” The point is the Western media, BBC, CBC, whatever, that goes to Syria, they pointedly don’t try to take the testimonies of people who are overtly supportive of the government or who point out the real problem in Syria is this NATO war on Syria.”  Eva Bartlett, from this week’s interview




(Length 59:24)

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Over the last several weeks, the population of the major Western countries has been inundated with messages and appeals in the wake of devastating human rights abuses and war crimes committed by the Syrian government with the help of its Russian allies.

The Eiffel Tower in Paris shut off its lights over the holiday season as a show of support for the devastated people of the Southwest Asian country. Authoritative humanitarian organizations like Amnesty International and Medecins Sans Frontiers have likewise been doing what they can to prick the consciences of the world’s peoples in support of the Syrian people.

However, not everyone is echoing the narrative of Syrians besieged by air strikes from a brutal Russia and a dictatorial Syrian military.

Independent journalists on the ground are relaying word that Assad is actually quite popular, and that the main threat seen by the civilian population is coming from the terrorist groups who are labelled ‘rebels’ by Western leaders.

What is the reality of the ‘popular revolution’ which sparked six years of violence and thousands of casualties?

What is truly the result of  Assad cracking down on peaceful demonstrators?

On this week’s Global Research News Hour, we attempt to separate myth and reality when it comes to reporting on the situation in Syria.

We start with a conversation with Canadian journalist Eva Bartlett. She has reported from Gaza during the Israeli assaults there in 2008/9 and 2012. And since April 2014, she has travelled to various parts of Syria no less than six times, including four visits to the ravaged city of Alleppo. Her reports are at odds with the common Western narrative about the Syrian peoples’ victimhood under Assad and the threat he and the Russian government pose to the welfare of civilians in the country. She shares with listeners her on the ground reports. We then allow her to respond to the attacks she has received from so-called fact-checking bodies seeking to discredit her.

Bartlett’s website is ingaza.wordpress.com

Her Canadian speaking tour includes the following cities:

Hamilton: January 24, 25

Ottawa: January 27

Montreal: January 28

Winnipeg: early February

(Times and venues to be posted at Globalresearch.ca within a few days.)

We then hear from Steven Gowans. The Ottawa based author of the ‘What’s Left’ blog and of the new book Washington’s Long War on Syria gives listeners a breakdown of the nature of the so-called revolution against President Bashar al-Assad, the myth of it originating in non-violent protests, and the actual reasons for Washington’s involvement in the country. 



(Length 59:24)

Click to download the audio (MP3 format)  


The Global Research News Hour airs every Friday at 1pm CT on CKUW 95.9FM in Winnipeg. The programme is also podcast at globalresearch.ca . The show can be heard on the Progressive Radio Network at prn.fm. Listen in everyThursday at 6pm ET.

Community Radio Stations carrying the Global Research News Hour:

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Desde que se publicó este artículo (el 5 de enero), los medios de comunicación de Estados Unidos, en conexión con la inteligencia estadounidense, han lanzado otra ola de difamaciones contra el presidente electo, Donald Trump.

La estrategia de propaganda más reciente está en marcha. El objetivo es desestabilizar la presidencia de Trump.

Un “informe de inteligencia” falsa retrata a Trump como un instrumento de Moscú, “apuntalándolo y prestándole apoyo durante por lo menos cinco años”. El informe sugiere que la inteligencia rusa “ha comprometido a Trump” a tal punto que puede ser “chantajeado” a causa de sus “actos sexualmente pervertidos”.

Este misterioso informe de inteligencia publicado por BuzzFeed se ha vuelto viral. Mientras que el documento es reconocido por la inteligencia estadounidense como falso, los medios de comunicación (CNN en particular) están ahora sugiriendo que Trump no solamente está involucrado en un acto de traición (por hacer un llamado a la normalización de las relaciones entre Estados Unidos y Rusia), sino que también es controlado por el Kremlin, que le está chantajeando llevándolo a la sumisión.

Este pseudo informe de inteligencia emergió en los días siguientes al anuncio del director de Inteligencia Nacional, James Clapper, de que el presunto “hackeo” de Rusia constituye una “amenaza existencial” para Estados Unidos.

Si bien no se han obtenido pruebas de la interferencia de Rusia en las elecciones estadounidenses, los tanques y las tropas estadounidenses ya han sido enviadas a la frontera de Rusia bajo la “Operación Resolución Atlántica” de Obama y la Iniciativa Europea de Reconfirmación (ERI, por sus siglas en ingles) de la Organización del Tratado del Atlántico Norte (OTAN). Las tropas deben ser desplegadas por completo antes de la toma de posesión de Trump, el 20 de enero. Y los medios de comunicación permanecen en silencio. Los peligros de una guerra total contra Rusia y sus consecuencias devastadoras no son noticia de primera plana.

¿Son estos despliegues de tanques y tropas estadounidenses parte del “acto de sanción” de Obama contra Rusia en respuesta al presunto “hackeo” de Moscú a las elecciones de Estados Unidos?

¿Es este un procedimiento de “vía rápida” por parte del presidente saliente, con el apoyo de la inteligencia estadounidense para crear el caos antes de que comience la administración Trump el 20 de enero?

Mientras que el presunto “hackeo” es casualmente considerado como un “acto de guerra” contra la Patria americana, la “Operación Resolución Atlántica” (que implica un despliegue masivo de tropas y equipo militar en la frontera de Rusia) es catalogada como un “acto de auto-defensa”.

Se trata de una agenda diabólica de política exterior: el presunto hackeo ruso se utiliza como pretexto y justificación para librar una guerra preventiva contra Rusia.

Cuando la guerra se convierte en paz, el mundo se pone de cabeza.

En este artículo describimos una operación coordinada y cuidadosamente planificada para desestabilizar la presidencia de Trump, que incluye varias etapas, tanto antes como después de su inauguración. Lo que está en juego es la postura de Trump en relación a la política exterior de Estados Unidos. La reciente campaña de difamación confirma en gran medida una estrategia de deslegitimación del presidente electo.

Lea detenidamente este artículo: Lo que está en juego es una crisis constitucional sin precedentes, un intento de derrocar a un presidente electo antes de su toma de posesión, o poco después. Hay una lucha de poder que se desarrolla entre dos poderosas facciones corporativas.

Michel Chossudovsky, 11 de enero de 2017

*           *          *


Obama ha acusado oficialmente a Moscú de interferir en las elecciones de Estados Unidos en nombre de Donald Trump. Estas son acusaciones graves. Mientras que el programa de sanciones se dirige contra Rusia, la intención final es socavar la legitimidad del presidente electo, Donald Trump, y su postura en relación a la política exterior estadounidense respecto a Moscú.

Según los medios de comunicación estadounidenses, las sanciones contra Moscú tenían como objetivo “poner tras las rejas al presidente electo Donald J. Trump”, ya que Trump “ha puesto en cuestión de forma reiterada” que Putin estuvo involucrado en el supuesto “hackeo” del Comité Nacional Demócrata (DNC, por sus siglas en ingles). En un informe anterior sobre la intromisión del Kremlin, The New York Times (15 de diciembre) describió a Donald Trump como “…un idiota útil”…un presidente estadounidense que no sabe que está siendo usado por una astuta potencia extranjera. (Énfasis añadido)

Pero las acusaciones contra Trump han ido mucho más allá del gastado discurso de “poner tras las rejas”. La verdad tácita vinculada con la orden ejecutiva de Obama es que el castigo estaba dirigido en contra de Trump, en lugar de Putin.

El objetivo no es “poner tras las rejas” al presidente electo por su “desconocimiento del papel de la inteligencia”. Todo lo contrario: la estrategia es deslegitimar a Donald Trump acusándolo de alta traición.

En el desenvolvimiento de los últimos hechos, el director de Inteligencia Nacional, James Clapper, ha “confirmado” que el presunto ciber-ataque ruso constituye una “amenaza existencial a nuestro modo de vida”.

“Si eso constituye o no un acto de guerra [por Rusia contra Estados Unidos] creo que es un pronunciamiento de política muy fuerte que no creo que la comunidad de inteligencia deba hacer”, señaló Clapper.

Ese “acto de guerra” no por parte de Rusia, sino contra Rusia, parece haber sido respaldado por el gobierno saliente de Obama: varios miles de tanques y tropas estadounidenses están siendo desplegados a las puertas de Rusia como parte de la “Operación Resolución Atlántica” que Obama dirige contra la Federación Rusa.

¿Son estos despliegues militares parte del “acto de castigo” de Obama contra Rusia en respuesta al presunto “hackeo” de Moscú a las elecciones de Estados Unidos?

¿Se trata de un procedimiento de “vía rápida” por parte del presidente saliente con el apoyo de la inteligencia estadounidense, destinado a crear caos político y social antes del inicio de la administración de Trump el 20 de enero?

Según Donbass DINA News: “Un despliegue militar masivo de Estados Unidos [en la frontera de Rusia] debería estar listo para el 20 de enero”.

La locura política prevalece.

Y la locura podría desencadenar la Tercera Guerra Mundial.

Mientras que la ” verdadera historia” detrás del “hackeo” forma parte de la primera plana de las noticias. Los principales medios de comunicación no cubren [la realidad].

Desestabilizando la presidencia de Trump

La intención final de esta campaña dirigida por los neoconservadores y la facción de los Clinton es desestabilizar la presidencia de Trump.

Antes de las elecciones del 8 de noviembre, el ex secretario de Defensa y el director, Leo Panetta, de la Agencia Central de Inteligencia (CIA, por sus siglas en inglés) ya había sugerido que Trump representa una amenaza para la seguridad nacional. Según la revista The Atlantic, Trump es un “candidato moderno manchuriano” que actúa al servicio de los intereses del Kremlin.

Vanity Fair , 1 de Noviembre de 2016

The Atlantic, 8 de Octubre de 2016

Después la votación de los grandes electores (a favor de Trump) y las sanciones de Obama contra Moscú, las acusaciones de traición dirigidas contra Donald Trump han ido en tomando forma y en aumento:

“Un fantasma de traición se cierne sobre Donald Trump. Él ha entrado en conflicto consigo mismo al desestimar una convocatoria bipartidista que busca realizar una investigación del “hackeo” de Rusia al Comité Nacional Demócrata, [tildándola como] un “ridículo” ataque político a la legitimidad de su elección como presidente. “(Boston Globe, 16 de diciembre, énfasis añadido)

“Los liberales están sugiriendo que el presidente electo Donald Trump es culpable de traición después de que el presidente Obama anunció nuevas sanciones contra Rusia y Trump elogió la respuesta de Vladimir Putin frente a las sanciones”. (Daily Caller, 30 de diciembre de 2016, énfasis añadido)

¿Operación coordinada para desestabilizar la presidencia de Trump?

¿Se encuentra Trump “en la cama con el enemigo”?

Se trata de acusaciones graves aparentemente respaldadas por la inteligencia estadounidense que no pueden ser eliminadas.

¿O serán simplemente olvidadas una vez que Trump ingrese a la Casa Blanca? Es poco probable. Son parte de una campaña de propaganda en nombre de poderosos intereses corporativos.

Lo que está en juego equivale a una operación cuidadosamente coordinada para desestabilizar la presidencia de Trump, en buena medida con características diferentes.

El objetivo central de este proyecto dirigido contra Trump es asegurar la continuidad de la agenda de política exterior de los neoconservadores orientada hacia la guerra global y la conquista económica mundial, que ha dominado el panorama político de Estados Unidos desde septiembre de 2001.

Repasemos primero la naturaleza de la postura de la política exterior de los neoconservadores.

Antecedentes de la agenda de política exterior de los neoconservadores

A raíz del 11 de septiembre, dos grandes cambios en la política exterior de Estados Unidos fueron orquestados como parte de la Estrategia de Seguridad Nacional de 2001 (NSS, por sus siglas en ingles).

El primero se refería a la “guerra global contra el terrorismo”, contra Al-Qaeda; el segundo cambio introdujo la doctrina de la “guerra defensiva” de tipo preventivo. El objetivo era presentar una “acción militar preventiva” –que significaba la guerra como un acto de “autodefensa”– contra dos categorías de enemigos, “Estados corruptos” y “terroristas islámicos”:

“La guerra contra los terroristas es una empresa global de duración incierta. … Estados Unidos actuará contra tales amenazas emergentes antes de que se formen de manera plena (Estrategia de Seguridad Nacional, Casa Blanca, 2002, http://www.whitehouse.gov/nsc/nss.html

La doctrina de guerra preventiva también incluía el uso preventivo de las armas nucleares como un “primer golpe” (como medio de “auto-defensa”) contra Estados nucleares y no nucleares. Este concepto, de un ataque nuclear preventivo de primer golpe fue firmemente respaldado por Hillary Clinton durante la campaña electoral.

A su vez, la “guerra global contra el terrorismo” lanzada a raíz del 11 de septiembre ha llegado a desempeñar un papel central en la justificación de la intervención militar de Estados Unidos y la OTAN en Oriente Medio “por razones humanitarias” (R2P, ‘Responsibility to Protect’), Incluyendo la instauración de las denominadas “Zonas de vuelo prohibido”. La “guerra global contra el terrorismo” también constituye la piedra angular de la propaganda mediática.

Las dimensiones militares y de inteligencia del proyecto de los neoconservadores están contenidas en El Proyecto para el Nuevo Siglo Americano (PNAC, por sus siglas en inglés), formulado antes de la llegada de George W. Bush a la Casa Blanca. El PNAC plantea además una “revolución en los asuntos militares”, que requiere un gasto presupuestario masivo asignado al desarrollo de sistemas avanzados de armamento incluyendo una nueva generación de armas nucleares.

La iniciativa del PNAC fue lanzada por William Kristol y Robert Kagan, cuya esposa, Victoria Nuland, desempeñó un papel decisivo como secretaria de Estado de Clinton en la orquestación del golpe de estado Euromaidán en Ucrania.

El proyecto neoconservador también incluye un menú de “cambio de régimen”, “revoluciones de color”, sanciones económicas y reformas macroeconómicas dirigidas contra países que no se ajustan a los lineamientos de Washington.

De esta manera, la globalización de la guerra apoya la agenda económica mundial de Wall Street: Los bloques comerciales (negociados secretamente) del Atlántico y el Pacífico (TPP, TTIP, CETA, TISA, etc.), junto con la vigilancia del Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI)-Banco Mundial-Organización Mundial de Comercio (OMC) son una parte integral de este proyecto hegemónico, íntimamente relacionado con las operaciones militares y de inteligencia estadounidenses.

Formulación del Proyecto para el “Nuevo Siglo Americano”

“El Estado profundo” y el choque de poderosos intereses corporativos

El capitalismo global no es en modo alguno monolítico. Lo que está en juego son las rivalidades fundamentales dentro del “establishment” estadounidense marcadas por el choque entre facciones corporativas en competencia, cada una de las cuales tiene la intención de ejercer control sobre la futura presidencia de Estados Unidos. En este sentido, Trump no está completamente dentro del bolsillo de alguno de los grupos de presión. Como miembro del “establishment”, cuenta con sus propios patrocinadores corporativos y recaudadores de fondos. Su declarada agenda de política exterior, incluyendo su compromiso de revisar la relación de Washington con Moscú, no se ajusta totalmente a los intereses de los contratistas de la defensa, que apoyaron la candidatura de Clinton.

Hay poderosos intereses corporativos de lado de ambas partes, que ahora están confrontándose. También hay alianzas “supra puestas” y “alianzas transversales” dentro del “establishment” corporativo. Lo que estamos presenciando son “rivalidades inter-capitalistas” dentro de las esferas de los bancos, el petróleo y la energía, el complejo militar industrial, etc.

¿Está “fracturado el “Estado profundo” (‘Deep state’)? Estas rivalidades corporativas también se caracterizan por divisiones estratégicas y enfrentamientos dentro de varias agencias del aparato estatal de Estados Unidos, incluyendo la comunidad de inteligencia y el ejército. En este sentido, la CIA está profundamente arraigada en los medios de comunicación corporativa (CNN, NBC, The New York Times, The Washington Post, etc.), promoviendo una intensa campaña de difamación contra Trump y sus presuntos vínculos con Moscú.

Pero también hay una campaña que ejerce de contrapeso dentro de la comunidad de inteligencia contra la facción neoconservadora dominante. En este sentido, el equipo de Trump está contemplando una reestructuración de la CIA (popularmente conocida como proceso “purgatorio”). Según un miembro del equipo de transición de Trump (citado por The Wall Street Journal, 4 de enero de 2017), “La visión del equipo de Trump es que el mundo de la inteligencia [se está] convirtiendo en un mundo completamente politizado (…) Todos ellos necesitan ser echados. El enfoque se centrará en la reestructuración de las agencias y su forma de interacción”. Este proyecto también afectaría a los agentes de la CIA responsables de la propaganda integrada en los principales medios de comunicación. Esto, inevitablemente crearía profundas divisiones y conflictos dentro del aparato de inteligencia estadounidense, lo que potencialmente podría afectar negativamente a la presidencia de Trump. Lo cierto es que es poco probable que la administración Trump pueda socavar las estructuras internas de los cuerpos de inteligencia de Estados Unidos y la propaganda de los medios de comunicación patrocinada por la CIA.

¿Existe continuidad en la política exterior de Estados Unidos?

Elaborado a finales de la década de 1940 por el funcionario del Departamento de Estado, George F. Kennan, la “Doctrina Truman” establece los fundamentos ideológicos del proyecto hegemónico de la posguerra en Estados Unidos. Lo que revelan estos documentos del Departamento de Estado es la continuidad de la política exterior norteamericana desde la “contención” a lo largo de la Guerra Fría, hasta la doctrina de la “guerra preventiva” de hoy.

En este sentido, el proyecto de los neoconservadores para el Nuevo Siglo Americano (citado anteriormente) para la conquista mundial debe ser visto como la culminación de una agenda de posguerra de hegemonía militar y dominación económica global formulada por el Departamento de Estado en 1948 al principio de la Guerra Fría.

Cabe destacar que las sucesivas administraciones demócratas y republicanas, de Harry Truman a George W. Bush y Barack Obama, han estado involucradas en llevar adelante este modelo hegemónico de dominación en escala global, que el Pentágono denomina la “guerra larga”.

En este sentido, los neoconservadores han seguido los pasos de la “Doctrina Truman”. A finales de la década de 1940, George F. Kennan, llamó a construir una alianza anglo-americana de dominación basada en “buenas relaciones entre nuestro país y el Imperio Británico”. En el mundo de hoy, esta alianza caracteriza en gran medida el eje militar entre Washington y Londres, que desempeña un rol dominante dentro de la OTAN en detrimento de los aliados europeos (continentales) de Washington. También incluye Canadá y Australia y otros socios estratégicos clave.

Kennan subrayó la importancia de impedir el desarrollo de potencias continentales europeas (por ejemplo, Alemania, Francia e Italia) que podrían competir con el eje angloamericano. El objetivo durante la Guerra Fría fue impedir que Europa estableciera vínculos tanto políticos como económicos con Rusia. A su vez, la OTAN en gran parte dominada por Estados Unidos, ha impedido que Alemania y Francia desempeñaran un papel estratégico en los asuntos mundiales.

Realineamientos de la política exterior de Trump

Es muy improbable que una administración Trump se aparte de la columna vertebral de la política exterior de Estados Unidos.

Sin embargo, mientras que el equipo de Trump está comprometido con una agenda de derecha socialmente regresiva y racista en el frente interno, ciertos reajustes de la política exterior son posibles, incluyendo un relajamiento de las sanciones contra Rusia, situación que podría tener un impacto significativo en los contratos multimillonarios del complejo militar industrial. Esto en sí mismo sería un logro fundamental que podría contribuir a un período de Detente en las relaciones Este-Oeste.

Por otra parte, mientras que Trump ha armado un gabinete de generales, banqueros y ejecutivos petroleros de derecha, ajustado en gran medida a la columna vertebral del Partido Republicano, se ha roto la “entente cordiale” bipartidista entre demócratas y republicanos. Mientras tanto, hay voces poderosas dentro del Partido Republicano que apoyan la “facción anti-Trump”.

Sin embargo, las divisiones entre estas dos facciones competidoras son notables. En lo que respecta a la política exterior de Estados Unidos, pertenecen en gran medida a las relaciones bilaterales entre Estados Unidos y Rusia, que han sido comprometidas por la administración Obama, así como a la actual agenda militar estadounidense en Siria e Irak. También influyen en la Unión Europea, que ha sido afectada por las sanciones económicas de Obama contra Rusia.

Las sanciones han dado lugar a una dramática disminución del comercio y la inversión de la Unión Europea con la Federación de Rusia. De acuerdo con la “Doctrina Truman” discutida anteriormente, la política exterior estadounidense bajo los neoconservadores, particularmente desde la invasión de 2003 a Irak, había tratado de desmantelar la alianza franco-alemana y debilitar a la Unión Europea.

Cabe enfatizar que en relación a los recientes sucesos en Ucrania y Europa del este, George F. Kennan apuntó explícitamente, en su escrito de 1948 del Departamento de Estado, hacia “una política de contención de Alemania, dentro de Europa occidental“. Lo que las observaciones de Kennan sugieren es que los Estados Unidos deben apoyar un proyecto europeo sólo en la medida en que apoye los intereses hegemónicos estadounidenses. Y eso es precisamente lo que los neoconservadores han logrado bajo los gobiernos de Bush y Obama:

“Hoy tanto François Hollande como Angela Merkel están tomando sus órdenes directamente desde Washington. La invasión de Irak en 2003 fue un punto de inflexión. La elección de líderes políticos pro-estadounidenses (el presidente Sarkozy en Francia y la canciller Angela Merkel en Alemania) condujo a un debilitamiento de la soberanía nacional, lo que llevó a la desaparición de la alianza franco-alemana.” (Michel Chossudovsky, America’s Blueprint for Global Domination: From “Containment” to “Pre-emptive War”, Global Research, 2014)

El factor más importante para el futuro es si este realineamiento bajo la administración de Trump limitará el despliegue de las tropas de la OTAN y el equipo militar en Europa del Este a las puertas de Rusia, ¿Contribuirá al desarme nuclear?

Mientras que la agenda de política exterior de Trump ha sido el blanco de la “política sucia” de la facción de los Clinton, la administración entrante tiene poderosos patrocinadores corporativos que sin duda desafiarán a los neoconservadores incluyendo a aquellos que operan dentro de los grupos de inteligencia. Vale la pena señalar que Trump también cuenta con el apoyo a favor de Israel así como de la inteligencia israelí. Apenas en diciembre, el jefe del Mossad se reunió con el equipo Trump en Washington.

La línea del tiempo del proyecto de desestabilización

Al principio, antes de las elecciones del 8 de noviembre, el proyecto de sabotear y desestabilizar la presidencia de Trump consistió en una serie de varios procesos coordinados e interrelacionados, algunos de los cuales están en curso, mientras que otros ya han sido concluidos (o bien ya no son relevantes):

  • La campaña de difamación de los medios de comunicación contra Trump, que ha tomado una nueva inclinación a raíz de las elecciones del 8 de noviembre (en curso);
  • El movimiento de protesta anti-Trump dirigido desde Estados Unidos, en coordinación con la cobertura de los medios de comunicación, con el objetivo de sabotear (en curso);
  • El recuento de votos en tres estados. (ya no es relevante);
  • La aprobación de H.R 6393: Ley de autorización de inteligencia para el año fiscal 2017, que incluye una sección dirigida contra los llamados “medios independientes a favor de Moscú”, en respuesta a la supuesta interferencia de Moscú en las elecciones estadounidenses en apoyo a Donald Trump;
  • El voto del Colegio Electoral el 19 de diciembre (ya no es relevante);
  • La petición iniciada por la senadora de California Barbara Boxers en el portal Change.org referente al voto electoral de la Universidad (ya no es relevante);
  • La intención de la campaña “sabotaje” para la interrupción de la ceremonia presidencial de inauguración del 20 de enero de 2017;
  • Ya se contempla la posibilidad de un procedimiento de destitución durante el primer año de su mandato

El eslogan es “interrumpir”. El objetivo es “sabotear”

En paralelo, el sitio web Disruptj20.org está solicitando el sabotaje de la inauguración presidencial de Donald Trump el 20 de enero de 2017:

#DisruptJ20 es apoyado por el trabajo del Comité de Bienvenida DC, un colectivo de activistas locales experimentados y sepultureros desempleados que actúan con apoyo el plano nacional. Están construyendo el marco necesario para las protestas masivas para bloquear la inauguración presidencial de Donald Trump y la planificación de acciones directas generalizadas para que eso ocurra. Para conseguirlo, también ofrecen servicios de alojamiento, comida e incluso asistencia legal, a cualquier persona que quiera unirse a ellos.

¿Cuáles serán las posibles consecuencias?

La campaña de propaganda junto con los otros componentes de esta operación (movimiento de protesta, peticiones contra Trump, etc.) se utilizan como un instrumento para desacreditar a un presidente electo.

Esta campaña de propaganda mediática contra un presidente entrante no tiene precedentes en la historia de Estados Unidos. A pesar de que los medios de comunicación masiva critican rutinariamente a los políticos que ocupan puestos de alto nivel, incluyendo al presidente de Estados Unidos, la narrativa de los medios de comunicación en este caso es radicalmente diferente. El presidente entrante es el blanco de una campaña de difamación organizada desde los medios de comunicación que no disminuirá tras el arribo de Trump a la Casa Blanca.

Al mismo tiempo, un movimiento de protesta dirigido y coordinado contra Trump ha estado en curso desde el 8 de noviembre. De hecho, comenzó la noche del 8 de noviembre antes del anuncio de los resultados de las elecciones. Las protestas guardan todas las apariencias de una “revolución de color” estilo op.

Los medios de comunicación también proporcionan una cobertura parcial del movimiento de protesta. Los organizadores y reclutadores están sirviendo a los intereses de grupos de presión corporativos de gran alcance incluyendo a los contratistas del sector de la defensa. No sirven a los intereses del pueblo estadounidense

Es poco probable que estas diversas iniciativas, incluida la campaña de sabotaje, tengan un impacto considerable en la inauguración presidencial de Trump. Nuestra evaluación sugiere, no obstante, que el presidente electo llegará a la Casa Blanca en medio de un ambiente plagado de polémica.

La destitución es el “tema controversial”

La campaña de propaganda continuará luego de la inauguración presidencial de Trump, insistiendo en las acusaciones de traición. El proceso de destitución de Donald Trump ya se ha contemplado, incluso antes de su arribo a la presidencia. En palabras de The Huffington Post (1 de enero de 2017):

“Sólo hay una forma constitucional de eliminar a un presidente, y es a través de la destitución.

Lo que se necesita es una consulta ciudadana de destitución, comenzando el primer día de Trump en el cargo.

La consulta debe mantener un expediente en ejecución y enviar actualizaciones al menos una vez por semana al Comité Judicial de la Cámara. No faltarán pruebas”.

El sitio Change.org, que está detrás de la organización del movimiento de protesta, ya ha lanzado una petición para destituir a Trump.

Campaña promovida por el sitio web Change.org

Boston Globe, 16 de Diciembre de 2016

The Huffington Post, 26 de Diciembre de 2016

Los ciudadanos estadounidenses son las víctimas sin voz: La necesidad de un auténtico movimiento de masas

De esta forma, el pueblo estadounidense es la víctima sin voz de este enfrentamiento entre facciones capitalistas rivales. Ambas facciones están sirviendo a los intereses de las élites en detrimento del electorado estadounidense.

A su vez, una verdadera oposición popular que cuestione de raíz la agenda racista de derecha de la política social de Trump ha sido “secuestrada” por un movimiento de protesta dirigido, financiado y controlado por poderosos intereses económicos. Los organizadores de este movimiento están actuando a favor de poderosos intereses de la élite. La gente es engañada. Lo que se requiere en los próximos meses es el desarrollo de movimientos sociales “reales” en contra de la nueva administración de Trump con respecto a temas sociales y económicos de la más amplia diversidad: derechos civiles, salud, creación de empleo, medio ambiente, gastos de defensa, inmigración, etc.

Por lo tanto, los movimientos de base independientes deben tomar distancia de las protestas respaldadas y financiadas (directa o indirectamente) por intereses corporativos. Esta no es una tarea fácil. El financiamiento y la “fabricación del disenso”, la manipulación de los movimientos sociales, etc., están firmemente arraigados.

Irónicamente, el neoliberalismo financia el activismo dirigido contra el neoliberalismo. La “disconformidad manufacturada” se caracteriza por un entorno manipulador, un proceso de torsión de brazos y una sutil cooptación de individuos dentro de organizaciones progresistas, incluyendo coaliciones contra la guerra, ambientalistas y el movimiento anti-globalización. “La cooptación no se limita a comprar los favores de los políticos. Las élites económicas –que controlan las grandes corporaciones– también supervisan el financiamiento de numerosas organizaciones no gubernamentales (ONG) y organizaciones de la sociedad civil que han estado históricamente involucradas en los movimientos de protesta contra el orden económico y social establecido “(Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, 20 de septiembre de 2010).

¿Se está dirigiendo Estados Unidos hacia una profunda crisis constitucional?

En esta etapa es difícil predecir lo que sucederá bajo la administración gubernamental de Trump. Lo que parece muy claro, sin embargo, es que Estados Unidos se está dirigiendo hacia una crisis política profundamente arraigada, con importantes ramificaciones sociales, económicas y geopolíticas.

¿Se tenderá (en algún momento futuro) hacia la adopción de la ley marcial y la suspensión del gobierno constitucional?

Nota: Este artículo se basa en parte en textos anteriores escritos por el autor relacionados con las elecciones en Estados Unidos.

Actualizado el 5 de enero de 2017.

Artículo original en inglés:


U.S. Foreign Policy and the Campaign to Destabilize the Trump Presidency, publicado el 4 de enero de 2017.

Traducido para el Centro de Investigación sobre la Globalización (Global Research) por Ariel Noyola Rodríguez.

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EE.UU. y Rusia: De la Guerra Fría a la guerra cibernética

January 15th, 2017 by William de Jesús Salvador

“La guerra cibernética es el conjunto de acciones llevadas por un Estado para penetrar en los ordenadores o en las redes de otro país, con la finalidad de causar prejuicio o alteración” . Richard Clarke, especialista en seguridad del gobierno de EE.UU.

El gobierno norteamericano de manera categórica ha acusado formalmente a Rusia de interferir en su proceso electoral a través de robos de correos electrónicos y documentos que fueron publicados por WikiLeaks, DCLeaks, y GUccifer 2.1.

El Presidente Barack Obama reaccionó muy enfadado con el Presidente Vladimir Putin, lo ha responsabilizado del ‘hackeo’ a las comunicaciones del jefe de la campaña del Partido Demócrata, John Podesta, y a la Fundación Hillary Clinton durante las campaña electoral norteamericana.Moscú rechazó las acusaciones de intromisión en elecciones EEUU y Dmitry Peskov dijo que Estados Unidos debería “dejar de hablar de ello o producir alguna evidencia, de lo contrario todo comienza a parecer impropio.”

Las revelaciones de este ‘hackeo’ dejó al desnudo la alianza estratégica y aproximación de la candidata demócrata con los grupos financieros de Wall Street -aunque su discurso de campaña en ocasiones manejaba una retórica distante- además los correos dejaron saber la estratagema o urdimbre que tejió contra Bernie Sanders quien fuese el rival de Hillary Clinton.

El Gobierno estadounidense ha aplicado sanciones diplomáticas a Rusia, que consisten en la expulsión de 35 diplomáticos rusos y sus familias, seis de ellos acusados de espionaje, el cierre de dos centros de operaciones en Nueva York y Maryland; además de sanciones a tres empresas rusas establecidas en los Estados Unidos.

¿Cómo los ciberdelincuentes rusos robaron los correos electrónicos e influyeron de manera tal en el resultado electoral que el FBI abrió una nueva investigación a la candidata del Partido Demócrata Hillary Clinton?

Los principales medios de comunicación el 30 de diciembre 2016, como los Hackers penetraron a las computadoras demócratas para producir la sustracción maliciosamente de informaciones sensibles:

Las informaciones hechas públicas ayer por el FBI y el Departamento de Seguridad Interior (DHS), establece que dos equipos de hackers informáticos mercenarios del gobierno ruso habrían robado información de los ordenadores de los cobradores a Hillary Clinton.

Los especialistas en espionaje cibernético establecen que siempre quedan trazas de las actividades cibercriminales, y que esto fue lo sucedido: A mediado del año 2015, el grupo “hackers” denominado como  APT29, entró a las redes del partido Demócrata de Estados Unidos. Su ‘modus operandi’ fue mandar mensajes de correo con un enlace malicioso a miles de personas relacionadas con todo el entramado de Hillary Clinton, solo bastaba que uno solo abriese los correos con los documentos adjuntos infectados y efectivamente los delincuentes lograron cuando una persona lo hizo, abriendo paso al código malicioso en su ordenador.

En el primer cuatrimestre del 2016, otro grupo de ‘hackers’  conocidos como APT28, utilizando la misma ciber estrategia para infiltrarse al mismo partido político, remitieron mensajes de correo a un considerable número de personas, esta vez, usaron las webs legítimas con agujeros de seguridad para alojar allí páginas-trampa que pedían a los afectados que introdujesen sus credenciales. Estas credenciales llegan directas al ‘banco’ de los ciberdelincuentes.

Con las credenciales robadas, APT28 entró en las redes del partido y filtraron las informaciones  de múltiples miembros ‘senior’. Pero, a diferencia de APT29, no la guardó si la hizo públicas por vía de la prensa. El director de la CIA, John Brennan confirmó la información del ciber espionaje, James Comey Jefe del FBI y James Clappers Director de Inteligencia Nacional han compartido todo lo relacionado a este tema, y están asegurando que el gobierno ruso actuó de manera intrusa en el proceso electoral para perjudicar a Clinton y favorecer a Donald Trump, quien ha descalificado y poniendo en dudas las competencias de los organismos de seguridad norteamericanos.

Las relaciones entre el gobierno de Obama y Putin, están en un punto muerto después de las sanciones aplicadas unilateral por EE.UU, ya que el gobierno ruso no aplicó medidas recíprocas de orden diplomáticas, simplemente cerraron la escuela de hijos de diplomáticos,  a la vez que el Presidente Putin prefirió esperar que el Presidente Trump asuma la jefatura de Estado, cuyas relaciones parecen ser excelentes.

Revisemos las guerras cibernéticas que se han desarrollado y que están reseñadas por Wikipedia con el título de Guerra informática

En el año 1999 en Guerra de Kosovo, casi medio millar de especialistas en asuntos informáticos con el Capitán Dragan se introducen en los ordenadores militares aliados, los ordenadores dela OTAN, la Casa Blanca y el portaaviones norteamericano Nimitz.

En este siglo en el 2003 , Taiwán recibió un ataque sin precedentes de denegación de servicio (DDoS), incluyó virus y troyanos la culpa recayó en los jefes de estrategias china.

En el año  2007, Estonia sospecha de Rusia por un Serie de ataques que trastornaron a medios de comunicación, bancos e instituciones del gobierno.

Medio Oriente en mayo de 2012, es descubierto uno de los Malware más dañinos hasta la fecha llamado Flame o sKyWIper, el cual se especula que está diseñado para propósitos de Cyber-espionaje. Entre los países que se ven más afectados están Irán, Israel, Sudán, Siria, Líbano, Arabia Saudí y Egipto.

Anterior a la intromisión de los hackers en las elecciones de EE.UU, debemos recordar el conjunto de tropelías  que  filtró documentos diplomáticos de los Estados Unidos el 28 de noviembre de 2010 por el portal WikiLeaks. Esto creó un gran trastorno internacional al gobierno de Obama con aliados y contrarios.

El derecho internacional avanza para establecer castigado a los delitos de espionaje cibernético, no está contemplado en un ningún tratado y paradójicamente los Jefes de Estados se reúnen en Cumbres donde pasan revista a los asuntos de interés global. Hay que recordar que en los  años 2011 y 2012  Ley SOPA  presentada por Lamar S. Smith, desató una reacción movimiento de grandes empresas y usuarios contrarios, podemos citar Google, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, y Wikipedia. La organización de hackers Anonymous desplegó todas sus fuerzas intimidando a los auspiciadores de la Ley Sopa.

En un  informe de la ONU el 16 de octubre del 2014 condena el ciberespionaje masivo por violar derechos establecidos. “La tecnología de acceso a granel es indiscriminadamente corrosiva de la privacidad online y afecta a la propia esencia del derecho” garantizado en tratados internacionales, afirma un documento oficial presentado en las Naciones Unidas.
El relator especial sobre contra terrorismo y derechos humanos de Naciones Unidas, Ben Emmerson, presentó  un informe formal ante la Asamblea General en el que condena al ciberespionaje masivo en Internet por violar el derecho a la privacidad, garantizado en tratados y convenciones internacionales.

La vigilancia masiva es un grave problema y atenta contra los derechos individuales, El texto del relator indica que esta vigilancia masiva viola en principio el Pacto Internacional sobre Derechos Civiles y Políticos, un tratado aprobado por la Asamblea General en 1966, que en su Artículo 17º garantiza el derecho a la privacidad de las personas al establecer que “los individuos tienen derecho a compartir información e ideas con otros sin la interferencia del Estado, con la certeza de que sus comunicaciones serán leídas sólo por sus destinatarios”

La intromisión y robos de informaciones, así como las alteraciones de datos de  la base de cualquier programa es una actividad criminal que debe ser castigada, tengo un amigo y que trabajamos en el área diplomática en Alemania, que había servido en los organismos de seguridad o tal vez seguía en esas labores, me dijo reiteradamente: “Yo no uso tarjeta de crédito, ni celular, usó tarjeta de débito y la uso solo para sacar dinero, hago mis transacciones cotidianas en efectivo y las importantes por transferencia, el teléfono celular te hace un preso de confianza y nada es más público que cualquiera de los servicios de internet.” Lo consideraba obsoleto y paranoico. Hoy el tiempo me confirma que era un hombre ilustrado en esos menesteres.

Con la reacción de las agencias de investigación y seguridad de EE.UU, la CIA, FBI y de Seguridad Nacional , es muy probable que se inicie el proceso para establecer acuerdos multilaterales destinados a castigar estos delitos cibernético, que son capaz de crear amenazas a la seguridad de los países en materia energética, la banca, las bolsas, agua, nuclear y militar. Ahora hasta los procesos electorales un verdadero atentado a la democracia global. La humanidad pasa de la Guerra Fría a la Guerra Cibernética.  Estamos ante la amenaza sin precedentes de una Guerra Mundial Cibernética.

William de Jesús Salvador

William de Jesús Salvador: Diplomático y analista político dominicano.

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Como lo ha sido a lo largo de la revolución bolivariana y especialmente en el actual contexto político venezolano, es necesario informarse a través de medios de comunicación que nos dan cuenta de su realidad social desde el punto de vista de movimientos sociales y pensadores críticos.

Más allá de las noticias financieras que publican diariamente en los medios que pertenecen a grandes multinacionales, una multitud de medios comunitarios difunden informaciones alternativas por internet, radio y televisión por toda Venezuela. Uno de los principales, Aporrea, se inscribe en este marco político. Nos entrevistamos con su fundador, Gonzalo Gómez Freire.

¿Nos puedes contar cuándo se formó el medio informativo y de opinión alternativo Aporrea y cuál era el contexto en el momento de su creación en Venezuela?

Aporrea es creada a partir de una instancia de articulación del movimiento popular de Caracas en Venezuela para confrontar el golpe de Estado en el año 2002. Luego de que ocurriese el golpe, comenzamos a trabajar en la creación de la página como una herramienta para la denuncia y la resistencia del golpe a escala internacional. Desde esa fecha en adelante, estamos trabajando con Aporrea, que se convirtió en una página emblemática del movimiento popular bolivariano y con mucha repercusión en otras partes del mundo para la gente que quiere saber de muchos temas y sobre Venezuela. Una página de comunicación popular. Tiene hoy en día un promedio cercano a las 100.000 lecturas diarias y puede ubicarse en dos millones y medio de visitas al mes. Eso es variable, a veces menos, a veces más. Se publican muchas cosas relacionadas con el tema del CADTM y la deuda externa, la lucha contra las deudas en los países del Tercer Mundo.

¿De dónde vienen tantas visitas? ¿Es independiente Aporrea?

En relación con las visitas, entre un 35% y un 40% de las visitas –eso también es variable– son internacionales. Éstas proceden en buena medida, además de Venezuela, por supuesto, de países de América latina, de Estados Unidos y también de Europa, sobre todo de España. Entendemos que las visitas provienen principalmente de la población latinoamericana y activistas sociales y políticos.

Pero en general la página es vista en todo el mundo porque además, donde quiera que hay un cuerpo diplomático venezolano y hay grupos de venezolanos en cualquier capital del planeta, buscan Aporrea como una fuente informativa que, aunque se ubica dentro del marco de la revolución bolivariana, es una página que tiene enfoque crítico. Es decir, no es una página oficial, no es una página de gobierno, es una página donde se expresan las inquietudes, las preocupaciones y las críticas de los movimientos populares, de los movimientos sociales, las corrientes políticas de la revolución bolivariana. Y éstas, por supuesto, pueden enviar sus documentos, sus artículos para el debate, sus propias noticias.

Nosotros también recogemos información y noticias de los movimientos sociales y del poder popular de Venezuela. Ése es el objetivo fundamental de la página: visibilizar nuestras propias luchas y ser agencia de noticias de nuestras propias luchas. Y creemos que lo hemos conseguido. En Venezuela hay un cerco mediático de los medios comerciales privados, pero también un cerco mediático burocrático estatal, y el movimiento popular, las organizaciones sociales, entendemos que tienen que abrir su propio camino porque no es lo mismo hablar de comunicación popular que hablar de comunicación corporativa de Estado o de las instituciones. Tiene que ser algo totalmente independiente.

Tú eres miembro fundador, pero ¿quién más estaba en la raíz del proyecto, del arranque de Aporrea, y cuál es el equipo que ahora lleva a cabo la labor cotidiana de la página? ¿Cómo funcionáis, cómo trabajáis?

Inicialmente, esto lo abrimos dos personas: Martín Sánchez, ingeniero informático que se encontraba en esos momentos fuera del país, en los Estados Unidos, y mi persona. La misma noche del golpe, después de que fue secuestrado Hugo Chávez y que tuvimos que replegarnos los activistas populares, comenzamos a trabajar en esto. Teníamos la idea de que la página sirviera para hacer una primera convocatoria a la resistencia, para tratar de abrir caminos frente al golpe de Estado. Pero el 13 de abril, el levantamiento popular se nos adelantó y la página realmente salió de manera formal el 9 de mayo con una primera versión de prueba, y una versión ya definitiva de la página el 14 de mayo del año 2002. En el transcurso de este tiempo ha ido cambiando de formato, de apariencia, de logotipos. Cada cierto tiempo la página se renueva.

Y hoy en día esto lo maneja un equipo de compañeros, que en un principio era un equipo esencialmente de militantes voluntarios. Lo siguen haciendo, pero ya se dedican más a la página, que exige un mayor compromiso, una mayor dedicación y un equipo más profesional en el trabajo con Aporrea. Porque la gente la convirtió en un medio de comunicación masivo. Empezaron a aparecer reporteros populares espontáneos, empezó a aparecer gente que desde las comunidades y de las acciones de movilización enviaba reportes, mucha gente… Intelectuales, profesionales, dirigentes políticos, dirigentes sindicales, campesinos, organizaciones populares… envían sus artículos para la discusión y para el debate. Hay un foro también, de gente que discute y que es independiente, tiene su propia moderación. Entonces esto fue más allá de nuestras propias expectativas, se convirtió en un fenómeno, un fenómeno comunicacional de la revolución bolivariana.

Gonzalo Gómez Freire

Jérôme Duval

Gonzalo Gómez Freire: Socio fundador de Aporrea.org, medio de comunicación nacido en 2002 como vía de expresión de los movimientos sociales venezolanos.

Jérôme Duval: Miembro del Comité para la Abolición de las Deudas Ilegítimas (CADTM).

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Argentina – Otro año de ajuste

January 15th, 2017 by Alfredo Zaiat

El 2017 empezó con subas de precios que deterioran el consumo global, variable clave para impulsar el crecimiento de la economía.

El primero de cuatro aumentos en el año en las naftas informado por el Ministerio de las petroleras implica una caída del 6,5 por ciento en el poder adquisitivo de un salario mínimo. El incremento anunciado de las cuotas prepagas para el mes próximo se traducirá en una pérdida de 12,6 por ciento de la capacidad de compra de ese salario. Las subas de la telefonía celular impactarán en un retroceso del 2 al 32 por ciento de ese poder adquisitivo, según la compañía y los planes contratados. Las estimaciones fueron realizadas por el Observatorio de Políticas Públicas  módulo “Políticas Económicas”, de la Universidad Nacional de Avellaneda, con el supuesto de que el total de ese salario mínimo se destine a la compra de esos bienes y servicios. O sea, con los aumentos de comienzos de año ese ingreso puede adquirir una menor cantidad de esos productos o para mantenerla deberá redistribuir el presupuesto afectando otros consumos. La sucesión de incrementos de precios en esos y en otros servicios y bienes (la lista de lácteos, café y panificados recibida en estos días por los supermercados tuvo aumentos del 5 al 15 por ciento) en el primer trimestre exigirá un esfuerzo creativo a la legión de analistas y economistas macristas en su abnegada misión de construir expectativas positivas para la economía 2017.

Dicen que los salarios le están ganando a la inflación mientras el consumo general continúa retrocediendo; que para bajar la inflación tienen que subir algunos precios en la definición más chapucera de todas; que aparecen brotes verdes donde no los hay; que la producción agropecuaria será record sin evaluar el impacto en la cosecha de la inundación y la sequía; que la obra pública ya arrancó cuando todavía no hay indicio de que haya sucedido; que el dinero del blanqueo se volcará en compras de inmuebles y de títulos públicos; qué disminuirá el déficit fiscal cuando el descalabro de las cuentas se profundiza y que las exportaciones se recuperarán con el esperado repunte de la economía brasileña que sigue en recesión.

La mayoría de los consultores de la city va camino a reiterar en este año el fracaso de sus pronósticos 2016. Habían asegurado que la economía iba a crecer, que la inflación no sería tan elevada y que se reduciría el desequilibrio de las cuentas públicas, entre otros errores de predicción. Si se recorre la línea argumental de esa secta de economistas acerca de la evolución económica 2017 sólo hay que esperar otro año de ajuste. Este será maquillado por el inmenso dispositivo de propaganda público-privado que se dedicará a difundir variaciones positivas de indicadores que, en caso de registrarse, serán consecuencia de la ilusión estadística de compararlos contra niveles muy deprimidos de 2016.

Con una meta de inflación del 17 por ciento definida en el Presupuesto que a poco de empezar el año ya se ha convertido en un dibujo y con la pretensión oficial de condicionar las paritarias con un techo del 20 por ciento anual, el consumo global, la variable clave del crecimiento de la economía, seguirá siendo castigado. El esquema básico de razonamiento de economistas oficialistas es el siguiente: el dólar subirá menos que la inflación y los salarios más porque así sucedió en los últimos años impares, cuando hubo elecciones generales porque esa ha sido la estrategia del oficialismo para ganar. Es un análisis repetido por muchos pero es una reflexión extraña porque los resultados de tres de los últimos cuatro comicios no fue satisfactorio para la fuerza política que estaba gobernando (la excepción fue el 2011 con el triunfo arrollador de CFK por factores políticos más que económicas).

Masa salarial

Para que el salario crezca en dólares y además supere la evolución de la tasa de inflación, como lo logró el kirchnerismo en esos años, tiene que haber una hoja de ruta que facilite ese tránsito. El atraso del tipo de cambio es lo más probable por el festival de emisión de deuda que lidera el secretario de Finanzas con rango de ministro, Luis Caputo, y por el ingresos de los dólares del blanqueo. Sin embargo no está tan claro que el salario le gane a la inflación. No hay señales ni del gobierno, que dejó trascender cuál es el techo que pretende para las paritarias (20 por ciento), ni del mundo empresario de que vaya a suceder ese circuito virtuoso que era promovido por el kirchnerismo. En un 2016 con rentabilidades en baja para la mayoría de las actividades mano de obra intensiva, con excepción del financiero, cuál será la motivación microeconómica de la mayoría de las empresas de incrementar sus costos en 2017 con aumentos salariales por encima de la inflación prevista. Es un interrogante que eluden abordar los vendedores de informes económicos de coyuntura.

El dato clave igualmente no será la cifra de cierre de paritarias, sino la masa salarial que alimenta la demanda global. El último informe de FIDE es ilustrativo de las restricciones de la actual política económica. Señala que la reactivación del consumo constituye la condición necesaria para impulsar la actividad económica y explica que para que tenga un impacto difundido se requiere de la recomposición de la masa salarial general de la economía, en especial de los sectores medio y bajo que tienen una mayor propensión al consumo. Advierte de todos modos que la eventual mejora del salario real actuará en el margen porque la masa salarial global no aumentaría y, por lo tanto, no podrá impulsar el consumo porque predomina un contexto económico de disminución de la ocupación. Menos trabajadores activos implican una menor masa salarial o en el mejor de los casos se podrá mantenerla en los actuales niveles deprimidos si, con aumento del desempleo, quienes preserven el puesto pueden mejorar su ingreso real. El informe de FIDE elaborado por Mercedes Marcó del Pont apunta que “dado que la tercera parte de los trabajadores se desenvuelve en la informalidad, la ampliación de la masa salarial trasciende la negociación paritaria y por lo tanto requiere de políticas públicas de ingresos que contribuyan a reforzar la capacidad de gasto de los tramos de menores ingresos”.


El último reporte de coyuntura del CESO de Andrés Asiain lo sintetiza del siguiente modo: “La política del dólar barato y apertura importadora financiados con deuda externa no es suficiente para relanzar la economía, sino se acompaña con la decisión de incrementar los ingresos ligados al mercado interno por encima de la inflación y relanzar el gasto y la inversión pública”. Por el lado de la inversión privada y las exportaciones no es esperable impactos dinámicos relevantes en este año tanto por la elevada capacidad de utilización ociosa de la industria como de la crisis del principal socio comercial (Brasil) y del avance del proteccionismo en el comercio internacional. El gobierno promete entonces compensar esa debilidad con inversión pública poniendo en marcha un ambicioso plan de obras públicas que dejaría atrás la recesión. Por ahora son más anuncios -como el Plan Belgrano– que desembolsos de magnitud para encender el motor del crecimiento, y las obras que ha inaugurado Macri en 2016 fueron realizadas durante el gobierno de CFK. La ilusión de una mejora será con la comparación con el primer semestre del año pasado, cuando en una decisión desconcertante de gestión de gobierno se paralizó la inversión pública.

El 2016 cierra con un muy fuerte retraso en la inversión estatal directa al reducirse casi 30 por ciento en términos reales y disminuir 14 por ciento en términos nominales las transferencias de capital a las provincias  en relación a 2015, calculó FIDE. Con pocos desembolsos cualquier comparación con estas cifras mostrará signos positivos pero se trata de una expresión de deseos que pueda encender con intensidad el motor del crecimiento. Lo que ha sucedido con la obra pública es reflejo de la gestión oficial. Transcurrido más de doce meses la inoperancia y descoordinación en la administración del mejor equipo de los 50 años ya es una característica de gobierno.

Esto no implica que diferentes facciones del poder económico no vayan cumpliendo los objetivos de preservar y ampliar sus privilegios con el gobierno de Macri. En cada una de las áreas se van conjugando definiciones políticas que neutralizan derechos históricos y recientes, con el predominio de la ideología neoliberal en los funcionarios y una amplia red de negocios en un festival de conflicto de intereses. En esa comunidad no es relevante establecer la prioridad que tiene cada uno de esos componentes en la orientación de la gestión de la Alianza macrismo-radicalismo porque cualquiera sea el resultado será el mismo: deterioro del bienestar general y concentración de la riqueza.

Alfredo Zaiat

Alfredo Zaiat: Economista y periodista argentino.

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Los intentos por borrar la milenaria historia de Siria

January 15th, 2017 by Pedro García Hernández

Los afanes de quienes ejecutan y promueven la guerra impuesta a Siria intentan borrar el rostro y la identidad de una nación con el saqueo y la destrucción de una historia milenaria y que definió con altas y bajas el desarrollo de la civilización.

Hasta el 2011, cuando la barbarie del terrorismo irrumpió con intenciones económicas enmascaradas en conflictos civiles y religiosos, esta nación del Levante era considerada ‘el paraíso de la arqueología’.

En los algo más de 185 mil kilómetros cuadrados del territorio nacional confluían los vestigios de civilizaciones como la Fenicia, Greco-Romana, Palmireña, Bizantina, Arabe- Islámica y de las Cruzadas, una mezcla aún por estudiar y detallar en toda su vasta complejidad histórica.

Cuando las magnitudes del conflicto alcanzaron límites impredecibles dos años después, la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura (Uesco) decidió definir en peligro a todos los sitios arqueológicos del país.

La muerte armada en manos de casi un centenar de grupos terroristas se expandió desde el fondo de las cavernas del inframundo por toda la nación, alentada por quienes desde los grandes centros de poder nunca han podido admitir un desarrollo alternativo civilizado y que con todos los posibles defectos en su evolución, definen la historia de la Humanidad.

Más de 900 sitios arqueológicos, yacimientos o simples vestigios geográficos, fueron objeto de un vandalismo que incluyó saqueos con fines lucrativos de valiosas piezas, o dinamitar símbolos y asesinar a especialistas. Todo con un afán diabólico de destrucción ilimitada.

La furia arrasadora se centró a partir de los seis sitios declarados desde 1979 como Patrimonio de la Humanidad: Ciudad Vieja de Damasco, Palmira, Casco Histórico de Bosra, centro antiguo de Alepo, el Crac de los Caballeros y las Aldeas del Norte del país.

Otros, propuestos con ese objetivo desde el año 1999 quedaron en suspenso y no dejaron, sin embargo, de recibir el embate aniquilador como las Norias de Hama, Ugarit, Ebla, Tell Hariri, Apamea, Malula o el Castillo de los Cruzados, en Tartus.

Un testimonio, el de Nima Mohrtain, especialista encargada de la conservación del Crac de los Caballeros, en la carretera que une a Homs con Tartus, habló con pasión de cómo rehabilitaron los lugares destruidos y de qué manera los cabecillas aprovechaban la ignorancia de los elementos terroristas para incendiar, borrar y destruir cualquier vestigio posible.

Justo lo que fuera capilla del oratorio del Crac muestra una expresión en latín tallada en la roca: ‘Si eres un hombre de mucho dinero, belleza y prepotencia, no tienes nada.’ No la borraron porque no pudieron entender lo que decía y al fin, les importó poco, afirmó la especialista.

El Crac, construido en 1034, y sucesivamente reparado a través de los años, llegó a ser visitado por más de seis mil persona en un solo día, relató.

Tal interés por el conocimiento fue apreciado también por los reporteros de Prensa Latina en varias visitas a Malula, Homs, el casco histórico de Damasco, Sednaya o Palmira, la historica llamada Joya del Desierto, actualmente vuelta a ocupar por el Estado Islámico, Daesh, cuyos integrantes dinamitaron la mayor parte de los milenarios monumentos y construcciones de la ciudad.

A la fecha, un documentado mapa interactivo elaborado por las autoridades culturales y patrimoniales sirias muestra con bastante exactitud 758 sitios arqueológicos en toda Siria con destrucciones totales, parciales o de menor grado en las 13 provincias del país.

Pero a ese vandalismo se unen las excavaciones ilegales con afanes de lucro propiciadas por el Daesh en más de medio centenar de lugares de las zonas ocupadas y que, según datos, conforman un panorama total de pérdidas estimadas en cerca de 10 mil millones de euros ( algo más de 11 mil millones de dólares).

Multitud de documentos publicados, no solamente por las autoridades sirias, señalan que la mayoría de lo saqueado se hace por encargo, con un intermediario que, por ejemplo, vende un mozaico bizantino por miles de dólares y que termina en manos de coleccionistas privados millonarios de Europa, Francia, Alemania, Estados Unidos o los países del Golfo.

Por lo regular, ese tráfico es sobre la base de piezas pequeñas saqueadas porque si pudieran, hubieran cargado otras monumentales, impotencia ‘comercial’ que les hace dinamitarlas como el Templo de Bel, en Palmira.

Esa red de contrabando de lo saqueado es ‘muy difícil de detectar’ para la Interpol, muy pocas veces eficiente en muchos otros detalles a pesar de fundarse en 1923 y estar, aparentemente integrada, por representantes de 190 naciones con sede en Lyon, Francia.

A pesar de todo este dramático ‘expediente’, la Dirección General de Antigüedades y Museo, por medio de su director, Maamouth Abdel Karim, asegura que un buen por ciento de las piezas más valiosas están en ‘lugares seguros’ gracias al esfuerzo conjunto de personal especializado, simples pobladores, autoridades provinciales y el de las unidades del Ejército sirio.

Pedro García Hernández

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Gobierno de Guatemala: Promesas incumplidas y avances limitados

January 15th, 2017 by Isabel Soto Mayedo

Durante su primer año de gestión, el Gobierno de Jimmy Morales, inaugurado el 14 de enero de 2016, dejó un montón de promesas incumplidas y apenas pudo vanagloriarse de ciertos avances en algunos órdenes, aunque limitados.

Pareciera que poco ayudó a la administración del presidente número 50 de esta república centroamericana llegar en medio de la inconformidad social extrema y del desprestigio de las principales instituciones del Estado, tras el escándalo de corrupción que azotó a sus predecesores del Partido Patriota (PP).

La coyuntura derivada de las protestas masivas protagonizadas por el pueblo de abril a agosto de 2015 pudo haberse aprovechado como una gran oportunidad para generar el cambio añorado en Guatemala, más lejos de impulsar este con ímpetu los elegidos en la segunda vuelta de los comicios celebrados ese año apenas coquetearon para mantenerse.

Declaraciones impensadas, pugnas públicas y constantes entre autoridades de distintos órganos de poder, descoordinación interinstitucional, sobredosis de esfuerzos invertidos en resolver problemas no tan esenciales y el aplazamiento de soluciones a otros más perentorios, motivaron múltiples críticas al Gobierno.

Mas, para ganar en precisión, hay que reconocer que los cuestionamientos rondaron sobre todo a Morales, por su presunta incapacidad para aprovechar las potencialidades de los miembros de su gabinete y lograr que este sonara cual orquesta acompasada para bien de una nación todavía golpeada por las secuelas de la guerra más cruel de las vivida el siglo pasado en Centroamérica (1960-1996).

Los tímidos progresos en relación con el combate a la delincuencia organizada, a las extorsiones, a la corrupción, en el orden educativo o de salud; así como en el combate a la pobreza y la desnutrición, se antojan resultados de ministros eficaces y no tanto de una acción coordinada desde la Presidencia.

En ello concuerdan casi todos los consultores en este país, donde la pobreza causa estragos a casi el 60 por ciento de la población y al finalizar el año anterior las autoridades reconocieron la existencia de al menos 13 mil 95 menores de cinco años de edad desnutridos, sobre todo en áreas rurales e indígenas.

Paralelo a esto, y al margen de tímidas disminuciones harto pregonadas, murieron víctimas de la violencia que persiste en el territorio cinco mil 459 personas y de ellas 739 eran mujeres, según el Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Forenses.

La deficitaria prevención y el deterioro de las condiciones climáticas, reforzado por el actuar de quienes creen que Guatemala es su finca y la manejan a gusto con el apoyo del Gobierno de turno, también redundó en la muerte o desaparición de alrededor de 63 seres humanos y en perjuicios a 445 mil 628 en 2016, de acuerdo con la Coordinadora Nacional para la Reducción de Desastres.

En este primer año de mandato de Morales igual volvieron a repetirse los desalojos mediante violencia estatal a familias indígenas, como las q´quechi´ de Semuc Champey y las poqomchi´ de la Finca Santa Inés de Santa Cruz, en Alta Verapaz, además de las detenciones arbitrarias y la criminalización a activistas sociales.

Frente a todo esto el presidente, con facultades para aliviar un tanto la economía de las familias de menos recursos, fijó un nuevo salario mínimo para los sectores de exportación y maquila, así como para el agrícola y el no agrícola, de apenas 0,61 y 0,66 centavos dólar más en 2017, de manera respectiva.

Esa decisión del mandatario desconoció las cifras aportadas por el Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas acerca del ascenso de la inflación, que llegó a 4,23 puntos porcentuales en 2016 (3,07 por ciento más que en 2015), y sobre el incremento desmesurado de la Canasta Básica Alimentaria y de la Canasta Básica Vital.

Por todo esto resulta comprensible que cada año Guatemala expulse a miles de personas -al punto que sólo en Estados Unidos residen ya más de dos millones 178 mil 219 de este país- y lo más alarmante a niñas, niños y adolescentes no acompañados, de los cuales más de 86 mil 611 fueron retornados de enero a noviembre de 2016.

Tales estadísticas oficiales, que por lo general esconden subregistros, bastan para ilustrar cuánto queda por ganar a pesar de las promesas de Morales de acabar con estos flagelos y darle un nuevo rostro a Guatemala, algo que aseguró hace un año ‘es posible y vale la pena’.

Isabel Soto Mayedo

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El verdadero rostro de Washington (y Estados Unidos)

January 14th, 2017 by Tom Engelhardt

Gracias, Donald Trump

Conócete a ti mismo. Esta frase acudió a mi mente poco después del triunfo de Donald Trump al observar la sorprendente reacción mía ante el acontecimiento. Cuando la tan conocida frase apareció en mi cabeza, yo no tenía idea de que fuera tan antigua, ni que proviniera de Grecia, ni que –según el escritor griego Pausanias (de quien nada sabía hasta que leí su nombre en Wikipedia)– en realidad era una máxima délfica labrada en la piedra del patio delantero del templo de Apolo. Esto podría ser visto como la triple hélice de mi ignorancia extendiéndose hacia el pasado hasta… bueno, mi nacimiento en un Estados Unidos muy diferente hace 72 años.

De tos modos, la cuestión es que yo no sabía de mí ni la mitad de lo que imaginaba. Puedo agradecer a Donald Trump el que me recordara esa verdad fundamental. Por supuesto, es imposible que sepamos nunca qué está rondando dentro de la cabeza de las personas con que nos cruzamos en este nuestro curioso planeta, pero nosotros ¿somos unos extraños? Supongo que si ahora mismo estuviera grabando algo en el patio delantero de mi propio templo délfico, podría ser: ¿Quién me conoce? (Yo no.)

Plantéese esto el lector como una breve introducción a un misterio con el que tropecé en las primeras horas del día siguiente al de nuestras recientes elecciones. Sencillamente, no podía aceptar que Donald Trump hubiese ganado. No, precisamente él. No, en este país. No; ni en un millón de años.

Tenga en cuenta que durante la campaña yo había escrito varias veces sobre Trump, dejando siempre abierta la posibilidad de que, en el trastornado (y trastornante) Estados Unidos de 2016, él pudiera ciertamente derrotar a Hillary Clinton. Era una conclusión que dejé de lado cuando, en las últimas semanas de la campaña, como tantos otros, me quedé enganchado en las encuestas y los dichos de los expertos que las comentaban.

Sin embargo, en la estela de las elecciones, no fue el impacto producido por los errores de los encuestadores lo que me golpeó. Fue algo más, en lo que caí en la cuenta muy lentamente. En algún profundo sitio dentro de mí, simplemente yo no creía que fuese Estados Unidos –entre todos los países de este planeta– el que pudiese elegir a un ególatra, una celebridad multimillonaria, que además era –al estilo del italiano Silvio Berlusconi– un “populista” de derechas e incipiente autócrata.

En esa convicción acechaba demasiada ironía que sobreviviría a las elecciones y por tanto a la realidad misma. En estos años, he escrito críticamente del modo que todos los políticos estadounidenses –excepto Donald Trump– se han sentido obligados a insistir que la nuestra es una nación “excepcional” o “indispensable”, “el país más grandioso” del planeta, por no hablar de la historia (remarquemos también la afirmación de los últimos presidentes y tantos otros que decía que Estados Unidos representa la “mayor fuerza de combate” de esa misma historia). El presidente Obama, Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, John McCain… no importa. Cada uno de ellos ha sido un diligente o entusiasta excepcionalista estadounidense. En cuanto a la oponente de Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, planteó la tríada perfecta más uno en un discurso de campaña que pronunció en la convención nacional de la Legión Americana. Dijo que Estados Unidos es “el país más grande de la Tierra”, “una nación excepcional” y “la nación indispensable” que, por supuesto, tenía “las más grandes fuerzas armadas” de todos los tiempos (“Amigos míos, somos muy afortunados siendo estadounidenses. Esta es una bendición extraordinaria.”). Solo Trump, con su frase “hagamos que Estados Unidos vuelva a ser grande” parecía admitir que había algo más, algo así como la decadencia estadounidense.

Después de las elecciones tuve un shock: resultó que yo también era un estadounidense excepcionalista. Estaba profundamente convencido de que nuestro país era demasiado especial para Donald Trump; su triunfo hizo que yo retrocediera en el tiempo hasta llegar al mundo de mi niñez y de mi juventud, que volviera a los años cincuenta y primeros sesenta del pasado siglo cuando (a pesar de la Unión Soviética), en varios sentidos, Estados Unidos quedó solo en la Tierra. Por supuesto, en esos años, nadie tenía por qué decir esas cosas. Entonces, todos esos “los más grandes”, “excepcionales” e “indispensables” eran prescindibles; la necesidad política de insistir públicamente en ellos –tan propia de los últimos tiempos– sin duda refleja una actitud defensiva que indica que hay algo que está decayendo.

Obviamente, en aquellos años de poderío, y solidez, y riqueza, e impulso, y dinamismo (y macartismo, y segregación racial, y niebla tóxica, y…) de Estados Unidos, los mismos años a los hoy Donald Trump anhela hacernos regresar, yo hice mío el sentimiento de la particularidad estadounidense en unas formas difícilmente captables. Que eran por qué, décadas más tarde, cuando menos lo esperaba, no pude quitarme de encima la sensación de que aquí eso no podía pasar. En la actualidad, el acceso al poder de figuras trumpianas –Rodrigo Duterte, en Filipinas; Viktor Orban, en Hungría; Recep Tayyip Erdogan, en Turquía; Vladimir Putin, en Rusia– se ha convertido en algo normal por todas partes y parece ser una tendencia mundial. Es justamente eso: yo asociaba esos acontecimientos con países de pacotilla o con muy mala suerte.

Por lo tanto, tuve que pasar algunas semanas bastantes duras para poder aceptar mi propio excepcionalismo y enfrentarme con el hecho de que algo como Donald Trump podía suceder aquí –y ciertamente ha sucedido–.

Puede pasar aquí

Entonces, ¿cómo es que ha pasado en este país?

Admitámoslo: Donald Trump no era un fenómeno de la naturaleza. Él no hizo más que presentarse en escena y hacerse con el Colegio Electoral (aunque no con el voto popular) porque nuestro mundo estadounidense estaba preparado de variadas formas para su surgimiento. Tal como yo lo veo ha habido por lo menos cinco grandes cambios en la vida y la política de Estados Unidos; estos cambios han preparado el terreno para el surgimiento del trumpismo.

1. La llegada de la economía y la política del 1 por ciento. Una cosa va con la otra. Una realidad propia de este siglo es la forma en que la desigualdad se ha incrustado en la vida de este país y que tanto dinero haya estado fluyendo sin cesar hacia las arcas el 1 por ciento especulador. Mientras tanto, ha crecido una enorme grieta entre el salario básico de los CEO y el de los trabajadores de a pie. En estos años –yo he sido casi el primero en señalarlo–, el país entró en una nueva época dorada. En otras palabras, el momento Mar-a-Lago ya había llegado antes de que Donald se lanzara a ese proyecto.

Sin la llegada de la economía de timba a una escala descomunal (en la que Donald Trump resulto ser un as), el trumpismo habría sido algo impensable. Y si en 2010 la Suprema Corte no hubiese fallado a favor de la ley Citizens United y no hubieran quedado tan abiertas las puertas para la llegada de esa pandilla del 1 por ciento, ¿qué probabilidades habría tenido semejante celebridad multimillonaria presentase su candidatura a presidente o se convirtiera en un favorito de la clase trabajadora blanca?

Visto con cierta perspectiva, Donald Trump merece el crédito por hacer visible la verdadera cara de la plutocracia estadounidense en Washington al seleccionar sobre todo a billonarios y multimillonarios para que se pongan al frente de los distintos ministerios y agencias de su futuro gobierno. Después de todo, ¿no es razonable que una economía del 1 por ciento, una sociedad del 1 por ciento y una política del 1 por ciento acaben produciendo un gobierno del 1 por ciento? Pensemos en lo que tan a la vista ha hecho Trump como versión de ‘la verdad en la publicidad’ de la democracia de Estados Unidos. Y, por supuesto, si los multimillonarios no se hubieran reproducido como conejos, ¿dónde hubiese encontrado él la necesaria reserva de plutócratas elegibles?

Algo parecido podría decirse de su elección de tantos generales retirados y otras figuras con importantes antecedentes militares (desde graduados en West Point hasta un ex SEAL* de la Marina) para importantes cargos “civiles” del gobierno Trump. Pensemos en esto, también, como un momento ‘la verdad en la publicidad’ que conduce directamente al segundo cambio en la sociedad de Estados Unidos.

2. La llegada de la guerra permanente y un Estado y una sociedad cada vez más militarizados. ¿Hay alguna posibilidad de que, en los más de 15 años después del 11-S, lo que en un principio se llamó la “Guerra global contra el terror” se haya convertido en una guerra permanente que abarca el Gran Oriente Medio y África (con daños colaterales en un arco que va desde Europa a Filipinas)? En estos años, se han volcado pasmosas sumas de dinero –mucho más de lo que otro país o conjunto de países podrían imaginar gastanto– en las fuerzas armadas de Estados Unidos, y la industria armamentística que sostiene y monopoliza el comercio mundial de armas. Como consecuencia de esto, Washington se ha convertido en una capital de guerra y el presidente, como Michelle Obama señaló recientemente mientras conversaba sobre Donald Trump con Oprah Winfrey, ha pasado a ser –por encima de todo– el comandante en jefe (“Es importante para la salud de esta nación”, le dijo a Winfrey, “que apoyemos al comandante en jefe”). En tiempos de guerra, naturalmente, la función de presidente ha sido la de comandante en jefe, pero hoy en día ese es precisamente el cargo que muchos votamos (con el que están de acuerdo incluso los periódicos); Dado que el estado de guerra se ha incrustado tan permanentemente en el modo de vida de este país, Donald Trump tiene garantizado que será comandante en jefe durante la totalidad de su mandato.

Esta función se ha ampliado sorprendentemente en los últimos años, en la medida que la Casa Blanca obtuvo el poder para hacer la guerra prácticamente en cualquier forma sin participación significativa del Congreso. En estos momentos, el presidente tiene su propia fuerza aérea de drones asesinos a los que puede despachar a casi cualquier lugar del planeta para eliminar casi a cualquier persona. Al mismo tiempo, albergada dentro de las fuerzas armadas de Estados Unidos, otra fuerza armada de elite, secreta –las fuerzas de Operaciones Especiales– ha estado creciendo en personal, presupuesto e interminables operaciones; el más secreto de sus componentes, el Comando Conjunto de Operaciones Especiales, podría muy bien ser considerado el ejército privado del presidente.

Mientras tanto, las armas y la tecnología con las que este país se ha estado batiendo en sus guerras de nunca acabar (y notablemente fracasados conflictos en el extranjero) –desde los drones Predator hasta el sistema de espionaje Stingray, que simula ser una torre de telefonía celular para conseguir que los teléfonos móviles en la zona se conecten con ella– empezaron a trasladarse al ámbito nacional, al mismo tiempo que las fronteras y las policías de Estados Unidos eran militarizadas. La policía fue dotada de armamento y otros equipos llegados directamente de los campos de batalla de Irak y Afganistán; en tanto, los veteranos de esas guerras han ido integrándose al cada día más grande conjunto de fuerzas equipos SWAT**, la versión de uso interno de los grupos de operaciones especiales; hoy, en Estados Unidos, ninguna policía local es capaz de renunciar a tener su propio SWAT.

No es una coincidencia que Trump y sus generales estén impacientes por recuperar unas fuerzas armadas estadounidenses supuestamente “diezmadas”; para ello, hará falta todavía más dinero y el nombramiento de más generales retirados en puestos “civiles” clave. En cuanto a sus milmillonarios, Trump está dibujando en Washington la verdadera cara del Estados Unidos del siglo XXI.

3. El crecimiento del Estado de Seguridad Nacional. En estos años, el estado de la seguridad nacional ha experimentado algo similar. Se han volcado enormes sumas de dinero (además de los fondos secretos) en los 17 organismos de seguridad del país, en el departamento de Seguridad Interior*** y otros por el estilo (antes del 11-S, los estadounidenses podrían haber asociado la palabra “patria” con la Alemania nazi o la Unión Soviética, pero jamás con nuestro país). En los últimos años, se han creado nuevas agencias y construido cuarteles generales y otros complejos para albergar a una parte de ese Estado dentro del Estado, lo que ha costado miles de millones de dólares. Al mismo tiempo, ha habido una suerte de “privatización”: se han abierto las puertas a la contratación de empleado y una panoplia de corporaciones cuyo especialidad es la guerra. Y, por supuesto, la Agencia de Seguridad Nacional (NSA, por sus siglas en inglés) montó un aparato de vigilancia global; de este modo, todas las fantasías de los regímenes totalitarios del siglo XX quedaron reducidas a polvo.

De este modo, el estado de seguridad nacional crecía en Washington bajo un manto de total secretismo (y la feroz caza o persecución legal de cualquier denunciante) y de hecho se convertía en el cuarto poder del Estado. En estas circunstancias, no sería casual que las elecciones de 2016 hubiesen sido arregladas con 11 días de anticipación gracias a la intervención de James Comey, director del FBI; históricamente, esta agencia ha sido la número 1 del estado de seguridad nacional. Más allá de lo que se pueda argumentar sobre hasta qué punto fue crucial la interferencia de Comey en la cantidad final de votos, es cierto que captó la atmósfera de la nueva era que había visto la luz en Washington mucho antes del triunfo de Donal Trump. Tampoco debe verse como algo casual que el teniente general Michael Flynn, posiblemente la figura militar más cercana al nuevo comandante en jefe, sea su asesor en cuestiones de seguridad nacional; Flynn presidió la agencia de inteligencia de defensa (DIA, por sus siglas en inglés) hasta que la administración Obama le obligó a renunciar. No importan las discrepancias que Trump pueda tener con la CIA u otras agencias; ellas serán decisivas durante su gobierno (una vez que las personas que él nombre las hagan entrar en vereda).

Esos milmillonarios, generales y jefazos de la seguridad nacional ya han sido solidamente instalados en nuestro mundo estadounidense antes de que Trump empezara su carrera presidencial. Ahora, ellos formarán parte de su mundo por venir. Aunque no del todo institucionalizado todavía, el cuarto cambio en el paisaje está en marcha; es el más difícil de identificar.

4. La llegada del Estado monocolor. A partir de la evolución política de los últimos años y con un hombre visiblemente inclinado hacia la autocracia a punto de entrar en el Despacho Oval, es posible empezar a imaginar una versión estadounidense de un Estado monocolor emergiendo desde el centro de nuestro antiguo sistema democrático. Después de todo, los republicanos ya controlan la Cámara de Representantes (manipulación mediante, más o menos a perpetuidad), el Senado, la Casa Blanca y, supuestamente en los años próximos, la Corte Suprema. También controlan el gobierno de 33 de la 50 estados de EEUU, han batido otro récord al ganar en 68 de las 98 cámaras legislativas estatales, y otro récord más al obtener el control de 33 de de las 50 legislaturas completas. Además, como mostró recientemente la legislatura de North Carolina, las ganas de los republicanos del estado de concederse nuevos –y extrademocréticos y extralegales– poderes (como también el viejo deseo republicano de limitar de cualquier manera la segunda vuelta electoral, reclamando por un fraude inexistente) deberían considerase señales inequívocas de una orientación en la que podríamos estar avanzando hacia un país con un Trump imbatible en el futuro.

Además, el Partido Demócrata ha estado viendo durante años que unas cuantas de sus tradicionales bases de apoyo se debilitaban, se marchitaban o, en las últimas elecciones, sencillamente optaban por que un candidato que ni siquiera era demócrata compitiera por la nominación partidaria. Sin embargo, hasta la última derrota electoral, el Partido demócrata al menos era una enorme burocracia política que funcionaba. En este momento, nadie sabe muy bien qué es. No obstante, está claro que uno de los dos partidos políticos dominantes de este país está en una etapa de confusión y notable debilidad. El otro, mientras tanto, el Partido Republicano, presumiblemente la base futura para el trumpiano Estado monocolor, está viviendo su propio desmelenamiento; un partido de ‘aparatos’ e ideólogos en Washington y fracciones en pugna en el interior del país.

De modos diversos, el incipiente colapso del sistema bipartidista como consecuencia de la inundación de dinero proveniente del próspero 1 por ciento allanó el camino del triunfo de Trump. Sin embargo, a diferencia de los tres cambios anteriores en la vida de Estados Unidos, este último todavía no está consolidado. En cambio, la sensación de caos partidario y debilidad tan decisiva para el surgimiento de Donald Trump aún se mantiene; podría decirse que la misma sensación de caos está presente en el quinto cambio que deseo comentar.

5, La llegada del nuevo momento mediático. Entre las cosas que prepararon el camino transitado por Trump, ¿quién puede dejar de lado el hundimiento de los periódicos clásicos y el mundo de las noticias televisadas? En estos años, este sector perdió buena parte de su base publicitaria tradicional, las redes sociales le pasaron por encima, y su parte televisiva se encontró a sí misma en una interminable caza de la noticia bomba, normalmente en la modalidad acontecimientos ‘24 horas por día durante toda la semana’, normalmente desproporcionados pero apropiados para ser cubiertos en forma ininterrumpida por sorprendentes equipos de eruditos. Como alternativa, está la búsqueda de cualquier cosa o cualquier persona (preferiblemente de la especie famoso) no puede dejar de mirar, entre ellos algún famoso-devenido-político-devenido-provocador con el sentido más astuto del mundo de qué es lo que necesitan desesperadamente los medios: él mismo. Parecería que Trump inauguró nuestro nuevo momento mediático transformándose en el primer humorista del tweet electo y el primer dueño del grito de ese universo, pero en realidad él no ha hecho más que entender la naturaleza de nuestro nuevo y caótico momento mediático y aprovecharse de él.

Milmillonarios corrientes y generales prescindibles

Agreguemos un sexto punto a los otros cinco: Donald Trump heredará un país que ha sido vaciado por la nueva coalición que le hizo exitoso y le permitió alzarse con una victoria que, para muchos expertos parecía improbable. Heredará un país que nunca ha tenido nada de especial, una nación que –como el mismo Trump lo señaló– tiene un sistema de transporte cada vez más tercermundista (ni un solo kilómetro de ferrocarril de alta velocidad y un transporte aéreo que ha visto mejores días), una infraestructura que ha sido drásticamente degradada y una economía del día a día que ofrece menos puestos de trabajo a cada vez menos de sus ciudadanos. Será un Estados Unidos en el que solo crece su capacidad de destrucción pero cuya habilidad para traducir eso en algo parecido a una victoria está cada día más lejos.

Con sus ordinarios milmillonarios, sus prescindibles generales, sus irrisorios funcionarios de la seguridad nacional, sus deprimentes políticos y sus magnates de los medios al acecho de cualquier dólar que pase cerca, es probable que sea un país a punto de incendiarse de un modo que parece cada vez más conocido para muchos en otros sitios de este planeta y cada vez más desconocido para el joven Ton Engelhardt que todavía existe dentro de mí.

Es este Estados Unidos el que caerá en las –discutiblemente pequeñas pero de ninguna manera delicadas– manos de Donald Trump el próximo 20 de enero.

* SEAL: la principal fuerza de operaciones especiales de la Marina de Estados Unidos. (N. del T.)

** SWAT, acrónimo de Special Weapons and Tactics; se refiere a las unidades policiales entrenadas en el uso de armas y tácticas de guerra. (N. del T.)

*** En inglés, Department of Homeland Security que, traducido literalmente, sería “departamento de la seguridad de la patria”. (N. del T.)

Artículo original en inglés:

The Real Face of Washington and America, publicado el 3 de enero de 2017.

Traducido para Rebelión por Carlos Riba García.

Tom Engelhardt

Tom Engelhardt: Cofundador del American Empire Project, autor de The United States of Fear y de una historia de la Guerra Fría, The End of Victory Culture. Forma parte del cuerpo docente del Nation Institute y es administrador de TomDispatch.com. Su libro más reciente es Shadow Government: Surveillance, Secret Wars, and a Global Security State in a Single-Superpower World.

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According to reports of US Army Europe,  some 4,000 US troops and 2,000 tanks have arrived in Germany in transit from Bremerhaven to Poland. The troops are from the 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team of the 4th Infantry Division.

These US troops will join up with those deployed by several NATO member states. According to reports, the deployment on Russia’s doorstep “will be ready” prior to the January 20 inauguration of president Donald Trump.   

A press briefing by US and German military commanders involved in the deployment of US-NATO Armed Forces to Russia’s border was held. (video of press briefing below published on January 09, 2017).

The operation is described as “A continued commitment to peace and security in Continental Europe”:

It should be emphasized that this military exercise (aka deployment) is part of  Operation Atlantic Resolve 2016 which has been ongoing for several months.  

It’s purpose is also to put pressure on Russia, largely in view of Russia’s military involvement in Syria. 


The commanding officers believe their own propaganda. They are convinced that war is a peace-making endeavor.

“War is Peace” in the inner consciousness of both military and civilian officials in high office.  The Lie has become the Truth.

Media coverage 

While several international media including RT and Reuters were present at this press briefing, coverage of this diabolical military project has received scanty attention.  The dangers of World War Three are not front page news.

Moreover, in its coverage of US-NATO military deployments under Operation Atlantic Resolve (OAR) (see map right below), the Western media invariably turns realities upside down. Russia is portrayed  as the aggressor. According to The Daily Mail Moscow is said to be “preparing for war” and US-NATO has rightfully responded to Russia’s threats.

US military intervention on Russia’s border is described as a peace-making operation.  The US troop deployments are said to be “in response  to Nato’s concern Russia was becoming more aggressive.”  At the same time, the report nonetheless acknowledges that Russia is taking measures to defend itself (i.e against this peace-making operation):

“Russia has deployed anti-aircraft missile systems around Moscow to protect the capital from attack in the latest sign Vladimir Putin is preparing for war.”

Russia rather than America is preparing for war.  America is described as coming to the rescue of Poland:

American soldiers are rolling into Poland, fulfilling a dream many Poles have had since the fall of communism in 1989 to have US troops on their soil as a deterrent against Russia.

And guess who is creating obstacles to the fulfillment of this “Polish dream” which could lead to war with Russia.

The normalization of Russian American relations by the Trump administration is seen as an encroachment.  The objective of this massive military deployment is said to protect Eastern Europe against Russian aggression. And this US-led endeavor is allegedly being undermined by Donald Trump on behalf of the Kremlin:

US army vehicles and soldiers in camouflage crossed into south-western Poland on Thursday morning from Germany and were heading for Zagan, where they will be based.

The US and other Western nations have carried out exercises on Nato’s eastern flank, but this US deployment will be the first continuous deployment to the region by a Nato ally.

Despite the celebrations, a cloud also hangs over the historic moment: anxieties that the enhanced security could eventually be undermined by the pro-Kremlin views of President-elect Donald Trump.

Poland and the Baltic states are nervous about Russian assertiveness displayed in Ukraine and Syria.

The Kremlin said on Thursday it was concerned by what it described as a US military build-up in Poland, saying the move represented a threat to its national security.

Addressing reporters on a conference call, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Russia regarded the move as an aggressive step along its borders. (Daily Mail, January 12, 2017)

Russia’s S400 air defense system has been deployed.

Trucks line up in Moscow as the s-400 Triumph air defence system is set to be deployed


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Trump’s Policy on Russia and China?

January 14th, 2017 by Stephen Lendman

Next week he’ll become America’s 45th president, an awesome responsibility for anyone, especially having to deal with bipartisan neocons infesting Washington. – hell-bent for endless wars of aggression.  

Whatever Trump said on the stump no longer matters. Once in office, his agenda will speak for itself.

In a Friday Wall Street Journal  interview, he said he’s open to lifting sanctions on Russia if we get along, but not straightaway, saying if Moscow “is really helping us, why would anybody have sanctions if somebody’s doing some really great things?”

He referred to Russia’s involvement in combating terrorism and cooperating with Washington on other issues without further elaboration.

He’s open to meet with Putin once in office, saying it’s “absolutely fine with” him. Asked about America’s One-China policy, he said everything is under negotiation.

He won’t commit to longstanding policy unless Beijing’s trade and currency practices change, hardly likely. He irresponsibly called China a currency manipulator. He’ll discuss these and other issues with President Xi Jinping before deciding what actions he’ll take.

He’s willing to end what Beijing calls “the cornerstone of the healthy development of (Sino/US) relations…” Its government wants no “interference or destruction of this political foundation.”

China’s Foreign Ministry so far hasn’t commented on Trump’s Journal interview. His views aren’t surprising. His actions remain to be seen.

Getting along with Russia and China are crucial. Adversarial relations with either or both countries risks unthinkable confrontation, possible nuclear war, America as vulnerable to mass destruction as its adversaries.

Nuclear war is madness. Only deranged leaders would launch it. The risk was huge if Hillary emerged triumphant last November.

Trump’s top priority isn’t making America “great again.” It’s fostering world peace, stability and security. Without them, nothing else matters.

French National Assembly defense committee member Nicolas Dhuicq earlier said he believes Trump will move toward cooperation with Russia while focusing on China as a rising world power.

Trump said, if elected, he’d “instruct the US trade representative to bring trade cases against China, both in this country and at the World Trade Organization.”

On Friday, Obama extended earlier imposed sanctions on Russia for another year, beginning in March.

He lied, saying Moscow “continue(s) to pose an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States.”

He’s going all out to toughen US policy on Russia before leaving office, posing a challenge for Trump on how to undo the immense damage he’s done – especially with Congress wanting adversarial relations maintained.

Most Americans have no idea about the dangers of reckless US foreign policy since Soviet Russia’s dissolution.

Humanity’s survival is threatened without a way found to stop this madness. Is Trump up to the challenge? Is he part of the solution or continuation of reckless policy?

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com

Listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network.


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Trump’s Policy on Russia and China?

January 14th, 2017 by Stephen Lendman

Next week he’ll become America’s 45th president, an awesome responsibility for anyone, especially having to deal with bipartisan neocons infesting Washington. – hell-bent for endless wars of aggression.  

Whatever Trump said on the stump no longer matters. Once in office, his agenda will speak for itself.

In a Friday Wall Street Journal  interview, he said he’s open to lifting sanctions on Russia if we get along, but not straightaway, saying if Moscow “is really helping us, why would anybody have sanctions if somebody’s doing some really great things?”

He referred to Russia’s involvement in combating terrorism and cooperating with Washington on other issues without further elaboration.

He’s open to meet with Putin once in office, saying it’s “absolutely fine with” him. Asked about America’s One-China policy, he said everything is under negotiation.

He won’t commit to longstanding policy unless Beijing’s trade and currency practices change, hardly likely. He irresponsibly called China a currency manipulator. He’ll discuss these and other issues with President Xi Jinping before deciding what actions he’ll take.

He’s willing to end what Beijing calls “the cornerstone of the healthy development of (Sino/US) relations…” Its government wants no “interference or destruction of this political foundation.”

China’s Foreign Ministry so far hasn’t commented on Trump’s Journal interview. His views aren’t surprising. His actions remain to be seen.

Getting along with Russia and China are crucial. Adversarial relations with either or both countries risks unthinkable confrontation, possible nuclear war, America as vulnerable to mass destruction as its adversaries.

Nuclear war is madness. Only deranged leaders would launch it. The risk was huge if Hillary emerged triumphant last November.

Trump’s top priority isn’t making America “great again.” It’s fostering world peace, stability and security. Without them, nothing else matters.

French National Assembly defense committee member Nicolas Dhuicq earlier said he believes Trump will move toward cooperation with Russia while focusing on China as a rising world power.

Trump said, if elected, he’d “instruct the US trade representative to bring trade cases against China, both in this country and at the World Trade Organization.”

On Friday, Obama extended earlier imposed sanctions on Russia for another year, beginning in March.

He lied, saying Moscow “continue(s) to pose an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States.”

He’s going all out to toughen US policy on Russia before leaving office, posing a challenge for Trump on how to undo the immense damage he’s done – especially with Congress wanting adversarial relations maintained.

Most Americans have no idea about the dangers of reckless US foreign policy since Soviet Russia’s dissolution.

Humanity’s survival is threatened without a way found to stop this madness. Is Trump up to the challenge? Is he part of the solution or continuation of reckless policy?

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com

Listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network.


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The executive order allows the President to use national emergency resources to fight the threat, such as enforcing sanctions against the country.

The United States declared a national emergency to deal with perceived “threats” in Cuba and Venezuela on Friday, along with Iran, Libya, Ukraine, Zimbabwe and countries Washington claims “support terrorism.” The declarations effectively extend for another year economic sanctions already in place.

President Barack Obama warned that one of the main national security threats to the U.S. is mass undocumented immigration from Cuba, days after he ended the “Wet Foot, Dry Foot” policy, which granted residency to Cubans who arrived in the U.S. without visas, reported Sputnik.

Obama used an executive order in March 2015 to declare that the situation in Venezuela has “not improved.” He cited human rights violations, persecution of political dissenters and restrictions on the freedom of the press.

When a national emergency was declared against Venezuela in 2015, Obama also ordered sanctions against seven Venezuelan officials, saying they would be banned from traveling to the United States and any and all assets and properties belonging to them would be frozen.

Under the National Emergencies Act sanctions must be renewed every year, however the executive orders Obama signed on Friday are not set to expire until two months into the Trump administration. The move appears to suggest that the Obama administration is concerned that the renewals could get overlooked in the expected chaos of Trump’s White House. If he chooses to, Trump could rescind the sanctions by executive order.

The extension of U.S. sanctions against Iran come despite the historic agreement reached last year between the two countries. The extension of sanctions against Russia, imposed in response to their actions in Ukraine and Crimea, come amidst recent hysteria about suspected interference in the U.S. election by the Putin regime. Some have speculated that Trump’s pick for foreign secretary, Rex Tillerson, may soon move to remove the sanctions given they block a multi-billion dollar project he negotiated with Russia while CEO of ExxonMobile.

The United States currently has 31 officially declared national emergencies.

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From the proclaimed right to be connected to the evolving right to be disconnected, only few years have passed. However in internet sphere, prompted by the fast developing world of technologies, law has to catch up as well.

As from 1 January 2017, France has made effective the law which provides that companies with more then 50 employees should establish hours when staff should not send or answer emails. The law comes as a response to increasingly present praxis that workers, after leaving their place of work, actually stay at work, but this time, through their various electronic devices, being obliged to check on their mail, respond and eventually work from home, during the time that should be their private time dedicated to their private life and family. Health and psychology experts were very much concerned about the consequences such connectivity may have on health and personality of workers, who were thus not able to close the door of their office completely at the end of their working day.

So what happened between the right to be connected and the right to be disconnected?

Back in 2010, it was a great breakthrough into the freedom of expression in ‘online’ context when Finland, being a pioneer, provided its citizens with the legal right to access a 1 Mbps (megabit per second) broadband connection. It led to broadband access being included in basic communications servers, like telephone and postal services, and making Finland first country to provide for such a right.

Soon thereafter, in May 2011, the UN Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression, in his Report, made a step further towards the protection of right to expression online, acknowledging that ‘the Internet has become a key means by which individuals can exercise their right to freedom of opinion and expression, as guaranteed under Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights’. A huge step was made in the new digital era when the classic human rights instruments have spread their effects to ‘online’ sphere as well.

The above Report pointed out two segments of the right to internet which would enable individuals to exercise their right to internet:

  • Access to online content, and
  • Availability of the necessary infrastructure and information communication technologies

The problem of access to internet would include arbitrary blocking or filtering of content, with the exception of legitimate grounds of state interference, criminalization of legitimate expression, imposition of intermediary liability, disconnecting users from internet access, cyber attacks and inadequate protection of the right to privacy and data protection.

Countries worldwide have provided for the access to fast internet, and the technology has adequately responded with the storming of devices that provide such access.

Internet may be one of the most important instruments of the 21st century. It appears that in 2016, there were 46.1% of internet users globally. The United Nations Human Rights Council has in 2016 passed a resolution for the promotion, protection, and enjoyment of human rights on the internet, as a logical sequence to its resolution on internet access in 2012 and 2014.  It provided that the same rights that people have offline must also be protected online, which in particular concerned the freedom of expression, that is applicable regardless of frontiers and through any media of one’s choice. It has recognized the global and open nature of the Internet as a driving force in accelerating progress towards development in its various forms.

However, the globally prevailing access to internet raised some legal concerns of being constantly online. They concern, in particular, the work-home balance, and relying back to some long ago established principles such as work hours, absence, annual leave etc.

A year ago, the European Court of Human Rights (‘the ECtHR’), in the case of Barbulescu v. Romania, has dealt with the question of whether an employer is entitled to look into his employee’s private messages at Yahoo Messenger, written during the working time. The employer monitored and made transcript of messages made at the Yahoo Messenger account that was created at the employer’s request for the purposes of contacts with clients, but the transcript also contained five short messages that Mr. Barbulescu, the employee, exchanged with his fiancée using a personal Yahoo Messenger account. The ECtHR found no violation of the right to respect the private life by such actions of the employer, having in mind, inter alia, that the company did adopt internal rules according to which it was strictly forbidden to use computers, photocopiers, telephones, telex and fax machines for personal purposes.

This case alerted employees and employers worldwide, as to the right of the employers to monitor private messages made using the internet during work hours in certain circumstances, and employees at the same time, to abstain from it.

However the issue which exists vice-versa, and which was not addressed at that time, is the question of whether an employer has the right to request his employee to be connected, and to stay online, outside of working hours. If so, does that time count as overtime? Is it to be considered as ‘work from home’? Does that interfere with the right to leave / rest between two working days. What may be the psychological effects of being constantly ‘on call’? How that affects the health?

The first act on labour standards that International Labour Organization adopted was the Convention Limiting the Hours of Work in Industrial Undertakings to Eight in the Day and Forty-eight in the Week (Entry into force: 13 Jun 1921). The international labour standards, such as the need to protect workers’ health and safety by providing adequate periods of rest and recuperation, including weekly rest and paid annual leave, may appear affected by the overuse of internet technologies. Some companies adopted flexible working hours and flexible place of work. But one should be concerned that these temporal flexibility and spatial flexibility, does not diminish workers’ rights that took so long to be established.

So first came the right to internet, or the right to be connected. Later, followed by the development of technologies, social online interactions, came the right of employers to review employees private messages and correspondence during work hours. Then, starting in France, came finally the right not to be connected. If a person cannot communicate privately during work hours, then he should not communicate for work, during private hours.

The ratio work/private life, has its long history and was cause of many social revolutions which have resulted in decrease of working hours, right to free time between two working days, right to annual leave, and the scope of overtime. France is the best example of when we should say stop to technologies, for the preservation of basic human rights.

The new French law means a small but important victory of human rights over IT, and a victory of workers’ rights and rights to privacy over IT technologies and smart communications. How that victory will influence further developments in labour law when speaking of its online element, remains to be seen.

Doc. Jasna Čošabić is professor of IT law and EU law at Banja Luka College, Bosnia and Herzegovina
[email protected]

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The Establishment Is Trying to Steal the Presidency from Trump

January 14th, 2017 by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

Reuters reports that 2,700 US troops accompanied by tanks are moving across Poland toward the Russian border. Col. Christopher Norrie, commander of the 3rd Armoured Brigade Combat Team, declared: “The main goal of our mission is deterrence and prevention of threats.” Apparently, the colonel is not sufficiently bright to realize that far from preventing threats, the force he is leading presents as a threat. And to no less a military power than Russia.

What is the point of this miniscule force? It would not constitute a threat to Russia if it were 100 times larger, perhaps even one thousand times larger. Remember, Hitler invaded Russia against an unprepared Stalin with the largest and best military force the world had ever seen in the largest military operation in human history. The German invasion force was comprised of 3,800,000 troops, 600,000 motorized vehicles, 3,350 tanks, 7,200 artillery pieces, and 2,770 aircraft. The Red Army, despite its officer corps having been purged by Stalin, ate up this magnificient force and won the war against Germany.

Compared to Stalin’s Russia, Putin’s Russia is prepared. NATO is not capable of assemblying a large enough force to invade Russia. So what is the point of the 2,700 US troops moving across Poland toward Russia?

The answer is to keep alive the Western propaganda that Russia is a threat and to make it as difficult as possible for Trump to normalize relations with Russia. It is extraordinary that the US military is conducting this provocative exercise that contradicts the policy of the incoming president. The US military, the CIA, and their whores in the US media are undemocratically pursuing their own agenda independently of the policy of the president-elect. According to the Israeli newspaper, Haaretz, US intelligence officials have even warned the Israeli government not to share intelligence information with the Trump administration, because Putin has “leverages of pressure” over Trump and Trump will leak the information to Russia and Iran. http://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/1.764711

We can see how the military/security complex’s sabotage of Trump’s policy works. Constant accusations have forced Trump to say that possibly the Russians were involved in a hacking that never occured, neither by Russia nor anyone else. Trump’s nominee for Secretary of State, Tillerson, has to declare Russia to be a threat in his confirmation hearing in order to be confirmed. Trump’s nominee for Secretary of Defense, Mattis, has had to say in his confirmation hearing that the US needs to be prepared to confront Russia militarily, adding that there are few areas in which the US can cooperate with Russia which he says is trying to break NATO.

We could dismiss Trump’s admission as throwing a bone to the CIA so they can feel vindicated and get off his back, and the statements by Tillerson and Mattis could be dismissed as what has to be said in order to be confirmed. Nevertheless, these statements from Trump’s top appointments are being used as confirmations that everyone except Trump, even Trump’s own government, realize that Russia is a threat. The propaganda picture of Russia that the Obama regime worked so hard to create now has the luster of acceptance by Trump’s nominees for State and Defense. Whether Tillerson and Mattis mean it or not, clearly the US Congress in thrall to the campaign donations from the military/security complex is determined that Russia be regarded as a threat.

The Russians watching all this must quickly be losing their hopes for normalized relations. The US ruling establishment is causing hope to fade and suspicion to rise in the Russian government, thus raising barriers within Russia herself to Trump’s policy of better relations.

Nothing speaks more clearly of the unbridled evil of the US Establishment than its willingness to
risk conflict with Russia for the sake of its hold on power and profit.

Where is the liberal-left’s moral conscience? Why is the liberal-left helping the military/security complex delegitimize Trump and box him in so that his agenda is dead on arrival and thermo-nuclear war remains an option?

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments. His internet columns have attracted a worldwide following. Roberts’ latest books are The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism and Economic Dissolution of the WestHow America Was Lost, and The Neoconservative Threat to World Order.
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“It doesn’t make sense to can the general in the middle of an active deployment,” rages D.C. Council Chairman Phil Mendelson (D) after Maj. Gen. Errol R. Schwartz, who heads the D.C. National Guard and is an integral part of overseeing the inauguration, has been ordered removed from command effective Jan. 20, 12:01 p.m., just as Donald Trump is sworn in as president.

As The Washington Post reports, Maj. Gen. Errol R. Schwartz’s departure will come in the midst of the presidential ceremony, classified as a national special security event — and while thousands of his troops are deployed to help protect the nation’s capital during an inauguration he has spent months helping to plan.

“The timing is extremely unusual,” Schwartz said in an interview Friday morning, confirming a memo announcing his ouster that was obtained by The Washington Post.

During the inauguration, Schwartz would command not only the members of the D.C. guard but also an additional 5,000 unarmed troops sent in from across the country to help. He also would oversee military air support protecting the nation’s capital during the inauguration.

“My troops will be on the street,” Schwartz, who turned 65 in October, said, “I’ll see them off but I won’t be able to welcome them back to the armory.” He said that he would “never plan to leave a mission in the middle of a battle.”

Schwartz, who was appointed to head the guard by President George W. Bush in 2008, maintained the position through President Obama’s two terms. He said his orders came from the Pentagon but that he doesn’t know who made the decision.

D.C. Council Chairman Phil Mendelson (D) blasted the decision to remove Schwartz, especially on Inauguration Day.

It doesn’t make sense to can the general in the middle of an active deployment,” Mendelson said. He added that Schwartz’s sudden departure would be a long-term loss for the District. “He’s been really very good at working with the community and my impression was that he was good for the Guard.

Unlike in states, where the governor appoints the National Guard commander, in the District that duty falls to the president.

 Schwartz said that he has not been told why he was asked to step down. “I’m a soldier,” he said, noting that he was following orders and has no regrets. “I’m a presidential appointee, therefore the president has the power to remove me.”

Is this just another part of Obama’s “smooth” transition? Or is something even more sinister at work here, since we already know that anti-Trump activists are planning “the biggest protest in US history” on the day of the inauguration?

*  *  *

As we noted previously, radical leftists are planning to make January 20th the most chaotic Inauguration Day in American history.  Their stated goal is to “disrupt” the Inauguration festivities as much as possible, and they are planning a wide range of “actions” to achieve that stated goal.  Some of the more moderate groups are using terms such as “civil resistance” and “civil disobedience”, but others are openly talking about “blockades”, jumping barricades, throwing projectiles and “citywide paralysis”.  My hope is that all of their efforts will turn out to be a big flop, but it is important to understand that these groups are well funded, highly organized and extremely motivated.  The election of Donald Trump has been perhaps the single most galvanizing moment for the radical left in modern American history, and they are working very hard to turn January 20th into a major political statement.

In fact, just recently one activist group took out a full page ad in the New York Times

 Thousands of activists, journalists, scientists, entertainers, and other prominent voices took out a full-page call to action in the New York Times on Wednesday making clear their rejection of President-elect Donald Trump and Vice President-elect Mike Pence with the simple message: “No!”

“Stop the Trump/Pence regime before it starts! In the name of humanity we refuse to accept a fascist America!” the ad states, followed by a list of signatories that includes scholar Cornel West; author Alice Walker; Chase Iron Eyes of the Standing Rock Sioux; educator Bill Ayers; poet Saul Williams; CNN‘s Marc Lamont Hill; Carl Dix of the Communist Party USA; and numerous others.

The ad pointed people to refusefascism.org, and it asserted that Trump must be stopped whether he was legitimately elected or not

 Trump promises to inflict repression and suffering on people in this country, to deport millions, to increase violence up to the use of nuclear weapons on people across the globe, and to inflict catastrophes upon the planet itself. He has assembled a cabinet of Christian fundamentalist fanatics, war mongers, racists, science deniers. NO! His regime must not be allowed to consolidate. We REFUSE to accept a Fascist America!

If you go to refusefascism.org, you will discover that the protests that they are organizing in Washington D.C. will begin on January 14th.  They say that they want to “stop the Trump-Pence regime before it starts”, and they hope to have protests going “every day and every night” without interruption through at least January 20th.

Another group that plans to kick things off on January 14th is DisruptJ20.  Of course that is short for “Disrupt January 20th”.  If you go to their official website, you will find a long slate of events that have already been scheduled.

According to Legba Carrefour, a spokesperson for DisruptJ20, one of the goals of the group is to block major transportation routes into and throughout our nation’s capital.  And he is not shy about the fact that they literally want to “shut down the Inauguration”

 “We are planning to shut down the inauguration, that’s the short of it,” he says. “We’re pretty literal about that, we are trying to create citywide paralysis on a level that I don’t think has been seen in D.C. before. We’re trying to shut down pretty much every ingress into the city as well as every checkpoint around the actual inauguration parade route.”

If Carrefour and his fellow conspirators are able to actually accomplish that, it truly would be unprecedented.

And while DisruptJ20 is not publicly advocating violence, they are not exactly discouraging it either…

  Carrefour says DisruptJ20 has no publicly announced plans to jump barricades along the inauguration parade route or throw projectiles at the new president, but that autonomous direct actions are encouraged.

“I can’t comment on specific stuff we’re doing like that, mostly because that would be illegal. But, yeah, it will get pretty crazy, I expect,” he says. “‘Have fun!’ I say.”

After the rioting that we have seen in Baltimore, Ferguson, Charlotte and many other communities around the nation in recent years, I hope that authorities are taking these threats quite seriously.

Once Donald Trump won the election, many conservatives seemed to think that the war was won.  But the truth of the matter is that many on the left were completely blindsided by Trump’s surprise victory, and now that they are fully awake they are gearing up for battle like never before.

And these protests are not going to end on January 20th.  In fact, abortion advocates are hoping to get close to a million women into Washington D.C. on the day following the Inauguration to protest for abortion rights.  Filmmaker Michael Moore is hoping that this march will be the beginning of “100 days of resistance” against Trump’s presidency…

 Filmmaker and liberal icon Michael Moore has announced his plans to attend the Women’s March on Washington to protest Donald Trump’s inauguration later this month and has called for sore loser liberals to go further — by staging protests acts of resistance through the first 100 days of Trump’s presidency.

In an appearance, this weekend on MSNBC’s The Last Word, the 62-year-old Trumpland and Fahrenheit 9/11 director made a “call to arms” to those opposed to Trump’s presidency to join the Women’s March on Washington scheduled for January 21, the day after the presidential inauguration.

“It’s important that everybody go there,” Moore told MSNBC’s Ari Melber.

Of course it is easy to imagine how all of this could spiral wildly out of control.  If Trump cracks down on these protests really hard in an attempt to restore law and order, that could end up sparking a dramatic backlash against his “police state tactics”.  And if the protests become even bigger and more violent, Trump could respond by cracking down even more harshly.

Let us hope for some really cold weather in D.C. at the end of January so that as many troublemakers as possible get discouraged and stay home.  Violent protests, blockades and riots aren’t going to solve anything, and they could easily open fresh wounds in a nation that is becoming more divided with each passing day.

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The Trump Dodgy Dossier: Created by “Spies R Us”?

January 14th, 2017 by Phil Butler

Chris Steele is a former MI6 and FBI asset who compiled a dossier of unsubstantiated allegations about President-elect Donald Trump. The current Director at the private security and investigation firm Orbis Business Intelligence, is a curious player in the sensational efforts of Trump adversaries. Here is what I discovered about the former British intelligence officer.

For Donald Trump’s part, his press conference this week revealed his righteous indignation at just how far his opponents will go to smear his coming administration.

Shunning Buzzfeed and ostracizing CNN for their irresponsible broadcasting of the “dossier”, Mr. Trump was crystal clear in pointing the finger at crooked media and the people behind. The incoming president was also clear in identifying his adversaries, a fact that has been corroborated.

The Steele dossier was contracted by both Republican and Democratic adversaries of Mr. Trump. Senator John McCain, the notoriously hawkish Arizona arms industry puppet, admitted he turned over the dossier to the FBI. While McCain’s involvement is shocking enough, I believe other familiar faces funded the extended smear campaign. The Guardian has done some of the homework in tracking down how this dossier came into being, but this “Steele” character is still a bit of an enigma.

Chris Steele has only this week come into the limelight, but Mother Jones had actually reported on some of his activities back in October of 2016. By using The Guardian story, and what can be gleaned from the Mother Jones report, profiling Mr. Trump’s new nemesis is actually not so difficult. Steel’s LinkedIn profile and connections are telling. Steele has received some interesting endorsements on LinkedIn.

First, Jonathan Winer, who’s a Special Envoy at US Department of State, acknowledged the former MI6 agent on his international relations skills, it is key to note that Winer is not only the special envoy for Libya, but he was previously a senior director at Margery Kraus’ APCO Worldwide, a former Assistant Secretary of State, and Secretary of State John Kerry’s legislative assistant. Are your eyebrows raised?

Paul Andrews, who’s director of Ultrax Consulting Limited also recommended Steele. Of further interest is the fact Andrews was a member of Her Majesty’s Foreign Commonwealth Office for 15 years. Maybe a direct quote from Andrews’ security agency will shed more light:

ULTRAX has, both directly and indirectly, been a leading provider of training services to Her Majesty’s Government and is one of a small number of private companies to have been entrusted with providing consultancy services and training to Ministry of Defence and Government Agencies with a National Security agenda.

Clovis Meath Baker CMG OBE is a senior adviser to the UK Government’s so-called Stabilisation Unit. He recommended Steele for his “counterterrorism” capacity. As an interesting note here, Baker is an associate fellow at the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) is the world’s oldest independent think tank on international defense and security.

Chris Burrows, Steele’s fellow director at Orbis, he’s in the same circles as the Trump dossier author, but with a wider reach within the LinkedIn community. Burrows was the First Secretary of the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office for 9 years, and is perhaps tied in part to the Moscow element of this story. His recommendations include one from Fedor Zhavoronkov, who is the most intriguing figure in this loop of spooks I found so far. Zhavoronkov was a key security account manager for the famous Grant Vympel agency in Russia formed from the famous special operations Group “Vympel, which took part in storming the Russian “White House” in support of then President Boris Yeltsin. I mention this only because the 2nd October Revolution only narrowly failed with the reluctant help of elements of the Russian military. Of dissenters in Russia, there are still many.

Tyler Durden at Zero Hedge takes the same track I did in framing the connections of Christopher Steele, but he goes further in assessing the credibility of the so-called “Trump dossier”. Durden quotes one Andrew Wordsworth, co-founder of London-based investigations firm Raedas, who often works on Russian issues, who called the dossier “unconvincing” at best. What is most “convincing” for me is the fact Chris Steele was involved with Alexander Litvinenko, the man whose death the British leadership tried to pin on Vladmir Putin. According to today’s reports, Steele has now fled his multimillion pound sterling home fearing his own life. You read this correctly, the web of “Putin probably did it” macabre is growing huge.

The murdered Russian double agent Alexander Litvinenko, Ukraine revolution cheerleader and warmonger Senator John McCain, MI6 spooks out the ying yang, Fake News going rampant, the US intelligence community melting down, and Donald Trump accused of more infidelity than Putin himself – what else can we expect in the next few days? McCain visits the scene of his war crimes, then flies home to turn over make-believe dossiers on a new president? Oh well, just read this Daily Mail piece and find a copy of Alice in Wonderland, then come back and tell me which crazy world we live in.

Phil Butler, is a policy investigator and analyst, a political scientist and expert on Eastern Europe, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.

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The tale about the fake accusations about Russian influence on the U.S. presidential election becomes more gripping by each day. The are part of a larger war between various groups of the “elites” but also include infighting between U.S. government organizations.

We know that there was heavy Ukrainian influence on the side of Clinton in the election and in the current smear campaign against Trump and Russia. But it certainly wasn’t Ukraine alone that is behind this. There are more international connections.

The “former” desk officer for Russia in the British MI6 Christopher Steele was the one who prepared the 35 pages of obviously false claims about Russian connections with and kompromat against Trump. There are so many inconsistencies in these pages that anyone knowledgeable about the workings in Moscow could immediately identify it as fake. Putin personally started working on Trump five years ago when Trump had no political role or hope whatsoever? A Trump associate met Russian officials in Prague even though he has never been in the Czech Republic?

Steele spread the fakes throughout the press corps in Washington DC but no media published them because these were obviously false accusations.

Steele then decided to hand the papers to the FBI and to talk to its agents hoping they would start an official investigation. He cleared his move (or was ordered to proceed?) at the highest level of the British government:

The Daily Telegraph was told during a meeting with a highly-placed source in Washington DC last October that the FBI had contacted Mr Steele asking if they could discuss his findings with him. The source said that Mr Steele spoke to officials in London to ask for permission to speak to the FBI, which was duly granted, and that Downing Street was informed.

Once he had been given the all-clear, he met an FBI agent in another European country, where he discussed the background to the file he had compiled. His contact with the FBI reportedly began in July last year and ended in October, after he became frustrated by the bureau’s slow progress.

When Steele’s first move with the FBI in October did note deliver the hoped for results an attempt to stove pipe them through Senator John McCain was launched. A “former” British ambassador to Moscow arranged the hand over:

A former British ambassador to Russia has revealed he played a significant role in bringing the Donald Trump ‘dirty dossier’ to the attention of the American intelligence services.Sir Andrew Wood said he spoke to Republican senator John McCain at an international security conference in November about the existence of material that could compromise the president-elect.

Mr McCain subsequently handed the document, which contained allegations of lurid sexual behaviour by Mr Trump in Russian hotels, to the head of the FBI.

The MI6 is well known for launching fakes on behalf of the British government.

Even the second, more official handover to the FBI still did not result in the hoped for publication of the allegations. But by that time Clinton was widely expect to win the election anyway so no further steps were taken.

After Trump unexpectedly won the election a new effort was launched to publish the smears. The Director of National Intelligence decided (or was ordered to) “brief” the President, the President elect and Congress on the obviously dubious accusations.

It was this decision that made sure that the papers would eventually be published. As the NYT noted:

What exactly prompted American intelligence officials to pass on a summary of the unvetted claims to Mr. Obama, Mr. Trump and Congress? Officials have said they felt the president-elect should be aware of the memos, which had circulated widely in Washington. But putting the summary in a report that went to multiple people in Congress and the executive branch made it very likely that it would be leaked. [emphasis in the original!]

Only after Clapper or others leaked to CNN about the briefing of Obama, Trump and Congress, did CNN publish about the 35 pages:

Classified documents presented last week to President Obama and President-elect Trump included allegations that Russian operatives claim to have compromising personal and financial information about Mr. Trump, multiple US officials with direct knowledge of the briefings tell CNN.

The classified briefings last week were presented by four of the senior-most US intelligence chiefs — Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, FBI Director James Comey, CIA Director John Brennan, and NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers.

CNN has reviewed a 35-page compilation of the memos, from which the two-page synopsis was drawn. The memos have since been published by Buzzfeed. The memos originated as opposition research, first commissioned by anti-Trump Republicans, and later by Democrats. At this point, CNN is not reporting on details of the memos, as it has not independently corroborated the specific allegations.

The last half-sentence is part of the smear campaign. When DNI Clapper recently tried to exculpate himself from the shit-storm he created he used the same obfuscation:

The IC has not made any judgment that the information in this document is reliable ..

That is like saying: “The IC has not made any judgement that information of Barack Obama’s Kenyan citizenship is reliable ..”

Any media or intelligence agency that claims it could or did not judge the content of 35 papers is obfuscating in an attempt to give them additional weight. The easily verifiable content is so obviously false that the few not immediately verifiable claims in it can not be taken serious. The media and Clapper know this and, if they were truthful, would say so.

The attack on Trump (and Russia) failed. Trump brushed it of with a few tweets and sentences in his press conference. The attack did not hold up any of the procedures in Congress or elsewhere necessary to install the new administration. It did not change policies. The British government and the MI6 have cake on their face. The DNI office and the CIA will bleed.

The attack was a deep state attempt to stage a coup against Trump:

Trump has deliberately rattled the members of the deep state with his brazen criticism of U.S. intelligence findings about Russian hacking. Deep government does not stand idly by, as David Runciman wrote recently in the London Review of Books, and allow itself to be shat upon by newcomers. The president-elect has enemies in profusion on the inside who are practiced at the art of the leak. They may have had no official role in this attempt to stage a coup against Trump before he’s even inaugurated, but they must be cheering BuzzFeed’s naughtiness as they sharpen their knives for his administration.

This blog reported and warned a month ago of such “elite” coup attempts. The fight has since become more intense.

But this attack failed. Trump gained standing against the “fake news” created by the 35 pages. The fakery and smear attempt was just too obvious. One wonders why it was launched at all. Who panicked?

President Obama, major U.S. intelligence heads, neoconservatives, the British government, Ukrainian “nationalist (aka fascist) circles and the Clinton campaign conspire against Trump and try to derail his announced policy changes. Trump has argued for better relations with Russia and for a concentrated fight in Syria and Iraq against ISIS and other Takfiris and Islamists. This endangers Obama’s legacies of starting a new cold war with Russia and of pampering al Qaeda and ISIS to overthrow the Syrian government.

Two fights within the U.S. government are being waged within this larger context. One is the fight between the CIA and the U.S. military over spying competence and lethal operations. CIA Director Brennan, who was and is Obama’s consigliere and a Saudi operative, has waged a military campaign in Afghanistan, Yemen, Iraq, Syria and several other countries.

The CIA’s assassinations by drones is an operational issue which the military believes should be under its exclusive control. On the other side military special forces missions have hindered CIA intelligence gathering. The CIA support for and training of various Takfiri militants in Syria, Iraq and Libya is against the interest of the soldiers who eventually will have to fight these groups. The incoming National Security Advisor Flynn warned against the CIA’s policies back in 2012 when he led the Defense Intelligence Agency. U.S. special forces then sabotaged such CIA operations in Syria.

With Flynn coming in as National Security Advisor the CIA is in danger of losing this fight. Flynn will argue for a CIA that only collects and analyzes and will likely try to move all operative businesses to the military Joint Special Operations Command.

Today the CIA used its unofficial spokesperson to (again) warn Flynn off. Writing in Jeff Bezos’ blog David Ignatius stenographed the threat:

According to a senior U.S. government official, Flynn phoned Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak several times on Dec. 29, the day the Obama administration announced the expulsion of 35 Russian officials as well as other measures in retaliation for the hacking. What did Flynn say, and did it undercut the U.S. sanctions? The Logan Act (though never enforced) bars U.S. citizens from correspondence intending to influence a foreign government about “disputes” with the United States. Was its spirit violated?

(If Flynn’s phone-calls are under FISA surveillance would that not be highly classified? How else would anyone know about them? How many laws were broken by planting this through Ignatius?)

A second area of internal conflict is about the Director of the FBI Comey. He was and is not sufficiently deferential to the Obama cabal and the Clinton campaign. He launched and publicly announced an investigation into Clinton’s proven illegal behavior with regard to her private email server, but he refrained from announcing and investigating the obviously fake accusations against Trump which were peddled to him. Such disloyal misdeed demands punishment:

The Justice Department’s inspector general said Thursday that he would open a broad investigation into how the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, handled the case over Hillary Clinton’s emails, ..

The inspector general’s office said that it was initiating the investigation in response to complaints from members of Congress and the public about actions by the F.B.I. and the Justice Department during the campaign that could be seen as politically motivated.

The inspector general is serving at the pleasure of the president. He can be fired as soon as Trump is in office. Unless he joins the cabal against Trump Comey has nothing to fear.

But the war against Trump is not over. Trump should and must be fought but that fight should be about important economic and social issues for which people care and of which there are plenty.

Trump has his own cabal, libertarian billionaires like the Koch brothers, several generals in his cabinet and arch Zionists like Adelson. But that cabal’s henchmen are not yet installed throughout the government. It is important to hinder such infestation.

The fight as it is waged now is an attempt to redirect Trump’s foreign policies and to generally lesson his foreign policy power. That fight was already lost during the campaign. Every attempt to accuse Trump of this or that “Russia” outrage that has nothing to do with the average voter’s life simply fails. These pseudo scandals waged within the “elite” media against him just makes him stronger.

But the cabal was unable to understand that during the campaign and is still unable to get a grip on it. It will continue its attempts and will lessen its own power through its failures.

Effort by Obama loyalists against Trump started immediately after election day:

Over the past 10 years, Obama alumni have spread throughout the government, the advocacy world, and influential parts of the private sector, including at Google and Facebook. That means there’s a lot diverse talent to harness.

More attacks on Trump will come even when Trump is in full power and starts to clean house.

But all of those who openly work against him will be endangered. The continued open attacks only lay bare the various actors behind them. Those will be be shunned. Each new open attack against Trump will eliminate another power center installed during the Obama administration. If these hopeless attacks continue few will be left to wage the silent, patient resistance against the Trump administration that will be necessary to lessen the damage it will create.

To now attack Trump, Flynn, Comey or even Putin is hopeless and unproductive. It only hinders achieving their long-term aims. One thereby wonders why this panic reaction from one side of the deep state cabal continues. What dirt have they hidden that they fear will be unearthed?

UPDATE: FBI director Comey pissed on the House Democrats at the end of a classified hearing today. This a day after Obama’s Justice Department IG opened a case against him (see above). One might guess that Comey has had enough of it OR has now been assured of Trump’s backing. The Hill reports:

A number of House Democrats left Friday’s confidential briefing on Russian hacking fuming over the actions of FBI Director James Comey and convinced he’s unfit to lead the agency.”I was nonjudgmental until the last 15 minutes. I no longer have that confidence in him,” Rep. Tim Walz (D-Minn.), ranking member of the Veterans Affairs Committee, said as he left the meeting in the Capitol.

“Some of the things that were revealed in this classified briefing — my confidence has been shook.” …

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Rwanda and Burundi straddle the African highlands in the central part of the continent, occupying an ultra-strategic position along the transregional border between East and Central Africa. Overpopulated, mostly agricultural, and plagued with a past of ethnic violence, these two similar neighboring states are bound to share an interrelated destiny due to their near-identical demographic profiles that have already prompted a bloody history of conflict overspill between them. Located at the juncture of two of Africa’s most dynamic geostrategic regions, it’s inevitable that Rwanda and Burundi would become the object of New Cold War competition between the unipolar and multipolar worlds.

While neither possesses much saliency in terms of transnational infrastructure connectivity which would otherwise normally make them a target of American-directed Hybrid War, their specific identity compositions could be exploited as valuable asymmetrical weapons in weakening all of the surrounding states that do fit this strategic profile. In this sense, Rwanda and Burundi are conveniently placed pawns in the US larger geostrategic game of worldwide hegemony, being highly susceptible to external manipulation to either implode like in Bujumbura’s case, or militantly expand like in Kigali’s most likely envisioned scenario. While both countries do have their own independent policies, they’re each heavily influenced by the direct and indirect intrigues of American regional strategy.

This chapter of the Hybrid War research will focus mostly on Rwanda, though because of the country’s inseparable connection to Burundi, its southern neighbor will of course be discussed as well. The specific details about the domestic situation in Burundi and its relevance to regional geopolitics were already explored in a previous Oriental Review piece titled “EU To Burundi: Regime Change Trumps Anti-Terror Help”, so the ins and outs of that particular crisis will not be repeated in this work, although they will be referred to due to their continued relevance. Instead, the vast bulk of this article pays attention to Rwanda and its leadership’s regional ambitions, looking at the interrelationship between Kigali’s plans and those of Washington.

It’s argued that the common overlap between them makes Rwanda the US’ most natural ‘Lead From Behind’ partner in shaping transregional events, but correspondingly, this also makes the mountainous country the greatest strategic threat to the entire East African-Central African space because of Kigali’s risky reliance on dangerous identity politics in pursuit of its envisioned hegemony.

The Transregional Pivot Space

International Geo-Economic Interests:

Rwanda and Burundi are situated smack dab in the center of the East African-Central African pivot space, thus bestowing them with the privileged geopolitical opportunity of connecting these two regions. To get into detail, these two states occupy the middle ground between all of Africa’s Great Lakes and are in near proximity to the Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo’s (DRC) main cities. This fact enables them in principle to serve as the East African Community’s (EAC) access point for the DRC’s world-renowned mineral deposits, many of which are currently in high demand in the information and communication technology (ICT) industry.

It’s perhaps for this reason that Tanzania’s Indian Ocean-originating Central Corridor is expected to link up to these countries and perhaps eventually one day formally expand into the DRC itself, with the intent being that Central Africa’s minerals and labor could thus more easily reach the global marketplace through this route. Kenya had originally planned for its own complementary project of the Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) to do so as well, but uncertainty over Rwanda’s commitment to it and the slow progress on initiating Uganda’s portion have raised questions about whether this will ever be fully built or not. Even so, it’s likely that the SGR will still eventually reach the northern DRC through Uganda with time, though the original point here is emphasize that both friendly competing regional economic hegemons (Tanzania and Kenya) have taken a serious interest in Rwanda and Burundi and identify both states as the EAC’s essential geographic ‘gatekeepers’ to the eastern DRC’s natural riches.

Conclusively, the practical functionality of these borderland states is commonly viewed by their EAC peers as providing them and their overseas partners with desirable access to the DRC, which might explain why these comparatively underdeveloped countries joined the grouping in the first place in 2007. Neither Rwanda nor especially Burundi were anywhere near the level of development of their partners, yet they were still admitted into the bloc regardless, essentially making them the East African versions of Bulgaria and Romania if one compares the organization to the EU. Even though the ‘publicly plausible’ explanation of ‘maintaining regional stability’ and ‘integrating disadvantaged states’ could be used to ‘justify’ both examples, it should be clear to all non-biased observers that Burundi and Rwanda (just like Bulgaria and Romania) were permitted to join their newfound partners mostly because of the latter’s undeniable geo-economic and geopolitical reasons in having them do so.

From Bridge To Buffer To Time Bomb:

If the real geo-economic reasoning for admitting Burundi and Rwanda into the EAC was to capitalize off of their location in easily accessing the eastern DRC’s resource and labor potential, then the geopolitical one was to fortify the organization’s ‘internal buffer’ against the Central African state’s myriad militant problems. The DRC collapsed in the 1990s during the First and Second Congo Wars (both of which were instigated by Rwanda and will be discussed later on), and the lingering challenges that persist in the country have the very real potential of crossing over the geo-economic ‘bridge’ and spilling over into the EAC. Therefore, it was in the organization’s most responsible long-term interests to bring Rwanda and Burundi under its fold and gain some sort of a degree of influence over them, that way the EAC could hopefully prevent and, if need be, proactively respond to this scenario via the territory of its new borderland member states.

This was understandably seen as much more preferable than irresponsibly assuming that any future outbreak of violence wouldn’t flow into Uganda or Tanzania. In a way, the inclusion of Rwanda and Burundi into the EAC was a form of ‘proactive institutional defense’ in hedging against this possibility. The member states could now deal with this scenario at their newly expanded DRC-abutting western border close to the actual heart of the conflict instead of engaging with any potential tumult one country away and on their own frontlines at the Ugandan border with Rwanda or the Tanzanian one with it and Burundi. The two highland states are the most vulnerable bottlenecks through which militancy and Weapons of Mass Migration can spread in travelling out of the DRC and into the EAC as a whole, so incorporating them into the organization was meant as a proverbial ‘stopgap’ or ‘firewall’ in delaying the spread of a sudden crisis and cushioning the organization’s more important members by having the chaos filter through the two-state ‘buffer’ region first.

Rwandan troops leave the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) town of Kindu in 2002.

Having Rwanda and Burundi solidly under their influence made the EAC more comfortable in dealing with any prospective outbreak of violence, but it unintentionally also made the organization inversely dependent on its new members if either of them decided to ‘go rogue’ and orchestrate this very same conflict that the EAC has thus far been proactively trying to avoid. Such a danger is extremely unlikely to come from the Burundian side because of Bujumbura’s traditional non-involvement in foreign affairs, but Rwanda is a completely different matter altogether. Not only did President Paul Kagame rise to power on the back of ethnic conflict, but he’s even leveraged it as part of his country’s foreign policy and is now directing it against fellow EAC member Burundi. In a horrible twist of fate, while the EAC thought that it would be lessening the probability of another ethnically charged conflict through the admittance of Rwanda and Burundi, this well-intentioned (if self-interested) move uncalculatingly placed the organization at Kagame’s personal mercy and made it hostage to his personal whims.

It may have been that the EAC’s leaders were wagering that the Rwandan rebel leader-turned-President wouldn’t start another region-wide war (or they misunderstood the origins of the Rwandan Genocide and the DRC’s two main conflicts and absolved Kagame of any responsibility in starting them), and/or that his successor would be much more militarily moderate and less likely to throw the neighborhood into turmoil. Either way, though, it was a risky gamble, and the intended buffer region has now unintentionally turned into a time bomb of destabilization. Instead of all the EAC members working together to ensure regional stability and mitigate the chance of conflict, Rwanda has ‘gone rogue’ against the neighboring member state of Burundi and now threatens to drag the entire organization into another conflict, albeit this time one that might ironically take place within its own borders and split the EAC’s erstwhile superficial unity.

Internal Demographic Divide:

The reason why Rwanda is vigorously interfering in Burundi’s internal affairs is because both countries share the same internal demographic divide, albeit with opposite governing results. The CIA World Factbook records that Rwanda is 84% Hutu and 15% Tutsi, while Burundi is listed as being 85% Hutu and 14% Tutsi. For all intents and purposes, these two neighboring countries have an identical demographic composition, and the state of relations between their two main ethnicities was reinforced during the period of Belgian occupation as the singular colony of Ruanda-Urundi. The prevailingperception was that the Tutsis were favored by Brussels in a classic divide-and-rule stratagem modeled off of the British tactic of manufacturing a self-beneficial atmosphere of tension by provocatively advancing the interests of a local minority over the given majority. This was all the more effective because it was essentially an inheritance of the pre-colonial power structure of Tutsi rule. Ultimately, the continuation and expansion of these practices would end up being the most fateful and enduring legacy of Belgian occupation because it planted the seeds of deep-seated mutual resentment and made both sides highly susceptible to violent impulses against the other.

Interlinked Genocides:

Communal tensions are therefore nothing new in either of these two states, but they hit emergency proportions in the early 1990s when this heated identity conflict erupted into full-scale cross-border genocide. Prior to that, there was already a Tutsi-led genocide against Burundian Hutus in 1972, but this time the tragedy that took place was against the Tutsis. The immediate trigger was the Burundian Civil War that broke out after the country’s first-ever democratically elected and Hutu President was killed by the Tutsi-run military in a failed coup attempt in October 1993, having only served a mere three months as head of state. This conflict occurred in the context of the adjacent Rwandan Civil War, where Tutsi rebels led by Paul Kagame invaded the country from Uganda and were intent on toppling the Hutu government.

Both conflicts finally intersected when the airplane carrying the Hutu Rwandan and Burundian Presidents was shot down over Kigali in April 1994. The Tutsi-led Rwandan government of Paul Kagame insists that “Hutu extremists” were responsible, but ample evidence exists that it was actually his own forces that should be held to account instead. Interestingly, that’s exactly what a French inquiry first concluded, too, before it surprisingly reversed its findings and repeated Kagame’s claims.

The Hutu reaction in Rwanda was fierce and rapidly descended into genocide, though one would do well in the interest of objectivity to remember that the genocidal bout of violence was owes its situational genesis to both a Tutsi-led coup attempt in Burundi and Kagame’s Tutsi rebels in Rwanda. This by no means absolves the Hutus who were guilty of committing genocide, but it does raise serious questions about the intent of the Tutsi actors which instigated the roots of the most relevant violence in the first place. This will be expounded upon in the next section when discussing Kagame’s rise to power, but right now the last point that needs to be made is that the post-genocide regional political order placed a Tutsi in office in Rwanda and a Hutu in Burundi, or in other words, the reverse of what each country previously had.

From Rebel To Regional Revisionist

Racial Double Standards:

The transnational nature of the Tutsi-Hutu rivalry within Rwanda, Burundi, and even the DRC (which will be touched upon in depth later on in the research) doesn’t have to lead to violence anymore, but it’s just that one decisive actor has an interest in weaponizing this demographic dispersal as a means of promoting his country’s foreign policy, whether through brute force or blatant blackmail. That individual is none other than Paul Kagame, who despite outlawing the use of ethnic labels within his own country since 2004, ironically resorts to same racially politicized games as the ones he banned when it comes to his neighbors’ affairs.

There’s of course nothing wrong in and of itself if a demographic is proud of their identity and peacefully promotes it, but Rwanda has major sensitivities about this due to the lingering societal problems caused by the genocide. If the country wanted to take the choice to outlaw ethnic labels in favor of referring to everyone simply as “Rwandan”, then that’s of course their sovereign choice, but it’s an ironic use of double standards for the Rwandan government to obsess over the domestic ethnic situation of its neighbors if it doesn’t even legally recognize its own. The only explanation that can account for this puzzling foreign policy contradiction is the personal ambition of President Kagame in wanting to politicize ethnicity abroad as a stepping stone for expanding his country’s power throughout the region.

In moving towards a more solid understanding of Rwanda’s geopolitical interests under the Kagame presidency, it’s absolutely essential to conduct a leadership analysis of this individual. A brief overview will reveal a lot of insight behind why Rwanda practices the policies that it does, since every significant decision that it takes is ultimately attributable to the will of just one man. For as paramount of a decision maker as he is, though, it also means that his passing, resignation, or overthrow could lead to a completely different set of foreign policy objectives for Rwanda, though that naturally remains to be seen until a successor actually enters into power and puts this theory to the test.

The Rise Of A Rebel:

Paul Kagame spent his formative years growing up in Uganda as a refugee. His family fled their home country during an earlier period of violence and settled in a camp outside the capital of Rwanda’s northern neighbor. He eventually joined future Ugandan President Museveni’s National Resistance Army and participated in the Bush War that broke out after the fall of Idi Amin. Kagame operated out of Tanzania alongside other rebels during this time, which might have instilled within him the importance of having a foreign sponsor to aid in any prospective insurgency that he might have dreamed about fomenting in Rwanda. After Museveni declared victory in 1986, he rewarded his Rwandan accomplice by making him the head of his new administration’s military intelligence service. A few years later, Kagame and his other fellow Tutsi compatriots who had fought alongside him and Museveni in the Ugandan Bush War decided to form a rebel group to overthrow the Hutu-led government of Rwanda. Museveni, eager to receive the regional influence that he assumed this would provide him with, enthusiastically supported the movement that eventually came to be known as the “Rwandan Patriotic Front” (RPF).

When the RPF invaded their ancestral homeland in 1990, it could be regarded as the first real instance of the Tutsi diaspora willing behaving as “Weapons of Mass Migration”. The rebel group’s leader was promptly killed during this hastily thought out operation, and Kagame quickly assumed charge of the organization. He continued to develop it into the guerrilla fighting force that it would later become on the eve of the dual assassination of Rwanda and Burundi’s Hutu presidents, and while there’s no ‘smoking gun’ evidence to confirm that he and his forces were responsible for that audacious act of double regicide, prominent international experts and even defectors from Kagame’s own inner circle have convincingly alleged that he is to blame. It’s not the intention of this research to debate the specifics of the evidence being presented against him, though the author is of the conviction that the future Rwandan President was in fact guilty of this crime and carried it out with the assumption that it would collapse the government and lead to a Tutsi victory in Rwanda and Burundi, thus heralding in Tutsi-led governments in both.

Paul Kagame

Revising The Region Through Race:

Kagame’s planned strategic vision was to leverage his leadership role over post-civil war and Tutsi-led Rwanda so as to also place what he hoped would also be a Tutsi-controlled Burundi under his influence as well. The main idea was to restore the colonial and pre-colonial political situation where this minority ethnic group presided over the rest of the Hutu majority. If successfully implemented in Burundi and a minority-governed satellite state could similarly be created, then Kagame could de-facto reunite the two territories under the anachronistic Belgian-occupational framework of Ruanda-Urundi and exert dominant power over each of them across this shared ethno-cultural political space. With this prized piece of geostrategically valuable real estate under his control, he could then attempt to export his model of militant Tutsi blackmail across the region and use it to exact political and economic benefits from the DRC, which also has a sizeable Tutsi population in its borderland region. Afterwards, Kagame could then utilize his de-facto conquests to achieve relative strategic parity with Uganda and tangibly reinforce its influence over the country. The first step – virtually colonizing Burundi as a Kigali-controlled Tutsi-led satellite – didn’t happen because of strategic complications that arose during the course of the Burundian Civil War, so Kagame improvised and moved forward with this South Kivu plan in the Congo instead, thus maintaining strategic continuity with his vision. As history would have it, though, Rwanda once more appears to have Burundi in its sights, which is thus one of the primary reasons why the Hybrid War potential of the African highlands is being investigated.

The author calls Kagame’s abovementioned strategy “Tutsi Land” because of its reliance on cultivating and exploiting a militarized Tutsi minority in the surrounding region to act as proxies on behalf of the Tutsi-led government in Rwanda. Understanding the hypersensitivity behind using the name of the genocide-victimized minority to describe Rwanda’s aggressive foreign policy of expansion, the author feels obligated to clarify that this is not at all meant to spark conflict, spread hate, or gin up memories of genocide, but to express a situational analysis by a neutral non-aligned out-of-regional observer with no local stake in the Tutsi-Hutu conflict. Even just speaking about the term “Tutsi Land” is the absolute height of ‘political incorrectness’, but self-censorship and abiding by unspoken ‘political norms’ shouldn’t ever get in the way of an independent researcher’s objective analysis. Having gotten that out of the way, it’s expected that the reader will be mature enough to understand the academic intent of the rest of the article and not purposely misrepresent the author or his writings in order to promote violence. The rest of the work will thus describe the extent to which Kagame has previously strove to construct “Tutsi Land” and the means that continue to exist at his disposal if he chose to actively return to this project.

Kigali’s Compass of Chaos

Kagame’s personal history growing up as a Tutsi refugee abroad and voluntarily becoming a Weapon of Mass Migration against his own homeland explain why he developed the unstated  but clearly observable policy of weaponizing identity politics in pursuit of what he subjectively believes are Rwanda’s grand strategic interests. The cultivation of extreme Tutsi organizations in the region and militarizing them so that they behave as Kigali’s proxy foot soldiers in carrying out a ‘conquest at all costs’ draws very close structural parallels to the foreign policy of Saudi Arabia, which does the same thing in the Mideast region and elsewhere when it comes to the Sunni community. The author is not suggesting that all Tutsis and Sunnis are militant extremists, but that these two constituencies are the most susceptible to Kigali and Riyadh’s machinations in exploiting them as cannon fodder for the creation of their respective geopolitical projects. While it hasn’t spread its influence anywhere near as far or wide as Saudi Arabia has through Wahhabism, Rwanda’s undeclared policy of inciting Tutsi militarism has already led to a lot of regional tumult over the past two decades. The list of geopolitical victims that have suffered from this aggression needs to be thoroughly examined in order to produce empirical evidence in support of the theory that Kagame is doing all of this as a means of heralding in the creation of his cherished vision of a transnational “Tutsi Land”.


A Rwandan boy covering his face from the stench of dead bodies

The first victim of Kagame’s racialized policies were Rwandans themselves. Hutus were hunted down inside the country and killed, while others were arbitrarily jailed in “gacaca courts” on the suspicion that they were genocide conspirators. While it can be safely assumed that some of them who were detained actually did have some level of involvement in the crimes that took place, there are legitimate concerns that the Tutsi-led government was overly excessive and wantonly arrested Hutus at random in order to carry out a retributive policy of state-sponsored intimidation against this group.  It could even be reasonably suggested that not all of the Hutu that fled to the DRC might have been genocide perpetrators, but that many of them might even have been well-intentioned citizens concerned for their safety amidst the violent reprisals that followed the Tutsi takeover. Again, to reinforce the author’s previously stated position, none of this analytical commentary is meant to be interpreted as a “genocide apology”, but as an alternative analytical angle in understanding the “politically incorrect” nature of what’s happened in Rwanda and the region ever since the notorious genocide.

Tutsis, too, have also suffered under Kagame, though not in the way that one might immediately think. Because of the perceived privileges that they now enjoy within the state (despite not being officially recognized due to the formal banning of ethnic classifications in 2004), Tutsis are once again in the precarious situation of becoming victims of mob violence if the state ever collapses into anarchy or becomes complicit in genocidal killings once again. This doesn’t appear likely in the short-term, but then again, a sudden crisis inside the country might be all that it takes to open up the wounds of tribal hostility and revisit the dark days of identity killings, whether large-scale or comparatively contained. Opponents might argue that the Tutsis need to have implicit state-sponsored “affirmative action” privileges and government coddling, but no matter what the ‘well-meaning intent’ behind such policies might have been, it’s undeniable that they usually lead to some level of resentment among the majority of the masses that are not eligible for such perceived benefits, though this naturally doesn’t mean that they’ll automatically channel their frustrations through violence if given the chance.

The Democratic Republic Of The Congo (DRC):

The DRC was the second victim of Kagame’s regional power ploy in manipulating Tutsi militarism. After seizing power in 1994, his forces chased Hutu militiamen into the eastern part of the DRC (then still known as Zaire), where they also joined many Tutsis who had left during the genocide. These new arrivals not only destabilized the local landscape by clashing with the population that had already been living in South Kivu (the Tutsi “Banyamulenge” who arrived prior to Congolese independence and the mixed Tutsi-Hutu “Banyarwanda” who came afterwards), but because many of them were armed and continued to launch cross-border attacks against the newly installed Tutsi government of their homeland, they could very accurately be described as formidable Weapons of Mass Migration in the Congo. At the time, the Mobutu government in Kinshasa was on its last legs and was internally weakened by decades of mismanagement and low-intensity peripheral conflicts, especially in the eastern part of the country. The two neighboring powers of Uganda and Rwanda already had their sights set on overthrowing Mobutu and plundering his country’s rich resources, taking advantage of the Congo’s palpable weaknesses to advance their regional agendas, but what they needed was the proper set of circumstances for carrying this out.

Museveni knew that there would be no way for him to carve out a sphere of influence in the northeastern DRC if Rwanda was still under heavy Congolese influence, and this keen geopolitical foresight explains why he focused on overthrowing the Kigali government before setting his sights on Kinshasa. With his trusted underling finally in power in Rwanda, Museveni knew that now was the time to strike, though the operation of course had to be coordinated with Kagame in advance. The presence of Rwandan Hutu Weapons of Mass Migration in the eastern DRC was an expedient enabler in pushing these plans forward, creating the ‘plausible pretext’ to justify a formal Rwandan invasion that was meant to incite the state’s collapse. Additionally, the newly arrived Hutu Weapons of Mass Migration expectedly created such problems with the local Rwandan emigres that had been living in the Congo (the “Banyamulenge” and “Banyarwanda”, essentially “Rwandan Rohingyas” non-native to the eastern DRC just as the Bengalis are non-native to Myanmar’s Rakhine State), that it led to a hostile rebellion among the preexisting population that hade many shades of a Weapon of Mass Migration “civil war” that eventually precipitated the Kigali-led “humanitarian intervention”-turned-regime change operation. It also helped that Rwanda sponsored the “Alliance of Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Congo-Zaire” (ADFLC), composed mostly of ethnic minority groups such as the Tutsis, which formally took the lead in toppling Mobutu.

After the long-serving leader was overthrown, ADFLC leader Laurent Kabila soon rebelled against his Rwandan and Ugandan controllers and expelled their forces from the Congo. Kabila did not want his large country to embarrassingly serve as a resource plantation for his two much smaller neighbors to exploit, and his patriotic actions at the time could be described as the beginning of a national liberation war against strategic Rwandan and Ugandan occupation. Personal factors such as his own ambition to take full charge in the country likely also played a part, too, but his foreign backers weren’t too happy with his actions and thus launched the Second Congo War in response. It didn’t end up overthrowing their protégé like they had assumed it would, but instead led to the bloodiest war in African history and the most deadly conflict since World War II. The geopolitical consequences were that the DRC remained nominally unified, but large swaths of the east and northeast were overrun by Rwandan and Ugandan militias, some of which sided with their home governments but others of which opposed them. This patchwork of parties created a scrambled situation that divided the region into warlord-controlled fiefdoms which were often in conflict with one another. Furthermore, the ferocious fight over resources prompted a low-level proxy rivalry between Ugandan and Rwanda that damaged their previously fraternal state-to-state ties until a 2011 rapprochement between the heads of state.

Although Rwanda and Uganda restored their relations, the chaotic situation in the eastern DRC continues to remain unresolved. This represents one of the fundamental ‘opportunities’ that Kagame has for promoting his “Tutsi Land” blueprint of regional hegemony, which will be fully addressed in the final part of the research that forecasts the most realistic set of Hybrid War scenarios that Rwanda could follow.


The author earlier wrote that the reader should reference his previously published piece on the incipient Hybrid War in Burundi to receive all of the details about this situation and the related citations, but for consistency’s sake in listing off the victims of Kagame’s “Tutsi Land” campaign and putting everything into cohesive focus, it’s necessary to partially revisit some key points in explaining how Burundi fits into this geopolitical project. Incumbent President Pierre Nkurunziza, a Hutu, was permitted by the Supreme Court to run for a third term, in spite of being constitutionally restricted to only two. The legal technicality that he relied on was that his first term was due to a parliamentary appointment and that his third term would constitute his second election, thereby fulfilling the constitutional requirement set out in place for these events. He won another term in office in summer 2015, but not before fending off a coup attempt from rebel generals and counteracting a low-scale insurgency against his government. Rwanda took the lead in the destabilization against its southern neighbor and began training Tutsi refugees who fled from the country out of fear that the foreign media’s rumors of an ‘imminent genocide’ were actually true.

Soberly analyzing the second development for a moment, it’s very plausible that foreign intelligence services planted these fake stories as a form of weaponized disinformation meant to produce a purposeful outflow of Tutsi refugees. In other words, there was a preplanned Weapons of Mass Migration campaign meant to trigger an outflow of Tutsis from Burundi into Rwanda, and then their consequent rearming and infiltration back into the country as anti-government rebels along the same lines of what Kagame himself did against his native Rwanda in 1990. The resultant unipolar-influenced mass media coverage that would accompany this could predictably have drawn clear parallels between both “freedom fighter” groups, adding to the existing pressure that the government has been coming under and thereby heating up the Hybrid War against it. It’s presently uncertain how the crisis will eventually unfold, though it does appear to have stabilized for the time being at least. This might be a misleading lull, though, and attributable to Rwanda not having yet fully trained the number of anti-government Weapon of Mass Migration Tutsi that it needs to carry out the next step of its regime change operation. No matter what eventually happens, however, it should be clear to all that Rwanda has behaved aggressively towards Burundi and has an interest in promoting the false narrative of an inevitable Tutsi genocide there.

Fred Rwigyema


The strategic situation has historically been much more complex in Uganda than it has in any of Rwanda’s other neighbors that Kagame has targeted, owing partially to the perception that the Tutsis already enjoy privileged positions under the Museveni government. This opinion was buoyed by the Ugandan leader’s rise to power alongside Tutsi fighters, the most notable of which were Kagame himself and Fred Rwigyema. The latter was the leader of the RPF prior to his death in 1990 after the group commenced its hasty and poorly planned invasion of Rwanda, and the presence of such high-ranking Tutsis in the Ugandan government at the time (remembering that Kagame was formerly the chief of the country’s military intelligence for a brief time) reinforced the idea that Tutsis occupied a special place in society. While theories abound for why this may or may not be the case, the most plausible one – if such a claim is actually true – is likely a blend of two driving factors: Museveni’s close comradeship with Tutsi militiamen during the Bush War and the ‘conspicuous’ presence of Rwandans in the country.

The first one was already discussed in the research and has to deal with Museveni’s personal relationship with this group and his attitude towards him, while the second one is highly contested and remains a heated point of debate within Ugandan society itself. It’s generally accepted that there is some sort of Rwandan presence in Uganda’s borderlands and capital, but the numbers, full geographic scope, and intent of this demographic are unclear. It would be irresponsible to assume that Uganda-residing Rwandans behave as a monogamous group, just as it’s improper to do so with any category of people no matter who they are or where they reside, but this doesn’t mean that other forces aren’t acting on this assumption in their outreach to the community. While Uganda-residing Rwandans are certainly a heterogeneous bunch and include Hutus, Tutsis, “refugees”, illegal immigrants, and naturalized citizens alike, the focus of the research will zero in on the Tutsi “refugees”/illegal immigrants in explaining this sub-demographic’s relevancy to Hybrid War theory.

Tutsi-friendly Museveni and Tutsi leader Kagame both have an interest in this group’s livelihood, and the lingering perception – again, it’s not confirmed, but is nonetheless shared by some blogs and personalities – is that Uganda-residing Tutsis are disproportionately influential in Kampala. This has even led to some unverified claims that Museveni himself is a Rwandan Tutsi, though like mostly everything about this topic, it’s difficult to judge the veracity of all the information that one comes across. Still, it’s undeniable that Museveni’s government has at least previously enjoyed a very close relationship with the Tutsis, and this of course gives rise to the notion that his country has fallen under the influence of a “Tutsi Empire”, which the author more mildly rechristened as “Tutsi Land” in the current research. While the extent of influence that Kigali exerts on Kampala at this moment is unclear and debatable, what’s more certain is that it has two primary means to do so when or if it would like. The most obvious to observers who comment on this topic is the alleged presence of Tutsis in the Ugandan “deep state” (the permanent military, intelligence, and diplomatic bureaucracies), though what’s more commonly overlooked is the role that borderland communities of them could have on Kigali’s long-term strategy of implicit pressure against Kampala, which will be covered in the next section focusing on Hybrid War scenarios.

“Tutsi Land”

The advancement of the “Tutsi Land” regional geopolitical project (whether de-facto or de-jure) is not a fundamentally unchangeable aspect of Rwanda’s foreign policy. Rather, it is instead the wily manipulation by the country’s president of this transnational demographic that’s present in the territories immediately contiguous to his country. Kagame has intermixed his personal history and regional outlook with his role as the head of state, creating a highly unstable combination that has given the racial ideologue Uganda’s entire state apparatus for promoting his designs. This explains the ferocity with which “Tutsi Land” was fought for within Rwanda and in neighboring Burundi and the DRC, and it also helps one to understand why he might be indirectly flexing his influencing over Ugandan affairs.

Even so, while “Tutsi Land” convincingly appears to have been Rwanda’s guiding foreign policy vision over the past two decades, it’s by no means an inherent component of its grand strategy and could be frozen or even outright abandoned by Kagame or whoever his potential successor might eventually be. Therefore, the following interlinked scenario descriptions should not be taken as forecasts, but rather as a reading of the region’s vulnerabilities in the event that Rwanda’s sitting president decides to renew his push in militantly promoting this geopolitical project. There’s always the reasonable chance that he might refrain from doing so and “repent” for his administration’s “sins” by advocating a peaceful regional policy of win-win inclusive unity as opposed to zero-sum ethnic division, mirroring his former patron Museveni in supporting the EAC’s federalization as his ultimate legacy.

It’s integral that the reader accepts that the US could find a way to discretely promote some of these interconnected scenarios through its indirect involvement, possibly wagering that it’s more beneficial for its grand strategy to see a revisionist Rwanda disturbing the Central African-East African transregional pivot space and pushing it to the precipice of disaster. Whatever the reasons may be and no matter which form the US’ future actions possibly take, it must always remain at the forefront of one’s mind when analyzing the proceeding scenarios that Washington could always covertly intervene in an attempt to guide events towards its desired ends. Another angle that shouldn’t be dismissed is that the aforementioned could possibly even occur without Kagame’s full compliancy, as the US could tinker with regional conditions in order to prompt the Rwandan President’s expected reactions, thus ‘playing two fiddles’ and having everybody ‘dance to its tune’.

As for the scenarios, they can be divided into two categories – those that deal with the creation of “Tutsi Land” and those which analyze the consequences of a renewed war in the region. Everything that will be discussed is intimately entwined in such a way that it’s impossible to strictly establish which of the two classifications leads to the other, let alone their phased progression within each grouping, owing to the multitude of independent factors at play (e.g. conflicts that could be triggered by events other than Rwanda’s militant promotion of “Tutsi Land”). To add some sort of orderly semblance to the situational vulnerability assessments that will be explained below, the research will thus proceed by speaking on the first category before seguing into the second one, even though there would likely be an interrelationship (if not an inverse-relationship) between them if they were ever triggered in practice.


To begin by tackling the most presently active of all the scenarios that will be addressed, Rwanda is committed to overthrowing the government of neighboring Burundi. It’s training Tutsi and other Burundian refugees that have fled the false fear mongering reports of violence and “imminent genocide” in order to assemble a rebel army of “locals” to (re-)invade the country. This model is an exact copy-and-paste of what Kagame himself did when he and the RPF plotted to seize control of Rwanda, with the difference being that this time he’s actively manipulating the situation in order to create the refugee flows that he needs for his plans. In his historical case, the refugees were already in Uganda to begin with, whereas now in this situation he has to find a way to bring his desired recruits into Rwanda, ergo the heavy information war that’s being waged against the Burundian people right now.

Another one of Rwanda’s hypocritical racial tricks is to sow discord between Hutus and Tutsi in the military, hoping to encourage more Tutsi defections that could deepen the artificially manufactured intra-rank polarization and provide a behind-the-lines ‘friendly force’ to assist the Rwandan-trained (Tutsi) Burundian “refugee” army whenever it decides to invade. Kagame wants to tempt Nkurunziza to carry out a purge of the armed forces along ethnic lines, knowing that this would almost certainly trigger a resumption of the decade-long civil war and likely lead to actual genocide. This in turn could create the conditions for Rwanda to expertly tap into the prevailing notion of “Western/international guilt” over its own 1994 genocide (also likely instigated by Kagame himself, albeit that time unintentionally, as explained in an earlier section) in order to elicit a multilateral intervention to remove Nkurunziza, whether directly as part of their “anti-genocide” mandate or progressively through a “transitional government” that neutralizes his power in the interim.

Whether Rwanda succeeds in toppling Nkurunziza on its own via the proxy refugee army that it’s assembling or if an international force needs to do so for it under the pretense of stopping a Kagame-concocted genocide, the end game that Kigali seems to be working towards is the replication of the Rwandan Tutsi-led system in Burundi. The pairing of these two neighborly and demographically identical states with the same system of minority-led and Tutsi-entitled governance could set the structural foundation for a ‘(re)unification’ between them and the geopolitical resurrection of the Belgian colony of Ruanda-Urundi (a minority-driven “Anschluss” in East Africa), but even in the event that this doesn’t formally happen, then Burundi would most likely become a Rwandan satellite state for as long as it remains under the re-enforced system of Tutsi rule. There’s a very high chance that the majority Hutu would immediately rebel against this and flee abroad to reorganize and fight against the newly installed government, thus repeating exactly what happened with Rwanda after the 1994 rise of Tutsi rule.

The Democratic Republic Of The Congo (North And South Kivu):

South Kivu is recognized as being the focal point for the Rwandan community in the Congo, whether it’s of those who had been there since independence (Banyamulenge) or those who came afterwards (Banyarwanda). The modern-day conflict in this province boils down to the rights that the Rwandans want to acquire in the post-Mobutu country, but the unresolved aftermath of the First and Second Congo Wars stalemated the situation and led to a profuse diffusion of ethnic-affiliated armed groups. These militias continue to terrorize the region and keep it in a state of indefinite chaos. Uganda and, most relevantly to this research, Rwanda have allied militias in the area but are also threatened by anti-government ones as well, some of which even extend into or are based out of the neighboring province of North Kivu.

The Tutsi-led M23 insurgents are perhaps the most notorious group that’s based out of the northern of the two provinces. They started fighting there in 2012 and quickly grew so strong that it looked like they were repeating the events of the first Congo War and getting ready to start another region-wide bloodbath in the campaign against Kinshasa. Allegations have since surfaced that the militia was backed by Kigali and Kampala, which might have at that time wanted to use it to enact pressure on Kabila or even outright overthrow him, resembling almost exactly what happened 20 years prior during Africa’s “World War” until an African Union force ended the rebellion. On the flip side of the coin, though, the “Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda” (FDLR) is a Hutu-led group that’s based in South Kivu and adamantly opposed to Kagame’s Tutsi-led government. They’ve been a constant nuisance in the region ever since their inception in 2000 and have remarkably demonstrated the staying power to remain relevant over all these years.

The two most likely interrelated scenarios for Rwanda’s “Tutsi Land” Hybrid War in the Congo center on the Kivu provinces and could predictably come to involve one or both of these two aforementioned groups. Rwanda, like it was already argued, has an innate interest in the welfare of Tutsis abroad, but under Kagame, this otherwise normal humanitarian consideration for “one’s own” has become a weapon for geopolitical expansionism. Despite the comparative lull in its activities since the height of conflict in 2012-2013 and the group’s subsequent demobilization and the government’s political concessions to it, the M23 might be back on the upswing concurrent with the Congo’s planned leadership transition at the end of the year, a milestone which is already meeting with controversy because of President Kabila’s rumored plans to postpone it until an indefinite future date. Out of the self-interest that Kagame has in supporting Tutsi militarist groups, he might order the Rwandan state to increase their assistance to the organization as part of the US’ plans to throw the Congo into calculated commotion as punishment for Kabila’s refusal to step down. Mission creep and an inevitable security dilemma might result in a Rwandan military intervention in support of its proxy group.

Different motivations are at play when it comes to South Kivu. The presence of many Rwandans in the local population (be they Banyamulenge or Banyarwanda) could serve as a pretext for “humanitarian intervention” if the FDLR goes on a rabid killing spree, especially if they solely target Tutsis. In a related vein to that, the FDLR could also become such a cross-border headache for the Rwandan government that it feels pressed to launch an invasion of the Congo in order to put the group down once and for all, relying on the much more limited 2009 operation to act as an historical precedent. This could resemble what Uganda tried to do with the LRA in that same year, and it could be as equally unsuccessful, too, despite the media fanfare it might receive if it’s repeated in the future. In either case – be it North Kivu, South Kivu, or both of them – Rwanda wants to use its Tutsi diaspora as an extension of its state power, seeking to have its allied militiamen and compatriot civilians wield enough pressure on Kinshasa that they’re granted broad autonomy, Identity Federalism, or outright independence as a means of constructing “Tutsi Land” in the eastern DRC. If actualized to any degree, then this would unavoidably have consequences for the stability of the entire Congo and could catalyze far-reaching change and possible conflict throughout the rest of the country.


Other than capitalizing off of the close relations that some Rwandans are suspected of having with Museveni, there’s another way in which Kagame could promote “Tutsi Land” at Uganda’s expense. The previous research chapter about Uganda revealed that the country is at risk of Identity Federalism, with its constituent “kingdoms” possibly serving as the foundation for this political reconstruction under future circumstances. The Rwenzururu “Kingdom” and the related low-intensity on-and-off conflict surrounding it has already been seized upon by mysterious militants, and the entity’s proximity to M23’s stalking grounds in the Congo raises a lot of legitimate concern that they might find way to get involved. This might at first sound fantastical because it’s widely assumed that the militia is also under Ugandan influence, but the author believes that the Tutsi nature of the group indispensably places it under much stronger Rwandan sway and thereby means that it could potentially become an unreliable partner of Uganda, if not an outright adversary in the event that there’s a revival of the Ugandan-Rwandan rivalry.

To continue with the scenario of a renewed rivalry between the two East African nations, Rwandan might encourage its M23 militia to stage cross-border attacks into Uganda, most likely as part of the Rwenzori conflict. Even though there are Rwandan “refugees” and other categories of its citizens living in the borderland regions, this by itself isn’t enough for Uganda’s peripheral regions to fall under Kigali’s influence because they’re overwhelmingly Hutu and not Tutsi. Moreover, despite setbacks in the DRC, Central African Republic, and some could even say, in South Sudan and Somalia as well, the Ugandan military is still regarded as being very capable of fulfilling its duties to the homeland, namely in protecting its borders. Though there’s the chance that Rwandan influence has deeply penetrated the Ugandan “deep state” (the permanent military, intelligence, and diplomatic bureaucracies), this can’t be known for certain, so the analysis must responsibly discount that in continuing with this scenario. Consequently, if the Ugandan military is fully enabled to protect its internal borders from a conventional Rwandan invasion and largely succeed in deflecting the asymmetrical guerrilla ones from M23, then this means that Kigali must resort to more creative measures in maintaining decisive influence over Kampala.

Herein lays the reasoning behind why the author believes that Rwanda might be in favor of Identity (“Kingdom”) Federalism in Uganda. If Rwanda’s larger neighbor is divided into smaller federalized “kingdoms” and other classifications of autonomous statelets (accounting for the lack of a precedential “kingdom” foundation in the northern regions), then this would weaken the capital’s central control over the rest of the country and by tangential degree strengthen Rwanda’s over the borderland periphery. Rwenzururu and Buganda “kingdoms” are the keys to catalyzing this process, but it’s conceivably easier for Rwanda to more directly guide events in the former than the latter as a result of geography. On that account, Kigali could harness its connections with M23 along Congo’s Ugandan border as it attempts to steer the Rwenzori conflict towards Identity Federalism ends. This would almost certainly result in an outbreak of civil war in Uganda that could quickly be capitalized off of by other anti-government groups, be they the LRA or Color Revolutionaries, which in turn would produce a calamitous flow of Weapons of Mass Migration all throughout the region.

The Great Lakes Refugee Crisis 2.0

The most predictable outcome of any significant return to war or large-scale destabilization in the East Africa-Central Africa transregional pivot space is that the surrounding countries would most likely become inundated with Weapons of Mass Migration, which could foreseeably have the effect of also triggering additional geopolitical ‘tripwires’ that perpetuate this humanitarian crisis. This structural pattern already has a precedent in the events that unfolded in the late 1990s amidst the Rwandan and Burundian Civil Wars, and the First and Second Congo Wars, with everything ultimately proving itself to be intimately interconnected. Observers at the time grouped all of these events under the larger category of a “Great Lakes Crisis”, with the humanitarian component being labelled the “Great Lakes Refugee Crisis”, so it’s only fitting that the continuation of this model follows a similar neologism. All of the aforementioned scenarios could realistically constitute a Great Lakes Crisis 2.0 along with the accompanying Great Lakes Refugee Crisis 2.0 (GLRC 2.0), and it’s this latter component that will be discussed in the last section.

The reader shouldn’t lose sight of the fact that the refugee crisis is sparked by the regional crises and vice-versa. Everything pertaining to the geostrategic situation in the transregional pivot space is so closely entwined that it’s almost impossible to separate all of its parts and mitigate the chances of a chain reaction if just one variable ‘goes hot’. This is the greatest challenge for all of the involved countries, as none of them have a rational interest in seeing the region descend into bloodshed, but then again, the pursuit of certain geopolitical projects isn’t always a rational exercise to begin with. The first Great Lakes Crisis and affiliated refugee one likely weren’t foreseen by any of the on-the-ground actors, each of which were fighting only for their own narrow self-interests. American and other intelligence agencies probably forecast a variety of scenarios about this, but they were either disinterested in stopping it from taking place, didn’t have the means to do so if they wanted to, or might have even cynically promoted it for whatever the alleged reasoning might have been at the time. Nowadays, though, there’s no excuse for why any regional state would want to disrupt the existing balance between its neighbors, knowing full well what happened the last time that was attempted.

The conversation thus returns back to the sometimes irrational pursuit of certain geopolitical projects, in this context, “Tutsi Land”. It’s plain to see that the destabilization of any of Rwanda’s relevant neighbors would be disastrous for everybody involved, no least of which is Rwanda itself, though Kagame’s history of supporting militant Tutsi nationalism suggests that he hasn’t learned any lessons from the past. Instead, there are clear signs that Rwanda is reverting back to its aggressive furtherance of “Tutsi Land” through its ongoing destabilization of Burundi, which is the one potential crisis that has the greatest chance to turn into an actual large-scale humanitarian one of possibly genocidal proportions. The GLRC 2.0 that it would lead to might end up being the trigger for another widespread breakdown of law and order in the Congo and a return to the 1990s-era “African World War”, which is why it’s the single most important regional development to watch right now.

For all of its “humanitarian” rhetoric, the US might actually have very defined grand strategic interests in seeing this happen. Weapons of Mass Migration and the outbreak of multi-sided regional war (another “African World War”) would assuredly disrupt the viability of the SGR and Central Corridor transcontinental megaprojects that are being constructed with Chinese assistance, as well as offset the expanded TAZARA route if it potentially spreads to southern Tanzania too. In the African context of the New Cold War, the US’ chief goal is to “contain” and “rollback” Chinese influence, whether by hook or by crook. If the US makes a determination (on whatever grounds it might be) that it’s much more advantageous to its self-interests to see the transregional pivot space once more aflame with the ravages of war, then it could conceivably make a concerted push – whether directly and publicly, or indirectly and covertly – to influence Kagame to move forward with his destructive “Tutsi Land” plans in order to have their “useful idiot” bring this about on their behalf. In fact, when considering the low-scale Rwandan asymmetrical aggression against Burundi, it can be argued that this process has already started, and that the only remaining uncertainties are the extent that Kagme wants to go and the speed with which he’s comfortable doing so.

The Congo-Burundi Connection:

To elaborate a bit on how the GLRC 2.0 could look like in practice, one needs to first start by exploring the connection that the Congolese and Burundian crises would have on one another in the humanitarian sense. The descent of Burundi into full-fledged ethnically driven chaos could prompt millions of people to leave the country, meaning that they’ll flood into Rwanda, Tanzania (which will be addressed soon enough), and the Congo. Looking at how the capital of Bujumbura and the country’s most densely populated areas are located very close to the Congolese and Rwandan borders, it’s expected that many people could flee in those directions. Rwanda is better prepared to deal with this influx and could easily shut down its borders if it chose to do so (or only admit Tutsi), though the Congo has significantly lesser capabilities in doing this and can barely exercise full administrative sovereignty in its own eastern region. Therefore, whether by choice or by necessity (e.g. Rwanda closes the border or enacts overly racist criteria for entry), Burundian refugees – both Tutsi and Hutu – could uncontrollably spill over the border into the Congo, aggravating the situation in the already volatile South Kivu province and likely pushing it past the tipping point into war.

South Kivu, like it was earlier explained, is the scene of tense relations within the Rwandan inhabitant community (an outgrowth of the Hutu-Tutsi conflict) and between that said group and the local natives. With two interconnected conflicts both centered on the Congo-inhabiting Hutus and Tutsis (most of which came from Rwanda), it makes sense to infer that an increase in Burundian Hutu and Tutsi could push the region over the edge and immediately prompt some sort of violent reaction along either of the two conflict tracks. The Hutu-Tutsi conflict could boil over into full-blown war between these communities (and possibly played out via proxy through the Tutsi-led M23 and Hutu-led FDLR) or between the locals and the new arrivals, both of which have the very real potential of producing a Rwandan military intervention under “humanitarian” pretexts, similar to what it could also end up doing in Burundi. Relatedly, this new Kivu Crisis could occur even without a large-scale breakdown in Burundi precipitating it, which in that case could lead to the Congo sparking an intensified Burundian Crisis and not the reverse. Hutus, Tutsis, or even native Congolese of whatever ethnicity they might be could flee across the Burundian border during the course of this violence, which could either aggravate the externally manufactured Hutu-Tutsi conflict in the country (which Rwanda is trying to incite) or simply cause a deterioration in state and civil services that sharply heightens the chances of a governmental collapse.

Tanzanian Trouble:

The one regional country that’s been conspicuously left out of the analysis until now has been Tanzania, and that was largely done on purpose because the next chapter will talk all about it. In concluding this present one and transitioning to the next, it’s thus appropriate to speak on how Tanzania could expectedly end up entangled in the consequences of Rwanda’s “Tutsi Land” Hybrid War. There’s no serious way that Kagame could further his “Tutsi Land” dreams in Tanzania because of the lack of demographic ‘opportunities’ to do so, ergo why it was largely ignored in the analysis up until this point, but there’s no way to avoid this country when analyzing the broader impact that a GLRC 2.0 would have. The earlier research has already familiarized the reader with the fact that Tanzania is host to two crucial Chinese-supported infrastructure projects, the Central Corridor (which is most directly relevant to this chapter) and TAZARA, and the disruption of these two transport corridors is of prime interest to the US. Granted, the US would ideally like for its Indian ally and others to also make use of them in order to ‘piggyback’ off of China’s investments, but barring the possibility that this is realized in practice in any significant way, then it can safely be assumed that the US stands to gain from anything that interferes with these initiatives and obstructs China’s power projection into Africa. The GLRC 2.0 scenario is thus the perfect asymmetrical tool for achieving this short of an actual Hybrid War in Tanzania (which is what the subsequent chapter will explore).

Tanzania isn’t any stranger to Weapons of Mass Migration, though, having dealt with this asymmetrical weapon back in the 1990s during the first Great Lakes Refugee Crisis. At that time, hundreds of thousands of refugees streamed into the country in 1994, most of which were Hutus escaping the genocidal reprisals of the advancing Tutsi-led RPF. Despite what many would have expected, Tanzania wasn’t overburdened by their arrival and was able to stably accommodate their stay in the country. This is attributed to the country having taken advance preparations in stockpiling food and supplies, as well its government’s close cooperation with NGOs and the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). By 1996, though, after the situation stabilized in Rwanda, the Tanzanian government began repatriating most of them back to their home country, which prevented an Ugandan- and Congolese-like situation from developing whereby the Rwandans would have begun to ‘take root’ and identity as ‘natives’. This could have created some serious problems in Kagera Province, the ethnically and historically complex corner of northwestern Tanzania that temporarily hosted the newcomers, but thankfully this scenario was deferred due to the government’s decisive action in returning the refugees. Rwanda was receptive to these plans because it didn’t want any Hutu militias forming in Tanzania and emulating what their Congolese predecessors had done, so it was a “win-win” arrangement for both state parties. Still, not all of the refugees were removed, and two more repatriation waves took place in 2003 and 2013, with the latter being a perfect example of how Weapons of Mass Migration function.

Tensions had rose between Rwanda and Tanzania in 2013 because of Dodoma’s decisive participation in the African Union’s multilateral deployment to the Congo against the Rwandan-supported M23 rebels. The Tanzanian authorities feared that some of the Rwandans ‘left over’ in their country might be used to destabilize it, but inversely, the repatriation of Rwandans back to their homeland also ran the risk of unsettling the situation in that country instead. To summarize Tanzania’s approach to Weapons of Mass Migration – both those that are intentionally deployed and those which inadvertently land on its territory – the government has been very proactive in dealing with such eventualities, and this explains the reason why it wasn’t engulfed with turmoil during the Great Lakes Crisis of the 1990s. There are other, more country-specific reasons as well, but those will be expounded upon in the next chapter when discussing Tanzanian identity and why the country is one of the only ones in Africa to be spared from violent civil conflict.

In the future, though, if the government is caught unprepared by a GLRC 2.0, then it might not be so successful in fending off this threat, and Dodoma might have to deploy its military either along the borders and close them and/or perhaps order its forces into the peripheral interior in order to stem off the spread of any resultant destabilization. It seems unlikely that a GLRC 2.0 would immediately jeopardize TAZARA, though the Central Corridor is a completely different story. The long-term implications of residual refugees (those that refuse to go home or evade forced repatriation) could be utterly destabilizing for Tanzania. Not only could their very presence in the country contribute to social and humanitarian problems in the borderland provinces (especially Kagera), but a mushrooming of cross-border ethnic militant groups might ensue. If this second possibility happens in any shape or form, then it would compel the authorities to respond in a bid to reassert sovereignty within their own borders. Depending on the success of the consequent operation, it could either fully snuff out the militants or only partially quell them, but the government’s approach to this might also inadvertently lead to collateral damage among the native civilian population. No matter which way one looks at it, Tanzania would prefer not to have to deal with the multitude of disadvantageous scenarios that an attack by Weapons of Mass Migration could spawn, knowing that the consequent volatility that this would inevitably produce could ripple throughout the rest of the country and seriously undermine its famed historic stability.

To be continued…

Andrew Korybko is the American political commentator currently working for the Sputnik agency. He is the author of the monograph “Hybrid Wars: The Indirect Adaptive Approach To Regime Change” (2015). This text will be included into his forthcoming book on the theory of Hybrid Warfare.


Hybrid Wars 1. The Law Of Hybrid Warfare

Hybrid Wars 2. Testing the Theory – Syria & Ukraine

Hybrid Wars 3. Predicting Next Hybrid Wars

Hybrid Wars 4. In the Greater Heartland

Hybrid Wars 5. Breaking the Balkans

Hybrid Wars 6. Trick To Containing China

Hybrid Wars 7. How The US Could Manufacture A Mess In Myanma

  • Posted in English
  • Comments Off on Hybrid Wars: Geopolitics of the Central African Highlands and the Great Lakes

A moment of world history missed by quite a few

I was in Aleppo December 10-14, 2016 and the Eastern part was finally liberated on the 12th.

Beyond any doubt, this was a world historic moment: because of Aleppo’s importance as a city in Syria and the Middle East, its status as UNESCO World Heritage site, as turning point in the soon 6 year long war in and on Syria. And because of the almost 100.000 people who came out of 4,5 years of hell-like occupation and because of the sheer proportions of the destruction.

Remarkably, there were no leading Western media present, also not those who were in Damascus and thus had a media visa. Most reported from very far away or from Beirut in neighbouring Lebanon, Istanbul or Berlin.

I happened to be the only one from Scandinavia and among the first dozen of people – mostly media people – to get into the East of the city and see the devastation and talk with the exhausted but immensely happy people.

I had the opportunity to visit the Hanano district, the old town, Ramouseh, Sheikh Saeed, the huge industrial zone Shaykh Najjar and the Jinin reception zone to which the people in need of humanitarian assistance arrived.

Old media reactions

From a normal professional media perspective, my presence there as well as my photos should, given the importance of Aleppo and its human dimensions – have attracted some interest, perhaps even been seen as a scoop. Particularly by those who had no reporter on the ground.

Well, not exactly so.

TFF’s media list counts some 4000 adresses worldwide – individuals as well as editorial offices – of which about 700 in Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland. All received a couple of messages that I would be in Syria and how to reach me.

One Danish newspaper, left-wing Arbejderen made an interview upon my return.

No other media did.

Here some examples of how the old media in Scandinavia tried to perform their little tricks. They are all respected, professional media with a record of decency – not sensational yellow press.

Danish Radio station 24/Seven

When just out of Eastern Aleppo and emotionally very touched I receive a call from Danish Radio 24/Syv telling me they want an interview about what I have seen and heard there and then. I gladly accept but when the interview takes place, the hidden agenda becomes clear.

The station has found a image on Twitter of me sitting at a restaurant in Western Aleppo with some people and then done some face recognition. Among them was the President of the Chamber of Industry Syrian Industrial Association, Fares al-Shehabi He had kindly offered us a glass of wine to celebrating – with the rest of the people – the liberation of Eastern Aleppo.

The first question had to do with how I could sit there and celebrate when the regime had regained control of the city and how I could be “with a representative of the regime.”

Answer to the first: because people in East and West celebrated their freedom from the occupation the Western-backed RIOTs, as I call them, Rebels-Insurgents-Opposition-Terrorists. Secondly, Shehabi is an MP, but independent, not a member of the Baath Party. As a businessman who has stayed, as one of few, he was a very good informer.

24/Seven’s next question was why I was with “the regime’s army.” Answer: You simply don’t get into a war zone without military protection, they take care of you and don’t want reporters and others to get hurt or killed by snipers or whoever. It was a transport to and from a place – I could freely talk with any citizens in the streets of Eastern Aleppo, no one guiding me to any persons at any point.

I tried to explain why my focus is on the underlying conflict and not the violence and that, to understand a conflict one must talk with all sides, and that I even had handed in a request to meet ministers – particularly the minister for reconciliation who is also leader of the opposition – and president al-Assad himself.

But it was lost upon the interviewer and I began to feel pretty angry: No questions was asked about the situation in Eastern Aleppo, the immense destruction or the human suffering.

His next question: Which side are you on? I asked what this had to do with my work here, guessing that he had probably never asked that to all those who support the RIOT’s various fractions or been in Syria on their sides, or gone to Washington for that matter. I told him that, with the suffering I had just witnessed, I was with the non-armed civilian 98% of the Syrian people.

Clearly, 24/Seven’s purpose was to try to place me in the stupid good-guy-bad-guy media frame and prove that I was “with the regime.” As the interview over almost 10 min had gotten quite tense due to my irritation, what was broadcast later was about two minutes, the most embarrassing passages omitted. The editors later used various selected small soundbites as point of departure for discussing, implicitly, how one-sided I was with other journalists and politicians who – surprise surprise – thought I was one-sided. I admit gladly that they did offer a half-hearted apology for the hidden agenda “that we should have told you about before the interview”… and offered me also the opportunity to participate in these later discussions but I refused to have more to do with 24/Seven.

Never again.

End of story.

Danish daily Information

Mail on December 13 from Nikolaj Houmann Mortensen: “I can see you are in Aleppo at the moment. If you can find the time and would like to, I’d like to do an interview with you about both your eyewitness story and the experience of being embedded with the Syrian state’s forces. Do you have time?

My answer: “If your point of departure is to place me as embedded with the Syrian Army, my answer is No thanks.”
That seems to have been the case. Heard no more.

End of story.

Danish newspaper Berlingske Tidende

Ole Damkjær wants to interview me about my impressions of Eastern Aleppo and continues with reference to 24/Seven – “why a peace researcher is participating in a toast on the victory” and later when I asked for an elaboration: “Your sitting there can be interpreted as if you are siding with the Syrian regime (Danish: “styre”). That is not criminal but anyhow sensational for a peace researcher. How do you explain that yourself?”

Damkjær is a decent man without a hidden agenda. He gave me his six questions in advance. One of which was how I had gotten in and my relations to the Ministry of Information. The other four were about the situation in Eastern and Western Aleppo.

I then asked him whether he had ever asked an expert or another journalist who had been to, say, Washington and Bruxelles and had reported from there – who they had been seen with or embedded with. Damkjær answered:

“No, I have not and I cannot remember a similar situation where I have interviewed a researcher about Syria after he has visited and obtained information from ‘the other party.’ ”

Mmmmm quite a revelation – as I wrote back.

We decided to do the interview from Damascus. Unfortunately I had to leave the country as my visa was not extended and told Damkjær we could make it any time after I was out of Syria. Four days later I ask what is happening with our agreement. No reply.

End of story.

Swedish daily Sydsvenska Dagbladet

Right after my Aleppo visit, write this to the general mailbox of the newspaper as well as to its political reporter, Olle Lönnaeus: “As you’ve been informed before, I’m in Syria and have just visited Eastern and Western Aleppo. What you (the newspaper) reports has rather little to do with the reality here. I am at your disposal with a less one-sided perspective.”

I also pointed out that the daily’s recommendation to its readers to donate to humanitarian aid efforts through the White Helmets (among others) was not such a brilliant idea and sent a link to my comprehensive analysis to explain.

No answer.

End of story.

The Danish Broadcasting’s “Deadline” – a daily social affairs, political program

Jonathan Kargaard writes Dec 19 that they want me in the studio in Copenhagen – “The central questions will be: To which extent can one be a neutral observer in a conflict such as that in Syria? Which sources do you find credible? What do you apply when you quote sources that describe the situation in Syria and To which extent do you have confidence in the international institutions?”

I reply that I’m willing to participate and talk about Aleppo and touch upon these – relevant – questions. Explains at length that I am not a journalist but a conflict analyst and look at other things than his questions indicate that he thinks I do and enclose this for his info. Repeat: I’m willing to do it in spite of the questions having little, if anything, to do with the situation in Syria.

Kargaard replies that the enclosed was interesting and that one could certainly talk about demonisation of both (!? – JO) parties. And then adds: “That said, it has to be pointed out that your latest updates have created a debate that, to some degree, overshadows your peace research project at the moment. Therefore, we’d like to stick to the questions I raised in my earlier mail.”

In spite of his blaming me and not 24/Seven for the said debate, I say OK and ask about honorarium and travel costs – traveling from Lund, Sweden to Denmark and spending most of an evening on this late program.

Reply: Due to what had just happened in Berlin and Istanbul program plans had been altered. But since Syria will be important also in the future, the idea of a discussion would perhaps be taken up in the new year.

It hasn’t been.

End of story.

Swedish daily Dagens Nyheter

On Facebook, Middle East correspondent Erik Ohlsson finds my posts too strong and argues that journalists often do not get a visa to Syria. I reply that I think that is true but that there were/had been people in Damascus and Aleppo earlier and that they had decided to leave right before the – predictable – liberation. Also, that some Syrians I met have often felt that no matter what they tell and show, Western journalists write whatever they please.

A participant in that thread suggests that Ohlsson could use the opportunity to interview me for Dagens Nyheter (I can add that Dagens Nyheter and Erik Ohlsson himself have basically followed the mainstream reporting. An article about Aleppo’s fall/liberation focuses on little Bana. And the daily has systematically used “regime” and “dictator” in its news articles).

End of story.

Facebook suggestions

A number of Facebook friends and followers have told me that they have written to media people, also such they know personally, and suggested they make an interview with me or use my texts and/or photos.

Kind gestures that have lead to nothing.

End of story.

Summary – framing

1) Far the majority of the media on TFF’s address list – right, middle and left – never contacted us. Neither before nor we had published my eyewitness report, analytical texts and photos which professionalism alone should have deemed fairly important and topical at that particular moment. They must believe more in Western new bureaus repetitive, their colleagues and similar narrative written up by people who sat hundreds or thousands of kilometres from Aleppo.

2) Those contacting me were not interested in the heartbreaking human suffering – and happiness after hell – neither in the destruction of a huge historic and cultural city. Instead they saw it as their task to frame me as an Assad apologist and as the peace guy who is embedded with the dictator’s military. (I was in Syria during ten days and did not conduct an interview with a single representative of the government).

3) My stories just don’t fit. Since I am physically on the government side and my focus is on underlying conflicts and the possibilities to make peace, it doesn’t fit their obsessions with war and violence reporting and the blame game. Concretely, I did not repeat all the usual stuff and the pathetic groupthink that seems to fill the air inside the news media box.

It’s called framing.

Framing is “to select some aspects of a perceived reality and make them more salient in a communicating text, in such a way as to promote a particular problem definition, causal interpretation, moral evaluation, and/or treatment recommendation” writes Robert M. Entmann in Journal of Communication 43 (4) back in 1993. Spot on. It’s nothing new.

What is new in my view is the thickness of the wall, the degree to which complex matters are reduced beyond any possible recognition – not because media consumers are that illiterate but because media people refer to the need for simplicity among their readers and viewers and thus, conveniently, feel that they don’t have to seek “complicating” information, let alone read some longer background article and certainly not a book or two. Intellectual laziness, in other words.

Another new thing is that there are no small holes in the wall. The news media world has closed all doors and windows – called self-censorship combined with preservation of good relations with media owners, the foreign policy establishment (how else to get an interview with the foreign minister?) and the ever larger orientation and truth-defining power of a handful of leading, predominantly American media. And – of course – bad old PSYOPS aimed at systematically influencing public opinion to be in favour of “our” side and hate the “others” – at best when the target group, including journalists, are not even aware of it.

And these media, particularly in NATO countries, have to operate inside a declining Empire that gets increasingly desperate and losing one war and one policy and one confidence after the other.

If you are strong and self-confident, you can allow other voices in. If you are weak as the Communist countries and their were in the 1980s you can’ tolerate such luxury.

The resistance to alternative perspectives is massive – has to be.

During the wars that ended Yugoslavia, there was also a framing: Everything was he fault of the evil Serbs and president Milosevic who – after having been used by and useful to the West until the Dayton Accords in December 1995 – suddenly in 1999 became the new Hitler of Europe, as Bill Clinton called him shortly before he bombed carve out Kosovo from Serbia as a nice little punishment for an ethnic cleansing of all Kosovo-Albanians which a) never took place and b) no plan exited for and therefore wasn’t found after the whole affair was over.

But there were plenty of loopholes; the resistance to every other type of story wasn’t massive.

Banalisation of evil in the news 

The narrative is a moralising, selective human rights-oriented reporting coupled with demonisation of one part among dozens or hundreds – and, implicitly, conveying to the political establishment (of which they are now an integral part) that they must “Do something”. And that something is military action, not diplomacy, pressure, dialogue, mediation. No, go and bomb them and He, the dictator. It’s anyhow the only language they understand. And for the high moral mission we are on – to hell with international law.

And as part of that: Omit or justify whatever crimes your own side is doing, the actions of the bad guys – who uses evil violence – always legitimise what we do – because we use good violence.

The basic problem is that there is little left of media integrity, source critique, diversity in coverage, attempt at objectivity. Why even try? You final product – article, new report and studio debate is already pre-determined. Totally predictable. And the editors have been selected carefully – no wild cats let in.

These old media know what the good guys do and why. They are therefore upset in the case Syria that the good side has been too weak – this soft Obama didn’t smash up Syria when the regime used chemical weapons “on its own people.”

Whether it did or not isn’t a problem because John Kerry said he knew that they did – and we trust him even though his country is a participant in the war, bombs and kills and has interests in the region. What the others do is anyhow much worse…or so we believe.

And since we all know – groupthink – that al-Assad is a liar and mass murderer, we repeat for 5 years that he did throw these bombs on his own. Whether empirically true or not. Reports that argue that perhaps it was more likely to have been a crime committed by our – moderate – opposition friends are surely written by someone embedded, an Assad apologist or by the Russians…

The far majority of the Western media have systematically called president al-Assad “the dictator” and the government “the regime”. These negatively loaded words do not belong in news reports – whereas you may find such jargon in editorials and debate articles. News media which has used these terms are an integral part of a war-promoting narrative or deliberate propaganda. It has nothing to do with professional journalism. But why discuss it, we all agree that that is what it’s all about.

It does not matter when you are morally superior: Contempt for the moral inferior is right. Like in Nazi Germany with the Jews. Now it’s the Muslims’ turn. al-Assad is one of them and those he doesn’t manage to kill he send up to Europe. He is certainly Evil personified

Ever heard about projection? as a part of the news media groupthink?

The old and the new media

There are those who believe the old media – the mainstream printed newspaper, TV and radio news – are fading because people prefer social media and whatever they find on the Internet. That is partly true. But it’s very convenient to focus on new technologies and economic structures as causing the soon-to-be death of the traditional media.

What is conveniently omitted is the conspicuous trend over the last 30-40 years: the old media’s decreasing quality and ignoring of classical values, norms and rules of news reporting that used to be – just such as thing that nothing should be published before two of each other independent sources had confirmed w news item.

The alternative media are booming.

They may not be better per se but I can sit on my screen and read a variety of media in the US, EU, Turkey, Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia, RIOT etc. and get a much broader understanding of what is happening whereas my national newspaper will tell me what one national news bureau may have cut-and-pasted from a single, most often Western, news agency. And I can can go to online sites, blogs and commentators, research institutes and ministries and get mainstream perspectives and alternative angles – quite fast and easily.

OK, my life gets more complicated but I can piece together my own understanding and worldview. The old media’s monopoly is gone.

Why is that so? Well it is thanks to new technologies on screens, tablets and on phones, true. But it is also that there is a much larger pool of talents to access out there. A diversity much more reflective of the world’s realities. And there is an openness, receptivity and connectivity. There is interaction.

I’ve experienced it and can truthfully report it. In a couple of weeks after my Syria mission, I’ve gained thousands of new friends and followers, likes and comments. People are happy to comment and dialogue – mostly in a good tone – and share emotions which you can’t when you sit with a non-interactive newspaper or watching prime time news.

Further – the three photo stories I have produced from Aleppo have been seen by 75.000 people worldwide and caused positive reactions and expressions of gratitude beyond my wildest expectations.

And about twenty online media from Vietnam to California and a couple of large non-Western TV channels have made interviews over Skype.

In this media war about Syria, I have experienced where the dynamics and openness lies. And it is not att BBC or the Danish and Swedish media I’ve just told you about.

Interactivity in a new key

Before the Internet and the social media one could not know how, say, a TV or radio program was made. How the program planning had changed during the process or what has, last minute, been left out. You could not call an editor and ask: How did you arrive at that particular format and content in the program last night?

Today, we can tell media users what’s behind a program and what is omitted. I’ve told you here how some media went about doing their job vis-a-vis me. I can tell you why an interview or debate did not take place – and you wouldn’t know if I didn’t tell you. That is, you would not really know how the manipulation is conducted and how you end up seeing – or not seeing – what you do.

This type of media critique I’ve exercised here is hardly appreciated in the media world. I expect no debate. Silence is a major tool in the old media.

For far too long a time experts and others have kept silent if they knew – because, naturally, they would like to be on TV and get their message out. So better not hurt anybody’s feeling, better keep quite and hope to be invited again.

That no longer applies. I myself refuse to be manipulated, framed, an extra in somebody’s staged show, etc.

With this article, I may never again be invited by the media I have revealed to some extent above. So be it. It’s OK. Here is my media policy. If it is overlapping with some of the old media’s fine. If not, I don’t bother.

I believe in diversity, democracy, dialogue and decency.

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If there was any doubt that the water crisis in Damascus was created by the Western-backed terrorists operating outside the city, the end to that crisis should now dispel the rest of that doubt. This is because the crisis is now over precisely because the Syrian military was able to retake the area.

Indeed, the Syrian military has taken back the Wadi Barada area, forcing the terrorists to leave, surrender, or die so that the experts and specialists can attend to repairing the damaged water system and begin providing clean water for the people of Damascus.

Of course, the mainstream media is doing its best to ignore this story and will likely not be reporting on the fact that it is the Syrian government which is providing the water to the people of Damascus after America’s terrorist rats cut it off nor will it mention that the Syrian government was not in control of Wadi Barada and could not have been in control of the water supply and the water treatment plant coming from that location. Thus, it could not have been the Syrian military who poisoned the water supply.

The three week long water crisis in Damascus has finally come to an end after an agreement was put in place between the government and jihadist rebels on Friday afternoon.

Following their successful military operation to seize Bassima village on Thursday, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) was able to cutoff the jihadist rebels from the Al-Fijah Springs, forcing the militants to either starve themselves out of the area or surrender.

A military source in Damascus told Al-Masdar News on Friday night that water technicians officially entered the Al-Fijah Springs after the jihadist rebels agreed to withdraw from this area.The remaining territory in Wadi Barada will remain with the jihadist rebels for now until a reconciliation agreement is put in place to surrender the area to the Syrian Arab Army and their allies in Damascus.

Shortly after the liberation of Aleppo, al-Qaeda fighters in the Barada Valley outside Damascus dumped diesel fuel into the water supply to the city on December 22. Obviously, this made the water supply impossible to consume and, on December 23, the Syrian military launched a campaign to retake the area and to restore the city’s water supply.

A number of organizations signed a letter of intimidation to the Syrian government demanding that the SAA halt its siege, saying that they would turn on the water if the SAA ceased military operations. One of the groups signing the letter was the corporate media darling known as the White Helmets.

Brandon Turbeville – article archive here – is the author of seven books, Codex Alimentarius — The End of Health Freedom7 Real ConspiraciesFive Sense Solutions and Dispatches From a Dissident, volume 1 and volume 2The Road to Damascus: The Anglo-American Assault on Syria, and The Difference it Makes: 36 Reasons Why Hillary Clinton Should Never Be President. Turbeville has published over 850 articles on a wide variety of subjects including health, economics, government corruption, and civil liberties. Brandon Turbeville’s radio show Truth on The Tracks can be found every Monday night 9 pm EST at UCYTV. His website is BrandonTurbeville.com He is available for radio and TV interviews. Please contact activistpost (at) gmail.com.


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The Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) unclassified report is more like a bad Hollywood script. The idea that the Russian government hacked the U.S. elections to get Donald Trump elected over Hillary Clinton is a ridiculous accusation by the intelligence community. During the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum in St. Petersburg, Russia last June, as reported by The Associated Press Putin said that “We will judge by the deeds, not words of the new United States president and will seek ways to normalize ties and advance our cooperation in economy and international security.” Of course, Putin does not like Hillary Clinton especially when she compared his actions against the Ukraine to “what Hitler did back in the ’30s.” But many people in the U.S. and throughout the world also do not like or trust Hillary Clinton.

In late August, The Washington Post-ABC News own opinion polls found that more than 56% had an unfavorable view of Clinton although Trump was also seen as an unfavorable choice. The American public did not buy into the mainstream-media’s (MSM) bias reporting against Trump in favor of Clinton. Sputnik News commissioned a survey by the U.K. based research firm TNS that “showed that 80 percent of Americans considered domestic media coverage of the 2016 campaign was biased toward one or the other of the major-party nominees.” This was absolutely true because when you tuned in to any of U.S. television networks whether it was the MSM, Saturday Night Live, and Late Night with Seth Meyers or The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, all were filled with pro-Hillary Clinton and anti-Donald Trump propaganda. According to Sputnik’s article ‘US Media’s Anti-Trump Bias Backfired, Propelling Upstart to the White House’ interviewed Jeff Steinberg of the Executive Intelligence Review:

“Media bias went for Hillary [Clinton] against Trump, but it had a backfire effect because the media moguls are too self-absorbed to realize how much they are hated,” Executive Intelligence Review senior editor Jeff Steinberg told Sputnik. “Media elites thought they were shaping public opinion, and they were, but in favor of Trump because anyone who the mainstream media hates is just fine with them, regardless of flaws and legitimate concerns,” Steinberg averred

Last December, a Gallup Poll revealed that trust in MSM fell to a record low 32%. The interesting part of the Gallup Poll is that trust in the MSM has been declining since 1972. The MSM and Hillary Clinton’s lies and numerous scandals cost them the elections, not the Russians. However, anti-Russia forces including Washington’s political establishment and the CIA continue to propagandize the public with no substantial proof in the ODNI report that Russia hacked the U.S. elections. Zero Hedge reported a story titled ‘Russians Mock, Ridicule Charge They Helped Trump Win’ said that Russian politicians and commentators were mocking the accusations made by Washington and their intelligence apparatus:

Some examples: Alexey Pushkov, a member of the defense and security committee of the Russian Parliament’s upper house, ridiculed the American report as comparable to C.I.A. assertions that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction: “Mountain gave birth to a mouse: all accusations against Russia are based on ‘confidence’ and assumptions. US was sure about Hussein possessing WMD in the same way.” He continued his criticism on Twitter, adding that “the U.S. democratic process was undermined not by Russia, but by the Obama administration and mass media, which supported [Hillary] Clinton over [President-elect Donald] Trump”

One question that lingers in my mind, does Putin actually trust President-elect Donald Trump that much that he would actually jeopardize Russia‘s standing on the international stage by hacking the U.S. elections just to get Trump elected? It is an absurd accusation. Even the MSM’s main propaganda mouthpiece, The New York Times admitted that there was no evidence that the ODNI’s unclassified report which stated with “high confidence” that Putin had “ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the US presidential election.” The New York Times stated the following:

The report provides no new evidence to support assertions that Moscow meddled covertly through hacking and other actions to boost the electoral chances of Donald J. Trump and undermine his rival, Hillary Clinton, but rests instead on what it describes as Moscow’s long record of trying to influence America’s political system

Russia will deal with any incoming U.S. President. Putin did say that they will judge by the “deeds, not words” of the next incoming U.S. president. US-Russia relations could turn out for the better or for worst with a Trump administration. We just don’t know.

The Democratic Party blames Russia for their loss but one major factor is the release of the Wikileaks emails that showed how the Democratic National Convention (DNC) favored Clinton over Bernie Sanders in the Democratic primaries. The DNC rigged the primaries in favor of Clinton which angered Bernie Sanders supporters who went on to either vote for a third party candidate or even Donald Trump in retaliation. Hillary Clinton is also a pathological liar which the public took notice over the years. Remember when Clinton was “under sniper fire in Bosnia in the 1990’s?”

Here is a video on Hillary’s lies about her trip to Bosnia:

How can anyone trust a pathological liar like Hillary Clinton? The public’s distrust of Hillary Clinton is the main reason why she lost the elections not because of alleged Russian hacking scam which could have been done by anyone. Julian Assange also made it clear on The Sean Hannity Show on Fox News on the leaked emails from the DNC’s computer servers and from Clinton’s Campaign Chairman John Podesta when he said that “our sources [in this] are not a state party [such as Russia or any other government].”

The Democratic Party along with a number of anti-Russia Republicans including Senator John McCain want to escalate tensions with Russia. Why? Washington’s establishment and the intelligence community are trying to link Trump with the Russian government in an effort to remove him from power through an impeachment process. There is also the Military-Industrial Complex who needs enemies to stay in business which many in the Washington establishment have vested interests in since Russia is a perfect excuse to produce more weapons for profits. Whatever the case is, Russia hacking the U.S. elections to get Trump elected is a fabricated lie. Besides who believes the intelligence community with their “Weapons of Mass Destruction” lies in Iraq or ‘Operation Mockingbird’, a CIA operation to influence the MSM to report fabricated stories for Washington’s Imperial agenda.

Blaming Russia for Hillary Clinton’s loss to Donald Trump serves a purpose and that is an attempt to overthrow Trump by linking him to Russia one way or another.

The DNC, certain members of the Republican Party, Hillary Clinton and the intelligence community’s fabricated report on the Russians hacking the U.S. elections has failed just like a bad Hollywood movie flopping at the box office.

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In his confirmation hearing, secretary of state designee Rex Tillerson provocatively told Senate Foreign Relations Committee members  “(w)e are going to have to send China a clear signal that, first, the island-building stops and second, your access to those islands also is not going to be allowed.”

He accused China of “declaring control of territories …not rightfully” its own. He called Russia “danger(ous),” saying “(o)ur allies are right to be alarmed at a resurgent Russia.”

Asked if he thinks Putin is a war criminal, he said “(t)hose are very very serious charges to make, and I would want to have much more information before reaching a conclusion.”

Commenting on NATO, he called its mandate to defend alliance members if attacked “inviolable.” He urged “open and frank dialogue” with Russia on issues of mutual concern. He stopped short of indicating what US foreign policy will be under Trump.

Secretary of Defense designee James (“mad dog”) Mattis told Senate Armed Services Committee members that Beijing’s activities in the South China Sea threaten the global order. “The bottom line is that international waters are international waters, and we have got to figure out how do we deal with holding on to the kind of rules that we have made over many years that led to the prosperity for many nations, not just for ours,” he said, adding:

I think (the world order)is under the biggest attack since world war two…and that is from Russia, from terrorist groups, and with what China is doing in the South China Sea.

Blocking Chinese access to its own territory, along with its right to develop it and operate there as it wishes is a prescription for direct confrontation – disturbing talk hopefully Trump won’t tolerate.

China’s reaction was muted in light of Obama’s tenure near ending, Trump’s yet to begin, waiting to assess his geopolitical agenda once it becomes apparent.

Beijing’s ambassador to America Cui Tiankai said his government looks forward to “more robust, stable and fruitful” ties with Washington. “I hope both sides will work together for…mutual respect and cooperation for win-win Sino-US relations. I also hope all people can work for it constructively.”

Hopefully Trump will abandon irresponsible claims about “Russia aggression.” None exists – not now or earlier. Accusations otherwise are Big Lies.

Washington has no right to meddle in a part of the world not its own. China’s Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying earlier said America should avoid “risky and provocative approaches to maintain regional peace and stability.”

She stressed China will defend its territorial sovereignty if threatened. Unauthorized intrusions will be challenged.

On January 13, China’s state-owned Global Times said “(u)nless Washington plans to wage a large-scale war in the South China Sea, any other approaches to prevent Chinese access to the islands will be foolish.”

The US has no absolute power to dominate the South China Sea. Tillerson (and Mattis) had better bone up on nuclear power strategies if (they want) to force a big nuclear power to withdraw from its own territories.

Trump is under enormous pressure to maintain adversarial relations with Russia along with advancing Obama’s Asia pivot confrontationally with China.

World peace depends on him going another way. Is he strong-willed enough to do it? We’ll begin learning his geopolitical policies once they begin to unfold.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com

Listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network.


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In his confirmation hearing, secretary of state designee Rex Tillerson provocatively told Senate Foreign Relations Committee members  “(w)e are going to have to send China a clear signal that, first, the island-building stops and second, your access to those islands also is not going to be allowed.”

He accused China of “declaring control of territories …not rightfully” its own. He called Russia “danger(ous),” saying “(o)ur allies are right to be alarmed at a resurgent Russia.”

Asked if he thinks Putin is a war criminal, he said “(t)hose are very very serious charges to make, and I would want to have much more information before reaching a conclusion.”

Commenting on NATO, he called its mandate to defend alliance members if attacked “inviolable.” He urged “open and frank dialogue” with Russia on issues of mutual concern. He stopped short of indicating what US foreign policy will be under Trump.

Secretary of Defense designee James (“mad dog”) Mattis told Senate Armed Services Committee members that Beijing’s activities in the South China Sea threaten the global order. “The bottom line is that international waters are international waters, and we have got to figure out how do we deal with holding on to the kind of rules that we have made over many years that led to the prosperity for many nations, not just for ours,” he said, adding:

I think (the world order)is under the biggest attack since world war two…and that is from Russia, from terrorist groups, and with what China is doing in the South China Sea.

Blocking Chinese access to its own territory, along with its right to develop it and operate there as it wishes is a prescription for direct confrontation – disturbing talk hopefully Trump won’t tolerate.

China’s reaction was muted in light of Obama’s tenure near ending, Trump’s yet to begin, waiting to assess his geopolitical agenda once it becomes apparent.

Beijing’s ambassador to America Cui Tiankai said his government looks forward to “more robust, stable and fruitful” ties with Washington. “I hope both sides will work together for…mutual respect and cooperation for win-win Sino-US relations. I also hope all people can work for it constructively.”

Hopefully Trump will abandon irresponsible claims about “Russia aggression.” None exists – not now or earlier. Accusations otherwise are Big Lies.

Washington has no right to meddle in a part of the world not its own. China’s Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying earlier said America should avoid “risky and provocative approaches to maintain regional peace and stability.”

She stressed China will defend its territorial sovereignty if threatened. Unauthorized intrusions will be challenged.

On January 13, China’s state-owned Global Times said “(u)nless Washington plans to wage a large-scale war in the South China Sea, any other approaches to prevent Chinese access to the islands will be foolish.”

The US has no absolute power to dominate the South China Sea. Tillerson (and Mattis) had better bone up on nuclear power strategies if (they want) to force a big nuclear power to withdraw from its own territories.

Trump is under enormous pressure to maintain adversarial relations with Russia along with advancing Obama’s Asia pivot confrontationally with China.

World peace depends on him going another way. Is he strong-willed enough to do it? We’ll begin learning his geopolitical policies once they begin to unfold.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com

Listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network.


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It did not take long before we knew there was no hope of change from President Obama. But at least he went into his inauguration with an unprecedented number of Americans on the Mall showing their support for the President of Change. Hope was abundant.

But with Trump, we are already losing faith, if not yet with him, at least with his choice of those who comprise his government even before Trump is inaugurated.

Trump’s choice for Secretary of State not only sounds like the neoconservatives in declaring Russia to be a threat to the United States and all of Europe, but also sounds like Hillary Clinton in declaring the South China Sea to be an area of US dominance. One would think that the chaiman of Exxon was not an idiot, but I am no longer sure. In his confirmation hearing, Rex Tillerson said that China’s access to its own South China Sea is “not going to be allowed.”

Here is Tillerson’s statement: “We’re going to have to send China a clear signal that first, the island-building stops, and second, your access to those islands also not going to be allowed.”

I mean, really, what is Tillerson going to do about it except get the world blown up. China’s response was as pointed as a response can be:

Tillerson “should not be misled into thinking that Beijing will be fearful of threats. If Trump’s diplomatic team shapes future Sino-US ties as it is doing now, the two sides had better prepare for a military clash. Tillerson had better bone up on nuclear power stategies if he wants to force a big nuclear power to withdraw from its own territories.”

So Trump is not even inauguarated and his idiot nominee for Secretary of State has already created an animosity relationship with two nuclear powers capable of completely destroying all of the West for enternity. And this makes the US Senate comfortable with Tillerson. The imbeciles should be scared out of their wits, assuming they have any.

One of the reasons that Russia rescued Syria from Washington’s overthrow is that Russia understood that Washington’s next target would be Iran and from a destroyed Iran terrorism would be exported into the Russian Federation. There is an axis of countries threatened by US supported terrorism—Syria, Iran, Russia, China.

Trump says he wants to normalize relations with Russia and to open up business opportunities in the place of conflict. But to normalize relations with Russia requires also normalizing relations with Iran and China.

Judging from their public statements, Trump’s announced government has targeted Iran for destabilization. Trump’s appointees as National Security Advisor, Secretary of Defense, and Director of the CIA all regard Iran incorrectly as a terrorist state that must be overthrown.

But Russia cannot allow Washington to ovethrow the stable government in Iran and will not allow it. China’s investments in Iranian oil imply that China also will not permit Washington’s overthrow of Iran. China has already suffered from its lost investments in Libyan oil as the result of the Obama regimes overthrow of the Libyan government.

Realistically speaking, it looks like the Trump Presidency is already defeated by his own appointees independently of the ridiculous and completely unbelievable propaganda put out by the CIA and broadcast by the presstitute media in the US, UK, and Europe. The New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, and BBC have lowered themselves below the National Enquirer.

Possibly, as I wrote earlier today, these statements from Trump’s appointees are nothing but what is required to be confirmed and are not operational in any sense. However, it is possible to stand up to the bastards in confirmation hearings. I stood up in my confirming hearing, and the embarrassed Democrats requested that the entire hearing be deleted from the record.

If the Chairman of Exxon and a Lt. General are not capable of standing up to the imbecillic Congress, they are unfit for office. That they did not stand up is an indication that they lack the strength that Trump needs if he is to bring change from the top.

If Trump is unable to change US foreign policy, thermo-nuclear war and the destruction of Earth are inevitable.

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments. His internet columns have attracted a worldwide following. Roberts’ latest books are The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism and Economic Dissolution of the WestHow America Was Lost, and The Neoconservative Threat to World Order.
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It did not take long before we knew there was no hope of change from President Obama. But at least he went into his inauguration with an unprecedented number of Americans on the Mall showing their support for the President of Change. Hope was abundant.

But with Trump, we are already losing faith, if not yet with him, at least with his choice of those who comprise his government even before Trump is inaugurated.

Trump’s choice for Secretary of State not only sounds like the neoconservatives in declaring Russia to be a threat to the United States and all of Europe, but also sounds like Hillary Clinton in declaring the South China Sea to be an area of US dominance. One would think that the chaiman of Exxon was not an idiot, but I am no longer sure. In his confirmation hearing, Rex Tillerson said that China’s access to its own South China Sea is “not going to be allowed.”

Here is Tillerson’s statement: “We’re going to have to send China a clear signal that first, the island-building stops, and second, your access to those islands also not going to be allowed.”

I mean, really, what is Tillerson going to do about it except get the world blown up. China’s response was as pointed as a response can be:

Tillerson “should not be misled into thinking that Beijing will be fearful of threats. If Trump’s diplomatic team shapes future Sino-US ties as it is doing now, the two sides had better prepare for a military clash. Tillerson had better bone up on nuclear power stategies if he wants to force a big nuclear power to withdraw from its own territories.”

So Trump is not even inauguarated and his idiot nominee for Secretary of State has already created an animosity relationship with two nuclear powers capable of completely destroying all of the West for enternity. And this makes the US Senate comfortable with Tillerson. The imbeciles should be scared out of their wits, assuming they have any.

One of the reasons that Russia rescued Syria from Washington’s overthrow is that Russia understood that Washington’s next target would be Iran and from a destroyed Iran terrorism would be exported into the Russian Federation. There is an axis of countries threatened by US supported terrorism—Syria, Iran, Russia, China.

Trump says he wants to normalize relations with Russia and to open up business opportunities in the place of conflict. But to normalize relations with Russia requires also normalizing relations with Iran and China.

Judging from their public statements, Trump’s announced government has targeted Iran for destabilization. Trump’s appointees as National Security Advisor, Secretary of Defense, and Director of the CIA all regard Iran incorrectly as a terrorist state that must be overthrown.

But Russia cannot allow Washington to ovethrow the stable government in Iran and will not allow it. China’s investments in Iranian oil imply that China also will not permit Washington’s overthrow of Iran. China has already suffered from its lost investments in Libyan oil as the result of the Obama regimes overthrow of the Libyan government.

Realistically speaking, it looks like the Trump Presidency is already defeated by his own appointees independently of the ridiculous and completely unbelievable propaganda put out by the CIA and broadcast by the presstitute media in the US, UK, and Europe. The New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, and BBC have lowered themselves below the National Enquirer.

Possibly, as I wrote earlier today, these statements from Trump’s appointees are nothing but what is required to be confirmed and are not operational in any sense. However, it is possible to stand up to the bastards in confirmation hearings. I stood up in my confirming hearing, and the embarrassed Democrats requested that the entire hearing be deleted from the record.

If the Chairman of Exxon and a Lt. General are not capable of standing up to the imbecillic Congress, they are unfit for office. That they did not stand up is an indication that they lack the strength that Trump needs if he is to bring change from the top.

If Trump is unable to change US foreign policy, thermo-nuclear war and the destruction of Earth are inevitable.

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments. His internet columns have attracted a worldwide following. Roberts’ latest books are The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism and Economic Dissolution of the WestHow America Was Lost, and The Neoconservative Threat to World Order.
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Having learned previously both the identity of the former British intelligence officer who compiled the “Trump dossier”, revealed by the WSJ earlier this week as former MI-6 staffer Christopher Steele, currently director of London-based Orbis Business Intelligence, and that John McCain was the person who delivered the report to the FBI, one question remained: who commissioned the original report meant to uncover a material,i.e., campaign-ending, weakness in Donald Trump’s past.

We now have an answer, or least a partial one. But first, a brief detour into just how Steele allegedly went about compiling his data.

In a report in Mother Jones, David Corn, who first broke the story that a former Western counterintelligence official had sent memos to the FBI with troubling allegations related to Donald Trump, writes about Steele’s experience shortly after being retained in June by a “private research firm” to look into Trump’s activity in Europe and Russia.  Steele recalls that “It started off as a fairly general inquiry.” One question for him, he said, was, “Are there business ties in Russia?”

Corn then writes that the former intelligence official went to work and contacted his network of sources in Russia and elsewhere.

 He soon received what he called “hair-raising” information. His sources told him, he said, that Trump had been “sexually compromised” by Russian intelligence in 2013 (when Trump was in Moscow for the Miss Universe contest) or earlier and that there was an “established exchange of information between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin of mutual benefit.” He noted he was “shocked” by these allegations. By the end of June, he was sending reports of what he was finding to the American firm.

The former spy said he soon decided the information he was receiving was “sufficiently serious” for him to forward it to contacts he had at the FBI. He did this, he said, without permission from the American firm that had hired him. “This was an extraordinary situation,” he remarked.

Corn writes that the FBI’s response to Steele’s information, was “shock and horror.”

 After a few weeks, the bureau asked him for information on his sources and their reliability and on how he had obtained his reports. He was also asked to continue to send copies of his subsequent reports to the bureau. These reports were not written, he noted, as finished work products; they were updates on what he was learning from his various sources. But he said, “My track record as a professional is second to no one.”

Perhaps, although it does not explain either why the FBI took no action when presented with this “hair-raising”, “shocking” information, despite his “track record as second to none”, nor why McCain had possession of the document, and then also supposedly handed it off to the FBI. Steele told Corn that  he “believed this material was important, and he was unsure how the FBI was handling it. Certainly, there had been no public signs that the FBI was investigating these allegations. (The FBI at the time refused to tell me if it had received the memos or if it was examining the allegations.)

Maybe the reason why the FBI had taken no action is because they knew data was fake, and that Steele himself was the subject of a hoax, one either perpetrated by 4Chan as the message board has claimed, or he was the victim of a counter-disinformation campaign by Russian “sources” (yes, Russian spies don’t always tell the truth to UK spies) who meant to discredit Steele by providing him with purposefully wrong material.

Corn then tries to further validate the credibility of his source: “A senior US administration official told me that he had worked with the onetime spook and that the former spy had an established and respected track record of providing US government agencies with accurate and valuable information about sensitive national security matters. “He is a credible source who has provided information to the US government for a long time, which senior officials have found to be highly credible,” this US official said.” Yet he himself also admits that “I also was able to review the memos the former spy had written, and I quoted a few key portions in my article. I did not report the specific allegations—especially the lurid allegations about Trump’s personal behavior—because they could not be confirmed.”

So if the actual underlying allegations – the very basis of the report – could not be confirmed, what if any was the story? This is how Corn spins it:

The newsworthy story at this point was that a credible intelligence official had provided information to the FBI alleging Moscow had tried to cultivate and compromise a presidential candidate. And the issue at hand—at a time when the FBI was publicly disclosing information about its investigation of Hillary Clinton’s handling of her email at the State Department—was whether the FBI had thoroughly investigated these allegations related to Russia and Trump. I also didn’t post the memos, as BuzzFeed did this week, because the documents contained information about the former spy’s sources that could place these people at risk.

That’s not the end of it: now that his identity has been revealed, there is little downside to pushing forward, and Steele now says that “these allegations deserved a “substantial inquiry” within the FBI. Yet so far, the FBI has not yet said whether such an investigation has been conducted. As the former spy said to me, “The story has to come out.

Of course, the implied allegation is that Trump, was not only controlled by Putin due to the “kompromat” the Russian secret services had on him, but was also being protected by the FBI, which withheld this “shocking” report from the public.

There is just one problem. Others had it too… and here we go back to the original question: who commissioned the anti-Trump report in the first place?

Curiously, according to Steele, this spy whose “track record is second to none”, has no idea. Says Corn, “the former spy said he was never told the identity of the client.

Well, that’s not exactly true. He does know that the private research firm from the US “was conducting a Trump opposition research project that was first financed by a Republican source until the funding switched to a Democratic one.

In other words, while Steele didn’t know the identity of the actual source of funds, he did know their ideological leanings.

However, someone who did seem to know the identity emerged on Wednesday, when BBC News’ Paul Wood reported that “the opposition research firm that commissioned the report had worked first for a superpac – political action committee – supporting Jeb Bush during the Republican primaries.”


The interview in which the Jed Bush connection emerged, was the following, in which Ted Malloch, a Trump insider, said the following:

Let me tell you what the British intelligence told me this morning. [Christopher Steele] was also an FBI asset at one point in time so he has an intelligence background, but he was paid for people that were working for Jeb Bush in order to discredit him. The democrats took over the contract. He kept adding to the dossier and using information given to him by the FSB in Russia, most of it fabricated, the more he put into the dossier, the more he got paid. So e made a sensationalist dossier, as fat as possible just like your lawyer charges you more billable hours in order to get paid more.



Almost as soon as the BBC report and interview hit, Charlie Spies, an attorney for Right to Rise USA, which had supported Bush’s presidential candidacy, disputed it. “Right to Rise categorically denies the BBC reporter’s made up report and will be demanding that he retract the made up allegation,” Spies told TPM. “Other than enjoying James Bond movies, the PAC had nothing to do with British Intelligence officers.” He also proceeded with a rejection on Twitter.


The head of the PAC, Mike Murphy, also tweeted a denial:


Naturally, good luck proving either side of the allegations.

As the WSJ explained in its initial report, “no presidential campaigns or super PACs reported payments to Orbis in their required Federal Election Commission filings. But several super PACs over the course of the campaign reported that they paid limited liability companies, whose ultimate owners may be difficult or impossible to discern.”

Just as was intended, and surely no self-respecting spy would allow a SuperPac to pay him directly… or for that matter publicly.

So where do we stand now?

After a series of back and forths, Jeb Bush has been accused of funding the report, with his own SuperPAC immediately denying it, as it would of course, since there is no definitive evidence (yet?) of Bush’s involvement.

However, courtesy of Corn’s report, who is writing on behalf of Steele, we do know without dispute, that “the American firm was conducting a Trump opposition research project that was first financed by a Republican source until the funding switched to a Democratic one.

And all this happened after a British spy was being worked by the FSB, who provided him with fake intel, including the glorious Golden Shower scene (hopefully the impact of 4Chan will eventually emerge somewhere here) to stuff the report, and ask for even more cash from his client; a report which was so incredibly not even the FBI could do anything with it.

Could the Republican source have been Jeb Bush? Certainly: after all, the Republican funding stopped at one point – perhaps when Jeb dropped out of the primary – only to be replaced with a Democrat source. Incidentally, we also have very good sense of who the “Democratic source” funding Steele’s research may have been.

We are confident we will know more soon. After all, none other than Trump earlier today promised his own Russia hacking report in 90 days when he lashed out at “sleazebag” Democrats and Republicans.



But the real point here is not who is behind it, but who had this report before it was finally released by Buzzfeed on Monday. And according to the latest information, not only the FBI, but also at least one Republican and one Democrat source had it. And yet nobody went public with it to “crush” the Trump campaign; instead the best “compromising” thing that could be dug up was the tape of Trump “grabbing women by the pussy.”

It goes without saying that if there was indeed some Trump-crushing fact in the report, it would have emerged long ago, and if not by the FBI, then certainly by Trump’s immediate competitors, both Republican and Democrat… unless they too were “compromised” by Russia.

Which is why, no matter how this story ends, it should be clear by now that nothing contained in the “Trump report” was in any way actionable, or else it would have seen the light of day long ago.

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In its publicly announced regime change war against Syria, Canada is a strong supporter of externally supported and orchestrated terrorism and destabilization on the non-belligerent, pluralist country led by President al Assad’s secular, democratically elected government.

Destabilization, as defined by former CIA agent John Stockwell, looks like this:

They pick a government. They target them.

They send the CIA in with its resources and its activists: hiring people, hiring agents to tear apart the social and economic fabric of the country.

It’s a technique for putting pressure on the government, hoping they can make the government come to the U.S.’s terms, or that the government will collapse altogether and they can engineer a coup d’etat, and have the thing wind up with their own choice of people in power.

Now ripping apart the economic and social fabric is fairly textbookish. What we’re talking about is going in and deliberately creating conditions where the farmer can’t get his produce to market; where children can’t go to school; where women are terrified inside their homes as well as outside; where government administered programs grind to a complete halt; where the hospitals are treating wounded people instead of sick people; where international capital is scared away and the country goes bankrupt.

The illegal sanctions that Canada, the West, apartheid Israel, and their Wahhabi allies are imposing on Syria and Syrians serve to “destabilize” the country and to foster the growth of the West’s allies who are not subject to sanctions and who benefit from destabilization.  The West’s allies in Syria include all of the terrorists, regardless of their nom du jour. Destabilization is terrorism.

Attacking infrastructure is also a Western specialty in the West’s illegal war against Syria, and it is part of the destabilization program.  For years now, the West and its allies have been criminally attacking bridges, schools, hospitals, thermal plants, factories, water plants, public utilities, civilians, and soldiers.

Targeted killings are also a specialty of the West.  For example, when Syria’s Minister of National  Reconciliation, Dr. Ali Haidar, refused Qatar’s bribes, terrorists murdered his son. Likewise, terrorists murdered the Grand Mufti’s, (Dr. Ahmad Badreddin Hassoun) son.

Needless to say, war crimes are the unstated policies of the West.

Now that Aleppo has been liberated, horror stories are unfolding regularly.  Syrian Afraa Dagher reported this testimony from a recently freed citizen of East Aleppo:

They imposed al sharia on us.  They were starving us, and if one stole a loaf of bread to eat, his hand was cut off.  For women, we were not allowed to marry from our own men, from our own people, our own choices.  We were told we had to marry them. 

They said it is not allowed to let women to marry those who are pro-government, because they let women put on make up and work, and let women outside without covering faces.  And this is taboo!  Such women should be beheaded.  And what kind of marriage to such terrorists would this be?  It is just to please the man for one hour. 

They will leave and send you to ‘sex jihad’!  This happened to my friends.  And they took   our kids to join them, too.  It has been two years I have not seen my son. They stole him.  Al Nusra Front did that.  Women who refused to obey them were tortured…beheaded and put into cars carrying their severed heads, driving around the city as lessons to other women.

They starved us and stole our homes and stole everything in our homes.

They killed my husband.  They took his body to Turkey and later sent his dead body back to me, without his organs.  I saw how they stitched up his body.

Everything is taboo and forbidden.  I was burnt by a gas tank, but no doctor would treat me.  Science is taboo.  I ran into a doctor I know and asked for help, but he refused to treat me, saying under the new rules it is taboo to see a woman’s body. 

After my mother and I were released from prison, I asked to be taken to a hospital in Turkey, but they refused.

I am 21 years old.  Look at my hands.  I was refused medical treatment. I lost my looks.  Who would marry me now?

Note the mainstream media non-stop talking about Russian and Syrian strikes against hospitals in eastern Aleppo!  Damn, which hospital is this, with such ‘sharia’?  No hospitals.  No healthcare.  No schools, either.  The terrorists dictated that it was forbidden for children to join schools…all of such facilities were turned into centers for these terrorists and their weapons.

All of these Western-generated depravities, and much more, are a direct result of the West’s support for terrorism and destabilization in Syria, and yet Western governments and MSM  fake news have successfully brainwashed captive western audiences to the point where they believe the criminal war lies.  Canadians, for example, are led to believe that they have a progressive government, when in fact they have a government whose foreign policy is entirely degenerate.

The testimony above – corroborated by countless other testimonies, and well-documented open-source information — as well as an accumulation of additional evidence, demonstrates that our government willfully supports war crimes as policy, and that it supports terrorism, misogyny, torture and genocide.

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En días recientes, Israel ha hecho saber que no asistirá a la Conferencia Internacional sobre la Paz en Oriente Medio convocada por Francia, a realizarse este próximo domingo 15 de enero (ver notade prensa). Según su Primer Ministro, se trata de una verdadera “impostura” (ver nota de prensa francesa).

Esta cita en la capital gala se da a pocos días de que asuma como Presidente sus nuevas funciones Donald Trump en Estados Unidos: com bien se sabe, Donald Trump propuso, entre otras cosas, trasladar de Tel Aviv a Jerusalén la Embajada de Estados Unidos (ver sobre este punto el análisis publicado recientemente en Foreign Policy titulado “Want a third Intifada ? Go ahead and move the US Embassy to Jerusalem“). En un discurso del 6 de enero del 2017 de las máximas autoridades palestinas (ver nota de prensa), se califica este eventual traslado de la embajada norteamericana como una verdadera “línea roja”.

La sociedad civil israelí se ha mantenido muy activa, pese a no contar con los medios de difusión para dar a conocer su posición sobre esta conferencia. En una de las pocas notas de prensa (ver nota de Ynetnews), se lee que 1200 ciudadanos israelíes (entre los cuales intelectuales de renombre, ex embajadores y Premios Nobel israelíes) remitieron una carta colectiva (ver texto completo) a la embajada de Francia en Israel:

Meanwhile, over 1,200 Israelis—amongst them public figures and former diplomats—went to the French Embassy in Tel Aviv to give a letter calling on the peace conference to announce the declaration of a Palestinian state. Amongst those in attendance were Nobel laureate Daniel Kahneman, Former Israeli Attorney General Michael Ben Ari, five former ambassadors, Israel Prize winners, academics, and others. “We are sorry that we had to take this initiative,” said the document given to the French Embassy. “The current Israeli government has decided not only to boycott the conference, but has also spewed unsubstantiated hate speech towards the French government. All we can do, as Israeli citizens who care deeply about the future of their nation, is to do that which private citizens are able to do in such a situation“.

Se lee en la misiva que, para sus firmantes, “We consider all Israeli settlements on Palestinian territory to be a violation of international law and regard them as a major impediment to peace. We therefore urge the conference to call for an international policy of differentiation between the State of Israel and the occupied territories in any agreements with Israel We urge the conference to call for the acceptance of Palestine as a full member of the United Nations, thus creating a more balanced basis for Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations“.

Es de notar que una carta colectiva de diciembre del 2014 recogió más de 800 firmas de renombrados intelectuales israelíes, incluyendo a científicos, artistas y a varios premios Nobel: en aquella ocasión, solicitaban a las instancias de la Unión Europea (UE) el reconocimiento formal de Palestina como Estado (ver  nota de Haaretz).

Para Francia y para el resto de la comunidad internacional, se trata de un nuevo esfuerzo diplomático al que están convocados más de 70 Estados (ver nota de prensa), en aras de relanzar el proceso de paz entre Palestina e Israel. Inicialmente, una primera conferencia en París tuvo lugar a finales de mayo del 2016 (ver nota de prensa y esta otra sobre sus resultados). Cabe precisar que la convocatoria para el mes de diciembre del 2016 de una segunda reunión fue aplazada, ante la negativa de Israel (ver nota de The Times of Israel). El 22 de diciembre del 2016, Francia anunció oficialmente, mediante el jefe de su diplomacia, la fecha del 15 de enero para esta reunión (ver nota de prensa). Esta nueva convocatoria se da a menos de un mes de la adopción de una histórica resolución por parte del Consejo de Seguridad de Naciones Unidas, el pasado 23 de diciembre del 2016, pese a las gestiones personales de Donal Trump para que no se adoptara (véase respecto a la resolución 2334 nuestra notapublicada en el sitio jurídico Eljurista el 11/01/2017).

Foto extraída de artículo de prensa de Le Monde

Es muy probable que la actitud desafiante de Israel desde el 23 de diciembre, que se verifica con este nuevo anuncio de no participar, obligue al Consejo de Seguridad de Naciones Unidas a un nuevo ejercicio, y ello antes del 20 de enero del 2017 (fecha en que asume oficialmente sus nuevas funciones el Presidente electo Donald Trump). Por otra parte, es innegable que para Israel, al no haber logrado ganar unos pocos días que separan el 15 del 20 de enero, torpedear este nuevo esfuerzo de Francia y de la comunidad internacional se ha convertido en una verdadera prioridad.

Nicolas Boeglin


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Selected Articles: US-NATO Threaten Russia with Global Warfare

January 13th, 2017 by Global Research News


Reflections on a Post Election Soft Coup: “Fake News”, CIA Intervention, US-NATO Militarization on Russia’s Doorstep

By Renee Parsons, January 13 2017

The entire episode of the Russian-Hack-Influenced-the-US-Elections campaign,  initiated by the Obama White House and referred to by President elect Donald Trump as a ‘witch hunt”,  continues to be confounding to much of the American public with some of these concerns: to what extent has the CIA intervened in the Clinton-Trump post-election results just as it has over the years in the elections of so many other countries; and whether the unfounded allegations and intervention have created a climate threatening to the Constitutional order of presidential succession.

usa tank

After Tanks the Boots: Thousands of US Troops Touch Ground in Europe on Way to Russian Frontier

By Mark Nicholas, January 13 2017

A US armored brigade (3rd Armored Brigade, 4th Infantry Division) is on the move to Russia’s Baltic border. After its equipment begun arriving in Europe last week so now have its soldiers. The move is so big it will require 37 trains and over one thousand rail cars to transport from Germany to Poland. A US armored brigade fields over 400 tracked and over 1300 wheeled vehicles including 80 62-ton Abrams tanks, 140 Bradley armored fighting vehicles and 400 humvees.


Dangerous Crossroads: Trump’s Defense Nominee General James “Mad Dog” Mattis Outlines Plans for Global War

By Tom Eley, January 13 2017

General James “Mad Dog” Mattis, President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee for Secretary of Defense, used his confirmation hearing before the Senate Armed Services Committee on Thursday to outline an aggressive war policy, designate Russia and China as enemies and call for a dramatic expansion of military spending, including the “modernization” of nuclear weapons and expansion of cyberwarfare.


Canada’s New Foreign Policy: Trudeau Strengthens His Hard Line against Russia?

By Jim Miles, January 13 2017

The CBC today (Tuesday, January  10, 2016) presented the news concerning Chrystia Freeland’s new appointment as Foreign Affairs Minister for Canada’s Trudeau government, noting mainly that she was on the sanctions list from Russia. The announcer also noted that she is of Ukrainian background and is very opposed to Russia’s supposed actions in Ukraine.


Unconvincing Forgery, The Alleged Donald Trump “Manchurian Candidate”: The Steele Dossier or the Hitler Diaries Mark II

By Craig Murray, January 13 2017

The mainstream media’s extreme enthusiasm for the Hitler Diaries shows their rush to embrace any forgery if it is big and astonishing enough. For the Guardian to lead with such an obvious forgery as the Trump “commercial intelligence reports” is the final evidence of the demise of that newspaper’s journalistic values. We are now told that the reports were written by Mr Christopher Steele, an ex-MI6 man, for Orbis Business Intelligence. Here are a short list of six impossible things we are asked to believe before breakfast…

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Morning breakfast news on the BBC’s Radio Four on Friday was a delightful affair filled with discussions on Russia (when do we not talk about that busy, stirring Bear these days?), Donald Trump, dossiers and the intelligence fraternity. Did it even matter that various sources have been unverified, subject matter lumped together in cumbersome conversations on fake news, sexual frolics and the like?

Discussants on the Beeb who kept listeners company over coffee included former, recently confessed spook Frederick Forsyth, for years the go-to creator of the spy narrative, and the official intelligence historian Sir Christopher Andrew.

For Forsyth, the allegations outlined by former British spy Christopher Steele that Trump found himself in prancing company with Russian hookers, dubious real estate deals targeted as bribes and a treasonous coordination with the Russian intelligence services to defeat Hillary Clinton, beggared belief. Trump was hardly that much of a buffoon, surely.

On Wednesday night, the US director of national intelligence, James R. Clapper Jr., issued a statement in the aftermath of a conversation with Trump on the Steele dossier, suggesting that the agencies had “not made any judgment that the information in this document is reliable.” Naturally, despite any claims about authenticity, the report had been circulated within the deepest recesses of spook central. Clapper would never want to deny his own officials the pleasure of that smut.

The New York Times conceded that much of the story remained “out of reach – most critically the basis question of how much, if anything, in the dossier is true.”[1] You would think that this point was most salient, rendering any other discussion empty and flatulent.

Nonetheless, the paper would go on to assert that it was “possible to piece together a rough narrative of what led to the current crisis, including lingering questions about the ties binding Mr. Trump and his team to Russia.”

With the US presidential inauguration fast approaching, the press jackals have been swarming. The tit bits offered by the Steele report are themselves shrouded, stemming from September 2015 when an anti-Trump Republican donor (naturally, we do not the name) commissioned Fusion GPS, a Washington-based research firm stacked by former journalists turned information hit-men, to do some digging. The mission was simple: find as much debilitating dirt as possible and sink the Trump ship.

Steele, considered at one point one of Britain’s foremost Russian experts within MI6, was considered ideal for the job of funnelling information to Glenn Simpson at Fusion GPS. The themes of those memos were stock standard: the old compromising (kompromat) material, with sex being central; and the hacking of the Democratic National Committee with discussion by Trump officials with Russian entities.

Trump has not done himself any favours, preferring to throw meagre carrion at the press corps, and hope that it miraculously dissipates. His polemical advisors would have been best served to tell him to shut it. News is not interesting. Allegations have become the gold dust of political debate.

This latest battle of spite and indignation reveals that internally, there is a war between claims and institutions within the United States. The intelligence community finds itself unsheathing its weapons. Trump has duly responded.

The point being missed here is the possibility that the servants of the elected commander-in-chief may actually be subverting the Republic, for all Trump’s sullen, and childish authoritarianism. Sources garnered from the very foundry of deception have assumed an aura of reliability. The argument about fake news has been turned inside out.

While care should be taken in packaging the entire US intelligence community into a neat box of anti-Trump enthusiasts, a good number of former officials were very keen that Hillary Clinton take over the reins in the White House. Views were expressed throughout the election cycle: Trump had to be defeated at all costs.

Once it became clear that Trump was gaining electoral momentum at nerve racking pace, it was important to side with the Clinton electoral team on a revived Cold War mantra: the Russians were doing terrible things, with Trump operating in the shadow of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

For former CIA and NSA director under George W. Bush, Gen. Michael Hayden, Trump was “the useful fool, some naïf, manipulated by Moscow, secretly held in contempt, but whose blind support is happily accepted and exploited.”[2]

Former CIA Director Michael J. Morell also took a step that can only be regarded as singular and institutionally troubling: coming out from the shadows to pick his preferred candidate while denigrating another.

In August, he bored readers with his resume in an opinion piece for the New York Times. (“In my 40 years of voting, I have pulled the lever for candidates of both parties.”) He expressed a solemn view that Trump was “not only unqualified for the job, but he may well pose a threat to our national security.” Russia’s Putin “had recruited Mr. Trump as an unwitting agent of the Russian Federation.”[3]

The Fourth Estate used to be the solemn interrogating power of the parliamentary galleries. Being unelected, it was given, as an accident of history, a certain influence. Like all power, it can be misdirected, even ill-informed. The questioners can become vessels and conduits.

Over time, that same estate has withered, becoming a faint echo of investigation and fact checking. Even in notionally democratic states, it can be co-opted. As Glenn Greenwald has argued, the most useful tool of the deep state has been the US media, “much of which reflexively reveres, serves, believes, and sides with hidden intelligence officials.”[4]

Leakers are punished; facts are not cross-checked. The hack now floats in an ether of speculation, fed by the unverifiable, and pampered by the intelligence official. The battles now seemingly not over narratives of veracity but narratives of invention. Power, it would seem, to the creative in this new Republic of trouble that is the United States.

Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge. He lectures at RMIT University, Melbourne. Email: [email protected]


[1] https://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/11/us/politics/donald-trump-russia-intelligence.html?_r=0
[2] https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/former-cia-chief-trump-is-russias-useful-fool/2016/11/03/cda42ffe-a1d5-11e6-8d63-3e0a660f1f04_story.html?utm_term=.771eff2c3b02
[3] https://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/05/opinion/campaign-stops/i-ran-the-cia-now-im-endorsing-hillary-clinton.html
[4] https://theintercept.com/2017/01/11/the-deep-state-goes-to-war-with-president-elect-using-unverified-claims-as-dems-cheer/

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General James “Mad Dog” Mattis, President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee for Secretary of Defense, used his confirmation hearing before the Senate Armed Services Committee on Thursday to outline an aggressive war policy, designate Russia and China as enemies and call for a dramatic expansion of military spending, including the “modernization” of nuclear weapons and expansion of cyberwarfare.

All of those present—Democrats and Republicans alike—heaped praise on Mattis during the three-and-one-half hour hearing. Not a single senator asked the nominee how he might scale down US wars, which are currently raging in several countries. Instead, senators vied with each other in appealing to Mattis to identify threats to “national security” that will be immediately confronted by the Trump administration.

No senator, including the supposedly “left” Democrat Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, asked the retired Marine General about his record in the occupation of Iraq, where he was implicated in war crimes. Mattis led the savage Marine counteroffensive that retook the Iraqi city of Fallujah in December 2004, and he ordered an air strike that year against a wedding party in which over 40 civilians were killed. Nor was he challenged about a public speech he made in which he stated it was “fun” to kill some people.

Until Thursday, Mattis was not legally eligible to be defense secretary. Federal law prevents selecting any individual who has been out of the military for less than seven years, a rule designed to protect the democratic principle of military subordination to the elected civilian government. Immediately after the hearing, the Armed Services Committee voted 24-3 to waive the law for Mattis, who retired from active command only three years ago, after which he assumed a seat on the corporate board of defense contracting giant General Dynamics. The full Senate quickly followed, voting 81-17 in favor of the waiver.

In a particularly ominous exchange during the hearing, Mattis was asked by the committee chairman, the Republican warmonger John McCain, whether or not he thought the “world order” was under its greatest strain in 70 years. Mattis responded, “I think it’s under the biggest attacks since World War II. And that’s from Russia, from terrorist groups and with what China is doing in the South China Sea.” Later in the hearing, Mattis said, “America has global responsibilities, and it is not to our advantage to leave any of those areas to the world absent from our efforts.”

There will be no end to these global wars, the senators’ questions and Mattis’ answers made clear. The US will “be engaged in global conflict for the foreseeable future,” McCain declared. “Believing otherwise is wishful thinking… Hard power matters, having it, threatening it, leveraging for diplomacy and at times using it.”

Though he was at pains to stress the importance of US alliances, especially NATO, Mattis, like McCain, embraced military unilateralism. The nominee said that the US has only “two fundamental powers,” one of which he called “the power of intimidation.” Necessary for this “intimidation” of other nations is for the US military to be “the top in its game in a competition where second place is last place.”

Starting with McCain, senators repeatedly invited Mattis to denounce Russia and to separate himself from Trump over the president-elect’s less publicly bellicose stance toward Moscow and his open conflict with US intelligence agencies over unsubstantiated allegations of Russian “hacking” of the US election.

Mattis labeled Russia a “strategic competitor” and said that Russian President Vladimir Putin was trying to “break” the NATO alliance, which he hailed as the greatest military alliance in history. “[T]here’s a decreasing number of areas where we can cooperate actively and increasing number of areas where we’re going to have to confront Russia,” Mattis said. He also signaled his deference to US intelligence agencies, saying he has a “very, very high degree of confidence in our intelligence community.”

When asked by Democratic Senator Martin Heinrich of New Mexico to identify “key threats” to the US, Mattis began with Russia, but from there developed a list that could include any nation in the world.

“I would consider the principal threat to start with Russia,” Mattis responded, “and then it would certainly include any nations that are looking to intimidate nations around the periphery or nations nearby them whether it is with weapons of mass destruction or—I would call it unusual, unorthodox means of intimidating them.”

This theme was taken up by Warren, who, alongside Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, is promoted as the “left” face of the Democratic Party.

“Russia wants to promote its security through instability…trying to create a sphere of unstable states along the periphery,” Warren said. “As defense secretary, when it comes to the threats posed by Russia, will you advocate for your views frankly and forcefully to the president to speak about these threats and the need to take them seriously?” Mattis affirmed that he would. “We are counting on you,” pleaded the liberal senator.

Sometimes taking a more militaristic tone than the nominee, the senators also encouraged Mattis to make bellicose statements against China, Iran and North Korea, and solicited declarations that the United States—which spends more on the military each year than the next eight largest economies in the world combined—is underfunding the Pentagon. Committee members, Warren and Missouri Democrat Claire McCaskill included, used their questioning to call for major new spending on the nuclear arsenal, the National Guard and cyberwarfare.

Mattis did not retreat from statements made by Rex Tillerson, the former Exxon CEO nominated by Trump for secretary of state, that the US should block China from access to the South China Sea—itself an act of war. Mattis supported the conclusion that China, in its land reclamation projects, is “militarizing” the South China Sea.

Mattis stated his support for increased US aggression in the Middle East, telling the committee that the war on the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria needed to be placed on “a more aggressive timeline.”

In a document submitted to the committee prior to the hearing, Mattis identified Iran as the “biggest destabilizing force in the Middle East” and said that the Trump administration should “checkmate Iran’s goal for regional hegemony.” In previous statements, he has insisted that ISIS was nothing more than a stalking horse for Tehran to project its influence. However, invited by senators to disavow the nuclear agreement with Iran concluded by the Obama administration and five other powers, Mattis said he would uphold it.

Also Thursday, the Senate Intelligence Committee held hearings for Trump’s nominee to head the Central Intelligence Agency, Mike Pompeo, a former Tea Party Caucus Congressman from Kansas with close ties to the multibillionaire Koch brothers. It is also expected that the Pompeo nomination will be ratified with little resistance from Democrats.

Pompeo’s testimony was notable for its belligerent posture toward Russia. He upheld the US spy agencies’ report of hacking, though that report contained not a shred of evidence and was previously questioned by Trump.

“With respect to this report in particular, it’s pretty clear about what took place here, about Russian involvement in efforts to hack information and to have an impact on American democracy,” Pompeo said. “This was an aggressive action taken by senior leadership inside of Russia.” Pompeo also accused Russia of “invading and occupying Ukraine, threatening Europe, and doing nothing to aid in the destruction and defeat of ISIS.”

The bitter fight over the allegations of Russian “interference” in the US elections boils down to a dispute over foreign policy—whether or not to settle scores first with Russia, or to focus on a showdown with China. The media hysteria and the intervention of the intelligence apparatus and leading Republicans such as McCain to support these allegations amounts to an attempt to ensure that the Trump administration will intensify the Obama administration’s anti-Russia policy, which would have been the first order of business in a Hillary Clinton White House.

The performance of the Democrats, including its “left” faction led by Warren, demonstrates that there is no peace faction within the American ruling class. Whatever their transient differences over the immediate target, the turn toward war to pursue the interests of the American capitalist oligarchy is the consensus policy of both parties.

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General James “Mad Dog” Mattis, President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee for Secretary of Defense, used his confirmation hearing before the Senate Armed Services Committee on Thursday to outline an aggressive war policy, designate Russia and China as enemies and call for a dramatic expansion of military spending, including the “modernization” of nuclear weapons and expansion of cyberwarfare.

All of those present—Democrats and Republicans alike—heaped praise on Mattis during the three-and-one-half hour hearing. Not a single senator asked the nominee how he might scale down US wars, which are currently raging in several countries. Instead, senators vied with each other in appealing to Mattis to identify threats to “national security” that will be immediately confronted by the Trump administration.

No senator, including the supposedly “left” Democrat Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, asked the retired Marine General about his record in the occupation of Iraq, where he was implicated in war crimes. Mattis led the savage Marine counteroffensive that retook the Iraqi city of Fallujah in December 2004, and he ordered an air strike that year against a wedding party in which over 40 civilians were killed. Nor was he challenged about a public speech he made in which he stated it was “fun” to kill some people.

Until Thursday, Mattis was not legally eligible to be defense secretary. Federal law prevents selecting any individual who has been out of the military for less than seven years, a rule designed to protect the democratic principle of military subordination to the elected civilian government. Immediately after the hearing, the Armed Services Committee voted 24-3 to waive the law for Mattis, who retired from active command only three years ago, after which he assumed a seat on the corporate board of defense contracting giant General Dynamics. The full Senate quickly followed, voting 81-17 in favor of the waiver.

In a particularly ominous exchange during the hearing, Mattis was asked by the committee chairman, the Republican warmonger John McCain, whether or not he thought the “world order” was under its greatest strain in 70 years. Mattis responded, “I think it’s under the biggest attacks since World War II. And that’s from Russia, from terrorist groups and with what China is doing in the South China Sea.” Later in the hearing, Mattis said, “America has global responsibilities, and it is not to our advantage to leave any of those areas to the world absent from our efforts.”

There will be no end to these global wars, the senators’ questions and Mattis’ answers made clear. The US will “be engaged in global conflict for the foreseeable future,” McCain declared. “Believing otherwise is wishful thinking… Hard power matters, having it, threatening it, leveraging for diplomacy and at times using it.”

Though he was at pains to stress the importance of US alliances, especially NATO, Mattis, like McCain, embraced military unilateralism. The nominee said that the US has only “two fundamental powers,” one of which he called “the power of intimidation.” Necessary for this “intimidation” of other nations is for the US military to be “the top in its game in a competition where second place is last place.”

Starting with McCain, senators repeatedly invited Mattis to denounce Russia and to separate himself from Trump over the president-elect’s less publicly bellicose stance toward Moscow and his open conflict with US intelligence agencies over unsubstantiated allegations of Russian “hacking” of the US election.

Mattis labeled Russia a “strategic competitor” and said that Russian President Vladimir Putin was trying to “break” the NATO alliance, which he hailed as the greatest military alliance in history. “[T]here’s a decreasing number of areas where we can cooperate actively and increasing number of areas where we’re going to have to confront Russia,” Mattis said. He also signaled his deference to US intelligence agencies, saying he has a “very, very high degree of confidence in our intelligence community.”

When asked by Democratic Senator Martin Heinrich of New Mexico to identify “key threats” to the US, Mattis began with Russia, but from there developed a list that could include any nation in the world.

“I would consider the principal threat to start with Russia,” Mattis responded, “and then it would certainly include any nations that are looking to intimidate nations around the periphery or nations nearby them whether it is with weapons of mass destruction or—I would call it unusual, unorthodox means of intimidating them.”

This theme was taken up by Warren, who, alongside Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, is promoted as the “left” face of the Democratic Party.

“Russia wants to promote its security through instability…trying to create a sphere of unstable states along the periphery,” Warren said. “As defense secretary, when it comes to the threats posed by Russia, will you advocate for your views frankly and forcefully to the president to speak about these threats and the need to take them seriously?” Mattis affirmed that he would. “We are counting on you,” pleaded the liberal senator.

Sometimes taking a more militaristic tone than the nominee, the senators also encouraged Mattis to make bellicose statements against China, Iran and North Korea, and solicited declarations that the United States—which spends more on the military each year than the next eight largest economies in the world combined—is underfunding the Pentagon. Committee members, Warren and Missouri Democrat Claire McCaskill included, used their questioning to call for major new spending on the nuclear arsenal, the National Guard and cyberwarfare.

Mattis did not retreat from statements made by Rex Tillerson, the former Exxon CEO nominated by Trump for secretary of state, that the US should block China from access to the South China Sea—itself an act of war. Mattis supported the conclusion that China, in its land reclamation projects, is “militarizing” the South China Sea.

Mattis stated his support for increased US aggression in the Middle East, telling the committee that the war on the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria needed to be placed on “a more aggressive timeline.”

In a document submitted to the committee prior to the hearing, Mattis identified Iran as the “biggest destabilizing force in the Middle East” and said that the Trump administration should “checkmate Iran’s goal for regional hegemony.” In previous statements, he has insisted that ISIS was nothing more than a stalking horse for Tehran to project its influence. However, invited by senators to disavow the nuclear agreement with Iran concluded by the Obama administration and five other powers, Mattis said he would uphold it.

Also Thursday, the Senate Intelligence Committee held hearings for Trump’s nominee to head the Central Intelligence Agency, Mike Pompeo, a former Tea Party Caucus Congressman from Kansas with close ties to the multibillionaire Koch brothers. It is also expected that the Pompeo nomination will be ratified with little resistance from Democrats.

Pompeo’s testimony was notable for its belligerent posture toward Russia. He upheld the US spy agencies’ report of hacking, though that report contained not a shred of evidence and was previously questioned by Trump.

“With respect to this report in particular, it’s pretty clear about what took place here, about Russian involvement in efforts to hack information and to have an impact on American democracy,” Pompeo said. “This was an aggressive action taken by senior leadership inside of Russia.” Pompeo also accused Russia of “invading and occupying Ukraine, threatening Europe, and doing nothing to aid in the destruction and defeat of ISIS.”

The bitter fight over the allegations of Russian “interference” in the US elections boils down to a dispute over foreign policy—whether or not to settle scores first with Russia, or to focus on a showdown with China. The media hysteria and the intervention of the intelligence apparatus and leading Republicans such as McCain to support these allegations amounts to an attempt to ensure that the Trump administration will intensify the Obama administration’s anti-Russia policy, which would have been the first order of business in a Hillary Clinton White House.

The performance of the Democrats, including its “left” faction led by Warren, demonstrates that there is no peace faction within the American ruling class. Whatever their transient differences over the immediate target, the turn toward war to pursue the interests of the American capitalist oligarchy is the consensus policy of both parties.

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In January 1961, Dwight Eisenhower delivered his farewell address after serving two terms as U.S. president; the five-star general chose to warn Americans of this specific threat to democracy: “In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.” That warning was issued prior to the decadelong escalation of the Vietnam War, three more decades of Cold War mania, and the post-9/11 era, all of which radically expanded that unelected faction’s power even further.

This is the faction that is now engaged in open warfare against the duly elected and already widely disliked president-elect, Donald Trump. They are using classic Cold War dirty tactics and the defining ingredients of what has until recently been denounced as “Fake News.”

Their most valuable instrument is the U.S. media, much of which reflexively reveres, serves, believes, and sides with hidden intelligence officials. And Democrats, still reeling from their unexpected and traumatic election loss, as well as a systemic collapse of their party, seemingly divorced further and further from reason with each passing day, are willing — eager — to embrace any claim, cheer any tactic, align with any villain, regardless of how unsupported, tawdry, and damaging those behaviors might be.

The serious dangers posed by a Trump presidency are numerous and manifest. There is a wide array of legitimate and effective tactics for combating those threats: from bipartisan congressional coalitions and constitutional legal challenges to citizen uprisings and sustained and aggressive civil disobedience. All of those strategies have periodically proven themselves effective in times of political crisis or authoritarian overreach.

But cheering for the CIA and its shadowy allies to unilaterally subvert the U.S. election and impose its own policy dictates on the elected president is both warped and self-destructive. Empowering the very entities that have produced the most shameful atrocities and systemic deceit over the last six decades is desperation of the worst kind. Demanding that evidence-free, anonymous assertions be instantly venerated as Truth — despite emanating from the very precincts designed to propagandize and lie — is an assault on journalism, democracy, and basic human rationality. And casually branding domestic adversaries who refuse to go along as traitors and disloyal foreign operatives is morally bankrupt and certain to backfire on those doing it.

Beyond all that, there is no bigger favor that Trump opponents can do for him than attacking him with such lowly, shabby, obvious shams, recruiting large media outlets to lead the way. When it comes time to expose actual Trump corruption and criminality, who is going to believe the people and institutions who have demonstrated they are willing to endorse any assertions no matter how factually baseless, who deploy any journalistic tactic no matter how unreliable and removed from basic means of ensuring accuracy?

All of these toxic ingredients were on full display yesterday as the Deep State unleashed its tawdriest and most aggressive assault yet on Trump: vesting credibility in and then causing the public disclosure of a completely unvetted and unverified document, compiled by a paid, anonymous operative while he was working for both GOP and Democratic opponents of Trump, accusing Trump of a wide range of crimes, corrupt acts, and salacious private conduct. The reaction to all of this illustrates that while the Trump presidency poses grave dangers, so, too, do those who are increasingly unhinged in their flailing, slapdash, and destructive attempts to undermine it.

For months, the CIA, with unprecedented clarity, overtly threw its weight behind Hillary Clinton’s candidacy and sought to defeat Donald Trump. In August, former acting CIA Director Michael Morell announced his endorsement of Clinton in the New York Times and claimed that “Mr. Putin had recruited Mr. Trump as an unwitting agent of the Russian Federation.” The CIA and NSA director under George W. Bush, Gen. Michael Hayden, also endorsed Clinton and went to the Washington Post to warn, in the week before the election, that “Donald Trump really does sound a lot like Vladimir Putin,” adding that Trump is “the useful fool, some naif, manipulated by Moscow, secretly held in contempt, but whose blind support is happily accepted and exploited.”

It is not hard to understand why the CIA preferred Clinton over Trump. Clinton was critical of Obama for restraining the CIA’s proxy war in Syria and was eager to expand that war, while Trump denounced it. Clinton clearly wanted a harder line than Obama took against the CIA’s long-standing foes in Moscow, while Trump wanted improved relations and greater cooperation. In general, Clinton defended and intended to extend the decadeslong international military order on which the CIA and Pentagon’s preeminence depends, while Trump — through a still-uncertain mix of instability and extremist conviction — posed a threat to it.

Whatever one’s views are on those debates, it is the democratic framework — the presidential election, the confirmation process, congressional leaders, judicial proceedings, citizen activism and protest, civil disobedience — that should determine how they are resolved. All of those policy disputes were debated out in the open; the public heard them; and Trump won. Nobody should crave the rule of Deep State overlords.

Yet craving Deep State rule is exactly what prominent Democratic operatives and media figures are doing. Any doubt about that is now dispelled. Just last week, Chuck Schumer issued a warning to Trump, telling Rachel Maddow that Trump was being “really dumb” by challenging the unelected intelligence community because of all the ways they possess to destroy those who dare to stand up to them:


And last night, many Democrats openly embraced and celebrated what was, so plainly, an attempt by the Deep State to sabotage an elected official who had defied it: ironically, its own form of blackmail.

Back in October, a political operative and former employee of the British intelligence agency MI6 was being paid by Democrats to dig up dirt on Trump (before that, he was paid by anti-Trump Republicans). He tried to convince countless media outlets to publish a long memo he had written filled with explosive accusations about Trump’s treason, business corruption, and sexual escapades, with the overarching theme that Trump was in servitude to Moscow because they were blackmailing and bribing him.

Despite how many had it, no media outlets published it. That was because these were anonymous claims unaccompanied by any evidence at all, and even in this more permissive new media environment, nobody was willing to be journalistically associated with it. As the New York Times’ Executive Editor Dean Baquet put it last night, he would not publish these “totally unsubstantiated” allegations because “we, like others, investigated the allegations and haven’t corroborated them, and we felt we’re not in the business of publishing things we can’t stand by.”

The closest this operative got to success was convincing Mother Jones’s David Corn to publish an October 31 article reporting that “a former senior intelligence officer for a Western country” claims that “he provided the [FBI] with memos, based on his recent interactions with Russian sources, contending the Russian government has for years tried to co-opt and assist Trump.”

But because this was just an anonymous claim unaccompanied by any evidence or any specifics (which Corn withheld), it made very little impact. All of that changed yesterday. Why?

What changed was the intelligence community’s resolution to cause this all to become public and to be viewed as credible. In December, John McCain provided a copy of this report to the FBI and demanded they take it seriously.

At some point last week, the chiefs of the intelligence agencies decided to declare that this ex-British intelligence operative was “credible” enough that his allegations warranted briefing both Trump and Obama about them, thus stamping some sort of vague, indirect, and deniable official approval on these accusations. Someone — by all appearances, numerous officials — then went to CNN to tell the network they had done this, causing CNN to go on air and, in the gravest of tones, announce the “Breaking News” that “the nation’s top intelligence officials” briefed Obama and Trump that Russia had compiled information that “compromised President-elect Trump.”

CNN refused to specify what these allegations were on the ground that it could not “verify” them. But with this document in the hands of multiple media outlets, it was only a matter of time — a small amount of time — before someone would step up and publish the whole thing. BuzzFeed quickly obliged, airing all of the unvetted, anonymous claims about Trump. Its editor-in-chief, Ben Smith, published a memo explaining that decision, saying that — although there was “serious reason to doubt the allegations” — BuzzFeed in general “errs on the side of publication” and “Americans can make up their own minds about the allegations.” Publishing this document predictably produced massive traffic (and thus profit) for the site, with millions of people viewing the article and presumably reading the “dossier.”

One can certainly object to BuzzFeed’s decision and, as the New York Times noted this morning, many journalists are doing so. It’s almost impossible to imagine a scenario where it’s justifiable for a news outlet to publish a totally anonymous, unverified, unvetted document filled with scurrilous and inflammatory allegations about which its own editor-in-chief says there “is serious reason to doubt the allegations,” on the ground that they want to leave it to the public to decide whether to believe it.

But even if one believes there is no such case where that is justified, yesterday’s circumstances presented the most compelling scenario possible for doing this. Once CNN strongly hinted at these allegations, it left it to the public imagination to conjure up the dirt Russia allegedly had to blackmail and control Trump. By publishing these accusations, BuzzFeed ended that speculation. More importantly, it allowed everyone to see how dubious this document is, one the CIA and CNN had elevated into some sort of grave national security threat. Almost immediately after it was published, the farcical nature of the “dossier” manifested. Not only was its author anonymous, but he was paid by Democrats (and, before that, by Trump’s GOP adversaries) to dig up dirt on Trump. Worse, he himself cited no evidence of any kind but instead relied on a string of other anonymous people in Russia he claims told him these things. Worse still, the document was filled with amateur errors.

While many of the claims are inherently unverified, some can be confirmed. One such claim — that Trump lawyer Michael Cohen secretly traveled to Prague in August to meet with Russian officials — was strongly denied by Cohen, who insisted he had never been to Prague in his life (Prague is the same place that foreign intelligence officials claimed, in 2001, was the site of a nonexistent meeting between Iraqi officials and 9/11 hijackers, which contributed to 70 percent of Americans believing, as late as the fall of 2003, that Saddam personally planned the 9/11 attack). This morning, the Wall Street Journal reported that “the FBI has found no evidence that [Cohen] traveled to the Czech Republic.” None of this stopped Democratic operatives and prominent media figures from treating these totally unverified and unvetted allegations as grave revelations. From Vox’s Zack Beauchamp:



BuzzFeed’s Borzou Daragahi posted a long series of tweets discussing the profound consequences of these revelations, only occasionally remembering to insert the rather important journalistic caveat “if true” in his meditations:




Meanwhile, liberal commentator Rebecca Solnit declared this to be a “smoking gun” that proves Trump’s “treason,” while Daily Kos’s Markos Moulitsas sounded the same theme:


While some Democrats sounded notes of caution — party loyalist Josh Marshall commendably urged: “I would say in reviewing raw, extremely raw ‘intel,’ people shld retain their skepticism even if they rightly think Trump is the worst” — the overwhelming reaction was the same as all the other instances where the CIA and its allies released unverified claims about Trump and Russia: instant embrace of the evidence-free assertions as Truth, combined with proclamations that they demonstrated Trump’s status as a traitor (with anyone expressing skepticism designated a Kremlin agent or stooge).

There is a real danger here that this maneuver could harshly backfire, to the great benefit of Trump and to the great detriment of those who want to oppose him. If any of the significant claims in this “dossier” turn out to be provably false — such as Cohen’s trip to Prague — many people will conclude, with Trump’s encouragement, that large media outlets (CNN and BuzzFeed) and anti-Trump factions inside the government (CIA) are deploying “Fake News” to destroy him. In the eyes of many people, that will forever discredit — render impotent — future journalistic exposés that are based on actual, corroborated wrongdoing.

Beyond that, the threat posed by submitting ourselves to the CIA and empowering it to reign supreme outside of the democratic process is — as Eisenhower warned — an even more severe danger. The threat of being ruled by unaccountable and unelected entities is self-evident and grave. That’s especially true when the entity behind which so many are rallying is one with a long and deliberate history of lying, propaganda, war crimes, torture, and the worst atrocities imaginable.

All of the claims about Russia’s interference in U.S. elections and ties to Trump should be fully investigated by a credible body, and the evidence publicly disclosed to the fullest extent possible. As my colleague Sam Biddle argued last week after disclosure of the farcical intelligence community report on Russian hacking — one that even Putin’s foes mocked as a bad joke — the utter lack of evidence for these allegations means “we need an independent, resolute inquiry.” But until then, assertions that are unaccompanied by evidence and disseminated anonymously should be treated with the utmost skepticism — not lavished with convenience-driven gullibility.

Most important of all, the legitimate and effective tactics for opposing Trump are being utterly drowned by these irrational, desperate, ad hoc crusades that have no cogent strategy and make his opponents appear increasingly devoid of reason and gravity. Right now, Trump’s opponents are behaving as media critic Adam Johnson described: as ideological jellyfish, floating around aimlessly and lost, desperately latching on to whatever barge randomly passes by.

There are solutions to Trump. They involve reasoned strategizing and patient focus on issues people actually care about. Whatever those solutions are, venerating the intelligence community, begging for its intervention, and equating its dark and dirty assertions as Truth are most certainly not among them. Doing that cannot possibly achieve any good and is already doing much harm.

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A US armored brigade (3rd Armored Brigade, 4th Infantry Division) is on the move to Russia’s Baltic border. After its equipment begun arriving in Europe last week so now have its soldiers.

The move is so big it will require 37 trains and over one thousand rail cars to transport from Germany to Poland.

A US armored brigade fields over 400 tracked and over 1300 wheeled vehicles including 80 62-ton Abrams tanks, 140 Bradley armored fighting vehicles and 400 humvees.

3rd Armored will spend nine months in Poland and Lithuania (covering the so-called “Suwalki gap“) after which it will be replaced by another heavily armored unit.

Thus from now on nearly four thousands American soldiers will be stationed on Russia doorstep for ever.

Overall US has 70,000 troops in Europe. Russia has zero troops in North America.

US troops are deploying as part of NATO’s “Operation Atlantic Resolve” announced when the new cold war blew up in 2014.

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The entire episode of the Russian-Hack-Influenced-the-US-Elections campaign,  initiated by the Obama White House and referred to by President elect Donald Trump as a ‘witch hunt”,  continues to be confounding to much of the American public with some of these concerns:


  • to what extent has the CIA intervened in the Clinton-Trump post-election results just as it has over the years in the elections of so many other countries; and
  • whether the unfounded allegations and intervention have created a climate threatening to the Constitutional order of presidential succession.

As if those troublesome post-election issues were not enough, the American public has been conveniently distracted by flawed intel ‘assessments’ (with Obama’s personal accusation of Russian President Vladimir Putin) from the urgency of two impending foreign policy quagmires that Obama is gifting to the Trump Administration.

The first is what has been described as “one of the largest movement of US troops to Europe since the Cold War” to counter ‘Russian aggression” with the quiet arrival of over 4,000 American Special Op and NATO troops including 2,800 tanks and assorted military equipment” through Bremerhaven, Germany.  The newly arrived forces are to be deployed to Bulgaria, Romania, Poland and Baltic states along the eastern European border with Russia.  This development is nothing short of alarming but most Americans are unperturbed.

The liberation of Aleppo has done little to bring the Syrian conflict to a conclusion and has, instead, emboldened Obama, in his closing days, to indiscriminately increase anti air craft missiles  (above those already  provided) to rebels whose loyalties are in dispute.  At the same time, renewed US air strikes in concert with rebel attacks on Syria utilities (electricity and gas) as well as attacks on and contamination of Damascus water pipelines are all meant to bring a civilian population to its knees.

Observing the President since the November 8th election, his reactions reveal an aggressiveness rarely, if ever seen in an outgoing President’s closing days, and has become a fascinating study in human dynamics.   Obama is clearly experiencing more than a normal reluctance to hand over his @POTUS twitter account as perhaps the reality has only just hit home that it is far too late to create a new, improved legacy.  One explanation may be that the President’s carefully constructed veneer of personality, never convincing for those who have long sought the ‘real’ Barak Obama, has cracked under the pressure of the 2016 losses.

As a cultivated political anxiety in the US anticipates Trump’s inauguration, against a well-coordinated effort that continues to fuel a false narrative and public rebellion, there is an undercurrent of expectation that another impending crisis just prior to January 20th might deliver a final knock-out to a Trump presidency.  Fear looms that a false flag event said to be an attack from Russia would justify a US military response.

Or might the inexplicable ‘federalizing’ of US elections by the Department of Homeland Security defined as a ‘critical infrastructure’ (ie the nation’s electric power grid) might serve as a catalyst to ‘secure’ election results. Described as a ‘silent coup’ with odd timing and using the Russian allegations as the smokescreen, a White House Policy Directive has now moved all election results to the direct jurisdiction of the Federal government.

As the drama accelerates in eastern Europe with German citizens demonstrating in the street against NATO and the ‘militaristic march on Russia’, American ‘liberal’ women, more interested in identity-politics, remain feckless and unconcerned about brewing international tensions in favor of a march to protest Trump’s democratically elected victory.

There can be little doubt that after living the last eight years under the umbrella of Barack Obama’s illusionary world, the liberal class has been content to sit on their butts, smug and self-satisfied, convinced that all is well despite a $20 trillion debt, believing the economy is in recovery, joblessness is down, there is peace in the world and there are no hungry, homeless children in America. None of that is true but it is what many liberals believe –  check it out on Facebook where you will find a disturbingly gullible slice of the population who seriously have little real awareness about what the hell is going on except what Rachel Maddow tells them.

By linking Trump with the MSM-reviled Putin, Obama’s game has been to discredit Trump’s election goal of a more responsible vision for foreign policy; that is, no interventions, no regime change, more equitable trade deals and upping the globalist apple cart.   That simply cannot be allowed to happen as it is in Obama’s best interest, as messenger for the creatures of the dark lagoon, to smear and impair Trump’s objectives and whatever opportunity for credibility he may have.  Since the election, Obama has proven he is not above sabotaging Trump to protect his own place in history.

On ABC’s  This Week Sunday New Year’s Day morning,  Trump press secretary Sean Spicer responded to Russian sanctions and expulsion of diplomats:

“One of the questions we have is why, the magnitude of this.. when you look at thirty five people being expelled, two sites being closed down.. the question is is that response in proportion to the action taken.”

Spicer went on to add

“In 2015, China took over a million records, sensitive data, …classified or personal information, things we had written down on our applications, on our security clearances.  And  a White House statement wasn’t even issued, no action publicly was taken, nothing …when millions of people had their private information including information on security clearances, not one thing happened. China did something so egregious  in 2015 and the White House did nothing publicly, not even issue a statement.”

“So there is a question whether there’s a political retribution here versus a diplomatic response.”

Even as the Senate Armed Services Committee, under the Chairmanship of the ever reliable neo-con Sen. John McCain (R-Az), chose to hold a nonsensical hearing regarding Moscow’s “motivation” and ‘intentions’ re US elections and its use of “cyber tools”, the latest US intelligence report provides not one iota of forensic evidence to prove its contentions.

As McCain takes the lead in opposing a Trump presidency and for all the patriotism he wraps around himself, his history in Vietnam deserves a closer look as does a trip to Syria in 2013 where he met with ‘terrorists’ including ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, rumored to have been trained by Mossad.

The only Senator on the Committee who had anything worth saying was Sen. Tom Tillis (R-NC) who offered that the “US has been involved, one way or another, in eighty one different elections since WWII.  That does not include coups or regime change. That’s tangible evidence where we tried to affect an outcome for our purpose.  Russia has done it thirty-six times”.   Every other Member of the Committee could be best described as either a bobbing head or an empty suit.

Interestingly, the report, supported by the CIA, the NSA and the FBI, (not nineteen intel agencies) focused extensively on Russia’s ‘media campaigns to influence US public opinion” such as “overt efforts by Russian government agencies” including rants about the popularity and effectiveness of RT News and Sputnik.  As if lifted out of the Propornot website, the report states:

“Some of our judgments about Kremlin preferences and intent are drawn from the behavior of Kremlin-loyal political figures, state media, and pro-Kremlin social media actors, all of whom the Kremlin either directly uses to convey messages or who are answerable to the Kremlin.”

Containing nineteen ‘assessments’ (otherwise known as double speak) and with eight blank pages out of twenty five, the report is an embarrassingly politicized read of amateurish quality.  It is hardly worth consideration as a product from a sophisticated, well informed, professional intelligence gathering organization with a bazillion dollar funding. And this is the best quality document that our in-house neo-cons could do? The Report has been enthusiastically embraced by President Obama, every MSM outlet, a majority of Congress and those Facebookers mentioned earlier.

Listening to McCain’s opening statement made it sound as if the US is the new kid on the cyber block, being taken advantage of or lagging behind the rest of the cyber world.   Nothing could be further from the truth – with the US Cyber Command, created in 2009 with 6,000 employees by 2016 and a new $1.8 billion building project of 600,000 sf in 2015 bringing together all military cyber branches under one roof.

Of note was that not one Senator dared ask Admiral Michael Rogers, Director of the NSA and Cyber Command, another committee witness, The Question :  What is NSA’s analysis of whether a hack or a leak occurred and who is responsible?  Clearly, the NSA, as Snowden, Binney and others have said, has all the answers.  Here was The Golden Opportunity to put the entire controversy to rest – and no one did.   What does that tell you?   It tells me that Russian hacking is the cover for nailing Trump; that the Deep State is terrified of a Trump presidency.

While Director of National Intelligence James Clapper was a committee witness, the average American may not understand that intel professionals like Clapper and John Brennan, Obama’s CIA Director have lied to Congress in the past.  These guys and their peers have it in their DNA to confuse and distort reality without a moment’s hesitation. They are trained to fabricate fairytales and sell their fables to a knowing Congress and naïve American public.

All this brings to mind the report that Trump is considering a realignment of the intel agencies including staff reductions and reassignments as it compares with JFK’s experience when he fired CIA Director Allen Dulles.  Kennedy replaced Dulles for lying to him about the Bay of Pigs debacle with an inept outsider named John McCone who was easily snookered by CIA staff.  Kennedy did not fully realize the depth of Dulles’ betrayal as he continued to meet with senior CIA staff at his home on a regular basis where they discussed, debated and decided CIA policy.

What Trump needs to understand is that certain cats, especially the neo-con variety, have more than nine lives and will hang on to their power base with every fiber of their being –  and we know how that worked out for JFK.

Hot Off The Presses:

In the neo-cons-never-give-up category is Buzzfeed’s latest ‘explosive’ revelation which began with CNN  (who provided them with the dossier), found its way into the hands of  Sen. McCain who then forwarded the documents to the FBI who then delivered a two page dossier to both Trump and Obama alleging that Russia has ‘compromising information’ on Trump. This is another example of shoddy, sloppy, unverified counterfeit being passed off as proof that Donald Trump is a traitor.  While it is difficult to imagine how a document can be ‘explosive’ and ‘unverified’ at the same time, Buzzfeed, which has drawn comparison to The Onion, goes on to state that “the document is not just unconfirmed; it includes some clear errors.”

Even if the dossier is inauthentic with an unknown origin, the double-dutch message to Trump is “mess with us, your ass is grass.”   There are some who believe there might be an attempt, prior to or after the Inaugural, to demand that Trump step down and if he refuses, to initiate removal from office per Amendment XXV…only in a neo-con globalist’s dream.

And given all of the above, it does seem curious that HRC is planning to attend the Inaugural.


4Chan Claims To Have Fabricated Anti-Trump Report As A Hoax  http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-01-10/4chan-claims-have-fabricated-anti-trump-report-hoax

How it Happened


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Image: author Craig Murray

The mainstream media’s extreme enthusiasm for the Hitler Diaries shows their rush to embrace any forgery if it is big and astonishing enough.

For the Guardian to lead with such an obvious forgery as the Trump “commercial intelligence reports” is the final evidence of the demise of that newspaper’s journalistic values.

We are now told that the reports were written by Mr Christopher Steele, an ex-MI6 man, for Orbis Business Intelligence. Here are a short list of six impossible things we are asked to believe before breakfast:

1) Vladimir Putin had a five year (later stated as eight year) plan to run Donald Trump as a “Manchurian candidate” for President and Trump was an active and knowing partner in Putin’s scheme.
2) Hillary Clinton is so stupid and unaware that she held compromising conversations over telephone lines whilst in Russia itself.
3) Trump’s lawyer/adviser Mr Cohen was so stupid he held meetings in Prague with the hacker/groups themselves in person to arrange payment, along with senior officials of the Russian security services. The NSA, CIA and FBI are so incompetent they did not monitor this meeting, and somehow the NSA failed to pick up on the electronic and telephone communications involved in organising it. Therefore Mr Cohen was never questioned over this alleged and improbable serious criminal activity.
4) A private company had minute by minute intelligence on the Manchurian Candidate scheme and all the indictable illegal activity that was going on, which the CIA/NSA/GCHQ/MI6 did not have, despite their specific tasking and enormous technical, staff and financial resources amounting between them to over 150,000 staff and the availability of hundreds of billons of dollars to do nothing but this.
5) A private western company is able to run a state level intelligence operation in Russia for years, continually interviewing senior security sources and people personally close to Putin, without being caught by the Russian security services – despite the fact the latter are brilliant enough to install a Manchurian candidate as President of the USA. This private western company can for example secretly interview staff in top Moscow hotels – which they themselves say are Russian security service controlled – without the staff being too scared to speak to them or ending up dead. They can continually pump Putin’s friends for information and get it.
6) Donald Trump’s real interest is his vast financial commitment in China, and he has little investment in Russia, according to the reports. Yet he spent the entire election campaign advocating closer ties with Russia and demonising and antagonising China.

Michael Cohen has now stated he has never been to Prague in his life. If that is true the extremely weak credibility of the entire forgery collapses in total. What is more, contrary to the claims of the Guardian and Washington Post that the material is “unverifiable”, the veracity of it could be tested extremely easily by the most basic journalism, ie asking Mr Cohen who has produced his passport. The editors of the Washington Post and the Guardian are guilty of pushing as blazing front page news the most blatant forgery to serve their own political ends, without carrying out the absolutely basic journalistic checks which would easily prove the forgery. Those editors must resign.

The Guardian has published a hagiography in which it clarifies he cannot travel to Russia himself and that he depends on second party contacts to interview third parties. It also confirms that much of the “information” is bought. Contacts who sell you information will of course invent the kind of thing you want to hear to increase their income. That was the fundamental problem with much of the intelligence on Iraqi WMD. Highly paid contacts, through also paid third parties, were inventing intelligence to sell.

There is of course an extra level of venial inaccuracy here because unlike an MI6 officer, Steele himself was then flogging the information for cash. Nobody in the mainstream media has asked the most important question of all. What was the charlatan Christopher Steele paid for this dossier?

As forgeries go, this is really not in the least convincing.

It was very obviously not written seriatim on the dates stated but forged as a collection and with hindsight. I might add I do not include the golden showers among the impossible aspects. I have no idea if it is true and neither do I care. Given Trump’s wealth and history,

I think we can say with confidence that he has indulged whatever his sexual preferences might be all over the world and not just in Russia. It seems most improbable he would succumb to blackmail over it and not brazen it out. I suppose it could be taken as the sole example of trickledown theory actually working.

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The CBC today (Tuesday, January  10, 2016) presented the news concerning Chrystia Freeland’s new appointment as Foreign Affairs Minister for Canada’s Trudeau government, noting mainly that she was on the sanctions list from Russia.   The announcer also noted that she is of Ukrainian background and is very opposed to Russia’s supposed actions in Ukraine. 

I say supposed because the descriptor was that Russia had “rolled” into Crimea.  What wasn’t mentioned was that there were already 38 000 Russian military personnel already in Crimea, by agreement, and that Sevastopol was and always has been a primary Russian naval and military port for hundreds of years.

Nor was it mentioned that after the independence of Ukraine from the fall of the USSR (thanks to the U.S. supported and tutored drunkard Yeltsin) that Crimea had voted for greater autonomy in 1991, was granted that, and then voted for independence in 1994, won the vote but was denied its position.  The vote held with the Russian forces present  was overwhelmingly in favour of independence which at the time was assured by the presence of the Russian military.  It was a fair vote, much more so than the votes established within U.S.occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan, countries that had no ethnic/cultural ties to the U.S.

A further idea that Freeland and many anti-Russian proponents hold is that Russia invaded Ukraine and that its troubles are all caused by Russia.  This of course is hogwash, as it was a U.S. sponsored coup that overthrew a democratically elected government (with new elections only months away, perhaps indicating how scared the U.S. was of losing the vote).  Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and her cohorts spent billions of dollars in arranging for Ukraine to turn from Russia towards NATO, and succeeded to a degree but only with the violence of murder created by the Ukrainian neonazi Banderistas.  Russia did not invade but I would not doubt that they certainly assisted the Russian speaking people of the Donbas in fighting against the proposed ethnic cleansing of the region by the new neonazi Ukraine government.

That is a long preamble to the title question.  There is more.  Freeland speaks Russian, has worked and lived in Russia, and has a personal dislike of Putin.  That experience might indicate that she is an authority on Russia and to some degree that is true.  But when someone is as biased as Freeland is, they tend to look for information that only supports their view, and then try to create an image of the other as evil and nasty.

This is very similar in kind to the failures of all intelligence agencies, in particular the CIA.  When one is so personally involved emotionally in a situation, disclaimers aside, the ‘facts’ are still the facts, but are viewed and diluted through lenses of one’s belief system. To paraphrase one of her own writings, “When you have incentive to see reality in a certain way, you will see it that way.”  The subsequent analysis of the ‘facts’ relies more on emotional interpretations and suppositions than the facts allow – the current anti-Russian hysteria in the U.S. is a prime example.

Is Freeland aimed at Putin, or at Trump?

On the surface the choice would indicate that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau wishes to strengthen his hard line against Russia, supporting the hegemony of the U.S. and NATO, wanting to be a leader in the New Cold War against the created evil of Putin.   Canada’s foreign policy has almost always supported that of the U.S. and in this case is standing tall and arrogant alongside the New Cold War Policy of the U.S. – which includes the policy of first strike winnable nuclear war.

The argument after Ukraine is Russia’s aggression in Georgia, where they defeated the Georgian forces in Ossetia after they were attacked by the U.S.-Israeli trained Georgian military.  Another slap in the face to U.S./NATO hegemony was the Russian success in liberating Aleppo from the terrorist forces supplied indirectly by the U.S. via our wonderful democratic ally Saudi Arabia.  Trudeau obviously enjoys his position as U.S. ally/henchman.

While all that appears to be the motivation, the other equally motivating factor is U.S. president elect Donald Trump, the two sets of ideas of course being highly intertwined.  The U.S. establishment, with Obama as the figurehead, is doing its best to demonize Russia and Putin much more so than before the election in an attempt to prevent Trump from succeeding with any rapprochement with Russia and Putin.  The real problem is not Putin so much as the wild card independence of Trump’s supposed anti-establishment mind.  However, the main argument, so deceptively transparent as to be ridiculous, is that of Russia hacking into the U.S. election in order to have Trump succeed.

Chrystia Freeland is not sanctioned by the U.S. and would be most highly welcomed by the war hawk Clinton establishment – essentially the corporate/military/bankster complex that encompasses the deep state.   With Trump she would be a pain in the…side…and would serve as an indicator that Canada will not work with Trump in relations with Putin – a plus for Trudeau in his establishment credentials.

Perhaps as another feature of his credentials, Trudeau is aiming to become one of the leaders of the pack in their self-righteous indignation over what Russia has accomplished in the face of U.S./NATO depredations economically and militarily around the world, but especially in the Greater Middle East and the near the Russian borders.

The timing of the change is important.   Trump is President of the U.S. as of January 21, 2017.

The positioning of Freeland as Minister of Foreign Affairs signals to Trump, to Putin, and to the U.S. establishment that Trudeau is remaining with his stultifying acrimony against Russia and Putin.  Perhaps a combination of ego, arrogance, and ignorance has led Trudeau to this political alignment, a wilful denial of the reality of what the U.S. has done internationally to subvert the people of the world to serve U.S. establishment purposes.  Freeland is the perfect Trudeau foil to try and avoid rapprochement with Russia as per the U.S. anti-Trump establishment.

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The governments of the United States and United Kingdom have spent decades and millions of dollars creating the political opposition fronts that constitute support for Myanmar’s new (and first ever) State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi. This support includes backing Suu Kyi’s saffron-clad street fronts who make up a nationwide network of “monk” alliances and associations.

And it is these alliances and associations that have served at the forefront of persecution against Myanmar’s Rohingya minority.

Also for years, this violent persecution has unfolded in what was otherwise a media blackout across North America and Europe. When violence reaches fevered pitches, American and European media organisations intentionally introduce ambiguity as to who precisely is leading anti-Rohingya violence.

The conflict carries with it all the hallmarks of an intentional strategy of tension; used within Myanmar to galvanise Suu Kyi’s otherwise morally and politically bankrupt opposition fronts and now, it appears to be ready for use within Washington’s wider strategy of “pivoting to Asia.”

Myanmar’s “New Rohingya Insurgency” 

The International Crisis Group (ICG), a Brussels-based foreign policy think tank funded by some of the largest corporations on the planet, poses as a conflict management organisation. In reality, it introduces manufactured narratives that are then picked up and eagerly promoted across American and European media outlets, to shift public perception and pave the way for shifts in Western geopolitical aspirations.

Their most recent manufactured narrative involves what it calls a “Rohingya insurgency.” Their narrative is already circulating across American and European media, including the Wall Street Journal whose article, “Asia’s New Insurgency Burma’s abuse of the Rohingya Muslims creates violent backlash.” claims (our emphasis):

Now this immoral policy has created a violent backlash. The world’s newest Muslim insurgency pits Saudi-backed Rohingya militants against Burmese security forces. As government troops take revenge on civilians, they risk inspiring more Rohingya to join the fight.

The article also admits:

Called Harakah al-Yaqin, Arabic for “the Faith Movement,” the group answers to a committee of Rohingya emigres in Mecca and a cadre of local commanders with experience fighting as guerrillas overseas. Its recent campaign—which continued into November with IED attacks and raids that killed several more security agents—has been endorsed by fatwas from clerics in Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, the Emirates and elsewhere. 

Rohingyas have “never been a radicalized population,” ICG notes, “and the majority of the community, its elders and religious leaders have previously eschewed violence as counterproductive.” But that is changing fast. Harakah al-Yaqin was established in 2012 after ethnic riots in Rakhine killed some 200 Rohingyas and is now estimated to have hundreds of trained fighters.

The Wall Street Journal and ICG both apparently expect readers to believe that Saudi Arabia is backing armed militants in Myanmar simply to “fight back” against Aung San Suu Kyi, her government and her followers’ collective brutality against the Rohingya.

In reality, Saudi Arabia and its sponsors in Washington, London and Brussels, only intervene when geopolitically advantageous. Just as Saudi Arabia is backing armed militants everywhere from Yemen to Syria to advance a joint US-European-Gulf campaign to reassert primacy across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), Saudi Arabia’s support of supposed militants in Myanmar is driven by similar hegemonic ambitions.

US Intentions in Asia Pacific Underpin, Use Rohingya Crisis  

At the core of the United States’ “pivot to Asia,” was always the encirclement and containment of China and reasserting US primacy in Asia. This is part of a much longer-term policy that stretches back as far as the close of World War II, the arming and backing of separatists in Tibet, Taiwan and the Vietnam War itself, as revealed in the Pentagon Papers. leaked in the early 1970s.

The US “pivot” included attempts to overturn political orders across Southeast Asia which have (with the exception of Myanmar) failed. It also included attempts to push through the highly controversial and unpopular Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) free trade agreement which has also so far failed. And instead of reasserting American primacy in Asia, Washington has convinced many nations across the region it had hoped to use against China, to turn further toward Beijing for military, economic and political cooperation.

Options for the United States are narrowing and it seeks to consolidate and expand in the few places it has seen success in Asia Pacific. This includes Myanmar, and exasperating the Rohingya crisis may serve as a possible vector toward doing this.

US Military Intervention, However Small, Will Exclude China 

With Washington’s oldest and closest ally in the Middle East backing armed militants aimed at inflaming further the Rohingya crisis, the perfect pretext for US military intervention has been created.

Just like the US has moved itself into the Philippines under the pretext of confronting “terrorism” and has since proven itself difficult to remove, the US likely seeks to train with Myanmar’s forces and eventually base a contingent of  American troops in Myanmar as well.

Once this is done, it will be likewise difficult for Myanmar’s government, whoever may be leading it in the future, to undo it. Myanmar will find itself with another pressure point steering its policy in Washington’s favour and Beijing will find itself with yet another US military installation based along its immediate periphery.

The US Could Easily End This Conflict, Instead it Carefully Cultivates It 

If the United States really wanted to assist their allies in Myanmar’s current government, they would take Saudi Arabia before the UN Security Council, denounce its backing of militants in Southeast Asia, and begin arranging a series of punitive political and economic sanctions.

Instead, Saudi Arabia has enjoyed some of the largest US weapon deals in American history; billions of dollars in tanks, aircraft, munitions and training programmes, as well as unity in agenda everywhere from Yemen to Syria regardless of minor, superficial fallouts that may have been reported.

For instance, the London Telegraph in an article titled, “US halts arms sale to Saudi Arabia over civilian casualties in Yemen,” would reveal that the “halt” only included certain forms of munitions, and that other arms deals were still underway. It also revealed that not only was the US still assisting Saudi Arabia, but was assisting them specifically in their war on Yemen.

The article would admit:

Saudi Arabia, which borders Yemen to the north, began airstrikes against Iran-aligned Houthi rebels in March of 2015. 

The US has offered military aide to the campaign, though the Pentagon insists its role has been limited. 

“As of today our assistance continues. It’s been very limited, consisting of refueling and limited advice on how to conduct strikes,” Navy Captain Jeff Davis said recently.

In reality, Washington is playing a double game, and using the Saudis to carry out support for militant groups, the fuelling of conflicts globally and even the waging for war Washington itself could not readily justify doing on its own. Sometimes Saudi Arabia creates conflicts aimed directly at consuming Washington’s enemies, at other times, Riyadh creates conflicts Washington can use as a pretext for a particular prescribed course of action

Arming militants in Myanmar to create a pretext for direct US military intervention, likely in the form of joint-training with Myanmar’s troops and the permanent stationing of US troops in the Southeast Asian country, seems the perfect task for Saudi Arabia.

The US, through its actions (and inaction) signals its support for this activity and very soon will likely signal to the world precisely how it plans on taking advantage of this manufactured crisis of opportunity. For the corporate-funded International Crisis Group, it has once again “introduced” a crisis that serves the interests of its sponsors and proposes a series of “solutions” that will only further work in Washington, London and Brussels’ favour and at the cost of everyone in Myanmar, regardless of which side of the current crisis they fall on.

Joseph Thomas is chief editor of Thailand-based geopolitical journal, The New Atlas and contributor to the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.

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The governments of the United States and United Kingdom have spent decades and millions of dollars creating the political opposition fronts that constitute support for Myanmar’s new (and first ever) State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi. This support includes backing Suu Kyi’s saffron-clad street fronts who make up a nationwide network of “monk” alliances and associations.

And it is these alliances and associations that have served at the forefront of persecution against Myanmar’s Rohingya minority.

Also for years, this violent persecution has unfolded in what was otherwise a media blackout across North America and Europe. When violence reaches fevered pitches, American and European media organisations intentionally introduce ambiguity as to who precisely is leading anti-Rohingya violence.

The conflict carries with it all the hallmarks of an intentional strategy of tension; used within Myanmar to galvanise Suu Kyi’s otherwise morally and politically bankrupt opposition fronts and now, it appears to be ready for use within Washington’s wider strategy of “pivoting to Asia.”

Myanmar’s “New Rohingya Insurgency” 

The International Crisis Group (ICG), a Brussels-based foreign policy think tank funded by some of the largest corporations on the planet, poses as a conflict management organisation. In reality, it introduces manufactured narratives that are then picked up and eagerly promoted across American and European media outlets, to shift public perception and pave the way for shifts in Western geopolitical aspirations.

Their most recent manufactured narrative involves what it calls a “Rohingya insurgency.” Their narrative is already circulating across American and European media, including the Wall Street Journal whose article, “Asia’s New Insurgency Burma’s abuse of the Rohingya Muslims creates violent backlash.” claims (our emphasis):

Now this immoral policy has created a violent backlash. The world’s newest Muslim insurgency pits Saudi-backed Rohingya militants against Burmese security forces. As government troops take revenge on civilians, they risk inspiring more Rohingya to join the fight.

The article also admits:

Called Harakah al-Yaqin, Arabic for “the Faith Movement,” the group answers to a committee of Rohingya emigres in Mecca and a cadre of local commanders with experience fighting as guerrillas overseas. Its recent campaign—which continued into November with IED attacks and raids that killed several more security agents—has been endorsed by fatwas from clerics in Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, the Emirates and elsewhere. 

Rohingyas have “never been a radicalized population,” ICG notes, “and the majority of the community, its elders and religious leaders have previously eschewed violence as counterproductive.” But that is changing fast. Harakah al-Yaqin was established in 2012 after ethnic riots in Rakhine killed some 200 Rohingyas and is now estimated to have hundreds of trained fighters.

The Wall Street Journal and ICG both apparently expect readers to believe that Saudi Arabia is backing armed militants in Myanmar simply to “fight back” against Aung San Suu Kyi, her government and her followers’ collective brutality against the Rohingya.

In reality, Saudi Arabia and its sponsors in Washington, London and Brussels, only intervene when geopolitically advantageous. Just as Saudi Arabia is backing armed militants everywhere from Yemen to Syria to advance a joint US-European-Gulf campaign to reassert primacy across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), Saudi Arabia’s support of supposed militants in Myanmar is driven by similar hegemonic ambitions.

US Intentions in Asia Pacific Underpin, Use Rohingya Crisis  

At the core of the United States’ “pivot to Asia,” was always the encirclement and containment of China and reasserting US primacy in Asia. This is part of a much longer-term policy that stretches back as far as the close of World War II, the arming and backing of separatists in Tibet, Taiwan and the Vietnam War itself, as revealed in the Pentagon Papers. leaked in the early 1970s.

The US “pivot” included attempts to overturn political orders across Southeast Asia which have (with the exception of Myanmar) failed. It also included attempts to push through the highly controversial and unpopular Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) free trade agreement which has also so far failed. And instead of reasserting American primacy in Asia, Washington has convinced many nations across the region it had hoped to use against China, to turn further toward Beijing for military, economic and political cooperation.

Options for the United States are narrowing and it seeks to consolidate and expand in the few places it has seen success in Asia Pacific. This includes Myanmar, and exasperating the Rohingya crisis may serve as a possible vector toward doing this.

US Military Intervention, However Small, Will Exclude China 

With Washington’s oldest and closest ally in the Middle East backing armed militants aimed at inflaming further the Rohingya crisis, the perfect pretext for US military intervention has been created.

Just like the US has moved itself into the Philippines under the pretext of confronting “terrorism” and has since proven itself difficult to remove, the US likely seeks to train with Myanmar’s forces and eventually base a contingent of  American troops in Myanmar as well.

Once this is done, it will be likewise difficult for Myanmar’s government, whoever may be leading it in the future, to undo it. Myanmar will find itself with another pressure point steering its policy in Washington’s favour and Beijing will find itself with yet another US military installation based along its immediate periphery.

The US Could Easily End This Conflict, Instead it Carefully Cultivates It 

If the United States really wanted to assist their allies in Myanmar’s current government, they would take Saudi Arabia before the UN Security Council, denounce its backing of militants in Southeast Asia, and begin arranging a series of punitive political and economic sanctions.

Instead, Saudi Arabia has enjoyed some of the largest US weapon deals in American history; billions of dollars in tanks, aircraft, munitions and training programmes, as well as unity in agenda everywhere from Yemen to Syria regardless of minor, superficial fallouts that may have been reported.

For instance, the London Telegraph in an article titled, “US halts arms sale to Saudi Arabia over civilian casualties in Yemen,” would reveal that the “halt” only included certain forms of munitions, and that other arms deals were still underway. It also revealed that not only was the US still assisting Saudi Arabia, but was assisting them specifically in their war on Yemen.

The article would admit:

Saudi Arabia, which borders Yemen to the north, began airstrikes against Iran-aligned Houthi rebels in March of 2015. 

The US has offered military aide to the campaign, though the Pentagon insists its role has been limited. 

“As of today our assistance continues. It’s been very limited, consisting of refueling and limited advice on how to conduct strikes,” Navy Captain Jeff Davis said recently.

In reality, Washington is playing a double game, and using the Saudis to carry out support for militant groups, the fuelling of conflicts globally and even the waging for war Washington itself could not readily justify doing on its own. Sometimes Saudi Arabia creates conflicts aimed directly at consuming Washington’s enemies, at other times, Riyadh creates conflicts Washington can use as a pretext for a particular prescribed course of action

Arming militants in Myanmar to create a pretext for direct US military intervention, likely in the form of joint-training with Myanmar’s troops and the permanent stationing of US troops in the Southeast Asian country, seems the perfect task for Saudi Arabia.

The US, through its actions (and inaction) signals its support for this activity and very soon will likely signal to the world precisely how it plans on taking advantage of this manufactured crisis of opportunity. For the corporate-funded International Crisis Group, it has once again “introduced” a crisis that serves the interests of its sponsors and proposes a series of “solutions” that will only further work in Washington, London and Brussels’ favour and at the cost of everyone in Myanmar, regardless of which side of the current crisis they fall on.

Joseph Thomas is chief editor of Thailand-based geopolitical journal, The New Atlas and contributor to the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.

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On March 23, 2010, Obama signed the misnamed Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) into law.

It’s a healthcare rationing scheme to enrich insurers, drug companies and large hospital chains in lieu of the only equitable system – universal coverage, everyone in, no one left out, no gimmicks and schemes the way Obamacare was crafted.

Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP) proposes a “Beyond the Affordable Care Act: A Physicians’ Proposal for Single-Payer Care Reform.”

It’s a work in progress, to be published when completed. An abstract said the following:

Even after full implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), tens of millions of Americans will remain uninsured or only partially insured, and costs will continue to rise faster than the background inflation rate.

We propose to replace the ACA with a publicly financed National Health Program (NHP) that would fully cover medical care for all Americans, while lowering costs by eliminating the profit-driven private insurance industry with its massive overhead.

Hospitals, nursing homes, and other provider facilities would be nonprofit, and paid global operating budgets rather than fees for each service.

Physicians could opt to be paid on a fee-for-service basis, but with fees adjusted to better reward primary care providers, or by salaries in facilities paid by global budgets.

The initial increase in government costs would be offset by savings in premiums and out-of-pocket costs, and the rate of medical inflation would slow, freeing up resources for unmet medical and public health needs.

Obamacare was a failed experiment. Sharply increasing costs make it unaffordable for millions, leaving them woefully underinsured or for many without coverage because it’s too expensive to buy.

It costs double or more what consumers in other developed countries pay. Young healthy Americans aren’t enrolling in state insurance exchanges in enough numbers to keep many of them viable. Signups are less than half of forecasted numbers. For everyone joining, two others aren’t.

Insurers in some areas are abandoning Obamacare, others hemorrhaging cash because of rising costs, low exchange enrollments (especially among valued young healthy adults), and failing Obamacare co-ops.

Choice is disappearing. In many parts of the country, Obamacare enrollees and new customers have one provider, not several among which to choose what’s best for them at the lowest cost.

Obamacare was designed for profit-making, not putting patient needs first. Replacing it with universal coverage is vitally needed – excluding middlemen insurers increasing costs while providing no care.

That’s not what Trump and congressional Republicans have in mind. It’s unclear what they intend other than ideas Trump proposed nearly a year ago.

An earlier article discussed his seven-point industry-enriching plan, an edited version below.

1. Replacing Obamacare with greater predatory marketplace medicine than already.

He’s right, saying no one should be forced to buy insurance they don’t want – one of Obamacare’s many deplorable features.

2. He’s unaware of existing law, saying he’ll change things to let insurers sell policies nationwide – already legally allowed.

Claiming “insurance costs will go down and consumer satisfaction will go up” under his plan is nonsense. Insurers are in business to make money, maximizing premiums, minimizing payouts.

3. He’ll let individuals deduct insurance premiums from their tax returns. Under single-payer universal coverage, predatory insurers providing no healthcare are eliminated altogether, rendering his deduction scheme irrelevant.

If implemented, it would help high income households, not others earning too little to benefit from tax schemes.

It’s unclear how he’ll handle Medicaid, saying he’ll “review basic options…and work with states” with little elaboration on how.

4. He endorses so-called Health Savings Accounts (HSAs), a boon to employers, not workers, shifting the cost of healthcare entirely to them.

Insurers and financial services predators stand to benefit most, reaping huge profits from managing funds in HSAs.

Trump claiming these plans “should be particularly attractive to young (healthy) people ignores their later in life needs when they won’t have enough coverage to handle extraordinarily expensive treatments for serious health issues.

5. It’s unclear what Trump means by requiring price transparency from all healthcare providers, especially doctors, hospitals and HMOs. Small print disclaimers and other deceptions are longstanding practices in all industries.

Saying “(i)ndividuals should be able to shop to find the best prices for procedures, exams or any other medical-related procedures” is pure deception. Healthcare isn’t like buying a car or other consumer products. With universal coverage, shopping wouldn’t be necessary.

6. Trump favors shifting the Medicaid burden entirely to states “to preserve our precious resources,” a scheme to eliminate this vital service altogether eventually.

7. He supports the right of consumers to freely buy “imported, safe and dependable drugs.”

Opposing mandatory insurance coverage and having access to cheaper imported drugs are the only redeeming features of what he earlier proposed.

His plan won’t lower escalating healthcare costs or assure all Americans have access to the most fundamental of human rights, along with food, shelter and clothing.

Replacing Obamacare with another corporate friendly scheme assures perpetuating the problem, not fixing it.

On January 12, the Republican controlled Senate passed a nonbinding resolution by a 51 – 48 majority to repeal and replace Obamacare, “providing the legislative tools necessary (and) move ahead with” new legislation, according to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R. KY).

Repeal legislation will likely follow in weeks, replacement provisions voted on and enacted into law, once majority agreement is reached.

The Republican controlled House will likely follow suit. Obamacare’s demise looks certain. What replaces it won’t be consumer friendly.

What industry giants want, they’ll get. Ordinary people have no say whatever.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected].

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com.

Listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network.

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On January 2nd, the U.S. Republican Party’s Wall Street Journal headlined «Tensions Within GOP Rise Over How to Handle Russia», and reported that the policy toward Russia by the incoming Republican President Donald Trump is being opposed not only by Democrats in the U.S. Congress, but also by some Republicans, and perhaps even by enough Republicans to jeopardize confirmation of his nominee for U.S. Secretary of State, as well as some nominees for other crucial diplomatic and military positions.

A key insightful passage in that news-report was:

«‘What you are seeing on Russia within the Republican Party is in some ways more a symptom of realignment across the board within American political parties,’ said Matthew Rojansky, director of the Washington-based Kennan Institute. ‘This speaks to something very critical that’s going on in our political system right now.’»

Trump is being significantly opposed by both Parties regarding his foreign policies, even though his domestic policies are being opposed on a far more partisan basis, by Democrats, and have a higher chance of congressional passage than his international initiatives do, because of the almost-solid support for his domestic policies on the part of Republican members of Congress — and because Republicans control both the Senate and the House.

The «realignment across the board within American political parties» is actually a realignment only in the field of foreign policy — not at all in domestic policy. What used to be «Republican foreign policy» ever since the time of Richard Nixon, has been called «neoconservatism» — referring to a hard line against communism and then against Russia and any country that’s friendly toward Russia — but the incoming Republican President Trump campaigned consistently against neoconservatism, and now Democrats are almost solidly neocons, while some Republicans are actually joining the Republican President in condemning neocons.

Whereas Trump is generally called «conservative» on his domestic policy statements, he could possibly turn out to be more of a «progressive» than his Democratic Party predecessor, President Barack Obama, was, regarding foreign affairs. And this terrifies the U.S. aristocracy in both of the political Parties, because the U.S. aristocracy — both its Republicans and its Democrats — has been solidly neoconservative: they are virtually united, on this, against Trump.

The U.S. aristocracy control not only the major American corporations, but all influential ‘news’ media, and their respective ‘news’media; and their shared fear and loathing for incoming U.S. President Donald Trump is clear, even though he himself is one of them. Nobody knows what will happen to the U.S. government under his stewardship, but the fear amongst almost all of the other aristocrats is that maybe Trump hasn’t only been pretending to want a ‘populist’ government — they fear that he might really have such revolutionary intentions.

They are consequently afraid: might it really be the case that a revolution — especially one transforming America’s foreign policies, which are the policies that are of the greatest interest to aristocrats (more even than domestic policies are) — will be led by a member of their own class? Is the ruling class — the thousand or so of them in the U.S. — perhaps now splitting, in a way that is far more meaningful than the merely superficial (rhetorical) distinctions that still remain between America’s two major political Parties, the Republicans and the Democrats?

The old ideological political alliances within the United States have now utterly broken down, and the reason is that in recent decades, both the right and the left had been controlled behind the scenes, by America’s billionaires and centi-millionaires, who are virtually unanimous on some policy-issues (so that the U.S. has a one-party government on these matters), with no significant ideological dissent amongst the U.S. aristocracy on those key issues, especially about continuing the old ideological Cold War against communism, switched now into a purely nationalistic and increasingly hot war against Russia, as allegedly an evil and imperialistic nation in ways that the United States itself is supposedly not (but actually is even more so than Russia or any other nation in the world, and widely recognized as such, except inside the United States itself, where the aristocracy’s ‘news’ media hide this ugly nationalistic fact about the land they control — the fact of America’s being the world’s most aggressive nation).

America’s super-rich have no objection against the government that they control conquering others, like the Iraq-invasion in 2003, and the U.S. coup overthrowing and replacing the democratically elected and Moscow-friendly President of that country in 2014, and aiding jihadists in Syria to overthrow Syria’s pro-Russian secular government; and the phone-tapping of all Western leaders including Angela Merkel and generally practicing cyber-invasions everywhere in the world — but they and their agents allege that Russia is doing these things even worse than America is, and needs to be punished by the ‘virtuous’ U.S. government for (allegedly) doing what the U.S. actually does far more than any other nation in the world.

Though Trump has reversed himself on many things that threaten the U.S. aristocracy, such as by his saying he won’t, after all, prosecute Hillary Clinton for her crimes (which were never really investigated under Obama’s regime — and protecting the legal immunity of aristocrats is crucial to the aristocracy of both political Parties), Trump still hasn’t — now just days before entering the White House — reversed himself regarding his intention to improve relations with Russia.

Becoming even more hostile toward Russia is almost a unanimous goal of the U.S. aristocracy. They’re thus rebelling against him, in their ‘news’media, and they won’t stop trying to cripple his Presidency unless and until he relents on this, turns around, and continues, ever-hotter than before, their (under Obama, increasing) ’Cold War’ against Russia: going beyond even what President Obama has been doing (coups, invasions, sanctions, etc.), aiming to replace the Russian government’s allies by the American government’s allies, and thus to isolate and weaken Russia, ultimately to take over Russia itself.

During the early years of the Cold War, America’s Republican Party and their ‘news’ media, especially insisted upon increasing the war against the Soviet Union; but, now, in the purely nationalistic war against Russia, it’s instead Democratic Party politicians and ‘news’ media, who are especially fervid to conquer Russia. Republican Party ‘news’ media, such as Fox ‘News’, are now considerably less hateful toward Russia, no longer obsessed against it, like the Democratic Party’s ‘news’ media have become — thereby switching political roles.

Consequently, too, for example, the Democratic Party’s Washington Post is doing everything they can to encourage U.S. conquest of Russia, such as by spreading fake ‘news’ stories against the few small independent Western newsmedia that are pointing out the lies (especially the ones against Russia) in such media-giants; and some of the Republican Party’s ‘news’media now are even doing in-depth actual news-reporting about the fraudulence of the Democratic Party’s ‘news’media, on these matters that are of such intense interest to America’s aristocrats.

Excellent examples of this phenomenon are provided by the various ‘news’media of the rightwing-populist Alex Jones, which featured, on New Year’s Day, the video «Dems Want War With Russia To Stop Trump», and an associated investigative news report from their Mikael Thalen, «Washington Post Stirs Fear After False Report of Power Grid Hack by Russia», exposing the WP’s lying propaganda for «War With Russia» — Democrats’ (and a few Republicans’) lies basically to promote unsubstantiated allegations by the Obama regime, that ‘Russian hacking’ is a danger both to American ‘democracy’, and to American national security.

That «War With Russia» video (at 5:00-) presents the futurist, Gerald Celente, discussing liberal Democrats who were saying, totally without evidence, such things as “Vermonters and all Americans should be both alarmed and outraged that one of the world’s leading thugs, Vladimir Putin, has been attempting to hack our electric grid, which we rely upon to support our quality of life, economy, health, and safety.”

The infamous 1950s Republican, Joseph R. McCarthy, has thus non-ideologically returned from the grave, now, in the guise of liberal Democrats (or should that instead be ‘Democrats’?), as part of the U.S. aristocracy’s war to force the Republican President, Donald Trump, to join the tradition that the Republican President George Herbert Walker Bush established, on 24 February 1990, of treating Russia as being America’s enemy, no longer communism as being America’s enemy.

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Just as the Syrian proxy war showed some hopeful signs of finally dying down, the Syrian army command said on Friday that Israeli jets have bombed the Mezzeh military airport west of Damascus, accusing Tel Aviv of supporting terrorism, and warned Tel Aviv of repercussions of what it called a “flagrant” attack.

Syrian state TV quoted the army as saying several rockets were fired from an area near Lake Tiberias in northern Israel just after midnight which landed in the compound of the airport, a major facility for elite Republican Guards and special forces. The airport was rocked by multiple explosions, some of which were captured by social media.

“Syrian army command and armed forces warn Israel of the repercussions of the flagrant attack and stresses its continued fight against (this) terrorism and amputate the arms of the perpetrators,” the army command said in a statement.

The statement did not disclose if there were any casualties, but said the rockets caused a fire. Earlier, state television said several major explosions hit Mezzeh military airport compound near Damascus and ambulances were rushed to the area, without giving details.

The airport southwest of the capital is a major strategic air base used mainly by Syrian elite Republican Guards and had been a base used to fire rockets at former rebel-held areas in the suburbs of Damascus. State television did not give any further details.

Footage from the scene with heavy fire and the sounds of explosions has surfaced on social media. Multiple reports from journalists and activists on the ground described the bombing, with the opposition also reporting there were rockets fired.

“Rockets strike at Mezzeh Military airport in Damascus minutes ago,” tweeted Hadi al-Bahra, former president of the National Coalition of Syrian Revolution and Opposition Forces.

In the past, Israel has targeted positions of Lebanon’s Hezbollah group inside Syria where the Iranian-backed group is heavily involved in fighting alongside the Syrian army. According to Israeli breaking, the airport was bombed because it was a “suspected holding ammunition depots for Hezbollah. ”

Israeli defence officials have voiced concern that Hizbollah’s experience in the Syrian civil war, where it has played a significant role and recently helped the Syrian army regain the eastern sector of the city of Aleppo, has strengthened it.

Rebels operating in the area have said Hizbollah’s major arms supply route into Damascus from the Lebanese border has been targeted on several occasions in recent years by air strikes. This has included strikes on convoys of weapons and warehouses.

This is the second time in two months the Israeli Defense Forces have being accused by Syria of targeting Syrian positions from Israeli territory.  On December 7, SANA reported that “several surface-to-surface missiles” were launched by the IDF from the Golan Heights. At the time, the source in the Syrian armed forces slammed the attack as a “desperate attempt” by Israel to endorse terrorists.

Rebels operating in the area have said Hezbollah’s major arms supply route into Damascus from the Lebanese border has been targeted on several occasions in recent years by air strikes. This has included strikes on convoys of weapons and warehouses. Damascus airport was also hit by air strikes in 2013. Tel Aviv neither confirms nor denies involvement in striking targets inside Syria. Damascus has also been tightlipped about previous strikes.

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The Syrian military has additionally deployed large reinforcements, including battle tanks and armoured vehicles, to the Kuweires airbase in the province of Aleppo. Fighters of a pro-government Iraqi paramilitary group Hezbollah al-Nujaba were also spotted in the area.

Pro-government sources link the deployment of additional reinforcements to the airbase with the expected anti-ISIS operation in the direction of Deir Hafer and even al-Bab.

Meanwhile, the ISIS terrorist group has also been deploying additional forces to the area. One of ISIS convoys, consisting of 6 vehicles and heading to al-Bab, was destroyed by the Syrian army.

Reports also appeared that the government operation against ISIS can be coordinated with Ankara.

On January 12, Russian and Turkish military officials signed a memorandum on combat flight safety during missions – and agreed to coordinate airstrikes against terrorists in Syria. Al-Bab is an obvious area for these efforts.

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A full two-thirds of the earthquake casualties in Haiti on January 12, 2010 were directly due to policies that the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), World Bank, and United States Agency for International Development (USAID) put in place to create surplus labor for the country’s sweatshops.

The now well-known reductions in the tariffs on agricultural products, flood of subsidized Arkansas rice on the Haitian market, and eradication of the locally adapted creole pig were all components of a well mapped-out plan to impoverish Haitian farmers and force their migration from their villages to the capital city of Port-au-Prince. In this way, about 1.6 million Haitians were added in 30 years to about 800,000 people who were already in the area that would become the earthquake’s epicenter.

Since that disaster, there has been a nearly complete eradication of Haitian agriculture and a simultaneous dissipation of the Haitian population to prevent a major famine and popular revolt. This process has required a collaboration of the Latin American member countries of the United Nations’ so-called peacekeeping mission (MINUSTAH) and Haiti’s richest families.

A zero-employment remittance economy

Most countries would not give up their middle class without first being destroyed by a war, as nearly happened in Syria. Haiti’s government, however, is not representative; in fact, it is, for the most part, inimical to its own population. On the subject of emigration, Haitian industrialists make common cause with the globalist project to depopulate Haiti and disenfranchise Haitians.

This supposed elite believes that one can base an economy entirely on money transfers from abroad. It has observed, while licking its lips, that the roughly $2 billion sent to Haiti per year by those Haitians who live abroad represents more than 20 percent of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Furthermore, these remittances often exceed foreign aid or direct foreign investment, which are considered to be less reliable because they depend on political decisions and market forces. Nearly all the remittances have traditionally come from Haitians in the Dominican Republic, United States, Canada, the Bahamas, and France, where the great majority of the diaspora, about 2 million in all, reside. This began to change, however, when the Haitian government set out to achieve more than 90 percent unemployment at home and deliberately create a diaspora in Latin America to generate more remittances.



Ecuador opens its door

The start of the movement of Haitians toward Central and South America preceded the earthquake by two years and was not due to homelessness from that disaster. In July 2008, the Ecuadorian government dropped all its visa requirements and threw open its doors to immigrants and asylum seekers. From the start, this project involved Haitian and Ecuadorian human traffickers who were probably in league with their governments.

The first Haitians to fall into their clutches were young adults who aspired to continue their studies abroad. In one well-documented case, four Haitians between 17 and 28 years old were lured to Ecuador with promises of full scholarships and then imprisoned in a house for nearly a year while being forced to pay $150 per month for their rent and board. A requirement of their scholarship had been to prove that they had family members in the US or Canada who could pay for their registration fee of about $300. The monthly payments were subsequently extorted from those families. The Ecuadorian government was not much better than the coyotes. In response to the earthquake in 2010, it legalized the status of 390 Haitians but left about 1,000 others to the whims of human traffickers and abusive employers. By 2015, the number of irregular Haitian immigrants had grown to about 20,000. In May of that year, Ecuador announced that it would grant six-month nonimmigrant visas to all Haitian nationals illegally on its soil, after which they could apply for migrant visas. It is unclear how many Haitians have regularized their situations by this approach.


Dilma does visas

Thanks to Brazil’s healthy judicial system, many of the Brazilian construction concerns and politicians who instigated the sordid traffic of Haitians to Brazil for slave labor are now out of business, in prison, or both, for other crimes. Like Ecuador, Brazil threw open its doors to unsuspecting Haitians, but its sudden generosity with visas involved no humanitarian concerns. An aggressive recruitment of Haitians by Dilma Rousseff immediately followed a Brazilian workers’ revolt in spring 2011, more than a year after the earthquake. One aim of the visas was to generate a captive scab labor force for dangerous jobs like the construction of stadiums, mines, bridges, and hydroelectric dams. Such workers could have easily been drawn from a pool of unskilled laborers, like the Haitians in the Dominican Republic, but there was another aim, and this was to free Haiti of a group of potentially troublesome citizens. Seventy-seven percent of those trafficked to Brazil were male, and more than 90 percent were educated and between 19 and 45 years old.

When the migration of Haitians to Brazil began to slow down, around summer 2015, after one Haitian was killed and five others injured, Brazil renewed its offer of visas. “All Haitians will be welcome in Brazil: those who arrive legally just as those who arrive undocumented,”announced the new Brazilian Ambassador to Haiti, Fernando Vidal, on October 6, 2015. And when a journalist asked “even if all 10 million Haitians decide to go over there?” Vidal explained, “There is no ceiling, no requirement, and no constraint.” One month later, Brazil made a big show of granting permanent residency to 58 percent of its then total of about 76,000 Haitians. Subsequently, it let the Haitian population grow to more than 100,000. After the massive corruption of Rousseff’s party began to make itself felt as an economic recession in 2016, the Brazilian jobs dried up, as did the visas.


Next stop, Chile

In Chile, a migration of Haitians also began around 2011, but between 2011 and early 2016, the population of migrants never reached a size comparable to that of Brazil and appeared to level at about 9,000. These were mostly students; 80 percent were between 15 and 30 years olds, and about 65 percent were female. Since a visa was not required for entry into Chile, they needed only their passport and an airlines ticket. Generally, they traveled by plane from Port-au-Prince to Santiago, with a stop in Panama City. Though they were not trafficked on land, as happened in the other cases, they were still heavily exploited. This took the form of excessive charges for their tickets (more than $2,300) and unorthodox travel fees of hundreds of dollars.

On their arrival in Chile, many found that their Haitian diplomas were not accepted for credit. Worse, some discovered after four to five years of study that their academic institutions would not grant them their degrees. In August 2016 the Haitian population in Chile suddenly exploded to more 40,000, when Haitians began to leave Brazil at a rapid rate due to a lack of jobs. Another 50,000 Haitians are expected to settle in Chile from Brazil in 2017.


The superhuman trek to Mexico

Another group of Haitians chose to move from Brazil, by a land route, to the United States. According to a report by Christiane Ndedi, about 5,000 have made their way to San Ysidro, just south of San Diego. Others wait in Tijuana and Mexicali to cross the border into the US. In all cases, they live under abominable conditions, often in well-meaning churches that lack the beds or bathrooms to accommodate all of them. Many of the migrants are well-educated people who have given up on ever using their training. For example, one civil engineer had become a plumber in Brazil. During a series of interviews, Ndedi discovered that each had spent $3,000 to $5,000 and traveled for three months through forests, mountains, deserts and rivers, being palmed off from one human trafficker to another. From Brazil, the migrants crossed into Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, and Guatemala, to arrive in Mexico at Tapachula and continue northward. They generally agreed that the border between Colombia and Panama was their most dangerous passage. Some say they witnessed the deaths of men, women, and children there.


“El Poli” is Luis Ramirez, a Dominican; “El Pastor” is Cedanus Dorvil, and “El Guardaespaldas” is Jean Blendy Mahotiere, both Haitians. Their human trafficking network brought Haitians into Santiago, Chile, and dumped them in the streets (Credit: Gustavo Villarrubia and Juan Pablo Figueroa/CIPES).

Where do we go from here?

The Haitian government has been reluctant to receive Haitian deportees, accepting only about 50 per month and claiming that the country cannot establish the citizenship of most others. Meanwhile, thousands of impoverished Haitians and even Dominicans are dumped every week into Haiti from the Dominican Republic (DR) because of decisions that were set in motion by the UN in 2013. Indeed, it is estimated that 126,000 people entered Haiti from the DR between June 2015 and July 2016, most of them with only the clothes on their backs. In effect, the Haitian rich have been doubled-crossed in their Faustian bargain to discard their own population so as to collect money.

If Haiti has abandoned its recent emigrants, their rejection of Haiti is even more total. Despite an arduous journey, none of the travelers from Brazil to Mexico considered a return to Haiti as a possible way out. Though they all summarized their grievances as a shortage of work in Haiti, I believe that one could easily add to this complaint a total collapse of the state apparatus, an absence of the law, routine land grabs, runaway inflation, skyrocketing food prices, and a regular sabotage of potable water systems that have made life unbearable.

“If everybody leaves Haiti, what’s going to happen there?” Christiane Ndedi asked one of the travellers.

J: “I don’t know. As far as I am concerned, if everybody had an opportunity to get out, it would be better.”

N: “But if one leaves, things will never change. [The government] will continue to do what it wants.”

J: “I understand. I, who have children, cannot stay there. If I stay, I have nothing to give them. I can do what there? I spent 14 years in school for nothing. For nothing….”

Those migrants, who have made a superhuman effort to guide their own destinies, could never imagine themselves to be leaves blown to the winds, eventually to crumble and disappear: the subjects of a vile experiment to ablate nationalism and citizenship so that territories and people may be better controlled by supranational entities like the UN, IDB, and World Bank.


Sources: Dady Chery is the author of We Have Dared to Be Free. | Photos one and two from Opera Mundi of Sao Paulo; three, four, five, six, and eight from Folha de Sao Paulo | seven from Centro de Investigacion Periodistica (CIPER).

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Readers have asked me why 10 of 11 US aircraft carriers are lined up in a row in dock allegedly for maintanence. It reminds them of the battleships at Pearl Harbor. Readers ask if this could be an indication that the Deep State is planning a false flag attack on the carriers, as was carried out on the World Trade Center and Pentagon in order to get the US at war with the independent Muslim world, this time in order to get the US at war with Russia before Trump can restore normal relations.

I don’t think so. The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was real, if provoked. The deception apparently was in the fact that Washington had warning but did not share it with the US Navy in Pearl Harbor. The Battleships were outmoded weapons, and the aircraft carriers had been removed. It would be extremely difficult to blame a false flag attack on US aircraft carriers on Russia. Indeed, if Russia wants to attack the US, the target would not be obsolete weapons such as aircraft carriers.

According to what I have been told by former(?) intelligence officers, the aircraft carriers are in dock so that their copper wiring can be replaced by fiber optics. Apparently, the Russians have the capability to shut down the operating systems of our ships and aircraft that are copper wired. In behalf of this conclusion, there were news reports that a missile ship Washington sent to impress the Russian naval base in Crimea had all its systems shut down by the overflight of one Russian jet. According to another news report, two Israeli US jet fighters were sent to express disobdience to Russia’s controlled airspace in Syria. The Russians asked the Israelis to leave, and when they did not, the Russians shut down the fire control and communication systems of their aircraft.

According to what I have been told, the Russians discovered that copper wiring permits them to disrupt the operating systems with certain radar frequencies built into their air control systems

If this account is true, and I lack the technical experise to judge what I have been told, we are presented with a test case of what we are told are Russian and Chinesa aggressive intentions against the West. With the US carrier task forces inoperative, this is a prime time for Russia to seize Ukraine and whatever else they are alleged to want, and it is a prime time for China to take Taiwan and Japan if they want it. There is no American Navy to deploy to stop them, and a nuclear threat from the clowns in Washington would mean nothing other than the complete destruction of the entire Western world, with the moronic idiots in Washington being the first to go.

The charges of Chinese and Russian aggression are fantastic lies. China has not declared the Gulf of Mexico or the seas off the California coasts to be “areas of Chinese national interest,” but the killer bitch Hillary in the regime of the Nobel Peace Laureate declared the South China Sea to be “an area of US national interest.” This is provocation beyond provocation. No intelligent diplomat would ever make such a ridiculous and provocative claim.

Russia conquered Georgia in response to Georgia’s invasion of South Ossetia, but released it and did not reincorporate the former Russian province back into the Russian Federation where it had resided for 300 years. Russia refused the requests for reincorporation from the Donetsk and Luhansk breakaway republics in Ukraine. Russia has not declared the Baltics and Eastern Europe to be areas of Russian national interest, but the US has and has incorporated them into Washington’s mercenary army, stationing troops, tanks, and missiles there with which to attack Russia. Russia has not responded in kind.

All of the aggression in the world stems from Washington. This is plain as day. How come so few see the obvious? Who else but Washington has been at war since the Clinton regime murdering people in nine countries?

Why is the entire liberal-progressive-left helping the entrenched CIA Establishment demonize president-elect Donald Trump, whose stated goal is to normalize relations with Russia? Is this an indication that the liberal-progressive-left is a CIA front? This possibility is not far-fetched. As it is a known fact that the CIA owns the American and European print and TV media, why would the CIA ignore the liberal-left “progressive” Internet media?

The rule is that “the enemy of my enemy is my friend.” Clearly the Establishment enemy of the liberal-left is Trump’s enemy, so why is the liberal-left allied with its Establishment enemy against Trump?

The real question is: Does the US really have an independent liberal-left?

If so, where is it? The liberal-progressive-left has served as protectors of the fake 9/11 official story that a few Saudis uninformed by an intelligence service or a state apparatus outwitted all 16 US intelligence agencies, the National Security Council, the Pentagon, airport security, air traffic control, the US Air Force and Dick Cheney himself, along with Israel’s Mossad and all the intelligence services of the US Empire, and inflicted the most humuliating defeat on an alleged “superpower” in the entire history of the world.

Anyone stupid enough to believe the official 9/11 story is not sufficiently intelligent to be qualified to be left-wing or even a sentinent being.

What the Western world hurtling to its destruction desperately needs is a real left-wing, a left-wing immune to emotional disabilities that blind it to reality.

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments. His internet columns have attracted a worldwide following. Roberts’ latest books are The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism and Economic Dissolution of the WestHow America Was Lost, and The Neoconservative Threat to World Order.

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On Thursday, US Secretary of Defense nominee James Mattis told a Senate committee in confirmation hearings that NATO must build capacity in eastern Europe to deter Russia’s alleged aggression. This came a day after Secretary of State nominee Rex Tillerson testified that the United States would defend NATO member states if Russia invaded.

“There is little or no evidence that Russia is being aggressive towards the NATO countries,” Caldicott, co-winner of the 1985 Nobel Peace Prize, told Sputnik. “That is a lie that the United States insists on maintaining.”

Caldicott pointed out, however, that it was the United States and NATO, not Russia, that was building up its armed forces to unprecedented levels in central and eastern Europe and exacerbating tensions in the region.

“The severely provocative buildup of military forces, ABM [anti-ballistic missile] systems and equipment on the Russian border is at the least unnecessary and at the most could lead to a nuclear war with Russia,” Caldicott warned.

Far from threatening nuclear war, the Russian government and media were warning their people about the dangers of the NATO military buildup, Caldicott claimed.

“Indeed, the Russian press and leading politicians in the Duma are now postulating that this could well be a future reality, and they are encouraging the Russian population to practice drills to shelter themselves from nuclear war,” she said.

The American public and US policymakers also need to take the threat of nuclear war and the nightmarish consequences that would flow from it far more seriously, Caldicott explained.

In the event of any thermonuclear conflict breaking out between Russia and the United States and NATO “we are all doomed to die a dreadful death of vaporization, severe burns, acute radiation sickness, or freezing and starving to death in the nuclear winter that will ensue,” Caldicott admonished.

Although US Vice President Joe Biden praised the record of outgoing President Barack Obama on reducing the threat of nuclear war during his eight years in office, Caldicott said Obama’s anti-Russian policies had made the danger far worse.

“What on earth Obama, the once-peace-maker, and [US Secretary of Defense] Ashton Carter think they are doing, God only knows unless they are obeying the dictates of their military industrial masters, who need war or the risk of such to survive economically,” Caldicott added.

Caldicott expressed the hope that President-elect Donald Trump would reverse the US force build-up in Eastern Europe after he took office on January 20.

“Once Trump is inaugurated one hopes that his close relationship with [Russian President Vladimir] Putin will lead to rapid withdrawal of these forces and a refashioning of the relationship between Russia and the United States which may ensure our survival,” she said.

Caldicott is the author of many books, including “The New Nuclear Danger: George W. Bush’s Military Industrial Complex” and “War in Heaven: The Arms Race in Outer Space.”

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The decision by the U.S. intelligence community to include in an official report some unverified and salacious accusations against President-elect Donald Trump resembles a tactic out of FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover’s playbook on government-style blackmail: I have some very derogatory information about you that I’d sure hate to see end up in the press.

Legendary FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover

In this case, as leaders of the U.S. intelligence community were pressing Trump to accept their assessment that the Russian government had tried to bolster Trump’s campaign by stealing and leaking actual emails harmful to Hillary Clinton’s campaign, Trump was confronted with this classified “appendix” describing claims about him cavorting with prostitutes in a Moscow hotel room.

Supposedly, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and CIA Director John Brennan included the unproven allegations in the report under the rationale that the Russian government might have videotaped Trump’s misbehavior and thus could use it to blackmail him. But the U.S. intelligence community also had reasons to want to threaten Trump who has been critical of its performance and who has expressed doubts about its analysis of the Russian “hacking.”

After the briefing last Friday, Trump and his incoming administration did shift their position, accepting the intelligence community’s assessment that the Russian government hacked the emails of the Democratic National Committee and Clinton’s campaign chief John Podesta. But I’m told Trump saw no evidence that Russia then leaked the material to WikiLeaks and has avoided making that concession.

Still, Trump’s change in tone was noted by the mainstream media and was treated as an admission that he was abandoning his earlier skepticism. In other words, he was finally getting onboard the intelligence community’s Russia-did-it bandwagon. Now, however, we know that Trump simultaneously had been confronted with the possibility that the unproven stories about him engaging in unorthodox sex acts with prostitutes could be released, embarrassing him barely a week before his inauguration.

The classified report, with the explosive appendix, was also given to President Obama and the so-called “Gang of Eight,” bipartisan senior members of Congress responsible for oversight of the intelligence community, which increased chances that the Trump accusations would be leaked to the press, which indeed did happen.

Circulating Rumors

The stories about Russian intelligence supposedly filming Trump in a high-end Moscow hotel with prostitutes have been circulating around Washington for months. I was briefed about them by a Hillary Clinton associate who was clearly hopeful that the accusations would be released before the election and thus further damage Trump’s chances. But the alleged video never seemed to surface and the claims had all the earmarks of a campaign dirty trick.

President-elect Donald Trump. (Photo credit: donaldjtrump.com)

However, now the tales of illicit frolic have been elevated to another level. They have been inserted into an official U.S. intelligence report, the details of which were leaked first to CNN and then to other mainstream U.S. news media outlets.

Trump has denounced the story as “fake news” and it is certainly true that the juicy details – reportedly assembled by a former British MI-6 spy named Christopher Steele – have yet to check out. But the placement of the rumors in a U.S. government document gave the mainstream media an excuse to publicize the material.

It’s also allowed the media to again trot out the Russian word “compromat” as if the Russians invented the game of assembling derogatory information about someone and then using it to discredit or blackmail the person.

In American history, legendary FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover was infamous for using his agency to develop negative information on a political figure and then letting the person know that the FBI had the dirt and certainly would not want it to become public – if only the person would do what the FBI wanted, whether that was to reappoint Hoover to another term or to boost the FBI’s budget or – in the infamous case of civil rights leader Martin Luther King – perhaps to commit suicide.

However, in this case, it is not even known whether the Russians have any dirt on Trump. It could just be rumors concocted in the middle of a hard-fought campaign, first among Republicans battling Trump for the nomination (this opposition research was reportedly initiated by backers of Sen. Marco Rubio in the GOP race) before being picked up by Clinton supporters for use in the general election.

Still, perhaps the more troubling issue is whether the U.S. intelligence community has entered a new phase of politicization in which its leadership feels that it has the responsibility to weed out “unfit” contenders for the presidency. During the general election campaign, a well-placed intelligence source told me that the intelligence community disdained both Clinton and Trump and hoped to discredit both of them with the hope that a more “acceptable” person could move into the White House for the next four years.

Hurting Both Candidates

Though I was skeptical of that information, it did turn out that FBI Director James Comey, one of the top officials in the intelligence community, badly damaged Clinton’s campaign by deeming her handling of her emails as Secretary of State “extremely careless” but deciding not to prosecute her – and then in the last week of the campaign briefly reopening and then re-closing the investigation.

FBI Director James Comey

Then, after the election, President Obama’s CIA began leaking allegations that Russian President Vladimir Putin had orchestrated the hacking of Democratic emails and provided them to WikiLeaks to reveal how the DNC undermined Sen. Bernie Sanders’s campaign and what Clinton had told Wall Street bigwigs in paid speeches that she had sought to keep secret from the American people.

The intelligence community’s assessment set the stage for what could have been a revolt by the Electoral College in which enough Trump delegates could have refused to vote for him to send the election into the House of Representatives, where the states would choose the President from one of the top three vote-getters in the Electoral College. The third-place finisher turned out to be former Secretary of State Colin Powell who got four votes from Clinton delegates in Washington State. But the Electoral College ploy failed when Trump’s delegates proved overwhelmingly faithful to the GOP candidate.

Now, we are seeing what looks like a new phase in this “stop (or damage) Trump” strategy, the inclusion of anti-Trump dirt in an official intelligence report that was then leaked to the major media.

Whether this move was meant to soften up Trump or whether the intelligence community genuinely thought that the accusations might be true and deserved inclusion in a report on alleged Russian interference in U.S. politics or whether it was some combination of the two, we are witnessing a historic moment when the U.S. intelligence community has deployed its extraordinary powers within the domain of U.S. politics. J. Edgar Hoover would be proud.

Investigative reporter Robert Parry broke many of the Iran-Contra stories for The Associated Press and Newsweek in the 1980s. You can buy his latest book, America’s Stolen Narrative, either in print here or as an e-book (from Amazon and barnesandnoble.com).

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Economía de China, importante tema en Foro de Davos

January 13th, 2017 by Damy Vales

La economía china, en la mira internacional hoy, ha sido un tema importante en el Foro de Davos en la última década, pero la inminente cita contará por primera vez con un presidente de este país para abordar el tema.

El presidente chino, Xi Jinping, realizará una visita de Estado a Suiza a mediados de este mes, y participará en el Foro Económico de Davos 2017, encuentro que se celebra anualmente en la mencionada ciudad.

Es una comidilla al presente a escala global, que esta será la primera vez que un gobernante del gigante asiático asista a esa cita.

Según la dirección de la fundación que organiza el evento, tres mil líderes económicos y políticos de más de 90 países asistirán este año al encuentro que se celebrará del 17 al 20 de enero y que en esta jornada lleva por título: ‘Liderazgo receptivo y responsable’.

En representación de la segunda mayor economía del mundo y como guía de una potencia responsable, Xi promoverá la mejora de la gobernanza global y la responsabilidad de un gran país para enfrentarse a los desafíos mundiales.

También el líder de este milenario territorio espera profundizar la asociación China-Suiza, promover la cooperación China-Europa y reducir las incertidumbres inyectando confianza y solidaridad en la comunidad empresarial internacional.

Xi prevé asimismo compartir el concepto de desarrollo pacífico y cooperación mutuamente beneficiosa, además de explorar maneras de fortalecer la confianza económica mundial y facilitar la reforma de la gobernanza global.

Como es sabido, Davos o el Foro Económico Mundial, siempre ha abogado por la globalización económica y Beijing ha seguido durante mucho tiempo una buena relación de cooperación.

En 2005, el presidente y fundador del evento, Klaus Schwab, propuso que China acogiese el Foro de Davos de Verano, desde 2007, o conocido como el ‘Davos de Verano, celebrado por 10 ocasiones ya en este territorio.

La nueva normalidad de la economía china, la inversión extranjera de China y la promoción de la innovación, serán analizadas una vez más en la reunión venidera.

El año 2017 será un momento crucial para la comunidad internacional, declaró Schwab, señalando que la amenaza de un mundo menos cooperativo y más ensimismado también ofrece la oportunidad de abordar los riesgos globales y las tendencias que hay detrás de ellos.

China promueve activamente la gestión económica mundial y la integración regional, y aumenta la confianza internacional mostrando su responsabilidad como gran potencia.

Al respecto se puede ejemplificar con la iniciativa china ‘Un Cinturón – Una Ruta’, ampliamente reconocida por la comunidad internacional.

El propio Schwab ha reiterado que el éxito de la reforma y apertura de China han dejado una gran impresión y ha propuesto compartir esas experiencias.

Hoy en día, necesitamos el apoyo de China para afrontar las dificultades de la economía mundial, y la reforma de la gobernanza económica internacional espera ansiosamente a China. Davos espera ‘la buena voz de China’, dijo en declaraciones previas.

De ahí que se derive una gran expectativa por el discurso de Xi Jinping, quien inaugurará oficialmente el foro el próximo 17 de enero.

Damy Vales

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El fundador de Wikileaks, Julian Assange, aseguró que cables filtrados del Departamento de Estado dieron cuenta de que “desde 2006” el presidente brasileño interino, Michel Temer, mantuvo reuniones privadas en la embajada estadounidense durante las que habría entregado información reservada a cambio de apoyo político de Washington. Además, reveló que las manifestaciones contra la presidenta destituida Dilma Rousseff fueron fogoneadas por las redes sociales a través de “robots” informáticos con “apoyo estadounidense”.

Según el técnico informático, asilado en la embajada de Ecuador en Londres desde 2012, Temer “pasó cuestiones de inteligencia política” de su país con el objetivo de “construir una relación para intercambiar información”.

No obstante, aclaró que la información filtrada “no permite decir que (el mandatario) es un espía pago por el gobierno estadounidense” porque “no hay pruebas de ello”.

En una entrevista publicada en el portal Nocaute, Assange aseguró que “si uno mira cómo actúa el espionaje militar norteamericano en América Latina”, podría afirmarse que “Brasil es el país latinoamericano más espiado” por ser la “economía más grande” de la región.

“Alguno imaginará ingenuamente que debe ser Venezuela o Cuba, porque históricamente fueron adversarios de Estados Unidos”, pero no.

“Con esta información –estimó- el Departamento de Estado puede hacer maniobras en defensa de los intereses de las grandes empresas americanas de petróleo, lo que no necesariamente está alineado al interés de Brasil. A Dilma (Rousseff) la espiaban por razones políticas, es una mezcla de búsqueda de información financiera con contexto político.”

Además, señaló que las manifestaciones que exigieron la destitución de la presidenta electa Rousseff estuvieron alentadas por “robots” en las redes sociales que trabajaron para estimular las protestas, “algo que en América Latina no ocurre sin apoyo estadounidense”.

Temer, del Partido del Movimiento Democrático Brasileño (PMDB), asumió su presidencia interina el 31 de agosto tras el golpe institucional contra Rousseff, de quien era su vicepresidente y a quien se le opuso a inicios de 2016.

El fundador de Wikileaks, organización responsable por la interceptación y divulgación de más de cientos de miles de cables diplomáticos, militares y corporativos de las agencias del gobierno de Estados Unidos, es buscado por la justicia sueca por una denuncia de violación, que el activista considera un argumento para ser extraditado a Washington.

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El lamentable y triste legado de Barack Obama

January 13th, 2017 by Cornel West

Ocho años atrás, por estas mismas fechas, el mundo se preparaba para una gran celebración: la investidura presidencial de un hombre negro, carismático y brillante. En cambio, ahora estamos al borde del abismo y nos preparamos para que un hombre blanco, mentiroso e impulsivo tome el relevo.

Con este cambio, el cargo más importante del imperio más poderoso de toda la historia de la humanidad inicia un deprimente declive. No sería de extrañar que diera lugar a una ola de cinismo penetrante y de nihilismo tóxico. ¿Realmente, en momentos tan decadentes como el actual, hay esperanza de que se impongan la verdad y la justicia? ¿Pueden los estadounidenses ser honestos consigo mismos y aceptar que padecen una adicción autodestructiva al dinero y una xenofobia cobarde?

Ralph Waldo Emerson y Herman Melville, los dos grandes intelectuales estadounidenses del siglo XIX, se hicieron las mismas preguntas y llegaron a la misma conclusión que Heráclito: el carácter del hombre es su destino (siembra un carácter y cosecharás un destino).

Los dos mandatos de Barack Obama tal vez fueron nuestra última oportunidad para librarnos de nuestro corsé liberal. Somos prisioneros de marcas controladas por el mercado que esquivan la integridad y buscan obtener mayores beneficios en detrimento del bien público. Nuestro mundo de “posintegridad” y “posverdad” está asfixiado por todas estas marcas y por actividades lucrativas que tienen muy poco o nada que ver con la verdad, la integridad y la supervivencia de nuestro planeta a largo plazo. Estamos ante una versión posmoderna de un proceso a gran escala de la gangsterización del mundo.

Obama no creó la pesadilla de Donald Trump pero sí la propició. Y los seguidores de Obama que no quisieron exigirle responsabilidades también tienen parte de culpa.

Algunos rogamos y suplicamos a Obama que diera la espalda a los intereses de Wall Street para centrase en las necesidades de la gente corriente. Sin embargo, él siguió los consejos de sus “listos” asesores neoliberales y rescató a los bancos. En marzo de 2009, Obama se reunió con los líderes de Wall Street. Proclamó: “Estoy entre ustedes y la horca. Estoy de su lado y los protegeré”. Esa fue su promesa. Ni un solo criminal de Wall Street fue a la cárcel.

Hicimos un llamamiento para que aquellos estadounidenses que habían torturado a musulmanes inocentes rindieran cuentas por sus acciones y para que se hiciera pública la información relativa a los ataques de drones que habían matado a civiles inocentes. La administración Obama nos aseguró que ningún civil había muerto en estos ataques. Luego nos dijo que, en realidad, algunos habían muerto. Y más tarde, nos dijo que tal vez la cifra de civiles muertos era de 65. Y, sin embargo, cuando un civil estadounidense, Warren Weinstein, murió como consecuencia del ataque de un dron en 2015, se apresuraron a convocar una rueda de prensa en la que se disculparon y ofrecieron una indemnización a la familia. A estas alturas todavía no sabemos cuántos inocentes han muerto como consecuencia de ataques con drones.

Volvimos a la calle para unirnos a la causa de Black Lives Matter (las vidas de los negros importan) y otros grupos similares y fuimos a la cárcel por haber participado en una protesta después de que la policía matara a un joven negro. También nos manifestamos cuando las fuerzas israelíes mataron a más de 2.000 palestinos (entre los que se incluían 550 niños) en cuestión de 50 días. Obama solo nos ofreció palabras. Nos explicó que la situación de los policías es complicada, prometió que se investigarían los hechos (ningún policía fue a la cárcel) y dio una nueva ayuda de 225 millones de dólares al ejército israelí. Obama no dijo una sola palabra sobre los niños palestinos muertos, pero sí calificó a los jóvenes negros de Baltimore de “criminales y matones”.

Además, la política educativa de Obama también ha obedecido a las fuerzas del mercado y ha cerrado cientos de escuelas públicas y ha dado prioridad a las escuelas concertadas. Los más ricos, que representan al privilegiado 1% de la población, se hicieron con dos terceras partes de los ingresos generados en estos ocho años mientras que la pobreza infantil, especialmente la pobreza infantil de los niños afroamericanos, ha alcanzado niveles astronómicos. Las protestas de los trabajadores de Wisconsin, Seattle y Chicago (estas últimas han contado con la oposición férrea del alcalde de la ciudad, Rahm Emanuel, un amigo íntimo de Obama) pasaron inadvertidas.

En 2009, Obama afirmó que el entonces alcalde de Nueva York, Michael Bloomberg, había hecho una labor “extraordinaria”. Sin embargo, ignoró el hecho que durante la gestión de Bloomberg, más de cuatro millones de personas fueron detenidas y cacheadas. Junto con Carl Dix y otros, fui detenido dos años más tarde por protestar por las mismas políticas que Obama ignoró cuando elogió la gestión de Bloomberg.

Los medios convencionales y los académicos no han hablado de estas verdades incómodas que están directamente relacionadas con la gestión de Obama. Los presentadores mejor pagados de la televisión y de la radio han elogiado la marca Obama. La mayoría de líderes de la comunidad afroamericana también ha defendido los silencios y los crímenes que ha cometido el presidente y han dado prioridad al simbolismo racial y a sus propias carreras. Es muy hipócrita por su parte que ahora cuenten las verdades del “poder blanco” cuando la mayoría de ellos optaron por callar ante el “poder negro”. Su autoridad moral se ha debilitado y sus nuevas bases tienen unos valores superficiales.

Obama dio la orden de que se mataran ciudadanos estadounidenses sin el debido proceso y sus seguidores más progresistas prefirieron mirar hacia otro lado. Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning, Jeffrey Sterling y otras personas que dijeron la verdad fueron demonizadas y, en cambio, los delitos que denunciaron fueron pasados por alto.

Su mayor logro legislativo fue una reforma sanitaria que proporcionó cobertura a más de 25 millones de ciudadanos; si bien otros 20 millones siguen sin asistencia médica. Sin embargo, no logró que el sistema sanitario dejara de ser un instrumento del mercado, creado por la conservadora Heritage Foundation y que había sido defendido primero por Mitt Romney en Massachusetts.

La falta de valentía de Obama le impidió enfrentarse a los criminales de Wall Street y su falta de personalidad lo llevó a ordenar ataques con drones. Sin quererlo, propició revueltas populistas de derechas en Estados Unidos y rebeliones islámicas fascistas en Oriente Medio. Como ‘deportador en jefe’ ha expulsado a 2,5 millones de inmigrantes y ha prediseñado los planes bárbaros de Trump.

Bernie Sanders intentó construir un populismo de izquierdas pero Clinton y Obama lo aplastaron en unas primarias demócratas completamente injustas. Y es así como ahora nos vemos obligados a entrar en una era neofascista: una economía neoliberal hormonada, un equipo presidencial militarizado y con sed de guerra, y la negación absoluta del cambio climático. Al mismo tiempo, vemos como la verdad y la integridad quedan eclipsadas por la marca Trump, con la ayuda de los codiciosos medios de comunicación privados.

Es un legado triste para el candidato de la esperanza y el cambio, incluso si los guerreros caemos derrotados mientras intentamos defender una verdad y una justicia que se desvanecen.

Artículo original en inglés:

Pity the sad legacy of Barack Obama, publicado el 9 de enero de 2017.

Traducido para El Diario por Emma Reverter.

Cornel West

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¿Puede Turquía ponerse del lado de Rusia?

January 13th, 2017 by Thierry Meyssan

Aunque Rusia tiene históricamente un pasado difícil en su relación con Turquía, y a pesar de que no olvida el papel que el actual presidente Erdogan desempeñó contra ella en la primera guerra de Chechenia, una posible salida de Ankara de la OTAN resulta muy interesante para Moscú. En el bando contrario, el Estado profundo estadounidense, que mantiene su ambición imperial a pesar de la elección de Donald Trump, está dispuesto a todo para mantener a Turquía en la alianza atlántica.

Para garantizar su supervivencia personal, el presidente turco Recep Tayyip Erdogan ha desatado una gran purga contra todos los elementos pro-estadounidenses de Turquía, purga que se suma a la lucha que ya había emprendido contra Siria, contra el PKK y, ahora, contra los mercenarios de Daesh, anteriormente bajo sus órdenes.

La destrucción de la influencia de Estados Unidos en Turquía se inició primeramente con la erradicación del movimiento Hizmet de Fethullah Gulen, el predicador islamista que trabaja para la CIA desde su exilio estadounidense en Pensilvania. Y ahora prosigue con la destitución –y frecuente arresto– no sólo de todos los militares turcos vinculados a Estados Unidos, sino de los militares laicos en general. ¡La prudencia nunca está de más!

El resultado es que 450 de los 600 oficiales superiores turcos destacados en la OTAN recibieron desde Ankara órdenes de regresar a Turquía. Más de 100 de esos militares han preferido solicitar asilo político en Bélgica, país sede de la OTAN.

La primera consecuencia de esa purga anti-laica es que el ejército turco queda decapitado por un largo periodo. En 5 meses, un 44% de los generales turcos han sido separados de sus cargos. Pero anteriormente, el 70% de los oficiales superiores ya fueron destituidos, arrestados y encarcelados en el marco del escándalo Ergenekon. Sin oficiales superiores capaces de garantizar su dirección, la operación turca «Escudo del Éufrates» se ha estancado.

Eso implica que Erdogan se ve obligado a revisar sus ambiciones militares para los próximos años, renunciando incluso a buena parte de ellas, ya sea en Siria, en Irak o en Chipre –3 países donde actualmente ocupa territorios. Eso lo llevó a abandonar el este de Alepo, en Siria, aunque no Idlib, y ahora se dispone a retirar sus tropas de Bachiqa, en Irak.

Desde la perspectiva de Washington, la posibilidad de que Turquía salga de la OTAN, o al menos del Mando Integrado de la alianza atlántica, ya provoca sudores fríos a la facción imperialista del poder estadounidense. En cantidad de efectivos, el ejército turco es el segundo más grande de la OTAN, después del ejército de Estados Unidos.

Sin embargo, también en Washington, la eventual salida turca de la alianza atlántica suscita más bien alivio entre los miembros de la facción del presidente electo Donald Trump, quien estima que Turquía es un país a la deriva.

De ahí el forcejeo de los neoconservadores por traer a Turquía de regreso en el «sentido de la Historia», léase el del «Nuevo Siglo Americano». Para lograrlo, Victoria Nuland, secretaria de Estado adjunta, está tratando de ofrecer Chipre al presidente Erdogan, un proyecto que la propia señora Nuland concibió después de las elecciones de 2015, cuando el presidente Barack Obama ordenó la eliminación del presidente turco.

Chantajeando al presidente chipriota Nikos Anastasiadis, la señora Nuland lo “incitó” a aceptar su «plan de paz» para Chipre: según ese plan la isla sería reunificada y desmilitarizada –en otras palabras, Chipre se quedaría sin ejército– y la OTAN desplegaría allí sus propias tropas, concretamente… tropas turcas. O sea, el ejército turco completaría su conquista de Chipre sin disparar un tiro. Si se negara a aceptar ese absurdo arreglo, el presidente Anastasiadis se vería enjuiciado ante un tribunal de Nueva York por su implicación como abogado en los negocios de la firma Imperium de su amigo ruso Leonid Lebedev que pusieron en juego 2 000 millones de dólares.

Resumiendo, una ruptura con la OTAN le costaría a Turquía el noreste de Chipre, que actualmente ocupa, mientras que quedarse en la alianza atlántica le aportaría el control de toda la isla.

Por supuesto, dentro de unas semanas el futuro secretario de Estado Rex Tillerson, ya nominado por Trump, podría sacar a Victoria Nuland del Departamento de Estado. Pero eso no quiere decir que el grupo que ella representa perdería todo acceso al poder. La señora Nuland es miembro de la familia de los fundadores del «Proyecto para un Nuevo Siglo Americano», que participó en la planificación de los hechos del 11 de septiembre de 2001. Su suegro, Donald Kagan, del Hudson Institute, instruyó a los neoconservadores y a los discípulos de Leo Strauss en la historia militar de Esparta. Su cuñado, Frederick Kagan del American Entreprise Institute, se ocupó de las relaciones públicas de los generales David Petraeus y John R. Allen. Su cuñada, Kimberly Kagan, creó el Institute for the Study of War. Su marido, Robert Kagan, percibe actualmente un salario pagado por el ex emir de Qatar en la Brookings Institution. Cuatro individuos, 5 tanques pensantes… una sola ideología.

Victoria Nuland, por su parte, fue sucesivamente embajadora de Estados Unidos ante la OTAN, portavoz de Hillary Clinton y organizadora del golpe de Estado de Kiev, en febrero de 2014. Ayudó al hoy presidente de Ucrania Petro Porochenko y a Erdogan a crear oficialmente la «Brigada Islámica Internacional» que ha perpetrado importantes sabotajes en Rusia y todo indica que el Estado profundo estadounidense dará continuación a su acción contra la futura administración Trump.

Quien prosigue la guerra en Siria es el grupo que está detrás de los Kagan, y su único objetivo es ahora mantenerse en el poder. El presidente Barack Obama no sólo no logró sacarlos de su administración sino que además una personalidad como Victoria Nuland, considerada figura de proa de la administración Bush, no encontró obstáculo para escalar posiciones en la administración demócrata y organizar una ola de rusofobia. Después de haber trabajado en perfecta armonía con Hillary Clinton, la señora Nuland nunca dejó –junto a su amigo Jeffrey Feltman, el verdadero mandamás de la ONU– de sabotear la diplomacia del secretario de Estado John Kerry.

Conocedor del carácter voluble de Erdogan, personaje siempre capaz de cambiar bruscamente de estrategia, Moscú tendrá que arreglárselas para tranquilizar al angustiado presidente chipriota Anastasiadis, o para proponerle a Ankara algo más interesante y lograr que se mantenga a medio camino entre Estados Unidos y Rusia.

Thierry Meyssan

Thierry Meyssan: Periodista francés, director y fundador de la Red Voltaire.

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En “El antiminotauro: el mito de una sociología libre de valores”, Alvin Gouldner cimbró al mundo académico al rechazar una de las máximas weberianas que se consideraban prácticamente un dogma en las ciencias sociales: la posibilidad de realizar un estudio sociológico libre de valores. El autor afirma, por el contrario, que el ambiente y los juicios que el científico social realiza influyen más de lo que se acepta en los resultados de las investigaciones, incluyendo la decisión misma del problema a estudiar.

Yo no sólo coincido plenamente con Gouldner sino que entiendo y trato de jugar el papel que me corresponde al analizar mi entorno: priorizar el interés del pueblo mexicano del que formo parte. Así, el presente artículo si bien puede considerarse del género opinión, recoge evidencias históricas, políticas y económicas para brindar una explicación a la más reciente agresión de clase que hemos sufrido la mayoría de los mexicanos mediante el aumento al precio de los combustibles, comúnmente denominado “gasolinazo”.

El gasolinazo neoliberal: Todos, desde De la Madrid, han contribuido

En principio de cuentas es importante destacar que el aumento súbito de en promedio 20% al precio de las gasolinas y diésel es producto directo de la política energética que ha seguido el país desde 1983, apegada estrictamente a los dictados impuestos por el Banco Mundial y el Fondo Monetario Internacional y cuyo pináculo fue la contrarreforma energética de 2013. A lo largo de estos 34 años de neoliberalismo en México que podrían resumirse como “la demolición controlada del Estado Mexicano”, el sector energético ha sido el más agredido y codiciado por el alto capital norteamericano y la oligarquía local, misma que participa en el despojo como socio menor.

Los pasos dados por los neoliberales mexicanos para traspasar el sector de manos públicas nacionales a privadas mayoritariamente extranjeras no han sido al azar. Por el contrario, se han diseñado desde los más selectos círculos del poder económico, financiero y académico norteamericano con plena consciencia del profundo significado que tienen Pemex y el petróleo en la memoria histórica del pueblo mexicano.

Al respecto, John Saxe afirma que la hoja de ruta para lograr la privatización de la paraestatal habría sido trazada por la Heritage Foundation en un documento fechado en 1992 y titulado Petróleo y prosperidad: la reforma del monopolio petrolero de México que propone cinco pasos para lograr ese fin:

1. Permitir contratos de riesgo para la exploración y desarrollo petrolero; 2. Permitir que exista inversión extranjera mayoritaria en la petroquímica; 3. Dividir a Pemex en empresas separadas y en competencia; 4. Permitir la competencia interna e internacional frente a Pemex; 5. Privatizar Pemex.[1] (Si bien es cierto que al día de hoy ni siquiera se ha insinuado la posibilidad de privatizar Pemex, de seguir por el camino actual en un máximo de 5 años estará en el piso de remates. Esto porque el precio de las petroleras está determinado por el tamaño de sus reservas, su nivel de producción y el precio de su materia prima, y como ha sido despojada intencionalmente de sus principales activos, desfinanciada y sobresaturada de pasivos, a la brevedad surgirán voces que propongan tal medida al considerarla un lastre financiero para la Nación).

Resultado de imagen para salinas pemex

Los gobiernos mexicanos han intentando, desde la década de 1980, desmantelar la industria petrolera nacional

Con este antecedente es posible destacar que todas las administraciones federales de corte neoliberal han contribuido a la consecución de ese objetivo, iniciando por De la Madrid que canceló todos los proyectos de inversión proyectados durante los gobiernos que le antecedieron e inició la desfinanciación de Pemex; Carlos Salinas atentó contra la integración vertical[2] de la paraestatal al dividirla en 4 organismos descentralizados, abrió a la participación privada la petroquímica “secundaria”, elevó su carga fiscal hasta dejarla únicamente con los recursos suficientes para mantener su plataforma de producción de crudo y descapitalizó al Instituto Mexicano del Petróleo; Ernesto Zedillo terminó de abrir el sector petroquímico y creó la figura de los contratos de riesgo, Pidiregas; Vicente Fox, sobreexplotó las reservas y aumentó colosalmente su deuda mediante los Pidiregas; Felipe Calderón entregó a EE.UU. la mayor reserva del país ubicada en el Golfo de México; y Enrique Peña que finalizó la apertura total del sector en 2013.

Para finalizar este punto resulta relevante subrayar que en todo este camino se ha puesto especial énfasis en especializar a Pemex en la producción, cuyo dato más pasmoso es que no se ha construido una sola refinería en el país desde hace más de tres décadas pese a que se han sumado casi 50 millones de habitantes en ese lapso de tiempo. La razón, según argumentaban los voceros y plumas al servicio del régimen durante la discusión de la contrarreforma energética de 2013, se debe a que la entonces paraestatal registraba enormes ganancias en producción y exploración, mientras en la petroquímica se perdían cuantiosos recursos.

Y si bien es cierto que por venta de crudo el país obtuvo ingresos récord en 2011 por 125 mmdd, lo que ocultaban cínicamente es que esa actividad no es ni de cerca la que mayores ganancias genera. Según un estudio hecho por Rafael Decelis en 1996 que usó como base los precios de diciembre de 1994, por cada barril de crudo se obtenían 13 dólares, 26 si se transformaba en gasolina, 59 (promedio) en petroquímicos, 300 en plásticos y 780 en producto terminado; y en lo que respecta a la generación de plazas laborales, cada barril producía 0.01 empleos en Pemex Exploración y Producción, 0.104 en Pemex Petroquímica, 0.672 en Petroquímica Secundaria y 22.7 en industrias de transformación ligadas al hidrocarburo (producción de hilos, telas, botellas, bolsas, plásticos, etc.).[3] Todo ello sin contar un elemento clave: la seguridad y soberanía de la Nación.

En el sector energético la apuesta es argentinizar a México

Contrario a los dichos del Gobierno Federal y la súper cretina cúpula panista que en 2014 pujó para que se adelantara dos años la liberalización del mercado de combustibles inicialmente prevista para 2019[4], el alza en los combustibles sí es una consecuencia directa de la reforma energética de 2013, y más específicamente de sus leyes secundarias aprobadas en 2014. En dicho ordenamiento jurídico se estableció que a partir de 2017 el mercado mexicano de combustibles se abriría a la participación de nuevos actores y un año después se permitiría su libre importación para crear un mercado completamente abierto.

Ello significa que México transitaría de un modelo en el que los precios eran fijados por la Secretaría de Hacienda según variables económicas, sociales y políticas, a otro en el que serían determinados por entes privados según “las leyes de la oferta y la demanda” y criterios estrictamente económicos y financieros; lo que implica de facto la privatización de uno de los aspectos fundamentales de todo negocio: la determinación de su precio al público.

Lo más absurdo es que la administración de Peña Nieto pretende esconder los vínculos con la reforma energética pero sí reconoce en su campaña mediática que el aumento es uno de los pasos iniciales de la liberalización, misma que avanzará durante el año en curso hasta que los precios locales estén a la par de los del mercado internacional.[5] ¡El colmo de la desvergüenza!

Pero la anterior no es la única mentira vil de la estrategia de comunicación gubernamental en marcha. Se desempolvan, por ejemplo, los dichos del criminal David Penchyna que al defender la liberalización del mercado en 2014 aseguraba “el subsidio a las gasolinas en realidad beneficiaba a quienes más recursos y autos tienen”.[6] Lo que nunca mencionó es que la mayor parte de los combustibles se destinan para el transporte de alimentos y productos de primera necesidad desde las regiones de producción hasta los centros de consumo, impactando en su costo y haciendo que las familias de menores ingresos que destinan hasta el 90% de su salario a la adquisición de comida sean las que más recientan la medida.[7]

La propaganda también asegura que la liberalización del ultrasensible mercado de los combustibles provocará que los precios locales disminuyan producto de un mayor número de actores, además de generar más empleos, crecimiento e inversión. Lo llamativo del caso no es que utilicen los mismos argumentos de siempre para justificar las contrarreformas neoliberales que siguen sin traer a los mexicanos el paraíso prometido, sino que dan por sentado que las empresas que entren al país lo harán con los ánimos de desatar una guerra de precios que los impulse a la baja, estrechando con ello sus márgenes de ganancia.

Resultado de imagen para gasolinazo mexico

Protestas multitudinarias en todo México contra el gasolinazo

Esta suposición resulta absurda e ilógica porque difícilmente se encontrarán datos empíricos que comprueben fehacientemente que las grandes petroleras se comportan así al entrar a mercados desregulados. Por el contrario, abundan los ejemplos en el que su actuar fue diametralmente distinto y aportaron más perjuicios que beneficios a los países receptores. En Brasil, por ejemplo, Ildo Luis Sauer, director de Petrobras entre 2003 y 2007, afirma que “la apertura no fue benéfica para Brasil y tiene más lecciones negativas que aprender que positivas”.

Respecto a las petroleras transnacionales, aseguró que “una vez que sacas a los leones de las jaulas, ellos entran en el sistema y tienen fuerza para participar con mucha más potencia en el sistema político y económico para dominar los medios de comunicación e infiltrarse en los partidos políticos a través de cabilderos, que son los que están en los congresos y en los palacios”.[8]

Pero el caso tipo que los mexicanos deberíamos tener en mente para pensar nuestro futuro cercano es el de Argentina. Como lo analicé en conjunto con el Dr. Norberto Emmerich en marzo de 2015,[9] la liberalización en Argentina se inició en la década de 1970 y dos décadas más tarde se privatizó la petrolera estatal, Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales. Además, se cedió a la iniciativa privada la explotación de las principales reservas de petróleo y gas, la capacidad de determinar los precios locales del petróleo y sus derivados y la participación en todos los eslabones de la industria petroquímica.

Como era de esperarse, las petroleras que dominaron rápidamente el mercado argentino se enfocaron en maximizar la explotación de los campos en detrimento de su vida útil, así como su exportación sobre el abastecimiento del mercado interno. Las diferencias con las autoridades argentinas se ahondaron con la pesificación de 2002 y el arribo de Néstor Kirchner a la presidencia en 2003, deviniendo un año después en una crisis energética caracterizada por el desabastecimiento crónico de petróleo, gas y sus derivados en el mercado local, constantes apagones y alzas unilaterales en los precios de las gasolinas y el diésel.

El gobierno denunció que los problemas se debían a una insuficiente inversión en la exploración, producción, transporte y refinación, y exigió una disminución de los costos al público. Por su parte, las petroleras afirmaron que los precios demandados por el gobierno argentino eran poco competitivos y les acarrearían grandes pérdidas, por lo que congelaron sus suministros al mercado local y continuaron su exportación como medida de presión para obtener mejores tarifas. Uno de los datos más icónicos de la situación data de 2007, cuando Argentina importó 988.379 toneladas de combustible y exportó 1.657.532 toneladas, situación absurda e innecesaria pero acorde a los intereses de Repsol YPF, Esso y Shell.

Algunas reflexiones a manera de cierre

1. Gracias a la profunda reprimarización económica que ha traído la política neoliberal, un país petrolero de primer orden como México comenzó a comprar petroquímicos en el exterior desde 1987 y hoy se ha convertido en el segundo mayor importador del mundo. El negocio calculado en alrededor de 50 mmdd anuales por Alfredo Jalife[10] sólo tiene dos ganadores claros: EE.UU., nación que vende el 81% de las gasolinas que importa México; y el entramado de funcionarios y empresarios que compran el combustible en el extranjero para luego revendérselo a Pemex.

2. En días recientes han pululado las voces que piden aumentar las importaciones de petroquímicos desde EE.UU. donde en la actualidad son más baratos, entre ellas las de los gobernadores de Nuevo León y Chihuahua. Esta medida si bien podría significar un efímero alivio, en realidad contribuirá al fortalecimiento del círculo vicioso que nos tiene atrapados en la dependencia. Una propuesta viable y ad hoc con el abandono del neoliberalismo que impulsa Trump al norte del Bravo sería utilizar el dinero de las reservas para adquirir refinerías, en lugar de dilapidarlo en la “intervención diaria de Banxico para estabilizar el tipo de cambio”.

3. Sabiendo que México se ha convertido en un país ultra dependiente de las gasolinas estadounidenses, ¿qué pasaría si mañana Donald Trump decide cortar su suministro o aplicarle un impuesto especial a fin de financiar el muro fronterizo? ¿La oligarquía mexicana seguiría diciendo que soberanía no es sinónimo de autosuficiencia sino de capacidad de compra? ¿Cómo recibiría el pueblo mexicano en ambos lados de la frontera tan terrible humillación?

 Edgar A. Valenzuela

Edgar A. Valenzuela: Politólogo egresado de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM).


[1] Saxe Fernández, John. La compra-venta de México. Una interpretación histórica y estratégica de las relaciones México-Estados Unidos. Ed. Plaza Janés, México D.F. 2002. Pág. 269.

[2] Se denomina integración vertical a la capacidad de una empresa para controlar por sí misma las actividades que van desde la producción de la materia prima hasta la comercialización de los productos terminados. En el caso de las petroleras, éstas serían: exploración, perforación, almacenamiento, refinación, distribución y comercialización.

[3] Op. Cit. Pág. 295.

[4] Eliminar subsidios a gasolinas, gas y luz, entre cambios a leyes energéticas. Diario La Jornada, 15 de julio de 2014. Consultado en línea en: https://goo.gl/BvrgK0

[5] Video disponible en: https://youtu.be/83ClzkpSZ50

[6] Bajarán precios del gas y electricidad, pero no de las gasolinas: Penchyna. Diario La Jornada, 13 de mayo de 2014. Consultado en línea en: https://goo.gl/qluYx9

[7] Aplicar I.V.A. a medicinas y alimentos afectará a los más pobres: Morena. Diario La Jornada, 6 de marzo de 2013. Consultado en línea en: https://goo.gl/krwu2V

[8] Cuando la IP extrae crudo, baja la renta petrolera para el Estado. Diario La Jornada, 13 de septiembre de 2013. Consultado en línea en: http://shar.es/VdT7T.

[9] Emmerich, Norberto. y Valenzuela, Edgar. Reforma energética, geopolítica y criminalidad. La matriz mexicana para crear riqueza. Rebelión, 21 de marzo de 2015. Consultado en línea en: https://goo.gl/o0LY5S

[10] Jalife-Rahme, Alfredo. Los siete pecados capitales de la reforma energética Peña / Videgaray / Aspe. Diario La Jornada, 16 de octubre de 2013. Consultado en línea en: https://goo.gl/x24H2k

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O presidente “bom” e o presidente “mau”

January 12th, 2017 by Manlio Dinucci

Barack Obama foi um “santo subito” (1): assim que entrou na Casa Branca, foi preventivamente laureado, em 2009, com o Prâmio Nobel da Paz graças aos “seus extraordinários esforços para fortalecer a diplomacia internacional e a cooperação entre os povos”.

Enquanto isso, a sua administração já preparava secretamente, por meio da secretária de Estado Hillary Clinton, a guerra que dois anos depois demoliria o Estado líbio, estendendo-se depois à Síria e ao Iraque através dos grupos terroristas funcionais à estratégia dos EUA e da Otan.

Inversamente, Donald Trump é o “demônio subito”, ainda antes de entrar na Casa Branca. É acusado de ter usurpado o posto destinado a Hillary Clinton, graças a uma maléfica operação ordenada pelo presidente russo Putin.

As “provas” são fornecidas pela CIA, a mais especializada em matéria de infiltrações e golpes de Estado. Basta recordar as suas operações para provocar e conduzir as guerras contra Vietnã, Cambodja, Líbano, Somália, Iraque, Iugoslávia, Afeganistão, Líbia, Síria; os golpes de Estado na Indonésia, El Salvador, Brasil, Chile, Argentina, Grécia.

Milhões de pessoas presas, torturadas e assassinadas; milhões de desalojados das suas terras, transformados em fugitivos, objeto de um verdadeiro tráfico de escravos. Sobretudo crianças e mulheres jovens, escravizadas, violentadas, obrigadas a prostituir-se.

Tudo isto deveria ser lembrado por aqueles que, nos Estados Unidos e na Europa, organizam no dia 21 de janeiro próximo, a marcha das mulheres para defender justamente a paridade de gênero conquistada com duras lutas, continuamente postas em causa pelas posições sexistas manifestadas por Trump.

Esta não é, porém, a razão pela qual Trump é acusado em uma campanha que constitui um fato novo nos procedimentos de alternância na Casa Branca: desta vez a parte perdedora não reconhece a legitimidade do presidente eleito, e tenta um impeachment preventivo. Trump é apresentado como um tipo de “Manchurian Candidate” (2) que, infiltrado na Casa Branca, seria controlado por Putin, inimigo dos Estados Unidos.

Os estrategistas neocons, artífices da campanha, buscam assim impedir uma mudança de rumo nas relações dos Estados Unidos com a Rússia, que a administração Obama levou ao nível de uma guerra fria. Trump é um “trader” que, continuando a basear a política estadunidense na força militar, tenciona abrir uma negociação com a Rússia, possivelmente também para debilitar a aliança de Moscou com Pequim.

Na Europa aqueles que temem um relaxamento das tensões com a Rússia são antes de tudo os dirigentes da Otan, cuja importância cresceu com a escalada militar da nova guerra fria, e os grupos no poder nos países do Leste – particularmente Ucrânia, Polônia e países bálticos – que apostam na hostilidade à Rússia para ter um crescente apoio militar e econômico por parte da Otan e da União Europeia.

Nesse quadro, não se pode ignorar nas manifestações de 21 de janeiro a responsabiidade de todos os que transformaram a Europa na primeira linha do confronto, inclusive nuclear, com a Rússia. Não deveremos manifestar-nos como súditos dos Estados Unidos que não querem um presidente “mau” e pedem um presidente “bom”, mas para nos libertarmos da sujeição aos Estados Unidos que, indpendentemente de quem seja o presidente, exercem sua influência na Europa através da Otan; para sair dessa aliança de guerra, para exigir a remoção das armas nucleares dos EUA dos nossos países.

Deveremos manifestar-nos para termos voz, como cidadãos e didadãs, nas decisões de política externa que, indissoluvelmente ligadas às econômicas e políticas internas, determinam as nossas condições de vida e o nosso futuro.

Manlio Dinucci

Artigo em italiano :


Il presidente «buono» e quello «cattivo»

Tradução de José Reinaldo Carvalho para Resistência


Manlio Dinucci : Jornalista e geógrafo; publicado em Il Manifesto; tradução de José Reinaldo Carvalho para Resistência

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Elor Azaria n’est pas une pomme pourrie. Son assassinat d’un Palestinien expose la normalisation du projet colonial israélien.

Ce n’est pas une coïncidence si le Premier ministre israélien Benjamin Netanyahu – suivi ensuite d’une foule de ministres et de membres de la Knesset – a demandé une grâce présidentielle pour le soldat israélien Elor Azaria.

Azaria a été reconnu coupable d’homicide involontaire après avoir visé et tué de sang-froid Yusri al-Sharif, alors que celui-ci était étendu blessé au sol.

Cette mobilisation exceptionnelle pour blanchir Azaria de son crime – mobilisation qui traverse les lignes partisanes et inclut les députés du Parti travailliste – ne devrait en aucun cas nous surprendre, car la grâce présidentielle exigée ne consiste pas vraiment à absoudre un meurtrier en particulier mais plutôt à défendre 50 ans d’occupation.

Consciemment ou non, chaque officiel du gouvernement qui demande une telle absolution comprend qu’Azaria n’est en aucune façon une aberration du projet colonial israélien, mais plutôt un clair symptôme de sa structure même.

Elor Azaria, le soldat accusé d’avoir assassiné le jeune Palestinien.

Photo : Reuters

Ceux qui ont assisté au meurtre on un comportement des plus révélateurs

Les spectateurs témoignent de l’effet de ce système. La vidéo publiée par l’organisation israélienne de défense des droits de l’homme B’Tselem nous montre d’abord Al Sharif étendu sur le sol, blessé, alors que des dizaines de soldats et de colons se tenaient près de lui en train de bavarder, de parler au téléphone et de prendre des photos.

Plusieurs médecins sont sur les lieux, mais ils ne tiennent aucun compte du blessé palestinien. En effet, l’un de ces médecins est le tueur.

Après le meurtre, aucun des spectateurs ne semble surpris. Personne ne s’en prend à Azaria et l’éloigne de la scène, personne ne court vers al-Sharif pour voir s’il peut être maintenu en vie. Bien au contraire, les spectateurs continuent simplement de discuter entre eux.

La nonchalance quotidienne de ceux qui se tiennent à quelques mètres d’un crime en train d’être commis peut certainement être comprise comme une manifestation de ce que Hannah Arendt a appelé la « banalité du mal ».

Pourtant, elle révèle aussi profondément quelque chose de crucial sur la structure du projet colonial d’Israël.

La brigade Kfir

Azaria est un soldat de la brigade Kfir. Cette brigade, comme l’a récemment révélé John Brown, a été responsable de la mort de nombreux Palestiniens, dont Mustafa Tamimi qui a été abattu à la tête avec une cartouche de gaz lacrymogène à longue portée lors d’une manifestation hebdomadaire dans son village de Nabi Saleh.

Le soldat qui a tué Tamimi en 2011 était assis dans une jeep militaire à cinq mètres de Tamimi quand il l’a pris pour cible et a tiré sur lui.


Il y a deux mois, quatre autres soldats de la même brigade ont été inculpés pour électrocution d’un Palestinien. Il est apparu qu’ils avaient pris des photos de lui alors qu’il les suppliait de le laisser la vie. Deux autres soldats ont été inculpés d’avoir torturé des enfants palestiniens, propulsant au visage de l’un d’entre eux de l’air brûlant avec un sèche-cheveux.

John Brown cite encore une confession faite par un soldat de la même brigade:

« Nous allions faire une patrouille, et si nous voyions même un enfant nous regarder d’une manière pas avenante, il recevrait immédiatement une gifle. Lors d’une de ces patrouilles, certains nous ont jeté des pierres. Nous avons attrapé un des enfants qui avaient vu le lanceur, et nous l’avons tabassé jusqu’à ce qu’il nous livre le nom du lanceur … Nous l’avons alors tiré [le lanceur de pierre de 14 ans] de son lit en dehors de sa maison. Nous avons alors enfoncé les canons de nos fusils dans sa bouche en lui disant : ‘Tu veux mourir ici ? Choisis un endroit où tu veux être enterré’. »

Azaria n’est pas « une pomme pourrie »

Azaria, en d’autres termes, n’est pas une pomme pourrie. Au contraire, ses actions doivent être comprises comme faisant partie intégrante de la structure plus vaste qui constitue et forme le projet colonial d’Israël.

Azaria n’a simplement pas eu de chance parce qu’il a été filmé alors qu’il assassinait un Palestinien.

En fait, une grande partie du public israélien se rend compte de cela et ne ne considère en rien Azaria comme un hors-la-loi, ce qui contribue à expliquer le soutien général dont ce criminel bénéficie.

Ainsi, ce serait une grave erreur d’en conclure, comme l’a fait la presse israélienne, que les hommes politique se contentent de plaire à la masse. Netanyahou reconnaît qu’Azaria est un rouage dans la machine, comme le ministre de la Défense Avigdor Lieberman, et c’est pour cette raison qu’ils demandent au président de lui pardonner.

Ils savent également que si Azaria est condamné à vingt ans de prison, la structure qui produit les individus comme Azaria et autorise et encourage la violence quotidienne pour soutenir l’effort colonial d’Israël pourrait bien être contestée de l’intérieur.

Mais il est également crucial de ne pas perdre de vue ce qu’ils soutiennent consciemment. Pour Azaria et pour ceux qui se tenaient près de lui dans les rues d’Hébron, ainsi que pour tous ses partisans – citoyens et hommes politiques – les Palestiniens comme Yusri al-Sharif ne sont jamais des victimes ou des êtres humains : ce sont des proies.

Les Palestiniens peuvent seulement être légitimement pris pour cible, mais les tuer n’est jamais un crime et le plus souvent, ce n’est même pas considéré comme un délit.

Neve Gordon

Article original en anglais : Azaria exposed the reality of Israel’s colonial project, Al-Jazeera, 5 janvier 2017

Traduction :  Lotfallah pour Chronique de Palestine

Photo : Le jeune palestine Yusri al-Sharif, quelques secondes avant qu’il ne soit achevé par le soldat Azaria – Photo : capture Youtube

Neve Gordon est un politologue et historien israélien, il est l’auteur de Israel’s Occupation, et de The Human Right to Dominate (co-écrit avec Nicola Perugini).

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Dense artillery and rocket shelling was reported in southern Aleppo on January 9 and January 10 as government forces and Jabhat Fatah al-Sham-led coalition of militant groups were targeting each other in the area. This clearly showed that the Syrian army and its allies still need to conduct a number of offensive operations west and southwest of Aleppo in order to build a buffer zone around the city and to defend populated areas from a shelling by militant groups.

Clashes between the army and militant continued near the Salamiyah-Homs highway where Jabhat Fatah al-Sham and its allies launched an advance earlier this week. Militants have not achieved gains in the area, but their operation poses a threat to a government supply line to Aleppo. The Syrian military is deploying reinforcements.

Kurdish YPG forces, backed up by the US-led coalition, have seized a high number of villages, including Jib Shaair, Saryan, Harmalah and Al-Hedy, from ISIS terrorists in the province of Raqqah. The course of the US-backed advance shows that its goal is to close the ISIS-held pocket northwest of al-Raqqah prior to moving closer to ISIS defense lines around the terrorist group’s self-proclaimed capital. In turn, ISIS implements a fluid defense approach, withdrawing to prepared defense sites near al-Raqqah and tactically counter-attacking against US-led forces in a number of directions.

The Turkish Armed Forces and pro-Turkish militant groups are flanking the ISIS-held town of al-Bab from the eastern direction. Turkish forces have seized the village of Zammar and engaged ISIS units in Bzaah and Suflania. If Turkish forces success, Qabasin, a key ISIS defense site east of al-Bab, will become their next target. The Turkish Army and pro-Turkish militants are seeking to encircle al-Bab in order to set a foothold for a successful operation to retake this town from ISIS. All previous attempts to enter and seize al-Bab from only one direction – the western – have failed, inflicting notable casualties to pro-Turkish militants and the Turkish Army.

Members of the US Special Forces have carried out a ground operation in the province of Deir Ezzor aimed at capturing leaders of the ISIS terrorist group, according to media reports and comments by US-led coalition officials. The operation allegedly took place near some town north of the Deir Ezzor provincial capital on Sunday.

According to media reports, the troops, who landed on four helicopters, spent about 90 minutes in the area, then left carrying ISIS captives and bodies. US forces allegedly intercepted a vehicle thought to be carrying senior ISIS members. [According to an anonymous source of The Washington Post] The raid resulted in killing of some 25 ISIS members and capturing of some 2 persons. The Pentagon’s unwillingness to provide a detailed comment about the operation shows that no really important member of the terrorist group was killed or captured by the US Special Forces.

Washington increases its military activity against ISIS at the Syria-Iraq battleground as Damascus, Ankara, Moscow and Tehran are preparing for the so-called “Astana talks” that should propel a way to a political solution of the Syrian crisis.

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The demonetisation of Rs. 500 and Rs. 1000 notes by the government of Prime Minister Narendra Modi is disproportionately impacting the poor of India. Presently 4.5 million Indians die avoidably from deprivation each year and demonetisation will make this worse by increasing poverty, deprivation and disempowerment. Indians must reject this callous and deadly attack on the poor, reject deadly pro-One Percenter neoliberalism and demand social justice via social humanism (democratic socialism).

Countercurrents.org editor Binu Mathew has written:

“In a cashless / digital money India Big Brother would be watching 24/7. The digitally illiterate vast majority would be driven out of circulation like the old notes. It’s a long process, perhaps more lethal than Hitler’s “Final Solution”. More people died in World War II Bengal famine (1942-45) than Hitler’s gas chambers. Did it make it at least into the footnotes of Indian history? Demonetised India doesn’t need gas chambers, hunger will do the job!” [1].


Unfortunately Binu Matthew is essentially correct and indeed quite conservative in his estimation. Poverty and disempowerment combine to constitute a deadly deprivation in India today that is already linked to an annual avoidable mortality  of 4.5 million Indians each year as estimated from mortality  data from the UN Population Division [2]. Avoidable mortality  (avoidable death, excess mortality, excess death, untimely death, deaths that should not happen) is the difference between actual deaths in a country in a given period and deaths that would be expected  if that country were at peace and subject to humane governance [3].

Demonetisation will make this horrendous Indian avoidable mortality holocaust worse by increasing poverty, deprivation and disempowerment.

The annual mortality in India (2017 population 1,350 million [2])  is 7.3 deaths per 1,000 of population [2]. However for poor and  high birth rate but decently governed countries the annual death rate is about 4 deaths per 1,000 of population [3], the difference being 7.3- 4.0 = 3.3 avoidable deaths per 1,000 of population per year and accordingly 3.3 avoidable deaths per 1,000 of population x 1.35 thousand million people = 4.46 million avoidable Indian deaths from deprivation every year.  It must be noted that a total of 17 million people presently die avoidably each year from deprivation in the Developing World (minus China) [3]. In contrast, annual avoidable death is effectively zero (0) for China, South Korea, Japan, Western Europe, and the colonization-derived countries of   the US, Canada,  Australia,  New Zealand and Apartheid Israel [3].

4.46 million or about 4.5 million avoidable Indian deaths every year in “the world’s biggest democracy” means that untimely Indian deaths every 2 years exceed the carnage of the WW2 Jewish Holocaust (5-6 million Jews killed by violence or imposed deprivation in 1941-1945) [4] or of the WW2 Bengali Holocaust (Bengal Famine) in which the  British with Australian complicity deliberately starved 6-7 million Indians to death in 1942-1945 for strategic reasons in Bengal, Orissa, Bihar and Assam [5-14], Australia being complicit by withholding grain from its huge wartime wheat stores from starving India [5]. When the price of rice rose up to 4-fold (for a variety of complex reasons), those living at the edge (notably land-less labourers) could not buy food and perished under merciless British rule.

The appalling 4.5 million avoidable deaths each year in ostensibly democratic but neoliberal India as compared to zero (0) in authoritarian but pluralistic and altruistic China is testament to the abolition of endemic poverty in China but not in India. The ostensibly free but One Percenter-owned Mainstream media of India are able to report the explicit, publicly-visible horrors of  war, terrorism and famine but fail to report the worsening avoidable mortality holocaust occurring behind closed doors. Thus it has been estimated that in 2003 about 3.7 million Indians died avoidably from deprivation as compared to the 4.5 million such deaths expertly predicted for 2017 [3].  But just as Western media still overwhelmingly ignore the WW2 Bengali Holocaust (6-7 million avoidable Indian deaths from deprivation in Bengal and neighbouring states in 1942-1945), so Indian media largely ignore the worsening Indian avoidable mortality holocaust (presently about 4.5 million avoidable deaths from deprivation each year).

Indian famine expert and 1998 Nobel Laureate for Economics,  Amartya Sen, and his colleague Jean Drèze commented thus on media reportage and avoidable deaths from deprivation (1995):

“The contrast is especially striking in comparing the experiences of China and India. The particular  fact that China, despite its much greater achievements in reducing endemic deprivation, experienced a gigantic famine during 1958-1961 (a famine in which, it is now estimated, 23 to 30 million people died), had a good deal to do with lack of press freedom and the absence of political opposition. The disastrous policies that paved the way to the famine were not changed for three years as the famine raged on, and this was made possible by the near-total suppression of news about the famine and total absence of media criticism of what was then happening in China…   However,  it appears that even an active press, as in India, can be less than effective in moving  governments to act decisively against endemic under-nutrition and deprivation – as opposed to dramatically visible famines. The quiet persistence of “regular hunger” kills millions in a slow and non-dramatic way , and this phenomenon has not been much affected, it appears, by media critiques” [15].

Thus the World is well aware of the 1958-1961 famine in China (23-30 million deaths) that was associated with the Great Leap Forward but is overwhelmingly unaware of the hundreds of millions of “slow and undramatic” avoidable deaths from deprivation under the British and post-Independence. Using Indian census data 1870-1950,  assuming an Indian population of  about 200 million in the period 1760-1870,  and estimating by interpolation from available data an Indian avoidable death rate in (deaths per 1,000 of population per year) of 37 (1757-1920), 35 (1920-1930), 30 (1930-1940) and 24 (1940-1950), one can estimate Indian excess deaths (avoidable deaths, untimely deaths) of 592  million (1757-1837), 497 million (1837-1901) and 418 million (1901-1947), roughly 1.5 billion in total or 1.8 billion including the Native States. However after Independence  the avoidable death rate dropped dramatically to circa 3.5 deaths per 1,000 of population per year by 2003 (2003 population 1,057 million), with 1950-2005  avoidable deaths from deprivation totalling about 350 million [16].

Brilliant Indian writer and activist Arundhati Roy has provided a succinct explanation for Mainstream lying by omission over appalling social realities (2004):  “The ultimate privilege of the élite is not just their deluxe lifestyles, but deluxe lifestyles with a clear conscience” [17]. It must be recognized that ignoring horrendous realities and lying by omission are far, far worse than repugnant lying by commission (explicit lying) because  the latter can at least be refuted and admit the possibility of public discussion [18, 19].

Demonitisation is worsening the conditions of the poor of India and will thus inevitably contribute to a worsening of the  killing of “millions in a slow and non-dramatic way” that presently stands at about 4.5 million avoidable Indian deaths from deprivation each year.

Demonetisation has led to a cash shortage that disproportionately affects the poor. The poor have limited cash to buy food,  farmers have limited cash to pay rural labourers to harvest food, farmers are having trouble selling harvested food, and the result is real deprivation and hunger  [20]. West Bengal chief minister Mamata Banerjee has claimed (January 2017) that the demonetisation of Rs. 500 and Rs. 1000 notes (announced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on November 8, 2016) could lead to suffering and famine for the poorest:

“The decision to demonetise the currency has led to severe hardship among the poor and the marginalised. In many areas, labour is not available to harvest the grains from the field. In other parts of the state, farmers are not able to earn money from cultivation of vegetables as demand has slowed down and people are cutting consumption… Tea sellers who used to earn Rs500 a day are now unable to find customers due to shortage of currency. This Rs2,000-note has created more confusion and hardships for the people. This happens when the leadership loses connection with people” [21, 22].

News World India has commented on the massive move to a cashless society:

“On November 8, all Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes were made invalid.  Was this a masterstroke by Prime Minister Narendra Modi? He must have had a noble intention behind this decision but, economic prudence can never allow that 86 percent of the money should be removed from circulation… But, what about that daily wage earner who doesn’t even know what ‘go cashless’ means.  A large amount of money belonging to the poor and the uninformed lot has become invalid. It is their hard-earned savings which they are unable to convert either because they don’t have access or right information about the whole process… The so called- informal economy is collapsing for the simple reason that it thrives on cash transactions. More than 90 percent of the labour force in India is dependent on this, receiving the biggest setback of their lives. The demand has come down drastically and the small or micro enterprises have slowed down on their production.  Since the labour force works on a daily wages, a loss of one-month of their pay has crippled the informal economy like never before” [23].

“The Hindu” similarly concludes that demonetisation has caused a shortage of cash (a “cash famine”) that disproportionately impacts  the poor who are not part of  the digital economy [24].

Physicist and outstanding Indian environmental and social analyst and activist,  Dr Vandana Shiva, has excoriated this disempowerment of the poor for the benefit of the rich (January 2017):

“ As 2017 begins and we flounder in our mad rush to force all of India into a digital economy overnight… We live in times where the non-working rent collectors and speculators have emerged as the richest billionaires. Meanwhile, the hard working honest people, like farmers, workers in self-organised economies (mistakenly called unorganised and informal) are not just being pushed into deep poverty, they are, in fact, being criminalised by labelling their self-organised economic systems as “black”… Imposing the digital economy through a “cash ban” is a form of technological dictatorship, in the hands of the world’s billionaires. Economic diversity and technological pluralism are India’s strength and it is the “hard cash” that insulated India from the global market’s “dive into the red” of 2008… When I exchange Rs 100 even a 100 times it remains Rs 100. In the digital world those who control the exchange, through digital and financial networks, make money at every step of the 100 exchanges. That is the how the digital economy has created the billionaire class of one per cent, which controls the economy of the 100 per cent. The foundation of the real economy is work. Gandhi following Leo Tolstoy and John Ruskin called it “bread labour” — labour that creates bread that sustains life. Writing in Young India in 1921, he wrote: “God created man to work for his food, and said that those who ate without work were thieves” [25].

Satya Sagar,  a journalist and public health worker, has similarly commented on this massive disempowerment of the poor (January 2017):

“ From all evidence so far it is clear, that the Scheduled Castes and Tribes, who make up a bulk of those surviving off India’s vast informal economy, are the worst affected by the sudden disappearance of cash from the economy. Agricultural labour, construction workers, employees of micro-enterprises, the urban and rural poor – mostly from these marginalized castes- have been pushed to the brink of starvation or worse due to loss of jobs and income. The other sections, whose lives have been severely disrupted are small and medium sized farmers, who are overwhelmingly from Other Backward Castes and artisans, mostly from poorer Muslim communities…what the Narendra Modi dispensation is doing through its devious insistence on a digitalised economy – imposing on the already disadvantaged a test designed to not just make them fail but also put the blame for their misery on their own ‘ignorance’. If in the past they were actively denied knowledge of the ‘Vedas’ by the upper castes now, as they are trying to catch up, the rules of the game are either being changed abruptly or they are being priced out of the market. The most apt way to describe what is happening in India today is perhaps through a completely new term –dwijitalisation. It captures well the long-term implications of Narendra Modi’s push for a digital economy in a country that has long been ruled by the dwij – or twice born castes as the Hindu elite call themselves. Under the new rules of the dwijital economy only the dwij– at the top of the social, economic and political ladder – will climb still higher, while kicking the ladder down to ensure no one can follow” [26].

Final comments.

The Indian demonetisation is a huge shift towards a largely cash-less, digital economy that disproportionately impacts the largely digitally illiterate poor. This shift is towards a  massive disempowerment of the poor for the benefit of the rich.

The top One Percent of the world own half the world’s wealth and this is clearly incompatible with one-person-one-vote democracy. India, even more blatantly so than other ostensible democracies,  has become  a kleptocracy, plutocracy, lobbyocracy, and corporatocracy in which Big Money in the hands of a relative few buys people, politicians, parties, policies, public perception of reality, and hence votes and  more political power,  with the consequences of even more private profit and private wealth that further trash democracy.  Indeed India can be seen as a kind of extreme Apartheid state in which the rich One Percenters  rule because the poor majority have been duped by Big Money perversion of democracy. Small wonder that nuclear terrorist, serial war criminal, racist Zionist-run, genocidally racist and democracy-by-genocide  Apartheid Israel has successfully courted Modi.

Poverty and disempowerment constitute a deadly deprivation in India today that is already linked to an appalling, worsening and resolutely ignored annual avoidable mortality (annual untimely deaths) of 4.5 million Indians. Demonetisation will inevitably worsen deprivation and avoidable death.  However the very callousness, wealth transfer, disempowerment  and inequity implicit in Modi’s demonetisation may prove to be just too much to bear and hence lead to the downfall of the neoliberal One Percenters running kleptocracy India.

The currently dominant neoliberal economic model involves maximizing the freedom of the smart and advantaged to exploit the natural and human resources of the world for private profit, with an asserted trickle-down of some benefit to the poor. The clear, humane alternative to neoliberalism is social humanism (socialism, democratic socialism, ecosocialism, the welfare state) that seeks via evolving social contracts to maximize human happiness, opportunity and dignity for everyone [27, 28]. Yet, as demonstrated by the injustice of demonetisation,  India is firmly in the hands of the neoliberal One Percenters.

Indeed democracy is fundamentally the expression of the will of the people and one would reasonably suppose that a fundamental desire of virtually all people would be minimization of avoidable deaths from deprivation, especially for themselves and their loved ones. The annual avoidable deaths of 4.5 million Indians is testament to the utter perversion of fundamental democracy by the rich One Percenters.

The sheer callousness of the Modi-led One Percenter demonetisation will hopefully induce national clarity in which humane Indians will reject neoliberal greed, corruption,  inhumanity and inequity, and demand realization of the social humanist decencies for all promised at Independence nearly 70 years ago.


[1]. Binu Matthew, “Modi’s New Year’s Eve speech: what comes next?”, Countercurrents, 1 January 2017: http://www.countercurrents.org/2017/01/01/modis-new-year-eve-speech-what-comes-next/ .

[2]. UN Population Division, “World Population Prospects 2015 Revision”: https://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DataQuery/ .

[3]. Gideon Polya, “Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950”, that includes a history of every country from Neolithic times and is now available for free perusal on the web: http://globalbodycount.blogspot.com/   .

[4]. Martin Gilbert “Atlas of the Holocaust”(Michael Joseph, London, 1982).

[5]. Gideon Polya (2011), “Australia And Britain Killed 6-7 Million Indians In WW2 Bengal Famine”,  Countercurrents, 29 September, 2011: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya290911.htm  .

[6]. Paul Greenough (1982), “Prosperity and Misery in Modern Bengal: the Famine of 1943-1944” (Oxford University Press, 1982).

[7]. Jean Drèze  and Amartya Sen (1989),“Hunger and Public Action” (Clarendon, Oxford, 1989).

[8]. Gideon Polya (2008), “Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History. Colonial rapacity, holocaust denial and the crisis in biological sustainability” , G.M. Polya, Melbourne, 2008 edition that is now available for free perusal on the web: http://janeaustenand.blogspot.com/  .

[9]. Cormac O Grada (2009) “Famine a short history” (Princeton University Press, 2009).

[10]. Madhusree Muckerjee (2010), “Churchill’s Secret War. The British Empire and the ravaging of India during World War II” (Basic Books, New York, 2010).

[11]. Thomas Keneally (2011), “Three Famines” (Vintage House, Australia, 2011).

[12]. “Bengali Holocasut (WW2 Bengal Famine) writng iof Gideon Polya, Gideon Polya: https://sites.google.com/site/drgideonpolya/bengali-holocaust .

[13]. Colin Mason (2000), “A Short History of Asia. Stone Age to 2000AD” (Macmillan, 2000).

[14]. Lizzie Collingham (2012), “The Taste of War. World War II and the Battle for Food” (The Penguin Press, New York, 2012).

[15]. Jean Drèze and Amartya Sen, “Introduction” in Jean Drèze,  Amartya Sen and Athar Hussain (editors), “The Political Economy of Hunger”, pages 18-19, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1995.

[16]. Gideon Polya, “Economist Mahima Khanna,   Cambridge Stevenson Prize And Dire Indian Poverty”,  Countercurrents, 20 November, 2011: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya201111.htm .

[17]. Arundhati Roy and David Barsamian,  “The Chequebook and the Cruise Missile”, Harper Perennial, New York, 2004).” from

[18]. “Mainstream media lying”: https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammedialying/home .

[19]. “Mainstream media censorship”: https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammediacensorship/home .

[20]. Rahul M., “Staying half-hungry due to the demonetisation “drought””, Countercurrents, 27 December 2016: http://www.countercurrents.org/2016/12/27/9341/ .

[21]. Archisman Dinda, “Demonetisation could lead to famine, Mamata Banerjee says” , Gulf News, 7 January 2017: http://gulfnews.com/news/asia/india/demonetisation-could-lead-to-famine-mamata-banerjee-says-1.1958120  .

[22]. “Indian demonetisation could lead to famine”, Pakistan Observer, 8 January 2017: http://pakobserver.net/indian-demonetisation-could-lead-to-famine/ .

[23]. “The demonetisation, a crippled economy and the mayhem!”, News World India, 15 December 2016: http://newsworldindia.in/business/the-demonetisation-a-crippled-economy-and-the-mayhem/239111/ .

[24]. “Demonetisation causes cash famine in Malabar”, The Hindu, 2 December 2016: http://www.thehindu.com/news/cities/kozhikode/Demonetisation-causes-cash-famine-in-Malabar/article16441703.ece .

[25]. Vandana Shiva, “Demonetisation: beware of digital dictatorship”, Countercurrents, 3 January 2017: https://www.countercurrents.org/2017/01/03/demonetisation-beware-of-digital-dictatorship/ .

[26]. Satya Sagar,  “Cashless is not casteless”, Countercurrents, 9 January 2017: http://www.countercurrents.org/2017/01/09/cashless-is-not-casteless/ .

[27]. Brian Ellis, ”Social Humanism. A New Metaphysics”,  Routledge , UK , 2012.

[28]. Gideon Polya, “Book Review: “Social Humanism. A New Metaphysics” By Brian Ellis –  Last Chance To Save Planet?”,  Countercurrents, 19 August, 2012: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya190812.htm .

Dr Gideon Polya has taught science students at a major Australian university for 4 decades. He has published some 130 works in a 5 decade scientific career, most recently a huge pharmacological reference text “Biochemical Targets of Plant Bioactive Compounds” (CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, New York & London , 2003). He has published “Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950” (G.M. Polya, Melbourne, 2007: http://globalbodycount.blogspot.com/ ); see also his contributions “Australian complicity in Iraq mass mortality” in “Lies, Deep Fries & Statistics” (edited by Robyn Williams, ABC Books, Sydney, 2007.

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The demonetisation of Rs. 500 and Rs. 1000 notes by the government of Prime Minister Narendra Modi is disproportionately impacting the poor of India. Presently 4.5 million Indians die avoidably from deprivation each year and demonetisation will make this worse by increasing poverty, deprivation and disempowerment. Indians must reject this callous and deadly attack on the poor, reject deadly pro-One Percenter neoliberalism and demand social justice via social humanism (democratic socialism).

Countercurrents.org editor Binu Mathew has written:

“In a cashless / digital money India Big Brother would be watching 24/7. The digitally illiterate vast majority would be driven out of circulation like the old notes. It’s a long process, perhaps more lethal than Hitler’s “Final Solution”. More people died in World War II Bengal famine (1942-45) than Hitler’s gas chambers. Did it make it at least into the footnotes of Indian history? Demonetised India doesn’t need gas chambers, hunger will do the job!” [1].


Unfortunately Binu Matthew is essentially correct and indeed quite conservative in his estimation. Poverty and disempowerment combine to constitute a deadly deprivation in India today that is already linked to an annual avoidable mortality  of 4.5 million Indians each year as estimated from mortality  data from the UN Population Division [2]. Avoidable mortality  (avoidable death, excess mortality, excess death, untimely death, deaths that should not happen) is the difference between actual deaths in a country in a given period and deaths that would be expected  if that country were at peace and subject to humane governance [3].

Demonetisation will make this horrendous Indian avoidable mortality holocaust worse by increasing poverty, deprivation and disempowerment.

The annual mortality in India (2017 population 1,350 million [2])  is 7.3 deaths per 1,000 of population [2]. However for poor and  high birth rate but decently governed countries the annual death rate is about 4 deaths per 1,000 of population [3], the difference being 7.3- 4.0 = 3.3 avoidable deaths per 1,000 of population per year and accordingly 3.3 avoidable deaths per 1,000 of population x 1.35 thousand million people = 4.46 million avoidable Indian deaths from deprivation every year.  It must be noted that a total of 17 million people presently die avoidably each year from deprivation in the Developing World (minus China) [3]. In contrast, annual avoidable death is effectively zero (0) for China, South Korea, Japan, Western Europe, and the colonization-derived countries of   the US, Canada,  Australia,  New Zealand and Apartheid Israel [3].

4.46 million or about 4.5 million avoidable Indian deaths every year in “the world’s biggest democracy” means that untimely Indian deaths every 2 years exceed the carnage of the WW2 Jewish Holocaust (5-6 million Jews killed by violence or imposed deprivation in 1941-1945) [4] or of the WW2 Bengali Holocaust (Bengal Famine) in which the  British with Australian complicity deliberately starved 6-7 million Indians to death in 1942-1945 for strategic reasons in Bengal, Orissa, Bihar and Assam [5-14], Australia being complicit by withholding grain from its huge wartime wheat stores from starving India [5]. When the price of rice rose up to 4-fold (for a variety of complex reasons), those living at the edge (notably land-less labourers) could not buy food and perished under merciless British rule.

The appalling 4.5 million avoidable deaths each year in ostensibly democratic but neoliberal India as compared to zero (0) in authoritarian but pluralistic and altruistic China is testament to the abolition of endemic poverty in China but not in India. The ostensibly free but One Percenter-owned Mainstream media of India are able to report the explicit, publicly-visible horrors of  war, terrorism and famine but fail to report the worsening avoidable mortality holocaust occurring behind closed doors. Thus it has been estimated that in 2003 about 3.7 million Indians died avoidably from deprivation as compared to the 4.5 million such deaths expertly predicted for 2017 [3].  But just as Western media still overwhelmingly ignore the WW2 Bengali Holocaust (6-7 million avoidable Indian deaths from deprivation in Bengal and neighbouring states in 1942-1945), so Indian media largely ignore the worsening Indian avoidable mortality holocaust (presently about 4.5 million avoidable deaths from deprivation each year).

Indian famine expert and 1998 Nobel Laureate for Economics,  Amartya Sen, and his colleague Jean Drèze commented thus on media reportage and avoidable deaths from deprivation (1995):

“The contrast is especially striking in comparing the experiences of China and India. The particular  fact that China, despite its much greater achievements in reducing endemic deprivation, experienced a gigantic famine during 1958-1961 (a famine in which, it is now estimated, 23 to 30 million people died), had a good deal to do with lack of press freedom and the absence of political opposition. The disastrous policies that paved the way to the famine were not changed for three years as the famine raged on, and this was made possible by the near-total suppression of news about the famine and total absence of media criticism of what was then happening in China…   However,  it appears that even an active press, as in India, can be less than effective in moving  governments to act decisively against endemic under-nutrition and deprivation – as opposed to dramatically visible famines. The quiet persistence of “regular hunger” kills millions in a slow and non-dramatic way , and this phenomenon has not been much affected, it appears, by media critiques” [15].

Thus the World is well aware of the 1958-1961 famine in China (23-30 million deaths) that was associated with the Great Leap Forward but is overwhelmingly unaware of the hundreds of millions of “slow and undramatic” avoidable deaths from deprivation under the British and post-Independence. Using Indian census data 1870-1950,  assuming an Indian population of  about 200 million in the period 1760-1870,  and estimating by interpolation from available data an Indian avoidable death rate in (deaths per 1,000 of population per year) of 37 (1757-1920), 35 (1920-1930), 30 (1930-1940) and 24 (1940-1950), one can estimate Indian excess deaths (avoidable deaths, untimely deaths) of 592  million (1757-1837), 497 million (1837-1901) and 418 million (1901-1947), roughly 1.5 billion in total or 1.8 billion including the Native States. However after Independence  the avoidable death rate dropped dramatically to circa 3.5 deaths per 1,000 of population per year by 2003 (2003 population 1,057 million), with 1950-2005  avoidable deaths from deprivation totalling about 350 million [16].

Brilliant Indian writer and activist Arundhati Roy has provided a succinct explanation for Mainstream lying by omission over appalling social realities (2004):  “The ultimate privilege of the élite is not just their deluxe lifestyles, but deluxe lifestyles with a clear conscience” [17]. It must be recognized that ignoring horrendous realities and lying by omission are far, far worse than repugnant lying by commission (explicit lying) because  the latter can at least be refuted and admit the possibility of public discussion [18, 19].

Demonitisation is worsening the conditions of the poor of India and will thus inevitably contribute to a worsening of the  killing of “millions in a slow and non-dramatic way” that presently stands at about 4.5 million avoidable Indian deaths from deprivation each year.

Demonetisation has led to a cash shortage that disproportionately affects the poor. The poor have limited cash to buy food,  farmers have limited cash to pay rural labourers to harvest food, farmers are having trouble selling harvested food, and the result is real deprivation and hunger  [20]. West Bengal chief minister Mamata Banerjee has claimed (January 2017) that the demonetisation of Rs. 500 and Rs. 1000 notes (announced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on November 8, 2016) could lead to suffering and famine for the poorest:

“The decision to demonetise the currency has led to severe hardship among the poor and the marginalised. In many areas, labour is not available to harvest the grains from the field. In other parts of the state, farmers are not able to earn money from cultivation of vegetables as demand has slowed down and people are cutting consumption… Tea sellers who used to earn Rs500 a day are now unable to find customers due to shortage of currency. This Rs2,000-note has created more confusion and hardships for the people. This happens when the leadership loses connection with people” [21, 22].

News World India has commented on the massive move to a cashless society:

“On November 8, all Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes were made invalid.  Was this a masterstroke by Prime Minister Narendra Modi? He must have had a noble intention behind this decision but, economic prudence can never allow that 86 percent of the money should be removed from circulation… But, what about that daily wage earner who doesn’t even know what ‘go cashless’ means.  A large amount of money belonging to the poor and the uninformed lot has become invalid. It is their hard-earned savings which they are unable to convert either because they don’t have access or right information about the whole process… The so called- informal economy is collapsing for the simple reason that it thrives on cash transactions. More than 90 percent of the labour force in India is dependent on this, receiving the biggest setback of their lives. The demand has come down drastically and the small or micro enterprises have slowed down on their production.  Since the labour force works on a daily wages, a loss of one-month of their pay has crippled the informal economy like never before” [23].

“The Hindu” similarly concludes that demonetisation has caused a shortage of cash (a “cash famine”) that disproportionately impacts  the poor who are not part of  the digital economy [24].

Physicist and outstanding Indian environmental and social analyst and activist,  Dr Vandana Shiva, has excoriated this disempowerment of the poor for the benefit of the rich (January 2017):

“ As 2017 begins and we flounder in our mad rush to force all of India into a digital economy overnight… We live in times where the non-working rent collectors and speculators have emerged as the richest billionaires. Meanwhile, the hard working honest people, like farmers, workers in self-organised economies (mistakenly called unorganised and informal) are not just being pushed into deep poverty, they are, in fact, being criminalised by labelling their self-organised economic systems as “black”… Imposing the digital economy through a “cash ban” is a form of technological dictatorship, in the hands of the world’s billionaires. Economic diversity and technological pluralism are India’s strength and it is the “hard cash” that insulated India from the global market’s “dive into the red” of 2008… When I exchange Rs 100 even a 100 times it remains Rs 100. In the digital world those who control the exchange, through digital and financial networks, make money at every step of the 100 exchanges. That is the how the digital economy has created the billionaire class of one per cent, which controls the economy of the 100 per cent. The foundation of the real economy is work. Gandhi following Leo Tolstoy and John Ruskin called it “bread labour” — labour that creates bread that sustains life. Writing in Young India in 1921, he wrote: “God created man to work for his food, and said that those who ate without work were thieves” [25].

Satya Sagar,  a journalist and public health worker, has similarly commented on this massive disempowerment of the poor (January 2017):

“ From all evidence so far it is clear, that the Scheduled Castes and Tribes, who make up a bulk of those surviving off India’s vast informal economy, are the worst affected by the sudden disappearance of cash from the economy. Agricultural labour, construction workers, employees of micro-enterprises, the urban and rural poor – mostly from these marginalized castes- have been pushed to the brink of starvation or worse due to loss of jobs and income. The other sections, whose lives have been severely disrupted are small and medium sized farmers, who are overwhelmingly from Other Backward Castes and artisans, mostly from poorer Muslim communities…what the Narendra Modi dispensation is doing through its devious insistence on a digitalised economy – imposing on the already disadvantaged a test designed to not just make them fail but also put the blame for their misery on their own ‘ignorance’. If in the past they were actively denied knowledge of the ‘Vedas’ by the upper castes now, as they are trying to catch up, the rules of the game are either being changed abruptly or they are being priced out of the market. The most apt way to describe what is happening in India today is perhaps through a completely new term –dwijitalisation. It captures well the long-term implications of Narendra Modi’s push for a digital economy in a country that has long been ruled by the dwij – or twice born castes as the Hindu elite call themselves. Under the new rules of the dwijital economy only the dwij– at the top of the social, economic and political ladder – will climb still higher, while kicking the ladder down to ensure no one can follow” [26].

Final comments.

The Indian demonetisation is a huge shift towards a largely cash-less, digital economy that disproportionately impacts the largely digitally illiterate poor. This shift is towards a  massive disempowerment of the poor for the benefit of the rich.

The top One Percent of the world own half the world’s wealth and this is clearly incompatible with one-person-one-vote democracy. India, even more blatantly so than other ostensible democracies,  has become  a kleptocracy, plutocracy, lobbyocracy, and corporatocracy in which Big Money in the hands of a relative few buys people, politicians, parties, policies, public perception of reality, and hence votes and  more political power,  with the consequences of even more private profit and private wealth that further trash democracy.  Indeed India can be seen as a kind of extreme Apartheid state in which the rich One Percenters  rule because the poor majority have been duped by Big Money perversion of democracy. Small wonder that nuclear terrorist, serial war criminal, racist Zionist-run, genocidally racist and democracy-by-genocide  Apartheid Israel has successfully courted Modi.

Poverty and disempowerment constitute a deadly deprivation in India today that is already linked to an appalling, worsening and resolutely ignored annual avoidable mortality (annual untimely deaths) of 4.5 million Indians. Demonetisation will inevitably worsen deprivation and avoidable death.  However the very callousness, wealth transfer, disempowerment  and inequity implicit in Modi’s demonetisation may prove to be just too much to bear and hence lead to the downfall of the neoliberal One Percenters running kleptocracy India.

The currently dominant neoliberal economic model involves maximizing the freedom of the smart and advantaged to exploit the natural and human resources of the world for private profit, with an asserted trickle-down of some benefit to the poor. The clear, humane alternative to neoliberalism is social humanism (socialism, democratic socialism, ecosocialism, the welfare state) that seeks via evolving social contracts to maximize human happiness, opportunity and dignity for everyone [27, 28]. Yet, as demonstrated by the injustice of demonetisation,  India is firmly in the hands of the neoliberal One Percenters.

Indeed democracy is fundamentally the expression of the will of the people and one would reasonably suppose that a fundamental desire of virtually all people would be minimization of avoidable deaths from deprivation, especially for themselves and their loved ones. The annual avoidable deaths of 4.5 million Indians is testament to the utter perversion of fundamental democracy by the rich One Percenters.

The sheer callousness of the Modi-led One Percenter demonetisation will hopefully induce national clarity in which humane Indians will reject neoliberal greed, corruption,  inhumanity and inequity, and demand realization of the social humanist decencies for all promised at Independence nearly 70 years ago.


[1]. Binu Matthew, “Modi’s New Year’s Eve speech: what comes next?”, Countercurrents, 1 January 2017: http://www.countercurrents.org/2017/01/01/modis-new-year-eve-speech-what-comes-next/ .

[2]. UN Population Division, “World Population Prospects 2015 Revision”: https://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DataQuery/ .

[3]. Gideon Polya, “Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950”, that includes a history of every country from Neolithic times and is now available for free perusal on the web: http://globalbodycount.blogspot.com/   .

[4]. Martin Gilbert “Atlas of the Holocaust”(Michael Joseph, London, 1982).

[5]. Gideon Polya (2011), “Australia And Britain Killed 6-7 Million Indians In WW2 Bengal Famine”,  Countercurrents, 29 September, 2011: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya290911.htm  .

[6]. Paul Greenough (1982), “Prosperity and Misery in Modern Bengal: the Famine of 1943-1944” (Oxford University Press, 1982).

[7]. Jean Drèze  and Amartya Sen (1989),“Hunger and Public Action” (Clarendon, Oxford, 1989).

[8]. Gideon Polya (2008), “Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History. Colonial rapacity, holocaust denial and the crisis in biological sustainability” , G.M. Polya, Melbourne, 2008 edition that is now available for free perusal on the web: http://janeaustenand.blogspot.com/  .

[9]. Cormac O Grada (2009) “Famine a short history” (Princeton University Press, 2009).

[10]. Madhusree Muckerjee (2010), “Churchill’s Secret War. The British Empire and the ravaging of India during World War II” (Basic Books, New York, 2010).

[11]. Thomas Keneally (2011), “Three Famines” (Vintage House, Australia, 2011).

[12]. “Bengali Holocasut (WW2 Bengal Famine) writng iof Gideon Polya, Gideon Polya: https://sites.google.com/site/drgideonpolya/bengali-holocaust .

[13]. Colin Mason (2000), “A Short History of Asia. Stone Age to 2000AD” (Macmillan, 2000).

[14]. Lizzie Collingham (2012), “The Taste of War. World War II and the Battle for Food” (The Penguin Press, New York, 2012).

[15]. Jean Drèze and Amartya Sen, “Introduction” in Jean Drèze,  Amartya Sen and Athar Hussain (editors), “The Political Economy of Hunger”, pages 18-19, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1995.

[16]. Gideon Polya, “Economist Mahima Khanna,   Cambridge Stevenson Prize And Dire Indian Poverty”,  Countercurrents, 20 November, 2011: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya201111.htm .

[17]. Arundhati Roy and David Barsamian,  “The Chequebook and the Cruise Missile”, Harper Perennial, New York, 2004).” from

[18]. “Mainstream media lying”: https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammedialying/home .

[19]. “Mainstream media censorship”: https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammediacensorship/home .

[20]. Rahul M., “Staying half-hungry due to the demonetisation “drought””, Countercurrents, 27 December 2016: http://www.countercurrents.org/2016/12/27/9341/ .

[21]. Archisman Dinda, “Demonetisation could lead to famine, Mamata Banerjee says” , Gulf News, 7 January 2017: http://gulfnews.com/news/asia/india/demonetisation-could-lead-to-famine-mamata-banerjee-says-1.1958120  .

[22]. “Indian demonetisation could lead to famine”, Pakistan Observer, 8 January 2017: http://pakobserver.net/indian-demonetisation-could-lead-to-famine/ .

[23]. “The demonetisation, a crippled economy and the mayhem!”, News World India, 15 December 2016: http://newsworldindia.in/business/the-demonetisation-a-crippled-economy-and-the-mayhem/239111/ .

[24]. “Demonetisation causes cash famine in Malabar”, The Hindu, 2 December 2016: http://www.thehindu.com/news/cities/kozhikode/Demonetisation-causes-cash-famine-in-Malabar/article16441703.ece .

[25]. Vandana Shiva, “Demonetisation: beware of digital dictatorship”, Countercurrents, 3 January 2017: https://www.countercurrents.org/2017/01/03/demonetisation-beware-of-digital-dictatorship/ .

[26]. Satya Sagar,  “Cashless is not casteless”, Countercurrents, 9 January 2017: http://www.countercurrents.org/2017/01/09/cashless-is-not-casteless/ .

[27]. Brian Ellis, ”Social Humanism. A New Metaphysics”,  Routledge , UK , 2012.

[28]. Gideon Polya, “Book Review: “Social Humanism. A New Metaphysics” By Brian Ellis –  Last Chance To Save Planet?”,  Countercurrents, 19 August, 2012: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya190812.htm .

Dr Gideon Polya has taught science students at a major Australian university for 4 decades. He has published some 130 works in a 5 decade scientific career, most recently a huge pharmacological reference text “Biochemical Targets of Plant Bioactive Compounds” (CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, New York & London , 2003). He has published “Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950” (G.M. Polya, Melbourne, 2007: http://globalbodycount.blogspot.com/ ); see also his contributions “Australian complicity in Iraq mass mortality” in “Lies, Deep Fries & Statistics” (edited by Robyn Williams, ABC Books, Sydney, 2007.

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For over a millennium one of the recurring debates among Indian philosophers was whether this world was real or a mere dream. To be more precise, the claim was, we are all part of Maha Vishnu’s dream as He sleeps peacefully on a giant serpent, with a lotus blooming from His navel.

Paradoxically, those who preached most passionately that our senses mislead us and everything around was Maya or an illusion, went on to corner the largest chunk of material reality.

Behind the smokescreen of clever mythology, it was they, who grabbed the lion’s share of everything tangible over the centuries – from land, water, natural resources to hard political and social power. Worse still, using a mix of brute force and religious mumbo-jumbo, they consolidated the exploitation of those who work by those who merely cook up tall stories, through the nightmare of the caste system.

Today the politics of Maya is well and truly back in play with Narendra Modi’s ‘Mahayagna’ a.k.a. demonetisation promising a digital Moksha through the tapasya of a ‘war on black money’. Once again, as in India’s sordid past, the biggest losers of this devious push for a cashless economy are going to be those right at the bottom of the Indian caste hierarchy.

From all evidence so far it is clear, that the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, who make up a bulk of those surviving off India’s vast informal economy, are the worst affected by the sudden disappearance of cash from the economy. Labour in agriculture, construction, fishing, textiles, micro-enterprises, the urban and rural poor – mostly from these marginalized castes – have been pushed to the brink of starvation or worse due to loss of jobs and income.

The other sections hit hard, are small and medium sized farmers, who are overwhelmingly from the different Backward Castes and artisans, mostly from poorer Muslim communities. It is true that demonetisation has also hit the economically and caste-wise better off trading communities, but they seem to have been sacrificed in the quest for complete domination by global and national corporations – who pay our politicians to run the country on their behalf.

The most apt way to describe what is happening in India today is perhaps through a completely new term – dwijitalisation. Under the new rules of the dwijital economy only the dwij – or twice born as the Hindu caste elite call themselves – will climb still higher up the social and economic hierarchy, while kicking the ladder down to ensure no one can follow.

Dwijital India will thus continue the rigid division of ‘duties’ along caste lines that has been used for centuries to enable the free transfer of energy and resources from those below to the ones at the top in various ways. The Purusha Sukta, a hymn from the ancient Rig Veda, used the analogy of the human body to describe the social hierarchy clearly.

The Brahmin priest/philosopher is the mouth, the Kshatriya or warrior the arms, the Vaishya or businessman the thighs and the Shudra or worker is right below as the feet. Those who have to deal with human or animal wastes are much worse off, relegated outside the pale of the caste system itself and rendered ‘untouchable’.

At its core the idea, which forms the theoretical basis for the Indian caste system, is that the mind and its creations are noble and permanent while the body is impure and ephemeral. Mental work (software) is superior and hence deserves a regular ‘transaction fee’ (think Paytm or Jio Money) from those who perform physical work (hardware), that is inferior.

In more recent times and through the colonial period, traditional caste privileges and inherited wealth were combined with access to modern education, to create the Indian ruling elite – family-run industrial empires, big landholders and a bureaucrat/politician nexus that today have a complete stranglehold on state power. There is also a sizeable Indian middle class serving the system, that claims its prosperity is due to a mix of merit (ability to pass exams), hard work (long hours in the office)  and honesty (taxes deducted at source).

Together, all these sections of Indian society, have made best use of new opportunities thrown up by globalization, to establish a society which is easily among the most unequal ones in the entire world. Just 1% of the richest Indians control over 58.4% of the country’s wealth  while the top 10% account for 80.7%. The bottom 50% of the population fights for its share of a mere 2.1%.

The Modi regime’s current campaign against corruption does not even begin to address the structural bias of the social and economic system in favour of those who have been long-term beneficiaries of illegality and immorality in different forms. Instead, it uses racist tropes to describe ill-gotten money, equating white with ‘good’ and black with ‘evil’. One Modi cabinet minister even called the anti-corruption campaign a war on ‘asuras’ – the dark skinned indigenous people who were conquered by upper caste migrant populations in ancient India and commonly figure in Hindu mythology as ‘demons’.

Of course, caste discrimination was acknowledged at the time of Indian independence from British colonial rule, thanks to numerous struggles by the oppressed castes. This was reflected in affirmative action policies of reserving a certain percentage of government jobs and admission to educational institutions, as also financial support through loans and special schemes, for these castes.

However, all these measures have been half-heartedly implemented and  are so woefully inadequate, that  seven decades later there is not a single positive indicator of social development where the Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes figure anywhere near the top. Whether it is land holdings, income, literacy, nutrition or health status it is these sections – who constitute one-third of India’s population – that are right at the bottom of the pile.

For example, according to the Socio-Economic and Caste Census of 2011, 54% of those from the Schedule Castes were landless, while Scheduled Tribes –despite having somewhat better land ownership were even more deprived due to lack of cash income.  Together these two communities form the most vulnerable section of India’s population.

Economic vulnerability is reflected in the dire health status of these populations too. In 2015 India recorded the largest number of under-5 deaths in the world, at 1·3 million- most of them children from Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe families. Again among these populations, more than 50% of the people have a body mass index below 18.5, which is regarded as chronic sub-nutrition– placing them by World Health Organization standards – in a permanent state of famine.

Today, on top of all this, without functional literacy, technological skills or access to  basic infrastructure, these communities are being subjected to a test in digital dexterity impossible for them to get through any time soon. Think about it like this. If someone denied Albert Einstein his daily meal because he could not prove his mettle by playing cricket or made Sachin Tendulkar homeless for failing a quiz on quantum physics they would immediately be denounced as being either mad or extremely evil.

And yet that is exactly what the Narendra Modi dispensation has done through its demonetisation decree, imposed on the already disadvantaged, a test designed to not just make them fail but also put the blame for their misery on their own ‘ignorance’.

If there is to be a fightback against such injustice there are three cardinal lessons to be learnt from the history of the Indian caste system and clever myth making.

One is that blatant lies from those in power cannot be fought with the weightiest of facts because the former are backed by force while the latter is not. In other words, remember when the rulers invite you  for a ‘dialogue’, they are in fact deploying an iron fist in a velvet glove.

Second – always look behind the Maya of religion, nationalism, culture  to find out who controls things that can be touched and felt i.e. who benefits and gets to own tangible wealth. Everything else is poppycock.

The third and most critical lesson to pay attention to is – STOP ARGUING, START ORGANIZING!

Satya Sagar is a journalist and public health worker who can be reached at [email protected]

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For over a millennium one of the recurring debates among Indian philosophers was whether this world was real or a mere dream. To be more precise, the claim was, we are all part of Maha Vishnu’s dream as He sleeps peacefully on a giant serpent, with a lotus blooming from His navel.

Paradoxically, those who preached most passionately that our senses mislead us and everything around was Maya or an illusion, went on to corner the largest chunk of material reality.

Behind the smokescreen of clever mythology, it was they, who grabbed the lion’s share of everything tangible over the centuries – from land, water, natural resources to hard political and social power. Worse still, using a mix of brute force and religious mumbo-jumbo, they consolidated the exploitation of those who work by those who merely cook up tall stories, through the nightmare of the caste system.

Today the politics of Maya is well and truly back in play with Narendra Modi’s ‘Mahayagna’ a.k.a. demonetisation promising a digital Moksha through the tapasya of a ‘war on black money’. Once again, as in India’s sordid past, the biggest losers of this devious push for a cashless economy are going to be those right at the bottom of the Indian caste hierarchy.

From all evidence so far it is clear, that the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, who make up a bulk of those surviving off India’s vast informal economy, are the worst affected by the sudden disappearance of cash from the economy. Labour in agriculture, construction, fishing, textiles, micro-enterprises, the urban and rural poor – mostly from these marginalized castes – have been pushed to the brink of starvation or worse due to loss of jobs and income.

The other sections hit hard, are small and medium sized farmers, who are overwhelmingly from the different Backward Castes and artisans, mostly from poorer Muslim communities. It is true that demonetisation has also hit the economically and caste-wise better off trading communities, but they seem to have been sacrificed in the quest for complete domination by global and national corporations – who pay our politicians to run the country on their behalf.

The most apt way to describe what is happening in India today is perhaps through a completely new term – dwijitalisation. Under the new rules of the dwijital economy only the dwij – or twice born as the Hindu caste elite call themselves – will climb still higher up the social and economic hierarchy, while kicking the ladder down to ensure no one can follow.

Dwijital India will thus continue the rigid division of ‘duties’ along caste lines that has been used for centuries to enable the free transfer of energy and resources from those below to the ones at the top in various ways. The Purusha Sukta, a hymn from the ancient Rig Veda, used the analogy of the human body to describe the social hierarchy clearly.

The Brahmin priest/philosopher is the mouth, the Kshatriya or warrior the arms, the Vaishya or businessman the thighs and the Shudra or worker is right below as the feet. Those who have to deal with human or animal wastes are much worse off, relegated outside the pale of the caste system itself and rendered ‘untouchable’.

At its core the idea, which forms the theoretical basis for the Indian caste system, is that the mind and its creations are noble and permanent while the body is impure and ephemeral. Mental work (software) is superior and hence deserves a regular ‘transaction fee’ (think Paytm or Jio Money) from those who perform physical work (hardware), that is inferior.

In more recent times and through the colonial period, traditional caste privileges and inherited wealth were combined with access to modern education, to create the Indian ruling elite – family-run industrial empires, big landholders and a bureaucrat/politician nexus that today have a complete stranglehold on state power. There is also a sizeable Indian middle class serving the system, that claims its prosperity is due to a mix of merit (ability to pass exams), hard work (long hours in the office)  and honesty (taxes deducted at source).

Together, all these sections of Indian society, have made best use of new opportunities thrown up by globalization, to establish a society which is easily among the most unequal ones in the entire world. Just 1% of the richest Indians control over 58.4% of the country’s wealth  while the top 10% account for 80.7%. The bottom 50% of the population fights for its share of a mere 2.1%.

The Modi regime’s current campaign against corruption does not even begin to address the structural bias of the social and economic system in favour of those who have been long-term beneficiaries of illegality and immorality in different forms. Instead, it uses racist tropes to describe ill-gotten money, equating white with ‘good’ and black with ‘evil’. One Modi cabinet minister even called the anti-corruption campaign a war on ‘asuras’ – the dark skinned indigenous people who were conquered by upper caste migrant populations in ancient India and commonly figure in Hindu mythology as ‘demons’.

Of course, caste discrimination was acknowledged at the time of Indian independence from British colonial rule, thanks to numerous struggles by the oppressed castes. This was reflected in affirmative action policies of reserving a certain percentage of government jobs and admission to educational institutions, as also financial support through loans and special schemes, for these castes.

However, all these measures have been half-heartedly implemented and  are so woefully inadequate, that  seven decades later there is not a single positive indicator of social development where the Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes figure anywhere near the top. Whether it is land holdings, income, literacy, nutrition or health status it is these sections – who constitute one-third of India’s population – that are right at the bottom of the pile.

For example, according to the Socio-Economic and Caste Census of 2011, 54% of those from the Schedule Castes were landless, while Scheduled Tribes –despite having somewhat better land ownership were even more deprived due to lack of cash income.  Together these two communities form the most vulnerable section of India’s population.

Economic vulnerability is reflected in the dire health status of these populations too. In 2015 India recorded the largest number of under-5 deaths in the world, at 1·3 million- most of them children from Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe families. Again among these populations, more than 50% of the people have a body mass index below 18.5, which is regarded as chronic sub-nutrition– placing them by World Health Organization standards – in a permanent state of famine.

Today, on top of all this, without functional literacy, technological skills or access to  basic infrastructure, these communities are being subjected to a test in digital dexterity impossible for them to get through any time soon. Think about it like this. If someone denied Albert Einstein his daily meal because he could not prove his mettle by playing cricket or made Sachin Tendulkar homeless for failing a quiz on quantum physics they would immediately be denounced as being either mad or extremely evil.

And yet that is exactly what the Narendra Modi dispensation has done through its demonetisation decree, imposed on the already disadvantaged, a test designed to not just make them fail but also put the blame for their misery on their own ‘ignorance’.

If there is to be a fightback against such injustice there are three cardinal lessons to be learnt from the history of the Indian caste system and clever myth making.

One is that blatant lies from those in power cannot be fought with the weightiest of facts because the former are backed by force while the latter is not. In other words, remember when the rulers invite you  for a ‘dialogue’, they are in fact deploying an iron fist in a velvet glove.

Second – always look behind the Maya of religion, nationalism, culture  to find out who controls things that can be touched and felt i.e. who benefits and gets to own tangible wealth. Everything else is poppycock.

The third and most critical lesson to pay attention to is – STOP ARGUING, START ORGANIZING!

Satya Sagar is a journalist and public health worker who can be reached at [email protected]

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Obama’s Legacy of War, Repression and Inequality

January 12th, 2017 by Joseph Kishore

US President Barack Obama’s “farewell address to the nation,” scheduled for tonight, has been preceded by a concentrated media buildup on the theme of Obama’s legacy. This has included fawning tributes portraying the president as a brilliant orator, progressive reformer, visionary and man of the people.

Seeking to mold the narrative of Obama’s presidency, the White House put out a video over the weekend featuring comedians Ellen DeGeneres and Jerry Seinfeld, actors Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Hanks, former basketball star Michael Jordan and other celebrities extolling the “historic moments that prove, yes, we can create progress.” Such absurd and nauseating effusions testify not to the qualities or accomplishments of the 44th president, but to the intellectual, political and moral debasement of the American cultural establishment.

For Obama and the privileged social layers that surround the Democratic Party, a legacy can be crafted with honeyed phrases and clever marketing. Millions of people, however, will judge the administration by its actions.

It would take far more space than is available here to outline in detail the real record of the Obama White House. However, any objective appraisal of the past eight years would have to include the following elements:

1. Unending war

Obama is the first president in American history to serve two full terms in office with the nation at war. This includes the continued bloodletting in Afghanistan and Iraq, the bombing of Libya, the six-year-long war for regime change in Syria, and support for the Saudi-led destruction of Yemen. A recent survey reported that in 2016, US Special Operations forces were deployed in 138 nations, or 70 percent of the countries of the world.

The “wars of the 21st century,” begun under Bush and expanded under Obama, have killed more than a million people and driven millions more from their homes, producing the worst refugee disaster since the Second World War. Obama’s “pivot to Asia” has inflamed tensions from the South China Sea to India and Pakistan. The current president will leave the White House as NATO troops deploy to Eastern Europe in the midst of an anti-Russia war hysteria stoked by the media and the Democratic Party.

Obama is the “drone” president, supervising the killing of some 3,000 people in Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia and Libya by means of unmanned aerial vehicles, along with several thousand more in Iraq and Afghanistan.

2. Democratic rights

At least three of the individuals killed in drone strikes were US citizens. The declaration of the Obama administration in 2011 that the president has the authority to assassinate anyone, including US citizens, without due process sums up the attitude of the former constitutional law professor to basic democratic precepts.

The US detention and torture center in Guantanamo Bay, which Obama pledged on his inauguration day to close, remains open. Chelsea Manning, who courageously exposed war crimes in Iraq, is serving a 35-year prison sentence at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, and the Obama White House has prosecuted more whistleblowers for espionage than all previous administrations combined. Edward Snowden was forced into exile in Russia under threat of prosecution or worse, while WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange remains trapped in the Ecuadorian embassy in London.

The massive spying programs of the National Security Agency exposed by Snowden remain in place, and not a single individual has been prosecuted for clearly illegal and unconstitutional activity. Proclaiming the need to “look forward, not backwards,” Obama gave a free pass to Bush administration officials who institutionalized torture, with some of them, including current CIA Director John Brennan, finding top posts in Obama’s administration.

Obama has expanded the militarization of police departments and intervened in court to uphold police abuses that violate the Constitution.

3. Social inequality

Obama came into office in the immediate aftermath of the 2008 economic crisis, and the focus of his administration has been to restore the wealth of the financial aristocracy. Since their low point in March of 2009 (two months after Inauguration Day), stock values—fueled by the “quantitative easing” policies of the US Federal Reserve—have more than tripled, with the top one percent the overwhelming beneficiary of this new orgy of speculation. Aggregate quarterly corporate profits rose from $671 billion at the end of 2008 to $1.636 trillion in 2016, and the wealth of the richest 400 Americans increased from $1.57 trillion to $2.4 trillion.

At the other pole, eight years of the Obama administration have produced declining wages, rising living costs and growing indebtedness. Nearly 95 percent of all jobs added during the Obama administration’s “recovery” have been temporary or part-time positions, according to a recent study by Harvard and Princeton, with the share of workers in temporary jobs rising from 10.7 percent to 15.8 percent. Obama presided over the bankruptcy of the auto companies early in his administration (imposing an across-the-board 50 percent cut in wages for new-hires). He supported the bankruptcy of Detroit and slashing of city workers’ pensions. In the name of education “reform,” he oversaw a wave of public school closures and attacks on teachers, who were laid off in the hundreds of thousands.

As for Obama’s principal domestic initiative, the Affordable Care Act, its intended and actual outcome has been the shifting of health care costs from corporations and the state to individuals, with corporations slashing coverage and workers forced to pay exorbitant prices for substandard care. One statistic sums up the consequences: For the first time since the height of the AIDS epidemic in 1993, life expectancy fell in the US between 2014 and 2015 due to rising adult mortality from drug overdoses, suicides and other manifestations of social distress.

No account of the legacy of Obama would be complete without noting two additional statistics. Since 2009, approximately 10,000 people have been killed by police in the United States, while the Obama administration has deported about three million immigrants, more than any other US administration in history.

Then there is the man himself. What is most striking is Obama’s emptiness. From his first major speech, at the 2004 Democratic National Convention, the media has hailed Obama as a great orator. Yet over the span of 12 years in political office at the federal level, including eight in the White House, Obama leaves behind not a single sentence from a speech or interview that will be remembered.

Everything about Obama, who came into office having been named “Marketer of the Year,” is false and contrived. The only thing he consistently conveys is indifference, a strange remoteness, a man without qualities.

The personality is related to the function. More than anything else, Obama has been the president of the intelligence agencies. His political convictions appear to extend no further than his CIA briefing books. To those who care to look more closely into the background, there always seemed to be hands guiding his way to the White House.

For the ruling class, Obama’s particular function was to fuse in his person and his administration identity politics with the absolute domination of Wall Street and the military-intelligence apparatus. The “change” Obama was to represent was in the color of his skin, not the content of his policies.

The nominally liberal and pseudo-left organizations of the upper-middle class that surround the Democratic Party hailed his election as a “transformative” event, seizing upon the elevation of an African-American as an opportunity to abandon their oppositional pretenses. However, his tenure has merely demonstrated that it is class, not race, that is the decisive social category.

Amidst all the commentary on Obama’s “progressive” legacy, no one seems capable of explaining why it is that eight years of the Obama White House paved the way for the election of Donald Trump. Yet the bitter realities of social life, the widespread anger and disappointment, led to a collapse of the Democratic Party vote amidst a general feeling of disillusionment with the entire political establishment.

Obama now bequeaths to the world a ferocious conflict between two right-wing factions of the ruling class: The Trump administration, which is preparing an authoritarian and militarist government of the oligarchy, and its critics, furious that he is reluctant, for the present, to proceed with their preparations to wage war against Russia.

The record of the Obama administration and the character of the individual himself speak, in the end, to the structure of American politics—an ossified and reactionary political establishment that lacks any broad base of support, standing atop a cauldron of seething social tensions. The true legacy of Obama is the deepening of the crisis of American capitalism and the emergence of a new period of social and revolutionary struggles.

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