The term Back Door Man has several connotations. In the original blues song written by Willie Dixon, it refers to a man having an affair with a married woman, using the back door to flee before the husband comes home. During the Gerald Ford Presidency, Back Door Man was applied to Dick Cheney as Ford’s White House Chief of Staff and his “skills” at getting what he wanted through opaque means. More and more as Cabinet choices are named, it looks like the entire Trump Presidency project is emerging as Henry A. Kissinger’s “Back Door Man,” in the Cheney meaning of the term.

Long forgotten is Trump’s campaign rhetoric about draining the swamp. In October during his campaign candidate Trump issued a press release stating, “Decades of special interest dealing must come to an end. We have to break the cycle of corruption…It is time to drain the swamp in Washington, D.C…That is why I am proposing a package of ethics reforms to make our government honest once again.”

So far, the President-elect has already named more billionaires to cabinet and other top posts than any other president in US history–Betsy DeVos of the AmWay fortune as Education Secretary, Wilbur Ross as Commerce Secretary, Linda McMahon as Small Business Administrator, and Vincent Viola, as Army Secretary. That’s not including Trump himself as a putative billionaire.

Then in terms of the vested special interests of Wall Street, Goldman Sachs has a huge power in the new Administration. Goldman Sachs partner Steven Mnuchin is Trump’s nominee for US Treasury Secretary. Goldman Sachs President Gary Cohn will be his top White House Economic Adviser. Anthony Scaramucci, Presidential Transition Team Executive Committee member, is a former Goldman Sachs banker as well as Steve Bannon, Trump’s chief strategist and Senior Counselor.

We add to that assemblage no fewer than four US military generals representing the most corrupt military industrial complex in world history: as Secretary of Defense retired General James “Mad Dog” Mattis, Board member since retiring of major defense contractor General Dynamics; retired Lt. General Mike Flynn, with his own consulting firm, as his National Security Adviser and retired General John F. Kelly as Secretary of Homeland Security.

Add to this collection the naming of Rex Tillerson the CEO of ExxonMobil, the largest oil multinational of the United States, as Secretary of State; the ex-Governor of Texas, America’s largest oil producing state, Rick Perry, as Secretary of Energy, along with pro-shale energy Oklahoma Attorney General, Scott Pruitt to be head of the Environmental Protection Agency, and certain dramatic economic policy flips begin to emerge compared with the previous hapless Presidency.

Back Door for Kissinger Geopolitics

What emerges is not pretty and, sadly, more than confirms my earlier piece on the Trump Deception.

However, all this misses in my view one essential component, namely the shadowy role of former Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger, who is emerging as the unofficial and key foreign policy adviser of the Trump Administration. If we follow Kissinger’s tracks in recent months we find a highly interesting series of meetings.

On December 26, 2016 the German daily Bild Zeitung published what it said was a copy of an analysis by members of the Trump Transition Team which revealed that as President Trump will seek “constructive cooperation” with the Kremlin, a dramatic contrast to Obama confrontation and sanctions policies. The newspaper went on to discuss the role of 93-year-old former Secretary of State, Henry A. Kissinger as Trump’s leading, if unofficial, foreign policy adviser. The report stated that Kissinger is drafting a plan to bring Putin’s Russia and Trump’s Washington to more “harmonious” relations that includes US official recognition of Crimea as part of Russia and lifting of US economic sanctions that Obama imposed in retribution for the Crimea annexation in 2014, among other steps.

The kicker in this otherwise sensible-sounding US policy change is Kissinger’s sly geopolitical aim in “gettin’ Putin back in the (NATO) tent,” as late Texan President Lyndon Baines Johnson might have elegantly put it.

What is the aim of Kissinger? Not any “multi-polar world” that respects national sovereignty as he claims, of that you can be certain. Kissinger’s aim is to subtly erode the growing bilateral axis between China and Russia that threatens US global hegemony.

The trend of the last several years since Obama’s ill-fated coup d’etat in Ukraine in early 2014, threatened to jeopardize Kissinger’s lifetime project, otherwise called David Rockefeller’s “march towards a World Government,” a World Government in which “supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries,” to use Rockefeller’s words to one of his select groups during the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. The Bild Zeitung Trump-Kissinger memo states that the idea of warming up to Russia is aimed at offsetting China’s military buildup. In other words, a different game from Obama’s, but a game of power nonetheless.

Real Balance of Power

Kissinger is one of the few surviving practitioners of historical British Balance of Power geopolitics. True British Balance of Power, as practiced in British military and diplomatic history since the Treaty of Windsor of 1386, between England and Portugal, always involved Britain making an alliance with the weaker of two rivals to defeat the stronger and in the process, to afterwards loot the exhausted weaker power as well. It was extraordinarily successful in building the British Empire down to World War II.

British Balance of Power is always about what power, in this case a Kissinger-steered United States, does the “balancing.” Following the defeat of Napoleon’s France at the Congress of Vienna peace talks in 1814, British Foreign Secretary, Viscount Castlereagh, architected a treaty that insured no Continental European power could dominate over the others, a strategy that lasted until 1914 and the First World War. What many political historians ignore is that that Continental Balance of Power was essential for creation of the British Empire that dominated the world as the leading naval power for a century.

In his 1950’s Harvard University PhD dissertation, Kissinger wrote what became a book titled, “A World Restored: Metternich, Castlereagh and the Problems of Peace, 1812-1822.” That study of British Balance of Power is at the heart of Kissinger’s Machiavellian machinations ever since he took his first job with the Rockefeller family in the 1960’s. In A World Restored Kissinger states, “Diplomacy cannot be divorced from the realities of force and power. But diplomacy should be divorced…from a moralistic and meddlesome concern with the internal policies of other nations.” Further, he states, “The ultimate test of a statesman, then, is his ability to recognize the real relationship of forces and to make this knowledge serve his ends.”

Since his relationship began in the 1950’s with Nelson Rockefeller and the brothers Rockefeller–Laurance, David, Winthrop– Henry Kissinger has been the core strategist of the Rockefeller family’s globalization or World Government above nation states as David called it in 1991. That included Kissinger’s role with the Bilderberg Meetings, with David’s Trilateral Commission and right down to the present. It was Secretary of State Kissinger who asked his good friend David Rockefeller to facilitate Nixon’s “China opening” to the West in 1971. Then the geopolitical aim of Kissinger’s rebalance was to seduce China, then the weaker of Washington’s two great adversaries, into the Western alliance against the Soviet Union, then the stronger adversary, at least in military and geopolitical terms.

Today, as the year 2017 begins, the roles have turned and clearly China has emerged after more than three decades of unbridled industrial and economic expansion, as the stronger challenger of David Rockefeller’s so-called World Government. Russia, following the economic savagery and deindustrialization of the post-1991 Yeltsin years, is in Kissinger’s view, clearly the weaker of his two adversaries. Both China and Russia under Xi Jinping and Putin, are, together with Iran, the most formidable defenders of national sovereignty–the main obstacles standing in the way of David Rockefeller’s (I use him as the template) World (fascist) Government.

Kissinger’s strange diplomacy

If we perceive Kissinger’s recent actions from this perspective–how to break the emerging Eurasian threat to a Western-dominated One World Order–it makes much sense. He has been shockingly fulsome in his recent praise of the political neophyte casino mogul Trump. In an early December CBS TV interview, Kissinger said that Trump, “has the possibility of going down in history as a very considerable President.” He added that because of perceptions that Obama weakened America’s influence abroad, “one could imagine that something remarkable and new emerges” out of a Trump administration. “I’m saying it’s an extraordinary opportunity.”

The more we look under the rocks and at the key foreign policy choices of neophyte Trump, we find the pawprints of Henry A. Kissinger. The choice of General James “Mad Dog” Mattis to be Secretary of Defense intersects Kissinger. Mattis and Kissinger both served until early 2016 on the Board of Directors of a bizarre and very controversial California medical technology private partnership, Theranos, together with (until recently) former US Secretary of State George Shultz, former Secretary of Defense Bill Perry, retired U.S. Navy Adm. Gary Roughead, former Wells Fargo Bank chairman Dick Kovacevich.

Mattis, whom Trump compares to General Patton, in August, 2016 wrote a report attacking both Obama, Bush and Bill Clinton administrations’ foreign military policy, blasting the last three administrations for a perceived lack of national security vision, by ignoring threats posed by Russia, China and terrorist groups worldwide.

As well, the pawprints of the sly Kissinger appear with the surprise naming of ExxonMobil head Rex Tillerson to be Secretary of State. ExxonMobil is of course the original core of the Rockefeller family wealth. Kissinger issued a decisive and strong recommendation of Tillerson, stating that because Tillerson has strong personal relations with Russian President Putin and Russian state oil company, Rosneft, it is no reason to disqualify Tillerson: “I pay no attention to the argument that he is too friendly to Russia. As head of Exxon it’s his job to get along with Russia. He would be useless as the head of Exxon if he did not have a working relationship with Russia.” As with Kissinger and Mattis, Kissinger also serves on a Board of Trustees with Tillerson. Both Tillerson and Kissinger are Trustees of the very influential Washington Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), along with such as Zbigniew Brzezinski and former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta.

In true Kissinger secret diplomacy style so skillfully applied during his role in triggering the October, 1973 Yom Kippur war, Kissinger has apparently won the respect of Vladimir Putin as a “world class politician.” In February, 2016 Kissinger went to Moscow to privately meet with Putin. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov called that meeting a continuation of “a friendly dialogue between President Putin and Henry Kissinger, who are bound by a long-standing relationship.”

And on December 2, Kissinger was personally invited by China President Xi Jinping to meet in Beijing to discuss the prospects for China of the Trump presidency. Kissinger is regarded since 1971 as uniquely trusted by the Chinese to serve as a mediator of US policy intentions.

With Kissinger now in a unique relationship with President-elect Trump as shadow foreign policy adviser, with Kissinger allies Tillerson as Secretary of State and Mattis as Secretary of Defense, it is beginning to appear that the heavy hand of Kissinger and his version of British Balance of Power political manipulations is about to target China, as well as Iran, and to try to use Putin and Russia to destroy the genuine possibility of a counterweight to Western One World delusions, by fostering mistrust and bad blood between China and Russia and Iran.

There is simply too much coincidence in the recent emergence of the Kissinger–world statesman of peace–to not think that in truth, from the outset, Donald Trump was designed to be Henry A. Kissinger’s Back Door Man, in order to re-tilt global geopolitics back to a US leading role as Domina über Alles.

F. William Engdahl is strategic risk consultant and lecturer, he holds a degree in politics from Princeton University and is a best-selling author on oil and geopolitics, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook.


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On January 9, Iraqi security forces (ISF) took control of the al-Baladiyat district of Mosul and announced the liberation of Domiz.

Separately, ISF units entered the district of Sukkar after a series of firefights with ISIS units in the area. Yarmjah, Mazari, and Palestine districts remained conten[d]ed areas between ISF and ISIS.

Pro-government sources claimed that ISF had destroyed some 5 car bombs and killed over 40 ISIS members in the clashes.

Now, ISF’s main goals are to secure Sukkar, to develop the advance in the direction of Kafaat in the northeastern part of Mosul, and to gain full control over Yarmjah, Mazari, and Palestine in southeastern Mosul.

These moves will set the ground for taking control of the whole eastern Mosul area from ISIS terrorists.

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Five decades ago the SCLC leader took a firm position in opposition to the United States occupation of Vietnam

On April 4, 1967, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. took to the pulpit at Riverside Church in New York City to denounce the escalating United States imperialist intervention in Vietnam.

Several days before on March 25, King along with pediatrician Dr. Benjamin Spock, who at the time was the co-chairman of the National Committee for Sane Nuclear Policy, led a mass demonstration in Chicago calling for the administration of the-then President Lyndon B. Johnson to enact an immediate ceasefire and withdrawal from Southeast Asia.

Marching also with King at the front of the demonstration was Al Raby of the Chicago Coordinating Committee of Community Organizations (CCCO), Jack Spiegel of the United Shoe Workers Union and Bernard Lee, an assistant to King in the local chapter of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC). There were also members of the Veterans for Peace in Vietnam who walked alongside the others at the head of the manifestation which included thousands of people.

This was the first demonstration that King had participated in against the war. Earlier in an article published by the Chicago Defender in January 1967 King had expressed his evolving public position. Later in February he delivered an address at an antiwar conference held in Southern California sponsored by the Nation Magazine.

Although the SCLC leader had expressed reservations and even opposition to the escalating war in Vietnam since early 1965, he had refrained from participation in antiwar demonstrations and did not address the military intervention in a comprehensive fashion. For example, after he spoke at Howard University on March 2, 1965, he answered questions from the press where he stated that the war in Vietnam was accomplishing nothing and required negotiation.

Later at the national conference of the SCLC, he called for a halt to the bombing of North Vietnam and the empowering of the United Nations to proceed with negotiations for the cessation of hostilities. He said during his speech that “What is required is a small first step that may establish a new spirit of mutual confidence … a step capable of breaking the cycle of mistrust, violence and war.” (King Encyclopedia at Stanford University)

Nonetheless, his wife, Coretta Scott King, had been far ahead of him in regard to issues related to world peace. In 1962 she traveled to the Eighteen Nation Disarmament Conference held in Geneva, Switzerland as a delegate from the Women’s Strike for Peace. Later in 1965 Coretta Scott King spoke at two antiwar demonstrations on the Mall in Washington, D.C. and in New York at Madison Square Garden.

Before the SCLC came out in opposition to the Vietnam War, the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) had issued a comprehensive statement in January 1966 drawing a correlation between the failure of the Johnson administration to guarantee the democratic rights of African Americans and the massive deployment of U.S. troops in Vietnam.

By 1967, demonstrations and rallies against the Vietnam War grew in their numbers and militancy. On April 15, 100,000 people marched from Central Park to the United Nations demanding an end to the war. Drs. King and Spock along with Stokely Carmichael (later known as Kwame Ture), the-then Chairman of SNCC, led the demonstration. In October of the same year there was a demonstration at the Pentagon which resulted in clashes with the police.

The growth of the antiwar movement coincided with the urban rebellions throughout the U.S. as well as unrest within the educational sector. Students and youth began to call for the removal of ROTC from high schools and college campuses along with the defunding of military research.

Civil Rights and Economic Justice

After the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965, the struggle of the African American people shifted to the implementation of these legislative measures in the South and other regions of the country in the North and West. Independent political parties and mass initiatives were established such as the Lowndes County Freedom Organization (LCFO), the original Black Panther Party, in an effort to build substantive political power.

The resistance to independent political action by the state and federal governments after 1965 sparked urban rebellions in many cities from New York and Los Angeles to Chicago, Cleveland and Detroit. The emergence of urban rebellion as a tactic within the struggle for national liberation and equality alarmed the Johnson administration because it posed a direct challenge to its foreign policy. With African Americans serving in Vietnam disproportionate to their numbers within the overall population, any successful antiwar movement calling for a rejection of the draft and the desertion of troops from the frontlines would ensure a victory for the people of Southeast Asia.

In his speech in the aftermath of the March 25, 1967 demonstration in Chicago, King noted that:

“Poverty, urban problems and social progress generally are ignored when the guns of war become a national obsession. When it is not our security that is at stake, but questionable and vague commitments to reactionary regimes, values disintegrate into foolish and adolescent slogans.”

King then went on to say:

“America is a great nation, … [b]ut honesty impels me to admit that our power has often made us arrogant. We feel that our money can do anything. We arrogantly feel that we have some divine, messianic mission to police the whole world. We are arrogant in not allowing young nations to go through the same growing pains, turbulence and revolution that characterizes our history… We arm Negro soldiers to kill on foreign battlefields but offer little protection for their relatives from beatings and killings in our own South….”


By late 1967, Dr. King announced that SCLC in alliance with other organizations from the Chicano, Native American and poor white communities, would launch a Poor People’s Campaign in Washington, D.C. Thousands were mobilized to enter the nation’s capital to occupy the city until legislative and administrative actions were taken to end poverty and economic inequality.

Prior to the beginning of the Poor People’s Campaign, King went to Memphis to support the sanitation workers strike which demanded recognition under the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME). It was in Memphis that King called for a general strike in lieu of the resolution of the labor dispute.

King was assassinated on April 4, 1968 before the strike was settled. In response to his assassination rebellion erupted in approximately 125 cities across the U.S. including Washington, D.C., Baltimore, Pittsburgh and Chicago.

The Continuing Struggle Against National Oppression and Social Injustice

Since 1968, the problems of national oppression and economic inequality have worsened. Today unemployment and poverty remain major obstacles to the full realization of national liberation among the African American people and other people of color communities.

These problems however cannot be resolved under the capitalist system. The greater concentration of wealth among the ruling class mandates the general redistribution of resources from the small elite of exploiters to the majority of the working class and oppressed.

This social transformation of U.S. society will not come about through the goodwill of the ruling class. The workers, farmers and oppressed must be organized and mobilized outside of the framework of the two-party capitalist political system.

Therefore these are the challenges facing the present generation of youth. Consequently, a revolutionary party must be built that can speak and act in the interests of the exploited and oppressed in the U.S. in solidarity with the peoples of the world.


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The End of Ideology in Cuba?

January 10th, 2017 by Arnold August

In 1960, the American sociologist and academic Daniel Bell (1919–2011) published The End of Ideology. It became a classic book in official political science. The publication was listed by Times Literary Supplement as one of the 100 most influential non-fiction books in the second half of the 20th century. While there were other “end of ideologies” in the 1950s and early 1960s, Bell’s is considered the most authoritative. The many varieties that emerged from this school of thought have a common denominator. While not oversimplifying this important trend, for the purposes of this article one can say that it surfaced out of the perceived failures of both socialism in the former U.S.S.R. and capitalism in the West. It was born out of opposition to “extremism.”

In November 1968, along with other political science students at McGill University in Montreal, I founded the Political Science Students Association. It organized a strike around two basic demands. The first was student participation on faculty hiring committees; the second, linked to this potential student empowerment, demanded a more inclusive faculty and curriculum. This would include writings other than by Daniel Bell (who, of course, was considered mandatory reading and enjoyed uncontested reference in political science), progressive social scientists and the works of Marx and Lenin. These were all excluded at the time. After a 10-day occupation and strike, the students’ demands were finally met by the university.

Bell was blind to the inevitable uprisings that were about to take place in the U.S. among African-Americans shortly after his best-seller rolled off the press. These progressive struggles, like those of the Native peoples, who also revolted, have their origins in the Thirteen Colonies. In the 1960s, American students were also attracted to alternative ideologies and politics. In fact, the youth movement was omnipresent throughout North America and much of Europe. While this inclination in the 1960s was characterized by different left-wing political and ideological features, and experienced its ups and downs, it was the death knell for the End of Ideology hypothesis. However, Bell’s heritage keeps coming back to haunt us.

In Cuba, in the last year or so, there has been a steady increase in the End of Ideology code words and buzz phrases emitted by some marginal Cuban bloggers and intellectuals. They were timid at first but became increasingly bold. To mention just a few: complaining of what they see as a “sterile dichotomy between socialism and capitalism”; advising Cuban revolutionaries to be “balanced and more profound in offering their criticism” of U.S. imperialism; opposing what they consider the extremist “Fidelista” and “anti-Castro” positions, placing both on the same footing; labelling those who are Marxist-Leninist or Fidelista as “extremists” or “fanatics”; writing about “two major fallacies of what it means to be a revolutionary in Cuba, from the left and right,” both being based on “exclusive dogma”; and, finally, asserting that “life is much more profound than even ideology.”

Reading these pieces, my university days back in 1968 kept piercing through my thought process. How was it possible that we opposed the End of Ideology in the heart of capitalism yet now it rears its head in Cuba, of all places? One can argue that the opposition in Cuba is coming from the “left,” that is, from those who claim that they support the Revolution. Well, where else can it emerge if not from the so-called left? This is Cuba. Let us not forget that Bell had identified as a leftist. His opposition to ideology was ostensibly from the leftist outlook and not the right. This, after all, was how he won his credibility and credentials. Bell became disillusioned with socialism. He could not see an alternative so he decided to wage a struggle against both capitalism and socialism. His work is a reflection of his own personal/political predicament. Objectively, however, this so-called neutrality against extremes consists in throwing a life jacket in support of capitalism. It is no accident that he is so appreciated by the ruling elites of the West.

I have always maintained that the most dangerous opposition to the Cuban Revolution comes from the so-called left, and not from the openly right Plattists, or annexationists. It is a cancer in Cuban society that, if left to grow without sharp ideological resistance, can influence the most naive, especially among youth, intellectuals and artists.

When Bell wrote his essays in the late 1950s, which were eventually compiled in his 1960 volume, Cuba was the scene of the most glaring refutation in the world of his theory: the 1953 Moncada attack, its ensuing program and the Triumph of the Revolution on January 1, 1959. Fidel Castro and the July 26 Movement initiated in embryonic form the road toward a new Marxist-Leninist revolutionary ideology for Cuba. Far from being a period characterized by the end of ideology, Cuba provided the world with a resurgence of – and confidence in – the need for ideology. It represented the end of the End of Ideology. The Cuban Revolution erupted at the height of the Cold War yet it dug in its heels against any intimidation from the left or from imperialism. It did not represent the politically correct action and thinking at the time, not of the left and even less so of the right. Thus, in the initial period, Fidel had the acumen to not reveal the entire scenario. However, ideology was at the centre of the action and spirit.

Since 1953, Cuba has been and continues to be the quintessence of cultivating ideological principles. Every written and spoken word of Fidel is impregnated with ideology. It is not stagnant; on the contrary, it is continuously evolving according to the context. Otherwise, Cuba would not have been able to outlast its enemies all this time.

I am convinced that one of the main implicit objectives of the international corporate media campaign against the persona of Fidel right after his passing was imperialism’s revenge against him for not capitulating on ideology. Why, they may ask in frustration, did the Cuban Revolution never buy into the End of Ideology? It should have, according to official political science. Yet, after all these years, from July 26, 1953 to November 25, 2016, Fidel lived and died as he asked of others: a humble revolutionary.

In this historical context today, to try to impregnate Cuban political culture with “neutrality” on ideology, opposition to “extremes,” “equidistance” between socialism and capitalism, and so forth does not constitute a challenge to dogmatism of the left as it tries to portray itself. The real defiance is against socialism and Marxist-Leninist ideology. In the 1960s, Bell’s theory appealed to the ruling circles, who wanted to preserve the status quo. The elites were in power. They were not in any danger of being dislodged by their own capitalism! The End of Ideology critique of capitalism was then just a convenient cover for the critique of socialism. At McGill, in 1968, that was the main argument of the conservative faculty and administration. They were supposedly not in favour or against any ideology. All political options were welcome, but Bell was more welcome. He was supposedly against capitalism and socialism. However, those who favoured the capitalist status quo relied on the End of Ideology. Those who opposed the “extreme” ideology of the left were fully merged with the capitalist ideology, serving to propagate and elaborate it. The purpose of the End of Ideology, in the 1960s and now in Cuba, is to put an end to Marxist-Leninist and socialist ideology.

Source: Prensa Latina

Arnold August, a Canadian journalist and lecturer, is the author of Democracy in Cuba and the 1997–98 Elections and, more recently, Cuba and Its Neighbours: Democracy in Motion. Cuba’s neighbours under consideration are, on the one hand the U.S. and on the other hand, Venezuela, Bolivia and Ecuador. Arnold can be followed on Twitter @Arnold_August and FaceBook

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As Donald Trump prepares to become U.S. president on Jan. 20, the future of NAFTA is in doubt. He has promised to either renegotiate or withdraw from the trade agreement. Despite the outcome of the 2016 presidential election, there are still many different existing North American integration mechanisms that remain in place. Over the last year, the globalists have quietly laid the foundation to ensure their continental agenda continues. They are positioning themselves so they can try to better influence the new Trump administration in advancing deeper economic, political and security integration in North America.

At the North American Leaders Summit (NALS) in June of last year, the U.S., Canada and Mexico agreed to the formation of a North American Caucus. A Government of Canada press release explained how the initiative is designed to, “enhance cooperation on regional and global priorities by establishing a consultation mechanism that will meet twice a year. This mechanism will support regular meetings of the North American Foreign Ministers and other annual multilateral policy dialogues.” The North American Caucus, “will also encourage collaboration on emerging political developments and security concerns, as well as promote cooperation on regional energy security, climate change, environmental issues, economic competitiveness, and citizen security and health.” During a press conference at the most recent NALS, President Barack Obama acknowledged, “we’re going to do more to speak with one, united North American voice on the world stage.” The North American Caucus is part of efforts to merge the foreign policies of all three countries. 

As part of the 2016 NALS, the NAFTA partners launched the North American Dialogue on Drug Policy as a means, “to exchange information on drug trends, increase trilateral coordination on drug policy, and develop actions that our governments can take to protect our citizens from harmful drugs and drug trafficking.” On October 27, 2016, the North American Dialogue on Drug Policy held its inaugural meeting which, “focused on the shared illicit drug problem, from production and trade to consumption and misuse.” The discussions also, “resulted in the identification of best practices, methods to gather data from multi-sectoral perspectives, and helped identify possible trilateral lines of cooperation to address North American drug challenges.” The three governments are scheduled to meet again later this year to review the progress they have made in strengthening collaboration on drug issues affecting the continent.

During the last NALS, the leaders also announced the creation of the Stakeholder Dialogue on North American Competitiveness. The new forum gives the private sector and non-governmental organizations a chance to contribute ideas on increasing competitiveness across the continent. On September 29, 2016, the Wilson Center hosted the first annual Stakeholder Dialogue. The talks focused on competitiveness, as well as energy and the environment. The participants included representatives from the Council on Foreign Relations, the George W. Bush Institute, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Exxon Mobil and Wal-Mart, along with various other groups. The meeting also produced a series of recommendations, which will help build the agenda for the next NALS. Some of the proposals put forth by the Stakeholder Dialogue could play an important role in reshaping NAFTA. If Trump goes ahead with plans to renegotiate the trade deal, the corporate elite will no doubt try to persuade him to make changes that will benefit them even more.

In November 2016, the George W. Bush Institute released the policy paper, Investing in North American Competitiveness. It recommended establishing, “a new North American border infrastructure bank to drive a market approach to planning, financing, and coordinating border projects.” In addition, the Institute proposed expanding continental, “access to common technical credentials for frontline work in manufacturing and logistics.” The report noted that, “Executing on these initiatives requires a commitment on the part of our three governments to sustain attention to a North American strategy for competitiveness, which itself requires a high-level commitment to regular North American Leaders’ Summits with structured follow-up.” In order to achieve better results, the leaders have established a regular trilateral coordination process to ensure implementation of NALS commitments.

During his presidency, George W. Bush pursued deeper North American ties through the Security and Prosperity Partnership. A week after the U.S. election, Bush delivered remarks at the North American Strategy for Competitiveness (NASCO) 2016 Continental Reunion. He took the opportunity to defend NAFTA and called for further strengthening economic and trade relations with Canada and Mexico. The Bush Institute also updated their North America Competitiveness Scorecard. Once again, North America was ranked as the world’s most competitive economic region. As part of efforts to counter negativity surrounding the NAFTA partnership, the Institute stated, “Despite misguided rhetoric to the contrary, now is the time to reinforce our North American bond, not dissolve it.” Keeping the NAFTA framework intact is an important part to the globalist agenda.

After Brexit and Trump’s election victory, the globalists have been busy regrouping. They are not about to just roll over quietly and are planning their next decisive move. A Clinton presidency would have been a continuation of the Obama administration’s disastrous foreign policies and would have been especially favorable to their overall agenda. With the collapse of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), the globalists have an opportunity to shift their focus to renegotiating and modernizing NAFTA as a way of further deepening North American integration. It is imperative that we continue to resist the mechanisms, which threaten our sovereignty. We need to guard against any attempts to incorporate the controversial elements of the TPP into a upgraded NAFTA.

Dana Gabriel is an activist and independent researcher. He writes about trade, globalization, sovereignty, security, as well as other issues. Contact: [email protected] Visit his blog at Be Your Own Leader

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During his political campaign, Donald Trump repeatedly railed against Wall Street with a specific focus on Goldman Sachs. In the final days of his campaign, Trump released an advertisement (see video below) that featured his opponent, Hillary Clinton, shaking hands with Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein. As the image flickers on the screen, Trump does a voice over, stating:

“”It’s a global power structure that is responsible for the economic decisions that have robbed our working class, stripped our country of its wealth, and put that money into the pockets of a handful of large corporations and political entities.”

As the ad ends, Trump bares his soul: “I’m doing this for the people and for the movement and we will take back this country for you and we will make America great again.”

How did a candidate who repeatedly demonized Goldman Sachs as the poster child for a corrupt establishment that owned Washington end up with Goldman Sachs’ progeny filling every post that even tangentially has the odor of money or global finance? One answer is family ties; another may be something darker.

Trump’s non-stop nominations and appointments of Goldman Sachs alumni have left his supporters stunned. Trump nominated Steven Mnuchin, a 17-year veteran of Goldman Sachs to be his Treasury Secretary. Stephen Bannon, another former Goldman Sachs banker, was named by Trump as his Chief Strategist in the White House. The sitting President of Goldman Sachs, Gary Cohn, has been named by Trump as Director of the National Economic Council, which, according to its website, coordinates “policy-making for domestic and international economic issues.”

Last week, in a move that stunned even Wall Street, Trump nominated a Goldman Sachs outside lawyer, Jay Clayton of Sullivan & Cromwell, to serve as Wall Street’s top cop as Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission. Adding to the slap in the face to Trump’s working class supporters, Clayton’s wife currently works as a Vice President at Goldman Sachs.

But the Goldman Sachs’ ties don’t stop there. 

When Alexander Blankfein, the oldest son of Goldman Sachs’ CEO Lloyd Blankfein was married in 2013, Joshua Kushner attended the wedding. Joshua had been Alexander’s roommate at Harvard according to the New York Times. Joshua is the brother-in-law to a woman who will play a major role in the Trump administration – Ivanka Trump, daughter of the President-elect and wife of Joshua’s brother, Jared.

According to Politico, Goldman Sachs partner, Dina Powell, President of the Goldman Sachs Foundation, is Ivanka’s “top adviser on policy and staffing.”

Read entire article on Wall Street on Parade

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Is Goldman Sachs Taking Control of the Trump Presidency?

January 10th, 2017 by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

Pam and Russ Martens have compiled an amazing roster of present and former Goldman Sachs executives ensconced in the Trump transition team and announced as Trump appointees.

This is discouraging.

On the other hand, the Senate is unlikely to refuse confirmation to Goldman Sachs personnel.

Many people have worked for Goldman Sachs, including Nomi Prins, and Pam Martens worked on Wall Street. Both are effective critics of the big banks.

Some of Trump’s most important appointments—State, Defense, and National Security Advisor—are supportive of his intentions to restore normal relations with Russia, reorganize the CIA, and get the US out of pointless wars. If he can achieve these things or even one of them, it is a victory regardless if he fails to take on the banks.

According to Douglas Valentine’s just published book, The CIA As Organized Crime, it is the CIA, not the banks, that control the government. Judging by the extraordinary pressure that the CIA is putting on Trump with the allegation that Trump’s election is tainted by Russian interference, it is not clear at this time whether the CIA will accept Trump as President of the United States.

If Goldman Sachs were also Trump’s determined opponent, what would Trump’s chances be?

It is very easy to be unrealistic about expectations from a president. Trump’s announcement that he intends to supplement his Secret Service protection with private protection suggests that he understands that there are many constraints on his action.

There is no guarantee that Trump can do anything. But clearly his election is seen as a threat by the ruling establishment. So let’s give Trump a chance and see what he can do. I doubt he will be able to do anything but surrender. Nevertheless, I hope.

Certainly there is no reason to help the ruling establishment pull him down. Whether they realize or not, those liberal, left, progressive commentators and organizations are aligned with the ruling establishment in the attack on Trump.

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments. His internet columns have attracted a worldwide following. Roberts’ latest books are The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism and Economic Dissolution of the WestHow America Was Lost, and The Neoconservative Threat to World Order.
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Guido Cagnacci, whose contemporaries called “il genio bizzaro” (the bizarre genius), has by all accounts been slow in receiving the attention his work merits. Right now in New York City, three major works by the painter can been seen, just a short walk from each other.

In early 2016, The Metropolitan Museum of Art acquired Cagnacci’s The Death of Cleopatra (c.1645). While still a young man in Bologna, Guido began to paint half-length female figures, a form that would in time become a specialty of his; of these, the Met’s Cleopatra is among the finest. While the theme was a familiar one among Baroque painters, the frank sensuality and naturalism of Cagnacci’s depiction is something altogether new.

The queen’s head is tossed back, an attitude that Cagnacci would repeatedly employ. She pulls down her shirt to expose her left breast, while with her other hand she holds an asp being guided towards her heart. This picture, along with the other two later masterpieces currently on exhibition in New York City, are highly subversive works in terms of their unabashedly erotic energy, which continues to feel startlingly modern.

Born in Santarcangelo di Romagna in 1601, Guido Cagnacci studied his craft in Bologna – likely serving as apprentice to the elderly Ludovico Caracci – and made visits to Rome, where he  would discover the work of Caravaggio, and adopt the practice of painting directly from live models. ‘Restless and unruly,’ Cagnacci is known to have traveled with his mistresses disguised as men so as to avoid public scrutiny – and they were likely to double as his models for such subjects as Cleopatra and Mary Magdalene.

The Cleopatra Morente (Dying Cleopatra, c. 1660-63) currently on display at the Italian Cultural Institute is perhaps the greatest realization of a single figure in Cagnacci’s oeuvre. The picture dates to the painter’s final years in Vienna, during which he seems to have been at the height of his artistic faculties. Once again, the queen’s head is tilted back, but the effect is quite different. The Met’s Cleopatra could almost be a sacred painting of a saint or martyr, with her flushed eyes gazing heavenwards – indeed, there is a marked similarity in her features to Cagnacci’s own St. Anthony of Padua Preaching (c. 1641). Now, Cleopatra’s eyes are half closed and gazing under heavy, and reddened lids, outward, towards us, the viewer. If it were not for the half hidden asp, its barely visible tongue licking the air, she could be in an opium-induced state of ecstasy.

Nude from the waist up – having pulled down her white shirt to reveal a fleshly, buttery torso – this Cleopatra is utterly present in her physicality and at the same time she has absented herself, as if she knows something we do not. She is alive but beyond the living. This is a death which is anything but to be feared. “The Stroke of death is as a lover’s pinch, / which hurts, and is desired” (Shakespeare, Anthony and Cleopatra, V.ii.295-296). In her final moments, both in Shakespeare and in Cagnacci, Cleopatra erotically embraces death: invoking both the idea of the orgasm as dying, as well as the orgasmic effect of death itself (“Husband, I come!” V.ii.287).

When I went to visit her at the Italian Cultural Institute there was no one else present: she was alone in an empty room – as she is in the painting itself.  Perhaps that is why it seemed to be entirely right: as if I had had just happened in upon her slumped in that large red leather chair, needing nothing and no one, utterly imperious in her solitude.

The Repentant Magdalene (c. 1660-63), on display at the Frick Collection, thanks to a loan by the Norton Simon Museum, is perhaps Cagnacci’s greatest masterpiece. It belongs to his Vienna years, and was commissioned by the Emperor Leopold I, who asked that Cagnacci “promise to make him a painting of the repentant Saint Mary Magdalene, with four full-length figures.”

The scene is set in an aristocratic residence where Mary, the wealthy courtesan, has just discarded her luxurious clothes and jewels; her hands are clasped together around a gold necklace that she grasps as if it were a rosary. Sitting before her on a red and gold damask cushion is her sister Martha gesturing towards the two allegorical figures on Mary’s left: a winged, androgynous angel (representing Virtue), clutches with both hands a long rod, ready to strike a horned demon (or Vice) as he hovers in mid-air, his lengthy, slender tail literally between his legs. The demon, angrily biting his finger, makes ready to flee, perhaps out of the window at the top left corner.

Cagnacci’s fiend might naturally be seen, given the context, as representative of the Vice of sexual promiscuity. Mary has removed her finery in a gesture that outwardly signifies the rejection of her sinful life as a courtesan. On the other hand, she is barely covered and her moist eyes and blushing face have an undeniably erotic inflection. As Xavier Salomon points out in his invaluable book, The Art of Guido Cagnacci: “regardless of how pious his paintings may be in subject, they have a highly voyeuristic impact.”

The Frick’s permanent collection includes one of Titian’s portraits of Pietro Aretino (1492-1556) the Italian poet, satirist and blackmailer – and author of L’umanita di Cristo (The Humanity of Christ, 1535), a retelling of the life of Jesus according to the canonical gospels. This book was a ‘bestseller’, especially popular in northern Italy, and the likely source for the scene depicted in Paolo Veronese’ The Conversion of Mary Magdalene (c. 1548), an event which is not described in the Bible. Martha, already a Christ follower, urged her sister Mary to go to the temple to hear Christ preach: her conversion is the result of the encounter with Jesus in the temple. Cagnacci’s Repentant Magdalene is the scene that presumably immediately follows the conversion: emotionally overwrought, Mary returned to her room, disrobed and threw her jewels and garments on the floor. The scene of Mary repenting is not described in the Bible – it too is derived, at least in part, from Aretino’s narrative.

Is it possible that Cagnacci had also come across Aretino’s, The School of Whoredom, perhaps during his eight-year sojourn in Venice, beginning in 1650? When we see Mary’s finery, and those exquisite turquoise sandals (that pinched her reddened toes), we know that this is a consummate professional. Might we not be reminded of Aretino’s satirical play, in which Nanna teaches Pippa, her daughter, that whoredom is an art as well as a craft? Its skills have to be mastered: the successful courtesan is also an actress. Attention is to be paid to language, clothes, appearances, as well as behavior, power games, social positioning, etc. “becoming a whore is no career for fools…”

Like Pippa, we could see Cagnacci’s Mary being taught and ultimately mastering the art of, “flattery and deceit.” In this light, Mary’s repentance is about not only the sinfulness of her lascivious past; but also the sinfulness of worldly ambition, of gathering treasures in this world, rather than storing up treasures in heaven.

“Those who love their life in this world will lose it, those who care nothing for their life in this world will keep it…” (John12:25). The pearls, the golden earrings and bracelets, the sumptuous blue fabric and sandals that lie strewn about on the floor (an unbelievably exquisite still-life) are the physical reminders of the life that Mary is abandoning. That we are witnessing a kind of death-in-life is evident from the servant girls as well, who seem to be aware that their mistress is, in a sense, no more: one of the girls, already crossing the threshold to the balustrade looks over her shoulder as if she is looking upon her mistress for the final time.

The three paintings by Cagnacci, which New York City has been lucky enough to host, share not only the artist’s tendency toward ‘sensuous realism’, but also his fascination with the intertwining of the earthly and the spiritual, his unique and sometimes disorienting confluence of religious and erotic longing. At the same time, Cagnacci is clearly interested in transformation, with the passage from one state of being into another – a movement that does not occur without a certain violence. Spiritual rebirth, in Magdalene, is presented not as something given, finished and done with – but as an event which is still unfolding and is anything but peaceful.

As viewers, we stand on the verge of the critical moment: the ultimate victory is foreseen but not foregone. We are on the threshold of new life – and as if to ensure we do not forget: on the ledge of the balustrade stands a terracotta pot with a carnation plant that is yet to bloom.

Dr. Sam Ben-Meir teaches philosophy at Eastern International College. His current research focuses on environmental and business ethics. [email protected]                            


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“The future of Syria must be determined by its people, but President Bashar al-Assad is standing in their way. His calls for dialogue and reform have rung hollow while he is imprisoning, torturing and slaughtering his own people.  We have consistently said that President Assad must lead a democratic transition or get out of the way.  He has not led.  For the sake of the Syrian people, the time has come for President Assad to step aside” – Barack Obama, speaking in August 2011.

When the US President made his first explicit call for the removal of Bashar al-Assad from power in August 2011, who would have thought that the Syrian leader would have outlasted Barack Obama in office. Even for the most optimistic supporter of the territorial integrity of the Syrian state, there must have been moments when they felt that the US/NATO war machine would topple Assad and completely Balkanize the Syrian state (I know I did). And yet here we are, more than five years later, watching Obama conclude his shambolic reign with a final frenzy of anti-Russian attacks, as Assad still stands in Damascus.

Outside of any last gasp strike or invasion of Syria by the US or its allies, it seems that Assad’s presidency will outlast that of Obama’s. Despite all the media propaganda and demonization; the hordes of foreign mercenaries armed to the teeth by the US and their allies; the false flag attacks to justify a full-scale invasion of the country (the Ghouta sarin attack for instance); the sanctions against Assad and other high-level Syrian officials; and the countless other assaults on the country: the Syrian people refused to be bullied or swayed by outside powers.

Although the war is still ongoing and far from over, the recent liberation of eastern Aleppo by the Syrian Arab Army illustrates which side has the momentum in the conflict. The move led by Moscow to forge closer ties between Russia, Iran and Turkey in relation to Syria is also a significant development, considering the role that Turkey has played in supporting the opposition during the conflict. A Turkey that is committed to ending the conflict and stopping the flow of arms and mercenaries across the border is a major step towards the stabilization of Syria.

Obama vs. The US Military

The West has been unable to force Libyan-style regime change in Syria due to a variety of reasons, with the support of regional and international allies one of the most significant factors. Iran, Hezbollah, China and most notably Russia, have been crucial players in supporting the Syrian government, a fact that has been well documented in the media.  What has been less well documented however, is the role that certain elements within the US military have played in stopping the neoconservatives, the CIA and other factions close to Obama forcing regime change in Syria.

Despite many elements within the US military being far from perfect, there has been a core of high-ranking military officers who have resisted the Syrian strategy advocated by many in Washington. As the award-winning journalist, Seymour M. Hersh, wrote in his article for the London Review of Books in January 2016, titled: Military to Military, numerous individuals in the US military were concerned over the nature of many of the opposition groups that would have been empowered if Assad was ousted from power, and so they began to secretly share US intelligence with other militaries around the world, intelligence that was intended to help the Syrian military in their fight against extremists:

“In the autumn of 2013, they [(the Joint Chiefs)] decided to take steps against the extremists without going through political channels, by providing US intelligence to the militaries of other nations, on the understanding that it would be passed on to the Syrian army and used against the common enemy, Jabhat al-Nusra and Islamic State.”

One of the individuals in the US military that has been a vocal critic of Obama’s Syrian strategy is the former Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), retired Lieutenant General Michael T. Flynn. The former DIA head has been consistently warning over the dangers of overthrowing Assad, and in 2015 he lambasted the Obama administration for taking the “willful decision” to support the rise of extremists in Syria. Flynn, who has been appointed as Trump’s National Security Adviser, is well aware of the situation on the ground in Syria, with an August 2012 intelligence document from the DIA stating that:

“The Salafists, the Muslim Brotherhood and Al-Qaeda in Iraq, are the major forces driving the insurgency in Syria… Opposition forces are trying to control the Eastern areas (Hasaka and Der Zor), adjacent to the Western Iraqi provinces (Mosul and Anbar), in addition to neighbouring Turkish borders. Western countries, the Gulf states and Turkey are supporting these efforts… If the situation unravels there is the possibility of establishing a declared or undeclared Salafist principality in Eastern Syria (Hasaka and Der Zor), and this is exactly what the supporting powers to the opposition want, in order to isolate the Syrian regime, which is considered the strategic depth of the Shia expansion (Iraq and Iran).”

Flynn was not alone in opposing the Syrian policy of the Obama administration however, although he was perhaps the most vocal in public. Retired General Martin Dempsey for instance, who served as the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff between October 2011 and September 2015, was fairly consistent at emphasising the costs of military action in Syria, including during the debate over whether to directly strike Syria after the Ghouta chemical attack in August 2013. Dempsey’s general position on using overt military force in Syria against Assad can be seen in a July 2013 letter to the Chairman of the Committee on Armed Services, Senator Carl Levin. The overall tone of the letter is cautious and thoughtful, with Dempsey warning that the US “could inadvertently empower extremists” by ousting Assad:

“It is not enough to simply alter the balance of military power without careful consideration of what is necessary in order to preserve a functioning state. We must anticipate and be prepared for the unintended consequences of our action. Should the regime’s institutions collapse in the absence of a viable opposition, we could inadvertently empower extremists or unleash the very chemical weapons we seek to control… Once we take action, we should be prepared for what comes next. Deeper involvement is hard to avoid. We should also act in accordance with the law.”

If Obama had got his wish in 2011, and Assad was removed from power in Damascus, the political vacuum left by Assad would have been filled by a plethora of ‘moderate rebels’ (i.e. hardcore terrorists). After eight years of carnage and broken promises, many people in the US and around the world will be delighted to see Obama leave office.

Steven MacMillan is an independent writer, researcher, geopolitical analyst and editor of  The Analyst Report, especially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.

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President Bashar al-Assad has said that everything in the world is changing regarding Syria on every level, the local, the regional, and the international.

In a statement given to the French media, President al-Assad added that our mission, according to the constitution and according to the laws, that we have to liberate every inch of the Syrian land.

Following is the full context of the statement:

Question 1: Mr. President, you have just met a French delegation of MPs. Do you think this visit will have an influence on the French position about Syria?

President Assad: This is a French question. We hope that any delegation that would come here is to see the truth about what is happening in Syria during the last years, since the beginning of the war six years ago, and the problem now, regarding France in particular, is that they don’t have an embassy, they don’t have any relation with Syria at all, so it’s like… we can say it’s a blind state. How can you forge a policy towards a certain region if you can’t see, if you’re blind? You need to see. The importance of those delegations is that they represent the eyes of the states, but that depends on the state; do they want to see, or they want to keep adopting the ostrich policy and they don’t want to tell the truth, because now everything in the world is changing regarding Syria on every level, the local, the regional, and the international. Until this moment, the French administration hasn’t changed its position, they still speak the old language which is disconnected from our reality. That’s why we have a hope that there’s someone in the state who wants to listen to these delegations, to the facts. I’m not talking about my opinion, I’m talking about the reality in Syria. So, we have hope.

Question 2: Mr. President, you said that Aleppo is a major victory for Syria, and a major turn in the crisis. What do you feel when you see the pictures of the hundreds of civilians that were killed in the bombings, and the devastation of the city?

President Assad: Of course, it’s very painful for us as Syrians to see any part of our country destroyed, or to see any blood shedding anywhere,this is self-evident, this is emotional part, but for me as President or as an official, the question for the Syrian people: what I’m going to do. It’s not only about the feeling; the feeling is self-evident as I said. How we’re going to rebuild our cities.

Question 3: But was the bombing of east Aleppo the only solution to retake the city, with the death of civilians, your fellow citizens?

President Assad: It depends on what kind of war you’re looking for. Are you looking for a quiet war, war without destruction? I haven’t heard, in the history, of a good war, every war is bad. Why bad? Because every war is about destruction, every war is about the killing, that’s why every war is bad. You cannot say “this is a good war” even if it’s for a good reason, to defend your country, for a noble reason, but it’s bad. That’s why it’s not the solution, if you have any other solution. But the question is: how can you liberate the civilians in those areas from the terrorists? Is it better to leave them, to leave them under their supervision, under their oppression, under their fate defined by those terrorists by beheading, by killing, by everything but not having state? Is that the role of the state, just to keep and watch? You have to liberate, and this is the price sometimes, but at the end, the people are liberated from the terrorists. That’s the question now; are they liberated or not? If yes, that’s what we have to do.

Question 4: Mr. President, a ceasefire has been signed on the 30th of December, why do Syrian Army still fight near Damascus in the region of Wadi Barada?

President Assad: First of all, ceasefire is about different parties, so when you say there’s viable ceasefire is when every party stops fighting and shooting, and it’s not the case in many areas in Syria, and that was reported by the Russian center of observation regarding the ceasefire. There’s breaching of that ceasefire on daily basis in Syria, including Damascus, but in Damascus mainly because the terrorists occupy the main source of water of Damascus where more than five million civilians are deprived from water for the last three weeks now, and the role of the Syrian Army is to liberate that area in order to prevent those terrorists from using that water in order to suffocate the capital. So, that’s why.

Question 5: Mr. President, Daesh is not a part of the ceasefire…

President Assad: No.

Journalist: Do you plan to take again Raqqa, and when?

President Assad: Let me just continue the second part of the first question. Second part of that ceasefire is not about al-Nusra and ISIS, and the area that we’ve been fighting to liberate recently, regarding the water sources of the capital Damascus, is occupied by al-Nusra, and al-Nusra announced formally that they are occupying that area. So, it’s not part of the ceasefire.

Regarding al-Raqqa, of course it’s our mission, according to the constitution and according to the laws, that we have to liberate every inch of the Syrian land. There’s no question about that, it’s not to be discussed. But it’s about when, what are our priorities, and this is military, regarding to the military planning, about the military priorities. But nationally, there’s no priority; every inch is a Syrian inch, it should be within the purview of the government.

Question 6: Important talks will take place in Astana at the end of the month, including a lot of Syrian parties, including some opposition groups, let’s say. What are you ready to negotiate directly with them, and what are you ready to negotiate to help the peace to come back in Syria.

President Assad: Of course, we are ready, and we announced that our delegation to that conference is ready to go when they define… when they set the time of that conference. We are ready to negotiate everything. When you talk about negotiation regarding whether to end the conflict in Syria or talking about the future of Syria, anything, it’s fully open, there’s no limit for that negotiations. But who’s going to be there from the other side? We don’t know yet. Is it going to be real Syrian opposition – and when I say “real” it means has grassroots in Syria, not Saudi one or French one or British one – it should be Syrian opposition to discuss the Syrian issues. So, the viability or, let’s say, the success of that conference will depend on that point.

Question 7: Are you even ready to discuss your position as President? That has been contested.

President Assad: Yeah, but my position is related to the constitution, and the constitution is very clear about the mechanism in which you can bring a president or get rid of a president. So, if they want to discuss this point, they have to discuss the constitution, and the constitution is not owned by the government or the president or by the opposition; it should be owned by the Syrian people, so you need a referendum for every constitution. This is one of the points that could be discussed in that meeting, of course, but they cannot say “we need that president” or “we don’t need that president” because the president is related to the ballot box. If they don’t need him, let’s go to the ballot box. The Syrian people should bring a president, not part of the Syrian people.

Question 8: And with this negotiation, what will be the fate of rebel fighters?

President Assad: From what we’ve been implementing during the last three years, because you want genuinely to have peace in Syria, the government offered amnesty for every militant who gives up his armaments, and it worked, and they still have the same option if they want to go back to their normality and to go back to their normal life. This is the maximum that you can offer, amnesty.

Question 9: Mr. President, as you know, French presidential election will take place, do you have a favorite, do you have a preference for one of the candidates?

President Assad: No, because we don’t have any contacts with any one of them, and we cannot count very much on the statements and rhetoric during the campaign, so we always say let’s wait and see what policy they’re going to adopt after they are in their position. But we always have hopes that the next administration or government or president, they want to deal with the reality, to disconnect themselves from the disconnected policy from our reality. That’s our hope, and they can work for the interest of the French people, because the question now after six years: as a French citizen, do you feel safer? I don’t think the answer is yes. The immigration problem, has it made the situation in your country better? I think the answer is no, whether in France or in Europe. The question now: what is the reason? This is the discussion that the next administration or government or president should deal with in order to deal with our reality, not with their imaginations as has been happening during the last six years.

Question 10: But one of the candidates, Francois Fillon, doesn’t have the same position as the official one; he would like to reestablish the dialogue with Syria. Do you expect his election – if he’s elected – could change the position of France about Syria?

President Assad: His rhetoric regarding the terrorists, or let’s say the priority to fight the terrorists and not meddling in the affairs of other countries, are welcome, but we have to be cautious, because what we’ve learned in this region during the last few years is that many officials would say something and do the opposite. I wouldn’t say that Mr. Fillon would do this. I hope not. But we have to wait and see, because there’s no contact. But so far, what he said, if it’s implemented, that will be very good.

Question 11: Do you appreciate him as a politician, Francois Fillon?

President Assad: I didn’t have any contact with him or cooperation, so whatever I say now won’t be very credible, to be frank with you.

Question 12: Is there a message you want to address to France?

President Assad: I think if I want to send it to the politicians, I will say the self-evident thing; that you have to work for the interest of the Syrian citizens, and for the last six years the situation is going in the other direction, because the French politics harmed the French interests. So, for the French people, I would say the mainstream media has failed in most of the West. The narrative has been debunked because of the reality, and you have the alternative media, you have to look for the truth. The truth was the main victim of the events in the Middle East, including Syria. I would ask any citizen in France to search for the reality, for the real information, through the alternative media. When they search for this information, they can be more effective in dealing with their government, or at least not allowing some politicians to base their politics on lies. That’s what we think is the most important thing during the last six years.

Question 13: Mr. President, your father has been a lifelong President of Syria. Do you consider the option of not being the President anymore, one day?

President Assad: Yeah, that depends on two things: the first one is the will of the Syrian people; do they want that person to be president or not. If I want to be president while the Syrian people doesn’t want me, even if I win in the elections, I don’t have strong support, I cannot achieve anything, especially in a complicated region like Syria. You cannot be just elected president, that doesn’t work, you need popular support. Without it I cannot be successful. So, at that time, there’s no meaning to be president.

The second one; if I have that feeling that I want to be president, I will nominate myself, but that depends on the first factor. If I feel that the Syrian people doesn’t want me, of course I wouldn’t be. So, it’s not about me mainly, it’s about the Syrian people; do they want me or not. That’s how I look at it.

Question 14: Last question; Donald Trump is to be appointed as President of the United States in less than two weeks. He has been clear that he wants to improve relationships with Russia, which is one of your main allies…

President Assad: Yeah, exactly.

Journalist: Do you consider… do you expect that it will change the position of the United States towards Syria?

President Assad: Yeah, if you want to talk realistically, because the Syrian problem is not isolated, it’s not only Syrian-Syrian; actually, the biggest part… or let’s say the major part of the Syrian conflict is regional and international. The simplest part that you can deal with is the Syrian-Syrian part. The regional and the international part depends mainly on the relation between the United States and Russia. What he announced yesterday was very promising, if there’s a genuine approach or initiative toward improving the relation between the United States and Russia, that will effect every problem in the world, including Syria. So, I would say yes, we think that’s positive, regarding the Syrian conflict.

Journalist: What is positive?

President Assad: I mean the relation, the improvement of the relation between the United States and Russia will reflect positively on the Syrian conflict.

Journalists: Thank you very much.

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They could be found on the outskirts of Sirte, Libya, supporting local militia fighters, and in Mukalla, Yemen, backing troops from the United Arab Emirates.  At Saakow, a remote outpost in southern Somalia, they assisted local commandos in killing several members of the terror group al-Shabab.  Around the cities of Jarabulus and Al-Rai in northern Syria, they partnered with both Turkish soldiers and Syrian militias, while also embedding with Kurdish YPG fighters and the Syrian Democratic Forces.  Across the border in Iraq, still others joined the fight to liberate the city of Mosul.  And in Afghanistan, they assisted indigenous forces in various missions, just as they have every year since 2001.

For America, 2016 may have been the year of the commando.  In one conflict zone after another across the northern tier of Africa and the Greater Middle East, U.S. Special Operations forces (SOF) waged their particular brand of low-profile warfare.  “Winning the current fight, including against the Islamic State, al-Qaeda, and other areas where SOF is engaged in conflict and instability, is an immediate challenge,” the chief of U.S. Special Operations Command (SOCOM), General Raymond Thomastold the Senate Armed Services Committee last year.

SOCOM’s shadow wars against terror groups like al-Qaeda and the Islamic State (also known as ISIL) may, ironically, be its most visible operations.  Shrouded in even more secrecy are its activities — from counterinsurgency and counterdrug efforts to seemingly endless training and advising missions — outside acknowledged conflict zones across the globe.  These are conducted with little fanfare, press coverage, or oversight in scores of nations every single day.  From Albania to Uruguay, Algeria to Uzbekistan, America’s most elite forces — Navy SEALs and Army Green Berets among them — were deployed to 138 countries in 2016, according to figures supplied to TomDispatch by U.S. Special Operations Command.  This total, one of the highest of Barack Obama’s presidency, typifies what has become the golden age of, in SOF-speak, the “gray zone” — a phrase used to describe the murky twilight between war and peace.  The coming year is likely to signal whether this era ends with Obama or continues under President-elect Donald Trump’s administration.

America’s most elite troops deployed to 138 nations in 2016, according to U.S. Special Operations Command. The map above displays the locations of 132 of those countries; 129 locations (blue) were supplied by U.S. Special Operations Command; 3 locations (red) — Syria, Yemen and Somalia — were derived from open-source information. (Nick Turse)


“In just the past few years, we have witnessed a varied and evolving threat environment consisting of: the emergence of a militarily expansionist China; an increasingly unpredictable North Korea; a revanchist Russia threatening our interests in both Europe and Asia; and an Iran which continues to expand its influence across the Middle East, fueling the Sunni-Shia conflict,” General Thomas wrote last month in PRISM, the official journal of the Pentagon’s Center for Complex Operations.  “Nonstate actors further confuse this landscape by employing terrorist, criminal, and insurgent networks that erode governance in all but the strongest states… Special operations forces provide asymmetric capability and responses to these challenges.”

In 2016, according to data provided to TomDispatch by SOCOM, the U.S. deployed special operators to China (specifically Hong Kong), in addition to eleven countries surrounding it — Taiwan (which China considers a breakaway province), Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Nepal, India, Laos, the Philippines, South Korea, and Japan.  Special Operations Command does not acknowledge sending commandos into Iran, North Korea, or Russia, but it does deploy troops to many nations that ring them.

SOCOM is willing to name only 129 of the 138 countries its forces deployed to in 2016. “Almost all Special Operations forces deployments are classified,” spokesman Ken McGraw told TomDispatch.  “If a deployment to a specific country has not been declassified, we do not release information about the deployment.”

SOCOM does not, for instance, acknowledge sending troops to the war zones of SomaliaSyria, or Yemen, despite overwhelming evidence of a U.S. special ops presence in all three countries, as well as a White House report, issued last month, that notes “the United States is currently using military force in” Somalia, Syria, and Yemen, and specifically states that “U.S. special operations forces have deployed to Syria.”

According to Special Operations Command, 55.29% of special operators deployed overseas in 2016 were sent to the Greater Middle East, a drop of 35% since 2006.  Over the same span, deployments to Africa skyrocketed by more than 1600% — from just 1% of special operators dispatched outside the U.S. in 2006 to 17.26% last year.  Those two regions were followed by areas served by European Command (12.67%), Pacific Command (9.19%), Southern Command (4.89%), and Northern Command (0.69%), which is in charge of “homeland defense.”  On any given day, around 8,000 of Thomas’s commandos can be found in more than 90 countries worldwide.

U.S. Special Operations forces deployed to 138 nations in 2016. Locations in blue were supplied by U.S. Special Operations Command. Those in red were derived from open-source information. Iran, North Korea, Pakistan, and Russia are not among those nations named or identified, but all are at least partially surrounded by nations visited by America’s most elite troops last year. (Nick Turse)


The Manhunters

“Special Operations forces are playing a critical role in gathering intelligence — intelligence that’s supporting operations against ISIL and helping to combat the flow of foreign fighters to and from Syria and Iraq,” saidLisa Monaco, the assistant to the president for homeland security and counterterrorism, in remarks at the International Special Operations Forces Convention last year.  Such intelligence operations are “conducted in direct support of special operations missions,” SOCOM’s Thomas explained in 2016.  “The preponderance of special operations intelligence assets are dedicated to locating individuals, illuminating enemy networks, understanding environments, and supporting partners.”

Signals intelligence from computers and cellphones supplied by foreign allies or intercepted by surveillance drones and manned aircraft, as well as human intelligence provided by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), has been integral to targeting individuals for kill/capture missions by SOCOM’s most elite forces.  The highly secretive Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC), for example, carries out such counterterrorism operations, including drone strikesraids, and assassinations in places like Iraq and Libya.  Last year, before he exchanged command of JSOC for that of its parent, SOCOM, General Thomas noted that members of Joint Special Operations Command were operating in “all the countries where ISIL currently resides.”  (This may indicate a special ops deployment to Pakistan, another country absent from SOCOM’s 2016 list.)

“[W]e have put our Joint Special Operations Command in the lead of countering ISIL’s external operations.  And we have already achieved very significant results both in reducing the flow of foreign fighters and removing ISIL leaders from the battlefield,” Defense Secretary Ash Carter noted in a relatively rare official mention of JSOC’s operations at an October press conference.

A month earlier, he offered even more detail in a statement before the Senate Armed Services Committee:

”We’re systematically eliminating ISIL’s leadership: the coalition has taken out seven members of the ISIL Senior Shura… We also removed key ISIL leaders in both Libya and Afghanistan… And we’ve removed from the battlefield more than 20 of ISIL’s external operators and plotters… We have entrusted this aspect of our campaign to one of [the Department of Defense’s] most lethal, capable, and experienced commands, our Joint Special Operations Command, which helped deliver justice not only to Osama Bin Laden, but also to the man who founded the organization that became ISIL, Abu-Musab al-Zarqawi.”

Asked for details on exactly how many ISIL “external operators” were targeted and how many were “removed” from the battlefield by JSOC in 2016, SOCOM’s Ken McGraw replied: “We do not and will not have anything for you.”

When he was commander of JSOC in 2015, General Thomas spoke of his and his unit’s “frustrations” with limitations placed on them.  “I’m told ‘no’ more than ‘go’ on a magnitude of about ten to one on almost a daily basis,” he said.  Last November, however, the Washington Postreported that the Obama administration was granting a JSOC task force “expanded power to track, plan and potentially launch attacks on terrorist cells around the globe.”  That Counter-External Operations Task Force (also known as “Ex-Ops”) has been “designed to take JSOC’s targeting model… and export it globally to go after terrorist networks plotting attacks against the West.”

SOCOM disputes portions of the Post story.  “Neither SOCOM nor any of its subordinate elements have… been given any expanded powers (authorities),” SOCOM’s Ken McGraw told TomDispatch by email.  “Any potential operation must still be approved by the GCC [Geographic Combatant Command] commander [and], if required, approved by the Secretary of Defense or [the president].”

“U.S. officials” (who spoke only on the condition that they be identified in that vague way) explained that SOCOM’s response was a matter of perspective.  Its powers weren’t recently expanded as much as institutionalized and put “in writing,” TomDispatch was told.  “Frankly, the decision made months ago was to codify current practice, not create something new.”  Special Operations Command refused to confirm this but Colonel Thomas Davis, another SOCOM spokesman, noted: “Nowhere did we say that there was no codification.”

With Ex-Ops, General Thomas is a “decision-maker when it comes to going after threats under the task force’s purview,” according to the Washington Post’s Thomas Gibbons-Neff and Dan Lamothe.  “The task force would essentially turn Thomas into the leading authority when it comes to sending Special Operations units after threats.”  Others claim Thomas has only expanded influence, allowing him to directly recommend a plan of action, such as striking a target, to the Secretary of Defense, allowing for shortened approval time.  (SOCOM’s McGraw says that Thomas “will not be commanding forces or be the decision maker for SOF operating in any GCC’s [area of operations].”)

Last November, Defense Secretary Carter offered an indication of the frequency of offensive operations following a visit to Florida’s Hurlburt Field, the headquarters of Air Force Special Operations Command.  He notedthat “today we were looking at a number of the Special Operations forces’ assault capabilities.  This is a kind of capability that we use nearly every day somewhere in the world… And it’s particularly relevant to the counter-ISIL campaign that we’re conducting today.”

In Afghanistan, alone, Special Operations forces conducted 350 raids targeting al-Qaeda and Islamic State operatives last year, averaging about one per day, and capturing or killing nearly 50 “leaders” as well as 200 “members” of the terror groups, according to General John Nicholson, the top U.S. commander in that country.  Some sources also suggest that while JSOC and CIA drones flew roughly the same number of missions in 2016, the military launched more than 20,000 strikes in Afghanistan, Yemen, and Syria, compared to less than a dozen by the Agency. This may reflect an Obama administration decision to implement a long-considered plan to put JSOC in charge of lethal operations and shift the CIA back to its traditional intelligence duties. 

World of Warcraft

“[I]t is important to understand why SOF has risen from footnote and supporting player to main effort, because its use also highlights why the U.S. continues to have difficulty in its most recent campaigns — Afghanistan, Iraq, against ISIS and AQ and its affiliates, Libya, Yemen, etc. and in the undeclared campaigns in the Baltics, Poland, and Ukraine — none of which fits the U.S. model for traditional war,” said retired Lieutenant General Charles Cleveland, chief of U.S. Army Special Operations Command from 2012 to 2015 and now a senior mentor to the chief of staff of the Army’s Strategic Studies Group.  Asserting that, amid the larger problems of these conflicts, the ability of America’s elite forces to conduct kill/capture missions and train local allies has proven especially useful, he added, “SOF is at its best when its indigenous and direct-action capabilities work in support of each other. Beyond Afghanistan and Iraq and ongoing CT [counterterrrorism] efforts elsewhere, SOF continues to work with partner nations in counterinsurgency and counterdrug efforts in Asia, Latin America, and Africa.”

SOCOM acknowledges deployments to approximately 70% of the world’s nations, including all but three Central and South American countries (Bolivia, Ecuador, and Venezuela being the exceptions). Its operatives also blanket Asia, while conducting missions in about 60% of the countries in Africa.   

A SOF overseas deployment can be as small as one special operator participating in a language immersion program or a three-person team conducting a “survey” for the U.S. embassy.  It may also have nothing to do with a host nation’s government or military.  Most Special Operations forces, however, work with local partners, conducting training exercises and engaging in what the military calls “building partner capacity” (BPC) and “security cooperation” (SC).  Often, this means America’s most elite troops are sent to countries with security forces that are regularly cited for human rights abuses by the U.S. State Department.  Last year in Africa, where Special Operations forces utilize nearly 20 different programs and activities — from training exercises to security cooperation engagements — these included Burkina FasoBurundiCameroonDemocratic Republic of CongoDjiboutiKenyaMaliMauritaniaNigerNigeriaTanzania, and Uganda, among others.

In 2014, for example, more than 4,800 elite troops took part in just one type of such activities — Joint Combined Exchange Training (JCET) missions — around the world.  At a cost of more than $56 million, Navy SEALs, Army Green Berets, and other special operators carried out 176 individual JCETs in 87 countries.  A 2013 RAND Corporation study of the areas covered by Africa Command, Pacific Command, and Southern Command found “moderately low” effectiveness for JCETs in all three regions.  A 2014 RAND analysis of U.S. security cooperation, which also examined the implications of “low-footprint Special Operations forces efforts,” found that there “was no statistically significant correlation between SC and change in countries’ fragility in Africa or the Middle East.”  And in a 2015 report for Joint Special Operations University, Harry Yarger, a senior fellow at the school, noted that “BPC has in the past consumed vast resources for little return.”

Despite these results and larger strategic failures in IraqAfghanistan, and Libya, the Obama years have been the golden age of the gray zone.  The 138 nations visited by U.S. special operators in 2016, for example, represent a jump of 130% since the waning days of the Bush administration.  Although they also represent a 6% drop compared to last year’s total, 2016 remains in the upper range of the Obama years, which saw deployments to 75 nations in 2010, 120 in 2011, 134 in 2013, and 133 in 2014, before peaking at 147countries in 2015.  Asked about the reason for the modest decline, SOCOM spokesman Ken McGraw replied, “We provide SOF to meet the geographic combatant commands’ requirements for support to their theater security cooperation plans.  Apparently, there were nine fewer countries [where] the GCCs had a requirement for SOF to deploy to in [Fiscal Year 20]16.”

The increase in deployments between 2009 and 2016 — from about 60 countries to more than double that — mirrors a similar rise in SOCOM’s total personnel (from approximately 56,000 to about 70,000) and in its baseline budget (from $9 billion to $11 billion).  It’s no secret that the tempo of operations has also increased dramatically, although the command refused to address questions from TomDispatch on the subject.

“SOF have shouldered a heavy burden in carrying out these missions, suffering a high number of casualties over the last eight years and maintaining a high operational tempo (OPTEMPO) that has increasingly strained special operators and their families,” reads an October 2016 report released by the Virginia-based think tank CNA.  (That report emerged from a conference attended by six former special operations commanders, a former assistant secretary of defense, and dozens of active-duty special operators.)

A closer look at the areas of the “undeclared campaigns in the Baltics, Poland, and Ukraine” mentioned by retired Lieutenant General Charles Cleveland. Locations in blue were supplied by U.S. Special Operations Command. The one in red was derived from open-source information. (Nick Turse)


The American Age of the Commando

Last month, before the Senate Armed Services Committee, Shawn Brimley, former director for strategic planning on the National Security Council staff and now an executive vice president at the Center for a New American Security, echoed the worried conclusions of the CNA report.   At a hearing on “emerging U.S. defense challenges and worldwide threats,” Brimley said “SOF have been deployed at unprecedented rates, placing immense strain on the force” and called on the Trump administration to “craft a more sustainable long-term counterterrorism strategy.”  In a paper published in December, Kristen Hajduk, a former adviser for Special Operations and Irregular Warfare in the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict and now a fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, called for a decrease in the deployment rates for Special Operations forces.

While Donald Trump has claimed that the U.S. military as a whole is “depleted” and has called for increasing the size of the Army and Marines, he has offered no indication about whether he plans to support a further increase in the size of special ops forces.  And while he did recently nominate a former Navy SEAL to serve as his secretary of the interior, Trump has offered few indications of how he might employ special operators who are currently serving.  

“Drone strikes,” he announced in one of his rare detailed references to special ops missions, “will remain part of our strategy, but we will also seek to capture high-value targets to gain needed information to dismantle their organizations.”  More recently, at a North Carolina victory rally, Trump made specific references to the elite troops soon to be under his command.  “Our Special Forces at Fort Bragg have been the tip of the spear in fighting terrorism. The motto of our Army Special Forces is ‘to free the oppressed,’ and that is exactly what they have been doing and will continue to do. At this very moment, soldiers from Fort Bragg are deployed in 90 countries around the world,” he told the crowd.

After seeming to signal his support for continued wide-ranging, free-the-oppressed special ops missions, Trump appeared to change course, adding, “We don’t want to have a depleted military because we’re all over the place fighting in areas that just we shouldn’t be fighting in… This destructive cycle of intervention and chaos must finally, folks, come to an end.”  At the same time, however, he pledged that the U.S. would soon “defeat the forces of terrorism.”  To that end, retired Army Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, a former director of intelligence for JSOC whom the president-elect tapped to serve as his national security adviser, has promised that the new administration would reassess the military’s powers to battle the Islamic State — potentially providing more latitude in battlefield decision-making.  To this end, the Wall Street Journalreports that the Pentagon is crafting proposals to reduce “White House oversight of operational decisions” while “moving some tactical authority back to the Pentagon.”   

Last month, President Obama traveled to Florida’s MacDill Air Force Base, the home of Special Operations Command, to deliver his capstone counterterrorism speech.  “For eight years that I’ve been in office, there has not been a day when a terrorist organization or some radicalized individual was not plotting to kill Americans,” he told a crowd packed with troops.  At the same time, there likely wasn’t a day when the most elite forces under his command were not deployed in 60 or more countries around the world.

“I will become the first president of the United States to serve two full terms during a time of war,” Obama added.  “Democracies should not operate in a state of permanently authorized war.  That’s not good for our military, it’s not good for our democracy.”  The results of his permanent-war presidency have, in fact, been dismal, according to Special Operations Command.  Of eight conflicts waged during the Obama years, according to a 2015 briefing slide from the command’s intelligence directorate, America’s record stands at zero wins, two losses, and six ties.

The Obama era has indeed proven to be the “age of the commando.”  However, as Special Operations forces have kept up a frenetic operational tempo, waging war in and out of acknowledged conflict zones, training local allies, advising indigenous proxies, kicking down doors, and carrying out assassinations, terror movements have spread across the Greater Middle Eastand Africa.

President-elect Donald Trump appears poised to obliterate much of the Obama legacy, from the president’s signature healthcare law to his environmental regulations, not to mention changing course when it comes to foreign policy, including in relations with ChinaIranIsrael, and Russia.  Whether he will heed advice to decrease Obama-level SOF deployment rates remains to be seen.  The year ahead will, however, offer clues as to whether Obama’s long war in the shadows, the golden age of the gray zone, survives.

Nick Turse is the managing editor of TomDispatch, a fellow at the Nation Institute, and a contributing writer for the Intercept. His book Tomorrow’s Battlefield: U.S. Proxy Wars and Secret Ops in Africa received an American Book Award in 2016.  His latest book is Next Time They’ll Come to Count the Dead: War and Survival in South Sudan. His website is

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Russian ‘Hacking’ and tilting the American elections in favor of Donald Trump’s is one of the most flagrant lies the White House has thrown around the world. Yet, Mr. Obama is desperate to make the American people and the world believe it did actually happen. As Goebbels, Hitler’s Propaganda Minister, said some 70 years ago, and many before and after him, “If you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth”.

In a last-ditch effort, Mr. Obama ordered the nation’s top intelligence (sic) agencies to fabricate a 25-page report, ‘proving’ that Vladimir Putin himself directed a cyberattack ‘aiming at denying Hillary Clinton the Presidency’. Thus, stated by the New York Times, Washington’s key lie spreading mouthpiece – the ultimate untruth is hammered down.

It actually contradicts these agencies – CIA, NSA, FBI et al – earlier declarations, saying there was no evidence of Russian hacking. Now they have to come forward with a testimony to the contrary, that Russia, under Mr. Putin’s command hacked the US to steal Hillary the election.

What a primitive sham, if there was ever one! An attempt at outright brainwashing US citizens and peoples around the world. There were much more sophisticated means at play than cyber-attacks, namely mind manipulation by a small British data analysis firm hired by Trump’s campaign team – not to hack – but to analyze specific target groups’ mind sets, specifically in swing states, to influence their votes by highly sophisticated and targeted propaganda, either in favor of Trump or against Hillary

With so much power and authority, like those attributed to top intelligence agencies, proclaiming that President Putin directed cyberattacks against ‘fair and democratic US election’ – who would not believe it? – That’s heavy stuff. You would think that such agencies must have serious sources and made serious analyses to come unanimously to the same results: Russia is guilty. It makes you forget or at best confused in the light of their conclusion to the contrary before.

So, all the doubters around the globe – reset your thinking, the CIA says so – and they are most likely helped by their pal in crime, Mossad, but that nobody is supposed to know. Of course, it’s all baloney, as were previous assertions to this effect. But as it is repeated at nauseatum by Obama himself (what an authority!), by the MSM liar-in-chief, the NYT, and now confirmed by the most trustworthy intelligence agencies in the world, this monstrous lie is supposed to become the truth.

Let’s just pause for a moment. Who is talking? Consider this: In how many elections around the globe did the US manipulate? – Including in Russia (unsuccessfully) in the 2012 Presidential elections. They are countless, from Europe, to Africa, to Asia, to Latin America. Consider all the US meddling in foreign ballots, and much worse – in ‘regime change’, and with ultimately killing the ‘inconvenient’ candidate. Democracy, what was left of it, has been gradually eviscerated throughout the world by Washington and its handlers.

No, Mr. Putin did not interfere in the US elections, not now, not ever. At best, he would have only smiled how the candidates jumped at each other’s throats like fighting cocks, to demolish one another.

What is the purpose behind this new slander? It is most likely three-fold. First, it attempts to destabilize the Trump camp. The President-elect should enter his Presidency – if he is allowed to – on 20 January, under a cloud of treason. He has always said, he would like to work peacefully with Russia as a partner not an enemy – which, under the ‘hacking’ circumstances is being looked at as treason, an act that could call for impeachment as of day one of his Presidency; and second, to once again demonize and denigrate Mr. Putin and Russia, thereby further increasing justification for continuing Cold War II and for unrelentingly encircling of Russia. Eventually, the world may be duped to the point that they welcome Washington starting WWIII. At least that’s the plan. The third world war within 100 years that would devastate, first Europe, as did the previous two, then the entire world. And third, this lie is casting a smokescreen over Hillary’s war crimes, e-mails – and the Clinton Foundation fraud.

Remember, Washington needs constant enemies to ratify constantly new wars and conflicts, a never-ending spiral, in order for its ailing, fatally sick economy to survive. Without war, the US dollar hegemony would collapse. Eventually it will. It’s just a question of how much longer the world buys the American lies and deceptions, and goes along with all the wars and mass- killings. An estimated 12 to 15 million people have been murdered since 9/11, either directly through US / NATO wars, or indirectly through US proxy, mercenary-led conflicts and interventions.

The Plan for a New American Century (PNAC), the design of which has started shortly after WWII by Washington’s Zionist-led think tanks (sic), the very same that make US foreign policy, is well alive and advancing. Initially called “Pax Americana” – an allegory to “Pax Romana”, portraying the 300 bloodiest years of the Roman Empire, in the early nineties, the plan was renamed to the less revealing PNAC. The objectives remain the same – Full Spectrum Dominance – no holds barred, killing and devastating without scruples whatever dares to stand in the way. That’s what’s happening today.

Russia and China, the two last serious vestiges for the Zionist-Anglo empire to succeed, stand in the way. So, they must be crushed. If this happens with Washington’s duped allies and vassals consent, all the better. Hence, the ever more flagrant lies and demonization of Washington-made enemies. This is typical for a collapsing hegemon.

Then, there is another phenomenon complicating matters. As already pointed out before by Michel Chossudovsky, The Saker, and others, the Deep State, those who pull the strings on leaders around the globe, is divided. These elusive elitists don’t pull on the same string. There are those leaning towards the lucrative war industry in support of Hillary-type neocon ideologues, the ones who want to dominate by sheer force, where massive slaughter is but a by-product; and then, there are those favoring the subtler dominance by Zionist-US-led banking, using the fraudulent dollar-based monetary system to subdue countries and entire continents by debt. The latter seems to be more Mr. Trump’s business style, using the world for wheeling and dealing in order to make America Great again, and foremost, to keep Donald Trump’s own riches flourishing. His various Wall Street appointments for key cabinet and advisory positions seem to lean in that direction.

The war monger strategists have hired the old hand in war crimes, Henry Kissinger, to advise Trump on dividing to conquer. One of the first rather primitive deeds would be breaking the Russia-China coalition to weaken the powerful eastern alliance, SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organization), as well as the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa), making them and their satellite nations more vulnerable to military aggressions – and also to prevent them from veering off the dollar course. No doubt, neither Mr. Putin, or Mr. Xi will fall for this ploy.

Did Mr. Trump buy the soaped-up lie on Russian ‘hacking’ by the ‘intelligence agencies’? – Though he apparently did say, he would reconsider, it is highly doubtful that he would swallow this toxic bait. Even if he wants to run the United States like a business, rather than a peoples’ democracy, he needs Russia and China, as partners, not as enemies. The vessel of economic and military power is turning, gradually but steadily and without fail, from the West to the East. The New Future over the next perhaps several hundred years is in the East. Just think of the monumental New Silk Road, also called the OBOR – One Belt, One Road, initiated by China’s President Xi Jinping. It has already been launched and includes massive transportation, infrastructure, industrial and high-tech research and development investments, creating millions of jobs – and will very likely prosper under a new dollar-delinked monetary system, based on true socioeconomic output of the region. Alliances may form and become partners, if they so choose. – Mr. Trump knows it.

Peter Koenig is an economist and geopolitical analyst. He is also a former World Bank staff and worked extensively around the world in the fields of environment and water resources. He writes regularly for Global Research, ICH, RT, Sputnik, PressTV, The 4th Media, TeleSUR, TruePublica, The Vineyard of The Saker Blog, and other internet sites. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed – fiction based on facts and on 30 years of World Bank experience around the globe. He is also a co-author of The World Order and Revolution! – Essays from the Resistance.

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In two dramatic developments, 2016 saw the end of globalisation as we have known it. The first was Brexit last May, the decision by the UK to leave the European Union after 43 years of membership. It came in the only conceivable way it could happen – a referendum. The country’s elected leaders would never have voted for it, but a referendum might and did. Even now the consequences are largely unknown. It seems likely that the UK will leave the EU, but the terms of its leaving, and what alternative arrangements it might negotiate instead, are shrouded in uncertainty.

The longer-term impact on the European Union is similarly uncertain. Brexit was undoubtedly the biggest blow the EU has suffered since the former Common Market was founded in 1957. The expansion of the EU from the initial six members to the present 28, was the most obvious yardstick of its success. Now the process of integration has been put into reverse with Britain’s exit: 28 is becoming 27. And in the wake of the decision by one of the largest and most influential (albeit reluctant) members to leave, others could follow. Could the EU unravel? It is not impossible. Certainly the EU has been malfunctioning for a long time: it is no accident that the EU has, with Japan, been the worst economic performer in the developed world since the Western financial crisis.

It is important to recognise that the British vote was not just about Europe. It went much deeper. It was a protest vote by a large section of the population against how they felt left behind in recent decades: stagnant or falling wages, the increasingly precarious nature of their circumstances and growing inequality. These processes had been at work since the late 70s, as pro-globalisation policies had combined with the extension of the free market, large-scale immigration and the withdrawal of state provision to create a much harsher environment. The Western financial crisis in 2007-8 proved a decisive moment in this process. Real incomes are now on average lower than they were in 2007: they have never fallen before like this over the course of more than a century. Seen in this light, it is clear that the vote was not just about Europe but more fundamentally was about globalisation and the neo-liberal regime that had held sway since 1979.

The same general trends are evident in varying degrees across most of Europe but the most dramatic expression came in the United States. The theme is familiar: a large section of the white male working class has suffered stagnant or falling real wages over a period of decades but especially since the financial crisis. Unlike in Britain where the revolt took a largely right-wing form – mainly because of immigration – in the US it could be seen on the left (Bernie Sanders’ challenge to Hillary Clinton) and on the right in the form of Donald Trump. Although Trump won the Republican nomination, he did so against virtually the whole of the Republican establishment. He went onto win the presidential election opposed by most of his own party’s leaders, the whole of the Democratic Party and the majority of the media. More than in any presidential election since 1945, Trump’s victory was that of a populist authoritarian leader rather than a party: in so doing he overturned many of the established norms of American democracy.

How do we explain the rise of this new mood? The neo-liberal era of globalisation, which has dominated Western politics since 1980 – advocated by right and left alike, from Reagan, Clinton and Obama to Thatcher and Blair – had led to the worst Western financial crisis since 1931. And its aftermath has resulted in almost a decade of close to zero growth and falling living standards. As a result, globalisation became deeply discredited in the developed world and especially the US. The result was entirely predictable, albeit somewhat delayed, namely a wave of disillusionment in the established parties and their leaders, and a growing disenchantment with international and national institutions.

Another factor is also at play. Western power is visibly in decline. America is no longer what it was and Americans can see this. Europe’s decline has been rampant, indeed in historical terms extraordinary. The continent has lost its way. Most Westerners are aware of the rise of Asia and especially China. The extent to which the authority of, respect for, and prestige of Western leaders and institutions has been bolstered by and derived from the fact that they have for so long run the world should not be underestimated. Their authority is still significant but, like the ice caps, it has been steadily evaporating.

Such has been the seismic nature of the crisis that its fall-out has not been limited to globalisation. On the contrary, other long-standing assumptions are threatened or have already been undermined. It is Trump’s expressed intention to ‘Make America Great Again’, by which he means to restore American prosperity and power and halt or reverse China’s rise. His image of America is back to something like the 1950s when the US was predominant in the world and whites were dominant at home. He has questioned the ‘One China’ policy and threatens to take the Sino-US relationship back to the pre-1972 era. It is entirely possible that the European Union will not survive in its present form, a situation which would deliver Europe back to something like the 1950s. More alarmingly still, if present events have a spiritual predecessor, then the obvious candidate is the 1930s.

So what will this mean for China? In 2007-9 it already began to feel the tremors from the coming earthquake when it introduced the huge stimulus programme to compensate for the dramatic contraction of Western markets following the financial crisis. Now it faces an even more severe test: firstly, there is the threat to globalisation consequent upon Trump’s declared intention to raise import duties against Chinese products, a likely more hostile attitude towards Chinese inward investment, and pressure on US companies to repatriate some of their operations; and secondly what increasingly looks like a new cold war against China.

How should China react? In the face of the threat of a new cold war, China needs, in the spirit of Deng Xiaoping, to win friends and partners wherever they may be found, thereby seeking to isolate Trump as much as possible while avoiding the provocations of which he is so fond. The USSR fought the US toe to toe in the cold war: that was a huge mistake. And as for globalisation, China has already set out its store, namely that it is a strong supporter and believes it to be in the global interest. In the developing world, it has a strong ally.

Two final points. It is likely that the situation will get worse, perhaps much worse, before it gets better. These unpredictable and dangerous times should be regarded as the new norm: the hitherto relatively benign environment of the reform period, namely 1978-2015, but especially 1978-2007, is now history. And second, Trump will not reverse American decline nor will he thwart China’s rise: the reason for both is too deep and too profound. But he could cause a lot of damage by his actions.

Martin Jacques is a Senior Fellow at the Department of Politics and International Studies, Cambridge University.

Published in Chinese by People’s Daily


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In two dramatic developments, 2016 saw the end of globalisation as we have known it. The first was Brexit last May, the decision by the UK to leave the European Union after 43 years of membership. It came in the only conceivable way it could happen – a referendum. The country’s elected leaders would never have voted for it, but a referendum might and did. Even now the consequences are largely unknown. It seems likely that the UK will leave the EU, but the terms of its leaving, and what alternative arrangements it might negotiate instead, are shrouded in uncertainty.

The longer-term impact on the European Union is similarly uncertain. Brexit was undoubtedly the biggest blow the EU has suffered since the former Common Market was founded in 1957. The expansion of the EU from the initial six members to the present 28, was the most obvious yardstick of its success. Now the process of integration has been put into reverse with Britain’s exit: 28 is becoming 27. And in the wake of the decision by one of the largest and most influential (albeit reluctant) members to leave, others could follow. Could the EU unravel? It is not impossible. Certainly the EU has been malfunctioning for a long time: it is no accident that the EU has, with Japan, been the worst economic performer in the developed world since the Western financial crisis.

It is important to recognise that the British vote was not just about Europe. It went much deeper. It was a protest vote by a large section of the population against how they felt left behind in recent decades: stagnant or falling wages, the increasingly precarious nature of their circumstances and growing inequality. These processes had been at work since the late 70s, as pro-globalisation policies had combined with the extension of the free market, large-scale immigration and the withdrawal of state provision to create a much harsher environment. The Western financial crisis in 2007-8 proved a decisive moment in this process. Real incomes are now on average lower than they were in 2007: they have never fallen before like this over the course of more than a century. Seen in this light, it is clear that the vote was not just about Europe but more fundamentally was about globalisation and the neo-liberal regime that had held sway since 1979.

The same general trends are evident in varying degrees across most of Europe but the most dramatic expression came in the United States. The theme is familiar: a large section of the white male working class has suffered stagnant or falling real wages over a period of decades but especially since the financial crisis. Unlike in Britain where the revolt took a largely right-wing form – mainly because of immigration – in the US it could be seen on the left (Bernie Sanders’ challenge to Hillary Clinton) and on the right in the form of Donald Trump. Although Trump won the Republican nomination, he did so against virtually the whole of the Republican establishment. He went onto win the presidential election opposed by most of his own party’s leaders, the whole of the Democratic Party and the majority of the media. More than in any presidential election since 1945, Trump’s victory was that of a populist authoritarian leader rather than a party: in so doing he overturned many of the established norms of American democracy.

How do we explain the rise of this new mood? The neo-liberal era of globalisation, which has dominated Western politics since 1980 – advocated by right and left alike, from Reagan, Clinton and Obama to Thatcher and Blair – had led to the worst Western financial crisis since 1931. And its aftermath has resulted in almost a decade of close to zero growth and falling living standards. As a result, globalisation became deeply discredited in the developed world and especially the US. The result was entirely predictable, albeit somewhat delayed, namely a wave of disillusionment in the established parties and their leaders, and a growing disenchantment with international and national institutions.

Another factor is also at play. Western power is visibly in decline. America is no longer what it was and Americans can see this. Europe’s decline has been rampant, indeed in historical terms extraordinary. The continent has lost its way. Most Westerners are aware of the rise of Asia and especially China. The extent to which the authority of, respect for, and prestige of Western leaders and institutions has been bolstered by and derived from the fact that they have for so long run the world should not be underestimated. Their authority is still significant but, like the ice caps, it has been steadily evaporating.

Such has been the seismic nature of the crisis that its fall-out has not been limited to globalisation. On the contrary, other long-standing assumptions are threatened or have already been undermined. It is Trump’s expressed intention to ‘Make America Great Again’, by which he means to restore American prosperity and power and halt or reverse China’s rise. His image of America is back to something like the 1950s when the US was predominant in the world and whites were dominant at home. He has questioned the ‘One China’ policy and threatens to take the Sino-US relationship back to the pre-1972 era. It is entirely possible that the European Union will not survive in its present form, a situation which would deliver Europe back to something like the 1950s. More alarmingly still, if present events have a spiritual predecessor, then the obvious candidate is the 1930s.

So what will this mean for China? In 2007-9 it already began to feel the tremors from the coming earthquake when it introduced the huge stimulus programme to compensate for the dramatic contraction of Western markets following the financial crisis. Now it faces an even more severe test: firstly, there is the threat to globalisation consequent upon Trump’s declared intention to raise import duties against Chinese products, a likely more hostile attitude towards Chinese inward investment, and pressure on US companies to repatriate some of their operations; and secondly what increasingly looks like a new cold war against China.

How should China react? In the face of the threat of a new cold war, China needs, in the spirit of Deng Xiaoping, to win friends and partners wherever they may be found, thereby seeking to isolate Trump as much as possible while avoiding the provocations of which he is so fond. The USSR fought the US toe to toe in the cold war: that was a huge mistake. And as for globalisation, China has already set out its store, namely that it is a strong supporter and believes it to be in the global interest. In the developing world, it has a strong ally.

Two final points. It is likely that the situation will get worse, perhaps much worse, before it gets better. These unpredictable and dangerous times should be regarded as the new norm: the hitherto relatively benign environment of the reform period, namely 1978-2015, but especially 1978-2007, is now history. And second, Trump will not reverse American decline nor will he thwart China’s rise: the reason for both is too deep and too profound. But he could cause a lot of damage by his actions.

Martin Jacques is a Senior Fellow at the Department of Politics and International Studies, Cambridge University.

Published in Chinese by People’s Daily


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WikiLeaks brought renewed attention to an audio recording in which Secretary of State John Kerry admits not only that he supported war in Syria for the purpose of overthrowing the government, but that the United States knew about the strength of terrorist groups in the region and allowed them to grow yet more powerful.

Originally leaked to The New York Times in late September and published in its entirety by CNN shortly after, the recording is of a meeting the secretary of state had with Syrian civilians at the Dutch Mission to the United Nations in September. CNN has since removed the audio, but left a description of its contents along with an editor’s note claiming the file had been removed “at the request of some of the participants out of concern for their safety.”

However, it’s rare that any content is truly scrubbed from the internet. Clips of Kerry’s discussion can still be found on the Times website, and the complete audio file was published on Oct. 4 by YouTube user Angel North.

WikiLeaks published a link to the recording posted on YouTube on the organization’s Facebook page on Tuesday, and that post had been reshared nearly 2,900 times by Thursday afternoon.

The Times and CNN reported that Kerry was speaking to a group of Syrian civilians at the Dutch Mission during U.N. negotiations over a proposed ceasefire. Taking an apologetic tone, Kerry admits that he argued for military intervention in Syria as far back as 2013, when rumors swirled that the government of Syrian President Bashar Assad had used chemical weapons against civilians.

“I’ve argued for the use of force,” Kerry said. “I’m the guy who stood up and announced that we’re going to attack Assad for the use of weapons.”

The chemical weapons attack, which was alleged to have taken place in Ghouta, a suburb of the Syrian capital of Damascus, could never be proven. MintPress News reported in August of 2013 that there was strong evidence suggesting the attack had actually been carried out by so-called “moderate rebel” fighters who have the backing of the U.S. government.

Despite the questionable nature of the evidence, Kerry says in the leaked recording that he used the alleged attack to urge the United States to directly attack Assad, only to be rebuffed by Congress and President Barack Obama. Kerry continued:

“The bottom line is that Congress refused even to vote to allow that. We have a Congress that will not authorize our use of force.”

Under the Obama administration, the United States has repeatedly offered training and materiel to rebel groups that are so closely linked to terrorist groups as to be virtually indistinguishable from al-Qaida and Daesh (an Arabic acronym for the terrorist group commonly known as ISIS or ISIL in the West).

However, Obama resisted calls by Kerry, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and Pentagon insiders to more openly declare war on the nation, including through the imposition of a no-fly zone.

In the 40-minute discussion at the Dutch Mission, Kerry even admits that the United States was well aware of the relative strength of Daesh in the region. “We saw that Daesh was growing in strength and we thought Assad wasn’t.”

The 2013 chemical weapons attack is one of many alleged war crimes used by the White House and the mainstream media to support calls for “humanitarian” military intervention in the region. The media often relies on questionable human rights “experts” and even faked or recycled photos to justify the ongoing push for war in Syria.

However, with Russia leading the current peace process and President-elect Donald Trump promising to end U.S. involvement in the Syrian civil war, the opportunity for the United States to replace Assad with a leader more friendly to the West may have passed.

Listen to the leaked audio of John Kerry’s meeting with Syrian rebels:

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Could Turkey Swing Over to the Russian camp?

January 10th, 2017 by Thierry Meyssan

In order to guarantee his personal survival, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has launched a vast purge of all the pro-US elements in his country — a purge which he must add to the combats in which he is already engaged against Syria, against the PKK, and now also against his ex-mercenaries from Daesh.

The destruction of US influence began with the eradication of Fethullah Gülen’s Hizmet — Gülen is the Islamist preacher who works for the CIA from Pennsylvania. It continues today with the dismissal and often the arrest not only of all the military personnel linked to the United States, but also all secular military personnel in general. You can’t be too careful.

450 of the 600 Turkish senior officers in service at NATO have been called back to Turkey. More than 100 of them, and their families, have requested political asylum in Belgium, headquarters of the Atlantic Alliance.

The first consequence of this anti-secular purge is that the Turkish army will be headless for a long time. In the space of five months, 44% of the generals have been fired, and this, despite the fact that during the Ergenekon scandal, 70% of the senior officers at the time were dismissed, arrested and imprisoned. Deprived of its command structure, operation «Euphrates Shield» is at a standstill.

Erdoğan is therefore obliged to revise his military ambitions downwards for the next few years — in Syria, Iraq and Cyprus — three states he partially occupies. He has therefore let go of East Aleppo (Syria) — but not Idleb — and is preparing to withdraw from Bachiqa (Iraq).

Seen from Washington, a possible exit by Turkey from NATO, or at least from the Integrated Military Command of the Atlantic Alliance, has the imperialist faction of Power in a cold sweat. In terms of numbers, the Turkish army is in fact the second NATO power after the United States. However, a possible exit from the Alliance may be something of a relief for the Donald Trump faction, for whom Turkey is a rudderless country.

This is the source of the neo-conservative «forcing» aimed at bringing Turkey back into the «course of History» (meaning that of the «New American Century»). Thus, the assistant Secretary of State, Victoria Nuland, is attempting to offer Cyprus to Recep Tayyip Erdoğan — a project she conceived after the elections of November 2015, when President Barack Obama ordered the elimination of the Turkish President.

By blackmailing Cypriot President Níkos Anastasiádis, Mrs. Nuland pressured him to accept her «peace plan» for Cyprus — the island would be reunified and demilitarised (in other words, deprived of its army) — while NATO (in real terms, Turkish troops) — would be deployed. In this way, the Turkish army could complete its conquest of the island without having to fight. In case he should refuse this fool’s bargain, President Anastasiádis could be tried in New York for his implication as a lawyer in the business dealings for Imperium, the company belonging to his Russian friend Leonid Lebedev – a two billion dollar affair.

Thus, the split with NATO would cost Turkey the North-East part of Cyprus, which it currently occupies, while remaining in the Atlantic Alliance would offer it the whole of the island.

Of course, in a few weeks Victoria Nuland should be replaced by the new Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, but the group she represents will probably not lose all its power. Mrs.Nuland is a member of the founding family of the Project for a New American Century, which played a part in the planning of the events of 11 September 2001. Her father-in-law, Donald Kagan of the Hudson Institute, trained the neo-conservatives and the disciples of Leo Strauss in the military history of Sparta. Her brother-in-law, Frederick Kagan, from the American Entreprise Institute, looked after public relations for Generals David Petraeus and John R. Allen. Her sister-in-law, Kimberly Kagan, created the Institute for the Study of War. Her husband, Robert Kagan, is today salaried by the ex-Emir of Qatar at the Brookings Institution. Four personalities, five think-tanks, but a single ideology.

As for Victoria, she was successively ambassador to NATO, spokeswoman for Hillary Clinton, and organiser of the coup d’etat in Kiev in February2014. She helped Presidents Petro Porochenko and Erdoğan with the official creation of the «Islamic International Brigade», which organised vast sabotage operations in Russia. Her actions will probably be continued by the US deep state against the Trump administration.

It is the group behind the Kagans which is pursuing the war in Syria, with no other motive than remaining in power. Not only was President Barack Obama incapable of expelling them from his administration, but a personality like Victoria Nuland, who was considered to be a figurehead of the Bush administration, had no difficulty in rising through the ranks of the Democratic administration and organising a wave of Russophobia. While she worked in close collboration with Hillary Clinton, she never stopped sabotaging the diplomacy of Secretary of State John Kerry, aided and abetted by her friend Jeffrey Feltman, the real commander of UNO.

Knowing Erdoğan’s capacity for sudden changes of strategy, Moscow will either have to soothe the anxieties of Anastasiádis, or propose something more attractive to Ankara in order to keep it midstream betweeen the United States and Russia.

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President-elect Donald Trump’s latest move regarding the United States’ nuclear arsenal is likely to stoke fears both at home and abroad.

Gizmodo reported Monday afternoon that the Trump transition team has apparently firedthe National Nuclear Security Administration’s (NNSA) head and deputy chief, effective immediately. The NNSA is an agency within the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) that “maintains and enhances the safety, security, and effectiveness of the U.S. nuclear weapons stockpile.” Citing an unnamed source within the DOE, Gizmodo reported it could be well into the spring or summer when the U.S. has a nuclear weapons chief again:

Trump has ordered Under Secretary for Nuclear Security Frank Klotz and his deputy, Madelyn Creedon—both Obama appointees—to leave their posts, even if it means no one is in charge of maintaining the country’s nuclear weapons. According to our Energy Department source, Trump’s team has yet to nominate anyone to succeed them. Since both positions require Senate confirmation, if could be months before their chairs are filled. And the vacancies may extend beyond the leadership roles.

While the Trump administration is expected to hire an estimated 4,000 people to work in the executive branch, and while political appointees of a previous administration traditionally resign from their positions at 12 PM on Inauguration Day (January 20), the NNSA is one of a select few federal agencies whose staff traditionally remains after previous appointees have left, given the world-ending capability of the U.S. nuclear arsenal, which is said to be up to 7,700 warheads strong. President Obama kept George W. Bush’s NNSA chief into his second term.

January 20 will mark the first time in the NNSA’s history that the agency has been without a head. President-elect Trump has so far not said who he would appoint to replace the two NNSA officials.

“I’m more and more coming around to the idea that we’re so very very fucked,” Gizmodo’s source said.

Tom Cahill is a writer for US Uncut based in the Pacific Northwest. He specializes in coverage of political, economic, and environmental news. You can contact him via email at [email protected], or follow him on Facebook.

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There is a campaign underway to destroy Syria’s public utilities. Al-Qaeda, ISIS and the U.S. airforce are involved. Their action is coordinated.

That is an outrageous statement? No such coordination would ever happen?  Consider:

The idea of the Islamic State was “born” in the U.S. military prison camp Bucca in Iraq. Many of its future leader were interned there and had time and space to develop their philosophy and to plan their future operations.

In 2012 the Defense Intelligence Agency warned of the rise of an Islamic State entity in Syria and Iraq:


In an August 2014 NYT interview with Thomas Friedman President Obama said that the U.S. knew about the dangers of ISIS but did nothing to stop its expansion in Iraq because it could be used to oust then Prime Minister Maliki:

The reason, the president added, “that we did not just start taking a bunch of airstrikes all across Iraq as soon as ISIL came in was because that would have taken the pressure off of [Prime Minister Nuri Kamal] al-Maliki.

In a recent talk with some U.S. paid members of the Syrian opposition Secretary of State Kerry (video – 25:50) made a similar point but wuth regard to Syria:

“And we know that this was growing, we were watching, we saw that DAESH was growing in strength, and we thought Assad was threatened” Kerry told the Syrians. “(We) thought, however,” he continued. “we could probably manage that Assad might then negotiate. But instead of negotiating he got Putin to support him.”

There are doubts that the U.S. was only watching from afar. The beginning and growth of ISIS was financed by U.S. Gulf “allies” which are subordinated to U.S. wishes. When the Obama administration had to start bombing ISIS after it killed a U.S. journalist the few bombs its airforce dropped were hitting an “ISIS fighting position” or an “ISIS excavator”. That wasn’t a serious campaign. Meanwhile thousands of Turkish tanker trucks were waiting in the deserts to load oil from ISIS controlled wells to sell it to Turkey. Only after the Russian President Putin showed satellite pictures of those huge truck columns to his colleagues at a G20 meeting did the U.S. start to attack this major source of ISIS finances.

At the end of last year the U.S. military bombed a Syrian government position in Deir Ezzor where some 100,000 Syrians are besieged by ISIS. It killed more than Syrian 100 troops and enabled ISIS to take important hill positions that may eventually help it to conquer the city. This was an intentional strike.

Currently a campaign is waged by the Takfiri forces opposing the Syrian government and by the U.S. to deprive the people under its protection of all public utilities – water, gas and electricity. After the start of the current blocking of the water supplies to Damascus and its 5-6 million inhabitants we noted:

This shut down is part of a wider, seemingly coordinated strategy to deprive all government held areas of utility supplies. Two days ago the Islamic State shut down a major water intake for Aleppo from the Euphrates. High voltage electricity masts on lines feeding Damascus have been destroyed and repair teams, unlike before, denied access. Gas supplies to parts of Damascus are also cut.

This campaign against basic infrastructure has since continued. U.S. support “rebel” groups take part in it. Al-Qaeda in Syria, aka Jabhat al Nusra, does its share in Wadi Barada. The U.S. military just bombed another Syrian power station. In 2015 it had already waged a campaign against such installations creating huge material damages. Since three days Deir Ezzor and surroundings have no electricity at all. Yesterday ISIS again joined the campaign and blew upa huge gas processing facility in Hayyan in east Homs. Hayyan is the largest such station in Syria and provided electricity, heating gas and cooking gas for all of south Syria including the capital Damascus.

This is a systematic, wide ranging campaign against Syrian infrastructure designed to deprive the people living under government protection of the basic necessities.

If you would ask the U.S. government it would of course say that such a campaign does not exist and is totally not coordinated by the U.S. and its Gulf proxies. It is just coincidence that U.S. supported “rebels”, al-Qaeda, ISIS and the U.S. airforce all hit the same category of targets in Syria at the very same moment of their war against the Syrian people.

In knowledge of the top U.S. sources quoted above I would be inclined to doubt such an assertion.

The campaign is in prelude to the next stage of the war for which all involved parties currently prepare. As Obama still gives the orders we can expect it to be more vicious and with even more propaganda support than his failed “defense” of his proxy forces in east-Aleppo.

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México, rumbo al precipicio financiero

January 10th, 2017 by Ulises Noyola Rodríguez

Al cierre del cuarto año de gobierno de Enrique Peña Nieto, la deuda pública de México alcanzó un máximo histórico de 9.38 billones de pesos, monto equivalente a 50.5% del Producto Interno Bruto (PIB). Esta situación pone de manifiesto la crisis estructural que padece la economía mexicana, agudizada a raíz del estallido de la crisis global en septiembre de 2008.

Desde mediados de 2014, las finanzas públicas fueron afectadas por la caída del precio del petróleo y el nivel de producción de Petróleos Mexicanos, ambos factores disminuyeron la participación del sector petróleo en el gasto público de 40 a 13% entre 2008 y 2016, con lo cual, se puso en riesgo el financiamiento de la inversión pública, el presupuesto de los estados y los programas sociales[1].

Frente a la debacle, el gobierno mexicano decidió apostar por el endeudamiento público, principalmente a través de la emisión de deuda interna (67% de la deuda pública), que se contrata con acreedores nacionales y se liquida en pesos mexicanos, lo cual disminuyó la vulnerabilidad externa ante una restricción del financiamiento externo denominado en dólares[2].

Sin embargo, la emisión de deuda pública no sirvió para impulsar el crecimiento económico sustentado en una mayor inversión pública, sino que las entidades estatales con un mayor nivel de endeudamiento público estuvieron caracterizadas por tener gobiernos con altos índices de corrupción (Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo León, Quintana Roo, Veracruz)[3].

La falta de supervisión del gobierno mexicano sobre la deuda pública permitió el endeudamiento excesivo de las entidades estatales, sin comprobar la canalización de los fondos recaudados para el financiamiento de proyectos de infraestructura, que evitaran su uso inadecuado auspiciado por la corrupción de los gobernadores estatales.

Uno de los casos más dramáticas es Veracruz, entidad que fue recientemente declarada en emergencia financiera debido a la incapacidad de la administración estatal de cumplir con el pago de salarios, prestaciones sociales y servicios de sus funcionarios públicos; esto pone en evidencia las graves consecuencias derivadas de la adquisición de un elevado endeudamiento público bajo un contexto político plagado de corrupción[4].

Por otra parte, para el gobierno mexicano será cada vez más difícil encontrar condiciones accesibles de financiamiento a través de costos reducidos en los mercados nacionales debido a la normalización de la política monetaria de la Reserva Federal de Estados Unidos, situación que ha provocado cinco incrementos de la tasa de interés de referencia por un total de doscientos cincuenta puntos base por parte del Banco de México durante 2016.

De esta manera, el aumento sistemático de la tasa de interés de referencia del Banco de México que se situó en un nivel de 5.75% en diciembre de 2016, elevará aún más el costo del financiamiento del gobierno mexicano en los mercados financieros; la situación será cada vez peor toda vez que se esperan tres aumentos más de la tasa de interés de los fondos federales de la Reserva Federal para el año 2017.

Las condiciones adversas de financiamiento para el gobierno mexicano ya se ha  hecho sentir en la reducción del Presupuesto de Egresos de la Federación correspondiente a 2017 por una cantidad de 240,000 millones de pesos, que afectó seriamente la disponibilidad de recursos de varias dependencias estatales (Petróleos Mexicanos, Secretaría de Educación Pública, Secretaría de Comunicaciones y Transportes, Secretaría de Salud)[5].

La perspectiva de la economía mexicana es desfavorable ya que se prevén mayores ajustes en el sector público que todavía tuvo un déficit primario de 217,570 millones de pesos (1.3% del PIB) en 2015, que se espera convertir en un superávit primario de 73,800 millones de pesos (0.4% del PIB) con el fin de fortalecer la confianza de las finanzas públicas en los mercados financieros en 2017[6].

La restricción de financiamiento público por parte de las autoridades estatales se realiza en un contexto crítico para la economía mexicana luego del triunfo electoral del candidato republicano a la presidencia de Estados Unidos, Donald Trump. El magnate se comprometió a construir un muro fronterizo que sostiene, será financiado por el gobierno mexicano, además de llevar a cabo una renegociación del Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte (TLCAN) durante los primeros meses de su mandato.

La negociación para reformular los términos del TLCAN corre el riesgo de desencadenar aún más incertidumbre sobre el futuro de la relación comercial entre Estados Unidos y México. El panorama es muy amenazante ante la posibilidad de reducir la inversión privada de origen estadounidense hacia la economía mexicana, situación que no haría sino apuntalar las tendencias recesivas sobre México ante la ausencia de un estímulo fiscal.

El desarrollo de las negociaciones sobre el TLCAN podría resultar grave para la economía mexicana, puesto que la proyección de crecimiento del PIB se encuentra actualmente en 1.9% para el próximo año, mientras que un caso adverso de las negociaciones podría suscitar una caída de 2.7 % del PIB en 2017[7], de acuerdo con la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe.

Por añadidura, si Donald Trump hace realidad algunas de sus amenazas en contra de México (congelamiento de las remesas, aplicación de un arancel de 35% sobre las exportaciones mexicanas, salida de Estados Unidos del TLCAN), provocará una salida abrupta de capitales, situación que reducirá considerablemente el margen de maniobra del gobierno para apoyar la actividad económica por medio del endeudamiento.

La perspectiva negativa de las calificadoras de crédito internacionales (Fitch, Standard & Poors, Moody’s) sobre la economía mexicana a partir del triunfo electoral de Donald Trump, apunta a la disminución de la nota asignada a los títulos de deuda pública por las calificadoras de crédito, lo cual se traducirá en mayores ajustes en el sector público a fin de conseguir un saldo positivo en las finanzas públicas en 2017.

En conclusión, el porvenir de la economía mexicana se vislumbra bastante negativo tras el triunfo electoral de Donald Trump, que indudablemente causará estragos para las finanzas públicas de México, pero solamente mostró la vulnerabilidad de la economía nacional derivada de la desarticulación del sistema productivo, la corrupción y nuestra extrema dependencia de la economía de Estados Unidos.

Ulises Noyola Rodríguez

Ulises Noyola Roodríguez: Colaborador en la División de Estudios de Posgrado de Economía en la UNAM.


[1] El Economista. Ingresos petroleros tocan mínimos, solventan sólo 13% del gasto público. Fecha de publicación: 19/06/2016.

[2] Centro de Estudios de las Finanzas Públicas. Análisis y Evolución de la Deuda Pública. Fecha de publicación: 21/06/2016.

[3] Centro de Estudios de las Finanzas Públicas. Diagnóstico de la Deuda Pública de las Entidades Federativas. Fecha de publicación: 01/04/2016.   

[4] El Financiero. Veracruz declara emergencia financiera. Fecha de publicación: 12/12/2016.

[5] El Financiero. Hacienda propone otro recorte por 70 mmdp en 2017. Fecha de publicación: 09/09/2016.

[6] Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Público. Fortalecer economías y apoyar inversión, prioridad internacional en 2017. Fecha de publicación: 02/12/2016.

[7] El Economista. Cepal recorta expectativas de crecimiento para México a 1.9%. Fecha de publicación: 14/12/2016.

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La sensatez comienza a llegar a la oposición siria

January 10th, 2017 by Pedro García Hernández

Luego de cinco años de una brutal guerra impuesta a Siria, diversos dirigentes oposicionistas retornan a la sensatez y se deslindan de la actuación extremista de los grupos terroristas con declaraciones y actitudes públicamente conocidas.

Tal es el caso de Nawaf al Bashir, jefe de la tribu Baqqara, la mayor del país y que comprende a más de un millón de integrantes, sobre todo en las regiones de la norteña provincia de Deir Ezzor.

En sus más recientes declaraciones públicas, afirmó ‘haber dado la espalda a Assad (presidente Bashar al Assad) sobre la base de falsas acusaciones y añadió que ‘los opositores sirios no son más que instrumentos en manos de algunos países extranjeros y el hecho de tomar las armas constituyó un error muy grave por el cual todo el pueblo sirio ha pagado las consecuencias’.

Para analistas y observadores de la situación siria, la verdad se abre paso basada, sobre todo, en una inteligente, pausada y firme posición del Gobierno y las Fuerzas Armadas, respaldadas por aliados tradicionales como Rusia e Irán, naciones respetuosas y defensoras de la soberanía de esta nación del Levante.

A esto se une una activa labor diplomática internacional y la continuación de un programa de reconciliación que abarca hasta la fecha a más de mil 90 localidades en todo el territorio nacional, incluidas las de las complejas regiones de Duma, Gutta y Jobar, en las cercanías de Damasco, aún en negociaciones.

Otro dirigente oposicionista, Michel Kilo, originario de la provincia de Latakia y del ejecutivo del Partido Demócrata Sirio, coincidió en promover un diálogo político y acusó a Arabia Saudí de ‘haber sembrado el caos en Siria.’

En ese sentido, añadió que los gobernantes saudíes ‘carecen de un patriotismo árabe y del sentimiento de pertenecer a una historia o una religión, deslindándose públicamente de las posiciones extremistas’.

La también dirigente oposicionista y periodista Samira al Masalmeh envió un reciente mensaje al comité jurídico de una coalición antigobierno sirio, en el que criticó la ausencia de libertad de expresión en las filas opositoras y afirmó que ésta ‘ha perdido su fe y su camino.’

De igual forma, el ex presidente de esa Coalición Nacional Siria, Ahmed Yarba, durante un encuentro con la prensa en Egipto, dijo que la Hermandad Musulmana provocó, entre otros, la crisis en Siria, sobre todo cuando esa agrupación rechazó las negociaciones de Ginebra y acusó a los que participaron en ella de ‘vender a Siria’.

Tales criterios forman parte ahora de un panorama político esperanzador en Siria y que se enmarca en las próximas negociaciones que en ese sentido deben sostenerse en Astaná, Kazajastán, en una fecha aún no definida.

Más de 600 mil muertos, heridos y discapacitados en Siria, y no menos de 11 millones de desplazados- de ellos algo más de seis millones, internamente- conforman una realidad que obliga a un mínimo de sensatez.

De otro lado, pone en definitivo entredicho y evidencia la perfidia de las potencias occidentales que, encabezadas por Estados Unidos, propician una aniquiladora guerra terrorista contra Siria.

Pedro García Hernández

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A 90 años del nacimiento de un grande, Rodolfo Walsh

January 10th, 2017 by Maylín Vidal

”El campo intelectual es por definición la conciencia, un intelectual que no comprenda lo que pasa en su tiempo y en su país es una contradicción andante”, decía el gran periodista argentino Rodolfo Walsh, quien cumpliría hoy 90 años.

Una vida entregada a la lucha, al amor por la verdad, a una causa que le costó la vida, Walsh no claudicó e hizo periodismo hasta los últimos días en una época dura, cruel y sangrienta en su país, que mutiló su cuerpo, pero no sus ideas, un pensamiento vigente para los reporteros que en estos tiempos siguen su ejemplo y legado.

Este 2017 es un año para rendirle tributo permanente no solo por este onomástico. También se cumple el 60 aniversario de su libro Operación masacre y el 40 de su asesinato.

Cientos de mensajes en honor a Walsh se suceden este lunes en la red social twitter donde muchos argentinos lo recuerdan con imágenes y frases. ‘Hoy cumpliría 90 años Rodolfo Walsh. casi 40 años atrás, los genocidas de la ESMA lo asesinaron y desaparecieron su cuerpo. ÂíPresente!’, escribió la organización de derechos humanos H.I.J.O.S.

De ascendencia irlandesa, Walsh nació el 9 de enero de 1927 en la provincia de Río Negro y llegó a la capital argentina en 1941.

Muchos lo recuerdan como un hombre callado. Según el fallecido intelectual cubano Angel Augier, más que un periodista Walsh era un gran escritor. ‘Trabajaba mucho, era de una amabilidad de una dulzura impresionantes. El no era un hombre extrovertido pero si de pocas palabras’, dijo en una ocasión.

‘Era un gran conversador, con una cultura tremenda, era muy modesto, su atractivo era su dulzura, no hacia alarde de su conocimiento ni de su fama’, relató una vez el crítico literario, quien compartió con el autor argentino en los años fundacionales de la agencia latinoamericana de noticias Prensa Latina, en 1959.

Para el periodista José Bodes, quien tuvo la oportunidad de trabajar con él en los inicios de la agencia, era alguien muy tranquilo.

Se le veía hablar en los pasillos con Jorge Ricardo Masetti, fundador y primer director de Prensa Latina, recuerda en un libro el periodista, quien fuera también corresponsal de la agencia en Buenos Aires cuando fue sorprendido con la trágica desaparición y asesinato de Walsh, víctima de la última dictadura militar (1976-1983), en tiempos muy complejos.

Cuando Walsh llegó a La Habana, rememora, era ya una personalidad tras la publicación de Operación masacre, ‘una revelación sensacional sobre los fusilamientos contra los peronistas que se habían sublevado contra la dictadura militar de aquellos tiempos’.

Para Prensa Latina fue un lujo contar con su talento, es curioso el llamado a Rodolfo y el trabajo que le asigna Masetti en los comienzos de la agencia para una tarea, otra especialidad dentro del periodismo, dirigir la parte de servicios especiales, el fue el creador de ese departamento, explica.

Era casi hermético, subraya Bodes, quien trae de vuelta a la memoria un episodio narrado posteriormente por otro gran fundador de la agencia, el colombiano Gabriel García Márquez, cuando Masetti ve caminado a Rodolfo por el pasillo y le dice a Gabo: no te parece que es como un sacerdote protestante a lo que él contesta que sí.

En su forma de andar, su especie de tranquilidad, calma, sosiego se parecía mucho, subraya Bodes, quien recordó que precisamente disfrazado como sacerdote vendedor de biblia Walsh descubrió uno de los campamentos creados por Estados Unidos en Guatemala para la invasión a Playa Girón.

Tras el golpe militar de marzo de 1976, Walsh había pasado a la clandestinidad como Norberto Pedro Freyre, gracias a una cédula que le había facilitado un amigo policía. Ya había falsificado su identidad por la de Francisco Freyre cuando investigó los fusilamientos de José León Suárez, relatados en su libro Operación masacre.

A pesar de ello, el 25 de marzo de 1977, en la esquina de San Juan y Entre Ríos, cayó en manos de un grupo de militares que le hizo una emboscada, lo acribilló e hizo desaparecer su cuerpo.

Testimonios de sobrevivientes señalaron haber visto el cuerpo sin vida de Walsh en la antigua Escuela de Mécanica de la Armada pero hasta ahora no hay información exacta del paradero de sus restos.

Maylín Vidal

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Para Rodolfo Walsh, justo a los 90

January 10th, 2017 by Carlos Aznárez

Queridísimo Rodolfo: ¿Cómo va Profesor Neurus, ahora que precisamente te toca cargar una pesada mochila con 90 años de recuerdos, esperanzas, algunas alegrías, bastantes tristezas, innumerables escritos alumbrados y otros que quedaron en el tintero? Veo que todavía ostentas como escudo, una una enorme y pesada ANCLA que supiste usar en cada momento para fondear tu cuerpo repleto de luminosidad.

Te recuerdo, Profe, cuando nos cruzamos por primera vez, en la la librería y editorial Jorge Alvarez, allá por 1964, yo buscando una nueva edición de “Operación Masacre” para regalarle a un compañero, y vos allí, con tu rostro de detective jovial, revolviendo la mesa de novedades. Por supuesto, que te pedí que me lo firmaras y ya que estaba me compré otro para no quedarme atrás. A ambos nos dedicaste un: “Para….con afecto y el deseo de que les ayude a conocer la verdadera heroicidad de nuestro aguerrido pueblo”. El devenir de “la otra historia”, la que escriben los vencedores, nos arrebató al otro compa y a mí esos dos ejemplares que tanto supimos atesorar, releer y cuidar. A Máximo, así se llamaba mi hermano de lucha, lo secuestró y asesinó la Triple A en marzo del 76, al borde mismo del golpe dictatorial. Mi libro, corrió igual suerte ya que se perdió en un allanamiento de la misma organización fascista, el 6 de septiembre de 1974, cuando Montoneros pasó a la clandestinidad después de morir Perón.

Cuatro años después, en el 68, nos volvimos a encontrar en medio del bullicio y no pocas tensiones, del lanzamiento de la CGT de los Argentinos. ¿Te acordás? Estaba a punto de empezar su combativo discurso (Raimundo) Ongaro, ya había hablado el ferroviario Lorenzo Pepe y vos -uno de los artífices de toda esa movida- me miraste con cara de desesperación preguntándome si mi grabador (un Sony del año de Matusalén) tenía pilas, porque las del tuyo habían capotado. “Lo que se diga ahora va a pasar a la historia” susurraste, y así fue nomás, y al día siguiente te estaba alcanzando la cinta con todos los discursos grabados, que sin duda marcaban un punto de inflexión en la lucha antiburocrática de nuestra clase trabajadora.

A partir de esos años, nos fuimos cruzando en numerosas historias de militancia tanto sindical como política. Fuiste co-fundador de la Agrupación 26 de Julio (del Peronismo de Base) en prensa, y también coincidimos en algunas redacciones. Inevitablemente, querido Rodolfo, siempre ponías la guinda de la torta, enseñando, concientizando. Eras didáctico al máximo, ayudando, en lo que hacía a la práctica del periodismo, a investigar en el terreno de los hechos, a contrastar la información y recién cuando todo ese camino hubiera sido recorrido, dar a conocer el texto en cuestión. Los que te tuvimos como compañero de reuniones pero también de algunas cenas inolvidables en algún boliche del Bajo, nos deleitábamos con tus ironías sobre tal o cual personaje de la política de aquel entonces pero también tomábamos cuenta de tu seriedad y rigidez a la hora de hablar y actuar organizativamente (desde abajo y combatiendo) para los más humildes, para aquellos y aquellas a las que la vida no cesó de castigarlos.

Con el tiempo desarrollaste y disfrutamos de toda tu capacidad como escritor y periodista, nos acercaste aún más la lucha del pueblo palestino y de la Revolución Cubana, y no dejaste de marcar a fuego a aquellos intelectuales de cartón o “izquierdistas de mesa de café” para los que nunca se daban las condiciones de luchar a fondo contra quienes martirizaban a nuestro pueblo. Por ser así como eras, no dudaste viejo Capitán, en alistarte como voluntario en las milicias del pueblo, cuando llegó el momento de dejar de poner la otra mejilla y empezar a devolverles los golpes que nos venían dando desde que bombardearon la Plaza en el 55. Vos y nuestro recordado Paco Urondo fueron ejemplo de coherencia en ese sentido.

La Agencia de Noticias Clandestina es un capítulo aparte en tu infatigable vida. Preparaste la pista de despegue un tiempo antes que Videla se sentara en la Rosada, los viste venir, sabías por donde iban a descargar su odio y cuánto significaría de dolor para nuestra gente. Abrigaste la esperanza de que la información que rompiera con el discurso único se convertiría en un arma fundamental en la lucha montonera y del pueblo todo. No te equivocaste, compañero “Esteban”, bajo tu conducción imposible de imitar, fuimos produciendo día tras día durante un largo año, verdaderos mini manuales de práctica periodística en tiempos difíciles. El mundo pudo enterarse, gracias a ello, que al igual que en la Alemania nazi, aquí también había campos de exterminio y se practicaba la tortura y la desaparición forzada de personas como algo “natural”. Tan natural como la muerte misma. De esas investigaciones pero también del recuento minucioso de las infamias represivas promovidas por marinos, aviadores, militares y policías, surgió ese balance implacable de denuncia que fue tu Carta a la Junta Militar, que diste a conocer pocas horas antes de caer en combate. Ese mediodía nefasto, allí por San Juan y Entre Ríos, les ganaste la última batalla a quienes querían exhibirte como trofeo de guerra.

Hoy compañero Rodolfo Walsh festejamos tus 90, los de tu coraje y pensamiento crítico, los de tu legado revolucionario. Es verdad que te toca cumplirlos en otro momento oscuro del país, con miles de despedidos, con chicos y viejos comiendo de la basura, con las calles llenas de colchones agujereados que sirven de dormitorio a familias enteras, con campesinos y campesinas rociadas y envenenadas por el glifosato, a los que le quitan el agua y las tierras día a día, con diversas trasnacionales quedándose con nuestras riquezas y la soberanía , con la provincia de Jujuy en estado de excepción y con cárceles donde se encierra a quienes protestan. Gobiernan los ricos contra los pobres y nunca hubo tantos directores de empresas convertidos en ministros y ministras.

Me podrás decir que esto ya lo vimos, y no te equivocás Profesor, porque además de todo, se repite lo mismo que nos advertiste cuando nos juntaste en una mesa de café a principios del 75 a quienes luego te acompañaríamos en ANCLA: estas políticas represoras necesitan su correlato de censura y silencio informativo. En eso andan por estos días, y por eso, no estaría de más que escribas otra de tus cartas denunciando todos los horrores de este último año. ¿Te animas?

Carlos Aznárez

Carlos Aznárez: Periodista argentino y editor en jefe del portal Resumen Latinoamericano.

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El giro de Tsai Ing-wen

January 10th, 2017 by Xulio Ríos

La presidenta taiwanesa Tsai Ing-wen convirtió la defensa del statu quo en su compromiso clave en el ámbito de las relaciones a través del Estrecho. Podría decirse que ese statu quo le aleja de la demanda de independencia de jure aunque no le acerca a la reunificación ansiada por Beijing. En suma, conectaría con la posición tradicional de su rival, el Kuomintang y sus tres noes (no unificación, no independencia, no uso de la fuerza). En los meses de ejercicio en el cargo, Tsai, distanciándose de las maneras del predecesor de su misma formación, Chen Shui-bian (2000-2008), multiplicó los llamamientos al consenso y la moderación evitando irritar a Beijing aunque negándose a bajar la cerviz.

Para el continente se trató entonces de apretar sin ahogar utilizando para ello herramientas como la reducción del número de turistas que visitan la isla o el acoso diplomático. No obstante, en las últimas semanas hubo también guiños instrumentados a través del orden académico (Zhou Zhihuai) para crear una fórmula nueva y superadora del “Consenso de 1992” con el objeto de eludir la confrontación abierta y buscar una salida que sin cuestionar el principio de una sola China permitiera a ambas partes no perder la cara. Pese a todo, el PCCh otorga a Tsai un estrecho margen de confianza para mantener a raya a los partidarios de la independencia quienes la consideran demasiado blanda en sus tratos con China.

La victoria de Trump y el importante elenco de partidarios de Taiwan en su séquito introducen un giro inesperado. El presidente electo, por unas u otras razones, parece contemplar un papel más activo de la isla en los asuntos regionales e internacionales y Tsai se apresta a explorar esta oportunidad. En Beijing, sectores militares están enervados y sugieren medidas contundentes, ya sean juegos de guerra o medidas económicas que paralicen Taiwan. Los ejercicios militares aéreos y navales, con la participación del portaaviones Liaoning, van camino de abarcar el perímetro de la isla. Habrá más mensajes de este tipo si en el viaje a Centroamérica Tsai mantiene contactos relevantes en sus escalas en EEUU.

Xi Jinping necesita estabilidad de cara al XIX Congreso del PCCh, previsto para el otoño. Sus rivales podrían tener en Taiwan un argumento añadido para cuestionar su liderazgo. No podrá mostrarse débil ni tampoco muy asertivo. Un encuentro entre Tsai y Trump en el curso del presente año daría alas a los sectores más beligerantes. Ya veremos, dijo Trump, al comentar esta posibilidad. China ya no ve en EEUU un aliado moderador de las veleidades identitarias de la isla sino un Maquiavelo dispuesto a jugar con fuego con tal de llevar a China contra las cuerdas.

Xulio Ríos

Xulio Ríos: Director del Observatorio de la Política China.

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Geopolitically speaking, the South Central Asian Region (SCAR) is all set to become one of the most happening places in the world in the very near future. It is already the focus of the major powers of the world, albeit for entirely different reasons.

The US has aligned India to itself in pursuit of its “pivot” to the Asia Pacific and its compulsive drive to manage the rise of China. Its ingress into India is direct, emphatic and in line with its stated policy objectives in the region. This portends deep economic, political and strategic connotations for the  region. India has readily mustered to the US call and has ventured into the South China Sea imbroglio too, ostensibly to prove its credentials as a “strategic partner” of the US. The US “pivot” to the Asia Pacific and India’s role in it is however now subject to President-elect Trump’s review of it. The possible    fate of the Trans Pacific Partnership may be an indicator of things to come!

China and Pakistan’s multidimensional interests continue to converge and the CPEC now epitomizes the   continuously growing strength of their alliance. The Russians have started engaging Pakistan at the economic, political and strategic levels. Its historical interest in the perennial warm waters of the Arabian Sea is getting revived by the success of the CPEC. The CARs, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and even the EU amongst others have shown interest in getting involved with the CPEC.

The geo political, geostrategic and geo-economic dimensions of the Mekran Coast and the CPEC are thus acquiring truly gigantic and ominous proportions. The interplay of conflicting and competing interests of many countries around the CPEC makes for a fascinating new Great Game. The emergence of a multi polar regime with all its dynamics and consequences is all but certain.

There appear to be two time-based groupings that may emerge as a consequence of US policies in the region. Eventually, one might morph into the other to form an even larger, more potent entity to challenge it.

First, a possible alliance of China, Russia, Iran and Pakistan (CRIP) could evolve as a competing pole to the US-India combine in the region. The CRIP would make for a very potent regional grouping with a massive strategic, economic and political clout and an evolving sphere of influence.

Foraying forth from the Mekran Coast it would potentially dominate the oil and gas rich Greater Middle East Region (and the CARs by default) and also have an oversight on all Sea Lines of Communications (SLOCs) to and from the Hormuz Straits/Persian Gulf. It’s strategic reach and oversight will cover the global East-West trade that transcends the Indian Ocean, Red Sea, Suez Canal and Mediterranean Sea and beyond. With the CPEC crystallizing China has literally outmaneuvered the US in the Asia Pacific. It also outflanks the menacing Malacca Straits with all its devastating implications. In one stroke it has literally become a two-ocean nation. Coupled with a potential draw down on the “pivot” to Asia Pacific by the Trump Administration it may even force groupings like  ASEAN and its members to rethink their priorities at the regional and extra regional levels.

The other option is for the SCO (logo right) to emerge from its self induced slumber, become proactive and present itself as an alternative to the US at the global level. Till date it has had a political dimension only. It is now time for it to acquire an economic and military one too. It incorporates the CARs and the weight of the geo political grouping in itself will force Afghanistan to fall in line. The US presence in Afghanistan may yet turn out to be the spoiler in the game with India playing the side kick. Regardless, the SCO must move positively to bring the areas including the Indian Ocean, Arabian Sea and the Greater Middle East Region into its sphere of influence.

The CRIP could ensure the trouble free grounding of the CPEC, stabilize the region and then become the core around which an expanded, reinvigorated and multi dimensional SCO could evolve and grow. It has the potential of becoming the major competing pole to the US and its allies and creating some balance of power at the global level.

India’s role however will have to be carefully examined. Will it be willing to get off the US band wagon? Or will it want to milk both cows simultaneously, as has been its wont? How will its relations with Russia   and the US effect the formation of CRIP and its evolution into a stronger SCO? Or are we in for a battle royale in the SCAR or even Eurasia, with the major powers and their surrogates involved in a geopolitical game of gigantic proportions and ramifications? Russia and China could actually use the CPEC and the emerging groupings to wean India away from the US. This could become a reality if President-elect Trump follows an isolationist policy, withdraws west of the Atlantic and decides to concentrate on “Making America Great Again” – starting with continental US!

The CPEC is bound to become the massive centre of gravity around which the regional and even extra regional economies will thrive in the near future. It’s very pronounced economic dimensions will have a direct bearing on the political and strategic relationships within and outside the region. Interstate relations will be cast anew. Inter and intra regional connectivity will evolve to ensure effective utilization of the many East-West and North-South trade corridors that will crisscross Pakistan. New alignments, new realities and new partnerships will emerge. Old ones will be recalibrated. Old festering issues will need to be resolved post haste. Increasing economic stakes in the CPEC will force belligerents to seek and maintain regional peace. Outstanding issues will have to be resolved justly and according to international covenants. It applies directly to India-Pakistan and Pakistan-Afghanistan issues. India is likely to be left out of this economic bonanza if it does not rethink its approach towards Pakistan and towards conflict resolution with it.

The author is a retired Brigadier and is currently on the faculty of NUST(NIPCONS).

E Mail: [email protected]

Twitter: @imk846m  

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[Prefatory Note: The text below is an Open Letter to the next American president urging complete nuclear disarmament as an urgent priority.

The letter was prepared under the auspices of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, and its current list of signatories are listed below. It is hoped that concerns with nuclear weapons policy will rise to the top of the global policy agenda and will engage people everywhere. It is our view that the elimination of nuclear weaponry is a matter of upholding the human interest of all peoples, as well as promoting the national interest of each country.]

Open Letter to President-elect Trump: Negotiate Nuclear Zero

As president of the United States, you will have the grave responsibility of assuring that nuclear weapons are not overtly threatened or used during your term of office.

The most certain way to fulfill this responsibility is to negotiate with the other possessors of nuclear weapons for their total elimination.  The U.S. is obligated under Article VI of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty to engage in such negotiations in good faith for an end to the nuclear arms race and for nuclear disarmament.

A nuclear war, any nuclear war, would be an act of insanity.  Between nuclear weapons states, it would lead to the destruction of the attacking nation as well as the attacked.  Between the U.S. and Russia, it would threaten the survival of humanity.

There are still more than 15,000 nuclear weapons in the world, of which the United States possesses more than 7,000.  Some 1,000 of these remain on hair-trigger alert.  A similar number remain on hair-trigger alert in Russia.  This is a catastrophe waiting to happen.

Even if nuclear weapons are not used intentionally, they could be used inadvertently by accident or miscalculation.  Nuclear weapons and human fallibility are a dangerous mix.

Nuclear deterrence presupposes a certain view of human behavior.  It depends on the willingness of political leaders to act rationally under all circumstances, even those of extreme stress.  It provides no guarantees or physical protection.  It could fail spectacularly and tragically.

You have suggested that more nations – such as Japan, South Korea and even Saudi Arabia – may need to develop their own nuclear arsenals because the U.S. spends too much money protecting other countries.  This nuclear proliferation would make for a far more dangerous world.  It is also worrisome that you have spoken of dismantling or reinterpreting the international agreement that places appropriate limitations on Iran’s nuclear program and has the support of all five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council plus Germany.

As other presidents have had, you will have at your disposal the power to end civilization as we know it.  You will also have the opportunity, should you choose, to lead in ending the nuclear weapons era and achieving nuclear zero through negotiations on a treaty for the phased, verifiable, irreversible and transparent elimination of nuclear weapons.

We, the undersigned, urge you to choose the course of negotiations for a nuclear weapons-free world.  It would be a great gift to all humanity and all future generations.

To add your name to the open letter, click here.

Initial signers:

David Krieger
President, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation

Richard Falk
Senior Vice President, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation

Daniel Ellsberg
Distinguished Fellow, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation

Noam Chomsky
Professor Emeritus, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Oliver Stone
Film director

Setsuko Thurlow
Hiroshima Atomic Bomb Survivor

Anders Wijkman
Co-President, Club of Rome

Helen Caldicott
Founding President, Physicians for Social Responsibility

Ben Ferencz
Former Nuremberg war crimes prosecutor

Robert Jay Lifton
Columbia University

Hon. Douglas Roche, O.C.
Former Canadian Ambassador for Disarmament

Martin Hellman
Professor Emeritus, Stanford University

Robert Laney
Chair, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation

Rick Wayman
Director of Programs, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation

Ruben Arvizu
Latin America Representative, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation

Jonathan Granoff
President, Global Security Institute

Medea Benjamin
Co-Founder, Code Pink

Peter Kuznick
Professor of History and Director of the Nuclear Studies Institute, American University

Barry Ladendorf
President, Veterans for Peace

Dr. Hafsat Abiola-Costello
Founder and President, Kudirat Initiative for Democracy

Marie Dennis
Co-President, Pax Christi International

Elaine Scarry
Professor, Harvard University

Richard Appelbaum
Board of Directors, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation

Sandy Jones
Director of Communications, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation

Joni Arends
Executive Director, Concerned Citizens for Nuclear Safety

Sergio Grosjean
Instituto Mexicano de Ecologia Ciencia y Cultura

John Avery
Associate, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation

Leonard Eiger
Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action

April Brown
Marshallese Educational Initiative

Jill Dexter
Board of Directors, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation

Robert Aldridge
Associate, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation

Charles Genuardi
Board of Directors, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation

Bill Wickersham
Associate, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation

John Hallam
People for Nuclear Disarmament

Mark Hamilton
Board of Directors, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation

Mary Becker
Former Board member, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation

Judith Lipton, M.D.
Security Committee, Physicians for Social Responsibility

Sherry Melchiorre
Board of Directors, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation

Elena Nicklasson
Director of Development, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation

Daniel Smith
Appellate Lawyer

Cletus Stein
The Peace Farm

Mario Fuentes
Sector Salud

Jim Knowlton
Blue Ocean Productions

Peter Low
Adjunct Senior Lecturer, University of Canterbury

Jenny Maxwell
Hereford Peace Council

Rodrigo Navarro
Comunicar para Conservar

Sergio Rimola
National Hispanic Medical Association

Julian Rodriguez

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In the month of December 2016 Staat van Beleg could list 726 human rights violations (and 186 reports/analyses). The highest number we could document so far since the start of Staat van Beleg in July 2015.

 2016 In Numbers

2016 was another difficult year for the Palestinian people. We could document almost 7000 violations (about 18 abuses every single day!) on the Palestinian people, their land and their properties by Israel. About 150 Palestinians have been killed last year, ranging from a baby of several months old to a man of 85 years old.
We will show you the numbers through some graphics below.





We would like to thank you all for taking notice and for following us. We wish you a happy 2017 and let’s hope this year will bring the Palestinian people closer to a solution for the cruel and ongoing Israeli occupation. By spreading awareness, documenting violations and by sharing news we can give the Palestinian people our support.

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CIA was bluffing, produced no evidence – Russians did not “hack” the election. Is this the beginning of the end of the Deep State in the USA? Can Trump clean house & wage peace?

Aided by enormous restraint on the part of Vladimir Putin, President of Russia, the soft coup in the USA has collapsed. Not only has the US Intelligence Community (US IC) lost all semblance of credibility with incoming President Donald Trump, but the blackmail by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) of Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham has been revealed by investigative journalist Wayne Madsen.

Credit for the defeat of the soft coup has been earned by two persons and one group. Donald Trump earns the most credit – bringing to the matter his deep business experience and common sense, he understood that the narrative against Russia was exaggerated, fabricated, and out of context. With that foundation he was willing to listen to the second person, Michael Flynn, whose deep personal experience in the nether world of black special operations and green clandestine and covert action operations informs him in a manner few can claim.

The group has many members, but three stand out. William Binney, the senior executive (like an admiral or general) who created the National Security Agency (NSA) capability that has been used against US politicians and also to monitor the activity of all cyber-spies, not only Russia, was the first to reveal that the leaks were coming from insiders. Ray McGovern, a retired CIA analyst and founder of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) has been a respected voice challenging the false assertions by the CIA against Russia. Finally Steve Pieczenik must be recognized.  A former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State who was instrumental in certifying the death of Bin Laden in 2001 and denouncing the multiple false Bin Ladens created by CIA thereafter (including the final patsy provided by Pakistan to enable a theatrical rescue that killed many US special operators for no reason other than to give Barack Obama an edge toward re-election), Pieczenik was the first to announce that a counter-coup against Hillary Clinton was being undertaken by insiders.

I have done what I could and I am proud to stand in support of Donald Trump and against lies by the leaders of the US IC. We must be careful to not confuse the unethical leaders with the well-intentioned good people trapped in a very bad system. The leaders tried a coup and failed.

The contributions of Julian Assange and Wikileaks cannot be over-stated. However, it must be made clear that without the work of retired intelligence professionals and ambassadors and US cyber-specialists willing to risk everything to challenge the US IC lies, the assertions of Assange with respect to sourcing would have been overwhelmed by the official narrative. The captive media in the USA – I single out the Crap News Network (CNN) – has no intelligence and no integrity. This is a case of a small band of Davids defeating an aging arrogant Goliath.

The American people were torn between Donald Trump and fewer than 100 voices against the official narrative, and the traditional combination of spy mystique, captive (blackmailed) Senators and Representatives, and a media ecology – not only the “mainstream” media but the “progressive media” as well – all saying “how dare you not believe our spies, how dare you not agree that Russia is the main enemy, how dare you think for yourselves?”

The declassified US IC report – notably from only three agencies rather than all seventeen – has been provided online. Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections is fourteen pages long, provides no proof, and spends thirteen of the fourteen pages focused on how successful Russia has been at ethical, legal, overt media operations. Only one page in the aggregate focuses on covert cyber operations.

As I predicted since first protesting the official press release in October 2016, the US IC has absolutely no proof that Russia as a state penetrated the Democratic National Committee (DNC) or fooled John Podesta into changing his password via a controlled link. The US IC also has no proof that Russia as a state leaked any emails. The following is the actual suicidal statement of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) as found buried in Annex B (the last annex) on page 13 of the report (page 14 is blank):

Judgments are not intended to imply that we have proof that shows something to be a fact. Assessments are based on collected information, which is often incomplete or fragmentary, as well as logic, argumentation, and precedents.

Below is my formal evaluation of the five deep failures by the US IC in this report – it is a political report lacking in professional merit.

01 The report fails to provide evidence against the Russian state. The report assumes, against all publicly known information, that Guccifer, a Romanian taxi driver with a track record of success despite antiquated equipment, was a controlled asset of the Russian state. The report, in a most unprofessional, clearly partisan political manner, does not mention any of the many credible sources clearly stating that insiders did the leaking.

In UPDATE 17 of my 30 December 2016 post I list and link to 29 different individuals – including Barack Obama as saying the Russians did not hack the election. When Obama said this (in November 2016) he was not aware that the Deep State planned to persist with the narrative in an attempt to overthrow the Electoral College with false testimony – the equivalent in the USA of jury tampering, a very serious offense. They might have succeeded, had many of us not spoken up and reinforced the common sense of the majority of electors, who ultimately realized there was no evidence being presented.

02 The report is completely lacking in responsible context, which is to say, it deliberately represents Russia as the only state engaged in cyber-espionage and information operations (IO) intended to influence the outcome of the US election. The report is devoid of much needed attention to the far greater covert operations of Israel, inclusive of collaborative operations with Facebook and Google that censored critical commentary and manipulated search results so that searches for Clinton + Crime become Clinton + Love and searches for Trump became Trump + Hitler.  Eric Schmidt and Marc Zuckerberg have much to answer for, as do the Rothchilds – particularly Lynn Rothschild – as well as George Soros and other Jewish influencers including those who stole vast sums from Russia. The report naturally fails to observe that the National Security Agency (NSA) has been spying on (and to some extent blackmailing) many if not all Members of the US Congress as well as President Barack Obama, while CIA has been actively spying on selected Members and selected computers, an activity for which Director John Brennan was censured in September 2014.

03 There is no discussion whatever of the proven ballot tampering by Hillary Clinton in stealing thirteen primaries from Bernie Sanders, and no discussion of the larger context in which a two-party tyranny disenfranchises 70% of the US eligible voters. The Russian IO in relation to this election was, at best, shouting from the sidelines — it was the two-party tyranny that “hacked” the election, as I document in my Kindle Short also free online, Donald Trump, The Accidental President, Under Siege. The US system is rigged twelve different ways, as I document in RIGGED: Twelve Ways the Two-Party Tyranny Rigs the US Electoral System to Block Out Independents, Small Parties, and 70% of the Eligible Voters. The deep hypocrisy in this report will further reduce public acceptance of the secret intelligence community’s value.

04 There is no discussion whatever of the degree to which Russia Today (RT) — evidently considered “weaponized information” by the CIA — is offering the truth to the US public (for example, on fracking) versus the lies disseminated as official narrative with the full complicity of the “fake news” media. Indeed, the report was supposed to focus exclusively on covert Russian cyber-operations — the bulk of the report focuses on — with beautiful illustrations — ethical, legal, overt Russian media operations. This was supposed to be a report about covert cyber, not overt media. Out of 14 pages, no more than one page in the aggregate focuses on covert cyber. I am reminded of the common high school trick of covering up ignorance by using many adjectives and long irrelevant sections with many illustrations. Not only was the overt IO by Russia outside the promised focus of this report, but the deep hypocrisy permeating this report is certain to further reduce public respect for the US IC – it may also inspire a Trump Channel, since the USA is obviously in desperate need of a single source of holistic public intelligence.

05 Finally, the report, which clearly was incapable of providing evidence with respect to specific cyber-espionage activities directly tied to specific leaks of truthful information about the depravities, treason, and criminal misbehavior of Hillary Clinton and her top aides, fails to observe that Russia has an overt IO program perhaps ten times better than that of the USA at a fraction of the cost. The US Government (USG) spends over five billion dollars a year on propaganda, another five billion or so on cyber-espionage, and one billion a year on “agents of influence.” There is no discussion of the decades of CIA’s intervening in the elections of others – Iran and Guatemala in the 1950’s stand out, as well as the restoration of fascists in Germany, Italy, and Japan also in the 1950’s using the covert Black Lily fund documented in Gold Warriors: America’s Secret Recovery of Yamashita’s Gold. There is no discussion of CIA’s centrality in the Gold War against Russia managed by Buzzy Krongard from 1998 to 2001, as documented in the Black Eagle Trust Fund online summary and downloadable PDF by E. P. Heidner.

As a side note, it is not possible to understand the CIA without first recognizing  that it was created by Wall Street to serve as a secret secure foundation for the Deep State within the US Government; that CIA under Allen Dulles was the principal savior of fascists leaders and their treasures as WWII wound down and was also the principal actor in the assassination of John F. Kennedy; and that CIA has for decades, under the guise of “national security,” been using military aircraft and US military bases abroad to move drugs, guns, money and gold for the elite. I recommend two books on these points: The Devil’s Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America’s Secret Government; and The Secret Team: The CIA and Its Allies in Control of the United States and the World. More recently of course CIA has been central to regime change efforts in Georgia and the Ukraine, in Libya and in Syria – indeed CIA has not only helped arm and train the Islamic State of Syria and Iraq (ISIS) but CIA has also been training Chechen and Uighur “terrorists” to send back to Russia and China – arguably an act of war!

This was a Bunker Hill moment for Donald Trump – a Ronald Reagan Air Traffic Control Strike at Christmas moment for Donald Trump. Reinforced by Mike Flynn and a very small group of deeply honest committed professionals willing to risk everything for the truth – and for peace – Donald Trump did not blink.

There is much yet to be done. Wayne Madsen, a former naval intelligence officer and today one of America’s finest investigative journalists, has just published a formal overview of how CIA has been intervening in the US election, to include the blackmail of Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham. Bringing into public view the blackmail of US members of Congress by the US IC is a necessary first step toward persuading Donald Trump that he needs to address this cancer with two measures:

First, we need an Electoral Reform Act of 2017 – a Unity Act. The only people truly “hacking” the US election were the Democratic and Republican Parties. The first stole thirteen primaries from Bernie Sanders with electronic ballot tampering and many other non-electronic measures, the second repressed a million black voters.  The Unity Act accomplishes two important objectives: it frees the Members from financial dependence on the Deep State; and it legitimizes Donald Trump with the 73% who did not vote for him while protecting Donald Trump from the inevitable implosion of the Republican Party. Julian Assange has promised an exciting 2017 – I believe his focus will be on destroying the Republican Party, the Vatican, and the Rothschild-banking cabal that manipulates interest and exchange rates. He may also turn his attention to insider leaks relevant to deliberate Zionist atrocities against the Palestinians.

Second, we need a counterintelligence renaissance in America, my sixth of seven recommendations to Donald Trump in my Christmas message as published at ZeroHedge. If I have learned one thing in my forty years as a professional intelligence officer – apart from the fact that spies tells a lot of lies and know very little – it is that all strategy, policy, and intelligence is suspect if you do not have rock solid counterintelligence. Many of the Members of Congress are being blackmailed, not only by the CIA and NSA, but by the Vatican, the Mossad, crime families, and beyond. They need a confessor, absolution, and protection. I am a huge believer in Truth & Reconciliation. My version is “everyone gets the truth, no one goes to jail.” We need a counterintelligence stock-taking in Congress, and then a ruthless elimination of all those blackmailing our Members – most of the blackmailers being American citizens, some of them US IC employees.

What has changed in the USA in the last 90 days? Three “icons” have been de-sanctified. The public is now realizing that the secret intelligence community, the mainstream media, and our politicians are deeply flawed and cannot be trusted in their present form to serve the public with integrity. This is the opportunity of a lifetime.

Whether Donald Trump will rise to the challenge – or take the $20B bribe from the Rothchilds – remains to be seen. At this time he has my prayers and the benefit of the doubt.

The US IC was bluffing and Donald Trump called their bluff.

This may be the beginning of the end of the Deep State in the USA.

Read all free posts online on Russians did not hack the election.

Robert David Steele is a former spy who has faked intelligence, lied to government leaders, and managed a false flag operation (no one died). He has twenty years’ experience in secret and covert operations and is the founder of the Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) movement. He is the most published intelligence reformer in the English language and also the top Amazon reviewer for non-fiction, reading in 98 categories – his views are always informed by others. His personal web site is; he manages many others at his blog,  

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A tan sólo unos días de abandonar la Casa Blanca, Barack Obama decidió no perder la oportunidad de reforzar el despliegue de las fuerzas estadounidenses en Sudamérica. Sucede que el gobierno regional de Amazonas (Perú), el Comando Sur de Estados Unidos (‘U.S. Southern Command’) y la empresa Partenon Contratistas E.I.R.L., acaban de firmar el proyecto de instalación de una nueva base militar, camuflada bajo el nombre de Centro de Operaciones de Emergencia Regional (COER) de Amazonas. El financiamiento de la obra será de poco más de un millón 350 mil dólares y, tomando como fecha el 29 de diciembre de 2016, se concluirá en aproximadamente 540 días.

De acuerdo con la información proporcionada por el gobierno peruano, la base militar estadounidense tendrá un helipuerto de 625 metros cuadrados; un edificio de dos pisos, en el primero habrá un almacén de ayuda humanitaria de 1,000 metros cuadrados,  y en el segundo funcionará el COER junto con los módulos operativos (logística, comunicaciones, monitoreo y análisis, etc.); además, contará con una sala de reuniones, una sala de prensa, dormitorios y un estacionamiento de 800 metros cuadrados.

No cabe duda, es intervencionismo disfrazado de ayuda humanitaria. A contrapelo de lo que se sostiene de manera oficial, no se trata de una estrategia orientada a fortalecer la capacidad de respuesta de los peruanos frente a las catástrofes naturales. Estados Unidos está clavando sus garras militares en el Cono Sur con el visto bueno del presidente de Perú, Pedro Pablo Kuczynski. La soberanía de Sudamérica está bajo amenaza.

Estados Unidos ya no necesita lanzar guerras de conquista para hacer valer su hegemonía sobre el territorio latinoamericano; ahora el disciplinamiento se lleva a cabo de una forma mucho más sutil: a través de iniciativas de militarización encubierta. Además de la lucha contra el terrorismo, Washington utiliza el combate contra el narcotráfico y su presunto compromiso con el respeto de los derechos humanos como excusas para entrometerse en los asuntos internos de otros países.

Perú constituye una plataforma decisiva para que Estados Unidos logre consolidar su plan de dominación sobre toda Sudamérica, una zona que, ya lo sabemos, posee reservas inmensas de recursos naturales estratégicos (gas, petróleo, metales, minerales, etc.). Por lo menos durante la última década, los gobiernos sudamericanos asestaron un tremendo revés a la gravitación económica y geopolítica de Estados Unidos en el continente.

Sin embargo, desde 2009 Perú no ha puesto resistencia alguna frente a la incursiones imperiales de Washington, con lo cual, se ha convertido en uno de los países de América Latina que tienen una mayor presencia de fuerzas armadas norteamericanas en su territorio: antes de aprobar la instalación de esta nueva base militar en el Departamento de Amazonas, el Comando Sur de Estados Unidos ya se había establecido a sus anchas en las regiones de Lambayeque, Trujillo, Tumbes, Piura, San Martín y Loreto.

Cabe destacar que la cooperación militar entre Washington y Lima no se restringe a la instalación de bases militares; Estados Unidos ha conseguido introducirse de lleno en los aparatos de seguridad y defensa. Por autorización del Ministerio de Defensa de Perú, las unidades de operaciones especiales del Comando Conjunto de las Fuerzas Armadas, el Comando de Inteligencia y Operaciones Especiales Conjuntas y el Componente Especial del Vraem recibieron entrenamiento de parte de las fuerzas estadounidenses entre mayo y septiembre de 2016.

En paralelo, las fuerzas peruanas han venido realizando un sinnúmero de ejercicios militares conjuntos con Estados Unidos para, según sus argumentos, fortalecer sus estrategias de defensa frente a agresiones externas; uno de los ejercicios más importantes es el Ejercicio de Fuerzas Silentes (SIFOREX, por sus siglas en inglés), que se realiza cada dos años en el Mar de Grau, considerado uno de los ejercicios navales de mayor trascendencia internacional.

Perú refleja con claridad que Sudamérica atraviesa por momentos críticos y una fuerte campaña de hostigamiento. A la par de las dificultades económicas, la región es víctima de una poderosa ofensiva impulsada desde el exterior que intenta, a través de diversas formas, intensificar la presencia de Washington.

Las incursiones militares de Estados Unidos en la región se están abriendo camino a paso veloz, un tanto por el giro de varios gobiernos hacia el conservadurismo –fundamentalmente tras la llegada de Mauricio Macri a la presidencia de Argentina, y la destitución parlamentaria de Dilma Rousseff en Brasil–, y otro tanto por el esfuerzo permanente para socavar la influencia de países como China, Rusia e Irán.

Armarse hasta los dientes en Perú representa un asunto vital para Estados Unidos para, tiempo después, llevar a cabo la instalación de otra base militar en Argentina, justo en la frontera con Brasil y Paraguay. Indudablemente, la construcción de un mejor futuro para los países sudamericanos corre un grave peligro…

Ariel Noyola Rodríguez

Ariel Noyola Rodríguez: Economista egresado de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), corresponsal del Centro de Investigación sobre la Globalización (Global Research) en América Latina.

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The War against the Truth, When the Lie Becomes the Truth. Is Obama Preparing War Against Russia?

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, January 07 2017

At the end of Obama’s presidency, Fiction has become Fact. A world of fantasy permeates the mainstream media. The Lie has become the Truth. “Fake New” has become “Real News”.  And “Real News” by the independent online media is now tagged as Russian propaganda. What we are dealing with is a War against the Truth


Censored 2016: The Most Important Stories That You Never Heard About

By Michael WelchAndy Lee Roth, and John Schertow, January 08 2017

This week’s Global Research News Hour rings in the new year with a retrospective look at the past year’s news stories, in particular, those important stories that did not garner the kind of media attention they deserved.


As We Move Into 2017: The Cracks in the Empire are Here… How will the U.S. Empire Dissolve?

By Jan Oberg, January 07 2017

The indicators, the cracks, in the Empire are there for all to see – the Americans and other Westerners will be the last and remain in denial for some time until the discrepancy between the self-image and the reality, the self-delusion, has grown too big. Like East Germany or Russia at in the early 1980s. The rest of the world, the non-West sees some of these cracks quite clearly.


Military Coups, Regime Change…: The CIA Has Interfered In Over 81 Foreign Elections…

By Nina Agrawal, January 09 2017

The CIA has accused Russia of interfering in the 2016 presidential election (with absolutely zero evidence) by hacking into Democratic and Republican computer networks and selectively releasing emails. But critics might point out the U.S. has done similar things. The U.S. has a long history of attempting to influence presidential elections in other countries – it’s done so as many as 81 times between 1946 and 2000, according to a database amassed by political scientist Dov Levin of Carnegie Mellon University.


Geopolitics of Central Africa: Relentless Propaganda Attacks on Burundi

By Ann Garrison, January 07 2017

The end of the unipolar, U.S.-led global order is most dramatically signified by the U.S. loss of its proxy war with Russia in Syria, despite dropping bombs faster than U.S. weapons industries could manufacture them. For the past year and a half, a much quieter struggle has been playing out in the tiny East African nation of Burundi.


“Undercover Investigation”: How Many British MPs Are Working for Israel?

By Jonathan Cook, January 09 2017

Al Jazeera are to be congratulated on an undercover investigation exposing something most of us could probably have guessed: that some Israeli embassy staff in the UK – let’s not pussy around, Mossad agents – are working with senior political activists and politicians in the Conservative and Labour parties to subvert their own parties from within, and skew British foreign policy so that it benefits Israeli, rather than British, interests.

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After years of protests by indigenous communities, the Spanish company Ecoener-Hidralia has finally abandoned the project to build a hydroelectric dam on the Cambalan indigenous river, in Guatemala. The company has informed this decision through a statement published in the media of the Central American country.

The company had already paralyzed the work it was doing on the San Juan de Barillas indigenous territory months ago, and had dropped charges against leaders of the community that had been denounced and imprisoned for rejecting the project and protesting against it. However, it hadn’t officially renounced to build it. Now, the company has stated that the project “hasn’t earned acceptance by a significant number of inhabitants of the territory where it was intended to be located.”

The Ecoener-Hidralia project first arrived in Guatemala in 2007, sparking conflicts with the local Q’anjob’al, Chuj, Akateko and Popti indigenous communities, which consider the territory they inhabit to be sacred. Their resistance was harshly repressed by the company’s private security agents and by the State’s forces, through persecutions, murder, criminalization and imprisonment of their leaders.

"We demand freedom for our unfairly-detained leaders! NO to the dam!" "We're not against development, we're against foreign exploitation" "Let everybody rise, let nobody be left behind. Brothers of Barilla, some day we will achieve peace and real development for our people" Photo credit: Environmental Justice Atlas.
“We demand freedom for our unfairly-detained leaders! NO to the dam!”
“We’re not against development, we’re against foreign exploitation”
“Let everybody rise, let nobody be left behind. Brothers of Barilla, some day we will achieve peace and real development for our people”
Photo credit: Environmental Justice Atlas.


The NGO Alianza por la Solidaridad (Alliance for Solidarity) has denounced that “The company violated the rights of the communities that lived in the area, violating the right to prior, free and informed consultation on the project, and promoting repression against the leaders of the communities that opposed it. Given the lack of consensus, local communities launched a popular consultation, in which over 90% of the population rejected the project of the Spanish company”.

This NGO carried out an investigation on the project, which revealed that the company wouldn’t provide any type of benefit for the affected communities in terms of jobs, services, social benefits or environmental improvements, apart from having legal controversies and bringing social problems.

Photo credit: Environmental Justice Atlas.
Photo credit: Environmental Justice Atlas.


Last November 4, in a joint effort with Amigos de la Tierra (Friends of the Earth), Alianza por la Solidaridad delivered 23,000 signatures against the project to the ambassador of Guatemala in Spain, Fernando Molina Girón, and a few days earlier, they presented this case to the UN as an example of the need of an international binding treaty that ends with the impunity multinational companies have when they violate human rights, with the complicity and support of national governments.

Both NGOs have demanded Ecoener-Hidralia to keep their word to definitely abandon their project and any attempt to make any other mega-project through any of its subsidiaries.

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RT Correction:
The previous headline stated that the new shipment that has arrived in Germany included hundreds of tanks. The headline has been since corrected to reflect that the number included not only tanks but also military hardware that has arrived at the German port of Bremerhaven.
Another shipload of America military hardware has arrived at the German port of Bremerhaven to reinforce US commitment to its allies against the perceived Russian threat, and ensure Europe remains “whole, free, prosperous, and at peace.”

The delivery of US Abrams tanks, Paladin artillery and Bradley fighting vehicles mark a new phase of Operation Atlantic Resolve. Over the last few days 2,800 pieces of military hardware and 4,000 troops have arrived at the port.

The delivery marks a new phase of continuous American presence in Europe which will now be conducted on a nine-month rotational basis.

“This is a methodical effort on the part of the Allies to go and say to all those, who would threaten peace and security in Europe, to say that no, we are not going to allow that,” US Air Force Lieutenant General Timothy M. Ray declared. “Let me be clear: This is one part of our efforts to deter Russian aggression, ensure the territorial integrity of our allies and maintain a Europe that is whole, free, prosperous, and at peace.”

“What is significant about this deployment is this brigade combat team is bringing all of their equipment from the States,” added Deputy Commanding General of the US Army Europe, Major Tim McGuire, who explained the deployment enables the US Army to build “additional readiness” and as well as boost combat preparedness of its NATO allies.

The new forces will first be moved to Poland to participate in military drills at the end of the month, before being deployed across seven countries, including the Baltic states, Bulgaria, Romania and Germany. A headquarters unit will be stationed in Germany.

As part of the new force, the US Army will also dispatch about 50 Black Hawk and 10 CH-47 Chinook helicopters along with around 1,800 personnel, and a separate aviation battalion with 400 troops and 24 Apache helicopters.

In addition to American troops going to Poland, Germany, Canada and Britain are also contributing to the significant NATO forces buildup in eastern Europe and are sending battalions of up to 1,000 troops each to Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.


Atlantic Resolve is perceived by Washington as a demonstration of continued US commitment to the collective security of Europe which began in April 2014, following the Crimean referendum to split from the coup-stricken Ukraine and join Russia.

The ongoing strategy is promulgated by conducting continuous, enhanced multinational training and security cooperation activities with US and NATO partners in eastern Europe. Since the Operation began, these military exercises have been conducted in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria and Hungary.

Russia has long condemned NATO’s activities along its borders as hostile and potentially threatening national security. Moscow has responded by stationing its most modern weaponry and armaments on its western borders, including the enclave region of Kaliningrad, and staging large-scale military drills on home soil.

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Al Jazeera are to be congratulated on an undercover investigation exposing something most of us could probably have guessed: that some Israeli embassy staff in the UK – let’s not pussy around, Mossad agents – are working with senior political activists and politicians in the Conservative and Labour parties to subvert their own parties from within, and skew British foreign policy so that it benefits Israeli, rather than British, interests.

One cannot really blame Israel for doing this. Most states promote their interests as best they can. But one can and should expose and shame the British politicians who are collaborating with Israel in further harming Britain’s representative democracy.

It is not as though these people cannot be easily identified. They even advertise what they are up to. They are members of the Conservative and Labour Friends of Israel. They dominate both parliamentary parties, but especially the Conservatives. According to the CFI’s figures, fully 80 per cent of Tory MPs belong to the party’s Friends of Israel group.

Once, no one would have hesitated to call British politicians acting in the interests of a foreign power, and very possibly taking financial benefits for doing so, “traitors”. And yet, as Al Jazeera’s secretly filmed footage shows, Israeli spies like Shai Masot can readily meet and conspire with a Tory minister’s much-trusted aide to discuss how best to “take down” the deputy foreign minister, Alan Duncan, over his criticisms of Israel’s illegal settlements in the occupied territories. Maria Strizzolo, education minister Robert Halfon’s assistant, suggests engineering a “little scandal” to damage Duncan.

Masot and Israel’s intelligence services cannot infuence British foreign policy through the opposition Labour party, but that doesn’t prevent them from also taking a keen interest in Labour MPs. Masot is filmed talking to Labour Friends of Israel’s chair, Joan Ryan, about “lots of money” – more than £1 million – he has received from the Israeli government to send yet another batch of Labour MPs on an all-expenses-paid trip to Israel, where they will be wined and dined, and primed by top officials to adopt even more extreme pro-Israel positions. LFI is known for sending the largest proportion of MPs to Israel on these kinds of trips.

Does that have an effect on British domestic politics. You bet it does! Israel isn’t a charity.

A large number of those who have been making Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn’s life a misery belong to Labour Friends of Israel. They are the same MPs who have been talking up an “anti-semitism crisis” in the Labour party – based on zero tangible evidence – since Corbyn became party leader. Were they following the dictates of their conscience? Did they really fear an anti-semitism plague had suddenly beset their party? Or were they playing deeply cynical politics to oust a leader who supports justice for the Palestinian people and is considered by Israel’s rightwing government, which has no interest in making peace with the Palestinians, to be bad news for Israel?

Al Jazeera’s investigation has not been shown yet, so we can rely only on the snippets released so far, either by Al Jazeera itself or additional leaks of the investigation provided by the Mail on Sunday.

It is worth listening to a Tory minister in the government of recently departed David Cameron, who writes anonymously in the Mail on Sunday. S/he warns of a double whammy to British politics caused by Israel and its British partisans – one that is starting to approach the damage done to the US political system by Israel.

The British government skews its foreign policy to avoid upsetting Jewish donors, s/he says. MPs, meanwhile, act like agents of a foreign power – s/he generously assumes unwittingly – rather than representatives of the British people. Forget international law, these politicians are not even promoting British interests.

Here is what the minister writes:

British foreign policy is in hock to Israeli influence at the heart of our politics, and those in authority have ignored what is going on.

For years the CFI and Labour Friends of Israel (LFI), have worked with – even for – the Israeli government and their London embassy to promote Israeli policy and thwart UK Government policy and the actions of Ministers who try to defend Palestinian rights.

Lots of countries try to force their views on others, but what is scandalous in the UK is that instead of resisting it, successive Governments have submitted to it, taken donors’ money, and allowed Israeli influence-peddling to shape policy and even determine the fate of Ministers.

Even now, if I were to reveal who I am, I would be subjected to a relentless barrage of abuse and character assassination. …

It now seems clear people in the Conservative and Labour Parties have been working with the Israeli embassy, which has used them to demonise and trash MPs who criticise Israel; an army of Israel’s useful idiots in Parliament.

This is politically corrupt, and diplomatically indefensible. The conduct of certain MPs needs to be exposed as the poisonous and deceitful infiltration of our politics by the unwitting agents of another country …

We need a full inquiry into the Israeli Embassy, the links, access and funding of the CFI and LFI.

It is rare that I agree with a Tory government minister, but such an inquiry cannot come too soon.

Note too that it is an indictment of the UK media that Al-Jazeera, rather than the British fourth estate, has exposed Israel’s moves to subvert the British political system. It is not as though reporters from the BBC, Guardian, Times and the Mail haven’t had ministers like the one above complaining to them for years about interference from Israel. So why did they not long ago send in undercover teams to expose this collusion between Israel and British MPs?

We have had weeks of stories about the supposed efforts of Russia and Putin to subvert the US election, without a hint yet of any evidence, and based on a central allegation against the Russians that they compromised the election result by releasing truthful information about wrongdoing in the Democratic party. Russian diplomats have been expelled based on these evidence-free claims, and President Obama has vowed to take other, covert action against Russia.

Here we have documented evidence of the Israeli government secretly plotting with “friendly” British MPs to oust a British government minister. If that isn’t interference in the British political system I don’t know what is. Will we similarly have weeks of coverage of this story in the UK media, or will it be quickly filed away and forgotten?

And will any action beyond the removal of Masot be demanded by the British government? It seems unlikely. The Foreign Office has already issued a statement saying that, following Masot’s dismissal, it considers the matter closed.

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The publication Friday of the unclassified version of the report by US intelligence agencies has provided further evidence that the claims of Russian government hacking and leaking of Democratic Party emails have no foundation in fact.

The report is bereft of factual substantiation of the allegations made by the CIA and the director of national intelligence, James Clapper, in October that Russia illegally obtained documents from the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, John Podesta.

The New York Times, the most shameless media promoter of the anti-Russia campaign, was forced to admit in a front-page news article published Friday evening that “what is missing from the public report is what many Americans most eagerly anticipated: hard evidence to back up the agencies’ claims that the Russian government engineered the election attack.”

It added, “Many in Washington expected the agencies to make a strong public case to erase any uncertainty. Instead, the message from the agencies essentially amounts to ‘trust us.’”

The Washington Post reported that the classified version likewise contains “no bombshells.”

Yet the media has not abandoned its campaign of lies aimed at pressuring the incoming Trump administration to take a more aggressive line against Russia.

Speaking on the Sunday morning talk shows, media pundits and reporters, together with Republican war-mongers Lindsey Graham and John McCain, sought to portray the intelligence report as an ironclad indictment of Russian “meddling” in the election.

Appearing on NBC News’ “Meet the Press” program, Senator Graham demanded that president-elect Trump “make Russia pay a price for trying to interfere” in the election. Graham, just returned from a tour of the Baltic countries bordering Russia, where the United States is deploying an additional 4,000 troops, declared, “I want a one/two punch against Russia. I want more sanctions to hit [Russian President Putin] harder… We want more trainers on the ground, 365 days a year, a permanent US military training presence in the Baltics, Ukraine and Georgia.”

In the panel discussion following the interview, NBC news commentator Andrea Mitchell declared that Russia “weaponized” information it allegedly obtained by hacking the Democratic leadership. New York Times columnist David Brooks proclaimed, “Putin is a guy who murders journalists, who’s destroyed the democratic process in his own country, and now suddenly he feels the freedom to try to do that in our country.”

The continuing media offensive, presenting as indisputable truth allegations the government has been unable to substantiate, testifies to the fact that the campaign is driven by unstated (and unpopular) political aims, not by any foreign attack on America’s “democratic process.” Since the charges of Russian hacking directed against the presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton were first made over five months ago, the aim has been to whip up public support for an increasingly confrontational posture toward Russia, particularly with regard to the civil war in Syria.

For nearly six years, the CIA has been engaged in a campaign for regime-change, funding and arming Islamist militias with the aim of overthrowing Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, Russia’s only Arab ally in the Middle East. In 2013, fabricated claims that the Syrian government had carried out chemical weapons attacks were used as a pretext for launching a full-scale air war against Assad. President Obama, facing popular opposition at home, divisions within the military establishment, and flagging support among the Washington’s NATO allies, called off the air assault at the last minute.

There is little doubt that talks were underway between the Clinton campaign and the Obama administration, and planning was well advanced, for a massive US military escalation in Syria to be launched after the expected election victory of the Democratic candidate, who had the public support of dominant sections of the intelligence establishment. During the campaign, Clinton repeatedly called for the imposition of a “no fly” zone and other measures that posed a direct risk of military conflict with Russian forces operating in Syria. Had Clinton won, it is likely that the Obama administration would already be implementing war plans demanded by the CIA.

The election of Trump, which took the political establishment by surprise, threw these plans into disarray. This is not because Trump is any less committed to a policy of militarism and war. His “America First” mantra represents a turn to the unbridled assertion of American imperialist interests by any and all means against all perceived challengers. However, Trump speaks for a faction within the US ruling class and state that sees China as the more immediate enemy and deems an immediate escalation against Russia to be a distraction from the first order of business—taking on Beijing.

On Saturday, Trump shrugged off the previous day’s intelligence briefing and effectively reiterated his skepticism about the allegations of Russian hacking, tweeting, “Having a good relationship with Russia is a good thing, not a bad thing.”

The anti-Russian campaign erupted once again into a full-scale propaganda offensive when it became clear that Syrian government forces, backed by Russian air power and Iranian troops, were about to drive US-backed Islamist forces from their last major urban stronghold, eastern Aleppo. It is the humiliating defeat suffered by the US in Aleppo that to a considerable extent accounts for the hysterical character of the post-election campaign on Russian hacking.

Speaking on “Meet the Press” Sunday, outgoing Defense Secretary Ashton Carter strongly indicated as much. Throughout the interview, moderator-propagandist Chuck Todd egged on Carter, asking whether the alleged Russian interference in the election was “an act of war” and demanding to know if it warranted a “military response.” He pressed Carter on whether “this administration moved too slowly to punish the Russians.”

Carter declared that Russia had “doubled down on the Syrian civil war” and moved to “define its interests as being ones of frustrating the United States” in Syria, leading to the latest “aggressive act against our very democracy.”

Fifteen years ago, official lies about Iraqi weapons of mass destruction were used to drag the American people into war, setting off the ever-escalating wave of bloodletting in the Middle East. President George W. Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney and their cabal of neoconservative ideologues went to great lengths to fabricate evidence that Iraq was seeking to produce nuclear weapons.

The CIA went so far as to force an Al Qaeda detainee captured in Afghanistan to make false confessions under torture that the terrorist organization was working with the Iraqi government to set up terrorist training camps, a lie repeated by Colin Powell in his 2003 speech at the United Nations justifying the looming war against Iraq.

The media played a critical role in disseminating the Bush administration’s “evidence,” including articles by New York Times reporters such as Judith Miller, who functioned as mouthpieces for the CIA.

Millions of people around the world knew these were lies. They knew that what was coming was a war for oil. They demonstrated against the impending war in their millions, carrying out the largest global anti-war demonstrations in human history.

Fifteen years later, the same types of lies are being trotted out by the media mouthpieces of the military/intelligence apparatus.

What is notable is that while the methods today are the same and the targets are even bigger, there is no organized opposition. This is not due to increased support for war. It is due to the role of the organizations that 15 years ago headed up the protests, using their influence at that time to channel anti-war sentiment behind the Democratic Party. Today, when eight years of the Obama administration have shattered all pretenses of the Democratic Party being anything other than a party of the military-intelligence establishment, the pseudo-left organizations have themselves become openly pro-imperialist and pro-war.

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2017 apunta hacia un mundo multipolar

January 9th, 2017 by Emir Sader

La era de la hegemonía estadunidense y de neoliberalismo es, por definición, un tiempo de turbulencias e incertidumbre. Nadie ni nada permite prever con un mínimo de certidumbre ni el futuro inmediato, menos todavía los de mediano y largo plazos. Pero el cúmulo de acontecimientos permite proyectar a 2017 como un año en que se dibujará, con más claridad, el surgimiento de un mundo multipolar.

El final de la guerra fría hizo al mundo retroceder al periodo histórico de hegemonía británica, cuando una sola potencia detentaba el predominio mundial. La decadencia británica introdujo un tiempo de disputas hegemónicas; primero entre Estados Unidos y Alemania, con dos guerras mundiales de por medio, después, entre Estados Unidos y la Unión Soviética, en el escenario llamado de guerra fría.

La desaparición de la URSS hizo que la humanidad volviera a un mundo unipolar, esta vez con la hegemonía imperial estadunidense. No tardó en anunciarse que la historia terminaría, desembocando en esa hegemonía, que traería con ella la economía capitalista de mercado y la democracia liberal como horizontes insuperables de la historia. Seguirían habiendo acontecimientos, pero todos encerrados en ese marco, que nos aprisionaría definitivamente. En lugar de girar hacia delante, la historia habría retrocedido y quedado congelada. La superioridad militar, económica, política e ideológica de Estados Unidos no permitiría alimentar ilusiones en otra dirección. El fin del socialismo, que sería el futuro de la humanidad, en la concepción derrotada, relegaba ese tipo de sociedad al museo de la historia, como un largo paréntesis finalmente concluido. La economía capitalista pasaba a ser la economía, la única posible, así como la democracia liberal, la única posible.

Sin embargo, la Paz Americana no trajo el final de los conflictos bélicos, sino su multiplicación, al tiempo en que el reino del mercado no trajo de vuelta el crecimiento económico, sino la recesión prolongada. Como resultado de esas contratendencias han surgido gobiernos antineoliberales, como en América Latina, así como fuerzas que se coordinan por la construcción de un mundo multipolar, como las congregadas en los Brics.

Un episodio que parecía ser simplemente uno más del ejercicio de la superioridad militar de Estados Unidos y de sus aliados del bloque imperialista occidental –como ya había ocurrido en Afganistán, Irak y Libia–, el de la destrucción del gobierno de Siria, como paso previo al bombardeo de Irán, terminó promoviendo una gran contrarrevuelta que, sumada a otros fenómenos, apunta hacia el surgimiento de un mundo multipolar.

Estados Unidos no había logrado crear las condiciones del bombardeo de Irán, ni adentro, ni con sus aliados externos. Rusia aprovechó para proponer un proceso de negociación entre Estados Unidos e Irán, que tuvo éxito, desarticulando los planes bélicos de Israel, apoyado por Arabia Saudita y poniendo en práctica el primer proceso de resolución pacífica de un conflicto bélico importante en el mundo en mucho tiempo.

Este éxito fue el preámbulo que permitiría también una resolución de la también aparentemente interminable guerra en Siria. Arabia Saudita, contradicha en las negociaciones con Irán, intensificó el apoyo al llamado Estado Islámico (EI), que se ha vuelto la fuerza fundamentalista y terrorista que pasó a amenazar no sólo a gobiernos de Medio Oriente, sino de todo el mundo con sus acciones. Como uno de sus efectos, la guerra en Siria quedó polarizada entre el EI y el gobierno sirio, sacando definitivamente del escenario supuestas fuerzas moderadas de oposición, usadas como pretexto por Estados Unidos para apoyar intentos de derrubar al gobierno sirio. El acuerdo entre Rusia, Turquía e Irán, apoyado por el Consejo de Seguridad de Naciones Unidas, sustentado en la derrota militar del EI, por intervención decisiva de las tropas rusas, promovió un nuevo acuerdo de paz, esta vez sin Estados Unidos.

A este nuevo horizonte se suma la alianza alrededor de los Brics, con Rusia y China como protagonistas esenciales, como fuerzas que promueven el fortalecimiento de modelos de desarrollo económico con distribución de renta, en contrapartida del agotamiento del neoliberalismo y la prolongada recesión a que ha desembocado ese modelo.

El Brexit y la victoria electoral de Donald Trump en las elecciones estadunidenses apuntan hacia retrocesos en el proceso de globalización, con políticas proteccionistas y debilitamiento de los procesos de libre comercio, imponiéndose en las dos potencias que desde hace más de un siglo han estado a la cabeza del bloque imperialista en el mundo.

La combinación de esos factores tendrá en 2017, con la retirada de Gran Bretaña de la Unión Europea, así como la toma de posesión de Donald Trump, haciendo con lo que ya se venía dibujando como el agotamiento del modelo neoliberal, la incapacidad de Estados Unidos de concluir las guerras de Afganistán y de Irak, así como su impotencia frente a la extensión de los conflictos bélicos en toda la región, así como el fortalecimiento de Rusia como actor político y militar global, un nuevo escenario mundial.

Un nuevo escenario que tiene que ser, para América Latina, un espacio de nuevas oportunidades, para salir definitivamente del modelo neoliberal y de la hegemonía estadunidense, buscando profundizar alianzas que promuevan la solución pacífica de los conflictos y apoyen políticas de desarrollo con distribución de la renta. Brasil, Argentina, México y todos los países del continente tienen que decidir dónde quieren ubicarse en ese nuevo escenario mundial.

Emir Sader

Emir Sader: Sociólogo y científico político brasileño, es coordinador del Laboratorio de Políticas Públicas de la Universidad Estadual de Rio de Janeiro (UERJ).

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The present study shows that the Greek crisis that broke out in 2010 originated in private banks, not in excessive public spending. The so-called bail-out was designed to serve the interests of private bankers and those of dominant countries in the Eurozone.

Greece adopting the euro played a major role among the various factors that contributed to the crisis. The analysis developed here was first presented in Athens on 6 November 2016 during a meeting of the Truth Committee on Greek Public Debt.

At first sight, between 1996 and 2008, the development of Greece’s economy looked like a success story! The integration of Greece within the EU and from 2001 on within the Eurozone seemed successful. The rate of Greece’s economic growth was higher than that of the stronger economies in Europe.

This apparent success actually concealed a vicious flaw, just as had been the case in several other countries – not only Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Cyprus, the Baltic Republics and Slovenia, but also Belgium, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Austria…, countries that had been badly hit by the 2008 financial crisis. |1| Not forgetting Italy, which was caught up by the banking crisis a few years after the others.

In the early 2000s, the creation of the Eurozone generated significant volatile and often speculative financial flows |2| that went from economies of the Centre (Germany, France, the Benelux, Austria…) towards countries of the Periphery (Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Spain, Slovenia, etc.).

Major private banks and other financial institutions in economies of the Centre loaned huge sums to the public and private sectors in the economies of the Periphery for it was more profitable to invest in those countries than on the national markets of the economies of the Centre. A single currency (the euro) boosted those flows since it did away with the danger of the local currency being devaluated in case of crisis in countries of the Periphery.

This resulted in a private credit bubble mostly involving real estate (mortgages), but also consumer credit. The assets of banks in the Periphery increased significantly, albeit in terms of debt.

In Ireland, the crisis broke out in September 2008, when major banks went bankrupt in the wake of Lehman Brothers in the United States. In Spain, Greece and Portugal, the crisis started later, in 2009-2010. |3|

When the private credit bubble burst in 2009-2010 (in the context of international recession resulting from the US subprime crisis and its contamination of banks in the European economies of the Centre), private banks had to be massively bailed out.

These bail-outs led to a huge increase in public debt. Indeed the use of public money to bail out banks and other institutions turned out to be very costly.

It is now clear that banks should not have been bailed out, which meant socializing their losses. Banks should have used bail-in mechanisms: organize an orderly kind of bankruptcy and call upon major private shareholders and creditors to pay for sanitizing the situation. The opportunity should also have been seized to socialize the financial sector, i.e., to expropriate the private banking sector and turn it into a public service. |4|

However, there were strong ties, when not actual connivance, between Eurozone governments |5| and the private banking sector. Governments thus decided to use public money to bail out private bankers.

Since States in the Periphery could not afford the financial cost of bailing-out their banks so as to protect the French and German banks, governments of the Central economies (Germany, France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Austria, etc.) and the European Commission (sometimes with the help of the IMF) implemented the notorious Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs). Thanks to those MoUs, major private banks and other private financial institutions in Germany, France, countries of the Benelux and Austria (i.e. the private financial sector of the Central economies) could reduce their exposition in economies of the Periphery. Governments and European institutions used this opportunity to reinforce the offensive of capital against labour as well as to reduce the possibility for people to actually use their democratic rights throughout Europe.

The way the Eurozone was constructed and the crisis of the capitalist system are accountable for the crisis that can be observed in countries of the Periphery since 2009-2010.

Steps that led to the 2010 Greek crisis 

From 1996, under the auspices of PM Kostas Simitis (PASOK), Greece has committed itself deeper and deeper to the neoliberal model that had first been implemented in 1985 when Andreas Papandreou, after a promising start, shifted away from left-wing positions two years after François Mitterrand. |6|

Between 1996 and 2004, during Kostas Simitis’ two terms as PM, an impressive programme of privatizations was implemented (which recalls Lionel Jospin’s Socialist government in France – 1997-2002 – also carrying out major privatizations which right-wing parties and employers had been dreaming of since the 1980s).

Greece went farther than most EU countries in reducing corporate taxes. Measures were adopted that directly undermined social conquests won between 1974 and 1985, notably in terms of labour conditions and stability. Similarly, the Socialist government favoured a deep-seated deregulation of the financial sector (which also occurred in other EU countries and in the US); this resulted in an increase in its importance in the economy.

Greek banks settled in the Balkans and Turkey, which reinforced a deceptive sense of achievement.

During this period, the rate at which the Greek GDP increased was higher than the average EU rate, GDP per capita was catching up on the average, and the Human Development Index was improving. Growth was significant in some cutting-edge sectors such as optical and electrical equipment and computers. Yet in fact as they further integrated Greece into the EU and the Eurozone, Greek leaders and private corporations increased the country’s dependence and reduced any actual possibility for economic and social development.

How banks developed and how the Greek economy was financialized before it entered the Eurozone

Until 1998, 70% of the Greek banking system was public. Loans handed out by banks amounted to about €80 billion while deposits amounted to €85 billion, which indicated a healthy economy (see below). That situation was to change radically. Between 1998 and 2000, public banks were sold at heavily-discounted prices to private capital and four major banks emerged, covering 65% of the banking market: |7| the National Bank of Greece, Alpha Bank, Eurobank and Piraeus Bank. Among those four banks only the National Bank of Greece was still under indirect public control.

During those same two years under socialist PM Kostas Simitis’ leadership, deregulation was thriving in the banking sector as indeed in other parts of the world. Let us remember that in 1999 Bill Clinton’s Democrat administration repealed the Glass-Steagall Act, which had been voted in by the Roosevelt administration to counter the 1933 US banking crisis. This meant the end of separating deposit banks from business banks and accelerated the deregulation process that led to the 2000-2001 and 2007-2008 crises. In Greece, the government supported private banks (which decreased return on deposits) through an aggressive communication campaign to prompt middle-class households, companies and pension funds to invest on the stock market; so the government did not tax capital gains. This casino-like kind of economy resulted in a stock-market bubble that burst in 2000, with tragic losses for many households, small and medium-sized companies and the pension scheme, which had invested heavily. |8| We also have to keep in mind that the stock-market bubble made it possible for rich investors to launder their dirty money.

Rise in Greek private and public debt from 2000-2001 

Private debt increased hugely in the first decade of the new millennium. Lured by the very attractive conditions offered by banks and the whole private commercial sector (mass retail, the automobile and construction industries, etc.), households went massively into debt, as did the non-financial companies. Moreover the shift to the euro |9| had led to a significant increase in the cost of living in a country where buying basic food takes up about half of a family’s budget.

This private debt was the driving force of the Greek economy as it was in Spain, Ireland, Portugal, Slovenia and other countries of the former Eastern bloc that joined the EU. Thanks to a strong euro, Greek banks (and Greek branches of foreign banks) could expand their international activities and cheaply finance their national activities. They took out loans with a vengeance. The graph below (Fig. 1) shows that Greece’s accession to the Eurozone in 2001 boosted an inflow of financial capital, in the form of loans or portfolio investments (Non-FDI in the chart, i.e. inflows which do not correspond to long-term investments) while long-term investments (FDI–Foreign Direct Investment) remained stagnant.

Figure 1 – Flow of financial capital into Greece (1999-2009)

In $ million. Source: IMF |10|

With the vast amounts of liquidity made available by the central banks in 2007-2009, Western European banks (above all the German and French banks, but also the Belgian, Dutch, British, Luxembourg and Irish banks) as well as Swiss and US banks lent extensively to Greece (to the private sector and to the public authorities). One must also take into account that the accession of Greece to the euro bolstered the faith of Western European bankers, who thought that the big European countries would come to their aid in case of a problem. They did not worry about Greece’s ability to repay the capital they loaned and considered that they could take very high risks in Greece. History seems to have proved them right so far: the European Commission and, in particular, the French and German governments have given their unfailing support to the private banks of Western Europe. But in allowing the socialization of the banks’ losses, European governments have placed their own public finances in a critical position.

In the chart below (Fig. 2) we see that the countries of Western Europe first increased their loans to Greece between December 2005 and March 2007 (during this period, the volume of loans grew by 50%, from less than 80 billion to 120 billion dollars). After the subprime crisis started in the United States, loans increased dramatically once again (+33%) between June 2007 and the summer of 2008 (from 120 to 160 billion dollars). Then they stayed at a very high level (about 120 billion dollars). This means that the private banks of Western Europe used the money which was lent in vast quantities and at low cost by the European Central Bank and the US Federal Reserve in order to increase their own loans to countries such as Greece. |11| Over there, where the rates were higher, they could make juicy profits. Private banks are therefore largely responsible for Greece’s excessive debt.

Figure 2 – Evolution of Western European banks’ exposure to Greece
(in billions of dollars)

Source: BIS consolidated statistics, ultimate risk basis (from Costas Lapavitsas et al. The Eurozone Between Austerity and Default)

As shown in the following pie-chart (Fig. 3), Greek debts are overwhelmingly held by European banks, mostly French, German, Italian, Belgian, Dutch, Luxembourg and British.

Figure 3– Foreign holders (almost exclusively foreign banks and other financial companies) of Greek debt securities (end of 2008 |12| )

Source: CPIS in Costas Lapavitsas et al. The Eurozone Between Austerity and Default

A survey conducted by Barclays on Greece’s external debt in the third term of 2009 shows that the distribution was approximately the same (note that the currency used below is the US dollar). |13| The next graph (Fig. 4) is particularly interesting in that it shows that large French insurance groups were highly exposed, as were Luxembourg-based hedge funds. |14|

Figure 4 – Creditors of the Greek debt
Greece’s public debt amounted to about $390 billion by the end of the third term of 2009. Close to three quarters of that debt is held by foreign institutions, the majority of them European.

Source: New York Times

In a book published in 2016, Yanis Varoufakis describes what led German, French and other foreign private banks to make massive loans to Eurozone countries of the European Periphery, with their governments’ support. According to Varoufakis, once they felt sure countries of the Periphery would not leave the Eurozone, French and German bankers started treating all borrowing countries as presenting exactly the same level of risk, or of solvability, which was nonsense. Worse still, since they knew they would get their money back, they soon found out that “it was more lucrative to lend to persons, companies and banks of deficit member States than to German or Austrian customers” since in those countries people “displayed the deep-seated aversion to debt that recent memory of poverty engenders.” Indeed ideal customers (borrowers) are not yet indebted and have some personal property such as “a farmhouse or an apartment in Naples, Athens or Andalusia.”

Varoufakis relies on information gathered during a conversation he had in 2011 with a man called Franz, who worked for a German bank. Franz, he writes, “went to some lengths to impress upon me the suddenness and force with which his bank targeted the European Periphery. Its new business plan was straightforward: to secure a higher share of the Eurozone market than other banks, the French banks in particular, which were also on a lending spree.” Those countries with a significant trade imbalance offered bankers three major advantages: (1) there was room for a lot of lending; (2) exports to deficit countries “were now immune to devaluations of the defunct, weaker currencies”; (3) they could charge much higher interest rates in deficit countries since interest rates indicate the price of money, and money is cheaper in exporting countries such as Germany than in importing countries such as Greece. |15|

A private credit bubble caused by Greek and foreign banks with government complicity

The Greek banks pushed their customers to borrow massively to finance their consumption. As the graph in Fig. 4 shows, household loans increased fivefold between 2001 and 2008; whereas business loans increased two and a half fold. On the other hand, over the same period, Greek banks reduced their loans to public administrations.

Figure 5 – Credit to domestic residents by Greek banks (2001-2008)

Source: Bank of Greece

The big increase in Greek household, business and financial company debt is visible in Fig. 6 where the graph shows how total Greek debt developed between 1997 and 2009 alongside the reduction of public debt from 70 to 42%.

Figure 6 – Greek debt by sector of issuer (% of total) 
NB pour la mise en ligne il faut aller prendre le graphique original dans l’étude de Lapavitsas afin que la légende dans le graph soit en anglais

Source: Bank of Greece, QEDS, IMF (from Costas Lapavitsas et al.The Eurozone Between Austerity and Default)

Table 1 clearly shows the big increase in bank lending to households and business.

Table 1. Bank lending tendencies to households and business between 12/1998 and 12/2010 (in millions of euros).

Source : Bank of Greece |16|

Table 2 shows that the increase in deposits was much inferior to the increase in credit shown in Table 1.

Table 2. Deposit and repurchase agreement tendencies of households and businesses in Greece between December 1998 and December 2010 (in million of Euros).

Source : Bank of Greece

In 1998, deposits on bank accounts were more than twice the amount of the loans that banks had granted to private-sector activities, an indication of a healthy situation. By 2008 the situation had seriously deteriorated: deposits were far less than the sums on loan. |17| The Greek Banks had taken advantage of the easy money supplied by French, German and other foreign banks.

Greek banks increased their borrowing from foreign banks six-and-a-half fold, from €12.3 billion to €78.6 billion, between 2002 and 2009. If we include other private external sources of financing (investment funds, money-market funds, insurance companies) the respective figures are €19 billion and €112 billion.

And that’s not all: the Greek banks were short-term borrowers on foreign interbank markets (what is more, most of the deposits in Greek banks were short-term and of course, as we have seen, they were also among the financial resources into which banks dipped) in order to finance medium- and long-term loans to their borrowers, especially for property purchase and development, or for durable goods (such as household equipment or cars), making them vulnerable to the tendencies of the financial markets and movements of deposit withdrawals.

However, this deterioration undermining banks’ balance sheets was not at all reflected by their profitability curves. In 2005, according to a study by the Greek Central Bank, banking profits had gone up by 198%, whilst their taxes decreased by 18.8%. The ROE |18| reached the extraordinary ratio of 26% while the European Union average was 17.4%.

This short-term profiteering attracted the attention of French banks, which took over Greek banks in order to facilitate and stimulate their investments in what they considered to be a new Eldorado. |19| In March 2004, Société Générale acquired a majority holding (50.01%) in the Banque Générale de Grèce, which was renamed Geniki Bank. In August 2006 Crédit Agricole S.A. took over Emporiki Bank S.A. In a press release at the time, Georges Pauget, CEO of Crédit Agricole S.A., justified the move by saying “…this acquisition […] gives us access to a growing market in a rapidly expanding region”. |20| René Carron, Chairman of Crédit Agricole S.A., declared: “I’m delighted with the success of the Emporiki offer and would like to express my thanks to the Greek government and other shareholders for showing their confidence and support for this offer. This transaction is a major step in our international strategy and will contribute to our objective to increase our net banking income on non-French operations”.

The announcement by the government, at the beginning of 2005, that construction resulting from building permits issued after 1st October 2006 would no longer be exempt from VAT, created a building boom accompanied by an explosion in the number of mortgage loans that overtook the whole country – even though housing demand was amply satisfied. According to the statistics office, ELSTAT, in 2001, the country had 11 million inhabitants for 5.4 million homes, 1.4 million of which were unoccupied. This contributed to the private-loan speculative bubble. |21| In 2011, there were 6.4 million homes, of which 2.5 million were unoccupied. |22|

The banks weakened during 2008-2009 because of the excessive risks they took and the credit bubble they caused

In September-October 2008, following the failure of Lehman Bros. in the US and the effects on Western European banks (failures in Belgium, Germany, Iceland, Ireland and the UK), mutual confidence between banks evaporated and interbank loans stopped completely – a phenomenon they called a “credit crunch” –, which put the highly dependent Greek banks into very hot water. Their shares plummeted during the second half of 2008 to levels 20% below their early 2007 quotations. At the same time the interest demanded for their borrowings increased by 500 base points – that is, 5%. |23|

The Greek banks only survived thanks to liquidities made available by the Bank of Greece under ECB rules that provide for massive cash-flow to all the Eurozone banks. (The same practice is followed by the Fed, the Bank of England and the Swiss central bank).

In the following graph (Fig. 7) the green line shows how the tendencies of the Greek banks to use this Eurosystem funding evolved. |24|

Figure 7 – Exposure of Greek banks to the government and liabilities to the BoG, in billions of Euros (2007-2010)

Source: Bank of Greece.

Nevertheless, changing the principal sources of funding is not particular to Greece – the same phenomenon has been noted in most Eurozone countries and beyond. Central banks became the favourite money supplier to private banks through 2008-2009.

In October 2008 the Greek banks were in crisis; the Karamanlis Government announced a €28 billion bail-out plan, of which €3.5 billion were used to recapitalize the banks and the remainder served as guarantees for further borrowing from the Central Bank. At the same time depositors were reassured in order to avoid a run on the banks (massive withdrawals that could cause banks to fail). These policies are not exceptional. As much in the US as in Europe, including Switzerland, governments have been providing massive capital and guarantees that have greatly increased public debt without durably improving the health of the banking sector.

Many Belgian, British, Dutch, French, German, Swiss and North American banks received substantial public aid through 2008-2009 and beyond. Between October 2008 and September 2012, total aid granted by the European Commission reached €5,059.9 billion – that is, 40.3% of EU GDP. According to an estimation by Professor James Felkerson, the US Fed granted aid to the tune of $29,614.4 billion to US and non-US banks.

In 2008, the Greek banks, along with their Cypriot, Portuguese and Spanish counter-parts, were not considered to be under threat, because unlike the banks in the US and the most developed European economies, they had not taken massive positions in the structured financial products that shook the US and Northern and Western European banking system to its foundations.

However, the banks in the peripheral Eurozone countries, too, were actually on the verge of defaulting and their governments did not have the resources needed to come to their rescue as effectively as the governments of the central economies and the United States had.

The particularities of the Greek banks

One of the particularities of the Greek banking situation is the combination of weak equity and an increase in credit repayment defaults.

In March 2009, the Greek banks’ equity totalled €28.9 billion – no more than 6.2% of their balance sheet, which totalled €473.1 billion. Loan loss reserves amounted to only €7.2 billion, much less than the amount necessary to cover the actual risk. In fact reserves amounted to only 3% of the €217.1 billion in loans granted, whereas the ratio of “Non-Performing Loans” (NPLs) was 6%. |25|

The insufficiency of assets was caused by paying oversized dividends to private shareholders between 2005 and 2008 (see above).

According to a memo in the European Parliament, bad debt risks had increased to 43.5% in Greece, in September 2015, and 50% in Cyprus.

The amount of dubious debt in the Eurozone on 30 September 2015

The international crisis that badly hit the Greek economy in 2009 fragilized households and small businesses in particular to point where more and more fell into debt repayment arrears.

Bank deposits had become markedly inferior to outstanding loans, private cash-flow from banks and other financial institutions stopped, arrears increased, property prices slumped and capital fled (organized by, or at least with the complicity of, the banks), the Greek banks’ positions became inextricable. This was the consequence of the dangerous adventures that the Greek banks had entered upon with the complicity of the Greek government and under the laissez-faire attitude of the European regulatory authorities.

The reaction of the Greek banks to the crisis, which they had largely provoked themselves, and to the international recession affecting the Greek economy, aggravated the situation. Whereas the Central Bank made liquidities available to Greek banks under the pretext that they would be made available to households and businesses in order to stimulate the economy, the banks used these sums in entirely different ways, as the following graph, in Fig. 8, shows.

Figure 8. Greece, domestic credit growth, 2009 – 2015

Source: Bank of Greece

The Greek banks cut off lending to households and non-financial companies (made up mostly of the self-employed or of small- and average-size companies with no more than ten staff members |26|), who were in need of funds to finance their debt repayments, thus worsening their already dire difficulties. Of course, it must not be forgotten that the austerity policies imposed by the Troika and the Greek government from 2010 had already reduced household and small business incomes, pushing them further towards payment defaults.

The criminal practices of the Greek banks were even worse than those of the Northern and Western European banks. Here are a few noteworthy examples brought to light by Daniel Munevar:

In the case of the now-defunct Hellenic PostBank it is estimated that between 2006 and 2012 it lent around €500 million to prominent businessmen without securing any type of guarantee. |27| Eventually, once they became NPLs, the losses associated with them were directly passed on to the taxpayers. At the time, Alexis Tsipras denounced the bank scandal as a triangle of corruption involving leading companies, banks and political parties that exchange favours. |28| In the case of another defunct bank, the Agricultural Bank of Greece, it is now estimated that between 2000 and 2012 it extended 1,300 loans for a value close to €5 billion. |29| These loans were extended without any type of guarantee and were provided to government supporters in what amounted to a patron/client relationship.3 |30|

As scandalous as the above examples might be, probably the most iconic case of the corruption and excesses that characterized the Greek banking system before the crisis was that of the Marfin Popular Bank (MPB). In 2006, Marfin Investment Group (MIG), a Greek-based investment group led by Andreas Vgenepoulos, bought a minority stake at Laiki Bank in Cyprus. After this transaction was completed, Laiki was transformed into a new entity, MPB. Vgenopolous then took the decision to undertake an IPO of MIG. To ensure the success of the initial offering, Vgenepoulos, who was a member of the boards of both companies, used more than €700 million in loans provided by MPB to support the initial price of the share offering of MIG in 2007. |31| By 2010, it is estimated that MPB had provided €1.8 billion in loans to entities related to MIG in Greece in what amounted to a clear conflict of interest. |32| Even though the BoG conducted an audit in 2009 that identified these problems and raised further questions regarding the management of the bank, the regulators did nothing to address these issues. By the time the Cypriot authorities took over the bank in 2011 it was estimated that MPB had a loan portfolio in Greece of 12 billion euros, most of it of dubious quality. |33| According to the Chairman appointed by the Cypriot authorities, Michael Sarris, the “single most important factor” dissuading investors from helping recapitalize the bank was not sovereign bonds but concern that further losses in the loan portfolio in Greece could materialize. |34|

Dramatizing public indebtedness and the deficit protects the interests of the private Greek and foreign banks who are responsible for the crisis

If we believe the rhetoric prevailing at the international level, the Memorandum of Understanding of 2010 constitutes the only possible response to Greece’s public-finance crisis. According to this deliberately misleading explanation, the Greek State supposedly gave Greeks the benefit of a generous system of social protection |35| in spite of the fact that they were paying no taxes (Christine Lagarde, remember, as Managing Director of the IMF, had stated that Greeks were paying almost no taxes – neglecting to point out that wage earners and retired persons in Greece have their taxes withheld at source3 |36|). For these facile moralizers, it was irresponsible public expenditure that supposedly led to a dramatic increase in public debt and the deficit. According to their narrative, the financial markets eventually became aware of the danger and refused to continue to finance Greece’s irresponsibility. Following that refusal, the narrative goes, the European governments, the ECB, the European Commission and the IMF decided, in a burst of generosity, to join together to come to the aid of the Greek people, even though they did not deserve such generosity, and at the same time defend the permanence of the Eurozone and the European Union.
In reality, as the Preliminary Report of the Truth Committee on the Greek Public Debt showed, the real cause of the crisis was the private banking sector, both domestic and foreign, and not public debt. Private debt was much larger than public debt.

Late in 2009, the Greek banks had to repay €78 billion in short-term debt to foreign banks, and if the other foreign financial entities (such as Money Market Funds |37| and investment funds) who had granted loans are taken into account, the amount to be repaid was in fact a total €112 billion. Remember that starting in September-October 2008, interbank lending had largely dried up. The Greek banks were able to continue to repay their external creditors at least in part thanks to the line of credit extended by the ECB and the Central Bank of Greece (see Figure 7 above – Exposure of Greek banks to the government and liabilities to the BoG, in billions of Euros (2007-2010)

Loans to the Greek banks from the ECB/Greek Central Bank varied between €40 and 55 billion. That represented between 6% and 8% of the line of credit extended by the ECB, whereas the Greek banks accounted for only 2% of assets in the Eurozone.

The directors of the ECB implied in Autumn 2009 that they planned to end that line of credit. |38| This caused a great deal of anxiety on the part of foreign creditors of the Greek banks and the Greek bankers themselves. Should the Greek banks not be able to continue repaying their debts to the foreign banks, a serious crisis could ensue. According to the major private foreign creditors of the Greek banks, the only solution that could avoid a failure of the Greek banks (and the losses that would have caused for the foreign banks) was for the State to recapitalize them and grant them guarantees for an amount well in excess of what was made available beginning in October 2008. That also implied that the ECB would maintain the line of credit it had extended them. George Papandreou, who had just handily won the legislative elections on 4 October 2009, realized that the Greek government alone would not have the resources to save the Greek bankers despite his good will towards (not to say complicity with) them. His opponents in New Democracy, who had just lost the elections, felt the same.

Instead of making those who were responsible, both in Greece and abroad (that is, the private shareholders, the board members of the banks, and the foreign banks and other financial entities who had contributed to generating the speculative bubble) bear the cost of the banking crisis, Papandreou dramatized the public debt and the deficit in order to justify an external intervention aimed at bringing in sufficient capital to face the situation the banks were in. The Papandreou government falsified the statistics on Greece’s debt – not in order to reduce it (as the prevailing narrative claims) but in fact to increase it (see the Box on Falsification). He wanted to spare the foreign (principally French and German) banks heavy losses and protect the private shareholders and top executives of the Greek banks.
He made the choice of resorting to “international aid” under the deceitful pretext of “solidarity” because he was sure he could never convince his electorate to make sacrifices in order to protect the big French and German banks… and Greek bankers.

Falsification of public deficit and public debt

After the Parliamentary Elections of 2009 (4/10/2009), the newly elected government of George Papandreou illegally revised and increased both the public deficit and debt for the period before the Memorandum of 2010. |39|

Hospital liabilities
The public deficit estimation of 2009 was increased through several revisions: the public deficit as a share of GDP increased from 11.9% in the first revision to 15.8% in the last.

One of the most shocking examples of falsification of the public deficit is related to the public hospitals’ liabilities.

In Greece, as in the rest of the EU, suppliers traditionally provide public hospitals with pharmaceuticals and medical equipment. Due to the required invoice validation procedures required by the Court of Audit, these items are paid after the date of delivery. In September 2009, a large number of non-validated hospital liabilities for the years 2005-2008 was identified, even though there was not a proper estimation of their value. On the 2nd of October 2009, within the usual Eurostat procedures, the National Statistical Service of Greece (NSSG) sent to Eurostat the deficit and debt notification tables. Based on the hospital survey traditionally carried out by the NSSG, these included an estimate of the outstanding hospital liabilities of €2.3 billion. On a 21stOctober notification, this amount was increased by €2.5 billion. Thus, total liabilities increased to €4.8 billion. The European authorities initially contested this new amount given the suspicious procedures under which it was compiled:

“In the 21st October notification, an amount of €2.5 billion was added to the government deficit of 2008 on top of the €2.3 billion. This was done according to the Greek authorities under a direct instruction from the Ministry of Finance, in spite of the fact that the real total amount of hospital liabilities is still unknown, that there was no justification to impute this amount only in 2008 and not in previous years as well, and that the NSSG had voiced its dissent on the issue to the GAO [General Account Office] and to the MOF [Ministry of Finance]. This is to be considered as a wrong methodological decision taken by the GAO.” |40|

However, in April 2010, based on the Greek government’s “Technical Report on the Revision of Hospital Liabilities” (3/2/2010), |41| Eurostat not only gave in to Greece’s new government demands about the contested amount of €2.5 billion, but also included an additional €1.8 billion. Thus, the initial amount of €2.3 billion, according to the Notification Table of the 2nd October 2009, was increased to €6.6 billion, despite the fact that the Court of Audit had only validated €1.2 billion out of the total. The remaining €5.4 billion of unproven hospital liabilities increased the public deficit of 2009 and that of previous years.

These statistical practices for the accounting of hospital liabilities clearly contravene European Regulations (see ESA95 par. 3.06, EC No. 2516/2000 Article 2, Commission Reg. EC No. 995/2001) and the European Statistics Code of Practice, especially regarding the principles of independence of statistical measurements, statistical objectivity and reliability.

It is important to highlight that a month and a half after the illegal increase of the public deficit, the Ministry of Finance called the suppliers and asked them to accept a 30% discount on the liabilities for the 2005-2008 period. Thus, a large part of hospital liabilities was never paid to pharmaceutical suppliers by the Greek government, while the discount was never reflected in official statistics. |42|

Public corporations
One of several falsification cases concerns 17 public corporations (DEKO). In 2010 ELSTAT |43| and Eurostat transferred the liabilities of the 17 DEKO from the Non-financial Corporations sector to the General Government sector. This increased public debt in 2009 by €18.2 billion.

This group of corporations had been classified as Non-Financial Corporations after Eurostat had verified and approved their inclusion in this category. It is important to emphasize that there were no changes in the ESA95 classificatory rules between 2000 and 2010.

The reclassification took place without carrying out the required studies; it also took place at night after the ELSTAT Board had left. In this way the president of ELSTAT was able to introduce the changes without questions from the Board members. Thus, the role of the national experts was completely ignored, in total contravention of ESA95 Regulations. Consequently, the institutionally established criteria for the reclassification of an economic unit under the General Government sector was infringed. |44|

Goldman Sachs swaps
Another case of unsubstantiated increase of public debt in 2009 is related to the statistical treatment of swaps with Goldman Sachs. The one-person ELSTAT leadership increased the public debt by €21 billion. This amount was distributed ad hoc over the four financial years from 2006 to 2009. This was a retroactive increase of Greece’s public debt and was done in contradiction of EC Regulations.

In total, it is estimated that as a result of these technically unsupported adjustments, the budget deficit for 2009 was increased by an estimated 6 to 8 percentage points of GDP. Likewise, public debt was increased by a total of €28 billion.

We consider the falsification of statistical data as directly related to the dramatization of the budget and public debt situation. This was done in order to convince public opinion in Greece and Europe to support the bail-out of the Greek economy in 2010 with all its catastrophic conditionalities for the Greek population. The European parliaments voted on the “rescue” of Greece based on falsified statistical data. The banking crisis was underestimated by an overestimation of the public sector’s economic problems.

As for European leaders like Angela Merkel and Nicolas Sarkozy, who had already implemented plans to bail out private banks in their respective countries in 2008, they agreed to launch a programme that was purportedly to “aid Greece” (and which was to be followed by programmes of the same type in Ireland, Portugal and Spain) and under which the private banks in their countries could be paid with public funds. Repayment of the bail-out of bankers, then, would be done on the backs of the Greek people (and the peoples of the peripheral countries who would get caught up in the same system). |45| All this on the pretext of aiding Greece out of solidarity. The “aiding Greece” narrative is nothing but a sordid and deceitful cover-story to hide what was in reality socialisation of the banks’ losses. The Truth Committee on the Greek Public Debt, in its Preliminary Report of June 2015, threw light on the mechanism that was put in place starting in 2010 (see in particular Chapters 2, 3 and 4).

Yanis Varoufakis denounces the swindle in his own words: “But this was not a bail-out. Greece was never bailed out. Nor were the rest of Europe’s swine—or PIIGS as Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain became collectively branded. Greece’s bail-out, then Ireland’s, then Portugal’s, then Spain’s were rescue packages for, primarily, French and German banks.” (…) “The problem here was that Chancellor Merkel and President Sarkozy could not imagine going back, once more, to their parliaments for more money for their banker chums. So they did the next best thing: they went to their parliaments invoking the cherished principle of solidarity with Greece, then Ireland, then Portugal and finally Spain.”4 |46|

Yet an alternative was possible, and necessary. Following their win in the 2009 elections thanks to a campaign during which they denounced the neoliberal policies of New Democracy, the Papandreou government, had it wanted to make good on its campaign promises, would have had to socialize the banking sector by organizing an orderly failure and protecting depositors. Several historical examples demonstrate that organizing such a failure and then starting up financial services again to operate in the interests of the population would have been quite possible. They should have taken the example of what had been done in Iceland since 2008 |47| and in Sweden and Norway in the 1990s. |48| Instead, Papandreou chose to follow the scandalous and catastrophic example of the Irish government, which bailed out the bankers in 2008 and in September 2010 agreed to a European aid plan that had dramatic consequences for Ireland’s people. When in fact what was needed was to go even farther than Iceland and Sweden and completely and permanently socialize the financial sector. The foreign banks and private Greek shareholders should have been made to bear the losses stemming from resolving the banking crisis and those responsible for the banking disaster should have been prosecuted. That would have allowed Greece to avoid the successive Memoranda that have subjected the Greek people to a dramatic humanitarian crisis and to humiliation, without any of it resulting in truly cleaning up the Greek banking system. The chart below shows the evolution of payment defaults on credits and throws light on why the situation of the Greek banks remains highly precarious, whereas their directors have faced no legal consequences and most of them have remained in their positions since the crisis began. In Iceland, remember, several bankers went to prison.

Figure 9 – Greece, evolution of NPLs as% of total loans, 2009 – 2015

Source: IMF

NPLs increased greatly between 2010 and 2015 for three main reasons:

  1. Banks were not forced to recognize losses (which would have amounted to cancellation of the debts).
  2. The brutal austerity imposed by the Troika, by radically reducing the income of the majority of the population and causing the failure of hundreds of thousands of small and medium companies, made it impossible for a growing number of households and SMEs to continue repaying their debts.
  3. The banks’ decision to stop granting new loans or refinancing existing ones only encouraged households and companies to default on repayment.

Why private banks want to purchase public debt 

The fable according to which the weakness or crisis of private banks is brought about by too high a level of public debt and the risk of suspension of payment by States does not hold up against the facts.

Since the EU has been in existence, not a single member State has gone into payment default, despite the fact that the list of banking crises gets longer every day.

On the other hand, what the dominant media and governments don’t tell us is that for private banks, lending to a State is highly profitable and free of risk. Added to that is the fact that the more sovereign debt a bank holds, the easier it is for it to comply with the rules set by the regulatory authorities. That point requires a technical explanation.

To adhere to the rules that were in force in 2008-2009, the Greek banks, like all European banks, needed to prove that their equity amounted to 8% of their assets. But, as said earlier, in March 2009 their equity only totalled 6.2% of their assets. To reach the 8% required by the authorities, they began buying sovereign debt.

In calculating that ratio of 8%, the regulatory authorities allow banks to weight the assets they hold according to the risk they represent. Sovereign debt held by banks is considered less risky than debt with private individuals or companies. That being the case, banks have every interest in lending more to public authorities than to private individuals or companies, and especially SMEs, which are considered riskier than major corporations. Of course, they can decide to lend to private individuals and SMEs anyway, but when they do they’ll demand very high interest rates.

That’s why, beginning in late 2008 and 2009, the Greek banks continued to increase their lending to the Greek government while at the same time gradually cutting off new loans to households and SMEs. Between 31 December 2008 and 31 December 2010, the Greek banks increased loans to the Greek public authorities by 15%, which proves that they considered such loans more secure.

The next illustration shows why banks who wanted to prove their robustness had every interest in buying public securities rather than continuing to grant loans to households and private individuals.

The illustration above represents the assets of a bank before and after weighting for risks. The column on the left represents the actual assets held by the bank – that is, the loans it has granted. In the example given, which corresponds to an observed average, for 4 units of equity (the capital), the bank lent 100 units to private individuals, companies, States, etc.
For each of these categories of assets, the bank will apply weighting for risk and rely on that weighting to determine its ratio between equity and the total assets on its books. For example, loans to private individuals are weighted at 75%, which means that out of 28 units lent, only 21 will be counted in the weighted balance sheet. As a general rule, loans to States (sovereign debt securities) are weighted at 0% – in other words, they count for 0 on the weighted balance sheet! In fact, only loans to SMEs and companies that are rated low by the rating agencies are accounted for in their entirety, and even for more than they actually represent (weighting is 150% for companies rated below BB-).

Since the regulatory authorities take a bank’s weighted assets as the basis for determining whether it is keeping to the rules, it is in the bank’s best interests to lend to States rather than companies. This enables it to “deflate” its adjusted balance without affecting the true amount of loans granted, which are how it makes part of its profit.

Thus a bank with equity of only 4% of its assets can declare that the ratio actually comes to 10%, if there are enough public debts on its books. This will earn it praise from the regulatory authorities. |49|

All this explains the trajectory of the blue line in the graph we’ve already used. (See Figure 7 – Exposure of Greek banks to the government and liabilities to the BoG, in billions of Euros (2007-2010) above).
A sharp increase in the amount of credit extended by Greek banks to the government can be seen after September 2008. Previously fluctuating between €30 and 40 billion, it suddenly rose to over €60 billion by March 2010.
Note that before the speculative attacks on Greece began, it was able to borrow at very low interest rates. Mainly banks, but other institutional investors (such as insurance companies and pension funds) too, were falling over each other to lend it money.

This is how it came about that on 13 October 2009 Greece issued three-month Treasury bonds (T-Bills) with a very low yield of 0.35%. On the same day it issued six-month bonds at a rate of 0.59%. Seven days later on 20 October 2009, Greece issued one-year bonds yielding 0.94% |50|. Not until less than six months before the Greek crisis broke out did the foreign banks turn off the credit tap. The credit-rating agencies attributed a good rating to Greece and the banks which were lending to it, left, right and centre. Ten months later, to issue six-month bonds it had to commit to a yield of 4.65%, that is, eight times higher than before. This was a fundamental change of circumstances. In September 2009, the Greek Treasury issued six-year bonds at 3.7%, a yield close to those of Belgium or France, and not very far from Germany’s. |51|

There is one highly significant indication of the banks’ responsibility. In 2009, they demanded a lower yield from Greece than in 2008. In June-July-August 2008, before the shock produced by Lehman Brothers’ bankruptcy, the rate was four times higher than in October 2009. In the fourth quarter of 2009, yields reached their lowest point when loans of less than one year fell to below 1%. |52| Why were banks demanding lower yields when they should have realized that the risks were accumulating and Greece’s situation deteriorating?

The graph below shows that Greek and German interest-rates were very close between 2007 and July 2008. After that date, the rate paid by Greece can be seen to increase during the fourth quarter of 2008, after the government had announced its first plan to rescue Greek banks. (The markets then considered that the risks on public debt were higher, seeing that the authorities were willing to increase public debt to bail out the Greek banks.) From that moment on, German and Greek rates followed completely opposite trajectories. It is extraordinary to see that the rate paid out by Greece fell between March and November 2009, when the real situation of Greek banks and the international economic crisis which hit Greece so hard from 2009 (i.e. later than for the stronger countries of the Eurozone) should have led international and Greek banks to demand risk premiums. It was only after November 2009, when Papandreou decided to dramatize the situation and to falsify the public debt statistics, that the rates rose dramatically.

Figure 10 – Germany and Greece, 10-yr government bond yields (2007-2010)

Source: St Louis Fed.

This may seem irrational, as it is not normal for a private bank to lower interest rates at a time of major international crisis, and to a country like Greece that is getting rapidly indebted. However it is logical from the point of view of a banker seeking to maximize immediate profits and convinced that in case of difficulty, the government will bail out his bank. After Lehman Brothers failed, the governments of the USA and Europe made available enormous amounts of liquidities to bail out the banks and kick-start credit and economic activity. Bankers seized this manna of capital to lend it to EU countries like Greece, Portugal, Spain and Italy, certain that in case of trouble, the European Central Bank (ECB) and the European Commission (EC) would come to their aid. From their point of view, they were right.

There is no denying that banks literally threw capital at countries like Greece (including lowering the interest-rates that they demanded), so determined were they that the money they were getting in massive quantities from the public authorities should be placed as loans to Eurozone States.

To go back to the concrete example mentioned above: when on the 20th October 2009 the Greek government sold three-month T-Bills with a yield of 0.35%, it was trying to raise the sum of €1,500 million. Greek and foreign banks along with other investors proposed €7,040 million, or almost five times that amount. Finally, the government decided to borrow €2,400 million. It is thus no exaggeration to claim that the bankers sought to lend as much as possible to a country like Greece.

Now let us go back over the sequence of increases in loans from Western European bankers to Greece over the period 2005-2009 as presented at the beginning of this study. The banks of Western European countries increased their loans to Greece (both in the public and private sectors) for the first time between December 2005 and March 2007. During this period, the volume of loans increased by 50%, from just below 80 billion to 120 billion dollars. Even though the subprime crisis had broken out in the USA, loans saw another sharp increase (+33%) between June 2007 and the summer of 2008 (from 120 to 160 billion dollars), thereafter remaining at a very high level (of about 120 billion dollars). The debts called in from Greece by foreign and Greek banks as a consequence of such frankly adventurous policies are marked by illegitimacy. The banks should have been forced to assume the risks they had taken.

The rescue of foreign and Greek banks thanks to the 2010 Memorandum 

The work of the Truth Committee on Greek Public Debt made evident the true motives of the Troika at the time of the First Memorandum in May 2010. The hearing of Panagiotis Roumeliotis helped to set the record straight. Roumeliotis had been a close advisor to the former PASOK Prime Minister Papandreou, a former Greek negotiator with the IMF and a personal friend of Dominique Strauss-Kahn, former chairman of the IMF, whom he met when he was a student in Paris. A few days before the hearing, I had had a private interview with Roumeliotis where I had informed him that I was in possession of secret IMF documents, including notes of a meeting that had been declassified by the Speaker of Parliament. Because they were very compromising, they had been hidden by the former Speaker of the Greek Parliament when they should have been included in an enquiry by the former government into financial delinquency. The documents proved that the decision by the IMF on 9 May 2010 to lend €30 billion to Greece (32 times the sum normally available to the country) was, as clearly expressed by several executive directors, primarily aimed at getting French and German banks out of trouble. This was clearly denounced by the IMF representatives from Brazil and Switzerland! |53| In reply to these objections the representatives from France, Germany and the Netherlands conveyed to the Board the commitments of their countries’ banks to support Greece and broadly maintain their exposure. This is what the French executive said during the meeting: “There was a meeting earlier in the week between the major French banks and my Minister, Ms. Lagarde. |54| I would like to stress what was released at the end of this meeting, which is a statement in which these French banks commit to maintain their exposure to Greece over the lifetime of the programme”. The German executive director said: “(…) these [German] banks basically want to maintain a certain exposure to the Greek banks, which means that they will not sell Greek bonds and they will maintain credit lines to Greece. When these credit lines expire, they will at least in part be renewed”. The Dutch executive director also made promises: “The Dutch banks, in consultation with our Minister of Finance, have had discussions and have publicly announced they will play their part in supporting the Greek government and the Greek banks”. |55|

It has become clear that these three directors deliberately lied to their colleagues to get the loan granted. |56| The loan was not made with the intention of aiding the Greek economy or the Greek people. The money was used to repay French, German and Dutch banks that between them held more than 70% of Greek debt at the time the decision was made.

Then once they had been paid, the banks stopped lending to Greece and shed their Greek securities on the secondary market Secondary market The market where institutional investors resell and purchase financial assets. Thus the secondary market is the market where already existing financial assets are traded. . The ECB, directed by the Frenchman Trichet, helped by purchasing those securities. The banks did exactly the opposite of what had been promised at the IMF. It must be mentioned that during the same meeting several directors criticized the IMF for changing, in a state of panic, IMF loan conditions. |57| Previously, the IMF could not grant a loan to a country unless the conditions made the debt sustainable. As the IMF directors knew perfectly well that lending €30 billion to Greece would not ease the Greek situation, but on the contrary, probably make it even more unsustainable, the rules were changed. Other criteria were adopted without consultation: henceforth, the IMF lends in order to avoid international banking crises. This proves that the real threat was the failure of the three main French banks (BNP Paribas, Crédit Agricole and Société Générale) and some German banks (Hypo Ral Estate and Commerzbank) which, seeking big profits, had lent too much to both the private sector and the Greek government, without applying normal prudential restraint.

If the IMF and the ECB did not want a reduction of Greek public debt in 2010, it was because the governments of France, Germany, the Netherlands and some other Eurozone countries wanted to give these banks time enough to sell off the Greek securities that they had bought and to generally disengage from Greece. And indeed, the foreign banks did get rid of their securities on Greece between March 2010 and March 2012, the date on which debt reduction finally took place (see below). If the Greek government of the time, under George Papandreou, accepted that the Greek public debt not be reduced at the time of the 2010 Memorandum, it was because it too wanted to give time to the Greek banks to sell off a large portion of their Greek securities which were likely to be devalued later when the French and German banks would have had time to disengage (see below). In any case, Jean-Claude Trichet, the French banker who was president of the ECB at the time, threatened to reduce Greek banks’ access to liquidities if the Greek government asked for debt reduction. That was what Panagiotis Roumeliotis declared at his hearing. |58|

Another criticism of the measures imposed on Greece by the IMF came from the Argentine representative, present at the same meeting in May 2010, who explained that the policies the IMF imposes on Greece cannot work. Pablo Pereira made no bones about what he thought of past and present IMF policies. “Harsh lessons from our own past crises are hard to forget. In 2001, somewhat similar policies were proposed by the Fund in Argentina. The catastrophic consequences are well known. (…) There is an undisputable reality that cannot be contested: a debt that cannot be paid will not be paid without a strong process of sustainable growth. (…) We are also too familiar with the consequences of “structural reforms” or policy adjustments that end up thoroughly curtailing aggregate demand and, thus, prospects of economic recovery. (…) It is very likely that Greece might end up worse off after implementing this programme. The adjustment measures recommended by the Fund will reduce the welfare of its population and Greece’s true repayment capacity.” |59|

On 15 June 2015, Panagiotis Roumeliotis testified before the Committee on this entire affair during the quite exceptional public hearing that lasted eight hours. I questioned him, as did the President of the Hellenic Parliament, and he answered us. Then members of the Committee questioned him and he replied to them. Mr. Roumeliotis’s answers amply confirmed the analysis presented above. Like all other important events in the Hellenic Parliament, the hearing was broadcast live on the parliamentary television channel. Audience ratings shot up.

In my introductory speech to the presentation of the Committee’s work that took place on 17 June I summarized the analysis that we made of the underlying reasons why the First Memorandum was imposed on the Greek people as from May 2010. The speech is available here. It was very well received.
I would change nothing in this declaration.

History repeats itself

In a study conducted in September 2015 two economists, Carmen Reinhart and Christoph Trebesch, analysed the debt crises that Greece has been through since the 1820s and independence, from the perspective of dependence on external financing |60|. The two authors, academics with a favourable attitude towards the capitalist system, emphasize how the debt crises that have repeatedly hit Greece are mainly the result of inflow of private foreign capital followed by cessation of the flow. They claim that the crisis affecting Greece and other peripheral countries is not a public-debt crisis, but rather a crisis of external debt (p. 1). They draw a parallel with the external debt crisis that affected Latin America in the 1980s, pointing out the symmetry of situation between debtor countries and creditor countries once a crisis has broken. While Greece was plunged into economic depression after 2010, Germany went through a period of growth. Similarly, the countries of Latin America went through deep depression between the time when the crisis struck in 1982 and the early 1990s, while the economy of the United States, as creditor of the Latin American countries, gradually improved (p. 2).

They note that the most prosperous period for the Greek economy was between 1950 and 2000, when financing was mainly based on the country’s internal resources and did not depend on foreigners (p. 2).

On the other hand, they show that at each crisis of external debt that Greece has known (they list four major ones), when the capital flow from external private creditors (that is, banks) has dried up, the governments of several European powers have got together to lend public money to Greece and rescue the foreign banks. The coalition of powers dictated policies to Greece that served their own interests and those of a few big private banks with which they colluded. Each time, the aim of the policies was to free up the fiscal (budgetary) resources required to repay the debt. This meant a reduction in social spending and public investments. Thus through a variety of ways and means, Greece and the Greek people have been denied the exercise of their sovereignty. This is how Greece as a country has been kept subordinate and peripheral. My own historical research on Greek debt since the 1820s |61| reaches conclusions that are not very different. Carmen Reinhart and Christoph Trebesch insist on the need for a very significant reduction of Greek debt and they reject solutions that consist of rescheduling debt repayments (p. 17). For my part, in the present study, I conclude that the debt claimed by the Troika (the IMF, ECB and the European Commission) must be cancelled.


The Greek crisis that broke out in 2010 was caused by bankers (foreign and Greek) and not by excessive public spending on the part of a State supposedly too generous in social terms. The crisis was produced when the private foreign banks turned off the credit tap, firstly in the private sector, then in the public sector. The so-called aid plan for Greece was designed to serve the interests of private bankers and the dominant countries of the Eurozone. The debts claimed from Greece since 2010 are odious, as they were accumulated in the pursuit of objectives that clearly go against the interests of the population. The creditors were fully aware of this and exploited the situation. These debts must be cancelled.

This research examines in depth and confirms what the Greek Debt Truth Committee showed in 2015, both in its preliminary report of June 2015 and its September 2015 report on the Third Memorandum.

The next study will examine the development of the banking crisis between 2010 and 2016, the restructuring of Greece’s debt in March-April 2012 and the recapitalization of the banks.

The author would like to thank the following for reading through the text and making suggestions: Thanos Contargyris, Alexis Cukier, Marie-Laure Coulmin, Romaric Godin, Pierre Gottiniaux, Fotis Goutziomitros, Michel Husson, Nathan Legrand, Ion Papadopoulos, Anouk Renaud, Patrick Saurin, Adonis Zambelis. He also thanks Daniel Munevar, who assisted him in his research and provided a series of graphs.

The author accepts full and sole responsibility for any errors that may occur in this work.

English translation by Snake Arbusto, Vicki Briault, Mike Krolikowski and Christine Pagnoulle


|1| German banks also had to be bailed out with public money, but considering the size of its economy and the resources the government could call upon, Germany was less shattered than other economies.

|2| These financial flows were volatile and speculative in that they were not intended for investment in the productive system of the targeted countries but mainly for consumer credit, mortgages and financial securities.

|3| In Cyprus the crisis broke out in 2012 and led to a Memorandum of Understanding in March 2013.

|4| See…

|5| Papandreou in Greece, Zapatero then Rajoy in Spain, the Irish government, as well as (of course) Merkel, Sarkozy (then Hollande), the governments of the Benelux countries…

|6| Christos Laskos & Euclid Tsakalotos, Crucible of Resistance: Greece, the Eurozone & the World Economic Crisis, Pluto Press, London, 2013, pp. 18-21.

|7| We will see farther on that due to connivance with the Eurozone authorities and successive governments, those four banks achieved control over 98% of the Greek banking market from 2014 onward.

|8| Let us remember that at about the same time in the US, speculation in the dotcom field resulted in the bursting of the Internet (or new technology) bubble from March 2000. In just two years (2000-2001), benefits the 4,300 Nasdaq companies had accumulated since 1995 ($145 billion) disappeared into thin air.

|9| Greece entered the Eurozone on 1 January 2002.

|10| Graph taken from C. Lapavitsas, A. Kaltenbrunner, G. Lambrinidis, D. Lindo, J. Meadway, J. Michell, J.P. Painceira, E. Pires, J. Powell, A. Stenfors, N. Teles: The Eurozone Between Austerity and Default, September 2010, http://www.researchonmoneyandfinanc…

|11| The same phenomenon was in evidence at the same time in Portugal, Spain, Ireland and the Central and Eastern European countries.

|12| As presented in the pie-chart, the main holders of Greek debt securities (i.e. the banks in the countries mentioned) are France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and the UK, while other holders are put together in “Rest of World”. The chart comes from Lapavitsas, op. cit., p. 10.

|13| From an article in the New York Times (29 April 2010): “Germany Already Carrying a Pile of Greek Debt”,… accessed on 1 November 2016.

|14| In the case of Greece, Greek pension funds were highly exposed, which meant a drastic reduction of income for retired people and for the social security system when the Troika enforced a 50% haircut on Greek debt securities in 2012 (see below).

|15| Source: Yanis Varoufakis, And the Weak Suffer What They Must? Europe’s Crisis and America’s Economic Future, Nation Books, 2016, pp. 147-8.

|16| This table and the following are from: Patrick Saurin, “La ‘Crise grecque’, une crise provoquée par les banques” (The ‘Greek Crisis’ a Bank-provoked crisis),… (in French)

|17| The increase in deposits by households and businesses mainly originated not from their own savings but from money lent to them by the banks. In other words the increase in household and small-business deposits is partly a consequence of their higher level of indebtedness.

|18| ROE, Return on Equity, measures the profitability of the equity of a company. It is a ratio that compares the equity to the result.

|19| See: Patrick Saurin, “La ‘Crise grecque’, une crise provoquée par les banques (The “Greek Crisis” a Bank-provoked crisis)”,… (in French). Retrieved 3 November 2016.

|20… Retrieved 3 November 2016

|21| Source: Les Grecs contre l’austérité – Il était une fois la crise de la dette (Greeks Against Austerity – Once Upon A Time There Was A Debt Crisis), collective work, Le Temps des Cerises, Paris, November 2015 (in French)

|22| See:… (in French).

|23| IMF (2009) “Greece: 2009 Article IV Consultation”. IMF Country Report No. 09/244. Retrieved from…

|24| The Eurosystem, of which the European System of Central Banks (ESCB) is a part, is directed by ECB rules, regulations and decisions. To achieve the goals of the ESCB, the ECB and the national Central Banks may intervene on the capital markets, by purchasing or selling on the spot or futures markets, by holding or otherwise managing securities and negotiable bonds in European Community or non-European Community currencies and in precious metals, or they may make credit agreements with other market actors based on appropriate guarantees for credit.
It is prohibited for the ECB or national central banks to grant loans, credit or overdrafts to public institutions or bodies of the European Community, whether they be national administrations, regional or local authorities, other public authorities, other bodies or public companies of member States; it is also prohibited for the ECB or the national central banks to buy the instruments of their own debt from these same institutions. Nevertheless, since 2010-2011 through different programmes, the ECB has been massively purchasing certain such instruments from the private banks, which suits the latter very well. Since 2015, in the framework of ‘quantitative easing’ policies the ECB has again increased its purchases of sovereign debt from private banks.


|26| According to Christos Laskos and Euclide Tsakalotos, of the 879,318 companies recorded (all activities included), 844,917 or 96.1% employed between 1 and 4 individuals! Still, according to the same authors, in 2010, 58.7% of the Greek work force were employed in companies with nine or fewer employees, whereas the EU average is 41.1%. Source: Christos Laskos & Euclid Tsakalotos, Crucible of Resistance: Greece, the Eurozone & the World Economic Crisis, Pluto Press, London, 2013, p. 46.

|27| GreekReporter. (2015). “Hellenic Postbank Scandal will Cost Greek State About 500 mln Euros”. Retrieved February 1, 2016, from…

|28| DW. (2014). “Greek bankers embroiled in corruption scandal”. Retrieved February 1, 2016, from…

|29| Ekathimerini. (2015). “Minister says ATE bank scandal is biggest of its type”. Retrieved February 1, 2016, from…


|31| Reuters. (2012). “Special Report: How a Greek bank infected Cyprus”. Retrieved February 1, 2016, from…

|32| ThePressProject. (2014). “George Provopoulos: the most powerful man in Greece a few months ago, now a suspect in a bank probe”. Retrieved February 1, 2016, from…


|34Op. Cit. 17.

|35| On the Greek pension system, see: Michel Husson, “Pourquoi les réformes des retraites ne sont pas soutenables” (“Why the pension reforms are not sustainable”), published 28 November 2016,… (in French)

|36Le Monde, “Les Grecs se disent ‘humiliés’ par les propos de Christine Lagarde” (Greeks feel ‘humiliated’ by Christine Lagarde’s statements), published 27 May 2012,… (in French)

|37| Money Market Funds (MMF) are financial companies in the USA and Europe, subject to little or no control or regulation since they do not hold banking licences.

|38| Ultimately, under the Memorandum of May 2010, the ECB agreed to allow the Greek banks to continue depositing Greek securities (both treasury bills, with a term of less than one year, and sovereign bonds for more than one year) for credit they would then use to repay their private foreign creditors, which thus afforded the latter total protection. It should be stressed that this line of credit played a very important role. The financial press barely mentioned it.

|39| The text of this Box is drawn from the Preliminary Report of the Truth Committee on the Greek Public Debt, June 2015, Chapter 2,…

|40| European Commission, 2010. Report On Greek Government Deficit And Debt Statistics. Available at: [Accessed June 12, 2015].

|41| Greek Government, 2010. Technical Report on the Revision of Hospital Liabilities.

|42| Press Release. Ministry of Health and Social Solidarity, 2010.

|43| In March of 2010, the office in charge of official statistics, the National Statistical Service of Greece (NSSG), was renamed ELSTAT (Hellenic Statistics Authority).

|44| Among a plethora of breaches of European Law, the following violations are especially and briefly described: the criterion of the legal form and the type of state involvement; the criterion of 50%, especially the requirement of ESA95 (par. 3.47 and 3.48) about subsidies on products; this violation led to false characterization of revenue as production cost; the ESA95 (par. 6.04) about fixed capital consumption; the Regulations about Capital Injections; the ESA95 definition of government-owned trading businesses (often referred to as public corporations) as not belonging to the General Government sector; the ESA95 requirement of a long period of continuous deficits before and after the reclassification of an economic unit.

|45| According to the dominant narrative, the “bail-out of the Greeks” is financed by the taxpayers of the Eurozone or of one country or another, when in reality it is the Greek taxpayers (and more precisely, the ones at the bottom of the ladder, because proportionally it is they who pay the most taxes) who will pay for it. The taxpayers in the other countries are guarantors of part of the credits that were extended to Greece.

|46| Yanis Varoufakis, And the Weak Suffer What They Must?: Europe’s Crisis and America’s Economic Future, Nation Books, 2016

|47| Renaud Vivien, Eva Joly, “Iceland refuses its accused bankers ‘Out of Court’ settlements”, published 2 March 2016,…

|48| Mayes, D. (2009). Banking crisis resolution policy – different country experiences. Central Bank of Norway.…

|49| For more on this, see: Eric Toussaint, Bancocracy, Resistance Books, IIRE/ CADTM, 2015, chapters 8, 9 and 12. See also: Eric Toussaint, “Banks bluff in a completely legal way”, published in English on 4 July 2013,…

|50| Hellenic Republic Public Debt Bulletin, No. 56, December 2009.

|51| On 1 January 2010, before the Greek and the Eurozone crises broke out, Germany had to promise an interest rate of 3.4% on ten-year bonds while by 23 May 2012, the rate for the new issue of ten-year bonds had fallen to 1.4%.

|52| Bank of Greece, Economic Research Department – Secretariat, Statistics Department, Bulletin of Conjunctural Indicators, No. 124, October 2009. Available at

|53| After the Committee had made public the most important of these confidential documents, the totality were made entirely public on line: Office memorandum – Subject: Board meeting on Greece’s request for an SBA – May 9, 2010. The verbatim: “Minutes of IMF Executive Board Meeting”, 9 May, 2010; the report and record of decisions: “Board meeting on Greece’s request for an SBA”, Office memorandum, May 10, 2010.

|54| At the time, Christine Lagarde was still Minister in France’s Sarkozy government. She became the CEO of the IMF in 2011 after Dominique Strauss-Kahn resigned.

|55… 2010/EBM/353745.PDF p.68

|56| See the Office Memorandum of the IMF direction meeting held on 10 May 2010, at the end of point 4 page 3, “The Dutch, French, and German chairs conveyed to the Board the commitments of their commercial banks to support Greece and broadly maintain their exposures.”

|57| See in the Office Memorandum of the IMF direction meeting held on 10 May 2010, point 7 page 3, that quite clearly states that several IMF executives reproached the direction for having quietly changed the rules.

|58| Moreover Trichet adopted exactly the same attitude towards Ireland six months later in November 2010.

|59| From “Minutes of IMF Executive Board Meeting”, May 9, 2010. See the excellent article by Michel Husson,…. (Greece: the IMFs ‘Mistakes’) (in French or Spanish.)

|60| Carmen M. Reinhart and Christoph Trebesch, “The Pitfalls of External Dependence: Greece, 1829-2015”, Brookings Papers, 2015.

|61| Eric Toussaint, “Newly Independent Greece Had an Odious Debt Round Her Neck”, published in English 26 April 2016,… and “Greece: Continued Debt Slavery from the End of the 19th Century until the Second World War” published in English 17 May 2016,…

Eric Toussaint is a historian and political scientist who completed his Ph.D. at the universities of Paris VIII and Liège, is the spokesperson of the CADTM International, and sits on the Scientific Council of ATTAC France. He is the author of Bankocracy(2015); The Life and Crimes of an Exemplary Man (2014); Glance in the Rear View Mirror. Neoliberal Ideology From its Origins to the Present, Haymarket books, Chicago, 2012 (see here), etc. See his bibliography: He co-authored World debt figures 2015 with Pierre Gottiniaux, Daniel Munevar and Antonio Sanabria (2015); and with Damien Millet Debt, the IMF, and the World Bank: Sixty Questions, Sixty Answers, Monthly Review Books, New York, 2010. Since the 4th April 2015 he is the scientific coordinator of the Greek Truth Commission on Public Debt.
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New Year Opens with Wave of Layoffs in the US

January 9th, 2017 by Jerry White

The New Year is opening in the US with a wave of layoff announcements and threats of further downsizing during the year.

In the latest blow to retailers, hundreds of women’s clothing stores, operated by Ohio-based chain The Limited, shut their doors over the weekend at shopping malls across the United States. The company, which has 235 stores nationwide and 4,000 employees, quietly began layoffs in December before shuttering its stores on Sunday.

Last week, Macy’s announced it was closing 68 stores and cutting more than 10,000 jobs. Sears also said it will shut down another 150 Sears and Kmart stores, after poor holiday sales. Kohls and JC Penney previously carried out mass layoffs.

Retailers have been hit by a series of factors, including the stagnation of real wages of large numbers of consumers and the growth of online shopping giants like Amazon.

In addition to the retailers, the Big Three Detroit-based automakers are carrying out thousands of temporary and permanent layoffs, including the elimination of entire shifts—and the wiping out of more than 3,000 jobs—at assembly plants in Detroit and Lansing, Michigan, and Lordstown, Ohio, halfway between Cleveland and Pittsburgh.

Last Friday, the US Bureau of Labor Statistics reported slower-than-expected job growth in December. The economy added 156,000 jobs last month, the vast majority in the lower-paying service sector. Obama’s Labor Secretary Thomas Perez hailed the numbers, saying they showed the “strength” of the economy. In reality, there has been no recovery for millions of Americans who, living from paycheck-to-paycheck and up to their necks in debt, face the constant threat of job loss.

Other recent layoff announcements include:

· Lexington, Kentucky-based Lexmark International is laying off 320, or 10 percent, of its software business employees.

· Data-storage company Seagate Technology Inc. has cut 155 jobs at its Shakopee, Minnesota facility.

· Alorica will cut 200 jobs at its customer communications center in Utica, New York.

· Dole Packaged Foods will close its Stockton, California frozen yogurt product plant, eliminating 30 hourly and supervisory jobs.

· Internationally, Chinese tech giant ZTE will cut five percent of its global workforce or 3,000 jobs.

The dire situation facing workers will only escalate under the incoming Trump administration. Despite his bogus pronouncements of concern for the plight of American workers, Trump’s economic program is based on massive corporate tax cuts and deregulation and protectionist trade measures, which will destabilize the world economy and provoke retaliation against US exporters. He is also proposing a sharp spending increase for the military and some funding for infrastructure projects, all of which will be a boondoggle for private contractors and other businesses.

Corporations are also demanding the continued lowering of labor costs in the US, which was central to the economic policy of the Obama administration over the last eight years.

This was implemented with the full assistance of the trade unions, which worked with the White House to suppress a “wages push” by millions of workers whose labor agreements expired in 2015-16 and who were determined to recover wages lost in the years following the 2008 financial crash. With the backing of the unions, wage increases in the private and public sectors have largely been limited to the rate of inflation and any raises have more than been eaten up by increased health care costs under Obamacare.

The latest retail layoffs highlight structural changes in the economy. Millions of workers, young and old, face a “New Normal” of low-paying, precarious jobs, while the wealthy elite extracts billions in profit, chiefly through financial parasitism.

Dayton, Ohio businessman Leslie H. Wexner opened the first The Limited store at a shopping mall in the Columbus, Ohio suburb of Upper Arlington in 1963. So named because it limited the variety of clothing to lower costs of quick-selling merchandise, the brand eventually grew to 750 stores with sales of more than $1 billion.

This allowed Wexner to expand into other retail ventures that would be based in the Columbus area, including well-known chains such as Abercrombie & Fitch, Victoria’s Secret, Express, Bed, Bath & Beyond, and others. A decade ago Wexner sold a majority share of The Limited to private equity firm Sun Capital Partners, which bought the company outright in 2010. Wexner, the CEO of L Brands, pulled in $26,669,306 in total compensation in 2015.

A month ago, The Limited announced it was laying off 248 of its headquarters staff in New Albany, Ohio, as Sun Capital continued to pursue a possible sale. After selling off all of its clothing stock at up to 90 percent discount, along with fixtures and mannequins, the empty stores were permanently closed Sunday.

“I think it is very sad,” said Amanda Conley, 49, who bought two of the last pairs of pants at a central Ohio store, told the Columbus Dispatch. “It’s been a staple here. Of course, it affects employees and their livelihoods.”

Even as workers were being tossed into the streets, however, the $9 billion private equity firm was milking the retail chain for as much as possible. In a letter to investors Friday, Sun Capital Partners said it made 1.8 times its $50 million investment in Limited Stores while writing down the remaining equity value to zero.

Fortune noted, “The disclosure illustrates how private equity firms can boast a profit from companies whose equity value has been wiped out, having previously recouped their original investment by taking dividends from these companies, often by having them borrow more money to fund the dividends.”

Many traditional retailers are falling victim to pressure from online giant Amazon, which is able to quickly ship merchandise from its massive and strategically located warehouses using low-wage workers whose productivity is electronically monitored. In the case of The Limited they have also fallen victim to other “fast-fashion” stores, like those owned by Swedish multinational H&M (Hennes & Mauritz AB), which specialize in the latest fashion discount apparel aimed at younger shoppers.

Apparel retailers, including H&M, rely on a global supply chain, which includes brutally exploited workers around the world. In April 2013, 1,133 garment workers were killed and 2,500 wounded when Rana Plaza, an eight-story building housing several textile factories, collapsed in the Bangladeshi capital on Dhaka. Half of the 125,000 shirts made each day at the complex were sold to H&M. Workers made $1.43 a day, for 10-12 hours, producing 250 T-shirts per hour.

Retail workers in the United States are subjected to inconsistent hours, low pay and an authoritarian atmosphere at work. Most are on-call employees who must phone in or wait for a call from a manager to find out their schedules. Turning down a shift because of a scheduling conflict with family, school or another job means having your hours cut or instant dismissal.

The retail industry as a whole employed around 16 million workers, up more than nine percent since 2009; nonsupervisory retail work pays 30 percent less than other private sector jobs.

Last June. 5,000 workers authorized the first strike in 40 years at Macy’s flagship department store in mid-town Manhattan and four other locations in the state. Workers wanted wage and health care improvements and to end the policy that allowed Macy’s to reduce a salesperson’s commission if a customer returned the merchandise within six months.

Collaborating with state and local Democrats, including New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, the Retail, Wholesale & Department Store Union (RWDSU), which is part of the United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) union, quickly reached a deal, which retains the punitive commission policy and significant out-of-pocket health care costs.

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It should be noted that quite often the most interesting arms contracts escape media attention. That’s how it was in 2016. Signing a multi-billion-dollar military aid package between the United States and Israel and the subsequent White House approval for long-awaited fighter sales to the Middle East hit the radar screen.

In late September, the US approved the sales of Boeing fighters worth a total of around $7 billion to Kuwait and Qatar. First mooted around two years ago, the deals had been held up by the US government due to Israeli concerns and in order to smooth the way for nuclear talks with Iran.

The same month, a $38-billion Israeli arms package over the next 10 years – the largest of its kind ever – was finalized and signed.

The news about those contacts was a real scoop hitting the headlines of all mainstream media outlets. In late November, the State Department approved another transaction- the acquisition of 70 AGM-158B JASSM-ER (extended range) missiles for Poland. The deal undeservedly failed to attract much attention. In fact, it matters much and changes a lot.

The prospects for the acquisition of the extended range version were discussed as far back as 2014. The US obviously procrastinated due to political considerations. The decision to make the deal go through makes Poland the first state outside the United States to acquire the JASSM-ER.

In 2014, Poland signed a contract to procure the JASSM AGM-158A version for its F-16C/D jets. The stealth missile is designed to destroy ground targets at distances 370+km (230 mi). As of 2014, the JASSM had also entered service in Australia and Finland.

The 370 km is a great range for the purpose of self-defense. But Poland badly wanted strategic conventional first strike capability. With the JASSM-ER deal reached, its dream has come true. Using a more efficient engine and larger fuel volume in an airframe with the same external dimensions as the JASSM, the JASSM-ER has an operational range of 1000+km (620 mi) – an effective stealth weapon to knock out key stationary infrastructure sites located deep in Russia’s territory. The weapon boasts a penetrating warhead.

With the AGM-158A expected to become fully operational this year, Poland has the aircraft and crews ready to receive the extended range version. The JASSM-ER has 70% hardware commonality and 95% software commonality with the original AGM-158 JASSM.

Poland has made a significant contribution into NATO’s long-range conventional superiority to further complicate the prospects for further progress in the field of arms control. The first strike capability presupposes that Russia would introduce corresponding changes into its military planning. The home bases of Polish F-16 fighters carrying the JASSM-ER will inevitably become potential first strike targets in case of conflict with Russia.

The study of defense contracts signed recently by the United States with other countries shows that potential threats to Russia are growing. For instance, an A/N FPS-132 Block 5 Early Warning Radar (EWR) with an operational range of 5,000 km is to be installed in Qatar. Described as ordinary arms sales, the deals are kept out of arms control discourse and public spotlight but putting together bits of information allows to compose the whole picture and identify the creeping menaces.

It’s not air-to surface first strike capability only. Poland has been implementing the plans to form a 50,000 strong paramilitary territorial defense force, a planned military reserve component of the regular military, since 2015. Roughly, 20,000 guards will join the ranks of the new force in 2017.

Warsaw plans to increase the size of the army by at least 50 percent in the coming years (from about 95,000 to 150,000), including the creation of three brigades for the territorial defense of the country on the eastern flank.

The military is going through long-term modernization program with significant equipment acquisitions planned for 2017 through 2022 to involve new air defense systems, ballistic missiles, a new fighter trainer aircraft, combat and transport helicopters, submarines, self-propelled howitzers and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Around 1200 UAVs are to be procured, including at least 1000 with combat capabilities.

According to NATO plans, Poland will host rapid response troops starting this year. Warsaw has demanded a full-scale permanent base of the alliance on its territory.

A NATO Aegis Ashore ballistic missile defense site to be positioned in Poland in 2018 and the AGM-158B are two destabilizing factors that undermine security in Europe and obstruct prospects for arms control. Both threats to peace come from Poland.

There are reasons to believe that 2017 will be the year when tensions in the Old Continent are reduced. The Russian Foreign Ministry has just confirmed this view in a statement. The BMD and the AGM-158B are the issues to be raised if Russia and NATO launch arms control talks as some leading European nations have suggested recently. But Poland seems to be marching out of step. The JASSM-ER deal is a highly provocative step towards Russia undermining the security of Europe and positioning Poland at the frontline of the arms race.

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US Report Still Lacks Proof on Russia ‘Hack’

January 9th, 2017 by Robert Parry

Repeating an accusation over and over again is not evidence that the accused is guilty, no matter how much “confidence” the accuser asserts about the conclusion. Nor is it evidence just to suggest that someone has a motive for doing something. Many conspiracy theories are built on the notion of “cui bono” – who benefits – without following up the supposed motive with facts.

Russian President Vladimir Putin, following his address to the UN General Assembly on Sept. 28, 2015. (UN Photo)

But that is essentially what the U.S. intelligence community has done regarding the dangerous accusation that Russian President Vladimir Putin orchestrated a covert information campaign to influence the outcome of the Nov. 8 U.S. presidential election in favor of Republican Donald Trump.

Just a day after Director of National Intelligence James Clapper vowed to go to the greatest possible lengths to supply the public with the evidence behind the accusations, his office released a 25-page report that contained no direct evidence that Russia delivered hacked emails from the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta to WikiLeaks.

The DNI report amounted to a compendium of reasons to suspect that Russia was the source of the information – built largely on the argument that Russia had a motive for doing so because of its disdain for Democratic nominee Clinton and the potential for friendlier relations with Republican nominee Trump.

But the case, as presented, is one-sided and lacks any actual proof. Further, the continued use of the word “assesses” – as in the U.S. intelligence community “assesses” that Russia is guilty – suggests that the underlying classified information also may be less than conclusive because, in intelligence-world-speak, “assesses” often means “guesses.”

The DNI report admits as much, saying, “Judgments are not intended to imply that we have proof that shows something to be a fact. Assessments are based on collected information, which is often incomplete or fragmentary, as well as logic, argumentation, and precedents.”

But the report’s assessment is more than just a reasonable judgment based on a body of incomplete information. It is tendentious in that it only lays out the case for believing in Russia’s guilt, not reasons for doubting that guilt.

A Risky Bet

For instance, while it is true that many Russian officials, including President Putin, considered Clinton to be a threat to worsen the already frayed relationship between the two nuclear superpowers, the report ignores the downside for Russia trying to interfere with the U.S. election campaign and then failing to stop Clinton, which looked like the most likely outcome until Election Night.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

If Russia had accessed the DNC and Podesta emails and slipped them to WikiLeaks for publication, Putin would have to think that the National Security Agency, with its exceptional ability to track electronic communications around the world, might well have detected the maneuver and would have informed Clinton.

So, on top of Clinton’s well-known hawkishness, Putin would have risked handing the expected incoming president a personal reason to take revenge on him and his country. Historically, Russia has been very circumspect in such situations, usually holding its intelligence collections for internal purposes only, not sharing them with the public.

While it is conceivable that Putin decided to take this extraordinary risk in this case – despite the widely held view that Clinton was a shoo-in to defeat Trump – an objective report would have examined this counter argument for him not doing so.

But the DNI report was not driven by a desire to be evenhanded; it is, in effect, a prosecutor’s brief, albeit one that lacks any real evidence that the accused is guilty.

Further undercutting the credibility of the DNI report is that it includes a seven-page appendix, dating from 2012, that is an argumentative attack on RT, the Russian government-backed television network, which is accused of portraying “the US electoral process as undemocratic.”

The proof for that accusation includes RT’s articles on “voting machine vulnerabilities” although virtually every major U.S. news organizations has run similar stories, including some during the last campaign on the feasibility of Russia hacking into the actual voting process, something that even U.S. intelligence says didn’t happen.

The reports adds that further undermining Americans’ faith in the U.S. democratic process, “RT broadcast, hosted and advertised third-party candidate debates.” Apparently, the DNI’s point is that showing Americans that there are choices beyond the two big parties is somehow seditious.

“The RT hosts asserted that the US two-party system does not represent the views of at least one-third of the population and is a ‘sham,’” the report said. Yet, polls have shown that large numbers of Americans would prefer more choices than the usual two candidates and, indeed, most Western democracies have multiple parties, So, the implicit RT criticism of the U.S. political process is certainly not out of the ordinary.

The report also takes RT to task for covering the Occupy Wall Street movement and for reporting on the environmental dangers from “fracking,” topics cited as further proof that the Russian government was using RT to weaken U.S. public support for Washington’s policies (although, again, these are topics of genuine public interest).

Behind the Curtain

Though it’s impossible for an average U.S. citizen to know precisely what the U.S. intelligence community may have in its secret files, some former NSA officials who are familiar with the agency’s eavesdropping capabilities say Washington’s lack of certainty suggests that the NSA does not possess such evidence.

James Clapper, Director of National Intelligence.

For instance, that’s the view of William Binney, who retired as NSA’s technical director of world military and geopolitical analysis and who created many of the collection systems still used by NSA.

Binney, in an article co-written with former CIA analyst Ray McGovern, said, “With respect to the alleged interference by Russia and WikiLeaks in the U.S. election, it is a major mystery why U.S. intelligence feels it must rely on ‘circumstantial evidence,’ when it has NSA’s vacuum cleaner sucking up hard evidence galore. What we know of NSA’s capabilities shows that the email disclosures were from leaking, not hacking.”

There is also the fact that both WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and one of his associates, former British Ambassador Craig Murray, have denied that the purloined emails came from the Russian government. Going further, Murray has suggested that there were two separate sources, the DNC material coming from a disgruntled Democrat and the Podesta emails coming from possibly a U.S. intelligence source, since the Podesta Group represents Saudi Arabia and other foreign governments.

In response, Clapper and other U.S. government officials have sought to disparage Assange’s credibility, including Clapper’s Senate testimony on Thursday gratuitously alluding to sexual assault allegations against Assange in Sweden.

However, Clapper’s own credibility is suspect in a more relevant way. In 2013, he gave false testimony to Congress regarding the extent of the NSA’s collection of data on Americans. Clapper’s deception was revealed only when former NSA contractor Edward Snowden leaked details of the NSA program to the press, causing Clapper to apologize for his “clearly erroneous” testimony.

A History of Politicization

The U.S. intelligence community’s handling of the Russian “hack” story also must be viewed in the historical context of the CIA’s “politicization” over the past several decades.

Then-Vice President George H.W. Bush with CIA Director William Casey at the White House on Feb. 11, 1981. (Photo credit: Reagan Library)

U.S. intelligence analysts, such as senior Russia expert Melvin A. Goodman, have described in detail both in books and in congressional testimony how the old tradition of objective CIA analysis was broken down in the 1980s.

At the time, the Reagan administration wanted to justify a massive arms buildup, so CIA Director William Casey and his pliant deputy, Robert Gates, oversaw the creation of inflammatory assessments on Soviet intentions and Moscow’s alleged role in international terrorism, including the attempted assassination of Pope John Paul II.

Besides representing “politicized” intelligence at its worst, these analyses became the bureaucratic battleground on which old-line analysts who still insisted on presenting the facts to the president whether he liked them or not were routed and replaced by a new generation of yes men.

The relevant point is that the U.S. intelligence community has never been repaired, in part because the yes men gave presidents of both parties what they wanted. Rather than challenging a president’s policies, this new generation mostly fashioned their reports to support those policies.

The bipartisan nature of this corruption is best illustrated by the role played by CIA Director George Tenet, who was appointed by President Bill Clinton but stayed on and helped President George W. Bush arrange his “slam dunk” case for convincing the American people that Iraq possessed caches of WMD, thus justifying Bush’s 2003 invasion.

There was the one notable case of intelligence analysts standing up to Bush in a 2007 assessment that Iran had abandoned its nuclear weapons program, but that was more an anomaly – resulting from the acute embarrassment over the Iraq WMD fiasco – than a change in pattern.

Presidents of both parties have learned that it makes their lives easier if the U.S. intelligence community is generating “intelligence” that supports what they want to do, rather than letting the facts get in the way.

The current case of the alleged Russian “hack” should be viewed in this context: President Obama considers Trump’s election a threat to his policies, both foreign and domestic. So, it’s only logical that Obama would want to weaken and discredit Trump before he takes office.

That doesn’t mean that the Russians are innocent, but it does justify a healthy dose of skepticism to the assessments by Obama’s senior intelligence officials.

[For more on this topic, see’s “Escalating the Risky Fight with Russia” and “Summing Up Russia’s Real Nuclear Fears.”]

Investigative reporter Robert Parry broke many of the Iran-Contra stories for The Associated Press and Newsweek in the 1980s. You can buy his latest book, America’s Stolen Narrative, either in print here or as an e-book (from Amazon and

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Pushing for a Lucrative New Cold War

January 9th, 2017 by Gareth Porter

Airstrikes by the United States and its allies against two Syrian army positions Sept. 17 killed at least 62 Syrian troops and wounded dozens more.

The attack was quickly treated as a non-story by the U.S. news media; U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) claimed the strikes were carried out in the mistaken belief that Islamic State forces were being targeted, and the story disappeared.

President Barack Obama waits backstage before making his last address at the United Nations General Assembly in New York, Sept. 20, 2016. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

The circumstances surrounding the attack, however, suggested it may have been deliberate, its purpose being to sabotage President Obama’s policy of coordinating with Russia against Islamic State and Nusra Front forces in Syria as part of a U.S.-Russian cease-fire agreement.

Normally the U.S. military can cover up illegal operations and mistakes with a pro forma military investigation that publicly clears those responsible. But the air attack on Syrian troops also involved three foreign allies in the anti-Islamic State named Operation Inherent Resolve: the United Kingdom, Denmark and Australia. So, the Pentagon had to agree to bring a general from one of those allies into the investigation as a co-author of the report. Consequently, the summary of the investigation released by CENTCOM on Nov. 29 reveals far more than the Pentagon and CENTCOM brass would have desired.

Thanks to that heavily redacted report, we now have detailed evidence that the commander of CENTCOM’s Air Force component attacked the Syrian army deliberately.

Motives Behind a Pentagon Scheme

Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter and the military establishment had a compelling motive in the attack of Sept. 17 — namely, interest in maintaining the narrative of a “new Cold War” with Russia, which is crucial to supporting and expanding the budgets of their institutions.

U.S. Defense Secretary Ashton Carter.

When negotiations on a comprehensive cease-fire agreement with Russia, including provisions for U.S.-Russian cooperation on air operations against Islamic State and Nusra Front, appeared to gain traction last spring, the Pentagon began making leaks to the news media about its opposition to the Obama policy. Those receiving the leaks included neoconservative hawk Josh Rogin, who had just become a columnist at The Washington Post.

After Secretary of State John Kerry struck an agreement Sept. 9 that contained a provision to set up a “Joint Integration Center” (JIC) for U.S.-Russian cooperation in targeting, the Pentagon sought to reverse it. Carter grilled Kerry for hours in an effort to force him to retreat from that provision, according to The New York Times.

Lobbying against the JIC continued the following week after Obama approved the full agreement. When the commander of the Central Command’s Air Force component, Lt. Gen. Jeffrey L. Harrigan, was asked about the JIC at a press briefing Sept. 13, he seemed to suggest that opponents of the provision were still hoping to avoid cooperating with the Russians on targeting. He told reporters that his readiness to join such a joint operation was “going to depend on what the plan ends up being.”

But the Pentagon also had another motive for hitting Syrian troops in Deir Ezzor. On June 16, Russian planes attacked a remote outpost of a CIA-supported armed group, called the New Syrian Army, in Deir Ezzor province near the confluence of Iraq, Syria and Jordan. The Pentagon demanded an explanation for the attack but never got it.

For senior leaders of the Pentagon and others in the military, a strike against Syrian army positions in Deir Ezzor would not only offer the prospect of avoiding the threat of cooperating with Russia militarily, it would also be payback for what many believed was a Russian poke in the U.S. eye.

Evidence in the Investigation Report

On Sept. 16, Gen. Harrigan, who also headed the Combined Air Operations Center (CAOC) at al-Udeid airbase in Qatar, set in motion the planning for the attack on the two Syrian army bases. The process began, according to the investigation report, on Sept. 16, when Harrigan’s command identified two fighting positions near the Deir Ezzor airport as belonging to Islamic State, based on drone images showing that the personnel there were not wearing uniform military garb and, supposedly, displayed no flags.

Map of Syria.

But, as a former intelligence analyst told me, that was not a legitimate basis for a positive identification of the sites as Islamic State-controlled because Syrian army troops in the field frequently wear a wide range of uniforms and civilian clothing,

The report contains the incriminating revelation that the authorities at CAOC had plenty of intelligence warning that its identification was flat wrong. Before the strike, the regional station of the Air Force’s Distributed Common Ground System, which is the Air Force’s primary intelligence organ for interpreting data from aerial surveillance, contested the original identification of the units, sending its own assessment that they could not possibly be Islamic State.

Another prestrike intelligence report, moreover, pointed to what appeared to be a flag at one of the two sites. And a map of the area that was available to intelligence analysts at CAOC clearly showed that the sites in question were occupied by the Syrian army. Harrigan and his command apparently claimed, implausibly, that they were unaware of any of this information.

Further evidence that Harrigan meant to strike Syrian army targets was the haste with which the strike was carried out, the day after the initial intelligence assessment was made. The investigation summary acknowledges that the decision to go ahead with a strike so soon after the target had been initially assessed was a violation of Air Force regulations.

It had started out as a “deliberate target development” process — one that did not require an immediate decision and could therefore allow for a more careful analysis of intelligence. That was because the targets were clearly fixed ground positions, so there was no need for an immediate strike. Nevertheless, the decision was made to change it to a “dynamic targeting process,” normally reserved for situations in which the target is moving, to justify an immediate strike on Sept. 17.

No one in Harrigan’s command, including the commander himself, would acknowledge having made that decision. That would have been a tacit admission that the attack was far more than an innocent mistake.

The Deir Ezzor strike appears to have been timed to provoke a breakdown of the cease-fire before the JIC could be formed, which was originally to be after seven days of effective truce — meaning Sept. 19. Obama added a requirement for the completion of humanitarian shipments from the Turkish border, but the opponents of the JIC could not count on the Syrian government continuing to hold up the truck convoys. That meant that Harrigan would need to move urgently to carry out the strike.

Perhaps the single most damaging piece of evidence that the strike was knowingly targeting Syrian army bases is the fact that Harrigan’s command sent the Russians very specific misleading information on the targets of the operation. It informed its Russian contact under the deconfliction agreement that the two targets were nine kilometers south of Deir Ezzor airfield, but in fact they were only three and six kilometers away, respectively, according to the summary. Accurate information about the locations would have set off alarm bells among the Russians, because they would have known immediately that Syrian army bases were being targeted, as the U.S. co-author of the investigation report, Gen. Richard Coe, acknowledged to reporters.

“Who is in Charge?”

Gen. Harrigan’s strike worked like a charm in terms of the interests of those behind it. The hope of provoking a Syrian-Russian decision to end the cease-fire and thus the plan for the JIC was apparently based on the assumption that it would be perceived by both Russians and Syrians as evidence that Obama was not in control of U.S. policy and therefore could not be trusted as a partner in managing the conflict. That assumption proved correct.

Vitaly I. Churkin, Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the UN, addresses the Security Council meeting on Syria. Sept. 25, 2016. (UN Photo)

When Russia’s ambassador to the United Nations, Vitaly Churkin, spoke to reporters at a press briefing outside a U.N. Security Council emergency meeting on the U.S. attack on Syrian troops, he asked rhetorically, “Who is in charge in Washington? The White House or the Pentagon?”

Seemingly no longer convinced that Obama was in control of his own military in Syria, Russian President Vladimir Putin pulled the plug on his U.S. strategy. Two days after the attacks, Syria announced, with obvious Russian support, that the cease-fire was no longer in effect.

The political-diplomatic consequences for Syrians and for the United States, however, were severe. The Russian and Syrian air forces began a campaign of heavy airstrikes in Aleppo that became the single focus of media attention on Syria. In mid-December, Secretary of State Kerry recalled in an interview with The Boston Globe that he had had an agreement with the Russians that would have given the United States “a veto over their flights. …” He lamented that “you’d have a different situation there now if we’d been able to do that.”

But it didn’t happen, Kerry noted, because “we had people in our government who were bitterly opposed to doing that.” What he didn’t say was that those people had the power and the audacity to frustrate the will of the President of the United States.

Gareth Porter is an independent investigative journalist and winner of the 2012 Gellhorn Prize for journalism. He is the author of the newly published Manufactured Crisis: The Untold Story of the Iran Nuclear Scare.

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If the US “intelligence services” were worried about Russian trolls, a phrase appearing 6 times in the joint report which concluded – without presenting any evidence – that Russia’s “undermine public faith in the US democratic process, denigrated Secretary Clinton, and harmed her electability and potential presidency” and that the “Russian Government developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump”, it may have an entire nation of trolls at its hands now.

The reason: as none other than the NYT admits, “the absence of any concrete evidence in the report of meddling by the Kremlin was met with a storm of mockery on Saturday by Russian politicians and commentators, who took to social media to ridicule the report as a potpourri of baseless conjecture.”

Some examples: Alexey Pushkov, a member of the defense and security committee of the Russian Parliament’s upper house, ridiculed the American report as comparable to C.I.A. assertions that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction: “Mountain gave birth to a mouse: all accusations against Russia are based on ‘confidence’ and assumptions. US was sure about Hussein possessing WMD in the same way.”

He continued his criticism on Twitter, adding that “the U.S. democratic process was undermined not by Russia, but by the Obama administration and mass media, which supported [Hillary] Clinton over [President-elect Donald] Trump.”

He proceeded to slam Obama as responsible for the Republicans’ growing trust of Putin, stating that “the danger to democracy is within U.S. itself.”

The Russian politician also criticized the Obama administration’s allegation that Putin caused a decline in Russo-American relations, calling such a position “complete nonsense.” “Obama took the course to isolate and undermine Russian positions, and Putin is to blame.”

Franz Klintsevich, the first deputy chairman of the Defense and Security Committee of the Russian parliament’s upper house, added fuel to the fire, saying the U.S. intelligence community made unfounded allegations of Russia-sponsored hacker attacks, in favor of the outgoing US presidential administration and made a fool of itself.

Speaking to RIA Novosti, the senator said that the allegations “simply make no sense. The main reason is that no one can interfere with the electoral process in such country as the United States,” he pointed out. “Acting in favor of the outgoing presidential administration, the US intelligence community laid itself open to ridicule.”

Other Russians agreed such as Margarita Simonyan, the editor in chief of RT, a state-funded television network that broadcasts in English, who is cited repeatedly in the report, posted her own message on Twitter scoffing at the American intelligence community’s accusations. “Aaa, the CIA report is out! Laughter of the year! Intro to my show from 6 years ago is the main evidence of Russia’s influence at US elections. This is not a joke!” she wrote.

Even Russians who have been critical of their government voiced dismay at the United States intelligence agencies’ account of an elaborate Russian conspiracy unsupported by solid evidence. Alexey Kovalyov, a Russian journalist who has followed and frequently criticized RT, said he was aghast that the report had given so much attention to the television station. “I do have a beef with RT and their chief,” Mr. Kovalyov wrote in a social media post, “But they are not your nemesis, America. Please chill.”

The Kremlin, which has in the past repeatedly denied any role in the hacking of the Democratic National Committee computer system, had no immediate response to the declassified report. Putin instead made a show of business as usual, attending a church service to mark the start of Orthodox Christmas.

His composure was understandable because as the NYT again remarkably notes, “The report provides no new evidence to support assertions that Moscow meddled covertly through hacking and other actions to boost the electoral chances of Donald J. Trump and undermine his rival, Hillary Clinton, but rests instead on what it describes as Moscow’s long record of trying to influence America’s political system.”

In other words, speculation and innuendo. Curiously, the NYT’s bashing of the report continued:

The public report did not include evidence on the sources and methods used to collect the information about Mr. Putin and his associates that intelligence officials said was in a classified version.

The NYT also cited Mark Galeotti, an expert on Russian intelligence agencies at the Institute of International Relations in Prague, who said he was skeptical of the accusation that Putin had ordered the hacking. All the same, he added, Russian spies, like their Soviet predecessors, “don’t just collect information but try to assert influence.” United States intelligence operatives, he said, have often done the same thing but the Russians, convinced that the United States orchestrated protests in Ukraine in 2014 that toppled the pro-Moscow president, Viktor F. Yanukovych, and other popular uprisings in former Soviet lands, “have a more aggressive approach to meddling in other people’s politics.”

The NYT continued: “Galeotti, the intelligence expert in Prague, cautioned that this mission to influence foreign politics was not a uniquely Russian phenomenon but had also been embraced in the past by the C.I.A., which, in the 1950s, sought to shape and subvert politics in countries like Iran and Guatemala.”

Actually, and this is the real punchline, there is an entire Wikipedia page dedicated to US involvement in overthrowing foreign regimes. Here are just the examples since World War II  (* indicates successful ouster of a government)

  • China 1949 to early 1960s
  • Albania 1949-53
  • East Germany 1950s
  • Iran 1953 *
  • Guatemala 1954 *
  • Costa Rica mid-1950s
  • Syria 1956-7
  • Egypt 1957
  • Indonesia 1957-8
  • British Guiana 1953-64 *
  • Iraq 1963 *
  • North Vietnam 1945-73
  • Cambodia 1955-70 *
  • Laos 1958 *, 1959 *, 1960 *
  • Ecuador 1960-63 *
  • Congo 1960 *
  • France 1965
  • Brazil 1962-64 *
  • Dominican Republic 1963 *
  • Cuba 1959 to present
  • Bolivia 1964 *
  • Indonesia 1965 *
  • Ghana 1966 *
  • Chile 1964-73 *
  • Greece 1967 *
  • Costa Rica 1970-71
  • Bolivia 1971 *
  • Australia 1973-75 *
  • Angola 1975, 1980s
  • Zaire 1975
  • Portugal 1974-76 *
  • Jamaica 1976-80 *
  • Seychelles 1979-81
  • Chad 1981-82 *
  • Grenada 1983 *
  • South Yemen 1982-84
  • Suriname 1982-84
  • Fiji 1987 *
  • Libya 1980s
  • Nicaragua 1981-90 *
  • Panama 1989 *
  • Bulgaria 1990 *
  • Albania 1991 *
  • Iraq 1991
  • Afghanistan 1980s *
  • Somalia 1993
  • Yugoslavia 1999-2000 *
  • Ecuador 2000 *
  • Afghanistan 2001 *
  • Venezuela 2002 *
  • Iraq 2003 *
  • Haiti 2004 *
  • Somalia 2007 to present
  • Honduras 2009
  • Libya 2011 *
  • Syria 2012
  • Ukraine 2014 *

Perhaps the reasons behind the rushed, and frankly humiliating, report is that US intelligence was scrambling to respond to the first ever case of someone doing to it what the US had done to the rest of the world for decades without any fear of retaliation.

As for Galeotti, he said the United States intelligence report on Russian meddling in the November election had gone too far in projecting Cold War attitudes onto today’s reality. He said it was a mistake to suppose that Mr. Putin had from the start conducted “a Machiavellian conspiracy” aimed at bringing Mr. Trump to power.

More likely, he added, was that Mr. Putin was not involved or even informed about initial efforts to hack into the D.N.C. computer system but, informed after the fact about what had been done, “decided to act opportunistically” and make use of the hacker’s harvest of emails to try to tilt the election.

His conclusion: “I don’t think the Russians believed for a minute that Trump could really be elected,” Galeotti said. “They were convinced that U.S. elites would ensure that one of their own would win. They thought they had a chance to do a bit of mischief but I think they were amazed, even aghast, at what happened.

Why? Here is perhaps the biggest reason, also known as the real fake news courtesy of Reuters

the New York Times

And, of course, the Washington Post.

So yeah, it was Putin’s fault:



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When Hillary Clinton was defeated in the U.S. presidential election the relevant powers launched a campaign to delegitimize the President elect Donald Trump.

The ultimate aim of the cabal is to kick him out of office and have a reliable replacement, like the Vice-President elect Pence, take over. Should that not be possible it is hoped that the delegitimization will make it impossible for Trump to change major policy trajectories especially in foreign policy. A main issue here is the reorientation of the U.S. military complex and its NATO proxies from the war of terror towards a direct confrontation with main powers like Russia and China.

The cabal consists of President Obama, the defeated candidate Hillary Clinton, neoconservatves like the State Department’s cookie dispenser Victoria Nuland, the Republican senators McCain and Lindsay and the military-industrial complex. (One of the few neocons planted near to Trump, former CIA director James Woolsey, threw the towel today and left the Trump transition team.)

A major role in directing the plot has fallen to Obama’s consigliere John Brennan, the current director of the CIA. Another role has been delegated to the various military and NATO think tanks like the Atlantic Council and the British RUSI and reliable proxies within the media.

The current emphasis of the campaign is on the release of emails and papers from the Clinton campaign through Wikileaks. It is alleged that some releases were gained through hacking, planned and executed by the Russian government. Trump had announced that he plans to seek good relations with Russia, the power that the cabal had earlier chosen as the new enemy de jour.

But there is a problem. There is no real evidence that a “hack” ever happened. There is no evidence that Russia is involved. None at all.

Three cases of paper releases have to be differentiated:

  • The emails from Clinton’s private basement mail-server were released by the State Department after various FOIA requests.
  • Emails from Clinton’s campaign chief John Podesta were released after someone “spear phished” his Gmail password and got access to his mail box. Such spear phishing – sending an email which asks to change one’s password on a faked login page – happens thousands of times each day. Naturally prominent people with publicly widely known addresses are the preferred targets of such stunts. This has nothing to do with real hacking which defeats a system’s defense by manipulating computer code.
  • The Democratic National Council was probably hacked. “Probably” because it is still quite possible that a (murdered?insider leaked the DNC emails and the hacking “evidence” is made up to conceal that. But even that “evidence”, presented by the DNC hired company Crowdstrike, is thin.

Allegedly there were two different hacks into the DNC. One was probably harmless, the second one is said to have gained system-level access. I have found no explanation yet how the hackers of the second attack got their first entry into the DNC system. Was an administrator spear-phished? Crowdstrike’s fluffy account doesn’t say. But it mentions two well known tools the alleged hackers are claimed to have used: “RemCOM, an open-source replacement for PsExec available from GitHub” and “X-Agent malware with capabilities to do remote command execution, file transmission and keylogging”. The X-Agent hacking suite has been known for some time and is used by several actors. It is likely also in use by other non-state and state services. All such hacking tools use freely available infrastructure like TOR or rented networks from cyber-crime wholesalers like the recently exposed Israeli denial-of-service franchiser.

The tools and the infrastructure the DNC hackers allegedly used are not evidence that points to any specific actor. Indeed any cyber-crime actor, like the NSA, seeks to disguise as a different actor when committing attacks. Something that “proves” that A did it is likely to have been created by B, C or D to disguise as A.

As no evidence exists the cabal has to rely on throwing chaff, lots of it, and on conjecture. Media who propagandize such are plenty. Keep in mind that some 95% of U.S. media backed Clinton during the campaign.

The Joint Assessment Report released (pdf) last Friday was hyped in the media. But it failed to prove hacking or any Russian involvement.

The new report released later today adds nothing but fluff to it. Selected bits of the new intelligence report are systematically “leaked” by “senior intelligence officials”. Here are headlines from today that show how stupid the presented “evidence” is.

The Washington Post: U.S. intercepts capture senior Russian officials celebrating Trump win

A lot of people all over the world celebrated when Clinton lost – me included. So the headline above carries grains of truth. But it could have been be shortened to CIA finds, watches RT clip on Youtube:

Russia: State Duma applauds Trump’s victory in US elections

The Russian State Duma welcomed the news of Republican candidate Donald Trump’s victory in the US Presidential elections with a round of applause from Moscow, Wednesday. Deputy Vyacheslav Nikonov announced Donald Trump as the president-elect which was greeted enthusiastically by the chamber.

So yes, the WaPo report is correct. Senior Russian officials celebrated the Trump win – publicly. Even the CIA somehow got wind of that.

Deep down the Washington Post piece also says:

The new report incorporates material from previous assessments and assembles in a single document details of cyber operations dating back to 2008. Still, U.S. officials said there are no major new bombshell disclosures even in the classified report. A shorter, declassified version is expected to be released to the public early next week.

How could information from some cyber operation in 2008 be relevant here? The systems existing today are hardly the same. We can assume that this is only included to disguise the lack of current proof that any hack of the DNC happened. And the “no bombshell disclosure” line is just a different way of saying: “We got nothing new. There was no real evidence before this report and there is none in it now.”

Also consider this lines from a Reuters report on the new release:

Not all 17 intelligence agencies participated in preparing the assessment.

The report contains some of what the officials called “minor footnotes” about open questions and other uncertainties

Not all 17 U.S. intelligence services signed off on the report. Those who declined to be part of it will have their reasons. Footnotes to the “slam dunk” 2002 National Intelligence Estimate on alleged Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction reports got some prominence:

Not all agencies involved concurred with the NIE’s conclusions. Two footnotes have come to public attention. In one, the State Department’s Bureau of Intelligence and Research dissented from the intelligence community’s majority view […]. In another footnote, the U.S. Air Force’s director for intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance questioned […]

Back then the “minor footnotes” caveats turned out to be correct while the “evidence” in the main report was fake and its conclusions were one big lie.

Consider also this example on how the “evidence” about the alleged DNC “hack” was gained: The FBI Now Says Democrats Were Behind Hack Investigation Delay:

“The FBI repeatedly stressed to DNC officials the necessity of obtaining direct access to servers and data, only to be rebuffed until well after the initial compromise had been mitigated. This left the FBI no choice but to rely upon a third party for information,” a senior law enforcement official told BuzzFeed News in a statement.

The third party was Crowdstrike, a cyber-something company who’s founder and Chief Technical Officer is the Senior Fellow of the Atlantic Council, Dmitri Alperovitch. (I fail to find biographic information about Alperovitch. Where was he born?) The Atlantic Council NATO lobby is sponsored by various foreign (Gulf) governments and defense industry companies. Crowdstrike was hired by the DNC.

The FBI statement above inspired me to write this movie plot:

In the public courtroom:

Judge to FBI: “So you know who killed Mrs. Clintons Dream?”

FBI: “Yes. We think Vlad did it … evidence …”

Judge: “You found the evidence at the crime scene?”

FBI: “Yes, ehem .. no. We never visited the crime scene. We were not allowed to enter it. Our assessments rely on the reports by the private investigators. The victim’s family hired those.”

Hollywood rejected that movie script. “Hilarious, but too implausible,” they said.

Whenever there is talk of “evidence” of alleged hacking or any Russian involvement ask for real evidence. You will likely be pointed to the several (semi-)official reports and opinions that have been issued so far. But none of these reports, which I read a to z, contains any real evidence. It may be that the DNC got hacked – may be. Even if it was – the case currently presented points only to tools and methods that are known and used all over the hacking and spying scene. To say that it was a “Russian hack” is pure conjecture based on chaff and hot air.

Keep in mind who makes those “hacking” assertions and the motives and money behind them.

UPDATE: Up to today there is no public evidence that Russia hacked the Democratic National Council and/or released DNC material to Wikileaks. After today’s new intelligence report (pdf) there is still no such evidence. (One third of the report is dedicated to criticize the Russian government’s TV outlet Russia Today for criticizing Hillary Clinton. The RT viewer numbers claimed in the report are evidently false from 2012 and thereby completely irrelevant.) There are rather wild assertions and a lot of conjecture but zero facts that could be accepted as proof.

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The police of the Netherlands detained two Dutch journalists Stephen Beck and Michel Spekkers in Amsterdam, upon their return from the Donbas. The police confiscated all the materials that the journalists collected in the south-east of Ukraine.

The journalists visited the Donbass to examine the crash site of the Malaysian Airlines Boeing that crashed over the region on July 17, 2014. According to the journalists, they found fragments of the liner on the crash site, even though all the fragments of the airplane were supposed to be collected long ago. The police of the Netherlands confiscated all the fragments of the aircraft that the journalists had with them, along with all the video materials from the Donbas, including interviews with eyewitnesses of the disaster.

Stefan Beck and Michel Spekkers spent eight days in the Donbas. They came to the southeast of Ukraine to conduct a series of interviews with local residents, who showed them the place, where Flight MH17 of Malaysia Airlines crashed.

The journalists were amazed to find out that many pieces of the aircraft were still on the crash site.

“There are still a lot of materials to collect there, and it is not as dangerous there as representatives of the Dutch Public Prosecutor say. Apparently, we are dealing with serious negligence,” the journalists said.

Even though Beck and Spekkers had informed the Netherlands Ministry for Foreign Affairs of their visit, they were arrested at Schiphol airport upon their arrival home, one of the journalists wrote on Facebook.

“Officials with the Dutch Public Prosecutor Office claimed that they could not collect the material because the region where the plane crash occurred was too dangerous. However, during our stay in the region, we could see that it was not the case,” the Dutch journalist wrote.

He also questioned the credibility of arguments of Dutch prosecutors: “The facts of incorrect argumentation from prosecutors and confiscation of materials (including images) gives every reason to cast doubt on the transparency and reliability of the ongoing investigation.”

The Dutch journalists fear that the confiscated materials could be delivered to employees of the Security Bureau of Ukraine who may prosecute those who agreed to speak to the reporters. Stefan Beck said that the police detained and searched them prior to customs clearance. He thereby refuted the statement from the prosecutor’s office that assumed that the journalists could conceal the collected materials.

Russian specialists handed over the data related to the crash of the Malaysian Boeing to the Dutch authorities in October 2016.

The preliminary report from Joint Investigation Team (JIT) claimed that the Malaysian Boeing was shot down by Buk missile system. The Buk complex, the report said, arrived from Russia and then returned back.

Representatives of the the Russian Foreign Ministry stated that the results of the investigation into the crash of the Malaysian Boeing were biased, because the report was based on the information received from the Ukrainian side only. Almaz-Antey, the maker of the Buk missile system, conducted a series of experiments that proved that the Boeing was shot down from a territory controlled by the Ukrainian army.

The Boeing 777-200ER of Malaysian Airlines, Flight MH17 en route from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur, crashed on July 17, 2014 in the Donetsk region. The crash killed 283 passengers and 15 crew members – citizens of ten countries.

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It has the air of being a well minted yet distinctly first world problem: inconvenienced commuters in one of the world’s first true megalopolises, gnashing their teeth as they are pushed and grounded together during the rush hour.  All because of a strike by station workers on the London Underground, which supplies the arterial blood for commuter traffic in the city on a daily basis.

The strike, instigated by the Rail Maritime and Transport union and Transport Salaried Staffs’ Association, had been calculated to cause maximum inconvenience. Their grounds remain traditional: a persistent dislike for the closing of ticket offices, and the reduction of staff numbers at stations.

London, at the best of times, reeks of greying decay and creaky transport arrangements.  The review by TravelWatch into the workings of the London Underground added succour to that proposition.  It identified problems with the continuing mania with ticket vending machines, limited access for people with disabilities and the general structural layout of stations.[1]  Guidance and information to passengers was also considered poor.

All it takes is one disruption to breed many; one freakish act of nature to stall several parts of an all-ready ill functioning public transport system.  Despite such events, there is a striking note of business of as usual.  Crankiness, while evident at points, is carefully bottled.  London will muddle through.

Today, the crowds and queues gathering on the overland lines heading into the central part of the city gave it an ever greater air of slumming, edging ever to chaos.  Clapham Junction featured crowds of such magnitude as to prompt announcements for evacuation.  This did not stop others still braving the throngs, mechanically programmed, as ever, to make work on time.

Platforms on stops along the Bedford and Luton line heaved with agitation and lengthy, snaking queues.  At the point where the train’s doors would open, people had planted themselves with grim determination, waiting to push in others back into the train at a moment’s notice.

Deodorised (and some not so) bodies rubbed together; there is friction and the odd nervous glare, highly awkward placing of body parts between spaces.  Travelling in London is, in the main, a hermetic experience, premised on getting to the point of alighting with little fuss, and preferably little conversation.  The hermits were finding themselves looking at each other, though many preferred the escapist route of their phones.

In such situations, the little authoritarian voice is bound to make a showing. One calls out that we are collectively in this together, and we all had to muck in to make the journey more bearable. “Can you wiggle a bit down the carriage?,” came the headmistress-liked tone from an individual who might well be an attendant, or simply an officious passenger.

“F***k off!” snarls a commuter in the back of the carriage.  “Don’t worry about him,” replies the officious headmistress with indifference.   Her purpose was set for the glory of encouragement.  “He is just being selfish.  Come one everybody, pull yourselves together and don’t be selfish at the start of the week!”

The ride into St. Pancras becomes oppressive, only relenting at the City Thameslink stop, but the famous British temper in the face of intervening inconvenience, and in some cases existential threat, holds. There is nothing to be done, and people do their best to wiggle and move in the fiercely occupied spaces, adjusting their work bags, crushing the odd toe or finding an errant hand on a less than willing breast.  Again, the bottling of emotion is evident, and the mind begins to reflect on hidden neuroses, concealed conditions, and the mysterious inner anger that always seems mediated.

Even the other Europeans obviously going in for work in the city are making a decent, sombre fist of it, knowing that things could always be worse, even if the London system can be, at times, atrocious relative to continental counterparts.

There is much to be entertained by – the fanatical desire to keep The City’s financial fires burning, the robotic sense of purpose that defies self-examination.  For others, the fuss is simply too much.  It was always going to be a bit too rich for those with a cardiovascular condition, or any other range of conditions which make proximity to fellow humans a challenge.  The journey to St. Pancras stalls with some excitement, with the driver informing everybody, apologetically, that some one had taken ill and was being tended to on the platform. The curious crane locked necks, though the fuss proved to be minimal.

There are also tips available for those who had not thought how to navigate the city on foot.  Taking the underground tends to be automatic position of London commuter, even between short distances.   “Stuck during the tube strike?” went the IB Times UK. “Here’s how long it takes to walk between stations.”

Those seeking to use such transport services as Uber and Addison Lee were coming up with little. Transport for Londonannounced a remedy of 150 extra buses, interesting commuters with a few vintage models.  All in all, it was evident that the city, on this Monday, was paralysed.  Focus, then, turned on the motivations behind the strike.

The usual vox pops approach by the media suggested a rag bag of opinions.  The general theme was that such a strike was “annoying” and did little to advance the broader union cause, though such a figure as one Dr. Simon Quantrill would tell The Guardian that he “did not agree with cutting work staff at the stations… people do not want to go on strike. They don’t get paid.”

London’s Mayor Sadiq Khan found himself in the embarrassing situation of having an election pledge broken.  Under his stewardship, he promised that the city would see no more strikes.  He must have believed it himself, given the TSSA union’s donation of a decent £15,000 to his mayoral campaign.

Khan, along with his predecessors, has tended to believe that the human factor needs to suffer in the face of technological change.  A leaner employment force armed to the teeth with dispensing machines, where human agents are minimal and distant, is deemed better than a larger, better informed LU force that provides a broader range of services.  And so the battle continues.

Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He lectures at RMIT University, Melbourne.  Email: [email protected]

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Cuerno de África: Khat, la hoja maldita.

January 9th, 2017 by Guadi Calvo

Quienes sigan con algún interes especial la política internacional o la historia, sabrán muy bien que las naciones que conforman el Cuerno de África (Somalia, Eritrea, Etiopía, Uganda, Kenia, Djibouti) junto a Yemen, parecen signadas por el destino a extraordinarios padecimientos como guerras, sequías, dictaduras, terrorismo, epidemias y hambrunas, que han relegado a esos pueblos a ocupar casi con exclusividad los últimos puestos en todo lo referente a calidad de vida.

Es por esto, que más allá de cuestiones puntuales, como las guerras en Siria o Irak, a la hora de enumerar las naciones que más ciudadanos suman a las grandes olas de refugiados, ninguno de los países mencionados escapa de los primeros puestos.

Pero este grupo de naciones también coinciden en un punto que hace más atroz sus padecimientos, el consumo endémico del khat.

El khat, o chat, kus-esalahin, miraa, tohai o tschat, cuyo nombre científico es Catha edulis Forsk es un arbusto de hojas perennes que crece en las alturas y que se da en el Este africano, Afganistán, Yemen y Madagascar. Su altura óptima es la de 6 metros, aunque puede llegar hasta los 15. Se lo cultiva entre los 1,500 y 2,500 metros de altura. Para su crecimiento necesita grandes cantidades de agua, y se da mucho mejor en terrenos ácidos y arcillosos bien drenados. Con cuidados llega a cosecharse cuatro veces al año.

Sus hojas son consumidas por unos 25  millones de entre la población del Cuerno de África y Yemen, de manera cotidiana y casi ritual.

Se utilizan los tallos frescos y las hojas, que el adicto masca de manera constante para extraer sus jugos de efectos estimulantes, formando en el carrillo, una bola a veces del tamaño de una pelota de golf, que mantiene durante horas. Las hojas secas se utilizan en la elaboración del llamado té de los árabes o té abisinio.

El Catha edulis  que contiene catinona una sustancia químicamente relacionada con la anfetamina, tiene efectos estimulantes muy parecidos a la cocaína.

El khat fue  cultivado durante siglos fundamentalmente en Etiopía, desde donde se extendió a países cercanos.

Su consumo, no solo se puede convertir en compulsivo, sino que con el uso prolongado en el tiempo, tiene numerosas e  importantes consecuencias negativas desde inflamaciones bucales a problemas hepáticos y cáncer de boca, y hasta ciertos grados de sicopatías. El efecto no se produce de manera inmediata, sino que se comienza a sentir al rato, según sea la frescura de la hoja.

El khat ya lo utilizaban los antiguos egipcios como analgésico, a quien le otorgaron  carácter sagrado. Se la conocía como “la comida divina” ya que se creía que facilitaba  la transmutación a otros planos.

El khat es mencionado en antiguos textos del siglo XII. La primera de esas menciones es  registrada como una amenaza del imán Sabradin, del sultanato de Ifat, en la actual Somalia, hacia el rey cristiano Amda Syon I, que gobernó Etiopia, entre 1314 y 1344, diciendo que: “cuando conquisté ese reino, haré de su capital Harar mi capital también, y plantaré khat”.

Según una leyenda su aparición, tiene connotaciones divinas, dos santos que pretendían pasar todas las noches orando, para honrar a Dios, era siempre vencidos por el sueño, por lo que una noche se les apareció un ángel, llevándoles la planta para que pudieran mantenerse despiertos.

Para su consumo es necesario que sus hojas sean mantenidas húmedas, ya que pierde buena parte de sus propiedades, a los tres o cuatro días de ser cortadas. El alcaloide desaparece cuando la hoja se marchitaba.

Para trasportarlas frescas hacia los mercados, los alijos de khat son protegidos con hojas verdes, troncos y  tallos de bananos y por encima se les coloca otra capa de hojas secas, a las que se les puede mantener humedecidas vertiéndole discretamente agua. Por esta es la razón, los tallos y las hojas de bananas, se cotiza mejor que el propio fruto.

Etiopía es el principal productor de khat, donde en cada temporada, se cosecha dos o tres veces a la semana, toda la producción es enviada a la ciudad de Harar, donde es distribuida a diferentes mercados.

Uno de ellos es Djibouti donde cada día llegan unas 15 toneladas, para los casi 500 mil adictos, de una población total que apenas llega al millón, la ex colonia francesa, a pesar de tener una tasa de desnutrición infantil que bordea el 70%, gasta en khat aproximadamente 220 millones de dólares al año.

Si bien en un comienzo el consumo, se restringía a alguna fiesta como los casamiento o incluso reuniones de negocios o los funerales, su  fue expandiendo a medida que las rutas de acceso, desde las zonas productoras a los grandes núcleos urbanos  fueron mejorando.

Llegando el punto que tras el almuerzo, prácticamente tanto en Somalia como Yemen toda la actividad se detiene y cada quien se dedica al consumo. En Somalia entre un 18% de la población de sur y un 55% del norte, son consumidores que  pueden llegar a gastar hasta un cuarto de su sueldo en khat.

En Yemen la tasa llega al 90 % entre os hombres y un 60 entre las mujeres, incorporándose los niños después de los 10 años.

Mascar khat es una actividad compartida entre amigos y parientes, aunque si separada hombres y mujeres. En la mayoría de las casas existe un cuarto llamado diwan o al-Mafraj dedicado con exclusividad al ritual del maqial. Por lo general son lugares alejados de puertas y ventanas que den al exterior.

Los consumidores se recuestan en almohadones y allí comienza el ritual de arrancar las hojas, e ir colocándola en sus bocas. Normalmente se pueden juntar entre seis o diez adictos, pero en oportunidades, como algún evento social, o político pueden llegar a ser más de veinte.

En el al-Mafraj, se disponen algunos narguiles, y liquido abundante (obviamente nunca alcohol, expresamente vedado en el Corán, pero si gaseosas, té negro suave o solo agua fría.

Estas sesiones suelen empezar después del almuerzo, hasta las oraciones del atardecer. En países en guerras civiles como Yemen, los combates se interrumpían para el consumo.

El efecto del narcótico comienza con euforia y bienestar, una gran energía y un intenso estado de alerta; incrementado la autoestima. Para luego llevar al consumidor a un estado de desinhibición, locuacidad, mayor capacidad perceptiva y comportamientos hipomaníacos. Llegando a experimentan pesadillas paranoicas, en las que se sienten agredidos, los que en muchas oportunidades les hacen generar reacciones violentas. El khat también aumenta la libido, y a la vez genera impotencia. No es extraño que a posteriori de estas sesiones de consumo se produzcan intentos de violación.

Abandonar el consumo, en muchos casos acarrea hasta aislamiento social

En Somalia el adicto puede llegar a gastar hasta un cuarto de su sueldo en el consumo de khat.

En 2006 la Unión de los Tribuales Islámicos somalíes, antecesores de al-Shaaban, el capítulo de al-Qaeda en el país, por intermedio de una fawtua  prohibieron, tal cual lo había hecho el Mullah Omar, líder de los talibanes afganos en 1999, con el opio, la siembra, producción y consumo del khat. Aunque, de hecho, la dinámica del conflicto eliminó el edicto de hecho.

Esta situación, ha generado la paradoja que en la actualidad los únicos aviones que llegan a horario a Somalia, son los que traen khat desde Kenia y Etiopía.

En Arabia Saudita, se prohibió en los años sesenta el cultivo, comercio y consumo  del khat por un decreto real. Avalado por las autoridades religiosas, ya que el Corán prohíbe el uso de cualquier sustancia que pueda perjudicar la salud.

En Kenia, donde unas 500 mil personas viven de la “industria”, los sembradíos se ubican en  las laderas de Monte Kenia, y representa el 1% de las exportaciones del país.

En la ciudad de Hargeisa, capital de Somalilandia, se ubica el mayor proveedor de la región que vende 80 toneladas de khat al día.

El único vencedor de la guerra en Yemen

Según una leyenda yemení, el khat lo introdujo en el país, el Sheikh Ibrahim Abbu Zahrabui, tras un viaje a Berbera (Somalia) en 1430.

El consumo generalizado y permanente de khat, no solo ha puesto en peligro la economía de país, ya que las horas perdidas de trabajo por individuo son entre las 3 y 5 diarias, también el incremento del cultivo, provocó la disminución de la siembra de otras importantes producciones, lo que está ocasionando subalimentación y todo tipo de enfermedades.

Los yemeníes utilizan el khat desde el XIV, pero durante gran parte de este tiempo su uso era solo un lujo esporádico.

El avance de las zonas cultivables de khat, no solo se deben a la corrupción estatal, ya que muchos de los funcionarios, líderes tribales, jefes militares y políticos de las sucesivas administraciones yemeníes, son dueños de tierras, sino también a la desproporcionada ventaja económica del khat frente a otros cultivos.

Comparado con el café, el khat,  es cinco veces más rentable, además de producir todo el año, y no como otros cultivos que se pueden cosechar una o a  lo sumo dos veces al año. Además el khat, necesita un 30% menos de riego. El agricultor con un kilo de papas, gana un dólar; con un kilo de tomates 5 dólares; mientras que un kilo de khat, son 26 dólares, de ganancia.

El extendido consumo de khat, que no se ha detenido a pesar de la guerra que el país mantiene contra Arabia Saudita desde marzo de 2015, ya  ha provocado innumerables inconveniente ecológicos. En primer lugar la gigantesca cantidad de polietileno, que se utiliza para proteger los sembradíos de khat, y las innumerables bolsas de plástico que se utilizan para envasarlas al menudeo, diseminadas en todas direcciones, sin control ni cuidado.

Además, que para el khat se está utilizando más del 40% del agua disponible, que es el recurso más escaso  del país. Miles de kilómetros de improvisadas tuberías tendidas, a través de infinitos desiertos para alimentar las plantaciones de khat. Se han construido sin asistencia técnica provocando innumerables pérdidas de agua. Según estudios de hidrología, Yemen corre un altísimo riesgo de convertirse en el primer país del mundo en quedarse sin agua.

Desde hace décadas que el khat ha extirpando la producción de otros cultivos. Para los años sesenta Yemen producía 2 millones de toneladas de cereales, ya en los setenta se había reducido a 500 mil toneladas, los números y esa tendencia lejos de modificarse se incrementó.

Antes del comienzo de la guerra con Arabia Saudita, la “industrial” del khat, representaba el 16% de la fuerza laboral, uno de cada 7 trabajadores, lo que representa medio millón de empleos, que la convierte en la segunda fuente laboral del país.

A pesar de la guerra y los constantes bombardeos de la aviación saudita, los traficantes de khat, se las han arreglado para seguir llegando puntuales a los centros de comercialización, en los grandes núcleos urbanos, suerte que no han tenido los productores de carne o leche.

La guerrilla chiitas Houtie, nominalmente el enemigo de la wahabita Arabia Saudita, también están intentado detener el consumo, decomisando y quemado los alijos que capturan.

Lo que obligó a los traficantes a crear un mercado negro, donde se paga un precio más alto. Aunque también los comerciantes han abierto líneas de financiación para sus clientes, ofreciéndoles descuentos y planes de pago diferido para su dosis diaria. También ahora ofrecen, otras variedades de khat, de menor calidad aunque dada la situación la clientela se va adaptando.

Una bolsa de las hojas verdes y blandas, cuesta entre 2 a 14 dólares, según su calidad. Quizás no sea tanto, si por un rato puedan olvidar el infierno en que están sumergidos.

Guadi Calvo

Guadi Calvo: Escritor y periodista argentino, analista Internacional especializado en África, Medio Oriente y Asia Central.

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Este será un año como ningún otro. En todo el mundo habrá un choque atronador de políticas, economías y políticos. Con sus puntos de vista extremos y su estilo arrollador, el presidente electo de Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, podría trastornar, y revolucionar, su país y el planeta.

Trump pondrá a Rex Tillerson, director ejecutivo de la compañía petrolera Exxon, como secretario de Estado, a banqueros de inversión en cargos claves de finanzas, a escépticos del clima y antiecologistas en organismos ambientales y de energía, y a Steve Bannon, un magnate de los medios de comunicación de extrema derecha, como su estratega principal.

Las relaciones entre Estados Unidos y China, las más importantes para la estabilidad internacional, podrían pasar de la coexistencia de las dos grandes potencias, con una cuidadosa combinación de competencia y cooperación, a la crisis absoluta.

Trump, mediante una llamada telefónica al presidente de Taiwán, Tsai Ing-wen, y con sus comentarios posteriores, señaló que podría retirar la consolidada adhesión de Washington a la política de “una sola China” y, en cambio, utilizar a Taiwán como herramienta para negociar las políticas económicas con Beijing. Para el gobierno chino esta actitud es una provocación extrema.

El presidente electo también designó como director del nuevo Consejo Nacional de Comercio a Peter Navarro, un economista conocido por sus libros que demonizan a China, incluido “Death by China: Confronting the Dragon” (Muerte por China: confrontando al dragón).

Trump parece decidido a hacer un giro de 180 grados en las políticas de comercio e inversión de Estados Unidos, empezando por abandonar el Acuerdo Transpacífico de Asociación para la Cooperación Económica (TPP, en inglés) y volver a negociar el Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte.

Otras medidas que se están considerando incluyen un arancel de 45 por ciento sobre los productos chinos, tasas e impuestos adicionales a las empresas estadounidenses instaladas en el extranjero, e incluso un arancel de 10 por ciento sobre todas las importaciones.

De esta manera, en 2017 se reforzará el proteccionismo de Estados Unidos, lo que es una mala noticia para los países en desarrollo cuyas economías crecieron gracias a las exportaciones y las inversiones internacionales.

Europa también tendrá sus propios problemas regionales este año. Seguirán las repercusiones del shock del Brexit – la salida de Gran Bretaña de la Unión Europea, decidida por un referéndum en 2016 – y varios países europeos tendrán elecciones generales en los que partidos nacionalistas y xenófobos desafiarán sus valores tradicionales.

A medida que las sociedades occidentales se encierren en sí mismas, los países en desarrollo deberán revisar sus estrategias de desarrollo y depender más de la demanda y las inversiones nacionales y regionales.

Con el deterioro de las relaciones económicas Norte-Sur, este también debería ser el momento para ampliar la cooperación Sur-Sur, estimulada tanto por la necesidad como por principios.

Este puede ser el año en que China – rica en recursos naturales, con su enorme iniciativa de expansión  “Cinturón y camino” y su inmensa capacidad de financiación – llene el vacío económico generado por el proteccionismo occidental.

Pero esto puede no ser suficiente para evitar un shock financiero en muchos países en desarrollo, que ahora comienzan a sufrir una salida de capitales hacia Estados Unidos, atraídos por la perspectiva de tasas de interés más altas y un mayor crecimiento económico.

Varias economías emergentes, que en conjunto recibieron cientos de miles de millones de dólares de dinero en los últimos años, ahora son vulnerables a la fase de contracción del ciclo de auge y caída de los flujos de capital. Algunos de estos países abrieron sus mercados de capitales a fondos extranjeros que ahora poseen grandes cantidades de bonos estatales en moneda nacional.

A medida que la situación cambie se prevé que los inversores extranjeros vendan y retiren una parte considerable de los bonos y acciones que compraron, y esta nueva vulnerabilidad se suma a la deuda externa tradicional contraída por los países en desarrollo en divisas.

Algunos países se verán afectados por una terrible combinación de salida de capitales, reducción de las ganancias de exportación, depreciación de la moneda y un aumento de la carga del servicio de la deuda causada por la suba de las tasas de interés en Estados Unidos.

Con la depreciación de la moneda local, las empresas de los países afectados tendrán que pagar más por el servicio de los préstamos contratados en divisas y la importación de maquinaria y piezas, mientras que los consumidores sufrirán un rápido aumento de los precios de las importaciones.

En lo positivo, la depreciación de la moneda hará que los exportadores sean más competitivos y tornará más atractivo al turismo, pero para muchos países eso no bastará para compensar los efectos negativos.

Así, 2017 no será amable con la economía, los negocios y los bolsillos de los ciudadanos de a pie. Podría incluso desencadenar una nueva crisis financiera mundial.

El año anterior terminó con bendiciones mixtas para los palestinos. Por un lado, ganaron una victoria significativa cuando el presidente saliente de Estados Unidos, Barack Obama, permitió la adopción de una resolución del Consejo de Seguridad de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas – que condena los asentamientos de Israel en los territorios palestinos ocupados – al no ejercer su facultad de veto.

La resolución alentará medidas internacionales contra la expansión de los asentamientos, que se han convertido en un gran obstáculo para las negociaciones de paz.

Por otro lado, el gobierno israelí, que reaccionó con planes para instalar más asentamientos, encontrará en Trump a un líder mucho más comprensivo. El próximo presidente estadounidense nombró a un defensor acérrimo de los intereses israelíes, que elogió la extensión de los asentamientos, como el nuevo embajador de Washington ante Israel.

Trump también indicó que anulará el acuerdo de energía nuclear con Irán, por lo que se avecinan tiempos aun más complicados para Medio Oriente en 2017.

Este nuevo año también será un punto de inflexión para los esfuerzos contra el cambio climático. Los avances logrados con dificultad en los últimos años encontrarán un obstáculo en Estados Unidos si el nuevo presidente desmantela las políticas y acciones iniciadas por Obama.

El Acuerdo de París, adoptado en diciembre de 2015 y que entró en vigor en un tiempo récord en octubre de 2016 como prueba de la preocupación internacional por el cambio climático, podría enfrentar una prueba importante e incluso un desafío existencial en 2017 si Trump cumple su promesa electoral y retira la adhesión de Estados Unidos.

Pero Trump y su equipo enfrentarán resistencia dentro del país, incluso de gobiernos estatales y municipios que tienen sus propios planes climáticos, y de otros países decididos a continuar la tarea, aun sin Estados Unidos.

De hecho, si 2017 ha de traer grandes cambios iniciados por la nueva administración en Washington, también generará muchas reacciones contrarias para llenar el vacío que dejará en el mundo la retirada de Estados Unidos o para contrarrestar sus nuevas medidas inquietantes.

Muchas personas en todo el mundo – políticos, autoridades y grupos de ciudadanos – ya se están preparando para generar respuestas y medidas.

Martin Khor

Martin Khor: Director ejecutivo del Centro del Sur.

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Rusia: Riesgos y agravios

January 9th, 2017 by Rafael Poch

En el esfuerzo de Moscú por volver a levantar cabeza en el mundo, el “síndrome 1905” resume los peligros de la empresa de consolidación interna de un régimen arcaico vía aventuras exteriores.

Ahora que la Rusia de Putin aparece en la cima de la recuperación de su poder y prestigio internacional con el clamoroso éxito alcanzado por su intervención en Siria (hecho que explica la intensa campaña contra el dirigente ruso cuyo histérico apogeo se vive estos días), es el momento de recordar los grandes riesgos que comporta el más que legítimo desafío ruso a Occidente y la fragilidad interna del régimen del Presidente Putin.

El actual sistema autocrático ruso, que Yeltsin puso en pie en 1993 con el entusiasta apoyo de Occidente, es muy vulnerable a la inestabilidad interna. Sus mecanismos de reproducción y legitimación apuntan siempre hacia la concentración del poder personal. Eso choca con las exigencias de una sociedad moderna.


El tradicional régimen de samovlastie heredado y perfeccionado por Putin, es poco funcional respecto a los desarrollos de su sociedad. Las encuestas confirman que el 50% de los rusos consideran que tienen derecho a defender sus intereses incluso si ello contradice los intereses del Estado. Los que no están de acuerdo con ese enunciado no tienen otro que contraponer y se sumarían a él de forma pasiva si llegara el momento. No estamos ante una sociedad soviética desde hace mucho tiempo.

A diferencia de los dos siglos anteriores, el legítimo nacionalismo ruso y los engranajes del consenso interno hacia un líder fuerte cuya principal virtud ha sido haber detenido una degradación nacional de casi veinte años, conviven con un vector muy fuerte de tipo burgués, podríamos decir, que rechaza el conflicto y desea la estabilidad, como ocurre en cualquier otra sociedad moderna. Ese vector, iniciado en la URSS urbana de los años sesenta va a aumentar, porque forma parte de la lógica histórica de nuestra época. El sistema autocrático no tiene una respuesta a eso. No encaja con ello. Su reforma es, por definición, complicada.


En la actual afirmación de Rusia en el mundo, hay, desde luego, una más que legítima reclamación de potencia. En Europa el ninguneo o maltrato de grandes potencias siempre tuvo resultados nefastos. Tras las guerras napoleónicas los vencedores implicaron a la vencida Francia en la toma de decisiones, lo que abrió una larga etapa de paz y estabilidad continental. El ejemplo contrario es lo que se hizo con la Alemania posguillermina, tras la primera guerra mundial, y también con la Rusia bolchevique tras la Revolución de 1917. En ambos casos, las políticas de exclusión -y de tremendo intervencionismo militar en la guerra civil rusa- tuvieron consecuencias nefastas para lo que luego fue el nazismo y la génesis del estalinismo. Lo que hemos visto en Europa desde el fin de la guerra fría es una nueva advertencia sobre los peligros de excluir a una gran potencia de la toma de decisiones y tratarla a base de imposiciones y sanciones en lugar de organizar la seguridad continental común que se acordó en París en noviembre de 1990 (y que habría hecho obsoleta a la OTAN y con ella a la influencia determinante de Estados Unidos en el continente). En lugar de eso, durante 25 años occidente ha maltratado a Rusia acosándola hasta llegar a los arrabales geopolíticos de Moscú, con el resultado visto en Ucrania.

Pero en la actual autoreivindicación del Kremlin hay también otro aspecto que no hay que perder de vista: un vector de movilización del favor de la población ante los efectos sumados que en el interior de Rusia tienen; los bajos precios del petróleo, el estancamiento de la situación socio-económica y las sanciones occidentales. Todo eso agudiza las contradicciones entre la sociedad rusa y su poco funcional régimen político.

Arriesgada legitimación

En la actual tensión militar en Europa, cuya principal responsabilidad es de Estados Unidos, con el regreso de la obsesión antirrusa de Alemania en segunda posición (la histeria de polacos y bálticos solo es relevante por lo instrumental hacia esas dos responsabilidades), la correlación de fuerzas es inequívoca: La población de los miembros europeos de la OTAN supera en cuatro veces a la de Rusia. La suma de sus PIB en nueve veces. Su gasto militar supera en por lo menos tres veces el ruso. Incluyendo al conjunto de la OTAN el presupuesto militar ruso de unos 90.000 millones de dólares es doce veces inferior al occidental. En Siria esas correlaciones no son muy diferentes y si las cosas han funcionado bien allí para Moscú ha sido gracias a cierto paralizante estupor de Estados Unidos ante los desastres de sus últimas acciones militares en la región, y a los zigzags de la actitud turca que la diplomacia rusa ha sabido jugar con gran acierto y maestría.

La decrépita máquina militar rusa ha sido mejorada en los últimos años, pero es un instrumento aún lleno de grietas que ha estado trabajando a su máximo rendimiento. Un caza-bombardero ruso fue abatido por los turcos, otros dos se cayeron al mar desde el portaviones Almirante Kuznetsov. La intervención rusa ha sido también arriesgada porque en caso de escalada difícilmente podría haber ido a más. De ahí la impresión de que Moscú intenta abarcar más de lo que puede, o, como mínimo, todo lo que puede. Una acción militar exterior con la lengua afuera multiplica los riesgos.

Las intervenciones en Siria y Ucrania han cargado las baterías de la legitimación del sistema de puertas adentro, pero ¿Cuánto durará esa carga? De momento funciona, pero los riesgos son inmensos y hay que preguntarse por la sostenibilidad del recurso. Un revés militar en Siria o en Ucrania, habrían sido letales para el Kremlin. En 1905 la derrota militar de Tsushima en la guerra ruso-japonesa supuso el principio del fin de la autocracia de los Románov, una dinastía de tres siglos. En el esfuerzo por volver a levantar cabeza en el mundo este “síndrome 1905” es capital.

Populismo sin distribución

El papel de potencias más prudentes en su acción exterior como Rusia y China en el mundo multipolar, es fundamental para evitar los peligrosos excesos del ilusorio hegemonismo que han quedado bien patentes en los desastres de estos años, pero en el orden interno Rusia debe ser valorada en su propia y contradictoria realidad. Putin no ha resuelto, y ni siquiera ha buscado, la vía de desarrollo que estabilice a Rusia. Es un patriota populista de derechas prisionero de un modelo de mando caduco para la modernidad. Ni siquiera es un Hugo Chávez que cometió el pecado de distribuir socialmente renta petrolera. Putin no distribuye nada. Aunque de momento no hay signos de protesta social, ese es un horizonte ineludible a largo plazo con el que un Occidente hostil siempre jugará. El arriesgado recurso de un machismo exterior no funcionará eternamente. En lo que concierne a Rusia ese es un desarrollo al que habrá que prestar la máxima atención a partir de ahora.

Dicho esto, es inevitable situar la injerencia (presunta o real) del Kremlin en la política americana que tantos titulares hace estos días después de varios años de intensa demonización del Presidente ruso en todo Occidente y particularmente en Alemania. Lo menos que puede decirse es que lo que ha trascendido, si es creíble, es ridículo al lado de lo que ha representado la ingerencia de Estados Unidos en la política rusa.

 El chiste de la injerencia en Hillarystán

En los años noventa la injerencia de Washington en Rusia fue determinante para la ruina y criminalización de la economía rusa. Muchos decretos de privatización y otros aspectos esenciales se redactaron directamente en Washington. Gente como el vicesecretario del tesoro americano Lawrence Summers, cursaba directamente instrucciones en materia de código fiscal, IVA y concesiones de explotación de recursos naturales y los fontaneros del Harvard Institute for International Development, bajo patrocinio de la USAID, Jeffrey Sachs, Stanley Fisher y Anders Aslund, tenían tanta influencia como los ministros.

Bajo la batuta de Andrei Kózyriev (1992-1996), la política exterior rusa estaba en manos de una marioneta de Washington que fue puesta como premio al frente de la farmacéutica americana ICN al ser cesada. El gran proyecto geopolítico para Rusia de estrategas de Washington como Zbigniew Brzezinski era disolver el país en cuatro o cinco repúblicas geopolíticamente irrelevantes -un escenario que Rusia nunca se planteó para Estados Unidos ni en los momentos más bollantes del poder soviético y cuyo precedente histórico más próximo es el proyecto de disolución de la URSS del Reichsministerium für die besetzten Ostgebiete bajo la dirección del nazi Alfred Rosenberg. En las presidenciales de junio/ julio de 1996 la complicidad de Estados Unidos fue clave para facilitar la financiación ilegal de la campaña de Yeltsin y la manipulación informativa que le acompañó, lo que impidió una probable victoria comunista…

Que mucho de todo esto fuera consentido e incluso propiciado por la clase política rusa cuya preocupación central en aquella época era llenarse los bolsillos, no cambia gran cosa el asunto: Después, cuando con Putin la prioridad fue la estabilización de lo adquirido y la recuperación de Rusia, Washington promocionó las revoluciones de colores en diversos países del entorno ruso y apoyó siempre ese escenario en la propia Rusia, sosteniendo económica e informativamente a organizaciones no gubernamentales y defensores de derechos humanos -muchos de ellos más que honorables- cuya acción consideraba favorable a sus intereses.

Clave de la recuperación rusa de principios de siglo XXI ha sido la sumisión del complejo energético a los intereses del Estado. Fue entonces, cuando se percató de que Putin ponía fin a la bananización de Rusia, cuando Washington apostó por el magnate Mijail Jodorkovski.

Propietario de Yukos, la mayor compañía petrolera rusa, y principal beneficiario de la privatización energética de los noventa, Jodorkovski se preparaba para desafiar electoralmente a Putin. En 2003 se disponía a trazar para ello vínculos económicos estratégicos con Occidente como la venta de una tercera parte de las acciones de Yukos a la norteamericana Exxon-Mobil (22.000 millones de dólares), la construcción de un oleoducto hacia China y de una terminal para la exportación a occidente en Murmansk con la que pretendía determinar el sentido de la exportación de crudo. Todo ello no solo rompía el pacto que Putin estableció con los magnates (respeto a las adquisiciones de la privatización a cambio de la no injerencia política y de la sumisión al Estado), sino que privaba al Kremlin de la principal baza geopolítica para la recuperación de Rusia: el uso de su potencia energética.

Jodorkovski, “adoptó decisiones que afectaban al destino y soberanía del Estado y que no podían dejarse en manos de un solo hombre guiado por sus propios intereses”, explicó Putin en su día. Jodorkovski fue encarcelado e inmediatamente beatificado en Occidente hasta su puesta en libertad…

Este tipo de injerencia en los asuntos de Rusia ha sido una constante -cualquier ruso lo sabe- y sitúa en su debido lugar el presunto escándalo de los hackers rusos en la campaña electoral americana. La simple realidad es que, en la hipótesis más extrema e indemostrable -con Putin manejando personalmente la operación- todo el asunto es bastante inocente. Más aún: al lado de lo que el valeroso disidente Eduard Snowden ha revelado al demostrar documentalmente la existencia de Big Brother y su control global total de las comunicaciones por Estados Unidos a través de la NSA, este episodio de los correos de Doña Hillary se parece mucho a una descomunal tomadura de pelo.

Rafael Poch

Rafael: Corresponsal internacional de La Vanguardia. 

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La economía de Centroamérica crecerá un 3,7 por ciento en 2017, mostrando poca variación frente a la cifra registrada en 2016, pero por debajo de la cifra de 2015, cuando alcanzó un 4,7 por ciento, según el pronóstico de la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL).

En su informe anual “Balance Preliminar de las Economías de América Latina y el Caribe 2016”, CEPAL advirtió que las tendencias proteccionistas surgidas en Estados Unidos pondrían en riesgo los acuerdo comerciales que actualmente benefician a los países centroamericanos.

Por otra parte, las amenazas de deportación contra los inmigrantes indocumentados reducirían notablemente las remesas que provienen del país norteamericano y que en algún caso representan hasta un 20 por ciento del Producto Interno Bruto.

Para Mario Torrico, investigador de la Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (Flacso), la República Popular China podría abrir esas puertas que se teme que cierre el presidente electo de Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, dado que el país asiático ha mostrado interés en continuar ampliando su presencia en la región.

“Si Donald Trump cumple su promesa, China tendría el potencial para cubrir esos vacíos, tendría el potencial de ser un destino alternativo de las exportaciones latinoamericanas y un inversor alternativo en América Latina”, aseguró el politólogo.

Sin embargo, en comparación con otras subregiones de América Latina, la mayoría de los países centroamericanos tienen como tarea pendiente el establecimiento de las relaciones diplomáticas con China para así poder profundizar la cooperación bilateral.

Entre los siete países centroamericanos, seis mantienen supuestos “vínculos diplomáticos” con Taiwan, isla que China considera parte inalienable de su territorio, con excepción de Costa Rica, país que rompió los lazos oficiales con Taiwan en 2007.

Tras reanudar las relaciones diplomáticas con China, Costa Rica se ha convertido en un importante aliado de China en América Latina. En 2011, ambas naciones rubricaron el acuerdo de libre comercio mediante el cual China ha llegado a ser el segundo socio comercial del país centroamericano.

Según datos de la Promotora de Comercio Exterior de Costa Rica, las exportaciones costarricenses al mercado chino crecieron en el promedio anual de un 7,6 por ciento en el período 2004-2014, llegando a los 338,3 millones de dólares estadounidenses en el año 2014.

Esta cifra fue el doble del monto de las exportaciones a china acumuladas por Honduras, Nicaragua, Guatemala y El Salvador, por donde la líder de Taiwan, Tsai Ing-wen, realizará una gira esta semana.

Según los datos de la CEPAL, las exportaciones de Honduras, Nicaragua, Guatemala y El Salvador a China sumaron respectivamente 92 millones de dólares, 28 millones de dólares, 43 millones de dólares y 6 millones de dólares.

Sin embargo, la mayor diferencia de beneficios, que hay entre los países que tienen relaciones diplomáticas con China y los que no, no radica en el comercio.

En caso de Costa Rica, China ha financiado la construcción del Estadio Nacional y la Escuela Nacional de Policía, ambos los mejor equipados en toda la Centroamérica.

Además, la empresa China Harbour Engineering Company Limited está modernizando la Ruta 32 que une la capital nacional de San José con la provincia de Limón, lugar que alberga los principales puertos comerciales y petroleros del país.

Tal proyecto tendrá un costo de 485 millones de dólares y será financiado en un 85 por ciento con un préstamo otorgado por China, y se espera que cree por lo menos 1.000 empleos directos y 10.000 empleos indirectos.

Jamaica también se ha beneficiado de su cooperación con China. En marzo de 2016, se celebró en la capital jamaicana de Kingston la ceremonia de apertura de la Autopista Norte-Sur, financiada, construida y operada por la misma empresa, China Harbour Engineering Company Limited.

Esta arteria de transporte no solamente ha acortado a la mitad del tiempo de viaje entre Kingston en el sur y la ciudad turística de Ocho Rios en el norte, sino que también estimulará poco a poco el desarrollo económico de las zonas a lo largo de la autopista.

En contraste, las contribuciones que ha hecho y que podrá hacer Taiwan a sus aliados resultan muy reducidas. Actualmente Taiwan cuenta con 21 países aliados “diplomáticos”, entre los cuales figuran 12 países en América Latina y el Caribe, que encaran mucha deficiencia en infraestructura y desarrollo sostenible y esperan con ansiedad ayuda exterior.

En diciembre de 2016, Santo Tomé y Príncipe rompió las supuestas “relaciones diplomáticas” con Taiwan, siendo el segundo en cortar los lazos oficiales con Taiwan en el periodo de un año, después de que Gambia hiciera lo mismo en marzo.

La portavoz de la cancillería de China, Hua Chunying, dio la bienvenida a tal decisión y manifestó que el principio de una sola China, que afecta a los intereses centrales de China y a los sentimientos de los 1.300 millones de chinos, es la base política y la premisa sobre la que China desarrolla las relaciones amistosas de cooperación con países extranjeros.

Hua también recordó que la Resolución 2758 de la Asamblea General de la ONU, adoptada en 1971, estipula explícitamente que los representantes del gobierno de la República Popular China son los representantes legítimos de China ante las Naciones Unidas.

China no hará ninguna concesión en el principio de una sola China, razón por la cual los países con relaciones diplomáticas con China son los que pueden aprovecharse del desarrollo constante de la segunda economía más grande del mundo.

Actualmente, China ha sido el segundo socio comercial y una importante fuente de inversión de América Latina y el Caribe. China ha propuesto elevar el comercio bilateral hasta 500.000 millones de dólares y destinar a la región 250.000 millones de dólares en diez años.

Por otro lado, el inmenso mercado chino representa una gran atracción para los países latinoamericanos y caribeños. En los próximos cinco años, China importará bienes y servicios por valor de 10 billones de dólares e invertirá 500.000 millones de dólares en el extranjero, mientras que los turistas chinos realizarán más de 500 millones de visitas a otros países.

No cabe duda de que si estas propuestas se materializan, muchos países latinoamericanos y caribeños, especialmente los que tienen lazos diplomáticos con China, podrán aprovechar la diversificación de exportaciones al país asiático y las fuertes inversiones chinas en infraestructura y otros terrenos más necesarios para el desarrollo.

Quizá los gobiernos de los 12 aliados “diplomáticos” de Taiwan en América Latina y el Caribe ya sepan qué es lo que puede hacer para subirse al tren del desarrollo económico de China.

Zhao Hui

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El mundo en la era de Trump: ¿Qué podemos esperar?

January 9th, 2017 by Immanuel Wallerstein

Hacer predicciones en el corto plazo es la más traicionera de las actividades. Normalmente trato de no hacerlas. En cambio, trato de analizar lo que está ocurriendo en términos de la larga duración de su historia y las probables consecuencias en el mediano plazo. No obstante, esta vez he decidido hacer predicciones de corto plazo por una simple razón. Me parece que todo mundo, en todas partes, está enfocado al momento en lo que ocurrirá en este corto plazo. No parece haber otro objeto de interés.

La ansiedad está al máximo y necesitamos lidiar con ella. Déjenme comenzar diciendo que pienso que 95 por ciento de políticas que emprenderá Donald Trump en su primer año en el cargo serán absolutamente terribles, peor de lo que anticipamos. Esto puede constatarse en las designaciones de cargos importantes que ya anunció. Al mismo tiempo, es muy probable que se meta en problemas importantes.

Este resultado contradictorio es consecuencia de su estilo político. Si revisamos cómo fue que ganó la presidencia de Estados Unidos, lo hizo contra todas las probabilidades con cierta técnica retórica deliberada. Por una parte, ha sido constante hacer declaraciones que responden a temores importantes por parte de los ciudadanos estadunidenses utilizando lenguaje en código, que quienes lo escuchan lo reciben interpretándolo como un respaldo a políticas que piensan podrán aliviar sus múltiples penurias. Fue muy frecuente que hiciera esto con breves tuits o en mítines públicos estrictamente controlados.

Al mismo tiempo, fue siempre vago acerca de las precisas políticas que emprendería. Sus declaraciones fueron casi siempre seguidas de interpretaciones por parte de seguidores importantes, y con bastante frecuencia éstas diferían o eran interpretaciones opuestas. En efecto, se adjudicó el crédito por las declaraciones fuertes y dejó que otros asumieran el descrédito por las políticas precisas. Esto fue una técnica magníficamente efectiva. Lo llevó a donde está y parece claro que pretende continuar con esa técnica una vez en el cargo.

Hay un segundo elemento de su estilo político. Toleró la interpretación de todos siempre y cuando constituyeran un respaldo a su liderazgo. Si percibía alguna duda en torno a que lo respaldaran personalmente, fue veloz en ejercer la venganza atacando públicamente a quien lo hubiera ofendido. Exigió fidelidad absoluta e insistió en que ésta se desplegara. Aceptó el remordimiento penitente, pero no la ambigüedad acerca de su persona.

Parece creer que la misma técnica le servirá bien en el resto del mundo: fuerte retórica, interpretaciones ambiguas a cargo de su variada panoplia de seguidores principales, y, al final, más bien políticas impredecibles en los hechos.

Parece pensar que sólo hay dos países además de Estados Unidos que importan hoy en el mundo –Rusia y China. Como apuntaron tanto Robert Gates como Henry Kissinger, está utilizando la técnica Nixon al revés. Nixon hizo un trato con China, con el fin de debilitar a Rusia. Trump está haciendo un trato con Rusia para debilitar a China. Esta política pareció resultarle a Nixon. ¿Le funcionará a Trump? No creo, porque el mundo de 2017 es bastante diferente del mundo de 1973.

Así que miremos cuáles son las dificultades que le esperan a Trump. En casa, su mayor dificultad, sin duda, es con los republicanos en el Congreso, en particular aquellos que están en la Cámara de Representantes. Su agenda no es la de Donald Trump. Por ejemplo, ellos quieren destruir el Medicare. De hecho, desean repeler toda la legislación social del último siglo. Trump sabe que esto acarrearía una revuelta de su base electoral real, que quiere bienestar social al mismo tiempo que un gobierno profundamente proteccionista y una retórica xenofóbica.

Trump cuenta con intimidar al Congreso y que se alinee con él. Tal vez lo consiga. Pero después serán evidentes las contradicciones entre su agenda en favor de los acaudalados y su parcial mantenimiento del estado de bienestar. O el Congreso prevalecerá sobre Trump. Y esto le resultará intolerable. Y lo que hará al respecto es una adivinanza para cualquiera. Él no se conoce a sí mismo, dado que no encara esta clase de dificultad mientras no tiene que hacerlo.

Lo mismo es cierto de la geopolítica en el sistema-mundo. Ni Rusia ni China están preparadas para retractarse en lo más mínimo de sus políticas actuales. ¿Por qué deberían hacerlo? Estas políticas les han estado funcionando. Rusia es de nuevo una potencia importante en Medio Oriente y en todo el mundo ex-soviético. China, lenta pero seguramente, se afirma en una posición dominante en el nordeste y el sureste de Asia, e incrementa su papel en el resto del mundo.

No hay duda de que Rusia y China se meten en dificultades de tiempo en tiempo y ambas están listas para hacer concepciones puntuales a otros, pero no más que esto. Así que Trump va a descubrir que no es, internacionalmente, el perro alfa a quien todo mundo le debe rendir reverencia. Y luego, ¿qué?

Lo que podría hacer una vez que sus amenazas sean ignoradas es de nuevo la adivinanza de cualquiera. Lo que todo mundo teme es que actuará precipitadamente con los instrumentos militares a su disposición. ¿Lo hará? ¿O será constreñido por su grupo interno más próximo? Nadie puede estar seguro. Todos podemos solamente confiar en que así sea.

Así que así está. Desde mi punto de vista, no es un panorama bonito pero no es desesperanzado. Si de algún modo llegamos el año entrante a un tránsito de estabilidad dentro de Estados Unidos y dentro del sistema-mundo como un todo, entonces cobra peso el mediano plazo a nivel analítico. Y ahí la historia, aunque sea aún sombría, tiene al menos mejores perspectivas para aquellos de nosotros que queremos un mundo mejor del que actualmente tenemos.

Traducido por Ramón Vera Herrera para La Jornada

Immanuel Wallerstein

Immanuel Wallerstein: Sociólogo y científico social histórico estadounidense, principal teórico del análisis de sistema-mundo.

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El cambio de bando de Turquía

January 9th, 2017 by Thierry Meyssan

El presidente ruso Vladimir Putin anunció la proclamación de un alto al fuego en Siria, acordado con Turquía, país que hasta ahora había sido el principal respaldo operativo de los yihadistas. ¿Cómo se explica este giro inesperado? ¿Logrará el presidente turco Erdogan mover su país de la esfera influencia de Estados Unidos a la de Rusia? ¿Cuáles son las causas y consecuencias de este importante cambio de bando?

Turquía es un país miembro de la OTAN, aliado de Arabia Saudita, amo del yihadismo internacional desde que el príncipe saudita Bandar ben Sultán tuvo que ser hospitalizado –en 2012– y padrino de la Hermandad Musulmana desde el derrocamiento de Mohamed Morsi en Egipto y la discrepancia entre Doha y Riad, en 2013 y 2014. En noviembre de 2015, Turquía llegó incluso a atacar a Rusia, derribando un Sukhoi-24 y provocando con ello una ruptura de relaciones diplomáticas con Moscú.

Pero esa misma Turquía acaba de apadrinar el alto al fuego en Siria, diseñado por Rusia [1]. ¿Por qué?

Desde 2013, Washington ha dejado de ver a Recep Tayyip Erdogan como un aliado confiable. Debido a ello, la CIA realizó diversas operaciones no contra Turquía sino directamente contra Erdogan. En mayo-junio de 2013, la CIA organiza y respalda el movimiento de protesta del parque Taksim Gezi. Durante las elecciones legislativas turcas de junio de 2015, la agencia estadounidense financia y maneja el partido de las minorías HDP para limitar los poderes del presidente Erdogan. Recurre a esa misma táctica en las elección de noviembre de 2015, pero el poder turco logra “arreglarlas”. La CIA pasa entonces de la política a la acción secreta. Organiza 4 intentos de asesinato, de los que el más reciente –en julio de 2016– termina muy mal, cuando la agencia estadounidense empuja un grupo de oficiales kemalistas a tratar de dar un golpe de Estado sin ninguna preparación.

Recep Tayyip Erdogan se halla, por lo tanto, en la misma posición que el primer ministro italiano de los años 1970, Aldo Moro: está a la cabeza de un país miembro de la OTAN y enfrenta la hostilidad de Estados Unidos. A Aldo Moro, la OTAN logró eliminarlo manipulando un grupo de extrema izquierda [2]. Pero no ha logrado liquidar a Erdogan.

Por otro lado, para ganar las elecciones en noviembre de 2015, Erdogan tuvo que captar a los supremacistas turco-mongoles reactivando unilateralmente el conflicto con la minoría kurda. De hecho, a su base electoral islamista del AKP le agregó los supuestos «nacionalistas» del MHP. En cuestión de meses mató más de 3 000 ciudadanos turcos miembros de la etnia kurda y arrasó varias aldeas, incluso barrios de grandes ciudades.

Para terminar, al servir de intermediario para la entrega a al-Qaeda y al Emirato Islámico (Daesh) del armamento que enviaban Arabia Saudita, Qatar y la OTAN, Erdogan estableció una estrecha relación con las organizaciones yihadistas. No dudó en utilizar la guerra contra Siria para echarse dinero en el bolsillo, a título personal. Primero lo hizo apoderándose de las maquinarias de las fábricas de Alepo –desmontadas y trasladadas a Turquía– y luego traficando con el petróleo y las antigüedades robados por los yihadistas. Todo el clan Erdogan fue vinculándose paulatinamente a los yihadistas. Por ejemplo, su actual primer ministro, el mafioso Binali Yildirim, organizó talleres para la fabricación de artículos falsificados en los territorios que administra Daesh.

Pero la intervención del Hezbollah en la segunda guerra contra Siria –a partir de julio de 2012– y después la intervención de la Federación Rusa –en septiembre de 2015– imprimieron un giro al conflicto. La gigantesca coalición de los “Amigos de Siria” ha perdido gran parte del terreno que ocupaba y está encontrando cada vez más dificultades para reclutar nuevos mercenarios. Miles de yihadistas han abandonado el campo de batalla y ya se han replegado hacia Turquía.

Pero la mayoría de esos individuos son incompatibles con la civilización turca. El problema es que los yihadistas no fueron reclutados como un ejército coherente sino para reunir el mayor número posible de elementos armados. Llegaron a ser al menos 250 000, quizás incluso muchos más. Al principio eran delincuentes árabes bajo las órdenes de miembros de la Hermandad Musulmana. Progresivamente, fueron agregándose los sufistas naqchbandis del Cáucaso e Irak, e incluso jóvenes occidentales sedientos de revolución.

Esta increíble mezcolanza no puede mantenerse si se desplaza a Turquía. En primer lugar, porque los yihadistas ahora quieren tener su propio Estado, y parece imposible que puedan proclamar otra vez el Califato en Turquía. Y también por todo tipo de razones de orden cultural. Por ejemplo: los yihadistas árabes han adoptado el wahabismo de los donantes sauditas. Según esa ideología del desierto, la Historia no existe. Por eso han destruido numerosas ruinas antiguas, supuestamente porque el Corán prohíbe los ídolos. Si bien esa óptica no ha encontrado problemas en Ankara, nadie concibe que los dejen tocar el patrimonio turco-mongol.

De hecho, en este momento Erdogan tiene –además de Siria– otros 3 enemigos:

  • Estados Unidos y sus aliados turcos –el FETO, organización del islamista burgués Fethullah Gulen;
  • Los kurdos independentistas, sobre todo el PKK;
  • Las pretensiones de los yihadistas, principalmente los de Daesh, de crear un Estado sunnita.

El interés de Turquía sería aplacar prioritariamente sus conflictos internos con el PKK y con el FETO. Pero el interés personal de Erdogan es encontrar un nuevo aliado. Después de haber sido aliado de Estados Unidos, durante el ascenso estadounidense, ahora quiere convertirse en aliado de Rusia, que ya es la primera potencia militar del mundo en materia de guerra convencional.

Operar este cambio de bando parece particularmente difícil en la medida en que Turquía es miembro de la OTAN, organización de la que nadie ha logrado salir. Quizás pudiera, en un primer momento, salir del mando militar integrado, como hizo Francia en 1966. Y hay que recordar que en aquella época Charles De Gaulle tuvo enfrentar un intento de golpe de Estado y fue objeto de numerosos intentos de asesinato por parte de la OAS, organización financiada… por la CIA.

Suponiendo que Turquía lograse manejar ese cambio, todavía tendría que hacer frente a otros dos grandes problemas.

En primer lugar, aunque no se conoce con precisión la cantidad de yihadistas desplegados en Siria e Irak, es posible estimar que ya queden sólo entre 50 000 y 200 000. Sabiendo que esos mercenarios son masivamente irrecuperables, ¿qué se puede hacer con ellos? El acuerdo de alto al fuego, redactado de manera voluntariamente imprecisa, deja abierta la posibilidad de atacarlos en Idlib. Esa gobernación siria se halla bajo la ocupación de una serie de grupos armados, sin vínculos entre sí pero bajo la coordinación de la OTAN, desde el LandCom, instalado en Esmirna (Izmir) –precisamente en Turquía–, a través de ONGs «humanitarias». Contrariamente a Daesh, esos yihadistas no han sabido organizarse correctamente y siguen dependiendo de la ayuda de la OTAN. Esa ayuda les llega a través de la frontera turca, que podría cerrarse de un momento a otro. Sin embargo, si bien resulta fácil controlar los camiones que siguen rutas bien definidas, no es posible cortar el paso a los hombres que se mueven a campo traviesa. Miles, quizás decenas de miles de yihadistas, podrían huir próximamente hacia Turquía y desestabilizar ese país.

Turquía ya inició su cambio de retórica. El presidente Erdogan acusó a Estados Unidos de seguir apoyando a los yihadistas en general y a Daesh en particular, dando a entender que si él mismo lo hizo en el pasado fue bajo la mala influencia de Washington. Ankara espera ganar dinero poniendo la reconstrucción de Homs y Alepo en manos de su empresa constructora. Pero es difícil imaginar que, después de haber pagado a cientos de miles de sirios para que abandonaran su país, después de haber saqueado el norte de Siria y de haber respaldado a los yihadistas que han destruido el país y asesinado a cientos de miles de sirios, Turquía logre evadir todas sus responsabilidades.

El cambio de bando de Turquía –si se confirma en los próximos meses– traerá todo una cadena de consecuencias. Comenzando por el hecho que el presidente Erdogan se presenta ahora no sólo como aliado de Rusia sino también como socio del Hezbollah y de la República Islámica de Irán, o sea de los héroes del mundo chiita. Termina con ello el sueño de una Turquía líder del mundo sunnita, que lucha contra los «herejes» con el dinero de Arabia Saudita. Pero el conflicto artificial entre musulmanes, desatado por Washington, no terminará hasta que Arabia Saudita también renuncie a la ilusión.

El extraordinario giro de Turquía resulta probablemente difícil de entender para los occidentales, que creen que la política es siempre pública. Sin entrar a mencionar el arresto de varios oficiales turcos en un bunker de la OTAN en el este de Alepo, hace 2 semanas, es más fácil de interpretar para quienes recuerdan, por ejemplo, el papel personal de Recep Tayyip Erdogan durante la primera guerra de Chechenia, cuando él mismo dirigía la Milli Gorus, papel del que Moscú nunca habló pero que está ampliamente documentado en los archivos de los servicios de inteligencia de la Federación.

Vladimir Putin ha preferido convertir un enemigo en aliado, en vez de hacerlo caer y tener que seguir batallando contra el Estado que hoy dirige. El presidente Bachar al-Assad, sayyed Hassan Nasrallah y el ayatola Alí Khamenei han comprendido que es mejor hacer lo mismo.

Elementos a recordar:

– Después de haberse ilusionado con la conquista de Siria, el presidente Erdogan ahora se halla en dificultades –únicamente por causa de su propia política– en 3 frentes a la vez: tiene problemas con Estados Unidos y con el FETO –la organización de Fethullah Gulen–; con los kurdos independentistas del PKK; y con Daesh.

– A esos tres adversarios podría agregarse nuevamente Rusia, que posee abundante información sobre la trayectoria personal de Erdogan. Eso ha llevado al presidente Erdogan a optar por aliarse con Moscú y pudiera llegar a salir del mando integrado de la OTAN.

Thierry Meyssan

Thierry Meyssan: Periodista francés, director y fundador de la Red Voltaire.

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Blackwater Founder Returns to Save Europe from Refugees

January 8th, 2017 by Belén Fernández

Starting the new year off with a bang, the Financial Times has just published a dispatch by Erik Prince, notorious founder and former CEO of the private security contracting firm Blackwater, the outfit responsible for projects such as the 2007 Nisour Square massacre of Iraqi children and other civilians.

The company has undergone a series of rebranding efforts over the years as an apparent means of distancing itself from overtly toxic connotations.

Prince’s Financial Times bio discreetly identifies him as simply “a former US Navy SEAL [and] executive chairman of Frontier Services Group,” a Hong Kong-headquartered entity.

According to its website, FSG offers “security and logistics services in frontier markets”.

In an investigation by The Intercept, Prince’s activities at FSG were reported to include endeavouring to sell weaponised crop dusters in Africa as part of “what one colleague called his ‘obsession’ with building his own private air force”. As with many of Prince’s operations, a facade of legality has often proved elusive.

Suffice it to say that the Financial Times isn’t racking up huge points on the ethical front by promoting a man whose modus operandi has essentially been to make a killing off of killing.

In his memoirCivilian Warriors: The Inside Story of Blackwater and the Unsung Heroes of the War on Terror, Prince writes that, by 2009, his company had received more than $1bn for its services in Iraq from the US State Department alone.

This is not counting copious other contracts in Afghanistan and elsewhere, including contributions to the CIA’s drone strike programme.

Saving the EU

In his Financial Times debut, Prince sounds the alarm that Europe has been overwhelmed with refugees and that the “very existence of the EU is in danger”. Luckily for humanity, however, Prince has “a solution that will restore stability to Libya and mitigate the crisis” – a solution he says is “based on many years’ experience in military and civilian business”.

Never mind that Prince himself is implicated in a fair amount of destruction and havoc-wreaking in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other locales that now serve as primary sources of – you guessed it – Europe-bound migration.

Prince’s proposed refugee “solution” involves a “public-private partnership” – a euphemism of sorts for what appears to boil down to a privatised war on refugees. He envisions “base camps” for security personnel “alongside a new border fence” in Libya, with border police “consist[ing] of mentors with a European law enforcement background, supported by locals trained in key basic skills”.

Prince writes: “All personnel would be armed and have agreed-upon rules of engagement and migrant detention and repatriation policy. Each base would have airborne surveillance and search and rescue as well as armed vehicle quick reaction forces. Air operations would be provided by third-party professional providers, as would medical evacuation services.” The “mentors”, Prince specifies, “would be the skeleton structure of the unit providing key leadership, intelligence co-ordination, communications, medical and logistics expertise”.

As for what global entity might be called upon to supervise the whole shebang, maybe something with the words “frontier services” in its title?

So much for paid advertising.

In Prince’s reality, the present dearth of Libyan border security means that any old migrant can “travel unchecked” to the coast and hop on a boat for the “short, if dangerous” ride to Europe.

Call me a party pooper, but I wouldn’t file the regular imprisonment, torture and rape of migrants in Libya under the category “travelling unchecked”.

Free market obsession

Meanwhile, Prince’s fervent commitment to stanching the flow of certain humans naturally does not translate into an across-the-board opposition to human movement.

Private security mercenaries, for one, should evidently be permitted to transcend borders at will – as should persons with the last name of Prince who relocate to Abu Dhabi to set up secret armies.

In his memoir, Prince reminisces fondly about Ronald Reagan’s free market obsession and anti-communist “aggressive military policy”, quoting Reagan’s 1985 State of the Union address in which the president once again obliterated any pretences to a separation of church and state in the US: “Freedom is not the sole prerogative of a chosen few; it is the universal right of all God’s children.”

But just as the anti-communist version of “freedom” meant freedom for capital rather than people, Prince’s conception is similarly exclusive.

While Prince and his bank account are apparently eligible for unfettered intercontinental exploitation of conflict and misery, poor folks fleeing war and economic persecution must be stopped at all costs.

Nor is “freedom” a detectable option for Iraqis slaughtered by US security contractors or Pakistanis killed by US drones.

In the end, Prince’s refugee “solution” is hardly surprising coming from someone who has also proposed combating Ebola with private contractors.

And who knows: perhaps mercenaries also hold the key to other persistent global issues like climate change and snoring and erectile dysfunction.

One thing is for certain, though: that Prince’s “solutions” aren’t aimed at any sort of resolution but rather at the perpetuation of strife in the interest of financial gain.

In peddling his alleged antidotes to crisis, Prince is symptomatic of a far more profound one.

Belen Fernandez is the author of The Imperial Messenger: Thomas Friedman at Work, published by Verso. She is a contributing editor at Jacobin magazine.

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I propose ten measures for the people’s seizure of power, ascertaining that the experience of the Greek capitulation of 2015 is not revisited. |1|

The first proposal: a left-wing government must disobey the European Commission (EC) in a very transparent manner with prior announcements. The party, or the coalition of parties which claims to govern, and of course I take the example of Spain, should refuse to obey the austerity measures from the outset, and pledge to refuse the balanced budget. They should announce: “We will not yield to the European treaties’ diktat to accept a balanced budget” because we want to increase public expenditure for fighting anti-social and austerity measures and embarking on the ecological transition. Therefore, the first step is to start defying in a clear and determined way. I believe that the Greek capitulation has shown us why we must shed the illusion that the EC and other European governments respect popular will. This illusion can only lead to disaster. We must disobey.

Second proposal: Resolve to appeal for popular mobilisations, both at the national and the European levels. In 2015 , this initiative was unsuccessful in Greece. It is obvious that the European social movements did not achieve great success in mobilising, which did take place but, not with enough solidarity for the Greek people. However, it is also true that Syriza’s strategy did not include appeals for popular mobilisations in Europe, or even in Greece. And when they did call for mobilisations by means of the referendum of July 5, 2015, scant respect was shown for the popular will of 61.5% of the Greeks who refused to obey the creditors’ demands.

Third proposal: Resolve to launch a debt audit with citizens’ participation. I would like to see this audit conducted alongside the suspension of debt repayments. The situations in 28 EU countries are diverse. In some European countries, it is a matter of utmost necessity and priority to suspend debt repayments, as is the case of Greece, and as would be the case with Portugal and Cyprus. As for Spain, we would have to see. In other countries, it is possible to carry out the audit first and then decide on the suspension of repayments. The specific situation of each country must be weighed before implementing these measures.

Fourth proposal: Implement capital controls and think through what it means. It does not mean that citizens have to be disallowed from transferring a few hundred Euros abroad. Obviously international financial transactions would be allowed up to a certain amount. On the other hand, it is important to enforce strict control over capital flow beyond a certain limit of transfers.

Fifth proposal: Socialize the financial sector and the energy sector. I believe that socialising the financial sector does not merely imply developing a public banking hub. It implies decreeing a public monopoly on the financial sector, i.e. banks and insurance companies: a socialisation of the financial sector under the citizens’ control. That is, transforming the financial sector into a public service sector. |2| During the ecological transition, definitely the socialisation of the energy sector will also remain a priority. Ecological transition cannot take place without a public monopoly over the energy sector, both in terms of production and distribution.

Sixth Proposal: Create a complementary, non-convertible currency. Whether it is a case of exiting the Eurozone or remaining in it, it is necessary to create a non-convertible complementary currency. In other words, a currency that allows, local transactions, to trade within the country. For example, for paying increased pensions, salary increases for civil servants, taxes, public services etc. The use of a complementary currency enables a partial getaway from the dictatorship of the Euro and the European Central Bank. Of course, we cannot avoid the debate on the Eurozone. I think that in several countries, exit from the Eurozone is an option that must be defended, along with parties and trade unions. Several Eurozone countries will not be able to truly break away from austerity and launch an eco-socialist transition without leaving the Eurozone. I believe that a redistributive monetary reform will be necessary in the case of an exit. What does that mean? This means decreeing, for example, that the exchange rate would be 1 Euro per 100 pesetas up to 200,000 Euros in cash. But above 200,000, the exchange rate would be 1.5 Euros for 100 pesetas. At an even higher level, it would be 2 Euros. Beyond 500, 000, ten Euros will fetch 100 pesetas. This implies a redistributive monetary reform. This reduces the cash in circulation and redistributes household liquid assets. And of course, this dissolves some of the liquid assets of the richest 1%. 30% of the population, the less wealthy, have debts, not liquid assets. Possibly, they have some wealth in terms of houses (mortgaged or not), but this section of the population does not have any net liquid assets.

Seventh proposal: Of course, a radical tax reform. Remove VAT on basic consumer goods and services, such as food, electricity and water, and other basic necessities. On the other hand, increase VAT on luxury goods and services, etc. We also need to increase the taxes on the profits of private companies and the incomes above a certain level. In other words, a progressive tax on income and wealth.

Eighth proposal: Renationalisations. “Buy back” privatised companies with a symbolic Euro. Thus, from this angle, paying a symbolic Euro to those who have benefited from privatisations would be a very nice gesture. Strengthen and extend public services under citizen control.

Ninth proposal: Reduce working hours keeping income intact. Revoke anti-social laws and introduce laws to resolve the situation of abusive mortgage debt. This could well be fixed legally, without resorting to lawsuits (since there are many lawsuits on mortgage debt where households have to clash with banks). For example, a Parliament could pass a law to cancel mortgage debts below 150,000 Euros This would avoid going to court.

Tenth proposal: Initiate a genuine constituent process. This does not imply constitutional changes within the existing parliamentary institutions. This involves dissolving the parliament and electing a Constituent Assembly by direct voting. Of course, questions of nationality, etc. must be considered, but it is a matter of launching a genuine constituent process, whether at the level of nationalities or the State per se, and trying to integrate this process into other constituent processes in Europe.

I have outlined the above ten basic proposals for discussion. However, they are extremely pressing matters for me, since I believe that without adopting pre-announced radical measures, there would be no relief from austerity policies. Manoeuvres will not help to escape from austerity policies unless radical steps are taken against big capital. To believe that this can be avoided is to hide behind ‘smokescreens’: such people will never know an actual and concrete progress. The architecture of the European level is such, and the capitalist crisis is so extensive that there is no room for neo-Keynesian productivist politics. I believe that eco-socialism has a place not on the margins, but at the heart of the debate. Immediate and concrete proposals will emerge from there. We must carry out the anti-austerity struggle and embark on the path of an eco-socialist transition. It is an absolute and immediate necessity.

Translated by Suchandra De Sarkar from French


|1| Eric Toussaint’s speech delivered on September 25, 2016 during the 3rd International Ecosocialist Conference at Bilbao.

|2| For an analysis of the socialisation of banks, see What is to be Done with the Banks? Radical Proposals for Radical Changes,13315

Eric Toussaint is a historian and political scientist who completed his Ph.D. at the universities of Paris VIII and Liège, is the spokesperson of the CADTM International, and sits on the Scientific Council of ATTAC France. He is the author of Bankocracy(2015); The Life and Crimes of an Exemplary Man (2014); Glance in the Rear View Mirror. Neoliberal Ideology From its Origins to the Present, Haymarket books, Chicago, 2012 (see here), etc. See his bibliography: He co-authored World debt figures 2015 with Pierre Gottiniaux, Daniel Munevar and Antonio Sanabria (2015); and with Damien Millet Debt, the IMF, and the World Bank: Sixty Questions, Sixty Answers, Monthly Review Books, New York, 2010. Since the 4th April 2015 he is the scientific coordinator of the Greek Truth Commission on Public Debt.

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India’s “War on Cash”: The Demonetization Blitzkrieg. The “Ice Nine” Solution

By Sridhar Chakravarthi Raman, December 11 2016

The demonetization blitzkrieg of the NDA government was served to the unsuspecting Indian public as a moral crusade to destroy the twin evils of black money and counterfeit notes. But as the days went by the stated objects of the demonetization fell apart and the government did a series of embarrassing flip flops to put forth the view that the object was to usher in a cashless society where the digitally baptized citizens would swipe their plastic cards and waft to and fro in digital wallets with consummate ease.If the overt objectives of the demonetization, i.e eradication of black money and counterfeit notes were indeed laughable, then other concerns about its covert objectives gave rise to legitimate concerns. What then is the hidden agenda of the demonetization exercise?


The Social Impacts of India’s Demonetization: Banks Threaten Impoverished Farmers…

By P. Sainath, December 14 2016

The bank has “decided to use Gandhigiri to try and recover the loans [from you].  For this the bank has decided to do one of the following: 1) Put up a tent opposite your house to protest, 2) Make use of a band, 3) ring bells. “Due to these actions, your standing and image in society are likely to be in danger.” That is the Osmanabad District Central Cooperative Bank (ODCC) promising 20,000 of its clients public humiliation and ridicule.


Cash Is No Longer King: Currency Wars, The Phasing Out of Physical Money Has Begun

By Shaun Bradley, December 15 2016

As physical currency around the world is increasingly phased out, the era where “cash is king” seems to be coming to an end. Countries like India and South Korea have chosen to limit access to physical money by law, and others are beginning to test digital blockchains for their central banks.


Video: #Humans Of Demonetized India: Why We Poor Have To Suffer?

By Akhil K Prabhakar and Chidhambaram, December 18 2016

The victims of Prime Minister Modi’s Demonetization Program, tell their story. Their lives are destroyed.  What was the purpose of this devastating process ordered by the Indian government. Was it a policy blunder or a deliberate intent to undermine and destroy small scale retailers and producers across the land.


India’s Demonetization Policy Triggers Famine In Rural Areas

By Rahul M, December 29 2016

“We can eat only if we work every day,” D. Narayanappa said after returning to Bucharla from Bengaluru on November 4. Like many other Dalits in this village, he migrates to the city to work on construction sites for most of the year, coming home every now and then for a few days.


India’s Demonetization Undermines the Right to Food and the Right to Life

By Right To Food Campaign, December 29 2016

The right to food campaign is dismayed by the Indian government’s reckless attempt to renew currency notes, known as “demonetization”, without any serious attention to the consequences it may have for poor people. This move serves no clear purpose and is a major attack on the right to food and the right to life.


A Well-Kept Open Secret: Washington Is Behind India’s Brutal Demonetization Project

By Norbert Haering, January 03 2017

Who are the institutions behind this decisive attack on cash? According to USAID: “Over 35 key Indian, American and international organizations have partnered with the Ministry of Finance and USAID on this initiative.”


“Demonetization”: Beware of the Digital Money Dictatorship

By Dr. Vandana Shiva, January 04 2017

As 2017 begins and we flounder in our mad rush to force all of India into a digital economy overnight, it is worth pausing and reflecting on what the digital economy is, who controls the platforms and lines as well as some basic concepts about money and technology which have moulded our lives and freedoms, based on patented systems that are failing the people of “West”. Obsolete systems are moulding our patterns of work and our wellbeing — as a very large country, and as an ancient civilisation — into a cast that is observably too small.


India, From the Destabilization of Agriculture to Demonetization, “Made in America”

By Colin Todhunter, January 05 2017

Emerging evidence indicates that demonetisation was not done to curb corruption, ‘black money’ or terrorism, the reasons originally given. That was a smokescreen. Modi was acting on behalf of powerful Wall Street financial interests. Demonetisation has caused massive hardship, inconvenience and chaos. It has affected everyone and has impacted the poor and those who reside in rural areas (i.e. most of the population) significantly. Who does Modi (along with other strategically placed figures) serve primarily: ordinary people and the ‘national interest’ or the interests of the US?

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A great leader must be a great liar and a hypocrite. Men are simple of mind and so much dominated by their immediate needs, that a deceitful man will always find plenty who are ready to be deceived. Men in general judge by the sense of sight than by the sense of touch, because everyone can see but only few can test by feeling.-Machiavelli

As a result of Donald Trump’s triumph in the 2016 presidential election, many people were disappointed as many others were excited about this alleged change. However, the questions are numerous regarding this election and Mr. Trump’s victory.  Per example, is it true that Mr. Trump’s win was a surprise to everyone including Mr. Trump? Does his victory signal a shift from globalism to nationalism?

Was Russia truly behind this surprise win of the Donald to destabilize America and create a new multipolar world?

Or was Hillary simply used to help elect a self-declared billionaire to stage the final and most blatant takeover of the private sector over the American government?

Has the “PPP” (public-private-partnership) finally converged into one entity?

Was the Trump victory choreographed as a mild “White Rose Revolution” and a covert coup d’état provoked and financed by Wall Street and the Military Industrial Complex to magnify their wealth and revitalize WASP’s racism and dominion over the masses and the world?

Will there be a “Brown Rose Revolution” as a repercussion led by colored minorities ?

Was the James Comey’s proclamation of concerns about Hillary’s new emails eleven days prior to the election6 a coincidence or a coup de grace to end Hillary Clinton’s campaign? We have to remember that Mr. Comey is nothing more than a bureaucrat who follows directions from his super-rich leaders, and did not act on his own volition.

Was the whole election nothing more than a farce played on the gullible American public, and a magnificent reality show engineered by our invisible government (CIA, MIC, Wall Street, etc) to engender fear, false hope, and pseudo-nationalism aimed at further dominance of the American people?

The questions can be endless and ambiguous, and the answers can be even more confusing.

Why Trump?

It appears that Mr. Trump was picked and/or motivated to run for president, because the ground was fertile enough for him after 8 years of a democratic black president in a white house.

Mr. Trump is not an anomaly but a true reflection of his constituents and the American people. His xenophobic appeal to the American public gained him tremendous popularity, as minorities and illegal immigrants were blamed for the woes of the middle class, terrorism, and for the superfluities of the super-rich.

Such distortions are typical in dying democracies and declining societies where scapegoats must be created and amplified, in order to rally the ignorant masses around their manipulative government. Furthermore, and if needed, like during George W. Bush’s reign, an incident could be staged against the homeland or the reigning president in order to muster the multitudes behind the commander-in-chief who foments fake nationalism and pseudo-patriotism. Nothing like a good low intensity conflict/mini-war to make people abandon their principles and have them loyally assemble behind their leaders regardless how corrupt and dishonest they are. In a war-based economy, a prearranged conflict is always welcome, because people love to win wars and wave flags, as their sense of vicarious accomplishment supersedes their ineptness, and their feelings of inferiority are replaced with feelings of phony power and pseudo-superiority.

Ironically, Mr. Trump mastered the scapegoat strategy, and identified several scapegoats who are allegedly jeopardizing the American society, from Hispanics to Muslims, and from blacks to Asians and every person who might express dissent against the prospective leadership and the mighty government of the United States. Comically, the fake idea of America as a melting pot has proven over and over again to be a “Big Lie.” The “melting pot” illusion has been nothing more than a marketing strategy for a bogus American image, which hides behind it the true identity of Anglo-American racism and desperation to maintain power over others, combined with the parasitic need to siphon off the wealth of other nations to preserve dominance over them.

As predicted in my CRG article in June 2015 that Hillary will agree to run once again for president knowing she would lose, under the assumption that JEB Bush will be the front runner.Then, Hillary would temporarily motivate the democrats to go out and vote, as she eventually fades away as a washed-up politician on the DNC shores. Meanwhile, she will be rewarded (like Al Gore) with speaking arrangements, awards, and millions of dollars as her consolation prize.

The entertaining surprise was the creation of the Donald Trump candidacy. As a result, sixteen Republicans including JEB Bush were knocked out of the ring. JEB was portrayed as a weak and a low energy candidate, a brother of the worst president, and spouse of a Mexican woman, which turned the white evangelicals against him.

Sadly, out of 325,000,000 million Americans, approximately 37% voted in the 2016 election, which is higher than past elections where the average percent vote was between 25% and 32%. The 5% to 6% increase could be attributed to the Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump undeclared “White Rose Revolution” campaigns that called for change against the status quo. Unfortunately, the majority of Americans 63% plus of them remained impervious to voting, or was gerrymandered by the political system to eliminate their votes, which is remarkable in an alleged democracy. It appears that the majority doesn’t count, in a dominant minority rule where less than 1% of the people control most of the wealth and about 30% control the total vote.

Disillusioned observers hope that one day the majority of the American public will make a deliberate decision not to vote. That decision in itself, will constitute a true revolution and a definitive statement against the current corrupt system. “Abstention from voting” will equal “no democracy” and exposure of our fixed democratic system, which might make the elite nervous as their private pseudo-democracy/oligarchy is finally revealed as the greatest sham in history.

The psychology behind Trump’s election

Merriam Webster’ dictionary defines “Id” as the one of the three divisions of the psyche in psychoanalytic theory that is completely unconscious and is the source of psychic energy derived from instinctual needs and drives.2

The corporate media has incessantly promoted Mr. Trump despite his outcries and claims of their bias against him. He knew well that the incessant coverage of every “butt sneeze” he released was receiving never-ending and obsessive complimentary 24-hour news coverage. Even the CBS CEO Les Moonves openly stated that the Trump campaign may not be good for America, but it is damn good for CBS.3

Let’s face the facts. Donald Trump has skillfully and with full support of the corporate media knocked out all of his sixteen Republican competitors with insults rather than by substance. The media covered every insult, goof, and faux-pas relentlessly around the clock, which made Donald Trump the most covered presidential candidate in history. He received three-plus billion dollars in gratuitous coverage and in return, he gave the networks their highest ratings as the public yearned for more entertainment and awe with this self-declared billionaire.

Trump and his elite friends understand well the simplicity of the public mind. If you are rich and you openly insult your opponents, you will be automatically designated as a truth teller, even though everything you say after the insult will be a lie. The public wondered! How can someone call his opponent stupid, ugly, little, liar, crooked, and be dishonest? This was great strategy that Americans bought and devoured in their desperate need for some type of political transparency and honesty.

Mr. Trump is perfect for America! As a matter of fact, He is America, where the culture of narcissismand the culture of racism4 converge into one entity and thrive forever after.

Trump’s appeal is beyond the demagoguery and the false hopes he provides to the masses, he appeals to their inner and most primitive feelings in what Freud called the “Id” as part of his human psyche’s tripartite theory. The problem with this picture is that once the “mass Id” is unleashed it becomes impossible to control it. Hatred, violence, anger, paranoia, xenophobia, and racism will become the predominant force that moves the masses in the next four years.To add absurdity to the process, Mr. Trump has promoted himself as a pure “Id” which struck a sensitive chord in the hearts of the naïve public. The politics of power always works, because “power over people and total domination of others” has been the most consistent and stable human trait throughout history. Therefore, hatred and violence are more appealing to the human heart than love and peace. The proof of this concept is in the human wars that have been waged since the dawn of time and have been responsible for the brutal death of millions of people.

Regrettably, under the guise of nationalism Mr. Trump is going to promote globalism more than any other president in history. President Trump is going to lower workers’ earnings under the cloak of competitive global wages and the excuse for keeping companies in America. Moreover, he is going to dismantle further the carcasses of American Unions, privatize social security, reduce Medicare into a voucher program, eliminate entitlements, drill oil throughout the country, pollute the nation, wage additional and unnecessary wars like his predecessors, implement a surveillance state, divide people, induce hatred and violence, and finally makes himself the true billionaire he always aimed to be by using his presidency status. In another word, Trump will be known as the “Great Globalizer” despite the opposite rhetoric he promotes.

I sincerely hope that these predictions will be all wrong, and Trump will not become the Berlusconi of America.


Trump’s election can be perceived by the objective observer as the final coup D’état that the elite designed as a blatant takeover by the private sector over the American government. This flagrant usurpation is the ultimate expression of hubris by the Anglo-American-Zionist plutocracy. The Lincoln statement about “government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth7”will become a “government of the Exxon, by the Goldman Sachs, and for the Trump, shall not perish from America.”

Furthermore, the protests across the nation against Donald Trump will probably continue under an inciting platform of a “Brown Rose Revolution” where Russia and ISIS will be blamed in order for the new government to exercise further control over the masses. Color revolutions can be used as a means for regime change abroad, or as a domestic pretext for total control over the local masses.

Big Brother already controls every aspect of American life under the façade of safety. This control foreshadows the end of our republic. In reality, a nation cannot be a republic and an empire at the same time. An empire requires globalization, massive debt and spending, total control of its citizens, loss of freedom of speech, elimination of guns, lower standards of living, and false news networks that emit misinformation around the clock to manufacture consent and manage perceptions. It is rather a dark Orwellian vision of what to come. Sadly, the public will always welcome these restrictions that make them feel safer from the darker and high melanin producing races.

Meanwhile, the mindless masses will cheer their strong leaders, and beg for their safety from their holy father embodied in their pseudo-government, as they will shout louder against scapegoats who are destroying their white nation by browning America.

The unleashing of the American “Id” is the ultimate coup D’état over the collective mind of the American public as political incorrectness is banished, and the new politically correct narcissi-racist culture will flourish and thrive.

The irony of it all is that if or when Mr. Trump completes the destruction of our republic, his legacy will leave us with nothing except for a funny hat with a catchy logo, “Make America Great Again.

That will be the greatest con in history!


  4.  Skaff, R. (2016).…
  5. Lasch, C. (1991). The Culture of Narcissism. American Life in An Age of Diminished Expectations
  6.  › US News  › Hillary Clinton

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Is the alleged Russian Hacking of the DNC being used as a pretext to confront Russia.

Extensive war games are conducted on Russia’s border under Obama’s “Operation Atlantic Resolve” involving a massive deployment of troops and military hardware. 

According to the Director of National Intelligent James Clapper, Russia’s alleged hacking constitutes “An Existential Threat”. According to John McCain its an Act of War.  

Flashback to the Iraq war. Recall how intelligence pertaining to Iraq’s WMD was fixed with a view to justifying the 2003 invasion of Iraq. 

This secret UK government memo (which can be considered as the minutes of a meeting with Prime Minister Tony Blair on July 23, 2002) was leaked and first published by the London Times on May 1, 2005. It was posted on Global Research on May 8, 2005.

More than 11 years later, this key document, referred to as “The Downing Street Memo”  is of  crucial significance. It shows that “massive military action” was contemplated 8-9 months prior to the March 2003 invasion. It also confirms that the US and its indefectible British ally were seeking a pretext and a justification to unleash the invasion of  Iraq.

The manipulation of intelligence pertaining to WMD  and terrorism is casually acknowledged in the memo.

“Bush wanted to remove Saddam, through military action, justified by the conjunction of terrorism and WMD. But the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy. The NSC had no patience with the UN route, and no enthusiasm for publishing material on the Iraqi regime’s record. There was little discussion in Washington of the aftermath after military action.”

Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, March 20, 2013, January 2017


From: Matthew Rycroft
Date: 23 July 2002

S 195 /02cc: Defence Secretary, Foreign Secretary, Attorney-General, Sir Richard Wilson, John Scarlett, Francis Richards, CDS, C, Jonathan Powell, Sally Morgan, Alastair Campbell

[C refers to the head of the Secret Intelligence Service MI6 Sir Richard Billing Dearlove, CDS refers to the UK Defense Chief of Staff]

[The cc list shows that this meeting included all key Cabinet members involved in the formulation of the UK’s Iraq policy. This copy of the memo was sent to Foreign Policy Advisor David Manning (akin to the US National Security Advisor) from Matthew Rycroft, a foreign policy aide].


Copy addressees and you met the Prime Minister on 23 July to discuss Iraq.

This record is extremely sensitive. No further copies should be made. It should be shown only to those with a genuine need to know its contents.

John Scarlett summarised the intelligence and latest JIC assessment. Saddam’s regime was tough and based on extreme fear. The only way to overthrow it was likely to be by massive military action. Saddam was worried and expected an attack, probably by air and land, but he was not convinced that it would be immediate or overwhelming. His regime expected their neighbours to line up with the US. Saddam knew that regular army morale was poor. Real support for Saddam among the public was probably narrowly based.

C reported on his recent talks in Washington. There was a perceptible shift in attitude. Military action was now seen as inevitable. Bush wanted to remove Saddam, through military action, justified by the conjunction of terrorism and WMD. But the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy. The NSC had no patience with the UN route, and no enthusiasm for publishing material on the Iraqi regime’s record. There was little discussion in Washington of the aftermath after military action.

CDS said that military planners would brief CENTCOM on 1-2 August, Rumsfeld on 3 August and Bush on 4 August.

The two broad US options were:

(a) Generated Start. A slow build-up of 250,000 US troops, a short (72 hour) air campaign, then a move up to Baghdad from the south. Lead time of 90 days (30 days preparation plus 60 days deployment to Kuwait).

(b) Running Start. Use forces already in theatre (3 x 6,000), continuous air campaign, initiated by an Iraqi casus belli. Total lead time of 60 days with the air campaign beginning even earlier. A hazardous option.

The US saw the UK (and Kuwait) as essential, with basing in Diego Garcia and Cyprus critical for either option. Turkey and other Gulf states were also important, but less vital. The three main options for UK involvement were:

(i) Basing in Diego Garcia and Cyprus, plus three SF squadrons.

(ii) As above, with maritime and air assets in addition.

(iii) As above, plus a land contribution of up to 40,000, perhaps with a discrete role in Northern Iraq entering from Turkey, tying down two Iraqi divisions.

The Defence Secretary said that the US had already begun “spikes of activity” to put pressure on the regime. No decisions had been taken, but he thought the most likely timing in US minds for military action to begin was January, with the timeline beginning 30 days before the US Congressional elections.

The Foreign Secretary said he would discuss this with Colin Powell this week. It seemed clear that Bush had made up his mind to take military action, even if the timing was not yet decided. But the case was thin. Saddam was not threatening his neighbours, and his WMD capability was less than that of Libya, North Korea or Iran. We should work up a plan for an ultimatum to Saddam to allow back in the UN weapons inspectors. This would also help with the legal justification for the use of force.

The Attorney-General said that the desire for regime change was not a legal base for military action. There were three possible legal bases: self-defence, humanitarian intervention, or UNSC authorisation. The first and second could not be the base in this case. Relying on UNSCR 1205 of three years ago would be difficult. The situation might of course change.

The Prime Minister said that it would make a big difference politically and legally if Saddam refused to allow in the UN inspectors. Regime change and WMD were linked in the sense that it was the regime that was producing the WMD. There were different strategies for dealing with Libya and Iran. If the political context were right, people would support regime change. The two key issues were whether the military plan worked and whether we had the political strategy to give the military plan the space to work.

On the first, CDS said that we did not know yet if the US battleplan was workable. The military were continuing to ask lots of questions.

For instance, what were the consequences, if Saddam used WMD on day one, or if Baghdad did not collapse and urban warfighting began? You said that Saddam could also use his WMD on Kuwait. Or on Israel, added the Defence Secretary.

The Foreign Secretary thought the US would not go ahead with a military plan unless convinced that it was a winning strategy. On this, US and UK interests converged. But on the political strategy, there could be US/UK differences. Despite US resistance, we should explore discreetly the ultimatum. Saddam would continue to play hard-ball with the UN.

John Scarlett assessed that Saddam would allow the inspectors back in only when he thought the threat of military action was real.

The Defence Secretary said that if the Prime Minister wanted UK military involvement, he would need to decide this early. He cautioned that many in the US did not think it worth going down the ultimatum route. It would be important for the Prime Minister to set out the political context to Bush.


(a) We should work on the assumption that the UK would take part in any military action. But we needed a fuller picture of US planning before we could take any firm decisions. CDS should tell the US military that we were considering a range of options.

(b) The Prime Minister would revert on the question of whether funds could be spent in preparation for this operation.

(c) CDS would send the Prime Minister full details of the proposed military campaign and possible UK contributions by the end of the week.

(d) The Foreign Secretary would send the Prime Minister the background on the UN inspectors, and discreetly work up the ultimatum to Saddam.

He would also send the Prime Minister advice on the positions of countries in the region especially Turkey, and of the key EU member states.

(e) John Scarlett would send the Prime Minister a full intelligence update.

(f) We must not ignore the legal issues: the Attorney-General would consider legal advice with FCO/MOD legal advisers.

(I have written separately to commission this follow-up work.)


[Rycroft was a Downing Street foreign policy aide]


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President Barack Obama is stuck between false flag operations and political circus?

” I am deeply offended by the lies being told by the US Government – and more specifically, by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) with the explicit approval of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) and the President – with respect to the Russians “hacking” the US election.  Robert David Steele, Intelligence expert 

– I am reminded of the 935 now-documented lies told by Dick Cheney to justify a $5 trillion war and multiple occupations from Afghanistan to Niger – or in more Nordic terms, the falsification by the Swedish military, in collaboration with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and CIA, of a Russian submarine that never existed, allegedly “invading” Swedish waters.

As a CIA spy, I have faked intelligence, lied to government leaders, and managed a modest false flag operation (no one died). This is what CIA does. I accuse John Brennan, Director of the CIA, of being a liar who is in betrayal of the public trust with his lies. The most recent DHS-FBI report – and related reports from small companies seeking to curry favor with the Deep State – are absolute crap.

Image Left: Robert David Steele

I was the author of the first letter to the White House warning of our cyber-security shortfalls, in 1994. In the same year I was the opening speaker for Hackers on Planet Earth. The year before, in 1993, I introduced NSA to hackers — of the 900+ participants in my international conference roughly 60 were from NSA, bused down from Fort Meade to listen to a panel led by Emanuel Goldstein, founder of 2600.

Here are the facts as I understand them, augmented by public statements from Julian Assange, Craig Murray, William Binney, James Bamford, Ray McGovern, Philip Giraldi, and John McAfee – and others who do not wish to be named.

  • The only people “hacking” the US election have been the two political parties.  The Democratic Party actively conspired against Bernie Sanders and actively stole thirteen primaries from Bernie Sanders using electronic ballot tampering. The Democratic Party also organized roughly three million dead, duplicate, and illegal alien voters. The Republican Party used various means to repress a million black voters.
  • The Russians – as well as the Israelis, French, Germans, Chinese, and everyone else on the planet with any curiosity – have absolutely been conducting electronic espionage against US political targets. They have not “leaked” anything (generally intelligence services try not to demonstrate that they have successfully hacked in anywhere).
  • The “leaks” from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) to WikiLeaks were a combination of disgruntled NSA officials furious with Hillary Clinton’s mis-handling of classified materials (including sending emails with classified information to IP addresses in Saudi Arabia and Qatar), and a DNC insider with authorized access who shared copies – all this according to William Binney, Julian Assange, and Craig Murray.
  • The exposure (I use the term advisedly) of John Podesta as a very unethical political operative with very strong possibilities of also being a pedophile, resulted from a single phishing expedition by a single hacker who social engineered Podesta into changing his Google email password through an intermediate site that then was able to steal all of Podesta’s email. This hacker is in jail in the US and it is almost certain that he is collaborating with a US intelligence service, not the Russians.
  • The final “leaks” came from the New York Police Department (NYPD) after it confiscated a laptop from Anthony Weiner that turned out to have – it is alleged – all 650,000 emails that included Huma Abedeen as an addressed. This is a mother lode. The FBI immediately sequestered this machine, but not before the NYPD copied many of the emails and leaked the fact that they provided evidence of treason by Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedeen in taking money from Qatar and Saudi Arabia in return for regime change in Syria and Yemen as well as classified information in passing; and information reinforcing the possibilities of female as well as male pedophilia in the highest ranks of the Democratic Party.
  • The only intelligence services that persistently spy on US politicians across every device they own are the US intelligence services, specifically NSA, with CIA focusing on selected Senators and Representatives. NSA has explicitly spied on Barack Obama in detail since Obama was a junior Senator. The US media, very much under control, is both replaying the false narrative against the Russians, and strictly avoiding any independent commentary on the fact that it is US traitors, not the Russians, who are the threat to US peace and prosperity.
  • It is highly likely that the neo-Nazi element in European leadership is conspiring with the neo-Nazi, neo-conservative element in US leadership, to start a war with Russia. The assassination of the Russian Ambassador in Turkey, the assassination of the NATO chief auditor about to expose a Euro 250 billion black budget used by NATO to bribe politicians and carry out false flag operations, and the various false flag operations in France (these with Mossad assistance) and Germany and elsewhere are all part of trying to start WWIII – war is a business model for the City of London and Wall Street, for the Vatican and the Rothschilds.

There is good news. It is my judgment that WWIII has been averted by a combination of restraint on the part of Vladimir Putin, confident that Donald Trump will make things right (pun intended) once he is in office, and public intelligence. For the first time in history, a sufficiency of retired intelligence professionals and alert citizens have come together to demonstrate with compelling depth that both the US secret intelligence community and their fellow travelers, the US media (both mainstream and “progressive”) cannot be trusted to tell the truth about anything of import.

For those who wish to learn more, I offer the three links as starting points.

Robert Steele: The DHS-FBI Report Against the Russians is Absolute Crap — Our Own Traitors, Not the Russians, Are the Real Enemy – UPDATE 3

Berto Jongman: James Scott, Institute for Critical Infrastructure Technology on John Brennan and CIA Being Full of Crap…

Russians (Search Results) @ Phi Beta Iota

Those wishing to understand how Donald Trump won accidentally, against all odds within a system rigged twelve different ways, are invited to review the two links below.

Robert Steele: Donald Trump, The Accidental President — Under Siege! A Soft Coup Rages within a Closed Rigged System…

Robert Steele: RIGGED – Twelve Ways the Two-Party Tyranny Rigs the US Electoral System to Block Out Independents, Small Parties, and 70% of the Eligible Voters

In my view, the truth at any cost lowers all other costs. The truth is not available from the US secret intelligence world or the US media – for truth, we must look to one another.

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It is impossible to fully measure the impact the failure of the press has had on society. How many thousands, or perhaps millions, of  lives would have been saved if the press had done its job instead of ignoring or covering up the problems.

-Dr. Carl Jensen, co-founder of Project Censored (1929-2015) [1]




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This week’s Global Research News Hour rings in the new year with a retrospective look at the past year’s news stories, in particular, those important stories that did not garner the kind of media attention they deserved.

Our first guest, Andy Lee Roth, is the Associate Director of Project Censored, a media research program which fosters student development of media literacy and critical thinking skills as applied to news media censorship in the United States. Every year, PC releases its picks of the most censored news stories of the previous year. Roth provides an overview of the Top 25 most censored stories of 2016 in our first half hour.

We next hear from John Schertow, founder and lead editor of Intercontinental Cry, an on-line media source of news of world-wide Indigenous struggle and resistance. Schertow shares his picks for the most under-reported stories involving Indigenous peoples. This 100% reader-supported endeavour can be supported through donations at this site:

We finish the broadcast with a review of under-reported Canadian stories, brought to us by Patricia Elliott, Assistant Professor at the University of Regina’s School of Journalism, and faculty evaluator for Project Censored.



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The Global Research News Hour airs every Friday at 1pm CT on CKUW 95.9FM in Winnipeg. The programme is also podcast at . The show can be heard on the Progressive Radio Network at Listen in every Thursday at 6pm ET.

Community Radio Stations carrying the Global Research News Hour:

CHLY 101.7fm in Nanaimo, B.C – Thursdays at 1pm PT

Boston College Radio WZBC 90.3FM NEWTONS  during the Truth and Justice Radio Programming slot -Sundays at 7am ET.

Port Perry Radio in Port Perry, Ontario –1  Thursdays at 1pm ET

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It is also available on 93.9 FM cable in the communities of SFU, Burnaby, New Westminister, Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam, Port Moody, Surrey and Delta, in British Columbia, Canada. – Tune in  at its new time – Wednesdays at 4pm PT.

Radio station CFUV 101.9FM based at the University of Victoria airs the Global Research News Hour every Sunday from 7 to 8am PT.

CORTES COMMUNITY RADIO CKTZ  89.5 out of Manson’s Landing, B.C airs the show Tuesday mornings at 10am Pacific time.

Cowichan Valley Community Radio CICV 98.7 FM serving the Cowichan Lake area of Vancouver Island, BC airs the program Thursdays at 6am pacific time.

Campus and community radio CFMH 107.3fm in  Saint John, N.B. airs the Global Research News Hour Fridays at 10am.

Caper Radio CJBU 107.3FM in Sydney, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia airs the Global Research News Hour starting Wednesday Morning from 8:00 to 9:00am. Find more details at 


1) Carl Jensen (1997), 20 Years of Censored News p.18, Seven Stories News; 


McCain’s Largely Unreported Treachery Against the US

January 8th, 2017 by Wayne Madsen


Arizona’s recently re-elected Republican senator John McCain, along with his faithful «drama queen» accomplice South Carolina senator Lindsey Graham, recently met with a contingent of Ukrainian troops at a «forward combat zone» in Shyrokyne in eastern Ukraine and publicly questioned president-elect Donald Trump’s plans to defrost America’s chilly relations with Russia. For McCain, his return to his personal war front in Ukraine came three years after he stood with Ukrainian neo-Nazis and fascists on Kiev’s Maidan Square calling for the ouster of president Viktor Yanukovych.

Meanwhile, McCain, Graham, and their neo-conservative allies within the Republican and Democratic parties, as well as press outlets like The Washington Post, have questioned Trump’s ultimate loyalty to the United States. The neocons’ angst arises from their anger over the incoming president wisely doubting the efficacy of Central Intelligence Agency «intelligence» linking Russia to a spate of computer penetrations of U.S. computer systems and networks, including pre-election hacks of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and private email of Hillary Clinton’s top campaign officials.

After President Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats from Washington, DC and San Francisco and shut down two Russian diplomatic compounds in Maryland and New York in retaliation for unproven Russian government involvement in the hacking, McCain and his neocon war hawks doubled down by claiming that Russian hacking of U.S. computer systems amounted to an «act of war». Seizing on the neocons’ war frenzy, the CIA and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced that Russian hackers had penetrated the electrical power grid operated by Vermont’s Burlington Electric. The Washington Post, owned by Amazon billionaire and CIA cloud computing contractor Jeff Bezos, echoed the grid hacking story as factual.

There was only one problem with the Russian electrical grid hacking headline: it was not true. Burlington Electric revealed that a laptop computer in the possession of a Burlington Electric employee, which allegedly was infected by a malware program linked by the U.S. government to Russian hackers, was never connected to the Vermont electrical grid. The laptop contained a hackers’ software package called Neutrino, which is not linked, in any way, to Russia. An attempt by the «Amazon Post» and the war hawks to pin the Vermont grid story on Russia and link it to the DNC hacking fell flat on its face.

Burlington Electric issued a statement on December 30, 2016, identifying DHS as the «boy who cried wolf» that issued the same «Russian malware» scare to electric utilities across the United States. The statement read, «Last night, U.S. utilities were alerted by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) of a malware code used in Grizzly Steppe, the name DHS has applied to a Russian campaign linked to recent hacks. We acted quickly to scan all computers in our system for the malware signature. We detected the malware in a single Burlington Electric Department laptop not connected to our organization’s grid systems».

It turned out that Ukraine, the country where McCain, Graham, and Minnesota’s rather myopic Democratic senator Amy Klobuchar were kibitzing with army troops and neo-Nazi armed militia members over the holidays, was the source of the malware hacking program used to hack into DNC computers. The Washington Post was also forced to shamefully retract its grid hacking story. The episode was yet another example of the haste at which the outgoing Obama administration and the neocon toadies in the Republican Party led by McCain were apt to blame any bad news on «the Russians». It was as if the Cold War witch hunter senator Joseph McCarthy had met the Keystone Kops. The situation would have been funny had it not been for the fact that the actions of Obama and the neocons propelled the world closer to cataclysmic warfare with the likes of McCain, Graham, and others beating the war drums.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation and DHS amateurishly coined the alleged Russian hacking of the DNC computers with the cover term «Grizzly Steppe», a code phrase that would have been rejected by any legitimate Hollywood movie script writer as being too cartoonish and campy. Moreover, the malware used in the hacking of the Democrats’ computers was an antiquated version of PHP, a program originally designed for personal home pages, hence the abbreviation PHP, but which now stands for «PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor».

The PHP malware was found to be freely distributed by a Ukrainian hacker group as a hackers’ tool. Although the FBI, DHS, and CIA did not bother to investigate whether the Ukrainian hackers were linked to McCain’s and Graham’s friends in the Ukrainian intelligence service, the Ukrainians would have had every reason to initiate a further damaging fracture in relations between the United States and Russia. Furthermore, the Ukrainians could have availed themselves of «network weaving» tools to run their malware through servers in Russia.

In fact, the amateurish FBI/DHS «Grizzly Steppe» report found that the Ukrainian malware, later blamed on the Russians, had passed through the IP [Internet Protocol] addresses of 389 organizations in 61 different countries. None of the 389 malware pass-through IPs, including those of the University of Michigan; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Clarkson University in Potsdam, New York; Datasource AG in Ingmarso, Sweden; Hunenberg, Switzerland; Kustbandet AB in Johannes Kepler University in Linz, Austria; Voxility S.R.L. of Bucharest; and – the company owned by none other than Washington Post owner and CIA contractor Mr. Bezos! – were linked to the Russian government. These include the United States, Ukraine, Russia, China, France, Germany, Seychelles, Moldova, Finland, Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, Montenegro, Romania, and Israel. Such a rich global network, which included several TOR anonymous browsing gateways, would have provided more than ample network weaving opportunities to mask the original Ukrainian digital fingerprints on the actual hacking of DNC computers.

The malware program, called P.A.S. version 3.1.7., is contained in a web shell of PHP code. The malware program states that it is «Made in Ukraine» and the date of the program, 2011-2016 is followed by the letters «UA,» the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) two-letter code for Ukraine

In eastern Ukraine, standing alongside a camouflage-festooned chocolate mogul president Petro Poroshenko, McCain and Graham accused Russia of «attacking» the United States, with Graham accusing Russian President Vladimir Putin of «hacking our election». Both called for increased sanctions against Russia. However, the sum-total of computer security knowledge of these two Republican fossils would not exceed that possessed by a kindergarten student in Arizona or South Carolina.

Rather than accuse other Americans, including Mr. Trump, of engaging in potentially treasonous activities, perhaps Mr. McCain should recall the charges made by several U.S. prisoners-of-war about his «singing» to his North Vietnamese captors after his plane was shot down over Hanoi in October 1967. McCain, according to some fellow POWs who later spoke out, gladly gave his captors about six months’ worth of U.S. Navy operational plans for the bombing of North Vietnam and Laos. McCain’s psychosis about Russia reportedly could stem from his time at the «Hanoi Hilton» POW prison. McCain was given the Russian KGB code name «Jack Mouse» and, per Chan Chong Duet, the commander of the prison, the downed Navy pilot and son of the U.S. Pacific Forces Commander, Admiral John McCain, Jr., was quite free with the information he passed to North Vietnamese, Cuban, and Soviet officers while being treated for his wounds by Soviet doctors. If McCain wants to question the loyalty of any American, he should look into a mirror. He should also seek out psychiatric assistance.

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Yesterday the U.S. Director of National Intelligence James Clapper (image left), the CIA, the NSA and the FBI released a report about alleged Russian hacking of the Democratic National Council and on Russian influence operation on the U.S. presidential election. The report failed to convince anyone. It is indeed a public relation disaster for the Intelligence Community.

John Harwood covers “the economy and national politics for CNBC and the New York Times.” More then 100,000 people follow him on Twitter. He is known as Hillary Clinton supporter and chummy with John Podesta who ran Clinton’s election campaign.

Harwood set up a simple poll. It is not statistically representative but gives a picture of a general sentiment.

This result surely shows the limits of power of the so-called Intelligence Community. But it is worse: yesterday’s “Russian hacking” claims failed to convince even its most ardent and anti-Russian supporters.

Daily Beast: U.S. Spy Report Blames Putin for Hacks, But Doesn’t Back It Up

Kevin Rothrock (Moscow Times):

I cannot believe my eyes. Is this really part of the US government’s intelligence case?I’ll say it: the declassified USG report “Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections” is an embarrassment.

Susan Hennessey (Lawfare, Brookings):

The unclassified report is underwhelming at best. There is essentially no new information for those who have been paying attention.

Bill Neely (NBCNews):

Lots of key judgements but not many key facts & no open proof in US Intell. report into alleged Russian hacking.

Stephen Hayes (Weekly Standard):

The intel report on Russia is little more than a collection of assertions. Understand protecting sources/methods, but it’s weak.

Julia Ioffe (The Atlantic):

It’s hard to tell if the thinness of the #hacking report is because the proof is qualified, or because the proof doesn’t exist.@JeffreyGoldberg Have to say, though, I’m hearing from a lot of Russia watchers who are very skeptical of the report. None like Putin/Trump.

When you lost even Julia Ioffe on your anti-Russian issue …

Clapper as DNI and Brennan as CIA chief should have been fired years ago. They will both be gone by January 20. The Intelligence Community will remember them as the chief-authors of this devastating failure.

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For more than two decades, the global nuclear industry has attempted to frame the debate on nuclear power within the context of climate change: nuclear power is better than any of the alternatives. So the argument went. Ambitious nuclear expansion plans inthe United States and Japan, two of the largest existing markets, and the growth of nuclear power in China appeared to show—superficially at least—that the technology had a future. At least in terms of political rhetoric and media perception, it appeared to be a winning argument. Then came March 11, 2011. Those most determined to promote nuclear power even cited the Fukushima Daiichi accident as a reason for expanding nuclear power: impacts were low, no one died, radiation levels are not a risk. So claimeda handful of commentators in the international (particularly English-language) media.

However,from the start of the accident at Fukushima Daiichi on March 11 2011,the harsh reality of nuclear power was exposed to billions of people across the planet, and in particular to the population of Japan, including the more than 160,000 people displaced by the disaster, many of whom are still unable to return to their homes, and scores of millions more threatened had worst case scenarios occurred. One authoritative voice that has been central to exposing the myth-making of the nuclear industry and its supporters has been that of KanNaoto, Prime Minister in 2011. His conversion from promoter to stern critic may be simple to understand, but it is no less commendable for its bravery. When the survival of half the society you are elected to serve and protect is threatened by a technology that is essentially an expensive way to boil water, then something is clearly wrong. Japan avoided societal destruction thanks in large part to the dedication of workers at the crippled nuclear plant, but also to the intervention of Kan and his staff, and to luck. Had it not been for a leaking pipe into the cooling pool of Unit 4 that maintained sufficient water levels, the highly irradiated spent fuel in the pool, including the entire core only recently removed from the reactor core, would have been exposed, releasing an amount of radioactivity far in excess of that released from the other three reactors. The cascade of subsequent events would have meant total loss of control of the other reactors, including their spent fuel pools and requiring massive evacuation extending throughout metropolitan Tokyo, as Prime Minister Kan feared. That three former Prime Ministers of Japan are not just opposed to nuclear power but actively campaigning against it is unprecedented in global politics and is evidence of the scale of the threat that Fukushima posed to tens of millions ofJapanese.

The reality is thatin terms of electricity share and relative to renewable energy,nuclear power has been in decline globally for two decades.Since the FukushimaDaiichiaccident, this decline has only increased in pace. The nuclear industry knew full well that nuclear power could not be scaled up to the level required to make a serious impact on global emissions. But that was never the point. The industry adopted the climate-change argument as a survival strategy: to ensure extending the life of existing aging reactors and make possible the addition of some new nuclear capacity in the coming decades—sufficient at least to allow a core nuclear industrial infrastructure to survive to mid-century.The dream was to survive to mid-century, when limitless energy would be realized by the deployment of commercial plutonium fast-breeder reactors and other generation IV designs. It was always a myth, but it had a commercial and strategic rationale for the power companies, nuclear suppliers and their political allies.

The basis for the Fukushima Daiichi accident began long before March 11th 2011, when decisions were made to build and operate reactors in a nation almost uniquely vulnerable to major seismic events. More than five years on, the accident continues with a legacy that will stretch over the decades. Preventing the next catastrophic accident in Japan is now a passion of the former Prime Minister, joining as he has the majority of the people of Japan determined to transition to a society based on renewable energy. He is surely correct that the end of nuclear power in Japan is possible. The utilities remain in crisis, with only three reactors operating, and legal challenges have been launched across the nation. No matter what policy the government chooses, the basis for Japan’s entire nuclear fuel cycle policy, which is based on plutonium separation at Rokkasho-mura and its use in the Monju reactor and its fantasy successor reactors, is in a worse state than ever before. But as Kan Naoto knows better than most, this is an industry entrenched within the establishment and still wields enormous influence. Its end is not guaranteed. Determination and dedication will be needed to defeat it. Fortunately, the Japanese people have these in abundance. SB

The Interview 

Q: What is your central message?

Kan: Up until the accident at the Fukushima reactor, I too was confident that since Japanese technology is of high quality, no Chernobyl-like event was possible.

But in fact when I came face to face with Fukushima, I learned I was completely mistaken. I learned first and foremost that we stood on the brink of disaster: had the incident spread only slightly, half the territory of Japan, half the area of metropolitan Tokyo would have been irradiated and 50,000,000 people would have had to evacuate.

Half one’s country would be irradiated, nearly half of the population would have to flee: to the extent it’s conceivable, only defeat in major war is comparable.

That the risk was so enormous: that is what in the first place I want all of you, all the Japanese, all the world’s people to realize.

Q: You yourself are a physicist, yet you don’t believe in the first analysis that people can handle nuclear power? Don’t you believe that there are technical advances and that in the end it will be safe to use?

Kan: As a rule, all technologies involve risk. For example, automobiles have accidents; airplanes, too. But the scale of the risk if an accident happens affects the question whether or not to use that technology. You compare the plus of using it and on the other hand the minus of not using it. We learned that with nuclear reactors, the Fukushima nuclear reactors, the risk was such that 50,000,000 people nearly had to evacuate. Moreover, if we had not used nuclear reactors—in fact, after the incident, there was a period of about two years when we didn’t use nuclear power and there was no great impact on the public welfare, nor any economic impact either. So when you take these factors as a whole into account, in a broad sense there is no plus to using nuclear power. That is my judgment.

One more thing. In the matter of the difference between nuclear power and other technologies, controlling the radiation is in the final analysis extremely difficult.

For example, plutonium emits radiation for a long time. Its half-life is 24,000 years, so because nuclear waste contains plutonium—in its disposal, even if you let it sit and don’t use it—its half-life is 24,000 years, in effect forever. So it’s a very difficult technology to use—an additional point I want to make.

Q: It figured a bit ago in the lecture by Professor Prasser, that in third-generation reactors, risk can be avoided. What is your response?

Kan: It’s as Professor Khwostowa said: we’ve said that even with many nuclear reactors, an event inside a reactor like the Fukushima nuclear accident or a Chernobyl-sized event would occur only once in a million years; but in fact, in the past sixty years, we’ve had Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, Fukushima. Professor Prasser says it’s getting gradually safer, but in fact accidents have happened with greater frequency and on a larger scale than was foreseen. So partial improvements are possible, as Professor Prasser says, but saying that doesn’t mean that accidents won’t happen. Equipment causes accidents, but so do humans.

Q: Today it’s five years after Fukushima. What is the situation in Japan today? We hear that there are plans beginning in 2018 to return the refugees to their homes. To what extent is the clean-up complete?

Kan: Let me describe conditions on site at Fukushima. Reactors #1, #2, #3 melted down, and the melted nuclear fuel still sits in the containment vessel; every day they introduce water to cool it. Radioactivity in the vessel of #2, they say, is 70 sieverts—not microsieverts or millisieverts, 70 sieverts. If humans approach a site that is radiating 70 sieverts, they die within five minutes. That situation has held ever since: that’s the current situation.

Moreover, the water they introduce leaves the containment vessel and is said to be recirculated, but in fact it mixes with groundwater, and some flows into the ocean. Prime Minister Abe used the words “under control,” but Japanese experts, including me, consider it not under control if part is flowing into the ocean. All the experts see it this way.

As for the area outside the site, more than 100,000 people have fled the Fukushima area.

So now the government is pushing residential decontamination and beyond that the decontamination of agricultural land.

Even if you decontaminate the soil, it’s only a temporary or partial reduction in radioactivity; in very many cases cesium comes down from the mountains, it returns.

The Fukushima prefectural government and the government say that certain of the areas where decontamination has been completed are habitable, so people have until 2018 to return; moreover, beyond that date, they won’t give aid to the people who have fled. But I and others think there’s still danger and that the support should be continued at the same level for people who conclude on their own that it’s still dangerous—that’s what we’re saying.

Given the conditions on site and the conditions of those who have fled, you simply can’t say that the clean-up is complete.

Q: Since the Fukushima accident, you have become a strong advocate of getting rid of nuclear reactors; yet in the end, the Abe regime came to power, and it is going in the opposite direction: three reactors are now in operation. As you see this happening, are you angry?

Kan: Clearly what Prime Minister Abe is trying to do—his nuclear reactor policy or energy policy—is mistaken. I am strongly opposed to current policy.

But are things moving steadily backward? Three reactors are indeed in operation. However, phrase it differently: only three are in operation. Why only three? Most—more than half the people—are still resisting strongly. From now on, if it should come to new nuclear plants, say, or to extending the licenses of existing nuclear plants, popular opposition is extremely strong, so that won’t be at all easy. In that sense, Japan’s situation today is a very harsh opposition—a tug of war—between the Abe government, intent on retrogression, and the people, who are heading toward abolishing nuclear reactors.

Two of Prime Minister Abe’s closest advisors are opposed to his policy on nuclear power.

One is his wife. The other is former Prime Minister Koizumi, who promoted him.

Q: Last question: please talk about the possibility that within ten years Japan will do away with nuclear power.

Kan: In the long run, it will disappear gradually. But if you ask whether it will disappear in the next ten years, I can’t say. For example, even in my own party opinion is divided; some hope to do away with it in the 2030s. So I can’t say whether it will disappear completely in the next ten years, but taking the long view, it will surely be gone, for example, by the year 2050 or 2070. The most important reason is economic. It has become clear that compared with other forms of energy, the cost of nuclear energy is high.

Q: Thank you.

Interview by Vincenzo Capodici

Introduction by Shaun Burnie

Translation by Richard Minear

Tages Anzeiger (Zurich), February 4, 2016

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For more than two decades, the global nuclear industry has attempted to frame the debate on nuclear power within the context of climate change: nuclear power is better than any of the alternatives. So the argument went. Ambitious nuclear expansion plans inthe United States and Japan, two of the largest existing markets, and the growth of nuclear power in China appeared to show—superficially at least—that the technology had a future. At least in terms of political rhetoric and media perception, it appeared to be a winning argument. Then came March 11, 2011. Those most determined to promote nuclear power even cited the Fukushima Daiichi accident as a reason for expanding nuclear power: impacts were low, no one died, radiation levels are not a risk. So claimeda handful of commentators in the international (particularly English-language) media.

However,from the start of the accident at Fukushima Daiichi on March 11 2011,the harsh reality of nuclear power was exposed to billions of people across the planet, and in particular to the population of Japan, including the more than 160,000 people displaced by the disaster, many of whom are still unable to return to their homes, and scores of millions more threatened had worst case scenarios occurred. One authoritative voice that has been central to exposing the myth-making of the nuclear industry and its supporters has been that of KanNaoto, Prime Minister in 2011. His conversion from promoter to stern critic may be simple to understand, but it is no less commendable for its bravery. When the survival of half the society you are elected to serve and protect is threatened by a technology that is essentially an expensive way to boil water, then something is clearly wrong. Japan avoided societal destruction thanks in large part to the dedication of workers at the crippled nuclear plant, but also to the intervention of Kan and his staff, and to luck. Had it not been for a leaking pipe into the cooling pool of Unit 4 that maintained sufficient water levels, the highly irradiated spent fuel in the pool, including the entire core only recently removed from the reactor core, would have been exposed, releasing an amount of radioactivity far in excess of that released from the other three reactors. The cascade of subsequent events would have meant total loss of control of the other reactors, including their spent fuel pools and requiring massive evacuation extending throughout metropolitan Tokyo, as Prime Minister Kan feared. That three former Prime Ministers of Japan are not just opposed to nuclear power but actively campaigning against it is unprecedented in global politics and is evidence of the scale of the threat that Fukushima posed to tens of millions ofJapanese.

The reality is thatin terms of electricity share and relative to renewable energy,nuclear power has been in decline globally for two decades.Since the FukushimaDaiichiaccident, this decline has only increased in pace. The nuclear industry knew full well that nuclear power could not be scaled up to the level required to make a serious impact on global emissions. But that was never the point. The industry adopted the climate-change argument as a survival strategy: to ensure extending the life of existing aging reactors and make possible the addition of some new nuclear capacity in the coming decades—sufficient at least to allow a core nuclear industrial infrastructure to survive to mid-century.The dream was to survive to mid-century, when limitless energy would be realized by the deployment of commercial plutonium fast-breeder reactors and other generation IV designs. It was always a myth, but it had a commercial and strategic rationale for the power companies, nuclear suppliers and their political allies.

The basis for the Fukushima Daiichi accident began long before March 11th 2011, when decisions were made to build and operate reactors in a nation almost uniquely vulnerable to major seismic events. More than five years on, the accident continues with a legacy that will stretch over the decades. Preventing the next catastrophic accident in Japan is now a passion of the former Prime Minister, joining as he has the majority of the people of Japan determined to transition to a society based on renewable energy. He is surely correct that the end of nuclear power in Japan is possible. The utilities remain in crisis, with only three reactors operating, and legal challenges have been launched across the nation. No matter what policy the government chooses, the basis for Japan’s entire nuclear fuel cycle policy, which is based on plutonium separation at Rokkasho-mura and its use in the Monju reactor and its fantasy successor reactors, is in a worse state than ever before. But as Kan Naoto knows better than most, this is an industry entrenched within the establishment and still wields enormous influence. Its end is not guaranteed. Determination and dedication will be needed to defeat it. Fortunately, the Japanese people have these in abundance. SB

The Interview 

Q: What is your central message?

Kan: Up until the accident at the Fukushima reactor, I too was confident that since Japanese technology is of high quality, no Chernobyl-like event was possible.

But in fact when I came face to face with Fukushima, I learned I was completely mistaken. I learned first and foremost that we stood on the brink of disaster: had the incident spread only slightly, half the territory of Japan, half the area of metropolitan Tokyo would have been irradiated and 50,000,000 people would have had to evacuate.

Half one’s country would be irradiated, nearly half of the population would have to flee: to the extent it’s conceivable, only defeat in major war is comparable.

That the risk was so enormous: that is what in the first place I want all of you, all the Japanese, all the world’s people to realize.

Q: You yourself are a physicist, yet you don’t believe in the first analysis that people can handle nuclear power? Don’t you believe that there are technical advances and that in the end it will be safe to use?

Kan: As a rule, all technologies involve risk. For example, automobiles have accidents; airplanes, too. But the scale of the risk if an accident happens affects the question whether or not to use that technology. You compare the plus of using it and on the other hand the minus of not using it. We learned that with nuclear reactors, the Fukushima nuclear reactors, the risk was such that 50,000,000 people nearly had to evacuate. Moreover, if we had not used nuclear reactors—in fact, after the incident, there was a period of about two years when we didn’t use nuclear power and there was no great impact on the public welfare, nor any economic impact either. So when you take these factors as a whole into account, in a broad sense there is no plus to using nuclear power. That is my judgment.

One more thing. In the matter of the difference between nuclear power and other technologies, controlling the radiation is in the final analysis extremely difficult.

For example, plutonium emits radiation for a long time. Its half-life is 24,000 years, so because nuclear waste contains plutonium—in its disposal, even if you let it sit and don’t use it—its half-life is 24,000 years, in effect forever. So it’s a very difficult technology to use—an additional point I want to make.

Q: It figured a bit ago in the lecture by Professor Prasser, that in third-generation reactors, risk can be avoided. What is your response?

Kan: It’s as Professor Khwostowa said: we’ve said that even with many nuclear reactors, an event inside a reactor like the Fukushima nuclear accident or a Chernobyl-sized event would occur only once in a million years; but in fact, in the past sixty years, we’ve had Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, Fukushima. Professor Prasser says it’s getting gradually safer, but in fact accidents have happened with greater frequency and on a larger scale than was foreseen. So partial improvements are possible, as Professor Prasser says, but saying that doesn’t mean that accidents won’t happen. Equipment causes accidents, but so do humans.

Q: Today it’s five years after Fukushima. What is the situation in Japan today? We hear that there are plans beginning in 2018 to return the refugees to their homes. To what extent is the clean-up complete?

Kan: Let me describe conditions on site at Fukushima. Reactors #1, #2, #3 melted down, and the melted nuclear fuel still sits in the containment vessel; every day they introduce water to cool it. Radioactivity in the vessel of #2, they say, is 70 sieverts—not microsieverts or millisieverts, 70 sieverts. If humans approach a site that is radiating 70 sieverts, they die within five minutes. That situation has held ever since: that’s the current situation.

Moreover, the water they introduce leaves the containment vessel and is said to be recirculated, but in fact it mixes with groundwater, and some flows into the ocean. Prime Minister Abe used the words “under control,” but Japanese experts, including me, consider it not under control if part is flowing into the ocean. All the experts see it this way.

As for the area outside the site, more than 100,000 people have fled the Fukushima area.

So now the government is pushing residential decontamination and beyond that the decontamination of agricultural land.

Even if you decontaminate the soil, it’s only a temporary or partial reduction in radioactivity; in very many cases cesium comes down from the mountains, it returns.

The Fukushima prefectural government and the government say that certain of the areas where decontamination has been completed are habitable, so people have until 2018 to return; moreover, beyond that date, they won’t give aid to the people who have fled. But I and others think there’s still danger and that the support should be continued at the same level for people who conclude on their own that it’s still dangerous—that’s what we’re saying.

Given the conditions on site and the conditions of those who have fled, you simply can’t say that the clean-up is complete.

Q: Since the Fukushima accident, you have become a strong advocate of getting rid of nuclear reactors; yet in the end, the Abe regime came to power, and it is going in the opposite direction: three reactors are now in operation. As you see this happening, are you angry?

Kan: Clearly what Prime Minister Abe is trying to do—his nuclear reactor policy or energy policy—is mistaken. I am strongly opposed to current policy.

But are things moving steadily backward? Three reactors are indeed in operation. However, phrase it differently: only three are in operation. Why only three? Most—more than half the people—are still resisting strongly. From now on, if it should come to new nuclear plants, say, or to extending the licenses of existing nuclear plants, popular opposition is extremely strong, so that won’t be at all easy. In that sense, Japan’s situation today is a very harsh opposition—a tug of war—between the Abe government, intent on retrogression, and the people, who are heading toward abolishing nuclear reactors.

Two of Prime Minister Abe’s closest advisors are opposed to his policy on nuclear power.

One is his wife. The other is former Prime Minister Koizumi, who promoted him.

Q: Last question: please talk about the possibility that within ten years Japan will do away with nuclear power.

Kan: In the long run, it will disappear gradually. But if you ask whether it will disappear in the next ten years, I can’t say. For example, even in my own party opinion is divided; some hope to do away with it in the 2030s. So I can’t say whether it will disappear completely in the next ten years, but taking the long view, it will surely be gone, for example, by the year 2050 or 2070. The most important reason is economic. It has become clear that compared with other forms of energy, the cost of nuclear energy is high.

Q: Thank you.

Interview by Vincenzo Capodici

Introduction by Shaun Burnie

Translation by Richard Minear

Tages Anzeiger (Zurich), February 4, 2016

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