War Fever: Why China Should Prepare for the Worst

October 6th, 2023 by Mike Whitney

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Washington is positioning its assets at chokepoints across Central Asia to block critical rail corridors that link Beijing to Europe. It’s part of a US plan to isolate China from western markets following an outbreak of hostilities in Taiwan.

The destruction of Nordstream is the key to understanding how Washington plans to deal with China. The pipeline effectively erased the geographic borders between Russia and Germany creating a de facto free trade zone that spanned the continents and increased the prosperity of both trading partners. The arrangement anticipated a much larger commons area that would extend from “Lisbon to Vladivostok”, in fact, that was Vladimir Putin’s explicit goal. Washington saw this as a threat to its regional hegemony and set about to scuttle the partnership and the pipeline. As we pointed out in an earlier article:

In a world where Germany and Russia are friends and trading partners, there is no need for US military bases, no need for expensive US-made weapons and missile systems, and no need for NATO. There’s also no need to transact energy deals in US Dollars or to stockpile US Treasuries to balance accounts. Transactions between business partners can be conducted in their own currencies which is bound to precipitate a sharp decline in the value of the dollar and a dramatic shift in economic power. This is why the Biden administration decided to destroy Nordstream, because Nordstream was the main artery linking the two continents together into a mutually beneficial relationship that operated independent of the United States. Thus, Nordstream was a clear threat to the unipolar world and the “rules-based order”.

Bottom line: Nordstream had to be destroyed.

The question is: What does the Nordstream incident tell us about Washington’s plans for China?

What we’ve shown is that Washington is prepared to take radical action to defend its hegemony in Europe. But, of course, Germany was not the only victim of Biden’s attack. It was also a blow to Russia which not only suffered serious economic losses, but was also effectively blocked from western markets. Russia was clearly the more important of the two targets because it was Russia that challenged the central tenet of US foreign policy, which is “to prevent the re-emergence of a new rival, either on the territory of the former Soviet Union or elsewhere, that poses a threat on the order of that posed formerly by the Soviet Union.”

The quote above is excerpted from the Wolfowitz Doctrine that has appeared in numerous foreign policy documents including President Biden’s 2022 National Security Strategy. The words have been slightly tweaked in newer iterations, but the meaning remains the same. The US is going to prevent any “hostile power from dominating a region whose resources would, under consolidated control, be sufficient to generate global power.” In practice, this means that Russia cannot engage in commercial activities with its neighbors if those activities are perceived to pose a threat to US regional preeminence. In the case of Nordstream, the Biden administration was quite clear that they thought the pipeline was a problem; they even admitted as much. And the only reliable way to eliminate the problem, was to blow it up. This is the logic that precipitated the sabotage of Nordstream.

But what does this tell us about Washington’s “China policy”?

It tells us that US powerbrokers are going to identify emerging threats in Central Asia and then remove those threats by hook or crook. And, while China does not have large supplies of natural gas and oil to sell to Europe, it is creating a vast network of China-to-Europe freight corridors that have economically integrated the Eurasian landmass while linking to major capitals across the EU. This far-flung cobweb of newly-laid track has put Beijing at a decided advantage over the US in local competition and is rapidly reinforcing its position as regional hegemon. Once again, we need to remember that the United States is fully-committed to preventing the re-emergence of a rival in the region it considers vital to its national security, that is, Central Asia. And, yet, China’s rapidly expanding freight rail system creates just such a rival. Take a look:

The China-Europe Freight Train (CEFT)

A crucial precursor to the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), and arguably its most prominent flagship project, the China-Europe Freight Train (CEFT) has already run through its first decade of 2011-21. With 82 routes currently connecting nearly 100 Chinese cities to around 200 cities across 24 European countries and more than a dozen Central, East, and Southeast Asian countries, the CEFT has formed a vast transcontinental freight system spanning both ends of Eurasia. While only 17 freight trains ran from China to Europe in the CEFT’s inaugural year of 2011, 60,000 trains cumulatively will have traversed the Eurasian landmass and its maritime margins by October 16, 2022….Eurasia’s Freight Infrastructure vs. Russia’s War in Ukraine, Global Affairs

Here’s more:

Any large-scale transport system takes a long time to develop and mature. The CEFT may be an exception in that it has expanded rapidly and extensively over a mere decade, from a few places into arguably the world’s largest logistics network linking hundreds of cities across the vast continent of Eurasia, as the most prominent flagship project of China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), launched in 2013….

As the CEFT runs into its second decade, it has already sent around 60,000 trains cumulatively between Europe, China, and parts of East Asia and Southeast Asia by October 2022. Every day now, around 40 freight trains carrying hundreds of containers and other forms of cargo shipments run east and west across Eurasia, with extended rail-sea and rail-river intermodal shipping across the Caspian, Black, and Mediterranean seas and along the Rhine and Yangtze Rivers. Connection Meets Disruption: The China-Europe Freight Train and the War in Ukraine, The European Financial Review

So, while the United States was waging its wars in the Middle East and Central Asia, China was opening-up a state-of-the-art railway corridor that shortened the distances between capitals, reduced the overall price of manufactured goods, increased the profits of its trading partners, and built-up good will among its neighbors. And, yes, freight trains are a centuries old technology but—as we’ve seen—that old technology can dramatically impact economic development when it is put to good use. More importantly, it can significantly affect the distribution of global power which poses a serious threat to the existing order. And that is why Washington is so worried.

So, what can we expect from the Biden administration? Surely, they’re not going to roll over and play dead. There must be a plan for countering China’s rapid takeover of Asia and its impressive penetration of European market, but what is it? This is from Politico:

Russia’s war in Ukraine is derailing Beijing’s flagship New Silk Road project. The infrastructure strategy aims to promote freight trains running from China, across Russia and then through Ukraine or Belarus on to the European Union. Now Ukraine is in a bloody war, while Belarus and Russia have been hit hard with sanctions.

“The Ukraine war has completely totaled the China-Europe rail express phenomenon for now,” said Jacob Mardell, an analyst focusing on China’s infrastructure grand plan, known as the Belt and Road Initiative, for the Mercator Institute for China Studies.

The slowdown in growth is in large part due to traders no longer wanting their goods to pass through Russia via the Silk Road’s northern route, lest they run into legal trouble. Russian Railways are under EU and U.S. financial sanctions, and it’s tricky to insure products being transported through Russia because of the war and sanctions’ “chilling effect,” according to Kristian Schmidt, who leads land transport policy at the European Commission.

But there is a rail alternative linking China to Europe that bypasses Russia: A corridor running south of Russia, from China to Kazakhstan, across the Caspian Sea, and then through Azerbaijan and Georgia, known as the Middle Corridor...

In May, Maersk announced it was launching new services on the Middle Corridor. The Danish logistics giant, which has halted freight services through Russia, now sends goods by rail from China, through Kazakhstan, then across the Caspian sea to Azerbaijan, and then on to the Georgian port of Poti on the Black Sea. From there, cargo is loaded onto its network of feeder vessels that can carry it to Constanța in Romania….

The Middle Corridor is now “the only real alternative” to the route crossing Russia, DG MOVE Chief Henrik Hololei said at an event in June. Ukraine war shakes up China-Europe railway express, Politico

Let’s see if I got this right: A significant portion of China’s freight (along the northern corridor) has been blocked due to sanctions (on Russia). So, the only viable alternative is the “Middle Corridor” ..”across the Caspian sea to Azerbaijan” which is currently experiencing an uptick in violence between Azerbaijan and Armenia. Even more suspicious is the fact that on September 25, diehard neocon Samantha Power unexpectedly visited Yerevan, the capital of Armenia, and delivered a statement in which she emphasized the Biden administrations support for country. Not surprisingly, she also called for an “international presence” on the ground which suggests an eagerness on the part of the US and NATO to get involved in yet another foreign territorial dispute. Check it out:

Samantha Power, the United States Agency for International Development administrator, said in Yerevan on Monday that there must be international presence in Nagorno-Karabakh to assess whether Azerbaijan is implementing its commitments…

“All parties must allow an international humanitarian assessment and humanitarian presence to be there, to see whether Azerbaijan is fulfilling its commitments, and for these organizations to be able to report to the international community,” she added.

Power arrived in Armenia with U.S. Undersecretary of State Yuri Kim on mission on Monday to “deliver a message from President Biden,” she said, adding that she presented a letter from the U.S. President to Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan when the two met earlier in the day. Top U.S. Official Calls for International Presence in Artsakh, Asbarez

Veteran geopolitical analyst Pepe Escobar summed it up like this:

Relations with Moscow are deteriorating fast. Yerevan – a juicy strategic target – is being taken over by the Hegemon (Washington) and its vassals. It’s not an accident that Yerevan hosts the second largest American embassy in the world.

So only one thing is certain: the Transcaucasus will continue to be on fire….

We are convinced that the Armenian leadership is making a huge mistake by deliberately attempting to sever Armenia’s multifaceted and centuries-old ties with Russia, making the country a hostage to Western geopolitical games. We are confident that the overwhelming majority of the Armenian population realizes this as well.” Nagorno-Karabakh is no more, Pepe Escobar, Strategic Culture

What does it all mean?

It means the US has already picked sides in complicated, regional dispute because it wants to put-down roots in the Central Asia theatre. It also means that the US wants combat troops deployed to an area that can serve as a chokepoint for China’s freight service to Europe. Once again, the US cannot prevail in its war against China unless it is able to weaken China via sanctions, isolation and perhaps military confrontation. That’s the way the US typically approaches these matters. (RE: Cuba, Iran, Venezuela, North Korea) Washington is positioning itself to either block or sabotage China’s trade-flows to Europe just like it sabotaged the flow of Russian gas to Europe. It’s the same policy.

And, that’s just ‘for starters’, because the ultimate goal of the policy is to “de-couple” from China entirely which will have catastrophic effects on the global economy but will (supposedly) preserve the primacy of western elites and their exalted “rules-based order.” This is an excerpt from an article at Freight Ways:

In 2022, the Word Trade Organization (WTO) warned about a worst-case scenario it called “long-run decoupling” that involved the “disintegration of the global economy into two separate blocs”….

Geopolitics is cleaving global shipping systems into two, with the U.S. and EU leading one side and China and Russia leading the other, and some countries trying to stay in the middle, play both sides and keep their options open….

Geopolitics has also caused a bifurcation in the tanker fleet, a physical manifestation of the decoupling scenario laid out by the WTO….. The splitting of the fleet seen in tanker shipping is also apparent, albeit to a much lesser degree, in container shipping…

“How do you take the proportion of global trade that moves through the South China Sea today and say, ‘OK, we’re just going to stop that because there’s a live war going on?’” said Paul Bingham, director of transportation consulting at S&P Global, in an interview with FreightWaves last year.

America remains extremely dependent on containerized imports from China. U.S. Customs data shows that imports from China represented 30% of total U.S. imports in 2022.

…. Add it all up and it looks like cargo flows and shipping fleets are on a path toward fragmentation. As the WTO warned in its new world trade outlook, released Wednesday, “Fragmentation … remains a significant threat, which could hinder economic growth and reduce living standards over the long term.”
China-Russia vs. US-EU: How global shipping is slowly splitting in two, Freight Waves

This excerpt should give readers a good idea of what to expect in the future when the US provokes a war in Taiwan as it did in Ukraine. The knock-on effects will not be a slight uptick in inflation accompanied by moderately-higher interest rates, but a greatly-accelerated global realignment away from the United States followed by the crashing of equities markets, the loss of reserve currency status, a severe and protracted economic slump, and a catastrophic plunge in living standards.

Readers who follow news about China closely, know that elite powerbrokers in the West have already decided that the only way to preserve their grip on global power is to goad China into attacking Taiwan so they can implement the riskier elements of their strategy.

And what are the riskier elements of their strategy?

To prevent China from accessing western markets or transacting business in western currencies. To seize China’s foreign reserves and freeze its accounts in foreign central banks. To ban all foreign investment and block China’s access to hard cash. To set up chokepoints in the South China Sea, the Taiwan Strait and Central Asia all of which would be used to stop the flow of manufactured goods to China’s trading partners. And, finally, block all oil shipments from the Middle East to China. Take a look:

As the dominant power in the Middle East, the United States maintains a great deal of leverage over China, which is dependent on the region for its energy needs. In the event of a conflict between China and the United States, U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) could direct U.S. military forces to block energy shipments to China, thereby preventing the country from accessing resources to fuel its economy and military forces...

There are several maritime oil transit chokepoints in the region, including the Suez Canal, the Bab al-Mandab, and the Strait of Hormuz. Any disruption to these chokepoints could significantly affect countries that depend on the region’s oil….

“Seventy-two percent of all Chinese oil is imported,” Kurilla explained. “That can make them vulnerable.”...

Among China’s oil imports, about half comes from the Middle East. For some time, Saudi Arabia has been China’s largest source of oil imports, only to be recently surpassed by Russia….

During previous eras of great power competition, the United States has been willing to move against oil-dependent rivals. One precedent for the current situation is U.S. action against Japan in the months prior to U.S. entry into World War II. Months before Japan launched its attack against the United States at Pearl Harbor, the United States cut off oil exports to Japan, putting the country’s economy and military power at risk. U.S. officials made the move knowing that it might lead to war….

A particular focus of any U.S. military action would be the Strait of Hormuz, the region’s major oil transit chokepoint. Nearly all of China’s energy imports from the Middle East are shipped through the strait.

“Ninety-eight percent plus goes through by ship,” Kurilla said. “That makes them vulnerable.”…

“I believe CENTCOM is literally and figuratively central to competition with China and Russia,” Kurilla said. “We’ve been there in the past… We’re there today, and we’ll be there in the future.” How the US could cut off Middle East oil to China if it wanted, Responsible Statecraft

“Strategic Denial”?

The foreign policy BrainTrust has put a plan in place that will be activated following any Chinese retaliation to US provocations in Taiwan. By necessity, the plan will include the denial of access to western markets and the blocking of critical resources to China. Western powerbrokers believe that they can derail China’s expansionist Belt and Road project and deliver a withering blow to its economy without triggering a nuclear conflagration. That, of course, is left to be seen.

In any event, the transition to a multipolar world will not be peaceful, which is why China should prepare for the worst.


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This article was originally published on The Unz Review.

Michael Whitney is a renowned geopolitical and social analyst based in Washington State. He initiated his career as an independent citizen-journalist in 2002 with a commitment to honest journalism, social justice and World peace.

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). 

All images in this article are from TUR

America on the Verge of the Debt Trap

October 6th, 2023 by Karsten Riise

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The US is balancing on a debt trap.

When debt was low, interest rates didn’t burden the government budget.

When interest rates were low, a high level of debt didn’t burden the government budget either.

Come 2023, not only are both the debt and interest rates high, they are both exploding.

This is the typical situation of the frog sitting drowsily while the water in the pot slowly heats up. At the beginning the frog – the US government of both parties – just felt a nice warmth from their deficits. As the Wall Street Journal reports today 5 October 2023, the debt situation has been moving  very unfavorably for the US government over time, but until now, that has happened “below the radar” of both economists, politicians, and even the oligarchs at Wall Street.

But that is ending now, as at least the oligarchs on Wall Street are starting to wake up and their response is a sharp increase in the rate of interests on US debt, see figure below.


US payments on debt is acutely threatening to snowball out of control.

Higher rates of interest on a big debt means very big payments of interests.

Big payments of interests mean even higher debt, even higher rates of interest, and an accelerating development in the US debt. The US government is on the verge of destroying all foundation for not only its own budgetary existence, but for the whole US capital market, the US financial system, and the US dollar as well.

The resulting crisis can come nearly anytime – it will make the 2009 crisis look like Paradise – and there will be no remedy except pain, pain, pain.

Right now, Rep. Matt Gaetz, Rep. Nancy Mace, et. al. are vilified as they have been prepared to blow up the sleepy US frog by letting the US government come to a complete standstill. Even the Wall Street Journal spends no less than two to three op-eds to attack Matt Gaetz & co.

But debt addiction is not easy to cure – sometimes forcing a cold turkey is needed. So maybe, I just say maybe, it’s time to thank them.

Interesting of all old “villains” is Steve Bannon because he speaks very much for the populist Republicans who just nuked the House of Representatives. Bannon defines himself as a populist, and even in an old and long interview, Bannon accepts populists on the left. Bannon is very eloquent. Bannon in his own web-channel www.warroom.org not only supports Rep. Matt Gaetz and Rep. Nancy Mace, but Bannon also spends a lot of time explaining (I find in a good way) why the debt problem matters, and is acute.

What I want to point out here about Bannon, and I note that Bannon speaks for a lot of Republican populists, is that Bannon acknowledges that budget cuts alone will not be able to rectify the out-of-control US budget deficit. Bannon, an arch Republican, therefore argues, that tax increases are needed. And not only does Bannon argue that tax increases are needed. Bannon also argues to tax the ultra-rich and argues that it is only just and fair to tax them because the ultra-rich US oligarch class has not only helped to create the fiscal malaise, but has profiteered from it all the way.

What we just saw with the ouster of the Speaker of the House is just the beginning of an enormous political and financial battle affecting not only all of the USA, but all of the world.


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Karsten Riise is a Master of Science (Econ) from Copenhagen Business School and has a university degree in Spanish Culture and Languages from Copenhagen University. He is the former Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Mercedes-Benz in Denmark and Sweden.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research. 

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We are reposting this article by Max Parry, first published by GR on August 4, 2021, to commemorate the beginning of America’s War on Terrorism.


In May 2021, the HBO television network aired a new two-part documentary exploring America’s ongoing opioid epidemic entitled The Crime of the Century. The first episode summarized the role of the pharmaceutical industry in the crisis, specifically that of Sackler family drugmaker Purdue Pharma and its deadly prescription painkiller, OxyContin.

Part one also thoroughly investigates the complicity of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the deceptive marketing by the drug company to obtain U.S. government approval for oxycodone despite its high risk of abuse and dependency, just as the pharmaceutical lobby bribes lawmakers in Washington.

Later, the second half of the series charts the current rising use of even more powerful synthetic opioids like fentanyl. During COVID-19, the number of fatal overdoses have reportedly spiked in an epidemic already estimated to be taking nearly 50,000 lives per year. The HBO production is one of a slew of recent films such as Netflix’s The Pharmacist and The Young Turks’ The Oxy Kingpins which highlight the responsibility of the pharmaceutical industry but omit discussion of a related issue that has become taboo for media to even mention. While the film’s scathing indictment of Big Pharma is certainly relevant, it unfortunately neglects to address another enormous but lesser-known factor in America’s escalating drug problem.

Corporate media would have us believe it is simply fortuitous that during the exact time opioid overdose deaths in the U.S. began to increase in the early 2000s, the so-called War on Terror began with the conquest and plundering of a country abroad that has since become the world’s epicenter for opium production.

By the end of August 2021, American combat forces are scheduled to fully withdraw from Afghanistan shortly before the twentieth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks that preceded the October 2001 invasion and subsequent two decade occupation. Contrary to the spin put on the announcement by the Biden administration, the pledge to finally remove troops from the longest war in U.S. history was actually yet another postponement, as the Trump administration had previously agreed with the Taliban to a complete drawdown by May.

Time will tell whether the new deadline is Washington kicking the can down the road again in the endless war, but the withdrawal has already drawn criticism from the bipartisan foreign policy establishment with former Secretaries of State Hillary Clinton and Condoleezza Rice voicing their objections to the House Foreign Affairs Committee. Unfortunately for the Beltway chickenhawks, polls show an increasingly war-weary American public are unanimously in support of the move, which is little wonder given they have endured a silent epidemic that can be partly traced back to the conflict-ridden nation.

Even though the FDA approved OxyContin six years before the U.S. took control of the South Central Asian country, an increase in domestic heroin overdoses has been intertwined with the uptick in abuse of commonly prescribed and man-made opioids which have become gateway drugs to the morphium-derived opiate in the new millennium. Meanwhile, Afghanistan has become the globe’s leading narco-state under NATO occupation which accounts for more than 90% of global opium production that is used to make heroin and other narcotics. According to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), poppy cultivation in the Islamic Republic increased by 37% last year alone.

At the same time, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that heroin use in the U.S. more than doubled among young adults in the last ten years, while 45% of heroin users were said to be hooked on prescription opioid painkillers as well. Yet the impression one gets from mainstream media is that the vast majority of smack on America’s streets is coming solely from Mexican cartels, a statistical impossibility based on the scale of the U.S. user demand in proportion to the amount of hectares produced in Latin America, when the majority is inevitably being sourced from a country its own military has colonized for two decades.

The predominant narrative is that the illegal trade is the Taliban’s primary source of income financing its insurgency which has put the Pashtun-based group in nearly as strong a position today as it was prior to its overthrow when it presided over three quarters of the country. While the newly rebranded movement’s bloody and intolerant history cannot be whitewashed, one would have no idea that the lowest period in the previous thirty years for Afghan opium growth was actually under the five year reign of the Islamists who strictly forbid poppy farming a year before the U.S. takeover, though it is claimed they were merely deceiving the international community. Nevertheless, where opium harvesting really flourished preceding the NATO invasion was under the border lands controlled by the Northern Alliance, the same coalition of warlords and tribes later armed by the C.I.A. to oust the Taliban, while United Nations observers even acknowledged the success of the Sharia-based ban until its ouster.

Beginning in 2001, Afghanistan was instantly transformed into the chief global heroin supplier entering Turkey through the Balkans into the European Union and via Tajikistan eastward into Russia, China and beyond. In the midst of the U.S. exit, there is a general agreement that the days are numbered for the Kabul government as the Taliban continue to make gains. Still, the question remains — if the self-described Islamic Emirate and its asymmetric warfare is to blame for the opium boom, then where on earth did the billions NATO allocated for its counternarcotics strategy go? Even in the rare instances when major news outlets have reported on the U.S. military’s non-intervention policy toward opium farming with American marines suspiciously under orders to turn a blind eye to the poppy fields, the yellow press simply refuses to connect the dots. Under the smokescreen of supposedly protecting the only means of subsistence for the impoverished locals, NATO forces are in reality safeguarding the lethal product lining the pockets of the Afghan government. Why else would the Western coalition continue to overlook the Taliban’s main source of revenue if it is only the Pashtun nationalists who profit?

In reality, it was under the initial post-Taliban regime of President Hamid Karzai where drug exports began to surge as the very regime installed by the Bush administration shielded the unlawful trade from its cosmetic prohibition effort. Even though voter fraud was rampant during both the 2004 and 2009 Afghan elections, Karzai was championed as the country’s first “democratically-elected” leader while receiving tens of millions in behind the scenes payments from the Central Intelligence Agency. A longtime Western asset, Karzai had previously raised funds in neighboring Pakistan for the anti-communist mujahideen during the Afghan-Soviet War in the 1980s. Not only did the ranks of the Islamic ‘holy warriors’ armed and funded in the C.I.A.’s Operation Cyclone program include Karzai and the eventual core of both the Taliban and Al-Qaeda — including Osama bin Laden himself — but it is also well established the jihadists were deeply immersed in drug smuggling as the U.S. looked the other way. The late, great historian William Blum wrote:

“CIA-supported mujahideen rebels engaged heavily in drug trafficking while fighting the Soviet-supported government, which had plans to reform Afghan society. The Agency’s principal client was Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, one of the leading drug lords and the biggest heroin refiner, who was also the largest recipient of CIA military support. CIA-supplied trucks and mules that had carried arms into Afghanistan were used to transport opium to laboratories along the Afghan-Pakistan border. The output provided up to one-half of the heroin used annually in the United States and three-quarters of that used in Western Europe. U.S. officials admitted in 1990 that they had failed to investigate or take action against the drug operation because of a desire not to offend their Pakistani and Afghan allies. In 1993, an official of the DEA dubbed Afghanistan the new Colombia of the drug world.”

As maintained by the UNODC, the heroin flooding out of Afghanistan and Central Asia into Western Europe passes through the Balkan route consisting of the independent ex-Yugoslav states, together with Albania and the partially-recognized protectorate of Kosovo. Not coincidentally, this transit corridor largely began to swell with narcotraffic proceeding the NATO war on Yugoslavia in the 1990s, especially in the wake of the Kosovo conflict which saw the Clinton administration shore up the Al Qaeda-linked Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) to secede the disputed province from Serbia. Even with their previous State Department designation as a terrorist organization until 1998, the Islamist militants were given an instant facelift as freedom fighters. Apart from the fact that the ethnic Albanian separatists had considerable ties to Salafist extremist networks, the C.I.A.-backed Kosovar insurgents also subsidized their military campaign, which involved serious war crimes and ethnic cleansing, through narcoterrorism and drug running with Albanian crime syndicates — in above all, heroin. As journalist Diana Johnstone writes in Fools’ Crusade: Yugoslavia, NATO and Western Delusions:

“The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration and other Western agencies were well aware of the close links between the UCK/KLA and the Kosovo Albanian drug traffickers controlling the main flow of heroin into Western Europe from Afghanistan via Turkey. The CIA has a long record of considering such groups as assets against governments targeted by the United States, whether in Southeast Asia, Africa or Central America.”

Shortly after the Red Army retreated in 1989, Afghanistan became one of the world’s top opium producers for the first time throughout the next decade until Taliban Supreme Leader Mullah Omar issued a fatwa against the lucrative crop in 2000. When the comprador Karzai assumed office the very next year, another family figure emerged as a key coalition ally in the country’s south — younger half-brother Ahmed Wali Karzai — who was appointed to govern poppy-rich Kandahar Province until his assassination in 2011. Just a year earlier, it was revealed by WikiLeaks embassy cables that Washington was well aware the younger Karzai was a corrupt drug lord, not long after The New York Times divulged his key role in the opium trade while simultaneously on the C.I.A. payroll. Even though this partial hangout was publicized by the Old Gray Lady, the newspaper of record never bothered to further investigate the links between Langley and the Karzai family’s deep pockets from the drug market. Instead, they continued to craft the misleading perception that taxes on poppy farming within Taliban-held areas was chiefly responsible for the illegal industry dominating the Afghan economy and fueling the never-ending war that Washington has a vested interest in prolonging.

Many commentators have drawn parallels between the recent disorganized abandonment of Bagram Airfield, the largest U.S. base in Afghanistan, and the final evacuation of American combat troops from South Vietnam during the Fall (Liberation) of Saigon in 1975. The mountainous country situated at the intersection of Central and South Asia along with Pakistan and (to a lesser extent) Iran comprises what is known as the ‘Golden Crescent’, one of two main hubs of opium turnout on the continent. In the Vietnam era, most of the globe’s heroin came from the other major axis of poppy-plant growth in the ‘Golden Triangle’ of Southeast Asia located at the border junction between Thailand, Laos and Myanmar. This crossroads continued to be the largest region for harvesting of the flower until the early 21st century when Afghanistan surpassed it in outturn. While there has yet to be revealed a smoking gun per se implicating the C.I.A. in drug trafficking from the Golden Crescent, it is at the very least food for thought given the precedent set by the agency throughout its 73-year history.

From the beginning of the Cold War, Langley intimately conspired with organized crime to achieve U.S. foreign policy objectives. Following the Cuban Revolution in 1959, the rogue spy agency frequently enlisted the Mafia in its many failed attempts to overthrow Fidel Castro and decades later many still believe that the same elements likely had a hand in the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Still, it was not until 1972 during the Vietnam War when historian Alfred W. McCoy famously uncovered the extent to which the C.I.A. was involved in the international drug trade in The Politics of Heroin in Southeast Asia. The explosive study meticulously documented how the narcotics coming out of the Golden Triangle were being transported on a front airline known as Air America run by U.S. intelligence as part of its covert operations in bordering Laos.

In the Laotian civil war, the C.I.A. had secretly organized a guerrilla army of 30,000 strong from the indigenous Hmong population to fight the communist Pathet Lao forces aligned with North Vietnam and the highland natives were economically dependent on poppy cultivation. When the heroin exported out of Laos didn’t find its way to cities in America, it ended up next-door in Vietnam where opiate habits among G.I.s reached epidemic proportions, one of many instances of ‘blowback’ from U.S. collusion with worldwide drug smuggling. Believe it or not, however, this was not the first correlation between an American war and an opiate epidemic at home, as previously during the Civil War in the 1870s there was widespread morphine addiction among Union and Confederate soldiers.

It appears that almost everywhere U.S. interventionism goes, the drug market seems to follow. In the early 1980s, the C.I.A. mobilized another counter-revolutionary fighting force in Central America as part of the Reagan administration’s dirty war against the left-wing Sandinista government in Nicaragua. During the Nicaraguan civil war, Congress had forbidden any funding or supplying of weapons to the right-wing Contras as stipulated in the Boland Amendment. Instead, Washington used go-betweens like Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega, a long-standing C.I.A. operative closely linked to narco-trafficking through Pablo Escobar’s Medellín Cartel, until the U.S. later turned against the strongman. In what became known as the Iran-Contra affair, the Reagan White House was embroiled in scandal after it was divulged that the C.I.A. had devised a rat line funneling arms to a most unlikely source in the Islamic Republic of Iran — a sworn enemy of the U.S. under embargo — by which the takings were diverted to the Nicaraguan terrorists. Although the official excuse for the secret deal was an arms-for-hostages exchange for U.S. citizens being held in Lebanon, the real purpose for the arrangement was to finance the Contras whose other proceeds happened to come from a different illicit enterprise — cocaine.

Despite the fact that a 1986 inquiry by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee found that the agency knew the anti-Sandinista rebels were engaged in cocaine trafficking just as use of its highly-addictive freebase variation was surging in cities across America, it was not until a decade later when investigative journalist Gary Webb in his controversial Dark Alliance series fully exposed the link between Contra drug operations under C.I.A. protection and the crack epidemic domestically. Public outcry over the three-part investigation resonated most strongly within the African-American community whose inner city neighborhoods were devastated by the crack explosion and the indignation culminated in a Los Angeles town hall where a large audience confronted C.I.A. Director John Deutch.

Amid the fallout, Webb found himself the target of a media-led smear campaign disputing the credibility of the exposé which destroyed his life and derailed his career, even though his findings were based on extensive court documents and corroborated by former crack kingpins like “Freeway” Rick Ross and ex-LAPD narcotics officer Michael C. Ruppert. Sadly, the journalist would later die of a highly suspicious suicide in 2004 but eventually Webb’s muckraking was the subject of a favorable Hollywood depiction in 2014’s Kill The Messenger. In the end, the fearless reporter was punished for revealing that many of the individuals most involved in cocaine trafficking in the eighties were the same exact individuals the C.I.A. employed to channel guns to the Contras, thereby permitting drugs to flow into the U.S..

Although there has yet to be the equivalent of a Vietnam or Nicaragua-level disclosure of incontrovertible evidence incriminating Uncle Sam in the Afghan drug business as the troop removal approaches, the answer may lie with who is set to replace them. A Defense Department report from earlier this year indicates that at least 18,000 security contractors remain in the war-torn country, where outsourcing to private military companies like Academi (formerly Blackwater) has increasingly been relied upon in the 20-year war, including for futile drug enforcement measures. As the services of guns-for-hire with a penchant for human rights abuses grew in the lengthy conflict, oversight and accountability diminished to the point where the Pentagon is unable to accurately keep track of defense firms or what mercenaries are even doing in the country. Meanwhile, private security services have made a fortune being contracted out for the abortive anti-drug effort just as Afghanistan set records in opiate production.

Alfred W. McCoy, the acclaimed historian who unearthed C.I.A. collaboration with opiate trafficking in Indochina, not long ago chronicled the imminent downfall of the U.S. as a superpower in In the Shadows of American History: The Rise and Decline of U.S. Global Power. In his work, McCoy notes how the U.S. has set out to fulfill the “Heartland Theory” geostrategy envisioned by the architect of modern geopolitics, Sir Halford Mackinder, in his influential 1904 paper “The Geographical Pivot of History.” The English analyst reconceived the continents as poles of interconnected global power and cited the way in which the British Empire joined with the other Western European nations in the 19th century to prevent Russian imperial expansionism in “The Great Game” with Afghanistan serving as a battleground. Fearing that the Russian Empire would enlarge toward the south, the British sent forces to Afghanistan as a containment strategy, a decision which ultimately proved to be a humiliating defeat for the East India Company but according to Mackinder blocked the Russian sphere of influence in British India. He then theorized that the country which conquered the Eurasian ‘Heartland’ of the Russian core would come to dominate the world. For the strategist, the geographical notion of Eurasia also consisted of China which the British had used drug addiction to destabilize and overcome in the Opium Wars.

In 1979, the National Security Adviser in the Jimmy Carter administration, Zbigniew Brzezinski, put Mackinder’s blueprint into practice after the U.S. was forced to pull back in Vietnam by luring the Soviet Union into its own impregnable quagmire in a new “Great Game.” The scheme worked like a charm and just months after the Polish-born Russophobe persuaded the 39th president to lend clandestine support to the mujahideen in Afghanistan, aid from Moscow was requested by the socialist government in Kabul and the rest was history. Like the British Empire and Alexander the Great before it, the U.S. is itself now bogged down in the ‘graveyard of empires’ after the forgetting the lessons of history. Unintended or not, one of the adverse results of America’s empire-building has been the pouring of fuel on the fire of an initially homegrown opioid crisis begun by Big Pharma by turning Afghanistan into a multi-billion dollar narco-economy whereby heroin is circulated for consumption all over the map.

Like the Pentagon Papers released during the Vietnam War, the internal memos of the Afghanistan Papers made public in 2019 proved officials were deceiving the American people about the reality of the no-win situation on the ground. It remains to be seen what impact the U.S. handover to the corrupt Kabul regime will have for dope distribution as a Taliban seizure of power appears near, but the latest report by the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) determined that officials have long known the war was ill-fated from the outset and warns Washington is bound to repeat the same errors in the future. Unless critical steps are taken to rein in the military-industrial complex, we have to assume that with another forever war there will unavoidably come the opening of another C.I.A.-controlled international drug route with Americans either suffering the consequences with their pocketbooks or their lives.


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Max Parry is an independent journalist and geopolitical analyst. His writing has appeared widely in alternative media. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.  Max may be reached at [email protected]

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[We repost this article by Sara Flounders first published in 2010 to commemorate the 22nd anniversary of America’s invasion of Afghanistan on October 7, 2001.]



The Pentagon offensive against the Afghan city of Marjah was public-relations media hype from the very first day. The sole purpose of the offensive in Marjah was to convince the U.S. population and increasingly tepid NATO allies that this imperialist war is winnable.

U.S. involvement in Afghanistan is now the longest foreign war in U.S. history, on both the air and the ground. The Pentagon described the Marjah offensive as the biggest military operation in more than eight years of occupation, but now calls it a prelude to a larger assault on the city of Kandahar.

In U.S. counterinsurgency warfare, such an offensive means dropping heavily armed troops in an area seeking to draw enemy fire. The troops then call in air support, long-range artillery fire, machine-gun fire, rockets, white phosphorous bombs and anti-personnel bombs. The latter cover the ground with bomblets that emit thousands of razor-sharp fragments.

Tens of thousands of civilians were driven from the villages of Helmand Province, and the town of Marjah was partially evacuated. But thousands of Afghans were unwilling to leave their homes and animals in the cold of winter for the hunger, instability and flimsy shelter of refugee camps. Many are too poor to leave. They ended up as targets of Pentagon weapons.

The Marjah offensive’s stated goal was to introduce a ready-made, U.S.-created local regime, staffed by an Afghan puppet administration totally dependent on U.S. power. With cynical and racist arrogance, NATO commander Gen. Stanley McChrystal said, “We got a government in a box ready to roll in.” (New York Times, Feb. 12)

Afghan Casualties Unrecorded

Throughout this war, the Pentagon and corporate media have never counted and scarcely mentioned Afghan civilian deaths, injuries and trauma from bombings, fires and destruction. Tens of thousands more die of starvation, cold and infections in crowded refugees camps, swollen cities and isolated villages.

During the U.S. offensive in Marjah, U.S. deaths in Afghanistan reached the milestone of 1,000. This total confirms that youth are paying the price of the lack of education and job opportunities in the U.S. In addition, suicides among returning soldiers now exceed combat deaths and injuries are about four times the deaths.

Gen. Barry McCaffrey at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point warned of sharp increases in U.S. troop casualties in the months ahead. “What I want to do is signal that this thing is going to be $5 billion to $10 billion a month and 300 to 500 killed and wounded a month by next summer. That’s what we probably should expect.” (Army Times, Jan. 7)

As the two-week offensive officially ended in Marjah, bombs exploded in one of the most secure areas of Kabul. Some reporters described it as a sophisticated and well-coordinated operation in the heavily guarded capital. A car bomb targeted housing of employees from countries connected to the occupation, apparently with the aim of undermining international support for the Afghan war.

During the offensive came the announcement on Feb. 21 that the Netherlands coalition government had fallen apart, due to heated opposition of a coalition party to keeping Dutch troops in Afghanistan. This sealed the planned withdrawal of 2,000 Dutch troops from NATO forces in Afghanistan, as of next August.

The Netherlands was the first NATO member to announce that it is quitting. The announcement was a big setback for the U.S. and NATO, and has prompted wide media speculation of other possible NATO withdrawals from the deeply unpopular war.

A Los Angeles Times editorial on Feb. 24 stated that the Dutch “withdrawal is likely to raise concerns about a fracturing of the international commitment to Afghanistan, and about the Afghan government’s ability to provide security in the long term . … The Dutch decision should serve as a warning to the Obama administration.”

The majority of the people in almost all the NATO countries opposes the war and wants their troops out. This has become a major issue in domestic politics and elections in many countries. Canada has announced the withdrawal of its forces by the summer of 2011.

Anti-war Mood Undermines NATO Militarism

Following the Dutch announcement, U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates in a speech at the National Defense University told NATO officers and officials that public and political opposition to the military had grown so great in Europe that it was directly affecting operations in Afghanistan and impeding the alliance’s broader goals.

“The demilitarization of Europe — where large swaths of the general public and political class are averse to military force and the risks that go with it — has gone from a blessing in the 20th century to an impediment. … Right now the alliance faces very serious, long-term, systemic problems.” (New York Times, Feb. 24)

Gates also reminded NATO officials that, not counting U.S. forces, NATO troops in Afghanistan were scheduled to increase to 50,000 this year — from 30,000 last year.

The total 43-country International Security Assistance Force, including U.S. soldiers, is presently at 140,000 troops in Afghanistan.

As journalist Rick Rozoff summed up a year ago: “The Afghan war is also the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s first armed conflict outside of Europe and its first ground war in the 60 years of its existence. It has been waged with the participation of armed units from all 26 NATO member states and 12 other European and Caucasus nations linked to NATO. …

“The 12 European NATO partners who have sent troops in varying numbers to assist Washington and the Alliance include the continent’s five former neutral nations: Austria, Finland, Ireland, Sweden and Switzerland. The European NATO and partnership deployments count among their number troops from six former Soviet Republics — with Azerbaijan, Georgia and Ukraine tapped for recent reinforcements and the three Baltic states … including airbases and troop and naval deployments in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Pakistan and the Indian Ocean (where the Japanese navy has been assisting).” (rickrozoff.wordpress.com, March 25, 2009)

Military units from Australia, New Zealand, Jordan, Colombia and South Korea are also stationed in Afghanistan.

Afghans Have a Right to Resist

Despite all these occupation forces, Afghanistan has become an imperialist quagmire with no stability, no security and no end in sight.

The resistance in Afghanistan has gained ground and broad support as it becomes clear to the whole population that U.S./NATO forces have brought only racist arrogance, corruption, repression and greater poverty. While occupation forces label all resistance as terrorism and Taliban-inspired, increasingly Afghans see resistance as a right and a patriotic or religious duty. It is essential in the period ahead that the anti-war movement supports the right of the Afghan people to resist this criminal occupation and increases the effort to bring all troops home now.


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This article was first published on October 4, 2012. Minor edits.


On October 7, 2023: we commemorate the US-NATO invasion of Afghanistan.

Why was Afghanistan invaded by US-NATO forces on October 7, 2001?  

It is important to recall the official story:

  • America was attacked by Afghanistan on September 11, 2001.
  • The Taliban were protecting bin Laden. 
  • And US-NATO invoking self defence and the “doctrine of collective security” invaded Afghanistan on October 7, 2001.

Twenty-two years later. What was the justification for waging war on an impoverished country in Central Asia of 38 million people?

Michel Chossudovsky, October 6, 2023


The legal argument used by Washington and NATO to invade Afghanistan was that the September 11 attacks constituted an undeclared “armed attack” “from abroad” by an unnamed foreign power, and that consequently “the laws of war” apply, allowing the nation under attack, to strike back in the name of “self-defense”.

Both the media and the US government, in chorus, continue to point to the 9/11 attacks and the role of Al Qaeda, allegedly supported by Afghanistan, when in fact (amply documented) Al Qaeda was an intelligence asset created by the CIA.

Lest we forget, Osama bin Laden had been recruited by National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski during the so-called Soviet-Afghan war.

The bombing and invasion of Afghanistan in October 2001 was described as a “campaign” against “Islamic terrorists”, rather than a war.

To this date, however, there is no proof that Al Qaeda was behind the 9/11 attacks.

Even if one accepts the official 9/11 narrative, there is no evidence that Afghanistan as a Nation State was behind or in any way complicit in the 9/11 attacks.

The Afghan government in the weeks following 9/11, offered on two occasions through diplomatic channels to deliver Osama bin Laden to US Justice, if there were preliminary evidence of his involvement in the 9/11 attacks. These offers were casually refused by Washington.

Where was Osama on September 11, 2001?

To this date, Osama bin Laden, the leader of Al Qaeda, is identified in military documents and official statements of both the Bush and Obama administrations as the mastermind behind the 9/11 attacks.

The Afghan government (the “Taliban regime” in official documents) is identified as supporting Al Qaeda and providing refuge to its leader Osama bin Laden inside Afghan territory in the wake of the 9/11 attacks.

On September 10, 2001, according to a CBS news report, Osama bin Laden was in Pakistan. He had been admitted to a Pakistani military hospital in Rawalpindi. (CBS Evening News with Dan Rather;  CBS, 28 January 2002, See also Michel Chossudovsky, Where was Osama on September 11, 2001?, Global Research, 11 September 2008):

“DAN RATHER, CBS ANCHOR: As the United states and its allies in the war on terrorism press the hunt for Osama bin Laden, CBS News has exclusive information tonight about where bin Laden was and what he was doing in the last hours before his followers struck the United States September 11.

This is the result of hard-nosed investigative reporting by a team of CBS news journalists, and by one of the best foreign correspondents in the business, CBS`s Barry Petersen. Here is his report.

(BEGIN VIDEOTAPE) BARRY PETERSEN, CBS CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Everyone remembers what happened on September 11. Here`s the story of what may have happened the night before. It is a tale as twisted as the hunt for Osama bin Laden.

CBS News has been told that the night before the September 11 terrorist attack, Osama bin Laden was in Pakistan. He was getting medical treatment with the support of the very military that days later pledged its backing for the U.S. war on terror in Afghanistan (CBS, op cit, emphasis added)


Recovering from his hospital treatment in Rawalpindi on the 11th of September, how could Osama have coordinated the 9/11 attacks?

How could Afghanistan be made responsible for these attacks by Al Qaeda?

Bin Laden is a national of Saudi Arabia who, according to CBS News, was not in Afghanistan, but in Pakistan at the time of the attacks.

The Invasion of Afghanistan: NATO’s Doctrine of Collective Security

The legal argument used by Washington and NATO to invade Afghanistan was that the September 11 attacks constituted an undeclared “armed attack” “from abroad” by an unnamed foreign power, and that consequently “the laws of war” apply, allowing the nation under attack, to strike back in the name of “self-defense”.

The “Global War on Terrorism” was officially launched by the Bush administration on September 11, 2001. On the following morning (September 12, 2001), NATO’s North Atlantic Council meeting in Brussels, adopted the following resolution:

“if it is determined that the [September 11, 2001] attack against the United States was directed from abroad [Afghanistan] against “The North Atlantic area“, it shall be regarded as an action covered by Article 5 of the Washington Treaty”. (emphasis added)

In this regard, Article 5 of the Washington Treaty stipulates that if:

“The Parties agree that an armed attack against one or more of them in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against them all and consequently they agree that, if such an armed attack occurs, each of them, in exercise of the right of individual or collective self-defence recognised by Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations, will assist the Party or Parties so attacked by taking forthwith, individually and in concert with the other Parties, such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force, to restore and maintain the security of the North Atlantic area.” (NATO, What is Article 5,  NATO Topics – NATO and the Scourge of Terrorism, accessed 24 November 2009, emphasis added)

“Use of Armed Force” only “If It is Determined…”

There was an “if” in the September 12 resolution. Article 5 would apply only if it is determined that Afghanistan as a Nation State was complicit or behind the 9/11 attacks.

In practice, the “if” had already been waived prior to 9/11. The entire NATO arsenal was already on a war footing. In military terms, NATO and the US were already in an advanced state of readiness. Known to military analysts, but never revealed in the Western media, the implementation of a large scale theater war takes up to one year (or more) of advanced operational planning, prior to the launching of an invasion.

Moreover, there was evidence that the war on Afghanistan had been planned prior to 9/11.

The North Atlantic Council in Brussels responded almost immediately in the wake of the 9/11 attacks,  in the morning of September 12, 2001.

The use of article 5 of the Washington Treaty had in all likelihood been contemplated by military planners, as a pretext for waging war, prior to 9/11.

There was, however, no official declaration of war on September 12th. The Alliance waited until 3 days before the invasion to declare war on Afghanistan, an impoverished country which by no stretch of the imagination could have launched an attack against a member state of “The North Atlantic area”.

The September 12 resolution of the Atlantic Council required “determination” and corroborating evidence, that:

1) Al Qaeda led by Osama bin Laden with the support of a foreign power had ordered the “attack from abroad” on the United States of America;

2) The terrorist attacks of 9/11 constituted a bona fide military operation (under the provisions of Article 5) by an alleged foreign country (Afghanistan) against a NATO member state, and consequently against all NATO member states under the doctrine of collective security:

“Article 5 and the case of the terrorist attacks against the United States: The United States has been the object of brutal terrorist attacks. It immediately consulted with the other members of the Alliance. The Alliance determined that the US had been the object of an armed attack. The Alliance therefore agreed that if it was determined that this attack was directed from abroad, it would be regarded as covered by Article 5. NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson, subsequently informed the Secretary-General of the United Nations of the Alliance’s decision.

Article 5 has thus been invoked, but no determination has yet been made whether the attack against the United States was directed from abroad. If such a determination is made, each Ally will then consider what assistance it should provide. In practice, there will be consultations among the Allies. Any collective action by NATO will be decided by the North Atlantic Council. The United States can also carry out independent actions, consistent with its rights and obligations under the UN Charter.

Allies can provide any form of assistance they deem necessary to respond to the situation. This assistance is not necessarily military and depends on the material resources of each country. Each individual member determines how it will contribute and will consult with the other members, bearing in mind that the ultimate aim is to “to restore and maintain the security of the North Atlantic area”.

By invoking Article 5, NATO members have shown their solidarity toward the United States and condemned, in the strongest possible way, the terrorist attacks against the United States on 11 September.

If the conditions are met for the application of Article 5, NATO Allies will decide how to assist the United States. (Many Allies have clearly offered emergency assistance). Each Ally is obliged to assist the United States by taking forward, individually and in concert with other Allies, such action as it deems necessary. This is an individual obligation on each Ally and each Ally is responsible for determining what it deems necessary in these particular circumstances.

No collective action will be taken by NATO until further consultations are held and further decisions are made by the the North Atlantic Council. (NATO, NATO Topics – NATO and the Scourge of Terrorism, accessed 24 November 2009, emphasis added)

The Mysterious Frank Taylor Report

The final decision to invoke Article 5 in relation to the 9/11 attacks came three weeks later upon the submission to the NATO Council of a mysterious classified report by a US State Department official named Frank Taylor. The report was submitted to NATO on October 2nd, 5 days before the commencement of the bombing and invasion of Afghanistan.

Frank Taylor was working in the US State Department. He had been entrusted with the writing of a brief to establish whether the US “had been attacked from abroad”, pursuant to the North Atlantic Council’s resolution of September 12 2001.

US Ambassador at Large and Co-ordinator for Counter-terrorism Frank Taylor briefed the North Atlantic Council on October 2nd, five days before the commencement of the bombings.

On October 2nd  he handed his brief to NATO “on the results of investigations into the 11 September attacks…. ” (NATO – Topic: Terrorism, NATO and the fight against Terrorism, accessed 24 November 2009).

The classified report was not released to the media. And to this date, to our knowledge, it has remained classified.

NATO’s Secretary General Lord Robertson casually summarised the substance of the Frank Taylor report in a press release:

“This morning, the United States briefed the North Atlantic Council on the results of the investigation into who was responsible for the horrific terrorist attacks which took place on September 11.

The briefing was given by Ambassador Frank Taylor, the United States Department of State Coordinator for Counter-terrorism.

This morning’s briefing follows those offered by United States Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage and United States Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz, and illustrates the commitment of the United States to maintain close cooperation with Allies.

Today’s was classified briefing and so I cannot give you all the details.

Briefings are also being given directly by the United States to the Allies in their capitals.

The briefing addressed the events of September 11 themselves, the results of the investigation so far, what is known about Osama bin Laden and the al-Qaida organisation and their involvement in the attacks and in previous terrorist activity, and the links between al-Qaida and the Taliban regime in Afghanistan.

The facts are clear and compelling. The information presented points conclusively to an al-Qaida role in the September 11 attacks.

We know that the individuals who carried out these attacks were part of the world-wide terrorist network of al-Qaida, headed by Osama bin Laden and his key lieutenants and protected by the Taliban.

On the basis of this briefing, it has now been determined that the attack against the United States on September 11 was directed from abroad and shall therefore be regarded as an action covered by Article 5 of the Washington Treaty, which states that an armed attack on one or more of the Allies in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against them all.

I want to reiterate that the United States of America can rely on the full support of its 18 NATO Allies in the campaign against terrorism.”

(Lord Robertson, NATO Secretary General, statement to the NATO Council, State Department, Appendix H, Multinational Response to September 11 NATO Press

http://www.state.gov/documents/organization/10313.pdf, accessed 24 November 2009, emphasis added)

In other words, on October 5, 2001, two days before the actual commencement of the bombing campaign on October 7, the North Atlantic Council decided, based on the information provided by Frank Taylor to the Council  “that the attacks were directed from abroad” by Al Qaeda, headed by Osama bin Laden, thereby requiring an action on the part of NATO under Article 5 of the Washington Treaty ( NATO – Topic: Terrorism, NATO and the fight against Terrorism, accessed 24 November 2009).

NATO action under article 5, was outlined in an October 4 decision, 3 days before the commencement of the bombings. This NATO decision implied eight measures in support the United States, which were tantamount to a declaration of war on Afghanistan:

to enhance intelligence sharing and co-operation, both bilaterally and in appropriate NATO bodies, relating to the threats posed by terrorism and the actions to be taken against it;

to provide, individually or collectively, as appropriate and according to their capabilities, [military] assistance to Allies and other states which are or may be subject to increased terrorist threats as a result of their support for the campaign against terrorism;

to take necessary measures to provide increased security for facilities of the United States and other Allies on their territory;

to backfill selected Allied assets in NATO’s area of responsibility that are required to directly support operations against terrorism;

to provide blanket overflight clearances for the United States and other Allies’ aircraft, in accordance with the necessary air traffic arrangements and national procedures, for military flights related to operations against terrorism; to provide access for the United States and other Allies to ports and airfields on the territory of NATO nations for operations against terrorism, including for refuelling, in accordance with national procedures;

that the Alliance is ready to deploy elements of its Standing Naval Forces to the Eastern Mediterranean in order to provide a NATO presence and demonstrate resolve; and that the Alliance is similarly ready to deploy elements of its NATO Airborne Early Warning Force to support operations against terrorism. NATO – Topic: Terrorism, NATO and the fight against Terrorism, accessed 24 November 2009 emphasis added)

Press reports of Frank Taylor’s brief to the NATO Council were scanty. The invocation of Article 5, five days before the bombings commenced, was barely mentioned. The media consensus was: “all roads lead to Bin Laden” as if bin Laden was a Nation State which had attacked America.

What stands out are outright lies and fabrications. Moreover, prior to October 2nd, NATO had no pretext under Article 5 of the Washington Treaty to intervene militarily in Afghanistan.

The justification was provided by Frank Taylor’s classified report, which was not made public.

The two UN Security Council resolutions adopted in the course of September 2001, did not, under any circumstances, provide a justification for the invasion and illegal occupation  of a UN member country. (See: Security Council resolution 1368 (2001) Threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist actsSecurity Council resolution 1373 (2001) Threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts).

UNSC Resolution 1373 (2001) called for prevention and suppression of terrorist acts, as well suppression of the financing of terrorism:

“(e) Ensure that any person who participates in the financing, planning, preparation or perpetration of terrorist acts or in supporting terrorist acts is brought to justice and ensure that, in addition to any other measures against them, such terrorist acts are established as serious criminal offences in domestic laws and regulations and that the punishment duly reflects the seriousness of such terrorist acts;

“3. Calls upon all States to:

“(a) Find ways of intensifying and accelerating the exchange of operational information, especially regarding actions or movements of terrorist persons or networks; forged or falsified travel documents; traffic in arms, explosives or sensitive materials; use of communications technologies by terrorist groups; and the threat posed by the possession of weapons of mass destruction by terrorist groups;

“(b) Exchange information in accordance with international and domestic law and cooperate on administrative and judicial matters to prevent the commission of terrorist acts;

“(c) Cooperate, particularly through bilateral and multilateral arrangements and agreements, to prevent and suppress terrorist attacks and take action against perpetrators of such acts;

“4. Notes with concern the close connection between international terrorism and transnational organized crime, illicit drugs, money-laundering, illegal arms-trafficking, and illegal movement of nuclear, chemical, biological and other potentially deadly materials, and in this regard emphasizes the need to enhance coordination of efforts on national, subregional, regional and international levels in order to strengthen a global response to this serious challenge and threat to international security;

“5. Declares that acts, methods, and practices of terrorism are contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations and that knowingly financing, planning and inciting terrorist acts are also contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations (excerpts of UNSC Resolution 1373 (2001, See also UN Press Release SC 7178 SECURITY COUNCIL UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTS WIDE-RANGING ANTI-TERRORISM RESOLUTION; CALLS FOR SUPPRESSING FINANCING, IMPROVING INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION, Security Council, 4385th Meeting, September 2001)

Nowhere in this resolution is there any mention of military action against a UN member State.

The War on Afghanistan Had been Planned Prior to 9/11

Known and documented, the war on Afghanistan had been  planned prior to 9/11. According to Jane Defense, India had been approached in March 2001 by US to participate in a US military operation against Afghanistan:

Insider accounts published in the British, French and Indian media have revealed that US officials threatened war against Afghanistan during the summer of 2001. These reports include the prediction, made in July, that “if the military action went ahead, it would take place before the snows started falling in Afghanistan, by the middle of October at the latest.”

The Bush administration began its bombing strikes on the hapless, poverty-stricken country October 7, and ground attacks by US Special Forces began October 19. (see Patrick Martin, US planned war in Afghanistan long before September 11, wsws.org, November 20, 2001)

According to statements of former foreign Secretary of Pakistan Niaz Naik, the US had already decided to wage war on Afghanistan prior to 9/11 ( BBC report published one week after the attacks, September 18, 2001)  ”

Niaz Naik, a former Pakistani Foreign Secretary, was told by senior American officials in mid-July that military action against Afghanistan would go ahead by the middle of October.

Russian troops were on standby. …

The underlying objective according to Mr Naik, was to “topple the Taleban regime” and install a government  “possibly under the leadership of the former Afghan King Zahir Shah.”

He said that he was in no doubt that after the World Trade Center bombings this pre-existing US plan had been built upon and would be implemented within two or three weeks.

Concluding Remarks: Twenty-two Years Later

Afghanistan did not attack America on September 11, 2001.

The war on Afghanistan was already on the Pentagon’s drawing board prior to 9/11.

The US led war on Afghanistan, using 9/11 as a pretext and a justification,  is illegal and criminal.

The US and NATO heads of state and heads of government from 2001 to the present are complicit in the launching of a criminal and illegal war.

Invoking article 5 of the Washington Treaty is an illegal and criminal procedure.  The (former) US and NATO heads of state and heads of government should be prosecuted for war crimes.


A earlier version of this article was published under the title:

September 11, 2001: America and NATO Declare War on Afghanistan: NATO’s Doctrine of Collective Security

Global Research, December 21, 2009


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Pakistan: An Economy on the Brink

October 5th, 2023 by Asad Ismi

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First published on May 31, 2023


Following the economic collapse of Sri Lanka in mid-2022, Pakistan is close to sliding into the same disaster.

There is US$3 billion remaining in the country’s foreign currency reserves that can pay for only two weeks of imports.

Inflation is near 40 per cent.

The value of the national currency—the rupee—is in free fall.

Pakistan’s debt is near default and has increased by 38 per cent in one year.

The average person cannot afford to buy bread or onions and the country is running out of fuel, cooking gas and wheat.

Factories are shutting down due to lack of spare parts, including those making life-saving medicines.

According to the United Nations’ World Food Programme (WFP), “5.1 million people in Pakistan are likely to be a step away from famine-levels of hunger by the end of March—an increase of 1.1 million people from the previous quarter.” Chris Kaye, the Pakistan country director for the WFP warns: “that number is frightening.”

Pakistan’s negotiations with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for a US$1.1 billion loan proved unsuccessful in February. Since 1950, Pakistan has got 23 bailouts from the IMF. However, on February 17, Khwaja Asif, Pakistan’s defence minister, stated that the country “has already defaulted and is bankrupt” and that “the IMF does not have the solution to Pakistan’s problems.”

Tariq Amin-Khan tells me that a mixture of military and feudal domination, combined with many years of crony capitalism, is to blame for Pakistan’s economic debacle. He is an associate professor of politics and public administration at Toronto Metropolitan University and is a Pakistani-Canadian.

Pakistan’s powerful military has, directly or indirectly, ruled the country for almost all of its 76-year history. Currently, the army orchestrates a farcical political system, rigging elections to put its favoured political parties in power. The military has not let any civilian leader complete her or his term in office.

The military also dominates the country’s economy (along with feudal landlords) by, as Khan puts it, “monopolizing” entire sectors and running a multi-billion dollar business empire that “contributes to the economic crisis by throttling competition and innovation.”

Pakistan’s largest business conglomerates, the Fauji Foundation and the Army Welfare Trust, are both military outfits.

When I asked Khan to give examples of the economic sectors that the military monopolizes in Pakistan, he answered: “Almost any sector can be such an example, especially real estate, which is a huge one. Large Pakistani cities contain ‘defence societies’ where the most expensive land is owned by the army.

“The army even makes and sells foodstuffs, including cereal. They have a lock on corn flakes!

“Pakistan’s economy is on life support while the military’s web of industrial interests—banks, insurance companies, airline, housing and land development—seem to be thriving. These three factors: military capitalism, the feudal stranglehold on the rural economy and crony capitalism, in which a handful of business owners are favoured by politicians and bureaucrats, amount to a colossal mismanagement of the Pakistan economy which has brought on this economic crisis.”

Land is still the main source of wealth in Pakistan and 63 per cent of the population lives in villages, according to Khan. Land is highly concentrated in Pakistan and this concentration is increasing, says Khan.

Two per cent of households own 30 per cent of total landholdings, which results in massive poverty and inhibits economic development.

“Feudal landlords have been blocking industrialization and other economic initiatives for 75 years in Pakistan,” emphasizes Khan.

Pakistan’s poverty rate stands at an astounding 78.3 per cent, according to the World Bank.

The third factor responsible for Pakistan’s economic crisis is crony business capitalism, explains Khan. These business groups are the “weakest” part of the elite triad (relative to the military and feudal landlords), says Khan, and became prominent after the corrupt privatization processes of the 1980s and ’90s (and continuing today), when bureaucrats and politicians sold lucrative public enterprises to favoured business groups at fire sale prices for kickbacks.

So why is it that Pakistan keeps getting IMF bailouts? Because Pakistan, and especially its army, were created by Western imperialism.

The IMF and the World Bank are U.S.-dominated and Pakistan’s military is not an independent actor; its domestic primacy has been ensured by the fact that it has served Western imperial aims, first British then American, for seven decades.

As Pakistan’s founder, Mohammad Ali Jinnah, remarked: “If great countries such as Britain and the United States want Pakistan to exist then how can it not?”

Pakistan was carved out of India in 1947 by the British Empire as part of its divide-and-rule policy, which was meant to weaken sovereign states. The United States took over from Britain in 1948, giving $400 million to set up the Pakistan army, which it wanted to use against India and the Soviet Union.

Under the Congress Party’s rule, India was a close ally of the Soviet Union from 1947 to 1990. With the $400 million from the U.S., “a security state that looked to the West for survival was born,” as Pakistani economist Yousuf Nazar put it on February 5, 2023.

So the World Bank and IMF loans flowed to Pakistan despite the fact that it was, and remains, an economic basket case. As long as the Pakistan army served U.S. strategic aims, its looting of Pakistan and the consequent poverty of most Pakistanis did not matter to Washington.

First the Pakistan army got lots of American aid money due to the Cold War, then due to the U.S. War on Terror, as Pakistan borders Afghanistan, which the U.S. and NATO occupied for 20 years.

The Pakistan army was an instrument of Western colonialism, so it resorted to internal colonialism to enrich itself. However, this military parasitism has proven to be disastrous for the country, leading to its disintegration in 1971, when its eastern half—known as East Pakistan—broke off from West Pakistan and became the independent nation of Bangladesh.

From 1948 to 1971, the Pakistan army exploited East Pakistan’s considerable jute resources to enrich itself while denying this province economic and political rights.

When the East Pakistanis, who were the majority of Pakistanis and were made up of largely one ethnic group, known as Bengalis, rebelled, the army massacred up to three million of them in the last eight months of 1971.

Having learnt nothing from its loss of half the country, the Pakistan army invaded the province of Balochistan in 1973, where the Balochi ethnic group had launched a separatist insurgency against its domination and proceeded to kill thousands of Balochis; a massacre that continues today, with the disappearance and murder of up to 100,000 Balochis. However, the insurgency has only intensified, with constant attacks on army outposts and spectacular assaults on urban targets in the large cities of Karachi and Lahore.

Like East Pakistan, Balochistan is rich in resources and highly exploited by the army, with its people gaining little from their own wealth. Natural gas from Balochistan provides 40 per cent of Pakistan’s energy needs but only six per cent of the Baloch get it.

The province also has considerable deposits of oil, coal, copper, gold, silver, platinum, aluminum and uranium. Balochistan makes up 43 per cent of Pakistan’s land area.

“Pakistan is going to lose Balochistan the way it lost East Pakistan in 1971,” says Naela Quadri Baloch, president of the World Baloch Women’s Forum, who accuses the Pakistan army of committing genocide in Balochistan.

“The Baloch insurgency has now become a national movement,” Quadri Baloch explains, “and the guerrilla struggle has the support of the Baloch masses, which is the key to its success. Social movements of all kinds, including women’s groups, students, human rights organizations, intellectuals and religious leaders back the call for an independent Balochistan.”

The economic crisis is likely to weaken the Pakistan army’s control over Balochistan. As Quadri Baloch points out, “already, the army is dismantling many of its outposts in Balochistan due to lack of fuel.”

The province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK), which borders Afghanistan and is home to the Pakhtun ethnic group, is riven with terrorist violence carried out by the Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), known as the Pakistani Taliban. In January, the TTP killed 101 policemen in a single suicide bombing and injured another 180.

“The people of KPK are alienated from Pakistan and those of Balochistan even more so,” Tariq Amin Khan says. “Unless Pakistan can break the stranglehold of the military and the feudal landlords on its economy and achieve real progress through land reform and the setting up of free health care and education systems for its people, the danger of its national disintegration is very real.”


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This article was originally published on the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives Monitor, (CCPA Monitor).

Asad Ismi is an award-winning writer and radio documentary-maker. He covers international politics for the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives Monitor (CCPA Monitor), Canada’s biggest leftist magazine (by circulation) where this article was originally published. Asad has written on the politics of 70 countries. He is a regular contributor to Global Research. For his publications visit www.asadismi.info.

Featured image is from OneWorld

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No matter who becomes the next Speaker of the House in Congress, life is going to be a LOT harder for Joe Biden, the Democrats, Zelensky, and the US puppet régime in Kiev.

By bringing down House Speaker McCarthy yesterday 3 October 2023, Rep. Matt Gaetz has created a historic turning point, not just for the USA, but for global politics.

The Democrats, the Neocons of the uniparty including Mitch McConnell, have all suffered a devastating blow from which they are not likely to recover. This changes the position of what the US can do in the world, and it severely endangers the reelection chances of President Biden.

Have a short look at what the man of the day, Rep. Matt Gaetz, demands what a new House Speaker must do – or face ouster like McCarthy did:

  • Substantial reduction in Federal spending, even in temporary funding bills. 
  • Willingness for the House of Representatives to use “the power of the purse”.
    • In clear text: Willingness to close down US government as part of negotiations.
  • Willingness to subpoena Hunter Biden in the Joe Biden corruption inquiry.

In addition, transparency on US spending bills by demanding separate spending bills per item, and not massive “omnibus” bills which link all sorts of non-spending issues into a dark box of uncontrollable spending and other measures.

The prospects of this are devastating. 

  • Ukraine may very well go down (soon !) for lack of Western funds and lack of new Western weapons supplies, as it will probably NOT receive any significant new US spending – ever. 
  • The US government faces high chances of a complete financial shut-down in 6 weeks when the recent stop-gap funding bill expires. 
  • Biden’s reelection chances are melting, because the corruption inquiry against President Biden will gain substance for a real impeachment as the House subpoenas Hunter Biden and unearths more evidence.

No need to say, that Biden losing reelection will be equal to Trump being reelected – with all the unfathomable consequences that will have not only for Ukraine, but for the breakdown of NATO and all Transatlantic relations as well. All on top of a fundamental transformation under Trump of what the USA is and how it functions.

Unbelievable, that the House Democrats were stupid enough to let all these imminent and big risks to their domination happen by not simply abstaining from the vote on the House speakership and letting Speaker McCarthy continue on a majority of Republican House votes.

All these big changes coming to the US and the world are very much due to one single individual, Matt Gaetz (Rep.Fla.).


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Karsten Riise is a Master of Science (Econ) from Copenhagen Business School and has a university degree in Spanish Culture and Languages from Copenhagen University. He is the former Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Mercedes-Benz in Denmark and Sweden.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: Gaetz speaking at a Turning Point USA event in 2020

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In commemoration of the 22nd anniversary of the invasion of Afghanistan on October 7, 2001. This article was first published by Global Research in September 2010.



  • -Osama bin Laden, America’s bogyman, was recruited by the CIA in the early 1980s at the very outset of the US sponsored jihad. He was 22 years old and was trained in a CIA sponsored guerilla training camp.
  • -The architects of the covert operation in support of “Islamic fundamentalism” launched during the Reagan presidency played a key role in launching the “Global War on Terrorism” in the wake of 9/11.
  • – President Ronald Reagan met the leaders of the Islamic Jihad at the White House in 1985
  • -Under the Reagan adminstration, US foreign policy evolved towards the unconditional support and endorsement of the Islamic “freedom fighters”. 
  • In today’s World, the “freedom fighters” are labelled “Islamic terrorists”.
  • -In the Pashtun language, the word “Taliban” means “Students”, or graduates of the madrasahs (places of learning or coranic schools) set up by the Wahhabi missions from Saudi Arabia, with the support of the CIA.
  • The Soviet-Afghan war was part of a CIA covert agenda initiated during the Carter administration, which consisted  in actively supporting and financing the Islamic brigades, later known as Al Qaeda.



The Pakistani military regime played from the outset in the late 1970s, a key role in the US sponsored military and intelligence operations in Afghanistan. In the post-Cold war era, this central role of Pakistan in US intelligence operations was extended to the broader Central Asia- Middle East region. From the outset of the Soviet Afghan war in 1979, Pakistan under military rule actively supported the Islamic brigades. In close liaison with the CIA, Pakistan’s military intelligence, the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), became a powerful organization, a parallel government, wielding tremendous power and influence.

America’s covert war in Afghanistan, using Pakistan as a launch pad, was initiated during the Carter administration prior to the Soviet “invasion”

Confirmed by Zbigniew Brzezinski, President Carter’s National Security Advisor:

“According to the official version of history, CIA aid to the Mujahideen began during 1980, that is to say, after the Soviet army invaded Afghanistan, 24 Dec 1979. But the reality, secretly guarded until now, is completely otherwise. Indeed, it was July 3, 1979 that President Carter signed the first directive for secret aid to the opponents of the pro-Soviet regime in Kabul.

And that very day, I wrote a note to the president in which I explained to him that in my opinion this aid was going to induce a Soviet military intervention.” (Former National Security adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski, Interview with Le Nouvel Observateur, 15-21 January 1998)

In the published memoirs of Defense Secretary Robert Gates, who held the position of  deputy CIA Director at the height of the Soviet Afghan war, US intelligence was directly involved from the outset, prior to the Soviet invasion, in channeling aid to the Islamic brigades.

With CIA backing and the funneling of massive amounts of U.S. military aid, the Pakistani ISI had developed into a “parallel structure wielding enormous power over all aspects of government”. (Dipankar Banerjee, “Possible Connection of ISI With Drug Industry”, India Abroad, 2 December 1994). The ISI (Inter Services Intelligence) had a staff composed of military and intelligence officers, bureaucrats, undercover agents and informers, estimated at 150,000. (Ibid)

Meanwhile, CIA operations had also reinforced the Pakistani military regime led by General Zia Ul Haq:

“Relations between the CIA and the ISI had grown increasingly warm following [General] Zia’s ouster of Bhutto and the advent of the military regime. … During most of the Afghan war, Pakistan was more aggressively anti-Soviet than even the United States. Soon after the Soviet military invaded Afghanistan in 1980, Zia [ul Haq] sent his ISI chief to destabilize the Soviet Central Asian states. The CIA only agreed to this plan in October 1984.” (Ibid)

The ISI operating virtually as an affiliate of the CIA, played a central role in channeling support to Islamic paramilitary groups in Afghanistan and subsequently in the Muslim republics of the former Soviet Union.

Acting on behalf of the CIA, the ISI was also involved in the recruitment and training of the Mujahideen.

In the ten year period from 1982 to 1992, some 35,000 Muslims from 43 Islamic countries were recruited to fight in the Afghan jihad. The madrassas in Pakistan, financed by Saudi charities, were also set up with  US support with a view to “inculcating Islamic values”. “The camps became virtual universities for future Islamic radicalism,” (Ahmed Rashid, The Taliban). Guerilla training under CIA-ISI auspices included targeted assassinations and car bomb attacks.

“Weapons’ shipments “were sent by the Pakistani army and the ISI to rebel camps in the North West Frontier Province near the Afghanistan border. The governor of the province is Lieutenant General Fazle Haq, who [according to Alfred McCoy] . allowed “hundreds of heroin refineries to set up in his province.” Beginning around 1982, Pakistani army trucks carrying CIA weapons from Karachi often pick up heroin in Haq’s province and return loaded with heroin. They are protected from police search by ISI papers.”(1982-1989: US Turns Blind Eye to BCCI and Pakistani Government Involvement in Heroin Trade See also McCoy, 2003, p. 477) .

Front row, from left: Major Gen. Hamid Gul, director general of Pakistan’s

Inter-Services Intelligence Directorate (ISI), Director of Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
Willian Webster; Deputy Director for Operations Clair George; an ISI colonel; and senior CIA official,
Milt Bearden at a mujahedeen training camp in North-West Frontier Province of Pakistan in 1987.
(source RAWA)

Osama Bin Laden

Osama bin Laden, America’s bogyman, was recruited in the early 1980s by the CIA  at the very outset of the US sponsored jihad. He was 22 years old and was trained in a CIA sponsored guerilla training camp.

During the Reagan administration, Osama, who belonged to the wealthy Saudi Bin Laden family was put in charge of raising money for the Islamic brigades.

Numerous charities and foundations were created. The operation was coordinated by Saudi intelligence, headed by  Prince Turki al-Faisal, in close liaison with the CIA.

The money derived from the various charities were used to finance the recruitment of Mujahideen volunteers. Al Qaeda, “The Base” in Arabic was a data bank of volunteers who had enlisted to fight in the Afghan jihad.

That data base was initially held by Osama bin Laden.

The Reagan Administration’s Support

to “Islamic Fundamentalism”. The NSDD 166


Pakistan’s ISI was used as a “go-between”. CIA covert support to the Mujahideen in Afghanistan operated indirectly through the Pakistani ISI, –i.e. the CIA did not channel its support directly to the Mujahideen.

In other words, for these covert operations to be “successful”, Washington was careful not to reveal the ultimate objective of the “jihad”, which consisted in destroying the Soviet Union.

In December 1984, the Sharia Law (Islamic jurisprudence) was established in Pakistan following a rigged referendum launched by President Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq. Barely a few months later, in March 1985, President Ronald Reagan issued National Security Decision Directive 166 (NSDD 166), which  authorized  “stepped-up covert military aid to the Mujahideen” as well a support to religious indoctrination.



The imposition of The Sharia in Pakistan and the promotion of “radical Islam” was a deliberate US policy serving American geopolitical interests in South Asia, Central Asia and the Middle East.

Many present-day  “Islamic fundamentalist organizations” in the Middle East and Central Asia, were directly or indirectly the product of US covert support and financing, often channeled through foundations from Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States. Missions from the Wahhabi sect of conservative Islam in Saudi Arabia were put in charge of running the CIA sponsored madrassas in Northern Pakistan.

Under NSDD 166, a series of covert CIA-ISI operations  were launched.

The US supplied weapons to the Islamic brigades through the ISI. CIA and ISI officials would meet at ISI headquarters in Rawalpindi to coordinate US support to the Mujahideen.

Under NSDD 166, the procurement of US weapons to the Islamic insurgents increased from 10,000 tons of arms and ammunition in 1983 to 65,000 tons annually by 1987.

“In addition to arms, training, extensive military equipment including military satellite maps and state-of-the-art communications equipment” (University Wire, 7 May 2002).

Ronald Reagan meets Afghan Mujahideen Commanders at the White House in 1985 (Reagan Archives)

With William Casey as director of the CIA, NSDD 166 was described as the largest covert operation in US history:

The U.S. supplied support package had three essential components: organization and logistics, military technology, and ideological support for sustaining and encouraging the Afghan resistance….

U.S. counterinsurgency experts worked closely with the Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) in organizing Mujahideen groups and in planning operations inside Afghanistan.

But the most important contribution of the U.S. was to … bring in men and material from around the Arab world and beyond. The most hardened and ideologically dedicated men were sought on the logic that they would be the best fighters.

Advertisements, paid for from CIA funds, were placed in newspapers and newsletters around the world offering inducements and motivations to join the Jihad. (Pervez  Hoodbhoy, Afghanistan and the Genesis of the Global Jihad, Peace Research, 1 May 2005)

Religious Indoctrination under NSDD 166

Under NSDD 166, US assistance to the Islamic brigades channeled through Pakistan was not limited to bona fide military aid. Washington also supported and financed by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the process of religious indoctrination, largely to secure the demise of secular institutions:

… the United States spent millions of dollars to supply Afghan schoolchildren with textbooks filled with violent images and militant Islamic teachings, part of covert attempts to spur resistance to the Soviet occupation.

The primers, which were filled with talk of jihad and featured drawings of guns, bullets, soldiers and mines, have served since then as the Afghan school system’s core curriculum. Even the Taliban used the American-produced books,..

The White House defends the religious content, saying that Islamic principles permeate Afghan culture and that the books “are fully in compliance with U.S. law and policy.”

Legal experts, however, question whether the books violate a constitutional ban on using tax dollars to promote religion.

… AID officials said in interviews that they left the Islamic materials intact because they feared Afghan educators would reject books lacking a strong dose of Muslim thought.

The agency removed its logo and any mention of the U.S. government from the religious texts, AID spokeswoman Kathryn Stratos said.

“It’s not AID’s policy to support religious instruction,” Stratos said.

“But we went ahead with this project because the primary purpose … is to educate children, which is predominantly a secular activity.”

Published in the dominant Afghan languages of Dari and Pashtun, the textbooks were developed in the early 1980s under an AID grant to the University of Nebraska -Omaha and its Center for Afghanistan Studies.

The agency spent $ 51 million on the university’s education programs in Afghanistan from 1984 to 1994.” (Washington Post, 23 March 2002, emphasis added)

The Role of the NeoCons

There is continuity. The architects of the covert operation in support of “Islamic fundamentalism” launched during the Reagan presidency played a key role in launching the “Global War on Terrorism” (GWOT) in the wake of 9/11.

Several of the NeoCons of the Bush Junior Administration  were high ranking officials during the Reagan presidency.

Richard Armitage, was Deputy Secretary of State during George W. Bush’s first term (2001-2004). He played a central key role in post 9/11 negotiations with Pakistan leading up to the October 2001 invasion of Afghanistan.

During the Reagan era, he held the position of Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Policy. In this capacity, he played a key role in the implementation of NSDD 163 while also ensuring liaison with the Pakistani military and intelligence apparatus.

Meanwhile, Paul Wolfowitz was at the State Department in charge of  a  foreign policy team composed, among others, of Lewis Libby, Francis Fukuyama and Zalmay Khalilzad.

Wolfowitz’s group was also involved in laying the conceptual groundwork of US covert support to Islamic parties and organizations in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Paul Wolfowitz (Left)

Secretary of Defence Robert Gates, who served in the Obama administration, was also involved in setting the groundwork for CIA covert operations. He was appointed Deputy Director for Intelligence by Ronald Reagan in 1982, and Deputy Director of the CIA in 1986, a position which he held until 1989.

Gates played a key role in the formulation of NSDD 166, which established a consistent framework for promoting Islamic fundamentalism and channeling covert support to the Islamic brigades. He was also involved in the Iran Contra scandal.

The Iran Contra Operation

Richard Gates, Colin Powell and Richard Armitage, among others, were also involved  in the Iran-Contra Operation.

Armitage was in close liaison with Colonel Oliver North. His deputy and chief anti-terrorist official Noel Koch was part of the team set up by Oliver North.

Of significance, the Iran-Contra operation was also tied into the process of channeling covert support to the Islamic brigades in Afghanistan. The Iran Contra scheme served several related foreign policy objectives:

1) Procurement of weapons to Iran thereby feeding the Iraq-Iran war,

2) Support to the Nicaraguan Contras,

3) Support to the Islamic brigades in Afghanistan, channeled via Pakistan’s ISI.

Following the delivery of the TOW anti-tank missiles to Iran, the proceeds of these sales were deposited in numbered bank accounts and the money was used to finance the Nicaraguan Contras. and the Mujahideen:

“The Washington Post reported that profits from the Iran arms sales were deposited in one CIA-managed account into which the U.S. and Saudi Arabia had placed $250 million apiece. That money was disbursed not only to the contras in Central America but to the rebels fighting Soviet troops in Afghanistan.” (US News & World Report, 15 December 1986).

Although Lieutenant General Colin Powell, was not directly involved in the arms’ transfer negotiations, which had been entrusted to Oliver North, he was among “at least five men within the Pentagon who knew arms were being transferred to the CIA.” (The Record, 29 December 1986).

In this regard, Powell was directly instrumental in giving the “green light” to lower-level officials in blatant violation of Congressional procedures. According to the New York Times, Colin Powell took the decision (at the level of military procurement), to allow the delivery of weapons to Iran:

“Hurriedly, one of the men closest to Secretary of Defense Weinberger, Maj. Gen. Colin Powell, bypassed the written ”focal point system” procedures and ordered the Defense Logistics Agency [responsible for procurement] to turn over the first of 2,008 TOW missiles to the CIA., which acted as cutout for delivery to Iran” (New York Times, 16 February 1987)

Secretary of Defense Robert Gates was also implicated in the Iran-Contra Affair.

The Golden Crescent Drug Trade

The history of the drug trade in Central Asia is intimately related to the CIA’s covert operations. Prior to the Soviet-Afghan war, opium production in Afghanistan and Pakistan was directed to small regional markets. There was no local production of heroin. (Alfred McCoy, Drug Fallout: the CIA’s Forty Year Complicity in the Narcotics Trade. The Progressive, 1 August 1997).

Alfred McCoy’s study confirms that within two years of the onslaught of the CIA operation in Afghanistan, “the Pakistan-Afghanistan borderlands became the world’s top heroin producer.” (Ibid) Various Islamic paramilitary groups and organizations were created. The proceeds of the Afghan drug trade, which was protected by the CIA, were used to finance the various insurgencies:

“Under CIA and Pakistani protection, Pakistan military and Afghan resistance opened heroin labs on the Afghan and Pakistani border. According to The Washington Post of May 1990, among the leading heroin manufacturers were Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, an Afghan leader who received about half of the covert arms that the U.S. shipped to Pakistan. Although there were complaints about Hekmatyar’s brutality and drug trafficking within the ranks of the Afghan resistance of the day, the CIA maintained an uncritical alliance and supported him without reservation or restraint.

Once the heroin left these labs in Pakistan’s northwest frontier, the Sicilian Mafia imported the drugs into the U.S., where they soon captured sixty percent of the U.S. heroin market. That is to say, sixty percent of the U.S. heroin supply came indirectly from a CIA operation. During the decade of this operation, the 1980s, the substantial DEA contingent in Islamabad made no arrests and participated in no seizures, allowing the syndicates a de facto free hand to export heroin. By contrast, a lone Norwegian detective, following a heroin deal from Oslo to Karachi, mounted an investigation that put a powerful Pakistani banker known as President Zia’s surrogate son behind bars. The DEA in Islamabad got nobody, did nothing, stayed away.

Former CIA operatives have admitted that this operation led to an expansion of the Pakistan-Afghanistan heroin trade. In 1995 the former CIA Director of this Afghan operation, Mr. Charles Cogan, admitted sacrificing the drug war to fight the Cold War. “Our main mission was to do as much damage to the Soviets. We didn’t really have the resources or the time to devote to an investigation of the drug trade,” he told Australian television. “I don’t think that we need to apologize for this. Every situation has its fallout. There was fallout in terms of drugs, yes, but the main objective was accomplished. The Soviets left Afghanistan.” (Alfred McCoy, Testimony before the Special Seminar focusing on allegations linking CIA secret operations and drug trafficking-convened February 13, 1997, by Rep. John Conyers, Dean of the Congressional Black Caucus)

Lucrative Narcotics Trade in the Post Cold War Era

The drug trade has continued unabated during the post Cold war years. Afghanistan became the major supplier of heroin to Western markets, in fact almost the sole supplier: more than 90 percent of the heroin sold Worldwide originates in Afghanistan. This lucrative contraband is tied into Pakistani politics and the militarization of the Pakistani State. It also has a direct bearing on the structure of the Pakistani economy and its banking and financial institutions, which from the outset of the Golden Crescent drug trade have been involved in extensive money laundering operations, which are protected by the Pakistani military and intelligence apparatus:

According to the US State Department  International Narcotics Control Strategy Report (2006) (quoted in Daily Times, 2 March 2006),

“Pakistani criminal networks play a central role in the transshipment of narcotics and smuggled goods from Afghanistan to international markets. Pakistan is a major drug-transit country. The proceeds of narcotics trafficking and funding for terrorist activities are often laundered by means of the alternative system called hawala. … .

“Repeatedly, a network of private unregulated charities has also emerged as a significant source of illicit funds for international terrorist networks,” the report pointed out. … “

The hawala system and the charities are but the tip of the iceberg. According to the State Department report,

“the State Bank of Pakistan has frozen [for more twenty years] a meager $10.5 million “belonging to 12 entities and individuals linked to Osama bin Laden, Al Qaeda or the Taliban”.

What the report fails to mention is that the bulk of the proceeds of the Afghan drug trade were laundered in bona fide Western banking institutions.

The Taliban Repress the Drug Trade

A major and unexpected turnaround in the CIA sponsored drug trade occurred in 2000.

The Taliban government which came to power in 1996 with Washington’s support, implemented in 2000-2001 a far-reaching opium eradication program with the support of the United Nations which served to undermine a multibillion dollar trade. (For further details see, Michel Chossudovsky, America’s War on Terrorism, Global Research, 2005).

In 2001 prior to the US-led invasion, opium production under the Taliban eradication program declined by more than 90 percent.

In the immediate wake of the US led invasion, the Bush administration ordered that the opium harvest not be destroyed on the fabricated pretext that this would undermine the military government of Pervez Musharraf.

“Several sources inside Capitol Hill noted that the CIA opposes the destruction of the Afghan opium supply because to do so might destabilize the Pakistani government of Gen. Pervez Musharraf. According to these sources, Pakistani intelligence had threatened to overthrow President Musharraf if the crops were destroyed. …

‘If they [the CIA] are in fact opposing the destruction of the Afghan opium trade, it’ll only serve to perpetuate the belief that the CIA is an agency devoid of morals; off on their own program rather than that of our constitutionally elected government'” .(NewsMax.com, 28 March 2002)

Since the US led invasion, opium production has increased 33 fold from 185 tons in 2001 under the Taliban to 6100 tons in 2006. Cultivated areas have increased 21 fold since the 2001 US-led invasion. (Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, 6 January 2006)

In 2007, Afghanistan supplied approximately 93% of the global supply of heroin.

The proceeds (in terms of retail value) of the Afghanistan drug trade are estimated (2006) to be in excess of 190 billion dollars a year, representing a significant fraction of the global trade in narcotics.(Ibid)

The proceeds of this lucrative multibillion dollar contraband are deposited in Western banks. Almost the totality of the revenues accrue to corporate interests and criminal syndicates outside Afghanistan.

The laundering of drug money constitutes a multibillion dollar activity, which continues to be protected by the CIA and the ISI. In the wake of the 2001 US invasion of Afghanistan.

In retrospect, one of the major objectives of the 2001 invasion of Afghanistan was to restore the drug trade.

The militarization of Pakistan serves powerful political, financial and criminal interests underlying the drug trade. US foreign policy tends to support these powerful interests. The CIA continues to protect the Golden Crescent narcotics trade. Despite his commitment to eradicating the drug trade, opium production under the regime of Afghan President Hamid Karzai has skyrocketed.

The Assassination of General Zia Ul-Haq

In August 1988, President Zia was killed in an air crash together with US Ambassador to Pakistan Arnold Raphel and several of Pakistan’s top generals. The circumstances of the air crash remain shrouded in mystery.

Following Zia’s death, parliamentary elections were held and Benazir Bhutto was sworn in as Prime Minister in December 1988. She was subsequently  removed from office by Zia’s successor, President Ghulam Ishaq Khan on the grounds of alleged corruption. In 1993, she was re-elected and was again removed from office in 1996 on the orders of President Farooq Leghari.

Continuity has been maintained throughout. Under the short-lived post-Zia  elected governments of Nawaz Sharif and Benazir Bhutto, the central role of the military-intelligence establishment and its links to Washington were never challenged.

Both Benazir Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif served US foreign policy interests. While in power, both democratically elected leaders, nonetheless supported the continuity of military rule.  As prime minister from 1993 to 1996, Benazir Bhutto “advocated a conciliatory policy toward Islamists, especially the Taliban in Afghanistan” which were being supported by Pakistan’s ISI (See F. William Engdahl, Global Research, January 2008)

Benazir Bhutto’s successor as Prime Minister,  Mia Muhammad Nawaz Sharif of the Pakistan Muslim League (PML) was deposed in 1999 in a US supported coup d’Etat led by General Pervez Musharraf.

The 1999 coup was instigated by General Pervez Musharaf, with the support of the Chief of General Staff, Lieutenant General Mahmoud Ahmad (image right), who was subsequently appointed to the key position of head of military intelligence (ISI).

From the outset of the Bush administration in 2001, General Ahmad developed close ties not only with his US counterpart CIA director George Tenet, but also with key members of the US government including Secretary of State Colin Powell, Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage, not to mention Porter Goss, who at the time was Chairman of the House Committee on Intelligence.

Ironically, Mahmoud Ahmad is also known, according to a September 2001 FBI report, for his suspected role in supporting and financing the alleged 9/11 terrorists as well as his links to Al Qaeda and the Taliban. (See Michel Chossudovsky, America’s “war on Terrorism, Global Research, Montreal, 2005) 


These various “terrorist” organizations were created as a result of CIA support. They are not the product of religion. The project to establish “a pan-Islamic Caliphate” is part of a carefully devised intelligence operation.

CIA support to Al Qaeda was not in any way curtailed at the end of the Cold War. In fact quite the opposite. The earlier pattern of covert support took on a global thrust and became increasingly sophisticated.

The “Global War on Terrorism” is a complex and intricate intelligence construct.

The covert support provided to “Islamic extremist groups” is part of an imperial agenda. It purports to weaken and eventually destroy secular and civilian governmental institutions, while also contributing to vilifying Islam. It is an instrument of colonization which seeks to undermine sovereign nation-states and transform countries into territories.

For the intelligence operation to be successful, however, the various Islamic organizations created and trained by the CIA must remain unaware of the role they are performing on the geopolitical chessboard, on behalf of Washington.

Over the years, these organizations have indeed acquired a certain degree of autonomy and independence, in relation to their US-Pakistani sponsors. That appearance of “independence”, however, is crucial; it is an integral part of the covert intelligence operation. According to former CIA agent Milton Beardman the Mujahideen were invariably unaware of the role they were performing on behalf of Washington. In the words of bin Laden (quoted by Beardman): “neither I, nor my brothers saw evidence of American help”. (Weekend Sunday (NPR); Eric Weiner, Ted Clark; 16 August 1998).

“Motivated by nationalism and religious fervor, the Islamic warriors were unaware that they were fighting the Soviet Army on behalf of Uncle Sam. While there were contacts at the upper levels of the intelligence hierarchy, Islamic rebel leaders in theatre had no contacts with Washington or the CIA.” (Michel Chossudovsky, America’s War on Terrorism, Chapter 2).

The fabrication of “terrorism” –including covert support to terrorists– is required to provide legitimacy to the “war on terrorism”.

The various fundamentalist and paramilitary groups involved in US sponsored “terrorist” activities are “intelligence assets”. In the wake of 9/11, their  designated function as “intelligence assets” is  to perform their role as credible “enemies of America”.

Under the Bush administration, the CIA continued to support (via Pakistan’s ISI) several Pakistani based Islamic groups. The ISI is known to support Jamaat a-Islami, which is also present in South East Asia, Lashkar-e-Tayya­ba, Jehad a-Kashmiri, Hizbul-Mujahidin and  Jaish-e-Mohammed.

The Islamic groups created by the CIA are also intended to rally public support in Muslim countries. The underlying objective is to create divisions within national societies throughout the Middle East and Central Asia, while also triggering sectarian strife within Islam, ultimately with a view to curbing the development of a broad based secular mass resistance, which would challenge US imperial ambitions.

This function of an outside enemy is also an essential part of war propaganda required to galvanize Western public opinion. Without an enemy, a war cannot be fought.  US foreign policy needs to fabricate an enemy, to justify its various military interventions in the Middle East and Central Asia. An enemy is required to justify a military agenda, which consists in ” going after Al Qaeda”. The fabrication and vilification of the enemy are required to justify military action.

The existence of an outside enemy sustains the illusion that the “war on terrorism” is real. It justifies and presents military intervention as a humanitarian operation based on the right to self-defense. It upholds the illusion of a “conflict of civilizations”. The underlying purpose ultimately is to conceal the real economic and strategic objectives behind the broader Middle East Central Asian war.

Historically, Pakistan has played a central role in “war on terrorism”. Pakistan constitutes from Washington’s standpoint a geopolitical hub. It borders onto Afghanistan and Iran. It has played a crucial role in the conduct of US and allied military operations in Afghanistan as well as in the context of the Pentagon’s war plans in relation to Iran.


by Michel Chossudovsky

ISBN 0-9737147-1-9  (2005)

387 pages.

Global Research Online Price: US$14.00  (Retail $19.95)


In this new and expanded edition of Michel Chossudovsky’s 2002 best seller, the author blows away the smokescreen put up by the mainstream media, that 9/11 was an attack on America by “Islamic terrorists”.  Through meticulous research, the author uncovers a military-intelligence ploy behind the September 11 attacks, and the cover-up and complicity of key members of the Bush Administration.

The expanded edition, which includes twelve new chapters focuses on the use of 9/11 as a pretext for the invasion and illegal occupation of Iraq, the militarisation of justice and law enforcement and the repeal of democracy.

According to Chossudovsky, the  “war on terrorism” is a complete fabrication based on the illusion that one man, Osama bin Laden, outwitted the $40 billion-a-year American intelligence apparatus. The “war on terrorism” is a war of conquest. Globalisation is the final march to the “New World Order”, dominated by Wall Street and the U.S. military-industrial complex.

September 11, 2001 provides a justification for waging a war without borders. Washington’s agenda consists in extending the frontiers of the American Empire to facilitate complete U.S. corporate control, while installing within America the institutions of the Homeland Security State.

Chossudovsky peels back layers of rhetoric to reveal a complex web of deceit aimed at luring the American people and the rest of the world into accepting a military solution which threatens the future of humanity. 

“Millions of people have been misled regarding the causes and consequences of September 11.

When people across the US and around the World find out that Al Qaeda is not an outside enemy but a creation of US foreign policy and the CIA, the legitimacy of the bipartisan war agenda will tumble like a deck of cards.”

Across the land, the image of an “outside enemy” is instilled in the consciousness of Americans. Al Qaeda is threatening America and the world. The repeal of democracy under the Patriot legislation is portrayed as a means to providing “domestic security” and upholding civil liberties.

The 9/11 Commission Report destroys the historical record of US covert support to international terrorism, while creating the illusion that America and “Western Civilization” are threatened. In turn, the various terrorist warnings and code orange alerts have created, across America, an atmosphere of fear and intimidation.

Michel Chossudovsky, America’s “War on Terrorism”,  Global Research 2005

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Documents that the ruling class tried to keep confidential are confirming that ADE (Antibody-dependent enhancement), VAED (Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Disease), and AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) are common outcomes after COVID-19 injections. These diseases come on often months after taking the shots.

AIDS is particularly alarming, as it is appearing in a disturbing number of recipients just five months after their initial injections.

Antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) and Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Disease (VAED). are serious adverse events that can occur after vaccination.

ADE and VAED can occur when an individual is exposed to a pathogen, such as the alleged Covid-19 virus, after receiving a vaccine that does not provide full immunity.

In these cases, the vaccine-induced antibodies may actually enhance the ability of the pathogen to infect cells, leading to more severe illness than if the individual had not received the vaccine.

When a vaccine causes ADE or VAED, it can have significant public health implications.

First and foremost, individuals who receive the vaccine and develop ADE or VAE may suffer from severe illness, and in some cases, even death. -The Daily Exposé

One example of a bacterial infection that could potentially be worsened by ADE or VAE is streptococcus A (strep A) infection. Strep A is a type of bacteria that can cause a wide range of illnesses, including sore throat, pneumonia, and sepsis. You will have most likely seen in the mainstream news that Strep A infection is killing children all over this winter.

Government documents show that the most likely cause of all of these diseases is the COVID-19 injection.

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) attempted to delay the release of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine safety data for 75 years despite approving the injection after only 108 days of safety review on December 11th, 2020.

The FDA originally said that they were prepared to release 500 pages per month in a response to the Freedom of Information (FOI) request filed on behalf of Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency (PHMPT) requesting the safety data.

Instead, in early January 2022, Federal Judge Mark Pittman ordered them to release 55,000 pages per month. They released 12,000 pages by the end of January.

Since then, PHMPT has posted all of the documents to its website. -The Daily Exposé

One of the documents contained in the latest data dump is ‘reissue_5.3.6 postmarketing experience.pdf’. Table 5, found on page 11 of the document shows an ‘Important Potential Risk’, and that risk is listed as ‘Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Disease (VAED), including Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Respiratory Disease (VAERD)’.

This evidence was published by The Daily Expose and is rather damning, and horrifying for those who have taken these shots or given them to their own children. These documents could help explain the instances of SADS or sudden adult death sydrome, as well as all of those who have “died suddenly” in the past year since these shots have been rolled out with force.


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Featured image is from COVID Intel

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

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On August 28th, Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks chose the occasion of a three-day conference organized by the National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA), the arms industry’s biggest trade group, to announce the “Replicator Initiative.” Among other things, it would involve producing “swarms of drones” that could hit thousands of targets in China on short notice. Call it the full-scale launching of techno-war.

Her speech to the assembled arms makers was yet another sign that the military-industrial complex (MIC) President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned us about more than 60 years ago,ttttttttttttttttttttttttttt is still alive, all too well, and taking a new turn. Call it the MIC for the digital age.

Hicks described the goal of the Replicator Initiative this way:

“To stay ahead [of China], we’re going to create a new state of the art… leveraging attritable, autonomous systems in all domains which are less expensive, put fewer people at risk, and can be changed, upgraded, or improved with substantially shorter lead times… We’ll counter the PLA’s [People’s Liberation Army’s] with mass of our own, but ours will be harder to plan for, harder to hit, and harder to beat.”

Think of it as artificial intelligence (AI) goes to war — and oh, that word “attritable,” a term that doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue or mean much of anything to the average taxpayer, is pure Pentagonese for the ready and rapid replaceability of systems lost in combat. Let’s explore later whether the Pentagon and the arms industry are even capable of producing the kinds of cheap, effective, easily replicable techno-war systems Hicks touted in her speech. First, though, let me focus on the goal of such an effort: confronting China.

Target: China

However one gauges China’s appetite for military conflict — as opposed to relying more heavily on its increasingly powerful political and economic tools of influence — the Pentagon is clearly proposing a military-industrial fix for the challenge posed by Beijing. As Hicks’s speech to those arms makers suggests, that new strategy is going to be grounded in a crucial premise: that any future technological arms race will rely heavily on the dream of building ever cheaper, ever more capable weapons systems based on the rapid development of near-instant communications, artificial intelligence, and the ability to deploy such systems on short notice.

The vision Hicks put forward to the NDIA is, you might already have noticed, untethered from the slightest urge to respond diplomatically or politically to the challenge of Beijing as a rising great power. It matters little that those would undoubtedly be the most effective ways to head off a future conflict with China.

Such a non-military approach would be grounded in a clearly articulated return to this country’s longstanding “One China” policy. Under it, the U.S. would forgo any hint of the formal political recognition of the island of Taiwan as a separate state, while Beijing would commit itself to limiting to peaceful means its efforts to absorb that island.

There are numerous other issues where collaboration between the two nations could move the U.S. and China from a policy of confrontation to one of cooperation, as noted in a new paper by my colleague Jake Werner of the Quincy Institute: “1) development in the Global South; 2) addressing climate change; 3) renegotiating global trade and economic rules; and 4) reforming international institutions to create a more open and inclusive world order.”

Achieving such goals on this planet now might seem like a tall order, but the alternative — bellicose rhetoric and aggressive forms of competition that increase the risk of war — should be considered both dangerous and unacceptable.

On the other side of the equation, proponents of increasing Pentagon spending to address the purported dangers of the rise of China are masters of threat inflation. They find it easy and satisfying to exaggerate both Beijing’s military capabilities and its global intentions in order to justify keeping the military-industrial complex amply funded into the distant future.

As Dan Grazier of the Project on Government Oversight noted in a December 2022 report, while China has made significant strides militarily in the past few decades, its strategy is “inherently defensive” and poses no direct threat to the United States. At present, in fact, Beijing lags behind Washington strikingly when it comes to both military spending and key capabilities, including having a far smaller (though still undoubtedly devastating) nuclear arsenal, a less capable Navy, and fewer major combat aircraft. None of this would, however, be faintly obvious if you only listened to the doomsayers on Capitol Hill and in the halls of the Pentagon.

But as Grazier points out, this should surprise no one since “threat inflation has been the go-to tool for defense spending hawks for decades.” That was, for instance, notably the case at the end of the Cold War of the last century, after the Soviet Union had disintegrated, when then Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Colin Powell so classically said:

“Think hard about it. I’m running out of demons. I’m running out of villains. I’m down to [Cuba’s Fidel] Castro and Kim Il-sung [the late North Korean dictator].”

Needless to say, that posed a grave threat to the Pentagon’s financial fortunes and Congress did indeed insist then on significant reductions in the size of the armed forces, offering less funds to spend on new weaponry in the first few post-Cold War years. But the Pentagon was quick to highlight a new set of supposed threats to American power to justify putting military spending back on the upswing.

With no great power in sight, it began focusing instead on the supposed dangers of regional powers like Iran, Iraq, and North Korea. It also greatly overstated their military strength in its drive to be funded to win not one but two major regional conflicts at the same time. This process of switching to new alleged threats to justify a larger military establishment was captured strikingly in Michael Klare’s 1995 book Rogue States and Nuclear Outlaws.

After the 9/11 attacks, that “rogue states” rationale was, for a time, superseded by the disastrous “Global War on Terror,” a distinctly misguided response to those terrorist acts. It would spawn trillions of dollars of spending on wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and a global counter-terror presence that included U.S. operations in 85 — yes, 85! — countries, as strikingly documented by the Costs of War Project at Brown University.

Map from United States Counterterrorism Operations 2018-2020 (2021) by Stephanie Savell (Source: Costs of War)

All of that blood and treasure, including hundreds of thousands of direct civilian deaths (and many more indirect ones), as well as thousands of American deaths and painful numbers of devastating physical and psychological injuries to U.S. military personnel, resulted in the installation of unstable or repressive regimes whose conduct — in the case of Iraq — helped set the stage for the rise of the Islamic State (ISIS) terror organization.

As it turned out, those interventions proved to be anything but either the “cakewalk” or the flowering of democracy predicted by the advocates of America’s post-9/11 wars. Give them full credit, though! They proved to be a remarkably efficient money machine for the denizens of the military-industrial complex.

Constructing “the China Threat”

As for China, its status as the threat du jour gained momentum during the Trump years. In fact, for the first time since the twentieth century, the Pentagon’s 2018 defense strategy document targeted “great power competition” as the wave of the future.

One particularly influential document from that period was the report of the congressionally mandated National Defense Strategy Commission. That body critiqued the Pentagon’s strategy of the moment, boldly claiming (without significant backup information) that the Defense Department was not planning to spend enough to address the military challenge posed by great power rivals, with a primary focus on China.

The commission proposed increasing the Pentagon’s budget by 3% to 5% above inflation for years to come — a move that would have pushed it to an unprecedented $1 trillion or more within a few years. Its report would then be extensively cited by Pentagon spending boosters in Congress, most notably former Senate Armed Services Committee Chair James Inhofe (R-OK), who used to literally wave it at witnesses in hearings and ask them to pledge allegiance to its dubious findings.

That 3% to 5% real growth figure caught on with prominent hawks in Congress and, until the recent chaos in the House of Representatives, spending did indeed fit just that pattern. What has not been much discussed is research by the Project on Government Oversight showing that the commission that penned the report and fueled those spending increases was heavily weighted toward individuals with ties to the arms industry.

Its co-chair, for instance, served on the board of the giant weapons maker Northrop Grumman, and most of the other members had been or were advisers or consultants to the industry, or worked in think tanks heavily funded by just such corporations. So, we were never talking about a faintly objective assessment of U.S. “defense” needs.

Beware of Pentagon “Techno-Enthusiasm”

Just so no one would miss the point in her NDIA speech, Kathleen Hicks reiterated that the proposed transformation of weapons development with future techno-war in mind was squarely aimed at Beijing. “We must,” she said, “ensure the PRC leadership wakes up every day, considers the risks of aggression and concludes, ‘today is not the day’ — and not just today, but every day, between now and 2027, now and 2035, now and 2049, and beyond… Innovation is how we do that.”

The notion that advanced military technology could be the magic solution to complex security challenges runs directly against the actual record of the Pentagon and the arms industry over the past five decades. In those years, supposedly “revolutionary” new systems like the F-35 combat aircraft, the Army’s Future Combat System (FCS), and the Navy’s Littoral Combat Ship have been notoriously plagued by cost overruns, schedule delays, performance problems, and maintenance challenges that have, at best, severely limited their combat capabilities. In fact, the Navy is already planning to retire a number of those Littoral Combat Ships early, while the whole FCS program was canceled outright.

In short, the Pentagon is now betting on a complete transformation of how it and the industry do business in the age of AI — a long shot, to put it mildly.

But you can count on one thing: the new approach is likely to be a gold mine for weapons contractors, even if the resulting weaponry doesn’t faintly perform as advertised. This quest will not be without political challenges, most notably finding the many billions of dollars needed to pursue the goals of the Replicator Initiative, while staving off lobbying by producers of existing big-ticket items like aircraft carriers, bombers, and fighter jets.

Members of Congress will defend such current-generation systems fiercely to keep weapons spending flowing to major corporate contractors and so into key congressional districts. One solution to the potential conflict between funding the new systems touted by Hicks and the costly existing programs that now feed the titans of the arms industry: jack up the Pentagon’s already massive budget and head for that trillion-dollar peak, which would be the highest level of such spending since World War II.

The Pentagon has long built its strategy around supposed technological marvels like the “electronic battlefield” in the Vietnam era; the “revolution in military affairs,” first touted in the early 1990s; and the precision-guided munitions praised since at least the 1991 Persian Gulf war. It matters little that such wonder weapons have never performed as advertised.

For example, a detailed Government Accountability Office report on the bombing campaign in the Gulf War found that “the claim by DOD [Department of Defense] and contractors of a one-target, one-bomb capability for laser-guided munitions was not demonstrated in the air campaign where, on average, 11 tons of guided and 44 tons of unguided munitions were delivered on each successfully destroyed target.”

When such advanced weapons systems can be made to work, at enormous cost in time and money, they almost invariably prove of limited value, even against relatively poorly armed adversaries (as in Iraq and Afghanistan in this century). China, a great power rival with a modern industrial base and a growing arsenal of sophisticated weaponry, is another matter. The quest for decisive military superiority over Beijing and the ability to win a war against a nuclear-armed power should be (but isn’t) considered a fool’s errand, more likely to spur a war than deter it, with potentially disastrous consequences for all concerned.

Perhaps most dangerous of all, a drive for the full-scale production of AI-based weaponry will only increase the likelihood that future wars could be fought all too disastrously without human intervention. As Michael Klare pointed out in a report for the Arms Control Association, relying on such systems will also magnify the chances of technical failures, as well as misguided AI-driven targeting decisions that could spur unintended slaughter and decision-making without human intervention. The potentially disastrous malfunctioning of such autonomous systems might, in turn, only increase the possibility of nuclear conflict.

It would still be possible to rein in the Pentagon’s techno-enthusiasm by slowing the development of the kinds of systems highlighted in Hicks’s speech, while creating international rules of the road regarding their future development and deployment. But the time to start pushing back against yet another misguided “techno-revolution” is now, before automated warfare increases the risk of a global catastrophe. Emphasizing new weaponry over creative diplomacy and smart political decisions is a recipe for disaster in the decades to come. There has to be a better way.


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William D. Hartung, a TomDispatch regular, is a senior research fellow at the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft and the author of “More Money, Less Security: Pentagon Spending and Strategy in the Biden Administration.”

Featured image: Drone by Underway In Ireland is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 / Flickr

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US-India regime change in Sri Lanka in 2015 & multinational corporations promoting Mauricio Macri as President of Argentina also in 2015 have similarities. IMF/WB began playing key roles after the regime change. IMF & World Bank have a history of turning poor Global South nations into LOAN ADDICTS & then saddling them with DEBT.

Loans debts are a new form of colonization. More loans are given to repay loans as well as to survive which only adds to the spiraling debt. Spiralling debt means the need to secure more loans & this impedes any programs for self-sufficiency. Self-sufficiency is curtailed by getting developing nations to accept IMF neo-liberal free market models as ‘their solution’ to ‘restoring economic stability & growth”- the power of media & propaganda together with hired locals are used to euthanize the citizens into thinking IMF/WB is their savior.

The regime change of 2015 in both nations saw heavy use of technology to reach voters. Cambridge Analytica (British political propaganda firm) was deeply involved with the help of Facebook to profile users & persuade their vote. Elections in third world nations are manipulated by ‘agents’ of multinational corporations. In 2015 it was Macri in Argentina & Sirisena in Sri Lanka. Macri was inside the multination trojan horse entering Argentina.

Macri’s was tasked to reverse all that the former government of Nestor Kirchner had done without going to the IMF.

Macri rolled out IMF measures that were advantageous to corporations & not the Argentinian people. In 2018 he signed the largest loan with the IMF of $57 billion  while after 2015 Sri Lanka took $12.5b ISBs (international sovereign bonds) Argentina, went from being free of debt in 2015 to taking on a debt of $57 billion.

Argentina & IMF

  • 1958 taken 1st loan – 22 loans taken from IMF since 1958
  • 2015 – Macri took 2 IMF loans – $50b & $7b ($57billion) largest in history
  • IMF was created in 1944 to promote human welfare – where is that welfare when IMF promotes budget cuts that that lead to job losses.

How was this money used?

30% of the total loan was used for “capital leakage” – $53.2m was used to pay off interest accumulated by the IMF’s administrative & advisory services (they give with one hand & take back with the other & we think they are doing us favors) The large chunk of the loan was used to simply pay off interest & the remainder was to be authorized by the IMF for internal expenses. So the Govt had no choice or ability to do anything – not even build a bridge or a school or a hospital. That loan was in fact of no use and it only diminished the living standards of the Argentinians. None of the loan went to the welfare of the poor – it just disappeared.

IMF even had an office inside Argentina’s Central Bank, where Argentina governs its monetary policy. Argentina could do NOTHING without IMF’s approval and authorization.

The loan taken by Macri was used for his campaign & to promote himself.

Macri left Argentina crying. IMF stands guilty of watching Argentina collapse.

His successor Alberto Fernandez is now tasked to handle the damage by Macri & IMF. Macri had destroyed the working class & the middle class.


The announcement of the lockdown by Fernández was generally well received, although there were concerns with its economic impact. (Licensed under CC BY 2.5 ar)

Fernandez not only had to deal with the debt from loans but also the pandemic & the spills of Ukraine war and a drought.

This IMF loan taken by Macri by end of 2019 constituted 89% of Argentina’s GDP & was passed on to the next govt.

Macri left doing all the damage & handing the headache to Fernandez no different to how Yahapalana govt left Gotabaya Rajapakse to handle ISB repayment and a pandemic, leading to his ouster that brought back the Yahapalana damage maker. Argentina’s case has been somewhat different though both nations are suffering economic & political volatility.

The weaknesses of government policy as well as political will enables entities like IMF/WB to take the upper hand. The lack of ability to explain to the people the real situation by governments is also a key factor. Everyone ends up punishing those who were not responsible for the crisis. All loans are generally taken & enjoyed by a handful while the working class are forced to meet the repayments via increased prices & taxes.

Argentinian President Fernandez however is saying that the IMF 2018 deal was illegally passed without going through proper legislative channels. Was this the case with the ISBs in Sri Lanka as well? The governor at that time is today an economic advisor to the current President who was PM when the ISBs were taken. The IMF’s silence on the 2018 deal shows its guilt.

Argentinians are intelligent – they have understood the problem and openly say “Never again IMF”. They have been victims of both political & economic interference by the IMF and the IMF has shown that it has no solutions and just creates more problems. It’s a pity Sri Lanka does not understand this because IMF & Sri Lanka’s leaders are treating Sri Lankans like heroin addicts & injecting them with minimum dosage to prevent that mass realization. Only a handful who have read & followed the IMF’s failed policies in other parts of the world can comprehend the futility of giving VIP treatment to the IMF & World Bank.

The IMF was created by the US to manipulate the international economic order. If this fundamental fact is forgotten, IMF’s real objectives in their loan deals will get hidden.

IMF interfered in the economic & public policies of Argentina in the 1990s & caused a crisis which resulted in an insurrection. Paying off debt by privatizing is not the answer & is likely to cause more political & social tensions that a government cannot solve & leading to the requirement for foreign intervention – is this the real game plan?

The elite & upper middle class Sri Lankans want to continue to enjoy their lifestyle without caring what it costs the poor to sustain. All that they enjoy which they think they are paying for is brought to them by taxing the majority who are poor & eating into the foreign reserves as a result of the over-reliance on import of unnecessary items to satisfy the upper echelons of Sri Lankan society.

The moment their comforts are curtailed they sponsor “aragala” which is what took place in 2022 fooling the people into thinking it to be “their struggle”. It was actually a struggle caused by tax cuts for the elite and by import restrictions due to the pandemic which angered them beyond measure. The unelected successor knowing the game, is happy to take loans, pile them on the poor & ensure no power cuts or any cuts discomfort the rich.

In the case of Macri when he came to power in 2015, Argentina did not have significant external debt. But by the time he left in 2019, Argentina was made $70b in debt through bonds that enriched vulture capitalists as well as ministers & friends of the govt who have become wealthy at the cost of the people through financial speculation.

Macri was happy to sell out his motherland – Sri Lanka has similar sellout champions. Just as IMF loans are no solution, selling out Sri Lanka is no solution either. To get Sri Lanka back on its feet, some tough measures are needed, accompanied by discipline and cut down on wastage from top down; everyone needs to buckle down. Apart from what is needed for the tourism industry, all other non-essential imports must be stopped.

A coupon system must introduced to ensure the lower stratas especially those that contribute to self-sufficiency like the farmers do not suffer & are helped to be more productive. Unnoticed we see foreigners being employed subtly in Sri Lanka while unemployment among Sri Lankans is rising. There has to be a 360 degree change in attitude especially by those that enjoy the dividends of the loans taken while the poorer segments are being taxed.


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Shenali D Waduge is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

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It has long been known that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has a very special relationship with Klaus Schwab, CEO of the World Economic Forum (WEF). Trudeau is also one of Schwab’s favored Young Global Leaders (YGL). In Schwab’s own words – “We are proud to be able infiltrating our YGLs into governments around the world.” Trudeau was infiltrated as PM into Canada’s government.

It is no secret: Trudeau is one of Schwab’s top darlings.

” But what we are really proud of now with the young generation like Prime Minister Trudeau, President of Argentina and so on, is that we penetrate the cabinets… It is true in Argentina and it is true in France now… (Klaus Schwab)

Click here or image to access Video 

Looks like this “infiltration” pays off.

If Trudeau’s transferring more than a hundred million dollars of Canadian tax money to the WEF, via the infiltrates process referred to by Schwab the WEF is generating its own business, by generating money from the countries that implement the WEF’s globalist policies. How absurd.

What to expect. We are living in a world where war is peace and lie is truth.

According to a “Counter Signal” video (see below, 8 minutes) of Street Politics Canada, reveals that Canadian PM Justin Trudeau has transferred large sums of money to the World Economic Forum, for them to produce a fraudulent and fake report on the climate crisis, so that he, Trudeau, then may implement his own stern climate agenda at home – which is also the WEF’s agenda.

So, you may ask, why pay for the fake report?

The “Counter Signal” video purports that Trudeau is beholden to the WEF and wants the WEF to support his “climate change” agenda, which may lead to lockdowns, mask wearing and new rounds of coerced vaxxes — in schools, workplaces, and the homes of the elderly – for diseases yet to be invented. The agenda is clear. It would be a new round of genocide for the eugenists behind UN Agenda 2030, the Great Reset and the all-digitizing 4th Industrial Revolution.

Again, why would Trudeau have to pay for such a report – when he is doing the WEF’s bidding?

Already in 2019, Trudeau’s government allocated nearly half a million dollars of tax payers’ money for WEF’s report.

This WEF report was to make an economic case to justify Canada’s climate change policies.

These policies are already being implemented. One of the criminal anti-climate actions, to fake global warming, were the manmade forest fires.

Livemint.com reports:

Canada’s fire season this year has been described as ‘never before seen’, with a record-breaking 18 million hectares burned and over 200,000 people evacuated. The fires have had huge long-term consequences, devastating the forest landscape and contributing to climate change (highlighted by author). See this.


Among other insanities, the WEF report says,

“Science has never been clearer – and the voice of citizens has never been louder – that we are reaching irreversible tipping points in key biomes of the planet that keep the balance of all life on Earth intact. There is an urgent need for change to ensure that there is equity in our society and harmony with our ecosystem… for a stable and healthy planet for future generations.”

It goes on,

“What is required is bold policy ambition and decisive political leadership to send a signal that business as usual is no longer valid.”

There we go. This inevitably leads to a carbon tax which had already been planned way before 2020 and before the WEF report was produced. The carbon tax was subsequently increased from $ 40 / ton [of CO2] to $ 170.

Where does this money go? Just into Trudeau’s black-box budget?

How is it used to fight climate change?

Does anybody ask?

Many financially struggling Canadians may ask this question, as they have been left in the cold, first by COVID-induced unemployment, then by the ever-ongoing fearmongering about climate disasters and job insecurity and eventually, another plandemic on the horizon – and more of those to come. Not to forget – WHO had long ago declared the decade of 2020-2030 as the vaccination decade.

Just remember, disaster will not happen if we are not afraid and if we do not allow it to happen. We have the strength. We are many. They are few.

Remember also, any vaccination – way beyond COVID, and the ridiculously called “virus X” — is now based on the mRNA [deadly spike protein] method. The 2020-2030 vax decade is an eugenist agenda.

Be not afraid. Just do not get vaxed.

This was not the first time the Canadian government invented reasons to transfer money to the WEF. And to the detriment of Canadian citizens, it was recently revealed that the Trudeau government has an ongoing $105 million contract with the WEF for the known Traveler Digital ID. It is no longer a conspiracy theory. It is a contractual fact. See this  or this.

If indeed carried through, Canada would be one of the pioneers to implement this infamous and enslaving digital Traveler ID – clandestinely, no transparency – nobody is being told what kind of information is being stored on this ID. Trudeau wants to shine in front of his mentor and supporter – his Great Teacher, Klaus Schwab, who is about to make Trudeau destroy beautiful Canada.

It is highly suspected that Trudeau and the WEF will use the Canadian example as sort of a trailblazer for other countries to follow with a digital ID, integrated into a digital, constantly updated, vax certificate and personal banking records.

Mr. Trudeau, long before the onset of Agenda 2030 alias Great Reset, has been selling sovereign Canada to the WEF’s and UN’s Globalist Agenda. And this without the Canadian people’s consent.

The question remains, why would Trudeau pay the WEF for helping him implement the WEF’s agenda? Is he seeking “legitimacy” for his actions?

Or, is he hoping and buying potentially needed WEF protection if things get ugly.

If anything is getting loud and louder – it is the call for Trudeau’s resignation.

Canadians are waking up.

Do not let it happen.

Your resistance will be a signal to the world that people’s willpower and peaceful solidarity must and can resist this tyranny which is planned to being cast upon us worldwide.

So far, it is just a plan. FEAR NOT. Fear is their weapon number one.

We, the people, have the mental and solidarity power to stop the plan from being implemented.

The People of Canada – like in the Canadian truck drivers strike of January 2022 – have had enough of WEF policy, paid for by their tax money to infringe on Canada’s — the Peoples of Canada – sovereignty.


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Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for online journals and is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.

COVID-19 mRNA Vaccinated Found Dead in Their Vehicles

October 5th, 2023 by Dr. William Makis

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Perth, WA, Australia – 49 year old Romanian dad and granddad Dan Moraru was mandated by his work to have two Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines, which he had on Jan.1, 2022 and Feb.1, 2022. On July 7, 2022 he was found dead in his truck.

Sep. 17, 2023 – Palermo, Italy – 34 year old bricklayer had a “sudden illness” behind the wheel of his car, got out of his car, collapsed and died suddenly.

Sep.9, 2023 – NSW, Australia – 36 year old Charlie Newling, new father of a baby girl and Australian reality TV series The Bachelorette Star, died after his car “plunged from a cliff.”

Sep. 7, 2023 – Caucete, Argentina – Political candidate Nestor Dominguez was found dead in his car on a public road.

Aug. 18, 2023 – UK – 55 year old Karl Wakeham was found dead in his car, which he had parked down a side street.

Aug. 15, 2023 – Italian Pilot Carlo Mariani died unexpectedly after a “sudden illness” He spent the day in the sky, launched parachuters, landed his Pilatus Plane, went to the parking lot, got in his car, had a cardiac arrest and died in his car.

July 14, 2023 – Philadelphia, PA – 44 year old Police Officer Lynneice Hill, was found unresponsive in her patrol car and died suddenly on July 14, 2023 in her car.

July 2, 2023 – Padua, Italy – 22 year old Giacomo Ortolan was found dead in his car on July 2, 2023 in the Montagnana countryside. He was discovered by a passerby.

June 27, 2023 – Germany – 53 year old German party singer Sascha Loudovici, member of music group “Chaos Team”, who made over 90 appearances per year with their live DJ party shows was found dead in his car in on June 27, 2023 from cardiac arrest.

June 6, 2023 -19 year old Colorado State University track athlete Colton Kaase was found dead in his parked car on University campus on June 6, 2023. Coroner’s Office said he died of pulmonary embolism.

May 25, 2023 – Houston, TX – Police Officer Fredrick Portis was found dead in his patrol car, parked on the side of the road, in the evening with the lights still flashing. Autopsy showed brain bleed due to aneurysm.

April 13, 2023 – Gainesville, GA – 40 year old Phillip Pumphrey was found dead in his car from natural causes.

Feb. 15, 2023 – Ireland – 39 year old Linzi Floyd collapsed in the car park around 9:45pm and died suddenly. Autopsy showed cause of death as “undetermined.”

Feb. 4, 2023 – Beverly, NJ – 38 year old John Lash had a medical emergency while driving home from a friends house and died suddenly in his car on Feb. 4, 2023.

Oct. 6, 2022 – Saskatoon, SK – 19 year old Syed Nasir Shah was found dead in his car outside the gym, after working out.

My Take…

I am writing this substack in memory of Dan Moraru. He left Romania in 1991 shortly after Communism fell, to give his family a better life in Australia.

I left communist Czechoslovakia in 1988 for a better life in Canada, through a United Nations refugee camp in Yugoslavia where we met many Romanian families who were fleeing Communism. Some of them had been stuck in the refugee camp for 5 years, a few even longer.

Having lived through Communism, Dan was suspicious of the COVID-19 vaccine, but was mandated to take it or lose his job. Dan survived Romania’s communism. He didn’t survive Australia’s COVID-19 fascism. He was dead after his 2nd Pfizer mRNA shot, from a brain bleed, one of the more common causes of post mRNA Vaccine sudden deaths in young people.

I’ve written substacks about COVID-19 Vaccinated people collapsing behind the wheel and crashing their cars, trucks, or the buses or school buses they were driving. I’m the only physician warning about this for many months now.

This is still happening on a regular basis.

COVID-19 Vaccinated young people are being found dead in their vehicles from cardiac arrests, heart attacks, pulmonary emboli (blood clots in lungs), brain bleeds, aneurysms, strokes, etc.

Whenever you hear about a vehicle crash, look for the words “suffered a medical emergency”. This is how these deaths are being referred to now.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

Featured image is from NaturalNews.com

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

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The German Minister of Foreign Affairs, Annalena Baerbock, is once again involved in controversies against Russia. This time, the minister promised that Russian territories will soon be part of the EU, which sounds simultaneously provocative and unrealistic, considering that Moscow will not allow any part of its Federation to be captured by Western powers and their Ukrainian proxy.

During informal meetings with European politicians, Baerbock said that the future of Ukraine “lies in the EU”, with Kiev moving closer to gaining admission as it – reportedly – “liberates” territories controlled by Russian forces. Interestingly, Baerbock mentioned that the EU will soon “stretch from Lisbon to Lugansk”, making it clear that Ukrainian access to the bloc will occur after an eventual Ukrainian capture of the new Russian regions.

Baerbock also stated that the European community will help Kiev to overcome its internal problems and carry out reforms that will make the country suitable to EU’s political, democratic requirements, with the priority for now, however, being to defeat the Russians.

“Ukraine’s future lies in the European Union, our community of freedom, and it will soon stretch from Lisbon to Lugansk. It [Ukraine] also broadens its path to the EU with every village, every meter that it liberates, and every meter where it saves its people (…) These are things like changing legislation in the legal field, in the media field, but also in terms of fighting corruption, and we are openly discussing the issue that we can expand this path together with our partners here in Ukraine,” Baerbock said.

As well known, Lugansk is an ex-Ukrainian territory, which, after claiming sovereignty for eight years, was reintegrated into the Russian Federation after legitimate referendums that took place in 2022. In these referendums, the regions of Donetsk, Kherson and Zaporozhye also returned to being officially part of Russia. The legal status of these regions has already been formalized in Moscow, and there is no doubt to the fact that they are part of the Russian Federation.

Obviously, Kiev and the West do not recognize this reality and insist on the “need” for the Ukrainian armed forces to regain these territories. But this insistence, in practice, is merely rhetorical, since militarily the Ukrainians do not have enough power to confront the Russian forces and capture these regions. And, likewise, the local people are mostly ethnic Russians and supporters of the Russian government and the special operation.

So, no matter how much Ukraine and the West refuse to formally recognize the reintegration, the union of these regions with Russia is a reality that cannot be ignored. This makes Baerbock’s words a mere bluff. In fact, if Ukraine want to “regain” Lugansk to become a member of the EU, then Kiev will never gain access to the European bloc, as the Russians not only have enough strength to protect their territories, but will also certainly try to liberate even more areas, since until now no security guarantee has been given by NATO, making it impossible to avoid the prolongation of the conflict and the reintegration of more regions.

In addition to a bluff, Baerbock also makes clear the hostile position of Germany and the entire EU when commenting on these issues. As long as there is insistence on the Ukrainian advance into the regions that the Russians recognize as theirs, there will be no possibility of peace talks. As Russian authorities have stated several times, diplomatic negotiations can be resumed, as long as they are under the terms established by Moscow. These terms obviously include the recognition of the liberated territories as Russian and the demilitarization of Ukraine. Without this, there will be no talks and hostilities will continue, causing even more losses for Ukraine itself.

If the EU really wanted to give access to Kiev, the bloc would act more responsibly and advise the Ukrainian government to accept Russian peace terms and commit not to join NATO. But, as well known, the EU has no intention of really benefiting the Ukrainians and is just bluffing when saying that Kiev is “close” to getting its place in the union. The real objective of the EU and NATO was never to allow greater integration on the part of Ukraine, but to force Kiev to fight “to the last Ukrainian“.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Lucas Leiroz is a journalist, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, geopolitical consultant. You can follow Lucas on Twitter and Telegram. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from PACE

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Very few (if any) countries in the world have as much historical responsibility as Germany does. And yet it seems Berlin is starting to take an increasingly lax attitude towards it. As if the effective revival of its “Drang nach Osten” [Drive to the East to conquer Slavic countries] idea wasn’t enough already, German-owned media are now allowed to publish content that serves to whitewash Nazism, the world’s most repulsive ideology. And while it was defeated on the battlefield nearly 80 years ago, the ghost of Nazism (or its rotten zombified corpse, to be exact) keeps being reanimated by the political west. As we all know now, back in 2014, this was exactly what happened to Ukraine, a country in which Nazis slaughtered at least seven million people (although some estimates put the number at over 10 million).

After it was hijacked by Nazis, Ukraine was turned into their stronghold and they decided to “finish the job”, only this time by sending countless forcibly conscripted Ukrainians to certain death in a suicidal confrontation with Russia. The mainstream propaganda machine’s attempts to whitewash the Kiev regime’s unrepentant display of allegiance to its ideological (and, in many cases, literal) forefathers are also duly noted. However, it keeps backfiring, as evidenced by the recent scandal with the Canadian Parliament giving a standing ovation to a literal Nazi veteran of the infamous SS “Galizien” Division that committed numerous atrocities against Russians, Ukrainians, Poles and Jews,  during the Second World War.

On the other hand, even if the members of the SS “Galizien” decided not to touch a single civilian, the very fact that they were directly subordinated to and fought alongside the Wehrmacht should be more than enough to reject them for what they are – unadulterated genocidal killers. Any sort of support for Nazi Germany, be it direct or indirect, implies complicity in its murderous campaigns. And yet, when it comes to the mainstream propaganda machine, things are “much more complicated” nowadays, because there are Nazis who “weren’t so bad” for the sole reason they fought Russia during WW2. This is precisely what Politico claims in one of its latest takes on the Canadian Parliament scandal involving the standing ovation for the aforementioned Nazi veteran.

Namely, Keir Giles, a British writer obsessed with Russia and, as of October 2, a self-exposed Nazi apologist, argued that the scandal is effectively “Russian propaganda” and that the SS “did nothing wrong”. According to Giles, the history of SS “Galizien” is supposedly “complicated” and this “can be a gift to propagandists who exploit the appeal of simplicity”. The reason why the case of Nazi veteran Yaroslav Hunka is “complicated” is because “fighting against the USSR at the time didn’t necessarily make you a Nazi“, he argues. Giles further questions whether the SS’s primary task was genocide, claiming that foreign members of SS units were equivalent to “regular Wehrmacht soldiers and officers, meaning they didn’t necessarily commit atrocities”.

In other words, Giles is openly ignoring the Wehrmacht’s direct participation in countless war crimes committed against Poles, Russians, Serbs, Jews and others who were the primary targets of Nazi Germany. This recurring myth has now become one of the most common propaganda tropes used by Nazi apologists such as Giles. Worse yet, he is openly denying that the unit Hunka fought in committed any atrocities and is accusing the Russian Embassy in Ottawa of “propaganda” and “lies”, and even goes as far as to equate Russia and Nazi Germany. He doesn’t stop there however, and also accuses the Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center for Holocaust Studies of supposedly “lying” that SS “Galizien” committed war crimes.

Throughout his rant on the Hunka scandal, Giles keeps parroting that the truth is “complex” and that the accusations against SS “Galizien” are supposedly “evidence-free”. According to him, the whole controversy is just a “Russian propaganda plot” to allegedly undermine Canada. This is a common trope used by clinical Russophobes. Even when there’s no direct or even indirect involvement of Moscow, they still somehow manage to see it. Giles then goes as far as to effectively condemn Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for apologizing over the Hunka scandal, calling it a supposed “acquiescence to the rewriting of history by Russia and its backers”, once again claiming that SS “Galizien” and Hunka “did nothing wrong”.

It’s very important to note that this is the umpteenth time Nazism is being whitewashed by the mainstream propaganda machine. This is a particularly common occurrence when promoting Russophobia becomes more important for the political west than acknowledging basic historical truths. Twisting facts by calling them “complex” doesn’t change anything, while futile attempts to equate Russia and Nazi Germany also lead nowhere. Anyone with a single functioning brain cell understands what the latter would do if it ever had the destructive power Moscow wields. However, these attempts continue, as rabid Russophobes keep seeing the “evil hand of Putin” under their beds, but simply have no other argument except fabrications.


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Drago Bosnic is an independent geopolitical and military analyst.

The Unique Truth and Reality of New World Order

October 5th, 2023 by Prof. Maurice Okoli

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The Valdai Discussion Club has held its 20th Annual Meeting under the unique theme “Fair Multipolarity: How to Ensure Security and Development for Everyone” in Sochi, the southern coastal city of Russia. It gathered some 140 experts, politicians, and diplomats from 42 countries throughout Eurasia, Africa, and North and South America. The story of the Valdai Club’s twenty meetings is a chronicle of an extremely interesting and turbulent time. Really, it was hard to imagine discussing the world for twenty years. In a practical context, that is its greatest primary achievement.

The Valdai Discussion Club is a Russian think tank that was established in 2004. It is named after Lake Valdai which is located close to Veliky Novgorod where the club’s first meeting took place. The founders are the Council on Foreign and Defense Policy (CFDP), the Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC), the Moscow State Institute of International Relations of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation (MIGIMO) and the Russian University of Higher School of Economics. 

It is recognizable that the Valdai Club has made a huge policy impact, especially on its guests, including foreigners, by analyzing comprehensively the dynamics of changes in the world. It further examines the influence of changing global geopolitics on Russia. The concept of multipolarity has become a popular topic being discussed at many summits and conferences around the world. In fact, as the world is restructuring, so are its institutions and interstate relations.

The theme for the Annual Meeting in Sochi is very significant as the  world undergoes tremendous changes. It is worth to indicate that multipolarity is widely discussed these days at various summits, conferences and even in academic activities with students across the world. Questions of how to ensure peace and security, how to re-strategize development as well as how to reform the multinational financial institutions – these inter-connected issues are on the tables from the past, attempts are made to look at them at present and to device pathways into the future. These are also important with respect to foreign policy.

As I clearly said in my participation in one of the plenaries of Valdai Discussion Club in Saint Petersburg, few days before the Russia-Africa summit late July 2023, one of the biggest problems of humanity is, in most times, an attempt to resist reality. In the context of social evolutionary processes, the reality is that the multipolar world is the idea whose time has come. It is not wishful thinking and an attempt to resist it will create more problems for the world. In 1970, China’s GDP was US$92.60 billion but today it is close to US$18 trillion. India was a colony of Great Britain, but today India’s GDP in dollars is bigger than that of Britain.

As noted by the Valdai Club Chairman, Andrey Bystritskiy, despite the fact that people have lived with conflict throughout their history, they have always dreamed of a peaceful and harmonious existence. It cannot be said that all efforts were in vain; it is obvious that today we live better than centuries ago. The world has become less cruel and undoubtedly more convenient. But looking at current events, one understands that considerable effort is required to build a future that is acceptable to everyone.

In recent years, it has become clear that the process of improving the world, rethinking norms, and finding agreement among the huge number of forces operating on the world stage has become very complex and contradictory. At the discussions, many experts shared the same opinion that multiple attempts to find sustainable forms of development within the framework of crafting new relations, calling for reforms, pushing for accelerating the search for cooperation and establishing better regulation mechanisms are all necessary to create a more integrated and all-inclusive world. The general perception is that the world is at a crossroads, at a turning point.

Nevertheless, with all the intellectual complexity of the modern world, it is necessary to think about its future. Of course, a lot will depend on which model of the future is supported by the majority of people. The emergence of a new world order will mainly be determined by its ability to meet the basic qualitative needs of humanity. This also concerns the sentiments and goal-setting of society and the priorities of the leadership. Overall, there is a wide chance to see how a new connectedness based on respect for diversity will be formed in a world full of differences. Some envision something like a multipolar sort of new world.

During the working sessions, it was quite clear from various presentations that multipolarity is increasingly becoming a practical reality. We are expecting that it will definitely undermine the decades-long existing political dominance. At the same time, the emerging system has its own multiple risks. For instance, Timofei Bordachev, Academic Supervisor of the Centre for Comprehensive European and International Studies at the National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE), emphasized that the very concept of a pole must be used with caution since it presupposes the hegemony of some over others. Russia rejects the idea of hegemony, so it is necessary to develop new terminology.

Sharing his academic ideas and thoughts at length, Pham Lan Dung, acting president of the Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam, believes that BRICS is proof of a change in the architecture of the world, and the increase in the number of members of the group reflects widespread interest in a multipolar order. This position was strongly supported by Philani Mthembu, Director of the Institute for Global Dialogue (South Africa), Ram Madhav Varanasi, President of the India Foundation, and many others during the first day of the session.

For what it’s worth, Valdai Club has really been brainstorming experts around the world for concized strategic pathways into a multipolar world. As Andrey Sushentsov argues in his opinion article headlined ‘The World in Search of a New Balance of Power’ published early October 2023, the world has entered a period of constant power rebalancing without major breakthroughs. At the same time, globalization has not disappeared; the world is still interconnected through gateway zones – even opponents are interconnected. Now many countries in the world are quickly adapting to changing conditions, and learning to seek benefits in order to achieve their own development goals for the people. 

Source: Valdai Club

Chairman of the Valdai Club, Andrey Bystritskiy, has rightly emphasized, and to a considerable extent, that in order to realise the formation of a new world, this requires a restructuring of thinking. A gamut of new progressive ideas and combined with systemic approach to politics, economy and social and cultural dimensions of life. Therefore, to make the system work in its entirety, trust must be higher than in relations with external players. 

The topics discussed by the participants were also touched upon during the meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. Listening carefully to his speech, Lavrov confirmed the pertinent fact that many developing nations in the world are striving to increase their sovereignty. According to him, these are necessarily now drawn to associations to resolve their issues on the basis of mutual benefit and a fair balance of interests. One of such noticeable associations is BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and the South).

Despite the difficult geopolitical situation, Russia’s interaction is steadily developing, with a solid commitment to the democratization of interstate relations and building it based on the generally recognized principles of international law. Russia welcomes this trend and is working to consolidate it, making stark references to key international associations, including the UN, the G20, and BRICS.

Lavrov, however, emphasized that “the thoughts of the authors of the Valdai Club report closely echo the assessments that we make based on the results of the events that have taken place over the past months. I am referring primarily to the BRICS summit, the EAS summit in Jakarta, the G20 summit in New Delhi, and the Ministerial Week of the UN General Assembly. All these trends were fully manifested there. The world is becoming multipolar. Countries want to find reliable partners.”

The main confirmation of this is the expansion of BRICS. Six more states have joined the original five members of the association, and about two dozen also wish to establish special relations. BRICS is seen as a reliable partner, a structure that would help each participating member feel more confident. This is an important process in progress, and BRICS can serve as a platform for creating such a new system with the opportunity for sustainable development.

In late October 2022, during the final plenary session of the 19th meeting of the Valdai Discussion Club, President Vladimir Putin discussed, at considerable length, many controversial questions. According to him, classic liberal ideology itself today has changed beyond recognition. He predicted the end of the United States’ global dominance but fell short in proposing an appropriate Russia template—the principles and mechanisms—for realizing the lofty idea and approach to establishing a multipolar world.

Putin did not say anything about Russia becoming a global power but awarded that position to China. Putin, along the line, argued that support for a multipolar order largely exists in the global south. Russia is not the enemy and has never had any evil intentions regarding Europe or the United States.

He steadfastly holds the view that the United States ‘authoritarianism and exceptionalism’ be laid to eternal rest or better still be completely halted, and that in this new polycentric architecture, there is enormous potential and resources to make progressive and dynamic developments for humanity.

At the plenary session, there were a few questions for Putin:

“Mr. President, what is your vision for a new international partnership institution? Which basis of parity is Russia ready to offer at the international level? Which mechanisms, tools, and personalities are needed to acquire new allies, partners, and friends, not at a declarative level but at the level of unquestionable responsibility in terms of agreements? Do you think we should also change or build up other approaches within the future international partnership?”

Putin answered,

“We must and we can focus on cooperation, primarily, with countries that have sovereignty in taking fundamental decisions. This is my first point. My second point is that we must reach a consensus on each decision. Third, we need to secure a balance of interests. Of course, these are primarily universal international organisations, and number one is the United Nations.”

In dealing with divergent perspectives there is the neccesity for balancing relationships in the geopolitical power theatre. In the views of the majority at the Sochi gathering, in the process of global order rearrangement, there could still be underlying tendencies of misconceptions and risks for dominance. China and India have shown such tendencies, especially on the critical question of who leads the new world. After the G20 summit held in New Delhi, many experts in Op-D articles portrayed India as such due to its overarching success in controlling political divergences and differences. There was a little clash of rival interests throughout the G20 summit deliberations.

According to the Valdai Club, the concept of a multipolar world, proposed by Russia and supported by China, India, and a number of other major powers, was coined in the mid-1990s as a reaction to the post-Cold War global hegemony. The theoretical idea eventually turned into a practical goal and then into an international reality. The next stage is to conceptualise how exactly this world order will function. Creating a world order means developing mechanisms to take into account the interests of everyone and to work together for the development of a brighter shared future.

Source: Valdai Club

Reiterating here the compatible features of the new world, including working for accelerated growth, sustainable development, and inclusive multilateralism, without doubt, this calls for enhancing more effective and transparent governance and leadership. It brings into its fold a huge amount of responsibility and dedication. It is very important to emphasise here the importance of mediating the social, economic, and political situation across the world. There should be a sense of urgency for collaborative measures to resolve contradictions and straighten up the complexities in order to meet legitimate aspirations in the new world.

Perhaps, it will also be an illusionary mistake to keep making declarations without attempting their practical implementation. The history and theory of evolutionary processes invariably require more radical but well-designed, purposeful changes to have the expected impact and development-oriented results. For example, if BRICS is leading the new reconfiguration, then it needs its own templates and institutional tools in all aspects, from technology through finance to social and cultural dimensions.

In a wrap up to this discussion, the old unipolar is fast coming to an end. The world is no longer unipolar. At same time, the global economy has become a kind of mixed bag while the future in heavily clouded and presents relative uncertainty. But to stand for a multipolar world—a world based on the principles of cooperation, respect for the right to independence, and sovereignty—also requires more openness, reviewing weaknesses and strengths, creating conditions for frequent interactions, and taking more strategic measures in consolidating policy fixtures—these should not only resonate in speeches, statements, and reports. Obviously, there is a concerted interest and a huge opportunity for building a better future for generations.


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Professor Maurice Okoli is a fellow at the Institute for African Studies and the Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Russian Academy of Sciences. He is also a fellow at the North-Eastern Federal University of Russia. He is an expert at the Roscongress Foundation and the Valdai Discussion Club.

As an academic researcher and economist with a keen interest in current geopolitical changes and the emerging world order, Maurice Okoli frequently contributes articles for publication in reputable media portals on different aspects of the interconnection between developing and developed countries, particularly in Asia, Africa, and Europe. With comments and suggestions, he can be reached via email: markolconsult (at) gmail (dot) com.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: Vladimir Putin giving a speech at the Valdai Club gallery in October 2014 (Licensed under CC BY 4.0)

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While the mainstream medical community — to the extent it is interested in preventing/treating disease in the first place and not just capitalizing off of it — has long held that the buildup of amyloid and tau proteins in the brain is the precipitating cause of Alzheimer’s disease, along with other degenerative conditions of the brain, the true cause may be much simpler and, critically, much more simply prevented/treated.

First, it’s important to understand what amyloid proteins do and why they are found in the nervous system tissue in the first place.

The human immune system has two components: the innate immune system and the adaptive immune system. As the terms suggest, the former is the frontline of defense against pathogens and the latter is comprised of antibodies produced in response to prior encountered pathogens.

The brain, probably for evolutionary reasons, has limited adaptive immunity and relies heavily on innate immunity, of which amyloid plaques are an important part.

Via Science Translational Medicine:

“Neurodegeneration in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is mediated by soluble oligomeric intermediates generated during fibrillization of the amyloid-β protein (Aβ)…

Members of the evolutionarily ancient family of proteins, collectively known as antimicrobial peptides (AMPs), share many of Aβ’s purportedly abnormal activities, including oligomerization and fibrillization (3, 4). For AMPs, these activities mediate key protective roles in innate immunity. AMPs are the first-line of defense against pathogens and act as potent broad-spectrum antibiotics and immunomodulators that target bacteria, mycobacteria, enveloped viruses, fungi, and protozoans, and in some cases, transformed or cancerous host cells (5). AMPs are widely expressed and are abundant in brain and other immunoprivileged tissues where actions of the adaptive immune system are constrained…

Synthetic Aβ exhibits potent in vitro antimicrobial activity towards eight common and clinically relevant microbial pathogens.”

To amyloid proteins are present in the brain when a pathogen is present. Their long-term presence indicates a long-term infection, which might be sub-clinical, meaning that it presents no obvious symptoms like fever, etc. that a clinician would notice and attempt to treat.

Via Experimental Biology (emphasis added):

“Researchers are reporting new findings on how bacteria involved in gum disease can travel throughout the body, exuding toxins connected with Alzheimer’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis and aspiration pneumonia. They detected evidence of the bacteria in brain samples from people with Alzheimer’s and used mice to show that the bacterium can find its way from the mouth to the brain.”

Via Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, 2015 (emphasis added):

“We found over a ten-fold increased occurrence of AD when there is detectable evidence of spirochetal infection… and over a four-fold increased occurrence of AD in a conservative risk estimate (OR: 4.45; 95% CI: 2.33-8.52). We found over a five-fold increased occurrence of AD with Cpn infectionThis study shows a strongly positive association between bacterial infection and AD.”

The implications of this finding above are profound. If it is the case that Alzheimer’s might be prevented or cured by mitigating subclinical infections, then super-cheap (unpatented) antibiotics, antifungals, or antivirals might be the whole or partial solution.

But, of course, how would the pharma vultures generate revenue, then? Simple and cost-effective isn’t going to cut the mustard for their shareholders. They’re in the business of making money, not treating disease. To the extent that diseases are treated by these companies, such results are incidental to the prime directive. That’s what made the industry as lucrative as it is.


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This article was originally published on Armageddon Prose.

Ben Bartee, author of Broken English Teacher: Notes From Exile, is an independent Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Pixabay

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First published in May 2023


Award-winning writer and radio documentary maker Asad Ismi has blamed the food collapse triggered by the West for causing the starvation of 278 million Africans. Ismi, also a radio documentary maker, put forward this accusation in the March-April 2023 issue of The Monitor, the bi-monthly magazine of the Canadian Center for Policy Alternatives.

“One in five [Africans] are facing hunger. The number of East Africans in this predicament has gone up by 60 percent in 2021 alone and it has gone up by 40 percent in West Africa,” Ismi said.

The World Food Program (WFP), an entity under the United Nations, noted that violent conflict remains the primary driver of acute hunger. “Hunger and conflict fuel one another, with armed conflict and widespread displacement prevailing for the past 25 years,” it said.

The WFP pointed out that the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) faces one of the largest hunger crises in the world. Mali is also facing an unprecedented food crisis. From January to June this year, 26.4 million people could face acute food insecurity.

A WFP report stated that “from October to December 2021, nearly 1.2 million people were known to be in need of emergency food assistance – almost three times higher than the year before.”

The late Glen Ford, erstwhile editor of the Black Agenda Report, had concurred with this observation and noted that Western intervention was behind many of these conflicts.

The U.S. government has fueled wars on the continent through arms transfers and military training, as well as both proxy and direct invasions, since the 1980s. It has also given military assistance to 51 out of 54 African countries. Countries that have received such aid from the U.S. include the DRC, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, Angola, Ethiopia, Uganda, Burundi, Rwanda, Congo-Brazzaville and Nigeria.

“When there is conflict, it becomes practically impossible for farmers to produce the food needed to sustain the population. There is a clear correlation between the many conflicts ongoing in Africa, food scarcity, drought and climate change,” explained University of Michigan Afro-American and African studies professor Omolade Adunbi.

According to Ford, Washington has drenched Congo’s eastern provinces with the blood of more than six million people since 1996. The governments of Rwanda and Uganda, the direct perpetrators of the said “holocaust,” are in every sense of the word agents of U.S. foreign policy.

Western powers were also responsible for invading Libya in 2011, successfully overthrowing its leader Muammar Gaddafi. The attack destroyed the North African nation and spread violence to several African states.

Ismi denounces “climate change” mitigation efforts by the West

Ismi also blasted the West’s efforts to address “climate change.”

He cited a Reuters report that countries in Africa make up only three percent of the emissions responsible for the so-called “climate crisis.” In spite of this, Africa suffers more than any other region.

“Yet they have externalized the effects of their environmental destruction on people who are amongst the poorest in the world,” Ismi said, highlighting that 16 out of the 20 countries that are most vulnerable to the climate crisis are in the said continent.

Other experts also voiced out their thoughts on the matter.

Pan-African News Wire Editor Abayomi Azikiwe said “the climate crisis is another form of neo-colonialism.” Adunbi, meanwhile, blasted the 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference as “a jamboree where promises that are never kept are made.” He added that the conference, also known as COP 27, is “more performative than anything.” (Related: UN climate change conference delegates to stay at five-star hotels and luxury resorts.)

Starvation.news has more stories about hunger in Africa.

Watch the video below where Irish MEP Mick Wallace said NATO is a war machine.


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United States: End Detention of Venezuelan Special Envoy, UN Experts Say

October 5th, 2023 by Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

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UN experts[1] today urged the government of the United States of America to end the prolonged pre-trial detention of Alex Nain Saab Morán, a Venezuelan Special Envoy, arrested and extradited to the US on money laundering charges.

Saab was appointed as a Special Envoy by the Government of Venezuela in April 2018 to undertake official missions in Iran to secure humanitarian deliveries to Venezuela, including of food and medicine.

In July 2019, he was placed under US sanctions for allegedly being responsible for inter alia engaging in transactions or programmes administered by the Government of Venezuela.

On 12 June 2020, during his third trip to Iran, while in transit through Cabo Verde, he was arrested and detained by local authorities. Following an extradition request by the US, he was ultimately extradited in October 2021. The Cabo Verde courts dealing with his case reportedly rejected his numerous appeals against the extradition, his diplomatic status as an ad hoc diplomat, the decision in his favour by the ECOWAS Court, and discarded numerous official communications by the Government of Venezuela and the recommendations by human rights mechanisms, including Human Rights Council’s Special Procedures and the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights.

“We note with concern the reported irregularities in the arrest and detention in Cabo Verde of Mr. Saab, prior to his extradition to the US,” the experts said. “In particular, information we received indicates that at the exact moment of his arrest, while he was on his place at the Amílcar Cabral International Airport, there was no Red Notice by Interpol, nor an arrest warrant presented to him. Both were instead issued ex post facto,” they said.

Following his extradition, US judicial authorities dropped seven counts of money laundering against him, while maintaining a single count of conspiracy to commit money laundering.

“We deeply regret that for almost two years since his extradition, Mr. Saab remains in detention awaiting trial for alleged conduct which is not considered an international crime, and thus should not have been the subject of extraterritorial or universal jurisdiction,” the UN experts said.

“The actions against Mr. Saab are not only violations of his human rights, such as freedom from arbitrary detention, presumption of innocence and fair trial guarantees, but also a violation of the right to an adequate standard of living for millions of Venezuelans, as result of the abrupt interruption of his mission for the procurement of essential goods,” the experts said.

The experts were informed that since his extradition Saab was being detained at the Federal Detention Center in Miami, which is not a correctional institution, but instead a pre-trial administrative facility. Inmates at this facility are not segregated based on the type and gravity of their offences. He suffers from substandard conditions of detention, including poor quality of food and inadequate medical treatment, which is adversely affecting his health.

“We call on the United States to comply with its obligations under international law, to immediately release Mr. Alex Nain Saab Morán and drop all charges against him,” the experts said.


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[1] The experts: Alena Douhan,Special Rapporteur on the negative impact of the unilateral coercive measures on the enjoyment of human rights; Livingstone Sewanyana, Independent Expert on the promotion of a democratic and equitable international order

The Special Rapporteurs, Independent Experts and Working Groups are part of what is known as the Special Procedures of the Human Rights Council. Special Procedures, the largest body of independent experts in the UN Human Rights system, is the general name of the Council’s independent fact-finding and monitoring mechanisms that address either specific country situations or thematic issues in all parts of the world. Special Procedures’ experts work on a voluntary basis; they are not UN staff and do not receive a salary for their work. They are independent from any government or organization and serve in their individual capacity.

Featured image: Workers World (Source: PopularResistance.org)

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The Foundation to Battle Injustice has collected evidence of the involvement of the Ukrainian government and a shadowy US arms dealer in organizing and directing criminal schemes to resell Western weapons on the black market. According to former Ukrainian Defense Ministry informants, the Foundation to Battle Injustice identified which NATO weapons are being resold by the Ukrainian government and revealed the scale and routes of the bloody business.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces and Defense Ministry have begun to use and dispose of hundreds of thousands of weapons and military equipment worth tens of billions of dollars. Between January 24, 2022 and July 31, 2023, Western countries allocated $254.36 billion to Ukraine, of which $98.74 was for military needs.

Financial costs of military assistance to Ukraine.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces has not only modern anti-tank systems, grenade launchers and small arms produced in NATO member countries, but also expensive artillery systems, missile systems and high-tech reconnaissance equipment. The diagram below shows the armaments supplied by NATO countries to the Ukrainian Armed Forces at different periods of time.

Types and quantities of weapons supplied by the U.S. to Ukraine

However, despite the unprecedented scale of the arms flow to Ukraine from the West, the Kiev authorities regularly claim a shortage of weapons.

“Unfortunately, the assistance is still not enough for us to have parity,” wrote Oleksiy Danylov, secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, on social media.

The Black Market for weapons in Ukraine

Ukraine’s reputation as a hub for illegal arms trafficking dates back to the 1990s, but Ukrainian Defense Ministry officials and generals have never had such an extensive military arsenal as under the government of Volodymyr Zelensky.

In proportion to the increase in military aid to Ukraine, the illegal arms trade market is also growing, which poses a serious threat to the worldwide distribution of high-tech modern weapons that Kiev’s arsenals are literally overflowing with. With alarming frequency, these weapons end up in those regions of Africa, Asia, the Middle East and Latin America where the political situation is extremely unstable.

In particular, Nigerian President Mohammadu Buhari expressed concern over the total lack of control over the flow of arms supplied to the African continent from Ukraine, with subsequent distribution to militants of the terrorist groups IS and Al-Qaeda (outlawed in Russia) in order to inflame the political situation in the Middle East and Africa.

“Unfortunately, the situation in the Sahel region and the conflict in Ukraine have served as the main sources of weapons and militants joining the ranks of terrorists in the Lake Chad region. Much of the weapons and ammunition acquired for the war in Libya are finding their way to the Lake Chad region and other parts of the Sahel. Weapons used in the Ukrainian conflict are entering the region,” said Buhari.

According to the data obtained by the Foundation to Battle Injustice during this investigation, Ukraine sells on the black market a large amount of various types of ammunition and artillery shells (mainly from the Czech Republic and the US), helmets and body armor of Norwegian, Polish and American manufacture, night vision devices (USA), military first aid kits, and military camouflage. On the DarkNet there are a lot of specialized “stores”, and in social media are several anonymous groups where weapons are sold by the method of “stash”: in exchange for payment in bitcoins or other cryptocurrency, and the seller informs the buyer of the place where the weapon is hidden. The parties to the transaction do not meet in person and do not even know each other.

Russell Bentley, a war correspondent from Texas who joined the Donbass militia in December 2014, confirmed the existence of such ads in an exclusive interview with the head of the Foundation to Battle Injustice, Mira Terada.

“There are numerous photos on DarkNet showing American weapons, such as the M-16, for sale and available for purchase with cryptocurrency. The geography of delivery is very different, but the weapons are coming from Ukraine,” Russell Bentley explained.

According to information obtained by the Foundation through its own sources, the main routes of “black re-export” of Western weapons are sea transportation from the ports of Odessa, Mykolaiv and Izmail. Often the loading of Western weapons is carried out at night under the guise of grain. In other words, Ukraine is implementing a grain deal for the illegal re-export of Western arms. Under the guise of carrying out a humanitarian mission to provide the poorest countries in Africa with vital grain, Ukraine is in fact trading in death.

“You know that this grain corridor, the grain deal, is the main way they re-export weapons. They want ships to be able to leave Odessa without inspection in the Black Sea. The Ukrainians put 100,000 tons of weapons on a ship and then put 50 tons of grain on it and say, ‘we have a humanitarian mission.’ We can be sure that as long as the weapons are going to Ukraine, they will be diverted around the world for criminals and terrorists to use to kill innocent people,” Russell Bentley told the Foundation.

Ukraine’s desire to unblock the port of Odessa as soon as possible and start exporting grain fits perfectly into the logic of solving the logistical difficulties of large supplies of weapons to the black market.  Ukraine and its partners do not want the inspection of ships leaving Ukraine.

“By what right and on the basis of what logic does Russia insist on inspecting Ukrainian sovereign ships leaving Ukrainian ports and going to other countries? It makes no sense,” said US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken.

The Foundation’s Ukrainian source, who wished to remain anonymous, said that Western arms shipments are made to terrorist groups in Somalia and Iraq, among others. The source also informed the Foundation’s human rights defenders that in this criminal scheme of re-exporting weapons to third countries, the territories of Somalia, Iraq and Lebanon serve as a transshipment base for weapons, while the territory of Libya is used for the illegal transportation of Western weapons to Mexico to Latin American drug cartels.

Key supply points for Western arms for resale

“Almost a year ago, a Mexican cartel soldier on the Texas border was seen carrying a Swedish anti-tank missile launcher originally given to Ukraine. Somehow it ended up in the hands of Mexico’s drug cartels. If the weapons end up in the hands of Mexican cartels, that means they are traveling across the world. Mexico is the target market for these weapons,” said Russell Bentley, who is familiar with the complex situation of arms and drug trafficking in Latin America, told Mira Terada, head of the Foundation to Battle Injustice.

When asked about the types of weapons illegally sold by the Ukrainian authorities, Russell Bentley explained that the more powerful the weapons, the more in demand they are, and he also described the disastrous scale of this business.

“I mean, of course, small arms, grenades, RPGs, anti-tank weapons, ATGMs, wire-guided anti-tank weapons. And only 30% of these weapons that they send actually get to the front. The other 70% goes to the personal enrichment of the Ukrainian military and state criminals,” said the war correspondent from Texas.

Beneficiaries and Curators of “Black Re-exports”

According to data obtained by the Foundation to Battle Injustice, one of the key individuals covering the ‘black schemes’ for the resale of Western arms is Brigadier General Timothy J. Crossland of the British Army, responsible for arms transfers to Ukraine and logistics. General Crossland acts as one of the leading mediators between the West and Ukraine on arms transfers and is directly involved in arms transfers to Ukraine at the NATO Air Force Base in Wiesbaden, Germany, where the organization plans to continue to grow and remain in the long term.

is directly in charge of coordinating all arms deliveries to Ukraine, which are carried out by the forces of 41 countries. Crossland has direct contact with Ukrainian Defense Ministry officials who, according to sources, are directly involved in arms re-exports. In particular, there are reports that Crossland was in regular contact with Ukrainian Deputy Defense Minister Vyacheslav Shapovalov, who resigned in January 2023. Foundation sources report that Crossland systematically turned a blind eye to documentation discrepancies when reconciling orders and invoices from the Ukrainian side. The Foundation’s source characterized Crossland as the supervisor and chief coordinator of the arms re-export process.

Timothy J. Crossland is directly in charge of coordinating all arms deliveries to Ukraine, which are carried out by the forces of 41 countries. Crossland has direct contact with Ukrainian Defense Ministry officials who, according to sources, are directly involved in arms re-exports. In particular, there are reports that Crossland was in regular contact with Ukrainian Deputy Defense Minister Vyacheslav Shapovalov, who resigned in January 2023. Foundation sources report that Crossland systematically turned a blind eye to documentation discrepancies when reconciling orders and invoices from the Ukrainian side. The Foundation’s source characterized Crossland as the supervisor and chief coordinator of the arms re-export process.

“Every weapon sold by Ukrainians on the black market is a weapon that the US must replace. The arms industry makes billions of dollars, so they don’t care,” former deputy sheriff and US Marine Corps officer John Dougan said in an exclusive interview with the head of the Foundation to Battle Injustice, Mira Terada.

Mira Terada’s Interview with John Mark Dougan

The Foundation found that the direct mediator of the illegal export of Ukrainian weapons to ‘hot spots’ and the intermediary of illegal arms re-export schemes is the American well-known arms dealer Mark Morales. This man was previously responsible for supplying arms to Syrian terrorists, whom the West called ‘moderate opposition to Assad’; fierce fighters against the government of President Bashar al-Assad. According to separate reports, Morales has had trading relations with ISIS, al-Qaeda (outlawed in Russia). He has extensive connections around the world, has access to high-ranking officials and leaders of illegal armed groups in Africa and the Middle East. The merchant of death Mark Morales armed the bloodiest criminals and terrorists of the globe.

The Biden administration, eager to arm Ukraine, but reluctant to commit troops, needed people like Morales, who had proven in Afghanistan and Syria that he could consistently acquire and supply weapons. That’s why, weeks before the special military operation, the Pentagon awarded Morales’ company, Global Ordnance, a five-year, $1 billion contract to arm US allies. That contract was instrumental in arming Ukraine. The Pentagon declined to comment on Global Ordnance’s contracts. According to The New York Times , Morales has direct agreements with Ukraine, with the amount of such contracts totaling $200 million.

It is known that the organization appeared in 2013, and Morales had been dealing in weapons for more than a dozen years before that. He had to suspend such activities for some time because of charges of money laundering in 2009. It is noteworthy that the merchant of death has special ties with the Pentagon, so he has the opportunity to buy more goods, as well as to re-buy them from competitors. Morales has close ties with Latin American cartels and heads of the most violent criminal groups in the Western Hemisphere, such as the Mexican ‘Los Zetas’, the head of which law enforcement agencies have been hunting for more than a decade.

Morales is also closely linked to former Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov, whom Zelensky dismissed amid a scandal over the purchase of overpriced food for the Ukrainian military. Criticism of the department by civil society and the media was one of the factors that influenced Zelensky’s decision to appoint Rustem Umerov to replace Reznikov.

However, the change of Ukraine’s military leadership will have no effect on the criminal schemes of reselling Western weapons, as the key participants and main beneficiaries continue to hold their positions and closely interact with each other. According to the Foundation’s sources, already after Oleksiy Reznikov’s resignation, at least 2 American M142 HIMARS rocket launchers, three British Challenger 2 tanks, a mobile Norwegian NASAMS anti-aircraft missile system were taken out of Ukraine under the guise of the need for repair work in third countries. 

 “Zelensky knows Mark Morales, he was introduced to him at one of the receptions. Actually, Morales’ advisor, former deputy governor of the Odessa region, is Zelensky’s man, through whom the president directly receives his share of Western arms deals,” a source close to the Ukrainian government told the Foundation.

Three sources of the Foundation to Battle Injustice have estimated that Ukrainian officials, as of August 2023, have re-exported Western arms in the amount of 12-15% of all NATO military supplies, worth between 10 and 12.5 billion US dollars. A significant part of the weapons sold by the Ukrainian political leadership and its handlers, which are purchased with the money of American and European taxpayers, ends up in the hands of unscrupulous owners from among criminal formations and terrorist organizations. Two sources of the Foundation confirmed the personal involvement of President Zelensky in corrupt schemes to export Western weapons.

“President Zelensky was personally involved in the corrupt scams of Western arms trade and personally profited from the ‘re-export’ of Western weapons to the Middle East and Africa. This is a kind of outsourcing, when private-public international actors work together, and one hand washes the other,” a former Ukrainian Defense Ministry official told the Foundation’s human rights advocates.

As the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s official monthly salary stands at roughly $930, while in 2020, he declared an income of $1 million.  Expert Volodymyr Landa has estimated Zelenskyy’s overall net worth to be around the $20 million mark based on available information.

Zelensky had pledged to rid Ukraine of corruption, but the leaked Pandora Papers revealed he and his close circle were the beneficiaries of a network of offshore companies.

Countries involved by Ukraine in ‘black schemes’ for arms trade under the guise of a ‘grain deal’.

Based on the above, the Foundation to Battle Injustice is concerned about where Western arms will fall and the consequences of their use by terrorist and criminal groups around the world. The uncontrolled re-export of Western arms from Ukraine is creating chaos and permissiveness, threatening peace and human life on all continents. Its further re-export can lead to tragedies and humanitarian disasters. The Foundation to Battle Injustice calls on international organizations to thoroughly investigate the export of Western weapons from the territory of Ukraine. 


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This article was originally published on Mideast Discourse.

Steven Sahiounie is a two-time award-winning journalist. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Hands Off Haiti!

October 5th, 2023 by Black Alliance for Peace

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We, the undersigned, strongly condemn the decision by the United States and its allies to deploy a foreign military force to Haiti. We are adamant that a U.S./UN-led armed foreign intervention in Haiti is not only illegitimate, but illegal. And we support Haitian people and civil society organizations who have been consistent in their opposition to foreign armed military intervention – and who have argued that the problems of Haiti are a direct result of the persistent and long-term meddling of the United States, the United Nations, and the Core Group.

On Monday, October 2nd, 2023, the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) voted on a resolution for a Multinational Security Support Mission authorizing the deployment of a foreign  military and police intervention into the Republic of Haiti. Although the vote did not receive unanimous approval as it saw abstentions from two permanent UNSC members, 13 other permanent and non-permanent members voted in support, including 3 African countries (Gabon, Ghana and Mozambique). This is a particularly egregious betrayal of Haiti, which has been for Africans and Black people around the world, a beacon in the fight against slavery, colonialism and imperialism. Yet the U.S. administration, the corporate media, alongside figures such as Linda Thomas-Greenfield, have hailed the vote as a victory. We note, also, that the U.S. has tapped Kenya, another African country, to lead a multinational force of “volunteer” nations to occupy Haiti, leaving their own troops at home while offering at leas t$100 million in support.

There is a long history here. For more than two years now, the U.S. has been pushing for a build-up of the military presence in Haiti to protect the puppet government of the unelected and unpopular Ariel Henry. Yet the U.S. is not willing to put its own boots on the ground, turning instead, first to Canada, then Brazil, then the CELAC and CARICOM countries–all of whom were reluctant to lead the mission, even if they supported the call for military intervention. The Kenyan government leapt at the opportunity to lead the intervention, bought off by a bag of silver and an approving pat on their neoliberal heads. Haiti will now be invaded by the U.S., but with the Black face of Kenya as cover. Kenya erroneously claims this is “Pan-Africanism;” it is, in fact, neocolonialism.

We are told that the interest of the U.S. in Haiti is humanitarian, that the U.S wants to protect the Haitian people from “criminal gangs.” Yet U.S. weapons have flooded Haiti, and the U.S. has consistently rejected calls to effectively enforce the UNSC resolution for an arms embargo against the Haitian and U.S. elite who import guns into the country. Moreover, when we speak of “gangs,” we must recognize that the most powerful gangs in the country are subsidiaries of the U.S. itself: the United Nations Integrated Office (BINUH) and the Core Group, the two colonial entities who have effectively ruled the country since the U.S./France/Canada-backed coup d’etat of 2004. Haiti has no sovereignty and has long been under foreign occupation. The current de facto “Prime Minister” was installed by the Core Group and whatever calls for military intervention are being made by those already occupying Haiti.

We hold in contempt the neocolonial governments that are taking part in this mission to further oppress Haitian people and deny them sovereignty. We denounce the governments of Kenya and the CARICOM nations, such as Bahamas, Jamaica, and Antigua and Barbuda, which have  failed Haiti and have violated the notion of the Caribbean as a Zone of Peace.

Furthermore, we demand that:

  1. The U.S. and the UN must end their interference in Haiti and the Core Group must be disbanded.

  2. The U.S. must stop its criminal gangster actions against Haiti and stop propping up the illegitimate government they installed.

  3. Kenya must end its support for a racist and imperialist intervention in Haiti

  4. The governments of the U.S. and the Dominican Republic stop dumping arms and ammunition into the country and for the de facto Prime Minister to stop arming paramilitaries in the country. 

  5. The United Nations pay restitution for the devastating 2010 cholera outbreak by rebuilding Haiti’s water, sanitation, health, and educational infrastructure.

  6. That fuel subsidies for Haiti are reinstated and the minimum wage increased.

  7. The CARICOM countries, alongside other regional nations, normalize pathways for work visas and citizenship for Haitian nationals.

We vow to stand on the side of the Haitian people against imperialism! 


718 Coalition

Acción Afro-Dominicana, RD

ADDI Caribbean

Al-Awda, the Palestinian Right to Return Coalition 

All African People’s Revolutionary Party

Alliance for Global Justice

Anti Displacement NYC

Ban Killer Drones

Black Alliance for Peace, Haiti/Americas Team

Caribbean Movement for Peace and Integration

Caribbean Organisation for Peoples Empowerment

Caribbean Solidarity Network

Chicago Antiwar Coalition (CAWC)


Comité Dominicano de Derechos Humanos -CDDH-, RD

Committee of Anti-Imperialists in Solidarity with Iran

Communist Party of Kenya

Community Movement Builders

Consejo de Organizaciones Sociales y Populares del Paraguay

Consejo por la Emancipación Plurinacional Peruana

Cooperation Jackson

COPLAC-Confederación Palestina Latinoamericana y del Caribe

Dar al Janub – Verein für antirassistische und Friedenspolitische Initiative

Decolonial Feminist Collective

Diaspora Pa’lante Collective

Dr. Alejandro Rusconi – Movimiento Evita

Frente Patriótico Manuel Rodríguez

International Action Center

La Articulación Regional Afrodescendiente de las Américas y el Caribe (ARAAC)

Left Alliance for National Democracy and Socialism – Jamaica LANDS

Malcolm X Center for Self Determination

Michigan General Defense Committee

Midwestern Marx Institute

MOLEGHAF (Mouvman Libèté, Egalite sou chimen Fratènite tout Ayisyen)

Movimiento Argentino de Solidaridad con Cuba (Mascuba)

Movimiento Caamañista -MC-, RD

Movimiento Popular Dominicano -MPD-, RD

Movimiento Rebelde -MR-, RD

Movimiento Reconocido

Observatorio de Derechos Humanos de los Pueblos

Palestinian Youth Movement – Detroit Chapter

Pan-African Community Action (PACA)

Partido Comunista del Trabajo -PCT-, RD

Partido Movimiento del Socialismo Allendista de Chile

Partido Nuevo Encuentro – Argentina

Partido Socialista de Peru

Pro Derechos Humanos Bolivia (PRODEHBOL)

Rasanbleman Pou Ayiti

Rethink New Orleans

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network

Socialist Workers League-Nigeria

SOLI Puerto Rico

Solidaridad Dominicana Con Haití, Rep. Dominicana

Solidarity Committee of the Americas, Minnesota 

The African Diaspora Foundation (Barbados)

The Barbados Sovereignty Party

The Global Pan African Movement (GPAM) North American Chapter

The Global Sovereign Peoples Movement

The International Black Chamber of Commerce and Industry

The People’s Forum

The Regional Coordination Committee of the Pan Afrikan and Indigenous Movement of the Caribbean

The Ubuntu Reading Group

Troika Collective

Workers World Party

World BEYOND War

Zimbabwe Movement of Pan African Socialists


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An Ominous Context of the Nazi Debacle in Canada

October 5th, 2023 by Prof. Yakov M. Rabkin

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A few days ago, I raised questions that stem from the standing ovation for Yaroslav Hunka, a Ukrainian veteran of the SS in the Canadian parliament (see this). These questions deserve answers. Here are some of them.

How is it that the background of this unrepented Nazi – he wrote in blogs in 2010 and 2011 that the years spent under the SS colours were the best years of his life – had become invisible to those who arranged his invitation to the Canadian parliament? The answer is the mainstream media presentation of the war as a conflict between Good and Evil. Obviously, the Good cannot be suspected of harbouring Nazi skeletons in the closet. If there is no longer even a pretense of even-handedness in the covering of the Ukraine war in Western media, there is no reason to expect a politician to dare have a critical approach to anyone or anything Ukrainian.

Thus, mainstream media ignore Nazi insignia on the uniforms of certain units of the Ukrainian army. This Manichean view of the essentially geopolitical conflict impede a clearer understanding of and, more importantly, a diplomatic solution to the war in Ukraine. The Ukrainian parliament eliminated a diplomatic solution by means of a decision to ban negotiations with Russia. Without formally doing as much, Western powers have cornered themselves into a dead end: it is impossible to negotiate with Russia, painted in much of the Western media as the Evil incarnate. Moral indignation has replaced geopolitical rationality.

In presenting Hunka, the speaker of the Parliament in Ottawa said,

“We have here in the chamber today a Ukrainian Canadian war veteran from the Second World War who fought for Ukrainian independence against the Russians and continues to support the troops today even at his age of 98.”

Fighting against the Russians has become a supreme moral value. The fact that Hunka had volunteered for the SS unit does not, in the mainstream view in the West, invalidate his heroism in “fighting against the Russians”. In today’s frenzied climate, having fought in a SS unit pales in comparison with being blamed as a “Putin’s apologist” for calling for an end of hostilities.

Moreover, continuing efforts have been made in Eastern Europe to equate the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany. Monuments to Soviet soldiers who had freed Eastern Europe from Nazism in 1944-45 have been systematically removed and destroyed. Energies spent to efface historical memory have borne fruit both in Europe and elsewhere. East European diasporas in Canada, many of them tainted with collaboration with Nazism, have erected monuments to Nazis, who fought against the Soviet Union. While a monument to the victims of communism was erected on the Parliament Hill, there seem to be no plans to build a monument to the victims of fascism. Less informed people may simply forget that Canada fought alongside the Soviet Union against the fascists during the Second World War.

This is not innocent ignorance but a result of consistent whitewashing of fascist tendencies in the ethnic nationalism in Eastern Europe. One of those who, since her young age, took part in this whitewashing is Chrystia Freeland, deputy prime minister of Canada, a powerful éminence grise and an unabashed Ukrainian nationalist. She has so far been eloquently silent about the scandal in the parliament. If the ovation for the Nazi had passed without protest or controversy, this would have become a crucial milestone on the path to rehabilitation of fascism.

This effort goes beyond exculpating Canada from having welcomed hundreds of Nazis in the aftermath of the Second World War. Zelensky said on the same occasion in the parliament, that Canada should be proud to have always been “on the bright side of history” (he probably meant “right” instead of “bright”, but this hardly matters). On that sunny side of history, one apparently finds offering safe haven to Nazis fleeing retribution for crimes against humanity committed during the war.

All this concerns more than history. This rehabilitation opens the way to wholesale scapegoating of ethnic, national, and religious groups, even entire countries and their culture. Canceling Tchaikovsky and Pushkin in the West dovetails with removing Russian books from public libraries in Ukraine. Both are a grim reminder of the banning of Jewish composers and the burning of Jewish books in Germany in the 1930s. Demonization of “the other”, practiced by the Europeans for centuries on their own continent and in their colonies, is raising its head again. Hatred is dressed up as moral indignation reflecting “progressive European values”. The pretext, as in the past centuries, is impeccable: a war against the Evil.


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Yakov M. Rabkin is Professor Emeritus of History at the Université of Montréal. His publications include over 300 articles and a few books: Science between Superpowers, A Threat from Within: a Century of Jewish Opposition to Zionism, What is Modern Israel?, Demodernization: A Future in the Past and Judaïsme, islam et modernité. He did consulting work for, inter alia, OECD, NATO, UNESCO and the World Bank. E-mail: [email protected]. Website: www.yakovrabkin.ca

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A group of 50 activists and Vermont constituents staged a sit-in inside Senator Bernie Sanders’s office on Wednesday, demanding the senator to call for peace and diplomacy in Ukraine instead of more weapons and war. The sit-in resulted in the arrest of 11 activists, including an 89-year-old CODEPINK peace activist.

The group was joined by Green Party Presidential Candidate Dr. Cornel West in the Senate lobby for a prayer vigil before the sit-in. The prayer vigil and sit-in were part of a week of action that included an antiwar rally on Tuesday night featuring Dr. West, Dietrich Bonhoeffer Chair at Union Theological Seminary; Claudia de la Cruz, Co-Executive Director of The People’s Forum; Lee Camp, American comedian, writer, podcaster, news journalist; Medea Benjamin, co-founder of CODEPINK and Global Exchange; and Eugene Puryear, American journalist, activist, and host on Breakthrough News.

“We need Bernie to provide leadership to put a stop to the US funding of the Ukraine war now. Use the money for healthcare, not warfare,” said Burlington resident James Marc Leas.

Crystal Zevon, an artist and CODEPINK peace activist from Barnet, VT, expressed her disappointment in Senator Sanders, who has voted for more weapons to Ukraine and even criticized Democrats who called for peace talks. “Yes, Bernie should condemn the Russian invasion, but he should also be calling for a negotiated end to this brutal war,” said Zevon.

The group carried signs in support of peace talks and negotiations, including one quote from the Senator himself in which he previously called for a diplomatic solution.

Jodie Evans, Co-Founder of CODEPINK, reminded Senator Sanders of his antiwar roots,

“We are showing up to remind Bernie of the values he espoused that made his name what it is. And call on him to stand for peace, to call for diplomacy and to again lead for peace,” said Evans.

Medea Benjamin, Co-Founder of CODEPINK and author of War in Ukraine: Making Sense of a Senseless Conflict, expressed her disappointment in the lack of Democrats calling for peace talks.

“I am appalled that NO Democrats are saying what the majority of American people are saying: We need peace talks, not more war. This is NOT a MAGA issue or a Republican issue but an issue of human survival to stop WWIII and possibly a nuclear war. We need Bernie to be with us on the side of peace,” said Benjamin.

The activists are urging Senator Sanders to call for the flow of weapons to stop and the leadership of Ukraine, Russia, and the US to sit at the negotiating table and end the horrific war.


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Melissa Garriga is the communications and media analysis manager for CODEPINK. She writes about the intersection of militarism and the human cost of war. She volunteered for the Bernie Sanders 2020 campaign and resides in Burlington, VT’s sister city, Moss Point, MS.

All images in this article are from CODEPINK

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To some degree, next week’s Annual Meetings of the Bretton Woods Institutions (BWIs) in Marrakech will be focused on the tragic earthquake and flooding damage in Morocco and Libya, respectively – in turn reflecting a lack of durable infrastructure, especially in the latter case after the state was crippled by NATO regime-change excesses in 2011 and Derna’s fragile dams were not maintained. The reconstruction funding needs are enormous, but are the BWIs appropriate allies, given their record?

In late August, the BRICS+ gathering in Johannesburg, South Africa, raised near-universal concern (or even misplaced hope) that some of the world’s most tyrannical regimes are uniting and potentially facing off against the ‘West’ in part because of the BWIs’ heavy-handed loan conditionality.

Five of the six new members are from the Middle East and Horn of Africa, including dangerously-indebted Egypt and Ethiopia, while another new member, Argentina, is under Washington’s austerity thumb. And that perception will probably compel a more active reengagement of BRICS+ regimes by a new down-to-business World Bank President, Ajay Banga, and by International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva, who reflect a long-standing global-apartheid policy in which only U.S. and European citizens get Bank and IMF leadership, respectively.

Banga’s own decade-old history in Johannesburg’s Soweto township featured a Mastercard partnership with a Bank-owned ‘financial inclusion’ firm (Cash Paymaster Services) that in 2020 was forced into receivership after failing to pay fines for extensive fraud against the state (via a corrupt welfare minister) and millions of the society’s poorest (see Observer Summer 2023).

Likewise, Georgieva was a top World Bank official before moving to the Fund in 2019, and was mainly remembered for her alleged role in ‘torturing data’ in the Bank’s Doing Business reports on behalf of China’s Foreign Direct Investment programme. The alleged statistical fraud was so severe that she was nearly forced to resign from IMF leadership in 2021. In the same spirit, her IMF managing director predecessors include Rodrigo Rato, who was jailed for financial fraud in 2017, Christine Lagarde who was convicted in a French political bribery case in 2016, and Dominique Strauss-Kahn who resigned after his sexual attack in a New York hotel in 2011 and was prosecuted (although the case was dropped, a civil claim by the victim, a hotel cleaner, was later settled out of court).

What is it about Washington’s hallowed international financial hallways that makes it so difficult for BWIs bureaucrats to break the pattern of intra-elite corruption? To be sure, the extreme pressure of geopolitics often suffocates financial ethics, for as establishment economist Rudiger Dornbusch remarked in 1998, “The IMF is a toy of the United States to pursue its economic policy offshore,” a problem that won’t go away while Washington both retains veto power over Bank and Fund policies and projects, and props up favoured dictators (see Inside the Institutions, IMF and World Bank decision-making and governance). The recent scandal in which the US exercised its power at the IMF to fast-track a $2 billion loan to Pakistan, in exchange for the latter’s $900 million urgent weapons supply to Ukraine, is only the latest case.

But there is a deeper reason for sustained corruption: Neoliberal ideology.

From North Africa to South Africa, financial deal-making with explicitly-corrupt governments is hard-wired into the Bank and IMF, even while the BRICS’ own ‘alternative’ institution, the New Development Bank, appears to have exactly the same problem in relation to its dozen South African portfolio credits. Additionally, the (still-notional) BRICS Contingent Reserve Arrangement empowers the IMF because if a country wants to borrow more than 30 per cent of its quota, it must first sign up for a structural adjustment programme – designed at 18th & H Streets NW in Washington DC. The BRICS institutions are not actually alternatives after all, but amplifiers of malgovernance, given the political pressure to conform to both borrower desires – e.g. Vladimir Putin’s crony capitalism or South African parastatal agencies’ service to the minerals-energy complex – and the inevitable New York credit rating agency squeeze (see Observer Summer 2020). That, in turn, ironically compelled the New Development Bank to join Western financial sanctions against its own 18 per cent-shareholder in Moscow immediately after the February 2022 invasion of Ukraine, and maintain them even under the 2023 Bank presidency of Putin’s ally, Dilma Rousseff.

Lessons of the Arab Spring Unlearned in Washington

A dozen years ago, IMF and Bank back-scratching patronage appeared on the verge of collapse in North Africa. In 2011, millions of pro-democracy protesters in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Algeria ran up against brutality inflicted by tyrannical, ultra-corrupt regimes. Behind the scenes in each case were World Bank and IMF officials who supported (and often financed) economic injustice, even as austerity put unbearable pressure on society. Most notorious was Strauss-Kahn, who in 2008 was feted by Tunisian tyrant Zine El Abidine Ben Ali. The IMF head was given the Order of the Tunisian Republic for his “contribution to the reinforcement of economic development at the global level.” Strauss-Kahn was effusive in return, terming Ben Ali’s economic policy “the best model for many emerging countries….Tunisia is making impressive progress in its reform agenda and its prospects are favorable.”

Codifying Strauss-Kahn’s praise for Ben Ali, two of his economists – Joël Toujas-Bernate and Rina Bhattacharya – enthused in IMF Survey Magazine in 2010 how Tunisia’s dictator had promoted “wide-ranging structural reforms aimed at enhancing its business environment and improving the competitiveness of its economy.” They praised his “prudent macroeconomic management,” an “export promotion strategy,” various free trade agreements and, in finance, moves toward liberalisation that would “transform Tunisia into a banking services hub and a regional financial market.”

In social policy, Toujas-Bernate and Bhattacharya applauded the Tunis authorities for “reforms to labor market policies, the educational system, and public employment services that will serve to facilitate labor mobility and reduce mismatches between demand and supply in the labor market. The implementation of these reforms will be supported by several World Bank Development Policy Loans”. In “reforming the social security system” (i.e. cuts that might “buttress the pension system’s financial sustainability”) and attempting to cut “subsidies of food and fuel products,” Ben Ali won praise for “undertaking reforms to make the tax regime more business friendly” including commitments “to reduce tax rates on businesses and to offset those reductions by increasing the standard Value Added Tax (VAT) rate,” i.e., a profoundly regressive approach to taxation.

The 17 December 2010 suicide-by-immolation of an immensely frustrated informal trader, Mohamed Bouazizi – after his fruit and vegetable stand was confiscated, reflecting Washington’s instructions to squeeze tax receipts from the poor – catalysed the Arab Spring revolt that pushed Ben Ali out just a month later. WikiLeaks revealed how even the US State Department was appalled by the families of Ben Ali and his wife Leila Trabelsi, who controlled half the national economy and who, as Rob Prince put it, were “dominating the IMF-pressured privatisations that have marked the country’s economic transition.” In July 2019, Tunisia’s Truth and Dignity Commission sent memoranda to the World Bank and the IMF, as well as to France, seeking reparations for Tunisian victims of human rights violations, claiming that the IMF and World Bank bear “a share of responsibility” in social unrest linked to structural adjustment policies.

As for Muammar Gaddafi’s reign in Libya, the IMF in October 2010 celebrated the regime for “reducing civil service employment” by a planned 340,000 workers, while recommending “that the retrenchment program be accelerated.” In February 2011, the IMF promoted “an ambitious program to privatize banks” and “commended the authorities for their ambitious reform agenda, and looked forward to the effective implementation of the many important laws passed in the last year, complemented by policies aimed at adapting the labor force to the economic transformation.”

New York Times reporters Pierre Briancon and John Foley observed how, “The fund’s mission to Tripoli had somehow omitted to check whether the ‘ambitious’ reform agenda was based on any kind of popular support. Libya is not an isolated case. And the IMF doesn’t look good after it gave glowing reviews to many of the countries shaken by popular revolts in recent weeks,” including Bahrain, Algeria and Egypt. The Times journalists’ worry was that “the toppling of unpopular regimes will make it difficult for their successors to adopt the same policies. In the future, the IMF might want to add another box to check on its list of criteria: democratic support”.

But because that concept was utterly foreign, neither the IMF nor the Bank seemed to have any idea that promoting neoliberalism in corrupt regimes so openly would generate political instability. A February 2011 World Bank report, Africa’s future and the World Bank’s support to it, claimed that both Tunisia and Libya were ‘low risk’ in a map of “fragile and conflict affected states”, even after Ben Ali was ousted by popular demand and Libya was breaking apart.

And in Egypt, where Hosni Mubarak’s dictatorship and military-capitalist regime was borrowing heavily, the IMF’s Article IV Consultation praised Cairo in 2010 for “key fiscal reforms – introducing the property tax, broadening the VAT, and phasing out energy subsidies.” Mubarak’s “fiscal and monetary policies of the past year have been in line with staff’s advice. The authorities remain committed to resuming fiscal consolidation broadly in keeping with past advice to address fiscal vulnerabilities.” There was still need, the IMF argued, for “decisive action” in, “resuming privatisation and increasing the role of carefully structured and appropriately priced Public Private Partnerships.”

From 25 January to 11 February 2011, millions of angry citizens went to the streets and Tahrir Square, forcing Mubarak to resign. He was then repeatedly convicted and jailed for blatant “presidential palaces” embezzlement of state funds, which somehow had gone unnoticed by the IMF and Bank.

But because of counter-revolutionary processes in the subsequent months and years, none of the countries being praised by the IMF and Bank in 2010 witnessed durable democratisation. And while a G8 Deauville Partnership declaration “pledged support for ‘reforms that promote transparency, accountability, and good governance’ in the Arab world,” as leading political scientist Adam Hanieh reported in 2015, the World Bank and IMF “attempted to utilise the post 2011 moment to maintain the essential characteristics of past practice, while employing a language that professes a new course and sympathy with the social justice goals of the uprisings.”

Adherence to neoliberal dogma meant that in the year that democratically-elected Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi served (2012-2013) before a military coup, the IMF was back to demanding that Cairo drop food and fuel subsidies in exchange for a $4.8 billion loan. Morsi realised if he took such a step it would risk a reboot of the Arab Spring. Even his coup-installed successor, General Abdel Fattah El-Sisi (who in 2018 was later formally elected), received three bailout loans from the IMF. In 2023, the $3 billion requested by the tyrant from the IMF was contingent upon further privatisation and exchange control deregulation.

The story was initially similar in Tunisia, where after Lagarde sweet-talked its new leaders in 2012, IMF conditionality was imposed on loans in 2013 ($1.7 billion) and 2016 ($2.8 billion). But in 2023, as trade unionists opposed the IMF-mandated restructuring of 100 state companies and cuts in social subsidies, the dictatorial President Kais Saied (who in 2021 dissolved parliament and ruled by decree) ultimately rejected another $2 billion IMF bailout due to loss of sovereignty. But Saied’s securocrat regime is appreciated by European Union officials, who doled out generous aid in order to bridge the gap to IMF lending, so as to slow African migrant passage through Tunisia.

South Africa’s Corruption Continues, with More IMF and Bank Funding Than Ever

At the southern end of Africa, the IMF and Bank were extremely generous lenders to the apartheid regime – with proceeds advancing white South African and multinational corporate mining interests – and in 1993, an $850 million Fund loan locked in neoliberal policies that decisively shifted Nelson Mandela’s government away from its 1994 democratic mandate. World Bank economists were crucial in authoring Mandela’s 1996 homegrown structural adjustment programme, as well as biased subsequent research aiming to cover up the resulting inequality, the world’s worst.

In 2010, the Bank’s $3.75 billion Eskom loan for a 4800 MW coal-fired power plant allowed the crucial funding of manufacturer Hitachi’s state-capture of the ruling party, although the Bank’s 2007-2012 President Robert Zoellick was fully aware of that corruption (which was by late 2007 already a scandal) and citizen lobbying against the loan was unprecedented. When Hitachi was successfully prosecuted in 2015 under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act by the US Securities and Exchange Commission, the Bank’s Vice President for Integrity Leonard McCarthy (a controversial South African) illogically claimed that no Bank funds were affected. Moreover, as extreme structural corruption was being unveiled within the South African state – including its fraud-riddled health ministry – the IMF and Bank offered major loans in 2020-2022 ostensibly for Covid-19 relief, drawing protest at the Bank’s Johannesburg office.

Ironically, it was a quarter century ago when the World Bank began regularly fretting over state capture, particularly based on the disastrous Eastern European political transitions. In 2006, then-President Paul Wolfowitz – himself deposed a year later due to malgovernance – gave vocal Bank support to the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative. And yet, conditions prevailing among some of its most wretched borrowers – especially in Africa – mean that in the course of dogmatically promoting hard neoliberal ‘reforms,’ the Bank and IMF have regularly elided the obvious correlation between state shrinkage and crony empowerment.

At the April 2011 IMF Spring Meetings, during Strauss-Kahn’s last press conference, a journalist asked about the North African uprising: “Do you have any fears that there is perhaps a far left movement coming through these revolutions?” A smug Strauss-Kahn remarked, “Good question. There’s always this risk, but I’m not sure it will materialise.”

Until it does, the system appears impervious to genuine reform.


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This was originally published on Bretton Woods Project.

Patrick Bond, Professor, University of the Western Cape School of Government. He is a regular contributor to Global Research. 

Featured image: Tunisians demonstrate for peace, freedom of speech and for a secular state ahead of elections for a Constituent Assembly on 23 October 2011, following the Tunisian Revolution. Credit: European Parliament

Britain Always Seeks a Profit in Wars

October 5th, 2023 by Mark Curtis

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When my colleagues Phil Miller and Matt Kennard visited the world’s largest arms fair in London last month, they found weapons manufacturers cashing in on Europe’s worst conflict for decades.

“The war in Ukraine has driven an increase in sales across the portfolio for sure,” one weapons company executive told them.

New orders are indeed flowing to arms companies as some announce rising profits fueled by the war. Corporations such as MBDA, Babcock and Thales have all recently won lucrative new contracts from the UK’s Ministry of Defence for missiles and technical support to armoured vehicles.

Both Babcock and BAE, the UK’s largest arms exporter, have now set up offices in Ukraine, positioning themselves to secure new deals. BAE’s share price has jumped more than 75% since the Russian invasion last year.

The company’s new agreement with Ukraine will “ramp up the company’s support to Ukraine’s armed forces” and enable BAE “to work alongside” them “to… support its future force structure”.

As the UK continues to pour weapons into Ukraine, the devastating conflict is providing a boon to UK and NATO military industry. But there is a long history of Britain profiting from war.

What Is It Good for?

Within a month of Russia’s invasion of Afghanistan in December 1979, prime minister Margaret Thatcher was writing to US president Jimmy Carter about the need to implement “immediate political and economic measures which we intend to direct at the Soviet Union”.

A key one was to “accelerate negotiations over the sales of British defence equipment to Oman, Saudi Arabia and other states in the Gulf,” she wrote, in files now declassified at the National Archives.

A decade later, the same arms export opportunities were in the minds of British officials after another invasion.

Less than three weeks after Saddam Hussein’s Iraq invaded Kuwait in August 1990, the UK’s defence procurement minister, Alan Clark, was eyeing up prospects. He wrote to his boss, Thatcher, stating the UK and its allies should view Iraq’s invasion as an “unparalleled opportunity” for British arms exports.

Iraq and Kuwait now presented “a vast demonstration range with live ammunition and ‘real’ trials,” Clark wrote. “Armaments are our most successful manufactured export”, he added.

At the end of the memo he provided a list of “current defence sales prospects at the start of the crisis”. Clark listed a number of potential customers with the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Jordan at the top of the list.

Arming Both Sides

Britain benefiting from Iraq’s war in 1990 was nothing new. Throughout the 1980s, when Baghdad fought revolutionary Iran in a brutal war that consumed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people, the UK provided an array of arms to Saddam Hussein’s regime.

But the UK also armed the other side, Iran. 

From the very first day of the Iran–Iraq War, which broke out in September 1980, Britain sent millions of pounds worth of tank barrels and tank engines to Iran, calling them “non-lethal” equipment. 

This helped to maintain the 890 Chieftain tanks and 250 Scorpion tanks the British had delivered during the 1970s to the shah of Iran, who ruled the country before being overthrown in 1979.

Further exports to Iran of hundreds of Land Rovers and air defence radars followed, while other back channels were used. One scheme involved Whitehall’s connivance with a company called Allivane International to secretly ship arms to Iran in the mid to late 1980s. 

Another enabled the British company BMARC to export naval guns, spares and ammunition to Iran via Singapore in 1986.

Another Opportunity

When a peace agreement was signed between Iraq and Iran in August 1988, this also provided an opportunity. Foreign secretary Geoffrey Howe noted in a secret report to Thatcher that “opportunities for sales of defence equipment to Iran and Iraq will be considerable”.

The only problem was that he was writing five months after Iraq had launched a chemical weapons attack on the Kurdish town of Halabja in the north of the country, killing over 3,000 people.

The secrecy of this arms export policy was vital, since, as one Foreign Office official noted,

“it could look very cynical if, so soon after expressing outrage about the treatment of the Kurds [at Halabja], we adopt a more flexible approach to arms sales”.

This didn’t matter. In October 1989 foreign minister William Waldegrave noted of Saddam’s Iraq that “I doubt if there is any future market of such a scale anywhere where the UK is potentially so well-placed”. He added:

“The priority of Iraq in our policy should be very high.”

The UK had by then already allowed numerous British companies to exhibit equipment at the Baghdad arms fair in April, attended also by weapons salesmen from the government’s Defence Exports Services Organisation.

Backing Rivals

Whitehall’s arming of both sides in Iraq and Iran was not an aberration. Britain has also long armed both Pakistan and India, even at the point where tensions between the two have been at their highest, with the prospects of war very real.

Since 2008, Labour and Conservative ministers have approved £233m worth of arms to Pakistan and £2.3bn to India. Included in these long standing exports are weapons ideal for combat.

Take also the murderous war in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), which claimed three million lives until a peace accord was reached in July 2002.

Britain sold arms to Zimbabwe, Namibia and Angola, which intervened to support the DRC regime, at the same time as supplying Uganda and Rwanda, which were fighting the DRC and its allies.

Representatives from opposing sides (Uganda and Angola) were invited to London’s annual arms fair in September 2001. The International Institute for Security Studies in Pretoria said that “Britain is inflaming the situation by arming both sides”.

Throughout the 1970s to the 1990s when the Arab-Israeli conflict was at its height, Britain also armed both sides: Israel and the Arab states. It’s still arming other rivals now such as its NATO allies Greece and Turkey, which have disputes over Cyprus and the economic status of Greek islands. 

Since 2013, the UK has sold Greece £127m worth of arms and Turkey as much as £2.1bn.

In the last ten years Britain has exported £227m worth of arms to China and no less than £702m to Taiwan, which is claimed by Beijing. Taiwan has become a burgeoning arms export market for Britain in the last few years, just as war between Beijing and Taipei has become more likely.

Why do British policy-makers fuel conflicts by pumping still more weapons into them? Most obviously, money. But also, influence – arms exports can shape conflicts or bring influence with key decision-makers in foreign states, especially when accompanied by military training programmes that increase contacts with political leaders.

Proponents of Britain’s extensive military industrial complex always justify weapons exports by claiming they sustain jobs and the economy. But there are better ways to boost the economy and this often costs the public. BAE Systems, for example, paid less than 15% of its own research and development costs in 2022: the rest was paid by the state. 

As Anna Stavraniakis has pointed out, the arms industry is increasingly owned by asset managers and investment funds whose returns flow to wealthy individuals and pension funds. 

The reality is that Britain is a substantially militarised society, and this state of affairs is championed by Labour and Conservative politicians alike. Worse still, war is an integral feature of Whitehall’s business model.


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Mark Curtis is the editor of Declassified UK, and the author of five books and many articles on UK foreign policy.

Featured image: London hosts the world’s largest arms fair. (Photo: Leila Dougan / Declassified UK)

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A screenshot from the title page of a leaked 130-page Final Report of the Ukraine War Disinfo Working Group commissioned by the British Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) and the U.K.-based Zinc Network’s Open Information Partnership. Despite the studied 10 week period ending in April, the report was internally released earlier this month. The ten studied European regions are highlighted in blue. Leaked report from U.S. Special Ops contractor and NATO-partnered think-tanks defines criticism of NATO as disinfo. Recommends “coordinated action to pressure social media and digital market actors”.

A leaked 130-page report made public here for the first time documents an international censorship campaign funded by the British government and led by a public relations contractor for U.S. Special Operations Forces. The basic strategy is to redefine “disinformation” to include even factual criticism of the U.S. military or the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), and then to exert “coordinated action to pressure social media and digital market actors” to “moderate” such speech. The previously secret report also recommends “intensifying cooperation among the intelligence agencies within the EU [European Union]”, which in the past has included Ukrainian intelligence conducting what it described as a “multi-level special operation” in Spain to arrest a critical journalist for treason over his YouTube broadcasts.

A screenshot of the introduction to the leaked final report of Open Information Partnership’s Ukraine War Disinfo Working Group. The term “disinformation” is defined to include large categories of verifiably true criticisms of Western governments, including those deemed “emotive” or to have originated from an anonymous source. Such a definition of disinformation is even more expansive than “malinformation”, which is generally understood as factual information shared out of context.

The international effort is coordinated by the U.K.-based government public relations contractor Zinc Network, which rose to prominence more than two years ago as the subject of the first piece of investigative journalism to be forceably labeled by Twitter as potentially obtained through hacking. Despite being based upon documents implicitly confirmed as authentic, the reporting was arguably panned by major U.S. outlets because of the embarrassing ties it revealed between Western intelligence agencies and prominent investigative journalism.

Based upon a fresh leak of a report internally released by the Ukraine War Disinfo Working Group of Zinc’s Open Information Partnership (OIP) earlier this month, the author is independently concluding that the U.K. government-funded network of think tanks and investigative journalists has recommended a coordinated campaign to pressure social media companies and “digital market actors” into suppressing even factual criticism of NATO-aligned governments.

We are further revealing from public procurement records that Zinc Network received more than $500,000 from a direct contract with U.S. Special Operations Command in Kenya and more than $3 million from a subcontract with U.S. Army Europe and Africa under the controversial U.S. intelligence contractor CACI. (Last month a federal judge again refused to dismiss a lawsuit against CACI regarding its alleged support for U.S. military torture in the Abu Ghraib prison.)

Much of the polarization surrounding The Grayzone’s reporting centered on OIP’s previous partnership with the influential investigatory nonprofit Bellingcat, whom Zinc funded with more than 65,000 euros between 2019 and 2021. Grayzone’s 2021 publication noted that one of the potential Bellingcat trainers named in Zinc’s documents was Christiaan Triebert, who subsequently moved to the Visual Investigations team of The New York Times. Bellingcat’s former director of training and research, Aric Toler, recently joined the same team.

Zinc Network and Bellingcat did not respond to detailed requests for comment sent two days before publication. Additional emails to the two official public accounts associated with OIP bounced due to the author’s email address not being on a pre-approved list, but both Zinc and its OIP team confirmed receipt directly before the requested response deadline. This article will be updated if any of the organizations provide a post-publication comment.

The former head of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s short-lived Disinformation Governance Board, Nina Jankowicz, has also prominently advertised their role as a member of OIP’s advisory board. Much of the concern surrounding such a content moderation board within DHS stemmed from fears that it could become a tool for suppressing even factual critiques of the U.S. Government — an overt aim of the newly public OIP report.

A screenshot from the second page of the leaked final report of the Ukraine War Disinfo Working Group which details the distribution of narrative analysis tasks to eleven different organizations.

The Ukraine War Disinfo Working Group’s study was largely outsourced by Zinc to eleven separate organizations: the Ukrainian narrative surveillance firm LetsData led the social media data collection and network analysis, while each of the ten Eastern European regions of study was handled by a separate think tank. For example, analysis of Ukraine was assigned to Detector Media, whose 2020 annual report listed the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine, the U.S. Agency for International Development, OIP, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark as funders.

The number one target of Detector’s campaign in Ukraine, journalist and politician Anatoliy Shariy, has been twice charged with treason by the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU). The first charge, for posting a map of Ukraine to his YouTube channel which excluded Crimea and the Donbas, resulted in his brief arrest in Spain as a result of what the SBU itself described as a “multi-level special operation”. The second charge was announced in July through the SBU’s Telegram channel, based on an accusation that Shariy provided filming advice to Russian intelligence.

A screenshot from Detector Media’s list of “Key actors” for “pro-Russian” narratives in Ukraine from page 125 of the final report of Open Information Partnership’s Ukraine War Disinfo Working Group. Detector’s primary target, journalist Anatoliy Shariy, has twice been charged with treason by the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU). Shariy was temporarily arrested in Spain last year through what the SBU labeled a “multi-level special operation” in response to posting a map of Ukraine to his YouTube channel which excluded the occupied regions of Crimea and the Donbas.

Leaked emails from the Twitter Files revealed that the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) forwarded requests from the SBU to Twitter which included a demand to censor both Shariy and Canadian journalist Aaron Maté. Maté is perhaps the second most prominent contributor  to The Grayzone behind founding editor Max Blumenthal, whom OIP names alongside Columbia professor Jeffrey Sachs as an influential American figure in “pro-Russian” narratives in Belarus. The SBU’s request for Twitter to censor Shariy and Maté came one year after Grayzone’s exposé of Zinc’s Open Information Partnership.

The OIP working group’s recent recommendation of “coordinated action to pressure social media and digital market actors” to censor even factual journalism is laid out in the leaked final report. The first page of its introduction defines disinformation to include even verifiable criticisms of NATO, with two such explicit categories including “Content based on verifiable information which…uses emotive or inflammatory language” and “Not-attributable…information which fits with existing pro-Kremlin narratives, aims or activities”. Under a non-partisan extension of this system, the U.S. Congressman-endorsed online troll army known as the North Atlantic Fella Organization (NAFO) would have its communications labeled as disinformation, regardless of the veracity of its individual arguments. But OIP’s targets are instead influential journalists who report critically on NATO.

The basic methodology of the report was to collect 50 postings each week using keyword searches on individually selected “pro-Russian” information sources in each of the ten studied regions, typically taking 35 of the 50 posts from social media such as Telegram and Facebook and 15 from online media outlets. U.S. Army Cyber Command has similarly been purchasing bulk copies of the public content of social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter as part of its mission to protect the “NATO brand”, as was revealed by the author in April.

(Twelve pages of the Ukraine War Disinfo Working Group’s final report were made public six days ago on LinkedIn by the Lithuanian non-profit Civic Resilience Initiative (CIR), which handled the Baltics region for the group. Several weekly reports from OIP’s study were also published by Political Capital, the Hungarian think tank tasked with monitoring narratives in its own country. While of a similar format, the weekly reports do not contain, for example, the final report’s noteworthy recommendation of a coordinated pressure campaign against social media companies and “digital market actors”. CIR’s twelve pages similarly are focused on the Baltics and do not contain the full report’s more controversial definitions or recommendations.)

A screenshot from the ninth page of the leaked final report of the Ukraine War Disinfo Working Group commissioned by the Zinc Network’s Open Information Partnership with funding from the U.K. Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office. The contained text explains the group’s methodology for surveilling “pro-Russian narratives” on select Telegram and Facebook accounts, as well as in targeted media outlets, through a partnership with the Ukrainian company LetsData.

The leaked U.K. government-funded report explicitly warns against usage of the phrase “the West”, arguing that “This may fuel the narrative that the so-called ‘collective West’ exerts undue control over Ukraine.” On the other hand, the final pages of the report argue that “intelligence agencies across Europe can and should do more and they require a more unified approach [emphasis theirs]”. The group further recommends “Improving and intensifying cooperation among the intelligence agencies within the EU with the focus on malign foreign information influence.”


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Featured image is from Children’s Health Defense

Women’s Rights in Afghanistan: “Before” and “After” America’s Destructive Wars

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, October 04, 2023

Unknown to Americans, in the 1970s and early 1980s, Kabul was “a cosmopolitan city. Artists and hippies flocked to the capital. Women studied agriculture, engineering and business at the city’s university. Afghan women held government jobs”.

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The Nobel Committee gave the Peace prize to Obama, one of the worst warmongers of the 21st century second only to Bush/Cheney. And now the Nobel Committee has awarded the medicine prize to two “scientists” who concocted the most dangerous “vaccine” ever released on the world with the documented deaths of millions of the vaccinated and even larger numbers of people with health injuries.

New Onset Type I Diabetes After COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination. Potentially Fatal Diabetic Ketoacidosis in Children Ages 5 to 12 Years Old

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Hungary to Receive €13 Billion If Orbán Supports New Military Aid Package for Ukraine

By Ahmed Adel, October 04, 2023

Since the start of the conflict, Hungary has consistently opposed sanctions against Russian energy and arms shipments to Ukraine. In effect, Budapest has been a constant thorn in EU designs on Ukraine. For this reason, to increase the aid budget for Kiev, the European Commission intends to unfreeze around €13 billion of funding for Hungary.

War Fatigue Complicates West’s Aid to Ukraine

By M. K. Bhadrakumar, October 04, 2023

A pall of gloom descended on Europe as the long-feared uncertainty set in over the weekend as to how long would the collective West underwrite the proxy war in Ukraine. To lift their sagging spirit, some European foreign ministers  impromptu took the train to Kiev to spend Monday with President Zelensky.

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The Childhood Vaccination Schedule. Overview and Analysis

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Why Synthetic Food Is Very Dangerous

By Dr. Joseph Mercola, October 04, 2023

The official source of nutritional information is the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference. It lists the composition of hundreds of thousands of foods, but it’s not as detailed as you might imagine. In all, it details only 188 nutritional components, including 38 flavonoids, yet scientists estimate there are more than 26,000 different biochemicals in our food.

UK’s Former Defense Secretary Wants More Young Ukrainians on the Battlefield

By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, October 04, 2023

Apparently, former British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace is convinced that Ukraine is “winning”. In an opinion article published in The Telegraph, Wallace endorsed the “need” for Ukraine to mobilize even more young people to participate in hostilities, stating that this is the only way to “finish the job”, leading the country to definitively defeat Russian troops.

Após a vitória militar da “operação antiterrorista” do Azerbaijão e o anúncio da extinção da República de Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh), o futuro da missão de manutenção da paz russa parece incerto. Desde 2020, Moscou mantém tropas na região para garantir o cumprimento dos termos do cessar-fogo e evitar escaladas de violência. No entanto, considerando o fim da república armênia e a guinada pró-Ocidente de Yerevan, as discussões sobre a continuidade da missão parecem estar restritas ao diálogo Rússia-Azerbaijão.

Em 29 de setembro, o governo russo informou que estava em contato com o Azerbaijão para decidir sobre o futuro da missão de manutenção da paz em Artsakh. Não houve menção à participação armênia nas negociações, o que já era esperado, tendo em conta o elevado nível de hostilidade anti-russa demonstrado recentemente pelo governo armênio. É muito provável que as autoridades armênias comecem em breve a pressionar para a saída das forças russas, uma vez que Nikol Pashinyan e outros oficiais armênios já deixaram claro que consideram a Rússia culpada pelo avanço militar do Azerbaijão em Artsakh.

Como é sabido, atualmente os armênios étnicos de Artsakh estão a abandonar a região, fugindo da sua terra natal para evitarem tornar-se vítimas de um processo de limpeza étnica por parte dos azeris. Estima-se que mais de cem mil cidadãos nativos de Artsakh já tenham atravessado a fronteira para a Armênia. Poucas pessoas optaram por permanecer na região e passar pelo processo de “integração” com o Azerbaijão, uma vez que os recentes casos de violência afetaram a confiança da população local na possibilidade de uma paz real com Baku.

Os russos ajudaram os armênios tanto quanto puderam. Da mesma forma que desde 2020 as forças de Moscou têm estado envolvidas em operações não violentas, ajuda humanitária e trabalhos de desminagem, agora os soldados russos continuam a ajudar a população local, garantindo que não haja abusos contra cidadãos que decidiram pacificamente deixar o antigo território da República de Artsakh. No entanto, depois que este fluxo migratório terminar e o Azerbaijão ocupar definitivamente Artasakh por completo, é possível que a presença russa na região perca o sentido, razão pela qual se discute a possibilidade de encerrar antecipadamente a missão.

Para os russos, o sentido estratégico de manter tropas em Artsakh parece estar a esgotar-se. Com o consentimento armênio ao controle de Baku sobre a região, a situação de conflito militar está, pelo menos por agora, terminada e, portanto, não há necessidade de uma missão de manutenção da paz. Além disso, com a migração de quase toda a população armênia, as preocupações sobre possíveis abusos e limpeza étnica também diminuem.

Por outro lado, um argumento para promover a continuidade da missão é o próprio interesse geopolítico da Rússia em procurar a estabilidade no Cáucaso. Ter tropas nos países vizinhos é estratégia habitual para controlar crises regionais. Além disso, é possível que, com a presença de forças de manutenção da paz, ambos os lados sejam obrigados a não retomar as hostilidades, o que reduzirá a instabilidade no ambiente estratégico russo. Contudo, para que esta estabilização acontecesse, a Rússia teria que expandir significativamente o seu número de tropas na missão, o que certamente será reprovado por todos os lados.

Ao mesmo tempo, pode ser interessante para a Rússia concentrar-se noutras regiões. Dada a vitória do Azerbaijão em Artsakh e a implausibilidade de novos combates num futuro próximo, talvez o mais interessante para a Rússia seja concentrar os seus esforços em regiões mais vulneráveis, como a Geórgia – um país no Cáucaso que muitos especialistas acreditam que será o próximo alvo da OTAN. Com o Azerbaijão, que é um proxy turco, a obter avanços territoriais, e com a Armênia a aproximar-se dos EUA e da UE, parece então interessante que os russos procurem assegurar posições onde há ainda menos influência direta da OTAN.

Desde março, a Geórgia tem vivido uma situação política turbulenta. Na altura, houve uma tentativa de mudança de regime encorajada pela presidente francesa-georgiana pró-OTAN, Salome Zurabishvili, contra o primeiro-ministro Irakli Garibashvili e outros parlamentares devido à aprovação de uma lei que restringe a presença de ONG estrangeiras no país. Os protestos foram apoiados publicamente pelo presidente neonazista ucraniano Vladimir Zelensky e nos protestos foi possível ver ativistas ultranacionalistas entoando canções fascistas e slogans anti-russos.

Com o tempo, os protestos diminuíram e a revolução colorida parecia ter falhado, mas recentemente a inteligência georgiana revelou dados que apontam para a existência de uma conspiração para realizar um golpe de estado no país. A medida está sendo liderada por políticos e agentes georgianos pró-OTAN, incluindo o ex-presidente Mikheil Saakashvili. Considerando que o governo georgiano resistiu à pressão da OTAN para lançar esforços militares contra a Abecásia e a Ossétia do Sul, abrindo um novo flanco anti-russo, o Ocidente parece disposto a mudar o governo o mais rapidamente possível.

Isto mostra como existe atualmente um projecto das potências ocidentais para apertar o cerco à Rússia através do Cáucaso. Com a Armênia e o Azerbaijão a tornarem-se zonas de ocupação da OTAN, o foco ocidental a partir de agora será na Geórgia, pelo que Moscou irá certamente esforçar-se para evitar perder mais espaço no seu próprio ambiente estratégico. Talvez estes esforços envolvam a redução da presença de tropas noutras regiões para aumentar o apoio militar à Abecásia, repúblicas separatistas da Ossétia.

Independentemente do que for decidido sobre as forças de manutenção da paz russas, parece que isso será feito através de um acordo de interesse comum para a Rússia e o Azerbaijão. Os Armênios excluíram-se do diálogo com a Rússia e as relações só tendem a piorar. Parece ser uma questão de tempo para Yerevan solicitar a retirada do CSTO e o fim da base militar russa no seu território. Moscou fez o seu melhor para ajudar os Armênios, mas a guinada pró-Ocidente dos últimos anos reverteu uma relação amigável histórica entre os dois países.

Lucas Leiroz De Almeida





Artigo em inglês : Russia in talks with Azerbaijan about its peacekeeping mission in Nagorno-Karabakh. InfoBrics.




Lucas Leiroz, jornalista, pesquisador do Centro de Estudos Geoestratégicos, consultor geopolítico.

Você pode seguir Lucas Leiroz em: https://t.me/lucasleiroz e https://twitter.com/leiroz_lucas

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The gladiators on the Colosseum on Capitol Hill in Washington DC do not fail to entertain – killing even themselves.

After the ouster of its speaker on 3 October 2023, House of Congress closed for the rest of this week. Even theoretically, a new speaker cannot be found before Wednesday next week.

But that is only theoretically. In practice, it will easily be a month or more before House Republicans can agree on a new speaker. The former speaker Kevin McCarthy was only elected after no less than 15 ballots, and this time it may be even more difficult. McCarthy was yesterday ousted by eight House Republicans because he did not carry through with the move to withhold funds for the US government and shut it down.

A new speaker will not get the votes of these eight House Republicans, unless he/she is declaring his/her willingness to do exactly that. In other words: When the stopgap funding of the US government ends 17 November 2023, there may very well be no new funding and the US government will have to shut down.

And in the meantime, and thereafter, there will also still be no funds for Ukraine. Ukraine will run out of funds in this coming month, and with no funds even for the US government in sight, it is unlikely that Ukraine will ever get the funding from the US it used to.

House Democrats voted as a block together with the eight activist House Republicans to oust Speaker McCarthy. That was an emotional move by impotent Democrats and not a wise decision. The House Democrats have now thrown their own government into a chaos which is likely to last the next month, if not for longer. In effect, the House Democrats have put the US government in peril of having to be shut down on 17 November 2023 when the temporary funding ends. And with that, of course also shutting down their own US proxy government of Ukraine with no funds.

The US Democrats have just committed suicide in public.


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Karsten Riise is a Master of Science (Econ) from Copenhagen Business School and has a university degree in Spanish Culture and Languages from Copenhagen University. He is the former Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Mercedes-Benz in Denmark and Sweden.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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The Nobel Prize has become a laughing stock. The Nobel Committee gave the Peace prize to Obama, one of the worst warmongers of the 21st century second only to Bush/Cheney. And now the Nobel Committee has awarded the medicine prize to two “scientists” who concocted the most dangerous “vaccine” ever released on the world with the documented deaths of millions of the vaccinated and even larger numbers of people with health injuries.

It is extraordinary that a Nobel Committee can completely and totally ignore the findings of a massive number of studies by the leading medical scientists of our time that the mRNA Covid “vaccines” cause myocardial events such as heart attacks, sudden deaths, turbo cancers, blood clots, infertility, compromised immune systems, and 1,291 other deadly and health damaging side effects. See this.

This is the same irresponsible and politicized Nobel Committee that gave the Peace prize to Obama, who destroyed Libya, intended the same destruction for Syria  but was prevented by Russian President Putin.

The Nobel Committee’s prizes convey shame, not honor. They are a lie.

Listen to the Nobel Committee’s ignorance? incompetence? participation in disinformation supporting population control and infertility?:

“The laureates contributed to the unprecedented rate of vaccine development during one of the greatest threats to human health in modern times.” 

Actual, real medical scientists have concluded that the “vaccine” killed and injured more people than did Covid.

A large number of scientific studies are posted on this website by the world’s most distinguished medical scientists that prove the mRNA vaccines have done far more damage than Covid. Search the site and you will find them. Below are some new ones and some commentary on the massive lie that the Nobel Committee has inflicted on the world.

See this, this, this and this.   

Are there any institutions in the West that can be trusted?

Are there any prizes that are valid?


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Paul Craig Roberts is a renowned author and academic, chairman of The Institute for Political Economy where this article was originally published. Dr. Roberts was previously associate editor and columnist for The Wall Street Journal. He was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy during the Reagan Administration. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Apparently, former British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace is convinced that Ukraine is “winning”. In an opinion article published in The Telegraph, Wallace endorsed the “need” for Ukraine to mobilize even more young people to participate in hostilities, stating that this is the only way to “finish the job”, leading the country to definitively defeat Russian troops.

More than 83,000 Ukrainians died during Kiev’s efforts to launch a “counteroffensive,” but Ben Wallace is still certain that Ukraine is winning, albeit slowly. Wallace highly values the few meters gained by Kiev’s forces close to the Russian defense lines, saying this is a clear example of how the Ukrainians are surprising the West. For Ben, the “victory” of the counteroffensive is a proof that NATO “underestimated” Ukraine’s power.

“Slowly but surely, the Ukrainian armed forces are breaking through the Russian lines. Sometimes yard by yard, sometimes village by village, Ukraine has the momentum and is pressing forward. The men and women of the Ukrainian army are, once again, proving to us in Nato how much we have underestimated them. First, the Establishment doubted their ability to defend their nation from the initial Russian invasion (…) They failed to spot in the Ukrainians the same spirit we possessed in 1939. “, he said.

Obviously, from a strategic point of view, Ben’s assessment is absolutely wrong. Ukraine is making a big mistake by exchanging soldiers’ lives for some small territorial gains. According to the elementary principles of military science, the lives of soldiers must be preserved first, because lost territories can be recovered later if there are troops to continue fighting – while, on the other hand, conquered territories cannot be controlled in the long term if there are no more soldiers to protect them.

With their forces devastated, more than 400 thousand dead and even mobilizing teenagers, women, sick people and the elderly, the Ukrainians do not seem to be acting correctly in trying to make their counteroffensive a “victorious” move. Given the tens of thousands of casualties suffered in recent months, the most correct thing to do would be to retreat, reduce the intensity of the hostilities and try to regain strength to, if possible, launch new offensives in the future – or simply surrender, since it is difficult for Ukraine to recover from its losses. However, Kiev is incapable of thinking about its own strategies, being just a proxy state that obeys orders from the West.

With his words, Ben only emphasizes that the West is really interested in forcing Ukraine to fight until the ultimate consequences. As a “solution” to the enormous human costs of the counteroffensive, the former secretary suggests that Kiev simply recruit even more young people, stopping any government’s concern (if there is any) with the survival of the population and focusing entirely on the war efforts to “win the war” against the Russians.

“Ukraine can also play its part. The average age of the soldiers at the front is over 40. I understand President Zelensky’s desire to preserve the young for the future, but the fact is that Russia is mobilising the whole country by stealth. Putin knows a pause will hand him time to build a new army. So just as Britain did in 1939 and 1941, perhaps it is time to reassess the scale of Ukraine’s mobilisation”, Ben said.

Another “argument” used by Wallace is that young soldiers tend to be more focused on improving their skills and achieving better results on the battlefield. As an example, he mentions, without citing any evidence to prove the allegations, the case of a supposed young Ukrainian who had shot down two Russian helicopters:

“They take UK equipment and achieve success rates far beyond expectations. I remember visiting a secret location abroad, but outside Ukraine, as we prepared Ukrainian soldiers on how to use StarStreak air-defence missiles. They had a week to train on a system we take months to master. A British sergeant pointed to a young Ukrainian, barely out of his teens. ‘He won’t let go of the simulator, and he won’t stop training until he never misses,’ he said. That young man went on to down two Russian attack helicopters.”

As can be seen, Wallace’s rhetoric is fallacious. Russia is not “mobilizing the entire country by stealth”. On the contrary, only a small percentage of the Russian military potential is being used to conduct the special operation in Ukraine, with virtually no effects of the conflict on the country – as can be seen from the fact that the Russian economy is growing significantly. In fact, Ukraine is the only side that is using total mobilization methods, destructively affecting its own population, in addition to facing an unprecedented social, economic and institutional crisis. Ben deliberately reverses the logic of the conflict analysis to mislead his readers.

Furthermore, the argument that young people “train more” and “learn more” is similarly fallacious and unfounded. In practice, young people are the ones who die most on the battlefield, as they are the most inexperienced and incapable of facing high-risk situations. Increasing the mobilization of young people will not bring any advantage to Kiev – it will only result in the extermination of Ukrainian citizens in a new “meat grinder”.

However, Ben Wallace certainly does not believe in his own words. He is known for being a NATO “hardliner” and it was under his administration that the UK took escalatory measures such as sending radioactive weapons and long-range missiles to the neo-Nazi regime. What Ben Wallace wants is simply to see the conflict reach its ultimate consequences – even if that means exterminating all Ukrainian youth.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Lucas Leiroz is a journalist, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, geopolitical consultant. You can follow Lucas on Twitter and Telegram.

Featured image: Defence Secretary Ben Wallace (R) and Chief of the General Staff Nick Carter (L) arrive at Downing Street. (Photo: EPA-EFE/Andy Rain) 

Why Synthetic Food Is Very Dangerous

October 4th, 2023 by Dr. Joseph Mercola

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An estimated 99% of the components making up whole food are a complete mystery. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference details 188 nutritional components of food, including 38 flavonoids, yet scientists estimate there are more than 26,000 different biochemicals in our food

We know even less about the constituents of processed foods and synthetic foods, which falsely claim to be “equivalents” to whole foods, such as “animal-free meats” or “animal-free milk”

Scientists cannot create equivalence when they don’t even know what 85% or more of the whole food they’re trying to replicate consists of.

A paper published in the April 2023 issue of Animal Frontiers warns that cultured products are not nutritionally equivalent to the meats they’re intended to replace

A May 2023 report by the Food and Agriculture Organization concluded there are at least 53 potential health hazards associated with lab-grown meat, including the possibility of contamination with heavy metals, microplastics, nanoplastics and chemicals, allergenic additives, toxic components, antibiotics and prions.


Do you know what’s in the food you eat? Remarkable as it may seem, 99% of the components making up whole food are a complete mystery. As reported by New Scientist in July 2020:1

“We know next to nothing about the vast majority of compounds in our diet … ‘Our understanding of how diet affects health is limited to 150 key nutritional components,’2says Albert-László Barabási at Harvard Medical School, who coined the term “nutritional dark matter.”

‘But these represent only a small fraction of the biochemicals present in our food’ … The idea that food is a rich and complex mix of biochemicals is hardly news.

Even the well-known macronutrients — proteins, carbohydrates and fats — are hugely diverse. There’s also a vast supporting cast of micronutrients: minerals, vitamins and other biochemicals, many of which are only present in minuscule quantities, but which can still have profound health effects.”

The official source of nutritional information is the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference.3 It lists the composition of hundreds of thousands of foods, but it’s not as detailed as you might imagine.

In all, it details only 188 nutritional components, including 38 flavonoids, yet scientists estimate there are more than 26,000 different biochemicals in our food.4,5

As noted by New Scientist,6 “with the USDA as your guide, 99.5% of the components in food are a mystery,” and as noted by Barabási, “It would be foolish to dismiss 99.5% of the compounds we eat as unimportant7 … We will not really understand how we get sick if we don’t solve this puzzle.”8

Searching for Nutritional ‘Dark Matter’

Disturbed by the information gap, an international team of researchers started working on a more comprehensive database a decade ago called FooDB,9 which as of 2020 contained information on some 70,000 nutritional compounds.

Yet even this database still has a long way to go. An estimated 85% of the nutritional components listed remain unquantified, meaning they know a food contains a particular component, but they don’t know how much. The health implications of most compounds also remain largely unknown. New Scientist notes:10

“This is also true of individual micronutrients. ‘Consider beta-carotene,’ says Barabási. ‘It tends to be positively associated with heart disease, according to epidemiological studies, but studies adding beta-carotene to the diet do not show health benefits.

One potential reason is that beta-carotene never comes alone in plants; about 400 molecules are always present with it. So epidemiology may be detecting the health implications of some other molecule.’

Another probable cause is the effect of the microbiome on dark nutrients, says [FooDB founder David] Wishart. ‘Most dark nutrients are chemically transformed by your gut bacteria.

That’s probably why studies on the benefits of different foods give relatively ambiguous results. We don’t properly control for the variation in gut microflora, or our innate metabolism, which means different people get different doses of metabolites from their food.’”

Processed Foods Are an Even Greater Mystery

The reason I started with that background is because we know even less about the constituents of processed foods and synthetic foods that ignorantly claim to be “equivalents” to whole foods, such as “animal-free meats” or “animal-free milk.”

Food processing alone will often alter the composition of bioactive molecules in a food, and hence the food’s impact on health,11 but today, processed foods also contain a wide array of synthetic chemicals that, prior to the modern era, were never part of the human diet. As such, they pose incredible risks to long term health and well-being. Processed foods may also have intergenerational effects.

In recent years, the idea that we can simply replace whole foods with synthetic, genetically modified or lab-grown alternatives that are wholly equivalent to the original food has taken root. In reality, that’s simply impossible.

How can scientists create equivalence when they don’t even know what 85% or more of the whole food they’re trying to replicate consists of? Common sense will tell you they can’t. It might look, smell and even taste similar, but the micronutrient composition will be entirely different, and as a result, the health effects will be incomparable as well.

Animal-Free Equivalence Is a PR Fraud

Take cultured meat, for example. It’s said to be equivalent to real animal meat because it’s grown from animal cells. The cells are then grown in a nutrient solution inside a bioreactor until it becomes a meat-like slab.

Similarly, Bored Cow12 animal-free milk is a dairy alternative made with whey protein obtained through a fermentation process, plant-based fats (in lieu of milk fats), citrus fiber (for creaminess) and added vitamins and minerals.

Defenders of cultured meat insist that this product is not “fake meat” but “actual meat,”13 the only difference being that no animal had to be slaughtered to create it. Cultured meat and other synthetic foods are also said to be more environmentally friendly. But nothing could be further from the truth.

Their impact is far more akin to that of the pharmaceutical industry than the food industry. According to a recent “cradle-to-gate life cycle” analysis,14,15,16,17 the lab-grown meat industry produces anywhere from four to 25 times more CO2 than traditional animal husbandry.

Based on this assessment, each kilo of cultured meat produces anywhere from 542 pounds (246 kilos) to 3,325 pounds (1,508 kg) of carbon dioxide emissions, making the climate impact of cultured meat four to 25 times greater than that of conventional beef. And this information is only provided to refute those who believe the global warming fallacy.

As noted by the authors, investors have poured billions of dollars into animal cell-based meat (ACBM) sector based on the theory that cultured meat is more environmentally friendly than beef. But according to these researchers, that hype is based on flawed analyses of carbon emissions.

Cultured meat is also the epitome of ultraprocessed food18 and therefore likely to cause health problems like those caused by other ultraprocessed foods, such as obesity,19 cardiovascular diseases, Type-2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome, cancer,20 mental health problems21 and increased all-cause mortality.22,23,24,25,26

A paper27 published in the April 2023 issue of Animal Frontiers also warned that there are several implications of cell-based meat that need to be considered, but aren’t, including the fact that cultured products are not nutritionally equivalent to the meats they’re intended to replace.

The claim that no animals are killed in the process is also false. At present, most cultured or cell-based meats are created by growing animal cells in a solution of fetal bovine serum (FBS), which is made from the blood of unborn calves. In short, pregnant cows are slaughtered to drain the unborn fetus of its blood.

Is It Safe to Eat Tumors?

There are also many unanswered questions surrounding safety. For example, to get the cell cultures to grow, some companies are using immortalized cells, which technically speaking are precancerous and/or fully cancerous.28 (Other companies use embryonic stem cells or cells from living animals.29)

The reason for using immortalized cells is because normally behaving cells cannot divide forever. Most cells will only multiply a few dozen times before they become senescent (old) and die.

This won’t work when your intention is to grow thousands of pounds of tissue from a small number of cells, hence they use immortalized cells that have no off switch for their replication and can divide indefinitely.

Meat substitutes cultured in this way could therefore be thought of as tumors, seeing how the flesh is entirely made up of precancerous or cancerous cells. Is it safe to eat tumors? We don’t know.

MIT biologist Robert Weinberg, Ph.D., has proposed that humans can’t get cancer from these cells because they’re not human cells and therefore cannot replicate inside your body.30 However, there’s no long-term research to back this theory.

Dietary Headaches to Come

It’s also important to realize that the nutritional composition and safety of synthetic foods will vary depending on the brand.

When you’re dealing with beef, for example, the meat from one cow will be relatively identical to that of any other cow (one major exception being the way they’re raised and fed). One wild-caught salmon is comparable to any other wild-caught salmon, and each russet potato is more or less identical to every other russet potato.

But since each synthetic food brand uses proprietary ingredients and processes, no two will have the identical composition or safety, so even if one is eventually proven safe and nutritious, those results cannot be applied to any other brand.

This variance has the potential to create major problems in the future when all sorts of foods have been replaced with synthetic non-equivalents. How do you determine which cultured beef, chicken or salmon brand might be best for you? How will you devise a sensible diet plan when every food comes in myriad variations of varying composition and safety?

Synthetic Foods Pose Unique Food-Safety Hazards

Many synthetic food proponents claim lab-created food will bypass a host of food-safety problems, but the converse is far more likely to be true. Sure, beef, for example, can be contaminated during processing, packaging, transport or storage, or during the cooking process.

But in cultured meat, every ingredient and processing step brings with it the potential of contamination, and any of the hundreds of ingredients could have toxic effects, alone or in synergy.

Indeed, an in-depth analysis31,32 of the available evidence by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and a World Health Organization expert panel, published in May 2023, concluded there are at least 53 potential health hazards associated with lab-grown meat.

Among them are the possibility of contamination with heavy metals, microplastics, nanoplastics and chemicals, allergenic additives, toxic components, antibiotics and prions.

What’s more, some of the ingredients that go into synthetic biology like cultured meat are regulated as “non-detectable manufacturing aids,” and you won’t even know what they are. Israeli startup Profuse Technology, for example, has developed a growth media supplement that massively encourages protein growth.

As reported by Food Navigator Europe in an article titled “Cultivated Meat ‘Breakthrough’: Media Supplement Achieves Full Muscle Maturation on Scaffold Within 48 Hours.”33 The supplement reduces the time to grow filets and steaks by 80% and augments the protein in the final product by a factor of five.

An Unsustainable Model

The cultured meat process also produces toxic biowaste — a problem that doesn’t exist in conventional agriculture and food processing. In the video above, Alan Lewis, vice president of government affairs for Natural Grocers, reviews what goes into the making of synthetic biology.

The starting ingredients are typically cheap sugars and fats derived from genetically engineered corn and soy, grown in environmentally destructive monocultures with loads of herbicides, pesticides, and synthetic fertilizers.

As a result, they’re loaded with chemical residues. Hundreds of other ingredients may then be added to the ferment to produce the desired end product, such as a certain protein, color, flavor or scent. The most-often used microorganism in the fermentation process is E. coli that has been gene-edited to produce the desired compound through its digestive process.

The microorganism must also be antibiotic-resistant, since it needs to survive the antibiotics used to kill off other undesirable organisms in the vat. As a result, antibiotic-resistant organisms also become integrated into the final product, and the types of foodborne illness that might be caused by gene-edited antibiotic-resistant E. coli and its metabolites are anyone’s guess.

In addition to the desired target metabolite, these gene-edited organisms may also spit out non-target metabolites with unknown environmental consequences and health effects. But that’s not all. Once the target organisms are extracted, what’s left over is hazardous biowaste.

While traditional fermentation processes, such as the making of beer, produce waste products that are edible by animals, compostable and pose no biohazard, the biowaste from these synthetic biology ferments must first be deactivated, and then must be securely disposed of. It cannot go into a landfill.

Protect Your Health by Avoiding Frankenfoods

Making food that requires GMO inputs and produces more CO2 than conventional farming and hazardous biowaste to boot is hardly a sustainable model. But then again, synthetic biology and processed foods are not being pushed out of true concern for sustainability.

If that was the goal, everyone would be looking at regenerative agriculture where every part of the system supports and sustains other parts, thereby eliminating the need for chemical inputs, radically reducing water needs while optimizing yields.

No, synthetic biology is pursued because it is a formidable control mechanism. Those who own all the synthetic food production will control the world in a very literal sense. To learn more about this plot for control, see “The Fake ‘Food as Medicine’ Agenda.”

In short, the globalists already own and control most of the carbohydrates grown in the world today. By replacing real animal foods with patented lab-made protein alternatives, they’ll have unprecedented power to control the world’s population.

It’ll also grant them greater control over people’s health. It’s already known that the consumption of ultraprocessed food contributes to disease, and the benefactor of ill health is Big Pharma.

The processed food industry has spent many decades driving chronic illness that is then treated with drugs rather than a better diet. Synthetic foods will likely be an even bigger driver of chronic ill health and early death.

The fact is, fake meat and dairy cannot replace the complex mix of nutrients found in grass-fed beef and dairy, and it’s likely that consuming ultraprocessed meat and milk alternatives may lead to many of the same health issues that are caused by a processed food diet. So, if you want to really protect your health and the environment, skip pseudofoods that require patents and stick to those found in nature instead.


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1, 6, 7, 10 New Scientist July 22, 2020 (Archived)

2, 4 Nature Food 2020; 1: 33-37

3 National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference (Archived)

5 Afekta February 26, 2020

8 Inside Science December 9, 2019

9 FooDB

11 Knowable Magazine September 20, 2023

12 Bored Cow Animal-Free Milk

13 Food Safety News September 19, 2023

14 BioRxiv April 21, 2023

15 New Scientist May 9, 2023

16 Interesting Engineering May 14, 2023

17 Watts Up With That? May 12, 2023

18 Friends of the Earth, From Lab to Fork, June 2018 (PDF)

19 Cell Metabolism, 2019; doi: 10.1016/j.cmet.2019.05.008

20 BMJ 2018; 360:k322

21 Advisory UPF Dangerous for Your Brain

22 JAMA Internal Medicine February 11, 2019;179(4):490-498

23 BMJ February 14, 2018; 360

24 JAMA 2017;317(9):912-924

25 BMJ, 2019;365:I1451

26 BMJ, 2019;365:l1949

27 Animal Frontiers April 2023; 13(2): 68-74

28, 29, 30 The Fern February 7, 2023

31 FAO.org Food Safety Aspects of Cell-Based Food

32 ISAAA.org May 10, 2023

33 Food Navigator Europe September 26, 2023

Featured image is from Mercola

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Sep. 28, 2023 – 36 year old Australian woman, quadruple vaccinated with first two AstraZeneca and two Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA booster shots – almost died of New Onset Type 1 Diabetes and Diabetic Ketoacidosis 7 weeks after 2nd Pfizer and 4th COVID-19 vaccine.

VAERS ID 1443487 – 12 year old boy

  • 12 year old boy from Tennessee had two Pfizer mRNA doses
  • One day after his 2nd Pfizer and 23 days after his 1st Pfizer dose he presented with excessive urination, and symptoms of hyperglycemia, was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes
  • condition described as “life-threatening”

VAERS ID 2006197 – 5 year old boy

  • 5 year old Michigan boy had two Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines
  • 7 days after 2nd dose developed lethargy, increased thirst and urination
  • Hospitalized for “life-threatening” and diagnosed with Diabetic Ketoacidosis and Type 1 Diabetes!

VAERS ID 2320785 – 10 year old girl

  • 10 year old girl in Washington, had 3 doses of Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine
  • developed Type 1 Diabetes symptoms 10 days after Pfizer 3rd booster
  • described as “life threatening”

In Moderna kids’ trial – 1 year old gets Type 1 Diabetes 

  • Oct. 21, 2022 – Alex Berenson reported in his Substack about the Moderna COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Children’s Trial recording a 1 year old girl developing Type 1 Diabetes and Diabetic Ketoacidosis 37 days after 2nd Moderna dose, on page 62
  • the other SAE [serious adverse event] considered related was new-onset Type 1 diabetes mellitus and diabetic ketoacidosis in a 1-year-old female reported 37 days post dose 2.


2023 Jan – Hyeyeon Moon et al – Adult-Onset Type 1 Diabetes Development Following COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination

  • 56F Japanese woman had two doses of Moderna mRNA
  • two months later she presented with a 1 week history of thirst, polydipsia, polyuria and weight loss.
  • She was diagnosed with Type I Diabetes

2022 Nov – Rong Lin et al – Fulminant Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus after SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination: A Case Report 

  • 39F Taiwanese woman had 3 Pfizer mRNA Vaccines.
  • 14 weeks after 3rd Pfizer mRNA she presented to hospital with severe nausea and vomiting several times a day, also dyspnea and palpitations
  • she had recently been hospitalized with diabetic ketoacidosis
  • She was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes ketoacidosis.

2022 Oct – Kobayashi et al – New-onset atypical fulminant Type 1 diabetes after COVID-19 vaccination: A case report

  • 59M Japanese man had 2nd dose of Pfizer mRNA
  • was admitted to hospital due to general fatigue 15 weeks after 2nd Pfizer dose
  • had vomiting, worsening fatigue, difficulty in body movements
  • transported to ER with hyperglycemia, blood gas showing severe acidosis, dehydration, prerenal failure
  • he was diagnosed with Type I Diabetic ketoacidosis

2022 July – Aydogan et al – Type 1 diabetes mellitus following SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination

  • Turkish researchers report 4 cases of Type 1 Diabetes in the weeks after Pfizer mRNA vaccination
  • 56M had two Pfizer mRNA – 15 days after 2nd Pfizer he had fatigue, polyuria, lost 5 kg, ketonuria but not acidosis
  • 48M had two Pfizer mRNA – 2 months after 2nd Pfizer he had fatigue, high HbA1c
  • 27F had two Pfizer mRNA – 3 weeks after 2nd Pfizer came in with blurred vision, polyuria, polydipsia, weight loss
  • 36M had two Pfizer mRNA after 2 doses of CoronaVac – lost 10kg in 15 days, admitted to ER with fatigue, dizziness, dry mouth
  • Theory: “molecular mimicry between the SARS-CoV-2 antigens (spike protein) and the human target proteins may be one of the possible underlying mechanisms of the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine-induced islet autoimmunity.”
  • “There may be a mild and transient attack on pancreatic β cells induced by the SARS-CoV-2 vaccines through molecular mimicry.”

2022 Feb – Sakurai et al – Type 1 diabetes mellitus following COVID-19 RNA-based vaccine

  • 36F Japanese woman had 1st dose of Pfizer mRNA
  • she presented to hospital with a 7 day history of thirst, polydipsia, polyuria, palpitations, loss of appetite, fatigue which started 3 days after 1st Pfizer.
  • she was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes and Diabetic ketoacidosis and was admitted to hospital.
  • Authors cite a paper by Kanduc et al: “Molecular mimicry between SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein and mammalian proteomes: implications for the vaccine” as a possible explanation

2022 Feb – Sasaki et al – New-onset fulminant type 1 diabetes after severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 vaccination: A case report

  • 45F Japanese woman had 1st Pfizer mRNA dose
  • 8 days after vaccination she was sent to hospital with hyperglycemia, she had lost 6kg since the vaccination, had metabolic acidosis and diabetic ketoacidosis.

2022 Jan – Sasaki et al – Newly developed type 1 diabetes after coronavirus disease 2019 vaccination: A case report

  • 73F Japanese woman had two Moderna mRNA doses – 4 weeks after 2nd vaccination her glycemic control began to deteriorate
  • 8 weeks after 2nd Moderna was diagnosed with new onset Type 1 diabetes strongly positive for autoantibodies

2022 – Yano et al – New-onset Type 1 Diabetes after COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination

  • 51F Japanese woman had 1st dose of Moderna mRNA
  • she noticed 3kg weight loss and visited her doctor 12 days after onset of symptoms
  • she was referred to hospital 6 weeks after 1st dose of Moderna with tachycardia, dehydration, metabolic acidosis and ketonemia, and was diagnosed with diabetic ketoacidosis.

My Take…

One of my favourite Twitter accounts, Ethical Skeptic, published Today, Oct.3, 2023 an update on USA All Cause Mortality in ages 0-24, which is now at an ALL TIME HIGH since the COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines rolled out, with a 42% excess mortality:

This is exactly what I’m seeing on the ground level. Young people, in this case ages 0-24 which includes children of all ages, are dying at a RECORD LEVEL since the pandemic started!

As I’m going to take a bit of a break from the COVID-19 Vaccine Turbo Cancers killing young people, it is worth asking what else might be contributing to these deaths?

Beyond the heart attacks and the blood clots, there are all types of auto-immune diseases caused by COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines and the endless immune system aberrations that may be contributing to “mysterious deaths” of young people.

TYPE 1 Diabetes and Diabetic Ketoacidosis. This is one of them.

The doctor told me if I had not been young and fit, and if I had delayed getting diagnosed by even one more day, I would have likely died.” – 36 year old quadruple COVID-19 Vaccinated Australian woman who ended up in Diabetic Ketoacidosis 7 weeks after her 4th COVID-19 (Pfizer) Vaccine.

How many children and young people have died (from Type 1 Diabetic Ketoacidosis) because they did not seek medical attention in time?

It is interesting to note in VAERS that all the cases of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccinated children getting NEW Type 1 Diabetes diagnosis within weeks of Pfizer or Moderna mRNA Vaccination are all described as “life-threatening” events.

Parents need to wake up and do everything they can to get these Pfizer & Moderna COVID-19 mRNA shots taken off the market immediately!


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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The world beyond Europe does not share its position on the conflict in Ukraine and does not understand the double standards approach compared to conflicts in other parts of the world, Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó highlighted in an interview with the Magyar Nemzet newspaper. His comments were made on the same day as the meeting of EU foreign affairs ministers in Kiev, which failed to unblock a €500-million package of military assistance for Ukraine because Hungary kept a firm veto on the aid, something it has maintained since May.

“I can say that the world outside of Europe is already waiting for the end of the war because they don’t understand many things. They don’t understand, for example, how it can be that when a war occurs outside Europe, the European Union looks down with fantastic moral superiority, appealing to the parties for peace, advocates negotiations and an immediate end to violence. But when war breaks out in Europe, the EU stokes the conflict and supplies weapons, and whoever talks about peace is immediately stigmatised,” said Hungary’s top diplomat.

Szijjártó said that the world does not understand “why Europe made the conflict global” and why people in Asia, Latin America and Africa must pay the price of “rising inflation, high energy prices or unstable food supplies.”

He added that outside Europe, Hungary’s position is viewed with “great respect,” which he experienced more than once during the UN General Assembly.

Since the start of the conflict, Hungary has consistently opposed sanctions against Russian energy and arms shipments to Ukraine. In effect, Budapest has been a constant thorn in EU designs on Ukraine. For this reason, to increase the aid budget for Kiev, the European Commission intends to unfreeze around €13 billion of funding for Hungary. Budapest has repeatedly stated that Ukraine would not receive a cent from the EU.

As the Financial Times newspaper noted, with this action, it is possible to obtain the support of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán to increase the bloc’s budget and significant financial assistance for Ukraine. It is recalled that Orbán’s chief of staff, Gergely Gulyás, previously said that Ukraine would not receive a penny from the EU budget – since unanimous support was needed – until Hungary received European funds.

“The European Commission intends to unfreeze about €13 billion in funding for Hungary by the end of November, three informed officials said,” FT reported. “Two of them said the allocation of funds was partly motivated by a desire to win Orbán’s support for the budget increase.”

Thus, according to the article, authorities said that the judicial reform carried out by Hungary in May will allow the commission to unlock these €13 billion, which is more than half of the frozen funds.

Earlier, the head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, said that the European Commission had reviewed the EU’s multi-annual budget for the period 2024 to 2027 and proposed that countries increase it by €66 billion to help Ukraine implement migration and refugee programs and strengthen the bloc’s competitiveness.

Orbán continues to blast the EU’s stubborn policy on Ukraine and said on September 29 that the West had failed to “calmly assess” the situation there and that Hungary would be proven right.

“You can only enter into war if you have a clear goal and know what tools you will use. Otherwise, politics cannot account for the lives lost,” he said, adding that the frontlines are frozen, yet tens of thousands are dying without any indication of when the conflict will end.

Regarding Ukraine’s potential European Union membership, the Hungarian prime minister said he would be cautious with such plans, noting that it required the approval of all 27 member states, and he had not seen “an irresistible desire” by Hungary’s parliament to approve it within the next two years.

Responding to a question on the EU funding withheld from Hungary, Orbán said,

“Some of that money may be in Ukraine already” and that since the EU lacks the money it has promised to Kiev while promising renewed support, “it stands to reason to think that the money they have promised but not delivered [to a member state] is already gone.”

This statement likely triggered the European Commission to unfreeze about €13 billion in funding for Hungary by the end of November, hoping that Orbán will give up his stubborn position on not wanting to ruin his economy and country for the sake of Ukraine, which has been overly mobilising members of the Hungarian minority into the Ukrainian military. It remains to be seen if the €13 billion will entice Hungary to approve the €500-million package of military assistance for Ukraine but it likely will be.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Ahmed Adel is a Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher.

Featured image: Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán gives an interview to Kossuth Rádió on Dec. 2, 2022 (Source: MTI/Prime Minister’s Press Office/Zoltán Fischer)

Modi’s Cricket Ploy: Hindutva as Twelfth Man

October 4th, 2023 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

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This week, the International Cricket Council’s One Day International tournament will commence in India. The man who will take centre stage during the occasion will be Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, whose earthly attributes are fast becoming, at least in a political sense, celestial in dimension.

Commentators are already noting that the tournament will usher in a pre-election campaign extravaganza for Modi and his Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), one lasting six weeks. Modi has positioned himself as all and everything, supreme self-referencing god head in a political strategy that eclipses rivals and dooms them to irrelevance. Like other authoritarians, he is keen to find solid footing in established popular rites and customs, appropriating the features he likes (Hinduism, good), and abandoning those he dislikes (Sikhism, Islam, Christianity, bad). 

India’s national sport has not been spared the Modi touch. Nothing about the man speaks about the dash and panache of the Indian cricket team, but that hardly matters. Modi has previously run the Gujarat Cricket Association with his current Home Affairs minister Amit Shah. While India’s Board of Control for Cricket has a nominal presidential head in the form of the ineffectual Roger Binny, true power over the organisation lies with Shah’s son Jay, the body’s honorary secretary. With Ashish Shela as treasurer, the BJP stranglehold seems total.

The national team has become, in effect, an extension of the prime minister’s ambitions. All have come together, fused and meshed, none better illustrated than through the renaming of an enormous stadium – one of the world’s largest, in fact – after the PM himself. With a seating capacity over 130,000, the Narendra Modi stadium, based in the PM’s home state of Gujarat, will host the key events and matches of the World Cup.

Hard to miss in this dance is also the power of global cricket’s locus. Long straddling the England-Australia nexus, cricket’s hegemonic centre has moved with spectacular effect. The BCCI (Board of Control for Cricket in India) is unchallenged in its supremacy over purse strings and glitzy promotion, with the Indian Premier League being the game’s crowning, commercial glory. In its 2023 season, the IPL drew in over 500 million viewers, registering a growth rate of 32% from the previous season, while total revenues for the BCCI in 2021-22 came in at $771 million. As the Financial Times noted in July this year, the BCCI “dominates global decision making and takes a larger share of global revenues than England and Australia combined.” 

Despite this, the governing body remains blighted. Overseas, it is accused of buying preferential treatment for the IPL over other cricketing schedules, seducing, if not strong-arming smaller nations into accepting its agenda.

The cricket body has repeatedly stifled such anti-corruption efforts as those mounted by the former Delhi commissioner of police, Neeraj Kumar. When Kumar’s A Cop in Cricket was published, it told an all too familiar story on spoliation wrought by wealth, fed by the lucre of the IPL, money laundering and rampant bookmakers. He also found that the enormous outlay of funds otherwise “meant for the promotion of cricket at the grassroots level is diverted and misappropriated by state association officials, who adopt every conceivable modus operandi of malfeasance to do so.” Little wonder that much of Modi’s own relations with the powerful agents of Indian public life reflect a broader, dark model of the Hindutva crony state, where funds are diverted in the name of special interests.

The sheer scope, exposure, and significance of cricket, and its dramatic modernisation by Indian sporting practice, has made it pure political capital.  Salil Tripathi, author and board member of PEN International, explains the point. “The men’s cricket World Cup, to be staged in India from October 5, will put India, and Modi’s premiership, back on the global stage.”

Peter Oborne is none too happy with this. Having written extensively about cricket on the subcontinent, a keen student and admirer of its magical play and often tortuous politics, Oborne can only look at the Modi appropriation experiment with alarm. During Modi’s tenure, dissidents, Muslims and Christians have been targeted. In an article co-authored with Imran Mulla, some symptoms of this rule are mentioned. “Since May, Hindu nationalist militants have killed over 100 Christians in northeastern Manipur, destroying churches and displaying 50,000 people in a brutal campaign of terror.” 

Oborne and his co-author do not shy away from warning that the Modi-Hindutva state is showing genocidal urges. “This is a moral emergency and thus far nobody seems to have noticed. US President Joe Biden, supposedly the leader of the free world, recently gave Modi a hero’s welcome in Washington.” Modi’s renaming of the stadium sent an ominous “message that the Indian cricket team represents his own political party – the Bharatiya Jana Party (BJP) – and not the nation as a whole.”

The authors pertinently contrast the tepid coverage leading up to the Cricket World Cup with the near surfeit of moral indignation expressed prior to the FIFA Men’s World Cup held in Qatar – albeit one eventually extinguished in the glow of the tournament. “The BBC decided not to broadcast the opening ceremony live, with its star presenter Gary Lineker lecturing TV viewers on Qatar’s human rights record and Labour leader Keir Starmer boycotting the event.”

Expect, on this occasion, no videos and clips of protest by any of the competing teams complaining about human rights violations, religious intolerance, barbaric practices or appalling working conditions. Ditto that of ingratiating British and Australian politicians. Modi’s Hindutva train of religious and ideological purity has gone unnoticed in most of the cricket world. The only question that will be asked of him at the tournament’s opening is simple: Will he be able to land the ball on the square?


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge. He currently lectures at RMIT University. He is a regular contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research. Email: [email protected]

Featured image: Indian cricket team in action at Wankhede Stadium (Licensed under the Public Domain)

War Fatigue Complicates West’s Aid to Ukraine

October 4th, 2023 by M. K. Bhadrakumar

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A pall of gloom descended on Europe as the long-feared uncertainty set in over the weekend as to how long would the collective West underwrite the proxy war in Ukraine. To lift their sagging spirit, some European foreign ministers  impromptu took the train to Kiev to spend Monday with President Zelensky. It was an extraordinary sight of defiance of the call of destiny, as the war passed the 19-month mark.

A deal in Washington that averted government shutdown for now but cut funding for Kiev; the Polish election campaign in which the ruling Law and Justice party, until recently one of Ukraine’s staunchest supporters, has toyed with various measures such as questioning more arms deliveries and blocking agri-products from its neighbour in order to court voters; and, the stunning parliamentary election results in Slovakia catapulting a pro-Russian left-wing political party to power and signalling the first true political embodiment of “Ukraine fatigue” — suddenly, the West’s mantra of being by Ukraine’s side “for as long as it takes” feels seriously open to question. 

The CNN exaggerated, perhaps, while commenting that the above developments “appear to have thrown Ukraine and its war with Russia under the bus” — but only by a bit. The politics of Ukraine war has crossed an inflection point and is poised for bigger things in the critical months ahead.  

The White House has vowed to seek quick passage of a stand-alone Ukraine aid bill totalling $20.6 billion that the Biden administration has said is essential to fight Russia, but it will likely continue to face determined opposition, particularly from Republicans in Congress. At the root of it is the fierce polarisation in US politics, which now threatens to shake the balance of power in the Congress in a no-holds barred election year that looms ahead. 

This does not mean stopping the US aid to Ukraine. The administration has enough resources to support Kiev over the next month and a half  and, above all, it is too far-fetched to expect any serious changes in the Ukrainian direction of US foreign policy before the 2024 election. But the salience lies somewhere else — namely, the topic of assistance to Ukraine is frothing in the cauldron of disputes between Republicans and Democrats and is becoming inseparable from the tendentious issues of social programmes that tear apart the American society and become fodder for its combative politicians. 

The Ukraine war has become a political football in the Beltway just over a year from the US presidential election, with questions mounting over aid approved by Congress that totals $100 billion so far, including $43 billion in weaponry. Simply put, for right–wing Republicans, financing Kiev is becoming a tool of political manipulation of the Biden Administration through which they hope to seize advantages and concessions. And Donald Trump is waiting in the wings. 

Meanwhile, there is a vicious sub-plot playing out within the Republican Party itself in a bid to unseat the Republican House Speaker Kevin McCarthy next week by hardline Republican Matt Gaetz, one of a core of hard-right members of the party implacably opposed to any more aid for Ukraine.

In order to survive, McCarthy has treated to link aid for Ukraine to funding to stop immigrants crossing the Mexican border, a key Republican demand.

“I’m going to make sure that the weapons are provided for Ukraine, but they’re not going to get some big package if the border is not secure,” McCarthy told CBS ominously.  

Most important, the wider signal to the world is damaging. European capitals are already nervously eyeing the possibility of a return to the White House by Trump. Josep Borrell, the European Union’s foreign policy chief and a major US partner in delivering aid to Ukraine, expressed surprise and regretted the US decision “deeply, thoroughly.”

Borrell said, “I have a hope that this will not be a definitive decision and Ukraine will continue having the support of the US.” Indeed, there is a wider problem — war fatigue among inflation-hit American voters.

In many ways, the victory of former Prime Minister Robert Fico’s left-wing populist Smer party in this weekend’s parliamentary election in Slovakia is also to be attributed to war fatigue. Fico has said no more weapons will go to Ukraine; questioned the logic of the EU’s Russia sanctions; praised Moscow; and blamed the NATO for causing the war, which he says, began after “Ukrainian Nazis and fascists started to murder Russian citizens in Donbas and Luhansk.” Economic anxieties further compound the societal Ukraine fatigue and the dramatic turn in Slovakian politics, which is likely to impact the West’s relations with Kiev. 

Within the EU, Hungary and Austria will now have an ally in Slovakia, a frontline state, advocating an immediate cessation of hostilities in Ukraine and peace negotiations. Fico himself is a close ally of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban — and they could be joined by Poland if the ruling Law and Justice Party secures a fresh mandate, which seems likely, in the parliamentary election on October 15.

All indications are that Poland is veering away from its long-standing pro-Ukraine position. Poland’s PM Mateusz Morawiecki said recently, “we are no longer transferring any weapons to Ukraine because we are now arming ourselves with the most advanced weapons.” 

Then, as the CNN wrote,

“Beyond EU, within NATO there is an equivalent fear of the consequences of an expanding anti-Ukraine bloc… And both Hungary’s Orban and Slovakia’s Fico have declared themselves adamantly opposed to any move to welcome Ukraine into the alliance… The reality is the Ukraine counteroffensive, which will have to diminish with the advent of winter, has so far achieved little substantive progress on the battlefront. The arrival of newly-empowered anti-Ukraine parties in frontline states, together with waffling by leading Kremlin foes like the United States, all comprise a truly toxic mix.” 

Looking ahead, further erosion of support for the Ukraine war can be expected and even a possible collapse of support for Ukraine across the collective West cannot be ruled out in the months ahead, especially if the Kremlin leadership finally decides to give a knockout punch to Ukraine’s military and/or orders the Russian forces to cross the Dnieper and take over Kiev and Odessa.

Even otherwise, the crunch time comes with the elections to the European Parliament on 6-9 June 2024. There is a clear possibility of anti-Ukraine parties winning a substantial bloc of votes in the elections. If and when that happens, the invidious conspiracy mooted by Germany and France to abolish the rule of unanimity required for taking major EU decisions (eg., Russia sanctions and their six-monthly renewal) will flounder.

Both Orban and Fico have declared their opposition to Russian sanctions. Suffice to say, the politics of Ukraine war and Russia sanctions is entering uncharted waters, as Hungary allied with Slovakia — and potentially with Poland — would be in a position to complicate pro-Ukraine, anti-Russian efforts by the rest of the EU.

In the art of politics, American politicans originally patented “filibuster”, a political procedure in which one or more members of a legislative body prolong debate on proposed legislation so as to delay or entirely prevent decision, and European politicians are now inventing their own variant of it.

Orban has been practising it for a decade already, and with growing dexterity, to push through his nationalistic programme of “sovereign democracy” in Hungary. That is where the weekend’s Slovakian election and Fico’s return to power has the potential to become a defining moment in the politics of Ukraine war.


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Featured image is from InfoBrics

How Somalia Never Got Back Up After Black Hawk Down

October 4th, 2023 by Ahmed Ibrahim

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October 3, 2023 marks the 30th anniversary of the Battle of Mogadishu, when American forces engaged in a pitched battle with a Somali militia in a densely populated residential neighborhood in Mogadishu, Somalia.

This battle has become popularly known as “Black Hawk Down” in reference to the several UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters shot down during the battle, leading to the deaths of 18 U.S. soldiers and at least 300 Somali casualties, including militia and civilians. Much has been written about how this event, and the wider U.S. military intervention in Somalia, was a watershed moment heralding a new “world order” led by the U.S. in the aftermath of the Cold War.

However, one of the most consequential impacts of U.S. interventions in Somalia has been the hindrance of local socio-political processes that might have, with time, provided an exit from the condition of permanent conflict. In so doing, these interventions have contributed to the continuation of conflict and historical paralysis in Somalia.

The Battle of Mogadishu was the culmination of a U.S.-led UN intervention in Somalia which went through several iterations that progressively became more militarized. It began in April 1992 with United Nations Operations in Somalia I (UNOSOM I), which was mandated to monitor a ceasefire agreement between the warring parties in Mogadishu following the fall of the Somali state in early 1991. The ceasefire, however, never took hold, gravely hampering the delivery of humanitarian aid in the midst of an appalling famine.

The harrowing images of starving children broadcasted across the globe partly informed the U.S. decision to offer to organize and lead a multinational force, United Task Force (UNITAF). The UN accepted the offer and UNITAF forces arrived in Somalia in December 1992 with the objective and mandate to provide security and facilitate humanitarian relief efforts. UNITAF was succeeded by UNOSOM II in March 1995 with a force of about 30,000 from 27 countries. The U.S. contributed a little over 1,000 personnel to this force, but exercised significant control over the operations.

UNOSOM II not only took over the mandate of UNITAF in terms of securing and facilitating aid delivery, but was further tasked with nation-building, including forcible disarmament. This led to a confrontation between UNOSOM II and one of the militias, Somali National Alliance (SNA) led by General Mohamed Farah Aidid. U.S. forces led this confrontation carrying out raids against SNA militia and Aidid.

Soldiers training in desert

Bravo Company, 3rd Battalion of the 75th Ranger Regiment in Somalia, 1993 (Licensed under the Public Domain)

After a series of increasingly violent reprisal attacks, U.S. forces raided a hotel in Mogadishu October 3, 1993 to capture high ranking SNA personnel. The disastrous result of the raid ultimately led the Clinton administration to change course and withdraw U.S. forces from Somalia in the spring of 1994. The U.N. followed suit and was out of Somalia by early 1995.

There has been widespread criticism of various aspects of the U.S./UN intervention: the militarization of the intervention with the inevitably high civilian casualties, the racist violence and abuse of Somali civilians, the caricature and reduction of the crisis to images of starving children and drug-crazed militias, the UN’s insistence that its failure to act quickly to avert the famine was entirely due to security concerns and not bureaucratic inertia, and the claim that 80% of food supplies meant for famine victims were being looted.

Despite the criticism of the intervention, many also felt that the withdrawal of U.S. forces and the termination of UNOSOM II would lead to a resumption of violence and upsurge in the suffering of the population. The fact that this did not happen is a testament to the dynamics of the conflict and social processes that worked to overcome the conflict.

Subsequent to the U.S. and UN withdrawal in early 1995, Somalia not only did not return to a cycle of violence, but experienced relative stability in what one commentator referred to as “governance without government.” This period lasting about a decade, 1995-2004/05, was characterized by the formation of various self-governance arrangements based on locality and kinship relations as well as the emergence of conflict adjudication/arbitration centers in urban settings like Mogadishu.

The best examples of the autonomous and semi-autonomous local administrations that emerged are Somaliland and Puntland in the north and northeast of the country. While no similarly successful administration emerged in the central and southern regions of the country, large-scale conflicts dissipated there as well as conflicts became localized. With the localization of conflicts, it became easier for communities to find locally-grounded solutions led by a mixture of traditional elders, business people, and civic groups. In some urban centers, meanwhile, there emerged adjudication/arbitration centers that utilized a mixture of sharia and Somali customs (heer) to resolve disputes.

The most well-known and successful of these are the sharia courts of Mogadishu. These courts emerged within a year of the disintegration of the central government in 1991 as an expression of neighborhood residents’ desire to address the disorder and anarchy. Given the centrality of sharia to the very idea of justice and law in Somali society, the centers began to be referred to as sharia courts. The sharia courts of Mogadishu brought a certain level of security to some neighborhoods in Mogadishu throughout the 90s and early 2000s despite the opposition of warlords and militias.

Image: Chalk Four Ranger returns to base after a mission in Somalia, 1993. (Licensed under the Public Domain)

Group of soldiers

The return of large-scale violence to Somalia coincided with the next U.S. intervention. The sharia courts of Mogadishu attracted the attention of American officials in Nairobi starting in the early 2000s because of a suspicion that individuals associated with some of the sharia courts might be harboring suspects in the 1998 U.S. East African embassy bombings. To help find and capture these suspects, the CIA started funneling money to warlords in Mogadishu. This strategy backfired as the sharia courts, with the massive support of Mogadishu residents, defeated the warlords.

Whether perpetrators of the bombings were in Mogadishu or not, it was short-sighted to enlist the support of the warlords and target the sharia courts, as the State Department’s political officer for Somalia pointed out at the time, because the courts were not a homogenous entity. They were an assortment of independent adjudication centers reflecting the entire spectrum of Islamist views in Somalia. Moreover, the warlords had a terrible reputation and were disliked by the people.

When the warlords failed, the U.S. then supported an Ethiopian invasion of Mogadishu in mid-2006 that eventually disbanded the sharia courts. This invasion also backfired because it conferred legitimacy to the most radical elements within the sharia courts, thus, setting the stage for the rise of al-Shabaab and transformation of Somalia into a frontline state in the global war on terror.

These American interventions in Somalia can be critiqued from many angles, but what is often overlooked and more damaging in the long run is the impact they had on local historical processes that might have led to Somalia overcoming its protracted conflict. Every time the U.S. intervenes directly or indirectly, through local or regional proxies, it reshuffles the decks, putting an end to organic political and social processes, thus contributing to the perpetuation of the Somali conflict that is now over three decades old.

This is not to suggest that local processes of adaptation and governance will necessarily lead to a centralized government or a liberal democracy. But the presumption that this is the only way for Somalia to exit from conflict is part of the problem.


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Dr. Ibrahim is a socio-cultural anthropologist who has researched and written on Islam in Africa, particularly the Horn of Africa. His larger research interest is a focus on the historical and contemporary entanglements of religion and politics in sub-Saharan Africa.

Featured image: Michael Durant’s helicopter (Super64) heading out over Mogadishu on October 3, 1993. Super64 was the second helicopter to crash on the Battle of Mogadishu. Ranger Mike Goodale rode on this helicopter before the battle erupted. (Licensed under the Public Domain)

Another United States Invasion Scheme in Haiti

October 4th, 2023 by A.T. Freeman

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Speaking at the 78th session of the United Nations General assembly on 19 September, President Biden called on the UN Security Council to immediately authorise the planned US invasion of Haiti. This demand made by Biden from  the podium of the UN underlines how determined the US is to launch its invasion and demonstrates that the occupation of Haiti and the plundering of its resources, including its rare earth iridium deposits,  are of the utmost importance to the US corporations and the US government which represents them.

From December 1914, when US marines invaded Haiti and literally stole its gold reserves from the national bank, to 2004 when they kidnapped the elected president Jean Bertrand Aristide and 2010 when it once again sent its troops into Haiti in the aftermath of the earthquake, the USA has given Haiti no peace, invading it time and again.

The current planned US/UN invasion is no different. Despite the lying propaganda that the US and its media outlets are spreading that, allegedly, the invasion is intended to benefit the Haitian people by addressing the problem of criminal gangs in that country, its real aims are clear. In reality, the US wants to invade Haiti to shore up the Ariel Henry government that it and its Core Group put in place both of which are completely rejected by the Haitian people.

The aim is to stabilise this government, which facilitates the US plunder of the country, by suppressing the opposition of the Haitian people to it. The so-called security mission, therefore, necessitates the shedding of the Haitian people’s blood to serve the interests of the US corporations. The justification for it, that the Haitian people are ‘helpless children’ who need to be rescued from criminal gangs by a ‘white saviour’ in the form of the US and UN, reveals the deeply racist nature of the whole undertaking.

Given this situation and mindful of the fact that another outright invasion of Haiti would completely expose them, particularly in light of their endless criticism of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the US policy makers have decided that they need Black governments to front the invasion for them. This further demonstrates the deeply racist nature of this project since the sole intention is to use these Black faces for the purpose of deflecting criticism of the racist nature of the invasion.

United States Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin signs a defense pact with his Kenyan counterpart, Aden Duale, Cabinet Secretary for the Ministry of Defence.

For nearly a year, US diplomats have searched high and low for a Black government to do its dirty work, applying intense pressure to governments in the African Union [AU] and CARICOM. Eventually, William Ruto, president of Kenya, volunteered his government for the role. The treachery of Ruto is all the more galling as he hails from a country which gave the world Didan Kimathi and his heroic Land and Freedom Army  (called the Mau Mau by the British) that, arms in hand, took on the British colonialists in the struggle to achieve Kenya’s independence. Today, Ruto drags Kenya’s name in the mud by sending that country’s troops to suppress the Haitian people who also had to win their freedom by taking up arms against their European enslavers. There is no doubt that the Kenyan people will hold this traitor to account.

The US delight at Ruto’s decision was immediately obvious. President Biden publicly thanked him from the UN podium. Then the US announced that it would fund the invasion and set aside a budget of US$100 million for this purpose. It also announced that it would train the Kenyan troops and, on 25 September, it despatched its Secretary of Defence, Lloyd Austin, to Nairobi where he signed a bilateral defence co-operation agreement with Kenya. What is not yet in the public domain is what money passed hands in the dark so that Kenyan troops could be sent to Haiti to shed the blood of their brothers and sisters.

However, the treachery did not end with Ruto. On 27 September, local media reported that the Barbados government of Prime Minister Mia Mottley would also take part in the planned US/UN attack on Haiti. Mottley has styled herself as an outspoken critic of the unjust international order and defender of small island developing states, the Caribbean and Africa.  Her government’s decision to take part in this US organised racist attack on Haiti, likely coordinated by the US SouthCom and it’s Barbados based Regional Security System, exposes those claims as a complete fraud.  

There is no justification for the US to launch another racist attack on Haiti and everyone should condemn and oppose it.

No to the US/UN invasion of Haiti!

Hands off Haiti!


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US energy giant General Electric holds a vise grip over Iraqi energy matters. Since the US invasion, Iraq has spent $85 billion on its electricity sector but still faces 12-hour daily power outages. So why is GE still getting contracts it won’t fulfill?

US energy giant, General Electric’s (GE) website showcases a dazzling array of graphics, accompanied by statements from company officials, which paint a picture of a thriving partnership with Iraq. 

“GE employees across our gas power, grid, and healthcare businesses are partnering with the people of Iraq to achieve continued progress in society and improve people’s lives every day. Since 2015 we have collaborated with private and public financial institutions to help secure over US $2.4 billion in financing for energy sector projects across the country.”

However, this glossy facade is a far cry from the reality of the multinational’s actions on the ground. In truth, GE’s energy policy in Iraq mirrors the broader approach that has been adopted by the White House towards Baghdad since the tumultuous illegal US-led invasion of 2003.

Origins of Iraq’s Energy Crisis 

The energy conundrum has long been a source of concern for Iraqis. In the wake of the US occupation, corruption proliferated within state institutions, but it is the stranglehold exercised by GE – alongside Germany’s Siemens – over all matters pertaining to Iraqi energy that has exacerbated the situation.

This intricate web of control first emerged in 2003 when Washington assumed complete authority over Iraq. At that juncture, GE assumed responsibility for maintaining Iraq’s electricity infrastructure following the decision to privatize this once-government-subsidized sector.

An energy expert who represented the Iraqi government during those negotiations reveals to The Cradle that the initial maintenance contract inked between Baghdad and GE carried a staggering price tag of $5 billion. 

More astonishing is that GE had no physical presence in Baghdad at the time: “The Americans were negotiating and signing contracts in Baghdad and then returning to Amman,” says the expert. 

The genesis of Iraq’s electricity crisis can be traced back to the Persian Gulf War in 1991. The country’s strategic power plants were targeted for destruction by the US-led international coalition forces, and the US sanctions that followed thwarted any attempts at rehabilitation. This left Iraq’s infrastructure and industries in ruin and subjected its citizens to unbearable conditions during sweltering summers.

Between 2003 and 2021, Iraq poured a bewildering $85 billion into its struggling electricity sector. A former advisor to Iraq’s prime minister reveals to The Cradle that nearly half of this colossal sum was channeled into constructing gas-powered stations to generate electricity. 

The remaining funds were allocated to purchasing gas, fuel, and electricity from neighboring countries, all while shouldering the financial burden of paying salaries to a workforce of 300,000 employees in the Iraqi Ministry of Electricity.

Prolonged Power Outages

A government advisor specializing in energy affairs estimates that some $35 billion has been squandered on futile investments within the country’s electricity sector.

That sum, he contends, could have significantly advanced Iraq’s electricity production to a formidable 40 gigawatts, which would sufficiently meet the entire nation’s surging energy demands. Instead, in stark contrast with that potential, Iraq’s current electricity production now languishes at a mere 23 gigawatts, barely satisfying half of the country’s needs.

This deficiency has led to agonizingly prolonged power outages, lasting up to a grueling 12 hours each day, especially during the scorching summer months.

Iran has alleviated a big part of that burden by exporting 7.3 gigawatts of electricity to Iraq monthly, while GE, Siemens, and their affiliated companies were contracted to provide an additional 27.7 gigawatts toward reaching the coveted 35-gigawatt goal.

That target has never been reached. Instead, Baghdad has had to continue relying on Iranian supply, and currently covers those costs through an account held with the Iraqi TBI Bank on behalf of the Iranian government. However, relentless US pressure on Iraq during sanction-exemption negotiations has placed Iraqi officials in a difficult position, forcing them to reduce payments to Tehran.

The GE vs. Siemens Showdown

In the meantime, despite their non-performance in Iraq’s electricity sector, General Electric and Siemens continue to face off in fierce battles for yet more contracts. A high-ranking Iraqi official tells The Cradle that this fight goes right to the top:

“This issue was the first point raised by western officials in their meetings and communications with their Iraqi counterparts. All American presidents raise the issue of General Electric contracts. Siemens contracts were the focus of any contact that [former] German Chancellor Angela Merkel had with any Iraqi official. We were feeling tremendous pressure, and the prime Minister was confused about how to deal with this file.”

Back in 2008, Siemens had inked a substantial $1.9 billion contract with the Iraqi government to equip five new power stations with gas turbines capable of generating 3.19 gigawatts of electricity. This contract, alongside a $2.8 billion contract with GE the same year, was supposed to help solve the electricity crisis in Iraq. 

But for well over a decade, neither conglomerate has delivered that full potential. Citing sanctions on Iran, Siemens delayed its supply of turbines to Iranian, Egyptian, and South Korean companies that Baghdad had commissioned to build power stations in Basra, Kirkuk, and eastern Baghdad.

For its part, GE simply ignored its contract specifications to provide heavy water and multi-fuel turbines, sending Iraq gas-only turbines instead, and then to add insult to injury, nabbed themselves extended maintenance contracts. 

The American energy giant has also long-exploited Washington’s overwhelming political and military leverage over Iraq to stymie Siemens’ ambitions. In 2008, GE secured a $2.8 billion contract to supply Iraq with 56 gas turbines capable of generating 7 gigawatts, but it took four long years to deliver the goods to Iraq.

A $4.1 billion contract to install the turbines at various Iraqi stations had to be implemented by Turkish companies instead, adding to the litany of GE missteps.

The story doesn’t end there:  Not only were GE’s turbines unable to operate on Iraqi gas, which then required chemical treatment to adapt to them, but it turns out the turbines were also incompatible with Iraq’s high temperatures, causing a spike in malfunctions. An example of the company’s shoddy performance can be seen at Al-Muthanna plant in southern Iraq, where six out of ten GE turbines are currently out of service. 

Despite these avoidable failures, GE then obtained a $700 million contract to operate a power plant in the southern governorate of Dhi Qar. True to form, six years later, it still hadn’t done the required work. 

The irrationality continues. Early this year, the Iraqi government signed yet another memorandum of understanding with Siemens to produce 6 gigawatts of electricity from associated petroleum gas (APG) in order to maintain turbines, establish transmission stations, and train Iraqi teams.

Foreign Exploitation, Domestic Corruption 

The situation is bleak: after two decades, numerous contracts, and tens of billions of dollars spent, Iraq still falls short of acquiring more than a third of its electric power requirements. 

One of the primary reasons for this abject failure lies in the manipulation of contracts’ post-approval by Iraq’s Council of Ministers. This is when powerful corporations move in to rejig clauses and appendices that grant them additional extensions without having to face penalty clauses.

As one senior Iraqi official tells The Cradle, “the problem is political” and its solution is elusive. “More than $100 billion has been spent to solve Iraq’s electricity crisis, and the spending continues to no avail,” in part because of the lack of political resolve from politicians to tackle hard problems face on:

“The crisis will not be resolved if the tariff price is not adjusted. One kilowatt costs the state treasury 10 cents and is sold for 1 cent at best, while politicians promise their voters a further reduction in the price of electric energy without any scientific basis.”

Too many Iraqi politicians fear confrontation with an unforgiving Washington that knows Iraq’s most vulnerable pressure points. 

Despite the overwhelming evidence that Iraq’s energy crisis has been caused by domestic corruption and ineptitude – and western corporations who have exploited those weaknesses – the cognitive dissonance continues to snowball. Some politicians and commentators have even gone so far as to blame Iraq’s energy crisis on its reliance on imported Iranian gas, holding Tehran and its allies in Baghdad responsible for the sector’s collapse. 

While western companies have undoubtedly and significantly played a role in Iraq’s energy crisis, Iraqis must absolutely assume the responsibility for not having negotiated contracts with companies like GE and Siemens to demand tangible, timely, and measurable results. 


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“When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men in a society, over the course of time they create for themselves a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it.” ― Frédéric Bastiat, French economist

Pay no heed to the circus politics coming out of Washington DC. It’s just more of the same grandstanding by tone-deaf politicians oblivious to the plight of the citizenry.

Don’t allow yourselves to be distracted by the competing news headlines cataloging the antics of the ruling classes. While they are full of sound and fury, they are utterly lacking in substance.

Tune out the blaring noise of meaningless babble. It is intended to drown out the very real menace of a government which is consumed with squeezing every last penny out of the population.

Focus instead on the steady march of the police state at both the national, state and local levels, and the essential freedoms that are being trampled underfoot in its single-minded pursuit of power.

While the overt and costly signs of the despotism exercised by the increasingly authoritarian regime that passes itself off as the United States government are all around us—warrantless surveillance of Americans’ private phone and email conversations by the FBI, NSA, etc.; SWAT team raids of Americans’ homes; shootings of unarmed citizens by police; harsh punishments meted out to schoolchildren in the name of zero tolerance; drones taking to the skies domestically; endless wars; out-of-control spending; militarized police; roadside strip searches; privatized prisons with a profit incentive for jailing Americans; fusion centers that collect and disseminate data on Americans’ private transactions; and militarized agencies with stockpiles of ammunition, to name some of the most appalling—you rarely hear anything about them from the politicians, the corporations or the news media.

So what’s behind the blackout of real news?

Surely, if properly disclosed and consistently reported on, the sheer volume of the government’s activities, which undermine the Constitution and dance close to the edge of outright illegality, would give rise to a sea change in how business is conducted in our seats of power.

Yet when we’re being bombarded with wall-to-wall news coverage and news cycles that change every few days, it’s difficult to stay focused on one thing—namely, holding the government accountable to abiding by the rule of law—and the powers-that-be understand this.

As with most things, if you want to know the real motives behind any government program, follow the money trail.

When you dig down far enough, you quickly find that those who profit from Americans being surveilled, fined, scanned, searched, probed, tasered, arrested and imprisoned are none other than the police who arrest them, the courts which try them, the prisons which incarcerate them, and the corporations, which manufacture the weapons, equipment and prisons used by the American police state.

These injustices, petty tyrannies and overt acts of hostility are being carried out in the name of the national good—against the interests of individuals, society and ultimately our freedoms—by an elite class of government officials working in partnership with megacorporations that are largely insulated from the ill effects of their actions.

Everywhere you go, everything you do, and every which way you look, we’re getting swindled, cheated, conned, robbed, raided, pickpocketed, mugged, deceived, defrauded, double-crossed and fleeced by governmental and corporate shareholders of the American police state out to make a profit at taxpayer expense.

Not only are Americans forced to spend more on taxes than the annual financial burdens of food, education and clothing combined, but we’re also being played as easy marks by hustlers bearing the imprimatur of the government.

Examples of this legalized, profits-over-people, government-sanctioned extortion abound.

On the roads: Not satisfied with merely padding their budgets by issuing speeding tickets, police departments have turned to asset forfeiture and speeding and red light camera schemes as a means of growing their profits. Despite revelations of corruption, collusion and fraud, these money-making scams have been being inflicted on unsuspecting drivers by revenue-hungry municipalities. Now legislators are hoping to get in on the profit sharing by imposing a vehicle miles-traveled tax, which would charge drivers for each mile behind the wheel.

In the prisons: States now have quotas to meet for how many Americans go to jail. Increasing numbers of states have contracted to keep their prisons at 90% to 100% capacity. This profit-driven form of mass punishment has, in turn, given rise to a $70 billion private prison industry that relies on the complicity of state governments to keep the money flowing and their privately run prisons full, “regardless of whether crime was rising or falling.” As Mother Jones reports, “private prison companies have supported and helped write … laws that drive up prison populations. Their livelihoods depend on towns, cities, and states sending more people to prison and keeping them there.” Private prisons are also doling out harsher punishments for infractions by inmates in order to keep them locked up longer in order to “boost profits” at taxpayer expense. All the while, prisoners are being forced to provide cheap labor for private corporations. No wonder the United States has one of the largest prison populations in the world.

In the schools: The public schools have become a microcosm of the total surveillance state which currently dominates America, adopting a host of surveillance technologies, including video cameras, finger and palm scanners, iris scanners, as well as RFID and GPS tracking devices, to keep constant watch over their student bodies. Likewise, the military industrial complex with its military weapons, metal detectors, and weapons of compliance such as tasers has succeeded in transforming the schools—at great taxpayer expense and personal profit—into quasi-prisons. Rounding things out are school truancy laws, which come disguised as well-meaning attempts to resolve attendance issues in the schools but in truth are nothing less than stealth maneuvers aimed at enriching school districts and court systems alike through excessive fines and jail sentences for “unauthorized” absences. Curiously, none of these efforts seem to have succeeded in making the schools any safer.

In the endless wars abroad: Fueled by the profit-driven military industrial complex, the government’s endless wars are wreaking havoc on our communities, our budget and our police forces. Having been co-opted by greedy defense contractors, corrupt politicians and incompetent government officials, America’s expanding military empire is bleeding the country dry at a rate of more than $93 million per hour. Future wars and military exercises waged around the globe are expected to push the total bill upwards of $12 trillion by 2053.  Talk about fiscally irresponsible: the U.S. government is spending money it doesn’t have on a military empire it can’t afford. War spending is bankrupting America.

In the form of militarized police: The Department of Homeland Security routinely hands out six-figure grants to enable local municipalities to purchase military-style vehicles, as well as a veritable war chest of weaponry, ranging from tactical vests, bomb-disarming robots, assault weapons and combat uniforms. This rise in military equipment purchases funded by the DHS has, according to analysts Andrew Becker and G.W. Schulz, “paralleled an apparent increase in local SWAT teams.” The end result? An explosive growth in the use of SWAT teams for otherwise routine police matters, an increased tendency on the part of police to shoot first and ask questions later, and an overall mindset within police forces that they are at war—and the citizenry are the enemy combatants. Over 80,000 SWAT team raids are conducted on American homes and businesses each year. Moreover, government-funded military-style training drills continue to take place in cities across the country.

In profit-driven schemes such as asset forfeiture: Under the guise of fighting the war on drugs, government agents (usually the police) have been given broad leeway to seize billions of dollars’ worth of private property (money, cars, TVs, etc.) they “suspect” may be connected to criminal activity. Then—and here’s the kicker—whether or not any crime is actually proven to have taken place, the government keeps the citizen’s property, often divvying it up with the local police who did the initial seizure. The police have actually being trained in seminars on how to seize the “goodies” that are on police departments’ wish lists. According to the New York Times, seized monies have been used by police to “pay for sports tickets, office parties, a home security system and a $90,000 sports car.”

By the security industrial complex: We’re being spied on by a domestic army of government snitches, spies and techno-warriors. In the so-called name of “precrime,” this government of Peeping Toms is watching everything we do, reading everything we write, listening to everything we say, and monitoring everything we spend. Beware of what you say, what you read, what you write, where you go, and with whom you communicate, because it is all being recorded, stored, and catalogued, and will be used against you eventually, at a time and place of the government’s choosing. This far-reaching surveillance, carried out with the complicity of the Corporate State, has paved the way for an omnipresent, militarized fourth branch of government—the Surveillance State—that came into being without any electoral mandate or constitutional referendum. That doesn’t even touch on the government’s bold forays into biometric surveillance as a means of identifying and tracking the American people from birth to death.

By a government addicted to power: It’s a given that you can always count on the government to take advantage of a crisis, legitimate or manufactured. Emboldened by the citizenry’s inattention and willingness to tolerate its abuses, the government has weaponized one national crisis after another in order to expand its powers. The war on terror, the war on drugs, the war on illegal immigration, asset forfeiture schemes, road safety schemes, school safety schemes, eminent domain: all of these programs started out as legitimate responses to pressing concerns and have since become weapons of compliance and control in the police state’s hands. Now that the government has gotten a taste for flexing its police state powers by way of a bevy of COVID-19 lockdowns, mandates, restrictions, contact tracing programs, heightened surveillance, censorship, overcriminalization, etc., “we the people” may well find ourselves burdened with a Nanny State inclined to use its draconian pandemic powers to protect us from ourselves.

This perverse mixture of government authoritarianism and corporate profits has increased the reach of the state into our private lives while also adding a profit motive into the mix. And, as always, it’s we the people, we the taxpayers, we the gullible voters who keep getting taken for a ride by politicians eager to promise us the world on a plate.

This is a far cry from how a representative government is supposed to operate.

Indeed, it has been a long time since we could claim to be the masters of our own lives. Rather, we are now the subjects of a militarized, corporate empire in which the vast majority of the citizenry work their hands to the bone for the benefit of a privileged few.

Adding injury to the ongoing insult of having our tax dollars misused and our so-called representatives bought and paid for by the moneyed elite, the government then turns around and uses the money we earn with our blood, sweat and tears to target, imprison and entrap us, in the form of militarized police, surveillance cameras, private prisons, license plate readers, drones, and cell phone tracking technology.

With every new tax, fine, fee and law adopted by our so-called representatives, the yoke around the neck of the average American seems to tighten just a little bit more.

All of those nefarious deeds by government officials that you hear about every day: those are your tax dollars at work.

It’s your money that allows for government agents to spy on your emails, your phone calls, your text messages, and your movements. It’s your money that allows out-of-control police officers to burst into innocent people’s homes, or probe and strip search motorists on the side of the road. And it’s your money that leads to Americans across the country being prosecuted for innocuous activities such as growing vegetable gardens in their front yards or daring to speak their truth to their elected officials.

As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, this is not freedom, America.


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This article was originally published on The Rutherford Institute.

Constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead is founder and president of The Rutherford Institute. His most recent books are the best-selling Battlefield America: The War on the American People, the award-winning A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State, and a debut dystopian fiction novel, The Erik Blair Diaries. Whitehead can be contacted at [email protected].

Nisha Whitehead is the Executive Director of The Rutherford Institute. Information about The Rutherford Institute is available at www.rutherford.org.

They are regular contributors to Global Research.

Featured image is from The Crux

The Childhood Vaccination Schedule. Overview and Analysis

October 4th, 2023 by Health Freedom Defense Fund

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As more vaccines are added to the US childhood immunization schedule, it’s imperative that there be a broader public discussion about the prominence of vaccination in public health policy as well as a forthright assessment of the benefits conveyed and the risks involved.

Though vaccines are viewed as vital to the short-term and long-term health of children, asking exploratory questions, debating pros and cons, and engaging in a comprehensive analysis of vaccines are conversations considered off-limits by the mainstream medical establishment.

In the conventional narrative, it is accepted as an article of faith that vaccines are miraculous discoveries responsible for disease eradication and are the most important medical product for disease prevention.

Indeed, today’s pediatricians treat the promotion and implementation of the childhood immunization program as their primary duty.

It is widely believed that if we stopped—or even reduced the number of—vaccinations of children, we would be reverting to the Dark Ages. Any individual who challenges vaccine orthodoxy is regarded as a heretic.

Yet, despite this deeply ingrained belief system, a growing number of parents and health advocates are beginning to openly address concerns that have been swept under the rug for years:

  • Are all of these required vaccines and doses really necessary?
  • Are all of the vaccines safe?
  • Are the diseases that the vaccines are designed to prevent truly diseases of concern?
  • When scrutinized, does the claim that vaccines are responsible for reductions in disease, disability, and death from a variety of infectious diseases fit with the facts?
  • Why has there been such a marked increase in the number of vaccines added to the childhood schedule?
  • Has this escalating vaccine program produced an accompanying improvement in health outcomes?
  • What happens if a child doesn’t receive all of the scheduled vaccines?
  • What happens to a child who receives no vaccines—and remains unvaccinated throughout childhood?

Parents need to be able to freely ask these questions and more. And they deserve transparent, fact-based, comprehensive answers.

The information we will present in this series is publicly available. Yet it is not permitted a place in the public discourse. Instead, the pharmaceutical and biotechnology manufacturers of vaccines, the medical profession, the regulatory bodies, and a compromised media apparatus have conspired to create a mystique around vaccines and to persuade the public that vaccines are the holiest of all medicinal products.

To counteract this institutional programming, we are embarking upon a series of articles that will take a close look at each and every one of the vaccines on the childhood schedule and the diseases they are designed to prevent.

Part 1 begins with an overview of the US Childhood Immunization Schedule. Then it takes an in-depth look at the initial shot given to infants on the first day of life—the hepatitis B vaccine.


The United States Childhood Immunization Schedule: An Overview

In the past few decades, the childhood vaccine schedule in the United States has exploded into what is now the most aggressive vaccination schedule in the world. It wasn’t always this way. Most Americans who are today’s “baby boomers” likely had only two or three vaccinations—polio, smallpox and DTP—and never more than one shot—one dose of a single vaccine—per visit.

With the recent addition of the Covid-19 vaccines to the childhood schedule, the number of recommended injections between day one and the age of eighteen has ballooned to 72 injections of 90 antigens. Though this regimen constitutes the full immunization schedule in 2023, it will soon be outdone by even more doses of more antigens, if history is any guide.

To understand how this veritable cocktail came into being, we need to know the history of how we got here.

The first vaccine mandate in the United States was enacted in Massachusetts in 1810. It was meant to ward off smallpox. The legislation behind it was essentially an ad hoc law that gave local health boards the authority to require vaccination.

The first public school mandate was issued in Massachusetts in the 1850s. At that time, just as in 1810, the only vaccine of interest was for smallpox. By the end of the 1800s, most of the six New England states had smallpox vaccine requirements for children attending public schools.

Image: Doses of oral polio vaccine are added to sugar cubes for use in a 1967 vaccination campaign in Bonn, West Germany (Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 de)


The next significant stride in vaccine recommendations and requirements for children would arrive a century later—in 1954, to be exact, when attention was focused on the polio vaccine developed by Jonas Salk.

By 1955, the polio vaccine was fully licensed. Through the Polio Vaccine Assistance Act, Congress appropriated funds to provide federal grants to states to purchase the vaccine and to defray the cost of planning and conducting vaccination programs.

This Act would become the template for using federal funds to cover various costs of vaccine programs in all the states. Not surprisingly, it also provided the impetus for a mass inoculation campaign for polio.

At this time, there were no codified mechanisms to mandate vaccine uptake. Doctors’ recommendations were considered just that—simply guidance, with no strict obligation or enforcement powers.

The 1962 Vaccine Assistance Act established a permanent mechanism to provide ongoing financial support to state and local health departments. This Act permitted the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to appropriate federal funds for the provision of vaccines and established an advisory group to assist in managing vaccination programs.

To this day, the 1962 Act remains one of the most important mechanisms for aligning local and state health department immunization activities with federal funds to deliver vaccines to children.

In 1964, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) was created under the US Public Health Service. Its mission was to review the science and efficacy of vaccines given to children and to make recommendations on when those vaccines should be administered and at what ages.

The 1960s and 1970s saw a wave of new vaccines hit the market. A second type of polio vaccine was developed, as was the first hepatitis B vaccine. The measles vaccine started out as a single vaccine but then was combined with the mumps and rubella vaccines to create the MMR vaccine.

Paralleling the increase in the volume of vaccines in the US was the creation of global immunization programs. In 1974, the Geneva-based World Health Organization (WHO) established the Expanded Programme on Immunization, which was designed to “strengthen vaccine programmes, supply, and delivery, and ensure universal access to all relevant vaccines for all populations across the life course.”

These changes radically altered the business landscape of vaccine manufacturing. What was once a cottage industry of small pharmaceutical companies, individual researchers, and physician-scientists evolved into the mega-corporations that exist today.

By 1977, the US government had set up the Childhood Immunization Initiative. Its purpose was to increase childhood vaccination rates and immunize against seven diseases (diphtheria, measles, mumps, pertussis, poliomyelitis, rubella, tetanus) for which vaccines had been developed. Thus began the process by which all 50 states would adopt mandatory school vaccinations.

In the 1980s, vaccines against the hepatitis B virus (HBV), haemophilus influenzae type b, and pneumococcal disease were recommended for children at different ages. By 1983, the number of recommended injections had increased to 23 doses of seven vaccines for children between day one and age six.

In 1986, the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act created a system of passive and active surveillance for cases of adverse reactions to vaccines as well as a mechanism to compensate any persons injured by vaccines.

With the passage of the 1986 Act and its implementation in 1988, a liability shield for vaccine-makers was created. On the heels of the 1986 Act, the number of vaccines placed on the CDC schedule began to escalate dramatically.

As the list of available vaccines grew, local and state health boards had differing opinions on when to give vaccines, on which children should get them, and on how many vaccines should be given.

In order to standardize vaccine uptake, the first “harmonized” childhood immunization schedule was issued in 1995 by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), and the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP). This single schedule combined the recommendations of all three national groups.

The initial schedule included diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, measles, mumps, rubella, polio (oral), haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib), and hepatitis B (HepB) vaccines. (The DTP is a combination vaccine for diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis. The MMR is a combination vaccine for measles, mumps, rubella.)

Since then, the schedule has been adjusted whenever a new vaccine is developed or whenever an old vaccine is taken off the market or whenever the risk profile for children changes.

Today, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL), all 50 states have legislation requiring specific vaccines for students. Medical, religious, and philosophical exemptions from vaccines vary from state to state, as laws are added or altered by state legislators.

These laws apply not only to children attending public schools but also to those attending private schools and day care facilities.

Currently, 45 states and Washington, D.C., grant religious exemptions to parents who have religious objections to immunizations, and 15 states allow for philosophical exemptions.

As of 2021, five states (California, Connecticut, Maine, New York, and West Virginia) no longer allow religious or philosophical exemptions from vaccination requirements.

School immunization laws in all 50 states grant exemptions for medical reasons.

NCSL literature makes the point that the laws and regulations on vaccine requirements in all 50 states and DC follow the vaccine schedule set forth by CDC.

It’s hard to keep track of the upward trajectory of the childhood vaccine schedule. Suffice it to say that in pre-pandemic 2019, the full CDC schedule called for 54 injections of 72 antigens between birth and the age of eighteen. And, not surprisingly, now Covid vaccines have been placed on the child immunization schedule.

This dizzying array of injections begins on a child’s first day of life with the hepatitis B (HepB) vaccine.


The Disease Hepatitis B: A Case Study in Manufacturing Public Perception

The first question every new parent who seeks information on childhood vaccines should ask is, “Does my child really need a vaccine for hepatitis B—and especially on the first day of life?”

Given the low risk of newborns acquiring the HepB infection and the ease with which pregnant mothers can be screened, it’s fair to ask why the HepB vaccine is recommended for newborns.

Before arriving at that answer, let’s look at how the disease called hepatitis B (HBV) was transformed from a relatively obscure condition that impacted a limited population into a perceived widespread public health predicament.

The conventional characterization of hepatitis B is as a type of viral hepatitis that causes acute and chronic liver infection. It is generally accepted that the requirement for contracting this disease is direct contact with infected blood or other body fluids. These are transmission routes that by any standard pose little to no risk to infants.

That description is how public health officials characterized the disease when the hepatitis B vaccine (HepB) initially gained approval in 1981. Back then and still today, the CDC’s own Fact Sheet on the disease hepatitis B does not include “all newborns” as a risk group!

Here is the list of hepatitis B risk groups: “injection drug users, homosexual men, sexually active heterosexuals, infant/children of immigrants from disease-endemic areas, sexual/household contacts of infected persons, infants born to infected mothers, health care workers and hemodialysis patients.”

What was it that changed the CDC’s 1982 vaccine recommendation, which targeted only the small, “at-risk” population exposed to hepatitis B, into a set of more aggressive policies that would result in the 1991 recommendation that all infants get three doses of HBV between birth and 18 months of age?

Furthermore, how did the HepB vaccine become compulsory for all school children in 47 states by the year 2000? This recommendation was issued despite the CDC’s admission of lack of proof that HBV is transmitted in a school setting.

The answer to this anomaly lies in how the public’s perception of hepatitis B has been radically altered through orchestrated media messaging and deliberately provocative depictions of the disease by industry and public health officials.

Notably, the change in the image of the disease came immediately after the  development, licensure, and 1981 introduction of the vaccine.

In the late 1970s, prior to the approval of the vaccine, hepatitis B was a disease that had little to no relevance to most Americans and was nowhere to be found on the media radar. Indeed, before the HepB vaccine was developed and marketed, most Americans had little reason to view the disease as a threat to their health or to the health of their children.

New cases of hepatitis B were quite low in the 1970s. They began to rise in the 1980s, concurrent with the AIDS crisis, then began to fall again in the 1990s.

By its own admission, the CDC attributed the 1990s decline to “reduction of transmission among men who have sex with men and injection drug users, as a result of HIV prevention efforts.”

Throughout the 1980s and 1990s, hepatitis B acquired an even more public image. The advent of the AIDS crisis in the early 1980s, the development of genetically engineered pharmaceuticals in the late 1980s, and the political push for health reform in the early 1990s all led to changes in how hepatitis B was presented to Americans.

The media, medical and scientific community all contributed to altering the image of hepatitis B throughout that period.

Media outlets would often conflate the hepatitis B virus (HBV) with HIV/AIDS in order to arouse public interest in this once-obscure disease and induce fear of it. Provocative headlines and stories began to surface with claims that hepatitis B was similar to HIV and possibly worse.

The historical medical view of hepatitis B as a disease impacting only a narrow subset of the population was gradually replaced by hysterical media representations that anyone could be at risk of it.

In an article, “Do We Really Need Hepatitis B on the Second Day of Life? Vaccination Mandates and Shifting Representations of Hepatitis B,” history of health sciences professor Elena Conis chronicles some of this history:

Outlets from the Philadelphia Tribune to Good Housekeeping reported that a third of people with the disease were not in any of the known risk groups. Redbook warned readers that hepatitis was “spreading fast,” and the Boston Globe noted that hepatitis was spread by sharing gum, food, toothbrushes, and razors and by body piercing. New York magazine, in a feature titled, “The Other Plague,” recounted the stories of a young woman who contracted a fatal case by getting her ears pierced, a young man who was infected when mugged at knife-point, and a woman infected at a nail salon. Frequent mention of the prevalence of asymptomatic carriers heightened the sense of an immediate health threat: in the words of the New York magazine reporter, anyone could be one of the U.S.’s 1.5 million “Typhoid Marys,” unwittingly transmitting hepatitis B to people unaware of their risk.

Screenshot of the NCBI article

Such media reports citing hepatitis B disease statistics normally originated with statements made by officials at the CDC.

Most of the inflated disease statistics were generated in the very same ACIP Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) that called for mass vaccination with the hepatitis B (HepB) vaccine.

In that report, the CDC stated that there are an “estimated 1 million–1.25 million persons with chronic hepatitis B infection in the United States,” that “each year approximately 4,000–5,000 of these persons die from chronic liver disease,” and that “an estimated 200,000–300,000 new [hepatitis B] infections occurred annually during the period 1980–1991.”

To generate those statistics, the CDC, in a move at best considered duplicitous, circled back on itself, citing an MMWR 1990 report as the basis for its claims. Nowhere in either report were scientific references used to support those claims.

Despite the media campaign, uptake for the HepB vaccine was not rising to desired levels. Vaccination of high-risk adults was proving to be difficult, to put it mildly. Their hesitation led to a more systematic strategy at the national level.

In September 1991, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) developed and codified a national program for the HepB vaccine: Hepatitis B Virus: A Comprehensive Strategy for Eliminating Transmission in the United States Through Universal Childhood Vaccination.

In 1992, the WHO followed suit, recommending that “all infants should receive their first dose of hepatitis B vaccine as soon as possible after birth, preferably within 24 hours, even in countries where hepatitis B virus is of low endemicity.”

Acknowledging children were not in the at-risk group for the disease, the ACIP committee lamented that “HBV transmission cannot be prevented through vaccinating only the groups at high risk of infection.” [Emphasis added.]

Using this rationale, ACIP declared a blanket vaccination policy for all newborns—”a comprehensive strategy to prevent HBV infection, acute hepatitis B, and the sequelae of HBV infection in the United States.”

Interestingly, a CDC official admitted in a June 11, 1991, Boston Globe article titled, “U.S. To Urge All Children Be Vaccinated for Hepatitis B”: “We do not feel that targeting adults for vaccination has worked. This will be the first time that a vaccine is recommended for children to prevent a disease that primarily occurs in adults.”

Michael Belkin, the father of a five-week-old baby who died 15 hours after receiving a hepatitis B booster, summed up the situation in his testimony before Congress:

So in the CDC and ACIP’s own words, almost every newborn US baby is now greeted on its entry into the world by a vaccine injection against a sexually transmitted disease for which the baby is not at risk—because they couldn’t get the junkies, prostitutes, homosexuals and promiscuous heterosexuals to take the vaccine.

Bluntly put, the CDC effectuated a comprehensive, compulsory hepatitis B vaccine program for every child in the US simply because the initial target population of drug addicts and homosexuals was not keen to accept the shot.


The Hepatitis B Vaccine Clinical Trials: The Devil’s in the Details

It is a near-certainty that few physicians, when presented with a vaccine under clinical trial, bother to study the fine print found on its package insert. Rarely will a pediatrician or any other physician initiate a conversation with a patient or parent about what those trials entailed or what ingredients and possible adverse effects the package insert reveals.

Yet the clinical trial is exactly the first place a medical professional should go to get a clear picture of the safety profile for any vaccine.

Image is from India Mart

Engerix-B Vaccine, for Hospital

In 2017, the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) received a tip from a supporter that the clinical trials used by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to license the two children’s hepatitis B vaccines, Engerix-B and Recombivax HB, had reviewed safety data for only a few days after injection. This information was readily available on the package inserts.

ICAN attorneys were so stunned by this revelation that they assumed the supporter was making false claims. Upon reviewing the package inserts for both vaccines, however, ICAN found the claims to be true.

The package insert for GlaxoSmithKline’s Energix-B vaccine, approved in 1989, acknowledges that the subjects were monitored for only four days after administration of the vaccine. By any standard, four days of post-injection data is inadequate to assure a product’s safety. As noted by ICAN, “[T]he safety review period in a clinical trial for a vaccine given to babies and toddlers should be longer, since autoimmune, neurological, and developmental disorders will often not be diagnosed until after babies are at least a few years old.”

A 2019 study authored by researchers at the FDA and Duke University confirmed ICAN’s position. They contended that, compared to the licensing time period for adults, “data on drug efficacy and safety in children may require an additional 6 years.”

Another troubling facet of GSK’s pre-licensure clinical trials is that Engerix-B was administered to 5,071 healthy adults and children. Yet nowhere is there a list showing how many of the 13,495 doses of Engerix-B administered in 36 clinical trials were to adults, how many to children, and how many to infants. Without knowing the number of subjects within each age group, the results of these trials are uninterpretable with respect to the risks of vaccinating infants.

While the trials for Energix-B were certainly less than rigorous, the pre-licensure trials for Merck’s Recombivax HB vaccine might hold the dubious distinction of being the most unscrupulous and underpowered trials in the annals of the pharmaceutical industry.

In only three clinical studies, 434 doses of RECOMBIVAX HB, 5 mcg, were administered to only 147 healthy infants and children (up to 10 years of age), who were monitored for a mere five days after each dose.

Along with the fact that 147 subjects is a grossly insufficient number upon which to base any determination on vaccine safety, the ages of the trial participants are anybody’s guess. How many infants were in the study? Was there even a single newborn in the study?

Additionally, as is the case with virtually all vaccine clinical trials, neither of these two hepatitis B trials used a proper randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial.

Beyond the untrustworthy nature of the composition and execution of these trials there is also the nagging problem with the difference between the noted outcomes of the clinical trials versus the post-marketing experience.

In the clinical trials, effects are only studied for a few days immediately following vaccination (with no true placebo), and only minor adverse reactions such as irritability, fever, diarrhea, fatigue/weakness and injection-site pain are mentioned.

But in the “post-marketing data,” which means post-approval injections in the general population, a laundry list of more serious adverse reactions such as Guillain-Barré syndrome, multiple sclerosis, encephalitis, thrombocytopenia, meningitis, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, tachycardia and many more are reported.

This is one of the elemental tricks the pharmaceutical industry uses to conceal the nature and extent of injuries that may be attributable to the shots.

More serious adverse reactions are swept under the rug by asserting that “no causal link has been established” between the injection and these reactions.

In the trials, subjects are observed for only a few days and nothing is ever found to cause concern.

But when the general public starts reporting real-world, serious adverse events, these are dismissed, and no long-term studies are done that could establish a causal relationship between the shot and the adverse-events reporting.

In a nine-hour deposition, ICAN lead attorney Aaron Siri brought these many problems to the attention of Stanley Plotkin, the “Godfather of Vaccines” who authored what is considered the bible on vaccines.

In the deposition, Siri got Plotkin to admit that the hepatitis B vaccine (given to babies on their first day of life) has not had an adequate safety study:

  • Aaron Siri: “How long does it say that safety was monitored after each dose?”
  • Dr. Stanley Plotkin: “Five days.”
  • Siri: “Is that long enough to detect an autoimmune issue that arises after five days?”
  • Plotkin: “No.”
  • Siri: “Was there any control group in this trial?”
  • Dr. Plotkin, who had just argued that control groups are essential to gauge cause and effect, answered, “It does not mention any control group, no.”

Based on the weight of that testimony, ICAN is currently petitioning the FDA to withdraw the licensure of the hepatitis B vaccines and asserting that they should never have been approved.

Given that the utility of the Hep B vaccine for toddlers is unsubstantiated and that the clinical trials are at best problematic, it would seem incumbent upon the manufacturers to at least provide ironclad evidence for the safety of these products.

So, do they provide ironclad evidence of safety?

The data reveal otherwise.


Dangers of the Hepatitis B Vaccine: An Open Secret

In the first months of life, a child’s brain and biological systems are at critical stages of development. Throughout pregnancy, parents are typically bombarded with directives from their physician, who warns them that a multitude of vaccinations will be essential to protect their child from the impending torrent of infectious diseases.

In addition to the medical stipulations given by their pediatrician, parents are made to understand that they will be faced with mandates for daycare and schooling as well as ever-present societal pressures. The combination of these forces creates a climate of fear and coercion intended to bring about automatic compliance with the childhood immunization schedule.

Little to no information about vaccines is volunteered during most pediatric visits. Parents are expected to obediently trust their physician and place their faith in a medical system that assiduously claims vaccinations are necessary, safe, and effective. Questions challenging the utility and safety of a vaccine are typically discouraged and dismissed.

In the United States, the journey into this world of mass vaccination begins on the day of birth with the hepatitis B vaccine.

To the extent that hepatitis B is a danger to anyone, that risk is understood to be through sexual contact or sharing needles. A sexually transmitted risk or a needle-exchange risk means there is virtually no chance of hepatitis B infection for infants, which calls into question the fundamental rationale for this vaccine.

Less than one percent of all hepatitis B cases occur in children under 15 years old. In North America, Europe, and Australia, a mere one-tenth of one percent are said to be carriers. Of adults infected, 90–95% clear the virus on their own, without intervention.

While it is thought that infants born to mothers who are infected with hepatitis B carry a greater risk of contracting the disease, pregnant women can easily be screened and found positive or negative.

Given the low risk of hepatitis B infection for infants and young children, we have to ask, “Is this vaccine worth the potential risk of neurodevelopmental disorders or other adverse impacts associated with this vaccine?”

The answer to that question can be found by first answering the most important question for any medical product: Is it safe?

From the earliest days of development and production, safety concerns have dogged the various iterations of the hepatitis B vaccine.

Image: This media was obtained from the Smithsonian Institution.

Recombivax HB - Hepatitis B Vaccine (Recombinant), MSD - 1 mL Vial | National Museum of American History

The original version, Heptavax B, manufactured by Merck Sharp & Dolme and approved by the FDA in 1981, was unlike previous vaccines in that it contained inactivated virus collected from plasma of HepB-infected donors rather than live, weakened virus or killed, denatured virus.

Prolific vaccinologist Maurice Hilleman hypothesized that he could make a HepB vaccine by injecting patients with hepatitis B surface protein using three treatments of blood serum, together with rigorous filtration. To obtain the necessary plasma, Hilleman collected blood from gay men and intravenous drug users—groups said to be at risk for viral hepatitis.

Hilleman believed that after vaccination, the body’s immune system would recognize the surface proteins as foreign and manufacture specific antibodies that would destroy these proteins. His theory was that if, post-vaccination, the patient were infected with HBV, the immune system would produce protective antibodies that would destroy the viruses.

On November 16, 1981, CBS Evening News reporter Dan Rather touted Hilleman’s vaccine as the “first completely new viral vaccine in ten years” and hailed it as “the first vaccine ever licensed in the United States that is made directly from human blood.”

Though lauded as a revolutionary medical achievement at the time, the original plasma-derived HepB vaccinewas not intended for widespread use in the US. For one thing, liver cancer was still relatively uncommon in the US. For another, the cost of the vaccine was regarded as prohibitive.

Excitement surrounding this novel plasma vaccine soon dissipated due to a public relations problem. It came to light that the clinical trials that tested the vaccine in the 1970s had included only gay men who had been identified as being at high risk of the infection.

The approval of the serum-derived vaccine coincided with the AIDS crisis, which heightened concerns over the safety of using potentially contaminated human serum in vaccines for fear of transmitting live HBV or other blood-borne pathogens.

Specifically, since gay men and injection drug users were frequent blood donors for the vaccine, the concern was that blood plasma could be infected and the vaccine itself could become a carrier for HIV/AIDS.

Unease over potential contamination with human viruses led to the 1986 introduction of a second hepatitis B vaccine, Recombivax-HB. This new type of vaccine, known as a recombinant vaccine, was the first vaccine produced using recombinant DNA technology. Like Heptavax B, Recombivax-HB was manufactured by Merck Sharp & Dolme.

The creation of this new type of vaccine entailed inserting the gene of the HepB virus protein envelope into yeast cells, eliminating the risk of viral contamination from using human serum to produce the vaccine.

Frank E. Young, FDA Commissioner at the time, heralded this development as yet another medical marvel, declaring, “This vaccine opens up a whole new era of vaccine production. These techniques should be able to be extended to any virus or parasite to produce other vaccines that normally cannot be propagated in the laboratory.”

Noting that the plasma-derived vaccine, HeptavaxB, had annual sales of only $45 million, Edward E. Penhoet, president of Merck’s collaborator, Chiron Corp., suggested that the new Recombivax-HB vaccine would be more profitable for Merck, considering that genetically engineered vaccines are “cheaper to produce” than those derived from human blood.

By 1989, a second recombinant hepatitis B vaccine, Engerix-B, manufactured by SmithKline Beecham, was approved for use in the US.

While the new HepB vaccines were tempering the anxiety that surrounded the previous plasma-based vaccines, a different set of problems materialized in the manufacturing processes and with certain ingredients in the HepB recombinant vaccines.

A 2005 French study titled “Multiple sclerosis and hepatitis B vaccination: Adding the credibility of molecular biology to an unusual level of clinical and epidemiological evidence” highlighted issues with HepB virus polymerase contamination. It asserted:

We reviewed evidence showing that hepatitis B vaccine HBV has a marked potential to induce auto-immune hazards, neurological as well as non-neurological. We emphasized that for a drug used as a prevention, HBV was remarkable by the unusual frequency, severity and variety of its hazards.

The study’s authors concluded that:

‘the principle of precaution’ should urgently be applied [with] regard to the tiny benefit (if any) of large HepB vaccination in low-endemic countries. In addition, the benefit/ratio of this costly prophylaxis should be seriously re-assessed even in countries where the frequency of HepB is higher.

Another issue cropped up—namely, the genetically modified yeast proteins used in the HepB vaccines. Links between all yeast-containing vaccines and autoimmune disease were observed, creating concern that this ingredient in the HepB vaccines might cause children allergic to yeast to have a severe reaction to the vaccine.

Indeed, bioinformatics and epidemiological evidence connects the yeast protein found in the hepatitis B vaccines to numerous autoimmune disorders. Yet, according to the French study, “Vaccine makers have refused to perform such checks, resulting in devastating consequences.”

On its website, the Hepatitis B Foundation warns, “The vaccine may not be recommended for those with documented yeast allergies or a history of an adverse reaction to the vaccine.”

Meanwhile, the CDC’s Pinkbook on hepatitis B identified another potential problem: “Some presentations [meaning packaging] of HepB vaccines contain latex, which may cause allergic reactions.”

Given that the first dose of the HepB vaccine is recommended—and usually administered—on the day of birth, how is it possible to know if a newborn has an allergy to yeast or to latex or to any of the vaccine’s other ingredients?

Yeast and latex allergies are certainly not insignificant concerns. But even more alarming safety concerns have been identified with still other ingredients found in the HepB vaccine.

Until the early 2000s, the original gene-based HepB vaccines, Recombivax and Engerix, contained the mercury preservative thimerosal. Thimerosal is a mercury – and thiosalicylate-containing organic compound with antiseptic, bactericidal, and fungicidal properties. Certain exposures to thimerosal are known to be toxic to the central nervous system, kidneys, liver, spleen, and bone marrow. Some believe that even the tiniest amounts of methylmercury, which is found in thimerosal, carry a risk of adverse neuropsychological outcomes.

A 2016 longitudinal study of the relationship between thimerosal-containing hepatitis B vaccination and developmental delays made this assessment:

During the decade in which Thimerosal-HepB Vaccines (T-HBVs) were routinely recommended and administered to US infants (1991–2001), an estimated 0.5 – 1 million additional US children were diagnosed with specific delays in development as a consequence of 25 μg or 37.5 μg organic Hg from T-HBVs administered within the first 6 months of life.

[ . . . ] [This] study provides compelling new evidence to confirm and extend previous epidemiological studies finding a significant relationship between organic Hg exposure from Thimerosal-containing childhood vaccines and the subsequent increased risk of a diagnosis for specific delays in development.

A 2018 cross-sectional study published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health strongly suggested that the 1990s-era thimerosal-containing HepB vaccine caused considerable harm to children. That study concluded:

This cross-sectional study provides new evidence consistent with and extends the results from previous epidemiological and biological studies on the adverse effects of Hg exposure from Thimerosal-containing childhood vaccines. This study supports a significant about nine-fold increase in the risk of adverse effects as measured by receipt of special education services among boys receiving infant Thimerosal-containing hepatitis B vaccination.

The 2018 study added to the chorus of voices demanding that thimerosal be removed from all vaccines given to pregnant women and children.

It is not as though concerns about mercury had not already been raised by regulators. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Modernization Act of 1997 called for the FDA to review and assess the risk of all mercury-containing food and drugs.

In 1999, the FDA determined:

[U]nder the recommended childhood immunization schedule, infants might be exposed to cumulative doses of ethylmercury that exceed some federal safety guidelines established for ingestion of methylmercury, another form of organic mercury (Ball et al., 2001). In July 1999, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the U.S. Public Health Service (PHS) issued a joint statement recommending the removal of thimerosal from vaccines as soon as possible.

The FDA statement recommended “a temporary suspension of the birth dose of hepatitis B vaccine for children born to low-risk mothers until a thimerosal-free alternative became available.”

Merck responded immediately by making a new HepB vaccine. The company gained FDA approval for its thimerosal-free Recombivax HB vaccine on August 27, 1999. Distribution of the new product began in September.

SmithKline Beecham reformulated its thimerosal-free Engerix-B, which the FDA approved in 2000.

The director of the Institute for Vaccine Safety, Neal Halsey, M.D., assured the public that SmithKline Beecham’s new Engerix-B contained only trace amounts of thimerosal (<1 mcg), which, he said, will “have no clinically relevant effects[,] making it equivalent to a thimerosal-free product.”

Meanwhile, the CDC recommends that newborns and infants up to the age of six months avoid vaccinations with thimerosal. But it still allows infants over the age of six months to receive the thimerosal-containing HepB vaccines.

Even as thimerosal was being phased out of children’s vaccines, safety concerns surrounding yet another ingredient in the HepB vaccine persisted. Disturbing reports relating to aluminum adjuvants found in the vaccines were emerging. They continue to this day.

In a 2008 article in Mothering magazine, pediatrician Robert Sears sounded the alarm about the dangers of vaccinations which contained aluminum adjuvants.

Before writing this article, Dr. Sears had embarked on his own inquiry to see if anyone had actually tested and scientifically assessed “safe” levels of injected aluminum. During his investigation, he had discovered an FDA document on aluminum toxicity, which warned:

Aluminum may reach toxic levels with prolonged parenteral administration [i.e., injected into the body] if kidney function is impaired. Research indicates that patients with impaired kidney function, including premature neonates [i.e., babies], who received parenteral levels of aluminum at greater than 4 to 5 micrograms per kilogram of body weight per day, accumulate aluminum at levels associated with central nervous system and bone toxicity. Tissue loading [i.e., toxic buildup in certain body tissues] may occur at even lower rates of administration.

Another document on the subject of aluminum toxicity, this one produced by the American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (ASPEN), emphasized a daily limit of 4 to 5 mcg of aluminum per kilogram (2.2 lbs) of body weight for babies being fed an IV solution containing aluminum.

While neither of these documents mentioned vaccines specifically, both the FDA and ASPEN were of the opinion that all injectable solutions for children should be limited to a maximum amount of 25 mcg of aluminum within a 24-hour period.

The FDA’s Code of Federal Regulations explicity states, “The aluminum content of large volume parenteral (LVP) drug products used in total parenteral nutrition (TPN) therapy must not exceed 25 micrograms per liter ([micro]g/L).”

The unsettling fact about the HepB vaccine with regard to aluminum is that each dose—given at birth, at 2 months, and at 6 months—is laced with 250 mcg of aluminum, an amount far exceeding the recommended safe levels for large volume parenteral (LVP) drug products.

In a 2011 study, two Canadian scientists, Professor Christopher Shaw and Dr. Lucija Tomljenovic, asked a serious question in the title of an article they co-wrote, “Aluminum Vaccine Adjuvants: Are they Safe?

The answers they discovered are worth quoting at length:

Aluminum is an experimentally demonstrated neurotoxin and the most commonly used vaccine adjuvant. Despite almost 90 years of widespread use of aluminum adjuvants, medical science’s understanding about their mechanisms of action is still remarkably poor.

Experimental research, however, clearly shows that aluminum adjuvants have a potential to induce serious immunological disorders in humans. In particular, aluminum in adjuvant form carries a risk for autoimmunity, long-term brain inflammation and associated neurological complications and may thus have profound and widespread adverse health consequences. [Emphasis added.] [ . . .]

Given that multiple aluminum-adjuvanted vaccines are often given to very young children (i.e., 2 to 6 months of age), in a single day at individual vaccination sessions, concerns for potential impacts of total adjuvant-derived aluminum body burden may be significant. These issues warrant serious consideration since, to the best of our knowledge, no adequate studies have been conducted to assess the safety of simultaneous administration of different vaccines to young children.” [Emphasis added.]

Two years later, in 2013, the same scientists produced another study—this one with a statement of fact rather than a question in its title: “Aluminum in the Central Nervous System: Toxicity in Humans and Animals, Vaccine Adjuvants, and Autoimmunity.

In this study, Shaw and Tomljenovic concluded:

In young children, a highly significant correlation exists between the number of pediatric aluminum-adjuvanted vaccines administered and the rate of autism spectrum disorders. Many of the features of aluminum-induced neurotoxicity may arise, in part, from autoimmune reactions, as part of the autoimmune/inflammatory induced by adjuvants (ASIA) syndrome.

No article on aluminum in vaccines is complete unless it mentions UK chemist Christopher Exley, who is a professor of bioinorganic chemistry and group leader of the Bioinorganic Chemistry Laboratory at Keele University. Known as “Mr. Aluminum,” Dr. Exley has devoted much of his life to studying the dangers of aluminum. His particular focus is on the use of aluminum adjuvants in childhood vaccines.

Credited with conducting numerous studies on the subject, Exley is particularly recognized for his discoverythat cells known to populate a vaccine injection site actually take up the aluminum adjuvant from the vaccine into their cell bodies.

Accompanying this finding was his pioneering revelation that antigens and adjuvants are taken up as separate particles.

Both of Exley’s discoveries have implications for the possible role of aluminum adjuvants in instigating serious adverse events distant from the vaccine injection site.

Multiple studies have aligned with Exley’s findings that the intramuscularly injected aluminum vaccine adjuvant is absorbed into the systemic circulation and travels to different sites in the body, such as the brain, joints, and the spleen, where it accumulates and is retained for years post-vaccination.


Cui Bono?

According to government statistics, the viral disease hepatitis B causes death in fewer than one-quarter of one percent of those who are infected with it. However, it is a near-certainty that even that rate is an overestimate, since the death of hepatitis B-infected drug addicts and alcoholics is more likely due to the quantity of drugs and alcohol they imbibe. Those toxic substances, not the disease hepatitis B, are what destroy their liver and other vital organs.

In 1986, five years before the CDC began pushing for vaccination of all newborns, there were fewer than 280 documented cases of hepatitis B infection in children under age 14 in the US. This statistic alone serves as proof that newborns are the least likely human beings on the planet at risk of contracting hepatitis B.

So, given that the vast majority of infants in the US are not at risk for hepatitis B and given the copious documentation linking the HepB vaccine to various pathologies (here, here and here), we must return to the question: Why the fanatical push for universal HepB vaccination for children?

If we look at the HepB childhood vaccination program from a perspective of health and of “saving lives,” we are confronted with a world of contradictions and manipulations—and none of it makes any sense.

But if we look at the HepB childhood vaccination program through the lens of power, money, and control, then everything makes perfect sense.

A 2005 letter written by Dr. Marc Girard to the Director General of the World Health Organization referenced a correspondence he had with an Indian colleague, Dr. J. Puliyel, on the false data being disseminated by the WHO about the epidemiology of hepatitis B in India.

This exchange gives us insight into the processes by which a once-non-existent threat is turned into a public health crisis—and into the ulterior motives underlying this development.

Dr. Girard noted gravely:

[T]he mechanisms of the deception described by Dr. Puliyel were exactly comparable to those I observed in my own country — and of course with the same results: a plea of “experts” to include hepatitis B vaccination in the national vaccination program, in spite of its costs and its unprecedented toxicity.

He continued:

It is blatant that in the promotion of the hepatitis B vaccination, the WHO has never been more than a screen for an undue commercial promotion, in particular via the Viral Hepatitis Prevention Board (VHPB), created, sponsored and infiltrated by the manufacturers.

In Sept 1998, while the dreadful hazards of the campaign had been given media coverage in France, the VHPB met a panel of “experts,” the reassuring conclusions of which were extensively announced as reflecting the WHO’s position: yet some of the participants in this panel had no more “expertise” than that of being employees of the manufacturers.

In the same letter to the WHO, Girard drew attention to a 1997 interview published in the French journal Sciences et Avenir, in which SmithKline Beecham’s business manager admitted:

We started increasing the awareness of the European Experts of the World Health Organization (WHO) about Hepatitis B in 1988. From then to 1991, we financed epidemiological studies on the subject to create a scientific consensus about hepatitis being a major public health problem. We were successful because in 1991, WHO published new recommendations about hepatitis B vaccination.

This cynical admission by one of the primary manufacturers of the hepatitis B vaccine offers a glimpse into how the time-honored strategy of problem-reaction-solution is applied in the pharmaceutical industry.

The disease itself is widely seen as superfluous. All that is necessary to produce fear of it—and to greatly profit off of that fear—is to create the perception that there is a widespread public health crisis requiring a heroic international medical intervention in the form of a vaccine which, curiously, was already in production leading into the “crisis.”

The business manager’s confession reinforces the facts surrounding the history of hepatitis B. Importantly, there was virtually no problem with this disease until after the vaccine became available. At that point, the disease had to be propagandized for marketing—that is, for bottom-line—purposes.

Tracing the breadcrumbs of the entire production of the hepatitis B vaccine campaign, we detect a pattern: A decidedly non-medical, non-health-related agenda emerges, proving, yet again, that to find the truth, one must always follow the money.

For years, vast amounts of financial and political capital have been invested in the hepatitis B vaccine. Enormous amounts of resources have been allocated to its research and development. Each new HepB vaccine has been hailed as a medical wonder.

Despite these monumental efforts, the medical industry did not succeed in persuading its targets to take the vaccine. That failure meant meager returns on enormous investments.

So, to solve this dilemma and address the sunk costs, the pharmaceutical industry, through its cadre of captured policy makers, invented regulations that were fashioned to make the vaccines compulsory for vulnerable infants, whose mothers, recovering from the pains and joys of childbirth, are hardly in a position to give their “informed consent.” Thus, a captured customer base is created. And thus, a stream of revenue is guaranteed.

The “at-birth” HepB vaccines have the added benefit, from the manufacturers’ perspective, of providing “vaccine training wheels” for new parents, conditioning them to mutely comply with 18 years of routine immunization appointments.

The 12 million doses of HepB vaccine administered to children each year in the US alone—not even counting worldwide—represents a substantial annual income stream for vaccine manufacturers.

The New York Times reported that the average cost to fully vaccinate a child from birth to the age of 18 in a private doctor’s office soared from $100 in 1986 to $2,192 by 2014.

And now, in 2023, if a child receives each dose of every vaccine on the childhood schedule in a private pediatrician’s office, the cost exceeds $3,000.

In the 21st century, the commercialization of vaccines has expanded into a colossal and profitable global enterprise. According to International Monetary Fund Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva, vaccine policy is now one of the most important drivers of global economic policy.

A Final Word

In two separate congressional hearings in 1999, Michael Belkin, whose infant daughter died of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) within hours of receiving a hepatitis B vaccine dosage, testified, calling the HepB vaccine policy a “bureaucratic vaccination program that is on auto-pilot flying into a mountain” and accusing CDC bureaucrats of “hav[ing] a vested interest in the status quo.”

Mr. Belkin’s conclusions merit a full recitation of the facts about this deadly vaccine:

  • Newborn babies are not at risk of contracting the hepatitis B disease unless their mother is infected.
  • Hepatitis B is primarily a disease of drug addicts, homosexuals, and promiscuous heterosexuals.
  • The vaccine is being foisted upon babies because health authorities were unsuccessful in persuading those high-risk groups to submit to this jab. Adverse reactions outnumber cases of the disease in government statistics.
  • Nothing is being done to investigate those adverse reactions.
  • Those adverse reactions include numerous deaths, convulsions, and arthritic conditions that occur within days of hepatitis B vaccination.
  • The CDC is misrepresenting hypothetical, estimated hepatitis B disease statistics as if they were actual cases of the disease.
  • The ACIP is recommending new vaccines for premature infants without having scientific studies proving they are safe.
  • The US vaccine recommendation process is hopelessly compromised by conflicts of interest with vaccine manufacturers, with the American Academy of Pediatrics, and with the CDC.

We realize that Mr. Belkin was addressing specifically and solely the hepatitis B injection in warning of the vaccine’s risk to health. But we would like to close Part 1 by pointing out, on behalf of all children and their parents, the high risk of toxicity and adverse reactions posed by all vaccines.

We will be rigorously scrutinizing each and every recommended childhood vaccine in future installments of this series. We hope to provide a framework for a long-overdue assessment of this oft-hidden, off-limits, and highly contentious medical issue.

[The next installment, Part 2 of our 26-part series, will take a look at the rotavirus vaccine.]


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[This important article was originally posted on GR in October 2022.]

As boosters that have not been tested on humans are being rolled out across the country, a new study indicates that the jab is far more dangerous than COVID-19 itself. And the CDC has provided false information regarding their tracking of adverse events linked to the vaccines.

As government officials and mainstream media urges the vaccinated to inject a second so-called “bivalent” booster said to be targeting the Omicron variant, it turns out that this substance hasn’t been tested on humans. And the only animal trial that has been performed included eight mice.

“It hasn’t been proven in a clinical trial, because we don’t have time to do a clinical trial because we need to get the vaccine out now because we have such a situation throughout the world and certainly in the United States, we’re having 400 deaths per day and up to 5,000 hospitalizations a day,” NIAID Dr Anthony Fauci explained in an interview.

CDC Director Rochelle Walensky has also stated that the boosters must be expedited in order to work properly. A delay would potentially render the shots “outdated” as new variants would form, Walensky argues.

Study: Worse than the Virus

A new study conducted by scientists from Harvard and Johns Hopkins, currently in pre-print, reveals that the COVID-19 vaccines were up to 98 times worse than the virus itself. The study is critical of the booster requirement for American university students, stating in the abstract: “Using CDC and sponsor-reported adverse event data, we find that booster mandates may cause a net expected harm: per COVID-19 hospitalisation prevented in previously uninfected young adults, we anticipate 18 to 98 serious adverse events, including 1.7 to 3.0 booster-associated myocarditis cases in males, and 1,373 to 3,234 cases of grade ≥3 reactogenicity which interferes with daily activities.”

False Information

As first reported in the Epoch Times, CDC has provided false information regarding their tracking of adverse events caused by the vaccines. At the same time, Walensky admits that there is a causal relationship between the mRNA vaccines and myocarditis:

In a letter dated September 2 from CDC Director Rochelle Walensky to Senator Ron Johnson, the director states that “CDC consistently performs extensive data collection and analysis to detect potential adverse events and safety signals and then communicates this information to the public. For example, VAERS staff conducted assessments showing that causal associations exist between thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome and Janssen’s COVID-19 vaccine and between myocarditis and mRNA COVID-19 vaccination.”

In the same letter, Walensky also stated that the CDC did not analyze certain types of adverse event reports whatsoever in 2021, despite having previously stated that they did start this tracking in February of that year.


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The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

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Alarming COVID Jab Contamination Shocks Scientists

By Dr. Joseph Mercola, October 03, 2023

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Alarming COVID Jab Contamination Shocks Scientists

October 3rd, 2023 by Dr. Joseph Mercola

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In early April 2023, microbiologist Kevin McKernan detailed finding massive DNA contamination in Pfizer’s and Moderna’s bivalent COVID booster shots. The highest level of DNA contamination found was 30%, meaning nearly one-third of the content of the shot was plasmid DNA, the presence of which dramatically increases the likelihood of DNA integration and cancer

An in vitro experiment found that the modified RNA in the Pfizer jab has the ability to enter human liver cells and reverse transcribe into DNA in as little as six hours post-exposure

The lipid nanoparticles that the mRNA and DNA contaminants are encased in facilitate getting the DNA inside the cell. Once it’s in the cytoplasm, bits of DNA can enter the nucleus by random chance

Mice injected with the COVID mRNA shot passed on their acquired immune traits — both good and bad — to offspring, which not only suggests that the mRNA can enter the nucleus of the cell, but also that it can be permanently integrated into chromosomal DNA and have intergenerational effects

Pfizer’s bivalent jab has also been found to contain simian virus 40 (SV40) promoter, an oncogenic piece of the virus’ DNA known to drive very aggressive gene expression. Combined with pieces of DNA, the presence of SV40 promoter make the risk of cancer all the more likely.

The SV40 promoter is a sequence used in gene therapy to drive DNA into the nucleus of cells. If the shots aren’t supposed to alter the human genome, why do they contain bits of DNA and an SV40 promoter that can drive that DNA into the nucleus?


In early April 2023, microbiologist Kevin McKernan — a former researcher and team leader for the MIT Human Genome project1 — posted a preprint paper2 detailing massive DNA contamination in Pfizer’s and Moderna’s bivalent COVID booster shots.3,4,5,6 As explained in the abstract:7

“Several methods were deployed to assess the nucleic acid composition of four expired vials of the Moderna and Pfizer bivalent mRNA vaccines. Two vials from each vendor were evaluated …

Multiple assays support DNA contamination that exceeds the European Medicines Agency (EMA) 330ng/mg requirement and the FDAs 10ng/dose requirements …”

The highest level of DNA contamination found was 30%, meaning nearly one-third of the content of certain vials was plasmid DNA, the presence of which dramatically increases the likelihood of genomic integration and cancer.

What this means, in plain English, is that the shots could potentially alter your DNA, which is something vaccine makers, health authorities and fact checkers have vehemently denied and written off as “impossible.” Yet here we are, with inconvenient facts staring us in the face yet again.

Regulatory Agencies Were Aware of the Problem

In a May 20, 2023, Substack article,8 McKernan pointed out that regulatory agencies were clearly aware of this problem early on, as Pfizer submitted documents to the European Medicines Agency (EMA) showing sampled lots had a broad range of double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) in them. 

The EMA’s limit for dsDNA is 330 nanograms per milligram (ng/mg), and Pfizer’s data show sampled lots had anywhere from 1 ng/mg to 815 ng/mg of DNA. And, according to McKernan,9 the EMA’s limit may be too high to begin with, as “lower limits should be applied if the DNA is packaged in transfection ready lipid nanoparticles,” as they are in the shots.

In a sane regulatory environment, this kind of contamination would have resulted in a massive recall, considering the known and suspected dangers of dsDNA contaminants. Yet nothing was done about it.

Since McKernan’s paper was posted, others have confirmed the presence of dsDNA contaminants in the COVID shots. To be clear, DNA should not be present in a commercial product that has been made under good manufacturing practices.

Obviously, Pfizer and Moderna have not perfected their commercial process, or have taken shortcuts they shouldn’t have. As a result, countless millions have been injected with unnecessarily risky COVID shots.

DNA Contamination Confirmed

University of South Carolina professor Phillip Buckhaults has since confirmed the presence of dsDNA in the COVID shots. September 13, 2023, he testified10 to this before the South Carolina Senate Medical Affairs Ad-Hoc Committee on the Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC).

Buckhaults is a molecular biologist and cancer geneticist with extensive experience in DNA sequencing, and initially set out to debunk McKernan’s claims. To his shock, he replicated McKernan’s findings instead.

In his testimony, he explained how these DNA contaminants can integrate into your genome and disrupt the function of other genes, either long term or permanently, and may be passed on to offspring for generations.

He told the senators he was “alarmed about this DNA being in the vaccine,” as “there is a very real hazard” of the dsDNA integrating into a person’s genome and becoming a “permanent fixture of the cell” that can result in autoimmune problems and cancers.11

Buckhaults suspects high levels of DNA contaminants may also be causing some of the more serious side effects of the jabs, such as lethal cardiac arrest.12 Of the two lots he analyzed, he found between 5 nanograms and 20 ng of plasmid DNA — ranging from one to 200 base pairs long — per 300 microliter dose, and he points out that having a multitude of tiny fragments is far riskier than having one big piece of DNA.13

The risk of genome integration by dsDNA has been known for decades,14 so the individuals who decided to allow this contamination to remain cannot claim they didn’t know public health would be put at risk.

Buckhaults stressed that we need to collect and analyze DNA from various tissues of those who have received the COVID jabs — at least a few hundred people — to determine whether genomic integration is taking place, and what changes are occurring.

He also explained how the DNA contamination occurred in the first place. In summary, the products used during the clinical trials and the commercial products were not made in the identical way. The commercial product grew the modified RNA using a mix of DNA plasmid and E. coli, and the DNA were not properly filtered out — a clear sign of poor manufacturing processes.

COVID Shots May Cause Cancer in Several Ways

The presence of DNA isn’t the only way in which the mRNA COVID shots can cause cancer. mRNA can also reverse transcribe into DNA under the right circumstances. For example, one in vitro experiment,15,16 published in 2022, demonstrated that the modified RNA in the Pfizer jab has the ability to enter human liver cells and reverse transcribe into DNA in as little as six hours post-exposure. As reported in that peer-reviewed study:17

“… a recent study showed that SARS-CoV-2 RNA can be reverse-transcribed and integrated into the genome of human cells. In this study, we investigated the effect of BNT162b2 on the human liver cell line Huh7 in vitro. Huh7 cells were exposed to BNT162b2, and quantitative PCR was performed on RNA extracted from the cells.

We detected high levels of BNT162b2 in Huh7 cells and changes in gene expression of long interspersed nuclear element-1 (LINE-1), which is an endogenous reverse transcriptase.

Immunohistochemistry using antibody binding to LINE-1 open reading frame-1 RNA-binding protein (ORFp1) on Huh7 cells treated with BNT162b2 indicated increased nucleus distribution of LINE-1 …

Our results indicate a fast up-take of BNT162b2 into human liver cell line Huh7, leading to changes in LINE-1 expression and distribution. We also show that BNT162b2 mRNA is reverse transcribed intracellularly into DNA in as fast as 6 h upon BNT162b2 exposure.”

COVID Jab mRNA Can Enter the Cell Nucleus

According to a 2022 study,18 both the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and the spike protein mRNA translocated into the nucleus of infected human cells. According to the authors, “the nuclear translocation of both S mRNA and S protein reveals a novel pathogenic feature of SARS-CoV-2.”

If the spike mRNA in the natural virus (and I use that term loosely, considering SARS-CoV-2 was most likely man-made) can enter human cells, might the mRNA in the COVID shots do the same? Probably.

As noted by Buckhaults,19 the lipid nanoparticles that the mRNA and DNA fragments are encased in “facilitate getting the DNA inside the cell — just inside the cell membrane. But once it’s in the cytoplasm, bits of DNA go to the nucleus just by random chance.” He told investigative journalist Maryanne Demasi:20

“We do this in the lab all the time. We take pieces of naked DNA, put them in lipofectamine which is a solution that delivers genetic material into cells, and by magic, some of the pieces integrate into the cellular DNA, and permanently modified the cells.

I’ve been doing this since I was a graduate student, so I know that this happens. The only question is, what is the frequency of this happening across a vaccinated population? …

IF genome modification is happening, It’s just a matter of time before one of these fragments hits a tumor suppressor gene and initiates the beginning of cancer in a single stem cell.

Also, there have been reports of myocarditis. I’m wondering if it’s possible that these little bits of DNA actually encode pieces of the spike protein … There’s a lot of open reading frames in these pieces of DNA that code for peptides that don’t belong in humans and are neo-antigens.

My concern is that some of these pieces of DNA could transform long lived stem cells in, maybe the myocardium, or pericardium, or maybe the liver, or lymph nodes … and now that tissue makes a long-lived expression of some neo-antigen that could be causing a long-term autoimmunity type response like myocarditis.

So, they are the two things that immediately come to mind — the small possibility of cancers in people in the next five years down the road, or the possibility of autoimmunity from the production of these peptides.”

So, the claim that the mRNA in the COVID shots — which is based on but not identical to the spike protein mRNA found in SARS-CoV-2 — cannot enter the nucleus of human cells and therefore cannot be integrated into the human genome, is simply false. Science tells us genome integration can occur in several ways.

COVID Jab Can Have Intergenerational Effects

Another 2022 study21 found that mice injected with the COVID mRNA shot passed on their acquired immune traits — both good and bad — to offspring, which not only suggests that the mRNA can enter the nucleus of the cell, but also that it can be permanently integrated into chromosomal DNA and have intergenerational effects. As reported in this study:

“Hundreds of millions of SARS-CoV-2 mRNA-LNP vaccine doses have already been administered to humans. However, we lack a comprehensive understanding of the immune effects of this platform.

The mRNA-LNP-based [mRNA-lipid nanoparticle-based] SARS-CoV-2 vaccine is highly inflammatory, and its synthetic ionizable lipid component responsible for the induction of inflammation has a long in vivo half-life.

Since chronic inflammation can lead to immune exhaustion and non-responsiveness, we sought to determine the effects of pre-exposure to the mRNA-LNP on adaptive immune responses and innate immune fitness.

We found that pre-exposure to mRNA-LNPs or LNP alone led to long-term inhibition of the adaptive immune response … On the other hand, we report that after pre-exposure to mRNA-LNPs, the resistance of mice to heterologous infections with influenza virus increased while resistance to Candida albicans decreased …

Interestingly, mice pre-exposed to the mRNA-LNP platform can pass down the acquired immune traits to their offspring …

In summary, the mRNA-LNP vaccine platform induces long-term unexpected immunological changes affecting both adaptive immune responses and heterologous protection against infections. Thus, our studies highlight the need for more research to determine this platform’s true impact on human health.”

FDA Responds to DNA Contamination Concerns

McKernan presented his findings to the FDA in June 2023. After Buckhaults confirmed the presence of dsDNA in Pfizer’s and Moderna’s shots, Demasi asked the FDA “if it had begun an investigation into the issue of DNA contamination and whether it would review its guidance to industry about residual DNA in vaccines.”22

She also asked if the agency “had instructed Pfizer and Moderna to conduct further testing to demonstrate the absence or presence of genome modification and whether it would issue new warnings to the public about the potential risks, now that DNA contamination in the vaccines had been established and replicated.” This was the FDA’s response:23

“The mRNA COVID-19 vaccines authorized or approved for use in the United States are not defined as a gene therapy. The FDA is confident in the quality, safety, and effectiveness of these vaccines. The agency’s benefit-risk assessment and ongoing safety surveillance demonstrates that the benefits of their use outweigh their risks.”

In other words, the FDA has taken no action on the matter and has no intention of doing so.

Cancer Promoter Also Found in Pfizer’s Bivalent Jab

In addition to DNA fragments that can more readily integrate into the human genome, and the possibility of mRNA reverse transcribing into chromosomal DNA, McKernan’s team also discovered simian virus 40 (SV40) promoter in the shots, which have long been suspected of causing cancer in humans.24

SV40 promoter is an oncogenic piece of a virus known to drive very aggressive gene expression for cancer. Combined with pieces of DNA, the presence of SV40 promoter make the risk of cancer all the more likely. What’s more, according to McKernan,25 the SV40 promoter is a sequence used in gene therapy to drive DNA into the nucleus of cells!

If the shots aren’t supposed to alter the human genome, why do they contain bits of DNA and an SV40 promoter that can drive that DNA into the nucleus?

Considering these facts, is it not reasonable to suspect, then, that the “turbo cancers”26 oncologists around are now reporting might indeed be a side effect of the COVID jabs? “Turbo cancer” is an invented term to describe cancers that grow at such unprecedented rates that patients often die before a treatment plan can be implemented.

Repeat Dosing May Promote Cancer and Autoimmune Problems

So, that makes three ways in which some of the shots can contribute to or directly cause cancer. A fourth way the jabs may trigger cancer is simply by repeat dosing. As detailed in a May 2023 paper in the journal Vaccines:27

“To date, 72.3% of the total population has been injected at least once with a COVID-19 vaccine … [I]ncreasing evidence has shown that … they do not produce sterilizing immunity, allowing people to suffer frequent re-infections.

Additionally, recent investigations have found abnormally high levels of IgG4 in people who were administered two or more injections of the mRNA vaccines …

[E]merging evidence suggests that the reported increase in IgG4 levels detected after repeated vaccination with the mRNA vaccines … constitutes an immune tolerance mechanism to the spike protein that could promote unopposed SARS-CoV2 infection and replication by suppressing natural antiviral responses.

Increased IgG4 synthesis due to repeated mRNA vaccination with high antigen concentrations may also cause autoimmune diseases, and promote cancer growth and autoimmune myocarditis in susceptible individuals.”

SV40 Promoter Contamination Confirmed

Buckhaults has also confirmed the presence of SV40 promoter in the plasmid DNA, as has Yusuke Murakami, a professor at Tokyo University. In an interview, Murakami explained:28

“The Pfizer vaccine sequence contains part of the SV40 sequence … This sequence is known as a promoter. Roughly speaking, the promoter causes increased expression of the gene.

The problem is that the sequence is present in a well-known carcinogenic virus. The question is why such a sequence that is derived from a cancer virus, is present in Pfizer’s vaccine.

There should be absolutely no need for such a carcinogenic virus sequence in the vaccine. This sequence is totally unnecessary for producing the mRNA vaccine. It is a problem that such a sequence is solidly contained in the vaccine …

If a sequence like this is present in the DNA, the DNA is easily migrated to the nucleus. So it means that the DNA can easily enter the genome. This is such an alarming problem. It is essential to remove the sequence. However, Pfizer produced the vaccine without removing the sequence. That is outrageously malicious.”

Excess Deaths in 2023

If the COVID pandemic was real, we would have seen the highest excess mortality rates in 2020, when the most problematic strain of the virus was in circulation. But that’s not the case. Instead, excess mortality rates didn’t really take off until the rollout of the experimental COVID shots — and rates are still going up, two years later.

In the video above, John Campbell, Ph.D., a retired nurse educator, reviews the latest mortality statistics from the Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD).29 He also compares the OECD data with that from Our World in Data, and the two data sets are in agreement — excess deaths continued to be far above normal in 2023, and there’s no pandemic to blame it on.

For the U.K., there were 36,316 excess deaths during weeks 1 through 30 (January 1 through July 30, 202330). A telling trend is that deaths in private homes and “other settings” are above the five-year average, whereas deaths in hospitals and care homes are both below average.31,32

What does that mean? It means that more people than normal are dying unexpectedly, at home and in places other than a hospital. It also suggests that younger people are dying at a higher rate. The higher excess death rate is not because more elderly are dying in care homes.

In the U.S., there were 147,828.8 more deaths than expected during the first 30 weeks of 2023. Other interesting data reveal that, in Minnesota, excess deaths involving blood disorders began in 2020 but then skyrocketed in 2022, nearly doubling from the 2020 rate.33

The original Wuhan strain of SARS-CoV-2 was associated with blood disorders, but that strain had mutated into a mild cold by 2022. What we did have in 2022, however, were the COVID jabs, which are also associated with blood disorders.

Got the Jab? Take Action to Safeguard Your Health

If you already got one or more jabs and now have concerns about your health, what can you do? Well, first and foremost, never take another COVID booster, another mRNA gene therapy shot or regular vaccine. You need to end the assault on your system.

If you developed symptoms you didn’t have before your shot, I would encourage you to seek out expert help. At present, the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) seems to have one of the best treatment protocols for post-jab injuries. It’s called I-RECOVER and can be downloaded from covid19criticalcare.com.34

Dr. Pierre Kory, who cofounded the FLCCC, has transitioned to treating the vaccine injured more or less exclusively. For more information, see DrPierreKory.com. Dr. Peter McCullough is also investigating post-jab treatments, which you can find on PeterMcCulloughMD.com.

The World Health Council has also published lists of remedies that can help inhibit, neutralize and eliminate spike protein, which most experts agree is the primary culprit. I covered these in my 2021 article, “World Council for Health Reveals Spike Protein Detox.”


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1, 5 The Healthcare Channel May 22, 2023

2, 7 OSF Preprints April 10, 2023, Edited April 11, 2023 DOI: 10.31219/osf.io/b9t7m

3, 28 Twitter KanekoaTheGreat May 20, 2023

4, 8, 9 Anandamide (Kevin McKernan) Substack May 20, 2023

6, 11, 12, 16, 25 Spectator Australia September 25, 2023

10 Jessica Rose Substack September 18, 2023

13, 19, 20, 22, 23 Maryanne Demasi September 21, 2023

14 Ann N Y Acad Sci November 27, 1995; 772: 140-151

15, 17 Curr Issues Mol Biol 2022; 44(3): 1115-1126

18 BioRxiv September 27, 2022 DOI: 10.1101/2022.09.27.509633

21 PLOS Pathogens September 2, 2022 DOI: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1010830

24 Expert Rev Respir Med October 2011; 5(5): 683-697

26 Makis MD Substack June 16, 2023

27 Vaccines (Basel) May 2023; 11(5): 991

29 Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development Excess Deaths by Week, 2020-2023

30 Week Number Calendar 2023

31 ONS.gov.uk Deaths Registered Weekly in England and Wales Week 36

32 ONS.gov.uk Deaths Registered Weekly in England and Wales Week 37

33 Resisting the Intellectual Illiteratti Substack September 19, 2023

34 Covid19criticalcare.com 

Featured image is from Mercola

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

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M S Swaminathan, widely regarded as the father of the Green Revolution in India, recently passed away (28 September) at the age of 98. An agronomist, agricultural scientist and plant geneticist, Swaminathan played a key role in introducing hybrid high yielding varieties of wheat and rice to India and in encouraging many farmers to adopt high-input, chemical-dependent practices.  

The mainstream narrative is that Swaminathan’s collaborative scientific efforts with Norman Borlaug helped save India from famine in the 1960s. Following his death, tributes from high-ranking officials, including Prime Minister Narendra Modi, and commentators have poured in praising his part in (supposedly) saving India from Malthusian catastrophe.  

However, there is another side to the story of the Green Revolution, which seldom emerges in the mainstream.  

For example, farmer Bhaskar Save wrote an open letter to M S Swaminathan in 2006. He was scathing about the impact of the Green Revolution and Swaminathan’s role in it:  

“You, M S Swaminathan, are considered the ‘father’ of India’s so-called ‘Green Revolution’ that flung open the floodgates of toxic ‘agro’ chemicals – ravaging the lands and lives of many millions of Indian farmers over the past 50 years. More than any other individual in our long history, it is you I hold responsible for the tragic condition of our soils and our debt-burdened farmers, driven to suicide in increasing numbers every year.”  

We will return to this letter later.  

To his credit, though, Swaminathan came out against genetically modified organisms in Indian agriculture. In a 2018 paper in the journal Current Science, along with his colleague P C Kesavan, he provided a wide-ranging critique of genetically modified crops to date, questioning their efficacy and need. Perhaps he had become aware that the introduction of technology without proper economic, social, health and environmental impact assessments would produce a domino effect, like the Green Revolution. Of course, he came under attack from industry mouthpieces and industry-backed scientists in the media for his stance.  

In the paper New Histories of the Green Revolution (2019), Professor Glenn Stone debunks the claim that the Green Revolution boosted productivity and saved India from famine. Indeed, although the media in the mid-1960s carried stories about a famine in India, Stone sees no evidence of famine or an impending famine. Stone argues that all the Green Revolution actually ‘succeeded’ in doing was put more wheat in the Indian diet (displacing other foodstuffs). He argues that food productivity per capita showed no increase or even actually decreased.  

Renowned campaigner and environmentalist Vandana Shiva says that the Green Revolution saw 768,576 accessions of indigenous seeds taken from farmers in Mexico alone. She regards the Green Revolution as a form of colonisation:  

“The ‘civilising mission’ of Seed Colonisation is the declaration that farmers are ‘primitive’ and the varieties they have bred are ‘primitive’, ‘inferior’, ‘low yielding’ and have to be ‘substituted’ and ‘replaced’ with superior seeds from a superior race of breeders, so called ‘modern varieties’ and ‘improved varieties’ bred for chemicals.”  

This is one aspect of the Green Revolution that is too often overlooked: capitalist penetration of (intact, self-sufficient) peasant economies.    

Stone says:  

“The legend of the Green Revolution in India has always been about more than wheat imports and short‐stalked grains. It is about Malthusianism, with post‐war India supposedly proving the dangers of population growth outpacing food production. It is also about the Neo-Malthusian conviction that technological innovation is our only hope, capable of saving a billion lives when conditions are right.”  

Image: A commemorative postage stamp from India released on 17 July 1968 marking the ‘Wheat Revolution’. (Licensed under GODL-India)


He says that beneficiaries of the legend have bolstered it and kept it alive and well in our historical imagination. According to recent studies and literature, however, a coherent reinterpretation is emerging that, Stone says, knocks out virtually all of the pillars of this narrative.  

We must also consider counterfactual scenarios. What would have happened if India had taken a different route? Stone notes that the influential Planning Commission (PC) was trying simultaneously to create a functional state (after centuries of colonial rule), to avoid becoming a prized Cold War client, and to shape the country’s agricultural destiny. India had plenty of rural labour and organic manures and the PC wanted to capitalise on these resources.  

The PC was not opposed to chemical fertilisers but regarded them as highly expensive both to the state and to the farmer. It also believed that concentrated fertiliser use had ecological problems too: chemicals should only be used in combination with bulky organic manures to preserve tilth. What if organic ways of farming had received the funding and research and had been prioritised to the extent the Green Revolution had been?  

For instance, in the paper Lessons From the Aftermaths of Green Revolution on Food System and Health (in Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 2021) agriculture techniques, such as intercropping, Zero Budget Natural Farming (ZBNF) – with essential principles involving the enhancement of nature’s processes – and the elimination of external inputs, can be practised with excellent results. The state government of Andhra Pradesh plans to convert six million farmers and eight million hectares of land under the initiative of Climate Resilient Zero Budget Natural Farming (ZBNF) because of the impressive outputs obtained in the ZBNF impact assessments in the states of Karnataka and AP.    

Moreover, the Green Revolution deliberately sidelined traditional seeds kept by farmers that were actually higher yielding and climate appropriate. Also, in a 2019 paper in the Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences, the authors note that native wheat varieties in India have higher nutrition content than the Green Revolution varieties.  

Instead, we are left with a certain model of agriculture that was pushed for geopolitical and commercial reasons and are trying to deal with various deleterious aftermaths.  

For example, according to Stone, post-war hand-to-mouth shipments of wheat from the US to India resulted not from Malthusian imbalance but from policy decisions. The ‘triumphs’ of the Green Revolution came from financial incentives, irrigation and the return of the rains after periods of drought, and they came at the expense of more important food crops. Long‐term growth trends in food production and food production per capita did not change in India. Stone concludes that the Green Revolution years, when separated out, actually marked a slowdown.  

Much more can be said and has been written about the wider politics of the Green Revolution and how it became and remains enmeshed in modern geopolitics: the Rockefeller Chase Manhattan bank, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the World Trade Organization have facilitated the structural adjustment of national economies and agrarian systems, intentionally creating food insecure areas and dependency for the benefit of Western financial, agricultural trade, seed, fertiliser and agrochemical interests.  

For instance, many countries have been placed on commodity crop export-oriented production treadmills to earn foreign currency (US dollars – boosting the strength of and demand for the dollar and US hegemony) to buy oil and food on the global market (benefitting global commodity traders like Cargill, which helped write the WTO trade regime – the Agreement on Agriculture), entrenching the need to increase cash crop cultivation for exports.  

In effect, what we have seen emerge is a model of agriculture that requires hundreds of billions of taxpayer subsidies annually to sustain the bottom line of big agribusiness. One of the not-so-hidden costs of the Green Revolution, of which there are many: degraded soils, polluted water, rising rates of illness, micro-nutrient deficiencies, less nutrient-dense food crops, unnecessary food insecurity, the sidelining of more appropriate indigenous seeds, the narrower range of crops that humanity now depends on due to changed cropping systems, the corporate commodification and pirating of seeds and knowledge, the erosion of farmers’ environmental learning, the devastation of rural communities, farmers’ debt, corporate-market dependency, etc.  

So, with the passing of M S Swaminathan, let us return to Bhaskar Save (1922-2015) and his open letter, which touches on many of these issues. Save was not a scholar or an academic. He was a farmer, and his letter was a heartfelt call to action.  

M S Swaminathan was at the time the chair of the National Commission on Farmers at the Ministry of Agriculture. Save wanted to bring attention to the devastating impacts of the Green Revolution and to encourage policy makers to abandon their policies of importing and promoting the use of toxic chemicals that the Green Revolution had encouraged.  

Below is an abridged version of Bhaskar Save’s open letter.  

To: Shri M.S. Swaminathan,
The Chairperson, National Commission on Farmers,
Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India

I am an 84-year-old natural/organic farmer with more than six decades of personal experience in growing a wide range of food crops. I have, over the years, practised several systems of farming, including the chemical method in the fifties – until I soon saw its pitfalls. I say with conviction that it is only by organic farming in harmony with Nature, that India can sustainably provide her people abundant, wholesome food.  

You, M.S. Swaminathan, are considered the ‘father’ of India’s so-called ‘Green Revolution’ that flung open the floodgates of toxic ‘agro’ chemicals – ravaging the lands and lives of many millions of Indian farmers over the past 50 years. More than any other individual in our long history, it is you I hold responsible for the tragic condition of our soils and our debt-burdened farmers, driven to suicide in increasing numbers every year.  

I am sad that our (now greyed) generation of Indian farmers, allowed itself to be duped into adopting the short-sighted and ecologically devastating way of farming, imported into this country. By those like you, with virtually zero farming experience!  

For generations beyond count, this land sustained one of the highest densities of population on earth. Without any chemical ‘fertilizers’, pesticides, exotic dwarf strains of grain, or the new, fancy ‘biotech’ inputs that you now seem to champion. The fertility of our land remained unaffected.  

In our forests, the trees like ber (jujube), jambul (jambolan), mango, umbar (wild fig), mahua (Madhuca indica), imli (tamarind) yield so abundantly in their season that the branches sag under the weight of the fruit. The annual yield per tree is commonly over a tonne – year after year. But the earth around remains whole and undiminished. There is no gaping hole in the ground!  

From where do the trees – including those on rocky mountains – get their water, their NPK, etc? Though stationary, Nature provides their needs right where they stand. But ‘scientists’ and technocrats like you – with a blinkered, meddling itch – seem blind to this. On what basis do you prescribe what a tree or plant requires, and how much, and when.?  

It is said: where there is lack of knowledge, ignorance masquerades as ‘science’! Such is the ‘science’ you have espoused, leading our farmers astray – down the pits of misery.  

This country has more than 150 agricultural universities. But every year, each churns out several hundred ‘educated’ unemployables, trained only in misguiding farmers and spreading ecological degradation.  

Trying to increase Nature’s ‘productivity,’ is the fundamental blunder that highlights the ignorance of ‘agricultural scientists’ like you. When a grain of rice can reproduce a thousand-fold within months, where arises the need to increase its productivity?  

The mindset of servitude to ‘commerce and industry,’ ignoring all else, is the root of the problem.  

Modern technology, wedded to commerce… has proved disastrous at all levels… We have despoiled and polluted the soil, water and air. We have wiped out most of our forests and killed its creatures. And relentlessly, modern farmers spray deadly poisons on their fields. These massacre Nature’s jeev srushti – the unpretentious but tireless little workers that maintain the ventilated quality of the soil and recycle all life-ebbed biomass into nourishment for plants. The noxious chemicals also inevitably poison the water, and Nature’s prani srushti, which includes humans.  

Is it not a stark fact that the chemical-intensive and irrigation-intensive way of growing monoculture cash-crops has been primarily responsible for spreading ecological devastation far and wide in this country? Within the lifetime of a single generation!  

This country boasted an immense diversity of crops, adapted over millennia to local conditions and needs. Our numerous tall, indigenous varieties of grain provided more biomass, shaded the soil from the sun and protected against its erosion under heavy monsoon rains. But in the guise of increasing crop production, exotic dwarf varieties were introduced and promoted through your efforts. This led to more vigorous growth of weeds, which were now able to compete successfully with the new stunted crops for sunlight. The farmer had to spend more labour and money in weeding, or spraying herbicides.  


The state of Punjab led India’s Green Revolution and earned the distinction of being the “breadbasket of India.” (Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0)

The straw growth with the dwarf grain crops fell drastically to one-third of that with most native species! In Punjab and Haryana, even this was burned, as it was said to harbour ‘pathogens’. (It was too toxic to feed farm cattle that were progressively displaced by tractors.) Consequently, much less organic matter was locally available to recycle the fertility of the soil, leading to an artificial need for externally procured inputs. Inevitably, the farmers resorted to use more chemicals, and relentlessly, soil degradation and erosion set in.  

The exotic varieties, grown with chemical ‘fertiliser’, were more susceptible to ‘pests and diseases’, leading to yet more poison (insecticides, etc.) being poured. But the attacked insect species developed resistance and reproduced prolifically. Their predators – spiders, frogs, etc. – that fed on these insects and ‘biologically controlled’ their population, were exterminated. So were many beneficial species like the earthworms and bees.  

Agribusiness and technocrats recommended stronger doses, and newer, more toxic (and more expensive) chemicals. But the problems of ‘pests’ and ‘diseases’ only worsened. The spiral of ecological, financial and human costs mounted!  

With the use of synthetic fertilizer and increased cash-cropping, irrigation needs rose enormously. In 1952, the Bhakra dam was built in Punjab, a water-rich state fed by 5 Himalayan rivers. Several thousand more big and medium dams followed all over the country, culminating in the massive Sardar Sarovar.  

India, next to South America, receives the highest rainfall in the world. The annual average is almost 4 feet. Where thick vegetation covers the ground, and the soil is alive and porous, at least half of this rain is soaked and stored in the soil and sub-soil strata. A good amount then percolates deeper to recharge aquifers, or ‘groundwater tables’.  

The living soil and its underlying aquifers thus serve as gigantic, ready-made reservoirs gifted free by Nature. Particularly efficient in soaking rain are the lands under forests and trees. And so, half a century ago, most parts of India had enough fresh water all-round the year, long after the rains had stopped and gone. But clear the forests, and the capacity of the earth to soak the rain, drops drastically. Streams and wells run dry. It has happened in too many places already.  

While the recharge of groundwater has greatly reduced, its extraction has been mounting. India is presently mining over 20 times more groundwater each day than it did in 1950. Much of this is mindless wastage by a minority. But most of India’s people – living on hand-drawn or hand-pumped water in villages and practising only rain-fed farming – continue to use the same amount of ground water per person, as they did generations ago.  

More than 80% of India’s water consumption is for irrigation, with the largest share hogged by chemically cultivated cash crops. Maharashtra, for example, has the maximum number of big and medium dams in this country. But sugarcane alone, grown on barely 3-4% of its cultivable land, guzzles about 70% of its irrigation waters!  

One acre of chemically grown sugarcane requires as much water as would suffice 25 acres of jowar, bajra or maize. The sugar factories too consume huge quantities. From cultivation to processing, each kilo of refined sugar needs 2 to 3 tonnes of water. This could be used to grow, by the traditional, organic way, about 150 to 200 kg of nutritious jowar or bajra (native millets).  

While rice is suitable for rain-fed farming, its extensive multiple cropping with irrigation in winter and summer as well, is similarly hogging our water resources, and depleting aquifers. As with sugarcane, it is also irreversibly ruining the land through salinisation.  

Soil salinisation is the greatest scourge of irrigation-intensive agriculture, as a progressively thicker crust of salts is formed on the land. Many million hectares of cropland have been ruined by it. The most serious problems are caused where water-guzzling crops like sugarcane or basmati rice are grown round the year, abandoning the traditional mixed-cropping and rotation systems of the past, which required minimal or no watering.  

Efficient organic farming requires very little irrigation – much less than what is commonly used in modern agriculture. The yields of the crops are best when the soil is just damp. Rice is the only exception that grows even where water accumulates and is thus preferred as a monsoon crop in low-lying areas naturally prone to inundation. Excess irrigation in the case of all other crops expels the air contained in the soil’s inter-particulate spaces – vitally needed for root respiration – and prolonged flooding causes root rot.  

The irrigation on my farm is a small fraction of that provided in most modern farms today. Moreover, the porous soil under the thick vegetation of the orchard is like a sponge that soaks and percolates to the aquifer, or ground-water table, an enormous quantity of rain each monsoon. The amount of water thus stored in the ground at Kalpavruksha, is far more than the total amount withdrawn from the well for irrigation in the months when there is no rain.  

Clearly, the way to ensure the water security and food security of this nation, is by organically growing mixed, locally suitable crops, plants and trees, following the laws of Nature.  

We should restore at least 30% ground cover of mixed, indigenous trees and forests within the next decade or two. This is the core task of ecological water harvesting – the key to restoring the natural abundance of groundwater. Outstanding benefits can be achieved within a decade at comparatively little cost. We sadly fail to realise that the potential for natural water storage in the ground is many times greater than the combined capacity of all the major and medium irrigation projects in India – complete, incomplete, or still on paper! Such decentralized underground storage is more efficient, as it is protected from the high evaporation of surface storage. The planting of trees will also make available a variety of useful produce to enhance the well-being of a larger number of people.  

Even barren wastelands can be restored to health in less than a decade. By inter-planting short lifespan, medium life-span, and long life-span crops and trees, it is possible to have planned continuity of food yield to sustain a farmer through the transition period till the long-life fruit trees mature and yield. The higher availability of biomass and complete ground cover round the year will also hasten the regeneration of soil fertility.  

The actual reason for pushing the ‘Green Revolution’ was the much narrower goal of increasing marketable surplus of a few relatively fewer perishable cereals to fuel the urban-industrial expansion favoured by the government.  

The new, parasitical way of farming you vigorously promoted, benefited only the industrialists, traders and the powers-that-be. The farmers’ costs rose massively and margins dipped. Combined with the eroding natural fertility of their land, they were left with little in their hands, if not mounting debts and dead soils. Many gave up farming. Many more want to do so, squeezed by the ever-rising costs. Nature has generously gifted us with all that is needed for organic farming – which also produces wholesome, rather than poisoned food!  

The maximum number of people can become self-reliant through farming only if the necessary inputs are a bare minimum. Thus, farming should require a minimum of financial capital and purchased inputs, minimum farming equipment (plough, tools, etc.), minimum necessary labour, and minimum external technology. Then, agricultural production will increase, without costs increasing. Poverty will decline, and the rise in population will be spontaneously checked.  

Self-reliant farming – with minimal or zero external inputs – was the way we actually farmed, very successfully, in the past. Our farmers were largely self-sufficient, and even produced surpluses, though generally smaller quantities of many more items. These, particularly perishables, were tougher to supply urban markets. And so, the nation’s farmers were steered to grow chemically cultivated monocultures of a few cash-crops like wheat, rice, or sugar, rather than their traditional polycultures that needed no purchased inputs.  


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Renowned author Colin Todhunter specialises in development, food and agriculture. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).

Featured image: The B. P. Pal Centenary Award, eponymously named after the Indian agricultural scientist, being awarded to Swaminathan in 2006. (Licensed under GODL India)

Read Colin Todhunter’s e-Book entitled

Food, Dispossession and Dependency. Resisting the New World Order

We are currently seeing an acceleration of the corporate consolidation of the entire global agri-food chain. The high-tech/big data conglomerates, including Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook and Google, have joined traditional agribusiness giants, such as Corteva, Bayer, Cargill and Syngenta, in a quest to impose their model of food and agriculture on the world.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is also involved (documented in ‘Gates to a Global Empire‘ by Navdanya International), whether through buying up huge tracts of farmland, promoting a much-heralded (but failed) ‘green revolution’ for Africa, pushing biosynthetic food and genetic engineering technologies or more generally facilitating the aims of the mega agri-food corporations.

Click here to read.

COVID Vaccines Damage All Hearts, Study Finds

October 3rd, 2023 by Igor Chudov

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A new peer reviewed scientific study by Nakahara et al. tested COVID-vaccinated people to see if they have “silent” changes in heart muscle function that standard radiology tests could detect. The study shows very unsettling results.

Scientists measured myocardial 18Fluorine-fluorodeoxyglucose (18F-FDG) uptake. F-FDG has molecular similarity to glucose. However, 18F-FDG does not metabolize like glucose. Therefore, PET scans could detect it, and its presence shows the heart muscle’s abnormally high demand for glucose, indicative of abnormal cardiac function. More about it here.

Conclusions: Focal myocardial 18F-FDG uptake seen on oncologic PET/CT indicates a significantly increased risk for multiple myocardial abnormalities.

Indeed, this is what the Nakahara study finds:


The study included 303 nonvaccinated patients (mean age, 52.9 years; 157 females) and 700 vaccinated patients (mean age, 56.8 years; 344 females). Vaccinated patients had overall higher myocardial FDG uptake compared to nonvaccinated patients (median SUVmax, 4.8 vs median SUVmax, 3.3 ; P< .0001). Myocardial SUVmax was higher in vaccinated patients regardless of sex (median range, 4.7-4.9 ) or patient age (median range, 4.7-5.6) compared to corresponding nonvaccinated groups (sex median range, 3.2-3.9; age median range, 3.3-3.3; P range, <.001-.015). Furthermore, increased myocardial FDG uptake was observed in patients imaged 1-30, 31-60, 61-120, and 121-180 days after their second vaccination (median SUVmax range, 4.6-5.1) and increased ipsilateral axillary uptake was observed in patients imaged 1-30, 31-60, 61-120 days after their 2nd vaccination (median SUVmax range, 1.5-2.0) compared to the nonvaccinated patients (P range, <.001-<.001).

This was not supposed to happen! The COVID vaccine is not supposed to affect the heart in any way. It was promised to “stay in the arm.”

The explosive findings of the study are discussed in the editorial that the editor of the magazine, Dr. Bluemke, felt obliged to publish.

Dr. Bluemke’s editorial is somewhat apologetic, and he gives faint praise for COVID vaccines.

The development of messenger RNA (mRNA) COVID-19 vaccines is a remarkable biotech story. While traditional vaccines took 5-10 years to develop, the COVID-19 vaccines took less than a year. By comparison, the fastest conventional vaccine previously developed was the mumps vaccine, on a timescale of 4 years.

Dr. Bluemke also does not mince words. He explains that the findings are not due to chance:

The main results: asymptomatic patients vaccinated for COVID-19 before PET had about 40% greater radiotracer activity in the myocardium than unvaccinated individuals. The P value was low, less than .0001. This translates to only 1 time out of 10 000 that these results would occur by chance.

The editorial states that there is no rational way to ignore and explain away the negative findings of myocardial inflammation by Takahara et al.:

Vaccine manufacturers are aware of the adverse effects of mRNA vaccines. These adverse effects lead to vaccine hesitancy. The study results by Nakahara et al suggest that mild asymptomatic myocardial inflammation could be more common than we ever expected. This in turn would support a hypothesis of more severe systemic inflammation related to mRNA vaccination in some patients who present with symptoma-c myocarditis.

Dr. Bluemke calls for further research into this:

The investigators understood their first result was only the starting point. They next performed extensive “sensitivity analyses” – i.e., looking at the same data from multiple different directions. What if we account for age differences between groups, and the number of vaccinations? If mRNA vaccinations do cause asymptomatic myocardial inflammation, wouldn’t the effect be more likely shortly after vaccination, rather than 6 months later? Many of us who had COVID-19 vaccines had flu-like symptoms immediately after vaccination – perhaps those of us with common flu-like reactions would have more myocardial inflammation as well? Could trained readers see the differences visually? Or were the differences seen only after placing regions of interest on the heart that could be accidentally mispositioned? The list goes on. Great researchers are also skeptics – they need to prove the results to themselves.

Was the increase in myocardial inflammation due to a few unlucky patients driving high averages, with most people remaining unaffected?

Unfortunately, that is not the case: all quartiles were affected deleteriously, as this image shows:

Dose-Response Relationship Is Proof of Causality! 

Is there a dose-response relationship, providing further proof of causality? Can we see if the higher-dose Moderna vaccine causes MORE heart problems than the lower-dose Pfizer vaccine?

Recall that studies of other topics, such as pregnancy outcomes, show a 42% greater miscarriage rate and 93% greater infant death rate for Moderna (higher dose vaccine) compared to Pfizer.

What about the Nakahara study we are discussing? It shows a weaker but similar pattern of greater response due to Moderna:

The authors say there is “no difference” between Pfizer and Moderna. However, there IS a difference. Pfizer-vaccinated patients’ SUVmax was 4.7, and Moderna-vaccinated patients (Moderna is a greater dose, remember) had a greater SUVmax of 5.1. The difference did not reach statistical significance, likely due to a small sample size.

Does the Ill Effect Go Away As Time Passes?

Unfortunately, the scientists’s chart of SUVmax over time does not show complete recovery during 180 days (half a year), still above the unvaccinated level:

They Could Have Tested This in COVID Vaccine Clinical Trials! 

A test of cardiac function via F-FDG uptake, a standard radiological test, is something that careful scientists conducting COVID vaccine clinical trials could carry on with a few hundred patients. Watchful vaccine safety agencies could demand such tests to be conducted to ensure the general public’s safety. They chose not to do it, and their sponsors (Pfizer and Moderna) made much money selling unproven and untested COVID vaccines.

The vaccines, instead of stopping the pandemic, damaged the heart muscles of millions.

I hope that the vaccinated people will be able to ask for compensation for their damaged hearts.

The reality, sadly, is that the damage will most likely be ignored, and the vaccine billionaires will enjoy their newfound wealth while the hysterical Pfizer-sponsored press will be scaring us with new distractions.

What do you think?


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Featured image is from Children’s Health Defense

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

British Soldiers in Ukraine Would be Legitimate Target for Russia

October 3rd, 2023 by Lucas Leiroz de Almeida

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UK’s new defense secretary, Grant Shapps, is already involved in controversy, publicly proposing escalations in the Ukrainian conflict. During an interview to a Western media outlet, Shapps revealed that he plans to send British soldiers to Ukrainian territory, where they are expected to train Kiev’s troops. The case generated a Russian reaction and a failed attempt at clarification by British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.

The newly appointed secretary stated that there are plans for the British training program for Ukrainian soldiers to be conducted inside the Ukrainian territory. Furthermore, he said that British production of weapons and military equipment for Kiev could also be relocated to Ukraine, mainly in the west of the country, where the damage from the conflict is not so significant.

“I was talking today about eventually getting the training brought closer and actually into Ukraine as well (…) Particularly in the west of the country, I think the opportunity now is to bring more things ‘in country’, and not just training… but also we’re seeing BAE [an UK defense firm], for example, move into manufacturing ‘in country’, for example. (…) I’m keen to see other British [military] companies do their bit as well by doing the same thing. So I think there will be a move to get more training and production in the country”, he told The Telegraph’s journalists.

In the interview, Shapps also claimed to have spoken with President Vladimir Zelensky and other Ukrainian state officials about the possibility of British Royal Navy assisting Ukrainian “civilian” vessels, protecting commercial ships from attacks launched by Russian armed forces. He did not clarify how this “help” would be possible, but his words suggest that the British Navy could use direct deterrent methods against Russia, which sounds like a serious threat.

Obviously, all the measures suggested by Shapps will significantly escalate the conflict if they are actually implemented. British soldiers on Ukrainian soil would be a legitimate target for Russian attacks, even if their role on the battlefield is only to instruct Ukrainian troops, without directly participating in the fighting. All foreign military personnel working on Kiev’s side in Ukraine are legitimate targets, regardless of their role.

In the same sense, British weapons factories would also certainly be targeted by Russian artillery. Enemy military infrastructure will always be a target for Moscow, which is why British defense companies planning to move to Ukraine must be aware that their facilities will be at great risk due to the high-precision strikes regularly carried out by the Russian armed forces.

As far as vessels are concerned, the situation seems even more delicate. Russia decided to neutralize all Ukrainian ships in the Black Sea because Moscow’s intelligence discovered that many allegedly civilian vessels were carrying weapons and ammunition hidden in containers of grain and food items. This is a strategic decision by the Russian authorities and no country is able to prevent these attacks from occurring. If the British Navy becomes involved in hostilities in the Black Sea to “protect” Ukrainian ships, the consequences could be disastrous, as Moscow will not accept any type of Western direct “deterrence” within the special operation zone.

Russian authorities commented on the case, emphasizing the consequences of Shapps’ plans. Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev even observed on how this could lead to World War III, as the Russians would be forced to attack NATO military personnel – no longer as mercenaries, but as UK’s official troops.

So, reacting to comments on the topic, the day following Shapps’ irresponsible statements, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak made a declaration trying to “clarify” the situation. He said that no UK instructors will be sent to Ukraine now, asserting that Shapps only meant that “it might well be possible one day in the future for us to do some of that training in Ukraine.”

“But that’s something for the long term, not the here and now, there are no British soldiers that will be sent to fight in the current conflict. That’s not what’s happening,” he explained.

Sunak however failed to clarify how the British Navy could play a more active role in “protecting” Ukrainian ships, as promised by Shapps. It appears that Sunak just tried to minimize the public impact of Shapps’ irresponsible words, but, in practice, the Prime Minister’s “clarification” was not enough to ease tensions and rule out the possibility of escalation.

Also, by stating that British soldiers could go to Ukraine “in the future”, Sunak is also making it clear that the UK will continue to promote a bellicose policy in Ukraine. One of the objectives of the Russian operation is to make Ukraine a neutral country after the demilitarization process is completed. Obviously, a neutral country cannot receive NATO troops to train its soldiers, so Sunak is just making it clear that London will not cooperate for peace at any time.

In reaction to this, it remains for the Russians not only to seek absolute victory through military means, but also to liberate even more territories, preventing Ukraine from returning to being a NATO occupation zone after the end of hostilities. For Moscow, the absence of NATO troops in Ukraine is an existential and non-negotiable condition, which is why all necessary measures to achieve this objective will be taken.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Lucas Leiroz is a journalist, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, geopolitical consultant. You can follow Lucas on Twitter and Telegram.

Featured image: UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak greets Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky outside Chequers, the prime minister’s countryside residence, where the president arrived by helicopter on Monday seeking pledges of further military support. The UK promised hundreds of air-defense missiles and drones to Ukraine. / UK Government photo.

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By now I sincerely hope that you have all been watching the exposure of the #PlasmidGate scandal unfold on twitter and various other platforms. If you haven’t I’m going to summarise it for you as briefly I can:

When Pfizer and Moderna said that they produced an “RNA vaccine” and that an “RNA vaccine” meant that anything they injected into you would have a short lived (days) effect at most, it was a lie.

When the media, the regulators and the government said it “isn’t gene therapy” without knowing what was actually in the product, that was also a lie.

The primary reason that this is now proven to be a lie is that multiple laboratories around the world have proven that those COVID vaccines contain therapeutic levels of plasmid DNA. DNA lasts for ever and if it integrates into your genome, you will produce its product forever. There is no definition of gene therapy anywhere in the world that this process would be excluded from.


For more details on #Plasmidgate outside of twitter I would refer you to the original substack from Kevin McKernan here and the whole testimony of Dr Phillip Buckhaults here.

Just for background, it’s important to know what plasmid DNA is – it’s the lab-based circular DNA particles that is replicated in big vats of poo and then used to create the mRNA that goes into your “short lived” vaccine.

It’s a lab tool so should never be in a drug injected into a human. It’s not allowed to be there. It’s like having a drug that requires arsenic as a substrate to make it, and then throwing the leftover arsenic into the actual drug that gets injected into you.

But this article is not directly about the discovery of Plasmid DNA in the Pfizer and Moderna jabs (that has been now verified by 6 labs worldwide).

It’s about the special properties of the contents of that DNA and the RNA that is made from it, combined with the RNA that accompanies it (the jabs have the stated RNA in them as well as the stowaway DNA).

You see, it turns out that there are at least 5 different mechanisms for that DNA-RNA-protein combination to take that DNA into the nucleus of your cells. And that wasn’t on the advertising brochure was it?

Don’t believe me? See what Dr Phillip Buckhaults has to say about the Buckshot. I have clipped out the most important part from his speech to the SC Senate hearing and the most important bit of the most important bit is this:

“During the process they chopped them [the DNA plasmids] up to try to make them go away but they actually increased the hazard of genome modification”

Click here to view the video

Wait, what?

They did something that increased the risk of genome modification?

Now why would they do that, surely that’s an accident.

And now we are here. Phillip quote’s Hanlon’s razor, viz:

And I am going to show to you why the makers of the Pfizer and Moderna “mRNA vaccine” must be really, really, stupid if Hanlon’s Razor applies. It’s because in this one product there are at least 5 ways in which the product design and manufacture ended up with mechanisms that increase the risk of DNA going into the nucleus of your cells, thus modifying your genome.

In other words, if they wanted to skin this particular cat, they managed to find 5 separate ways to do it and throw them into the same product.

Detailed scientific analysis: Click here to continue reading…


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Perhaps you have had an epiphany that WE, the sane, the rational, the intelligent and the reasonable, now endure within a populist stupidity that is propagated by a worldwide theatre of journalistic lies, endemic media propaganda, agendized disinformation and government-mandated ignorance?

Worse. We, whose minds – and conscience – still demand an informed and developed opinion based on established facts, are surrounded by a growing majority that embraces, instead, this demand for willful ignorance.

We are told that their irrational mind is … better.

Vindication of the Alternative Journalist

As reality comes to light in the minds of the previously dulled regarding the 2020 US presidential election, COVID-19, and the Ukraine war, 95% of all media; radio, TV, mainstream and alternative news and all of social media are today mere apologists for their years of lies thus exposed.

All of them – almost all- so willfully prostituted their conscience and sacrificed the true tenets of quality journalism onto the pyre of authoritarian censorship. Simply speaking, they lied.

It is publications such this journal that maintained an allegiance to factual, provable journalism by providing a platform for the very few authors who dedicated themselves to the best reporting standards but were marginalized almost universally. Today, those too few publications and their stables of journalists have gone from vilification to vindication.

It was far too small cadres of Winston Smiths that stood up to ridicule this mental oppression and censorship. All of these few are the only media sources that can today stand tall as the facts we presented then are now the true, “settled science.”

Yet none of us get paid much if anything. Donations are rare. We are hated and reviled. But we and the publications that feature our work are proven, again and again… right!

Vindicated after some four years are the true champions of great journalism. Like Mike Whitney, Naomi Wolf, Pepe Escobar, Kevin Barrett, Eric Zuesse, Rich Scheck and too few others that are omitted in this list only due to brevity. Those of us who refused to allow our minds or those of our readers to become confused.

When the names of these luminaries finally have their by-lines grace the headlines of the mainstream media (MSM) and are nominated for the media awards that their bodies of work deserve, then the world will finally be…better.


After authoring, in 2020, a multi-part series that reported factually on the seven state machinations of a very “fiddled with” 2020 presidential election, this journalist was one of those very few whose publishers/editors had the balls to present my bombshell reporting to a public desperately looking for details immediately before and after election night. At the time I, like my brothers in arms, was utterly excoriated. The breadth of mainstream and alternative media demanded that I think…better.

However, today my thinking has not changed. Like the other champions, my work and education are now vindicated! The unimaginable Biden impeachment has begun and more information is coming out daily. 

With the 2024 US presidential election already developing a nasty acrid, bile-like taste at the back of the tongue, and with the DNC emboldened after repeating their election manipulations in the 2022 mid-term (see: Arizona and Pennsylvania) my interest in this upcoming episode of the macabre spectacle of American Monocracy is again far too much to ignore. More to come on that.

But first, a short review of my 2020 reporting may be of interest as a necessary primer to: “2024: What are the Democrats going to pull this time?”

The 2020 election series began, along with my interest, after the Monday night massacre of democracy that saw all the DNC candidates for president, except Sanders, implicated in rigging the Iowa caucus for Biden on Monday, Feb 3, 2020. This was some serious fiddling on the opening night of the new 2020 campaign. Such was Part One of the series. [LINK] Of course, this prelude to Nov 6 – and Jan 6- was tossed off by the MSM as a “computer glitch.”

With funny business afoot, and Biden running his campaign in absentia, I authored an expose on the US Electoral College and how it really worked and might be used. Further, I anticipated that this election would be brought before the State and Federal Electoral Colleges for certification, but under popular voter duress.

As shown, the Electoral College is and was- or could have been- on Jan 6, 2021, a very powerful tool of democracy in a political system that routinely operates as a monocracy. One needs only to review the impeachment of Texas Attorney General by Republicans for violating the Blue State New World Order oozing from mind addled Austin; or Republican House Speaker, Kevin McCarthy’s tepid response to investigating presidential treason and influence peddling and cover-up by democrats.

By these standards, would the 1972 Nixon Watergate cover-up even make the papers today?

Next came my reporting of the Hunter Biden laptop revelations. If not for the most massive and collective US media conspiracy to defraud the American voter of this vital knowledge two weeks before the election, this would have certainly blown the Biden campaign out of the water in Hillary 2016 fashion. [LINK]

It would have also given every US elector in the State and Federal Electoral Colleges a very sound reason for refusing to cast their personal electoral ballot for Biden. Had the laptop story been given the coverage, then, that it is getting today, would the protests in DC on Jan 6 have been viewed very differently by a much larger swath of outraged American voters? Absolutely.

“Conspiracy theorist,” was the nicest accusation that came my way for that series. Even my favorite editor told me very directly that he had “Zero,” interest in 2020 election fraud coverage. But he published my series out of respect for the quality of reporting past and present. [LINK] [LINK] [LINK]

In the same article, I was also one of the very first journalists to release links to the huge dossier of information and documents alleging a direct link of Biden to his son’s payola scheme in China. Why it took two-and-a-half years for this treasonous connection to get public/congressional attention is, of course, a rhetorical question.

Next, I examined the Dominion voting machines and showed how they were, and had been, susceptible to fraud. [LINK]

For the record: the Fox News settlement with Dominion was no more than pablum for the willfully ignorant. Just by applying a normal procedural litigation standard, there were many problems with Fox settling so easily, so willingly and so damn quickly.

Until proof is provided that the purported $787.5 million settlement check cleared to Dominion’s offshore bank account, this MSM insult only further highlights the cover-up and why the media had to again demand that the voter think…better.

Next, I authored an expose on how the seven key states in play during the vote count had used COVID-19 as a rationale to unconstitutionally- per state law- issue, without request, mail-in ballots to all registered voters and more. Of course, subsequently, I reported on the ballot dumping, robo-signings, verification problems, ballot machine programming problems and missing personal and video surveillance of the ballot tabulations. [LINK]

In total, this was fiddling of the highest order. All were ignored by MSM and alternative media until recently.

Finally, as the whole mess predictably was thrust before SCOTUS again my reporting and observations were substantially correct, but with one historic exception: Despite Justice Alito issuing emergency rulings in Pennsylvania regarding the unconstitutional mail-in ballots ( a trick repeated in many states) and with strong wording very favorable to the Trump campaign, in the end the full US Supreme Court failed to provide a ruling at all, and merely punted.[LINK]

Reports have it that Chief Justice Roberts did scream at his colleagues that if they ruled otherwise the nation would reel into violence. An abrogation of jurisprudence of the highest order.

However, again the majority of the willfully ignorant refused to look beyond the curtain of their singular daily news offering. The media’s mandate of ignorance about questioning the validity of the 2020 election, was all too easily accepted by the vast majority of voters as being …better!


“Where are Woodward and Bernstein when we need them.”

Next, the world was victimized by the greatest scam in human history- Covid-19.

The few remaining rational minds recoiled in horror at witnessing so many people who seemed also sane, rational, and reasonable, but instead so willingly cast aside the real science presented by Nobel prize-winning clinicians, world-renowned health scientists and the very creators of the MRNA tests and vaccines themselves.

For three years this stupidity reigned, favoring the charlatans of mainstream media and their experts lurking behind the sideshow. Facts were trumped by the media’s purported “settled science” and the fools who blindly believed it. This worldwide ignorance saluted mental retardation as being… better.

I found this willful ignorance abhorrent and divorced my body and my mind from this malignant disease. Like the Polar bear, I don’t do particularly well in captivity, so I continually escaped; going from the USA to the UK to Amsterdam to Curacao to Aruba to Colombia to Florida seeking freedom.

So, me and my allegiance to personal and mental liberty remained intact while great independent journalists like Dr. Gary G. Kohl, Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Robert Malone, Colin Todhunter, Joseph Mercola, Michel Chossudovsky and too few others so valiantly took up the torch to document and dissect the global lie featured as COVID-19.

All met a similar fate of outrage for their bold reporting and for factually breaking the MSM narrative with excellent supported facts. Today they too have also been completely vindicated.

Their vindication grows weekly as reports from across the globe continue to break through the MSM filters with new revelations that COVID-19 and particularly the western versions of the vaccines were another American-created barbarity on the conscience of man.

My colleague in these pages, former Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts recently bemoaned, “Where are Woodward and Bernstein when we need them.”

Oh, we are here, Mr. Roberts!

And, for obvious reasons, not one of us works for the Washington Post. All of us refuse to think…better.  


2022 brought a new American-borne horror. Western media lies now morphed into a subsequently more heinous genocidal lie: The Ukraine war.

With the very real threat of thermonuclear war seemingly being forced on an innocent world via American and British allegiance to hegemony rather than diplomacy, and using the MSM allegiance to revisionist history regarding the matter, there was only one thing for a GOOD journalist to do…get your ass to Ukraine! 

On-scene reporting is my specialty when I can afford it.  Why? Because in a world of what should be Black and White or simply Right vs. Wrong, western controlled media and its allegiance to THE BIG LIE, force the mind to consider only every proffered shade of media grey.

We are told that this grey is… better!

Thankfully, those Western media lies were again first penetrated by the very few journalists who quickly got to Ukraine and who still ascribe to the true tenets of old-school journalism. On-scene reporting provides the facts only found by being there. Reporting that is undeniable. A wedge, a knife point, a quill’s nib thus thrust directly into the frontal lobes of those who strangely prefer proffered ignorance and legitimized stupidity.

On-scene reporting proved that, once again mainstream and alternative media was lying to the public about- at the least- the neo-Nazi sympathies of the Ukrainian Gov’t and its military factions, the on-the-ground realities, and the past history and ulterior motives of the perimeter countries involved. [LINK] [LINK] [LINK] [LINK] [LINK]

Today, few journalists would have the hypocrisy to deny the neo-Nazi connection. However, eighteen months ago, almost all of them did.

So, here we are. A new presidential election is upon us and both the incumbent and the front-runner are looking at some quality time in the White House. The RNC and the DNC are currently like a virgin in a whorehouse: Not sure which wrong door to open next, and desperately praying for a way out. Trump v Biden? Again?

Of one thing, however, the US voter can be assured: nothing that comes from the 2024 election will be …better.


The War… For Your Mind!

There is war all around us.

It is NOT the war for territory. It is NOT the war for unlimited profits. It is NOT the war for information.

It is the war to steal forever- YOUR MIND!!

There is only one truth: truth based on proven facts. All facts, by definition, must always make themselves available to the intelligent examination of their ongoing validity, i.e. open public debate encouraging informed opinion via education. All else is utter ignorance. Willful ignorance that eliminates factual discussion is, by this definition: stupidity.

The results of ignorance and stupidity worldwide are killing us all. We cannot ever allow ourselves to believe these minds to be… better.

If you are reading these lines then you have found one of the few quality news agencies remaining. One that champions quality journalism. One that needs no apology. One that got its facts straight, right from the start by supporting excellent and vindicated journalists.

When you dare to know in your heart, the truth, one need not think… better.


In the dramatic and horrifying final scene of the All-Star film version of George Orwell’s book, “1984,” Winston Smith is being tortured by O’Brien. Smith’s crime…?: “Thoughtcrime.”

Winston Smith, wracked with pain and under inquisition, must learn to think correctly. To conform. To adjust his mind.

To thinkbetter!

“BETTER?”, 1984 – Youtube

What say you now, dear reader, to… “better?


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Brett Redmayne-Titley has spent the last twelve years travelling to and documenting the “Sorrows of Empire.” He has authored over 200 articles all of which have been published and often republished and translated by news agencies worldwide. An archive of his published work can be found at watchingromeburn.uk.  He can be contacted for interviews or comments at live-on-scene ((@)) gmx.com.

The author’s new book, “THERE!” is just out. 18 chapters of the best in old-style on-scene reporting. Please support my work by purchasing a copy from Amazon Books.  All donations are greatly appreciated. 

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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A question: Is it the case that an individual member of an organization who rejects participation in the wider group’s malefaction is to be held equally culpable in the wider group’s evildoing just by virtue of affiliation?

If so, this panders to the guilt by association fallacy.

In Canada, the Justin Trudeau government has further sullied its reputation and the reputation of Parliament by having invited and feted the 98-year-old Yaroslav Hunka as a “Ukrainian hero and a Canadian hero” who had fought against the Russians.

Yet, fighting against the Russians obviously meant that Hunka had to be fighting on the side of Nazi Germany. That fact seemed to elude the Canadian parliamentarians.

This incident ripped the mask off Trudeau’s protecting “Canadian values,” causing the government to try and have the embarrassing episode struck from Hansard.

“The fact that a motion from the government benches to suppress any official (Hansard) record of the incident being tabled does nothing but underscore its culpability in Canadian-Ukraine fascism,” said the ever insightful writer T.P. Wilkinson in an email.


Canadian officials are concerned that the proper vetting of invitees to the Parliament was not carried out. A spokesperson for the speaker of the House of Commons, Anthony Rota, indicated that Rota had not shared his list of invitees with the Prime Minister’s Office or any opposition parties before the event. Rota had to take the fall, resigning as speaker.

Was it political cowardice that caused Trudeau to duck the subsequent Question Period and evade fellow parliamentarians?

Are There “Good Nazis”?

Hunka was a volunteer member of the 14th SS Division Galicia. The SS were notorious for committing war crimes.

But does being a Nazi mean one is ipso facto a war criminal, a scumbag, or some other nefarious descriptor?

Wernher von Braun was a Nazi who was also a rocket engineer. The Americans brought him stateside where he later became a director of NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center. Von Braun designed the Saturn V launch vehicle, the superbooster that would send Americans to the moon. The Americans, apparently, thought von Braun was a good enough Nazi to bring to US soil.

What about Oskar Schindler, the German industrialist who was the main protagonist in Stephen Spielberg’s film Schindler’s List? Schindler was a member of the Nazi Party, but he is depicted as a humanitarian for helping Jews escape Nazi persecution.

What about Dr. Hans Münch? Or Karl Plagge, former commander of a Nazi forced labor camp? Or John Rabe, an ardent Hitler supporter? Or Nazi party official Helmut Kleinicke who Israel designated as Righteous Among the Nations in January 2020. These men have been described as “good Nazis.”

Nazis are not alone in their monstrosity. To access the research findings of the notorious Japanese scientists of Unit 731 who carried out exceedingly cruel criminal experimentation on humans, the US government had them snatched from the docket of the Tokyo War Crimes Tribunal and brought to America.

Nazism and Chrystia Freeland

Canada, which had denied safe haven for over 900 Jewish refugees aboard the MS St Louis in 1939 (an unsavoury incident for which Trudeau issued a formal apology in 2018), had for some reason seen fit to open its borders to allow several Nazis in.

Nazism is strident in Canada.

Currently, Ukrainian-Canadian Chrystia Freeland serves as number two in Canada’s government, as deputy prime minister. This is despite critics branding her as sympathetic to Nazism.

Russian officials are also critical of Freeland. Kirill Kalinin, a spokesman for the Russian Embassy in Ottawa, charged that Freeland evaded revealing her grandfather’s complicity with Nazis during World War II.

Freeland has brushed aside questions regarding her grandfather’s Nazi involvement as Russian disinformation designed to undermine Canadian democracy. Yet, on 7 March 2017, the Globe and Mail reported that “Freeland knew her grandfather was editor of a Nazi newspaper.”

The sins of the grandfather do not automatically fall upon the granddaughter, but Freeland must have felt the pressure to publicly denounce Nazism. On 28 March 2019, the CBC quoted Freeland as saying: “Neo-Nazis, white supremacists, ‘incels,’ nativists and radical anti-globalists who resort to violent acts are a threat to the stability of my country and countries around the world.”

However, on 4 March 2022 Canadian Dimension headlined an article: “Chrystia Freeland’s ties to Ukrainian nationalists reveal a double standard The deputy prime minister was photographed with a scarf associated with the Ukrainian far-right at a demonstration in Toronto.”

Freeland deleted a tweet she had posted and relied again on the ad hominem fallacy of Russian disinformation.

It seems more like the claim of disinformation applies to Freeland as evidence indicates that she had contributed to an encyclopedia downplaying the ties of Ukrainian SS units to Nazism.

Trudeau’s Double Standards on Nazism

When the Trucker Convoy gathered in Ottawa to oppose the government’s COVID mandates, prime minister Trudeau smeared the protestors as homophobic, racist, and Nazis. Hypocritically, it is Trudeau’s government that has had to deny accusations of aiding Ukrainian Nazi fighters. On 4 May 2022, the Department of National Defence dismissed any allegations that the Canadian Armed Forces had trained Ukrainian Nazis. Yet CTV wrote that there is plenty of evidence that Canada helped train Ukraine’s Nazi Azov Battalion and called for the government to be held to account. Unfortunately, support for Ukraine spans the spectrum of Canada’s major political parties, and it is abetted by Canada’s mass media.

So, the hullabaloo — deserved as it is — is puzzling surrounding the former Waffen SS volunteer, Yaroslav Hunka, given a longstanding lax attitude toward Nazism by Canada.

Hunka does have support in at least one corner. The president of the Ukrainian National Federation of Canada, Jurij Klufas, complained about the unfair treatment Hunka is receiving. He makes the point that Hunka was fighting for Ukraine — not Germany — and that Canada, along with other countries had cleared his division of war crimes.

“If you’re a soldier, doesn’t mean you’re a member of a certain party from the country,” Klufas said.

How Were Nazis Accepted Into Canada?

A Canadian commission headed by Jules Deschênes issued a report with findings and recommendations concerning the Galicia division in which it stated that “it is worthwhile to pause and examine the blanket accusation brought against the members of the Galicia Division” (p 249) who were held in Britain as POWs.

On 31 May 1950, it was decided by the Canadian cabinet “that Ukrainians, presently residing in the United Kingdom, be admitted to Canada notwithstanding their service in the German army provided they are otherwise admissible. These Ukrainians should be subject to special security screening, but should not be rejected on the grounds of their service in the German army.” (p 250)

An excerpt from the Screening Commission reported:

“The general impression which we have formed of all the men in the camp is favourable, as they strike us all as being decent, simple minded sort of people.” (253)

“The Commission is only interested in individuals, of whatever ethnic origin, who may be seriously suspected of war crimes.” (254)

“Membership alone in the Waffen SS does not, in itself, amount to a crime under international law; it must be membership as qualified by the Tribunal in Nuremberg. It implies either knowledge or participation.” (257)

“… no presumption of individual guilt derives from the declaration of the Nuremberg Tribunal, and that consequently, the prosecution is called to prove not only that the accused was a member of the organization declared criminal, but also that he knew the relevant facts or (if an involuntary member) that he was personally implicated in the commission of crimes….

In the event the courts have in many cases explicitly ruled that the burden of proof remains on the prosecution.” (259)

Remarks by Scott Ritter

Former US Marine intelligence officer Scott Ritter is a superbly insightful analyst of the special military operation that Russia is carrying out in Ukraine. He is deeply versed in the history of the former Soviet Union, Russia, and militarism, and he is forthright in presenting his analysis and views. However, there is cause for one to demur from Ritter’s opinions expressed in a recent interview — opinions that are contrary to some of the findings in the Deschênes Commission.

Ritter opined about Hunka that:

“He was a rifleman, so he probably shot a few Jewish women himself. He probably enjoyed it, too, because that is how those Ukrainians are that join the Waffen SS. They’re not innocent. These are ideologically motivated thugs.”

In 2011, Hunka waxed poetic in a blog about what motivated him and other Ukrainians to join the Galicia SS: “faith in God and love for Ukraine.”

A photograph of SS Galizien soldier Yaroslav Hunka, taken between 1943 and 1945. (Licensed under the Public Domain)

He lamented that day in 1940 when two enkavedists (special groups of the NKVD, the state security apparatus of the Soviet Union) came and took their beloved Russian language lecturer, an “old, tall, noble in character” Pole, and brought him forthwith to the railway station, where other families had been brought at night, including Hunka’s aunt and uncle Kobrin and his cousins Stefa and Volodymyr. He notes that Stefa, 15 years old like him, died that winter near Irkutsk in Siberia.

He wrote, “The terror of Moscow Communism raged over the Berezhansk land. The NKVD had eyes and ears everywhere.”

Hunka relates that when the German army occupied Berezhany (a city in western Ukraine) in July 1941, the German soldiers were joyfully greeted. No more would the citizens have to live in fear of a middle-of-the-night knock on the door, and Führer Hitler became regarded as the new “liberator” of the Ukrainian people.

This would seem to explain his anti-Russian, anti-Communist disposition — “those beasts turned into human form with a red star on the forehead” — a disposition that would drive him, at age 16, to join the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN). Is it an honest accounting of his time during WWII? He does not mention the Waffen SS in his blog posting.

Hunka’s professed motivation for joining the OUN/Galicia Waffen SS is understandable, even if the reasoning was flawed. But what do most 16-year-olds know of the world and war? The adult Hunka, who was 85 when he wrote the blog, is another story. Obviously, the truthfulness of the blog relies upon the veracity of its writer.

Hunka’s Joining the Nationalist OUN

Ritter was also scathing about Freeland: “Chrystia Freeland, herself, is just a dyed-in-the-wool Nazi…. She is scum personified, and so is almost everyone of Ukrainian descent in Canada…. but I’m not saying that just because you are Ukrainian you are scum, but I’m saying that if your ancestors were Nazis and if you continue to glorify their history, and you continue to try and whitewash it, then you are scum, too.”

For Ritter, Hunka  is a “murderous Nazi war criminal.” This is based purely on Hunka’s affiliation with the Waffen SS.

There is no denying that the SS is an utterly despicable outfit. And if Hunka did commit the war crimes that Ritter alleges, then he is indeed a monster. But merely joining a despicable outfit such as the Waffen SS does not mean that a person participated in any horrendous acts against other humans. However, there is a matter of the incriminating cognizance of egregious crimes. At best, Hunka can be accused of being naive or foolhardy in joining the SS for whatever reason. And, to iterate, if Hunka did commit war crimes, then he should be held accountable.

Good for the Goose, Good for the Gander

If everyone who allied with Nazis can be denounced as scum, then the same principle should apply to other despicable outfits that are known to have committed war crimes. That would definitely include the US military as it (with the collusion of Britain and France) is held to have deliberately starved German POWs after Germany’s surrender in WWII, perhaps killing as many as 1.7 million POWs (see Other Losses by James Bacque); the scorched earth destruction and wanton commission of war crimes in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (See A.B. Abrams’s Immovable Object North Korea’s 70 Years At War with American Power. Review.

US atrocities were not limited to the DPRK but occurred even in South Korea; e.g., the No Gun Ri massacre); the several massacres perpetrated in Viet Nam (e.g., the rape and killing of women and slaughter of elders during the My Lai massacre); the disgusting abuse of military superiority in Iraq from the Highway of Death, which likened the slaughter of retreating Iraqi soldiers to shooting fish in a barrel, and to the torture of prisoners in Abu Ghraib; bombing wedding parties in Afghanistan; and the cowardly sacrificing of Ukrainian lives to fight the US-Nato war against Russia. The US military is steeped in war crimes. (See A.B. Abrams’s Atrocity Fabrication and Its Consequences. Review.)

Scott Ritter was in the US military. Does that make him scum and a rapist of little girls? No. So why does it make every Nazi a war criminal and rapist?

Where does Ritter get off saying things like: “This 98-year-old guy was a young guy at the time, …. He was chasing down the Jewish girls and killing them and raping them because that is what they [the Galicia SS] did.”

There are far too many documented accounts of American soldiers raping and killing. Can one therefore say Ritter was chasing down Iraqi girls and killing them? Of course not.

Ritter, who was an opponent of a war on Iraq, also acknowledges that at one time he was sharing intelligence about Iraq with Israel. But Israel is a war crimes monstrosity itself that is engaged in massive human rights abuses and killings of the indigenous Palestinians.

Thus, it was surprising to hear Ritter say, “[W]hen Jewish people say ‘never again,’ I have to respect that. They mean ‘never again.’”

Ritter doubled down on those two words, never again: “It means it ain’t never again gonna happen.”

Again, I will demur with Ritter on this point. The oft heard maxim is that actions speak louder than words. Words are easy. Words in isolation don’t deserve respect; it is the rightful actions that deserve respect. It is the actions that give force to the truthfulness behind words.

Returning to Israel, an informed observer would ask what does the slow motion genocide of Palestinians by Jewish Israelis, supported by much of the Jewish diaspora, signify for fidelity to the refrain “never again”?


Dr Wilkinson:

I spent much of my youth around the military and naval forces. I know the sources of the attraction. Ritter is sincere in his loyalties and criticisms. However the reality was for many in the thirties and forties that the SS was just as proud as the US Marine Corps. The Corps is the most heavily indoctrinated branch of the regular US military- even the Navy keep them at arm’s length.

So Ritter should not throw stones at nonagenarians.

No people are a monolith.

People, especially those imbued with the folly of youth, can make foolish mistakes in choosing which friends to hang with, gangs to join, and organizations to participate in. Then there are those persons addicted to lethal violence some of who primarily enlist in the military for a chance to shoot and kill a purported enemy and not to serve firstly as a defender of their country.

It is not out of the realm of possibility that some people felt or were trapped by their foolish choices but refrained from taking part in dastardly acts of their group. To be clear, people are culpable for their choice of who they associate with. But does this make them equally culpable for the misdeeds of the wicked group members?


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Kim Petersen is an independent writer. He can be emailed at: kimohp at gmail.com.

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If you think your social media is being edited and blocked to press a certain point of view, it is. If you think the government is trying to get you to think a certain way, it is. There’s no more hiding this behind dummy allegations of conspiracy theories.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit ruled the Biden White House and the FBI violated the First Amendment by improperly driving social media companies’ decisions to remove or suppress posts on Covid and election topics. The ruling is a step toward bringing social media under the umbrella of the First Amendment and ending proxy censorship, and sets up a major Supreme Court battle over the censoring free speech as demanded by the Biden administration.

Specifically, the appeals judges wrote the

“White House, the CDC, the FBI, and a few other agencies urged the platforms to remove disfavored content and accounts from their sites. And, the platforms seemingly complied. They gave the officials access to an expedited reporting system, downgraded or removed flagged posts, and deplatformed users. The platforms also changed their internal policies to capture more flagged content and sent steady reports on their moderation activities to the officials. That went on through the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2022 congressional election, and continues to this day.”

The judges wrote the White House

“coerced the platforms to make their moderation decisions by way of intimidating messages and threats of adverse consequences.” They also found the White House “significantly encouraged the platforms’ decisions by commandeering their decision-making processes, all in violation of the First Amendment.”

The decision found although the platforms stifled the speech, it was government officials who “coerced, threatened, and pressured social-media platforms to censor” through private communications and legal threats,” i.e., censorship by proxy.

The appeals court decision includes emails from White House officials showing pressure on the social media companies to address “misinformation.” Things reached a boiling point in July 2021 when President Biden accused Facebook of “killing people.”

In one email, a White House official told a platform to take a post down “ASAP,” and instructed it to “keep an eye out for tweets that fall in this same genre.” In another, an official told a platform to “remove [an] account immediately”—he could not “stress the degree to which this needs to be resolved immediately.” The decision notes “White House officials did not only flag content; they started monitoring the platforms’ moderation activities, too. In that vein, the officials asked for and received frequent updates from the platforms. Those updates revealed, however, that the platforms’ policies were not clear-cut and did not always lead to content being demoted. So, the White House pressed the platforms. For example, one official demanded more details on Facebook’s internal policies at least twelve times, including to ask what was being done to curtail ‘dubious’ or ‘sensational’ content, what ‘interventions’ were being taken, what ‘measurable impact’ the platforms’ moderation policies had, ‘how much content [was] being demoted,’ and what ‘misinformation’ was not being downgraded.”

The platforms did not fight back. As the judges wrote, from the beginning, the platforms cooperated with the White House. One company made an employee “available on a regular basis,” and another gave the officials access to special tools like a “Partner Support Portal” to “ensure” their requests were “prioritized automatically.”

Once White House officials began to demand more from the platforms, they stepped-up their efforts to appease officials instead of pushing back. When there was confusion, the platforms would call to “clear up” any “misunderstanding[s]” and provide data detailing their moderation activities. They met with officials, “partnered” with them, and assured them that they were actively trying to “remove the most harmful COVID-19 misleading information.” When Facebook did not take a [unnamed] prominent pundit’s “popular post” down, a White House official asked what good is the reporting system, and signed off with “last time we did this dance, it ended in an insurrection.”

In another example, one official emailed Facebook a document recommending changes to the platform’s internal policies, including to its deplatforming and downgrading systems. In another example, one platform sent out a post-meeting list of “commitments” including a policy change “focused on reducing the virality” of anti-vaccine content even when it “does not contain actionable misinformation.” On another occasion, one platform listed “policy updates… regarding repeat misinformation” after meeting with the Surgeon General’s office and signed off “[w]e think there’s considerably more we can do in partnership with you and your teams to drive behavior.” The platforms obliged the censorship requests in every instance cited and were “keen to amplify any messaging you want us to project.” At times, the judges wrote, their responses “bordered on capitulation.”

In an escalation, the platforms began taking down content and deplatforming users more broadly. For example, “Facebook started removing information posted by the ‘disinfo dozen’—a group of influencers identified as problematic by the White House, despite earlier representations that those users were not in violation of their policies. In general, the platforms had pushed back against deplatforming users in the past, but that changed. Facebook also made other pages that ‘had not yet met their removal thresholds more difficult to find on our platform,’ and promised to send updates and take more action. A month later, members of the disinfo dozen were deplatformed across several sites.” Specifically mentioned as a victim of these actions was Gateway Pundit.

The judges also focused on the FBI interaction with social media platforms in the run-up to the 2020 elections, which included regular meetings with the tech companies. The judges wrote that the FBI’s activities were “not limited to purely foreign threats,” citing instances where the law enforcement agency targeted posts originating inside the United States. The judges said in their rulings the platforms changed their policies based on the FBI briefings, citing updates to their terms of service about handling of hacked materials, following warnings of state-sponsored “hack and dump” operations. The latter was used as justification initially by Twitter (now X) in blacklisting articles about the Hunter Biden laptop, suggesting its contents had been obtained via hacking and/or the contents were created as disinformation by the Russians. Neither was true but both were used, via the FBI, to step roughly on Americans’ First Amendment rights and influence the 2020 presidential election.

The current appeals court decision follows a July injunction in response to a lawsuit brought by the attorneys general in Louisiana and Missouri. They alleged government officials went too far in their efforts to demand social media companies address posts that they worried could contribute to vaccine hesitancy during the pandemic. The state attorneys general accused the Biden administration of enabling a “sprawling federal ‘Censorship Enterprise’” to encourage tech giants to remove politically unfavorable viewpoints and speakers. In their filings, the attorneys general alleged the actions amount to “the most egregious violations of the First Amendment in the history of the United States of America.” The judge wrote the attorneys general “have produced evidence of a massive effort by Defendants, from the White House to federal agencies, to suppress speech based on its content.” The injunction starts by non-ironically citing the famous quote “I may disapprove of what you say, but I would defend to the death your right to say it.”

The answer to all this from the July injunction was to create a wall between social media and state. This affected a wide range of government departments and agencies, and imposed ten specific prohibitions on government officials. The more recent appeals court decision threw out nine of those and modified the 10th to rejoin the government from seeking to “coerce or significantly encourage social-media companies to remove, delete, suppress, or reduce, including through altering their algorithms, posted social-media content containing protected free speech.” That will likely be tested before the Supreme Court.

During times when unbiased information was badly needed — on vaccines, for example — the government of the United States egregiously violated the First Amendment to pressure social media companies to amplify certain points of view and do away with others. This censorship at the request of the White House targeted both broad ideas (“anti-vax”) and individual American citizens. It shows how the administration conducted an end run on the First Amendment, using the social media companies as proxies. It was done by the Biden administration to politically drive the American people toward its point of view. Its goal was nothing short of shutting down the marketplace of ideas so necessary in a democracy.


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In 2007, Putin asked the world, “What happened to the assurances our western partners made after the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact? Where are those declarations today? No one even remembers them.” He then went on to remind his audience of NATO’s promise not to expand east of Germany toward Russia’s borders.

In 2008, when NATO promised that Ukraine would become a member of NATO, Russian officials warned that “Ukraine’s membership in the alliance is a huge strategic mistake which would have most serious consequences for pan-European security.” Putin said that “if Ukraine joins NATO, it will do so without Crimea and the eastern regions. It will simply fall apart.” Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov warned that Russia would do “everything possible” to prevent Ukraine from becoming a member of NATO.

In 2023, Putin said that

“In fact, the threat of Ukraine’s accession to NATO is the reason, or rather one of the reasons for the special military operation.”

It is often forgotten in the discussion of the war in Ukraine that in 1990 and 1991, with the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the break up of the Warsaw Pact and the end of the Cold War, NATO promised Gorbachev that NATO would not expand east. With the declassification of so many of the documents recording those promises, no objective analyst can any longer deny that the promise was made. Rather, apologists for US and NATO behavior claim that the promise was not binding because it was not written down. But, as several scholars, like Joshua R. Itzkowitz Shifrinson and Mark Trachtenberg, have pointed out, verbal agreements made at the level this verbal agreement was made can be binding under international law, and they cite several important precedents, including precedence involving the US and the Soviet Union.

Not only was the promise binding, it may have been more than a promise. It may have reached the level of a deal. Deals, in which one party gives up something in exchange for what the other party promises in return, are more binding than promises. The documentary record is clear that Gorbachev allowed a united Germany to remain in NATO in exchange for a NATO promise not to expand east.

It is the breaking of that deal that Russia has frequently cited as “one of the reasons for the special military operation.”

But that famous NATO promise is not the only broken NATO promise. Another much less famous promise is just as important and may be the key to ending the war in Ukraine. One of the keys to understanding the causes and, therefore, the possible solutions to the war is remembering not just the promise NATO made stay out of Ukraine, but the promise Ukraine made to stay out of NATO.

In a September 23 press conference at the UN General Assembly, Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov was asked if Russia recognizes the sovereignty of Ukraine. Lavrov answered that Russia “recognized the sovereignty of Ukraine back in 1991, on the basis of the Declaration of Independence, which Ukraine adopted when it withdrew from the Soviet Union.” He then clearly pointed out that “one of the main points for [Russia] in the declaration was that Ukraine would be a non-bloc, non-alliance country; it would not join any military alliances.”

There was not just a NATO promise to stay out of Ukraine, there was also a Ukrainian promise to stay out of NATO. Article IX  of the 1990 Declaration of State Sovereignty of Ukraine, “External and Internal Security,” says that Ukraine “solemnly declares its intention of becoming a permanently neutral state that does not participate in military blocs. . ..” That promise was later enshrined in Ukraine’s constitution, which committed Ukraine to neutrality and prohibited it from joining any military alliance: that included NATO.

In 2019, Ukraine amended the constitution, with neither vote nor referendum, to include a mandate for all future governments to seek as a goal membership in NATO.

After reminding the world of this promise, Lavrov then added the key line: “In that version, on those conditions, we support Ukraine’s territorial integrity.” Lavrov seems to be saying that Russia will guarantee the sovereignty of Ukraine if Ukraine guarantees that it will stay out of NATO.

When the war was still in its very early days, Putin sent the message to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, via then Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, “Tell me you’re not joining NATO, I won’t invade.”

That Ukrainian promise, forgotten in the discussions of the war, then, could hold the key to peace. Lavrov may have been signalling Moscow’s willingness to guarantee the sovereignty of Ukraine in exchange for renewing the promise that a sovereign Ukraine would be a neutral Ukraine and not a NATO Ukraine.

The problem is that that key has been tried already. Already by the second day of the war, Zelensky had signaled that he was prepared to abandon Ukraine’s pursuit of NATO membership. The next day he repeated that “We are not afraid to talk about neutral status.” Soon after, during negotiations mediated by Bennett, Zelensky “relinquished joining NATO.”

But it went further than signals and concessions. As early as April 2022, the tentative agreement initialed by Russian and Ukrainian negotiators in Istanbul included that “Ukraine would promise not to seek NATO membership. . ..”

On June 13, 2023, Putin confirmed that “we reached an agreement in Istanbul,” and he confirmed that it had been initialled. Reportedly titled “the Treaty on the Permanent Neutrality and Security Guarantees for Ukraine,” the agreement would make “permanent neutrality” a feature of Ukraine’s constitution.

During the same press conference in which Lavrov hinted that Russia would guarantee Ukrainian sovereignty in exchange for a guarantee of Ukrainian neutrality, Lavrov also confirmed that there had been an initialled agreement.

“[W]e did hold talks in March and April 2022,” Lavrov said, “We agreed on certain things; everything was already initialled.”

But before the ink was dry on the Ukrainian and Russian initials, the US and UK erased them.

“I think, someone in London or Washington did not want this war to end,” Lavrov said.

Putin has said the same: “We actually did this but they simply threw it away later and that’s it.” He told an African delegation that the Kiev authorities … tossed [their commitments] into the dustbin of history. They abandoned everything.” Putin has implicitly blamed the US, saying that that when Ukraine’s interests “are not in sync” with US interests, “ultimately it is about the United States’s interests. We know that they hold the key to solving issues.”

Russia’s version of the frustrating of the Istanbul agreement is confirmed by well placed Turkish officials, including Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu and deputy chairman of Erdogan’s ruling party Numan Kurtulmus, who say the US put an end to the agreement because they “want[ed] the war to continue.”

The US has been unmoveable in its refusal to negotiate away NATO’s open door policy for Ukraine. But it may not take a NATO promise. It may take only a Ukrainian promise. A NATO promise to keep out of Ukraine may not be necessary if there is a Ukrainian promise to keep out of NATO. Lavrov has hinted that Russia could be moved by such a Ukrainian guarantee. Ukraine has been willing to provide that guarantee in the very recent past. If they still are, and if the US will let them this time, that could be a key to bringing peace to Ukraine.


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Ted Snider is a regular columnist on US foreign policy and history at Antiwar.com and The Libertarian Institute. He is also a frequent contributor to Responsible Statecraft and The American Conservative as well as other outlets.

Featured image is from Al Mayadeen English

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Papers and Articles Reviewed:

2023 Jun – Movahedi et al – Repurposing anti-parasite benzimidazole drugs as selective anti-cancer chemotherapeutics

  • Benzimidazole drugs (including Fenbendazole) have widely been used as anti-helminth agents in both human and/or livestock since the 1960s
  • These drugs have rapidly become more popular than previous medications due to superiority in terms of efficacy, toxicity and application
  • Benzimidazole drugs are considered as non-toxic anti-helminth agents in humans and livestock. Acute toxicities are rarely reported for these drugs.
  • Neither chronic adverse effects in dogs and rats treated with very high dosages, nor irritation, carcinogenicity or teratogenicity in treated rats and rabbits have been observed
  • Two major mechanisms of action:
  • 1. antimitotic activity (inhibition of tubulin polymerization by binding to tubulin sites of rapidly dividing cells (leads to cell cycle arrest)
  • 2. disrupt cell metabolic processes by inducing oxidative stress
  • Result: induce apoptosis (cell death) of rapidly proliferating parasites and cancer cells!

  • These drugs inhibit tumor proliferation and growth
  • many new benzimidazole derivatives have been developed for the treatment of cancers such as colon cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer, chondrosarcoma and leukemia
  • Furthermore, new benzimidazole derivatives have demonstrated high capability for overcoming drug resistance
  • benzimidazole drugs exhibit anti-metastatic effect through inhibiting cell migration and invasion
  • benzimidazole drugs also suppress telomerase reverse transcriptase (TERT) expression, whose activation is associated with metastasis
  • benzimidazole drugs are potent in targeting cancer stem cells and preventing tumor recurrence.
  • benzimidazole drugs are also found to prevent the radiation-induced transformation of cancer cells into radiation-resistant cells, and furthermore sensitize some drug-resistant cells.
  • Clinical trials are ongoing for cancer therapy with benzimidazole drugs.
    • For example, clinical study of mebendazole as adjuvant treatment for colon cancer is in Phase 3 (NCT03925662)
    • and mebendazole in combination with other antiprotozoal agents including albendazole for neoplasm therapy is in Phase 2 (NCT02366884).
    • Three Phase 1 clinical trials are also ongoing for mebendazole and brain tumors (NCT02644291, NCT01729260, NCT0183787862).
  • low water solubility of benzimidazole drugs impedes their clinical applications
  • nano-formulations are being created to improve bioavailability
  • benzimidazole drugs are also being combined with other chemotherapeutics, such as paclitaxel, trametinib, gemcitabine and methoxyestradiol, to enhance the anti-cancer treatment efficacy.
  • benzimidazole drugs have also sensitized tumor cells to radiation therapy

2023 Apr – Chi-Son Chang et al – Anti-cancer effect of fenbendazole-incorporated PLGA nanoparticles in ovarian cancer 

  • ovarian cancer is the deadliest gynecological cancer
  • nanoparticles deliver poorly soluble drugs
  • fenbendazole, an anti-parasitic drug was examined due to its anti-cancer effects: ability to interfere with microtubule polymerization, block cell cycle progression, increase p53 protein stability and induce apoptosis.
  • However, fenbendazole has low water solubility and poor bioavailability which are major obstacles to its clinical application as an anti-cancer agent
  • Nanoparticles were loaded with fenbendazole to increase bioavailability
  • Results: natural form of fenbendazole significantly decreased cell proliferation of both chemosensitive and chemoresistant ovarian cancer cells
  • But in vivo (xenograft mouse models), only the nanoparticle fenbendazole formulation showed anticancer effects.

2023 Mar – Semkova et al – Redox-mediated Anticancer Activity of Anti-parasitic Drug Fenbendazole in Triple-negative Breast Cancer Cells 

  • fenbendazole was tested on triple negative breast cancer cells, three different types including a highly metastatic type
  • Results: the highly metastatic breast cancer cells were more vulnerable to fenbendazole induced oxidative stress

2023 Mar – Haebeen Jung et al – Differential cytotoxic effects of fenbendazole on mouse lymphoma EL-4 cells and spleen cells 

  • fenbendazole was tested on a mouse lymphoma cell line vs normal spleen cells
  • purpose of this study was to investigate the cytotoxic effects of fenbendazole on normal cells of the spleen, which is a major reservoir of immune cells
  • fenbendazole increased cell death of lymphoma cells but not of normal spleen cells
  • fenbendazole induced reactive oxygen species in lymphoma cells but not normal spleen cells
  • fenbendazole induced G2/M cell cycle arrest in lymphoma cells, not spleen cells
  • Conclusion: fenbendazole has anticancer effects on lymphoma cells but minimal toxicity on normal spleen cells.

2022 Sep – Deokbae Park et al – Anti-cancer effects of fenbendazole on 5-fluorouracil-resistant colorectal cancer cells 

  • Benzimidazole anthelmintic agents have been recently repurposed to overcome cancers resistant to conventional therapies.
  • fenbendazole was tested on chemo resistant colorectal cancer cells
  • Results: fenbendazole significantly induces apoptosis as well as cell cycle arrest at G2/M phase on both colorectal cells and chemo resistant colorectal cancer cells.
  • Benzimidazole is historically known to bind beta-tubulin, disrupt microtubules,and arrest cell division
  • Benzimidazole is also known to activate p53 and p21 but decrease mutant p53 expression
  • in colorectal cancer cells: fenbendazole is presumed to activate p53-mediated apoptosis by increasing p53 expression(!), and partly necrosis, autophagy and ferroptosis
  • in chemo-resistant colorectal cancer cells: fenbendazole triggers apoptosis without affecting p53 expression, apoptosis was partly induced by Beclin-1, and further augmented by ferroptosis
  • 6 mechanisms of action: (cell cycle arrest G2/M, activate p53-mediated apoptosis, autophagy, necroptosis, ferroptosis, Beclin-1 mediated apoptosis)

2022 Jan – Li-wen Ren et al – Benzimidazoles induce concurrent apoptosis and pyroptosis of human glioblastoma cells via arresting cell cycle 

  • fenbendazole was tested against glioblastoma cancer cells
  • 1. fenbendazole dose-dependently suppressed DNA synthesis
  • 2. fenbendazole inhibited cell migration and invasion of GBM cells
  • 3. fenbendazole also dose-dependently induced the GBM cell cycle arrest at the G2/M phase via the P53/P21/cyclin B1 pathway.
  • 4. fenbendazole triggered pyroptosis of GBM cells (pyroptosis is a form of programmed cell death) through the NF-κB/NLRP3/GSDMD pathway
  • 5. fenbendazole induced mitochondria-dependent apoptosis of GBM cells
  • 6. flubendazole inhibited tumor growth of glioblastoma in vivo in a dose dependent manner (in a nude mouse U87 cell xenograft model)
  • Conclusion: “Taken together, our results demonstrated that benzimidazoles might be promising candidates for the treatment of GBM.

2020 Aug – Deok-Soo Son et al – The Antitumor Potentials of Benzimidazole Anthelmintics as Repurposing Drugs 

  • Benzimidazole anthelmintics have broad-spectrum action to remove parasites both in human and veterinary medicine
  • Due to their low cost and high efficacy, benzimidazole anthelmintics have been used throughout the world since their introduction in the 1960s
  • Benzimidazole anthelmintics are well-tolerated without severe side effects, and their decades of use provide a basis for safety in humans.
  • Benzimidazole anthelmintics selectively bind to β-tubulin of parasitic worms, causing their immobilization and death
  • In addition to being antiparasitic agents, benzimidazole anthelmintics are known to exert anticancer activities which are summarized (also see image at start of article):
    • disrupts microtubule polymerization
    • inhibits cancer cell viability
    • inhibits cancer cell migration and invasion
    • induces apoptosis and autophagy
    • increased cell cycle (G2/M) arrest
    • induces differentiation and senescence
    • inhibits angiogenesis
    • reduces colony formation and inhibits stem-ness in cancer cells
    • inhibits drug resistance and sensitize cells to conventional chemo
    • blocks glucose transport and impairs glucose utilization
  • Benzimidazole anthelmintics have been shown to inhibit cell viability in a variety of cancer cell lines, appearing as a promising medication:
    • breast cancer
    • leukemia
    • glioma & glioblastoma
    • lung cancer
    • hepatocellular carcinoma
    • rhabdomyosarcoma
    • medulloblastoma
    • urothelial cancer

2020 Jun – Yong Han et al – Involvement of reactive oxygen species in the anti-cancer activity of fenbendazole, a benzimidazole anthelmintic (leukemia) 

  • In this study, we investigated whether Fenbendazole has anti-cancer activity in HL-60 cells, a human leukemia cell line
  • fenbendazole significantly decreased the metabolic activity of leukemia cells
  • fenbendazole decreased the mitochondrial membrane potential of leukemia cells in a concentration-dependent manner
  • fenbendazole increased apoptosis and necrosis of leukemia cells
  • Conclusion: fenbendazole exerts anti-cancer activity against leukemia cells, in part, via ROS production (reactive oxygen species)

2018 Aug – Dogra et al – Fenbendazole acts as a moderate microtubule destabilizing agent and causes cancer cell death by modulating multiple cellular pathways 

  • Fenbendazole is known to have a high safety margin and most species tolerate it very well
  • Fenbendazole targets microtubules in human NSCLC Lung cancer cells
  • Fenbendazole treatment results in early G2/M block accompanied by cell death
  • Tumour cell lines with wild-type p53 show enhanced sensitivity to Fenbendazole induced apoptosis
  • Inhibition of glucose uptake by Fenbendazole sensitizes cancer cells to undergo apoptosis
  • Fenbendazole effectively inhibits colony formation of human NSCLC Lung Cancer cells in culture
  • In Vivo: Fenbendazole suppresses tumor growth
  • Fenbendazole possesses a unique ability to induce p53 to a considerably high level (!)
  • Conclusion: Altogether, our findings show microtubule disruption, p53 stabilization and interference with glucose metabolism as collective underlying mechanisms of Fenbendazole induced preferential elimination of cancer cells both in vitro and in vivo.

My Take…

Ivermectin is FDA approved.

Fenbendazole is NOT approved for human use by Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and European Medicines Agency (EMA). It is available as a veterinary medication.

Fenbendazole is part of a larger group of drugs known as benzimidazoles, which are anthelmintic drugs (i.e., drugs that kill parasitic worms). Another benzimidazole is mebendazole, which can be prescribed to humans with certain parasitic infections.

Mebendazole (Vermox) is FDA approved for human use, but it’s significantly more expensive.

Why is Fenbendazole so popular? The Story of Joe Tippens and his terminal Stage 4 Small Cell Lung Cancer.

Click here to view the video

Joe Tippens Cancer Protocol

  • Fenbendazole 222mg per day with food (originally 3 days on, 4 days off)
  • Curcumin 600mg per day
  • CBD Oil: 25mg sublingually per day
  • Vitamin E: 800IU per day 

Dr. Tom Rogers MD (Performance Medicine – Knoxville, TN) Suggests Several Protocols utilizing Fenbendazole which are interesting:

ACTIVE CANCER TREATMENT – For active cancer, take one capsule of Fenbendazole (444 mg) daily. Some people recommend you take one day off a week. Note: I think I would just take Sundays off. Again, you’re not supposed to develop a tolerance to this, but taking a little break is probably a good idea. To improve the protocol , take CBD oil (25mg) 1-2 drops every night before sleep. To strengthen the protocol take Curcumin (600mg) twice a day with food. To support the liver, take Milk Thistle (250mg) twice a day with food. Note: Fenbendazole should be taken with or after a meal to improve absorption. 

COMPLEMENTARY CANCER TREATMENT – Take one capsule of Fenbendazole (222mg) every day, once a day after a fatty meal; Curcumin (600mg) one capsule, two times a day after breakfast and lunch; CBD oil (25mg) 1-2 drops under the tongue every day before sleep.   

CANCER RELAPSE PREVENTION – Taking Fenbendazole for active cancer and cancer relapse prevention, take one capsule (222 mg) three times a week, once a day after a fatty meal.In addition, take Curcumin (600mg) one capsule/two times a day after breakfast and lunch, Milk Thistle, and CBD Oil (25mg) 1-2 drops under the tongue everyday before going to sleep. Note: Have your doctor follow and check liver and kidney function tests. It’s easy, cheap, and you can get this at any doctor’s office. 

CANCER PREVENTION (prophylactic) – Those that have had genetic tests and know they’re really prone to getting cancer can take Fenbendazole prophylactically. Take one capsule (222 mg) 3 times a week, once a day after a fatty meal. Then no Fenbendazole for four days. Repeat for 10 weeks and then take 10 weeks off; Curcumin (600 mg) one capsule two times a day after breakfast and lunch; CBD oil (25mg) 1-2 drops under the tongue every day before sleep. Continue that regimen indefinitely. 

My Thoughts

Fenbendazole is not that controversial when you consider the scientific evidence objectively.

Fenbendazole has at least 12 proven anti-cancer mechanisms in vitro and in vivo:

  • disrupts microtubule polymerization (major mechanism)
  • induces cell cycle (G2/M) arrest
  • blocks glucose transport and impairs glucose utilization by cancer cells (major)
  • increases p53 tumor suppressor levels (major)
  • inhibits cancer cell viability (mTOR)
  • inhibits cancer cell migration and invasion (EMT pathway)
  • induces apoptosis
  • induces autophagy
  • induces pyroptosis and necrosis
  • induces differentiation and senescence
  • inhibits tumor angiogenesis
  • reduces colony formation and inhibits stem-ness in cancer cells
  • inhibits drug resistance and sensitizes cells to conventional chemo as well as radiation therapy

A very similar drug in the same family as Fenbendazole is FDA approved: Mebendazole, and it is in several Clinical Trials right now for brain cancers and colon cancers.

So why are there no Fenbendazole Clinical Trials for Cancer? 

The answer seems rather obvious: it’s very cheap, it’s safe and it seems to be very effective. 

Fenbendazole is not going to make anyone rich, and in cancer treatments, that is a non-starter. 

What about COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Induced Turbo Cancers? 

Fenbendazole shows in vitro and/or in vivo activity against these cancers: 

  • breast cancer (including triple negative breast cancer – which is seen in COVID-19 mRNA Vaccinated individuals with Turbo Cancer)
  • lymphomas (these are the most common COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Turbo Cancers and there is more evidence for Fenbendazole with Lymphomas than with Ivermectin)
  • leukemias (most aggressive COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Turbo Cancers)
  • glioblastomas and gliomas (extremely aggressive COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Turbo Cancers)
  • lung cancer (NSCLC) (strong signal for COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Turbo Cancers)
  • hepatocellular carcinoma (signal for COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Turbo Cancers)
  • rhabdomyosarcomas (possible signal for COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Turbo Cancers, sarcomas in general are on the rise)
  • ovarian cancers
  • urothelial cancers


Although the anti-parasitic Fenbendazole is not FDA approved for human use, there is extensive evidence of anti-cancer effects in the published literature, both in vitro and in vivo, and this is not a controversial medication, as it has been made out to be.

Fenbendazole has an excellent safety profile and its close relative, Mebendazole is FDA approved, and it’s undergoing several Clinical Trials for Cancer Treatments in the US right now, including colon cancers and brain cancers.

I believe that it is a reasonable hypothesis that COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Turbo Cancer patients could benefit significantly from either Mebendazole or Fenbendazole and I would love to see urgent clinical trials with both.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

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Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

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Most Americans do not understand how the United Nations functions, or does not function as the case might be, preferring to think of it as some kind of debating society where the 193 member nations representing the world community can vent over issues that they rarely have control over. Nevertheless, in spite of the torrent of words and the lack of any real program, it is always interesting to watch and listen to the UN’s annual General Assembly meeting, which is held in New York during September. This year’s meeting was particularly interesting as it came complete with a major war blazing in Eastern Europe as well as political turmoil in Africa and rising tension with China. It also features the rumblings coming from a new emerging global economic movement, the so-called BRICS developing as a champion of a multipolar-world currency challenge to the US-European dollar dominated international monetary and banking system.

And with economic union, there is also some political realignment, with China strengthening its ties to the developing world and Russia entering into defense arrangements with Iran. President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin will be meeting in Beijing later this month to discuss common concerns. And, as usual, Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu showed up to vent his hostility towards Iran with demands that that country’s alleged “nuclear program” be confronted militarily and the sooner the better, just as he has been claiming for the past twenty years.

Indeed, several back stories playing out during this year’s meeting made it more than usually interesting. Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky had hoped to turn the gathering into an anti-Russian hate fest, but though there was much complaining about Moscow’s attack on Ukraine coming from the Baltic States and others, the ground continues to be shifting against Zelensky over concerns that the war has become an unwinnable money pit that could easily escalate into a nuclear exchange.

Speaking before a UN Security Council session, Zelensky was reduced to harshly criticizing the UN itself for failing to prevent or resolve conflicts before calling for Moscow to be stripped of its veto power on the Security Council. Zelensky, his voice rising in anger, complained how “It is impossible to stop the war because all actions are vetoed by the aggressor.” Observers noted immediately that Zelensky’s complaint did not help his cause. While there have been calls for UN reforms in the past, including over the veto power, the existence of the veto for a limited number of post-1945 greater powers was the only reason the United Nations could be created in the first place at all.

Zelensky also did real damage to his position when he said that while the Ukrainian refugees in Europe have “behaved well . . . and are grateful” to those who have given them shelter, it would not be a “good story” for Europe if a Ukrainian defeat “were to drive the people into a corner.”

It was reasonably enough seen by critics as nothing less than a threat of possible unrest producing domestic terrorism as well a possible internal insurrection uncontrollable by whatever Ukrainian government survives defeat. Such unrest might involve the millions Ukrainian refugees without houses and jobs already in place in other European nations if Zelensky is not given all the support which he apparently believes is his due.

Zelensky’s actual message to the General Assembly was not quite so incendiary and impulsive as his other interactions while on his visit, but he offered little new. He reportedly received an obligatory “warm welcome” from those in attendance, but “he delivered his address to a half-full house, with many delegations declining to appear and listen to what he had to say.” He warned those present that “The goal of the present war against Ukraine is to turn our land, our people, our lives, our resources into a weapon against you, against the international rules-based order. We have to stop it. We must act united to defeat the aggressor.” Zelensky did go overboard when he referred to Russia and Russians as “evil” and as “terrorists” and accused them of carrying out a “genocide” against Ukraine. Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov responded to comments made by both President Joe Biden and Zelensky by turning the argument around and observing that it is the US and its NATO “puppets” who already “are waging war against us.”

Zelensky’s frustrations spilled over in Washington on the following day where he met both with Biden and with some members of Congress and also dropped by the Pentagon and left flowers at the National 9/11 Pentagon Memorial in Arlington Virginia. His meeting at the White House with the president went relatively well with the announcement of a new aid package in the works including “significant air defense capabilities,” and, according to one report, even some of the much sought after ATACMS long range missile systems. Nevertheless, to his evident disappointment, Zelensky was not given a hero’s welcome like he received last year. He met privately with Kevin McCarthy, speaker of the House, and several other GOP hawks who will be instrumental in approving any aid, as well as with Senators Mitch McConnell and Chuck Schumer who promised to be “in his corner.” McCarthy boldly asked what Zelensky needed to win the war and to provide lawmakers with “a vision of a plan for victory.”

Nevertheless, it seems that many conservative Republicans and some progressive Democrats are fed up with the war and are concerned over the lack of accountability combined with the all too evident level of corruption within the Ukrainian government. There are moves by some in the GOP to separate Ukraine funding from other defense appropriations, requiring a separate vote, and other proposals by the White House to guarantee the money even if the government shuts down. One wonders if anyone had the grit to ask Zelensky how many mansions he owns in Israel, Europe and the United States, but that is precisely the sort of story that is being increasingly written about Ukraine’s comedian turned war hero, demonstrating that the public and even the media have become tired of the charade. A continuing multi-billion-dollar cash flow, seen by Joe Biden as necessary to keep the war going until the 2024 election to vindicate his policy, is still likely but it is no longer a slam-dunk.

Two other media accounts also suggest that the dissatisfaction with Zelensky and the war is breaking through the self-imposed acceptable narrative on the war, that Vladimir Putin is an aggressor without any real provocation from Kiev, a despot and the human monster. One came surprisingly from the New York Times and is apparently a leak from the White House or Pentagon on a September 6th missile attack on the Ukrainian village of Kostiantynivka which killed at least 18. The attack was quickly labeled by Zelensky as a war crime carried out by Russian “terrorists” which was echoed by the US media but an investigation, presumably carried by the US military and intelligence using satellite and other technical methods, has now determined that the missile was fired by Ukraine. This is similar to the missile attack that struck Poland in November 2022, which also was blamed by Zelensky on Russia but turned out to be from Ukraine, both incidents reflecting just how willing Zelensky is to lie and cheat to get a NATO and US intervention in a full-scale war with Russia, which could easily go nuclear.

The other story tells how Poland will not be providing any more arms to Ukraine, in part because it is now building up its own defenses and also over Ukrainian attempts to flood the Polish agricultural market with cheap low quality grain that it cannot sell elsewhere. To describe the Polish action as disappointing to Zelensky would be an understatement, but it is one more indication that many former allies are now seeing Ukraine as a lost cause and are looking to their own national security and economic interests. Both of these stories were, incidentally, published while Zelensky was in the United States hat in hand, and it must be considered that the timing was deliberate to damage the Ukrainian president’s credibility to coincide with the UN General Assembly visit and the trip to Washington.

Zelensky’s journey to North America ended in Ottawa, where he apparently recouped some of his swagger during a speech to the Canadian government and parliament which resulted in standing ovations. Or so it seemed. The Canadians produced a 98 year old Hungarian veteran of the Second World War named Yaroslav Hunka who had fought against the Russians and emigrated to Canada after the war ended. He too was cheered by the assembled Canadian politicians. The intention was clearly to present a narrative of a brave Ukrainian who fought valiantly to free his country from Russian domination but it didn’t quite work out that way. To fight the Russians required being in Nazi Germany’s armed forces and it turned out that Hunka had served in the 14th Waffen-SS Grenadier Division, also known as the Galicia Division, a volunteer unit made up mostly of ethnic Ukrainians commanded by German officers that has been rightly or wrongly credited with a number of wartime atrocities against Russians, Poles and Jews. Soldiers in the division swore a personal loyalty oath to Adolf Hitler. The bad judgement shown by the Canadian government in producing Hunka without fully investigating his story subsequently produced a huge uproar in Canada, with the head of parliament resigning, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in deep political trouble and the Polish government demanding that Hunka be extradited to them for a war crimes trial. There has been some suspicion that Zelensky may have been instrumental in arranging the affair in expectation that it would strengthen Canadian support for his cause. Instead, it has accomplished the reverse and Zelensky returned home with little or nothing accomplished.

Zelensky must also confront back home a war that he is decisively losing and a country in ruins. And Joe Biden made clear in his speech addressing the UN General Assembly that negotiations with Russia to end the Ukraine fighting would not be considered. Joe included a pledge to support the conflict until it is Russia that is doing the surrendering:

“The United States, together with our allies and partners around the world, will continue to stand with the brave people of Ukraine as they defend their sovereignty and territorial integrity and their freedom… Russia alone bears responsibility for [the war]. Russia alone has the power to end this war immediately. And it is Russia alone that stands in the way of peace, because Russia’s price for peace is Ukraine’s capitulation, Ukraine’s territory, and Ukraine’s children.”

In short, the speech was a lot like Joe Biden and the band of scoundrels and grifters that he has gathered around him in the White House, heavy on bellicosity but short on any serious planning or strategies to make the world and this country a better place. Joe would like to see the war continue to bring its eventual end a lot closer to the US elections, where he hopes to self-identify as a strong leader and a “winner” taking on America’s enemies. Good luck Joe.


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This article was originally published on The Unz Review.

Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a 501(c)3 tax deductible educational foundation (Federal ID Number #52-1739023) that seeks a more interests-based U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Website is councilforthenationalinterest.org, address is P.O. Box 2157, Purcellville VA 20134 and its email is [email protected].

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from TUR

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North Bay, Ontario, is a small Canadian city of immigrants from Europe, their upwardly mobile children, and their children’s children.

It’s the town where Yaroslav Hunka lives after he left the  British prisoner of war camp where he and other Ukrainian soldiers of the SS Waffen Grenadier Galician Division were held after the end of fighting in Europe in 1945. North Bay is where his son Martin Hunka was chief financial officer of Redpath Mining, a mine engineering company. By North Bay standards, the Hunka family is better educated and wealthier than most, donating substantial sums of money to the local hospital, universities, and Ukrainian national organisations, and through the Redpath mining company to local politicians.

North Bay is also where the children of these men demonstrate Hitler salutes and Nazi Party slogans on the local high school football field.

This is the model of small-town church-going people of modest but respectable means who share the prevailing ideology of their homeland grandparents who were on the side of Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, and Stepan Bandera in the last world war. The smiles remain the same, the stand-up stiff-arm salutes have changed. The minds remain fixed where they were in their grandparents’ ideology – that was the collective fascism of a century ago.* These people continue to believe that for their liberation, the Russian race should be destroyed – “suffocated” is the state policy term used by Canada’s Foreign Minister, Melanie Joly.

The churches they attend organised a rally for this goal at the North Bay City Hall featuring statements by the two Hunkas; they were St. Andrew’s United, Trinity United, Emmanuel United Church, and Omond  Memorial United Church. “Nothing has changed,” Yaroslav Hunka said at what the churches called a “peace vigil”. “The same enemy. First Stalin was there and now this idiot. But Ukraine is not by itself like it was before. The whole world knows about Ukraine and the whole world supports Ukraine and that is very important.”

Martin Hunka added: “I think the support in Canada, the support around the world has been fantastic. At least now we have friends, whether that is going to translate into anything concrete on the ground, I think it already is.”

This is the town where the first Italian to become Speaker of the House of Commons in Ottawa  ran a business and collected election campaign donations. That’s Anthony Rota, the man who invited the two Hunka men to be guests in the Speaker’s Gallery during the speech of Ukrainian president Vladimir Zelensky on September 22. Rota and the government’s leader of the House of Commons, Karina Gould, arranged for the two Hunka men to be seated in the front row of the gallery next to the leaders of Canada’s military and internal security forces, General Wayne Eyre, the chief of the Defence Staff, and Deputy Commissioner of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Bryan Larkin, protected by two armed bodyguards.

When Rota spoke to introduce Hunka, he had just read from his script that in December 1941, after World War II had begun, the then-British Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill appealed  to the House in Ottawa “to rally for continued support of his country at war. It was a defining moment of history, and one that must never be forgotten.” Hunka and the SS Galicians came next on the same page of Rota’s script.

“We have here in the Chamber today Ukrainian-Canadians, Ukrainian-Canadian veteran from the Second World War who fought [for] Ukrainian independence against the Russians, and continues to support the troops today, even at his age of ninety-eight [cheering; applause]…. We thank him for all his service, thank you [cheering; applause].”

Rota was making an explicit equivalence in Canadian policy for war against Russia between Zelensky, Churchill, and Hunka. Ideologically, this was also the equivalence between Hunka’s service to the Reich, “and what is at stake — Ukraine’s freedom, but also preservation of the rules-based order which is a fundamental part of the future of the democratic world,” Rota wound up.

Rota didn’t write this 7-minute, multi-page 2,500 word speech by himself. In draft, Rota sent it for review and editing by Joly, the foreign minister; by Gould, in charge of the government’s business in the House; and by Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland. An Access to Information Act (ATIA)  request for the circulation list of the draft speech and for the other preparations for the Zelensky appearance, including the invitation list for the Speaker’s Gallery,  would provide the evidence. No Canadian reporter or publication has attempted to do this, yet.

Watch the hour-long House ceremony here.

For Canada’s black voters, underrepresented in the House of Commons, Rota also tried to link Zelensky’s and Hunka’s war against Russia to Nelson Mandela’s speech to the Canadian parliament.  

Every member of the House of Commons, General Eyre and Commissioner Larkin, stood and applauded Hunka’s wartime killing of Russians. Twice.

Top: the front row of Canadian officials in the Speaker’s Gallery of the House of Commons:  from left to right, unidentified Canadian official; General Wayne Eyre (red ring), chief of Canada’s Defence Staff; Bryan Larkin, Deputy Commissioner of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in charge of “specialized policing services”; unidentified Canadian official; Martin Hunka, retired chief financial officer of Redpath Mining, a mine engineering company of North Bay, Ontario; and his father Yaroslav Hunka  of North Bay (red arrow). The two unidentified men not wearing decorations have been identified by a local source as bodyguards for the two ranking officers between them; the vetting by them of those seated next to them, the Hunkas, and those seated behind them, would have gone into considerable detail of their security files – details now denied by every senior official of the government who were on the House floor applauding. Bottom: https://www.cbc.ca/

This is the House of Commons floor plan of 2005. There have been renovations, seating changes, and rule variations since then. Number 21 in this diagram is the Speaker’s Gallery where Eyre, Larkin, Martin and Yaroslav Hunka and the bodyguards were seated during Zelensky’s speech on September 22. In an attempt to explain how the Speaker’s Gallery was filled, the government organ CBC reported through a former chief of protocol, Roy Norton, that in the standard procedure Joly’s ministry would have been consulted on filling the Speaker’s Gallery guest list. Notwithstanding, Norton claimed the government would have had “zero role in inviting Mr Hunka, or for that matter most of the people who sat in the gallery”. Norton had been a Canadian foreign ministry diplomat for many years, ending up as chief of protocol until 2019. He was out of government before wartime security measures surrounding the Ukrainian president and Canadian general officers took effect. Source: https://pdba.georgetown.edu/

The  standing, smiling, cheering, hand-clapping display of September 22 in Ottawa was, sociologically and psychologically speaking,1 the same as German communities of the North Bay-kind and German officials of the House of Commons-type displayed throughout the 1930s and 1940s until they were stopped by the Red Army and silenced by Germany’s capitulation in May 1945. Not that their descendants in North Bay and across Canada have surrendered that German ideology in the seventy-eight years which have elapsed since then. The enthusiasm of the MPs to jump to their feet, shouting and saluting Hunka for killing Russians is evidence plain.

So are the subsequent attempts by the MPs, government ministers, and General Eyre to pin responsibility on Rota and claim ignorance for themselves. Eyre’s spokesman has announced “[the decision to recognize Hunka] was made independently within the Speaker’s office, without the involvement or awareness of people in attendance, including DND/CAF [National Defence/Canadian Armed Forces] members present.” The implication is that the chief of the Defence Staff twice stood to applaud without knowing who or why, and without understanding what Rota had said.

Deputy Prime Minister Freeland’s acute nervousness at concealing her role in celebrating Hunka and the Galician division was visible when she was questioned by a reporter six days after the event, on September 28. Asked whether she supports the reopening of the Deschênes Commission, the Canadian government investigation of war criminals in 1985-86, so that “Canadians can know how many veterans who fought with the Nazis are here in our country,” Freeland fidgeted with her hands for several seconds before evading a direct answer.

“As a government,” she said, “we are going to be very thoughtful about any further steps that need to be taken.”

A new investigation, if it were held and if the Deschênes Commission files on immigrant Ukrainian participants in German war crimes were reopened, would identify the German Army, SS and Nazi career of Freeland’s maternal grandfather, Mikhail Chomiak, who was still wanted for his war crimes in Poland in the 1980s. The first report of Chomiak’s active involvement in the liquidation of the Jewish communities of the Galician region around Lvov, appeared here in January 2017. At the time, Freeland dismissed the evidence as Russian propaganda.

Hunka has identified the British Army and its intelligence units as likely to be holding files on him and other members of the Galician division during their time in British prisoner-of-war camps between 1945 and 1951. According to Hunka, “on the last day of the war, the Galicia Division broke contact with the CHA in Styria, Austria, and surrendered to the British Army. In the prisoner-of-war camp in Italy, I met many guys from different villages of the Berezhany region. I remember that Yaroslav Babuniak, Stepan Kukuruza, Yaroslav Lototskyi, Lev Bahlay, Volodymyr Bilyk, Ostap Sokolskyi, Lev Babiy, Yaroslav Ivakhiv were there from the Berezhany gymnasium. I think it was God’s will that we should go around the world like the tribe of Israel, tell the world about Ukraine, and forty-five years later come to it with help.”

A Canadian government press release claims the British government asked Canada to take Ukrainian POWs like Hunka as immigrants. Hunka himself has not revealed where he met Margaret Edgerton, the English woman he married in 1951, before the two moved to Canada in 1954.

Edgerton’s obituary reveals she was born in Warwickshire, but this does not reveal how she met Hunka “after the Second World War.” Altogether, nine years of British Army, MI6, and MI5 records on Hunka are so far unmentioned in the Canadian and international reporting of his case.

Published in 2011 in Combatant News, a US-based platform for Ukrainian soldiers who had served the Ukrainian National Army (UNA), Hunka titled this statement “My Generation Memoirs.”

During two years of interrogations of Hunka and the other Galician veterans in Italy, the British government prepared some for covert operations against the Soviets in the Ukraine, and resettled others in the UK.

“When the 8,500 Ukrainian former soldiers of the Galicia Division were transferred to the UK from Italy in May-June 1947 they were accommodated in prisoner-of-war (POW) camps in various parts of the UK, mainly in the agricultural areas of eastern England and southern Scotland. Occasionally the men were moved between camps. In July 1948 the numbers of men in camps at or near various locations were as follows: Hempton (Norfolk) – 1,682 men, Mildenhall (Suffolk) – 1,401, Allington (Lincolnshire) – 1,319, Moorby (Lincolnshire) – 1,264, Botesdale (Suffolk) – 1,010, Dalkeith (Scotland) – 958, Lockerbie (Scotland) – 463, other locations (including hospitals, where invalids were held) – 300. After the men were released from POW status (August-October 1948) and admitted into the European Voluntary Workers (EVW) scheme, the POW camps in which they were being held were taken over by civilian authorities and redesignated as hostels.”

Another Ukrainian account of British efforts to prevent Hunka and the other Galician veterans from being repatriated to Soviet Ukraine to face war crimes trials is described here. Because Hunka came from Berezhany, in the Ternopil region, the British classified him as a Polish national rather than a Soviet, and this protected him from deportation to his homeland.

That he and his associates may have participated in the killing of between 4,000 and 8,000 Jews in the area between 1941 and 1943 is suggested in this brief timeline. Hunka claims that in 1940 when he was a 15-year old high school student in Berezhany, he was one of six Ukrainians in a class of forty; two were Poles; and “the rest [32] were Jewish children of refugees from Poland. We wondered why they ran away in front of such a civilised Western people as the Germans.”

In 1941, when the killing of the Jews of Berezhany was under way, Hunka has written that

“I was just 16 years old, and the next two years [1942-43] were the happiest years of my life. I did not imagine that what I experienced in those two years would give me love for my hometown so much that it would be enough for me for the rest of my life. Little did I know then that dreams of those two years, of the company of charming girls, of cheerfully cheerful friends, of fragrant evenings in the luxurious castle park and passages through the city would help me overcome the troubled times of the following years.”

In 1943, Hunka, then 18 years old, reports that “in two weeks, eighty thousand volunteers volunteered for the division, including many students of the Berezhany gymnasium. None of us asked what our reward would be, what our provision would be, or even what our tomorrow would be. We felt our duty to our native land – and left!”

The massacres of several thousand Polish villagers started in the Ternopil region after this mobilisation in 1943, and after the Jews had been wiped out, including all of Hunka’s schoolmates. The most notorious of the Galician division’s attacks was the destruction of the Polish village and inhabitants of Huta Pieniacka in February 1944.

Hunka’s whereabouts as the Galician units moved through his home region killing Poles was almost certainly recorded by British military interrogators when Hunka was in their POW camp in Italy from 1945 to 1947. The British evidence on Hunka would have been passed to the Canadian immigration authorities if they had requested it at the time Hunka applied to leave the UK for Toronto.

The same evidence, and more, was gathered by the Polish authorities in Warsaw, where the Galician division and individual name files are being opened now at the Institute for National Remembrance (IPN). Soviet military and security files on Hunka are also available in Moscow.

In January 2017 Galicians vandalized the memorials to the villagers of Huta Pieniacka with Ukrainian national and SS graffiti.  

British government propaganda is reporting the Hunka affair as a debate between elderly Jews and nonagenarian Ukrainians arguing over past and disputed history which Rota, government ministers, General Eyre, and every member of the Canadian parliament knew nothing of until now.  This is also the line taken by Gould whose first tweet to protect Hunka and herself claimed:

 “Like all MPs, I had no further information than the Speaker provided. Exiting the Chamber I walked by the individual and took a photo. As a descendent of Jewish Holocaust survivors I would ask all parliamentarians to stop politicizing an issue troubling to many, myself included.” What Gould meant was that she and the Jewish community do not want Hunka’s past record to upset the current alliance between the Jews and Ukrainians of Canada to prosecute the war against Russia.

The German Foreign Ministry, headed by Annalena Baerbock, the leading promoter in Berlin of race war against Russia, defended the standing salute for Hunka given by Sabine Sparwasser, German ambassador to Canada, who was in the Speaker’s Gallery near Hunka. According to the ministry spokesman, Sebastian Fischer (right), reading from a prepared statement, Sparwasser had no idea what she was standing to applaud.

“The true identity of Mr. Hunka, namely that he was a volunteer member of the Waffen-SS, was not known to those present, since his participation had not been announced.”

The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) version of what happened in the past claims “the Galicia Division has been accused of committing war crimes, but its members have never been found guilty in a court of law.” This BBC report makes no reference to Poland or to the Polish massacres at all. It depicts public criticism of Hunka as a Jewish community protest, boosted by Moscow. “While far-right extremism still exists in Ukraine, it is much smaller than what Russian propaganda tries to make people believe…”

Source: https://www.bbc.com/

The Polish government investigation of Hunka has begun since the Hunka affair was publicised.

The mainstream Canadian media are also trying to restrict the public controversy to a debate between Jews and Ukrainians, and direct the ensuing public apologies to the Jewish community.

Here, for example, Irwin Сotler, former Canadian justice minister and Liberal Party attorney-general, speaking from Jerusalem, makes the point that in 1948

“it was easier to get into Canada if you were a Nazi than if you were a Jew.” Сotler explained the reason for this was “indifference and inaction by successive Canadian governments. As a result we became a sanctuary for Nazi war criminals and no accountability.”

Сotler was misrepresenting the record. He knows that before the German invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941, the Anglo-American alliance took the same view as the German Reich that the “Judaeo-Bolshevik conspiracy” put Jews and Russians into the same category for targeting as enemies. After 1945 it took time before the same alliance, including Canada, removed Jews from the war targeting. Russians have remained, however. Сotler is as committed to waging the present war against them as Hunka and everyone else in the Canadian parliament.


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John Helmer is an Australian-born journalist and foreign correspondent based in Moscow, Russia since 1989. He has served as an adviser to government heads in Greece, the United States, and Asia, and has also worked as professor of political science, sociology, and journalism. Read other articles by John, or visit John’s website.


  1. Fascism has been repeatedly defined on this website, and in the author’s books, to mean the state when rule is by force (and the fear of it); when state budgets, parliamentary votes, and oligarch fortunes are frauds upon the taxpayers; and when government propaganda has become so pervasive, no alternative public beliefs are permitted, and subversion is the rule. That’s when the majority of people believe what it is demonstrably not in their interest; and when they encourage the use of state force to suppress everyone who dares to calculate and say otherwise, so that no one can any longer apprehend what is in their interest, or not. There have been countless experiments by US psychologists to identify the fascist citizen or totalitarian personality, ever since this became a wartime priority in the 1940s. The most telling of these is Stanley Milgram’s obedience experiments at Yale in the 1960s. They demonstrated that normal individuals will administer fatal electrocution to others if they are convinced the authority to order them to press the button is legitimate. With a wave to Hunka, Rota got Canada’s parliament to demonstrate how easy it is to press the button.

Featured image is from Mark Taliano

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In 1996, Dr. Gary Null interviewed the late Nobel Laureate Dr. Kary B. Mullis, the inventor of the PCR “test”. 

He stated that no infection or illness can be accurately diagnosed with PCR.

He also discussed his thoughts regarding Dr. Fauci and the scientific and medical establishments.

Watch the video below by Gary Null Production. 


See also the archive of Gary Null’s writing on Global Research


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