Colombia frente a oportunidad de paz completa

February 16th, 2017 by Adalys Pilar Mireles

Colombia vive un momento esperanzador por la posibilidad de conseguir la anhelada paz completa, pese a la complejidad que presupone aplicar con agilidad los pactos firmados con una guerrilla e iniciar negociaciones con otra.

Tras el acuerdo de noviembre entre el Gobierno y las insurgentes Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia-Ejército del Pueblo (FARC-EP) encaminado a concluir el largo conflicto entre ambas partes, el reto ahora es implementar lo consensuado.

Un primer gran paso en el terreno fue el desplazamiento de los miembros de esa organización hasta los puntos y zonas de transición donde abandonarán las armas y prepararán su reintegración a la sociedad, conforme a lo pactado.

En una megaoperación, la última marcha de las FARC-EP, unos seis mil hombres y mujeres llegaron a tales escenarios, no obstante las demoras gubernamentales para adecuarlos.

En buses, camiones, camionetas, lanchas y otros medios de transporte fueron trasladados los antiguos combatientes desde parajes intrincados de la selva a más de una veintena de sitios.

Lo que está ocurriendo es el reencuentro de Colombia, muchos familiares que no se veían hacía años están ya en contacto, los campesinos de varias localidades salieron de sus casas para ver pasar a los guerrilleros, subrayó el Alto Comisionado para la Paz, Sergio Jaramillo.

Insistió el negociador en que a pesar de los tropiezos ‘debemos alegrarnos frente a la oportunidad de superar la confrontación con las FARC-EP’.

A fin de habilitar cuanto antes los campamentos provisionales los integrantes de ese movimiento, el mayor de su tipo en la nación andina, son los encargados de levantar sus alojamientos con materiales proporcionados por el Ejecutivo.

ÂíLa paz va!, escribió en su cuenta de Twitter el líder de las FARC-EP -Timoleón Jiménez- en medio de los inconvenientes que las tropas encuentran a su paso por las difíciles condiciones en las que comenzó el período de postconflicto o posacuerdo.

Para facilitar el tránsito de los futuros desmovilizados a la vida civil es preciso preparar con suficiente tiempo de antelación el modelo de reintegración y así evitar demoras como las ocurridas en las zonas y puntos de transición, advirtió el politólogo y columnista de Semana León Valencia.

En medio de tales preparativos, del inicio de programas como la erradicación voluntaria de cultivos de uso ilícito y la continuidad de otros (el desminado), el Congreso tramita las leyes requeridas para esta etapa.

Ante tales desafíos y luego de varios intentos fallidos, el Gobierno y el igualmente rebelde Ejército de Liberación Nacional (ELN) inauguraron la semana previa las conversaciones oficiales en Quito, Ecuador, en busca de un escenario de distensión integral.

Exhorto a las dos delegaciones a no levantarse de la mesa de concertación hasta que consigan terminar la guerra, declaró a Prensa Latina el sacerdote jesuita Francisco de Roux.

En segundo lugar -añadió- les pido tener paciencia porque será una negociación difícil (…) y que sin precipitarse comprendan que es preciso aprovechar el momento para avanzar.

Los dos equipos debatirán una agenda de seis puntos y paralelamente sesionará otro espacio de discusión en el cual podrán tratar temas de tipo humanitario como las retenciones de ciudadanos por el ELN y la persecución por razones políticas.

Es un instante de esperanza para los colombianos y también para los pueblos de América Latina y el Caribe por la perspectiva de acabar del todo el único conflicto armado que queda en el continente, subrayó De Roux.

Adalys Pilar Mireles

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Peña ante Trump: Salvar el TLCAN antes que la Nación

February 16th, 2017 by Edgar A. Valenzuela

Los primeros días de Trump al frente de la Casa Blanca han sido una verdadera pesadilla para el gobierno que encabeza Enrique Peña Nieto (EPN), quien ha recibido numerosos desplantes como respuesta a sus acercamientos con el nuevo inquilino de la Casa Blanca. Usando formas que sólo podrían compararse con las utilizadas hace un siglo por Henry Lane Wilson en su trato con Francisco I. Madero, Trump recibió a Luis Videgaray en Washington con la firma de la orden ejecutiva para construir el muro en la frontera. Y para rematar la humillación, afirmó vía Twitter que si México no estaba dispuesto a pagar por el muro que mejor no se presentara EPN a la reunión agendada para una semana después. Por increíble que parezca, el mandatario mexicano no canceló inmediatamente, asegurando que “evaluaría” la respuesta, decantándose horas después por la suspensión del viaje ante la presión nacional e internacional.[1]

La sumisión e inexplicable vacilación de EPN para responder con firmeza a Trump pese al respaldo prácticamente unánime de la sociedad mexicana ha sido atribuida a su falta de aptitudes, respuesta que parece verosímil considerando los múltiples eventos en los que se ha mostrado incapaz para lidiar con escenarios no controlados (¿recuerdan la Ibero en 2012?). Sin embargo, hasta una mente muy limitada entendería que pese a la adversidad del actual escenario, éste resulta idóneo para rescatar del abismo la imagen de EPN y salvar el final de su gestión. Que en Los Pinos decidan tragar saliva y desaprovechar esta oportunidad para destinar el resto de su capital político a la renegociación del TLCAN da muestra que la prioridad es salvar la piedra angular de su proyecto de clase antes que la Nación misma.

¿Qué defienden los neoliberales cuando piden defender el TLCAN?

Para Carlos Fazio, el objetivo de la propaganda está en la modificación de la conducta de las personas a través de la persuasión. Es decir, sin parecer forzarlas. Y uno de los principales canales para ejercer influencia en la gente y obtener ese fin es la mentira, que en nuestros días se propaga a través de los grandes medios de comunicación. En el momento que una noticia llega a los medios, afirma el analista, adquiere implícitamente un carácter legal y sufre un proceso de oficialización. El espectador, el ciudadano común a fuerza de escuchar “la verdad oficial” la hace parte de su opinión personal, lo que a su vez confluye hacia una falsa opinión pública, manipulada de principio a fin.[2]

La anterior reflexión viene a colación porque en las semanas más recientes hemos presenciado una intensa campaña mediática cuyo centro es el TLCAN y su defensa. A través de decenas de espacios en televisión y columnas en los diarios, supuestos expertos alertan a la población sobre las consecuencias catastróficas que traerá su posible cancelación, por lo que hacen un llamado enérgico para respaldar al gobierno en las negociaciones que entable con sus pares de Washington sobre el tema. Es decir, la ofensiva mediática en torno a la supuesta “unidad nacional” se traduce en unidad en defensa del TLCAN, apelando al maniqueo argumento de supuesto sentido común (destinado a manipular a la opinión pública): si Trump, el mayor enemigo actual de los mexicanos, ataca al TLCAN es porque en realidad nos beneficia. Y es un argumento tendiente a la manipulación por dos grandes razones: da por hecho que el país entero se ha beneficiado de su implementación como lo sostuvo EPN cuando prometió firmeza al defender los intereses del país en las rondas de renegociación; y porque sigue el mismo guión que el usado hace dos décadas cuando Salinas gastó millones para desactivar el escepticismo de la población ante el supuesto de que la unión comercial con EU traería un maná económico para el país entero.

Para entender los alcances y dimensiones de lo que nos pide defender la cúpula neoliberal mexicana encabezada por EPN y Videgaray, considero necesario regresar a los orígenes, es decir, releer el valor que brindaban en Washington al TLCAN cuando se discutía a principios de la década de 1990. Esa postura también ocultada por los medios en México debería servir como plataforma inicial para realizar un estudio crítico del Tratado, que a la luz de sus resultados evalúe los señalamientos de Trump y marque la ruta que el país debe seguir en los durísimos años que vienen, siempre privilegiando el interés de la Nación en su conjunto.

Hace más de dos décadas, mientras la administración salinista se empeñaba en convencer a la opinión pública mexicana que el acceso al mayor mercado de bienes y servicios del mundo nos daría la entrada al primer mundo y solucionaría todos los desequilibrios macroeconómicos del país, la élite estadounidense daba al TLCAN una significación mucho más compleja que el vulgar mercantilismo neoliberal. Uno de los primeros en expresarlo con toda claridad fue el entonces vicepresidente Al Gore, para quien el TLCAN era equiparable con la Louisiana Purchase de 1803 y la Alaska Purchase de 1867. John Saxe afirma que estas palabras aluden a la tradición expansionista e imperialista de EU, remitiendo inmediatamente a términos como conquista, anexionismo, expansionismo, imperialismo, diplomacia de fuerza, desestabilización, filibusterismo, intervencionismo, invasión y otros vinculados al comportamiento estadounidense durante los siglos XIX y XX.[3] Es decir, para EU el TLCAN no sólo representó un acuerdo comercial, sino parte esencial de su estrategia de proyección de poder de cara a sus competidores globales, idea abordada por William Colby, ex director de la CIA quien afirmó que el TLCAN además de servir de puntal para una proyección hemisférica de la pax americana, “forma parte de una ‘nueva estrategia de seguridad nacional’ estadounidense”. En una línea argumentativa semejante, John Dimitri Negroponte, connotado funcionario del área de seguridad de EU y embajador de EU en México durante el gobierno de Salinas, afirmó que la intención del TLCAN no se limitaba a asuntos comerciales o de inversión, sino que sería piedra angular para modificar los fundamentos de la política exterior y de seguridad de México bajo principios estadounidenses.[4]

Resultado de imagen para Peña nieto trump

Donald Trump en su visita a México como candidato a la presidencia de Estados Unidos por el Partido Republicano

Uno de los mayores impedimentos para lograr lo planteado por Negroponte radicaría en vencer el hermetismo de las Fuerzas Armadas Mexicanas, históricamente muy celosas ante EU. Las implicaciones en materia de seguridad del TLCAN habrían sido detalladas por el exsecretario de Defensa William Perry, quien afirmó que mediante este Tratado se había auspiciado el vínculo económico y político entre su país y México, y procedía extender el proceso de integración en el área militar, a lo que llamó “el tercer vínculo”. Para Fazio, “el tercer vínculo” tenía como objetivo convencer a los militares mexicanos que EU en la era post TLCAN no debía contemplarse como un adversario intervencionista, sino un aliado para conseguir los objetivos de seguridad compartidos. Con ese fin Perry delineó cinco áreas de cooperación entre los dos ejércitos, que incluían la modernización de equipo militar y para la lucha antinarcóticos, dispositivos para vigilar los espacios aéreo y naval, además del intercambio en instrucción de cuadros y programas de auxilio a la población civil; hechos que al final de cuentas permitirían a EU intervenir en las estructuras de decisión táctica-operativa y estratégica de las Fuerzas Armadas Mexicanas, la única institución de América Latina, junto a la cubana que no había sido penetrada directamente por el Pentágono.[5]

Curiosamente, Alfredo Jalife-Rahme ha señalado en diversos espacios que el narcotráfico fue uno de los negocios más favorecidos con la implementación del TLCAN aunque en el discurso ha sido uno de los temas más combatidos.

Entonces, si el escenario resultaba tan desfavorable para la seguridad nacional de México, ¿qué habría motivado a la administración salinista y la élite empresarial local para apoyar el proyecto cuando incluso dentro de EU mismo existían amplios sectores que se mostraban contrarios a aceptarlo por considerarlo lesivo a sus intereses? Faux intenta responder esta interrogante al asegurar que el espíritu de clase y los intereses empresariales en ambos lados de la frontera fueron algunos de los elementos centrales en la negociación, pues la élite de EU no sólo consideraba a Salinas uno de los suyos por haber estudiado en Harvard, sino que existían poderosos empresarios pujando tras bambalinas. Para ejemplificar cita el caso de la agroindustria, partiendo que del lado estadounidense gigantes como Cargill y Monsanto buscaban abrir nuevos mercados de forma permanente para sus productos altamente subsidiados, mientras en México Bimbo, Maseca y Minsa querían acceder a materias primas más baratas para bajar sus costos de producción.[6]

Lo cierto es que las grandes empresas de EU necesitaron desde finales de 1970 que Washington eliminara los aranceles a las importaciones y aumentara las facilidades para trasladar sus fábricas al extranjero con el fin de abastecer el mercado interno estadounidense con menores costos de producción, lo cual a su vez demandó la apertura de las economías periféricas y un trato preferencial a sus capitales, cuestiones que finalmente fueron materializadas en el TLCAN. Arturo Ortiz refuerza este punto al mencionar que Carla Hills, negociadora del Tratado por EU exigía a México tres puntos en específico: mayor apertura de sus mercados a los productos estadounidenses; mayores facilidades al capital estadounidense para participar en cualquier área de su interés, incluyendo petróleo y petroquímica, banca, bolsa, finanzas y demás espacios limitados para extranjeros; y una reforma al artículo 27 para brindar certeza a los inversionistas sobre sus capitales y la tenencia de la tierra.[7]

Finalmente, existe otro aspecto de primordial relevancia histórica, económica y política que encierra el TLCAN para México: los hidrocarburos. Saxe asegura que el antecedente mismo del Tratado se sitúa en la propuesta de integración energética de América del Norte hecha por la firma Blyth, Eastman, Dillon and Company en 1979. El proyecto dirigido al aparato empresarial y de seguridad nacional de EU aseguraba:

“Los tres países adyacentes de la América del Norte del Hemisferio Occidental deberían formar un mercado común con libertad de movimientos para todos los bienes, especialmente el petróleo y el gas, pero también de la población. Sin este esfuerzo cooperativo en la América del Norte, EU se enfrentará a un desgaste constante de su seguridad nacional junto con una lenta estrangulación económica. (…) La América del Norte sería autosuficiente como unidad en energía, productos agrícolas y minerales (…) EU extendería su sombrilla de seguridad hacia Canadá y México para lograr que las tres naciones obtengan una seguridad equitativa contra cualquier amenaza militar a la América del Norte”.[8]

En función de ello, el TLCAN sería una de las piedras angulares del proyecto al incluir cláusulas que comprometen a México a garantizar el abasto ininterrumpido de todo bien energético, como lo señala el capítulo VI, artículo 605. La creación de facto del mercado energético de Norteamérica, asegura Saxe, desvincularía el petróleo y gas natural de México y Canadá del mercado mundial, regionalizándolos en un esquema comercial y geopolítico de América del Norte.[9]

A todo este entramado de intereses comerciales, petroleros y de seguridad que llevaron a la adquisición de múltiples complejos industriales y territoriales mexicanos por empresas estadounidenses tras la liberalización económica e implementación del Tratado, Saxe lo define como “la compra-venta de México”, en clara alusión a la comparación hecha por Al Gore detallada líneas atrás. En particular, asegura el académico, el TLCAN promueve la inserción de corte colonial de México en la economía y en la política de EU, ya que contiene instrumentos específicos que tienden a institucionalizar la perspectiva de esa potencia en la articulación del diseño económico, la política exterior y de defensa mexicana y también por el trato preferencial que otorga a los otros signatarios del TLCAN en comercio, inversiones y derechos de propiedad intelectual.[10]

Entonces, si el TLCAN fue tan benéfico para los intereses geoeconómicos y geoestratégicos de EU, ¿por qué Trump se ha lanzado en su contra mientras los mexicanos, presuntos perdedores supremos se lanzan furibundos en su defensa?

Aunque pareciera una reflexión proveniente del “mundo al revés” de Chabelo, en realidad tiene sólidos fundamentos económicos y políticos. Para el alto capital estadounidense, el TLCAN se proyectó como un facilitador de las operaciones intrafirma en sectores como el automotriz y textil, y no como un potencializador de las exportaciones mexicanas como lo han sostenido los propagandistas del régimen y sus principales actores. Cálculos de López y Rodil muestran que en 12 años del TLCAN las exportaciones de México, principalmente manufactureras crecieron 307.2% al pasar de 49.82 mmdd en 1994 a 202.86 mmdd en 2006. Sin embargo, la industria maquiladora de exportación sería responsable del 50% de esta cifra, hecho que está ligado al comercio intrafirma de EU y por tanto, desvinculado de las cadenas productivas nacionales creadoras de valor agregado mexicano, fenómeno que relacionado íntimamente con el crecimiento exponencial de las plantas maquiladoras en las ciudades fronterizas mexicanas como Juárez y Tijuana durante la segunda mitad de la década de 1990.[11]

En el caso mexicano, para los miembros de la oligarquía el TLCAN no sólo sirvió para acceder a materias primas más baratas y altamente subsidiadas en los mercados de EU y Canadá como se abordó en el caso agroalimentario atrás expuesto. También favoreció la exportación de materias primas y productos de escasa industrialización, ambos dependientes de la explotación de la mano de obra y recursos naturales; además de la intermediación y/o representación de las corporaciones estadounidenses en el país, con todo y las jugosas comisiones que dejan. Y en el ámbito gubernamental y de finanzas públicas, la apertura e integración con EU habría permitido financiar el déficit de cuenta corriente mediante la entrada de Inversión Extranjera Directa (IED) y la colocación de bonos de deuda en el exterior, hechos que ya se presentaban con bastante seriedad desde antes de 1994. Por ejemplo, el déficit de 1993 que ascendía a más de 25 mmdd se habría nivelado con la entrada de casi 23 mmdd de IED e inversión de cartera[12], pero que a la postre desatarían una de las mayores crisis financieras en la historia: el mal llamado error de diciembre.

Integración subordinada bajo el Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte (TLCAN)

Mientras los altos capitales de ambos países han gozado de condiciones excepcionales para aumentar sus riquezas, las clases trabajadoras en ambos lados del Bravo han sufrido las consecuencias. Para los trabajadores de EU, por ejemplo, el traslado de muchas plantas al exterior en pos de salarios más bajos habría significado el cierre de miles de fuentes de empleo, siendo el caso paradigmático Detroit, la antigua capital mundial del automóvil que tras ser la ciudad más próspera de EU hace medio siglo, en 2014 presentaba tasas de desempleo cercanas al 20% que en conjunto con otras circunstancias la obligaron a declararse en quiebra.[13] Esos trabajadores, los perdedores de la globalización al interior de EU, habrían sido la base del trumpismo, entendiendo el surgimiento de este fenómeno como un nuevo despertar en EU como lo señala Alfredo Jalife-Rahme.[14]

En el caso de nuestro país, para el común de los mexicanos el TLCAN trajo consigo funestas consecuencias que se sintieron con mayor profundidad en el campo. En las comunidades agrícolas la producción de granos y alimentos en México se desplomó bajo el peso de la competencia altamente tecnificada y subsidiada de EU, haciendo que la dependencia alimentaria del país pasara del 10 al 43% tras dos décadas de implementado el tratado y creando una grave crisis de obesidad entre la población.[15] Ello obligó a millones de campesinos a migrar, principalmente a EU, convirtiendo a México en la nación que más ciudadanos expulsó del mundo en 2012.[16] Adicionalmente, la apertura indiscriminada llevó a la quiebra a gran parte de los pequeños y medianos empresarios nacionales de los que depende el mayor porcentaje de empleos del país, impulsando el sector informal de la economía (de la cual el narco es la actividad estrella); y vulneró la soberanía e independencia al traspasar a manos privadas nacionales y extranjeras complejos territoriales sobre los que se asientan puertos, aeropuertos, reservas minerales, carreteras, ferrocarriles, industria de máquinas-herramientas y petroquímica.

En fin. Eso es lo que nos piden defender de forma acrítica EPN, Luis Videgaray, Ildefonso Guajardo y la oligarquía del país a través de sus voceros en los medios de comunicación. Su proyecto de clase.

Reflexiones finales

Puede parecer muy complejo y difícil de entender, sobre todo cuando nos encontramos inmersos en la dinámica analizada, pero hay ocasiones en la historia que las humillaciones y tragedias históricas ayudan a los pueblos para recordar su grandeza y enderezar el rumbo. A China, por ejemplo, la invasión japonesa y las masacres sufridas durante la segunda guerra mundial le sirvieron como catalizador de las fuerzas internas acumuladas durante décadas a fin de reinventarse y terminar “el siglo de la humillación” iniciado con su derrota en “las guerras del opio”.

La historia misma de nuestro país también podría ejemplificar el fenómeno. El nacionalismo revolucionario que definió gran parte del siglo XX mexicano y cuyos pináculos fueron la Constitución de 1917 (misma que acaba de cumplir 100 años hace unos días pero ya hecha pedazos por las contrarreformas neoliberales) y la expropiación petrolera de 1938, no podría entenderse sin el sentimiento de aversión hacia EU provocado por el injerencismo del embajador Henry Lane Wilson y las agresiones militares sufridas (la ocupación de Veracruz y la expedición punitiva contra Villa).

Así, con toda su desfachatez y prepotencia, Trump en última instancia ha desfondado brutalmente a la oligarquía mexicana, exhibiendo su altísimo grado de entreguismo que resulta incompatible con la memoria histórica del pueblo mexicano. Y entre más radical sea la postura del magnate convertido en presidente, mayor será el renacimiento del nacionalismo al sur del Bravo y la desnudez de aquellos que entregaron al país con tal de defender sus intereses de clase.

Basta recordar que una de las generaciones más gloriosas de nuestra historia, los liberales del siglo XIX, son en cierta medida hijos de la catástrofe protagonizada por Santa Anna y los polkos en 1847-48.

Edgar A. Valenzuela

Edgar A. Valenzuela: Politólogo egresado de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM).


[1] Cancela Peña visita a Trump. Diario La Jornada, 26 de enero de 2017. Consultado en línea en:

[2] Fazio, C. (2013) Terrorismo mediático. La de enero de construcción social del miedo en México. Debate. México, D.F. 2013.

[3] Saxe, J. (2002) La compra – venta de México. Plaza & Janés Editores. México, D.F. Pág. 45.

[4] Faux, J. (2008). La Guerra Global de Clases. Universidad Autónoma de la Ciudad de México, México, D.F. Pág: 33.

[5] La injerencia del Pentágono en el Ejército Mexicano, descrita y analizada en “El tercer vínculo”, de Carlos Fazio, Revista Proceso, 30 de noviembre de 1996. Consultado en línea en:

[6] Faux, Op. Cit.

[7] Ortiz, A. (1998) Política Económica de México: 1982 – 2000. Editorial Nuestro Tiempo. México, D.F. 1998. Pág: 132.

[8] Saxe, Op. Cit. Pág. 43.

[9] Idem. Pág. 254.

[10] Ibidem. Págs. 135-135.

[11] López, J. & Rodil, Ó. (Enero – Abril 2008). Comercio intra-industrial e intra-firma en México en el contexto del proceso de integración de América del Norte (1993-2006). Economía UNAM, 13, pp. 86-112. Consultado en línea en:

[12] Cifras ofrecidas por el Centro de Estudios de las Finanzas Públicas con datos de Banxico.

[13] Detroit, una ciudad en bancarrota. Telesur, 3 de noviembre de 2014. Consultado en línea en:

[14] Jalife-Rahme, A. Trump y Sanders: ¿Nuevo despertar contra Wall Street y su globalización? Diario La Jornada, 8 de mayo de 2016. Consultado en línea en:

[15] Dependencia agroalimentaria pasó del 10 al 43% en 20 años. El Financiero, 28 de octubre de 2014. Consultado en línea en:

[16] México, campeón mundial en expulsar migrantes. El Siglo de Durango, 19 de diciembre de 2012. Consultado en línea en:

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El 14 de febrero se celebra el 50° aniversario de la puesta a la firma del Tratado para la Proscripción de las Armas Nucleares en la América Latina y el Caribe -conocido como Tratado de Tlatelolco. Este instrumento jurídico, que ha logrado preservar a la región como Zona Libre de Armas Nucleares, ha sido firmado y ratificado por todos los 33 países de la América Latina y el Caribe.

Con motivo de esta importante y muy vigente celebración, la agencia internacional de noticias de Paz y NoViolencia Pressenza entrevistó al Secretario General del Organismo para la Proscripción de las Armas Nucleares en la América Latina y el Caribe (OPANAL), Embajador Luiz Filipe de Macedo Soares. La entrevista fue realizada con el apoyo de ALER y en el marco de los contenidos colaborativos del Foro de Comunicación para la Integración de NuestrAmérica.

PRESSENZA:   A 50 años de la puesta a la firma del Tratado de Tlatelolco, ¿cómo juzga Ud. la relevancia histórica de este instrumento jurídico y del Organismo para la Proscripción de las Armas Nucleares en la América Latina y el Caribe?

MS: El Tratado de Tlatelolco, concluido y abierto a la firma el 14 de febrero de 1967, es el primer instrumento de derecho internacional que prohibió las armas nucleares en una región permanentemente habitada del planeta. El Tratado de Tlatelolco garantiza que una zona de más de 80 millones de kilómetros cuadrados, donde viven más de 600 millones de personas, se mantenga libre de armas nucleares.

El Tratado de Tlatelolco contiene dos Protocolos Adicionales.

El Protocolo I compromete a los Estados extra regionales, con posesiones territoriales dentro de la zona de aplicación del instrumento, a respetar el régimen de desnuclearización militar del Tratado. Este Protocolo ha sido firmado y ratificado por Estados Unidos, Francia, Reino Unido y los Países Bajos.

El Protocolo II incluye el compromiso jurídicamente vinculante que asumieron los Estados poseedores de armas nucleares de no usar ni amenazar con usar sus bombas atómicas contra ninguno de los Estados Parte en el Tratado de Tlatelolco. El Protocolo Adicional II es el primer compromiso jurídico que asumieron los poseedores de armas en este sentido. Ha sido firmado y ratificado por China, Estados Unidos, Francia, Reino Unido y Rusia.

Durante las negociaciones del Tratado, que se dieron de 1964 a 1967, no existía ningún instrumento jurídico de esta naturaleza. Es decir, los países latinoamericanos y caribeños no sólo dieron un paso trascendente para erradicar las armas nucleares de sus territorios y de amplias áreas marítimas circundantes, sino que crearon un instituto de derecho internacional que es conocido como Zona Libre de Armas Nucleares. Esto no tenía precedentes.

El Tratado de Tlatelolco representó no sólo una innovación jurídica, sino que expresó la posición política de la región para deslegitimar e ilegalizar las armas nucleares como instrumentos de seguridad internacional. Se trató de la cristalización de renunciar a un sistema de seguridad basado en la posible aniquilación del planeta.

Además, la trascendencia del Tratado de Tlatelolco radica en que inspiró el establecimiento de otras cuatro ZLAN: Pacífico Sur (Tratado de Rarotonga, 1985); Sudeste Asiático (Tratado de Bangkok, 1995); África (Tratado de Pelindaba, 1996); Asia Central (Tratado de Asia Central, 2006) y Mongolia, que en el 2000 obtuvo el reconocimiento internacional como Estado libre de armas nucleares (Resolución 55/335 S de la AGNU).

Por otro lado, sin un mecanismo de verificación del cumplimiento de las obligaciones contraídas por los Estados Parte, el Tratado de Tlatelolco no sería lo suficientemente efectivo. El Artículo 7 del Tratado creó el Organismo para la Proscripción de las Armas Nucleares en la América Latina y el Caribe (OPANAL), con sede en la Ciudad de México, para velar por el cumplimiento de los objetivos y las obligaciones del instrumento.

El OPANAL, no sólo es el guardián de la Zona Libre de Armas Nucleares en la América Latina y el Caribe, sino que tiene la función de ser un mecanismo de expresión política de la región para exigir a nivel internacional la no proliferación de armas nucleares y la total eliminación de estos arsenales. Nuestra región tiene la autoridad moral para exigir un mundo sin armas nucleares.

El OPANAL ha sido reconocido por la Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños (CELAC) como el “órgano especializado de la región, para articular posiciones comunes y trabajos conjuntos en materia de desarme nuclear”. En ese sentido, el OPANAL participa activamente en foros internacionales en la materia como la Primera Comisión de la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas, la Conferencia de Desarme de Ginebra, el Organismo Internacional de Energía Atómica (OIEA) y las Conferencias de Examen del Tratado sobre la no proliferación de las Armas Nucleares (TNP).

PRESSENZA: ¿Cuáles son las principales actividades previstas para la celebración de este importante aniversario?

MS: El OPANAL organiza el 13 de febrero de 2017 un Seminario Internacional sobre la cuestión de las armas nucleares con panelistas de alto nivel como: William J. Perry, ex Secretario de Defensa de los Estados Unidos; Kim Won-soo, Alto Representante de las Naciones Unidas para Asuntos de Desarme; y el Embajador Emérito de México Sergio González Gálvez, ex Subsecretario de Relaciones Exteriores y participante de las negociaciones del Tratado de Tlatelolco. El Seminario tiene lugar en la Sede de la Conferencia Interamericana de Seguridad Social (CISS), donde se negoció parte del Tratado de Tlatelolco.

El 14 de febrero de 2017, tendrá lugar la XXV Sesión de la Conferencia General del OPANAL a nivel ministerial, donde los 33 Estados Miembros emitirán una Declaración sobre el 50 Aniversario de la conclusión del Tratado de Tlatelolco. La XXV Sesión de la Conferencia General del OPANAL tendrá lugar en la sede de la Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores de México, y será inaugurada por el Presidente de México, Lic. Enrique Peña Nieto.

PRESSENZA: ¿A lo largo de los cincuenta años, ha habido casos de riesgo o controversias sobre la utilización de armas nucleares en América Latina y el Caribe? ¿Cómo fueron solucionados?

MS: Gracias al Tratado de Tlatelolco, en América Latina y el Caribe no han existido, ni existirán jamás las armas nucleares. Un compromiso que continúa presente en los 33 Estados Miembros del OPANAL y que es sumamente respetado por la comunidad internacional.

PRESSENZA: La totalidad de los 33 Estados de América Latina y el Caribe firmaron y ratificaron el Tratado. Los mismos Estados nucleados en la CELAC, declararon en la II Cumbre en la Habana a América Latina y el Caribe como zona de paz, mencionando específicamente al Tratado de Tlatelolco y a la agenda estratégica de OPANAL adoptada en Agosto 2013. ¿A qué atribuye este compromiso permanente y pionero de la región con la paz?

MS: Para los Estados de la América Latina y el Caribe, la única garantía contra el uso y la amenaza del uso de las armas nucleares es su total eliminación. Sin importar qué país las posea.

Los Estados Parte en el Tratado de Tlatelolco creen firmemente que el respeto al Derecho Internacional, y no el uso de la fuerza, de conformidad con la Carta de las Naciones Unidas, es un elemento fundamental a respetar en las relaciones internacionales. Por esa razón, la Declaración de la Zona de Paz es perfectamente compatible con el Tratado de Tlatelolco.

PRESSENZA: ¿Cómo maneja el organismo la relación con potencias nucleares con presencia militar en la región como EEUU o Gran Bretaña para evitar que estos países transgredan lo dispuesto en el Tratado? ¿Se han solicitado verificaciones? ¿Con el cambio de administración en los EEUU, según su experiencia, estima Ud. que haymayor riesgo de tensión o conflictividad nuclear en la región?

MS: Mediante los Protocolos Adicionales I y II, partes integrales del Tratado de Tlatelolco, los Estados extra regionales, incluyendo los poseedores de armas nucleares se han comprometido jurídicamente a respetar el estatus de desnuclearización militar de la región. En ese sentido, la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas adoptó el 5 de diciembre de 2016 la resolución 71/27 titulada “Tratado para la Proscripción de las Armas Nucleares en la América Latina y el Caribe (Tratado de Tlatelolco)”. La resolución fue adoptada sin voto por la Asamblea General, es decir, por unanimidad. Esto demuestra el valor del Tratado de Tlatelolco para la comunidad internacional, incluyendo a los Estados poseedores de armas nucleares que han reconocido la contribución del Tratado a la paz y la seguridad internacionales.

PRESSENZA: Además de América Latina y el Caribe hay otras cuatro Zonas Libres de Armas Nucleares en el planeta ¿Cómo es la interacción de Opanal con las instancias a cargo de ellas?

MS: Desde 2005, a iniciativa de México, se establecieron las Conferencias de los Estados Parte y Signatarios de Tratados que establecen Zonas Libres de Armas Nucleares. Estas Conferencias se celebran cada cinco años.

A través de estas iniciativas, el OPANAL ha intentado reforzar la cooperación con las otras ZLAN y Mongolia para crear un grupo sólido que impulse el desarme nuclear. Desgraciadamente el OPANAL es el único organismo permanente creado por una ZLAN, y ante esta situación, aún existen retos por superar en la tarea de coordinación de las Zonas. Sin embargo, la experiencia del OPANAL es de suma utilidad para fortalecer esta tarea.

PRESSENZA: En Marzo y Junio de este año, la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas abordará las negociaciones para el establecimiento de un Tratado mundial vinculante para la prohibición total de las armas nucleares. ¿Qué papel le cabe a OPANAL en este importante proceso? ¿Puede dicho Tratado ser concluido con éxito siendo que los cinco miembros permanentes del Consejo de Seguridad, con derecho a veto, son todos Estados que poseen armamento nuclear?

MS: El OPANAL y sus Estados Miembros participaron activamente en el proceso que llevó a que la Asamblea General convocara a la conferencia de Naciones Unidas para negociar un tratado de prohibición de las armas nucleares.

Durante 2016, en Ginebra se reunió el Grupo de trabajo de composición abierta para hacer avanzar las negociaciones multilaterales en materia de desarme nuclear. Como Secretario General, participé del intercambio de puntos de vista sobre disposiciones legales necesarias para lograr y mantener un mundo libre de armas nucleares. El OPANAL presentó un documento de trabajo titulado “Tratado de Tlatelolco: un instrumento de desarme”, mediante el cual se presentó al Grupo una serie de artículos del Tratado de Tlatelolco que serían de utilidad para un tratado internacional jurídicamente vinculante que prohíba las armas nucleares.

Los artículos del Tratado de Tlatelolco referentes a: obligaciones (art. 1), definición de armas nucleares (art. 5) y al Sistema de Control (art. 12), en particular, fueron de relevancia para las discusiones del Grupo de trabajo que recomendó a la Asamblea General convocar la mencionada conferencia negociadora de un tratado de prohibición de las armas nucleares.

PRESSENZA: ¿Finalmente, hay algún anuncio o mensaje que quisiera compartir con motivo del 50 aniversario?

MS: El Tratado de Tlatelolco se mantiene vigente en su 50 Aniversario. Por su parte, el OPANAL, una organización meramente latinoamericana y caribeña mantiene un rol activo a nivel internacional.

El hecho de que los Estados de América Latina y el Caribe hayan prohibido las armas nucleares de su región no significa que acepten la existencia de estos arsenales en otras partes del mundo. Al contrario, el propósito de Tlatelolco es poner el ejemplo de que es posible un mundo sin armas nucleares, de hacer que paulatinamente el mundo sea una vez más una Zona Libre de Armas Nucleares, como lo fue antes de 1945.

PRESSENZA: Embajador, le agradecemos enormemente su amabilidad de compartir estas reflexiones. Quedamos a disposición de OPANAL para la difusión de toda actividad que considere de relevancia pública.

Luiz Filipe de Macedo Soares

Javier Tolcachier

Luiz Filipe de Macedo Soares: Secretario General del Organismo para la Proscripción de las Armas Nucleares en la América Latina y el Caribe (OPANAL).

Javier Tolcachier: Investigador perteneciente al Centro Mundial de Estudios Humanistas, organismo del Movimiento Humanista.

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La trampa de Trump

February 16th, 2017 by Luis Rojas Villagra

La coyuntura mundial de crisis estructural del capitalismo, ha condicionado y determinado en gran medida la campaña presidencial y la elección de Donald Trump en los EE.UU. Contra la mayoría de los pronósticos, el candidato duro de la derecha norteamericana se impuso, en gran medida gracias a un discurso fuertemente nacionalista y proteccionista, que en la situación actual de la economía, es el tipo de discurso que gran parte de la población quiere oír, incluyendo a la propia clase trabajadora.

La situación que potencia esa línea discursiva es el profundo deterioro de la situación laboral y de las condiciones de vida de las inmensas mayorías sociales, causadas por las políticas neoliberales implementadas en las últimas décadas.

El libre comercio que ha desplazado la explotación laboral desde los EE.UU. hacia los países de gigantescos mercados laborales y bajos salarios, como China, India o Indonesia, el progresivo desmantelamiento de los sistemas de protección social, el encarecimiento del costo de vida y el estancamiento de los salarios, la competencia empresarial y la sustitución del trabajo humano por la automatización extrema de los procesos productivos. La consecuente precarización integral de los empleos y de la existencia de millones de personas, han desinflado la demanda y el consumo de bienes y servicios, elementos esenciales para una recuperación económica de una economía capitalista.

Las perspectivas laborales de los estadounidenses, así como las del resto del mundo, no son nada estimulantes. El libre comercio, la competencia de los países emergentes y las revoluciones tecnológicas son un cóctel explosivo para la clase trabajadora y el capital norteamericanos.

Por un lado, la competencia china y de otros países de menores costos de producción, han generado importantes déficits comerciales para los EE.UU., lo que ha significado en ese país, según Silva y Lara en Límites y contradicciones de las propuestas comerciales de Trump, la pérdida de cinco millones de empleos industriales entre el 2000 y el 2014; por el otro, la incesante competencia y su consecuente revolución tecnológica permanente, que incluye el acelerado desarrollo de la robótica, nanotecnología, biotecnología, la inteligencia artificial y las Tics, avanza expulsando a trabajadores y trabajadoras de las esferas productivas, tanto en la agricultura, la industria y en los servicios. Un informe del 2016 elaborado por el Foro Económico Mundial de Davos, señalaba que esta enorme convergencia tecnológica generaría para el 2020, la pérdida de otros cinco millones de empleos a nivel mundial, como recogió Riveiro en el texto Cuarta revolución industrial, tecnologías e impactos.

La propuesta proteccionista de Trump, defendiendo los empleos dentro de los EE.UU. y la recuperación de los salarios, a partir de una guerra comercial con sus principales competidores, que incluiría establecimiento de aranceles, devaluaciones o incluso en una hipotética situación extrema, conflictos militares, carece de posibilidades reales de éxito en el largo plazo, a pesar de haber generado una gran expectativa en los millones de norteamericanos que la apoyaron, pues obvia las condiciones estructurales que ocasionaron las pérdidas de empleos y salarios, y han sido responsables de la larga crisis económica desatada en el 2008 en la propia economía estadounidense.

Más allá del libre comercio, son el libre mercado y la competencia capitalista por la acumulación de capital, la mano invisible y la destrucción creativa, el aumento del capital constante desplazando al trabajo, además del consumismo exacerbado como marco cultural, los factores fundamentales del empobrecimiento y la inseguridad creciente de las masas trabajadoras, tanto en el país ahora gobernado por Trump como en la mayor parte del mundo.

Sin embargo, Trump antes que presidente fue y sigue siendo empresario, inversionista, especulador, en suma, capitalista, de igual manera que muchos otros de sus colegas en América Latina, como Horacio Cartes en Paraguay, Mauricio Macri en Argentina y Juan Manuel Santos en Colombia. Antes que la situación laboral y salarial en sus países, lo que les ha preocupado y ocupado, ha sido obtener las mayores ganancias posibles en sus diversos ámbitos de operación, el incremento incesante de su capital y patrimonio.

Y todos ellos lo seguirán haciendo, a pesar de ser presidentes, o más bien, ahora lo harán a mayor escala gracias a su nueva función, que les otorga información e influencias privilegiadas. Claramente es el caso de Cartes en Paraguay, cuyo grupo empresarial ha crecido enormemente en tierras, capital y empresas desde que el mismo asumió la presidencia en el 2013. Y posiblemente sea el caso de Donald Trump, quien en unos años se retirará triste por no haber podido conjurar la crisis de la economía norteamericana, y tendrá que consolarse con sus ensanchadas cuentas bancarias, sus negocios en curso, sus extendidos bienes raíces, brindando con sus viejos y nuevos socios, sus compañeros de clase.

Luis Rojas Villagra

Luis Rojas Villagra: Científico social paraguayo, integrante del GT Crisis y Economía Mundial, BASE Investigaciones Sociales.

Nota del Editor: Este trabajo fue originalmente publicado en la edición Nº 4 del Boletín “Nuestra América XXI – Desafíos y alternativas”, del Grupo de Trabajo Crisis y economía mundial de CLACSO, coordinado por María Josefina Morales y Gabriela Roffinelli.

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Donald Trump y China

February 16th, 2017 by Graciela Galarce

La mayor parte de los analistas consideran que el proteccionismo y el nacionalismo de Trump están directamente dirigidos en contra de China. Trump está responsabilizando a la globalización de los problemas económicos y sociales en la sociedad estadounidense. En América Latina responsabiliza particularmente a México, y en el mundo a China.  Esta es una explicación parcial y deformada, falsa y fácilmente rebatible.

Los problemas sociales y económicos en la sociedad estadounidense se deben fundamentalmente al gran incremento de las ganancias empresariales y a la disminución de la participación de los salarios en la producción global en Estados Unidos.

Esto, unido al gran crecimiento de las ganancias de las empresas transnacionales de los Estados Unidos en el mundo, y en particular, en China; a la disminución de impuestos a las empresas y a los sectores más adinerados, los que a su vez, han obtenido cuantiosas ganancias financieras, ha profundizado la brecha entre los más ricos  y la mayoría de la población estadounidense.

Los problemas de Estados Unidos son problemas que se explican en gran medida internamente. Una mejor distribución del ingreso con incrementos de impuestos a las ganancias de los ricos, inversiones en infraestructura; mantención o aumento de los salarios reales y aumento del gasto social, podrían haber resuelto los problemas que Trump culpa a la globalización, a México y a China.

En realidad, la política económica implementada por China ha evitado que la economía estadounidense y del mundo profundizara la crisis de 2008 y se transformara en una crisis peor que la crisis de los años 30’s.

Cinco razones por las que Donald Trump considera que China es un enemigo de EE.UU  es el título de un documento de la BBC Mundo del 16 de enero de 2017, que sintetizamos a continuación:

“La idea iba y venía: “China es nuestro enemigo“. Se colaba en los discursos del entonces candidato presidencial de Estados Unidos, hoy presidente electo, Donald Trump… Y se abrió espacio en la cuenta de Twitter del magnate, incluso años antes de que anunciara formalmente su candidatura a la Casa Blanca “China es nuestro enemigo, ellos nos quieren destruir“, escribió Trump, en la red social, en 2011.”

“En el ámbito comercial, los chinos son unos tramposos”, llegó a decir. “El concepto de calentamiento global fue creado por y para los chinos para hacer que la manufactura de EE.UU. no sea competitiva”, escribió Trump en 2012. En una entrevista, en enero de 2016, dijo que ese mensaje era una broma.”

Las cinco razones son las siguientes:

1. China le ha quitado puestos de trabajo a los estadounidenses

Trump prometió en su campaña electoral que castigaría a las compañías estadounidenses que transfieran sus puestos de trabajo a Asia..

“Miren lo que China le está haciendo a nuestro país […] Están usando nuestro país como alcancía para reconstruir China […] Tenemos que impedir que nos roben nuestros trabajos”, dijo en septiembre, en uno de los debates presidenciales.

2. China ha estado “violando” a EE.UU. con sus exportaciones baratas

En su campaña electoral, Donald Trump dijo que China era responsable “del robo más grande en la historia del mundo”. Acusó a ese país de “violar” a Estados Unidos con sus exportaciones baratas.

3. “China es un manipulador de divisas, el más grande en el mundo”

Ha devaluado a propósito el yuan para socavar los precios globales de las exportaciones.

4. La balanza comercial entre ambos países desfavorece a EE.UU.

La arremetida de Trump contra China parece apuntar a que la globalización ha beneficiado a la potencia asiática y ha perjudicado a Estados Unidos, ubicando a su país en el lado de los perdedores.

5. La influencia de la teoría de Peter Navarro

Navarro, profesor de Economía de la Universidad de California, ha sido una figura influyente en el pensamiento económico de Trump. Escribió dos libros centrados en la potencia asiática: Las próximas guerras chinas y Muerte por China. El 22 de diciembre, el magnate puso a Navarro al frente del recién creado Consejo Nacional de Comercio.

China en la economía mundial actual

 La CEPAL  en 2012 afirmó: Las tres décadas de reformas económicas en China iniciadas en 1979 representan el proceso de industrialización más intenso que haya conocido la humanidad.

La economía China tiene una presencia predominante en la producción mundial, en el comercio mundial y en las reservas internacionales. El FMI en su documento Perspectivas de la Economía Mundial, octubre 2016, registea que China representa 17.3%  del PIB Mundial y  desplazó a Estados Unidos como primera potencia económica mundial, ya que éste representa 15.8% del PIB Mundial. La participación de China es bastante mayor a la participación agregada de Alemania, Francia, Japón y Reino Unido. Asimismo, es levemente superior si se incorporan Italia, España y Canadá.

Desde hace algunos años, la participación de China en las exportaciones mundiales desplazó a las principales potencias exportadoras. En 2015, las exportaciones de China representaron 11.6% de las exportaciones mundiales de bienes y servicios. Las estadounidenses 10.8%, Alemania, el 7.5%, Francia 3.6% y Japón y el Reino Unido 3.7%, respectivamente.

China tiene las mayores reservas mundiales: en 2015 eran de 3.4 biillones de dólares, nueve veces las reservas internacionales de los Estados Unidos.(tablas estadísticas del FMI).

China en Davos, enero 2017

La participación de China en Davos fue tema principal en los medios de comunicación mundial. La BBC, el 17 enero 2017, tituló su artículo así: China: el discurso con el que Xi Jinping, el líder del gigante comunista, se convirtió en Davos en el último gran defensor de la globalización, en el cual señaló:

“Es el mundo al revés. En Davos, el sitio de reunión por excelencia de la elite capitalista pro globalización, el último gran defensor de un mundo sin barreras comerciales es el secretario general del Partido Comunista chino. Xi Jinping, el primer presidente de China en asistir a la cumbre internacional de Davos en Suiza, ofreció este martes en ese escenario una apasionada defensa del libre comercio y la globalización.

“Al mismo tiempo, en Estados Unidos, el hogar del capitalismo, un nuevo presidente dice que las actuales reglas del libre comercio deben ser desechadas,

“Bienvenidos al nuevo y extraño mundo en el que China, irónicamente, está apareciendo como el último gran defensor del sistema globalizado que por tanto tiempo tuvo en Washington a su más ferviente promotor.

“Algunos culpan a la globalización por el caos en nuestro mundo, pero nuestros problemas no son causados por la globalización”, dijo el líder chino el martes.

No habrá ganadores en una guerra comercial. Seguir el proteccionismo es como encerrarse uno mismo en un salón oscuro: puede que evite el viento y la lluvia, pero también se quedarán afuera la luz y el aire”, señaló Xi Jinping”.

Graciela Galarce

Graciela Galarce: Científica social chilena, Integrante del GT Crisis y Economía Mundial y GT Estados Unidos, Centro de Estudios de Transnacionalización, Economía y Sociedad (CETES).

Nota del Editor: Este trabajo fue originalmente publicado en la edición Nº 4 del Boletín “Nuestra América XXI – Desafíos y alternativas”, del Grupo de Trabajo Crisis y economía mundial de CLACSO, coordinado por María Josefina Morales y Gabriela Roffinelli.

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Trump: Economía mundial y su crisis actual

February 16th, 2017 by Orlando Caputo

I. Estados Unidos, principal beneficiario de la globalización 

Estados Unidos ha sido el principal impulsor de la globalización de la economía mundial. Reafirmó el neoliberalismo como el pensamiento único. En EE.UU. combinó el libre comercio con proteccionismo en importantes sectores. Exigió a los otros países libertad para las exportaciones de mercancías y de capitales estadounidenses. El gobierno estadounidense puso como ejemplo a seguir en el mundo a Chile y a México, países que aplicaron en forma extrema y prolongada el neoliberalismo.

Criticamos la globalización, el neoliberalismo y sus propuestas, porque significaba un aumento de la explotación de los trabajadores en el mundo, privatizaciones y desnacionalizaciones de empresas, apropiación de los recursos naturales, agudización de los problemas sociales, etcétera. En los países sin estrategias de desarrollo, como en América Latina, se destruía el capitalismo anterior y se organizaba un capitalismo desde afuera, profundizando la explotación de recursos naturales e incrementando en grado extremo la dependencia.

En los últimos años, las críticas a la globalización y al neoliberalismo se incrementaron. Estados Unidos que implantó la globalización y fue el principal beneficiario, ahora, a través de Trump, rechaza importantes aspectos de la globalización. Exige e impondrá a otros países amplia libertad para las  exportaciones y para las transnacionales estadounidenses, en los tratados ya firmados y en los nuevos que implementará bilateralmente, bajo la síntesis “primero los intereses estadounidenses”.

La economía de Estados Unidos con sus empresas trasnacionales fue ampliamente favorecida por la globalización de la economía mundial. La contrapartida ha sido la profundización de los problemas económicos, sociales, medioambientales y migratorios a nivel mundial, los que también se manifiestan en la sociedad estadounidense.

Con la globalización Estados Unidos, en los 90’s,  logró la hegemonía que en los 80’s había compartido con Japón y Europa y la reestructuración y dinámica económica en los sectores de alta tecnología –computación, informática, robótica, inteligencia artificial– e incluso, en la industria automotriz. Esta última, pasó de grandes pérdidas, previa a la crisis de 2008,  a grandes ganancias en los últimos años.

A partir de inicios del siglo XXI, el potente crecimiento de China alcanzó un papel importante en el funcionamiento de la economía mundial. Desde hace unos años, es la primera potencia económica mundial a nivel de la producción, de las exportaciones y de las reservas internacionales. Sin embargo, Estados Unidos mantiene la hegemonía mundial, si se tiene presente la potencia económica, militar, científica, política, unida al predominio ideológico y cultural.

Todo lo anterior, es una crítica a la  apreciación parcial,  deformada, delirante y enfermiza de Trump sobre los daños de la globalización, de México y de China sobre  Estados Unidos.

II. Hacer Nuevamente Grande a los Estados Unidos en el Mundo

Este planteamiento central de Trump sintetizado en un nacionalismo, con más proteccionismo y más libertad para sus exportaciones de bienes y de capitales, desconoce, desde el punto de vista histórico y teórico, la existencia objetiva de una Economía Mundial que es más evidente aún después de décadas de globalización. La economía mundial es una totalidad mayor a la mera suma de las economías nacionales de la que destacamos  cinco características.

1. La creación de una estructura productiva mundial relativamente sólida por sobre las economías nacionales.

2. La generación de un mercado mundial, exportación e importación de bienes y servicios, por sobre los países. En términos de cantidades físicas con cierta estabilidad, e inestabilidades en términos de valor, por precios abruptamente cambiantes.

3. La estructura mundial actual de producción y de circulación mundial de mercancías por sobre las economías nacionales, está comandada por las grandes empresas transnacionales, siendo las empresas estadounidenses las más importantes en la economía mundial. Ellas, podrían oponerse o limitar  las propuestas de Trump.

4. La globalización ha profundizado a nivel de las economías nacionales el proceso de desproporcionalidad de los diferentes sectores económicos. Desproporcionalidad que sólo puede ser resuelta en la economía mundial si ella funciona con cierta regularidad.

Esta desproporcionalidad es muy profunda para los países atrasados del capitalismo que, como en América Latina, han profundizado la especialización en productos primarios, y, particularmente México, que combina especialización en primarios y en industria automotriz para exportar a Estados Unidos.

5. Las verdaderas crisis del capitalismo se presentan como crisis del mercado mundial. Marx contemplaba un V libro que  tituló Mercado mundial y las crisis, afirmó:

El mercado mundial, la sección final, en la cual la producción está puesta como totalidad […]. El mercado mundial constituye a la vez  que el supuesto, el soporte del conjunto”.

La dinámica de la economía mundial es muy frágil e inestable. Será afectada según el grado en que se implemente el proteccionismo y el nacionalismo de Trump, el impacto del Brexit, los posibles triunfos de nacionalismos en Europa y las respuestas de otros países, en particular, de México y de China. Recordamos que con la moratoria de la deuda  externa de México se manifestó la profunda crisis mundial de 1982.

La profunda crisis iniciada en 2008 no ha sido superada. El Informe del FMI de abril de 2016 afirma: “… existe una amplia dispersión de posibles desenlaces en torno a las proyecciones, dada la incertidumbre que rodea a la orientación de las políticas del gobierno estadounidense entrante y sus ramificaciones internacionales”.

Por nuestra parte, hemos caracterizado la crisis de la economía mundial actual, “en estado de reposo con convulsiones periódicas”.

En el corto y mediano plazo la crisis podría profundizarse en la economía mundial acompañada en los primeros años de cierto dinamismo de la economía estadounidense. La profundización de la crisis en los otros países podría arrastrar a la economía estadounidense también a una crisis que a su vez profundizaría la crisis de la economía mundial.

En un período más largo, es muy probable que se presente un proceso de ruptura de la globalización de la economía mundial que de paso a una economía mundial conformada por bloques regionales comandados por Estados Unidos, en acuerdos bilaterales incluyendo al Reino Unido. La Unión Europea encabezada  por Alemania. China profundizando la cadena productiva asiática en competencia con Japón. La situación de Rusia es incierta.

Orlando Caputo

Orlando Caputo: Científico social chileno, Integrante del GT Crisis y Economía Mundial y GT Estados Unidos, Centro de Estudios de Trasnacionalización, Economía y Sociedad (CETES).

Nota del Editor: Este trabajo fue originalmente publicado en la edición Nº 4 del Boletín “Nuestra América XXI – Desafíos y alternativas”, del Grupo de Trabajo Crisis y economía mundial de CLACSO, coordinado por María Josefina Morales y Gabriela Roffinelli.

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Kicking Flynn out of his office has hurt Trump. His standing is diminished. The efforts against Flynn, mainly by the “deep state” in the intelligence agencies, were designed to change Trump’s declared foreign policy aims. They worked. Yesterday the White House spokesperson said:

President Trump has made it very clear that he expects the Russian government to deescalate violence in the Ukraine and return Crimea.

Today Trump tweeted:

Donald J. Trump Verified account @realDonaldTrump
Crimea was TAKEN by Russia during the Obama Administration. Was Obama too soft on Russia?
4:42 AM – 15 Feb 2017

That is a position Trump had not preciously taken. “Return Crimea” is a no-no to any current and future Russian government. If Trump insists on this the prospective détente is already dead.

Several writers along the political spectrum point out that this show of raw power by the “intelligence community” is a great danger.

Damon Linker in The Week:

The whole episode is evidence of the precipitous and ongoing collapse of America’s democratic institutions — not a sign of their resiliency. Flynn’s ouster was a soft coup (or political assassination) engineered by anonymous intelligence community bureaucrats. The results might be salutary, but this isn’t the way a liberal democracy is supposed to function.

In a liberal democracy, how things happen is often as important as what happens. Procedures matter. So do rules and public accountability. The chaotic, dysfunctional Trump White House is placing the entire system under enormous strain. That’s bad. But the answer isn’t to counter it with equally irregular acts of sabotage — or with a disinformation campaign waged by nameless civil servants toiling away in the surveillance state.

Robert Perry at Consortium News:

Flynn’s real “offense” appears to be that he favors détente with Russia rather than escalation of a new and dangerous Cold War. Trump’s idea of a rapprochement with Moscow – and a search for areas of cooperation and compromise – has been driving Official Washington’s foreign policy establishment crazy for months and the neocons, in particular, have been determined to block it.

The neocons and liberal hawks also hated Flynn because – as director of the Defense Intelligence Agency – he oversaw a prescient 2012 analysis that foresaw that their support for the Syrian insurgency would give rise to “a declared or undeclared Salafist principality in eastern Syria.”

Flynn’s resignation and its acceptance by Trump also prove that these tactics work and that “tough-guy” Trump is not immune to them.

The so-called permanent government of Washington and its complicit mainstream media – what some call the Deep State – have taught Trump a lesson and have learned a lesson, too. They now can be expected to redouble their march toward war and more war, ironically with progressives and leftists in tow.

Justin Raimondo at Antiwar:

Flynn was in the crosshairs of the War Party because he’s the most prominent of those around Trump who advocated for détente with Russia. Also, his somewhat loopy belief that Islam, per se, is a pernicious political ideology rather than a religion, made him a natural enemy of the pro-Saudi faction within the intelligence community, which had long worked with Riyadh to, among other things, overthrow the government of Syrian strongman Bashar al-Assad.

The Flynn resignation is just the beginning. As one Politico writer put it, it won’t stop there. They’ll move on to new targets, and they won’t rest until they’ve bagged their real target: the President of the United States

Eli Lake for Bloomberg:

[F]or a White House that has such a casual and opportunistic relationship with the truth, it’s strange that Flynn’s “lie” to Pence would get him fired. It doesn’t add up.

A better explanation here is that Flynn was just thrown under the bus.

Normally intercepts of U.S. officials and citizens are some of the most tightly held government secrets. This is for good reason. Selectively disclosing details of private conversations monitored by the FBI or NSA gives the permanent state the power to destroy reputations from the cloak of anonymity. This is what police states do.

In the end, it was Trump’s decision to cut Flynn loose. In doing this he caved in to his political and bureaucratic opposition. Nunes told me Monday night that this will not end well. “First it’s Flynn, next it will be Kellyanne Conway, then it will be Steve Bannon, then it will be Reince Priebus,” he said. Put another way, Flynn is only the appetizer. Trump is the entree.

Trump will now cave in on foreign policy: on Russia, on Syria and everywhere else the borg demands it. He has been put “on notice” and will either do as he is told to do or he will be the prey in an even bigger hunt.

It is alarming that the so-called left part of the U.S. policy is lauding the “deep state” for this open attack on the elected government. They are now justifying the methods that will one day be turned against themselves. Why do they fail to see this?

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Michael Flynn’s Sacking: Hillary’s Revenge?

February 16th, 2017 by Stephen Lendman

Eliminating National Security Advisor Michael Flynn in office less than four weeks delivered a major body blow to Trump’s administration.

Trump sacking him was poor judgment, a self-inflicted wound on his presidency, a pro-Hillary neocon victory, leaving himself vulnerable to more attacks on his legitimacy.

Instead of supporting his national security point man responsibly, he surrendered to forces wanting his presidency undermined, a  counterproductive act.

Ostensibly it was over Flynn’s pre-inauguration phone conversation with Russia’s US ambassador, failing to explain sanctions were discussed, but doing no harm – not making himself vulnerable to Moscow blackmail as media claim.

Hillary’s deep state supporters, including mainstream presstitutes, are celebrating after scoring a big victory.

The day before Flynn’s sacking, The New York Times headlined “Mental Health Professionals Warn About Trump,” claiming his “speech and actions makes him incapable of serving safely as president” – an accusation no responsible mental health professional would make without firsthand evaluation.

Pro-Hillary, Trump hater Times columnist Charles Blow accused him of wanting to be an “emperor,” not president, saying he wants “to grind the opposition underfoot.”

The neocon, CIA-connected Washington Post called upheaval “standard operating procedure inside the White House,” saying:

He “failed to fill such key posts as White House communications director, while sub-Cabinet positions across agencies and scores of ambassadorships around the globe still sit empty.”

Fact: WaPo failed to explain Democrats continue obstructing confirmation of Trump officials, slowing the process instead of proceeding responsibly.

Fact: Various posts don’t sit empty. Holdover Obama officials temporarily fill them until Trump appointees are confirmed and assume their duties.

WaPo: “The chaos and competing factions that were a Trump trademark in business and campaigning now are starting to define his presidency.”

Fact: All new administrations have growing pains. Running the nation is no simple task, far more complicated than what any incumbent experienced in other positions.

Fact: WaPo, The New York Times and television news were Trump’s sharpest critics since announcing his presidential candidacy in June 2015 – continuing an unrelenting hateful drumbeat post-inauguration.

Justifiable criticism is warranted – almost entirely absent during Obama’s disgraceful two terms, ignoring Hillary’s record of high crimes.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected].

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”

Visit his blog site at to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network.


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The global media is awash with analysis and speculation about the resignation of former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, with everyone trying to make sense of what happened, why it occurred, and what it means for the future of the Trump Presidency and US-Russian relations more broadly.

Flynn didn’t resign because he broke any laws; he left the White House supposedly because of the erosion of trust between him and the President which occurred as a result of this “deep state”-driven fake scandal.

Neoconservative and Obama/Clinton-aligned elements of the US’ permanent military, intelligence, and diplomatic bureaucracies conspired to get rid of one of Trump’s most trusted and promising advisors in order to preemptively undermine his hoped-for New Détente with Russia in the New Cold War.

1 Trump FLynn

Flynn was an integral part of this initiative and therefore had to be taken out as soon as possible, since his political assassination could change the momentum of the US’ “deep state” civil war and improve the odds that other revolutionary thought leaders such as Stephen Bannon and Stephen Miller – could be the next to go.

Retracing The Sequence Of Events

The grand objective is to neutralize Trump’s capacity to “Drain The Swamp” (even if only partially as it relates to US-Russian relations) and restore the old order of business in Washington, even going as far as ‘delegitimize’ and then later impeach the President if he doesn’t bend to their will. That’s why the Mainstream Media is making such a big fuss out of nothing more significant than an incoming National Security Advisor speaking with one of his many foreign counterparts during the transitional period, but it’s because of an alleged ‘technicality’ pertaining to the 1799 Logan Act that this American Hero was able to be taken down by the “deep state”.

According to reports, the FBI ‘coincidentally’ happened to be eavesdropping on Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak at the exact same time as he held one of his discussions with Flynn, and the story goes that the designated National Security Advisor – at the time legally still a “civilian” – had made suggestions about American foreign policy which unwittingly put him in violation of the aforementioned law. Furthermore, he purportedly misled Vice President Pence about the full content of his conversation with the Ambassador, and this in turn contributed to the erosion of trust that ultimately led to Trump asking for his resignation.

Almost right afterwards, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer declared that Trump “expects the Russian government to…return Crimea”, echoing UN Ambassador Nikki Haley’s earlier copying of Obama-era sloganeering about “the Russian occupation of Crimea”. This prompted mainstream and alternative voices to declare that Trump has revealed his “true face” and that there is “no hope” for a New Détente to ever materialize. The general sentiment from the mainstream media was that this was a good thing, while the alternative one rued the loss of this historic opportunity.

Uncomfortable Questions

But is that really the right way to assess this situation?

Flynn is an experienced operative in the US “deep state”, and he should have known better than to clumsily slip up and speak about anything which could be remotely interpreted by his presumed anti-Trump eavesdroppers to be in violation of any arcane legislation. He probably made a simple mistake in terms of how he expressed himself and that’s what’s to blame for this whole scandal, but there’s no way of knowing exactly what it was that he said until an official transcript becomes available, if ever. Nevertheless, judging by the euphemisms that he used in his resignation letter, it’s evident that Flynn did in fact apparently mislead Pence as it related to his conversation with Ambassador Kislyak.

Or that’s what he wants everyone to think.

It’s doubtful that Flynn would have gone rogue on Trump simply due to the overzealousness that he might have felt towards helping to reach a New Détente, so no matter how taboo it may be to wonder, it can’t help but be countenanced that whatever it is that he spoke to the Russian Ambassador about, he did so with Trump’s implicit approval and per the President-elect’s suggestions. If this is the case, then Flynn might very well have misled Pence – The Establishment’s most powerful figure in the new administration – but still took the fall in order to save Trump from possible impeachment proceedings under the 1799 Logan Act.

PBHISTORY For The 21st Century

All the brouhaha that’s being created over Flynn’s resignation and the manufactured “deep state” scandal over his conversation with the Russian Ambassador is really just a 21st-century manifestation of the Old Cold War CIA project codenamed PBHISTORY. This operation took place in post-coup Guatemala after the US successfully overthrew government in 1954, and its objective was to concoct ‘evidence’ that the former President was linked to the Soviet Union. This could then ‘justify’ the coup that was just carried out, but what’s happening to Trump right now is almost the reverse implementation of that plan.

Instead of trying to link Trump to Moscow after his impeachment, the “deep state” is trying to do so in order to catalyze a ‘legal’ regime change against him. Flynn is being presented as the strongest ‘evidence’ allegedly connecting the American President to his Russian counterpart by wide degrees of imaginative speculation, but nevertheless, in the narrative-controlled vacuum of the Mainstream Media, this alternative reality has begun to take root and become a never-ending talking point among the army of paid shills that they employ. In order to wiggle out of this trap, Trump has reactively taken to parroting The Establishment’s position towards Russia by sending Spicer out to channel his message about Crimea, just like he earlier preemptively did with Haley at the UN.

Does Détente Even Matter…

In both cases, it’s unclear whether Trump really believes these positions or not, but in the larger scheme of things, it doesn’t, nor shouldn’t, really matter too much. It would be ideal if the US finally matured to the point of seeing the world through Moscow’s multipolar eyes and accepted the reality that Crimea is in fact Russian, but even if it doesn’t, that doesn’t change the facts on the ground. All that it does is confirm that the sanctions pertaining to the peninsula’s historic reunification with Russia will remain in place, much to the consternation of some neoliberal political and economic influencers in Moscow who might want them lifted for the wrong self-interested reasons.

Of course, it would be great if these economic restrictions were removed and the EU decided to follow suit because this could symbolically usher in a new era of cooperation between Russia and the West, though the downside is that the counter-sanctions would have to be lifted and Russian domestic producers – already enjoying an economic renaissance of sorts – would be forced to once more compete with their international counterparts on the Russian marketplace. The cost-benefit assessment pertaining to this either-or decision is entirely up to Russia’s strategists and decision makers to calculate, and no judgement is being rendered in this regard, but it’s an objectively expected fact that the Western recognition of Crimea’s reunification with Russia might bode negatively for the competitiveness of some Russian companies (mostly agricultural) within their own country.

Now that Flynn’s out and Trump is doubling down on his anti-Russian rhetoric, it seems ever less likely that a New Détente will be reached anytime soon, so any hope that optimists may have had about the supposedly imminent removal of sanctions has just completely evaporated. Nevertheless, just because the US is reminding Russia of its traditional hostility to it in the European front doesn’t mean that it necessarily has to behave that way in the Mideast one, which is why there’s still a chance that the two Great Powers might indeed enter into some sort of joint cooperation against Daesh. If carried out with Damascus’ blessing (whether stated or implied), then this could also work out to Russia’s benefit as well.

Or Was It Just A Deception?

From the provocative position of being the ‘devil’s advocate’, and for the purposes of simply presenting an alternative angle to the latest events, it’s very possible that the prior dream that Russian strategists and decision makers might have had about reaching a New Détente was nothing more than a carefully crafted deception by the US. While Moscow has officially said on multiple occasions that it hadn’t discussed the removal of sanctions with Washington and has no illusions about the difficulty of restoring bilateral relations between the two countries, there was popular speculation in some corners that Russia was willing to engage in preliminary trust-building ‘concessions’ in order to facilitate this presumed eventuality.

There’s of course no real proof that this was ever the case, but the narrative is convincing to many and relies on conjectures related to the Russian-written “draft constitution” for Syria and Moscow’s refusal to conventionally intervene during the latest Ukrainian-provoked aggression against Donbas. The author refuted the first line of thinking in the “best-case scenario” that he outlined in a recent article on the topic, while an analysis from two and a half years ago about the threat of a “Reverse Brzezinski” still accurately accounts for Russia’s refusal to invade Ukraine. Even assuming that the author was wrong, however, and that Russia really is ‘conceding’ on multiple fronts in order to attain sanctions relief for its elite and a New Détente for its strategists, then the latest statements coming out of the White House must have certainly sobered up even the most diehard pro-Détente individuals in the Kremlin.

1 Crimea
Crimea left the Ukraine and joined the Russian Federation in March 2014 (Image Source: YouTube)

The cold hard reality is that even if Trump sincerely wanted to recognize Crimea as part of Russia and remove the sanctions – whether out of a genuine desire to start a new era of relations or in order to cynically squeeze as many ‘concessions’ from Moscow as possible beforehand – the domestic political situation in the US now makes it all but impossible for him to do so, let alone anytime in the near future. This shatters the hopes of the well-intentioned ideologues who truly believed that the dawn of new era was on the cusp of finally approaching, while it unprecedentedly was met with differing degrees of acceptance by both the Mainstream Media and Western neoconservatives on one side, but also foreign policy realists and “patriotic skeptics” from Russia on the other.

The first group obviously wanted to do everything in their power to undermine a Russian-US rapprochement, while the second was extremely cautious about what Washington might have expected from Moscow in exchange for the New Détente. For whatever their respective reasons may be in regards to the causes that they support (Syria, Donbas) or even just in general, some of the foreign policy realists and “patriotic skeptics” in Russia felt uncomfortable with their country potentially ‘conceding’ some of its recent geopolitical gains to the US as part of a grand bargain, despite it being impossible to ever reach a New Détente without both sides participating to some extent of deal-making.

This ‘conservative’ camp inadvertently got a boost from Flynn’s scandal, however, since they can now leverage more influence on the Kremlin in convincing it of the need to double down on relations with China and Iran in response to the US’ renewed aggression towards Russia and consider expanding their country’s newfound partnerships with Turkey and Pakistan. There’s no longer any semi-legitimate concern in any serious circles that Russia will ‘concede’ anything on any of these fronts so long as Trump keeps up his hostile shtick (whether he really believes what he says or it’s just a distraction from domestic problems).

Whatever deception the US might have had in mind for Russia when hinting at a New Détente has disappeared and Moscow’s honeymoon with Trump is now over.

Draining The Swamp or Ruling Over It?

Trump’s volte face towards Russia has been exploited by critics and even those who sincerely believed in him in order to allege that he’s not draining the swamp, but ruling over it. They draw attention to how the only real differentiating factor separating the Trump and Obama Administrations’ policies towards the multipolar countries of Eurasia was that the 45th President was presumably poised to enter into cordial relations with Russia, and even that, as the author earlier forecast immediately after the election, was entirely dependent on draining the “deep state” foreign policy swamp. Other than this ambitious initiative, however, Trump has already disappointed many people when it comes to his stances towards China and Iran, which has led many people to conclude that he was trying to separate Moscow from the Eurasian Great Power Alliance and neutralize its multipolar effectiveness per a neo-Kissinger stratagem.

Those fears can safely be discarded – for now – because it’s highly unlikely that Russia would ever move in that direction – if at all – without any tempting carrots being offered by the US, such as the possible recognition of Crimea and a removal of the anti-Russian sanctions. Considering that the Trump Administration’s foreign policy towards Russia, China, and Iran is almost identical to Obama’s except for the possibility of pragmatic joint cooperation against Daesh in Syria (pending Damascus’ uncertain approval, of course), then it’s fair to say that Trump is essentially leading the swamp when it comes to foreign affairs and that little has structurally changed except for the nature in which the US manages its established spheres of influence in the Western Hemisphere and the Eurasian Rimland (which might admittedly lead to dynamic and unpredictable developments).

Ask a regular Trump supporter, however, and most of them will totally disagree with anyone who says that Trump is ruling the swamp. The author isn’t talking about the foreign policy wonks on Facebook or alternative international media, but the standard Joes and Sallys who voted for him in the Heartland and could honestly care less about International Relations except for when it comes to keeping the US out of another big war halfway across the world. The truth is that the generic Trump voter might have been sympathetic to their candidate’s reasonable pragmatism towards Russia, but it was never really one of the main factors determining their support for him. Take it from a Clevelander, not a nuclear physicist, academician, Twitter troll, or jet-setting journalist, among the many professional tropes that have become influential in alternative media lately, because here’s what the average Trump voter cares about (in any given order):

* Building the wall with Mexico;

* Kicking out illegal immigrants;

* Cracking down on welfare and other related government benefit freeloaders;

* Restoring law and order to America’s gang-ridden and riotous streets;

* Fighting the War on Hard Drugs;

* Easing business regulations and taxes on the Working Class (including Obamacare);

* and fighting terrorism (both inside the US and abroad).

Trump supporters are also instinctively anti-Clinton, so since Hillary was a hawk against Russia, then they were automatically receptive to the softer stance promised by Trump. That’s just the way it is, whether for right or for wrong, but because of this, most of the regular Americans who voted for Trump honestly don’t care too much about his policy towards Russia so long as it doesn’t impede his ability to carry through on the domestic agenda that won them over to his side in the first place. Trump’s base, love it or hate it, is domestically focused and cares about “America First”. Even if they disagreed with him on some elements of his foreign policy, they’d still vote for him based on what he was promising to do domestically, which is how most of the electorate anywhere across the world typically behaves anyhow.

This is the opposite of the position held by the majority of pro-Trump voices in the alternative media community (not counting Breitbart, of course), who might have been opposed to Trump’s domestic policies but sided with him regardless because of his international ones vis-à-vis Russia. Many non-Americans who frequent these online communities might have therefore come under the misleading impression that most of Trump’s supporters think the same way as these influential voices do, which isn’t exactly the case. Now that some of the pro-Trump alternative media influencers have turned on him due to his volte face towards Russia and have declared that he now leads the swamp, the non-American audience might think that this position is representative of the bulk of his supporters in general, which is once again inaccurate owing to the professional idiosyncrasies of these said voices relative to the Working Class core of Trump’s movement.

No matter which angle it’s looked at, however, there’s no escaping the observation that Trump is indeed ruling over the foreign policy swamp, but appears to be in full revolt against the domestic one, at least as it relates to the 7 key platforms earlier enumerated upon which profile the most important issues for the typical Trump voter. Just as Obama succumbed to the neoconservative “deep state” in order to have a relatively free hand in carrying out his domestic agenda, so too does Trump appear poised to do the same, although the 45th President might simply be choosing his battles wisely with the understanding that it might be impossible to drain two swamps at once and that he should go after the ‘lesser evil’ (globally speaking) first before aiming for the greater one (if ever at all again). This has a lot to do with both his personal and political self-preservation, as Trump understands that his support base mostly doesn’t even recognize that a foreign policy swamp exists outside of the Clinton Foundation and George Soros, neither of which he’s obviously rubbing shoulders with, so to them, he’s still draining the swamp so long as he stays loyal to the domestic concerns of his movement.

Concluding Thoughts

The neoconservative “deep state” ouster of National Security Advisor Flynn from Trump’s Administration is a worrying development which shows that the Clintonian Counter-Revolution is proceeding apace and won’t stop until Trump is either controlled or impeached.

In reaction to this onslaught against his team and responding to the fake “Russian puppet” narrative which has come to dominate the Mainstream Media discourse, Trump started to full-throatedly parrot some of The Establishment’s most well-known talking points against Russia, especially as they relate to Crimea. This marks a dramatic change in tone and rhetoric from the President and signals that the domestic political pressure that he’s under right now as a result of the latest manufactured scandal is too overwhelming for him to fully continue with the hoped-for New Détente with Russia. Nevertheless, that doesn’t mean that such an eventuality should be completely dismissed, since it’s still possible in principle for the US to coordinate joint anti-Daesh strikes with Russia in Syria (conditional on Damascus’ approval, of course). What’s importantly changed, however, is that the prospects for a New Détente, or even the remote semblance of one, in Europe have markedly diminished, and this can’t help but catch the attention of the Kremlin.

It’s unclear what goes on behind closed doors in the Grand Kremlin Palace and what sort of factions there are in the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, but there was previously some concern expressed in various sectors of the alternative media community that Moscow was at risk of ‘going soft’ on the US in Syria, Donbas, and elsewhere in order to exhibit ‘goodwill gestures’ designed to reach the grand goal of a New Détente and the pecuniary reward of sanctions removal. There were some speculations about this which contributed to a persistent and ever-growing narrative among various circles, and they in turn led some to wonder whether the pertinent arguments were based in objective reality or were just a convincing attempt at gaslighting. Whatever they may or may not have been is becoming irrelevant, however, since the readjusted expectations that Russia now has of the US after Flynn’s ouster and Trump’s embrace of neoconservative rhetoric about Crimea have emboldened the patriotic conservatives which were previously cautious and possibly even outright skeptical about the New Détente, thus mitigating the chances that Russia will engage in any unnecessary preemptive ‘concessions’ towards the US so long as this attitude remains in place (key conditional).

The foreign policy twists that are playing out in the Trump Administration towards Russia have led some influential pro-Trump supporters in alternative media to conclude that the President has given up on draining the swamp and is instead now ruling it, whether because he decided to show the true colors that he’s had all along or out of self-interested reasons in preserving his own political and personal survival.

The non-American audience which frequents the said alternative media platforms might come under the false impression that this sentiment mirrors that of the typical Trump supporter, which isn’t necessarily the case owing to the professional particularities of some of the highest-profile commentators in this community.

While they’re certainly entitled to their individual analyses, they don’t exactly channel the sentiment of the grassroots masses which brought Trump to power, and their positions towards the President are mostly determined by his foreign policy, unlike the domestic policy which motivates most of his base. That being said, while the author by no means condones Trump’s anti-Russian rhetoric and expected complementary actions, he understands that this should be seen separately from the President’s domestic agenda and therefore doesn’t impact the reason why his movement supports him in the first place.

Trump is definitely on the defensive when it comes to draining the foreign policy swamp, and the case can be argued that he’s already in the process of being coopted by it to a large degree, but the situation is remarkably different when it comes to the domestic swamp that his supporters want him to drain. While the appointment of former Goldman Sachs investment banker Steven Mnuchin as Secretary of the Treasury completely goes against the presumable expectations of Trump’s slogan, it’s not an issue which takes absolute precedence to his base in comparison to the other reasons why they voted for him. Trump supporters want the President to restore law and order to their streets, fight hard drugs and crime, be tough on illegal immigration and unfair trade deals, and ease the draconian Obama-era regulations on small businesses (including Obamacare), which is what the populist leader is poised to do regardless of his foreign and macroeconomic policies. This isn’t to endorse either of the latter, but simply to explain the reality that Trump is still very popular among his base and isn’t perceived of as having “sold out”, and the dichotomy between the alternative media narrative and the grassroots one is due to the differing emphasis that the first category of voices typically places on foreign policy as opposed to the second one’s natural focus on domestic issues.

All in all, Flynn’s resignation is evidence that the “deep state’s” Clintonian Counter-Revolution is in full swing and that it’s successfully (and swiftly) removed one of his top advisors. The international consequences of this are apparent, and it’s that Russia is much more reserved about the prospects of ever reaching a New Détente and is less likely to ever enter into any preemptive ‘concessions’ (whether speculatively or substantially) aimed at attaining this. Russia will probably reinforce its relationships with China and Iran as well as expand its partnerships with newfound friends such as Turkey and Pakistan, while the US stands ready to return back to its Obama-era policies towards the multipolar leaders of Eurasia. For the most part, the Trump Administration’s foreign policy is beginning to look almost identical to the Obama Administration’s, but in spite of that, the President still enjoys overwhelming approval from his grassroots movement because of their reverence for his no-nonsense and ‘politically incorrect’ approach to domestic issues. Whether this is a “good” or “bad” thing is for the reader to decide, but this is the objective reality as the author presently understands it, though fully accepting that it could quickly change in any and all regards depending on certain variables.

For the moment, however, the diminished hopes over the New Détente aren’t necessarily a defeat for Russia, and should contrarily be seen as an opportunity by its strategists and supporters for the reasons previously mentioned.

Author and geopolitical analyst Andrew Korybko is a contributor to 21st Century Wire. He is also journalist for Sputnik News and the host of ‘Trend Storm’ on Sputnik Radio. He studied international relations at the Moscow State University of International Relations (MGIMO), and is as a member of the expert council for the Institute of Strategic Studies and Predictions at the People’s Friendship University of Russia. His book, “Hybrid Wars: The Indirect Adaptive Approach To Regime Change”, extensively analyzes the situations in Syria and Ukraine and claims to prove that they represent a new model of strategic warfare being waged by the US.

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With just a day passing since General Flynn’s resignation as National Security Advisor, Trump, in a press conference with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, expressed some remorse for how things played out with Flynn saying he was “treated very, very unfairly by the ‘fake’ media” and the intelligence community that continues to commit “criminal acts” in leaking intelligence reports.

 General Flynn is a wonderful man.  I think he’s been treated very, very unfairly by the ‘fake’ media.

Papers are being leaked, things are being leaked.  It’s a criminal action, criminal act.  People are trying to cover up for a terrible loss that the Democrats had under Hillary Clinton.

I think it’s very unfair what’s happened with General Flynn and the documents and papers that were illegally leaked.

Here is the full clip from moments ago:


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The Resignation of Michael Flynn

February 16th, 2017 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

It takes little these days for the darkened air of the Kremlin to have an impact on the politics of other countries. Across continents, it has become a tenured dark eminence with President Vladimir Putin on his irrepressible steed: Where will it strike next? His impact is often alleged, it is almost never quantifiable, but the influence, after a time, is that of a person who believes in witchdoctors.

The latest toxicology report about Russia’s influence in US diplomacy came in the form of revelations about prior conduct of the now resigned national security advisor, General Michael Flynn. The Washington Post had found Flynn to have been a touch naughty: chatting to the Russian ambassador Sergei Kislyak about sanctions prior to Trump taking office. (Suspicions were already alerted on January 12 by the CIA-friendly Washington Post columnist David Ignatius.)

The chat, taking place in the wake of President Barack Obama’s December 29 order expelling 35 Russians suspected of espionage, supposedly involved assurances to the ambassador (the point “adversary” is repeatedly used in the accounts) on movement on the sanctions regime. This was a situation made saucier by a false (alt-fact?) recounting of the episode with colleagues, including the Vice President, Mike Pence. Pence, it would seem, had been left high and dry on the record.

The chat could well have also taken place in relaxed circumstances. Flynn was vacationing at in the Dominican Republic. His tongue, relaxed in the wake both sun, sand and victory, seemed to wag. It was the sort of casual wagging that piqued the interest of some officials, some of whom sported their fair share of loose tongues.

Prior to the Post’s publication, Acting Attorney-General Sally Yates, one of the first casualties of the Trump silence-or-be-fired regime, claimed that Flynn had misled administration officials on the subject of communicating with the Russian envoy. In doing so, he “was potentially vulnerable to Russian blackmail.” That particular information was relayed to White House counsel Donald McGahn, though what happened with that bit of gold is unclear.

A few hours prior to Flynn’s resignation, Trump’s managing confidant Kellyanne Conway was telling MSNBC’s Steve Kornacki that the president had full confidence in the director. For Trump, political realities are hardened business realities. Nothing else matters.

Such confidence was not sufficient to keep Flynn in his position. As full blown magician and White House spokesman Sean Spicer explained, the President was satisfied that there was no legal situation to speak of. “We got to a point not based on a legal issue but based on a trust issue.”

Trust being the operative word, one which seems to have done a remarkable vanishing act since the election last November. Not even Obama’s staff were particularly keen in shedding light on Russia with the Trump transition team.

An unnamed (of course) administration official cited by the Washington Post noted how they decided “not to share with them certain things about Russia. We just thought, who knew? Would that information be safe?”[1] Even the announcement to impose another round of sanctions on Russia for its purported electoral meddling was kept quiet for the most part from the Trump team.

Trumpland is a wildly confusing place, with officials flying blind from the moment they choose to check their briefs. “Three weeks into the Trump administration,” asserts the New York Times, “council staff members get up in the morning, read President Trump’s Twitter posts and struggle to make a policy to fit them. Most are kept in the dark about what Mr Trump tells foreign leaders in his phone calls.”

Trump, the entertainer who inhabits the White House, is finding how his slant on the cult of America First remains both inconsistent and distracting. Dealing with Russia remains a dangerous business in a political sense, even if some politicians have avoided the charge of illegality, notably on Flynn’s behaviour.

The Flynn incident will also make matters difficult for Trump’s attempts to revise Washington’s firm stance towards Moscow. For one, his more sympathetic approach to sanctions and Moscow will be fettered, if not boxed altogether. GOP representatives and senators are hardly going to mellow.

This latest turn of events reveals how the administration is fast becoming a sieve of delightful disclosures. As Glenn Greenwald has noted, the leaking of signals intelligence tends to be one of the gravest felonies, with the perpetrator facing up to 10 years in prison and a stiff fine.[2] On this occasion, the anti-whistleblowing brigades have been silent as the tomb.

As for Trump’s own reading of this debacle, a tweet will do. “The real story here is why are there so many illegal leaks coming out of Washington? Will these leaks be happening as I deal on N. Korea etc.?”[3] Members of the Twattersphere will be waiting.

Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge. He lectures at RMIT University, Melbourne. Email: [email protected]



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A newly declassified CIA document explored multiple scenarios of Syrian regime collapse at a time when Hafez al-Assad’s government was embroiled in a covert “dirty war” with Israel and the West, and in the midst of a diplomatic crisis which marked an unprecedented level of isolation for Syria.

The 24-page formerly classified memo entitled Syria: Scenarios of Dramatic Political Change was produced in July 1986, and had high level distribution within the Reagan administration and to agency directors, including presidential advisers, the National Security Council, and the US ambassador to Syria.

The memo appears in the CIA’s latest CREST release (CIA Records Search Tool) of over 900,000 recently declassified documents.

A “severely restricted” report

The memo’s cover letter, drafted by the CIA’s Director of Global Issues (the report itself was prepared by the division’s Foreign Subversion and Instability Center), introduces the purpose of presenting “a number of possible scenarios that could lead to the ouster of President Assad or other dramatic change in Syria.”

It further curiously warns that, “Because the analysis out of context is susceptible to misunderstanding, external distribution has been severely restricted.” The report’s narrowed distribution list (sent to specific named national security heads, not entire agencies) indicates that it was considered at the highest levels of the Reagan administration.

The coming sectarian war for Syria

The intelligence report’s contents contain some striking passages which seem remarkably consistent with events as they unfolded decades later at the start of the Syrian war in 2011:

Although we judge that fear of reprisals and organizational problems make a second Sunni challenge unlikely, an excessive government reaction to minor outbreaks of Sunni dissidence might trigger large-scale unrest. In most instances the regime would have the resources to crush a Sunni opposition movement, but we believe widespread violence among the populace could stimulate large numbers of Sunni officers and conscripts to desert or munity, setting the stage for civil war. [pg.2]

The “second Sunni challenge” is a reference to the Syrian government’s prior long running war against a Muslim Brotherhood insurgency which culminated in the 1982 Hama Massacre. While downplaying the nationalist and pluralistic composition of the ruling Ba’ath party, the report envisions a renewal and exploitation of sectarian fault lines pitting Syria’s Sunni population against its Alawite leadership:

Sunnis make up 60 percent of the Syrian officer corps but are concentrated in junior officer ranks; enlisted men are predominantly Sunni conscripts. We believe that a renewal of communal violence between Alawis and Sunnis could inspire Sunnis in the military to turn against the regime. [pg.12]

Regime change and the Muslim Brotherhood

The possibility of the Muslim Brotherhood spearheading another future armed insurgency leading to regime change is given extensive focus. While the document’s tone suggests this as a long term future scenario (especially considering the Brotherhood suffered overwhelming defeat and went completely underground in Syria by the mid-1980’s), it is considered one of the top three “most likely” drivers of regime change (the other scenarios include “Succession Power Struggle” and “Military Reverses Spark a Coup”).

The potential for revival of the Muslim Brotherhood’s “militant faction” is introduced in the following:

Although the Muslim Brotherhood’s suppression drastically reduced armed dissidence, we judge a significant potential still exists for another Sunni opposition movement. In part the Brotherhood’s role was to exploit and orchestrate opposition activity by other organized groups… These groups still exist, and under proper leadership they could coalesce into a large movement… …young professionals who formed the base of support for the militant faction of the Muslim Brotherhood; and remnants of the Brotherhood itself who could become leaders in a new Sunni opposition movement… [pp.13-14]

The Brotherhood’s role is seen as escalating the potential for initially small Sunni protest movements to morph into violent sectarian civil war:

Sunni dissidence has been minimal since Assad crushed the Muslim Brotherhood in the early 1980s, but deep-seated tensions remain–keeping alive the potential for minor incidents to grow into major flareups of communal violence… Excessive government force in quelling such disturbances might be seen by Sunnis as evidence of a government vendetta against all Sunnis, precipitating even larger protests by other Sunni groups…

Mistaking the new protests as a resurgence of the Muslim Brotherhood, the government would step up its use of force and launch violent attacks on a broad spectrum of Sunni community leaders as well as on those engaged in protests. Regime efforts to restore order would founder if government violence against protestors inspired broad-based communal violence between Alawis and Sunnis. [pp.19-20]

The CIA report describes the final phase of an evolving sectarian war which witnesses the influx of fighters and weapons from neighboring countries. Consistent with a 1983 secret report that called for a US covert operation to utilize then US-allied Iraq as a base of attack on Syria, the 1986 analysis says, “Iraq might supply them with sufficient weapons to launch a civil war”:

A general campaign of Alawi violence against Sunnis might push even moderate Sunnis to join the opposition. Remnants of the Muslim Brotherhood–some returning from exile in Iraq–could provide a core of leadership for the movement. Although the regime has the resources to crush such a venture, we believe brutal attacks on Sunni civilians might prompt large numbers of Sunni officers and conscripts to desert or stage mutinies in support of dissidents, and Iraq might supply them with sufficient weapons to launch a civil war. [pp.20-21]

A Sunni regime serving Western economic interests

While the document is primarily a theoretical exploration projecting scenarios of Syrian regime weakening and collapse (its purpose is analysis and not necessarily policy), the authors admit of its “purposefully provocative” nature (see PREFACE) and closes with a list desired outcomes. One provocative outcome describes a pliant “Sunni regime” serving US economic interests:

In our view, US interests would be best served by a Sunni regime controlled by business-oriented moderates. Business moderates would see a strong need for Western aid and investment to build Syria’s private economy, thus opening the way for stronger ties to Western governments. [pg. 24]

Ironically, the Syrian government would accuse the United States and its allies of covert subversion within Syria after a string of domestic bombings created diplomatic tensions during the mid-1980’s.

Dirty tricks and diplomacy in the 1980’s

According to Patrick Seale’s landmark book, Asad of Syria: The Struggle for the Middle East, 1986 was a year that marked Syria’s greatest isolation among world powers as multiple diplomatic crises and terror events put Syria more and more out in the cold.

The year included “the Hindawi affair”a Syrian intelligence sponsored attempt to hijack and bomb an El Al flight to Tel Avivand may or may not have involved Nezar Hindawi working as a double agent on behalf of Israel. The foiled plot brought down international condemnation on Syria and lives on as one of the more famous and bizarre terror conspiracies in history. Not only were Syria and Israel once again generally on the brink of war in 1986, but a string of “dirty tricks” tactics were being utilized by Syria and its regional enemies to shape diplomatic outcomes primarily in Lebanon and Jordan.

In March and April of 1986 (months prior to the distribution of the CIA memo), a string of still largely unexplained car bombs rocked Damascus and at least 5 towns throughout Syria, leaving over 200 civilians dead in the most significant wave of attacks since the earlier ’79-’82 war with the Muslim Brotherhood (also see BBC News recount the attacks).

Patrick Seale’s book speculates of the bombings that, “It may not have been unconnected that in late 1985 the NSC’s Colonel Oliver North and Amiram Nir, Peres’s counter-terrorism expert, set up a dirty tricks outfit to strike back at the alleged sponsors of Middle East terrorism.”*

Consistency with future WikiLeaks files

The casual reader of Syria: Scenarios of Dramatic Political Change will immediately recognize a strategic thinking on Syria that looks much the same as what is revealed in national security memos produced decades later in the run up to the current war in Syria.

When US cables or intelligence papers talk regime change in Syria they usually strategize in terms of exploiting sectarian fault lines. In a sense, this is the US national security bureaucracy’s fall-back approach to Syria.

One well-known example is contained in a December 2006 State Dept. cable sent from the US embassy in Syria (subsequently released by WikiLeaks). The cable’s stated purpose is to explore Syrian regime vulnerabilities and weaknesses to exploit (in similar fashion to the 1986 CIA memo):

PLAY ON SUNNI FEARS OF IRANIAN INFLUENCE: There are fears in Syria that the Iranians are active in both Shia proselytizing and conversion of, mostly poor, Sunnis. Though often exaggerated, such fears reflect an element of the Sunni community in Syria that is increasingly upset by and focused on the spread of Iranian influence in their country through activities ranging from mosque construction to business.

Another section of the 2006 cable explains precisely the same scenario laid out in the 1986 memo in describing the increased “possibility of a self-defeating over-reaction” on the part of the regime.:

ENCOURAGE RUMORS AND SIGNALS OF EXTERNAL PLOTTING: The regime is intensely sensitive to rumors about coup-plotting and restlessness in the security services and military. Regional allies like Egypt and Saudi Arabia should be encouraged to meet with figures like [former Vice President Abdul Halim] Khaddam and [younger brother of Hafez] Rif’at Asad as a way of sending such signals, with appropriate leaking of the meetings afterwards. This again touches on this insular regime’s paranoia and increases the possibility of a self-defeating over-reaction.

And ironically, Rif’at Asad and Khaddam are both mentioned extensively in the 1986 memo as key players during a speculative future “Succession Power Struggle.” [p.15]

An Islamic State in Damascus?

While the 1986 CIA report makes a case in its concluding paragraph for “a Sunni regime controlled by business-oriented moderates” in Syria, the authors acknowledge that the collapse of the Ba’ath state could actually usher in the worst of all possible outcomes for Washington and the region: “religious zealots” might seek to establish “an Islamic Republic”. The words take on a new and special importance now, after the rise of ISIS:

Although Syria’s secular traditions would make it extremely difficult for religious zealots to establish an Islamic Republic, should they succeed they would likely deepen hostilities with Israel and provide support and sanctuary to terrorists groups. [pg.24]

What continues to unfold in Syria has apparently surpassed even the worst case scenarios of intelligence planners in the 1980’s. Tinkering with regime change has proven itself to be the most dangerous of all games.

*Seale, Patrick. Asad of Syria : the struggle for the Middle East (Berkeley, CA : University of California Press, 1989)p.474.

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A federal appeals court has rejected an Iraqi woman’s lawsuit holding the George W. Bush administration accountable for their war of aggression against the nation of Iraq.

The key passage from the article from the San Francisco Chronicle:

“Without deciding whether the war was legal, the US Court of Appeals in San Francisco said a 1988 law shields federal employees at all levels for suits for actions they performed in service to the government, even if they violated US or international law.

“‘ The actions that (Bush administration officials) took in connection with the Iraq War were part of their official duties’, Judge Susan Graber said in the 3-0 ruling, released Friday.

“In upholding a federal judge’s dismissal of the suit, she said that the 1988 law, known as the Westfall Act, ‘covered even heinous acts’, such as federal marshals’ fatal beating of a shackled prisoner.”

The article is presented below, in its entirety.

Here is additional information on the Westfall Act, which not surprisingly, is a product of the Reagan-Bush era.

Any individual can commit atrocities of any magnitude, if they are government employees, and do so with absolute immunity from law suits.

Let that sink in for a moment.

The political criminal in America enjoys the power to corrupt absolutely.

Appeals court rejects woman’s suit over Iraq War

By Bob Egelko, San Francisco Chronicle

February 13, 2017

A federal appeals court in San Francisco has rejected a woman’s attempt to hold former President George W. Bush and his top officials to account for their alleged “war of aggression” in her native Iraq, saying federal employees can’t be sued for carrying out their job duties.

Sundus Shaker Saleh, who fled with four of her children when the U.S. invaded Iraq in 2003 and is now a refugee abroad, filed the suit in San Francisco in 2013 against Bush, former Vice President Dick Cheney and other administration officials. Saying the war was based on fabricated claims of weapons of mass destruction and violated international law, she sought damages on behalf of all innocent Iraqi civilians who suffered harm.

Without deciding whether the war was legal, the U.S. Court of Appeals in San Francisco said a 1988 law shields federal employees at all levels from suits for actions they performed in service to the government, even if they violated U.S. or international law.

“The actions that (Bush administration officials) took in connection with the Iraq War were part of their official duties,” Judge Susan Graber said in the 3-0 ruling, released Friday.

In upholding a federal judge’s dismissal of the suit, she said the 1988 law, known as the Westfall Act, “covered even heinous acts,” such as federal marshals’ fatal beating of a shackled prisoner.

The law allows a federal official to be sued for actions based on personal motives, Graber said, “if, for instance, he used the leverage of his office to benefit a spouse’s business.” It also allows Saleh to sue the U.S. government rather than individual defendants. But her lawyer, Inder Comar of San Francisco, said Monday that a suit against the government would be futile because the Supreme Court has barred damages for injuries suffered in foreign countries.

“The U.S. has signed all these treaties, the U.N. Charter, the tribunals set up after World War II to litigate allegations of aggression” against Nazi leaders, Comar said. “We can’t immunize people from things we told the international community we believed in. But the court said that’s exactly what we did.”

Saleh, an art instructor who belonged to a Christian sect, escaped with her children to Jordan after the war started and is now a refugee in an undisclosed country, Comar said.

Her suit alleged that Bush and his top aides, particularly Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz, were planning a war in Iraq even before Bush took office in 2001 and therefore were not carrying out their job duties when they launched the war. The court disagreed.

“What took place in the late 1990s was not planning, but only advocacy,” Graber said, since the Bush administration was not yet in office. Otherwise, she said, an elected official who carried out a campaign promise “could be considered to be acting outside the scope of her employment” and unprotected by the Westfall Act.

Bob Egelko is a San Francisco Chronicle staff writer. Email: [email protected] Twitter:@egelko

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Less than a month ago I warned that a ‘color revolution ‘ was taking place in the USA.  My first element of proof was the so-called “investigation” which the CIA, FBI, NSA and others were conducting against President Trump’s candidate to become National Security Advisor, General Flynn.  Tonight, the plot to get rid of Flynn has finally succeeded and General Flynn had to offer his resignation.  Trump accepted it.

Now let’s immediately get one thing out of the way: Flynn was hardly a saint or a perfect wise man who would single handedly saved the world.  That he was not.  However, what Flynn was is the cornerstone of Trump’s national security policy.  For one thing, Flynn dared the unthinkable: he dared to declare that the bloated US intelligence community had to be reformed.  Flynn also tried to subordinate the CIA and the Joint Chiefs to the President via the National Security Council.  Put differently, Flynn tried to wrestle the ultimate power and authority from the CIA and the Pentagon and subordinate them back to the White House.  Flynn also wanted to work with Russia. Not because he was a Russia lover, the notion of a Director of the DIA as a Putin-fan is ridiculous, but Flynn was rational, he understood that Russia was no threat to the USA or to Europe and that Russia had the West had common interests.  That is another absolutely unforgivable crimethink in Washington DC.

The Neocon run ‘deep state’ has now forced Flynn to resign under the idiotic pretext that he had a telephone conversation, on an open, insecure and clearly monitored, line with the Russian ambassador.

And Trump accepted this resignation.

Ever since Trump made it to the White House, he has taken blow after blow from the Neocon-run Ziomedia, from Congress, from all the Hollywood doubleplusgoodthinking “stars” and even from European politicians.  And Trump took each blow without ever fighting back.  Nowhere was his famous “you are fired!” to be seen.  But I still had hope.  I wanted to hope.  I felt that it was my duty to hope.

But now Trump has betrayed us all.

Remember how Obama showed his true face when he hypocritically denounced his friend and pastor Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr.?  Today, Trump has shown us his true face.  Instead of refusing Flynn’s resignation and instead of firing those who dared cook up these ridiculous accusations against Flynn, Trump accepted the resignation.  This is not only an act of abject cowardice, it is also an amazingly stupid and self-defeating betrayal because now Trump will be alone, completely alone, facing the likes of Mattis and Pence – hard Cold Warrior types, ideological to the core, folks who want war and simply don’t care about reality.

Again, Flynn was not my hero.  But he was, by all accounts, Trump’s hero.  And Trump betrayed him.

The consequences of this will be immense.  For one thing, Trump is now clearly broken. It took the ‘deep state’ only weeks to castrate Trump and to make him bow to the powers that be.  Those who would have stood behind Trump will now feel that he will not stand behind them and they will all move back away from him.  The Neocons will feel elated by the elimination of their worst enemy and emboldened by this victory they will push on, doubling-down over and over and over again.

It’s over, folks, the deep state has won.

From now on, Trump will become the proverbial shabbos-goy, the errand boy of the Israel lobby.  Hassan Nasrallah was right when he called him ‘an idiot‘.

The Chinese and Iranian will openly laugh.  The Russians won’t – they will be polite, they will smile, and try to see if some common sense policies can still be salvaged from this disaster.  Some might. But any dream of a partnership between Russia and the United States has died tonight.

The EU leaders will, of course, celebrate.  Trump was nowhere the scary bogeyman they feared.  Turns out that he is a doormat – very good for the EU.

Where does all this leave us – the millions of anonymous ‘deplorables’ who try as best we can to resist imperialism, war, violence and injustice?

I think that we were right in our hopes because that is all we had – hopes.  No expectations, just hopes.  But now we objectively have very little reasons left to hope.  For one thing, the Washington ‘swamp’ will not be drained.  If anything, the swamp has triumphed.  We can only find some degree of solace in two undeniable facts:

  1. Hillary would have been far worse than any version of a Trump Presidency.
  2. In order to defeat Trump, the US deep state has had to terribly weaken the US and the AngloZionist Empire.  Just like Erdogan’ purges have left the Turkish military in shambles, the anti-Trump ‘color revolution’ has inflicted terrible damage on the reputation, authority and even credibility of the USA.

The first one is obvious.  So let me clarify the second one.  In their hate-filled rage against Trump and the American people (aka “the basket of deplorables”) the Neocons have had to show they true face.

By their rejection of the outcome of the elections, by their riots, their demonization of Trump, the Neocons have shown two crucial things: first, that the US democracy is a sad joke and that they, the Neocons, are an occupation regime which rules against the will of the American people.  In other words, just like Israel, the USA has no legitimacy left.  And since, just like Israel, the USA are unable to frighten their enemies, they are basically left with nothing, no legitimacy, no ability to coerce.  So yes, the Neocons have won.  But their victory is removes the last chance for the US to avoid a collapse.

Trump, for all his faults, did favor the US, as a country, over the global Empire.  Trump was also acutely aware that ‘more of the same’ was not an option.  He wanted policies commensurate with the actual capabilities of the USA.  With Flynn gone and the Neocons back in full control – this is over.  Now we are going to be right back to ideology over reality.

Trump probably could have made America, well, maybe not “great again”, but at least stronger, a major world power which could negotiate and use its leverage to get the best deal possible from the others.  That’s over now.  With Trump broken, Russia and China will go right back to their pre-Trump stance: a firm resistance backed by a willingness and capability to confront and defeat the USA at any level.

I am quite sure that nobody today is celebrating in the Kremlin.  Putin, Lavrov and the others surely understand exactly what happened.  It is as if Khodorkovsy would have succeeded in breaking Putin in 2003.  In fact, I have to credit Russian analysts who for several weeks already have been comparing Trump to Yanukovich, who also was elected by a majority of the people and who failed to show the resolve needed to stop the ‘color revolution’ started against him.  But if Trump is the new Yanukovich, will the US become the next Ukraine?

Flynn was very much the cornerstone of the hoped-for Trump foreign policy.  There was a real chance that he would reign in the huge, bloated and all-powerful three letter agencies and that he would focus US power against the real enemy of the West: the Wahabis.  With Flynn gone, this entire conceptual edifice has now come down.  We are going to be left with the likes of Mattis and his anti-Iranian statements.  Clowns who only impress other clowns.

Today Neocon victory is a huge event and it will probably be completely misrepresented by the official media.  Ironically, Trump supporters will also try minimize it all.  But the reality is that barring a most unlikely last-minute miracle, it’s over for Trump and the hopes of millions of people in the USA and the rest of the world who had hoped that the Neocons could be booted out of power by means of a peaceful election.  That is clearly not going to happen.

I see very dark clouds on the horizon.

The Saker

UPDATE1: Just to stress an important point: the disaster is not so much that Flynn is out but what Trump’s caving in to the Neocon tells us about Trump’s character (or lack thereof).  Ask yourself – after what happened to Flynn, would you stick your neck out for Trump?

UPDATE2: Just as predicted – the Neocons are celebrating and, of course, doubling-down:

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U.S. President Donald Trump made unequivocally clear, on February 14th, that the new Cold War between the U.S. and Russia will continue until Russia complies with two conditions that would not only be humiliating to Russia (and to the vast majority of its citizens), but that would also be profoundly immoral.

One of these two conditions would actually be impossible, even if it weren’t, in addition, immoral. For Vladimir Putin to agree to either of these two conditions, would not only be a violation of his often-expressed basic viewpoint, but it would also cause the vast majority of Russians to despise him — because they respect him for his consistent advocacy of that very viewpoint. He has never wavered from it. The support of Russians for that viewpoint is virtually universal. (This article will explain the viewpoint.)


In order to understand the Russian perspective on the first of these two issues (which any American must understand who wants to understand the astounding stupidity of Mr. Trump’s position on this matter), which is the issue of Crimea (which had for hundreds of years been part of Russia, but was then suddenly and arbitrarily transferred to Ukraine in 1954 by the Soviet dictator — and the U.S. now demands that his dictat regarding Crimea must be restored), two videos are essential for anyone to see, and here they are:

The first video below  (and no one should read any further here who hasn’t seen that video or at least the first twelve minutes of it, because it’s crucial) shows the U.S.-engineered coup that violently overthrew the democratically elected President of Ukraine in February 2014, under the cover of ‘a democratic revolution’, which was actually nothing of the sort, and which had instead started being planned in the U.S. State Department by no later than 2011, and started being organized inside the U.S. Embassy in Kiev by no later than 1 March 2013. The head of the ‘private CIA’ firm Stratfor, has rightly called it “the most blatant coup in history”.

The second video below shows the massacre of Crimeans who were escaping from Kiev during the Ukrainian coup, on 20 February 2014, and which massacre came to be known quickly in Crimea, as “the Pogrom of Korsun,” which was the town where the fascists whom the Obama regime had hired were able to trap the escapees and kill many of them. That’s the incident which — occurring during the coup in Ukraine — stirred enormous fear by Crimeans of the rabid hatred toward them by the U.S.-installed regime.

Finally on the issue of Crimea, all of the Western-sponsored polls that were taken of Crimeans both before and after the plebiscite on 16 March 2014 (which was just weeks after Obama overthrew the Ukrainian President for whom 75% of Crimeans had voted) showed over 90% support by Crimeans for Crimea’s return to being again a part of Russia. Everyone agrees that there was far more than 50% support for that, among the Crimeans. Furthermore, even Barack Obama accepted the basic universal principle of the right of self-determination of peoples when it pertained to Catalans in Spain, and Scotch in UK, and neither he nor anyone else has ever been able to make any credible case for applying it there and generally, but not in Crimea — especially under these circumstances.

So, on the first issue, Trump’s demand that Putin force the residents of Crimea to become subjects of the coup-regime that Obama had just established in Ukraine, it won’t be fulfilled — and it shouldn’t be fulfilled. Obama instituted the sanctions against Russia on the basis of what he called Putin’s “conquest of land” (referring to Crimea), but Russians see it instead as Russia’s standing steadfast for, and protecting, in what was historically and culturally a part of Russia not a part of Ukraine, the right of self-determination of peoples — especially after the country of which their land had been a part for the immediately prior 60 years (Ukraine), had been conquered three weeks earlier, via a bloody coup by a foreign power, and, moreover, this was a foreign power whom Crimeans loathed. Putin will not accept Trump’s demand. Nor should he.


The way that this demand was stated on February 14th was “deescalate violence in the Ukraine,” referring to Ukraine’s invasions of its own former Donbass region, which broke away from the Obama-installed Ukrainian regime shortly after Crimea did, but which Putin (after having already suffered so much — sanctions, etc. — from allowing the Crimeans to become Russians again) refused to allow into the Russian Federation, and only offered military and humanitarian assistance to protect themselves so that not all of the roughly five million residents there would flee across the border into Russia.

Donbass had voted 90% for the Ukrainian President that Obama illegally replaced in his coup.

Francois Hollande, Angela Merkel, and Vladimir Putin, had established the Minsk negotiations and agreements, to end the hottest phase of the (Obama-caused) war between Ukraine and Donbass; and a crucial part of the Minsk-2 agreement was that Ukraine would allow the residents of Donbass a certain minimal degree of autonomy within Ukraine, as part of a new Ukrainian Federation, but Ukraine’s Rada or parliament refuses to do that, refuses to allow it, and the United States and its allies blame the residents of Donbass for that refusal by their enemies, and blame the Donbassers for the continued war, or, as Trump’s press secretary referred to it on February 14th, “violence in the Ukraine.” He’s demanding that Donbass stop the war, when Donbass is being constantly attacked by a Ukrainian regime that refuses even to fulfill a fundamental provision of the peace agreement that Hollande, Merkel, and Putin, had arranged, and that both Ukraine and Donbass signed. (Note: even Hollande and Merkel weren’t able to get the Nobel Peace Prize winner, Obama, to so much as participate in this effort for peace.)

A demand like that — for the victim to stop the fight — is impossible to fulfill. It’s like, in World War II, blaming the United States, Soviet Union, and UK, for their war against Germany, Italy, and Japan. It is a cockeyed demand, which requires only cockeyed credulous believers, for it to be taken seriously.

The way that Sean Spicer, President Trump’s press spokesperson, put this demand in his February 14th press conference, was:

President Trump has made it very clear that he expects the Russian government to deescalate violence in the Ukraine and return Crimea.  At the same time, he fully expects to and wants to be able to get along with Russia.

To some people, that combination sounds idiotic. In any event, it’s not merely unrealistic; it is downright impossible. It’s not seeking peace with Russia; it is instead reasserting war against Russia.

Spicer said, with evident pride: “The President has been incredibly tough on Russia.”

A reporter at the press conference challenged that statement: “To me it seems, and I think to a lot of Americans it seems that this President has not been tough on Russia.” Spicer answered by referring to the statement that America’s new U.N. Representative, Nikki Haley, had made. She said at the U.N. on February 2nd:

I must condemn the aggressive actions of Russia. … The United States stands with the people of Ukraine, who have suffered for nearly three years under Russian occupation and military intervention. Until Russia and the separatists it supports respect Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, this crisis will continue. … The United States continues to condemn and call for an immediate end to the Russian occupation of Crimea. Crimea is a part of Ukraine. Our Crimea-related sanctions will remain in place until Russia returns control over the peninsula to Ukraine.

So, Spicer said that,

with respect to Russia, I think the comments that Ambassador Haley made at the U.N. were extremely forceful and very clear that until —

Q    That was an announcement from Haley, not the President.

MR. SPICER:  She speaks for the President.  I speak for the President.  All of us in this administration.  And so all of the actions and all of the words in this administration are on behalf and at the direction of this President.  So I don’t think we could be any clearer on the President’s commitment.

Trump is continuing Obama’s war against Russia, although he had not given America’s voters to expect anything of the kind. Some voters (this writer is one) had voted for him because Trump alleged that he strongly disagreed with his opponent Hillary Clinton about that — he outright lied to the voters, on the most important thing of all. He applied mental coercion — deceit — in order to win. But as it turns out, he’s not really opposed at all to Obama’s coup in Ukraine. Perhaps he is so stupid that he’s not even aware that it was a coup, instead of a ‘democratic revolution’ (the cover-story). Maybe he’s so stupid, that he believes Obama’s lies.

At least Hillary Clinton was honest enough to make clear that she was going to continue Obama’s policies (only worse). But she was so stupid that she couldn’t even beat Donald Trump.

Anyway, all of that is water over the damn, now.

Initially, it had seemed that the only way in which Trump was aiming to satisfy the U.S. aristocracy (owners of the military-industrial complex, among other things) about increasing the ‘defense’ budget, was going to be a buildup against Iran; but, now, that war might end up playing second fiddle.

The war with Russia can only escalate, unless or until President Trump reverses course and states publicly, and provides to the American people and the world, the clear evidence of, his predecessor’s perfidy, both in Ukraine, and in Syria. Unless and until he comes clean, and admits that the problem between the U.S. and Russia isn’t Putin, but instead Obama, it will continue escalating, right up to World War III; and here is why:

When it escalates to a traditional hot war, either in Ukraine or in Syria, the side that’s losing that traditional war will have only one way to avoid defeat: a sudden unannounced nuclear all-out blitz attack against the other side. A nuclear war will last less than 30 minutes. The side that attacks first will suffer the less damage, because it will have knocked out some of the other side’s retaliatory missiles and bombs. If Donald Trump were intelligent, then one could assume that he knows this. He’s not, so he doesn’t. He plods on, toward mutual nuclear annihilation. Perhaps, like Hillary Clinton, he believes that the U.S. has ‘Nuclear Primacy’ and so will ‘win’.

It’s all so stupid. But, even worse, it’s evil. And I’m not talking about Russia or Putin here. The real problem — on this ultimate issue, of avoiding a nuclear winter — is my own country: the United States of America. To call this a ‘democracy’ is not merely a lie; it is a bad joke. The American public are not to blame for this evil. The American aristocracy are. It’s an oligarchy gone mad.

Trump promised to ‘drain the swamp’. Instead, he’s feeding the alligators.

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of  They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of  CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.

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Trump 4

The Imperial Presidency of Donald Trump: A Threat to American Democracy and an Agent of Chaos in the World?

By Prof Rodrigue Tremblay, February 15 2017

When 46.1% of Americans voted for Trump in November they did not know precisely “what they were buying”. They did not expect that the promised “change” the Republican presidential candidate envisioned and promised was going to be, in fact, “chaos” and “turmoil” in the U.S. government.


Trump Decapitates the Russia Peace Initiative

By Prof. John McMurtry, February 15 2017

Trump folds under totalizing corporate media and war-state pressures today.  The resignation of National Security Adviser Michael Flynn decapitates his presidency’s peace initiative with Russia after years of campaigning for it.


There Will Be No Palestinian State Under Netanyahu’s Watch

By Dr. Alon Ben-Meir, February 15 2017

President Trump should not be swayed by Netanyahu’s duplicitous argument, however convincing it might sound, that he is committed to a two-state solution when in fact he has opposed and will continue to reject in principle the creation of an independent Palestinian state under any circumstances.


Pro-GMO Scientists Blinded by Technology and Wedded to Ideology

By Colin Todhunter, February 15 2017

Some 20 years of GM indicate that statements about the efficacy and benefits of GM are based more on wishful thinking than actual reality. GM has been dominated by giant transnational corporations who have used the technology to grow a select handful of crops, which by and large have been used to feed people in richer countries, not poorer regions where hunger and malnutrition persists. Moreover, GM has been integral to a system of food and agriculture in the US that fuels obesity, bad health and monolithic diets that are nutritionally poor. Also, in the US, farmers are squeezed and kept afloat by taxpayer subsidies so that Monsanto, Cargill and the likes of Wal-Mart can rake in massive profits.


Without Poetry We are Dead: With It We Die Living

By Edward Curtin, February 15 2017

Most Americans dislike poetry, or at least are indifferent to it. That is probably an understatement. We live in an age of prose, of journalese, and advertising jingles. Poetry, the most directly indirect, mysterious, condensed, and passionate form of communication, is about American as socialism or not shopping. Unlike television, texting, or scrolling the Internet, it demands concentration; that alone makes it suspect. Add silent, calm surroundings and a contemplative mind, and you can forget it, which is what most people do. Silence, like so much else in the present world, including human beings, is on the endangered species list. Another rare bird—let’s call it the holy spirit of true thought—is slowly disappearing from our midst.

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En audiencias celebradas el pasado 8 de febrero de 2017 en San José ante la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, Costa Rica presentó excepciones preliminares para evitar que la Corte se pronuncie sobre el caso Manfred Amrhein y otros vs Costa Rica. Como bien se sabe, las excepciones preliminares constituyen una figura procesal que aceptan todas las jurisdicciones internacionales, mediante la cual un Estado puede presentar diversos argumentos jurídicos cuestionando la competencia del juez internacional.

Esta herramienta procesal obedece a la idea que ningún Estado puede ser demandado ante una jurisdicción internacional si no ha dado su pleno consentimiento previo para ello. Desde el punto de vista táctico, se trata de una línea de defensa adicional que se le concede a la parte demandada, en la que intentará hacer ver al juez internacional que la demanda debe ser declarada inadmisible. El término inglés de “preliminary objections” traduce mejor esta “objeción” inicial. No obstante, el recurso a esta figura legal debiera ser siempre objeto de una cuidadosa valoración por parte de los Estados: intentar evitar que la justicia internacional se pronuncie no siempre es bien percibido por parte del juez internacional, puede incluso llegar a indisponerlo.

Los alegatos de la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos

En su informe 33/14 (ver texto completo), de abril del 2014, la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos concluyó su informe sobre este complejo caso, que inició en el 2004, de la siguiente manera, desglosando el tipo de violaciones a la Convención Americana de Derechos Humanos que se presentan en este expediente:

” 269. En virtud del análisis de hecho y de derecho efectuado en el presente informe, la Comisión concluye que el Estado de Costa Rica es responsable por:

1. La violación del derecho a recurrir el fallo establecido en el artículo 8.2 h) de la Convención Americana, en relación con las obligaciones establecidas en los artículos 1.1 y 2 del mismo instrumento, en perjuicio de Manfred Amrhein, Ronald Fernández, Carlos Osborne, Carlos González, Arturo Fallas, Rafael Rojas Madrigal, Carlos Eduardo Yepez Cruz, Luis Archbold Jay, Enrique Floyd Archbold Jay, Fernando Saldarriaga, Miguel Antonio Valverde, Guillermo Rodríguez Silva, Martín Rojas Hernández, Manuel Hernández Quesada, Damas Vega Atencio, Miguel Mora Calvo y Jorge Martínez Meléndez.

2. La violación del derecho a un juez imparcial establecido en el artículo 8.1 de la Convención Americana, en relación con las obligaciones establecidas en el artículo 1.1 del mismo instrumento, en perjuicio de Rafael Rojas Madrigal.

3. La violación del derecho a la libertad personal establecido en los artículos 7.1, 7.2 y 7.5 de la Convención American, en relación con las obligaciones establecidas en el artículo 1.1 del mismo instrumento, en perjuicio de Jorge Martínez.

4. La violación del derecho a la integridad personal establecido en los artículos 5.1 y 5.2 de la Convención Americana, en relación con las obligaciones establecidas en el artículo 1.1 del mismo instrumento, en perjuicio de Rafael Rojas Madrigal, respecto de la ausencia de acceso a servicios de salud, así como en perjuicio de todas las víctimas del presente caso que han cumplido su condena en el CAI La Reforma, por las condiciones de detención en dicho lugar”.

Al someter el caso a la Corte en noviembre del 2014, la Comisión indicó que: “El caso se relaciona con la responsabilidad internacional de Costa Rica por la inexistencia de un recurso que permitiera obtener una revisión amplia de las condenas penales impuestas a diecisiete personas. En efecto, conforme al marco procesal penal vigente al momento de las referidas condenas, el recurso existente era el recurso de casación que se encontraba limitado a cuestiones de derecho, excluyendo la posibilidad de revisión de cuestiones de hecho y prueba. Asimismo, la Comisión consideró que las dos reformas legislativas adoptadas por el Estado con posterioridad a dichas sentencias tampoco permitieron garantizar el derecho a recurrir el fallo de las víctimas, en tanto los mecanismos ofrecidos para las personas con condena en firme antes de dichas reformas, adolecieron de las mismas limitaciones” (ver carta del 28 de noviembre del 2014).

Es de señalar que en el precitado informe 33/14 de abril del 2014 de la Comisión, ya se indicaba que Costa Rica presentó varias excepciones preliminares, sin mayor éxito. El mismo informe también incluía un pequeño recordarorio a Costa Rica relacionado con los derechos de las personas privadas de libertad, y que la Comisión consideró útil añadir. Se lee de la siguiente manera:

253. La Comisión recuerda que toda persona privada de libertad debe ser tratada humanamente, con irrestricto apego a la dignidad inherente al ser humano, a sus derechos y garantías fundamentales, y en observancia de los instrumentos internacionales sobre derechos humanos. Asimismo, ambos órganos del sistema han establecido que frente a personas privadas de libertad, el Estado se encuentra en una posición especial de garante, toda vez que las autoridades penitenciarias ejercen un fuerte control o dominio sobre las personas que se encuentran sujetas a su custodia

La posición de Costa Rica ante la Corte Interamericana

Según se pudo leer en un comunicado de prensa del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Costa Rica con fecha del 8 de febrero del 2017 (véase texto completo), Costa Rica presentó cinco excepciones preliminares:

En su Escrito de Contestación a la Corte, presentado el 5 de febrero de 2016, el Estado costarricense interpuso cinco excepciones preliminares, detallando en cada una de ellas los argumentos respectivos y sustentando las faltas de la Comisión al debido proceso, a la equidad procesal de la partes y al derecho de defensa del Estado. Además, el Estado ha argumentado ante la Corte IDH que, con el sometimiento del Caso Amrhein a la Corte por parte de la Comisión, se reabre a discusión el Sistema Procesal Penal costarricense, que fue reformado precisamente para cumplir con lo dispuesto por la Corte IDH en la Sentencia Herrera Ulloa de 2004. El Estado toma con mucha seriedad el Caso, no solamente porque se ha lesionado su derecho de defensa, sino porque pone en entre dicho los equilibrios procesales del propio Sistema Interamericano de Derechos Humanos.”

Cabe recordar que de los diversos argumentos esgrimidos por Costa Rica, la pretendida falta de equilibrio procesal fue una de las razones que motivaron a la Corte a convocar a las partes a una audiencia preliminar sobre estas excepciones preliminares en el 2016 (ver punto 8 de resolución de la Corte del 17 de noviembre del 2016).

Una etapa procesal que se abre dentro del procedimiento contencioso ante la Corte 

Esta fase preliminar dentro del procedimiento contencioso se concluirá con una primera decisión del juez interamericano sobre su competencia (o sobre su incompetencia). Usualmente los Estados se presentan a la barra en San José presentando excepciones preliminares, sin lograr mayor resultado a su favor.

Uno de los pocos casos en los que un Estado sí logró que la Corte se declarara incompetente fue Perú en el caso Cayara, al demonstrar que la Comisión no sometió el caso ante la Corte dentro de los tres meses después de notificar el informe preliminar al Estado para su fiel cumplimiento (Caso Cayara vs. Perú sentencia sobre excepciones preliminares del 3 de febrero de 1993, párrafo 60 y 61). Se trata no obstante de un “éxito” relativo de Perú, en una época en la que sus autoridades eran llamadas de forma reiterada a comparecer en San José debido a las numerosas violaciones a los derechos humanos y al patrón generalizado de impunidad prevaleciente. En julio del 1999, el Congreso peruano aprobaría un proyecto impulsado por el Presidente Fujimori mediante el cual Perú procedía al «retiro, con efecto inmediato, del reconocimiento de la competencia contenciosa de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos». Otro de los casos en el que la Corte se declaró incompetente en razón del principio de irretroactividad de las normas internacionales fue en el 2004, dándole razón a México (véase textode sentencia en el caso Alfonso Martín del Campo Dodd vs. México, 2004, párrafos 78 y 79).

Por su parte, Costa Rica ya había presentado excepciones preliminares con ocasión del caso Mauricio Herrera Ulloa vs Costa Rica (véase texto de la sentencia de la Corte, 2004, párrafos 75-76), sin obtener mayor éxito. La ficha técnica de este caso, que culminó con la primera sentencia de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos contra Costa Rica, se encuentra disponible aquí.

Tratándose del Estado en el que se firmó en 1969 la Convención Americana sobre Derechos Humanos, del mismo Estado que hospeda a la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, que albergó a la primera jurisdicción internacional creada en la historia (la Corte de Justicia Centroamericana 1907-1917), y que siempre se ha destacado por la defensa de la justicia internacional y la causa de los derechos humanos, la estrategia de Costa Rica puede sorprender.

El caso Amrhein ante un entorno poco favorable

En términos generales, cual sea la jurisdicción internacional, se puede afirmar que el no presentar excepciones preliminares suele ser leído por el juez como una señal positiva por parte del Estado, el cual acepta debatir el fondo de la demanda planteada sin mayores preludios. En algunos casos, recurrir a las excepciones preliminares denota poca seguridad del Estado en cuanto a la sólidez de sus argumentos sobre el fondo. En una publicación especializada publicada en Francia se puede leer, con relación a la Corte Internacional de Justicia (CIJ) que: “Il n´est pas rare de remarquer que l´Etat qui présente ces exceptions a quelques doutes sur l´issue du procès, autrement dit, il préfère que l´affaire s´arrête plutôt que de risquer de tout perdre au fond» (Nota 1). En el caso de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, estas percepciones del juez interamericano también se dan. En lo atinente más específicamente a la demanda que se examina en el asunto Manfred Amrhein y otros, hay elementos adicionales a tomar en consideración, y que a continuación esbozaremos brevemente.

Un aspecto que podríamos denominar como parte del “entorno inmediato” de este caso consiste en el hecho siguiente: el caso Amrhein y otros está relacionado con la posibilidad de apelar sentencias condenatorias en materia penal en Costa Rica. Se trata de un tema en el que Costa Rica ha sido bastante lenta en acatar lo dispuesto en la sentencia Mauricio Herrera Ulloa vs Costa Rica del 2004 (véase texto de la sentencia del 2004 y texto de sentencia sobre cumplimiento del 22 de noviembre del 2010). Posiblemente este aspecto sea tomado en cuenta en el momento de examinar las excepciones preliminares presentadas por Costa Rica. Notemos que la reforma del 2010 es incompleta y que ha provocado incluso una compleja situación dentro del sistema penal costarricense (Nota 2). Según varios especialistas, el término de “casación penal” no aplica a esta reforma penal. En un artículo de la jueza Rosaura Chinchilla Calderón, se puede leer en sus conclusiones que:

” El actual recurso de casación penal costarricense, pese a que la homonimia pueda inducir a confusiones, no tiene las características ni de la casación clásica ni la reformulada-moderna, sino que es un recurso, para decirlo de algún modo, “sui géneris”, que no encuentra parangón en la doctrina procesal, ni antigua ni moderna; nacional o extranjera, gracias al pecado original con el que nació y que la marcará mientras viva: haberse usado como excusa para su diseño la condena recaída contra el país a manos de la CIDH, cuando el fin último de dicha reforma fue, más bien, el modificar la estructura penal del Poder Judicial para descongestionar a la Sala Tercera de la carga de trabajo que la agobiaba y que había generado una mora tal que el promedio de decisión de sus resoluciones superaba los dos años y había sido objeto de atención, en dos oportunidades consecutivas, por el Estado de la Nación, único órgano fiscalizador informal de algunas instituciones nacionales” (Nota 3).

Otro elemento, que podríamos denominar como parte del “entorno reciente” de Costa Rica ante el sistema interamericano de protección de los derechos humanos, lo constituye el hecho que Costa Rica se mantuvo durante mas de dos años y medio sin acatar lo ordenado en materia de Fecundación in Vitro (FIV) por la misma Corte en diciembre del 2012 (véase modesta nota nuestra del 2012 al respecto). Se trata de una situación inédita, de la que habrán tomado nota las diversas instancias interamericanas de derechos humanos. A ese respecto, vale la pena traer a la memoria un episodio posterior al fallo del 2012 con respecto a las relaciones entre el Poder Judicial costarricense y la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos: en octubre del 2015, la Sala Constitucional acogió una acción de inconstitucionalidad contra el Decreto del Poder Ejecutivo que pretendía regular la FIV, y ello pese a que el mismo tema estuviese bajo estudio en la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos. Esta cuestionable decisión se tomó en una cerrada votación (4/3) en la Sala Constitucional, motivando a su Presidente, el jurista Gilbert Armijo, a acogerse a su jubilación (ver nota de La Nación). En febrero del 2016, la Corte Interamericana confirmaría la plena validez de dicho Decreto Ejecutivo (véase sentencia sobre cumplimiento, Caso Artavia Murillo y otros vs Costa Rica del 26 de febrero del 2016), no sin antes recordarle a la Sala Constitucional algunas verdades incómodas (párrafos 12 y 20).

En una opinión publicada por el recientemente estrenado blog de la Asociación Costarricense de Derecho Internacional (ACODI), el autor se inclina por señalar que las probabilidades de que la Corte se declare competente en el caso  Amrhein y otros son altas (véase artículo de Jorge Alberto Ulloa Cordero, titulado “Una encrucijada de derechos humanos en el proceso penal costarricense: sobre admitir una violación u oponerse a ella por el alto costo que implicaría“, disponible aquí). Se lee además que para el autor, “Parece ser que esto es a lo que los agentes del Estado costarricense tanto temen y que motivó -políticamente, pero por medios jurídicos- el cambio de posición sobre oponer cuanta excepción previa existiera, con el fin de que la Corte IDH no entre a conocer el fondo del asunto o, simplemente, retrasar su resolución el mayor tiempo posible (esperando que le quede “la torta” a otro Gobierno).

Según el mismo autor, el Poder Judicial costarricense ha tenido la posibilidad de remediar la situación de las sentencias anteriores a la entrada en vigor en el 2011 de la reforma penal (la cual fue adoptada en el 2010): “De todas formas, por mandato del control de convencionalidad y la obligación de effect utile de la CADH -siendo que ya existen precedentes contestes en cuanto a que la casación cerrada y abierta no eran verdaderos recursos contra la sentencia penal- deberían los Tribunales costarricenses abrir motu proprio el recurso de apelación para TODOS los casos anteriores al 2011“.

Notemos que en una alocución ante los magistrados de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos pronunciada en febrero del 2016 (ver texto completo), el actual Jefe del Estado costarricense se refirió en los siguientes términos al control de convencionalidad:

La tercera contribución que deseo destacar es la consolidación del control de convencionalidad. Es aceptada la obligación de las autoridades judiciales y administrativas de cada Estado de aplicar directamente los instrumentos internacionales de Derechos Humanos, así como la jurisprudencia y los precedentes emanados de la Corte Interamericana. En el caso Almonacid Arellano vs Chile, de 2006, la Corte estableció el deber que tienen las autoridades nacionales de realizar el control de convencionalidad en el ejercicio cotidiano de sus funciones. Como Estado sede de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, Costa Rica tiene un compromiso aún mayor de efectuar el control de convencionalidad. Nuestras autoridades nacionales son las primeras llamadas a aplicar debidamente el Corpus Iuris interamericano en materia de Derechos Humanos

A manera de conclusión

Pese a esta cálida recepción presidencial al control de convencionalidad, un tema que ha generado un fuerte debate entre algunos sectores dentro del Poder Judicial en Costa Rica (Nota 4), no cabe duda que el caso Manfred Amrhein y otros vs Costa Ricaconstituye un desafío para el sistema judicial costarricense, para su sistema penal, incluyendo la administración penitenciaria, objeto de diversos señalamientos desde hace ya muchos años en cuanto a las condiciones de detención imperantes (Nota 5). Si se le da trámite a esta demanda, el “ caos total ” que advierte el ex Presidente de la Sala Tercera de la Corte Suprema de Justicia (fungiendo como agente de Costa Rica ante la Corte Interamericana en este caso) da una idea de la magnitud del problema (véase nota de La Nación). Empero, como se indicó anteriormente, el mismo Poder Judicial tuvo la posibilidad de remediar la situación.

Ante este sombrío panorama, es entendible que las autoridades de Costa Rica hayan presentado la mayor cantidad de excepciones preliminares para evitar que la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos se pronuncie sobre el fondo. No obstante, como ya tuvimos la oportunidad de señalarlo en ocasiones anteriores con relación al juez internacional (y su particular sensibilidad), el recurso a la figura de las excepciones preliminares siempre debiera de ser cuidadosamente sopesado por los asesores legales de un Estado: coloca a este último en una situación delicada si, por alguna razón, la Corte se declara competente (Nota 6).

Nicolas Boeglin

Derecho Internacional



Nota 1: Véase SOREL J.M & POIRAT Fl., «Rapport Introductif », in SOREL J.M. & POIRAT Fl. (Ed.), Les procédures incidentes devant la Cour Internationale de Justice: exercice ou abus de droits ? Paris, Pedone, Collection contentieux international, 2001, pp.9-57, p.55.

Nota 2: Véase GAMBOA SÁNCHEZ N., “El derecho a impugnar el fallo condenatorio en Costa Rica: Diez años después de la condena de Costa Rica ante la Corte Interamericana“, 23 de julio del 2014, DerechalDia, texto disponible aquí.

Nota 3: Véase CHINCHILLA CALDERÓN R., “Alcances de la novísima casación penal costarricense o, de cómo intentar, sin lograrlo, hacer dogmática procesal a partir de un golpe en la mesa“, in GONZÁLEZ ALVAREZ D. (Compilador), El recurso contra la sentencia penal en Costa Rica, San José, Editorial Jurídica Continental (EJC), 2013, pp.166-205, p. 200. Sobre las diversas discusiones que dieron lugar a la reforma finalmente adoptada en el 2010, se recomienda, de la misma autora, la lectura de las páginas 174 y subsiguientes. Texto completo de la obra disponible aquí.

Nota 4: Sobre la aplicación de esta figura en el ordenamiento jurídico costarricense, remitimos a una reciente tésis de Licenciatura de la Facultad de Derecho, Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR) que realiza un minucioso y profundo análisis del tema: AMADOR GARITA C. y RODRIGUEZ MATA N. D., “El control de convencionalidad en Costa Rica: propuesta de aplicación por los jueces ordinarios. Análisis comparado desde la perspectiva del derecho internacional público“, noviembre del 2016, Tésis para optar por el grado de Licenciatura en Derecho, Facultad de Derecho, UCR, 627 páginas. De particular interés resulta el análisis de la jurisprudencia de la Sala Tercera (Penal) (pp.463-478), del debate interno que se deja entrever en varios votos individuales y notas separadas de magistrados de la Sala Cuarta (Constitucional) (pp. 510-539). De manera extremadamente reveladora, se recomienda la lectura de un inusual debate generado en el 2016 en el seno de la misma Corte Plena de la Corte Suprema de Justicia sobre la procedencia de sancionar a un juez disciplinariamente por practicar … el control de convencionalidad (pp.540 y subsiguientes).

Nota 5: Véase BOEGLIN N., “Derechos humanos y cárceles en Costa Rica. Con motivo del estreno de “La Isla de los Hombres Solos” “, DerechoalDía, 8 de septiembre del 2016, texto disponible aquí y nuestro artículo, “Derechos humanos y cárceles en Costa Rica: breves reflexiones“, RIDH, 21 de septiembre del 2016, texto disponible aquí.

Nota 6: Véase BOEGLIN N., “Nicaragua / Colombia: la CIJ se declara competente“, Ius360, 24 de marzo del 2016, texto disponible aquí.


Nicolás Boeglin, Profesor de Derecho Internacional Público, Facultad de Derecho, UCR

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Trump Decapitates the Russia Peace Initiative

February 15th, 2017 by Prof. John McMurtry

Trump folds under totalizing corporate media and war-state pressures today.  The resignation of National Security Adviser Michael Flynn decapitates his presidency’s peace initiative with Russia after years of campaigning for it.

General Flynn is not another Trump slob. He is the most advanced military intelligence authority in the US today. He is the former Director of the US Defense Intelligence Agency with a higher budget than the CIA. He knows the Middle East and Afghanistan civil wars and terrorist operations by direct experience in combat arms, conventional, special operations and top intelligence assignments, including the senior intelligence officer for the Joint Special Operations Command.

Most importantly, Gen. Flynn is opposed to the Russia-is-the-Enemy war party that rules the US on corporate media, big money, government, and dark-state levels.

As one may tell from his face and words, Flynn is the flinty opposite of the war-monger mentality ruling Washington and Wall Street, John McCain, Hillary Clinton and so on through the neo-con and neo-liberal propagandists and spooks holding the bi-partisan establishment together in the greatest looting operation by far that the world has ever seen – the US corporate war state.

The US Corporate War State Destroys on All levels   

Yet the US corporate-war state is deeper and wider than the ‘military-industrial establishment’ of legend. For it effectively controls the media, military-services, covert intelligence and advisory positions and not just military industry. And it does so towards one ruling goal – perpetual US war on the designated enemy which Eisenhower’s famous concept does not comprehend.

The US corporate war state is also more visibly institutionalized than the language of ‘deep state’ now popular on the Left denotes. It operates on every level of instituted US power with no accountability beyond itself, from US President lies to the mass murders on the ground.

The US corporate war state is very roughly what Trump ran against as presidential candidate which earned him the support of libertarian and other critical intelligentsia in America.

Hard-rock General Michael Flynn was the key to this initiative

He was Trump’s primary source of intelligence on alliance with Russia in the war against terrorism which Flynn knew and agreed was US permitted and made.

Now he is eliminated by the US corporate war state operating on every plane of attack within America itself and its business-military satellites like Canada next door.

None of this is reported in official society. Only what is falsely used against Flynn’s position of knowledge by acquaintance is reported. This is the modus operandi of the Beast. Flynn was not rogue but only rational on Russia and the war against terrorism. He led thinking at the front of the US ‘intelligence community’ in his insistence that Russia should be an ally not an enemy to eliminate the terrorist threat featuring ISIS/ISIL/Daesh and other mutating names and outfits.

He knew that all were orchestrated by covert US direction.

I saw Flynn speak directly only once on an RT program now scrubbed from the Google search engine. The moment of his elimination has been long prepared down to the internet erasure of his advanced position on Russia.

What stood out was Flynn’s very reasonable and dialogical commitment to protect the US and the civilian world against the territory-holding terrorism rampaging around Syria, Iraq, the Middle East in general and Afghanistan.

General Flynn emphasized the very real and sophisticated ‘Islamic’ terrorist apparatus was out of control. He opposed all the Russia-and-Putin bashing instead of intelligent cooperation with Russia in defeating ISIS. He knew that this all stood in the way of achieving the goal the Obama administration claimed.

When the British interviewer of General Flynn kept suggesting that the US was in fact itself the dark sponsor of the many-faced Jihadi terrorism, Flynn tacitly accepted the fact and moved onto stopping it – just what he was about to lead on before he was eliminated today.

The pervasive operations of the US corporate war state show mordant touches of absolute power ruling absolutely even against a presidential vote.

It is the Valentine’s Day massacre of the knowing man in the President’s circle. Take out this intelligence behind him, and what is left? Nothing that knows what it is doing or can make military peace with Russia to eliminate the global terrorists crossing borders everywhere to sow chaos and fear ready to bow to the US-led global corporate war state.

The billionaire front man is untouchable by the same code of absolute US money power raping the living world as its freedom.

The Cover Up Already Achieved 

All we are likely to see now after the elimination of the Flynn brains behind Trump is post-mortem rubbish justifying accusations of his being in league with the Russians.  We will come to know he was increasingly ostracized and baited as ‘loving the Russians’. All will be rationalized as inevitable by the commercial mass media and the established ‘intelligence community’. All attacks with no ground in law will be continued.

The rising complete frenzy of the permanent- war establishment on Trump’s only wise choice of primary adviser will be discharged with glee over the days to come.

The war-mascot McCain and company will glow. The now published elimination of the heretic against war on Russia will be triumphally celebrated. No evidence reporting Flynn’s real position will ever be allowed into any level of public meaning.

What is most revealing is that former Defense Intelligence Director Michael Flynn’s actions in engagement with Russia Today TV and officials in the Russian government were completely manufactured into threat to the US by the corporate media and establishment operatives. There is no fault under law even alleged.

Everything General Flynn did with Russia media and officials was perfectly legal under US and international law. Nothing unlawful of any sort whatever was planned, or ever charged throughout the entire McCarthyite witch-hunt on him.

But all is now suddenly completed in Flynn’s destruction as National Security Advisor with all corporate media cheering it on. Making peace with Russia to end global terrorism is the anathema that cannot be tolerated in the US and EU corporate states and satellites. It calls into question the transnational Big Game of Blood and Treasure they are ruled by as their ‘freedom’.

Amnesia Rules

What is perhaps most alarming is the complete amnesia of the US corporate media, war state functionaries and the whole gang of Ronald Reagan’s totally heinous precedents of enemy dealings in the Iran-US Hostages-Weapons-Drugs-Contra deals which brought him the Presidency against Jimmy Carter and later launched his war-criminal counter-revolution against tiny Nicaragua’s liberation as a “clear and present danger to the United States of America”. All of this is erased from the ruling group-mind and its creatures.

Perhaps there is an upside. Perhaps Trump, a Reagan wannabe, has now sufficiently betrayed his country, international peace, working people and humanity’s common life interests to be treated better by the US corporate war state and media he boasted he would bring to heel.

Now as always, the mass media feed on visual spectacle and inane speculations which never come to the truth or real forces at work, but only market the products they mass sell including Trump’s market logo.

The Untold Costs of Destroying US-Russia Alliance against Fascist World Terror

No-one yet seems to notice the fateful collapse of the most promising initiative since FDR for US peace and cooperation with Russia.

This is predictable. Russia-the-Enemy is the cornerstone of US foreign policy throughout the post-FDR years for a monstrously lucrative reason.  Without the manufactured enemy of Russia, the trillions of public dollars going to the endless pork-barrel profits of the US corporate war state could not be justified. The non-stop US threat and dark-state destabilizations would be at a greater risk of public detection than ever before.

This was why it was so crucial that a new Enemy be formed as the USSR collapsed in 1991. It was Saddam Hussein in Iraq next to Russia that filled the bill, and the endless bombing to destroy its socialized infrastructures and others ever since followed as necessary to “humanitarian intervention” and “the security of the Free World”.

The new seas of oil in Iraq came into sight for plunder just as the Russia ‘evil empire’ was going down and a new enemy had to be produced again and again till now. This nice open door to ever more US-led corporate looting of socialized economies while Russia was safely in the hands of a corrupt US-installed drunk to privatize everything in sight for liquid assets abroad might have gone on for decades after 1991. But a new Enemy stopped the advancing US-led social ruin and plunder. .

Russia elected a very popular and very smart leader of Russia after its Fall. This situation is reduced to the Enemy called “Putin” who is evil by definition. He is the new pretext which must, as always, be manufactured to hoodwink the public into supporting the US war machine for guaranteed rich profits to big American corporations, while simultaneously prying open resources for transnational corporate free-booting across the world with “no obstacles to free movement of capital and commodities across borders” .

There has been no real threat to America since the CIA was formed in 1947 except what is constructed to justify more US spending on war making and threats far exceeding the rest of the world put together. Peace with Russia would end this fabulous booty game with no end of private profits for the US few.

This is why an independent Russia is predictably warred ad hominem against Putin. He is the Evil One now. For he stands effectively against full spectrum US-corporate control of the world for 1% profit which is spreading ever further East through the former USSR – the real “Asia pivot” in motion now.  For the US presidency to make friends with Russia risks everything so long in play.

The US corporate war-state control of the world’s wealth would be re-set to neutral.  Cooperation with Russia would take away the pretexts for war and resource control moving East from Ukraine and Israel to Afghanistan to the encirclement if China.

There would be no long-conditioned hate of Russia to propel more imperial wars for ever more riches for the US richest. Even global terrorism by Islamic jihadis and ISIS would be eliminated by such cooperation, as DIA Director Michael Flynn knew when he was appointed National Security Adviser.

So who, if General Flynn is directing, can the Enemy be to justify the US wars East if he is allowed to guide the US President?  Iran is not enough. Flynn must be destroyed as NSA.

And so he is, with no evident notice of the fatal meaning for the future of the world.

Yet what about Trump’s Secretary of State Rex Tillerson who has a working relationship with Russia and Putin? He is only interested in the great oil-and-gas fields of Russia in his long-term job as CEO of Exxon, the world’s most powerful oil company and profit-maximizer before all else. He will continue as such, but with greater power to squeeze Russia as US Secretary of State.

Then what about China as the designated Enemy of US instead of Russia?

War on China is already in preparation with a US-led military noose around it in warship and bomber capacities with nearby allied states and armed forces under US control. But in fact China’s increasingly well-armed and huge army cannot be warred against successfully today. Moreover, it is already into the global corporate market with ever less social control of the rich, the only ‘free world’ the US supports.

The Fatal Valentine’s Day None Notices

On the day NSA Flynn’s firing is announced, February 14, 2017, the return to normality of war relations with Russia is happily greeted if noticed. It is passed over by the usual corporate media distractions. The peace offensive with Russia guided by General Michael Flynn has been terminated with him, and no-one seen in public regrets the return of the Cold War.

The blood on the floor is drowned out by the news of the assassination of Kim Jon-Un’s half brother, another Enemy story returned to the front burner. The White House meeting with the charismatic PM Trudeau of Canada the day before, the biggest story in Canada and objectively the US, is completely silenced in the US media to finish the elimination of NSA Flynn.

Ever more strutting by Republicans claiming concern about ‘America’s protection’, Congressional investigations going into high gear, the media wondering about the dark motives of the sacrificial Flynn, all together distract all attention.

The historic international US peace initiative with Russia led by NSA Flynn is erased from the record, and the meaning is reversed into dark Kremlin machinations.

One sees nearly 70 years of the Enemy-as-Russia reborn in the new US presidency so long promising the opposite. One sees the old pretext for US corporate-war-state pillage of the public purse and the life-world returning fully armed. All is incarnated in the dream-like sequence of cameras and talking about everything but the real meaning.

No-one says so. But the killing of the NSA appointment of Intelligence-General Flynn who knows the score on the ground is disastrous. It stops any way beyond the US corporate war state pumping over two billion dollars a day out of the US public Treasury. Peace with Russia is decapitated at its primary source. The global cancer system of perpetual war and hollowing out of life support systems across the world continues with no detection or remission.

But it is Valentine’s Day for the people. These are not coincidences, but morbid jokes on everybody who thinks they can do anything about it. Recall “9-11” as the day of the world emergency call – attack on the US by the collapse of the World Trade Center buildings in New York. It had a ready-made cover story that violated the laws of physics, but was immediately blamed on the new designated enemy before any evidence was in.

Recall too 30 years earlier the mysteriously re-routed Korean Airways Flight .007 being shot down over Russian airspace to blame the Soviet Union for an inhuman act of war on innocent lives of other peoples.

There is a sick impunity and swagger to the mass-murderous lies, as with the Nazi regime with which the US industrial and banking complex collaborated and US-NATO intelligence drew 70% of their data (from the US Fort Hunt Treaty with the Nazi generals to use against Russia after the war with Germany was officially over). Here too Russia’s fathomless natural resources were the target and cultural genocide the method. We are dealing with a very deep and long pathological trend.

Yet the diabolical stories of the Enemy to justify US-led war-criminal aggressions for diminishing natural wealth   and armed-market control never end. No publicly funded attack by America on any perceived threat occurs without a false cover story for it, now focused on taking Ukraine-Russia piece by piece with NATO as cover and allies as vassals.

The US-led eco-genocides of Iraq, Libya and Syria with immense natural and strategic resources under national public control had one thing in common across their US-led military devastations. All of them followed US-led corporate media and dark-state fabrication of pretext stories, and all local peoples lost their rich resources and social infrastructures as well as their peaceful lives.

Dispossessing Russia to enrich the US-led alliance of plunder as peace is kept of sight. The facts are unspeakable in the Western press. After the US-led neo-Nazi violent coup in Ukraine has succeeded in blaming Putin and Russia for defending against US-NATO roll further into Russia heartland, and after the elimination of the NSA Flynn who led peace with Russia to end the ISIL mass-murder and enslavement machine, the US state still leads the eco-genocidal pattern, with the egomaniac Trump losing his nerve under the pressures of the ruling money-war party controlling the corporate media and a bipartisan bought Congress..

The history of the US since 1945 is punctuated by all-points propaganda campaigns to justify the wars following from them. Is it happening again after all the brave Trump talk of setting a new course away from the disastrous foreign wars and global trade treaties oppressing the people?

The effective assassination of the peacemaker with Russia, National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, after a totalizing McCarthyite smear with no legal reason is a dark turn of world affairs. Russia with a far smaller population than Brazil, a poor majority, and ground down by the never-ceasing US-orchestrated attacks is not a threat to anyone but its invaders, who are already bombing Russia-speaking Ukraine once Russia’s province .

Brazil itself has had its social democratic government overthrown by Wall-Street led machinations, as well described by Michel Chossudovsky in Global Research.

The uprising Trump movement against Washington wars has now been decapitated in its most significant advance towards an end to global terrorism by international peace with Russia.

Intelligent cooperation of civil society across borders against mindless mass killing and endless borderless private profit from it has been reversed by the money-war party running the US and now the Trump White House too.

The least we can do is know it.

Prof. John McMurtry is the author of The Cancer Stage of Capitalism/ From Crisis to Cure.  

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After the horrific attack on the Berlin Christmas market, the EU’s approach to refugees is once more in the headlines.  In his 2016 ‘state of the union’ address, delivered on the 14th of September to the European Parliament, Jean-Claude Juncker, the President of the European Commission, stated that:

‘When it comes to managing the refugee crisis, we have started to see solidarity. I am convinced much more solidarity is needed. But I also know that solidarity must be given voluntarily. It must come from the heart. It cannot be forced’.

Few however, would agree with his broadly optimistic tone, because the issue manifestly divides   the EU at present, with some seeing it through the lens of moral obligations to assist fellow humans at risk, while others see migration more a threat to security and national identity. The nub of the refugee problem for the EU is that the capacity to deal with it lies with the individual Member States, not the EU collectively. Some, such as Germany, following Angela Merkel’s moral commitment to the open doors approach, now cruelly challenged in Berlin, have been willing to accept substantial numbers, but others, for differing reasons have resisted,

Plainly, the sheer number of displaced persons is a global challenge and is not confined to the EU. Syrian refugees alone account for some 5 million. The fall of Aleppo may, at last, signal an end to the Syrian civil war, but displaced Syrians still represent a major challenge for the EU as a close neighbour, with some 4 million in camps in Lebanon, Jordan and, especially, Turkey. By contrast, around 1.1 million Syrian applications for asylum have been received in Europe since 2011. Most of those now in Europe, are concentrated in Germany (their preferred destination), Greece and Serbia (both transit countries); only a handful of other EU countries have been willing to accept more than a few thousand Syrians. The difficulty in the EU, as a whole, is not the overall capacity to absorb refugees, but the politics of how to share the burden..

The evident preference of migrants to be settled in Germany, Sweden or (at least for some) the UK also has to be taken into account. For the UK, the scale of immigration was much the most powerful argument for voting to leave the EU. The concern for UK voters was mobility of EU workers, a right enshrined in the Union’s single market, but in the referendum campaign, it became conflated with the refugee problem, even though the latter is an entirely separate issue.

A solution proposed at the European level was to have national quotas for taking-in displaced persons, but this has proved to be politically unacceptable, especially to the countries of central and Eastern Europe. They argue that an influx of Muslim refugees would undermine their national identity in what are predominantly Christian countries and have raised questions about security. Leaders of these countries also argue that, in any case, the refugees want to go to Western Europe and would simply leave if they are initially settled in Poland or Hungary. At the informal summit of EU leaders held in Slovakia in mid-September, the Germans (who had been the strongest advocates of quotas, along with the European Commission) accepted that the idea would have to be abandoned and it was noticeably absent from the conclusions of the December European Council..

German and Swedish citizens, meanwhile, complain that their countries are being asked to shoulder an unfair burden and have become increasingly hostile to their governments’ positions on migrants. The Berlin attack, with the federal election in German now just a few months away, means that the refugee policy will inevitably become an even more heated campaign issue, likely to give momentum to the right-wind populists of the Alternative für Deutschland part which is taking votes from Merkel.

The political problem for Europe is compounded by the number of economic migrants from economically poorer areas, such as sub-Saharan Africa, also keen to move to Europe. The distinction between a refugee and an economic migrant is analytically clear, but blurred in practice. Many of those eventually moved from the ‘jungle’ camp in Calais in northern France, were qualified workers simply looking for better jobs in the United Kingdom. Who paid people smugglers to help them to evade UK controls. Many deliberately destroy their identity documents to enable them to be treated as refugees.

Europe as a whole lacks a political basis for a solution. A deal with Turkey eased the immediate pressure on Europe because it resulted in a much stricter control of illegal movement from the Turkish coast to the Greek islands – a sea-crossing of just a few kilometres to the islands closest to the Turkish mainland. Some attempt has also been made to curb the number of boats sailing from the Libyan coast to Italy. But control cannot be a comprehensive or lasting answer and EU relations with both Turkey and the various factions controlling Libya are strained.

Instead, in the longer-term, the EU will have to come up with a range of policy initiatives. A first is geo-political: so long as conflicts continue (not just in Syria, but also in the horn of Africa), there will be a steady outflow of refugees, hence the need for more effective attempts to resolve the conflicts.

Second, the EU, as one of the richest global regions has a moral responsibility to develop a policy for  absorbing and resettling refugees, but it will also face harder choices about how welcoming to be to economic migrants. Several EU countries, including Germany, Italy and Finland are on the cusp of a decline in their population because of demographic trends, but others are not, and this adds to the complexity of the policy decisions.

The third element in a tricky package will be how to revise the rules on refugees, given the sheer numbers arriving. The current arrangement, based on what is known as the Dublin convention, is for refugees to be registered in the country in which they arrive in the EU, but this manifestly puts excessive pressure on the frontline states, especially Italy and Greece.

One dimension of this will be the budgetary cost of processing and accommodating migrants. For Greece, already facing acute pressures on its public finances, the extra burden is a major concern, making it likely that the common EU budget will be called upon to contribute more. However, several of the net contributors to the EU budget may resist taking on new commitments, not least because Brexit will already mean a net loss for the EU’s finances.

Then there is security. Rightly or not, many European governments fear that large-scale migration will make it easier for terrorists to enter their countries by pretending to be displaced persons, something the Berlin attack, (and the November 2015 attacks in Paris) can only have reinforced. Populist parties, such as in France and the Netherlands, have played on this fear and the Dutch populist leader Geert Wilders was quick to blame Angela Merkel ‘s open door policy for what happened in Berlin.

Despite the intensity and intractability of the migration and refugee challenges, there are no real signs yet of any demand to abandon the Schengen agreement by restoring controls on the EU’s internal borders. Like the euro and the single market, free movement inside the Schengen area is one of the defining features of European integration. But Schengen is facing criticism because of its links with the migrant crisis, and a weakening of it cannot be excluded, despite continuing support from mainstream political voices. Whether for EU workers looking for jobs in other countries or Chinese tourists who can take advantage of a single visa to visit so many countries, the risk is real and if Schengen is undermined, it will be widely seen as a further weakening of support for the EU in general.

Iain Begg is a Professorial Research Fellow at the European Institute, London School of Economics and Political Science, and Senior Fellow on the UK Economic and Social Research Council’s initiative on The UK in a Changing Europe

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Trump’s National Security Advisor Flynn resigned after only three weeks in office. While I am certainly no fan of Flynn or of Trump I find this defenestration a dangerous event. It will hamper any big change in U.S. foreign policy that Trump may envision.

The resignation followed a highly orchestrated campaign against Flynn by intelligence officials, the media and some people within the White House.

After the election and Trump’s unexpected win the Obama administration slapped sanctions on Russia and sent Russian embassy officials back to Moscow. This move was intended to blockade a Trump policy of better relations with Russia. Flynn talked with the Russian ambassador and, as a direct result, the Russian’s did not respond tit for tat for the sanctions and expulsions. This was an absolutely positive move and in full accordance with announced Trump policies. Henry Kissinger made a similar move and visited the Russian embassy weeks before he became Nixon’s NSC. During the 2012 election Obama made a similar “deal” with the Russians in a comparable situation:

President Barack Obama was caught on camera on Monday assuring outgoing Russian President Dmitry Medvedev that he will have “more flexibility” to deal with contentious issues like missile defense after the U.S. presidential election.

Despite tens or hundreds of claimed White House leaks in the media I am still not sure what really happened next. Trump’s enemies and some intelligence officials accused Flynn of lying about the phone calls with the Russian ambassador. It is unclear what the alleged lies really are and especially why they should matter. Obfuscation is part of any White House business. If Flynn had secretly talked with the Israeli ambassador (which he probably did) no one would have attacked him.

So why was Flynn really under pressure and why didn’t Trump back him? It would have been easy for Trump to say: “I ordered Flynn to do that. Obama did similar. In both cases it was a GREAT success. USA! USA! USA!” Nobody would have been able to further attack Flynn over the issue after such a protective move.

But Trump, completely against his style, held his mouth and did nothing. What else happened in the White House that let him refrain from backing Flynn?

Sure, the real beef other people have with Flynn is not about Russia but other issues, like his plans to reform the intelligence services. But by throwing Flynn out like this Trump opened himself to further attacks.

As it looks now a rather small gang of current and former intelligence officials – with the help of the anti-Trump media – leaked Flynn out of his office. They will not stop there.

Now blood is in the street and the hyenas will lust for more. The Trump magic is broken. He has shown vulnerability. Now they will go after their next target within the Trump administration and then the next and the next until they have Trump isolated and by the balls. He just invited them to proceed. All major foreign policy moves he planned will be hampered. The detente with Russia has probably ended before it even started.

There is another, overlooked country where Flynn’s position as NSC influenced policy decisions. Flynn had at times lobbied for Turkey and good relations with the Erdogan government. Even on the very day of the presidential election an op-ed of his damning Erdogan’s enemy Gülen and lauding Turkey was published.

After Trump was inaugurated and again talked of no-fly-zones the Turkish president Erdogan made another of his famous 180 degree turns.

Erdogan had wanted a no-fly-zones (aka a Turkish protectorate) in Syria from the very beginning of the war. The Obama administration would not give him one and in the later years shunned him. Erdogan turned to Russia but was told that he would have to limit his ambitions in Syria: no no-fly-zone, no Turkish march to Manbij or Raqqa. Erdogan agreed. But after Trump talked of new sanctions  and Flynn was installed as NSC Erdogan again changed his position. He is now again calling for a no-fly-zone and is again promising to conquer Manbij (held by Kurds) and Raqqa (held by the Islamic State). (Any such attempt would be hopeless. The Turkish army and its Islamist proxy forces have tried to conquer the much smaller Al-Bab, held by the Islamic State, for over four month now and still fail at it.)

The Russian’s will have taken note of such unreliable behavior. One wonders how Erdogan now feels as his lobbyist in a top position of the Trump administration is gone. If the Trump administration now acts against his plans will he creep back to Putin and ask for forgiveness? Would that be accepted?

Flynn is no big loss for the world, the U.S. or the Trump administration. But Trump has now lost the initiative. He long managed to set the media agenda for the day by this or that “outrageous” tweet or remark. Now this advantage has been taken away from him over some nonsense allegations and his lack of backing for one of his top people.

He will soon rue the day he let this happen.

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The Syrian army and the National Defense Forces (NDF) took the Hayan Gas Field back from ISIS terrorists in the area west of Palmyra in the province of Homs. Now government forces are able to continue their military operation to secure fields north of the Homs-Palmyra highway. In case of success, this will allow the army and the NDF to develop advance in the direction of the ISIS-held ancient city of Palmyra.

Following the advance in the Hayan Gas Field, the army and the NDF also entered Western Bayarat and seized from ISIS some points there. The government advance was heavily supported by Russian and Syrian attack helicopters.

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Entre los muchos logros de Fidel como constructor de la nueva sociedad cubana se destacan el derrocamiento del capitalismo a favor del socialismo y sus principios inherentes de igualdad y solidaridad; la derrota de la dominación neocolonialista de Estados Unidos, logrando así la soberanía, la independencia y la dignidad; la defensa de los derechos humanos en la salud, la educación, la cultura y el deporte; el respeto de la igualdad racial, la igualdad de género, la alimentación y la vivienda para todos; la defensa de la libertad de expresión, y de la prensa que es uno de los frentes en que el ejemplo de Fidel tiene mucho que seguir enseñándonos; y la creación de una atmósfera social y política civilizada y sin violencia. La base de estas proezas, inexistentes antes de 1959, es el poder político popular, resultante de la Revolución que suprimió el Estado respaldado por Estados Unidos.

Ya en 1953, la conquista de un nuevo poder revolucionario del pueblo pasaba por el primer plano en la mente de Fidel. Su inquebrantable objetivo se mezclaba con el espíritu de autosacrificio que caracterizó toda su vida política. Entre reveses y victorias, de 1953 a 1956 y hasta 1959, su pensamiento y su acción se inspiraron en este objetivo inquebrantable, asociado indeleblemente a tácticas creativas diseñadas para pasar de la aspiración a la conquista del poder popular, por medio de la revolución armada para hacerla realidad. Este fue el centro de la pasión de Fidel.

La sociedad actual, legada al pueblo cubano, encuentra sus orígenes en los territorios liberados durante las guerras de 1868 y 1895, la última de las cuales alcanzó nuevos niveles de organización bajo el liderazgo de José Martí y el Partido Revolucionario Cubano. Así, durante la segunda mitad del siglo XIX se sembraron las semillas de un nuevo poder que serían resucitadas y actualizadas por Fidel, según las nuevas circunstancias. El poder político local forjado en las áreas liberadas de la Sierra Maestra en el periodo 1957-1958, estaba virtualmente concebido como un Estado revolucionario dentro del Estado dominado por el poder neocolonial. El Movimiento 26 de Julio y el Ejército Rebelde fueron fundados y desarrollados por Fidel y sus camaradas, y crecieron como semillas del Partido Comunista de Cuba y de las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias, respectivamente. Estas instituciones constituyen dos pilares para mantener y desarrollar el poder del pueblo, junto a la cultura socialista de Cuba, como su armadura.

En el transcurso de esta épica marcha victoriosa y en las siguientes décadas, Fidel contribuyó a la construcción de una nueva forma de hacer política dentro de la Revolución Cubana. Él fue un comunicador por excelencia, componente clave de la conquista y el mejoramiento del poder político. Entre otras dimensiones de su legado, su pensamiento y su acción constituyen una nueva cultura de la comunicación entre el líder y su pueblo. Veamos cinco ejemplos acerca de cómo la cultura política de Fidel y la nueva cultura comunicacional se impulsaron mutuamente.

Primero fue en 1953, cuando escribió La historia me absolverá, que fue difundida. Podríamos preguntarnos cómo es posible hablar del talento de la comunicación de un líder en su propia representación, en la búsqueda del poder político del pueblo, cuando se encontraba en prisión, confinado e incomunicado, lejos de las masas. Luego de la derrota del 26 de julio, el poder político no se veía siquiera en el horizonte. Sin embargo, a pesar de tan extremas restricciones, Fidel logró comunicarse secretamente con otros combatientes encarcelados, algunos presidiarios que purgaban condenas por delitos comunes, e incluso con guardias y empleados de la prisión. Antes y después de su defensa, su mundo había sido muy limitado.

En medio de este sistema de comunicación clandestino, y con unos pocos libros que logró reunir, preparó su defensa de memoria. Escribió y editó en su celda día y noche, memorizando cada palabra hasta el momento en que fue llevado a la corte. Solo una persona totalmente consagrada a la solución de los problemas de Cuba, y a abrirle el camino al poder del pueblo con la Revolución, podía optimizar hasta ese punto las escasas herramientas de comunicación a su alcance.

Una vez presentada su defensa de memoria, Fidel regresó a su celda y constató que el texto había desaparecido. Empezó entonces a escribirlo de memoria nuevamente. Algunas relaciones clandestinas cercanas en el interior y el exterior de la prisión le permitieron incluso ampliar su comunicación con la gente. Urdía su defensa pieza por pieza, utilizando métodos ingeniosos, como el uso del jugo de limón como tinta invisible, en pequeños pedazos de papel. Los papeles escritos con esa tinta pasaron a través de la seguridad de la prisión y, como lo había planeado, luego fueron tratados con calor para revelar la escritura y que se leyeran en La Habana.

Un puñado de personas en esa ciudad, particularmente las moncadistas Melba Hernández y Haydee Santamaría, se encargaron de reunir los pedazos de papel como si se tratase de un rompecabezas e imprimir el texto en forma de folleto. Inicialmente, Fidel dio instrucciones a estas dos mujeres, que formaban parte de su limitado entorno, para producir 100.000 ejemplares del alegato. El 18 de junio de 1954 escribió a Melba y a Haydee: “sin propaganda no hay movimiento de masas, y sin movimiento de masas no hay revolución posible”. Indudablemente, se inspiró en esta interacción con sus dos camaradas, quienes arriesgaron de nuevo sus vidas bajo la dictadura de Batista, como lo habían hecho en el Moncada. A su vez, ellas fueron animadas por el pensamiento de Fidel y su heroica resistencia desde la prisión. Entretanto, crecían los limones en el suelo fértil de Cuba, fertilizando el movimiento revolucionario a través de la creativa pluma de Fidel.

Una segunda ilustración es la singular habilidad de comunicación de Fidel en la defensa del poder del pueblo. El 8 enero de 1959, frente a una inmensa muchedumbre en La Habana, en contraste con las extremas limitaciones de su solitaria celda, dijo: “La alegría es inmensa. Y sin embargo, queda mucho por hacer todavía. No nos engañemos creyendo que en adelante todo será fácil; quizás en adelante todo sea más difícil”. No hay duda de que el líder se inspiró en el júbilo del pueblo. Sin embargo, también hacía uso de su perspicacia frente a sus exaltados seguidores, al notar que tenía que convencerlos, como a la audiencia nacional de televisión, para que tomaran precauciones y fueran vigilantes en los meses y años venideros. Fidel y el pueblo convergieron en una entidad política e ideológica a través de su habilidad para comunicar. Resulta difícil afirmar si aquella declaración surgió espontáneamente de la atmósfera política de La Habana en aquel momento, dada su extraordinaria dote para sentir la pulsación de su pueblo, o si ya había pensado en ello. En cualquier caso, dijo lo que debía decir.

De un modo u otro existen muchos momentos memorables en los cuales su comunicación fue ciertamente espontánea, dejando tras de sí una huella indeleble del paisaje político cubano. Esto nos lleva a nuestra tercera ilustración, que tuvo lugar el 28 septiembre de 1960, cuando Fidel habló en La Habana frente a una muchedumbre. La transcripción hace una lectura acerca de la manera como muchos cubanos aún la recuerdan hoy, ya sea por su propia participación o por la inigualable memoria colectiva de la Revolución Cubana, por medio de la familia y los amigos. Cito:

(Se oye explotar un petardo). Fidel pregunta: ¿Una bomba? ¡Deja…! (Exclamaciones de: ‘¡Paredón!, ¡Venceremos!’). (Cantan el himno nacional y exclaman: ‘¡Viva Cuba!, ¡Viva la Revolución!’).

Continúa la transcripción:

(Alguien del público habla con el doctor Castro). (Se escucha una segunda explosión).

Y sigue Fidel:

“…No subestimar al enemigo imperialista. Sería un error subestimar al enemigo imperialista.”

Frente a la dramática amenaza apoyada por Estados Unidos en el corazón de la Habana, surgieron espontáneamente en los barrios y posteriormente con la guía de la dirección de la Revolución, los Comités de Defensa de la Revolución (CDR). Estas organizaciones de masa fueron vitales para la Revolución Cubana. En 1961, su formación demostró ser indispensable para la defensa de Cuba contra las incursiones apoyadas y financiadas por Estados Unidos, y los actos terroristas concebidos para subvertir el poder político revolucionario. Los CDR, fruto de la dinámica de Fidel y el pueblo, también contribuyeron sustancialmente a gobernar a nivel nacional y local, especialmente de 1959 a 1976 —cuando en el país se consolidó un proceso de institucionalización que llevó a que se aprobara la Constitución socialista—, y de muchas maneras luego.

El Che, captando la esencia de esta insuperable comunicación entre el líder y el pueblo,  escribió: “En las grandes concentraciones públicas se observa algo así como el diálogo de dos diapasones cuyas vibraciones provocan otras nuevas en el interlocutor.”

La cuarta ilustración se basa en un discurso de Fidel el 25 noviembre de 2005 ante estudiantes y profesores, en la Universidad de La Habana, con ocasión del 60º aniversario de su ingreso allí como estudiante. Fidel se ocupó de los problemas que enfrentaba Cuba, como la necesidad de ahorrar electricidad y oponerse a la corrupción. Su discurso fue subrayado por aplausos y risas, según el tema tratado. Al leer nuevamente la transcripción, esta permite un registro casi visual de la viva interacción del líder con estudiantes y profesores. Más allá de la mitad del discurso, concluyó con lo que pareció ser una frase instintiva, basada quizás en la apariencia de los rostros preocupados de los estudiantes, y en la experiencia de lo que había ocurrido en la Unión Soviética y en el campo socialista europeo:

“Este país puede autodestruirse por sí mismo; esta Revolución puede destruirse, los que no pueden destruirla hoy son ellos; nosotros sí, nosotros podemos destruirla, y sería culpa nuestra.”

Una vez más, la defensa y el posterior desarrollo del poder del pueblo fueron el centro del mensaje de Fidel. Luego de esta declaración, la interacción entre la audiencia y Fidel se aceleró. El Che había sintetizado la relación de Fidel y el pueblo también de esta manera. Cito textualmente:

“Fidel y la masa comienzan a vibrar en un diálogo de intensidad creciente hasta alcanzar el clímax en un final abrupto.”

Más de 11 años después de aquella charla en La Habana, la corrupción sigue siendo un problema. Sin embargo, a pesar de estos y otros escollos, la Revolución del pueblo en el poder continúa invicta. Quizás una de las razones sea la madurez y la naturaleza estable de la vasta mayoría de la juventud cubana.

Existen innumerables ejemplos similares. Me viene uno a la mente: cuando, el 4 de febrero de 1962, más de un millón de cubanos colmaron la Plaza de la Revolución al llamado que hiciera el Gobierno Revolucionario para constituir la Segunda Asamblea General Nacional del Pueblo, durante la cual se aprobó por aclamación, la Segunda Declaración de La Habana. La semana pasada se celebró el aniversario 55 de aquella ocasión, en la que, al leer esa Declaración, Fidel Castro movilizó al pueblo tanto por el contenido del documento como por su extraordinario talento de comunicador para que se votara conscientemente a favor del texto. Este episodio me inspiró para emplear una foto de aquel momento histórico de la votación con la mano levantada, en la cubierta de mi libro acerca de la democracia en Cuba, publicado en 1999.

El quinto ejemplo, quizás una de sus principales reflexiones, es el artículo “El hermano Obama”, escrito el 27 de marzo de 2016. A simple vista podemos preguntarnos, como en el primer ejemplo acerca de la autodefensa 1953, ¿cómo un artículo escrito por el Presidente ya retirado, y en una estado relativamente delicado de salud, puede ilustrar la dinámica entre el líder y el pueblo por medio de una comunicación activa entre los dos, para la defensa de la Revolución? A pesar de que, con pocas excepciones, desde el 2008 ya no le era posible dirigirse a grandes multitudes e intercambiar con ellas, Fidel es Fidel. Él encontró una manera de comunicarse a través del periodismo, al cual estuvo unido a lo largo de décadas. Durante la visita de Obama y después de esta, un vivo debate se desató en la prensa cubana y entre la gente, con relación al enfoque dado a algunos de los discursos del presidente de Estados Unidos, lejos de crear unanimidad. “El hermano Obama” fue escrito en el contexto de esa controversia. A pesar de su estado de salud, Fidel sabía lo que estaba sucediendo en Cuba, y así su artículo tocó la fibra más sensible de la sociedad. El texto se onduló a través de las discusiones políticas que tenían lugar en ese momento y, ciertamente, a nivel internacional.

Así empezó Fidel “El hermano Obama”: “Los reyes de España nos trajeron a los conquistadores y dueños…”. Eso tocó las cuerdas sensibles en el interior y en el exterior de Cuba, de manera que Obama ya no podía ser juzgado ingenuamente. Existe una historia de colonialismo, neocolonialismo e imperialismo de la cual Obama no puede separarse. Sin embargo, una de las mejores y más centradas imputaciones de Fidel aún estaba por venir. Se refirió a la asombrosa afirmación de Obama: “ya es hora de olvidarnos del pasado, dejemos el pasado, miremos el futuro, mirémoslo juntos, un futuro de esperanza.” Fidel se sintió obligado a responder: “se supone que cada uno de nosotros corría el riesgo de un infarto al escuchar estas palabras del presidente de Estados Unidos.” Fidel, el periodista revolucionario, valientemente escribió lo que muchos cubanos y amigos de Cuba pensaban y escribían a su manera. Era como si de algún modo Fidel habitara nuestras mentes. Su oportuna intervención fue un enorme estímulo para el fortalecimiento y la defensa de la cultura socialista cubana. Esto fue captado por la vasta mayoría de los cubanos para proteger el poder político popular, la independencia y la dignidad y, con esto, todos los logros económicos, sociales y culturales de la Revolución.

Este es tan sólo uno de los muchos ejemplos de la asombrosa habilidad de Fidel para mantener su diálogo con los cubanos a través de su pluma. Del jugo de limón, utilizado como tinta indeleble en 1953, al empleo de instrumentos apropiados de escritura en 2016, existe un hilo conductor: la preocupación de Fidel por las necesidades del pueblo en su momento, expresada —para sintetizarlo— en su pensamiento marxista-leninista y martiano para guiar la acción con el objetivo de salvaguardar el poder político y los fundamentos de la Revolución Cubana. Así, en el transcurso de la historia, Elba y Haydee llegaron a ser millones.

A lo largo de su vida política Fidel contribuyó a esta nueva cultura comunicacional sin paralelo en la historia, dado su estilo único y perdurable, de 1953 a 2016. Este hace parte ahora del patrimonio de la Revolución Cubana, disponible para todo cubano o cubana que desee ponerlo en práctica. Pero Fidel estableció estándares muy altos, de manera que no es posible replicar su ejemplo, porque Fidel es Fidel. No obstante, su legado como comunicador es un modelo para líderes de todos los niveles, y para revolucionarios en general.

El legado de Fidel constituye también un patrimonio de la humanidad para guiar a escritores y periodistas en sus países, entre ellos Canadá, para mantener una comunicación estrecha y dialéctica con las necesidades y preocupaciones de la sociedad acerca de la cual y para la cual escribimos.

Arnold August

Arnold August: Periodista y conferencista canadiense, el autor de los libros Democracy in Cuba and the 1997–98 Elections y Cuba y sus vecinos: Democracia en movimiento.

Nota del Editor: Este artículo es la transcipción de una presentación realizada en el Panel “Fidel, constructor de la nueva sociedad” del Coloquio FIDEL, POLÍTICA Y CULTURA en la Feria Internacional del Libro, La Habana, 10 de febrero de 2017.

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Revolucionarios de color en Estados Unidos

February 15th, 2017 by Mark Citadel

Desde la perspectiva del forastero, los Estados Unidos parece que han entrado en la fase cumbre de un colapso psicótico por la elección de su nuevo presidente, Donald J. Trump. Su elección y posterior tiempo en el gobierno del país más poderoso del mundo ha rasgado la máscara de un grupo estancado de insatisfechos que tras los terremotos políticos han sido activados por sus pagadores para causar tanto pánico, alteración, y violencia como sea posible.

No todo esto serán noticias principales fuera de los EEUU, y por esto les traigo esta sinopsis de acontecimientos para que puedan entender mejor lo que exactamente está pasando en el EEUU de Trump, y lo que el necesita hacer para lidiar con ello, porque cuanto más se permita que enconen entonces más peligrosa será la situación. Las instigaciones como las que voy a enlistar no están emprendidas sin ningún objetivo final en mente. Justo como activos radicales similares de la camarilla liberal globalista fueron activados en Georgia, Ucrania, y otros lugares, utilizando tanto a idiotas útiles como a fanáticos comprometidos para provocar las denominadas revoluciones de color, así, también están siendo sembradas las semillas de una revolución de color en los EEUU.

La primera cosa que anotar es el odio vitriólico hacia Rusia que ha emergido particularmente desde la “izquierda liberal” en el pasado año, y desde el que ellos justifican muchas de las actividades presentes. En el otrora bastión de los neoconservadores, el miedo y la aversión por el presidente ruso y su omnipresente grupo de “hackers” han sido sacados repentinamente por los medios principales de comunicación y los demócratas convenciendo al público de que Rusia de algún modo amañó la elección en favor de Trump. Esto por supuesto deslegitima al presidente, pero también desata una cadena de bilis e insultos contra la misma Rusia. Uno de tales ejemplos el nocivo “educador anti-racista” de nombre Tim Wise, un pseudo-académico que es rutinariamente invitado a las universidades estadounidenses y redes de noticias para pronunciar diatribas cargadas de odio. Wise tuiteó el 15 de diciembre de 2016: “Con cada nuevo día se por qué parte de mi familia abandonó ese agujero de mier** de la Rusia imperial. 100 años después de la rev(olución) esperemos por otra más”, así como “seriamente, cuando su contribución al mundo son los huevos de Fabergé, la autocracia y los pogromos, nadie debería preocuparse mucho de lo que pensáis”. Dejando a un lado que los primeros progromos ocurrieron sobre el 1.300 en Europa occidental, la autocracia es tan vieja como la humanidad, y los huevos de Fabergé son subastados por más de lo que Tim Wise ganará en toda su vida, las declaraciones de este auto-descrito como anti-racista, cargadas con nada más que aversión total por los rusos étnicos fueron una muestra de lo que estaba por venir.

Con la cadena interminable de mentiras lanzadas sobre las acciones rusas en Siria para acabar allí con la insurgencia terrorista, los liberales tomaron sus primeros pasos hacia el sentimiento violento total contra Rusia más tarde en ese mismo mes. El día después del brutal y cobarde asesinato del embajador ruso en Turquía, Andrei Karlov, un escritor para el NY Daily News con el nombre de Gersh Kuntzman, aplaudió al asesino y pidió más asesinatos de personal diplomático ruso. Aunque Rusia exigió una disculpa, nunca fue dada, sobre el fundamento de que Vladimir Putin era el equivalente de Adolf Hitler.

Tras las elecciones, las llamadas a la violencia fueron dirigidas hacia el interior, hacia los partidarios de Trump y al hombre mismo. La depravada marcha de las mujeres en Washington DC, alentada por feministas radiales conocidas por enviar vía correo la sangre menstrual y crear pancartas tales como “si María (la virgen bendita) hubiera tenido un aborto, no estaríamos en este lío”, congregaron a un surtido grupo de celebridades venidas a menos para declarar que Donald Trump también era Hitler y dejar claro su deseo de asesinar a su familia y estallar la Casa Blanca.

Las cosas solo se intensificaron desde ahí según Trump prontamente se movía hacia el cumplimiento de sus promesas de campaña en rápida sucesión. La insensible mayoría del Partido Demócrata se inclinó a proteger a los criminales ilegales extranjeros usando ciudades de refugio, y desestimaron incluso los gritos de aquellos cuyos parientes habían sido brutalmente asesinados por miembros de bandas centroamericanas y lunáticos trastornados. Mientras tanto, George Soros (que también había denunciado a Trump como un impostor tras su elección) estuvo vertiendo fondos para trasponer un movimiento anarquista europeo violento en los EEUU.

El grupo, conocido como “antifa” o “acción anti-fascista” es una banda de matones anarquistas que han aterrorizado Europa occidental durante décadas con violentos asaltos en masa, allanamientos de moradas, destrucción de propiedad, y otras formas de acoso. Todo el mundo que esté en desacuerdo con ellos es un “fascista” y de este modo es el objetivo de sus tácticas con reminiscencias de principios de la década de 1930. Desde la victoria de Trump, marcas locales en los EEUU han estado reclutando por todos los campus universitarios, e hicieron sentir su presencia en el reciente evento en la Universidad de California en Berkeley, bajo lemas tales como “Matar a Trump” y “Esto es la guerra”.

Milo Yiannopoulos, el controvertido pero inofensivo periodista de Breitbart News, estaba listo para hablar en el campus tras haber sido invitado por los republicanos de la universidad. Esto está cubierto por el derecho de la primera enmienda a la libertad de expresión, y la universidad está obligada a proporcionarle una plataforma segura, dadas las circunstancias. El acontecimiento fue asaltado por aproximadamente 1.500 personas que sirvieron para proteger y ocultar a un grupo de unos 100 violentos anarquistas “antifa” usando una táctica conocida como “el bloque negro” que sirve para ocultar sus identidades y prevenir los arrestos ya que ellos causan daños en la propiedad y cometen asaltos y agresiones. Estos matones dispararon espray de pimienta contra una chica en edad universitaria, y golpearon a un hombre casi hasta la muerte con palas. Dañaron la propiedad privada con descarado desenfreno, y para alegría de las autoridades municipales, el evento fue cancelado. Durante este caos, otra lista de degenerados de Hollywood demandaron el golpe de Estado y la insurrección civil, incluyendo los aprecios de la comediante Sarah Silverman y el director Judd Apetow. Además de esto, una rama “antifa” en Arizona amenazó con asesinar a la hija de un reportero, llevando a que muchos solicitaran que Donald Trump marque esta organización como grupo terrorista doméstico.

No es la única vez que los “antifa” se habían dedicado a este tipo de comportamiento en los EEUU. Tiempo antes, la figura insigne del movimiento “Alt-Right”, Richard Spencer fue atacado por uno de estos cobardes enmascarados en DC. E incluso más recientemente, una charla por el libertario Gavin McInnes fue interrumpida en Nueva York, de nuevo por estos fanáticos vestidos de negro. Por suerte, la policía de Nueva York se comportó de manera competente en esta ocasión y arrestó a muchos de ellos.

Estos patéticos terroristas son reclutados de las filas de la universidad para atacar a mujeres, niños, y a los desprevenidos de las peores formas de asalto pueril, todo desde el anonimato (y debería decirse que se niega el derecho al anonimato cuando alguien está cometiendo crímenes violentos). La mayoría de ellos son tan poca cosa que por ello tienen un desempeño pésimo cuando los combates están más igualados, pero aman su trabajo y están pagados espléndidamente por ello. Los partidarios de Trump, e incluso los transeúntes neutrales cogidos en medio del caos tienen que sufrir porque tales criminales están ayudados por elementos del partido demócrata y los medios de comunicación que hacen de interferencia para ellos con mentiras descaradas. De hecho, uno de los mayores cambios de la era Trump es que los medios de comunicación están exigiendo abiertamente feroces asaltos por sí mismos.

Donald Trump necesita entender que esta violencia y las llamadas por más violencia, sólo se intensificarán desde aquí. Siempre que se permita el comportamiento en este sentido, sus enemigos  presionarán los límites, hasta finalmente realizar las amenazas de Madonna. Esto necesita ser terminado ahora, y eso significa empezar con algo que es tan esperado: El arresto de George Soros y la confiscación de sus activos. Financiar terrorismo doméstico es un crimen, y las conexiones entre la fundación Open Society de Soros y los manifestantes violentos sacudiendo los Estados Unidos no son difíciles de desenmarañar. Es más, el presidente tiene que perseguir por cargos de incitación e incluso sedición a los elementos de la industria mediática y del entretenimiento que están exigiendo un Maidán estadounidense. Debería completar su amenaza de privar de fondos a las universidades donde sus partidarios son amenazados y golpeados con el consentimiento tácito de los administradores. Finalmente, tiene que etiquetar a muchos de estos grupos radicales tales como “antifa” como terrorismo doméstico, por lo que puede suponer una sentencia de 15 años en cárcel.

Durante el tiempo en que se permita que estos aspirantes a revolucionarios dañen a los inocentes y causen alternaciones y caos, la administración estará bajo constante amenaza y no podrá enfocarse en su agenda de política doméstica. Es momento para decapitar a esta víbora y su prole indecente. Trump debe seguir el ejemplo de tolerancia cero para este tipo de agitación, fraguada por el primer ministro húngaro, Viktor Orbán, y el presidente ruso, Vladimir Putin.

Mark Citadel

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Argentina – Destrucción de empleos

February 15th, 2017 by Mariana L. González

Durante el 2016 la recesión económica y los cambios impulsados en la economía tuvieron consecuencias muy negativas para los trabajadores: pérdida de poder adquisitivo del salario, disminución del empleo e incremento de la desigualdad. Conociendo este contexto, se destacan dos tendencias que subyacen a la caída del empleo registrado: la crítica situación de la ocupación industrial, por un lado, y la mayor expulsión de trabajadores en las grandes empresas respecto a las pequeñas, por otro. Vale aclarar que no se cuenta con información de este tipo para el empleo no registrado.

En el sector privado se destruyeron casi 128.000 puestos de trabajo registrados entre el 4° trimestre de 2015 y el 3° trimestre de 2016, lo que representa una caída de 2 por ciento en ese tipo de puestos, en un período en el cual la actividad económica se redujo 3 por ciento en términos desestacionalizados. Si bien en los últimos meses del año las reducciones fueron de menor magnitud, no es posible afirmar que se hayan detenido.

Entre los sectores de actividad que sufrieron las mayores destrucciones de empleo se destaca la industria manufacturera, con casi 40.000 puestos perdidos en el período señalado. Se trata de una reducción de 3,2 por ciento en el número de puestos de trabajo, y es una caída que de acuerdo con los últimos datos disponibles aún no encuentra su piso.

Las mayores pérdidas de puestos de trabajo registrados se dieron en las actividades metalmecánicas, incluyendo la automotriz, donde el empleo se redujo en más de 16.000 puestos. Pero también fue significativa la disminución en el sector de alimentos y bebidas, en las industrias textil y del cuero, en el sector de edición e impresión. Todos los sectores al interior de la industria han mostrado una disminución en el número de puestos de trabajo, sin excepción.

Este comportamiento del empleo en la industria es una expresión de la situación crítica que atraviesa el sector y, peor aún, de las perspectivas negativas que existen hacia el futuro. Incluso si la economía mostrase un mejor desempeño en 2017, la progresiva apertura de la economía en un contexto de tendencia a la apreciación del tipo de cambio y aumento de los costos energéticos seguramente determinará la persistencia de la contracción de la actividad industrial. En el escenario económico planteado por la administración Cambiemos no hay lugar para la continuidad del desarrollo industrial: no sólo no se producirá un “lluvia de inversiones” en el sector, sino que lo más probable es que se asista al desmantelamiento progresivo de buena parte del tejido industrial existente.

La información de empleo registrado por tamaño de empresa revela que fueron las más grandes empresas las mayores expulsoras de empleo, a pesar de haberse comprometido a evitar despidos en la mesa de diálogo conformada por la CGT, los empresarios y el gobierno, mesa de la cual la CGT se retiró recientemente. Aquellas empresas que emplean más de 1000 asalariados dieron cuenta de una caída de 55.000 puestos, es decir, del 43 por ciento de las pérdidas ocurridas entre el 4° trimestre de 2015 y el 3° trimestre de 2016.

En el otro extremo, las empresas más pequeñas tendieron relativamente a preservar más los puestos de trabajo. En aquellas donde trabajan hasta 10 asalariados registrados se destruyeron alrededor de 10.000 puestos, el 7,8 por ciento del total. Esta menor tasa de destrucción de empleos se dio a pesar de que en el último año se perdieron 4000 de estas pequeñas empresas.

Estas últimas cifras son indicativas de la importancia que revisten las pequeñas y medianas empresas en la generación de empleo en Argentina e indican cómo en la actual coyuntura y, a pesar de los cierres de empresas, han resguardado en mayor medida los puestos de trabajo. De todas formas, de persistir la tendencia a una mayor apertura de la economía en los próximos años seguramente se verá una contracción aún mayor del empleo industrial y, ante esta apertura, son las pequeñas y medianas empresas las más expuestas.

Mariana L. González

Mariana L. González: Investigadora de Cifra-CTA y Flacso-Conicet.

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IMAGEN: James Mattis, secretario de Defensa de EEUU, y Yun Byung-se, ministro de Asuntos Exteriores de Corea del Sur, durante la visita del primero a Seúl (3/2/2017).

Cuando el verano pasado, dos de las máximas figuras de la escuela neorrealista de Relaciones Internacionales, John Mearsheimer y Stephen Walt, publicaron en Foreign Affairs un artículo defendiendo un cambio sustancial en la estrategia nacional de Estados Unidos, difícilmente podrían haber pensado que iba a ser tan influyente sobre la administración que iba a llegar al poder seis meses después. 

Creyendo que Hillary Clinton ganaría las siguientes elecciones presidenciales, estos profesores de las prestigiosas universidades de Chicago y Harvard consideraban necesario alertar de los problemas causados por la “hegemonía liberal”, una estrategia de política exterior centrada en la promoción de la democracia hasta el punto de subvencionar sustancialmente la defensa de los aliados de Estados Unidos y de intervenir militarmente de forma directa y masiva en terceros estados.  En su lugar, proponían al próximo presidente una nueva estrategia: “contrapesar desde ultramar” (offshore balancing). El principal objetivo de esta estrategia es impedir la aparición de un líder regional que pueda cuestionar la hegemonía estadounidense y, para lograrlo, recurre fundamentalmente a la colaboración con otros países interesados en evitar el surgimiento de un líder en su región, reduciendo al mínimo las intervenciones directas de Washington en la contención de esa potencia emergente. De esta manera, Mearsheimer y Walt sostenían que Estados Unidos defendería sus intereses no sólo de manera más eficaz, sino también más eficiente, al reducir notablemente el número de sus tropas desplegadas en el exterior y, por consiguiente, su presupuesto militar.

Estos planteamientos casan bien con el acento aislacionista del presidente Donald Trump, que refleja el cansancio de quienes consideran desproporcionado el esfuerzo que realiza Estados Unidos en el mantenimiento del orden internacional. De hecho, han sido múltiples las voces en el mundo académico y mediático que han identificado el offshore balancing como la gran estrategia que adoptará la administración Trump. Si a esto añadimos las declaraciones del entonces candidato republicano demandando que Tokio y Seúl asumiesen un mayor esfuerzo para garantizar su propia defensa, o su retirada de un acuerdo con una dimensión geoestratégica evidente como el Acuerdo de Asociación Transpacífico (TPP), parecería que el nuevo presidente norteamericano estaría en proceso de reducir el perfil de Estados Unidos en la seguridad asiática, lo que podría abrir una ventana de oportunidad para una que China ocupase ese espacio. De hecho, esta interpretación está bastante extendida en Pekín, lo que explica el eco positivo que tuvo en China la elección de Trump, frente al continuismo de Hillary Clinton con el pivote asiático de Obama, criticado de forma sistemática por los medios oficiales chinos.

Sin embargo, una serie de acontecimientos en los últimos diez días parecen indicar que la administración Trump puede coincidir con Mearsheimer y Walt tanto en su predilección por contrapesar desde ultramar, como en su visión de China como el principal límite de dicha estrategia. A la vez que aconsejaban retirar las tropas estadounidenses de Europa y Oriente Medio, estos académicos identificaban un eventual liderazgo chino en Asia Oriental como la mayor amenaza para el mantenimiento de la preeminencia de Estados Unidos dentro de la comunidad internacional y, en consecuencia, sostenían que debían mantenerse los soldados norteamericanos estacionados en Asia. Este es el mismo mensaje que a principios de mes lanzó el Secretario de Defensa de los Estados Unidos, James Mattis, durante su visita a Corea del Sur y Japón, países que acogen respectivamente a 24 mil y 39 mil soldados norteamericanos. Las declaraciones del general Mattis durante este viaje, subrayando el compromiso de Estados Unidos con el mantenimiento de la seguridad en Asia Oriental, y alabando el papel de Seúl y Tokio en sus alianzas con Estados Unidos, fueron recibidas de manera entusiasta por los aliados tradicionales de Washington en la región, pero algunos cuestionaban hasta qué punto eran compartidas por el presidente Trump.

La visita que acaba de realizar a Estados Unidos el primer ministro japonés, Shinzo Abe, nos ha sacado rápidamente de dudas. Estos días Trump ha reiterado en varias ocasiones el mismo mensaje, alabando a Japón por la labor que desempeña junto a Estados Unidos en el mantenimiento de la paz en Asia, sin hacer ninguna mención a una posible renegociación de los términos que rigen la presencia militar norteamericana en Japón. Asimismo, Trump subrayó la importancia de mantener el principio de libre navegación en Asia y de acabar con los programas nuclear y de misiles de Corea del Norte, asunto sobre el que hizo una declaración conjunta con el primer ministro Abe. Todos estos hechos apuntan, por el momento, hacia una política de seguridad de la administración Trump en Asia mucho más continuista de lo que podía vaticinarse hace algunas semanas. Habrá que ver hasta qué punto la administración Trump acaba abrazando el concepto de contención desde ultramar, lo que parece más claro, es que no tiene prisa por ponerlo en marcha en Asia.

Mario Esteban

Mario Esteban: Investigador principal del Real Instituto Elcano especializado en Asia-Pacífico, y profesor titular del Centro de Estudios de Asia Oriental de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

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Los orígenes de la doctrina Trump

February 15th, 2017 by Agustín Fontenla

Norman Mailer viajó en 1964 a California para cubrir la convención del Partido Republicano en la que se elegía al candidato de las presidenciales de ese año. El dos veces ganador del Premio Pulitzer recorrió durante cuatro días las calles de Dala City, al sur de San Francisco, y los pasillos de los hoteles donde se desarrolló la  Convención. De ahí nació una crónica (incluida en el volumen Caníbales y Cristianos) que retrató con una sagacidad notable el ascenso del senador Barry Goldwater, elegido como candidato del partido Republicano, pero, sobre todo, el espíritu de los WASP (White, Anglo-Saxon and Protestant: blanco, anglosajón y protestante) quienes, asqueados por la revolución civil de los sesenta, ansiaban con profundo ánimo de venganza un triunfo de Goldwater que pulverizara el avance progresista de la costa Este.

Desgraciadamente para los WASP, el senador republicano perdió estrepitosamente las elecciones frente al demócrata Lyndon B. Johnson (que había reemplazado al asesinado John F. Kennedy). Su candidatura sentó, sin embargo, las bases del neoconservadurismo de estirpe racista que más tarde abrazarían los votantes de Ronald Reagan, y en la actualidad, los del flamante presidente de Estados Unidos, Donald J. Trump.

El racismo de los WASP

“Los WASP estaban llenos de desperdicios psíquicos que no podían dejar atrás…, ellos se habían trasladado al medio Oeste, habían colonizado el Oeste, se habían ganado al país…, y ahora lo estaban perdiendo a manos de los inmigrantes que habían venido después y de los descendientes de los esclavos.” Así describe el novelista americano el sentimiento de hartazgo de los blancos anglosajones en esa época frente al crecimiento de la inmigración latina y el avance civil de los afroamericanos, cuya expresión más emblemática fue la histórica Ley de Derechos Civiles de 1964 que puso fin a la segregación racial en instituciones públicas. Un sentimiento que parece tener una vigencia evidente en el actual recelo de la misma clase de estadounidenses hacia los hispanos, los asiáticos, los musulmanes o los refugiados.

La sensación de estar siendo desplazados por los negros y los latinos se mezclaba con un odio hacia las ideas progresistas que impulsaba el Este, y que desde el punto de vista de los WASP,  erosionaban sus “valores”. “Habían visto que su cultura era adulterada, desterrada, convertida en una especie de mezcolanza surrealista de piedad pública cumrock-and-roll, producto de las películas y la televisión, de los medios de comunicación de masas en los que tan a menudo eran reyes los hijos de los inmigrantes…”.

Una “indignación moral” que Mailer describe en términos generales mediante la figura de los “viejos WASP”: “Tenían un insano aguijón clavado en sus ideas…, estaban a favor de dar de azotes en el culo desnudo de Norteamérica, allí donde los come-you-nismos se acumulaban: la igualdad entre blancos y negros, el exceso sexual, las ideas judías, la ropa sucia, el pensamiento confuso de perogrullo, la falta de respeto por la Constitución…”.

En perspectiva, es posible rastrear el mismo patrón reaccionario de los WASP, en los votantes blancos de Trump que, deslumbrados por su rostro rosado, su gorra roja que usaría cualquier vecino del medio Oeste, y ese discurso de “¡America, first!, ¡America First!”, se convencieron de haber encontrado al mesías que finalmente iba a cumplir la promesa de retornar América a los americanos.

Un cóctel de extremismo, demagogia y populismo

Los republicanos liberales de 1964 no estaban precisamente felices con la nominación de Barry Goldwater. Muchos de ellos pensaban, como sus detractores demócratas, que era un “extremista”. No tanto por su disposición a utilizar armas nucleares de corto alcance para eliminar el follaje de los arbustos donde se camuflaba el enemigo, sino, sobre todo, por su devoción temprana por el Rollback, una estrategia político-militar surgida durante la Guerra Fría y que apostaba por cambiar los regímenes de otros Estados, cuando estos no favorecían los intereses estadounidenses. Para los críticos con el senador, esta estrategia podría causar una Tercera Guerra Mundial.

El propio gobernador Scranton, que batalló contra Goldwater en aquella Convención, lo había calificado de “peligrosamente impulsivo”, y de “caos y tumulto”, entre otras cualidades.

Quienes más temían a Goldwater eran los liberales de su partido. “El pánico del poder establecido liberal ante una revolución de derecha, cuya pesadilla personal podía muy bien ser su inhabilidad para contener su más asesino impulso; un movimiento de la derecha cuyo fantasma es este aliento y esta sangre sin enterrar del nazismo”.

Según las proyecciones de Mailer respecto de los dos asuntos que dominaron la campaña de 1964 –la guerra nuclear y la segregación racial–, si Goldwater llegaba a la Casa Blanca, “las probabilidades de que tuviera lugar una guerra nuclear eran ciertamente mayores…”, y la Revolución Negra podía acelerarse “hacia la violencia y el desastre”.

Cincuenta años después, aquel temor que existía sobre Goldwater y sus posiciones extremistas se ha materializado en la Administración Trump.

Durante la primera semana de gobierno, el magnate y sus consejeros han dado pruebas contundentes de su extremismo. Desde la orden para construir el muro que separa la frontera con México, al decreto que prohibió el ingreso de refugiados y nacionales de siete países de mayoría musulmana a los Estados Unidos. Con ambas medidas –ejecutadas sin aparente consideración ética o al menos constitucional–, se ha desatado un caos familiar, judicial y diplomático de una magnitud sin precedentes.

Mailer no se andaba con eufemismos para referirse a la demagogia de Goldwater, sin embargo, señalaba que su caso era complejo. A raíz del discurso de nominación, en el que Goldwater pronunció la polémica frase: “El extremismo en la defensa de la libertad no es vicio… La moderación en la búsqueda de la justicia no es virtud”, el novelista escribió con enojo: “Goldwater es un demagogo. Y también es sincero. Esa es la detestable dificultad. Medio judío y de ojos azules tiene un instinto para conocer el corazón de la enfermedad…, sabe traer bálsamo al loco, o al menos al medio loco. Despierta una chispa en muchas almas secas porque ofrece liberación a frustraciones más hondas que las políticas”.

El mismo bálsamo que Trump parece traer  a millones de almas desencantadas, sin tiempo, ni ánimo, ni posibilidades de escuchar las razones que explican por qué el neoliberalismo ha deglutido al Estado de bienestar, sin ser posible ya obtener un trabajo, cobrar un salario digno, y aspirar a algo más que a comprar un teléfono móvil.

Ese Trump, de frases estridentes y efectivas, con “culpables” fáciles de reconocer… En palabras de los críticos de Goldwater, un “hombre de soluciones de una sola frase”.

Goldwater reunía tantas credenciales populistas como el mismo Trump; ambos podían presumir de ellas por su falta de consistencia ideológica, por sufrir una pobre formación intelectual y militancia política, que los lleva a abrazar con el mismo desenfreno una medida de extrema derecha y otra de extrema izquierda.

Del magnate, sobran ejemplos, empezando por su situación personal. Un multimillonario que arremete contra el establishment político y económico al que pertenecen él y sus más fieles colaboradores. Pero si fuera preciso nombrar alguna de sus numerosas medidas contradictorias, en su primera semana de gestión, prometió reducir los impuestos a las grandes empresas (liberalismo ortodoxo), y anunció la retirada de Estados Unidos de los acuerdo de libre comercio con otros países (proteccionismo de corte nacionalista).

Respecto de Goldwater, Mailer decía que tenía una “magnitud”, aunque “tal vez se trataba de una magnitud formada solamente de contradicciones”. Así lo pintaba en el caso de que Goldwater y sus ideas llegaran al Salón Oval: “Si Goldwater es elegido, no podrá controlar el país sin moverse hacia el centro; moviéndose hacia el centro perderá una parte de la derecha, no satisfacerá a nadie y estará obligado a ir todavía más hacia la izquierda, o, volviendo a la derecha, abrirá cismas por toda la tierra, cismas imposibles de cerrar”.

En otro apartado de la crónica, donde Goldwater ya había recibido la nominación y daba su primer discurso como candidato, Mailer lo acusa de ser un estafador y sobre todo, una estafa al propio conservadurismo que decía representar: “¡Vaya estafa en este procedimiento, vaya una extinción de lo mejor del pensamiento conservador!”. Y tras ello, lo explicaba con ejemplos concretos: “Goldwater podría terminar con más arte militar, seguridad y estatismo de los que cualquier demócrata hubiera jamás osado; como conservador, iba a fracasar del todo (¡sin duda!), pero era seguro que iba a hacer una cosa: iba a marchar hacia Cuba”.

El mismo espíritu, diferentes resultados

Barry Goldwater logró la candidatura del Partido Republicano, e incluso el apoyo de un joven y radiante Ronald Reagan, que tras un discurso de campaña en 1964, se perfiló como la gran esperanza de los conservadores. Sin embargo, no pudo imponerse a Lyndon B. Johnson, y cayó de forma humillante.

Quizás los estadounidenses conservaban todavía una reserva ética, y no se iban a plegar a un extremista que pretendía resolver el problema racial con mano dura, o acabar la Guerra Fría con un lanzamiento de bombas nucleares.

Así describe Mailer, el derrotero de su campaña presidencial: “Vaya conservador que nos bajó de la montaña! Aislado en un tránsito desesperado de grupos llenos de odio y de fanáticos entre matones sureños y piratas del petróleo, ofreciendo un programa en el que los siniestros indicios eran que una fuerza de policía federal iba a proteger a la señoritas de nuestra tierra en sus paseos nocturnos por nuestras calles; razonando con toda la casera seguridad de un calcetín sucio que iba a proteger el pasado destruyendo el presente; echando a perder la esencia de su campaña en argumentos técnicos carentes de sentido con el Pentágono, y las aburridas reconciliaciones y nuevos odios de sangre con los afligidos moderados de su partido”.

En ese contexto, el escritor estadounidense afirma que “uno no podía votar por una persona” como Goldwater. “Una persona que apretaba los botones falsos”. Por eso, “el mandato iba a ir a las manos de Lyndon Johnson”.

Sin embargo, la candidatura de Johnson no despertaba grandes expectativas. Los estadounidenses se decidieron por el candidato demócrata, aunque “se trataba de un voto cargado de tristeza y herido con una sensación de posible mala consecuencia porque había bastante en Johnson que no atraía en lo absoluto, resultando ser íntimas algunas de las pruebas que iban en su contra.” Mailer refleja además lo amargo que resultaba el discurso de Johnson para el ala progresista. En una crítica al programa de su campaña My Hope for America, el escritor señala la doble moral del candidato: “Más para el pobre, más para el rico; más para la paz, más para la guerra; fervorosamente opuesto al comunismo, cautelosamente conciliatorio…”

Con diferencia de tiempo y escenarios, es posible trazar un paralelismo entre los temores que despertaba Barry Goldwater con los miedos que genera Donald Trump. Incluso, es posible rastrear el mismo discurso que precisa Mailer sobre que no se podía votar “una persona que apretaba los botones falsos”.

Ejemplo de ello son las posturas de dos políticos alejados ideológicamente entre sí. Bernie Sanders, aunque criticó con dureza a Hillary Clinton, y perdió la nominación de manera dudosa, reconoció que sería imprudente votar por Donald Trump. En el extremo opuesto, podría citarse a Colin Powell, tristemente recordado por guiar a EEUU a la guerra de Irak durante su cargo de secretario de Estado en el gobierno de George Bush, quien afirmó que Trump era una “desgracia nacional” y “un paria internacional”, y que por esa razón votaría a Clinton.

La diferencia más concreta que existe para explicar las razones por las que Goldwater perdió, y Donald Trump ganó, se encuentra en sus respectivos contrincantes. A pesar de no despertar el entusiasmo de Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson logró presentarse como el continuador de su legado. La prueba irrefutable de ello es el impulso para votar y promulgar la Ley de Derechos Civiles que el presidente asesinado había concebido.

Hillary Clinton, en cambio, asediada por su polémico desempeño como secretaria de Estado, su ausencia de carisma natural, y sus históricos vínculos con el establishment político y económico, no logró convencer a un electorado que prefirió correr el riesgo de votar a Trump.

‘Make America Great Again’

El eslogan “Make America Great Again” fue creado y utilizado por primera vez por Ronald Reagan en 1980. Por esa razón, muchos apuntaron que Donald Trump era su fiel continuador.

El conservadurismo de posiciones extremas que defendió Reagan durante sus mandatos se inspiró de la experiencia política de Barry Goldwater.  George F. Will, otro periodista estadounidense premiado con el Pulitzer, lo resumió mejor con una ironía: “Goldwater ganó en el año 1964, pero tomó 16 años contar los votos”.

John McCain, el excandidato presidencial del Partido Republicano (perdió frente a Obama en 2008), actual senador por el Estado de Arizona, y una de las figura más influyentes dentro de la derecha estadounidense, no tiene dudas: Sin Goldwater no habría Reagan: “Transformó el partido Republicano de una organización elitista del Este a un terreno abonado para la elección de Ronald Reagan”.

A la luz de la historia, la reciente elección como presidente del desbocado empresario neoyorquino no constituye un “terremoto político”, ni una falla crítica del sistema, o menos, un fruto del azar. A la luz de la historia, y más precisamente del Partido Republicano, podría decirse sin temor a equivocarse, que sin Barry Goldwater, no habría Donald Trump.

Agustín Fontenla

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México – El otro muro

February 15th, 2017 by Alejandro Nadal

Es un hecho incontrovertible que la mayoría de los mexicanos siente una gran lejanía frente a su gobierno y la mayoría de las instituciones del Estado. Son muchos años los que han pasado para forjar esta percepción del pueblo de México. Las injusticias, la impunidad y la corrupción, aunados a un persistente mal manejo de la economía mexicana han profundizado la desconfianza. Y el recelo no sólo se manifiesta frente a la esfera de la administración pública. El desgano ha terminado por invadir la vida cívica.

Hoy el presidente de Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, pretende construir una ofensiva muralla entre su país y el nuestro. La sociedad mexicana ha reaccionado de muchas maneras. Se han hecho llamados a la unidad nacional para mostrar al nuevo ocupante de la Casa Blanca el repudio generalizado a su absurda iniciativa. Pero la verdad de las cosas es que el primer muro que habría que echar por tierra es el que separa a los mexicanos de un gobierno que sólo representa los intereses de una minoría.

Uno de los mejores ejemplos de esta forma de actuar del gobierno está plasmado en el Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte. En su momento, el gobierno en turno presentó al TLCAN como una herramienta que permitiría transitar a la estabilidad y a la prosperidad económica. Pero la realidad no tardó en desmentir esa fantasía y mostrar que el modelo económico que entronizaba dicho tratado no garantizaba ni el desarrollo económico ni la estabilidad. El primer llamado de atención vino con la crisis de diciembre de 1994, un estallido que se quiso presentar como una simple debacle cambiaria, pero que en realidad mostraba al mundo entero la bancarrota del modelo neoliberal que el TLCAN buscó consolidar. La crisis de diciembre 1994 fue resultado de una debacle macroeconómica que llevaba años gestándose y cuyos efectos todavía padecemos hoy.

A muchos les podría parecer exagerado decir que el TLCAN se negoció a espaldas del pueblo mexicano. Pero si uno examina el capítulo del sector agropecuario, en especial todo lo que concierne a la producción del sector maicero mexicano, los hechos son elocuentes. Bajo la presión social que reclamaba ser cuidadosos frente a la vulnerabilidad del sector maicero, el TLCAN introdujo un sistema de protección a los pequeños productores para permitirles ajustarse frente a la competencia de las importaciones de maíz producido con una fuerte dosis de subsidios. Ese plazo de protección debía durar 14 años y contemplaba aplicar un sistema de arancel cuota que iría gradualmente eliminándose. Este sistema consistía en una cuota libre de arancel (fijada inicialmente en 3 millones de toneladas) que iría reduciéndose 3 por ciento cada año y un fuerte arancel a las importaciones por arriba de esta cuota. Se suponía que en 1994 el arancel para esas importaciones sería superior al 200 por ciento ad valorem y que para el año 2008 se habría reducido a cero. Insisto, la transición al libre comercio de maíz debía durar 14 años.

Pero el gobierno mexicano no cobró el arancel previsto y la fase de transición para el sector maicero se desdibujó desde el primer año de vida del TLCAN. Las autoridades argumentaron que hacer efectivo el arancel haría aumentar el precio de la tortilla y desencadenaría presiones inflacionarias. De hecho, el precio de la tortilla se disparó de todos modos. El monto de los impuestos que el gobierno mexicano no cobró superó 2 mil millones de dólares (de 1994) y los productores mexicanos quedaron al descubierto desde el primer año de vigencia del TLCAN. Durante los años siguientes el apoyo real al campo a través de programas como Procampo se desplomó, mientras que las inversiones en infraestructura para la irrigación nunca llegaron. El resultado final: a lo largo de la vigencia del TLCAN se han perdido alrededor de 2 millones de empleos en el campo. Y habría que contabilizar también el efecto negativo sobre la biodiversidad del maíz mexicano, ya que son esos pequeños productores los que año con año cuidan y desarrollan la variabilidad genética de este grano básico.

Hoy que Trump habla de renegociar el TLCAN habría que aprovechar para rediseñar no sólo el capítulo agropecuario, sino toda la política económica para ese sector. Este esfuerzo debiera estar articulado con una política de conservación de empleos productivos en el campo con el fin de combatir la pobreza de manera sustentable. Cabe señalar que hoy los esquemas para apuntalar el campo podrían aumentar sensiblemente y aun así México estaría cumpliendo con las condiciones estipuladas en el seno de la Organización Mundial de Comercio.

La negociación del capítulo agropecuario siempre estuvo marcada por la controversia. Pero lo que ilustra el ejemplo anterior es una obstinada cerrazón por parte del gobierno y de grupos allegados al poder que se niegan a cuidar el interés colectivo. Mientras no se derribe este muro que separa al pueblo mexicano de sus gobernantes, es algo ilusorio el llamado a la unidad nacional frente al agresivo temperamento del nuevo inquilino de la Casa Blanca.

Alejandro Nadal

Alejandro Nadal: Profesor e investigador de economía en el Colegio de México (COLMEX).

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La renuncia de Michael Flynn: ¿Otra señal de caos en la Casa Blanca?

February 15th, 2017 by Roberto García Hernández

La renuncia del asesor de Seguridad Nacional de la Casa Blanca, Michael Flynn, está hoy en el centro del debate político en Estados Unidos y para algunos constituye otra prueba del caos existente en la nueva administración.

Para otros expertos, quienes están detrás de la campaña mediática en torno a este hecho pretenden además aprovecharla para mantener en un bajo perfil las relaciones con Rusia.

Flynn, quien apenas llevaba un mes en el cargo, pidió anoche su salida del equipo de Gobierno tras un escándalo en torno a sus contactos con funcionarios rusos en diciembre pasado, sobre cuyos intercambios dio ‘información incompleta’ a sus superiores, en particular al vicepresidente Mike Pence.

Fuentes oficiales informaron anoche que el relevo de Flynn sería el general retirado Joseph K. Kellogg, quien asume con carácter temporal hasta que se designe a otra persona para esta posición, que no requiere aprobación del Senado.

Para el diario The Washington Post, la partida de Flynn, exdirector de la Agencia de Inteligencia de Defensa (2012-2014) agrava la confusión en el Consejo de Seguridad Nacional (CSN) que se supone debe servir como centro coordinador en el manejo de los asuntos internacionales de la Administración.

Al parecer, Flynn perdió poder dentro de la Casa Blanca pues algunas funciones del CSN eran asumidas por un pequeño grupo de asesores de Trump encabezados por el jefe de estrategia de la Casa Blanca, Stephen K. Bannon, según advierten medios de prensa estadounidenses.

El diario The New York Times valora su breve actuación en el cargo y destaca que con sus declaraciones de apoyo a las proyecciones de Trump en política exterior, el exgeneral sin darse cuenta ilustró el caos que reina en las primeras semanas del nuevo jefe de la Oficina Oval.

Su renuncia impactó en el Congreso, donde los legisladores demócratas John Conyers y Elijah Cummings llamaron a analizar el asunto en una audiencia a puertas cerradas, con la presencia de los máximos responsables del Departamento de Justicia, el FBI y otras agencias federales.

Sin embargo, el republicano Devin Nunes, presidente del Comité de Inteligencia de la Cámara baja, emitió una opinión diferente al señalar que ‘Washington D.C. puede ser una ciudad difícil para la gente honorable, y el hecho es que Flynn siempre fue un soldado, no un político y merece la gratitud y respeto del país’.

En su carta de renuncia, Flynn aseguró que sostuvo numerosas llamadas con funcionarios extranjeros y que ‘desafortunadamente, debido a la rapidez con que transcurrieron los hechos’, proporcionó ‘involuntariamente información incompleta’ sobre la conversación en diciembre con el embajador ruso Serguei Kislyak.

Por tal motivo, añade, ‘me disculpé sinceramente con el Presidente y el Vicepresidente y ellos aceptaron mis disculpas’.

Al parecer todo fue muy rápido pues anoche llegó la noticia de su solicitud de renuncia, pocas horas después de que Kellyanne Conway, consejera del mandatario, declarara en televisión que Trump mantenía su total confianza en el general retirado.

De forma paralela, en las últimas horas aparecen nuevas ‘revelaciones’ sobre los nexos del defenestrado funcionario con las autoridades rusas y medios de prensa señalan que el FBI monitoreó los contactos telefónicos del exgeneral con la embajada de Moscú en Washington.

La conversación con el embajador ruso incluyó una discusión acerca de las sanciones impuestas a la nación euroasiática.

En medio de los debates sobre la renuncia de Flynn salió a la luz una investigación de los servicios de seguridad del Ejército estadounidense acerca de un supuesto pago al funcionario durante una visita a Moscú en 2015, lo que constituiría una violación de las reglas de la institución, en su condición de oficial en retiro.

Desde Rusia, el presidente del Comité de Relaciones Exteriores de la Duma, cámara baja del parlamento, Alexei Pushkov, señaló que el blanco al que se disparó con esta democión no fue al asesor de Seguridad Nacional, sino a las relaciones con Rusia.

El Kremlin ha reiterado su interés en revertir el agravamiento de los nexos con Washington tras las sucesivas rondas de sanciones durante la presidencia de Barack Obama.

De cualquier manera la salida de Flynn se suma a toda la problemática que enfrenta Trump y su equipo, que va desde la querella judicial sobre las órdenes ejecutivas en materia migratoria hasta las contradicciones con importantes aliados y vecinos como Canadá y México, las tensiones en los nexos con China y la falta de una política coherente en otros temas internacionales y domésticos.

Roberto García Hernández

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Trump Not Qualified to Serve in His Own Cabinet

February 15th, 2017 by Oliver Ortega

President Donald Trump would have a hard time getting into his own cabinet given his business entanglements, ethics experts told WhoWhatWhy. With Trump’s apparent decision not to separate himself from his businesses, the potential for conflicts of interest in his White House — not just financial but political and even military — are mind-boggling.

Why are cabinet nominees held to a higher ethical standard than their boss? Because they are legally obligated to divest from investments that might conflict with their governmental roles. But the same requirement doesn’t apply to the presidency, a loophole Trump is exploiting.

One Trump cabinet nominee has already withdrawn due to potential conflicts of interest. Vincent Viola, an investment banker whom Trump picked for Secretary of the Army, opted to drop out of contention earlier this month rather than divest from his business dealings, including an attempt to acquire shares of an airline receiving government subsidies.

Donald Trump, James Mattis, Mike Pence

President Donald J. Trump departs from the Pentagon alongside Secretary of Defense James Mattis on Jan. 27, 2017,
in Washington, D.C. Photo credit: Jim Mattis / Flickr (CC BY 2.0)

If Trump were to be selected for the same role under a different president, his current financial set-up, a revocable blind trust overseen by his son, would not be enough to pass ethical muster. He’d have to divest from his real estate and any other assets in the dozens of foreign countries he has dealings with, said Richard Painter, who served as chief ethics lawyer in the George W. Bush White House.

“Holdings outside the United States are incompatible with any [cabinet] position having to do with national security,” Painter told WhoWhatWhy.

Another post Trump would surely have trouble getting confirmed for is Treasury Secretary, according to Richard Briffault, a law professor at Columbia University.

His real estate holdings would also be at issue here given his extensive dealings with the very banks he would be overseeing. An analysis by the Wall Street Journal showed Trump owes at least hundreds of millions of dollars to more than 150 different financial institutions.

Trump’s hotel business would also get in the way of leading the departments of Labor and Homeland Security, Briffault told WhoWhatWhy. For decades, Trump has hired foreign workers for seasonal shifts at his Mar-a-Lago Club, which flies in the face of his pro-American worker rhetoric.

Every president since Jimmy Carter has released his tax returns, but the disclosure isn’t required by law. Trump has stated he will not release his returns.

Without Trump’s tax returns, however, it’s hard to gauge the full extent of his investments, and therefore his potential conflicts of interest. As a cabinet nominee, Painter said, he would most likely be compelled by the Senate to produce his tax returns before a confirmation vote.

Eric Trump, David Perdue, Vincent Viola, Ivanka Trump

Eric Trump (left). Senator David Perdue and Vincent Viola (top right). Ivanka Trump shoes for babies and toddlers. Photo credit: Disney | ABC Television Group / Flickr (CC BY-ND 2.0)US Senate and Jonathan Bowen / Flickr (CC BY 2.0).

Of course, putting the fox in the hen house, politically speaking, is nothing new. Industry insiders have long taken top positions at key regulatory and cabinet departments involved in overseeing their very companies, usually after distancing themselves from their assets for the duration of their tenure.

Secretary of State and former Exxon-Mobil CEO Rex Tillerson has agreed to sell his shares in the fossil fuel giant; the company also signed an additional agreement with ethics regulators. Recently confirmed Education Secretary and rightwing billionaire Betsy DeVos has said she intends to divest from a number of education-related ventures, including a student-loan collection service.

In contrast, Trump has refused to divest or put his assets in a blind trust not handled by a family member, arguing that as President he’s under no legal obligation to do so. The president handed control of the Trump Organization to his eldest son, Donald Jr., and to the organization’s chief financial officer. But Trump can rescind their authority at any time, and the scheme falls way short of what the Office of Government Ethics recommends, though the arrangement seems well within the law.

The U.S. code actually exempts the president and vice president from conflict of interest laws, a legal interpretation supported by a Congressional Research Office report back in October.

Still, most recent presidents have put their personal assets in a blind trust to avoid the appearance of corruption. And Painter and other ethics experts warn that Trump may be running afoul of the emoluments clause in the Constitution, which bars federal officials from receiving payments from foreign governments.

Concerns stem from the fact that Trump’s business ventures span the globe — from a resort in Indonesia to golf courses in the British Isles — which could serve as cover for such payments.

“He’s taken very few steps,” Briffault said. “He doesn’t seem to be interested in the kind of real separation from his business and government interest that would be required of anyone.”

Trump’s refusal to distance himself from his business interests has become all the more troubling in light of recent moves further blurring the line between his politics and his businesses.

The Pentagon is looking into leasing space in Trump Tower, directly enriching Trump with taxpayer money in the course of fulfilling the customary function of keeping a place for military officials near the president’s residence.

On Wednesday, Trump berated department store chain Nordstrom for dropping his daughter’s clothing line, prompting the company’s stock to drop briefly, and top aide Kellyanne Conway came under fire for plugging Ivanka’s products during a media interview the next day.

Eric Trump recently made a business trip to Uruguay to oversee a Trump Tower in construction there, costing taxpayers nearly $100,000 for the security detail.

The controversial executive order banning immigration from seven Muslim-majority countries, but not from others, has raised eyebrows for reasons beyond the moral issues involved. The Trump business empire has extensive ties to major Muslim countries untouched by the ban — such as Egypt and Saudi Arabia — but none in the seven countries specifically targeted by the ban..

Further, no citizen of those seven countries has been responsible for a deadly attack on US soil for over two decades, while Egyptian and Saudi nationals were prominent among the hijackers on 9/11.

Is this a harbinger of how policy decisions can be shaped by financial conflicts of interest in an administration headed by an ethics-light president with global business connections? Only time will tell.

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No: No Wall Could Hurt Mexico as Much as NAFTA Has

February 15th, 2017 by Mark Weisbrot

President Trump is unlikely to fulfill his dream of forcing Mexico to pay for his proposed wall along the United States’ Southern border.

If it is built, though, U.S. taxpayers will almost certainly foot the bill, which some have estimated could be as high as $50 billion.

With that said, it’s worth taking a step back to look at the economics of U.S.-Mexican relations to see how immigration from Mexico even became a political issue someone like Trump could use to his advantage.

The North American Free Trade Agreement, commonly called NAFTA, is a good starting point.

While it is finally widely recognized that so-called free trade agreements have harmed millions of U.S. workers, thought leaders from both sides of the political spectrum continue to assume NAFTA has been good for Mexico. This assumption is forcefully contradicted by the facts.

If we look at the most basic measure of economic progress, the growth of gross domestic product, or income per person, Mexico, which signed on to NAFTA in 1994, has performed the 15th-best out of 20 Latin American countries.

Other measures show an even sadder picture. The poverty rate in 2014 was 55.1 percent, an increase from the 52.4 percent measurement in 1994.

Wages tell a similar story: There’s been almost no growth in real inflation-adjusted wages since 1994 – just about 4.1 percent over 21 years.

Why has Mexico fared so poorly under NAFTA?

Well, it must be understood that NAFTA marked a continuation of policies that began in the 1980s under pressure from Washington and the International Monetary Fund, when Mexico had been left particularly vulnerable from a debt crisis and world recession.

These policies included the deregulation and liberalization of manufacturing, foreign investment and ownership – 70 percent of Mexico’s banking system is now foreign-owned.

Mexico also moved away from the pro-development policies of the previous decades toward a new, neoliberal prescription that tied Mexico ever more closely to its northern neighbor and its questionable ideas about economic development.

The purpose of NAFTA was to lock in these changes and policies in an international treaty so that they would be more difficult to reverse.

It was also designed to add special privileges for transnational corporations, like the right to sue governments for regulations that reduced their potential profits – even those dealing with public health or environmental safety. These lawsuits are decided by a tribunal of mostly corporate lawyers who are not bound by precedent or any national legal system.

About 2 million net jobs have been lost in Mexican agriculture, with millions more displaced, as imported subsidized corn has wiped out small farmers. From 1994-2000, immigration to the U.S. from Mexico increased by 79 percent, before dropping off in the 2000s.

Now about that wall: If the Mexican economy had just continued to grow post-1980, as it did for the two decades prior, Mexicans would have an average income at European levels today. Very few Mexicans would take big risks to live or work in the U.S.

But growth collapsed after 1980 under Washington’s failed experiment.

Even if we look just at the 23 years post-NAFTA – the much better years – GDP per person has grown by just 29 percent, a fraction of the 99 percent growth Mexico saw from 1960-1980.

The wall would cause significant environmental and economic damage, if it is ever built. But it is the long-term damage that Washington has helped visit upon the Mexican economy that has brought us to the point where a U.S. president could even propose such a monstrosity.

Mark Weisbrot is Co-Director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research in Washington, D.C., and holds a doctorate in economics from the University of Michigan. Readers may write him at CEPR, 1611 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 400, Washington, DC 20009

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Who Funds the Think Tanks?

February 15th, 2017 by Tony McKenna

A new report shows how ‘highly opaque and deceptive’ methods are used to shape public perception, writes Tony McKenna.

The current political landscape is fraught, treacherous and more difficult than ever to navigate. The EU referendum in 2016 saw the Leave vote carry the day, but the decision to ‘Brexit’ has created in its wake a bitter and on-going division within Britain. The current government have done little to balm the divide. Its preparations for the Leave vote were almost non-existent. When British PM Theresa May’s cabinet was pushed to act by an increasingly frantic public, it endeavoured to trigger the exit process without disclosing its strategy or putting it to a vote in the Commons. Such lack of accountability only generated further uproar. May’s oblique manoeuvring ran aground on a High Court ruling which forced the government to debate the issue, causing the Prime Minister herself to become more cautious when she declared a need for ‘full and transparent’ parliamentary scrutiny.

More caution and accountability is welcome, but the problem with transparency does not begin at the highest echelons of the government. It is a broader issue which often works from the grassroots up. Think tanks help transmit a multitude of voices – from professionals, activists, and businesspeople, to academics on the ground – channeling information upward through the state bureaucracy and acting as an important source for the formation of law. But how do these bodies choose which of those voices to listen to? And what groups stand behind the think tanks themselves?

What material interests underpin their funding? These questions are important because in the world of policy advisement, think tanks are presented as politically independent. This quality elevates them to the status of the rare and sought after magical unicorn in civil arena. Yet, reality is often more complex.

10.02.2017-think-tank-590.jpg [Related Image]

The organization Transparify tackled this problem in its new report on the funding of UK think tanks, launched this week. The report made it clear from the outset that think tanks are becoming increasingly opaque. There was only one think tank – The Royal United Services Institute – which actually improved the level of its disclosure from the previous year, grouping its donors in coherent financial categories and permitting the public to have a clear idea of who supports its work. Worryingly, however, Transparify has discovered a tendency toward greater opacity with seven major think tanks resorting to ‘highly opaque and deceptive’ methods of veiling their root sources of funding.

This is up from four institutions who resorted to similar tactics in the year before. According to Transparify the seven think tanks ‘take money from behind closed doors…over £22 million of dark money’ and are thereby able to ‘collectively employ over 200 people in their quest to shape public debates and influence policies.’

Why the need for such Byzantine secrecy on the part of these super trusts? The report provides some of the answers. One of the groups in question, the Adam Smith Institute, involves a research trust which is allied to a commercial consulting company (Adam Smith International LTD). The Institute’s commercial links are increasingly evinced in the tone and tenor of its research which the trust produces and which seems anything but dispassionate and objective. For example, this year the Institute went on a media offensive disparaging the claims of research conducted by Oxfam showing how the ‘world’s eight richest people have the same wealth as the poorer half of the globe’s population.’

The Adam Smith Institute’s ‘findings’ more and more feed into a clearly delineated ideological assumption – one which the Institute stated openly in a 2015 study: ‘[T]he private sector, rightfully driven by the profit motive, tempered by tolerance for risk, rewards innovation.’ Such a statement illustrates the trust’s commercial basis, for as the Transparify report notes, ‘Adam Smith International reported a turnover of over £130 million, with an operating profit of nearly £17 million’. It is no surprise that the AS Institute holds a natural affinity with companies in the private sector, cultivates strong financial connections with them; consequentially, much of the information it issues is almost inevitably partisan. In 2013 the Observer newspaper revealed that the Institute had taken ‘3 per cent of its funding…from tobacco firms’, so one does not have to look deep to find the impetus for the Adam Smith Institute’s audacious claim, last year, that big tobacco companies like Philip Morris International were the ‘true public health heroes’ for having decided to augment their profits with a new range of e-cigarette products.

Perhaps the Institute’s namesake, the great political economist whose legacy they have so shamelessly bowdlerized, would have appreciated the irony of the ‘invisible hand’ of big tobacco working from behind the scenes to mysteriously effect its own ends. But the Adam Smith Institute is not the only think tank to have been infiltrated by cigarette companies, indeed according to the watchdog organization TobaccoTactics ‘the Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA) has in the past regularly received substantial amounts of money from tobacco companies, and may continue to do so.’ The organization Centre for Policy Studies also has the dubious honour of membership of this elite coterie of tobacco financed organizationswho claim to act in the public interest – often on the basis of tax exempt charity status.

Sometimes, however, the subversive influence strays beyond the level of private interest into the realm of national-state actors. One of the seven think tanks the Transparify report focuses on is the International Institute for Strategic Studies. This venerable body has ‘secretly taken at least £25 million from the oil-rich Gulf monarchy Bahrain over the course of several years’, the same Bahrain which is now enthusiastically engaged in the wholesale massacre of its own citizens – courtesy of security aid packages provided by the British government. Of course, as the advocacy organization Bahrain Watch notes, by allying itself with the International Institute for Strategic Studies, the Bahrain government is able to cultivate an image of itself ‘as modern, liberal and business friendly’.

Transparify’s new report arrives at an opportune time. In the chaos of Brexit, it seems Britain’s Conservative government is increasingly inclined to genuflect before the Trump administration, to turn the UK into a deregulated low-tax state, a haven for large capital investment – in order to gain an advantage over its former EU allies. Such strategies will no doubt be girded by ‘objective’ public service reports issued from the likes of the Adam Smith Institute. It is, therefore, worth scrutinising the veiled interests which underlie such information.

Tony McKenna’s work has been featured by The Huffington Post, New Statesman, The Progressive, The United Nations, ABC Australia, New Humanist, In These Times, Open Democracy, Ceasefire Magazine, Adbusters and many others. His latest book – a biography of the Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin – is available now.

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Intense clashes have been ongoing in the provincial capital of the Syrian province of Daraa since last weekend when the joint forces of the Free Syrian Army’s Southern Front and Jabhat Fatah al-Sham (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra) attacked government troops in the neighborhood of Manshiyah.

Since then, militants have made some gains in the area, but suffered notable casualties. So far, the joint militant forces reached the Bilal Mosque Roundabout where they faced a stiff resistance from government troops. If militants seize the Manshiyah Great Mosque, they will be in control of about a half of the neighborhood.

The Syrian army has liberated 2 more villages – Abu Jabbar and Mugharah– from ISIS terrorists in the province of Aleppo. Meanwhile, Turkish forces have been struggling to make some gains in the ISIS-held town of al-Bab. Clashes are ongoing there.

46 militants were killed in infighting between Tahrir al-Sham, a Jabhat Fatah al-Sham-led coalition of various militant group, and Jund al-Aqsa in the countryside of Hama and Idlib, according to a report of the so-called “Syrian Observatory for Human Rights”, a hardcore pro-militant media outlet based in London.

Moscow has deployed an additional military police battalion to Syria.The battalion was send from the Russian republic of Ingushetia in order to boost security of military personnel during operations in the war-torn country, according to Ingushetia leader Yunus-Bek Yevkurov said on Monday. According to Yevkurov, servicemen will focus on protecting personnel of the Russian air group and the Center for Syrian reconciliation. It is the second battalion of the Russian Military Police deployed to Syria.

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Trump Team: Two Uninspiring Choices

February 15th, 2017 by Philip Giraldi

Government sometimes seems the employer of last resort

We live in a political environment where nothing is any longer real.

Allegedly apolitical Amnesty International issues a 48 page report stating that 13,000 political prisoners have been hanged in Syrian government prisons “a crime against humanity” and then it is revealed that the document was fabricated in London based on unconfirmed rebel sources and that its graphics were computer generated simulations.

The mainstream media is uncritically promoting the allegations and the author of the report has been marketing the claims as if they are factual while beating the drum for military intervention and regime change in Syria.

The American government similarly should be regarded as a terra incognita if one is in search of the truth. If there is one thing I learned from more than twenty years of moving in and around the vast federal bureaucracy it is that one should never believe anything appearing in the media regarding elected officials or senior managers. If one were to accept uncritically everything being said about people at or aspiring to be at the top of the government one would have to believe that our country is led either by geniuses or idiots depending on your political point of view. Washington is either completely bad or completely good depending on one’s perspective and you should always triple check the sources.


In reality, even Vice Presidents and Secretaries of Defense brush their teeth every morning just like everyone else and they are commonly no more or less ethical or intelligent than most people in the general run of the population.

To be sure, we have had our share of completely incompetent and politically corrupted senior staff under President Barack Obama, to include Eric Holder, Ash Carter, Loretta Lynch, Samantha Power, Arne Duncan and Susan Rice while the list of President George W. Bush and Bill Clinton appointees is so dreadful that it is best not to even try to recall who did what and to whom, though I do feel compelled to drop two names – Sandy Berger, best known for stuffing national archive documents down his trousers and Madeleine Albright who thought killing 500,000 Iraqi children through sanctions was “worth it.”

And if any readers out there are concerned lest the high-minded patriots that make up successive cabinets have been in some way held accountable for the damage they did to the country I am pleased to report that not one of them has suffered in any way. Those who are still alive all occupy well remunerated sinecures and pop up occasionally at presidential libraries where they can share their days of glory with the slick willies who hired them in the first place.

That all means that Donald Trump is not exactly unique in his attempt to satisfy all the GOP and national constituencies who are seeking to be validated by having “one of theirs” in a prominent position. We are now entering into the final stages of the transition process to name the last few political appointees who will take senior positions in the new Administration. A number of layabouts and scallywags have surfaced during the process and some have even made it to the top levels. That those like John Bolton did not make the final cut, apparently due to his moustache and the principled opposition to his candidacy mounted by Senator Rand Paul, has the entire world breathing a sigh of relief. Others, to include Michael Flynn the National Security Advisor and Nikki Haley as U.N. Ambassador unfortunately did manage to squeak through and will presumably be well placed to wreak havoc over the next four years.

But truly the most ghastly candidate who almost made it through the screening process , in this case to become number two at the Department of State, had to be Elliot Abrams. Abrams had the support of Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Chief of Staff Reince Priebus and Principal Adviser Jared Kushner. Abrams was reportedly nixed by Trump himself due to his sharp criticism of the GOP candidate during the campaign against Hillary Clinton.

The American people and the rest of the world really dodged a bullet when Abrams was denied as he was the neoconservative candidate par excellence and might be regarded as the potential enabler of a neocon reentry into government. Predictably his buddies rallied around to praise him in defeat, with CNN quoting an unnamed “Republican source” who mourned “This is a loss for the State Department and the country and, for that matter, for the President.” Another said Abrams did not get the position because of “Donald Trump’s thin skin and nothing else,” which is manifestly a ridiculous comment as Rand Paul was clearly sending a signal that he would also work hard to block the appointment. Tillerson, however, reportedly pushed for Abrams “because he felt he needed his foreign policy experience…” Excuse me?

Abrams’ “foreign policy experience” is largely negative and some would even suggest criminal. He was an odd choice in any event, only explicable due to his still powerful neocon network pushing him forward. He had written an opinion piece in May in The Weekly Standard entitled “When You Can’t Stand Your Candidate” after Trump had obtained enough support to become the Republican nominee. The first line of the Abrams article reads “The party has nominated someone who cannot win and should not be president of the United States” in part because of his “complete ignorance of foreign policy” and it goes on to question Trump’s “character and fitness to be commander in chief.” He advocated purging the GOP of Trump supporters after the expected victory of Hillary Clinton. And this man actually expected to be appointed to high office by Donald Trump?

Abrams is a close associate of leading neocons Bill Kristol and Robert Kagan. He was a founding co-signer of their Project for a New American Century, led the charge to invade Iraq after calling for “regime change,” and has endorsed military interventions in Libya and Syria as well as Iran. He withheld information from Congress in the Iran-Contra scandal, was convicted, and later pardoned by George H. W. Bush.

Elliot Abrams has received considerable media coverage since his name surfaced as possible Deputy Secretary of State but none of it has focused on his close attachment to the state of Israel and his belief that Jews should not marry non-Jews. He is a regular speaker on the so-called “synagogue speaker circuit” and is cited frequently in the Jewish media both in the U.S. and in Israel. He called Chuck Hagel an “anti-Semite” when Hagel was up for confirmation as defense secretary because Hagel had been mildly critical of Israel and the Israeli Lobby while a Senator.

Abrams was and presumably still is opposed to U.S. pressuring the Netanyahu government to bring about a peace settlement with the Palestinians, telling Bill Kristol in an interview that “…tension…is growing between the U.S. and Israel over this. Because we are constantly asking in my view for Israeli concessions, to kind of oil this mechanism of peace. And the Israelis are getting tired of it. And they think, you know, this is not the way an ally should act.” His sagacious view is a clear misrepresentation of the actual facts to ignore real American interests and favor the Israeli point of view. It should have been a disqualifier for a senior post at State but for the established fact that only Israel Firsters need apply for any positions at Foggy Bottom that deal with the Middle East.

The other uninspiring appointee that unfortunately made it through the vetting process is Gina Haspel, who was named as Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency on February 2nd. She was reportedly involved in the rendition and torture programs ca. 2003-4 and actually was senior officer in charge of one of the overseas prisons located in Thailand, which was the epicenter of the “enhanced interrogation” program and the site where al-Qaeda prisoner Abu Zubaydah was waterboarded 83 times, “tortured so brutally that at one point he appeared to be dead.” In 2005 she also ordered the destruction of the video tapes made of the interrogations to avoid providing evidence to any congressional inquiry into what had gone on.

The appointment of Haspel is a sign that torturing people can be career enhancing if one works for the United States government. Her promotion was endorsed by the usual suspects including Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and former Acting CIA Director Michael Morell, who has recently advocated assassinating Iranians and Russians to send a message that the United States is “serious.”

If one needs more evidence that many in the United States government at senior levels should be locked away somewhere to protect the rest of the world I would point both to Haspel and also to last week’s reaction to what was an eminently sensible comment by Donald Trump. Trump was asked by interviewer Bill O’Reilly why he respected a “killer” like Vladimir Putin and responded “You got a lot of killers. What, you think our country’s so innocent?” He added that Putin “is a leader of his country. I say it’s better to get along with Russia than not.”

For drawing what was described as a “moral equivalency” between Russia and the U.S., Trump was blasted by The New York TimesThe Washington Post, a gaggle of Republican senators led by the lugubrious Mitch McConnell, sundry Democrats and late night television hosts. Yet Trump was, if anything, too nice. The United States has unleashed far more havoc on the world than Putin and yet it persists in describing itself as the “Leader of the Free World” and the planet’s greatest democracy. Abrams is intent on regime changing most of the Arab world to benefit Israel while Haspel does torture. Both are described as respected members of the foreign policy establishment and are lauded by the media and political chattering class for their service to their country.

Go figure. That people as morally repugnant as Haspel and Abrams should be considered for high level office in Washington is a travesty. All of the flag waving and boasting of American exceptionalism is a joke as the civilian death toll from drone and shadow warriors continues to mount in places like Afghanistan, Syria, and Yemen. Yes, it is indisputably far “better to get along with Putin” and with everyone else, but that appears to be something that many people in Washington find hard to accept.

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A new gang is in power in Washington. No one quite knows how or why, but the old gang is fighting back with all of its might. A charlatan heads the new gang; he says he opposes everything the old boss did. He says he will set it all right at home and in the global neighborhood, yet his cabinet of consiglieri is stacked with muscular Pentagon Telamon Ajaxes, avaricious bankers and Wall Street vultures, and the mother of all archaic fossil-fuel planetary polluters—Exxon Mobil.

A clutch of customary villains, no less villainous than the ones before. His boss of Labor opposes raising the minimum wage. His boss of Treasury is a former partner of Goldman Sachs, international economic polluters, big time.

In January 2017, the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists moved up its “Doomsday Clock” by thirty seconds to two-and-a-half minutes to midnight, the closest to Armageddon since 1953. The causes, they wrote, were “nuclear volatility” and climate change.  The signs that Trump might reverse the course of doom are unpromising. Rex Tillerson’s appointment means that Exxon-Mobil will function as the virtual Secretary of State. The war state rules: “Let it be an arms race. We will outmatch them at every pass and outlast them all,” Trump said to Mika Brzesinki in a phone call in December, if we can trust the report by the co-host of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”

Meanwhile, during and after the electoral process, the circulatory apparatus of two-gang democracy has shown terminal symptoms of arteriosclerosis. As latent system-dementia becomes overt, the polity has been losing its marbles, too. Two and a half million participated in the Women’s March the day after the inauguration, protesting Trump’s threat to women’s rights—a mass never seen in the streets before to oppose Obama’s killings, which included a disproportionate amount of civilians, many of them women. You know the numbers: 50,000 in Libya; 10,000 in Yemen and Ukraine each; 400,000 in Syria; 2,500 in Gaza, to select the most widely known figures. Add to these casualties the millions of internally displaced and refugees (65 millions in 2017, up from 59 million in 2016), fleeing wars and economic depredation by the knights of Obama’s neo-liberal and neo-colonial ministration.

But we mustn’t begrudge late risers.

Behind the old gang lies a regime of mendacity, a tide of greed, a blight of inequality, a plague of wars, a reign of hypocrisy. Before the new gang, a vision of Pandora, opening wider her nasty box of troubles. More evils released to join the ones already loosed.  The streets are turned into a bedlam of discord, bathos, alarm, and confusion because the forgetful harpy and serial killer Hillary Clinton lost and the crazed buffoon and gaseous “orange” zeppelin won—billionaire Trump, head of an empire of 111 industrial, commercial, and financial corporations.  “Friend of the people.”

I’m not making this up.

The result of the election has been a political cluster bomb.  Bomblets continue to explode in the form of protests and marches and media hysteria. None of these focus on what really matters: the future of humanity on an overheated planet, menaced by America’s systematic drive for space and power over the Earth.

It’s the geopolitics, stupid.

Popular pandemonium exploded over the merits and demerits of two evils. How can a polity be brought so low? The two evils are one.  In the poisonous air, I hear the echo of Mark Twain’s sardonic rewrite of the “Battle Hymn of the Republic,” to denounce his own time’s descent into the moral quagmire of imperialism in the Spanish-American War of 1898:

Mine eyes have seen the orgy of the launching of the sword
He is searching out the hoardings where the strangers’ wealth is stored
He has loosed his fateful lightning, and with woe and death has scored
His lust is marching on.

It would be a relief to hear a country united in such a challenging chorus accusing officials’ and backers’ domestic and foreign violence. But the night is not yet dark enough for the owl of Minerva to begin her flight and reveal the gangs’ collective abuses of our trust in their vainglorious myths. We are stranded on the “darkling plane,” in a greyness which the powers that deny us understanding are painting with still more grey. We cannot read the past, so we cannot move into the future.  We sense what we think we know is not what is. We are not even sure we are living in the present.

How can such a suspension of time not make one nauseous?

“The Nausea is not within me . . . I feel it out there . . . I am within it.” Just so Racontin, the protagonist of Jean Paul Sartre’s novel, Nausea, explains the physical revulsion he felt on touching reality around him—a chair, a person, a work of art. But where is the rot? “I feel it out there in the wall, in the suspenders, everywhere around me.” What does it look like? “A monster? A giant carapace? Sunk in the mud? A dozen pairs of claws or fins laboring slowly in the slime? The monster rises. At the bottom of the water.”

Is “Trump” Grendl’s new name? In the shock of the weeks before the inauguration, the old gang’s media minstrels indeed decried that a monster had been loosed from the slime of the White Lagoon peopled by racists voting in the rustic hinterlands—the Rustofarians.  The minstrels spread urban panic. The crowds roared: bugger the elections; have a vote recount; abolish the Electoral College; declare the Trump unfit. This monster, about to squat in an oval-shaped room, like so many elect before him, was supposed to have been Hillary Clinton.

But she morphed into him.

Her gang pointed the finger at Russia. It was Russia brought this ill wind, not the foulness of the Clinton clan, not the bloodlust of the Obama years, not the political slaughter of the lymphatic social democrat, Bernie Sanders, who could have saved the gang’s ass. Given it four more years of failing but respectable life. It was Russia that wove the web of fate—Russia “not born of woman,” unnatural, evil, stained with the original sin of communism, the mark of Cain. Russia that brought “great Birnam wood to high Dunsinane hill” and cut down the Lady Queen of Chaos in the prime of her ascendancy to Empress of a world, large swathes of which she had drained of blood and was herself  “in blood stepped so far, that should [she] wade no more, returning were as tedious as go over”

But she was left there, in blood’s midstream, and they rued.

The entire gang world—the Heimat of the globalist “international community”—went into a chorus of shrieking laments. The political eunuchs in Europe cried along with their American masters. Here was the upstart presidential mirror in which the Heimat of the good and the great could no longer admire itself enlarged, greater, finer, more humanitarian than his crude illiberal vulgarity would now reflect back. The old gang’s bad-faith had become unsustainable. Their self-image, propped up by deceptive ideological claptrap—“liberal values”—was shattered. What of the solemnity of slogans—“civil society,” rule of law, dedication to universal principles, respect for identities, protection of ethnic minorities, zeal for religious freedoms? What of the pompous phrases, the lubrications of exalted promises? All gone into the vortex of the philistine stupidity of the deplorable masses and their despotic ballot box. Nothing to hear but the howling of an evil new wind.

The hearing of which was new to them.

Before Trump emerged from the electoral swamp the winner, everything already had been the contrary of everything. And became more so. The liberation of 100,000 civilians in Aleppo in December 2016 by the Syrian Arab Army and the Russian allies from four years of Western-backed terror, they called “a war crime.” The separation of Crimeans from Ukraine by popular referendum (over 90% in favor) joining Russia, they called “Russian aggression.”  The US/EU coup in Ukraine (2013-14), planned and executed by the Obama Neo-con State Department and costing $5 billion dollars, substituting an elected government by a junta of Neo-Nazi ministers and officials, they called the return of  “democracy to Ukraine.”  The fascism, now attributed to Trump as a novelty, was hiding in plain sight in Obama’s reign of illegal wars, regime changes, ubiquitous sanctions, and terror proxy armies, studiously ignored or fictionalized by the scribbler-courtiers in the media, the punditry, think-tanks, foundations, and officialdom.

These “fixers” reversed cause and effect. They obscured the fact that Crimea’s separation from Ukraine was the effect of the US-coup in Kiev. They used it as the cause for tightening NATO’s military noose around Russia, including with offensive missiles, called “defensive.”  Thus the effect of American regime-change in Ukraine became the cause of American militarization of Central and Eastern Europe. With objective Russia. This militarization against the constructed phantom of Russian aggression goes by the grand name of Atlantic Resolve 2017, which the US Department of Defense justifies on its website in these terms:

The United States is demonstrating its continued commitment to collective security through a series of actions designed to reassure NATO allies and partners of America’s dedication to enduring peace and stability in the region in light of the Russian intervention in Ukraine (emphasis mine).

That bullhorn of the military-industrial complex, John McCain, turned reality upside down in an instruction to the new gang for continuing the sanction regime against Russia:

In just the last three years under Vladimir Putin, Russia has invaded Ukraine, annexed Crimea, threatened NATO allies, and intervened militarily in Syria, leaving a trail of death, destruction, and broken promises in his wake.

In a rational world, the bulk of this accusation would be lobbed at the planners in Obama’s neo-liberal-neo-con gang, but no imperial ego can admit being morally in the wrong.  It dresses its violence in cloth of gold, spun obligingly by the official media. The bloody rags of responsibility are tossed onto someone else, who must be demonized, preferably by a media liberal. Rachel Maddow, for example,  graduated as an instant Sovietologist in her incendiary rant linking Putin’s capitalist Russia to Stalin’s socialist USSR. Tell me what rallies the American public—including and especially the liberals–to the side of the Star and Stripes more precipitously than raising the communist ghost?

The manipulation of news and the distortion of reality are the most powerful weapons in the hands of power.  They can make a whole reality disappear. Yemen’s, for example.  The Saudi “coalition,” backed by the US and Britain, began bombing Yemen on 23 March 2015. Since then, 3.2 million Yemenis have been displaced, half the people suffer from malnutrition, 10,000 civilians have been killed (that’s 13 civilians per day), 2 million youngsters cannot attend school, nearly 15 million people (55 percent children) have no access to basic medical care.

Yet, we heard nothing of this immense suffering. The US and Britain, in fact, profited from the war in Yemen. The Obama administration sold on the world’s weapon market $200 billion worth of arms, the largest US weapons’ sale since WW II–over $100 billion to Saudi Arabia alone. Britain’s contribution to Saudi Arabia’s arsenal was $3.2 billion in the last year alone. The United States and Britain continue to provide intelligence and logistical support to the Saudi-led coalition, which intervened on the side of Yemeni President Abdu Rabbu Mansour Hadi, who fled to Saudi Arabia in the midst of his people’s civil war.

But, throughout the Obama years, all was quiet on the Yemeni front in officialdom and its media mouthpiece over the deliberate targeting of vital civilian infrastructure, schools and hospitals, weddings and funerals. At a funeral in Sana, last October, a Saudi airstrike killed 114 civilians.  Before the bombing of Yemen began, the Obama gang imposed sanctions and blockaded Yemen—all without a Security Council resolution or any pretense of adhering to international law. The director of Yemen’s Save the Children recently remarked:

Even before the war tens of thousands of Yemeni children were dying of preventable causes. But now, the situation is much worse and an estimated 1,000 children are dying every week from preventable killers like diarrhea, malnutrition and respiratory tract infections.

In foreign policy, this “racist” is no different from the “post-racist.”  Trump’s “defense” planners are putting Yemen on the media map but only to use it as a cudgel to beat Iran with. On Yemen, they are reported as setting to step up Obama’s infamous drone “kill list,” ramping up the US role in the civil war, and looking to engage more directly.  Taking Yemen as an example, it becomes clear that both the liberal and the illiberal president regard the business of war a national industry. Obama’s last words in office exalted the assumed invincibility of America’s military prowess.  On Dec 22, Trump posted on Twitter, “The United States must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability until such time as the world comes to its senses regarding nukes.”

There will be no retrenchment of US belligerence under Trump. In the first aftermath of his inauguration, President Trump directed Defense Secretary James Mattis to

Initiate a new Nuclear Posture Review to ensure that the United States’ nuclear deterrent is modern, robust, flexible, resilient, ready, and appropriately tailored to deter 21st-century threats and reassure our allies.

On his first visit to the Pentagon, the president signed an executive action calling for expansion of the US military, including its nuclear arsenal to be ready for war with its “near competitors,” understood as Russia and China. “I am signing an executive action to begin a great rebuilding of the armed services of the United States,” he told the Pentagon during the signing.

Thus was the military-industrial complex pacified for losing their favorite candidate, Hillary Clinton.  Reported by the New York Times,

the Pentagon itself, anticipating Trump’s directive to Mattis and his executive action, had been preparing “classified options” to expand the use of Special Operations forces, raising the troop level in Iraq and Syria, and expecting the White House to delegate more authority to the Pentagon and field commanders. The “classified options” included arming the Syrian Kurds for the expected battle for Raqqa, in an obvious scheme to drive a wedge between Turkey and Russia in their belated rapprochement over “regime change” in Syria.

There are indications that, contrary to Trump’s stated aversion to “regime change,” Iran will become the new Syria. In the wake of Iran’s test of a medium-range ballistic missile on January 30, National Security Advisor, Michael Flynn, has begun a campaign of verbal belligerence, disinformation, and outright lies against Iran. In a statement Flynn said that

The recent ballistic missile launch is . . . in defiance of UN Security Council Resolution 2231, which calls upon Iran not to undertake any activity related to ballistic missiles designed to be capable of delivering nuclear weapons, including launches using such ballistic missile technology.

This is a gross distortion of the truth. UN Security Council Resolution 2231 bans Iran from developing missiles capable of carrying a nuclear warhead, but the resolution states no provision preventing Iran from developing defensive capability. The missile tested on January 30 had no capacity for carrying a nuclear warhead; Iran has not violated Resolution 2231.

Flynn’s misrepresentation of Iran’s missile test hums the tune of the fake threat concocted by the Bush neo-cons on the run-up to the fatal invasion of Iraq in 2003 that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. That lie cost Iraq one million dead, the drawing and quartering of Iraq’s political integrity, internal and external refugees by the millions.  Ominously, Flynn ends his statement with a threat, “As of today, we are officially putting Iran on notice.” On cue, came the sanctions targeting 25 individuals and businesses connected to Iran’s missile program, including Chinese persons and companies.

In conclusion, I fail to see the reasons for the gang warfare in DC. Long-standing objectives appear to be shared: the global dominance of the United States by economic and military means. What seems to be the bone of contention is the method of dominating American public opinion. The war is over rhetoric: liberal versus populist “values.” Thus they are fighting over control of the public’s mind. It should not be surrendered to either persuasion. Perhaps the only silver lining in the Trump ascension is the potential empowerment and resurgence of popular resistance.

Luciana Bohne is co-founder of Film Criticism, a journal of cinema studies, and teaches at Edinboro University in Pennsylvania. She can be reached at: [email protected]

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Choose and Love Your Syria, the Future of Syria Is in Your Hands!

February 15th, 2017 by Inside Syria Media Center

Recently, the West and the Middle East pundits and analysts have been trying to analyze the provisions of the new draft constitution proposed by the Russian side as a solution to the Syrian conflict.

Naturally, analyzing the provisions, any of the sides involved in the conflict is trying to present itself as the legitimate government. That raises the question of whether to adopt such a draft or not, because a newly appointed government would have to comply with a new constitution. Not surprisingly, not only the moderate opposition and illegal armed groups, but the official Syrian authorities as well subject the draft to all kinds of criticism. Each side is trying to define its strengths and weaknesses and analyze the consequences and the degree of limitation of power. Some of the draft’s provisions are misinterpreted to influence the society by distorting facts and figures.

Reaching to the original document, Inside Syria Media Center decided to move further. We chose not to focus on the analysis of the draft. Instead, we drew an analogy between the Syrian constitutions of 1973&2012 and the draft constitution proposed in 2017.

This research is aimed at ensuring that everyone is able to compare all the facts and figures, understanding their relevance to the project. By looking through the comparison, you can decide which of the provisions are not acceptable for you, and which should be eventually included in the new draft constitution. Media Center is convinced that a constitution should be developed by the Syrian people. However, for a thorough preparation for adopting the constitution the discussion should start now. We need time to study the experience and opinions of all the sides of the sides of the conflict so that the final document would be accepted by all concerned.

The importance of this research is underscored by the current situation which brings us to a point of no return. Our future, the future of our children and the whole nation primarily depends on how the citizens would discuss the draft. We hope that the research will help the Syrians to introduce their suggestions and develop the fundamental law of the state. It’s important to preserve all the best from the previous constitutions, which is the aim of the project carried out by Inside Syria Media Center.

We would like to draw your attention that the research contains only the comparison rather than the full texts. You are welcome to send us your opinion and proposals for compilation which will be delivered to the Syrian Constitutional Commission. We would especially appreciate the opinion of those who lived under the 1950 constitution.

Mail us and say what you would like to change! Share, Like, Post, Tweet and Discuss!

Every review and request is important!


Inside Syria Media Center, [email protected]

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There Will Be No Palestinian State Under Netanyahu’s Watch

February 15th, 2017 by Prof. Alon Ben-Meir

President Trump should not be swayed by Netanyahu’s duplicitous argument, however convincing it might sound, that he is committed to a two-state solution when in fact he has opposed and will continue to reject in principle the creation of an independent Palestinian state under any circumstances.

Netanyahu’s repeated assertions that he is ready to negotiate with the Palestinians unconditionally is hollow because he knows that President Abbas will not enter into negotiations unless Israel suspends the continuing expansion of settlements and the creeping annexation of Palestinian land, which prevents the Palestinians from establishing their own viable state.

To establish Netanyahu’s lack of commitment, one has to simply observe his actions in the occupied territories and listen to his public narrative, which squarely contradicts his presumed willingness to negotiate an end to the conflict. Netanyahu’s objections in words and deeds to the creation of a Palestinian state are undisputedly manifested in the following:

First, Netanyahu’s insistence that he is ready to negotiate unconditionally is in and of itself a precondition. Suppose President Abbas agrees to negotiate on that basis—there is simply no avoiding the requirement to first agree on rules of engagement, including the venue, makeup of the negotiating teams, their mandate, etc. Most importantly, they must agree on which of the main conflicting issues to tackle first that could facilitate negotiations on other critical issues.

Netanyahu has all along refused to commence negotiations by first meeting the Palestinians’ demand to establish the contours of their future state. Instead, he kept insisting that Israel must first negotiate the mechanism that would ensure its national security. The fact, however, that he always sought “secure borders” would have made it reasonable and practical to negotiate borders first.

This would not only establish what constitutes (from his perspective) secure borders, but it would have also met the Palestinians’ demands and given them the confidence that a future state will eventually be created. In conjunction with that, the future of many of the settlements could have also been settled. Netanyahu’s insistence, however, on negotiating national security first was nothing but a ploy designed to play for time as previous negotiations have clearly shown.

Second, Netanyahu presides over a coalition government that includes, other than his own right-of-center Likud party, two other extremely right-wing parties—Yisrael Beiteinu and Jewish Home, led by Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman and Education Minister Naftali Bennett, respectively, who are both committed and subservient to the settlement movement. Bennett in particular openly calls for the annexation of much of the West Bank, especially Area C, which constitutes 61 percent of the Palestinian territory.

If Netanyahu were to embark in earnest on negotiating a two-state solution, this would immediately unravel his government, as these two parties (along with many members of his own Likud party) have threatened to leave the government if he were to take such a step. Thus, as long as he maintains the present make-up of the current government, there is absolutely no prospect of reaching a peace agreement that would grant the Palestinians a state of their own.

Following his 2015 campaign for reelection, Netanyahu clearly stated “I think that anyone who moves to establish a Palestinian state today, and evacuate areas, is giving radical Islam an area from which to attack the State of Israel. The left has buried its head in the sand time and after time and ignores this…” When asked whether a Palestinian state would not be created under his leadership, the prime minister said “Indeed.” What he said then he still means today; anything he says to the contrary is for show.

Third, the unabated expansion of existing settlements and the passage of the recent law that authorizes the government to retroactively legalize scores of illegal settlements unambiguously suggests that he has no intention whatsoever of allowing the Palestinians to establish a state of their own. This systematic annexation of Palestinian land makes it impossible for them to maintain land contiguity. To suggest, as he claims, that the settlements are not an obstacle to peace is disingenuous at best and he knows it.  Under Netanyahu’s watch, the government has built a major network of roads crisscrossing the West Bank exclusively designated for the settlers, while confining the Palestinians to cantons with the intention of making the current status quo permanent.

Fourth, his objective is to settle at least one million Israelis throughout the West Bank and create irreversible facts on the ground. Currently, there are nearly 650,000 settlers in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, making the removal of any significant number of settlers simply impossible. The lesson that Netanyahu’s father, Benzion Netanyahu, who was a staunch revisionist Zionist, ingrained in his son was the belief that all of the biblical “land of Israel” belongs to the Jews in perpetuity. In a 2009 interview, Benzion stated “The two-state solution doesn’t exist. …There is no Palestinian people, so you don’t create a state for an imaginary nation.” That lesson was not lost on Netanyahu.

Not surprisingly, whenever Israel’s Supreme Court orders the removal of a certain illegal settlement built on private Palestinian land, such as the recent dismantling of Amona with roughly 250 settlers, Netanyahu immediately announces plans to build new units. He is determined that the number of settlers continues to grow to reach the milestone of one million, regardless of what the Israeli courts decide or the international community demands—including the US, Israel’s closest ally.

Fifth, if Netanyahu were to truly opt to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict on the basis of a two-state solution, he could disband his current and establish a new coalition government composed of several centrist and left-of-center parties, including the Zionist Union, Yesh Atid, Kulanu, Meretz, and Netanyahu’s own Likud party, which would provide him a decisive majority of 80 out of 120 seats in the parliament, versus the current government of Likud, Kulanu, Shas, Jewish Home, Yisrael Beiteinu, and UTJ, a very slim majority of 67 out of 120 seats. Although some members of his own party will defect, he will still have a significant majority that reflects the aspiration of the Israelis who want to end the conflict.  It should be noted that with a new government, the 13 members of the Arab List would support any initiative towards a two-state solution.

Such a coalition can certainly agree on an equitable peace with the Palestinians that would entail some land swaps if only Netanyahu wills it. Sadly, however, Netanyahu simply will not entertain such a peace agreement because he is ideologically committed to control in perpetuity all of what he terms the ‘Land of Israel’, while accusing the Palestinians of wanting to destroy rather than make peace with Israel.

To be sure, Netanyahu is not and has never been a proponent of creating a Palestinian state.  Hence, President Trump will be wise not to engage him during his visit to the White House in a futile discussion searching for an agreement based on a two-state solution. This outcome cannot and will not happen as long as Netanyahu is in power.

If Trump is serious about his desire to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict for Israel’s own sake, he must demand that Netanyahu commit himself to create a Palestinian state not by simply stating so, but by taking concrete steps to form a new government composed of the left, center, and his own party, hold a new election, or resign.

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Former Cleveland Democratic congressman Dennis Kucinich on Tuesday said that scheming by the intelligence community to perpetuate the Cold War is behind Michael Flynn’s resignation as national security adviser.

Flynn submitted his resignation to President Donald Trump on Monday night, after admitting that he inadvertently gave “incomplete information” to Vice President Mike Pence and others about phone calls he had with the Russian ambassador before Trump took office.

Subsequent reports said federal officials worried Flynn could be blackmailed because he inappropriately discussed the Obama administration’s sanctions against Russia for interfering in the 2016 election and didn’t tell Pence about it.

In a Tuesday morning interview with Fox Business, Kucinich expressed concern that Flynn’s telephone calls with Russian officials were intercepted by U.S. intelligence agencies and shared with the media.

He said members of the intelligence community want to reignite the Cold War  between the United States and Russia so the military, industrial and intelligence “axis” can “cash in.”

Kucinich argued it would be wrong to continue the Cold War, because the last one cost billions of dollars and “changed the quality of life in this country.”

“There’s something wrong going on here in the intelligence community,” said Kucinich, who urged Trump to take control, and find out where the information is coming from so he and the American people will know the truth.

“It’s early in the morning, it’s Valentine’s Day, but wake up America,” urged Kucinich, a former Democratic presidential candidate.


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Without Poetry We are Dead: With It We Die Living

February 15th, 2017 by Edward Curtin

The real end of the world is the destruction of the spirit; the other kind depends on the insignificant attempt to see whether after such a destruction the world can go on.—Karl Kraus

Most Americans dislike poetry, or at least are indifferent to it. That is probably an understatement. We live in an age of prose, of journalese, and advertising jingles. Poetry, the most directly indirect, mysterious, condensed, and passionate form of communication, is about American as socialism or not shopping. Unlike television, texting, or scrolling the Internet, it demands concentration; that alone makes it suspect. Add silent, calm surroundings and a contemplative mind, and you can forget it, which is what most people do. Silence, like so much else in the present world, including human beings, is on the endangered species list. Another rare bird—let’s call it the holy spirit of true thought—is slowly disappearing from our midst.

How, for example, could a noisy mind hovering in a technological jangling begin to grasp these lines from Federico Garcia Lorca’s poem New York?

The mountains exist. I know that
And the lenses ground for wisdom.
I know that. But I have not come to see the sky.
I have come to see the stormy blood,
the blood that sweeps the machines on to the waterfalls,
and the spirit on to the cobra’s tongue.

Can you imagine telling someone in the U.S. what you did for a living was write poems? They’d look at you as if you were from outer space, some weirdo, probably a secret Russian agent, out to corrupt the youth of the land.

Long dead poets are okay in school, of course. They’re safe, since what they have to say is assumed to have no direct bearing on the present. They call them classics, and force you to read and dissect a few before you can pass an English course. They sterilize them, and create immunity to their power in students. As one of our great poets and man of letters, Kenneth Rexroth, has written, “The entire educational system is in a conspiracy to make poetry as unpalatable as possible. . . . everybody is out to depoetize the youth of the land.” In this regard, the schools do a terrific job. Most students graduate with the firm intent never to open another book of poems, and they don’t.

There are minor exceptions to this dismal picture of schools and poetry. There is a national program in the U.S. called Poetry Out Loud that introduces a small percentage of high school students to poetry. It is a program that individual schools can adopt and takes place a few weeks every fall. Being voluntary, it depends on the motivation of the country’s best English teachers (my wife being one) and enlightened administrators to support. Highly motivated students choose from an extensive list of poems. They must memorize their selections, and then recite them before their respective schools. Their recitations must convey the inner meaning of the poem, and their performances are judged on that and stage presence. The winners advance from schools to counties to states to national winners. One hopes that many of these students carry a love of poetry into adult life, although I would add a few caveats: competition and performance. Great poets, while not immune to those twin vices, are primarily devoted to art as a vocation. They compose in the spirit of inspiration. Nevertheless, Poetry Out Loud is a positive development.

But the vast majority of students are not part of this program, which is a shame. From their meagre educations about poetry’s importance to their lives, perhaps this would be the only echo they would remember: “Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, and I took the one to the mall.”

Poetry, they’ve learned, has no bearing on life; it’s impractical, too meditative, nor will it get you a job. These words follow them to college, and their parents usually reinforce them. Poetry is not one of the highly funded and promoted STEM (Science, Technology, Education [a misnomer for schooling], and Mathematics) disciplines that will supposedly lead to the gravy train. Students’ minds and emotions, following the corporatization of schooling, have been digitized. Their faces often reflect the affectless nature of the little machines they are constantly fingering and assiduously searching, as if for secret messages. They meditate on Facebook as nuns do on their rosary beads and a few poetry lovers still do on lines from Rilke:

Sometimes a man stands up during supper
and walks outdoors, and keeps on walking,
because of a church that stands somewhere in the East.

In this the young are like their poetry-avoiding parents and teachers who have not walked out but have walked into a technological labyrinth that devours their spirits—consumes them as they consume. It is no wonder that a company has been formed to study and report to the corporations on their emotions. Affectiva (no, not a yogurt) describes its mission as follows: “Our mission is to bring emotional intelligence to the digital world. When we digitize emotion it can enrich our technology, for work, play and life. . . . Spun out of MIT Media Lab, our company is leading the effort to emotion-enable technology. From understanding how consumers engage with digital content, to enabling developers to add emotion sensing and analytics technology to their own apps and digital experiences.”

Reading faces, not poetry, is their business. They measure and analyze facial expressions of emotion with the assistance of The National Science Foundation. So they say. They have no clue that the living poems that are persons need to be pondered intimately to be known; that behind every expression is a meaning. Their manipulative stupidity is so great, and their clients’ faith in technology so touching, that they both assume the outer is the inner, that faces tell the story of the spirit’s truth, the living meaning of a person’s heart. They read the face on the book’s cover—as with Facebook—for its contents. They seem ignorant of Shakespeare or the actor’s art. They are killers of the spirit and typify the anti-poetic ethos that reigns in the U.S.

Compare the technological face-readers’ manipulations with the truth of these lines from Galway Kinnell’s poem, “The Fundamental Project of Technology.”

To de-animalize human mentality, to purge it of obsolete,
evolutionary characteristics, in particular of death,
which foreknowledge terrorizes the content of skulls with,
is the fundamental project of technology; however,
pseudologica fantastica’s mechanism’s require:
to establish deathlessness it is necessary to eliminate those who die;
a task attempted when a white light flashed.

Here in seven lines a poet tells us why Americans are addicted to technology and where this is leading—nuclear annihilation. He reveals the death fear at the heart of the technological obsession and its self-defeating consequences. He tells a truth few want to hear, and in doing so fulfills the age-old prophetic function of art—poetry, drama, painting, etc. Acting as “antennae of the race,” in Ezra Pounds words, genuine artists grasp by their art the unconscious conflicts most prefer to avoid at their peril. In a country addicted to ingesting technologically produced mind altering drugs and to being consumed by machines, it is no wonder that poetry is considered irrelevant.

In many other countries, poets are held in high esteem and their poems affect people’s lives; people know their national poets’ work by heart. The Russians know Pushkin; the Irish can recite Yeats; the Chileans revere Neruda. They find hope and joy and the passion to resist oppression in their verses. Their poets take them to places where passionate love of the world can be awakened in their hearts and minds. In the U. S. they are ignored, at best. Why bother with them is the unspoken assumption. What good is poetry? We have our machines.

And if by some small chance Americans do bother, they find that a great deal of what passes for poetry is worthless drivel churned out according to formula by “creative writing” students and their mentors who have carved out a safe place for themselves in American colleges. Behind a façade of seeming profundity and studied ambiguity hides a nihilism that can best be described as a bad joke. Much of this academic poetry is just plain trivial, devoid of ideas and any lived encounter with world events that so deeply influence our lives. So much of it is solipsistic in the extreme—“selfies” in verse written from within a bubble.

I will elide Hallmark poetry at the risk of ridicule.

There are, however, many profound and wonderful contemporary poets, and it is a shame they are not read. They work in the shadows. They are not household names as in the past when literature meant something to Americans and they weren’t despondently depressed and drugged into a zombie-like passivity. Perhaps this is because, as the philosopher/psychologist Rollo May puts it, “The poet’s way is the opposite to the opaque, placid life. In authentic poetry we find a confrontation which does not involve repression nor covering up nor sacrifice of passion in order to avoid despair, nor any of the other ways most of us use to avoid direct acknowledgment of our destiny.”

In an age of constant death and war and smiling killers sitting in the White House, who seeks out today’s Kenneth Rexroth? “Thou Shalt Not Kill” was written in the “placid” 1950s. One verse follows.

The hyena with the polished face and bow tie,
In the office of a billion dollar
Corporation devoted to service;
The vulture dripping with carrion,
Carefully and carelessly robed in imported tweeds,
Lecturing on the Age of Abundance;
The jackal in double-breasted gabardine,
Barking by remote control,
In the United Nations;
The vampire bat seated at the couch head,
Notebook in hand, toying with his decerebrator;
The autonomous, ambulatory cancer,
The Superego in a thousand uniforms;
You, the finger man of behemoth,
The murderer of the young men.

The work of our best poets confronts us with our deepest anxieties and the questions that hover over our lives like a held breath. Since the late 19th century, our finest poets and thinkers have devoted themselves to the Herculean task of undercutting the false distinction between thought and emotion (passions being a more inclusive word) that has been a mainstay, not only of rationalism and romanticism, but of the way we live. This invalid distinction goes back to Plato, who wanted poetry banned because he said it was imitative and did not possess ideas, as philosophy did. He said poetry was irrationally emotional and dealt in illusions.

This critique of poetry is paralleled at the individual level by the saying, “I know that intellectually, but emotionally . . .”—as if emotions were irrational and seize one like a worry dog seizes a duck shot by a hunter. This belief results in people becoming victims of their emotions, and victims of poetry and the arts that are assumed to be devoid of ideas. This schizoid attitude lies at the heart of issues of faith and responsibility that plague our times, and it is against this ongoing myth that the most astute poets aim their art.

This effort is linked to the increasingly widespread disbelief in the reality of the objective world and the growing acceptance of the idea of the “social construction of reality” (even if one never heard of the term), an idea co-terminus with the movement from modern to “postmodern society” and the development of sophisticated technologies of mind control. It has led to the devaluation of our senses, our divorce from the reality of the natural world, and the diminution of direct personal experience. While understanding how powerful elites manipulate “reality,” perception can lead to liberating truth, it has primarily led to widespread skepticism and confusion as technology has grown exponentially more sophisticated and the modern corporate state’s propaganda machines have utilized it with lies and deceptions in the service of empire. When people believe that “everything is relative” and socially constructed, the assumption that there are no facts or truths seeps into public consciousness and corrupts people’s sense of reality at the deepest level. It is soul murder. Of course, that “everything is relative” is an absolute statement that contradicts itself is usually lost on true believers. Or is it true doubters?

Modern propaganda is reality construction. People like Dick Cheney and his innumerable ilk throughout the U.S. government bluntly crow that while others may report the facts, they create them—they create reality and what people think is reality. Then their stenographers in the mainstream corporate media report this created reality that most distracted, hypnotized, and ignorant Americans take for reality.

Harold Pinter succinctly said the following about all the countless war crimes committed by the United States while the American people were deluded into thinking otherwise: “It never happened. Nothing ever happened. Even while it was happening it wasn’t happening. It didn’t matter. It was of no interest.”

So what at first glance may seem a small issue of concern only to poets and assorted eggheads, should be of momentous importance to everyone. The poet’s dilemma is actually everyone’s. Against a steady devaluation of the created world—the real content of poetry—the poet’s fight is against the heightened emphasis on pure form over content, as if the world existed as a palette for one’s inward paintings, a recording of precious images, stylistic performances, or fake news.

I am not arguing that poetry and all the arts should be didactic or political tracts. Far from it.

No Theory

No theory will stand up to a chicken’s guts
being cleaned out, a hand rammed up
to pull out the wriggling entrails,
the green bile and the bloody liver;
no theory that does not grow sick
at the odor escaping.—David Ignatow

Poetry is the search for truth. It marries outer to inner. It probes reality with words. It suggests, states, intimates, all the while inviting the reader to enter into a raid on what was previously unspeakable. This exploration is composed of ideas, images, and words arranged in ways that engender powerful emotions and thoughts. Like life, a poem swims in mystery. Sometimes it carries a tune that moves the words, and the reader is moved in return. Sometimes it is out of tune to jar the reader out of a life of complacency with no questions asked, no disruptions. True poetry startles. It inspires. It enlivens.

It is a distillation of the human spirit, as essential as bread. It is composed of a few simple ingredients, as is bread. They are: the real, actually existing, outside world, and us; the outside world that we are in and that is in us, and our emotional thoughts about our condition. Flour, water, and yeast. The bread rises, the poem forms. They are good or bad, depending on taste. They nourish or don’t. But we cannot live without them. Thomas McGrath writes:

On the Christmas white plains of the floured and flowering kitchen table
The holy loaves of bread are slowly being born:
Rising like low hills in the steepled pastures of light-
Lifting the prairie farmhouse afternoon on their arching backs.

While academic hucksters churn out reams of solipsistic verse of hallucination and artifice, our true poets passionately address issues that count and should be of concern to the average person: questions of value and ultimate concern, of life and death, of meaning or meaninglessness, of truth and lies.

In a screen and selfie culture, these matters are irrelevant.

In a robotized world, technology is king.

Great poets say otherwise.

If such poetry needs a defense, let me leave the final words to Caroline Forche, an authentic poet if there ever were one. The following is from her poem “Ourselves or Nothing” and cuts to the heart of the matter.

There is a cyclone fence between
Ourselves and the slaughter and behind it
We hover in a calm protected world like
Netted fish, exactly like netted fish.
It is either the beginning or the end
Of the world, and the choice is ourselves or nothing.

Edward Curtin is a sociologist and writer who teaches at Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts and has published widely.

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The Oxford Martin School is based at Oxford University in the UK and has set up the ‘Oxford Martin Commission for Future Generations’ (OMC). Bringing together international leaders from government, business and civil society, the OMC aims to address the growing short-term preoccupations of modern politics and business and identify ways of overcoming today’s gridlock in key international negotiations.

The OMC’s website says that this diverse group of highly respected global leaders has called for a radical shake-up in politics and business to deliver progress on climate change, reduce economic inequality, improve corporate practices and address the chronic burden of disease.

Any institution committed to radically shaking up politics and business should be both willing and able to call to account powerful private interests and not be compromised by ideology or conflicts of interest. However, campaigner Dr Rosemary Mason wrote to the OMC last year to state that such things do appear to be undermining its stated aims. She expressed concern that OMC commissioners have allegiances with various global corporations that could undermine the neutrality and credibility of the commission. She went on to name certain individuals and noted their links to corporate power.

For example, there is Sir John Beddington, Professor of Natural Resources Management for the OMC, and his position on the debate about genetically modified (GM) food and crops. Beddington was made Chief Scientific Adviser to the British Government in 2007. In 2012, he declared his faith in GM technology. Mason quotes him as saying, “And among those scientific wonders, the use of genetically modified crops has a particularly rich potential… Just look at the problems that the world faces: water shortages and salination of existing water supplies, for example. GM crops should be able to deal with that.”

recent report says that during his visit to Australia, Beddington told ABC Rural news that politicians around the globe are ignoring the science relating to GM for the sake of short-term political opportunism.

He is quoted as saying, “If a politician completely ignores scientific advice, then they’re in danger of making policy decisions which will prove to be unutterably wrong.”

Beddington went on to argue for more rapid and sensible responses from policies that engage science and stated, “There is a movement in Europe which is just against any genetically-modified plant used for food [and] that is so naïve. There’s no doubt in the developing world, plants can be modified to be resistant to drought or insect pests and that is going to be very, very important moving into the future.”

He also claimed that the aim of gene editing is to produce plants that are resistant to droughts, pests and diseases, while boosting yields, which would be needed to feed a growing world population.

Beddington told ABC Rural that there was approximately two billion people experiencing malnutrition and these people either lack sufficient levels of nutrients needed for proper development or are eating too much poor-quality food. With 25 per cent of children dying in the first few years of life, he said that children were being robbed of their social and economic potential. In an era of so-called ‘anti-science’, he argued it was more important than ever that scientist ensured their relevancy within society.

Beddington concluded by saying:

What is sensible is to insist that this is the scientific evidence, you may not like it, but that is the evidence.

Taken at face value, much of what Beddington says might seem quite reasonable: a growing global population requires food, GM based on scientific evidence can provide it and naïve resistance, which is not based on science, is holding back the technology’s potential.

It’s a line of thought that we have heard many times before from proponents of GM. The purpose here is not to go over old ground and repeat what I or others have written in recent articles that take issue with some of Beddington’s views, especially regarding the science of GM and his wholly erroneous claims about critics holding anti-scientific views.

The wider context: scientists and development   

However, the issue of ‘naivety’ is worth exploring. If there is any naivety around, it is not to be found within the ranks of those who question or oppose GM. In fact, the type of views Beddington expresses are driven by naivety or even worse: a failure to appreciate the reality of hunger, malnutrition, poverty and the nature of a global system of food and agriculture that is tied to corporate power.

Scientists are fond of telling everyone that GM technology can fix the world food problem. This assumes there is a ‘problem’ as they define it (food shortage); but any problem that does exist has less to do with the world’s inability to feed itself and more to do with political issues related to food distribution, access to land, inequality and so on as well as inappropriate models of economic and social development that have adversely impacted indigenous agriculture and regional food security.

As a technology, GM is but a tool. There may indeed be a need for it in certain situations, given proper testing and analyses of specific contexts and circumstances. However, you can roll out a technology and it can have disastrous consequences because of the context within which it operates. And you can roll out that technology knowing it will have many adverse effects but it will be highly beneficial to those who financially profit from that roll-out.

We just have to look at the outcome of GM technology since GM crops were commercialised over 20 years ago. Has it reduced pesticides use? No. Has it increased yields? No. Have companies who control the technology and its associated proprietary inputs (e.g. Roundup/glyphosate) made a financial killing? Certainly (see thisthis and this).

Some 20 years of GM indicate that statements about the efficacy and benefits of GM are based more on wishful thinking than actual reality. GM has been dominated by giant transnational corporations who have used the technology to grow a select handful of crops, which by and large have been used to feed people in richer countries, not poorer regions where hunger and malnutrition persists. Moreover, GM has been integral to a system of food and agriculture in the US that fuels obesity, bad health and monolithic diets that are nutritionally poor. Also, in the US, farmers are squeezed and kept afloat by taxpayer subsidies so that Monsanto, Cargill and the likes of Wal-Mart can rake in massive profits.

People in the US now have a diet dominated by GM corn and soy. And where GM has been grown outside of the US, food security has been undermined, crops are grown for animal feed to be exported to rich countries and the planting of GM has led disease and illness places such as Argentina.

GM is being used by vested interests who seek to irreversibly alter the genetic core of the world’s food and rake in massive profits. This is why GM is not just about science – indeed, science might be a minor issue given the overall context – especially for poorer countries.

If we are to take India as an example, the Green Revolution was promoted by US corporations and interests that uprooted what was a highly productive system of agriculture. That system offered a diverse diet, and system was responsive to local climate and soil conditions. What we now have is drought, degraded soil, less diverse diets, nutritionally deficient crops and farmers placed at the mercy of rigged global trade rules as well as a whole range of other problems.

To say that GM will rectify problems related to drought, yields or climate change fails to acknowledge the damage already done and that GM – the way it is to be rolled out by foreign corporations – is only going to exacerbate things: a damaging corporate-controlled chemical treadmill followed by similar; this time a corporate-controlled biotech treadmill. The Green Revolution was never designed to ‘feed the world’. The same is true for GM. Such rhetoric is designed to mask the motives based on self-interest, geopolitics and profit.

In India, the World Bank and US companies are driving the development agenda. The push to drive at least 400 million from the land and into cities is already underway at the behest of the World Bank: a World Bank that India is seriously indebted to and a World Bank that is, under the guise of ‘enabling the business of agriculture’, committed to opening up economies to corporate seeds and agrochemicals and securing global supply chains.

The drive is to entrench industrial farming and displace the current productive system with one suited to the aims of foreign agribusiness and retail interests. This entails commercialising the countryside and replacing small-scale farming –  the backbone of food production in India (and globally), which is more productive than industrialised agriculture, more sustainable and capable of producing more diverse, nutrient-dense diets.

The ongoing issue to commercialise GM mustard in India is part of a push that seeks to restructure India to benefit foreign capital. By touting for GM, many scientists are (inadvertently) lobbying for a particular model of development. That development agenda regards the peasantry, small farms and India’s rural-based traditions, cultures and village-level systems of food production/processing as backward, as an impediment to ‘progress’. It regards alternative approaches to agriculture that have been advocated by numerous high-level reports as a hindrance: approaches that would in effect build on and develop the current rural infrastructure and not eradicate it.

Do people who promote GM without addressing the issues raised above really think that technology is a silver bullet? Do they think it is the key way to feeding the world – or to feeding an India that is already self-sufficient in key foodstuffs and could be more so if it were not for the effects of politically motivated WTO rules and World Bank directives?

By not addressing any of this, can scientists who tout for GM to the detriment of all else be regarded as ‘objective’? To dismiss all of the issues raised in this article and to ignore the model of corporate power that GM is wedded to demonstrates either gross naivety or an (unwitting) ideological allegiance to the political dogma of neoliberalism.

Rosemary Mason raised a valid point: allegiances to corporate power can and do undermine any chance of neutrality and credibility. Science certainly has a role to play in helping to deal with food and agriculture issues. But the problem is that some scientists feel a need to promote a technological innovation without looking at (or even wanting to look at) the wider context. By doing so, they fail to appreciate that the answer to poverty, hunger and malnutrition first and foremost lies in addressing the context and in not blindly promoting technology.

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This 1986 award winning documentary focusses on the delocation-relocation of manufacturing from the high wage economy in the US to cheap labor havens in the so-called developing countries.

It was filmed on location in the US, the Mexican maquilas, the free trade exporting zones in the Philippines. Delocation creates unemployment in the USA and sweat labor in Mexico and the Philippines.

Delocation is the mainstay of the Global Cheap Labor Economy. It is the source of wealth in the West. It triggers poverty in both the developing and developed countries. 

Poverty and low wages are “good for business”. US corporations are the unspoken beneficiaries of delocation-relocation.

Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research Editor, February 15, 2017

“It’s a hazard that is part of the trade in any part of the world.

If one puts up a factory in Hong Kong now, he has a real problem to get the girls to do scope work. It’s not so in the Philippines.

As a matter of fact they like scope work. And they do diminish their eyesight if they don’t follow normal procedure. But these girls are all college girls, they are in their teens and twenties.

AND THEY CAN TAKE A LOT OF ABUSE, THEY ABUSE THEIR BODIES A LOT.” (30:37 in the film “The Global Assembly Line”) – Vicente Chuidian, Chairman of the Board (Interlek – USA and Dynetics – Philippines)


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An article by Robert Berke in, which describes itself as “The No. 1 Source for Oil & Energy News,” illustrates how interest groups control outcomes by how they shape policy choices.  

Berke’s article reveals how the US intends to maintain and extend its hegemony by breaking up the alliance between Russia, Iran, and China, and by oil privatizations that result in countries losing control over their sovereignty to private oil companies that work closely with the US government. As Trump has neutered his presidency by gratuitously accepting Gen. Flynn’s resignation as National Security Advisor, this scheme is likely to be Trump’s approach to “better relations” with Russia.

Berke reports that Henry Kissinger has sold President Trump on a scheme to use the removal of Russian sanctions to pry President Putin away from the Russian alliance with Iran and China.  Should Putin fall for such a scheme, it would be a fatal strategic blunder from which Russia could not recover.  Yet, Putin will be pressured to make this blunder.

One pressure on Putin comes from the Atlanticist Integrationists who have a material stake in their connections to the West and who want Russia to be integrated into the Western world. Another pressure comes from the affront that sanctions represent to Russians.

Removing this insult has become important to Russians even though the sanctions do Russia no material harm. We agree with President Putin that the sanctions are in fact a benefit to Russia as they have moved Russia in self-sufficient directions and toward developing relationships with China and Asia.  Moreover, the West with its hegemonic impulses uses economic relationships for control purposes.

Trade with China and Asia does not pose the same threat to Russian independence. Berke says that part of the deal being offered to Putin is “increased access to the huge European energy market, restored western financial credit, access to Western technology, and a seat at the global decision-making table, all of which Russia badly needs and wants.”

Sweetening the honey trap is official recognization of “Crimea as part of Russia.”

Russia might want all of this, but it is nonsense that Russia needs any of it. Crimea is part of Russia, as it has been for 300 years, and no one can do anything about it.  What would it mean if Mexico did not recognize that Texas and California were part of the US?  Nothing. Europe has scant alternatives to Russian energy. Russia does not need Western technology.  Indeed, its military technology is superior to that in the West. And Russia most certainly does not need Western loans. Indeed, it would be an act of insanity to accept them.

It is a self-serving Western myth that Russia needs foreign loans.  This myth is enshrined in neoliberal economics, which is a device for Western exploitation and control of other countries. Russia’s most dangerous threat is the country’s neoliberal economists. The Russian central bank has convinced the Russian government that it would be inflationary to finance Russian development projects with the issuance of central bank credit.  Foreign loans are essential, claims the central bank. Someone needs to teach the Russian central bank basic economics before Russia is turned into another Western vassal.  Here is the lesson:

When central bank credit is used to finance development projects, the supply of rubles increases but so does output from the projects. Thus, goods and services rise with the supply of rubles. When Russia borrows foreign currencies from abroad, the money supply also increases, but so does the foreign debt. Russia does not spend the foreign currencies on the project but puts them into its foreign exchange reserves.  The central bank issues the same amount of rubles to pay the project’s bills as it would in the absence of the foreign loan.

All the foreign loan does is to present Russia with an interest payment to a foreign creditor. Foreign capital is not important to countries such as Russia and China.  Both countries are perfectly capable of financing their own development. Indeed, China is the world’s largest creditor nation.  Foreign loans are only important to countries that lack the internal resources for development and have to purchase the business know-how, technology, and resources abroad with foreign currencies that their exports are insufficient to bring in. This is not the case with Russia, which has large endowments of resources and a trade surplus.  China’s development was given a boost by US corporations that moved their production for the US market offshore in order to pocket the difference in labor and regulatory costs.

Neoliberals argue that Russia needs privatization in order to cover its budget deficit.  Russia’s government debt is only 17 percent of Russian GDP.  According to official measures, US federal debt is 104 percent of GDP, 6.1 times higher than in Russia.  If  US federal debt is measured in real corrected terms, US federal debt is 185 percent of US GDP.

Clearly, if the massive debt of the US government is not a problem, the tiny debt of Russia is not a problem. Berke’s article is part of the effort to scam Russia by convincing the Russian government that its prosperity depends on unfavorable deals with the West.  As Russia’s neoliberal economists believe this, the scam has a chance of success. Another delusion affecting the Russian government is the belief that privatization brings in capital. This delusion caused the Russian government to turn over 20 percent of its oil company to foreign ownership. The only thing Russia achieved by this strategic blunder was to deliver 20 percent of its oil profits into foreign hands.  For a one-time payment, Russia gave away 20 percent of its oil profits in perpetuity.

To repeat outselves, the greatest threat that Russia faces is not sanctions but the incompetence of its neoliberal economists who have been throughly brainwashed to serve US interests.

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Helen Caldicott: The Fukushima Nuclear Meltdown Continues Unabated

By Helen Caldicott, February 14 2017

Dr Helen Caldicott, explains recent robot photos taken of Fukushima’s Daiichi nuclear reactors: radiation levels have not peaked, but have continued to spill toxic waste into the Pacific Ocean — but it’s only now the damage has been photographed.


Campaign to Impeach Donald Trump Continues. What’s the End Game?

By Stephen Lendman, February 14 2017

Trump hasn’t been in office long enough to charge him with any offense, let alone an impeachable one – other than for continuing US imperial wars in multiple theaters. No president was ever charged with crimes of war or against humanity. Several instead won Nobel Peace Prizes, Obama the latest, despite months of high crimes before getting the award. Trump may or may not warrant impeachment. A few weeks in office is way too early to judge him this harshly despite justifiable criticism of what he’s done so far.


A Documentary You’ll Likely Never See: “Ukraine on Fire” by Oliver Stone

By James DiEugenio, February 14 2017

It is not very often that a documentary film can set a new paradigm about a recent event, let alone, one that is still in progress. But the new film Ukraine on Fire has the potential to do so – assuming that many people get to see it.


The Globalization of Environmental Degradation

By George Abert and Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, February 14 2017

Figuratively speaking, a ginormous asteroid is hurtling to a cataclysmic rendezvous with earth, but we are not supposed to notice. The asteroid is the rising threat from environmental degradation. Evidence is accumulating that environmental degradation is becoming global.We can either act responsibly by accepting the challenge or take refuge in denial and risk the consequences.


Smart Utility Meter “Opt Out Bills” Opt to Protect Consumer Rights?

By Patricia Burke, February 14 2017

In many states, AMR meters have already been rolled out and are transmitting 24/7 without the knowledge and consent of residents who are not aware of their increased RF exposures, and the bills only address the future installation of smart meters. States rolling out new AMR meters are claiming that the meters are not smart, misleading citizens. An analog meter with no radio transmitter would be required to address both the privacy and health complaints.

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Il Libro (del golpe) Bianco

February 14th, 2017 by Manlio Dinucci

Mentre i riflettori mediatici erano puntati su Sanremo, dove si è esibita anche Roberta Pinotti cantando le lodi delle missioni militari che «riportano la pace», il Consiglio dei ministri ha approvato il 10 febbraio il disegno di legge che consentirà l’implementazione del «Libro Bianco per la sicurezza internazionale e la difesa» a firma della ministra Pinotti, delegando al governo «la revisione del modello operativo delle Forze armate». Revisione, in senso  «migliorativo», di quello attuato nelle guerre cui l’Italia ha partecipato dal 1991, violando la propria Costituzione.

Dopo essere passato per 25 anni da un governo all’altro, con la complicità di un parlamento quasi del tutto acconsenziente o inerte che non lo mai discusso in quanto tale, ora sta per diventare legge dello Stato. Un golpe bianco, che sta passando sotto silenzio.

Alle Forze armate vengono assegnate quattro missioni, che stravolgono completamente la Costituzione. La difesa della Patria stabilita dall’Art. 52 viene riformulata, nella prima missione, quale difesa degli «interessi vitali del Paese». Da qui la seconda missione: «contributo alla difesa collettiva dell’Alleanza Atlantica e al mantenimento della stabilità nelle aree incidenti sul Mare Mediterraneo, al fine della tutela degli interessi vitali o strategici del Paese». Il ripudio della guerra come strumento di offesa alla libertà degli altri popoli e come mezzo di risoluzione delle controversie internazionali, stabilito dall’Art. 11, viene sostituito nella terza missione dalla  «gestione delle crisi al di fuori delle aree di prioritario intervento, al fine di garantire la pace e la legalità internazionale».

Il Libro Bianco demolisce in tal modo i pilastri costituzionali della Repubblica italiana, che viene riconfigurata quale potenza che si arroga il diritto di intervenire militarmente nelle aree prospicienti il Mediterraneo – Nordafrica, Medioriente, Balcani – a sostegno dei propri interessi economici e strategici, e , al di fuori di tali aree, ovunque nel mondo siano in gioco gli interessi dell’Occidente rappresentati dalla Nato sotto comando Usa.

Funzionale a tutto questo è la Legge quadro entrata in vigore nel 2016, che istituzionalizza le missioni militari all’estero, costituendo per il loro finanziamento un fondo specifico presso il Ministero dell’economia e delle finanze. Infine, come quarta missione, si affida alle Forze armate sul piano interno la «salvaguardia delle libere istituzioni», con «compiti specifici in casi di straordinaria necessità ed urgenza», formula vaga che si presta a misure autoritarie e a strategie eversive.

Il nuovo modello accresce fortemente i poteri del Capo di stato maggiore della difesa anche sotto il profilo tecnico-amministrativo e, allo stesso tempo, apre le porte delle Forze armate a «dirigenti provenienti dal settore privato» che potranno ricoprire gli incarichi di Segretario generale, responsabile dell’area tecnico-amministrativa della Difesa, e di Direttore nazionale degli armamenti. Incarichi chiave che permetteranno ai potenti gruppi dell’industria militare di entrare con funzioni dirigenti nelle Forze armate e di pilotarle secondo i loro interessi legati alla guerra.

L’industria militare viene definita nel Libro Bianco «pilastro del Sistema Paese» poiché «contribuisce, attraverso le esportazioni, al riequilibrio della bilancia commerciale e alla promozione di prodotti dell’industria nazionale in settori ad alta remunerazione», creando «posti di lavoro qualificati».

Non resta che riscrivere l’Art. 1 della Costituzione, precisando che la nostra è una repubblica, un tempo democratica, fondata sul lavoro dell’industria bellica.

Manlio Dinucci

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It is not very often that a documentary film can set a new paradigm about a recent event, let alone, one that is still in progress. But the new film Ukraine on Fire has the potential to do so – assuming that many people get to see it.

Usually, documentaries — even good ones — repackage familiar information in a different aesthetic form. If that form is skillfully done, then the information can move us in a different way than just reading about it.

A good example of this would be Peter Davis’s powerful documentary about U.S. involvement in Vietnam, Hearts and Minds. By 1974, most Americans understood just how bad the Vietnam War was, but through the combination of sounds and images, which could only have been done through film, that documentary created a sensation, which removed the last obstacles to America leaving Indochina.

Ukraine on Fire has the same potential and could make a contribution that even goes beyond what the Davis film did because there was very little new information in Hearts and Minds. Especially for American and Western European audiences, Ukraine on Fire could be revelatory in that it offers a historical explanation for the deep divisions within Ukraine and presents information about the current crisis that challenges the mainstream media’s paradigm, which blames the conflict almost exclusively on Russia.

Key people in the film’s production are director Igor Lopatonok, editor Alex Chavez, and writer Vanessa Dean, whose screenplay contains a large amount of historical as well as current material exploring how Ukraine became such a cauldron of violence and hate. Oliver Stone served as executive producer and conducted some high-profile interviews with Russian President Vladimir Putin and ousted Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych.

The film begins with gripping images of the violence that ripped through the capital city of Kiev during both the 2004 Orange Revolution and the 2014 removal of Yanukovich. It then travels back in time to provide a perspective that has been missing from mainstream versions of these events and even in many alternative media renditions.

A Longtime Pawn

Historically, Ukraine has been treated as a pawn since the late Seventeenth Century. In 1918, Ukraine was made a German protectorate by the Treaty of Brest Litovsk. Ukraine was also a part of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact of 1939 signed between Germany and Russia, but violated by Adolf Hitler when the Nazis invaded the Soviet Union in the summer of 1941.

German dictator Adolf Hitler

The reaction of many in Ukraine to Hitler’s aggression was not the same as it was in the rest of the Soviet Union. Some Ukrainians welcomed the Nazis. The most significant Ukrainian nationalist group, Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN), had been established in 1929. Many of its members cooperated with the Nazis, some even enlisted in the Waffen SS and Ukrainian nationalists participated in the massacre of more than 33,000 Jews at Babi Yar ravine in Kiev in September 1941. According to scholar Pers Anders Rudling, the number of Ukrainian nationalists involved in the slaughter outnumbered the Germans by a factor of 4 to 1.

But it wasn’t just the Jews that the Ukrainian nationalists slaughtered. They also participated in massacres of Poles in the western Ukrainian region of Galicia from March 1943 until the end of 1944. Again, the main perpetrators were not Germans, but Ukrainians.

According to author Ryazard Szawlowksi, the Ukrainian nationalists first lulled the Poles into thinking they were their friends, then turned on them with a barbarity and ferocity that not even the Nazis could match, torturing their victims with saws and axes. The documentary places the number of dead at 36,750, but Szawlowski estimates it may be two or three times higher.

OUN members participated in these slaughters for the purpose of ethnic cleansing, wanting Ukraine to be preserved for what OUN regarded as native Ukrainians. They also expected Ukraine to be independent by the end of the war, free from both German and Russian domination. The two main leaders in OUN who participated in the Nazi collaboration were Stepan Bandera and Mykola Lebed. Bandera was a virulent anti-Semite, and Lebed was rabidly against the Poles, participating in their slaughter.

After the war, both Bandera and Lebed were protected by American intelligence, which spared them from the Nuremburg tribunals. The immediate antecedent of the CIA, Central Intelligence Group, wanted to use both men for information gathering and operations against the Soviet Union. England’s MI6 used Bandera even more than the CIA did, but the KGB eventually hunted down Bandera and assassinated him in Munich in 1959. Lebed was brought to America and addressed anti-communist Ukrainian organizations in the U.S. and Canada. The CIA protected him from immigration authorities who might otherwise have deported him as a war criminal.

The history of the Cold War was never too far in the background of Ukrainian politics, including within the diaspora that fled to the West after the Red Army defeated the Nazis and many of their Ukrainian collaborators emigrated to the United States and Canada. In the West, they formed a fierce anti-communist lobby that gained greater influence after Ronald Reagan was elected in 1980.

Important History

This history is an important part of Dean’s prologue to the main body of Ukraine on Fire and is essential for anyone trying to understand what has happened there since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. For instance, the U.S.-backed candidate for president of Ukraine in 2004 — Viktor Yushchenko — decreed both Bandera and Lebed to be Ukrainian national heroes.

Stepan Bandera, a Ukrainian ultra-nationalist and Nazi collaborator.

Bandera, in particular, has become an icon for post-World War II Ukrainian nationalists. One of his followers was Dmytro Dontsov, who called for the birth of a “new man” who would mercilessly destroy Ukraine’s ethnic enemies.

Bandera’s movement was also kept alive by Yaroslav Stetsko, Bandera’s premier in exile. Stetsko fully endorsed Bandera’s anti-Semitism and also the Nazi attempt to exterminate the Jews of Europe. Stetsko, too, was used by the CIA during the Cold War and was honored by Yushchenko, who placed a plaque in his honor at the home where he died in Munich in 1986. Stetsko’s wife, Slava, returned to Ukraine in 1991 and ran for parliament in 2002 on the slate of Yushchenko’s Our Ukraine party.

Stetsko’s book, entitled Two Revolutions, has become the ideological cornerstone for the modern Ukrainian political party Svoboda, founded by Oleh Tyahnybok, who is pictured in the film calling Jews “kikes” in public, which is one reason the Simon Wiesenthal Center has ranked him as one of the most dangerous anti-Semites in the world.

Another follower of Bandera is Dymytro Yarosh, who reputedly leads the paramilitary arm of an even more powerful political organization in Ukraine called Right Sektor. Yarosh once said he controls a paramilitary force of about 7,000 men who were reportedly used in both the overthrow of Yanukovych in Kiev in February 2014 and the suppression of the rebellion in Odessa a few months later, which are both fully depicted in the film.

This historical prelude and its merging with the current civil war is eye-opening background that has been largely hidden by the mainstream Western media, which has downplayed or ignored the troubling links between these racist Ukrainian nationalists and the U.S.-backed political forces that vied for power after Ukraine became independent in 1991.

The Rise of a Violent Right

That same year, Tyahnybok formed Svoboda. Three years later, Yarosh founded Trident, an offshoot of Svoboda that eventually evolved into Right Sektor. In other words, the followers of Bandera and Lebed began organizing themselves immediately after the Soviet collapse.

The neo-Nazi Wolfsangel symbol on a banner in Ukraine.

In this time period, Ukraine had two Russian-oriented leaders who were elected in 1991 and 1994, Leonid Kravchuk, and Leonid Kuchma. But the hasty transition to a “free-market” economy didn’t go well for most Ukrainians or Russians as well-connected oligarchs seized much of the wealth and came to dominate the political process through massive corruption and purchase of news media outlets. However, for average citizens, living standards went down drastically, opening the door for the far-right parties and for foreign meddling.

In 2004, Viktor Yanukovych, whose political base was strongest among ethnic Russians in the east and south, won the presidential election by three percentage points over the U.S.-favored Viktor Yushchenko, whose base was mostly in the country’s west where the Ukrainian nationalists are strongest.

Immediately, Yushchenko’s backers claimed fraud citing exit polls that had been organized by a group of eight Western nations and four non-governmental organizations or NGOs, including the Renaissance Foundation founded by billionaire financial speculator George Soros. Dick Morris, former President Bill Clinton’s political adviser, clandestinely met with Yushchenko’s team and advised them that the exit polls would not just help in accusations of fraud, but would bring protesters out into the streets. (Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Vol. 19, Number 1, p. 26)

Freedom House, another prominent NGO that receives substantial financing from the U.S.-government-funded National Endowment for Democracy (NED), provided training to young activists who then rallied protesters in what became known as the Orange Revolution, one of the so-called “color revolutions” that the West’s mainstream media fell in love with. It forced an election rerun that Yushchenko won.

But Yushchenko’s presidency failed to do much to improve the lot of the Ukrainian people and he grew increasingly unpopular. In 2010, Yushchenko failed to make it out of the first round of balloting and his rival Yanukovych was elected president in balloting that outside observers judged free and fair.

Big-Power Games

If this all had occurred due to indigenous factors within Ukraine, it could have been glossed over as a young nation going through some painful growing pains. But as the film points out, this was not the case. Ukraine continued to be a pawn in big-power games with many Western officials hoping to draw the country away from Russian influence and into the orbit of NATO and the European Union.

Ousted Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych.

In one of the interviews in Ukraine on Fire, journalist and author Robert Parry explains how the National Endowment for Democracy and many subsidized political NGOs emerged in the 1980s to replace or supplement what the CIA had traditionally done in terms of influencing the direction of targeted countries.

During the investigations of the Church Committee in the 1970s, the CIA’s “political action” apparatus for removing foreign leaders was exposed. So, to disguise these efforts, CIA Director William Casey, Reagan’s White House and allies in Congress created the NED to finance an array of political and media NGOs.

As Parry noted in the documentary, many traditional NGOs do valuable work in helping impoverished and developing countries, but this activist/propaganda breed of NGOs promoted U.S. geopolitical objectives abroad – and NED funded scores of such projects inside Ukraine in the run-up to the 2014 crisis.

Ukraine on Fire goes into high gear when it chronicles the events that occurred in 2014, resulting in the violent overthrow of President Yanukovych and sparking the civil war that still rages. In the 2010 election, when Yushchenko couldn’t even tally in the double-digits, Yanukovych faced off against and defeated Yulia Tymoshenko, a wealthy oligarch who had served as Yushchenko’s prime minister.

After his election, Yanukovych repealed Bandera’s title as a national hero. However, because of festering economic problems, the new president began to search for an economic partner who could provide a large loan. He first negotiated with the European Union, but these negotiations bogged down due to the usual draconian demands made by the International Monetary Fund.

So, in November 2013, Yanukovych began to negotiate with Russian President Putin who offered more generous terms. But Yanukovych’s decision to delay the association agreement with the E.U. provoked street protests in Kiev especially from the people of western Ukraine.

As Ukraine on Fire points out, other unusual occurrences also occurred, including the emergence of three new TV channels – Spilno TV, Espreso TV, and Hromadske TV – going on the air between Nov. 21 and 24, with partial funding from the U.S. Embassy and George Soros.

Nazi symbols on helmets worn by members of Ukraine’s Azov battalion. (As filmed by a Norwegian film crew and shown on German TV)

Pro-E.U. protests in the Maidan square in central Kiev also grew more violent as ultra-nationalist street fighters from Lviv and other western areas began to pour in and engage in provocations, many of which were sponsored by Yarosh’s Right Sektor. The attacks escalated from torch marches similar to Nazi days to hurling Molotov cocktails at police to driving large tractors into police lines – all visually depicted in the film. As Yanukovich tells Stone, when this escalation happened, it made it impossible for him to negotiate with the Maidan crowd.

One of the film’s most interesting interviews is with Vitaliy Zakharchenko, who was Minister of the Interior at the time responsible for law enforcement and the conduct of the police. He traces the escalation of the attacks from Nov. 24 to 30, culminating with a clash between police and protesters over the transport of a giant Christmas tree into the Maidan. Zakharchenko said he now believes this confrontation was secretly approved by Serhiy Lyovochkin, a close friend of U.S. Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt, as a pretext to escalate the violence.

At this point, the film addresses the direct involvement of U.S. politicians and diplomats. Throughout the crisis, American politicians visited Maidan, as both Republicans and Democrats, such as Senators John McCain, R-Arizona, and Chris Murphy, D-Connecticut. stirred up the crowds. Yanukovych also said he was in phone contact with Vice President Joe Biden, who he claims was misleading him about how to handle the crisis.

The film points out that the real center of American influence in the Kiev demonstrations was with Ambassador Pyatt and Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs Victoria Nuland. As Parry points out, although Nuland was serving under President Obama, her allegiances were really with the neoconservative movement, most associated with the Republican Party.

Her husband is Robert Kagan, who worked as a State Department propagandist on the Central American wars in the 1980s and was the co-founder of the Project for the New American Century in the 1990s, the group that organized political and media pressure for the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003. Kagan also was McCain’s foreign policy adviser in the 2008 presidential election (although he threw his support behind Hillary Clinton in the 2016 race).

Adept Manipulators

As Parry explained, the neoconservatives have become quite adept at disguising their true aims and have powerful allies in the mainstream press. This combination has allowed them to push the foreign policy debate to such extremes that, when anyone objects, they can be branded a Putin or Yanukovych “apologist.”

Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland during a press conference at the U.S. Embassy in Kiev, Ukraine, on Feb. 7, 2014. (U.S. State Department photo)

Thus, Pyatt’s frequent meetings with the demonstrators in the embassy and Nuland’s handing out cookies to protesters in the Maidan were not criticized as American interference in a sovereign state, but were praised as “promoting democracy” abroad. However, as the Maidan crisis escalated, Ukrainian ultra-nationalists moved to the front, intensifying their attacks on police. Many of these extremists were disciples of Bandera and Lebed. By February 2014, they were armed with shotguns and rapid-fire handguns.

On Feb. 20, 2014, a mysterious sniper, apparently firing from a building controlled by the Right Sektor, shot both police and protesters, touching off a day of violence that left about 14 police and some 70 protesters dead.

With Kiev slipping out of control, Yanukovich was forced to negotiate with representatives from France, Poland and Germany. On Feb. 21, he agreed to schedule early elections and to accept reduced powers. At the urging of Vice President Biden, Yanukovych also pulled back the police.

But the agreement – though guaranteed by the European nations – was quickly negated by renewed attacks from the Right Sektor and its street fighters who seized government buildings. Russian intelligence services got word that an assassination plot was in the works against Yanukovych, who fled for his life.

On Feb. 24, Yanukovych asked permission to enter Russia for his safety and the Ukrainian parliament (or Rada), effectively under the control of the armed extremists, voted to remove Yanukovych from office in an unconstitutional manner because the courts were not involved and the vote to impeach him did not reach the mandatory threshold. Despite these irregularities, the U.S. and its European allies quickly recognized the new government as “legitimate.”

Calling a Coup a Coup

But the ouster of Yanukovych had all the earmarks of a coup. An intercepted phone call, apparently in early February, between Nuland and Pyatt revealed that they were directly involved in displacing Yanukovych and choosing his successor. The pair reviewed the field of candidates with Nuland favoring Arseniy Yatsenyuk, declaring “Yats is the guy” and discussing with Pyatt how to “glue this thing.” Pyatt wondered about how to “midwife this thing.” They sounded like Gilded Age millionaires in New York deciding who should become the next U.S. president. On Feb. 27, Yatsenyuk became Prime Minister of Ukraine.

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko shakes hands with U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt as U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry shakes hands with Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin in Kyiv, Ukraine, on July 7, 2016. [State Department Photo]

Not everyone in Ukraine agreed with the new regime, however. Crimea, which had voted heavily for Yanukovych, decided to hold a referendum on whether to split from Ukraine and become a part of Russia. The results of the referendum were overwhelming. Some 96 percent of Crimeans voted to unite with Russia. Russian troops – previously stationed in Crimea under the Sevastopol naval base agreement – provided security against Right Sektor and other Ukrainian forces moving against the Crimean secession, but there was no evidence of Russian troops intimidating voters or controlling the elections. The Russian government then accepted the reunification with Crimea, which had historically been part of Russia dating back hundreds of years.

Two eastern provinces, Donetsk and Lugansk, also wanted to split off from Ukraine and also conducted a referendum in support of that move. But Putin would not agree to the request from the two provinces, which instead declared their own independence, a move that the new government in Kiev denounced as illegal. The Kiev regime also deemed the insurgents “terrorists” and launched an “anti-terrorism operation” to crush the resistance. Ultra-nationalist and even neo-Nazi militias, such as the Azov Battalion, took the lead in the bloody fighting.

Anti-coup demonstrations also broke out in the city of Odessa to the south. Ukrainian nationalist leader Andrei Parubiy went to Odessa, and two days later, on May 2, 2014, his street fighters attacked the demonstrators, driving them into the Trade Union building, which was then set on fire. Forty-two people were killed, some of whom jumped to their deaths.

‘Other Side of the Story’

If the film just got across this “other side of the story,” it would provide a valuable contribution since most of this information has been ignored or distorted by the West’s mainstream media, which simply blames the Ukraine crisis on Vladimir Putin. But in addition to the fine work by scenarist Vanessa Dean, the direction by Igor Lopatonok and the editing by Alexis Chavez are extraordinarily skillful and supple.

Screen shot of the fatal fire in Odessa, Ukraine, on May 2, 2014. (From RT video)

The 15-minute prologue, where the information about the Nazi collaboration by Bandera and Lebed is introduced, is an exceptional piece of filmmaking. It moves at a quick pace, utilizing rapid cutting and also split screens to depict photographs and statistics simultaneously. Lopatonok also uses interactive graphics throughout to transmit information in a visual and demonstrative manner.

Stone’s interviews with Putin and Yanukovych are also quite newsworthy, presenting a side of these demonized foreign leaders that has been absent in the propagandistic Western media.

Though about two hours long, the picture has a headlong tempo to it. If anything, it needed to slow down at points since such a large amount of information is being communicated. On the other hand, it’s a pleasure to watch a documentary that is so intelligently written, and yet so remarkably well made.

When the film ends, the enduring message is similar to those posed by the American interventions in Vietnam and Iraq. How could the State Department know so little about what it was about to unleash, given Ukraine’s deep historical divisions and the risk of an escalating conflict with nuclear-armed Russia?

In Vietnam, Americans knew little about the country’s decades-long struggle of the peasantry to be free from French and Japanese colonialism. Somehow, America was going to win their hearts and minds and create a Western-style “democracy” when many Vietnamese simply saw the extension of foreign imperialism.

In Iraq, President George W. Bush and his coterie of neocons was going to oust Saddam Hussein and create a Western-style democracy in the Middle East, except that Bush didn’t know the difference between Sunni and Shiite Moslems and how Iraq was likely to split over sectarian rivalries and screw up his expectations.

Similarly, the message of Ukraine on Fire is that short-sighted, ambitious and ideological officials – unchecked by their superiors – created something even worse than what existed. While high-level corruption persists today in Ukraine and may be even worse than before, the conditions of average Ukrainians have deteriorated.

And, the Ukraine conflict has reignited the Cold War by moving Western geopolitical forces onto Russia’s most sensitive frontier, which, as scholar Joshua Shifrinson has noted, violates a pledge made by Secretary of State James Baker in February 1990 as the Soviet Union peacefully accepted the collapse of its military influence in East Germany and eastern Europe. (Los Angeles Times, 5/30/ 2016)

This film also reminds us that what happened in Ukraine was a bipartisan effort. It was begun under George W. Bush and completed under Barack Obama. As Oliver Stone noted in the discussion that followed the film’s premiere in Los Angeles, the U.S. painfully needs some new leadership reminiscent of Franklin Roosevelt and John Kennedy, people who understand how America’s geopolitical ambitions must be tempered by on-the-ground realities and the broader needs of humanity to be freed from the dangers of all-out war.

James DiEugenio is a researcher and writer on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy and other mysteries of that era. His most recent book is Reclaiming Parkland.

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Hacia la libertad: Oscar López Rivera de vuelta en Puerto Rico

February 14th, 2017 by Fernando Vicente Prieto

El jueves 9 de febrero, Óscar López Rivera fue trasladado a suelo natal, donde completará sus últimas semanas de cárcel. El 17 de mayo quedará en libertad después de 35 años.Apenas conocida la noticia, la alegría recorrió a los movimientos que reivindican la independencia de Puerto Rico.

López Rivera, luchador por la independencia de Puerto Rico, permanecía prisionero de Estados Unidos desde 1981. Tras años de una intensa campaña por su liberación, finalmente el 17 de enero de este año -en los últimos días de su mandato como presidente- Barack Obama concedió el esperado indulto y dispuso la fecha del 17 de mayo para la extinción de la sentencia.

A partir de ahora permanecerá bajo arresto domiciliario en una residencia temporaria que no se precisó -aunque trascendió que sería la casa de su hija-, sin poder realizar contactos con la prensa.

Acompañado por su hija Clarissa López, su abogada Jan Sussler, la alcaldesa de San Juan Carmen Yulín Cruz Soto, el congresista Luis Gutiérrez y la concejal de Nueva York Melissa Mark-Viverito, López Rivera llegó a la capital de Puerto Rico en un vuelo de American Airlines procedente de Charlotte, Carolina del Norte.

Se trata de la primera vez en al menos 40 años que Óscar López Rivera pisa suelo puertorriqueño desde que en 1976 pasó a la clandestinidad para luchar contra la continuidad del estatus colonial. En el aeropuerto de San Juan lo esperaban personas con banderas de Puerto Rico y mensajes como “Óscar, gracias”.

Según declaró a Telesur Perla Franco, redactora del periódico independentista *Claridad*, “no dejaron que saliera como salen todos los pasajeros sino que lo llevaron oculto por otro lugar en un vehículo blindado, con vidrios oscuros”.

En una rueda de prensa organizada pocas horas después del arribo, Carmen Yulín Cruz celebró la llegada de López Rivera a su país como un hecho histórico: “Queremos dejar tres cosas muy claras. Primero, que este es un triunfo de una vida dedicada a la Patria, una vida dedicada al amor y una vida dedicada a la justicia. Es el triunfo de Óscar López por haber resistido 35 años”, expresó entre fuertes aplausos, en un clima de gran emoción.

“Segundo -continuó la alcaldesa-, es una victoria de la unión entre la diáspora puertorriqueña y el pueblo puertorriqueño. Sin lugar a dudas, la diáspora puertorriqueña llevó la voz cantante en este tema, no solamente con Óscar López sino con los otros compatriotas prisioneros políticos”. Y concluyó: “Tercero, es el triunfo de la unión de voluntades. Personas de todos los partidos políticos en Puerto Rico reclamaron como una sola voz la excarcelación de quien hoy pisa su Patria después de 35 años. Y por último y no menos importante, es un triunfo del pueblo de Puerto Rico, de resistir, de luchar y de dar ejemplo de que cuando hay unión, se triunfa y se logran los objetivos”.

Su presencia fortalecerá la lucha independentista

Apenas conocida la noticia, la alegría recorrió a los movimientos que reivindican la independencia de Puerto Rico. La lucha que simboliza Óscar López Rivera es una gesta que lleva más de un siglo. La aspiración de independencia enfrenta una larga historia colonial, primero bajo dominio del Reino de España y desde fines del siglo XIX, bajo control de Estados Unidos.

En diálogo con *Notas*, Paul Dill Barea, del Movimiento de Agroecología Popular, señaló: “Estamos muy felices por la llegada de Óscar López Rivera. Para nosotros, los movimientos populares, es una noticia excelente que esté de vuelta con nosotros, en su Patria. Es una gran derrota para el imperio. Entendemos que su presencia fortalecerá y llenará de vida los movimientos por la independencia”. Dill Barea además consideró que “actualmente nuestras juventudes se encuentran muy preparadas y muy organizadas para llevar esta lucha”.

El militante, que expresa a una de las organizaciones de base de la isla, agregó: “Nos produce una gran alegría porque fueron muchos años de sufrimiento para este héroe de nuestra Patria. Y seguimos organizándonos, seguimos luchando en las calles y en las comunidades contra la colonización mental, contra la opresión colonial y todas las artimañas que tiene el imperio”.

Para concluir, Dill Barea explicó: “Estamos en una lucha muy fuerte, ahora mismo el Estado colonial pretende hacer un plebiscito de estatus, que entendemos que es una artimaña más de control por parte del ala ‘estadista’, de los sectores que quieren la anexión para Estados Unidos, de la derecha conservadora. Pero continuaremos la lucha. La libertad de Óscar es un ejemplo de esa lucha por la libertad de todos los pueblos latinoamericanos del dominio colonial de Estados Unidos”.

Fernando Vicente Prieto

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Between Message and Martyrdom: The World Press Photo of the Year

February 14th, 2017 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

“Photographs really are experience captured, and the camera is the ideal arm of consciousness in its acquisitive mood.”— Susan Sontag, On Photography (1977)

The photograph is a still image of messages, trapped fleetingly. For that reason, it has been seen as mimicking death, a mask forever preserved. It suspends, a captured meaning hovering in time. That such images become weapons is undeniable. Not all are poetic notices to the great and the good. They are often reminders of the bountifully nasty, an inspiration for what is to come.

The photograph taught us, effectively, a new visual code, a Susan Sontag reminds us. In instructing us on that code, “photographs alter and enlarge our notions of what is worth looking at and what we have a right to observe.”

The right as to what to observe, and what is worth looking at. The award of the “World Press Photo of the Year” Burhan Özbilici’s dramatic shot featuring the slaying of Russian ambassador Andrei Karlov in an Ankara art gallery is one such example, a fistful of tensions and discomforting points. It has divided and abhorred judges; it has drawn out parallels and debates.


The image, featuring a snappily dressed, committed man, is now generally known: The triumphant Mevlut Mert Altintas raises an arm, eyes ablaze, gun discharged, verging on hyped caricature. He extols the virtue of his act; for him, undeniably clear in its vicious beauty, its ideological clarity. The shots have been made, and his bloody work lies on the museum floor. The ambassador, Andrei Karlov, is dead.

The photo captures an insistence, the unqualified nature of this action (true fundamentalists are characterised by their lack of contradiction, their inability to see it). The ambassador needed to die to make a statement, and his rumpled figure, dead or dying, has become part of the gallery.

It has also become part of the register of geopolitics: Turkey’s confused relationship with Russia, sometimes intensely hot, occasional lovers with purpose; other times glacially vindictive, demanding loud resolution. In the background of the killer’s cries: the sea-deep blood bath of Syria, the haunting corpses of Aleppo.

Some have claimed that endorsing the photo as a winner of a contest would give it an unintended, propagandistic boost. Stuart Franklin, the chair of the committee whose decision he ultimately went against, admits to being tormented by his decision not to endorse the photo as the image of the year.

He admires the photographer’s sense of chance, his “composure, bravery and skill”. “It’s the third time that coverage of an assassination has won this prize, the most famous being the killing of a Vietcong suspect , photographed by Eddie Adams in 1968.”[1]

Then, he elaborates on his reasons, the lukewarm, unconvincing grounds of a chairman confused and in need of self-respect. “I voted against. Sorry, Burhan. It’s a photograph of a murder, the killer and the slain, both seen in the same picture, and morally as problematic to publish as a terrorist beheading.”

Franklin, numbed by the current infatuation with staged dramas of beheadings, killings and terrorist indulgences, can only fear what a prize would do for such an image. “Placing the photograph on this high pedestal is an invitation to those contemplating such staged spectaculars: it reaffirms the compact between martyrdom and publicity.”

This is essentially a silly, if not meaningless argument and Franklin reveals the very reasons why such an image deserves circulation, discussion, and tears. A person about to lose his life to the swift application of sword, the bone and vessels severed, the life transported, shifted, removed, would be powerful, terrifying and no less poignant.

That it has a political message is beside the point: all such pictures do. There will always be a higher form of meaning to ground the reaction: the photo merely teases the surface, opens windows without ever showing us the whole room of feeling.

Franklin’s reasoning collapses as he garnishes his argument with nonsensical piffle. “Unlike the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand in Sarajevo in 1914, the crime had limited political consequences.” The statement is that remarkable as to beggar belief.

The “crime” (others prefer the traditional reference of assassination) propelled Europe into a war that destroyed a continent, eliminated the monarchical structure, a generation and much else besides. Ridiculous as it is to blame the confused yet determined Gavrilo Princip for all that, the enormity of the act to historical destiny remains unquestioned. Pictures remain, for all the fuss, records, ideas that capture a moment in time for posterity. There are no foolish pictures, only foolish people.

Broader objections to pictures as propaganda tend to confuse the criteria of best photo with the endorsement of political content. These matters are not necessarily linked, and should not be confused. To appreciate the terrifying moment of a historical fact is not the same thing as agreeing with it. They can only be appreciation, pity, and awareness. The stunning cloud that arises from the atomic bomb that levelled Hiroshima enchants even if it is murderous and piteous.

A reminder to Franklin: The Vietnam conflict is forever caught by that moment where a young girl, naked, retreats in the face of napalm, her skin itself peeling, torn, sizzling before the effects of a US airstrike. The pro-war advocates about opposing the communist juggernaut, blind to nationalist specifics, detested the image as being unduly propagandistic. Each action, each image, that militated against a cause was also one that was seen to embrace it.

Photography remains the terrain where we fight our pre-existing impressions, and perhaps hope for something better. A murder, viciously executed in the presence of art (life being short, art being long), is as suitably outrageous as any. This is not propaganda, but life and death, in all its captivating cruelty, snapped for posterity.

Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge. He lectures at RMIT University, Melbourne. Email: [email protected]



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American Media Hacking “Fake News” About North Korea

February 14th, 2017 by Caleb Maupin

US Media continues its campaign against “fake news,” urging people to only listen to mainstream, pro-western capitalist news sources, despite their documented record of factual inaccuracies.

US media coverage around anything related to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is a great example of media bias and deception in practice. Sometimes US media is caught blatantly reporting false things about the DPRK, such as the outrageous claim that Kim Jong-Un executed someone by feeding them to a pack of wild dogs. This was proven to be fake, or untrue news.

However, most of the manner in which the US public is deceived about the DPRK is more subtle.

The Forgotten “Economic Miracles”

For example, most Americans believe that the economic system that is in place in the northern half of the Korean peninsula has been an absolute, total failure, and caused nothing but mass starvation. This is demonstrably false.

A new video from the Council on Foreign Relations, a top American foreign policy think tank features Scott Snyder passingly mentioning:

“It is a socialist system, it was established on the  Soviet model. The economy is centrally controlled, it worked well in the early 60s, but it ran into roadblocks.”

A BBC article from 2008 says the same thing:

“At one time, North Korea’s centrally planned economy seemed to work well – indeed, in the initial years after the creation of North Korea following World War II, with spectacular results. The mass mobilization of the population, along with Soviet and Chinese technical assistance and financial aid, resulted in annual economic growth rates estimated to have reached 20%, even 30%, in the years following the devastating 1950-53 Korean war. As late as the 1970s, South Korea languished in the shadow of the “economic miracle” north of the border.”

The Country Study of the DPRK published by the US Library of Congress goes into detail describing the economic achievements of the country, including housing, literacy, self-sufficiency and access to medical care.

Mass food shortages and famine took place in the DPRK during the 1990s. In the aftermath of the Soviet Union’s collapse, the DPRK was unable to import oil, on which the country’s food system was very dependent. Within the DPRK, this period is known as the “arduous march.” The government blames sanctions from the United States for the food crisis.

However, when reporting on North Korea, American media emphasizes the “arduous march” period, and omits the “economic miracles” of the 1960s. Furthermore, the causes of the food crisis of the 1990s are never explained. A single episode of mass starvation during the 1990s does not accurately represent the entire experience of socialist construction in northern Korea.

Furthermore, the audience is led to believe that the only factor is the failure of socialist economics and mis-leadership by the Korean Workers Party. Usually no other factors, such as sanctions, lack of arable land, drought, flooding, etc. are discussed.

Nukes: The Whole Story

The other example of lying through omission and emphasis relates to nuclear proliferation. North Korea withdrew from the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty on January 10th, 2003. It understood now that the country possesses nuclear weapons. But why?American media ignores, omits, or de-emphasizes the entire context of the DPRK developing nuclear weapons. The audience is led to believe that the DPRK randomly developed nukes out of a desire to attack the United States or threaten its neighbors.

Let’s go over the omitted background of the story of nuclear proliferation on the Korean Peninsula. During the Korean War, millions of Koreans died. Some estimate that roughly 30% of the population of the DPRK was lost. Every building above one story high was destroyed. During the war, the United States was openly considering the use of Nuclear Weapons against both Korean and Chinese forces. Douglas MacArthur even made these threats publicly.

North Korea first ratified the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty in 1985. In 1993, they threatened to withdraw. At the time, the country was facing an episode of mass starvation, amid US threats, sanctions, and the loss of their Soviet allies. Negotiations between the US Government and the DPRK took place, and DPRK did not withdraw. In 1994 the “Agreed Framework” was established between the United States and North Korea. It was understood that North Korea would be given agricultural aid, heating oil, and the US would move toward having diplomatic relations with North Korea, all in exchange for nuclear non-proliferation.

However, the United States never fulfilled its end of the bargain. US Congress blocked the implementation of the deal which the Clinton administration had negotiated.

In this context, the DPRK dropped its obligations under the agreed framework as well, and ultimately developed nuclear weapons.

US media of course leaves out this entire chain of events. Korea’s leadership agreed not to develop nuclear weapons in exchange for food for their starving population, as well as other humanitarian support, in a time of mass starvation. US leaders did not fulfill their promises. Very little food and heating gas was ever delivered. In this context, is it a surprise, or a moral outrage that North Korea would also drop its end of the bargain, and go ahead and pursue nukes? Does such an action really fit the narrative of a “rogue state” lead by “insane” leaders bent on destroying the planet?

When a few basic facts are mentioned, the entire narrative and perception of North Korea falls apart. The DPRK hasn’t always had mass starvation, and according to even rather hostile sources like BBC and the Council on Foreign Relations, its economic system was quite successful at one time. Furthermore, the DPRK developed Nuclear Weapons only in response to the failure US leaders to fulfill their obligations under a negotiated agreement. They were promised certain things in exchange for not developing nuclear weapons. They did not get those things, so they went ahead did it.

These facts are conveniently forgotten in any discussion of the DPRK, but they are highly relevant to understanding the country and its relationship with the world. While ignoring important aspects of reality, these news sources talk of “fake news” and urge us to listen exclusively to them? That’s probably not a good idea, especially for those who want peace.

Caleb Maupin is a political analyst and activist based in New York. He studied political science at Baldwin-Wallace College and was inspired and involved in the Occupy Wall Street movement, especially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.

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American Media Hacking “Fake News” About North Korea

February 14th, 2017 by Caleb Maupin

US Media continues its campaign against “fake news,” urging people to only listen to mainstream, pro-western capitalist news sources, despite their documented record of factual inaccuracies.

US media coverage around anything related to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is a great example of media bias and deception in practice. Sometimes US media is caught blatantly reporting false things about the DPRK, such as the outrageous claim that Kim Jong-Un executed someone by feeding them to a pack of wild dogs. This was proven to be fake, or untrue news.

However, most of the manner in which the US public is deceived about the DPRK is more subtle.

The Forgotten “Economic Miracles”

For example, most Americans believe that the economic system that is in place in the northern half of the Korean peninsula has been an absolute, total failure, and caused nothing but mass starvation. This is demonstrably false.

A new video from the Council on Foreign Relations, a top American foreign policy think tank features Scott Snyder passingly mentioning:

“It is a socialist system, it was established on the  Soviet model. The economy is centrally controlled, it worked well in the early 60s, but it ran into roadblocks.”

A BBC article from 2008 says the same thing:

“At one time, North Korea’s centrally planned economy seemed to work well – indeed, in the initial years after the creation of North Korea following World War II, with spectacular results. The mass mobilization of the population, along with Soviet and Chinese technical assistance and financial aid, resulted in annual economic growth rates estimated to have reached 20%, even 30%, in the years following the devastating 1950-53 Korean war. As late as the 1970s, South Korea languished in the shadow of the “economic miracle” north of the border.”

The Country Study of the DPRK published by the US Library of Congress goes into detail describing the economic achievements of the country, including housing, literacy, self-sufficiency and access to medical care.

Mass food shortages and famine took place in the DPRK during the 1990s. In the aftermath of the Soviet Union’s collapse, the DPRK was unable to import oil, on which the country’s food system was very dependent. Within the DPRK, this period is known as the “arduous march.” The government blames sanctions from the United States for the food crisis.

However, when reporting on North Korea, American media emphasizes the “arduous march” period, and omits the “economic miracles” of the 1960s. Furthermore, the causes of the food crisis of the 1990s are never explained. A single episode of mass starvation during the 1990s does not accurately represent the entire experience of socialist construction in northern Korea.

Furthermore, the audience is led to believe that the only factor is the failure of socialist economics and mis-leadership by the Korean Workers Party. Usually no other factors, such as sanctions, lack of arable land, drought, flooding, etc. are discussed.

Nukes: The Whole Story

The other example of lying through omission and emphasis relates to nuclear proliferation. North Korea withdrew from the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty on January 10th, 2003. It understood now that the country possesses nuclear weapons. But why?American media ignores, omits, or de-emphasizes the entire context of the DPRK developing nuclear weapons. The audience is led to believe that the DPRK randomly developed nukes out of a desire to attack the United States or threaten its neighbors.

Let’s go over the omitted background of the story of nuclear proliferation on the Korean Peninsula. During the Korean War, millions of Koreans died. Some estimate that roughly 30% of the population of the DPRK was lost. Every building above one story high was destroyed. During the war, the United States was openly considering the use of Nuclear Weapons against both Korean and Chinese forces. Douglas MacArthur even made these threats publicly.

North Korea first ratified the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty in 1985. In 1993, they threatened to withdraw. At the time, the country was facing an episode of mass starvation, amid US threats, sanctions, and the loss of their Soviet allies. Negotiations between the US Government and the DPRK took place, and DPRK did not withdraw. In 1994 the “Agreed Framework” was established between the United States and North Korea. It was understood that North Korea would be given agricultural aid, heating oil, and the US would move toward having diplomatic relations with North Korea, all in exchange for nuclear non-proliferation.

However, the United States never fulfilled its end of the bargain. US Congress blocked the implementation of the deal which the Clinton administration had negotiated.

In this context, the DPRK dropped its obligations under the agreed framework as well, and ultimately developed nuclear weapons.

US media of course leaves out this entire chain of events. Korea’s leadership agreed not to develop nuclear weapons in exchange for food for their starving population, as well as other humanitarian support, in a time of mass starvation. US leaders did not fulfill their promises. Very little food and heating gas was ever delivered. In this context, is it a surprise, or a moral outrage that North Korea would also drop its end of the bargain, and go ahead and pursue nukes? Does such an action really fit the narrative of a “rogue state” lead by “insane” leaders bent on destroying the planet?

When a few basic facts are mentioned, the entire narrative and perception of North Korea falls apart. The DPRK hasn’t always had mass starvation, and according to even rather hostile sources like BBC and the Council on Foreign Relations, its economic system was quite successful at one time. Furthermore, the DPRK developed Nuclear Weapons only in response to the failure US leaders to fulfill their obligations under a negotiated agreement. They were promised certain things in exchange for not developing nuclear weapons. They did not get those things, so they went ahead did it.

These facts are conveniently forgotten in any discussion of the DPRK, but they are highly relevant to understanding the country and its relationship with the world. While ignoring important aspects of reality, these news sources talk of “fake news” and urge us to listen exclusively to them? That’s probably not a good idea, especially for those who want peace.

Caleb Maupin is a political analyst and activist based in New York. He studied political science at Baldwin-Wallace College and was inspired and involved in the Occupy Wall Street movement, especially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.

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Francia: La amenaza terrorista cambia de rostro

February 14th, 2017 by Luisa María González

Tras dos años bajo el asedio de repetidos atentados, los más recientes acontecimientos en Francia demuestran la vigencia de la amenaza terrorista, pero ahora con nuevos rostros.

En los últimos días las fuerzas de seguridad y las autoridades se mantuvieron movilizadas a causa de un ataque en pleno museo del Louvre, uno de los más visitados del mundo, y un proyecto de atentado en un sitio turístico de París frustrado gracias a la intervención oportuna de la policía.

Tal como señalaron altas figuras del gobierno, incluido el presidente François Hollande, ambos hechos muestran que el riesgo terrorista sigue presente con fuerza en esta nación europea, donde más de 230 personas murieron en los últimos tiempos por agresiones del extremismo islamista.

El primer suceso de este 2017 tuvo lugar en el Louvre: un egipcio de 29 años arremetió con dos machetes militares contra uniformados que custodiaban la entrada de la galería comercial del museo.

La rápida reacción de los agentes permitió neutralizar al atacante, quien resultó herido en la acción con serias lesiones de bala en el abdomen.

El hecho se diferencia notablemente de los grandes y mortíferos ataques registrados en 2015 en la sede del semanario satírico Charlie Hebdo y luego el 13 de noviembre en varios lugares de París, en los cuales actuaron comandos organizados con explosivos y fusiles kalashnikov.

A raíz del refuerzo de la vigilancia por parte de las fuerzas de seguridad, lo cual incluye un amplio despliegue de militares y policías, y el monitoreo de posibles amenazas a través de Internet y las redes sociales, los atacantes cambiaron en los últimos tiempos los modos de operar.

Antes se trataba de redes extensas y organizadas que lograban conseguir explosivos y armas de fuego, mientras en los últimos meses actúan personas solas o a dúos, que emplean armas blancas fáciles de encontrar e incluso cosas tan comunes como un vehículo.

Ese fue el caso del ataque de la sureña ciudad de Niza, en el verano del 2016, en el cual un hombre solo a bordo de un camión irrumpió contra una multitud reunida en el Paseo de los Ingleses y provocó la muerte de 86 personas.

Esta agresión, muy similar a la realizada en diciembre en otro ataque en Berlín, se corresponde con un procedimiento mucho más difícil de identificar con antelación, y lógicamente casi imposible de evitar.

No sucedió así con el atentado recientemente frustrado gracias a la detención de tres personas que planeaban realizar un ataque suicida en un lugar turístico de París, posiblemente la torre Eiffel, según los resultados de las investigaciones llevadas a cabo por la sección antiterrorista de la policía.

Los implicados son una adolescente de 16 años y su novio de 20, así como un hombre de 33 años considerado ‘el mentor’ y responsable de la radicalización de los jóvenes.

Durante los registros, los agentes hallaron 70 gramos de peróxido de acetona, una sustancia muy explosiva de fabricación artesanal, así como los componentes para producirla: acetona, agua oxigenada y ácido sulfúrico.

Este caso, más tradicional por tratarse de un posible acto kamikaze, pone de relieve otros dos rasgos novedosos: la implicación de personas cada vez más jóvenes en los hechos violentos y el papel desempeñado por las mujeres, que de la pasividad pasan ahora a tener un rol activo.

Una reciente investigación periodística recogida en el documental ‘Las hermanas de la yihad’ evidenció cómo los reclutadores del Estado Islámico (EI) que actúan desde Siria e Iraq se interesan cada vez más en las féminas.

Los periodistas y testigos explicaron en el material audiovisual que anteriormente el papel de las mujeres era ‘meramente reproductivo’ para asegurar ‘la nueva generación del EI’, mientras en la actualidad estas comienzan a tener roles más importantes en los ataques.

Así quedó evidenciado, por ejemplo, en el caso del automóvil cargado de bombonas de gas encontrado a un costado de la catedral de Notre Dame en septiembre último, un hecho protagonizado por un comando de mujeres.

En resumen, los hechos muestran que mientras las autoridades refuerzan la vigilancia, en paralelo el fenómeno de la radicalización se sigue extendiendo con nuevos actores que buscan otras formas de actuar, y dejan claro que la sombra del terrorismo está lejos de desaparecer en Francia.

Luisa María González

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At the end of his administration Obama implemented a series of anti-Russian moves. The most obvious was the expulsion of 35 Russian diplomats over unfounded allegation of Russian interference in the U.S. elections. Other moves included the launching of an Ukrainian offense against the Russian supported resistance in the east Ukraine.

These moves were designed to impede the incoming Trump administration in its announced plans towards more friendly relations with Russia. The incoming Trump administration countered Obama’s sanction move. Its designated National Security Advisor Flynn phoned up the Russian ambassador in Washington. He did not promise to immediately lift the sanctions but indirectly asked him to refrain from any harsh response:

The transcripts of the conversations don’t show Mr. Flynn made any sort of promise to lift the sanctions once Mr. Trump took office, the officials said. Rather, they show Mr.Flynn making more general comments about relations between the two countries improving under Mr. Trump, people familiar with them said.

This was arguably a sensible move in line with a smooth transition of government.

In the end the Russian government refrained from any in kind reaction to the Obama sanctions.

This was blow to the promoters of hostilities with Russia. It did not stop their meddling. The effort moved towards kicking Flynn out of his new position as NSC. A concerted media campaign was launched to insinuate an early Flynn failure and to press for his dismissal.

Bradd Jaffy @BraddJaffy
Within the last 30 mins — NYT, WashPost, WSJ and Politico each dropped pieces that have to be alarming for your future if you’re Mike Flynn
5:51 PM – 12 Feb 2017

Keep in mind that some 95% of the U.S. media was hostile to Trump during the election campaign. They all peddled the nonsense of “Russian hacks” when an insider leaked emails from the Democratic National Council. They are all willing to support any move that might hinder the Trump administration.

Thus this morning news was filled with these headlines:

All these stories are based on “inside views” from multiple “former and current officials”. All are build around the baseless allegations against Flynn of somehow colluding with the Russian government. All are likely more wishful thinking than fact.

It would be astonishing if Trump falls for this obviously well organized campaign against his administration. Should he fire Flynn or give in to such  pressure his enemies will smell blood, find a new target within his administration and intensify their fire.

Indeed a second well coordinated assault on an announced Trump policy, a change of course in Syria, is already in the making. This one aims at further maligning the Syrian government in an effort to make it impossible to argue for cooperation in the fight against the Islamic State.

  • A few days ago Amnesty International published an unfounded report about alleged executions in Syrian prisons.
  • Today Human Rights Watch claims that the Syrian government systematically used Chlorine in the fight over Aleppo. The sources are solely opposition supporters.
  • Based on similar vague “facts” the Atlantic Council, a NATO lobby with financial ties to Gulf governments, launches a huge propaganda report (large pdf) about the “war crime” of liberating Aleppo from Jihadis.

None of these “humanitarian” organization is concerned about the current devastating situation in Aleppo. For 40 days the water has been cut off by the Islamic State at the Euphrates pumping stations. There is no electricity. Fuel is sparse. Medications are difficult to find.

Their hypocrisy stinks to high heaven. These organizations all assert that the Syrian government, for example, attacked hospitals in east-Aleppo solely to hit civilians. At the same time they all applaud a much bigger assault on the Islamic State held Mosul by U.S. and Iraqi troops. There, the head of Human Rights Watch asserts, the hospitals are used by the Jihadis and thus attacks on them are justified:

Kenneth Roth @KenRoth
As battle for Mosul proceeds, ISIS is regularly occupying hospitals & medical facilities, endangering patients/staff

The anti-Flynn campaign as well as the bad-Assad campaign are aimed at Trump policy changes. These changes move away from the course the borg implemented throughout the Obama reign.

Meanwhile the Trump administration implements regressive economic and social policies without any noticeable resistance in the media, in Congress or from so called Non-Government-Organizations:

President Trump has embarked on the most aggressive campaign against government regulation in a generation, joining with Republican lawmakers to roll back rules already on the books and limit the ability of federal regulators to impose new ones.

The borg or deep state is way more concerned with keeping up its plans of uncontested global dominance than with the welfare of the citizens within the empire.

Trump promised to put “America first”, to prioritize the inner well being of the States over the quest for global hegemony. His voters elected him for that purpose. Should he fall for the organized campaigns against his plans predictable foreign policy disasters will dominate his presidency. He will then lose any chance for reelection.

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After a week of limited coverage of “unimaginable levels” of radiation inside the remains of collapsed Unit 2 at Fukushima (see below), reported February 11 that radiation levels are actually significantly higher than “unimaginable.”

Continuous, intense radiation, at 530 sieverts an hour (4 sieverts is a lethal level), was widely reported in early February 2017 – as if this were a new phenomenon. It’s not. Three reactors at Fukushima melted down during the earthquake-tsunami disaster on March 3, 2011, and the meltdowns never stopped. Radiation levels have been out of control ever since. As Fairewinds Energy Education noted in an email February 10:

Although this robotic measurement just occurred, this high radiation reading was anticipated and has existed inside the damaged Unit 2 atomic reactor since the disaster began nearly 6 years ago…. As Fairewinds has said for 6 years, there are no easy solutions because groundwater is in direct contact with the nuclear corium (melted fuel) at Fukushima Daiichi.

What’s new (and not very new, at that) is the official acknowledgement of the highest radiation levels yet measured there, by a factor of seven (the previously measured high was 73 sieverts an hour in 2012). The highest radiation level measured at Chernobyl was 300 sieverts an hour. What this all means, as anyone paying attention well knows, is that the triple-meltdown Fukushima disaster is still out of control.

IAEA fact-finding team examines devastation at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in May 2011. (photo: IAEA/Greg Webb)

“Sievert” is one of the many terms of mystification used to prevent most people from fully understanding radiation. A “sievert” is roughly equivalent to a “gray,” as each represents a “joule” per kilogram (not to be confused, for example, with “Curie” or Bequerel,” or with “rem,” “rad,” or “roentgen”). In the International System of Units (SI), a “joule” is the “unit of work or energy, equal to the work done by a force of one newton when its point of application moves one meter in the direction of action of the force, equivalent to one 3600th of a watt-hour.” Got that? The jargon doesn’t much matter as far as public safety is concerned. All ionizing radiation is life-threatening. The more you’re exposed, the more you’re threatened. As Physics Stack Exchange illustrates the issue:

The dose [of radiation] that kills a tumor is deliberately aimed at that tumor. If, instead of using a collimated beam, you put a person in a wide beam for radio “therapy”, you would be treating their entire body as a tumor and kill them.

Radiation levels at Fukushima are comparable to a nuclear explosion that doesn’t end. That’s one reason that TEPCO, the Tokyo Electric Power Co. that owns Fukushima, keeps trying to reassure the world that little or no radiation escapes from Fukushima. This is not true, radiation in large, mostly unmeasured or undocumented amounts pours into the Pacific Ocean all the time, without pause. One reason this release is out of control is because no one apparently knows just where the three melted reactor cores have gone. TEPCO says it thinks the melted cores have burned through the reactors’ inner containment vessels, but are still within the outer containment walls. They keep looking as best they can.

On February 3, 2017, the Guardian reported the high radiation levels discovered by a remote camera sent into the reactor on a telescopic arm. Reader Supported News carried the story from EcoWatch on February 5. Essentially the same story was reported on February 6 by, on February 7 by, and on February 8, Fox News reported that “radiation levels at Japan’s crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant are now at ‘unimaginable’ levels.” There have apparently been no such reports on CBS, NBC, CNN, or MSNBC. On February 9, ABC ran an AP story about pulling a robot out of Unit 2 because of “high radiation,” without specifying a level and adding: “TEPCO officials reassured that despite the dangerously high figures, radiation is not leaking outside of the reactor.” (PJMedia.comcalls the Fox story “fake news,” relies on ad hominem argument, trusts TEPCO on keeping track of the irradiated ocean flow, and accepts US EPA standards for “safe” drinking water – without actually discrediting the story.)

On February 12, Pakistan Defence ran the AP story of February 9, but included the new level of radiation at 650 sieverts that fried a robot’s camera, adding:

The high levels of radiation may seem alarming, but there’s good news: it’s contained, and there are no reports of new leaks from the plant. That means that the radiation shouldn’t affect nearby townships. Higher levels of radiation could also mean the robot is getting closer to the precise source of radioactivity to properly remove the melted fuel.

All this coverage relates only to Unit 2’s melted reactor core. There is no reliable news of the condition of the melted reactor cores in two other units. Last November, in a half-hour talk reviewing the Fukushima crisis, Arnie Gunderson of Fairewinds Energy Education discussed the three missing reactor cores and what he suspected was the likelihood that they had not been contained within the reactor.

The ground water flowing into, through, and out of the reactor is contaminated by its passage and is having some impact on the Pacific Ocean. The US, like other governments, is ignoring whatever is happening, allowing it to happen as if it doesn’t matter and never will. In Carmel, California, local residents are finding that tide pools, once vibrant with life, are now dead. They blame Fukushima.

Whatever is actually going on at Fukushima is not good, and has horrifying possibilities. It is little comfort to have the perpetrator of the catastrophe, TEPCO, in charge of fixing it, especially when the Japanese government is more an enabler of cover-up and denial than any kind of seeker of truth or protector of its people. It took private researchers five years to figure out that Fukushima’s fallout of Cesium-137 on Tokyo took a more dangerous, glassy form that wasn’t cleaned up effectively.

The US and most of the rest of the world have chosen not to take Fukushima more seriously than a multi-car Interstate pile-up. The policy is one more roll of the dice, saving money now and gambling the future. But now we have Rick Perry heading up the US Department of Energy and Scott Pruitt slated to take over the Environmental Protection Agency – so we can expect big changes, right?

Actually there has been one big change already at the Energy Dept., which uses more contractorsthan any other US agency. The Government Accountability Office (GAO) found that the Energy Dept. failed to protect whistleblowers who raised legitimate nuclear safety and other concerns. In response, the Energy Dept. prepared a new rule protecting whistleblowers from contractor retaliation. That rule was blocked from going into effect by President Trump’s regulatory freeze on January 20.

In a sense, Fukushima is perhaps a metaphor for the current American moment. The electoral earthquake and tsunami of 11/9 has produced a political meltdown of unknown and expanding proportions, that continue unchecked, causing still unmeasured destruction and human suffering far into a dark and dangerous future.

William M. Boardman has over 40 years experience in theatre, radio, TV, print journalism, and non-fiction, including 20 years in the Vermont judiciary. He has received honors from Writers Guild of America, Corporation for Public Broadcasting, Vermont Life magazine, and an Emmy Award nomination from the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences.

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Approximately 188,000 people in several impoverished towns underneath the Oroville Dam in northern California were suddenly forced to evacuate their homes Sunday afternoon amid fears that high water levels would overwhelm the structure and flood populated areas north of Sacramento. The water level appears to have subsided for the moment, but more rain is expected Wednesday that could once again put the dam at risk.

The dam was at 151 percent capacity on Saturday, triggering the use of an emergency spillway for the first time in the dam’s 48-year history on Sunday. That same day, officials gave evacuation orders for the city of Oroville and towns in surrounding Yuba, Sutter and Butte counties, which remained in effect on Monday. If the deteriorating dam breaks, a 30-foot wall of water will descend upon the towns below.

The dam is not functioning properly due to a massive hole 250 feet long and 45 feet deep in the dam’s main spillway. The risks of structural failure and of a breach at the Oroville dam have been well known for over a decade, with the government ignoring the issue and refusing to spend the relatively small amount that would be required to protect the lives of the hundreds of thousands at risk. In large part this is because the at-risk cities, including Marysville, Yuba City, Oroville, Live Oak and Wheatland, are home to mostly impoverished and working-class residents.

While weather cannot be perfectly predicted or altered, the current threat to lives and homes is entirely man-made. The condition of the dam is representative of the deteriorating infrastructure in the United States. Little to no preparations were made to protect against this well-predicted threat of catastrophe. In 1997, residents living under the Oroville dam were also forced to evacuate when water levels came within a foot of overflowing the structure.

Both the state and federal governments had been warned more than ten years ago that just such a situation involving the structural collapse of the emergency spillway could occur.

On October 17, 2005, three environmental groups—the Friends of the River, the South Yuba Citizens League, and the Sierra Club—filed a motion with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to have the emergency spillway covered in concrete. These organizations warned that the dam failed to meet modern safety standards and that large amounts of rain would overwhelm the primary spillway and that the emergency structure would erode. This is precisely what happened.

Furthermore, the report stated: “A loss of crest control could not only cause additional damage to project lands and facilities but also cause damages and threaten lives in the protected floodplain downstream.” State and federal agencies ignored these concerns. FERC claimed that the emergency spillway could handle 350,000 cubic feet of water per second and that concerns were unfounded. However, on Sunday, water flowing at less than 5 percent that figure came close to realizing the environmental groups’ fears.

“We said ‘Are you really sure that running all this water over the emergency spillway won’t cause the spillway to fail?’” said Ron Stork, policy director with Friends of the River told the press on Sunday. “They tried to be as evasive as possible. It would have cost money to build a proper concrete spillway.” He added, “I’m feeling bad that we were unable to persuade DWR [the state’s Department of Water Resources] and FERC and the Army Corps to have a safer dam.”

Despite these warnings, nothing had been done during either Republican or Democratic administrations or by the Democratic-dominated legislature. The Oroville Dam was completed in 1968 and is the tallest in the United States. It sits on the Feather River, supplying water for much of the state. The state claims that the dam is still sound with the spillway inspected annually, last being repaired in 2013.

The state ordered a last-minute evacuation that would have left hundreds dead if the dam had burst this weekend.

The California Emergency Operations Center began issuing evacuation notices just four hours after giving a press conference in which the center said they expected no problems. Suddenly, the DWR warned that the spillway could fail within an hour. California governor Jerry Brown subsequently issued a state emergency order. Residents began receiving alerts via robocalls or social media and had little time to prepare. The order to leave the area was given so suddenly that traffic along evacuation routes became congested, forcing some people to abandon their cars and walk to shelter.

Rocque Merlo, an almond grower from Durham, California, described the situation many faced to the Sacramento Bee: “I have friends in Gridley (one of the affected towns). They have animals, and they have one hour to get out.” He added, “The state wasn’t being forthcoming with anybody. I don’t know why Sacramento [the state capital] didn’t start advising people earlier they might want to think about getting ready. It’s a pretty serious deal.”

The lack of communication was echoed by others affected. “I’m just shocked, pretty mad,” local resident Greg Levias told Fox News. His wife Kaysi added that she was angry that officials had “not given us more warning.”

Many of the evacuees took shelter in Chico, a city located just north of Oroville, where cots were set up at the local Silver Dollar Fairgrounds. Isaac Loseth, 18, told the Los Angeles Times that the atmosphere there was “hectic” and “uptight,” with fears persisting that the coming rain this week would exacerbate the situation with the dam. Doris O’Kelley, 84, fled with her husband, William, who complained, “I’d like to see them be a little more plain about what’s going on.”

The potential for a catastrophe in northern California calls to mind the horrific events of Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Like then, the government has ignored well-founded warnings of danger caused by a lack of infrastructure spending and sprung a last-minute plan to evacuate the 188,000 people, many of whom would have drowned stuck in traffic had the dam actually burst.

According to the American Society of Civil Engineers, 15,500 of the country’s 84,000 dams are “high-hazard” and death could result from dam failure. Remarkably, one third of high-hazard dams lack an emergency action plan to help protect residents from flood-related disaster. The average age of dams in the US is 52 years old, with 3 percent of dams built before 1900. Two thirds of dams are privately owned. The government placed security checks in place after September 11, 2001, which make it much more difficult for organizations to research dam safety and nearly impossible for residents living under dams to even find out the dam’s stability.

There is no answer to be found within capitalism and the profit system to address the deteriorating social conditions and infrastructure that are too often highlighted by natural disasters. While the area around the Oroville Dam was spared destruction on Sunday, nothing will be done to prevent a similar situation from developing in the immediate or long-distance future.

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As accusations fly that Russia manipulated the 2016 American election to put Donald Trump in the White House, some Americans are remembering that the United States also fiddled with elections in numerous nations during the Cold War, including Chile, Iran and Central America.

One of the most notorious examples is Italy, where the CIA mounted an aggressive—and successful—campaign to limit Communist success in the 1948 election, including handing bags of money to conservative Italian political parties (a tradition hardly unknown in American politics). From 1948 to 1968, the CIA gave more than $65 million to Italian parties and labor unions.

The details have emerged in a newly declassified Pentagon study released by the private watchdog organization, the National Security Archive.

In 1954, the Joint Chiefs of Staff urged that if a Communist government took power in Italy, “the United States, preferably in concert with its principal Allies, should be prepared to take the strongest possible action to prevent such an eventuality, such action possibly extending to the use of military power.”

That position didn’t suit President Dwight Eisenhower, whose World War II experiences as Supreme Allied Commander in Europe made him smarter than most about how to keep an alliance like NATO together. Eisenhower warned that he “could not imagine anything worse than the unilateral use by the United States of its forces to overthrow a Communist regime. This simply could not be done except in concert with our allies.”

Nonetheless, the National Security Council approved a paper that stated: “In the event the Communists achieve control of the Italian government by apparently legal means, the United States, in concert with its principal NATO allies, should take appropriate action, possibly extending to the use of military power, to assist Italian elements seeking to overthrow the Communist regime in Italy.”

Note the words “apparently legal means.” Perhaps the attitude among American leaders during the Cold War was that “Communist government” and “legal” were oxymorons, and that no Communist government could have genuine legitimacy (which had certainly been the case of the Eastern European regimes that rode into office on the backs of Soviet tanks in 1945). Nonetheless, the U.S. Sixth Fleet would have performed the ultimate act of electoral nullification, by using force against a Communist Party that—as did happen in the 1940s and 1950s—enjoyed strong popular support.

Even as late as August 1960, just months before John F. Kennedy took office, an NSC paper proposed that regardless of whether the Communists took power in Italy by illegal or legal means, the United States should be prepared to use military force—unilaterally if need be—to “assist whatever Italian elements are seeking to prevent or overthrow Communist domination.” This was fifteen years after the chaos and devastation of World War II. While Italy has never been known for stable governments, in 1960 it was not still the political and economic basket case under the rule of Allied military government.

In the end, “Eisenhower and Dulles were willing to intervene militarily only if the Communists forcibly seized power and then only in concert with other European nations,” concludes the study’s author, Ronald Landa. And that was wise: as Eisenhower himself realized, U.S. tanks rolling into Rome—or supporting right-wing Italians overthrowing their own government—would have been a propaganda godsend for the godless Communists in Moscow.

All of which has nothing to do with the question of whether Russia influenced the U.S. election. Except as a reminder that political manipulation has been performed by many nations.

Michael Peck is a contributing writer for the National Interest. He can be found on Twitter and Facebook.

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Calls for his impeachment began pre-inauguration, along with efforts to prevent his ascension to power – shocking stuff, unprecedented in US history.

On February 9, Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D. NY) introduced a politicized witch-hunt Resolution of Inquiry –

“directing the Department of Justice to provide the House of Representatives with any and all information relevant to an inquiry into President Trump and his associates’ (alleged) conflicts of interest, ethical violations…and (so-called) Russia ties.”

If the Republican controlled House Judiciary Committee doesn’t schedule a resolution markup within 14 legislative days, Nadler indicated he’ll seek a full House vote – unlikely to succeed, or in the Senate if it’s introduced there. Republicans control both houses.

The campaign to delegitimize Trump throughout the campaign and post-election failed. Efforts continue, Nadler’s action the latest initiative he and other Democrats hope will lead to impeachment and removal of Trump from office.

If successful, it’ll be a first in US history. House members impeached Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton, both subsequently acquitted by the Senate. Richard Nixon resigned to avoid impeachment and conviction by the body he once served in as a US senator.

The Constitution’s Article II, Section 4 states:

“The President, Vice President, and all civil Officers of the United States shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors.”

Trump hasn’t been in office long enough to charge him with any offense, let alone an impeachable one – other than for continuing US imperial wars in multiple theaters.

No president was ever charged with crimes of war or against humanity. Several instead won Nobel Peace Prizes, Obama the latest, despite months of high crimes before getting the award.

Trump may or may not warrant impeachment. A few weeks in office is way too early to judge him this harshly despite justifiable criticism of what he’s done so far.

The Clinton co-presidency, Bush/Cheney and Obama should have impeached and removed from office for imperial high crimes and other grievous human rights abuses.

The US Army Field Manuel (FM) 27-10 – The Law of Land Warfare, paragraph 498 states any person, military or civilian, who commits a crime under international law warrants punishment.

Paragraph 501 says all high level civilian and military officials in any way involved in crimes against peace are personally responsible for war crimes.

Paragraph 509 denies the defense of superior orders in the commission of a crime. Paragraph 510 denies the defense of an “act of state” to absolve them.

All US officials to the highest civilian and military levels are responsible for high crimes against peace. No one is exempt. None deserve immunity.

Trump may turn out as bad or worse than his predecessors once in office long enough to adequately judge whether he deserves to remain US president or not.

Alternatives to his leadership aren’t encouraging. Both wings of America’s one-party state are hugely corrupted. All US officials in high posts serve privileged interests at the expense of the general welfare.

The issue isn’t Trump. It’s America’s debauched system. It needs replacing with an equitable alternative – waging peace, not war, serving all Americans fairly.

Unrelenting anti-Trump propaganda works. A new poll discussed in a previous article showed registered voters equally divided on whether or not to impeach Trump.

Most respondents surveyed likely don’t realize impeachment is only indictment, not conviction. A two-thirds Senate vote (67 upper house members) is needed to remove a sitting president.

The same percentage is required for impeachment, no easy task in either house. Success in both would make America more of a banana republic than already based on Trump’s record so far.

Though he’s largely continued business as usual, it’s outrageous to consider impeachment this early in his tenure – especially given  legitimately impeachable offenses of his predecessors ignored.

On Sunday, Politico reported gambling establishments worldwide are taking bets on whether Trump will remain in office, be impeached and convicted, or resign.

Trump is “big business for the international gambling industry,” said Politico. According to UK oddsmaking giant Ladbrokes PR manager Alex Donohue, “(f)rom a betting perspective, Donald Trump’s presidency has triggered a massive boom for these kinds of markets.”

Admittedly, his first few weeks in office have been a big disappointment, but no surprise.

Still, betting on his impeachment and removal from office is long shot at best, an unlikely prospect.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected].
His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”
Visit his blog site at
Listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network.

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Sensitivities over the city and its holy places loom large as the US president and Netanyahu due to meet 

Often described as the powder-keg issue in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Jerusalem was expected to loom large in Wednesday’s meeting in Washington between Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

It is the first time the pair have met face to face since Trump was inaugurated president last month.

The two have major issues to address, including Israeli settlement expansion and the nuclear deal with Iran. But even these matters are likely to be overshadowed by their discussion of Jerusalem’s status.

Tensions about the city’s future are high, given that Trump has vowed to relocate the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, a move that would implicitly recognise the city as Israel’s capital.

Trump’s pick for US ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, a hardline supporter of the settlers, is reported to have said he intends to work from Jerusalem rather than Tel Aviv.

Netanyahu’s government, meanwhile, has announced a lifting of restrictions on settlement expansion, apparently confident that it will face no backlash from Washington. Shortly after Trump’s inauguration last month, Israeli officials unveiled plans for more than 560 new homes in occupied East Jerusalem.

In addition, far-right ministers in the Israeli government are pushing hard for a quick annexation of Maale Adumim, a large settlement close to Jerusalem that would further isolate the city from its hinterland of the West Bank. Under pressure from Netanyahu, a cabinet vote has been delayed until after the meeting with Trump.

Dangerous step

These various moves have the potential to trigger an explosion of anger, both among Palestinians and more generally across much of the region.

The long-standing sensitivity over Jerusalem derives from its enormous political, religious and symbolic significance, said Zakaria Odeh, head of the Civic Coalition, an umbrella group for Palestinian civil society organisations in Jerusalem.

“Palestinians demand East Jerusalem as the capital of a future state,” he told Middle East Eye. “If it is denied them, then it means the end of the two-state solution, hopes of Palestinian self-determination, and any kind of peace process. That would be a very dangerous step indeed.”

Intimately tied to questions of sovereignty over East Jerusalem is Palestinian control over the city’s holy places, including the most incendiary site of all: the al-Aqsa mosque in the Old City. This is the place where Muslims believe the Prophet Mohammed arrived after a miraculous night journey from Mecca, and then ascended to heaven.

For that reason, hundreds of millions of Muslims around the world take a keen interest in the fate of Jerusalem.

Control over al-Aqsa

The failure of peace talks over the past quarter century has in large part hinged on Israel’s refusal to concede to Palestinians East Jerusalem as a political capital or give them meaningful control over al-Aqsa, said Odeh.

Since Israel occupied East Jerusalem in 1967, it has moved more than 200,000 Jewish settlers into the Palestinian part of the city, and sought to cut off the Palestinian population from the West Bank by building a separation wall.

In a sign of its territorial ambitions, Israel formally annexed East Jerusalem in 1980, in violation of international law, declaring the city its “eternal, united capital”.

It has severely restricted Palestinians’ access to al-Aqsa, while at the same time asserting its own claims to sovereignty at the mosque compound, which Jews call Temple Mount and believe is built over two long-destroyed temples.

Israeli police oversee access to al-Aqsa, and have been allowing record numbers of ultra-nationalist Jews to enter. Senior Israeli politicians have called for Jews to be allowed to pray there, and some have even called for the mosque’s destruction.

“For decades, Israel has settled Jerusalem more aggressively than anywhere else in the occupied territories,” Odeh said.

Israeli efforts to “unify” Jerusalem have also made it a particularly vulnerable to violence, according to Aviv Tartasky, a researcher with Ir Amim, an Israeli group advocating fair treatment for Palestinians in Jerusalem.

“Jerusalem is unique,” he told MEE. “It is the only place where you have hundreds of thousands of Israelis and Palestinians living in close proximity and in constant friction. That is part of the reason why Jerusalem has so often been the focus of Palestinian resistance to the occupation.”

Embassy move

It has been widely assumed that Trump, having staked his credibility during the presidential campaign on relocating the US embassy to Jerusalem, will be loath to backtrack on his promise.

But in an interview published last Friday, as Trump prepared for his meeting with Netanyahu, he indicated that he may be having second thoughts.

“I’m thinking about it. I’m learning the issue and we’ll see what happens,” he told the Israel Hayom newspaper. “It’s not an easy decision. It’s been discussed for so many years. No one wants to make this decision, and I’m thinking about it seriously.”

He also termed settlement expansion “unhelpful”.

Trump’s apparent nervousness is likely to reflect advice he is receiving from State Department officials and Arab heads of state.

Bob Corker, chair of the US Senate’s foreign relations committee, revealed on Monday that Trump had originally intended to make the embassy move his first announcement as president. “My sense is, they’re probably still moving there,” Corker said, adding that the administration was waiting to first address Arab leaders’ objections.

According to Israeli media reports, Israel’s military intelligence has similarly warned of the likelihood of widespread violence if the embassy is relocated.

They believe protests and riots could rapidly spread from East Jerusalem to Palestinians in Israel and the West Bank and Gaza, as well as the wider Arab and Muslim worlds. Jewish and Israeli sites around the world would be under threat of reprisals too.

Pivotal role in uprisings

Such fears are hardly speculative. Jerusalem has proved to be a flashpoint time and again. Not least, said Odeh, the city has played a pivotal role in the two largest Palestinian uprisings, known as the first and second intifadas.

Even more recently, it has been the focus of a series of knife and car-ramming attacks – sometimes termed the lone-wolf intifada – that began in late 2015. The upsurge in violence, which has subsided but not yet ended, was triggered in large part by renewed Palestinian fears of an Israeli takeover of al-Aqsa.

Most analysts believe that today the Palestinians of East Jerusalem are too isolated and weak to stage the kind of sustained and organised uprisings they once led against the occupation.

In the first intifada, which began in 1987, while the Palestinian leadership was still in exile, East Jerusalem had strong local figureheads, said Odeh. Under Faisal Husseini, head of one of the city’s most notable families, young leaders organised mass civil disobedience through their extended families in each neighbourhood.

There were lengthy and widely observed strikes, refusal to pay taxes, a boycott of Israeli products and large protest marches that often ended in clashes with the security forces.

“These actions made East Jerusalem very hard for Israel to govern,” Odeh said. It was this instability that contributed to Israel’s decision to allow the Palestinian leadership under Yasser Arafat to return and set up the Palestinian Authority.

Orphan city

Then in 2000, Israeli opposition leader Ariel Sharon led massed ranks of armed police on to the al-Aqsa compound to assert Israeli control there, sparking the second intifada.

Israel reacted by isolating Jerusalem, Odeh observed. The Palestinian Authority and its institutions were barred from the city, as were the PA’s security services.

The wall was built both to place some 100,000 Palestinian Jerusalem residents outside the city, cut off from local services, and to seal East Jerusalem off from the rest of the West Bank.

As a result, local leaders have called Jerusalem an “orphan city”. Palestinian residents get a fraction of the municipal budget, leaving 82 per cent below the poverty line. House demolitions are at record levels. And police abuse of Palestinian residents is commonplace.

Today, the popular committees in East Jerusalem’s neighbourhoods are a pale shadow of those that led the first intifada, noted a 2012 report on East Jerusalem by the International Crisis Group, a conflict resolution think-tank based in Washington and Brussels.

It found the committees were acting mainly defensively to try to stop both a settler takeover of their neighbourhoods and the growing inroads made by criminals in the absence of Palestinian security services.

“Poverty and limited opportunities have led to drugs and crime, and that has severely weakened Palestinian society in East Jerusalem,” said Odeh. “There is now a void of leadership and an inability to organise.”

Achilles’ heel

Nonetheless, Jerusalem and its holy places are still a powerful symbol of Palestinian nationalism and a potential Achilles’ heel for Israel, given the unusual proximity in which Jewish settlers and Palestinians live.

Nearly 40 per cent of Israeli Jews killed in the second intifada, many in suicide attacks, were targeted in Jerusalem, noted Hillel Cohen, an Israeli expert on East Jerusalem.

Similarly, the violence of the past 18 months has been focused on Jerusalem. Last month a Palestinian drove his truck into a group of Israeli soldiers in the city, killing four and injuring 17.

The exposure of Israelis to attacks has only increased as the city authorities have intensified the expansion of settlements in East Jerusalem and sought to integrate them with West Jerusalem. A light right system connecting the two sides of the city has become the site of regular attacks.

“The contradictions in Israeli policy have become clearer as the integration has increased,” said Tartasky. “The more Israel oppresses Palestinians in East Jerusalem, the more the reaction is felt in West Jerusalem.”

Role as guardians

The Palestinians of East Jerusalem may be isolated and embattled, but they show every sign of continuing to take seriously their role as guardians of their city and its holy places.

After Israel blocked Palestinians from Gaza and the West Bank from reaching Jerusalem, Israel’s Palestinian citizens – comprising one in five of the Israeli population – have taken an increasingly active role, until recently through the northern Islamic Movement.

Israel outlawed the group just over a year ago, in large part to prevent its activism at al-Aqsa, observed Cohen. But many Palestinian citizens are still deeply committed to struggling with Palestinians in East Jerusalem to protect al-Aqsa from Israeli encroachments.

Cohen told MEE: “Israel has managed to weaken Palestinian struggle in Jerusalem but it hasn’t weakened Palestinian emotions about al-Aqsa.”

And the symbolism of Jerusalem and al-Aqsa resonates as strongly as ever around the Muslim and Arab worlds. For that reason, Netanyahu and Trump may find their room for manoeuvre in Jerusalem more limited than they would like.


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Turkish President Recep Erdogan claimed on Sunday that the Turkish intervention in Syria, dubbed Operation Euphrates Shield, will be continued until Turkish forces liberate the ISIS self-proclaimed capital of Raqqah. Erdogan also confirmed that the Turkish army directly participates in clashes against ISIS in al-Bab along with the so-called “Free Syrian Army”, a coalition of pro-Turkish militant groups operating in northern Syria.

In al-Bab, the Turkish army and the FSA seized the northern and southern entrances into the town. Despite the attack of Turkish forces Qabasin remains under the ISIS control and Bzaah is contested.

According to the Russian Defense Ministry, Ankara and Damascus had agreed on a demarcation line in the area. So, the Syrian army will not enter al-Bab after the liberation of Tadif near its southern gates. However, government forces still need to secure the area.

Meanwhile, government forces renewed a push against ISIS, recapturing Mansourah and Khirbat Jahish. The goal of the operation is to expand a buffer zone along roads heading to al-Bab. Strategically this could be aimed on flanking Deir Hafer from the north.

Last weekend, the Syrian army repelled an assault of the joint forces of the Free Syrian Army’s Southern Front and Jabhat Fatah al-Sham (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra, the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda) in the provincial capital of the Daraa province. Some elements of Tahrir al-Sham terrorist coalition, led by Fatah al-Sham, had also participated in the advance.

Militants attacked government positions in the Manshiyah neighborhood early on February 12, but suffered heavy casualties and were pushed to retreat by noon. Pro-government sources report that up to 40 members of Jabhat Fatah al-Sham and the FSA’s Southern Front were killed in clashes.

This was the biggest escalation in the area in the recent months. The militants had used suicide vehicle-borne improvised explosive devices and a tunnel bomb during their assault.

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Mixed Messages on Moving US Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem

February 14th, 2017 by Stephen Lendman

Jerusalem is an international city. No nation recognizing Israel has its embassy there for obvious reasons.

America would be the only one if Trump makes the move – violating international law and creating a regional firestorm in the process, besides making Israeli/Palestinian peace more impossible than already.

On June 30, 1980, Security Council members unanimously passed Resolution 476 (America abstaining), declaring “all legislative and administrative measures and actions taken by Israel, the occupying Power, which purport to alter the character and status of the Holy City of Jerusalem have no legal validity and constitute a flagrant (Fourth Geneva) violation.”

Israel claiming the city, “complete and united, is (its) capital” has no legal standing. East Jerusalem is illegally occupied territory.

So is historic Palestine, a separate issue, Palestinians willing to settle for 22% of their original homeland. Israel wants Judea and Samaria for Jews alone, other than isolated bantustans for Palestinians – open-air prisons like Gaza.

According to Republican Senate Foreign Relations Committee chairman Bob Corker, Trump intended moving Washington’s embassy to Jerusalem on day one in office, possibly his first executive move, then hesitated, concerned about the possible negative fallout.

Corker said the move may still happen after consultations with regional Arab states, and once Trump’s Zionist ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, is confirmed by the Senate. Hearings are scheduled later this week.

During his White House visit last week, Jordan’s King Abdullah warned Trump against making the move.

Interviewed days earlier by Sheldon Adelson’s Hebrew language Israel Hayom, Trump said he hadn’t decided on moving America’s embassy.

“I am thinking about” it, he said. “I am studying the (issue), and we will see what happens. The embassy is not an easy decision. It has obviously been out there for many, many years, and nobody has wanted to make that decision. I’m thinking about it very seriously, and we will see what happens.”

According to the Jerusalem Post, citing the Palestinian daily Al-Quds, “the Trump administration transferred a message to the Palestinian Authority that the embassy would not be moving to Jerusalem.”

According to the report, top security officials in the Trump administration also spoke with the head of the Palestinian General Intelligence Service, Majid Faraj, to send ‘reassuring messages’ on settlements.

If the report is accurate, it’s unclear whether Trump dropped the idea altogether or just delayed deciding what he’ll do, putting off a decision on whether to move Washington’s embassy for a later time.

One thing alone is clear on this very sensitive issue. America will be isolated from the rest of the world if he moves the embassy to Jerusalem – something no previous US president was willing to do.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”

Visit his blog site at

Listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network.


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The Globalization of Environmental Degradation

February 14th, 2017 by George Abert

Figuratively speaking, a ginormous asteroid is hurtling to a cataclysmic rendezvous with earth, but we are not supposed to notice. The asteroid is the rising threat from environmental degradation. Evidence is accumulating that environmental degradation is becoming global.

We can either act responsibly by accepting the challenge or take refuge in denial and risk the consequences.

There is nothing new about climate change. It has been ongoing for as long as earth has had an atmosphere. Through change nature produced an atmosphere supportive of life. We know for a fact that human activities can have adverse impacts on the air, water, and land resources. If these impacts become global, as independent scientists believe, life on earth might be at risk.

We’re in a state of perpetual crisis

Moreover, environmental degradation can contribute to, and be worsened by, other changes that are not under our control. Presently humanity is challenged by three revolutions which collectively constitute a perpetual crisis: the technological revolution that is displacing humans in the production of goods and services, the volatility and instability of the global financial system, and environmental degradation. Our focus is on environmental degradation.

It’s a matter of balance

The weight of the atmosphere, at 14.7 PSI, has remained relatively constant throughout much of earth’s existence. What has varied is the makeup of the atmospheric gaseous mix. The mixes that existed prior to the current era would prove toxic to the contemporary biosphere. As the biosphere evolved over the hundreds of millions of years prior to the current era, the gaseous mix of the atmosphere and the biosphere came into perfect, or indeed as some might say, heavenly balance.

Indeed, our very existence as well as the existence of the biosphere depends on this balance. There is no question that human activities can affect this balance. Perhaps not enough that nature wouldn’t eventually be able to reset the balance, but perhaps enough to end civilization before nature could correct the disturbance. While some are cavalierly dismissive, others have concluded that things are already so irreversibly out of balance that civilization as we know it will cease before the middle of this century.

Easter Island is an example of death by environmental degradation on a local level. When the island was first settled, it was covered by a forest. Soil analysis suggests that the natural environment was reasonably diverse and, absent human settlement, resilient enough to recover from natural disturbances that included volcanic eruptions. The humans that settled on Easter Island thrived until the population degraded the environment to the point that it could not support the population.

Tree removal was one of the activities that proved detrimental to the island’s natural balance. As trees were removed, so too was the island’s natural diversity and its ability to support human habitation. Many have wondered what Easter Islanders were thinking as they cut down the last tree.

Environmental degradation’s role in the collapse of civilizations is well told in Jared Diamond’s book, Collapse. At least two pre-Columbian empires fell to sudden environmental collapse. Environmental degradation even contributed to Rome’s fall. Throughout history, empires and civilizations have collapsed once they degrade the environment below its capacity to carry the human footprint imposed on the environment.

Global warming introduces a difference. In the past environmental destruction was local or regional. But what is now underway appears to be global. It can take a long time to unbalance the biosphere, but once the line is crossed, collapse can be rapid and irreversible.

Global Warming a hoax?

Humans and animals convert oxygen to carbon-dioxide, and trees and plants convert carbon-dioxide to oxygen. It’s a simple truth that burning fossil fuels increases atmospheric carbon-dioxide. Carbon-dioxide is one of several greenhouse gases so named because they contribute to atmospheric warming. The atmospheric carbon-dioxide molecular count has steadily increased since measurements were first made decades ago. Analysis of ice cores extracted from glaciers and polar ice indicate that carbon dioxide levels were never as high as they are now for millions of years prior to the Industrial Revolution. In addition, vast amounts of woodlands have been cleared thus reducing the biosphere’s capacity to absorb and process carbon-dioxide. For example, by 2030 it’s predicted that just 40% of the Amazon rain forest, itself a massive percentage of the biosphere, will remain.

But carbon-dioxide isn’t the only concern. In addition, vast amounts of methane, also known to be a potent greenhouse gas, are also being released into the atmosphere.

The oceans also contain gasses that if released into the atmosphere could prove toxic to the biosphere. The earth itself contains gasses, such as methane, which is routinely released into the atmosphere through coal and petroleum extraction operations. Animal farming adds more methane. Even larger amounts of methane are estimated to be locked up in polar ice. Based on recent measurements and observations, vast amounts of methane, estimated to be in excess of ten times as much as is presently contained in the atmosphere, are predicted to be released in a sudden volcanic-like eruption as the ice melts. A sudden release of methane could cause the atmosphere to rapidly heat to a temperature where most agricultural activities, except perhaps for hydroponic operations housed in controlled environments, would cease.

The Pace is Quickening

From one day to the next it is difficult to discern changes in the environment. Yet those of us old enough to have been around for decades know that the weather has changed. Predictions made by scientists are being met sooner than expected. Carbon dioxide levels are increasing faster and glaciers and polar ice are melting faster. The release of methane locked in arctic ice could quicken environmental change so that it is noticeable in real time.

The simple truth is that the atmospheric gaseous mix is changing and altering the natural balance. This is in addition to the historical kinds of local and regional environmental degradation associated with human activity. When humans destroy watersheds with deforestation, turn fertile lands into deserts, and pollute local sources of water, they can move on. But when the global environment degrades, there is no where else to go.

As climate changes, so does the geographical location for the best crop yields. Climate change has produced a new occupation: climatologists who predict for Wall Street investment bankers the best geographical locations for the highest crop yields.

Environmental changes, even a temporary one such as a multi-year drought, can cause turmoil in societies that result in deadly conflict. During the three years that preceded the “Arab Spring” of 2011, the Levant (Eastern Mediterranean) suffered from an extended drought. In Syria as water became more scarce, the government favored the most loyal elements of the population. Crop failures in the unfavored regions prompted a migration to the cities and produced political unrest. The US used this unrest to intervene against the Assad government which had alienated the US by pursuing an independent foreign policy.

The global spread of corporate monoculture agriculture and the global timber corporations’ exploitation of the remaining virgin forests are spreading environmental fragilities. On Easter Island the population declined into disappearance. For a thousand years after the Roman Empire collapsed the Italian peninsula was an environmental disaster with soils so depleted, agriculture was reduced to marginal subsistence farming barely sufficient to support a population a fraction of what it had been. Unlike our time, the Romans achieved environmental degradation without burning fossil fuels or fertilizing their fields with toxic petrochemicals and herbicides known to deplete soils to the point where continued land use is predicated on artificial fertilizers and ever larger applications of herbicides, the runoffs from which produce algae blooms and destroy marine life.

Today in locations where multinational agribusiness has replaced traditional farming, it can take years for soils to regain their natural fertility and for the societies to regain their economic balance from the imbalance that agricultural monoculture produces.

Environmental degradation can be destructive irrespective of global warming. Throughout history, humans have degraded their environments to the point that their societies failed or were weakened to the point that they were conquered in whole or part by invaders. However, global environmental failure can terminate life in general.

Environmental failure can result from ignorance, careless practices, and the short time horizon associated with profit maximization which encourages disposing of waste products directly into the environment where they damage, air, water, and land resources. When emissions alter the atmospheric balance, what has historically been local and regional damage becomes global.

In other words, human activities can put life in general at risk. This risk is too total to justify dismissing accumulated evidence as a hoax or as “a plot against capitalism.” We must assess the risk without being shouted down by material interests. There is no prospect of finding a solution to an unacknowledged risk.

Just as Easter Islanders did not understand the consequences for them of deforestation, today many in government do not acknowledge the risks of global degradation. President Trump has appointed a climate change skeptic as the head of the Environmental Protection Agency. This is not enough for US Rep. Matt Gaetz who wants the EPA abolished. Is humanity now globally on the same path and in the same denial as led to the extinction of human life on Easter Island?

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments. His internet columns have attracted a worldwide following. Roberts’ latest books are The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism and Economic Dissolution of the WestHow America Was Lost, and The Neoconservative Threat to World Order.
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Note: The compilation of state smart meter opt out bills listed below does not constitute endorsement of the bills. In some cases, the bills do not provide protection from surcharges for opting out; in some cases, they allow for the installation of a different kind of transmitting meter that is linked with adverse health effects.

In many states, AMR meters have already been rolled out and are transmitting 24/7 without the knowledge and consent of residents who are not aware of their increased RF exposures, and the bills only address the future installation of smart meters. States rolling out new AMR meters are claiming that the meters are not smart, misleading citizens. An analog meter with no radio transmitter would be required to address both the privacy and health complaints.

Legislators in several states have filed bills giving customers the right to opt out of wireless smart utility meters, emphasizing privacy and customer choice.

Maine’s Senator Dave Miramant  (D) introduced LD 229, “An Act To Prohibit an Electric Utility from Charging a Customer for Using an Electromechanical Meter” with 8 co-sponsors. The bill goes before the legislature’s Energy, Utilities, & Technology Committee in February.

Missouri Rep. Tim Remole (R- Excello) prefiled House Bill 196 (HB196), which would require utilities regulated by the Public Service Commission to allow customers to choose between smart meters and traditional meters, and would prohibit utilities from disincentivizing traditional meter usage.

New York Asm. Michael DenDekker (D – East Elmhurst) introduced Assembly Bill 3066 (A3066) to allow New Yorkers to opt out of any utility company smart meter program with no penalty.

Oklahoma Rep. Scott McEachin (R) prefiled House Bill 1435 (HB1435) for the 2017 legislative session to give residential and business utility customers the right to refuse installation of smart meters.

In Michigan, according to WILX news, “Michigan lawmaker Representative Gary Glenn (R-Midland) filed a bill to waive opt out fees. The legislation would also allow home owners to self-read their meter by just taking a picture of it and sending it in. The utility could check the meter quarterly to confirm they’re not being misled.” Rep. Glenn told News10 WILX the choice should be up to the home owner. “As long as those utilities are a state privilege monopoly given the right exclusively to deliver electricity, then we are going to protect homeowners from that kind of monopoly policy,” said Rep. Glenn. “Trying to force certain technology on homeowners against their will or if they refuse to have it installed, charge them.”  “Last year Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette issued a legal opinion that utilities don’t have the authority to charge ‘opt-out’ fees. It was dismissed by the state Public Service Commission which oversees utilities.”

In Pennsylvania, a Commonwealth Court panel has sided with ratepayer Antonio Romeo who refused to allow PECO workers onto his property to install a smart meter. The court ruled that he has the right to provide evidence that the meters are dangerous because they can catch fire.

Utility companies have leveraged support for wireless smart utility meters claiming that they are necessary to integrate renewables into the grid, that they will reduce costs, and that they will “give customers more control over their energy usage. ”

Many lawmakers and constituents have become increasingly concerned about privacy juxtaposed with the emerging surveillance capabilities of the smart grid. Opposition to AMR and smart meters has also centered around green-washing, cost, hack-ability, fires, lack of informed consent and customer choice, environmental impacts, and documented adverse health effects.

The smart meter narrative has lacked transparency regarding:

  • punitive pricing structures
  • the consumption of energy required to power the wireless networks themselves
  • the consumption of energy used for data storage
  • the raw materials required for the electronics
  • the planned obsolescence of the meters
  • lack of disclosure of installation of chips in appliances to enable communication with the grid
  • safety issues including fires
  • health damage to a portion of the population

After installing smart meters, some states have limited solar installations, reduced the compensation formula for solar producers, and attempted to surcharge solar producers for their use of the grid, casting a pall on the green energy story. Policy has favored industrial-scale solar and wind and the need for transmission lines to transmit power over long distances, rather than smaller-scale local strategies. Federal research has emphasized costly large-scale storage rather than small-scale local and less infrastructure-intensive alternatives.

FCC guidelines for RF exposure have been characterized as being 30 years out of date by the Dept. of the Interior. No premarket safety testing for chronic or cumulative exposure to the pulse modulated frequencies was conducted, and no independent health or environmental monitoring has been done.

Massachusetts Senator Michael O. Moore introduced Bill SD344: An Act relative to utilities, smart meters, and ratepayers’ rights, with 8 co-sponsors. The bill would allow ratepayers the choice of a non-transmitting analogue meter at no charge. SD344 prohibits utilities from discriminating against medically vulnerable residents whose condition may be exacerbated by exposure to pulsed microwave radio frequencies.  In addition to reported aggravation of pre-existing health conditions, the acute onset of electromagnetic hypersensitivity has been associated with smart meter installation.

Senator Moore’s Worcester district is the site of the controversial National Grid smart meter pilot program, which is behind schedule and over budget and has been widely criticized as an example of “decision based evidence making” and a manipulation of the process of community consent.

Scientists from the product defense firms Exponent and Gradient, which have their roots in the tobacco industry, provided expert health and safety testimony for smart meters to many U.S. state utility regulators.

Peter Valberg of Gradient, who testified in Massachusetts, Maryland, and Michigan, also testified for Phillips Lights cigarettes the same week he spoke before the Massachusetts Dept. of Public Utilities to override citizen health complaints.

The Center for Public Integrity published a series entitled “Science for Sale” in Feb. 2016. The Center reported that Gradient, where Peter Valberg works, publishes high volume tainted science defending harmful products. The series reported how Peter Valberg discounted the significance of 22 brain tumor deaths at a chemical plant. It was the largest occupational brain cancer cluster ever reported.  The Center for Public Integrity also reported that Valberg blamed illness caused by asbestos exposure on cigarettes. The lawyer he was working with was fired from his law firm due to the outrageous plan.

Regarding the science that underlies claims of smart meter safety, MA grassroots opposition group Halt MA Smart Meters notes,

Massachusetts possesses a wealth of resources in the areas of science, health care, technology, and green energy.

It seems incomprehensible that the Dept. of Public Utilities and the legislature could even consider allowing National Grid to charge its 1.3M ratepayers $800M to $1B for a grid modernization program whose safety claims are based solely on the testimony of a mercenary liar.

In 2012, the Telecom Utilities Council quoted inaccurate safety claims by career tobacco science firms to the National Council of State Legislators. These unsubstantiated claims should be confronted and discounted entirely.

At some point, citizens have to question why so many decision makers continue to ignore mounting evidence of corruption, juxtaposed with mounting evidence of harm. Radio frequencies are causing damage, and human physiology and nature do not lie. We are not against technology; we are against the reckless deployment of untested and unsafe surveillance technology justified under the guise of sustainability that has already resulted in harm to a portion of the population.

We are up against the manipulation of the core values of environmentalists who are inadvertently supporting unsustainable economic growth, and the unchecked consumption of resources for a dual use technology representative of a nation that has turned on its own citizens. The wireless explosion is not green, it is unsustainable, ecologically damaging, sourced in the warfare industry, and unethical.

Massachusetts grid modernization hearings are underway through May, with Attorney General Maura Healy’s office representing ratepayers.

Patricia Burke works with activists across the country and internationally calling for new biologically-based microwave radio frequency exposure limits. She is based in Massachusetts and can be reached at [email protected].

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In 2005 and 2006, Wall Street Journal reporters distinguished themselves in covering the charges of fraud being hurled at the giant insurer AIG and its CEO, Maurice (Hank) Greenberg. At that point, the Bancroft family had owned the Wall Street Journal for more than a century. But in 2007, Rupert Murdoch and his corporate entity, News Corp, bought the newspaper. The paper’s editorial page has subsequently taken bizarre positions on Wall Street’s crimes, refusing to allow the facts to get in their way.

Last evening, hitting a new low in the arena of “alternative facts,” the Wall Street Journal opined that Maurice (Hank) Greenberg, the former Chairman and CEO of the giant bailed-out insurer, AIG, had received a “vindication” by last Friday’s settlement with New York State Attorney General, Eric Schneiderman. The editorial characterized the case against Greenberg as a “revenge campaign” started by former Attorney General Eliot Spitzer for Greenberg having dared to “criticize his prosecutions against business.”

Maurice (Hank) Greenberg

Maurice (Hank) Greenberg

Reading the actual documents that New York State Attorney General Schneiderman released, the Wall Street Journal appeared to have stepped into a serious case of brain fog. Schneiderman’s statement included the following headlines:

Greenberg And [Howard] Smith [former AIG CFO] Agree To Return Multi-Million Dollar Bonuses They Received While The Frauds Were On AIG’s Books;

When Combined With Previous SEC Settlement, Greenberg Will Have Disgorged Nearly Every Dollar In Bonuses He Received During The Period Of The Fraud.

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