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On Monday night, the US and its allies voted down a UN Security Council resolution that would have called for a humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza as civilians in the enclave are under a brutal siege.

The resolution was proposed by Russia and was also supported by China, Gabon, Mozambique, and the UAE. But the US, Britain, France, and Japan voted against the resolution. Six countries abstained: Albania, Brazil, Ecuador, Ghana, Malta, and Switzerland.

US Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield slammed the resolution because it did not condemn Hamas.

“By failing to condemn Hamas, Russia is giving cover to a terrorist group that brutalizes innocent civilians. It is outrageous, hypocritical, and indefensible,” she said.

Vassily Nebenzia, Russia’s representative to the UN, slammed the US and its allies, saying they “basically stomped” on hopes for a ceasefire in Gaza by voting down the resolution.

“We are extremely concerned by the unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza and the very high risk of the conflict spreading,” he said.

The Biden administration has refused to call for a ceasefire in Gaza as it’s strongly backing Israel. The State Department even gave instructions to its diplomats not to mention the idea of “de-escalation” when discussing the onslaught.

Gaza has been cut off from electricity, water, fuel, and food as relentless airstrikes are pounding the enclave, leaving thousands dead. Israel has not allowed any humanitarian aid to enter Gaza from Egypt despite US claims that it’s working to facilitate the deliveries.


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President Joe Biden of the United States has emphasized daily that the principal foreign policy objective for Washington in West Asia and North Africa is to defend and bolster the State of Israel.

This is being articulated by Biden, Secretary of State Antony Blinken along with all administration officials and the overwhelming number of Congressional leaders as the United Nations and other international humanitarian agencies are advocating for the opening of a corridor to allow water, food, medical services and electricity to reduce the consistent injuring and deaths among the Palestinians.

Democratic Party Senate leader Chuck Schumer visited Israel as well for the same purpose of “legitimizing” the U.S. funding, arming and coordination of the national oppression of the Palestinian people and the destabilization and domination of the neighboring states of Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria. While Schumer was in Tel Aviv, hundreds of his fellow Jewish Americans were holding a vigil outside his Brooklyn home saying that they did not want to be a party to the systematic genocide against the Palestinian people. Dozens of these demonstrators against Schumer were arrested by police for their refusal to move away from his residence. (See this)

Judging from these official delegations and the statements of unconditional support for Israel by Democratic and Republican politicians, it portends much for the status and future of imperialism in this geopolitical region as well as the entire international community. Biden has ordered the deployment of two warships to the region and 2,000 Pentagon troops.

On October 16, the White House announced that Biden would travel to Tel Aviv on the 18th to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who is heading a self-proclaimed unity “war cabinet”. The Biden trip is an effort to project a false legitimacy for a politico-military posture aimed at justifying the elimination of as many Palestinians as possible. Biden, by disregarding the worsening humanitarian crisis in Gaza, cannot be considered an honest broker concerned about the plight of the Palestinians.

Biden was also scheduled to visit the Kingdom of Jordan for a meeting with the leader of Amman, King Abdallah II, and the President of Egypt, Abdel-Fattah el-Sisi. The subject of this meeting, it is claimed by the State Department, was to urge the opening of a humanitarian corridor to address the worsening situation in Gaza among the Palestinians.  Nonetheless, if Biden was really concerned about the displaced, wounded and killed Palestinians in Gaza, his administration would have condemned the role of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) in the carpet bombing of residential neighborhoods, convoys of fleeing civilians and medical personnel. Being the largest recipient of U.S. aid, Tel Aviv would have had its assistance suspended as opposed to being increased.

After 11 days of the IDF bombing of Gaza, Biden and his administration has expressed absolutely no sympathy for the Palestinians and is more concerned with maintaining imperialist dominance than saving the lives of the Palestinians and their neighbors. The culpability for the mass carnage inflicted upon the people of Gaza can only be viewed as the by-product of the Biden administration failed foreign policy in Palestine.

IDF Bombs Hospital in Gaza

One of the worst massacres since the IDF bombing began against Gaza, was the air strikes on the al-Ahli Hospital administered by the Anglican Diocese, which reportedly killed at least 500 people on October 17. An IDF spokesman said in an interview with the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) earlier in the day that Tel Aviv did not have to explain to anyone the character of the military tactics they have used in the killing of over 3,000 Palestinians in the previous 11 days.

Al-Ahli Hospital medical staff did a press conference on the recent airstrike which killed hundreds of Palestinians

The bombing of the hospital was preceded by IDF strikes against a school which resulted in the deaths of many children. Al-Ahli Hospital was not only the scene of treating infirm and injured people, it was serving as a safe zone away from the relentless bombing by the IDF on residential population centers. An estimated 4,000 displaced persons had been sheltering there away from the IDF aerial bombardments taking place around the clock. This same hospital had been struck in an Israeli air strike on October 14.

In a report published by the Associated Press:

“A senior Palestinian official says President Mahmoud Abbas has canceled his participation in a meeting scheduled Wednesday (Oct. 18) with President Joe Biden and other Mideast leaders.

Abbas was scheduled to join Jordan’s King Abdullah II and Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sissi at Wednesday’s summit in Amman, Jordan, where they are to discuss the latest Israel-Hamas war with Biden. But the senior official said Abbas was withdrawing to protest an alleged Israeli airstrike on a hospital in Gaza that Hamas health officials say has killed over 500 people. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because the cancellation has not been formally announced. The Health Ministry run by Hamas said an Israeli airstrike on Tuesday (Oct. 17) hit a Gaza City hospital packed with wounded and other Palestinians seeking shelter, killing hundreds. If confirmed, the attack would be by far the deadliest Israeli airstrike in five wars fought since 2008. The health ministry, which is run by Hamas, said at least 500 people had been killed. Photos purportedly from al-Ahli Hospital shared widely on social video showed fire engulfing the building, widespread damage and bodies scattered in the wreckage. The photos could not be independently verified.” 

Another report from the Al Jazeera news network further confirms the horrors of the al-Ahli Hospital bombing. Any attack on a health facility cannot be justified by the United Nations or any other international humanitarian agency.

Al Jazeera said in the immediate aftermath of the air strike that:

“Hundreds of people have been killed in an Israeli air raid on a hospital in the besieged Gaza Strip, according to Palestinian authorities. The health ministry in Gaza said on Tuesday that at least 500 people were killed in the air raid on Al-Ahli Arab Hospital in central Gaza. The Hamas group, which governs the Palestinian territory, said the attack was a ‘war crime’. Israeli military spokesman Daniel Hagari said there were no details on the hospital deaths. ‘We will get the details and update the public. I don’t know whether to say whether it was an Israeli air strike,’ he said. Images shared on social media appeared to show fire engulfing the building, widespread damage and bodies scattered in the wreckage. Since Israel began pounding Gaza from the air on October 7, tens of thousands of people seeking refuge from the bombardment have fled to hospitals throughout Gaza. The World Health Organization condemned the attack and demanded the immediate protection of civilians and health care in the Palestinian enclave.” 

The Israeli government and military rapidly changed its narrative surrounding the air strikes at the healthcare facility and shelter in Gaza City. Initially, the assertion by Israel was that they were warning Palestinians to leave the northern areas of Gaza and to head to cities in the South.

Even after people were evacuating large swaths of the Gaza Strip, convoys were bombed while en route. At the Rafah border crossing with Egypt, the Israelis denied the transport of essential food, water, medicines and other supplies to be provided to the Palestinians.

Palestine Chronicle deconstructed the shifting story by Tel Aviv regarding the deadly bombing of the al-Ahli Hospital, noting:
“So far, two different positions have been declared by the Israeli government.  At precisely 9:37 p.m., Palestine time, Al Jazeera Arabic live blog, citing Israeli military spokesman, wrote:

ISRAELI ARMY SPOKESMAN: ‘We had warned to evacuate the Baptist Hospital (Al-Ahli) and 5 other hospitals so that Hamas would not take them as a refuge.’ This statement was indeed consistent with other statements made by Al-Ahli hospital administration following the massacre. It said that they had been threatened that if they did not evacuate the hospital, the hospital would be bombed…. When the news of the massacre began circulating, and gruesome images of mutilated bodies of children and civilians began appearing on TV channels and social media platforms, the Israeli position began shifting. The Chinese news agency, Xinhua, reported that the Israeli military had changed its story. ‘The Israeli military said that the killing of hundreds of people at a hospital in the Gaza Strip (…) was caused by a failed rocket launched by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, a militant group in Gaza,’ Xinhua reported. But this cannot possibly be the case, for several reasons: First, no one in the Palestinian Resistance in Gaza has bombs with this kind of destructive capabilities. Second, the Israeli military had already made it clear, in its initial statement, that it was the party behind the mass killing. Third, Israel had in fact already bombed that same hospital, only a few days earlier, specifically on Saturday, October 14. The bombing then resulted in infrastructural damage. Fourth, Israel has bombed other hospitals as well, including Al-Dura hospital and the Indonesian hospital, among others. Fifth, soon before the massacre, Israeli aircraft also carried out a strike against a UNRWA-run school, sheltering civilians, in the Al-Maghazi refugee camp, in the central Gaza Strip, killing and wounding dozens. And finally, and perhaps even more important, is the fact that the Israeli army continued bombing hospitals, even following the news of the great massacre. One of these hospitals was the European Hospital in Gaza. ‘Al Jazeera’s correspondent reported that the Israeli occupation forces bombed the vicinity of the Gaza European Hospital in Khan Yunis, south of the Gaza Strip,’ Aljazeera Live Blog reported.” 

Days of Mourning and Outrage

There were immediate political responses throughout the world to the IDF bombing of al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza. Demonstrations erupted in Amman, Jordan; Rabat in the Kingdom of Morocco; Sana’a the capital of Yemen; the cities of Ottawa and Montreal Canada; Ramallah on the West Bank of occupied Palestine, among many others. In Lebanon, the Hezbollah resistance movement called for a “Day of Outrage” throughout the country neighboring Palestine for October 18.

In the Islamic Republic of Iran, demonstrations involving hundreds of thousands took place in several cities after the news of the hospital bombing spread throughout the globe. Iranian political and religious leaders condemned the bombing and called upon the Palestinians and all people of goodwill to resist the Israeli regime.

In the North African state of Egypt, Al Jazeera reported on October 17:

“Egyptians continue to take to the streets in the country’s capital, and other parts of the country early on Wednesday, amid simmering anger over the deadly strike in Gaza. Al Jazeera Arabic is reporting that Egyptian opposition parties led protests in front of the U.S. embassy in Cairo, in which several political and civic movement figures participated. In Giza, dozens went out in a night march denouncing the Israeli aggression. Egyptian activists posted on their pages on the social networking site, Facebook, video clips of a mass demonstration that began in Giza’s Al-Hosary Square, denouncing the Gaza attack, which Palestinian officials blame on Israel.” 

These acts by the State of Israel, which are backed by Washington, will make it extremely difficult for the U.S. to be viewed as a viable force for peace and security throughout the globe. People in the U.S. must reject the imperialist program of the ruling class and join with the world’s majority in demanding the liberation and statehood for Palestine.


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Abayomi Azikiwe is the editor of the Pan-African News Wire. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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The Biden regime refuses to defend US borders but does not hesitate to rush aircraft carrier task forces and the 101st US Airborne Division to defend Israel’s borders. “We have Israel’s back,” endlessly proclaims America’ Jewish Secretary of State.  “America can afford two wars,” proclaims America’s Jewish Secretary of the Treasury. But forget protecting our own border and the burdens on American taxpayers.

It seems our government is captured and risks our lives and welfare in the interest of another country.

It seems everyone in Washington, Republicans and Democrats, especially Republicans, have intense war fever. While Washington quickly escalated the conflict by deploying US military forces to the area, the Republican Senator from South Carolina, Lindsey Graham, blames  escalation on Iran and issues a threat: “if you escalate this war, we’re coming for you.” Graham continues with his threats, in our name, to Iran saying the US will “knock Iran out of the oil business.” Like Israel and the Jewish-American neoconservatives, Graham’s target is the Lebanese militia, Hezbollah: “I am poised to use military force to destroy the source of funding for Hamas and Hezbollah.”

Another House Republican, this one from Texas, House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul, says he is writing legislation for authority to commit the US military to Israel’s war on Palestine.

What we are witnessing is Republicans who are as extreme as Hamas. Is this insanity real, or is this showmanship, with political campaign funding in mind, for the US military/security complex who will greatly benefit from America “affording two wars?”

We are also witnessing the total failure of Western leadership, not only in Washington but throughout the Western world. Instead of escalating the situation by sending military forces, Washington should have used its offices to calm matters down. Why did not Washington calm the situation down instead of blowing it up?

This website speculates that the US forces accumulating in the war zone are a “war fleet,” the purpose of which is to finally bring regime change to Syria and kick out the Russians in an act of revenge for the Russians preventing President Obama’s planned overthrow of the Assad government.  

I can understand that the Biden regime’s neoconservatives want to continue their policy of cleansing the Middle East for Israeli expansion, but how safe is it to assume that Putin will run away with his tail between his legs? This would finish Putin as a leader of the dissident world and probably also finish him inside Russia. A show of Russian cowardice would certainly provoke an escalation of NATO’s involvement in Ukraine. It seems certain that a US attack on Syria would result in military conflict between the US and Russia.

The Israelis have been massacring Palestinians and stealing their country bit by bit since 1947, and no one has ever done anything about it. The UN passes resolutions, but the US vetoes them. So this final time Netanyahu expects no opposition, indeed, he expects help from the US and its empire in the commission of his war crimes.  

It is clear to me that the situation is awash in miscalculations. Hezbollah is a match for Israel. Indeed, the militia has twice defeated the vaunted Israeli Army and driven them out of Lebanon despite Israel’s air power. Syria’s army is battle hardened from fighting the mercenaries Washington sent to overthrow Assad. Like Hezbollah and Hamas, Iran has fervor and a large number of missiles that can hit Israel. If, as is claimed, 5,000 missiles from Hamas overwhelmed Israel’s Iron Dome, the Iron Dome has no chance against 100,000 or 200,000 missiles.

If Israel’s army is sent into Gaza, Hamas will keep it there, and Israel risks being overrun by Hezbollah, Syria, and Iraq and Iran should they care to participate. Faced with Israel’s defeat, Washington would commit its forces with catastrophic consequences.

We are experiencing on the part of Israel and the US a total lack of judgment. The risks are being ignored. It is starting to look like the Armageddon that Revelation describes.  

The problem for humanity is that it has developed weapons that are capable of destroying all life, and these weapons are in the hands of emotional people incapable of restraint and reason.  

I have been, and continue to be, concerned about the conflict in Ukraine spiraling out of control. The situation developing in the Middle East is more dangerous. There doesn’t seem to be sufficient recognition of this danger. The war propaganda from the presstitutes is extreme and blinds people to reality. Those in office think they are in control, but they are not. 

Possibly Russia could prevent a wider conflict by raising its military presence in Syria, but Putin is not proactive.  

You tell me, where are the leaders to prevent a catastrophe?


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Paul Craig Roberts is a renowned author and academic, chairman of The Institute for Political Economy where this article was originally published. Dr. Roberts was previously associate editor and columnist for The Wall Street Journal. He was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy during the Reagan Administration. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Atrocities must be reported as wide as can be. The globe’s population, East and West, North and South, must know what we are living today.

The Zionist-Israeli genocide has no borders, no limits. It is beyond anything Mother Earth has experienced in recent history.

News just in: Israel bombed the largest national hospital in Gaza, leaving at least 500 dead, and more than 600 hundreds injured. The death toll may undoubtedly rise.

This is what TeleSur reports (translated from Spanish by

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas declared three days of mourning following the Israeli bombing of the Arab National Hospital.

An Israeli bombing killed at least 500 people at a hospital in the Gaza Strip on Tuesday and 600 others were wounded, the health ministry of the Palestinian territory ruled by the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) said. 

“The massacre at the Arab National Hospital is unprecedented in our history. While we have witnessed tragedies in past wars and days, what happened tonight is tantamount to genocide,” said spokesman Mahmoud Basal.

The communication office of the enclave authorities denounced a “war crime”.

In addition, in the 10 days of the totally imbalanced war – at least 3,000 Gazan inhabitants have lost their lives.

A Call on humanity: The world must stand up against these crimes, genocide no end, and stop Israel in one way or another NOW.


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Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for online journals and is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.

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The Israeli occupation carried out a massacre before the entire world as it bombed a hospital housing over a thousand civilians, killing hundreds in the process.

Palestinian media reported that Al-Maamadani Hospital was housing over a thousand people, including Palestinian refugees, patients, and media personnel.

Preliminary reports suggest that no less than 800 people were martyred in the Israeli aggression.

The Israeli occupation forces bombed the Palestinian Hospital as Gaza continues reporting that its health sector is suffering in light of the crisis, with medicine and medical supplies being at risk of running out.

A video that went viral on social media showed the moment of the strike. It depicts an extremely fast object that hit the hospital in the terminal phase.

Some Israeli and pro-Israeli accounts claimed it was a failed resistance launch, in a weak attempt to shift the blame off the Israeli occupation and demonize the resistance factions. Based on the speed of the object it’s not possible for it to be a dud missile, as rockets failing to accelerate would have much lower speeds. 

The speed difference can be easily identified between gliding munition launched from the air and failing-to-accelerate dud missiles. Hence, the object that hit the hospital was most definitely an Israeli airstrike.

Despite global appeals to protect healthcare facilities from Israeli airstrikes and forced displacement orders, Israeli threats have targeted hospitals in the Gaza Strip, endangering the well-being of patients and the wounded. “Israel” demanded on Saturday that al-Awda Hospital in northern Gaza forcibly evacuate its patients and staff within two hours.

Israeli warplanes also conducted airstrikes in the vicinity of the hospital in Tel al-Zaatar, northern Gaza, as part of their attempt to exert pressure on the hospital and expedite the displacement process. 

In the same context, al-Durra Children’s Hospital in the east of the Gaza Strip was forced to evacuate its staff and patients after it was pounded with white phosphorus munitions.

This situation unfolds as the healthcare system in Gaza faces a severe crisis, marked by dwindling medication supplies and electricity shortages due to the total Israeli blockade.

Palestinian Health Ministry spokesperson Ashraf al-Qidra told Al Mayadeen, on Thursday, that Gaza was hours away from essential services completely shutting down, and the health sector is in collapse.

“Medicines are dwindling and have almost run out,” Al-Qidra said, noting that only life-saving units were operating in Gaza’s hospitals due to the existing fuel shortages.


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The former diplomat’s detention is just the latest example of British terror laws being used to harass and intimidate dissidents, while brazenly prying into their private affairs.

On the morning of October 16, counter-terror police in Glasgow Airport detained journalist, whistleblower, human rights campaigner, and former British diplomat Craig Murray upon his return from Iceland. After grilling him intensively about his political beliefs, officers seized Murray’s phone and laptop. 

Murray, a proud Scottish nationalist, flew back to Glasgow after several days in Reykjavik, where he attended a popular Palestine solidarity event, and also met with high-ranking representatives of the Assange Campaign, which raises awareness about the plight of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. Once his travel documents were processed at passport control, the officer informed him he would be detained for questioning. They then led him to a small backroom to be grilled by three nameless British counter-terror agents.

Murray told The Grayzone that British police warned him he would be committing a criminal offense and would be prosecuted if he refused to answer questions, answered untruthfully, deliberately withheld information, or refused to provide passcodes for his electronic devices. After his phone and laptop were seized for analysis, the interrogation began.

“First, they grilled me about the private Assange Campaign meeting,” Murray told The Grayzone. “You might think they would ask who was there, but they didn’t,” he said, adding, “my guess is they somehow knew already.”

Instead, “all the questions were financial,” Murray says. According to the former British ambassador, officers wanted to know “whether I get money for my contributions to the Campaign, if I get paid by WikiLeaks, Don’t Extradite Assange, even Julian’s family.”

“The answer each time was ‘no,’” Murray says, explaining: “My sources of income and where my money comes from were of particular interest to the officers.”

The one-time diplomat’s popular personal blog was also of interest to the officers, who reportedly demanded Murray tell them whether anyone else had access to it or could publish content on the platform, and if anyone other than himself authored any of its posts.

Strangely, Murray said he was not asked about a single article published on his website. Equally puzzling, he remarked, were the questions about the Palestine solidarity event he attended. 

Officers apparently wanted to know why Murray had attended in the first place — “a strange question to ask of someone attending a protest,” he told The Grayzone. Nonetheless, he made it clear that he had gone because he was friends with one of the speakers, a former Icelandic interior minister.

Police reportedly also demanded details on the content of various speakers’ addresses at the event — information which Murray says he could not offer as he doesn’t speak Icelandic. When asked if he planned to attend any similar pro-Palestine events in Britain, he told them, “probably.”

“The weirdest question was, ‘how do I judge whether to share a platform with someone or not?’” Murray says, adding: “I do so based on who’s organizing the event.”

In this particular case, Murray continued,

“it was [the] Palestine Solidarity Committee, so I was confident I was in safe hands.” Still, it struck the former ambassador as a bizarre line of questioning.

“My lawyer has never heard of such a question being asked during interrogations before,” Murray said, adding that “they speculate police have a surveillance photo of me in the proximity of someone they consider a ‘terrorist.’”

“I’ve no idea who that could be,” the outspoken human rights campaigner admitted. But, as he quickly observed: “If you attend a rally where 200,000 people are present, you can’t know who everyone is!”

Murray has since consulted with lawyers, who informed him that according to Section 7 of the 2000 Terrorism Act — the draconian legislation under which he was subjected to the intensive questioning — he would be legally entitled to consult a lawyer if the interrogation lasted longer than an hour. 

‘A Sledgehammer to Crack a Nut’

Once the hour of questioning was up, the officers sent him on his way, but failed to return his phone or laptop.

“I’m used to the idea of British and American spies having my computers,” Murray said.

On a trip to Germany at the end of 2022, two laptops belonging to Murray were stolen in separate locations. The second laptop happened to have been a locally-bought replacement for the first. He believes the thefts were “probably” carried out by “security services,” an interpretation reinforced by the fact the first laptop was stored in a bag containing a large sum of cash, along with vital heart medicine. The culprits inexplicably ignored the former, while pocketing the latter. 

When probed by counter-terror cops about the contents of his laptop, Murray says he openly disclosed that device contained copies of leaked private emails of Stewart McDonald, a hawkish, deep state-connected Scottish National Party.

But “I’m not worried about any content on there,” he explained, so “it’s not a problem they have it.”

“I told the officers I pitied whichever poor bastard has to wade through McDonald’s emails,” he joked.

“Interestingly,” Murray notes, “one of them volunteered in response that the contents of seized digital devices are sifted electronically, rather than an individual going over the whole contents.”

“Presumably, algorithms run by keyword searches do the legwork, and whatever that throws up is studied and shared with different agencies,” he speculates.

Murray’s lawyers are now looking into the stop, with an eye on whether his interrogators told him the truth before his questioning began. 

This April, British counter-terror police detained the French publisher and political activist Ernest Moret, who had led large protests in Paris against the neoliberal reforms of President Emmanuel Macron. Moret was detained under the same powers as Murray, then arrested when he refused to hand over passcodes to his electronic devices. He was ultimately held in British custody for almost 24 hours. 

In July, a damning report by Britain’s terror legislation watchdog concluded the officers who detained Moret had made “exaggerated and overbearing” threats when they claimed that he would never again be able to travel overseas if he didn’t disclose information, as he’d be listed as a terrorist in international intelligence databases. The report also found police grilled him illegitimately regarding legally privileged conversations he had with his lawyer during the interrogation.

Schedule 7 is “powerful” and “must therefore be exercised with due care,” the reviewer said, before ultimately comparing police’s usage of the legislation to interrogate Moret to “using a sledgehammer to crack a nut”:

“This was an investigation into public order for which counter-terrorism powers were never intended to be used,” the report noted, concluding “the rights of free expression and protest are too important in a democracy to allow individuals to be investigated for potential terrorism merely because they may have been involved in protests that have turned violent.”

But when it comes to carrying out political detentions, the legislation in question is not the only one in British officers’ arsenal.

Absent from the report was any reference to Schedule 3, Section 4 of Britain’s 2019 Counter-Terrorism and Border Act, which was used to authorize the detention of this journalist at London’s Luton Airport this May. The provision grants authorities sweeping powers to delve into the personal and professional affairs of dissidents. According to Murray, British counter-terror cops appear to have approached him using “the same playbook” they employed with me.

Under the 2019 Counter-Terrorism and Border Act, which has been harshly criticized by the UN, an individual can be said to be serving “hostile” foreign powers without even knowing or intending to — or the powers in question being aware they are. This Orwellian precept was reinforced by London’s new National Security Act, which was passed in July 2023.

Anyone who has agitated the British national security state and plans on traveling to the UK may want to be careful what they keep on their devices. As one of Ernest Moret’s interrogators boasted to him, Britain is “the only country where authorities can download and keep information from private devices” forever.


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Kit Klarenberg is an investigative journalist exploring the role of intelligence services in shaping politics and perceptions.

Featured image is from The Grayzone

Australia Fruitless Gestures: Victoria Bans the Nazi Salute

October 18th, 2023 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

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It took place with hardly any debate, though it interested some parliamentary members at the committee stage. The Australian state of Victoria now faces laws that will lock a person up for 12 months or punish individuals with fines of A$23,000 or above if they dare enact a gesture. That gesture is giving, with intent, the Nazi salute.

Victoria had already banned displays of the Nazi Hakenkreuz last December, imposing fines of approximately A$22,000 or a period of 12 months’ imprisonment for breaching the injunction. (That notably, had no effect whatsoever.) But vocal advocates such as Dr Dvir Abramovich of the Anti-Defamation Commission always wanted more. “To see the Hitler salute, it’s as threatening as being confronted with a gun,” he explained to Australia’s SBS network. “It is a weapon in my view.  It is an unacceptable reality that in 2023, it is still legal.”

On August 29, the Victorian Premier’s office announced that, “The Nazi salute and other gestures and symbols used by the Nazi party will be banned in Victoria under new reforms to prevent hateful conduct and address the harm that it causes the community.” To aid that reformist claim, Attorney-General Jaclyn Symes duly introduced the Summary Offences (Nazi Salute Prohibition) Bill 2023 into Parliament, intending “to send a clear message that Nazi ideology and the hatred it represents is not tolerated in Victoria.”

On August 30, the Minister for Police, Crime Prevention and Racing (such a comic combination is standard in Australian States), predictably tabled a “statement of compatibility” with the state’s Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 (Vic).  “Under the Charter, rights can be subject to limits that are reasonable and justifiable in a free and democratic society based on human dignity, equality and freedom. Rights may be limited in order to protect other rights.”

According to the Minister, Anthony Carbines, public displays or the “performance of Nazi gestures, particularly the Nazi salute, and other Nazi symbols impinges” the right of people to enjoy their human rights without discrimination. The minister specifically notes the threat to “the dignity and self-worth of groups that have been historically persecuted by the Nazi Party and targeted by neo-Nazi groups,” among them the Jewish community, LGBTIQ+ individuals and people with disability.

Across Australian territories and states, including New South Wales, the Australian Capital Territory, Tasmania and Western Australia, such measures are being enacted, though with an initial focus on banning Nazi symbols.

Ultimately, laws explicitly punishing such conduct must be judged by their effect. Blanket bans are usually the sign that the account of ideas has been overdrawn, if not closed altogether. We are told that prohibiting such symbols, and the salute, is intended to stifle the “recruitment drive” for far-right groups. “To the often alienated and angry young men attracted to far-right ideologies, photos of groups of men making the Nazi salute offer a sense of a collective and belonging,” writes the anthropologically attuned Josh Roose.

The Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO), an agency prone to sketchy assessments at the best of times, is concerned about the lowest common denominator. “Extremist insignia [are] an effective propaganda tool because they are easy to remember and understand. They also can transcend language, cultural and ethnic divides; creating and distributing them is not limited to a select few or one cultural or language group.” The conclusion, it follows, is that a ban is good to keep the thickos in check.

If that is the purpose, that it can hardly be said to have worked in a number of jurisdictions keen to stomp out the twitch felt in the arms of some individuals. In Europe, where the Nazi salute is banned on pain of various grades of penalty (Germany, Austria, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland, for instance), nationalist movements can hardly be said to have felt awe and trepidation at such regulations.

While Victoria’s parliamentarians have acted out their somnambulistic rituals in passing this reactive legislation, aided, no doubt, by the outbreak of the Israel-Hamas War, a sprinkling of Australian commentary has been wise to failing of such prohibitions.

Lydia Khalil of the Lowy Institute says with crisp confidence that such bans do little to “decrease anti-Semitism, the hateful targeting of LGBTQ communities or counter right-wing and fascist extremists. If anything, it may make matters worse.” Case in point: the rise of right-wing extremism in Germany, with 2021 being a particularly notable year.  In December 2022, Khalil reminds readers, German security forces “arrested more than two dozen people for an expansive plot to overthrow the state.” Those same security forces, ironically enough, are facing the threat of infiltration by neo-Nazi groups. So much for the laws against the salute.

Greg Barton, Chair of Global Islamic Politics at Deakin University, though more cautious than Khalil, is also wise to the fact that banning Nazi symbols might well “only serve to amplify the groups’ message and draw attention to their hateful cause.” Small organisations with minimal political clout and influence, such as the puny National Socialist Network, suddenly have something to talk about, if only because they are being spoken about. “Prosecuting them for symbolic action risks giving them the very thing they so desperately want: attention.” (Khalil also remarks on this same point: [I]f there’s anything that these neo-Nazi groups want, it’s a reaction.”)

The explanatory memorandum behind the Nazi Salute Prohibition bill does what so many such instruments do when a crisis is inflated and fattened by unimaginative politicians. Has Victoria seen thousands march and salute to the Horst Wessel Lied, rioting with hearty hatred? Hardly. But something must be seen to be done or, as the memorandum says, “The purpose of this amendment is to address the recent increase in the public display and performance of the Nazi salute in Victoria.” That way, the political representatives can always give the impression that something threatening and noxious is being dealt with, however large that threat is, while drawing attention to the seductive allure of doing so. That way, the problem is not solved but compounded.

In terms of symbolism and the state’s efforts to criminalise displays, the sharper tools in the box of extremist politics can always come up with another gesture, if not another symbol altogether. (Admittedly, many such characters lack imagination and would prefer to stick with the traditional staple of the salute and Hakenkreuz.) An example of such subversive responses is the use of the OK symbol in place of the salute. The normally banal can then be suffused with ideological potency, while baffling law enforcement. There will always be issues of difficulty, then, in discharging the burden of proof.

Evidently, Victoria’s authorities think they can afford to expend resources upon what would essentially be fatuous prosecutions, when existing criminal laws are already in place to achieve much the same purpose. And how fabulous it will be to see prosecutions stumble over what is accepted as satirical depiction and what is not. How the ghost of Charlie Chaplin and the working pen of Larry David must delight when such buffoonery manifests.

As for the parliamentarians themselves, having done and dusted the bill with speed verging on irresponsibility, they could then turn their minds to far worthier concerns: expressing outrage at the banning of Sprite the rescue dog from their place of work.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge. He currently lectures at RMIT University. He is a regular contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research. Email: [email protected]

Featured image: Members of the Hitler Youth in Berlin performing the Nazi salute at a rally in 1933 (Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 de)

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The missing context for what’s happening in Gaza is that Israel has been working night and day to ethnically cleanse the Palestinian people from their homeland since even before Israel become a state – when it was known as the Zionist movement.

Israel didn’t just cleanse Palestinians in 1948, when it was founded as a Western colonial project, and again under cover of a regional war in 1967. It also worked to ethnically cleanse Palestinians every day between those dates and afterwards. The aim was to move them off their historic lands, and either expel them beyond Israel’s new, expanded borders or concentrate them into small ghettoes inside those borders – as a holding measure until they could be expelled outside the borders.

The ‘settler’ project, as we call it, is a misnomer. It’s really Israel’s ethnic cleansing programme. Israel even has a special word for it in Hebrew: ‘Judaisation’, or making the land Jewish. It is official government policy.

Gaza was the largest of the Palestinian reservations created by Israel’s ethnic cleansing programme, and the most overcrowded. To stop the inhabitants spilling out, Israel built a fence-barrier in the early 1990s to pen them in. Then when policing became too hard from within the prison, Israel pulled back in 2005 to the outer perimeter barrier.

New technology allowed Israel to besiege Gaza remotely by land, sea and air in 2007, limiting the entry of food and vital items like medicine and cement for construction. Automated gun towers shot anyone who came near the fence. The navy patrolled the sea, stopping boats straying more than a kilometre or two off shore. And drones watched 24 hours a day from the sky.

The people of Gaza were sealed in and largely forgotten, except when they lobbed a few rockets over the fence – to international indignation. If they fired too many rockets, Israel bombed them mercilessly and occasionally launched a ground invasion. The rocket threat was increasingly neutralised by a rocket interception system, paid for by the US, called Iron Dome.

Palestinians tried to be more inventive in finding ways to break out of their prison. They built tunnels. But Israel found ways to identify those that ran close to the fence and destroyed them.

Palestinians tried to get attention by protesting en masse at the fence. Israeli snipers were ordered to shoot them in the legs, leading to thousands of amputees.

The ‘deterrence’ seemed to work. Israel could once again sit back and let the Palestinians rot in Gaza. ‘Quiet’ had been restored.

Until, that is, last weekend when Hamas broke out briefly and ran amok, killing civilians and soldiers alike.

So Israel now needs a new policy. It looks like the ethnic cleansing programme is being applied to Gaza anew. The half of the population in the enclave’s north is being herded south, where there are not the resources to cope with them. And even if there were, Israel has cut off food, water and power to everyone in Gaza.

The enclave is quickly becoming a pressure cooker. The pressure is meant to build on Egypt to allow the Palestinians entry into Sinai on ‘humanitarian’ grounds.

Whatever the media are telling you, the ‘conflict’ – that is, Israel’s ethnic cleansing programme – started long before Hamas appeared on the scene. In fact, Hamas emerged very late, as the predictable response to Israel’s violent colonisation project.

And no turning point was reached a week ago. This has all been playing out in slow motion for more than 100 years.

Ignore the fake news. Israel isn’t defending itself. It’s enforcing its right to continue ethnically cleansing Palestinians.


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“The Criminalization of War”

October 18th, 2023 by Global Research

The Kuala Lumpur declaration was initially adopted eighteen years in December 2005 as a consensus statement on the need to end all wars of aggression as a means to ensuring the survival of humanity.

“Killings in war are as criminal as the killings within societies in times of peace. Since killings in peace time are subject to the domestic law of crime, killings in war must likewise be subject to the international law of crimes. This should be so irrespective of whether these killings in war are authorized or permitted by domestic law.”

In 2023, we are at the crossroads of the most serious crisis in World HistoryMore than ever the Kuala Lumpur Initiative launched in 2005 by Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad should be widely understood and applied.

The Pentagon, NATO and the State of Israel are the protagonists of war and war crimes. 

The US has embarked upon the ultimate war crime, a military adventure, “a long war”, which threatens the future of humanity. The Pentagon’s global military design is one of world conquest.

The military deployment of US-NATO forces is occurring in several regions of the world simultaneously, resulting in millions of civilian deaths and countless atrocities.

Bear in mind, the KL Declaration also calls for the criminalization of the military industrial complex including the so-called defense contractors as well as the science labs which conceptualize and develop advanced weapons systems: 

“All commercial, financial, industrial and scientific activities that aid and abet war should be criminalised.” 

The KL declaration also targets the corporate media as well as Hollywood which routinely glorifies acts of killing and destruction. 

Since its adoption in 2005, the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal (KLWCT) has passed two important  judgements: against George W. Bush, Dick Cheney et al for war crimes in Iraq, and against the State of Israel on charges of genocide against the people of Palestine. 

Global Research has been associated with the Kuala Lumpur initiative from the very outset in December 2005

Michel Chossudovsky, Signatory of the 2005  KL  Initiative and Member of the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission (KLWCC), Global Research, February 3, 2014, June 23, 2023, October 18, 2023



“The Criminalisation of War”

Text of Declaration

15 December 2005

THE Kuala Lumpur Global Peace Forum of concerned peoples from all five continents

UNITED in the belief that peace is the essential condition for the survival and well-being of the human race,

DETERMINED to promote peace and save succeeding generations from the scourge of war,

OUTRAGED over the frequent resort to war in the settlement of disputes between nations,

DISTURBED that militarists are preparing for more wars,

TROUBLED that use of armed force increases insecurity for all,

TERRIFIED that the possession of nuclear weapons and the imminent risk of nuclear war will lead to the annihilation of life on earth.

Signatories of the 2005 Kuala Lumpur Declaration. From Left to Right: Francis A.Boyle, Helen Caldicott,  Denis J. Halliday, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, Hans-Christof Von Sponeck, Michel Chossudovsky, Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf


To achieve peace we now declare that:

  1. Wars increasingly involve the killing of innocent people and are, therefore, abhorrent and criminal.
  2. Killings in war are as criminal as the killings within societies in times of peace.
  3. Since killings in peace time are subject to the domestic law of crime, killings in war must likewise be subject to the international law of crimes. This should be so irrespective of whether these killings in war are authorized or permitted by domestic law.
  4. All commercial, financial, industrial and scientific activities that aid and abet war should be criminalised.
  5. All national leaders who initiate aggression must be subjected to the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court.
  6. All nations must strengthen the resolve to accept the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter and institute methods to settle international disputes by peaceful means and to renounce war.
  7. Armed force shall not be used except when authorised by a Resolution passed by two-thirds majority of the total membership of the General Assembly of the United Nations.
  8. All legislators and all members of Government must affirm their belief in peace and pledge to strive for peace.
  9. Political parties all over the world must include peace as one of their principal objectives.
  10. Non-Governmental Organisations committed to the promotion of peace should be set up in all nations.
  11. Public servants and professionals, in particular in the medical, legal, educational and scientific fields, must promote peace and campaign actively against war.
  12. The media must actively oppose war and the incitement to war and consciously promote the peaceful settlement of international disputes.
  13. Entertainment media must cease to glorify war and violence and should instead cultivate the ethos of peace.
  14. All religious leaders must condemn war and promote peace.

To these ends the Forum resolves to establish a permanent Secretariat in Kuala Lumpur to –

IMPLEMENT this Initiative.

OPPOSE policies and programmes that incite war.

SEEK the cooperation of NGOs worldwide to achieve the goals of this Initiative.

Signed by:

Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad

Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf

Prof. Francis A. Boyle

Dr. Helen Caldicott

Mr. Matthias Chang

Prof. Michel Chossudovsky

Prof Shad Saleem Faruqi

Mr Denis J. Halliday

Dato’ Mukhriz Mahathir

Dr. Chandra Muzaffar

Dato’ Michael O.K. Yeoh

Mr. Hans-Christof Von Sponeck

Second Nakba: The Start of Monumental Destruction of the Middle East?

By Peter Koenig, October 17, 2023

Israeli intel, as well as that of Egypt, the UK, the US, Brussels – EU – knew about the impending attack, planned by Israel in coordination with Hamas. A Jewish charity leader says Netanyahu ordered the Israeli military to stand down for 7 hours during the Hamas invasion.

Short Introduction to Middle Eastern Studies: What Is the Middle East as a Region?

By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović, October 17, 2023

Middle Eastern Studies are a multicomplex research discipline devoted to  bettering knowledge and understanding of different cultures, nationalities, and complexities of the world’s region conventionally known as the Middle East. Its geography stretches from Egypt to Iran and from Syria to Yemen.

Seventeen COVID Pandemic Lies We’ve Been Told

By Richard Gale and Dr. Gary Null, October 17, 2023

Aside from the “infodemic versus plandemic” debate, what is now certain is that much of what our federal health officials and their mainstream media mouthpieces told us during these three-plus years was patently false and untrue. 

New Zealand: “COVID Apocalypse” and the Illusions of Progress

By Dr. Emanuel Garcia, October 17, 2023

Prominent and beloved and ‘benevolent’ figures like primate researcher Jane Goodall are openly espousing the virtues of depopulation, while ‘excess deaths’ are besieging us, cancers are proliferating, and the adverse effects of the Jab are being shoved under the rug and attributed to ‘long covid’, as if short covid wasn’t enough.

Postcards from a Police State: 22 Years of Blowback from the USA Patriot Act

By John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead, October 17, 2023

Here in the United States, as we approach the 22nd anniversary of the USA Patriot Act on October 26, we’re still grappling with the blowback that arises from allowing one’s freedoms to be eviscerated in exchange for the phantom promise of security. Here are a few lessons that we never learned or learned too late.

Hamas’ Attack on Israel Is Puzzling: “Hamas Fighters entered Israel without being detected.” Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, October 17, 2023

The Hamas attack has something of 9/11’s flavor. Just as every aspect of the US National Security State failed simultaneously on September 11, 2001, Israel’s security system, including the Iron Dome the US constructed for Israel, simultaneously failed.

Bibi Netanyahu: Israel Must “Support Bolstering Hamas and Transferring Money to Hamas”

By Ben Bartee, October 17, 2023

Straight from the horse’s mouth, here’s how Netanyahu schemed behind the scenes for years to promote the terrorist group he now publicly decries and postures as the savior from.

Israel-Palestine Conflict: Huge Casualties and Humanitarian Disaster. Peace Talks Needed

By Steven Sahiounie, October 17, 2023

The Palestinian civilians are trapped, and some do not support Hamas, but are caught as innocent bystanders in an armed conflict, between Hamas and Israel. Resistance to an occupation is guaranteed by international law, but the targeting of civilians is prohibited.

Second Time in 48 Hours, Israel Attacks Aleppo International Airport and Puts It Out of Service

By The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, October 17, 2023

Israeli strikes targeted Aleppo International Airport hours after it returned back to operate, putting it out of service again. This is the second attack on Aleppo International Airport in 48 hours.

China’s Middle East Ambitions Being Tested by Israel-Gaza War

By Ahmed Adel, October 17, 2023

The reason for China’s declared “neutral position” in the war between Israel and Gaza is that US influence in the region may increase, writes the Financial Times newspaper, with reference to diplomats and analysts. However, this so-called neutral position is not having the desired effect as Israel is becoming outraged in what they perceive as “pro-Palestine neutrality.”

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Middle Eastern Studies are a multicomplex research discipline devoted to  bettering knowledge and understanding of different cultures, nationalities, and complexities of the world’s region conventionally known as the Middle East. Its geography stretches from Egypt to Iran and from Syria to Yemen.

In principle, the crucial mark of the region is the predominant Arab culture with some contrasts in the cultural habits between, for instance, Saudi Arabia and Egypt. Besides, the cultural features of several other ethnic and confessional groups of the Middle East give a more comprehensive picture of the region’s peoples and challenges.

The Middle East was the home of the earliest civilizations in the world’s history. The first urbanizations and literacy started there. The region of the Middle East usually covers the territories from the eastern littoral of the Mediterranean Sea up to India in the East.

In a broader sense, geographically, the region encompasses territories of the East Mediterranean and Central Asia but many American academicians, politicians, and journalists regard as a single region the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). 

In principle, the real Middle East is composed of 14 countries: Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Iraq, and Iran (+ unrecognized Palestine).

These countries are bounded by six major waterways: the Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, Arabian Sea, Persian Gulf, and Caspian Sea (in fact, lake).

It has to be noticed here that Turkey (Asia Minor) which from the 14th century till 1918 has been a center of the powerful Ottoman Empire that unified a major portion of the region is conventionally considered as a part of the Middle East.

However, from an academic viewpoint based on the traditional British approach, Asia Minor together with the Balkans belong to the Near East but not to the Middle East. In other words, the Balkan Peninsula and the peninsula of Asia Minor are two halves of the same bridge that connects Central Europe with the Middle East.

Nevertheless, Turkey is a non-Arab country even though its inhabitants are predominantly (98%) Muslims (Sunni) whose dominant language is Turkish. Turkey’s 82 million people are composed of ethnic Turkish majority and some ethnic minorities who speak Arabic, Kurdish, and Greek. 

The region of the Middle East is an area where geography and history are important factors in the contemporary lives of the people. There are many native peoples of the region for whom the Middle East is considered as the Arab homeland.

It refers to those lands in which the Arabic language (with all dialects) is spoken. It is, basically, a unique region in the world regarding geography, geopolitics, and geostrategy as here three continents are meeting each other (Europe, Africa, and Asia) and as the region which was a focal point of the development of the first civilizations.

Geologically, its topography was transformed after the Ice Age from a climate that supported the grasslands and waterways into vast steppes and deserts. Around 2000 B.C., the pastoral people of Aryans, also called  Indo-Iranians migrated into India and West as well as Central Asia, including today’s Iran (Persia) and surrounding countries.

Strategically, the Middle East was considered all the time to be an extremely valuable geostrategic territory as being a crossroad for trade, faith, conflicts, and cultural development.

In principle, the crucial mark of the region is the predominant Arab culture with some contrasts in the cultural habits between, for instance, Saudi Arabia and Egypt. Besides, the cultural features of several other ethnic and confessional groups of the Middle East give a more comprehensive picture of the region’s peoples and challenges.

For thousands of years, many waves of migration to the region made the Middle East ethnically and culturally very multifarious: from the Semitic Sumerians from Central Asia up to present-day Korean, Indian, or Filipino economic immigrants who are searching for jobs in the oil-rich regional countries.

For instance, at the end of the last century, more than 3 million workers from India and other parts of Asia arrived in the region to build a modern infrastructure.

On the one hand, the majority of the inhabitants of the Middle East have many things in common like the Arab language and culture, the religion of Islam but on the other hand, different ethnic minorities exist in each of those regional countries while the Islamic religion is divided into two factions: the Sunni (majority) and the Shia (minority). 


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Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović is a former university professor in Vilnius, Lithuania. He is a Research Fellow at the Center for Geostrategic Studies. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

IDF teme iniciar uma guerra de atrito.

October 17th, 2023 by Lucas Leiroz de Almeida

Israel continua a adiar o seu tão esperado ataque terrestre à Faixa de Gaza. Apesar dos brutais bombardeamentos contra instalações civis e do cerco criminoso imposto ao povo palestino, as forças armadas de Israel (IDF) parecem estar a evitar o lançamento de uma ofensiva de infantaria, adiando repetidamente os planos de entrada de tropas terrestres no território palestino. Propagandistas e militantes sionistas acreditam que isto seria uma espécie de “gesto de boa vontade” por parte de Tel Aviv, mas é mais provável que Israel tenha medo dos fortes impactos que tal ataque teria sobre as suas forças.

Em 13 de Outubro, o governo israelita emitiu um ultimato à população palestina no norte da Faixa de Gaza. De acordo com o comunicado israelita, os civis da região tinham vinte e quatro horas para evacuar as suas casas. Após o final deste período, um ataque massivo da infantaria israelense começaria.

Obviamente não foi possível retirar todos os civis da zona, pois o tempo estabelecido foi muito curto. Além disso, as estradas de Gaza estão gravemente danificadas pelos bombardeamentos israelitas, tornando ainda mais difícil a fuga dos cidadãos. No entanto, após o término do prazo de evacuação, as IDF, em vez de lançar a sua ofensiva, deram algumas horas adicionais para completar a evacuação.

Não importa quantas horas ou dias fossem concedidos ao povo palestino, todos os esforços para evacuar completamente os civis seriam inúteis. Com a região devastada por bombardeamentos e más condições de transporte, tal processo só poderia ser concluído ao longo de um período de tempo muito longo – talvez semanas ou meses. Além disso, há muitas pessoas que não podem sair, como bebês em incubadoras, bem como idosos e feridos em tratamento médico. Os hospitais locais já informaram que se a evacuação ocorrer muitas pessoas morrerão, mas isso não parece suficiente para fazer Israel repensar as suas tácticas anti-humanitárias.

Esta grave situação mobilizou o mundo não-ocidental para agir diplomaticamente contra Israel. O governo russo comparou o caso ao cerco nazista imposto aos soviéticos durante a segunda guerra mundial. E, agindo de uma forma militarmente ousada, o governo iraniano alertou Tel Aviv sobre as possíveis consequências se as IDF entrassem em Gaza por terra – sugerindo que tal medida poderia legitimar a intervenção iraniana no conflito.

No sábado, 14 de outubro, Israel anunciou que a sua ofensiva tinha sido adiada por razões meteorológicas, usando as chuvas e inundações que ocorreram no país durante o fim de semana como desculpa para evitar a escalada militar. Embora seja possível que o clima tenha influenciado a tomada de decisões militares israelitas, é provável que o medo do envolvimento iraniano tenha sido a verdadeira razão para Tel Aviv repensar a sua estratégia. Um fato que apoia este argumento é a insistência israelense em adiar a ofensiva, embora as condições meteorológicas tenham melhorado rapidamente na região no dia seguinte.

Alguns propagandistas e militantes sionistas de Tel Aviv também tentam retratar o adiamento como uma espécie de “boa vontade diplomática”, mas isto não parece fazer sentido. Israel tem bombardeado e sitiado Gaza há mais de uma semana e cometido inúmeras atrocidades e violações dos direitos humanos. Não há razão para acreditar que exista qualquer preocupação com o bem-estar dos civis palestinos por parte do governo israelita – que, apesar de adiar a ofensiva terrestre, continua a impedir que água, alimentos e medicamentos cheguem a Gaza.

O que parece estar a acontecer é simplesmente uma onda de medo em Tel Aviv. Um ataque terrestre iniciará automaticamente uma guerra de atrito, que certamente será prolongada, exaustiva e perigosa para as IDF. Os estrategistas israelitas temem que as suas forças entrem num ciclo vicioso de conflito direto e violência que não terminará em breve, culminando numa guerra prolongada que afetaria gravemente a estabilidade da região.

Apesar de ser incomparavelmente mais forte que os seus inimigos palestinos, o sistema de defesa de Israel parece ser um “tigre de papel” se analisado em profundidade. O país dispõe de poucos recursos materiais e humanos para travar conflitos exaustivos. Não é por acaso que existe um sistema de recrutamento obrigatório em Israel para todos os cidadãos. Com uma população de nove milhões de habitantes, Israel precisa de utilizar praticamente todos os seus cidadãos para manter a máquina militar a funcionar com padrões de segurança adequados.

O país não possui a estrutura necessária para manter a sociedade civil funcionando enquanto há um conflito. Israel pode facilmente derrotar inimigos regionais mais fracos em confrontos de curto prazo, mas tende a ter muitos problemas em situações prolongadas. E há razões suficientes para acreditar que uma guerra em Gaza seria longa. Sem espaço suficiente para se desenvolver militarmente na superfície, o Hamas investiu pesadamente na construção de bunkers e canais subterrâneos através dos quais os seus soldados transportam pessoas e equipamentos. As IDF poderiam invadir e ocupar muitos territórios, mas ainda assim seriam vulneráveis ​​às tácticas de guerrilha do Hamas, formando uma espécie de “cenário do Vietnam”.

Além disso, o alerta do Irã é preocupante. Mesmo que não envie as suas tropas regulares, Teerão poderia ajudar os palestinos mobilizando os seus grupos proxies, como o Hezbollah (que já está de fato envolvido na guerra) e os Houthis do Iêmen, aumentando significativamente o poder de fogo dos palestinos. Há também o factor diplomático e econômico, com os países islâmicos e antiocidentais a mobilizarem-se fortemente para pressionar Tel Aviv a parar a sua agressão.

Na verdade, parece que o governo israelita se colocou numa espiral de problemas. Se invadir Gaza, haverá muitos riscos, mas se cancelar a invasão, Netanyahu ficará desmoralizado por não cumprir a sua promessa. Na prática, parece que mesmo sendo militarmente mais fraco, o Hamas está conseguindo usar o fator não militar do conflito para obter vantagem contra o inimigo num confronto assimétrico – que não é decidido na linha de frente. A Palestina está tentando vencer a guerra mesmo perdendo as batalhas.

Lucas Leiroz de Almeida


Artigo em inglês : IDF fears starting war of attrition, InfoBrics, 16 de Outubro de 2023.

Imagem : InfoBrics

Lucas Leiroz, jornalista, pesquisador do Center for Geostrategic Studies, consultor geopolítico.

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Decades ago I spent three years writing The Samson Option (1991), an exposé of the unstated policy of American presidents going back to Dwight Eisenhower to look the other way as Israel began the process of building an atomic bomb. The right or wrong for Israel, in the aftermath of the Holocaust, was not the point of the book.
My point was that what America was doing was known throughout the Third World, as it was then called, and our duplicity made our worries about the spread of nuclear weapons another example of American hypocrisy. Since then others have undertaken far more comprehensive studies, as some of the most highly classified Israeli and US documents have become public.

I chose not to go to Israel to do my research in fear of running afoul of Israeli national security law. But I found Israelis living abroad who had worked on the secret project and were willing to talk to me once I indicated I had information from American intelligence files. Those who worked on such highly classified materials have remained loyal to Israel, and a few of them became lifelong friends of mine. They have also remained in close touch with former colleagues who stayed in Israel.

This is an account of the past week’s horrific events in Israel, as seen by a veteran of Israel’s national security apparatus with inside knowledge of recent happenings. 

The most important thing I needed to understand, the Israeli insider told me, is that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

“is finished. He is a walking dead man. He will stay in office only until the shooting stops . . . maybe another month or two.”

He served as prime minister from 1996 until 1999 and again, as leader of the right-wing Likud Party, from 2009 to 2021, returning for a third stint in late 2022. “Bibi was always opposed to the 1993 Oslo Accords,” the insider said, which initially gave the Palestinian Authority nominal control over both the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. When he returned to office in 2009, the insider said, “Bibi chose to support Hamas” as an alternative to the Palestinian Authority, “and gave them money and established them in Gaza.” 

An arrangement was made with Qatar, which began sending hundreds of millions of dollars to the Hamas leadership with Israeli approval. The insider told me that “Bibi was convinced that he would have more control over Hamas with the Qatari money” —let them occasionally fire rockets into southern Israel and have access to jobs inside Israel—than he would with the Palestinian Authority. He took that risk.

“What happened this week,” the insider said,

“was a result of the Bibi doctrine that you could create a Frankenstein and have control over it.”

The attack by Hamas was a direct result of a decision Bibi made, over the protest of local military commanders, “to allow a group of Orthodox settlers to celebrate Sukkot in the West Bank.”

Sukkot is an annual fall holiday that commemorates the ancestral journey of Jews into the depths of the desert. It is a weeklong festival that is observed by building an outdoor temporary structure known as a sukkah in which all could share the food that their predecessors ate and viscerally connect to the harvest season. 

The request came at a time of extreme tension over another West Bank incident in which Jewish settlers, according to the Associated Press, “rampaged through a flashpoint town” on October 6 and killed a 19-year-old Arab male. The youth’s death, the AP report added, “marked the latest in a surge in Israeli-Palestinian fighting that so far has killed nearly 200 Palestinians this year—the highest yearly death toll in about two decades.”

The Sukkot celebration, held near a Palestinian village known in Hebrew as Haware, would need extraordinary protection, given the tension over the latest violence, and the local Israeli military authorities, with the approval of Netanyahu, ordered two of the three Army battalions, each with about 800 soldiers, that protected the border with Gaza to shift their focus to the Sukkot festival. 

“That left only eight hundred soldiers,” the insider told me,

“to be responsible for guarding the 51-kilometer border between the Gaza Strip and southern Israel. That meant the Israeli citizens in the south were left without an Israeli military presence for ten to twelve hours. They were left to fend for themselves. And that is why Bibi is finished. May take a few months, but he is over.”

The insider called the attack in southern Israel “the great military failure in Israeli history” and pointed out that “only soldiers were killed in the ’73 war”—the surprise attack on Yom Kippur in which Israel was briefly overrun by Egyptian and Syrian troops.

“Last Saturday twenty-two settlements in the south were under control of Hamas for hours, and they went house to house slaughtering women and children.”

There will be a military response, the insider said, noting that 360,000 reservists have been called up.

“There is a big debate going on about strategy. The Israeli Air Force and Navy special forces are ready to go, but Bibi and the military leadership have always favored the high-tech services.

The regular army has been used primarily as security guards in the West Bank … The reality is that the ground forces are not trained for combat. Don’t misunderstand—there is confidence in the spirit of the troops but not in their ability to succeed in the ‘special situation’ that the soldiers would be facing in a ground assault” in the ruins of heavily bombed Gaza City.

The reservists are now undergoing crash training and a decision of what to do may come by the end of this week, the insider said. Meanwhile, the current bombing of civilian targets—apartment buildings, hospitals, and mosques—no longer includes a token civilian safeguard. In prior attacks in Gaza City, he said, the Israeli Air Force often would drop a small bomb on the roof of a civilian facility to be targeted—it was called “a knock on the roof”—that would theoretically alert noncombatants to flee the building. That is not happening in the current round-the-clock bombing raids.

As for a ground attack, the insider told me that there is a brutal alternative under consideration that could be described as the Leningrad approach, referring to the famed German effort to starve out the city now known as St. Petersburg during World War II.

The Nazi siege lasted nearly 900 days and the death toll was at least 800,000 and possibly many more. It is known that the Hamas leadership and much of its manpower “live underground,” and Israel’s goal is to destroy as much of that manpower “without attempting a traditional house-to-house attack.”

The insider added that some Israelis were “made anxious” by the initial statements from world leaders in Germany, France, and England who avowed, in one case through an aide, their total support for an immediate response but added that it should be guided by the rule of law. President Biden reinforced that point in an unscheduled appearance at a White House conference of Jewish leaders Wednesday by pointedly saying that he had recently told Netanyahu: “it is really important that Israel, with all the anger and frustration and just—I don’t know how to explain it—that exists is that they operate by the rules of war—the rules of war. And there are rules of war.”

The option now under consideration, the Israeli insider told me, is to continue the isolation of Gaza City in terms of power supply and the delivery of food and other vital goods.

“Hamas now only has a two- or three-day supply of purified water and that, along with a lack of food,” I was told, “may be enough to flush all the Hamas out.” At some point, he said, Israel may be able to negotiate the release of some prisoners—women and children—in return for food and water.

“The big debate today,” he said,

“is whether to starve Hamas out or kill as many as 100,000 people in Gaza. One Israeli assumption is that Hamas, which has received as much as $1.6 billion from Qatar since 2014, wants to be seen as a sovereign that takes care of its people. He went on: “Now that President Biden says they are a terrorist state, Hamas may have reason to want to be seen as less hostile and there might be a chance for calm and rational discussion about prisoners—and a release of some of its Israeli hostages, beginning with women and children.”

The other prisoners will be treated like prisoners of war, he said, and their release could be negotiated, as has happened in the past.

But, the insider added, “the more we all see” of Hamas brutality on TV and “the more Hamas is seen as another ISIS, time gets short.”

The reality, he said, is that Hamas is not rational and is incapable of any negotiations, and Qatar will not intervene. And, barring some international or third-party intervention, there may be a general ground invasion with untold deaths to all sides and to all prisoners.

The decision to invade in full force is Israel’s, and it has not yet been made.


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Countries worldwide have just covered up their own fraud about a vote that happened in the United Nations which also affects the WHO and what they deemed they are able to do to us in the future. 

78th UN General Assembly 2023: The UN tried to pass a political declaration on 20th of September 2023, which was opposed by 11 countries via a letter to the UNGA President, copying UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.

The UNGA’s 78th president Dennis Francis approved a ‘historic’ but non-binding political declaration on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response. 

So what did the 11 countries object to?

  1. No consent, lack of transparency and illegal unilateral coercive measures 
  2. Unfair practices including veto, lack of inclusion, absence of balance and neglect
  3. Forced consensus, bulldozing, and ignoring repeated breaking of silence 
  4. Call to Action: Recall of the nature and legal standing of UN meetings

Watch the video below.


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Well, we’ve had elections in New Zealand and a whole new government will be taking the reins of power, ostensibly. Labour is out and National is in, with a coalition partner, and the freedom parties failed to unite and exceed the five percent threshold needed for Parliamentary presence. Nonetheless a seasoned politician who began to espouse freedom principles in his campaign has made the cut, so we may have a foot in the door.

As far as I have been concerned, the establishment Uniparty will do nothing to extricate our country from the crushing globalist embrace of the World Economic Forum or the World Health Organization, and if and when another phony pandemic is declared, it will be ‘interesting’ to see how ‘the people’ respond to another governmental attempt to deprive us of our inalienable rights.

Nonetheless, I have many reasons to be grateful to the covid apocalypse that beset us these past four years. The veil of institutional honesty having been rent, a vista into terrain hitherto unknown was bequeathed — the terrain of deep corruption and rot wherein trusted and revered entities revealed themselves to be thoroughly malicious and bent on reversing a millennia of progress.

Take Medicine, for example. Damn the Hippocratic Oath, dash natural immunity, don’t worry about informed consent: figure out instead ever more ingenious ways to make sure that every living mammal has some form of mRNA within its bloodstream, even if it takes genetically-engineered mosquitoes to do the dirty work which clumsy needles couldn’t comprehensively accomplish.

And when any antediluvian doctors cavil, doctors who have raised eyebrows about the headlong rush to the final solution offered by inoculation and questioned the wisdom of breath-depriving masks, make their lives hell. Launch probes, suspend or cancel licences, and threaten them with fines or even prison for the crime of voicing concerns and wondering how the very foundations of their profession could have been so thoroughly vaporized overnight.

But thanks to these past four years, I have educated myself about many aspects of medical care and the history of the pharmaceutical industry, about the climate scam being perpetrated, about the endless wars that have continued beyond the one to end all wars, and about the sheer and utter indifference of authorities, such as they are, inclusive of our representative governments in the so-called Free World, to our deaths and lives.

Prominent and beloved and ‘benevolent’ figures like primate researcher Jane Goodall are openly espousing the virtues of depopulation, while ‘excess deaths’ are besieging us, cancers are proliferating, and the adverse effects of the Jab are being shoved under the rug and attributed to ‘long covid’, as if short covid wasn’t enough.

This indifference to the well-being of the dirty masses is nothing new, but the scale is such as to give even a hardened psychopath pause. We’re being hurt, we’re being maimed, we’re being killed, and we’re being mesmerized by the Agents of the Agenda to celebrate our immolation, in numbers that are immense.

The 20th Century brought the Nazi Holocaust, the genocides of Stalin and Mao, the nuclear annihilation of inhabited Japanese cities, the Korean and Vietnamese wars, and a variety of coups and massacres. 9/11 became the pretext for further martial excursions in the Middle East and significant constraints upon individual autonomy, and with covid State-sponsored terror reached novel heights and breadth.

About a year ago, I happened to be in Wellington during a climate change march. I watched as the stream of mostly youthful humanity meandered its way through the city centre, shouting and screaming and chanting and waving signs about carbon dioxide. I thought about quietly taking a few people aside to ask some meaningful questions, but I desisted — it would have been impossible, I would never have been heard. And as I ruminated I experienced a frisson of fear — real fear, not the kind manufactured by a controlled media phalanx about an invisible and never very lethal pathogen. It was fear of a mob.

I remembered the very many who masked up and looked with hostility upon those who preferred not to; I remembered the virulence of the attacks upon those of us who refused to be injected, even from colleagues in Medicine; and I remembered the threats of politicians to hunt us down.If there is Progress it will be measured by tolerance, and thoughtfulness, and discussion and debate, and the insistence of the majority on the preservation of human freedom and choice. It will favour Peace over War, Liberty over Control, and Reflection over Impulse.

Virtually everything the authorities told us about covid has been a lie. Seeing through this Big Lie allows us to see through the long and sordid chain of others — and it allows us to prepare for future assaults upon language and history and perception as well.

No matter who sits in Parliament it will be up to us, we people on the ground, either to comply with lawless State directives, or not. It has always been this way and always will, and our free choice between doing what is good and what is ill can never disappear.


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Dr. Garcia is a Philadelphia-born psychoanalyst and psychiatrist who emigrated to New Zealand in 2006. He has authored articles ranging from explorations of psychoanalytic technique, the psychology of creativity in music (Mahler, Rachmaninoff, Scriabin, Delius), and politics. He is also a poet, novelist and theatrical director. He retired from psychiatric practice in 2021 after working in the public sector in New Zealand. Visit his substack at

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from LifeSiteNews

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

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A successful unification of the Korean Peninsula must be based on a vision for the nation rooted in both universal values and the distinct traditions of the Korean people.

If the establishment of a unified Korea as a constitutional republic is to follow the model offered by the United States, the critical step would be the drafting of a constitution that lays out the contours for that new nation’s government and the principles undergirding it.

That means selecting the best practices and policies, and the most relevant to the needs of the current age, from models for good governance found in the collective wisdom of mankind, and doing so in a manner that is inspiring for the Korean people, and that serves as a model for the nations of the world.

In this respect, the Korean dream advanced by Dr. Hyunjin Preston Moon, a visionary plan for a new nation on the peninsula that brings together the best of West and East, will inspire the drafting of this constitution.

The constitution for a unified Korea will serve as the foundation for the republic, describing concretely the institutional structures and the principles of governance that govern them, thereby establishing a common understanding of the legal process to be followed going forward, while setting limits on the authority of each branch of government that will be essential for stability over the long term.

The constitution should assure a process for understanding the needs of society, the principles of morality and the best way to implement those solutions in policy, while guarding against creeping tyranny by assuring a logical separation of powers.

The United States Constitution is a blending of varied strands of political philosophy. We can observe in the Constitution institutional precedents taken from Greece and Rome, but also from medieval and enlightenment governance in England, France and Germany. A trained eye can detect bits of the Iroquois Great Law, and even of Confucian practice as it was introduced into the Enlightenment debate in Europe on governance.

The constitution of a united Korea should also be a creative work with roots deep in our common past, a text that appeals to universal human values and morals, and that sends out sparks of inspiration to all Koreans, and to all the world, as did the American constitution in 1787.

The intellectual dynamic animating the American Constitution is powered by the synthesis of the political philosophy of the ancient Greeks and Romans with practical precedents in later history for deliberative democracy such as the Magna Carta of 1215, or the Roundheads’ defense of the democratic Parliament in seventeenth-century England.

We can imagine a constitution for a unified Korea that will derive its power from a further synthesis, this time between the tradition of the constitutional republic without a monarch that is put forth in the U.S. Constitution, Korea’s own traditions of good governance and ethical behavior, and the larger mansions of moral philosophy in East Asia, mainly those of Confucianism and Buddhism.

A Korean Constitutional Convention

All of the models for good governance in the Western and Eastern traditions will not mean much if Koreans are not able to hold a constitutional convention in which the greatest ethical and intellectual minds of the age come together for an open debate dedicated to addressing the spiritual and material needs of the people, not personal gain, and if the consensus of those great minds is not written up in powerful and clear language that can inspire citizens for the ages.

The constitution produced by the constitutional convention for a united Korea must have cultural depth and moral power on both the Western and Eastern sides so that it will be accepted by Koreans of the North and the South (and around the world) assuasive, authoritative and universal.

First, we need individuals who are morally upstanding, intellectually informed, dedicated to the public good, and who have a keen sense of their role in long arc of history. That moral stature must be accompanied with an openness to new potentials and eternal creativity.

They need not, should not, be individuals with identical concepts of what government should be. The convention should be a symphony in which different themes and melodies are blended together in the give and take, the debate, and the resulting harmony produced in debates, for example between those favoring a strong central government and those opposed, between those favoring individual rights and those favoring the common good, serves to create a balanced conception of the whole that will rise above the capacity of any one author.

We know that in the American case those at the convention, James Madison, George Mason, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams (by correspondence), and Alexander Hamilton, articulated profoundly different perspectives on how government could realize the potential of humanity.

The Constitutional Convention went on in Philadelphia from May 25 to Sept. 17 of 1787, bringing together a group of visionary political figures who were devoted to an honest debate on the strengths and weaknesses of previous traditions of governance. It took months of concentrated debate, draft after draft, to come up with a vision for how the United States of America would be governed in a democratic, transparent, and accountable manner so as to represent the needs of the people and to protect the rights of the minority and to express that vision in a manner that was accessible to citizens.

In the Korean case, it should be a select group of committed Koreans, from North and South Korea, and from the Korean diaspora, who are ready to devote themselves to the drafting of this constitution based on ideals and profound contemplation of the needs of the people, a group that includes people with different perspectives on governance who are capable of creative dialog and compromise.

The constitution will be accepted by the people, not on the basis of how famous its drafters are, or how much money and coverage in the media they receive, but rather on the basis of their vision of what humanity is capable of, and how they express that potential in an inspiring manner.

It is essential that the planners of the convention make room for the organic meetings of minds, take the time to read through classic books on governance and to discuss them in an unpressured environment, while at the same time avoiding imposing on the natural process by which the constitution takes form and is then drafted.


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This article was originally published on Korea Times.

Emanuel Pastreich served as the president of the Asia Institute, a think tank with offices in Washington DC, Seoul, Tokyo and Hanoi. Pastreich also serves as director general of the Institute for Future Urban Environments. Pastreich declared his candidacy for president of the United States as an independent in February, 2020.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: The Demilitarized Zone compared to the earlier 38th parallel de facto border (Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0)

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“Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.”—Hermann Goering, German military commander and Hitler’s designated successor

For those who remember the days and months that followed 9/11, there is an unnerving feeling of déjà vu about the Hamas attacks on Israel.

The same shocking images of carnage and grief dominating the news. The same disbelief that anyone could be so hateful, so monstrous, so evil as to do this to another human being. The same outpourings of support and unity from around the world. The same shared fear that this could easily have happened to us or our loved ones.

Now once again the drums of war are sounding on the world stage, not that they ever really stopped. Israel is preparing to invade Gaza, the Palestinians are nearing a humanitarian crisis, and the rest of the world is bracing for whatever blowback comes next.

Here in the United States, as we approach the 22nd anniversary of the USA Patriot Act on October 26, we’re still grappling with the blowback that arises from allowing one’s freedoms to be eviscerated in exchange for the phantom promise of security.

Here are a few lessons that we never learned or learned too late.

Mammoth legislation that expands the government’s powers at the citizenry’s expense will not make anyone safer. Rushed through Congress a mere 45 days after the 9/11 attacks, the USA Patriot Act drove a stake through the heart of the Bill of Rights, undermined civil liberties, expanded the government’s powers and opened the door to far-reaching surveillance by the government on American citizens.

Pre-emptive strikes will only lead to further blowback. Not content to wage war against Afghanistan, which served as the base for Osama bin Laden, the U.S. embarked on a pre-emptive war against Iraq in order to “stop any adversary challenging America’s military superiority and adopt a strike-first policy against terrorist threats ‘before they’re fully formed.’” We are still suffering the consequences of this failed policy, which resulted in lives lost, taxpayer dollars wasted, the fomenting of hatred against the U.S. and the further radicalization of terrorist cells.

War is costly. There are many reasons to go to war, but those who have advocated that the U.S. remain at war, year after year, are the very entities that have profited most from these endless military occupations and exercises. Thus far, the U.S. taxpayer has been made to shell out more than $8 trillion to wage wars abroad, including the lifetime price of health care for disabled veterans and interest on the national debt. That also does not include the more than hundreds of thousands of civilians killed, or the millions displaced from their homes as a result of endless drone strikes and violence.

The tactics and weapons of war, once deployed abroad, will eventually be used against the citizenry at home. The horrors that took place at Abu Ghraib, the American-run prison in Iraq, involved “US military personnel humiliating, hurting and abusing Iraqi prisoners in a myriad of perverse ways. While American servicemen and women smiled and gave thumbs up, naked men were threatened by dogs, or were hooded, forced into sexual positions, placed standing with wires attached to their bodies, or left bleeding on prison floors.” Adding to the descent into moral depravity, the United States government legalized the use of torture, including waterboarding, in violation of international law and in the so-called pursuit of national security. The ramifications have been far-reaching, with domestic police mirroring a battlefield mindset in their encounters with American citizens, including the use of torture tactics at secret locations such as Homan Square in Chicago.

Allowing the government to spy on the citizenry will not reduce acts of terrorism, but it will result in a watched, submissive, surveillance society. Not only did the USA Patriot Act normalize the government’s mass surveillance powers, but it also dramatically expanded the government’s authority to spy on its own citizens without much of any oversight. Thus, a byproduct of this post 9/11-age in which we live, whether you’re walking through a store, driving your car, checking email, or talking to friends and family on the phone, you can be sure that some government agency is listening in and tracking your behavior. This doesn’t even begin to touch on the corporate trackers that monitor your purchases, web browsing, Facebook posts and other activities taking place in the cyber sphere. We have all become data collected in government files.

News cycle distractions are calibrated to ensure that you lose sight of what the government is doing. The average American has a hard time keeping up with and remembering all of the “events,” manufactured or otherwise, which occur like clockwork and keep us distracted, deluded, amused, and insulated from the reality of the American police state. Whether these events are critical or unimportant, when we’re being bombarded with wall-to-wall news coverage and news cycles that change every few days, it’s difficult to stay focused on one thing—namely, holding the government accountable to abiding by the rule of law—and the powers-that-be understand this. In this way, regularly scheduled trivia and/or distractions that keep the citizenry tuned into the various breaking news headlines and entertainment spectacles also keep them tuned out to the government’s steady encroachments on their freedoms.

If you stop holding the government accountable to the rule of law, the only laws it abides by will be the ones used to clamp down on the citizenry. Having failed to hold government officials accountable to abiding by the rule of law, the American people have found themselves saddled with a government that skirts, flouts and violates the Constitution with little consequence. Overcriminalization, asset forfeiture schemes, police brutality, profit-driven prisons, warrantless surveillance, SWAT team raids, indefinite detentions, covert agencies, and secret courts are just a few of the egregious practices carried out by a government that operates beyond the reach of the law.

Do not turn your country into a battlefield, your citizens into enemy combatants, and your law enforcement officers into extensions of the military. A standing army—something that propelled the early colonists into revolution—strips the citizenry of any vestige of freedom. How can there be any semblance of freedom when there are tanks in the streets, military encampments in cities, Blackhawk helicopters and armed drones patrolling overhead? It was for this reason that those who established America vested control of the military in a civilian government, with a civilian commander-in-chief. They did not want a military government, ruled by force. Rather, they opted for a republic bound by the rule of law: the U.S. Constitution. Unfortunately, we in America now find ourselves struggling to retain some semblance of freedom in the face of police and law enforcement agencies that look and act like the military and have just as little regard for the Fourth Amendment, laws such as the NDAA that allow the military to arrest and indefinitely detain American citizens, and military drills that acclimate the American people to the sight of armored tanks in the streets, military encampments in cities, and combat aircraft patrolling overhead.

As long as you remain fearful and distrustful of each other, you will be incapable of standing united against any threats posed by a power-hungry government. Early on, U.S. officials solved the problem of how to implement their authoritarian policies without incurring a citizen uprising: fear. The powers-that-be want us to feel threatened by forces beyond our control (terrorists, shooters, bombers). They want us afraid and dependent on the government and its militarized armies for our safety and well-being. Most of all, they want us distrustful of each other, divided by our prejudices, and at each other’s throats.

Once you trade your freedom for security, the terrorists win. We’ve walked a strange and harrowing road since September 11, 2001, littered with the debris of our once-vaunted liberties. We have gone from a nation that took great pride in being a model of a representative democracy to being a model of how to persuade a freedom-loving people to march in lockstep with a police state. And in so doing, we have proven Osama Bin Laden right. He warned that “freedom and human rights in America are doomed. The U.S. government will lead the American people in — and the West in general — into an unbearable hell and a choking life.”

It took a long time to clear away the rubble from the 9/11 attacks.

Yet as I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, 22 years after the USA Patriot Act was unleashed on a vulnerable nation, we are still reeling from the destruction it has wrought on our freedoms.


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This article was originally published on The Rutherford Institute.

Constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead is founder and president of The Rutherford Institute. His most recent books are the best-selling Battlefield America: The War on the American People, the award-winning A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State, and a debut dystopian fiction novel, The Erik Blair Diaries. Whitehead can be contacted at [email protected].

Nisha Whitehead is the Executive Director of The Rutherford Institute. Information about The Rutherford Institute is available at

They are regular contributors to Global Research.

Featured image is from Everest Bank Limited

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I am being asked about the Israeli-Palestine conflict, which seems to be taking attention away from the Ukraine-Russia conflict.  People, by which I mean people who pay attention, are wondering why the Palestinians would attack Israel like this as it provides Netanyahu with an excuse to grab the remaining bits of Palestine and destroy the Gaza strip, thus disposing of  the two-state solution by conquest. Who can blame Israel after Palestinians killed Israelis and took hostages?  

I have heard the official explanation of Palestinian perfidy, but I don’t have an explanation for the attack. It seems it would have to be more than perfidy. I do agree with readers that it seems a curious thing for Hamas to do as it plays into Israel’s hands. I also agree that there is something else strange about the attack. How did drones and so many rockets, allegedly from Iran, and some say Ukraine, get into the Gaza strip, and how did the Hamas attackers get into Israel?

The Hamas attack has something of 9/11’s flavor. Just as every aspect of the US National Security State failed simultaneously on September 11, 2001, Israel’s security system, including the Iron Dome the US constructed for Israel, simultaneously failed.

Mysteriously, the Hamas fighters entered Israel on the ground and through the air and on the sea without being detected.

Mysteriously, large quantities of weapons entered Palestine through Israel without being detected.

This is too much convenient failure to be believable. It will be interesting to see if anyone in Israel is held accountable for the total security failure. In the US no one was held accountable for the security failures on September 11, which should have  told us a lot.

Not knowing, we can but speculate. We have a motive. Israel can now steal the rest of Palestine. 

Another motive might be that Israel can expand the conflict into a wider war and succeed this time in grabbing the water resources of southern Lebanon. It could even get nastier with Israeli moves against Syria and Iran. 

Oil prices could go sky high causing world disruption. A victorious war and the end of the Palestinian problem would free Netanyahu from his legal and political problems. There is a lot to think about. 

But let’s move on to the security failure that made the attack possible. Why would Netanyahu enable Hamas to attack Israel by standing down Israel security? It seems a nonsensical suggestion, but isn’t as it creates the conditions in which Israel can absorb all that remains of Palestine, just as 9/11 created the conditions for the neoconservatives to launch the wars they had planned in the Middle East.

The difficult question is why would the Palestinians bring on their own destruction by attacking Israel when Hamas has no prospect of defeating Israel? 

Again, we can only speculate. It could be an Israeli operation from start to finish. Israel infiltrates Hamas, just as the FBI infiltrates Trump supporters and patriotic groups now called domestic terrorists. 

The Israeli agents play up Israel’s abuse of the Palestinians.

Netanyahu helps them along by blowing up the sacred Mosque. The agents come up with an attack plan made possible with weapons from Iran and devices from Iran to jam Israeli security. They go about this carefully, relying on the decades of anger and hurt and the prospect of release from impotence to crowd out Hamas’ reason.

I don’t say these speculations suffice as the explanation. But I would not be surprised if these speculations, if investigated, would prove to be closer to the truth than whatever official narrative emerges.


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Paul Craig Roberts is a renowned author and academic, chairman of The Institute for Political Economy where this article was originally published. Dr. Roberts was previously associate editor and columnist for The Wall Street Journal. He was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy during the Reagan Administration. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.


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Bibi Netanyahu and his ideological ilk represent more of an existential threat to the continued existence of the Israeli state – and possibly the world if it gets dragged into its geopolitical melodrama — than any foreign adversary ever could hope to.

What many casual news consumers might not know, even ones who consider themselves “informed” – in large part because MSNBC/CIA-funded Washington Post would never tell them – is that Hamas is in no small measure a creation of the Israeli state.

This is not to mean “creation of the Israeli state” in the figurative, obscure sense of “Israel forced the birth of Hamas-style militancy through its Apartheid policies in the Gaza Strip,” although that is certainly true.

I literally mean to say the Israeli government actively and directly participated in creating and propping up Hamas in the service of its own political machinations.

Straight from the horse’s mouth, here’s how Netanyahu schemed behind the scenes for years to promote the terrorist group he now publicly decries and postures as the savior from.

Via Haaretz:

“Effectively, Netanyahu’s entire worldview collapsed over the course of a single day. He was convinced that he could make deals with corrupt Arab tyrants while ignoring the cornerstone of the Arab-Jewish conflict, the Palestinians. His life’s work was to turn the ship of state from the course steered by his predecessors, from Yitzhak Rabin to Ehud Olmert, and make the two-state solution impossible. En route to this goal, he found a partner in Hamas.

‘Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas,’ he told a meeting of his Likud party’s Knesset members in March 2019. “This is part of our strategy – to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank.”

On learning that Netanyahu told his comrades this, one might ask obvious questions:

Why would Netanyahu be interested in keeping Palestine balkanized politically?

Especially when all the government publicly proclaims to desire is peace with its Arab neighbors? Wouldn’t a stable Palestinian state not obsessed with annihilating the Jews serve those purported Israeli interests?

Well, a non-militant Palestinian state might serve the interests of an average Israeli living in a village on the border of Gaza, but not Netanyahu’s interests nor those of the base of fanatical religious warmongers he caters to.

Keeping Hamas alive and well-funded, as Netanyahu explicitly called for, creates permanent instability. Instability, in turn, lends itself to either active war or the constant threat of war, not peace. And war is the health of the Israeli state.

If peace broke out in the Middle East, creatures like Netanyahu would be liable to suddenly find themselves out of a job. They might have to make an honest day’s living for once in their miserable lives.

Netanyahu feeds politically as a result of endless conflict with Israel’s regional rivals. War breathes life into his otherwise listless and deflated political ideology. What other ideas for governance has this warmonger ever had except more war?

In the immediate term, war furthermore keeps him out of jail for the time being, as he was under serious, career-threatening legal scrutiny for corruption allegations at the time of the Hamas attack. Now, as the Israeli citizenry “rallies around the flag,” the nation temporarily forgoes internal political conflict.

Netanyahu and the self-styled Supreme Leader of Iran, Ali Khamenei, are two peas in a pod in this regard. War is the health of their respective states, and they and their parties are the primary beneficiaries. Without it, they would be nothing but your average middle-aged, flabby slobs schlubbing their way through life.

In fact, in much the same way that there is no way Israeli intelligence was unaware of impending Hamas attacks, I wouldn’t be shocked to learn that Netanyahu and Khamenei are coordinating behind the scenes to see if they can’t finagle a potentially apocalyptic regional, if not global, war out of the current mess – and, again, if possible, drag the United States, Russia, and God knows what other states into it in the process.

Of course, neither the Supreme Leader (what a stupid title) nor Netanyahu will be doing any fighting themselves. They’re much too cowardly and physically flimsy for any of that. Those personal traits are largely why they’re politicians in the first place.

They’ll simply puppeteer the apocalypse from behind the scenes. It’ll be poor kids conscripted from dusty villages sent to the meat grinder.

How history has a way of rhyming! Back in the 1980s, in an entirely different conflict in the same region of the world, it was the United States that propped up a band of religious fanatics fighting, at the time, the Soviet Union that had “invaded and occupied Afghanistan in 1979”.

Ronald Reagan’s Deep State handlers went so far as to invite them to the White House.

As unstable religious fanatics who feed off perpetual war, they eventually switched allegiances and set their sights on the United States, of course.

Many people living quiet lives in New York City died as a result, but the American neocons got a whole fresh set of wars out of the deal, with fresh license to kill more poor people overseas.

Raytheon and Boeing stocks went through the roof. The Middle East was further destabilized, giving rise to ISIS, a failed state in Libya, and guaranteeing future war.

And around and around we go, pretending as if the vaunted statesmen who start wars for a living are anything other than bloodthirsty warmongers playing geopolitical chess with other people’s children. 

But they’re brave and serious leaders of resolve, and I and anyone else who challenges them are the “domestic terrorists,” per the ADL, of course.


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This article was originally published on the author’s substack, Armageddon Prose.

Ben Bartee, author of Broken English Teacher: Notes From Exile, is an independent Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from IMEMC

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On October 7, shortly after the Hamas attack on Israel, PM Benjamin Netanyahu declared the offensive as Israel’s 9/11. He is right in more ways than one. The US 9/11 was a horrendous and deadly false flag, and so is the Israeli one, or the so-called Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, assault by Hamas.

Both 9/11’s are meant to “justify” endless and crushing retributions. In the US, an endless and worldwide war on “terror” which means the entire world, as Washington sees fit, according to its “rules-based order.” Misbehaving nations are simply sanctioned and crushed, forced to their knees.

Israeli intel, as well as that of Egypt, the UK, the US, Brussels – EU – knew about the impending attack, planned by Israel in coordination with Hamas. A Jewish charity leader says Netanyahu ordered the Israeli military to stand down for 7 hours during the Hamas invasion.

For Israel, it justifies a stepped-up war on Palestine, the end of Gaza, eventually forcing 2.3 million Gazans to flee through Rafah into the Sinai Peninsula in northeast Egypt.

Despite the official rejection of Israel to establish a corridor for Gazan refugees – an agreement with Israel and Washington to starve to death as many Palestinians as possible – Egypt eventually may allow to open the Rafah border for “humanitarian reasons.” It is all part of the deal. See video below.

This was planned for years.

Hamas was set up and funded by Israel and the US/UK secret services.

Hamas must do the bidding of its masters – namely periodically shooting back at aggressive Israeli attacks at Palestine settlements, mostly in the Gaza strip, and eventually launching a massive attack on Israel (on 7 October), thus, provoking an even more gigantic and deadly act of retribution – one that may not end until Palestine is erased from the map.

And then onwards – for the creation of Greater Israel, in the process absorbing one third to half of the current Middle East.

For broader understanding of the Israel-Palestine war, see also this.

Once Gaza is Off the Map

Once Gaza is off the map, next is the end of the entire West Bank. In fact, the war on the Palestinian West Bank settlements has already begun.

As all attention is on Gaza being ransacked, leveled, and “emptied” by the Israeli killing machine, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) are already bulldozing villages in the West Bank, killing resisting Palestinians.

Today, reports from northern Israel, the border to Lebanon, accuse Hezbollah of firing rockets into Israel, having killed at least one Israeli. It must be understood that Hezbollah is also a creation of Israel, Mossad and allied Western secret services; with the same purpose as Hamas.

It may become an endless war for the conquest of the Middle East, for Greater Israel, an expanded home for the Chosen People. As long as the Zionist Israel – in contrast to normal Jewish Israeli – gets full support from the West in terms of weapons, money and cheers for her atrocities — Israel is on a free ascent to become the emperor’s full-fledged partner in crime, eventually exceeding that power, to rule the world. That is the “Chosen People’s ambition”.

But who knows whether this Kazarian-Zionist genocide on Palestine will go down in the West as easily as COVID did. In this case, it may backfire. There are massive pro-Palestinian protests in London, Paris, Berlin, and many more European cities, despite France’s Macron’s and Germany’s Scholz’s threat to forbid all pro-Palestinian demonstrations and to arrest and punish all perpetrators.

Other EU members are following the same dictate.

So far, they are not listening to the wannabe “new royals” of France and Germany. Immense pro-Palestinian manifestations took place in Paris and other cities of France last night; similarly in Germany.

Demonstration repression may be possible for a few hundred people, but not with tens and hundreds of thousands – into the millions.

In his explosive and informative piece, “The Nakba that Israel has started will backfire”, David Hearst describes the possible extent of destruction – as a monumental catastrophe, or “Nakba”, Netanyahu may have just started. See this.

The first “Nakba” refers to the violent mass displacement and dispossession of Palestinians during the 1948 Arab-Israeli war.

Before the forceful, UK-sponsored and UN-decided, establishment of Israel in the midst of Palestine – no consultation, no negotiations – Palestine was a multi-ethnic and multi-cultural society, living in harmony, including with Jewish settlers.

Things changed to the extreme. Knesset member Revital Gotliv called a few days ago on Israel to consider using a nuclear bomb on Gaza, posting on social media,

“Only an explosion that shakes the Middle East will restore this country’s dignity, strength, and security! It’s time to kiss doomsday” (David Hearst).

Maybe two decades ago, a Hindu guru who, acting as a medium for a disciple, claiming to be able to read into the future through the minds of able believers, said his devotee, in a state of trance, looking several hundred years ahead, saw the world as a harmonious clean and little populated paradise. Except, there was one region that was fenced and locked off for the rest of the world, due to dangers from war-like destruction and toxicity – that was the Middle East.

There is no proof for this story. And even if the predictions were true at the time, it does not mean that it will happen, as humans are dynamic beings with the capacity to change course.

There is no proof either the predictions took place. All links or references have disappeared from the internet. But given Netanyahu’s threats already on day one of IDF’s counteroffensive, “This is just the beginning” and “This will be a long war,” may indicate that this long-back Hindu prediction may not be far off.

No matter what prediction may be made at some point in time, and may even be true at that time, men can shape their own future. It is a question of mankind’s collective willpower. If enough people believe and work for PEACE and a harmonious future and cohabitation between different factions of populations – it is possible.

Why is this message important even though not proven?

It demonstrates at what level of total annihilation humanity has arrived. Wars everywhere, killing randomly and for more power, by weapons from the military industrial complex (MIC), bio weapons, directed energy weapons (DEW), as well as targeted weather and climate modification weapons (HAARP – High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program), by geoengineering the ionosphere.

These modern weaponry developments should incite reflections on how to exit the ever more violent and destructive Matrix. The faster and the more people exit the Matrix, the better humanity’s chances to salvage our civilization, not by revising it; but by a restart – outside of any given structure or Matrix.

Oslo Accords I and II

Back to Israel-Palestine – In the 1990s, there were the Oslo accords I and II. They were a historic hope for permanent peace and cohabitation of Israel and Palestine in a two-state solution.

Oslo I – In January 1993 in Oslo, Norway, sponsored by the Norwegian Minister of Defense (later Foreign Affairs), Jorgen Holst and his wife Marianne Heiberg, the so-called Oslo I Accords were signed by Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) Negotiator Mahmoud Abbas, representing Yasser Arafat, then PLO Chairman.

In September 1993, US President Bill Clinton hosted a formal and famous signing ceremony in Washington D.C. The Oslo Accords were a pivotal milestone in Israeli-Palestinian relations, aimed at propelling the peace process forward and providing for the expansion of Palestinian self-rule throughout most of the West Bank.

As a first and immediate step, Israel and the PLO agreed on withdrawal of Israel’s occupation from the Gaza Strip and Jericho.

This was Step One for an Oslo-planned two-state solution which would be negotiated within the coming five years. Two sovereign nations with the same rights to live peacefully as neighbors, side by side.

Oslo II was signed in Taba, Egypt, in 1995. It was to set out specific territories in the West Bank to become part of Palestine.

The accords failed because the agreements were not honored by Israel, which, from the beginning, had no interest in a two-state solution. Also, because self-governing for Palestine included managing their water resources, the water on or under Palestinian territories.

Some 80% of all water resources of the combined Israeli-Palestinian territory belong to Palestine. Water being of extreme importance in this dry, desert-like part of the world, this was unacceptable to Israel.

As it stands now, Israel appropriates the water resources for her own use – and leaves some to Palestine as Israel sees fit.

The Oslo Accords did not create a definite Palestinian state. The Palestinian-American philosopher, Edward Said, described them as a “Palestinian Versailles.” [The Treaty of Versailles was the Peace Agreement after WWI. The treaty gave some German territories to neighboring countries and placed other German territories under international supervision.]

Escalation at Warp Speed. Genocide

Today, the war is escalating at warp speed. The Israeli offensive in Gaza has caused hundreds if not thousands of deaths, and driven already close to a million people out of their homes in northern Gaza, fleeing towards southern Gaza, where many of them are amassing at the Rafah border with Egypt, hoping to eventually escape into Egypt’s Sinai territory.

In the meantime, journalist Maha Hussaini, describes the situation in Gaza on her dying cellphone. See below.

Israel has cut all electricity, fuel, food deliveries, internet connection and vital water supply.

Israel has also implemented a total news blackout from Gaza. Under “humanitarian pressure” from the west, Israel has said today they will reinstate water supply for Gaza.

Journalists are in hiding, but report with the last minutes of their cellphones energy to the outside world. Then, there will be silence.

At least nine journalists, who were caught by the Israeli offensive in Gaza at home or on their way to southern Gaza, were killed, as described by Maha Hussaini. But she says, we will stay steadfast and report whenever and however we can.

There is hope, always hope, as long as the sun shines on Mother Earth. But humanity must fundamentally change. It is a question of conscious awakening. Either by the elite, pretending ruling the planet, or by the very military fighting each other – in Israel, Palestine, Ukraine, Russia and anywhere in the world.

If they become conscious of what they are doing, engaging in wars, not only putting their own lives on the line for the interests of a small elite, and killing their brethren on the other side of the frontline; if they wake up, stop shooting, bombing and hating, and instead go home to their families, start loving their own lives, and the lives of their unbeknown enemies – all wars and killing will stop.


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Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for online journals and is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.

Featured image: A view of destroyed buildings at the Gaza Strip after Israeli airstrikes that continue on the seventh day in Gaza City, Gaza on October 13, 2023 [Abed Rahim Khatib – Anadolu Agency]

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The reason for China’s declared “neutral position” in the war between Israel and Gaza is that US influence in the region may increase, writes the Financial Times newspaper, with reference to diplomats and analysts. However, this so-called neutral position is not having the desired effect as Israel is becoming outraged in what they perceive as “pro-Palestine neutrality.”

According to the publication, the escalation of the conflict in the Middle East could become a major test for China, which seeks to strengthen its influence in the region that is “traditionally dominated by the US.” The US continues to be the strongest military power in the Middle East, and in the current crisis, it has already “demonstrated its might” by sending two groups of aircraft carriers, the USS Eisenhower and the USS Gerald R Ford, to the Eastern Mediterranean, the newspaper continues.

Furthermore, Washington remains the “main diplomatic player in the region, despite Arab concerns that it has been disengaging” and is Israel’s biggest ally.

At the same time, China, whose economic role in the region has grown rapidly in recent decades, is on good terms with almost all players, especially Iran, the main backer of Hamas and Lebanon’s Hezbollah. It is recalled that under the draft of the 25-year agreement signed in 2020, China will invest $400 billion in Iran’s economy in exchange for discounted oil.

The publication recalls that in recent years, Beijing played an important role in attracting four Middle Eastern countries – Egypt, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates – to the BRICS group and contributed to the successful mediation of relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran, something which outraged Washington.

Analysts also note that after the start of the war between Israel and Gaza, China “struck a neutral tone that angered many Israelis and western countries,” calling on both sides to “remain calm” and not condemning the actions of the Palestinian faction.

“It’s true that China can negotiate something between Saudi Arabia and Iran, but that’s not creating any great confidence on the Israeli side,” said a diplomat cited by the Financial Times. Therefore, according to the diplomat, if China does not choose a side soon, it cannot arbitrate or mediate the conflict.

Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi told his Iranian counterpart Amir-Abdollahian during their meeting on October 15 in Beijing that

“the root cause… of the Palestine-Israel situation is that the Palestinian people’s right to statehood has been set aside for a long time.”

“This historical injustice should end as soon as possible,” Wang said, adding that “China will continue to stand on the side of peace and support the just cause of the Palestinian people in safeguarding their national rights.”

On the same day as his meeting with Amir-Abdollahian, Wang said in a call with Saudi Arabia’s Prince Faisal bin Farhan that Israel’s actions were now “beyond the scope of self-defence” and the Israeli government must “cease its collective punishment of the people of Gaza.”

“(Israel) should listen earnestly to the calls of the international community and the UN secretary general, and cease its collective punishment of the people of Gaza,” Wang added.

By describing the Israel-Palestine conflict as a “historical injustice” for the Palestinians, Beijing is now accused of having “pro-Palestine neutrality.” It was also noted that China’s official statements on the conflict have not specifically named Hamas in their condemnations of violence, leading to criticism in Israel.

Nonetheless, China’s special envoy on Middle Eastern issues, Zhai Jun, will visit the Middle East next week to push for a ceasefire in the Israel-Gaza conflict and promote peace talks. Zhai also called Israeli officials last week to reaffirm that China “has no selfish interests on the Palestinian issue but has always stood on the side of peace, on the side of fairness and justice” and that “China is willing to work with the international community to promote peace and encourage talks.”

Although his rhetoric was one of a neutral third party who could mediate on the issue, Wang’s statements consolidated Israel’s suspicions that China is not neutral.

Beijing will attempt to play an enhanced role in efforts to end the war to secure its economic interests and capitalise on the Arab states’ frustration with the US. It remains to be seen if they can achieve the same level of success as they did in reconciling Saudi Arabia and Iran to establish itself as a great power in the region because this is essentially decided on whether Israel views China as a trusted mediator, which at this point in time appears doubtful.


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Ahmed Adel is a Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Silent Crow News

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On October 7, Hamas, the group that controls Gaza, launched a rare surprise attack on Israel that led to massive retaliatory airstrikes on Gaza and other punitive measures, including power outages.

Huge Casualties and Humanitarian Disaster

This new round of the Hamas-Israeli conflict has pushed the Palestinian death toll to more than 2,200, with over 8,700 injuries, according to the Palestinian Health Ministry on October 14. The Israeli fatalities since October 7 have reached around 1,300, while nearly 3,400 were injured, Israeli media reported on October 13, citing official sources.

The Israeli response has been a siege and air attack on Gaza, which holds about 2.3 million civilians who have found it nearly impossible to leave the area under the current situation. Gaza has hence been described as the “largest open-air concentration camp on earth.”

The Palestinian civilians are trapped, and some do not support Hamas, but are caught as innocent bystanders in an armed conflict, between Hamas and Israel. Resistance to an occupation is guaranteed by international law, but the targeting of civilians is prohibited.

Yet, we are now witnessing a growing humanitarian disaster. Israel has prevented all food, water, fuel and electricity from being supplied to Gaza. Israel claims this is because it is in a state of war, and it considers the people in Gaza “the enemy.” Jennifer Austin, director of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) reported they have run out of food, water and shelter for displaced Palestinians.

The current ongoing conflict in Gaza is also threatening to grow and engulf the whole Middle East. Many experts warn of an impending regional war, which may include Israel, Lebanon, Syria and possibly Iran.

Experts believe the catalyst which would spark an escalation into a broader war, might be the ground invasion planned by Israel. Israel’s military has told more than a million people living in the northern Gaza Strip to evacuate, to move south in the besieged enclave, as fighting between it and Hamas continues.

Israeli military vehicles in northern Israel near the border with Lebanon, October 8, 2023. /Xinhua

Israeli military vehicles in northern Israel near the border with Lebanon, October 8, 2023. /Xinhua

Spillover Effects

And the spillover effects might cause even more casualties and other consequences as well.

Israel and several Arab countries have signed a normalization agreement called by the U.S. administration, the Abraham Accords. Arab countries like UAE, Bahrain, Sudan and Morocco have signed, and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in late September that it was “likely” Israel will reach a normalization agreement with Saudi Arabia, in what would mark a seismic foreign policy shift for both countries as they edge closer to reaching a deal mediated by the U.S.

However, Saudi Arabia has signaled that the negotiating process has ceased in light of the current ongoing conflict in Gaza. The Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Mohamed bin Salman had previously had a policy which supported the creation of a Palestinian State before normalization could occur, and recent negotiations were coming close to an agreement between Israel and Saudi Arabia; but that is now halted.

Israel has told Chevron to shut down a major natural gas field amid the latest round of conflict, which caused European gas prices to rise. Rising prices in gas and oil would reflect uncertainty over whether the conflict will widen to a regional conflict.

While the conflict so far has not impacted oil supplies, the future is uncertain. The U.S. and Israel are looking for a link between the Hamas attack and Iran. Tehran denies a link, but if the U.S. and Israel manufacture a link to Iran, then that may lead to a cut in Iranian oil output.  Experts warn that if the Strait of Hormuz was affected, the price of oil could go way above $100 per barrel.

If gas and oil prices skyrocket because of the conflict that will make inflation even a bigger problem on both sides of the Atlantic, people will be further engulfed in a cost of living crisis.

Talks and Peace Needed, Not More Arms and Violence

The Foreign Ministry of China has stated,

“the fundamental way out of the conflict lies in implementing the two-state solution and establishing an independent State of Palestine.”

Although the U.S. agreed to the UN resolution which outlines the two-state solution between Israel and Palestine, more peace talks, or negotiations should be promoted by the U.S.

Besides China, other nations such as Russia, and the 22 member states of the Arab League have also urged the implementation of a two-state solution as outlined in UN resolution 194. In November 2013, the newest resolution was passed 165 to 6, with 6 abstentions, with Israel and the United States voting against. The American response to the situation is to move yet another aircraft carrier to the eastern Mediterranean.

America should not be blamed alone, as the European Union, Canada, and Australia among others have followed the directives of Washington, D.C. The so-called Western world has lined up like toy soldiers to march to the orders of the policy of the White House.

The international community shouldn’t stand idly by while watching the suffering, hunger and thirst of those who are suffering in the conflict and with nowhere to hide. The right way to advance the two-state solution is to resume peace talks as soon as possible. All mechanisms for peace must play a positive role.


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This article was originally published on CGTN.

Steven Sahiounie is a two-time award-winning journalist. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: Smoke rises following an Israeli airstrike in Gaza City, October 9, 2023. (Source: CGTN)

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Oct. 4, 2023 – Providence, RI – Paramedic Rocio Mondragon was diagnosed with Stage 2 Breast Cancer Triple Negative which quickly became Stage 4 metastatic to the brain after chemo and radiation (treatment failure). 

Sep. 29, 2023 – Calgary, AB – Craig Nichol has been a Paramedic for 10 years. In July 2022 he was diagnosed with Stage 3B Colo-Rectal cancer (Turbo Cancer), by April he had a 10.5 hour surgery to remove as much tumor as possible but his cancer is spreading too rapidly and as of July 2023 he has Stage 4 Colorectal cancer metastatic to liver, peritoneal lesions and lungs.

Sep. 19, 2023 – Coryell County, TX – 61 year old Trent Makare was a paramedic. He died suddenly of a heart attack.

Sep. 5, 2023 – Bolton, ON – 28 year old Meghan Duca was mandated COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines to keep her job She was just diagnosed with Stage 4 Breast Cancer that spread to her spine.

Aug. 17, 2023 – Baltimore, MD – 43 year old David Lee Spicer, Veteran EMT/Firefighter, Baltimore City Fire Department, died suddenly, cause of death not reported.

Aug. 15, 2023 – Scottsburg, IN – 34 year old Devonnia Tscheulin, a Paramedic and Deputy Chief for Scott County EMS died suddenly from “complications during delivery” of her third child.

Aug. 5, 2023 – Fort Erie, Ontario – 64 year old Alan Doneff died unexpectedly after a short battle with cancer.

July 29, 2023 – Franklin, TX – 52 year old Rene Ferrell, US Air Force Veteran, police officer, firefighter & paramedic died suddenly on July 29, 2023.

July 5, 2023 – James Bay, ON – 23 year old Arjanan Sivasathiyarajah, a paramedic who started working a few weeks prior in the Kashechewan First Nation, went missing from a boat on the Albany River and his body was recovered on July 5.

June 27, 2023 – Baton Rouge, LA – 28 year old EMT Kymber Nezat (who was pregnant) and Paramedic Hunter Fruge were involved in a collision with their Ambulance, Kymber died. Cause of the crash is unknown (For unknown reasons, the Acadian ambulance struck the back of a Nissan Altima, before swerving past the centerline and into the Southbound lane. Subsequently, the ambulance collided head-on with a Coca Cola truck.)

June 14, 2023 – North Vancouver, BC – 42 year old paramedic Ryan Vena died in his sleep. “The cause of this death is still unknown.”

June 8, 2023 – Johns Hopkins – 37 year old Nicholas Nick Dye, EMT, engineer, resident physician, died unexpectedly.

May 13, 2023 – Huntersville, NC – Paramedic Mark Hayes had a “medical emergency” while on duty and died suddenly.

May 11, 2023 – Toronto, ON – 53 year old paramedic Marc Salmanovitch died suddenly on May 11, 2023.

My Take… 

Sudden deaths in COVID-19 mRNA Vaccinated professions continue at a record rate.

Vast majority appear to be sudden cardiac arrests or heart attacks, others include:

  • 4 out of 14 are dealing with Stage 4 Turbo Cancer (one died)
  • 1 died in his sleep
  • 1 had a medical emergency while on duty and died
  • 1 died while taking time off boating on an Ontario River
  • 1 died in an unusual ambulance crash (she was pregnant at the time)
  • 1 died from complications of childbirth


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

Featured image is from COVID Intel

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

Second Time in 48 Hours, Israel Attacks Aleppo International Airport and Puts It Out of Service

October 17th, 2023 by The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights

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Israeli strikes targeted Aleppo International Airport hours after it returned back to operate, putting it out of service again.

This is the second attack on Aleppo International Airport in 48 hours.

Earlier today, Aleppo International Airport returned to work, less than 48 hours after the Israeli strikes on Thursday afternoon, October 12, which put Aleppo and Damascus international airports out of service, while airlines continue to programme their flights through Latakia Airport “Hmaimim”, pending the repair of the damaged parts of the tarmac of Damascus International Airport, which is almost completed by the efforts of maintenance teams.

SOHR sources confirmed that striking Damascus and Aleppo international airports was warning messages to prevent Iranian aircraft from landing at the airports and was not related to the shelling of the occupied Golan.

Israel simultaneously struck Damascus and Aleppo international airports with two raids, and the strikes affected the airports’ tarmac, putting them out of service, while air defences tried to counter the raids.

Flights were turned to Latakia airport “Hmaimim”, hours after the two airports were targeted.

SOHR sources confirmed that the two targeted airports had not witnessed any arrival of the military shipments of the Iranian militias, and that the Israeli targets came only to put the two airports out of service.

SOHR documented 34 attacks in 2023: 26 airstrikes and eight rocket attacks by ground forces, during which Israel targeted several positions in Syria, destroying nearly 71 targets, including buildings, weapons and ammunitions warehouses, headquarters, centres and vehicles.

These strikes killed 72 combatants and injured 85 others.


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Featured image is from SOHR

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Protests against Netanyahu’s legal reform, which annulled the separation of powers, would have had as a side effect the appearance of fissures in the areas of Israeli Defense and Intelligence, due to the refusal of a significant number of reservists to join vital posts for the Israeli Defense, many of them grouped in the “Brothers and Sisters in Arms” block.

Taking advantage of the alleged security holes in the Israeli Defense caused by the schism between the reservists and Netanyahu, the armed wing of the Islamist group Hamas, launched the largest military offensive since 2007 with the infiltration of tens of its members in Israeli localities and the launching of thousands of projectiles against wide areas, including Tel Aviv and Jerusalem with the provisional result of about 1500 Israeli victims.

Netanyahu of the resounding Israeli security failure to belittle Egyptian information. Thus, according to Egyptian sources, 10 days earlier they allegedly warned Netanyahu that Hamas was preparing a major offensive that ended with about 1500 Israeli victims and according to a survey by The Jerusalem Post, 80% of the respondents say that “the Government is mainly responsible for the infiltration of Palestinian militias” and 56% think that “Netanyahu should resign at the end of the current war.”

But the second Palestinian Nakba will be inevitable if the United States does not intervene and forces the Netanyahu government to stop the asymmetric punishment of the civilian population of the Gaza Strip in the form of continuous bombings and the cut in the supply of electricity and water to the Gazan population.

Such asymmetrical punishment would have triggered a wave of global support for the people of Gaza, coupled with the growing disaffection of Israeli society towards Netanyahu, could lead to the resignation of his Government and the subsequent convocation of new elections to facilitate the formation of a new Israeli Salvation Government whose primary task will be to try to re-edit the Oslo Accords that allow the peaceful coexistence of Two peoples in Two States.


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Germán Gorraiz Lopez is a political analyst. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Shutterstock

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May 10, 2023 – Pasig, Philippines – 26 year old Fatima Villaflor had her COVID-19 mRNA booster shot in April 2022 and a week later she developed fever, chills, rash and muscle pain. She was diagnosed with AOSD (Adult Onset Still’s Disease) and continues to struggle 1 year later.

Sep. 2023 – Barrie, ON, Canada – Emily had COVID-19 vaccines and was diagnosed with AOSD. Also myocarditis and pericarditis. She is still struggling 2 years later.

May 12, 2023 – Fargo, ND – In April, 22 year old Noah Rooney presented with high grade fever, severe body aches, swollen muscles, and after extensive testing was diagnosed with AOSD. His liver started failing and he was diagnosed with HLH or MAS (Macrophage Activation Syndrome) and died suddenly on May 12, 2023.

Jan. 2023 – Phoenix, AZ – Shaley Lynn (Stone) was hospitalized for 8 weeks with pain, blackouts, etc, and was eventually diagnosed with AOSD and HLH (Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis). She had a bone marrow transplant and still struggles 2 years later.

April 2022 – Canton, SD – 20 year old Logan Kuper developed AOSD 3 weeks after his COVID-19 mRNA Booster. He is doing well with Kineret (Anakinra).

Jan. 28, 2022 (VAERS 2082404) – 33 year old Brandon Pollet from Louisiana had 2nd dose of Pfizer mRNA in Aug. 2021, 3 days later developed fever, chills – was diagnosed with AOSD with 1st Hospital stay Oct. 21-Nov. 2, 2021, then in ICU from Dec. 12, 2021 – was eventually diagnosed with refractory HLH complicated by cytopenias, polymicrobial infections & multi-organ failure, and died Jan. 28, 2022.

Cases in Literature

2022 Oct – Iwata et al – Adult-onset Still’s disease following mRNA-1273 Moderna COVID-19 vaccination: A case report
  • 57 year old woman had 2nd dose of Moderna mRNA
  • one week later developed skin rash, then referred to hospital 3 weeks later after they didn’t go away with topical steroids and oral antihistamines
  • she had papules and plaques on her trunk and extremities, proximal muscle pain, and swelling in her thumbs and wrists.
  • She was diagnosed with AOSD (Adult Onset Stills Disease)
  • Theory: “pathogen-associated- (PAMPs) or damage-associated molecular patterns may activate the immune system in genetically predisposed patients, leading to IL-1β and IL-18 overproduction, known as a “cytokine storm””
    • The SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins are potent PAMPs, whereas the nucleocapsid proteins can block IL-1β release
    • “mRNA vaccines encode only spike protein and thus may disturb the host immune system.”

2021 Dec – Park et alAdult-onset Still’s Disease after BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine

  • 36F South Korean woman had 1st dose of Pfizer mRNA
  • 10 days later developed high spiking fever, chills, sore throat
  • hospitalized with joint pain in hands and ankles, mildly enlarged lymph nodes and salmon pink maculopapular rash on the trunk

2021 Nov – Jeon et al – A flare of Still’s disease following COVID-19 vaccination in a 34-year-old patient.

  • 34F South Korean woman received 1st dose of AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine 9 days before presenting to ER with fever and rash
  • I’m giving an AstraZeneca case to show it’s not exclusively an mRNA problem.

2021 – Yamamoto et al – Flare-up of adult-onset Still’s disease after receiving a second dose of BNT162b2 COVID-19 mRNA vaccine.

  • 37F Japanese woman had 2nd dose of Pfizer mRNA
  • a few days later she started having fever, rash, sore throat and polyarthritis and presented two months later
  • she had a prior history of AOSD 13 years earlier and had experienced relapses and remissions, but for 2 years prior to Pfizer she had no episodes

Literature Review

(2023 Jan – Palassin et al) – Comprehensive description of adult-onset Still’s disease after COVID-19 vaccination
  • Adult-onset Still’s disease (AOSD) is the adult form of systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis which is a rare systemic inflammatory disorder that primarily affects young adults and mainly involves innate immune response.
  • It corresponds to an aberrant inflammatory response whose precise etiology remains unknown.
  • The role of an infectious (viral or bacterial) or non-infectious triggering factor on the ground of genetic susceptibility is generally accepted.
  • The diagnosis generally remains a diagnosis of exclusion based on nonspecific clinical criteria (called Yamaguchi’s Criteria)
  • AOSD is a rare, multisystem auto-inflammatory disorder characterized by fever, rash, arthritis, and hyperleukocytosis
  • AOSD is 5x more frequently reported with COVID-19 vaccines than other drugs
  • 144 cases with COVID-19 Vaccines in WHO VigiAccess, 15 from literature
  • median age 43.4 years, female 52%, male 48%
  • Time to onset ranged from 0 days to 6 months with a median of 8 days.
  • 80% of AOSD occurred during the 1st three weeks and mostly with Pfizer
  • Most of the cases (86.8%) have been reported as serious including 18 (11.3%) life-threatening conditions and two (1.2%) fatal outcomes.
  • All cases required hospitalization
  • More than 80% of AOSD had hyperferritinemia
  • 12% of AOSD cases had a co-reported myocarditis or pericarditis
  • 7% of AOSD cases were also diagnosed with HLH
  • 2% of AOSD cases had HLH and myocarditis
  • HLH (Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) also known as macrophage activation syndrome (MAS) is considered as the most serious life-threatening complication of AOSD

COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Immune System Damage 

(2022 Feb – Kim et al) give a nice summary:

  • “AOSD is a rare systemic auto-inflammatory disorder characterized by high spiking fever, arthritis, an evanescent salmon-colored rash, and lab abnormalities including leukocytosis, high serum ferritin, elevated liver enzymes, and elevated acute phase reactants (APRs) such as ESR and CRP. “
  • “Pathogenesis of AOSD remains unclear; however, dysregulation of the inflammasome complex with overproduction of pro-inflammatory cytokines(e.g., TNF-α, IL-1, IL-6, IL-18, and interferon-γ) appears to play a pivotal role. “
  • “Treatment using biologics targeting these cytokines, such as the IL-6 receptor antagonist TCZ and IL-1 receptor antagonist Anakinra, has become an attractive therapeutic option in the recent years”
  • COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine: “Possible pathologic mechanism is that mRNA transcribes into spike proteins which are displayed on antigen-presenting cells by molecular mimicry, leading to an acute immune response.
    • Another potential cause is that the mRNA vaccine acts as an adjuvant and stimulates innate immunity through endosomal and cytoplasmic immune receptors, such as Toll-like receptors
    • Pfizer mRNA vaccines may induce a significant increase in IL-6, IL-15, and interferon-γ, which play an important role in the pathogenesis of AOSD.

(2021 Dec – Park et al):

  • Although the exact pathogenic mechanism of AOSD is not fully understood, innate immune system activation, rather than adaptive immunity, is implicated in the pathogenesis of AOSD.
  • Danger signals such as pathogen-associated molecular patterns or damage associated molecular patterns are transmitted to macrophages and neutrophils via Toll-like receptors (TLR) leading to overproduction of interleukin (IL)-1β, which ultimately results in intense innate immune cell activation and overproduction of several proinflammatory cytokines, called ‘cytokine storm’.

My Take… 

  • Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines severely damage the Immune System, which can cause a number of diseases
  • Adult Onset Still’s Disease (AOSD) is one such disease of Immune damage
  • EPOCH TIMES has an October 12, 2023 Article out called:
  • COVID-19 Vaccines ‘May Trigger’ Rheumatic Inflammatory Diseases: Study
    • “A new review suggests that COVID vaccines “may trigger” rheumatic immune-mediated inflammatory diseases, including arthritis, vasculitis, lupus, and adult-onset Still’s Disease.”


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

Featured image is from COVID Intel

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

Statement of Solidarity with Israel/Palestine

October 17th, 2023 by Tikkun

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name.

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We are outraged by, mourn deeply, and unequivocally condemn the horrific actions of Hamas. According to Israeli sources, more than 1,200 people were killed and 2,900 injured, most of whom were civilians, and over 100 individuals (including children, women, and the elderly) were taken as hostages into Gaza. 

We call for the immediate release of Israeli hostages and Palestinian political prisoners.

Tikkun magazine and Beyt Tikkun: A Synagogue without Walls partnered with others to write a joint statement that we hope can help us rise above divisiveness and division and call us to our highest selves. 

What follows is our joint statement. We invite everyone who agrees with our statement to add your name. You can read the statement below and add your name by clicking here.

Solidarity with Israel/Palestine

This statement is written and signed by Palestinians, Jews, and others who are committed to holding complex truths and striving to overcome polarization. We feel the pain of our people, identify with their pain, and need to work together to uplift our shared humanity. 

The unfolding horror in Israel and Gaza is an escalation of decades of state-sanctioned violence by Israel against Palestinians. We condemn the horrific actions of Hamas against Israeli civilians. We likewise condemn Israel’s unbridled bombing and cutting off access to all basic needs, including food, water, electricity, and medical care. Attacks on Palestinian and Israeli civilians are repugnant. 

Israeli violence against Palestinians has been intentionally hidden, slow, and steady. Contrary to what the media is reporting, this attack was not unprovoked. The Israeli and American governments have worked together to suppress and deny the inhumane acts against Palestinians that have led to this moment. There are Palestinians and Jews who have been raising red flags and warning about this inevitable outcome for decades, only to be dismissed and ignored.

The world’s failure to challenge Israel’s ongoing occupation, apartheid, and unbridled violence by settlers and soldiers in the West Bank provides the context for what is happening now. The recent Israeli government’s escalation of violence, encroachment of Al Aqsa Mosque, and its 16-year siege of Gaza has led to the current explosion.

We repeat: the brutality of Hamas’ attack on Israeli civilians is unjustified. 

As we watch the violent attacks and rallying of xenophobia on both sides, we are brokenhearted. Although it feels like a time to stand with “our people,” we know this is a time to come together. This is a time of great suffering for all; a time of painful emotions. It is only by recognizing our shared fears and our shared tears that we will find our way through this nightmare. It is a struggle we need to undertake jointly. 

When we fall back into our separate and distinct identities we risk becoming part of the problem, not the solution. Both peoples suffer from ongoing trauma. We are all on high alert. The fear is palpable. And it is easy for us to objectify the ‘other.’ 

We seek a third path that neither perpetuates a xenophobic response nor sustains an unjust status quo. This moment calls us to slow down, sit with the pain and complexity, and grapple with our discomfort. It is a moment for digging deep, seeing across differences, and remembering our deep yearning for peace and justice. It is only through compassion and empathy that we will find a different way. 

We recognize and uplift the humanity of all peoples in Israel/Palestine. 

We call for an immediate ceasefire from Hamas and Israel.

We demand that basic needs be provided to Gazans. 

We demand that the United States provide only humanitarian support to Israel and Gaza. 

We support the creation of a movement that recognizes and affirms the humanity, dignity, and desire of both peoples to live in peace through reconciliation and justice.


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Featured image is from Tikkun

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An Israeli woman who survived the Hamas assault on settlements near the Gaza boundary on 7 October says Israeli civilians were “undoubtedly” killed by their own security forces.

It happened when Israeli forces engaged in fierce gun battles with Palestinian fighters in Kibbutz Be’eri and fired indiscriminately at both the fighters and their Israeli prisoners.

“They eliminated everyone, including the hostages,” she told Israeli radio. “There was very, very heavy crossfire” and even tank shelling.

The woman, 44-year-old mother of three Yasmin Porat, said that prior to that, she and other civilians had been held by the Palestinians for several hours and treated “humanely.” She had fled the nearby “Nova” rave.

A recording of her interview, from the radio program Haboker Hazeh (“This Morning”) hosted by Aryeh Golan on state broadcaster Kan, has been circulating on social media.

The interview has been translated by The Electronic Intifada. You can listen to it with English subtitles in this video and a transcript is at the end of this article:

Notably, the interview is not included in the online version of Haboker Hazeh for 15 October, the episode in which it apparently aired.

It may well have been censored due to its explosive nature.

Porat, who is from Kabri, a settlement near the Lebanese border, undoubtedly experienced terrible things and saw many noncombatants killed. Her own partner, Tal Katz, is among the dead.

However, her account undermines Israel’s official story of deliberate, wanton murder by the Palestinian fighters.

Although it no longer appears on the Kan website, there can be little doubt about the recording’s authenticity.

At least one Hebrew-language account posted part of the interview on Twitter, now officially called X, and accused Kan of functioning as “media in the service of Hamas.”

Porat also gave her account to the Israeli newspaper Maariv.

However, the Maariv story, published on 9 October, makes no specific mention of civilians being killed by Israeli forces.

And in a half-hour interview with Israel’s Channel 12 on Thursday, Porat speaks of intense gunfire after Israeli forces arrived. Porat herself received a bullet in the thigh.

Treated “Humanely”

Not only does Porat tell Kan that Israelis were killed in the heavy counterattack by Israeli security forces, but she says she and other captive civilians were well treated by the Palestinian fighters.

Porat had been attending the “Nova” rave when the Hamas assault began with missiles and motorized paragliders. She and her partner Tal Katz escaped by car to nearby Kibbutz Be’eri where many of the events she describes in her media interviews took place.

According to Porat speaking to Maariv, she and Katz initially sought refuge in the house of a couple called Adi and Hadas Dagan. After the Palestinian fighters found them they were all taken to another house, where eight people were already being held captive and one person was dead.

Porat said that the wife of the dead man “told us that when they [the Hamas fighters] tried to enter, the guy tried to prevent them from entering and grabbed the door. They shot at the door and he was killed. They did not execute them.”

“They did not abuse us. They treated us very humanely,” Porat explained to a surprised Golan in the Kan radio interview.

“By that I mean they guard us,” she said. “They give us something to drink here and there. When they see we are nervous they calm us down. It was very frightening but no one treated us violently. Luckily nothing happened to me like what I heard in the media.”

“They were very humane towards us,” Porat said in her Channel 12 interview. She recalled that one Palestinian fighter who spoke Hebrew, “told me, ‘Look at me well, we’re not going to kill you. We want to take you to Gaza. We are not going to kill you. So be calm, you’re not going to die.’ That’s what he told me, in those words.”

“I was calm because I knew nothing would happen to me,” she added.

“They told us that we would not die, that they wanted to take us to Gaza and that the next day they would return us to the border,” Porat told Maariv.

In the Channel 12 interview, Porat elaborates that although the Palestinian fighters all had loaded weapons, she never saw them shoot captives or threaten them with their guns.

In addition to providing the captives with drinking water, she said the fighters let them go outside to the lawn because it was hot, especially as the electricity was cut.

Young and Scared

About eight hours after the start of the Hamas attack and about half an hour after Porat’s calls to the police, Israeli forces arrived and chaos ensued, Porat told Kan.

“At first there was no [Israeli] security force with us,” Porat recalled, noting that her first call to the Israeli police went unanswered. “We were the ones who called the police, together with the abductors because the abductors wanted the police to arrive. Because their objective was to kidnap us to Gaza.”

“They understand that soldiers will not kill hostages. So they want to come out with us alive and for the police to permit it,” Porat told Channel 12.

Though the Israeli captives numbered only a dozen, Porat was instructed to tell Israeli police that 40 of them were being held by the Hamas fighters, who themselves numbered between 40 and 50 men mostly in their 20s, by Porat’s estimate. They themselves were young and scared, she told Channel 12.

A fighter Porat described as a commander in his 30s asked to speak to the police and was put on with an Arabic-speaking Israeli officer.

After their brief conversation, the four dozen or so Palestinian fighters and their dozen Israeli prisoners awaited the arrival of the army, with some of the group spilling outside to the garden for relief from the afternoon heat.

Hails of Bullets, Mortars and Tank Shells

Israeli forces announced their arrival with a hail of gunfire, catching the fighters and their Israeli captives by surprise.

“We were outside and suddenly there was a volley of bullets at us from the [Israeli unit] YAMAM. We all started running to find cover, Porat told Channel 12.”

Porat said she surrendered to the Israeli soldiers half an hour into the fierce gun battle that consisted of “tens and hundreds and thousands of bullets and mortars flying in the air,” and that one of the Palestinian fighters, a commander, decided to surrender and used her in effect as a human shield.

“He starts to disrobe,” Porat recalled to Kan’s Aryeh Golan. “He calls to me and he starts to leave the house with me, under fire. At that time I yell to the [Israeli commandos] … when they can hear me, to stop firing.”

“And then they heard me and stopped firing,” she added. “I see people from the kibbutz on the lawn. There are five or six hostages lying on the ground outside. Just like sheep to the slaughter, between the shooting of our commandos and the terrorists.”

“The terrorists shot them?” Golan asks.

“No, they were killed by the crossfire,” Porat responds. “Understand there was very, very heavy crossfire.”

Golan presses: “So our forces may have shot them?”

“Undoubtedly,” the former captive responds, and adds, “They eliminated everyone, including the hostages because there was very, very heavy crossfire.”

“After insane crossfire, two tank shells were shot into the house. It’s a small kibbutz house, nothing big,” Porat explains.

Porat and the man who took her captive both survived. The Palestinian was taken prisoner by Israeli forces. But according to Porat, almost everyone else in the settlement was killed, wounded or missing, believed to have been taken to Gaza.

Porat told Kan she lost dozens of friends who had been at the rave – people she would regularly see at parties in Israel’s trance scene.

“I’m angry at the state, I’m angry at the army,” Porat told Maariv. “For 10 hours the kibbutz was abandoned.”

The joint American-Israeli effort to paint Hamas as worse than ISIS in order to justify Israel’s unfolding genocide against the civilian population in Gaza depends on the international public not seeing or hearing accounts like Porat’s.

Israeli leaders, already under intense criticism for failing to anticipate and prevent the Hamas offensive, will also not want their catastrophic failures to be compounded by knowledge that many of the Israelis who died may well have been killed by “friendly fire” in a disastrous Israeli counterattack.

Hannibal Directive?

Saleh al-Arouri, a senior Hamas military commander, has directly addressed Israel’s claims that his fighters set out to deliberately kill as many civilians as possible.

The Israeli propaganda campaign has included lurid atrocity tales – for which no evidence has been produced whatsoever – that Palestinians beheaded dozens of Israeli babies and that women were raped.

Al-Arouri said in an interview with Al Jazeera on Thursday that fighters of his organization’s military force, the Qassam Brigades, were under strict protocol to not harm civilians.

But al-Arouri said that after Israel’s Gaza division – the army unit that surrounds the Gaza Strip – collapsed much more quickly than expected, people in Gaza rushed to the boundary area after learning it had been opened, causing chaos. He said this may have included other armed persons who were not part of Qassam.

Al-Arouri said that this caused Qassam fighters to engage with soldiers, settlement guards and armed residents, which led to civilian deaths.

Al-Arouri also invoked the possibility Israel used the so-called Hannibal Directive – a protocol that allows Israeli forces to use overwhelming force to kill one of their own captured soldiers rather than allow them to be taken prisoner.

The rationale for the Hannibal Directive is to avoid allowing an enemy to have captives that can be used in prisoner exchange negotiations.

However in this case, if the directive was implemented by Israeli forces, it would have been used against civilians.

Al-Arouri told Al Jazeera, “We are certain that young men [fighters] were bombed along with the prisoners who were with them.”

Porat’s account, among others, underscores the need for an independent investigation, one which Israel is unlikely ever to permit.

The current propaganda narrative is simply too valuable to the genocidaires in Tel Aviv.


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Ali Abunimah is executive director of The Electronic Intifada.

David Sheen is the author of Kahanism and American Politics: The Democratic Party’s Decades-Long Courtship of Racist Fanatics.

Featured image: Yasmin Porat, a survivor of the bloodshed at Kibbutz Be’eri, near the boundary with Gaza, says many Israeli civilians were killed by Israeli forces. (Source: TEI)

Transcript of the Kan interview with Yasmin Porat

Yasmin Porat: For an hour they were banging about 10 terrorists on the reinforced safe room. There were screams in Arabic and it was a very tense hour. And we felt great fear that’s indescribable. After an hour they managed to break in and they removed the four of us to a nearby house where there were already eight other additional hostages. We joined those eight and we were about 12 hostages with 40 terrorists that were guarding us. I’m keeping the story short.

Aryeh Golan: Did they abuse you?

Yasmin Porat: They did not abuse us. They treated us very humanely, meaning …

Aryeh Golan: Humanely? Really?

Yasmin Porat: Yes, by that I mean they guard us. They give us something to drink here and there. When they see we are nervous, they calm us down. It was very frightening but no one treated us violently. Luckily nothing happened to me like what I heard in the media.

Aryeh Golan: Horrible, horrific things occurred.

Yasmin Porat: True. But after two hours briefly at first there was no [Israeli] security force with us. We were the ones who called the police together with the abductors because the abductors wanted the police to arrive. Because their objective was to kidnap us to Gaza.


Yasmin Porat: Meanwhile one of the terrorists decides to surrender, the terrorist I made a connection with. Over the course of those two hours I connected with some of the abductors, those that guarded the hostages.

Aryeh Golan: Yes

Yasmin Porat: And he decides to use me as a human shield. He decides to surrender. I am not aware of it in those moments its in retrospect. He starts to disrobe, he takes he calls to me and he starts to leave the house with me, under fire. At that time I yelled to the YAMAM [Israeli commandos] when we were already when they can hear me, to stop firing.

Aryeh Golan: Yes

Yasmin Porat: And then they hear me and stop firing. I see on the lawn, in the garden of the people from the kibbutz. There are five or six hostages lying on the ground outside, just like sheep to the slaughter, between the shooting of our [fighters] and the terrorists.

Aryeh Golan: The terrorists shot them?

Yasmin Porat: No, they were killed by the crossfire. Understand there was very, very heavy crossfire.

Aryeh Golan: So our forces may have shot them?

Yasmin Porat: Undoubtedly.

Aryeh Golan: When they tried to eliminate the abductors, Hamas?

Yasmin Porat: They eliminated everyone, including the hostages. Because there was very, very heavy crossfire. I was freed at approximately 5:30. The fighting apparently ended at 8:30. After insane crossfire, two tank shells were shot into the house. Its a small kibbutz house, nothing big. You saw it on the news.

Aryeh Golan: Yes

Yasmin Porat: Not a large place. And at that moment everyone was killed. There was quiet, except for one person limping, Hadas [Dagan], in the garden.

Aryeh Golan: How were they all killed?

Yasmin Porat: From the crossfire.

Aryeh Golan: Crossfire, so it could also be from our forces?

Yasmin Porat: Undoubtedly.

Aryeh Golan: Really?

Yasmin Porat: That’s what I believe.

Aryeh Golan: Oy it sounds so bad.

Yasmin Porat: Yes. And everyone died.

Aryeh Golan: And you, thanks to that terrorist who decided to give himself up …

Yasmin Porat: Exactly.

Aryeh Golan: And you survived and all the rest were killed there.

Yasmin Porat: Except for one other woman who survived, they found her later [trails off]. The person who dealt with the event checked her or something. They found her when she lifted her head, amongst all the bodies. And then, simply …

Aryeh Golan: And your partner, who was with you?

Yasmin Porat: Killed.

Aryeh Golan: He was killed too?

Yasmin Porat: Yes. Everyone was killed there. Just horrible.

Aryeh Golan: Have you returned to Kabri?

Yasmin Porat: I returned to Kabri and then the chaos started there.

Aryeh Golan: In the north?

Yasmin Porat: Yes. So now I’m a guest. I’m being hosted in a lovely way in Kibbutz Ein Harod. And I’m here for now.

Aryeh Golan: You’re in the [Jezreel] Valley now. Alright, Yasmin, you’ve undergone a horrific experience.

Yasmin Porat: True.

Aryeh Golan: You lost your partner, you saw people killed alongside you.

Yasmin Porat: And I …

Aryeh Golan: [INTERRUPTS] What happened to that terrorist who gave himself up?

Yasmin Porat: He is still arrested, and he was just called in for interrogation to help … You know, he will be interrogated about the accused. And sadly dozens more of my friends were killed because …

Aryeh Golan: [INTERRUPTS] Dozens of friends?

Yasmin Porat: Yes because its a community, the trance scene, we go to the same parties. It means that besides my partner, I knew dozens and hundreds [CUT OFF]


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Less than 48 hours following the commencement of Operation Al-Asqa Flood, the Associated Press also carried a report citing an unnamed Egyptian intelligence official who had claimed that Cairo had repeatedly warned Tel Aviv that an escalation was imminent, warnings that seemingly went unheeded.

This text was first published by Global Research in November 2013, following the indictment. 

The government of Israel headed by Benjamin Netanyahu has committed extensive crimes against humanity. President Trump in his “Deal of the Century” has endorsed this criminal agenda directed against the people of Palestine. 

World public opinion is largely unaware of the fact that in November 2013, the State of Israel was the object of a historic judgment by the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal (KLWCT).  

“From 1948 and continuing to date the State of Israel (hereafter ‘the Defendant’) carried out against the Palestinian people a series of acts namely killing, causing serious bodily harm and deliberately inflicting conditions of life calculated to bring about physical destruction. … Such conduct constitutes the Crime of Genocide under international law including the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide 1948 (‘the Genocide Convention’) in particular Article II and punishable under Article III of the said Convention. It also constitutes the crime of genocide as stipulated in Article 10 of the Charter of the Kuala Lumpur Foundation to Criminalise War.”

In enforcing the so-called  “Deal of the Century”, the president of the United States is complicit in extensive war crimes.

Below are selected excerpts from the judgment. The full judgment is available in pdf. form.

The Prime Minister of Malaysia, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad chaired the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission (KLWCC) which led to the indictment against the State of Israel.


“The Tribunal recommends to the War Crimes Commission to give the widest international publicity to this conviction and grant of reparations, as these are universal crimes for which there is a responsibility upon nations to institute prosecutions.”

Please help us in this endeavour. Forward this text far and wide. The community of nations has the responsibility to endorse this  indictment against the State of Israel. 

Michel Chossudovsky, Member of the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission (KLWCC), February 10, 2020, May 13, 2021, October 17, 2023


The Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission (KLWCC)

versus the State of Israel

The proceedings directed against the State of Israel were led by the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission (KLWCC)

Members of the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission (KLWCC) are:

Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad (Chairman)Prof. Michel Chossudovsky, Dr. Denis Halliday, Mr. Musa Ismail, Dr. Zulaiha Ismail, Dr. Yaacob Merican, Dr. Hans von Sponeck.

Working in liaison with their Malaysian counterparts,  commissioners Dr. Denis Halliday, former Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations and Prof. Michel Chossudovsky, Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization were present in Kuala Lumpur throughout the proceedings.

This important judicial process has received very little coverage in the Western media.  Global Research published several reports following this historic  judgment against the State of Israel.

“The perpetrators [State of Israel] had committed acts against the Palestinians, with intent to kill, cause serious bodily or mental harms and deliberately inflict conditions of life calculated to bring about the physical destruction of the Palestinians as a whole or in part.”

“The Tribunal recommends to the War Crimes Commission to give the widest international publicity to this conviction and grant of reparations, as these are universal crimes for which there is a responsibility upon nations to institute prosecutions.

The Tribunal deplores the failure of international institutions to punish the State of Israel for its crimes and its total lack of respect of International Law and the institutions of the United Nations.” 

20 – 25 NOVEMBER 2013
Case No. 3 – CHG – 2013

The Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission
Amos Yaron
Case No. 4 – CHG – 2013

The Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission
The State of Israel


The Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal (Tribunal) reconvened on 20 November 2013 to hear two charges against Amos Yaron (first Defendant) and the State of Israel (second Defendant). The first Defendant was charged with war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide, whilst the second Defendant was charged with the crime of genocide and war crimes.

The charge against the first Defendant is as follows –

“The Defendant Amos Yaron perpetrated War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity, and Genocide in his capacity as the Commanding Israeli General in military control of the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps in Israeli occupied Lebanon in September of 1982 when he knowingly facilitated and permitted the large-scale Massacre of the Residents of those two camps in violation of the Hague Regulations on Land Warfare of 1907; the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949; the 1948 Genocide Convention; the Nuremberg Charter (1945), the Nuremberg Judgment (1946), and the Nuremberg Principles (1950); customary international law, jus cogens, the Laws of War, and International Humanitarian Law”

The charge against the second Defendant [State of Israel] is as follows –

“From 1948 and continuing to date the State of Israel (hereafter ‘the Defendant’) carried out against the Palestinian people a series of acts namely killing, causing serious bodily harm and deliberately inflicting conditions of life calculated to bring about physical destruction.

The conduct of the Defendant was carried out with the intention of destroying in whole or in part the Palestinian people. These acts were carried out as part of a manifest pattern of similar conduct against the Palestinian people.

These acts were carried out by the Defendant through the instrumentality of its representatives and agents including those listed in Appendices 1 and 2.

Such conduct constitutes the Crime of Genocide under international law including the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide 1948 (‘the Genocide Convention’) in particular Article II and punishable under Article III of the said Convention.

It also constitutes the crime of genocide as stipulated in Article 10 of the Charter of the Kuala Lumpur Foundation to Criminalise War.

Such conduct by the Defendant as an occupying power also violates customary international law as embodied in the Hague Convention of 1907 Respecting the Laws and Customs of War on Land, and the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949.

Such conduct also constitutes War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity under international law.”

The charges (together with the particulars of the charges) had been duly served on the Defendants, and were read in open court by the Registrar as these proceedings commenced.

Neither Defendant was present in these proceedings, but both were represented by the Amicus Curiae-Defence Team.

Read Complete Judgment (pdf)

Selected Excerpts

2 Prosecution’s Case

The Prosecution’s case against the first Defendant is that the first Defendant had committed War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity, and Genocide in his capacity as the Commanding Israeli General in military control of the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps in Israeli-occupied Lebanon in September of 1982 when he knowingly facilitated and permitted the large-scale Massacre of the Residents of those two camps. These crimes were in violation of, inter alia, the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949, the 1948 Genocide Convention, jus cogens, International Humanitarian Law; and Articles 9, 10, and 11 of the Charter of the Kuala Lumpur Foundation to Criminalise War.

The Prosecution’s case against the second Defendant is that from 1948 and continuing to date the State of Israel had systematically carried out against the Palestinian people a series of acts namely killing, causing serious bodily harm and deliberately inflicting conditions of life calculated to bring about physical destruction – with the intention of destroying in whole or in part the Palestinian people.

These acts constitute the Crime of Genocide under international law including the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide 1948 (‘the Genocide Convention’) in particular Article II and punishable under Article III of the said Convention. It also constitutes the crime of genocide as stipulated in Article 10 of the Charter of the Kuala Lumpur Foundation to Criminalise War.

In his opening statement, the Chief Prosecutor Prof Gurdial Singh said that the Prosecution will adduce evidence to prove the counts in the indictment through oral and written testimonies of victims, witnesses, historical records, narrative in books and authoritative commentaries, resolutions of the United Nations and reports of international bodies.

6. The Defence case

Mr. Jason Kay Kit Leon of the Amicus Curiae-Defence Team submitted that in the charges against the two Defendants, the Prosecution had listed war crimes, crimes against humanity and crimes against peace. Apparently the Prosecution had abandoned these charges, concentrating only on genocide.

He said that the offence of genocide is defined in Article 2 of the Genocide Convention 1948, whilst the OED defines it simply as “the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular nation or ethnic group”.

He submitted that the charge of genocide is unique; it means that you don’t like a group, you kill them; you kill them in a grand manner. Genocide means that at the end of the act, you have a lesser number of victims than before the genocide started.

He further submitted that when one talks of “massive killing”, it is many hundreds of thousands to millions of people. To suggest that an isolated event, the unfortunate murder of 3,000 people (Sabra and Shatila) is the same as massive killing is almost disrespectful of the true horror of massive killing (as in Rwanda, where 800,000 people were killed in 100 days).

With regard to the Kahan Report, the Amicus Curiae-Defence Team said that it also identified other people as being responsible, with two other names other than Yaron still alive. The question is why only Yaron was charged? Why was Defence Minister Ariel Sharon spared?

He also submitted that the PLO had repeatedly violated the July 1981 cease-fire agreement. By June 1982, when the IDF went into Lebanon, the PLO had made life in northern Israel intolerable through its repeated shelling of Israeli towns.

On Cast Lead, the Amicus Curiae-Defence Team submitted that the IDF had come out with two reports. The point is if you are going to kill people nilly willy, you do not report it.

On the issue of the wall, the Amicus Curiae-Defence Team submitted that the primary consideration is one of security of the Israeli settlers. The State of Israel has a duty to defend their lives, safety and well-being.

On the issue of checkpoints, the Amicus Curiae-Defence Team said countries have a right to immigration laws. With regard to Plan Dalet, the Amicus Curiae-Defence Team said that it is subject to divergent opinions, with historians on one side asserting that it was entirely defensive, while other historians assert that the plan aimed at an ethnic cleansing.

4. Prosecution’s closing submission

In his closing submission, the Chief Prosecutor said that he had called 11 witnesses (some of whom had testified through Skype), tendered 15 exhibits and furnished several documents and reports to the Tribunal during the course of the proceedings.

He urged the Tribunal to bear in mind that this is a Tribunal of Conscience and the case before it is an extraordinary case, which Winston Churchill used to call as a “crime without a name”.

He said that the Prosecution had provided evidence of facts which, examined as a whole, will show that the perpetrators had committed acts against the Palestinians, with intent to kill, cause serious bodily or mental harms and deliberately inflict conditions of life calculated to bring about the physical destruction of the Palestinians as a whole or in part.

From the testimony of Prof Pappe (PW8) the Prosecution had shown that before 1948, before UN Resolution 47, there was already a plan in place to take over the Palestinian territory, and this plan would be activated the moment the British relinquished its mandate over the territory.

At that point in time, the Palestinians were on 94% of the land, with the Jewish population settling over a mere 6% of the land. Under the UN partition plan, more than 50% of the land was to be given to the Jews.

Plan Dalet might not legally be genocidal in form at its inception, but as it took shape the ethnic cleansing metamorphised into killing, massacre and creating impossible conditions for life for the Palestinians – either they leave or they die. The Prosecution submits this is genocide within the meaning of Article 2 of the Genocide Convention.

On Sabra and Shatila, prosecution witnesses (PW1 and PW6) had testified that the Palestinian refugees in those camps had been killed by the Phalangists, aided and abetted by the Israelis who were in complete control of the two camps.

According to the Kahan Report, all of Beirut was under Israeli control, and there was clear symbiotic relationship between Israel and the Christian forces (the Lebanese Maronite Christian militia or the Phalangists or Keta’ib).

On Operation Cast Lead in 2008, the Chief Prosecutor said that the Israeli Defence Force had used all kinds of weapons, including white phosphorus – which is an incendiary weapon. The use of incendiary weapons is prohibited under Protocal III on the Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Incendiary Weapons.

As a result of the Israeli occupation of Gaza, nowhere in Gaza is safe for civilians. 1.5 million Palestinians are now trapped in despair, their fragile economy ruined. Under the Dahiya Doctrine (October 2008), the complete destruction of Gaza is the ultimate objective, the whole place must be flattened.

The Prosecution submits that the cumulative effect of the actions taken by the Israeli government, as shown by the Prosecution witnesses and the several documents tendered to the Tribunal, have shown beyond reasonable doubt that Israel is guilty of the crime of genocide under the Genocide Convention and the Charter of the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission (The Charter).

Co-Prosecutor Tan Sri Abdul Aziz, submitting on the first charge against Amos Yaron, said that Amos Yaron was the commanding officer in charge of the Israeli Defence Force, in charge of the area of Beirut, and camps Sabra and Shatila. He said there were two issues which he has to deal with – first, whether or not there was a large scale massacre of the 10 residents of the two camps, and second, whether or not Amos Yaron facilitated and permitted such massacre, in violation of international law and Articles 9, 10 and 11 of the Charter?

On the first issue, he submitted there was a large scale massacre, as testified by PW1. She was there, and she saw the massacre with her own eyes. There was corrobating testimony by PW6, and further acknowledged in the Kahan Report.

On the second issue, Amos Yaron was in charge, to ensure that there would be peace and law and order. The Kahan Report itself concluded that anybody who knew about Lebanon would know that by releasing the Phalangists into Beirut, there would be massacre. Surely, Amos Yaron, the General in charge, must have known that by allowing the Phalangists to go into the two camps, the massacre would take place. But he decided to do nothing.

He received the reports of the killing of women and children, but he did not check the report. He did not pass the report to his superiors. The co-prosecutor submits that by ignoring all this despite knowing the circumstances, he himself had the intention of causing the death of the people in the two camps.

10.3 Commission’s Register of War Criminals

Further, under Article 35 of the same Chapter, this Tribunal recommends to the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission that the names of the two convicted parties herein be entered and included in the Commission’s Register of War Criminals and be publicised accordingly.

10.4 The Tribunal recommends to the War Crimes Commission to give the widest international publicity to this conviction and grant of reparations, as these are universal crimes for which there is a responsibility upon nations to institute prosecutions.

10.5 The Tribunal deplores the failure of international institutions to punish the State of Israel for its crimes and its total lack of respect of International Law and the institutions of the United Nations. It urges the Commission to use all means to publicise this judgement and in particular with respect to the Parliaments and Legislative Assemblies of the major powers such as members of the G8 and to urge these countries to intervene and put an end to the colonialist and racist policies of the State of Israel and its supporters.

Read Complete Judgment (pdf)

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First published on December 7, 2021



Israel announced December 2021 the completion of a massive barrier around the besieged Gaza Strip, above and below ground, which took three and a half years to finish.

The project includes a sensor-equipped underground wall, a counter-measure developed after Hamas used tunnels to blindside Israeli troops during their 2014 offensive against the enclave.

Israel went public with the project, which also includes an above-ground fence, a naval barrier, radar systems and command and control rooms, in 2016.

Israel’s defence ministry said the barrier, which includes hundreds of cameras, radars and other sensors, spans 65km and that 140,000 tonnes of iron and steel were used in its construction,

“The barrier, which is an innovative and technologically advanced project, deprives Hamas of one of the capabilities it tried to develop,” Israeli Defence Minister Benny Gantz said, according to a defence ministry statement.

The ministry said the project’s “smart fence” is more than six metres high and its maritime barrier includes means to detect infiltration by sea and a remote-controlled weapons system.

File:Barrier against tunnels along the Israel-Gaza Strip border 2019. II.jpg

Barrier against tunnels along the Israel-Gaza Strip border 2019 (Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0)

The ministry did not disclose the depth of the underground wall.

Israel has maintained a crippling blockade of the Gaza Strip since 2007, which critics say amounts to a collective punishment of the impoverished enclave’s two million residents.

Israel prevents the importing of materials and equipment into Gaza and has imposed strict restrictions on exports, leading to a state of “paralysis” in several sectors of Gaza’s economy.

Egypt also upholds the siege, restricting movement in and out of Gaza on its border.


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A new war in the Gaza Strip should not be a surprise to anyone who understands what the Palestinians have been going through for the last 75 years. 

Many people in the West, in particularly those in the United States and the European Union are shocked and very angry with the attack on Israeli territory by Hamas.

The US mainstream media obviously has a biased view with mostly pro-Israel viewpoints on Israel’s latest conflict in Gaza especially with FOX news which so far, has not invited a Palestinian or Muslim analyst or academic to explain to its audience what led up to this recent attack in the first place.

However, I do believe that Israeli intelligence namely, Mossad knew what was about to take place so that they can move forward to “wipe Gaza off the map” which has been a long-time strategy for Israeli hardliners.

Why do I believe Israel allowed it to happen?

Because the Gaza Strip is one of the most surveilled areas on the planet, therefore Israeli intelligence had to know beforehand that sooner or later, something was going to happen.

Despite what is happening in Gaza, there is one important fact that needs to be told: it’s not just about Palestine because if Israel gets its way in this war, it will begin targeting other Arab states including Lebanon and Syria which fits into what Oded Yinon, an Israeli journalist wrote in ‘A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties’ suggesting that Israel must “become an imperial regional power” and that it “must effect the division of the whole area into small states by the dissolution of all existing Arab states.” 

The strategy according to Yinon is that “the Zionist hope is that sectarian-based states become Israel’s satellites and, ironically, its source of moral legitimation.” Although this was written in the 1980’s, all of it is absurd and unrealistic.

Israeli hardliners and Americans especially those in the US bible belt are hoping for a Greater Israel, but that will never happen. The resistance will become stronger throughout the Middle East as more Israeli fighter jets continues to bomb Gaza day after day.

Several Middle Eastern countries and resistance groups have been prepared for the next big war with Israel and the US including Hezbollah in Southern Lebanon, Kataib Hezbollah and other factions in Iraq, Syria, and Iran. 

Government officials, military top brass and intelligence agencies from the US, and NATO know that it will be long and bloody war since Israel is going full force in efforts to take more land in Gaza thus creating more Palestinian refugees in the process.

Yinon said create “small states” that will be easier to dominate just like they did in Palestine. They split the territories by turning the Gaza Strip into an open air prison, and at the same-time they created a separate territory in the West Bank. Both areas are militarily dominated by Israel Defense Forces (IDF). 

However, time is not on Israel’s side. They know that the US is in financial trouble with $33 trillion in debt, so I am sure that many Israeli economists know that without the US and its financial assistance, Israel will not last since they depend on almost every penny that the US government gives them.

In the meantime, Israel is trying to somehow get the US involved in the war. For the Israelis, that’s nothing new.  Remember when Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu claimed to the US congress in 2002 that Iraq was developing nuclear weapons? 

“There is no question whatsoever that Saddam is seeking, is working, is advancing towards to the development of nuclear weapons,” he continued “Once Saddam has nuclear weapons, the terror network will have nuclear weapons.”

I would say that Netanyahu was successful in getting the US in a war with Iraq. Or how about the time when Israel attacked the USS Liberty in 1967 in the Mediterranean sea during the Six-Day War which was meant as a false flag operation to bring in the US in its war against Egypt and the rest of the Middle East.

The war on Palestine was the first step in creating an imperial Israel. On July 9th, 1947, Rabbi Fischmann, a member of the Jewish Agency declared at a U.N. Special Committee of Enquiry that Israel needs to expand “from the River of Egypt up to the Euphrates, it includes parts of Syria and Lebanon.”

It is also important to note that Israel has another important reason for expansion and that is to ultimately control the natural resources including oil and gas throughout the Middle East. When it comes to Big Oil, Washington and the Pentagon share similar goals with Israel when it comes to natural resources in the region.

Since the Gulf war in the early 1990s, Washington and the Pentagon along with Kurdish leadership tried to create a ‘Free Kurdistan‘ that included areas of Iraq, Iran, Syria and even Turkey to dominate the potential energy markets. In other words, the US establishment and Israel benefit in numerous ways by Balkanizing the Middle East thus making it easier to control the oil and gas fields.

Oil Resources & Facilities in Kurdish Regions of Iraq

So for the US-Israel partnership, it’s not only ideological, it’s also about the economic benefits of Zionist expansion that not only benefits Big Oil but also the US arms industry since Israel will need a steady supply of weapons for a very long time to maintain control over a Balkanized Middle East and that’s always a plus for the establishment.

So, it is fair to say that Israel needs the US military and its financial aid just as much as the US and its Big oil enterprises need Israel to continue its illegal occupation.

Meanwhile worldwide protests have taken place as the war hawks, neocons, special interest groups (AIPAC) in Washington and their media mouthpieces are already pushing for US military to ultimately attack Iran. 

The US military is already sending its naval ships to the Eastern Mediterranean in show of support for Israel according to Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III:

I have directed the movement of the USS Gerald R. Ford Carrier Strike Group to the Eastern Mediterranean. This includes the U.S. Navy aircraft carrier USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN-78), the Ticonderoga-class guided missile cruiser USS Normandy (CG 60), as well as the Arleigh-Burke-class guided missile destroyers USS Thomas Hudner (DDG 116), USS Ramage (DDG 61), USS Carney (DDG 64), and USS Roosevelt (DDG 80). We have also taken steps to augment U.S. Air Force F-35, F-15, F-16, and A-10 fighter aircraft squadrons in the region. The U.S. maintains ready forces globally to further reinforce this deterrence posture if required

US ships in the Mediterranean sea? Seems like déjà vu, but the point here is that the US will most likely get involved despite losing almost every major war they started since the end of World War II. It is assured that they will face a heavy onslaught of firepower from Hezbollah, Syria, Iran and resistance groups from Iraq that can target US bases and assets.  Even Yemen can get involved in some capacity.  

Russia and China are watching events very closely as their countries are also facing Western aggression on various levels including the US-NATO proxy war in Ukraine and if the US and its close allies in the Asia Pacific are foolish enough, they will start another proxy war in such a short period of time. 

Russia and China can sure try to mediate a peace agreement or a ceasefire, but that seems impossible given how Israel sees the necessity and the long-term benefits of seizing more Palestinian territory with close to half of the Gaza strip in its sights and that’s their next step, stripping land away from the Palestinians piece by piece. 

The bottom line is that the US is at $33 trillion in debt with a US dollar reserve currency that is not so popular as before, so how long can the US establishment keep up its military and economic support for Israel?  No one knows for sure, but it is clear that the US and the European establishment is committed to Israel’s security, even if it means bankrupting its own citizens. 


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Timothy Alexander Guzman writes on his own blog site, Silent Crow News, where this article was originally published. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Understandably, the global heat is seriously influencing the former Soviet republics, the backyard of the Russian Federation. These republics have attained their independence since 1991 after Soviet’s collapse and consequently have the unique opportunity to choose their own political and economic directions. But that has not been the case, as Russia casts its political shadow in order to control, at least to some degree, Western and European presence in the central Soviet-Asian region.

Across the Central Asian region, Russia has not been at ease especially with the recent developments between Armenia and Azerbaijan. And it is no secret that Kazakhstan has embarked on several initiatives to diversify its economy, adopting western-oriented models of management and development.

Since the Russia-Ukraine crisis began, those Central Asian republics have kept their neutral position and are pursuing their own geopolitics without much ties to the dictates of Moscow. Kazakhstan has welcomed tens of thousands of Russians fleeing from the military call-up (mobilization) since last year. 

In September 2022, Kazakhstan even vowed to comply with the massive Western sanctions on Russia, with its leader saying Astana will not help Moscow circumvent them. Central Asian countries, which have many citizens working in Russia, have warned their people not to fight in Ukraine alongside Moscow’s forces.

The Kazakh leader has also welcomed United States efforts to expand cooperation in the C5+1 format (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and the United States), noting the importance of the Astana meeting of Central Asian and US foreign policy leaders.

In pursuit of building a regional group, Russia has been making efforts to improve multifaceted relations with these Central Asian republics, for example, under the umbrella of Eurasian Union. By the stipulated guidelines, Russia and Kyrgyzstan are members, consequently both have to share common aspirations and common future.  The Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) still exist in theory, as in one way or the other, the Soviet republics have political differences.

At this new stage of political developments around the world, Russia deems it necessary to balance its geopolitical interest and bilateral relations with Kyrgyzstan, especially broadening economic perspectives, and maintaining long-term security aspects in their bilateral relations in the region.

Following the sketchy review from above, on October 12 to 13, President Vladimir Putin went on an official working visit to Kyrgyzstan. The key reason was to discuss further development of Russian-Kyrgyz relations of strategic partnership and alliance in various areas, including with regard to Kyrgyzstan’s chairmanship of the CIS this year and Russia’s chairmanship of the Eurasian Economic Union.

On October 13, the President took part in a meeting of the CIS Heads of State Council. Kyrgyzstan hosted the Commonwealth of Independent States summit, and in attendance were leaders of Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.

The CIS leaders reviewed the interaction within the organization in 2023, outlined the main areas for future activity, and exchanged opinions on current international and regional issues. Putin briefed his colleagues on the priorities of Russia’s chairmanship of the CIS in 2024.

A package of documents aimed at further developing cooperation between the CIS states in the economic, cultural, humanitarian and law enforcement areas were signed following their extensive meeting.

As already mentioned due to the conflicts between Armenia and Azerbaijan, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan skipped the summit. As we know from this historical development, Yerevan’s relationship with Moscow has frayed amid mutual accusations. His snub came after Armenian lawmakers moved to join the ICC, angering Moscow and potentially limiting Putin’s travel options further. 

Pashinyan has criticized Moscow for not intervening when Azerbaijan launched a successful offensive to take over the breakaway Nagorno-Karabakh region in September 2023. Nagorno-Karabakh is a region located in the South Caucasus, covering the southeastern stretch of the Caucasus mountain range. Part of the greater region of Karabakh, it spans the area between Lower Karabakh and Syunik.

Ahead of Putin’s trip, Kyrgyzstan said it had ratified an agreement for a common air defence system with Russia. Moscow has similar deals with other allied countries including Kazakhstan, Belarus and Tajikistan.

“We are gathered here to solemnly mark a very significant anniversary: the 20th anniversary of the establishment of a Russian joint military airbase in the city of Kant in the Kyrgyz Republic. This is an important milestone for our Kyrgyz friends and us in cooperation in the area of defense and strengthening regional security as a whole,” Putin said.

Putin held bilateral meetings with Kyrgyz counterpart Sadyr Japarov and with his Belarus ally Alexander Lukashenko and other regional leaders. Putin also had a special meeting with President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev.

The Azerbaijani side was represented by Deputy Prime Minister Shahin Mustafayev, Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov, Presidential Aide Hikmet Hajiyev, Defence Minister Zakir Hasanov, and Economic Minister Mikayil Jabbarov.

Putin’s meeting with President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon, on the sidelines of the CIS Heads of State summit in Bishkek, centered specifically on security problems in the region. Russia is an important strategic partner and ally of Tajikistan.

There is positive dynamism to collaboration between them in all other areas. Just similar to most of Putin’s meetings with other leaders were focused on security and economic agenda.

Of course, the number one issue is the situation in Nagorno-Karabakh, and then discussed extensively structuring bilateral cooperation. In addition, both have concretely described the results as very impressive in terms of trade, industrial cooperation, and cooperation in the transport sector: there are a lot of new projects, and those involving regional and security issues. 

There are further takeaways from the summit. The establishment of Russian air defence to be placed in Kyrgyzstan, which borders Peoples Republic of China (PRC). We cannot overstate the importance of creating a Russian-Kyrgyz joint air defence system, which will be located in Kyrgyzstan. But a quotation from Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov does the trick:

“This is a joint air defence system. It is a great achievement for Russia and Kyrgyzstan. It is very important, given that Russia and Kyrgyzstan, in addition to allied relations, are still included in many joint integration associations. Of course, such common elements of security are very important.” 

On October 11, the Kyrgyz parliament ratified an agreement with Russia on the creation of a joint regional air defence system. The deputies of the Zhogorku Kengesh (Kyrgyz parliament) adopted in three readings a bill on the agreement to create a joint regional air defence system with Russia.

The agreement between the parties was signed in August 2022. In May, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law on its ratification. The agreement between Russia and Kyrgyzstan will be valid for five years with further extension.

According to the agreement, the Russian side will coordinate the joint actions of the air defence forces, while Kyrgyzstan will be responsible for managing the joint actions of the air defence system troops in the collective security area.

A land plot of five hectares was provided for the air defence system near the Russian air base in the city of Kant. Russia has several military facilities in Kyrgyzstan. The largest of them is the air force base in Kant, which has existed since 2003. Russia annually pays Kyrgyzstan almost US$4.8 million for the lease of 58 hectares of land.

In terms of trade, Russia and Kyrgyzstan have targeted the current aspects of bilateral and multilateral cooperation between them, as they are strategic partners. Both reaffirmed strong commitment to stimulating and expanding bilateral cooperation. Evidence of this is the bilateral documents both have signed, and formally agreed to take measures to increase mutual trade and to strive for the ambitious target of US$5 billion.

Furthermore, the two parties expressed deep satisfaction with the positive results of the 10th Kyrgyzstan-Russia Interregional Conference on Industrial Cooperation. The conference led to the signing of documents and contracts exceeding US$3.5 billion. 

Russia is the biggest investor in the Kyrgyz economy. One third of all direct foreign investment in the country comes from Russia. There are some 800 Russian-Kyrgyz enterprises engaged in such key sectors as energy, mining, machine-building, agriculture and transport that are successfully operating in the republic. 

An important landmark was the 30 years of the Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University. This anniversary once again emphasizes the multi-dimensional nature of the Russia-Kyrgyzstan partnership that extends to many areas, including cultural and humanitarian affairs.

It was highly noted the role of the Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University, which has become one of the leaders in higher education and science in Kyrgyzstan over the past 30 years. Since its inception, the university has produced a large number of highly qualified specialists now working in Kyrgyzstan, Russia and other countries.

One more ceremony was the presentation of a high state award of the Russian Federation, the Order of Honour, to the President of the Kyrgyz Republic Sadyr Japarov. Putin pointed to his commitment as a supporter of consistently advancing Eurasian integration and strengthening the atmosphere of partnership, trust and cooperation in the region.

As expected, Kyrgyz Republic Sadyr Japarov considered this award as recognition of the high level of Russia-Kyrgyzstan relations. Japarov expressed the desire to develop integration potential within the CIS, the CSTO and the EAEU.

Putin answered the Russian media’s questions following his official two-day visit to the Kyrgyz Republic and CIS summit events. In the sum up, he pointed to some detailed post-Soviet historical developments that existed among the former Soviet republics, and the evolving complicated trends now.

“As for the territory of Karabakh now, Armenia recognised that Nagorno-Karabakh is part of the Republic of Azerbaijan,” he said during the media conference. On the other hand, the Armenian side insisted on scheduling the date for the referendum and determining the status of Nagorno-Karabakh in that way.

They also proceeded from the fact that even if the referendum is held in 20 years, with the current composition of the population, the result will be obvious.

Following the Russo-Georgian War in 2008 and Russia’s initial invasion of Ukraine in 2014, Ukraine and Georgia withdrew. Moldova has also begun the process of leaving the organization. There is also the Eurasian Union which consists of five members (Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Russia). 

The CIS summit is to a large degree a success, despite the challenges and some disagreements among the republics with Russia. The CIS was originally formulated in 1991 as an informal successor organization for the former constituent republics of the Soviet Union. However, only Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Russia and Uzbekistan are current members. 

While the full-scale Ukraine offensive made Putin a persona-non-grata in the Western world, the International Criminal Court (ICC) ruling virtually closed the door to a large part of the globe for him. The Rome Statute, a treaty requiring members to adhere to ICC rulings, has been ratified by 123 countries. 

Putin visited all five regional countries — Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Kyrgyzstan — in 2022, portraying them as Russia’s core allies.

But since Jan. 2023, Putin has travelled only to Russian-occupied parts of Ukraine, with his last foreign trips to Belarus and Kyrgyzstan in December 2022 — a far cry from the busy international schedule he had in previous years as president. Now, in a sign of Russia’s isolation, he plans a visit to North Korea next, as well as China. 


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Kester Kenn Klomegah, who worked previously with Inter Press Service (IPS), Weekly Blitz and InDepthNews, is now a regular contributor to Global Research. He researches Eurasia, Russia, Africa and BRICS. His focused interest areas include geopolitical changes, foreign relations and economic development questions relating to Africa. As a versatile researcher, he believes that everyone deserves equal access to quality and trustworthy media reports.

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In 1999, a seemingly innocuous speech occurred in Chicago that unveiled a new paradigm in world affairs that was dubbed “the Blair Doctrine”. In this speech, Britain’s Prime Minister Tony Blair asserted that the realities of the new age of terrorism had rendered the respect for sovereign nation states irrelevant and obsolete requiring a superior doctrine compatible with the need to periodically bomb sovereign nations you don’t like.

This new age of humanitarian bombings would be called “the post-Westphalian age”.

Recalling this speech in 2004, Blair mused 

“before Sept. 11, I was already reaching for a different philosophy in international relations from a traditional one that has held sway since the Treaty of Westphalia in 1648; namely, that a country’s internal affairs are for it, and you don’t interfere unless it threatens you, or breaches a treaty, or triggers an obligation of alliance.”

Blair’s original anti-Westphalia speech in 1999 was occuring at moment that a fanatical sect of neocons was preparing to usher in a “New American Century” with a new focus on a Pearl Harbor moment that would justify a new Crusade of never ending wars in Southwest Asia.

One of the principle doctrines for this age involved invoking raging fires of war and hatred between Arab and Jew which is what animated Richard Perle’s “A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm” as a strategic battle plan for Israel’s new Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Cynthia Chung writes that the

“Clean Break policy document outlined these goals: 1) Ending Yasser Arafat’s and the Palestinian Authority’s political influence, by blaming them for acts of Palestinian terrorism 2) Inducing the United States to overthrow Saddam Hussein’s regime in Iraq. 3) Launching war against Syria after Saddam’s regime is disposed of 4) Followed by military action against Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt.”

This hellish plan to light the middle east on fire was in many ways made possible by the 1995 murder of Israel’s Prime Minister Yitzak Rabin (by a radical zionist fanatic) and the American-Israeli creation of Hamas as an anti-Arafat movement which would offset Yasser Arafat’s tendency to find long term solutions with Israeli peacemakers like Rabin as witnessed by the efforts to create a two-state solution and Oslo Accords in 1993.

This tendency for peace between neighboring faiths had to be stopped at all costs.

Rules Based Dis-order vs Westphalia’s Peace Among Faiths

By now, we all know the name for this unipolar doctrine and the smoldering wave of destruction and death that it justified for the ensuing two decades.

What is less understood is the nature of the Treaty of Westphalia of 1648 which Blair referred to as an obsolete doctrine in desperate need of replacing.

Since the 1648 Treaty of Westphalia set the foundations for the later UN Charter drafted by Franklin Roosevelt and Undersecretary of State Sumner Welles in 1941 and since both this 1648 treaty and the UN Charter have been systemically targeted for destruction by Borg-like armies of “International Rule of Law” advocates pushing R2P and a Great Reset onto the world, let us take a moment to ask: What is the Treaty of Westphalia? How did it transform world history? And why is its defense so necessary in today’s crisis-ridden world?

The Peace of Westphalia: Phase Shift in World History

Before the Westphalian Treaty, Europe was bereft in chaos and war.

Not only did the Thirty Years War (1618-1648) eliminate over one third of the German population, but an additional century of religious war had set fire to Europe starting with the Knights Revolt of 1522 and the German Peasants War of 1524 that saw up to 300 thousand protestant peasants killed.

Before blowing up in Germany, Protestant vs Catholic wars had ravaged France between 1562-1598 during a devastating period of chaos that came to be known as “the Little Dark Age”, only coming to an end through the wise diplomatic maneuvers of King Henry IV of Navarre.

It was Henry IV, alongside his lead advisor Maximilien de Bethune (aka: Duke of Sully) who reformed France by establishing religious tolerance in the famous 1598 Edict of Nantes (removing Lutheranism and Calvanism from the list of heresies), while clamping down on corruption, banning usury, ending speculation, banning high rents and investing in internal improvements with a focus on textile manufacturing and agricultural reforms.

The burst of economic growth generated by these reforms doubled the revenues of France within 12 years and revived the spirit of the great nation-building king Louis XI turning France from a house divided in Civil War into a unified state that won the admiration of all the people of Europe (and the disdain of the financier oligarchy).

Henry IV also clearly aimed to revive the traditions of the Great Charlemagne who was the last monarch to unite all of Europe under a common principle of law, when he said that Europe should become “a Christian republic, entirely peaceful within itself”.

Sadly, Henry IV’s murder by “a lone assassin” in 1610 left a power vacuum and soon the religious wars grew once again out of control in Europe. This time however, they were concentrated in the more fertile soils of the highly fragmented Holy Roman Empire then occupying most of today’s Germany, Austria, Czech Republic, and Poland.

Unlike today’s Germany, the land that blew up in religious conflict during these dark years was dominated by small-minded warlord Princes and Dukes whose power was contingent on how many mercenaries they could hire and land they could steal. In total, over 350 tiny states and principalities existed along with 2000 jurisdictions which divided the Holy Roman Empire under an array of mini sovereignties with no conception of a greater whole. [see map]

To say that the 30 years war was of a purely religious nature is an over-simplified error that many are wont to make.

As outlined brilliantly by historian Pierre Beaudry, throughout the conflict, Catholic Bourbons of France often used Protestant Proxies in Germany to fight Spanish (Catholic) Hapsburgs that were territorial rivals over low countries or Poland.

Meanwhile the absence of any rules of territorial sovereignty welcomed constant infringement of factions onto each other’s lands. Austro-Hungarian Habsburg emperors constantly pushed expansionist policies and Venetian games were often played on the Baltic and Black Seas while both Venetian, Dutch and other purse strings were funding all warring sides throughout the years of chaos.

Needless to say, it was a disaster that was clearly sending Europe on a fast track towards a new dark age.

By 1609, the world’s first private central bank of Amsterdam was established along with the Dutch East India Company, which soon merged with the British East India Company and established a global maritime empire, where Venice had formerly been the dominant center of banking, world trade, controller of bullion and maritime choke points.

In reality, the same forces of Venice (and their sister “city state” of Genoa) were largely behind the reallocation of imperial command centers from the Venetian Levant Company to the Netherlands and thence to England (where the later takeover was finalized during the 1688 ‘Glorious Revolution’ and the 1694 founding of the Bank of England as I outlined in my article the Art of Political Lying.)

Realizing that a profound change was required to end this slide into hell, forces yearning to revive the policies of Louis XI and Henry IV and unite Europe in peaceful co-existence were organized around France’s Prime Minister Cardinal Jules Mazarin (1602-1661) and his young protégé JeanBaptiste Colbert (1616-1683).

Beginning in 1642, Mazarin began a tedious process of organizing for the Treaty of Westphalia offering to serve as peace broker, lead negotiator and guarantor of religious freedoms for all parties, finally arranging the signing to occur in two locations on October 24, 1648, where protestant signators met in Osnabrück and Catholic signators met in Münster.

The Benefit of the Other

Although the Treaty that established the framework for the sovereign nation state is often taught to students of political science as a messy legal protocol featuring 128 clauses designed to respect the rights of others to be left alone and not impinge onto territory that doesn’t belong to you, something very special is often left out of the equation.

This something is a principle outlined in the first two articles which serve as a guiding preamble of sorts and which infuse vitality into the entire framework:

1) That all nations will now be guided by the concern for the benefit of their neighbors and 2) the forgiveness for all past transgressions. Since it is so rare that these articles are read in today’s world, let us review them here:

Article 1: “That there shall be a Christian and Universal Peace, and a perpetual, true, and sincere Amity… That this Peace and Amity be observ’d and cultivated with such a Sincerity and Zeal, that each Party shall endeavour to procure the Benefit, Honour and Advantage of the other; that thus on all sides they may see this Peace and Friendship in the Roman Empire, and the Kingdom of France flourish, by entertaining a good and faithful Neighbourhood.

Article 2: That there shall be on the one side and the other a perpetual Oblivion, Amnesty, or Pardon of all that has been committed since the beginning of these Troubles, in what place, or what manner soever the Hostilitys have been practis’d, in such a manner, that no body, under any pretext whatsoever, shall practice any Acts of Hostility, entertain any Enmity, or cause any Trouble to each other”

These were not pretty words on parchment applicable only to a “western European cultural matrix” as many believe, but foundational principles of natural law applicable to all civilizations and times. We need not look far to see their expression in the modern times not only in the UN Charter, but also the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence in 1954 which has come alive with the Eurasian Grand Design of win-win cooperation underlying the Belt and Road Initiative today.

The Economic Developments that Gave Vitality to the Peace

In the same measure that the Westphalian principles outlined in Articles one and two of the UN Charter were contingent upon the successful implementation of the international New Deal economic programs showcased at Bretton Woods, so too was the success of the Westphalian Treaty contingent upon the implementation of great public works and economic reforms that were only partially realized across Europe in the decades following 1648.

Before his death in 1661, Cardinal Mazarin outlined major infrastructure projects for both Germany and France which were directed towards developing of the internal powers of labor of the nations of Europe through canals, manufacturing and roads, while liberating European states from reliance on the Maritime monopolies of the Venetians, Dutch, Spanish and Genoese.

As Beaudry outlines in his Peace of Westphalia and the Water Question, chief among those canal projects outlined by Mazarin included:

  • the Vistule River (through Silezia, Mazovia, and East Prussia discharging into the Black Sea),
  • the Oder River Projects (discharging into Baltic Sea),
  • the Elbe River development (Bohemia to North Sea via Dresden, Magdeburg and Leipzig),
  • the Weser River program through middle Germany and
  • the Rhine River (Switzerland, Germany, France, Netherlands).

Some of these projects like the Rhine-Maine-Danube Canal connecting the North and Black Sea were only accomplished 300 years after the Treaty of Westphalia, although Mazarin’s key German ally Friedrich William (The Great Elector of Brandenburg) who was chosen to lead the League of Rhine in 1759 spearheaded the growth of many of Mazarin’s canals and road designs along with his son Friedrich the Great.

One of the first preconditions Mazarin had at the start of the Westphalian treaty’s negotiation in 1642 was the ending of tolls on waterways imposed by narrow minded princes and dukes who held territorial controls over sections of river systems throughout Germany which made any economic development of the territory financially unviable. In an early agreement signed in 1642, Mazarin had dozens of princes agree that

“From this day forward, along the two banks of the Rhine River and from the adjacent provinces, commerce and transport of goods shall be free of transit for all of the inhabitants, and it will no longer be permitted to impose on the Rhine any new toll, open berth right, customs, or taxation of any denomination and of any sort, whatsoever.”

In France, one of the greatest infrastructure projects in history was begun under Mazarin and continued by his close collaborator Jean-Baptiste Colbert called La Canal Du Midi (aka: Languedoc Canal). This was a 240 km canal creating a direct passage between the Atlantic with the Mediterranean eliminating a 3000 km detour around the Spanish Habsburg-controlled Strait of Gibraltar [see map].

This program took 15 years to complete and involved the construction of 130 arched bridges, 75 locks, and the largest man-made reservoir in human history at the base of the Montagne Noire.

This reservoir required new discoveries in engineering and science, lifting six million cubic meters of water to an elevation of 190 meters above sea and accumulated water from several sources including underground rivers in order to feed by gravitational flow into the Garonne and Aude rivers flowing in two opposing directions.

It was this last challenge that had caused centuries of engineers to give up on the viability of the project which had been a struggle since the days of Ancient Rome. The vast improvements of water systems around the Languedoc turned the region into a breadbasket with wheat production and wines skyrocketing.

Colbert Drains the Swamp

Finance Minister Colbert unleashed one of the greatest crackdowns on corruption by forcing public audits of the aristocracy and auditing all financial officers who were obliged to prove where all of their possessions and even titles came from.

The buying of titles was also a common practice in France as source of state revenue, and this cancerous growth of corruption was also intervened upon by Colbert who demanded an investigation into the legitimacy of all titles. By the end of this inquiry over 2000 claimed titles of nobility were deemed fraudulent whereby former nobles had to get real jobs and pay taxes.

One of the most important figures in France who faced justice under Colbert’s crackdown was the corrupt Superintendent of Finance Nicholas Fouquet who had looted France for millions over decades, even repaying himself for over six million pounds from state treasuries for loans that he had never made to the nation.

Over the course of these 1661 trials, all of Fouquet’s skeletons were brought to light and he was imprisoned for life along with many leading collaborators of France’s deep state (resulting in Colbert’s receiving Fouquet’s position).

Colbert’s New Deal

With the swamp sufficiently flushed and France’s deep state reined in, Colbert launched a series of additional reforms which included the imposition of protective tariffs against British, Dutch and Belgian dumping of cheap goods, the directing of 5 million pounds of state credit to develop textiles and manufacturing and the founding of the Royal Academy of Sciences in 1666 inviting the greatest minds of Europe to France.

The reforms also included the creation of the largest observatory in the world, the establishment of trade schools and masters programs, the boosting of national exports over imports and the extension of royal grants to private enterprises to build and manage internal improvements.

Colbert even established Europe’s first minimum hours of labor and health insurance for the 12,000 employees working on the Canal du Midi.

Colbert ended the purchasing of public offices (called “venal offices”), created a five year debt moratorium to re-organize the legitimate from usurious debt imposed upon France over the years by its local oligarchy, and passed laws that ensured that only the state could collect taxes and not private nobles.

Colbert lost no time in overhauling the bloated bureaucracy of France telling the young King Louis XIV:

“It is necessary to reduce the professions of your subjects as much as possible to those which can be useful to these grand designs… these are agriculture, merchandise [production and distribution of goods], soldiers and sailors…

“Your majesty should be working at the same time to diminish, gradually and insensibly the number of monks and nuns… the two professions which consume a hundred thousand of your subjects uselessly are financiers and lawyers.”

Colbert also drove ship-building creating one of the world’s most advanced merchant fleets competing with the Dutch, Spanish and British, amplifying France’s defenses in border regions and increased warships from 20 to 250 in twenty years.

The Westphalian Roots of the American Revolution

When formulating the principles upon which the new American republic would be founded in 1781, Alexander Hamilton demonstrated his profound understanding of Colbertism as the key to the salvation of the new republic.

When faced with the world’s largest empire which enjoyed near monopolies on manufacturing, banking, bullion and maritime trade, how would this young nation, having just emerged from the revolutionary war with no manufacturing, underdeveloped territory and unpayable debts be capable of standing on its own feet?

Writing in “The Continentalist” in 1782, Hamilton said:

“From a different spirit in the government, with superior advantages, France was much later in commercial improvements, nor would her trade have been at this time in so prosperous a condition had it not been for the abilities and indefatigable endeavors of the great Colbert. He laid the foundation of the French commerce, and taught the way to his successors to enlarge and improve it.

“The establishment of the woolen manufacture, in a kingdom, where nature seemed to have denied the means, is one among many proofs, how much may be effected in favor of commerce by the attention and patronage of a wise administration.

“The number of useful edicts passed by Louis XIV, and since his time, in spite of frequent interruptions from the jealous enmity of Great Britain, has advanced that of France to a degree which has excited the envy and astonishment of its neighbors.”

The system that Hamilton devised through his studies of Colbert’s dirigisme was outlined in his famous four reports to Congress of 1791-92 (Report on a National Bank, Report on Public Credit, Report on Manufactures and Report on a Mint) and went on to shape the minds of the greatest statesmen of both the USA and internationally for the next 240 years. It was known more clearly generations past as “the American System of Political Economy”.

This was the system that John Quincy Adams extended to a foreign policy doctrine of a Community of Common Principle. This is the conception which animated Adams’ crafting of the Monroe Doctrine that sought to promote sovereign economic development of all American nations and blocking European imperial intrigue from infusing into the western hemisphere.

Despite the abuses conducted under its name by imperialist US presidents later on, this remains the truth of its birth whether haters of the USA like it or not.

This system continued to grow under the wise guidance of President Abraham Lincoln’s economic advisor Henry C Carey, and President McKinley whose 1901 assassination ushered in three decades of crippling insanity and corruption in the USA.

FDR as the 20th Century Colbert

This was the system that again emerged onto the scene with Franklin Roosevelt’s rise to power in 1932. As I outlined in my recent paper ‘How to Crush a Banker’s Dictatorship’, FDR lost no time reviving the policies of Colbert on every level- from his draining of the swamp during the Pecora commission, the breaking up of the Too Big To Fails, destruction of the London Banker’s Dictatorship, sabotage of the unipolar League of Nations, and commitment to destroy both fascism during WW2 and more importantly British colonialism more broadly.

When one reads the Atlantic Charter, UN Charter, Four Freedoms or Good Neighbor Policy outlined by FDR between 1936-1945, it is clear that the spirit of Westphalia burned strong in Franklin Roosevelt’s grand design for a multipolar world that was sabotaged before it had a chance to breathe.

Many are quick to mock the Treaty of Westphalia for not having brought everlasting peace to Europe since wars obviously continued beyond 1648.

Many imperial geopoliticans like Henry Kissinger, Robert Gates, or Brent Scowcroft even praise the treaty, but only for the most narrow-minded reasons which actually serves to do much more damage to the cause of the nation state system than those liberal imperialists who attempt to openly attack it like Tony Blair, George Soros, Lord Malloch Brown, Susan Rice or Samantha Power.

The fact is that the Peace of Westphalia, just like the American Revolution that it inspired, and the UN Charter that served as a continuation of this march towards progress is like garlic to the Vampires of today’s Wall Street and City of London.

For just as Colbert had the financier oligarchy of Europe’s nobility to deal with, today’s sociopathic elite seek ends not divergent from their 17th century forebears who deny the inalienable rights of humankind from which the authority for law and national sovereignty is justly derived.

It is this oligarchical force now pushing an “international rules-based order” which has sought relentlessly to undo every great advance in the moral, intellectual and aesthetic progress of humankind since the Renaissance by returning society to a new feudal order with a technocratic spin which differs from the medieval dark age only by the vastly greater masses of people who will suffer and die in the 21st century.

The author recently delivered a lecture on this topic which can be viewed here:


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This article was originally published on The Canadian Patriot.

Matthew Ehret is the Editor-in-Chief of the Canadian Patriot Review, and Senior Fellow at the American University in Moscow. He is author of the ‘Untold History of Canada’ book series and Clash of the Two Americas trilogy. In 2019 he co-founded the Montreal-based Rising Tide Foundation

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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US Official Lies to Armenians Worldwide

October 16th, 2023 by Steven Sahiounie

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Samantha Power recently arrived in Armenia to meet with Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, and pledged US support for Armenia in the aftermath of the armed conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh, which has left thousands of Armenians homeless at the hands of Azerbaijan. Power is the Administrator of the US Agency for International Development (USAID), and had previously served as US Ambassador to the UN from 2013-2017.

Power is lying again to the Armenians. In 2014, she lied to the Armenians from the UN, and now she is again lying to the Armenians from USAID, which is an agency of the US State Department.

According to her profile in Forbes, “Samantha Power, the youngest-ever U.S. ambassador to the U.N., is considered to be the moral compass of American diplomacy” while adding, “…she has been a powerful crusader for U.S. foreign policy as well as human rights and democracy since she took office in 2013.”

Samantha Power’s moral compass is broken. She stood by lying and humiliating the homeless Armenians in Kessab, Syria in 2014, and she is again lying to the Armenians arriving as refugees in Yerevan.

Samantha Power, Presidents Obama and Biden, and Secretary of State Antony Blinken do not care about Armenia, or Armenians wherever they are. 

From her Forbes profile, Power has warned of the threat of ISIS globally. But, what the profile fails to reveal, is that Power, while part of the Obama administration, was funding, training and supporting the armed ‘rebels’ in Syria, which eventually morphed into ISIS.  In fact, the last remaining ‘rebel’ controlled area in Syria today, Idlib, is under the control of Mohamed al-Julani, formerly with ISIS in Iraq, and Al Qaeda in Syria.  Julani enjoys the protection of both the US and Turkey, and all humanitarian aid coming into Idlib goes through his hands exclusively, including from USAID.


Pashinyan received the delegation led by Power, and he said, “The process of ethnic cleansing of the Armenians of Nagorno-Karabakh continues.”

This is the same process used by the US, and their ally Turkey, in Syria in 2014 at Kessab, which is a Christian Armenian village on the border with Turkey, north of Latakia. The village had no Syrian government buildings, nor Army posts, nor weapons storage.  There was no reason to attack Kessab, it had no strategic value for the ‘rebels’ in their war to overthrow the Syrian government. The only reason for the attack, occupation, massacre, rapes and destruction at Kessab was ethnic cleansing. The US-NATO backed ‘rebels’ were Radical Islamic terrorists, cut from the same cloth as ISIS, and their goal at Kessab was to wipe out the Christians.

“The United States of America will continue to work with both your Government and the government of Azerbaijan to bring about lasting peace between the countries, also considering the profound economic dividends and stability it will bring for the Armenian people,” said Power to Pashinyan recently.  

Power delivered the real message from Biden: the US is pleased Azerbaijan has won, and the Armenians are forever defeated, because the US values its relationship with the oil rich Azerbaijan. The Biden administration’s message to Pashinyan is: the EU gets their winter gas supplies from Azerbaijan, and Armenia has no economic resources to be exploited by the US or the EU, therefore, Armenia is of no value.

Power said in Yerevan, her mission was to mobilize resources, to support local authorities in finding places to stay, and other means of support, but also get other countries to do the same. But, the US never helped any of the 2,000 Armenians made homeless and destitute in Kessab in 2014. The US never even sent one loaf of bread, and because of US-EU sanctions on Syria, even the Armenian churches in the US, and other charities, were prevented from sending even one dollar to Kessab. The millions raised in USA, with Kim Kardashian sending 1 million herself, was sent to the Armenian church in Lebanon, and has never been distributed to Kessab. The US sanctions prevented even other Arab countries from sending aid to Kessab.

“The United States is deeply concerned about reports on the humanitarian conditions in Nagorno-Karabakh and calls for unimpeded access for international humanitarian organizations and commercial traffic,” said Power in Yerevan.

She wants to send food and medicine to Yerevan, but refused to allow even one bandage or one blanket to be delivered to Kessab in 2014, where the mountainous terrain is blanketed in snow each winter.

On social media formerly known as Twitter, Power wrote recently:

“I’m here to reiterate the U.S.’s strong support & partnership with Armenia and to speak directly with those impacted by the humanitarian crisis in Nagorno-Karabakh.”

Azerbaijan received tremendous military aid and support from Turkey, a US ally, and fellow NATO member.  Armenia received no military help from the US. Of course they lost their territory to the stronger, wealthy and heavily militarized Azerbaijan, who are allied with the EU and NATO member Turkey.  Now Power is going to oversee sending Armenians some bread crumbs.

Kessab 2014

According to the Syrian Bureau of Statistics, Kessab had a population of 1,754 in the 2004 census, and with the surrounding villages, had a total population of around 2,500 predominately Armenian Christians which date back to the medieval ages there.

The high elevation and pine covered mountains sloping down to the Mediterranean Sea made Kessab a favorite summer vacation resort. 

Some feared that the US-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA) might perpetrate genocide against the inhabitants. In August 2013, in the mountains near Latakia, at Ballouta, the FSA had massacred hundreds of unarmed civilians sleeping in their own homes.  Men, women and children were killed, along with a pregnant woman who was cut apart, and her unborn fetus was hung in the trees. That community was also a religious minority targeted by the FSA.  General Salim Idriss, the commander of the FSA, had been visited by Senator John McCain, (R. AZ), and McCain had lobbied vigorously in Congress to keep the money and weapons flowing to the FSA in Syria.

In the early hours of March 21, 2014, Kessab was attacked by FSA and their allies coming from Turkey over the border.

Residents of Kessab fled to Latakia where they sheltered in a church; however, 36 very elderly and immobile residents were left behind and were later kidnapped by the FSA and taken to Vikifly, Turkey. While in Vikifly, the US Ambassador to Turkey, Francis J. Riccardone, Jr. and his wife visited the kidnapped Armenian hostages, and the elderly begged him for help to get to Latakia and rejoin their family there. Riccardone refused to help them, even though his wife was the translator of their pleas to him, and captors were under US support and control.

On April 1, Ahmad Jarba, head of the Syrian National Coalition (SNC), visited the FSA front-line in Kessab to congratulate his troops on their victory and the occupation of Kessab. The FSA was the military wing of the SNC, which were supported completely by the White House and Congress.

While in Kessab, the FSA and their allied terrorist groups, burned three churches, dug up graves looking for gold rings, looted every home and shop, burnt the cultural center, raped elderly women because they could find no girls, and murdered a 21-year-old man in front of his parents. When the parents begged to be able to bury him, the FSA refused, saying they wanted the dogs to eat him because he was a heathen.

On April 2, during a hearing before the House State-Foreign Operations Appropriations Subcommittee, Rep. Adam Shiff (D. CA) asked the UN Ambassador Samantha Power about Kessab.

“Most of the [UN Security] Council members raised the issue of Kessab, calling on the UN to do more, to try to meet the needs of these people. […] I would note that, unfortunately, the extremist group that appears to have taken hold of that town is not one that the United States and the United Nations overall has a great deal of leverage over. And so, our emphasis now, is on supporting the moderate opposition in Syria that is taking on those extremist groups and making sure that the UN has the funding it needs, and the resources of all kinds that it needs to accommodate […] in this case, the Syrian Armenian community, as you said, an internally displaced population flow.,” said Samantha Power.

Samantha Power lied to the US Congress, and to the Armenian people. The FSA were in Kessab, as evidenced by Jarba’s personal visit to Kessab.  The FSA and their political wing SNC were directly supported, funded, trained and directed by the Obama administration. President Trump cut off the funding of the CIA program Timber Sycamore in 2017, which shut down the US support of the FSA. Power called the FSA the ‘moderate opposition’, and continued to support them even though they had committed war crimes and atrocities in Kessab.

On April 3, Ruben Melkonyan, deputy dean of the Oriental Studies department at Yerevan State University, said that the Armenian community of Kessab was unlikely to recover and that what had happened were “crimes that make a genocide”. As of 2023, Kessab is almost a ghost town. Residents have not all returned, as they had no funds to rebuild homes, farms, and businesses. 

On June 15, 2014, the Syrian Arab Army entered Kessab and retook control over the surrounding villages and the border with Turkey.  The massacre at Kessab was reminiscent of the Armenian Genocide, which took place about 100 years ago, perpetrated by the Ottoman Turkish Empire.

Gennady Gatilov, Deputy Foreign Minister of Russia, condemned the attack on Kessab and the ethnic cleansing of Armenian Syrians in Latakia. He accused Turkey, the US and Europe, and the Persian Gulf states of supporting terrorism in Syria and called for an urgent meeting of the United Nations Security Council to discuss the situation. The UN Security Council declined Russia’s meeting proposal.

On May 13, 2014 US President Barack Obama, met with Ahmed Jarba of the SNC in the Oval Office after Jarba left his troops in Kessab raping and looting.

“President Obama welcomed the Coalition’s leadership and constructive approach to dialogue, and encouraged the Coalition to further its vision for an inclusive government that represents all of the people of Syria.  President Jarba thanked President Obama for U.S. non-lethal assistance, which totals $287 million and supports the Coalition, local communities inside Syria, and the moderate armed opposition.  He also thanked the United States for being the largest donor of humanitarian assistance.  The $1.7 billion committed by the United States goes to those in need inside of Syria and in neighboring countries,” according to the White House.  But, they failed to mention that not one dollar of the $1.7 billion went to Kessab to rebuild from the US sponsored attack and occupation.

Samantha Power is a high ranking US government official, and well aware in 2014 that the Armenian government had sent soldiers to fight the US sponsored FSA in Kessab. Power was lying in 2014, and is still lying to Armenia.


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This article was originally published on Mideast Discourse.

Steven Sahiounie is a two-time award-winning journalist. He is a regular contributor to Global Research. 

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News broke recently that noted “conspiracy theorist” and “anti-vaxxer” (smears applied to anyone who challenges the Public Health™ narrative surrounding COVID), RFK Jr., is now running his campaign as an independent rather than a Democrat. I covered the exciting development at Armageddon Prose.

The potential seismic impacts of this move by RFK Jr. are hard to overestimate on many fronts.

In my opinion — if he has the Herculean fortitude to see it through to the end and isn’t assassinated like his father and uncle and manages to get ballot access in fifty states, all admittedly big ifs – this could be a game-changer for mainstream political discourse and public policy regarding COVID-19.

One among the many impacts RFK Jr.’s run could have is forcing the Democrats — and the institutions they dominate such as universities – as well as many Republicans on the Big Pharma dole to moderate their still-extreme COVID measures, such as the pseudoscientific “vaccine” mandates at Rutgers and multiple other such institutions still in effect in 2023.

RFK Jr. has been singularly vocal as a national-level political candidate on the unproductiveness and, frankly, cruelty of vaccine mandates for schoolchildren and university students, who statistically have no risk from the virus.

Unfortunately, in 2022, despite the scientific data available to anyone willing to look beyond the corporate state media firewall, as much as half of the American public in polling still endorsed vaccine requirements for such institutions – arguably in large part because of the dominance of the pharmaceutical industry’s narratives in political discourse.

More contemporaneous polling from September of this year, on the heels of the most recent COVID terror campaign to push Pfizer’s new booster, shows that 76 percent of Democrats support mask mandates.

The injection of RFK Jr.’s unique and morally authoritative voice outside of the traditional two-party paradigm could potentially reverse, to some degree, support for mask and shot mandates and offer a real alternative to disillusioned voters whose angst over the unpunished and uncorrected COVID abuses of the past several years go largely ignored by other candidates.

It should be obvious by now to anyone paying attention that, unless they are forced by electoral anxieties to change course, the corporate state media– mouthpiece of the pharmaceutical industry, the Public Health™ bureaucracy, and the Democrat party – will simply continue to roll out new terror strain after terror strain of the ever-evolving SARS-CoV-2 virus so as to drive sales of an endless series of boosters. College vaxx mandates are just part of the collateral damage of Pfizer’s profiteering.

We saw this process play itself out yet again with the recent hand-wringing over the “EG.5” variant, which conveniently coincided with the rollout of Pfizer’s latest “booster” shots.

Again, the salient point here is that while RFK Jr. was still cloistered harmlessly in the Democrat Party fold, where the party leaders would never allow him to gain any serious traction against the anointed candidate Biden, it seemed that, come November 2024, the voters’ choice would come down once again to Biden vs. Trump – with, perhaps, the option of gadfly Cornel West, who has refused to address meaningfully vaccine mandates or any COVID issues.

The vast majority of said voters would have likely held their noses and voted for Biden or Trump, even if they didn’t particularly like either of their COVID policies because one better represents, in their view, the far lesser of two evils. This is a microcosm of the ultimate evil of the two-party duopoly, which forces voters to compromise on deeply-held beliefs for the sake of defeating whom they perceive as the greater evil.

Vis a vis COVID lockdowns/forced-masking/forced-vaxxing, RFK Jr. offers an alternative vision that they may be able to get behind. And it might force the other candidates to reconsider their either full-throated or tacit support for these brutal policies – not for high-minded moral reasons, but base politicking ones.


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This article was originally published on No College Mandates Newsletter.

Ben Bartee, author of Broken English Teacher: Notes From Exile, is an independent Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Israel continues to postpone its long-awaited ground attack on the Gaza Strip. Despite brutal bombings against civilian facilities and the criminal siege imposed on the Palestinian people, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) appear to be avoiding launching an infantry offensive, repeatedly postponing plans to enter ground troops into Palestinian territory. Zionist propagandists and militants believe that this would be a type of “gesture of goodwill” on the part of Tel Aviv, but it is more likely that Israel is afraid of the strong impacts that such an attack would have on its forces.

On October 13, the Israeli government issued an ultimatum to the Palestinian population in the north of the Gaza Strip. According to the Israeli statement, civilians in the region had twenty-four hours to evacuate their homes. After the end of this period, a massive Israeli infantry assault would begin.

Obviously, it was not possible to remove all civilians from the zone, as the time established was too short. Furthermore, Gaza’s roads are severely damaged by Israeli bombings, making it even more difficult for citizens to escape. However, after the evacuation deadline ended, the IDF, instead of launching its offensive, gave a few additional hours to complete the evacuation.

No matter how many hours or days were given to the Palestinian people, all efforts to completely evacuate civilians would be futile. With the region devastated by bombings and poor transportation conditions, such a process could only be completed over a very long period of time – perhaps weeks or months. In addition, there are many people who cannot go out, such as babies in incubators as well as the elderly and injured undergoing medical treatment. Local hospitals have already reported that if the evacuation takes place many people will die, but this does not seem enough to make Israel rethink its anti-humanitarian tactics.

This serious situation mobilized the non-Western world to act diplomatically against Israel. The Russian government compared the case to the Nazi siege imposed on the Soviets during the WWII. And, acting in a militarily bold manner, the Iranian government warned Tel Aviv about possible consequences if the IDF entered Gaza by land – suggesting that such a move could legitimize Iranian intervention in the conflict.

On Saturday October 14, Israel announced that its offensive had been postponed for weather reasons, using the rains and floods that occurred in the country over the weekend as an excuse to avoid military escalation. Although it is possible that the weather influenced Israeli military decision-making, it is likely that fear of Iranian engagement was the real reason for Tel Aviv to rethink its strategy. A fact that supports this argument is the Israeli insistence on postponing the offensive, even though the weather conditions improved rapidly in the region the following day.

Some Tel Aviv’s propagandists and Zionist militants also try to portray the postponement as a kind of “diplomatic goodwill”, but this does not seem to make sense. Israel has been bombing and besieging Gaza for over a week and committing countless atrocities and human rights violations. There is no reason to believe that there is any concern for the well-being of Palestinian civilians on the part of the Israeli government – which, despite postponing the ground offensive, continues to prevent water, food and medicine from reaching Gaza.

What appears to be happening is simply a wave of fear in Tel Aviv. A ground assault will automatically start a war of attrition, which will certainly be prolonged, exhausting and dangerous for the IDF. Israeli strategists fear that their forces will enter a vicious cycle of direct conflict and violence that will not end soon, culminating in a protracted war that will severely affect the stability of the region.

Despite being incomparably stronger than its Palestinian enemies, Israel’s defense system appears to be a “paper tiger” if analyzed in depth. The country has few material and human resources to engage in exhausting conflicts. It is no coincidence that there is a compulsory conscription system in Israel for all the nationals. With a population of nine million inhabitants, Israel needs to use practically all of its citizens to keep the military machine functioning at adequate security standards.

The country does not have the necessary structure to keep civil society operating while there is a conflict. Israel can easily defeat weaker regional enemies in short-term confrontations, but tends to have many problems in protracted situations. And there are enough reasons to believe that a war in Gaza would be long. Without enough space to develop militarily on the surface, Hamas invested heavily in the building of bunkers and underground channels through which its soldiers transport people and equipment. The IDF could invade and occupy many territories, but would still be vulnerable to Hamas’ guerrilla tactics, forming a kind of “Vietnam scenario”.

Furthermore, Iran’s warning is worrying. Even if it does not send its regular troops, Tehran could help the Palestinians by mobilizing its proxy forces, such as Hezbollah (which is already de facto involved in the war) and Yemen’s Houthis, increasing the Palestinians’ firepower significantly. There is also the diplomatic and economic factor, with Islamic and anti-Western countries mobilizing strongly to pressure Tel Aviv to stop its aggression.

In fact, it appears that the Israeli government has set itself into a spiral of problems. If it invades Gaza, there will be many risks, but if it cancels the invasion, Netanyahu will be demoralized for not fulfilling his promise. In practice, it seems that even though it is militarily weaker, Hamas is managing to use the non-military factor of the conflict to gain an advantage against the enemy in an asymmetric clash – which is not decided on the front lines. Palestine is trying to win the war even though it loses the battles.


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Lucas Leiroz is a journalist, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, geopolitical consultant. You can follow Lucas on Twitter and Telegram.

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This is not politics; this is blackmail.

Ben Shapiro:

“If Hezbollah gets in, Israel will have no choice but to unleash the air force… If Israel is forced to the wall, the possibility of nuclear exchange is extremely high… That is why it is very important that the United States provide the material aid to Israel.”

Notice that the propagandists no longer try to offer elaborate, tortured geopolitical explanations for why Israel deserves to be forever propped up by the United States with no tangible benefit to the average American. They now skip straight to the threats of nuclear war.

Benevolent Americans have permitted for decades the foreign Israel lobby via AIPAC and other groups to systematically bribe American politicians so as to perpetually guarantee unconditional financial and political cover for Israel.

We permit the IDF and Mossad to promulgate the most outrageous, propagandistic lies, repeated uncritically throughout the corporate state media and at the highest levels of government, in the service of the same.

Meanwhile, criticizing the Israel lobby is framed as tantamount to something called antisemitism. Its proxies, like the ADL, censor and economically punish Americans who challenge the status quo under the guise of fighting “antisemitism.”

Now its apologists like Ben Shapiro are threatening to drag the United States into nuclear holocaust if it asks basic questions like: “why exactly should we send more American money to Israel for war when we already give it $4 billion annually, all while Americans sleep on the streets and infrastructure crumbles?”

This is not the behavior of an ally, much less that of “America’s best friend.” 


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This article was originally published on the author’s Substack, Armageddon Prose.

Ben Bartee, author of Broken English Teacher: Notes From Exile, is an independent Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs. He is a regular contributor to Global Research. 

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How Much Longer Will Palestinians be Martyr People?

October 16th, 2023 by Eric Margolis

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It’s not a real war. The bloody carnage in Israel and Palestine that we now witness is a large prison uprising being crushed by Israel’s military might.

M-16 lightweight rifles against Merkava tanks; home-made rockets (little more than flying pipe bombs) versus US-state of the art F-15 and F-16 fighter bombers; a few thousand Hamas fighters versus 600,000 or more Israeli soldiers and police backed by drones and heavy artillery.

American-made bombs and rockets are now shattering what’s left of Gaza, one of the world’s most densely populated places. Israel, which suffered over 1,200 dead innocent civilians from a Hamas-led attack on a music festival and waves of rocket barrages, vows Biblical revenge on the Palestinians.

Interestingly, the US supplied warplanes, bombs and rockets pounding Palestinian fighters and civilians are being used in contravention of the US Arms Control Act which forbids use of American arms against civilian targets.

Heedless of US law, the Biden administration is in full pro-war hysteria over Gaza. The next US elections are getting closer. The US state-guided media is also in full war mode, portraying events in Gaza as an attack on the United States.

The war party in Washington is baying for war against Iran which, as far as we know now, had no primary role in the Gaza attacks. One will likely be found or manufactured by Israel’s right-wing militants and Fox News.

I have been watching and writing about the agony of Palestine for some 70 years. I’ve watched what was to have been a small Jewish enclave grow into a powerful Sparta with some 200 nuclear weapons and unprecedented control of the US Congress and media.

Gaza, this miserable, squalid human garbage dump, is a giant open-air prison packed with 2.2 million Palestinian refugees driven from the newly created state of Israel in 1948.

Israel and its close ally Egypt keep Gaza bottled up on its land and sea borders. Palestinians are only allowed to fish along the shore. Coastal gas and oil reserves have been expropriated by Israel and Egypt.

The United States, Israel’s patron and financier, reveled in the move of its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, a move seen by Bible Belt religious fundamentalists as a key step to the return of the Christian Messiah and Armageddon in which the rest of us, Jews included, are fated to be burned alive. The American Republicans, who have become a far-right theocratic party, cheered this good news.

Gaza’s two million people subsist on the edge of starvation. Israel openly boasts that it allows just enough food into the enclave to prevent outright starvation. Chemicals to treat water are banned. Electricity runs only a few hours daily because the power plant was bombed by Israel’s US-supplied air force. Hospitals have almost no medicines. In short, wartime conditions in the open-air prison. Even the wretched animals in Gaza Zoo are starving. Hamas fighters have reportedly even killed cats and dogs.

The intensive punishment of Gaza, a crime under international law, began after its people voted in a free election for the Hamas movement over the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) which is more or less run by Israel and the United States. Israel helped found Hamas in 1987 to split the PLO, but then sought, with the US, to destroy the organization, branding it ‘terrorist.’

Israel has extensively used US-supplied arms and money to fight Hamas in Gaza, a clear violation of the Arms Export Control Act of 1976 that bars the use of American weapons against civilian populations.

The question remains, where did all the Palestinians come from? Israel long claimed there were no such people, or a made-up nationality. This was a pretty rich claim coming from Israelis, many of whom hailed from Russia, Poland and Eastern Europe and who had assumed biblical identities and asserted a direct link to the Hebrews who had lived two thousand years earlier in the Levant.

When Israel was created by the US and UN (with Soviet support) in 1948, from 750,000 to one million native Palestinians were driven from their ancestral home at gunpoint or panicked to flight by massacres and ethnic cleansing. Their villages were bulldozed.

When Israel conquered and annexed the West Bank and the Old City of Jerusalem in 1967, another 500,000 Palestinians were made refugees. Some 50,000-250,000 Syrians were driven by Israel from the strategic Golan Heights. Bedouins were driven from Israel’s Negev Desert.

There are only two ways out of this bloody mess. Either drive millions of Palestinians into the desert in an act of genocide or create a long-delayed Palestinian state mandated by the United Nations but which has been long blocked by US vetoes and Israel resistance.


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This week, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) issued a statement on the “terrorist attacks in Israel” and the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP) released a similar response to the “recent attacks and acts of terror in Israel”.

As they currently stand, these are disappointingly one-sided condemnations and fail to address Israel’s 75-year-long occupation of Palestine and numerous atrocities committed against Palestinians throughout this period.

While the APA portrays Palestinian resistance as antisemitism and terrorism, an occupied people’s right to resist is both legal under international law and, like mental health itself, a basic human right.

The appalling imbalance in the stated positions of the APA and the AACAP reflects a dangerous lack of awareness or wilful ignorance of the physical and mental health effects of the occupation, particularly the Gaza siege, on Palestinians.

By failing to address the long-term suffering of Palestinians and unequivocally siding with the occupier, the APA and AACAP have violated their own principles of impartiality and neutrality and exposed their lack of commitment to addressing the mental health needs of all people.

Unequal Lives

The statements by the world’s leading psychiatric associations neglect the historical context and cast a blind eye to the besieged population in Gaza, half of whom are children. They make no mention of the horrific bombardment of the tiny enclave or what many rights groups are now calling a genocide against Palestinians.

By the same token, the statements totally ignore the psychological impact and trauma of the occupation. Rights groups have documented the inhumane conditions for years, including reports by Physicians for Human Rights, Amnesty International and Save the Children, among others.

In its brutal campaign of collective punishment, Israel has cut off food, fuel, electricity, water and medical supplies, and in what is being described as a second Nakba, has displaced hundreds of thousands of Palestinians who were forced to flee their homes.

One-third of the more than 2,200 Palestinians killed and the nearly 9,000 injured so far in Gaza are children, yet their lives were apparently unworthy of mention by the AACAP.

Even in its half-hearted statement on the current “crisis” in Gaza, the AACAP cannot bring itself to “mourn” the children killed, expressing nothing more than a vague concern for potentially distressing “imagery” to which the children may potentially be exposed.

It is as though young teens were not forced to endure five Israeli wars on Gaza, with massive civilian death tolls, during the last decade and a half.

Beyond the horrific violence, Gaza has been depleted by a crippling 16-year blockade, described as an open-air prison with the highest population density. In the last few days, more than one million people have been ordered by Israel to leave their homes with nowhere to go.

It seems obvious that mental health professionals’ concerns should extend to all people equally. Who better than psychiatrists to understand the importance of freedom for human beings – for Palestinians and Israelis alike? Otherwise, the only explanation for such clear double standards is that the APA and AAPAC have adopted wholesale the official Israeli narrative and are unable to see Palestinians as humans.

Dangerous Propaganda

The statements further dehumanise Palestinians by ignoring their enduring mental health challenges and collective trauma, resulting from decades of oppression, ongoing violence, humiliation and injustice inflicted by the occupation.

The bombing of Palestinian schools, ambulances and hospitals – including the only psychiatric hospital in Gaza, which took place on Friday morning as I learned from its director and my colleague, Dr Abdullah Aljamal – is but one instance of these chronic harms.

Such statements from medical organisations, which are allegedly not a political lobby, further inflame public sentiment and reinforce dangerous propaganda supporting Israel’s genocidal actions towards Palestinians in Gaza. Instead, the APA and AACAP could have done better to confront the vicious lies spread by the US government and media, including the horrific, and since debunked, “beheaded babies” smear.

If these organisations were truly concerned for the well-being of civilians or children, they could have confronted the massive arsenal of US military aid to Israel, which assists Israel in implementing its murderous plans against Palestinians.

Hubristic Attitudes

The APA and AACAP would better serve the people of Israel by helping them to shed their hubristic attitudes and sense of entitlement. They could help stem future violence by recognising the legitimate struggle of Palestinians to live in freedom and dignity and recognise that wherever there is oppression, there will be resistance.

A more balanced and empathetic approach is essential, one that acknowledges the mental health struggles on both sides and advocates for a just and peaceful resolution for both peoples. A principled resolution must be based on human rights and international law.

Mental health as a fundamental human right was the theme of the latest World Mental Health Day on 10 October. Working towards global mental health demands a comprehensive and inclusive perspective that truly supports all those impacted by this longstanding and ongoing crisis.

Palestinian psychiatrists and mental health professionals call upon all colleagues, and health and mental health organisations globally, to uphold the ethics of our professional role and not be corrupted by political ideology.

We must push back against the APA and AAPAC and any other professional organisations that contribute to hateful and negative representations of the Palestinian people. Such dangerous statements make them accomplices of the oppression and killing of Palestinians.


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Dr Samah Jabr is a psychiatrist and the head of the Mental Health Unit at the Palestinian Ministry of Health.

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Papers Reviewed: 

2023 Jun – Steffens et al – “Testing persuasive messages about booster doses of COVID-19 vaccines on intention to vaccinate in Australian adults: A randomised controlled trial” 

  • Four propaganda messages were tested:
    • 1. Personal health benefits – booster gives you protection
    • 2. Community health benefits – booster reduces your risk of giving virus to your family, or people in the community who could get sick and die
    • 3. Non-Health Benefits – travel, go to weddings, see family and friends, getting a booster reduces chance that restrictions will return
    • 4. Personal agency – getting booster is a personal choice that give you control of your health and lets you protect people you care about.
    • “messages emphasizing non-health benefits of getting a COVID-19 booster dose, like travelling, enjoying family occasions like weddings, and seeing family and friends, may increase intention to vaccinate, especially in hesitant populations.”
    • “At the time, the Australian population had endured almost two years of public health restrictions, including lockdowns and international and domestic border closures. Being able to live more normally, free from restrictions, may have been top of mind, and hence what participants found the most persuasive.”
    • “messages emphasizing personal agency may have negative impacts, especially with hesitant individuals.”
    • “Hesitant individuals may have reacted negatively (psychological reactance) to suggestions about how they ought to behave, and what others approve or disapprove of regarding vaccination decisions”

2023 Apr – Kleitman et al – “The Psychology of COVID-19 Booster Hesitancy, Acceptance and Resistance in Australia” 

  • Latent Profile Analysis (LPA) identified three subgroups: Acceptant (61%), Hesitant (30%) and Resistant (9%).
  • Hesitant and Resistant groups were less worried about catching COVID-19, used fewer official sources of COVID-19 info, checked the news less, were lower on the agreeableness personality dimension and reported more conservatism, persecutory thinking, amoral attitudes and need for chaos.
  • Hesitant group (30%) also reported checking the legitimacy of information sources less, scored lower on the openness to new experiences personality dimension and were more likely than the Resistant and Acceptant groups to report regaining freedoms (e.g., travel) and work requirements or external pressures as reasons to get a booster
  • Resistant group (9%) were higher on reactance, held more conspiratorial beliefs and rated their culture as being less tolerant of deviance than the Hesitant and Acceptant groups

Vaccines 11 00907 g004

Vaccines 11 00907 g007

2023 Mar – Limbu et al – “Why Some People Are Hesitant to Receive COVID-19 Boosters: A Systematic Review”

  • COVID-19 Booster Vaccination Hesitancy Rate:
    • North America is highest at 41%
    • Europe 35%
    • Asia 28%
    • South America 28%
  • younger people more reluctant to take boosters
  • single or never married adults were more likely to be booster hesitant
  • research on education and men vs women is mixed
  • Compared to other occupations, health care workers, allied health professions, housewives, administrative staff & service workers were more likely to be booster hesitant.
  • Vaccine Adverse Events were the most frequently reported predictor of hesitancy
  • Reduced booster hesitancy: government mandates, booster recommendations from family or health care and community workers
  • Increased booster hesitancy: when social networks or social media served as an important info source, or other factors:
    • political messages discouraging boosters
    • belief in natural immunity
    • boosters are unnecessary
    • personal health is in God’s hands
    • COVID-19 is similar to seasonal flu
  • “interventions that can harness normative social influence should be powerful. For example, information campaigns that rely on recommendations from celebrities, political figures, or groups trusted by the target audience should be more effective at reducing hesitancy”
  • “Additionally, campaigns can explain how to overcome booster hesitancy among family and friends by providing information and strategies for effective normative influence on the booster hesitant from those close to them.”

2023 Jan – Fisher et al – “Impact of a physician recommendation on COVID-19 vaccination intent among vaccine hesitant individuals”

  • Physicians and other healthcare providers are the most trusted source of information about the COVID-19 vaccine
  • Recommendation from a physician has consistently been associated with higher rates of vaccine uptake for other vaccines such as the human papillomavirus (HPV) and influenza vaccines
  • strong recommendation from a physician or healthcare provider may be influential in increasing COVID-19 vaccine uptake and an important tool in fostering COVID-19 vaccine acceptance
  • A presumptive style recommendation (e.g., “you are due for a flu shot”) is associated with increased vaccine uptake compared with a participatory style recommendation (e.g., “are you interested in getting a flu shot?”)
  • Results: 33% became less hesitant following a doctor message
    • 39% “as safe as the flu shot” message was most effective in reducing hesitancy
    • 36% “I acknowledge your concerns, I’ve reviewed the studies” messag
    • 35% “protect others” message
    • 34% “I recommend that you get it”
    • 20% “What do you think?” message was least effective in reducing hesitancy
  • Conclusion: “Encouraging physicians to provide an explicit recommendation is a promising means of increasing COVID-19 vaccine uptake in the US”

2021 Dec – Erin James et al – “Persuasive messaging to increase COVID-19 vaccine uptake intentions” 

  • “Vaccination is both a self-interested and pro-social action – people protect themselves, but they also reduce chance of spreading disease to others”
  • “people view vaccination as a social contract and are less willing to cooperate with the unvaxxed
  • “highlighting the reputational costs of choosing not to vaccinate could be an effective strategy for increasing uptake”
  • appeals to herd immunity and the pro-social aspect of vaccination have been shown to increase uptake”
  • “messages that explain herd immunity increase willingness to receive a vaccine”
  • “effective public health messages would also increase people’s willingness to encourage those close to them to vaccinate and to hold negative judgments of those who do not vaccinate
  • “by encouraging those close to them to vaccinate, people are both promoting compliance with social norms and increasing their own level of protection”
  • by judging those who do not vaccinate more negatively, they apply social pressure to others to promote cooperative behavior.”
  • free riders should be punished or ostracized for their past actions, to encourage pro-social outcomes” (a FREE RIDER is an unvaxxed person who is getting a “free ride” by getting protection from herd immunity that was created by the vaccinated around them who did the right thing”)

The Experimental Propaganda Messages

  • baseline info = to end COVID-19 outbreak, must get jabbed, stops transmission, safe and effective, save millions of lives
  • self-interest = reduces your risk of getting sick and dying, or long term disability
  • community interest = reduces risk that members of your family and community could get sick and die (vaccination is a cooperative action to protect others)
  • community interest + guilt = how guilty would you feel if you didn’t jab and gave COVID to someone you care about? (invoke emotion)
  • community interest + embarrassment = how embarrassed and ashamed would you be if you didn’t jab and gave COVID to someone you care about? (emotion)
  • community interest + anger = how angry will you be if you didn’t jab and give COVID to someone you care about? (invoke emotion)
  • not bravery = military, doctors, firefighters risk their lives to serve others, that’s bravery. Not getting jabbed is reckless, you risk health of your family, friends and community. To get jabbed is to show strength. (reputation, social image concerns)
  • trust in science = unvaxxed are ignorant or confused about science, and you’ll show others how ignorant or confused you are (reputation, social image concerns)
  • personal freedom = unvaxxed increase risk we lose our freedoms or govt lockdowns will return. We all keep our freedom by getting jabbed.
  • economic freedom = unvaxxed increase risk of govt lockdowns returning, getting jabbed means we all keep our ability to work and earn a living.
  • community economic benefit = getting jabbed strengthens national economy

Most Effective Brainwashing Techniques 

  • to increase your willingness to jab: embarrassment, community, not bravery
  • Guilt and embarrassment were most effective to increase your willingness to advise a friend to vaccinate
  • Not bravery message was most effective to increase your negative judging of the unvaxxed.
  • women responded more to the Trust in Science and Embarrassment, than men
  • men responded more to the Not Bravery and Community Interest (without embarrassment) messages.
  • Democrats were most easily brainwashed and responded to all messages
  • Republicans appeared to react only to Community Interest, embarrassment
  • Those high in vaccine confidence responded to all messages (all types of brainwashing)
  • those low in confidence responded only to the Community Interest messages
  • CONCLUSION: Experiment findings support the “idea that vaccination is often treated as a social contract in which people are expected to vaccinate and those who do not are sanctioned”
  • “messages that invoked reputational concerns were successful at altering judgment of those who would free ride on the contributions of others”
  • propaganda must be tailored to target women differently than men

2021 Sep – Kachurka et al – “Persuasive Messages Will Not Increase COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptance” (Polish people reject propaganda)

  • 6000 Polish internet users were sampled
  • Propaganda Messages tested:
    • reputation of vaxx makers: they’re American Pfizer and German Biontech
    • efficiency: over 90%
    • safety: European Medicines Agency confirms they’re safe, mild side effects
    • others want it: 75% of people want to get jabbed as soon as possible
    • Science authority: scientists say it’s the only rational choice
    • vaccine passport convenience: vaxxed will be able to travel, not wear mask, not quarantine, will make everyday life easier
    • scarcity: not enough jabs for everyone
    • thoroughly tested: over 100,000 people were tested in clinical trials
    • Price (they show you one): jab is free, free and you get 15 Euro, costs 2 EUR, costs 15 EUR
  • RESULTS: 45% of respondents were unwilling to get vaccinated
    • none of the messages were effective in reducing this hesitancy
    • politically aligned left or center meant 60-80% were willing to get jabbed
    • politically right or “ultra-right” or “none” or “other” 30-50% were willing to get jabbed
    • up to 70% said they didn’t trust the government.

Authors suggest methods to increase vaccine uptake:

1. Focus on individual reasons – have their doctors try to convince them.

2. Turn those willing to be jabbed into “champions of the campaign” – through facebook stickers and physical stickers – and encourage them to talk to family and friends

3. Use reminders to ensure those who want to vaccinate actually follow through.

2021 Jun – Scott Ratzan et al – Missing the Point — How Primary Care Can Overcome Covid-19 Vaccine “Hesitancy”

  • Among unvaccinated patients, there is a spectrum of vaccine “hesitance,” ranging from being “vaccine ready” to “vaccine neutral” to “vaccine resistant
  • vaccine ready” – must have ready access to vaccine to get them vaccinated
  • “vaccine neutral” – may accept vaccination when seeking care for other problems, if vaccine is available and they get a “nudge” from a trusted clinician
  • “vaccine resistant” – they must have “regularly scheduled doctor visits” – family doctors have a “core responsibility” to make preventive services including vaccination available, and persuade patients.
  • Primary care clinicians and trusted health care organizations often have the working relationships with community leaders to create solutions that fit local needs and preferences.”
  • when boosters come, must put more focus on doctors, nurses, and community leaders who know how to create access, convey persuasive messages, and deliver care.

2021 Feb – Stacy Wood et al – “Beyond Politics — Promoting Covid-19 Vaccination in the United States”

  • Any successful marketing strategy will be multifaceted
  • “Consumer research and behavioral economics suggest 12 key strategies for an effective vaccine-promotion effort”
    • 1. Segment public by identity barriers – must tailor propaganda to various groups (some incorporate masks into self-image as symbol of community responsibility, others see wearing masks as cowardice or weakness)
    • 2. Find a common enemy – try to make the virus threat the common enemy
    • 3. Use analogy – “war against COVID”
    • 4. Increase observability – make vaccine status observable – vaxxed should wear tokens, bracelets, stickers, pins (like those given to voters), or “DIGITAL BADGES” – such as frames or banners for one’s social media profile photo – consumers’ ability to observe others’ choices can increase rate of adoption
    • 5. Leverage Vaccine Scarcity – frame early access to vaccines as a mark of honor or respect for people we want to protect (first responders, older Americans, medical staff, teachers, essential workers). First responders who are healthy – getting vaccine priority is a sign of respect awarded to them.
    • 6. Predict Negative Attributions – delays can be seen as govt incompetence, deployment in poor neighbourhoods can be seen as “experimentation” – must address these
    • 7. Prompt Anticipated Regret – push fear that someone you love will die from the illness, potential guilt of losing a family member, or guilt of getting Long COVID
    • 8. Avoid conveying piecemeal risk info – get bad info out there in one piece, instead of an ongoing trickle of information
    • 9. Promote compromise options – coffee shops use three serving sizes because consumer research shows it helps people make decisions – make vaccination a three option choice to avoid depicting jabs as the most extreme of two.
    • 10. Create FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) – employees can offer incentives like a day off, Universities can offer tickets to sports events or cultural events, tax benefits, insurance rebates, etc. Create “fear of missing out” on perks and benefits.
    • 11. Combat Uniqueness Neglect – many people believe they’re unique, so a once-size-fits-all option to mass vaccinate may not appeal to them – train medical professionals to identify these people, offer them unnecessary modifications to vaccine delivery (create “special treatment” to trick them into vaccination)
    • 12. Neutralize the Case versus Base-Rate Heuristic – people put more weight on anecdotes, especially on vaccine injury – force medical personnel to counter this with their own anecdotal stories (the pregnant woman who died because she didn’t get vaccinated, etc)

My Take…

I wish I had read this literature early on in the pandemic, to realize and understand how truly evil and psychopathic the COVID-19 Propaganda and the Psychological Warfare on the population was.

From the brainwashing techniques outlined here, some of my observations:

  • The appeal to “protect the community” was probably the most effective brainwashing technique – mainly to protect family, friends, the community, the healthcare system – they knew that this would pressure many vaccine hesitant to get the shots (especially concern about family members with medical conditions)
    • this worked even better then they attached an emotion to it
  • “The increased observability” was the most effective brainwashing technique to get people to adopt a brand new technology (LNP/mRNA), a technique that was used by Apple and its Ipod – and this was employed via “DIGITAL BADGES” on facebook that we now use to identify vaccine status of the thousands who are dying suddenly from COVID-19 Vaccine injuries.
    • This also involved “PHYSICAL BADGES” which were in the form of vaccine cards that people proudly photographed and displayed on social media
  • Finding a common enemy – went from a “novel Coronavirus” to the “pandemic of the unvaccinated” and this was tied in with:
    • judging negatively those who refused to be vaccinated, the “free riders” who benefited from the herd immunity created by the vaccinated
    • the unvaccinated once identified as “the common enemy” were punished and sanctioned by being excluded from society
    • the poor treatment of the unvaccinated undoubtedly forced some to get vaccinated to avoid such a fate
  • reputation concerns – doctors and scientists who did not conform to the Propaganda had their reputations smeared and destroyed and were made examples of by mainstream media to keep other doctors scared and sticking to the narrative, even at the cost of their or their own patients’ lives
    • Justin Trudeau created a smear campaign of the unvaccinated, calling them names such as “fringe minority” and claiming that they were racists and misogynists
    • thus “reputation destruction” was a strong brainwashing tool that probably forced some to get vaccinated
  • vaccine scarcity was leveraged as first responders were given “hero” status and were the first ones lined up to get the vaccines as a sign of honor and a reward
    • they were basically held up as examples for the rest of the population to follow
  • REWARDS – ability to travel, go to restaurants, go to stadiums, concerts, participate in physical activities and sports – that, for a time, were only given to the vaccinated as “rewards” for being “good citizens”
    • donuts, burgers & fries, ice cream for kids – predatory behavior
    • $100 incentive or entry into a million dollar lottery
  • PUNISHMENTS – vaccine mandates, employment termination, removal of unemployment benefits, decreased ability to travel, inability to find new employment, etc.
  • Fear of loss of freedoms – this was another major driving factor, people didn’t want to lose the freedom to travel, the freedom to enjoy life (restaurants, concerts, sports, stadiums), the freedom to take care of loved ones
    • this is now being contemplated as one of the key fear tactics in getting people to take COVID-19 boosters again.
    • people will be reminded of lockdowns and the message will be: “you don’t want us to bring lockdowns back, do you? Then get vaccinated
  • Brainwashing by a trusted doctor – this is currently seen as one of the few plausible avenues to bring the COVID-19 vaccine hesitant back into the fold and get them to start taking mRNA vaccines regularly again.
    • There will be huge pressure on doctors to get COVID-19 vaccine uptake up to 85% again
    • this will be tied to regular doctor visits, physicals, annual doctor visits, etc.

In the next part I will closely examine the DIGITAL BADGES that were used as propaganda to convince and pressure others into getting COVID-19 mRNA Vaccinated.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

Featured image is from COVID Intel

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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There is still no proof that Hamas militants beheaded 40 babies at an Israeli kibbutz last Saturday. There is no physical evidence, no forensic evidence, and no photographic evidence. Zilch. The entire story is based on the unverified claims of an “Israeli settler leader who incited riots to ‘wipe out’ Palestinian village.” (Max Blumenthal)

Naturally, one would expect that a professional journalist would question the credibility of a witness whose bias was so transparently obvious. But that is not the case with i24NEWS reporter Nicole Zedek who regurgitated what she had been told as if it were the Gospel Truth. In fact, Zedek still sticks by her story today despite the glaring lack of evidence and the testimony of a person who has a clear motive for distorting the truth. Here’s part of Zedek’s report from the kibbutz where the incidence is alleged to have taken place:

“David, it’s hard to even explain the mass casualties that happened right here, in fact, the Israeli military says they still don’t have a clear number. But I’m talking to some of the soldiers and they say that what they’ve witnessesd as they’ve been walking through these different houses and communities; babies, their heads cut off. That’s what they said.

“Families completely gunned down in their beds. You can see many of these soldiers right now, comforting each other… Many of them are reservists who jumped into action, leaving their own families behind as well, not knowing the sheer horror they were about to come to….They say they’ve never experienced anything like this. This is nothing anyone could have imagined….” @vtchakarova

It’s worth noting, that Zedek never saw any of the beheaded babies nor did she make any effort to see them. Nor did she record the testimony of any of the other soldiers or villagers who could have confirmed or denied that the beheading actually took place. Instead, we are expected to believe the dubious account of an Israeli extremist whose credibility is greatly in doubt.

But, the credibility of Zedek’s coverage is only half of the story. The other half involves the role of the mainstream media that eagerly picked up the story and republished it without making any effort to verify the allegations. As of Wednesday afternoon, there were more than twenty articles at Google News reiterating the gruesome details of the barbarous murder-spree that, in all likelihood, never happened. Here’s a sample of the headlines that appeared in Wednesday’s newsfeed:

As we have seen countless times before, facts don’t matter (to the media). What matters is whether a particular narrative advances the political agenda of elites.

Case in point: Check out this brief excerpt from a piece by the Daily Mail that gives a breathless account of an event that never took place:

Hamas terrorists massacred at least 40 babies and young children before beheading some of them and gunning down their families in a small kibbutz in Israel, horrified Israeli soldiers have claimed….

The bullet-riddled bodies of Israeli residents now lay in the grounds of the kibbutz among burned out houses, strewn furniture and torched cars. Solemn Israeli soldiers today went from house to house to take away the scores of people massacred there…..

Outside the destroyed homes, the soldiers told i24News correspondent Nicole Zedek how they saw the bodies of babies next to their cots, their heads chopped off, in a sign of the depraved acts committed by the terrorists since they attacked Israel on Saturday…..

‘You see the babies, the mothers, the fathers, in their bedrooms, in their protection rooms and how the terrorist kills them. It’s not a war, it’s not a battlefield. It’s a massacre, it’s a terror activity,’ said Israeli Major General Itai Veruv from the horrific scene. (Hamas terrorists ‘beheaded babies during kibbutz slaughter where 40 young children were killed’, Daily Mail

Once again, there is not a shred of evidence that the Daily Mail‘s account is in-any way accurate. There are no decapitated babies, which means that the emotional cornerstone upon which this version of events rests, is pure rubbish. And that suggests that there is an alternate motive for promoting the story. In other words, the author is compromising her credibility in order to dehumanize a group the Israeli government has marked for annihilation. Here’s more from an article at The Grayzone:

The Grayzone has now identified a key source of the claim that Palestinian militants beheaded Israeli babies. He is David Ben Zion, a Deputy Commander of Unit 71 of the Israeli army who also happens to be an extremist settler leader who incited violent riots against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank earlier this year.

In an October 10 interview with reporter Nicole Zedek of the Israeli state-sponsored i24 network, Ben Zion stated, “We walked door to door, we killed a lot of terrorists. They are very bad. They cut heads of children, they cut heads of women. But we are stronger than them.”

He added, “We know that they are animals,” referring to Palestinians, “but we found that they don’t have any heart.” The Grayzone

Blumenthal confirms that the overall credibility of the story should have been in doubt from the very beginning (if Zedek did her homework like she should have.) Here’s a 15 second clip of Mr. Zion who is the source of the decapitation fiction:

According to the Grayzone:

Zedek’s report has been viewed tens of millions of times on Twitter and promoted by Israel’s Foreign Ministry – which underwrites her network.

…. the unverified tale quickly made its way to the highest levels of leadership, as if by design. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s spokesman stated unequivocally that babies and toddlers were found with their “heads decapitated,” while President Joe Biden himself vaguely gestured towards “stomach-churning reports of babies being killed.The Grayzone

To their credit, the Israeli military refused to confirm the story which suggests that they didn’t want the reputational damage of affixing their name to fake news. But if the IDF knew it was baloney, then Zedek must have known as well, which means she must have had an ulterior motive for her actions. But what would that be?

The logical conclusion is that Zedek was deliberately spreading lies in order to fuel the hatred that is clearing the way to a massive ethnic cleansing operation that could be just days away. Take a look at this excerpt from an article at Middle East News:

Israeli newspaper Haaretz previously reported that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who was indicted on several corruption charges, has leveraged the issuance of a broadcasting license to i24 in exchange for favorable coverage.

The channel — which broadcasts in English, Spanish, French, and Arabic — is known for making unfounded claims on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

British-Iraqi activist Kareem Dennis of MintPress News, an independent US-based watchdog journalism organization, claimed that i24 “has employed at least 35 veterans of the Israeli occupation forces as staff.”

He then went on to list various names and their ties to the Israeli military.

Channa Rifkin is an i24News correspondent who transitioned from the channel’s Social Media editor to the Israeli military, then returned to work for i24News.”

David Matlin, the host of a daily flagship show on i24News, is a former Israeli military sergeant and the regional director for Israel lobby group AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee).” Matlin is also a founding member of the channel.

Eyal Pinko, who was the head of intelligence in the Israeli Navy before becoming the head of division in the Israeli prime minister’s office, is another correspondent for the channel,” Dennis said in the X thread.

He also mentioned Daniel Tsemach, a former i24 journalist who joined the channel after serving as a social media manager for the Israeli military. Tsemach recently left his position at i24 to join Israel’s state-owned defense company, Rafael.” Middle East News

Got that? So, the news organization that produced the “beheaded babies” story is comprised of ex-military, ex-Intelligence, ex-social media proles and the regional director for Israel lobby group AIPAC; all of them assisting in the task of obliterating Gaza and pushing 2 million Palestinians into Egypt. Is that the Endgame?

It is. And in order to execute such a savage attack, the Palestinians must be viciously demonized and dehumanized so the perpetrators can feel morally justified in flattening their cities and killing their children. Regrettably, Zedek’s report helps to achieve that ghastly objective.


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This article was originally published on The Unz Review.

Michael Whitney is a renowned geopolitical and social analyst based in Washington State. He initiated his career as an independent citizen-journalist in 2002 with a commitment to honest journalism, social justice and World peace.

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). 

All images in this article are from TUR

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Israel’s brutal, oppressive regime calls on over 1 million Palestinians in the open-air prison of Gaza to walk to the Egyptian border in the South to increase the pressure on Egypt to open up its border crossing to get rid of another 1 million Palestinians. They will never return to the Gaza Strip if they are in Egypt. Israel will never allow one so-called refugee to return to their homeland, although most of these people have been ethnically cleansed by the Zionist regime in 1948.

Their land is in historic Palestine which Zionist settler colonialists have conquered. There are voices in Israel calling  “to finish the job,” which means that the ethnic cleansing of 1948 hasn’t been completed. Now, it’s time to get the job done.

Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu compared the attack on Israel by “Hamas freedom fighters” to Pearl Harbor, which is historically not only totally off the mark but also intended towards the Biden regime to give Israel carte blanche in crushing the Palestinians’ freedom and independence fight forever.

So far, Israel has killed over 2200 Palestinians during its bombing raids, basically civilians and many children. None of the representatives of the so-called “value West” had the guts to condemn Israel’s rampage or call for restraint. The Netanyahu regime acts like a colonial power gone wild.

CODEPINK asks its supporters to intervene on Capitol Hill to call for an immediate ceasefire. The Zionist regime ordered the Palestinians to evacuate their healthcare facilities. This order is a “death sentence” for the patients. Instead of sending deadly weaponry to the Apartheid and occupation regime in Israel, the US should force Israel to behave like a “civilized” nation.

Israel’s defense minister Yoav Gallant called the Palestinians “human animals”; however, Israel’s former UN ambassador Danny Danon doubled down on BBC’s “HARDtalk” calling the Palestinians “barbaric animals”. Interviewer Steven Sucker didn’t object to this blatant racism and Nazi terminology. 

Every sacrifice is one too many, and the attack on civilians by Hamas can’t be justified, but also, can’t the deaths of civilians by Israel through the most sophisticated US weaponry be legitimized?

The US has also blood on its hands because they have been arming the Zionist regime to its teeth. Also, the European Union, especially Germany, is guilty of delivering submarines to Israel, partly as a gift, which can be equipped with nuclear weapons, of which Israel has over 200 warheads. Chancellor Olaf Scholz and his Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock are supporting the Netanyahu regime unconditionally.

However, Germany’s lesson from the horrific Holocaust and role in international relations should instead be a moderator and admonisher and not a supplier of deadly weaponry for an occupation regime that has been suppressing the Palestinian people since it came into existence. 

Under the government of Scholz/Baerbock/Habeck/Lindner, Germany has lost its moral compass. It supports the Nazi regime in Ukraine unconditionally to the detriment of the people in Germany and gives Israel a blank check for the destruction of the Gaza Strip. It appears that Germany hasn’t learned the proper lessons from the Holocaust.

The lesson for any decent people should be to resist and repudiate the endless propaganda by Western media outlets. The people should know well what happened since 9/11. US Secretary of State Colin Powell lied to the UN about the fake nuclear weapons of Iraq, which led to millions of deaths.

When US President George W. Bush declared the so-called “war on terror,” Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Syria and Yemen became chaotic. Resistance to the brainwashing of the public and the fight against the war-mongering propaganda by Western media should be a top priority.


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A New Nakba Is Coming? Netanyahu and the Greater Israel

October 16th, 2023 by Germán Gorraiz López

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The foundations of the greater Near East were laid in the Quincey Pact (1945) following the doctrine of the 1916 Sykes-Picot Franco-British Accords that favoured the regional division of power into zones of influence and supported by the US-Egypt-Saudi tripod. This doctrine consisted in the endemic survival in Egypt of pro-Western autocratic military governments, which ensured the survival of the State of Israel (1948) and provided the US Navy with privileged access to the Suez Canal, crucial shortcut for direct access to the Arab Emirates, Iraq and Afghanistan, remaining a firm bastion of US geopolitical interests. in the area, especially after the fall of the Shah of Persia in 1980.

The other pillar of the agreement was US privileged access of oil from Saudi Arabia in exchange for preserving its autocratic regime and promoting the spread of Wahhabism (doctrine founded by Mohamed Abdel Wahab in the mid-18th century with the aim of becoming an attractive vision of Islam and exportable to the rest of Arab countries), with which the Saudi theocracy became a regional power providing the US the key to energy control while serving as a retaining wall for socialist and pan-Arabist currents. Finally, after the Six Day War (1967), the geostrategic puzzle of the Middle East was completed with the establishment of autocratic and pro-Western regimes in the countries surrounding Israel (Libya, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Iran), with Palestinians confined to the ghettos of the West Bank and Gaza.

Netanyahu and the Greater Israel 

Netanyahu reaffirmed “the right of the Jewish people to build in Jerusalem”, (which would be translated according to the television channel Arutz 2 in the construction of 1,400 new homes in Ramat Shlomo, Jewish quarter of East Jerusalem located beyond the so-called Green Line) even the Palestinians know that these places will be under Israeli sovereignty under any kind of arrangement.

Consequently, the Netanyahu Government aspires to resurrect the endemism of Greater Israel (Eretz Israel), an entity that would try to unite the antithetical concepts of the atavism of Greater Israel (Eretz Israel) and that would have as main champion Isaac Shamir defending that “Judea and Samaria (biblical terms of the present West Bank) are an integral part of the land of Israel.” They have not been captured and will not be returned to anyone, “a doctrine on which the current postulates of the Likud party led by Netanyahu would be based,” which aspires to make Jerusalem the “indivisible capital of the new Israel” after the invasion of its eastern part after the Six Day War (1967), a thesis reinforced by the announcement of the Trump Administration to move the American Embassy to Jerusalem, which marked the first milestone on the Greater Israel road map.

A New Nakba Plans on Palestine?

The former president of Egypt, Hosni Mubarak, (overthrown for his refusal to install American bases on Egyptian soil), revealed in an interview with the Egyptian newspaper El-Fagr the existence of the alleged plan to divide the entire Middle East region, consisting in the establishment of the aforementioned “constructive chaos” through the successive destruction of the autocratic regimes of Iraq, Libya, Sudan, Syria and Iran and reserving for Jordan the role of “new homeland of the Palestinian people”, for which the U.S. would use Takfiri groups.

Such a process of balkanization of the area would have its embodiment in countries such as Iraq (turned into a failed state and bled to death by Shiite, Sunni and Kurdish fronts), in the endemic Palestinian division between the Hamas and PLO factions; in the prevailing anarchy in Libya with Salafist Wahhabism established in Tripoli while takfiri groups (al-Qaeda satellites) tribal dominate the interior of Libya and in the application of Sunni jihad against the secular regime of al-Assad and its Shiite allies, Iran and Hezbollah that by mimetic effect would have already turned Lebanon into a country divided and ready to be fagocited by Israel, leaving the Shiite regime of the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei as the only area still impervious to the Balkanization strategy of Brzezinski.

However, after the approval of the US Congress and Senate of a statement prepared by Republican Senator Lindsey Graham and Democrat Robert Menéndez that states emphatically that “if Israel is forced to defend itself and take action (against Iran), USA will be at his side to support him militarily and diplomatically”, we will witness the increase of pressure from the pro-Israeli lobby of the U.S. ( AIPAC) to proceed with the destabilization of Iran by expedited methods.

This war will be a new local episode that would be framed in the return to the recurrent endemism of the US-Russia Cold War and will involve both superpowers having as necessary collaborations with regional powers (Israel, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Iran) encompassing the geographical space extending from the Mediterranean arc (Libya, Syria and Lebanon) to Yemen and Somalia and whose outcome could have as side effects the design of a new cartography favorable to the geopolitical interests of the US, Britain and Israel with the implementation of Great Israel (“Eretz Israel”).

This would entail the restoration of the Balfour Declaration (1917), which drew a State of Israel with a vast extension of about 46,000 square miles and extending from the Mediterranean east of the Euphrates to Syria, Lebanon, north-eastern Iraq , northern part of Saudi Arabia, the coastal strip of the Red Sea and the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt and Jordan, which would be renamed Palesjordán after being forced to host the entire Palestinian population of the current West Bank and Gaza forced into a massive diaspora (new nakba).


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Germán Gorraiz Lopez is a political analyst. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: ETHNIC CLEANSING: Palestinian refugees in 1948 (Photo: Public Domain)

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July 15, 2023 (above) – Tarpon Springs, FL – Tarpon Springs Police Department Major Michael MIke Trill died on July 15, 2023 after suffering medical emergency at home. 

Aug.30, 2023 – Campania, Italy – 53 year old Judo Master Vittorio Raia, died suddenly on August 30, 2023. He was also a police officer.

Aug. 25, 2023 – Saskatoon, SK – 37 year old Christopher Sedgewick police officer died suddenly on August 25, 2023. He leaves behind two small kids.

Aug. 22, 2023 – New Zealand – 36 year old Police Constable Mark Arthur Simonsen died suddenly on August 22, 2023. “Sudden passing” Cause of death unknown.

Aug. 22, 2023 – Chicago, IL – 49 year old Michael Spanos, Rolling Meadows police commander died suddenly on Aug. 22, 2023 from cancer.

Aug. 20, 2023 – Clackamas, OR – Clackamas County Sheriff’s Office Detective Jeff Burlew died suddenly on August 20, 2023 after “battling a sudden illness.”

Aug. 18, 2023 – Seguin, TX – 51 year old Police Officer Clay Brandon Carter died suddenly Aug. 18, 2023 “Natural causes at his home.”

Aug. 14, 2023 – Lakewood Colorado Police Department officer Fred Saforo died at age 26 after “brave battle with an illness.”

Aug. 11, 2023 – 46 year old New Zealand Police Officer Jamie Harvie Ure died unexpectedly on August 11, 2023.

Aug. 10, 2023 – Battle Ground, WA – 54 year old Battle Ground Police Department Sergeant Richard Kelly died in the line of duty on Aug.10, 2023 after suffering a medical emergency.

Aug. 10, 2023 – UK – 42 year old Sam Young, a Met Police Officer, died suddenly at home on Aug. 10, 2023.

Aug. 8, 2023 – Plainfield, IN – 49 year old Indiana Deputy Sheriff Timothy J. Guyer suffered a heart attack after completing mandatory physical training at the Indiana Law Enforcement Academy.

Aug. 6, 2023 – Starke, FL – 16 year old Laci Laycock died suddenly on Aug. 6, 2022. She was a Bradford County Sheriff’s Office Sergeant in their Explorer Program. She was being treated for inflammation in her spine, was about to go home but collapsed and died.

Aug. 4, 2023 – Carroll County, VA – 37 year old Deputy Sheriff Todd Gwynn suffered a medical emergency and died suddenly at his home on August 4, 2023 “Paramedics worked diligently to revive Deputy Gwynn but were unsuccessful.”

Aug. 4, 2023 – Bradford, PA – 62 year old Bradford Township Police Lieutenant Jeffrey Shade suffered a massive heart attack at 2am at the station while on duty He died on August 4, 2023.

Aug. 3, 2023 – Citrus Heights, CA – 40s year old Police Officer Katie Vryheid, a mother of 4 died unexpectedly due to a “medical issue off duty.”

Aug. 2, 2023 – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil – 34 year old police officer Renan da Silva Tonetto, died suddenly on Aug. 2, 2023 while playing in a local soccer match in Vila Velha.

Click here to read the full article.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

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The latest Israel-Hamas conflict was either deliberately engineered or it was the result of a remarkable concatenation of security lapses. Current affairs commentator Efrat Fenigson, a former Israel Defence Force (IDF) reservist, was among the first to concisely unpack the sheer improbability of a Hamas sneak attack on an ultra-secure Israeli border complex.

While many commentators focused on the panoply of sensors and other safeguards along the Israel-Gaza border, there was also an aerospatial security dimension involved here.

The Gaza strip is monitored 24/7/365 by an array of Israeli satellites, drones and military balloons. Multiple redundancies are inbuilt into the Israeli border security infrastructure to ensure that failure in one system will be compensated by the operational continuity of another.

And let us not forget the sheer number of informers and other HUMINT (human intelligence) assets in Gaza and the entire Islamic world. In fact, a senior Hamas operative was outed as an Israeli intelligence operative just a few weeks before the terrorist organisation “surprised the world” with its “daring” cross-border assault.

Hamas was in fact created by the Israeli intelligence community to divide the Palestinian liberation movement. As an Israeli blogger, echoing numerous leaks from the global intelligence community, noted:

“Due to the short sidedness of the Rabin administration and later Begin there was an idea to bring about a branch of the Muslim Brotherhood into Gaza and the Palestinian territories to counter balance the strength and popularity of the PLO.”

Have the Israeli-hatched chickens finally come home to roost in Gaza? Or was this just another false flag? 

Egyptian intelligence services had forewarned the Israeli government of an impending Hamas terror attack but the warnings were apparently ignored. Instead, according to the mainstream narrative, Hamas had planned these attacks under the cloak of complete stealth. This included extensive weapons training, including the mastering of motorised paragliders, in the open space of Gaza. Now, if you believe that, you will believe anything!

As the death tolls rolled, so did the time-tested trope of “dead babies” on either side. This ruse worked in WW1 when British intelligence blamed German “Huns” of impaling Belgian babies. It worked decades later when a fictitious Nurse Nayirah reeled off an equally fictitious tear-jerking testimony before members of the US Congress. Her testimony supposedly clinched the course of the first Gulf War. Claims of babies being killed in hideous fashions always take a life of their own, pardon the pun. Remember the time when US President Donald Trump launched a missile attack on Syria after he pinned an ISIS-perpetrated chemical weapons attack on the Damascus government? Trump, who was staunchly anti-interventionist during his first presidential run, allegedly had a Damascene experience when his daughter plucked images of dead “beautiful babies” out of some rear orifice.  

In the matter of infanticidal culpability, I had posed a very simple question on “So, who killed more Israeli children during the past 2+ years – the Israeli Government or Hamas?” You can see the feedback for yourselves. 

Dissident Israeli medical experts, who once repeatedly condemned their government for endangering lives via untested Covid-19 vaccines, are now rallying behind the same regime that had supposedly perpetrated the “New Holocaust.” As for the correlation between vaccines and the mortality surge in Israel (and other hyper-vaccinated nations), take a gander at this simple statistical juxtaposition. 

Here is another chart if you are still unconvinced over the real-world consequences of the Covid-19 vaccines and similar ones in the pipeline. 

By the way, if you are still worried about Covid-19 or any other pandemic, do not fret. All viral variants are magically on furlough until the dust settles in Gaza, if it ever does. You cannot have too many global crises at the same time – not until the Global Soviet (aka Global Oligarchy) perfects its depopulation blueprint down to the finest detail. 

Malaise of the Islamic World

Before gaming out the ramifications of this latest crisis, it is important to note another kind of pandemic in the Islamic world, namely their inability to provide fundamental basic security (i.e. food to medicine to quality education) to their citizens. For example, nearly 85% of halal foods consumed by 1.8 billion Muslims worldwide – representing nearly 25% of the global population – are generated from non-Muslim nations such as Brazil, India, United States, Russia, Argentina, Australia and New Zealand.  

Even as the Islamic world cannot adequately feed itself, it gets easily deluded by Western “scientific” projections over its supposed ability to lead global innovation. One can witness this paradox whenever World Economic Forum (WEF) chairman Klaus Schwab peddles techno-fantasies before Arab movers and shakers while his top ideologue Yuval Noah Harari – an Israeli Sodomite no less – promotes the global depopulation agenda before a more intelligent audience. And when I mention “movers and shakers”, I mean Muslim leaders and influencers who are routinely moved and shaken like tawdry marionettes in a macabre globalist pantomime. The Islamic world should collectively look itself in the mirror and answer this most unpalatable of questions: If all 1.8 billion of them were to be magically teleported to Mars overnight, would the world really be missing them? The biggest problem with the Islamic world is its self-destructive tendency to shoot informed messengers when it is not throttling native ideas, innovation and talent. How many Muslims have won the Nobel prize in the physical and biological sciences over the past 120-odd years? 

Warning Muslim leaders of the manifold perils ahead is a thankless task. History offers plentiful anecdotal examples. When the former prime minister of Egypt, Ismail (Ahmed) Sidky Pasha, casted doubts on the readiness of Cairo’s military on the eve of the 1948 Arab-Israeli war, he was summarily dismissed with the scornful nickname of “El Yahud” (The Jew). The delusion of invincibility and the perennial lack of long-term foresight is an intractable malaise in the Islamic world. Coupled with rampant corruption, nepotism, religious fundamentalism and systematic discrimination against industrious minorities, the fate of 1.8 billion people falls within Harari description – and more ominously his prescription – of “useless eaters”. 

Temple of the Great Reset 

If the current conflict escalates beyond the point of no return, the Temple Mount, which hosts the Dome of the Rock and the Al Aqsa mosque – Islam’s third-most holiest site – might be destroyed amidst the fog of war. It is no secret that Israel intends to replace the Islamic structures with a Third Jewish temple. Every brick needed for its construction and every ceremonial vessel needed for its “consecration”, has supposedly been readied by the Temple Institute of Jerusalem. 

The destruction of the Islamic structures might be conveniently blamed on Iran or its Lebanese proxy Hezbollah in a pathetic attempt to create a Sunni-Shia fratricide. But if the internecine ruse fails, and Muslims instead revolt against their leaders, Disease X can be magically introduced to lock down societies. If so, expect a mega-sequel to the “Wuhan flops” which had its world premiere in early 2020. 

The Third Temple, or the Temple of the Great Reset as I sometimes call it, has the ardent backing of segments of “political Christianity” aka Mystery Babylon. Scriptures which clearly establish the consecrated physical body to be the true temple of God means nothing to this warmongering lot. Any other entity that substitutes or vitiates this personal connection with the Divine would be the proverbial “abomination that causes desolation” (Daniel 9:27; Matthew 24:15–16). 

Cascade of Global Chaos

Even if the present conflict in Gaza is somehow dialled down, new sets of risks are mushrooming across global systems. On the geopolitical front, expect tensions to escalate along the Korean peninsula, Taiwan Straits and Ukraine. One long-anticipated global risk is the possible sinking of an ultra large vessel along the Straits of Hormuz, the Straits of Malacca or the Suez canal in order to disrupt global shipping and supply chains. The global financial system, in the meantime, has crossed the point of no return. This is why the global oligarchy needs a manufactured systemic crisis soon. 

While the Islamic world has been briefly reanimated by the recent chaos in Gaza, it no longer holds any trump cards up its sleeves. Apart from oil and other natural resources, this religious-geopolitical compact does not generate anything irreproducible. Its substantial revenue flows have perennially enriched a tiny elite; whatever remains end up subsidising fuel, food and other essential items for its restive populations. The Arab Spring of 2010-2012 revealed how quickly this parasitic model can unravel. Globalist-dictated Covid-19 policies have also left giant deficits in the healthcare coffers of the Islamic world. Any attempt to blackmail the world a la the Arab Oil Embargo of 1973 will only backfire as major powers have since built up vast strategic petroleum reserves.

Furthermore, oil embargoes will only play into the hands of the globalist oligarchy. 15-minute city enclaves might be made mandatory worldwide in order to conserve fuel. Digital IDs may be made mandatory in order to ration food and other essential items. Massive pro-Palestinian protests in Western cities, and jihadi false flags orchestrated by Western intelligence agencies, will serve as the perfect pretext to introduce martial law and wholesale suspension of civil liberties. Western police forces which looked the other way during the farcical Black Lives Matter (BLM) riots are now actively clamping down on pro-Palestinian protestors. There is a good reason why the West adopted an open door policy for illegal military-aged male immigrants from the Third World.

Whatever happens in the next few weeks or months, make no mistake: Our perishing world is marching in lockstep with the WEF’s Great Reset. 


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Dr Mathew Maavak’s research interests include systems science, global risks, geopolitics, foresight and governance. Follow him on Twitter @MathewMaavak or read his latest articles here: 

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: Members of the Hamas al-Qassam Brigade at an event marking the anniversary of Israel’s 2014 war on Gaza (EPA-EFE/Mohammed Saber via Euractiv)

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Last Saturday, the world looked on as the Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Hamas movement, launched Operation Al-Asqa Flood, the largest military incursion into the state of Israel since the 1973 October War, the 50thanniversary of which had occurred just one day beforehand.

Though lauded by many as a legitimate military response to the Israeli occupation, many could also not help but wonder at how Israel, an entity possessing state of the art surveillance equipment and which receives annual funding from the United States to the tune of billions of dollars, could seemingly be ‘taken by surprise’ by militant Palestinian groups to such a devastating extent.

Suspicions were further aroused when it emerged that Universal Paralello, the electronic music event held on the border of Gaza and which has been the focus of global media attention following the Palestinian incursion, had only changed its location two days beforehand following the falling through of a site in southern Israel near the Egyptian border. The idea that there were no serious insurance or security concerns over the holding of a music festival on the border of a location where violent clashes between the Al-Quds Brigades and Israeli Forces had taken place only last Summer, is simply unfathomable.

Less than 48 hours following the commencement of Operation Al-Asqa Flood, the Associated Press also carried a report citing an unnamed Egyptian intelligence official who had claimed that Cairo had repeatedly warned Tel Aviv that an escalation was imminent, warnings that seemingly went unheeded. Two separate reports on Friday, one from the New York Times and one from CNN, both outlining warnings given by US intelligence officials to Israel in the days prior to the attacks that Hamas was preparing a large-scale operation, appear to corroborate the idea that Israel had foreknowledge of what was about to take place.

The first question that comes to mind, is to what benefit it would it be to the Israelis to allow such a devastating attack to occur?

Saving the political career of Benjamin Netanyahu, currently mired in a corruption scandal, would be a theory that appears to not have any grounding, with opinion polls following Al-Asqa Flood appearing to indicate that the exact opposite will occur.

Using the Al-Asqa operation as a pretext to carry out ethnic cleansing of Gaza, appears to have strong evidence to back it up, with Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant announcing a complete siege of Gaza following the attacks, cutting off food, water and electricity supplies to the besieged strip, and describing enemy combatants as ‘human animals’; language and behaviour that couldn’t be described as anything less than genocidal.

Indeed, such a scenario was envisaged by hardline Israeli Minister Orit Strock in March of this year, a move that Strock herself admitted would ‘involve many casualties.’

Another theory put forward is that Al-Asqa Flood and the ensuing Israeli onslaught on Gaza will ultimately be used as the catalyst for a wider war with Israel’s arch-rival Iran, a long-time opponent of the Zionist state since the 1979 Islamic Revolution saw Ayatollah Khomeini come to power.

Indeed, in a move which drew little attention amongst the media coverage of the current hostilities, Israeli airstrikes were launched against Damascus and Aleppo airports on Thursday; Syria being a key regional ally of Iran, with Tehran and Hezbollah coming to the Arab Republic’s aid in countering the US-led regime change operation launched against it more than a decade ago, in which Israel itself played a key role.

Despite the extensive military capabilities of the Zionist state however, Israel would undoubtedly face a challenging situation in a direct military confrontation with Iran, Syria and Hezbollah. With a distance of more than 1,000km between Israel and Iran, launching air strikes against the Islamic Republic, and having to travel through the hostile skies of Syria and Iraq to do so, would prove next to impossible without the assistance of the United States and its allies, which leads to a grim possibility – a deliberately provoked or staged attack on American forces, intended to galvanise US support for entry into what could quickly become a global conflict.

Indeed, a historical precedent exists for such a scenario.

Following the outbreak of the second world war in 1939, France was overwhelmed by Germany in the space of nine months, leaving Britain isolated and in a perilous situation. In the United States however, no popular support for entry into what was widely seen as a European civil war existed, especially coming only two decades after WWI.

This would change radically however on the 7th of December 1941, when Imperial Japanese Forces, in response to a trade embargo imposed by the United States, launched a devastating attack on the US Naval base in Pearl Harbour, Hawaii. Washington would officially declare its entry into the conflict the following day.

Strong evidence would later emerge that, similar to last Saturday’s ‘surprise’ attacks on the Israeli state, both British and US intelligence officials at the time were aware that an attack on the US Pacific Fleet was imminent.

Now, with the provocative deployment of US and British Naval Destroyers to the Mediterranean amidst the current hostilities, the recent build-up of US Forces in the Persian Gulf, and Israel’s history of involvement in false flag operations intended to incite a US military response, from the USS Liberty to 9/11, it appears that the stage is now being set for a deliberately provoked or staged attack on US Forces in the region in order to draw Washington into a wider conflict with Iran, and the catastrophic consequences that will follow.


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Gavin O’Reilly is an activist from Dublin, Ireland, with a strong interest in the effects of British and US Imperialism. Secretary of the Dublin Anti-Internment Committee, a campaign group set up to raise awareness of Irish Republican political prisoners in British and 26 County jails. His work has previously appeared on American Herald Tribune, The Duran, Al-Masdar and MintPress News. He is a regular contributor to Global Research. Support him on Patreon. 

Featured image: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivers a speech on Iran’s nuclear programme at the defence ministry in Tel Aviv on 30 April 2018 (Source: Middle East Eye)

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“More bitterness. More hatred. More problems come down the road.”

In July 2023, I spoke in Parliament after the Israeli Defence Force conducted their largest military operation on the West Bank since 2002. Their target was Jenin refugee camp, home to more than 14,000 people, living in less than half a square kilometre in size. In a space this densely populated, there is no such thing as targeted strikes. 12 Palestinians were killed, including 5 children, and more than 100 were injured. I pleaded with MPs on both sides of the House to consider not just the immediate human cost of this attack, but the chain reaction of misery and terror that it would unleash.

On Saturday, hundreds of innocent people in southern Israel were brutally murdered in a horrifying attack by Hamas. Dozens were taken hostage. Today, and for the rest of their lives, families across Israel will be mourning their loved ones, who were gunned down in a heinous massacre. The fear they must have felt is unthinkable. So too, is the pain and trauma that has been left behind.

In response, the Israeli government have obliterated entire neighbourhoods in Gaza. They have cut off the supply of food, water, electricity in gas. They have targeted hospitals, destroyed ambulances and damaged nurseries. And they have bombed the Rafah crossing, destroying the only means of escape. Trapped in an open-air prison, the Palestinian people have nowhere to go, nowhere to run and nowhere to hide.

The horror of all loss of life, young people in Negev and now the bombing of Gaza must be in the forefront of our minds. I utterly condemn the attacks on civilians, Israeli and Palestinian. And I plead with politicians across the globe to do all they can to stop any further loss of human life. Our political leaders surely must understand that, without a serious political intervention, one tragedy will follow another, and a cycle of despair will go on and on. In the immediate aftermath of horror, we need voices for peace and de-escalation. Instead, inconceivably, both major political parties continue to give the green light to an unfolding humanitarian catastrophe.

Both the Foreign Secretary and Shadow Foreign Secretary have reiterated their support for Israel’s “right to defend itself”, yet consistently fail to offer sufficient specificity about what this means, let alone how it should be exercised within the boundaries of international law. Although, yesterday, the leader of the Labour Party offered some clarity.

In an interview with LBC, Keir Starmer was asked whether “cutting off power and water” to 2 million people, half of whom are children, was appropriate. He agreed that Israel “has that right”. Where is the empathy for Palestinians who have lost their loved ones, their homes and their futures? What happened to the universal application of international law?

We may be witnessing the beginning of the total annihilation of Gaza and its people. This is not a battle between one state and another. It is couched as an Israeli response to a non-state actor, but in fact it is a response to Palestinian people wherever they are. What is unfolding is not a conflict of equals, but the systematic starvation, subjugation and destruction of an unarmed civilian population.

I wonder, if Gaza is wiped off the face of the earth, whether our politicians will look back and reflect on the reality of their unwavering support. If they had any integrity, they would mourn the innocent Palestinian lives that have been erased in the name of self-defence. They should be ashamed of their cowardice, knowing that others will pay the price for the war crimes they refuse to oppose.

We should condemn the targeting of all civilian life, no matter who does it. That this is apparently controversial is testament to the depravity of a media and political class that shuts down, distorts and denounces calls for peace. The heinous attacks on civilians in Israel by Hamas were utterly deplorable.

This cannot justify the indiscriminate killing of Palestinians, who are paying a price for a crime they did not commit. All human life is equal. Why is it so difficult for our politicians to be consistent in this basic moral principle?

This is the question that many people in this country are asking when they express solidarity with the Palestinian people. They are not expressing support for Hamas. To deliberately conflate the two is a disgusting, cynical and chilling attempt to further erode our democratic rights, and wilfully ignores a very basic demand: to stop the killing of innocent people.

The global community has a responsibility to de-escalate this catastrophic situation. That means calling for an immediate ceasefire. That means the release of Israeli hostages. That means ending the siege of Gaza. And that means recognising the underlying roots of this tragic cycle of violence: the enduring occupation of the Palestinian people.

As well as the occupation of Gaza, there are more than 140 official settlements in the West Bank, a reality that Amnesty, Human Rights Watch, B’Tselem and the UN have said constitutes a system of apartheid. The only path to a just and lasting peace is an end to the occupation. Until this is achieved, we will continue to mourn the tragic loss of life, Israeli and Palestinian.

“Gaza has casualties…mothers who cry… let’s use this emotion, we are two nations from one father, let’s make peace, a real peace.”

Those were the words of an Israeli father whose daughter had been so cruelly taken hostage by Hamas. I cannot fathom the agony he must be feeling. Yet in the depths of unimaginable darkness, he found the courage to call for peace. Why can’t we?


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Jeremy Corbyn is the member of parliament for Islington North.

Featured image: Gaza Strip during the Israel–Hamas war, 10 October 2023 (Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0)

Militarism Will Inevitably Lead America into Bankruptcy

October 16th, 2023 by Drago Bosnic

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The United States likes to boast about its much-touted industrial might and how it’s still “the world’s largest and most advanced economy.” Indeed, Washington DC holds several absolute world records when it comes to the economy. Namely, it has the highest national debt in the history of mankind, incurred by going all over the world, burning, pillaging, murdering and generally destroying the lives of hundreds of millions. Back in mid-September, the US national debt topped $33 trillion for the first time. Worse yet, by October 12 (just a bit more than 20 days later) it already grew another $520 billion. In August, it was estimated that the US budget deficit will be $1.7 trillion by year’s end, although experts now believe it’s extremely likely to go past that and reach around $2 trillion. If true, this means the deficit will grow by over 40% in comparison to last year when it stood at around $1.4 trillion.

The US debt-to-GDP ratio is nearly 130%, but Washington DC keeps raising the debt ceiling. Namely, in January 2023, the belligerent thalassocracy hit its debt limit and by June 2023, it was forced to suspend it to avoid default. We all remember last year and how the political West kept patting itself on the back for effectively stealing hundreds of billions in Russian foreign reserves and denying Moscow the ability to service its debt. The mainstream propaganda was maliciously overjoyed with the prospect of Russia’s artificially induced default. And yet, this never happened, while the US is the one that found itself in a near-default situation. What’s more, the only way to avoid it was to use a perpetual “cheat code” that simply enables it to incur more debt. A responsible government would do something to prevent the escalation of the crisis, but Washington DC has other plans.

Apart from making sure that its economic issues spill over to the rest of the world, where impoverished and heavily exploited countries pay the price of US imperialism, the belligerent thalassocracy keeps militarizing and creating enemies in order to feed the monstrosity called the American Military Industrial Complex (MIC). Back in late March, as the debt ceiling crisis was unfolding, General Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, stated that the Pentagon would be doubling its military budget. At the time, Milley kept parroting about “a looming global conflict”, but clearly “forgot” to explain that if there were to ever be one, its sole cause would be the US itself, as it’s the only country on the planet with an openly stated strategy of “full spectrum dominance”. However, the only way to accomplish this is to keep spending funds that Washington DC simply doesn’t have.

Global military spending for 2022 was around $2.1 trillion, meaning that the US is already at over 40% of the world’s total with its current budget. Doubling it, even over the next several years (also taking into account that other superpowers would certainly respond to it), could push that figure close to 60%. In terms of the US federal budget, it would also require further cuts to investment in healthcare, infrastructure, education, etc. As the military currently spends approximately 15% of the entire US federal budget, obviously, doubling it would mean the percentage would go up to (or even over) 30%. Such figures are quite close to what the former Soviet Union was spending, which was one of the major factors that contributed to its unfortunate dismantlement and the later crisis in all post-Soviet countries that needed approximately a decade to recover.

As previously mentioned, such a move would also force others to drastically increase their own military spending in response to US belligerence. If China were to follow suit, its military budget would then rise to approximately $500 billion, while Russia’s military budget would be close to $200 billion. In fact, Moscow is already in the process of doing this, as it recently increased its defense spending by 70% in 2024 alone in order to tackle NATO aggression in Europe. As we can see, this is causing a military spending “death spiral” that’s extremely difficult to control and is leading the world into an unprecedented arms race. However, it seems that’s exactly what Washington DC wants. On October 12, the US Congress Strategic Posture Commission issued its final report and called for further expansion of America’s already massive arsenal of thermonuclear weapons.

It should be noted that the reasoning (although there’s hardly anything reasonable in it) behind such a decision is a simultaneous confrontation with both Russia and China. This includes massive investment into new weapons systems such as the B-21 “Raider” strategic bomber/missile carrier and Columbia-class SSBN (nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine), as well as the replacement of the heavily outdated “Minuteman 3” ICBMs (intercontinental ballistic missiles) with new LGM-35 “Sentinel” missiles. All three types are in different stages of development and are expected to be fully operational by the early 2030s. However, with the US debt projected to reach over $50 trillion in less than ten years (the best-case scenario), the viability of such a massive expansion in American military spending is highly questionable (if possible at all).

By 2027, interest payments alone are expected to surpass the Pentagon’s entire budget. What’s more, America’s ability to keep up with the technological advances of its geopolitical adversaries is also falling short, particularly in the development of hypersonic weapons, a field in which Russia has an absolute advantage, despite spending approximately 20-25 times less on its armed forces. The only way for the US to avoid bankrupting itself is to finally leave the world alone and focus on the mountain of domestic issues that keep piling up.


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Drago Bosnic is an independent geopolitical and military analyst.

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His Majesty King Abdullah, during a meeting with UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, said denying food, water, and electricity supplies to innocent civilians in the Gaza Strip is a war crime that the world must condemn and denounce.

Speaking at the meeting in London on Sunday, King Abdullah reiterated the importance of opening humanitarian corridors to allow the passage of urgent medical and relief aid into the strip, calling for ending the war on Gaza and preventing its spill-over into the West Bank and its ensuing impact on the stability of the entire region, according to a Royal Court statement.

His Majesty again warned of any attempt to forcibly displace the Palestinians from the entire Palestinian Territories or cause their internal displacement, which would be a violation of international law and international humanitarian law, and have catastrophic ramifications on countries in the region.

The King expressed Jordan’s rejection of attempts to push the crisis on neighbouring countries and exacerbate the refugee issue, stressing that the international community must reject inflicting collective punishment on the residents of the Gaza Strip.

His Majesty said the international community must indiscriminately condemn the targeting of innocent civilians, in line with shared humanitarian values, international law and international humanitarian law.

The King reaffirmed the importance of building a political horizon to guarantee the prospects of just and comprehensive peace on the basis of the two-state solution, which guarantees the establishment of an independent and sovereign Palestinian state on the June 4, 1967 lines with East Jerusalem as its capital.

His Majesty called for safeguarding the historical and legal status quo in Islamic and Christian holy sites in Jerusalem.

The importance of maintaining coordination between the two countries on the dangerous developments in Gaza was also stressed during the meeting.

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi, Director of the Office of His Majesty Jafar Hassan, Jordan’s Ambassador to the UK Manar Dabbas, and a number of senior British officials attended the meeting.


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Featured image: His Majesty King Abdullah meets with UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak in London on Sunday (Photo courtesy of Royal Court)

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On August 22-24, the BRICS organization (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) held its 15th Summit in Johannesburg, South Africa. BRICS Chairman Cyril Ramaphosa, who is president of South Africa, made concluding remarks about the Summit in a media briefing

“Leading up to the Summit, there was a wide-ranging BRICS business program aimed at attracting investment, promoting collaboration and showcasing opportunities within South Africa, Africa and the BRICS countries. 

“We welcome the clear vision of Ms Dilma Rousseff [from Brazil] as President of the New Development Bank on the role the bank should play in support of infrastructure and sustainable development in Africa and the Global South. 

“We celebrated the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the BRICS Business Council and the subsequent recommendations made to Leaders. 

“We also welcomed the work of the BRICS Women’s Business Alliance in their first in-person engagement made to leaders.” 

Ramaphosa continued, saying that BRICS was expected to generate “tangible benefits” for the purpose of providing viable solutions for challenges facing the Global South. He spoke of multilateralism, and respecting international law in reference to the United Nations. Ramaphosa stressed a commitment to resolve differences and disputes through “dialogue and inclusive consultation.” He also stressed that the hardship of COVID-19 increased inequality throughout the world. He mentioned the potential use of local currencies and “alternative financial arrangements” to improve economic policies worldwide, and the purpose of BRICS to improve “the stability, reliability and fairness of the global financial architecture.” 

Ramaphosa concluded that “BRICS itself is a diverse group of nations, and that it is an equal partnership of countries that have differing views but have a shared vision for a better world.” 

One of the highlights of the Summit was the potential inclusion of six additional nations into BRICS: Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. Full membership will be established on January 1, 2024. 

In an analysis of the BRICS membership, Sumayya Ismail in InfoBRICS quoted the organization, “We appreciate the considerable interest shown by the countries of the Global South in membership of BRICS.” Regarding the six new nations, “BRICS countries reached consensus on the guiding principles, standards, criteria and procedures of the BRICS expansion process.”  

Ismail quoted Sanusha Naidu, a senior research fellow at the Institute for Global Dialogue, a South African think tank that focuses on China and Africa: “[BRICS] has geo-economic, geostrategic and geopolitical implications.” In a surprising move, China brokered re-established relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran. India signed an agreement with the UAE to make transactions in Indian rupees and Emirati dirhams, rather than the U.S. dollar. 

There is an advantage to make transactions in local currencies, which complements sovereignty and is more equal than the current world order. This also complements a multi-polar world. This makes room for transactions to be an economic lifeline because of increased bilateral trade.   

Naidu said, “Besides Russia, all of [the core BRICS countries] are non-energy producing countries. They need to be able to make their economies function, but they don’t want to get caught in the secondary collateral damage of sanctions.” BRICS has challenged U.S. sanctions and U.S. dollar domination. As it continues to grow, BRICS is looked at as a viable alternative to the current unilateral policies of the U.S. empire. 

Commenting on the momentum of BRICS membership, Chinese President Xi Jinping said,

“This membership is historic. The expansion is also a new starting point for BRICS cooperation. It will bring new vigor to the BRICS cooperation mechanism and further strengthen [it as a] force for world peace and development.”

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi said,

“India has always supported the expansion of BRICS. India has always believed that adding new members will strengthen BRICS as an organization.” 

However, India and China have had confrontations and disagreements over two disputed areas of land. Arunachal Pradesh and Aksai Chin have been contested by both nations for decades. In late August, China presented a standard map which has shown that both areas are in Chinese territory, specifically, in southern Tibet. India filed a diplomatic protest, saying both areas are a part of India. China has also laid claim to areas in the South China Sea. Negotiations and diplomacy must be priorities to resolve these disputes. 


In another controversy, Russian President Vladimir Putin did not attend the BRICS Summit, having Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov go in his place. Putin is charged by the International Criminal Court (ICC) with alleged war crimes due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

The South African government, however, provides diplomatic immunity to leaders of other nations. Besides, Ukraine has also committed alleged war crimes, notably, the Nazi Azov Battalion, among others.  

Nevertheless, BRICS has momentum, with other nations considering joining it in the future. There were, in fact, 67 nations invited to attend the Summit. The odds are good that most of these nations, if not all, will consider joining BRICS. 

Further membership will increase the total population amongst the BRICS countries. Aaron O’Neill, writing for Statistaestimated that in 2021, for example, “the BRICS countries have a combined population of 3.24 billion people, which is over 40 percent of the world population.” He added that the majority of these people live in China or India, with “more than 1.4 billion people each, while the other three countries [Brazil, Russia and South Africa] have a combined population of just under 420 million.” 

O’Neill also wrote about the overall Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the current BRICS nations:

“Since the beginning of the 21st century, the BRICS countries have been considered the five foremost developing economies in the world. BRICS has held annual summits since 2009, and the group expanded to include South Africa since 2010. China has the largest GDP of the BRICS countries, at $16.86 trillion U.S. dollars in 2021, while the others are below three trillion.” 

Further, O’Neill brings up the import and export numbers of the BRICS countries. About imports, O’Neill wrote,

“Since 2000, China has consistently been the largest importer of goods of the BRICS countries, with a value of more than two trillion U.S. dollars in 2020. China’s value of imported goods has grown significantly across these two decades; values in 2018 were over nine times larger than values for 2000. India’s imports were also 10 times higher in 2018 than in 2000. For Russia and Brazil, however, their peak years came in the early 2010s, just before both countries went into recession. South Africa’s value of imported goods has also increased…” 

For the exporting of goods,

“Since 2000, China has been the largest exporter of goods among the BRICS countries, and its share of exports from the bloc increased significantly. In the year 2000, China’s share of BRICS exports was just over 50 percent; in 2020, this share has risen to 74 percent. Among other BRICS countries, Russia has always had the second largest share of exports, and South Africa the smallest, while India overtook Brazil in 2009.” 


Can BRICS eventually transform the world economy with, for example, a new currency?

Yaroslav Lissovolik wrote in InfoBRICS,

“In reality, the actual scenario and the modalities of the introduction of a [BRICS] currency are yet to be determined and it could well be that in the first stages of the launching of the BRICS currency it could take the form of an accounting unit rather than a full-fledged international transactions currency.”

Lissovolik added that,

“even in the guise of a unit of account for the economies of the Global South, [BRICS] could have a significant effect on the international financial system and deliver important benefits to the economies of the developing world.” 

Lissovolik also wrote that a staged approach allowing for an accounting unit can monitor the volatility and stabilizing expectations of the world’s markets for the development of a future BRICS currency. But the launching of a new BRICS currency may be susceptible to unstable speculation and challenging the currency with the force of global capital markets. Lissovolik adds, however, that with the creation of the New Development Bank, BRICS has achieved an alternative to the current banking system, although the bank currently falls short of a significant transition in global governance and the international finance system.   

The new global currency that BRICS will inevitably create “would represent a veritable innovation and a transformation of the global economy with a qualitatively different structure by the grouping on the international arena.” The BRICS currency could feed expectations of greater future demand for it, with the currency transforming to a stage of a reserve currency and/or a physical unit of exchange. The BRICS currency could influence nations to use their own local currencies in international trade. 

In all, the BRICS currency could be characterized by greater South-South trade, and in turn a chance for the currency to create a balanced global financial system in competition alongside the current dollar-dominated system. And perhaps overtaking the latter? 

That would be justice in action since the Global South has generally not had a fair say in relation to loans that the World Bank and International Monetary Fund gives to (or imposes on) the countries that are supposedly developing.

It has been an unequal relationship where nations of the Global South are burdened with debt, one reason being the reliance on the World Bank and International Monetary Fund for which, to qualify for loans, the nations would have to implement austerity measures.

That means cutting social programs, thereby enhancing the wealth of the elites as a consequence, and the fact that loans dig the Global South further into a financial hole, where the loans and the interest on them will never be fully re-paid. 

That makes BRICS’s influence on the global financial system more important. If BRICS can be of benefit to the Global South, that will transform the current system of world markets and also a change in international finance. 

The West will probably never accept BRICS if it becomes successful in its goals. That would be a threat to the current order which the West, especially the United States, has relied on and is thus a threat to its colonial/imperial interests. A specific example is China’s belt and road initiatives, which have been of benefit to African nations by improving infrastructure, building roads, etc. (although African nations are given loans to implement these projects). 

And according to Melvin Goodman, a former CIA analyst writing in CounterPunch, China is outpacing the United States in developing mutual relationships with the Middle East and Africa. Goodman wrote that, “In addition to signing long-term energy arrangements with both Iran and Saudi Arabia, Beijing is poised to dominate the exploitation of the most important minerals for the manufacturing of batteries for electric vehicles.” China has “excellent state-to-state relations” with African countries that are rich in minerals, for example, the Democratic Republic of Congo with cobalt and Zimbabwe with lithium. China also has a presence in Afghanistan, also with reserves of lithium. 

Goodman further wrote that,

“Overall, U.S. investment pales in comparison to China’s belt and road initiatives throughout the Global South, particularly the huge loans for infrastructure projects, and U.S. demands regarding democratic governance compare unfavorably to Russian and Chinese unwillingness to force the countries of the Global South to take sides.”

If this is a sign of the BRICS countries’ motives, then there would be a chance for mutual cooperation between BRICS and the Global South.  

There are, of course, naysayers who see the BRICS experiment negatively. For example, Foreign Policy magazine published a commentary by columnist C. Raja Mohan, which generally had a negative tone, implying that BRICS was not workable since the nations involved had irreconcilable differences. Further, he claimed that being a non-aligned movement will prove to be ineffective as the original movement was. And his conclusion was predictable:

“The BRICS expansion may be a dud, but it is a warning shot that the West must end its strategic slumber. The Global South is waiting.” 

The Global South is basically not waiting for a rescue by the West, since it, especially the United States, have pretty much arm-twisted developing nations to be subservient to the current U.S.-led world order. There has been an increase in gross inequality worldwide because there have been only cosmetic changes to the current world order, and which have benefited the wealthy while usually being a threat to labor. 

It sounds as though Mohan is deeply pro-Western and would thus portray any alternative to its order as not workable—the idea that there is only a Western solution to the world’s problems.  

If the 15th BRICS Summit is any indication that it is possible to change to a multi-polar world, then the consequences of European colonialism and U.S. imperialism will probably be thrown into the ash heap of history.


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David Starr has published many pieces in Reader Supported News,  the Daily Kos, and has been published in the LA Progressive. David can be reached at [email protected].

Featured image is from InfoBrics

Selected Articles: The Criminalization of War: Gaza

October 16th, 2023 by Global Research News

The Criminalization of War: Gaza

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, October 14, 2023

The Zionist project supports the Jewish settlement movement. More broadly it involves a policy of killing, impoverishing and excluding Palestinians from Palestine with a view to eventually implementing the annexation of both the West Bank and Gaza to the State of Israel.

Top Microbiologist Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi Calls mRNA Injections ‘Crime Against Humanity

By Frank Wright, October 16, 2023

Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, speaking at a virtual event moderated by Dr. Mark Trozzi, emphatically stated that ‘whoever propagates RNA vaccines as effective and safe… is either incredibly ignorant or endlessly evil.’

Russia’s Draft Gaza Ceasefire Is the Last Chance to Prevent an Unprecedented Humanitarian Crisis

By Andrew Korybko, October 16, 2023

The draft humanitarian ceasefire put forth by Russia, whose balanced approach towards the latest Israeli-Hamas war has positioned it as the only truly neutral stakeholder in this conflict, is likely the last chance to prevent West Asia from sliding back into a self-sustaining cycle of destabilization.

Why I No Longer Stand with Israel, and Never Will Again. Scott Ritter

By Scott Ritter, October 15, 2023

The Israeli-Palestine problem has become a never-ending cycle of violence which feeds off the pain and suffering of the Palestinian people. It is time to bring this cycle to an end. From this moment forward, I will always stand with the people of Palestine, convinced that the only path for peace in the Middle East is one that leads through a viable Palestinian homeland, its capital firmly and forever ensconced in East Jerusalem.

The Forbidden Truth: Israel and the U.S. Are “Toys of the Billionaires”. “A War with Iran Is Just Around the Corner”.

By Emanuel Pastreich, October 15, 2023

The one thing that the politicians have not been saying to you in the days after the attacks that left Israelis, and then many more Palestinians, dead, is that we should make sure we know what happened before we take any action, that we should know who our true enemies are before we start swinging a sword.

No Farmers, No Food. The Ultimate Agenda: No Land Ownership for the People

By Dr. Joseph Mercola, October 15, 2023

Are green policies around the world, targeting everything from too much nitrogen to protection of endangered species, all part of a plan to get small farmers off the land, paving the way for totalitarian control of the food supply — and insects as part of your daily diet?

Lawless in Gaza: Why Britain and the West Back Israel’s Crimes. Jonathan Cook

By Jonathan Cook, October 15, 2023

More than a decade ago, Israel started to understand that its occupation of Gaza through siege could be to its advantage. It began transforming the tiny coastal enclave from an albatross around its neck into a valuable portfolio in the trading game of international power politics.

Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) After COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination. Severe Autoimmune Reaction

By Dr. William Makis, October 15, 2023

As of September 11 & 12, 2023, FDA and Health Canada are recommending another round of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine booster shots and this time they are targeting young people and children as young as 6 months old. HLH is a potentially fatal auto-immune reaction to Pfizer & Moderna mRNA vaccines, that must be disclosed and discussed by a doctor during informed consent.

Palestine Solidarity Grows Amid IDF Siege of Gaza

By Abayomi Azikiwe, October 15, 2023

As the Israeli government issued a declaration demanding that 1.1 million Palestinians must leave northern Gaza within 24 hours, protest demonstrations were carried out within several areas of the West Bank including Ramallah and Nablus.

Violence Against “Human Animals”: Images from the Israel-Hamas War

By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 15, 2023

With the body count rising in this latest, and particularly bloody Israel-Hamas War, the narrative of Israel the wounded, Israel the desperate, has now been annexed to Israel the just warrior State, fighting darkness and primaeval stone age barbarism.

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First published by GR on August 4, 2021, updated on October 16, 2023






Global Research Note

We bring to the attention of our readers this carefully documented study.

While the Chinese authorities announced TWO YEARS AGO on January 7, 2020 that they had isolated and identified “a new type of virus” no details were provided. Then on the 28th of January 2020, the US Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) stated that the novela corona virus had been isolated.  

The central question raised in this study is the following: is there reliable evidence that SARS-CoV-2  has been isolated  from an “unadulterated sample taken from a diseased patient”?

The study provides documentation based on Freedom of Information requests addressed to Health /Science institutions in a large number of countries. 

The responses to these requests confirm that there is no record of isolation/ purification undertaken by the numerous Health /Science institutions which were contacted. 

It is worth noting that according to the Berlin Virology Institute, the WHO in January 2020 did not have in its possession details regarding the isolation and identity of SARS-CoV-2. 

Moreover, because the relevant details concerning isolation /purification were not available, the WHO decided pursuant to the advice of the Berlin Virology Institute to “customize” The Real Time Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (rRT-PCR) using  the “similar” 2003 SARS virus (subsequently renamed SARS-1) as “a point of reference” for detecting genetic fragments of the 2019 SARS-CoV-2.  

The study published by Drosten et al of the Berlin Virology institute published in Eurosurveillance was generously funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Bear in mind, this totally flawed RT-PCR test is being used not only to detect V-the virus, it is now being used to ‘detect” the variants of SARS-CoV-2.

Supporting documents including the responses by Health /Science institutions, CDC, etc are provided in this study.

Also more documents can be consulted by downloading the relevant pdf files compiled by the researchers.

Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, August 4, 2021, October 16, 2023

(The Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is “a viral respiratory disease caused by a SARS-associated coronavirus”,  first identified in China in February 2003).


FOIs Reveal that Health/Science Institutions

Around the World (218 and Counting!)

Have No Record of SARS-COV-2 Isolation/Purification, Anywhere, Ever

By Christine Massey


Would a sane person mix a patient sample (containing various sources of genetic material and never proven to contain any particular virus) with transfected monkey kidney cells, fetal bovine serum and toxic drugs, then claim that the resulting concoction is “SARS-COV-2 isolate” and ship it off internationally for use in critical research (including vaccine and test development)?

Because that’s the sort of fraudulent monkey business that’s being passed off as “virus isolation” by research teams around the world.

Just 1 of many examples is shown below – this is from a study cited by the Australian Department of Health as a paper “which led to the isolation of SARS-CoV-2 in culture“. (Can you spot the oxymoron in that quote?)

If you are new to the topic of “virus isolation/purification”, I strongly recommend that you begin by reading the Statement On Virus Isolation by Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Dr. Thomas Cowan and Sally Fallon Morell, MA or watch this 5 minute video from Dr. Cowan.

My colleague Michael S. in New Zealand and I (CM) and many other people around the world have been filing Freedom of Information “requests” to institutions in various countries seeking records that describe the isolation/purification of the alleged “COVID-19 virus” from any unadulterated sample taken from a diseased patient.

The reason: without the crucial step of isolation/purification having been performed (from many patients, followed by characterization, sequencing and controlled experiments), there is no way to claim scientifically that the alleged “novel coronavirus” (blamed for widespread death/disease/lockdown measures) actually exists.

Without this step having been performed and followed by characterization, sequencing and controlled experiments, all claims of this alleged “virus” are nothing but wild speculation backed only by fraudulent science, fraudulent tests and fraud-based diagnoses. (I have done numerous interviews on this topic, which you can find near the bottom of this page.)

The “requests” filed by my colleague in NZ and I (and many of the other submitters) have notbeen limited to records of isolation performed by the respective institution, or limited to records authored by the respective institution, rather they were open to any records describing “COVID-19 virus” (aka “SARS-COV-2”) isolation/purification performed by anyone, ever, anywhere on the planet.

Thus far (May 15, 2023) 52 Canadian institutions have provided their responses:

Public Health Agency of Canada (and another from Public Health Agency of Canada, this one re the alleged “UK variant” aka “B.1.1.7” aka “Alpha”; and another from Public Health Agency of Canada re any alleged virus/variant, and another from Public Health Agency of Canada re ANY type of alleged virus at all), Health Canada (and another from Health Canada; and another from Health Canada), the National Research Council of Canada, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization-International Vaccine Centre (VIDO-InterVac), Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, Patented Medicine Prices Review Board Canada, Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), Public Health Ontario, Ontario Ministry of Health (and another from Ontario Ministry of Health re “delta variant”, University Health Network, Ontario Ministry of the Solicitor General and Ontario Provincial Police, Alberta Ministry of Health, Alberta Premier Jason Kenney, his Office and Executive Council, Calgary Police Service, Institut National de Sante Publique du Quebec (another from Public Health Quebec), British Columbia’s Ministry of Health (re “the UK variant”) (another from British Columbia’s Ministry of Health), British Columbia’s Centre for Disease Control, British Columbia’s Provincial Health Services Authority (2 responses, 1 re “SARS-COV-2”, 1 re the alleged “B.1.1.7” aka “Alpha variant” aka “UK variant”), Vancouver Coastal Health Authority (re “B.1.1.7” aka “Alpha variant” aka “UK variant”), Newfoundland Labrador Department of Health & Community Services, New Brunswick’s Department/Ministry of Health, McGill University, University of Ottawa, University of Waterloo, Dalhousie University, University of Guelph, University of British Columbia, the City of Toronto, Toronto Police (and another from Toronto Police), Halton Region, Hamilton Police Service (Ontario), Halton Regional Police Service (Ontario), the Region of Peel (Ontario), Region of Durham (Ontario); KFL&A Public Health (Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox and Addington, Ontario, re “any variant”), Grey Bruce Health Services, Grey Bruce Health Unit, Simcoe Muskoka Health Unit, Niagara Regional Police Service, Peterborough Public Health (Ontario) (and another from Peterborough Public Health), Peterborough Police Service (Ontario) (another from Peterborough Police), City of Peterborough (Ontario) Aylmer Police Service (Ontario) (and another from Aylmer Police), Woodstock Police Service (Ontario), Sudbury Police Service (Ontario), Hastings Prince Edward Public Health (Ontario), the Town of Collingwood, the University of Toronto (another from U of Toronto), Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, McMaster University and Mount Sinai Hospital (Toronto) (note that researchers from the last 4 institutions had publicly claimed to have “isolated the virus”, as had VIDO-Intervac).

Every institution has failed to provide or cite even 1 record describing the isolation aka purification of the alleged “COVID-19 virus” directly from a patient sample that was not first adulterated with other sources of genetic material. (Those other sources are typically monkey kidney aka “Vero” cells and fetal bovine serum).

(And, to our knowledge, no one on the planet has ever purified the alleged “virus” even from a cell culture!)

In their responses, numerous institutions have made it explicitly clear that isolation/purification is simply never done in virology, and that “isolation” in virology means the exact opposite of what it means in everyday English. This is also evidenced in every “virus isolation” paper we have ever seen, for any alleged “virus”.

For some insight into what’s really going on: Canadian public health officials have no record of SARS-COV-2 isolation/purification performed anywhere, ever

(Note: Sébastien Grammond, a man who acts as “Federal Court judge” here in Canada, has concocted a bogus “confirmation” that “SARS-CoV-2 virus is real” – based on zero valid science and despite knowing of that all 138 institutions listed in my affidavit had failed to cite even 1 example of the alleged virus having been purified from any patient sample on the planet.  Why waste time on science or logic when you can simply “accept” the “Attorney General of Canada’s invitation to take judicial notice that the virus is real”?  Sounds perfectly legit.  “Noticing” widespread beliefs is so much better than reviewing the pertinent facts.)

As of September 16, 2023: 218 institutions and offices in 40 countries have responded thus far, as well as some “SARS-COV-2 isolation” study authors, and none have provided or cited any record describing actual “SARS-COV-2” isolation/purification. All of the responses in our collection are available from this page.

Excel file listing 218 institutions: see this.

Google drive folder where all of the FOI documents as of July 14, 2022 are grouped by country (for the most part) and compiled into 11 pdfs (Exhibits 1 – 4; Exhibit 4 has 8 parts): see this.

Here is my detailed declaration regarding the worldwide FOI collection and the unscientific nature of virology (14 pages), which is notarized, dated December 2, 2022 (I was rushing to make some last-minute edits before printing and heading off to the notary; please forgive the typos): see this.

Below (and here) is an updated and simplified 1 page notarized declaration re the “virus” FOIs. It speaks for itself. Feel free to share it.

The list shown below was current as of October 5, 2021; it’s much longer now.

(Yes, we are aware of the many publications wherein authors claim to have “isolated the virus”. We’ve looked at numerous such studies and have yet to see one where they actually did so. Claiming to have done something and actually doing it are sometimes 2 different things, even in peer-reviewed science.

And yes we are aware of the many published alleged “SARS-COV-2 genomes” – these were in fact manufactured, not discovered.

And yes we are aware that EM photos have been published, allegedly of “the virus”, however a photo of something does not tell you what the thing is, where it came from or what it does. One has to scrutinize the Methods used to “isolate the virus” / obtain said photos / obtain alleged genomes, and that is when absolutely everything falls apart with “COVID-19” (and virology in general).

FOI responses from institutions in the U.S., India, Republic of South Africa, New Zealand, Australia, U.K., England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, Denmark, Norway, Finland, the Netherlands, Sweden, Spain, European CDC, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Ukraine, Colombia, Uruguay, Italy, Portugal, Brazil, Republic of Colombia, Argentina, Ilse of Man, Phillipines, etc., plus emails from Germany’s Robert Koch Institut (RKI) and several “virus isolation authors”.

A big Thank You to all the individuals who have now kindly shared additional responses that they obtained re isolation/purification/existence of “SARS-COV-2”. Some prefer to remain anonymous, others are named below.

Ok, here we go. Below are SARS-COV-2 FOI responses from >150 institutions outside of Canada.

The World Health Organization failed to respond to my FOI-type query sent on February 22, 2022 seeking any records that describe any alleged “SARS-COV-2” being found in the bodily fluid/tissue of anyone on Earth and purified, by anyone, anywhere, ever… in order for “it” to be sequenced, characterized and studied with controlled experiments (aka “science”): see this.

November 28, 2022: A colleague in Japan required of the people at World Health Organization to provide/cite any record of the imaginary SARS-COV-2 being found in and purified from any sick person on the planet, in order for “it” to be sequenced, characterized and studied with controlled experiments aka science.  But instead, they directed her to a useless webpage about a global database of public “health” and “social” measures applied during the imaginary pandemic: see this.

As this next link you will see a “no records of SARS-COV-2 isolation/purification” FOI response from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (CDC/ATSDR), dated November 2, 2020, obtained by Michael S. in NZ: see this.

On March 1, 2021 once again the CDC made clear that they still have no records of “SARS-COV-2” isolation performed by anyone, anywhere on the planet, ever… just not in so many words. Instead, the CDC absurdly implied that isolation of “SARS-COV-2” would require the replication of a “virus” without host cells and thus is impossible. See this.

March 3, 2021: CDC again fails to provide/cite any records describing “SARS-COV-2” isolation/purification by anyone anywhere ever… BUT will no longer simply say so (as they did back on November 2nd); instead they give song and dance and cite their own fraudulent study (by Harcourt et al.): see this.

June 7, 2021: CDC admitted they have no record of “SARS-COV-2” purification from a patient sample via maceration, filtration and use of an ultracentrifuge, by anyone, anywhere, ever: see this.

September 1, 2021: Yet another FOIA response from the CDC where they failed to provide or cite even 1 record of the alleged “COVID-19 virus” aka “SARS-COV-2”, or any “variants” having been purified from any patient sample on the planet, by anyone, anywhere, ever: see this.

September 8, 2021: Another FOIA response from the CDC re purification of the phantom “SARS-COV-2”. This time, CDC cited a paper wherein the authors never even claimed to have purified any “virus” themselves, and instead falsely stated that: “SARS-CoV-2 was isolated in Vero cells … (8)” [oxymoron]. [CDC’s reference #8 is the infamous Harcourt et al. study.] See this.

October 26, 2021: The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention once again failed to provide or cite even 1 record of “SARS-COV-2” purification, by anyone, anywhere on the planet: see this.

April 1, 2022: The U.S. National Institutes of Health failed to provide or cite even 1 record of the alleged “SARS-COV-2” (or any alleged “variant”) having been purified from the bodily fluid/tissue/excrement of any patient on the planet, by anyone, anywhere, when responding to a request for records in the custody of the CDC, and they bizarrely and inaccurately stated that the request was “improper”. Full letter: see this.

November 17, 2022: CDC could not provide/cite any record of the alleged SARS-COV-2 being purified even from a cell culture, instead they cited irrelevant studies and webpages: see this.

October 20/21, 2022: The people at CDC were challenged to provide/cite scientific proof of the existence of the alleged SARS-COV-2 or the alleged HIV based on controlled experiments using purified particles. They could not, since none exists, so instead they provided useless links for HIV, not even purporting to show controlled experiments. For SARS-COV-2 they gave the same paragraphs that they’ve been giving people for the last year or so, with links to more useless studies and webpages. See this.

December 16, 2022: The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention was unable to provide any record of the alleged SARS-COV-2 spike protein being found in anyone and purified (as opposed to “recombinant” “spike protein” being created in a lab and then studied, as though that reflects something going on in actual people); and so they responded as though this was another FOI regarding the fake virus, and provided the same useless paragraphs that they’ve been giving people for the past year or so: see this.

February 14, 2023: Once again, the people at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention were unable to provide any record of the alleged SARS-COV-2 spike protein being found in anyone and purified.  (I specifically ruled out studies where “recombinant” “spike protein” was created in a lab in order to be studied, because those studies can’t provide any evidence of the alleged “SARS-COV-2 spike protein” actually existing in people, i.e. people with the fraudulent covid diagnosis, or people who received the fake mRNA vaccines, or anyone at all.): see this.

March 21, 2023: Roger Andoh acting as FOIA Officer in the Office of the Chief Operating Officer, CDC confessed that the CDC doesn’t even have a study where authors did either of the following:

1) tested for the alleged “SARS-COV-2 spike protein” in the blood of “vaccinated” and “unvaccinated” people, and compared the results – to look for evidence that the “mRNA” quackcines cause bodies to create the protein

2) compared the antibody levels for “vaccinated” people and people injected with other toxins (i.e. other quackcines), to assess specificity of antibodies

See this.

March 2, 2023: U.S. Centers for Disease Control can’t prove the existence of “SARS-COV-2 spike protein

Roger Andoh, acting as FOIA Officer in the Office of the Chief Operating Officer, CDC and Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, confessed that these institutions have zero proof of the existence of the alleged “SARS-COV-2 spike protein”, this time to my colleague Louis Stephen.

Also, in this response, Roger evaded:

  • a request for proof of claims regarding so-called “SARS-COV-2” antibodies,
  • a request for documentation explaining why it’s necessary to use synthetic rather than natural (alleged) mRNA in convid jabs,
  • a request for documentation explaining why it’s necessary to use monkey kidney cells to (allegedly but not really) grow a “virus” that supposedly infects human lungs, etc.: see this.

[Someone kindly forwarded another FOI response from the CDC dated December 30, 2020 re the alleged 2003 “SARS-COV-1” and all “common cold coronaviruses” – the CDC has no record of any having been isolated: see this]

September 13, 2022: Some anonymous man or woman in the Public Records Office at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill provided unhelpful documents that do not contain scientific evidence of the alleged SARS-COV-2, and confessed that there are no other documents relevant to the request: see this.

December 10, 2021: U.S. Department of Labor / Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) admitted they have no record describing purification of any “COVID-19 virus” (aka “SARS-COV-2”, including any alleged “variants”) from any patient sample on the planet, by anyone, ever: see this.

September 3, 2021: Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) / National Institutes of Health, in response to a request for records that demonstrate that NIAID or NIH has a physical sample of purified “SARS-CoV-2”:

  • conflates isolation/purification with growth of the imaginary virus in cell culture,
  • provides irrelevant, distracting comments re Koch’s Postulates,
  • cites useless, irrelevant studies and webpages, and fabricated computer “genomes”, and
  • confirms that virology isn’t a science.

See this.

March 11, 2022: The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services confirms that Vivek Murthy, the man who acts as “Surgeon General”, has no record describing anyone on Earth finding and purifying the alleged “SARS-COV-2” (the alleged “COVID-19 virus”), or any alleged variant thereof, from the bodily fluids of any diseased human. See this.

August 19, 2021: The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services cited useless, irrelevant studies and webpages, and fabricated computer “genomes” in response to an FOIA request for “Records that demonstrates the US Department of Health and Human Services has a physical sample of the isolated and purified SARS-CoV-2 virus…” See this.

June 24, 2021 FOIA response: Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) failed to provide/cite any record of “SARS-COV-2” purification from a patient sample by anyone, anywhere. 

NIAID referred me to the anti-science CDC study by Harcourt et al., even after I’d advised them of CDC’s June 7, 2021 ‘no records’ response.  I have appealed to NIAID’s FOIA Public Liaison.

The communications between myself and NIAID are provided here.

The CDC study cited by NIAID did not purify anything from a patient sample. It is the same study that Dr. Thomas Cowan wrote about in 2020 (“Only Poisoned Monkey Kidney Cells ‘Grew’ the ‘Virus’“) where he also addressed the fraudulent nature of the authors’ fabricated “SARS-COV-2 genome” (as shown in the screenshot below).

Previously, in 2020, Ron Bublitz had already asked the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), National Institutes of Health (NIH) the question shown below. His correspondence is posted at the following link, along with the evasive response provided by the NIH/NIAID Section Chief for Controlled Correspondence and Public Inquiries, Legislative Affairs and Correspondence Management Branch. Pdf showing the text and a photo of the actual emails: see this.

Ron kindly provided a screenshot of his communications with NIAID, shown below.

Note that NIH/NIAID failed to answer any of Ron Bublitz’s questions and merely cited the same CDC study by Harcourt et al. mentioned above that indulged in the typical fraudulent “monkey business” approach to so-called “isolation” – as shown in the screenshot below).

June 10, 2022:Julia Spiegel, woman who acts as Deputy Legal Affairs Secretary under Gavin Newsom, the man who acts in California’s Office of the Governor, confessed to Kristen Welch that they have no record describing any alleged “SARS-COV-2” (or “variant”) being found in the bodily fluid/tissue of anyone on Earth and purified… by anyone, anywhere, ever… in order for “it” to be sequenced, characterized and studied with controlled experiments (aka “science”): see this.

January 27, 2022: Washington State Department of Health provided “installment #1” of records allegedly-but-not-really responsive to a FOI for studies in which alleged “SARS-COV-2” was found in the bodily fluid/tissue of sick people and purified.  
“Installment #1” is sci-fi comedy having nothing whatsoever to do with purification or a virus, titled “SARS-CoV-2 Sequencing and Variants in Washington State”.

It begins: “Next generation sequencing is a set of laboratory methods that scientists use to scan a viral genome to determine the genome sequence of a virus.”

Watch out for the sequel due July 25, 2022!

The department also confessed that its lab: “has not attempted to isolate SARS-CoV-2 from any specimen or matrix. Nor does the PHL have in its possession isolated viable SARS-CoV-2 virus. The WAPHL performs diagnostic testing that is PCR based… Next generation sequencing is performed on SARS-CoV-2 positive patient samples using extracted genomic material, not virus isolates.”

See this.

November 25, 2021: Kate Wilson, acting for Multnomah County Health Department, Portland, Oregon confirmed that a thorough search yielded no record of anyone on Earth having found and purified the alleged “SARS-COV-2” (via maceration, filtration and ultracentrifugation) from any bodily fluid/tissue of any sick person, anywhere, ever: see this.

March 11, 2022: University of Illinois confirmed for Natalia Litbarg, MD that: the university’s records custodians who, due to the nature of their work might have had records describing someone on Earth finding the alleged “SARS-COV-2” in the bodily fluids of a diseased host and purifying “it”, could not identify any such records: see this.

May 18, 2022: Jorge Perez, the man who acts as Deputy Health Officer, Public Health Investigation, Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, confessed to Kristen Welch that there are no records of the alleged SARS-COV-2 being found in the bodily fluid/tissue of anyone and purified… by anyone, anywhere, ever… but apparently he is OK with the fact that virologists have no independent variable to use in any “virus” experiment and he thinks that “the county” has the “right” to terrorize people with their “doctrine”: see this.

April 13, 2022: Republic of Trinidad and Tobago’s Ministry of Health confirmed for Chetawayo La Borde that “COVID-19 has not been isolated and purified“: see this.

Switzerland: November 2021: Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH)

January 2022: Institute of Virology and Immunology (IVI)

Both failed to provide or cite, for the man inquiring, even 1 record of “SARS-COV-2” being found in the bodily fluids of any sick human and purified (which would be necessary so that “it” could be sequenced, characterized and studied with controlled experiments to determine if “it” actually exists): see this.

March 16, 2022: Larry Stinson, who acts as Director of Operations for the so-called “non-profit” Peterborough Public Health (PPH), confirmed that PPH and Thomas Piggott, the man who acts as Medical Officer of Health, have no record describing anyone on Earth finding and purifying any alleged SARS, H5N1, H1N1, MERS, Ebola, or SARS-COV-2 “virus” from the bodily fluids of any diseased human, ever… or any study that in Thomas’ opinion proves the existence of any of those alleged viruses… despite Thomas’ claim of having lived through all these alleged outbreaks: see this.

August 25, 2021: Peterborough Public Health and (outgoing) Medical Officer Dr. Rosana Salvaterra confirm they have no records describing purification of the alleged “SARS-COV-2”, “HIV” aka “human immunodeficiency virus”, “Hep B virus” or “Hep C virus” from any patient sample on the planet, by anyone, anywhere. Which means they have zero proof of their existence. See this.

January 3, 2022: Sarah B. Kotler, J.D. (a lawyer), Director, Division of Freedom of Information, U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) refused to formally respond to my FOIA request delivered to her via email… but also indicated that the FDA has no record describing purification of “SARS-COV-2” from any patient sample on Earth, by anyone, anywhere, ever.  She also failed to answer my question re what she will do with the knowledge that no one on the planet has any proof of “the virus”, despite being a “public servant” working for an agency that has been rubber-stamping all manner of “COVID-19” devices, injections, etc.  She also called me “rude”, meanwhile she appears quite content to go along with worldwide fraud and violations of the Nuremberg Code: see this.

August 20, 2022: Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention was asked for records of the alleged SARS-COV-2 being found in and purified from any clinical sample on Earth, and responded with useless manufacturers’ instructions for 2 PCR “tests”. See this.

July 28, 2022: Some anonymous man or woman working in the Regulation and Ethics Department of the National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products, France aka L’Agence Nationale de Sécurité du Médicament et des produits de santé (ANSM) responded to my FOI for records of anyone on Earth finding and purifying the hypothesized convid virus from any bodily fluid/tissue of anyone on the planet. According to my colleague Marc Gray’s translation, this man or womanindicated that the ANSM is not authorized to verify the existence of alleged viruses unless doing so is “necessary in the context of a request concerning a drug or a micro-organism“, which according to them is not the case with their “pandemic” activity.  “The requested documents do not exist within the ANSM” and science “does not fall within the scope of competence of the ANSM“.  So good to know. See this.

January 2022: Romania’s Ministry of Health / Institute of Public Health Bucharest and National Center for Surveillance and Control of Communicable Diseases failed to provide/cite any record of the alleged “SARS-COV-2” having been found in the bodily fluids of any patient on Earth and purified, so that “it” could be sequenced, characterized and studied with controlled experiments… and thus shown to exist: see this.

August 2022: Taiwan’s CDC failed to provide or cite for Michael S. any scientific proof of the existence of the alleged – but let’s face it, strictly in silico – SARS-COV-2: see this.

January 2022: Taiwan’s CDC confirmed for Michael S. in NZ that they have not purified the alleged “SARS-COV-2” from any patient specimen or “virus” culture, and have relied exclusively on meaningless, fraudulent PCR tests for detecting the imaginary virus: see this.

April 22, 2022: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene confirmed that they have no record describing the purification of any alleged “SARS-COV-2” (including any alleged “variants”) from a sample taken from a diseased human, by anyone, anywhere, ever: see this.

March 4, 2022: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene suddenly denied a FOIL request from Louis Stephen that had included the following:

“The information I am requesting is: 1) Proof of isolation or an isolate of the SARS-COV-2 virus”, with this explanation: “your request does not reasonably describe the records you are requesting“: see this.

March 21, 2022: New York City Department of Health and Hospitals says “Our research department conducted a diligent search for all the prospective COVID protocols for purification methods/description of SARS-Cov2 and couldn’t find any responsive records to your FOIL request. The facility research teams at Health + Hospitals have confirmed that they did not perform any purification methods of the virus. Also, please note that H+H does not do research lab benchwork.” See page 3.

March 30, 2022: New York City’s Office of the Mayor: In response to a request for records describing isolation/purification of the alleged “SARS-COV-2” from a sample taken from a diseased human, the Mayor’s office disclosed that:  “After conducting a search, the Mayor’s Office has not found any records responsive to your request“: see this.

October 23, 2021: The Assistant General Counsel at Clemson University, South Carolina confirmed for the requester that the University does not have any record of “SARS-COV-2” purification, despite their Department of Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences recently receiving $900,000 to study the alleged “virus”: see this.

October 15, 2021: Illinois’s Office of the Governor confirmed that they located no studies describing isolation and analysis of the alleged “COVID-19 virus” aka “SARS-COV-2”: see this.

September 24, 2021: Wisconsin Governor and Department of Health Services confirmed for Charles R. Haeuser that they have no record regarding isolation/purification of the alleged “COVID-19 virus” (or regarding safety and/or approval of so-called “vaccines”). (The DHS did provide attachments regarding Wisconsin’s “COVID-19 Community Outreach Grant”; click here to see or download them.) See this.

September 29, 2021: Metro Public Health Department, Nashville, Tennessee advised that “No such record(s) exists, or this office does not maintain record(s) responsive to” a request from Irucka Embry re purification of the alleged “SARS-COV-2” or the complete matching of “virus genomic sequences” from victims of the alleged virus in Metro Nashville and Wuhan, China. See this.

August 18, 2021: Arizona Department of Health Services confirmed for Timothy Martin that they have no record describing isolation/purification of any “SARS-COV-2” from any patient sample on the planet, and confuse such with private/protected/identifiable healthcare data: see this.

February 4, 2022: Florida Department of Health finally admitted to Beatrice Scova that they have no record of “SARS-COV-2” purification: see this.

June 13, 2022: Rosemary Hewig acting as “Esq., Records Access Officer”, New York State Department of Health reassured Louis that that they are still diligently searching for records proving the existence of “SARS-COV-2” and will only need until August 17, 2022 to respond to his FOI dated January 4, 2022: see this.

Rosemary seems to have forgotten her earlier responses to my friend Bill Huston and I wherein she confessed that the people running NYS DoH have no record indicating that “SARS-COV-2” has ever been isolated, below.

December 9, 2021: 10 short months is all it took for the New York State Department of Health to provide William Huston with a meaningless list of imaginary “SARS-COV-2” variants in response to his request for records indicating that “the virus” has been isolated. And, on February 25, 2022, they finally concluded their “diligent search” for records responsive to my purification request dated November 5, 2021, and confirmed that they found no records: see this.

September 30, 2021: New York State Department of Health advised William Huston that they have zero records indicating that the alleged “SARS-CoV-2” is the cause of “COVID-19.” See this.

May 25, 2022: Rector Prof. Dr. Piotr Ponikowski from University of Wroclaw, Poland, Medical Department confirmed that the university has no record of the alleged SARS-COV-2 being isolated, period.

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Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, speaking at a virtual event moderated by Dr. Mark Trozzi, emphatically stated that ‘whoever propagates RNA vaccines as effective and safe… is either incredibly ignorant or endlessly evil.’

In a lengthy presentation featuring nine international experts, Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi framed the issue of compliance with DNA contaminated mRNA injections in stark terms.

“Whoever propagates RNA vaccines as effective and safe – whoever claims nothing can happen to your genome – is either incredibly ignorant or endlessly evil,” he said.

Such people, claimed the retired University of Mainz professor of microbiology, are turning their backs on the “horror scenario unfolding in front of our very eyes.”

Speaking with Dr. Mark Trozzi on a platform organized by the World Council for Health, Bhakdi called on the people – and the doctors – of the world to decide where they stand.

“Fellow citizens and physicians of the world, turn away from the perpetration of this monstrous crime against humanity,” he said.

“Do this to save yourselves, your descendants, to rescue the name of your family, or go down in history as one of the greatest criminals of all time.” 

Bhakdi’s segment on the three-and-a-half hour video was devoted to an explanation of the workings of the mRNA injections, with specific focus on the recently discovered plasmid DNA that they contain.

He claimed that not only is this plasmid DNA present, but that it can indeed cause genetic mutation in the host. What is more, he says, these mutations can be inherited. This means that the children of those receiving the injections can be subjected to genetic modification without being injected themselves, and without consent.

He used a bakery analogy to show how mRNA and DNA work.  

The genome is the entire set of DNA instructions in the cell, packaged in the chromosomes – the “books of life” – which are kept safe in the cell nucleus.

When a “recipe” for a product is required, “let’s say a cake,” the “book” is opened at the right page and a copy is made from the recipe.

This recipe is sent to the manufacturing site – the “bakery” – in the cell.

The cake is placed for inspection on the windowsill of the cell. Having fulfilled its purpose, the copied recipe – which is mRNA – is disposed of. Naturally occurring mRNA is short-lived.

RNA “vaccines” direct the production of selected antigens – like the spike protein. More than one billion copies of this spike protein recipe are administered with each injection.

Mass production of mRNA requires mass availability of the DNA template. How do the injections do this?

The injections contain billions and trillions of minute bacterial chromosomes – called plasmids. This is the DNA base for the replication of the spike protein in the mRNA injections.

These are packaged in lipid nanoparticles – tiny fatty globules – which protect the injected RNA from destruction so it can “travel in the bloodstream to reach all organs of the body.”

Trojan Horses

When delivered to the body’s organs, these nanoparticles act as “Trojan horses.”

“They are taken up by the cell, and the recipe produces their product, which is then displayed on the windowsill. What everyone must know is that outside the cell, security guards are on the watch,” Bhakdi said.

Fast and Furious

Bhakdi pointed out the danger of foreign plasmid DNA being introduced into the body.

“All is well when the recipe is produced from one’s own book of life – one’s own genome,” he continued. “But woe if the recipe originates from an alien book” – as it does in the mRNA vaccines.

If this happens, the body’s “security guards” – our immune system – will attack that cell.

Bhakdi pointed out that the capacity for immune responses to recognize these intrusions, which he described as the distinction between genetic material that is “self and non-self,” is “given at birth and ends at death.” He cited the example of organ rejection, where “non-self” organs are routinely rejected, even within the same species (of humans).

He went on to say that if this intrusion is repeated, an “explosive reaction follows – fast and furious.”

This is the principle at work, he claimed, which explains the intensifying and worsening adverse effects following repeated mRNA injections or “booster” shots.

He described the sheer volume of packaged RNA material being introduced in each injection as “gigantic,” which results in “myriad immune-attack events”. The eruption of these reactions can “only halt when production of the alien protein comes to an end.”

So how long does this take? Bhakdi said the claim of the “vaccine perpetrators” and of the Nobel Prize Committee that the process will cease in “just a few days” is simply false.

Bhakdi mentioned “an alarming finding” which shows that “spike protein and multi-organ inflammation were detected in vaccinees weeks and even months after injection.”

What is more, he said “this was associated often with severe and even fatal illness.”

Given the longer term action of RNA proteins based on foreign DNA, and the fact they lead to sickness and death, Bhakdi asked why on earth they have been designed to produce these effects: “What earthly reason could there have been, and could there still be, for such disastrous, long-lasting production of an RNA encoded protein?”

Deliberate ‘Mistake’?

Bhakdi pointed out that if plasmid DNA was not removed prior to the vaccines being packaged for use, it would be delivered into the cells of the vaccinated. The result would then be the plasmid DNA would alter the “book of life” with its own “recipe.” In brief, this means genetic modification of the vaccinated without their knowledge or consent.

“The discovery of contaminating plasmid DNA in the vaccines by Kevin McKernan and colleagues immediately provides one terrifying explanation,” he said.

What was that explanation?

“The plasmid DNA had not been removed from the vaccines.” 

Bhakdi’s detailed explanation showed how this plasmid contamination leads to involuntary and uninformed genetic modification. He also noted that the lipid nanoparticles of the vaccine travel into the bodies of unborn babies in the womb, and also travel into babies through breast milk, transmitting a recipe for the production of alien material which inscribes itself into the “book of life.”

“Cell uptake of plasmid DNA alters the entire set of DNA instructions, and by definition equates with alteration of the genome,” Bhakdi said.

This will lead to long term production of “non-self” material, provoking “long-term inflammation and organ damage throughout the body.”

Bhakdi noted that injuries such as vascular damage, blood clots, bleeding and tissue death even in the heart, brain and damage to the autoimmune system are all likely to result. Pointing out that the heart cannot replace dead cells, he asked, “Who has not heard of the mysterious sudden deaths that are occurring around the world?”

“They are only the tip of an iceberg,” he concluded.


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The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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Arab publishing bodies have withdrawn from a German book festival after a planned award to a Palestinian author was scrapped over the Israel-Gaza war.

Adania Shibli was due to receive the LiBeraturpreis literature prize at the Frankfurt International Book Fair on Friday. It was for the German translation of her novel Minor Detail, which centres on a Palestinian Bedouin woman raped by Israeli soldiers in 1949. Sharjah Book Authority and the Emirates Publishers Association were set to participate in the event.

However, in a statement reported by German public broadcaster Deutsche Welle, award organisers LitProm said the ceremony was cancelled in agreement with Shibli.

“No one feels like celebrating at the moment,” the statement added.

On Wednesday, the fair’s director Juergen Boos condemned Hamas’s attack in Israel and said “special events” were planned to “make Jewish and Israeli voices particularly visible” at the event.

It is unclear if the groups’ cancellations are in response to the award’s scrapping or Boos’s comments.

However, Sharjah Book Authority said in an online statement:

“Given the recent announcement by the organisers of the Frankfurt Book Fair, we have decided to withdraw our participation this year.

“We champion the role of culture and books to encourage dialogue and understanding between people. We believe that this role is more important than ever.”

Sheikha Bodour Al Qasimi, chairwoman of the Sharjah Book Authority, shared the statement on LinkedIn with her own comment.

“I strongly believe in the fundamental rights of civilians worldwide to live in safety, free from the dangers of armed conflict,” she said. “In times of crisis and conflict, I strongly advocate for the role of books, culture, authors, book fairs, intellectuals, and artists in promoting unity, de-escalating tensions, and making diverse voices heard.

“By doing so, we can improve the prospects for peace and harmony.”

The Emirates Publishers Association, which has offices in the authority’s headquarters, released a similar statement confirming it will not attend.

The Arab Publishers’ Association in Egypt, a non-profit organisation that represents more than 1,000 regional publishers, has also withdrawn.

In a letter addressed to Boos seen by The National, the association’s president Mohammad Rashad expressed regret “at the biased and unjust stance towards the tragic events in the region”.

“We certainly denounce any attack on a civilian from any side but viewing the case from a single angle and accepting this injustice that the Palestinian people have been subjected to for decades is a big mistake,” Rashad wrote.

“Moreover, your statements don’t reflect at all the exceptional Arab relationships that have developed over the years between Frankfurt Book Fair administrations and Arab publishers. In light of your position, the Arab Publishers’ Association has decided to withdraw its participation.”

Minor Detail was originally released in Arabic and translated into English in 2020.

In its statement announcing the award, before Hamas’s attack on Israel last week, the LitProm association said Shibli’s novel was a “rigorously composed work of art that tells of the power of borders and of what violent conflicts make of people”.

The work was nominated for the International Booker Prize in 2021 and America’s National Book Award in 2020.


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Featured image: Palestinian author Adania Shibli agrees with the cancellation, German media reports. Alamy

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The draft humanitarian ceasefire put forth by Russia, whose balanced approach towards the latest Israeli-Hamas war has positioned it as the only truly neutral stakeholder in this conflict, is likely the last chance to prevent West Asia from sliding back into a self-sustaining cycle of destabilization.

Russia’s Permanent Representative to the UN Vasily Nebenzia revealed on Friday that his country has drafted a ceasefire aimed at preventing an unprecedented humanitarian crisis from unfolding in Gaza. His full remarks to the press following that day’s UNSC consultations on the Middle East can be read here, but the gist is to stop the fighting at least long enough for civilians to safely evacuate. A hostage/prisoner swap could buy enough time for this, after which the peace process might restart.

Nobody should be under any illusions that this noble effort will succeed due to the near-certainty that the US will ultimately veto it out of biased solidarity with Israel, though it could nevertheless still serve to powerfully reshape global perceptions about what’s on the brink of coming to pass. Ambassador Nebenzia echoed President Putin’s comparison earlier that day of Israel’s blockade of Gaza to the Nazis’ blockade of Leningrad that resulted in the death of his older brother before he was born.

He also decried Israel’s unrealistic demand for over one million civilians to flee south within 24 hours into what he described as a de-facto ghetto along the Egyptian border. Although both the Ambassador and Head of State reaffirmed Israel’s right to self-defense, they both believe that its response to Hamas’ terrorist attack last weekend is grossly disproportionate. The innuendo is that the self-professed Jewish State squandered whatever support it could have otherwise had among most of the global community.

If Israel’s ground operation begins before civilians have safely evacuated from the conflict zone, which is extremely difficult for many of them to do amidst incessant airstrikes carried out during the newly imposed blockade of their homeland, then an unprecedented humanitarian crisis will unfold. This worst-case scenario might be inevitable, but Russia’s draft ceasefire will at least show that well-intentioned efforts were made to avert it, especially if a large number of countries co-sponsor it.

In that event, it’ll become a matter of historical record that this tragedy was avoidable but wasn’t prevented due to Western governments’ support for Israel’s bloodlust after Hamas’ terrorist attack, the reasons of which are speculative but can be partially attributable to geopolitics. The US and its allies regard Israel as their “unsinkable aircraft carrier” that must always be supported in security matters despite occasional disagreements because it serves to divide-and-rule the region to their benefit.  

Objectively speaking, Israel’s interests and those of nearby countries like Saudi Arabia are best served by continuing the normalization process that could then unlock mutually beneficial economic opportunities, but that best-case scenario might become impossible if the impending humanitarian crisis unfolds. Riyadh already reportedly put its talks with Tel Aviv on ice in response to the latter’s bombing of Gaza, and it could completely abandon this policy if its co-religionists there continue being slaughtered.

Israel must therefore be saved from itself in a sense since the bloodlust of its present leadership’s most ideologically extreme elements threaten its aforesaid objective interests and the associated greater good of the region. The draft ceasefire put forth by Russia, whose balanced approach towards the latest Israeli-Hamas war has positioned it as the only truly neutral stakeholder in this conflict, is therefore likely the last chance to prevent West Asia from sliding back into a self-sustaining cycle of destabilization.


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This article was originally published on Andrew Korybko’s Newsletter.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.


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Even before October 14, The Voice, or, to describe in full, the Referendum on the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to Parliament, was in dire straits. Referenda proposals are rarely successful in Australia: prior to October 14, 44 referenda had been conducted since the creation of the Commonwealth in 1901. Only eight had passed.

On this occasion, the measure, which had been an article of faith for Labor Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, hinged on whether an advisory body purportedly expert and informed on the interests and affairs of the First Nations Peoples would be constitutionally enshrined. The body was always intended as a modest power: to advise Parliament on policies and legislative instruments directly of concern to them. But details on who would make up such a body, nor how it could actually achieve such Olympian aims as abolishing indigence in remote indigenous communities or reducing the horrendous incarceration rate among its citizenry, were deemed inconsequential. The near cocky assumption of the Yes case was that the measure should pass, leaving Parliament to sort out the rest.

In the early evening, it became clear that the Yes vote was failing in every state, including Victoria, where campaigners felt almost complacently confident. But it was bound to, with Yes campaigners failing to convince undecided voters even as they rejoiced in preaching to their own faithful. The loss occurred largely because of two marshalled forces ideologically opposite yet united in purpose. They exploited a fundamental, and fatal contradiction in the proposal: the measure was advertised as “substantive” in terms of constitutional reform while simultaneously being conservative in giving Parliament a free hand.

From one side, the conservative “Australia as egalitarian” view took the position that creating a forum or chamber based on race would be repugnant to a country blissfully steeped in tolerance and colour-blindness. Much of that is nonsense, ignoring the British Empire’s thick historical links with race, eugenics and policies that, certainly in the Australian context, would have to be judged as genocidal. Even the current Australian Constitution retains what can only be called a race power: section 51(xxvi) which stipulates that Parliament may make laws regarding “the people of any race for whom it is deemed necessary to make special laws.”

Beneath the epidermis of such a view is also an assumption held by such Indigenous conservatives as Warren Mundine that there have been more than a fair share of “voices” and channels to scream through over several decades, be it through committees or such bodies as the disbanded Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Commission. The plethora of these measures did not address inequality, did not improve health and educational outcomes directly, and merely served to create a managerial class of lobbyists and activists. To merely enshrine an advisory body in the Constitution would only serve to make such an entity harder to abolish in the event it failed to achieve its set purposes.

Campaigners for the Voice will shake their heads and chide those who voted against the measure as backward reprobates who fell for a gross disinformation campaign waged by No campaigners. They were the ones who, like worshippers having filled the church till, could go about morally soothed proclaiming they had done their duty for the indigenous and downtrodden. Given that the No vote was overwhelming (59%), the dis- and mis-information angle is a feeble one.

It is true to say that the No campaign was beset by a range of concerns, some of them ingenuous, some distinctly not. There was the concern that, while the advice from Voice members on government legislation and policy would be non-binding on Parliamentarians, this would still lead to court challenges that would tie up legislation. Or that this was merely the prelude to a broader tarnishing of the Australian brand of exceptionalism: first, comes the Voice, then the Treaty process, then the “truth telling” to be divulged over national reconciliation processes.

The first of these was always unlikely to carry much weight. Even if any parliamentary decision to ignore advice from the Voice would ever go to court, it would never survive the holy supremacy of Parliament in the Westminster model of government. What Parliament says in the Anglo-Australian orbit of constitutional doctrine tends to be near unquestionable writ. No court would ever say otherwise.

The second concern was probably more on point, insofar as the Voice would act as a spur in the constitutional system, one to build upon in the broader journey of reconciliation. But the No casers here, with former Australian foreign minister Alexander Downer being fairly typical of this, regard matters such as treaty and truth-telling commissions as divisive and best scotched. “The most destructive feature of failed societies is that they are divided on the basis of ethnicity, race or religion,” he wrote this month.  For Downer and his ilk, Australia remains a pleasant land – not exactly verdant, but pleasant nonetheless – where Jerusalem was built; don’t let any uppity First Nations advocate tell you otherwise.

The procedurally minded and pragmatic sort – which count themselves amongst the majority of Australian voters, were always concerned about how the advisory body would be constituted. Any new creature born from political initiative will always risk falling into the clutches of political intriguers in the government of the day, vulnerable to the puppeteering of the establishment. In Australian elections, where pragmatism is elevated to the level of a questioning, punishing God, the question of the “how” soon leads to the question of “how much”. The Voice would ultimately have to face the invoice.

Another, equally persuasive criticism of the Voice came from what might be loosely described as the Black Sovereignty movement, led by such representatives as independent Senator Lidia Thorpe. From that perspective, the Voice is only a ceremonial sham, a bauble, tinsel cover that, while finding form in the Constitution, would have meant little. “This referendum, portrayed by the government as the solution to bringing justice to First Peoples in this country,” she opines, “has instead divided and hurt us.”

Precisely because it would not bind elected members, it had no powers to compel the members of parliament to necessarily follow their guidance. “The supremacy of the colonial parliament over ‘our Voice’,” Thorpe goes on to stress, “is a continuation of the oppression of our people, and the writing of our people into the colonial Constitution is another step in their ongoing attempt to assimilate us.”  This would make the body a pantomime of policy making, with its membership respectfully listened to even if they could be ultimately ignored.  Impotence, and the effective extinguishment of indigenous sovereignty, would be affirmed.

Among some undecided voters lay an agonising prospect, notably for those who felt that this was yet another measure that, while well-meant in spirit, was yet another on the potted road of failures. The indigenous activist Celeste Liddle represents an aspect of such a view, one of dissatisfaction, stung by broken promises. Her view is one of morose, inconsolable scepticism. “I’m at a time in my life,” she writes in Arena, “where I have seen a lot of promises, a lot of lies, a lot of attacks on Indigenous communities, and not a lot of change. I therefore lack faith in the current political system and its ability to ever be that agent of change.” That’s an almost dead certifiable “No”, then.

The sinking of the Yes measure need not kill off the program for improving and ameliorating the condition of First Nations people in Australia.  But for those seeking a triumphant Yes vote, the lesson was always threatening: no measure will ever pass the hurdle of the double majority in a majority of states if it does not have near uniform approval from the outset. It never has.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He currently lectures at RMIT University. He is a regular contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research. Email: [email protected] 

Featured image: Picture of Albert Namatjira at the Albert Namatjira Gallery, Alice Springs. Aboriginal art and artists became increasingly prominent in Australian cultural life during the second half of the 20th century. (Licensed under Attribution)

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The International Centre of Justice for Palestinians (ICJP) has issued Prime Minister Rishi Sunak with a stark warning that UK government officials could be individually liable for their role in aiding and abetting Israeli war crimes. Sunak has been issued with the notice of intention to prosecute UK government officials, for their role in providing military, economic and political support to Israel, which has aided Israel’s perpetration of war crimes.

This remarkable development comes at a time when Scotland Yard’s War Crimes Unit have opened calls for evidence relating to war crimes in the region. In an incredible turn of events, this could lead to UK government officials being prosecuted for war crimes by Scotland Yard. Individuals could also be prosecuted by the International Criminal Court.

The decision to prosecute comes in response to Israel’s directive to 1.2 million people in Gaza to immediately leave their homes in northern Gaza and move south. This order will result in mass forced displacement which may amount to both a war crime and a crime against humanity. The siege of Gaza, restricting electricity, food, water and other basic necessities, constitutes collective punishment, which is also a war crime under the Geneva Convention. At the same time, Israel has continued to bombard Gaza with massive and indiscriminate airstrikes, killing over 1,799 people, including 583 children.

The UK government has provided military assistance and economic and political support. Now that war crimes have been carried out, continuation of such support and assistance would mean that UK Government officials would be complicit in the commission of war crimes and potentially crimes against humanity. This complicity, formally known as ‘aiding and abetting’ war crimes, may mean that UK government officials are individually criminally liable for breaking international law.

ICJP Co-Director is Crispin Blunt MP, former Chair of the Commons Foreign Affairs Committee and former Justice Minister. He is a strong supporter of Prime Minister Sunak and wishes to divert him from a serious policy error and, enable him to express strong emotional support to Israel in the face of an appalling war crime that was a planned terrorist part of Hamas’s direction of last Saturday’s operation against Israel, whilst guiding Israel to accept the restraints that international law place on the democracies.


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Featured image: A view of destroyed buildings at the Gaza Strip after Israeli airstrikes that continue on the seventh day in Gaza City, Gaza on October 13, 2023 [Abed Rahim Khatib – Anadolu Agency]

Netanyahu Is an Albatross Around India’s Neck

October 16th, 2023 by M. K. Bhadrakumar

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One week has passed since an explosive situation erupted in West Asia around Israel. India’s famously loquacious External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar is maintaining deafening silence. That is not befitting the Vishwaguru (world teacher).    

So far, apart from an emotive tweet from Prime Minister Narendra Modi and a subsequent readout of his phone conversation with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, where sentiments of solidarity with Israel were reiterated in a calmer tone, there has been no “stand-alone” MEA statement. 

The brief interjection literally wrung out of the reluctant official spokesman on Thursday by journalists, failed to even refer to the blatant indulgence in war crimes by Israel in real time. Can it be that MEA is under a gag order? 

Certainly, it cannot be that the first-rate Arabist-diplomats in the foreign service are keeping their minister in the dark about the explosive situation unfolding in West Asia. Morally, politically and diplomatically, the MEA’s deafening silence is appalling. It blasts to smithereens India’s claims to be a regional power. And It has no plausible explanation. 

Entire neighborhoods have been leveled in the Israeli bombing campaigns. (Photo: Mahmoud Ajjour, Palestine Chronicle)

Not only is India’s silence on the massacre in Gaza morally repugnant, it is going to be untenable in strategic terms, as what appeared to the Indian leadership as “terrorist acts in Israel” are  dramatically morphing into a savage war in a region where millions of Indians live, earn their livelihood and contribute to India’s economy. Consider the following: 

  • In unprecedented moves, the US has deployed two aircraft carriers with an armada of accompanying warships and fighter aircraft off the shores of Israel. US Central Command and intelligence infrastructure in the region are helping Israel with planning and logistics for Gaza operations. US is pouring advanced weapons in vast quantities to Israeli hands. Special forces like SEAL teams / Delta Force in nearby European countries are being placed on high alert.
  • The UK, the evergreen consort of the Americans in any “coalition of the willing” in war theatres, has announced the despatch of two Royal Navy ships and surveillance aircraft to the eastern Mediterranean in plans to “bolster security.” Royal Marines are also being dispatched. Britain’s aircraft began patrols off Gaza to “track threats to regional stability such as the transfer of weapons to terrorist groups”. The UK Defence Secretary Grant Shapps has stated that the deployment is about “deterring others from getting involved in the region” and “maligning external influence”. 
  • Israel has drafted 400,000 reservists as it is “going on the offensive,” imposed a total blockade of Gaza and cut off its electricity, water and daily supplies.   

Suffice to say, Israel is actively preparing militarily for a regional war with the backing of the US and the UK. An alibi for  a regional war can aways be generated by creating new facts on the ground. An Israeli attack on Lebanon is possibly in the cards. 

The remarks by the visiting Iranian foreign minister Amir-Abdollahian yesterday while on a visit to Beirut (where he met with the Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah) signals every likelihood of the resistance groups reacting to Israeli aggression and war crimes: 

  • “Some European officials asked me (Amir-Abdollahian) if there were any chances that new fronts might open up against the Zionist regime. I told them if the Zionists keep up their war crimes, there exists every prospect that other resistance movements [may enter the war]… Continuation of these war crimes will be followed by other reactions on other axes… 
  • “Palestinian resistance is powerful and has high capabilities, and if Israel’s crimes continue, the Palestinian resistance will use its other capacities…
  • “(Americans) calling others in the region to exercise self-restraint on the one hand and providing full support for the usurping Israeli regime to continue its war crimes on the other is a contradictory behaviour which violates the claim that they do not want to expand the scope of war and conflict.”
  • “We believe that war crimes against the people of Palestine must be stopped immediately, and the humanitarian siege, cutting off water, electricity, and medicine for the people of Gaza, must be lifted… Iran will strongly continue its support for the resistance. Resistance is the absolute right of Palestinians in the face of Israeli occupation…

Following a closed-door UN Security Council meeting on the current escalation, Russian Permanent Representative to the United Nations Vasily Nebenzya warned, “The region is on the brink of a full scale war and an unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe.”

To be sure, the geopolitical dimensions of the incoming war too are surfacing. Nebenzya added,

“Let me be clear: the responsibility for the looming war in the Middle East, to a large extent, lies on the United States. It is Washington that recklessly and selfishly blocked the work of the Middle East Quartet of international mediators in an effort to monopolise the peace process and limit it to imposing an economic peace with Israel on the Palestinians and other Arab countries without solving the Palestinian question.” 

Russia presented a draft resolution at the Security Council which called for an immediate and long-term ceasefire that all parties would respect; an immediate release of hostages; and “the unimpeded provision and distribution of humanitarian assistance, including of food, fuel and medical treatment, as well as creating conditions for the safe evacuation of civilians in need.” 

But the Russian initiative won’t fly. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced in a televised address,

“We are responding to our enemies with great force, with unprecedented force. I would like to point out that it’s just the beginning. Our enemies have just begun to pay. I will not go into detail of what will come next, but I will say that it is just the beginning.”

Conceivably, that leaves Moscow to explore other options. A BRICS initiative is one possibility. Brazil and China are in consultation. And, so, indeed China and Saudi Arabia. President Putin is likely meeting Xi Jinping in Beijing. 

The really intriguing part is that plentiful intelligence assessments were available with Israel about the strong possibility of an operation by Hamas last Saturday. Egypt has confirmed that it passed on intelligence to Israel. 

CNN has since reported that US intelligence agencies too warned about a potential escalation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict shortly before the October 7 Hamas attack. The following excerpts from the CNN report are stunning, to say the least:

“One (US) update from September 28 warned, based on multiple streams of intelligence, that… Hamas was poised to escalate rocket-attacks across the border. An October 5 wire from the CIA warned generally of the increasing possibility of violence by Hamas. Then, on October 6, the day before the attack, US officials circulated reporting from Israel indicating unusual activity by Hamas — indications that are now clear: an attack was imminent.” (Emphasis added.)

Yet, Netanyahu didn’t act! Quite possibly, this 800-pound gorilla in Israeli political jungle calculated that a Holocaust may not be a bad idea if it helped him survive the existential crisis in his political career — the legal charges and the possibility of jail term coupled with a troubled relationship with the Biden Administration. 

Curiously, the emergent geopolitical situation is engendering a convergence of interests between Netanyahu and Biden. Biden is also facing an existential challenge from NATO’s inevitable defeat in the Ukraine war and there is no better way to contain the fallouts damaging his standing in the 2024 election than to decouple and career away toward a defence of Israel’s security, which will rally the powerful Jewish lobby and appeal to the public opinion. 

The big question remains: Did Netanyahu take us for a ride by mixing Islamophobia and terrorism into a heady cocktail that is seductive in its appeal in these extraordinary times in Indian politics? 

A bromance with Netanyahu was never to have a happy ending. Trump just revealed how Netanyahu scooted at the eleventh hour from the joint US-Israeli plot to assassinate the charismatic Iranian general Qassem Soleimani — and then, rushed in later to take credit for it.


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Featured image: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu holds up a map showing the occupied West Bank and Gaza as part of Israel during his speech at the UN General Assembly, 22 September 2023 (Reuters)