where strong feelings of abandonment and powerlessness have led, with the aid of right-wing media and politicians, to a scapegoating of immigrants and of the EU. Again, the current Labour leadership, with its commitment to fight austerity, is well placed to reach out to those whose lives and communities have been all but destroyed by cuts, low pay (and no pay), privatisation and casualisation. Jeremy Corbyn can commit himself to putting money where his mouth is when he says that immigration is not the cause of people’s social and economic desperation.

But the Brexit vote indicates that the problems are not simply economic. What also surfaced was the problem of power and powerlessness. Here there is a confluence with the aspirations of the young to achieve some control over their future. But while the urban young use new technologies to create forms of daily collaborative control over their lives, people without easy resources of mobility and communication need other sources of control that they too can feel, in their daily lives.

Here the role of the unions is vital – but not so much in their conventional role as funders and foot soldiers for the party’s election campaigns. Nor is it only about their ability to defend jobs or bargain for better wages. It is also about enabling their members and the wider workforce to obtain greater control over the organisation and purpose of their work, especially in the public sector; an increasing emphasis on the organisation of part-time and casual workers; and support for co-operatives and similar structures as a means by which precarious workers can develop collective strengh.

Greater control of our working lives is limited, however, if our wider political environment is controlled by a remote, over-centralised political system through which there is little or no chance of a voice in decisions about housing, the environment or the national and international decisions of war and peace, trade and investment that shape our lives.

Beyond the ‘strong man’ 

This brings me to the second understanding of leadership: that judged according to the criteria drawn from the nature of prime ministerial power in the British state, a position shaped by decades of adaptation – but not transformation – of the job description of the chief executive at the headquarters of a global empire.

The figure of Churchill continues to haunt. The ‘strong man’ notion of leadership by which Jeremy Corbyn appears all too often to be judged is not just a matter of a ‘macho’ style (though a strong feminist influence would help in any radical rethinking of leadership) . It is embedded in the nature of the UK’s unwritten constitution and the immense but opaque power that it gives to the executive: extensive powers of patronage, powers to go to war, be ready to press the nuclear button, to be at the table of the Security Council and NATO, and in many ways preserve the continuity of the British state.

So my argument is that though the conditions for Corbyn’s electability are entirely within our grasp – especially if his critics in the Parliamentary Labour Party showed some of the respect for party unity that the left has shown throughout the party’s history – his credibility as prime minister would require an effective challenge to the centralised nature of power in our political system, including the anti-democratic ‘winner -takes-all’ electoral system. This challenge would need to be made now, while in opposition, with extensive popular participation. This has been his declared goal but he and the shadow minister responsible, Jon Trickett, have been demoralisingly slow in progressing it. The ‘new politics’ that Corbyn proclaims surely needs to be an explicit agenda of institutional change, not simply a change of style at the front bench dispatch box.

Questions of institution and of policy are closely allied. Jeremy Corbyn’s critics are rarely explicit about how far their criticisms of Corbyn are of his capacities to match up to the responsibilities of highly concentrated power. Or whether, in fact, the implicit issue at the heart of the rebellion, maybe not shared or recognised by all the resignees, is a disagreement on policy: on nuclear power, war, security, respect for the continuity of executive power – a disagreement that will surface and become explicit as the repercussions of Chilcot for our political system and established forms of political leadership, become clear. And finally a belief, reflecting the influence of shadowy pressures coming from ‘the permanent state’ who quite simply will not allow a socialist who means what he says, to be Prime Minister .

Either way, it would be perverse, in the face of the strength of anti-establishment feeling from young and old, to replace a leader committed to breaking establishment power with one who is committed and ready to preserve it.

The results of Spain’s recent election point in a similar direction. There, the voice of a new politics, Unidos Podemos, failed to continue its stunning electoral rise, partly because its leader Pablo Iglesias started to act like a conventional politician and the party leadership closed down its local activist circles. In other words, electability in the context of today’s anti-establishment consciousness requires radical political reform and the alliances to achieve it, not an obsession with being an establishment in waiting.

A further challenge from Spain and from the experiences of the Latin American left which influenced the leadership of Podemos, is this: a distinctive feature of the radical left worldwide is the emphasis that it places on action and organisation beyond parliament. The importance of this is not in counterposition to action in and through parliament but rather as a necessary source of counterpower to the powerful vested interests that have blocked or undermined radical policies for which elected governments in the past have had a popular mandate. After the problematic experiences of left governments in Latin America, however, it is necessary to go further and distinguish between different forms of extra-parliamentary popular organisation from the point of view of the kind of counter power they create. Left leaders in Latin America, whether Nestor and Cristina Kirchner, Hugo Chavez, Eva Morales or Lula Da Silva have tended to act when in government as if left populist street mobilisations were sufficient as a source of counter power. This approach has proved difficult to sustain and inadequate as a means of broadening popular support. It rallies supporters but it does not provide a sustainable way of creating alliances and reaching out to the disaffected. For the deeper, more power- sharing kinds of popular participation, other, usually more local, experiences from Latin America are more promising.

For example, participatory budgeting in the Workers’ Party’s early days when significant sums of money were allocated through municipalities sharing decision-making power (not simply consulting) with citizens who organised themselves through autonomous institutions of mass participation or again in the Workers Party early support for the land occupations and cultivation by the MST (The landless movement) . The point about these two examples is that they involve political support for and collaboration with, autonomous citizens ‘ organisations asserting their transformative capacity through material, productive initiatives of a sustained kind , and in a way which illustrates the kind of society that would be possible if they could be spread more widely. In fact ,in the case of the Workers Party in Brazil, it’s leadership not only failed to generalise such participatory initiatives but made alliances within the corrosive political system, in order to gain and remain in office but at the cost of abandoning wider sources of power to change society.

For Corbyn, such opportunities to support and help build tranformative power through genuinely participatory methods – beyond simply mobilising support – are provided by radical trade union iniatives concerned with the purpose and content of their members’ work (for example recent positive campaigns of the NUT reaching out to parents and the wider community); they are evident in the environment movement around experiments in democratically organised renewable energy sources; they are illustrated historically in the radical economic policy of the GLC, in workers initiatives towards diversification of the defence industry away from weapons of mass destruction (like Trident) and in the many feminist initiatives to bring about changes that liberate women here and now through expanded and democratised public services. Corbyn has talked about following through his belief in the wisdom of ordinary people by drawing up the Labour Party’s manifesto in a participatory manner, rather than going off to write it with his advisers. This could provide an opportunity once his mandate has been renewed in the forthcoming elections, to move beyond the defensive stance of many of his first nince months, and build a gneuinely partcipatory politics.

Our best chance of ensuring that the widespread anti-establishment sentiment becomes a force for democracy and not for reaction, is to support Jeremy Corbyn in bulding such a creative , participatory process but at the same time to take our own initatives in a collaborative, networked movement for political change. Times are so interesting and moving so fast that it is easy to become abrodbed in a Corbyn focused spectator support. What is needed however is practical support, especially initiatives through Momentum which is open to being a platform for a wide range of creative actions.

Hilary Wainwright is a member of Red Pepper’s editorial collective and a fellow of the Transnational Institute.

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Video: Studying the Turkish Coup Attempt

July 19th, 2016 by South Front

A bloody and destructive military coup attempt swept Turkey from Ankara to Istanbul overnight into last Saturday plunged the Turkish state into the crisis and leaded to limited ground and air combat in the sites seized by the coup supporters.

President Recep Erdogan and his supporters were able to repel the attempt. However, the cost of their successful strategy – to use civilians as a human shield against the pro-coup military – was high. Some 290 people were killed, including over 100 putschists, and more than 1,400 injured in a chaotic night of violence. The Turkish authorities detained more than 3000 military personnel for the complicity in the coup attempt. Turkish authorities relieved 2,745 judges of duty and issued arrested 140 Constitutional Court members and 48 members of the Council of State.

Among those arrested was General Bekir Ercan Van, commander of the Incirlik air base. The base stores US tactical nuclear weapons and is being used by the US to launch airstrikes on Syria and Iraq. The former Chief of Staff of the Air Force Akin Ozturk, Colonel Muharrem Kose, 2nd Army commander Gen. Adem Huduti and the 2nd Army executive officer, Malatya Garrison Commander Avni Angun, 3rd Army commander Erdal Ozturk and many others, including a military aide to Mr Erdogan, Ali Yazici, were detained.

The coup attempt in Turkey revealed significant gaps of planning and coordination that prevented it from a success.

Overnight into Saturday, the pro-coup military stationed themselves on major bridges in Istanbul and severed roads in Ankara and Izmir. Turkish F-16s were making low flyovers in Ankara. Civilians were told to go home and stay inside. The airports across the country were shut down and flights were paused. They also shut down power to some critical government infrastructure, such as Dolmabahce Palace and took control of some media and communications channels. However, YouTube, other Internet media outlets and many private channels were remaining online. Later, this allowed Erdogan to take upper hand in media while there were almost no reports, depicting the situation, from the opposing side.

Furthermore, the coup supporters were not able to infiltrate isolate and neutralize Erdogan and other representatives of the opposing political and military leadership. They also failed to successfully coordinate own operating cells and manage the remaining pro-Erdogan forces. As result, Erdogan relying on loyal special services and the police and using a human shield of supporters was able to unite the loyal forces and crush the rebellion.

President Erdogan himself laid the blame for the coup attempt on Fetullah Gulen, a US-based opposition leader who allegedly seeks the power in Turkey. In this case, experts link the coup attempt with the reaction of some pro-Western powers on Erdogan’s steps to stabilize relations with Russia and alleged will to find a consensus over Syria. US special services have a wide network of informants in Turkey and it’s hard to believe that Washington had had no information about such preparations.

The failed coup will lead to further purges in the Turkish Armed Forces. This will make it difficult for Ankara to use the military as an instrument of policy and national strategy and combat successfully its own domestic Kurdish militant movement. This will also weaken Ankara’s capabilities to influence the situation in Syria and Iraq through its military power. For example, the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) in Syria could use Turkish infighting to expand and connect Kurdish-controlled territorial pockets.
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I have been a defence lawyer most of my working life and am not used to gathering evidence for a prosecution, but circumstances impelled me to open a file for the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, or perhaps some future citizen’s tribunal, in which is contained the evidence that the NATO leaders are guilty of the gravest crime against mankind, the crime of aggression. I would like to share with you some brief notes of interest from that file, for your consideration.

Article 8bis of the Rome Statute, the governing statue of the International Criminal Court states:

For the purpose of this Statute, “crime of aggression” means the planning, preparation, initiation or execution, by a person in a position effectively to exercise control over or to direct the political or military action of a State, of an act of aggression which by its character, gravity and scale, constitutes a manifest violation of the Charter on the United Nations.

The NATO communiqué issued from Warsaw on July 9th is direct evidence of such planning and preparation and therefore of a conspiracy by the NATO leaders to commit acts of aggression against Russia, and would be the subject of an indictment of the International Criminal Court against the leaders of the NATO military alliance, if the prosecutor of the ICC was in fact independent, which she is not, and of course, if the articles relating to crimes of aggression were in effect which will not take place until January 1, 2017, if at all, under the articles of the Rome Statute.

Nevertheless, the technical issue of jurisdiction that prevents the issuance of an indictment against the NATO leaders at this time does not legitimate the planning and preparation of acts of aggression as are contained in the NATO communiqué nor reduce the moral weight of the crime of aggression set out in the Statute and the Nuremberg Principles, for the crime of aggression is the supreme crime of war.


On their own words, set out in black and white, in their communiqué of July 9th, the NATO leaders, each and every one, and the entire general staffs of the armed forces of each and every NATO country, are guilty of the crime of aggression. The fact that there is no effective body to which they can be brought for trial is irrelevant to the fact of the crime being committed. They are the enemies of mankind and charged or not, tried or not, they are international outlaws who must be identified as such and called to account by their own peoples.

The evidence of their crimes of course predates this communiqué and consists in years of actions by the NATO powers, since the Soviet Union dissolved itself and the Warsaw Pact, under the agreement with NATO, the 1997 NATO–Russia Founding Act, that NATO would not expand into any of the countries formally members of the Warsaw Pact or the USSR, nor place nuclear weapons there. NATO has broken that agreement continuously since and has, as an organisation, or through groups of its member states, committed acts of aggression against Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Russia (during the Georgian attack on South Ossetia and through support of Chechen terrorist groups inside Russia itself), Ukraine and Syria with each act of aggression supported by massive propaganda campaigns to attempt to justify these crimes as legitimate. The western mass media are all complicit in these crimes by distributing this propaganda to the people they are meant to inform.

The same powers have committed and are committing further acts of aggression against the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea, Iran and China and continuously increasing their planning and preparation for aggression against those nations. These plans are also set out in the NATO communiqué but the gravest threat to mankind is the immediate existential threat against Russia, to which the principal part of the communiqué is directed.

The NATO communiqué is in fact a declaration of war against Russia. There is no other way to interpret it.

Many months ago I stated that we can regard the NATO build-up of forces in Eastern Europe, the NATO coup that overthrew the Yanukovich government in Ukraine, the attempt to grab the Russian naval base at Sevastopol, the immediate attacks on Ukrainian civilians in the eastern provinces that refused to accept the NATO coup, the constant propaganda against Russia as “aggressor” and the economic warfare conducted against Russia under the guise of “sanctions,” to be tantamount to a second Operation Barbarossa, the Third Reich’s invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941. I was hesitant to so describe it but the facts were there and now others have recognised that the analogy is the correct one. And just as the leaders of the Third Reich were finally held responsible for their crimes at Nuremberg, so should be the leaders of the new Reich that the Americans and their vassal states are planning to impose on the rest of us.

At Paragraph 5 of the communiqué and following, they commit the first part of their crime by setting out supposed “aggressive actions” of Russia, in which, in every instance, they are the real aggressors.

At paragraph 15 they state, after some drivel about “partnership between NATO and Russia,” that,

We regret that despite repeated calls by Allies and the international community since 2014 for Russia to change course, the conditions for that relationship do not currently exist.  The nature of the Alliance’s relations with Russia and aspirations for partnership will be contingent on a clear, constructive change in Russia’s actions that demonstrates compliance with international law and its international obligations and responsibilities.  Until then, we cannot return to “business as usual.

What they mean by Russia “changing course” is, of course, doing what they order, and “compliance with international law” means nothing less than complying with NATO diktats. The world saw what happened to Yugoslavia, when President Milosevic had the guts to tell them to go to hell when Madelaine Albright issued her long list of demands, to him, including the occupation of Yugoslavia by NATO forces and the dismantling of socialism, followed by the choice, comply or be bombed. The Yugoslav government had the right and the courage and so defied them, and so NATO leaders activated the leg-breakers, the enforcers, and the murderers who serve in their armed forces and began the vast destruction of a founding member of the Non-Aligned Movement.

We saw it again with Afghanistan, invaded on a legal pretext of harbouring an alleged criminal, Bin Laden, who has never been charged with a crime and who was working under US Army command in Kosovo in 1998-9, fighting against the Yugoslav government.

We saw it with Iraq, ordered to surrender weapons it never had, and then attacked with “shock and awe” a display of military power meant not just for Iraq, but for the whole world; this I what we will do to you if you don’t play ball.

We saw it with President Aristide in Haiti in 2004 when American and Canadian soldiers arrested him at gunpoint and exiled him in chains to Africa, while the world looked away. We saw it in 2010 when President Laurent Gbagbo was arrested by the French and thrown into the morass of the International Criminal Court. We saw it in 2011 when NATO destroyed socialist Libya and we see it now as they try the same against Syria and Iraq, Iran, North Korea, China and most importantly, Russia.

Paragraph 15 is nothing less than a diktat, “obey us or we cannot return to business as usual,” meaning, ultimately, war.

There then follows a long series of paragraphs of lies and distortions about events with everything blamed on Russia. They know these are lies and distortions of course but the point is that these communiqués are generated in Washington as propaganda devices to be quoted over and over again in the western media and referred to by their diplomats and politicians in every speech.

At paragraph 35 and following they refer to their plans for their new Operation Barbarossa, the build-up of NATO forces in Eastern Europe. They call it the Readiness Action Plan. In other words, all those paragraphs set out their plans for preparing the logistical and strategic capacity to attack Russia. That they intend to do so is now clear with the placement of anti-missile systems in Poland and Romania and soon on Russia’s southeast flank in Korea, that are intended to ensure the success of a nuclear first strike on Russia by NATO nuclear forces. The anti-missile systems are meant to intercept any retaliatory missiles launched by survivors in Russia. But, as President Putin pointed out, they can also be used directly in an offensive capacity.

They then emphasize that nuclear weapons are an important part of their strategy and in paragraph 53 state,

“NATO’s nuclear deterrence posture also relies, in part, on United States’ nuclear weapons forward-deployed in Europe and on capabilities and infrastructure provided by Allies concerned.” The fear is that with recent exercises in Poland and in the Arctic in which the use of air strikes to launch nuclear weapons such as nuclear tipped cruise missiles against Russia played a prominent part, the United States and its NATO allies are planning for and preparing for a nuclear attack on Russia. This is the only conclusion possible since it is clear that Russia has no intention of attacking any country in Eastern Europe nor anywhere else and so the excuse given that the presence of nuclear weapons in Europe is a deterrent against Russian “aggression” is established as a lie and therefore their presence can have only one purpose-to be used in attack.

The evidence is before us, the dossier complete. It sits on a desk, gathering dust, of no use to anyone, except the court of public opinion, and what is that worth these days? But perhaps some one out there will take it, develop it and give it to a tribunal, perhaps one of the people, for the people, set up by the people, to try those who plan to destroy the people, that can act quickly, before the final crime of aggression is committed against Russia; against us all.

Christopher Black is an international criminal lawyer based in Toronto, he is a member of the Law Society of Upper Canada and he is known for a number of high-profile cases involving human rights and war crimes, especially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook.”

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Turkey’s Attempted Military Coup d’Etat against President Erdogan

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 16 2016

A faction within Turkey’s military announced that it had seized power against president Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The statement accused Erdogan of “eroding the country’s secular traditions”,  Martial law was announced and a curfew was  implemented late Friday night.


Turkey’s Failed Coup: “A Gift from God” or from Washington?

By Tony Cartalucci, July 18 2016

The coup this weekend that rocked Turkey was a particularly spectacular geopolitical development. Theories abound regarding who was behind it and their motivations for carrying out what ultimately proved an apparently failed attempt at removing the government of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.


Post- Coup Turkey will be Distinctly Eurasian

By Andrew Korybko, July 17 2016

The aftermath of the failed US-directed and Gulen-inspired coup attempt is already making itself clear, with Prime Minister Yildirim stating that Turkey might reinstate the death penalty to deal with the plotters. This statement is just as symbolic as it is substantial, since not only does it disprove allegations that Erdogan “planned this” himself for some Machiavellian purpose, but it also indicates that Turkey has decided to shun the West.


Turkey, Coup Plots and Tinpot Tyrants

By David Morgan, July 17 2016

Although there have long been signs of opposition to the divisive rule of Turkish President Erdogan and his Islamist AKP, few really expected the military to attempt a coup on 15 July which has now left 265 dead and 2,800 “coup plotters” from the country’s military arrested in the immediate aftermath of the dramatic events.


Public Support for Turkey’s Erdogan More Suspect Than Real

By Stephen Lendman, July 18 2016

In the wake of Friday’s aborted coup, thousands rallying for Erdogan looked suspect. Like all leaders, he can mobilize hard core faithful on short notice to show public support. Saturday demonstrations looked more staged than authentic. Genuine support in the wake of an aborted coup would bring tens or hundreds of thousands out in force.


Military Coups, Turkey and Flimsy Democracy

By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 17 2016

“A minority within the armed forces has unfortunately been unable to stomach Turkey’s unity.” -President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Jul 15, 2016. Any aspect of instability in the state of Turkey is going to be greeted with trepidation by those partners who bank on its security role between East and West. The European Union, that rattled club of members who fear the next onslaught against its institutional credibility, have been bolstering Ankara in the hope to keep refugees at bay.

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Political conventions showcase party standard bearers, portray unity, and create the illusion of a political process serving everyone equitably – democratic governance at its best when nonexistent. 

Cleveland is Trump’s show, presumptive GOP nominee, to become official when delegates formally choose him as party standard bearer.

Convention proceedings more resemble reality TV than democracy in action. A rogue’s gallery of speakers include right-wing politicians, military figures, and Trump family members, culminating with the nominee’s acceptance speech.

Daily themes include “making America safe again”, “making it work again”, making it first again and making it one again – the usual type pomp and circumstance signifying nothing, circus proceedings, little more, best ignored.

Then repeated when Democrats get their turn next week – a double dose of hypocrisy at its worst, political posturing concealing America’s dark side, an imperial agenda threatening humanity, concealed from public view in Cleveland and Philadelphia.

The most ruthless rogue state in world history intends dueling deceptive dog and pony show extravaganzas – exercises in hyperbole, duplicity, hypocrisy and coverup of the highest of high crimes.

Supporting either duopoly power candidate endorses not an option.  In November, vote independent or stay home.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.” 


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com. 

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Never has the US-led conspiracy against the sovereign state of Syria been so transparent. When recently a Syrian warplane crashed near the Syrian capital of Damascus and its pilot parachuted to safety, he was captured and promptly executed by US-backed “moderate rebels.” In what was clearly an inexcusable war crime, the story began to change almost immediately in order to shift the blame.

 Reuters in its article, “Syrian warplane crashes near Damascus, rebels say pilot killed,” would report (emphasis added):

The rebel group Jaish al-Islam said the pilot had been killed by a Nusra Front fighter while being held at a joint command centre. Jaish al-Islam had earlier said he would be handed over to them because they had shot down his plane. 

Jaish al-Islam, which controls territory on the Syrian capital’s eastern and northeastern outskirts, had earlier circulated a photo that it said showed the pilot.

3453453453The incident highlights several inconvenient facts. First, it exposes the fact that Jaish al-Islam through its own admission maintains a “joint command center” with Jubhat al Nusra – a US State Department designated foreign terrorist organization – meaning that Jaish al-Islam itself is coordinating with and fighting alongside listed terrorists.

That Jaish al-Islam receives significant material support from US allies including Saudi Arabia and NATO-member Turkey implicates both US allies in supporting Al Nusra as well – as these resources are demonstrably being shared.

It should also be noted that it was Jaish al-Islam – a militant front openly collaborating with Al Qaeda – that was chosen by the so-called “Syrian opposition committee” to represent them at so-called “peace talks” held by the UN earlier this year.

The BBC’s article, “Syria conflict: Islamist rebel named opposition chief negotiator,” would reveal in January of this year that:

A Syrian opposition committee has named an Islamist rebel as its chief negotiator at peace talks that the UN hopes to convene in Geneva on Monday. 

Mohammed Alloush is the political leader of the powerful, Saudi-backed group Jaysh al-Islam (Army of Islam).

This links the rest of the so-called “moderate opposition” directly to foreign-sponsored terrorist organizations as well.

Jaish al-Islam and Nusra’s joint atrocity earlier this month in the execution of a Syrian pilot also reveals another inconvenient fact – that the US is maintaining a duplicitous double game in which it is supporting terrorists fighting in Syria, using the misnomer of “moderate opposition” to condemn any Syrian and Russian attacks on these terrorist groups, then citing and shifting blame on the listed terrorist organizations operating side-by-side these supposed “moderates” when atrocities unfold.

It is a pattern that has – in recent weeks – accelerated, with Al Qaeda-linked terrorist groups dominating fighting across the country portrayed as “moderates” to shield them from joint Syrian-Russian anti-terror operations, while simultaneously disowned as Al Qaeda when atrocities are committed.

In reality, Al Qaeda has from the beginning, and still does, represent the vast majority of those fighting Damascus and its allies in Syria. Regardless of superficial labels used mainly by the Western media to delineate specific groups, it is clear, even through official statements by both the wider militant movement and specific groups like Jaish al-Islam itself, that they fight beside and under Al Qaeda’s banner.

Talking points revolving around the necessity of removing the Syrian government in order to eliminate the extremists of Al Qaeda and the self-proclaimed “Islamic State” are rendered moot when considering that the entire so-called “opposition” is comprised of Al Qaeda and the “Islamic State,” along with a myriad of subsidiaries openly fighting alongside both.

Business Insider in its article, “The US and Russia may have just sealed Al Qaeda’s fate in Syria,” would cite corporate-financier funded thinks tanks in concluding:

…the US reportedly has begun urging rebel groups to leave areas where Nusra is present so that Russian warplanes can target them without hitting the mainstream opposition. To that end, the US has demonstrated that it is more willing to work on the Kremlin’s terms than on those of the rebels. 

Ultimately, many experts say, the opposition groups Russia has relentlessly targeted since late September 2015 are the only actors on the ground capable of challenging the influence Nusra is trying to cultivate among Syria’s Sunni Arab population

The bizarre conclusions drawn by the writers at Business Insider openly admit that “rebel groups” are operating side-by-side Al Nusra, but paradoxically claim they are the “only actors on the ground capable of challenging the influence” of Al Nusra.

Business Insider, and the think tanks it is providing a platform for, admit that so-called “rebels” are entwined with Al Nusra on the battlefield, but attempting to portray Syrian and Russian strikes on these targets as specific only to the “rebels” and not to the listed terrorists of Al Nusra they are literally shoulder-to-shoulder with in the trenches and collaborating together with inside their “joint command centers.”

In reality, the removal of the Syrian government from power will lead to the same predictable and catastrophic power vacuum that has consumed previous victims of US-led regime change including Iraq and Libya.

It should be noted that while publications like Business Insider attempt to claim the Syrian government has served as a catalyst for Al Qaeda’s rise in Syria, it does little to explain the terrorist organization’s spread elsewhere including Afghanistan, Libya, and Iraq. In fact, the only single common denominator shared by all of these nations, including Syria, is the fact that each has been targeted for regime change, division, and destruction by Washington – primarily through the use of  US-backed armed proxies aligned with Al Qaeda.

Ironically, it would be the dismantling of the regime on Wall Street and in Washington that would do infinitely more to undermine the viability of Al Qaeda than yet another toppled government and subsequent power vacuum in the Middle East.

Tony Cartalucci, Bangkok-based geopolitical researcher and writer, especially for the online magazine New Eastern Outlook”.    

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author Abayomi Azikiwe

Founded in 1919 by at least two factions of the United States socialist movement, what became known as the Communist Party, USA (CP) was faced with formidable obstacles in building a Marxist-Leninist party inside the citadel of world imperialism. In the aftermath of World War I the U.S. was poised to gain hegemony over other capitalist states in Europe resulting from a variety of factors.

With specific reference to the war itself, fighting was largely concentrated in Central, Eastern and Southern Europe along with the territories that constituted sections of the former Ottoman Empire. Consequently, the industrial infrastructure was not damaged by the war and through the need for military equipment the factories were expanding their operations to supply the necessary hardware for the U.S. and its allies.

During the course of World War I racial unrest erupted in several locations throughout the country including incidents involving African American soldiers serving in the military.

In the aftermath of the war a new round of unrest erupted the largest being in Chicago in the summer of 1919.

This expansion in the industrial production of the U.S. in World War I attracted millions of African Americans into the urban areas of the South and North. Competition for housing, jobs and public space pitted African Americans against whites who were born in the U.S. as well as foreign-born European immigrants.

Efforts to organize labor unions and popular organizations inside the country had been hampered by racial divisions which were fostered by the ruling class interests within industry, real estate, commerce and finance. State institutions from the federal government down to the state and local structures reflected the inherent racist character of the economic and social growth of the U.S. which was rooted in the forced removals of the indigenous Native people and the centuries-long enslavement of Africans.

The Political Significance of the Yokinen Trial

At the Second Congress of the Communist International (CI) held in Moscow in 1920 the question of the status of African Americans was discussed and resolutions were passed. Although no African Americans were in attendance, John Reed, who had written an account of the Russian Revolution of 1917, prepared and delivered a report July 25 on the conditions of the Black population in the U.S. and the potential for organizing work among them.

Reed seemed to suggest that the African American people should be approached and organized as workers and not a nationally oppressed group seeking self-determination. Although Reed mentioned the role of A. Philip Randolph of the Socialist Party and the Messenger newspaper that he co-founded, there was no reference to the rapidly emerging Garvey Movement (Universal Negro Improvement Association-African Communities League) or the cultural renaissance taking place in Harlem and other African American communities nationwide.

In his remarks Reed said

“The only correct policy for the American Communists towards the Negroes is to regard them above all as workers. The agricultural workers and the small farmers of the South pose, despite the backwardness of the Negroes, the same tasks as those we have in respect to the white rural proletariat. Communist propaganda can be carried out among the Negroes who are employed as industrial workers in the North. In both parts of the country we must strive to organize Negroes in the same unions as the whites. This is the best and quickest way to root out racial prejudice and awaken class solidarity.”

Reed continues emphasizing

“The Communists must not stand aloof from the Negro movement which demands their social and political equality and at the moment, at a time of the rapid growth of racial consciousness, is spreading rapidly among Negroes. The Communists must use this movement to expose the lie of bourgeois equality and emphasize the necessity of the social revolution which will not only liberate all workers from servitude but is also the only way to free the enslaved Negro people.”

V.I. Lenin, the central figure in the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, in his “Draft Theses on National and Colonial Questions” from the Second Congress of the Communist International of 1920, said after listing a series of oppressed peoples including African Americans that,

“An abstract or formal posing of the problem of equality in general and national equality in particular is in the very nature of bourgeois democracy. Under the guise of the equality of the individual in general, bourgeois democracy proclaims the formal or legal equality of the property-owner and the proletarian, the exploiter and the exploited, thereby grossly deceiving the oppressed classes. On the plea that all men are absolutely equal, the bourgeoisie is transforming the idea of equality, which is itself a reflection of relations in commodity production, into a weapon in its struggle against the abolition of classes. The real meaning of the demand for equality consists in its being a demand for the abolition of classes.”

Lenin continues stressing that

“In conformity with its fundamental task of combating bourgeois democracy and exposing its falseness and hypocrisy, the Communist Party, as the avowed champion of the proletarian struggle to overthrow the bourgeois yoke, must base its policy, in the national question too, not on abstract and formal principles but, first, on a precise appraisal of the specific historical situation and, primarily, of economic conditions; second, on a clear distinction between the interests of the oppressed classes, of working and exploited people, and the general concept of national interests as a whole, which implies the interests of the ruling class; third, on an equally clear distinction between the oppressed, dependent and subject nations and the oppressing, exploiting and sovereign nations, in order to counter the bourgeois-democratic lies that play down this colonial and financial enslavement of the vast majority of the world’s population by an insignificant minority of the richest and advanced capitalist countries, a feature characteristic of the era of finance capital and imperialism.”

However, even though some African Americans and African-Caribbean people were recruited into the Communist Party from the African Blood Brotherhood (ABB) and Socialist Party, by 1925 very little had been accomplished on a mass level. In 1925 the CP-initiated American Negro Labor Congress (ANLC) made several attempts to organize conferences bringing together African American workers and intellectuals. Several of these cadres were sent to study in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) at the KUTVA School. Discussions taking place during 1925-1928 in Moscow and the U.S. coincided with factional disputes inside the American Party. By the Sixth Congress of 1928, a full-blown campaign was launched to force the U.S. Communists to develop more effective work among African Americans.

The Garvey Movement and other organizations had made tremendous efforts during the 1920s. Discontent had set in among leading African American cadres claiming that the Party leadership was not taking the plight of Black workers and farmers seriously. By this time the Party was heavily dominated by both Anglo-American whites and foreign-born immigrants from Europe.

Coming out of the Sixth Congress were resolutions that took specific positions on the status and role of African Americans within the struggle for socialism and communism. Placing these developments within an historical context this writer during a 2010 public meeting in Detroit noted:

“Prior to 1928, very few African-Americans had attended the CI congresses. Otto Huiswood, who had been associated with the ABB attended the fourth congress in 1922 along with the Jamaican-born poet Claude McKay. Even though the Sixth Congress had developed the Black Belt thesis and urged greater work among the African-American community, the rightist forces inside the CP advocated the notion of “American exceptionalism,” which implied that the economic conditions of the United States were different than what prevailed in European capitalists states. The rightist forces within the CP refused to fully implement the thesis adopted at the Sixth Congress of the Communist International. By 1929, another major split developed inside the Communist movement. The followers of Jay Lovestone, the majority faction, were expelled along with some members of a minority faction that included James P. Cannon and Max Schatman, who went on to form the Trotskyist movement in the United States.” (Socialism and the Right of Oppressed Nations to Self-Determination)

When the Great Depression took hold in late 1929, the African American community was devastated. Mass unemployment, racist violence, displacements through forced removals from rural areas and housing evictions in urban centers became the norm. The Communist Party by 1930 had established Unemployed Councils which demanded jobs and food for workers facing extreme deprivations. The Councils fought for a moratorium on evictions and blocked bailiffs from throwing families out of rental properties in cities such as New York, Cleveland and Chicago. Several leading Communist organizers among African Americans were killed and wounded in confrontations with the police.

It was during this period that the Party made significant inroads into the African American communities. Hundreds and later thousands began to join rallies, marches, picket lines and rent strikes. When African Americans witnessed both Black and white communists fighting in the streets for their rights to housing, food and civil rights, the Party began to grow exponentially. Leading African American community leaders and labor activists joined the Communist Party in great numbers.

Nonetheless, the party was still dominated by Anglos and foreign-language clubs. Political development was uneven and consequently the overall institutional racist character of U.S. society fostered division along color lines. While thousands of African Americans joined CP-led mass organizations and campaigns along with becoming party members, racist attitudes prevailing in American society remained.

In areas where segregated labor unions either totally barred African Americans from joining or forcing them into Jim Crow locals with limited resources and no real political attention, the CP emphasized the need to reject racism in all of its forms. The bringing together of Black and white workers, both U.S. and foreign-born, brought out reactionary tendencies among the European Americans. Consequently, in order to preserve its gains in the area of mass work as well as growing Party membership among African Americans, the CP opened a campaign against white chauvinism inside the organization.

A Harlem Show Trial

August Yokinen was a Finnish immigrant and a member of the Communist Party in New York. He was charged with white chauvinism and put on trial by the New York District on March 1, 1931. The trial resulted from the apparent racist treatment of a delegation of African Americans who responded to a notice about a public social event held at the Finnish Club in Harlem.

A pamphlet published by the CP in the aftermath of the hearing in 1931 entitled “Race Hatred on Trial”, said

“This club, composed of Finnish workers, regularly gives such entertainments in the very heart of the Negro neighborhood. At this particular dance three Negro workers came to enjoy themselves as did the other workers there. But when these three Negro Workers came they found, that instead of being given the welcome repeatedly promised by the Communist Party and by all revolutionary workers, they were pushed off to one side and given anything but a cordial reception. In addition to this there was a definite group in this hall that showed such an attitude of hostility to these three Negro workers that they wanted to eject them bodily from the hall. I repeat: instead of receiving the welcome they expected, and the opportunity to enjoy themselves, as did the other workers in the hall, these three Negro workers had to leave the hall because of the hostility of certain white workers.” (p.7)

Moreover, according to this same document,

“we find that the Party members, who are also members of this club, instead of going to the defense of the Negro workers, adopted a tolerant attitude to those elements bitterly hostile to the Negroes. While the principles of the Party declare for stubborn opposition to all persecution and discrimination against Negroes, our Party members in this particular club did not fulfil their responsibilities and duties as Party members. They adopted a policy of smoothing over these issues without taking a decisive stand for the defense of the right of the Negro workers to attend this dance together with the white workers. We have in this organization, Party members, apparently, who vote in favor of a resolution which declares equality for Negroes, but when it comes to actually putting equal rights into practice in the Finnish Workers Club, the Party members were not ready to rush to the defense of these Negro workers. On the contrary, by this negative position they aided those who hounded Negroes out of the hall.” (p. 8)

Once this act of racism and white chauvinism came to light among broader segments of the Party an immediate investigation was conducted. Efforts were underway to institute disciplinary actions against those white comrades who failed to come to the defense of the African American workers. Many of the Finnish workers when confronted admitted their mistakes saying they should have maintained the official policy against discrimination as enunciated by the Party and thrown out those who engaged in the racist behavior.

During interviews with the white comrades present, the majority of which took a position of self-criticism, the Party investigative team encountered August Yokinen who attempted to justify the racism shown toward the African American workers. The Communist Party pamphlet reviewing the Yokinen trial said of the accused “He argued that if the Negroes came into the club and into the pool room, they would soon be coming into the bathroom, and that he for one, did not wish to bathe with Negroes. He justified throwing the Negroes out of the dance, because he was afraid if Negro workers were permitted to come to a dance, they would also come to play pool; they would also come to bathe in the excellent bathroom of which the Finnish comrades are justly proud.” (p. 8)

Identifying Yokinen’s view as “A Dangerous Attitude” in a section of the pamphlet, the CP surmised that this sentiment among white comrades was not an isolated one. The Finnish comrade’s outlook represented a formal acceptance of equal rights for African Americans without putting it in to practice. When faced with social situations where racist norms were destined to prevail within U.S. society, the white comrades fell back on to the institutional discrimination which is at the base of the exploitative system of capitalism, serving as a main impediment to building multi-racial class unity within the Communist Party, the trade unions and the mass movement in general.

The report on the Yokinen trial then states “In this he was giving expression to the white-superiority lies that have been developed consciously by the capitalists and the Southern slave-owners. He was taking a position that hindered the mobilization of the Negro masses for struggle together with the white workers under the leadership of the Communist Party. Just so long as any of our Party members take such an anti-Communist stand, we give to the Negro workers the perfect right to mistrust us and our promises. We must bear in mind that others, besides Communists, have also made promises to Negroes. The Socialists, the Republicans, the Democrats, the American Federation of Labor—all of these bodies have and can continue to make promises. But none of these have fulfilled nor will fulfill their promises. The Negroes have learned to expect from them nothing but broken promises and betrayals. They have learned to mistrust all whites.” (p. 9)

Continuing on this same theme, the pamphlets surmises “Unless every member of our Party fulfils in action the Communist promise to the Negro masses they have the same right to distrust us as they have learned to distrust the other Parties. We say, therefore, that when Yokinen opposed the use of the bath room, the pool room, or any other part of the Finnish Club by the Negro workers, he was giving expression to views that undermine the confidence of the Negro masses in the Communist Party and in the revolutionary white working class. And we must guard the revolutionary integrity of our Party by immediately expelling Comrade Yokinen from membership.”

Yokinen was expelled at the conclusion of the trial but offered the potential of renewed membership if he worked within the mass movement for one year defending the rights of African American people. The accused later acknowledged that he had also been infected with anti-Black prejudices and pledged to reform. The CP claimed that Yokinen understood his crimes and would rectify his attitude and behavior.

The Finnish comrade committed himself to working for a year in the emerging League of Struggle for Negro Rights (LSNR), a successor to the ANLC. This new formation largely grew out of the campaign to save the lives and win acquittals in the Scottsboro Boys case in Alabama where African American men were falsely charged for raping two white prostitutes aboard a freight train. This case won national acclaim for the CP and provided openings for the organization of the Sharecroppers’ Union in Alabama.

This case against August Yokinen gained national and international attention through not only the CP publication but through an article published by the Associated Press. The trial was held in Harlem before an audience of 1,500 African American and white workers. The CP pamphlet noted that Yokinen “was not tried before any court of American ruling-class ‘justice’. He was tried by a court of workers. He was brought to trial by the Communist Party for conduct detrimental to the interests of the working class as a whole and for violation of the fundamental program of the Party.”

Nevertheless, due in part to the wide publicity given to the case by the CP, Yokinen was targeted by the U.S. government for deportation. He was accused of violating the terms of his admission in the country by being a member of what was considered a subversive organization. Yokinen was arrested and detained. A campaign arose in his defense by the CP and its mass units even after his expulsion for anti-Black prejudice and racism. Eventually he was deported even though he was married to a U.S. citizen and had fathered a child which was an American.

The Yokinen trial represented the contradictions facing the CP during the so-called Third Period in the aftermath of the Sixth and Seventh Congresses of the Communist International. Demanding that the American Party take decisive action in eradicating white chauvinism and the demand by African American comrades for more direct political work within their communities, the CP was coming into serious conflict with the values and institutions of U.S. capitalism. If they did not attempt to tackle racism within its own ranks, the Party would be doomed to marginalization within the African American communities and consequently be in defiance of the resolutions on self-determination and full equality mandated by the CI.

Harry Haywood, one of the initial recruits into the CP in early the 1920s, became a proponent of the right of self-determination for the African American people. Haywood had studied in the Soviet Union at KUTVA and pressed during the Sixth and Seventh Congress for the resolutions requiring sustained work among the Black workers and farmers in the U.S.

Haywood wrote in an article published in the Communist in September 1933 that

“The first real achievements of our Party in the leadership of the Negro masses date from the beginning of the application of this Leninist line. A historical landmark in the development of our Negro work was the public trial of August Yokinen. In this trial the case of discrimination by a white Party member against Negroes was made the occasion for a political demonstration in which the Party’s program on the Negro question and the struggle against white chauvinism were dramatized with an unprecedented effect before the widest masses throughout the country. Comrade Browder in his report before American students, in estimating the political significance of this trial, declared ‘that it was a public challenge dramatically flung into the face of one of the basic principles of social relationships in America — the American institution of Jim-Crowism… The explusion of Yokinen, expressing our declaration of war against white chauvinism, exerted a tremendous influence to draw the Negro masses closer to us.’ In this trial the Party achieved a great step forward in the education of its membership and the masses around the Party on our program on the Negro question. This was particularly exemplified in Comrade Yokinen himself who, after six months, came back into the Party as one of the staunchest fighters for its program of Negro liberation and who, as a result of his courageous and militant stand on this question, was deported by the Negro-hating imperialist government. The trial of Yokinen served to prepare the Party ideologically for a real interest in the struggle for Negro rights.”

Building on this point related to the struggle against white chauvinism within the CP and the growth in influence by the Party among the African American masses, Haywood says “Only through the vigorous application of our correct Leninist program on the Negro question could the Party carry through and lead such a struggle as the Scottsboro campaign. This campaign gave rise to the sudden movement of mass participation of Negro workers on an unprecedented scale in the general struggles of the working class throughout the country. The great strikes of the Pennsylvania, Ohio and West Virginia coal miners which broke out in 1931, during the first part of the Scottsboro campaign, witnessed greater participation of Negro workers than any other economic action led by revolutionary trade unions. Large masses of Negro workers rallied to the unemployed movement, displaying matchless militancy in the actions of the unemployed. Notable examples of this were the heroic demonstrations against evictions in the Negro neighborhoods of Chicago and Cleveland.

This same article continues saying “While the Negro masses were beginning to participate more in the class struggles in the North, an event of great historical significance occurred in the Black Belt — the organization of the Sharecroppers Union and the heroic resistance of the sharecroppers to the attacks of the landlords and sheriffs at Camp Hill, Alabama. In this struggle the revolutionary ferment of the Negro poor farmers and sharecroppers received its first expression, resulting in the establishment of the first genuine revolutionary organization among the Negro poor farmers — the militant Sharecroppers Union. The agrarian movement of the Negro masses was further continued and developed in the Tallapoosa fight in which the sharecroppers gave armed resistance to the legalized robbery of the landlords and merchants.

This whole series of class and national liberation struggles was further deepened and politicized through the Communist presidential election campaign of 1932. In this campaign the Party was able to further extend its program among the masses, rally large numbers of Negroes behind its political slogans. Thus the application of a Bolshevik program in conditions of sharpening crisis and growing radicalization of the Negroes has resulted in the extension of the political influence of the Party among the broad masses of Negroes, and in the growth of Party membership among them. Of outstanding importance in this period is the establishment of the Party in the South and in the Black Belt.”

Lessons of the Yokinen Trial for Today

Some may question the contemporary significance of the Yokinen trial and the struggle for a Leninist position within the revolutionary movement. Inside the U.S. the “white only” signs have been taken down across the South and the North. However, racism still permeates U.S. society and the emerging anti-racist movement labelled as “Black Lives Matter” has once again raised the questions of the intersections between national oppression, economic exploitation and political repression.

A phenomenon of police killings of African Americans and Latinos has reached epidemic proportions while the state institutions from the federal government to the local entities have failed to discipline, arrest, prosecute, convict and imprison law-enforcement agents and vigilantes who engage in the unwarranted use of lethal and the systematic targeting of oppressed people for liquidation. The first U.S. president of African descent has been in office for nearly eight years amid worsening social conditions for Black people.

Numerous academic and journalistic studies have documented the policies of racial profiling carried out by police agencies around the U.S. In the aftermath of the police killing of 18-year-old Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, the Department of Justice (DOJ) conducted a wide-ranging study of the situation involving African Americans and the legal system in St. Louis County.

This author in a review of the Ferguson Report published in 2015 a year after the gunning down of unarmed Michael Brown by white police officer Darren Wilson, notes “In a quote taken directly from the Ferguson Report as it relates to the ostensible Fourth Amendment rights of African Americans which are supposed to protect them from illegal search and seizure, it says that ‘In reviewing Ferguson Police Department records, we found numerous incidents in which— based on the officer’s own description of the detention—an officer detained an individual without articulable reasonable suspicion of criminal activity or arrested a person without probable cause. In none of these cases did the officer explain or justify his conduct. Many of the unlawful stops we found appear to have been driven, in part, by an officer’s desire to check whether the subject had a municipal arrest warrant pending. Several incidents suggest that officers are more concerned with issuing citations and generating charges than with addressing community needs.’” (Modern Ghana, August 4, 2015)

The same article goes on to say “The reasons in part for the aggressive policing operations against African Americans in Ferguson and St. Louis County stems from the desire to reap economic gains through excessive citations which are often reinforced by an already biased court system. Despite these observations by the DOJ investigators no criminal charges for civil rights violations were filed and consequently the situation will remain the same until the realization of a mass revolutionary movement that can effectively challenge the system of racism and national oppression.”

Mass demonstrations have continued throughout the U.S. since 2013 when George Zimmerman of Florida was acquitted in the shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin in Sanford. These protests continued after the outrage over the police shooting of Michael Brown spread throughout the country. The Black Lives Matter hashtag started by three African American women Alicia Garza, Patrice Cullors and Opal Tometi, came in response to the acquittal of Zimmerman during the summer of 2013. The hashtag has become a movement and organization mirroring the mounting militancy on the part of African American youth and workers.

By the spring of 2015, Baltimore would erupt in rebellion after the death in police custody of Freddie Grey. More demonstrations and vigils were held nationally providing further evidence of the rising national consciousness among African Americans related to their growing intolerance towards racist violence. In the fall of 2015, these anti-racist demonstrations would erupt on the campuses at the University of Missouri, Princeton, and others. An attack on the tributes paid to ideological racists and imperialists at these institutions emphasized the need for a reinterpretation of U.S. and world history.

The character of the anti-racist demonstrations and other actions varied. Many were led by African Americans while others were more multi-national. These aspects of the movement raise questions as to the character of the required organizational structures which have not yet reached full maturity.

Of course there are limitations to the effectiveness and sustainability of spontaneous demonstrations and even rebellions. During the 1960s and 1970s, mass demonstrations and urban rebellions were widespread and consequently the forms of organization took on a more ideological orientation.

For example, the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) began through civil disobedience opposing legalized segregation in public accommodations in 1960. By 1961, a staff had been established with a broadening focus on voter registration. By 1964, the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (MFDP) pointed to the necessity of an independent political organization. The founding of the Lowndes County Freedom Organization (LCFO), the first Black Panther Party in Alabama, emphasized the need for both independent politics and self-defense.

By 1966 SNCC had come out in full opposition to the U.S. war of occupation and genocide in Vietnam. The Black Panther Party for Self Defense founded in Oakland, California in October 1966, later ran for political offices in 1968 but also sought to form a revolutionary Black party committed to armed self-defense and fundamental political transformation of U.S. capitalism and imperialism. The Republic of New Africa (RNA) formed in Detroit in March 1968, demanded five states in the South for the establishment of an independent Black nation. Many saw the RNA position as a continuation of the Black Belt Thesis emanating from the Sixth and Seventh Congresses of the CI.

Tensions existed during the 1960s and 1970s among Black and white radicals. Efforts were undertaken in the early 1970s to form multi-racial communist parties which would take into consideration the errors of the various left formations of the period between the 1920s and 1960s. These attempts at the formation of a new Communist movement were not sustainable. Many of the same contradictions involving race, gender and social class would emerge amid the major shifts within the structures of the world capitalist system that began in the early to mid-1970s.

In 2016, if these contradictions in race relations within the left movements themselves, both Black and white, are not resolved, there can be no real advancement in the struggle to transform the racist capitalist system in the U.S. Looking back upon the historical occurrences such as the Yokinen trial of 1931reveals the extent to which these contradictions have not been resolved.

A Black-led movement against racism on an ideological level represents the advancements over the degree of political repression levelled against the struggle during the 1950s through the 1970s by the Counter-intelligence Program (COINTELPRO) and other forms of U.S. government subversion of the popular movements for social change. Nonetheless, the role of whites in these demonstrations and movements and their alliances with the African American national liberation struggle requires a systematic study of the triumphs and failures of the past century.

Without question racism must be defeated both within and without of the social justice movements if the organizations are serious about playing a critical role in these reemerging struggles. African American youth are displaying a keen aversion to national chauvinism and attempted marginalization of their concerns. Activists have confronted presidential candidates demanding that they address the plight of the African American people at the hands of law-enforcement and the broader prison industrial complex.

This confrontation will reveal as Bob Marley once said in his song on the Zimbabwe national liberation movement, “who are the real revolutionaries.” Those who reform and adhere to a correct line on the national and class questions of the day will survive and thrive. Others of course will be rendered to the dust bins of history. These developments are inevitable in light of the instability and fracturing within the world imperialist system and its institutions including political parties.

Therefore, the resolution to the issues of the character of the mass movements and revolutionary organizations are pivotal in making the progress necessary to achieve victory over racism, capitalism and imperialism.

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Beyond Donald Trump and the Banishing of Muslims

July 18th, 2016 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

He was the kingpin of the whole affair by suggesting it. In December 2015, the US Republican presumptive nominee for President, Donald Trump, came up with that daft suggestion which seems so utterly devoid of informed meaning.  Ban Muslims from entering the United States and the phenomenon of terrorism would somehow be abated.

His prepared statement was characteristically dramatic in the manner of reality television, envisaging a “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on.”

The recent shootings of US police officers, inflicted by disgruntled former black American soldiers, may inspire Trump to think about another form of banning and banishment, though where, exactly, are we to put such aggrieved patriots? It was the policy of British American settlers to happily make use of slaves and remove them, with the assistance of various trading middlemen, from their African homes.  Such difficulty!

The latest terrorist attack in Nice generated a good deal of activity on the idiocy meter, with other representatives of immigrant societies suggesting that Muslim immigration should stop altogether. Australia’s resident demagogic squawker, Andrew Bolt, did his usual tin-pot surmising with the idea that there were links between immigration, Islam and terrorism in France.

Bolt’s reasoning in the Herald Sun is proudly myopic, a breezy speculative excursion that confuses correlation, causation and everything else.  Jihadists have run amok in France to make “Europe’s bloodiest battlefield” because “France lets in the most Muslims.”[1]

The fact that French foreign policy has an inglorious record of destabilising regimes such as that of Gaddafi’s Libya and further stirring the pot of Islamic fury in Syria, never makes an appearance in the analysis. Western states, goes this line of thinking, engage in foreign theatres without domestic consequences.

Bolt’s hold on evaluation, accuracy and statistics is sketchy. But the life of a fanatic is untroubled by the intrusion of facts, a point that he shares with those terrorists he struggles to understand. “No European country has a higher proportion of Muslims than France – up to 10 per cent of its population, or six million, though statistics are vague, and vary.”

This permits Bolt to engage in a false statistical analysis.  He scours the globe to identify places where the Muslim populations are fewer.  Naturally, he picks a country from his fantasy where immigrants of all types are few and far between: Japan. “Japan has strict controls on immigration and its 127 million people include just 100,000 Muslims.  Result: zero Islamist attacks.”  Genius.

Air head Sonia Kruger, a host of a breakfast show host, Today Extra, decided that Bolt had a point, suggesting the intellectual muscle he can muster for his scribbles.  “There is a correlation between the number of people in a country who are Muslim and the number of terrorist attacks.”

Naturally, Kruger feels that being a mother somehow provides her the magic of omniscient insight, a deep feeling for the sociology of life.  “Following the atrocities of last week in Nice where 10 children lost their lives, as a mother, I believe it’s vital in a democratic society to be able to discuss these issues without automatically being labelled a racist.”[2]

Such views are never far from the psyche of the immigrant society.  Built by immigrants, forged by immigrants, such a society is bound to also have some self-loathing at a certain point. Bad apples found in the cart suggest that it might tip over. Best, therefore, to make sure that particular orchard is never harvested.

In doing so, the argument tends to be made that free speech is being asserted.  Kruger’s shallow understanding here is palpable. “I want to feel safe and I want to see freedom of speech.”  Obviously, banning the followers of a particular faith from entering a country would be a stunning affirmation of how speech is distinctly not free.

While Today Extra is hardly the front line of weighty Enlightenment thinking, co-host David Campbell did provide a tincture of balance. “I’d like to see freedom of religion as well, as well as freedom of speech. They go hand in hand.”

The issue of banning immigrants of a particular disposition coming into Australia has never been far from Australia’s political pulse.  The first act of the fledging Australian parliament in 1901 was the Immigration Restriction Act which inaugurated the White Australia policy.

Former Australian Prime Minister John Howard has similarly been excited by notions of banning entrants, be they Asians or individuals of a certain disposition.  While opposition leader in the 1980s, Howard gambled on the idea that Australia was simply accepting too many Asians, thereby diluting its cultural and racial stock.

On August 1, 1988, Howard suggested that, “If it is in the eyes of some in the community too great, it would be in our immediate term interests and supportive of social cohesion if [Asian immigration] were slowed down a little so that the capacity of the community to absorb were greater.”

It was political stupidity, and suicide on his part, though he would learn his lesson during the 1990s.  In that decade, he transformed the Australian approach to refugees by developing a trans-pacific prison system euphemistically called processing, using poorer Pacific countries to do Canberra’s dirty work.  During these years, he would launch a series of blows against those arriving to Australia on often dangerous rafts and vessels, claiming that he did not “want people of that type in Australia”.

Those who favour bans on immigrants of a specific religion tend to ignore the obvious point about what resident, and Australian-born followers of that faith would do.  What better statement of deprivation and estrangement could there be than one of state-sanctioned exclusion. What next?  Concentration camps?  Perhaps the logic here is one of internment and ultimate banishment.  Trump would be proud.

Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He lectures at RMIT University, Melbourne.  Email: [email protected]

[1] http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/opinion/andrew-bolt/muslim-migration-opens-door-to-terror/news-story/8ee3c985088b9a502ff475b5dbdf74c5

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In the wake of Friday’s aborted coup, thousands rallying for Erdogan looked suspect. Like all leaders, he can mobilize hard core faithful on short notice to show public support.

Saturday demonstrations looked more staged than authentic. Genuine support in the wake of an aborted coup would bring tens or hundreds of thousands out in force.

After the April 11, 2002 coup attempt against Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez, popular support was overwhelming. Spontaneous mass protests erupted. Tens of thousands took to the streets, demanding he be reinstated.

On April 13 he was back, telling Venezuelans “(w)e demonstrated that a united people will never be defeated.”

Chavez was a world-class democrat, a populist hero, beloved and widely supported.

Erdogan became prime minister in March 2003, then president since August 2014. He’s a tinpot despot, an international outlaw, a rogue leader waging war on Kurds in three countries, supporting ISIS and other terrorist groups, an anti-civil libertarian, merciless against anyone challenging his ruthlessness.

Turkey under his rule is more police state than democracy. Criticizing him is considered terrorism or treason. Independent journalists, academics, students, trade unionists, human rights supporters, lawyers and other activists languish as political prisoners under harsh gulag conditions.

Civil and human rights abuses are commonplace. Wealth and power interests alone matter. Popular needs go begging. Neoliberal harshness takes precedence.

A few thousand rallying supportively in Ankara and Istanbul’s Taksim Square hardly constitutes popular support. Memories of late May/early June 2013 remain, Taksim the site of massive anti-regime protests.

Plans to replace its Gezi Park with a shopping mall and reconstructed military barracks sparked things. Police brutality followed. Protesters chanted “Erdogan resign.”

Nationwide strikes followed, public anger expressed against repression, neoliberal harshness, encroachment on secularism and war on Syria.

Taksim Square then and now are marked contrasts. Manufactured popular support masks deep-seated discontent.

Will it erupt ahead more forcefully than before? Will Erdogan’s ruthless rule be his undoing? Or will he continue ruling Turkey with an iron fist uncontested? The jury is out.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected].

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com.

Listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network.

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“The Saudi NGOs pay for ISIL’s expenses in Anbar province under the cover of supporting the children of Fallujah city,” al-Hakim said, addressing a UN Security Council meeting in New York on Sunday.

He said that the Iraqi foreign ministry has asked Riyadh to explain about the active religious and social organizations of Saudi Arabia that have sent aid to the ISIL under the guise of helping the Fallujah children.

Al-Hakim called on the UN to act upon international resolutions and force Saudi Arabia and Turkey to stop their financial aids to ISIL.

In a relevant development in early July, French media disclosed that the ISIL terrorist group has been purchasing a large volume of parts for its arms-manufacturing workshops in Fallujah 69 kilometers to the West of Baghdad.

“Fallujah in Anbar province has turned into capital of the ISIL’s workshops which manufacture weapons and ammunition and has close cooperation with Turkish firm active in the field of supplying parts for arms-making factories,” Le Figaro reported.

“There are at least 14 large arms workshops in Falluja, mostly located in residential area, mosques and even hospitals across Fallujah,” the paper said.

“Based on a document, the ISIL in December 2015 manufactured at least three Grade missiles, and test-fired two more Fatah missiles. In February-March 2016, the ISIL made 15 Fatah missiles. The ISIL manufactured 2,500 missiles from Sep 2015 till May 2016 which means 10 missiles per day,” the paper added.

“The ISIL purchased large number of parts, including explosive wires and frames of bombs for its arms workshops. Falluja in not the only city hosting ISIL’s arms workshops, there are similar plants in Tikrit, Ramadi, Southern side of Baghdad and even Kobani in Syria,” Le Figaro added.

The secret reports of the Turkish police indicated in June that the Al-Nusra Front and ISIL terrorists use Turkey’s both legal and illegal border crossings to transfer weapons and ammunition to Syria.

“Certain elements linked to terrorists in Syria are still shipping weapons and supplying their logistics from Turkey,” the Turkish-language daily, Karshi, cited a police report t the country’s public prosecutor about its operations in the city of Diyarbakir.

The newspaper, meantime, said that certain communities have also provided financial supports for the terrorists fighting against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s government.

The daily also said the Al-Nusra and ISIL terrorist groups have established bases in Turkey to train recruits, adding that many explosive devices are even manufactured and assembled on Turkish soils.

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Commentators who have learned to distrust official explanations, such as Peter Koenig and Stephen Lendman have raised questions about the Nice attack.

It does seem odd that a lone person driving a large truck can gain access to blocked off areas where French people have assembled to watch the fireworks of Bastille Day. It also seems odd that the event is branded a terrorist one when the alleged perpetrator’s family says that he was not at all religious and had no religious motivation.

We will never know. Once again the alleged perpetrator is dead and conveniently left behind his ID.

It looks like a permanent state of martial law in France will be one consequence. This shutdown of society will also dispose of the protests against capitalist puppet Hollande’s repeal of France’s labor protections. Those protesting the take-back of their hard-earned rights will be closed down under the martial law.

Amazing how convenient the attack was for global capitalism, the primary beneficiary of Hollande’s new “labor reform.”

Questions raised by Koenig and Lendman call to mind Operation Gladio. Gladio is the codename for a secret NATO operation set up by Washington after WWII as a result of fear that the Red Army would overrun Western Europe. Originally Gladio consisted of hidden arms caches and an organization to conduct guerrilla war against the Soviet occupying army.

Instead of a Soviet Invasion, the threat that emerged was the popularity of the Communist Party in France and especially Italy. Washington was fearful that communist parties would win enough votes to form a government and that Washington’s Western European Empire would be breached as these communist governments aligned with Moscow.

Consequently, Gladio was turned against the European communist parties. The Italian intelligence service together with the CIA began bombing public places in Italy, such as the Bologna train station in which 285 people were killed, maimed, and otherwise wounded.

Gladio operative Vincenzo Vinciguerra first revealed Gladio’s existence during his 1984 trial for the bombing of the Bologna train station in 1980. Questioned about the Bologna bombing, Vinciguerra said:

“There exists in Italy a secret force parallel to the armed forces, composed of civilians and military men, in an anti-Soviet capacity that is, to organize a resistance on Italian soil against a Russian army…A secret organization, a super-organization with a network of communications, arms and explosives, and men trained to use them…A super-organization which, lacking a Soviet military invasion which might not happen, took up the task, on NATO’s behalf, of preventing a slip to the left in the political balance of the country. This they did, with the assistance of the official secret services and the political and military forces.”


It was not until 6 years later, 1990, that the prime minister of Italy, Giulio Andreotti (image right), officially acknowledged the existence of Gladio.

Italian General Gerardo Serravalie commanded Italy’s Gladio’s participation in the first half of the 1970s. Wikipedia reports that he testified that those responsible for planning and coordination

“were the officers responsible for the secret structures of Great Britain, France, Germany, Belgium, Luxemburg, the Netherlands and Italy. These representatives of the secret structures met every year in one of the capitals… At the stay-behind meetings representatives of the CIA were always present.”


There were many bombings with many civilian casualties from the 1960s through the mid-1980s. Vinciguerra said:

“You were supposed to attack civilians, women, children, innocent people outside the political arena, for one simple reason–to force the Italian public to turn to the state, turn to the regime and ask for greater security. . . . This is the political logic behind all the bombings. They remain unpunished because the State cannot condemn itself.”


The bombings were blamed on communist terrorist groups, such as the Red Brigades and the Baader-Meinhof gang, groups that might have been real or invented intelligence covers to aid the discrediting of European communist parties.

In 1984 Judge Felice Casson reopened a 12 year old case of a car bomb in Peteano, Italy. The judge found that the case had been falsified and blamed on the Red Brigades, but had actually been the work of the military secret service, Servizio Informazioni Difesa (SID) in conjunction with Ordine Nuovo, a right-wing organization created or co-opted by Gladio. The police official who falsified the investigation was sentenced to prison. Judge Casson’s investigation concluded that the Peteano bombing was part of a series of bombings carried out by Gladio including the Milano Piazza Fontane bombing, which killed 16 and injured 80, and the 1980 Bologna railway station bombing, which killed 85 and injured 200.

Based on the Italian revelations, Belgium and Swiss governments undertook investigations of Gladio operations in those countries. The United States government has denied any participation in the bombings. However, Judge Casson’s search of the archives of the Italian military secret service turned up proof of the existence of the Gladio network, and links to NATO and the United States. https://wikispooks.com/wiki/Operation_Gladio 

Western peoples whose democracies have degenerated into plutocracies are inoculated against the belief that the government would kill its own citizens. Clearly they need to learn about operation Gladio.

Is Operation Gladio still alive and well?

The terror events of today are blamed on Muslims instead of on communists.

Is it possible that the terror attacks in France and Belgium are Gladio-style operations?


This large collection of photos from the UK Daily Mail of the Nice attack — does not seem to show any blood in the streets where the carnage is reported to have happened or any blood associated with what are reported to be bodies.

The white truck that is reported to be the murder weapon does not seem to show any blood or damage. A colleague once hit a deer, and his car was totaled. How can there be 186 people hit and no damage to the truck?

Also, among the photos is a video of police standing exposed a few feet from the truck cab firing into the cab. For the police to expose themselves to a lunatic reported to be armed implies that he wasn’t armed or that the truck cab was empty. Why didn’t the police just open the door and capture him, or if he was armed wait until his pistol ran out of ammunition? In all of these attacks, the alleged perpetrator is always killed. Note also that already there are names and photos of the victims and a history of the perpetrator. How can so many photos of so many different people be so quickly collected and so much information collected about the perpetrator? The media never ask public authorities such questions or ever provide answers. It seems the story is prepared and ready to go when the event occurs, and that story is all we ever get.

And what do we make of this regarding the Bataclan attacks :


Why would armed French troops on the scene capable of stopping the Bataclan carnage be told to stand down?

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