The current efforts to elect a new Chair of the AU Commission have been caught in the crosswinds of the impact of illicit capital outflows, the question of reseating Morocco in the AU and the challenges that Africa will face during a period of the ascendancy of the ideas of Donald Trump and Marie Le Pen. The AU will survive this turbulence. But the rise of the Pan African Movement will likely sweep away the present crop of leaders.

Introduction: Three crossing points

In all countries of Africa, from Egypt to the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and beyond there are stirrings of the people who want to assert themselves politically in the context of realizing the pan African project of building a peaceful, integrated and prosperous Africa. These stirrings have created massive political tensions and are nowhere more evident than at the seat of the African Union where the poor and oppressed of Ethiopia have demanded a new democratic dispensation that provides real resources to the majority of the people.  Despite the glowing figures of economic growth, averaging 10.8% per year in 2003/04 – 2014/15, exploited Ethiopians have taken to the streets and internationalized their protests at the recent Olympics in Rio.  At state of emergency in Ethiopia confronts the AU about its future in a society of contested politics.

The peoples of Africa are responding every day to the global capitalist crisis by stating that the goals of Agenda 2063 cannot be achieved with the crop of current leaders. Genocidal economic relations in the South Sudan, dictators for life, idle threats to withdraw en masse from the International Criminal Court (ICC), war as a business in the so called War against Terror and the illicit capital flight from Africa preserved the interests of a class in Africa that opposed real African Unity. This is one of the top contradictions facing Africa at the crossroad between self-financing and illicit financial flows out of Africa.

In response to critical opposition to the stagnation at the AU Commission, the current leaders promised to ‘reform’ the African Union and to work harder to realize the aspirations of Agenda 2063. The goal of the ‘reform process’ is to transform the AU into a more effective and self-reliant institution. It will be the argument of this short intervention that the African Union is now facing turbulent headwinds.  The current efforts to appoint a new AU Commissioner has been caught in the cross winds of the impact of illicit capital outflows, the question of the reseating of Morocco in the AU and the challenges that Africa will face during a period of the ascendancy of the ideas of Donald Trump and Marie Le Pen. The conclusion will suggest that the Pan African movement will rise to the challenges posed by the current moment and the real push for reconstruction and transformation in Africa will accelerate in this period.

African Union and capital flight

Most of the countries of Africa are now deeply integrated into the international illicit economy that is embedded in looted minerals, bunkering of hydrocarbons, money laundering, illicit funds from fraudulent activities and nonpayment of taxes. In my most recent contribution to Pambazuka, I had outlined in great detail the way in which Kenya is one of the principal beach heads for this global illicit economy.

Of any major country, Nigeria has probably had the highest percentage of its gross domestic product stolen— largely by corrupt officials—and deposited externally. Since the 1960s, up to $400 billion has been lost because of primitive accumulation, with $100 billion shifted out of the country. In October 2016, the government filed 15 separate suits against 15 oil companies at the Federal High Court in Lagos to recover billions of dollars that have been illegally siphoned from the country. As reported by Sahara News, “the Nigerian government used the consortium of experts for the intelligence-based tracking of the global movements of the country’s hydrocarbons, including crude oil and gas, with the main purpose of identifying the companies engaged in the practices that had led to missing revenues from crude oil and gas exports sales to different parts of the world.”…

Future researchers on the state visit of President Buhari to Washington in July 2015 will be able to analyze the call from Buhari for assistance in identifying the more than US$150 billion that has been illegally taken from Nigeria and what Obama informed Buhari of where to look for the money. Such researchers will then be able to connect the travels of President Buhari to Kenya, London and Dubai in search of these funds and how these centers of money laundering rebuffed the Nigerian effort to recover stolen assets. The legal action that has now been taken in Nigeria followed the earlier fine against that of telecommunication firm MTN for nonpayment of taxes is one indication that at the highest political levels in Nigeria there is a commitment to curtail money laundering.  A study by UNCTAD found out that between 1996 and 2014, “under invoicing of oil exports from Nigeria to the United States was worth $69.8 billion, or 24.9% of all oil exports to the US.”

With the release of the Panama Papers in 2016 there is now more evidence of the volume of ‘illicit financial flows’ and the amount of wealth funneled out of Africa every year by capitalists. Reports in the media that the world’s super-rich have taken advantage of lax tax rules to siphon off at least $21 trillion, and possibly as much as $32tn, from their home countries and hide it abroad – a sum larger than the entire American economy – were circulated in early 2016. In these reports, Nigeria, Cote D Ivorie and Angola were at the top of the list of African states with high net worth individuals holding hundreds of billions outside their country.

One major area of future research by progressive pan African intellectuals at home and abroad will be to assess the linkages between political leaders and the opaque world of finance capital to unearth the infrastructures that have been put in place to ensure illicit financial flows from Africa. Discussions on the nonpayment of dues to the AU by member states have been another example of the failure of intellectual and political leadership at the top Commissions of the AU.

The fact that over 70% of the AU Commission is funded by imperialist states (called donors ) is itself one indication of the infrastructure of capital flight. These ‘donors’ actually have the intelligence on how much money is being shipped abroad by African leaders, hence they seek to keep up the fiction of providing ‘aid’ to Africa. One good example of this duplicity was the case of the stolen funds from Zimbabwe. A few weeks after stepping down as Chair of the AU in January 2016, in an interview on March 3, 2016, President Mugabe made the announcement that US$15 billion had been stolen from Zimbabwe over the past 7 years under his watch. Yet, there has been very little exposure of how the Mugabe regime destroyed the economy while his cronies robbed the diamond mines and exported billions. In order to facilitate their export of capital they resorted to using the US dollar as the currency of the society while printing worthless bonds for the people to use as a medium of exchange in Zimbabwe.

Why didn’t Madame Zuma act on the High Level Panel on Illicit Financial flows out of Africa?

British corporations are the most experienced in the business of stealing and looting minerals from Africa. A recent report by the non-governmental organization, War on Want, documents how 101 companies listed on the London Stock Exchange (LSE) — most of them British — have mining operations in 37 sub-Saharan African countries. They collectively control over $1 trillion worth of Africa’s most valuable resources.

The details that are presented in this report are the kind of facts that should be studied in every major university and policy think tank in Africa. While this author takes issue with their designation of Sub Saharan Africa, we have witnessed the downgrading of African universities so that NGO’s can produce facts on ‘conflict gold’  but there is no serious research being carried out because the same ‘donors’ starve African researchers of real resources.

The most recent information by UNCTAD on the misinvoicing of minerals in Africa has exposed the fact that the question of gold exports from South Africa involved the pure smuggling of gold, “The most striking feature of the gold sector in South Africa is the huge discrepancy between the amounts recorded in that country’s official trade statistics and those reported in its trading partners’ records. According to South Africa’s data, the country’s cumulative gold exports were $34.5 billion from 2000 to 2014, whereas according to trading partner data for that period they were more than three times higher, at $116.2 billion. This is indicative of massive export underinvoicing.” In fact, the study reports, the physical volume of exports (using the data from SA’s partners) and export underinvoicing are in “perfect correlation”. “This suggests that export underinvoicing is not due to underreporting of the true value of gold exports, but rather to pure smuggling of gold out of the country. Total misinvoicing of gold exports to South Africa’s leading trading partners was $113.6 billion over the 15-year period. At an average exchange rate of R9 per dollar, this corresponds to over R1 trillion.”

What is true of misinvoicining in South Africa is true for every conceivable commodity exported from Africa. One of the failures of Madame Zuma in her role as Chairperson was to fail to aggressively place the resources of the AU in the area of combatting illicit financial flows and following the recommendations of the Thabo Mbeki high level panel on Illicit Financial Flows from Africa.

Was it an accident that the press conference announcing the findings of this high level panel took place in Abuja where former President Mbeki announced that said African countries lose between $50 billion and $60 billion annually through illicit financial flow, IFF? . “Monies for infrastructure and social amenities for the poor African population are being transferred to other countries via illicit financial flows,” said Mbeki at his report on the findings of the panel.This report by the High Level Panel reinforced the research that has been done over the years and reproduced by the UNECA to bring home the reality that Africa lose between $50 billion and $60 billion annually through illicit financial flows. [1]

Capital flight and insecurity in Africa

There is competition between Britain, France, and the United States to decide on which country can produce the most corrupt officials in suborning African bureaucrats into the world of primitive accumulation of capital. The US uses the institutions of the Washington Consensus and the US Africa Command for their corruption, the British seek to be sophisticated and hide behind  the mineral houses and London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) while the French are the most obscene in their corrupt and manipulative politics in Africa. Eva Joly has exposed the role of the French intelligence services and oil companies in those countries that are still dominated by France.

The scandalous relations between France and the puppets in many former colonies are well known and it is these puppets who compete to protect France in the corridors of the African Union. Before its name was changed, the French Elf state oil company, France’s largest enterprise with a turnover of 232.6 billion francs in 1996, had been robbed of over 2 billion francs—305 million euros—by its top executives, largely during the second seven-year term of ‘socialist’ president François Mitterrand (1988-1995).  Serious law schools in Africa need to get a hold of the judgement relating to the criminal activities of Elf. In their 1,045-page indictment and a further 44,000 pages of documents, the investigating magistrates described in detail “a large number of operations carried out on the margins of normal functioning of the group’s structures, and destined… to collect assets off the books”.“

Annual cash transfers totalling about £10m were made to Omar Bongo, Gabon’s president, while other huge sums were paid to leaders in Angola, Cameroon and Congo-Brazzaville. The multi-million dollar payments were partly aimed at guaranteeing that it was Elf and not US or British firms that pumped the oil, but also to ensure the African leaders’ continued allegiance to France. In Gabon, Elf was a veritable state within a state. France accounts for three-quarters of foreign investment in Gabon, and Gabon sometimes provided 75% of Elf’s profits. In return for protection and sweeteners from Elf’s coffers, France used the state as a base for military and espionage activities in west Africa.”[2]

As reported at the time of the trial, ELF had been set up as a  state enterprise by General de Gaulle in 1963 “to ensure France’s independence in oil and which lived, grew and prospered in a special and incestuous relationship with Africa” (Le Monde, November 12, 2003). As Loïk Le Floch-Prigent put it: “In 1962, [Pierre Guillaumat] convinced [General de Gaulle] to set up a parallel structure of real oil technicians. [By creating Elf alongside Total] the Gaullists wanted a real secular arm of the state in Africa…a sort of permanent ministry of oil…a sort of intelligence office in the oil-producing countries.”

Loïk Le Floch-Prigent, CEO of Elf from 1989 to 1993, received a jail sentence of five years and a fine of 375,000 euros. Alfred Sirven, former general affairs executive, also got five years and a 1 million euro fine. André Tarallo, 76, former number-two in the hierarchy and known as “Mr. Africa,” was given four years and a 2 million euro fine. Alain Gillon, former refinery executive, received a three-year jail sentence and a 2 million pound fine. However, their counterparts and underlings have intensified their work in Africa and France has been the most active within the ranks of her colonies and within the Peace and Security Council of the African Union.

The name of the company Elf Aquitaine International may have changed (now Total) but the continuity in practices of theft and bribery are so clear that these elements from France and the EU cannot afford real democratic change in African societies such as Gabon. The corruption of the French capitalists has been well documented by Eva Joly and more needs to be done in relation to the role of France in financing and supporting insurgents in places such as Mali and Central African Republic and then turning around to the Security Council of the UN to lead the fight against terror in Mali and Central African Republic. The Peace and Security Council of the AU has permitted the European Union to set the agenda of what defines terror and terrorism in Africa. Both China and Russia as members of the Security Council of the United Nations have been complicit in giving a pass to France for her activities in Africa. In the case of former President Sarkozy, he particularly worked hard to get the Chinese to be allies in their corrupt practices.

When the funds and minerals are fraudulently taken from African economies, then the foreign banks establish special desks to ensure that the illicit funds flow to offshore bank accounts. None of the reports on illicit flows out of Africa made the connections to the questions of militarism, insecurity, the so called war on terror and the role of international military operators, especially private military contractors. Cameroonian intellectuals who are researching on the expansion of Boko Haram beyond Nigeria are slowly documenting the duplicitous role of France in the enlargement of terror in Central and West Africa.

There has been talk of the reform of the African Union and the leadership of this reform process has been placed in the hands of President Paul Kagame of Rwanda. A visit to the largest gold refinery in the Gulf of Arabia will widen the discussion of reform in the AU to implicate the looting of resources from the DRC and to place the mandate of the Peace and Security Council of the African Union in the elaboration of identifying the looters and their chief beneficiaries. How can Kagame lead a ‘reform process’ in the AU when his regime violates the basic human rights of members of the opposition to the point of killings on foreign soil?

At the Kigali summit of the African Union in 2016,  the President of Rwanda announced an impressive team to spearhead the reforms at the African Union so that this Pan African body can be more self-reliant. It was proclaimed that member states will be expected to contribute 0.2 per cent of proceeds from levy on eligible imports to fund operations of the organisation. What remains striking in the proclamation  is the fact that these schemes seem to deflect attention from the ways in which African economies are integrated into the present global economy and that there can be no self reliance until there are serious efforts to control the wealth of Africa. Any study of the looting of the DRC by Uganda and Rwanda will expose their complicity in ensuring that Africa simply digs out minerals and all of the added value is accrued to other countries.

During the Kigali summit, a new funding model was adopted to make AU operations exclusively funded by subventions from member states. A few years earlier, a previous high-level panel chaired by former Nigerian president, Olusegun Obasanjo, had been appointed to look at alternative sources of financing for the AU. Then, there was the recommendation that member states raise revenue by imposing a $10 airfare levy on each international flight leaving or entering Africa and a $2 levy per hotel stay in Africa. This levy remained just another proposal with no real effort towards implementation.

Now, Paul Kagame as the lead person for the ‘reform process’ has designated nine prominent to oversee the reform efforts of the African Union. Of these nine, many are aware of the drain of resources because of the absence of processing facilities in Africa. Others have participated in the detailed studies of illicit financial flows out of Africa. It will remain to be seen whether the Chairperson of the Reform process, (Dr Donald Kaberuka, the former president of the African Development Bank (AfDB) and Finance minister of Rwanda) will raise the question of African resources in the global value chain as part of the agenda of how to increase revenues for African peoples, and ultimately for the African Union.

Europe is afraid of the full unification of Africa

The question of the AU budget as discussed in the deliberations about ‘reform’ had steered clear of the questions of capital flight and definitive benchmarks of the African Monetary Co-operation Programme (AMCP) of the Association of African Central Banks. [2] Patriotic Pan African bankers who understood the full impact of external currency domination of Africa had been keen to develop the African Currency Unit as far back as 2002. At the 1963 meeting of the OAU, Kwame Nkrumah had admonished the African leaders that ‘Africa must unite or perish.’  For fifty years the Pan African project was pushed forward by the Lagos Plan of Action and the Abuja Treaty of 1991 establishing the African Economic Community. The former President of Libya had gone ahead with precise plans for the gold reserves of Libya to be used to anchor the African currency. After the NATO intervention in Libya it emerged that the primary motivation for the launch of the war was to halt the process of realizing the Pan African project of a common currency in Africa. Revelations from the correspondence between the Secretary of State of the United States, Hilary Clinton and Nicolas Sarkozy, the President of France in March 2011 revealed that the plans for the NATO intervention were dictated by the following issues:

A desire to gain a greater share of Libya oil production,

Increase French influence in North Africa,

Improve his internal political situation in France,

Provide the French military with an opportunity to reassert its position in the world,

Address the concern of his advisors over Qaddafi’s long term plans to supplant France as the dominant power in Francophone Africa.

Many of the leaders who had retreated from supporting the African Monetary Cooperation Programme are being made aware of the real role of international finance as the more literate follow the rulings of the British court in relation to the resources of the Libyan Investment Authority that had been purloined by Goldman Sachs. The ruling of the High Court in London in favor of Goldman Sachs against the Libyan Investment Authority is only serving to increase the literacy of Africans on the workings of the international financial oligarchy.

Recently President Museveni gave notice that the African Union will be working more aggressively to end foreign domination in Libya. Museveni stated that,

We recently had a meeting in Addis Ababa and told all and sundry that AU intends to rescue Libya and we also made it clear that future attacks on African soil without coordinating with AU are not acceptable, to put it mildly. Can Africa defend African soil?  Very much so.

This kind of bravado statement of Yoweri Museveni after the AU High Level committee meeting on 8 November 2016 belied the reality that at least three members of the AU committee, Chad, Egypt and the Sudan are partners of NATO in the current destruction of Libya.

In the book, Global NATO and the Catastrophic Failure in Libya, this author brought out the graphic historical lessons from the destruction of Libya and what lessons that will be learnt when comparing the invasion of Libya to the Italian invasion of Abyssinia in 1935. The PanAfrican movement of that period accelerated the end of colonial domination in Africa.

Lessons from the Italian invasion of Abyssinia

Between 1935 and 1946 the global mobilization against fascism built new alliances internationally and quickened the pace of decolonization in all parts of the world. That anti-fascist internationalism deepened with mass resistance inside of Africa and linked the pan African movement to the Bandung process to cement the South Project. From that moment until now, the Pan African movement has been a central anchor of the South Project, that is the project of creating a new international economic order. Africans are being called upon to rebuild and strengthen this project with calls from the belly of empire to defend black lives. The present generation of youths is being mobilized through new means of communication to realize the goals of real Pan African solidarity from Burkina Faso in West Africa to Bahia in Brazil.

European project shatters in the face of solidarity in the South

The question of the rejoining of the AU by the present Moroccan leadership forms the next major challenge for the future of the African Union.  Since 1984, the political leadership of Morocco had placed its aspirations on the future of the European project, but with the implosion of the European ideal as manifest with Brexit, the Moroccan leadership has decided to rejoin the African Union. In the process, the Moroccan leadership seeks to strengthen the neo-liberal pressures of global capital inside the AU to challenge the anti-colonial stance of the African Union on Western Sahara and all outstanding colonial territories (Puerto Rico, Cayenne, Martinique, Guadeloupe Mayotte, etc).

Progressive Africans have been tracking the economic diplomacy of Morocco in the rest of Africa. As one commentator outlined,

Morocco is currently courting a number of African countries relentlessly, including Madagascar, Tanzania, Rwanda, and others. Morocco has signed 19 economic agreements with Rwanda and 22 with Tanzania—two countries that traditionally backed the Western Sahara’s quest for decolonization. Nigeria Morocco have signed a total of 21 bilateral agreements, a joint venture to construct a gas pipeline that will connect the two nations as well as some other African countries to Europe. It is easily transparent that the economic agreements with these countries imply ulterior motives for increasing Morocco’s leverage in its campaign to return to the AU and deal a blow to Western Sahara’s aspirations for self-determination. Morocco is waging a similar campaign internationally and in the halls of the U.S. congress by hiring expensive lobbyists and sleazy public relations firms. [3]

It is in the push by Morocco to play a leading role in the AU that is helping to define the future of the AU in world politics. The political leadership of Morocco has been working through states such as Cote d Ivorie, Gabon and Senegal to promote the interests of the Moroccan leadership but the limits of this alliance with Senegal and Cote D Ivorie were exposed at the heads of state meeting of the 4th African-Arab summit in Equatorial Guinea

The Saharan Arab Democratic Republic (SADR), declared by the Polisario Front in 1976,  is a member of the African Union At the Malabo Summit of African and Arab leaders in  November 2016, Morocco found out the limits of its influence when it tried to force the question of removing the representatives of the SADR from the meeting. When Morocco walked out of the meeting, only the most conservative monarchies of the Gulf – Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Oman – pulled out of the summit over the participation of the Polisario Front delegation. Many governments such as Egypt and Kuwait who in the past would have been supportive of Morocco decided to stay in the meeting, exposing the diplomatic isolation of Morocco.

This push by the Moroccans is also caught up in the struggles for a new chairperson of the AU Commission. My most recent article on whether Kenya can lead the African Union offered some reasons why the interpenetration of western financial and security interests in East Africa disqualifies Kenya from taking a leadership role.

It is the contention of this intervention that at this historical moment the ideas of the Moroccan leadership confront the aspirations of the Moroccan peoples and thus the question to be posed is not whether Morocco will be part of the AU, but what kind of politics will emerge in Morocco out of the present stirrings of the oppressed citizens of Morocco. The death of a fishmonger in the northern town of Al-Hoceima who was crushed to death (inside a garbage truck as he tried to retrieve fish confiscated by police) exposed another reality of thousands of outraged Moroccans.  The present leadership of Morocco has a shortsighted understanding of world politics and have not yet grasped the seismic shift that has taken place since the imperial interventions in Libya and the war in Syria. Hence, they could not understand why Egypt is not under the thumb of Saudi Arabia as in the past. The turbulence in the revolutionary politics that had been initiated in the streets of Cairo and Tunis may seem to have subsided, but the youths of Africa are assessing the new forms of organizing for the next round so that the decisive blow against neo-liberalism in the next round of revolutionary struggles will sweep away leaders who seek to reverse the gains of popular rebellions.

Reparations and African Descendants.

The third major contradiction for the AU will be how it confronts the growing threat of fascism. The election of Donald Trump in the United States and the rise of the ideas of Marie Le Pen in Europe have brought back the questions of racism and xenophobia to the center of world politics. Repairing humanity from the scourge of racist and genocidal violence has been at the center of Pan African political activity since the days of enslavement. In the last years of the OAU the Reparations question had been high of the agenda with positive interactions between the Global African family in all parts of the planet. The present leaders of the AU who have been silent on the question of the black lives at home and abroad are now faced with a vibrant #Black lives matter social movement that is spreading in all parts of the globe. When Haiti attempted to join the AU in 2016, this African society was rebuffed by a leadership that does not understand the history of Pan Africanism and the centrality of Haiti in the History of Pan African Revolts. Leaders who understand the so called ‘diaspora’ only in terms of remittances are being exposed for their silence on what is happening to Africans on a day to day basis in the face of police killings. The demands for reparations and for respecting Black Lives in the era of Donald Trump will sharpen the contradictions between the EU brand of Pan African partnership and that which comes from ordinary Africans.

There is little reference at the official level of how Agenda 2063 would affect the more than two hundred and fifty million Africans of the Global African Family living outside the geographical boundaries of Africa. At the bidding of their ‘global partners’ that seek to set the tone for research and the agenda in Africa there is emphasis on the SDG goals instead of deepening the understanding of reparations and reparative justice. Slowly, the EU-Pan African partnership is downplaying the aspirations of Agenda 2063 and in its place organizing meetings all over Africa on ‘good governance’ and ‘security sector reform ‘instead on the role of financial houses in money laundering.

On the whole, the present leaders had a different project from the producing classes who believed that the idea of Africa for the Africans at home and abroad should not be a slogan. African intellectuals are torn between these two visions of social and economic change, with a small minority carrying forward the Nkrumahist vision that had inspired the call for full unity. The political upheavals of the current currency wars and the wars on terror will have impacts on the entire process of African unity and one of the challenges for the progressive forces will be how to engage with the popular producing forces to seize on moments to push harder for a common currency and to make legal the idea of the free movement of the people of Africa.

When the AU Constitutive Act was being drafted, it was the conscious effort of the progressive Pan Africanists that the AU would be qualitatively different from the OAU. The Secretary General of the OAU had worked from a Secretariat. The AU has a Commissioner whose powers to intervene are clearly stated in the Constitutive Act. Current leaders such as Yoweri Museveni and Paul Kagame may grandstand on reforms and the capabilities of the African Union but the seriousness with which they will be taken will be determined by the levels of transparency and democratic participation in their societies.  Nonpayment of dues by member states of the AU is itself a statement about where their loyalties are. They have kept foreign banks alive while their people go without basic necessities. It is in Nigeria where there is the largest section of the African working class where one will have to grasp the joint struggles against capital flight and Boko Haram. Two Nigerian leaders were killed when they took assertive action against empire. The psychological warfare against Nigeria is most intense in order to detract from the calls to bring to justice the fraudulent leaders. Both Murtala Mohammed and Chief M.K.O Abiola were eliminated when they decided to stand up for Africa. The late Tajudeen Abdul Raheem had worked hard for the building of Pan African Unity and he had admonished the youth to organize.


This call for organizing is now clearer as the liberal ideas of the West has been shattered with the coming to power of the alt right in Europe and North America. These neo fascist forces have made it clear that there will be no grey areas on the question of racism. It is this same racism that entreats the leadership of Europe and North America to seek the recovery of capitalism on the backs and bodies of the African at home and abroad. The current rebellions in Ethiopia and South Africa demand new engagement with new ideas about transcending neo-liberal capitalism. The same foundations that have supported the leaders in the DRC, Ethiopia, South Africa and the Sudan are busy  organizing meetings to ensure that the rebellions now underway does not really disrupt the looting of African resources.

Kenya remains the model for western foundations of spending peanuts on studies on ‘democratic reforms’ while international capital support a Kenyan ruling class that divides the working peoples on the basis of religion and “tribe”. The corruption of the Kenyan military led to their catastrophic defeat in Somalia in January at the el Ade (comfort base). Somali insurgents fighting against external military presence in Somalia killed 180 Kenyans in January at a camp in el Ade. Eleven months after the killings, the Kenyan military refuse to provide figures as to the numbers killed. Instead, the Kenyan military is promoting their book, Operation Linda Nchi: Kenya’s military experience in Somalia. [4]

Faced with the fact that Kenyans want real information on the deaths in Somalia, the government of Kenya has refused to provide information as to how many were killed. Given the revolutionary potential of the Ethiopian workers and small farmers, the President of the USA has used his authority to enlarge the operations of the US Africa Command in Somalia. On November 27, President  Obama acted to give the legal authority for the expanding war in Somalia using the U.S. Special Ops, AFRICOM, private contractors, and the CIA with the 9/11 Authorization for the Use of Military Force (AUMF) for Iraq.  US military personnel in Somalia can easily be redeployed to Ethiopia when the current revolutionary upheaval matures.

Member states of the African Union have been silent on this expansion of the war when for two decades it was stated in the corridors of power in Washington that it was the presence of US military personnel in Africa that acts as a magnet for misguided youths who are financed by the Wahabists.

At the time of submitting this article, the peoples of Africa were confronted with the clowning refusal of Gambian President Yahya Jammeh to accept the results of the elections of December 1, 2016 when he lost  to the leader of the combined opposition led by Adama Barrow. While the diplomatic dance of the AU and ECOWAS is underway, serious Africans need to engage with the Stolen Asset Recovery Initiative that had been launched in 2007 by the United Nations Office on Drugs. Such engagement will shift the discussions on the question of where to get the resources to fund the work of the African Union.

The renewed confidence of Africans is emerging in the midst of an economic depression in Europe and at a moment when Africans are stating clearly that there must be new values for African unity, for healing ourselves and the world (Maathai 2010). Wangaari Maathai as a feminist and environmentalist in the Pan African Movement had brought the questions of environmental repair to the forefront of the discussions on Pan Africanism. This new brand of Pan Africanism that respects life, health, peace and environmental reconstruction is slowly asserting itself in all parts of the Pan African world. The AU will survive the turbulent headwinds. It is not clear whether most of the current leadership will survive. The three crosscurrents promise to blow many away.

Horace G Campbell is the Kwame Nkrumah Chair at the Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana at Legon.


[1] Ajayi and L. Ndikumana (eds.), Capital Flight from Africa: Causes, Effects and Policy Issues. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015

[2] Jon Henley, “Gigantic sleaze scandal winds up as former Elf oil chiefs are jailed,”

[3] Yohannes Woldemariam, Behind Morocco’s New Tango with the African Union,…

[4] Official KDF Account, Operation Linda Nchi: Kenya’s Military Experience in Somalia,  Ministry of Defence, Kenya 2014

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The Issue is Not Trump. It is Us.

January 17th, 2017 by John Pilger

On the day President Trump is inaugurated, thousands of writers in the United States will express their indignation.  “In order for us to heal and move forward …,” say Writers Resist, “we wish to bypass direct political discourse, in favour of an inspired focus on the future, and how we, as writers, can be a unifying force for the protection of democracy.”

And:  “We urge local organizers and speakers to avoid using the names of politicians or adopting ‘anti’ language as the focus for their Writers Resist event. It’s important to ensure that nonprofit organizations, which are prohibited from political campaigning, will feel confident participating in and sponsoring these events.”

Thus, real protest is to be avoided, for it is not tax exempt.

Compare such drivel with the declarations of the Congress of American Writers, held at Carnegie Hall, New York, in 1935, and again two years later. They were electric events, with writers discussing how they could confront ominous events in Abyssinia, China and Spain. Telegrams from Thomas Mann, C Day Lewis, Upton Sinclair and Albert Einstein were read out, reflecting the fear that great power was now rampant and that it had become impossible to discuss art and literature without politics or, indeed, direct political action.

“A writer,” the journalist Martha Gellhorn told the second congress,

“must be a man of action now . . . A man who has given a year of his life to steel strikes, or to the unemployed, or to the problems of racial prejudice, has not lost or wasted time. He is a man who has known where he belonged. If you should survive such action, what you have to say about it afterwards is the truth, is necessary and real, and it will last.”

Her words echo across the unction and violence of the Obama era and the silence of those who colluded with his deceptions.

That the menace of rapacious power — rampant long before the rise of Trump —  has been accepted by writers, many of them privileged and celebrated, and by those who guard the gates of literary criticism, and culture, including popular culture, is uncontroversial. Not for them the impossibility of writing and promoting literature bereft of politics. Not for them the responsibility to speak out, regardless of who occupies the White House.

Today, false symbolism is all. “Identity” is all. In 2016, Hillary Clinton stigmatised millions of voters as “a basket of deplorables, racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic — you name it”. Her abuse was handed out at an LGBT rally as part of her cynical campaign to win over minorities by abusing a white mostly working-class majority. Divide and rule, this is called; or identity politics in which race and gender conceal class, and allow the waging of class war.  Trump understood this.

“When the truth is replaced by silence,” said the Soviet dissident poet Yevtushenko, “the silence is a lie.”

This is not an American phenomenon. A few years ago, Terry Eagleton, then professor of English literature at Manchester University, reckoned that “for the first time in two centuries, there is no eminent British poet, playwright or novelist prepared to question the foundations of the western way of life”.

No Shelley speaks for the poor, no Blake for utopian dreams, no Byron damns the corruption of the ruling class, no Thomas Carlyle and John Ruskin reveal the moral disaster of capitalism. William Morris, Oscar Wilde, HG Wells, George Bernard Shaw have no equivalents today. Harold Pinter was the last to raise his voice. Among today’s insistent voices of consumer-feminism, none echoes Virginia Woolf, who described “the arts of dominating other people… of ruling, of killing, of acquiring land and capital”.

There is something both venal and profoundly stupid about famous writers as they venture outside their cosseted world and embrace an “issue”. Across the Review section of the Guardian on 10 December was a dreamy picture of Barack Obama looking up to the heavens and the words, “Amazing Grace” and “Farewell the Chief”.

The sycophancy ran like a polluted babbling brook through page after page.

“He was a vulnerable figure in many ways …. But the grace. The all-encompassing grace: in manner and form, in argument and intellect, with humour and cool ….[He] is a blazing tribute to what has been, and what can be again … He seems ready to keep fighting, and remains a formidable champion to have on our side … … The grace … the almost surreal levels of grace …”

I have conflated these quotes. There are others even more hagiographic and bereft of mitigation. The Guardian’s chief apologist for Obama, Gary Younge, has always been careful to mitigate, to say that his hero “could have done more”: oh, but there were the “calm, measured and consensual solutions …”

None of them, however, could surpass the American writer, Ta-Nehisi Coates, the recipient of a “genius” grant worth $625,000 from a liberal foundation. In an interminable essay for The Atlantic entitled, “My President Was Black”, Coates brought new meaning to prostration. The final “chapter”, entitled “When You Left, You Took All of Me With You”, a line from a Marvin Gaye song, describes seeing the Obamas “rising out of the limo, rising up from fear, smiling, waving, defying despair, defying history, defying gravity”.  The Ascension, no less.

One of the persistent strands in American political life is a cultish extremism that approaches fascism. This was given expression and  reinforced during the two terms of Barack Obama. “I believe in American exceptionalism with every fibre of my being,” said Obama, who expanded America’s favourite military pastime, bombing, and death squads (“special operations”) as no other president has done since the Cold War.

According to a Council on Foreign Relations survey, in 2016 alone Obama dropped 26,171 bombs. That is 72 bombs every day.  He bombed the poorest people on earth, in Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Somalia, Syria, Iraq, Pakistan.

Every Tuesday — reported the New York Times — he personally selected those who would be murdered by mostly hellfire missiles fired from drones. Weddings, funerals, shepherds were attacked, along with those attempting to collect the body parts festooning the “terrorist target”. A leading Republican senator, Lindsey Graham, estimated, approvingly, that Obama’s drones killed 4,700 people. “Sometimes you hit innocent people and I hate that,” he said, but we’ve taken out some very senior members of Al Qaeda.”

Like the fascism of the 1930s, big lies are delivered with the precision of a metronome: thanks to an omnipresent media whose description now fits that of the Nuremberg prosecutor:

“Before each major aggression, with some few exceptions based on expediency, they initiated a press campaign calculated to weaken their victims and to prepare the German people psychologically … In the propaganda system … it was the daily press and the radio that were the most important weapons.

Take the catastrophe in Libya. In 2011, Obama said Libyan president Muammar Gaddafi was planning “genocide” against his own people.

“We knew… that if we waited one more day, Benghazi, a city the size of Charlotte, could suffer a massacre that would have reverberated across the region and stained the conscience of the world.”

This was the known lie of Islamist militias facing defeat by Libyan government forces. It became the media story; and Nato – led by Obama and Hillary Clinton – launched 9,700 “strike sorties” against Libya, of which more than a third were aimed at civilian targets. Uranium warheads were used; the cities of Misurata and Sirte were carpet-bombed. The Red Cross identified mass graves, and Unicef reported that “most [of the children killed] were under the age of ten”.

Under Obama, the US has extended secret “special forces” operations to 138 countries, or 70 per cent of the world’s population. The first African-American president launched what amounted to a full-scale invasion of Africa. Reminiscent of the Scramble for Africa in the late 19th century, the US African Command (Africom) has built a network of supplicants among collaborative African regimes eager for American bribes and armaments.  Africom’s “soldier to soldier” doctrine embeds US officers at every level of command from general to warrant officer. Only pith helmets are missing.

It is as if Africa’s proud history of liberation, from Patrice Lumumba to Nelson Mandela, is consigned to oblivion by a new master’s black colonial elite whose “historic mission”, warned Frantz Fanon half a century ago, is the promotion of “a capitalism rampant though camouflaged”.

It was Obama who, in 2011, announced what became known as the “pivot to Asia”, in which almost two-thirds of US naval forces would be transferred to the Asia-Pacific to “confront China”, in the words of his Defence Secretary. There was no threat from China; the entire enterprise was unnecessary. It was an extreme provocation to keep the Pentagon and its demented brass happy.

In 2014, the Obama’s administration oversaw and paid for a fascist-led coup in Ukraine against the democratically-elected government, threatening Russia in the western borderland through Hitler invaded the Soviet Union, with a loss of 27 million lives. It was Obama who placed missiles in Eastern Europe aimed at Russia, and it was the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize who increased spending on nuclear warheads to a level higher than that of any administration since the cold war — having promised, in an emotional speech in Prague, to “help rid the world of nuclear weapons”.

Obama, the constitutional lawyer, prosecuted more whistleblowers than any other president in history, even though the US constitution protects them. He declared Chelsea Manning guilty before the end of a trial that was a travesty. He has refused to pardon Manning who has suffered years of inhumane treatment which the UN says amounts to torture. He has pursued an entirely bogus case against Julian Assange. He promised to close the Guantanamo concentration camp and didn’t.

Following the public relations disaster of George W. Bush, Obama, the smooth operator from Chicago via Harvard, was enlisted to restore what he calls “leadership” throughout the world. The Nobel Prize committee’s decision was part of this: the kind of cloying reverse racism that beatified the man for no reason other than he was attractive to liberal sensibilities and, of course, American power, if not to the children he kills in impoverished, mostly Muslim countries.

This is the Call of Obama. It is not unlike a dog whistle: inaudible to most, irresistible to the besotted and boneheaded, especially “liberal brains pickled in the formaldehyde of identity politics,” as Luciana Bohne put it. “When Obama walks into a room,” gushed George Clooney, “you want to follow him somewhere, anywhere.”

William I. Robinson, professor at the University of California, and one of an uncontaminated group of American strategic thinkers who have retained their independence during the years of intellectual dog-whistling since 9/11, wrote this last week:

“President Barack Obama … may have done more than anyone to assure [Donald] Trump’s victory. While Trump’s election has triggered a rapid expansion of fascist currents in US civil society, a fascist outcome for the political system is far from inevitable …. But that fight back requires clarity as to how we got to such a dangerous precipice. The seeds of 21st century fascism were planted, fertilized and watered by the Obama administration and the politically bankrupt liberal elite.”

Robinson points out that

“whether in its 20th or its emerging 21st century variants, fascism is, above all, a response to deep structural crises of capitalism, such as that of the 1930s and the one that began with the financial meltdown in 2008 …. There is a near-straight line here from Obama to Trump … The liberal elite’s refusal to challenge the rapaciousness of transnational capital and its brand of identity politics served to eclipse the language of the working and popular classes … pushing white workers into an ‘identity’ of white nationalism and helping the neo-fascists to organise them”.

The seedbed is Obama’s Weimar Republic, a landscape of endemic poverty, militarised police and barbaric prisons: the consequence of a “market” extremism which, under his presidency, prompted the transfer of $14 trillion in public money to criminal enterprises in Wall Street.

Perhaps his greatest “legacy” is the co-option and disorientation of any real opposition. Bernie Sanders’ specious “revolution” does not apply. Propaganda is his triumph.

The lies about Russia — in whose elections the US has openly intervened — have made the world’s most self-important journalists laughing stocks. In the country with constitutionally the freest press in the world, free journalism now exists only in its honourable exceptions.

The obsession with Trump is a cover for many of those calling themselves “left/liberal”, as if to claim political decency. They are not “left”, neither are they especially “liberal”.  Much of America’s aggression towards the rest of humanity has come from so-called liberal Democratic administrations — such as Obama’s. America’s political spectrum extends from the mythical centre to the lunar right. The “left” are homeless renegades Martha Gellhorn described as “a rare and wholly admirable fraternity”. She excluded those who confuse politics with a fixation on their navels.

While they “heal” and “move forward”, will the Writers Resist campaigners and other anti-Trumpists reflect upon this? More to the point: when will a genuine movement of opposition arise? Angry, eloquent, all-for-one-and-one-for all. Until real politics return to people’s lives, the enemy is not Trump, it is ourselves.

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Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power.” Benito Mussolini (1883-1945), Italian politician, journalist, and leader of the National Fascist Party. (As quoted in Mats Erik Olshammar’s book Dragon Flame, 2008, p. 253)

The dangerous American fascist is the man who wants to do in the United States in an American way what [Adolf] Hitler did in Germany in a Prussian way. The American fascist would prefer not to use violence. His method is to poison the channels of public information. — With a fascist the problem is never how best to present the truth to the public but how best to use the news to deceive the public into giving the fascist and his group more money or more power.” Henry A. Wallace (1888-1965), American politician, 33rd Vice President of the United States, 1941-1945, (in ‘The Danger of American Fascism’, The New York Times, April 9, 1944, and in ‘Democracy Reborn’, 1944, p. 259)

“Demagogue: one who preaches doctrines he knows to be untrue to men he knows to be idiots.” H. L. Mencken (1880-1956) American journalist and essayist, (in ‘Minority Report’, 1956, p. 207) 

With all that Congress has to work on, do they really have to make the weakening of the Independent Ethics Watchdog, as unfair as it may be, their number one act and priority. Focus on tax reform, healthcare and so many other things of far greater importance! ” Donald Trump (1946- ), on January 3, 2017, after House Republicans voted 119-74 to place the independent Office of Congressional Ethics under the control of the House of Representatives. (N.B.: They reversed their position after Mr. Trump’s criticism)

*       *       *

Presidential candidate Donald Trump raised the hopes of many Americans when he criticized his political opponents for their close ties to Wall Street and, above all, when he promised to ‘drain the swamp’ in Washington D.C. He may still fulfill that last promise, but as the quote above indicates, he may have to fight House Republicans on that central issue. Candidate Trump also raised the hopes of many when he promised to end costly wars abroad and to concentrate rather on preventing jobs from moving offshore, on creating more middle-class jobs at home and on preventing the American middle class from shrinking any further.

No doubt the cabinet he has assembled is filled with well-intentioned and capable persons. And, it is only normal that a new president surrounds himself with loyal supporters and people with whom he feels comfortable ideologically and personally. And, let us be fair. Not many progressives or academics supported Donald Trump during the November 2016 election. However, on paper at least, it can be said that Trump’s cabinet looks to be more to the right than himself.

Nevertheless, the Trump administration will probably be the most pro-business administration and the wealthiest in American history. This is somewhat ironical because, during the November 2016 presidential election, Mr. Trump prevailed in poor, economically challenged cities, while Ms. Clinton drew her support in more affluent cities and counties.

The overall image that emerges, indeed, is a U.S. government fit for an inward-looking industrial-financial-military complex, made up, to a large extent, of billionaires and of Wall Street financiers (Ross, Mnuchin, Cohn, Clayton, etc.), of known warmongers (Mattis, Flynn, etc.), and of known Zionists (Bolton, Friedman, Greenblatt, etc.). However, this is a corporate government that is hostile to large American international corporations (GM, Coca-Cola, etc.), hostile to economic regulations and to economic globalization in general.

There is a clear possibility, considering its composition, that the pro-domestic-business Trump administration could herald a new Robber Baron era of laissez faire capitalism within the United States, somewhat similar to the one that led, in reaction, to the passage of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act in 1890. If so, history could repeat itself. Only time will tell.

A genuine desire for radical change

There is no doubt that the 2016 U.S presidential election revealed a desire for radical change on the part of a large segment of the U.S. electorate, discontent and dissatisfied with the way things are these days with the political gridlock in Washington D.C. and with the relatively stalled U.S. economy.

The economic policies espoused by the U.S. establishment over the last quarter century have resulted in the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer, with the result also that economic and social mobility for average American families has declined and is now much lower than in other advanced economies. This has been an important cause for disillusion and anger among many Americans who feel that the economic system is rigged against them and in favor of the very rich.

Can President Trump succeed in bringing about fundamental, even revolutionary change, especially in reducing political corruption and in bringing more economic and social justice for American workers, or will he be engulfed in the morass of politics as usual in Washington D.C.? Here again, only time will tell.

On the other hand, President Trump can hardly pretend to have received an overwhelming political mandate for change from the electorate, considering that he got 2,865,000 fewer votes than Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. The last time that this happened was in 2000 when Republican presidential candidate George W. Bush received about 540,000 fewer votes than his adversary Al Gore, but he was nevertheless elected president by the U.S. Electoral College.

Moreover, by professing to want to cumulate his responsibilities as U.S. President and those as a de facto head of his own international real-estate company, and by refusing to park his private business interests in a blind trust, thus creating a permanent conflict of interests, President Donald Trump is sending the wrong signal. And transferring the daily executive responsibilities to his sons does not pass the smell test.

During the 2016 campaign, candidate Trump clearly said that “[I]f I become president, I couldn’t care less about my company. It’s peanuts… I wouldn’t ever be involved because I wouldn’t care about anything but our country, anything.” Public interest, indeed, is not the same as private personal interests, and it is difficult to believe that Mr. Trump has had a change of mind on such an important issue. People should expect their politicians not to use their positions, directly or indirectly, to enrich themselves. Period.

Let us consider how a strong pro-business Trump administration could have some beneficial results in the short run, but could also be very disruptive in the long run, both for the United States and for the world.

1. Donald Trump’s authoritarian approach may endanger American democracy

American democracy may be seriously tested in the coming months and years, as a President Donald Trump administration begins implementing a fundamental shift in American domestic and foreign policies. This could be either for better or for worse.

That is because the new U.S. president, Donald J. Trump (1946- ), is a businessman, in fact, an international real-estate mogul who owns hotels, golf courses and casinos in many countries, who has no government experience of his own and who has run his family business with total control. Moreover, businessman Donald Trump has tended to trust his business instincts more than his head in making important decisions, and he is also inclined to act in a self-serving manner. He is a person who, temperamentally and on occasion, does not hesitate to denigrate, humiliate and bully people around to get his way. Indeed, his modus operandi in his dealings with people seems to rely on intimidation and on bluffing in order to exact concessions on their part and to obtain some benefits for himself.

Some fifteen years ago, another businessman was elected to the American presidency, i.e. Texan oilman George W. Bush (1946- ), who also boasted that he made decisions with his guts. That did not turned out too well for the United States, as Bush II ended up being one of the worse presidents the U.S. ever had. Presidential candidate Trump even said publicly that George W. Bush was “the worst President in history”, and said he should have been impeached because he lied about the presence of weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) in Iraq with the clear intention of tricking the American public into supporting a war against that country.

It’s true that George W. Bush did not hide his intentions of governing in an authoritarian way when he declared, “I’m the commander in chief, see, I don’t need to explain, I do not need to explain why I say things. That’s the interesting part about being president. Maybe somebody needs to explain to me why they say something, but I don’t feel like I owe anybody an explanation”, as this was documented in Bob Woodward’s book ‘Bush at War’, 2002. Will President Trump take such a statement as a precedent, or will he be more open to outside ideas to improve things?

2. Fears of trade wars and disruptive protectionism looming ahead

President Donald Trump has made no qualms about being a trade protectionist. His spokespersons have repeatedly said that the new administration is a protectionist one. It is one thing to adopt ad hoc protectionist measures; it is another matter to adopt an overall protectionist policy that could lead to widespread economic disintegration, and trigger costly economic dislocations, uncertainty and, possibly, risk a worldwide economic depression.

This could also mean bringing forward destructive laws, similar to the protectionist 1930 Smoot-Hawley Tariff, which imposed high tariffs and other barriers to the importation of foreign-produced goods.

There are, however, international trade laws that prevent one country from singling out another country for punitive tariffs or trade impediments without cause. If the Trump administration were to violate those laws, other national governments could be expected to retaliate, and this could wreak havoc with international trade and world prosperity. In the 1930s, protectionist “beggar-thy-neighbor policies” raised unemployment and intensified the Great Depression. Nobody can be absolutely sure that this would not be repeated if similar policies were pursued today.

In fact, it is far from certain that increasing duties on imports would be beneficial to the U.S. economy. Such impediments to trade would push up the prices of goods in the United States, thus making it harder for workers on low salaries to buy them. American exports could also suffer when other countries retaliate and raise tariffs on goods produced in the U.S. and shipped from the U.S., creating unemployment in many American exporting industries, notably in the agricultural sector.

With American protectionist policies raising prices, the Fed could then be expected to raise interest rates faster, thus slowing down interest-rate sensitive industries such as the construction industry, while higher U.S. interest rates could appreciate the U.S. dollar vis-à-vis other currencies, resulting in a further decline of U.S. exports abroad and negating the expected objective of protectionism.

Indeed, President Trump and his advisers could learn some lessons in economics in 2017-2018, when they see an extraordinary strong U.S. dollar, boosted by their expected protectionist policies, destroying American exports and possibly also tanking the stock market. Large American international companies could be expected to suffer the most, and those who work for them or own stocks in them would also suffer, both from the artificially strong dollar and from retaliations from other countries.

Therefore, it is far from a sure thing that the jobs created in American import-substituting industries would not be counterbalanced by the loss of jobs in American export industries. The result could be net negative for the U.S. economy as a whole. Protectionist policies could also lower American overall productivity, in the long run, because of a reduction in economies of scale caused by a contraction of U.S. export industries and in their investments.

3. The North American economy could be disturbed and political relations could possibly turn sour

The United States needs allies and friends in the world, and there is no better friend of the United States than neighboring Canada. In 1988, the Reagan administration reached a free trade agreement (FTA) with Canada, a country with a similar free market economy and standard of living, which has benefited both countries. In 1994, the Clinton administration enlarged the Canada-US free trade Agreement to include Mexico, the latter country having a standard of living that is less than one third the American standard of living. That was NAFTA.

TreatiesThe Trump administration intends not only to cancel the already signed trade agreement (TPP) with Asiatic countries and to end negotiations for establishing a transatlantic trade and investment partnership (TTIP), but President Trump would also like to reopen and renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Such isolationist moves are bound to create unnecessary economic and political frictions besides creating a lot of uncertainty. For neighboring Canada and Mexico, this has the potential of disrupting their economies. Let us hope that cooler heads will prevail and that the baby of economic cooperation won’t be thrown out with the bathwater of trade irritants.

Mr. Trump and his advisers should know that trade is a two-way street and that a country pays for its imports with its exports. They must know, therefore, that Canada is the U.S.’s number one trading partner and that there are 35 U.S. states (New York, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Minnesota, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, New Hampshire, Wisconsin, Alaska, etc.) for whom the number one export country for their goods and services is Canada.

In 2015, for the record, the United States exported goods and services to Canada for a total value of $337.3 billion, and imported from Canada goods and services valued at $325.4 billion, for a net U.S. surplus equal to $11.9 billion. In 2015, Canada was the United States’ number-one goods export market. Moreover, American companies had direct investments worth $386.1 billion in Canada, in 2014, while Canadian companies had direct investments in the United States worth $261.2 billion in the same year.

The Trump administration should know that, in 2015, nearly 9 million American jobs depended on U.S. trade and investment with Canada. Therefore, Canada is not a country posing a trade problem to the United States and Mr. Trump and other U.S. politicians should know it. The Canadian and American economies are well integrated and are complementary to each other.

The motto should be: If it’s not broken, don’t fix it.

4. Drastic U.S domestic policy changes may hurt the poor and enrich the already super rich, thus exasperating inequality, if they are not replaced by better policies

Presidential candidate Trump promised to lower U.S. corporate tax on corporate profits from 35% to 15%. Even though the real corporate tax rate paid by most American corporations is much lower than the posted rate, being closer to 12%, such a drastic drop in the official corporate taxation rate is bound to make the rich richer. In fact, the post-November-8 stock market rally is largely a reflection of that promise to lower the corporate tax rate.

Similarly, candidate Donald Trump has promised to deregulate U.S. mega banks, which were at the center of the 2008 subprime loan financial crisis, and especially end the Dodd-Frank rules, which require banks to hold more capital as an insurance against catastrophic failures. Here we go again: politicians pandering to those who can give them money, while risking the stability of the entire financial system and the jobs of millions of Americans. If this comes to pass, the next financial crisis may be called the ‘Trump financial crisis’.

On the social side, Trump’s promise to dismantle the Obamacare program, without advancing a credible replacement, may end up hurting the poorest Americans. Indeed, what would happen to the some 20 million Americans who previously had been left out of secured access to health services through employer-sponsored insurance? In politics, it is usually easier to dismantle something than to build something of value.

5. U.S. economic and political clashes with China may be very disruptive to world peace

The Chinese government is a communist and authoritarian government, even though it has moved, since 1978, under the leadership of Deng Xiaoping (1904-1997), to a more decentralized market-oriented socialist economy. The biggest economic step for China came on December 11, 2001, when it officially abandoned protectionism as a policy and joined the World Trade Organization (WTO), thus integrating the world economy.

It is true that the U.S. has a trade deficit with China. In 2015, for example, American exports to China amounted to $116.1 billion while the U.S. imported goods from China valued at $483.2 billion, leaving a trade deficit equal to $367.1 billion. That is party due to the fact that many U.S. companies have invested in China, and they imported goods from China. This is partly due to the fact that the U.S. government has a large fiscal deficit, and some of it translates into an external trade deficit. Of course, it is true that China is also a large low-wage country, and its products are very price-competitive.

An important point of contention between the U.S. and China has been the value of the latter country’s currency, the Yuan. Critics have argued that the Chinese currency has been kept artificially undervalued, thus reducing the price of Chinese goods on international markets and stimulating its exports. The Chinese government has argued that the Yuan exchange rate reflects its own economic conditions, i.e. low labor costs, and that the value of the Yuan, in fact, has been appreciating over the last twenty years and that the country runs trade deficits with other countries.

Such an issue should be settled by a panel of international monetary experts, and should not be a pretext for a trade war.

6. The Trump administration, by siding even more openly with Israel than previous American administrations, may make matters worse in the Middle East

During the electoral campaign, candidate Trump said, on many occasions, that he wanted to reduce congressional term limits, fight political corruption and stop the influence of the tens of thousands of lobbies in Washington D.C.

Ironically, on Monday evening, March 21, 2016, Mr. Trump appeared in front of the most powerful foreign policy lobby in the U.S., the pro-Israel American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), an umbrella lobbying organization that boasts of having access to a vast pool of political donors. He then delivered the most demagogic and the most pandering speech that a politician can make to get votes and money from a lobbying organization. So much so that, the next day, AIPAC president Lillian Pinkus had to apologize for some of Mr. Trump’s remarks.

During his speech, Mr. Trump went on to please his listeners by declaring that he was prepared to turn a blind eye to the issue of illegal Israeli settlements that the Israeli government has allowed on the occupied lands Palestinians want for their future state. He went even further and said that he would veto “100 percent”, as U.S. President, any attempt by the United Nations to impose a Palestinian state on Israel, provoking cheers and applause. Mr. Trump went on promising to “move the American embassy to the eternal capital of the Jewish people, Jerusalem”, a shift of policy that would be denounced by most other countries, even if this was met with cheers and applause by the AIPAC delegates.

Soon after his AIPAC speech, not surprisingly, prominent American billionaires, such as casino magnate Sheldon Adelson, casino owner Phil Ruffin, activist investor Carl Icahn, etc. became prominent donors to the Trump campaign. So much for draining the swamp!

7. President Trump has made incendiary and false statements about Iran

Candidate Trump, in his pandering speech to AIPAC, promised to “dismantle the disastrous deal with Iran”. He even repeated the lie that the U.S. government “gave” $150 billion to Iran. In fact, that sum was Iran’s own funds that had been frozen in American financial institutions because of unilateral sanctions. This was not a “gift”. It was restitution.

It was said of the George W. Bush administration that it made “its own reality”. Would the Donald Trump administration be on the same track in creating “its own facts”?

Let us remind ourselves what the Iran Deal was.

It was an agreement reached by six countries (France, Germany, the U.K., Russia, China, and the United States), which removed the possibility that Iran develop nuclear weapons in the foreseeable future. Would President Trump insult all these countries and opt to go to war with Iran to please his rich donors? I hope not. That would be crazy. I doubt very much that this is the type of “change” that American voters want, i.e. more neocon-inspired wars of aggression abroad.

8. The Trump administration is expected to show little respect for the environment

Scott Pruitt, the new Head of the Environmental Protection Agency (APA) is openly a denier of climate science and of clean air legislation. As Attorney General of the state of Oklahoma, he opposed the Environmental Protection Agency (APA) over its Clean Power Plan. He can be expected to encourage highly polluting coal burning.

Indeed, it is one thing to be a climate change skeptic, and another to be pro- air pollution. There are economic activities that generate pollution costs to the entire population and cause diseases. Such social external costs are not included in the market prices of private goods. They should be.

People have only to look at some Chinese cities, like Beijing, to see how destructive air pollution can be, when people have to wear masks when going outside their homes. In particular, burning coal on a large scale creates smog and is a recipe to generate deadly air pollution. That is what China is learning the hard way, as this results in thousands of premature deaths.

Numerous members of the Trump administration are climate change deniers and are opposed to climate scientists’ recommendations. For one, Rick Perry, the former Republican Governor of Texas and President Trump’s choice for Energy Secretary, denies that climate change is happening or that it is caused by greenhouse gas emissions. It is undeniable, for example, that the year 2016 was the warmest ever and that the trend toward a warming climate will continue as CO2 emissions keep increasing.

On the environment, therefore, the Trump administration can be expected to be anti-intellectualism and anti-science.

9. After statements made to that effect, the Trump administration is expected to pack the U.S. Supreme Court with far-right judges

Presidential candidate Donald Trump is on record as willing to pack the U.S. Supreme Court with far right pro-life judges. Mr. Trump is known to have been, for most of his life, pro-choice, although he has expressed a personal dislike for abortion, except for three exceptions, i.e. when the health of a woman is in danger, in case of rape, and in case of incest. In 1999, for example, he told NBC ‘Meet The Press, “I’m very pro-choice.”

However, during the last presidential campaign, on August 1, 2016, Mr. Trump went further and said that “I will pick great Supreme Court Justices”, …similar in philosophy to the late Justice Antonin Scalia (1936-2016), one of the most far right judges ever to have sat on the U.S. Supreme Court.

The most contentious proposals of the Trump administration will undoubtedly be the type of judges it nominates for confirmation by the U.S. Senate.

10. On the positive side, the Trump administration is bound to end the Washington Neocons’ New Cold War with Russia

In international affairs, the main positive contribution that the Trump administration could bring to the world would be to put an end to the artificially created New Cold War with Russia that Washington Neocons have initiated from scratch in recent years, within the Obama administration. Indeed, President Donald Trump has been most clear in expressing his desire to adopt a more peaceful approach to Russia and President Vladimir Putin. In many areas, he even considers Russia to be an ally of the U.S., not the dangerous adversary that the Neocon establishment in Washington D.C. has tried to portray it to be in recent years. If this New Détente with Russia can be achieved, it would be a major accomplishment for world peace and for American prosperity.


One of the weak characteristics of democracy is that, in practice, it pushes politicians to pander to special interests for votes and money, at the expense of public interest and the common good.

From what we know so far, the Trump administration is geared to be the most pro-domestic-business, the most economically isolationist and protectionist, and the most pro-special interests American administration, ever. This could spell trouble for the United States and for the world if it truly acts in that direction.

As an economist, indeed, I fear that an inexperienced Trump administration would go too far, too fast in dislocating American international corporations and in raising domestic tariffs on imports. The end-result could be some disastrous trade wars that would create stagflation and that would hurt both the American and foreign national economies.

This is an administration that should heed a few words of caution, and it should refrain from being an extremist administration.

Stay tuned.

Economist Dr. Rodrigue Tremblay is the author of the book The Code for Global Ethics, Ten Humanist Principles”, and of The New American Empire.

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Obama: “Not much happens in Russia without Vladimir Putin” 

As we are well and truly into the home stretch of Barack Obama’s failed, moribund presidency, the outgoing president is poisoning the swamp which Donald Trump pledged to drain. From a remarkable refusal to veto a resolution condemning Israeli settlements to the expulsion of 35 Russian diplomats, Obama is doing everything he can to damage and delegitimise Trump before he assumes the presidency on 20 January. 

First and foremost on Obama’s vindictive agenda are actions seeking to destabilise and isolate Russia, his imaginary foe. Obama gave forewarning of the coming actions when he said in an interview on NPR“I think there is no doubt that when any foreign government tries to impact the integrity of our elections . . . we need to take action. And we will — at a time and place of our own choosing. Some of it may be explicit and publicized; some of it may not be.”

The explicit, publicized side of Obama’s wounded pride came in the form of the announcement of the expulsion of 35 Russian diplomats which Obama provocatively called “intelligence operatives.” According to RT:

Thirty-five Russian diplomats have been expelled from the US, with the president calling them “intelligence operatives” and also announcing the closure of two Russian compounds, in New York and Maryland.

According to Obama, nine Russian entities, including the GRU (Russian Military Intelligence) and the FSB (Federal Security Service), have been sanctioned.

In the absence of any tangible evidence being publicly presented, it is quite extraordinary that this and other as yet unknown anti-Russian actions are being taken. Obama clearly has other tricks up his sleeve, some which will fall into the covert category mirrored by Joe Biden who said he hoped the public won’t find out about the covert actions.

Russia, typically sanguine in the face of the unrelenting barrage of the prophets of doom in the US warning us all of Russian world conquest, took the expulsions in stride. Dmtiry Peskov responded by saying: “From our point of view such actions of the US current administration are a manifestation of an unpredictable and even aggressive foreign policy.”

The Russian side reserved the right to take counter measures, the usual response of tit for tat in such affairs. The response would be adequate, and, in the words of Peskov, would make Washington “feel uncomfortable.” The Foreign Ministry considered the matter and made recommendations of a response, the outcome of which came as a major surprise. Putin rejected the Ministry’s recommendations and refused to send back any American diplomats, instead wishing them a happy New Year and extending their families an invitation to New Year’s celebrations at the Kremlin.

For their part, the insipid attempts at demonizing Putin by the US ‘elite’ are only reinforcing his positive image in the minds of Russians – in stark contrast to the “get Putin” catchcry echoing in the shadowy halls of the deep state and the fakerstan media echo chamber. What surely must be to the chagrin of Obama, Hillary Clinton, John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Ted Cruz, John Brennan and the rest of the neocon hordes is that all these accusations, threats and sanctions are not having any tangible effect on Putin’s standing in Russia; quite the opposite in fact. The President’s approval rating rose to 86.8% in December, his highest rating for 2016. These are extraordinary figures for a man in power for so long and who faces sustained attacks from the world’s largest superpower designed to overthrow him.

Russia —like the rest of us— has grown weary at the sniping from across the Atlantic, and has come to a point where it is telling the US to put up or shut up.

The Russian “Hack” and the Question of “Evidence” 

In early December, Obama hastily ordered intelligence agencies to provide a comprehensive review of election-related Russian hacking. So what is the evidence we are all hanging on the edge of our sets to see? In recent days we have seen the release of two reports promoted to blow the cover off dastardly Russian hacking: the “Background to ‘Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections’: The Analytic Process and Cyber Incident Attribution” and the Department of Homeland Security and FBI Joint Analysis Report on Russian directed malicious cyber activity against the US.

Far from being overwhelmed with epics in the realm of Ben Hur, the evidence in the reports brings new meaning to monumental flops. The neocons and hacks in fakerstan media may genuflect before padded drivel and feel fully vindicated in their trumpeted march towards WWIll, but actors of a sane disposition have treated the (non-)revelations with the disdain and contempt they deserve.

In a nutshell the report on Russian alleged hacking is little more than a manual on how to hack using cyber tools and software such as TOR, which does not prove who the alleged hackers are. The background report on Russian “subversive activities” to tilt the election in Trump’s favour relies on the most die-hard cold-war mentality, its banality manifested in the jealousy and anger the deep state feels as it struggles to control the levers of power and watches aghast as Russian media such as RT and Sputnik prove to be commercial and popular winners on the world stage.

A veritable who’s who in the cyber security world have lined up to ridicule US intelligence claims. Tech pioneer John McAfee, talking to Larry King, said it is easy for skilled hackers to hide their tracks. For example, Chinese hackers may make it appear as though they are Russian hackers. If the Russian hackers are so skilled, would they not have hidden their tracks? In essence, what he is saying is that the so-called trails left could be false trails, and the US intelligence community is all too aware of this, is being disingenuous, and, in so doing, is playing its part in the political vilification of Russia.

William Binney, the legendary whistleblower described as one of the best analysts in the NSA’s history, poured more cold water on the hype when he told RT, “I’ve seen absolutely nothing that shows any involvement of the Russian government in passing data to WikiLeaks.”

Binney further deflated the FBI/DHS report being used as a pretext to ramp up hostilities with Russia: “It is simply an outline of how a phishing attack occurs, that’s all it was to me. It didn’t prove anything to me. It didn’t give the IP addresses, the Mac numbers or any other details about them,” he explained, adding, “it also didn’t show how they hacked in, and how they ex-filtrated the data, how much data they took,” or how it was consequently passed on to the Russian government. “They didn’t show any of that trace routing. And that’s what they should have shown to prove it,” he stressed.

The “for informational purposes only” disclaimer at the head of the report convinced Binney that it is essentially an instruction manual on how to carry out a cyber attack. Ponder on that if you will. A living legend in the intelligence community saying that a report championed as proof of Russian hacking is nothing more than an instruction manual on how to hack.

The FBI, which eventually reluctantly got on board the “consensus” of Russian hacking, complained that they were denied access by the DNC to its servers, having to rely on CrowdStrike, the private company employed by the DNC to investigate the hacking attacks. CrowdStrike is headed by Dmitri Alperovitch, who is also a Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council, a NATO mouthpiece think tank perched high in the upper echelons of the deep state. No conflict of interest there.

Revelations by Binney back in July that the FBI could have accessed the servers through the NSA indicate either a schism in the intelligence community or just how successful the DNC was in stonewalling the Feds. This denial of access may have provided FBI Director James Comey more motivation to reopen the Hillary Clinton email investigation after the discovery of the laptop belonging to Anthony Weiner.

Speaking on Aaron Klein’s Sunday radio program, Aaron Klein Investigative Radio, Binney said the NSA has all of Clinton’s deleted emails and the FBI could access them if they wished to. He also thought it may be possible it was not a hack of the server at all, but an intelligence insider leak alarmed at the startling lack of security exercised by Clinton which may compromise national security. Binney’s thoughts were vindicated later by ex-Scottish ambassador, Craig Murray who unequivocally says he knows it was a leak, not a hack.

Murray says he received the leaked emails from a Democratic Party insider. According to him, the DNC emails came from a “disgusted whistleblower,” not from Russian hackers. He too took aim at the background report released by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, labelling it “hilarious” and “devoid of evidence.” He summed the heart of the matter up perfectly, saying we have had “weeks and weeks of assertion without evidence.” Serious observers and analysts have mocked the increasing rhetoric which has lacked any concurrent accumulating evidence. Only corrupt politicians hell bent on world domination and subservient media stuck in the mire of duplicity are willing to place blind trust in an intelligence community which lied its way into the war on Iraq.

Murray dropped a bombshell which fell on deaf ears in the US media when he said that he had personally met the insider who had leaked the incriminating data to the whistleblowing website. These are not fantasy delusions of an outsider with zero contacts in the political and intelligence communities, it is a claim made by a former top diplomat. Surely the claim deserved some investigation at the very least. Investigations however may have led to some uncomfortable truths that the media would then struggle to put back in the box. The name Seth Rich, the murdered Democratic staffer, may have been on the lips of any journalists who ventured to Murray’s door. Julian Assange of Wikileaks raised suspicions of a connection when he offered $20,000 for information leading to a conviction for the murder of Rich, shot multiple times in the dead of night, yet not robbed, near his Washington, DC, home.

Hillary Clinton Saudi Arabia and Qatar: The Real Swamp Creatures 

The man at the centre of the firestorm, Assange, may be seen as the devil on earth by the US establishment, but the organisation he heads, Wikileaks, has an outstanding record of accuracy which can’t be questioned. What he has to say should make everyone sit up and take notice. Assange is naturally protective of sources, but told John Pilger in an interviewthat the source was not Russian.

The Clinton camp has been able to project that kind of neo-McCarthy hysteria: that Russia is responsible for everything. Hilary Clinton stated multiple times, falsely, that seventeen U.S. intelligence agencies had assessed that Russia was the source of our publications. That is false; we can say that the Russian government is not the source.

WikiLeaks has been publishing for ten years, and in those ten years, we have published ten million documents, several thousand individual publications, several thousand different sources, and we have never got it wrong.

In the same interview, Pilger and Assange went on to discuss the millions of dollars Hillary Clinton has received from the Gulf monarchies of Saudi Arabia and Qatar, the 12 million dollars from the King of Morocco to attend a Clinton Foundation fundraiser, and the bombshell which blows all others out of the water, the funding of ISIS by Saudi Arabia and Qatar, who also happen to be major donors to the Clinton Foundation.

There’s an early 2014 email from Hillary Clinton, not so long after she left the State Department, to her campaign manager John Podesta that states ISIL is funded by the governments of Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Now this is the most significant email in the whole collection, and perhaps because Saudi and Qatari money is spread all over the Clinton Foundation. Even the U.S. government agrees that some Saudi figures have been supporting ISIL, or ISIS. But the dodge has always been that, well it’s just some rogue Princes, using their cut of the oil money to do whatever they like, but actually the government disapproves.

But that email says that no, it is the governments of Saudi and Qatar that have been funding ISIS.

Obama, before leaving us with his legacy of a war on alternative media, arrogant accusations of Russian hacking and attempts to destabilise Donald Trump, would be better served pursuing Hillary Clinton for her seedy ties to despots and dictators. One reason why Clinton is let off the hook in relation to Saudi Arabia is its tremendous injection into the military industrial complex with the signing of the largest ever US arms deal. Among these arms are white phosphorus, a skin-melting chemical being used by Saudi Arabia in it naked aggression in Yemen. This crime against humanity has reached a point where 19 million Yemenis are in need of humanitarian aid, including 1.5 million children suffering severe malnourishment. It is a pity that among the billions thrown at weapons of death and destruction a few million couldn’t be thrown at a Yemeni version of the White Helmets, with the proviso they simply show the real suffering of Yemenis, as opposed to the manufactured lies perpetrated in Syria.

The US intelligence agencies are to be trusted as an article of faith. To even question them on their failure to provide solid evidence is treated with derision, claims of disloyalty and being puppets of the Kremlin and, in the case of Donald Trump accusations bordering on treason. Refusing to uncritically fall under the mass hypnosis required to maintain a united front against the political/military/intelligence establishment’s enemy of choice, places Trump in the crosshairs of powerful players who appear determined to try all means at their disposal to get rid of him.

After 2002 reports by the intelligence community that Iraq possesses weapons of mass destruction were disproved following the dismemberment of Iraq as a functioning country, these agencies should never be trusted without question ever again, despite the vicious attacks by the mainstream media on those who dare to politely ask for evidence.

Moon of Alabama presents an accurate summary of the groups that Obama wants to see left swimming around in the fetid swamp. They will guarantee a sabotage of Trump’s policy agenda in favour of the continuation of rambunctious unipolar world domination abroad and repressive, socially regressive, police-state policies at home.

  • The CIA, which has become the Central Assassination Agency under the Bush and Obama administrations. Huge parts of its budgets depend on a continuation of the war on Syria and the drone assassination campaigns in Afghanistan, Pakistan and elsewhere. Trump’s more isolationist policies would likely end these campaigns and the related budget troughs.
  • The weapons industry, which could lose its enormous sales to major customers in the Persian Gulf should a President Trump reduce U.S. interference in the Middle East and elsewhere.
  • The neoconservatives and Likudniks, who want the U.S. as Israel’s weapon to strong-arm the Middle East to the Zionists’ benefit.
  • The general war hawks, military and “humanitarian interventionists”, to whom any reduction of the U.S. role as primary power in the world is anathema to their beliefs.

We should all applaud Donald Trump for embarking on a purge of the Barack Obama cabal, whose members’ raison d’etre seemed to be war with Russia and who did all they could to bring it on. Even right up to the dying embers of the regime they continued to show their detachment from reality when Ash Carter claimed Russia had done virtually nothing to fight ISIS: “They haven’t done anything against ISIS. Virtually zero.” Such an infantile claim deserves no more response than the mocking one of Russian Defence Minister Sergey Shoigu who said Carter must have “picked the wrong country.”

Trump the True Target of Obama’s Poison 

Barack Obama may deliver platitudes about accepting that Donald Trump won the election fairly and squarely and wanting to work together for a smooth transition, but his agenda to undermine Trump is plain for all to see. His demand for an urgent intelligence review of Russia’s alleged interference in the election produced one how-to hack manual and another outdated report, half of which was devoted to RT, a media outlet that is slammed as Russian propaganda for exposing that the US election was rigged, but for Hillary Clinton, not Donald Trump.

Obama has not railed against the Michael Moore-led #DISRUPTJ20 and must be rubbing his hands in glee that Russophobic neocons like General James Mattis have made their way into the Trump administration. Trump has faced a barrage of accusations before, and since the election:

  • Accused of treason
  • Accused of being responsible for all the violence at anti-Trump protests
  • Accused of being racist, sexist, homophobic
  • NGO-waged destabilization campaigns being run to stop him becoming president
  • Crossing the deep state, which they will not tolerate, although he himself has powerful allies
  • Two cardinal sins: wanting to normalize relations with Russia & wanting to end US interventionism, code for US unipolar domination

Trump has reluctantly said he now believes Russia did hack the US election. “As far as hacking, I think it was Russia,” he said at last Wednesday’s press conference. The deep state and the media empires are putting the squeeze on Trump, attempting to mould him into a puppet of corporate power and the military/industrial/intelligence complex. Has he finally been shown irrefutable proof Russia did hack the election? We mere mortals will never know. It is far more likely he is trying to draw a line under the sand, deflect the hysteria and move on with working to rebuild America. After all, the Democrats, the neocon elites and the media all insist Russia is responsible, so Trump making a concession doesn’t do him much damage. The American voter, while wary of Russia due to the hyped threat, has had enough of the story and is ready to move on.

So as we have left 2016 and entered 2017, will Russia and Vladimir Putin need to continue embarrassing the US over its disgraceful conduct and aggression towards Russia? Let’s hope not. Let’s hope Trump is true to his word and he and his administration can accept the offer of peace and cooperation Russia has repeatedly made.

Paul Mansfield is a budding freelance writer who currently works in the welfare industry in Melbourne, Australia.

Areas of interest include: Russia/US conflict, wars in the Middle East, particularly Syria, the conflict in Ukraine, the occupation of Palestine by Israel, the damage to our economies from the global financial markets, the debt trap imposed on states by bankers seeking to privatize assets and “reform” economies while they line their pockets with cash and impoverish local populations.

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Syrian government troops, supported by the Russian Aerospace Forces’ attack helicopters, have expanded a buffer zone around the Tyas Airbase in the province of Homs. The Syrian army recaptured from ISIS terrorists the Jihar junction east of the Tyas Airbase and secured the area southeast of the village of Shufria.

On January 16, government forces made a push in the direction of the Jihar field and the mount of Jihar, engaging ISIS terrorists in an intense fighting. If the army and its allies want to create conditions for an offensive on Palmyra, they will need to liberate a bunch of hilltops and oil and gas fields north and northeast of the Jihar junction.

The ISIS terrorist group lost up to 30 fighters and 4 units of military equipment in the recent clashes, according to pro-government sources.

A heavy fighting is ongoing in the city of Deir Ezzor. On January 14, ISIS terrorists launched a large offensive against government forces from the northwestern and southern directions, using armored vehicles loaded with explosives and a notable number of manpower, backed up by mortars and artillery pieces. The terrorists engaged government troops at the Dier Ezzor Airbase and the Panorama Military Base. On January 15, ISIS units were able to overrun army defenses in the area between the airbase and the Panorama Military Base, capturing a number of sites, including the al-Assad Hopsital. This maneuver was aimed to isolate government troops in the airbase. Early on January 16, the army recaptured the al-Assad Hospital from ISIS members and made a counter-attack attempt. Clashes are ongoing near the hospital.

Reports also appeared that ISIS is deploying manpower east of the 137 Artillery Brigade Base in order to advance on this strategic defense site of the army.

January 16 afternoon, ISIS claimed that the airbase had been surrounded.

Over 110 ISIS members have been reportedly killed and wounded in clashes so far. The army’s casualties are estimated between 40 and 60 killed and wounded.

The Syrian army and the National Defense Forces (DNF) have been advancing on Jaish al-Islam militant group positions at the vilalges of Hazrama, Tal Farzat and Hawsh Saliyah in the southeastern part of the Eastern Ghouta pocket near Damascus. If the army and the NDF are able to liberate these 3 villages, government forces will be in a position to advance on Utaya controlled by Jaish al-Islam.

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Israeli Settlers Invited to Attend Trump Inauguration

January 17th, 2017 by Middle East Monitor

US President-elect Donald Trump invited the leaders of the Israeli Jewish settlers illegally living on occupied Palestinian territories to attend his inauguration on 20 January, a body linked to the settlers said yesterday.

Turkish state-owned Anadolu news agency reported Israeli radio as saying that Director General Shin Adler of the Settlers’ Council claimed that an American politician close to Trump handed the Council a letter of invitation to attend the future president’s inauguration ceremony.

The chairman of the Yesha Settlers’ Council, Oded Revivi, is said to be the one who will lead the settler delegation to Trump’s inauguration and he will also be joined by Benny Kasriel, chairman of the Israeli settlement of Ma’aleh Adumim, located near Jerusalem.

Jewish settlers walk through the streets which have been confiscated from Palestinians and guarded by Israeli forces [file photo]

Jewish settlers walk through the streets which have been confiscated from
Palestinians and guarded by Israeli forces [file photo]

Settler leaders hailed Trump’s invitation. Revivi called the invitation, according to Israeli newspaper The Times of Israel, “a clear indication” that the new US administration understands the importance of the settler councils.

Revivi also said that he is looking forward to working with the settlers’ “new friends” in the White House during Trump’s reign.

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Venezuela “sí es una amenaza” para EE.UU.

January 17th, 2017 by Eleazar Díaz Rangel

Mientras Julio Borges insiste en llamar a la Fuerza Armada a rebelarse, Obama prolongaba la vigencia del decreto que declara a Venezuela amenaza a la seguridad de EE.UU.

¡Imagínense lo que eso significa!, los ejercicios de acción integral Zamora 200 debieron desarrollarse ayer exitosamente en una nueva demostración de la unidad cívico-militar como no la hubo nunca en Venezuela. Ni siquiera en los años de la “gloriosa revolución de octubre”, de la cual Betancourt decía que “en el gobierno de la revolución no se sabe dónde comienza el paltó del civil y comienza la guerrera del oficial”. Palabras en un esfuerzo por halagar a los militares.

Esa unidad viene consolidándose desde los momentos más difíciles, cuando, por ejemplo, oficiales activos exhortaban desde la plaza Altamira a sus unidades a sumarse a la rebelión.

Ni un pelotón lograron atraer, siendo una situación complicada del Gobierno.

La política de Chávez fue eficiente en crear conciencia en la institución armada, en su oficialidad, suboficiales y en la tropa, que la han hecho invulnerable a esos llamamientos.

Ayer escuché una interesante intervención de Freddy Bernal sobre el importante papel que debían estar jugando los Clap en estos ejercicios, e incluso con ideas para el debate con los militares.

Seguidamente, escuché a cinco generales en Bolívar, considerada Guayana como zona estratégica. Fueron convincentes y novedosos en las informaciones que suministraron sobre el apresto para la defensa integral de esa región, incluida la fuerza antiaérea misilística. Pero me extrañó que en ninguna de esas intervenciones se aludiera a la participación de los Clap.

Escribo esta nota en la mañana del sábado, cuando estaba desarrollándose el ejercicio Zamora 200.

Por lo visto y escuchado, quedó evidente la unidad interna de la Fuerza Armada, blindada a los llamamientos, abiertos o solapados, de rebelarse, y de unidad con las fuerzas populares organizadas, del pueblo, razón por la cual es justo afirmar que la unidad cívico-militar salió fortalecida.

Debieron leer la última declaración de la Conferencia Episcopal, donde pide que debe ser reformado el formato del diálogo, y observarán que es exactamente lo mismo que está pidiendo la MUD. Tampoco ahora puede decirse que son simples coincidencias.

Y ya que hablamos de coincidencias, existe otra significativa entre las alianzas de la oposición y de los partidos con la revolución. Tanto en una como en la otra, los aliados pequeños, pero que aportan votos, se quejan porque no son valorados, no los toman en cuenta.

Solo en Haití se ven estas cosas. Un día, agentes de la DEA detienen al senador Guy Philippe y se lo llevan a EE.UU. con amplio expediente como narcotraficante. Aún así, fue electo al Senado. Sus antecedentes comienzan antes, cuando organizó milicias para derrocar al presidente Aristide, que logró con el apoyo de EE.UU. y de Francia. Posteriormente, se involucró a fondo en el tráfico de drogas. Pero la forma como fue apresado casi lo convierte en un héroe. No hay posibilidad de que lo liberen.

Hoy (9 am) debuta el vice Tareck El Aissami en “José Vicente hoy”

Cuando todavía no se observa un arranque de la economía, los medianos productores agrícolas Felipe Riera, Héctor Salom y Aníbal Díaz en Lara, confiados en que esa recuperación vendrá, han decidido triplicar las siembras en 2017 en relación con 2016. Proyectan sembrar 120 hectáreas con cebollas, melón, tomate y lechosa. Con los recursos económicos, el personal y, por supuesto, las tierras. ¿Cuál es el problema? Encontrar semillas, fertilizantes y, en general, los agroinsumos. Y una vez conseguidos, enfrentar, como todos los productores del campo, otro problema: los elevados precios. Vean este ejemplo: un litro de abac, que hace dos años costaba Bs 600, hoy les cuesta Bs 18 mil. Y uno se pregunta: ¿qué hace Agropatria?

Obama, el fraudulento

El gobierno del presidente Barack Obama ha sido el más fraudulento de la política estadounidense. Ninguno ofreció tanto y no cumplió. Nunca antes un presidente generó tantas expectativas como él. Y en relación con Venezuela, ni los Bush tuvieron políticas tan agresivas como él. Dictó un decreto vigente que declara a Venezuela como una “extraordinaria amenaza a la seguridad de Estados Unidos” y a su política exterior. Lo primero es una gran mentira porque en algún momento llegó a reconocer que Venezuela no era tal amenaza, pero no revocó el decreto pese a que la Cumbre de las Américas, reunida en Panamá, condenó esa desproporción.

Lo que, pienso yo, era cierto es que Venezuela sí afectaba su política exterior. Desde que Hugo Chávez asumió el poder, se acaba esa política de sumisión y de dependencia respecto a Washington, de considerar América Latina como su patio trasero. Con Chávez, la política exterior venezolana se hizo independiente y soberana, le habló a Washington sin pelos en la lengua. Línea que fue extendiéndose a otros países de la región cuando eligieron gobiernos progresistas.

Para remate, Obama termina su período como el presidente estadounidense que más extradiciones ordenó, y para invalidar su premio Nobel de la Paz, nada más que en el último año (2016) ordenó lanzar sobre Siria, Irak y Afganistán ¡más de 26 mil bombas! Y para compensar su acercamiento a Cuba, prorrogó por un año su decreto contra Venezuela.

Eleazar Díaz Rangel

Eleazar Díaz Rangel: Periodista egresado de la UCV.

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Refugiados: Los caprichos del invierno

January 17th, 2017 by Guadi Calvo

Cuándo el blindaje mediático había logrado empujar la crisis de los refugiados fuera del escenario, el invierno ha llegado para poner las cosas en su lugar.

Leve, como las primeras nevadas, los refugiados reaparecieron en las portadas de los grandes medios del mundo, y la noticia ha congelado las congeladas vísceras de la dirigencia europea, que creyeron que en esconder el problema, estaba la solución.

El Alto Comisionado de Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados (ACNUR) anunció este último viernes 13, que ya son por lo menos cinco refugiados que han muerto debido a la ola de frío que asola a Europa.

Los cuerpos de cuatros de ellos, dos iraquíes, un paquistaní y una mujer somalí, fueron encontrados próximos a las alambradas fronterizas entre Bulgaria y Turquía, a la vez que un afgano de 20 años, murió al atravesar el río Evros, límite entre Grecia y Turquía, zona donde se han registrado temperaturas de diez grados bajo cero.  En Bulgaria dos adolescentes somalíes, fueron encontrados con síntomas de congelación tras pasar dos noches en un bosque.

Aunque hay información de que se han registrado otras doce muertes de refugiados por congelamiento desde principio de año, no se han logrado obtener datos concretos de las víctimas.

La situación es particularmente crítica en la isla griega de Lesbos y otras como Quíos y Samos, donde más de 5 mil personas solo pueden protegerse en carpas y galpones precarios sin calefacción, de temperaturas que llegan a 15 grados bajo cero, por la que la ONG Médicos sin Fronteras hizo un dramático llamado a Bruselas para que apure el traslado de los refugiados al continente.

Los refugiados atrapados en la ruta de los Balcanes, el corredor que comunica Grecia con el norte de Europa, tampoco están mejor.

En Serbia por ejemplo, de los 7300 refugiados, 6200 han logrado ser recogidos en algún centro de recepción, mientras que 1200 están a la intemperie en Belgrado, donde se esperan, para esta semana hasta, temperaturas de menos 11 grados.

ACNUR también ha denunciado que las guardias fronterizas de todos los países de los  Balcanes, impiden el tránsito de refugiados, a la vez que comenten todo tipo de atropellos y abusos contra ellos, desde robos, extorciones, golpizas hasta violaciones.

Las denuncias también mencionan la incautación y destrucción de teléfonos móviles, para impedirles que puedan pedir socorro.

En la frontera de Hungría con Croacia y Serbia, según informa el diario alemán Der Spiegel, la situación es extrema: “Decenas de personas viven en improvisadas tiendas de campaña, con temperaturas de 12 grados bajo cero”.

El gobierno ultraderechista húngaro del primer ministro Viktor Orban que ha sido el más refractario a la acogida de refugiados, por los que no han prestado prácticamente ninguna facilidad, ni siquiera  para paso de estos contingentes de refugiados por su territorio. Todos los campamentos que Budapest ha dispuesto, por presión de la UE, carecen de calefacción, agua caliente o cualquier otro tipo de “comodidad” para paliar en algo la crítica situación, de quienes deben esperar alguna resolución de la UE, con temperaturas que llegan a los menos 9 grados chapaleando entre el barro y la nieve.

La burocracia arma del genocidio

No hay dudas que a esta altura de la “civilización occidental”, y con los medios de los que dispone la Unión Europea, que se hayan producido la muerte por frio de refugiados en su territorio, solo es prueba de la falta de interés en darle una solución a la crisis, que desde el 2014 se ha disparado y a casi tres años vista no tiene visos de solución.

De que hoy haya millones de hombres y mujeres, pugnando por un lugar en Europa, ha sido consecuencia de las propias políticas europeas, o mejor dicho, por seguir a pie juntillas las políticas belicistas de los Estados Unidos, contra las naciones a las que han devastado, en procura de sus riquezas fundamentalmente sus recursos energéticos, petróleo, gas y uranio o fondos contantes y sonantes, como fue el caso libio.

La alambicada burocracia de Bruselas, capital de la Unión Europea, está impidiendo la resolución de la crisis que es más urgente que nunca. A no ser que esperen que el frió extermine a los 160 mil refugiados que hoy ansían una solución bajo una capa de 50 centímetros de nieve, no se entiende la demora.

La Organización Internacional de las Migraciones (OIM) ha declarado que hasta el día 11 de enero murieron 27 al intentar cruzar el  Mediterráneo. Aunque el último viernes se supo del naufragio de una barcaza en cercanías de las costas libias con cien pasajeros, con temperaturas de menos 5 grados, lo que sin duda va elevar el primer número de manera sustancial, poniendo al año 2017 a disputar la trágica estadística.

En los primeros días del año la Organización Mundial de las Migraciones (OIM) informó que en 2016, 5079 personas murieron en el Mediterráneo, una cifra sensiblemente mayor a los  3777 del 2015 y los 3279 de 2014.

A pesar de que esta última semana la Comisión Europea, ha declarado que la situación es “insostenible”, y reprochó a Atenas de no “asegurar unas adecuadas condiciones de recepción y gestionar los centros de refugiados” a quién la había enviado 90 millones de euros, tres veces menos de lo que cuesta la transferencia del futbolista Lionel Messi, para la construcción de campamento de acogida, de los cuales se crearon un pequeño número.

En el centro de refugiados de Moria, en la isla de Lesbos, se amontonan unas 5500 personas, prácticamente a la intemperie, con escaza o nula asistencia, a los que como novedad semántica ahora llaman hotspots (puntos calientes) el lugar donde se deposita a los demandantes de asilo al llegar a las islas, hasta que se decida por el sí o el nefasto retorno a Turquía.

En los extenuantes e imbricados papers, por los que los burócratas de Bruselas justifican sus extraordinarios sueldos, se mencionan recomendaciones, articulados y consideraciones técnicas, sin querer entender que hay gente que literalmente se está muriendo de frío.

Recién esta semana, en la sesión plenaria en Parlamento Europeo en Estrasburgo, los eurodiputados reclamarán, en lo que será un animado, divertido y bien servido debate, a la Comisión y el Consejo que facilite ayuda de emergencia.

Sería de algún interés saber cuántos seres humanos o refugiados que son casi lo mismo, aniquilara el frio, hasta que la gigantesca rueda de la burocracia, se ponga en marcha y de alguna respuesta.

Se estima que unos 160 mil refugiados en territorio europeo se encuentran en extremo riesgo al tener que resistir prácticamente a la intemperie temperaturas hasta de menos 20 grados, con capas de nieve de hasta 50 centímetros, con síntomas de congelación, solo protegidos por paupérrimas carpas, sin posibilidad, siquiera de secar sus ropas.

En el Mediterráneo central, frente a las costas libias, al recoger náufragos explican los socorristas que “Tras sacarles la ropa mojada y ponerles seca, abrimos una vía para introducir el suero tibio, que les ayuda a entrar en calor, además de mantas y la ayuda de los packs de calor químico”.

La situación es tan obvia como dramática, lo que hace parece que en Europa nadie está debidamente informado que los refugiados morirán en masa si no se articulan ya la mediadas para contener los caprichos de invierno.

Guadi Calvo

Guadi Calvo: Escritor y periodista argentino, analista internacional especializado en África, Medio Oriente y Asia Central.

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Ecuador se reactiva a nueve meses del terremoto

January 17th, 2017 by Sinay Cespedes Moreno

A nueve meses del devastador terremoto que daño severamente la costa ecuatoriana, hoy el país se levanta con una capacidad de recuperación impresionante y una reactivación económica en curso.

El pasado 16 de abril un sismo de magnitud 7,8 con epicentro en Pedernales, Manabí, sacudió esa y otras localidades con un saldo de 671 muertes, más de 12 mil heridos y pérdidas materiales valoradas en más de tres mil 300 millones de dólares.

Desde el momento del temblor las autoridades ecuatorianas activaron sistemas para empezar a trabajar en la atención a damnificados, remoción de escombros y poner un práctica programas de reconstrucción de las zonas afectadas.

Mucho se ha hecho desde entonces, empezando por garantizar el proceso docente de todos los estudiantes en centros temporales.

Hoy, Manabí y Esmeraldas, la otra provincia más golpeada por el terremoto, cuentan con nueva infraestructura en un total de 26 instalaciones con todas las condiciones para el adecuado proceso educativo y sistema antisísmico, que albergan a miles de alumnos.

En salud, se levantaron centros asistenciales y recientemente las autoridades comenzaron la ejecución de un hospital en Manabí.

La Secretaría para la Reconstrucción y Reactivación, creada por la vicepresidencia, define el destino de los fondos asignados para esos fines mediante la Ley de Solidaridad y Corresponsabilidad Ciudadana, iniciativa gubernamental encargada de atender de manera emergente la catástrofe.

Y pese a las críticas de grupos opuestos a la regulación, son muchos los avances obtenidos gracias a la normativa.

La Ley contempla varias medidas, entre las que resalta el aumento temporal de dos puntos del Impuesto al Valor Agregado, IVA, (del 12 al 14 por ciento) con la finalidad de recaudar unos mil millones de dólares para distribuirlos en programa de reconstrucción, algo también cuestionado por unos pocos.

Hasta agosto pasado, la administración nacional recaudó cerca de 300 millones de dólares, y sin embargo, más de 585 millones de dólares se habían destinado a proyectos, cerca del doble de lo recuperado por la propia Ley.

La generación de más de 10 mil empleos directos y alrededor de 30 mil indirectos en labores relacionadas con la propia recuperación, es una de las muestras de los logros, luego del sismo.

Según datos ofrecidos por el secretario para la reconstrucción, Carlos Bernal, varios albergues ya cerraron y cientos de damnificados fueron beneficiados con bonos para construcción, reconstrucción o reparación.

Al cierre de agosto, el gobierno entregó 12 mil 942 bonos de acogida para las familias damnificadas, mil 623 bonos de alquiler y 26 mil 76 de alimentación.

Esos recursos permitieron bajar la cifra de albergados de alrededor de 10 mil a unos ocho mil 300.

En cuanto a la asistencia a otros sectores, la administración nacional invirtió solo en los primeros cuatro meses, 27,6 millones de dólares para reponer el sector eléctrico, 7,7 millones en rehabilitación del sistema de agua potable, 119 millones en educación y 8,3 millones en salud.

Los nueve meses del terremoto fueron recordados la víspera por el presidente de la nación, Rafael Correa en su cuenta en Twitter, donde se refirió además a grupos de oposición y medios de comunicaciones que criticaron la Ley de Solidaridad y los programas del gobierno.

‘Hoy se cumplen 9 meses del terremoto del 16A., pero cierta prensa y oposición -que trataron de impedir Ley de Solidaridad- ahora critican que no se ha resuelto todo’, escribió el mandatario en la red social.

‘Lo que se ha hecho es histórico, y no paramos un minuto, pero la reconstrucción durará años. Se han perdido $3.300 millones. Tan solo en viviendas, hay cerca de 45.000 que construir o reparar. Ojalá se tenga más responsabilidad para informar’, puntualizó el Jefe de Estado.

Sinay Cespedes Moreno

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¿Cómo descifrar la pelea interna del establishment Americano? El escenario de un desorden interno en Estados Unidos, de la primera potencia convertida en un factor mayor de incertidumbre en el mundo, es verdaderamente sorprendente. ¿Hasta qué nivel de desorden y confrontación interna en el país se llegará? ¿Cómo se proyectará todo eso en el mundo?

El inquietante Señor Trump, cuyo sesgo populista-ultraderechista en el orden interno es bien claro y amenazante, quiere cambiar aspectos fundamentales en el partido de la guerra, la política exterior de Estados Unidos. Trump ha dicho que los desastres de Yugoslavia, Irak y Libia fueron aventuras criminales.

Cambio de prioridades

Enfrentándose a Rusia en Occidente y a China en Oriente, Estados Unidos ha suscitado en los últimos años el acercamiento entre esos dos países. “No hay nada más peligroso para Estados Unidos que una alianza firme de esas dos potencias”, dice el conocido estratega del partido de la guerra Zbigniew Brzezinski. Trump quiere invertir la jugada de Kissinger de los años setenta: en lugar de una alianza de Estados Unidos con China contra la URSS, ahora se trataría de una alianza con Rusia contra China.

La desconfianza entre Rusia y China es mutua y profunda, pero el mundo de hoy es diferente del de hace cuarenta años. Tanto Moscú como Pekín han dejado claro que están dispuestos a oponerse militarmente al cerco en sus fronteras más inmediatas (Ucrania/Mar de China meridional), pero ninguno de los dos desea un regreso a la lógica de bloques.

Habría que dejar de amenazar a ambos países, o salir de la lógica de aflojar con uno para mejor amenazar al otro, pero eso parece contrario a la propia naturaleza del partido de la guerra y esperar algo así de Trump está fuera de toda posibilidad. ¿Entonces qué hay detrás de esta pelea?


El mero cambio de prioridades propuesto por Trump, supone el reconocimiento de un fracaso y la responsabilidad de los cuadros que han dirigido la política exterior-militar de Estados Unidos en los últimos 25 años. Retomar cierta normalidad de relaciones con Moscú contradice una inercia de 70 años en esa belicosa máquina. No habría problema con una Rusia sometida, pero la Rusia de Putin que levanta cabeza (asumiendo riesgos extremos) es culpable de un delito mayor: la derrota sufrida por Estados Unidos en las dos últimas fallidas operaciones de cambio de régimen: Ucrania y Siria. Por primera vez esas operaciones han sido contestadas militarmente por una potencia, y de momento con éxito, lo que lanza un mensaje muy desestabilizador para la disciplina imperial. Otros podrían seguir el ejemplo en el futuro.

Moscú ha albergado, además, a Edward Snowden, factor del mayor desprestigio de Estados Unidos en décadas, y ha puesto en marcha medios de comunicación efectivos que han roto el monopolio de la propaganda global, contribuyendo al pluralismo. Rusia debía pagar por todo eso, y ahí están las sanciones, la política de precios del petróleo y la tremenda caída del rublo que todos los rusos han notado y que tiene un gran potencial desestabilizador para Putin. Que en ese contexto el nuevo Presidente de Estados Unidos se disponga a entenderse con Rusia es visto como una especie de premio intolerable por la facción del establishment que ha tenido en sus manos las riendas del partido de la guerra. “Son malos perdedores”, ha dicho Vladimir Putin.

Sergei Karaganov, un conocido politólogo ruso que en los noventa era un marcado occidentalista que se tuteaba con todo el establishment de la política exterior de Estados Unidos, dice ahora que la gente de las administraciones de Clinton, Bush y Obama se siente amenazada y embargada por un enorme resentimiento. “Las sanciones no les bastan”, dice. “Temo que intenten organizar provocaciones impeachment y demás”. “Al presidente electo no le iría mal reforzar su escolta”, dice Karaganov. La consideración es interesante por el nivel de pelea que sugiere para el futuro. Hay que prepararse para el escenario de Estados Unidos como mayor factor de incertidumbre. La URSS pasó por ello en su día.

La suma de la lógica de ese resentimiento y de los cambios de prioridad sugeridos por Trump, determinaron que Rusia fuera el chivo expiatorio. La injerencia rusa en las elecciones de Estados Unidos, los kompromats erótico-políticos contra Trump, todo ello sin pruebas en defecto de un Snowden ruso, es una de las mayores tomaduras de pelo desde las armas de destrucción masiva de Sadam Hussein. Llama la atención la pobre factura de todo ello, pero sea cual sea su contenido, no deja de ser una inocentada al lado de la injerencia de Estados Unidos en la política rusa. Después de las revelaciones de Snowden, tampoco es fácil hacer pasar a Rusia y a China como los ogros de los ciber-ataques, algo que todas las potencias practican pero una, la inventora del género, mucho más que las otras.

Unión Europea: La salida de la crisis

El eco de todo esto ha llegado a Europa en una situación sin precedentes. La Unión Europea se encuentra en una “crisis existencial” (son palabras de Juncker). De momento la salida se busca en la “defensa”. La Unión Europea necesita enemigos. Para países como Alemania y Polonia, el enemigo histórico es Rusia. Ambos se rearman contra ella. Se mueven tanques y recursos hacia la frontera rusa. En Francia el asunto chirría. Nadie ha dado demasiado crédito a la leyenda de la injerencia rusa en las elecciones americanas y el presidenciable mejor colocado para ganar las elecciones de mayo, François Fillon, quiere mejorar las relaciones con Moscú, lo que está en la tradición francesa desde el siglo XIX.

Alemania es el país clave –y al que Moscú dedica mayor atención. La canciller Merkel que pasa por ser la gran líder europea se está cargando los tres pilares que rehabilitaron en el concierto internacional a la Alemania de posguerra: la integración europea, el Estado social y la política de distensión hacia Rusia (Ostpolitik), lo que confirma la tesis de la Quinta Alemania. Todo ello está desintegrando la Unión Europea. Que la proyección de esta crisis desintegradora tenga consecuencias militares, no es ningún pronóstico catastrofista: está en la más genuina tradición histórica europea.

Rafael Poch

Rafael Poch: Corresponsal en París de La Vanguardia.

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Davos 2017, más desorientación que soluciones

January 17th, 2017 by Sergio Ferrari

Las mujeres, las más discriminadas. Una de cada diez personas sobrevive con menos de 2 dólares diarios. Con la evasión fiscal se podría asegurar la educación a 124 millones de infantes. Bajo el signo de una desigualdad planetaria acrecentada y la crisis ambiental sin control se abre este tercer martes de enero la 47 edición del Foro Económico Mundial. La ciudad alpina de Davos reunirá entre el 17 y el 20 a unas 3.000 personalidades del mundo entero, representantes del poder económico, político e internacional.

Bajo el techo temático de un «Liderazgo responsable y receptivo» los organizadores pretenden indicar a los dirigentes mundiales de estar más a la escucha de sus poblaciones y actuar, en consecuencia, en diálogo abierto. El Foro, según sus portavoces, identifica cuatro desafíos mayores: revigorizar la economía mundial; reducir las desigualdades sociales; preparar a los trabajadores y al mundo económico a la digitalización creciente; y subrayar las ventajas derivadas de la globalización.

Cerca de 400 paneles, conferencias y actividades diversas servirán de escenario de este selectivo encuentro del poder internacional. Un foro que, por primera vez desde su fundación en 1971, contará con la presencia de un presidente chino, en este caso Xi Jinping, quien abrirá el evento.

De los países del G7, solo Gran Bretaña en la persona de su primera ministra Theresa May llegará al evento. Que no acogerá, en esta ocasión, a ninguno de los grandes líderes de la Europa Occidental, aunque sí una numerosa delegación de doce miembros del ejecutivo de la Unión Europea. Así como a la directora del Fondo Monetario Internacional, Christine Lagarde; al director de la Organización Mundial del Comercio (OMC), Roberto Azevêdo y a Jim Yong Kim, presidente del Banco Mundial. El nuevo Secretario General de las Naciones Unidas Antonio Guterres hará su bautismo “oficial” en este espacio.

Ninguna personalidad destacada representará en Davos a la nueva administración norteamericana que asumirá esta semana. En tanto el todavía vicepresidente Joe Biden y su secretario de Estado John Kerry estarán presentes en la ciudad alpina.


Esta 47 edición que concluirá justamente el día de la asunción de Donald Trump como presidente de los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica, se desarrolla en un ambiente de marcada incertidumbre. La victoria electoral del magnate y lo que podrían ser sus ejes futuros de política económica internacional hacen naufragar cualquier hipótesis coherente sobre el rumbo futuro de la economía mundial.

Pocas veces en su historia de 46 años este evento se realizó en un escenario de tal desorientación, donde el modelo globalizador que promovió, respaldó y vendió, puede verse seriamente contrariado no solo desde Washington sino también desde Londres post-brexit.

La única certeza

La crisis ambiental creciente – y sus consecuencias visibles en la irregularidad climática en las diversas regiones del planeta- así como las alarmantes señales de la acelerada desigualdad social aparecen, así como los únicos indicadores tan certeros como preocupantes de la coyuntura mundial.

Apenas horas antes de abrirse el Foro Económico Mundial, un informe especial de Oxfam Internacional denuncia que sólo ocho personas -en realidad todos hombres- poseen en la actualidad una riqueza igual a la de los 3.600 millones de seres humanos más pobres, es decir la mitad más excluida de la población planetaria. De esos ocho, seis son norteamericanos, uno español y otro mexicano.

Con datos nuevos y más recientes sobre la distribución de la riqueza global -especialmente provenientes de China e India- “podemos calcular que la mitad más pobre del mundo posee menos riqueza que lo que inicialmente se estimaba. De haber contado con esos datos el año pasado, Oxfam habría estimado que nueve millonarios – y no 62 como calculó entonces- poseían la misma riqueza que la mitad más pobre del planeta”, señala el informe.

Siete de cada diez personas vive en un país en el que la desigualdad ha aumentado en los últimos 30 años. Entre 1988 y 2011 los ingresos del 10% del sector más empobrecido de la población mundial aumentaron en solo 65 dólares al año, en tanto los ingresos del 1% de los más enriquecidos crecieron 182 veces más a un ritmo de 11.800 dólares anuales.

El informe Una economía para el 99% denuncia la particular discriminación salarial de las mujeres. De continuar al ritmo actual se necesitarían 170 años para alcanzar la igualdad entre hombres y mujeres, subraya.

Acción homicida: la de la evasión y elusión fiscal de las grandes trasnacionales. Con los 100.000 millones de dólares anuales que evaden se podría asegurar la escolarización de 124 millones de niñas y niños o planes de salud que evitaría al menos la muerte de seis millones de menores cada año.

De cara al Foro de Davos, Oxfam llama a los Gobiernos a frenar la concentración extrema de la riqueza para acabar con la pobreza. La colaboración y no la competencia intergubernamental. El apoyo a las empresas que operan en beneficio de sus trabajadores y de la sociedad en su conjunto. Y asegurar que las economías sirvan de forma equitativa a mujeres y hombres.

La ONG internacional insta a los poderosos que acuden a Davos a contribuir a “una economía más humana”. “Los participantes pueden empezar comprometiéndose a pagar los impuestos que les corresponden y garantizar que sus empresas paguen salarios dignos”, concluye el pronunciamiento.

Sergio Ferrari

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Obama’s Failed Presidency

January 17th, 2017 by Eric Zuesse

I’m a former lifelong Democrat, stating here a clear and incontestable fact: Barack Obama is a failed President.

It’s true not just because of the sad realities such as that «Top Ex-White House Economist Admits 94 % Of All New Jobs Under Obama Were Part-Time» — or, as the economists Alan Krueger and Lawrence Katz wrote in the original of that study: «94 percent of the net employment growth in the U.S. economy from 2005 to 2015 appears to have occurred in alternative work arrangements». («Alternative work arrangements» referred there to Americans who were involuntarily working only part-time jobs — they simply couldn’t find full-time, though that’s what they wanted.) In other words: Obama’s failure isn’t just because of America’s increasingly sales-clerk, and burger-flipping, workforce.

And Obama’s failure is also not just because «Poverty Rose In 96 % Of U.S. House Districts, During Obama’s Presidency». (However, that reality turned out to be decisive in Hillary Clinton’s loss to Donald Trump on November 8th, as Nate Cohn pointed out in The New York Times on December 23rd, headlining, «How the Obama Coalition Crumbled, Leaving an Opening for Trump». Hillary was running on Obama’s poor record.)

Obama’s Failed Presidency

Obama’s failure is also because of other important reasons. Among them is the uncounted thousands of people who were killed in, and the uncounted millions of people who became refugees from, the places where Obama (or else his installed regimes) bombed and caused the residents to either die or flee. George W. Bush’s destructions of Iraq and even Afghanistan were now being followed by the destructions of Libya by Obama and Sarkozy, and of Syria by Obama and Saud and Thani and Erdogan, who armed the tens of thousands of jihadists and sent them into Syria to overthrow and replace Assad — and Bush’s destructions were followed also by Obama’s keeping in power the barbaric junta-regime that replaced the democratically elected Honduran Presiden Manuel Zelaya on 28 June 2009 shortly after Obama entered the White House (and this junta-regime, in turn, caused Honduras’s murder-rate to soar 50% to become the world’s highest, which then caused hundreds of thousands of Hondurans to flee and become undocumented U.S. immigrants, against which Donald Trump campaigned).

The Obama regime has thus created far more misery outside America, than inside it. Failures such as those didn’t cost Hillary Clinton many (if any) votes (because most voters didn’t even know about these foreign-affairs matters), but those failures were actually even bigger than Obama’s failures in purely domestic U.S. policy matters (which voters do know about). Trump campaigned against ‘illegal immigrants’, but he never even called attention to those people’s fleeing the hells that the U.S. regime had created in not only Honduras but earlier in Guatemala and El Salvador — coups and U.S.-trained death squads.

In noting Obama’s failures, I’m not a Republican; I’m no one who is condemning Obama for his allegedly being a ‘Marxist’ ‘Muslim’, or some other imaginary distraction from the reality (a reality which is too Republican for Republicans to be able to criticize — so, they’ve insteadignored that reality, and cited fake ‘reasons’ against him, including ‘death panels’ and other fabrications, which Republicans then forgot about after their fraudulent allegations against him became clear, to all but insane people, as being just Republican lies).

Obama is a failure not because he wasn’t sufficiently conservative or ‘Christian’ (as Republicans had constantly accused him of having been), but instead because he wasn’t sufficiently progressive (nowhere close to being a progressive) — and, in many ways, he was actually far more conservative than any of his duplicitous campaign-rhetoric had pretended him to be. He’s an extraordinarily gifted liar — he was phenomenally successful at that.

And I am not blaming Obama for congressional Republicans’ having been more obsessed with making him be a failed President, than they were interested in making America be a successful nation. Republicans lie at least as much as he does, just not nearly as skillfully. (They especially can’t feign compassion as skillfully as he.) This article thus does not blame him for what the overt Republicans were doing to cripple the little good he had actually tried to achieve — such as closing Guantanamo. It’s only about Obama’s failure.

Obama’s failure was all his own — it’s not because of the good things that Republicans had blocked him from doing; it is instead because of the horrible things (such as his failed TPP, TTIP and TISA trade-treaties, and his successful 2011 killing of Gaddafi, and 2014 coup in Ukraine) that were central to his actual agenda — a conservative, even reactionary, agenda, which favored the interests of the hundreds of billionaires who control U.S.-based international corporations, above the interests of the 300+ million American people, whom the U.S. President is supposed to be serving.

I voted for Barack Obama both times, because both of his opponents («Bomb bomb bomb Iran» McCain in 2008, and «#1 geopolitical foe» Romney in 2012) were clearly determined to focus America’s enormous military expenditures away from exterminating the jihadists and their Saudi funders, toward instead conquering Iran (McCain) and Russia (Romney), and also because Republicans — throughout at least the period extending from 1910 to 2010 — consistently had, in fact, produced a record of far less success with the U.S. economy, than did Democrats, and especially because neither McCain nor Romney had repudiated the very worst President in U.S. history (at least prior to Obama) and his atrocious record of lies and needless bloodshed and invasions: George W. Bush — Bush’s Party instead reaffirmed that monstrous President.

And, consequently, I never expected Barack Obama to turn out to have been, quite possibly, even a worse President than Bush. Nobody expected that — except Republicans, for whom Bush wasn’t bad enough to satisfy them (and certainly not bad enough for them to apologize for — so, they did not apologize for him).

Here, then, is Obama’s astounding record of failure:

«From a Democracy to a Plutocracy»

«Understanding President Obama’s Strategy to Force Cutting Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid»

«Obama Finally Lays His Cards on the Table»

«Barack Obama Is Now Completing His Long-Held Plan to Subvert the Democratic Party»

«Obama: ‘I Don’t Care About the Public’s Welfare’».

As that last one documented, the Obama ‘Justice’ Department scored an all-time low number both of financial institution fraud prosecutions, and of white-collar-crime prosecutions. Obama came into power immediately after an economic crash that was loaded especially with financial-institution frauds. He protected the banksters. So, financial-executive-fraud prosecutions didn’t soar, like they should have; instead they plunged. Like Obama told the Wall Street bigs, near the start of his regime, on 27 March 2009, in private, inside the White House: «My administration is the only thing between you and the pitchforks. … I’m not out there to go after you. I’m protecting you… I’m going to shield you». And that’s what he did. And, on 20 September 2016, Dave Johnson of the Campaign for America’s Future, headlined «Banks Used Low Wages, Job Insecurity To Force Employees To Commit Fraud», so there was no way that the employees could keep their jobs except to do the crimes that they were being virtually forced by their bosses to do.

The criminality was actually at the very top — where Obama had promised «I’m protecting you». So, the TARP’s Inspector General urged, on 26 October 2016 (since the President was refusing to prosecute those people), «that Congress remove the insulation around Wall Street CEOs and other high-level officials by requiring the CEO, CFO and certain other senior executives to sign an annual certification that they have conducted due diligence within their organization and can certify that that there is no criminal conduct or civil fraud in their organization». The Special Inspector General of TARP, Christy Goldsmith Romero, was proposing this, as being the way to make prosecutions, of these top-level fraud-executives, so easy that the Obama Administration’s claims — that there was no top-level fraud that could be prosecuted — would be an even more blatant, absurdly false, lie, than it had been.

If this country were Ukraine, or even Russia, then Americans (trained by decades of a CIA-controlled ‘free press’) would say «Oh, of course those countries are corrupt, but America isn’t like that». But, at least under Barack Obama, ‘we’ were that. This was America — and ‘our’ President was protecting the elite fraudsters, instead of prosecuting them.

Nonetheless, anyone who would say that the American people are not better off now than they were at the end of Bush’s disastrous Presidency would be either misinformed or lying, because there’s lots of data showing that, finally, eight years after Bush, Americans are better off than they were at the end of Bush’s miserable eight years (even though not yet better off than Americans were prior to Bush’s 2007-2008 crash). And the Administration published on December 15th its record of ‘successes’ «The 2017 Economic Report of the President» which was real but not adjusted for the fact that Obama came into office at the pit of the economic crash, which means that such ‘successes’ are almost inevitable, hardly a credit to Obama. But yet, the reality stands, that the Obama economic recovery was the weakest in the entire post-World-War-II period. Plus, the federal debt doubled on his watch, even while, as that Economic Report mentioned only in passing: «The United States has seen a faster increase in inequality in recent decades than any of the major advanced economies, and despite the historic progress made over the last eight years, the level of U.S. inequality remains high». Normally, after an economic crash, economic inequality reduces; but under Obama it remained at or near its pre-crash high.

It was an economic record (and an invasion and coup record) of which any Republican President could justifiably have been proud (since conservatives favor inequality, a caste system) — but no Democrat could (except fake ones — such as Obama and the Clintons).

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Ocho hombres tienen la mitad de toda la riqueza mundial, según OXFAM

January 16th, 2017 by Global Research Noticias

La riqueza de 3.600 millones de personas equivale a la que amasan seis empresarios estadounidenses, uno español y otro mexicano.

La organización Oxfam declaró este domingo ante el Foro Económico Mundial de Davos que ocho hombres tienen la misma riqueza que la mitad de la población mundial, un nivel de desigualdad que “amenaza con marginar a nuestras sociedades”.

Entre los más ricos se encuentran Bill Gates, fundador de Microsoft; Mark Zuckerberg, cofundador de Facebook, Jeff Bezos (Amazon), el mexicano Carlos Slim (Grupo Carso) y el español Amancio Ortega (Inditex).

La enorme brecha existente entre ricos y pobres eleva el descontento con la clase política en todo el mundo.

“Desde el Brexit al éxito de la campaña presidencial de Donald Trump, un preocupante aumento del racismo y la extendida desilusión con los políticos convencionales, existen señales crecientes de que cada vez más gente de los países ricos no está dispuesta a tolerar el status quo”, asegura Oxfam en su nuevo informe Una economía para el 99%.

Oxfam solicita en su informe un aumento de los tipos impositivos contra los “particulares ricos y las corporaciones”, así como un acuerdo mundial para que los países dejen de competir para decretar impuestos bajos para las empresas.

La organización humanitaria criticó las acciones de presión de las empresas y la cercanía entre empresarios y políticos, reclamó que los grupos de presión se registren públicamente y reglas más fuertes en lo concerniente a conflictos de intereses.

Los nuevos datos sobre la distribución de la riqueza en países como India y China le obligó a Oxfam a revisar sus cálculos, pues el año pasado dijeron que la mitad de la riqueza de la población mundial estaba en manos de 62 personas.

Global Research Noticias

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El canto del Gallo o China en 2017

January 16th, 2017 by Xulio Ríos

En un par de semanas, China estrenará el Año del Gallo. Todo parece indicar que será un año generoso en complejidad y riesgos. En el orden interno, en lo económico seguirán las reformas estructurales con las dificultades habituales pero, probablemente, la reducción de la contaminación seguirá subiendo peldaños en la agenda a la vista de lo calamitoso de la situación y su impacto en un malestar ciudadano que podría acabar dirigiendo sus dardos contra las autoridades.

El contexto internacional, pletórico de incertidumbres, no será de mucha ayuda en la gestión de los desafíos económicos del gigante asiático. Tendrá que hacer frente a importantes presiones comerciales y financieras. El objetivo de crecimiento será similar al de 2016, indispensable para garantizar el objetivo de duplicar en 2020 el PIB y el ingreso per cápita correspondientes a 2010.

Es en lo político, no obstante, donde se concentrarán las miradas con el horizonte del XIX Congreso del Partido Comunista, a celebrar en otoño. La reciente advertencia contra el fraude en la elección de delegados a dicho cónclave apunta a la lucha contra la corrupción pero igualmente constituye un aviso contra los “conspiradores” que en palabras de Xi Jinping “forman camarillas con objetivos espurios”. El reconocimiento de Xi como “núcleo” del liderazgo chino apunta a la consolidación de su poder y el congreso será el escaparate de dicho objetivo. Sus rivales no se lo pondrán fácil y la amenaza de sobresaltos en los próximos meses está más que justificada.

La consigna fundamental del PCCh para este año apunta a priorizar la estabilidad en todos los órdenes ante el temor de que la situación se le pueda torcer. Las múltiples disidencias intentarán salir a flote aprovechando la significación política del ejercicio.

En el orden global, cabe esperar de China, en primer lugar, una profundización de su proyección a todos los niveles, desde las inversiones a la implicación en la gobernanza global para legitimar ante la propia sociedad esa idea de una importancia cada vez mayor en la gestión de lo internacional. Sin duda, la domesticación de los arrebatos del nuevo presidente estadounidense formará parte de la agenda y no faltarán contratiempos con los que deberá contemporizar. En paralelo, la preservación e impulso de los proyectos diseñados para ganar influencia global, desde los BRICS a la Franja y la Ruta y los demás acrónimos que le permiten gestionar buena parte de su red de intereses regionales y globales vivirá un año clave.

El mayor riesgo, sin duda, lo constituye un descontrol de la situación en el Estrecho que puede ganar protagonismo frente a las tensiones en el Mar de China meridional ahora que Filipinas cambió de bando y Vietnam encara la negociación bilateral con relativas esperanzas de arreglo. Nunca será exagerada una alerta sobre la significación del problema de Taiwan en el imaginario político chino.

Xulio Ríos

Xulio Ríos: Director del Observatorio de la Política China.

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El mensaje de China en Davos

January 16th, 2017 by Xulio Ríos

La experiencia china en el proceso de modernización iniciado con la reforma y apertura a finales de los años setenta es hoy objeto de estudio en todo el mundo. En los países en desarrollo, algunos aspectos de esa transformación son tenidos especialmente en cuenta. Ahora China se encuentra en otra fase, trazando los vectores de un nuevo modelo de desarrollo que no solo asegure el crecimiento sostenible de la economía sino el impulso hacia una sociedad más equilibrada y con mayor bienestar. Este proceso genera dudas, tensiones e incertidumbres y es indispensable que se materialice de forma gradual como también transparente y con un sistema de gobernanza mejorado.

El mundo en su conjunto, al igual que China, también precisa un nuevo modelo de desarrollo. Su esencia es la corrección de los efectos indeseados de la globalización. El Informe sobre Riesgos Mundiales 2017 del Foro Económico Mundial, una entidad poco sospechosa de simpatía con los movimientos antiglobalizadores, reconoce los importantes efectos negativos del acelerado proceso vivido tras el fin de la guerra fría. Las tendencias a la polarización, la desigualdad y los desequilibrios pueden acentuarse con los graves retos ambientales y las consecuencias en el empleo del nuevo impulso de la robótica.

No puede decirse que no exista conocimiento a nivel global sobre esta situación. Otra cosa es que exista plena conciencia de su significación. Múltiples voces cualificadas han alertado reiteradamente sobre estos fenómenos. Pero al igual que acontece con el medio ambiente, a menudo se infravaloran los efectos. No basta con limpiar después de manchar como tampoco es aconsejable una eficacia económica que prescinda de la  justicia social. Despreciar estos factores siembra las bases de crisis políticas de consecuencias imprevisibles. Postular la inevitabilidad de cuanto suceda en función de la inexistencia de alternativas sistémicas al orden vigente constituye una irresponsabilidad flagrante. Este no es el mejor de los mundos posibles.

Los déficits en la gobernanza global, solo ligeramente corregidos tras el estallido de la crisis financiera de 2008, dificultan una acción concertada para encarar los mayores desafíos. Se han producido avances tanto en el diseño de la arquitectura (el propio G20) como en ámbitos parciales (como el Acuerdo de París) pero son en exceso frágiles si los comparamos con la magnitud de los retos que enfrenta la sociedad internacional.

La presencia del presidente Xi Jinping en el Foro de Davos puede poner sobre el tapete el modelo de globalización que China defiende. Con similitudes y diferencias, China y el mundo transitan por procesos paralelos. Contraria al proteccionismo comercial que hoy sirve de refugio ante los temores que suscita el inmediato futuro, Beijing, la segunda economía del mundo, tiene ante sí la oportunidad de plantear alternativas que lideren esa transición hacia un orden global más inclusivo.

El primer paso para una mejor gobernanza es la adecuación de la representatividad, un imperativo democrático que debiera imponerse a las ambiciones y resistencias hegemónicas. Es urgente mejorar el nivel de la gobernanza global perfeccionando las estructuras y mecanismos que pueden aportar soluciones a estos desafíos. El mundo ha experimentado una enorme transformación en las tres últimas décadas pero sus herramientas de gestión no han evolucionado en paralelo.

El riesgo de agravamiento del malestar social producto de una profundización de las tendencias negativas de los últimos años y la conjunción de tensiones internas en las principales economías del planeta reclaman una inyección de sabiduría, solidaridad y confianza. La comunidad de destino compartido que China ha convertido en la marca principal de su estrategia diplomática nos recuerda que el mundo es nuestra casa común. Ese es el mensaje. Falta que todos lo entiendan.

Xulio Ríos

Xulio Ríos: Director del Observatorio de la Política China.

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Martin Luther King’s Death Disappears Down the Memory Hole. “He Was Assassinated by a U.S. Government Conspiracy”

By Edward Curtin, January 16 2017

As Martin Luther King’s birthday is celebrated with a national holiday, his death day disappears down the memory hole.  Across the country – in response to the King Holiday and Service Act passed by Congress and signed by Bill Clinton in 1994 – people will  be encouraged to make the day one of service  (from Latin, servus = slave).  Etymological irony aside, such service does not include King’s commitment to protesting a decadent system of racial and economic injustice or non-violently resisting the warfare state that is the United States.  Government sponsored service is cultural neo-liberalism at its finest.


India’s Man-Made Economic Calamity: How Many Will Die from Starvation, Malnutrition and Disease as a Result of Modi’s Demonetization?

By Walt Gelles, January 16 2017

At this point, every sane and responsible person in India should be asking:  How many tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands, or millions of people in India are going to die from hunger, starvation, malnutrition and disease as a result of Modi’s demonetisation?

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“Deep State” Ultimatum to Trump: Play Ball or Else

By Stephen Lendman, January 16 2017

US presidents are fronts for powerful interests running America, intolerant of anyone changing longstanding policy. Trump is under enormous pressure and threats to continue dirty business as usual or else. Defiance could get him undermined, impeached or assassinated – hardline globalist Mike Pence in the wings to replace him, an easy to control establishment figure.

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The “Beatification” of Barack Obama. The “Good Guy” Storyline is Set…

By Kit, January 16 2017

Already the storyline is set – Obama was a good man, who tried to do great things, but was undone by a Republican senate, and his own “sharp intelligence”. These people, as much as anybody, reflect the cognitive dissonance of the modern press. “Liberals”, to use their own tortured self-descriptor, now assign the roles of good guy and bad guy based purely on aesthetics, convenience and fuel for their vanity. Actions and consequences are immaterial.

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Shifting from Central Planning to a Decentralised Economy: Do We Need Central Banks?

By Professor Richard A. Werner, January 16 2017

While voices of those pointing out that the central banking narrative has been wrong (e.g. Werner, 1992, 1994, 2003a) had been successfully drowned out by central banks and their large-scale and meticulously planned PR campaigns for many years (see Ishii and Werner, 2003; Werner, 2003b, on the ‘information management’ of central banks), it is now becoming apparent and visible even to laymen that the central banking narrative has collapsed on all fronts.

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Reunión en París vuelve la vista hacia paz entre Israel y Palestina

January 16th, 2017 by Luisa María González

Cuando el mundo centra su mirada en cuestiones como las guerras en Siria e Iraq, una conferencia internacional realizada en París enfatizó que no habrá paz en el Medio Oriente sin resolver el viejo conflicto entre Israel y Palestina.

‘No es posible lograr la paz en el Medio Oriente si no se resuelve el conflicto más antiguo de la región’, alertó el presidente francés, François Hollande, al llamar a la comunidad internacional a volver sobre este asunto y relanzar las labores para impulsar una negociación que permita poner fin al enfrentamiento.

Representantes de unos 70 países y organizaciones internacionales, incluidas la ONU y la Unión Europea, asistieron al cónclave realizado el domingo en esta capital, en el cual no estuvieron presentes los gobiernos de Israel y Palestina.

En su intervención, el presidente francés consideró clave la movilización de la comunidad internacional como un apoyo importante al proceso de paz.

En referencia a algunas críticas lanzadas contra la iniciativa gala, aclaró que la intención no es decirles a las partes lo que deben hacer, sino contribuir al proceso de diálogos y a los esfuerzos realizados desde hace muchos años.

Hollande aceptó, en este sentido, que negociar la paz solo corresponde a las dos partes involucradas y nadie puede hacerlo en su lugar.

La reunión aprobó una declaración final en la cual llamaron a las partes a reafirmar su compromiso a favor de una solución dialogada y adoptar las medidas urgentes con el fin de revertir la evolución negativa actual en el terreno, con marcadas manifestaciones de violencia.

En conferencia de prensa, el ministro galo de Asuntos Exteriores, Jean Marc Ayrault, sostuvo que ‘la vía de la diplomacia y la negociación a veces demora, lleva su tiempo, pero es la única válida para resolver el conflicto’.

Tal como sucedió en una reunión ministerial previa realizada en junio de 2016 en esta capital, el encuentro ratificó que la solución de los dos estados es la única alternativa capaz de abrir el camino a la paz, sobre la base de las resoluciones de la ONU y de la fronteras de 1967.

Al respecto, Hollande estimó que en los últimos años esa opción se ha visto amenazada y una de las evidencias más significativas es la aceleración de la colonización de territorios palestinos por parte de Israel.

La cita llamó a la comunidad internacional a continuar los labores de impulso a una negociación, que solo puede ser desarrollada por las partes implicadas.

Desde Ramalah, el presidente palestino, Mahmud Abas, saludó los resultados de la conferencia y destacó que con ellos ‘se reafirman los principios del derecho y las resoluciones internacionales’.

Abas elogió específicamente el respaldo dado a la solución de los dos estados, lo que implica la creación de un Estado palestino con capital en Jerusalén este.

Sin embargo, desde Israel el primer ministro Benjamin Netanyahu criticó la reunión de París, la consideró inútil, y señaló que su país no se sentiría aludido por las conclusiones.

Tal postura de Tel Aviv ratifica que sin la voluntad de ambas partes será muy difícil -casi imposible- avanzar hacia la paz en un conflicto que se extiende ya por más de medio siglo.

Luisa María González

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EE.UU. debe elegir la diplomacia antes que la guerra

January 16th, 2017 by Phyllis Bennis

Nota del director: Durante gran parte de las dos últimas décadas y sin lugar a dudas desde la invasión de Iraq en 2003 la política exterior progresista se ha definido por aquello contra lo que está, fundamentalmente un neoconservadurismo agresivo que nos ha llevado a múltiples guerras en Oriente Próximo y ha sacrificado objetivos internos en aras de una cruzada global por el dominio estadounidense. Pero está mucho menos claro qué significa una política exterior progresista y cómo debería ser en la práctica. Es especialmente importante tratar de definirlo ahora, tras la elección de Donald Trump.

Sería sensato que las personas progresistas reconocieran dos tendencias a este respecto. La primera define una política exterior progresista como un simple rechazo de todo lo que Trump dice o hace. Por supuesto, Trump ya ha nombrado a varios peligrosos extremistas para desempeñar cargos de política exterior y en el mejor de los casos el propio Trump es imprevisible, aparentemente incapaz de centrarse de forma continua en los difíciles problemas de política exterior. Pero algunas de sus declaraciones (sus peticiones de trabajar con Rusia, acabar con las destructivas guerras de Estados Unidos y crear unos acuerdos comerciales más equitativos) no distan mucho de lo que nosotros mismos hemos defendido. Tenemos que defender nuestra propia versión progresista de estas posturas en vez de simplemente rechazarlas rotundamente.

La segunda tendencia que debemos evitar es caer en la nostalgia de la era Obama. Sin lugar a dudas debemos defender los notables logros de su gobierno de entablar la normalización de relaciones con Cuba y contribuir a lograr un acuerdo nuclear con Irán. También podemos elogiar la intención de algunos discursos magníficamente elaborados y destinados a reparar la imagen de Estados Unidos en el mundo. Pero también debemos recordar los defectos de la política exterior de Obama: el haber perpetuado la “guerra global contra el terrorismo” (aunque no con el nombre que tenía en la Era Bush), incluidas unas guerras de drones no declaradas que se han extendido desde el Maghreb al sur de Asia y una innecesaria aunque peligrosa nueva Guerra Fría con Rusia. Y aunque esta revista apoyó a Hillary Clinton frente a Trump en las elecciones, nos opusimos activamente a muchas de las llamadas políticas de “intervencionismo liberal” que Clinton defendía.

A pesar de la promesa democrática del movimiento inspirado por el senador Bernie Sanders, este no nos dejó unas propuestas de política exterior que guiaran nuestro pensamiento en el futuro. Este es el debate inconcluso que retomamos en este foro. Hemos pedido a seis importantes intelectuales progresistas que nos expresen sus ideas acerca de lo que deberían ser los principios e ideas que definan una política exterior progresista más allá de las elecciones presidenciales de 2016 (véase “Artículos relacionados” para el resto de los artículos). Este es el inicio de un debate que debe emprender nuestra nación, pero no es en absoluto el final.


Las elecciones de 2016 y sus aterradoras consecuencias han llevado a millones de estadounidenses a un torbellino de racismo, xenofobia, histeria antiinmigrante e islamofobia, que refleja y al mismo tiempo prepara el terreno para una política exterior aún más militarizada, guiada por el beneficio privado, antimusulmana y antiinmigrante. Todavía no sabemos si la política exterior de Donald Trump reflejará su anterior coqueteo con el aislacionismo o se acercará al intervencionismo militar furibundo del que son partidarios muchos de los generales que ha nombrado. Sin embargo, incluso sin saberlo, debemos identificar cómo debería ser una política exterior no imperialista y verdaderamente internacionalista, una política exterior en la que el derecho internacional, los derechos humanos y la solidaridad global sustituyan a la “guerra global contra el terrorismo”. Esta política empieza por recortar los presupuestos militares y acabar con las guerras, ocupaciones e injusticias climáticas que están generando las muchas crisis de refugiados que existen en el mundo.

Una nueva política exterior estadounidense debe ser amplia en su visión y en su alcance, y debe reconocer que la guerra no puede derrotar al terrorismo. A pesar de algunas buenas intenciones y de algunos discursos potentes, y a pesar de dar un nombre nuevo a la “guerra global contra el terrorismo”, el presidente Obama fue incapaz de romper con ella; de hecho, acabó ampliando considerablemente su alcance con el uso de las Fuerzas Especiales de Estados Unidos y aumentado las campañas de bombardeos en Siria, Libia, Yemen y otros lugares, además de Iraq y Afganistán. El resultado de un incremento aún mayor de esta política por parte del gobierno Trump no será sino el incremento del fracaso.

Una política exterior progresista significa dejar de favorecer tanto económica como políticamente a los especuladores militares. Significa privilegiar la política sobre la guerra al tiempo que se rechaza el aislacionismo y se reconocen las obligaciones vinculadas a ser la nación más poderosa y rica de la historia.

Estados Unidos tienen la deuda global de ayudar a los pueblos y países del mundo. Es una deuda que se debe saldar rebajando drásticamente nuestro presupuesto militar de miles de millones de dólares. Estos miles de millones de dólares (todavía supone unos 54 céntimos de cada dólar de impuestos en el presupuesto federal) se deben destinar a prioridades internas urgentes (empleo, educación, protección del medioambiente, sanidad y más cosas), al tiempo que se dedica buena parte a la ayuda no militar a pueblos y naciones de todo el mundo. Esto es particularmente importante para aquellos pueblos cuyos tejidos sociales y cuyas economías han devastado las guerras y las sanciones estadounidenses. Entre otras cosas, nuestra nueva política exterior debería aumentar enormemente el apoyo humanitario a las personas refugiadas y a las desplazadas por las guerras y las crisis climáticas.

Cambiando este gasto militar podemos prever una política exterior que privilegie la diplomacia sobre la guerra. Debería empezar por proteger los éxitos diplomáticos del presidente Obama: el acuerdo nuclear con Irán, la normalización de las relaciones con Cuba y el acuerdo sobre el clima de París. Son elementos fundamentales del legado de Obama, pero están amenazados por Trump y un Congreso controlado por los republicanos.

Campañas similares de perfil alto y con una fuerte inversión en favor de la diplomacia en vez de la guerra y el militarismo se deberían emprender respecto a Siria y en general Oriente Próximo, y reflejar las a menudo citadas palabras de Obama (aunque a menudo ignoradas) reconociendo que “no existe una solución militar”. Se debería empezar por retirar las fuerzas militares estadounidenses y detener los ataques aéreos, se debería seguir con un compromiso serio con otras potencias regionales y globales (en primer lugar, Rusia) para acabar la guerra en Siria. Estados Unidos y Rusia tienen que apoyar un alto el fuego permanente y presionar a sus respectivos aliados (Arabia Saudí, Turquía, Jordania, Qatar, Emiratos Árabes Unidos y la oposición siria armada por una parte, y los gobiernos sirio e iraní, y Hezbolá por otra) para que acuerden un embargo total de armas a ambos bandos. Impedir que nuestros aliados regionales envíen armas estadounidenses a Siria (y detener la guerra saudí contra Yemen) fortalecería la capacidad de Washington para persuadir a Rusia de que lleve también a cabo esta desescalada.

En Israel/Palestina una nueva política exterior basada en la justicia significaría reconocer que ha sido un fracaso estrepitoso el organizado por Estados Unidos “proceso de paz”, que se basa en una solución de dos Estados y se arrastra desde hace casi un cuarto de siglo. La fuerza cada vez mayor del movimiento a favor de los derechos de los palestinos en Estados Unidos (y, a consecuencia de ello, el cambio en el discurso popular estadounidense acerca de esta cuestión fundamental) ofrece una oportunidad sin precedentes para que los líderes políticos reformulen la política estadounidense de manera que coincida con la opinión pública. Los políticos podrían dejar en manos de la Asamblea General de la ONU el control de la diplomacia en esta cuestión y poner fin al apoyo que Washington presta al apartheid y la ocupación israelíes, y respaldar, en cambio, una política basada en el derecho internacional, los derechos humanos e igualdad, sin privilegiar a las personas judías o discriminar a las no judías.

Hasta el momento la política exterior de Trump es extremadamente opaca, pero nuestra propia política exterior progresista sigue siendo clara: es una política basada en la justicia, el internacionalismo y los derechos humanos. Ningunas elecciones pueden cambiarla.

Corrección: en la lista de aliados de Estados Unidos y Rusia en la guerra civil siria un error del director de esta revista omitió uno de los aliados de Moscú, el gobierno sirio. El texto se ha actualizado. Pedimos disculpas a la autora.

Artículo original en inglés:

America Must Choose Diplomacy Over War, publicado el 21 de diciembre de 2016.

Traducido por Beatriz Morales Bastos.

Phyllis Bennis

Phyllis Bennis: Directora del Proyecto Nuevo Internacionalismo del Institute for Policy Studies e investigadora asociada del TNI y del Institute for Policy Studies de Washington DC. Phyllis está especializada en política exterior estadounidense, especialmente respecto a Oriente Próximo y las Naciones Unidas, organización donde trabajó como corresponsal de prensa durante diez años. Actualmente colabora también como asesora especializada de varios cargos de alto nivel de la ONU sobre cuestiones relacionadas con Oriente Medio y la democratización de la ONU. Es columnista habitual en varios medios y autora de muchos artículos y libros, sobre todo centrados en Palestina, Iraq, la ONU y la política exterior de los Estados Unidos. Entre sus últimos libros, cabe destacar: Understanding the U.S.-Iran Crisis: A Primer (Interlink, 2008), Ending the Iraq War: A Primer (Interlink, 2008), Understanding the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict: A Primer (Interlink, 2007), Challenging Empire: How People, Governments and the UN Defy U.S. Power (Interlink, 2005). Véase la traducción al castellano de su obra Desafiando al Imperio,

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In two separate, and quite striking, interviews with Germany’s Bild (paywall) and London’s Sunday Times (paywall), Donald Trump did what he failed to do in his first US press conference, and covered an extensive amount of policy and strategy, much of which however will likely please neither the pundits, nor the markets.

Among the numerous topics covered in the Bild interview, he called NATO obsolete, predicted that other European Union members would join the U.K. in leaving the bloc and threatened BMW with import duties over a planned plant in Mexico, according to a Sunday interview granted to Germany’s Bild newspaper that will raise concerns in Berlin over trans-Atlantic relations.

Furthermore, in his first “exclusive” interview in the UK granted to the Sunday Times, Trump said he will offer Britain a quick and “fair” trade deal with America within weeks of taking office to help make Brexit a “great thing”. Trump revealed that he was inviting Theresa May to visit him “right after” he gets into the White House and wants a trade agreement between the two countries secured “very quickly”.

Trump told the Times that other countries would follow Britain’s lead in leaving the European Union, claiming it had been deeply ­damaged by the migration crisis. “I think it’s very tough,” he said. “People, countries want their own identity and the UK wanted its own identity.”

Elsewhere, quoted in German from a conversation held in English, Trump predicted Britain’s exit from the EU will be a success and portrayed the EU as an instrument of German domination with the purpose of beating the U.S. in international trade. For that reason, Trump said, he’s fairly indifferent whether the EU breaks up or stays together, according to Bild. According to Bloomberg, Trump’s comments “leave little doubt that he will stick to campaign positions and may in some cases upend decades of U.S. foreign policy, putting him fundamentally at odds with German Chancellor Angela Merkel on issues from free trade and refugees to security and the EU’s role in the world.”

Trump then attacked another carmarker, previosuly unnoticed by the president-elect, when he warned the United States will impose a border tax of 35 percent on cars that German carmaker BMW plans to build at a new plant in Mexico and export to the U.S. market.

A BMW spokeswoman said a BMW Group plant in San Luis Potosi would build the BMW 3 Series starting from 2019, with the output intended for the world market. The plant in Mexico would be an addition to existing 3 Series production facilities in Germany and China. Trump said BMW should build its new car factory in the United States because this would be “much better” for the company.

He went on to say Germany was a great car producer, borne out by Mercedes Benz cars being a frequent sight in New York, but there was no reciprocity. Germans were not buying Chevrolets at the same rate, he said, making the business relationship an unfair one-way street. He said he was an advocate of free trade, but not at any cost. The BMW spokeswoman said the company was “very much at home in the U.S.,” employing directly and indirectly nearly 70,000 people in the country.

Going back to foreign policy, Trump discussed his stance on Russia and suggested he might use economic sanctions imposed for Vladimir Putin’s encroachment on Ukraine as leverage in nuclear-arms reduction talks, while NATO, he said, “has problems.”

“[NATO] is obsolete, first because it was designed many, many years ago,” Bild quoted Trump as saying about the trans-Atlantic military alliance. “Secondly, countries aren’t paying what they should” and NATO “didn’t deal with terrorism.” 

While those comments expanded on doubts Trump raised about the North Atlantic Treaty Organization during his campaign, he reserved some of his most dismissive remarks for the EU and Merkel, whose open-border refugee policy he called a “catastrophic mistake.” He further elaborated on this stance in the Times interview, where he said he was willing to lift Russian sanctions in return for a reduction in nuclear weapons.

When asked about the prospect of a nuclear arms reduction deal with Russia, Trump told the newspaper in an interview: “For one thing, I think nuclear weapons should be way down and reduced very substantially, that’s part of it.”

Additionally, Trump said Brexit will turn out to be a “great thing.”  Trump said he would work very hard to get a trade deal with the United Kingdom “done quickly and done properly”.

Trump praised Britons for voting last year to leave the EU. People and countries want their own identity and don’t want outsiders to come in and “destroy it.” The U.K. is smart to leave the bloc because the EU “is basically a means to an end for Germany,” Bild cited Trump as saying. “If you ask me, more countries will leave,” he was quoted as saying.

While Trump blamed Brexit on an influx of refugees he said that Britain was forced to accept, the U.K.’s number of asylum applications in 2015 was a fraction of the 890,000 refugees who arrived in Germany that year at the peak of Europe’s migrant crisis.

With Merkel facing an unprecedented challenge from the anti-immigration Alternative for Germany as she seeks a fourth term this fall, Trump was asked whether he’d like to see her re-elected. He said he couldn’t say, adding that while he respects Merkel, who’s been in office for 11 years, he doesn’t know her and she has hurt Germany by letting “all these illegals” into the country.

Among Trump’s other comments to Bild::

  • the Bush administration’s decision to invade Iraq may have been the worst in U.S. history; 
  • that Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law, is a natural talent who will bring about an accord with Israel
  • Trump plans to keep using social media including Twitter once he’s in the White House to sidestep the press and communicate directly with his followers
  • People entering the U.S. will face “extreme” security checks, possibly including some European nationals 

But perhaps the most troubling, if only to legacy US diplomatic relations, was that, as the Times noted, “despite all of Mr Trump’s expressions of admiration for Mr Putin and Mrs Merkel, he revealed that he was prepared to cut ties with both: “Well, I start off trusting both –  but let’s see how long that lasts. It may not last long at all.”

It is unclear if this litany of strategic and tactical announcements, many of which quite shocking in their audacity and scope, is merely meant to serve as a launching pad for further negotiations, something Trump has proven quite adept at doing by stunning his counterparties into a state of abrupt silence, or if these are actually meant to serve as a basis for future US policy; if it is the latter, when US markets reopen they may have a distinct case of indigestion because while the market had desperately hoped for more clarity out of Trump on his policies, what emerged in these two interview is hardly it.

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From MAD to Madness: Playing Games with Nuclear War

January 16th, 2017 by Paul H. Johnstone

The following text is an Excerpt from Paul H. Johnstone and Diana Johnstone’s Book  published by Clarity. To order the book directly from the publisher click here. 

In the early fifties, Air Force Target Intelligence was new, growing, finding its way. Everything was in a state of flux, and over all hung an air of urgency resulting from the threat of the Cold War.

The Cold War Atmosphere

The prevailing Pentagon presumption was that at almost any time the Russians would unleash their hordes upon Western Europe. In the Air Force Directorate of Intelligence, a Special Studies Group had been set up by General C.P. Cabell (who later moved over to CIA and was chief of operations there at the time of the 1961 Bay of Pigs fiasco, although it was Richard Bissell who was directly in control of that operation). This Group was charged with writing most of the long range strategic think-pieces for the Directorate.

Click book cover right to order directly from Clarity

It was headed by Steve Possony, a Hungarian émigré who professed to be an expert on Communism in general and the Soviet Union in particular. Steve was the first of several Central European émigrés I met in the next few years who passed as experts on Communist Europe and who had at least some small influence on strategic thought and the formation of American policy. Others were Strausz-Hupé, Kissinger, Brzezinski and many lesser lights such as Leon Gouré and Helmut Sonnenfeldt. In every case I felt they were thinking, consciously or otherwise, not as Americans but as representatives of a lost cause in their native land, and I always believed they were used by the military because their ‘obsessions’ were so useful.

The one product of Possony’s group that I most distinctly remember was an annual appraisal of the strategic situation. And the reason I remember it, perhaps, is that every year that appraisal forecast a massive Russian land attack on Western Europe the following year. Several of us began to laugh about it after a while, but the forecast was always intoned awesomely and with superficial plausibility. I do not know whether many people who heard the briefings really believed the forecasts. I suspect many doubted it would really be next year, and thought it more likely the year after that or even later. But even doubters approved the forecast because, they reasoned, it was better to err in this direction than to minimize the danger. Above all, it was good to say things that emphasized the need for strong defenses.

This prediction of imminent mass attack by Russian hordes upon freedom’s bastions in Western Europe was, so far as I know, the specialty of Possony and company (maybe even they did not believe it, but it was, after all, a living). The general tone was not unlike the orientation briefings that were standard fare in those years for visitors to military bases of almost every sort — at least all of those I visited. These standard briefings were intended to explain the function and organizational status of the particular base or command, and as a one-time teacher I felt they were models of effective pedagogy. There was generally an articulate and accomplished raconteur, commonly a major or lieutenant colonel, armed with well-practiced topical jokes for starters, with a baton and a profusion of well executed charts and graphs and diagrams manned usually by a master sergeant. The introductory pleasantries varied from post to post and from time to time, but once these preliminaries were disposed of there was no doubt where the serious business would begin. It would begin with a series of charts, the first being Russia, colored red of course, with its boundaries of 1938, before the Russo-Finnish War and before the annexation of eastern Poland following the Nazi-Soviet pact of 1939 and the outbreak of World War II.

Then the red of Soviet Russia would flow into the areas taken from Finland, then from Poland in the 1939 seizure, then the red would move, one nation at a time, to cover the Baltic States, and after that Poland, Romania, Hungary, East Germany, Yugoslavia, Albania, North Korea, Czechoslovakia, China, and what we still called French Indochina. It was a red tide that was gradually overrunning the world. It was monolithic, centrally controlled and directed from Moscow, and the peoples of the areas turned red were Communist automatons, with never so much as a hint that they might have different cultural traditions or social values. The only suggestion of local differentiations was that poverty and hunger and sheer desperation induced human beings to become Communist automatons, which explained why areas in which there was political unrest of any sort were the areas we needed to keep a sharp eye on to prevent a Communist takeover.

It was almost always assumed that any war would be an unlimited war between the United States and our allies on one side, and the USSR and all her European Communist satellite states, plus China and North Korea on the other. The latter two did not count for much in those early days. Indeed the Korean War, although not a general war, was interpreted to confirm what almost everyone took for granted anyway, namely that the entire Communist bloc was a completely monolithic structure, with every major action dictated by Moscow and every slave state acting in concert.

By no means was this sort of presumption confined to the Pentagon. Even such a distinguished and broadly informed intellect as Secretary of State Dean Acheson subscribed to the doctrine. For instance, when in the last week of June, 1950, the North Koreans launched their attack on South Korea and President Truman returned from Missouri for a week of crisis conferences in Blair House, the basic premise of every attempt to understand the gravity of the situation and what our best response should be was that this was a Russian ploy and that the dominant question was what role in the overall strategy of Soviet plans for world conquest did this Korean venture play. Nearly twenty years later, when he wrote his State Department memoirs, Present At the Creation, Acheson still felt the same way. All this, despite the continued reporting, from 1945 on by our people on the spot, that the hostility of the regimes of both North and South Korea toward each other was so bitter that it was dangerously explosive and might erupt at any time. Our first occupation commander in South Korea had recommended we get out to avoid entanglement in a civil war between the two. And at least up to the time I write this, even though we have poured billions of dollars’ worth of military aid into South Korea, we have very carefully refrained from providing enough to give such confidence of military victory as to encourage their acknowledged aggressive tendencies.

Paul H. Johnstone was a senior analyst in the Weapons Systems Evaluation Group (WSEG) in the Pentagon.  He was assistant director of three crucial studies on outcomes of nuclear war and the director of a fourth, on the impact on civilians. He  also initiated a series of “critical incident” studies recounting decision-making problems, which led to the McNamara study of the errors of Vietnam war policy known as The Pentagon Papers and was one of its authors. 

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The one China policy was first mentioned in the Shanghai Communique on February 28, 1972 during Nixon’s visit to China – stressing the importance for both countries to normalize relations.

On January 1, 1979, the Joint Communique on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations agreed to by Jimmy Carter and Deng Xiaoping formally established bilateral relations, ending official recognition of Taiwan, announced by Carter in December 1978.

The (1992 Consensus) one China principle affirms a single sovereign China comprised of the mainland and Taiwan.

Trump saying “(e)verything is under negotiation including one China” didn’t go down well in Beijing. On Saturday, its Foreign Ministry spokesman Lu Kang said it’s “nonnegotiable.”

One China alone exists, Taiwan an inalienable part of it, he stressed. The People’s Republic of China is its only legitimate government, “an internationally recognized fact, and no one can change it,” he explained.

We urge the relevant party in the United States to realize the high sensitivity of the Taiwan issue and abide by commitments made by previous US governments to the one China policy and the principles of the three joint communiques.

Normalized relations depend on it. If Trump demands Beijing play by Washington rules, trouble in the Pacific awaits him, perhaps undermining chances for improving relations with Moscow.

Sino/Russian ties stress unity. Each nation strategically supports the other. Together they’re a powerful counterweight to US hegemonic aims.

Harming the interests of one affects the other. Both countries will rally to defend each other’s mutual interests. Antagonizing Beijing by using the one China policy as a bargaining chip is sure to adversely affect Sino-Russia/US relations.

Trump has to decide if he wants mutual cooperation with other nations or continuation of adversarial relations with sovereign independent ones. Will he be a bully or responsible leader?

It’s his call for good or ill. Much depends on what he decides. China’s credibility at home and abroad depends on the one China policy.

It’s fundamentally important. Challenging or in any way disrupting it assures continuing Obama’s adversarial policy, maybe recklessly escalating it.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”

Visit his blog site at

Listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network.

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The one China policy was first mentioned in the Shanghai Communique on February 28, 1972 during Nixon’s visit to China – stressing the importance for both countries to normalize relations.

On January 1, 1979, the Joint Communique on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations agreed to by Jimmy Carter and Deng Xiaoping formally established bilateral relations, ending official recognition of Taiwan, announced by Carter in December 1978.

The (1992 Consensus) one China principle affirms a single sovereign China comprised of the mainland and Taiwan.

Trump saying “(e)verything is under negotiation including one China” didn’t go down well in Beijing. On Saturday, its Foreign Ministry spokesman Lu Kang said it’s “nonnegotiable.”

One China alone exists, Taiwan an inalienable part of it, he stressed. The People’s Republic of China is its only legitimate government, “an internationally recognized fact, and no one can change it,” he explained.

We urge the relevant party in the United States to realize the high sensitivity of the Taiwan issue and abide by commitments made by previous US governments to the one China policy and the principles of the three joint communiques.

Normalized relations depend on it. If Trump demands Beijing play by Washington rules, trouble in the Pacific awaits him, perhaps undermining chances for improving relations with Moscow.

Sino/Russian ties stress unity. Each nation strategically supports the other. Together they’re a powerful counterweight to US hegemonic aims.

Harming the interests of one affects the other. Both countries will rally to defend each other’s mutual interests. Antagonizing Beijing by using the one China policy as a bargaining chip is sure to adversely affect Sino-Russia/US relations.

Trump has to decide if he wants mutual cooperation with other nations or continuation of adversarial relations with sovereign independent ones. Will he be a bully or responsible leader?

It’s his call for good or ill. Much depends on what he decides. China’s credibility at home and abroad depends on the one China policy.

It’s fundamentally important. Challenging or in any way disrupting it assures continuing Obama’s adversarial policy, maybe recklessly escalating it.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”

Visit his blog site at

Listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network.

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Eisenhower’s warning

In his famous farwell address, US President Dwight Eisenhower eloquently described the terrible effects of an overgrown military-industrial complex. Here are his words:

We have been compelled to create a permanent armaments industry of vast proportions…. This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. The total influence, economic, political, even spiritual, is felt in every city, every State house, every office of the Federal government…[and] we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. Our toil, resources and livelihood are all involved; so is the very structure of our society.

In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the militaryindustrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.

In another speech, he said:

Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children.

The devil’s dynamo

The military-industrial complex involves a circular flow of money. The cash flows like the electrical current in a dynamo, driving a diabolical machine. Money from immensely rich corporate oligarchs buys the votes of politicians and the propaganda of the mainstream media. Numbed by the propaganda, citizens allow the politicians to vote for obscenely bloated military budgets, which further enrich the corporate oligarchs, and the circular flow continues.

Today the world spends more than 1.7 trillion dollars ( $1,700,000,000,000) every year on armaments. This vast river of money, almost too large to be imagined, is the “devil’s dynamo” driving the institution of war. Politicians notoriously can be bought with a tiny fraction of this enormous amount; hence the decay of democracy. It is also plain that if the almost unbelieivable sums now wasted on armaments were used constructively, most of the pressing problems now facing humanity could be solved.

Because the world spends almost two thousand billion dollars each year on armaments, it follows that very many people make their living from war. This is the reason why it is correct to speak of war as an institution, and why it persists, although we know that it is the cause of much of the suffering that inflicts humanity.

We know that war is madness, but it persists. We know that it threatens the survival of civilization, but it persists, entrenched in the attitudes of historians, newspaper editors and television producers, entrenched in the methods by which politicians finance their campaigns, and entrenched in the financial power of arms manufacturers, entrenched also in the ponderous and costly hardware of war, the fleets of warships, bombers, tanks, nuclear missiles amd so on.

The military-industrial complex needs enemies

The military-industrial complex needs enemies. Without them it would wither. Thus at the end of the Second World War, this vast power complex was faced with a crisis. It was saved by the discovery of a new enemy: Communism.

This new enemy saved the military-industrial complex for a long time, but at the end of the Cold War, there was another crisis: the threat that arms profits would be converted into a  “peace dividend”. Would this be the end of unlimited corporate greed? Heaven forbid! There was a desparate search for a new enemy. What about Islam? The Crusades could be revived, and all would be well. This seemed, for a long time to be a good solution.

But recently, with the Middle East in flames, Islam no longer seemed to be a sufficiently strong enemy justiify the collossal budgets of armaments industries. A new enemy was urgently needed. One  look at our mass media tells us the solution that our military-industrial complex has come up with: Revival of the Cold War!

Nuclear war by accident or miscalculation.

As a concequence of our oligarchy’s decision to revive the Cold War, we are witnessing increasing demonization of Russia as well as flagrant provocations, such as the recent massive NATO manovres on Russia’s borders.

With unbelievable hubris and irresponsibility, western politicians are risking the destruction of human civilization and much of the biosphere through a thermonuclear war. Such a cataclysmic war could occur through technical or human error, or through escalation. This possibility is made greater by th fact that despite the end of the Cold War, thousands of missiles carrying nuclear warheads are still kept on a “hair-trigger” state of alert with a quasi-automatic reaction time measured in minutes.

A number of prominent political and military figures (many of whom have ample knowledge of the system of deterrence, having been part of it) have expressed concern about the danger of accidental nuclear war.

Colin S. Grey, Chairman of the US Institute for Public Policy, expressed this concern as follows: “The problem, indeed the enduring problem, is that we are resting our future upon a nuclear deterrence system concerning which we cannot tolerate even a single malfunction.”

General Curtis E. LeMay has written, “In my opinion a general war will grow through a series of political miscalculations and accidents rather than through any deliberate attack by either side.”

Bruce G. Blair  of the Brookings Institute has remarked that “It is obvious that the rushed nature of the process, from warning to decision to action, risks causing a catastrophic mistake.”… “This system is an accident waiting to happen.”

The duty of civil society

Civil society must make its will felt. A thermonuclear war today would be not only genocidal but also omnicidal. It would kill people of all ages, babies, children, young people, mothers, fathers and grandparents, without any regard whatever for guilt or innocence. Such a war would be the ultimate ecological catastrophe, destroying not only human civilization but also much of the biosphere. Each of us has a duty to work with courage and dedication to prevent it.

Some suggestions for further reading

John Avery received a B.Sc. in theoretical physics from MIT and an M.Sc. from the University of Chicago. He later studied theoretical chemistry at the University of London, and was awarded a Ph.D. there in 1965. He is now Lektor Emeritus, Associate Professor, at the Department of Chemistry, University of Copenhagen. Fellowships, memberships in societies: Since 1990 he has been the Contact Person in Denmark for Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs.  In 1995, this group received the Nobel Peace Prize for their efforts. He was the Member of the Danish Peace Commission of 1998. Technical Advisor, World Health Organization, Regional Office for Europe (1988- 1997). Chairman of the Danish Peace Academy, April 2004.  He can be reached at [email protected]

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I. The Central Bank Narrative

For more than the past four decades, public policy discourse, especially when touching on macroeconomic and monetary policy, has been dominated by the views held and actively sponsored by the central banks, particularly in Europe and North-America, as well as Japan.

Their policy narrative has been consistent over time and virtually identical between central banks, which is why I shall refer to it collectively as the ‘central bank narrative’. It has been mirrored in the type of economics that central bankers have supported and that has indeed subsequently become dominant in academia and among the economists selected as the experts of choice in the major newspapers and television channels: the theoreticians advancing neo-classical economics.

This central bank narrative (and hence also the dominant neo-classical economics, also known as ‘mainstream economics’) has at least five major pillars, which I shall list briefly:

  1. Interest rates are the main policy variable to move the economy

The first pillar of the central bank narrative is the well-known claim that interest rates are the main tool of monetary policy. This narrative is backed by the familiar theory that, ceteris paribus, lower interest rates will stimulate economic growth and higher interest rates will slow growth. Thus by lowering rates, central banks accelerate growth and by raising rates, they slow it, allowing impressive fine-tuning of the economy. Hence the central bankers’ constant obsession with minute changes in interest rates that are said to have the power to rattle global markets and, consequently, are dominating the media coverage of central bank actions as if they will stand out in sharp relief in any future account of the history of mankind.

  1. Markets are in equilibrium, thanks to price movements that have equated demand and supply.

The interest rate theory is in turn backed by this second pillar of the central bank narrative: Market equilibrium. This equilibrium which markets are said to be usually found in, is a state of effective resource allocation that results from virtually automatic or ‘natural’ price movements which ensure that demand equals supply almost all of the time. These price movements not only create pervasive ‘general equilibrium’, as economists and central bank models assume, but they also ensure that it is sufficient to focus on prices when conducting economic analysis, since prices lead (generating the equilibrium) and quantities fall into line. Hence policy should focus on prices. This logic is consistently applied across markets, including the markets for money and credit, which are said to be dominated by their price (the rate of interest). As a result, the first pillar of the central banking narrative is justified: what else but interest rates should one use as policy tool in such a world of equilibrium and the dominance of prices?

  1. Banks are just financial intermediaries, like other non-bank financial firms. They thus do not need to be singled out in the analysis or modelled explicitly.

The third pillar of the narrative further tidies up the analysis by following through on the dominance of interest rates when it comes to financial institutions: While ordinary mortals might have the naïve belief that banks matter for the economy and could indeed be powerful – or even be the key agents of change or influence – central bankers and their hired neo-classical theorists know better than that: banks are mere financial intermediaries, transferring existing savings from depositors to investors, just like non-bank financial intermediaries are doing. In other words, banks are not special or different from other financial firms, and hence they do not have to be singled out in economic models – which explains why economists and all the major central banks have indeed failed to include banks at all in their economic models for the past 40 years. (This was a little embarrassing, when the 2008 banking crisis hit, but the central bankers and neo-classical economists are hoping you have already forgotten that).

  1. We need to save in order to fund investments that are the precondition of economic growth and development. If domestic savings are insufficient, we need to borrow from abroad or attract foreign investment.

The fourth pillar of the central bankers’ narrative has been the claim that nations that would like to develop and grow the economy need to accumulate scarce savings first, in order to fund the necessary investments. To attract these scarce savings, interest rates are needed, linking into claim 1. Moreover, since many developing countries were seen to have insufficient savings, the central banking narrative maintained that they needed to borrow the necessary funds from abroad. Thus it was fortuitous – if not serendipitous – that at the very moment when the developing countries had been educated into understanding their need of foreign borrowing, it just so happened that foreign bankers stood ready to engage in this selfless task. This need to borrow from foreign bankers has been the basis for postwar IMF and World Bank policies that drove home this point with developing countries over the past decades – if, that is – and this is a major caveat – they were in possession of attractive assets, such as raw materials and resources that are needed by industrialised countries. (Notice that countries without attractive assets never got into debt, because nobody would lend to them in the first place; likewise it was always a little curious that the global financiers at JP Morgan and other big global banks, the world’s experts in the latest derivative instruments, genuinely believed that developing countries like Ghana or Sudan were in fact much better at managing foreign exchange risk than the top teams at JP Morgan – for why else would the global bankers insist on lending to the eveloping countries in foreign currency, leaving any hedging to their exposed customers?).

  1. Both the foreign investors and the domestic goal of high growth require deregulation, liberalization and privatization, since only in such an economy can market forces deliver high and stable growth.

The final pillar of the central banking narrative is that economic growth requires markets to function in an unimpeded fashion, not held back by such barbarous relics as regulations and government intervention. Hence the mainstay central bank advice – or demand – directed at the governments to deregulate, liberalise and privatize, while generally adopting a laissez-faire attitude: no matter how big and influential a small number of multinationals or mega-banks get, their lobbyists are probably aiming at general public welfare and so their good work should not be hampered through unnecessary red tape or restrictions on their activities.

We are all familiar with parts or all of this central bank narrative, even if we are not trained economists or not commonly interested in economic issues: This is because this narrative has been repeated ad nauseam hundreds of times in the past four decades. As a result, even astute observers assume that empirical research has long established these five insights from the central bankers, in uncountable meticulous quantitative research studies.

But this is not the case. The truth could not be further from it: There is in fact no empirical evidence to support any of these five claims. They are mere assertions. Claims that have, in fact, been disproven by the facts. There is overwhelming evidence to the contrary, and this has become increasingly obvious since the 2008 financial crisis.

II. The Central Banking Narrative Has Collapsed

While voices of those pointing out that the central banking narrative has been wrong (e.g. Werner, 1992, 1994, 2003a) had been successfully drowned out by central banks and their large-scale and meticulously planned PR campaigns for many years (see Ishii and Werner, 2003; Werner, 2003b, on the ‘information management’ of central banks), it is now becoming apparent and visible even to laymen that the central banking narrative has collapsed on all fronts.

1. Banks are not financial intermediaries, but creators of the money supply

Consider first the claim that banks are mere financial intermediaries that have no special powers. For a whole century, central bank-sponsored researchers had been obfuscating the issues, claiming that either the fractional reserve theory of banking was correct or, for the past 40 years, the theory of banks as mere financial intermediaries. Despite an ongoing controversy among experts on this issue, it never occurred to economists – used to mainly dealing with theoretical dream worlds of their own making – that the methods of scientific research could in fact also be applied in economics, i.e. a suitable and careful empirical test could be conducted to settle the question of the role of banks once and for all.

In 2014, the first empirical study on how banks actually work was finally published (followed by a second study in 2015) and thus ended the centuries’ old debate about whether banks are (a) mere financial intermediaries passing on savings (deposits) as loans to borrowers, as the leading journals and textbooks proclaim today; (b) whether they need central bank reserves or deposits to lend these on to their customers (fractional reserve theory), so that each bank is an intermediary, but in aggregate more money is created by the banking system in a collective fashion – as a previous generation of unwitting central bank spokesmen had argued; or (c) whether they instead are not financial intermediaries at all, but creators of the money supply, so that each bank creates new purchasing power that is added to the money supply when it extends a loan, thus deciding about the amount and allocation of new money creation – a pivotal function in the economy.

The empirical tests rejected the financial intermediation and fractional reserve theories (Werner, 2014a, 2015) and showed that banks do not need prior savings, nor central bank reserves or other deposits to lend. Instead, banks create new money when they do what is called ‘bank lending’, and add it to the money supply (see Figure 1). Bank loans thus do not transfer existing purchasing power, but add net new purchasing power. The banks’ lending creates 97% of the money supply. Bankers’ decisions about how much money is lent – and thus created and added to the money supply – and given to whom for what purpose quickly reshapes the economic landscape and affects us all. Sadly, no regulator has asked banks to ensure they lend for productive and environmentally projects – over two thirds of UK lending is not for productive purposes that creates jobs or boosts GDP, but instead for assets, causing asset price inflation.

  Figure 1: How banks create money out of nothing when they ‘lend money’



2. Interest rates do not move the economy – and hence are not the main monetary policy tool

After the first domino of the central banking narrative collapsed, the other dominos quickly toppled over, as well: An often-repeated mantra of central bankers is that lower rates will stimulate the economy and higher rates will slow it. Currently, central bankers are once again deploying this claim, in order to justify a further reduction of interest rates to zero or even negative territory with the claim that this is necessary to stimulate the economy. So far, commentators and journalists have not challenged this central banker narrative, as it had been extensively propagated over the previous decades and is accepted as fact by most. This negative correlation between interest rates and economic growth, and also the idea that causation runs from interest rates to economic growth is so well established in everyone’s consciousness that we simply assume there is abundant empirical evidence to back it. Surely, the thousands of mathematicians and economists working for central banks (central banks are, after all, the largest employers of economists world-wide) will have crunched the numbers and produced hundreds of studies demonstrating this?

The funny thing is: they haven’t. In fact, among the more than 10,000 research articles produced by the major central banks in the two decades prior to the 2008 crisis, none explored the correlation or causation between nominal interest rates and nominal GDP growth. Fortunately, this task is not very demanding, and once we conduct such an examination, we conclude that, in actual fact, there is no evidence to back these assertions whatsoever. To the contrary, empirical evidence shows that the central banking narrative on interest rates is diametrically opposed to the observable facts in two dimensions: instead of the proclaimed negative correlation, interest rates and economic growth are positively correlated. Secondly, the timing shows that interest rates do not move ahead of growth, but instead are either coincidental or even follow it.

Consider Figure 2, which uses the example of US long-term interest rates (benchmark US Treasury yields) and nominal GDP growth rates (year-on-year percentage growth), as well as Japanese short-term rates (overnight call rates) and nominal GDP growth rates.

Figure 2: The link between interest rates and economic growth


As can be seen, the central banking narrative is wrong in two dimensions: instead of the proclaimed negative correlation, the scatter plots on the left-hand side of the graph show a distinct positive correlation (Werner, 1995, 2005). But lest anyone thinks this is due to the timing and the role of leads and legs, the graphs on the right-hand side consider the time series of the same data. As can be seen in the upper right graph, in 1987 Japanese nominal GDP growth accelerated sharply, and it took about two years for short-term interest rates to follow. In 1989, GDP growth decelerated, and only after a lag did short-term interest rates follow. Some observers may argue that central banks are naturally behind the curve of the economy, and hence so are short-term interest rates, while bond markets would not lag behind the economy. But this is also true for bond markets. The bottom right graph in Figure 2 shows the yield in the most liquid securities market in the world, that for US benchmark Treasuries, plotted against nominal GDP growth. The positive correlation of both curves is obvious. Moreover, there is no evidence that interest rates precede the economy. Quite the contrary, there seems evidence that interest rates follow nominal GDP, most blatantly in the 1980s: it took over one year for interest rates to fall, after nominal growth had collapsed in the early 1980s, and after the sharp growth acceleration in 1983 it took over a year for bond yields to rise. For decades, even US interest rates have not moved ahead of growth, but instead they followed it.

Thus instead of the central banking narrative that lower rates lead to higher growth, the empirical and verifiable reality is that higher growth leads to higher rates and lower growth leads to lower rates. If rates are the result of growth, they cannot be the cause.

This raises some new questions. Firstly, if it is not interest rates that drive growth, what then? And secondly, why do central banks keep insisting that they are using interest rates as their main monetary policy tool, when this is simply impossible? Recently, central banks have been lowering rates, while proclaiming that this is a measure to stimulate the economy. But the empirically verifiable fact is that they lowered rates, because economic growth has decelerated. Falling growth means interest rates must follow down. And what has been the role of central banks in the growth slowdown preceding the lower rates? We may presume that they had not used their vast powers to engineer economic growth – powers they worked hard to obtain in previous decades, in the form of independence with little meaningful accountability.

Instead of unravelling this mystery, central bankers have been making counter-factual assertions about the causation of interest rates and growth. Yet we know them to be in possession of thousands of highly trained staff and the best quantitative data sources on the economy of anyone. Since the hypothesis of complete incompetence or irrationality is a last resort, it stands to reason to adopt the working hypothesis that central banks have employed these counter-factual assertions on purpose. Two reasons come to mind: Firstly, they are using the interest rate narrative in order to suggest that they are adopting beneficial policies, when this may not really be the case. Secondly, they may in this way be able to distract public attention from the true causal relationships in the economy. In this case, a far less benevolent interpretation of central bank policy becomes suggestive.

As Forder (2002) has argued, obfuscation has served central banks particularly well since they have become so all-powerful: the danger for them in this era of unprecedented powers is that the general public may simply (and rightly) link bad economic outcomes to bad economic policies adopted by central banks, not to the – now far less powerful – governments. In other words, since almost all economic keys have been handed over to the central banks, one can reasonably expect them to be blamed for the economic mess that is such a recurring feature of economic policy during those decades of ever greater central bank power. As a defense mechanism, central banks could be expected to argue that they are doing all in their power to help the economy, while pinning the blame on other actors. But for this to work, observers need to be misinformed about what the true levers of monetary policy are.

A desire by central banks to misinform would explain why they have spent vast resources on “economic research” – pseudo-scientific writings that are often far removed from reality, but are designed to place any blame for the terrible economic performance that they have been responsible for on other actors – preferably the government, fiscal policy or ‘irrational’ and ‘uneducated’ ordinary people who are looking for ‘easy answers’ or seeking ‘populist explanations’, while anyone contemplating the possibility that big banks and central banks might not always look after the public interest and instead might collude in order to put their own objectives first is identified as a ‘conspiracy theorist’. In other words, the “economic research” produced by central banks is usually of a kind that at best looks like political PR to objective observers, if not outright propaganda.

3. Markets are never in equilibrium, thus don’t be fooled by prices, but consider quantities: The short side exerts power.

If there is no empirical evidence for the interest rate narrative, it is reasonable to ask where it came from in the first place. In other words, what is the origin of the idea that interest rates are the most important economic policy variable? We have ascertained that it did not emerge from empirical facts. Looking into its origin, one finds that it is a claim deriving from theoretical economics. The theory proposing the special role of interest rates can be derived from the central – some say only – graph in economics that shows demand and supply: it consists of an upward-sloping supply curve and a downward-sloping demand curve in price-output space. Under a number of assumptions prices are said to move so that demand equals supply. This seems eminently reasonable at first glance: after all, if prices are too high, excess supply will be left unsold, resulting in price cuts and hence a fall in prices, until demand equals supply. Likewise, if prices are too low, excess demand will quickly drive up prices back to the “equilibrium” level – the point at which demand equals supply. This story is told about virtually any market: in the case of the labour market, the price is the wage. In the case of the money market, the price is the interest rate.

Figure 3: The central graph in economics: Equilibrium thanks to price movements


This “equilibrium” graph (Figure 3) and the ideas behind it have been re-iterated so many times in the past half-century that many observes assume they represent one of the few firmly proven facts in economics. Not at all. There is no empirical evidence whatsoever that demand equals supply in any market and that, indeed, markets work in the way this story narrates.

We know this by simply paying attention to the details of the narrative presented. The innocuous assumptions briefly mentioned at the outset are in fact necessary joint conditions in order for the result of equilibrium to be obtained. There are at least eight of these result-critical necessary assumptions: Firstly, all market participants have to have “perfect information”, aware of all existing information (thus not needing lecture rooms, books, television or the internet to gather information in a time-consuming manner; there are no lawyers, consultants or estate agents in the economy). Secondly, there are markets trading everything (and their grandmother). Thirdly, all markets are characterized by millions of small firms that compete fiercely so that there are no profits at all in the corporate sector (and certainly there are no oligopolies or monopolies; computer software is produced by so many firms, one hardly knows what operating system to choose…). Fourthly, prices change all the time, even during the course of each day, to reflect changed circumstances (no labels are to be found on the wares offered in supermarkets as a result, except in LCD-form). Fifthly, there are no transaction costs (it costs no petrol to drive to the supermarket, stock brokers charge no commission, estate agents work for free – actually, don’t exist, due to perfect information!). Sixthly, everyone has an infinite amount of time and lives infinitely long lives. Seventhly, market participants are solely interested in increasing their own material benefit and do not care for others (so there are no babies, human reproduction has stopped – since babies have all died of neglect; this is where the eternal life of the grown-ups helps). Eighthly, nobody can be influenced by others in any way (so trillion-dollar advertising industry does not exist, just like the legal services and estate agent industries).

It is only in this theoretical dreamworld defined by this conflagration of wholly unrealistic assumptions that markets can be expected to clear, delivering equilibrium and rendering prices the important variable in the economy – including the price of money as the key variable in the macroeconomy. This is the origin of the idea that interest rates are the key variable driving the economy: it is the price of money that determines economic outcomes, since quantities fall into place.

But how likely are these assumptions that are needed for equilibrium to pertain? We know that none of them hold. Yet, if we generously assumed, for sake of argument (in good economists’ style), that the probability of each assumption holding true is 55% – i.e. the assumptions are more likely to be true than not – even then we find the mainstream result is elusive: Because all assumptions need to hold at the same time, the probability of obtaining equilibrium in that case is 0.55 to the power of 8 – i.e. less than 1%! In other words, neoclassical economics has demonstrated to us that the circumstances required for equilibrium to occur in any market are so unlikely that we can be sure there is no equilibrium anywhere. Thus we know that markets are rationed, and rationed markets are determined by quantities, not prices.

On our planet earth – as opposed to the very different planet that economists seem to be on – all markets are rationed. In rationed markets a simple rule applies: the short side principle. It says that whichever quantity of demand or supply is smaller (the ‘short side’) will be transacted (it is the only quantity that can be transacted). Meanwhile, the rest will remain unserved, and thus the short side wields power: the power to pick and choose with whom to do business. Examples abound. For instance, when applying for a job, there tend to be more applicants than jobs, resulting in a selection procedure that may involve a number of activities and demands that can only be described as being of a non-market nature (think about how Hollywood actresses are selected), but does not usually include the question: what is the lowest wage you are prepared to work for?

Thus the theoretical dream world of “market equilibrium” allows economists to avoid talking about the reality of pervasive rationing, and with it, power being exerted by the short side in every market. Thus the entire power dimension in our economic reality – how the short side, such as the producer hiring starlets for Hollywood films, can exploit his power of being able to pick and choose with whom to do business, by extracting ‘non-market benefits’ of all kinds. The pretense of ‘equilibrium’ not only keeps this real power dimension hidden. It also helps to deflect the public discourse onto the politically more convenient alleged role of ‘prices’, such as the price of money, the interest rate. The emphasis on prices then also helps to justify the charging of usury (interest), which until about 300 years ago was illegal in most countries, including throughout Europe.

However, this narrative has suffered an abductio ad absurdum by the long period of near zero interest rates, so that it became obvious that the true monetary policy action takes place in terms of quantities, not the interest rate.

Thus it can be plainly seen today that the most important macroeconomic variable cannot be the price of money. Instead, it is its quantity. Is the quantity of money rationed by the demand or supply side? Asked differently, what is larger – the demand for money or its supply? Since money – and this includes bank money – is so useful, there is always some demand for it by someone. As a result, the short side is always the supply of money and credit. Banks ration credit even at the best of times in order to ensure that borrowers with sensible investment projects stay among the loan applicants – if rates are raised to equilibrate demand and supply, the resulting interest rate would be so high that only speculative projects would remain and banks’ loan portfolios would be too risky.

The banks thus occupy a pivotal role in the economy as they undertake the task of creating and allocating the new purchasing power that is added to the money supply and they decide what projects will get this newly created funding, and what projects will have to be abandoned due to a ‘lack of money’.

It is for this reason that we need the right type of banks that take the right decisions concerning the important question of how much money should be created, for what purpose and given into whose hands. These decisions will reshape the economic landscape within a short time period.

Moreover, it is for this reason that central banks have always monitored bank credit creation and allocation closely and most have intervened directly – if often secretly or ‘informally’ – in order to manage or control bank credit creation. Guidance of bank credit is in fact the only monetary policy tool with a strong track record of preventing asset bubbles and thus avoiding the subsequent banking crises. But credit guidance has always been undertaken in secrecy by central banks, since awareness of its existence and effectiveness gives away the truth that the official central banking narrative is smokescreen.

Figure 4: A key monetary policy tool: Guidance of bank credit

4. We do not need to save or borrow from abroad in order to expand investment and growth

A basic argument by economists has been that we first need to accumulate scarce savings in order to fund investments and hence enjoy economic growth – or alternatively borrow those savings from abroad by taking a loan from the international banking community. But this argument is based on the erroneous belief that banks are merely financial intermediaries that require savings first in order to be able to lend money out. In reality, increased domestic investment requires neither savings nor borrowing from abroad. Domestic banks can fund domestic investment without prior savings becoming available.

Once we realize this, the power of the bankers crumbles. It has been their ploy to pretend that they were issuing what is a very scarce and precious resource – savings or money. For if it was not scarce, why should we be prepared to pay the bankers for this service (in the form of interest)? Governments could just create their own money, without having to pay interest on the national debt (which by now in a number of countries takes up the majority of national annual budgets – usually well hidden from the eyes of the public, by publishing only the fiscal budgets that are considered “discretionary spending” – pretending that interest payments are non-negotiable and compulsory). Or in the words of Leo Tolstoy (paraphrased): The reason why economists single out ‘labour’ and ‘capital’ in their ‘production function’ is, firstly, because they want to charge for ‘capital’ (interest), justifying it as being equivalent to the wages that workers get, and secondly, because nobody has figured out how to charge for the sun light, the air and other necessary factors of production. And they can only charge for ‘capital’, because economics has been designed to create the myth of its scarcity.

That money is not in fact a scarce resource, but a tool that can and should be employed by governments as benefits communities and nations is also true for developing economies and emerging markets: the “Third World Debt Crisis” was unnecessary, since for most purposes the affected countries did not need to borrow money from the foreign bankers in order to grow their economies. Worse, the foreign money from the foreign currency-denominated loans given to developing countries never even reached the borrowing economy’s borders. This is because it is one of the rules in international banking that pound sterling bank money stays with UK-authorised banks, euros stay in eurozone economy banks and US dollars remain with US banks. A so-called “US dollar deposit” in the UK is in actual fact a deposit with a US bank that is crediting the account of its UK respondent bank with this amount. Thus when a developing country borrowed from the international banks, they invariably lent dollars, pounds, euros or other currencies of industrialised countries, because the foreign bankers can only create foreign money (and they do create it out of nothing). The cruel joke on developing countries is now that those foreign dollars or euros that they borrowed will always stay abroad, in their respective foreign banking systems.

It is of course possible to sell the foreign currency and purchase domestic currency with it – but that only results in domestic bank credit creation, something that can be undertaken without getting indebted to foreign bankers in foreign currency in the first place – while it is the borrowers who are made to shoulder the large foreign currency risk. As the currencies of developing countries invariably fall over time against those of industrialised countries, they quickly get stuck in a foreign debt trap, unable to service or repay the foreign debt which is spiraling out of control in domestic currency terms. That is when the foreign vultures move in and demand ‘debt for equity swaps’, handing over valuable domestic assets, land, mines, mineral resources or mining rights, from poor countries to the rich foreign bankers, who had in any case simply created the money out of nothing. The developing country debt is in fact a form of predatory lending to ensure that the former colonies remain, in economic terms, in the hands of their former masters – if they have attractive assets, that is. Most of all, the round-trip via foreign banks is wholly unnecessary, if the borrowing nations want domestic currency: that is only created by their own banking system.

Thus it is becoming apparent that the central banking narrative of scarce money and scarce savings has been a hoax. This has become particularly obvious since central banks have opened all taps and created trillions of dollars and euros and handed them over to the big banks and large-scale financial speculators – under the pretense that this is ‘necessary’ or would somehow benefit society at large. (Their definition of this activity as ‘quantitative easing’ is also designed to mislead: the original thrust of quantitative easing is an expansion in credit creation for the real economy, not mainly for the financial markets – see my writings on this in Japan in the mid to late 1990s, or Voutsinas and Werner, 2011; Lyonnet and Werner, 2012; Werner, 2013).

5. Deregulation, liberalization and privatization do not enhance growth – they reduce it.

The first four pillars of the central banking narrative have collapsed: Banks create money out of nothing and thus reshape the economy in their image. Markets are rationed and the key factor is the quantity of bank credit. Bank credit creation for GDP transactions boosts GDP growth, no matter what interest rates do (they will follow GDP growth). Developing countries do not need to borrow from abroad, and in fact should not borrow from abroad, as this puts them unnecessarily at mercy of the foreign creditors.

As these pillars revolve around banks and money and credit, some economists may agree, but argue that economics has long focused on the real economy and purposely chose to ignore all the financial factors. In this real economy, they will argue, the most important principle is to allow market forces to act without being hampered by governments – then we will see economic growth and stability. Should this fifth pillar of the central banking narrative at least be true?

Judging by the publications of the central banks, as well as the IMF or the World Bank, one would expect so: When these Washington-based institutions send their teams of staff and hired consultants to developing countries, their job can usually be completed very quickly. Without much ado, a new country report complete with major policy conclusions is drafted. The secret of such efficient work: even before these foreign experts had travelled (first class) to the respective countries, the conclusions of their study had already been pre-determined, because they are always the same, no matter which country is concerned: The goal of the axiomatic-deductive neoclassical belief system is to find ex post justifications for the argument that government intervention is bad, and markets need to be unfettered by any form of intervention. This predetermined conclusion is then presented, in the form of ‘research reports’ or ‘studies’, to the leadership of many nations across the world, only vaguely connected to local facts and institutions.

In order to reach such conclusions, neoclassical and central bank economists worked backwards: What kind of model comes to such conclusions? Answer: A model that operates in a dream-like idealized world. What are the features that define such a world? A long list of assumptions needs to hold, creating a bizarre theoretical Neverland: perfect information, complete markets in equilibrium, perfect competition, zero transaction costs, no time constraints, perfectly flexible prices that adjust all the time, everyone is very selfish and does not care about others, and people are not influenced by others. Why do all these assumptions matter? Because neoclassical economists have proven that they all need to jointly hold true, for market equilibrium and efficient markets to exist, and for government intervention to be ineffective.

The next step in the sequence of using such models is the most important one: present in reverse order, by pretending that no pre-determined conclusions existed. Start by listing the assumptions – for sake of argument. Then present the model. Then pursue it to its conclusions, which happen to be… let’s see… Oh, amazing: this model happens to conclude government intervention is bad and only free and deregulated markets will work! Well, in that case, ladies and gentlemen, we shall need to recommend deregulation, liberalization and privatization!

That such economic charlatanry passes for ‘economics’ in leading journals, textbooks and university lecture rooms is a sad indictment not only of the economics establishment, but of academia and society at large.

But what about economies in our world, on the planet we live – as opposed to the bizarre planet described by the economic charlatans? Since none of these assumptions hold, we know that we can neither expect equilibrium nor will deregulation, liberalization and privatization trigger improved economic growth.

If our theoretical assessment of the theoretical claims is correct, we should also be able to muster empirical support for it. And it exists in abundance. In order to test these neo-classical policy recommendations of deregulation and market supremacy, we can compare the market-oriented and shareholder value-focused US and UK economies with those economies known to have always placed an emphasis on government intervention, non-market forms of resource allocation combined with social welfare systems, namely Germany, Japan, Korea, Taiwan and China. Of course we should not be influenced by the business cycle, and thus need to consider a longer time period, such as half a century. Considering therefore the half-century from 1950 to 2000, we would expect the best performance in those economies that are more market-oriented, and the worst performance in economies that have chosen to practice intervention, ‘guidance’ and the use of production cartels. What is the empirical result? This can be seen in Figure 5.

Figure 5         Average real economic growth over half a century

We find that it is the market-oriented, shareholder-oriented economies that perform worst. The economic performance of the East Asian non-market economies has been vastly superior. Many observers suspend disbelief, when they consider this result, and come up with many special reasons (i.e. introduce auxiliary assumptions) why this finding should not be taken at face value. Such a result must not be true, they seem to believe, hence it cannot be true.

Perhaps a more sophisticated analysis will convince doubters. We can also examine the dynamics of deregulation and its impact on economic growth. The IMF and World Bank hired hands that are sent all over the world to ‘conclude’ what central banks also proclaim at home: country X needs to deregulate, liberalise and privatize in order to improve its particular economic performance. Thus an empirically testable hypothesis can be formulated: Is there any evidence that deregulation, liberalization and privatization have increased economic growth over time?

Once again, the objective observer is stunned by the paucity of empirical evidence. Let us conduct our own test. For it to be meaningful, we should choose a country that has moved from a state of regulation, government ownership of large firms and non-market forms of economic organization towards complete deregulation, liberalization and privatization. Fortunately, a major industrialised economy has undergone the full spectrum of such a swing in the policy pendulum: By the late 1960s, Japan was effectively not a market economy, but a ‘guided economy’ in which over 1000 cartels (official exemptions to the anti-monopoly law) had been established, in which tens of thousands of economic regulations allowed the bureaucrats to intervene in the economy, in which the stock and bond markets were largely irrelevant (as most funding came from banks), and in which the labour market was famously full of ‘rigidities’ and ‘inflexibilities’, with life-time employment, seniority pay and company unions.

Then, under US pressure, the Japanese government started to deregulate, liberalise and privatize state enterprises in the 1970s. (It was a hard sell: The Japanese wondered why they should give up their obviously successful system. Everyone knew that US elites were unhappy about the successful Japanese economy, yet US policy ‘advice’ to deregulate was given to Japan with the justification that it would ‘improve Japanese economic performance’ – as if any further growth was needed…). Japan, politically a US vassal, continued to deregulate. The trend of structural reform accelerated in the 1980s, and reached its zenith of a completely deregulated, liberalized and privatized economy in the early 2000s. This deregulation can representatively be measured by the number of cartels, which peaked in the 1960s in Japan and fell in line with US pressure, reaching zero in the 2000s. Below we shall plot the number of cartels against economic growth. Should the neoclassical theory be relevant, we would expect a negative correlation: as the number of cartels increases, economic performance deteriorates, and as the number of cartels drops, growth declines.

Figure 6 The number of cartels in Japan and the link to economic performance

As we can see, the neoclassical thesis has been rejected by the empirical evidence. In the 1950s, the designers of the Japanese economic system intentionally increased the number of cartels, in order to improve economic performance (Werner, 2003a). As we can see, as the number of cartels almost doubled to over 1000 by the late 1960s, while economic growth accelerated to double-digit figures. When, under US pressure, the number of cartels was reduced in the 1970s, growth dropped. The drop in cartels is accompanied by weaker and weaker economic growth. The deregulation drive culminated in the entire abolition of cartels by the end of the 1990s – and economic growth equally reached zero. A similar picture has been painted by the performance of many developing countries, including Argentina and African nations, which followed the economic advice of the Washington-based institutions. We conclude that the fifth of the central bank claims – that deregulation, liberalization and privatization enhances economic growth – has also been revealed to be fraudulent.

III. Successful Development Policy: Harnessing Money and Institutional Design

Based on his long experience close to the government of England, Lord Acton claimed:

Official truth is not actual truth

(Lord Acton).

As we saw, the central banking narrative has collapsed on all fronts. The main pillars of their false belief system, for too long propped up by fraudulent ‘economics’, have all crumbled.

It is time to use the power of the monetary system for the good of the people. This can be done by being aware of the basics of money: it is best measured by bank credit, since banks create the money supply through their credit creation. Moreover, the credit data can be examined to identify the use of the newly created money: This delivers three basic scenarios concerning the role and use of bank credit (Werner, 1997, 2005; Figure 7):

Figure 7: Quantity Theory of Credit and the Effects of Credit Creation

Firstly, if domestic banks extend credit mainly for consumption, then final demand increases by the amount of loans, but there is no increase in available goods and services. Hence prices have to rise. This consumer price inflation scenario is the first one would normally think of when considering an expansion in the money supply. But it is a special case. In the UK, more common is the second case: The majority of bank credit creation in the UK is not even used for transactions that contribute to and are part of GDP, but instead is used for asset transactions. They are not part of GDP, since national income accountants require a ‘value added’ for inclusion in GDP, not just the shifting of ownership rights from one person to another. When bank credit for asset transactions rises, asset prices are driven up, because the loans do not transfer existing purchasing power, but instead constitute an increase in net purchasing power: money is being created and injected into asset markets. When a larger effective demand for assets is exerted, while in the short-term the amount of available assets is largely fixed, the price of assets must rise.

Such asset inflation can go on for several years without major observable problems. However, as soon as the credit creation for non-GDP transactions stops or even slows, it is ‘game over’ for the asset bubble: asset prices will not rise any further. The first speculators, requiring rising asset prices, go bankrupt, and banks are left with non-performing loans. As a result they will tend to reduce lending against such asset collateral further, resulting in further drops in asset prices, which in turn create more bankruptcies. When asset-based lending had become a major part of bank portfolios and when banks had already driven up asset prices by several hundred percent due to their excessive asset-based credit creation, then it is inevitable what will follow: bank equity is usually less than 10%, and thus asset prices need to fall only by a little more than that – which is not difficult, after rises of several hundred percent – and the banking system is bankrupt: losses from non-performing loans have to be made up from equity (if no other funds are available, which is usually the case in such situations).

Thus a full-blown banking crisis must follow after a bank-credit driven asset bubble. One does not need to be a central banker to know this very well. (Why, then, did the ECB allow 20% or more bank credit growth in Ireland, Portugal, Spain and Greece, for several years? Such high credit growth is clearly in excess of nominal GDP growth and hence it is clear that it must be creating unsustainable asset bubbles that result in banking crises – as the Quantity Theory of Credit has postulated since its inception in 1992; Werner, 1992, 1997; 2012, 2013).

There is a third, redeeming case: When bank credit is used for productive investments, such as the implementation of new technologies, measures to increase productivity or the creation of new goods and services (whose value is higher than the mere sum of their inputs, thus adding value), then such new money creation – which always happens when banks grant credit –will not result in any form of overall inflation – neither consumer price inflation nor asset price inflation. This is because the new purchasing power that is created is used to produce higher value added output and hence the extra demand due to the money creation is met with a higher supply. By ensuring that money and credit are only created when something real is created, i.e. for productive purposes, one can achieve very high economic growth without inflation, without crises and in a relatively equitable way: This is how the East Asian ‘miracle economies’ of Japan, Taiwan, Korea and China, developed so quickly. By using regulation to ensure that bank credit is only created for productive purposes, high growth can be achieved, even when the economy is already at an apparent ‘full employment’ level, because productive investment credit improves the allocation of existing resources, however limited, by mobilizing both supply and creating the necessary demand for the output.

But isn’t this central planning, which failed under communism? The reality in even the most deregulated economy is that the most important decision – about how much money the banks create and who it is given to – is in any case determined by bureaucrats (the loan officers working at the banks) without consideration of whether this is good for the economy or not. So rules to prevent harmful type of credit supply decisions by banks cannot be considered harmful or excessive intervention. What has worked well is the combination of market mechanisms with clever guidance in a small number of key areas – none more key than the creation and allocation of money – in order to prevent the worst excesses of capitalism and steer the economy towards a path that benefits all. This is necessary, because once unrealistic assumptions such as perfect information and efficient markets are relaxed, there is no guarantee that markets left to their own devices will produce socially optimal results. In reality, the hurdle for government intervention to be successful is far lower than is presented in the neoclassical models, which conjure an artificial idealized economy that purports to function so perfectly and efficiently already that no further improvement through intervention is possible. This unrealistic and artificial case is what the much trumpeted neoclassical claim that government intervention is inefficient or ‘bad’ is based on. In reality, markets are neither efficient nor even in equilibrium. Hence it is relatively easy for clever intervention to deliver superior performance.

This is precisely what the Germans and Japanese demonstrated to the world, and the Koreans, Taiwanese and Chinese demonstrated that these insights into clever institutional design and credit guidance can be exported and universally applied. The designers of the German and Japanese system based their institutional designs on a more realistic description of the world (see Werner, 2003a). The German-Japanese system worked by utilizing the willingness for co-operation and aiming at positive results for all that can be gained in the long-run (ditching the ridiculous claim that people would never co-operate but only selfishly maximize their own benefit). By focusing on mutually beneficial cooperation and coordination, they managed to internalize externalities, minimize information costs, and, most of all, motivate individuals. They recognized that ‘utility functions’ are interdependent, people compete in hierarchical fashion and have a common desire for justice and fairness of organizational arrangements. While neglected in static models and policy advice, human resources are taken more seriously in the German/Japanese model. As Ronald Dore pointed out “in Japan… people tend to be good at discerning possibilities of cooperation which can be of general benefit, and at devising organizational forms which can reap those benefits in ways which all participants can consider fair” (Dore, 2001, p. 38).

One such organizational form is the system of industry associations, which are modern incarnations of the medieval guild structure. Due to their public goods character, resulting cartels were welfare-enhancing. The cooperative orientation does not mean there is no competition. As Dore explains well, competition can be fierce, as the system combines markets and hierarchies. The tendency towards the formation of cartels is counter-acted by relatively low concentration ratios in many industries (due to bank finance and cross-shareholdings which result in fewer hostile take-overs) and inter-firm rivalry due to life-time employment (Werner, 2003a).

Finally, neoclassical economists assume that capital is the scarce resource, while ‘labour’ is in abundant supply, justifying a high reward for capitalists and a low reward for labour – resulting in a declining distribution of national income in favour of the capitalists and an ever declining share for labour.

Figure 8 Labour share in national income in the US


Already in 2001, Ronald Dore said about this neoclassical claim that capital is scarce and labour is abundant:

It is amazing that anyone can seriously sustain this view in a world awash with so much liquidity that its movement from one country to another keeps exchange rates in perpetual motion (Dore, 2001, p. 15).

The reality of credit creation and our money supply being conjured ex nihilo by the banks in an act of modern-day alchemy puts paid to the neoclassical claim that capital is scarce. That must have been a reason why neoclassical theories refused to include banking in their models.

The Anglo-Saxon model is good for the shareholders. By contrast, the Germans and Japanese maintained market mechanisms, but during the heyday of their model eliminated shareholders as the main beneficiaries (see Werner, 2003a). Instead of serving the few, a form of capitalism was born that succeeded in creating a decent quality of life for the many – employees and society at large: Managerial capitalism, or capitalism without capitalists. A centralised form of this type of economy may in the limit approach a fascist economy. Thus it is paramount that the power levers are decentralised and rendered accountable to local communities. Nationwide organisations are usually too large to allow effective and meaningful accountability.

Why did the German and Japanese systems lose their way? Because they fell for the neoclassical central banking narrative – the surest way to reduce the efficiency of any economy. Thus Germany and Japan adopted the Anlgo-Saxon model. The changes this entailed increased “financialisation”, i.e. the share of economic activity devoted to profit-seeking by shifting ownership certificates from A to B (Werner, 2002b, Dore 2000). Adopting US-style capitalism means that Germany and Japan are importing its disadvantages and social problems. Dore asks: Can it be efficient to devote ever more people to servicing “gambling on uncertainties in financial markets” with analysis, advice, appraisal, advertising? As increasingly strong shareholders demand “value”, will social welfare or overall fairness increase?

But has the weak Japanese performance since the 1990s not been proof that the Japanese system does not work well? Whether this is really true must be investigated, which I have done in several publications (Werner, 2003a, 2004, 2005). The evidence clearly suggests that the Japanese recession was not due to the economic structure, but instead to a central bank aiming at dismantling welfare capitalism, and in order to do this, intentionally engineering and prolonging the Japanese recession.

The often touted demographic explanation of weak economic growth also does not convince: As I explain elsewhere (Werner, 2004), Japan’s weak economic performance has not been due to structural factors (the supply side). This is easily established, since resources have been unemployed, and economic growth has remained below potential growth (hence the deflationary pressure). Moreover, even if one considered the Japanese fertility rate, it is clear that past monetary policies have not done much to raise it; to the contrary, the property bubble of the 1980s and continued high property prices have made it harder for families to find affordable homes. Most of all, the central bank could easily have reversed the trend of a falling fertility rate, by giving families meaningful incentives to have more babies. I proposed many years ago for the Bank of Japan to create and pay out the equivalent of USD200,000 for each newly born baby – which would not cost the tax payer anything. Such true ‘people QE’ would be the most productive use of credit creation, since technology drives the growth potential of an economy, and that can only be produced by people. Moreover, each human born thanks to this policy would pay back this ‘people QE’ amount several times over through their lifetime contributions in labour, taxes, welfare contributions and other positive input into society. That such monetary incentives work well has been demonstrated in Russia and Australia, where far more modest payments – of less than USD10,000 (and funded from the finance ministry, not the central bank, i.e. costing tax payers) already succeeded in reversing the demographic decline (Figures 9 and 10). However, instead of solving the demographic decline in Japan, the Bank of Japan has chosen to prolong the recession, which has changed the labour market and made jobs – and hence family incomes – far more precarious than in the past.

Figure 9: Russian fertility and the introduction of a baby bonus


Figure 10: Australian fertility and the introduction of a baby bonus

IV. How Have Central Banks Reacted to these Revelations?

So it is clear and visible that the central bank narrative has collapsed. How have central banks reacted to these revelations? Their response has been the launch of a multi-faceted and audacious bid to concentrate even more power in their hands.

Can this be true?

Here are the five measures central banks have taken since the truth about money creation has emerged:

  1. Central banks have pushed interest rates to zero or negative territory
    Officially, this has happened to stimulate the economy. But lower rates do not stimulate the economy. To the contrary, such low interest rates are actively harmful to economic growth, because they lead to higher borrowing costs (as seen in Switzerland after negative interest rates on bank holdings of reserves at the central bank were introduced). Moreover, they squeeze profit margins of the banks so much that the banking sector comes under massive pressure to merge and amalgamate. Larger banks lend less for productive purposes and engage more in financial transactions banking. As bank credit creation for productive purposes shrinks, nominal GDP growth stagnates and may even contract, resulting in deflation (as witnessed in Japan for much of the past two decades). Why are central banks engineering low growth, deflation and bank amalgamations? On 21 September 2016, ECB head Mario Draghi (a former banker with Goldman Sachs) said that “There are overcapacities in the banking sector of some countries” in the Eurozone. Which country could he have been talking about? Germany boasts by far the largest number of banks – about ten times as many as the global centre of international finance, the UK. 80% of these banks in Germany are local, not-for-profit community banks, which do not pay bankers’ bonuses, and which serve ordinary people and small firms, creating a strong SME sector (the main employer in most countries). Why is the ECB taking policies that are killing the majority of banks in the Eurozone – the beneficial not-for-profit community banks – while helping big banks with its asset purchases?
  2. Central banks have proposed the abolition of cash
    This idea has been advanced by central bank staffers, such as Andy Haldane of the Bank of England, or IMF consultants and former staff, such as Kenneth Rogoff, as well as former big bank staff, such as Larry Summers. Why do central banks want to reduce our choices when it comes to money? Why is legislation being introduced in more and more countries to abolish cash? (In India, large-denomination bank notes have simply been declared void in November 2016, expropriating many lower income families, resulting in bankruptcies, a sharp recession and ruin for many). The official justification for the abolition of cash, apart from the disingenuous claim that this would ‘fight crime’, consists in the ‘need’ to introduce negative interest rates: with negative rates, everyone would withdraw their deposits from the bank, by turning them into cash. And negative rates are needed, because – as we have heard for decades – lowering rates stimulates the economy. This narrative has many flaws. Firstly, if interest rate reductions are so important and so useful, why have the many reductions to currently unprecedentedly low rates, unseen in world history, not stimulated the economy significantly? Secondly, it is an empirical fact that interest rates do not stimulate growth, but they follow growth, and are positively correlated. They are thus not a policy tool to manage growth, and if they were causally responsible for growth, due to their positive correlation central banks would have to raise rates to stimulate growth! Thirdly, those who claim negative rates help argue that this will induce people to withdraw their deposits from banks in order to spend it. Why then the need to abolish cash, since getting people to withdraw deposits seems to be the aim? Fourthly, negative rates reduce profit margins in the banking sector, inevitably squeezing out the small banks that lend to small firms for productive investments, and resulting in a small number of too-big-to-fail banks. In Germany, the ECB’s policy is killing the 1,500 good community banks that have been lending productively to SMEs and family businesses, creating 200 years of superior and stable economic performance. These banks were neither a cause of the 2008 crisis, nor much affected by it, increasing their lending in Germany and ensuring that no recession or rise in unemployment occurred. Why then are central banks pushing the abolition of cash? The central banks seem to have responded to the revelation about their misinformation and manipulations with an audacious bid to concentrate all power further in their hands. But the central bankers revealed their hand through a number of further moves:
  3. Central banks and their media spokesmen have thrown their weight behind so-called ‘monetary reform’ movements to abolish bank credit creation altogether.
    The ‘monetary reform group’ Positive Money appears well funded in the country of its founding (the UK), and it seems suggestive that its members have appeared at national and international events and conferences together – and apparently singing from the same hymn sheet – with the Bank of England and the George Soros (Gyorgy Schwartz)-funded INET (‘Institute for New Economic Thinking’). Thus the Bank of England recently hired a monetary reform advocate from the IMF. While monetary reform is potentially a worthwhile cause, it all depends on how exactly the system gets reformed. What is surprising is that despite all the appearance of ‘debate’ among ‘monetary reformers’, their conclusion seems to have been fixed in advance and never varies – and no discussion is allowed about alternative conclusions (a rehash of the neoclassical economics methodology). What is that much-hailed policy conclusion? Who should be the sole creator and allocator of all money, which would then all be digital? I suppose the reader will by now have guessed it. Well, of course, it should be the central bank. So ‘reform radicals’ like Positive Money propose to make the Bank of England yet even more powerful.

  4. Central banks have proposed the introduction of central bank cybercurrency
    In order to fully dominate such a centralized monetary system that consists only of the central planners at the central bank as sole money creator (a system reviving that of the Soviet Union, where there was only one central bank and no other banks), the central banks wish to get rid of cash, as its use cannot be monitored in real time. In their bid for total centralized control over all economic transactions, the central banks are thus proposing to replace cash with their own digital currency that will be used by all in the economy. Together with the abolition of cash and the abolition of bank credit creation, central banks would in this case achieve total control over all economic transactions and those who conduct them.  

V. The Central Bankers’ Goal

During the last four decades, many asset bubbles and banking crises have marred the economy and pushed society off balance. There have been well over 100 banking crises and subsequent recessions during this time period. These boom-bust cycles have caused an unprecedented transfer of wealth from the many to the few. This redistribution of incomes and wealth has resulted in unprecedented levels of inequality.

This time period also coincides with a period of unparalleled power in the hands of central banks. Under pressure from the IMF and, in Europe, Brussels legislators, country after country made their central bank independent from governments and usually – and surprisingly – also independent from and unaccountable to parliaments. Thus lacking the constraints of the normal democratic process, central banks have been free to choose their tools, targets and modus operandi. They have been entirely free to choose their policies.

The job of central banks has been to engage in monetary policy in order to deliver stable prices, stable growth and stable currencies. However, central banks have thoroughly failed in this, as the frequency and amplitude of business cycles has increased during this time period, and more traditional cycles of growth and recession have been replaced by boom-bust cycles.

The creation of the newest major central bank, the European Central Bank, is a case in point. The treaties that established it granted it unprecedented powers, unchecked by any democratically elected assembly. This was unprecedented, but only in the post-war era. As I argued in my 2003 book Princes of the Yen and an academic research paper (Werner, 2006), the ECB was not modelled on the successful Bundesbank in Frankfurt, but the disastrous prior German central bank, the Reichsbank, which created asset bubble and bust, deflation, hyperinflation and essentially caused the economic chaos that helped bring Adolf Hitler to power, after which the Reichsbank, under the leadership of the same man that had created this chaos in the 1920s, then reflated rapidly, rendering this previously marginal fringe-politician highly popular. The problem with the Reichsbank was its excessive independence and lack of any accountability to German institutions or parliament whatsoever. Thus the founders of post-war Germany were wise to change the new central bank’s status by significantly curtailing its independence: the Bundesbank was made accountable and subordinated to Parliament, as one would expect in a democracy. It became probably the world’s most successful central bank. While the Brussels centralisers, when pushing the Maastricht Treaty (signed in 1992), portrayed the ECB as having been modelled on the successful Bundesbank (also situated in Frankfurt), the truth could not have been further from it. Instead, the ECB was made independent from and unaccountable to any democratic assembly, as well as to governments. The ECB had in fact been modelled on the disastrous Reichsbank.

Based on this analysis, I warned in 2003 that the ECB was likely to abuse its excessive powers by creating vast credit booms, asset bubbles and banking crises in the Eurozone. This it duly did, from 2004 to 2008 in Ireland, Portugal, Spain and Greece, as well as other parts of the Eurozone. As it turned out – and as we know from former ECB head Jean-Claude Trichet’s speech in Aachen in 2011 – the goal of ECB policy was not to create stability. Instead, it was the insidious plan to cause havoc, by creating asset bubbles that could then be pricked, all the while blaming greedy speculators and bankers. The ensuing recession could be used as justification for deep structural reforms (as the Bank of Japan has done in Japan, the Bank of Thailand after the Asian crisis), and, more importantly, in order to introduce a United States of Europe with centralized monetary and fiscal powers. The latter goal of a ‘European Finance Ministry’, so desired by ECB-head Trichet, was essentially achieved thanks to the crisis with budgetary control now residing in Brussels, and a supranational ESM having been established that can de facto operate as European finance ministry, without any democratic accountability – or even scrutiny by any policy force or public prosecutor. A senior member of the ECB council and for many years governor of one of the national central banks that are part of the ECB confirmed in private and off-the record discussion how he was shocked at the democratic deficit of the ECB and how it had abused its powers to achieve political goals, such as in the ‘negotiations’ with the humiliated Spanish and Greek governments.

Central banks are now in the process of consolidating their powers. They wish to get rid of competition in the form of paper money or bank credit. They are driving both cash and bank credit out of business through their negative interest rates, which are not designed to stimulate the economy, but to create deflation and further havoc. – Havoc that they intend to instrumentalise to accelerate their goal of becoming the complete masters of our lives, by allowing only digital currency that they issue and control – and that they can monitor in terms of all transactions, and that they can switch off, if, for instance, some pesky dissident criticizes them too much.

On this road to Orwellian totalitarianism by the central planners at the central banks, it is only a small further step to argue that the little chips on our digital cash cards would be safer – in the name of combatting crime again! – if one embedded them under the skin of our right hands, or our foreheads.

He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the  number of his name

(Rev 13:16-17).

VI. What Should be our Response? How can we Defend Ourselves?

The overarching trend of the 20th century has been the concentration of power in the hands of the few. This has not been a healthy trend, as many millions of innocent people died during the 20th century.

Central banks have been key beneficiaries and today’s locus of this unprecedented concentration of power. At the same time, central banks lack accountability. There is no meaningful way in which central banks are held to account for their massive policy ‘mistakes’ and reckless creation of vast boom-bust cycles, massive banking crises and large-scale unemployment (with youth unemployment at over 50% in Spain and Greece).

This unaccountable, hence limitless and absolute power in the hands of the central bankers has consequences.

Lord Acton, a shrewd observer of power, concluded:

Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Lesser known is that he also seems to have been aware of the power in the hands of the bankers:

The issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought sooner or later is the people versus the banks.

Most central banks were created as cartels by big banking groups. Today, many central banks remain in private hands – such as the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the Italian, Greek or South African central banks.

The solution to this concerted threat to our civil liberties and our freedom can only be to try to advance the opposite agenda: the decentralization of power.

We can decentralize power in our monetary system by abandoning the big banks and instead creating and supporting local not-for-profit community banks and ultimately a system of local public money issued by local authorities as receipts for services rendered to the local community.

One reason why central banks have sprung so frantically into action after their narrative had been thoroughly disproven is that the revelations about the nature of money has drawn the curtain open and allowed the public to see what is in the innermost sanctum of their central banks: nothing. Just like the Wizard of Oz in the Emerald City thrived on his reputation, while behind his curtain nothing could be found, so have central banks relied on politicians and the public not understanding the nature of money and the role of central banks.

The truth of the matter is: We don’t need central banks. Since 97% of the money supply is created by banks, the importance of central banks is far smaller than generally envisaged. Moreover, the kind of money that commercial banks create is not privileged at law. Legally, our money supply is simply private company credit, which can be created by any company, with or without banking license.

Eurozone countries, having given up the right to their own currencies, can still create money and reflate the economy: the government, for instance in Spain, simply needs to stop the issuance of government bonds, and fund the entire public sector borrowing requirement from the domestic banks that create it out of nothing – and can do so at more competitive rates as the bond markets: this policy of Enhanced Debt Management (Werner, 2014b) not only would make it obvious that Spain does not need the ECB, but it would also put the national debt profiteers – the bond underwriting firms such as Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley – out of business.

This reality of private money creation also means that we can, without legal obstacles, create a decentralized system of local currencies, without central bank involvement.

The key principle of such decentralization is local autonomy, self-determination, self-responsibility and self-administration. These are in fact the fundamental principles of the co-operative movement, as championed by Hermann Schultze-Delitzsch and Wilhelm Raiffeisen over 150 years ago. This co-operative movement early on realized that a crucial role for co-operatives is in the creation of co-operative banks controlled by the local communities. Sadly, in the UK credit unions are not banks, since they are not allowed to lend to firms in meaningful amounts, and don’t have a banking license. Thus we need to create true community banks.

Lord Action pointed out:

 It is easier to find people fit to govern themselves than people fit to govern others.

Towns were the nursery of freedom.

The German banking system is dominated by 1,500 community banks, which are also the majority of banks in the entire EU. This means that 80% of German banks are not-for-profit, which has strengthened the German economy for the past 200 years. A banking system consisting of many small banks is also far less prone to boom-bust cycles and it creates more jobs per given amount of loan than large banks. Thus community banks also result in a more equal income and wealth distribution.

Local banking is highly popular in Germany, because SMEs get access to finance that would not be serviced by large banks. The community banks provide their services at competitive rates and support their customers also during recessions. With community banks, the wider community gets a bank whose goals are aligned with theirs, banks that pay taxes, banks that support local growth and jobs. At the same time community banks offer customers a place to put their money where it can benefit the local community, not far-flung projects or speculators.

Can we tackle this challenge?

Until the 1970s, there has been much optimism in economics and there have been high expectations that many of the problems of mankind would soon be solved.

Was this a reasonable expectation?

While it has not come true, it was a reasonable expectation. This is because

Our problems are man-made, therefore they may be solved by man. And man can be as big as he wants. No problem of human destiny is beyond human beings

John F. Kennedy,  Speech at the American University, Washington, D. C., 10 June 1963



Dore, Ronald (2000)Stock Market Capitalism : Welfare Capitalism, Japan and Germany versus the Anglo-Saxons, Oxford: Oxford University Press

Forder, J., 2002; Interests and ‘independence’: The European Central Bank and the theory of bureaucracy, International Review of Applied Economics16, 1, 51-69

Ishii, Masayuki and Richard A. Werner (2003), The Bank of Japan under Toshihiko Fukui, Tokyo: Appuru Shuppan (in Japanese)

Lyonnet, Victor and Richard A. Werner (2012). Lessons from the Bank of England on ‘quantitative easing’ and other ‘unconventional’ monetary policies. International Review of Financial Analysis25, 1-17,

Voutsinas, Konstantinos and Richard A. Werner (2010). The Effectiveness of ‘Quantitative Easing’ and the Accountability of the Central Bank in Japan. Paper presented at 8th Infiniti Conference on International Finance, Trinity College, Dublin, 14-15 June 2010, the 27th Symposium in Money Banking and Finance, Université Montesquieu-Bordeaux IV, 17-18 June 2010, and the MMF 2010 Annual Conference at the Cyprus University of Technology, Limassol, 1-2 Sept. 2010.

Werner, Richard A. (1992), ‘Towards a quantity theory of disaggregated credit and international capital flows’, Paper presented at the Royal Economic Society Annual Conference, York, April 1993 and at the 5thAnnual PACAP Conference on Pacific-Asian Capital Markets in Kuala Lumpur, June 1993, reviewed by the Economist on 19 June 1993 in the ‘Economics Focus’

Werner, Richard A. (1995), Liquidity Watch, Tokyo: Jardine Fleming Securities (Asia) Ltd.

Werner, Richard A. (1997). ‘Towards a New Monetary Paradigm: A Quantity Theorem of Disaggregated Credit, with Evidence from Japan’, Kredit und Kapital, vol. 30, no. 2, July 1997, pp. 276-309.

Werner, Richard A. (2002). ‘Monetary Policy Implementation in Japan: What They Say vs. What they Do’, Asian Economic Journal, vol. 16 no.2, Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 111-151.

Werner, Richard A. (2002b), ‘Stock Market Capitalism : Welfare Capitalism, Japan and Germany versus the Anglo-Saxons, by Ronald Dore’, Journal of Economic Literature, vol. 40, no. 4 (December)

Werner, Richard A. (2003a).Princes of the Yen, Japan’s Central Bankers and the Transformation of the Economy, New York: M. E. Sharpe, 2003; new English edition 2016, Quantum Publishers

Werner, Richard A. (2003b). ‘Aspects of Career Development and Information Management Policies at the Bank of Japan – a Frank Interview with a Former Central Banker’, The Japanese Economy, vol. 30, no. 4, New York: M. E. Sharpe.

Werner, Richard A. (2004). ‘No Recovery without Reform? An Empirical Evaluation of the Structural Reform Argument in Japan’, Asian Business and Management, 3, no. 1, 2004, London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Werner, Richard A. (2005).New Paradigm in Macroeconomics: Solving the Riddle of Japanese Macroeconomic Performance, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005

Werner, Richard A. (2006), What accession countries need to know about the ECB: A comparative analysis of the independence of the ECB, the Bundesbank and the Reichsbank, International Finance Review, Vol 6: Emerging European Financial Markets (pp. 99-116), Amsterdam: Elsevier; ISSN: 1569-3767/doi:10.1016/S1569-3767(05)06005-X

Werner, Richard A. (2012). Towards a New Research Programme on ‘Banking and the Economy’ – Implications of the Quantity Theory of Credit for the Prevention and Resolution of Banking and Debt Crises, International Review of Financial Analysis25, 94-105,

Werner, Richard A. (2013). Quantitative Easing and the Quantity Theory of Credit. Royal Economic Society Newsletter, July, pp. 20-22

Werner, Richard A. (2014a). How do banks create money, and why can other firms not do the same?An explanation for the coexistence of lending and deposit-taking, International Review of Financial Analysis36, 71-77,

Werner, Richard A. (2014b). Enhanced debt management: Solving the eurozone crisis by linking debt management with fiscal and monetary policy, Journal of International Money and Finance49, 443-469,

Werner, Richard A. (2015), A lost century in Economics: Three theories of banking and the conclusive evidence, International Review of Financial Analysis46, July, 361–379,online:

The above article was presented at the 14th Rhodes Forum: Dialogue of Civilisations Research Institute,  Panel 2: Economic Alternatives when Conventional Models Fail, Rhodos, Greece,  1 October 2016

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Nearly 19 million Yemenis are in need of humanitarian aid, according to the UN, but the worst of the civilian impact of the two-year civil war in the country has fallen on the district of Tuhayat on the Red Sea coast.

As RT’s Arabic-language crew visited the area, they witnessed scenes of chaos – as locals scrambled to acquire food – and quiet desperation, with many residents swollen with hunger, waiting for outside help, or resigned to their fate.

Salem is an eight-year-old boy, though like many in similar struggling areas around the world, he looks small enough to be mistaken for a toddler.

“We have no energy left, and I have no money with which to treat my child,” says his mother, admitting that the boy is severely malnourished, just one of more than 1.5 million children suffering from the same fate in the country, according to the United Nations.


Fishing used to be the prime source of subsistence for villagers here, prior to the break out of the full-scale civil war between the insurgent Shia Houthis, and the incumbent Sunni government in early 2015.

The area remains under control of the Houthis, but the Saudi-led international coalition, which is supporting the Sunnis, who constitute just under half of the population, has blockaded the coastal areas.

The Saudis have repeatedly fired on fishing boats operated by the locals, saying that some have been used on weapons runs to supply the rebels, even if keeping them moored on land means that innocent civilians will die.

Abdallah and Taga are two brothers, who have become so weak – their skeletons are clearly visible underneath the skin – that they have suffered bone damage, and can now only crawl.

“It is very difficult for us, as we are invalids, and we have no money. Sometimes we get a little, and then we can get tea and bread – people help us, but not very often, and not very much,” says Abdallah.

Over 7,000 people have been killed in the conflict, according to international observers – a large minority of them civilians, who died in airstrikes – and more than 3 million have been displaced.

“The situation is only going to get worse, because there is no functioning government. Social welfare has not been paid for two years,” Baraa Shiban, an activist for the nonprofit Reprieve, told RT.

Shiban believes that the Houthis have to hand back power to the previous Sunni regime, and in return the international coalition must ease its stranglehold on the region, while any other means of help is temporary.

“Humanitarian aid has been delivered to some of these areas, but just depending on it is not a viable solution. We need a comprehensive solution.”

But Jamal Wakeem, professor of history and international relations at the Lebanese University in Beirut, says that the Saudis are purposefully worsening the humanitarian crisis to achieve their political aims.

“This is a conscious strategy of the Saudis, they have been trying to exert economic pressure,” he told RT from Beirut, saying that it equates to “genocide.”

While the Sunnis have more material resources, the Houthi rebels still hold most of the land, and enjoy considerable manpower, so the conflict remains finely balanced. For ordinary Yemenis, regardless of creed, this likely means more instability, hunger and fear.

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At this point, every sane and responsible person in India should be asking:  How many tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands, or millions of people in India are going to die from hunger, starvation, malnutrition and disease as a result of Modi’s demonetisation?

Reports from the rural and semi-rural areas of India, from towns and villages, already indicate that hunger is widespread because of the nonexistence of cash.[1][2]  This artificial crisis was created on November 8, 2016 when Prime Minister Narendra Modi arbitrarily declared 86% of the nation’s currency worthless as legal tender—a draconian diktat taken without any prior discussion with his cabinet, Parliament, or the people.

The so-called demonetisation policy has had devastating effects across all sectors of Indian society, crippling businesses and farmers, causing retail stores and vendors to shut down, increasing unemployment, and forcing ordinary people to lose billions of man-hours and woman-hours waiting in endless queues at banks to exchange unusable currency notes or to withdraw the meager cash allowed.

But the worst-hit are the poor, the day-laborers, and the rural and semi-rural working class who make up around two-thirds of India’s population—over 650 million people.  The majority of these people have no bank accounts or credit cards.  Nationwide, only 53% of Indians have bank accounts, and more than 300 million people have no government-approved ID which they needed to convert their hard-earned cash into approved denominations.[3]

Ironically, those worst-hit are the people who helped vote Modi into power, believing his populist rhetoric.  Now, while they and their families go hungry, they outwardly give lip-service approval to Modi’s dictatorial scheme, which was supposedly designed to root out “black money”, ie, money that the rich and well-off hide from the tax authorities.  But inwardly, they are seething with anger at what is being done to them.[4]

It is clear that India’s corporate-controlled mainstream media will continue to grossly underreport the havoc that Modi has wreaked upon the nation with his disastrous, ill-conceived experiment in social engineering.[5]  It is also clear that the opposition parties in India are weak, divided, corrupt, and unable to come together and put an end to this unfolding tragedy.

Massive relief efforts should be underway to help all those who face shortages of food, medicine, and cash.  Whether this means an immediate reversal of demonetization or interim measures, they should be carried out nationwide.  But this is not happening.  Instead, Modi arrogantly and defiantly defends his suicidal policy, while his party has launched a huge propaganda campaign extolling the benefits of India’s supposed transition to a digitalized cashless society.  This is insane, as over 95% of the country’s transactions are done in cash.

Many more months will elapse before the government prints up the replacement currency and before the Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) have been recalibrated with the necessary new hardware and software.  Right now, almost none of the ATMs work, despite the government/media lies and misinformation.  While the bureaucrats and banks dither, how many people will die from hunger, starvation, or preventable disease because they and their children couldn’t get food or medical treatment?[6]

Perhaps it is time for intervention on a global scale.  This issue should be brought before the attention of the United Nations.  If necessary, resolutions should be passed condemning India’s government for its monumental negligence, inhumanity, and murderous scheme which affects one-sixth of humanity.  Other groups that monitor human rights worldwide should be involved as well.


[1] Harsh Mander, “Crisis of cashlessness: Demonetisation is hurting rural India, drying up wages, household supplies and food”.  Indian Express, Dec. 24, 2016.

[2]   Right To Food Campaign, ” Demonetisation Undermines The Right To Food And The Right To Life”., Dec. 28, 2016.

[3] Amit Varma, “Narendra Modi takes a great leap backwards. Mao would approve”.  Times of India, Nov. 22, 2016.

[4] Vanita Akhaury, “Demonetisation effect: Hungry stomachs are making poor seethe to the point of silent revolt.”, Nov. 19, 2016.

[5]    “Demonitization 2016: Arrogance, Audacious & Atrocious”.    Nov. 30, 2016.

[6]   A petition calling for the reversal of demonetisation and for Prime Minister Modi to step down can be found at:

Walt Gelles is an American writer based in India.  He is the author of Options: The Alternative Cancer Therapy Book (Avery/Penguin).

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At this point, every sane and responsible person in India should be asking:  How many tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands, or millions of people in India are going to die from hunger, starvation, malnutrition and disease as a result of Modi’s demonetisation?

Reports from the rural and semi-rural areas of India, from towns and villages, already indicate that hunger is widespread because of the nonexistence of cash.[1][2]  This artificial crisis was created on November 8, 2016 when Prime Minister Narendra Modi arbitrarily declared 86% of the nation’s currency worthless as legal tender—a draconian diktat taken without any prior discussion with his cabinet, Parliament, or the people.

The so-called demonetisation policy has had devastating effects across all sectors of Indian society, crippling businesses and farmers, causing retail stores and vendors to shut down, increasing unemployment, and forcing ordinary people to lose billions of man-hours and woman-hours waiting in endless queues at banks to exchange unusable currency notes or to withdraw the meager cash allowed.

But the worst-hit are the poor, the day-laborers, and the rural and semi-rural working class who make up around two-thirds of India’s population—over 650 million people.  The majority of these people have no bank accounts or credit cards.  Nationwide, only 53% of Indians have bank accounts, and more than 300 million people have no government-approved ID which they needed to convert their hard-earned cash into approved denominations.[3]

Ironically, those worst-hit are the people who helped vote Modi into power, believing his populist rhetoric.  Now, while they and their families go hungry, they outwardly give lip-service approval to Modi’s dictatorial scheme, which was supposedly designed to root out “black money”, ie, money that the rich and well-off hide from the tax authorities.  But inwardly, they are seething with anger at what is being done to them.[4]

It is clear that India’s corporate-controlled mainstream media will continue to grossly underreport the havoc that Modi has wreaked upon the nation with his disastrous, ill-conceived experiment in social engineering.[5]  It is also clear that the opposition parties in India are weak, divided, corrupt, and unable to come together and put an end to this unfolding tragedy.

Massive relief efforts should be underway to help all those who face shortages of food, medicine, and cash.  Whether this means an immediate reversal of demonetization or interim measures, they should be carried out nationwide.  But this is not happening.  Instead, Modi arrogantly and defiantly defends his suicidal policy, while his party has launched a huge propaganda campaign extolling the benefits of India’s supposed transition to a digitalized cashless society.  This is insane, as over 95% of the country’s transactions are done in cash.

Many more months will elapse before the government prints up the replacement currency and before the Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) have been recalibrated with the necessary new hardware and software.  Right now, almost none of the ATMs work, despite the government/media lies and misinformation.  While the bureaucrats and banks dither, how many people will die from hunger, starvation, or preventable disease because they and their children couldn’t get food or medical treatment?[6]

Perhaps it is time for intervention on a global scale.  This issue should be brought before the attention of the United Nations.  If necessary, resolutions should be passed condemning India’s government for its monumental negligence, inhumanity, and murderous scheme which affects one-sixth of humanity.  Other groups that monitor human rights worldwide should be involved as well.


[1] Harsh Mander, “Crisis of cashlessness: Demonetisation is hurting rural India, drying up wages, household supplies and food”.  Indian Express, Dec. 24, 2016.

[2]   Right To Food Campaign, ” Demonetisation Undermines The Right To Food And The Right To Life”., Dec. 28, 2016.

[3] Amit Varma, “Narendra Modi takes a great leap backwards. Mao would approve”.  Times of India, Nov. 22, 2016.

[4] Vanita Akhaury, “Demonetisation effect: Hungry stomachs are making poor seethe to the point of silent revolt.”, Nov. 19, 2016.

[5]    “Demonitization 2016: Arrogance, Audacious & Atrocious”.    Nov. 30, 2016.

[6]   A petition calling for the reversal of demonetisation and for Prime Minister Modi to step down can be found at:

Walt Gelles is an American writer based in India.  He is the author of Options: The Alternative Cancer Therapy Book (Avery/Penguin).

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As Martin Luther King’s birthday is celebrated with a national holiday, his death day disappears down the memory hole.  Across the country – in response to the King Holiday and Service Act passed by Congress and signed by Bill Clinton in 1994 – people will  be encouraged to make the day one of service  (from Latin, servus = slave).  Etymological irony aside, such service does not include King’s commitment to protesting a decadent system of racial and economic injustice or non-violently resisting the warfare state that is the United States.  Government sponsored service is cultural neo-liberalism at its finest. 

The word service is a loaded word.  It connotes many things, such as military service (“Were you ever in the service?”), community service (“She was sentenced to 30 days of community service.”), being of service to others, etc.  It has also become a vogue word over the past 25 years – e.g. Service Learning (1995), etc.  Its popularity and use arose and expanded in tandem with the privatization of social life, services, and the expansion of work for free, such as unpaid internships and articles like this for which this author receives no remuneration. I see it as part of the privatization and unpaid volunteer movement engineered by the elites in recent decades.  This cult of the service volunteer is a form of social control and capitalist exploitation aimed at inducing passivity in an individualized and divided population to prevent radical social change.

Its use for MLK Day is clear: individuals are encouraged to volunteer for activities such as tutoring children, painting senior centers, or delivering meals to the elderly.  Clearly these are wonderful deeds when done on individual initiative and not through government, corporate, and institutional public relations aimed at concealing an American prophet’s radical message and his brutal assassination.

The America Association of State Colleges and Universities describes it as follows:

The MLK Day of Service is part of United We Serve, the Presidents national call to service initiative.  It calls for Americans from all walks of life to work together to provide solutions to our most pressing national problems.  The MLK Day of Service empowers individuals, strengthens communities, bridges barriers, creates solutions to social problems, and moves us closer to Dr. King’s vision of a ‘Beloved Community’.

This is sheer nonsense.  Such service is a far cry from King’s campaign to transform the institutional structures of American society.  It in no way provides solutions to “our most pressing national problems” or “creates solutions to social problems.”  But a day of such individual volunteer service once a year does make people feel good about themselves. Thus the government, corporate, and educational institutions strongly encourage it, as if Martin Luther King were born volunteering at the local food pantry and Oprah Winfrey were cheering him on.

After all, King was not assassinated because he had spent his heroic life promoting individual volunteerism.  To understand his life and death – to celebrate the man – “it is essential to realize although he is popularly depicted and perceived as a civil rights leader, he was much more than that.  A non-violent revolutionary, he personified the most powerful force for a long overdue social, political, and economic reconstruction of the nation.”  Those are the words of William Pepper, the King family lawyer, from his comprehensive and definitive study of the King assassination, The Plot to Kill King.

In other words, Martin Luther King was a transmitter of a radical non-violent spiritual and political energy so plenipotent that his very existence was a threat to an established order based on institutionalized violence, racism, and economic exploitation.  He was a very dangerous man to the U.S. government and all the institutional and deep state forces armed against him. That is why they spied on him (and his father and grandfather going back to 1917) and used dirty tricks to try to destroy him.  When he denounced the Vietnam War and announced his Poor People’s Campaign and intent to lead a massive peaceful encampment of hundreds of thousands in Washington, D.C., he set off panic in the bowels of government spies and their masters. As Stokely Carmichael, co-chairman of the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee, said to King in a conversation secretly recorded by Army Intelligence, “The man don’t care you call ghettos concentration camps, but when you tell him his war machine is nothing but hired killers, you got trouble.”

Revolutionaries are, of course, anathema to the power elites who, with all their might, resist such rebels’ efforts to transform society. If they can’t buy them off, they knock them off.  Forty-nine years after King’s assassination, the causes he fought for – civil rights, the end to U.S. wars of aggression, and economic justice for all – remain not only unfulfilled, but have worsened in so many respects.  And King’s message has been enervated by the sly trick of giving him a national holiday and then urging Americans to make it “a day of service.”  The vast majority of those who innocently participate in these activities have no idea who killed King, or why.  If they did, they might pause in their tracks, suspend their “service” activities, and convene a teach-in on the truth of these matters.  William Pepper would be summoned.

Because MLK repeatedly called the United States the “greatest purveyor of violence on earth,” he was universally condemned by the mass media and government that later – once he was long and safely dead and no longer a threat – praised him to the heavens.  This has continued to the present day of historical amnesia.

For the government that honors Dr. King with a national holiday killed him. This is the suppressed truth behind the highly promoted day of service.  It is what you are not supposed to know.

If you are supposed to know anything about his death day as you go about your day of service, it is the following.

King was assassinated on April 4, 1968 at 6:01 PM as he stood on the balcony of the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee.  He was shot in the lower right side of his face by one rifle bullet that shattered his jaw, damaged his upper spine, and came to rest below his left shoulder blade.

The U. S. government claimed the assassin was a racist loner named James Earl Ray, a petty criminal, who had escaped from the Missouri State Penitentiary on April 23, 1967.  Ray was alleged to have fired the fatal shot from a second-floor bathroom window of a rooming house above the rear of Jim’s Grill across the street. Running to his rented room, Ray allegedly gathered his belongings, including the rifle, in a bedspread-wrapped bundle, rushed out the front door onto the adjoining street, and in a panic dropped the bundle in the doorway of the Canipe Amusement Company a few doors down.  He was then said to have jumped into his white Mustang and driven to Atlanta where he abandoned the car.  From there he fled to Canada and then England where he was eventually arrested at Heathrow Airport on June 8, 1968 and extradited to the U.S.  The state claims that the money Ray needed to purchase the car and for all his travel was secured through various robberies and a bank heist.  They allege that he was motivated by racism and that he was a bitter and deranged loner.

However, William Pepper’s decades-long investigation not only refutes the flimsy case against James Earl Ray, but definitively proves that King was killed by a government conspiracy led by J. Edgar Hoover and the FBI, Army Intelligence, and Memphis Police, assisted by southern Mafia figures.  He is right to assert that “we have probably acquired more detailed knowledge about this political assassination than we have ever had about any previous historical event.” This makes the silence around this case even more shocking.

This shock is accentuated when one is reminded (or told for the first time) that in 1999 a Memphis jury, after a thirty day trial with over seventy witnesses, found the U.S. government guilty in the killing of MLK.  The King family had brought the suit and Pepper represented them.  They were grateful that the truth was confirmed, but saddened by the way the findings were buried once again by a media in cahoots with the government.

The civil trial was the King family’s last resort to get a public hearing to disclose the truth of the assassination. They and Pepper knew, and proved, that Ray was an innocent pawn, but Ray had died in prison in 1998 after trying for thirty years to get a trial and prove his innocence (shades of Sirhan Sirhan, who still languishes in prison seeking a new trial).  During all these years, Ray had maintained that he had been manipulated by a shadowy figure named Raul, who supplied him with money and his white Mustang and coordinated all his complicated travels, including having him buy a rifle and come to Jim’s Grill and the boarding house on the day of the assassination to give it to Raul.  The government has always denied Raul existed.

Pepper refutes the government and proves beyond a shadow of a doubt, through multiple witnesses, telephonic and photographic evidence, that Raul existed; that he was Ray’s U.S. intelligence handler, who provided him with money and instructions from their first meeting in the Neptune Bar in Montreal, where Ray had fled in 1967 after his prison escape, until the day of the assassination.  It was Raul who instructed Ray to return to the U.S. (an act that makes no sense for an escaped prisoner who had fled the country), gave him the money for the white Mustang, helped him attain travel documents, and moved him around the country like a pawn on a chess board.

Raul, this man who allegedly never existed, has also been tied by multiple witnesses to Jack Ruby, Lee Harvey Oswald’s killer, and therefore to the JFK assassination.   This, too, is history you are not supposed to know.

Pepper not only demolishes the government’s self-serving case with a plethora of evidence, he shows how the mainstream media, academia, and government flacks have spent years covering up the truth of MLK’s murder through lies and disinformation. Another way they have accomplished this is by convincing a gullible public that “service” is a substitute for truth.  As Douglass Valentine points out in his important new book, The CIA as Organized Crime, the symbolic transformation involved in word usage and the archetypal power of myth creation underlie the vast system of propaganda we are subjected to. And the implied power of “positive thinking” – as in “service” – is a case in point.

But service without truth is slavery. It is propaganda aimed at convincing decent people into thinking that they are serving the essence of MLK’s message while they are obeying their masters, the very government that murdered this great American hero.

It is time for a slaves’ revolt against the mind manipulation served by the MLK Day of Service.

We need a Martin Luther King Day of Truth.

Edward Curtin is a writer whose work has appeared widely.  He teaches sociology at Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts. His website is

This article first appeared at on January 14, 1997

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Making Russia ‘The Enemy’

January 16th, 2017 by Robert Parry

Despite conflicting accounts about who leaked the Democratic emails, the frenzy over an alleged Russian role is driving the U.S. deeper into a costly and dangerous New Cold War, writes Robert Parry.

The rising hysteria about Russia is best understood as fulfilling two needs for Official Washington: the Military Industrial Complex’s transitioning from the “war on terror” to a more lucrative “new cold war” – and blunting the threat that a President Trump poses to the neoconservative/liberal-interventionist foreign-policy establishment.

By hyping the Russian “threat,” the neocons and their liberal-hawk sidekicks, who include much of the mainstream U.S. news media, can guarantee bigger military budgets from Congress. The hype also sets in motion a blocking maneuver to impinge on any significant change in direction for U.S. foreign policy under Trump.

Wintery scene at Red Square in Moscow, Dec. 6, 2016. (Photo by Robert Parry)

Wintery scene at Red Square in Moscow, Dec. 6, 2016. (Photo by Robert Parry)

Some Democrats even hope to stop Trump from ascending to the White House by having the Central Intelligence Agency, in effect, lobby the electors in the Electoral College with scary tales about Russia trying to fix the election for Trump.

The electors meet on Dec. 19 when they will formally cast their votes, supposedly reflecting the judgments of each state’s voters, but conceivably individual electors could switch their ballots from Trump to Hillary Clinton or someone else.

On Thursday, liberal columnist E.J. Dionne Jr. joined the call for electors to flip, writing: “The question is whether Trump, Vladimir Putin and, perhaps, Clinton’s popular-vote advantage give you sufficient reason to blow up the system.”

That Democrats would want the CIA, which is forbidden to operate domestically in part because of its historic role in influencing elections in other countries, to play a similar role in the United States shows how desperate the Democratic Party has become.

And, even though The New York Times and other big news outlets are reporting as flat fact that Russia hacked the Democratic email accounts and gave the information to WikiLeaks, former British Ambassador Craig Murray, a close associate of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, told the London Daily Mail that he personally received the email data from a “disgusted” Democrat.

Murray said he flew from London to Washington for a clandestine handoff from one of the email sources in September, receiving the package in a wooded area near American University.

Former British Ambassador Craig Murray

Former British Ambassador Craig Murray

“Neither of [the leaks, from the Democratic National Committee or Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta] came from the Russians,” Murray said, adding: “the source had legal access to the information. The documents came from inside leaks, not hacks.”

Murray said the insider felt “disgust at the corruption of the Clinton Foundation and the tilting of the primary election playing field against Bernie Sanders.” Murray added that his meeting was with an intermediary for the Democratic leaker, not the leaker directly.

[Update: Murray subsequently said his contact with the intermediary at American University was not for the purpose of obtaining a batch of the purloined emails, as the Daily Mail reported, since WikiLeaks already had them. He said the Mail simply added that detail to the story, but Murray declined to explain why he had the meeting at A.U. with the whistleblower or an associate.]

If Murray’s story is true, it raises several alternative scenarios: that the U.S. intelligence community’s claims about a Russian hack are false; that Russians hacked the Democrats’ emails for their own intelligence gathering without giving the material to WikiLeaks; or that Murray was deceived about the identity of the original leaker.

But the uncertainty creates the possibility that the Democrats are using a dubious CIA assessment to reverse the outcome of an American presidential election, in effect, making the CIA party to a preemptive domestic “regime change.”

Delayed Autopsy

All of this maneuvering also is delaying the Democratic Party’s self-examination into why it lost so many white working-class voters in normally Democratic strongholds, such as Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin.

Rather than national party leaders taking the blame for pre-selecting a very flawed candidate and ignoring all the warning signs about the public’s resistance to this establishment choice, Democrats have pointed fingers at almost everyone else – from FBI Director James Comey for briefly reviving Clinton’s email investigation, to third-party candidates who siphoned off votes, to the archaic Electoral College which negates the fact that Clinton did win the national popular vote – and now to the Russians.

FBI Director James Comey

FBI Director James Comey

While there may be some validity to these various complaints, the excessive frenzy that has surrounded the still-unproven claims that the Russian government surreptitiously tilted the election in Trump’s favor creates an especially dangerous dynamic.

On one level, it has led Democrats to support Orwellian/ McCarthyistic concepts, such as establishing “black lists” for Internet sites that question Official Washington’s “conventional wisdom” and thus are deemed purveyors of “Russian propaganda” or “fake news.”

On another level, it cements the Democratic Party as America’s preeminent “war party,” favoring an escalating New Cold War with Russia by ratcheting up economic sanctions against Moscow, and even seeking military challenges to Russia in conflict zones such as Syria and Ukraine.

One of the most dangerous aspects of a prospective Hillary Clinton presidency was that she would have appointed neocons, such as Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs Victoria Nuland and her husband, Project for the New American Century co-founder Robert Kagan, to high-level foreign policy positions.

Though that risk may have passed assuming Clinton’s Electoral College defeat on Monday, Democrats now are excitedly joining the bash-Russia movement, making it harder to envision how the party can transition back into its more recent role as the “peace party” (at least relative to the extremely hawkish Republicans).

Trading Places

The potential trading places of the two parties in that regard – with Trump favoring geopolitical détente and the Democrats beating the drums for more military confrontations – augurs poorly for the Democrats regaining their political footing anytime soon.

Red Square in Moscow with a winter festival to the left and the Kremlin to the right. (Photo by Robert Parry)

Red Square in Moscow with a winter festival to the left and the Kremlin to the right, on Dec. 6, 2016. (Photo by Robert Parry)

If Democratic leaders press ahead, in alliance with neoconservative Republicans, on demands for escalating the New Cold War with Russia, they could precipitate a party split between Democratic hawks and doves, a schism that likely would have occurred if Clinton had been elected but now may happen anyway, albeit without the benefit of the party holding the White House.

The first test of this emerging Democratic-neocon alliance may come over Trump’s choice for Secretary of State, Exxon-Mobil’s chief executive Rex Tillerson, who doesn’t exhibit the visceral hatred of Russian President Vladimir Putin that Democrats are encouraging.

As an international business executive, Tillerson appears to share Trump’s real-politik take on the world, the idea that doing business with rivals makes more sense than conspiring to force “regime change” after “regime change.”

Over the past several decades, the “regime change” approach has been embraced by both neocons and liberal interventionists and has been implemented by both Republican and Democratic administrations. Sometimes, it’s done through war and other times through “color revolutions” – always under the idealistic guise of “democracy promotion” or “protecting human rights.”

But the problem with this neo-imperialist strategy has been that it has failed miserably to improve the lives of the people living in the “regime-changed” countries. Instead, it has spread chaos across wide swaths of the globe and has now even destabilized Europe.

Yet, the solution, as envisioned by the neocons and their liberal-hawk understudies, is simply to force more “regime change” medicine down the throats of the world’s population. The new “great” idea is to destabilize nuclear-armed Russia by making its economy scream and by funding as many anti-Putin elements as possible to create the nucleus for a “color revolution” in Moscow.

To justify that risky scheme, there has been a broad expansion of anti-Russian propaganda now being funded with tens of millions of dollars in taxpayer money as well as being pushed by government officials giving off-the-record briefings to mainstream media outlets.

However, as with earlier “regime change” plans, the neocons and liberal hawks never think through the scenario to the end. They always assume that everything is going to work out fine and some well-dressed “opposition leader” who has been to their think-tank conferences will simply ascend to the top job.

Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland during a press conference at the U.S. Embassy in Kiev, Ukraine, on Feb. 7, 2014. (U.S. State Department photo)

Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland during a press conference at the U.S. Embassy in Kiev, Ukraine, on Feb. 7, 2014. (U.S. State Department photo

Remember, in Iraq, it was going to be Ahmed Chalabi who was beloved in Official Washington but broadly rejected by the Iraqi people. In Libya, there has been a parade of U.S.-approved “unity” leaders who have failed to pull that country together.

In Ukraine, Nuland’s choice – Arseniy “Yats is the guy” Yatsenyuk – resigned amid broad public disapproval  earlier this year after pushing through harsh cuts in social programs, even as the U.S.-backed regime officials in Kiev continued to plunder Ukraine’s treasury and misappropriate Western economic aid.

Nuclear-Armed Destabilization

But the notion of destabilizing nuclear-armed Russia is even more hare-brained than those other fiascos. The neocon/liberal-hawk assumption is that Russians – pushed to the brink of starvation by crippling Western sanctions – will overthrow Putin and install a new version of Boris Yeltsin who would then let U.S. financial advisers return with their neoliberal “shock therapy” of the 1990s and again exploit Russia’s vast resources.

Indeed, it was the Yeltsin era and its Western-beloved “shock therapy” that created the desperate conditions before the rise of Putin with his autocratic nationalism, which, for all its faults, has dramatically improved the lives of most Russians.

Bright lights on Red Square, Dec. 6, 2016. (Photo by Robert Parry)

Bright lights on Red Square, Dec. 6, 2016. (Photo by Robert Parry)

So, the more likely result from the neocon/liberal-hawk “regime change” plans for Moscow would be the emergence of someone even more nationalistic – and likely far less stable – than Putin, who is regarded even by his critics as cold and calculating.

The prospect of an extreme Russian nationalist getting his or her hands on the Kremlin’s nuclear codes should send chills up and down the spines of every American, indeed every human being on the planet. But it is the course that key national Democrats appear to be on with their increasingly hysterical comments about Russia.

The Democratic National Committee issued a statement on Wednesday accusing Trump of giving Russia “an early holiday gift that smells like a payoff. … It’s rather easy to connect the dots. Russia meddled in the U.S. election in order to benefit Trump and now he’s repaying Vladimir Putin by nominating Exxon Mobil CEO Rex Tillerson as secretary of state.”

Besides delaying a desperately needed autopsy on why Democrats did so badly in an election against the also-widely-disliked Donald Trump, the new blame-Russia gambit threatens to hurt the Democrats and their preferred policies in another way.

If Democrats vote in bloc against Tillerson or other Trump foreign-policy nominees – demanding that he appoint people acceptable to the neocons and the liberal hawks – Trump might well be pushed deeper into the arms of right-wing Republicans, giving them more on domestic issues to solidify their support on his foreign-policy goals.

That could end up redounding against the Democrats as they watch important social programs gutted in exchange for their own dubious Democratic alliance with the neocons.

Since the presidency of Bill Clinton, the Democrats have courted factions of the neocons, apparently thinking they are influential because they dominate many mainstream op-ed pages and Washington think tanks. In 1993, as a thank-you gift to the neocon editors of The New Republic for endorsing him, Clinton appointed neocon ideologue James Woolsey as head of the CIA, one of Clinton’s more disastrous personnel decisions.

But the truth appears to be that the neocons have much less influence across the U.S. electoral map than the Clintons think. Arguably, their pandering to a clique of Washington insiders who are viewed as warmongers by many peace-oriented Democrats may even represent a net negative when it comes to winning votes.

I’ve communicated with a number of traditional Democrats who didn’t vote for Hillary Clinton because they feared she would pursue a dangerous neocon foreign policy. Obviously, that’s not a scientific survey, but the anecdotal evidence suggests that Clinton’s neocon connections could have been another drag on her campaign.

Assessing Russia

I also undertook a limited personal test regarding whether Russia is the police state that U.S. propaganda depicts, a country yearning to break free from the harsh grip of Vladimir Putin (although he registers 80 or so percent approval in polls).

Couple walking along the Kremlin, Dec. 7, 2016. (Photo by Robert Parry)

Couple walking along the Kremlin wall, Dec. 7, 2016. (Photo by Robert Parry)

During my trip last week to Europe, which included stops in Brussels and Copenhagen, I decided to take a side trip to Moscow, which I had never visited before. What I encountered was an impressive, surprisingly (to me at least) Westernized city with plenty of American and European franchises, including the ubiquitous McDonald’s and Starbucks. (Russians serve the Starbucks gingerbread latte with a small ginger cookie.)

Though senior Russian officials proved unwilling to meet with me, an American reporter, at this time of tensions, Russia had little appearance of a harshly repressive society. In my years covering U.S. policies in El Salvador in the 1980s and Haiti in the 1990s, I have experienced what police states look and feel like, where death squads dump bodies in the streets. That was not what I sensed in Moscow, just a modern city with people bustling about their business under early December snowfalls.

The police presence in Red Square near the Kremlin was not even as heavy-handed as it is near the government buildings of Washington. Instead, there was a pre-Christmas festive air to the brightly lit Red Square, featuring a large skating rink surrounded by small stands selling hot chocolate, toys, warm clothing and other goods.

Granted, my time and contact with Russians were limited – since I don’t speak Russian and most of them don’t speak English – but I was struck by the contrast between the grim images created by Western media and the Russia that I saw.

It reminded me of how President Ronald Reagan depicted Sandinista-ruled Nicaragua as a “totalitarian dungeon” with a militarized state ready to march on Texas, but what I found when I traveled to Managua was a third-world country still recovering from an earthquake and with a weak security structure despite the Contra war that Reagan had unleashed against Nicaragua.

In other words, “perception management” remains the guiding principle of how the U.S. government deals with the American people, scaring us with exaggerated tales of foreign threats and then manipulating our fears and our misperceptions.

As dangerous as that can be when we’re talking about Nicaragua or Iraq or Libya, the risks are exponentially higher regarding Russia. If the American people are stampeded into a New Cold War based more on myths than reality, the minimal cost could be the trillions of dollars diverted from domestic needs into the Military Industrial Complex. The far-greater cost could be some miscalculation by either side that could end life on the planet.

So, as the Democrats chart their future, they need to decide if they want to leapfrog the Republicans as America’s “war party” or whether they want to pull back from the escalation of tensions with Russia and start addressing the pressing needs of the American people.

Investigative reporter Robert Parry broke many of the Iran-Contra stories for The Associated Press and Newsweek in the 1980s. You can buy his latest book, America’s Stolen Narrative, either in print here or as an e-book (from Amazon and

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The Syrian army, the National Defense Forces (NDF), and Hezbollah have liberated the village of Ayn Khadra in the Wadi Barada area northwest of the Syrian capital of Damascus.

Government forces have also gained control over the Ras al-Sira hill overlooking Ayn al-Feejah and Deir Meqrin. Considering that government forces are already in control of a notable part of Ayn al-Feejah, the village will be soon fully liberated from militants.

Reports say that the Syrian army, the NDF, and Hezbolalh are set to continue the military operation in the area until the total defeat of militant groups operating there.

On January 12, government forces liberated from militants the village of Baseemah. On January 13 and 14 reports appeared that Jabhat Fatah al-Sham, Ahrar al-Sham, and other militant groups were ready to make a ceasefire agreement with the government and to withdraw from the Wadi Barada region to save their lives.

However, militants killed a negotiator from the Syrian military, Brigadier General Ahmad Ghadban. This put an end to the ceasefire efforts made by the Syrian government in Wadi Barada.

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Mark Strauss, the Editor of the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, headlined on 8 September 2014, «Nukes Are Cannibalizing The U.S. Defense Budget», and he raised the question of why nuclear forces are «cannibalizing the U.S. defense budget» now decades after the end of the Soviet Union and of its Warsaw Pact military alliance and its communist dictatorial ideology.

No American President will be able significantly to improve the U.S. economy who fails to reverse this cannibalization by U.S. nuclear-forces advocates and contractors (who get trillions of dollars from this nuclear-weapons business).

Strauss was summarizing a study «Study of the FY 2015 Defense Budget» by Todd Harrison, who now is the Director of Defense Budget at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. Strauss said that «Harrison doesn’t see how the Pentagon will be able to afford all of this, in addition to other programs that it has planned».

Harrison’s study stated in its «Conclusions» the study’s bottom line: «Strategy should inform one’s budget, and budget constraints should inform one’s strategy». His point there was that this isn’t currently the situation. In other words: efficiency has no place in current U.S. military spending. Strategy does not inform America’s military expenditures.

On 18 October 2016, the website about America’s military expenditures, «Breaking Defense», bannered «New Threats Spark DoD Spending Debate: Thinktanks Ponder $2 Trillion In Options», and reported that when «teams from five leading thinktanks — spanning the political spectrum» presented their proposed next-year’s military budget, the five proposed totals differed widely:

Do you think we need an urgent buildup to counter RussiaChina, and the Islamic State? That’ll be $1.3 trillion extra over the next 10 years, please, conservatives estimate. Would you rather save one trillion instead? Sure, libertarians say, but our allies will have to protect themselves. Or would you rather steer a middle course between the high- and low-cost options? Then get ready for tough choices on what parts of the military to modernize for a major-power war and which parts to keep cheap for day-to-day counterterrorism — what’s called a «high/low mix».

But none of the teams recommended spending as much as Congress and President Barack Obama had been proposing to spend before «sequestration» — budgetary limits — became policy in 2013: «Even the most hawkish team didn’t recommend spending as much money on defense as the baseline set back in the presidential budget for 2012, the last before sequestration».

Thus: In 2012, Congress and President Obama budgeted to spend even more on ‘defense’ than even the most hawkish of Washington’s think tanks were now recommending in 2016.

The only recommendation for actual reductions in ‘defense’ spending came from Cato Institute’s one-person «team», Benjamin Friedman:

The libertarian Cato Institute…, unsurprisingly, proposed the $1 trillion cut. The US can keep bombing the Islamic State, they argued, but let’s let Europe and Asia bear the burden of their own defense against Russia and China, with the US eventually withdrawing from NATO. «The challenge for US security strategy is to restrain ourselves, to avoid the foolish temptations that power affords», Friedman told me. «A smaller military will allow fewer foolish wars».

Earlier, Cato’s Christopher Preble had headlined «To Save the Submarines, Eliminate ICBMs and Bombers» and he (co-writing with a colleague) argued that «The sea leg of the nuclear triad by itself is a more powerful deterrent than that possessed by nearly any other nation in the world». Their position was that:

The reliance on three nuclear delivery systems is a relic of Cold War bureaucratic politics, not the product of strategic calculation. A submarine-based monad is more than sufficient for America’s deterrence needs, and would be considerably less expensive to modernize and maintain than the current force. The Navy would not have to skirt the law in a desperate bid to shake additional money from American taxpayers if the Obama administration shed its attachment to the nuclear triad.

Wikipedia’s article «Military Budget of the United States» indicates that in budget requests by the U.S. military services for the year 2010, the U.S. Navy was requesting 47.4% of all funds (only 4% of that sum would go to its Marine Corps), the U.S. Army was requesting 31.8%, and the Air Force was requesting 22%. For the U.S. Navy «to shake additional money from American taxpayers» than already was the case, would be virtually impossible without ending all the nuclear waste in the Air Force and Army.

Preble was saying that for America’s strategic nuclear purposes, none of those expenditures should be going to the Army and to the Air Force — those two branches of the U.S. military should be 100% devoted to fighting conventional wars, and using weaponry whose technological advancements would be in other fields than nuclear weapons.

However, this would greatly reduce the amount of money that the U.S. currently is devoting to waging nuclear war; and so corporations such as Raytheon, and their lobbyists in Congress, and their labor unions etc., would not like that and would spend whatever they’d need to spend to avert it. There are things that politicians say they want to do but always find ways to avoid doing, and this sort of thing fits that description.

For example, President Obama (despite his ‘pacifist’ rhetoric and Nobel prize) was a great champion of Ronald Reagan’s hyper-aggressive ‘Star Wars’ Anti Ballistic Missile (ABM) (more recently called Ballistic Missile Defense, or BMD) program, and he started installing it (the Lockheed Martin Aegis Ashore system) in Romania and in Poland, during his final year in office, 2016. This installation is essential to his subterranean goal to attain «Nuclear Primacy» — the ability to win a nuclear war against Russia. That’s a repudiation of the concept which had guided John Fitzgerald Kennedy and Nikita Khrushchev and their successors during the original Cold War (i.e., until the Soviet Union ended in 1991): Mutually Assured Destruction, or «MAD» — the recognition that unlike conventional weaponry, where there is a winner and a loser, with two nuclear powers at war there can be only two losers, no winner of such a war. The U.S. government’s military policy abandoned that concept in 1990 and secretly went for nuclear ‘victory’.

Donald Trump will have to decide fast whether he believes in «MAD» — or, alternatively (like Obama and other U.S. Presidents since George Herbert Walker Bush) — Trump’s military policies will be pursuing conquest of Russia.

If he pursues conquest of Russia, all non-military spending by the U.S. government will need to be slashed, and poverty in the U.S. will spread like wildfire.

Currently, many Republicans in Congress, and virtually all Democrats in Congress, favor Nuclear Primacy and reject the concept of MAD. This is the reason why the Cato Institute’s proposals to eliminate the nuclear-forces expenditures portion of the budgets for both the U.S. Air Force (such as Lockheed Martin’s Aegis Ashore systems in Poland and Romania, and many other such ‘Nuclear Primacy’ military boondoggles) and the U.S. Army, are being ignored by Congress and the U.S. aristocracy’s other agents.

And that’s why, as Peter Korzun explained at Strategic Culture, on 8 January 2017, headlining «Poland Acquires First Strike Capability to Pose Threat to Russia», the Obama regime ended with a flurry of Nuclear Supremacy military contracts, including:

In late November, the State Department approved another transaction — the acquisition of 70 AGM-158B JASSM-ER (extended range) missiles for Poland. The deal undeservedly failed to attract much attention. In fact, it matters much and changes a lot.

That military contract will provide the Polish military (as part, now, of NATO’s strategic force) ultimately a first-strike extended range «of almost 1,000 km» — the ability to destroy Russia’s strike-back (retaliatory) missiles before those Russian missiles can even launch after the U.S. side’s invasion of Russia. That’s approximately long enough range for NATO’s forces in Poland to eliminate the retaliatory missiles that are protecting Moscow.

This is the sort of thing that the U.S. and its NATO alliance are working on. Unless that is stopped now, the consequences for the public not only in Russia but throughout the northern hemisphere, and even globally, will be catastrophic beyond anything in human history. Whether to stop this plan for conquest now, will be the thorniest policy-question that President Trump will face, because unless he joins the rest of the U.S. aristocracy on this matter (and they are obsessed to conquer Russia), he will soon find himself increasingly at war against that aristocracy — and against its allied aristocracies, in Poland, and elsewhere. So: the thorniest policy-question that Trump will face is: Will I conquer my aristocracy, or will I (like my recent predecessors) instead help them fleece the U.S. public so that maybe those aristocrats will become enabled to conquer Russia (even if doing that might leave the planet unlivable)? That question will demand his focus on day one, because if he intends to conquer his aristocracy, he’ll need to start the process immediately, and his predecessor Barack Obama did everything at the end of his Presidency he could to facilitate their conquest of Russia.

On 6 January 2017, David Cenciotti headlined at «The Aviationist», «These crazy photos show a Russian Su-27 Flanker dogfighting with a U.S. Air Force F-16 inside Area 51», and he reported that on November 8th, the day when Donald Trump was elected President, Barack Obama’s military had actually been testing out in the Nevada desert, in a mock dogfight five miles up in the sky, America’s F-16, versus a Russian Su-27 Flanker. Cenciotti said: «In 2014, Lt. Col. Kevin Gordon, 64th AGRS commander, explained the Su-27 Flanker was the type of aircraft they replicated when attacking a Blue Forces F-15 in what was the first time the Flanker was mentioned as an enemy aircraft». «Enemy» — like back during the Cold War against the Soviet Union, but now in our era, now against Russia.

At the start of 2014, Obama’s bloody coup in Kiev overthrew Ukraine’s democratically elected President, Viktor Yanukovych, for whom 90% of the voters in Ukraine’s far-eastern Donbass region had voted 90%, and for whom 75% of the voters in Ukraine’s (since 1954 — previously it had been for hundreds of years part of Russia) far-southern Crimea region had also voted. Both regions rebelled and separated themselves from Obama’s fascist regime — the regime that he (Obama’s operation) had imposed upon them. Now Obama was imposing sanctions against Russia, for responding to Obama’s seizure of Ukraine, the nation that has Europe’s longest border with Russia and can host a NATO missile a mere five minutes flight-time to Moscow. And so, 2014 was also the year when, for the first time after the 1991 end of the Soviet Union, and of its Warsaw Pact military alliance, and of their communism, America was, once again, preparing war against (long-since no more the Soviet Union, but only its democratic remaining rump country) Russia. Obama blamed Russia for ‘aggression’, for having responded to Obama’s aggression. He needed an excuse for surrounding Russia with more and more NATO nations, and for installing, near Russia’s borders, ABM systems to nullify Russia’s ability to strike back against a surprise U.S. nuclear blitz invasion of Russia — conquest of Russia.

A reader might think that this cannot be the case — that the U.S. federal government cannot possibly be that corrupt, even depraved, so as to be treating nuclear war (its weaponry, etc.) as, essentially, a profit-center for America’s investors, a psychopathic operation for the aristocracy, especially for the controlling stockholders in ‘defense’ firms, and their lobbyists, regardless of the public’s welfare. However, it not only is true, but it has been the case for at least the past few decades, throughout which the most corrupt of all of the federal government’s Cabinet Departments, the ‘Defense’ Department, has been so corrupt as to have been the onlyfederal Department that is unable to find any certified auditing firm willing to place its imprimatur upon its financial records.

On Tuesday, 13 May 2014, Stars and Stripes bannered «Decades later, military still unable to account for its spending» and reported:

The military is still running behind in its decades-long quest to audit its spending and rein in waste, Department of Defense comptrollers testified Tuesday to the Senate.

Army, Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps financial managers will be unable to fully meet a midpoint deadline set by the secretary of defense this year for mandated accounting benchmarks. Meanwhile, «serious continuing deficiencies» remain in the accounting efforts, according to a Government Accountability Office report issued Tuesday.

Nearly three decades after U.S. taxpayers gasped over $640 toilet seats and other Cold War military waste, the Department of Defense remains the last federal department still unable to conduct a financial audit despite laws passed in the 1990s that require the accounting.

Trillions of dollars are being poured down, into this sewer of the U.S. aristocracy’s corruption — what former U.S. President Dwight Eisenhower had called at the end of his Presidency America’s «military-industrial complex». (And now it controls the U.S. federal government. It has become the tail that wags the dog.)

On 26 July 2016, the Office of the Inspector General of the U.S. Department of Defense issued its study, «Army General Fund Adjustments Not Adequately Documented or Supported», and reported:

We determined whether adjustments made to Army General Fund (AGF) data during the FY 2015 financial statement compilation process were adequately documented and supported… The Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Management & Comptroller) (OASA[FM&C]) and the Defense Finance and Accounting Service Indianapolis (DFAS Indianapolis) did not adequately support $2.8 trillion in third quarter journal voucher (JV) adjustments and $6.5 trillion in yearend JV adjustments1 made to AGF data during FY 2015 financial statement compilation… In addition, DFAS Indianapolis did not document or support why the Defense Departmental Reporting System‑Budgetary (DDRS-B), a budgetary reporting system, removed at least 16,513 of 1.3 million records during third quarter FY 2015… As a result, the data used to prepare the FY 2015 AGF third quarter and yearend financial statements were unreliable and lacked an adequate audit trail. Furthermore, DoD and Army managers could not rely on the data in their accounting systems when making management and resource decisions.

A trillion dollars disappearing here, and a trillion dollars disappearing there, and, after a few decades of this, it becomes clear that the corruption within the U.S. aristocracy isn’t going to stop; and it won’t even be able to be reined-in, without someone in the aristocracy leading an internal war against the rest of that aristocracy, which will nationalize the assets of the ones who resist. To apply normal legal process against the people who control the country and who thus essentially wrote the laws to suit themselves, would inevitably fail. They made it this way. Bolder action would be required. It would require enormous courage. However, the present path is clearly heading toward unprecedented catastrophes. Remaining on it is not a sustainable option. Trump will choose, and he will enter the White House with that choice.

Disclaimer and Conclusion 

I am not and never have been a libertarian nor any other type of supporter of the Koch brothers’ Cato Institute; I am a Bernie Sanders progressive; and on almost all progressive issues, libertarians stand at the opposite, conservative side, but not necessarily on the particular issue of self-determination of peoples (including of Russians).

The only individuals who stand with the Washington mainstream (the imperialists, otherwise called «neoconservatives») on this issue are supporters of Nuclear Primacy and of conquest of Russia. That’s the Establishment’s position (otherwise called «neoconservatism»), even though most people (at least ones who know who the Establishment and neoconservatives actually are: that they’re the aristocracy and their agents) consider it to be an evil position. They don’t write, they don’t express themselves, to this effect, but if they understood what and who the Establishment (and neoconservatives in general) are, the public would strongly oppose them. The question here is thus whether President Trump will oppose them — or else whether he will turn 180 degrees around, and join the neoconservatives.

Trump will be at war, in either case, but he’ll quickly need to make clear which side he’s standing on, if he will be able to serve out a full term. He entered the U.S. Presidency at a dangerous time. It’s not a normal time; and, if his Presidency is to be a normal Presidency, then its results will be catastrophic.

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“Deep State” Ultimatum to Trump: Play Ball or Else

January 16th, 2017 by Stephen Lendman

Since announcing his presidential bid in mid-June 2015, Trump prevailed over long odds, overcoming huge obstacles to reach the brink of becoming America’s 45th president on January 20 – an astonishing story, where it goes from here yet to be determined.

With no public record on which to judge him, his agenda is as much guesswork as likely expectations – with one thing known for certain.

US presidents are fronts for powerful interests running America, intolerant of anyone changing longstanding policy.

Trump is under enormous pressure and threats to continue dirty business as usual or else. Defiance could get him undermined, impeached or assassinated – hardline globalist Mike Pence in the wings to replace him, an easy to control establishment figure.

We’ll know more about Trump’s intentions during his first hundred days in office, much more months later. Campaign rhetoric is one thing, presidential decision-making another.

Lofty promises are meaningless without supportive actions. Trump’s domestic policy largely looks easy to predict, socially and economically conservative, including:

• business-friendly regulatory reform;

• tax cuts for the rich, including repealing estate taxes for high-net worth households;

• rebuilding America’s infrastructure;

• repealing and replacing Obamacare;

• unlimited energy exploration, development and production; and

• rejecting one-sided trade deals like TPP, responsible for offshoring millions of America’s best jobs.

With Republicans controlling both houses of Congress, he’ll likely get domestic agenda support – though given budget constraints, perhaps less infrastructure spending than he’d like.

His geopolitical agenda is largely uncertain until his policies become apparent. It’s clear he wants already bloated military spending increased, including expanding America’s nuclear arsenal – unless he and Putin agree to nuclear reduction.

While saying he wants a new role for NATO focused on combating terrorism, he’s unlikely to change how the alliance operated from inception.

Important questions await answers. Will he cooperate with Putin responsibly or maintain longstanding adversarial relations?

Will he combat “radical Islamic terrorism” as promised, or support it like the Clintons, Bush/Cheney and Obama?

He’ll continue drone wars, he said, mostly killing noncombatant men, women, children, the elderly and infirm threatening on one.

He’ll maintain Guantanamo (and likely America’s global torture prison network) instead of shutting it down. He’ll introduce ideological screening tests to suspend immigration from certain countries.

He claims wars on Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya were mistakes he opposed after supporting them earlier. He called failure to seize Iraq’s oil fields poor judgment. “In the old days when we won a war, to the victor go the spoils,” he blustered.

He failed to explain all wars violate core international, constitutional and US statute laws without Security Council authorization. US presidents and Congress have no right to wage them without it – especially against nations posing no threat to America or any other countries.

All ongoing US direct and proxy wars are illegal acts of aggression. Will Trump continue or end them? Will he be a warrior or peace president?

Will he favor diplomacy over endless conflicts? He complained about wasting trillions of dollars, turning the Middle East into a mess, instead of using the funding to rebuild America.

“(W)e don’t have the money because it’s been squandered on so many (wrong) ideas,” he said. Will he change things enough to matter or largely continue current policies?

It’s unknown until he begins serving. He’ll need congressional support to approve his agenda.

Neocon dark forces in Washington will challenge anything diverging from longstanding policy.

Perhaps no matter what he does, he’ll face endless obstacles along the way, his administration seen in hindsight as the most turbulent in US history for as long as it lasts – not a very encouraging assessment for what may lie ahead.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected].
His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”
Visit his blog site at
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On Saturday Palestine will open its first embassy in the Vatican, a diplomatically significant development in the midst of ongoing threats by President-elect Donald Trump to illegally move the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, and an international peace conference on Israel and Palestine which begins on Sunday in Paris.

Palestine’s ambassador to the Vatican, Issa Kassissieh, said the embassy was “a significant achievement for the Palestinian people,” adding that Argentine-born Pope Francis had made an important “moral, legal and political stand through recognizing the state of Palestine along the pre-1967 borders.”

Palestine has formal diplomatic missions to over 90 countries and has had official diplomatic relations with the Vatican since 2000.

Palestinian Authority President Abbas will also press the Pope about his concerns regarding U.S. threats to move their embassy from Tel Aviv to occupied Jerusalem, a move which would not only break international law but threaten to entirely scuttle Palestinian Authority hopes for a two-state settlement.

Palestinian Minister of Foreign Affairs Riyad al-Maliki said Abbas is “hoping that the Pope will participate in sending a strong message” to Trump about the dangers of the proposed move.

Trump’s pick for U.S. ambassador to Israel David Friedman- a Zionist extremist who has said Jewish supporters of Palestine are worse than Nazi concentration camp guards- has publicly said that the U.S. embassy will move to Jerusalem.

Saturday’s inauguration comes as over 70 countries gather in Paris on Sunday for the opening of the first major international peace talks on Israel-Palestine since 2014, when U.S. sponsored negotiations ended in the face of the Israeli government’s continued construction of illegal settlements.

Abbas told a French paper earlier this week that the Paris talks “may be the last chance for implementing” the two-state solution mapped out in 1967 U.N. Security Council Resolution 242 and the 1993 Olso accords.

The Paris talks begin just weeks after a historic U.N. Security Council vote which unanimously condemned Israel’s flagrant violation of international law in ongoing settlement construction on Palestinian territory.

Despite official hopes that the talks might revive the two-state solution- which would see a contiguous Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital alongside Israel’s 1967 borders- many Palestinians have declared it long dead, given Israel’s continual refusal to abide by international law and multiple previous peace deals.

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On the night of February 26–27, 1991, one of the most calculated and brutal massacres in war history occurred in Iraq on Highway 80, some 32 kilometres west of Kuwait city. Thousands of Iraqi soldiers and civilians were retreating towards Baghdad after a ceasefire had been agreed and announced, when the still unpunished war criminal President George H. W. Bush (1989 – 1993) — a former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency — ordered U.S. forces to slaughter the retreating Iraqis.

Consequently U.S.-led fighter aircraft of the coalition forces descended on the unarmed convoy and destroyed vehicles at the front and rear of the convoy so as to prevent any escape. Successive waves of aircraft then mercilessly bombed the trapped vehicles and their occupants into oblivion. After the carnage was over, some 2,000 mangled Iraqi vehicles along with the charred and dismembered remains of tens of thousands of Iraqi soldiers stretched for miles along what came to be known as the “Highway of Death.”


“America is never wholly herself unless she is engaged in high moral principle. We as a people have such a purpose today. It is to make kinder the face of the nation and gentler the face of the world.”—U.S. President George H. W. Bush

George H. W. Bush’s high-minded hypocrisy — which in the best of American presidential traditions always fails to square with reality — was by no means different from that of either his predecessors or successors in the White House who, including his son the semi-illiterate President George W. Bush (2001 -2009), were also unabashed hypocrites and war criminals. The latest such example of American presidential betrayal was Barack Obama who during his campaign for the presidency and at the start of his first term, made numerous promises — thereby raising the hopes of the American people along with the rest of humanity — that were delivered with enticing but hollow slogans and soundbites such as “A New Beginning,” “Our Time for Change,” and “Yes We Can”: none of which had a hope in hell of being realised so long as the White House and bicameral Congress remained under the tight control of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), the leading pro-Israel Jewish lobby group. \


Apart from a campaign promise to waste not a minute in brokering a Middle East peace, Obama in a 2010 address to the UN declared that

“when we come back here next year, we can have an agreement that can lead to a new member of the United Nations, an independent, sovereign state of Palestine living in peace with Israel.”

Obama’s naivety in not knowing it was not U.S. President but AIPAC which dictated foreign policy was accompanied by more than 100 further periodic pledges including one to close the Guantánamo Bay prison facility at the U.S. Navy base in Cuba within one year; to hold accountable countless George Bush presidency civilian/military/intelligence officials who planned, authorised, or presided over the murder, rape, torture, unlawful execution, massacre and wrongful imprisonment of tens of thousands of mostly innocent individuals as part of the bogus “War on Terror”; to withdraw from Afghanistan by July 2011; and to prevent human rights violators from entering United States.

Needless to say the prospect of peace in the Middle East is about as likely as a kosher pig flying; the  decades-long mirage of a two-state solution has all but disappeared with the continual chutzpah theft of Palestinian land for the expansion of illegal Jewish settlements; the Guantanamo Bay facility — where the majority of detainees have not been charged with any crime — remains conspicuously open; Bush-era war criminals were not prosecuted but instead protected and finally given immunity; American troops are still on the ground in Afghanistan where the killing of thousands of innocent Afghan men, women and children is casually written off as “collateral damage”; and as for human rights violators, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu — amongst other sundry criminals — is a regular visitor to the country whose government Israel controls.

Furthermore —  as a parting gift to the American people’s constitutional rights — and in the final hours before the Christmas holiday weekend, Obama quietly signed the 2017 National Defence Authorisation Act (NDAA) into law. Buried within the $619 billion military budget was a controversial provision establishing a national anti-propaganda centre which critics warned could threaten the “freedom of the press,” such as it is.

The Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act, introduced by Republican Senator Rob Portman of Ohio, establishes a Global Engagement Centre under the State Department which will coordinate efforts to “recognise, understand, expose, and counter foreign state and non-state propaganda and disinformation efforts aimed at undermining United Sates national security interests.” This law will authorise grants to non-governmental agencies to help “collect and store examples in print, online, and social media, disinformation, misinformation, and propaganda” directed at the U.S. and its allies, as well as “counter efforts by foreign entities to use disinformation, misinformation, and propaganda to influence the policies and social and political stability” of the U.S. and allied nations.

“Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.”—The Universal Declaration of Human Rights 


Obama’s most serious failure, however, must be his administration’s unconditional support — apart from the recent last gasp abstention from UN Security Council Resolution 2334 regarding illegal Israeli settlements in Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem — for a state which more than any other has tirelessly endeavoured to subvert Western democracy


Such undying American support for the “only democracy in the Middle East,” has been profusely provided despite the U.S. Department of State’s claims that “democracy and respect for human rights have long been central components of U.S. foreign policy,” and that “the protection of fundamental human rights was a foundation stone in the establishment of the United States over 200 years ago. Since then, a central goal of U.S. foreign policy has been the promotion of respect for human rights, as embodied in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.”

( (

While Israel’s historic subversion of Western democracy has been clearly evident to anyone with a modicum of intelligence, those in the mainstream media who supposedly champion the five core principles of ethical journalism — Truth and Accuracy, Independence, Fairness and Impartiality, Humanity, and Accountability — have left it to Al-Jazeera in a four-part series to reveal how the Israeli government was in the midst of a flagrant campaign to covertly influence Britain’s perception of Israel including discussions between an Israeli diplomat and a UK civil servant to “take down” anti-settlement British politicians such as UK deputy foreign secretary Sir Alan Duncan.


Al Jazeera’s Investigative Unit also revealed that Israel was influencing student, activist, and parliamentary groups in the UK by offering financial and strategic assistance in order to gather support among young organisers with a view to moulding British politics in favour of Israel. Such efforts also included targeting students to boost support for Israel as a counter to the BDS movement; having pro-Israel groups — such as the Union of Jewish Students (UJS) comprising 64 Jewish societies at British universities which received money from the Israeli embassy — attempting not only to influence the National Union of Students (NUS) presidency election, but also of trying to oust Malia Bouattia following her victory as the first Muslim president of the NUS to identify as a Black British; and sending “pluralist” Fabian Society think-tank analysts on paid trips to Israel.


Israel’s Machiavellian subversion of democratic principles is by no means restricted to the UK and is rampant not only throughout the Americas and Europe, but also to varying degrees in other continents. So while hypocritical Western legislators with yellow streaks down their backs continue to subserviently prostrate themselves before pro-Israel Jewish lobbies and sanctimoniously condemn the “hatred, hostility, prejudice, racism and intolerance” of those seeking justice for the Palestinian people, they — along with mainstream media whores — religiously avoid discussion of any negative aspects relating to Israel’s Apartheid crimes against humanity.


Such Israeli instigated censorship also works in concert with the hypocrisy of those who while wearing the mantle of pretentious moral superiority will nonetheless turn their backs on the reality of Israel’s Nazification as a Jewish state and its barbaric ethnic cleansing of Palestine.

 “I swore never to be silent whenever and wherever human beings endure suffering and humiliation. We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.” —Eliezer “Elie” Wiesel (1928 – 2016), writer, professor, political activist, Nobel Laureate, and Holocaust survivor.

While Obama may have recently ended his final State of the Union address on a note of optimism when he said “and that’s why I stand here confident as I have ever been that the State of our Union is strong,” the reality and actual extent of the nation’s malaise had already been confirmed by the election of a dangerous “grab them by the pussy” vulgarian whose clownish “you’re fired” credentials are more suited for lowbrow reality television shows, than for responsible democratic governance of the world’s only “Superpower.”

Nonetheless, the Donald “make America great again” Trump will continue being popular with all those Americans who are either partly or totally illiterate; cannot locate North America on a map of the world; and still believe that simply being American makes them exceptional.

Finally, though Obama did notch up some successes that would suggest he was a dove with an olive branch — the Iran nuclear deal and the opening of diplomatic relations with Cuba — he was actually a hawk who despite having pledged to end the wars of his predecessor George W. Bush, instead presided over U.S. military involvement in seven Muslim-majority countries: Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Pakistan, Syria, Somalia, and Yemen.

Moreover, he dramatically increased the air wars and the use of special operations forces around the globe with 2016 being “the Year of the Commando” during which U.S. special operators were active in 138 countries, or 70% of the world’s nations. GOD BLESS AMERICA!


William Hanna is a freelance writer with published books the Hiramic Brotherhood of the Third Temple and The Tragedy of Palestine and its Children. Purchase information, sample chapters, other articles, and contact details at: (

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“With Barack Obama’s exit the US is losing a saint.” writes Simon Jenkins in the Guardian, whilst Ann Perkins praises his “grace, decency and defence of democracy”. Lola Okolosie rhapsodises on his legacy of “warmth, love, resilience”.

Already the storyline is set – Obama was a good man, who tried to do great things, but was undone by a Republican senate, and his own “sharp intelligence”.

These people, as much as anybody, reflect the cognitive dissonance of the modern press. “Liberals”, to use their own tortured self-descriptor, now assign the roles of good guy and bad guy based purely on aesthetics, convenience and fuel for their vanity. Actions and consequences are immaterial.

For the sake of balance, here is a list of Saint Obama’s unique achievements:

  • Obama is the first President in American history to be at war for every single day of an 8 year presidency.
  • Obama has carried out 10x more drone strikes than Bush ever did. Every Tuesday a military aide presents Obama with a “kill list”, and the “decent, gracious” Obama picks a few names off a list…and kills them. And their families. And their neighbours. These illegal acts of state-sanctioned murder have killed hundreds of civilians in 5 different countries in 2016 alone. The only reason that number isn’t higher, is that the Obama administration re-classified all males over 18 as combatants, regardless of occupation.
  • After declaring he wanted to build a “nuclear free world”, Obama committed to spending $1 TRILLION dollars on rebuilding America’s nuclear weapons.
  • Under Obama, the NSA et al. were able to spy on, essentially, the whole world. When this was revealed, not a single intelligence officer or government official was prosecuted. Instead…
  • Obama’s administration declared a “war on whistleblowers”, enacting new laws and initiating what they call the “Insider Threat Program”. Manning was prosecuted, Snowden sent into exile and Assange was set-up, discredited and (they hoped) extradited. It has never been more dangerous to be a government whistle-blower, than under Barack Obama
  • In terms of foreign policy, despite his press-created and non-sensical reputation as a non-interventionist, American Special Forces are currently operating in over 70% of the world’s 195 countries. The great lie is that, where Bush was a warmonger, Obama has sought to avoid conflict. The truth is that Obama, in the grand tradition of the CIA and American Imperial power, has simply turned all America’s wars into covert wars.
  • Before Obama came into office, Libya was the richest and most developed nation in Africa. It is now a hell-hole. Destroyed by war, hollowed-out by corruption. The “liberal” press allow him to agonise over this as his “greatest mistake”, and then gently pardon him for his good intentions. The truth is that Libya was not a mistake, or a misjudgment, or an unforeseen consequence. Libya is exactly what America wanted it to become. A failed state where everything is for sale, a base to pour illegal CIA weapons south into Africa and east into the ME. When war is your economy, chaos is good for business. When secrecy is your weapon, anarchy is ammunition. Libya went according to plan. A brutal plan that killed 100,000s and destroyed the lives of millions more. Libya, like Iraq, is a neocon success story. Syria on the other hand…
  • Syria, probably the word that will follow Obama out of office as “Iraq” did his predecessor, is a total failure. Both of stated intent and covert goals. Where the press will mourn Obama’s “indecisive nature” and wish he’d “used his big stick”, the real story is one of evil incompetence, so great that it would be almost comical…if it hadn’t destroyed an ancient seat of civilisation and killed 100,000s of people. Syria (along with Libya, Iraq, Somalia, Iran and Sudan) was on the list of the 7 countries America intended to destroy, famously “leaked” by General Wesley Clark. After the fall of Libya, Syria was (essentially) surrounded by American military on all sides. Iraq, Israel, Turkey and America operating out of Libya could pour “freedom fighters” into Syria to bring down “the regime”. When that didn’t work they deployed the trusty “WMD” method, to demand “humanitarian intervention”…the Russians saw that off. Then “ISIS” was created by the CIA, as al-Qaida were before them, and their manufactured barbarism was used as a pretext for invasion. The Russians, again, saw to it that this would not happen.
  • Perhaps in the hope of distracting Russia from the ME, or perhaps merely as a short-sighted punitive measure, the Obama’s administration next foreign policy target was Ukraine. Victoria Nuland’s own voice proves how much that “color revolution” was an American creation. Ukraine is broke, even more broke than it was, its people starve and freeze through the winter. The new “democratic government” has shelled 10,000 people to death in the East of the country….using American weapons.
  • In Yemen, the poorest country in the ME is being bombed to shreds by the richest….again, using American (and British) weapons. Obama’s “defense of democracy” doesn’t extend to criticising, or even discussing, the abhorrent Human Rights record of America’s Saudi Arabian allies, and in an act of brazen hypocrisy, even supported their chairing of the Human Rights Council of the UN.

This is the world Saint Obama has created. Guantanamo is still open, and terrorist “suspects” are still held there without trial or charge (they are probably still tortured). Other “suspects” can be simply declared guilty, and unilaterally executed…anywhere in the world. The NSA and CIA are illegally monitoring the communications of half the world. If any other leader in the world claimed even 1% of this power, they would be decried as “autocratic”, and their country denounced as a “pariah state”.

The Middle-East is ablaze from Libya to Afghanistan, and from Yemen to Turkey. Relations with Russia are as precarious as at any time since WWII, thanks to America’s efforts to break Russia economically and shatter their global influence. There is no sign that America intends to back-down (see the recent red-scare style hysteria in the American press). Likewise America has positioned itself to have a massive conflict with China in the South China Sea. Obama is, in terms of influence, nothing more than a used-car salesman. His job is not to create policy, but to sell neocon ideas to the general public, but his lack of agency cannot excuse his lack of vision or morals. Under Obama’s notional leadership the world has moved to the very brink of self-immolation in the name of protecting American hegemony. Domestically America still crumbles.

He had a nice smile, and a good turn of phrase. He was witty, and cool, and looked good in a suit…but that doesn’t mean he wasn’t just more of the same. He could say the right things, and sound like he meant them, but he was still a monster. As he moves out to pasture, the press will try to spit-shine Obama’s tarnished halo, to try to convince us that he was a good man at heart and that, as politicians go, we can’t do any better.

But yes, we can.

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What Motivates Israeli Missile Attacks on Syria?

January 16th, 2017 by Alwaght

The central command of the Syrian army has announced that on Friday morning the Israeli regime fired several missiles at a big military airport in the western side of the capital Damascus. The army statement also warned Tel Aviv of the consequences of such a “blatant violation” of the Syrian sovereignty.

The official Syrian television quoted Syrian army’s statement as saying that a couple of missiles– launched from an area close to the Lake Tiberias in the occupied territories– hit the Al-Maza military airport. The airport contains installations belonging to the country’s presidential guard.

Immediately after the missile attacks, the Syrian foreign ministry sent two separate letters, one to the United Nations Security Council and the other to the UN secretary general, strongly condemning the assault against the military airport outside Damascus. The letter of the foreign ministry read that the aggression comes as part of a series of earlier Israeli aggressions against Syria since the beginning of the crisis in the country.

“Such an attack would not have occurred had it not been for the direct support from the outgoing American administration and French and British”, the letter to the international community added.

Syria also blamed the “mercenaries” of the Western powers like Saudi Arabia and Qatar, and Turkey, saying that the attack aimed at destroying the Syrian independence and government and also domination of the country and the region as a whole. The Syrian foreign ministry maintained that the aggressions are coming after back-to-back blows dealt to the terrorists in north, center, and south of the country. The Syrian army has recently pushed the militants of Jabhat Fateh al-Sham (formerly al-Nusra Front) out of eastern Aleppo and disarmed terrorists in Damascus outskirts and other fronts like Khan Al-Sheikh, Quneitra, and Daraa.

This is not the first time Tel Aviv strikes Syrian territories. Earlier, the Israeli fighter jets several times violated the Syrian air space, carrying out attacks on targets in the crisis-hit country. The al-Mezzeh military airport was hit at least twice in November and December last year by the Israeli fighter jets. But the fresh assault is attention-grabbing while the country is experiencing a ceasefire after liberation of Aleppo and inflicting heavy losses on the terrorist groups across the country. A couple of goals can drive the Israeli regime to carry out such apparent aggression through missile attacks on a country that is involved in a domestic battle with terror groups:

Distracting the Israeli public opinion

The Israeli government led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is striking the Syrian territory while it is at home facing unprecedentedly bitter criticism and questions over its political incompetence and economic corruption cases. Referring to the PM Netanyahu’s financial corruption investigation and the resultant popular backlash, the Lebanon-based al-Ahed news website, quoting the Israeli Anyan research institute, said that the Israeli political circles, Western intelligence services, and the political analysts believed that the Israeli PM is doing his best to use the security issues to calm the popular anger that followed the recent corruption inquiry, and so direct the attentions to other issues. The Israeli officials so far declined to comment on their aggressive measures on Syria, but according to the previous experiences and records of such attacks by the Israeli regime, the recent missile attack on al-Mezzeh military airport can be Tel Aviv’s move in a bid to divert the public attention from Netanyahu’s investigation, especially that the last week’s probe also saw engagement of his wife Sarah Netanyahu in the case. She was questioned by the Israeli police for illegally receiving presents from some rich people. With these happenings in mind, targeting the al-Mezzeh military airport and similar potential measures in the future will manage to at least remove part of the pressures put on the Netanyahu’s family by the media outlets.

Influencing the truce and peace talks in Syria

On the other side, the Israeli missile attacks on Syria are aimed at impacting the underway cessation of fire across Syria and the peace dialogue that is planned to be held between the Damascus government and the armed opposition groups. This possibility is raised in a time that the Syrian government shows commitment to the current ceasefire and supports the scheduled peace negotiations in Astana, Kazakhstan. Amid this display of commitment by Syria, the Israelis are making rogue moves in a bid to foil the truce and thus block ways of peace. Their final aim is to distance the Syrian crisis from any settlement.

Missile attacks on the military installations outside Damascus will push the Israelis closer to their objective of influencing the Astana peace talks if Damascus decides to respond to the Israeli regime out of a miscalculation. In fact, this is what the Israelis favor. Any direct Syrian confrontation with Tel Aviv will mar the ceasefire and the planned dialogue with the opposition. But the immediate reaction of the Syrian foreign ministry and sending letters to the UNSC and raising legal case against the Israeli regime showed that Damascus reactions come with a consideration of the regional circumstances and forthcoming peace talks. Actually, Syria is by no means poised to sacrifice a possible solution of its six-year domestic crisis to an uncalculated response to the Israeli roguery. In these conditions, Damascus will steer clear of any reciprocal military reaction which appeals to Tel Aviv.

Impairing Syrian army and anti-terror Resistance camp

Perhaps the key goal behind the Israeli missile strikes on Syria is to weaken the Axis of Resistance and particularly Lebanon’s Hezbollah that are currently involved in battle with the terror organizations in Syria. The Israeli news website Walla back in May 2015 quoted the former Israeli defense minister Moshe Ya’alon as saying that Tel Aviv will not allow Hezbollah achieve modern weapons. Short after these comments, the Israeli fighter jets bombed the Syrian areas on the border with the Israeli regime. The airstrikes, according to Tel Aviv officials, came to impair Hezbollah forces operating in Syria.

Following the recent Israeli attack in Syria, Abdel Bari Atwan, the prominent Arab author and editor-in-chief of London-based Rai al-Youm news website, in his note quoted the Israeli press, saying that the Israeli attack hit a shipment of high-accuracy “Fateh-1” missiles. The missile has a range of 300 kilometers and a warhead with payload of about 400 kilograms. Atwan added that the Israeli media declined to make it clear if the missile shipment was bound for Hezbollah or was set to be stockpiled for the Syrian forces.

A consideration of the Israeli officials’ comments, like those of Ya’alon, and the previous attacks on Syria on the one hand and the Israeli media claims that took attention of Abdel Bari Atwan on the other hand helps us make sure that recent Israeli assaults on the Syrian military airport come to undermine the power of Hezbollah in Syria. This aim comes as part of open striving for the final aim of saving the anti-Damascus terrorists from defeats. In fact, according to the Israeli claims, the missile offensives in Syria come to weaken a pro-Damascus group that is currently present on the front lines of battle against terrorist groups in Syria. So this measure was an effort to prevent any losses and retreats of the terrorist groups in Syria.

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In signs of rising income inequality, India’s richest one per cent now hold a huge 58 per cent of the country’s total wealth — higher than the global figure of about 50 per cent, a new study showed on Monday.

The study, released by rights group Oxfam ahead of the World Economic Forum(WEF) annual meeting here attended by rich and powerful from across the world, showed that just 57 billionaires in India now have same wealth ($ 216 billion) as that of the bottom 70 per cent population of the country.

Globally, just 8 billionaires have the same amount of wealth as the poorest 50 per cent of the world population+ .

The study said there are 84 billionaires in India, with a collective wealth of $248 billion, led by Mukesh Ambani ($9.3 billion), Dilip Shanghvi ($16.7 billion) and Azim Premji ($15 billion). The total Indian wealth in the country stood at $3.1 trillion.

The total global wealth in the year was $255.7 trillion, of which about $6.5 trillion was held by billionaires, led by Bill Gates ($75 billion), Amancio Ortega ($67 billion) and Warren Buffett ($60.8 billion).

In the report titled ‘An economy for the 99 per cent’, Oxfam said it is time to build a human economy that benefits everyone, not just the privileged few.

It said that since 2015, the richest 1 per cent has owned more wealth than the rest of the planet+ .

“Over the next 20 years, 500 people will hand over $2.1 trillion to their heirs — a sum larger than the GDP of India, a country of 1.3 billion people,” Oxfam said.

The study findings showed that the poorest half of the world has less wealth than had been previously thought while over the last two decades, the richest 10 per cent of the population in China, Indonesia, Laos, India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka have seen their share of income increase by more than 15 per cent.

On the other hand, the poorest 10 per cent have seen their share of income fall by more than 15 per cent.

“Due to a combination of discrimination and working in low-pay sectors, women’s wages across Asia are between 70-90 per cent of men’s,” it said.

Referring to the Global Wage Report 2016-17 of the International Labour Organisation (ILO)+ , the study said India suffers from huge gender pay gap and has among the worst levels of gender wage disparity — men earning more than women in similar jobs — with the gap exceeding 30 per cent.

In India, women form 60 per cent of the lowest paid wage labour, but only 15 per cent of the highest wage-earners. It means that in India women are not only poorly represented in the top bracket of wage-earners, but also experience wide gender pay gap+ at the bottom.

It also said that more than 40 per cent of the 400 million women who live in rural India are involved in agriculture and related activities. However, as women are not recognised as farmers and do not own land, they have limited access to government schemes and credit, restricting their agricultural productivity.

The study also said that the CEO of India’s top information technology firm earns 416 times the salary of a typical employee in his company.

In the US, by contrast, billionaires have frequently chosen to cash out of their businesses, and their wealth has not lasted so long.

In Asia, Singapore and India have a high number of multi-generational billionaires and a lot many people across the globe, including India, will transfer wealth to their heirs in the next 20 years, the study said, while pushing for a need to establish a system of inheritance tax.

It also referred to the world’s largest garment companies that have all been linked to cotton-spinning mills in India, which routinely use the forced labour of girls.

“There are evidences against cotton-spinning mills of India, which feed into the world’s largest garment companies, using forced labour. As per ILO, there are 5.8 million child labourers in India,” it added.

In many parts of the world, corporations are increasingly driven by a single goal — that is to maximise returns to their shareholders.

In the UK, 10 per cent of profits were returned to shareholders in 1970 and this figure is now 70 per cent.

“In India, the figure is lower, but is growing rapidly, and for many corporations, it is now higher than 50 per cent. In India, as profits have been rising for the 100 largest listed corporations, the share of net profits going to dividends has also increased steadily over the last decade, reaching 34 per cent in 2014/15, with around 12 private corporations paying more than 50 per cent of their profits as dividends,” it said.

The report also said the local air pollution caused by burning coal causes around 100,000 premature deaths per year in India.

“South-East Asia and India have both substantial coal power development plants and large populations without access to electricity. While coal provides 75 per cent of the nation’s electricity, many areas with the densest concentration of coal plants also have the lowest rates of electricity access,” it said.

It asked the Indian government to end the extreme concentration of wealth to end poverty, introduce inheritance tax and increase the wealth tax as the proportion of this tax in total tax revenue is one of the lowest in India.

“Indian government must eliminate tax exemptions and not further reduce corporate tax rates. Governments must support companies that benefit their workers and society rather than just their shareholders,” Oxfam said.

“Indian government must crack down on tax dodging by corporates and rich individuals to end the era of tax havens. Government must generate funds needed to invest in healthcare and education. The government must increase its public expenditure on health from 1 per cent GDP to 3 per cent of GDP and on education from 3 per cent of GDP to 6 per cent,” it added. 

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In signs of rising income inequality, India’s richest one per cent now hold a huge 58 per cent of the country’s total wealth — higher than the global figure of about 50 per cent, a new study showed on Monday.

The study, released by rights group Oxfam ahead of the World Economic Forum(WEF) annual meeting here attended by rich and powerful from across the world, showed that just 57 billionaires in India now have same wealth ($ 216 billion) as that of the bottom 70 per cent population of the country.

Globally, just 8 billionaires have the same amount of wealth as the poorest 50 per cent of the world population+ .

The study said there are 84 billionaires in India, with a collective wealth of $248 billion, led by Mukesh Ambani ($9.3 billion), Dilip Shanghvi ($16.7 billion) and Azim Premji ($15 billion). The total Indian wealth in the country stood at $3.1 trillion.

The total global wealth in the year was $255.7 trillion, of which about $6.5 trillion was held by billionaires, led by Bill Gates ($75 billion), Amancio Ortega ($67 billion) and Warren Buffett ($60.8 billion).

In the report titled ‘An economy for the 99 per cent’, Oxfam said it is time to build a human economy that benefits everyone, not just the privileged few.

It said that since 2015, the richest 1 per cent has owned more wealth than the rest of the planet+ .

“Over the next 20 years, 500 people will hand over $2.1 trillion to their heirs — a sum larger than the GDP of India, a country of 1.3 billion people,” Oxfam said.

The study findings showed that the poorest half of the world has less wealth than had been previously thought while over the last two decades, the richest 10 per cent of the population in China, Indonesia, Laos, India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka have seen their share of income increase by more than 15 per cent.

On the other hand, the poorest 10 per cent have seen their share of income fall by more than 15 per cent.

“Due to a combination of discrimination and working in low-pay sectors, women’s wages across Asia are between 70-90 per cent of men’s,” it said.

Referring to the Global Wage Report 2016-17 of the International Labour Organisation (ILO)+ , the study said India suffers from huge gender pay gap and has among the worst levels of gender wage disparity — men earning more than women in similar jobs — with the gap exceeding 30 per cent.

In India, women form 60 per cent of the lowest paid wage labour, but only 15 per cent of the highest wage-earners. It means that in India women are not only poorly represented in the top bracket of wage-earners, but also experience wide gender pay gap+ at the bottom.

It also said that more than 40 per cent of the 400 million women who live in rural India are involved in agriculture and related activities. However, as women are not recognised as farmers and do not own land, they have limited access to government schemes and credit, restricting their agricultural productivity.

The study also said that the CEO of India’s top information technology firm earns 416 times the salary of a typical employee in his company.

In the US, by contrast, billionaires have frequently chosen to cash out of their businesses, and their wealth has not lasted so long.

In Asia, Singapore and India have a high number of multi-generational billionaires and a lot many people across the globe, including India, will transfer wealth to their heirs in the next 20 years, the study said, while pushing for a need to establish a system of inheritance tax.

It also referred to the world’s largest garment companies that have all been linked to cotton-spinning mills in India, which routinely use the forced labour of girls.

“There are evidences against cotton-spinning mills of India, which feed into the world’s largest garment companies, using forced labour. As per ILO, there are 5.8 million child labourers in India,” it added.

In many parts of the world, corporations are increasingly driven by a single goal — that is to maximise returns to their shareholders.

In the UK, 10 per cent of profits were returned to shareholders in 1970 and this figure is now 70 per cent.

“In India, the figure is lower, but is growing rapidly, and for many corporations, it is now higher than 50 per cent. In India, as profits have been rising for the 100 largest listed corporations, the share of net profits going to dividends has also increased steadily over the last decade, reaching 34 per cent in 2014/15, with around 12 private corporations paying more than 50 per cent of their profits as dividends,” it said.

The report also said the local air pollution caused by burning coal causes around 100,000 premature deaths per year in India.

“South-East Asia and India have both substantial coal power development plants and large populations without access to electricity. While coal provides 75 per cent of the nation’s electricity, many areas with the densest concentration of coal plants also have the lowest rates of electricity access,” it said.

It asked the Indian government to end the extreme concentration of wealth to end poverty, introduce inheritance tax and increase the wealth tax as the proportion of this tax in total tax revenue is one of the lowest in India.

“Indian government must eliminate tax exemptions and not further reduce corporate tax rates. Governments must support companies that benefit their workers and society rather than just their shareholders,” Oxfam said.

“Indian government must crack down on tax dodging by corporates and rich individuals to end the era of tax havens. Government must generate funds needed to invest in healthcare and education. The government must increase its public expenditure on health from 1 per cent GDP to 3 per cent of GDP and on education from 3 per cent of GDP to 6 per cent,” it added. 

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Why Palestinian Children Throw Stones

January 16th, 2017 by Jonathan Cook

Forget the empty posturing of world leaders in Paris yesterday. This photo tells us what the Israel-Palestine “conflict” is really about.

Imagine for a second that the little boy – how old is he, eight, nine? – is your son, trying to adjust his keffiyeh because it keeps falling over his eyes and he can’t see anything.

Image your small son surrounded by masked Israeli “soldiers”, or what looks more like a Jewish militia than an army. Imagine that the boy is likely soon to be bundled into the back of a military van and taken for interrogation without his parents or a lawyer present, or even knowing where he is. That he could end up beaten and tortured, as human rights groups have regularly documented.

Maybe you can’t imagine any of that because you, a responsible parent living in Europe or the United States, would never let your child out to throw stones.

Then you need to know more about the story behind this picture.

This photo was taken in Kfar Qaddum last month. The boy and his friends aren’t there to bait Israeli soldiers or indulge a bout of anti-semitism. Jews from the violent – and illegal – settlement of Kedumim have taken over their farm lands. Kedumim’s expansion has been further used to justify the army closing the access road in and out of Qaddum. The village is being choked off at the throat. In short, these villagers are being ethnically cleansed.

Parents living in such circumstances do not have the privilege of concealing from their children what is happening. Everyone in the village knows their community and its way of life are being extinguished. Israel is determined that they will leave so that the Jewish settlers next door can grab their land. Israel expects these villagers to join the rest of the aid-dependent Palestinian population in one of the ghettoised towns and cities in the bantustans of the West Bank.

Even little boys understand the stakes. And unlike your child, this one knows that, if he doesn’t resist, he will lose everything he holds dear.

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Taking Down Donald Trump?

January 16th, 2017 by Joseph Clifford

Set aside all feelings for Donald Trump, and reflect for a moment on the historical happenings of the last couple of months.

Early in the primary, Trump was the media darling, with non-stop coverage of everything he said or did. He was constantly on media outlets, so much so, rivals in his own party started complaining of unfair coverage. They argued Trump was getting free air time, while they were excluded. To their point, Media Quant, a company that does media analysis, estimated that Trump had been given about 2 billion dollars’ worth of free coverage by media outlets.

Suddenly the honeymoon ended, and Trump went from media darling, to the devil incarnate. Media suddenly turned with vengeance on Mr. Trump, and his every move was analyzed and ridiculed. Some argue the turning point occurred, because media realized they had created a Frankenstein, and they might be, in part, responsible for a possible Trump victory, and were shocked at what they had done

Be sure to check under your bed this evening. Corporate media has convinced over 79% of the public that .Russia is a threat.. Who says propaganda doesn't work? But the much larger story is of the clash between the .Deep State. and Trump over Russia.

Be sure to check under your bed this evening. Corporate media has convinced over 79% of the public that .Russia is a threat.. Who says propaganda doesn’t work? But the much larger story is of the clash between the .Deep State. and Trump over Russia.
(image by License DMCA Details

Further reflection on the precise “turning point” shows things dramatically changed and reversed, when Mr Trump expressed his sentiments about Russia. He insisted, he did not want a war with Russia, and he would move to “reset” US relations with Russia. That was the turning point, and from that day on he was subjected to relentless criticism and ridicule, by corporate media outlets. He was accused of being an unwitting tool of Putin. This was followed by a plethora of stories about his close relations with Russia, and the possible relationships members of his administration had with Russia. Now there were two villains; Trump and Russia, and they were always depicted as more or less one in the same. The Russophobes were in full attack. Russia, their new scapegoat, was vilified and called all kinds of nonsensical things, and was accused of all that is evil in the world.

But Trump held fast and brushed aside most of the accusations and stood by his belief that better relations with Putin and Russia was a good thing. Things escalated, when accusations without proof were made and repeated by corporate media, that Russia had hacked the e-mails of the DNC, and interfered in the election to assist Trump in his victory. This story went viral despite the absence of any credible evidence. Journalism was thrown aside, and any rumor, accusation, based on no source or anonymous sources, circulated widely. Papers like the NYT and the Washington Post became shameless in their unfounded, unsubstantiated, repetition of rumors and accusations. It appeared a modern-day McCarthy-like witch hunt was in progress.

Early on, the FBI would not go along with the intelligence agencies, but was eventually bullied into compliance. The intelligence agencies produced laughable reports and “proof” of their accusations, and still Mr Trump stuck to his belief that a better relationship with Russia is a good thing. Trump refused to knuckle under to the government, corporate media, and intelligence narrative. They got desperate and pulled out of their hat, a completely made up story about Trump’s sexual behavior, which was plastered and repeated all over corporate media for one day, until it was categorically and unequivocally proven to be a “fake” story, but the damage had been done. BuzzFeed, who originally published the bogus report, after CNN announced it, got over 2 million reads, and no one knows how many times the story was read or heard on subsequent venues of corporate media. The damage had been done.

The stakes have been vicariously raised with the leak of disinformation by the intelligence agencies. It was either a “leak”, or release of information, depending on your point of view. Formerly, the military industrial complex, along with the support of neocons, the media, and intelligence agencies, had been trying to bring Trump into the “fold” of demonizing Russia and Putin. With this latest however, things have changed, with the goal of the Deep State (a collection of the above forces) apparently having decided, to bring Mr Trump down.

The intelligence agencies have refined their trade of bringing down governments for the past fifty years all over the world, and now have decided to take down our own. Far-fetched? Think about the whole thing, especially the time and sequence of events. Think about the timing of the latest “leak” of the fake bogus story of Mr. Trumps alleged exploits. It was “leaked”, and appeared just in time for Mr Trumps first press conference. We are spectators to a historical battle between a President elect and the “Deep State”. Certainly, there have been many other such battles, but they have never erupted in open warfare with the intent of bringing down a sitting president. If this be true, continue to watch the constant dribble by corporate media, working in conjunction with the military industrial complex and the neocons, to undermine this President. Their goal is to render him useless by throwing so much adverse publicity at him, the public will demand his impeachment. Time will tell, but it is very apparent that the battle lines have been drawn. Will Trump fold and be beaten into submission by those powerful forces, and jump on the demonizing Russia bandwagon, or will he continue to defy them?

Some readers hate Mr Trump so much they are probably wishing for his demise. I believe Trump is horrible, and in no way, would I ever support such a horrible person to be president, but put all that aside and ponder the happenings. Those who cannot put their emotional hard feelings aside should be very cautious about getting what you wish for. If those Deep State forces prevail, and run Trump out of town, what next? For Mr. Trump, a bit of parting advice. Don’t be hanging around any grassy knolls.

Joe Clifford lives in Rhode Island and has written a regular column for an online newspaper and has contributed many articles to various RI newspapers. His articles deal almost exclusively with American Foreign policy but ventures into other areas on occasion.

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Some 4,000 US troops, together with tanks, artillery and armored vehicles, arrived in Poland over the weekend, further escalating tensions with Russia ahead of the January 20th inauguration of US President-elect Donald Trump. It is the largest US troop deployment in Europe since the Cold War.

The troops will be disbursed over seven Eastern European countries, including the Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, all of which border Russia. After nine months, the troops will be replaced with another unit, making the deployment effectively permanent. NATO plans to deploy a further four battalions to the Russian border later this year, including one each to Poland and the three Baltic states.

The deployment follows a week in which US politics was dominated by denunciations of Russia and President Vladimir Putin. In Senate confirmation hearings for Trump administration cabinet nominees, Senators called Putin a “war criminal,” an “autocrat,” and a murderer, while newspapers and TV broadcasts have been filled with charges of Russian plots to subvert the US elections.

The US deployment in Poland is part of the quadrupling of the US defense budget for Eastern Europe in 2017, announced by Defense Secretary Ashton Carter in February. Annual US military spending in the region will rise from $800 million last year to $3.4 billion this year.

In addition to deploying ground forces, the US plans to construct a missile defense system in Poland and to further stockpile munitions and armaments along the Russian border.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov called the buildup “a threat to our security…especially as it concerns a third party building up its military presence near our borders.” He added, “Any country may and will take a buildup of foreign military presence along its borders negatively. This is exactly how we take it.”

The deployment was originally scheduled to take place at the end of this month, after the inauguration, but it was expedited by an Obama administration anxious to undermine any retreat from the aggressive anti-Russia line demanded by dominant sections of the US military and intelligence agencies.

The deployment was welcomed by the virulently right-wing and anti-Russian Polish government, which received a formal warning last year by the European Union for violations of “the rule of law, democracy and human rights.” Since coming to power in October 2015, the Law and Justice (PiS) Party has sought to pack the country’s courts with right-wing ideologues and has cracked down on oppositional media.

Polish officials hailed the US troops on Saturday with a ceremony in the western Polish town of Zagan. The officials made a series of hysterical remarks, seeking to present Russia as an aggressive menace to the sovereignty of Poland and other Eastern European countries.

“We have waited for you for a very long time,” Polish Defense Minister Antoni Macierewicz told the assembled troops. “We waited for decades…feeling that we were the only one who protected civilization from aggression that came from the east.”

He said the presence of the US military would ensure “freedom, independence and peace in Europe and the whole world.” Prime Minister Beata Szydlo added, “This is an important day for Poland, for Europe, for our common defense.”

Speaking at the ceremony on Saturday, Paul Jones, the US ambassador to Poland, said the latest deployment signaled an “ironclad commitment” to the US’s NATO allies. “This is America’s most capable fighting force: a combat-ready, highly trained US armored brigade, with our most advanced equipment and weaponry.”

One of those battalions, supplied by the United States, will be stationed in Eastern Poland in the so-called Suwalki Gap between Belarus and the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad. These troops are designed to act as a “tripwire” force, raising the chance of a full-scale military conflict with the US in the event of a border conflict.

The nominal reason for the stepped-up deployment is the annexation of Crimea by Russia in 2014, portrayed by the US and NATO as an act of unilateral aggression by Russia.

In reality, Russia’s move on Crimea was primarily of a defensive character, a response to the US-backed and fascist-led, right-wing coup in Ukraine that threatened to cut off Russia’s access to its naval base in Sevastopol. The annexation followed a majority vote in Crimea to secede from Ukraine and join Russia.

The US and its NATO allies used the annexation as a pretext for a series of retaliatory measures, including economic sanctions directed against the Russian government and individuals.

The deployment of US troops has been largely downplayed in the US media, earning a single mention, as an aside, on ABC’s “This Week Sunday” talk show. It was almost entirely ignored on  “Meet the Press” and “Face the Nation.” To the extent that US news outlets, like CNN and the New York Times, reported the deployment, it was to present the move as a defense of small states on Russia’s border.

Completely absent from all this reporting was any sense of historical context. The Second World War, which led to the deaths of 26 million Soviet citizens, began with the invasion of Poland by Nazi Germany, which saw it as a staging point for the ultimate invasion of the USSR, aimed at making Germany a world power capable of competing with the United States.

Now, as the United States is seeking to cement its stranglehold over Eurasia in order to prepare for a showdown with its main international rival, China, it risks a clash with Russia, the world’s second-ranked nuclear power.

While for now Trump has signaled a more accommodative stance toward Russia, this is only in order to focus US military aggression against China. In an interview published this weekend by the Wall Street Journal, Trump simultaneously said he was open to lifting economic sanctions against Russia, while announcing a willingness to reconsider the US’s longstanding policy of not recognizing Taiwan, a policy move that Chinese officials have said would lead to a rupture of diplomatic relations.

In the increasingly bitter faction fight within the US political establishment over foreign policy, both sides favor military escalation against nuclear-armed powers, threatening a war, whether against Russia or China, that would have the most catastrophic consequences.

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No War, No NATO

January 16th, 2017 by Communiqué of the National Coordination No War, No Nato

GR brings to the attention of its readers this important declaration

The National Coordination of the Committee No War, No Nato  considers that demonstrating in Europe on 21 January, against the newly elected US President Donald Trump is tantamount to lending its support to the Obama administration which has transformed Europe into Nato’s first line of attack, nuclear matters inclusive, against Russia.

Trump is accused of usurping the position that had been earmarked for Hillary Clinton, thanks to an operation allegedly ordered by Russia’s President Putin. The «evidence» has been provided by the CIA, an expert organization in the field of infiltration and coups d’etat.

The neocon strategists, the architects of the campaign, are thus seeking to prevent a possible change in the course in US-Russia relations that the Obama administration has escalated to the level of cold war.

The easing of the tension with Russia is a particular source for alarm  both for Nato top brass, which  has swelled in importance on account of the new cold war, and for groups in power in Eastern countries (notably Poland, Ukraine and the Baltic states) – which are counting on hostility  vis-à-vis Russia to bolster the military and economic support  they receive from Nato and the EU.

This is confirmed by the fact that on 12 January, pursuant to a decision taken by the Obama administration, a US armoured brigade arrived in Poland and is empowering the lining up of Nato forces under US command. These [Nato forces] include troops from Italy, Eastern Europe, in an increasingly dangerous military escalation against Russia.

In this context, the anti-Trump demonstrations [scheduled for] 21 January are transformed into a military stratagem.

On the contrary, we must engage in even greater mobilization to:

  • liberate our countries from  their subjugation to the United States, regardless of who its President may be;
  • leave Nato;
  • remove US nuclear weapons from our national territories.

Translated by Anoosha Boralessa.

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“Fake News”: The Latest Weapon in Information Space

January 16th, 2017 by Tony Cartalucci

The ability for technology and innovations to transform global economics and geopolitics is often underestimated, even sidelined in retrospect.

However, from the technological achievements that gave the British Empire mastery over the seas, to the industrial revolution that eventually disrupted and unraveled the empire’s carefully constructed global system of mercantilism, the march of technological progress literally governors the rise and fall of global centers of power and the empires built around them.

Disruptive Information Technology

With the advent of information technology (IT), what once required immense capital and a substantial workforce to disseminate information across large segments of the population can now be done by a single individual for virtually no cost at all.

It is no longer necessarily the amount of resources one has at their disposal, but rather the power of their ideas and words that determine the efficacy of their message and the impact it has on society.

IT has leveled the playing field. The United States and Europe for decades, monopolized the flow of information across various forms of media. During World War II, the Allies easily outsmarted Axis powers and their less sophisticated, clumsy propaganda efforts. Between World War II and the Cold War, the US and British ruling circles not only held uncontested influence over their own populations, but through Voice of America and the BBC, they were able to project that influence abroad.

The cost of opening a radio station, a television studio, or a printing press to produce newspapers was prohibitive for the vast majority of people who may have disagreed with the “consensus” created by those who had the resources to produce mass media.

However today, not only does IT allow states once targeted by Western propaganda to better protect political and economic stability within their borders, they are able to get their side of the story out to Western audiences.

Beyond that, independent activists, journalists, and analysts can now write and speak before audiences of millions, contesting “mainstream” narratives promoted by circles of political and economic power worldwide.

The effects of this are evident everywhere we look.

The “alternative media,” has already significantly disrupted manufactured “consensus” across a wide variety of interests from big-agriculture and big-pharmaceuticals, to agendas surrounding geopolitical conflicts everywhere from Ukraine to Syria.

Re-centralizing and Reasserting Control 

Independent news, analysis, and activist networks have flourished on the Internet, primarily through blogs, websites, and video channels. However, special interests have invested much in reasserting control over narratives and information in general by re-centralizing media platforms.

This is being done in particular with social media, and especially Facebook. Facebook boasts nearly 1.8 billion users. Virtually every person one passes on the streets using their mobile device, is using Facebook to connect with their friends and to access news and information. Facebook’s popularity has all but centralized the majority of online users’ activities, thus reasserting control over information has begun here.

Facebook has used many different pretexts to roll out this system of control. In 2014, it claimed that it was changing the way it displays posts in user news feeds because:

Rather than showing people all possible content, News Feed is designed to show each person on Facebook the content that’s most relevant to them. Of the 1,500+ stories a person might see whenever they log onto Facebook, News Feed displays approximately 300. To choose which stories to show, News Feed ranks each possible story (from more to less important) by looking at thousands of factors relative to each person.

However, it is not the user that determines what is most relevant to them, but rather an algorithm created by Facebook. In reality, the change meant that those disseminating information through Facebook and reaching large numbers of people now suddenly found their reach significantly shortened. To reach people that have already consciously decided to follow certain users, it is now necessary to pay Facebook money to “promote” posts.

In essence, the very obstacles of capital in relation to public reach dismantled by the advent of IT, have been reintroduced through Facebook’s monopoly over social media.

In 2016, Facebook would tighten the screws further – this time under the pretext of combating “fake news.” “Fake news” is a term created by the very monopolies slowly diminishing in the face of expanding and ever sophisticated alternative media.

While hysteria is being created by linking “fake news” with “Russian propaganda” and “white nationalists,” in reality the measures being put in place to “fact check” and subsequently censor information deemed “fake news” will target everything that contradicts narratives promoted by US and European special interests – everything from promoting wars, to promoting and expanding big-business.

Time For Another Disruption 

In any struggle, adaptation is required. With Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms joining the so-called war on “fake news,” those who seek to maintain the rise of the alternative media and a balance of power across information space must identify the special interests driving this agenda, as well as various means to undermine and overcome it.

Russia, for example, has VKontakte (VK), which competes with Facebook and is widely popular across Russia. It diminishes Facebook’s monopoly over social media and gives Russia the ability to control social media within its borders. VK is also a profitable company.

China, likewise, has its own domestic tech-giants that allow it to control media within its borders and among its population.

This creates a balance of power between nations within information space. To create a balance of power within nations, there are other alternatives.

Just like cryptocurrencies are disrupting traditional financial institutions and the control they exercise over global monetary systems, peer-to-peer (P2P) social media platforms may help solve the problem of monopolies like Facebook exercising control over the information we receive – or don’t receive.

Alternatives like FreeNet are not centrally controlled. Users download a free program onto their computer and it connects them directly with others using FreeNet around the world. There is no centralized administrator. Rather than a hub to which all users connect like Facebook – P2P networks resemble a mesh in which everyone serves as a node.

Users are anonymous if they wish to be, and content cannot be controlled or censored, nor can access to information be throttled back as Facebook’s news feed algorithms do.

Enterprising states or individuals dedicated to establishing a balance of power across information space could make and promote their own P2P social media platforms. While they are not capable of being controlled like Facebook, VK, or China’s centralized alternatives, they still help undermine foreign control – and in the long-term, help states adjust to technological decentralization that will inevitably unfold regardless.

While money will not be made in the same way as Facebook’s founders are profiting from their control over social media, another form of profit results for the individuals or states that create such a platform.

Geopolitically, a successful, widely used, and disruptive P2P social networking platform that undermines or entirely breaks Facebook’s control over social media evens the playing field and allows individuals and states to once again get their side of the story out to the public on equal footing to the “fact checkers” seeking to combat “fake news” on Facebook, Twitter, and other centralized platforms dominated by Western tech-giants.

P2P will not make billions in profits for its creators, but it could help avert a war, disrupt a foreign monopoly from undermining and destroying a nation’s economy, or allow a socioeconomic alternative to take root and flourish that otherwise would be hindered by the West’s attempts to reassert control over information space and eliminate competition both politically and economically.

When we think of things like social media, we may not immediately link it to the profound impact it has on geopolitics, economics, and the rise and fall of nation states and even regions of the world. But if Facebook’s role in the 2011 US-engineered “Arab Spring” serves as any kind of example or warning, it is that uncontested domination over information space can literally destroy not just an entire nation, but an entire region of the planet.

Creating alternatives to Facebook, then, is as essential to a state or individual’s security as any traditional weapon system. To face the modern age without such alternatives is to take the battlefield unarmed, unprotected, and entirely unprepared.

Tony Cartalucci, Bangkok-based geopolitical researcher and writer, especially for the online magazine New Eastern Outlook”.

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Secret IMF Documents on Greece’s Debt Crisis Revealed

January 16th, 2017 by Eric Toussaint

The CADTM draws attention to two IMF documents dated from March and May 2010 that were kept secret.

These authentic documents were placed at the disposal of the Truth Committee on Greek Public Debt by Zoe Konstantopoulou, the President of the Hellenic Parliament in office from 6 February to 3 October 2015.

Their contents are damning. They clearly show that a large number of IMF Executive Board members expressed severe criticism of the programme the Institution was preparing to implement. Some of them denounced the fact that the programme was aimed at rescuing the private European banks – mainly certain major French and German banks— who were creditors of Greek debt, both public and private. Several of them denounced the selfsame policies that had led to the Asian crisis of 1996-1997 and the Argentine crisis in 2001.

Several executives denounced the fact that the principal executive officers (mainly the Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn and the Deputy Director John Lipsky) had, unbeknownst to the other members of the Board, modified one of the fundamental rules that condition credits allocated by the IMF to its members. Indeed, for a loan to be granted by the IMF, it must be shown that this loan and the accompanying programme will render debt repayment sustainable.

This condition could not be satisfied in the case of Greece, since the IMF directorate and the European authorities refused to reduce the Greek debt or to make private banks contribute.

Therefore the above-mentioned condition was deleted on the sly, and replaced by a new criterion: the need to avoid a high risk of international systemic financial destabilization. The IMF’s Management invoked urgency to justify this totally irregular change of the rules.

To persuade the IMF executives who were the most reticent, the French, German and Dutch directors lied, each promising that their country’s banks would not disengage from Greek bonds. They claimed that the French, German and Dutch banks would hold onto their Greek bonds to enable the newly-starting programme to succeed.

Since then it has been proven that the French, German and Dutch banks massively sold off the bonds they held on the secondary market, thus aggravating the Greek crisis and transferring to European tax-payers, especially Greek tax-payers, the burden of the risks they had taken and of the crisis which was largely their fault. 

Again, to calm the reticence of certain executive directors, the IMF directors handling relations with Greece declared that social measures would be taken to protect people with low salaries and small pensions from the austerity measures. They lied. Furthermore, to get the agreement of the executive members of the IMF, they claimed that Greek banks were sound and that their problems were entirely due to risks engendered by far too much public debt and a colossal public deficit. This was untrue: Greek banks were in a disastrous situation.

Another lie invented to convince the doubters was that the plan would be submitted to the Hellenic Parliament for approval. In reality, the programme was forced upon the Parliament with no chance for amendment and with no regard for the Greek constitution, as numerous jurists pointed out at the time.

Jean-Claude Trichet threatened to withdraw Greek banks’ access to ECB liquiditiesTo the executive directors of the IMF who wanted the banks to contribute “collectively” to the solution by agreeing to debt reduction, those handling the Greek dossier pretended that the Greek authorities would not hear of public debt reduction. The Greek representative, Panagiotis Roumeliotis, confirmed this fabrication. Later, this same representative claimed that it was under pressure from the European Central Bank (ECB) that Greece had declared that it did not wish for debt reduction. According to Roumeliotis, Jean-Claude Trichet threatened to withdraw Greek banks’ access to ECB liquidities (see in French). Certainly, Jean-Claude Trichet did use this threat during the months of negotiation of the Memorandum. It turns out that he used the same threat against Ireland, too, a few months later during the fine-tuning of the Memorandum concerning that country. It is also known that Greek bankers, like the French, German and Dutch bankers, were not interested in Greek debt reduction as they refused to contribute to their own rescue package. The Greek bankers managed to get two years’ respite which enabled them to disengage and obtain significant compensation.

The IMF contended that as Greece belonged to the Eurozone, devaluing its currency to regain competitiveness was impossible so it would have to devalue wages and social benefits. This is what is known as internal devaluation, and it is wreaking havoc in Greece and other peripheral countries within the Eurozone.

How the IMF works

Using the simplified organigram of the IMF below, Michel Husson explains how the IMF functions.

Source : FMI, Comment les décisions sont prises au FMI, Avril 2016

« A decision like the aid plan for Greece is made by the Executive Board on the basis of preliminary studies ordered from the relevant services by the Managing Director’s office. The IMF currently employs about 2,400 staff, half of whom are economists.

There are variable interactions or rather, fairly loose connections between the staff economists and general management which bear little resemblance to the larger body of economists on the IMF payroll. In some cases, when they are given a freer rein, they produce work which is almost heterodox. But for serious business, the conveyor belt goes into reverse and economists are expected to illustrate and defend the IMF’s political orientations. » |1|

To start with, we invite you to read the report of the IMF Executive Board meeting held on 9 May 2010. It highlights the internal disagreements and is not written in the IMF’s usual bureaucratic waffle.

As an official report, it is quite surprising. It certainly cannot have been appreciated by the principle directors of that despotic and deadly Institution.

Reading it will enable you to form your own opinion.

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First Page of the Document 

May 10, 2010


Subject: Board meeting on Greece’s request for an SBA – May 9, 2010

The Board unanimously approved Greece’s request for a three-year Stand-By Arrangement (SBA) amounting to €30 billion (SDR 26.4 billion) or 32 times the Greek quota, the largest program approved by the Fund to date. Bilateral financial support of €80 billion will be available from euro area partners. The total amount of €110 billion will cover the expected public financing gap during the program’s period. Greece has undertaken to draw on the IMF and European Commission (EC) resources in a constant ratio of 3 to 8 in each disbursement throughout the program’s period.

The main objectives of the program are: (i) reducing the fiscal deficit to below 3 percent of GDP by 2014, with the debt-to-GDP ratio beginning to stabilize by 2013 and then declining gradually; (ii) safeguarding the stability of the financial system through the establishment of a fully independent Financial Stability Fund (FSF) that will support banks, if necessary; and (iii) restoring the competitiveness of the Greek economy through comprehensive structural reforms.

In addition to the fiscal measures already taken by the authorities in early 2010 (amounting to 5 percent of GDP), the program envisages a front loaded fiscal adjustment of 11 percent of GDP in 2010-13 . All the measures have been identified, the main ones being : (i) an increase of tax revenues by 4 percent of GDP, primarily through higher VAT rates; (ii) a significant reduction of expenditures by 5.2 percent of GDP, primarily through abolishing the 13th and 14th salaries of civil servants and the 13th and 14thpensions both in the public and private sectors, except for those with low salaries or pensions; and (iii) structural fiscal measures of 1.8 percent of GDP, which will.

While supporting the program, several non-European Executive Directors raised numerous criticisms.

1. Delay in requesting Fund assistance

According to some chairs (Australia, Canada, China, Russia, Switzerland), this delay highlighted shortcomings in the Euro Area architecture, including its .(rather confusing) communication strategy, which looked “piecemeal” according to the U.S. chair. The German ED clarified that, absent a provision in the Maastricht Treaty, the European Union had to rapidly devise a mechanism for financial assistance, which is now fully operational. It was most noticeable that six European EDs (Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, the Netherlands and Denmark) issued a joint statement in supporting the SBA for Greece.

2. Optimistic growth assumptions

The Chinese and Swiss chairs emphasized that growth will eventually determine the ability of Greece to manage its debt burden. Even a small departure from the program’s baseline scenario may derail the objective of fiscal consolidation, putting debt sustainability at risk. Staff replied that there can also be upside risks, possible related to the uncertain size of the informal economy.

3. Risks of the program.

Because of the double-digit fiscal adjustment faced by Greece, some EDs (Argentina, Australia, Canada, Brazil, and Russia) pointed to the “immense” risks of the program (and the ensuing reputational risk for the Fund). Some compared the Greek situation to that of Argentina before the end-2001 crisis. On the other side, the Russian ED noted that in the past other Fund programs (e.g., Brazil and Turkey) deemed particularly risky proved successful instead.

1st Box by the CADTM inserted in the text to facilitate understanding

Pablo Pereira, the Argentine representative, openly criticizes the past and present orientations of the IMF: “Argentina has been through a very long and sad history of Stand-By Agreements which were aimed at bailing out a debtor country but ended up rescuing private sector creditors, leaving behind massive capital flight and untenable social and economic consequences.
In Argentina, we know too well what the real consequences are of making believe that solvency crises are liquidity crises. Our own experience proves that bail-out packages or debt restructurings that disregard ‘debt sustainability’ and economic growth as a main feature of its design, leaving it to ‘future market access,’ are destined to be short lived.

We are also too familiar with the consequences of ‘structural reforms’ or policy adjustments that end up thoroughly curtailing aggregate demand and, thus, prospects of economic recovery. The so-called ‘structural reforms’ promoted by the Fund hurt deeply countries’ institutional quality and capacity. We have reviewed the projections of the staff, the recommendations and policy conditionalities. We do not share the views, for instance, that the widespread cuts in public expenditures, that a sharp decline in GDP, or that a major reduction in replacement rates of the pension system (from average 75 to 60 percent) will solve the Greek solvency problem. If anything, such measures risk to compound the problem.

An in-depth analysis of real repayment capacity should be the starting Argentina’s crisis: debt restructurings or bail-out packages should be crafted only after a country’s repayment capacity has been adequately assessed.

Source, p. 51

The exceptionally high risks of the program were recognized by staff itself, in particular in its assessment of debt sustainability, by stating that “on balance, staff considers debt to be sustainable over the medium term, but. the significant uncertainties around this make it difficult to state categorically that this is the case with a high probability”.

Staff stressed that the credibility of the program relies in part on the fact that it allows Greece not to not tap markets for a long period of time (1-2 years). Effective implementation of the program would lead to substantial fiscal primary surpluses that are expected to reassure markets despite the high level of public debt.

Staff admits that the program will not work if structural reforms are not implemented. In this regard, the biggest challenge for the authorities will be overcoming the fierce opposition of vested interests. The Australian ED emphasized the risk of repeating the mistakes made during the Asian crisis, in terms of imposing too much structural conditionality. While Fund’s structural conditionality is “macro-critical”, the conditionality imposed by European Commission seems a “shopping list”.

Staff acknowledges that the program will certainly test the Greek society. Staff met with the main opposition parties, nongovernmental organizations, and trade unions. In staffs view, the “striking thing” is that the private sector is fully behind the program, as it is seen as the tool to bring to an end several privileges in the public sector.

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Excerpt from the document – page 3

4. Debt restructuring

Several chairs (Argentina, Brazil, India, Russia, and Switzerland) lamented that the program has a missing element: it should have included debt restructuring and Private Sector Involvement (PSI), to avoid, according to the Brazilian ED. “a bailout of Greece ’s private sector bondholders, mainly European financial institutions”. The Argentine ED was very critical at the program, as it seems to replicate the mistakes (i.e., unsustainable fiscal tightening) made in the run up to the Argentina’s crisis of 2001. Much to the “surprise” of other European EDs, the Swiss ED forcefully echoed the above concerns about lack of the debt restructuring in the program, and pointed to the need for resuming the discussions on a Sovereign Debt Restructuring Mechanism.

Staff pointed out that debt restructuring has been ruled out by the Greek authorities themselves. Although there were discussions on PSI, replicating the experience of the Bank Coordination (“Vienna”) Initiative was not possible, because Greek sovereign bonds are dispersed among an unspecified number of holders. Besides, Mr. Lipsky pointed out that 90 percent of these, bonds do not include Collective Actions Clauses, which would complicate a restructuring even further.

The Dutch, French, and German chairs conveyed to the Board the commitments of their commercial banks to support Greece and broadly maintain their exposures.

2nd Box by the CADTM inserted in the text to facilitate understanding:
Socialization of the losses of private banks is a shock therapy reminiscent of what happened in Latin America and Asia. 

There follows an excerpt from the declaration of the Brazilian Executive Director concerning the absence of a restructuring process in the programme:
As it stands, the program risks substituting private for official financing. In other and starker words, it may be seen not as a rescue of Greece, which will have to undergo a wrenching adjustment, but as a bail-out of Greece’s private debt holders, mainly European financial institutions.” Source, p. 49

As for the Argentine Executive Director, he declared:

Since this is still a global systemic crisis, the strategy of squeezing public financing and isolating the country blaming it for past fiscal indiscipline or lack of competitiveness will most likely fail. […] A sound and equitable burden sharing of their costs would have been good for the reputational costs of the Fund (that it could be blamed for simply buying some time or ensuring that foreign banks will be paid in full over the next year before the inevitable happens) and it would have been even better for the Greek population and its growth prospects.
Source: op. cit. p. 53 and p. 55

The German Director then replied:

I can inform Directors that German banks (… ) basically want to maintain a certain exposure to the Greek banks, which means that they will not sell Greek bonds and they will maintain credit lines to Greece.”
Source: op. cit. – pp. 60-61

The French Director made a declaration of similar tenor:

There was a meeting earlier in the week between the major French banks and my Minister, Ms. Lagarde. I would like to stress what was released at the end of this meeting, which is a statement in which these French banks commit to maintain their exposure to Greece over the lifetime of the program. […] So, it is clear that the French banks, which are among the most exposed banks in Greece, are going to do their job.”
Source: op. cit. p. 68

Lastly, the Dutch Director declared:
The Dutch banks, in consultation with our Minister of Finance, have had discussions and have publicly announced they will play their part in supporting the Greek government and the Greek banks.” Source: op. cit. p. 71

In fact, as several executive directors of the IMF had suspected and as the Truth Committee on Greek Public Debt reported, the real intention behind the agreement was to give the strongest banks of the Euro Zone time to dispose of their Greek securities.

The graph below shows clearly that French, German, Dutch, Belgian, Austrian and Italian banks and more disengaged from Greek bonds through 2010 and 2011.

Exposure of foreign banks in Greece (in billions of euros)

Source: BRI, Consolidated Ultimate Risk Basis.

In another article we will show that it is the ECB that gave them direct aid to disengage from Greek bonds by protecting them against the losses that they would normally have had to face.

As a consequence of the creditors’ refusal to agree to marking down their Greek bonds, sovereign Greek debt rose from 299 to 355 billion euros between the end of 2009 and the end of 2011, an increase of 18.78 %. Throughout 2010-2013, an unprecedented recession was triggered by the policies dictated by the IMF and the rest of the Troika. Not one of the IMF forecasts about the improvement of Greece’s finances has ever proved correct. The results of the 2010 Memorandum completely discredit the IMF’s optimistic predictions.

5. Modalities on the joint IMF/EC/ECB reviews of the program.

Some Chairs (China, Egypt, and Switzerland) stressed the risk that joint reviews may reveals differences of judgments among the three involved institutions (IMF/EC/ECB). Staff specified that representatives of the three institutions will be “sitting at the same table at the same time”. The Fund is an independent institution and will carry out the reviews accordingly. In principle, if the EC does not agree on disbursing its share of financing, because of unmet conditionality by the Greek authorities, the Fund might retain its financing because of lack of financial assurances. But this appears to be only a theoretical possibility. In fact, the mission chief for Greece (Mr. Thomsen) emphasized that ”cooperation is off to a good start”, as during the discussions in Athens the ECB took the lead on financial sector issues, the European Commission on structural issues, and the Fund on fiscal issues. Cooperation is a strength of the program, and there are checks and balances.

6. IMF’s “preferred creditor” status

The U.S. chair (supported by Brazil and Switzerland) emphasized that, because of the preferred creditor status, the Fund’s loan will be senior to the bilateral loans from E.U. countries pooled by the European Commission. Staff confirmed that this is the case, because of the public good nature of Fund financing, and in accordance with Paris Club’s rules.

7. Criterion No. 2 for Exceptional Access to Fund resources

The Swiss ED (supported by Australia, Brazil, Iran) noted that staff had “silently” changed in the paper (i.e., without a prior approval by the Board) the criterion No, 2 of the exceptional access policy, by extending it to cases where there is a high risk of international systemic spillover effects. The General Counsel clarified that this was justified by the need to proceed expeditiously, on the assumption that the Board approval would take place through the Summing Up. The change in the access policy was necessary because Greece could not constitute an exception, as Fund policies have to be uniformity applicable to the whole membership.

Contributor: F. Spadafora

Extrait du document - version annotée

Second IMF document – march 25th, 2010  

International Monetary Fund (IMF)


Greece – Key Issues
[25 mars 2010]

Greece needs a multiyear adjustment program with large financial backstopping. It needs more time than provided under present SGP limits to adjust the fiscal balance, get the debt under control, and implement structural reforms to restore competitiveness. During this transition period, the financing needs will be large, the economy will be very sensitive to negative shocks and the stress for Greek society will be high as well. Capital markets need strong confidence that funding assurances are in place for the long duration of these efforts, otherwise interest rates for Greek bonds will not come down and make the debt dynamics quickly unsustainable. The challenge goes much beyond overcoming the short-term problems resulting from a bunching of amortization payments in April-May of this year.

The economy is uncompetitive. Few reforms have been implemented, the economy remains relatively closed, and competitiveness has dropped by some 25 percent since euro adoption as domestic prices have continuously exceeded the euro average. The current account balance, even in the recession, still stands at 11 percent of GDP.

Fiscal policy has been poor. Reflecting higher spending on wages and entitlements, and tax cuts, non-interest spending jumped by 8 percent of GDP between 2000-09 and revenue fell by 3 percentage points, thus worsening the primary fiscal balance by 11 percent of GDP since 2000. Public debt increased to 115 percent of GDP.

Deflation and low growth will make this debt burden difficult to manage. With no recourse to exchange rate changes, Greece faces the dual challenge of restoring competitiveness through internal devaluation—always a long and arduous process— while undertaking a large fiscal adjustment. This will compel Greece to go through a period of nominal wage and benefit cuts—a disinflation scenario under which it will likely see several years of declining nominal GDP. Domestic spending, the base for fiscal revenues, is bound to be weak. Thus, deficits and debt relative to GDP will be under upward pressure even with significant fiscal adjustment: despite ambitious measures yielding 4 percent of GDP this year, the deficit is set to rise to 11½ % percent of GDP next year. Strong and prolonged fiscal adjustment is needed to break and reverse the upward trend in the debt ratio under the conditions facing Greece.

But the fiscal adjustment also needs to be realistic. Even with additional fiscal measures of 2-214 percent of GDP each year for some 5 years, debt to GDP would rise to about 150 percent of GDP by 2013, before stabilizing and beginning to slowly decline. Much faster adjustment—as implied by the SGP deficit target of 3 percent of GDP by 2012—will be very risky: Greece is a relatively closed economy, and the fiscal contraction implied by this adjustment path will cause a sharp contraction in domestic demand and an attendant deep recession, severely stretching the social fabric. This is also unlikely to be technically feasible as durable spending cuts require reforms and changes in entitlement program that will take time to implement and yield results.

The banking system poses an important further risk. With the downgrading of the sovereign, banks have come under funding pressures, been cut off from interbank credit lines and wholesale funding, and—recently-—lost deposits. Banks are using recourse to the ECB to tie themselves over, but this is not a durable solution. Moreover, the long downturn that lies ahead will significantly increase nonperforming loans, and it is possible, even likely, that the government will have to provide capital injections to stabilize the banking system and safeguard deposits. This would add further to the Government’s already large financing requirements.

Financing needs to remain big. Because deficit reduction takes time while amortizations on the growing stock of debt roll in, the public sector gross borrowing need will average about €50 billion in 2010-12, even with fiscal measures of 2-2½ percent of GDP every year, as discussed above. And this does not make allowance for the potential need for public support of the banking system,

Therefore, capital markets are scared. Financial markets look ahead and perceive the difficult period that is beginning to unfold. The continuous rise in the debt ratio threatens sovereign ratings and pushes up spreads on Greek bonds. Markets need to be assured that a default is off the table before committing more funds.

Translation by Vicki Briault and Mike Krolikowski (CADTM)


|1| Michel Husson, Grèce : les « erreurs » du FMI (Greece: the ‘errors’ of the IMF), 2 september 2016. Quote translated by the CADTM.

Eric Toussaint is a historian and political scientist who completed his Ph.D. at the universities of Paris VIII and Liège, is the spokesperson of the CADTM International, and sits on the Scientific Council of ATTAC France. He is the author of Bankocracy(2015); The Life and Crimes of an Exemplary Man (2014); Glance in the Rear View Mirror. Neoliberal Ideology From its Origins to the Present, Haymarket books, Chicago, 2012 (see here), etc. See his bibliography: He co-authored World debt figures 2015 with Pierre Gottiniaux, Daniel Munevar and Antonio Sanabria (2015); and with Damien Millet Debt, the IMF, and the World Bank: Sixty Questions, Sixty Answers, Monthly Review Books, New York, 2010. Since the 4th April 2015 he is the scientific coordinator of the Greek Truth Commission on Public Debt.
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Firenze, 14  gennaio 2016

Il CNGNN ritiene che manifestare in Europa, il 21 gennaio, contro il neoeletto presidente degli Stati Uniti Donald Trump significa di fatto dare una mano all’amministrazione Obama che ha trasformato l’Europa in prima linea del confronto, anche nucleare, della Nato contro la Russia.

Trump viene accusato di aver usurpato il posto destinato a Hillary Clinton, grazie a una operazione ordinata dal presidente russo Putin. Le «prove» sono fornite dalla Cia, la più esperta in materia di infiltrazioni e colpi di stato.

Gli strateghi neocon, artefici della campagna, cercano in tal modo di impedire un possibile cambio di rotta nelle relazioni degli Stati uniti con la Russia, che l’amministrazione Obama ha riportato a livello di guerra fredda.

L’allentamento della tensione con la Russia viene temuto anzitutto dai vertici Nato, cresciuti d’importanza con la nuova guerra fredda, e dai gruppi di potere dei paesi dell’Est – in particolare Polonia, Ucraina e paesi baltici  –  che puntano sull’ostilità alla Russia per avere un crescente appoggio militare ed economico da parte della Nato e della Ue.

Lo conferma il fatto che, su decisione dell’amministrazione Obama, è arrivata in Polonia il 12 gennaio la brigata corazzata statunitense che potenzia lo schieramento di forze Nato sotto comando Usa, comprese quelle italiane, nell’Europa orientale in una sempre più pericolosa escalation militare contro la Russia.

In tale quadro, le manifestazioni anti-Trump del 21 gennaio divengono di fatto funzionali a questa strategia di guerra.

Dobbiamo invece mobilitarci ancor più per liberare i nostri paesi dalla sudditanza verso  gli Stati uniti, indipendentemente da chi ne sia presidente; per uscire dalla Nato, per rimuovere le armi nucleari Usa dai nostri territori nazionali.


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GR Editor’s Note: This article was first published by Oriental Review and GR in November 2014.  

Journalist and German political scientist Dr. Udo Ulfkotte has passed. Ulkotte reveals how fake news permeates the mainstream media. 

His unbending commitment to truth in media as well as his legacy will be remembered.  (Michel Chossudovsky, January 15, 2017)

*        *       *

“Now the Americans are even considering blowing up a nuclear power plant in Ukraine and then insisting that the culprits were either separatists or Russians,” claims the German journalist Udo Ulfkotte, former correspondent from the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, one of the largest German newspapers.

He has published a book, Gekaufte Journalisten (“Purchased Journalists”), in which he describes how American and German politicians sway the German media, so that those journalists give the desired spin to world events.

Ulfkotte claims that reporters are urged to bias their writing primarily to favor the American position and to oppose Russia. Udo Ulfkotte spoke to about how exactly this occurs and about the path his life is taking today after these revelations were made public.

Q: Mr. Ulfkotte, you’ve said that you were given a lot of money to write pro-American articles. How profitable is to be a pro-American journalist in Germany? Udo Ulfkotte:

I didn’t get money – I got gifts. Things like gold watches, diving equipment, and trips with accommodations in five-star hotels. I know many German journalists who at some point were able to take advantage of this to buy themselves a vacation home abroad. But much more important than the money and gifts is the fact that you’re offered support if you write pieces that are pro-American or pro-NATO. If you don’t do it, your career won’t go anywhere – you’ll find yourself assigned to sit in the office and sort through letters to the editor.

Q: According to what you’ve said, journalists are corrupted surreptitiously, by inviting them for all-expense-paid trips to the US. But do serious professionals really sell themselves for so little?

UU: When you fly to the US again and again and never have to pay for anything there, and you’re invited to interview American politicians, you’re moving closer and closer to the circles of power.And you want to remain within this circle of the elite, so you write to please them. Everyone wants to be a celebrity journalist who gets exclusive access to famous politiciansBut one wrong sentence and your career as a celebrity journalist is over. Everyone knows it. And everyone’s in on it.

Q: Why have you only now decided to go public with your opinion about German journalism?

UU: I’ve had three heart attacks, I no longer have children I have to support, and day after day I kept watching the Americans on the news, once again gearing up for their next war. This time it’s in Ukraine against Russia. But it’s always the same game. Not even a complete idiot could have been oblivious to the Americans’ one-sided anti-Moscow propaganda after the crash of flight MH17.Now the Americans are even considering blowing up a nuclear power plant in Ukraine and then insisting that the culprits were either separatists or Russians. I hear it all the time. It’s unconscionable!

Q: You claim that Germany is a “banana republic.” Isn’t that an overly harsh assessment? After all, Germany does have opposition movements, including radical ones, and the media is critical of the government. For example, the recent broadcast of the TV program Die Anstalt caused quite a stir with its pointed criticism of the heavily biased German media.

UU: After that broadcast aired, with its journalists using satire (!) to express criticism of the German media – and, above all, against its purely pro-American coverage of events – complaints were filed and they were taken to court. This is perfect evidence of the fact that Germany is a banana republic: you can’t even use satire to criticize the one-sided coverage. We have only the appearance of a free press. It’s crazy.

Q: What do you think about the targeting of politicians whom the German press has lumped together in a group known as “Russian sympathizers” (SchröderGysiWagenknecht, and others), and the pro-Russian journalists?

UU: Those “Russian sympathizers” are well-educated, sincere people. I say that, although I’m not aligned with them politically. But I respect their integrity. The fact that they’re being targeted is typical of banana republics such as Germany, where any deviation from mainstream opinion is harshly suppressed.

Q: You mentioned that Germany is still concealing the fact that in March of 1988, the regime of Saddam Hussein – at the time a Western ally – committed an act of genocide in a Kurdish city near the Iranian border, using chemical weapons manufactured in Germany. Can it be true that in all these years not a single newspaper, even an opposition paper, has written about that?

UU: No, they did write about it, but it took them a year to do so! I photographed Iranians who had been poisoned by German chemical weapons under the eyes of the US, but that was not supposed to be made public. At that time, the Iraqis, Germans, and Americans were celebrating their “final” victory over the Iranians. I found it ghoulish that in Baghdad they were celebrating the fact that they had jointly gassed human beings. I suffered greatly from the gas – later I got cancer. I did everything I could to record what had happened there, hoping that it would prompt an international outcry. But no one ever published it. Instead everyone celebrated their victory. To this day I ask myself why it’s no problem for German chancellors to travel to Israel and go down on their knees and ask the Jews for forgiveness for gassing them, but then the Iranians killed by German gas are just second-class citizens? Have you ever heard of a German chancellor apologizing for that in Tehran? We can see that German politicians are nothing more than puppets of the US. They should obediently do as Washington tells them. We continue to be a US colony, a banana republic, and not a free country.

939100Q: You say that intelligence services provided you with information about Libya, which you published under your own name. And you claim that that was doing what you were assigned to do by the CIA and the Bundesnachrichtendienst. But if the information was interesting and true, couldn’t it be that your interests simply coincided? After all, you could have refused to publish it.

UU: Yes, yes, I could have said “no.” You know, the ADAC – the biggest German automobile club – had an employee working for its helicopter rescue service who refused to cooperate secretly with the BND. He was immediately expelled from the ADAC and then went to court, but the judges decided that a person cannot refuse to work with the BND, and it’s not a problem that one might lose one’s job for resisting. Do you get it? Do you see what I’m saying? I didn’t want to be unemployed.

Q: You’ve said that the intelligence agencies ordered your home to be raided six times. But if you were simply publishing what the intelligence agencies gave you, why did they feel they needed to search your house? Or, on the other hand, if you were still coming up with information on your own that the intelligence agencies were trying to conceal, then doesn’t it mean that you were still acting as an independent journalist, and not at all like an “unofficial CIA agent”?

UU: That’s a translation error – it wasn’t the intelligence agencies that ordered the raids, but the secret state police. What the Nazis used to call the Gestapo is now called the Department of State Security. And they came and conducted raids six times under the pretext that I was betraying state secrets. These types of scare tactics are typical of banana republics.

Q: You say that the publication of this book could create problems for you. What kind, for example?

UU: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung informed me in writing that they will file court charges against me for violating criminal, civil, and labor legislation, as well as corporate standards in journalism. That alone could destroy me. I’ve heard that many others want to put me in jail because I’ve once again exposed “state secrets.” Perhaps it would be worth it for me to fly to Moscow like Edward Snowden and ask for asylum there. Let’s wait and see how the leaders of the banana republic of Germany react, because they’ve been compromised, and everyone can read in my bestselling book how they manufacture the appearance of a free press here, and that democracy in Germany is merely an illusion.

Source in Russian: VZ.RU


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GR Editor’s Note: This article was first published in March 2016.  

Journalist and German political scientist Dr. Udo Ulfkotte has passed. Ulkotte reveals how fake news permeates the mainstream media. 

His unbending commitment to truth in media as well as his legacy will be remembered.  (Michel Chossudovsky, January 15, 2017)

*        *        *

Recently, Dr.Udo Ulfkotte went on public television stating that he was forced to publish the works of intelligence agents under his own name, also adding that noncompliance with these orders would result in him losing his job.

He recently made an appearance on RT news to share these facts:

I’ve been a journalist for about 25 years, and I was educated to lie, to betray, and not to tell the truth to the public.

But seeing right now within the last months how the German and American media tries to bring war to the people in Europe, to bring war to Russia — this is a point of no return and I’m going to stand up and say it is not right what I have done in the past, to manipulate people, to make propaganda against Russia, and it is not right what my colleagues do and have done in the past because they are bribed to betray the people, not only in Germany, all over Europe.

Dr. Udo Ulfkotte

Dr. Udo Ulfkotte is a top German journalist and editor and has been for more than two decades, so you can bet he knows a thing or two about mainstream media and what really happens behind the scenes.

It’s important to keep in mind that Dr. Ulfakatte is not the only person making these claims; multiple reporters have done the same and this kind of truthfulness is something the world needs more of.

One (out of many) great examples of a whistleblowing reporter is investigative journalist and former CBC News reporter Sharyl Attkisson.

She delivered a hard-hitting TEDx talk showing how fake grassroots movements funded by political, corporate, or other special interests very effectively manipulate and distort media messages.

Another great example is Amber Lyon, a three-time Emmy award winning journalist at CC, who said that they are routinely paid by the US government and foreign governments to selectively report and even distort information on certain events. She has also indicated that the government has editorial control over content.

Ever since Operation Mockingbird, a CIA-based initiative to control mainstream media, more and more people are expressing their concern that what we see in the media is nothing short of brainwashing.

This is also evident by blatant lies that continue to spam the TV screen, especially when it comes to topics such as health, food, war (‘terrorism‘), poverty, and more.

Things have not changed, in fact, when in comes to mainstream media distorting information and telling lies. They have gotten much worse in recent years, in fact, so it is highly encouraging that more people are starting to see through these lies, even without the help of whistleblowers like Dr. Ulfakatte.

One great example is the supposed ‘war on terror,’ or ‘false flag terrorism.’ There are evenWikileaks documents alluding to the fact that the United States government planned to “retaliate and cause pain” to countries refusing GMOs.

Mainstream media’s continual support of GMOs rages on, despite the fact that a number of countries are now banning these products.

The list of lies goes on and on. It’s time to turn off your T.V. and do your own research if you are curious about what is happening on our planet. It’s time to wake up.

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Udo Ulfkotte: Europe’s Courageous Journalism Voice Has Passed Away

January 15th, 2017 by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

On January 13, Udo Ulfkotte died, reportedly of a heart attack.

Ulfkotte had been an editor at the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitzung.

He published a courageous book in which he said that the CIA had a hand on every significant journalist in Europe, which gave Washington control over European opinion and reduced knowledge of and opposition to Washington’s control over European heads of state. Essentially, there are no European governments independent of Washington.

Courage, once plentiful in Europe, is today hard to find. Charles de Gaulle was the last head of a major European state that maintained independence from Washington. Today we find independence in Marine Le Pen and perhaps in the president of Hungary. But for the most part West and East European heads of state are Washington’s vassals committed to Washington’s wars.

This, of course, includes the Chancellor of Germany, the President of France, and the British Prime Minister. These once powerful countries of Europe, whose dominance comprises most of Western history from the fall of Rome to the Second World War, are today American puppet states.

Under Yeltsin, Russia herself succumbed to American overlordship, but under Vladimir Putin Russia regained her independence and is today able to constrain Washington’s unilateralism in some areas of the world, such as Syria and Crimea.

In the Far East Washington’s Japanese vassal is now checked by the rise of China, a country like Russia that has first class leadership that cannot be found anywhere in the West.

The Western world has proven itself incapable of producing real political leadership. This failure results from the centuries of Western dominance that has so corrupted Western political processes that the entirety of the West is subservient to an oligarchy that has succeeded in concentrating all income and wealth gains in a few hands. These few have enormous power, as we see in the CIA’s open and blatent assault on the president-elect.

The danger that life on earth faces is that Washington assumes, based on the historical rule of the West, that it is normal for this rule over the world to continue. However, Russia and China do not agree. Either country is sufficient to stand up to Washington, and together they overmatch Washington’s military capability.

Due to the arrogance that resides in Washington, the would be overlords of the world are not aware that Russia and China are not Iraq and Libya.

If the idiots that rule in Washington bring us into war with these powers, the United States will disappear from history along with the rest of the world.

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments. His internet columns have attracted a worldwide following. Roberts’ latest books are The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism and Economic Dissolution of the WestHow America Was Lost, and The Neoconservative Threat to World Order.

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The other day, The American Conservative has once again dispelled the myth about the alleged greatness of the outgoing US president, who undeservedly received the Nobel Peace Prize. The media source would note that even more than any other president in the US history Obama relied on the use of brute force in his foreign policy.

It would note that Obama that is about to leave office will bear the unhappy distinction of being the only president to spend his entire tenure presiding over foreign wars. His “disdain of military force” is so strong that the US has bombed at least half a dozen countries on his watch, and his administration has assisted other governments in laying waste to one of the poorest countries on earth.

The American Conservative is convinced that to say that he has a “disdain of military force” might have seemed plausible eight years ago before he took office, but it is not credible to say this after eight years of Obama’s continuation, escalation, and initiation of multiple wars. The fact that he did not start even more or wage them as aggressively as some in Washington would like does not change any of that.

There can be little doubt that it’s all Obama’s fault, who has not simply occupied the position of the US president for eight years, but also enjoyed the authority of the commander in chief for that period, marked by thousands of civilian deaths across the globe, as it has been repeatedly stressed by a number of international organizations. Thus, the international human rights organization Amnesty International has recently reported that US-led coalition air strikes over the last two years in Syria claimed at least 300 civilian lives. According to Lynn Maalouf, who represents Amnesty International in Beirut, when analyzing the publicly available data, an impartial expert may come to the conclusion that the coalition forces didn’t not take adequate precaution measures to minimize civilian casualties. Last September a single US Air Force attack near Deir ez-Zor claimed the lives of 62 Syrian soldiers, while leaving at least a 100 more wounded. Lynn Maalouf notes that those soldiers weren’t terrorists or enemies of Washington, yet Western media sources fail to even mention this incident in their articles.

The strikes that the US Air Force carried out near the Syrian city of Aleppo last January resulted in over 40 civilians deaths. Earlier the bombardment of the Syrian village of Tokhars claimed the lives of 56, including 11 children. According to the official reports, a total of 67 civilians, including 17 women and 44 children, were killed in the period from May to July 2016 in the Syrian city Manjib by American bombs.

According to the Airwars media portal, a total of 9,600 air strikes in Iraq and 5,000 in Syria resulted in the deaths of at least 1,584 civilians. It’s been noted that US warplanes dropped more than 52 tons of ordnance in the course of these attacks. However, the Pentagon deliberately downplays the number of civilians killed during its operations.

More than 20 civilians have become victims of the latest attacked authorized by Barack Obama on January 3, when American B-52 bombers were used in the Iraqi Idlib province.

It should be recalled that because of the aggressive propaganda campaign launched by the White House against Saddam Hussein, Muammar Gaddafi, a number of prominent political figures of the destroyed Yugoslavia, that had allegedly been committing bloody crimes, the International Court of Justice started a veritable hunt for these politicians.

However, for some reason odd reason, the International Court doesn’t seem interested in the war crimes committed by Barack Obama, who is directly responsible for the murder of thousands of civilians in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and other countries, even though there’s more than enough evidence against the the Nobel Peace Prize laureate world.

However, foreign citizens were not the only ones “to feel the light of Obama’s political genius on themselves”, since a great many of American families lost their sons and fathers due to the questionable decisions taken by the outgoing US president. No wonder that WorldNetDaily notes that Obama has been blithely watching coffins float by his entire presidency. In turn, a recent Gallup research shows that 60% of Americans believe that racism against US blacks got much worse under Barack Obama. And there’s a good explanation for this phenomenon, since there’s reports that the Obama administration hides rising murder rates in large US cities.

The question is will Obama be able to get away with all the crimes he has committed and will he be able to retain the Nobel Peace Prize laureate title after all?

Grete Mautner is an indepenent researcher and journalist from Germany, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook.


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The Scheme to Take Down Trump

January 15th, 2017 by Daniel Lazare

The U.S. intelligence community’s unprecedented assault on an incoming U.S. president – now including spreading salacious rumors – raises questions about how long Donald Trump can hold the White House, says Daniel Lazare.

Is a military coup in the works? Or are U.S. intelligence agencies laying the political groundwork for forcing Donald Trump from the presidency because they can’t abide his rejection of a new cold war with Russia? Not long ago, even asking such questions would have marked one as the sort of paranoid nut who believes that lizard people run the government. But no longer.

Donald Trump speaking with supporters at a campaign rally at the Phoenix Convention Center in Phoenix, Arizona. October 29, 2016. (Flickr Gage Skidmore)

Thanks to the now-notorious 35-page dossier concerning Donald Trump’s alleged sexual improprieties in a Moscow luxury hotel, it’s clear that strange maneuverings are underway in Washington and that no one is quite sure how they will end.

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper added to the mystery Wednesday evening by releasing a 200-word statement to the effect that he was shocked, shocked, that the dossier had found its way into the press. Such leaks, the statement said, “are extremely corrosive and damaging to our national security.”

Clapper added: “that this document is not a US Intelligence Community product and that I do not believe the leaks came from within the IC. The IC has not made any judgment that the information in this document is reliable, and we did not rely upon it in any way for our conclusions. However, part of our obligation is to ensure that policymakers are provided with the fullest possible picture of any matters that might affect national security.”

Rather than vouching for the dossier’s contents, in other words, all Clapper says he did was inform Trump that it was making the rounds in Washington and that he should know what it said – and that he thus couldn’t have been more horrified than when Buzzfeed posted all 35 pages on its website.

But it doesn’t make sense. As The New York Times noted, “putting the summary in a report that went to multiple people in Congress and the executive branch made it very likely that it would be leaked” (emphasis in the original). So even if the “intelligence community” didn’t leak the dossier itself, it distributed it knowing that someone else would.

Then there is the Guardian, second to none in its loathing for Trump and Vladimir Putin and hence intent on giving the dossier the best possible spin. It printed a quasi-defense not of the memo itself but of the man who wrote it: Christopher Steele, an ex-MI6 officer who now heads his own private intelligence firm. “A sober, cautious and meticulous professional with a formidable record” is how the Guardiandescribed him. Then it quoted an unnamed ex-Foreign Office official on the subject of Steele’s credibility:

The idea his work is fake or a cowboy operation is false, completely untrue. Chris is an experienced and highly regarded professional. He’s not the sort of person who will simply pass on gossip. …  If he puts something in a report, he believes there’s sufficient credibility in it for it to be worth considering. Chris is a very straight guy. He could not have survived in the job he was in if he had been prone to flights of fancy or doing things in an ill-considered way.

In other words, Steele is a straight-shooter, so it’s worth paying attention to what he has to say. Or so the Guardian assures us. “That is the way the CIA and the FBI, not to mention the British government, regarded him, too,” it adds, so presumably Clapper felt the same way.

What is Afoot?

So what does it all mean? Simply that U.S. intelligence agencies believed that the dossier came from a reliable source and that, as a consequence, there was a significant possibility that Trump was a “Siberian candidate,” as Times columnist Paul Krugman once described him. They therefore sent out multiple copies of a two-page summary on the assumption that at least one would find its way to the press.

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper (right) talks with President Barack Obama in the Oval Office, with John Brennan and other national security aides present. (Photo credit: Office of Director of National Intelligence)

Even if Clapper & Co. took no position concerning the dossier’s contents, they knew that preparing and distributing such a summary amounted to a tacit endorsement. They also knew, presumably, that it would provide editors with an excuse to go public. If the CIA, FBI, and National Security Agency feel that Steele’s findings are worthy of attention, then why shouldn’t the average reader have an opportunity to examine them as well?

How did Clapper expect Trump to respond when presented with allegations that he was vulnerable to Russian blackmail and potentially under the Kremlin’s thumb? Did he expect him to hang his head in shame, break into great racking sobs, and admit that it was all true? If so, did Clapper \then plan to place a comforting hand on Trump’s shoulder and suggest, gently but firmly, that it was time to step aside and allow a trusted insider like Mike Pence to take the reins?

Based on the sturm und drang of the last few days, the answer is very possibly yes. If so, the gambit failed when Trump, in his usual high-voltage manner, denounced the dossier as “fake news” and sailed into the intelligence agencies for behaving like something out of “Nazi Germany.” The intelligence community’s hopes, if that’s what they were, were dashed.

All of which is thoroughly unprecedented by American political standards. After all, this is a country that takes endless pride in the peaceful transfer of power every four years or so. Yet here was the intelligence community attempting to short-circuit the process by engineering Trump’s removal before he even took office.

But the Guardian then upped the ante even more by suggesting that the CIA continue with the struggle. Plainly, the Republican congressional leadership has “no appetite” for an inquiry into Steele’s findings, the paper’s New York correspondent, Ed Pilkington, wrote, adding:

That leaves the intelligence agencies. The danger for Trump here is that he has so alienated senior officials, not least by likening them to Nazis, that he has hardly earned their loyalty.

What was the Guardian suggesting – that disloyal intelligence agents keep on searching regardless? And what if they come up with what they claim is a smoking gun?

Explained Pilkington: “To take a flight of fancy, what if it [i.e. Steele’s findings] were substantiated? That would again come down to a question of politics. No US president has ever been forced out of office by impeachment (Richard Nixon resigned before the vote; Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton were acquitted by the Senate). Any such procedure would have to be prepared and approved by a majority of the House of Representatives, and then passed to the Senate for a two-thirds majority vote. As the Republicans hold the reins in both chambers, it would take an almighty severing of ties between Trump and his own party to even get close to such a place.”

It’s a long shot, but the Guardian’s recommendation is that rogue agents keep on digging until they strike pay dirt, at which point they should go straight to Congress and persuade – if not pressure – the Republican leadership to initiate the process of throwing Trump out of office.

This is not the same as sending an armored column to attack Capitol Hill, but it’s close. Essentially, the Guardian was calling on the intelligence agencies to assume ultimate responsibility regarding who can sit in the Oval Office and who cannot.

A Desperate Establishment

All of which demonstrates how desperate the military-intelligence complex has grown after Clapper’s report on alleged Russian hacking of Democratic emails met with such a derisory reception following its publication on Jan. 6. Even the Times admitted that it provided “no new evidence to support assertions that Moscow meddled covertly through hacking and other actions” while the Daily Beast said it was “unlikely to convince a single skeptic” due to a notable absence of anything by way of back-up data.

The Steele dossier was supposed to take up the slack. Yet it has fallen short as well. It asserts, for example, that Trump attorney Michael Cohen traveled to Prague to discuss hacking with a Russian official named Oleg Solodukhin, a claim that both men have since denied. It misspells the name of a major Russian bank and gets its Russian geography wrong too.As Owen Matthews points out in a very smart article in Newsweek, it “seems to be under the impression that the suburb of Barvikha on the tony Rublevskoe highway is a closed government compound, instead of just an expensive vacation home area favored by the new rich.”

The dossier misspells the name of an Azeri real-estate mogul named Aras Agalarov and “reports his association with Trump as news in August 2016 – when Agalarov publicly organized Trump’s visit to the Miss Universe pageant in 2013 and arranged a meeting with top Russian businessmen for Trump afterward, both of which were widely reported at the time.”

Other aspects of the dossier don’t add up either. It reports that the Russian government “has been cultivating, supporting and assisting Trump for at least five years” in order to “encourage splits and divisions in the Western alliance.” But as Matthews points out, Trump wasn’t in politics five years ago and was considered a long shot for months after entering the presidential race in mid-2015. So how could the Kremlin be sure that their man would ultimately prevail?

The dossier says that Trump “accepted a regular flow of intelligence from the Kremlin, including on Democratic and other political rivals.” But Trump gave no hint of having inside information when he called for “Crooked Hillary” to be locked up for purging her email files; to the contrary, he did so on the basis of information available on every front page. The memo says that the Russians also had “compromising material” on Clinton. If so, then why wasn’t it used?

Hearsay Evidence

The discrepancies go on. But this is what one would expect of a document based entirely of hearsay in which Source A claims to have gotten a juicy tidbit from Source B, who heard it from Source C deep inside the Kremlin.

Russian President Vladimir Putin during a state visit to Austria on June 24, 2014. (Official Russian government photo)

Grasping at straws, the Guardian’s Ed Pilkington conceded that no news agency has been able to verify the dossier’s findings. But, he said, they are “unlikely to be discarded as quickly or as conclusively as Trump would like” for the simple reason that “the flip side of information that cannot be classed reliable is that neither can it be classed unreliable.”

But the same could be said for information that someone got from a friend whose brother-in-law heard from a park ranger that Barack and Michelle like to while away their evenings snorting cocaine. It can’t be classed as reliable because no one can verify that it’s true. But it can’t be classed as unreliable because no one can prove that it’s wrong. So maybe the best thing to do is to impeach Obama in the few days he has remaining just to be sure.

This not to say that the so-called President-elect’s legitimacy is not open to question. To the contrary, it is questionable in the extreme given that he lost the popular election by more than 2.86 million votes. In a democratic country, this should count for something. But the intelligence community is not attacking him on democratic grounds, needless to say, but on imperial.

Trump is a rightwing blowhard whose absurd babblings about Saudi Arabia, Iran and Yemen reveal a man who is dangerously ignorant about how the world works. But he has managed to seize on one or two semi-good ideas over the years. One is that Obama administration’s confrontational policies toward Russia are a recipe for disaster, while another is that toppling Syria’s Bashar al-Assad with Al Qaeda and ISIS still up and about will only hasten their march on Damascus.

Both views are perfectly sensible. But because Washington’s endlessly bellicose foreign-policy establishment is wedded to the opposite, it sees them as high treason.

This is very serious. U.S. foreign policy has been marked by a high degree of continuity since World War II as Republican and Democratic presidents alike pledged to uphold the imperial agenda. But Trump, as radical in his way as William Jennings Bryan was in 1896 or Henry A. Wallace in 1948, is bucking the consensus to an unprecedented degree.

Even though its policies have led to disaster after disaster, the foreign-policy establishment is aghast. Consequently, it is frantically searching for a way to prevent him from carrying his ideas out. The intelligence agencies appear to be running out of time with the inauguration only a few days away. But that doesn’t mean they’re giving up. All it means, rather, is that they’ll go deeper underground. Trump may enter the White House on Jan. 20. But the big question is how long he’ll remain.

Daniel Lazare is the author of several books including The Frozen Republic: How the Constitution Is Paralyzing Democracy (Harcourt Brace).

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Most of the pageantry involved in the inauguration of a president has nothing to do with the Constitution. All it actually says is that president is supposed to take the oath of office. Even the idea of swearing on a bible is just a custom, and the oath doesn’t include “so help me, God.”

George Washington decided to invoke God at the last minute. One president, Franklin Pierce, actually refused to swear on the “Good Book.”

So, technically Donald Trump could be sworn in on The Art of the Deal.

The inaugural speech is also just a custom. It started when Washington thought it might be a wise idea to say a few words. He wasn’t speaking to “the people,” by the way, he was talking to Congress. But giving a speech stuck as an idea, and eventually the show was taken outside – where for the next century most of the audience couldn’t hear a word the president was saying.

At least the world will get to hear and read Trump’s address. If only everyone had been allowed to vote.

One president died as a result of giving an address. It was 1841, and William Henry Harrison, who was 68, wanted to prove he was fit and gave his speech on a bitterly cold day without wearing an overcoat. The speech took more than two hours – the longest on record – and Harrison caught a cold. A month later he died of pneumonia.

Aside from Lincoln (image left), Kennedy, and Garfield, most inaugural speeches haven’t been very memorable. At times they’ve been downers. In 1857, for example, James Buchanan attacked abolitionists for making a big deal about slavery. Ulysses Grant complained about being slandered. Warren Harding and others were simply boring.

There have been some memorable lines. “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself,” said Franklin Roosevelt. Kennedy, with an assist from several others, came up with “Let us never negotiate out of fear, but let us never fear to negotiate.”

And let’s not forget George H.W. Bush, who compared freedom to a kite. Not a very high bar.

According to scholars who have analyzed the speeches, the form has evolved. In the old days, presidents talked quite a lot about the Constitution. Now we have more “rhetorical” presidencies, meaning that the chief executive bypasses the constitution – and congress – and appeals directly to the people. The problem, which was recognized by the founding fathers, is that this can lead to demagoguery – appeals to passion rather than reason. And since Nixon we’ve had several inaugurations with leaders who offer mainly platitudes, emotional appeals, partisan and anti-intellectual attacks and human interest stories rather than evidence, facts and rational arguments.

Since Nixon we’ve also had professional speechwriters, and an emphasis on getting as much applause as possible. Meanwhile, the reading level has dropped. The early speeches were written at the college level. Now they require only eighth grade comprehension.

We don’t hear much about the presidency of James Garfield, who was elected in 1880. One of the reasons was that he was shot after only four months in office, and died about two months later. But before he was inaugurated, he read over all the previous addresses to decide what to say. He found Lincoln’s speech to be the best. Who could beat this closing:

We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battlefield and patriot grave to every living heart and hearthstone all over this broad land, will yet swell the chorus of the union, when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature.

Partway through his own research, Garfield considered not giving a speech at all. But he pressed on, and boiled down the task to the following: first a brief introduction, followed by a summary of topics recently settled, then a section on what ought to be the focus of public attention, and finally, an appeal to stand by him in the independent and vigorous execution of the law. The speeches haven’t really changed much since then. Normally, they serve to reunite people after the election, express some shared values, present some new policies, and promise that the president will stick to the job description.

To put it mildly, Trump is expected to break with that formula.

In the end, Garfield’s speech didn’t match Lincoln’s. But it was eloquent and remains relevant today. He started with history, noting that before the US was formed the world didn’t believe “that the supreme authority of government could be safely entrusted to the guardianship of the people themselves.” Moving through the first century of US history, he concluded that after the Civil War people had finally “determined to leave behind them all those bitter controversies concerning things which have been irrevocably settled, and the further discussion of which can only stir up strife and delay the onward march.”

It was a case of wishful thinking. “The elevation of the negro race from slavery to the full rights of citizenship,” he continued, “is the most important political change we have known since the adoption of the constitution.” But the Black vote was still be suppressed, especially in the south. So he warned, “To violate the freedom and sanctity of the suffrage is more than an evil. It is a crime which, if persisted in, will destroy the government itself.”

A prescient warning as it turns out. With the installation of President Trump, the US faces serious threats to the freedom and sanctity of the right to vote, and other dangers that could ultimately destroy this system of government – secrecy, abuse of power, impunity, abandonment of the rule of law.

Garfield also made another point worth repeating: No religious organization, he noted, can be “permitted to usurp in the smallest degree the functions and powers of the National Government.”  He was talking about the Mormon Church, which was exerting considerable influence out west at the time. But there are contemporary implications.

His concluding words about the end of slavery perhaps still resonate best. “We do not now differ in our judgment concerning the controversies of the past generations, and fifty years hence our children will not be divided on their opinions concerning our controversies,” he predicted. “We may hasten or we may retard, but we can not prevent, the final reconciliation. Is it not possible for us now to make a truce with time by anticipating and accepting its inevitable verdict?”

Apparently not yet.

“Enterprises of the highest importance to our moral and material well-being unite us and offer ample employment of our best powers,” said Garfield. “Let all our people leaving behind them the battlefields of dead issues, move forward, and in their strength of liberty and the restored Union, win the grander victories of peace.”

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A Sunday Times report claiming that a meeting has been planned between US President-elect Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin in Iceland is “100 percent false,” said Trump’s incoming press secretary and director of communications. The Kremlin has also refuted the story.

In a tweet, Sean Spicer denied the report, which claimed that his future boss told British officials that he would meet Putin in Iceland’s capital, Reykjavik, during his first foreign trip as POTUS.


Two of Trump’s aides also denied the story, speaking to Reuters on condition of anonymity.

“So far there have been no talks about any meeting,” Vladimir Putin’s press secretary Dmitry Peskov told RIA news agency.

The Sunday Times reported that Trump and Putin would discuss a nuclear arms reduction agreement and a reset of bilateral relations.

Sources close to the Russian Embassy in London allegedly told the British newspaper that Moscow would agree to a summit between Putin and Trump, but would not confirm that such a meeting had been scheduled.

The report was apparently “an attempt by the Britons to undermine Donald Trump’s Presidency,” a diplomatic source in the Russian embassy told RT UK.

“Apparently, they will continue this right till the last moment,” the source said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

Reykjavik was the site of an historic summit on October 11-12, 1986, between Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev – the second in a series of meetings that relaunched the relationship between the US and the USSR.

Meanwhile, Icelandic Foreign Minister Gudlaugur Thor Thordarson said that, while his government hadn’t received a request to organize a meeting between Trump and Putin, it would be willing to support one.

“The Government of Iceland has not yet received a request regarding this meeting. If officials in Washington turn to the Icelandic government with a formal request to organize a summit in Reykjavik, we will take it positively and turn it to our contribution to the improvement of relations between the US and Russia as it was at the Hofdi house in 1986,” he said, as cited by the newspaper Morgunbladid.

The latest report comes just a day after Trump expressed openness to lifting the sanctions against Russia “under certain conditions.”

In an hour-long interview with the Wall Street Journal on Friday, Trump said he wants to keep the sanctions that the Obama administration recently imposed on Russia “at least for a period of time.”

However, Trump added that he would consider lifting the restrictions, depending on how helpful the Russians are in the fight against terrorism, as well as assisting with other goals that he feels are key to the US.

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Obama Expands NSA Spying. Attack against Democratic Rights

January 15th, 2017 by George Gallanis

Only days before Trump’s inauguration

With the inauguration of President-elect Donald Trump only days away, the Obama administration announced on Thursday a vast expansion of the spying power of American intelligence agencies. Under the new rules, the National Security Agency (NSA) can now share raw bulk data consisting of private communications with 16 other intelligence agencies, including the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security.

In response to the recent rules set forward by the Obama administration, NSA Whistleblower Edward Snowden Tweeted on Thursday, “As he hands the White House to Trump, Obama just unchained NSA from basic limits on passing raw intercepts to others.”

Previously, NSA analysts were required to sift out information they judged irrelevant and withhold the names of individuals deemed innocent before passing along information to other agencies. Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch signed the new rules, which grants multiple agencies access to “raw signals intelligence information,” on January 3. The director of national intelligence, James R. Clapper Jr., approved the measure on December 15, 2016.

Executive Order 12333, enacted into law by the Ronald Reagan administration and then expanded by the George W. Bush administration, serves as the quasi-legal basis for much of the NSA’s vast surveillance dragnet. Through it, the NSA gathers information from around the world via phone and internet servers and connections, from sites such as Google, and consumes entire phone call records from whole countries and monitors satellite transmissions.

In 2014, The Intercept disclosed that the NSA used Order 12333 to search over 850 billion phone and internet records and amass raw, unfiltered information on the activities of millions of American citizens.

The new rules stipulate the NSA to share explicit surveillance information and feeds to different agencies only if the information is deemed pertinent to that agency’s surveillance operations.

Agencies may be granted access if they intend to use the raw bulk data for foreign intelligence or counterintelligence investigations, and if an American citizen is found to be an agent working for a foreign country. In other words, agencies will use the raw data to spy on foreign individuals across the globe and American citizens in the United States.

In an attempt to present some kind of checks and balances to its new sharing capacities, according to the New York Times, the NSA will only grant agencies access to information “it deems reasonable after considering factors like whether large amounts of Americans’ private information might be included and, if so, how damaging or embarrassing it would be if that information were ‘improperly used or disclosed.’”

This will do nothing. Given that the personal information of millions upon millions of people has already been amassed and carefully combed through by the NSA and other intelligence agencies, it is unlikely any agency will be denied access.

In short, raw data previously investigated by the NSA will be thrown open to 16 other agencies, with entire personal information of millions of people exposed to and combed through by the CIA, FBI, and other agencies.

Perhaps most significant, under the new rules, any incriminating information of American citizens will be sent to the Justice Department, setting forth a wave of possible new accusations and investigations for thousands of people, if not more.

The Obama administration has sought to downplay the significant dangers of the new rules. Robert S. Litt, the general counsel to Clapper, stated, “This is not expanding the substantive ability of law enforcement to get access to signals intelligence. It is simply widening the aperture for a larger number of analysts, who will be bound by the existing rules.”

In reality, this is another step in the attack against democratic rights and a turn towards more authoritarian forms of rule, which has characterized the legacy of outgoing president Barack Obama.

During the last eight years, Obama has not only continued the illegal spying on billions of people around the world, but has dramatically increased it.

In May 2011, Obama signed three provisions of the widely-hated USA Patriot Act. Under the new provisions, spy agencies were granted access to using “roving wiretaps,” the authorization to intercept all communications of suspects; unlimited access to business, purchases, and travel records of suspects; and the surveillance of individuals with no suspected connections to foreign organizations.

In July 2013, Obama renewed the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), which forces US telecommunications companies to turn over bulk telephone records to spy agencies. The FISA act was used by the George W. Bush administration to warrantlessly wiretap millions of people.

The revelations of whistleblower Edward Snowden showed the NSA had, under the Obama administration, illegally collected phone records from over 120 million Verizon customers. Snowden also revealed the existence of the massive surveillance program known as PRISM, which collected the e-mails, phone calls, text and video chats from Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Yahoo, Apple and other tech giants of both foreigners and Americans.

In the aftermath of Snowden’s revelations, the Obama White House crafted an NSA “reform” package, based on recommendations by a panel representing the spy agencies themselves, that further institutionalized the NSA’s illegal domestic spying operations, while putting in place stringent security measures to prevent disclosures of its crimes.

The Obama Administration has prosecuted more whistle-blowers than any presidency in American history, and has viciously victimized those who sought to expose this program, imprisoning Chelsea Manning and forcing Julian Assange to seek refuge in the Ecuadorian embassy in London and Edward Snowden to go into hiding in Russia.

Throughout his term, Obama worked to defend and facilitate the crimes of the intelligence agencies, working with the CIA to suppress the revelations of the Senate’s report on torture under the Bush Administration and shielding the architects of the torture program from prosecution.

The complete cynicism and hypocrisy of Obama was on full display during his farewell speech in Chicago on Tuesday. Touting himself as a champion of American democracy, he neglected to mention the mass state spying apparatus which he has expanded and prepared for Donald Trump.

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Recently, Jabhat Fateh al-Sham group has been facing troubles fighting with the Syrian army which keeps seizing the terrorists’ positions all over the country.

Against this background, the situation by Damascus aggravated. Militants are trying to impede the government forces advancement and are concentrated on sabotage. Terrorists are up to using all possible means to impose pressure on the government, including prohibited methods of warfare.

Such actions include the sabotage at the pump station on the outskirts of Damascus. It’s been 3 weeks since Dec. 16 when water was cut off for 5.5 million people in Damascus. The locals almost don’t use the water of Damascus sources as it may have been contaminated by the terrorists with diesel.

In connection with this, UNICEF urged all sides of the conflict to give up such means of warfare and provide security for civilian facilities: schools, hospitals and water infrastructure. The organization also stressed out that the absence of water supplies may lead to epidemics, especially among children.

The UN has already called the militants actions on blocking water supplies a military crime that could lead to terrible repercussion.

The Syrian government and Damascus administration had to take special measures to save the residents. 1,100 cubic meters of water have been delivered to the city. It is disseminated between Social and IDP Centers, hospitals, schools and bakeries.

The previous week, Damascus Governor said that engineers could be sent to repair the water supplies systems in Wadi Barada valley, which had been agreed with the militants. However, the terrorists didn’t comply with the agreement and refused to lay down weapons.

Striking the capital’s residents, militants are trying to torpedo the truce. Their actions may also affect the negotiations in Astana. Jihadists use water as an additional weapon in the war. The militants’ sabotages prove that the army is fighting against Jabhat Fateh al-Sham, not the peaceful opposition as it would never strike its own people or use prohibited methods of warfare.

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President Barrack Hussein Obama delivered his farewell address in Chicago last Tuesday night.

Honesty is not an Obama Virtue

Obama wasted no time uttering his trademark lies. In his third sentence he stated that his “conversations” with the American people “are what have kept me honest.” Honest? Are you kidding? This guy’s the most deceitful pathological lying president in US history. Two of his biggest whoppers out of the gate numbering in the thousands will go down in infamy:

After the damage inflicted on the world by the Bush-Cheney regime, Obama came to power preying on America’s desperate need for change and hope. But he only delivered more damage to our nation and world, faithfully carrying out the very same malevolent policies both foreign and domestic as his war criminal predecessors. And the transformational change he promised turned into a nightmare gone from bad to worse that we’ll be stuck with for years to come. That a Democrat or a Republican occupying the White House doesn’t matter points to the same actual power controlling the figurehead in Washington.

After two stolen terms in office by the Bush-Cheney duo, and nonstop war in both Iraq and Afghanistan, Obama campaigned on a promise to end those senseless conflicts but instead only prolonged them. At the expense of American taxpayers, Obama continued waging those costly wars to the tune of $6 trillion (or more) and near 14,000 American lives (military and civilian), most of which were lost on his watch. Obama ensured that the neocons’ “endless war on terror,” now over 15 years and counting, remain endless. With Afghanistan going down in American history as our nation’s longest running war, Obama’s legacy in both Iraq and Afghanistan as well as Syria and Libya, and indirectly in Yemen, are the Obama regime’s “ENDLESS WAR OF TERROR.” On top of that despicable fact, President Obama is the first two term president in US history to have America at war throughout his entire presidency. The peace candidate turned out to be the most warring president of them all.

As a case in point of his legacy, earlier this week on the same day of Obama’s speech, three bombs blasted three separate cities in Afghanistan killing 50 and wounding 100 Afghan citizens. All these bloodbaths in the Middle East and North Africa stand as a glaring and disastrous outcome to the US façade of “bringing democracy” and “nation-building” to the world – 4 million dead Muslims later. In actuality the ruling elite’s systematic plan is to misuse the US Empire and NATO to militarize and destabilize the entire planet, then misuse millions of war refugees to destroy Western nations by inciting religious, race and class wars utilizing its always effective divide and conquer strategy, all for the nefarious purpose of creating a one world government tyranny. And as the destroyer of America, the CIA bred and groomed puppet, followed his marching orders to the T.

After Bush presidential candidate Obama boldly promised to be the most transparent and open president in US history, but then Pinocchio nose just kept telling whopper after whopper for the next eight years. Obama has a track record of being the most dishonest, secretive, vindictive, least open and least transparentpresident in US history. He’s been at war with a free press and indicted more journalists and whistleblowers than any other president.

Obama’s “Yes We Can” Chicago Roots

In the next paragraph of Obama’s farewell speech, he begins patting himself on the back, nostalgically using his Chicago days in his early twenties as a supposed community organizer working for “positive” change. Obama must be referring to learning to be a future nation destroyer still under the tutelage of a close friend of his CIA white grandpa who happened to be Obama’s secret real father – card carrying Communist Frank Marshall Davis, in addition to confirmed terrorist mentor Bill Ayers who once proclaimed that 25 million Americans may need to be exterminated in concentration camps for refusing to go along with the radical left’s reprogramming agenda.

Then in the same breath Obama goes on to claim that his youthful belief in grassroots level change still resides in “the beating heart of our American ideal – our bold experiment in self-government.” What planet is this guy living on? The ‘self-government’ he refers to, the one that’s supposed to be “of the people, by the people and for the people” simply doesn’t exist anymore, killed decades ago by oligarchic special interest bribes that buy and control elected spineless puppet politicians like himself to faithfully do their dirty bidding, waging violent conflicts around the world while invasively at home unconstitutionally spying on citizens to deny their liberties and freedoms, of course all justified under the pretense of national security.

Obama says when trust in government is low (and it is, presently only 19%  of Americans trust their government):

We should reduce the corrosive influence of money in our politics, and insist on the principles of transparency and ethics in public service.

Yet it was Barack’s Supreme Court that gave license for the wealthiest to buy off politicians through unlimited legal bribery. Obama did not lift a finger to oppose it. Again hypocrisy runneth over when the least transparent and perhaps most corrupt and unethical president in US history calls for virtues he so sorely lacks.

Orwellian Doublespeak Obama-style

And then Obama has the audacity to actually quote our Founding Fathers’ “conviction that we are all created equal, endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights, among them life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” Though these are sentimentally empowering ideals to strive for, the bottom line is they’ve never been practiced in real life. The majority of the creators of our Bill of Rights and Constitution owned slaves and 9 of our first 11 presidents were slave-owners, engaged in a policy of genocide against the First Americans, and to a man failed to extend these “certain inalienable rights” even to their own wives. But then the arrogant hubris and over-the-top hypocrisy that’s come to infamously characterize the Obama presidency wouldn’t have it any other way, because the man’s a fraud, an imposter who right to the end in his farewell address repeats lie after lie in his best polished Orwellian doublespeak.

“Embrace all, and not just some”

Obama then goes into a wannabe “Grapes of Wrath” diatribe about patriots choosing “republic over tyranny,” again what republic? Tyrannical fascism in the Obama totalitarian dictatorship reigns supreme now. He cites America’s “call for citizenship,” that pulls “immigrants and refugees across the Rio Grande.” It was Obama’s and DHS’ stand down order to maintain eight straight years of unprotected wide open border policy, not unlike his manufactured wars that led directly to the flooding of millions of Muslim refugees by manufactured design to destroy both Europe and America using the lie of “humanitarian multiculturalism” intended to create strife, chaos and tension leading to race wars, religious wars, class wars, civil wars.

Later in the speech the departing lame duck refers to America’s “founding creed to embrace all, and not just some.” This of course is his feeble attempt to justify his open border policy that welcomes a constant flow of unvetted refugees from his Middle Eastern and North African wars as well as drug cartel gangs from south of the border. Recall it was the Obama administration’s Fast and Furious gun running operation and attempted cover-up that bestowed preferential treatment to the Sinaloa cartel in exchange for intel to eliminate Sinaloa competition. International drug smuggling under Obama’s watch has been a boom.

The Obama speech threw in that same “call for citizenship” “powers workers to organize.” Under his watch, the rights of “workers to organize” has taken a hit. In 1983 American workers belonging to labor unions stood at 20.1%. In 2015 the percentage has nearly been cut in half at just 11.1%. Since 1983 when 42 of 50 states maintained at least 10% of its private sector workforce as union members, five years ago that number dropped to just 8 states. Whatever’s left now of labor unions and their bargaining power to protect workers has largely gone the same route of every other American institution, becoming corrosively corrupt, co-opted and no longer truly representing the best interests of America’s working population. Of course similarly, pension plans have virtually dried up across the nation, with the exception being those generous lifetime retirement salaries for former presidents and Congress members.

Obama’s American Exceptionalism

As the historical name dropper darts from the Rio Grande to Iwo Jima to Afghanistan to Selma and Stonewall in one breath, in the next he states:

So that’s what we mean when we say America is exceptional… and make life better for those who follow.

It wouldn’t be an Obama speech without his spouting off on America’s exceptionalism that automatically grants US Empire the right to remain the endgame’s sole world superpower hegemon even if it wipes out the human race. The fact that Obama has dutifully followed the neocons’ homicidal tradition to an OCD degree, embarking on a renewed nuclear arms race costing up to $1 trillion while encircling two fully emerged world powers Russia and China, vilifying them both, is pure madness!

The choice to consistently and willfully push America into a forced West versus East confrontation in his rush to World War IIIObama’s exceptionalism has been his calling card trademark to justify his every aggressive, war-provoking move calculatingly misplayed, promoting his masters’ agenda todestabilize the entire world through increasing conflict, war and economic instability and destruction. Throughout Obama’s race to WWIII, his co-opted mainstream media is nothing less than a deployed front that’s faithfully protected him and Hillary as their propaganda ministry intended to brainwash and con the American public into acquiescence, acceptance and complicit submission. Non-Americans must think that Obama’s America is exceptionally grandiose in its hyper-inflated self-importance, and perhaps only exceptional in its arrogance and destructive tendencies to tamper, interfere and ruthlessly attempt to control the rest of the world.

Our Bright Future

Obama touts a record of “making life better for those who follow.” Again, he’s nowhere near living in the same galaxy as the rest of us who have sadly witnessed under his watch America and the world in a state of freefall chaos and destruction. Under his watch college students with their record high loan debts now over $1.2 trillion have become lifetime indentured servants, with America’s job security nowhere in sight for decades now, after graduation fighting over job scraps competing for minimum waged part-time dead-end employment. Under Obama’s watch for the first time in American history, the current coming of age generation can no longer expect to live better or longer than the preceding generation, in either holding down jobs (lost to an age of AI and robotic automation), or actualizing the American dream of owning their own homes, or even enjoying life as an independent adult. For the first time in 130 years, more adult Americans aged 18-34 are currently living with their parents than living with a spouse or partner. 40% of Americans under 30 live with their parents. Upward mobility and the American dreamare long since dead now. Obama’s lasting legacy is the certainty of an extreme and bleak future for America that he destroyed while dutifully complying with his puppet masters’ marching orders.

My Wonderful Legacy in a Nutshell

Obama then goes on to actually claim his so called victories:

If I had told you eight years ago that America would reverse a great recession, reboot our auto industry, and unleash the longest stretch of job creation in our history…if I had told you that we would open up a new chapter with the Cuban people, shut down Iran’s nuclear weapons program without firing a shot, and take out the mastermind of 9/11…if I had told you that we would win marriage equality, and secure the right to health insurance for another 20 million of our fellow citizens – you might have said our sights were set a little too high.

And later claims:

After all, we remain the wealthiest, most powerful, and most respected nation on Earth.

Again, this man is totally delusional if he believes “a great recession” has been reversed and that “the economy is growing again.” Additionally, Obama makes the bodacious statement that today “wages, incomes, home values, and retirement accounts are rising again; poverty is falling again.” When cost of living and inflation are accounted for, wages have either fallen or remained stagnant for decades now. Yet Obama stated:

Last year, incomes rose for all races, all age groups, for men and for women.

Reality shows that nothing could be further from the truth. Perched from his ivory tower White House, when not teeing up on multimillion dollar tax paid vacations (totaling near $100 million), Obama’s “facts” just never seem to add up.

For instance, in 2007 the year before Obama was elected, Pew Research found that 50% of Americans rated the US economy as good. Last August after near eight years in office, only 44% of Americans shared that same optimistic outlook. During Obama’s first five years as president, Census Bureau data showed that fulltime workers’ salaries for men dropped by nearly 3% and women by 1%. Wages for black men sank even lower by near 6% and over 3% for black women. A little over two years ago government income reports demonstrated that over the last quarter century the US household median income remained stagnated and unchanged at just under $52,000. Yet the value of the dollar drastically shrank. But from 2000 to 2014, nearly half with Obama as president, the average American median income dropped significantly by 8%.

The so called recession economy has progressively slid from the 2008-09 housing market crisis (with the banking industry’s grotesque tax paid bailout after which Obama protected the banksters from prosecution for fraud and no jail time) to an all-out major economic depression (that Obama and his minions still deny) that will inevitably and tragically surpass the 1930’s Great Depression in human suffering. Obama and the Feds managed to kick the can down the road just long enough for Trump to step into the Oval Office. Likewise, the entire global economy is anemic and faltering, including even China’s.

Obama states that “the unemployment rate is near a 10-year low.”

The truth is Obama’s job numbers are methodically crunched and cooked every month to deceive the public into not realizing that up to 40% of America’s working age population is not fulltime employed. If those working part time hours but desiring fulltime jobs along with those whose unemployment compensation has run out, and those chronically unemployed who’ve become so discouraged they’ve given up, that percentage of Americans would be nearing half our population.

Virtually every honest economist has for months been warning that we are teetering closer to the edge of a complete economic collapse. Obama’s assertion that we’re in “the longest stretch of job creation in our history” is pure fantasy. Since the recession virtually the only jobs Obama created are part time, seasonal or temporary, minimum wage positions that no one could actually live on. The boastful lie that Obama created 15 million new jobs is just the opposite from the truth. First, Obama artificially counts part-time employment in his artificial job creation boost. Secondly, his actual number of jobs created (including part-time) in his time in office amounts to 5.6 million. However, with his open border policy, the number of entrants into the US has soared to over 20 million, so his actual record has arguably added 14.4 million to the unemployed ranks.

During the Reagan years America went from the largest creditor nation on earth to the largest debtor nation on earth, digging its deepest hole under Obama who has nearly doubled the national debt from $10 trillion to near $20. During that same post-WWII period, the US has gone from owning half the world’s GDP (Gross Domestic Product as the indicator tool measuring nations’ purchasing power parity) to now just 15%. Three years ago China overtook the US as the number one economic superpower in the world. As of last year China now has more billionaires than America – 594 to 535. And the margin is widening.

Obama mentions that currently “the stock market shatters records.” That has nothing to do with Obama and everything to do with Trump. So for Obama to try and take a bow due to Trump’s honeymoon post-election swoon is a case of intentionally distorting reality. But then deception is Obama’s signature. Also, in a troubled, unstable economy, the stock market fluctuates widely from one day to the next. Record highs one day are as apt to be followed the next day with record lows. And market volatility ain’t a good thing.

Returning to Obama’s lie that “poverty is falling again,” unfortunately the pathological liar is oh so wrong. Poverty in America has risen from 11% in 2000 up to 15%of Americans in 2014. As mentioned earlier, blacks under Obama are suffering the most with 26.2% of African Americans living in poverty. But near 1 in 4 (23.6%) Hispanic Americans are also poverty-stricken. 10.1% of whites fall under the poverty level. The South and California are the worst hit areas although the largest drops in middle class were in West Virginia, Michigan and Indiana. Just to make ends meet, more Americans are working two or three jobs than ever before.

During the Obama years the poverty rates have been climbing beyond America’s inner cities to its suburbs as well. Add the decimated, fast disappearing US middle class that as of 2015 is no longer the vibrant majority that has always characterized America, and the rich-poor disparity gap is soaring to unprecedented levels. Income inequality lies at the heart of the problem. As productivity increased, wages didn’t for the lower and middle classes. When the richest 20 Americans own more than the poorest half of all Americans, you know something is dreadfully wrong. Three years ago income inequality in this country reached an all-time high not seen since the eve of the Great Depression in 1928. But now the gap between the rich and the poor in America is at its all-time worst disparity ever, and the highestin the developed world. Despite what Obama claims, today’s economy is in dire straits. And as a result, Americans either have no money to spend or worried over their uncertain future, are holding onto what little they have. An incredible 76 % of Americans live from paycheck to paycheck, just one away from homelessness.

Hence, all across America shopping malls are becoming extinct. Their demise is accelerated by record number of closures of major retail outlet stores. 14 of the biggest – Target, Kmart, Macys, Office Depot and Sears among them, are all closing at least 100 of their stores.

Eleven other industrialized nations have more startup businesses per capita than America as entrepreneurship has fallen. According to the Annual Prosperity Index, the US dropped out of the top ten most prosperous nations for the first time in 2015. Also as of 2015, over five years after the recession, small businesses are still hurting asonly 21% have recovered. Again 2015 was a very pivotal year for the US as it was the year that China eclipsed America as the number one economic power on earth according to IMF’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) computations. The GDP margin between China and the US is .6 of a percentage point ahead and growing.

So you can see that clearly Obama is wrong, as he leaves office in 2017, the United States of America is no longer the wealthiest nation on earth. And the primary reason is that President Obama dutifully followed his rulers’ orders, padding the coffers of Wall Street and the military industrial security prison complex rather than investing in his own nation’s sorely needed infrastructure and the well-being of his own fellow citizens. The US military has been and is still misused as the elite’s corporate body guard to rape and pillage the earth, gobbling up and stealing precious energy, mineral and other natural resources. And the affluence of North America and Western Europe was viewed an obstacle that had to be eliminated prior to implementing a one world government.

Obamacare Plug

In his farewell speech Obama dared to sneak in a plug for his abominable Obamacare, at the end of his braggadocio repeating the boldface lie that 20 million more Americans are benefiting from his “right to health insurance,” the same right that gives you no right to opt for no insurance without incurring increasing fines for refusing to buy his corrupt brand of snake oil that has rates obscenely skyrocketing by 24% this year on average. Obama’s fuzzy math must be referring to those same 20 million new immigrants he allowed into the country complete with insurance entitlement. In any event, even Obama’s main claim to fame – that the least number of Americans in history are uninsured – is bound to start rising again with his now Unaffordable Care Act. Yet despite this reality, Obama insists that “health care costs are rising at the slowest rate in fifty years.” The man’s delusional. His boldface lie glosses over the truth that in August last year alone healthcare costs rose higher than at any time prior to 1984.

More on Obama’s True Legacy

Over two years ago it was noted that the US leads the entire world in any number of dubious ways. And we know that in two years things have only grown from bad to worse. As the nation that grants the most outrageous and unfair tax breaks to the rich, the US also leads the globe in tax evasion and corporate welfare. And with multibillionaire Trump coming to power assembling the wealthiest administration in US history, that statistic will not be changing any time soon. While good for the wealthiest class, America leads the planet in declining public services, child poverty and homelessness. While the rich get richer and the poor poorer, America’s number one in citizens in prison, supplying 25% of the world’s inmates containing only 5% of the world population. We’re also number one in police brutality, and police murdering unarmed citizens (70 times the rate of other developed nations), sadly three times worse if you’re African American than white and two times more likely than if Hispanic.

Obama is correct in saying the US is the most powerful nation on earth if measured strictly in terms of human genocide and global destruction. With US Empire’s nonstop record of aggression and slaughter committed against rest of the world, killing 30 million other humans since World War II alone, the United States is by far the world’s biggest murderer as well. If US exceptionalism is measured in terms of number of invaded smaller countries (37), murders of foreign leaders (several dozen), 59 government coups since WWII, engaging in economic warfare by enforcement of trade embargoes (YemenVenezuelaNorth KoreaCuba), as well as imposing various economic sanctions (Russia, North Korea, IranSyriaSudan), and countless tampering in others’ elections, all with total impunity, then yes, the US is uniquely exceptional in its unmatched evil. And that was just the short list. America ranks as the world’s worst offender.

No other nation on earth comes even close to making war over 93% of its time in existence. No other nation on earth has over 130,000 soldiers occupying more than 150 nations at nearly 1,000 military posts worldwide, with another 4,000 US troops this month lining up along Russia’s western border, joining NATO’s 300,000 troops on active alert. Ready to ignite the next world war, Commander-in-Chief Obama has the US military occupying over 77% of all other nations on earth. In comparison, the number of foreign nations where Russia deploys its troops remains a single digit figure, and in all nine countries Russia is an invited guest, unlike America. If power in the world is measured in terms of causing grave risk to every living inhabitant on the planet dying from nuclear holocaust, then once again Obama’s US of A is number one.

The liar-in-chief also boasts that America is the “most respected nation on earth.” What a pathetic laugh that is. The reality is with so much US aggression and violence inflicted on the rest of the world, America has to be the most hated and feared nation on earth.

Gallup poll found that the United States is the biggest threat to world peace. Though few nations can openly call America out for its never-ending transgressions, for fear of being overthrown, invaded or severely punished, behind closed doors, many the world over cannot wait to see the Empire crash and burn. The entire planet has suffered immeasurably for more than a century at the hands of the brutal world bully and unilateral executioner. Other nations see through Obama’s lies and hypocrisy, and his wormlike leadership from behind is secretly mocked as mealy-mouthed and weak. On the world stage he has zero credibility and is hated, and unfortunately due to the sins of his seamless Clinton-Bush-Obama cabal, Americans get lumped in and are hated too. But hate and fear have nothing to do with respect, however smooth talking Obama’s fork-tongued doublespeak bullshit may be to his so called liberal sycophants like Springsteen and Streep.

Normalizing Relations with Cuba

Getting back to more of what Obama believes are his bragging rights, he touts normalized relations with Cuba among his most notable accomplishments. The Empire’s embargo lasting more than half a century cruelly caused untold human suffering on the little Caribbean island. But the resourceful nation survived and even thrived in ways in spite of it. So who benefits by the thawing relations? Doubtfully Cuba as much as the US oligarchs swarming Havana like sharks in a feeding frenzy, the same way they jumped in bed with Russian organized crime once the Soviet Union broke apart… and under pre-Castro’s Batista corruption as well. Tourism revenue is pouring in while the Cuban elite may begin reaping the benefit of less restrictive trade after decades of isolation. Yet despite these obvious perks, since Obama opened the US embassy in Havana in August 2015, the first full year of normalization saw the Cuban economy shrink by .9% after a 4.4% growth in 2015. No doubt Western predators are eagerly pouncing on Cuba’s natural resources to turn that country into another banana republic. Perhaps an undefiled Cuba was better off during the nearly six decades the island proudly and defiantly stood independent of the constantly threatening imperialistic Empire 90 miles away (not to mention the failed US Bay of Pigs invasion and alleged 634 attempts on Castro’s life).

The Iran Nuke Deal

Next Obama references his controversial nuke deal with Iran as another gold star achievement on his short list. Last August it was seriously marred when it was learned that Obama paid a $400 million ransom in US taxpayer dollars to free 4 American hostages from Iran prisons that Barack was caught lying about. When the UN and Congress ratified the nuclear deal last September, I welcomed it, hopeful it might restore peaceful relations with yet another so called “pariah” nation unfairly targeted by the Anglo-Zionist Empire that for too long had blindly followed a Middle East policy straight out of the Greater Israel Project playbook. Iran is another country that defied the global bully and paid for it, after CIA overthrew its democratically elected leader in 1953 and installed the dictator Shah and his murderous CIA trained secret police lasting over a quarter century. Once the Iranian Revolution ousted the Shah in 1979, Iran was always considered America’s enemy.

As far as developing nuclear power to meet Iran’s energy needs, in the long run it’s never a wise move after Fukushima and Chernobyl. But when Washington not only silently condones but covertly assists Israel building a large nuclear arsenal (not to mention the immorality of handing over $38 billion in US military aid promoting Israel’s genocidal apartheid), for years to constantly threaten war against Tehran should it pursue nukes in self-defense parity, though it makes for a more dangerous world, Iran certainly possesses a reasonable argument for having nuclear weapons. Yet Iran has led a non-aligned 120 nation movement for a nuclear-free zone in the Middle East to no avail. Meanwhile, Israel continues sitting on 200 warheads aimed at Iran. With a pro-Zionist US president in less than a week who during his campaign promised to tear up the nuke agreement and move the US Embassy to Jerusalem, more hostile tensions toward Iran may be in store in the Middle East. But it was likely more rhetoric than reality as Trump would be going it alone to renege on the deal backed by all five other UN Security Council nations that signed it.

Pulling the “I Killed Bin Laden!” Card

Back to Obama’s speech where he is still basking in the lie that he actually took out Osama bin Laden as 9/11’s alleged “mastermind.” That US commando raid in Pakistan was all an inside fake job just like 9/11 was. The truth is the Bush-bin Laden family connection goes way back throughout the 1980’s when Osama the US proxy mercenary in Afghanistan could fight Russians to help break up the Soviet Empire and then again in the 1990’s to help to break up Yugoslavia. Finally reprising his groomed role as the official fall guy on 9/11, Osama bin Laden became deep state’s cardboard cutout who had little to do with the 9/11 false flag operation carried out by the real criminals Cheney-Bush/CIA-Israel/Mossad-House of Saud. The strong likelihood that Osama’s failing kidneys that had him dying in December 2001 belies the fact that Obama conveniently uses bragging that he killed Osama in April 2011 as his crowning albeit fake foreign policy achievement just in time for his 2012 reelection.

He followed that speech lie with yet another enormous deception – that he and those in government serve “to make people’s lives better.” Is that why three years ago a joint university study confirmed that the US government functions as an oligarchy, and neither a democracy nor a republic? It’s been all too painfully obvious that politicians are opportunistically self-serving while foremost serving the interests of the elite that bribes them and puts them in power. Puppet politicians like Obama serve to make the lives of the globalist rulers better, definitely not the people they’re supposed to represent who elected them.

UN Climate Change Agreement

Obama used his farewell speech to include yet another feather in his cap:

[We’ve] led the world to an agreement that has the promise to save this planet. But without bolder action, our children won’t have time to debate the existence of climate change; they’ll be busy dealing with its effects: environmental disasters, economic disruptions, and waves of climate refugees seeking sanctuary.

He expresses smug satisfaction in conning the world with fake science to propagate the lie that human CO2 levels are wreaking earthly havoc by causing extreme weather and climate change, bragging how the UN climate agreement will “save this planet.” No doubt his puppet masters are pleased as they know it’s a necessary precursor and milestone to their one world government. Obama played a pivotal role in manipulating 175 nations into signing the UN climate change agreement that delineates a time schedule to reduce CO2 emissions through issuance of carbon taxes.

Never mind all the fake science consensus, Obama and Al Gore’s globalist rhetoric and dire warnings, it’s all based on a lie, a hoax. Extreme weather and climate change are not the consequence of manmade greenhouse gases, but the ruling elite several decades ago latched onto “global warming” as the new common enemy facing the entire globe that will be their deceptive vehicle used to promote the need for one world governance.

The information war in this age of deception often is waged by omission. Heavy metals through geoengineering in Western nations are poisoning our atmosphere, ground soil, groundwater, food chain, lungs and brains and obviously contributing to chronic health problems and shorter lifespan (along with fluoride, vaccines, Monsanto and GMO’s, processed food, industrial pollution). Yet this covert phenomenon along with HAARP systems relating to weather modification likely have far more negative impact on climate change, extreme weather events and “unnatural” disasters than any CO2 emissions. Yet deep state and the UN refuse to inform us, continuing a policy of denial that they even exist much less disclose their hidden purposes and effects. As long as disinfo cheerleaders like Gore, Pope Francis and Obama are around, millions may go to their graves never really knowing the why or wherefore.

The Changing of the Guard… maybe

Obama falsely declares:

I committed to President-Elect Trump that my administration would ensure the smoothest possible transition, just as President Bush did for me.

So that explains the Obama-Clinton-Soros’ post-election purple revolution paying mercenaries to incite violence and mayhem across America’s cities in protest and defiance of Trump getting elected. Or the payoff to get their shill Jill to demand a recount in three key states that fast fizzled out. Or all the death threats and behind-the-scenes, subversive pressures to manipulate the electoral votes against Trump also doomed to failure. So again the Obama-Clinton crowd resurrecting their go-to mantra “Putin did it,” deployed CIA to falsely accuse Russia with hacking that changed the election outcome rather than face the fact that Hillary is the most hatedmajor party presidential candidate in US history. From the get-go she and the DNC had rigged the election, stealing the state primaries, denying Bernie Sanders his rightful nomination. Then the Clinton controlled MSM was caught cheating to give Hillary the advantage during the debates only to arrogantly predict Hillary’s “landslide victory.”

Let’s face it, the over-the-top corruption and hubris of Hillary, the DNC, Obama and MSM lost her election despite the 17 Hillary controlled (un)intelligent agencies led by CIA director John Brennan bogusly claiming Russia’s guilt without supplying a shred of evidence. And for alternative media’s role in exposing the ugly truth, over 200 of the more legit alt news sites were then blacklisted as “fake news” for McCarthyite censorship. 2016 revealed just how utterly broken and corrupt the US political system is. And every step of the sordid way, Mr. Lame Duck had lots to do with pulling every dirty trick in the book to prevent Trump from inauguration.

As recently as last week Obama was still attempting to invalidate the election. In a laughable, desperado Hail Mary fiasco, Obama and his DHS head Jeh Johnson were huffing and puffing in front of the cameras about US election infrastructure being critically violated by alleged Russia’s “tampering,” falling under the DHS jurisdictional domain as sufficient grounds to cancel the Trump inauguration. All of this last minute blustering just goes to show the sheer desperation and panic setting in that the whole treasonous Obama-Clinton-Bush cabal will eventually be defending themselves one day before Truth and Reconciliation Commissions.

Obama believes “our diversity and openness” means that “the future should be ours.” Does he mean the polarizing effect he’s had on making the US populace the most contentious, angry, conflicted, confused and fractionalized than it’s ever been since America’s Civil War? If he’s saying that it’s about to cause America’s second civil war, then he might actually be right for once. In the next minute Obama’s talks of America’s “solidarity” and either rising or falling “as one.” Again, he’s deployed the elite’s divide and conquer principle as cunningly as any predecessor, leaving office with America more divided and conquered than any time prior in history. As America’s first black president, he was supposed to be the uniter, not the divider, yet his race-baiting tactics have incited racial tensions.

 “Fake News”

Of course Obama just had to reiterate his familiar lament that too many Americans are basing their world view on “fake news” sources, which he blames for further polarizing the nation instead of admitting his own divisive role. As a psychopath, he will never admit that his own race baiting and his own deceitful, aggressive agenda have polarized Americans in the worst way. It goes without saying that his perception of legitimate and accurate news comes from mainstream media, the six oligarch owned mega media giants that control over 90% of the news outflow. The same news that’s been proven repeatedly to be false, from echoing the neocons’ WMD’s in Iraq to predicting a Hillary landslide to the sour grapes accusing Putin of hacking the election. The enemy of his totalitarian regime are the blacklisted alternative news sites that regularly expose both his and his MSM fake news lies. That’s why just prior to Christmas he snuck through signing the 2017 NDAA designed to censor the real truth by designating his MSM minions as his “ministry of truth” gatekeepers.

“Resisting the lure of fascism and tyranny”

After destroying whatever was left of our democratic republic after the Bush regime’s preemptive strike, Obama the fascist dictator who made it his habit of circumventing Congress with executive order end-arounds, the propagandist ironically speaks of resisting “the lure of fascism and tyranny during the Great Depression.” Yet he takes no responsibility for currently creating his own fascist tyranny within his Obama-made depression. He hypocritically adds salt to the wound when he addresses “post-World War II order” that emerged with other democracies based on the very things his eight years have targeted for elimination – “the rule of law, human rights, freedoms of religion, speech, assembly, and an independent press.”

The irony of it all. Because the ruling elite chose to heavily invest in the military industrial complex and US military to fight nonstop dirty oil wars, as a direct result America now finds itself drifting deeper into unpayable national debt fueling an economic depression. In the process Obama and his neocons have systematically destroyed our constitutional rule of law that once guaranteed all those civil liberties and freedoms that his fascist totalitarian oligarchic police state swindled from us. Note the pattern of Obama’s doublespeak. He constantly warns against the very same crimes that he notoriously commits.

America’s Enemies According to Obama

Obama next identifies two challenges to his so called postwar “order”(in actuality his NWO kind)  – “violent fanatics who claim they speak for Islam,” referring to the very terrorists that he created, and “more recently by foreign autocrats in foreign capitals who see free markets, open democracies, and civil society itself as a threat to their power.” Here of course he’s referring to Putin and China, and perhaps the Philippines’ Rodrigo Duterte because he rejected Obama’s pivot and aligned with China. By reversing everything Obama says, a simple truth formula can be had. Obama insists that the terrorists, the Eastern powers he targets as the enemy, and any other independent nation that refuses to submit to his authoritarianism and US hegemony, is rife with:

A contempt for the rule of law that holds leaders accountable; an intolerance of dissent and free thought; a belief that the sword or the gun or the bomb or propaganda machine is the ultimate arbiter of what’s true and what’s right.

His articulate words above describe himself perfectly. Again, all the very same transgressions Obama is guilty as sin of, he conveniently projects onto all his designated enemies. It’s Obama’s exceptionalism that authorizes his exemption from ever being held accountable by any rule of law, be it domestic or international. And it’s Obama’s belief that he can use global violence against any deemed enemy, real or imagined, anytime, anywhere in the world along with his fake news propaganda machine to sell it. Why? Because he can. And this unbridled, brutal arrogance for extrajudicial murder as judge, jury and executioner extends to any American citizens on US or foreign soil deemed enemies of the state. He’s killed four confirmed Americans by predator drone, his personal favorite warfare despite its actual target kill rate of just 4%.

“Radicalized” Homegrown Enemies of the State

Next Obama blows more smoke up his ass:

No foreign terrorist organization has successfully planned and executed an attack on our homeland these past eight years.

Obama mentions Boston and Orlando as examples of radicalized homegrown terrorists going off the deep end despite “our law enforcement agencies being more effective and vigilant than ever.” Of course the truth is Obama sponsors all these false flag terrorism attacks on American soil, from Boston to Chattanooga to San Bernardino to Orlando. In every case the US intelligence community had extensive dossiers on each and every radicalized patsy. Obama uses his FBI and CIA as handlers to regularly recruit and coordinate young, angry, misguided Muslim Americans to carry out these state sponsored false flag operations. Former US Marine intelligence and CIA officer Robert David Steele has confirmed that virtually every terrorist event on US soil is just another inside job like 9/11, but obviously on a much smaller scale. Again, Obama and his Muslim CIA boss John Brennan are traitors who regularly aid and abet both domestic and foreign enemies.  In fact, they are America’s enemy within.

Keeping Us Safe: The Fake War on Terrorism

Obama boasts that “we’ve taken out tens of thousands of terrorists” while in actuality as the ISIS founder, he has been repeatedly caught armingsupplying,financingtraining, alerting, protecting and providing air cover for the terrorists on dozens of occasions. It’s called aiding and abetting the enemy. And then when Putin called his bluff on his fake ISIS war at the UN in the fall of 2015, upon Assad’s request Russia proceeded to kick terrorist ass in Syria. While after allowing ISIS toinvade Iraq the year before in 2014 in order to oust President Malaki and reestablish a military foothold with permanent bases in Iraq, Obama infamously vowed to “hunt down the terrorists.” Yet suddenly in 2015 and all of last year the actual terrorist supporter Obama refused to partner with Putin to eradicate Obama’sChristian-killing ally. Instead Obama and Kerry cunningly played along with Russia negotiating a fake peace proposal till last September launching an airstrike on Assad forces killing 62 and wounding 100 Syrian Arab Army soldiers, then falsely pretending it was an accident. That’s how Obama takes out “tens of thousands of terrorists.”

And then the faker himself has the audacity to claim “it has been the honor of my lifetime to be your Commander-in-Chief.” More than any other president in US history, Obama has singlehandedly forced into early retirement over 300 top generals and admirals. The purge of top leadership is just part of the problem. Obama has gravely undermined the morale of our armed forces and severely weakened their strength as a fighting force as well. Many officers have complained that his policies have emasculated soldiers. It clearly hasn’t been their honor to serve under his inept and weak style of leadership.

From his speech another blatantly false Barack Obama gem:

That’s why, for the past eight years, I’ve worked to put the fight against terrorism on a firm legal footing. That’s why we’ve ended torture, worked to close Gitmo, and reform our laws governing surveillance to protect privacy and civil liberties.

By ending torture, he can’t mean his continuation of the illegal CIA torture rendition policy perpetrated by the Bush-Cheney gang. Or his refusal to prosecute the torturers and their leaders because he’d then have to indict himself. Speaking of another false promise made in 2008, Guantanamo prison still remains an open torture chamber, for decades still incarcerating individuals who’ve never even been charged. As the founder of ISIS (along with Hillary), against the recommendations of his own military advisor, then Defense Intelligence Agency head General Michael Flynn (now Trump’s national security advisor), maintains that against Flynn’s recommendation Obama went ahead and armed and trained the terrorists in Syria for regime change purposes to oust Assad and go after their ultimate prize Iran. Kerry was recently caught on tape confirming Obama administration favored ISIS against Assad, providing yet more proof that Obama is a traitor.

As a mere pawn in the global chessboard pecking order, Obama was assigned to oversee and let drag on two unwinnable leftover wars from the previous administration, restarted war in Iraq, declared a fake war on ISIS after initiating several more wars by proxy using his terrorist ally ISIS in Libya and Syria to further the regime change policy finally outed in 2007 by presidential hopeful General Wesley Clark. Then there are the atrocities Obama supports being committed daily by his terrorists, his contingent of Special Forces advisors coordinating US ally Saudi Arabia’s genocidal war in Yemen.

At the same time he’s pledged to keep his global war of terror alive, Obama was also tasked with surrounding designated cold war 2 enemies Russia and China with hostile neighbors at their border with deployed NATO troops and Obama’s failed Asian pivot. While amassing US-NATO forces at the Russian border, Obama has also launched a nuclear arms race, installing warhead missiles in Romania and Poland aimed at Moscow. But rather than isolating and weakening the Eastern powers, Obama’s aggression has backfired, brought them closer together to face off against the growing provocative threat from their common enemy – US Empire hegemon’s incessant war-baiting as Obama’s apparent objective to trigger world war.

Here’s a twisted puzzler in Obama’s inane illogic:

[ISIL] cannot defeat America unless we betray our Constitution and our principles in the fight. Rivals like Russia or China cannot match our influence around the world – unless we give up what we stand for, and turn ourselves into just another big country that bullies smaller neighbors.

The irony of it all. In the name of fighting his war of terror, Obama has done just that – betrayed our Constitution. But bypassing Congress and stripping away our constitutional liberties and freedoms has little to do with the terrorists themselves, only inasmuch as they’ve provided Obama the excuse to use “national security” to destroy our constitutional rights.

The last part of the above quote is quite telling. Obama is saying Russia and China can only match our influence if US Empire turns “into just another big country that bullies smaller neighbors.” Again, the bottom line reality is that for more than a century the US imperialistic Empire has been the world policemen, global bully and worldwide tormenter, invading other nations, assassinating leaders, implementing government coups, engaging in economic warfare and tampering in internal affairs of other nations at will. According to Noam Chomsky, the United States is the world’s biggest terrorist. Empire’s use of violence to wield its brutal, ruthless power has alienated itself from nations that are increasingly seeking protection and alignment with the Eastern powers, and Russia and China are growing stronger in their will to challenge and ultimately upend the vice-grip of Empire’s unipolar hegemony. The day of reckoning is here.

Over four decades ago globalist guru-war criminal-Nobel Peace prize winner Henry Kissinger proposed a genocidal policy of punishing targeted nations by withholding food as the WMD to induce mass starvation, calling us “useless eaters” as part of the elite’s not-so-hidden eugenics plan to cull the human herd down in drastic number from its current 7.4 billion. So it’s logical that with Empire’s horrendous track record, bullying, raping, pillaging and destroying other nations by habit has become the US trademark. For all its exclusive lawlessness and grief inflicted upon the rest of the planet, no sanctions against the sole global superpower have ever materialized. But the US government’s longtime wanton slaughter and destruction is about ready to receive its karmic due. Fully aware of the awakening masses, as the globalist chessboard pawn, the US Empire will not stop at nothing to perpetrate the most heinous crimes against humanity in order to fulfill its genocidal mission to kill billions to enslave half to one billion humans ruled demonically by a tyrannical one world government. Obama the groomed CIA errand boy did his job to destabilize the world and destroy America in the process.


If Obama had one sincere bone in his body to “embrace all” in America as he preaches, he would never have sold his entire nation down the rapids to one world government that he’s been covertly promoting all along. More than any president in history he has betrayed all Americans. As a narcissistic psychopath, to Barack Obama everything operates at surface level appearance as just another sales pitch acting job, including the display of phony emotions that on occasion he’s likely utilized artificially induced fake tears.

If President Donald Trump follows through on what he says he’ll do, Obama the former president’s legacy will be reversed, redacted and dismantled right out of the history books. Trump is America’s antidote for the Politically Correct presidential imposter who weaseled his way through eight years smiling while treasonously twisting the knife inside the once great America.

Meanwhile the richest administration ever comes to town heavily stacked in Goldman Sachs, Big Oil and the military industrial complex. All longtime fixtures within the elitist establishment, don’t expect a lot of change coming out of Washington. Democrat or Republican, we know who truly runs and controls the international “crime machine”, pulling invisible strings far removed from the figurehead puppet sitting in the White House. And like clockwork every few years we may get taken in by a few tantalizing campaign promises that implant wishful thinking expectations that this president will somehow be different from all the rest. But in the end he too proves to be “same as the old boss,” except oftentimes only worse. Because the real boss is the diabolical ruling elite that has never given up control.

Our fight for truth and justice will struggle on in a year that the powers-that-shouldn’t-be are poised and getting ready to snatch the internet power of truth from us. The globalists fear that they’ve been exposed like never before, and are moving fast ahead of the darkening storm to subdue and repel the global uprising that’s about to unfold in this year of reckoning. Citizens of the world must mobilize and coalesce our forces to unite behind the power of truth and quest for justice and accountability.

Joachim Hagopian is a West Point graduate and former US Army officer. He has written a manuscript based on his unique military experience entitled “Don’t Let The Bastards Getcha Down.” It examines and focuses on US international relations, leadership and national security issues. After the military, Joachim earned a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and worked as a licensed therapist in the mental health field with abused youth and adolescents for more than a quarter century. In recent years he has focused on his writing, becoming an alternative media journalist. His blog site is at


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During the past weeks and months, the US media have been agog over one revelation after another of supposed Kremlin skullduggery in tipping the US presidency—the rightful inheritance, needless to say, of Hillary Clinton—into the unsavoury lap of Donald Trump.

Some critics have been ungrateful enough to suggest that claims published without the least scintilla of supporting evidence by intelligence agencies which have a rich history of lying to the American people as well as everyone else, and which are in addition led by  James Clapper, (image right) the Director of National Intelligence, may not be above suspicion.[1]

But the latest revelation, a 35-page sequence of linked texts published on January 10 by BuzzFeedNews, gives what simpletons are expected to interpret as unimpeachable evidence of  soundness and credibility. The document is authored “by a person who has claimed to be a former British intelligence official,” and its sources, identified by letters of the alphabet, include a “senior Russian Foreign Ministry figure,” “a former top level Russian intelligence officer still active inside the Kremlin,” as well as another “senior Kremlin official.”[2] (How could one fail to doff one’s cap in acknowledgment of the spy-craft of those Brits, who are able so deftly to penetrate the inner counsels of the wicked Mr. Putin and induce his close associates to sing like canaries?)

The texts which make up this document propose that Mr. Trump and his entourage had routine treasonous contacts with Russian state authorities over a long period leading up to the election, and that Mr. Putin was interfering in that election in every way possible—including by exploiting “TRUMP’s personal obsessions and sexual perversion in order to obtain suitable ‘kompromat’ (compromising material) on him.”[3]

The document’s most lurid claim—certified by Sources B, D, E and F—is made on its second page. It’s not clear what form of perverse pleasure Mr. Trump was supposed to have obtained by having “a number of prostitutes” urinate on his bed in the Moscow Ritz Carlton’s presidential suite. The explanation given for the motivation behind this command performance—that the same bed had previously been slept in, on one of their official visits to Russia, by Barack and Michelle Obama (“whom he hated”)[4]—seems bizarre.

After all, on the night in question, whose soggy bed was it now?

By way of comparison: What harm would I be doing to a champion heavyweight boxer, however much I loathed him, if I were to lace on one of his boxing gloves and punch myself in the face with it?

The most immediate concern raised by this literally filthy story may be humanitarian. It seems well attested that Mr. Trump is not merely fastidious, but germaphobic:[5] where is he supposed to have slept out the rest of the night? On the perhaps undefiled sofa, or on the carpet? And what are we to make of the claim by trolling posters at 4Chan that this “golden showers” story was a hoax they had foisted onto a Republican operative known to despise Trump, who then shopped it around to news media, other politicians, and intelligence agencies?[6]

If this story is a fiction, then are the document’s Sources B, D, E and F, who confirmed it, also fictional? And if some of the document’s sources are made up, what kind of fool would want to believe that any of the rest are authentic?

Other aspects of the document have also run into trouble. Michael Cohen, Donald Trump’s special counsel, whom the document says was a key figure in “the ongoing secret liaison relationship between the New York tycoon’s campaign and the Russian leadership,” and who is supposed to have met secretly with Kremlin officials in Prague in August 2016, has declared that he has never visited the Czech Republic or Russia and was in New York and Los Angeles during the time in question.[7] (It does not seem to have occurred to mainstream media journalists who have described the document’s claims as generally unverifiable that a private, first-hand inspection of Mr. Cohen’s passport would provide one important test of this narrative’s truth or falsity.)[8]

As Russian journalist Andrei Soldatov observes, writing at The Guardian, the document implausibly makes Igor Diveikin responsible for dealings with the US election: in fact, he was in charge of Russian elections, and in October 2016 “was moved to the apparatus of the state Duma.” And it confuses Department K of the FSB, which was not gathering material on Hillary Clinton because it “has nothing to do with eavesdropping or cyber investigations,” with Department K of the Interior Ministry, which is indeed “in charge of cyber investigations.”[9]

In addition to problematic features such as these, the document also contains lesser errors of fact, such as the misspelling of the name of a Russian banking corporation, and the incorrect claim that Moscow’s Barvikha suburb is “reserved for the residences of the top leadership and their close associates”[10]—not to mention swathes of inside dope about the machinations and anxieties of Putin and his closest advisors that have a distinct feel of having been woven out of thin air.

Within a day of BuzzFeed‘s publication of the document, the author’s identity was revealed by the Wall Street Journal.[11] He is one Christopher Steele, a former MI6 agent who is now co-principal of a consulting firm, Orbis Business Intelligence—and who has gone into hiding, leaving his neighbour in Surrey to feed the family cats and his partner in Orbis to make unrevealing statements to the press.[12]

According to Julian Borger of The Guardian, Steele’s writings about Trump “were initially commissioned as opposition research”—a polite term for scandal-mongering—“during the presidential campaign, but its author was sufficiently alarmed by what he discovered to send a copy to the FBI.”[13]

It seems more likely that his employers invited him to pass it on. The Democratic Party and the Clinton campaign inherited work by Steele that was initially paid for by Jeb Bush, who was steamrollered by Trump in the Republican primaries. They were desperate to divert attention away from the scandalous substance of the emails of the Democratic National Committee and of John Podesta, the chair of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, that Wikileaks was releasing to the public—the DNC emails in two batches on July 22 and November 6, and the Podesta emails on a daily basis beginning on October 7. They had fixed on a McCarthyite smearing of ‘Trump-the-Kremlin-puppet’ as the most efficacious way of doing so;[14] and they must have been sufficiently impressed by Steele’s work to hope that it might induce the FBI to give further momentum to their own previous claims.[15]

That may be speculation, but Steele’s documents, which achieved no more in the public sphere before the election than an article by David Corn in Mother Jones,[16] were certainly given an emphatic push after the election by Republican Senator John McCain. Julian Borger writes that McCain, “who was informed about the existence of the documents separately by an intermediary from a western allied state”—this seems a coy reference to Her Majesty’s Government—“dispatched an emissary overseas to meet the source and then decided to present the material to [FBI Director] Comey in a one-on-one meeting on 9 December….”[17]

In his best deferential Rosencrantz-and-Guildenstern style, Borger informs us that “McCain is not thought to have made a judgment on the reliability of the documents but was sufficiently impressed by the source’s credentials to feel obliged to pass them to the FBI.”[18] He then reveals that McCain thought highly enough of their reliability that, having been denied a special Senate committee to investigate connections between Trump’s campaign and Moscow, he told NBC that three other committees—Armed Services (which he chairs), Foreign Relations, and Intelligence—would examine the matter, and if they produced “enough information,” a special committee would be struck after all “to attack the issue.”[19] This sounds less like a withholding of judgment than a full-court press.

Other news outlets—notably CNN—and intelligence operatives have sought to put some distance between themselves and the dossier. James Clapper, for instance, issued a statement on January 11 denying that the US “intelligence community” had produced the document published by BuzzFeed.[20] But the English newspaper The Guardian has worked stubbornly to sustain the validity of Steele’s document.

This attempt might be said to epitomize The Guardian‘s decline from its former eminence. Writing in its columns on January 12, Andrei Soldatov, whose exposure of some of Steele’s factual errors I have quoted above, maintains that despite “factual confusion”; despite problems with the conspiratorial bias of the document’s analysis; despite “unverifiable sensational details”; despite “questionable evidence”; and finally, despite “big questions” about the “high-placed Kremlin officials [who] seem a little too keen to talk to a former British spy, and feed him damaging information about the most sensitive Kremlin operation in the 21st century—right in the middle of the operation”;—despite all these failings, Steele’s representation of Kremlin procedures and motivations “sounds about right,” and “looks entirely plausible.” “And that,” Soldatov concludes, “whatever the truth of Putin’s connections with Trump, makes it all pretty scary.”[21]

I would describe this reasoning—according to which a document whose analytical method is problematic and whose evidential basis is variously confused, unverifiable, highly questionable, or wholly absent, can nonetheless be accepted as plausible—as mental debris. If any categorical distinction can be made between thinking of this order and the kind of arguments that sent accused witches to the stake in the 16th and 17th centuries, I should like to know what it might be.

In another article published on the same day, January 12, Nick Hopkins and Luke Harding of The Guardian doubled down on their newspaper’s support for Christopher Steele. They pose the question of why, if the claims made in the 35-page dossier prepared by Steele were as mendacious as President-Elect Trump claimed during his January 11 news briefing, “had America’s intelligence agencies felt it necessary to provide a compendium of the claims to Barack Obama and Trump himself?”[22]

Their answer is that Steele’s former colleagues described him as “’very credible’—a sober, cautious and meticulous professional with a formidable record”; and as

“an experienced and highly regarded professional […]. If he puts something in a report, he believes there is sufficient credibility in it for it to be worth considering. Chris is a very straight guy. He could not have survived in the job he was in if he had been prone to flights of fancy or doing things in an ill-considered way.”

“That,” Hopkins and Harding declare, “is the way the CIA and FBI, not to mention the British government, regarded him too.”[23]

In their praise of “the credibility” of Christopher Steele, “the quality of the sources he has, and the quality of the people who were prepared to vouch for him,” Hopkins and Harding exceed even their colleague Julian Borger in obsequiousness. They describe Steele as a friend and contemporary of Alex Younger, the current head of MI6, and speculate (apparently on their own bat) that he might perhaps have had the top job himself were it not that his area of specialization, Russian espionage, “was taking a back seat to Islamic terrorism and non-state threats.”[24]

But anyone with experience of composing and interpreting letters of reference and recommendation within a large organization will understand nuances in what Steele’s former colleagues said about him that seem to have escaped these journalists. With the exception of “formidable record,” the terms applied to Steele suggest an all-round good egg, experienced, hard-working and conscientious in a straightforward way—but they abstain from any hint that he was either exceptional or brilliant, or some kind of T. E. Lawrence of the Russia desk.

It’s not evident, for that matter, that the former colleagues consulted by Hopkins and Harding were themselves among the sharper knives in the drawer, since they seem not to reflected on reasons for incredulity about Steele’s work that should have occurred to insiders like themselves. Steele’s document claims that he became aware that for years (first five, then eight) Vladimir Putin had schemed to run Trump, with the latter’s knowledge and connivance, as a ‘Manchurian Candidate.’

It would follow, as former UK ambassador Craig Murray has lucidly observed, that

A private company [Orbis Business Intelligence] had minute by minute intelligence on the Manchurian Candidate scheme and all the indictable illegal activity that was going on, which the CIA/NSA/GCHQ/MI6 did not have, despite their specific tasking and enormous technical, staff and financial resources amounting between them to over 150,000 staff and the availability of hundreds of billions of dollars to do nothing but this.

It would follow as well that

A private western company is able to run a state level intelligence operation in Russia for years, continually interviewing senior security sources and people personally close to Putin, without being caught by the Russian security services—despite the fact that the latter are brilliant enough to install a Manchurian Candidate as President of the USA. This private western company can for example secretly interview staff in top Moscow hotels—which they themselves say are Russian security service controlled—without the staff being too scared to speak to them or ending up dead. They can continually pump Putin’s friends for information and get it. [25]

*   *   *   *   *

Despite all these criticisms listed here, does there remain a sense in which Christopher Steele’s document can be understood as participating in well-established traditions of British intelligence?

I am thinking, in particular, of striking parallels between Steele’s work and that of two celebrated British secret agents, one of them deservedly illustrious, and the other even better known to a wide public: Juan Pujol García, M.B.E., and James Wormold, O.B.E.

Pujol, a Spanish citizen, decided after the fall of France in 1940 to contribute to “the good of humanity” by helping Britain resist Nazi Germany.[26] Adopting the identity of a fiercely pro-Nazi Spanish government official, he was taken on by the Abwehr as an agent, given instruction in spy-craft, and ordered to move to Britain and recruit a network there. But like Steele, who as Hopkins and Harding inform us is unable to travel to Russia and has not set foot in that country for twenty years, Pujol preferred to act at a distance. He moved to Lisbon, where he invented a network of fictitious agents living in different parts of Britain, and began to provide the Abwehr with a stream of misinformation, the plausible coloration for which he derived from newsreels, a tourist guide, and magazines and reference books in the public library. The Germans accepted the story that his dispatches were being sent from the UK to Lisbon by a courier, a KLM pilot.

In the spring of 1942 Pujol succeeded in being taken up by the British secret service and moved by them to the UK; his ensuing mystifications of German intelligence were carried out by radio. He was able to contribute to the work of the Bletchley Park code-breakers in penetrating successive versions of the German Enigma codes, and in June 1944 played an important role in helping to persuade the German High Command that the D-Day landings in Normandy were merely a feint, and that the principal landings would be carried out in the Pas de Calais by a army of 150,000 men under the command of General George Patton. To resist this nonexistent force, the Germans held back twenty-one divisions that might otherwise have intervened in the Normandy fighting. It appeared from postwar analysis that during the period of this deception, from June to August 1944, no less than 62 of Pujol’s radio reports—based on information gathered by his very substantial network of some two dozen purely imaginary sub-agent sources—had been quoted in the German High Command’s intelligence summaries.[27]

On July 29, 1944, in recognition of his services to the German war effort, Pujol was by Hitler’s personal authorization awarded the Iron Cross, Second Class—by radio, of course. King George VI presented him in person with an M.B.E. on November 25th of the same year.

James Wormold’s deceptions were of a more reflexive nature, since they were directed solely at his own employers. Recruited in 1957 by MI6 in Havana, where he ran a business selling vacuum cleaners, Wormold was initially stumped as to how he could satisfy the demands of his handler and the authorities in London for intelligence, let alone manage, as a single parent, the out-of-control extravagances of his teenage daughter Milly.

He resolved the two problems together by inventing, as Pujol had done before him, an expanding network of fictional sources—who of course ran up expenses and needed payments of various kinds. MI6 headquarters was impressed by the volume and the breadth of Wormold’s dispatches (which like Pujol’s were derived from publicly available sources and his own fertile imagination)—and went into a particular tizzy over his major intelligence coup, the ‘discovery’ in Cuba’s Oriente province of strange and frightening installations that appeared to represent some hitherto undreamt-of form of military technology. The fears of Wormold’s MI6 handler that the sketches one of his sources produced looked rather like enlarged images of the latest model Atomic Pile Suction Cleaner were dissipated when agents of a foreign power, who had taken note of Wormold’s activities, launched aggressive action against him and his supposed network. How could Wormold be a fake when foreign intelligence agencies were going to the trouble of bumping off people they thought were his agents?

But the supposed Oriente installations were indeed made up of vacuum-cleaner parts.

When MI6 folded up Wormold’s operation and recalled him to London, however, it was recognized that a man who had never had any secrets but had simply made them up wholesale couldn’t be prosecuted under the Official Secrets Act, and that MI6’s loss of prestige if Naval Intelligence or the War Office, let along the press, ever got wind of what had transpired would be intolerable.

In the concluding chapter of Graham Greene’s novel—for of course this spy, “our man in Havana,” is himself no less a fiction than all of the intelligence sources he invented and the reports that flowed from his burgeoning imagination—the head of MI6 himself informs James Wormold of the outcome:

‘We thought the best thing for you under the circumstances would be to stay at home—on our training staff. Lecturing. How to run a station abroad. That kind of thing.’ He seemed to be swallowing something very disagreeable. He added, ‘Of course, as we always do when a man retires from a post abroad, we’ll recommend you for a decoration. I think in your case—you were not there very long—we can hardly suggest anything higher than an O.B.E.'[28]

*   *   *   *   *

The sequence here may be instructive. Juan Pujol was unambiguously a heroic figure, a man of stunning initiative, boldness, and imagination who took decisive and inventive action at a time when the likelihood that any one person could contribute meaningfully to averting geopolitical catastrophe must have seemed vanishingly small. Over a period of five years he successfully deceived—and with significant consequences—the military intelligence service of what when he began had been the dominant military power in Europe.

Graham Greene’s satirical novel—the product of a man with some experience of intelligence work—flowed from a mood of cynicism generated by Cold-War preparations for global war and the pervasive McCarthyism of the 1950s. When Beatrice Severn, the secretary provided to Wormold by MI6, defiantly tells an interrogation committee that she’d happily have been his accomplice if she had known what he was up to, she responds to an interruption by adding,

 ‘Oh, I forgot. There’s something greater than one’s country, isn’t there. You taught us that with your League of Nations and your Atlantic Pact, NATO and UNO and SEATO. But they don’t mean any more to most of us than all the other letters, U.S.A. and U.S.S.R. And we don’t believe you any more when you say you want peace and justice and freedom. What kind of freedom? You want your careers.’

She adds, to Wormold:

They haven’t left us much to believe, have they?—even disbelief. I can’t believe in anything bigger than a home, or anything vaguer than a human being.[29]

A kind of motto for this novel, with its merciless mockery of the world of ‘intelligence,’ is provided by the Noel Coward-ish song of a dinner-jacketed performer in the Havana nightclub where Wormold and Beatrice first meet: “Sane men surround / You, old family friends. / They say the earth is round— / My madness offends. / An orange has pips, they say, / And an apple has rind. / I say that night is day / And I’ve no axe to grind. / Please don’t believe….”[30] Wormold’s operation does result in the violent deaths of several people, one of whom he shoots. But there’s no doubt, in this world, that the nincompoops of MI6 richly deserve the deceptions he practises on them.

What, finally, of Christopher Steele? It doesn’t seem very risky, at this point, to propose that his modus operandi in compiling his Trump ‘dossier’ followed the examples of Pujol and Wormold. As in their cases, it can be said that the people most thoroughly deceived by his labours—a large gaggle of Clintonite Democrats, noisy cheerleaders for World War Three like John McCain, and journalistic incompetents like The Guardian‘s team—richly deserved to be fooled.

But Pujol displayed nobility of character—and courage, for had his operation been exposed by the Abwehr while he was still working out of Lisbon, he would certainly have been killed. Greene imparted to his James Wormold a kind of unassuming stubborn integrity appropriate to the age of existentialist philosophy. It’s hard, by comparison, to find anything praiseworthy in Steele’s work as a merchant of sleaze—dangerous sleaze too, since its obvious purpose was to contribute to the heightening of New-Cold-War tensions between the USA and Russia.


[1]  See for example “The Hacking Evidence Against Russia Is Extremely Weak,” WashingtonsBlog (18 December 2016),; “’US intel community lost professional discipline’: Ex-NSA tech director on ‘Russia hacking’ report,” RT (7 January 2017),; John Wight, “On Washington’s hacking hysteria—what would Freud say?” RT (7 January 2017),; Mike Whitney, “US Intel Agencies Try to Strong-Arm Trump into War with Russia,” Information Clearing House (10 January 2017),; and Glenn Greenwald, “The Deep State Goes to War With President-Elect, Using Unverified Claims, as Democrats Cheer,” The Intercept (11 January 2017), On Clapper’s perjury, see Paul Campos, “How James Clapper will get away with perjury,” (12 June 2013),

[2]  “These Reports Allege Trump Has Deep Ties to Russia,” BuzzFeedNews (10 January 2017), The defamatory documents have also been published by Slate Magazine—see Joshua Keating, “These Salacious Memos Allege Russian Efforts to Compromise Trump,” (10 January 2017),—and by Wikipedia: see “File: 2017 Trump dossier by Christopher Steele, Ex-MI6 Russia Desk Intelligence Agent.pdf,” Wikipedia,,_Ex-MI6_Russia_Desk_Intelligence_Agent.pdf

[3]  “These Reports Allege Trump Has Deep Ties to Russia.”

[4]  Ibid.

[5]  Kevin Drum, “Donald Trump Is a Germaphobe,” Mother Jones, (23 December 2015),; Carolyn Gregoire, “Trump Is Right About One Thing: Shaking Hands is Kinda Gross,” Huffington Post (7 April 2016),; Matt Frei, “Proof That Donald Trump Is Indeed a Germaphobe,” LBC (12 January 2017),

[6]  The Republican in question is Rick Wilson, whose description of Trump supporters as “single white males who masturbate to anime” apparently prompted a 4Chan user to troll him. See The_Real_Fly, “How 4Chan Fooled McCain, Buzzfeed, and the CIA Into Believing Trump’s Golden Showers,” Zero Hedge (11 January 2017), For a dissenting view, see Gideon Resnick and Ben Collins, “Despite Weak Stream of Proof, 4chan Claims It Invented the Trump Golden Showers Story,” The Daily Beast (10 January 2017),

[7]  Rosie Gray, “’It is Fake News Meant to Malign Mr. Trump,’” The Atlantic (10 January 2017), Wikileaks has declared that “35 page PDF published by Buzzfeed on Trump is not an intelligence report. Style, facts & dates show no credibility,”

[8]  Cohen has intimated as much by posting an image of the passport’s front cover online; for obvious reasons, he has refused to circulate online images of its inner contents. 

[9]  Andrei Soldatov, “The leaked Trump-Russia dossier rings frighteningly true,” The Guardian (12 January 2017),

[10]  Julian Borger, “John McCain passes dossier alleging secret Trump-Russia contacts to FBI,” The Guardian (11 January 2017),

[11]  See ZeroPointNow, “Dead Giveaway The 35 Page Dossier Was A Hoax?” Zero Hedge (11 January 2017),

[12]  Gordon Rayner, Patrick Sawyer, and Ruth Sherlock, “Former MI6 officer Christopher Steele, who produced Donald Trump Russian dossier, ‘terrified for his safety’ and went to ground before name released,” The Telegraph (11 January 2017),

[13]  Borger, “John McCain passes dossier….” Steele also told David Corn in October 2016 that “near the start of July [2016] on his own initiative—without the permission of the US company that hired him—he sent a report he had written for that firm to a contact at the FBI”; see Corn, “A Veteran Spy Has Given the FBI Information Alleging a Russian Operation to Cultivate Donald Trump: Has the bureau investigated this material? Mother Jones (31 October 2016),

[14]  For examples of this smear-tactic, see Glenn Greenwald, “Democrats’ Tactic of Accusing Critics of Kremlin Allegiance Has Long, Ugly History in U.S.,” The Intercept (8 August 2016), As Greenwald observes, this smear was used against Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders in 2015, and subsequently against Green Party candidate Jill Stein, before being turned against Donald Trump in the summer of 2016. He notes as well that there are powerful ironies to the use of this smear by Hillary Clinton and her supporters: in April 2015 she was revealed to have approved, as Secretary of State, a 2013 deal that “gave the Russians control of one-fifth of all uranium production capacity in the United States.” The Clinton Foundation received donations totalling $2.35 million from a Russian foundation linked to the deal, and Bill Clinton was paid $500,000 by a Russian bank involved in promoting the deal for a speech he gave in Moscow. See Jo Becker and Mike McIntire, “Cash flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal,” The New York Times (23 April 2015),  

[15]  Evidence is emerging that the British government gave Steele approval for his contacts with the FBI: see Gordon Rayner, Claire Newell, and Ruth Sherlock, “Britain dragged into Donald Trump ‘dirty dossier’ row amid claims Whitehall knew of the file,” The Telegraph (13 January 2017),

[16]  David Corn, “A Veteran Spy Has Given the FBI Information….” 

[17]  Borger, “John McCain passes dossier….”  

[18]  Ibid. For McCain’s explanation, see Kyle Feldscher, “McCain confirms he sent Trump allegations to FBI,” Washington Examiner (11 January 2017),

[19]  Borger, “John McCain passes dossier….”

[20]  Anna Giaritelli, “Clapper: 35-page dossier didn’t come from intelligence community,” Washington Examiner (11 January 2017),

[21]  Soldatov, “The leaked Trump-Russia dossier rings frighteningly true.” 

[22]  Nick Hopkins and Luke Harding, “Donald Trump dossier: intelligence sources vouch for author’s credibility,” The Guardian (12 January 2017),

[23]  Ibid. A more plausible answer to the question posed by Hopkins and Harding might be that powerful members of the Senate, among them John McCain and Harry Reid, were chomping at the bit to get Steele’s claims into public circulation, and the US intelligence services were actively complicit in the program to defame and discredit the incoming Trump administration.

[24]  Ibid.

[25]  Craig Murray, “The Steele Dossier or the Hitler Diaries Mark II,” Craig Murray (11 January 2017),

[26]  The following account of Pujol is based on “Juan Pujol García,” Wikipedia, That article’s principal sources are Juan Pujol and Nigel West, Operation GARBO: The Personal Story of the Most Successful Double Agent of World War II (New York: Random House, 1985); Tomás Harris and Mark Seaman, Garbo: The Spy Who Saved D-Day (Toronto: Dundurn, 2004); Hervie Haufler, The Spies Who Never Were: The True Story of the Nazi Spies Who Were Actually Allied Double Agents (New York: Open Road Integrated Media, 2006); and Thaddeus Holt, The Deceivers: Allied Military Deception in the Second World War (New York: Skyhorse, 2010). 

[27]  Pujol and West, Operation GARBO, p. 196; cited in “Juan Pujol García.”

[28]  Graham Greene, Our Man in Havana (1958; rpt. London: Vintage, 2004), p. 177.

[29]  Ibid., p. 179.

[30]  Ibid., p. 80.

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Environmental attorney Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., an outspoken vaccine critic, said today that he was asked by President-elect Donald Trump to chair a “vaccine safety and scientific integrity” commission. (A Trump spokesperson, however, later said that “no decisions have been made at this time” about such a commission.) Kennedy espouses discredited links between vaccines and neurological disorders, including autism. He has also been harshly critical of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which recommends the childhood vaccine schedule. Scientists and others have fiercely disputed Kennedy’s claims.

Science Insider caught up with Kennedy by telephone in an airport flight lounge shortly after he met with Trump in New York City. He made it clear that CDC’s vaccine scientists and practices will be a major focus of the commission’s work. Excerpts from our interview, which have been edited for brevity and clarity, appear below.

Portrait of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Alex Milan Tracy/Sipa USA (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Q: What happened in the meeting?

A: It was an hour meeting and the vice president–elect came in to the last 15 minutes. The meeting was with [Trump] and Kellyanne Conway [recently appointed counselor to the president].

Q: Did the president-elect request the meeting or did you?

A: He called me a week ago to request it.

Q: Why?

A: He wants to make sure that we have the best vaccine science and the safest vaccine supply that we can have.

Q: Did the president-elect indicate that he doesn’t believe that to be the case at the moment?

A: He is troubled by questions of the links between certain vaccines and the epidemic of neurodevelopmental disorders including autism. And he has a number—he told me five—friends, he talked about each one of them, who has the same story of a child, a perfectly healthy child who went into a wellness visit around age 2, got a battery of vaccines, spiked a fever, and then developed a suite of deficits in the 3 months following the vaccine.

He said that he understood that anecdote was not science, but said that if there’s enough anecdotal evidence … that we’d be arrogant to dismiss it. Those were his words.

Q: Was there a particular vaccine he felt was culpable?

A: He doesn’t know whether it’s the schedule or the sheer number of vaccines or the age at which they’re given or the ingredients.

Q: Did the president-elect mention CDC?

A: We talked a lot about CDC and ways to increase the independence from financial conflicts at CDC in the vaccine division.

Q: You said that the commission is to delve into “vaccine safety and scientific integrity.” What is that second piece about?

A: To make sure that we’re getting good science out of CDC.

Q: It’s all about CDC? It’s not about “scientific integrity” in chemistry or physics or basic biology or anywhere else?

A: Exactly. [CDC] is the locus of most of the most serious problems with the vaccine program, the two divisions at CDC: the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices and the Immunization Safety Office, which is where the scientists are.

Q: How many people will be on the commission?

A: A dozen people—a mix between science people and prominent Americans.

Q: Who will you ask to serve?

A: I couldn’t tell you. I just finished meeting with the president-elect an hour ago.

Q: When you say “science people,” do you mean experts from the scientific establishment?

A: Prominent scientists.

Q: Do you mean prominent vaccinologists who believe in the safety and efficacy of today’s vaccines?

A: We are going to look for people who have expertise in toxicology, epidemiology, and in public health.

Q: When does the president-elect want you to have the commission in place?

A: We didn’t talk about the details but he expressed urgency about it. That he wanted it done—we talked about a 1-year commitment.

Q: It’s an unpaid panel?

A: Yes.

Q: Do you have scientific training?

A: No. My background is I’m an environmental lawyer. I’m not a scientist. But I have an expertise, I would say, in reading science and spotting junk science because that’s what I do with most of my time.

Q: Rates of childhood infectious diseases have plummeted over the past half-century or so. Are you out to return us to the dark ages?

A: I am for vaccines. I have been tracking mercury in fish for 30 years and nobody has called me antifish. I am pro-vaccine. I had all my kids vaccinated. I think vaccines save lives. But we are also seeing an explosion in neurodevelopmental disorders and we ought to be able to do a cost-benefit analysis and see what’s causing them. We ought to have robust, transparent science and an independent regulatory agency. Nobody is trying to get rid of vaccines here. I just want safe vaccines.

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Did the Russians Really Hack the DNC?

January 15th, 2017 by Gregory Elich

Russia, we are told, breached the servers of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), swiped emails and other documents, and released them to the public, to alter the outcome of the U.S. presidential election.

How substantial is the evidence backing these assertions?

Hired by the Democratic National Committee to investigate unusual network activity, the security firm Crowdstrike discovered two separate intrusions on DNC servers. Crowdstrike named the two intruders Cozy Bear and Fancy Bear, in an allusion to what it felt were Russian sources. According to Crowdstrike, “Their tradecraft is superb, operational security second to none,” and “both groups were constantly going back into the environment” to change code and methods and switch command and control channels.

On what basis did Crowdstrike attribute these breaches to Russian intelligence services? The security firm claims that the techniques used were similar to those deployed in past security hacking operations that have been attributed to the same actors, while the profile of previous victims “closely mirrors the strategic interests of the Russian government.  Furthermore, it appeared that the intruders were unaware of each other’s presence in the DNC system. “While you would virtually never see Western intelligence agencies going after the same target without de-confliction for fear of compromising each other’s operations,” Crowdstrike reports, “in Russia this is not an uncommon scenario.” [1]

Those may be indicators of Russian government culpability. But then again, perhaps not. Regarding the point about separate intruders, each operating independently of the other, that would seem to more likely indicate that the sources have nothing in common.

Each of the two intrusions acted as an advanced persistent threat (APT), which is an attack that resides undetected on a network for a long time. The goal of an APT is to exfiltrate data from the infected system rather than inflict damage. Several names have been given to these two actors, and most commonly Fancy Bear is known as APT28, and Cozy Bear as APT29.

The fact that many of the techniques used in the hack resembled, in varying degrees, past attacks attributed to Russia may not necessarily carry as much significance as we are led to believe. Once malware is deployed, it tends to be picked up by cybercriminals and offered for sale or trade on Deep Web black markets, where anyone can purchase it. Exploit kits are especially popular sellers. Quite often, the code is modified for specific uses. Security specialist Josh Pitts demonstrated how easy that process can be, downloading and modifying nine samples of the OnionDuke malware, which is thought to have first originated with the Russian government. Pitts reports that this exercise demonstrates “how easy it is to repurpose nation-state code/malware.” [2]

In another example, when SentinalOne Research discovered the Gyges malware in 2014, it reported that it “exhibits similarities to Russian espionage malware,” and is “designed to target government organizations. It comes as no surprise to us that this type of intelligence agency-grade malware would eventually fall into cybercriminals’ hands.” The security firm explains that Gyges is an “example of how advanced techniques and code developed by governments for espionage are effectively being repurposed, modularized and coupled with other malware to commit cybercrime.” [3]

Attribution is hard, cybersecurity specialists often point out. “Once an APT is released into the wild, its spread isn’t controlled by the attacker,” writes Mark McArdle. “They can’t prevent someone from analyzing it and repurposing it for their own needs.” Adapting malware “is a well-known reality,” he continues. “Finding irrefutable evidence that links an attacker to an attack is virtually unattainable, so everything boils down to assumptions and judgment.” [4]

Security Alliance regards security firm FireEye’s analysis that tied APT28 to the Russian government as based “largely on circumstantial evidence.” FireEye’s report “explicitly disregards targets that do not seem to indicate sponsorship by a nation-state,” having excluded various targets because they are “not particularly indicative of a specific sponsor’s interests.” [5] FireEye reported that the APT28 “victim set is narrow,” which helped lead it to the conclusion that it is a Russian operation. Cybersecurity consultant Jeffrey Carr reacts with scorn: “The victim set is narrow because the report’s authors make it narrow! In fact, it wasn’t narrowly targeted at all if you take into account the targets mentioned by other cybersecurity companies, not to mention those that FireEye deliberately excluded for being ‘not particularly indicative of a specific sponsor’s interests’.” [6]

FireEye’s report from 2014, on which much of the DNC Russian attribution is based, found that 89 percent of the APT28 software samples it analyzed were compiled during regular working hours in St. Petersburg and Moscow. [7]

But compile times, like language settings, can be easily altered to mislead investigators. Mark McArdle wonders, “If we think about the very high level of design, engineering, and testing that would be required for such a sophisticated attack, is it reasonable to assume that the attacker would leave these kinds of breadcrumbs?  It’s possible.  But it’s also possible that these things can be used to misdirect attention to a different party.  Potentially another adversary.  Is this evidence the result of sloppiness or a careful misdirection?” [8]

“If the guys are really good,” says Chris Finan, CEO of Manifold Technology, “they’re not leaving much evidence or they’re leaving evidence to throw you off the scent entirely.” [9] How plausible is it that Russian intelligence services would fail even to attempt such a fundamental step?

James Scott of the Institute for Critical Infrastructure Technology points out that the very vulnerability of the DNC servers constitutes a muddied basis on which determine attribution. “Attribution is less exact in the case of the DNC breach because the mail servers compromised were not well-secured; the organization of a few hundred personnel did not practice proper cyber-hygiene; the DNC has a global reputation and is a valuable target to script kiddies, hacktivists, lone-wolf cyber-threat actors, cyber-criminals, cyber-jihadists, hail-mary threats, and nation-state sponsored advanced persistent threats; and because the malware discovered on DNC systems were well-known, publicly disclosed, and variants could be purchased on Deep Web markets and forums.” [10]

Someone, or some group, operating under the pseudonym of Guccifer 2.0, claimed to be a lone actor in hacking the DNC servers. It is unclear what relation – if any – Guccifer 2.0 has to either of the two APT attacks on the DNC. In a PDF file that Guccifer 2.0 sent to, metadata indicated that it was it was last saved by someone having a username in Cyrillic letters. During the conversion of the file from Microsoft Word to PDF, invalid hyperlink error messages were automatically generated in the Russian language. [11]

This would seem to present rather damning evidence. But who is Guccifer 2.0? A Russian government operation? A private group? Or a lone hacktivist? In the poorly secured DNC system, there were almost certainly many infiltrators of various stripes. Nor can it be ruled out that the metadata indicators were intentionally generated in the file to misdirect attribution. The two APT attacks have been noted for their sophistication, and these mistakes – if that is what they are – seem amateurish. To change the language setting on a computer can be done in a matter of seconds, and that would be standard procedure for advanced cyber-warriors. On the other hand, sloppiness on the part of developers is not entirely unknown. However, one would expect a nation-state to enforce strict software and document handling procedures and implement rigorous review processes.

At any rate, the documents posted to the Guccifer 2.0 blog do not necessarily originate from the same source as those published by WikiLeaks. Certainly, none of the documents posted to WikiLeaks possess the same metadata issues. And one hacking operation does not preclude another, let alone an insider leak.

APT28 relied on XTunnel, repurposed from open source code that is available to anyone, to open network ports and siphon data. The interesting thing about the software is its failure to match the level of sophistication claimed for APT28. The strings in the code quite transparently indicate its intent, with no attempt at obfuscation. [12] It seems an odd oversight for a nation-state operation, in which plausible deniability would be essential, to overlook that glaring point during software development.

Command-and-control servers remotely issue malicious commands to infected machines. Oddly, for such a key component of the operation, the command-and-control IP address in both attacks was hard-coded in the malware. This seems like another inexplicable choice, given that the point of an advanced persistent threat is to operate for an extended period without detection. A more suitable approach would be to use a Domain Name System (DNS) address, which is a decentralized computer naming system. That would provide a more covert means of identifying the command-and-control server. [13] Moreover, one would expect that address to be encrypted. Using a DNS address would also allow the command-and-control operation to easily move to another server if its location is detected, without the need to modify and reinstall the code.

One of the IP addresses is claimed to be a “well-known APT 28” command-and-control address, while the second is said to be linked to Russian military intelligence. [14] The first address points to a server located in San Jose, California, and is operated by a server hosting service. [15] The second server is situated in Paris, France, and owned by another server hosting service. [16] Clearly, these are servers that have been compromised by hackers. It is customary for hackers to route their attacks through vulnerable computers. The IP addresses of compromised computers are widely available on the Deep Web, and typically a hacked server will be used by multiple threat actors. These two particular servers may or may not have been regularly utilized by Russian Intelligence, but they were not uniquely so used. Almost certainly, many other hackers would have used the same machines, and it cannot be said that these IP addresses uniquely identify an infiltrator. Indeed, the second IP address is associated with the common Trojan viruses Agent-APPR and Shunnael. [17]

“Everyone is focused on attribution, but we may be missing the bigger truth,” says Joshua Croman, Director of the Cyber Statecraft Initiative at the Atlantic Council. “[T]he level of sophistication required to do this hack was so low that nearly anyone could do it.” [18]

In answer to critics, the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI issued a joint analysis report, which presented “technical details regarding the tools and infrastructure used” by Russian intelligence services “to compromise and exploit networks” associated with the U.S. election, U.S. government, political, and private sector entities. The report code-named these activities “Grizzly Steppe.” [19]

For a document that purports to offer strong evidence on behalf of U.S. government allegations of Russian culpability, it is striking how weak and sloppy the content is. Included in the report is a list of every threat group ever said to be associated with the Russian government, most of which are unrelated to the DNC hack. It appears that various governmental organizations were asked to send a list of Russian threats, and then an official lacking IT background compiled that information for the report, and the result is a mishmash of threat groups, software, and techniques. “PowerShell backdoor,” for instance, is a method used by many hackers, and in no way describes a Russian operation.

Indeed, one must take the list on faith, because nowhere in the document is any evidence provided to back up the claim of a Russian connection. Indeed, as the majority of items on the list are unrelated to the DNC hack, one wonders what the point is. But it bears repeating: even where software can be traced to Russian origination, it does not necessarily indicate exclusive usage. Jeffrey Carr explains: “Once malware is deployed, it is no longer under the control of the hacker who deployed it or the developer who created it. It can be reverse-engineered, copied, modified, shared and redeployed again and again by anyone.” Carr quotes security firm ESET in regard to the Sednit group, one of the items on the report’s list, and which is another name for APT28: “As security researchers, what we call ‘the Sednit group’ is merely a set of software and the related infrastructure, which we can hardly correlate with any specific organization.” Carr points out that X-Agent software, which is said to have been utilized in the DNC hack, was easily obtained by ESET for analysis. “If ESET could do it, so can others. It is both foolish and baseless to claim, as Crowdstrike does, that X-Agent is used solely by the Russian government when the source code is there for anyone to find and use at will.” [20]

The salient impression given by the government’s report is how devoid of evidence it is. For that matter, the majority of the content is taken up by what security specialist John Hinderaker describes as “pedestrian advice to IT professionals about computer security.” As for the report’s indicators of compromise (IoC), Hinderaker characterizes these as “tools that are freely available and IP addresses that are used by hackers around the world.”  [21]

In conjunction with the report, the FBI and Department of Homeland Security provided a list of IP addresses it identified with Russian intelligence services. [22] Wordfence analyzed the IP addresses as well as a PHP malware script provided by the Department of Homeland Security. In analyzing the source code, Wordfence discovered that the software used was P.A.S., version 3.1.0. It then found that the website that manufactures the malware had a site country code indicating that it is Ukrainian. The current version of the P.A.S. software is 4.1.1, which is much newer than that used in the DNC hack, and the latest version has changed “quite substantially.” Wordfence notes that not only is the software “commonly available,” but also that it would be reasonable to expect “Russian intelligence operatives to develop their own tools or at least use current malicious tools from outside sources.” To put it plainly, Wordfence concludes that the malware sample “has no apparent relationship with Russian intelligence.” [23]

Wordfence also analyzed the government’s list of 876 IP addresses included as indicators of compromise. The sites are widely dispersed geographically, and of those with a known location, the United States has the largest number. A large number of the IP addresses belong to low-cost server hosting companies. “A common pattern that we see in the industry,” Wordfence states, “is that accounts at these hosts are compromised and those hacked sites are used to launch attacks around the web.” Fifteen percent of the IP addresses are currently Tor exit nodes. “These exit nodes are used by anyone who wants to be anonymous online, including malicious actors.” [24]

If one also takes into account the IP addresses that not only point to current Tor exits, but also those that once belonged to Tor exit nodes, then these comprise 42 percent of the government’s list. [25] “The fact that so many of the IPs are Tor addresses reveals the true sloppiness of the report,” concludes network security specialist Jerry Gamblin. [26]

Cybersecurity analyst Robert Graham was particularly blistering in his assessment of the government’s report, characterizing it as “full of garbage.” The report fails to tie the indicators of compromise to the Russian government. “It contains signatures of viruses that are publicly available, used by hackers around the world, not just Russia. It contains a long list of IP addresses from perfectly normal services, like Tor, Google, Dropbox, Yahoo, and so forth. Yes, hackers use Yahoo for phishing and maladvertising. It doesn’t mean every access of Yahoo is an ‘indicator of compromise’.”  Graham compared the list of IP addresses against those accessed by his web browser, and found two matches. “No,” he continues. “This doesn’t mean I’ve been hacked. It means I just had a normal interaction with Yahoo. It means the Grizzly Steppe IoCs are garbage.” Graham goes on to point out that “what really happened” with the supposed Russian hack into the Vermont power grid “is that somebody just checked their Yahoo email, thereby accessing one of the same IP addresses I did. How they get from the facts (one person accessed Yahoo email) to the story (Russians hacked power grid)” is U.S. government “misinformation.” [27]

The indicators of compromise, in Graham’s assessment, were “published as a political tool, to prove they have evidence pointing to Russia.” As for the P.A.S. web shell, it is “used by hundreds if not thousands of hackers, mostly associated with Russia, but also throughout the rest of the world.” Relying on the government’s sample for attribution is problematic: “Just because you found P.A.S. in two different places doesn’t mean it’s the same hacker.” A web shell “is one of the most common things hackers use once they’ve broken into a server,” Graham observes. [28]

Although cybersecurity analyst Robert M. Lee is inclined to accept the government’s position on the DNC hack, he feels the joint analysis report “reads like a poorly done vendor intelligence report stringing together various aspects of attribution without evidence.” The report’s list “detracts from the confidence because of the interweaving of unrelated data.” The information presented is not sourced, he adds. “It’s a random collection of information and in that way, is mostly useless.” Indeed, the indicators of compromise have “a high rate of false positives for defenders that use them.” [29]

Among the government’s list of Russian actors are Energetic Bear and Crouching Yeti, two names for the same threat group. In its analysis, Kaspersky Lab found that most of the group’s victims “fall into the industrial/machinery building sector,” and it is “not currently possible to determine the country of origin.” Although listed in the government’s report, it is not suggested that the group played a part in the DNC hack. But it does serve as an example of the uncertainty surrounding government claims about Russian hacking operations in general. [30]

CosmicDuke is one of the software packages listed as tied to Russia. SecureList, however, finds that unlike the software’s predecessor, CosmicDuke targets those who traffic in “controlled substances, such as steroids and hormones.” One possibility is that CosmicDuke is used by law enforcement agencies, while another possibility “is that it’s simply available in the underground and purchased by various competitors in the pharmaceutical business to spy on each other.” In either case, whether or not the software is utilized by the Russian government, there is a broader base for its use. [31]

The intent of the joint analysis report was to provide evidence of Russian state responsibility for the DNC hack. But nowhere does it do so. Mere assertions are meant to persuade. How much evidence does the government have? The Democratic Party claims that the FBI never requested access to DNC servers. [32] The FBI, for its part, says it made “multiple requests” for access to the DNC servers and was repeatedly turned down. [33] Either way, it is a remarkable admission. In a case like this, the FBI would typically conduct its own investigation. Was the DNC afraid the FBI might come to a different conclusion than the DNC-hired security firm Crowdstrike? The FBI was left to rely on whatever evidence Crowdstrike chose to supply. During its analysis of DNC servers, Crowdstrike reports that it found evidence of APT28 and APT29 intrusions within two hours. Did it stop there, satisfied with what it had found? Or did it continue to explore whether additional intrusions by other actors had taken place?

In an attempt to further inflame the hysteria generated from accusations of Russian hacking, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence published a declassified version of a document briefed to U.S. officials. The information was supplied by the CIA, FBI, and National Security Agency, and was meant to cement the government’s case. Not surprisingly, the report received a warm welcome in the mainstream media, but what is notable is that it offers not a single piece of evidence to support its claim of “high confidence” in assessing that Russia hacked the DNC and released documents to WikiLeaks. Instead, the bulk of the report is an unhinged diatribe against Russian-owned RT media. The content is rife with inaccuracies and absurdities. Among the heinous actions RT is accused of are having run “anti-fracking programming, highlighting environmental issues and the impacts on health issues,” airing a documentary on Occupy Wall Street, and hosting third-party candidates during the 2012 election.[34]

The report would be laughable, were it not for the fact that it is being played up for propaganda effect, bypassing logic and appealing directly to unexamined emotion. The 2016 election should have been a wake-up call for the Democratic Party. Instead, predictably enough, no self-examination has taken place, as the party doubles down on the neoliberal policies that have impoverished tens of millions, and backing military interventions that have sown so much death and chaos. Instead of thoughtful analysis, the party is lashing out and blaming Russia for its loss to an opponent that even a merely weak candidate would have beaten handily.

Mainstream media start with the premise that the Russian government was responsible, despite a lack of convincing evidence. They then leap to the fallacious conclusion that because Russia hacked the DNC, only it could have leaked the documents.

So, did the Russian government hack the DNC and feed documents to WikiLeaks? There are really two questions here: who hacked the DNC, and who released the DNC documents? These are not necessarily the same. An earlier intrusion into German parliament servers was blamed on the Russians, yet the release of documents to WikiLeaks is thought to have originated from an insider. [35] Had the Russians hacked into the DNC, it may have been to gather intelligence, while another actor released the documents. But it is far from certain that Russian intelligence services had anything to do with the intrusions. Julian Assange says that he did not receive the DNC documents from a nation-state. It has been pointed out that Russia could have used a third party to pass along the material. Fair enough, but former UK diplomat Craig Murray asserts: “I know who the source is… It’s from a Washington insider. It’s not from Russia.” [36]

There are too many inconsistencies and holes in the official story. In all likelihood, there were multiple intrusions into DNC servers, not all of which have been identified. The public ought to be wary of quick claims of attribution. It requires a long and involved process to arrive at a plausible identification, and in many cases the source can never be determined. As Jeffrey Carr explains, “It’s important to know that the process of attributing an attack by a cybersecurity company has nothing to do with the scientific method. Claims of attribution aren’t testable or repeatable because the hypothesis is never proven right or wrong.” [37]

Russia-bashing is in full swing, and there does not appear to be any letup in sight. We are plunging headlong into a new Cold War, riding on a wave of propaganda-induced hysteria. The self-serving claims fueling this campaign need to be challenged every step of the way. Surrendering to evidence-free emotional appeals would only serve those who arrogantly advocate confrontation and geopolitical domination.


[1] Dmitri Alperovitch, “Bears in the Midst: Intrusion into the Democratic National Committee,” Crowdstrike blog, June 15, 2016.

[2] Josh Pitts, “Repurposing OnionDuke: A Single Case Study Around Reusing Nation-state Malware,” Black Hat, July 21, 2015.

[3] Udi Shamir, “The Case of Gyges, the Invisible Malware,” SentinelOne, July 2014.

[4] Mark McArdle, “’Whodunnit?’ Why the Attribution of Hacks like the Recent DNC Hack is so Difficult,” Esentire, July 28, 2016.

[5] “The Usual Suspects: Faith-Based Attribution and its Effects on the Security Community,” October 21, 2016.

[6] Jeffrey Carr, “The DNC Breach and the Hijacking of Common Sense,” June 20, 2016.

[7] “APT28: A Window into Russia’s Cyber Espionage Operations?” FireEye, October 27, 2014.

[8] Mark McArdle, “’Whodunnit?’ Why the Attribution of Hacks like the Recent DNC Hack is so Difficult,” Esentire, July 28, 2016.

[9] Patrick Howell O’Neill, “Obama’s Former Cybersecurity Advisor Says Only ‘Idiots’ Want to Hack Russia Back for DNC Breach,” The Daily Dot, July 29, 2016.

[10] Janes Scott, Sr., “It’s the Russians! … or is it? Cold War Rhetoric in the Digital Age,” ICIT, December 13, 2016.

[11] Sam Biddle and Gabrielle Bluestone, “This Looks like the DNC’s Hacked Trump Oppo File,” Gawker, June 15, 2016.

Dan Goodin, “’Guccifer’ Leak of DNC Trump Research Has a Russian’s Fingerprints on It,” Ars Technica, June 16, 2016.

[12] Pat Belcher, “Tunnel of Gov: DNC Hack and the Russian XTunnel,” Invincea, July 28, 2016.

[13] Seth Bromberger, “DNS as a Covert Channel within Protected Networks,” National Electric Sector Cyber Security Organization, January 25, 2011.

[14] Thomas Rid, “All Signs Point to Russia Being Behind the DNC Hack,” Motherboard, July 25, 2016.




[18] Paul, “Security Pros Pan US Government Report on Russian Hacking,” The Security Ledger, December 30, 2016.

[19] “Grizzly Steppe – Russian Malicious Cyber Activity,” JAR-16-20296, National Cybersecurity & Communications Integration Center, Federal Bureau of Investigation, December 29, 2016.

[20] Jeffrey Carr, “FBI/DHS Joint Analysis Report: A Fatally Flawed Effort,” Jeffrey Carr/Medium, December 30, 2016.

[21] John Hinderaker, “Is “Grizzly Steppe’ Really a Russian Operation?” Powerline, December 31, 2016.


[23] Mark Maunder, “US Govt Data Shows Russia Used Outdated Ukrainian PHP Malware,” Wordfence, December 30, 2016.

[24] Mark Maunder, “US Govt Data Shows Russia Used Outdated Ukrainian PHP Malware,” Wordfence, December 30, 2016.

[25] Micah Lee, “The U.S. Government Thinks Thousands of Russian Hackers May be Reading my Blog. They Aren’t,” The Intercept, January 4, 2017.

[26] Jerry Gamblin, “Grizzly Steppe: Here’s My IP and Hash Analysis,” A New Domain, January 2, 2017.

[27] Robert Graham, “Dear Obama, from Infosec,” Errata Security, January 3, 2017.

[28] Robert Graham, “Some Notes on IoCs,” Errata Security, December 29, 2016.

[29] Robert M. Lee, “Critiques of the DHS/FBI’s Grizzly Steppe Report,” Robert M. Lee blog, December 30, 2016.

[30] “Energetic Bear – Crouching Yeti,” Kaspersky Lab Global Research and Analysis Team, July 31, 2014.

[31] “Miniduke is back: Nemesis Gemina and the Botgen Studio,” Securelist, July 3, 2014.

[32] Ali Watkins, “The FBI Never Asked for Access to Hacked Computer Servers,” Buzzfeed, January 4, 2017.

[33] “James Comey: DNC Denied FBI Direct Access to Servers During Russia Hacking Probe,” Washington Times, January 10, 2017.

[34] “Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections,” Office of the Director of National Intelligence, January 6, 2017.

[35] “Quelle für Enthüllungen im Bundestag Vermutet,” Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, December 17, 2016.

[36] RT broadcast, January 7, 2017.

[37] Jeffrey Carr, “Faith-based Attribution,” Jeffrey Carr/Medium, July 10, 2016.

Gregory Elich is on the Board of Directors of the Jasenovac Research Institute and the Advisory Board of the Korea Policy Institute. He a member of the Solidarity Committee for Democracy and Peace in Korea, a columnist for Voice of the People, and one of the co-authors of Killing Democracy: CIA and Pentagon Operations in the Post-Soviet Period, published in the Russian language. He is also a member of the Task Force to Stop THAAD in Korea and Militarism in Asia and the Pacific. His website is

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” The point is the Western media, BBC, CBC, whatever, that goes to Syria, they pointedly don’t try to take the testimonies of people who are overtly supportive of the government or who point out the real problem in Syria is this NATO war on Syria.”  Eva Bartlett, from this week’s interview




(Length 59:24)

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Over the last several weeks, the population of the major Western countries has been inundated with messages and appeals in the wake of devastating human rights abuses and war crimes committed by the Syrian government with the help of its Russian allies.

The Eiffel Tower in Paris shut off its lights over the holiday season as a show of support for the devastated people of the Southwest Asian country. Authoritative humanitarian organizations like Amnesty International and Medecins Sans Frontiers have likewise been doing what they can to prick the consciences of the world’s peoples in support of the Syrian people.

However, not everyone is echoing the narrative of Syrians besieged by air strikes from a brutal Russia and a dictatorial Syrian military.

Independent journalists on the ground are relaying word that Assad is actually quite popular, and that the main threat seen by the civilian population is coming from the terrorist groups who are labelled ‘rebels’ by Western leaders.

What is the reality of the ‘popular revolution’ which sparked six years of violence and thousands of casualties?

What is truly the result of  Assad cracking down on peaceful demonstrators?

On this week’s Global Research News Hour, we attempt to separate myth and reality when it comes to reporting on the situation in Syria.

We start with a conversation with Canadian journalist Eva Bartlett. She has reported from Gaza during the Israeli assaults there in 2008/9 and 2012. And since April 2014, she has travelled to various parts of Syria no less than six times, including four visits to the ravaged city of Alleppo. Her reports are at odds with the common Western narrative about the Syrian peoples’ victimhood under Assad and the threat he and the Russian government pose to the welfare of civilians in the country. She shares with listeners her on the ground reports. We then allow her to respond to the attacks she has received from so-called fact-checking bodies seeking to discredit her.

Bartlett’s website is

Her Canadian speaking tour includes the following cities:

Hamilton: January 24, 25

Ottawa: January 27

Montreal: January 28

Winnipeg: early February

(Times and venues to be posted at within a few days.)

We then hear from Steven Gowans. The Ottawa based author of the ‘What’s Left’ blog and of the new book Washington’s Long War on Syria gives listeners a breakdown of the nature of the so-called revolution against President Bashar al-Assad, the myth of it originating in non-violent protests, and the actual reasons for Washington’s involvement in the country. 



(Length 59:24)

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Desde que se publicó este artículo (el 5 de enero), los medios de comunicación de Estados Unidos, en conexión con la inteligencia estadounidense, han lanzado otra ola de difamaciones contra el presidente electo, Donald Trump.

La estrategia de propaganda más reciente está en marcha. El objetivo es desestabilizar la presidencia de Trump.

Un “informe de inteligencia” falsa retrata a Trump como un instrumento de Moscú, “apuntalándolo y prestándole apoyo durante por lo menos cinco años”. El informe sugiere que la inteligencia rusa “ha comprometido a Trump” a tal punto que puede ser “chantajeado” a causa de sus “actos sexualmente pervertidos”.

Este misterioso informe de inteligencia publicado por BuzzFeed se ha vuelto viral. Mientras que el documento es reconocido por la inteligencia estadounidense como falso, los medios de comunicación (CNN en particular) están ahora sugiriendo que Trump no solamente está involucrado en un acto de traición (por hacer un llamado a la normalización de las relaciones entre Estados Unidos y Rusia), sino que también es controlado por el Kremlin, que le está chantajeando llevándolo a la sumisión.

Este pseudo informe de inteligencia emergió en los días siguientes al anuncio del director de Inteligencia Nacional, James Clapper, de que el presunto “hackeo” de Rusia constituye una “amenaza existencial” para Estados Unidos.

Si bien no se han obtenido pruebas de la interferencia de Rusia en las elecciones estadounidenses, los tanques y las tropas estadounidenses ya han sido enviadas a la frontera de Rusia bajo la “Operación Resolución Atlántica” de Obama y la Iniciativa Europea de Reconfirmación (ERI, por sus siglas en ingles) de la Organización del Tratado del Atlántico Norte (OTAN). Las tropas deben ser desplegadas por completo antes de la toma de posesión de Trump, el 20 de enero. Y los medios de comunicación permanecen en silencio. Los peligros de una guerra total contra Rusia y sus consecuencias devastadoras no son noticia de primera plana.

¿Son estos despliegues de tanques y tropas estadounidenses parte del “acto de sanción” de Obama contra Rusia en respuesta al presunto “hackeo” de Moscú a las elecciones de Estados Unidos?

¿Es este un procedimiento de “vía rápida” por parte del presidente saliente, con el apoyo de la inteligencia estadounidense para crear el caos antes de que comience la administración Trump el 20 de enero?

Mientras que el presunto “hackeo” es casualmente considerado como un “acto de guerra” contra la Patria americana, la “Operación Resolución Atlántica” (que implica un despliegue masivo de tropas y equipo militar en la frontera de Rusia) es catalogada como un “acto de auto-defensa”.

Se trata de una agenda diabólica de política exterior: el presunto hackeo ruso se utiliza como pretexto y justificación para librar una guerra preventiva contra Rusia.

Cuando la guerra se convierte en paz, el mundo se pone de cabeza.

En este artículo describimos una operación coordinada y cuidadosamente planificada para desestabilizar la presidencia de Trump, que incluye varias etapas, tanto antes como después de su inauguración. Lo que está en juego es la postura de Trump en relación a la política exterior de Estados Unidos. La reciente campaña de difamación confirma en gran medida una estrategia de deslegitimación del presidente electo.

Lea detenidamente este artículo: Lo que está en juego es una crisis constitucional sin precedentes, un intento de derrocar a un presidente electo antes de su toma de posesión, o poco después. Hay una lucha de poder que se desarrolla entre dos poderosas facciones corporativas.

Michel Chossudovsky, 11 de enero de 2017

*           *          *


Obama ha acusado oficialmente a Moscú de interferir en las elecciones de Estados Unidos en nombre de Donald Trump. Estas son acusaciones graves. Mientras que el programa de sanciones se dirige contra Rusia, la intención final es socavar la legitimidad del presidente electo, Donald Trump, y su postura en relación a la política exterior estadounidense respecto a Moscú.

Según los medios de comunicación estadounidenses, las sanciones contra Moscú tenían como objetivo “poner tras las rejas al presidente electo Donald J. Trump”, ya que Trump “ha puesto en cuestión de forma reiterada” que Putin estuvo involucrado en el supuesto “hackeo” del Comité Nacional Demócrata (DNC, por sus siglas en ingles). En un informe anterior sobre la intromisión del Kremlin, The New York Times (15 de diciembre) describió a Donald Trump como “…un idiota útil”…un presidente estadounidense que no sabe que está siendo usado por una astuta potencia extranjera. (Énfasis añadido)

Pero las acusaciones contra Trump han ido mucho más allá del gastado discurso de “poner tras las rejas”. La verdad tácita vinculada con la orden ejecutiva de Obama es que el castigo estaba dirigido en contra de Trump, en lugar de Putin.

El objetivo no es “poner tras las rejas” al presidente electo por su “desconocimiento del papel de la inteligencia”. Todo lo contrario: la estrategia es deslegitimar a Donald Trump acusándolo de alta traición.

En el desenvolvimiento de los últimos hechos, el director de Inteligencia Nacional, James Clapper, ha “confirmado” que el presunto ciber-ataque ruso constituye una “amenaza existencial a nuestro modo de vida”.

“Si eso constituye o no un acto de guerra [por Rusia contra Estados Unidos] creo que es un pronunciamiento de política muy fuerte que no creo que la comunidad de inteligencia deba hacer”, señaló Clapper.

Ese “acto de guerra” no por parte de Rusia, sino contra Rusia, parece haber sido respaldado por el gobierno saliente de Obama: varios miles de tanques y tropas estadounidenses están siendo desplegados a las puertas de Rusia como parte de la “Operación Resolución Atlántica” que Obama dirige contra la Federación Rusa.

¿Son estos despliegues militares parte del “acto de castigo” de Obama contra Rusia en respuesta al presunto “hackeo” de Moscú a las elecciones de Estados Unidos?

¿Se trata de un procedimiento de “vía rápida” por parte del presidente saliente con el apoyo de la inteligencia estadounidense, destinado a crear caos político y social antes del inicio de la administración de Trump el 20 de enero?

Según Donbass DINA News: “Un despliegue militar masivo de Estados Unidos [en la frontera de Rusia] debería estar listo para el 20 de enero”.

La locura política prevalece.

Y la locura podría desencadenar la Tercera Guerra Mundial.

Mientras que la ” verdadera historia” detrás del “hackeo” forma parte de la primera plana de las noticias. Los principales medios de comunicación no cubren [la realidad].

Desestabilizando la presidencia de Trump

La intención final de esta campaña dirigida por los neoconservadores y la facción de los Clinton es desestabilizar la presidencia de Trump.

Antes de las elecciones del 8 de noviembre, el ex secretario de Defensa y el director, Leo Panetta, de la Agencia Central de Inteligencia (CIA, por sus siglas en inglés) ya había sugerido que Trump representa una amenaza para la seguridad nacional. Según la revista The Atlantic, Trump es un “candidato moderno manchuriano” que actúa al servicio de los intereses del Kremlin.

Vanity Fair , 1 de Noviembre de 2016

The Atlantic, 8 de Octubre de 2016

Después la votación de los grandes electores (a favor de Trump) y las sanciones de Obama contra Moscú, las acusaciones de traición dirigidas contra Donald Trump han ido en tomando forma y en aumento:

“Un fantasma de traición se cierne sobre Donald Trump. Él ha entrado en conflicto consigo mismo al desestimar una convocatoria bipartidista que busca realizar una investigación del “hackeo” de Rusia al Comité Nacional Demócrata, [tildándola como] un “ridículo” ataque político a la legitimidad de su elección como presidente. “(Boston Globe, 16 de diciembre, énfasis añadido)

“Los liberales están sugiriendo que el presidente electo Donald Trump es culpable de traición después de que el presidente Obama anunció nuevas sanciones contra Rusia y Trump elogió la respuesta de Vladimir Putin frente a las sanciones”. (Daily Caller, 30 de diciembre de 2016, énfasis añadido)

¿Operación coordinada para desestabilizar la presidencia de Trump?

¿Se encuentra Trump “en la cama con el enemigo”?

Se trata de acusaciones graves aparentemente respaldadas por la inteligencia estadounidense que no pueden ser eliminadas.

¿O serán simplemente olvidadas una vez que Trump ingrese a la Casa Blanca? Es poco probable. Son parte de una campaña de propaganda en nombre de poderosos intereses corporativos.

Lo que está en juego equivale a una operación cuidadosamente coordinada para desestabilizar la presidencia de Trump, en buena medida con características diferentes.

El objetivo central de este proyecto dirigido contra Trump es asegurar la continuidad de la agenda de política exterior de los neoconservadores orientada hacia la guerra global y la conquista económica mundial, que ha dominado el panorama político de Estados Unidos desde septiembre de 2001.

Repasemos primero la naturaleza de la postura de la política exterior de los neoconservadores.

Antecedentes de la agenda de política exterior de los neoconservadores

A raíz del 11 de septiembre, dos grandes cambios en la política exterior de Estados Unidos fueron orquestados como parte de la Estrategia de Seguridad Nacional de 2001 (NSS, por sus siglas en ingles).

El primero se refería a la “guerra global contra el terrorismo”, contra Al-Qaeda; el segundo cambio introdujo la doctrina de la “guerra defensiva” de tipo preventivo. El objetivo era presentar una “acción militar preventiva” –que significaba la guerra como un acto de “autodefensa”– contra dos categorías de enemigos, “Estados corruptos” y “terroristas islámicos”:

“La guerra contra los terroristas es una empresa global de duración incierta. … Estados Unidos actuará contra tales amenazas emergentes antes de que se formen de manera plena (Estrategia de Seguridad Nacional, Casa Blanca, 2002,

La doctrina de guerra preventiva también incluía el uso preventivo de las armas nucleares como un “primer golpe” (como medio de “auto-defensa”) contra Estados nucleares y no nucleares. Este concepto, de un ataque nuclear preventivo de primer golpe fue firmemente respaldado por Hillary Clinton durante la campaña electoral.

A su vez, la “guerra global contra el terrorismo” lanzada a raíz del 11 de septiembre ha llegado a desempeñar un papel central en la justificación de la intervención militar de Estados Unidos y la OTAN en Oriente Medio “por razones humanitarias” (R2P, ‘Responsibility to Protect’), Incluyendo la instauración de las denominadas “Zonas de vuelo prohibido”. La “guerra global contra el terrorismo” también constituye la piedra angular de la propaganda mediática.

Las dimensiones militares y de inteligencia del proyecto de los neoconservadores están contenidas en El Proyecto para el Nuevo Siglo Americano (PNAC, por sus siglas en inglés), formulado antes de la llegada de George W. Bush a la Casa Blanca. El PNAC plantea además una “revolución en los asuntos militares”, que requiere un gasto presupuestario masivo asignado al desarrollo de sistemas avanzados de armamento incluyendo una nueva generación de armas nucleares.

La iniciativa del PNAC fue lanzada por William Kristol y Robert Kagan, cuya esposa, Victoria Nuland, desempeñó un papel decisivo como secretaria de Estado de Clinton en la orquestación del golpe de estado Euromaidán en Ucrania.

El proyecto neoconservador también incluye un menú de “cambio de régimen”, “revoluciones de color”, sanciones económicas y reformas macroeconómicas dirigidas contra países que no se ajustan a los lineamientos de Washington.

De esta manera, la globalización de la guerra apoya la agenda económica mundial de Wall Street: Los bloques comerciales (negociados secretamente) del Atlántico y el Pacífico (TPP, TTIP, CETA, TISA, etc.), junto con la vigilancia del Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI)-Banco Mundial-Organización Mundial de Comercio (OMC) son una parte integral de este proyecto hegemónico, íntimamente relacionado con las operaciones militares y de inteligencia estadounidenses.

Formulación del Proyecto para el “Nuevo Siglo Americano”

“El Estado profundo” y el choque de poderosos intereses corporativos

El capitalismo global no es en modo alguno monolítico. Lo que está en juego son las rivalidades fundamentales dentro del “establishment” estadounidense marcadas por el choque entre facciones corporativas en competencia, cada una de las cuales tiene la intención de ejercer control sobre la futura presidencia de Estados Unidos. En este sentido, Trump no está completamente dentro del bolsillo de alguno de los grupos de presión. Como miembro del “establishment”, cuenta con sus propios patrocinadores corporativos y recaudadores de fondos. Su declarada agenda de política exterior, incluyendo su compromiso de revisar la relación de Washington con Moscú, no se ajusta totalmente a los intereses de los contratistas de la defensa, que apoyaron la candidatura de Clinton.

Hay poderosos intereses corporativos de lado de ambas partes, que ahora están confrontándose. También hay alianzas “supra puestas” y “alianzas transversales” dentro del “establishment” corporativo. Lo que estamos presenciando son “rivalidades inter-capitalistas” dentro de las esferas de los bancos, el petróleo y la energía, el complejo militar industrial, etc.

¿Está “fracturado el “Estado profundo” (‘Deep state’)? Estas rivalidades corporativas también se caracterizan por divisiones estratégicas y enfrentamientos dentro de varias agencias del aparato estatal de Estados Unidos, incluyendo la comunidad de inteligencia y el ejército. En este sentido, la CIA está profundamente arraigada en los medios de comunicación corporativa (CNN, NBC, The New York Times, The Washington Post, etc.), promoviendo una intensa campaña de difamación contra Trump y sus presuntos vínculos con Moscú.

Pero también hay una campaña que ejerce de contrapeso dentro de la comunidad de inteligencia contra la facción neoconservadora dominante. En este sentido, el equipo de Trump está contemplando una reestructuración de la CIA (popularmente conocida como proceso “purgatorio”). Según un miembro del equipo de transición de Trump (citado por The Wall Street Journal, 4 de enero de 2017), “La visión del equipo de Trump es que el mundo de la inteligencia [se está] convirtiendo en un mundo completamente politizado (…) Todos ellos necesitan ser echados. El enfoque se centrará en la reestructuración de las agencias y su forma de interacción”. Este proyecto también afectaría a los agentes de la CIA responsables de la propaganda integrada en los principales medios de comunicación. Esto, inevitablemente crearía profundas divisiones y conflictos dentro del aparato de inteligencia estadounidense, lo que potencialmente podría afectar negativamente a la presidencia de Trump. Lo cierto es que es poco probable que la administración Trump pueda socavar las estructuras internas de los cuerpos de inteligencia de Estados Unidos y la propaganda de los medios de comunicación patrocinada por la CIA.

¿Existe continuidad en la política exterior de Estados Unidos?

Elaborado a finales de la década de 1940 por el funcionario del Departamento de Estado, George F. Kennan, la “Doctrina Truman” establece los fundamentos ideológicos del proyecto hegemónico de la posguerra en Estados Unidos. Lo que revelan estos documentos del Departamento de Estado es la continuidad de la política exterior norteamericana desde la “contención” a lo largo de la Guerra Fría, hasta la doctrina de la “guerra preventiva” de hoy.

En este sentido, el proyecto de los neoconservadores para el Nuevo Siglo Americano (citado anteriormente) para la conquista mundial debe ser visto como la culminación de una agenda de posguerra de hegemonía militar y dominación económica global formulada por el Departamento de Estado en 1948 al principio de la Guerra Fría.

Cabe destacar que las sucesivas administraciones demócratas y republicanas, de Harry Truman a George W. Bush y Barack Obama, han estado involucradas en llevar adelante este modelo hegemónico de dominación en escala global, que el Pentágono denomina la “guerra larga”.

En este sentido, los neoconservadores han seguido los pasos de la “Doctrina Truman”. A finales de la década de 1940, George F. Kennan, llamó a construir una alianza anglo-americana de dominación basada en “buenas relaciones entre nuestro país y el Imperio Británico”. En el mundo de hoy, esta alianza caracteriza en gran medida el eje militar entre Washington y Londres, que desempeña un rol dominante dentro de la OTAN en detrimento de los aliados europeos (continentales) de Washington. También incluye Canadá y Australia y otros socios estratégicos clave.

Kennan subrayó la importancia de impedir el desarrollo de potencias continentales europeas (por ejemplo, Alemania, Francia e Italia) que podrían competir con el eje angloamericano. El objetivo durante la Guerra Fría fue impedir que Europa estableciera vínculos tanto políticos como económicos con Rusia. A su vez, la OTAN en gran parte dominada por Estados Unidos, ha impedido que Alemania y Francia desempeñaran un papel estratégico en los asuntos mundiales.

Realineamientos de la política exterior de Trump

Es muy improbable que una administración Trump se aparte de la columna vertebral de la política exterior de Estados Unidos.

Sin embargo, mientras que el equipo de Trump está comprometido con una agenda de derecha socialmente regresiva y racista en el frente interno, ciertos reajustes de la política exterior son posibles, incluyendo un relajamiento de las sanciones contra Rusia, situación que podría tener un impacto significativo en los contratos multimillonarios del complejo militar industrial. Esto en sí mismo sería un logro fundamental que podría contribuir a un período de Detente en las relaciones Este-Oeste.

Por otra parte, mientras que Trump ha armado un gabinete de generales, banqueros y ejecutivos petroleros de derecha, ajustado en gran medida a la columna vertebral del Partido Republicano, se ha roto la “entente cordiale” bipartidista entre demócratas y republicanos. Mientras tanto, hay voces poderosas dentro del Partido Republicano que apoyan la “facción anti-Trump”.

Sin embargo, las divisiones entre estas dos facciones competidoras son notables. En lo que respecta a la política exterior de Estados Unidos, pertenecen en gran medida a las relaciones bilaterales entre Estados Unidos y Rusia, que han sido comprometidas por la administración Obama, así como a la actual agenda militar estadounidense en Siria e Irak. También influyen en la Unión Europea, que ha sido afectada por las sanciones económicas de Obama contra Rusia.

Las sanciones han dado lugar a una dramática disminución del comercio y la inversión de la Unión Europea con la Federación de Rusia. De acuerdo con la “Doctrina Truman” discutida anteriormente, la política exterior estadounidense bajo los neoconservadores, particularmente desde la invasión de 2003 a Irak, había tratado de desmantelar la alianza franco-alemana y debilitar a la Unión Europea.

Cabe enfatizar que en relación a los recientes sucesos en Ucrania y Europa del este, George F. Kennan apuntó explícitamente, en su escrito de 1948 del Departamento de Estado, hacia “una política de contención de Alemania, dentro de Europa occidental“. Lo que las observaciones de Kennan sugieren es que los Estados Unidos deben apoyar un proyecto europeo sólo en la medida en que apoye los intereses hegemónicos estadounidenses. Y eso es precisamente lo que los neoconservadores han logrado bajo los gobiernos de Bush y Obama:

“Hoy tanto François Hollande como Angela Merkel están tomando sus órdenes directamente desde Washington. La invasión de Irak en 2003 fue un punto de inflexión. La elección de líderes políticos pro-estadounidenses (el presidente Sarkozy en Francia y la canciller Angela Merkel en Alemania) condujo a un debilitamiento de la soberanía nacional, lo que llevó a la desaparición de la alianza franco-alemana.” (Michel Chossudovsky, America’s Blueprint for Global Domination: From “Containment” to “Pre-emptive War”, Global Research, 2014)

El factor más importante para el futuro es si este realineamiento bajo la administración de Trump limitará el despliegue de las tropas de la OTAN y el equipo militar en Europa del Este a las puertas de Rusia, ¿Contribuirá al desarme nuclear?

Mientras que la agenda de política exterior de Trump ha sido el blanco de la “política sucia” de la facción de los Clinton, la administración entrante tiene poderosos patrocinadores corporativos que sin duda desafiarán a los neoconservadores incluyendo a aquellos que operan dentro de los grupos de inteligencia. Vale la pena señalar que Trump también cuenta con el apoyo a favor de Israel así como de la inteligencia israelí. Apenas en diciembre, el jefe del Mossad se reunió con el equipo Trump en Washington.

La línea del tiempo del proyecto de desestabilización

Al principio, antes de las elecciones del 8 de noviembre, el proyecto de sabotear y desestabilizar la presidencia de Trump consistió en una serie de varios procesos coordinados e interrelacionados, algunos de los cuales están en curso, mientras que otros ya han sido concluidos (o bien ya no son relevantes):

  • La campaña de difamación de los medios de comunicación contra Trump, que ha tomado una nueva inclinación a raíz de las elecciones del 8 de noviembre (en curso);
  • El movimiento de protesta anti-Trump dirigido desde Estados Unidos, en coordinación con la cobertura de los medios de comunicación, con el objetivo de sabotear (en curso);
  • El recuento de votos en tres estados. (ya no es relevante);
  • La aprobación de H.R 6393: Ley de autorización de inteligencia para el año fiscal 2017, que incluye una sección dirigida contra los llamados “medios independientes a favor de Moscú”, en respuesta a la supuesta interferencia de Moscú en las elecciones estadounidenses en apoyo a Donald Trump;
  • El voto del Colegio Electoral el 19 de diciembre (ya no es relevante);
  • La petición iniciada por la senadora de California Barbara Boxers en el portal referente al voto electoral de la Universidad (ya no es relevante);
  • La intención de la campaña “sabotaje” para la interrupción de la ceremonia presidencial de inauguración del 20 de enero de 2017;
  • Ya se contempla la posibilidad de un procedimiento de destitución durante el primer año de su mandato

El eslogan es “interrumpir”. El objetivo es “sabotear”

En paralelo, el sitio web está solicitando el sabotaje de la inauguración presidencial de Donald Trump el 20 de enero de 2017:

#DisruptJ20 es apoyado por el trabajo del Comité de Bienvenida DC, un colectivo de activistas locales experimentados y sepultureros desempleados que actúan con apoyo el plano nacional. Están construyendo el marco necesario para las protestas masivas para bloquear la inauguración presidencial de Donald Trump y la planificación de acciones directas generalizadas para que eso ocurra. Para conseguirlo, también ofrecen servicios de alojamiento, comida e incluso asistencia legal, a cualquier persona que quiera unirse a ellos.

¿Cuáles serán las posibles consecuencias?

La campaña de propaganda junto con los otros componentes de esta operación (movimiento de protesta, peticiones contra Trump, etc.) se utilizan como un instrumento para desacreditar a un presidente electo.

Esta campaña de propaganda mediática contra un presidente entrante no tiene precedentes en la historia de Estados Unidos. A pesar de que los medios de comunicación masiva critican rutinariamente a los políticos que ocupan puestos de alto nivel, incluyendo al presidente de Estados Unidos, la narrativa de los medios de comunicación en este caso es radicalmente diferente. El presidente entrante es el blanco de una campaña de difamación organizada desde los medios de comunicación que no disminuirá tras el arribo de Trump a la Casa Blanca.

Al mismo tiempo, un movimiento de protesta dirigido y coordinado contra Trump ha estado en curso desde el 8 de noviembre. De hecho, comenzó la noche del 8 de noviembre antes del anuncio de los resultados de las elecciones. Las protestas guardan todas las apariencias de una “revolución de color” estilo op.

Los medios de comunicación también proporcionan una cobertura parcial del movimiento de protesta. Los organizadores y reclutadores están sirviendo a los intereses de grupos de presión corporativos de gran alcance incluyendo a los contratistas del sector de la defensa. No sirven a los intereses del pueblo estadounidense

Es poco probable que estas diversas iniciativas, incluida la campaña de sabotaje, tengan un impacto considerable en la inauguración presidencial de Trump. Nuestra evaluación sugiere, no obstante, que el presidente electo llegará a la Casa Blanca en medio de un ambiente plagado de polémica.

La destitución es el “tema controversial”

La campaña de propaganda continuará luego de la inauguración presidencial de Trump, insistiendo en las acusaciones de traición. El proceso de destitución de Donald Trump ya se ha contemplado, incluso antes de su arribo a la presidencia. En palabras de The Huffington Post (1 de enero de 2017):

“Sólo hay una forma constitucional de eliminar a un presidente, y es a través de la destitución.

Lo que se necesita es una consulta ciudadana de destitución, comenzando el primer día de Trump en el cargo.

La consulta debe mantener un expediente en ejecución y enviar actualizaciones al menos una vez por semana al Comité Judicial de la Cámara. No faltarán pruebas”.

El sitio, que está detrás de la organización del movimiento de protesta, ya ha lanzado una petición para destituir a Trump.

Campaña promovida por el sitio web

Boston Globe, 16 de Diciembre de 2016

The Huffington Post, 26 de Diciembre de 2016

Los ciudadanos estadounidenses son las víctimas sin voz: La necesidad de un auténtico movimiento de masas

De esta forma, el pueblo estadounidense es la víctima sin voz de este enfrentamiento entre facciones capitalistas rivales. Ambas facciones están sirviendo a los intereses de las élites en detrimento del electorado estadounidense.

A su vez, una verdadera oposición popular que cuestione de raíz la agenda racista de derecha de la política social de Trump ha sido “secuestrada” por un movimiento de protesta dirigido, financiado y controlado por poderosos intereses económicos. Los organizadores de este movimiento están actuando a favor de poderosos intereses de la élite. La gente es engañada. Lo que se requiere en los próximos meses es el desarrollo de movimientos sociales “reales” en contra de la nueva administración de Trump con respecto a temas sociales y económicos de la más amplia diversidad: derechos civiles, salud, creación de empleo, medio ambiente, gastos de defensa, inmigración, etc.

Por lo tanto, los movimientos de base independientes deben tomar distancia de las protestas respaldadas y financiadas (directa o indirectamente) por intereses corporativos. Esta no es una tarea fácil. El financiamiento y la “fabricación del disenso”, la manipulación de los movimientos sociales, etc., están firmemente arraigados.

Irónicamente, el neoliberalismo financia el activismo dirigido contra el neoliberalismo. La “disconformidad manufacturada” se caracteriza por un entorno manipulador, un proceso de torsión de brazos y una sutil cooptación de individuos dentro de organizaciones progresistas, incluyendo coaliciones contra la guerra, ambientalistas y el movimiento anti-globalización. “La cooptación no se limita a comprar los favores de los políticos. Las élites económicas –que controlan las grandes corporaciones– también supervisan el financiamiento de numerosas organizaciones no gubernamentales (ONG) y organizaciones de la sociedad civil que han estado históricamente involucradas en los movimientos de protesta contra el orden económico y social establecido “(Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, 20 de septiembre de 2010).

¿Se está dirigiendo Estados Unidos hacia una profunda crisis constitucional?

En esta etapa es difícil predecir lo que sucederá bajo la administración gubernamental de Trump. Lo que parece muy claro, sin embargo, es que Estados Unidos se está dirigiendo hacia una crisis política profundamente arraigada, con importantes ramificaciones sociales, económicas y geopolíticas.

¿Se tenderá (en algún momento futuro) hacia la adopción de la ley marcial y la suspensión del gobierno constitucional?

Nota: Este artículo se basa en parte en textos anteriores escritos por el autor relacionados con las elecciones en Estados Unidos.

Actualizado el 5 de enero de 2017.

Artículo original en inglés:


U.S. Foreign Policy and the Campaign to Destabilize the Trump Presidency, publicado el 4 de enero de 2017.

Traducido para el Centro de Investigación sobre la Globalización (Global Research) por Ariel Noyola Rodríguez.

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