US Sending More Weapons to the Middle East

October 24th, 2023 by Lucas Leiroz de Almeida

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The US is using the conflict in the Middle East as a justification to increase its military presence in the region. Amid the escalations in the Palestine War, Washington is sending more and more weapons to “protect” Israel and “deter” Iran, which creates a wave of serious tension and increases the risk of internationalization of hostilities.

In a statement on October 21, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin stated that his country is sending additional weapons and troops to several sites in the Middle East due to the crisis in Palestine. Notably, he said he had “activated the deployment of a Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) battery as well as additional Patriot battalions.” Lloyd also demanded troops who are part of a “prudent contingency planning” to “increase their readiness and ability to quickly respond as required.”

The range of THAAD systems is around 200km, and they are designed to neutralize various types of missiles. In the same sense, the Patriot system, recently used on the Ukrainian battlefield, has a range of around 160km, being designed to target missiles, drones and military aircraft. It has not been said exactly where the systems will be deployed, but it is known that the objective is to place them in strategic positions that will help protect the territory occupied by Israel against possible air raids by Iran and the Axis of Resistance.

The American secretary justifies his measures with the supposed “escalations by Iran and its proxy forces”, without specifying exactly which moves by Tehran he is referring to. It is well known that Iran has reacted to Israeli actions in Palestine and promised responses if Tel Aviv’s war crimes continue to occur in Gaza, however, so far, no escalatory action has actually been taken by the Persian country. As for Iranian proxies, only Hezbollah is de facto involved in the hostilities, but without troop attrition on the ground so far.

“Following detailed discussions with President Biden on recent escalations by Iran and its proxy forces across the Middle East Region, today I directed a series of additional steps to further strengthen the Department of Defense posture in the region. These steps will bolster regional deterrence efforts, increase force protection for U.S. forces in the region, and assist in the defense of Israel (…) I will continue to assess our force posture requirements in the region and consider deploying additional capabilities as necessary”, Lloyd said.

In fact, regardless of how these new reinforcements help Israel, all American actions seem useless in “deterring” Iran as long as Israel does not change its attitude in Palestine. The crimes of the Zionist State against the Palestinian people increasingly appear to be a red line for almost the entire Islamic world, and it is not possible to guarantee that the mere presence of American weapons and troops in the region will be enough to dissuade Tel Aviv’s rivals from advancing.

This is not the first measure of support for Israel taken by the US. Previously, two aircraft carriers had already been sent to the region. CNN also confirmed that the Pentagon is deploying 2,000 Marines and sailors to Israel to deter Hezbollah. Furthermore, Biden made a statement to the American people calling for support for the approval of new billion-dollar military aid packages for Israel, making it clear that American policy in the conflict will be one of full and unrestricted support for the Zionist regime, regardless of the crimes committed against the Palestinian population.

And, even with so many US’ threats, the stance of Israel’s rivals remains clear. They demand an immediate end to the aggression against Palestine and several armed groups call for direct intervention in the event of a ground invasion in Gaza. In this scenario, the IOF would have great difficulty in maintaining the combat effectively, as they would be forced to fight on multiple fronts – in addition to facing a kind of “Vietnam scenario” in Gaza. Therefore, Tel Aviv continues to try to avoid the invasion, focusing only on bombings that massively kill civilians.

If the Axis of Resistance has not been intimidated so far, it certainly will not be intimidated by the arrival of more American military aid to Israel. Since the Zionist State is a representative of American interests in the Middle East, obviously Iran “and its proxies” are fully aware that any intervention against Israel will face strong American support for the Zionist State. But such is the relevance of Palestine to the Islamic world that despite all the difficulties, they seem really willing to face the risks and engage in prolonged conflicts – which would be disastrous for both Israel and the US.

To truly avoid intervention by the Axis of Resistance and prevent the conflict from becoming a multi-flank war against Israel, the US should convince Tel Aviv to stop attacking Palestine. Sending weapons and troops will only worsen tensions.


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Lucas Leiroz is a journalist, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, geopolitical consultant. You can follow Lucas on Twitter and Telegram

Featured image: THAAD system (Source: New Eastern Outlook)

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Regarding the court case underway in Ottawa against key people involved in the Freedom Convoy, why is the defence team not using the ever-increasing medical evidence that the injections of so-called vaccines were, and are, causing a rate of injuries and deaths that far outweigh any known benefit from the roll-out of the injections?

For example, all populations that have been subjected to the injections have recorded an alarming jump in the death rate that coincided with the start of the injections, and the magnitude of the increase in local populations correlates with the percentage of that population that was injected.

Further, to date, the death rate remains significantly higher than the historical, pre-roll-out death rate. The medical evidence is also showing correlations between the roll-outs and the jumps in such ailments as myocarditis, pericarditis, cancers, disrupted menstruations, miscarriages, and stillbirths.

Given these serious health impacts being caused by the injections, the mandates to coerce injections were an egregious attack on the health, safety, and well-being of all Canadians.

Hence, participants and supporters of the Freedom Convoy were more than justified to strenuously object to mandates which penalized persons who declined to receive the injections. The Freedom Convoy and its organizers deserve to be thanked for their stand against the mandates.

And thank you too to the citizens of Ottawa who were inconvenienced by the Convoy’s efforts on behalf of all Canadians.

The Democracy Fund is crowd-funding the court case.

I call upon every reader of this article to forward it to your loved ones and contact lists, and all of us contact the Democracy Fund with an urgent request that the defence lawyers present the medical evidence to the court in defence of the Freedom Convoy and its organizers.


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Featured image: Freedom Convoy organizers Tamara Lich and Chris Barber wait for the Public Order Emergency Commission to begin, on Nov. 1, 2022 in Ottawa. (The Canadian Press/Adrian Wyld)

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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Western politicians and media act as if they are caught in a permanent spell, sympathetically indulging even the most wildly improbable denials from Israel that it has committed war crimes.

As Lenin famously observed: “A lie told often enough becomes the truth”.

We can go further. It never matters how often Israel is caught out in a lie, because its next lie will be given the benefit of the doubt. Western media refuse to learn from the past.

The Israeli military has a long track record of compulsively concocting face-saving falsehoods – disinformation that vilifies the very Palestinian people it has oppressed for decades.

The latest example came a few days ago.

Israel vigorously kicked up dust to obscure its responsibility for hitting the al-Ahli Baptist hospital in Gaza City last Tuesday, killing many hundreds of Palestinians sheltering in its grounds. Faced with Israel’s relentless campaign of bombing, families had assumed they would be safest close to a Christian institution.

Drawing on previous experience, Israel rightly assumes that by the time the dust settles – and the truth emerges – the world will have moved on. The lie will stand.

Context Stripped Out

Israel’s job is made considerably easier by the media, whose coverage of Israeli atrocities can invariably be depended on to strip out relevant context.

As Israel began pummelling Gaza more than two weeks ago with thousands of high-explosive bombs, its leaders clarified exactly what their intent was.

Referring to the people of Gaza as “human animals”, Defence Minister Yoav Gallant vowed to “eliminate everything”. An Israeli military official explained that the “emphasis is on damage, not accuracy”. Another said Gaza would be reduced to “a city of tents… There will be no buildings.”

Meanwhile, President Isaac Herzog accused the entire people of Gaza of being responsible for the Hamas attack, effectively denying every man, woman and child their civilian status and designating them all terrorists. He added: “We will break their backbone.”

Israel has demanded that Palestinians leave the northern half of the tiny Gaza Strip, requiring them to ethnically cleanse themselves. It has indicated that the vacated area will be treated as a free-fire zone.

According to the United Nations, in less than two weeks, a quarter of Gaza’s homes have been turned to rubble, and 600,000 Palestinians left homeless.

To ensure Palestinians do as they are told, Israel has targeted the support structures and major institutions in northern Gaza that ordinary people depend on. Mosques, schools, United Nations compounds and hospitals have been hit.

In the days leading up to the attack on al-Ahli hospital, 23 other medical centres in northern Gaza received warnings to evacuate immediately. Dozens have been hit, according to the World Health Organisation.

Those threats were ignored because the hospitals are already overflowing with patients too injured from Israel’s bombardments to be moved, and because there are no facilities to treat them elsewhere.

Apparently angered by this defiance, Israel hit al-Ahli hospital with two shells three days before the larger strike. This is known by the Israeli military as its “knock on the roof” procedure: firing a small weapon at a building as advance warning to evacuate before a much bigger strike.

Gaslighting Operation

Israel had told us precisely what it was going to do. But when it then did it, Israel began its now familiar gaslighting operation. It denied it was the guilty party, accusing a Palestinian militant group, Islamic Jihad, of the war crime instead.

It said a Palestinian rocket had misfired and fallen onto the hospital.

Israel’s claim was ridiculous. On a video of the actual strike, you can hear the loud whistling sound of an incoming, high-velocity missile or shell moments before it explodes. Palestinian groups in Gaza have only primitive rockets that lumber through the sky. If one fails, it tumbles at free-fall speed, not at near-supersonic velocity.

The casualty rate alone proved it had to be an Israeli missile. No Palestinian rocket has ever killed more than a handful of people, not hundreds as this one did.

But Israel was ready with a campaign of lies and disinformation.

Embarrassingly, an adviser to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had issued a social media post celebrating Israel hitting a supposed “terrorist base” in the hospital. The post was hurriedly deleted.

Instead, Israel issued footage of a Palestinian rocket falling nearby. However, Israel had to pull the video, too, when journalists noticed the time stamp was 40 minutes after the explosion at Al-Ahli.

Next, Israel produced a laughably inept audio recording supposedly of two Hamas fighters chatting – in the wrong dialect – about whether they or their rivals in Islamic Jihad had fired the stray rocket.

Israel runs a “mistaravim” unit of Israelis who disguise themselves as Palestinians to operate undercover in Palestinian communities. It also famously operates networks of Palestinian collaborators whom it threatens or bribes. Faking an audio would be child’s play for Israel.

In any case, in the recording the pair cited a cemetery close to the hospital as the site of their supposed failed rocket launch. But that contradicted other Israeli military claims that the rocket had been fired from an entirely different location.

At the weekend, Forensic Architecture, a research team based at the University of London, issued their preliminary findings.

Analysis of the site showed, both from the pattern of damage caused by the strike and changes in the sound signature of the projectile as it moved through the air, that its trajectory was from Israel into Gaza, not out of Gaza. Other analysis indicated that the audio file of the two Hamas operatives talking had been manipulated.

Israel’s disinformation skills looked almost as amateur as its much-vaunted intelligence operations, which failed to spot months of planning by Hamas for its breakout on 7 October.

Seed of Doubt

The goal here, as ever, was not to produce evidence but to win the propaganda battle through misdirection, planting a seed of doubt that western politicians and media could then exploit to cloud the issue for their publics.

Instead of giving the victims proper attention, instead of finally galvanising anger over Israel’s wanton killing of thousands of Palestinian civilians in two weeks, the media’s reporting reverted to a predictable formula. It weighed claim and counter-claim over the hospital strike, it carried profiles about Islamic Jihad, and – most importantly for Israel – it adopted a wait-and-see, don’t-rush-to-judgment approach.

A moment that might have led to concerted diplomatic pressure on Israel to stop its rampage and negotiate a ceasefire dissolved into a round of bickering in which the hospital victims entirely disappeared from view.

By the time outside observers get into Gaza and carry out forensic tests, assuming they can, the story will be cold. No one will care, and Israel will not be held to account – morally, diplomatically or legally.

This is all too familiar to anyone who has followed decades of the media’s endlessly forgiving coverage, when it matters, of Israel’s occupation and illegal colonisation of the Palestinians’ historic homeland.

The fog that instantly enveloped the al-Ahli hospital story was a repeat – if on a far bigger scale – of what happened last summer when five Palestinian teenagers were killed in an air strike on Gaza’s Jabaliya refugee camp.

As with the hospital massacre, Israel immediately denied it was responsible, saying it had not carried out air strikes on Jabaliya at the time. It blamed Islamic Jihad for a rocket misfire.

“We have videos that prove beyond doubt that this is not an Israeli attack,” an Israeli official confidently asserted. Oded Bassuk, head of the army’s operations directorate, called the children’s deaths “a self-inflicted injury. We could see the rocket hit a Palestinian home.”

As with the hospital story, the military released video footage purporting to show the misfired rocket.

But it was all deceit. Later, when the story had moved on, the Israeli army quietly admitted that it was responsible for killing the children.

Boys on the Beach

The murder of children by Israel is not an unusual occurrence. But it is also when Israel can be expected to concoct its biggest falsehoods – for the obvious reason that the killing of children is when the world briefly wakes up to Palestinian suffering before turning off again.

As with the hospital strike, a potentially pivotal moment arrived in 2014 during another of Israel’s repeated rampages in Gaza. A series of Israeli strikes killed four young boys from the Bakr family who were playing football on a beach.

At the time, Israel claimed that the children had been killed accidentally, because they strayed into a seafront “compound belonging to Hamas’s Naval Police and Naval Force (including naval commandos), and which was utilised exclusively by militants”.

Israel’s claim, which gained amplification in the media, was that the boys were collateral damage in a drone strike on Palestinian militants.

Unfortunately for Israel, this was easily disproved. Several western journalists, who in those days dared to venture into Gaza, witnessed the strike because the beach was next to their hotel. The idea that Hamas militants would locate themselves on a beach next to a hotel known for hosting western journalists was patently absurd from the off.

Those journalists confirmed that there were no militants in the area at the time, and that the boys should have been visible as children to the drone operators.

Reporters noted that the beach was regularly used by fishermen and families for bathing. An investigation of a small shipping container, which had been destroyed by an Israeli missile the day before, also failed to support Israel’s claim that military equipment was stored there.

A later investigation found that the drone operators had fired without taking care to distinguish between the children and militants.

None of that mattered. Israel’s massacre of the children was forgotten. With no pressure on it, Israel’s reliably supine supreme court ruled last year that no further investigation was necessary. Case closed.

Executed by Sniper

Perhaps the best-known recent disinformation campaign by Israel occurred 18 months ago, over the killing of Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh.

Her murder, while wearing a flak jacket emblazoned with “Press” during an Israeli invasion of the West Bank city of Jenin, caused a wave of international indignation.

It was a particularly high-stakes moment for Israel. The media took an unusual degree of interest because Abu Akhleh was a prominent journalist who had worked with many of those reporting on her killing. She also held American citizenship.

Again, Israel blamed Palestinians for the death of one of their own. They produced a video that purported to show an exchange of fire with Palestinian gunmen close to where Abu Akleh was standing when she was shot in the head.

But an investigation by Israel’s B’Tselem human rights group proved the video was taken in an entirely different area of Jenin.

Major US media carried out their own investigations showing Israel had lied. There was no gunfight near Abu Akleh’s location. The most likely explanation was that an Israeli sniper decided to execute her, aiming for the narrow area of exposed flesh between her helmet and flak jacket collar.

Belatedly, with the story refusing to go away, Israel admitted one of its soldiers was most likely responsible for her killing.

Israel doesn’t just actively lie when its army murders. One of its most cynical deceptions arrived in 2021 when it designated six respected Palestinian human rights and welfare groups in the West Bank as “terrorist organisations”.

It demanded that the European Union immediately stop funding them. Their offices were raided, with equipment confiscated and smashed, and their doors sealed. Staff were arrested.

Israel’s aim was obvious: to shut down organisations that provide support structures for ordinary Palestinians and advocate in international forums for the Palestinian cause by documenting Israeli crimes. That has been especially important when cash-strapped foreign media have been shutting down their own bureaux in the region.

The lie was so outrageous that even some usually receptive media outlets had trouble swallowing it. Many months later, leaks of a highly classified CIA report revealed that the Israeli accusations were entirely without foundation.

Culture of Lying

The list of these deceptions and disinformation campaigns just goes on and on.

Look up the names Muhammad al-Durrah, Rachel Corrie, James Miller, Tom Hurndall, Iain Hook. Israel dissembled over all these high-profile murders carried out by its soldiers.

Even cursory research shows Israel lying about its use of cluster munitions in Lebanon in 2006, as well as its mass killing of civilians in the Lebanese village of Qana in the same war – exactly 20 years after it had earlier lied about its responsibility for killing more than 100 civilians in a United Nations compound in the same village.

Israel lied about its oversight of the mass killing of Palestinians in the Sabra and Shatila refugee camp in Lebanon in 1982 by its Christian Phalangist allies.

None of this should surprise. The culture of lying has prevailed since before Israel’s creation in 1948. From its inception, the Zionist movement promoted the lie that Palestine was an empty land.

To perpetuate this foundational myth, Israel lied about its wholescale ethnic cleansing operations in 1948 – one in the north was called Operation Broom– that forced out some 750,000 Palestinians from their homes and drove them into refugee camps. It falsely claimed they had been ordered to do so by neighbouring Arab states.

It hid archival evidence of massacres of Palestinian civilians carried out by its forces, such as at Tantura and Dawayimah, and smeared anyone who tried to draw attention to them.

Equally, it lied that it offered the refugees a chance to return.

And it destroyed hundreds of Palestinian villages to stop the refugees from coming back to their homes – and then sought to conceal these crimes by planting forests in their place.

Edifice of Lies

Armies end up lying in times of war because inevitably they commit crimes they wish to conceal. 

The difference with Israel is that its lies are integral to its decades-long existence as a state dispossessing and colonising another people’s homeland. It must mask its system of apartheid and the crimes that inhere in such regimes of privilege and subjugation.

Israel is at permanent war with the Palestinians and the wider region, so it must lie compulsively and continuously. Each lie builds on the earlier ones. Should one fall, the whole edifice risks crumbling. 

Which is what makes untangling those lies such a difficult and thankless task. 

Having to engage in protracted forensic battles against Israel and its many apologists to expose every single lie draws attention away from Israel’s even bigger deceptions. It obscures the context. 

Fighting to hold Israel to account for killing hundreds at al-Ahli hospital comes at the price of shifting the focus away from the fact that Israel is actively carrying out an ethnic cleansing operation in Gaza and committing genocide against the Palestinian people there.

To struggle against one lie is to leave other lies – often lies of omission – free to worm their way into the public’s consciousness.

These difficulties are compounded by the media’s willingness to indulge and collude in Israel’s disinformation – as it has been doing since the creation of a self-declared Jewish state – because Israel is such an important strategic asset. As a reliable ally, it was intended to project western power into the oil-rich Middle East.

Those who seek to bring light to a subject immersed in so much darkness find themselves smeared as antisemites – as though solidarity with Palestinian suffering could only ever be motivated by hatred of Jews.

Which is why Israel can live with the bickering over who hit the al-Ahli hospital. Because the storm will soon pass, and the Palestinian victims will still be dead.


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Jonathan Cook is the author of three books on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and a winner of the Martha Gellhorn Special Prize for Journalism. His website and blog can be found at 

Featured image is from the author

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Justifying Collective Punishment: Israel’s Assault on Gaza

By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 24, 2023

For anyone concerned about the moderating restraint international law is meant to offer, especially when it comes to the use of force by states, Israel’s approach against the imprisoned populace of Gaza is bound to cause profound despair and lingering disgust.

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Labour and Civil Society Organizations Press Trudeau for Gaza Ceasefire

October 24th, 2023 by Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East

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Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) has joined dozens of labour, faith and civil society organizations in a joint statement pushing Canada to call for an immediate ceasefire and an end to the blockade of Gaza, including the restoration of aid, electricity, fuel, food, and water. These demands from labour and civil society follow on the heels of urgent calls from Canada-based Palestinian and Jewish groups supporting Palestinian human rights and calling for a just and lasting peace in Palestine.

“The Trudeau government is increasingly out of touch with the public’s sentiments on Gaza,” said Thomas Woodley, President of CJPME. “As Canadians continue to witness Israel’s atrocious retaliation against the civilian population in Gaza, more and more are calling for a ceasefire and an end to the inhumane siege.” CJPME is proud to stand with organized labour and civil society in challenging the government to live up to its pretensions of support for the rules-based international order.

In addition to the joint statement’s two key demands, the statement also condemned the rise in anti-Arab and anti-Palestinian racism, Islamophobia, and antisemitism which has been observed in Canada in recent weeks. The statement also pushed for the international community to address the root causes of the conflict, and meaningful action to bring about a just peace in Palestine-Israel.

The statement was signed by a broad cross-section of Canadian civil society including the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Ontario, the Canadian Union of Postal Workers, the Public Service Alliance of Canada, Unifor, Black Lives Matter – Canada, the United Church of Canada, and National Council of Canadian Muslims. Similar calls for a ceasefire have since been issued by 33 Members of Parliament in the Canada-Palestine Parliamentary Friendship Group, the Ontario Federation of Labour, and a coalition of humanitarian organizations including World Vision, Oxfam, and Save the Children.

These statements build on the important declarations by the Palestinian-Canadian Academics and Artists Network (PCAAN), the Association of Palestinian Arab Canadians (APAC), the Coalition of Canadian Palestinian Organizations (CCPO), and Independent Jewish Voices (IJV). Since the outbreak of war, almost 20,000 Canadians have written to Prime Minister Trudeau in support of a ceasefire, a call which is also supported by the federal NDP and Green Party.

“Israel’s collective punishment of Palestinians for Hamas’s attack is illegal under international law and Trudeau knows it,” said Woodley. “Organized labour is united with civil society in calling for an end to Trudeau’s hypocrisy, an immediate ceasefire, and an end to Israel’s brutal revenge on Gaza.”


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Featured image: Entire neighborhoods have been leveled in the Israeli bombing campaigns. (Photo: Mahmoud Ajjour, Palestine Chronicle)

Justifying Collective Punishment: Israel’s Assault on Gaza

October 24th, 2023 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

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“Erroneous doctrines are current in the world, which declare a man culpable and responsible merely because he is a member or part of a determined country, without taking the trouble to seek or examine whether on his part there has been any personal sin of deed or omission.” —Pope Pius XII, New York Times, Feb 21, 1946.

For anyone concerned about the moderating restraint international law is meant to offer, especially when it comes to the use of force by states, Israel’s approach against the imprisoned populace of Gaza is bound to cause profound despair and lingering disgust.

Since the brutal and for Israel’s security apparatus, unnerving attack by Hamas on October 7, the Israeli State has been busy laying the patchwork for the use of force promises to be limitless. In a part of the world where the warring parties see themselves as the privileged proprietors of history and religion, the exceptional battling the unwashed, retaliatory violence is a purifying sacrament.

In its modern, public relations iteration, Israel’s way of waging war is seen as cleaner, more observant of international rules, than the swarthy, ill-kept barbarians who hold them in such contempt. It is couched in medical, operational terms. The killing is more surgical, more civilised, if you will. This is a reductive, machine morality, dehumanising and deidentifying victims. When slaughtered by shells, missiles and advanced weapons of war, humans are merely unintended targets.

This often seems like an attempt to square a particularly difficult circle, given such absolutist, apocalyptic aims being advanced by the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the Israeli Defence Forces. How do you utterly and totally extinguish Hamas as an organisation without the mass killing of civilian personnel and civilians in general? The answer: you can’t.

Gaza City, according to Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, is a reprobate agglomeration within which a wicked organisation, Hamas, operates. The conflation, which Netanyahu made in his October 7 speech, is effortless, purposeful. It follows that those living in such a morally regressive environment escape for their sake – lest they be tarnished by biblical wickedness. “I say to the residents of Gaza: Leave now because we will operate forcefully everywhere.”

This gives some skimpy moral leverage to the exterminatory force to follow. “All the places which Hamas is deployed, hiding and operating in, that wicked city, we will turn them into rubble.” There are no distinctions on personnel, civilian, combatant, age or status.  The logic here is one of justified collective punishment.

There is an undertow of atavism to the whole exercise.  We are already well acquainted with the remarks of Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant, who declared that Israel was fighting “human animals, and we are acting accordingly”.  To this can be added the punitive, scalding views of Major General Ghassan Alian, who lectured Gazans on October 10 with withering disdain. “Kidnapping, abusing and murdering children, women and elderly people is not human.” So said the Alian to children, women, and the elderly who could hardly have been blamed.

Alian, who serves as Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories, went on to state that Hamas had morphed into ISIS, and gravely noted how “the residents of Gaza” had taken delight in their exploits against Israeli citizens.  “Human animals must be treated as such. There will be no electricity, no water [in Gaza], there will only be destruction. You wanted hell, you will get hell.”

Other officials have reiterated the same motif of cataclysmic, undifferentiated destruction.  An IDF spokesperson told Channel 13 News that no buildings would survive an assault on the strip.  “Gaza will eventually be turned into a city of tents.”  Netanyahu, likewise, promised that Gaza would be turned “into a deserted island”.

Things were not much better in the Knesset. Ariel Kallner of the governing Likud Party yearned for an ethnic cleansing to rival the dispossession of Palestinians in 1948, known in Arabic as the Nakba:

“Right now, one goal: Nakba! A Nakba that will overshadow the Nakba of 48. Nakba in Gaza and Nakba to anyone who dares to join!”

Efforts are well underway for that objective. On October 13, the Israeli government ordered 1.1 million people living in North Gaza to evacuate their homes within 24 hours. What awaits those tormented souls on return – if they return – are charred ruins and mountains of rubble. But this was untroubling to the Israeli President Isaac Herzog, who sees all Gaza as culpable and therefore punishable. “It is an entire nation out there that is responsible… It is not true this rhetoric about civilians not being aware, not involved.”

To therefore draw distinctions in the operation against Gaza in terms of military discrimination regarding targets is a spurious exercise. Nothing of the sort is taking place, though lip service is bound to be paid at intervals. We have not, in that sense, come much further than the debates that took place during the Second World War about mass civilian bombing, one vigorously endorsed by the likes of Air Marshal Arthur Harris of the Royal Air Force in targeting Germany.

The methods of “Bomber” Harris tallied with the views of the British diplomat Lord Robert Vansittart, much echoed in the assumptions of broad Palestinian guilt being expressed by Herzog and company. On that occasion, it was the inherent culpability of the German people. “You not only can indict a nation; you cannot escape from doing so,” he blustered in his 1944 work, Roots of the Trouble and the Black Record of Germany. “The appalling cruelty of the German nation, and its calculated causes, will be remembered as long as men go upright.”

Agnès Callamard, Amnesty International’s Secretary General, finds the Israeli efforts to annihilate Hamas as indifferent to civilian, combatant, law and convention, in other words, symptoms of Vansittartism. “In their stated intent to use all means to destroy Hamas, Israeli forces have shown a shocking disregard for civilian lives. They have pulverized street after street of residential buildings killing civilians on a mass scale and destroying essential infrastructure, while new restrictions mean Gaza is fast running out of water, medicine, fuel and electricity.”

The United Nations Office of the High Commissioner also released a statement on October 12 condemning “the horrific crimes committed by Hamas” while also condemning, in strong terms, “Israel’s indiscriminate military attacks against the already exhausted Palestinian people of Gaza, comprising over 2.3 million people, nearly half of whom are children.” The relevant UN experts also reiterate the all-punitive nature of the “unlawful blockade [of] 16 years” and the “five major brutal wars, which remain unaccounted for”. And unaccounted such acts of violence will continue to remain, except in a cycle of permanent, retaliatory acts that resist a political solution.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He currently lectures at RMIT University. He is a regular contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research. Email: [email protected] 

Featured image: Gaza Strip during the Israel–Hamas war, 10 October 2023 (Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0)

Cultural Cover-Up: The Sydney Opera House Turns 50

October 24th, 2023 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

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Begin as you mean to go on. That is the defining position of Britain’s blueprint regarding Israel.

It was Britain that gave the colonial project that morphed into the state of Israel its initial blessing via the Balfour Declaration in 1917, to create the conditions for the establishment of a Jewish “national home” in historic Palestine – where Jews constituted less than 10 percent of the population at the time.

This laid the groundwork for the start of the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. And at every step of the way, as Israel has consolidated its power and oppression, Britain’s blessing has been on hand. Israel’s latest attempt to wipe out Gaza is no different.

More than 4,000 Palestinians have been murdered, at least 1,000 of whom are children. At least 11 Palestinian journalists, 28 medical staff and 14 United Nations workers have been killed.

Residents of Gaza have been forced to dig wells near the sea to fetch water whilst hospitals – those that are still standing – are at full capacity and severely lacking power. 

Nowhere is considered safe in Gaza, especially as “safe routes” have been bombed by Israel and the only crossing that allows civilians to flee has been repeatedly struck.

Human rights experts have said Israel’s actions amount to collective punishment, a war crime under international law. It matters little since Israeli officials have not attempted to hide their intentions. 

‘The Emphasis Is on Damage’

“Gaza will become a place where no human can exist”, declared a retired Major General. “The emphasis is on damage, not accuracy”, proclaimed the IDF spokesperson.

This carnage has never been about Israel defending itself. The onslaught on Gaza, just like every other time, is another excuse to implement the strategic objective of annihilating the Palestinians, or as Israel calls it, “mowing the lawn”.

And as a British Palestinian, it will forever be etched in my memory how my fellow citizens were being mercilessly slaughtered, and the British political class gave Israel its full-throated, unconditional support.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak offered multiple versions of the same moral backing, from “full solidarity” to promising to always “stand” with Israel. He continued to echo those sentiments when he landed in Israel on Thursday, yet could not answer when asked if he would call for Israeli restraint.

The lobbying group Conservative Friends of Israel was once described as “the largest organisation in Western Europe dedicated to the cause of the people of Israel”. It consequently makes the unwavering championship of Israel among the Conservative hierarchy unsurprising.

Right to Commit Crimes

But the Labour Party is now operating on the same spineless wavelength. As Israel pounded Gaza, party leader Keir Starmer regurgitated the robotic recitations about Israel’s right to defend itself. 

The former human rights lawyer then insisted Israel has the “right” to withhold power and water from Gaza, even as UN experts made clear the imposition of sieges that endanger lives of civilians are prohibited under international law.

The fish ostensibly rots from the head. Shadow attorney general Emily Thornberry could not answer whether Israel cutting off power supplies to Gaza is in line with international law. 

On Israel’s evacuation orders that have displaced thousands of Palestinians, shadow foreign secretary David Lammy failed to condemn them.

As Labour councillors across the country resigned en masse to protest against their party’s complicity, Starmer’s feeble letter in response made no mention of a ceasefire and maintained the line simply that Israel has the right to defend itself. 

The leader who has equivocated and sat on the fence on every political issue since his election to the helm of the party, has finally remained firm on a decision, and it is to offer unyielding support for the massacre of Palestinians.


Such a level of unshakeable, cross-party consensus on policy in Britain is a rarity. But Israel is the anomaly. So, in these quarters, Israel knows it has a dependable ally.

Importantly, Britain’s support goes beyond the diplomatic domain. Since 2015, it has licenced £472m worth in arms sales to Israel. 

In the 2021 bombardment of Gaza, British military hardware was used by Israel. That remains a possibility this time too. 

However, already the British government has made clear it has no plans to suspend arms sales to Israel. Britain is thus not just implicated in Israel’s atrocities against the Palestinians, but it appears to consider them fair game too.

No State ‘On my Watch’

Yet both main parties keep up the pretence they’re fundamentally committed to an alternative that liberates Palestinians. The two-state solution is still the main policy stand for both. 

But nobody can in good faith deny that Israel has locked in the one-state reality of apartheid. Hence, it is ignorant at best and deliberately performative at worst; offering the veneer of compassion to Palestinian self-determination even as the facts on the ground scrupulously neutralise the possibility.

Indeed, in 2015, Benjamin Netanyahu said there will be no Palestinian state “on my watch”. Israel must “crush” Palestinian statehood ambitions, he reiterated this year.

True to his word, Netanyahu’s cabinet in 2023 have taken major steps towards annexation of the West Bank. A peak number of illegal settlements have been advanced by Israel this year concurrent with a ramping up in the number of house demolitions and subsequent forcible displacement of Palestinian communities.

Meanwhile, Netanyahu’s finance minister Bezalel Smotrich, who advocated for the wiping out of a Palestinian town, believes every part of Israel and the occupied territories was promised to Jews by God and Palestinians should either emigrate, be killed or forgo their national aspirations if they want to reside – with unequal rights. 

It is of little shock Israel is flattening Gaza with such fascists in high office.


And when the time comes to hold Israel to account for its harrowing war crimes, Britain will inevitably shield it from any accountability and block the attempts of the International Criminal Court and the International Court of Justice, as it did in 2021 and this year respectively.

All whilst the mass murder of Palestinians continues unabated. 

It is the tragic story that has defined the Palestinian existence. In 1948, at least 750,000 Palestinians were expelled as their homes, villages and communities were systematically destroyed and occupied. 

Many were murdered trying to protect their homes, like my paternal grandmother’s brother and his son. Others who escaped in that period, like my paternal grandmother and my maternal great grandmother, died in exile.

Now there are warnings from the UN that the atrocities in Gaza amount to another instance of Palestinian ethnic cleansing. But the reality is the Nakba was not a chapter confined to history. It has been an ongoing project since 1948. 

That’s why whilst Israel pulverises Gaza, it is simultaneously murdering Palestinians in the West Bank. There is no worthwhile Hamas influence there, nor any Israeli hostages. Just more Palestinians that need to be exterminated to guarantee Jewish Supremacy from the river to the sea.

And nobody should be under any illusions: Britain is dripping in the blood of Palestinian massacres and it will never wash.


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Hamza Ali Shah is a British Palestinian political researcher and writer based in London.

Featured image is a screenshot from a video posted by PM Sunak on his Twitter

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Dr. William Makis talks about his guide to future pandemics so that you do not need to panic when the news and government FEAR people into getting the next vaccine.

“Negative Vaccine Efficacy, 6-12 months after your last shot, your immune system is really shot!”

Dr. Makis’s guide to future pandemics:

  • look for gain of function work on the virus
  • find the simulation or tabletop exercise
  • NIH or other government agency working on a vaccine

You have all the tools that you need for any upcoming virus scare scenario that they come up with already:

  • Vitamin C, D, zinc, quercetin, hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, sunshine, exercise, fresh air.

We talk about the gradual government masking and hinting at upcoming health scare: H5n1, boosters, masks, RSV, marburg.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications. 

Featured image is a screenshot from the video

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

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Argentina – Una realidad más compleja que el odio

October 23rd, 2023 by Eduardo Aliverti

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At dawn on October 7th, the official story goes that Hamas invaded Israel allegedly killing over 1,300 Jews, reportedly the deadliest day in Jewish history since the Holocaust. That same day Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued a formal declaration of war, the first time since 1973’s Yom Kippur War – exactly a half century ago.

With the 200 plus Israeli hostage situation holding Tel Aviv back, Israel currently has more than 100,000 troops assembled at the Israeli-Gaza southern border with miles of tank convoys lined up awaiting the greenlight for Israel’s imminent ground invasion into the Gaza Strip.

Meanwhile, the Jewish State has mobilized 360,000 reservists for immediate deployment, the most in its history, ready to deliver Netanyahu’s vowed revenge of yet more unrestrained, unprecedented genocide against the Palestinian population as his “final solution, obliterating the original ancient inhabitants from their stolen, chipped away and annexed Palestine as the Zionists’ primary targeted victim of their always expanding Greater Israel Project.

As always, this wholesale carnage permits the real culprits behind all this suffering and bloodshed to never be held to account. As the leader of the most militant conservative government in Israel’s 75-year bloody history, Netanyahu has terrorized and victimized Palestinians longer than any other Israeli leader. 

He has been allowed to perpetrate his increasingly brutal apartheid, ethnic cleansing policy with total impunity from a complicit, largely approving world. Meanwhile, in recent years Netanyahu has aggressively expanded Israeli West Bank settlements at further expense to Palestinians.

A number of former IDF soldiers that provided active duty security along the Gaza border have gone public asserting that all kinds of border sensors automatically go off alerting detection of even a domestic cat walking near the border wall.

Currently, Israel possesses the most sophisticated robotic weaponry and advanced surveillance technologies installed to myopically monitor every inch of its border, and, if a breach occurs, within a minute dozens of armed soldiers in vehicles quickly converge.

So, it’s totally absurd to buy into the lie that the Mossad’s most masterfully skilled intelligence network on the planet would be completely caught off guard by a Hamas “surprise attack.” Yet the world is supposed to swallow this blatant deception that at dawn on Saturday October 7th Israel was totally unprepared for the Hamas offensive.

In December 2021, the Israeli government had just spent nearly a billion dollars over a span of more than three years to construct a solid impenetrable defense wall of cement and multiple chain linked 30-foot structures. Israel’s border obstruction is one of the most heavily fortified borders on earth, equipped with the most advanced technologies that Israel is now famous for.

Israel backed by Western puppet nations and lamestream media would have the world blindly accepting the concocted Israeli excuse that its crack intel services experienced a complete meltdown on the morning of October 7th, accidentally permitting Hamas militants to cut through multiple points of entry barriers along the Gaza-Israel border, causing the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) delay of seven hours before finally showing up to first make contact with the invasion force.

This bogus pretense that Israel conspicuously left its border totally unguarded and unattended for so many hours after such a serious security breach is impossible, unless of course it was done on purpose. This exact same conclusion has increasingly been corroborated by multiple intel sources as well as former IDF soldiers.

44-year old Yasmin Porat, who survived the October 7th Hamas invasion while at Kibbutz Be’eri near the Gaza border, stated she witnessed a fierce gun battle between IDF and Hamas militants, claiming that Israeli forces firing indiscriminately “undoubtedly” shot and killed fellow Israeli civilians and that prior to the fighting, her Hamas captors treated her humanely. Recounting her story on state media, she stated:

They [IDF] eliminated everyone, including the hostages. There was very, very heavy crossfire.

This eyewitness account suggests that either the Israeli soldiers were recklessly intentionally or unintentionally incompetent, either in the performance of their combat duty or perhaps were ordered by their command mission to indiscriminately rack up a high body count of Israeli victims.

Either way, it raises serious questions needing further investigation, which we know will not be forthcoming. Due to the shocking implication that Israeli soldiers may have been ordered by the Netanyahu chain of command to kill their own fellow Israeli citizens, this potential possibility will be buried. But in this era of democide becoming commonplace, it would not come as a surprise.

Another Israeli eyewitness source quoted on a CrossTalk News broadcast by journalist Lauren Witzke asserted that an Israeli village survivor emphatically stated:

Netanyahu intentionally let Hamas kill Israelis. Both the IDF and the Israeli Air Force both stood-down for 7 hours.

Also Jewish Pro-Life founder Cecily Routman citing government sources asserted that:

The IDF was given stand down orders – both the army and the Air Force – seven hours to stand down while those attacks took place.

Under Netanyahu’s alleged stand down order, the IDF remained conspicuously absent for many critical hours, and it appears that Israel knowingly allowed “wire cutting terrorists” (reminiscent of the 9/11 terrorist boxcutters hijacking four commercial jetliners) in bulldozers to cross through all the world’s most heavily fortified border barriers in 14 different places to launch a massive invasion inside Israel.

An Israeli born prominent New York rabbi, after conferring with his Israeli inside intel sources, also concluded that the October 7th invasion had to be “an inside job.” It’s absolutely absurd to believe that such formidable Israeli intelligence and highly adept IDF military forces would be totally oblivious to a “surprise attack” for seven long hours.

Israeli editor-journalist David Sidman further citing intel sources also reported this week:

The invasion was recorded at 7:15 AM, but the government instituted a media blackout preventing the press from warning the public for an hour and a half. Think of how many people could have prepared for the invasion if the press was allowed to warn them in real time. (Twitter)

Simply put, too many credible sources are piling up this week all drawing the same conclusion, from both eyewitnesses and inside intelligence, exposing the Netanyahu/IDF/Israel/US/West preposterous fabrication that the “Hamas invasion” was precipitated purely by accident and/or gross incompetence by Israel.

IDF Suspiciously Redeployed

Yet another convenient yet highly incriminating anomaly, just like the 9/11 inside job, shortly before the Hamas breach of Israel’s border, a two-thirds majority of the Israeli Defense Force normally assigned to guard the Gaza-Israel border was suspiciously redeployed to the West Bank.

Sounds way too eerily familiar to 9/11 to dismiss. On the morning of the 9/11 attacks, also not by accident co-engineered by Israel, NORAD Commander-in-Chief US Air Force General Ralph Eberhard scheduled several US military drill air exercises tying up all fighter jets unable on 9/11 to patrol and defend America’s East Coast.

General Eberhard later was caught lying to the 9/11 Commission. Likewise, during the August Maui DEW microwave attack, conveniently all the key Maui emergency officials were sent off-island at the time attending some bogus training exercise. This extremely common tactic is an all too frequent dead giveaway in numerous false flag attacks.

The long notorious Khazarian mafia boss Netanyahu is being accused of treason, intentionally allowing the Hamas attack to occur, then claim victimhood in order to instantly gain “upper moral ground” to garner worldwide sympathy and support, especially from an easily swayed Western world, providing the convenient cover up excuse for Netanyahu’s desperate, doomed-to-fail leadership to unleash an unprecedented inhumane brutal assault against Palestinians.

This warmongering despot was on the brink of being forced out of office, embroiled in corruption charges, battling to weaken the power of Israel’s Supreme Court and increasingly finding himself unpopular amongst Israeli citizens.

Who Benefits from Netanyahu’s Planned Genocide?

Asking cui bono [who benefits]? Netanyahu, his autocratic regime, the US and US/Israel’s masters – the Rothschild City of London/World Economic Forum elites, they are the only entities in this world that have everything to gain in power from pulling off yet another 9/11 inside job with more war against Moslem “terrorists.”

A number of both Israeli citizens and top Israeli newspapers are calling Netanyahu out for his failed leadership. An October 12th Jerusalem Post states:

Four out of five Jewish Israelis believe the government and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu are to blame for the mass infiltration of Hamas terrorists into Israel and the massacre that followed, a new Dialog Center poll released on Thursday found.

An October 8th, a Haaretz editorial headline alleges “Netanyahu Bears Responsibility for This Israel-Gaza War,” squarely blaming him for all his reckless, extreme malfeasance that set the stage for this disaster.

Per the recent released documentary “The Mystery of Israel – Solved,” another incriminating piece and perhaps the smoking gun is a secret letter the Israeli parliament sent to Netanyahu not long before the so-called Hamas terrorist invasion, “demanding an immediate invasion into Gaza and a complete seizing of control of that whole area.”

Thus, the coordinated false flag Hamas attack on Israel serves as the perfect pretense of an excuse for Israel to demolish Gaza and the Palestinian people, nearly half of which are innocent children.

Another clue is Netanyahu’s speech at the UN General Assembly less than two weeks ahead of the Israel’s “counterattack” on Gaza, Bibi pulled out a map titled “The New Middle East” that shows no Gaza or West Bank on the map, only Israel.

The fact that Palestinians have been literally “wiped off the map” in Bibi’s world is hardly coincidence. Israel’s Defense Minister Yoav Gallant vowed at a press conference:

We will wipe them off the face of the Earth

Though “them” is supposed to be Hamas, what he and his boss Bibi really mean is Palestinian people will be wiped off the face of the Earth. Within days, Bibi showed it and the ungallant Gallant said it.

Netanyahu and Hamas

For a deeper perspective, let’s examine the relationship between Netanyahu and Hamas. Way back 14-years ago, highly astute Congressman Ron Paul dropped a truth-bomb on the House floor exposing the triangular, under-the-table partnership-in-crime between the US, Israel and Hamas:

If you look at the history, you’ll find out that Hamas was encouraged and really started by Israel because they wanted Hamas to counteract Yasser ArafatWe first, indirectly and directly through Israel, helped establish Hamas.

Corroborating Ron Paul, more incriminating information surfaced in a Monday October 8th Times of Israel article:

For years, the various governments led by Benjamin Netanyahu took an approach that divided power between the Gaza Strip and the West Bank… Thus, amid this bid to impair Abbas… from advancing toward the establishment of a Palestinian state, Hamas was upgraded from a mere terror group to an organization with which Israel held indirect negotiations via Egypt, and one that was allowed to receive infusions of cash from abroad.

All along, Netanyahu pitted one Palestinian faction against the other per the “divide and rule” doctrine, while tolerating, covertly funding and giving complicit support to Hamas in order to thwart first PLO leader Yasser Arafat and later his Palestinian Authority successor President Mahmoud Abbas to prevent Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza unifying as one force to establish their long-awaited statehood.

Netanyahu instead imposed rigid apartheid’s open air prison under inhuman Israeli criminal control.

The documentary “The Mystery of Israel – Solved ” uncovers how the Illuminati controlled world of high finance as an international crime syndicate was briefly exposed a few years ago when in an explosive interview Belgian banker Ronald Bernard reveals its dark secrets.

After he was forced to witness child blood sacrifice rituals amongst the global elite, Bernard turned tearful whistleblower.

The former high roller explained how the most powerful and wealthy bloodlines own the world through controlling not only the geopolitics of all the major national governments and corporations, but also global organized crime that includes all the terrorist organizations as well as sexual blackmail of selected “inner club” power players through pedophilia.

An example of this are the Jeffrey EpsteinGuislaine Maxwell Israeli-US entrapment operations (fully covered in depth in my Pedophilia & Empire 5-book series).

Perhaps the most overt evidence that Khazarian mafia boss Bibi runs Hamas exposed itself four years ago in a March 2019 meeting with his Likud Party Knesset members. An October 10 Haaretz article exposes the damning evidence in a Netanyahu quote:

Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas. This is part of our strategy – to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank.

Netanyahu and U.S. Can’t Have it Both Ways

Israel has been funding Hamas through Qatar since its 1987 inception as Netanyahu’s long and intimate history working with this terrorist organization as a secret “divide and rule” proxy war ally is thoroughly documented and proven.

But as of October 7th, now the world’s supposed to believe Hamas is suddenly Bibi’s enemy, giving him the biggest “gift” of “surprise” of his entire life – extending his nine lives politically yet one more time.

Bibi wants it both ways but he can’t be both the chief Hamas financier, covert ally and cash in all his marbles playing victim without being exposed as the bloodthirsty traitor of both his people and nation.

And neither can the United States. Many observers both inside and out of the Jewish State recognize this false flag as “Israel’s 9/11 inside job” and the Deep State cabal will not get away with it.

The elites are shocked that the world is not rallying around the phony “stand up for Israel” cause, just as the Ukraine victim card’s run out of time and the fake pandemic/kill shot one two holocaust punch ran out of legs as well. The fact is, the global masses are beginning to finally realize that the bloodline murderers are behind every malady plaguing this earth and have been for millennia.

Two days after the “surprise,” on Tuesday October 9th Times of Israel published an article implicating the Hamas attack to be Netanyahu’s FDR moment with plenty of forewarning as “Israel’s Pearl Harbor”:

An Egyptian intelligence official said that Jerusalem had ignored repeated warnings that the Gaza-based terror group was planning ‘something big’ — which included an apparent direct notice from Cairo’s intelligence minister to the prime minister.

Of course Israel vehemently rejects this incriminating Egyptian claim, warning Netanyahu of an imminent Hamas invasion. Again, just like President Franklin Delano Roosevelt was aware of the 1941 Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor days and even weeks before his December 7th “Day of Infamy,” he permitted it to happen as America’s grand excuse to enter humanity’s deadliest war in history by treasonously failing to protect the more than 3,400 American lives that day as FDR’s infamous war crime.

Similarly, Netanyahu, his military intelligence and ranking IDF generals just let the Hamas attack on Israel happen. Cui bono? Netanyahu, his IDF and the Khazarian puppet masters controlling them are the only ones to gain at the treasonous, costly and bloody expense of this false flag war crime against both the Israeli and Palestinian people.

One US Congressman boldly contradicted Israel’s “surprise attack” lie. According to an October 12th New York Post: 

The US has confirmed that Egypt warned Tel Aviv of a possible attack, according to the chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee – who says he is ‘not quite sure’ how Israel and the US ‘missed it.’

GOP Rep. Michael McCaul told CNN two days after Egypt said Israel was warned of the imminent attack:

We know the Egyptian intelligence service handed this off days before the terrorist invasion.

Though we should be grateful that Rep. McCaul had the nerve to tell the truth to the world, he’s playing naïve when he claims uncertainty over why both Israel and the US “missed it.”

Obviously, it was calculatingly set up by Bibi and his elite masters that control both US and Israel’s puppet governments. So, Israel’s been caught in a boldface lie as the entire carnage of thousands of his own Jewish people were deliberately set up by order-following bloodthirsty tyrant Netanyahu.

Blame must also be levied against the US for going along with this entire diabolical charade. Washington’s near 17 years of sanctions against the Palestinian Authority (PA), chronically ignoring the Palestinian plight of a two-state solution, all the while financing $38 billion in military aid from 2019 to 2028 demonstrates more than enough criminal complicity to prosecute.

Only Ukraine gets more US aid now from the DC cash cow, having received twice as much at over $75 billion in just the last 19 months alone. And only because the USA, Inc. boosts this diminutive nation the size of the 5th smallest US state New Jersey, can Israel boast its status as a top 20 GDP per capita economy while disgracefully possessing the world’s largest open-air prison and to this day continue getting away with it, holding 2.2 million Palestinians captive.

Why does US support Zionist terrorism and fight long costly wars on Israel’s behalf? Because as US traitors, infiltrated dual Israeli citizen neocons in Washington and Council on Foreign Relations are loyal to Israel and Israel alone.

While Israel’s horrific, unchecked crimes against Palestinians are always minimized and ignored for nearly eight decades now, it’s by malevolent design that Israel’s relentless ethnic purge of Palestinians covertly co-opts and supports militant elements like Hamas (and ISIS and al Qaeda prior) to foment terrorist attacks in order to constantly reinforce to the world that Jews are perennial victims surrounded by hostile Muslim terrorists determined to destroy their sacred Jewish State.

This vicious cycle of deception has been regularly used to justify Israeli apartheid genocidal policy with impunity in the name of Jews’ right to defend themselves against their sworn Islamic enemy.

Meanwhile, this rogue terrorist Israeli state has been granted carte blanche power to commit ongoing genocide against Palestinians and answer to no one.

Add the 1967 USS Liberty attack killing 34 American sailors and 9/11 killing 3,000 more Americans that again Israel and their duel-citizen neocons got away with, not unlike the US Nord Stream pipeline attack against “ally” Germany last year.

Under globalists’ New World Order, lawlessness and brute force rule this planet like never before. With total disdain for the US in 2001, Khazarian mob boss Bibi taunted:

America is a thing you can move very easily, move it in the right direction. 

Then there’s that infamous, secret recording back in 1990 in Jerusalem’s Fink Bar where Bibi boasted:

If we get caught they will just replace us with persons of the same cloth. So it doesn’t matter what you do, America is a Golden Calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the World’s biggest welfare state that we will create and control.

An Hawkeye spy plane launches from the flight deck of the world’s largest aircraft carrier USS Gerald R. Ford (Photo: US Navy)

Billions of misdirected US taxpayer dollars ($38 billion mentioned, plus now the in the latest Israeli-Ukraine package deal) as the Jewish State’s official cash cow, compliments of Israel bribed DC pro-Zionist war hawk traitors, have been used to kill Palestinians.

Right now, the world’s largest aircraft carrier, the USS Gerald R. Ford, has been joined by yet another aircraft carrier group the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower, with more committed US ships and troops on the way, posing offshore “show of Force.” 2,000 Navy sailors and Marines are ready “to deter” Hezbollah and Iran from launching offensives against Israel.

US fighter jets and munitions are arriving daily as US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin vowed to protect poor little picked on, “defenseless” Israel that wields its infamous “Sampson Option,” reserving its right to nuke even friendliest allies like the US.

With the US Defense Department issuing “ready for deployment” orders for more US troops being sent, the US is poised ready to begin fighting another war in the Middle East for the Greater Israel Project. A Tuesday October 17th Der Spiegel article explained the Israeli ground offensive will likely be launched soon after Braindead Biden finishes meeting with Bibi this last Wednesday.

From 2008 up to the day prior to the October 7th Hamas incursion in Israel, about 6,400 Palestinians have been killed compared to 300 Israelis. But in the last two weeks alone, Israel has murdered almost as many, now closing in on 5,000 more Palestinians dead, than in the prior 15 years combined.

The entire world population is watching, despite no government lifting a finger to save thousands of innocent kids and their families, other than the Islamic world readily moving to step up and take decisive action to stop it, and they will. But at what cost? World War III Armageddon as Illuminati Mason Albert Pike predicted in 1871? At this grave hour, it looks that way.

A typical example of how the Illuminati Rothschild owned Jewish State operates is its evacuation order to Gazans issued on Thursday October 12th. The over a million Palestinians living in the northern half of the Gaza Strip were abruptly ordered by the Netanyahu regime to within 24-hours begin heading south “for safety” in the face of Israel’s planned ground invasion.

On the morning of Saturday October 14th, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres stated on Twitter/X:

Moving more than 1 million people across a densely populated warzone to a place with no food, water, or accommodation when the entire territory is under siege, is extremely dangerous and, in some cases, simply not possible.

Obviously, it’s impossible in northern Gaza to expect thousands of injured and ill hospital patients along with their attending medical staff to relocate. And as Guterres alluded to, it’s both unsafe and unrealistic while Israel is depriving Gaza of food, electricity and water under its illegally imposed blockade to suddenly head south. On top of all this, on Friday the 13th, the UN humanitarian body, OCHA ended up reporting:

Vehicles of those evacuating the north were hit, killing more than 40 people and injuring 150 others.

After Israel declared Salah al-Din Road to be “a safe route” just south of Gaza City, at about 5:30PM local time last Friday, according to the Guardian, the convoy was targeted reporting that 70 victims died, many of them children. In response to the UN head Guterres’ disapproval of Israel’s evacuation order, Israeli UN Ambassador Gilad Erdan said:

[The UN should be] praising Israel for these precautionary actions.

As if killing 70 innocent civilian family victims on the road following Israel’s evacuation order isn’t bad enough, on Tuesday October 17th in Gaza City the Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital was also bombed killing at least 500 people.

Netanyahu aide Hananya Naftali openly admitted on social media that Israel bombed the hospital prior to deleting it two minutes later to blame Hamas, and ever since has been backtracking his truthful “blunder” of a bombshell.

But reality is out there for all the world to see, regardless of IDF spokesman Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari’s attempt to blame Hamas for a “misfired rocket” from the hospital parking lot that exploded highly flammable propellant. This is the same IDF propagandist who within a couple days after the “surprise” weekend attack let it slip, admitting:

There were certain signs the night before.

What’s getting zero coverage these days in the CIA-controlled Mockingbird Western press is that Israel just three days prior on October 14th undisputedly launched an airstrike on the same hospital.

On October 15th, the AFEDJ (American Friends of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem), a non-political, non-sectarian 501(c)(3) organization reported that “Ahli Arab Hospital’s Diagnostic Cancer Treatment Center in Gaza City was struck by rocket fire,” injuring four hospital staff and significant destruction. 

Aljazeera reported on October 18th that right after the earlier October 14th attack on the Christian hospital in Gaza City, senior Gaza health official Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health Yousef Abu alRish is quoted:

We warned you yesterday with two shells.

Aljazeera clearly states that after Israel fired two artillery shells as a “warning,” it threatened more attacks if the hospital staff and patients refused to comply with its unlawful evacuation order.

For reporting these facts as verified proof that Israel is criminally responsible for this horrific tragedy injuring and killing hundreds of innocent victims at the hospital, Israel is set to ban Al Jazeera operations in Gaza over its war coverage because puppets Netanyahu and Biden and their Rothschild City of London handlers cannot tolerate their diabolical truth be told to the world.

After all, they both have a false flag agenda to comply with their bloodline masters’ strict orders to ignite Armageddon.

A Wednesday October 18th Daily Mail article inadvertently confirmed that the US possessed foreknowledge of the October 7th Hamas attack with the following statement:

Within hours of the horrific onslaught on Israel by Hamas on Oct. 7 the U.S. began moving warships, jets and special forces to the region.

Astute journalist Asad Ismi writing for Global Research on October 19th asserts:

Known to military analysts, such a deployment requires considerable advanced preparation and cannot be improvised  ‘within hours.’ This fits in with the scenario that the Hamas attack initiated on October 7, 2023 was a ‘false flag’ operation on behalf of Israel’s military and intelligence apparatus (which also coordinates such actions with the U.S.)…

So the very quick, dangerous and aggressive massive deployment of U.S. forces to the Israel area is presented in the Daily Mail article as a defensive measure aimed at deterring Iran. Even for the obedient pro-imperialist Western mainstream media, this is an incredible stretch.

However, if one reads the body of the article carefully it becomes clear that it is the U.S. that is starting World War III not Iran.  The content of the article contradicts the title which happens sometimes in the mainstream press given its well-known editorial restrictions on telling the truth.

Thus, it’s more than apparent that the Rothschild City of London powers of this world are today laying the groundwork for the Masonic Illuminati plotted endgame WWIII, pitting Islam vs. Judaism/East vs. West big bang conflagration.

This death cult’s inhumane escalation of war events as an example of willfully inflicting massive casualties on the most defenceless, infirm hospital victims is unconscionable.

The world is witnessing concrete evidence of the rapid acceleration of grotesque inhumanity being committed in real time by the unified as one Netanyahu/Biden regime on full genocidal display before the world.

Do you think our world leaders care about us humans? Not in the least. Their systematic slaughter is expanding every day leading to their “imminent” ground invasion, with another Palestinian child being cold-bloodedly murdered every fifteen minutes by countless Israeli airstrikes over the last couple weeks alone.

Another appalling red flag atrocity discovered is Israel’s apparent use of the banned chemical weapon white phosphorus, per Human Rights Watch allegations reported by the Washington Post on October 17th.

Meanwhile, the governments of Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Palestine, Egypt, Jordan, Turkey and Qatar have all blamed the Israeli Air Force for this deadly hospital explosion. Muslim protests are spreading worldwide.

Outside the Western puppets and their globalist handlers, CIA controlled Western press and blindly ignorant MSM followers, the world has seen enough of Israel’s incessant lies, ungodly brutality and is fast rising up in Palestinian solidarity around the globe to oppose the Khazarian madman Bibi, his “loyal” US friends and the evil forces in control behind them.

A week ago Iran warned via a message to the UN that should the Israeli embargo on Gaza continue with its imminent ground invasion into Gaza, Iran will intervene. Iran then posted on Twitter/X that should Israel’s “war crimes and genocide” not stop, the situation could spiral out of control bringing “far-reaching consequences.”

More than a million Palestinian residents have been forced to flee their homes, due to so much of their high-density buildings bombed out, and their demolished, ever-shrinking ancient homeland now in near  total rubble, totalling 30% of Gazans’ destroyed or damaged residences.

Palestinians attempting to escape the danger, complying with Israel’s evacuation order as part of its “humanitarian” refugee convoy, were targeted with Israeli airstrikes that injured and murdered nearly 200 while in transit on October 13th.

Israel coldly set up their victims as sitting ducks, targeted for extermination. Then during the overnight hours of early Tuesday October 17th, Israel warplanes struck multiple locations in south Gaza, precisely where Palestinian refugees were ordered to go, killing 80 more Gazans.

Again, Israeli coldblooded murderers are going out of their way to deliberately kill as many helpless war refugees as possible, literally being directed straight into Israel’s slaughterhouse line of fire.

Why would it order civilians living in the north to head south ostensibly for safety, then specifically target them as they reach southern Gaza, if not for bloodthirsty elimination?

As of Thursday October 19th, the Palestinian death toll climbed to 3,785 per the Wall Street Journal with over 12,500 injured. Just two days later as of Saturday October 21st, the mounting slaughter of the Palestinian people has surpassed 4,500. Yet the world feebly sits watching this real-life genocidal horror.

This diabolical evil to wilfully wreak so much carnage on innocent women and children aimed to ethnically purge all Palestinians “off the map” is simply how the Israeli government has operationalized its genocidal policy today, with absolutely no accountability or remorse from Bibi or his allied friends the US and Europe.

Outside Islamic bloc of nations, the entire world never reacts in any way to stop this horror, but habitually looks the other way as genocide accomplices, impotently allowing these egregious atrocities to only continue on indefinitely, decade after decade.

Because the Israeli perpetrators are never brought to justice for their ungodly sins, the killing’s now been allowed to reach exponential proportions. The current genocide against the entire human race only signifies that rogue states like Israel and oil-rich Azerbaijan can brazenly declare open season on the Palestinians and Artsakh Armenians, both unprotected minority populations denied their right to self-determination or for that matter to even exist.

Overwhelming evidence this week continues to emerge exposing the fact that this so-called Hamas invasion was a coordinated pre-planned attack on Israel, conceived, devised and controlled by Netanyahu and ultimately his masters – the City of London/WEF crowd.

Khazarian mafia chieftain Netanyahu was privy in advance, as the operation unfolded, choreographed at the highest levels of power, like carefully plotted clockwork. All the globalist players have been together working overtime to set this stage for their larger World War III, if not ignited in Ukraine than definitely now in the Middle East.


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Joachim Hagopian is a West Point graduate, former Army officer and author of “Don’t Let the Bastards Getcha Down,” exposing a faulty US military leadership system based on ticket punching up the seniority ladder, invariably weeding out the best and brightest, leaving mediocrity and order followers rising to the top as politician-bureaucrat generals designated to lose every modern US war by elite design. After the military, Joachim earned a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and worked as a licensed therapist in the mental health field with abused youth and adolescents for more than a quarter century. In Los Angeles he found himself battling the largest county child protective services in the nation within America’s thoroughly broken and corrupt child welfare system.

The experience in both the military and child welfare system prepared him well as a researcher and independent journalist, exposing the evils of Big Pharma and how the Rockefeller controlled medical and psychiatric system inflict more harm than good, case in point, the pandemic hoax and kill shot genocide. As an independent journalist for the last decade, Joachim has written hundreds of articles for many news sites, including Global and currently and As a published author of a 5-book volume series entitled Pedophilia & Empire: Satan, Sodomy & the Deep State, Joachim’s books and chapters are Amazon bestsellers in child advocacy and human rights categories. His A-Z sourcebook series fully document and expose the global pedophilia scourge and remain available free at Joachim also hosts the weekly Revolution Radio broadcast “Cabal Empire Exposed” on Friday morning at 7AM EST (ID: revradio, password: rocks!).

Featured image is from Scott Ritter Extra

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I apologize for using the oxymoronic term “assisted suicide for babies” in the title. An infant is not self-aware and cannot “commit suicide.” Infants want to live, eat, and be held by their parents. And yet, the Quebec College of Physicians wants to expand the Canadian “Medical Assistance in Dying” program to infants.

Watch Dr. Louis Roy, from the Quebec College of Physicians, telling the Commons’ Special Joint Committee of Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) on Oct. 7 that his organization believes MAID can be appropriate for infants up to age one who are born with “severe malformations.”

Medical Assistance in Dying implies someone wanting to die and getting medical assistance to die in a socially approved manner with some comfort.

Infants under one year cannot possibly choose to die or request medical assistance, so the name does not exactly suit the situation. Instead of “assistance in dying,” infants will be euthanized for the convenience of the parents and doctors who no longer want to deal with problematic babies. There are other, even more disturbing reasons for this program being promoted, which we will explore.

Canada’s National Post has the details.


Quebec’s College of Physicians proposal attempts to sound sensible by referring to babies who suffer from “unbearable pain,” with euthanasia approved by a doctor and consented to by both parents. I am unsure how custodial situations would be handled and suspect that “both parents’ consent” would be disregarded in the case of non-married parents.

However, we must ask: how do we know that a baby’s pain is unbearable? We cannot ask the baby, after all. As a father of two grown children, I remember them suffering from routine illnesses where their pain seemed “unbearable.” My heart was breaking for them as they cried for hours over stomach pains and other issues, usually at night. While such pains felt desperately “unbearable” at the moment, they were temporary; fortunately, both kids grew up just fine. I learned that what seems unbearable in one moment may eventually become a distant memory.

The Quebec College of Physicians does not realize that and thinks adults can decide which infants to euthanize.

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Featured image is from Children’s Health Defense

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On October 16, during the NATO-supplied, nuclear-armed hot war in Ukraine, the alliance began its annual nuclear attack rehearsal dubbed “Steadfast Noon.” This practice involves air forces from 13 countries, the “exercising” of fighter jets and U.S. B-52s, lasts until October 26, and will be roaring over Italy, Croatia and the eastern Mediterranean — not far from two aircraft carrier battle groups charging toward the war over the Gaza Strip. 

A U.S. Air Force F-16 with the 510th Fighter Squadron, 31st fighter Wing, takes off at an Air Base in Italy, October 13, 2023, as part of Exercise Steadfast Noon.

A U.S. Air Force F-16 with the 510th Fighter Squadron, 31st fighter Wing, takes off from an airbase in Northern Italy on 13 October 2023

A hundred people joined an October 13 Protest outside Germany’s Nörvenich Air Base calling for cancellation of the rehearsal, to no avail.

NATO Sec. Gen. Jens Stoltenberg naturally said,

“Our exercise will help to ensure the credibility, effectiveness and security of our nuclear deterrent.”

This is shrewd, silk tie talk about threatening nuclear attacks, threats barely distinguishable from Putin’s verbal warnings. NATO Claims,

“[T]he fundamental purpose of NATO’s nuclear capability is to preserve peace, prevent coercion and deter aggression.” 

Aware that this fundamental purpose was disproved and vaporized by Russia’s 2022 invasion of Ukraine, NATO practices nuclear attacks. Steadfast Noon is a role-play for pilots, a dry run to test classroom preparations made at the German branch of the U.S. Air Force Nuclear College on Ramstein Air Base. According to the AFNC Website, the school “is responsible for delivering, sustaining and supporting air-delivered nuclear weapon systems for our warfighters … every day.” Some such air-delivered nuclear weapons are the U.S. “B61” free-fall gravity bombs stationed in Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium and Turkey.

One Nuclear College course named “Theater Nuclear Operation” was described this way (before the page was taken down): 

“[A] 4.5-day course that provides training for planners, support staff, targeteers, and staff nuclear planners for joint operations and targeting.” Another class is said to provide: “proficiency in importing and creating target models, developing attack plans using conventional or nuclear weapons, performing consequence assessment to WMD scenarios.”

If you imagined that nuclear war is unthinkable, this school says its fighter jet pilot students, “will be able to import, edit, and modify target sites”; “calculate probabilistic attacks against predefined targets; [and] “develop attack plans using either conventional or nuclear weapons.” 

These B61s are just the U.S. nukes closest to Moscow. Add to these the French, British and U.S. thermonuclear weapons on submarines, long-range missiles, and bombers (totals are approximately 5244 U.S., 225 British, and 290 French). 

At the protest in Nörvenich, Ludo De Brabander, from the Belgian peace group Peace Now, spoke of the 10 to 20 B61s stationed at Kleine Brogel Air Base in Belgium: 

“These bombs will soon be replaced by new B61-12 nuclear bombs. Because of their ‘precision’ and ‘low yield,’ these nuclear weapons are considered ‘operational,’ lowering the threshold for nuclear war. All of this is happening without any official explanation or public debate.”

The concept of suicidal ideation applies to steadfast planning or the actual launch of nuclear weapons attacks. Daniel Ellsberg, in Things That Can and Cannot Be Said (Haymarket Books 2016), said, “[O]ur private, top-secret estimates were that we would kill every European, a hundred million Europeans, without a single U.S. or Soviet warhead landing on West Europe. Just from the fallout of the attacks we were planning on Russia and East Europe. One hundred million.”

So Steadfast Noon is not just code language, or public relations. The event is a large-scale, psychological operation intended to teach us to pretend that nuclear attacks can do good. Of course if nuclear firestorms saved lives and ended war — as U.S. mythology goes with Hiroshima and Nagasaki — then the Pentagon would have used them in Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq. People love to be fooled.


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John LaForge, syndicated by PeaceVoice, is Co-director of Nukewatch, a peace and environmental justice group in Wisconsin, and is co-editor with Arianne Peterson of Nuclear Heartland, Revised: A Guide to the 450 Land-Based Missiles of the United States.

Featured image: Demo in Nörvenich Air Base on October 13th, 2023 ((c) Netzwerk Friedenskooperative / Flickr)

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Federal officials this week tested an explosion at the Nevada National Security Site that was led by the National Nuclear Security Administration, according to a statement.

on Wednesday, said the Department of Energy in a press release. It said that the reason for the test was to improve how military officials can detect low-yield nuclear blasts.

“These experiments advance our efforts to develop new technology in support of U.S. nuclear nonproliferation goals,” Corey Hinderstein, an agency deputy administrator, said in the release. “They will help reduce global nuclear threats by improving the detection of underground nuclear explosive tests.”

Wednesday’s “experiment” was carried out in the “P tunnel in Area 12” of the test site and used “chemical high-explosives and radiotracers,” the Department of Energy said. It did not elaborate.

“The experiment will help validate new predictive explosion models and detection algorithms,” the release said. “Measurements were collected using accelerometers, seismometers, infrasound sensors, electromagnetic sensors, chemical and radiotracer samplers, and meteorological sensors.”

Nuclear Blasts

The Nevada National Security Site, which is known as the Nevada Test Site, is a location in remote Rye County that was used since the 1950s to test nuclear weapons. More than 1,000 nuclear blasts have been tested at the site over the years, according to research. Since 1992, more than 27 subcritical tests have been carried out.

The Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1996. It bans nuclear explosions anywhere in the world, but it has not been ratified by the United States, North Korea, Israel, Egypt, India, China, Pakistan, and Iran, although Russia has ratified it.

There have been concerns that Moscow could again restart nuclear testing in a bid to prevent the West from supporting Ukraine’s military.

Earlier this month, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that his country might abandon the test ban treaty. Russian lawmakers also recently announced a move to revoke the ratification of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, according to reports.

Moratorium on Russian Nuclear Tests?

The speaker of the Duma, or Russia’s parliament, said via his Telegram channel that Moscow would withdraw from the agreement and blamed the United States.

“In the interests of ensuring the security of our country, we are withdrawing the ratification of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty,” said Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin, adding that Washington has failed to ratify the treaty owing to what he called an “irresponsible attitude to global security issues,” according to a translation.

Mikhail Kovalchuk, a top Russian scientist, said in September that Moscow could test its future nuclear weapons at a test site in Novaya Zemlya, an archipelago in northern Russia, in a bid to scare the West and the United States.

“The situation is exactly the same now,” he said, referring to Cold War-era nuclear testing carried out by the Soviet Union and the United States. “It’s enough to carry out tests on Novaya Zemlya … at least once. And everything will fall into place,” he added.

But after the Nevada explosion this week, Mikhail Ulyanov, the Russian envoy to the United Nations, said that Russia would continue to maintain its moratorium on nuclear testing unless the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty is revoked by parliament.

“Never say never. Tests may resume under certain circumstances. I believe that such a development would be negative for the modern world, for maintaining stability,” he told Russian state media. “We have enough turbulence in international relations and wouldn’t want another powerful factor added.”

Israel–Hamas Conflict

The test explosion in Nevada also comes in the midst of heightened tensions over the Israel–Hamas conflict, where Hamas terrorists attacked multiple areas in Israel, killing hundreds of civilians. Israel has responded with an extensive bombing campaign targeting Gaza, leading to widespread condemnation and protests across the Middle East as U.S. officials have scrambled to prevent a broader war from erupting.

The United States also positioned several aircraft carrier groups closer to Israel since the conflict erupted earlier this month. On Wednesday, Pentagon officials said a U.S. Navy destroyer shot down missiles that were likely fired from Houthi militia groups in Yemen, although they said the U.S. assets were not the missiles’ intended targets and no injuries were reported.

Several U.S. bases were also targeted by drones in Iraq and Syria in recent days. A drone attack targeting a U.S. base in Syria resulted in “minor injuries,” said Pentagon spokesman Pat Ryder at a Wednesday news conference.


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Jack Phillips is a senior reporter for The Epoch Times based in New York. He covers breaking news.

Featured image is from the Public Domain

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If President Joe Biden were a pony, instead of a perennial warhorse (e.g., gung-ho for Bush/Cheney’s criminal destruction of Iraq), he would have his tail between his legs on his return from a one-day trip to Israel. He failed to achieve any immediate, critical objectives while the ongoing destruction of Gaza and the defenseless Palestinians continues.

Did Biden get Israel and Egypt to allow the exit of hundreds of American citizens fleeing the Gazan firestorm? No!

Did Biden open up corridors for humanitarian aid to the babies, children, women, elderly and other civilians in Gaza who had nothing to do with the October 7th Hamas homicide/suicide attack on Israelis? No!

To the contrary, earlier in the week he cruelly ordered his UN Ambassador to veto a widely supported resolution calling for a humanitarian ceasefire.

Did he forcefully double down on his earlier counsel to the Israeli government to obey the laws of war, then and now, being openly violated? No! He continued his silence after the Israeli Defense Minister ordered his soldiers with the genocidal command, “No electricity, no food, no fuel, no water…” That death sentence includes patients in hospitals who must endure the carpet bombing of this long-time blockaded tiny strip of desert land holding 2.3 million people. (See, Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide).

Did Biden press for the exchange of Hamas’ hostages for the release of Palestinian prisoners, including young Palestinians, who have been in Israeli jails for years without due process or charges? No! Worse, Biden failed to object to the Israeli military stating that the release of over 200 Israeli hostages is a “secondary priority” to smashing Hamas and Gaza “into the Stone Age.” This policy flouts the moral codes of many venerable Judaic sages described in an October 19, 2023, New York Times column by Mikahel Manekin titled “The Safety of the Hostages Must Come First.” Israel conducted two prisoners for hostages’ exchanges, one in 2004 and one in 2011.

Did Biden, in strong terms, tell the Israeli politicians that they have already exacted revenge many times over on the stateless people of Gaza – in civilian lives lost, injuries, related spread of disease, destitution and destruction? Did he say it is inhumane and counterproductive to bomb hospitals, clinics, schools, mosques, churches, apartment buildings, water mains, electric networks and ambulances, all of which is in violation of civilized norms and rules of war? Of course not. He greenlighted Israel’s genocidal warfare from the beginning of the Israeli assault and sent U.S. weaponry. He is enabling other actions of “co-belligerency” against the defenseless Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza.

Did he even get the 20 trucks of humanitarian aid waiting at the Rafah crossing – also bombed by the Israelis – from Egypt into Gaza before he left? No! (Those trucks, paltry though the supplies they carried, were allowed into Gaza on Saturday.)

Biden did come back with a bill for the American taxpayers – who for decades have been forced to pay for these Israeli wars. Now Biden wants Congress to approve $14 billion for Israel to address the colossal failure of Netanyahu’s extremist coalition to protect its own citizens on the border. (Adding only $100 million for Palestinian relief).

That sum of money, to be authorized without any Congressional hearings or Congressional oversight, is greater than the combined annual budgets of the FDA, OSHA, NHTSA and the section of HHS, whose missions are to reduce the loss of hundreds of thousands of preventable American fatalities in the workplace, on the highways, and in the marketplace and the hospitals. (See, the 2016 peer-reviewed study from the John Hopkins University of Medicine).

Lastly, still not calling a ceasefire, Biden is disregarding his own military’s private advice against an Israeli ground invasion of Gaza as raising the risk of a larger war in the Middle East that would clearly be against the national interests of the American people and U.S. security.

He could have done what President Eisenhower did in 1956, when he demanded that the Israeli, British and French attack on Egypt stop immediately.

And stop, they did!

After all, the U.S. has some influence over Israel, to put it mildly. The U.S. endorses all Israeli aggressions (including Israel’s admission to bombing hundreds of sites in Syria, mired in its civil war and no threat, in addition to striking Damascus International Airport). All with U.S. advanced weapons, and billions of dollars in annual aid to Israel, a prosperous military, technological and economic superpower. In fact, Israel’s social safety net is better than that of the U.S.!

Biden provides total diplomatic cover in the U.S. with Washington’s automatic UN vetoes, and pressures allies to follow the party line.

Moreover, Biden seems unwilling to recognize the historical origins of this conflict that now has mighty Israel occupying, colonizing, brutalizing and stealing land and water from the twenty-two percent of the original Palestine left for millions of Palestinians under Israeli daily control.

Biden should take a moment in the Oval Office to read page 121 of the book “The Jewish Paradox” by Nahum Goldman (January 1, 1978), the head of the World Zionist Organization. He quotes the leading Founder of the Israeli state, David Ben-Gurion as candidly saying to him: “If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we have taken their country. It is true God promised it to us, but how could that interest them? Our God is not theirs. There has been Anti-Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault? They see but one thing: we have come and stolen their country. Why would they accept that?”

Today’s Israeli leaders refuse to demonstrate this degree of empathy. Instead, they provoke and deny the creation of a Palestinian state, envisioned by the Oslo Accords they signed in 1993, hurl the most racist epithets (“animals,” “vermin,” “snakes,”), and make sure the politicians in the U.S. Congress never utter the words “Palestinians also have a right to defend themselves” as violently subjugated victims of Israel the superpower.

Many members of Congress who demand giving Israel whatever money and weaponry it wants for whatever it does, violating human rights under international law in its illegal occupations and blockade, turn around and vote against the child tax credit, worker health and safety, universal healthcare, paid family leave and daycare for Americans. Their viciousness – as with the homicidal outburst of Gen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) against all Palestinians, and Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) a Harvard Law graduate, saying “As far as I’m concerned, Israel can bounce the rubble in Gaza…” set new levels of depravity.

A few Senators see it differently, especially Senator Bernie Sanders (D-VT) who noted

“…it is no secret that Gaza has been an open-air prison” with “horrendous living conditions,” and that “children and innocent people do not deserve to be punished for the acts of Hamas.”

Little known is that Israel and the U.S. fostered and funded the rise of Hamas as a religious counterpoint to the secular Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO). It was established in 1987 following the first intifada uprising. A 2009 The Wall Street Journal article titled: “How Israel Helped to Spawn Hamas” noted:

“Instead of trying to curb Gaza’s Islamists from the outset, says Mr. Cohen, Israel for years tolerated and, in some cases, encouraged them as a counterweight to the secular nationalists of the Palestine Liberation Organization and its dominant faction…”

To Biden and the Congressional “howlers” for the death of civilian innocents, historical facts matter little. Hamas’ lethal attack on October 7th was preceded by far greater numbers of Israeli violent attacks over the past decades taking four hundred times the number of innocent Palestinian lives, injuries and other casualties than inflicted on innocent Israelis.

Image: Some of the wounded at al-Shifa hospital (Gaza Health Ministry)

Israel’s carpet bombing of Gaza will take twenty times or more lives of innocent Palestinians than those killed by Hamas on October 7th with the casualty toll of direct fatalities and the loss of life from the devastation of life-sustaining water, food, medicine, shelter and other hospital/clinic emergency infrastructure.

Also conveniently forgotten is the detailed peace offer to Israel in 2002, by 22 member states of the Arab League to establish diplomatic and trade relations with a recognized Israel in return for its retreating to the 1967 borders and creation of a Palestinian two-state solution. The Israel extremists in Congress and President G.W. Bush declined even to respond to this proposal. (See, the March 29, 2002 New York Times article: Mideast Turmoil; Text of the Peace Proposals Backed by the Arab League).

It is incumbent on the supreme military superpower in the region to take the initiative for peace over the powerless victims under its thralldom. That country is, of course, high-tech Israel, bristling with the latest weapons and nuclear atomic bombs.

Both the brave Israeli human rights groups and those courageous human rights Israelis standing shoulder to shoulder over the years striving to conduct non-violent civil disobedience at the besieged Palestinian village level, only to be dispersed by Israeli soldiers, know the real obstacle to peace. It is the plan by the right-wing Israeli parties to annex the entire Palestinian West Bank (nearly attempted under Donald Trump) and forcefully drive Palestinians into Jordan and Egypt.

Joe Biden is skilled at shedding tears at memorials of grief in this country. But he runs dry when the recurring catastrophes befalling Palestinians beg for his presidential compassion and actual deeds.

He will not escape history’s judgment.

[From Common Dreams: Our work is licensed under Creative Commons (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0). Feel free to republish and share widely.]


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Ralph Nader is a consumer advocate and the author of “The Seventeen Solutions: Bold Ideas for Our American Future” (2012). His new book is, “Wrecking America: How Trump’s Lies and Lawbreaking Betray All” (2020, co-authored with Mark Green).

Featured image: President Joe Biden participates in an impromptu private meeting with Israeli President Isaac Herzog at the Hotel Kempinski in Tel Aviv, Israel, Wednesday, October 18, 2023. (Official White House Photo by Erin Scott)

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The savage attacks Hamas inflicted upon the Israeli military and civilian population last week are utterly without justification, but not without explanation. The Arab/Israeli bloodlust has been going on since the end of World War I, most pointedly since 1947 when Zionist militias used violence to force 750,000 Palestinians from their villages and ancient homeland.

That process resulted in the establishment and international recognition of the State of Israel and the confinement of the Palestinian people to the Gaza strip in the west and to the West Bank in the east. Rather than amalgamate these folks into a democratic society — where individual rights are equal and the government respects them — Israeli governments have established an apartheid.

Gaza became an open-air concentration camp, doomed to poverty and cultural repression. The West Bank, meanwhile, keeps shrinking, as the Israeli government keeps encouraging and funding illegal Israeli settlements on land that the Palestinians have believed, because Israeli governments told them, was theirs.

The Israeli government repression of Palestinian natural urges for freedom, cultural identity and prosperity has resulted in extremists on both sides, and these people have fomented unspeakable violence.

How did Hamas come about? Hamas was the brainchild of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Netanyahu fomented and caused the Israeli government to fund Hamas so as to resist the political influence of Netanyahu’s long-time foe, the late Yasser Arafat, the head of the Palestine Liberation Organization.

Netanyahu and his government separated the Palestinian people not only geographically but also politically. His creation of Hamas was far more successful than he envisioned. As the Israeli repression of Gaza grew, as it became more of an open-air concentration camp, Hamas sought and received the political support of Gazans. It fomented the resistance Netanyahu hoped for, and that resistance morphed into violence, and that violence erupted savagely last week.

What role has the United States played in all this? The U.S. has been Israel’s best and most faithful friend since Israel’s creation. Israel is about the size and population of New Jersey. New Jerseyans pay hundreds of billions in federal taxes each year and receive about $800 million annually in return. Israel, which of course pays no taxes to the U.S. government, receives $4 billion annually in what the feds euphemistically call foreign aid.

Foreign aid is nowhere authorized in the Constitution. But we all know that the federal government does what the folks who control it believe will keep them in office, whether countenanced by the Constitution or not. The feds believe that they can enact any law, tax any event, regulate any behavior, fight any war, insinuate government into any relationship and spend money that they don’t have — the Constitution be damned.

In furtherance of that extra-constitutional behavior, the feds have supported Israeli governments no matter what they did. Israeli governments spy on the U.S. government, the White House and American citizens — no problem. Israeli government jets bombed the USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 171 American sailors — no problem. Israeli intelligence knew of 9/11 beforehand and didn’t warn the U.S. — no problem. The Israeli government wants to suppress and partially annihilate an ethnic group using American weapons — no problem. The Israeli government wants to kill more innocents than Hamas crazies did — no problem. The Israeli government wants American cash to do all this — no problem.

This unstinting U.S. support, just like the U.S. military support for the government of Ukraine, has brought about the deaths of innocents, and it has brought Israel and Ukraine to the most dangerous and unstable precipice that either country has stood upon in the past 50 years. Since the recent Hamas attacks and Ukraine military defeats, American politicians have called for more borrowing from the Chinese so as to give the Netanyahu and Ukraine governments more cash. This will add to the federal government’s $33 trillion debt and push American prices up and employment down.

Instead of negotiating or even spending for peace, the U.S. has encouraged and paid for wars. Instead of using its enormous economic might to facilitate prosperity, the U.S. has, quoting U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, “projected power on both fronts,” meaning in the Middle East and in Ukraine. Power? It has projected and caused death and destruction, just as the U.S. did with its “power” in Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq.

Is that the goal of U.S. foreign policy — to project power? If it is, it is not working.

My friend and colleague, former Rep. Dr. Ron Paul, has argued eloquently not only that Russia has won the war in Ukraine despite U.S. efforts to use Ukraine as a battering ram to impair Vladimir Putin’s presidency, but that Hamas has won its war with Israel. How so? Hamas’s goal was to bring out the worst in the Netanyahu government and to arouse support for a Palestinian state among Arab and Muslim peoples. In that respect, Hamas has succeeded. Israeli rage is justified. But the intentional slaughter of innocents — Israeli or Palestinian — is not.

Where does all this leave the United States and the American people?

We have a president who cannot put two sentences together, much less credibly negotiate with foreign heads of state for peace. We have a Congress beholden to the intelligence community and the military-industrial complex. We have one big government party in Washington. It is pro-welfare, pro-warfare, pro-deep state, pro-security state and pro-administrative state; but it is not pro-Constitution or pro-limited government or pro-personal liberty or pro-peace.

U.S. foreign policy — no matter who is in the White House or which major political party controls Congress — stokes festering rage wherever it goes. What will that bring us? As of this writing, it is bringing 2,000 American troops to Tel Aviv. History shows indisputably that when all else fails, governments bring us to war.


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In reality, neither of the two conflicts that he tried comparing have anything to do with one another since they’re derived from completely different origins, nor are they connected to democracy in the way that he spun them as being.

Biden’s second presidential address last Thursday strongly implied that World War III is either rapidly approaching or is already being fought but has yet to be acknowledged. He pushed this innuendo through his comparison of the NATO-Russian proxy war in Ukraine with the latest IsraeliHamas war, which he spun as part of a global struggle between democracies and dictatorships. Biden also referenced World War II by adding that Americans are once again “building the arsenal of democracy”.

His fearmongering sought to explain why he planned to ask Congress to fund both conflicts to the tune of $75 billion as part of a $106 billion national security package, with $61 earmarked for Ukraine and $14 for Israel. The larger context within which this rare Oval Office speech took place is the congressional dysfunction caused by the removal of former House Speaker McCarthy and the lack of a replacement thus far. Biden’s remarks were obviously meant to pressure lawmakers to reach a compromise on this.

There’s more to it than just that, however, since the real reason is to maintain the military-industrial complex’s (MIC) profits after they were abruptly thrown into uncertainty as a result of this month’s congressional dysfunction. Further funding for Ukraine was already more controversial than ever due to next year’s upcoming elections, the consequent exacerbation of partisan divisions on all issues, and Kiev’s disastrous counteroffensive, which proved that all the tranches this year failed to defeat Russia.

These factors combined to create a formidable challenge to Biden’s funding plans, which can’t be secured without first electing McCarthy’s replacement, ergo the need to scare lawmakers into a compromise to this end through his fearmongering about WWIII. In reality, neither of the two conflicts that he tried comparing have anything to do with one another since they’re derived from completely different origins, nor are they connected to democracy in the way that he spun them as being.

The Eastern European one was provoked by the US unilaterally eroding Russia’s legitimate national security interests over the years to the point where the latter finally felt that it had no choice but to kinetically react in defense of them. By contrast, the latest West Asian one was indirectly caused by the US’ refusal to force the Israel into granting Palestine independence per international law, which led to the political conditions that Hamas exploited to justify its terrorist attack that directly sparked this war.

The US is therefore responsible for both conflicts in its own way, which broke out as a result of its aforementioned policies that were driven by the desire to uphold its declining unipolar hegemony in each region. As for the democratic dimension of these conflicts, it’s the opposite of what Biden spun it as being. The US planned to Balkanize Russia after militarily blackmailing it in Eastern Europe while at the same time supporting Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestine in West Asia.

Viewed from this perspective, it’s revealed that each conflict was actually triggered by the US’ anti-democratic prioritization of its hegemonic interests in Eastern Europe and West Asia, not by Russia and Hamas’ supposed obsession with “completely annihilating neighboring democracies”. This insight exposes Biden’s rhetorical fallacies and sheds light on the real reason why he’s so desperate to have Congress secure more funding for these conflicts, namely to maintain the MIC’s profits.

There are geostrategic motives as well, but precedent proves that neither conflict’s goals are achievable by funding alone after the over $110 billion given to Ukraine over the past 20 months failed to defeat Russia while the $124 billion given to Israel since 1946 failed to subdue the Palestinians. That’s not to say that funding plays no role in implementing strategy, but just that it’s not the determining factor in these two conflicts, whose respective goals have yet to be achieved despite overly generous funding.

That objectively being the case, the only reason why Biden is pressuring Congress to urgently compromise on McCarthy’s replacement in order to then pass his latest $106 billion funding request is to maintain the MIC’s profits, which are nowadays predicated on the “new normal” since February 2022. Russia’s special operation was a godsend to these companies since it created the pretext upon which they could resecure their Old Cold War-era funding and thus reach similar profit margins once again.  

All their plans from that point onward were based on the expectation that Congress would continually be pressured to rubberstamp their requests on the grounds that refusing to do so would be both unpatriotic and recklessly endanger what they were told are the US’ national interests. That’s why these companies weren’t all that concerned about the grassroots and partisan pressure that combined to make further funding for Ukraine more controversial than ever in recent months.

What none of them accounted for, however, was the Republicans’ “Ultra-MAGA” faction successfully carrying out a “regime change” against House Speaker McCarthy, which threw Congress into chaos and thus abruptly threatened their business plans after further funding could no longer be guaranteed. They’re desperate to get everything back on track as soon as possible, which is why their lobbyists pulled some strings to get Biden to fearmonger about World War III for this purpose, but it might not succeed.


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This article was originally published on Andrew Korybko’s Newsletter.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Margaret Thatcher, Britain’s most feted post-war prime minister, was fiercely pro-Jewish and a powerful enemy of antisemitism.

But she was never afraid to call out Israeli war crimes, and did so repeatedly.

When the Israeli army stood by in September 1982 as Christian Phalangists slaughtered Palestinian refugees and Lebanese citizens in the Shatila and Sabra refugee camps, she described the massacres as “an act of pure barbarism”.

And, as historian David Cronin has exposed in an illuminating article for Declassified, she wrote to then US President Ronald Reagan of “an urgent need for a balanced policy”, adding that “unlimited support for Israel can only lead to growing polarisation and despair in the Arab world”.

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, who flew into Tel Aviv to meet Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on 19 October, loves to present himself as the heir to Margaret Thatcher.

This is nonsense.

The historical record shows that Thatcher would have arrived in Tel Aviv swinging her handbag. Of course, she would have extended her deepest sympathy to Israel for the attack on 7 October. But she would also – as a strong supporter of Israel – have given Netanyahu a stern lecture on morality, international law – and global statesmanship.

What a contrast with pitiful Sunak, who has come to Israel as Netanyahu’s poodle.

Reckless Language

Sunak made a mistake when he expressed Britain’s “unequivocal” support for Israel, thus giving Netanyahu, leader of the most far-right government in the country’s history, carte blanche to order war crimes.

Sunak’s reckless language means that Britain is already complicit in the carnage committed across Gaza by Israeli bombing over the last 12 days, the destruction of hospitals and civilian infrastructure, the targeting of schools, the wiping out of entire families, and the slaughter ofapproaching 4,000 Palestinians.

To be fair, this policy of giving Israel impunity to commit war crimes did not start with Sunak.

It was reaffirmed recently by then Prime Minister Boris Johnson who, in a letter to the Conservative Friends of Israel in April 2021, announced that he would block an International Criminal Court investigation into war crimes committed by Israel.

In a further show of support for Israel, on 18 October, Sunak ordered Britain to abstain on the United Nations resolution calling for “humanitarian pauses” in order to deliver essential aid to save lives in Gaza.

Britain was the only country to abstain apart from Russia, with the US vetoing the resolution.

Netanyahu would have got the message: carry on bombing.

I have studied Sunak’s comments to the media and speeches in parliament. There has not been one mention, let alone condemnation, of Israel’s declared policy of collective punishment, as formally set out by Israeli defence minister, Yoav Gallant, with his announcement of a “complete siege of the Gaza Strip” with  “no electricity, no food, no fuel, everything is closed”. Even though such action is illegal under international law.

Sunak’s government is seemingly untroubled by Gallant’s claim that Israel was fighting “human animals”.

Gallant has since made the terrible statement that Israel “will eliminate everything” in Gaza. No condemnation from Sunak or his government. Many Palestinians understandably see this as genocidal language. 

Murderous message

Gallant, remember, is the minister in charge of Israeli troops.

He is sending a murderous message to the soldiers under his authority who, if Israeli plans go ahead, will soon be entering the densely populated Gazan enclave, home to 2.3 million people.

Meanwhile, Sunak has already deployed a naval task force – including a company of Royal Marines, two ships and three helicopters – to the Eastern Mediterranean in support of Israel.

According to a British government statement, this military package will “reinforce regional stability”. Yet Sunak imposed no conditions in return for this support. No demands for restraint. No reminders of Israel’s solemn duty to protect civilian life.

When asked by Matt Frei of Channel 4 News whether he would be urging restraint on Israel, Sunak wouldn’t even answer.

This is especially remarkable given the outbreak of dehumanising language among Israel’s political and media elite over the past few days.

The activist Yehuda Shaul has compiled a collection of such quotes. They are beyond chilling. Likud MP Revital Gottlieb calls on Israel to “bring down buildings! Bomb without distinction! Flatten Gaza. Without mercy!”

Another Likud MP, Ariel Kallner, calls for “Nakba to the enemy now”.

This deranged discourse has raised no concern from Sunak’s Downing Street. Not even an eyebrow. There’s been no rebuke, and it’s easy to see why. The most senior politicians in Israel are at it. Up to and including President Isaac Herzog himself. “Nobody is innocent in Gaza,” according to him.

Fair Game for Slaughter

Think of the licence to kill this grim statement from Israel’s head of state sends out to Israeli troops ahead of the looming invasion.

According to Herzog, Gaza’s civilians are fair game for the slaughter.

There’s no evidence this troubles Sunak, who met Herzog on his visit to Tel Aviv. Sunak’s message: carry on with the slaughter.

Israel has killed more than 1,500 children in Gaza since the latest bombing began. Not even a passing mention. 

In the West Bank, Palestinians are under systematic settler attack amid fears of a wave of ethnic cleansing. No mention.

At one point, Sunak even extended his sycophancy towards Netanyahu into servility, telling the Israeli prime minister at their joint press conference that “I know that you are taking every precaution to avoid harming civilians” – a lie which insults the memory of the thousands of Palestinians killed or injured in Israeli bombing raids over the last 12 days.’

All this means that Sunak’s visit to Israel is a shaming day for Britain. It marks the moment that all my country’s claims to represent fairness, decency and the rule of law – admittedly always hypocritical and self-interested – have been abandoned.

Sunak’s moral vacuum alarms even the dictators and despots whom Britain counts as allies across the wider Middle East. The British prime minister apparently plans to make a series of visits across the region in the days ahead.

Exactly where is being kept secret, officially for security reasons. The real reason, it is not difficult to guess, is that Sunak is no longer welcome and fears being snubbed.

Ever since the Second World War, Britain has claimed to stand up for what we fondly call liberal values. He’s made these values worthless. It is hard to exaggerate the scale of this betrayal. 

I also think that Sunak’s moral negligence is a tragedy for Israel itself. The last thing Israel needs at this dark moment is a blank cheque to commit further war crimes.

Sunak had an opportunity, as a true friend of Israel, to urge restraint. He has not taken it.


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Peter Oborne won best commentary/blogging in both 2022 and 2017, and was also named freelancer of the year in 2016 at the Drum Online Media Awards for articles he wrote for Middle East Eye. He was also named as British Press Awards Columnist of the Year in 2013. He resigned as chief political columnist of the Daily Telegraph in 2015. His latest book is The Fate of Abraham: Why the West is Wrong about Islam, published in May by Simon & Schuster. His previous books include The Triumph of the Political Class, The Rise of Political Lying, Why the West is Wrong about Nuclear Iran and The Assault on Truth: Boris Johnson, Donald Trump and the Emergence of a New Moral Barbarism.

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In Rochester, New York, a religious center received enough threats around an in-person event about Palestine that the program had to be moved online. In Arlington, Virginia, bomb threats forced the country’s largest American Muslim civil rights group to move a banquet partially focused on Gaza to an undisclosed location. In Houston, a hotel pulled out of hosting a conference organized by a prominent Palestinian rights group due to “escalating security concerns.” In Brooklyn, a right-wing City Councilperson brought a gun to a student protest for Gaza. And in Washington, DC, a United States senator called for a Justice Department investigation into student supporters of Palestine.

As Israel’s bombardment of Gaza continues, Americans are expressing their opposition on college campuses, on social media, and in the streets. But the dissent has come with a cost. Across the US, supporters of Palestinian rights are facing a severe and unprecedented backlash to their speech and activism, ranging from university condemnations of student protest to death threats and intimidation from pro-Israel groups.

“We’ve had an exponential surge in requests for legal help. It has been like nothing we’ve seen before,” said Radhika Sainath, a senior staff attorney at Palestine Legal, which defends the free speech rights of Palestine advocates.

Since October 8th, the group has responded to nearly 200 reports of “suppression of Palestinian rights advocacy”—almost as many incidents as they addressed in all of last year. According to Sainath, attorneys have spoken to everyone from “people being fired from their jobs for tweets or social media messages that support Palestinian human rights” to student critics of Israel who are being “doxxed and put on a website called ‘College Terror List,’” which seeks to make them unemployable.

“There is an increase in people who are really concerned with the genocidal intentions of Israel right now—and they’re being met with immense McCarthyite backlash and suppression,” Sainath said.

Colleges and universities are the epicenter of this renewed Palestine solidarity activism, and have quickly become prime sites of the reprisals against it. For years, Israel-advocacy groups have worked to police public discourse on campuses, where pro-Palestinian sentiment is more visible than in perhaps any other forum of American life. Supporters of Israel have urged institutions to cancel pro-Palestine events, created blacklists of students deemed “antisemitic” for their Palestine activism, filed civil rights complaints against universities for allowing such activism, and pressed universities to fire professors who criticize Israel. And since October 7th—when Hamas attacked Israel, and Israel began bombing Gaza—a new wave of activism has garnered fresh backlash.

Last week, student groups at Yale, Dartmouth, and Princeton, among others, posted statements of solidarity with Palestine, arguing that the present violence in Israel/Palestine has its roots in Israel’s oppression of Palestinians; many specifically cited Israel’s ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in 1948 and the 16-year blockade of the Gaza Strip as catalysts for recent events. On October 8th, in a statement co-signed by 34 other student groups, Harvard’s Palestine Solidarity Committee said that they “hold the Israeli regime entirely responsible for all unfolding violence.” The next day, Yale’s pro-Palestinian student group, Yalies4Palestine, released a statement that read: “We mourn the tragic loss of civilian lives, and for this we hold the Zionist regime accountable.”

Screenshot of the Joint Statement by Harvard Palestine Solidarity Groups

The backlash to these efforts has been swift and resounding. Two days after the Harvard students released their statement, for instance, more than 350 Harvard faculty signed a letter saying that the activists’ stance amounted to “nothing less than condoning the mass murder” of Israelis. Several US lawmakers issued similar denunciations. And the opposition did not stop there. On October 12th, the right-wing group Accuracy in Media dispatcheda truck to Cambridge, Massachusetts, to publicize images of students who were thought to be part of signatory organizations. The truck was emblazoned with the URL “,” which redirected to the Accuracy in Media site. According to a former American Civil Liberties Union president who spoke to the New York Times, such actions aim to suppress students’ speech. They may also be impacting their employment prospects: After the Harvard students’ letter was published, CEOs at multiple companies publicly demanded that the university release the names of students whose groups had signed the statement so that they could be sure not to hire them. And the prominent law firm Davis Polk rescinded three job offers it had made to students suspected of signing the Harvard statement and a similar statement at Columbia University. (After two of the students said they had not been involved in their groups’ decisions to sign, the firm said it would reconsider.)

Such job offer revocations are sometimes accompanied by further harassment, as in the case of New York University Law School’s student body president Ryna Workman. On October 10th, Workman sent a newsletter to the law school’s student body expressing solidarity with Palestinians and blaming the “tremendous loss of life” in the region on Israel’s apartheid regime. In a statement sent to journalists, Workman said their message was “inspired [by] what many Jewish peace activists and Israelis, including the editorial board of Israel’s largest newspaper, have voiced over the past week in response to the violence.” However, in response to their newsletter, Workman lost a job offer at the law firm Winston & Strawn. The law school’s Student Bar Association also voted to begin the process of ousting Workman as student body president, and NYU law alumni have since called for their expulsion from the university. “I’ve been getting death threats online,” Workman said in the statement, adding that they have been attacked for being Black, queer, and nonbinary. “The harassment campaign against me has targeted all facets of my identity.”

Students say that educational institutions have not done enough to protect them from such harassment. For instance, at an October 12th pro-Israel gathering at Columbia University, a self-described Columbia administrative employee told student reporters that he wished students at the Palestine rally would “die.” Pro-Palestine student activists at Columbia told Jewish Currents that the incident was only one example of the harassment they had faced. “Students on campus have been taunted in the dining hall, hijabs have been ripped off, students have been spat on, just for things like wearing a keffiyeh,” one member of the Columbia chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), who wished to remain anonymous due to fear of retaliation, said in an interview. Students said the Columbia administration’s response had fallen short. On October 18th, the university’s president sent a message to Columbia staff and students lamenting those who “are using this moment to spread antisemitism, Islamophobia, bigotry against Palestinians and Israelis, and various other forms of hate,” and referenced “that some of this abhorrent rhetoric is coming from members of our community, including members of our faculty and staff,” but the message did not specifically address the threat to pro-Palestine ralliers or other incidents of harassment on campus. (In response to questions from Jewish Currents, a Columbia spokesperson said “the safety of our campus community is our primary and ongoing concern.”)

Some institutions have themselves cracked down on students’ political expression. A high school student in Frankfort, Illinois, who requested anonymity because they are applying to universities, said that on October 13th, school officials told a group of Palestinian students to stop wearing keffiyehs—scarves that are a Palestinian national symbol.

Such policing of expression is sometimes backed up by disciplinary actions. Maddy Ward, a student at Rockland Community College at the State University of New York, told Jewish Currents that when she interrupted a “unity gathering for Israel” by walking in and shouting, “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” and “Jews for Palestine,” campus police officers told her that she would be subject to a campus disciplinary hearing, and that her actions could also be investigated as a crime. Ward was punished in advance of the October 19th disciplinary hearing by not being permitted to register for classes or obtain a transcript, according to a letter from a school official that Ward shared with Jewish Currents. Palestine Legal said that this move raised concerns about due process—as did the university’s denial of Ward’s request to have Sainath, the Palestine Legal attorney, present via speakerphone during the hearing. “They’re trying to criminalize and suppress people for speaking out,” Ward said. In a letter to the college, Palestine Legal said the administration’s actions raise “serious First Amendment and due process concerns.” (A spokesperson for the university told Jewish Currents that “officials are investigating an incident involving an allegation of disruption at an on-campus event” and that the school “is following applicable procedures set forth in the Student Code of Conduct.”)

On other campuses, the threats to Palestine activists have been even more severe, such as the October 12th rally at Brooklyn College where Inna Vernikov, a Republican New York City Councilwoman, showed up openly carrying a gun. Vernikov filmed herself calling the student ralliers “pro-Hamas” and “nothing short of terrorists without the bombs.” (The councilwoman was later arrested for openly carrying a weapon at a rally, which is prohibited in New York.) One member of Brooklyn College’s SJP chapter, who asked to remain anonymous due to safety concerns, said that students were alarmed by Vernikov’s presence. “We felt threatened. A lot of students felt like their lives were in danger,” they said. SJP leaders at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, recounted similar fears amid the barrage of death threats that followed their Instagram posts defending Palestinians’ “right to resist.” “We haven’t been to classes in a week because we feel unsafe,” said Ruya Hazeyen, a co-president of the school’s SJP chapter. Hazeyan said that the university administration has temporarily exempted her from attending class, but that she hasn’t received any further information from the school on what she and the other students should be doing in response to the threats.

While many of these threats have been aimed at student activists, Palestine Legal’s Sainath said the climate of repression has also affected professors and university administrators. “Professors are being questioned, their classes are being canceled, and they are being locked out of their emails over supporting Palestinian rights,” she said. “Some university administrators have reported to us that they feel that they can’t even publicly support their Palestinian students right now.” Pro-Israel donors have also put pressure on institutions themselves. Multiple donors to Harvard said they would cut off their funds because the university had been too slow to condemn the Hamas attack and the student groups’ statement. Some donors to the University of Pennsylvania have also said they will no longer fund the school because of what they described as its “silence” on the Hamas attacks, though the president in fact condemned Hamas’s “abhorrent attacks” three days after the assault.

While campuses are at the center of the clash over pro-Palestinian speech, human rights groups and other non-academic institutions have also been targeted by harassment campaigns. A co-leader of local solidarity group Rochester Witness Palestine, who requested anonymity due to safety concerns, told Jewish Currents that Ahmad Abuznaid, the executive director of the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights (USCPR), was scheduled to give an in-person keynote speech in Rochester, New York, during an October 13th event. The speech was slated to be held at an Islamic center in Rochester; however, the center had to pull out of hosting the event because of threats it received. (Abuznaid spoke online instead.) Such concerns have also affected other events in Rochester, with a Palestinian film festival organized by Witness Palestine also being moved online after the host theater pulled out for safety reasons.

The Rochester talk featuring Abuznaid was not the only USCPR event that was affected. In Texas, a Hilton hotel canceled the group’s upcoming conference, saying that it posed “potential risks to our Team Members and guests.” But the hotel did not cite “any specific threats or provid[e] any record of the threats received,” Abuznaid said, noting that “without any of that information, it’s hard to believe they didn’t simply cave to anti-Palestinian racists.” Texas Governor Greg Abbott praised the hotel for canceling an event he said was put on by “Hamas supporters,” adding that “no location in Texas should host or sponsor USCPR.” Meanwhile, in Virginia, the Council on American Islamic Relations, the largest Muslim American civil rights group, said it had to move the location of an annual banquet because, after it updated the event programming to focus on Palestinian human rights, the hotel hosting the event received calls from anonymous people threatening “to plant bombs in the hotel’s parking garage, kill specific hotel staff in their homes, and storm the hotel.”

As the Israeli bombing of Gaza continues with no end in sight, Sainath said she is bracing for more such instances. “The repression we’re seeing is different in nature and more intense than anything we have witnessed in recent years,” she said. At the same time, Sainath predicts the crackdown on speech won’t stop dissent. “People of conscience—particularly of the youngest generations—are continuing to speak out despite immense personal risk,” she said.


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Featured image: This was the biggest Keffiyeh Thursday in Harvard history. Our deepest thank you’s to the students, faculty, and staff that walked out of class today to protest the genocide unfolding in front of our eyes. May we never stop fighting for Palestine. May we see a free Palestine in our lifetime. May we always be surrounded by people willing to stand up for what they believe in. In solidarity always (Source: @harvardpsc Instagram)

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Think back to October of 2019 when there was a “simulation” of a global corona pandemic that was a ‘chapter and verse’ prediction of the real Covid-19 Pandemic declared only 20 weeks later. It was called Event 201, and it resulted in an agreement among the representatives who had come from all sectors society: Craft a narrative for the governmental / industrial / media complex to hammer society with, stick to it and ignore or attack any assessment not in line with the agreed-upon story line. 

That’s what happened, and it continues to this day. A pall of censorship descended on the planet, and “higher education” of the Western world has protected the iron-clad official narrative every step of the way with all of its vaunted reputation. But you might have seen that coming. After all, Event 201 was a “tabletop exercise” run not only by the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation but also by the respected Johns Hopkins University.  

That there are universities in the US being paid to manufacture strategies to counteract information and perspectives out of step with official governmental accounts is naked fact. Departments within major universities are serving as censors in the interest of governmental power, and they brag about it. And isn’t it of more than passing interest that the positions most rigidly protected are official stories on the 2020 election and of Covid-19, the latter in particular? 

It’s the same way in Canada. Glaring falsehoods within governmental claims regarding Covid-19 quickly generated reactions from within the medical community itself, one of the most compelling being from America’s Frontline Doctors. But the group was attacked by esteemed McGill University through its Office of Science and Society. Simply look at what McGill labelled as misinformation in 2021 in light of what has been revealed since then. 

Meanwhile, on the other side of the Atlantic, universities in England, Finland, Germany, France, and Portugal (a Canadian university also is found in this group) joined to form Jitsuvax, a collective dedicated to ferreting out any form of “misinformation” that might lead people to be “less likely to accept vaccination”, and finding ways of combatting such unwanted information. In each of those countries, the universities involved are major representatives of the nation’s Academy. Consider that England’s Cambridge University, a Jitsuvax member, was the alma mater of both Isaac Newton and Charles Darwin in order to get a better understanding of how far the Western university has declined as an environment fostering wide open thinking and exchange, and has instead become a tool of official power. 

Jitsuvax refers one to a list of 19 “Myths about Covid-19 vaccination”, a ridiculous blend of lies (eg,“FACT: The Covid-19 vaccine do not have side effects that appear only after a long time”) buried among self-evident truths (eg, “FACT: Sadly, old, frail, and vulnerable people sometimes die”). Future side effects of the Covid-19 vaccine are something no human could ever predict, but that particular lie may be in play right now, because there is an expectation from multiple medical voices of damaging impacts manifesting only years after receiving the Covid-19 vaccine. In fact, the very reason that it has traditionally taken many years before vaccines of any sort are considered safe enough for wide distribution is that postponed repercussions are always possibilities. Even Anthony Fauci explained that at one time. 

There are key takeaways from watching Event 201’s so-called “top global leaders and decision makers” from finance, education, public relations, the military, TV networks, banking and finance, commerce, the UN and health/medicine (including China’s CDC). The gathering acknowledged the growing public distrust in the public health profession. At the same time (and don’t forget that this “exercise” was months before the Covid-19 Pandemic was declared) they knew that what they would consider to be misinformation was certain to be showing up on the internet, that it would be impossible to stop it altogether, and that the best way to counter it would be to “flood” the information environment with an enforced, agreed-on official narrative. 

Regarding misinformation, all discussion in Event 201 assumed it would all be coming from “bad actors” with malicious intentions. The notion that revelation of deception, or opinions hostile to the official account, could come from legitimate medical and scientific sources was not entertained. And of course, sound medical and scientific information not conforming to the agreed-on official narrative would inevitably be labeled as misinformation. In sum, then, all those self-appointed global experts were unable or unwilling to face the fact that society’s growing distrust of certified “public health” (a distrust vastly more pervasive now than in those pre-Pandemic days) is based not, primarily, on misinformation from “bad actors” but on the spectacle of competent medical and scientific sources being unjustifiably trashed as purveyors of misinformation. 

In the real world, this “flooding” of official public health data and advice these past nearly four years, along with concerted blocking of valid scientific information, has led to dissenting doctors and other medical personnel being harassed by medical boards, penalized and delicensed. Central to the official presentation was that there were no effective and available treatments for Covid-19, so that hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, both inexpensive and having been shown effective in treating Covid-19, were made illegal or unavailable so as to justify the “emergency use authorization” of an expensive “vaccine” based on a technology, untested in humans, being rushed into production. 

All over the West, the Academy, supposedly the bastion of free inquiry, has shown itself to be as craven and corruptible as any sector of political rot. Much of it has sold its soul in the interest of protecting the “flood” of an officially designated narrative that is increasingly seen as driven by corporate profiteering. But the monetary issue itself, in the long run, may come to be seen as of declining significance, relatively. This is because the authorized narrative, so carefully protected, appears to be an important part of a secretive and nefarious global project the ultimate goal of which is only now beginning to be sufficiently explored.  


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Bill Willers is an emeritus professor of biology, University of Wisconsin at Oshkosh. He is founder of the Superior Wilderness Action Network and editor of Learning to Listen to the Land, and Unmanaged Landscapes, both from Island Press. He can be contacted at [email protected]

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Red Voice Media

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

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The US government may be complicit under international law in Israel’s unfolding genocide of the Palestinian people, a group of legal scholars warned the Biden administration and the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court.

Lawyers at the Center for Constitutional Rights issued the dire warning to President Joe Biden, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin in a 44-page emergency brief on Wednesday, on the heels of Biden’s trip to the Middle East. There, Biden reiterated his administration’s unwavering support for Israel — even as the Israeli government wages an unprecedented bombing campaign on the occupied Gaza Strip in retaliation for a horrific attack by Hamas that killed more than 1,400 Israeli citizens.

“Israel’s mass bombings and denial of food, water, and electricity are calculated to destroy the Palestinian population in Gaza,” Katherine Gallagher, senior attorney with CCR and a legal representative for victims in the pending ICC investigation in Palestine, told The Intercept. “U.S. officials can be held responsible for their failure to prevent Israel’s unfolding genocide, as well as for their complicity, by encouraging it and materially supporting it.”

“We recognize that we make serious charges in this document — but they are not unfounded,” she added. “There is a credible basis for these claims.”

A State Department spokesperson declined to comment, saying,

“As a general matter, we don’t offer public evaluations of reports or briefs by outside groups.”

The White House and Pentagon did not immediately respond to a request for comment. On Wednesday, the U.S. vetoed a United Nations Security Council resolution that condemned all violence against civilians and urged humanitarian aid to Palestinians in Gaza. The U.S. opposed the resolution because it did not reference Israel’s right to defend itself.

Israel has invoked that right in its assault on Gaza, which has already killed more than 4,200 Palestinians and displaced more than 1 million. But collective punishment — including measures like Israel’s blockade on fuel, food, and electricity into the occupied territory — and the indiscriminate targeting of civilians constitute war crimes under international law. A number of legal experts have argued the actions may also amount to crimes against humanity and genocide, as defined under the 1948 Genocide Convention. On Thursday, a panel of U.N. experts issued a separate statement that condemned the bombings of schools and hospitals in Gaza as crimes against humanity and warned that there is a risk the crimes might escalate to genocide.

“We are sounding the alarm: There is an ongoing campaign by Israel resulting in crimes against humanity in Gaza,” the experts wrote. “Considering statements made by Israeli political leaders and their allies, accompanied by military action in Gaza and escalation of arrests and killing in the West Bank, there is also a risk of genocide against the [Palestinian] people.”

While warnings about a potential genocide have grown more numerous in recent days, some international law experts cautioned that the war crimes and crimes against humanity — including the crime of apartheid — of which Israel has long been accused are no less serious. As one international law scholar put it: “[T]here is no hierarchy of international crimes.” The problem is that Israel has not been held accountable for any of its past crimes, making accountability for its ongoing offensive unlikely.

Under international law, the crime of genocide implicates not only those carrying out the crime, but also those complicit in it, including by “aiding and abetting.”

According to the CCR brief, Israel is attempting to commit, if not already committing, the crime of genocide, specifically against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip. The U.S. government is failing to uphold its obligation to prevent a genocide from happening, the brief adds. Additionally, there is a “plausible and credible case” to be made that ongoing and unconditional U.S. military, diplomatic, and political support for Israel’s military intervention against the people of Gaza may make it complicit in the genocide under international law. (The U.S. has its own version of the law, making it a crime for any U.S. citizen — including the president — to commit, attempt, or incite genocide.)

“Rather than continuing to enable Israeli crimes, the U.S. should pressure Israel to stop its military operations and secure a ceasefire, and to ensure the provision of urgently needed humanitarian assistance and basic necessities for life to Palestinians in Gaza,” Gallagher said.

The CCR briefing also calls on the government to address the root causes behind the recent violence, including Israel’s 16-year siege on Gaza, its 56-year-long illegal occupation of the Palestinian territories, “and the apartheid regime across all of historic Palestine.”

Unconditional Support

As Israel continues to plan for a ground invasion of Gaza, the U.S. sent it a shipment of armored vehicles on Thursday, following shipments of U.S-made advanced weaponry earlier this month. Biden is expected to argue for greater military support for Israel in a Thursday night address.

Israel has historically been the largest recipient of U.S. military assistance — to the tune of $158 billion since the country’s establishment in 1948. That funding has increasingly come under scrutiny in the U.S., including following Israeli forces’ killings of several U.S. citizens. On Wednesday, a senior State Department official resigned from his post, citing the U.S. government’s ongoing provision of lethal arms to Israel.

“I cannot work in support of a set of major policy decisions, including rushing more arms to one side of the conflict, that I believe to be shortsighted, destructive, unjust, and contradictory to the very values that we publicly espouse,” Josh Paul, the former director of congressional and public affairs for the State Department’s Bureau of Political-Military Affairs, wrote in a letter. “If we want a world shaped by what we perceive to be our values, it is only by conditioning strategic imperatives by moral ones, by holding our partners, and above all by holding ourselves, to those values, that we will see it.”

Asked about the resignation on Thursday, State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller said,

“We have made very clear that we strongly support Israel’s right to defend itself, we’re going to continue providing the security assistance that they need to defend themselves.”

This week, legal experts also testified before the United Nations Human Rights Committee, specifically calling on members of the international body to urgently address the unfolding crimes and particularly hold the U.S. accountable for its role in them.

“If such a body fails in this particular genocidal moment to reassert its commitment to the right to life our collective humanity will be profoundly diminished,” Ahmad Abuznaid, a human rights lawyer and director of the U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights, told the committee.

He also warned against the rippling effects of U.S. support for Israel and dehumanization of Palestinians, referring to the killing of a 6-year-old in Chicago last week. “As U.S. politicians and mainstream media beat the war drums for genocide, repeating dehumanizing rhetoric and misinformation about our people, that has not only emboldened Israel’s genocidal acts but also had alarming consequences in the U.S.”


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Featured image: Some of the wounded at al-Shifa hospital (Gaza Health Ministry)

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Israel demanded the evacuation of 20 hospitals in the northern Gaza Strip, six of which have already been evacuated, an Israeli security official said on Saturday.

“Four hospitals refused the evacuation orders while the rest are in the process of being evacuated,” the unnamed official told the Israeli Broadcasting Corporation.

The official claimed that “about 30,000 Palestinians came to the shelters surrounding Shifa Hospital to act as human shields.”

The UN and international institutions said, during the past few days, that there is a humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip as a result of the Israeli bombing and siege imposed on Gaza.

However, the Israeli official said:

“There is no humanitarian crisis in Gaza.”

“So far, 700,000 citizens have been evacuated from the northern Gaza Strip to the southern Gaza Valley,” he said.

Israel had asked about 1.1 million Palestinians in the northern Gaza Strip to evacuate their homes and head to south.


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The BJP-led government in India is seeking to extract revenge for the humiliating defeat it suffered at the hands of farmers whose one-year agitation led to the repeal of three farm laws in late 2021.  

This claim was made during a recent press conference in Delhi held by the Samyukta Kisan Morcha (SKM) (United Farmers Front).  

The SKM was formed in November 2020 as a coalition of more than 40 Indian farmers’ unions to coordinate non-violent resistance against three farm acts initiated two months before.   

Asserting that the laws violated the constitution and were anti-farmer and pro big business, the SKM announced renewed agitation and expressed grave concern about a crackdown by the government against the online media platform NewsClick, which supported the farmers throughout their one-year struggle.  

Those present heard that there has been “baseless dishonest and false allegations in the Newsclick FIR against the historic farmers’ struggle” and that the “FIR accuses the farmers’ movement as anti-national, funded by foreign and terrorist forces”. 

An FIR is a ‘first information report’: a document prepared by police in India when they receive information about the commission of a “cognisable” (serious) offence. 

Delhi Police issued an FIR against NewsClick founder Prabir Purkayastha and the human resources head Amit Chakravarty, which infers that the farmers’ movement was aimed at stopping the supply of essential goods for citizens and creating law and order issues. 

An article on The Hindu newspaper’s Frontline portal describes the nature of the FIR, which goes far beyond the farmers’ issue, and concludes police actions along with the FIR marks a major low point for media freedom in India. 

According to Frontline, the police raids on the offices of NewsClick and the residences of virtually anyone associated with it; the indiscriminate seizure of the electronic devices of journalists and other employees; the sealing of the news portal’s main office; the arrest of its founder-editor and its administrative officer on terrorism-related charges; and the searches conducted at the premises of NewsClick and the home of its founder-editor mark the lowest point for media freedom in India since the Emergency of 1975-1977. 

The withdrawal of the FIR against Newsclick was called for during the press conference. There was also a demand for the immediate release of NewsClick journalists.  

The SKM said that farmers across the country will burn copies of the FIR on 6 November after a sustained campaign at village level against the government’s pro-corporate policies from 1-5 November.    

The farmers’ coalition also pledged to campaign in five poll-going states with the slogan “Oppose Corporate, Punish BJP, Save Country.”  

And a 72-hour sit-in will take place in front of the Raj Bhawans (official residences of state governors) in state capitals between 26 and 28 November.  

The SKM states that the farmers’ movement was committed and patriotic and saw through the “nefarious plan” of the three farm laws to withdraw government support from agriculture and hand over farming, mandis (state-run wholesale agricultural markets) and public food distribution to corporations led by Adani, Ambani, Tata, Cargill, Pepsi, Walmart, Bayer, Amazon and others.  

It added that the farmers exposed the corporate-backed plan of depriving the people of India of food security, pauperising farmers, changing cropping patterns to suit corporations and allowing the free penetration of foreign corporations into India’s food processing market.  

Those in attendance also heard about the hardships experienced by farmers during the one-year agitation: 

“In the process, the farmers braved water cannons, teargas shelling, roadblocks with huge containers, deep road cuts, lathi charge, cold and hot weather. Over 13 months, they sacrificed 732 martyrs … This was a patriotic movement of the highest quality in the face of repression by a fascist government serving interests of Imperialist exploiters.”  

State investment in agriculture infrastructure was called for, along with the promotion of profitable farming, the facilitation and securing of modern food processing, marketing and consumer networks under the collective ownership and control of peasant-worker cooperatives. 

Accusing the government of acting on behalf of corporate interests, one speaker said that it had targeted Newsclick because it only did what a genuine news media should have been doing — reporting on the truth, the problems of farmers and the nature of the struggle.  

It was claimed that: 

“The BJP Government is using the farcical FIR to spread a canard that the farmers’ movement was anti-people, anti-national and backed by terrorist funding routed through Newsclick. This is factually wrong and mischievously inserted to portray the movement in bad light and seeking to extract revenge for the humiliating defeat they suffered at the hands of the farmers of our country.” 

The farmers’ coalition argued that the government is moving to falsely charge the farmers movement of being foreign funded and sponsored by terrorist forces, while it is “promoting FDI, Foreign MNCs, big corporations into agriculture”.  

The coalition says it remains committed to saving the rural economy, preventing foreign looting and rejuvenating the village economy in order to build a strong India. 

The author’s e-book includes insight into the farm laws and farmers’ struggle mentioned above and can be accessed below.


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Renowned author Colin Todhunter specialises in development, food and agriculture. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).

Featured image: Trade unions protest in Delhi’s Shaheedi Park. Several trade unions and workers’ organisations have joined the ongoing farmers’ protest against three recently enacted farm laws. SHAHID TANTRAY FOR THE CARAVAN

Read Colin Todhunter’s e-Book entitled

Food, Dispossession and Dependency. Resisting the New World Order

We are currently seeing an acceleration of the corporate consolidation of the entire global agri-food chain. The high-tech/big data conglomerates, including Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook and Google, have joined traditional agribusiness giants, such as Corteva, Bayer, Cargill and Syngenta, in a quest to impose their model of food and agriculture on the world.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is also involved (documented in ‘Gates to a Global Empire‘ by Navdanya International), whether through buying up huge tracts of farmland, promoting a much-heralded (but failed) ‘green revolution’ for Africa, pushing biosynthetic food and genetic engineering technologies or more generally facilitating the aims of the mega agri-food corporations.

Click here to read.

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Oct. 11, 2023 – Grimsby, UK – 14 year old Alana Bee was just diagnosed with a rhabdomyosarcoma of the cervix spreading into the uterus, bladder, bowel, etc.

Oct. 20, 2023 – Bristol, PA – 19 year old Antwoine Fordham was diagnosed with Rhabdomyosarcoma in his calf that has attached itself to bone and blood vessels.

Oct. 19, 2023 – Tomball, TX – 12 year old gymnast and professional dancer Mallory Jatzlau was just diagnosed with Rhabdomyosarcoma.

Oct. 18, 2023 – Glen Falls, NY – 12 year old Brookelle McMullin is a 6th grader in Queensbury Middle School, who was just diagnosed with Stage 4 Rhabdomyosarcoma after biopsy of a swollen node in her neck.

Oct. 17, 2023 – Alexandria, VA – 12 year old son of Carla Jordan was just diagnosed with Stage 4 Rhabdomyosarcoma.

Oct. 14, 2023 – Pendleton, SC – 14 year old Mallory Newton was diagnosed with Rhabdomyosarcoma of the thigh.

Sep. 29, 2023 – England – 16 year old Teddy Marks was diagnosed with Rhabdomyosarcoma in Jan. 2022. After treatment, he was cancer free for 6 months. However, he relapsed in Feb. 2023 and is terminal with no treatment options left.

Sep. 27, 2023 – Boston, MA – 16 year old Isaiah Bowler was diagnosed with Stage 3 Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma which has spread to the lymph nodes.

Sep. 21, 2023 – Dalton, GA – 16 year old Gavin Keener was diagnosed with Rhabdomyosarcoma. His mom is a Nurse practitioner.

Sep. 19, 2023 – Santee, CA – 16 year old Hudson Watts was diagnosed with Stage 2A Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma.

Sep. 18, 2023 – UK – 13 year old Kane Harris was diagnosed with Rhabdomyosarcoma in July 2022. He had extensive treatments which finished on June 29, 2023. However, he had a recurrence in Aug. 2023 with 3 large tumors on major organs and died on Sep. 18, 2023.

Aug. 27, 2023 – Erie, CO – 19 year old Katie Curtis was diagnosed with Stage 4 Sarcoma Aug. 2, 2023 and died 3 weeks later on Aug. 27.

Aug. 15, 2023 – Phoenix, AZ – 12 year old David Popescu had a bump on his cheek and was diagnosed with Rhabdomyosarcoma in Sep.2022. He was declared cancer free after treatment, but in March 2023 it returned in the shoulder.

Aug. 14, 2023 – Champlin, MN – 15 year old Tanner Anderson had abdominal pains in November 2022 and was diagnosed with Rhabdomyosarcoma. He died 9 months later.

Aug. 11, 2023 – Somerset, KY – 19 year old Gracie Strunk was diagnosed with a very rare form of Rhabdomyosarcoma.

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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

Featured image is from COVID Intel

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

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What Is Biden Telling Bibi? Seymour Hersh

October 23rd, 2023 by Seymour M. Hersh

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The White House and the Central Intelligence Agency are once again at loggerheads, as they were during Ukraine’s losing war against Russia, over the facts on the ground after President Joe Biden suddenly decided to fly to Israel again, reportedly at the request of Benjamin Netanyahu, the beleaguered Israeli prime minister.

Biden showed that, as he put it, he would have Israel’s back by moving two American carrier battle groups into the region, along with thousands of U.S. troops. It would have been better if he had done what America has often done: announced that his administration would begin transporting water and food to the hundreds of thousands of Gaza citizens who were driven out of the north by Israel and landed at a border gate with Egypt that Netanyahu and his colleagues had to know would not be opened.

Biden’s trip comes at a time of international outrage after the main hospital in Gaza City was destroyed by an Israeli bomb or a misguided Islamic Jihad rocket, killing hundreds. The President said he was primarily delivering a message of restraint. If so, the President was completely in the dark about Israel’s intentions.

In an interview Sunday with 60 Minutes, Biden was asked if it was time for a ceasefire in Gaza. Biden ignored the question and said the Israelis “have to move against Hamas. Hamas are cowards…They move their headquarters to where there are civilians and buildings…but the Israelis will do everything in their power to avoid killing innocent civilians.” He said he was discussing the possibility of a safe zone – a humanitarian corridor – for Gaza City residents who fled after being told that Israel was determined to destroy everything in the city. Asked if Hamas “has to be completely eliminated,” Biden answered in the affirmative, adding that there must be a “path to a Palestinian state.”

A Palestinian state is not on Israel’s agenda

There are intelligence analysts in Washington who estimate that Netanyahu, who is emerging as the strongman in Israel’s new emergency government, has no intention of letting any member of Hamas survive. They believe he is indifferent to what has happened to Gaza City residents who have fled south to Egypt and now find themselves without food or water and faced with the reality that economically beleaguered Egypt has no interest in opening its border to a million or more refugees in need of food, shelter and medical care.

Netanyahu’s stance, I was told, amounts to ”wiping out” Hamas, according to intelligence analysts. One knowledgeable official told me that ”Gaza City is about to be turned into a Hiroshima without the use of nuclear weapons.” Later, he said, American bombs from the Israeli arsenal, including so-called “bunker busters,” could be directed at the underground tunnel systems where Hamas was manufacturing weapons and planning attacks in southern Israel on Oct. 7. The daily Israeli bombardment of Gaza City has led many in the Middle East and Europe to conclude that it was an Israeli bomb that hit the Gaza City hospital.

According to Israeli plans, there would be no need for a massive ground invasion, but I was told by the official that Israeli troops would be needed to locate those Hamas members underground who decide to surrender. The instructions, the official said, were to “shoot on sight.” Surrender would not be an option. The official told me that the Hamas soldiers who came out of the tunnels desperate for food were viewed by the Israelis as starving rats who would be confronted with poisoned food. The fate of the nearly two hundred hostages, most of whom are Israeli but include some Americans, went unsaid.

From the perspective of U.S. intelligence, the Hamas raid failed in every respect.

“Hamas believed,” I was told by the official, “that the success of their raid, which was planned over two years, would win the Arab world to their cause. They thought that Hezbollah,” the powerful Lebanese party controlled by Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah in Beirut, “and the PLO [Palestine Liberation Organization] in the West Bank would support them.”

The U.S. assessment is that the Hamas leadership began planning the attack two years ago and “now,” the official said, “was the right time.” He explained that the Hamas leadership was “absolutely terrified” that the ongoing talks between Israel and Saudi Arabia would lead to further isolation of groups that oppose Israel.

The main supporter of the Hamas raid, I was told, was the Iranian government, whose leadership in Tehran was directly involved in providing money and materials for the Oct. 7 attacks.

“The Iranians,” the official said sarcastically, “want to attack Israel with every Palestinian they can find.” But “Iran did not realize how many civilians would be killed. Hamas was drenched in blood.”

Arab scholar Juan Cole, a professor of history at the University of Michigan, recently published an essay in the Telegraph outlining four ways in which the Hamas raid violated Islamic law. Hamas killed innocents, including women and children; it destroyed a city; it did not give fair warning; and it took civilians hostage. Cole quoted the Prophet Muhammad: “Do not kill weak old men, small children, or women.”

There were similar reactions from Hezbollah and in Damascus. Despite Western fears, I was told, there is no evidence that Hamas’ uprising served as inspiration for Israel’s enemies.

“In the Great Game,” the official said, “it was a chess game in which Hamas was a pawn.”

Netanyahu’s plan, the official told me, called for the Israeli army to kill any Hamas members it could find, destroy the tunnel system-perhaps using American bombs that can penetrate dozens of feet underground before exploding-and then seal off the southern part of what was once Gaza City. Israeli soldiers would be tasked with searching block by block in the destroyed city for survivors. Care would be taken to ensure that no Hamas survivors escape into the Mediterranean Sea.

In recent days, the Biden administration has deployed two U.S. aircraft carrier groups with squadrons of F-15, F-16 and A-10 fighter jets, more than 10,000 Navy personnel and 2,000 Marines to the region to assist Israel.

“All the American services are jumping on it,” the official told me, “but Israel says, ‘Go back. We don’t want your help.”‘ He continued, “There are no better pilots today than those in the Israeli Air Force. Bibi has the situation under control, and no Israeli will worry about the fate of Gaza’s citizens.”

So the official asked,

“Why is Biden knocking on the door? Is the president going to tell Bibi, ‘You can’t do this’? Leave the Gaza refugees at the border with Egypt.”

The official did not answer his rhetorical question. But he asked if one reason for the president’s sudden trip “might not be to keep the Ukraine war out of the headlines?”


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Featured image: President Joe Biden participates in a restricted bilateral meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the Hotel Kempinski in Tel Aviv, Israel, Wednesday, October 18, 2023. (Official White House Photo by Cameron Smith)

Israel’s Culture of Deceit. Chris Hedges

October 23rd, 2023 by Chris Hedges

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Israel was founded on lies. The lie that Palestinian land was largely unoccupied. The lie that 750,000 Palestinians fled their homes and villages during their ethnic cleansing by Zionist militias in 1948 because they were told to do so by Arab leaders. The lie that it was Arab armies that started the 1948 war that saw Israel seize 78 percent of historic Palestine. The lie that Israel faced annihilation in 1967, forcing it to invade and occupy the remaining 22 percent of Palestine, as well as land belonging to Egypt and Syria. 

Israel is sustained by lies. The lie that Israel wants a just and equitable peace and will support a Palestinian state.

The lie that Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East.

The lie that Israel is an “outpost of Western civilization in a sea of barbarism.”

The lie that Israel respects the rule of law and human rights.

Israel’s atrocities against the Palestinians are always greeted with lies. I heard them. I recorded them. I published them in my stories for The New York Times when I was the paper’s Middle East Bureau Chief.

I covered war for two decades, including seven years in the Middle East. I learned quite a bit about the size and lethality of explosive devices. There is nothing in the arsenal of Hamas or Islamic Jihad that could have replicated the massive explosive power of the missile that killed an estimated 500 civilians in the al-Ahli Arab Christian hospital in Gaza. Nothing. If Hamas or Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) had these kinds of missiles, huge buildings in Israel would be rubble with hundreds of dead. They don’t.

The whistling sound, audible on the video moments before the explosion, appears to come from the high velocity of a missile. This sound gives it away. No Palestinian rocket makes this noise. And then there is the speed of the missile. Palestinian rockets are slow and lumbering, clearly visible as they arch in the sky and then tumble in free fall towards their targets. They do not strike with precision or travel at close to supersonic speed. They are incapable of killing hundreds of people.

The Israeli military dropped “roof knocking” rockets with no warheads on the hospital in the days leading up to the Oct. 17 strike, the familiar warning given by Israel to evacuate buildings, according to al-Ahli hospital officials. Hospital officials also said they had received calls from Israel saying “we warned you to evacuate twice.” Israel has demanded that all hospitals in northern Gaza be evacuated.

Following the strike on the hospital, Hananya Naftali, a “digital aide” to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahuposted on X, formerly Twitter: “Israeli Air Force struck a Hamas terrorist base inside a hospital in Gaza.” The post was quickly deleted.

Since the Oct. 7 incursion into Israel by Palestinian resistance fighters, which reportedly left some 1,300 Israelis dead, many of them civilians, and saw some 200 kidnapped as hostages and taken to Gaza, Israel has carried out 51 attacks on healthcare facilities in Gaza that have killed 15 healthcare workers and injured 27, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Out of 35 hospitals in Gaza, four are not functioning due to severe damage and targeting. Only eight of the 22 UNRWA primary healthcare centers are “partially functional,” the WHO says.

The brazenness of Israeli lies stunned those of us who reported from Gaza. It did not matter if we had seen the Israeli attack, including the shooting of unarmed Palestinians. It did not matter how many witnesses we interviewed. It did not matter what photographic and forensic evidence we obtained. Israel lied. Small lies. Big lies. Huge lies. These lies came reflexively and instantly from the Israeli military, Israeli politicians and Israeli media. They were amplified by Israel’s well-oiled propaganda machine and repeated with a cloying sincerity on international news outlets.

Israel engages in the kinds of jaw-dropping lies that characterize despotic regimes. It does not deform the truth, it inverts it. It paints a picture that is diametrically opposed to reality. Those of us who have covered the occupied territories have run into Israel’s Alice-in-Wonderland narratives, which we dutifully insert into our stories — required under the rules of American journalism — although we know they are untrue.

Israel has invented an Orwellian lexicon. Children killed by Israelis become children caught in crossfire. The bombing of residential districts, with dozens of dead and wounded, becomes a surgical strike on a bomb-making factory. The destruction of Palestinian homes becomes the demolition of the homes of terrorists.

The Big Lie — Große Lüge — feeds the two reactions Israel seeks to elicit — racism among its supporters and terror among its victims. The Big Lies fosters the myth of a clash of civilizations, a war between democracy, decency and honor on one side and Islamic terrorism, barbarism and medievalism on the other.

George Orwell in his novel “Nineteen Eighty-Four” called the Big Lie “doublethink”. Doublethink uses “logic against logic” and “repudiate[s] morality while laying claim to it.” The Big Lie abolishes nuances, ambiguities and contradictions that can plague conscience. It is designed to create cognitive dissonance. It permits no gray zones. The world is black and white, good and evil, righteous and unrighteous. The Big Lie allows believers to take comfort — a comfort they are desperately seeking — in their own moral superiority even as they abrogate all morality. It feeds, what Edward Bernays called, the “logic-proof compartment of dogmatic adherence.” All effective propaganda, Bernays writes, targets and builds upon these irrational “psychological habits.”

Israeli supporters thirst for these lies. They do not want to know the truth. The truth would force them to examine their racism, self-delusion and complicity in oppression, murder and genocide.

Most importantly, the Big Lie sends an ominous message to the Palestinians. The Big Lie states that Israel will wage a campaign of mass terror and genocide and never take responsibility for its crimes. The Big Lie obliterates the truth. It obliterates the dignity of human thought and human action. It obliterates facts. It obliterates history. It obliterates comprehension. It obliterates hope. It reduces all communication to the language of violence. When oppressors speak to the oppressed exclusively through indiscriminate violence, the oppressed answer through indiscriminate violence.

The cartoonist Joe Sacco and I watched Israeli soldiers taunt and shoot small boys in the Khan Younis refugee camp in Gaza. We interviewed the boys and their parents afterwards in the hospital. In a few cases we attended their funerals. We had their names. We had the dates and locations of the shootings.

Israel’s response was to say that we were not in Gaza. We had made it up.

The Israeli Prime Minister, Foreign Minister, Defense Minister and Israeli Defense Force (IDF) spokesperson immediately blamed the killing of the Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh in 2022, on Palestinian gunmen. Israel disseminated footage of a Palestinian fighter they said shot and killed the journalist, who was wearing a flak jacket and helmet marked “PRESS.”

Benny Gantz, who was at the time Defense Minister, stated that “no [Israeli] gunfire was directed at the journalist,” and that the Israeli army had “seen footage of indiscriminate shooting by Palestinian terrorists”.

This lie was peddled until video footage examined by B’Tselem, The Israeli Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories, identified the location of the Palestinian gunman depicted in the video. The video, the human rights organization found, was taken in a different location from where Shireen was killed.

When Israel is caught lying, as it was with the murder of Shireen, it promises an investigation. But these investigations are a sham. Impartial investigations into the hundreds of killings by soldiers and Jewish settlers of Palestinians are rarely carried out. Perpetrators are almost never brought to trial or held accountable. The pattern of Israeli obfuscation is predictable. So is the collusion of nearly all of the corporate media along with Republican and Democratic politicians. U.S. politicians decried the murder of Shireen and dutifully repeated the old mantra, calling for a “thorough investigation” by the army that carried out the crime.

A few months later, Israel admitted that there was a “high possibility” that an Israeli soldier killed the journalist by accident, but by then the eruption of street protests and rage over the killing of the journalist was over and her murder largely forgotten.

By the time the conclusive proof comes out about the bombing of the hospital, it too will be a distant memory.

There is dramatic footage captured in September 2000 at the Netzarim junction in the Gaza Strip — where I saw a nineteen-year-old boy shot and killed by an Israeli sniper — by France 2 TV, of a father trying to shield his traumatized 12-year-old son, Muhammad al-Durrah, from Israeli gunfire that ultimately killed him.

The killing of the boy resulted in the typical propaganda campaign by Israel. Israeli officials spent years lying about the killing, first blaming the Palestinians for the shooting, later suggesting that the scene was faked, and finally insisting the boy was still alive.

Image: Rachel Corrie was an American member of the International Solidarity Movement (ISM). She was crushed to death in the Gaza Strip by an Israel Defense Forces (IDF) bulldozer when she was kneeling in front of a local Palestinian’s home. Photograph by Denny Sternstein. (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

When an Israeli soldier, in 2003, murdered the 23-year-old student and American activist Rachel Corrie, by crushing her to death with a bulldozer as she tried to prevent the illegal demolition of a Palestinian doctor’s home, the Israeli army said it was an accident for which Corrie was responsible.

The Israeli military has killed “at least” 20 journalists since 2001, with no accountability, according to a 2023 report by the New York-based Committee to Protect Journalists.  “Immediately after a journalist is killed by security forces, Israeli officials often push out a counter narrative to media reporting,” the CPJ concluded. This includes blaming the deaths on “indiscriminate fire” by Palestinians or attempts to discredit those killed as “terrorists.”

Israel blocks the work of independent human rights organizations into atrocities and war crimes it commits in Gaza and the West Bank. It refuses to cooperate with the International Criminal Court into possible war crimes in the Occupied Territories. It does not cooperate with the U.N. Human Rights Council and prohibits the U.N. Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, from entering the country. Israel revoked the work permit for Omar Shakir, the Director of Human Rights Watch (Israel and Palestine), in 2018 and expelled him. In May 2018, Israeli Ministry of Strategic Affairs and Public Diplomacy published a report calling on the European Union and European states to halt their direct and indirect financial support and funding to Palestinian and international human rights organizations that “have ties to terror and promote boycotts against Israel.”

After the bombing of the hospital, Israel first released a video that purported to show Palestinian Islamic Jihad rockets which struck the hospital. The Israelis hastily removed the video when journalists noticed that time stamps showed the images were taken 40 minutes after the strike on the hospital.

Israeli propagandists — aware that Palestinian rockets have little explosive power — then claimed that Hamas stored munitions under the hospital. This caused the massive explosion, they said. But if this was true, it would mean there would be a secondary explosion. There was none. And now Israel has released what they say is a recording of two Hamas militants discussing the missile strike on the hospital. The militants ask each other, in a self-incriminating conversation that is too ridiculous to believe, if Hamas or PIJ carried out the strike. Please. How was Israel completely in the dark about an incursion by thousands of armed Palestinian militants from Gaza into Israel on Oct. 7 and able to capture this incriminating conversation by two supposed militants?

“Israel has a whole unit of ‘mistaravim’, Israeli Jewish undercover agents trained to pose as Palestinians and secretly operate among Palestinians,” the reporter Jonathan Cook writes. “Israel produced a highly popular TV series about such people in Gaza called Fauda. You have to be beyond credulous to think that Israel couldn’t, and wouldn’t, rig up a call like this to fool us, just as it regularly fools Palestinians in Gaza.”

Israel has also long targeted medical facilities, ambulances and medics, as Middle East scholar Norman Finkelstein points out. It bombed a Palestinian children’s hospital during the 1982 war in Lebanon, killing 60 people. It also carried out missile strikes on clearly marked Lebanese ambulances during the 2006 war between Israel and Lebanon. It damaged or destroyed 29 ambulances and almost half of Gaza’s health facilities, including 15 hospitals, during the 2008-2009 assault on Gaza known as Operation Cast Lead. It routinely prohibited wounded Palestinians from being picked up by ambulances during this operation, often leaving them to die. During Operation Protective Edge, the 51-day assault on Gaza in 2014, Israel destroyed or damaged 17 hospitals and 56 primary healthcare centers and damaged or destroyed 45 ambulances.

You can see my interview, released today, with Professor Finkelstein about Gaza and Israel here (or watch below).

Amnesty International, which investigated the Israeli attacks on three of these hospitals in 2014, dismissed the “evidence” for the attacks offered by Israel as false.

“The image tweeted by the Israeli military does not match satellite images of the al-Wafa hospital and appears to depict a different location,” the report read.

Expose Israeli lies and you are attacked by Israel and its supporters as an anti-Semite and apologist for terrorists. You are banished from mainstream media. You are denied forums to speak about the issue and, as has happened to me, disinvited from university events.

It is an old game, one I have played as a reporter many, many times. I bear the scars of the lies spewed out by Israel and its lobby. Meanwhile, Israel continues its butchery, endorsed and even lauded by Western political leaders, including Joe Biden, who accompany the torrent of lies from Israel like a Wagnerian chorus.


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Chris Hedges is a Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist who was a foreign correspondent for fifteen years for The New York Times, where he served as the Middle East Bureau Chief and Balkan Bureau Chief for the paper. He previously worked overseas for The Dallas Morning News, The Christian Science Monitor, and NPR. He is the host of show The Chris Hedges Report.

Featured image: Liar Liar – by Mr. Fish via ScheerPost

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There are numerous one-liners like “wag-the-dog” that constitute a long running joke about how Israel exploits Jewish power in the United States to limit and control Washington’s options in foreign policy as well as in many other aspects of international interaction. This has been accomplished by a cleverly executed neoconservative takeover of the foreign policy instruments of both major parties based on a series of nonexistent “threats” coupled with media control and billions of dollars in political donations that have bought the numerous politicians willing to be bought, which clearly constitutes a majority of Congress.

President Joe Biden and those who surround him are all about Israel and many of them are Jewish. His Secretary of the Treasury Janice Yellen claims that the US “can afford” two wars simultaneously and the Chuck Schumer led Senate has voted unanimously 97-0 pledging full and unconditional support for the Jewish state.

Biden’s somewhat pathetic fifteen-minute speech last week justifying throwing another $105 billion of deficit spending at Ukraine and Israel could have been written by a neocon scribe in its attempt to demonstrate that the US is threatened by developments in those two countries. It is not, even Biden knows that, and his assertions were as hollow as the rhetoric used to support the false premise.

My favorite argument being made by the president was that “American leadership holds the world together….and is necessary to keep freedom alive in both the Middle East and Eastern Europe… Hamas and Putin represent different threats, but they share this in common: They both want to completely annihilate a neighboring democracy.”

As it turns out, Biden was wrong on every point. Opinion polls suggest that the world overwhelmingly sees the United States as the most disruptive and dangerous nation on the planet, so Biden’s unwillingness or inability to discern that he is presiding the over the death throes of America’s global leadership is particularly troubling. And Joe even fails to realize that Russia is more democratic by most measures than is Ukraine, which is consistently rated as the most corrupt country in the world, while Israel is not a democracy at all unless one is a Jew.

Biden was certainly motivated to speak to the American public in prime time, only the second time he has done so, by his overriding concern to express and obtain absolutely total support for Israel no matter what it does. He is willing to lie, cheat and steal for Israel. In the wake of the devastating October 17th blast at al-Ahli Baptist Hospital, a Christian-run medical complex in central Gaza City, which killed at least 500 people and injured hundreds more, he immediately jumped on the protect-Israel bandwagon and declared that Israel had not done it, which is far from being demonstrated and is being hotly disputed by eyewitnesses and forensic specialists. Ukraine is a secondary issue but it too is a war supported overwhelmingly by international Jewry for various reasons, most notably visceral hatred of Russia.

Nevertheless, the control by the Israel Lobby aside, one is at a loss to understand the actual rationale behind the recent trips to Israel in the wake of the Gaza uprising made by Secretary of State Antony Blinken and “they beheaded the babies” Joe Biden since the United States has no genuine national interest that compels it to get involved in either war, even less so in Gaza where Israel has been indisputably the source of nearly all the trouble. Lest anyone be confused over what signal was being sent, two US aircraft carrier strike groups were also dispatched to the Eastern Mediterranean together with orders to prepare to deploy 2,000 Marines, suggesting that Washington was itself preparing for war. And the Muslim world, convulsed by what it is seeing happen to Gaza, is also heeding a call to arms. As of last Friday there seven separate drone and rocket attacks on US military bases in Iraq and Syria. Journalist Caitlin Johnstone has neatly summarized the legitimate rage on the ground in Palestine that the White House and Congress make no attempt to appreciate:

“The status quo in Israel has been one of continually escalating violence, tyranny and abuse for generations… Stand on someone’s face for long enough and one day it will surprise you if he eventually bites your foot. You might even feel like you were the victim, because that’s just what you’d gotten used to.”

Blinken, citing his ancestors and the holocaust, presented himself as a Jew to his Israeli audience, which meant that no further justification was required as he totally rolled over to comply with the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s interpretation of what had taken place on October 7th. Reports suggest that Blinken had initially sensibly supported a cease-fire on social media just after the Hamas attack, writing that he would be “encourage[ing] Turkey’s advocacy for a cease-fire and the release of all hostages by Hamas immediately.”

Presumably under pressure from Biden and the Israel Lobby, he then deleted that and wrote, “Israel has the right to defend itself, rescue any hostages, and protect its citizens.” The State Department got the message and circulated instructions to staffers to not use the terms “de-escalation/ceasefire,” “end to violence/bloodshed” and “restoring calm” in regard to the Gaza/Israel situation, giving Netanyahu a free hand to do whatever he would choose to do.

Blinken was thus converted to fully support massive and indiscriminate Israeli retaliation against the civilian population, a war crime, and his reward was being stiffed by the Saudi Crown Prince, forced to wait in attendance all night before being allowed a short and non-productive audience. Biden outdid his colleague in being completely stonewalled by Saudi, Jordanian, Egyptian, Iraqi and Palestinian heads of state and government, which leads to the question

“What did Biden seek to achieve apart from demonstrating that the United States was owned by Israel which is committing a war crime by its collective punishment of Gaza ? Did he think the Arab and Muslim states would react positively to a developing massacre of the Gazans, which he specifically supported?”

So why were Biden and Blinken so willfully ignorant as to be unable to appreciate that they were bearing a message that could only succeed in infuriating their hosts? Israel, after all, is by law a Jewish state which not only does not provide equal rights to the non-Jewish citizens and residents, it also has a government that has senior officials and some leading religious figures describing Palestinian Arabs as something less than human or even “animals” and who, in some cases, openly consider it perfectly acceptable to exterminate them. It is the same government with a different cast of characters that has been stealing, killing and inflicting a host of war crimes and crimes against humanity on its captive and largely helpless Palestinian Christian and Muslim minority for the past 76 years.

Image: Cong. Michael McCaul (Source: Another Day in the Empire)

Biden’s nice package of $105 billion, which will likely sail through Congress because it is “for Israel,” will include $14 billion for Netanyahu to buy some new heavy ordnance to exterminate the Palestinians, which guarantees that the Muslim world will hate the United States for the foreseeable future. The money is also funding the war in Ukraine for the next year and arming Taiwan with some shiny new weapons to ward off China. Ironically, a new CBS/YouGov poll finds that most Americans don’t want the US providing Israel with weapons and supplies in this war, but, of course ordinary voters are never asked their opinion when the White House chooses to demonstrate “American exceptionalism” towards the country that it loves beyond all others. Oh, and the bill will also include some cash to “fortify” America’s Mexican border, a sweetener that runs completely contrary to what Biden has been doing for the past three years.

All this will be piled on to the United States government debt which, at just short of $33 trillion, is considered to be unsustainable and weighs in at $350,230 for every American family. And it is all being done for no good reason whatsoever in terms of genuine American interests, and probably illegally too as proxy wars run by the Executive Branch would seem to go against the Constitution’s separation of powers as well as the time constraints in the War Powers Act of 1973.

Congressman Michael McCaul from Texas, the Israel firster fanatic who heads the House Armed Services Committee, is currently pushing legislation that would provide an in-advance authorization to go to war on Iran and on Lebanon if Hezbollah were to come in to support the Gazans when Netanyahu starts his potentially genocidal ground attack. Another Congressional clown, Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina is already calling for an attack on Iran under the presumption that it assisted the Gazans.

Josh Paul on LinkedIn: Explaining my resignation | 2,776 comments

Fortunately for all of us who care for such issues as life and death, some cracks are appearing in the wall surrounding total subservience to Israel and its interest. Some even suspect that the “US-based Middle East system,” which mandates blind support for Israel, has become so abusive that the public is become reluctant to support it. Indeed, public opinion polls suggest that support for the Palestinians is increasing while that for Israel is growing weaker as atrocities against the Arabs multiply with Israel new ultra-conservative government. The resignation letter of senior State Department official Josh Paul, who recently quit over the Biden administration’s position on the Gaza War, makes for interesting reading. Paul described the Hamas attack as a “monstrosity of monstrosities” but continued: “This Administration’s response – and much of Congress’ as well – is an impulsive reaction built on confirmation bias, political convenience, intellectual bankruptcy and bureaucratic inertia. Decades of the same approach have shown that security for peace leads to neither security nor peace, The fact is that blind support for one side is destructive in the long term to the interests of the people on both sides.”

Paul was responding to the latest arms package being rushed through congress for Israel, which he described as “shortsighted, destructive and unjust,” and the US veto early last week of a Russian proposal in the UN Security Council to call for a ceasefire. The US permanent representative to the UN Linda Thomas Greenfield submitted the veto and then erupted with “By failing to condemn Hamas, Russia is giving cover to a terrorist group that brutalizes innocent civilians. It is outrageous, it is hypocritical, and it is indefensible.” She is the hypocrite in that she obviously does not recognize or does not care that Israel’s record is far worse that Russia’s in “brutalizing innocent civilians” for the past 76 years.

There are also other reports of general “discomfort” and dismay among civil servants over what is happening vis-à-vis the US role in Gaza out of concern for Israel not being urged to show restraint and the White House lack of any genuine concern over the developing humanitarian crisis. It also appears that several of the few Muslim federal government officials have been removed from positions having anything to do with Middle East policy. The US media likewise has been transferring many of its Muslim journalists who were on the ground in Gaza and elsewhere in the Middle East for fear that they will actually try to tell the truth about what is going on and who is doing what to whom.

On a next to last final note, it has often been noted that the first victim of war is truth. The US government in its various guises has been lashing out at social media and other sites that have been making available material that can be construed as favorable to Gaza. So far, they have been less than successful, but the efforts persist and could lead to legislation. Also, there have been the usual claims regarding “antisemitism” which can be exploited in “hate crimes” prosecutions as well as the existing legislation in 35 states that protect Israel with potential criminal and civil penalties as well denial of jobs and services to applicants who are critics of the Jewish state’s behavior. In Israel itself, al-Jazeera journalists have now been detained and expelled as a consequence of legislation criminalizing the activity of journalists who report “facts” that are not approved by the Israeli government.

But some of the most bizarre lashing out by the Israel lobby and its friends is taking place in the United States. In Florida the state Attorney General has told prosecutors to “exercise zero tolerance” when dealing with the “anti-Jewish hate crimes” engaged in by college students who have been demonstrating in support of the Gazans. At Harvard, major donors who are mostly Jewish have cut off donations to the university due to its tolerance of pro-Gazan student demonstrators. A so called “conservative group” Accuracy in Media headed by one Adam Guillette, who is Jewish, has led the response to a coalition of more than 30 Harvard student groups that posted an open letter on the night of the Hamas attack, citing Israel as “entirely responsible” for the violence that killed more than 1,400 people, mostly civilians. The letter was posted on social media and did not include the names of the individual students in the groups.

But within days, students connected to those groups were being identified together with their personal information, all of which was posted online. Families back home were threatened while presumed Harvard alumni businessmen and executives demanded a list of the student names to ban their hiring. And a truck with a digital billboard paid for by Accuracy in Media circled Harvard Square, flashing student photos and names, under the headline, “Harvard’s Leading Antisemites.” The students now have to deal with “people’s lives being ruined, people’s careers being ruined, people’s fellowships being ruined” because they opposed a certainly controversial war being fought. Guillette said his organization’s next move, which has already started, is to create online domains using the students’ first and last names to create sites identifying them as antisemites. Guillette boasted that “I think it’s incredibly important for people to know who the antisemites are on their campus and in their community.”

And on a final note, if you have wondered where the money is coming from to fund Israel’s wars and crimes beyond what Joe Biden and his buddies are willing to hand them, there is an interesting story out of Georgia. Republican Governor Brian Kemp has ordered his state treasurer to use tax revenues to purchase $10 million in Israel Bonds. The bonehead then issued a statement: “Israel is one of Georgia’s strongest allies and greatest friends, and our support for its people as they endure horrific attacks from terrorists is unwavering. Purchasing these bonds is just the latest expression of that support.” It is not clear if the purchase is completely legal and someone should have advised the governor that buying Israel bonds is in the nature of a gift as they lack liquidity and are generally regarded as a terrible investment. So it is a rip-off of the Georgia taxpayer. I wonder if anyone will notice!


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This article was originally published on The Unz Review.

Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a 501(c)3 tax deductible educational foundation (Federal ID Number #52-1739023) that seeks a more interests-based U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Website is, address is P.O. Box 2157, Purcellville VA 20134 and its email is [email protected].

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“An absolute commitment to destroying an entire culture, basis of belief, all that is deepest.” (Global Research)


At least five more mosques were destroyed in Israeli airstrikes on the besieged Gaza Strip on Sunday, bringing the total number to 31 since Oct. 7, the Gaza-based Endowments and Religious Affairs Ministry said.

“The number of mosques completely destroyed since the beginning of Israel’s attacks on Gaza has increased to 31,” the ministry said in a statement Sunday.

On Saturday, it also highlighted the Israeli bombardment of several civilian sites such as the ministry’s headquarters, the ministry’s Quran radio station and a church.

It said that 10 employees from the ministry lost their lives in these attacks, and others had been injured. 

Israel’s indiscriminate bombardment of the Gaza Strip, in response to the Oct. 7 surprise Hamas incursion, have also targeted other places of worship as well as hospitals.

Earlier Thursday, scores of people were killed and many others injured after Israel targeted a Greek Orthodox Church in Gaza.

The Church of St. Porphyrius, one of the oldest churches in the region, is located in Gaza’s southern Zeitoun neighborhood, only 250 meters (820.21 feet) away from the Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital, which was targeted in a ruthless airstrike on Oct. 17 that killed hundreds of people.


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As more people perish from the siege of Gaza, the untenable positions of the United States and other western governments are being exposed for their complicity in the attempted destruction of millions in Palestine and throughout the region

On Saturday October 21, the streets of various cities throughout the globe were filled with millions rallying and marching in solidarity of the Palestinian people as the siege of Gaza continues having killed over 4,000 people and injuring tens of thousands of others.

2.2 million Palestinians are imperiled due to the relentless bombings by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) over the last two weeks.

The bombings of civilian areas and infrastructure are considered war crimes by the United Nations. However, the United States government, Britain and the European Union (EU) are not only supporting the State of Israel they are pledging to send more military assistance. In the case of Washington, President Joe Biden has gone to the divided and beleaguered Congress to request $106 billion to spread greater insecurity and war throughout West Asia, North Africa, the Asia-Pacific, Eastern Europe and the southern border of the U.S.

Biden has deployed two warships to the Eastern Mediterranean along with placing 2,000 Pentagon troops on alert for possible combat activity in defense of Israel and consequently against the Palestinian people and others living within contiguous states. The White House has threatened other countries and their governments not to take action in support of the Palestinians while the administration has failed to call for a ceasefire and the immediate distribution of much needed humanitarian aid to Gaza.

These militaristic initiatives are being answered even within the western industrial states and their allies through mass actions in defense of the rights of the Palestinian people to peace, self-determination, statehood and sovereignty. Demonstrations in Britain, the U.S., among other capitalist states, illustrate the growing rejection of imperialism and its hegemonic intentions of destabilizing and subduing large swaths of territory throughout the world.

On October 21, the city of London was overflowing with marchers from the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, a broad coalition of peace and antiwar organizations opposing the war policies of Prime Rishi Sunak of Britain and Joe Biden of the U.S. Despite the official position of the Conservative government in London which unconditionally approves of every bombing carried out by the IDF, obviously there is widespread public opinion against the foreign policy of the administration.

Al Jazeera reported in a news article that:

“Police in London have estimated 100,000 people took to the streets for the ‘National March for Palestine’ demonstration to denounce Israel’s relentless bombing campaign and total blockade of Gaza. ‘We are all united to deliver the same message: we want the violence to end. We’re calling for an immediate ceasefire and for necessary humanitarian supplies to be safely delivered to the people of Gaza,’ Ben Jamal, director of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, said in a post on X. The violence will not end ‘until you address the root cause’, which he identified as Israel’s decades-long military occupation. Chanting ‘Free Palestine’, holding banners and waving Palestinian flags, the protesters moved through London before massing at Downing Street, the official residence and office of British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.” 

In developments on the other side of the world, people in Australia demonstrated in several cities decrying the siege of Gaza and expressing solidarity with the Palestinian people.

Press TV noted in this regard that:

“At the same time in Sydney, virtually 1500 people rallied in the streets, chanting ‘free, free Palestine and ‘down, down Israel.’ ‘It’s difficult, what has been broadcasted in the Western media is definitely not reflecting what is on the ground,’ said protester Abdullah Ali. ‘What I see is different … I see parts of children being put in plastic bags, it’s extremely hard for anyone to see.’ Thousands more people attended demonstrations in Perth, Brisbane, and Hobart, with more pro-Palestinian events scheduled to take place on Sunday in Melbourne and Adelaide.

Angry protests have been held across the world since Israel killed hundreds of Palestinians at a Gaza hospital on Tuesday (Oct. 17).” 

In the U.S., demonstrations have been held across the country. On October 18, hundreds gathered outside the McNamara Federal Building in downtown Detroit in a Palestine solidarity rally and later march.

Students at three high schools in Dearborn, a suburb just across the western border with Detroit, walked out in solidarity with Gaza and the Palestinian national struggle. The students waved Palestinian flags and denounced the policy pronouncements of the Biden administration.

According to the Detroit News:

“Students at both Edsel Ford High School and Dearborn High School walked out of their classrooms Friday morning (Oct. 20), waving flags and chanting phrases in support of Palestinians. One student at Edsel, affixed on the shoulders of another student, held a bullhorn and led the call-and-response cries while participants could be heard shouting: ‘Free, free Palestine,’ ‘From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free’ and ‘Allahu Akbar,’ the Arabic phrase for ‘God is great.’… Friday’s walkout marked the second day in a row that students have walked out of classes in Dearborn. On Thursday, roughly 400 students walked out of Fordson High School, where roughly 90% of the student body is of Arab American descent.” 

On October 21, demonstrators gathered in Washington, D.C. in solidarity with the Palestinian people. The protesters marched from the Washington Monument to Capitol Hill holding Palestinian flags and banners while chanting Free Palestine.” See this.

In New York City, hundreds of demonstrators from Islamic, Jewish and other communities marched to U.S. Sen. Kristen Gillibrand’s Manhattan office on October 21, while chanting ‘cease fire now.’ New York City Police later arrested scores of protesters as they blocked the Third Avenue entrance outside Gillibrand’s office by sitting in the road. Numerous other protests have occurred in New York on campuses and in public areas. See this.

Regional Solidarity Mobilizes Millions in West Asia and North Africa

Everyday within the neighboring states of Palestine and other areas, hundreds of thousands have taken to the streets demanding an end to the siege of Gaza and denouncing the policies of the U.S. and its imperialist allies. U.S. embassies have been targets of protests where solidarity activists are demanding the closure of all diplomatic missions from Washington.

In neighboring Egypt, thousands gathered in Cairo to call for an end to the siege of Gaza and the escalation of state and vigilante violence in the West Bank of Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT). There were also huge crowds which gathered outside the Rafah Crossing demanding the opening of the border for humanitarian assistance to the people. When Israel placed impediments to the opening of the Rafah Border on October 20, people grew angry prompting a swift departure by western-based press agencies and United Nations officials.

Demonstrations have occurred in the Kingdom of Jordan, Turkey, the Kingdom of Morocco, Tunisia, Yemen and the Islamic Republic of Iran. In Iraq, there are reports of local resistance forces launching missiles at the U.S. troops still illegally based in the country.

In Lebanon tensions have grown on the border with Israel resulting in the evacuation of large areas occupied by Israeli settlers. The Hezbollah resistance movement in Lebanon has pledged to enter the war against Tel Aviv when it becomes necessary.

A report by Press TV noted the situation between Lebanon and Israel:

“Lebanon’s resistance movement Hezbollah says it has fired guided missiles at an Israeli military base near the Lebanese border town of Houla. In a statement released on Saturday (Oct. 21), Hezbollah said that its missiles targeted the Al-Abad military site, outside the southern town of Houla on the country’s border with the occupied territories. It added that part of the technical equipment and technology of the base was destroyed in this attack. In another statement, the resistance movement said its precision-guided missiles also struck the Israeli military base in the town of Hanita. Lebanese sources also announced that Hezbollah has targeted two military vehicles of the Israeli regime in the Baram Heights area near the Lebanese border. Hezbollah Deputy Secretary General Sheikh Naim Qassem said that the latest operations in southern borders are in response to the ongoing Israeli assaults, stressing that the movement will intensify its attacks if necessary.” 

United Nations Summit on Gaza Held in Egypt

A hastily convened conference in Cairo was held on October 21 by the United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres who was in Egypt to oversee the promised opening of the Rahaf Border Crossing on the previous day. Some 20 trucks carrying limited and selective humanitarian aid was allowed to enter Gaza.

Al Jazeera reported on the one-day gathering saying:

“Leaders and top officials from more than a dozen countries have gathered in the Egyptian capital, Cairo, for a conference to discuss ways to ‘de-escalate’ the Israel-Hamas war amid growing fears of a wider Middle East conflict. Dubbed the Cairo Summit for Peace, representatives from countries including Jordan, France, Germany, Russia, China, the United Kingdom, the United States, Qatar and South Africa are attending the one-day meeting on Saturday, together with United Nations and European Union officials. In his opening remarks, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi invited leaders to come to an agreement for a road map to end the ‘humanitarian catastrophe’ in the Gaza Strip and revive a path to peace between Israel and the Palestinians. The plan’s goals included the delivery of aid to Gaza and agreeing to a ceasefire, followed by negotiations leading to a two-state solution, he said…. President el-Sisi said on Wednesday that Egyptians in their millions would oppose any forced displacement of Palestinians into Sinai, adding that any such move would turn the Egyptian peninsula into a base for attacks against Israel. Egypt’s position reflects Arab fears that Palestinians could again flee or be forced from their homes en masse, as they were during the war surrounding Israel’s creation in 1948.” 

The UN Egyptian conference cannot lead to the resolution of the escalating security crisis in Palestine and beyond. This will require a shift in policy direction by imperialism which funds and coordinates the IDF military operations in the region.

As the resistance to Israeli occupation intensifies, the U.S. and other imperialist states will become more isolated among the peoples of West Asia, North Africa and around the world. Unless Washington reverses its course on Palestine, an inevitable war involving various states and peoples will emerge endangering the peace and security of the international community.


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Abayomi Azikiwe is the editor of the Pan-African News Wire. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

All images in this article are from the author

Un caso de genocidio de manual

October 23rd, 2023 by Raz Segal

Western Media Bias Against Palestine Reaches Unprecedented Heights

By Abayomi Azikiwe, October 22, 2023

United States President Joe Biden delivered a live television address on the evening of October 19 to demand that the Congress authorize another $106 billion to expand the wars in Ukraine and Palestine as well as providing funds to counter Chinese influence and enhance security at the southern border.

Video: Archbishop Viganò: “Wake Up From Your Slumber”

By His Excellency Carlo Maria Viganò, October 22, 2023

If you have to understand what is really happening, denounce the globalist coup d’etat and regain the national sovereignty and fundamental freedoms that have been taken away from you. You have all witnessed in recent years a radical change in society; a change planned by people without any electoral mandate and imposed by sold-out rulers.

Rambo’s Pacific Peace Zone

By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 22, 2023

Some sixteen states and territories in the Pacific became the second grouping to establish a nuclear free zone in 1985 via the Treaty of Rarotonga, first proposed by New Zealand at the South Pacific Forum meeting in Tonga in July 1975.  Since then, climate change has taken centre stage.

History: Israel’s Move to Destroy the Palestinian Authority Is a Calculated Plan, Long in the Making. Prof Tanya Reinhart

By Tanya Reinhart, October 22, 2023

Already in October 2000, at the outset of the Palestinian uprising, military circles were ready with detailed operative plans to topple Arafat and the Palestinian Authority. This was before the Palestinian terror attacks started. (The first attack on Israeli civilians was on November 3, 2000, in a market in Jerusalem).

Israeli Airstrike on Church in Gaza Continues the Attack on Christians

By Steven Sahiounie, October 22, 2023

The Church of Saint Porphyrius was hit by an Israeli airstrike on Thursday, October 19.  The church was sheltering 500 Christians and Muslims who had lost their homes in previous airstrikes.

Israel: An Apartheid Nation

By Chaitanya Davé, October 22, 2023

Israel’s Creation and Ethnic Cleansing: The 1948 Palestine War, which led to the creation of Israel left Palestinian society leaderless, disorganized, and scattered. More than 700,000 Palestinian Arabs –about half of prewar Palestine’s Arab population— fled from their homes or were expelled by Zionist militias during this war.

Gaza: Extermination with White Phosphorous Gas

By Manlio Dinucci, October 21, 2023

White phosphorus causes severe burns, often down to the bone, which are slow to heal and can develop infections. If all white phosphorus fragments are not removed, they can aggravate wounds and flare up again when exposed to oxygen. White phosphorus burns on as little as 10 percent of the human body are often fatal.

Israel’s 9/11: Fighting Terror Through NAKBA 2.0

By Michael Welch, Yves Engler, Ken Stone, Robert Inlakesh, and Philip Giraldi, October 21, 2023

In the name of the war that Hamas triggered, Netanyahu, together with all his opposition colleagues announced his determination to completely devastate the menace the attackers represented and has urged all citizens of the world’s single biggest open-air concentration camp to move south before they commence with their cleansing procedure.

EU Staff Members Express Fury Over von der Leyen Stance on Israel-Hamas Conflict

By Naomi O’Leary, October 23, 2023

Staff members of EU institutions have written to European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen expressing fury over her stance on the Israel-Hamas conflict, in a letter that accumulated 842 signatures. The letter, which has been seen by The Irish Times, accuses the commission of giving “a free hand to the acceleration and the legitimacy of a war crime in the Gaza Strip”.

Israel-Palestine War: Israel’s Urge for Revenge Is Aimed at All Palestinians

By Lubna Masarwa, October 22, 2023

Across historic Palestine, all Palestinians feel as though we are being held responsible and paying the price for Israel’s failure to maintain security along the Gaza fence. From 1948 communities to Jerusalem and the occupied West Bank, we feel we are being targeted on the basis of our identity.

Video: Israel Is a Terrorist State

October 23rd, 2023 by Matt Kennard

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“Israel has killed over 1000 children, where’s the outrage?”


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Silent Coup

How Corporations Overthrew Democracy

By Claire Provost and Matt Kennard

Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing

Published: 04 May 2023

ISBN: 9781350269989

As European empires crumbled in the 20th century, the power structures that had dominated the world for centuries were up for renegotiation. Yet instead of a rebirth for democracy, what emerged was a silent coup – namely, the unstoppable rise of global corporate power.

Exposing the origins of this epic power grab as well as its present-day consequences, Silent Coup is the result of two investigative journalist’s reports from 30 countries around the world. It provides an explosive guide to the rise of a corporate empire that now dictates how resources are allocated, how territories are governed, and how justice is defined.

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Staff members of EU institutions have written to European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen expressing fury over her stance on the Israel-Hamas conflict, in a letter that accumulated 842 signatures.

The letter, which has been seen by The Irish Times, accuses the commission of giving “a free hand to the acceleration and the legitimacy of a war crime in the Gaza Strip”.

It begins by condemning the Hamas attack on Israel before continuing:

“We equally strongly condemn the disproportionate reaction by the Israeli government against 2.3 million Palestinian civilians trapped in the Gaza Strip”.

“We hardly recognise the values of the EU in the seeming indifference demonstrated over the past few days by our Institution toward the ongoing massacre of civilians in the Gaza Strip,” it continues.

The letter warns that the EU is “losing all credibility and the position as a fair, equitable and humanist broker” and damaging its international relations as well as risking the safety of EU staff.

“We are saddened by the patent show of double-standards which considers the blockade (water and fuel) operated by Russia on the Ukrainian people as an act of terror whilst the identical act by Israel against the Gazan people is completely ignored,” the letter reads.

Click here to read the full article on The Irish Times.


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Naomi O’Leary is Europe Correspondent of The Irish Times.

Featured image: Israeli President Isaac Herzog (C) meets with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen (R) and European Parliament President Roberta Metsola (L) in Tel Aviv, Israel on October 13, 2023. [IDF Spokesperson Unit – Anadolu Agency]

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Within the past two weeks, after war broke out between Israel and Palestinian armed groups based in Gaza, Israel’s military has been accused of a number of war crimes as it continues its relentless bombardment of Gaza’s 2.3 million-strong population.

Israel has denied it has committed war crimes, and the US, which provides substantial diplomatic, political and military support to Israel, has stressed that Israel must follow the rules of war.

So far in the conflict, Israel has killed over 4,000 Palestinians including more than 1,500 children, while at least 1,400 Israelis were killed following the attacks by Palestinian armed groups. 

Middle East Eye has previously provided an overview of the list of war crimes Israel has already been accused of in this war.

However, one accusation that has the potential to be forgotten about with the rapidly moving nature of the conflict, and after the devastating bombing of a hospital in Gaza City, is the allegation that Israel has used white phosphorus on the civilian population of Gaza.

Using white phosphorus in such conditions is a violation of international law, and two leading rights groups Human Rights Watch (HRW) and Amnesty International have released reports on the matter.

MEE takes a closer look at these reports, and whether there are any possible US links to Israel’s alleged use of this incendiary substance in Gaza.

The Reports 

On 12 October, HRW released a report outlining that it has verified footage showing Israel used white phosphorus rounds in both the Gaza City port as well as rural parts of southern Lebanon.

In videos reviewed by the rights group, HRW identified the round of munitions used on the port in Gaza as 155mm phosphorus artillery shells. Israel has denied the report.

The next day, Amnesty International released its own report, in which it said it had “compelling evidence documenting the use of white phosphorus artillery shells by the Israeli army in densely populated civilian areas in Gaza”. The report added that many of these uses could be considered unlawful indiscriminate acts.

It also documented that the Israeli military had deployed white phosphorus artillery shells to the Israeli town of Sderot, located close to the border with Gaza. In a photo analysed by Amnesty, it found that the shells contained the label D528, the US military’s identification code for white phosphorus-based rounds.

Does this mean that the US supplied white phosphorus rounds to Israel’s military, which were then used in a densely populated area, a violation of international law?

Experts have told MEE that the evidence to link all of it together is not yet there.

“The fact that there’s a US Dodic – Department of Defense Identification Code – was evidence of what’s inside, not that the United States manufactured that particular round,” Brian Castner, a weapons expert and investigator with Amnesty International, told MEE.

The US military, Nato and Israel’s military are all very intertwined, so Israeli arms manufacturers sometimes use American nomenclatures and codes because it’s easier than creating their own codes.

In order to truly find out if the rounds in question were made by the US, it would require seeing the National Stock Number (NSN), part of which includes a two-digit code denoting the country of origin. The US codes are 00 and 01.

Castner said that these NSN codes are used for everything in the military, from hubcaps to two-tonne trucks.

“I would need the national stock number which may or may not be actually stamped, pounded into the metal of the round itself. That code would tell us something.”

However, it’s not a mystery that Israel has white phosphorus rounds made by the US.

“The US provides so many arms and in these particular rounds, the M825 and M825A1, the US has almost certainly provided in the past,” Castner said.

What Is White Phosphorus?

White phosphorus is a chemical substance used by militaries in artillery shells, bombs and rockets. The substance is ignited when it comes in contact with oxygen, and can then go on to burn intensely at temperatures north of 800C.

The substance was discovered more than 300 years ago by a German alchemist in Hamburg, and after using it in a number of cases, including for the ignition of matches, it began to be used for military purposes.

As a weapon, white phosphorus is easily ignited, difficult to put out, burns at high temperatures and can spread fire rapidly.

“White phosphorus is particularly horrific when used as a weapon. The human suffering that comes with it is especially upsetting,” John Chappell, advocacy and legal fellow at the Center for Civilians in Conflict (Civic), said.

“And then of course, there’s the fact that the Israeli military is using weapons in a very densely populated area, Gaza, and that medical treatment is so limited, that the medical infrastructure has been so damaged.”

For armed conflicts, militaries use white phosphorus as smokescreens, as the clouds of white smoke they generate provide cover for tank battalions or in general obscure the view of enemy troops. The substance is able to interfere with infrared technology and also weapons tracking systems, such as ground-to-air missiles.

The use of white phosphorus is not banned under international law, but the use of it in heavily populated areas is outlawed. Protocol 3 of the UN’s Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons “prohibits the use of weapons primarily designed to set fire to objects or cause burn injuries against civilians”.

If the substance comes into contact with people, it can cause chemical and thermal burns, even down to the bone, and can also enter the bloodstream to cause organ failure. Even after being treated, wounds could possibly reignite after being exposed to oxygen again.

Moral Culpability Versus Legal Liability

When it comes to international law applying to warfare, the details of an act are incredibly important, especially when it comes to the use of a substance like white phosphorus. 

While international law states that the weapon cannot be used in densely populated areas, Castner added that there needs to be a clear lack of distinction between the targeting of armed groups and civilians.

“Attacks that fail to discriminate between civilians on one hand, and valid military targets on the other – those are indiscriminate attacks. And that’s a violation of the law of war. And if civilians were injured or killed, that could be a war crime,” Castner said.

“It’s why white phosphorus shouldn’t be used. And it’s why it’s so dangerous to use the rounds in a densely populated area, because the potential to harm civilians and not being able to differentiate between civilians and military targets in a densely populated area is super easy.”

In terms of any US complicity in this, legal liability is hard to pin down, because of uncertainty over when the shells were given to Israel, and whether any of those white phosphorus shells the US provided were used by Israel in Gaza.

“So while there’s certainly moral culpability if the US transferred white phosphorus to Israel, liability under international law gets more complicated,” Chappell said.

“And because the US may have transferred white phosphorus shells significantly before the start of the current offensive, and since it’s unclear whether policymakers made a transfer with the knowledge that they would be used in this way, legal liability is less clear.”

The only way to concretely find out if any US-made shells were used is to go into Gaza and locate shell remnants there with US military codes and the NSN code for the US. With the access restraints, this does not seem plausible at the moment.

The International Criminal Court has an active investigation into “the situation in the State of Palestine” for alleged war crimes committed since 2014, and the ICC prosecutor says its mandate extends to the current conflict.

However, it is still clear that whatever Israel is doing in Gaza, it has the backing of the US. President Joe Biden travelled to Israel on Wednesday, where he went to Israel’s war room and was given an overview of Israel’s military plans in Gaza.

“The broader story is that everything that the Israeli military is doing right now is backed by the United States,” Chappell said.

Israel Has Safer Alternatives

Experts noted that while it can be difficult to pin down violations of international law, either by Israel or the US, Israel shouldn’t even be using white phosphorus to begin with.

Roughly a decade ago, Israel said it would stop using the substance.

“After criticism from Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, and Israeli and Palestinian human rights groups during the 2008-2009 war in Gaza, the Israeli government said they would phase out the use of white phosphorus munitions in 2013, and they clearly did not do so,” Chappell said.

Israel has plenty of other weapons that could be used as smokescreens, which do the same stated purpose of white phosphorus while being less harmful. One of these is hexachloroethane (HC), a compound used in many smoke grenades in militaries around the world.

“Israel has other rounds that are smoke rounds that do the same thing. They’re M150 rounds and they use HC, rather than white phosphorus. They’re less harmful to civilians in the area. They have other things, but they appear to not be using it,” Castner said.


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Featured image: hite phosphorus is a chemical substance that is used by militaries in artillery shells, bombs and rockets (AFP/File photo)

Israel quer “cenário de Hiroshima” para Gaza.

October 22nd, 2023 by Lucas Leiroz de Almeida

Os recentes ataques massivos de Israel à Faixa de Gaza deixam claro que o estado sionista planeia destruir completamente o local. Porém, as reais intenções parecem ser ainda mais extremas, já que, segundo um jornalista americano, o objetivo é tornar a cidade algo próximo de Hiroshima da segunda guerra mundial, mas sem o uso de armas nucleares.

O renomado repórter Seymour Hersh, citando fontes internas da IDF, compartilhou esta informação em um artigo recente em sua coluna no portal Substack. Segundo ele, as IDF não se preocupam com a vida de centenas de milhares de civis, com real intenção de bombardear Gaza até alcançar um cenário semelhante ao de Hiroshima. Com isso, não haveria necessidade de uma grande invasão terrestre, com o foco dos soldados de infantaria sendo simplesmente aniquilar os soldados do Hamas escondidos nos bunkers quando tentavam sair em busca de comida e água.

“A cidade de Gaza está em processo de ser transformada em Hiroshima sem o uso de armas nucleares (…) As bombas de fabricação americana no arsenal israelense, incluindo aquelas conhecidas como ‘destruidoras de bunkers’, podem ser direcionadas aos sistemas de túneis subterrâneos onde o Hamas fabricou as armas e conduziu o planejamento dos horríveis ataques no sul de Israel em 7 de outubro (…) Segundo os planos israelenses, não haveria necessidade de uma invasão terrestre massiva (…) [No entanto, eles] seriam necessários para caçar clandestinamente os membros do Hamas que recusam se render (…) O oficial me disse que os soldados do Hamas que emergiam dos túneis desesperados por comida eram vistos pelos israelenses como ratos famintos que seriam recebidos com comida envenenada”, ele disse.

Hersh relata que Netanyahu acredita que, seguindo este plano estratégico, será capaz de derrotar as tropas do Hamas de forma mais eficiente, evitando desgastar as IDF numa guerra prolongada de desgaste. Os custos humanitários não são um problema para o governo israelita e não há preocupação de que estas táticas possam levar à morte de centenas de milhares de civis palestinos.

Outro ponto interessante no texto de Hersh é que ele relata um excesso de confiança por parte das IDF. O jornalista cita uma fonte que afirma ter desconsiderado o apoio e conselhos americanos, dizendo que as forças israelitas estão absolutamente confiantes na sua própria capacidade de combate para resolver sozinhas o conflito palestino.

“Bibi tem tudo sob controle e nenhum israelense vai se preocupar com o destino dos cidadãos de Gaza”, disse a fonte militar anônima de Hersh.

Na verdade, além de ser absolutamente anti-humanitário, o plano israelita parece bastante errado do ponto de vista estratégico. Bombardear Gaza até atingir um cenário semelhante ao nuclear será terrível para os civis, mas terá um impacto reduzido na estratégia de guerra do Hamas e não impedirá que a milícia palestiniana desgaste as IDF num conflito assimétrico prolongado. Acreditar que os soldados do Hamas simplesmente “emergirão dos túneis desesperados por comida” e depois serão eliminados pelos israelitas parece bastante ingênuo, uma vez que o Hamas certamente já se prepara antecipadamente para evitar este tipo de situação.

Na prática, as coisas podem acontecer de forma muito diferente do esperado pelas IDF. Israel teria de usar as suas bombas anti-bunker em muitos canais simultaneamente para neutralizar os arsenais subterrâneos de armas do Hamas. E seria necessário conduzir estas operações sob fogo pesado na superfície – não apenas das milícias palestinas, mas possivelmente também dos grupos proxy do Irã afiliados ao chamado “eixo da resistência”.

Além disso, é necessário sublinhar como mais uma vez o excesso de confiança parece ser um problema para Israel. Tel Aviv está confiante na sua capacidade de derrotar o inimigo contando apenas com a sua grande capacidade tecnológica militar, sem levar em conta fatores de guerra assimétrica, como a grande resistência dos grupos guerrilheiros, ações de sabotagem e ataques surpresa. A última vez que as IDF e a inteligência israelita agiram com arrogância e excesso de confiança, o resultado foi precisamente o ataque do Hamas de 7 de Outubro, pelo que um fracasso semelhante poderia ser repetido numa invasão mal planeada de Gaza.

Na verdade, embora as forças de Tel Aviv acreditem que podem alcançar uma “solução final” para Gaza através de bombardeamentos e ataques no terreno, os especialistas militares estão cada vez mais cépticos quanto à possibilidade de uma vitória israelita no caso de uma invasão. Por exemplo, o ex-inspetor da ONU e veterano de guerra Scott Ritter comentou o caso afirmando:

“Se os israelenses entrarem em Gaza, o que farão? Serei muito franco agora: eles morrerão. Morrerão em números que os israelitas nunca viram antes (…) O Hamas está à espera deles (…) O Hamas está a atrair os israelitas para uma armadilha mortal em Gaza. E é isto que acontecerá ao exército israelita quando entrar em Gaza: será destruído.”

Parece que neste plano Israel só alcançará um dos seus objetivos: destruir Gaza, matando civis. Quanto a derrotar rapidamente o Hamas, é muito improvável que isso aconteça. As autoridades israelitas deveriam considerar seriamente a opinião dos especialistas e evitar tomar decisões que apenas gerarão mortes desnecessárias e não trarão vitórias reais.

Lucas Leiroz de Almeida


Artigo em inglês : Israel wants “Hiroshima scenario” for Gaza, InfoBrics, 20 de Outubro de 2023.

Imagem : InfoBrics


Lucas Leiroz, jornalista, pesquisador do Center for Geostrategic Studies, consultor geopolítico.

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Chile: A cuatro años de la revuelta, (casi) nada cambió

October 22nd, 2023 by Cecilia Vergara Mattei

Rambo’s Pacific Peace Zone

October 22nd, 2023 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

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There has always been something impressive, if slightly idiosyncratic, about political ideas emanating from Pacific states.  In recent years, on the world’s largest body of water, the various island states seeing themselves as part of the Blue Pacific have tried to identify a set of principles by which to abide, forming an understanding of the environment that threatens to submerge them.  Some sixteen states and territories in the Pacific became the second grouping to establish a nuclear free zone in 1985 via the Treaty of Rarotonga, first proposed by New Zealand at the South Pacific Forum meeting in Tonga in July 1975.  Since then, climate change has taken centre stage.

Given that this vast aqueous area has again become an area of great power competition, it is time for the leaders, some cheeky, a number reckless, and all open to persuasion, to come to some arrangement to neutralise such competition even as they exploit it.  Sitiveni Rabuka, Fiji’s coup burnished Prime Minister, has put up his hand in this regard.  As he put it in his October 17 address to the Sydney-based Lowy Institute, “For us in the Blue Pacific, history may be calling, it might be our manifest destiny to carry banners for peace and speak out for harmony in our time and forever.”

This is daringly opportunistic, as it should be.  Doing so means that bulky, cloddish powers such as the United States and China may be discouraged from going to war, one that would be incalculably ruinous across the Indo- and Asia-Pacific.  After all, once the missiles start flying between Beijing and Washington, notions of a tranquil Blue Pacific can be filed in the cabinet of oblivion.

In the words of Rabuka, “Rivalry between the two most powerful nations, the US and China, looks to be intensifying.”  The PM could only wonder, for instance, what would happen in instances where Chinese and Filipino ships confronted each other in the South China Sea.  “Will this bring the US into an encounter with China?”

Concerns were also expressed about the deteriorating state of affairs regarding Taiwan.  “Tensions over Taiwan are escalating with the potential for an armed face-off, or worse.”  With this in mind, “Fiji’s position was clear.  We are friendly with China and the US and do not want to be caught in the struggle between the superpowers.”  The leaders in the Pacific, he warned, should not be made to choose sides.

With apostolic virtue, Rabuka suggested something of a different, middling formula: an “Ocean of Peace”.  Such an idea was first aired in his September address to the United Nations General Assembly, where he urged “nations to come together” in tackling a whole set of crises, from great power competition to climate change.

This contemplated “Zone”, involving the major powers and Pacific Island states, would refrain “from actions that may jeopardise regional order and stability” and maintain “respect for each other’s sovereignty and territorial integrity”.  Such an arrangement might also have immediate, tangible benefits, such as the deployment of Fijian peacekeepers to Papua New Guinea to quell tribal conflict, or brokering peace talks between West Papua and Indonesia.  “There would be a continued emphasis on the Pacific way of dialogue, diplomacy and consensus,” he explained.  “Protection and conservation of the environment would be central – a positive element for more harmony and peace.”

Rabuka’s ideas on peace and order are bound to cause a snigger over the canteen meals in foreign affairs departments.  This was a man not averse to leading his own disruptive actions in undermining the very things he now redemptively extols.  The ABC’s eternally looking adolescent, Stephen Dziedzic, was mature enough to note the obvious fact that Rabuka, “once nicknamed ‘Rambo’ – illegally seized power in a 1987 military coup”.  A gentle exoneration follows, as Rambo “has since publicly apologised for his actions, and won a tight election 10 months ago to take Fiji’s top job once again.”

On that score, Fiji’s leader has much to apologise for.  His coup (technically two coups staged over a few months) ensured the overthrow of the elected government of Timoci Bavadra in May 1987.  He then daringly deposed Queen Elizabeth II as Queen of Fiji the following September, despite having been made an officer of the Order of the British Empire in 1981 for showing“imagination and innovation” in confronting and restraining the activities of the Palestinian Liberation Organisation in Lebanon.  (He had done so commanding the first battalion of the Fiji Infantry Regiment, which was serving with the UN Interim Force in Lebanon.)

With such a resume, Rabuka tried to be penitent to his audience.  He had “repented” and was “reborn.  My past cannot be removed, but I can compensate to some extent for what I did.”  Along the long road of political stuttering, he “became a convinced democrat … and now this democratic politician will do what he can to be an apostle of peace.”

Rabuka, like some of his Pacific nation colleagues, continues to be an irrepressible tease in dealings with Australia, China and the United States.  “We are more comfortable dealing with traditional friends that have similar systems of government, that our democracies are the same brand of democracy, coming out of the Westminster system of parliament, and also based on British law that we inherited.”

Having previously shown a glorious contempt for that system, he is perfectly placed to cash in on his continuing relationship with Canberra and, by extension, Washington, while dancing with the emissaries of Beijing.  And what better way to do that than through a solution that seeks preservation rather than suicidal annihilation?


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He currently lectures at RMIT University. He is a regular contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research. Email: [email protected] 

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Video: Archbishop Viganò: “Wake Up From Your Slumber”

October 22nd, 2023 by His Excellency Carlo Maria Viganò

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“The awakening of the consciousness is the first step towards liberation from the subversive leadership that has reserved the high places in both the national and international institutions because opening one’s eyes and looking at reality is essential.

If you have to understand what is really happening, denounce the globalist coup d’etat and regain the national sovereignty and fundamental freedoms that have been taken away from you.

You have all witnessed in recent years a radical change in society; a change planned by people without any electoral mandate and imposed by sold-out rulers.

The United States of America, like many other nations hostage to the Agenda 2030, is facing a very serious crisis: inflation, an out-of-control self-induced migration crisis, human trafficking and child trafficking, rampant crime, and the weakening of law enforcement.”

Watch the video below for Archbishop Vigano’s full address.


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The past two weeks have shown how easily the western world turns its back on Palestinians in times of crisis. 

What unfolded in southern Israel on 7 October was horrific. We are all against the killing of civilians. But while the West has shown solidarity with the Israeli victims, it has remained appallingly silent over – and even encouraged – the crimes being committed against Palestinians in Gaza.

Across historic Palestine, all Palestinians feel as though we are being held responsible and paying the price for Israel’s failure to maintain security along the Gaza fence. From 1948 communities to Jerusalem and the occupied West Bank, we feel we are being targeted on the basis of our identity.

All we hear are western countries giving their full support to Israel, which is using this cover to commit crimes, arrest people and violate the human rights of Palestinians anywhere in the country.

I live in Jerusalem. Palestinians here do not feel safe anymore. Tensions hang heavy, even just in the way people look at each other.

When you walk the streets of Jerusalem, you don’t see people anymore. You see police and private security forces. 

Increasing numbers of civilians have been carrying guns in the streets, and even in shopping malls, where some Israelis were armed with M16s. This comes after National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir decided to hand out thousands of guns and to ease the conditions for purchasing weapons.

In one case, a group of armed Israelis stopped a Palestinian man, ripped a baby seat from his car and dropped it in the street, and then searched his vehicle. The Israeli state has given them implicit permission for this type of harassment. 

Trapped at Home

Many of my friends from occupied East Jerusalem no longer go to work. Some have been beaten. The army can stop you on a whim and check your mobile phone; if they find a song about Palestine or a post about Gaza, they can confiscate your device, beat you and arrest you.

It feels as though we’re living on a military base. In several locations, cement blocks have been placed at the exits of Palestinian neighbourhoods. 

The stress level is extremely high. I don’t leave the house anymore, unless I have to travel to report a story. Palestinians feel as though we’ve all been deemed guilty overnight. 

Armed groups of settlers and private militia forces will stop you on the streets if you look Palestinian. None of us want to leave our homes, not even to get groceries or see a doctor. 

We don’t even feel safe speaking our own language anymore. Palestinian friends in the streets will speak Hebrew or English; they don’t dare to speak Arabic in public. Many people have been fired or suspended from their jobs just for showing solidarity with Gaza.

There are two million Palestinian citizens of Israel. On Tuesday, Israel’s police chief, Kobi Shabtai, had this to say:

“Anyone who wants to identify with Gaza is welcome – I’ll put them on buses that will send them there.”

We are terrified that we could be physically attacked at any time. Extremist Israelis are urging others to kill their Arab neighbours, including women, children and babies. My friends have found their photos and other details posted on social media groups that have been established to target Palestinians. It is a collective call for revenge. We cannot feel secure in this environment.

Calls for Genocide

The speed at which this fascism has spread through the country is stunning. I have always believed there is a common space where Israelis and Palestinians can come together and work towards peace. But the transformation in recent days has been overwhelming. People who once described themselves as Israeli leftists are now calling to wipe out Gaza.

It feels as though the whole state is now baying for genocide. This is the type of language we are hearing from politicians, celebrities, academics and ordinary people. Many feel that Israel is working towards a second Nakba – and the world is doing nothing to stop it. Israelis are crossing red lines and using the current situation to promote apartheid, ethnic cleansing and a second Nakba.

Across the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem, at least 69 Palestinians have been killed in the past 13 days. Palestinians are being attacked by settlers; the police and army do nothing to protect them. Instead, Palestinians face mass arrests if they dare to show support for Gaza.

The situation is terrifying. We are entering a new era that feels even worse than military rule.

In Gaza, more than 4,000 people have been killed in Israel’s bombardment – including more than 1,500 children – while thousands more have been injured. Gaza City has been destroyed. People are struggling to meet their basic needs: water, electricity and medical care. Pregnant mothers are in crisis. Children are being left in hospitals with no one to pick them up, because their parents have been killed.

And still, the West supports and arms Israel. We are seeing western racism in all its cruelty, as Palestinian lives are deemed inherently less valuable. The worst horror is the silence and complicity of the West in Israel’s unspeakable massacres.


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Lubna Masarwa is a journalist and Middle East Eye’s Palestine and Israel bureau chief, based in Jerusalem.

Featured image is from Jonathan Cook Blog

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The Church of Saint Porphyrius was hit by an Israeli airstrike on Thursday, October 19.  The church was sheltering 500 Christians and Muslims who had lost their homes in previous airstrikes. Two people were confirmed dead and dozens injured, but the exact number of dead cannot be verified because those sheltering in the lower area of the church lay covered in rubble of the collapsed building. However, church sources on the scene, reported to their supporters in Manchester, Connecticut they are estimating 150-200 are dead.

The Jewish State of Israel has declared war on the 3 million Palestinian civilians of Gaza, who are mainly Muslim, while the Christian community numbers about 2,000 people. The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) are attacking homes, hospitals, schools and churches since they launched Operation Swords of Iron in response to a large Hamas attack on Israeli civilians and soldiers beginning on October 7.

The Christian faith originated in Palestine, in the streets of Bethlehem and Jerusalem in the Occupied West Bank, where the Christian community is larger than the Christian community in Gaza.  

In Gaza, there are three churches: Greek Orthodox Church, Baptist Church, and Roman Catholic Church.

The Church of Saint Porphyrius, Greek Orthodox, is the oldest active church in Gaza, located in Zeitoun, which is the same neighborhood as the Al Ahli Hospital, run by the Anglican Church (The Church of England) that was hit on October 17.

St. Porphyrius was the 5th-century Bishop of Gaza, and he is entombed in the church. While Europeans were still worshiping fire and stones, the Christians of Palestine were worshiping the Creator inside churches.

The word Greek does not refer to the country known as Greece, but refers to the Greek language, as the Christian world was speaking Greek, and Aramaic in the earliest era. 

The Gaza Baptist Church sustained damage during Israeli airstrikes in 2008, and the church’s pastor, and many of the congregation, subsequently fled the Gaza Strip. The six-story building had been founded in 1954 and had about 200 members.

The Holy Family Church in Gaza was partially destroyed in the 2014 Gaza War, when the church school and pastor’s office were hit by an Israeli airstrike. In 2021, the school was damaged by an Israeli airstrike. The church, school and convents are now sheltering hundreds of people, and on October 9, Pope Francis called the church to offer his prayers and support. The Pope told Father Gabriel Romanelli that he was working to bring an end to the war.

The Catholic President of the United States, Joe Biden, came to Israel and gave the green-light to Prime Minister Netanyahu to continue his war against the Palestinian people of Gaza, the vast majority of which are unarmed civilians caught in the cross-fire.  It appears that President Biden is far removed from the Pope, and is oblivious to his own professed faith.

On October 11, Father Romanelli gave an interview in which he said the Christian residents of Rimal had been under violent bombardment by the Israeli airstrikes. The Catholic sisters of three orders were trying to help people in Gaza. The priest reported that Gaza had almost no electricity, no fuel for generators, and no water to drink, and they were unable to buy any supplies for the people.

On April 15, 2019 a fire destroyed parts of the Notre-Dame de Paris, a medieval Catholic cathedral in Paris, France. After the fire, there was a huge global outpouring of support, and a $135 million campaign was planned to rebuild the Notre-Dame de Paris.

Christians in the Middle East, the birthplace of the faith, are asking the international community for help to stop the occupation, end the blockade of Gaza, and to pledge their support to rebuild Gaza and the West Bank. However, instead, the international community have sent the US President Joe Biden, the UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, and the German Chancellor Olaf Scholz to Tel Aviv were they pledged their political and financial support to Israel, only.

The Al Ahli Hospital suffered damages and deaths this week, and is administrated by the Church of England, which is the state religion of UK, and headed by King Charles, III.  

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has called for an “immediate humanitarian ceasefire” to ease the “epic human suffering.”

However, Biden, Sunak and Scholz have encouraged Netanyahu to ‘just go for it’.  All three nations have huge Christian and Muslim populations, and yet all their support is focused on the Jewish State of Israel.

At least 3,478 Palestinians have been killed in Israeli attacks on Gaza, while the figure stands at more than 1,400 people in Israel.


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This article was originally published on Mideast Discourse.

Steven Sahiounie is a two-time award-winning journalist. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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United States President Joe Biden delivered a live television address on the evening of October 19 to demand that the Congress authorize another $106 billion to expand the wars in Ukraine and Palestine as well as providing funds to counter Chinese influence and enhance security at the southern border.

This speech came just one day after Biden travelled to Tel Aviv to proclaim yet again the White House’s unconditional support to the State of Israel.

While in Israel meeting with the “unified war cabinet” he blamed the Palestinians for the bombing of Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza City, saying the explosion was the result of the actions of the “other team.” Using such terminology suggests that the deadly war against Gaza is some type of sports competition.

This bombing had only taken place less than 24 hours before. The Israeli government through its Defense Forces changed its story on the Al-Ahli Hospital bombing after the number of casualties, approximately 500, would be difficult to justify even to an already compliant western media. Even if there were some questions in the minds of the U.S. government and press agencies as to the origins of the bombing, these questions could not be answered in a matter of hours. Moreover, there was no acknowledgement of the fact that numerous civilian targets have been bombed by the IDF since this latest round of intensified airstrikes since October 7.

Gazan child in a hospital after bombing

In fact, the same Al-Ahli Hospital was hit by IDF ordnance just two days before. The IDF has struck apartment buildings, homes, churches, mosques and businesses along with civilian convoys leaving the north of Gaza after being given evacuation orders from Tel Aviv.

Biden is being given a free pass in his dealing with the corporate and government-controlled media in the U.S. and other western states. In the U.S., the president routinely does not hold press conferences or take questions from reporters, even those assigned to the White House. This fact was written about by the Washington Post in an editorial published in May. See this.

The address broadcast on October 19 where Biden asserted that the allocation the $106 billion was essential to saving western civilization as we know it today, was not followed up by any critical questioning by the U.S. media. His address was treated as a lead story in the U.S. and in Britain, making it appear as if this was a major development in the foreign policy of Washington.

Nonetheless, there has already been more than $136 billion allocated to the proxy war against Russia in Ukraine. The Ukrainian military has lost tens of thousands of its soldiers in the war while many others are suffering from serious wounds as amputees and other injuries.

The $106 billion also includes an allocation of more than $9 billion for “humanitarian assistance” to Israel, Gaza and Ukraine. However, the humanitarian crisis in Gaza is being fueled by the U.S. and the IDF. Not once has the Biden administration called for a ceasefire or the opening of a humanitarian corridor to provide much needed assistance to the Palestinians in Gaza.

On October 20, the United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres visited the North African state of Egypt ostensibly to encourage the opening of the Rafah Crossing where trucks have been lined up for days waiting to deliver food, water, fuel, medicines and other supplies to 2.2 million Palestinians under constant siege by the IDF. Prior to the present siege of Gaza, 450 trucks delivered supplies to Gaza daily. The imperialists are offering to allow 20 trucks to bring essential goods through the Rafah Crossing which is wholly insufficient. (See this)

IDF war planes are bombing Gaza, Khan Younis and the border areas with Egypt making it impossible for aid to be delivered. These facts are ignored by the western media and therefore they are objectively participating in the genocidal war against the Palestinians.

Forced Removal of Palestinians and the Threatened Land Invasion of Gaza by the IDF

The State of Israel was formed 75 years ago, and its founding was based upon the forced removal of millions of Palestinians from their historical homeland. In the present period, the U.S. has endorsed the evacuation orders issued by Tel Aviv which has displaced more than a million Palestinians.

In an article published by the Palestine Chronicle it emphasizes:

“The willingness of the U.S. media to partake in the Israeli disinformation Big Lie is unprecedented in Western democracies. ‘If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.’ This quote was attributed to Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi chief propagandist. Today, Goebbels would envy the Israeli disinformation prowess of employing Western media to willingly market Israeli Big Lies. Claims of ‘decapitated Israeli children’ persistently echoed across CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, and other Western media outlets, perpetuating the Big Lie that eventually became a believable story. The U.S. President even went as far as claiming to have seen (non-existing) images of decapitated Israeli children. Additionally, Western media propagated other Israeli falsehoods, including allegations of women being raped during the Hamas raid. Curiously, not a single woman came forward to support these claims. In reality, one woman who did speak on Israeli TV described respectful treatment by Hamas fighters. Her accounts, however, went unnoticed by Western media since it contradicted the Big Lie gambit.” 

After two weeks of aerial bombardments by the IDF, they have refrained from a full-scale ground invasion into Gaza. Undoubtedly, the fear of larger casualties among the IDF and the uncertain outcomes of placing IDF troops, many of whom are part-time conscripts, into direct ground battles with the military forces of Hamas and other resistance units, has given pause to the Israeli government and their backers in Washington.

In the meantime, according to the Gaza Health Ministry, over 4,100 Palestinians have been killed and thousands more injured by the IDF in their bombing campaign over the last two weeks. Homes, medical facilities, religious institutions, schools and infrastructure in Gaza have been destroyed in a systematic campaign of carpet bombing by the Israeli forces. These war crimes by Israel include the refusal to allow humanitarian assistance into Gaza in a clear effort to starve the population into submission to Tel Aviv and Washington.

An illustration of this effort was carried out on October 19 when the IDF bombed an Orthodox Christian Church in Gaza City. The attacks on Christian churches and hospitals refutes the attempt by the western media to frame the current phase of the struggle as one between Muslims and Jews, when in fact this is a liberation movement to free Palestine from the historic settler-colonialism imposed by Zionism and Imperialism. Although many Palestinians are Muslims, many others are Christians and they have lived side-by-side in peace for centuries.

The Palestine Chronicle reported that:

“A final death toll is yet to be announced, but many Palestinians have been reportedly killed and wounded in a devastating Israeli attack that destroyed an ancient Greek Orthodox church in Gaza late on Thursday night. The church of St. Porphyrius, the original structure of which believed to have been built around 425 CE, has been greatly damaged, and many casualties have been rushed to hospitals when Israeli bombs came raining down on Palestinian civilians sheltering inside. Eyewitnesses and survivors told Al-Mayadeen news channel that nearly 400 people were sheltering inside, mostly Christian civilians. The attack on the church came only days after Israel targeted Palestinian civilians sheltering inside Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza City, killing nearly 500 and wounding over 300 more, according to estimates by the Gaza Ministry of Health. The Greek Orthodox Patriarchate said that the targeting of the church ‘constitutes a war crime’. It is unclear how Washington will respond to the attack on the church, considering that U.S. President Joe Biden had initially blamed the Resistance for the attack on Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital on Tuesday (Oct. 17).” 

Although the ruling class proclaims that the U.S. is a “Christian nation” there has been no condemnation by the Biden administration regarding the targeting of religious institutions in Gaza. The institutional denial of Palestinians to food, medicine, water, fuel and household security reveal clearly that this is a war of genocide aimed advancing the interests of imperialism in West Asia and North Africa.

The Western Media Cannot Whitewash the War Crimes and Economic Distress of the Biden Administration

Biden who is seeking re-election in the upcoming 2024 elections has forfeited any legitimacy to hold office. Although his administration has claimed that everything is fine in the U.S., the entire system of capitalism is slipping deeper into social crisis.

Hundreds of thousands of organized labor union members are engaging in industrial actions across various sectors of the economy. Real wages are falling for working people while enormous profits are increasing for multi-national corporations and the banks. These proclamations of societal prosperity by Washington and Wall Street cannot belie the burgeoning contradictions within the U.S.

The quagmire in the House of Representatives where the Republican-dominated legislative branch of government cannot select a speaker portends much for the Biden administration program to expand the capacity of imperialism to wage war in the Asia-Pacific, West Asia, North Africa and Eastern Europe. Workers and oppressed peoples in the U.S. must build an independent movement aimed at ending the exploitative system of capitalism. Imperialist war waged by the U.S. and its allies cannot win leaving the majority of people no alternative except to build a new society based upon their own social and economic interests.


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Abayomi Azikiwe is the editor of the Pan-African News Wire. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

All images in this article are from the author

Israel: An Apartheid Nation

October 22nd, 2023 by Chaitanya Davé

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Israel’s Creation and Ethnic Cleansing: The 1948 Palestine War, which led to the creation of Israel left Palestinian society leaderless, disorganized, and scattered. More than 700,000 Palestinian Arabs –about half of prewar Palestine’s Arab population— fled from their homes or were expelled by Zionist militias during this war.

The exodus, known as Nakba, was the central component of the fracturing, dispossession, and displacement of Palestinian society. Around 400 to 600 Palestinian villages were destroyed. In a biological warfare programme, village wells were poisoned, and properties were looted to prevent Palestinian refugees from returning. About 80 percent of the Arab inhabitants of what became Israel left or were expelled from their homes. 

About 250,000-300,000 Palestinians fled or were expelled during the 1947-1948 civil war in Mandatory Palestine, before the declaration of independence by Israel in May 1948. Causes of Palestinian mass exodus are many such as destruction of Arab villages, Jewish military advances, psychological warfare, fears of yet another massacre by Zionist militias after the Deir Yassin massacre, direct expulsion orders by Israeli authorities, fear of losing everything by wealthier classes, typhoid epidemic in some areas caused by Israeli well-poisoning, total collapse in Palestinian leadership, Arab evacuation orders and unwillingness to live under Jewish control.

Later on, the Israeli government passed a series of land and property laws that prevented Arabs who had fled, from returning to their ancestral homes or claiming their properties. They and many of their descendants remain refugees still and are not allowed back into Palestine while since its founding, any Jewish person can come and settle in Israel. 

Israel has been a criminal state bent on destroying the very existence of Palestinian people. America and the western countries call Israel “a democracy”! It is a laughable lie. Israel is not a democracy. It is an apartheid nation. It treats its own Palestinian citizens as third-class citizens. Most of their rights as citizens are denied to them. 

U.S. Aid: United States has given Israel some $317.9 billion as combined military and economic aid since World War-II plus around $10 billion additionally in contributions for missile defense systems like the Iron Dome, as per and U.S. News analysis. This means Israel is the highest recipient of U.S. aid. United States gave $3.8 billion in 2020, $3.31 billion in 2021 and $4.8 billion in 2022 to Israel. Briefly, U.S. has doled out $3 billion to $4 billion a year in military aid during the past decade and a half. Israel is the highest recipient of America’s total foreign aid programme. In per capita terms, the United States gives each Israeli a direct subsidy worth about $500 per year, every year. Mind you, Israel is not a poor country.

Adjusted for inflation in 2022 dollars. Data for 2020–2022 is partially completed. Source: US Agency for International Development

As per Forbes Magazine, Israel is among the top 20 global economies in GDP per capita. In other words, Israel’s economy is similar to those of Europe. While America doles out 3 to 4 billion dollars to Israel year after year, around 11.4% of Americans are below poverty line. According to, 33.98 million Americans were in poverty in 2019, 16.1 percent of children under the age of 6 were in poverty in 2021, 10.5 percent of households were food-insecure and 582,462 people including 106,364 children were homeless in 2022. Thus, for our ruling class, Israelis are more important than millions of poor Americans and their children. What a shame!

Balfour Declaration: The idea of the creation of Israel came after the famous Balfour Declaration of 1917.

The Balfour Declaration was a public statement issued by the British government in 1917 during the First World War. It announced its support for the establishment of a “national home for the Jewish people” in Palestine, then an Ottoman region where only a small minority of Jews lived.

Britain’s foreign secretary Arthus Balfour sent a letter dated 2nd November 1917 to Lord Rothschild, a leader of the British Jewish community for transmission to the Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland. In the letter he proposed the creation of an independent state of Israel in the Palestine.

The idea was to enlist Jewish support in their war against the Ottoman Empire in Palestine. Thus, this was the beginning of the creation of Israel in Palestine.  As in other areas of the Middle East, Africa and the partition of India, the British have been the culprit, using “The divide and rule” strategy everywhere. The rest is history.

Gaza Strip: Some 2.2 million people live in the Gaza Strip. It is hardly 140 square miles, more than 2 times the size of Washington D.C. It is one of the most densely populated regions of the world. Israel controls everything in and of Gaza. Israel has maintained it as the open-air concentration camp. It controls its food, water, and electricity supply. During the current war between Hamas and Israel, Israel has cut off Gaza’s food, water, and electricity supply, punishing all its citizens for the attack carried out by Hamas. 

Hamas and Hezbollah: Of course, Hamas’s recent attack was a terrorist attack on Israeli civilians and should be condemned. It doesn’t help the cause of the Palestinian people.  But Israel is punishing the whole population of  Gaza as a revenge.

In the first 13 days of relentless bombings of Gaza, Israel flattened many buildings, hospital, etc. and killed more than 3,300 innocent civilians. No people of any nation should suffer such horrible conditions as the Palestinians of Gaza are suffering at present. As of now, more children have been killed in 13 days by Israeli bombing in Gaza than those killed in Ukraine in one year. The fact remains that Israel has killed many times more Palestinians than Hamas or Hezbollah have killed the Israelis. Thus, Israel is committing crimes against humanity. Yes, violence by Hamas and by Hezbollah against Israeli citizens is terrorism and deplorable. It should be stopped. Also, the destruction of Israel as their main goal is foolish and unacceptable. At the same time, Israel’s extreme violence against the Palestinian people is unacceptable too. 

America’s Failed Middle East Policy: America is not a peacemaker in this matter. America is Israel’s big brother. For so many decades, United States has failed to bring peace in this region, no wonder. It is quite likely that United States doesn’t want peace in the Middle East. Then who would they sell billions of dollars’ worth of arms to?

It should be noted that Israel is constantly committing crimes against humanity since its creation torturing and killing Palestinians in Gaza as well as in the West Bank. Since its birth in 1948, Israel has expanded its territory in 1967 war, annexing the Gaza Strip from Egypt, the West Bank and East Jerusalem from Jordan and the Golan Heights from Syria. It is constantly expanding its illegal settlements in Jerusalem. 

Partners in Crime: This is only possible because of the unwavering military, financial and diplomatic support of the United States for last many decades. In other words, United States is equally responsible for the crimes committed by Israel. Both countries are partners in crime. Without America’s total support, Israel could not commit these crimes. 

No wonder, during every debate regarding Israel and Palestine issue at the United Nations, usually, United States and Israel are on one side while the rest of the world is on the opposite side.

Two State Solution: If Israel wants to live in peace, it must seek a two-state solution. Otherwise, it will never be able to live in peace. Foolishly, the right-wing government of Netanyahu doesn’t want that. So, occasional attacks by Hamas and Hasbullah against Israel and out of proportion bombings of Gaza by Israel will continue too.


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Chaitanya Davé is a Chemist and a Chemical Engineer. He has authored three books: CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY: A Shocking Record of US Crimes since 1776-2007, COLLAPSE: Civilization on the Brink-2010, CAPITALISM’S MARCH OF DESTRUCTION: Replacing it with People and Nature-Friendly Economy. Author of many articles on politics, history, and the environment. Founder/President of a non-profit charity foundation helping the poor villagers of India, Nepal, Haiti, USA-homeless and other poor countries. He can be contacted at [email protected].  

He is a regular contributor to Global Research. 

Featured image: ETHNIC CLEANSING: Palestinian refugees in 1948 Photo: Public Domain

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[This article was updated on October 22, 2023.]



Oh, the savagery and immorality of it all! Still more innocent babies, new arrivals from distant worlds in the cosmos, barely here on earth; more pregnant women burgeoning with new expectant life; still even more young boys and young girls, young men and young women in their prime, still radiant with new hopes and dreams for the future; so many more old men and old women, in the sunset of their lives, meant to savor and reflect upon the meaning of it all. All Gone Now, Forever!

It’s an Old Tired Story but Here We Go Again

What is transpiring in the Hamas-Israel War reminds this writer of the early heart-breaking days in the New World when immoral marauding Europeans from the Old World, would-be Canadian and American settler-colonist occupiers of the New World as it were, justified their killing and removal of its indigenous First Nation peoples, especially the babies and young ones, who they basically considered were all obstacles – impediments – in their way; referring to them as nothing more than “Nits who Grow Lice”, simply to be disposed of for the good of all!”

What followed was over two centuries of nightmarish genocide against not only First Nation peoples themselves, as an entire race of humans, but also against the New World’s non-human, one-of-a-kind species of life, many of whom are now either gone or in the process of fast disappearing.

The continual indifference to the massacre of the Earth’s natural human and non-human life forms is shameful beyond what any words can ever attempt to convey.

How Far Will the Madness Go

A similar immoral history could be told of the sudden, unannounced arrival of the marauding, occupying Zionist Jewish settler-colonists of Palestine, over the past 75 years since the end of WWII in 1948, and ever since while many United Nations of the world, in many cases, have had to continue to hold their noses and look the other way as the Zionists have acted like Bears in a China Shop as they’ve perpetually allowed ever since a flood of emigrant Jewry into the lands of Palestine from every corner of the earth and given them virtual carte blanche to do whatever they would, even blatant murder, at the constant expense of he Palestinians.

Roy Sharon, a noted radio and TV commentator on Israeli’s main broadcasting corporation airwaves, recently declared his desire, over a comment he made in response to the recent scandalous Al Ahli Arab Baptist Hospital atrocity in Gaza. Sharon felt comfortable and protected enough to openly expressed his desire to see “a million dead bodies in Gaza.”

While extremist anti-Palestinian politicians, like Israel’s Finance Minister Bezatel Smotrich, publicly has declared, “We need to be cruel, and not to think of the Hamas captives.” Smotrich has gone on the record, when asked the question “Is there a Palestinian history and culture?” Smotrich answered, “No! There is no Palestinian people or culture.”

In the West, where countries need to take a more definitive moral-political-ideological stand on their beliefs about the plight of Palestinian peoples, those like Canada’s conservative Senate Speaker, George Forey, has joined with the country’s Conservative Senate to invite Israel’s right wing politician, Amir Obana, Speaker of Israel’s Parliament, to speak before Canada’s government and its people. Even though Amir Obana has gone on the record to proclaim that “Muslims are prone to cultural murderousness.” While Obana, as the former public safety minister, was also responsible for modifying Israel’s COVID 19 vaccination priority list to exclude prisoners who were Palestinians. Apparently, this is what it means in the West to take a stand.

It’s Such an Old, Tired, Tragic Tale to Tell

From the first beginnings of European contact with the peoples of the New World, the American and Canadian counterparts to the Israeli Zionists referred to the First Nation people they encountered, as “Animals, Vermin and Savageswho had to be eradicated”, so deeply embedded are the beliefs of the Zionist Jews of Israel towards the Palestinian peoples.

Yet, once again, what the American, Canadian and Western Corporate mainstream media (MSM) allies constantly do is to repeatedly support this fascist, ideological world view that always downplays, or holds at fault, the indigenous side of this age-old story, while the average citizenry, Like Pavlovian dogs, dutifully respond to all the corporate society’s cues.

Israeli Racism Is So Rampant But How Much Does the World Care

On the streets of Tel Aviv, New York, Paris, Brussels, everywhere, one can find placards and bumper stickers that demand, “Exterminate Gaza”, “Don’t Destroy Gaza, Flatten It!”

While in the case of so many contentious reasons and lies for the unfolding current war between Hamas and Israel, one constantly hears the Corporate MSM declaring that it is Hamas, not Israel, who recently bombed the Al Ahli Baptist Hospital in Gaza. But it’s the same Who Blew up the Nordstream Pipeline lies and hate propaganda that has been used ad infinitum by the West, most recently with nauseating results  in its other recent War in Ukraine.

Yet the Conscience of the World is now being called upon, like perhaps never before, to express its deeply troubled pathos over the increasingly-grim angst on the ground of Gaza, Palestine, Israel and everywhere else in the world where humans are still willing to support such inhumane savagery.

Like somnambulists, or brain-dead zombies, the Human Race, in Israel as well as everywhere else continues to blindly enter, willy-nilly, into the unchartered, unknown waters of severe human degradation. But what somnambulant world leader is ever, finally, go prepared to speak truth to power, like they’ve never spoken before?

Yet Here We Go Again

A human disaster of gargantuan proportions continues in the Middle East. In this regard, the Jewish Revolt in the Warsaw Ghetto against the Nazi in 1943, and the Palestinian Revolt in the Gaza Ghetto in 2023 against the Zionists, are virtually two sides of the same coin, the proverbial shoe-on-the-other-foot, that represents the basis and prelude of a very long, slow-burning old fuse, that has only just begun to explode in more calamitous ways than the world has yet to witness or remotely even understand..

The sick biases of the Zionist’s long-standing propaganda of irrational hate towards the Palestinian’s eight decades-long cause and plight to regain something of their peoples lost human freedoms and sovereignty, continues to be in question, as it has been for decades by the world’s supporting corporate mass media and fascist governments still providing the same underpinnings of the same gross biases, indifference and denial of the Palestinian’s never-ending frustrated struggle for freedom and dignity that is the inherent right of every human being.

So incessant has the Zionist zeitgeist become to virtually eradicate the Palestinian presence in Israel, that its world-wide hate propaganda, supported everywhere by the corporate mainstream media, now represents the common bias of much of the world’s general populace who have bought into the Zionist propaganda, hook, line and sinker; so much so that this Zionist spin could be called the world’s conventional wisdom as to the cause and ultimate solution of the “Palestinian Problem.

Warsaw Ghetto Revolt and Gaza Ghetto Revolt Are Teaching Lessons

To answer that question, one must first understand something more about the existing realities behind the related historical human tragedies between the Jewish Revolt in the Warsaw Ghetto in 1943 & the Palestinian Revolt in the Gaza Ghetto in 2023.

Both these human tragedies contain universal truths that the world has yet to squarely address, and probably never will, caught as it is in the midst of yet the next, and then the endless next, rolling, out-of-control train wreck of a human catastrophe that now is the current genocidal slaughter of Hamas and Palestinians by Israel. The Israeli government’s state criminality every bit as viscous as anything Hamas has ever done since its October 7th surprise attack against Israel that has led to humanitarian outrages and condemnations on both sides since the onset of the current war.

A Jewish boy surrenders in Warsaw, from the Stroop Report to Heinrich Himmler from May 1943

Jewish Warsaw Ghetto Freedom Fighters Marched Out for Execution (Licensed under the Public Domain)

Yet without attaching any blame to either side for its genocidal practises against the other it’s essential that ever human wake up to the serious nature of the Genocide that, more and more, is occurring everywhere

Do Not be Silent About Genocide

On October 15th, an Open Letter was sent from Birzeit University on the West Bank, in the State of Palestine, to International Academic Institutions, worldwide. It declared:

We at Birzeit University call upon international academic institutions to take concrete action to stop the genocidal war on the Palestinian people and to end Israeli settler colonialism. Over the past 8 days, Israel’s brutal and vicious bombardment of the Gaza Strip—which has been besieged by Israel for the past 17 years—has resulted in the killing of over 2,400Palestinians, one third of whom are children, the injuring of over 10,000 Palestinians, the deliberate displacement of more than half a million Palestinians and the call for the removal of another million from the north of the Gaza Strip, the destruction of 60,000 residential units, in addition to targeted attacks on hospitals, schools and universities.

Recent statements by Israeli government officials calling Palestinians “human animals” that are to be starved and further made hostage through a complete blockade of food, water, electricity, and fuel amplifies Israel’s founding racist ideology that operates with pervasive international impunity and complicity. This war of elimination begun in 1948 continues to escalate, devoid of humane rules or ethical constraints, exacerbating an already insufferable living situation for Palestinians.

Birzeit University calls upon the international academic community, unions, and students to fulfill their intellectual and academic duty of seeking truth, maintaining a critical distance from state sponsored propaganda, and to hold the perpetrators of genocide and those complicit with them accountable.

We also hold Israeli universities responsible as they have been indispensable to the regime of settler colonial oppression and apartheid, complicit in grave violations of human rights, including developing weaponry, military doctrines, and legal justification for the indiscriminate, mass targeting of Palestinians. These academic institutions must be shunned by the international academic community.

Birzeit University urges the international community to immediately intervene to stop this barbaric aggression and to protect Palestinians from the dramatic escalation of Israeli war crimes, crimes against humanity, and ethnic cleansing throughout all of Palestine.

The ongoing impunity granted by the international community to the Israeli occupying forces must end today.

Common Roots of Warsaw Ghetto Uprising and Gaza Ghetto Uprising

The roots of the catastrophe, caused by the Nazi’s brutal walled-in imprisonment of the Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto of 1943 during WWII, that finally led to their revolt and massacre at the hands of the Nazi, are the same roots of the catastrophe, caused by the: original massacres of the Zionist Nakba Catastrophe of the Palestinians in 1948; followed by the Zionist imprisonment of the Palestinians, 75 years later, under similar horrendously-punitive conditions in the Gaza Ghetto. The Palestinian’s revolt in 2023 turning into yet an even more horrific Gaza Catastrophe between Hamas and Israel; that has yet to become even more unimaginably-horrific, not only for the Palestinian peoples and Israeli Jews but for the world, as a whole.

No blame should ever be held against those Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto for killing so many Nazi in the process of their desperate revolt. Nor should the same blame ever be waged against the Palestinians for their related revolt in the Gaza Ghetto. Its what desperate people do when all hope is disappearing for something better to happen to them; leading them to consider preparing to sacrifice the most precious thing every human has the right to give for a moral principle, which is their very life. Of course, the other side of this moral tale is that all those who finally arrive at such a moment of destiny sometimes also take the attitude, “Well, the bastards may be forcing me to martyr my life but I’ll be damned if I don’t take as many of them with me as I can.”

Over time immemorial, his is what has dictated the actions of many brave, honorable, highly-moral men and women who have taken upon themselves such roles as: suicide bombers, kamikaze pilots, soldiers who throw themselves on a grenade to save his mates, etcetera.

Siege of Masada Mentality Happens When Humans Are Put Against a Wall

Enough is enough! After three quarters of a century, one human being’s normal lifetime, the world and human race have once more reached another monstrous milestone of immorality in their long, sad, tragic evolution together. No turning back now to the way life once upon a time once was between Israel, Palestine, Gaza and the world. Only more endless, senseless mass martyrdom and ethnic cleansing everywhere one looks. The Human world still the same old, nasty, violent dirty little place in the universe it always has been.

It’s a Very Long Tragic Story

During the Roman siege of Masada, in the first Jewish-Roman War in 72-73 MCE, when nearly 1,000 trapped Jewish rebels were faced with a similar hopeless situation, as to what is going on in Gaza, they chose to kill themselves by leaping to their deaths from their Masada Stronghold, rather than continue to be slaughtered or fall captive and become enslaved by their enemies.

Now, in the midst of all the unbelievable carnage of the Hamas-Israel War, a haunting whisper repeats incessantly to this writer’s ear and conscience: “Never forget the horrors of the Nakba and Zionist terrorists who committed all the horrors as they continue to do again on the once sacred grounds of the Jewish and Christian Faiths.”

If life for the Palestinians continues to deteriorate it’s not unconceivable that a similar situation of suicide bombings against the Zionists could also manifest in the current war.

75 Years Ago Many Predicted How the Nakba in Palestine One Day Could End

The Palestinian people, like so many other unfortunate humans before them, are now at that same point in their existence where there’s absolutely nothing more to lose, besides their lives and those of their loved ones; except but try to regain something of the last remaining vestiges of their basic human dignity.

So, not surprisingly, Palestinians have now risen up and continue to resist, at whatever the costs, Israel’s outrageously-heinous blowback and the equally despicable actions of their U.S. and Western alli theires, like President Biden, Prime Minister Trudeau and tdheir governments who continue to offer the Zionists everything from monies to weapons to AI logistics, while, in the mean time, what continues to unfold amounts to yet another historic Nazi Holocaust moment in the making in another Warsaw Ghetto. This time, though, it isn’t against the Nazi’s in occupied Poland. It’s against the Zionist’s in occupied Palestine and Gaza.

But Will Wise Minds Ultimately Prevail to Right So Many Wrongs?

This writer oft finds himself returning in his writings about anything to do with the tragedy that has long since befallen the plight of the Palestinian peoples; turning for answers to the writings of Professor Ilan Pappe, a professor of Palestinian Studies at Exeter University in the UK, who possesses many keen insights, wisdoms and measured, balanced understandings of the dynamics involved in this unbroken 75 year long resistance movement..

In one of Professor Pappe’s most recent interviews on You Tube, Professor Pappe gives his take on the current status of the war in Gaza and what might unfold in the coming days, weeks and months that are still to follow. His insights are profound:

It’s a Cry for the World to be a Different Place Than It Is

But this age-old struggle isn’t just for the Palestinians. It’s for all of us, because it represents the same basic, defiant, last gasps of human hope for help that continues to be everywhere heard on earth by those oppressed ones who find their own necks hopelessly jammed beneath the same genocidal, Nazi-like jackboots of whatever fascist oppressor.

When Nazi Germany’s blitzkrieg invaded Poland, kicking off the onslaught of WWII, it culminated in the Jewish Warsaw Ghetto and massacre of brave, defiant Jewish Freedom Fighters of all ages in Warsaw and millions more like them throughout the world. There were no other answers for any of them in Warsaw in 1943, just as there are no other answers for the Palestinians and all the rest of us in Gaza in 2023; but to throw all caution to the wind and strike out, strike back, as futile, bloody and messy as it may be, and resist, at all costs, the new Catastrophe being perpetrated against us all in the name of Gaza, Palestine or wherever else.

Coming on the heels of the equally heinous abominations of the war in Ukraine, it seems highly likely now that the geo-political-military human crises happening everywhere in the world can only but lead, at some point in time, to yet a WWIII with even more disastrous consequences for the human race; endlessly brought on, like so many other world wars that have come and gone before, without ever providing any real final resolution.

God, Allah, Heaven, Help Us! Because We Humans Are Incapable of Doing It Ourselves!


One Man’s Truth Speaks Out Against All the Madness

A Jewish friend and associate recently expressed to this writer in a private conversation some of his thoughts about the crisis in Gaza:

From the beginning of the massacre in the south I came out against the heinous crime, but despite this I continue to receive threats and insults and accusations as if I was responsible for it and not the government of atrocities. Why?

Because I refuse to go with the mobs of instigators who seek revenge and not a solution, bloodshed and not security, humiliation and not peace. These bloodthirsty people are driven mad by my pain for all those who were or are being killed, whoever they were or might still be, and not only for the Jewish ones. It is my insistence on a political solution of ending the occupation, reaching a peace that will end the violence, which drives them crazy.

I will not give up! I will continue to raise my voice and fight for the liberation of the Palestinian people from their enslavement, an enslavement which is not only a terrible injustice but is also killing us all.

One more thing. My dear friend who was recently murdered was a proud leftist, a supporter of my Hadash Party. I knew many of those who already have been massacred and murdered, they were my companions and fellow activists.

I often get nasty and threatening messages for protesting such violence. “May you and your fellows be killed by your Arab friends!”, they say. “So, you got your wish,”, I say back, “You vile hypocrites!”

I continue in the face of so much violence to say, “Yes, to Palestinian independence! No to War! Yes, to a Just Peace! No to Violence! Yes to Equality! No to indiscriminate Inequality!


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The writer Jerome Irwin is a Canadian-American writer who originally was a Criminology student working in one of America’s local police departments. For decades, Irwin has sought to call world attention to problems of environmental degradation and unsustainability caused by a host of environmental-ecological-spiritual issues that exist between the conflicting world philosophies of indigenous and non-indigenous peoples.

Irwin is the author of the book, “The Wild Gentle Ones; A Turtle Island Odyssey” (, a spiritual odyssey among the native peoples of North America that has led to numerous articles pertaining to: Ireland’s Fenian Movement; native peoples Dakota Access Pipeline Resistance Movement; AIPAC, Israel & the U.S. Congress anti-BDS Movement; the historic Battle for Palestine & Siege of Gaza, as well as; the many violations constantly being waged by industrial-corporate-military-propaganda interests against the World’s Collective Soul. The author and his wife are long-time residents on the North Shore of British Columbia.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

La guerra en Ucrania y Palestina ¿Llegará a México?

October 21st, 2023 by Mirko C. Trudeau

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First published on October 3, 2023


The “air vaccine” is here and it’s able to deliver mRNA technology into the human body without a needle injection. The mRNA can be delivered right into the lungs and has been used to “vaccinate” mice intranasally.

A team from Yale University has developed a new airborne method for delivering mRNA right to your lungs. The method has also been used to vaccinate mice intranasally, “opening the door for human testing in the near future.”

While scientists may celebrate this invention as a convenient method to vaccinate large populations, skeptics have started to raise obvious concerns about the potential misuse of an airborne vaccine, including the possibility of covert bioenhancements a concept that has previously been suggested in academic literature.

Roman Balmakov of Facts Matter discusses the study in the video below:

In the research, the scientists used polymer nanoparticles to encapsulate mRNA, transforming it into an inhalable form for delivery to the lungs. Courtney Malo, who serves as an editor at Science Translational Medicine, the publication that featured the study, explained, “The ability to efficiently deliver mRNA to the lung would have applications for vaccine development, gene therapy, and more. Here, Suberi et al. showed that such mRNA delivery can be accomplished by encapsulating mRNAs of interest within optimized poly(amine-co-ester) polyplexes [nanoparticles].

Polyplex-delivered mRNAs were efficiently translated into protein in the lungs of mice with limited evidence of toxicity. This platform was successfully applied as an intranasal SARS-CoV-2 vaccine, eliciting robust immune responses that conferred protection against subsequent viral challenges.

These results highlight the potential of this delivery system for vaccine applications and beyond.“

The team, which was led by cellular and molecular physiologist Mark Saltzman, claims that the inhalable mRNA vaccine “successfully protected against “SARS-CoV-2“, and that it “opens the door to delivering other messenger RNA (mRNA) therapeutics for gene replacement therapy and other treatments in the lungs.”(source) -The Daily Exposé

By creating an airborne vaccine, the ruling class doesn’t have to convince people to spend their time getting injected individually. This can take time and be arduous, especially if people continue to reject “vaccines.” It’s much easier to get the mRNA technology into the bodies of humans if the rulers can just release it in the air. But if they can do this with vaccines, what’s stopping them from creating a bioweapon that everyone inhales?

An airborne vaccine, much like a bioweapon, can be released into the air without consent or even the public’s knowledge.

A similar strategy is being used with mRNA in shrimp, which are too small and numerous to be injected individually. Instead, an oral “nanovaccine” was created to stop the spread of a virus. Shai Ufaz, chief executive officer of ViAqua, which developed the technology, stated:

“Oral delivery is the holy grail of aquaculture health development due to both the impossibility of vaccinating individual shrimp and its ability to substantially bring down the operational costs of disease management while improving outcomes …” -The Daily Exposé

COVID-19 has always been about the “vaccine” and getting it into as many human beings as possible.  That’s still part of the endgame. The rulers need to get as many people as possible exposed to mRNA technology with the least amount of cost and effort. The airborne vaccine is a solution to the “problem” the ruling class has with “vaccine hesitancy.”

Pro-Vaccine Virologist Says “We Are Going To PAY A Huge Price For COVID Mass Vaccination”

If you ever think the ruling class won’t experiment on the human cattle it claims it own, think again:

DARPA Creepiest Programs For Human Control: “How Dark Will Our Future Be?”


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First published on October 11, 2023


In my last article I wrote about the history and aim of the Club of Rome. I mentioned that they now are one of the leading advocates for declaring a “Planetary Emergency”. This will most likely be the trigger for the setup of a scientific dictatorship.

The idea of declaring an emergency was first proposed to Club of Rome by British consultant and psychotherapist David Wasdell in 2005.

Wasdell, with training from Tavistock Institute, had written a paper called Global Warning that was circulated during the G8 summit in Gleneagles in 2005, with the mission of getting the climate issue higher up on the political agenda.

We have a narrow remaining window to engage global strategic planning and mobilisation, followed by a maximum of fifty years to achieve the transition, to scale down resource usage, to terminate inequitable capital accumulation, and to stabilise and begin the long term reduction of global population.

Wasdell was then invited by the Club of Rome president Prince El Hassan bin Talal to make a speech at their annual conference in Norfolk, Virginia.

In order to achieve the desired impact, Wasdell advised them to:

  • Recognise that there now exist a state of global emergency
  • Declare excess CO2 to be an eco-toxin [!] with potentially catastrophic impact on the global biosphere
  • Develop and operationalize an emergency strategy to move our global society towards a zero or negative carbon economy within the shortest possible timescale
  • Develop and operationalize the most effective institutional instruments to manage the transition.

Wasdell, who became an adviser to Al Gore, was also working closely with the Potsdam Institute of Climate Impact Research (PIK) and its director and Club of Rome-member Hans Joachim Schellnhuber to develop the concept of Tipping Points in the climate system.[1]

This concept was incorporated into the Planetary Boundaries framework, which was developed under the leadership of Johan Rockström at the Stockholm Resilience Centre and introduced in the article “A safe operating space for humanity” in 2009. This was done in cooperation with Schellnhuber and PIK.[2]

Planetary Boundaries is a framework to “describe limits to the impacts of human activities on the Earth system”. If left unchecked, it is said to trigger cascading tipping points leading to “large-scale abrupt or irreversible environmental changes”. To prevent this potential scenario, a top-down population control is considered necessary.

Planetary boundaries - Wikipedia

Rockström, a Swedish agronomist, had in 2004 been headhunted by the first IPCC chairman Bert Bolin to serve as director of Stockholm Environment Institute and became the first director of Stockholm Resilience Centre in 2007.

The latter institute, located at Stockholm University, had been set up by the Swedish foundation for strategic environmental research (MISTRA) with the task of developing strategies for sustainable governance and stewardship of ecological and social systems. Rockström later succeeded Hans Joachim Schellnhuber as joint director of PIK in 2018.

The Planetary Boundaries framework was presented by Rockström at Club of Rome’s Global Assembly in Amsterdam in October 2009, with attendance from their royal patron Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands and honorary member Mikhail Gorbachev. Sponsors were Philips, Royal Dutch Shell and KLM.[3]

The framework was included in the Club of Rome-report Bankrupting Nature, authored by Johan Rockström and former Club of Rome-president Anders Wijkman, and became a part of Club of Rome’s and PIK’s The Planetary Emergency Plan in 2019. One year later their Planetary Emergency Partnership was launched with over 300 partners all over the world.

The Club of Rome on X: "The #PlanetaryEmergencyPlan 2.0, updated to include insights from the global pandemic, makes the case that we are unequivocally in the midst of a planetary emergency. COVID-19

These plans have now come into fruition. A few weeks ago, a statement was made by The Climate Governance Commission at the UN General Assembly High-Level Week & Climate Week.[4]

The commission, which includes the current president of the Club of Rome, Sandrine Dixson-Declève, and Johan Rockström, paints a bleak picture of the future – unless we take decisive action.

The world faces a deepening planetary emergency – and is on a reckless path toward catastrophic climate change – having already over-stepped six of nine scientifically-identified planetary boundaries. A continued failure to address the underlying causes of this emergency – such as fossil fuel-based economies, resource waste/overconsumption and the destruction of nature – will have further devastating effects for all of humanity, triggering potentially irreversible tipping points, with dangerous consequences for planetary stability, both social and ecological. A system-wide approach to solving the climate crisis is required now, ensuring reliable climate and planetary boundary governance for the Earth as a whole.

Due to these alleged crises, the commission recommends “bold and concrete steps to catalyze a shift in global governance” in their forthcoming report Governing Our Planetary Emergency, which will be released in conjunction with the climate summit in Dubai (COP28) in November 2023.

The Climate Governance Commission was founded by the Swedish Global Challenges Foundation at the UN75 Global Governance Forum, September 16 & 17 2020, and is led by former Irish President Mary Robinson from The Elders and Club of Madrid with Johan Rockström and the former President of the UN General Assembly María Fernanda Espinosa as co-chairs. Supporters include Club of Madrid, Stimson Center and The Rockefeller Foundation.

The former president of Club of Rome that intervened trying to prevent my dissertation from being approved is a “contributing expert”.

They CGC state that the “global governance system is ill-equipped to deal with our planetary emergency, which now encompasses the “polycrisis” including, for example, international conflict, financial instability, global inequality, and pandemic risk and recovery.” The new term “polycrisis” was frequently used in discussions at the World Economic Forum in Davos in January 2023.[5]

Strengthening the International Response to Complex Global Shocks – An Emergency Platform | Our Common Agenda Policy Brief 2 - Diplo Resource

To handle this “polycrisis”, CGC calls for “competent” crisis leadership.

Empowered with new authorities, current and new international governance institutions must exert competent crisis leadership, developing and deploying emergency plans and a new generation of effective policies while pursuing a more equitable allocation of resources. Further, scientific boundaries are not negotiable, but must drive and fundamentally inform our collective action and management systems.

To set these “new authorities and capabilities” in motion the commission proposes that the UN General Assembly declares a planetary emergency at the Summit of the Future in September 22-23 next year.

The UN General Assembly should declare a global planetary emergency at the 2024 Summit of the Future, reinforced in similar statements by UN Agencies, regional bodies, and national and local governments.

The commission then suggests to elaborate on the UN Secretary-General’s proposed Emergency Platform “to design and convene an inter-agency, intergovernmental Planetary Emergency Platform to bring together fragmented international institutional structures, and to develop a Planetary Emergency Plan for urgent, coordinated action, with linked national emergency plans.”

I describe the Emergency Platform here.

This Platform, consisting of intergovernmental, State and non-State actors, would “plan for and cooperate on urgent action at all levels of governance, including a global decarbonizing package”.

The commission point out that over-stepping the planetary boundaries has to come with consequences.

Global security norms should be broadened to reflect the grave implications of over-stepping climate/planetary boundaries, including UN Security Council practices to better reflect the climate policy challenges and priorities of the Global South and of all peoples.

They are because of this calling for “courageous “top down” leadership within all levels of government, combined with generalized “bottom up” citizen pressure and engagement, to catalyze fundamental transformations.”

Some of the other suggestions in the statement includes:

  • A Global Environment Agency
  • An International Court for the Environment
  • Institutional Reform of the Global Financial System

Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors Global Commons Alliance

Planetary Boundaries and the Rise of Non-State Global Governance

In the background, another closely related initiative has been developed to execute the prescribed transformation. In 2019 the Global Commons Alliance was launched in Singapore by Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors with the mission “to mobilize citizens, companies, cities and countries to accelerate systems change, and become better guardians of the global commons”.[6]

Their strategic priorities are to change minds, actions and systems in order to safeguard the global commons and “regaining planetary stability”. They are ready to act swiftly when an emergency is declared.

By 2025, the true magnitude of the multifaceted transformations we need to safeguard the global commons will be well understood. Key actors will know what they need to do, where things are most urgent, and be taking action that sparks and sustains transformational change in order to protect the global commons.

Their philosophy is all based on Rockström’s Planetary Boundaries Framework.

The 70+ partners include Club of Rome, PIK, WEF, and WRI, with support from an “Investor Collaborative” consisting of among others Swiss MAVA Foundation, Dutch foundation Porticus and United Nations Global Environment Facility.

Rockström is a member of the steering committee of the Global Commons Alliance and leads the “Alliance Component” The Earth Commission with the mission to define “safe and just boundaries for people and the planet”.

This is a graph from my book The Digital World Brain (under translation to English), illustrating their formula for “systems transformation”.

It is a recipe for a Scientific Dictatorship. To quote the “tenth commandment” on the now demolished Georgia Guidestones:

Be not a cancer on the Earth – Leave room for nature – Leave room for nature.

It also reminds me of a document from the Secretariat of World Order that George Hunt uncovered during a “UNA Environment and Development Conference to provide broad public debate and support for United Nations Earth Summit” in Des Moines, September 22 1991.[7]

The security council of the UN, led by the Anglo-Saxon Major Nation Powers, will decree that henceforth, the Security Council will inform all nations that its suffrance on population has ended, that all nations have quotas for REDUCTION on a yearly basis, which will be enforced by the Security Council’ by selective or total embargo of credit, items of trade including food and medicine, or by military force, when required.

This has now been rebranded as carbon footprint reduction.

I will delve more into the Global Commons Alliance in a coming article. I also mention their influence in my presentation “Shaping the Future Agenda – The Digital World Brain” from Stavanger.


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[2] Rockström, J., Steffen, W., Noone, K. et al. A safe operating space for humanity. Nature 461, 472–475 (2009).






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GAZA: Sterminio col Fosforo Bianco

October 21st, 2023 by Manlio Dinucci

Amnesty International e Human Rights Watch hanno raccolto le prove, anche video, che Israele usa contro la popolazione di Gaza, oltre alle bombe sganciate dagli aerei,  proiettili di artiglieria  al fosforo bianco, una vera e propria arma di sterminio. 

Il fosforo bianco provoca gravi ustioni, spesso fino alle ossa, che sono lente a guarire e possono sviluppare infezioni. Se non vengono rimossi tutti i frammenti di fosforo bianco, questi possono aggravare le ferite e riaccendersi se esposti all’ossigeno. Le ustioni da fosforo bianco su appena il 10% del corpo umano sono spesso letali. Chi sopravvive alle ferite spesso soffre per tutta la vita. 

I morti a Gaza sono finora circa 3.500, i feriti circa 15.000. Data la mancanza di medicinali e attrezzature mediche a causa dell’embargo israeliano, la maggior parte dei feriti è destinata a morire. Si aggiungono a questi oltre 1.300 dispersi rimasti sepolti sotto le macerie, tra cui 600 bambini. Mentre proseguono i bombardamenti, che hanno colpito anche un ospedale provocando centinata di vittime, il comando israeliano ha ordinato a un milione di palestinesi, la metà della popolazione di Gaza,  di evacuare la parte settentrionale per ammassarsi a sud. Intanto l’esercito israeliano invia altri carrarmati ai confini di Gaza in vista di un’invasione su larga scala.

Il presidente Biden ha visitato Israele per dimostrare all’Alleato “la solidarietà statunitense di fronte al brutale attacco terroristico di Hamas”. Ritornato a Washington, Biden ha fatto sapere che  chiederà al Congresso altri 14 miliardi di dollari in aiuti militari a Israele “per la sua guerra contro Hamas” e altri 60 miliardi di dollari all’Ucraina “per combattere la Russia”. 

Ciò costituisce una ulteriore conferma di quanto documentato nella puntata 113 di Grandangolo: l’attacco di Hamas alla popolazione israeliana nelle aree limitrofe alla barriera di Gaza, che ha provocato un migliaio di vittime, fa parte di una operazione organizzata dai servizi segreti (Mossad, Cia e altri) analoga all’attacco terroristico dell’11 settembre 2001, che fece da innesco alla “guerra globale al terrorismo” scatenata dagli Stati Uniti  con l’invasione dell’Afghanistan e dell’Iraq. 

L’obiettivo de “L’11 Settembre del Medioriente” è non solo quello di spazzare via i territori palestinesi, ma di aprire un fronte di guerra, in particolare contro l’Iran, in un Medioriente in cui gli Stati Uniti e le potenze europee stanno perdendo terreno, in particolare con la prossima entrata di Iran e Arabia Saudita nei Brics insieme a Cina e Russia.

Manlio Dinucci



Al termine Pangea Grandangolo INCONTRI sulla iniziativa del 14 ottobre a Badia a Settimo per l’uscita dell’Italia dal sistema di guerra.


Gaza: Extermination with White Phosphorous Gas

October 21st, 2023 by Manlio Dinucci

Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have collected evidence, including video, that Israel uses white phosphorus artillery shells, a veritable weapon of extermination, against the people of Gaza, in addition to bombs dropped from planes.

White phosphorus causes severe burns, often down to the bone, which are slow to heal and can develop infections.

If all white phosphorus fragments are not removed, they can aggravate wounds and flare up again when exposed to oxygen. White phosphorus burns on as little as 10 percent of the human body are often fatal.

Those who survive the wounds often suffer for life.

The death toll in Gaza so far is about 3,500, the wounded about 15,000. Given the lack of medicines and medical equipment due to the Israeli embargo, most of the wounded are likely to die.

Added to this are more than 1,300 missing people buried under the rubble, including 600 children.

As the shelling, which also hit a hospital causing hundreds of casualties, continues, the Israeli command has ordered one million Palestinians, half the population of Gaza, to evacuate the northern part to mass in the south.

Meanwhile, the Israeli army sends more tanks to Gaza’s borders in preparation for a full-scale invasion.

President Biden visited Israel to show the Ally “U.S. solidarity in the face of the brutal Hamas terrorist attack.”

Back in Washington, Biden let it be known that he will ask Congress for another $14 billion in military aid to Israel “for its war against Hamas” and another $60 billion to Ukraine “to fight Russia.”

This constitutes further confirmation of what was documented in episode 113 of Grandangle:

The Hamas attack on the Israeli population in the areas surrounding the Gaza barrier, which claimed a thousand lives, was part of an operation organized by the intelligence services (Mossad, CIA and others) similar to the terrorist attack of Sept. 11, 2001, which was the trigger for the “global war on terror” unleashed by the United States with the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq.

The goal of “The 9/11 of the Middle East” is not only to wipe out the Palestinian territories, but to open a war front, particularly against Iran, in a Middle East in which the United States and European powers are losing ground, particularly with Iran and Saudi Arabia’s upcoming entry into the Brics along with China & Russia. 

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First published on September 25, 2023


Dennis Francis, president of the UN General Assembly (UNGA), has ignored the objections of 11 countries and approved the UN declaration on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response without submitting it to a full assembly vote.

This declaration aims to form a global pandemic authority that has a range of disturbing powers, such as the ability to enforce lockdowns, push for universal vaccination and censor what it deems “misinformation.”

Some of the points it calls for include:

Increased surveillance and digital health documents: The declaration supports the use of digital health technologies for “implementing and supporting health measures and bolstering national response efforts” in the event of a health emergency or pandemic. Vaccine passports would fall under the category of digital health technologies.

Universal vaccination: Another alarming component of the declaration is the “deep concern” it expresses about dropping vaccination rates around the world. It vows to support the research and development of vaccines, calling routine vaccination a cost-effective and efficient public health intervention. The declaration calls for improving “routine immunization, vaccination and outreach capacities, including by providing evidence-based information on promoting confidence, uptake, demand,” in addition to “expanding vaccine coverage to prevent outbreaks as well as the spread and re-emergence of communicable diseases.”

Making COVID-19-related temporary powers permanent: The declaration also emphasizes the need to build on the practices and lessons that were learned from the pandemic and turn temporary powers into permanent ones sustainably.

Establishing a pandemic fund: The declaration seeks to launch a pandemic fund of $30 billion per year for “critical investments” related to preparing for and responding to pandemics.

Censoring vaccine critics: The new declaration also voices “concern that health-related misinformation and disinformation negatively impacted routine immunization services globally” and calls for measures to be implemented to address what it considers to be misinformation, particularly on social media platforms. It also wants to take steps to counteract vaccine hesitancy and create more trust in public health authorities.

Supporters of the declaration believe it will aid worldwide collaboration in preventing pandemics and improving public health. The World Health Organization claims it will apply some of the lessons that were learned during the COVID-19 pandemic.

However, the move is causing a lot of concern among those who understand its implications, like Center for Security Policy President Frank Gaffney, who calls it “unprecedented.”

He said: “There’s no getting around the fact that it’s going to come at the expense of the sovereignty of the various nations that will subsequently be told that they have an emergency and told what they have to do about it.”

Bioweapons expert and international law professor for the University of Illinois, Francis Boyle, J.D., Ph. D., said: “This is a full-court press to have the entirety of the United Nations Organization, its specialized agencies and its affiliated organizations, back up and support their proposed globalist WHO worldwide totalitarian medical and scientific police state.”

Critics are also concerned that the declaration’s support of COVID-19-style restrictions will close schools and essentially force women out of their jobs and potentially into poverty.

Nearly a Dozen Nations Were Against the Declaration

The representatives of 11 countries wrote a letter to the president of the UNGA expressing reservations about the declaration. The letter stated: “Our delegations are convinced that this is no way to handle multilateral and intergovernmental negotiations on issues of great relevance for the international community, particularly for developing countries.”

Boyle is accusing the UNGA of misrepresenting the declaration by having the UNGA president approve it because they knew that it would not pass the UNGA as a consensus resolution given the 11 objections.


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First published on October 3, 2023


A limitless propaganda to perpetuate the war on humanity is ongoing, while at the same time, increasingly more scientists come to the fore and speak out – speak truth to power.

The 2023 Nobel Prize for medicine is awarded to two scientists for inventing the mRNA vax containing spike protein – affecting and in many cases annihilating the human immune system.

It’s almost like Obama getting the Nobel Prize in 2009 for the Peace he would foster as US President (so the saying went), even before he could act as a “Peacemaker” as President (January 2009 to January 2017). Officially the Nobel Committee attributed the Peace Prize to Obama for his “extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples.”

Obama later became involved in six wars, some of which he began.

For the Medicine Nobel Prize 2023, the winners are Hungarian-American Katalin Karikó and American Drew Weissman.

They were cited by the Nobel clan for contributing “to the unprecedented rate of vaccine development during one of the greatest threats to human health.” This is endlessly rehashed by western mainstream media.

They go even further. According to some news outlets, thanks to their discovery of the mRNA method, millions of lives could be saved from the deadly covid-19 virus. “The mRNA, or messenger ribonucleic acid, is a single-stranded molecule that corresponds to the genetic sequence of a gene and is read by a ribosome in the process of synthesizing a [spike] protein “(Wikipedia).

AP News reports from Stockholm that the discovery and subsequent creation of mRNA vaccines against Covid-19 was critical in slowing the pandemic. The mRNA technology is also being studied for treatment of cancer and other diseases.

The Nobel panel went on – “the pair’s groundbreaking findings … fundamentally changed our understanding of how mRNA interacts with our immune system.”

If this is not propaganda for a fake “vaccine”, what is it?

In fact, the administering of billions of doses of the mRNA vax has already caused an estimated 20 million deaths – and the count goes on.

In reality, the vaccine which comes in different compositions, some deadlier than others, could also be called a eugenist agent – helping to drastically reduce world population – one of the key targets of the WEF’s Great Reset, alias the illegally WEF-allied UN and its Agenda 2030 with the noble, but utterly fake, 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

According to Mike Yeadon, former VP Pfizer and Chief Research at Pfizer, the real death toll from “vaccination” will occur some three to ten years after vaxxing, when most people cannot or do not want to associate the death of a loved one to the vaxx. See this and this.

The mainstream, the blue-pilled Matrix dwellers, understand quite well what is going on, but they do not dare pursuing it, much less, standing up and shouting the truth out there for everyone to hear – and to stop once and for all the killing propaganda which has in parts already been announced in parts of the western world and Australia, as in new lockdowns, mask wearing and, foremost, compulsory vaccination in schools, and probably soon again in the workplace.

Who knows whether humanity is sufficiently awake to take to the streets, to stop working, go on limitless strike – helping bringing the truth home to the people.


Juxtaposed to the narrative behind the medicine Nobel Prize is Dr. Peter McCullough’s presentation and exposure to the European Parliament of the covid vaccination fraud, of the death already caused and expected to be caused in the future.

Dr. McCullough is an American cardiologist. He was Vice Chief of internal medicine at Baylor University Medical Center and a professor at Texas A&M University.

In his address to the European Parliament, Dr. McCullough speaks about the countless cases – injuries and sudden deaths – of myocarditis which can clearly be traced to the covid vax. He outlines the planned agenda by the WEF / WHO and the UN system – a mass genocide that maybe just at the beginning.

He also refers to the WEF / WHO / UN partnership in implementing the globe spanning health tyranny in the form of the drastically revised International Health Regulation (IHR), including what used to be called the “Pandemic Treaty”, except, it is no longer a treaty as it will not be voted on at the May 2024 World Health Assembly (WHA), but it will simply be adopted, hence becoming a Health / Pandemic Convention. That is the plan.

It may not come through.

At the conclusion of his speech, he urges all 27 EU nations to exit WHO and retake their national sovereign states, being masters of their own responsibility over issues of health and disease.

See below the full 17-minute presentation at the EU Parliament on 13 September 2023.

Another internationally renowned speaker at the European Parliament, Dr. David E Martin, tells his audience on 15 September 2023, albeit a small audience, what WHO really is, how and by whom it is funded, and what the real agenda of WHO was from the very beginning. WHO’s creation in 1948 was inspired and paid for by the Rockefeller Foundation, to decide over life and death of humanity.

Dr. David Martin is the Founder and Chairman of M-CAM International, RASA Energy, and is a Batten Fellow of the University of Virginia. M∙CAM is the international leader in intellectual property-based financial risk management.

Dr. Martin’s experience includes founding the first medical device clinical trials center at UVA (University of Virginia), while on the medical school faculty in radiology and orthopedic surgery.

His work with global investigation of biological and chemical weapons was done through his company Mosaic Technologies in which he led numerous defenses to civilian technology transfer programs with the world’s largest companies and countries.

As David notices the many empty seats in the EU Parliament, he wonders, for lack of interest, or interest in protecting their lush jobs by not association with the speech of a revealer of truth?

He then proceeds talking about the planned genocide behind the Covid farce, a false pandemic, planned for decades, followed by a worldwide – no escape — vax campaign, where different so-called vax substances were tested on people without their knowledge, to find out about the level of the different vaxes deadly reactions.

In no uncertain terms, Dr. Martin calls WHO what it is – a criminal racketeering organization, in no ways deserving immunity from criminal persecution; funded up to 88% by private interests mostly pharma; and to a large extent by the Gates Foundation. The Gates and the Rockefellers are some of the world’s most notorious eugenists.

Indeed, WHO’s actions are not just backed, but commanded by the World Economic Forum (WEF), the United Nations [which signed an illegal pact with the WEF – a grave conflict of interest], the current White House – and all the macro-financial interests behind this murderous undertaking (annotation by author).

Ending his speech, Dr. Martin calls upon the European Union and the people and civil organizations of the world to not just limit the powers of the WHO, but to destroy the WHO.

Watch Dr. David Martin’s impressive 25-minute video presentation on 15 September 2023 at the European Parliament in Strasbourg below.


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Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for online journals and is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.

Featured image: Karikó (right) with Drew Weissman in 2022 (Licensed under CC BY 3.0)

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

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Argentina – ¿Cómo se llegó hasta acá?

October 21st, 2023 by Valeria Carreras

Israel’s 9/11: Fighting Terror through NAKBA 2.0

October 21st, 2023 by Michael Welch

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“I served in the IDF 25 years ago, in the intelligence forces. There’s no way Israel did not know of what’s coming. A cat moving alongside the fence is triggering all forces. So this?? 

What happened to the “strongest army in the world”?

How come border crossings were wide open?? Something is VERY WRONG HERE, something is very strange, this chain of events is very unusual and not typical for the Israeli defense system.

To me this surprise attack seems like a planned operation. On all fronts.”

– (Statement by Efrat Fenigson, former IDF intelligence,  October 7, 2023, emphasis added) [1]

“Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas, … This is part of our strategy – to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank.”

-( Benjamin Netanyahu, meeting of his Likud party’s Knesset members in March 2019.  (Haaretz, October 9, 2023, emphasis added)

“These are the basic lines of the national government headed by me [Netanyahu]: The Jewish people have an exclusive and unquestionable right to all areas of the Land of Israel. The government will promote and develop settlement in all parts of the Land of Israel — in the Galilee, the Negev, the Golan, Judea and Samaria.”

– (Benjamin Netanyahu, January 2023. emphasis added) [2]



The massive October 7 attack by the “Palestinian resistance group” Hamas on Jewish communities in Israel close to the border with Gaza served the purpose of being the very trigger Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu needed to finally secure his dream of all parts of the Land of Israel. Including Gaza.

In the name of the war that Hamas triggered, Netanyahu, together with all his opposition colleagues announced his determination to completely devastate the menace the attackers represented and has urged all citizens of the world’s single biggest open-air concentration camp to move south before they commence with their cleansing procedure.

Airstrikes have already struck several buildings in Gaza, including schools and hospitals, and  the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) says:

“Thousands of people have been killed, including children and women. Gaza is now even running out of body bags. Entire families are being ripped apart.

“At least 1 million people were forced to flee their homes in one week alone. A river of people continues to flow south. No place is safe in Gaza.

“At least 400,000 displaced (persons) are now in UNRWA schools and buildings, and most are not equipped as emergency shelters….

“The UNRWA operations is the largest United Nations footprint in the Gaza Strip, and we are on the verge of collapse.

“This is absolutely unprecedented.”[3]

What we are witnessing folks is the genocide of Palestinians.

And yet Western leaders, including Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and U.S. President Joe Biden, are passionate about standing alongside Israel referring to it as “self-defence.” [4]

Russia clearly does not have the same latitude. [5][6]

The description is typically referred to as Israel’s 9/11. And just as U.S. President George W Bush “earned” the sympathies of the world, and certainly NATO, in his cry to strike back against the September 11th terrorists, Netanyahu twenty-two years later is similarly benefiting from a lack of criticism given the crisis on his step. [7]

Will 2.3 million Palestinians be moved from their homes or killed in the name of “being with Israel or being with the terrorists?” The Global Research News Hour looks into this matter and the many questions arising from it in a jam-packed sixty minute show.

In our first half hour, two veteran anti-war activists in Canada, Yves Engler and Ken Stone, talk about public actions protesting the Canadian Liberal government and the left-oriented New Democratic Party for appearing to stand “should to shoulder” with Netanyahu and his gang regardless of the clear illegal stance in the present and in the days ahead. In our second half hour, journalist Robert Inlakesh talks about the fake news and dis-information coming from the Israeli side to contaminate the West’s appraisal of the conflict. And finally, Philip Giraldi, a former counter-terrorist expert living in the U.S., spelled out how this attack by Hamas which sparked a brand new war on terrorism was also a false flag incident.

Yves Engler has been dubbed “one of the most important voices on the Canadian Left today” (Briarpatch), “in the mould of I.F. Stone” (Globe and Mail), and “part of that rare but growing group of social critics unafraid to confront Canada’s self-satisfied myths” (Quill & Quire). He has published nine books.

Ken Stone is a long time antiwar, anti-racism, environmental and labour activist, and resident in Hamilton. He is also Treasurer of the Hamilton Coalition to Stop the War. He currently coordinates the Canada-Wide Peace and Justice Network.

Robert Inlakesh is a political analyst, journalist and documentary filmmaker currently based in London, UK. He has reported from and lived in the occupied Palestinian territories and hosts the show ‘Palestine Files’. Director of ‘Steal of the Century: Trump’s Palestine-Israel Catastrophe’. Follow him on Twitter @falasteen47

Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a 501(c)3 tax deductible educational foundation (Federal ID Number #52-1739023) that seeks a more interests-based U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. He is a former counter-terrorism specialist and military analyst for the CIA, and also a founding member of the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, Website is, address is P.O. Box 2157, Purcellville VA 20134 and its email is [email protected].

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

(Global Research News Hour Episode 405) 


Transcript of Philip Giraldi, October 18, 2023
Global Research: Mr. Giraldi, the thought that this was an intelligence failure is a possibility. For all their attempts to spy on the people of Gaza, is there not the possibility that maybe Hamas is more skilled than the Israeli army gives them credit for? Possibly passing on information even more delicately than any listening device or monitor could pick up. And even powerful entities like the Israeli Intelligence can slip up from time to time. They aren’t perfect. Based on your own on-the-ground work in intelligence, what aspects of this case, in your view, just doesn’t pass the sniff test?

Philip Giraldi: Well, there are a number of things that don’t pass the sniff test here. You’re quite right in stating that there are intelligence failures. I’ve certainly witnessed enough of them when I was working for the US government. This is always a possibility. People make mistakes, they misinterpret. In this case, we have a whole series of separate confirmations that the intelligence, or the information, that Hamas was planning something at or around the day when we’re speaking of, is basically too strong to say that this was a failure. The Egyptians, for example, who control the southern border of Gaza, gave intelligence to the Israeli government saying that something was about to occur. And this was days before the attack actually took place.

The United States government more recently, after the attack, a congressman who’s head of the House Intelligence Committee confirmed that US intelligence had information suggesting that something was about to occur, and this was also passed on to Israeli intelligence at the highest levels. So, that was confirmed.

And the third thing I would point out, is that the Israelis, of course, have all of Gaza, or two or three sides of Gaza, completely surrounded and enclosed by electronic fences and listening and photographic devices and also have the airspace over it controlled by photographic and recognizance drones. In addition to that, the Israelis had informants of their own inside Gaza. And we have also subsequently learned that the Hamas people were actually out in the open training to do this exercise to go into the Israeli territory. So, this was quite visible, quite known to a lot of people.

So, that means, to me, that the Israeli government, for reasons of its own, decided it wanted this to go forward. And they were probably quite surprised at how effective it was. But they wanted it to go forward for various political reasons.

GR: Mm-hmm. You just mentioned a US intelligence informant. I know that Israeli and US intelligence tend to work together to a great extent and the reaction would have involved a US and possibly other members of NATO to respond in support. Assuming this was a – you know, something that was already known. A false flag, if you will. Would the US likely have been on board?

PG: Well, that’s, of course, a very good question. I would suspect this is a case where Israel would be hiding cards, would be very careful about telling the US too much. I suspect that the Israelis wanted this to kind of remain a false flag, so nobody would be accusing them of killing their own citizens, which is what occurred in this case. So, they probably wanted to be careful about who was an insider on knowing this information.

I would think that they did not share this kind of information with anyone. And they were hoping that this would spark a willingness on the part of NATO and the United States to support a massive Israeli counter-attack on Gaza which could effectively destroy the entire Gaza Strip.

GR: Does the Israeli government offer any kind of an answer to why Mossad – plus the tip from the Egyptians and from the Americans – why this would – how this would elicit a drop – a drop – in the security concerns?

PG: Yeah, no. They’ve been – that’s the one subject they’re not talking about. They’re accepting that their security people – meaning their intelligence and their military – dropped the ball on this because that’s part of the story they want to promote. But at the same time, they’re not saying, ‘Well, why were you asleep when this information was coming in from Egypt, from the United States our closest ally? And also from visual and physical observation, what was going on inside Gaza and around it and you didn’t respond to it.’

GR: Hm. The enemy in 9/11 was Al-Qaeda, okay? In this case, in the case of this recent attack on Israel, it’s Hamas. But a number of people have stated that Hamas is financially supported by Israel. Just like Al-Qaeda and Osama Bin-Laden were supported by the US as – you know, the website and, you know, other people have been putting forward, like Michel Chossudovsky. Not that people in these groups are necessarily aware of that support. Could you run down for us how Hamas’ existence, with their intense hatred and military means can actually play into Israel’s hands?

PG: Yeah, well you have to go back to about 2006 when there were elections in what we would refer to at that time as Palestine, the Palestinian Territories which consisted then of Gaza and the West Bank. There was a fiercely contested election pitting Hamas against Arafat’s group Fatah. And this was seen as an opportunity by Israel, and to a certain extent the United States, to split the Palestine political movement. In other words, cut them politically and physically in half. So, Israel basically created or was involved in the creation of Hamas, and indeed did fund it in the beginning and for quite some time thereafter to keep it as a force to oppose Fatah and keep the Palestinians from becoming unified, which the Israelis saw as a bigger threat than having them divided in two, even if the one half, Hamas, is technically – or was technically, and is technically – hostile, very hostile, to the Israeli state.

GR: Hm. So, well since we have the analogy with 9/11, or maybe it’s more like Pearl Harbor in the sense that it was foreknowledge. Do you see this strategy working the same way that the Pearl Harbor attack did or the September 11th attack did, basically giving Israel clearance to wage a genocidal attack against the Palestinians in Gaza? Since it seemed to be – it seemed to work on world leaders, so far. Or will it be derailed at some point? What do you think?

PG: Well, that depends on how it plays out. But I think your analogy is correct. I mean, what happened at Pearl Harbor? Well, there was an attack against a United States military installation, which the US government knew about in advance, but Franklin D. Roosevelt allowed it to happen because he wanted the United States to get involved in the Second World War for various reasons. And the same thing with 9/11.

The Israelis clearly, clearly knew about what – that something was going to happen, that we call 9/11. Now whether it was involving airplanes or explosives or, you know, people still argue about that. But the fact is, that they knew about it in advance. They were set up and celebrating in advance knowing that this was going to take place.

So, they also got a benefit out of it in the same way: the United States suddenly turned from being somewhat neutral on Middle Eastern politics in a lot of ways, and became firmly an opponent to the War on Terror. The War on Terror was a war on a number of Middle Eastern states and Central Asian states, all of which were Muslim. So, this was pleasing to the Israelis. So, there are very strong similarities. This would have been a similar (inaudible) bringing the support of the Europeans and the United States and into Israel for going into Gaza and cleaning it out was probably the objective of doing what they did.

The Global Research News Hour airs every Friday at 1pm CT on CKUW 95.9FM out of the University of Winnipeg. The programme is also podcast at .

Other stations airing the show:

CIXX 106.9 FM, broadcasting from Fanshawe College in London, Ontario. It airs Sundays at 6am.

WZBC 90.3 FM in Newton Massachusetts is Boston College Radio and broadcasts to the greater Boston area. The Global Research News Hour airs during Truth and Justice Radio which starts Sunday at 6am.

Campus and community radio CFMH 107.3fm in  Saint John, N.B. airs the Global Research News Hour Fridays at 7pm.

CJMP 90.1 FM, Powell River Community Radio, airs the Global Research News Hour every Saturday at 8am. 

Caper Radio CJBU 107.3FM in Sydney, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia airs the Global Research News Hour starting Wednesday afternoon from 3-4pm.

Cowichan Valley Community Radio CICV 98.7 FM serving the Cowichan Lake area of Vancouver Island, BC airs the program Thursdays at 9am pacific time.




  4.  SOLCYRE BURGA (October 8, 2023), ‘Here’s How World Leaders Have Reacted to the Israel-Hamas War’, Time Magazine;



  7. SOLCYRE BURGA op cit

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“I do not condemn Hamas because the resistance of the Palestinian people is a reflex response to their slow genocide…. The people I do condemn are the political class internationally who [support] “Israel’s right to self-defence”. A right they grant to the oppressor but deny to the oppressed. Those are the people who need to be condemned.” —Former UK ambassador Craig Murray “Now that I have your attention.”

“There’s no way Israel did not know of what’s coming… How come border crossings were wide open?” —Efrat Fenigson, former IDF intelligence Oct. 7, 2023


Israel has been a scofflaw state since its founding, and there are virtually no United Nations resolutions or articles of international law that it does not continually breach. The state was founded on the ethnic cleansing of the indigenous Palestinians, and its knee has never been lifted from Palestinian necks. Israel has maintained a military occupation of the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip since 1967 and a humanitarian siege of Gaza, compared by many to the 2-year Warsaw Ghetto, since 2006. Israel has never stopped its ethnic cleansing or theft of Palestinian resources; its apartheid is enabled by viciously racist textbooks and the total erasure of Palestinians from its history.

It is no secret that many in Israel’s ultra right-wing government have been salivating for an opportunity to ethnically cleanse or otherwise eliminate Palestinians who refuse to be driven from their homeland, particularly those in occupied Gaza. There is evidence that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu pretended to be blindsided by what was, in effect, a Hamas prison breakout of October 7th to turn it into an opportunity for genocide.

Hamas announced that the purpose of its incursion into Israel was to obtain hostages in order to exchange them for an estimated 1000 Palestinian prisoners[1]: political prisoners who are routinely tortured and leaders who have never been charged with any crime. The Hamas plan to kidnap Israeli civilians for a prisoner exchange was, in its intent, within its rights. Killing civilians would have been counterproductive, a war crime, and against its interests. But it could have been in Israel’s.

The world community, which annually ignores its contractual legal obligations under the Fourth Geneva Convention to protect Palestinian human rights, has responded now with outrage at Israel’s claim of victimhood. While the world community has quietly allowed Israel total impunity for its ongoing crimes against Palestinians, it now responds to Israel’s self-serving outrage by condemning the Palestinian’s only legitimate leadership.

Hamas, elected by all Palestinians under occupation in 2006, has been regarded as incorruptible and dedicated to Palestinian rights. It has called for international law as the basis for peace, which Israel, hoping to illegally annex Palestinian territory, rejects.

Israel’s Efforts to Incite Hatred Against Hamas

Israel’s reaction to the incursion was to immediately attempt to incite hatred against Hamas by falsely claiming that it had “beheaded 40 infants and toddlers”: a lie that was traced to the office of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Netanyahu told this to U.S. President  Biden, who announced it publicly; the lie was then “confirmed” twice by CNN’s Sarah Sidner. It has been confirmed to be a fabrication.

It is acknowledged that Israel was explicitly informed about the incursion at least three days before it occurred. With the world’s most sophisticated surveillance system, many believe that Israel had to have known about it far earlier, since the planning had reportedly been in the works for a couple of years. According to Max Blumenthal, Hamas had even created the model of a kibbutz for resistance fighters to practice in. [2]

Israel’s outrageous lie about Hamas “beheading babies” demonstrated its intent to incite hatred of Hamas; its foreknowledge of the incursion gave it an opportunity to ensure there would be enough “innocent civilian deaths” to “justify” a Palestinian genocide.

Israel’s Hannibal Directive allows the IDF to use heavy force when its soldiers are at risk of being taken as hostages, even at the risk of killing the soldiers. It is not difficult to imagine Israel extending this principle when the point of the Hamas incursion was to get hostages for prisoner exchanges.

Possible Evidence that Israel Ensured the Success of the Hamas Incursion

According to former IDF intelligence officer Efrat Fenigson, “The border crossings were wide open.” [3]

Israel had reduced the number of battalions guarding the Gaza border from three to one before the incursion. [4]

The site of the Supernova music festival was chosen two days before the incursion to be at Re’im, about 3 miles from the Gaza border. [5]

Questions About the Music Festival Deaths: Did Israeli Facilitate the Toll? 

Israel claims that Hamas fighters killed hundreds of innocent civilians: claims that have largely not been explained. Assuming that the accusations are legitimate, who were these people and how closely were they connected to the IDF bases and associated kibbuzim that ring Gaza’s border to facilitate their imprisonment? Israeli and Hamas definitions of “innocent civilian” might differ.

The most publicized Israeli claim is that Hamas killed 260 attendees at a music festival held near Gaza’s border. There is quite a bit of footage accessible on the Internet that was apparently taken at that event. The footage that I saw, however, shows no one being shot: it shows people running, cars burned out, drones overhead, and one guy shooting a gun in the air. It is apparent that there is a problem, but no proof of who was causing all “six hours” of it. The Mossad is known to have operatives who appear to be Palestinian, so someone who looks Palestinian may not be part of Palestinian resistance.

It is evident that Hamas did take hostages at the event, and that there was shooting. But given Israel’s eagerness to accuse Hamas of a crime it did not commit, its inflammatory accusation that Hamas killed hundreds of civilians needs to be verified:

Videos of attackers should have included voices; why were they muted?

Canadian/Israeli Shir Georgy died after messaging her father on Saturday morning that she was safe “in a room with a police officer”[6]; how did she die?

The attack on the music site lasted for 6 hours; [7] why were IDF not driven or flown in?

It took Israel 10 hours to get help to the music site; [8] what was Israel waiting for?

There were many burned out cars visible in videos; did Hamas fighters have the ability to destroy cars? Wouldn’t Hamas have wanted to make use of them?

Israeli police and security told escaping music attendees that the major roads were blocked so they had to drive eastward over open, cleared fields [9]; why were major roads out blocked to Israelis at that time? 

Attackers threw grenades into the four underground bunkers where many were hiding; the Hamas men might have discovered the bunkers by following people, but it was not in their interest to kill those who were inaccessible or hiding. 

A Hamas leader apologized for the civilian deaths that Israel claimed their operation had caused, noting that these were not supposed to have happened. [10] But could he have known whether they were responsible for the so-callled “innocent civilians” that Israel claimed? An Israeli witness reported that IDF killed both hostages as well as their captors. [11] Given Israel’s attempts to malign Hamas, there should be independent proof that Hamas fighters were responsible for the “innocent civilian” deaths they were accused of.

Implications for the Future

Israel has made use of the anger it whipped up to wipe out entire neighborhoods of Gaza with massive bombing, and 400,000 Israeli soldiers are reportedly massed at Gaza’s border. It warned Gazans to flee, but there are no exits, and it bombed the “safe” route that it told Palestinans to take. [12]

According to CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, Israel’s two objectives in going into Gaza are to kill or capture Hamas government leaders, and to identify any Iranian weaponry, which, he claims, could cause Israel to attack Iran. [13] But Israel’s carpet bombing is genocidal rather than targeted. And would Israel allow any identification of Iranian arms to be independently verified? And would such a confirmation constitute legal grounds for an Israeli attack? 

Will the world community continue to tolerate US-backed global chaos?


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Karin Brothers is a freelance writer. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.


1. Blumenthal, Max. Interview with Stephen Gardner. Oct. 13, 2023.

2: Blumenthal, Max, Mate, Aaron. Zero hour in Gaza “. The Grayzone live. October 13, 2023.

3 Giraldi, Philip and Chossudovsky, Michel. Is the Gaza-Israel Fighting “A False Flag”? They Let it Happen? Their Objective Is “to Wipe Gaza Off the Map”? Global Research. October 15, 2023.

4 : Blumenthal, Max, Mate, Aaron. Zero hour in Gaza “. The Grayzone live. October 13, 2023.

5, Ibid.

6. Chown, Marco. Israel-Hamas war: Canadian-Israeli Shir Georgy confirmed dead, family says. The Toronto Star. October 14, 2023.

7. Polglase, Katie. How Hamas trapped civilians at music festival. CNN.

8. Ibid.

9, Ibid.

10. Mercouris, Alexander. The Duran. October 14, 2023.

11. Abunimah, Ali and Sheen, David. “Israeli Forces Shot Their Own Civilians, Kibbutz Survivor Says”. Global Research. October 17, 2023. Https://

12. Blumenthal, Max, Mate, Aaron. Zero hour in Gaza “. The Grayzone live. October 13, 2023.

13. Polglase, Katie. How Hamas trapped civilians at music festival. CNN. Undated. Accessed Oct. 11.2023.

Featured image is from UNRWA

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A lot has been said about the much-touted fighter jet deliveries to the Kiev regime forces and how this would supposedly “tip the balance of power” in its favor. However, the process has been mired in controversy and difficulties since the very beginning.

It includes everything from problems finding the countries willing to provide the jets to giving Ukrainian pilots enough training to make a difference while also accelerating the process as much as possible. The first obstacle was the language barrier. Of the 32 pilots sent to be trained on how to fly F-16s, only eight spoke English proficiently enough to be able to attend lessons and even they had to be given advanced courses on the usage of complex military nomenclature. Even if it took the pilots less than six months to attain the desired proficiency, that was only enough for them to start basic training on how to fly the jet.

However, being able to fly an aircraft is a far cry from being able to master its usage in combat, particularly against an opponent that not only has massive numerical advantage, but is also decades ahead technologically. Ukrainian pilots themselves admitted that their Soviet-era Su-27s are superior to F-16s.

The Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS) operate significantly more advanced jets than the Su-27. In fact, even the modernized Russian Su-27SM3 is much more capable than its Ukrainian counterpart. There are also the newer Su-30SM and Su-30M2, to say nothing of the high-end fighter jets such as the MIG-31BM interceptor, Su-35S or the latest Su-57. The last three are by far the most dangerous fighters of our age, as they’ve proven far more capable than expected by Western military analysts and observers, with even the British military forced to admit it.

And yet, this string of catch-22s is not nearly the end of issues for the Neo-Nazi junta.

Namely, this time, another major problem with fighter jet deliveries from NATO members is not even directly connected to the aircraft themselves, but ground-based air defenses. In essence, what this issue boils down to is the chronic lack of SAM (surface-to-air missile) systems.

Despite losing a large chunk of the territory under its immediate control, the Kiev regime still has one of the largest land areas in Europe and defending it all is simply impossible.

Thus, the Neo-Nazi junta is forced to improvise and prioritize, placing air defenses in the most important cities and oblasts (regions). This results in SAM units being spread thin and with extremely limited logistics, as the stockpile of Soviet-made missiles has effectively run out and the political West has nothing to replace them with.

However, this still doesn’t tackle the more pressing issues that NATO wants resolved before any sort of fighter jet deliveries and that’s the question of air defenses for the airbases where the aircraft would be stationed.

The Kiev regime started preparations to accommodate Western-made jets months ago, including the effective militarization of existing civilian airports and infrastructure. In order to provide adequate security for these ad hoc airbases, additional air defense systems and units will need to be raised, set up and deployed. And yet, the Neo-Nazi junta has neither the human nor industrial resources to accomplish such a laborious task, to say nothing of the financial dependence on its Western puppet masters. SAM systems operators have among the highest casualty rates in the conflict, meaning that the soldiers aren’t exactly racing to join such units.

Thus, the Kiev regime will simply have to sacrifice the protection of important administrative buildings, as well as military and energy infrastructure in order to provide air defense coverage for the new ad hoc airbases housing the Western-made jets. However, even this can’t be done very efficiently. Namely, the Soviet-era SAM systems cannot be readily replaced with US/NATO counterparts for the simple reason that the latter are too expensive, not to mention they have demonstrated no superior capabilities in comparison to Soviet systems. On the contrary, most are even inferior, despite costing significantly more. The primary reason for this is that the Western (in reality mostly American) military doctrine focuses mainly on air superiority, which gives air defenses a secondary role. In essence, it’s sort of like an auxiliary force aiming to simply augment military aircraft.

This is in stark contrast to the Soviet/Russian doctrine that puts a lot of emphasis on ground-based air defenses that are designed to operate independently and even in situations where friendly fighter jets are able to provide little or no air cover whatsoever.

Still, this isn’t where the problems for the Neo-Nazi junta end. In addition to regular long-range missiles and other precision-guided munitions (PGMs), the Russian military is increasingly using extended-range loitering munitions/kamikaze drones, such as the now legendary ZALA “Lancet”. These drones have recently destroyed at least two aircraft parked on runways approximately 100 km away from the frontlines. This was considered effectively impossible, as the Kiev regime forces and their NATO overlords previously believed that the aforementioned drones were only limited to tactical combat situations.

Worse yet, the Neo-Nazi junta mostly lacks adequate defenses against such weapons. And just as the Soviet-era Su-25 attack jet and MiG-29 fighter were destroyed while parked, the same could (or rather would) happen to US-made F-16s. Precisely this might be the reason why Volodymyr Zelensky recently asked NATO to “lease” SAM systems. There’s simply no other way to protect the new militarized airfields without sacrificing something else. And this is without even getting into the aforementioned viability of old F-16s being used against modern Russian jets. What’s more, Sweden has also offered its “Gripen” jets, which I argued would happen well over a year ago. On paper, these fighters are somewhat more capable than F-16s, but Sweden has a very unusual policy of refusing to help a country that bought the jets from it if the said country is engaged in hostilities.


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Drago Bosnic is an independent geopolitical and military analyst.

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Belugas to Butterflies Plagued by Harmful Chemicals

Click here for the interactive map

Important notes:

  • Only a subset of animals in a few regions have been studied for specific flame retardants.
  • This map shows a selection of peer-reviewed studies; many more exist. 
  • Flame retardants are used to meet flammability standards which often do not provide meaningful fire-safety benefitsand can be influenced by flame retardant manufacturers.
  • Wildlife & humans are exposed to flame retardants from air, water, & food; see observed health harms below.
  • This exposure can continue decades after a specific flame retardant is phased out due to its persistent, mobile, bioaccumulative, & toxic properties.
  • Flame retardants should be used only after their lack of health harm and value in preventing fires have been demonstrated.

A Selection of Health Effects of Flame Retardants in Wildlife

Flame Retardant Animal Health Impact
biphenyls (PCBs)
Killer Whales Estimated to threaten long-term viability of >50% global killer whale population
River Otters Associated with changes in thyroid & sex hormone levels
Polar Bears Associated with changes in thyroid hormone levels
Beluga Whales Altered vitamin A and E profiles
Ringed Seals Impacted health-related gene transcription
Killer Whales Altered gene transcription
PBDEs American Kestrels Lowered reproductive success, less copulation & pair bonding
  Sea Lions Associated with urogenital cancer
  Chinook Salmon Increased infectious disease susceptibility
  Mice Decreased thyroid hormone concentrations
  Polar Bears Associated with changes in thyroid hormone levels
Chlorinated paraffins Rainbow Trout Diminished startle response, loss of equilibrium, liver lesions (SCCPs, MCPPs)
  Zebrafish Altered thyroid hormone levels (SCCPs)
  American Kestrels Reduced thyroid hormones (SCCPs)
Other halogenated FRs American Kestrels Likely obesogenic (DBE-DBCH)
  Reduced vocalization, courtship, egg mass, & male parental behavior (HBCD)
     Thyroid disruption, oxidative stress, altered heart & brain mass (EHTBB, TBPH)
Organophosphate FRs Rats and Mice Increased liver and kidney tumors (TCPP)
  Japanese Quail Thyroidal effects, suppressed growth, reduced metabolic rate (TPhP)
  Zebrafish Altered motility & anxiety-related behavior (IPP, BPDP, EHDP)
  Mice Oxidative stress & endocrine disruption, e.g. decreased testosterone (TCEP, TPP)
  Zebrafish Altered hormone levels, decreased egg production, & malformation (TDCPP)


The above health impacts are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to health harms experienced by wildlife due to the use of flame retardant chemicals in products before safety and efficacy are demonstrated. 

Flame retardants also cause health harm in humans, including:

  • Endocrine disruption
  • Neurodevelopmental effects
  • Decreased fertility
  • Some cancers

Learn more about flame retardants at and reducing exposure here.

If you’d like to suggest a new study that could be added to our selection of points, email it to [email protected].

Map designed and produced by Maddie Dolan.


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Featured image is from Green Science Policy

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The Hamas Partnership is confirmed by Netanyahu

“The Cat is Out of the Bag”

“Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas,” he [Netanyahu] told a meeting of his Likud party’s Knesset members in March 2019. “This is part of our strategy – to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank.” (Haaretz, October 9, 2023, emphasis added)

Does this statement not suggest that Netanyahu and his military-intelligence apparatus are responsible for the killings of innocent Israeli civilians? 

“Support” and “Money” for Hamas. 

“Transferring Money to Hamas” on behalf of Netanyahu is confirmed by a Times of Israel October 8, 2023 Report: 

“Hamas was treated as a partner to the detriment of the Palestinian Authority to prevent Abbas from moving towards creating a Palestinian State. Hamas was promoted from a terrorist group to an organization with which Israel conducted negotiations through Egypt, and which was allowed to receive suitcases containing millions of dollars from Qatar through the Gaza crossings.” (emphasis added)

The Dangers of Military Escalation

Let us be under no illusions, this “false flag” operation is a complex military-intelligence undertaking, carefully planned over several years, in liaison and  coordination with US intelligence, the Pentagon and NATO. 

In turn, this action against Palestine is already conducive to a process of military escalation which potentially could engulf a large part of Middle East.

Michel Chossudovsky: Interview with Caroline Mailloux




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For more details, analysis and history on The Hamas Partnership with Netanyahu, see:

Is the Gaza-Israel Fighting “A False Flag”? They Let it Happen? Their Objective Is “to Wipe Gaza Off the Map”?

By Philip Giraldi and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, October 15, 2023



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Amazon has introduced two new robots to speed up deliveries, raising concerns among fulfillment center workers that the e-commerce giant might eventually reduce its workforce.

In a blog post on Wednesday, Amazon said its robotics team will begin testing a bipedal robot named “Digit” at a site just south of Seattle. 

“Digit can move, grasp, and handle items in spaces and corners of warehouses in novel ways. Its size and shape are well suited for buildings that are designed for humans, and we believe that there is a big opportunity to scale a mobile manipulator solution, such as Digit, which can work collaboratively with employees,” Amazon said. 

Amazon explained Digit will “help employees with tote recycling, a highly repetitive process of picking up and moving empty totes once inventory has been completely picked out of them.” 

In addition to Digit, Amazon revealed Sequoia, a new robotic system to help fulfill customer orders faster, already operational at a Texas fulfillment center. 

“Sequoia will help us delight customers with greater speed and increased accuracy for delivery estimates, while also improving employee safety at our facilities,” Amazon said, adding it will “identify and store inventory we receive at our fulfillment centers up to 75% faster than we can today.” 

It also “reduces the time it takes to process an order through a fulfillment center by up to 25%, which improves our shipping predictability and increases the number of goods we can offer for Same-Day or Next-Day shipping,” the e-commerce giant added. 

Amazon said it has more than “750,000 robots working collaboratively with our employees, taking on highly repetitive tasks and freeing employees up to better deliver for our customers.”

At some point, Amazon will realize its robot workforce can do a better job fulfilling orders than humans because robots don’t get sick, take breaks, complain, strike, or waste time watching TikTok videos on their smartphones. 

We’ve penned plenty of notes over the years, informing readers about the coming massive layoff wave corporations will have to unleash due to AI. Godman’s Jan Hatzius suggested in a note earlier this year, “Using data on occupational tasks in both the US and Europe, we find that roughly two-thirds of current jobs are exposed to some degree of AI automation, and that generative AI could substitute up to one-fourth of current work. Extrapolating our estimates globally suggests that generative AI could expose the equivalent of 300 million full-time jobs to automation” as up to “two thirds of occupations could be partially automated by AI.”

… and more recently, younger folk in the labor market are beginning to realize their days are numbered as AI takes their jobs. 

For more insight into the rapidly evolving job landscape, Visual Capitalist’s Marcus Lu and Sabrina Lam – using data from MSCI – have ranked the industries where AI-driven automation will displace the most workers

Now’s the time to evaluate your job and see how automation will impact your industry. 


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To my surprise, the Kim-Putin Summit of September (13-17) 2023 was scarcely analysed by the Western media. This may be due to the poverty of revealed contents of the summit or the fear of mentioning those agreements which were too unfavourable to the West.

What you find, in the major mainstream Western media was only transactional agreement by virtue of which North Korea agrees to send weapons to Ukraine in exchange with military as well as non-military aid to North Korea. But, the summit was far more meaningful and important than what the Western media report. 

As far as I am concerned, the Kim-Putin summit was a milestone event which may lead to new world where the unipolar world led by Washington will end and where the multipoplar world will appear so that several polar countries exist in peace and cooperate for the global prosperity security and stability.

This paper puts focus on the following issues:

  • Summit Objectives
  • Summit Agreements
  • Summit Impact on North Korean Security and Economy 
  • Summit Impact on the Global Hegemony Fight

Summit Objectives

This question of summit objectives has two sub-questions. Why did North Korea want the summit? What has motivated Russia to join the summit? 

Why Did North Korea Join the Summit?

The DPRK has the following reasons for joining the summit. 

The first reason is North Korea’s victory over the U.S. in the nuclear dispute allowing Pyongyang to have confidence in its capacity to defend itself from American nuclear attack and its ability to negotiate at the summit as equal. At this point, it seems relevant to see the evolution of the North Korean “nuclear crisis.”

Late President Kim Il-Sung planned the nuclear development to face the American nuclear threat during 39 years from 1953 to 1992. 

Late Supreme Leader Kim Jong-Il provided five occasions to Washington to let North Korea to give up nuclear development but the U.S. blew them all. This has allowed the North Korea to develop nuclear bombs and ICBM. This took 24 years from 1992 to 2016. 

Chairman Kim Jong-Un came along in 2012 and made four nuclear bomb tests and numerous missiles tests.

North Korea tested in 2017 a H-bomb test and in 2018, it launched ICBM, Hwasung-14 in 2017 and, in 2923, Hwasung-18 with a range of 15,000 KM reaching the whole of the U.S. territory. 

The U.S. nuclear game with North Korea is over. North Korea is now a bona fide nuclear state.

The second reason is the de facto Japan-ROK-US military alliance. 

North Korea fears the possible attack by the Japan-ROK-US (JAROKUS) military alliance. Each one of the alliance countries may want to attack North Korea. 

Japan wants it because North Korea is a military threat. 

The U.S. wants it because North Korea has become real nuclear power. 

The PJCSK under Yoon wants it because if Koreas are reunited, Yoon and the PJCSK will be alienated and even punished.

Under such situation, North Korea has to prepare for the possible attack by the combined armed forces of Japan, ROK and the U.S. This is one of the reasons for North Korea to join the summit. Russia-DPRK military cooperation would decrease the danger of a (Japan-ROK-US) JAROKUS attack.

The third reason is the need for North Korea’s participation in Russia’s Far East Development. 

Soon, the Ukraine proxy war will be over with Russia’s victory. Russia’s post-Ukraine proxy war priority is the development of its immense Siberia region. At this moment, only 35% of Siberia is developed. Vladivostok has population of only 600,000. It has unlimited natural resources including gas, oil and variety of minerals.

Moreover, the Arctic region offers various natural resources: 80% of Russian gas, 20% of its oil, 15% of its GDP and 2.5% of its population (Pepe Escobar, 21cir. com. September 16, 2023)

The future of the North Korean economy depends on its integration into the Eurasian economic bloc led by Russia and China.

Why Did Russia Join the Summit?

First, Vladimir Putin intends to make Russian Far East Russia’s growth pole.

Russia needs hard-working North Korean labour force. It needs year-round unfrozen ports of Razin Sonbong located in North Korean’s North East right below the Russian border.

Besides, Russia needs the rich market of the Korean peninsula ready to consume Russian natural resources; the Korean peninsula offers the opportunity of connecting Korea with the Trans-Siberia Railroad which will surely speed up the development of the Fareast Russia.

Second, there is also the worsening global security situation which has led Russia to join the summit. 

The Russia’s military operation in Ukraine has made it sure that the dialogue and the peace between the West and Russia have become impossible. Russia needed a reliable security partner.

North Korea has become a vital partner not only for economic reason but also for security necessity.

Third, during the government of Moon Jae-in representing the liberal nationalist South Korea (LNSK), the ROK-Russia relations had been dynamic and showed great potentials. This was the reason why Russia kept distance from North Korea

But, now, the idiotic pro-Japan conservative Yoon Suk-yeol has become president and joined the Washington war camp and, to make the matter worse, Yoon sent munitions and weapons to Ukraine. This has allowed Russia to upgrade its relations with North Korea and to join the summit. 

Summit Agreements

The summit did not produce any joint statement making it difficult to know concrete agreements. Only thing we can do is to examine strategic places visited by Kim Jong-un and statements made by two leaders and their advisors.

In the light of places visited by Kim Jong-un and the two leaders’ statements, we may be able to identify three areas of agreements: comprehensive cooperation agreement opening door to various types of cooperation, military cooperation agreement and agreement for the promotion of multipolar world order.

Comprehensive cooperation: The agreements seem to be very comprehensive and this is reflected in the statements of the two leaders.

The following statements made by the two leaders and the Kremlin spokesperson seem to indicate wide range of cooperation in years to come.

“Well, there are certain restrictions (sanctions) and Russia complies with all these restrictions. But there are things that we can of course talk about, discuss, think about it.” (Vladimir Putin)

“North Korea is our close neighbour. And, despite any comments from the outside, we will build our relations with our neighbour in a way that is beneficial to us and our neighbour.”(Kremlin spokes person, Dimitry Pescov)

“We have always supported all the decisions by President Putin and those by the Russians people.” (Kim Jung-un)

“In conclusion, I would like to express my confidence that our delegation’s current visit will serve an important moment in the future development and transformation of traditional friendly Russian-DPRK ties into unbreakable relations of strategic cooperation.” (Kim Jung-un)

The military cooperation: The military cooperation was revealed by numerous Kim’s visit to key military facilities and the composition of North Korean delegation, North Korean participation for the Ukraine war and leaders’ statements.

Image: Russian Air Force, RF-81719, Sukhoi Su-35S (Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0)


Kim’s visits included the site of the production of fighter jets including Su-35 and Su-57, the satellite launch pad of Soyuz-2 space craft at the Vostochuny Cosmodrom, the visit of bombers: TU-16-, TU95M5 and TU22M3 bombers and nuclear submarines.

Kim was accompanied by key people in North Korean national defence including Jo Chun-byong, ruling party member in charge of munitions production policy, Pak Tae-song, Chairman of the space and technology committee and Admiral Kim Byung-sik involved in the production of spy satellite and nuclear capable sub-marine.

It is reported that North Korea was sending to Ukraine munitions and weapons in exchange for Russian military aid.

There are some meaningful statements made by the two leaders.

“We are proud of the development of our space industry, and this ability is now for us. I hope that you and your colleagues are interested.” (Vladimir Putin)

When asked by the media if Russia would help North Korea for the development of satellite technology, Putin answered:

That is why we are here.”

According to South Korean North Korea experts, in addition to the cooperation for satellite technology and nuclear submarine technology, North Korea will become a part of Russia-DPRK supply chain for military equipment and parts.

Summit Impact on North Korean Security and Economy

The impacts of the summit on North Korea include the liberation from American sanctions, increased protection from the JAROKUS attack, possibility to realize its potential economic growth and North Korea’s role for the creation off the multipolar world

Liberation from American sanctions: After 70 years of fight against American nuclear threat and sanctions, North Korea can finally liberate from American oppression and sanctions owing to the summit which will allow North Korea to integrate its economy with the Eurasian economic bloc led by Russia and China. 

Protection from the JAROKUS attack: the summit has given the warning to ROK, Japan and US  not to think of attacking North Korea, because if they do, it will be door open to WWIII.

Potential economic growth: North Korea has resources for great potential growth. It has well educated and well trained hardworking labour force. It has strategic geopolitical characteristics favouring foreign investments; it has untouched natural resources; it has efficient infrastructure for technological development.

The integration of North Koreans economy into the Eurasian economic bloc provides the opportunity to transform its potential growth into actual growth.

North Korea’s role in the creation of multipolar world: what follows is the elaboration of such role.

Summit Impact on the Global Hegemony Fight

Both Russia and North Korea are known for their criticism of the unipolar world and their conviction for the inevitability of the coming of the multipolar world. 

It appears that, in the summit, the Russia-DPRK cooperation for the creation of multipolar world order was, perhaps, the most important issue discussed. The world knows that Putin has been arguing for the need for multipolar world for decades.

There are some statements referring to the multipolar world:

“The Russian army and people will certainly win a great victory in the strategic struggle for the punishment of a great evil that claim hegemony and feed passionate expansionist illusion.(Kim Jong-un)

“North Korea not only provides Russia with munitions, but also supports the Kremlin’s efforts to push back against what Mr. Putin describes as Western hegemony.” (Alexander Gabuev in New York Times September 3, 2023)

The DPRK and the Russian Federation are creating a multi-polar world and building a new, fair and rational international order based on the principle of equality, mutual respect and friendly cooperation.” (Prof. Chung Kiyul, editor- in-chief of the 4th Media, interview with Sputnic, September 14, 2023)

“The Kim-Putin summit first and foremost apparently intends to nullify, pacify, or ruin whatever the U.S. led suicidal nuclear game, especially in Korean peninsula and Ukraine.” (Prof. Chung Kiyul, editor-in chief of the 4th Media, ibid)

Pyongyang: Then and Now 

THEN: Total Destroyed as a Result of US Bombings (1950-53)

NOW: The Reconstruction of Pyongyang

In this paper, I will first discus the present state of the global hegemony war on the one hand and on the other, the role of North Korea.

The present state of the hegemony war: It is analysed in terms of falling mono-polar camp force and rising multipolar camp force.

Falling unipolar Camp Force. The following shows the trend of falling power of the unipolar camp.

First, when UN member countries voted for the sanctions against Russia’s military intervention into Ukraine, only 45 countries voted for as against 140 countries against. This means that only 76% of the countries were against the sanctions. 

Second, the NATO countries found themselves in a situation where they have not only exhausted their weapons to aid the Ukraine proxy war, but also their industries were ruined due to their decoupling from Russian economy. What is more terrible is EU’s obligation to import American oil and gas at exorbitant price in comparison with the price of Russian oil and gas.

Third, democracy is falling. The number of countries where democracy has improved fell from 83 to 28, in the period, 2005-2020. The number of countries where democracy deteriorated rose from 52 to 73, in the same period. The number of countries dissatisfied with democracy rose from 48% to 58% in the period, 1995-2020.

Fourth, the US economy is no longer dominant: In 1960, the US GDP was 40% of the global GDP. But in 2019, it represented mere 24% to fall further to 16% in 2023. The use of economic aid as tool of hegemonic domination has been losing its importance.

Fifth, the US-led free-trade agreement, globalization and the global value chain have resulted in the destruction of the potential economic development of developing countries leading to the anti-US movements. 

Moreover, neo-liberalism has contributed to exacerbating the international income distribution in favour of the rich countries at the expense of poor countries’ interests on the one hand, and on the other, increase unequal income distribution within the country in favour of the rich and the powerful.

Sixth, the free trade regime, neoliberal competition, the debt-trap policy of IMF, the corruption of the pro-West leaders of developing countries, multinational corporations’ grave human rights violations and their theft of target countries’ natural resources, forced child labour and destruction of eco-system of the developing world have been the means of exploiting the poor countries. 

Seventh, the endless and limitless sanctions against non-pro-U.S. countries have produced intolerable human misery throughout the world. 

  • Nobody knows to what extent the normal development of target countries’ economy has adversely been affected. 
  • Nobody knows how many children died due to the sanctions against the imports of medicines. 
  • Nobody knows how these sanctions put in danger the safety of the people and the security of the country. 
  • Nobody knows by what extent these sanctions have destroyed the potential growth of the target countries. 

Eighth, Washington’s regime-change policy is surely one of the most brutal and merciless destruction of the target countries. Dozens of countries have been targets of Washington’s regime change. The objective of regime change is to force the target country to become Washington’s vassal state and serve the Washington’s interests at the expense of the country’s own interests. In fact, the regime-change  policy is regime-destruction policy.

Ninth, the unchanging Washington’ foreign policy is the strengthening of its military power. Despite its economic weakening, its military expenditure has been increasing leading to less money needed for American citizens’ well being. 

The American share of military expenditures in the world increased from 37% in 1990 to 40% in 2023, while its share in global GDP fell from 24% in 1960 to 16% in 2023. 

This shows to what extent the U.S. attaches importance to its military might. Washington has 750 military bases in more than 85 countries and numerous Special Forces are deployed along with CIA troops. 

The US military is used to intimidate, threaten and even attack countries which do not serve the American interests.

All these elements of the US foreign policy reflect the falling power of the mono-polar world managed by Washington. And this has resulted in the increasing number of countries which seek multi-polar world in which each country can live in peace cooperating with other countries. 

Rising Multi-Polar Camp

The state of rising multi-polar camp may be presented in terms of the following factors: the number of countries in the multipolar camp, various means to fight the mono-polar camp’s offensive and increasing uprisings against pro-West corrupted governments in Africa and elsewhere.

First, the number of countries of the multipolar camp has been increasing. The number of the BRICS has increased from 5 to 11. The new member countries are Argentine, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates. In addition, 40 countries would like to join.

It is interesting to note that Iran, leader of the Shia Islam and Saudi Arabia, leader of Sunni Islam are now member of the BRICS. This could imply possible improvement in assuring greater peace in the Middle East and strengthen the multipolar camp.

There is the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) which has the following member countries: China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, India, Pakistan and Iran. In addition, the number of observer countries has been increasing.

BRICS already represent 40% of world population and 25% of the global GPD as against 16% for the U.S. and 30% for G-7 countries. With six new members, its importance in population and GDP will further increase.

Second, there are some economic and financial institutions which will facilitate the creation of the multipolar world. There is the BRICS’s New Development Bank (NDB), the Asia Infrastructure Investments Bank (AIIB), The Belt-Road Initiative (BRI).  

There are also numerous regional multilateral economic organizations designed to assure more independence from the domination of the unipolar camp.

Third, the Global South begins to fight for the freedom from the pro-West political leaders. The best example is the violent military uprisings in French Africa.

In French Africa, the surge of military coups is designed to take away power from the corrupted pro-West government and establish government which would promote the interests of the people. 

The following shows the countries where military coup took place in Africa: Chad (April, 2121), Mali (May, 2021) Guinea (October, 2021), Sudan (October, 2021), Burkina Faso (January, 2022), Niger (July, 2023), Gabon (August, 2023) (Mathew Ehret 21 cir. com September 19, 2023) 

These countries are rich in natural resources including diamond, manganese, uranium, iron, natural gas, oil, fresh water and other natural resources. The exploitation of these resources is monopolized by French companies such as Eramet, and Total SA. 

But, the people live with USD 1.0 a day and the poverty rate is between 30% and 70%. How can this happen in such natural resource-rich countries?

What we see now is the closing of the era of mono-polar camp and the beginning of the multipolar camp.

But, whether we like or not, the unipolar camp remains powerful being capable of threatening the emerging multipolar camp. US dollars still dominates; countless international organization including UN, WTO, WHO, WB, IMF and so many other institutions have been strengthened over decades and serve mainly the interests of the mono-polar camp. 

What is called rule-based laws are conceived and applied in order to protect mainly the interests of the unipolar camp.

Indeed, it is a long way before we see the world in which the U.S. coexist with multipolar countries and cooperate in peace respecting sovereignty of countries for global security and prosperity. 

We can have hope for the leadership of the BRICS and other organizations, but it is long way before it can lead us to the multipolar world. To do so, the people of the multi-polar countries should wake up and fight for the better world.

2023 BRICS Summit (Source: InfoBrics)

Peter Koenig has something to say about it:

So what we expect from BRICS?

“Again we the people, let us wake up and take life in our own hand and minds. Let us not be fooled, confused and divided by deceptive strategies of the self-nominated rulers.” (Peter Koenig, September 19, 2023)

Roles of North Korea: The message of Koenig seems clear. The establishment of a multipolar world can be done only by the people, not by the political leaders. The ordinary people should be the reliable driving force of the noble task of constructing the new world where all countries can live in peace without the fear of being cheated, oppressed and exploited.

In order that the people can lead the march to the multi-polar world, the people should become the master of the country. 

This requires proper doctrines allowing a new way of thinking and doing.

Juche (主體)

Such doctrine includes the North Korean idea of Juche (主體), Juche philosophy (主體思想), Juce behaviour (主體行爲) and Juche system (主體制度).

The sum of these four ways of thinking and doing constitutes Juche doctrine (主體主義).

Juche: Juche means “organiser”, “initiator”, “planner” or “decision maker”. If I organize a seminar, I am the Juche of the seminar. If you decide to sell your house, you are the Juche of house sale. 

In North Korean, Juche must make decisions in autonomous way without interference of outsider. The Jucche may consider other people’s advice, but Juche’s decision should be autonomous and independent 

Juche Philosophy: Now, the Juche philosophy is a little more complex. It refers to the relation of individual with God, with the national leader and with the nation. Each individual determines these relations. That is, each individual in North Korea is the master of everything. 

The core of the Juche philosophy is the relation between individual on the one hand and, on the other, the national leader and the country. 

Here, brace yourself!

You will see a sort of metaphysics of individual’s relation with the national leader and the nation.

According to the Juche metaphysics, individual is “infused” with the leader and the nation so that the three elements of North Korea become “one” and the “same.”

What the individual thinks is what the leader thinks; what the leader thinks is what the nation thinks. 

The suffering of individuals is the suffering of the leader and the nation. The joy and the pains of the leader is the joy and pains of the individuals and the nation.

The core of the Juche philosophy is fact that the Juche of collective life is the individual. That is, the individual is the master. What the leader thinks and does is what individual thinks and does

Long time ago, a North Korean group of beautiful lady cheer leaders came to Pusan city of South Korea for the Asian Game. One day, it was raining and the portrait of Kim Jong-il was wet. Undoubtedly, the cheer leasers might have thought that they were wet, too, because they were Kim Jong-il and Kim Jong-il was the cheer leaders.

The cheer leaders were crying seeing their leader’s portrait was wet. I thought that they were acting, but they were sincere.

Juche Behaviour: The Juche philosophy has immense impacts on North Koreans’ behaviours. Let us see the Juche behaviours of the leaders followed by those of the people

Juche Behaviours of leaders: It is a duty for the national leaders to live with the people by visiting farms, factories, schools, hospitals and local communities, because the leaders are the people. 

  • Kim Il-sung spent four say a week by visiting and talking to the people to know what the people want. 
  • We see often Kim Jong-il and Kim Jong-un visiting places where the people live and work
  • According to a man who knows North Korea very well, in North Korea, there is no military academy. All officers are former simple soldiers. The 4-star general who used to be a simple soldier spends many hours and lives the life of simple soldier every month 

Juche Behaviour of North Korean people: the following summarizes North Korean people’s Juche behaviour.

  • North Korean people survived the long march of hunger and suffering in the 1990s.
  • North Koreans endured the never ceasing threatening joint military exercises by ROK-US armed forces.
  • North Koreans survived the merciless sanctions
  • North Koreans do not protest against the leader not because of fear of the authorities but due to their love for the leaders and the country. Remember, the leaders are the people.
  • Every North Korean is a soldier and worker making North Korea a powerful military power
  • Every North Korean is an intelligence agent preventing spies.

Juche System: Juche behaviour leads to the Juche system of politics, national defence and national economy. The Juche system has produced the following results.

  • North Korea has never become vassal state of any country. This is North Korea’s political independence
  • North Korea has become a nuclear state capable of defending itself from American nuclear threat. This is North Korea’s autonomous national defence
  • North Korean economy has survived the economic sanctions. This is North Korean’s road to self-sufficient national economy.

Coming back to the role of North Korea in the fight for the creation of the multipolar world, I think that the Juche doctrine can contribute to the selection of national leaders who identify themselves with the people. One should avoid leaders who are corrupted by receiving bribes given by foreign forces. Unfortunately, there are too many of them.

The multipolar camp need strong, well motivated, devoted and highly trained people to confront the mighty unipolar camp and construct sustainable multipolar world. 

For this, the multi-polar camp needs Juche force which will be ready to meet head on the offensive of the unipolar camp. 

North Korea is ready to train such force. We remember that the Juche doctrine has played strategic role in the fight against neo-colonialism in developing countries

In fact, by the end of the 1970s, there were 1,000 Juche study centers in the world. In the period, 1972-1989, as many as 33 African countries had Juche Study centers. Even now, a good number of African countries operate such centers including Benin, Congo, Egypt, Guinea, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania, Tunisia and Uganda.

No doubt, North Korea can play various roles for the establishment of the multi-polar world as it becomes more powerful and its economy becomes more developed. 

But, what is needed now is the formation of well trained fighting force that can resist the onslaught of the mono-polar forces and create solid bases for the sustained development of the multi-polar world. North Korea can offer such training.


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Dr. Joseph H. Chung is professor of economics at the University of Quebec in Montreal (UQAM), member of Study Center on Integration and Globalization (CEIM -UQAM). 

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).

Featured image: Kim Jong Un and Vladimir Putin meeting at Vostochny Cosmodrome in Amur Oblast, Russia (13 September 2023) (Licensed under CC BY 4.0)