Colpo di sonno nucleare

February 28th, 2017 by Manlio Dinucci

Il governo Gentiloni ha capovolto il voto del governo Renzi all’Onu, votando a favore dell’avvio di negoziati per il disarmo nucleare! La sensazionale notizia si è rapidamente diffusa, portando alcuni disarmisti a gioire per il risultato ottenuto. Per avere chiarimenti in proposito, il senatore Manlio Di Stefano (Movimento 5 Stelle) e altri hanno presentato una interrogazione, a cui il governo ha dato risposta scritta nel bollettino della Commissione Esteri. Essa chiarisce come sono andate le cose.

Il 27 ottobre 2016, durante il governo Renzi, l’Italia (accodandosi agli Stati uniti) ha votato «No», nella prima commissione dell’Assemblea generale, alla risoluzione che proponeva di avviare nel 2017 negoziati per un Trattato internazionale volto a vietare le armi nucleari, risoluzione approvata in commissione a grande maggioranza. Successivamente, il 23 dicembre 2016 durante il governo Gentiloni, quando la stessa risoluzione è stata votata all’Assemblea generale delle Nazioni Unite, l’Italia ha invece votato «Sì» insieme alla maggioranza.

Capovolgimento della posizione italiana? No, solo un errore tecnico.

«Tale errore – spiega il governo nella risposta scritta – sembra essere dipeso dalle circostanze in cui è avvenuta la votazione, a tarda ora della notte».

In altre parole il rappresentante italiano, probabilmente per un colpo di sonno, ha premuto il pulsante sbagliato. «L’erronea indicazione di voto favorevole – spiega sempre il governo – è stata successivamente rettificata dalla nostra Rappresentanza permanente presso le Nazioni Unite, che ha confermato il voto negativo espresso in prima commissione».

Il governo Gentiloni, come quello Renzi, ritiene che «la convocazione, nel 2017, di una Conferenza delle Nazioni Unite per negoziare uno strumento giuridicamente vincolante sulla proibizione delle armi nucleari, costituisca un elemento fortemente divisivo che rischia di compromettere i nostri sforzi a favore del disarmo nucleare». Insieme ai paesi militarmente non-nucleari dell’Alleanza Atlantica, «l’Italia è tradizionalmente fautrice di un approccio progressivo al disarmo, che riafferma la centralità del Trattato di non-proliferazione». Il governo ribadisce in tal modo la centralità del Trattato di non-proliferazione delle armi nucleari, ratificato nel 1975, in base al quale l’Italia «si impegna a non ricevere da chicchessia armi nucleari né il controllo su tali armi, direttamente o indirettamente». Mentre in realtà viola il Trattato, poiché mantiene sul proprio territorio, ad Aviano e Ghedi-Torre, almeno 70 bombe nucleari Usa B-61, al cui uso vengono addestrati anche piloti italiani. Quale sia l’«approccio progressivo al disarmo nucleare» perseguito dall’Italia lo dimostra il fatto che tra circa due anni essa riceverà dagli Usa, per rimpiazzare quelle attuali, le nuove bombe nucleari B61-12, sganciabili a distanza e con capacità penetranti anti-bunker. Armi nucleari da first strike dirette soprattutto contro la Russia, che, rendendo più probabile il lancio di un attacco nucleare dal nostro paese, lo esporranno ancora di più al pericolo di rappresaglia nucleare. Il modo concreto attraverso cui possiamo contribuire all’eliminazione delle armi nucleari, che minacciano la sopravvivenza dell’umanità, è chiedere che l’Italia cessi di violare il Trattato di non-proliferazione e chieda di conseguenza agli Stati uniti di rimuovere immediatamente qualsiasi arma nucleare dal territorio italiano e rinunciare a installarvi le nuove bombe B61-12.

Battaglia politica fondamentale se anche l’opposizione non fosse stata contagiata dal colpo di sonno,  che assopisce perfino l’istinto di sopravvivenza.

 Manlio Dinucci

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Trump versus press

Historic Increase of US Military Budget: Trump Boosts Most Wasteful Department, Reduces All Others

By Eric Zuesse, February 28 2017

Trillions of dollars are being poured down, into ‘Defense’ (including aggressions such as the invasions of Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc.) and into ‘intelligence’ (including the false ‘intelligence’ that was used to ‘justify’ those invasions), and yet none of it is at all accountable to the public; it’s merely being paid to U.S. corporations by the ‘representatives of the public’, and will now soar even more, while everything else (suposedly except Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid) will get slashed, as being what supporters of the military-industrial complex call “waste, fraud, and abuse” in all Departments but their own.

Eva Bartlett

War on Syria: Manufactured Revolution and Fake Media Narrative (Video)

By Eva Bartlett, February 28 2017

Canadian independent journalist Eva Bartlett is the object of a smear campaign by Canada’s mainstream media. Listen to what she has to say and then decide who is telling the truth. The mainstream media denies the existence of terrorists linked to Al Qaeda. According to mainstream sources, there were no terrorists in Aleppo. Al Qaeda and the Islamic State are supported by US-NATO, Saudi Arabia and Israel. They are the state-sponsors of terrorism. We are dealing with a war of aggression. Eva Bartlett provides detailed evidence of  war crimes.


The CIA is One of the Main Peddlers of Fake News: Newly-Declassified Docs.

By Washington’s Blog, February 28 2017

Newly-declassified documents show that a senior CIA agent and Deputy Director of the Directorate of Intelligence worked closely with the owners and journalists of many of the largest media outlets.

Malcolm X

A Black History Month Special: Revolutionary Struggle, Malcolm X, MLK, Mumia, MOVE

By Michael Welch and Abayomi Azikiwe, February 28 2017

The modern history of the world is saturated with convenient narratives typically serving the interests of the victors of war and conquest. Mainstream media discourse around Black History month is apt to ignore inconvenient truths about the indelible links between a specific set of economic relationships today, and abundant psychological pathologies diminishing others based on ethnicity and race. The legendary Malcolm X entertained no illusions about the realities of race in America.

What Did the US and Britain Know Prior to the July 7 London Bombings?

Britain’s Establishment Fear Factor: Major Terrorist Event Predicted to Occur Every 6 Months

By Graham Vanbergen, February 28 2017

The BBC has just reported that “Britain faces a level of terror threat not seen since the IRA bombings of the 1970s.” It is by implication predicting successful terror events in Britain every six months killing dozens and injuring hundreds in the very near future for decades to come.

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Canadian independent journalist Eva Bartlett is the object of a smear campaign by Canada’s mainstream media.

Listen to what she has to say and then decide who is telling the truth.

The mainstream media denies the existence of terrorists linked to Al Qaeda.

According to mainstream sources, there were no terrorists in Aleppo. 

Al Qaeda and the Islamic State are supported by US-NATO, Saudi Arabia and Israel. They are the state-sponsors of terrorism. We are dealing with a war of aggression. Eva Bartlett provides detailed evidence of  war crimes.

The following video interview by Global Research TV was conducted in Montreal in January in the context of Eva Bartlett’s Canada speaking tour.

It is followed by her presentation at the Montreal venue. (M.Ch, GR Editor)

Eva Bartlett’s presentation in Montreal 

Excerpts from Eva Bartlett’s Sott article entitled

Western corporate media ‘disappears’ over 1.5 million Syrians and 4,000 doctors

Doctors In Aleppo Refute Media Lies

In the first week of July 2016 I traveled by car to Aleppo. When entering the southern Ramouseh district of the city, the car sped along a road known for terrorist snipers. Three weeks later in Ramouseh, a woman was sniped by a terrorist and killed.

© Eva Bartlett
Oil barrels line Ramouseh road to protect Syrian civilians against Western-backed terrorist snipers

In Aleppo, I met with doctors from the Aleppo Medical Association (established in 1959), including Dr. Zahar Buttal, Dr. Tony Sayegh, and Dr. Nabil Antaki.

One question I posed to the doctors was regarding the other oft-repeated lie of the “last pediatrician” in Aleppo, a startling allegation designed to shock western readers and rally them against the Syrian government. And one which has no basis in truth.

Dr. Zahar Buttal, Chairman of the Aleppo Medical Association, refuted such allegations, noting that Aleppo has 180 pediatricians still working in the city. Of one of the alleged lone pediatricians he said: “The media says the only pediatrician in Aleppo was killed in a hospital called Quds. In reality, it was a field hospital, not registered.” As for the pediatrician, “We checked the name of the doctor and didn’t find him registered in Aleppo Medical Association records.”

Indeed, the Quds hospital referenced was central to the April/May frenzy of media lies regarding Aleppo and the Syrian government, and Russian allies. Claims around the building called al-Quds hospital contradicted one another, the fallacies and serious discrepancies outlined in this article.

Also central to the lies were the bias and propaganda of the very partial, corporate-financed Medecins Sans Frontiers (MSF), which supports areas in Syria controlled by terrorists, specifically Jabhat al-Nusra (whose failed attempt at re-branding with a new name – Jabhat Fatha al-Sham – does not negate its ties to Al-Qaeda nor erase their crimes).

The next, related, question for the doctors was: If government-secured Aleppo has 180 pediatricians, how many doctors in total are still working there? Lying media have for months claimed the number of doctors are dwindling, including even a late July propaganda piece in The Intercept which asserted that “the number of doctors in Aleppo City has plummeted into the low dozens. The number of remaining medical specialists is even smaller.”

Yet, according to Dr. Zahar Buttal, until now there are 4,160 doctors registered and active in Aleppo city, in the government-secured areas of over 1.5 million people. Of the 4,160 doctors, 200 have been newly registered since the beginning of this year.

As for the media claims of a lack of specialists in Aleppo, in addition to the 180 mentioned pediatricians, there are of course many more specialists in Aleppo. According to the Aleppo Medical Association’s Dr. Zahar, specialists still practicing in the city include:

  • 30 cardiovascular surgeons
  • 214 general surgeons
  • 112 orthopedists
  • 11 pulmonologists
  • 12 neurologists
  • 8 neurosurgeons
  • 250 obstetricians/gynecologists
  • 15 gastroenterologists

Dr. Nabil Antaki, himself a gastroenterologist, is one of a group of 15 specialist doctors which, since late 2012, have volunteered their services, treating in private hospitals (with the most minimal equipment and medical fees possible) upwards of 500 civilians severely injured by terrorist bombings, needing specialist care and often life-support. Specialists in his group alone include: three general surgeons, one heart surgeon, one neurosurgeon, two orthopedic surgeons, and three anesthesiologists.

Dr. Antaki has been outspoken about the western media lies on Aleppo. When the western-created “Aleppo is Burning” campaign took flight in late April – the exact time when western-backed terrorists increased their daily bombing of Aleppo to severe bombardments – Dr. Antaki, seeing the worst of the casualties and bombings, spoke out.

When I met him in July 2016, Dr. Antaki continued to be vocal about the media manipulations and fragrant lies about the reality on the ground in Aleppo.

“All of the campaigns which were launched by the western media concerned the east part of Aleppo, which is the part controlled by the ‘rebels’. All the media reported that the people there are suffering, the buildings are destroyed and that the Syrian government are doing ‘war crimes’. But, what we are receiving in the part controlled by the Syrian government is much worse than in the east part. Nobody speaks about what is happening in the western part of Aleppo.There are not only tens of mortars every day which fell on the western part of Aleppo, but hundreds, and every day we have hundreds killed or wounded. And nobody spoke about it. When the media spoke about one supposed hospital destroyed in the eastern part, one week after, the main maternity hospital in Aleppo was hit by bombs sent by the ‘rebels’, and women were killed, and nobody spoke about this.”

Aleppo’s Dr. Tony Sayegh has also been vocal about the blatant media bias on Aleppo. In July, regarding the Quds hospital and related propaganda, Dr. Sayegh told me:

This hospital, in the Sukkari district, they made a big propaganda about it, ‘the last doctor in that area,’ which is absolutely wrong. The government has doctors working in that area who get their salaries from the government, even though the area is controlled by terrorists. For the government, all areas and and their inhabitants are Syrians. Areas where there are terrorists, like al-Manbij, like al-Bab, in all those areas there are many doctors working with the health ministry, and they take their salaries from the health ministry.

Aleppo’s Over Ten Thousand Dead and Maimed Absent From Corporate Headlines

Dr. Nabil Antaki gave the following overview of life for the civilians of government-secured Aleppo, from mid-2012 until our July meeting.

Since July 2012, the main area of Aleppo receives every day mortars, bombs and gas canisters, sent by the ‘rebels’ on the civilians living in Aleppo. Here you have human damage more than there, but less physical destruction, because here we are receiving mortars and gas canister bombs. If a mortar hits the building, it might make a hole the size of a window, but also kill five people at once. In the part of Aleppo under the government control, every day we have dozens of injured and killed.

In late April 2016, terrorists in the occupied eastern quarters of Aleppo, as well as then-occupied Beni Zaid and neighbouring districts, increased their normal bombing campaigns of mortars, gas canister explosives (from household to the the largest size canisters, stuffed with glass, bearings, metal shrapnel), explosive bullets, and powerful foreign-supplied rockets to from high-tens to over one hundred per day on the heavily-populated areas of Aleppo secured by the Syrian state.

Of the heightened bombardment, Dr. Nabil Antaki told me:

Usually you don’t have just one mortar, you have a rain of mortars: ten, twenty, thirty, and more in a few hours. Many people are wounded at the same time. When ambulances bring people to the public hospital, maybe twenty or thirty people arrive at the same time. The public hospitals lack enough medical staff and equipment. So if you have ten severely wounded persons arriving at the same time at the public hospital, by the time care comes, a victim has time to die.

In his Aleppo Medical Association office, Dr. Zaher Buttal read from his diary statistics on the late April/early May terrorists’ bombardment campaign:

  • April 23rd: 81 martyrs, 30 wounded.
  • April 28th & 29th: Bloodiest days. 31 martyrs, 75 wounded **initial numbers only.
  • From April 23rd-30th: 120 martyrs, over 800 wounded.
  • May 3rd: 25 martyrs, 100 wounded (including 3 women killed in the al-Dabeet maternity hospital explosion).

© Eva Bartlett
Dr. Dabeet showing me images of the Western-backed terrorist attack on the maternity hospital named after him

Although the Aleppo Medical Association documented the daily number of killed and injured by this increased bombing campaign, and although the areas attacked included a number of registered Aleppo hospitals, corporate media and Wall Street-backed “human rights groups” in their Turkish-based, or further-removed, reporting on Aleppo preferred to cite “unnamed activists” and al-Qaeda-in-Syria “White Helmets” actors.

Like many (if not most) Aleppo residents, Dr. Zaher Buttal has never heard of the White Helmets. The fact that the head of the Medical Association is not aware of this group purporting to be rescuing civilians in Aleppo highlights the reality that they work solely in terrorist-occupied areas and for the terrorists themselves. For more information on the terrorist-propaganda group that is known as the “White Helmets,” see this video and this article.

Other Pro-Terrorist Propaganda

The same July 2016 Intercept article which promoted the lone-doctor narrative also neglected to mention that a hospital they cite is in fact a hospital not only long-established but also belonging to a volunteer association headed by Syria’s Grand Mufti, Dr. Ahmad Badr Al-Din Hassoun.

The Intercept article read: “Almouslem’s hospital, Omar Ibn Abdel Aziz, has long been the only functioning medical facility in its pocket of eastern Aleppo City.”

In a mid-July and then an August 11th meeting with Mufti Hassoun in Damascus, he explained that the organization (The Association of Raising the Standard of Health and Social Status) of which he is Director had two hospitals and ten clinics daily giving medical care for free to up to 1500 of Aleppo’s poorest. One of these hospitals was the mentioned Omar Ibn Abdul Aziz hospital. It had three operating rooms, an MRI, nine dialysis machines, 12 incubators, and 50 beds. It is now controlled by terrorists who, Mufit Hassoun said, further mounted machine guns on the hospital’s three ambulances. The humanitarianism of western-backed so-called “moderate” “rebels”.

Mufti Hassoun explained:

In 1985 we started construction of the hospital, and in 1992 the hospital started operating. We treated for free over 400 patients daily, people from a very poor neighbourhood.

When the terrorists took over the hospital, they evicted the doctors, and killed three of the nurses and more than ten of the patients. The media say that MSF is supporting the hospital, but they are using it like a field hospital to treat terrorists. This is the hospital that we built with our own hands, and now they lie and say that it’s their own hospital.

Halfway through a video which the Intercept piece links to, who should appear but the war-propagandizing White Helmets – who only work in terrorist-occupied areas. This is the evidence the Intercept presents, along with a UN report lacking sources for its assertions. The UN has no physical presence in terrorist-occupied eastern Aleppo and, like lying media and NGOs, relies on “unnamed activists” and the SOHR-type sources for their statistics.

Brazenly, Al-Hel online media stole a photo from the Aleppo Medical Association, claiming it depicted doctors in terrorist-occupied eastern Aleppo: “Aleppo doctors are demanding an end to the bombing of the regime … and describe the situation as ‘a humanitarian catastrophe’.”

The equally war-propagandistic Facebook page, Syria Breaking, shared the stolen-photo and Al-Hel article, adding its own lies:

There are now in the eastern part of the city of ‪#‎Aleppo, no fewer than 300 thousand people, there are only 30 doctors in five hospitals to serve them.

The photo in question was in fact from a May 6th protest (photos here) organized by the Aleppo Medical Association outside of the destroyed al-Dabeet maternity hospital, gutted on May 3rd by a terrorist rocket. According to Dr. Zaher Buttal, more than 150 doctors attended the demonstration.

The protest came following the weeks of carnage from terrorists’ relentless bombardment of civilian areas all over government-secured Aleppo – including numerous hospitals – and was, Dr. Buttal said, both in anger at the terrorists’ targeting of hospitals in Aleppo and also to show the world that, contrary to media lies, Aleppo does have doctors.

Of the signs doctors held, Professor Tim Anderson wrote:

Their signs – in English, Italian and German as well as Arabic – read: ‘Syrian Arab Army represents me’, ‘Long live Syria, long live Aleppo’, ‘Terrorists are killing our children’, ‘Armed opposition is destroying our civilisation’, ‘No for armed opposition’.

From the terrorists’ May 3rd bombings, a rocket landed on a parked car right next to the al-Dabeet maternity hospital, causing a massive explosion which gutted the hospital interior, severely damaged the exterior, and burned the two cars parked behind it. Footage from a nearby building’s security camera shows the rocket and subsequent massive explosion occurred at 9:36 am, May 3rd.

A Western-backed terrorist rocket explodes outside Dabeet Maternity hospital in Aleppo

While initial reports said 16 civilians were killed in the May 3rd terrorist bombings, by the time the wounded had succumbed to their severe injuries, 25 people were killed and over 100 injured, according to the medical association’s Dr. Zaher Buttal. The three women killed were in the al-Dabeet hospital reception at the time, said Dr. Dabeet. One of the injured included a 28-week-pregnant woman who survived the loss of long sections of her intestine due to shrapnel injuries.

The operating room was destroyed, along with patient rooms, five of ten incubators (the other five needing repair), and much of his equipment.

One week later the maternity hospital was again hit by a terrorist-fired mortar, destroying the roof and injuring construction workers there, according to Dr. Dabeet.

© Eva Bartlett
Dabeet Maternity hospital after it suffered a direct hit from Western-backed terrorists in Aleppo.

According to Dr. Zaher Buttal, other hospitals hit include the Ibn Rashd hospital, with a mortar hitting the top floor, the Arab Medicine hospital, and the perimeter of the Razi hospital.

Starving, Besieged Civilians? Liberated Areas Ignored

While terrorists’ bombings and sniping attacks have been the most pressing issues in Aleppo in the past few months, other crises since 2012 have been those of water and electricity shortages, as well as the terrorist-blockades suffered by the population in government-secured Aleppo, cutting off food, fuel and medicine to the city.

The already risky Ramouseh road which I took into Aleppo in early July was recently assaulted by terrorist snipers and shelling, and has been closed to prevent civilian fatalities. This sole road leading into Aleppo closed, terrorist actions have again cut the lifeline for the over 1.5 million people inside. In July, Dr. Nabil Antaki explained how terrorists themselves closed the road many times in the past, and the dire effects of doing so.

Because the ‘rebels’ control the main roads around Aleppo, Aleppo has suffered blockades, sometimes for a few days and other times for many, many weeks. During those many weeks, nothing was able to enter Aleppo: no food, no vegetables, no fruits, no gas, no medical equipment, no drugs… the people of Aleppo suffered a lot.

The water supply has been cut by ‘rebels’, because the main water stations are in ‘rebel’ areas. Many times they cut the water for weeks or months. So for three years, we had to use the water of wells — we now have in Aleppo 300 wells which we had to use to provide water for the 1.5 million persons living in Aleppo under the Syrian state.

In addition, we don’t have power supply, because the electricity generator and power supply are in the ‘rebel’ portion of Aleppo, and they cut the supply. That’s why people have private subscription to 1 or 2 amperes, just to have 1 or 2 or 3 bulbs during the night. They have to pay very expensive prices just to have this. The people of Aleppo are truly suffering.

Mustapha Melhis of Aleppo’s water authority explained in July 2015:

Our water reservoirs are 90 kilometers [56 miles] away, in Hafsa, a region held by IS [Islamic State]. In May, they cut the amount of water [supplied] by half….

The second aspect of the problem is distribution. The water pumped by IS flows to the Suleiman Halabi and Bab al-Nairab stations here [in Aleppo]. Both areas are controlled by Jabhat al-Nusra, and they are using the water as a weapon to impose their demands.

In the same article, Aleppo Governor Mohammad Marwan Olabi said:

The power plants are outside the city. Terrorists control two areas from where electricity lines to Aleppo pass. Whenever they want to put pressure on Aleppo, they cut the electricity. And when electricity is gone, the water supply is cut off as well.

Corporate media have largely ignored these very real crises, and instead manufacture (regarding terrorist-held eastern Aleppo) the same types of propaganda campaigns of “starving civilians” which earlier flooded social media and were endorsed by dubious NGOs, like those on Madaya and Yarmouk. In all cases, no mention is made of the fact that the population in the area includes terrorist factions or why there is any lack of supplies (because of the terrorist factions).

As with Madaya and Yarmouk, when residents of the terrorist-inhabited regions do manage to speak to media, inevitablythey speak of terrorists stealing food supplies, hoarding goods and selling them at extortionist rates, and preventing residents from leaving to safer areas.

On July 28, the Syrian Arab Army fully secured the Bani Zaid and Lairamoun northern neighbourhoods of Aleppo city,liberating them from the western-backed mercenaries who occupied the districts since October 2012.

Civilians who had remained in Bani Zaid spoke of the terrorists’ firing of gas canister and other bombs on the civilians of neighbouring government-secured Aleppo districts. Western corporate media largely ignored this significant liberation and the jubilation of liberated residents.

On the same day, President al-Assad issued a decree granting amnesty to Syrians who laid down their weapons and reconciled with the state.

When the Syrian-Russian coordinated humanitarian corridors opened in eastern Aleppo in late July, reports soon after emerged of terrorists preventing residents from leaving, including assassinating residents who attempted to leave. When some residents from these areas did manage to evacuate, testimonies showed them thanking the government for providing the basics and cursing the terrorists for having stolen from them, abused residents, and in many cases killed their loved ones.

Russia Today interviewed evacuees who likewise did not praise the west’s so-called “rebels” but spoke of the hell civilians endured under terrorist occupation.

We left with our remaining children. May God punish the rebels. They did not allow us to leave, they deprived us of gas, water, electricity and bread. We were not allowed to leave. There were no medicines. They used to tell us you live with us or die with us,” one woman said.

Attacks On Aleppo Continue, To Media Silence

“For three days after the liberation of Bani Zaid, it was very quiet in Aleppo. People were happy, there were no more mortars. Suddenly, yesterday, the terrorists started sending mortars and rockets on Aleppo again, especially on Hamdaniya where thousands of displaced people live. So people are leaving this neighbourhood to find another place,” Dr. Nabil Antaki told me on August 1st .

In a phone call on August 10th, Dr. Zaher Buttal updated that since July 30th, terrorist bombings had killed 30 civilians in Aleppo, and wounded hundreds. By August 11th , Dr. Buttal said another 16 civilians in Hamadaniya, Aleppo, had been killed by terrorists’ missiles, another 45 wounded.

Today there was supposed to be a truce between 10 am and 1 pm. Terrorists ignored this and again bombarded Hamadaniya neighbourhood.

Both Dr. Buttal and truth-based media have reported that terrorists used toxic gas in their bombardment of civilian areas of Aleppo.

The Western corporate media and NGO complex, on the other hand, continue to talk about imaginary “last doctors” in Aleppo, while ignoring the very real suffering of over 1.5 million Syrians in government-secured Aleppo, as well as the doctors who are treating them. This is hardly surprising given that, from the very beginning, the corporate media has toed the NATO agenda on Syria, which is to manufacture every imaginable lie and accusation against the Syrian government, the Syrian Arab Army, and the people themselves, in order to chase the NATO-GCC-Zionist-Turkish dream of imposing a puppet government in Syria. They have failed.

Excerpt from an article by Eva Bartlett originally published on SOTT

Eva Bartlett is a freelance journalist and rights activist with extensive experience in the Gaza Strip, where she lived a cumulative three years (from late 2008 to early 2013), arriving by boat as a part of the Free Gaza missions. She documented the 2008/9 and 2012 Israeli war crimes and attacks on Gaza while riding in ambulances and reporting from hospitals. Eva accompanied Palestinian fishers and farmers as they came under intensive fire from the Israeli army. She has been to Syria four times since April 2014 and works to convey the voices of a people suffering under the foreign war on Syria. Her writings can be found on her blog, In Gaza.

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The dangerous U.S. military escalation of its 5-year war to overturn Syria’s government can be seen in the Sept. 17 bombing, which killed 62 Syrian Army soldiers and aided the position of the Islamic State group. The attack sabotaged a U.S.-Russian brokered ceasefire and led Russia to call for an emergency U.N. Security Council meeting.

At the same time, there has been a heavy barrage of U.S. war propaganda. “White Helmets,” a new film, is part of the sophisticated disinformation campaign.

War propaganda is always more insidious on the home front, but it is an essential ingredient of imperialist wars. Charging the enemy with genocide, baby killing, mass rapes, mass graves and weapons of mass destruction have all been debunked after a U.S. war. But they saturate the media before a war and seem indisputable.

Samantha Powers, U.S. ambassador to the U.N., has denounced both Russia and Syria. She labels U.S. wars “humanitarian interventions,” and has used unsubstantiated war propaganda to justify wars in West Asia, North Africa and the Balkans that have decimated countries, killed hundreds of thousands of people and displaced millions.

Social media hype

The film praising White Helmets, a U.S.-British-funded group embedded with U.S.-funded reactionary opposition forces, is trending on Netflix. The documentary’s well-publicized launch is calculated to help it win awards and convey the call for deeper U.S. military involvement in Syria. It premiered the Sept. 17-18 weekend at the Toronto International Film Festival.

NBC News praised the featured group as “Angels on the Front Line.” The Washington Post, New York Times and Wall Street Journal sang the movie’s praises and White Helmets’ “selfless, humanitarian role.”

The White Helmets defines itself as unpaid, unarmed first responders in Syria, claims 3,000 members and alleges it is a Syrian Civil Defense group. It claims to have saved 40,000, even 60,000 lives in Syria, by rescuing survivors from bombsites.

Most claims about the White Helmets are unverified self-promotion on social media. Interviews with and media coverage of the grouping show desperate appeals for an increase in U.S./NATO military action in Syria — not peace and reconciliation. New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof and other journalists have quoted its calls for a no-fly zone as a “humanitarian” option.

The much-hyped White Helmets is not a Syrian organization, nor was it created by Syrians, nor is it educational. It is a U.S.-British creation. Former British Army officer James Le Mesurier, self-described as a British “security” specialist, founded it. He previously worked for Blackwater, the mercenary organization universally condemned for its murderous brutality in Iraq.

U.S. AID funding

The White Helmets’ website declares the group is “unfunded, independent and neutral.” At an April 27 press conference, U.S. State Department Deputy Spokesperson Mark Toner acknowledged the organization has received $23 million from the U.S. Agency for International Development. That agency’s website explains, “Our work … advances U.S. foreign policy objectives.”

Additionally, the White Helmets receives millions of dollars from billionaire financier George Soros, the Netherlands and the British Foreign Office. Equipment and vehicles come through Turkey.

The White Helmets has never functioned as a neutral force. While attacking the Syrian government and calling for more U.S., British and NATO bombing, the group functions exclusively in Syrian areas held by the Nusra Front, a terrorist organization linked to al-Qaida. This well-funded group operates on the ground with U.S.-, British-, Israeli- and Saudi-funded militias committed to destroying Syria’s government.

While claiming to be “unarmed,” the White Helmets appears in videos with weapons, surrounded by armed militias.

The U.S. brought White Helmets’ leader Raed Saleh to the U.N. Security Council in 2014 to testify against the Syrian government and to lobby for a U.N. resolution approving a U.S.-enforced no-fly zone — meaning direct U.S. intervention. Saleh promotes bombing to “save” the people of Syria and is hardly “neutral.”

Washington later barred Saleh from the U.S. when he tried to attend a gala dinner honoring White Helmets with a keynote speech from USAID. The State Department deported him, citing his connections to “extremist organizations.”

The White Helmets is the latest of a series of front groups, designed to give a “humanitarian” gloss to Washington’s latest war of regime change in the Middle East.

White Helmets was established as a social media presence of the Syria Campaign, AVAAZ and Purpose — interlinked campaigns that push for U.S. destruction of Syria. They quote each others’ material and create the illusion of a democratic, independent opposition in Syria.

These forces are also pushing for a Nobel Peace Prize nomination for White Helmets to further legitimatize their calls for an expanded war. They also campaigned for Washington to bomb Libya under the guise of a “humanitarian” no-fly zone.

Resources that tell the truth

While the corporate media and TV entertainment channels seem to be taken in by this slick film, it takes little effort to expose who White Helmets is and reveal its role in the ugly U.S.-funded war in Syria. Information is available online in various formats. But this has not stopped the constant, orchestrated promotion of White Helmet.

“The White Helmets — al Qaeda with a Facelift” is a 4-minute video on Youtube which reveals the truth about the grouping. ( The Syria Solidarity Movement, including Eva Bartlett, Vanessa Beeley, Ken Stone and Hands Off Syria, which made the video, has extensively researched White Helmets’ funding and role.’s petition opposes the Nobel Peace Prize nomination, concluding that the White Helmets is “terrorism and neocolonialism under the umbrella of Humanitarianism.” (

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El símbolo fue una rata con una banda presidencial cruzándole el pecho. El bicho (un muñeco gigante) saltaba mientras la gente lo golpeaba. “A la cárcel los presidentes corruptos”, gritaban los manifestantes reunidos en Lima el sábado 18. Eran miles y miles, convocados por organizaciones de izquierda, movimientos sociales, sindicatos, grupos estudiantiles. El motivo de la Marcha Anticorrupción, que recorrió el centro de la capital peruana y culminó en el Palacio de Justicia, fue el “megaescándalo Odebrecht”. Perú es –después de Brasil, de donde todo partió, además de Venezuela y Dominicana– uno de los países latinoamericanos donde más lejos llegó la constructora brasileña en el pago de sobornos a dirigentes políticos de distinto pelo con el fin de obtener contratos de obra pública. Y el país en que el escándalo ha tenido más consecuencias políticas.

No se sabe con exactitud cuántas decenas de millones de dólares destinó a ese fin la translatina brasileña en el país andino, pero sí se sabe que bajo la administración de Alejandro Toledo fueron al menos 20. Y también pagó sus buenos sobornos durante el gobierno de Ollanta Humala, y tal vez en el de Alan García. La Fiscalía General de Perú emitió una orden internacional de detención contra Toledo. Se supone que está en San Francisco, Estados Unidos, donde tiene residencia. El actual presidente, Pedro Pablo Kuczynski, que era ministro de Economía y presidía el Consejo de Ministros cuando Toledo gobernaba, dijo que nada sabía de los sobornos, pero en la marcha del sábado pasado la rata era golpeada por manifestantes que coreaban su nombre entre los de otros políticos corruptos a los que había que mandar a la cárcel. Manifestantes interrogados por la prensa peruana recordaron que el Consejo de Ministros presidido por el actual jefe de Estado fue el que aprobó conceder a Odebrecht la construcción de una carretera a pesar de la opinión contraria de los organismos estatales de contralor.

En la manifestación, uno de los ex presidentes más aludidos era Alan García. El ex dirigente del Apra regresó a Perú la semana pasada para declarar como testigo en el proceso Odebrecht. Uno de sus viceministros está acusado de recibir sobornos de la compañía brasileña para la construcción de una línea del metro capitalino, y se investiga la concesión de un gasoducto a la misma empresa, una obra iniciada durante su gestión y culminada bajo la de Ollanta Humala. También García dice que él nada tuvo que ver, pero la fiscalía no le cree. Humala es otro que niega tener algo que ver con las coimas que pagó Odebrecht por el gasoducto (declaró un día después que García), pero su esposa, Nadine Heredia, es investigada por la fiscalía por ese caso y hay indicios de que Odebrecht entregó 3 millones de dólares a la campaña de este ex presidente que comenzó coqueteando con la izquierda y terminó su gestión gobernando con y para los empresarios.

El viernes 17 la Superintendencia Nacional de Aduanas y de Administración Tributaria decidió embargar en unos 80 millones de dólares a Odebrecht y a otras siete empresas brasileñas (entre ellas las constructoras Camargo Corrêa y Oas). Se les congelaron las cuentas bancarias, sus bienes inmuebles y vehículos.


Además de Perú, figuran en la conexión Odebrecht Antigua y Barbuda, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, México, Mozambique, Panamá, Portugal, República Dominicana y Venezuela. Y por supuesto Brasil, donde el escándalo comenzó a ser destapado en 2014 con la Operación Lava Jato, que puso al descubierto una gigantesca trama de lavado de dinero en la que aparecen implicadas la estatal Petrobras y las principales empresas contratistas de obras del país, entre ellas Odebrecht.

Delegados de las fiscalías de los 15 países involucrados se reu-nieron la semana pasada a puertas cerradas en Brasilia para “poner a punto una investigación regional sobre el caso”. Según el Departamento de Justicia de Estados Unidos, Odebrecht habría pagado en esos 15 países al menos 788 millones de dólares en sobornos entre 2002 y 2016. En diciembre pasado la fiscalía estadounidense le abrió una investigación a la brasileña en aplicación del Acta de Prácticas Corruptas en el Extranjero, que permite sancionar a empresas que operan en el país y hayan cometido delitos fuera de fronteras. Odebrecht admitió los hechos y fue condenada a desembolsar 3.500 millones de dólares en Estados Unidos.

El sistema de delaciones premiadas instaurado por la justicia brasileña, por el cual quienes colaboran en el esclarecimiento de delitos de este tipo ven reducidas sus penas, hizo que 77 ejecutivos de Odebrecht (comenzando por su ex presidente y propietario, Marcelo Odebrecht, condenado en principio a 19 años de prisión) –y de otras empresas– hablaran a troche y moche. En Brasil fueron salpicados políticos y gobernantes de casi todos los partidos, sobre todo del Partido Progresista, pero también del PT, el Psdb y del Pmdb.

En Colombia aparecen manchados tanto el actual presidente, Juan Manuel Santos, como el anterior, el ultraderechista Álvaro Uribe. Odebrecht habría contribuido con un millón de dólares a la campaña del primero, y un viceministro de Uribe está preso acusado de haber recibido coimas de la constructora brasileña. Óscar Iván Zuluaga, candidato del Centro Democrático (de Uribe) en las últimas presidenciales, también habría sido mencionado por Marcelo Odebrecht entre los políticos de rango alto e intermedio que recibieron dinero de su empresa a cambio de favores.

En Panamá el gobierno presentó el lunes 20 una querella criminal contra la firma para recuperar el dinero que ésta pagó en sobornos, que habría totalizado unos 59 millones de dólares en el período 2009-2014, coincidente con la presidencia de Ricardo Martinelli. La justicia suiza congeló las cuentas (22 millones de dólares) de dos de los hijos del ex presidente. También se investiga a un hermano de Martinelli, a un ex ministro, y a casi una veintena de políticos, funcionarios y empresarios. Odebrecht es la principal constructora establecida en Panamá (se hizo cargo de una línea del metro, de la autopista Ciudad de Panamá-Colón, de la remodelación urbanística de Colón, de un paseo marítimo). En enero hubo en el país una gigantesca marcha anticorrupción que algunos analistas llamaron “marcha anti Odebrecht”. Los manifestantes pidieron que se expulse a la empresa brasileña, y que se investigue también al actual gobierno del empresario Juan Carlos Varela. Varela fue vice de Martinelli durante todo su período de gestión y su canciller hasta 2011, cuando rompieron relaciones.

En Guatemala los sobornos pagados por Odebrecht entre 2012 y 2015 llegarían a 18 millones de dólares. La red de corrupción está siendo investigada por la fiscalía y la Comisión Internacional contra la Corrupción, dependiente de las Naciones Unidas.

En República Dominicana, a fines de enero más de 20 organizaciones sociales organizaron una marcha que reunió a decenas de miles de personas. Los manifestantes pedían “el fin de la impunidad en el caso Odebrecht” y estaban vestidos de verde, un color que no identifica a ningún partido político nacional. La empresa brasileña admitió haber repartido unos 92 millones de dólares en coimas a funcionarios dominicanos de distinto rango entre 2000 y 2012, y se comprometió a pagar al fisco unos 182 millones. Pero los partidos de oposición piden que sean encarcelados sus representantes y los gobernantes y políticos que recibieron las coimas.

Venezuela compite con Dominicana por el segundo puesto en montos de sobornos pagados por Odebrecht: entre 90 y 98 millones de dólares por 32 obras que costaron unos 11.000 millones de dólares, según la Ong Transparencia Venezuela. La primera orden de detención en el país se emitió a fines de enero, contra una persona no identificada. Un fiscal venezolano podría interrogar a Marcelo Odebrecht en la cárcel, si la justicia brasileña lo acepta.

En Ecuador, los sobornos pagados habrían alcanzado alrededor de 33 millones de dólares. Un ex ministro de Rafael Correa cayó por este asunto, y los analistas coinciden en que el caso Odebrecht, y los de corrupción en general, jugaron un papel no desdeñable en la elección del domingo pasado.


Según el fiscal del área internacional de la Operación Lava Jato, Vladimir Aras, las investigaciones van a durar “uno o dos años más”. “Si contamos con la independencia y la autonomía de los ministerios públicos de la región es posible esperar que revelen otros esquemas corruptos paralelos a aquellos actos ilícitos que habrían sido practicados por empresas brasileñas, sobre todo constructoras, en otros países”, dijo Aras el lunes 20 a la agencia Afp. El fiscal admitió que políticos y gobernantes intentarán protegerse, como ya se vio en el propio Brasil, donde el Congreso aprobó una ley de autoamnistía antes de que los “delatores premiados” de Odebrecht se sentaran a hablar. “En otros países es posible que haya reac-ciones semejantes, y sabemos que en Angola ya se aprobó una legislación que en cierto modo amnistía conductas ilícitas que fueron practicadas”, apuntó.

Pablo Pozzolo

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Ecuador: 20 días de campaña para elegir al próximo presidente

February 28th, 2017 by Sinay Cespedes Moreno

IMAGEN: Los candidatos a la presidencia de Ecuador, Lenin Moreno y Guillermo Lasso.

Un total de 20 días durará la campaña electoral de las dos fuerzas políticas que irán a segunda vuelta de elecciones presidenciales en Ecuador, el oficialista Movimiento Alianza PAIS y el opositor CREO-SUMA.

En poco menos de tres semanas, los binomios Lenín Moreno-Jorge Glas y Guillermo Lasso-Andrés Páez intentarán convencer a un electorado que definirá con su voto, el venidero 2 de abril, el futuro de los próximos cuatro años de este país sudamericano.

De un lado, Moreno y Glas, quienes simbolizan a la Revolución Ciudadana, que por 10 años ha trabajado por dignificar al pueblo y aplicar medidas para mejorar la calidad de vida de los ciudadanos, en medio de circunstancias duras como la caída de los precios del petróleo, la apreciación del dólar y hasta desastres naturales, el peor de ellos el sismo de abril de 2016.

Por otra parte, Lasso y Páez, quienes les piden a los votantes elegir a favor del cambio e intentan convencerlos de que son la mejor opción para sacar la nación adelante, con muchas promesas y pocos argumentos para sustentarlas.

A juicio de algunos politólogos, entre el 10 y el 30 de marzo, período de la campaña previa al balotaje, se librará una batalla marcada por la furia de la derecha, que en su afán de ganar terreno y adeptos, acudirá a cualquier mecanismo, como ya demostró tras los sufragios generales del pasado 19 de febrero.

El día de las justas, al cierre de las urnas, la oposición se lanzó a las calles en demanda de una segunda ronda electoral como mecanismo para allanar el camino hacia denuncias de supuestos fraudes, las cuales fueron desmontadas públicamente por el mandatario, Rafael Correa, quien rechazó lo que denominó ‘campaña sucia’ por parte de la oposición.

Asimismo, liderados por Andrés Páez, quien aspira a ser vicepresidente de Ecuador por CREO-SUMA, varios grupos contrarios al gobierno incitaron al desorden y hasta a la violencia, apostados durante al menos cuatro días en las afueras del Consejo Nacional Electoral, mientras se realizaba el conteo de los votos.

De acuerdo con el criterio del doctor en Historia, Juan Paz y Miño, las acciones opositoras responden a una estrategia utilizada desde 1978.

‘No les importa si son armas ‘bajas’ o ‘nobles’, porque les mueve el único interés de restaurar su poder en el Estado, preservar su dominación y reconstruir el modelo empresarial de economía y sociedad’, estimó el académico en un artículo titulado: Ecuador a la segunda vuelta, publicado la víspera en el diario El Telégrafo.

La primera vuelta de comicios culminó con la victoria del exvicepresidente Moreno, con 39,36 por ciento de votos, mientras el exbanquero Lasso alcanzó 28,09 puntos porcentuales, casi 12 menos que el candidato oficialista, quien no fue declarado vencedor definitivo, pues no logró el mínimo de 40 por ciento de sufragios exigido por la Ley.

Pese a ganar por más de un millón de votos, Moreno se enfrentará, esta vez, a Lasso, quien cuenta con el apoyo de algunos de los seis contendientes restantes en las primeras justas y consideró un éxito el hecho de lograr que la presidencia se defina en balotaje.

Y mientras la oposición mantiene sus ataques a través de algunos medios de comunicación que se hacen eco de sus farsas y las redes sociales, las cuales jugaron un papel fundamental en esos sufragios, Moreno, Alianza PAIS y sus seguidores reiteran sus llamados de paz y apuestan por los beneficios recibidos por la población durante poco más de 10 años.

En ese contexto, las primeras encuestas de cara al balotaje ya aparecieron en medios digitales de prensa y conceden ventaja al exvicemandatario.

Según un estudio realizado por el Centro de Investigación Social del 22 al 24 de febrero pasado, en la segunda ronda Moreno ganaría con 59 por ciento, mientras Lasso alcanzaría 41 puntos porcentuales.

Para esas votaciones, cada binomio contará solo con el 40 por ciento del monto fijado para gastos electorales en la primera ronda, lo que equivale a 950 mil dólares.

A partir del 31 de marzo regirá un período de silencio electoral y ley seca, que estarán vigentes hasta el 2 de abril, cuando los 12 millones 816 mil 698 electores registrados en Ecuador, definirán entre la continuidad y consolidación de la Revolución Ciudadana o el cambio con poco sustento, propuesto por Lasso.

Sinay Cespedes Moreno

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Otra farsa mediática contra Siria

February 28th, 2017 by Pedro García Hernández

La banalización de la realidad social y la morbosa presentación del dolor ajeno, alcanzan los ribetes de farsa generalizada en el otorgamiento de un Oscar al documental White Heltmes (Casco Blancos) y sus roles en Siria.

Tanto en Damasco como en cualquier zona que vive la despiadada guerra impuesta a esta nación del Levante, la noticia causó un dramático revuelo, no solo por la manipulación de hechos y escenas, sino por las oscuras e insensatas argumentaciones.

Khaled Khateeb, uno de los autores del documental, con apenas media hora de duración, no pudo asistir a la ceremonia prevista porque el Departamento de Seguridad Nacional estadounidense le bloqueó la entrada a la nación sede de la ceremonia desde 1929.

Los organizadores de los Oscar, un tradicional premio anual de la Academia de las Artes y la Ciencia cinematográficas de Estados Unidos, no dieron explicaciones y solamente se limitaron a promocionar en su página web que los ‘Cascos Blancos’ son ‘voluntarios civiles neutrales’ que han salvado 60 mil vidas en Siria desde el 2013.

Mucho menos se alude como antecedentes o argumentaciones ‘a favor del corto’ que en abril del año pasado, uno de los dirigentes de la organización, Raed Saleh, no pudo entrar en Estados Unidos procedente de Turquía para recibir un premio humanitario porque en Washington los aduaneros lo obligaron a regresar afirmando que su visado había sido cancelado.

Estos hechos, admitidos o no por los grandes medios de comunicación del mundo occidental, representan una clara tendencia hacia el simulacro y la sociedad del espectáculo como una realidad innegable en el mundo actual en el que vivimos.

Para desmontar la farsa hay suficientes elementos, conocidos y no dichos por las autoridades estadounidenses, pero que existen y demuestran el insensato accionar de la manipulación mediática a través de la mentira y la presentación de recetas a cuál más falsa, inútil y tramposa como parte del simulacro político para destruir Siria y desvirtuar cualquier valor humano.

Los llamados Cascos Blancos, que luego adoptaron el nombre de Defensa Civil Siria, fueron creados a finales de 2012 y principios de 2013 por James Le Mesurier, ex oficial del Ejército británico que empezó a entrenar a los primeros ‘defensores civiles’ en Turquía.

Actúan en los territorios controladas por la oposición extremista armada, sobre todo el Ejército para la Conquista del Levante, otrora Al Nusra, y afirman que ‘salvan gente de las dos partes del conflicto’, pero no incluyen a los leales al Gobierno sirio.

En eses sentido, el documental ‘premiado’ muestra a varios cascos blancos entremezclados con miembros de la banda armada que captura a un ‘cerdo de Assad’, así lo definen en la narración.

Hay más elementos para valorar la manipulación porque ese grupo recibe donaciones de la Agencia de Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional (USAID), que asegura haberles entregado más de 23 millones de dólares, así como de gobiernos de países como Reino Unido, Dinamarca y Japón, y de organizaciones vinculadas con el magnate George Soros, según denuncias públicas reiteradas no solo a partir de Siria…

Una argumentación más: Prensa Latina pudo comprobar en Alepo, sobre la base de testimonios y relatos bien espontáneos, que los Cascos Blancos actuaban en los barrios orientales sin limitaciones y junto a las unidades del otrora Al Nusra y para ellos, los sirios en la zona occidental de la ciudad controladas por el Ejército sirio, estaba fuera ‘del presunto alcance humanitario de sus labores.’

Una vez más, la industria del cine estadounidense sigue siendo injusta sobre la base del entrelazado de la exhibición de la desigualdad con el entretenimiento más alienante, y la morbosa presentación de dolor ajeno.

Misión Imposible, John Wick, Batman, Superman, La Mujer Maravilla o cualquier otra ‘obra cinematográfica’ destinada a la exacerbación del mito del poder desde Estados Unidos, se sintetiza en un premio otorgado al documental Cascos Blancos, una manipulación mediática más destinada a desvirtuar los valores humanos en aras de los intereses políticos.

Pedro García Hernández

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Los compinches de Trump

February 28th, 2017 by Naomi Klein

IMAGEN: El presidente de Perú, Pedro Pablo Kuczynski, en la Casa Blanca en reunión con Donald Trump.

Alejémonos para tener una visión más amplia de lo que ahorita ocurre en Washington. Las personas que ya poseen una porción absolutamente obscena de la riqueza del planeta, cuya parte crece año tras año –según el último conteo, ocho hombres son dueños de la mitad del mundo–, están empeñados en obtener más. Las figuras centrales en el gabinete de Donald Trump no sólo son ultrarricos, también obtuvieron su dinero causando daño a los más vulnerables del planeta y al planeta mismo, a sabiendas de que lo hacían. Parece que ese es un requisito para trabajar ahí.

Está el banquero-chatarra Steve Mnuchin, el elegido de Trump para ser secretario del Tesoro, cuya máquina de ejecuciones hipotecarias sin ley echó de sus hogares a decenas de miles de personas.

Y pasando de hipotecas chatarra a alimentos chatarra llegamos a quien Trump eligió para ser secretario del Trabajo, Andrew Puzder. Como ejecutivo en jefe de su imperio de comida chatarra, no le era suficiente pagar a los trabajadores un salario abusivo, con el cual no podían vivir. Varias demandas también acusan a su compañía de robarles salarios a sus trabajadores, al dejar de pagarles por su trabajo y horas extra.

(N de la T: Después de la publicación original de este artículo, Puzder se retiró porque no reunía los votos suficientes en el Senado para ser ratificado como secretario del Trabajo.)

Y pasando de la comida chatarra a la ciencia chatarra, ahí está la elección de Trump para secretario de Estado, Rex Tillerson. Como ejecutivo en jefe de Exxon, su compañía financió y expandió la ciencia chatarra y cabildeó ferozmente, tras bambalinas, contra acciones internacionales para combatir el cambio climático. En parte debido a estos esfuerzos el mundo perdió décadas, durante las cuales deberíamos de haber estado dejando nuestro hábito de consumo de combustibles fósiles; en vez, aceleramos enormemente la crisis climática. Debido a estas decisiones, innumerables personas en este planeta ya están perdiendo sus hogares, por las tormentas y los crecientes niveles del mar; ya hay quienes mueren a causa de las olas de calor y las sequías, y millones verán desaparecer sus tierras debajo de las olas. Como siempre, los más pobres, mayoritariamente negros y morenos, son los primeros y más afectados.

Hogares robados. Sueldos robados. Culturas y países robados. Todo inmoral. Todo con altas ganancias.

Pero la reacción popular era cada vez mayor. Y por eso esta pandilla de ejecutivos en jefe –y los sectores de los cuales provienen– estaban justificadamente preocupados de que la fiesta llegaba a su fin. Estaban asustados. Banqueros como Mnuchin recuerdan el colapso financiero de 2008 y las discusiones acerca de la nacionalización de la banca. Presenciaron el levantamiento del movimiento Ocupa y luego la resonancia del mensaje antibanquero de Bernie Sanders durante su campaña.

Jefes del sector servicios, como Andrew Puzder, están espantados con el creciente poder de la Lucha por 15 dólares (N de la T: movimiento por el pago de 15 dólares la hora), la cual ha ido obteniendo victorias en ciudades y estados en todo el país. Y si Bernie hubiera ganado en la sorprendentemente cerrada primaria, la campaña podría haber tenido un defensor en la Casa Blanca. Imagine qué tan aterrador es eso para un sector que depende de la explotación laboral para mantener los precios bajos y las ganancias altas.

Y nadie tiene más motivos para temer el ascenso de los movimientos sociales que Tillerson. Debido al creciente poder del movimiento global contra el cambio climático, Exxon está bajo fuego en todos los frentes. Los oleoductos que transportan su petróleo son bloqueados no sólo en Estados Unidos, sino en todo el mundo. Las campañas de desinversión se esparcen como fuego, provocando incertidumbre en los mercados. Y en este último año la Comisión de Bolsa y Valores y varios fiscales generales estatales investigaron engaños cometidos por Exxon. Que no quede duda: las acciones contra el cambio climático representan una amenaza existencial para Exxon. Las metas de temperatura en el acuerdo climático de París son incompatibles con quemar el carbono que compañías como Exxon tienen en sus reservas, y que es fuente de su valor en el mercado. Por eso los accionistas de Exxon plantean preguntas cada vez más duras acerca de si están a punto de quedarse con un montón de acciones inútiles.

Este es el telón de fondo del ascenso de Trump al poder: nuestros movimientos comenzaban a ganar. No estoy diciendo que eran suficientemente fuertes. No lo eran. No estoy diciendo que estaban suficientemente unidos. No lo estaban. Pero definitivamente algo estaba cambiando. Y en vez de arriesgarse a la posibilidad de un mayor progreso, esta pandilla de portavoces de los combustibles fósiles, comerciantes de comida chatarra y prestamistas depredadores se unieron para asumir el control del gobierno y proteger su mal habida riqueza.

Seamos claros: esta no es una transición pacífica del poder. Es una toma empresarial del poder. Los intereses que desde hace mucho le han pagado a ambos partidos para que acaten sus órdenes, se cansaron de jugar el juego. Al parecer, todas esas cenas con políticos, todo ese adular y esos chantajes legales insultaban su sensación de ser poseedores de un derecho divino.

Así que ahora quitaron al intermediario e hicieron lo que todo mandamás hace cuando quiere que algo se realice bien: lo lleva a cabo él mismo. Exxon para la Secretaría de Estado. Hardee’s para la Secretaría del Trabajo. General Dynamics para la Secretaría de la Defensa. Y los tipos de Goldman básicamente para el resto. Tras décadas de privatizar a cachos el Estado decidieron ir por el gobierno. La última frontera final del neoliberalismo. Por eso Trump y sus nominados se ríen de las débiles objeciones a los conflictos de interés: todo es un conflicto de interés, ese es el punto.

¿Qué hacemos al respecto? Primero, siempre recordemos sus debilidades, hasta cuando ponen en práctica su crudo poder. La razón por la cual cayó su máscara, y ahora presenciamos un mandato empresarial sin disfraces, no es porque las empresas se sintieron todopoderosas; es porque les entró pánico.

Es más, la mayoría de los estadunidenses no votó por Trump. Cuarenta por ciento se quedó en sus hogares, y entre quienes votaron una clara mayoría lo hizo por Hillary Clinton. Él ganó dentro de un sistema muy amañado. Aún dentro de este sistema, él no ganó. Clinton y el establishment del Partido Demócrata perdieron. Trump no ganó con abrumador entusiasmo y grandes cifras. Ganó porque Hillary tenía números reducidos y falta de entusiasmo. El establishment del Partido Demócrata no creyó que fuera importante hacer campaña ofreciendo mejoras tangibles para las vidas de las personas. Prácticamente no tenían nada que ofrecer a la gente cuya vida ha sido diezmada por los ataques neoliberales. Pensaron que podían hacer campaña sólo con el miedo a Trump, y no funcionó.

Estas son las buenas noticias: Todo esto hace que Trump sea increíblemente vulnerable. Este es el tipo que llegó al poder diciendo la más atrevida y descarada mentira, vendiéndose como defensor del hombre trabajador, que finalmente iba a enfrentarse al poder e influencia empresariales en Washington. Una parte de su base ya tiene el remordimiento del comprador, y cada vez van a ser más.

¿Algo más a nuestro favor? Esta administración va contra todos a la vez. Hay reportes de un presupuesto de choque y temor: será recortado en 10 billones de dólares a lo largo de 10 años, reducirán todo, desde programas contra la violencia de género, para las artes, apoyos a la energía renovable, a la colaboración comunitaria en la seguridad. Queda claro que esta estrategia de guerra relámpago nos abrumará. Pero podrían terminar sorprendidos: podría unirnos bajo una causa común. Y si la escala de las marchas de las mujeres es un indicador, fue un buen comienzo.

Construir coaliciones robustas en tiempos de una política aislada es un trabajo duro. Hay dolorosas historias que deben ser enfrentadas antes de poder progresar. Además, buscar fondos y el activismo de celebridades suelen confrontar a la gente y los movimientos en vez de promover la colaboración. Sin embargo, las dificultades no pueden ceder el paso a la desesperanza. Cito un dicho popular de la izquierda francesa: Los tiempos exigen optimismo; guardemos el pesimismo para mejores tiempos. (“L’heure est à l’optimisme, laissons le pessimisme pour des temps meilleurs.”)

Personalmente, no puedo armarme de optimismo. Pero en este momento, cuando todo está en riesgo, podemos y debemos localizar nuestra más firme determinación.

Naomi Klein

Naomi Klein: Autora de Esto lo cambia todo.

Artículo original en inglés:

Trump’s Crony Cabinet May Look Strong, but They Are Scared, publicado el 26 de enero de 2017.

Traducido para La Jornada por Tania Molina Ramírez.

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“Debemos reconocer cómo Hollywood es un instrumento de la política. Uno de los premios Oscar al mejor documental fue para ‘Cascos blancos’ que son una institución, una organización, que está involucrada en Siria que apoya a los terroristas respaldados por los EEUU. La película ganó el premio como mejor documental, pero debería recibir el Oscar como el mejor filme propagandístico contra el pueblo y el gobierno sirio”, dijo el sociólogo norteamericano, profesor James Petras en su columna semanal transmitida por Radio Centenario (CX36). En ese marco, habló de la situación en aquel país: “En general podemos decir que el gobierno de Siria, con el apoyo de Irán, Líbano y Rusia, ha avanzado mucho y está a punto de conquistar el norte del país. Y parece que están negociando con los grupos terroristas moderados para ver si pueden fijar límites sobre el conflicto. Mientras tanto, las fuerzas apoyadas por los Estados Unidos siguen funcionando, siguen recibiendo apoyo de EEUU e Israel, y de los países del Golfo, incluyendo a Arabia Saudita. Pero en términos generales Siria está liberando el país paso a paso”, dijo. También analizó a fondo la situación política de los EEUU, habló de Venezuela, del servilismo del secretario general de la OEA, Luis Almagro, y condenó la persecución política del gobierno de Nicaragua contra el escritor Ernesto Cardenal.

Diego Martínez: Ya tenemos a James Petras en contacto desde Estados Unidos.

Buen día.

James Petras: Buen día. Prontos para empezar.

DM: Nosotros pensábamos pedirle su opinión sobre lo ocurrido en Ecuador con las elecciones, la situación de los inmigrantes en EEUU y también lo que pasa en Medio Oriente.

JP: Podemos empezar diciendo que la izquierda ha ganado las elecciones ecuatorianas con casi el 10% de margen y buenas perspectivas para la segunda vuelta.

La prensa sigue repitiendo la idea de que va a alzarse con las  elecciones Guillermo Lasso, el ex banquero; pero los resultados finales van a mostrar que el señor Lenin Moreno va a ganar las elecciones, porque sumando las oposiciones de centro-izquierda que hay contra Rafael Correa –el presidente actual- podrían desplazar hacia la izquierda en vez de la derecha.

DM: ¿Cómo es el escenario electoral para Lenin Moreno con los partidos de la derecha anunciando su asociación a Lasso?

JP: No debemos descartar que la derecha podría tener un respaldo poderoso en Guayaquil y algunos lugares del interior; pero de hecho  en el interior profundo y especialmente los campesinos, los trabajadores, pese a las dudas y críticas que pudieran tener contra Correa, al final de cuentas van a calcular que Lenin Moreno es el mejor entre los dos. Y tiene mucho respaldo por las inversiones en Educación, Seguridad Social e infraestructura, frente a la posibilidad de un retroceso, recortes sociales y una política más a favor de los patrones contra los trabajadores.

Lenin Moreno va a ganar las elecciones porque por lo menos hay algunos avances más que cosas negativas, mientras que el candidato de la derecha no ofrece nada positivo para las grandes mayorías del país.

DM: Sobre el tema de la inmigración en EEUU, las represalias que y están sufriendo. ¿Cómo es la situación ahí?

JP: Sigue la política de antes, la política de Bush y Obama, capturando, desplazando y expulsando inmigrantes, entrando en sus casas. Y la prensa está dando mucha publicidad a esos actos porque implica al presidente actual, Donald Trump.

Pero no son cosas inventadas por Trump, desde los 8 años de Bush y los 8 de Obama, hemos visto una aceleración de expulsiones. Con Obama fueron más de dos millones los expulsados y parece que Trump está en el mismo camino, con una única diferencia: los medios de comunicación de masas nunca dieron publicidad a los actos cometidos por Obama. Y ahora, ante cualquier expulsión le empiezan a dar publicidad.Hablan de una madre que la expulsan; una persona que vivía hace tantos años fue expulsada, etc.

Son crímenes horribles por parte de Trump, pero debemos  reconocer que en la publicidad actual debe ser incluido lo que sucedía en el pasado. Y la selección actual indica cómo los medios están tratando de explotar cualquier incidente para desprestigiar a Trump y favorecer un golpe de Estado.

DM: ¿Se maneja como probable la salida en breve de Trump?

JP: No se qué probabilidad hay pero sabemos que a altos niveles políticos del Partido Demócrata, el Congreso, la CIA y la Policía Federal, hay un esfuerzo por tumbar al presidente Trump de la misma manera que pasó en Brasil, Paraguay etc. Utilizando una guerra publicitaria con escándalos, denuncias y otras formas de desprestigiar al actual Presidente electo.

No hay dudas que hay un plan de golpe. Incluso hay algunos autotitulados “expertos sobre la Presidencia” que han dicho que “podría ser el Presidente de menos tiempo en el gobierno”. Entonces, es un secreto a voces que fomenta una situación golpista o por lo menos un impeachment, que podría tratar de arrancar en el corto tiempo.

Pero todavía falta el respaldo mayoritario de fuerzas activas para lanzarlo, y la respuesta de Trump es ir en el camino de movilizar a sus propios apoyantes e incluso buscar apoyo en otros sectores del Estado como el Ejército. Entonces tenemos una guerra civil clandestina entre los diferentes grupos de poder en EEUU que están peleando por el poder extraparlamentario.

María de los Ángeles Balparda: El problema con los inmigrantes es real pero a la vez, hay que ver la operación política que hay detrás.

JP: Hay muchas cosas en juego Hay muchas entregas.

Debemos reconocer que lo que ha dicho Trump sobre los medios de comunicación de masas, son consideraciones que mucha gente cree hace mucho tiempo. Que los medios de comunicación de masas, en su gran mayoría, engañan y distorsionan; fabrican noticias, apoyando guerras con noticias falsas como en Irak, Afganistán, Siria, etc.

Trump ha hecho un buen trabajo mostrando la corrupción y politización de los medios. Ahora, el hecho de que Trump haya dicho esas cosas es un camino hacia una política más autoritaria. Y así tenemos una prensa mentirosa, altamente politizada; contra un Presidente que también está tomando medidas autoritarias.

Pero él tiene el derecho de excluir propaganda en los medios cuando  llamar a una conferencia de prensa ..Es simplemente un pretexto para los medios de insultar la inteligencia y distorsionar la realidad de una forma muy grotesca.

Ahora, la situación –como decía hace unos minutos- es de una guerra civil aquí, clandestina dentro del proceso político electoral. Pero no hay duda que lo que enfrentamos es una guerra civil entre elites de poder.

Ahora la idea es aprovechar y no defender la prensa como derecho a la palabra y derechos libertarios. Es una prensa de elite, es una prensa que miente, que apoya guerras, que apoya leyes represivas contra los ciudadanos, etc. Es bueno lo que Trump está haciendo. Pero no debemos caer en la trampa de defender a Trump en la totalidad de sus políticas que es antiobrero, que ha dado un vuelco hacia las posiciones más derechistas en relación a la política económica y social.

Tenemos un conflicto que debemos explotar, los peores de los dos lados están lavando la ropa sucia en público. Y por primera vez, las fuerzas progresistas no deben tomar partido por uno y otro, pero utilizar la información para definir alternativas a los dos lados.

DM: ¿Y qué antecedentes hay de salidas antes de terminar el período de gobierno? Más allá de los asesinatos conocidos.

JP: Tenemos dos casos. Primero el de Richard Nixon, acusado de meterse en los procesos electoralistas del Partido Demócrata, acusación que pudieron utilizar para forzar su renuncia. Y tenemos el caso de William Clinton, que tuvo problemas por el escándalo político sexual que surgió en 1998, a raíz de la relación sexual con una empleada de la Casa Blanca. Llegaron a juicio pero no a la expulsión. Pero por lo menos hubo toda una campaña para limitar su Presidencia.

Hay antecedentes por esta actuación, pero nada que se pueda comparar con lo que cometieron los otros Presidentes.

Trump ha dicho cosas horribles durante la campaña contra algunos sectores femeninos que lo han denunciado o metido en algunas limitaciones electorales, apoyando grupos más a la derecha y extrema derecha, pero no hay ninguna base para justificar un impeachment en los primeros treinta días de su Presidencia.

DM: Se han conocido avances y retrocesos del Ejército sirio, ¿cómo está la situación allí?

JP: En general podemos decir que el gobierno de Siria, con el apoyo de Irán, Líbano y Rusia, ha avanzado mucho y está a punto de conquistar el norte del país. Y parece que están negociando con los grupos terroristas “moderados” para ver si pueden fijar límites sobre el conflicto.

Mientras tanto, las fuerzas apoyadas por los Estados Unidos siguen funcionando, siguen recibiendo apoyo de EEUU e Israel, y de los países del Golfo, incluyendo a Arabia Saudita.

Pero en términos generales Siria está liberando el país paso a paso.

Turquía quiere construir un muro separando Turquía de Siria y limitando la posibilidad de que los terroristas puedan utilizar a Turquía como trampolín. Pero el peligro es que Turquía está pensando ocupar algún territorio sirio, cerca de la frontera entre ambos países y esa también es una situación potencialmente conflictiva.

De todos modos, podemos decir que EEUU y Europa, con la OTAN, están perdiendo terreno en Siria. Ahora depende de cómo van a responder, si van a mandar tropas norteamericanas para reconquistar el terreno perdido por los terroristas o van a aceptar  que han perdido la guerra y van a dejar colgados a los grupos terroristas que financiaron al comienzo de la guerra.

MAB: Hay preocupación por la persecución que sufre Ernesto Cardenal en Nicaragua de parte del gobierno, al cual está enfrentado.

JP: Hay tendencias autoritarias de los gobernantes. No hay dudas. Es una cosa espantosa la persecución a Cardenal, que es una gran poeta, un gran escritor, una gran persona representativa de la mejor cultura en el mundo latino. Deben dejarlo.

Es una inseguridad, la esposa de Ortega está metida en esa demagogia y  es completamente fuera del juego electoral.

Debemos condenarlo y no caer en la trampa de algunos autotitulados progresistas que apoyan al gobierno de Daniel Ortega como algo progresista. Deben consultar a las maquiladoras, las grandes plantaciones, a los dueños de las plantaciones y a los socios económicos de los Ortega. Humberto, el hermano del Presidente, es un multimillonario que ha ganado fortunas a partir de los vínculos que tiene con el gobierno.

Si bien es cierto que en la política exterior el gobierno nicaragüense es mejor, en las prácticas internas es bastante reaccionario.

MAB: ¿Hay otros  temas que quieras destacar?

JP: Bueno, podríamos decir varias cosas.

Primero, tuvimos la entrega de los Oscars y debemos reconocer cómo Hollywood es un instrumento de la política. Uno de los premios Oscar al mejor documental fue para ‘Cascos blancos’ que son una institución, una organización, que está involucrada en Siria que apoya a los terroristas respaldados por los EEUU. La película ganó el premio como mejor documental, pero debería recibir el Oscar como el mejor filme propagandístico contra el pueblo y el gobierno sirio.

Debemos tratar de discutir también el hecho de Corea del Norte, donde acusan al gobierno norcoreano como principal autor del envenenamiento del hermano del Presidente actual. Hay que reconocer que todo el proceso fue falsificado. Por ejemplo, uno de los asesinos parece que fue una mujer involucrada en streaptease; y otros más.

¿Cómo pueden pensar que un gobierno va a tomar medidas en un aeropuerto donde hay maquinas tomando fotos, la policía descubrió el tóxico en una hora y lo demás fue todo falsificado. El tóxico necesita no horas, sino días para descubrirlo.

Segundo, es imposible creer que un asesinato va a incluir en un lugar público con fotografías y todo lo demás. Debemos entender que antes de este incidente, existía la posibilidad de negociaciones entre algún representante de Corea del Norte y algún representante de EEUU; por eso creo que los que cocinaron todo esto son Corea del Sur que busca de cualquier manera perjudicar cualquier negociación para terminar el conflicto.

Y finalmente terminamos con comentar las últimas declaraciones del famoso o infamoso, el fanfarrón de la OEA, el señor Luis Almagro, acusando a Venezuela de todos los crímenes del mundo y declarando que Venezuela debe llamar a elecciones inmediatas para que la derecha se pueda aprovechar de la coyuntura y dejar de pensar en lo que podría hacer para mejorar la situación. Almagro actúa como vocero de Washington porque los anuncios ocurren precisamente cuando la CIA y la Casa Blanca acusan al vicepresidente venezolano, Tareck El Aissami, de ser un traficante de drogas, pero no mencionó que las drogas pasan por Colombia donde EEUU tiene siete bases militares y el respaldo incondicional del presidente Juan Manuel Santos .Y los apoyantes de Santos son los principales traficantes y banqueros de las drogas., Entonces, debemos decir que Almagro es parte de la cadena que va desde la CIA, los traficantes en Colombia hasta la presidencia de EEUU.  Trump, Almagro y los traficantes forman un lazo y debemos declararlo un ciudadano no uruguayo en este juego.

MAB: Muy bien, Petras. Te agradecemos mucho por todo este aporte.

JP: Muchas gracias. Un abrazo.

 James Petras

James Petras: Sociólogo estadounidense conocido por sus estudios sobre el imperialismo, la lucha de clases y los conflictos latinoamericanos.

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Intelectuales canadienses en respaldo a la Revolución Bolivariana

February 28th, 2017 by Red de Intelectuales y Artistas en Defensa de la Humanidad

Finalmente, reafirmamos nuestro apoyo irrestricto a la República Bolivariana de Venezuela, cuyo gobierno fue legítimamente electo por la mayoría del pueblo venezolano, y, desde esta perspectiva, hacemos un llamado al gobierno de Canadá a alejarse de las políticas intervencionistas de Estados Unidos que pretenden desmantelar los gobiernos progresistas de América Latina y el Caribe, enmarcadas en su estrategia global de auspiciar “guerras por compartimientos” a escala mundial.


Siguiendo el espíritu del mensaje de solidaridad emitido por los participantes del XII Encuentro de la Red de Intelectuales, Artistas y Movimientos Sociales “En defensa de la Humanidad”, celebrado en Caracas, el pasado 11 de abril de 2016, como testimonio del apoyo de las fuerzas progresistas del mundo entero al gobierno y al pueblo bolivarianos, en su lucha contra los ataques constantes de la oligarquía local e imperial, los intelectuales canadienses firmantes reiteramos nuestro respaldo a la soberanía y a la libre autodeterminación del pueblo de Venezuela.

Destacamos que las agresiones oligárquico-imperiales reflejadas en la “guerra económica” y en la “guerra mediática” aplicadas contra Venezuela, no son un caso aislado, pues, forman parte de una estrategia global para callar la voz disonante del Gobierno Bolivariano y del pueblo venezolano por su oposición a las estructuras implantadas por los centros de poder del capitalismo mundial.

En este sentido, expresamos nuestra inquietud ante los mecanismos actuales de manipulación, propaganda e intervención, utilizados para desestabilizar la institucionalidad democrática y las estructuras sociales de Venezuela, con miras a restaurar el orden precedente de cúpulas oligárquicas y restablecer las nefastas políticas neoliberales para desmontar las conquistas sociales alcanzadas por el proceso bolivariano de trasformación popular, iniciado en 1998.

De igual forma, denunciamos que estos ataques incesantes se han acrecentado con la campaña de desinformación desarrollada en los medios de comunicación, la cual se ha centrado en la escasez de alimentos y medicinas, sin hacer mención a la guerra económica librada por la oligarquía interna y otros sectores de la derecha local e imperial, en detrimento de toda la población, en particular a los sectores más humildes.

También levantamos nuestra voz contra las acusaciones de violaciones de los derechos humanos en Venezuela, en particular, los señalamientos infundados sobre la existencia de supuestos “presos políticos” cuando, en realidad, lo que hay en Venezuela son políticos presos porque han violado las leyes penales venezolanas a través de llamados a la violencia que han provocado la muerte de venezolanos inocentes, hecho que nadie a nivel internacional menciona, pues estos políticos opositores se hacen eco de su irracionalidad y han causado numerosas muertes, cientos de heridos y daños materiales considerables.

Manifestamos nuestro regocijo, ya que, pese a estos ataques, agresiones y acusaciones, observamos que Venezuela mantiene sus principios Bolivarianos y goza de un sólido prestigio internacional, y, en tal sentido, felicitamos a la República Bolivariana de Venezuela por la exitosa organización de la XVII Cumbre de Jefas y Jefes de Estado y de Gobierno del Movimiento de Países No Alineados, celebrada en la Isla de Margarita, los días 17 y 18 de septiembre de 2016, bajo el tema “Paz, soberanía y solidaridad para el Desarrollo”, y durante la cual los Estados Miembros reafirmaron su compromiso con el respeto a la soberanía, la unidad nacional y la integridad territorial de los Estados, la igualdad soberana de los Estados, la no injerencia en los asuntos internos de los Estados, la solución pacífica de controversias, la defensa de la libre autodeterminación de los pueblos, la abstención de la amenaza o el uso de la fuerza, el rechazo a las políticas ilegales de cambio de Gobiernos constitucionales y la condena a la promulgación y aplicación de medidas coercitivas unilaterales.

Asimismo, deseamos el mayor de los éxitos a la República Bolivariana de Venezuela en el ejercicio de la Presidencia del Movimiento de Países No Alineados para el período 2016-2019, pues, visto su liderazgo, fortalezas y compromiso con los más desposeídos, consideramos que esta gestión fortalecerá y revitalizará las aspiraciones de los pueblos de la humanidad por edificar un mundo de paz, justicia, solidaridad y desarrollo compartido.

Recordamos que, a pesar de las agresiones permanentes, en 17 años de gestión gubernamental centrada en el ser humano y con una visión integral de los derechos humanos, la Revolución Bolivariana, inspirada en el ideario del Libertador Simón Bolívar y conducida por el Comandante Hugo Chávez Frías, ha alcanzado una de las distribuciones más justas de la riqueza en América Latina, obteniendo reconocimiento universal por los avances logrados en materia de educación, alimentación, distribución del ingreso y desarrollo comunal y popular.

Destacamos que esta política de asistencia social ha sido vigorizada bajo el mandato del Presidente Nicolás Maduro Moros, superando los efectos perniciosos de la crisis mundial y el desplome inducido de los precios del petróleo, ya que la caída abrupta de los mismos ha sido causada por la “guerra financiera” que auspicia la especulación bursátil, así como por la sobreproducción de hidrocarburos generada, entre otros factores, por la utilización del método de la fracturación hidráulica, proceso éste que ha agravado la situación de fragilidad ecológica del planeta.

Expresamos nuestra más firme condena a las acciones reaccionarias para censurar y silenciar la voz y opinión crítica de TeleSUR con medidas que pretenden debilitar su imagen como herramienta comunicacional a disposición de los pueblos del mundo entero. Por esta razón, deploramos el retiro inoportuno de la República Argentina de esta plataforma comunicacional, salida que debilita el pluralismo político e informativo, así como los avances tangibles de la integración latinoamericana.

A los fines de contrarrestar estas acciones de censura, así como la desinformación acerca de Venezuela, expresamos nuestra disposición a contribuir a la difusión de la programación de TeleSUR en Canadá, aprovechando las herramientas de las nuevas tecnologías de la información y de las redes sociales, las cuales tienen una alta penetración en los diversos sectores de la opinión pública canadiense.

Basados en el largo y obscuro expediente intervencionista de Estados Unidos en América Latina, manifestamos, con vehemencia, nuestro rechazo a los actos injerencistas del gobierno estadounidense en contra de la estabilidad democrática e institucional de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela, acciones imperiales que forman parte de una nueva ofensiva insertada en un “Plan Cóndor continental” para recuperar la influencia perdida en la región y que han auspiciado una campaña de desprestigio mediático nacional e internacional y una guerra económica interna deshumanizada, y sin tregua alguna, con miras a provocar la supresión del proceso bolivariano.

Venezuela no es una amenaza a la seguridad de país alguno, sino un ejemplo de esperanza, y sí representa una amenaza al orden imperial imperante. En tal sentido, exigimos la derogación inmediata de la tristemente célebre Orden Ejecutiva del gobierno de Estados Unidos en la que considera a Venezuela una amenaza a su seguridad nacional y a su política exterior, la cual ha sido rechazada, mayoritariamente, por la gran mayoría de los países del mundo.

Repudiamos cualquier intento por vulnerar la soberanía de Venezuela a través de acciones imperiales directas o mediante el uso de organizaciones hemisféricas o internacionales, para propiciar un cambio de gobierno por vías ilegales que restaure las viejas estructuras oligárquicas y desmonte las conquistas sociales alcanzadas con las Misiones gubernamentales revolucionarias.

Por tal motivo, manifestamos nuestro compromiso para defender las instituciones venezolanas ante la campaña de deslegitimación orquestada en el actual proceso de activación del recurso constitucional para convocar a un referéndum revocatorio, pues, en definitiva, estas operaciones de descrédito erosionan los preceptos fundamentales contenidos en la Constitución Bolivariana de 1999.

Ante las experiencias desestabilizadoras recientes en contra de los gobiernos progresistas de América Latina, evidenciadas en “golpes suaves” o “constitucionales”, ratificamos nuestra solidaridad con el gobierno y el pueblo bolivarianos, y anunciamos que estaremos alertas para denunciar cualquier agresión contra el hilo constitucional venezolano, pues continuaremos apoyando al proceso bolivariano, al empoderamiento y la profundización de la formación y participación popular de base, como legado del Comandante Hugo Chávez Frías y garantía de continuidad de su lucha a favor de la justicia social y la igualdad.

Finalmente, reafirmamos nuestro apoyo irrestricto a la República Bolivariana de Venezuela, cuyo gobierno fue legítimamente electo por la mayoría del pueblo venezolano, y, desde esta perspectiva, hacemos un llamado al gobierno de Canadá a alejarse de las políticas intervencionistas de Estados Unidos que pretenden desmantelar los gobiernos progresistas de América Latina y el Caribe, enmarcadas en su estrategia global de auspiciar “guerras por compartimientos” a escala mundial.


Michel Chossudovsky
James Cockcroft
Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya
Kathy Hogarth
Maricarmen Guevara
Víctor Ramos
Stuart Ryan
Jorge Sorger
Santiago Escobar
Jean-Claude Balu
Luis Gómez
Félix Grande
Claude Morin
Arnold August

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On February 27th, Reuters headlined “Trump seeks ‘historic’ increase of 9 percent in U.S. military’s budget” and reported that “Trump will ask Congress to boost Pentagon spending in the next fiscal year by $54 billion in his first budget proposal and slash the same amount from non-defense spending.”

The U.S. Department of Defense is one of the 15 U.S. Cabinet departments, the others being: State, Treasury, Justice, Interior, Agriculture, Commerce, Labor, Health and Human Services, Housing and Urban Development, Transportation, Energy, Education, Veterans Affairs (which is entirely ‘Defense’-related and so their budget is actually an essential part of America’s military expenditures), and Homeland Security (which is another essential military expenditure).

In addition, there are 16 intelligence agencies within a federal “black budget,” whose combined expenditure, when that was reported by the BBC headlining on 30 August 2013 “US intelligence agencies’ ‘black budget’ detailed”, was “$52.6bn in total for 16 intelligence agencies, according to the files” that had been “disclosed by leaker Edward Snowden.” As the Washington Post had first reported it the prior day:

“The $52.6 billion ‘black budget’ for fiscal 2013, obtained by The Washington Post from former intelligence contractor Edward Snowden, maps a bureaucratic and operational landscape that has never been subject to public scrutiny. Although the government has annually released its overall level of intelligence spending since 2007, it has not divulged how it uses the money or how it performs against the goals set by the president and Congress.” In addition, there was reported “a separate $23 billion devoted to intelligence programs that more directly support the U.S. military.” So, a grand total spent on ‘intelligence’ in that year was $75.6 billion. And, actually, none of it has “been subject to public scrutiny.” ‘Defense’ and ‘intelligence’ are the only portions of the U.S. federal budget that have never “been subject to public scrutiny,” as will here be explained.

On Tuesday, 13 May 2014, Stars and Stripes bannered “Decades later, military still unable to account for its spending” and reported:

The military is still running behind in its decades-long quest to audit its spending and rein in waste, Department of Defense comptrollers testified Tuesday to the Senate.

Army, Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps financial managers will be unable to fully meet a midpoint deadline set by the secretary of defense this year for mandated accounting benchmarks. Meanwhile, “serious continuing deficiencies” remain in the accounting efforts, according to a Government Accountability Office report issued Tuesday.

Nearly three decades after U.S. taxpayers gasped over $640 toilet seats and other Cold War military waste, the Department of Defense remains the last federal department still unable to conduct a financial audit despite laws passed in the 1990s that require the accounting.

Trillions of dollars are being poured down, into ‘Defense’ (including aggressions such as the invasions of Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc.) and into ‘intelligence’ (including the false ‘intelligence’ that was used to ‘justify’ those invasions), and yet none of it is at all accountable to the public; it’s merely being paid to U.S. corporations by the ‘representatives of the public’, and will now soar even more, while everything else (suposedly except Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid) will get slashed, as being what supporters of the military-industrial complex call “waste, fraud, and abuse” in all Departments but their own. (They never call ‘defense’ and ‘intelligence’ expenditures that.)

On 26 July 2016, the Office of the Inspector General of the U.S. Department of Defense issued its study, “Army General Fund Adjustments Not Adequately Documented or Supported”, and reported:

We determined whether adjustments made to Army General Fund (AGF) data during the FY 2015 financial statement compilation process were adequately documented and supported. … The Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Management & Comptroller) (OASA[FM&C]) and the Defense Finance and Accounting Service Indianapolis (DFAS Indianapolis) did not adequately support $2.8 trillion in third quarter journal voucher (JV) adjustments and $6.5 trillion in yearend JV adjustments1 made to AGF data during FY 2015 financial statement compilation. … In addition, DFAS Indianapolis did not document or support why the Defense Departmental Reporting System‑Budgetary (DDRS-B), a budgetary reporting system, removed at least 16,513 of 1.3 million records during third quarter FY 2015. … As a result, the data used to prepare the FY 2015 AGF third quarter and yearend financial statements were unreliable and lacked an adequate audit trail. Furthermore, DoD and Army managers could not rely on the data in their accounting systems when making management and resource decisions.

The present reporter had headlined little more than a month ago on January 15th, “The Thorniest Policy-Question That President Trump Will Face”, and I opened:

A decision must be made at the start of Donald Trump’s Presidency on one issue, which will shape both his foreign and domestic policies, and so his entire Presidency.

Mark Strauss, the Editor of the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, headlined on 8 September 2014, “Nukes Are Cannibalizing The U.S. Defense Budget”, and he raised the question of why nuclear forces are “cannibalizing the U.S. defense budget” now decades after the end of the Soviet Union and of its Warsaw Pact military alliance and its communist dictatorial ideology.

No American President will be able significantly to improve the U.S. economy who fails to reverse this cannibalization by U.S. nuclear-forces advocates and contractors (who get trillions of dollars from this nuclear-weapons business).

President Trump has made his decision on this. He will be spending vastly more on America’s nuclear bombs and bombers, in his promised ‘war against radical Islamic terrorism’; and yet, supposedly, he’s on the anti-terrorist side of that war, the same side of it as is Russia, who is obviously his real target (where else are our nuclear forces targeted?), now that he has actually won the White House. Some people call him ‘Putin’s puppet’, but is Trump actually the military-industrial complex’s puppet? Was he fooling us, all along, to trust his saying that he wanted to cooperate with Russia instead of to target Russia? Are we already not wasting too much on ‘Defense’?

Osama bin Laden’s former bag-man who personally collected every one of the milliondollar-plus cash donations that funded Al Qaeda, said “without the money of the — of the Saudi — you will have nothing” of Al Qaeda. He named among those donors from whom he had picked up such a cash donation, Prince Bandar bin Sultan al-Saud, the Saud family’s Ambassador to the U.S. on 9/11, whom the ‘missing 28 pages’ in the official 9/11 report documented had been regularly paying tens of thousands of dollars personally to at least two of the 15 Saudis who were among the nineteen 9/11 terrorists, and yet President Trump is targeting Russia’s ally Iran — the Sauds’ foe — as being the source of that problem — Trump agrees with Obama on that, which also isn’t what seemed to have been Trump’s views prior to the November 8th election.

So, this is why the non-‘defense’ half of the U.S. government will need to be cut by around 9% — it’s where the ‘waste, fraud, and abuse’ is in the federal budget, even though the ‘Defense’ Department is the only one of the 15 federal Departments that cannot even be audited.

Donald Trump’s Presidency is now set clearly onto its path. Whatever else happens now cannot change the course of his Presidency. Finally, the answer is clear as to whether he will be a great President, a mediocre President, or an atrocious President. He is finally committed, publicly, to his path.

And, on February 25th, the Democratic Party also committed itself finally, to whether it is on the path that Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama had established, or instead on the path that Bernie Sanders had been trying to establish.

Finally, things are clear, about the path that America is on. It’s on the Sauds’ path.

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of  They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of  CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.


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Al-Qaeda Gets An Oscar

February 28th, 2017 by Moon of Alabama

Hollywood is all about fake. That is what movies are – fake depictions of a fake reality that only exist in the mind of scriptwriters, directors and a usually gullible audience. (Disclosure: I do like some movies.)

Hollywood has never been shy of plagiarizing. Every idea, tale of cinematographic trick that made a splash somewhere – and is thereby a potential money generator – will get copied again and again. Every successful make gets a remake. And another one.

In 2015 the promoting host of the Miss Universe franchise “misread” the name of the winner. He announced “Columbia” when the chosen winner was “Philippines”. After he few minutes he “corrected” himself. That “mistake” brought a lot of additional media attention – and financial value – to the event owner.

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, the U.S. marketing and lobby organization of the movie makers, hands out some yearly rewards arranged to promote specific movies or persons in the movie business. The academy award ceremony is a rather boring event but it gets a lot of hype and media attention (and thereby generates lots of advertisement revenue).

To further increase its value this years event plagiarized the idea of the Miss Universe promoters. One of the hosts announced the wrong winning movie for some category and then reversed himself to announce a different “real” winner. It was a “mistake” just as surely as Hollywood’s latest movie was a description of real life.

Those without memory went into the desired frenzy, the insiders yawned. “Oh, that clumsy fake again.”

One of this years prices went to a fake “documentary” about a fake “rescuer” group which makes and distributes fake videosstaged photos and fake victims of the war on Syria.

These al-Qaeda propaganda sidekicks, the White Helmets, are a British disinformation operation that is financed by more than $100 million of U.S. and UK taxpayer money. Its general task is to convince the “western” public that the war on Syria is justified because of the “cruelty of the Syrian government” which the fakes intend to establish in the mind of its consumers.

Hollywood never was shy of taking government money to promote war on this or that country or “enemy”. The Pentagon’s liaison office in Hollywood finances many movies. If there are some tanks needed and military heroes in a script the Pentagon will organize the props, real tanks and soldiers, at no cost – provided of course that it can read and “correct” the script the way it sees fit. The makers of “Top Gun” need planes, air craft carriers and lots of explosions? No problem at all and at no costs to the producers. In exchange military recruitment staff will wait to trap moviegoers when they leave the theaters. Congress will happily pass the money for more useless planes.

An Academy Award reinforces the message a production carries and gives the people behind the message additional value. The marketing companies that create and run the “White Helmets” will surely receive a few extra millions for yesterday’s Oscar promotion.

Hollywood is all fake. The wrong winner is announced and al-Qaeda gets an Oscar. “No harm done,” the promoters of such fakes might say.

Except to the people of Syria. For them the destruction and death promoted by the fancy people in Los Angeles is all too real.

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Open your eyes and see for yourself. Unclog your ears and hear. Discard your preconceptions, of all those propaganda refrains that are accompanying the myriad of brainwashing tunes that are being spread by the Western indoctrination media.

For decades, smearing Beijing, while negating its greatness, has been one of the most effective weapons used by the US and Europe in their cultural anti-revolutionary war against all those great independent nations of the planet, especially China.

For those who want to taste the reality, the best advice would be: enter Beijing and let Beijing speak for itself, without an intermediary or ‘interpreter’. But could it be done? Aren’t biases already too deeply engrained in the psyche of most of the people worldwide, people that are bombarded by professional disinformation campaigns manufactured by the Empire and its mouthpieces?

“I used to cry almost every night, from hopelessness and pain,” I was once told by one of the greatest contemporary concert pianists, Yuan Sheng, who decided to return to his native Beijing many years ago. “When I lived in New York, when I read and heard all those lies about my country and my city, I felt so helpless. I couldn’t explain the truth, as nobody around me was willing to listen.”

Old rattles have been played day and night on the BBC, the CNN and many other official channels of the West: the tear-jerking stories depicting the plights of the migrant workers, or some gruesome portrayals of China’s human rights record (all based on extremely arrogant Western dogmas, thoroughly incompatible with Chinese and Asian culture), or the mainstream interpretation of the Tiananmen Square events, or the loud and hypocritical laments about the disappearance of some old neighborhoods, and not to speak of the loud salvoes fired against Beijing’s ‘disastrous’ air pollution and traffic jams.

When a tremendous effort by the government had been made to accommodate the migrant workers arriving from the poorer provinces to Beijing and to other major cities, and when, simultaneously, the standard of living began to rise dramatically all over the Chinese countryside, the topic got quietly shelved. Hardly any credit has been given to the country’s leadership.

When new evidence about the 1989 Tiananmen events began to surface, when it was proved, again and again, that the West actually infiltrated and supported the so called ‘student pro-democracy movement’; and when the facts about the extremely violent nature of many of those ‘students’ became simply undisputable, the Western media clenched its fists and never backpedaled, never bothered to present arguments ‘from the other side’. On the contrary, it turned up the volume of its monotonous propagandist cacophony. Until now, in the eyes of the general Western public, Tiananmen Square is synonymous with ‘oppression’ and not with the great revolutionary history and stunning monumental beauty.


Brian Becker wrote for :

The fictionalized version of the “massacre” was later corrected in some very small measure by Western reporters who had participated in the fabrications and who were keen to touch up the record so that they could say they made “corrections.” But by then it was too late and they knew that too. Public consciousness had been shaped. The false narrative became the dominant narrative. They had successfully massacred the facts to fit the political needs of the U.S. government.

“Most of the hundreds of foreign journalists that night, including me, were in other parts of the city… Those who tried to remain close filed dramatic accounts that, in some cases, buttressed the myth of a student massacre,” wrote Jay Mathews, the Washington Post’s first Bureau Chief in Beijing, in a 1998 article in the Columbia Journalism Review.

Mathews’ article, which includes his own admissions to using the terminology of the Tiananmen Square massacre, came nine years after the fact and he acknowledged that corrections later had little impact.

As for violations of human rights in China in general and Beijing in particular, only one (Western) view is commonly presented in the West. As Tom Zwart (professor of cross-cultural law and human rights at Utrecht University) wrote on January 21st, 2017 for China Daily:

Generally, Western states seem to be strongly attached to promoting their own position and using it as a benchmark to judge others… While Western states are uncompromising about their own stance on human rights, China is keen on achieving harmony and therefore attaches less value to human rights dogma.

That is certainly a nobler approach, but the loud shouting, simplifications and vulgar insults coming from the Western media, politicians and academia, are effectively indoctrinating billions worldwide.

But let’s return to Beijing.

The Demolition of several old hutons in the capital was never presented (by Western media) for what it really was: as part of the great effort to improve living conditions and sanitation of the poor people. Instead it was portrayed as some atrocious crime against the city’s history and culture. Never mind that all truly architecturally valuable old neighborhoods were painstakingly preserved and restored, as were actually almost all important structures of the capital. Never mind that when asked, most huton dwellers are actually grateful for being awarded with comfortable and modern flats.

What about pollution? I encountered people in all corners of the world, who swore that they would never set foot in Beijing, as the pollution levels there are hazardous, almost murderous. Most of these same people said that they’d have no objections to travel to much more polluted cities which are located in the ‘client’ states of the West and therefore managed to escape the toughest criticism: Jakarta, Manila, Phnom Penh and Bangkok, to give just a few examples.

There is hardly any mention, at least in the West, that for years and decades Beijing has been engaged in an epic fight against pollution and in support of the environment: the massive improvement of ecological public transportation (already 17 mostly modern metro lines are in service, countless trolley bus lines, encouragement of electric vehicles, wide sidewalks and introduction of shared bicycles, plus several revolutionary new forms of public transportation soon to be introduced). There are tough emission controls in place, and a ban on scooters. There is also the huge expansion of green areas around and inside the city, as well as the recently imposed ban on smoking (one of the toughest in the world).


It was recently reported by local Chinese media outlets (including China Daily) that:

The Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region saw improvements in air quality in 2016… the average concentration of PM2.5, a hazardous pollutant, has decreased by 33 percent compared to the level of 2013…

Many other indicators have improved as well, although mentioning this fact on regular basis in the mainstream Western media would be ‘unacceptably pro-Chinese’.


In the last two decades, Beijing has become one of the world’s most exciting cities.

Its cultural life is second to none.

One of the curators of the National Center for Performing Arts (also known as “The Egg”, the largest opera house and performing center in the world) once explained to me:

When I used to live in London, I was dreaming about all those great world-class musicians and performers. Now I’m having meetings and dinners with them, all the time. It is because almost all great artists want to come to Beijing; to perform here.

One of the greatest (and free for all) museums on Earth, the China National Museum, is presently hosting two parallel world-class exhibitions: on the archeological treasures of Saudi Arabia, and the other on the collection from the Louvre Museum. In that institution, some of the greatest masterpieces of Salvador Dali rub shoulders with Chinese revolutionary art and anti-imperialist manifestos.

But now there are actually dozens of world-class museums and concert halls all over Beijing. In the iconic “798” (an old and massive weapons factory located on the outskirts of the city, which used to cover several square kilometers), literally hundreds of avant-garde art galleries are exhibiting everything from Western mainstream art including Andy Warhol or fashion images of Conde Nast, to the most ‘outrageous’ and politically daring ‘radical’ art, critical of the West, of capitalism, in China, and even of the government itself, is on display. It is mind-blowing! There is nothing like this anywhere in the West. Beijing artists are without any doubt much more innovative, daring and free than those in Paris, London or New York.

And on the other side of the city, around the ancient lakes and canals, dozens of clubs are hosting great bands from Africa and other parts of the world.


A prolific writer based in China, Jeff Brown contributed to this essay:

Beijing is one of the world’s greatest repositories of ancient history and modern humanities, showing off hundreds of world class museums, galleries, parks, temples, squares, shrines, monuments, mountains, lakes and rivers – all within a one-hour drive of the city center. You don’t need a car anyway. Beijing has the world’s largest metro system, 1,000 public bus routes and 66,000 licensed taxis to get you to all these myriad sites.

Since 1949, metropolitan Beijing has planted over a half a billion trees, shrubs and flowering bushes, as well as millions of square kilometers of green belts along the fringes of the nearby Gobi Desert, to stop its southern advance and to reduce dust levels blowing in from the north. By 2050, Beijing will have planted 100 billion trees to its north, covering more than ten percent of the country’s landmass

This greenification program continues with a passion and love for nature. Beijing has identified and coddles, like rock stars, 40,000 urban trees that are over 100 years old, some dating back more than 1,000 years

Contrary to ceaseless propaganda in the West, Beijing and all of China’s cities have shown nonstop improvement in air quality, and Beijing is spending billions to keep bettering its environment. This has been going on since the 1990s, something I can personally attest to

Tetovo, Cairo, Kathmandu, Accra, Manila, Delhi, Beirut, Ulaanbaatar, Baku, Dhaka and Sao Paulo, among others, all had higher 2016 pollution indexes than China’s capital, but only Beijing gets the mainstream media black eye

Why? Because Beijing is the heart and soul of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and thus, is not a NATO doormat and puppet, an intolerable affront to Western capitalism.

Proud, forward-looking, full of hope and dreams, Beijing is marching forward.

The West which is clearly in permanent decay, is shooting its poisonous but powerless arrows tinted with nihilism and spite, towards the great capital of this enormous nation which, after a long and dark period of humiliation and suffering is finally reclaiming its rightful place in the world.*

Andre Vltchek is a philosopher, novelist, filmmaker and investigative journalist. He has covered wars and conflicts in dozens of countries. Three of his latest books are revolutionary novel “Aurora” and two bestselling works of political non-fiction: “Exposing Lies Of The Empire” and  Fighting Against Western Imperialism. View his other books here. Andre is making films for teleSUR and Al-Mayadeen. Watch Rwanda Gambit, his groundbreaking documentary about Rwanda and DRCongo. After having lived in Latin America, Africa and Oceania, Vltchek presently resides in East Asia and the Middle East, and continues to work around the world. He can be reached through his website and his Twitter.

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Fake News and the “Resurrection of Armageddon”

February 28th, 2017 by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

The U.S. intelligence community’s extraordinary campaign of leaks claiming improper ties between President Trump’s team and Russia seeks to ensure a lucrative New Cold War by blocking detente.— Gareth Porter

It only required 24 days for the Deep State to castrate President Donald Trump and terminate the promise that the high tensions with Russia created during the Clinton, George W. Bush, and Obama regimes would be terminated by Trump’s presidency.

As Gareth Porter shows conclusively, the case against General Flynn, Trump’s 24-day National Security Adviser, and by implication against Trump himself, is a fake news creation.

Obama’s CIA director, John Brennan, planted fake reports, none of which contained any evidence whatsoever, on the CIA-compliant media whores known as “presstitutes.” The CIA’s media whores knew that the reports were a CIA response to the threat to the $1,000 billion annual budget of the military/security complex that desperately needs “the Russian threat” for its justification. But the media whores—-principally the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC—-and all the rest as well are more dedicated to serving their CIA master than they are to serving peace between nuclear powers. Interesting, isn’t it, that the US and Western media are more committed to conflict with Russia than they are to peace, despite the brutal fact that 10 percent of the nuclear arsenal of either the US or Russia is sufficient to terminate all life on earth.

As Patrick Lawrence says:

“The lights upon us are dimming. We have been more or less abandoned by a press that proves incapable of informing us in anything approaching a disinterested fashion. As suggested, either the media are Clintonian liberals before they are newspapers and broadcasters, or they are servants of power before they serve us.”

All we have left, says Lawrence, is the alternative media. “To put this simply and briefly, they and we must learn that they are not ‘alternative’ to anything. In the end there is no such thing as ‘alternative media,’ as I often argue. There are only media, and most of ours have turned irretrievably bad.”

The alternative media is the Internet media, websites such as this one, RT, the Intercept, USAWatchdog, Alex Jones, Information Clearing House, Global Research, Unz Review, etc. These independent news sites are under attack. Remember the list of 200 “Russian agents/dupes”? Every source of information that does not subscribe to the Deep States’ Matrix creation of “the Russian Threat,” which is the Deep State’s replacement for the orchestrated “Soviet Threat,” has been selected for shutdown. Apparently, Alex Jones is already having problems with Google. Several websites managed to get off the 200 List, and those that have seem to have collapsed as members of the opposition.

As the Nazis said, all it takes is fear, and the people collapse.

Trump’s presidency is effectively over. Even if he is permitted to remain in office, he will be a figurehead for the Deep State’s presidency. President Trump has already fallen into line with the military/security complex. He has said Russia has to return Crimea to Ukraine, whereas in fact Crimea returned itself to Russia. He has rejected a new strategic arms limitations treaty (START) with Russia, stating that he wants supremacy in nuclear armaments, not equality. 

Obama’s one trillion dollar upgrade of the US nuclear arsenal is likely to get a boost from Trump.

After one month in office the goal has changed from reduced tensions with Russia to greater tensions. Greater tensions might soon be upon us. There are plans to occupy part of Syria with US troops in order to prevent Syria with Russia’s help from reuniting the country.

Part of Syria is to go to Turkey, part to the Kurds, and Washington will keep a chunk. This way Washington can keep the turmoil going forever. The Russians brought this problem on themselves. Ever hopeful for Washington’s cooperation against ISIS, Russia dallied in cleaning out ISIS. The prospect that Trump would work with Russia as part of better relations assumed that Trump would actually be in charge, which has turned out to be delusional.

It is difficult to know if the new Trump regime is more Iranophobic than Russophobic. The Trump regime’s inclination to jettison the Iran agreement and reopen the conflict means more conflict with Russia. Washington’s continued provocations of both Russia and China will dispel any lingering Russian expectations of better relations with Washington.

It is bizarre to see the liberal-progressive-left allied with the warmongers against Trump. As the neoconservatives pull nuclear Armageddon out of the grave that Reagan and Gorbachev put it in, the American left demands the impeachment of the president whose goal was better relations with Russia. Once the champion of the working class, the left now champions Identity Politics. Trump’s goal of jobs for the working class leaves the leftwing cold. The left wants to destroy the “Trump deplorables,” which the left describes as “racist, misogynist, homophobic, gun nuts.” In Identity Politics, every identity is a victim except the oppressor identity—white heterosexual males.

Where then is the opposition to the neoconservative ideology that is driving US foreign policy toward world hegemony? There are a few of us, but we are being cast as “Putin agents.” In other words, those who have sufficient intelligence to understand that Washington is not going to achieve hegemony over Russia and China or even Iran, but is likely to provoke nuclear war by trying, are relegated to the traitor class.

The reason that there is still life on earth after more than a half century of nuclear weapons is that American presidents and Soviet leaders worked together to reduce tensions. During these decades, there were numerous false alarms of incoming ICBMs. However, because the leadership of both countries were working together to avoid nuclear conflict, the warnings were disbelieved both by the Soviets and Americans.

Today the situation is vastly different. The last three US presidents, and now apparently Trump also, worked overtime to increase tensions between the two nuclear powers. Moreover, it was done in ways that convinced the Russian government that Washington is completely untrustworthy. The ongoing vicious lies about the Russian connections of Trump and his associates are so obviously false as to be laughable, but the Russians are seeing that the falsity of the charges notwithstanding, Trump’s National Security Adviser has fallen and Trump himself might be next.

In other words, the Russians are observing that in America facts are not relevant to outcomes. The Russians have already experienced this with regard to themselves with the lies about Putin, the Ukraine, Georgia, and Russian intentions toward Europe. Putin is routinely called a “thug,” “murderer,” “the new Hitler” by US politicians, presstitutes, and the Democratic Party’s candidate in the recent presidential election. Ranking US generals describe Russia as the “principal threat to the US.” NATO commanders assert that the Russian Army could occupy the Baltics and/or Poland at any moment. These nonsensical accusations and predictions suggest to the Russians that the West is preparing its populations for an attack on Russia.

In such a tense state of affairs, how will false alarms be interpreted? Will Americans convinced that Putin and Russia are evil incarnate believe the false alarms this time? Will Russians convinced that they have been set up for attack believe them this time?

This is the extreme risk to which the insane neoconservatives, the idiot liberal-progressive-left, the greedy military/security complex, and the aggressive generals have exposed life on earth.

And the few voices warning of the risk are dismissed as “Russian agents.”

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments. His internet columns have attracted a worldwide following. Roberts’ latest books are The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism and Economic Dissolution of the WestHow America Was Lost, and The Neoconservative Threat to World Order.  

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Co-founder of the UNIA-ACL, the first wife of Marcus Garvey worked tirelessly for women’s rights and inter-continental unity from the Caribbean and Central America to the United States, Europe and Africa

Alongside and in opposition to the rise of colonialism across the African continent, a movement of resistance to European domination surfaced during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

However, the advent of colonialism in South America, Central America, the Caribbean and North America was well underway by the early decades of the 16th century. The colonial occupation of the western hemisphere was closely linked to the forced removal and extermination of the indigenous peoples and the importation and exploitation of African labor.

During the course of the Atlantic Slave Trade, Africans rose up in rebellion against European domination. These rebellions were often sporadic however many were well-organized and resulted in the establishment of African communities.

In Brazil, the Caribbean and in the U.S., these self-governing communities known as Quilombos, Maroons, Black Seminoles, etc. served as a testament in the affirmation of the human quest for self-determination, national independence and Pan-Africanism. By 1804, the African people of Haiti had led a successful revolution founding a republic right out of the system of enslavement, the first of such accomplishments in world history.

Africans from the U.S. and the Caribbean were instrumental in the development of nationalist and Pan-Africanist movement which would influence world history. From the initial Pan-African Congress in Chicago in 1893 to the First Pan-African Conference of 1900 in London, people from the Caribbean and the U.S. played a leading role.

Historical figures such as Henry Sylvester Williams of Trinidad along with W.E.B. Du Bois and Anna J. Cooper of the U.S., articulated positions that emphasized the necessity of independent thought and political action. By 1914, a new organization would surface in Jamaica known as the Universal Negro Improvement Association and the African Communities Imperial League (UNIA-ACL). The group was founded by Marcus Garvey and Amy Ashwood during the same year as the beginning of the First World War (1914-1918)

Amy Ashwood was born on January 18, 1897 in San Antonio, Jamaica, one of three children born to Delbert Ashwood and Maudriana Thompson. The Ashwood daughter spent considerable time in her earlier years in Panama where her father operated a restaurant and printing business. She was later sent back to Jamaica to attend high school where she met Marcus Garvey at a public debate.

Garvey was ten years her senior being born on August 17, 1887. He had studied printing in Jamaica and under the Egyptian-Sudanese anti-colonial Pan-Africanist Duse Mohamed Ali in London during 1912-13. Garvey had also traveled in Central America where he witnessed the deplorable conditions of Africans working in the construction projects surrounding the Panama Canal as well as the cultivation of cash crops for the U.S. corporate agricultural firms.

Amy Ashwood and the Role of Women in the UNIA-ACL

Although Garveyite historian Tony Martin doubted the claim by Amy Ashwood that she had co-founded the UNIA-ACL, documents indicate that she had served as an organizational secretary and initiator of the Women’s division. All chapters of the organization were required to have both a male and female president. Between 1916 and 1918, Ashwood had returned to Jamaica while Garvey relocated to the U.S. in Harlem.

They would reunite in 1918 and marry by late 1919 in an elaborate ceremony at Liberty Hall in Harlem. Nonetheless, the marriage only lasted for several months. Their break-up was abrupt and her departure from the UNIA-ACL was not on favorable terms. By 1922, Garvey had remarried to Amy Jacques, who became a well-known leader within the UNIA-ACL, authoring the book “The Philosophy and Opinions of Marcus Garvey” while he fought federal prosecution and imprisonment on trump-up charges of mail fraud.

Despite Ashwood-Garvey’s rupture with the organization she continued to play a pioneering role in the emerging struggles for national liberation and Pan-Africanism. Her creative impulses led her into a career as a public speaker, theatrical producer, writer and restaurant owner.

According to Rhone Fraser, “Around 1923, Ashwood met legendary Calypsonian singer Sam Manning (from Trinidad) and begins a professional and romantic relationship with him as a pioneering musical theatre producer. She and Manning write and produce several plays described by both Lionel Yard (a biographer of Ashwood-Garvey) and Martin. Sandra Pouchet Paquet’s edited 2007 collection of essays on Calypso, called Music, Memory, Resistance: Calypso and the Caribbean Literary Imagination, shows calypso as a critique or mocking of the colonial order that Manning’s music provided in a subtle way.” (Advocate, Oct. 18, 2016)

Ashwood-Garvey and Manning produced three musicals–Hey, Hey!, Brown Sugar, and Black Magic. The productions ran at the Lafayette Theatre in New York along with other locations in the U.S. and the Caribbean.

In 1924 she visited England and assisted in the founding of the Nigerian Progress Union (NPU) with Ladipo Solanke. The NPU was closely associated with the West African Student Union (WASU), an early regional Pan-Africanist formation in London.

Pan-Africanism and Anti-Imperialism

After a series of artistic endeavors by 1936, Ashwood-Garvey returned to England where she opened the Florence Mills Social Parlor, a nightclub and gathering venue in London’s West End. The club was a meeting place for African and African-Caribbean liberation movement organizers and intellectuals. Some of the well-known personalities who frequented the club included the Guyanese Pan-Africanist Ras T. Makonnen, George Padmore and C. L. R. James, leading Pan-Africanist and socialist activists, who were also from Trinidad.

Ashwood-Garvey was a friend and collaborator with other notables such as Kenyan leader Jomo Kenyatta, and the Ghanaian scholar J. B. Danquah. After the Italian fascist invasion of Ethiopia in 1935, Ashwood-Garvey assisted in the initiation of the International African Friends of Abyssinia (IAFA), which was later renamed the International African Service Bureau (IASB). She served as treasurer of the IAFA and IASB vice president. The organizations vigorously opposed the Italian invasion and occupation of Ethiopia. They appealed to other imperialist states to impose economic sanctions against Italy while setting up an Ethiopian self-defense fund. Ashwood-Garvey rekindled her links with Solanke and the WASU along with sharing speaker platforms with Padmore across England.

During World War II Ashwood-Garvey’s organizational work expanded to encompass efforts to promote educational opportunities for women. In addition she advocated for decent wages for African-Caribbean working women. She returned to Jamaica during the War where she administered a school of domestic science.

Towards the end of WWII in 1944, she returned to New York and became involved in campaigning for Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. when he was elected to Congress as the first African American Congressman from New York City. When the WWII concluded the following year, the struggle for national independence and Pan-Africanism accelerated.

The National Biography Online states that: “She participated in the 1944 ‘Africa-New Perspectives’ conference of the Council on African Affairs (CAA) with the actor and civil rights activist Paul Robeson and the future Ghanaian leader Kwame Nkrumah, and in April 1945 attended the Colonial Conference convened by the historian W. E. B. Du Bois. She spoke for women’s rights in meetings of the West Indies National Council and at CAA rallies, and she founded the nonprofit Afro-Women’s International Alliance to provide day care, adult education, and aid to mothers living in poverty. She helped organize the Fifth Pan-African Congress in Manchester, England, which she addressed in October 1945 on the issue of black workingwomen and fair wages.” (

Ashwood-Garvey traveled widely and lived for extended periods in the West African states of Liberia and the-then Gold Coast. She maintained her connections with developments in Britain working with African-Caribbean Communist journalist and organizer Claudia Jones who had been imprisoned and deported from the U.S. during the McCarthy era of the mid-1950s. Jones became a leading figure in the African community in Britain founding the West Indian Gazette newspaper and the annual Carnival which focused on Caribbean cultural expressions.

By the 1960s, the African American movement for Civil Rights and Black Power had gained international attention. There was increased interest in issues involving nationalism, feminism and Pan-Africanism.  Ashwood-Garvey toured as a lecturer in the U.S. from 1967-1969, after which she returned to Britain. She passed away from natural causes on May 3, 1969 in Jamaica.

The contributions of Amy Ashwood-Garvey are quite instructive for developments in the 21st century with the rethinking of African, African Caribbean and African American political historical processes. Her indefatigable efforts provide inspiration to successive generations of activists throughout the African world.

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Clashes between militant groups involved in the Turkish Operation Euphrates Shield and the Syrian army’s Tiger Forces have been ongoing in the town of Tadef located directly south of al-Bab since Sunday.

Last weekend, the Tiger Forces made significant gains against ISIS in the province of Aleppo, liberating Tadef and 10 other villages from the terrorist group. By entering Tadif, government troops reached a demarcation line with the Turkish army and its proxies from the so-called “Free Syrian Army” (FSA).

The agreed demarcation line in the Al-Bab outskirts lays directly at the Aleppo-Manbij highway. FSA militants crossed the highway and engaged Tiger Forces fighters in clashes, using firearms, anti-tank guided missiles, mortars and light military equipment, in a fierce attempt to capture the government-held town. Clashes were also reported in the outskirts of Amiyah Kabirah.

According to initial reports in pro-militant sources, the Tiger Forces lost a battle tank and six fighters in the ongoing confrontation. Later reports appeared about up to 20 killed government troops. However, all these are not confirmed by photo or video evidence. There is no information about alleged casualties of pro-Turkish forces.

The de-facto demarcation line between Turkish and Syrian forces in Aleppo province is now located near a number of towns and villages, including Hazwan, Kharabshah, Deir Qaq, Tadef, Bzaah and Amiyah Kabirah. The military and security situation in these areas is clear indicator of the level of the Turkish-Syrian-Iranian-Russian cooperation over the conflict. If FSA militants continue their offensive actions, it will mark that Ankara has once again changed the attitude over the conflict and shifted it policies in the direction of states supporters of terrorist factions.

At the same time, FSA militants, backed up by the Turkish army, made a series of attempts to push further to central Syria throughout the areas controlled by ISIS. If government troops reach Kurdish YPG frontlines west of Manbij, Ankara will have no chances to launch its overpropagated “advance on Raqqah” via areas controlled by ISIS. So, Turkey will be pushed to “solve” the Kurdish issue if it wants to participate in the US-led Raqqah operation. This is why Turkish forces could will to build a corridor to the province of Raqqah through the province of Aleppo.

The army and the National Defense Forces (NDF) continued advances in the western Aleppo countryside, making notable gains in the Rashidin 5 areas after a series of clashes with Al-Qaeda linked moderate oppositioneers. Some pro-government sources even claimed that the area was liberated, but the video confirmation has not appeared yet.

Abu Khayr al Masri, Al-Qaeda’s deputy leader, has been reportedly killed in a drone strike in the province of Idlib. Photos and video posted on social media suggested the event took place as he travelled in a car on Sunday.

The army and the NDF, backed by Russian warplanes, seized the highest point in the Hayyal Mountain near Palmyra on Sunday, setting a fire control over the Palmyra Triangle. Government troops also liberated the Quarries area northwest of Palmyra. These advances clearly show that government forces are set to kick off the operation to retake the ancient city from ISIS terrorists.

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Newly-declassified documents show that a senior CIA agent and Deputy Director of the Directorate of Intelligence worked closely with the owners and journalists of many of the largest media outlets:

The United States Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities found in 1975 that the CIA submitted stories to the American press:


Wikipedia adds details:

After 1953, the network was overseen by Allen W. Dulles, director of the CIA. By this time, Operation Mockingbird had a major influence over 25 newspapers and wire agencies. The usual methodology was placing reports developed from intelligence provided by the CIA to witting or unwitting reporters. Those reports would then be repeated or cited by the preceding reporters which in turn would then be cited throughout the media wire services.

The Office of Policy Coordination (OPC) was funded by siphoning off funds intended for the Marshall Plan [i.e. the rebuilding of Europe by the U.S. after WWII]. Some of this money was used to bribe journalists and publishers.

In 2008, the New York Times wrote:

During the early years of the cold war, [prominent writers and artists, from Arthur Schlesinger Jr. to Jackson Pollock] were supported, sometimes lavishly, always secretly, by the C.I.A. as part of its propaganda war against the Soviet Union. It was perhaps the most successful use of “soft power” in American history.


A CIA operative told Washington Post owner Philip Graham … in a conversation about the willingness of journalists to peddle CIA propaganda and cover stories:

You could get a journalist cheaper than a good call girl, for a couple hundred dollars a month.

Famed Watergate reporter Carl Bernstein wrote in 1977:

More than 400 American journalists … in the past twenty‑five years have secretly carried out assignments for the Central Intelligence Agency, according to documents on file at CIA headquarters.


In many instances, CIA documents show, journalists were engaged to perform tasks for the CIA with the consent of the managements of America’s leading news organizations.


Among the executives who lent their cooperation to the Agency were [the heads of CBS, Time, the New York Times, the Louisville Courier‑Journal, and Copley News Service. Other organizations which cooperated with the CIA include [ABC, NBC, AP, UPI, Reuters], Hearst Newspapers, Scripps‑Howard, Newsweek magazine, the Mutual Broadcasting System, the Miami Herald and the old Saturday Evening Post and New York Herald‑Tribune.


There is ample evidence that America’s leading publishers and news executives allowed themselves and their organizations to become handmaidens to the intelligence services. “Let’s not pick on some poor reporters, for God’s sake,” William Colby exclaimed at one point to the Church committee’s investigators. “Let’s go to the managements.


The CIA even ran a formal training program in the 1950s to teach its agents to be journalists. Intelligence officers were “taught to make noises like reporters,” explained a high CIA official, and were then placed in major news organizations with help from management.


Once a year during the 1950s and early 1960s, CBS correspondents joined the CIA hierarchy for private dinners and briefings.


Allen Dulles often interceded with his good friend, the late Henry Luce, founder of Time and Life magazines, who readily allowed certain members of his staff to work for the Agency and agreed to provide jobs and credentials for other CIA operatives who lacked journalistic experience.


In the 1950s and early 1960s, Time magazine’s foreign correspondents attended CIA “briefing” dinners similar to those the CIA held for CBS.


When Newsweek was purchased by the Washington Post Company, publisher Philip L. Graham was informed by Agency officials that the CIA occasionally used the magazine for cover purposes, according to CIA sources. “It was widely known that Phil Graham was somebody you could get help from,” said a former deputy director of the Agency. “Frank Wisner dealt with him.” Wisner, deputy director of the CIA from 1950 until shortly before his suicide in 1965, was the Agency’s premier orchestrator of “black” operations, including many in which journalists were involved. Wisner liked to boast of his “mighty Wurlitzer,” a wondrous propaganda instrument he built, and played, with help from the press.)


In November 1973, after [the CIA claimed to have ended the program], Colby told reporters and editors from the New York Times and the Washington Star that the Agency had “some three dozen” American newsmen “on the CIA payroll,” including five who worked for “general‑circulation news organizations.” Yet even while the Senate Intelligence Committee was holding its hearings in 1976, according to high‑level CIA sources, the CIA continued to maintain ties with seventy‑five to ninety journalists of every description—executives, reporters, stringers, photographers, columnists, bureau clerks and members of broadcast technical crews. More than half of these had been moved off CIA contracts and payrolls but they were still bound by other secret agreements with the Agency. According to an unpublished report by the House Select Committee on Intelligence, chaired by Representative Otis Pike, at least fifteen news organizations were still providing cover for CIA operatives as of 1976.


Those officials most knowledgeable about the subject say that a figure of 400 American journalists is on the low side ….

There were a lot of representations that if this stuff got out some of the biggest names in journalism would get smeared


An expert on propaganda testified under oath during trial that the CIA now employs THOUSANDS of reporters and OWNS its own media organizations. Whether or not his estimate is accurate, it is clear that many prominent reporters still report to the CIA.

4-part BBC documentary called the “Century of the Self” shows that an American – Freud’s nephew, Edward Bernays – created the modern field of manipulation of public perceptions, and the U.S. government has extensively used his techniques.

John Pilger is a highly-regarded journalist (the BBC’s world affairs editor John Simpson remarked, “A country that does not have a John Pilger in its journalism is a very feeble place indeed”). Pilger said in 2007:

We now know that the BBC and other British media were used by the British secret intelligence service MI-6. In what they called Operation Mass Appeal, MI-6 agents planted stories about Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction, such as weapons hidden in his palaces and in secret underground bunkers. All of these stories were fake.


One of my favorite stories about the Cold War concerns a group of Russian journalists who were touring the United States. On the final day of their visit, they were asked by the host for their impressions. “I have to tell you,” said the spokesman, “that we were astonished to find after reading all the newspapers and watching TV day after day that all the opinions on all the vital issues are the same. To get that result in our country we send journalists to the gulag. We even tear out their fingernails. Here you don’t have to do any of that. What is the secret?”

Nick Davies wrote in the Independent in 2008:

For the first time in human history, there is a concerted strategy to manipulate global perception. And the mass media are operating as its compliant assistants, failing both to resist it and to expose it.

The sheer ease with which this machinery has been able to do its work reflects a creeping structural weakness which now afflicts the production of our news. I’ve spent the last two years researching a book about falsehood, distortion and propaganda in the global media.

The “Zarqawi letter” which made it on to the front page of The New York Times in February 2004 was one of a sequence of highly suspect documents which were said to have been written either by or to Zarqawi and which were fed into news media.

This material is being generated, in part, by intelligence agencies who continue to work without effective oversight; and also by a new and essentially benign structure of “strategic communications” which was originally designed by doves in the Pentagon and Nato who wanted to use subtle and non-violent tactics to deal with Islamist terrorism but whose efforts are poorly regulated and badly supervised with the result that some of its practitioners are breaking loose and engaging in the black arts of propaganda.


The Pentagon has now designated “information operations” as its fifth “core competency” alongside land, sea, air and special forces. Since October 2006, every brigade, division and corps in the US military has had its own “psyop” element producing output for local media. This military activity is linked to the State Department’s campaign of “public diplomacy” which includes funding radio stations and news websites. In Britain, the Directorate of Targeting and Information Operations in the Ministry of Defence works with specialists from 15 UK psyops, based at the Defence Intelligence and Security School at Chicksands in Bedfordshire.

In the case of British intelligence, you can see this combination of reckless propaganda and failure of oversight at work in the case of Operation Mass Appeal. This was exposed by the former UN arms inspector Scott Ritter, who describes in his book, Iraq Confidential, how, in London in June 1998, he was introduced to two “black propaganda specialists” from MI6 who wanted him to give them material which they could spread through “editors and writers who work with us from time to time”.

The government is still paying off reporters to spread disinformation. And the corporate media are acting like virtual “escort services” for the moneyed elites, selling access – for a price – to powerful government officials, instead of actually investigating and reporting on what those officials are doing.

One of the ways that the U.S. government spreads propaganda is by making sure that it gets its version out first. For example, the head of the U.S. Information Agency’s television and film division – Alvin A. Snyder – wrote in his book Warriors of Disinformation: How Lies, Videotape, and the USIA Won the Cold War:

All governments, including our own, lie when it suits their purposes. The key is to lie first.


Another casualty, always war’s first, was the truth. The story of [the accidental Russian shootdown of a Korean airliner] will be remembered pretty much the way we told it in 1983, not the way it really happened.

In 2013, the American Congress repealed the formal ban against the deployment of propaganda against U.S. citizens living on American soil. So there’s even less to constrain propaganda than before.

One of the most common uses of propaganda is to sell unnecessary and counter-productive wars. Given that the American media is always pro-war, mainstream publishers, producers, editors, and reporters are willing participants.

It’s not just lying about Saddam’s non-existent weapons of mass destruction … the corporate media is still selling lies to promote war.

Former Newsweek and Associated Press reporter Robert Parry notes that Ronald Reagan and the CIA unleashed a propaganda campaign in the 1980’s to sell the American public on supporting the Contra rebels, utilizing private players such as Rupert Murdoch to spread disinformation. Parry notes that many of the same people that led Reagan’s domestic propaganda effort in the 1980’s are in power today:

While the older generation that pioneered these domestic propaganda techniques has passed from the scene, many of their protégés are still around along with some of the same organizations. The National Endowment for Democracy, which was formed in 1983 at the urging of CIA Director Casey and under the supervision of Walter Raymond’s NSC operation, is still run by the same neocon, Carl Gershman, and has an even bigger budget, now exceeding $100 million a year.

Gershman and his NED played important behind-the-scenes roles in instigating the Ukraine crisis by financing activists, journalists and other operatives who supported the coup against elected President Yanukovych. The NED-backed Freedom House also beat the propaganda drums. [See’s “A Shadow Foreign Policy.”]

Two other Reagan-era veterans, Elliott Abrams and Robert Kagan, have both provided important intellectual support for continuing U.S. interventionism around the world. Earlier this year, Kagan’s article for The New Republic, entitled “Superpowers Don’t Get to Retire,” touched such a raw nerve with President Obama that he hosted Kagan at a White House lunch and crafted the presidential commencement speech at West Point to deflect some of Kagan’s criticism of Obama’s hesitancy to use military force.


Rupert Murdoch’s media empire is bigger than ever ….

Another key to American propaganda is the constant repetition of propaganda. As Business Insider reported in 2013:

Lt. Col. Daniel Davis, a highly-respected officer who released a critical report regarding the distortion of truth by senior military officials in Iraq and Afghanistan ….

From Lt. Col. Davis:

In context, Colonel Leap is implying we ought to change the law to enable Public Affairs officers to influence American public opinion when they deem it necessary to “protect a key friendly center of gravity, to wit US national will.”

The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012 appears to serve this purpose by allowing for the American public to be a target audience of U.S. government-funded information campaigns.

Davis also quotes Brigadier General Ralph O. Baker — the Pentagon officer responsible for the Department of Defense’s Joint Force Development — who defines Information Operations (IO) as activities undertaken to “shape the essential narrative of a conflict or situation and thus affect the attitudes and behaviors of the targeted audience.”

Brig. Gen. Baker goes on to equate descriptions of combat operations with the standard marketing strategy of repeating something until it is accepted:

For years, commercial advertisers have based their advertisement strategies on the premise that there is a positive correlation between the number of times a consumer is exposed to product advertisement and that consumer’s inclination to sample the new product. The very same principle applies to how we influence our target audiences when we conduct COIN.

And those “thousands of hours per week of government-funded radio and TV programs” appear to serve Baker’s strategy, which states: “Repetition is a key tenet of IO execution, and the failure to constantly drive home a consistent message dilutes the impact on the target audiences.”

Government Massively Manipulates the Web, Social Media and Other Forms of Communication

Of course, the Web and social media have become a huge media platform, and the Pentagon and other government agencies are massively manipulating both.

Documents released by Snowden show that spies manipulate polls, website popularity and pageview counts, censor videos they don’t like and amplify messages they do.

The CIA and other government agencies also put enormous energy into pushing propaganda through movies, television and video games.

Cross-Border Propaganda

Propaganda isn’t limited to our own borders …

Sometimes, the government plants disinformation in American media in order to mislead foreigners. For example, an official government summary of America’s overthrow of the democratically-elected president of Iran in the 1950′s states, “In cooperation with the Department of State, CIA had several articles planted in major American newspapers and magazines which, when reproduced in Iran, had the desired psychological effect in Iran and contributed to the war of nerves against Mossadeq” (page x).

The CIA has also bribed leading foreign journalists.

And CNN accepted money from the brutal Bahrani dictatorship to run pro-monarchy propaganda.

Everyone Who Challenges the Status Quo Is Labeled As a Purveyor of “Fake News” … Or Worse

The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution protects the freedom of the press from censorship by government.

Indeed, the entire reason that it’s unlawful for the government to stop stories from being printed is because that would punish those who criticize those in power.

Why? Because the Founding Father knew that governments (like the British monarchy) will always crack down on those who point out that the emperor has no clothes.

But the freedom of the press is under massive attack in America today …

For example, the powers-that-be argue that only highly-paid corporate media shills who will act as stenographers for the fatcats should have the constitutional protections guaranteeing freedom of the press.

A Harvard law school professor argues that the First Amendment is outdated and should be abandoned.

When financially-savvy bloggers challenged the Federal Reserve’s policy, a Fed official called all bloggers stupid and unqualified to comment.

And the government is treating the real investigative reporters like criminals … or even terrorists:

  • The government admits that journalists could be targeted with counter-terrorism laws (and here). For example, after Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Chris Hedges, journalist Naomi Wolf, Pentagon Papers whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg and others sued the government to enjoin the NDAA’s allowance of the indefinite detention of Americans – the judge asked the government attorneys 5 times whether journalists like Hedges could be indefinitely detained simply for interviewing and then writing about bad guys. The government refused to promise that journalists like Hedges won’t be thrown in a dungeon for the rest of their lives without any right to talk to a judge
  • In an effort to protect Bank of America from the threatened Wikileaks expose of the bank’s wrongdoing, the Department of Justice told Bank of America to a hire a specific hardball-playing law firm to assemble a team to take down WikiLeaks (and see this)
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“This budget will be a public safety and national security budget.” President Donald J. Trump, Feb 27, 2017

Humming along the road of American empire to its state of noisy exception, US President Donald J. Trump has promised more money and fuel for a military industrial complex he considers starved and depleted. (As it is, the entire complex remains unbecomingly bloated and far from accountable.)  Before the National Governor’s Association on Monday, he suggested that US military spending increase by some 10 per cent, amounting to some $54 billion.

The themes of the promised budget are old and tried: when in doubt, scare the American people into apoplexy; when feeling that patriotism is waning before sagacious voices, encourage more dramatic assessments of threats. White House press secretary Sean Spicer has suggested that Trump will persuade Congress to focus on the theme of “renewal of the American spirit.”[1]

Much of this reeks of Ronald Reagan administration’s efforts to use money and obesely inflated budgets as a cudgel to advance agendas. The difference then was that the threat seemed, at least superficially, more tangible: the apparent satanic evil of the Soviet imperium, getting away under the protective umbrella of Détente. “We were right,” said an oft misguided Vice President Dan Quayle, “to increase our defence budget.”[2]

“This budget,” claimed Trump, “follows through on my promise to keep Americans safe.  It will include an historic increase in defence spending to rebuild the depleted military of the United States.”  Display, power, project, all words deemed necessary in Making America Great Again.

There is, unsurprisingly, nothing refined in this. The object is winning, and engaging in wars that the US can win.  In recent times, the US military machine has been specialising in the atrophy of counter-insurgency, open-ended conflicts where exit strategies are rebranded draw-downs, where defeat is simply rebranded as continued engagement of another sort. When a war enterprise has failed, use air strikes and send in advisors.  The circle continues being re-invented.

“We have to start winning wars again – when I was young, in high school and college, people used to say we never lost a war,” intoned President.  “We need to win or don’t fight it at all.  It’s a mess like you have never seen before.”

Few would disagree that the Middle Eastern conflagration, characterised by botched interventions and failed visions, has been a calamity of immeasurable proportion, though this, it would seem, would require a clipping of the US military establishment.  Trump, as he only knows how, wants to reward it.

This obsession is going to be funded, at least in part, by cuts to the State Department, possibly by up to 30 per cent (a war on experts, perhaps?) of their budget, and the Environmental Protection Agency, ever the enemy of Trumpland. The pointy-heads, it would seem, are being given the heave-ho in favour of the boys and girls with murderous toys.  As are those in favour of the softer side of US brutishness: the humanitarian aid budget.

The central feature of such spending is a darkly humorous fiction: to prevent war, it is best to prepare for it with all the resources you have – and more besides.  “We must ensure that our courageous servicemen and women have the tools they need to deter war and when called upon to fight in our name, only do one thing: win.”

The merry schizophrenic show continues to cause despair and consternation in the corridors of power.  The true enemy of Trumpism remains collective alliances and arrangements that supposedly weigh down on the muscular assertion of US power.  The wise counsel of friends is being mocked in favour of the belligerent counsel of the inner circle. Some European states are making a hurried dash to the party, promising an increased military budget in turn.

While Trump has amused and shocked hawks with suggestions that NATO is obsolete, passing into rickety oblivion, while also insisting that allies need to beef up their part of the security bargain, he is happy to keep the empire on its own track, resolutely distant from the fray. Where this fits in the alliance system is the befuddling feature of the enterprise.

The other aspect of the Trump military increase will also foster another delusion: that government can be “lean and accountable to the people,” while doing “much more with the money we spend” even as it seeks to aggrandise and expand the focus of the US defence complex. Many a pig has attempted to fly on this point, and failed (vide the Cold War).

The times are riddled with perverse reflections. President George W. Bush, a president hardly known for his sophisticated awareness of liberties and the US constitution, has hitched his colours to the mast of press freedom.

Hawks are becoming confusingly dovish – or at the very least hypocritically so. The aggressive shake-up from Trump continues, and will re-enact the follies of old: embracing the values of the military at the expense of the Republic.

Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at SelwynCollege, Cambridge.  He lectures at RMIT University, Melbourne.  Email: [email protected]





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I believe that there will ultimately be a clash between the oppressed and those that do the oppressing. I believe that there will be a clash between those who want freedom, justice, and equality for everyone and those who want to continue the systems of exploitation… It is incorrect to classify the revolt of the Negro as simply a racial conflict of black against white, or as a purely American problem. Rather, we are today seeing a global rebellion of the oppressed against the oppressor, the exploited against the exploiter.

– Malcolm X (January 1965) [1]




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The modern history of the world is saturated with convenient narratives typically serving the interests of the victors of war and conquest.

Mainstream media discourse around Black History month is apt to ignore inconvenient truths about the indelible links between a specific set of economic relationships today, and abundant psychological pathologies diminishing others based on ethnicity and race.

The legendary Malcolm X entertained no illusions about the realities of race in America. He pulled no punches articulating the ugly realities of racism and connecting the black liberation struggle in the U.S. with liberation struggles against imperialism abroad.

The week of February 21st marks the 52 year anniversary of his assassination. To commemorate that occasion, and Black History month generally, the Global Research News Hour probes how the Black Radical tradition in the United States can inform and inspire some of the contemporary battles taking place under U.S. President Trump.

In the show’s first half hour we hear from Abayomi Azikiwe, editor of Pan African News Wire and frequent contributor to Global Research. Azikiwe provides background on Malcolm X, the revolutionary spirit that both Malcolm and Dr. Martin Luther King in his later years brought to the freedom movement, and on the need for a successful battle against racism in America that must also encompass a challenge to capitalist and militarist systems.

Profiled on this program a year ago, MOVE is the revolutionary predominantly African-American organization which claims to embrace a philosophy of protecting life. It has not been shy of criticizing the violence of Philadelphia authorities in its dealings with the black, poor and Latino populations of the city.

Nine members of the group were sentenced to 30 to 100 years in prison on the charge of shooting a police officer to death. The charge is contested, and the ongoing incarceration of these individuals, and the bombing of the group’s home in 1985 is seen as part of an undeclared war on MOVE rather than a responsibility to serve and protect the general public. [3]

Ramona Africa is the Minister of Communications for MOVE and the sole adult survivor of the 1985 bombing attack. In this week’s exclusive interview, recorded in July of 2016, Ramona explains how she came to be involved with MOVE, the depth of the system’s indoctrination and the unlikelihood of politicians within that system to bring about meaningful change.

The program ends with an update on Mumia Abu Jamal. A journalist, former Black Panther and supporter of MOVE, Jamal was arrested and sentenced initially to death for the murder of police officer Daniel Faulkner. There are numerous indications however, that Jamal was denied a fair trial.[4]

While spared the Death Penalty as of December 2011, Jamal is serving a life sentence. He has however been ailing from a Hepatitis-C infection. The prison facility in which he is housed refuses to provide available treatments that could save his life.[5]

Suzanne Ross, a representative of International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu Jamal returns to the Global Research News Hour to provide listeners with a vital update.

For more on MOVE and their upcoming conference:

For more on Mumia Abu Jamal and the March 1 “Water is Life” National Day of Action:  



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The Global Research News Hour airs every Friday at 1pm CT on CKUW 95.9FM in Winnipeg. The programme is also podcast at . The show can be heard on the Progressive Radio Network at Listen in everyThursday at 6pm ET.

Community Radio Stations carrying the Global Research News Hour:

CHLY 101.7fm in Nanaimo, B.C – Thursdays at 1pm PT

Boston College Radio WZBC 90.3FM NEWTONS  during the Truth and Justice Radio Programming slot -Sundays at 7am ET.

Port Perry Radio in Port Perry, Ontario –1  Thursdays at 1pm ET

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Radio station CFUV 101.9FM based at the University of Victoria airs the Global Research News Hour every Sunday from 7 to 8am PT.

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2) Alan Yuhas (May 13, 2015), The Guardian, Philadelphia’s Osage Avenue police bombing, 30 years on: ‘This story is a parable’ “;



5) ibid



President Donald Trump has signed another executive order aimed at eliminating regulations that he claims are damaging to the U.S. economy, but some worry that the measure will roll back critical environmental protections.

The order, called “Enforcing the Regulatory Reform Agenda,” directs each government agency to create a task force to evaluate existing federal regulations and recommend whether they should be kept, repealed or modified.


A White House official told POLITICO that the task forces will “focus on eliminating costly and unnecessary regulations.”

The new order also directs agency heads to appoint “regulatory reform officers” to ensure that agencies are carrying out the president’s other executive orders, such as his recent 2-for-1 rule that requires federal agencies to repeal two old regulations for every new one.

“Excessive regulation is killing jobs,” Trump said during the signing ceremony. “Every regulation should have to pass a simple test: Does it make life better or safer for American workers or consumers? If the answer is no, we will be getting rid of it.”

“We will stop punishing companies for doing business in the United States,” Trump added. “It’s going to be absolutely just the opposite. They will be incentivized to doing business.”

The president was flanked by leaders of major U.S. corporations, including Lockheed Martin, Johnson & Johnson, Dow Chemical Co. and Campbell Soup.

Dow Chemical Co. chairman and CEO Andrew Liveris, who leads Trump’s advisory council on manufacturing and received the presidential signing pen. Just yesterday, Liveris praised the Trump administration for being “the most pro-business administration since the Founding Fathers.”

Bloomberg Politics pointed out that The White House already has an entire agency, the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, that reviews all government regulations before they are issued. It is unclear how the existing office will be working with the new officials.

Environmental groups have criticized Trump’s latest executive order, saying that it is crafted to help the country’s biggest polluters.

“The Trump administration wants less government, except when it wants more to carry out its oil and gas industry agenda,” Greenpeace spokesperson Travis Nichols said in a statement. “This executive order will put Trump’s unvetted corporate minions above experts at our federal agencies in charge of protecting our water, our land and our climate.”

“We can only hope that the resistance inside these agencies will be strong enough to stop these destructive Trump toadies from dismantling protections for the American people,” Nichols continued. “This administration and its deluded enforcers will never understand what it feels like to worry about the water their families are drinking, the food their families are eating or if their houses will survive the next superstorm. It’s up to all of us outside the billionaire bubble to resist the ways in which the Trump administration is destroying this country.”

Tiernan Sittenfeld of the League of Conservation Voters had similar sentiments.

“President Trump is rigging the system so corporate lobbyists can lower standards that protect the public health and safety of all people in this country,” Sittenfeld told NPR . “These task forces will attempt to roll back common-sense protections for the air we breathe, the water we drink and the lands we cherish.”

Waterkeeper Alliance said that Trump’s latest order will only help destroy agencies and regulations that are designed to protect people and the environment. For instance, rules that ensure that tap water does not contain pollutants that cause cancer or brain damage could be on the chopping block.


“President Trump’s action to slash regulation is more like a pollution prison sentence, subjecting our communities to increased exposure to polluted water, toxins, disease and economic burden for generations to come. There is no justification for this type of brazen policy that only benefits the richest and most powerful corporations in the world,” said Waterkeeper Alliance Executive Director Marc Yaggi. “Americans and all world citizens want and deserve clean water and clean air. President Trump will face massive resistance to this misguided executive order.”

The Waterkeeper Alliance pointed out that the assumption that regulations have a negative impact on job creation is false.

“The reality is that only two-tenths of one percent of layoffs are caused by all governmental regulations, including environmental ones,” the organization said. “Earlier this month, job loss was cited as a major reason for overturning the Stream Protection Rule despite the fact that the Congressional Research Service found the rule would have created as many jobs as it eliminated. If implemented, the Stream Protection Rule would have protected an estimated 6,000 miles of streams over the next two decades from the devastating effects of mountaintop removal coal mining.”

Earlier at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Maryland on Friday, Trump promised to slash 75 percent of regulations all while claiming he wanted to “protect our environment.”

“We’re going to put the regulation industry out of work and out of business. And by the way, I want regulation. I want to protect our environment. I want regulations for safety,” Trump said, according to CNBC. “I want all of the regulations that we need and I want them to be so strong and so tough. But we don’t need 75 percent of the repetitive, horrible regulations that hurt companies, hurt jobs.”

But Trump’s first month in the White House has been a nightmare for environmentalists and the planet alike. He has appointed a cabinet full of polluters with ties to the fossil fuel industry, and signed executive orders to push through the Keystone XL and Dakota Access Pipeline and nullify Obama-era climate policies such as the Stream Protection Rule.

And as Scott Faber, Environmental Working Group’s senior vice president for government affairs, put it, “President Trump is engineering the most hostile assault on public health, and mark my words, his administration’s planned destruction of many rules will put the health of millions of hard-working Americans and their families in jeopardy.”

Incidentally, it emerged Friday morning that his daughter, Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner pushed the president to exclude language that criticized the Paris agreement from an upcoming executive order, the Wall Street Journal reported.

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The legacy of death and misery from the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan continues today, and, once again, Dick Cheney plays a central role. A new book by Joseph Hickman, a former U.S. Marine and Army sergeant, titled “The Burn Pits: The Poisoning of America’s Soldiers” details how soldiers and local civilian populations were exposed to constant streams of toxic smoke from the burning of waste.

The infamous Kellog, Brown, and Root (KBR), which was a part of Dick Cheney’s corporate empire under Halliburton, operated about 250 burn pits which contributed to the $40 billion that Halliburton made during the Iraq occupation. “Every type of waste imaginable” was burned, including “tires, lithium batteries, asbestos insulation, pesticide containers, Styrofoam, metals, paints, plastic, medical waste and even human corpses.”


This reprehensible practice proves yet again that nothing is sacred when it comes to the military machine.

Just as the U.S. laid waste to Vietnam’s human health and jungle environment with Agent Orange, it wrecked human health and environmental quality in Iraq. That country will suffer from this toxicity for decades, as evidenced by sharp increases in birth defects and cancer and leukemia rates.

Likewise, U.S. veterans and their families are bearing the brunt of this travesty.

The Burn Pits: The Poisoning of America’s Soldiers” begins with the story of a healthy young soldier sent to Iraq who was constantly exposed to smoke from burn pits. When he returned home with respiratory problems, the Veterans Administration (VA) denied him care, and he later developed brain cancer and died.

Those who do survive are having children with birth defects at a rate three times higher than normal, according to the book. The denial of medical coverage by the VA for burn pit-related illnesses is a central strategy in denying that burn pits even posed a health hazard.

Beau Biden, the son of vice president Joe Biden, died of brain cancer after serving in Iraq in the vicinity of burn pits. Even this tragedy, which is similar to many stories of exposure and death, never brought attention to the issue of burn pits.

Salon interviewed author Joseph Hickman, who provided even more shocking details, and how the Department of Defense (DoD) does all it can to keep this knowledge from the public.

I think the Department of Defense does its best to squash this story and so does Veterans Affairs. They really don’t want this out at all.

Hickman interviewed one former KBR employee who was very reluctant to even talk about burn pits for fear of repercussions, as he was harassed by KBR when he previously came forward about the issue. By using private contractors for such operations, the DoD facilitates these egregious assaults on human and environmental health because contractors are not held to the standards of the military.

This dependency on contractors feeds their tendency for carelessness. According to Hickman, the upper management said at one point, “If they’re going to investigate us over these burn pits, don’t worry about it. If we pull out, they can’t run this base.

The U.S. government, in its effort to conceal the impact of burn pits, even managed to influence a World Health Organization report that downplayed the effects. It stands in stark contrast to several independent researchers who found large increases in birth defects, leukemia, cancer and other carcinogenic diseased in populations living near burn pits.

There’s a large group of epidemiologists that absolutely believe that that report was influenced by the U.S. government. Dr. Mozhgan Savabieasfahani, a widely respected environmental toxicologist, has been there and seen the birth defects and how we literally destroyed that country with pollution. There are birth defects there that don’t even have medical names yet.

The evidence compiled by Hickman and presented in his book makes it downright criminal for the DoD and politicians to continue denying the issue. When veterans suffering from burn-pit illnesses contact their Congressmen, there is silence because they are in bed with the defense industry.

General David Petraeus and other top DoD officials have denied the health effects of burn pits, but veterans have no recourse because they can’t sue the government. There is a lawsuit against KBR, but the DoD will not acknowledge that the burn pits were misused.

While politicians and military brass issue patriotic platitudes about honoring those who serve their country, the reality is that soldiers are just a name and a number, and they’re thrown away when the military machine is done with them. Defense corporations reap billions as veterans and local populations suffer sickness and death.


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U.S. President Donald Trump came into office promising to «drain the swamp» of corruption, and to restore the American people’s control over their government, but what he has been doing since he started his Presidency on January 20th is exactly the opposite: handing control of the U.S. government over to international corporations, and, really, over to the billionaires who control their corporations and who use them to rob the publics everywhere (in ways some of which will here be described). 

Consider his meeting, on February 13th, with Canada’s Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau:

Trump had come into office opposing the George Herbert Walker Bush created, and Bill Clinton passed-into-law, NAFTA treaty, with Canada and Mexico, because it reduced employment and wages in the United States, but he said nothing at all about its severe reduction of US sovereignty, NAFTA’s really toxic transference of America’s sovereign ability to increase its regulations of the environment, product safety, and workers’ rights — NAFTA’s transference of certain regulatory portions of US sovereignty over to international corporations and their private three-person arbitration panels who would be making unappealable decisions to determine how many millions or billions of dollars America’s taxpayers would be required to pay to the owners of international corporations who oppose those new regulations and whose rights are, under NAFTA, protected above the rights of the mere citizens (such as taxpayers) of any nation.

What the Trump-Trudeau Meeting Was Really About

The biggest issue between Canada and the United States now is something even worse than NAFTA: it’s CETA, a treaty between Canada and the European Union, which would not only drive wages down, but enable international corporations — including US  ones — to sue taxpayers in both Canada and the EU, for even enforcing their existing laws regulating the environment, product-safety, and workers’ rights.

Here is a description of how that works. In that particular instance, a Canadian international mining company is suing Romania for enforcing its antipollution laws. «The project’s majority owner Gabriel Resources is suing Romania at a World Bank-based international investment tribunal, seeking a reported US$ 4 billion in compensation for the alleged failure of the country to issue the necessary permits». «The mine would leave behind a waste lake of cyanide-contaminated water the size of 420 football fields», and so it would vastly violate Romania’s environmental laws; but, under the terms of a 1995 and of a 1997 treaty that Romania had signed, both of which had arbitration provisions just like CETA (and like Obama’s proposed TPP, TTIP, & TISA treaties) would have, the Romanian government must now choose between either authorizing the project, or else paying the stockholders of Gabriel Resources $4 billion for blocking it.

CETA would be an absolute boon to U.S.-based international corporations, because «Four out of five US-based corporations with EU operations (41,811) could use CETA to attack the EU and its member states if they structure their investment through Canadian subsidiaries». CETA wouldn’t allow international corporations to sue U.S. taxpayers, because the U.S. wouldn’t be a signatory to that particular treaty, but it would still be a huge new profit-center for America’s international corporations (basically like activating Obama’s moribund proposed TTIP treaty through a back door); and, if Trump represents the owners of American-based international corporations more than he represents the American public, he’ll be supporting Canada’s Prime Minister, who likewise represents the owners of international corporations and thus supports CETA.

Furthermore, the first public financial report of Gabriel Resources, which was in 2012, had noted that during the prior two years, the World Bank’s partner, the IMF, had imposed «austerity measures» upon Romania; and, «These austerity measures, influenced also by the wider economic crisis within the European Union, gradually eroded the public support for the activity of the Government and led to public protests in Romania in January, 2012». Then, «On February 6, 2012, the lack of public support led to Prime Minister Boc announcing his resignation together with that of his entire Cabinet. Shortly thereafter, President Basescu asked Mihai Razvan Ungureanu, the Head of the Foreign Intelligence Service and a former Minister of Foreign Affairs, to form a new Government», which lasted «only 11 weeks in power».

So, the Romanian public were under the gun to approve this project. And, now, after mass demonstrations against it, and the government’s rejection of the project, the Romanian public are being sued by the international corporation, for denying permission for it. The thumbscrews of economic austerity had failed to work, and so now an arbitration panel in which all nations’ laws and courts were and are excluded and whose decision will be final no matter what Romania’s Constitution and laws say, will determine what, if anything, Romania’s taxpayers will pay to the corporation’s stockholders, for ‘violating their right to profit’ (from a mining operation that Romania says would violate Romanian laws, which the mining company says should just be ignored). This is ‘Western democracy’. It fits the description of what Mussolini (whom we supposedly defeated) sometimes called «fascism», and sometimes called «corporationism» (but this is an advanced, inter-national, version of it: an emerging fascist world government).

The arbitral panel would adhere to the rules of something called ICSID, which is described in this article about Obama’s proposed TPP treaty.

On 27 July 2016, George Monbiot headlined in Britain’s Guardian, «Sovereignty? This government will sell us to the highest bidder», and he reported that though UK’s voters had voted to leave the EU because of its corrupt international-corporate-controlled government, the UK’s own Prime Minister’s government was now supporting CETA because UK’s billionaires want to get in on this new booming business of suing taxpayers when countries enforce their consumer-protection, environmental-protection, and workers’-rights, laws.

On February 13th, another article in the Guardian reported that:

Ceta will eventually expose European regulations to more investor lawsuits from Canadian resource firms and the Canadian subsidiaries of US multinational corporations, ushering in, through the back door, a hated part of TTIP, the supposedly moribund EU-US free trade deal… the Canadian corporate sector is already pressing the Trudeau government to match the US president’s deregulatory moves in order to remain competitive in their most important market. Ceta’s regulatory cooperation mechanisms will provide an avenue for North American lobbyists to quietly deploy downward pressure against EU regulations. This is particularly true in sensitive areas such as genetically modified organisms and endocrine-disrupting chemicals.

The international aristocracy has fooled publics throughout the world to believe that government regulations are bad and so the fewer and weaker they are, the better they are. Donald Trump himself spouts this lie, but it contradicts his alleged loyalty to the American (or any other) public. His actual actions since he came into the White House suggest that what he’s serious about is stripping national sovereignty, not strengthening it.

And that’s his deepest fraud, if that’s what he’ll actually follow-through on. There still is time for him to avoid being as rotten as most other leaders in ‘the Western democracies’ are. But, soon, we’ll know which side he’s really on.

Without a doubt, the aristocracies of the U.S. and of all of its allied countries want this type of world government, even though it would hurt the publics everywhere.

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of  They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of  CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.

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The Pacific Ocean is large. Since World War II, weapon systems operating in this theater have required special provisions regarding extensive range, long duration performance and relative self-sufficiency during operations.

From America’s Gato-class submarines and PBY Catalina flying boats used to fight the Japanese and reassert American hegemony across Asia-Pacific during WWII, to America’s continued presence in Japan, South Korea and islands throughout the region, it is clear the lengths the US has gone through then and now to remain “engaged” in the Pacific.

More recently, a report by the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments (CSBA), commissioned by the US Navy titled, “Restoring American Seapower: A New Fleet Architecture for the United States Navy,” obsesses over not how to defend American shores, but how to remain involved in Asia-Pacific despite the immense distances between there, and America.

The report’s introduction includes:

Great power competitors such as China and Russia increased their military capabilities over the last two decades and now appear willing to challenge the international order.

However, the report never addresses Chinese or Russian forces landing on American shores, or even threatening to do so. Rather, the report revolves around maintaining hegemony within spheres of influence much more appropriately (and likely inevitably) Chinese or Russian.

The report coins a term, “deny-and-punish” to describe the use of US power abroad to “stop aggression,” not in defense of America itself, but in “adjacent theaters.” Ironically, the report cites Iraq as an example, a nation the US, not China nor Russia, invaded, occupied and destroyed with considerable, unchallenged “aggression.”

A more specific point in the 162-page report picked out by The National Interest in an article titled, “How to Guarantee America’s Aircraft Carriers Can Fight China in a War,” involves long-range air sorties of up to 2,000 miles.

The article elaborates:

…a 2000-mile mission would strain human endurance and an unrefueled range of more than 10 hours would require an enormous aircraft that might not fit on a carrier flight deck. Thus, the CSBA proposal calls for a smaller aircraft that would be supported by a tanker.

In other words, in order for the US to project considerable force beyond its own borders, across the Pacific Ocean, and within China’s logical, proximal sphere of influence, it needs not only drone aircraft capable of 10 hour sorties, it needs drone tankers to refuel them.

Defense contractors surely welcome the report’s findings, since it will require the development of not one new aircraft carrier-based vehicle, but two, including the tanker.

The CSBA report concludes by stating:

To be deterred in the 2030s, aggressors must be presented with the possibility that their goals will be denied or that the immediate costs to pursue them will be prohibitively high.

In reality, the “aggression” the United States fears is not the unjust encroachment on other, innocent nations, but rather the undoing of every aspect of its own global order, put together piece by piece through just such aggression. It is an order constructed not within any rational US sphere of influence, rather, one spanning the globe, so far from American shores combat pilots lack the endurance to fly the sorties required to “deter” other nations from reversing America’s grip upon it.

The US seeks to “deter aggression” that may potentially diminish or extinguish entirely America’s systematic and decades-spanning violation of Beijing’s “One China” policy regarding Hong Kong and Taiwan, China’s claims in the South China Sea or regimes the US puts into power along China’s peripheries to admittedly confound regional stability at Beijing’s expense,

Students of history will recognize much of this as a modern-day continuation of European colonization throughout Asia, where sophisticated and overbearing military might was used to corner China and its neighbors across the region, divide and conquer them, as well as prevent them from ever rolling back any of the gains colonial expansion gifted Europe and eventually America in the late 19th century.

The CSBA report is just one of many US policy papers that openly and repeatedly admits that China is not a threat to the United States as a nation, but a threat to the hegemonic order that nation attempts to maintain globally well into the 21st century.

And while the US seeks drone forces to bridge the vast distances between American territory and the territory it seeks to continue dominating, China and Russia are likewise developing weapon system to make those vast distances greater still. While the CSBA report places urgent imperative in preventing China or Russia from exerting influence within their own territory or along their immediate peripheries, the final conclusion of this new arms race in long-range weapon systems may force the US to accept a reality in which the only region it dominates is the US itself. But the obvious question remains, why isn’t that already the case?

Ulson Gunnar, a New York-based geopolitical analyst and writer especially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.

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The Pacific Ocean is large. Since World War II, weapon systems operating in this theater have required special provisions regarding extensive range, long duration performance and relative self-sufficiency during operations.

From America’s Gato-class submarines and PBY Catalina flying boats used to fight the Japanese and reassert American hegemony across Asia-Pacific during WWII, to America’s continued presence in Japan, South Korea and islands throughout the region, it is clear the lengths the US has gone through then and now to remain “engaged” in the Pacific.

More recently, a report by the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments (CSBA), commissioned by the US Navy titled, “Restoring American Seapower: A New Fleet Architecture for the United States Navy,” obsesses over not how to defend American shores, but how to remain involved in Asia-Pacific despite the immense distances between there, and America.

The report’s introduction includes:

Great power competitors such as China and Russia increased their military capabilities over the last two decades and now appear willing to challenge the international order.

However, the report never addresses Chinese or Russian forces landing on American shores, or even threatening to do so. Rather, the report revolves around maintaining hegemony within spheres of influence much more appropriately (and likely inevitably) Chinese or Russian.

The report coins a term, “deny-and-punish” to describe the use of US power abroad to “stop aggression,” not in defense of America itself, but in “adjacent theaters.” Ironically, the report cites Iraq as an example, a nation the US, not China nor Russia, invaded, occupied and destroyed with considerable, unchallenged “aggression.”

A more specific point in the 162-page report picked out by The National Interest in an article titled, “How to Guarantee America’s Aircraft Carriers Can Fight China in a War,” involves long-range air sorties of up to 2,000 miles.

The article elaborates:

…a 2000-mile mission would strain human endurance and an unrefueled range of more than 10 hours would require an enormous aircraft that might not fit on a carrier flight deck. Thus, the CSBA proposal calls for a smaller aircraft that would be supported by a tanker.

In other words, in order for the US to project considerable force beyond its own borders, across the Pacific Ocean, and within China’s logical, proximal sphere of influence, it needs not only drone aircraft capable of 10 hour sorties, it needs drone tankers to refuel them.

Defense contractors surely welcome the report’s findings, since it will require the development of not one new aircraft carrier-based vehicle, but two, including the tanker.

The CSBA report concludes by stating:

To be deterred in the 2030s, aggressors must be presented with the possibility that their goals will be denied or that the immediate costs to pursue them will be prohibitively high.

In reality, the “aggression” the United States fears is not the unjust encroachment on other, innocent nations, but rather the undoing of every aspect of its own global order, put together piece by piece through just such aggression. It is an order constructed not within any rational US sphere of influence, rather, one spanning the globe, so far from American shores combat pilots lack the endurance to fly the sorties required to “deter” other nations from reversing America’s grip upon it.

The US seeks to “deter aggression” that may potentially diminish or extinguish entirely America’s systematic and decades-spanning violation of Beijing’s “One China” policy regarding Hong Kong and Taiwan, China’s claims in the South China Sea or regimes the US puts into power along China’s peripheries to admittedly confound regional stability at Beijing’s expense,

Students of history will recognize much of this as a modern-day continuation of European colonization throughout Asia, where sophisticated and overbearing military might was used to corner China and its neighbors across the region, divide and conquer them, as well as prevent them from ever rolling back any of the gains colonial expansion gifted Europe and eventually America in the late 19th century.

The CSBA report is just one of many US policy papers that openly and repeatedly admits that China is not a threat to the United States as a nation, but a threat to the hegemonic order that nation attempts to maintain globally well into the 21st century.

And while the US seeks drone forces to bridge the vast distances between American territory and the territory it seeks to continue dominating, China and Russia are likewise developing weapon system to make those vast distances greater still. While the CSBA report places urgent imperative in preventing China or Russia from exerting influence within their own territory or along their immediate peripheries, the final conclusion of this new arms race in long-range weapon systems may force the US to accept a reality in which the only region it dominates is the US itself. But the obvious question remains, why isn’t that already the case?

Ulson Gunnar, a New York-based geopolitical analyst and writer especially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.

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In view of “White Helmets” winning an Oscar for best short documentary, we bring to the attention of our readers this piece originally published in November 2016: 

CNN, among many other establishment media platforms, has long promoted the US-European funded “Syrian Civil Defence” also known as the “White Helmets,” which was recently granted the “Alternative Nobel Prize”.

Yet on November 25, they published an article titled, “Syria’s White Helmets apologize for Mannequin Challenge video,” in which they admit:

It’s a familiar scene: Syria Civil Defence, also known as the “White Helmets,” rushing to rescue a man covered in rubble, but unlike thousands of other videos from Aleppo, this one is staged.

CNN would continue by claiming:

The nearly one-minute long video has been the subject of criticism on social media. On Wednesday Syria Civil Defence released a statement calling it an “error of judgment”.

“This video and the related posts were recorded by RFS media with Syria Civil Defence volunteers, who hoped to create a connection between the horror of Syria and the outside world using the viral ‘Mannequin challenge.’ This was an error of judgment, and we apologize on behalf of the volunteers involved,” the statement read.

Ignored by both the “White Helmets'” and RFS’ as well as CNN’s explanation of the video is the fact that the now admittedly staged video – besides the “mannequin challenge” style – is virtually indistinguishable from the “thousands of other videos from Aleppo” cited by CNN.

Just like “thousands of other videos from Aleppo” cited by CNN, the “victim” being “rescued” by the “White Helmets” is covered in dust and what appears to be blood, but otherwise uninjured. Unlike in a real bombing, those “rescued” by the “White Helmet” have their limbs intact, no deep, visible wounds, and lack any of the burns or trauma associated with weaponry used in modern combat.

It is unlikely that out of  the “thousands of other videos from Aleppo” cited by CNN, none of them would feature actual trauma, and instead feature only the dust and fake “blood” covered “victims” as seen in the recent, admittedly staged video, as well as during recently staged protests in Europe.

Would CNN Have Covered “White Helmet” Deceit Without Alternative Media’s Coverage? 

Of course, the alternative media has been exposing the “White Helmets” for years as perhaps one of the largest, most complex war propaganda operations conceived thus far by Western powers in their bid to sway public opinion amid regime change efforts in Syria.

Image: RSF’s “apology” lacks conviction, but is full of excuses and blame.

When the recent “mannequin challenge” video was uploaded, it was the alternative media that caught it, reported on it, and brought viral attention to it. It was the alternative media that exposed the fact that a supposed “rescue organization” was staging fake videos for war propaganda value – in possible violation of the Geneva Convention, and certainly in violation of basic ethical concerns.

It was only after the alternative media raised these concerns and cornered RFS and the “White Helmets” that establishment media platforms like CNN finally reacted to a story it likely would have otherwise ignored.

It is no wonder then, why establishment media platforms like CNN, the Washington Post, and others are so passionately opposed to the alternative media – they are no longer setting the agenda, and are instead forced to react. Real journalism equates to reporting and honestly analyzing world events rather than contriving and spinning them – for CNN and others, they no longer possess the freedom to do the latter without consequence.

For the alternative media, successes like this, and the fact that establishment Western media has all but declared war on the alternative media should highlight the value of honest journalism and analysis. It should also be a constant reminder that fact-driven media will always win out over agenda-driven media. For the alternative media to continue to grow and be successful, it must reaffirm its dedication to fact-driven media no matter how tempting it is to do otherwise.

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And the Oscar for Best Documentary Short goes to…”ISIS – Al Qaeda”

By Alex ChristoforouVanessa BeeleyEva Bartlett, and Patrick Henningsen, February 27 2017

It should come as no surprise that a film celebrating the White Helmets scooped up an Oscar for best short documentary. Might as well hand the Oscar to ISIS leader Abū Bakr al-Baghdadi. Far from a humanitarian organisation, the White Helmets are an Al Qaeda staffed propaganda group that is embedded with brutal jihadists looking to overthrow the sovereign government of Syria.


Genetics Are the New Eugenics: How GMO’s Reduce the Human Population

By F. William Engdahl, February 25 2017

The real agenda of GMO, which I have documented in great detail in my book “Seeds of Destruction”, comes from the Rockefeller Foundation. It comes out of the 1920s-1930s Eugenics movement. The Rockefeller Foundation during the 1930’s, right up to the outbreak of World War II when it became politically embracing too, financed the Nazi Eugenics experiments of Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Berlin and in Munich. Why did they do this? Their goal was the elimination of what they called “undesirable eaters”. That is called population reduction.

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Copyright, Intellectual Property and the Extradition Saga of Kim Dotcom

BDr. Binoy Kampmark, February 27 2017

The hunger with which US officials pursue copyright or general intellectual property violations is insatiably manic. The degree of that hunger is expressed by the now suspended, and most likely defunct Trans-Pacific Partnership, an attempt to further globalise the policing of IP laws in favour of corporate and copyright control. Then come the vigilantes and those singing different, discordant tunes suggesting another alternative. One such figure was Kim Dotcom, founder of Megaupload and on the US Department of Justice wanted list for some years.


Invasion of Yemen in Blatant Derogation of International Law: Extensive War Crimes Committed

By Dr. Amir A. Amirshekari, February 26 2017

The invasion of Yemen entailed different reactions amongst different countries. Although the US, Canada, France, the UK, Israel, and Turkey, are amongst the supporters of the invasion, Russia, Iran, Iraq and Syria were against the attack. China and the UN also declared their anxiousness about the invasion. Prohibition of the use of force is one of the basic principles on which international law has been founded. According to Article 2(4) of the Charter of the UN, all members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state.

fake news

The Right Way to Challenge Fake News

By Stephen Lendman, February 26 2017

Trump is right challenging fake news. It’s about time someone in high office did it. He’s going about it the wrong way. Without speech, media and academic freedoms, all other rights are threatened. Barring certain media outlets from attending Friday’sWhite House press briefing while letting others in was wrongheaded and counterproductive.


The Detroit Rebellion of 1967 and Its Global Significance

By Abayomi Azikiwe, February 27 2017

The deliberate distortion of the actual history of Detroit and its African American community is crafted to maintain the social status-quo. Despite the fact that gains were made from the self-organization and emancipatory movements of the post-World War II awakenings and increasing levels of national consciousness, the ruling capitalist class has sought to reverse all  advancements won by the people.

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Is Putin Beating Up Women?

February 27th, 2017 by Giulietto Chiesa

This is the last episode of the Russophobic series steadily unfolding in the Western World, which is caught in the middle of a crisis of values. It regards the news that the Duma (the lower Chamber of the Russian Parliament) approved a draft legislation changing article 116 of the penal Code, briefly described as “law on domestic violence”.

In simple terms the news has been broadcasted as if the Duma had stopped domestic violence being punishable according to the penal Code. On the contrary, it will be regarded as an administrative infringement. That meant to trigger a hurricane of anti-Russia propaganda. From here to anti-Russia hysteria it was a short road: from now on in Russia beating up women (and children) will be legal. It won’t have any legal consequence.

I will get into more details. I will show that things are rather different from the way they were presented. But first, it is worthy to add some more data. 380 members of parliament voted in favor, only 3 against. Have they all gone mad? It is unlikely. As a matter of fact, this is the last of the series in which the majority of the votes in the Duma has repeatedly changed on the subject.

The reason of all this, is that currently in Russia there is a broad debate on these subjects: on the role of the family in the upbringing of young generations, on human rights and on civil rights. Like in any other parts of the world, there is a set of moral and social issues, which raises different and conflicting answers. Just think of how many discussions, inside and outside the Italian Parliament, were raised about gender-related topics. Or we may think about the debates that took place on abortion and divorce in the past decades.

In Italy it’s considered natural. But if that happens in Russia, then it is considered a scandal. Instead of spotting the similarities – more than we can imagine – we get outraged. This is what, for instance, La Repubblica did. And La Repubblica may be considered the flagship newspaper of the Italian mainstream – naturally, in the name of progress.

Made up figures were shot. It was said, for instance, that every year in Russia forty-thousand women die a violent death. Whereas, this is the overall number of murders, which includes men and women. All done in the name of a cheap feminism. They didn’t even bother to compare these figures with the murders in the United States, which are significantly more shocking, in absolute and percentage terms.

Moreover, in Russia this debate gave rise to strong contrasts not only between different political groups – such as liberals and conservatives, or pro-Western and orthodox – but also within the ranks of each group. Notwithstanding those journalists that still describe political life in Russia as univocal, where debate is lacking due to a dictatorship which allows no dissent.

One might disagree with opinions such as the one expressed by the Duma’s President, Viaceslav Volodin, (United Russia Party) who defined the decriminalization of violence within the family as a “condition to create strong families”; to which Elena Mizulina’s answered by saying that the crime of domestic violence is a crime against the family. It is worthy to remember that a recent Russian Supreme Court judgment decriminalized violent crimes which do not have physical harm as a consequence. It didn’t regard the domestic violence though, so family members remained punishable even in this last case.

Naturally at this point anyone might object that, in any case, violence is not a good way to raise children. Besides, those sensitive to individual rights object that in most of the cases women and kids are more vulnerable and will be more exposed to violence.

People sensitive to the topic of human rights point out the fact that such a law might convey a wrong message to the entire society, such as: from now on you are allowed to beat up your women because you will not be punished. Others affirm that it could give way to wrong conclusions, like that domestic violence is no longer a crime. Indeed, others remembered that article 21 of the Constitution prohibits any form of violence on the citizens. Those who support the law have reasonable arguments, which have nothing to do with ideological arguments aiming to strengthening the role of the family.

Many legal experts noticed that henceforth victims of domestic violence will be better protected than in the past. First of all, the previous version of article 116 worked little or badly. According to statistics coming even from liberal sources, 70-78% of the cases weren’t even reported to the police. Of these reports, 90-97% does not reach the trial stage and ends up with an amicable arrangement between the parties. In the end, we have very low rates of Court rulings regarding domestic violence. Hence, the law is altogether ineffective.

Both public opinion and the Parliament have been divided for months, debating on a broad range of different and contrasting drafts. A survey from Vtsiom showed that 59% of Russians is in favour of the just approved draft legislation, 33% are against. Finally: 79% of those interviewed is against domestic violence of any kind.

In conclusion, once Putin has signed the draft suggested by the Duma, only beatings related to criminal acts or due to ethnic and religious hatred will be considered as crimes. For these crimes the maximum penalty will be up to two years of imprisonment according to article 115 of the Penal Code. Whoever slaps his husband or wife, kicks his son in the butt without subsequent injuries could be subjected to a fine from 5 to 30,000 rubles, or arrested for 10 to 15 days in case of relapse, or sent to mandatory social service for an amount of 60 hours up to 120 hours. This is very different from being allowed to beat up relatives. This is the law that was voted almost unanimously by the Duma.

So, here we have the overall picture of the Russian society. Like it or not, this is an undeniable starting point. To this, it is worthy to add that every society has its own history and pace of evolution (or involution) and that no one should be authorized to establish that “our” civilization is the measuring stick for others. The Duma’s resolution is not definitive: it will have to be submitted to the High Chamber (the Council of the Federation) and finally to the President Putin, who will have to sign it.

This is the issue. It is naturally open to different opinions, yet this does not authorize anybody to brand it as a scandal. Russia is a country like any other, which legislates according to its history, sensibility and experience. In reality, we know nothing about how in China, in Kerala or in Chile – just to mention a few – these problems are addressed. Why would we become supreme judges then, when they regard Russia? “Fake news” means also to stack the deck and make uneducated people believe that we are always right and that Russian are uneducated and violent.

Translated from Italian by Defend Democracy Press

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Capitalism and America’s Addiction Epidemic

February 27th, 2017 by Andre Damon

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released a report Friday showing that nearly 13,000 people died from heroin overdoses in 2015, up four-fold from the 3,036 deaths reported in 2010. The overall incidence of overdoses from all drugs has more than doubled since 1999.

The drug epidemic affects all ages, genders and races. The overdose rate for the 55–64 age group has gone up nearly five-fold, while the 45-54 age group had the highest rate of overdoses overall.

Whites had the highest rate of overdose deaths of any ethnicity, more than double the combined death rate for blacks and Latinos. The overdose death rate for whites, which was lower than that of blacks in 1999, has more than tripled since then.

What is behind the shocking and tragic growth in drug overdoses?

The drug epidemic has been concentrated in former coal mining regions such as Kentucky, West Virginia and Tennessee, along with so-called “rust-belt” states such as Michigan, Ohio, Indiana and Pennsylvania. These areas of the country have been hardest hit by decades of deindustrialization, mass layoffs and wage-cutting, beginning in the late 1970s and continuing ever since.

Age-adjusted drug overdose death rates by state- United States – 2015

Industrial and mining towns in these states have been turned into wastelands, littered with the rusting hulks of factories that once employed thousands of people. In places like Pontiac, Michigan; Akron, Ohio; and Huntington, West Virginia decent-paying jobs are scarce, while schools and community centers have been closed by the dozens.

The social distress that finds a particularly concentrated expression in the rust belt exists throughout the country. In 2015, for the first time in 23 years, US life expectancy decreased, led by a sharp increase in mortality rates for white Americans.

Last month, a survey by the Young Invincibles found that millennials earn 20 percent less than their parents did at the same stage in life, despite being better-educated. Homeownership rates have hit their lowest levels since 1965, with record numbers of young people being too poor to move out of their parents’ homes.

At the other end of the age spectrum, indebtedness among seniors has increased dramatically and household debt as a whole is soaring.

There is a palpable sense that American society is going backward. The drug epidemic is a malignant expression of the fact that millions of people see no prospect for living an economically secure and fulfilling life.

The conditions of life for working people, whose incomes have been stagnant or declining for decades, stand in the starkest contrast to the phenomenal enrichment of the ruling elite, whose wealth has more than doubled since 2009, driven by an unprecedented stock market boom.

Drug overdose death rates – by race and ethnicity in the United States

In its quest for cheap and easy profits at any social cost, the American health care system, dominated by the pharmaceutical industry, the insurance giants and for-profit hospital chains, has turned to over-prescribing opioid painkillers. As a result, over a third of Americans now use prescription painkillers, whether obtained legally or illegally. This is a higher percentage of the population than the portion that smokes or uses smokeless tobacco.

Alongside the economic underpinnings of the social crisis there are the crippling intellectual and cultural effects of a quarter-century of endless war and political reaction. War, xenophobia, chauvinism, the worship of money and power—all are extolled by the ruling elite, its political parties and the media and entertainment establishment. These are the symptoms of an economic and political system breaking down under the weight of its own internal contradictions.

The period since the baseline of the CDC report, 1999, has seen repeated eruptions of protest and struggle against the policies of war and social reaction carried out by Democratic and Republican administrations alike. Fourteen years ago this month, the largest anti-war demonstrations in US and world history took place in cities across America and around the world in opposition to the impending US war in Iraq. This movement against war was suppressed and dissipated by being channeled behind the Democratic Party and its presidential candidate John Kerry.

Four years later, millions of workers and youth went to the polls to express their hatred for the policies of war and austerity of the Bush administration and elect the candidate who promised “hope” and “change,” Barack Obama. The hopes invested in Obama turned into bitter disillusionment and anger as the Democratic administration continued and intensified the right-wing, militaristic policies of Bush and oversaw a further growth of social inequality.

The 2016 election was dominated by mass popular hostility to the political establishment and both parties of big business. This took a left-wing form in the mass support among working people and particularly youth for Bernie Sanders, who garnered 13 million votes in the Democratic presidential primaries by presenting himself as a socialist and opponent of the “billionaire class.” Sanders cynically used his anti-capitalist pretensions to divert popular opposition back behind the Democratic Party, throwing his support to the embodiment of the Democrats’ repudiation of social reform and open embrace of Wall Street and the CIA—Hillary Clinton.

This opened the way for Trump, the personification of the financial oligarchy, to exploit mass discontent on a right-wing, pseudo-populist and chauvinist basis and win the election.

The political impasse caused by the subordination of the working class to the Democratic Party and the two-party system, reinforced by the corporatist trade unions, has fueled the frustrations and dashed hopes that foster anti-social acts, from mass shootings to drug addiction.

But the readiness of the working class and youth to fight has once again found expression in the mass protests since Trump’s inauguration. The Women’s March one day after the inauguration was the biggest international protest since the February 2003 demonstration on the eve of the Iraq War, and demonstrations against Trump’s assault on immigrants and democratic rights more broadly have continued ever since.

Once again, there is a concentrated attempt to divert and dissipate social opposition by channeling it behind the Democratic Party, whose central preoccupation is creating the conditions for war against Russia. The urgent lesson that must be drawn is the need to reject all such efforts and break decisively from the Democratic Party and all parties and politicians of the capitalist class.

The social crisis expressed in the surge in drug overdoses can be overcome only in a struggle to mobilize the working class in the US and internationally against the capitalist system, the source of poverty, inequality and war.

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RAND Corporation’s Plan for Dicing up Syria

February 27th, 2017 by Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten

Originally published by – Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten, translated by Tom Winter, published in English by Fort Russ

US plan for the division of Syria may set off a new wave of refugees

The think tank of the Pentagon wants to divide Syria according to the model of Bosnia. The result would be ethnic cleansing and new, massive flood of immigrants.

The RAND Corporation, a leading US think tank close to the Pentagon, has published a report proposing a “Bosnian model” to resolve the Syrian conflict.

“In this sense, as in Bosnia in the mid-1990s, peace will be facilitated by demographic changes on the ground, external approval for such changes, and exhaustion of the combat parties. Unlike in Bosnia, however, peace would not arise from a detailed formal agreement but from a set of local and international understandings. In order to achieve the various understandings, the cease-fire agreement between Russia, Turkey and Iran is a good starting point, but it is insufficient. Sustainable long-term agreements will be most effective if they involve the consent of other key stakeholders, including the US, its golf partners and other supporters of the opposition to Assad.”

The RAND Corporation calls for a decentralization of the country in control zones. The area from the west coast to Deir Ezzor with the exclusion of Rakka is to be controlled by the government in Damascus and the Russians.

The area liberated by Turkey under Operation Euphrates Shield and the province of Idlib would be under Turkish control. The southern area of Daraa, on the border with Israel, would also be controlled by an “opposition” not described in detail by the RAND Corporation. A large part of Northern Syria would be controlled by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), consisting of Kurdish militia and led by the US.

It is particularly noteworthy that the RAND Corporation is proposing to place the ISIS strongholds and oil centers Rakka and Deir Ezzor under an “international administration.” “We therefore recommend that the United States place the Rakka province, after its liberation, under an international transitional administration, creating a neutral territory that is not held by either the regime or the opposition until the final solution of the civil war.” The area should be controlled by the UN, which in turn uses provincial councils. RAND Corporation, on the other hand, argues against sending a purely UN peacekeeping force to the international zone. Instead, the US and Russia would have to organize the deployment of a “coalition force,” which is given a UN mandate. Such a solution would not only tolerate the US and Russia, but also Turkey and other regional US allies, which would not leave Rakka and Deir Ezzor either under the control of the ISIS terrorist militia or control by the Kurdish militia, according to RAND Corporation.

On the Syrian map, it is noticeable that the city of Manbij is placed in the Turkish zone in northern Syria. The Turkish army has not yet taken Manbij, and the Kurdish militants of the YPG are against the city being occupied by the Turks. However, the Turkish President, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, said at the beginning of the week that after the liberation of Al-Bab, Turkey would move to take Manbij.

Last year, Manbij was taken by the Kurdish militia. There are currently numerous associations of the Kurdish militia in Manbij, but the majority of the population is Arab and Turkmen.

The plans for the division of Syria are highly problematic: already in the Syrian war, massive ethnic cleansings have already taken place. These were carried out based on the planned petroleum pipelines. A territorial breakdown by ethnicity would greatly accelerate the trend towards expulsion. New escape movements would be the result. These would then come to Europe – which is desperately trying to shut itself off.

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Israel’s decision on Wednesday to fly over ISIS strongholds in Lebanon, and then drop bombs on Syrian Army positions in Syria, was a real stroke of genius — especially considering that the airstrikes came just before peace talks in Geneva were scheduled to begin.

A real class act.

Now Israel is sending “elite intelligence units” to “monitor” fighting between Syrian forces and “moderate” rebels. Our friends at Al Masdar News report:

A video published by Channel 2 showed reporter Dani Kashmaru accompanying the soldiers in a night mission. According to the reporter, similar operations have been carried out several times in the past, stating that he, along with the Israeli soldiers, ‘could hear and see everything.’

The report disclosed that the elite unit made use of advanced and sophisticated eavesdropping devices to monitor the battles fought between the Syrian Army and hardline groups in the area. 

Israel has been providing logistic support and medical assistance to opposition forces – including Jabhet al-Nusra terror organization – fighting President Bashar Assad.

Israeli warplanes have repeatedly targeted Syrian Army positions under the pretext of preventing sophisticated weapons from reaching the Lebanese Hezbollah group.

They’re not even trying to hide their open support for extremist groups in Syria anymore.

Why isn’t this front page news? You know why.


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Syria’s children of war have experienced more trauma, physical and emotional pain, than any medical professionals have seen.

The oft-orphaned children, who have had members of their family blown apart by a regime barrel bomb or a Russian cruise missile or even a US airstrike, are suffering more than just post-traumatic stress.

These children are suffering from “Human devastation syndrome,” Dr Mohammad K Hamza, a neuropsychologist with the Syrian-American Medical Society (SAMS), told ATTN on Friday.

Dr Hamza, who also chairs the mental health committee of SAMS, believes the destruction witnessed by Syrian children is beyond what any soldier at war can see.

“We have talked to so many children, and their devastation is above and beyond what even soldiers are able to see in the war,” Dr Hamza said.

“They have seen dismantled human beings that used to be their parents, or their siblings. You get out of a family of five or six or 10 or whatever – you get one survivor, two survivors sometimes. A lot of them have physical impairments. Amputations. Severe injuries. And they’ve made it to the refugee camp somehow.”

Dr Hamza told ATTN that the emotional and psychological problem does not stop there. The suffering of Syrian children continues as they endure poverty and exploitation of life in a refugee camp.

“You have children who are devastated,” he said, “and this is not the end of it.”

One in five of the millions of Syrians registered as living in refugee camps in Lebanon, Turkey and Jordan are under the age of 11. The number of Syrians living outside refugee camps or unregistered in those countries surpasses five million.

A further 6.3 million Syrians are internally displaced, according to the UNHRC.

Iyad Alkhouri, a psychiatrist who volunteers with SAMS and has helped care for Syrian refugees at the Turkish border town of Antakay, said the root of the problem needs to be addressed.

“We try to fill the gaps,” ATTN reported Alkhouri as saying, “but all the relief organisations – we’re just putting a Band-Aid on the wound.”

“Instead of providing resources to treat this 10-year-old child who was hit by a missile,” he said, “We have to stop the missile before it hits them.”

Dr Hamza believes that millions of children have been devastated by Syria’s six-year conflict.

“You have to ask, ‘Where is this going to lead?’,” he told ATTN, adding that the future of Syrian children is “going to impact the whole world”.

The Syrian conflict began when the Baath regime, in power since 1963 led by Assad, responded with military force to peaceful protests demanding democratic reforms during the Arab Spring wave of uprisings, triggering an armed rebellion fuelled by mass defections from the Syrian army.

According to independent monitors, hundreds of thousands of civilians have been killed in the war, mostly by the regime and its powerful allies, and millions have been displaced both inside and outside of Syria.

The brutal tactics pursued mainly by the regime, which have included the use of chemical weapons, sieges, mass executions and torture against civilians have led to war crimes investigations.

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Russia’s Superior Air Defense Systems

February 27th, 2017 by Stephen Lendman

US-dominated NATO threatens Russian security. State-of-the-art air defenses are vital.

Russia has the world’s best – better ones coming by 2020 or sooner. More on this below.

Its S-400 air defense system is unmatched – the world’s most sophisticated technology, able to strike targets up to 400 km away at altitudes up to 90,000 feet, including fifth generation warplanes, as well as ballistic and cruise missiles.

It’s protected against electronic warfare, able to hit targets beyond the horizon. No other country has anything like it, including America.

It can distinguish between airborne and ground-based targets. Its sophisticated radar spots everything within its range, including tiny aircraft and stealth ones at low or high-flying altitudes.

It renders stealth aircraft obsolete, able to destroy them with pinpoint accuracy. It can simultaneously engage up to 36 targets with up to 72 missiles.

Three separate types are used – extremely long range 40N6, long range 48N6 and medium range 9M96 missiles. They’re fitted with homing devices able to lock onto and destroy targets.

Unlike America’s capability, S-400s don’t need to track targets. Their effectiveness neutralizes US-led NATO air power.

Development of Russia’s more sophisticated surface-to-air defense system is well underway – called the S-500 Prometey (Prometheus), also referred to as the 55R6M Tiumfactor-M.

When operational, it’ll protect Russia from hypersonic and intercontinental ballistic missiles. According to defense analyst Viktor Murakhovsky, “(t)his is the next step. These are air defense capabilities on operational and strategic levels.”

They let “us to protect entire regions from intercontinental ballistic missiles and other advanced weapons, including hypersonic glide vehicles currently under development in the United States.”

They’ll be able to hit targets near space, including satellites outfitted with electro-optical surveillance systems.

The S-500 effectively counters Pentagon plans for a so-called Prompt Global Strike (PGS) system to deliver precision-guided weapons anywhere in one hour or less – using surface, sub-surface and air-launched hypersonic missiles.

According to Murakovsky, “hundreds of billions of (US) dollars…have gone down the drain.”

S-500 missiles are mobile. They’ll have a range of up to 600 kilometers. They can simultaneously intercept up to 10 ballistic and hypersonic missiles traveling at speeds of seven km per second.

They can strike targets up to an altitude of 200 km. They can neutralize America’s most sophisticated aerial capability. They’re strictly for defense – giving Pentagon planners pause about attacking Russia.

Reportedly, development of an even more sophisticated S-1000 system is underway.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected].
His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”
Visit his blog site at
Listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network.

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Four weeks into Donald Trump’s presidency, New York Times columnist Paul Krugman wrote that “nothing he has done since the inauguration allays fears that he is in effect a Putin puppet.” The liberal pundit concluded with a matter-of-fact reference to “the Trump-Putin axis.”

Such lines of attack have become routine, citing and stoking fears that the president of the United States is a Kremlin stooge. The meme is on the march — and where it will end, nobody knows.

Actually, it could end with a global nuclear holocaust.

The incessant goading and denunciations of Trump as a Kremlin flunky are escalating massive pressure on him to prove otherwise. Exculpatory behavior would involve setting aside possibilities for detente and, instead, confronting Russia — rhetorically and militarily.

Hostile behavior toward Russia is what much of the U.S. media and political establishment have been fervently seeking. It’s also the kind of behavior that could drag us all over the brink into thermonuclear destruction.

But c’mon, why worry about that?

For countless media commentators and partisan Democrats including many avowed progressives — as well as for some Republican hawks aligned with the likes of Sens. John McCain and Lindsey Graham — the benefits of tarring Trump as a Russian tool are just too alluring to resist.

To be clear: For a vast number of reasons, the Trump administration is repugnant. And the new president’s flagrant violations of the U.S. Constitution’s foreign and domestic emoluments clauses are solid grounds for impeaching him. I’m glad to be involved with a nationwide petition campaign — which already has 890,000 signers — urging Congress to begin impeachment proceedings. We should go after Trump for well-grounded reasons based on solid facts.

At the same time, we should refuse to be stampeded by the nonstop drumbeats from partisan talking points and mainline media outlets — as well as “the intelligence community.” It wasn’t mere happenstance when the Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, openly lied at a Senate committee hearing in early 2013, replying “No sir” to a pivotal question from Sen. Ron Wyden: “Does the NSA collect any type of data at all on millions or hundreds of millions of Americans?” The lie was exposed three months later when Edward Snowden made possible the release of key NSA documents.

Yet now we’re supposed to assume straight-arrow authoritative honesty can be found in a flimsy 25-page report “assessing Russian activities and intentions,” issued in early January under the logo of Clapper’s Office of the Director of National Intelligence. That report has been critiqued and demolished by one astute analyst after another.

As investigative journalist Gareth Porter noted, “In fact, the intelligence community had not even obtained evidence that Russia was behind the publication by WikiLeaks of the e-mails [of the] Democratic National Committee, much less that it had done so with the intention of electing Trump. Clapper had testified before Congress in mid-November and again in December that the intelligence community did not know who had provided the e-mails to WikiLeaks and when they were provided.”

More broadly and profoundly, many cogent analyses have emerged to assess the proliferating anti-Russia meme and its poisonous effects. For instance: “Why We Must Oppose the Kremlin-Baiting Against Trump” by Stephen F. Cohen at The Nation; “The Increasingly Unhinged Russia Rhetoric Comes From a Long-Standing U.S. Playbook” by Glenn Greenwald at The Intercept; and “The Did-You-Talk-to-Russians Witch Hunt” by Robert Parry at ConsortiumNews.

The frenzy to vilify Russia and put the kibosh on the potential for detente is now undermining open democratic discourse about U.S. foreign policy — while defaming advocates of better U.S.-Russia relations in ways that would have made Joe McCarthy proud. So, President Trump’s expressions of interest in improving relations with Russia — among his few lucid and constructive statements about anything — are routinely spun and smeared as corroborations of the meme that he’s in cahoots with the Russian government.

Many organizations that call themselves progressive are culpable. One of the largest, MoveOn, blasted out an email alert on February 10 with a one-sentence petition calling for a congressional investigation of Trump — flatly declaring that he has “ties to the Russian government.”

Consider these words from President Trump at his February 16 news conference:

*  “Look, it would be much easier for me to be tough on Russia, but then we’re not going to make a deal. Now, I don’t know that we’re going to make a deal. I don’t know. We might. We might not. But it would be much easier for me to be so tough — the tougher I am on Russia, the better. But you know what? I want to do the right thing for the American people. And to be honest, secondarily, I want to do the right thing for the world.”

*  “They’re a very powerful nuclear country and so are we. If we have a good relationship with Russia, believe me, that’s a good thing, not a bad thing.”

*  “By the way, it would be great if we could get along with Russia, just so you understand that. Now tomorrow, you’ll say ‘Donald Trump wants to get along with Russia, this is terrible.’ It’s not terrible. It’s good.”

Rather than being applauded and supported, such talk from Trump is routinely depicted as further indication that — in Krugman’s words — Trump “is in effect a Putin puppet.”

And how could President Trump effectively allay fears and accusations that he’s a Kremlin flunky? How could he win cheers from mainstream newsrooms and big-megaphone pundits and CIA headquarters? He could get in a groove of decisively denouncing Russian President Vladimir Putin. He could move U.S. military forces into more confrontational stances and menacing maneuvers toward Russia.

Such brinkmanship would occur while each country has upward of 4,000 nuclear warheads deployed or stockpiled for potential use. Some are attached to missiles on “hair-trigger alert” — which, the Union of Concerned Scientists explains, “is a U.S. military policy that enables the rapid launch of nuclear weapons. Missiles on hair-trigger alert are maintained in a ready-for-launch status, staffed by around-the-clock launch crews, and can be airborne in as few as 10 minutes.”

Those who keep goading and baiting President Trump as a puppet of Russia’s government are making nuclear war more likely. If tensions with the Kremlin keep escalating, what is the foreseeable endgame? Do we really want to push the U.S. government into potentially catastrophic brinkmanship with the world’s other nuclear superpower?

Norman Solomon is the coordinator of the online activist group and the executive director of the Institute for Public Accuracy. He is the author of a dozen books including “War Made Easy: How Presidents and Pundits Keep Spinning Us to Death.”

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If there were any doubts that the Oscars were merely a political tool wielded by the globalist elite,  doubt no more.

It should come as no surprise that a film celebrating the White Helmets scooped up an Oscar for best short documentary. Might as well hand the Oscar to ISIS leader Abū Bakr al-Baghdadi.

Far from a humanitarian organisation, the White Helmets are an Al Qaeda staffed propaganda group that is embedded with brutal jihadists looking to overthrow the sovereign government of Syria.

Watch this CrossTalk episode to learn who the White Helmets represent…

Read these posts from The Duran to see who the Academy Awards honored with an Oscar last night…

Al Jazeera reports

Accepting the Academy Award, director Orlando von Einsiedel urged the audience to stand up and call for an end to Syria’s six-year civil war, which led to a standing ovation.

Von Einsiedel read out a statement from White Helmets founder Raed al-Saleh, in which he thanked the academy and said the group had saved tens of thousands of lives since it was formed in 2014.

“We are so grateful that this film has highlighted our work to the world. Our organisation is guided by a verse from the Quran: to save one life is to save all of humanity,” Saleh’s statement said.

“We have saved more than 82,000 Syrian lives. I invite anyone here who hears me to work on the side of life to stop the bloodshed in Syria and around the world.”

Rescue workers in Syria are at risk of being killed in so-called “double tap” air raids that target them as they arrive at the scene of an air strike. The group says that many of its volunteers have been killed.

Syrian cinematographer Khaled Khatib who worked on the documentary was unable to attend after being barred from entering the United States, despite being granted a visa.

US officials reportedly discovered “derogatory information” about him, according to a document seen by the Associated Press news agency.

The film’s producer Joanna Natasegara told AP on Sunday that the decision was “sad and confusing.”

Nothing “sad and confusing” about it. The White Helmets are Al Nusra, aka Al Qaeda, aka ISIS.


boy in aleppo





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Hollywood Academy Awards are all about film promotion for profits, unrelated to the industry’s best, way too little of it around.

They also reflect longstanding Tinseltown ties to Washington. Scripts feature pro-Western propaganda.

Studio bosses are well compensated for colluding in glorifying America’s wars and demonizing its enemies – including “Islamic terrorists” and Russia.

Washington has final say on content and characters in propaganda films. It wants its agenda promoted, most people none the wiser.

History is reinvented. The state-sponsored 9/11 event is exploited. Rogue CIA agents are portrayed as heroes. Supporting America’s imperial agenda is more important than truth.

In 2013, Argo was chosen Hollywood’s top film. It should have been denounced instead of honored – reinventing a 1979/1980 Iranian hostage crisis episode.

The film was malicious, unjust and one-sided, Hollywood propaganda at its worst, ignoring what should have been featured, stereotypically portraying Iran according to Western misinformation.

At Hollywood’s 89th Academy Awards on Sunday, The White Helmets propaganda film was honored as the past year’s best documentary short – portraying terrorists as heroes.

The group has nothing to do with civil defense as claimed, everything to do with supporting terrorism against sovereign independent Syria.

Its personnel operate in al-Nusra (al-Qaeda in Syria) controlled areas. Calling themselves volunteer rescue workers responsible for saving tens of thousands of lives is rubbish.

America and Britain support the group. So does the Soros Open Society Foundation and likeminded pro-Western interests.

White Helmets have been photographed and videotaped together with al-Nusra terrorists during beheadings and other atrocities. They support creation of a no-fly zone to prevent Syrian aerial self-defense.

The Syria Solidarity Movement calls them al Qaeda “with a facelift,” fostering terrorism and imperial ravaging on the pretext of humanitarianism.

People associated with the group are enemies of fundamental freedoms – warriors, not peacemakers, foreign-supported dark forces wanting tyranny replacing Syrian sovereign independence.

They were nominated for the 2016 Nobel Peace Prize. Instead it went to narco-state terrorist Juan Manuel Santos, Colombia’s president. As Alvaro Uribe’s defense minister, he was notorious for massacring “entire population centers,” James Petras explained.

Nobel committee members honored state terrorism. So did Hollywood last night in naming The White Helmets last year’s best documentary short.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected].
His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”
Visit his blog site at
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Alternative Politics of Renewal

February 27th, 2017 by Dr. Yossef Ben-Meir

What does it look like when the local approach to achieving sustainable development projects guides not just how we govern, but is also strategically implemented by candidates to help them campaign and secure elected office?

First, let us consider which processes are most effective in advancing community initiatives that meet both socio-economic and environmental needs. From this vantage point, we can see how participatory development procedures translate into broad-based political movements.

Public participation in community programs and projects is the factor that most determines whether development-interventions successfully achieve their objectives. Sustainability requires local control in both the determination of priorities – regarding education, health, or the economy – as well as in management and evaluation of development projects.

By facilitating inclusive dialogue and planning, participatory development provides the basis for community-based and institutional relationships and the win-win cross-sectoral partnerships they form to achieve common goals.  Critically, these projects are defined by the people (down to their budgets) in rural and small towns and cities, and designed to further their individual and shared interests.

A benefit of this process that can be especially harnessed in electoral politics is this: community-driven projects generate trust among beneficiaries, and between them and the individuals and agencies who helped turn their expressed ideas into improved life conditions.  That goodwill and commitment is social capital that can launch political action and candidates.

The awesome challenge, however, is to organize across geographic spaces these open and local discussions regarding the needs of the community, and the implementation of solutions.  To achieve this requires tremendous energy on the part of a dedicated political candidate.  It requires communities that invite engagement and are willing to listen to and share different ideas. To catalyze participatory action, it requires experientially trained local facilitators of community planning.

How would this unfold in a political campaign?  First, a political party or candidate would organize a series of meetings that involve local people assessing their needs, prioritizing their problems and opportunities, and implementing their plans of action.  Political campaigning is then a process by which the people of a given jurisdiction meet, discuss, argue, reconcile, achieve consensus, and embark on a development path forward to meet their human needs.

In essence, the platform of one’s candidacy for public office becomes the genuine article of bottom-up politics and change, embodying the development projects of the people themselves. A candidate, able to catalyze participatory interaction across a municipality or state, will not only be in an excellent position to govern if elected, but the candidate will most likely be elected because the platform is a direct outgrowth of what the people have prioritized for themselves and their communities.

Candidates and their campaigns will forge collaborative bonds in the process of assisting communities in generating the data derived from local discussion, so they may then decide and act immediately on what they most want.  This also leads to candidates gaining deep knowledge and insight into the issues of the people and the performances of existing social programs.

Indeed, campaigning this way in itself enables people to have a clear understanding of the kind of democratic governing to which the candidate is dedicated.  A promise to rebuild infrastructure, retool dislocated workers, improve our schools, and heal drug addiction will no longer be just words, but a commitment that has emerged from hands-on experience regarding how improving society actually takes place, and the critical role that local empowerment has in such a process.

In fact, running for elected office in a manner informed by the concepts of participatory development and sustainability is a no-lose proposition.  The results of the campaign itself will be numerous, viable, and may ultimately serve as essential proposals for local projects that can then become a bill of legislation before a state assembly, or a national congress or parliament.  Win or lose, good shall be done – the campaign shall not be in vain due to this tangible accomplishment.

Juxtaposing this political strategy against the two dominant parties in the United States, it resonates with the core ideals of both the Democratic and Republican platforms.  When people participate in and control the social initiatives that impact their very lives, it is true an expression of federalism or state (sub-national) empowerment.  It promotes a decentralized system of managing affairs, it champions municipal and provincial or state levels of decision-making, and builds local capacities to create the change that people seek.  At its founding and still today, engendering local control is a primary value of the Republican Party.

The Democratic Party would find its identity embodied in this strategy, because of its inclusive nature, which embraces young and old, women and men, the marginalized, the disabled, the less heard, indeed every person who abides in a locale.  Furthermore, this approach inherently acknowledges that poverty, inadequate education and health care, etc. are not predominantly caused by the people who endure these trials.  Rather, social problems that afflict our lives are rooted in matters of history, geography, decisions of previous generations, decisions made in distant places, our treatment of gender and ethnicity, circumstances of birth, and inadequate human services.

Indeed, alternative politics driven by the tenets of sustainability is a fulfillment of outlooks of both the left and right.  It does not compromise the individual for the sake of the community, and vice versa, but rather simultaneously enhances both.  Participatory renewal diminishes the separation between campaigning and governing, by way of the electoral process being a series of community actions that would unfold if the candidate or party were in the position of governance.

Most essentially, people need to be heard, needs are dire, stratifications within society and between societies are alarming, and campaign promises often ring hollow. When a bill for funding the projects of the people is a certain outcome of electoral campaigns themselves, then no words are necessary to accept on faith.  But in fact, the actions that constitute a campaign for public office become much less distinguishable from those that characterize governing after victory.

Dr. Yossef Ben-Meir is a sociologist and president of the nonprofit organization, the High Atlas Foundation.

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Factores del surgimiento de la derecha alternativa en Occidente

February 27th, 2017 by Adnan Aboobacker

La derecha alternativa ya está en cualquier sociedad. En Europa, tras la segunda guerra mundial fueron creados Estados artificiales que no tienen ninguna conexión con sus raíces cristianas o su identidad. La construcción de la Unión Europea con 50 idiomas basada en una relación temporal mediante la democracia liberal y el secularismo no borra la influencia de los elementos fascistas que todavía existen en los Estados europeos. Un retorno a los verdaderos Estados nacionales podría ocurrir en cualquier momento si un liderazgo fuerte y juicioso o una situación pudieran conducir a la gente a la derecha alternativa, como Europa experimentó en las décadas de 1920 y 1930 bajo Adolf Hitler y Benito Mussolini.

El reciente surgimiento de la derecha alternativa está conectado con la cadena emergente de acontecimientos que aceleran ciertos procesos. La cadena de acontecimientos tras la guerra fría se ha inclinado hacia la derecha desde 1991 y alcanzó el escenario exitoso de un presidente estadounidense de derechas, conservador y republicano. La cadena de acontecimientos  incluye la ausencia de la oposición real contra el liberalismo y la globalización que amenazan los fundamentos sociales de los pueblos étnicos, y el desarrollo tecnológico conduce a la gente hacia el individualismo, la creación de sociedades insostenibles basadas en el beneficio propio, y el revivir de Rusia mediante un liderazgo fuerte. Otros factores incluyen la crisis económica global, el surgimiento de la extrema derecha en Reino Unido y el Brexit, el surgimiento de populistas de derecha alternativa en Europa, la intervención continua tanto directa como indirecta de los EEUU en los Estados europeos, y los efectos declinantes de la globalización, experimentados en Europa oriental. Mientras tanto, sangrientas rebeliones y guerras civiles orquestadas en países árabes han creado una crisis de refugiados en todas direcciones.

Rusia ha motivado a otros para rebelarse contra la modernidad. La protesta del Euromaidán organizada en Ucrania para derrocar al gobierno en 2014 y la desestabilización de los Estados balcánicos, de nuevo para provocar a Rusia, fueron un desafío para ésta. Entonces, los crimeanos se unieron legalmente a su Estado madre, Rusia, separándose por sí mismos del Estado artificial de Ucrania.

La parte oriental de Europa se está construyendo a sí misma sobre el respeto a las tradiciones, culturas, y el regreso a la vanguardia como el escenario para la revelación de las amenazas de la democracia liberal, el multiculturalismo, los banqueros internacionales, la corrupción, y otras cosas apuntadas a desestabilizar Europa y oriente medio a través de guerras híbridas, la crisis de refugiados, la crisis económica, los problemas del desempleo, la inmigración, y el declive de los Estados-nación europeos que han olvidado que están construidos sobre etnicidades y cuyo capital social se está volviendo más débil.

La Unión Europea también ha estado temporalmente bajo la mano de los globalistas de EEUU y su ejército de la OTAN, que están bloqueando los partidos derechistas de Europa y están golpeando a los países post-soviéticos para debilitar la integración de los Estados rusos. Naciones colonizadas o sus líderes están vengándose contra los poderes coloniales de Europa. El pueblo europeo debería reflexionar sobre su enemigo real que está debilitando Europa mediante ataques culturales. Esos enemigos que usaron a los judíos contra Europa desde 1920 a 1945 y que ahora están usando a los inmigrantes musulmanes o a los extremistas musulmanes contra Europa. El enemigo está creando enemigos y los enfrenta entre sí para su propio beneficio.

Esos enemigos planearon el mapa mundial, y están manipulando los sectores demográficos para dividir e integrar a los Estados-nación según sus necesidades, o creando Estados fallidos o artificiales para esclavizar a la población mundial y saquear los recursos globales de una manera injustísima. Sus posiciones hipócritas o dobles raseros hacia los problemas reales están ocultos bajo la cobertura de la democracia liberal.

La derecha alternativa está aprovechándose efectivamente de la cadena de acontecimientos en el intento para construir Estados europeos independientes, desmantelando la artificial y temporal Unión Europea, y cuestionando la necesidad de la OTAN. El pueblo europeo teme a los inmigrantes y refugiados en este tiempo de crisis económica mientras que los gobiernos títere bajo el control de los EEUU son inefectivos en la vigilancia de las amenazas inmigrantes musulmanas. Esas amenazas son creadas realmente por los retorcidos atlantistas en el norte de áfrica, oriente medio, Asia central, y les están urgiendo, a sabiendas o no, para girarse contra Europa. Líderes musulmanes o naciones musulmanas se han unido con las élites liberales atlantistas. Los refugiados pobres están marchando hacia países estables y desarrollados en busca de refugio y subsistencia. Las élites que manejan el poder están usando a los inmigrantes como su herramienta. Después de todo, estas naciones de inmigrantes ya estaban desestabilizadas a través de las guerras civiles orquestadas. El poder y la seguridad de las naciones árabe-musulmanas está en manos de la élite global gobernante, y mezcla compleja de problemas y sus grupos están combinadas para producir resultados sistemáticos que provoquen la tendencia de derecha alternativa a través del Este y el Oeste.

La incapacidad de las teorías políticas y líderes políticos actuales ante la gran crisis económica y social para promover cambios o diferencias cualitativas para el pueblo es un factor importante. Mientras tanto, los gobiernos de derecha alternativa deberían tomar posiciones firmes y buscar la cooperación con Rusia para proteger sus tradiciones y reducir los desafíos y efectos de la liberalización sin límites. Los partidos de derecha alternativa solamente tienen la opción de Rusia tras la disolución de la Unión Europea y tras la liberación de las élites atlantistas. Líderes sinceros e intelectuales deberían unirse para proteger las identidades nacionales y trabajar hacia el desarrollo sostenible en Europa. Las discusiones intelectuales deberían sostenerse para introducir una nueva teoría política capaz de abordar el estado actual de occidente.

Una Unión Euroasiática o una Unión Europea solamente es posible cuando los líderes políticos alcancen soluciones permanentes al actual caos mundial. Este es el tiempo para que actúen los líderes mundiales reales y responsables, que reaccionen para estabilizar los Estados fallidos en oriente medio, Europa oriental y África mediante la implementación de buenas políticas más que el saqueo y la explotación incontrolada de diferentes grupos, tribus y naciones. Es necesario perseguir el verdadero y real empoderamiento social, y los sistemas económicos estables, y la utilización justa de los recursos naturales y humanos de Eurasia para la prosperidad mundial, no para la destrucción o corrupción.

Adnan Aboobacker

Adnan Aboobacker: Analista internacional originario de la India.

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Recientes luces y sombras en la relación entre China y Europa

February 27th, 2017 by Ignacio Niño Pérez

Las últimas semanas han sido muy interesantes para el análisis de las relaciones entre la UE, sus Estados miembros y China. En efecto, en un análisis sosegado de lo sucedido estos días se nos muestran con claridad algunas luces y sombras de la cooperación entre Europa (entendiendo como tal, en sentido amplio, a la UE y a sus Estamos miembros) y China.

Para empezar, dos de los grandes países de la UE, Italia y Francia, han enviado importantes delegaciones a China. Así, el Presidente de la República italiana,  Sergio Matterella, por un lado, y el Primer Ministro francés, Bernard Cazeneuve, por otro lado (cada uno al frente de su propia comitiva político-empresarial), comenzaban el 22 de febrero sus visitas a este país.

Este hecho nos revela la cada vez mayor trascendencia que China tiene para cada uno de los grandes países de la UE. Además de los dos anteriores, el Reino Unido ya ha declarado a través de su Primera Ministra, Theresa May, su intención de construir una “era dorada” (“Golden age”) con China, que le es más necesaria que nunca en el escenario del Brexit: y,  por otro lado, es más que evidente la vocación de cooperación con China de Alemania, cuya Canciller, Angela Merkel, es la líder europea que más veces ha viajado a dicho país, nada menos que nueve veces desde la primera de ellas en 2006.

De todo ello se deduce un escenario de creciente implicación de cada uno de esos países europeos con China, respondiendo afirmativamente, con ello, a la mayor voluntad china de implicarse en el escenario global. Ayuda mucho a este proceso el interés que despierta el proyecto de las “Rutas de la Seda” (conocida por sus acrónimos, OBOR-“One Belt, One Road” o BRI-“Belt and Road Initiative”). Esta apuesta de China por la apertura global (que demuestra este proyecto y  que también puso de manifiesto Xi Jinping en su intervención en Davos), es recibida muy positivamente por una Europa todavía desconcertada por el giro de Donald Trump y el impacto del Brexit.

Sin embargo, más allá de estas “luces”, también se vienen visualizando “sombras”. Este reforzamiento de las relaciones entre Estados miembros de la UE y China no debe ocultar las dificultades que todavía existen para lograr una cooperación más franca y profunda, incluso dejando de lado el espinoso asunto de la declaración de China como “economía de mercado”.

En estos mismos días, a la par que se realizaban esas visitas, se nos han mostrado algunas de esas dificultades que pueden limitar las ambiciones de esta cooperación. Una de mucho calado es la evidencia de la “incomodidad” que para la UE supone la orientación de China de acometer una “diplomacia regional” (“China´s regional forum diplomacy”, como la denomina Alice Ekman), en especial cuando la misma se desarrolla implicando a países miembros de la UE, como es el caso del foro denominado “16+1” con países de Europa Central y Oriental, algunos de los cuales son socios comunitarios.

Así, por ejemplo, recientemente el South China Morning Post informaba sobre las reticencias manifestadas por el Embajador alemán en China  ante la creciente presencia china en el sur y este de Europa y por algunas implicaciones de las inversiones prometidas por China en dicha zona. Ya se ha visto una concreción de ello cuando se ha dado a conocer que la UE estaría investigando el proyecto de ferrocarril entre Belgrado y Budapest, cuya financiación aporta China pero que podría no cumplir con las exigentes normas de la UE en materia de contratación pública. La capacidad que pueden tener acontecimientos de este tipo para nublar las relaciones entre China y la UE nos las muestra el titular con el que el diario Global Times ha publicado la noticia: “EU´s bureaucracy gets in way of China ties”.

Todo ello nos indica algunos problemas que deberán afrontarse en el futuro en un escenario en el que China está decidida a reforzar su presencia y su papel de inversor en Europa (tanto dentro como fuera de la UE). No se trata de un asunto menor. La UE ha construido un marco normativo muy exigente en el ámbito de la contratación pública, los estándares medioambientales, la seguridad del transporte, la protección de trabajadores, etc. que no está dispuesta a ignorar o relajar por más que de la bienvenida a las inversiones chinas.

Ello afecta a la línea de flotación del propio proyecto de las “Rutas de la Seda”, cuyo principal componente es el de las infraestructuras y cuyo modelo de desarrollo es el que China viene poniendo en práctica en muchas partes del mundo: construcción con sus propios modelos de financiación, a través de sus propias empresas, con sus materiales y, en muchos casos, con trabajadores chinos. El problema es que este modelo (que ha podido valerle en algunas partes del mundo donde ha realizado un gran esfuerzo inversor), no es válido para Europa, lo que hace necesario que por parte de China se replantee el estilo de la cooperación a desarrollar en un marco de respeto a la normativa comunitaria.

En definitiva, a medida que China extienda su ambición y su alcance global, le será cada vez más necesario saber adaptarse a los diferentes contextos políticos, marcos regulatorios y entornos sociales y culturales que rigen en los ámbitos geográficos en los que busca cooperar. En el caso del que tratamos, el de Europa, esa necesidad de adaptación y flexibilidad le será más necesaria que nunca si quiere llevar a buen término su visión de Europa como una de las etapas clave de su proyecto de las “Rutas de la Seda”.

Ignacio Niño Pérez

Ignacio Niño Pérez: Máster en Estudios chinos por el INALCO-Paris VII (París) y colaborador del Observatorio de la Política China.

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Desde los orígenes del tiempo la humanidad ha buscado explicarse los imponderables que amenazan su existencia. En la antigua Grecia, cuna de nuestra civilización occidental, los relatos mitológicos cumplían esa función. Paradójicamente, uno de estos mitos ilumina el drama que hoy enfrenta nuestra civilización amenazada de muerte por fenómenos que ella misma ha engendrado y hoy no puede controlar. En este mito, Minos pide a un dios que lo ayude a conseguir el reino de Creta. Este accede a su pedido y le obsequia un magnifico toro blanco que Minos deberá sacrificar en su honor. Minos no cumple con lo pactado y se apropia del toro. El dios, buscando vengarse, instila en la esposa de Minos una pasión incontenible por el animal. El fruto de esta pasión es el Minotauro: un monstruo con cabeza de toro, cuerpo de hombre e insaciable apetito de carne humana. Minos lo oculta en un laberinto sin salida adonde arroja a los jóvenes atenienses que serán su alimento pero uno de ellos, Teseo, decide matar al Minotauro. Ariadna, hija de Minos, conoce el secreto del laberinto y le da un ovillo de hilo. Al entrar al laberinto Teseo ata un cabo del hilo y, desenrollando el ovillo, va marcando su camino. Muerto el Minotauro, volverá sobre sus pasos y encontrará la salida.

En este relato la codicia humana conduce a la ruptura de pactos de reciprocidad esenciales a la vida comunitaria y genera un canibalismo que, arropado en las tinieblas, culmina en la autodestrucción. Solo la razón –el pensamiento crítico y creativo– permitirá alumbrar el camino que conduce a la salvación. Este mito ilumina la esencia del dilema que enfrenta nuestra civilización. En lo que sigue abordaremos el análisis de algunas dimensiones de la crisis sistémica que sacude al mundo y condiciona nuestro presente.

El acceso de Trump a la presidencia de los Estados Unidos y los movimientos populistas en Europa muestran que el laberinto institucional ya no oculta al Minotauro. Este monstruo es un capitalismo global monopólico/oligopólico, un sistema social basado en ganancias sin limites aseguradas por el control monopólico de todos lo aspectos de la vida en sociedad: económicos, políticos y culturales. Este tipo de capitalismo incorpora regiones y países con culturas y sistemas políticos distintos y con economías y mercados con distinto grado de regulación. Así, ha constituido una estructura productiva y financiera mundial que, mas allá de las ideologías y de los sistemas políticos, concentra y centraliza al capital en una red de monopolios y oligopolios multinacionales, privados y públicos, interconectados de distinta manera. La dinámica de esta estructura reside en la absorción del excedente, de la riqueza acumulada y de los ingresos mundiales a través de todo tipo de rentas monopólicas.

La concentración monopólica a nivel mundial genera un movimiento centrífugo de división, dispersión y oposición de vastos sectores sociales. Hoy una espesa corteza ideológica e institucional esconde la raíz de los conflictos mundiales. Estos son impulsados, en ultima instancia, por la lucha por el poder económico y político entre grandes corporaciones multinacionales, privadas y publicas, y entre facciones de las elites políticas y burocráticas con acceso a la toma de decisiones de gobierno. Esto ocurre en un ámbito global donde los territorios, las fronteras y el sentido de identidad nacional aun siguen vigentes, y donde aumentan las demandas de diversos estratos de la población crecientemente marginalizados de los beneficios económicos y sociales. Hoy el crecimiento letárgico de la economía mundial potencia a todos los conflictos. Este tipo de crecimiento no es casual ni cíclico. Obedece a una crisis sistémica de índole nueva y de carácter mundial ( M Peralta Ramos, pagina 12 6/12/2016). Esta crisis sistémica, no es solo económico- financiera y cultural. Es también una crisis fogoneada por el agotamiento de recursos no renovables, la depredación del medio ambiente y el propio avance tecnológico.

Este capitalismo monopólico global no es sustentable. Depende totalmente de la energía proveniente de la explotación de recursos naturales no renovables. La brutal depredación de los mismos ha precipitado el inicio de su agotamiento. Hoy el 81% de las fuentes de abastecimiento de petróleo liquido ha disminuido su potencial productivo (HSBC Resources and Energy, September 2016) Estudios científicos muestran que la cantidad de energía que se extrae del petróleo es menor que la cantidad de energía insumida en extraerla. Este valor neto (ó EROI energy return on investment) es hoy la mitad de lo que era hace 15 años (, 2016 ) El valor neto de la energía extraída de otros recursos no renovables (shale, arenas bituminosas, gas, uranio) es todavía mas bajo que el de la energía convencional. Esta ultima constituye la mayor parte de la energía que hoy consumimos y no puede ser totalmente sustituida por energías renovables en un lapso de tiempo razonable. Esta situación, de serias consecuencias económicas y sociales, es minimizada, negada o ignorada. Sin embargo, desde hace mucho tiempo la guerra asola las regiones con mayores reservas de hidrocarburos.

La explotación intensiva del carbón y del petróleo y sus derivados, ha tenido un enorme impacto sobre la temperatura del planeta y del medio ambiente. El cambio climático, las catástrofes naturales de diversa índole y la extinción de diversas especies animales y vegetales son hoy una realidad. Si bien existe consenso científico sobre las causas de estos fenómenos, las ganancias monopólicas de corto plazo prevalecen sobre los intereses de la población y los gobiernos del mundo, desconociendo la gravedad del problema, no adoptan las medidas necesarias para evitar que la depredación del medio ambiente se vuelva irreversible y precipite una catástrofe humanitaria en un plazo no tan lejano.

Por otra parte, el capitalismo monopólico global ha engendrado una revolución tecnológica de consecuencias imprevisibles no solo para la organización de la sociedad sino para la propia existencia humana. La robotización impregna hoy la carrera armamentista, e impacta de lleno sobre la organización social y económica afectando a la generación del empleo y a los salarios tanto en los países centrales como en los emergentes. Asimismo el espectacular desarrollo de la inteligencia artificial en los tres últimos años permite anticipar una era no lejana en la que la inteligencia de las maquinas superará a la inteligencia humana con consecuencias imprevisibles para la vida en el planeta. A pesar de la voz de alerta de científicos y grandes empresarios la enormidad de estos desafíos tecnológicos es hoy totalmente ignorada ( 27/10/2014; 2/12/2014; 27/ 7/ 2015) .

Sabemos, desde hace tiempo, que una guerra nuclear o biológica de índole catastrófica es posible. Sin embargo, desconocemos que la catástrofe es inherente a la dinámica de nuestra propia organización económica, social, política y cultural. Como en el mito griego, el monstruo yace oculto. Podemos vislumbrarlo a través de las grietas de su laberinto pero no podemos ver su capacidad auto destructiva. Hoy el fenómeno Trump intenta aggiornar al Minotauro. Sin embargo, es solo el síntoma de la profundidad de la crisis.

La campaña presidencial norteamericana puso al descubierto la enorme pérdida de legitimidad de las instituciones políticas, de las finanzas, de los principales medios de comunicación y del propio aparato de inteligencia americano. Trump enfrentó al establishment tradicional cabalgando sobre las demandas de vastas capas de la sociedad marginalizadas económica y políticamente desde hace décadas. Obtuvo un triunfo electoral, pero en un contexto caracterizado por el 42% de abstención electoral. A un mes de asumir la presidencia, sus diatribas xenófobas y proteccionistas contradicen la importancia que titanes del mundo corporativo han adquirido en su gabinete de billonarios. Goldman Sachs- el grupo financiero de mayor influencia en la política económica de los cuatro últimos gobiernos norteamericanos- controla hoy los puestos económicos de mayor importancia. Asimismo, y como un indicador de la relevancia actual del petróleo en la geopolítica, un ejecutivo de la multinacional petrolera Exxon Mobil, fuertemente vinculado a empresas petroleras rusas, controla la política exterior. Este avance corporativo ocurre en un contexto político muy agitado por la abierta intervención política de sectores del aparato de inteligencia. A través de filtraciones de información altamente sensible pretenden vincular a Trump y a sus asociados con Rusia, fogoneando así una investigación impulsada por los grandes medios de comunicación y el partido demócrata sobre el supuesto rol ruso en la campaña presidencial. Estos intentos de desestabilización, sumados al carácter irreverente e impredecible de Trump y a la pugna de facciones en su entorno, auguran la posibilidad de un “golpe blando” de imprevisibles consecuencias económicas y políticas.

Mónica Peralta Ramos

Mónica Peralta Ramos: Socióloga.

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Diplomacia, lucha de clases y democracia en la era Trump

February 27th, 2017 by Prof. James Petras


Al terminar el primer mes de la Administración Trump, nos encontramos en una mejor situación para evaluar las políticas y la dirección del nuevo presidente. El examen de sus políticas interior y exterior, especialmente desde una perspectiva histórica y comparativa, nos permitirá entender si EE.UU. va camino de una catástrofe, como afirman los medios de comunicación, o hacia una mayor racionalidad y realismo. Vamos a analizar si Trump busca la guerra o la diplomacia. Evaluaremos las iniciativas del presidente para reducir la deuda externa y las cargas comerciales con Europa y Asia. Continuaremos revisando sus programas proteccionistas y sobre inmigración con México y terminaremos viendo las perspectivas de la democracia en Estados Unidos en estos momentos.

Política exterior

Los encuentros del presidente con los dirigentes de Japón, Reino Unido y Canadá han sido bastante fructíferos. Su reunión con [el primer ministro de Japón] Shinzo Abe afianzó los lazos diplomáticos y obtuvo la promesa de que el país nipón aumentaría las inversiones en el sector automovilístico estadounidense. Puede que Trump consiga mejorar las relaciones comerciales reduciendo el desequilibrio en la balanza comercial. Trump y Abe adoptaron una postura moderada ante la prueba de misiles norcoreanos en el Mar de Japón y rechazaron el aumento de los gastos militares que reclamaban los medios de comunicación neoliberales.

La reunión EE.UU.-Reino Unido en la era pos-Brexit dio como resultado la promesa de un aumento del comercio bilateral.

En cuanto a China, Trump ha mejorado las relaciones con este país, apoyando sin ambages la política de “una sola China” y dando paso a la renegociación y el reequilibrio del balance comercial.

Estados Unidos respaldó el voto unánime de condena del Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU al lanzamiento de misiles norcoreanos. Trump no lo consideró una amenaza militar ni propuso incrementar el nivel de sanciones.

La política de reconciliación de Trump hacia Rusia, destinada a mejorar la lucha contra el terrorismo islamista, se ha visto obstaculizada. Bajo el liderazgo de la senadora de la izquierda liberal Elizabeth Warren, partidaria de la caza de brujas, ¡los militaristas neoconservadores y los demócratas declararon a Rusia como la principal amenaza a la seguridad nacional estadounidense!

El bombardeo constante y furibundo de los medios de comunicación forzó el cese del Consejero Nacional de Seguridad de Trump, el general retirado Michael Flynn, en base a una ley del siglo XVIII (la Ley Logan) que prohíbe a los ciudadanos discutir cuestiones políticas con dirigentes extranjeros. Dicha ley nunca había sido implementada. De haberlo sido, cientos de miles de ciudadanos estadounidenses, especialmente los peces gordos incluidos entre los 51 “presidentes de las principales organizaciones judías “de EE.UU., así como los editores de política exterior de todos los grandes y pequeños medios de comunicación estadounidenses y los analistas de política exterior estarían encadenados junto a narcotraficantes convictos. Sin avergonzarse por la absurdidad o la trivialización de la tragedia, esta reciente “tempestad en un vaso de agua” ha generado llamamientos apasionados dentro de los medios y del Partido Demócrata para iniciar una nueva “investigación como la del 11-S” sobre las conversaciones del general Flynn con los rusos.

El contratiempo de Trump con a cuenta de su consejero de seguridad nacional hace peligrar una política exterior menos belicosa. Subraya el riesgo de confrontaciones nucleares y represión interna. Dichos peligros, que incluyen una posible purga antirusa –al estilo del tristemente célebre senador McCarthy– de los individuos realistas en política exterior, son responsabilidad exclusiva de la alianza de los ultramilitaristas del partido demócrata y los neoconservadores. En todo caso, nada de esto aborda los graves problemas socioeconómicos internos.

La búsqueda del equilibrio en el gasto y el comercio exterior

El compromiso público de Trump de reequilibrar las relaciones con la OTAN, es decir, reducir la cuota de EE.UU. en su financiación, ya ha dado comienzo. Actualmente, solo cinco miembros de la alianza cumplen con la contribución requerida. En el caso de que Alemania, Italia, España, Canadá, Francia y otros 18 miembros cumplieran con sus compromisos, el presupuesto de la OTAN aumentaría en más de 100.000 millones de dólares, lo que reduciría el desequilibrio en la balanza exterior de EE.UU.

Evidentemente, sería mucho mejor para todos que la OTAN se desmantelara y que las distintas naciones que la forman reasignaran sus partidas de millardos de dólares hacia gastos sociales y el desarrollo de sus economías domésticas.

Trump ha anunciado importantes esfuerzos para reducir el desequilibrio comercial con Asia. Al contrario de lo que se afirman algunos “expertos” en comercio exterior en los medios de comunicación, China no es el único de los “infractores”, ni siquiera el mayor, que se aprovechan del desequilibrio comercial con Estados Unidos.

El actual superávit en el balance comercial de China equivale al 5% de su PIB, el de Corea del Sur al 8%, el de Taiwán al 15% y el de Singapur al 19% respectivamente. El objetivo de Trump es reducir el desequilibrio comercial de EE.UU. a 20.000 millones de dólares con cada uno de los países, equivalente al 3% del PIB. La cuota de Trump de 100.000 millones de dólares contrasta agudamente con el desequilibrio comercial de los “Cinco Grandes” asiáticos (Japón, China, Corea del Sur, Taiwán y Singapur), equivalente a 700.000 millones de dólares en 2015, según datos de FMI.

En resumen, Trump está actuando para reducir los desequilibrios externos un 85% con el fin de incrementar la producción doméstica y crear empleos en las industrias ubicadas en Estados Unidos.

Trump y Latinoamérica

La política latinoamericana de Trump se ha centrado fundamentalmente en México y, en mucha menor medida, en el resto del continente.

La principal decisión de la Casa Blanca ha sido echar por tierra el Acuerdo Transpacífico de Cooperación Económica de Obama (TPP, por sus siglas en inglés), que favorecía a las corporaciones multinacionales que explotan la mano de obra de Chile, Perú y México y resultaba atractivo para los regímenes neoliberales de Argentina y Uruguay. Trump hereda del presidente Obama numerosas bases militares en Colombia, la base de Guantánamo en Cuba y las bases de Argentina. El Pentágono continúa la guerra fría de Obama contra Venezuela y ha acusado de forma falsaria al vicepresidente de aquel país de tráfico de drogas.

Trump ha prometido cambiar la política comercial y de inmigración con México. A pesar de la amplia oposición que ha levantado su política migratoria, aún le falta mucho para igualar la expulsión masiva de emigrantes mexicanos y centroamericanos acometida por Obama, campeón indiscutible en ese campo, que deportó a 2,2 millones de emigrantes junto a sus familias en ocho años, o lo que es igual, unos 275.000 al mes. En su primer mes al mando, el presidente Trump ha expulsado solo un 10% del porcentaje medio deportado por Obama.

El presidente Trump ha prometido renegociar el Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte (NAFTA), imponiendo una tasa sobre las importaciones y persuadiendo a las empresas multinacionales para que regresen e inviertan en EE.UU.

Hay muchas ventajas ocultas para México si decide responder a las políticas de Trump con sus propias medidas económicas de “proteccionismo recíproco”. Bajo el NAFTA, 2 millones de agricultores mexicanos entraron en bancarrota y se han dedicado millardos de dólares a la importación de arroz, maíz y otros alimentos de primera necesidad (subvencionados), de EE.UU. Una política de “primero México” podría reavivar la agricultura mexicana para el consumo doméstico y la exportación; esto disminuiría la emigración de campesinos mexicanos. México podría renacionalizar su sector petrolero e invertir en refinerías en el propio país, lo que le supondría la ganancia de millardos de dólares y reduciría la importación de productos petroleros refinados de EE.UU. Al tener que implantar una política de sustitución de las importaciones, la manufactura local podría reactivar el mercado y el empleo internos. Aumentarían los trabajos en la economía formal y se reduciría el número de jóvenes en paro, carne de cañón para los cárteles de la droga y otras bandas criminales. Mediante la nacionalización de los bancos y el control de los flujos de capital, México podría interrumpir la fuga de capitales cifrada en alrededor de 50.000 millones de dólares de fondos ilícitos al año. Por su parte, estos programas nacional-populares incentivarían la elección de nuevos líderes que podrían iniciar la purga de la policía corrupta, los militares corruptos y los líderes políticos corruptos.

En resumen, aunque las políticas de Trump podrían causar algunas pérdidas a corto plazo, a medio y largo plazo pueden suponer sustanciales ventajas para el pueblo mexicano y su nación.


La elección del presidente Trump ha provocado una virulenta campaña autoritaria que amenaza nuestras libertades democráticas.

La propaganda continuada y bien coordinada emitida por todos los grandes medios de comunicación y por los dos principales partidos políticos ha fabricado y distorsionado informes y ha alentado a los representantes elegidos a atacar salvajemente a las personas nombradas por Trump para hacerse cargo de las responsabilidades en política exterior, forzando dimisiones e inversión de las políticas. La dimisión forzosa del consejero de Seguridad Nacional, Michael Flynn ha puesto de manifiesto la agenda belicista del partido demócrata contra la Rusia en poder de armas nucleares. Los senadores liberales, que solían pronunciar grandiosos discursos contra “Wall Street” y el “Uno por ciento”, ahora exigen que Trump se niegue a colaborar con el presidente Putin para detener la amenaza real que supone el Estado Islámico, mientras apoyan a los neonazis ucranianos. Los iconos liberales presionan abiertamente para incrementar la presencia de buques de guerra en Asia con el fin de provocar a China, a la vez que se oponen a la política de Trump favorable a renegociar los tratados comerciales con Pekín.

Hay multitud de peligros y ventajas ocultos en esta guerra política de partidos.

Trump ha sacado a la luz las mentiras y distorsiones sistémicas de los medios de comunicación, confirmando la desconfianza que les profesa la mayoría del pueblo. Esta baja opinión que tienen los estadounidenses, especialmente los que habitan el devastado centro del país (aquellos a quienes Hillary Clinton llamaba “los deplorables”) se corresponde claramente con el profundo desdén de los medios por esta enorme porción del electorado. En realidad, la cháchara constante de los medios acerca de cómo los malvados “rusos” habían pirateado las elecciones presidenciales de EE.UU. dando la victoria a Donald Trump es más bien una cortina de humo para enmascarar su reticencia a denunciar abiertamente a los “blancos pobres” –incluyendo a los trabajadores y campesinos estadounidenses– que votaron abrumadoramente por Trump. Este elemento regional y de clase ayuda mucho a explicar la continua histeria provocada por la victoria de Trump. Las élites, los intelectuales y los burócratas están furiosos por el hecho de que “la canasta de deplorables” de Clinton rechazara al sistema y a sus portavoces bien peinados y de uñas cuidadas.

Por vez primera, se ha abierto un debate político sobre la libertad de expresión al más alto nivel del gobierno. Ese mismo debate se prolonga al modo en que el nuevo presidente se ha enfrentado al enorme e incontrolado aparato policial del Estado (el FBI, la NSA, la CIA, la Seguridad Nacional, etc.), tremendamente ampliado bajo la presidencia de Obama.

La política comercial y de alianzas de Trump ha despertado al Congreso y ha provocado que empiece a debatir sobre temas sustanciales en vez de hacerlo por nimiedades de procedimientos internos. La retórica política de Trump ha provocado manifestaciones masivas de protesta, algunas de buena fe, aunque otras pagadas por los megamillonarios que respaldan al Partido Demócrata, como el “Padre de las Revoluciones de Colores” George Soros. Sería importante saber si estas manifestaciones pueden provocar la aparición de auténticos movimientos democráticos y socialistas de base capaces de organizarse y aprovechar la división en las élites.

Las falaces acusaciones de contactos “traicioneros” con el embajador ruso que supuestamente realizó el consejero de Seguridad Nacional de Trump Michael Flynn cuando todavía era civil y la utilización de la Ley Logan relativa a la discusión de política exterior con gobiernos extranjeros abren la posibilidad de investigar a algunos legisladores, como Charles Schumer y otros cientos, por discutir la posición estratégica de EE.UU. con autoridades israelíes…

Gane o pierda, la administración Trump ha provocado un debate sobre las posibilidades de paz con una superpotencia nuclear, sobre la reconsideración del inmenso déficit comercial y la necesidad de defender la democracia contra amenazas autoritarias de la denominada “comunidad de inteligencia” contra un presidente electo.

Trump y la lucha de clases

La agenda socioeconómica de Trump ya ha puesto en marcha poderosas corrientes subterráneas del conflicto de clases. Los medios de comunicación y la clase política se han centrado en los conflictos relativos a la inmigración, los temas de género y las relaciones con Rusia, la OTAN e Israel así como en las políticas internas del partido. Estos conflictos oscurecen antagonismos de clase más profundos, procedentes de las propuestas económicas radicales del presidente.

Sus propuestas para reducir el poder de las instituciones federales de regulación y de investigación, simplificar y reducir los impuestos, recortar la partida destinada a la OTAN, renegociar o dar por finalizados los acuerdos multilaterales y recortar los presupuestos de investigación, sanidad y educación, amenazan el empleo de millones de trabajadores y funcionarios del sector público en toda la nación. Entre los cientos de miles de manifestantes que han participado en las marchas de mujeres por la inmigración y la educación, miles son empleados públicos y sus familiares, que ven amenazado su sustento económico. Lo que, en una primera instancia pueden parecer protestas por determinados derechos humanos, culturales o identitarios, en realidad son manifestaciones de una lucha más profunda y más general de los empleados del sector público que se oponen a la agenda privatizadora del Estado, que a su vez obtiene su respaldo de clase de los pequeños empresarios atraídos por la bajada de impuestos y una reducción de las cargas regulatorias, así como de los cuadros de las escuelas y los hospitales privados que gozan de subvención estatal.

Las medidas proteccionistas de Trump, entre las que se incluyen las ayudas a la exportación, enfrentan a los fabricantes internos con los importadores multimillonarios de bienes de consumo baratos.

Las propuestas de Donald Trump destinadas a desregular el petróleo, el gas, la madera, las exportaciones agrícolas y minerales y las inversiones en grandes infraestructuras tienen el respaldo de los jefes y trabajadores de dichos sectores. Ello ha provocado un grave conflicto con los ecologistas, los trabajadores y productores comunitarios, los pueblos indígenas y sus simpatizantes.

La iniciativa inicial de Trump de movilizar a las fuerzas internas opuestas a continuar destinando gran parte del presupuesto federal a las guerras en el extranjero y partidarias de la construcción de un imperio basado en las relaciones de mercado ha sido derrotada por los esfuerzos conjuntos del complejo militar-industrial, el aparato de inteligencia y sus defensores dentro de la coalición de las élites políticas liberal-neoconservadoras-militaristas y sus seguidores de masas.

La lucha de clases en curso se ha profundizado y amenaza con destruir el orden constitucional en dos sentidos: el conflicto puede llevar a una crisis institucional, a la destitución forzosa de un presidente electo y a la instalación de un régimen híbrido, que preservaría los programas más reaccionarios de ambas partes de la lucha de clases. Podría llegar a ocurrir que importadores, inversores y trabajadores de las industrias extractivas, defensores de la educación y la sanidad privatizadas, belicistas y miembros del politizado aparato de seguridad se hicieran con el control total del Estado. Por otro lado, si la lucha de clases consigue movilizar a los trabajadores del sector público, a los del sector comercial, a los desempleados, a los demócratas contrarios a la guerra, a los emprendedores de la tecnología de la información y a los patronos que dependen de inmigrantes cualificados, así como a los científicos y a los ecologistas en un movimiento de masas dispuesto a apoyar un salario digno y a unirse en torno a intereses de clase comunes, será posible lograr un profundo cambio del sistema. A medio plazo, la unión de estos movimientos de clase puede llevar a un régimen híbrido progresista.

James Petras

James Petras: Sociólogo estadounidense conocido por sus estudios sobre el imperialismo, la lucha de clases y los conflictos latinoamericanos.

Artículo original en inglés:

Donald Trump

President Trump: Diplomacy and Democracy in America, publicado el 19 de febrero de 2017.

Traducido para Rebelión por Paco Muñoz de Bustillo.

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Dilación y perfidia unidas para sabotear negociaciones sobre Siria

February 27th, 2017 by Pedro García Hernández

La cuarta ronda de negociaciones para tratar de conseguir la paz en Siria en Ginebra, Suiza, es de nuevo objeto de dilaciones y la perfidia de quienes patrocinan el terrorismo, reflejadas en acciones políticas endebles de la oposición y los atentados y sabotajes de los extremistas armados.

Tanto el Estado Islámico, Daesh en árabe, como el Frente para la Conquista del Levante, otrora Al Nusra, y grupos asociados a éstos, incrementan los ataques a la infraestructura en territorio sirio.

Bashar Jaafari, representante permanente de Siria ante Naciones Unidas y jefe de la delegación oficial en Ginebra, calificó como un ataque político al proceso de paz el doble ataque perpetrado este sábado en Homs y que costó la vida a medio centenar de personas. Con estos ataques, sostuvo, el Frente al Nusra buscaba frustrar las conversaciones, ‘pero no caeremos en la trampa’ y reiteró que quienes no condenen esas acciones están indudablemente del lado de los terroristas, luego de una reunión con el enviado especial, Staffan De Mistura.

Semanas antes del inicio de las reuniones en Ginebra, el ex AlNusra y Daesh y en una no aparente coordinación teórica pero sí práctica, incrementaron los ataques suicidas y el sabotaje a plantas de gas en la central provincia siria de Homs y en poblados y localidades de la de Deraá, a unos 100 kilómetros al sur de Damasco.

De igual forma, lanzaban ofensivas en Deir Ezzor y Sweida, junto a la frontera con Jordania y cuando previamente el gobierno de Ammán anunció disposición de grupos armados para entablar negociaciones y un cese del fuego.

Junto a esto, tanto el ex Al Nusra, desde la región de Idleb como el Daesh, desde Raqqa y hacia Palmira, en la provincia de Homs, lanzaban proyectiles de mortero contra Alepo y localidades cercanas o destruían monumentos arqueológicos en la historica ciudad en medio del desierto sirio, la cual reocuparon en diciembre pasado.

Entre las más graves afectaciones, está el sabotaje a las plantas de gas generadores del 65 por ciento por ciento de la electricidad del país, todas prácticamente fuera de servicio y que obligan a nuevas medidas del racionamiento y que alcanzan las 20 horas diarias.

De otro lado, de mantiene una complicada situación militar en la región Al Bab, en el norte de Alepo y fronteriza con Turquía, cuyas tropas penetraron en territorio sirio desde agosto del 2016 para ejecutar una llamada Operación Eufrates, presuntamente destinada a combatir al Daesh y a los grupos de las autodefensas kurdas.

No obstante ese escabroso panorama, y la desunión evidente entre los miembros del oposicionista Alto Comité de Negociaciones (ACN) y otras organizaciones que no lo integran, la sensata actuación del gobierno sirio, Rusia e Irán, mantienen esperanzas en el diálogo sin condiciones previas de ninguna de las partes.

Con ese objetivo y a pesar de los obstáculos, se busca atenuar una crisis por una guerra impuesta a esta nación del Levante y que ha costado más de medio millón de personas muertas, mutiladas o heridas, así como pérdidas económicas superiores a los 200 mil millones de dólares.

Pedro García Hernández

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Los enfrentamientos entre el presidente Donald Trump y algunos de los principales medios de prensa norteamericanos, lejos de amainar, pasan hoy a nuevos planos de confrontación fuera de las redes sociales y con hechos concretos.

Los compases de estos ataques, que ya llegan a calificarse como guerra, comenzaron desde la etapa de la campaña electoral, cuando el entonces candidato presidencial republicano llegó a tildar a las empresas periodísticas de corruptas, injustas y deshonestas.

Tras su arribo a la Casa Blanca, diversos periódicos, televisoras y portales digitales se convirtieron en rivales frecuentes a los que el jefe de Estado ha dedicado numerosas publicaciones en su cuenta de la red social Twitter, un escenario al que Trump acude con asiduidad para compartir sus ideas.

Los medios de comunicación de noticias falsas no dicen la verdad a conciencia. Un gran peligro para nuestro país. El fallido The New York Times se ha convertido en una broma. Del mismo modo CNN. ÂíTriste!, escribió anoche en la plataforma de microblogging.

Ese tuit se produjo ante las críticas lanzadas contra la Casa Blanca después de que varios espacios noticiosos fueran vetados de una reunión informativa informal con su secretario de prensa, Sean Spicer.

CNN, el Times, los sitios digitales Politico y The Hill, entre otras organizaciones, tuvieron prohibida la entrada al encuentro, al que sí asistieron las televisoras NBC y Fox News, y los conservadores Breitbart News, The Washington Times y One America News Network.

Para el periódico New York Daily News, otro de los que no pudo estar presente en la cita, el hecho parecía una decisión calculada, probablemente dirigida a conseguir que los reporteros se enfoquen en ese tipo de noticias en lugar de contar historias más amplias sobre las acciones de la administración Trump.

El editor ejecutivo de The New York Times, Dean Baquet, señaló a su vez que ‘nada similar sucedió antes en la Casa Blanca en nuestra larga historia de coberturas a las actividades de muchas administraciones anteriores de diferentes partidos y, por eso, rechazamos de forma enérgica la exclusión de nuestro periódico y de otros medios’.

La Asociación de Corresponsales de la mansión ejecutiva emitió un comunicado en el que dijo protestar enérgicamente contra la forma en que la presidencia manejó la reunión del viernes y alentó a los medios que pudieron estar presentes a compartir el material con las otras empresas.

A su vez, el Club Nacional de Prensa estimó que esa acción se remonta a los capítulos más oscuros de la historia de Estados Unidos y apesta a censura antinorteamericana e inconstitucional.

Según archivos de audio compartidos tras el encuentro, Spicer dijo que contrariarían incesantemente las coberturas que consideraran imprecisas.

Vamos a empujar de manera agresiva, no nos sentaremos ni dejaremos que salgan narraciones e historias falsas, hechos inexactos, apuntó el secretario de prensa.

La postura de Spicer fue vista como una reacción inmediata a las declaraciones reiteradas por Trump este viernes ante la Conferencia de Acción Política Conservadora, en la que volvió a calificar a la prensa de enemiga del pueblo ante los cuales debe hacerse algo.

El principal asesor de la presidencia, Stephen Bannon, indicó en ese mismo foro que se preparan para una pelea interminable con los principales medios de comunicación.

Tales sucesos y declaraciones representan nuevos momentos de una trama que todavía parece tener muchas páginas por delante, y que podría encenderse más a medida que se aproxime la tradicional Cena de Corresponsales de la Casa Blanca, fijada para el 29 de abril venidero.

Diversos medios difundieron ayer que la agencia Bloomberg no realizará una fiesta que suele organizar después de ese evento, algo que también habían anunciado antes las revistas Vanity Fair y The New Yorker, en respuesta al comportamiento de Trump hacia la prensa.

Para algunas fuentes, la realización de la cena parece algo insostenible este año dada la tirantez entre el presidente, las organizaciones noticiosas y muchas figuras del mundo del espectáculo que participan en la celebración.

Mientras tanto, la comediante Samantha Lee anunció que prepara para esa misma noche un acto alternativo en Washington que fue bautizado como La no cena de los corresponsales de la Casa Blanca.

Martha Andrés

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In these uncertain, crazy, polarizing and scary times we live in, one thing I think everyone can agree on is this: if viewed as a single macro-organism, humanity has fallen ill. There has been a sickness—a type of madness—existing deep within the soul of humanity that for many years has been infecting the global body politic that, instead of continuing to hide in the shadows, is now becoming glaringly and undeniably obvious. Current political events are the manifestation of a deeper process that has been brewing in the cauldron of the collective unconscious of humanity for many years, maybe even from the beginning of our appearance on this planet.

With the ascension of Donald Trump onto the highest throne of political power on planet earth, some of us might feel that the sickness is finally going to be called out, illumined and healed, while others feel that Trump and his administration are themselves the current purveyors, lineage holders and embodiments of the sickness. Either way, the fact that humanity is not well—afflicted with some sort of disorder—is something I think we can all agree upon; this might be a good starting point for our inquiry. The obvious question: What is the nature of this deeper sickness that is pulsing through the veins of humanity?

In contemplating this very question, philosopher John McMurtry, author of the brilliant book The Cancer Stage of Capitalism, refers to the “Great Sickness” that pervades our modern day capitalist system as having all of the hallmark qualities of cancer. He is pointing out that the diagnosis of cancer precisely maps onto a macro-analysis of our current body politic, which is to say that what is happening collectively in our world can be recognized to be a form of cancer.

Professor McMurtry is taking a whole systems approach as he analyzes what is happening in our world from a meta-perspective; he is pointing at the deeper fundamental process that connects, informs and gives shape to the events that are happening in our world today. Without taking sides, I will simply be contemplating the nature of this deeper pathology, and will leave it to the reader to recognize how this might help make sense of the ever-amplifying contagious madness that is playing out in our current political and psycho-social landscape.

The Public Sector

In diagnosing our global disorder as being cancerous, Professor McMurtry is not speaking metaphorically, but rather, is offering an explanatory model. What other disease exponentially metastasizes so as to increasingly capture the resources of the life-host it is invading so as to foster its own proliferation? It is as if cancer, a disease that typically happens within an individual body has changed channels and is materializing in, as and through the global body politic.

If humanity and the biosphere as a whole and are seen as a single organism, this carcinogenic seeming-entity[1] continually degrades our social and natural life-support systems, depredating the productive life of societies at every level, while it itself is devoid of any productive life-function, other than to create ever-more wealth for the already unthinkably wealthy – a process that McMurtry describes as “incarnate evil.”

The cancer sponsors a never-ending attack on the public sector, which it is continually trying to defund, dismantle and privatize. Public treasuries are hollowed out on all levels, which generate the direct blood flow to the cancer system. The carcinogenic agent pollutes, strips, depletes and despoils the earth ever more deeply and widely at every level, all the while accepting no accountability. It expropriates and re-channels revenues that should be devoted to people’s life-sustenance to feed its own private financial circuits at every turn. The cancer infiltrates and subjugates more and more public resources to privatize them so as to financialize them, i.e., turning them into money. And one thing we can be sure about: most of us—in modern parlance, the 99%—are not the ones seeing this money.

Public money is continually injected to sustain the carcinogenic circuits, funds that are not only taken out of citizens’ lives—now and in the future—but are being myopically extracted from the lives of the yet-to-be-born. As the system collapses, the financial liabilities are transferred to taxpayers to hold as their debts or toxic assets. In an inversion typical of abusive family systems, blame is placed on the victims, who are accused of, for example, “spending beyond their means.” The more the cancer invades the host and metastasizes, the more public money is allocated to its growth to further the ever-deepening downward spiral, feeding what McMurtry calls the “publicly subsidized transnational oligopoly.”

To put it simply: The entire carcinogenic process is financed by and paid for by the public. To the extent that we are unaware of the cancer and think and act as if everything is normal, we are buying into and colluding with its growth. Recognizing our complicity is a crucial step in accessing our power to stop being part of the problem and start becoming part of the solution.

Immune System

The key to succumbing to cancer is the immune-system’s failure to recognize and respond to the rogue code of what is attacking it. McMurtry writes that “the ultimate problem is that the disorder has not been recognized for what it is.”[2] Without recognizing what McMurtry also calls “the great disorder,” we remain lost in its symptoms, distracted from the root of the problem, as the pathology endlessly deepens. When what attacks an organism is not recognized, a malignant system mutation has occurred. We always know that a civilization is breaking down when it excludes recognition of and social response to its own degenerate trends.

The carcinogenic invasive agent avoids detection, as it suppresses, disables and eventually hijacks the immune system of the host. The disease incessantly attacks all systems and institutions that can successfully overcome it. When the social immune system recognizes the invasive element and corrective feedback loops begin to respond to the disorder, they are invariably targeted, invaded and diverted to feed the pathology, deepening the global disorder rather than resolving it. The fact that the immune system is compromised to the point that the disease isn’t even recognized is showing us that one of the fundamental channels of the cancer’s operations is the human psyche.

Official policies keep feeding the metastasizing cancer, even while the system is in the process of bankrupting (i.e., killing) itself, which is the tell-tale sign of life-host capture by the carcinogen. In a financial and corporate global coup d’etat, the ravenous appetite of the financial juggernaut (Matt Taibbi’s infamous and aptly named “vampire squid”) continually subjugates governments and the rule of law to protect itself from any accountability. Individuals, political movements and institutions can unwittingly become mere instruments of these deeper, more powerful forces. Like a body’s immune system being co-opted and turned into an accomplice of the very disease that it is supposed to monitor, instead of governments and courts reining in the carcinogenic invader, they have become its primary enforcers, paralyzed and subsumed by the disease. Though taken over to a large degree, our judiciary is still slightly independent, which is one of the few remaining safeguards left against full takeover by the cancer.

Cancer usually exists long before it is diagnosed; the current outbreak has been a long time coming. This carcinogenic process can take many years to bypass the organism’s (be it a person or a society’s) immune system. The cancer spreads not only without any regulators to stop it, but with continual deregulation of the rules that could potentially stop it; it makes sure to remove all existing defenses against it. This points to the fact that the forces behind deregulation—be they Big Oil, the financial industry, the military-industrial complex or any number of other private interests—are all facets of the disease.

The Greatest Epidemic Sickness Known To Humanity

Whereas McMurtry refers to the great sickness, scholar Jack Forbes, author of Columbus and Other Cannibals, refers to “the greatest epidemic sickness known to humanity” – what the Native Americans call wetiko disease. Wetiko can be conceived of as an immaterial, formless cancer of the human psyche, as the psyche is both its source as well as the medium through which the disorder covertly operates and propagates itself throughout the human family. Working through the projective tendencies of our minds, wetiko hides itself from being seen—thereby disabling our cognitive immune system—by distorting our perception of the world, ourselves and our place in it so as to act itself out through us while simultaneously rendering itself invisible (Inspired by Forbes’ work on wetiko, I have written a book on the subject – Dispelling Wetiko: Breaking the Curse of Evil).

Analogous to McMurtry’s great sickness, those taken over by wetiko consume the life force of others, both human and nonhuman, for private purpose or profit, and do so without giving back anything of real value from their own lives. By whatever name we call it, McMurtry and Forbes are both pointing at what seem to be interrelated aspects of the same deeper underlying sickness. As best as I can tell, McMurtry’s great sickness is a full-bodied, incarnate manifestation of wetiko acting itself out in the social, political and economic realms. In other words, McMurtry’s cancer appears to be an expression and creation of a wetiko-ized collective psyche writ large on the world stage. As I wrote in Dispelling Wetiko, “The corruption in the global financial system is one of the most rapid vectors and pathways through which the ravenous virus of wetiko is wreaking havoc, propagating itself and going pandemic in our world.”[3]

An inner psycho-spiritual disease of the soul, wetiko explicates itself through the medium of the external world. It has the amazing ability to transcend the seeming boundary between the inner and outer worlds so as to reveal itself through its manifestations—such as McMurtry’s great sickness—in the external world. Wetiko nonlocally[4] informs, configures and gives shape to events in the outside world so as to express itself in full-bodied form, while at the same time synchronistically revealing what is going on deep within the psyche (which is its ultimate source). This is reminiscent of and precisely isomorphic to how unconscious, unhealed abuse gets compulsively re-enacted and literally and symbolically played out—in full-bodied form—in our lives.

To quote the great doctor of the soul C. G. Jung, (image left) “A political situation is the manifestation of a parallel psychological problem in millions of individuals. This problem is largely unconscious (which makes it a particularly dangerous one).”[5] If we don’t realize that our current world crisis has its roots within, and is an externalized expression of the human psyche (what Jung calls “the World Power that vastly exceeds all other powers on earth”[6]), then, as if having a recurring dream, we are fated—doomed—to unconsciously, compulsively and repeatedly re-create endless destruction in more and more amplified form. Our waking dream will then be destined to continue with ever-alarming intensity, becoming a nightmare until we receive its message and take appropriate action.


By whatever name we call it, this cancer of the psyche induces what Sci-Fi author Philip K. Dick refers to as a “negative hallucination” – i.e., instead of seeing what’s not there, as if suffering from a form of blindness, we can’t see what is there. Interestingly, the wetiko carcinogen is a form of psychic blindness that believes itself to not only be sighted, but fancies itself to be more sighted than those who are actually seeing clearly.

The cancer can also be likened to an “anti-information virus,” in that not only does it block the reception of information, it substitutes false information for the real thing. Whether it’s fake news, alternative facts, mainstream media propaganda or our government’s lies, it is getting increasingly harder in this Orwellian world of ours to discern what is in fact actually happening. It is noteworthy that according to Buddhism, lying is the origin of all evil.

McMurtry writes, “This collapse of the distinction between truth and fiction opens the way to totalitarian occupation of consciousness.”[7] Instead of occupying national territories, the cancer and its tumors occupy and feed off of public consciousness. As political theorist Hannah Arendt pointed out long ago, the big lie (what McMurtry refers to as the omnipervasive lie)—the most notorious characteristic of totalitarianism—takes hold when the line between fact and fiction becomes overridden as a matter of normalized routine. This is why totalitarian regimes depend on keeping knowledge and free public discourse silenced and repressed. As soon as enough people start seeing through the lies, recognize what is in fact actually happening and are able to creatively transmit their lucidity to others, the collective spell is broken.

Jung, though obviously not familiar with either McMurtry’s or Forbes’ work, referred to a similar idea by the phrase “totalitarian psychosis.” Unless we are lost in denial, it is clear that we are living at a time in which totalitarian forms have re-emerged onto the political landscape. Fascism is the result of corporate economic power merging with the political power of the state. It takes willful blindness to not see the parallels between the rise of fascism and our current political nightmare. This marriage of wealth and power can transform a democracy into a totalitarian state.

Arendt warns us in her classic study The Origins of Totalitarianism, that totalitarianism is “an ever-present danger” grounded in “the endless process of capital and power accumulation”[8] – a process, it is worth noting, very much at work in today’s world. She was keenly aware that a culture of fear, the dismantling of civil and political rights, the projection of the shadow onto an other (a process that Jung simply calls “the lie”), the ongoing militarization of society, the centralization of power and control, the relentless attacks on labor, an obsession with national security, human rights abuses, the emergence of a police state, ever-increasing surveillance, a deeply rooted racism, and the attempts by demagogues to undermine education so as to dumb down the citizenry—all happening in America today—are characteristics of a society trending towards fascism.


The built-in, unquestioned highest value of our capitalist system is money-value, as compared to and distinct from life-value, which is to say our economic system values profits over everything else, including living beings and the environment. Pope Francis himself points this out, when he says that in the prevailing ethos of our current system, “money is more important than people.”[9] Our value system is a modern day version of worshipping the Golden Calf. In a recent interview, ex-head of ExxonMobil and recently appointed Secretary of State (the highest diplomatic position in our country) Rex Tillerson, when asked about his philosophy, stated simply,

“My philosophy is to make money.”

To quote one of the major inspirations for this line of thinking, Nobel Prize winning economist Milton Friedman (image right), “The one and only responsibility of business is to make as much money for stockholders as possible.” Turning money into more money becomes an end in itself (a pathology that Aristotle called chremastatik), justified by any means possible. According to Friedman, “the only responsibility of business is to maximize profits, regardless of the social and environmental costs.” Subscribing to the same logic, billionaire George Soros unabashedly proclaims, “As a market participant, I don’t need to be concerned with the consequences of my actions.”

From this point of view, it makes no difference if the cost of doing business is wrecking economies, making people homeless, dispossessing formerly sovereign governments or destroying the environment. These perspectives sound like the textbook definition of psychopathy – deliberate and willful disregard of the impact of one’s actions on the wellbeing of others. According to the prevailing logic of our current capitalist system, it is a rational imperative to maximize one’s private interests in money-value terms at the expense of everything else.

The corollary to this is that it is good and justifiable to override all public protections and regulations which are barriers to optimizing one’s profits. From this perspective, for example, environmentalism obstructs business, as it gets in the way of corporations’ “opportunity to profit.” The insanity of the underlying logic which drives this system is revealed when we extrapolate what would—and is—happening over time when the system is followed to its logical conclusion. A Native American prophecy comes to mind: “When the last tree has been cut down, the last fish caught, the last river poisoned, only then will we realize that one cannot eat money.”

Cancer grows at the expense of the life-host, which over time experiences more of its life-supporting systems melting down. Over time this carcinogenic entity requires ever-more resources from the life-host in order to continue spreading. The meta-program of the cancer system is structured to relentlessly consume and despoil without end. Insatiable, the cancer is never satisfied; enough is never enough. The cancer always wants more, which is to say it becomes addicted to ever-increasing growth and never-ending consumption as an end in itself. The disease exhibits what social activist Naomi Klein calls “the junkie’s logic” –  “where is the next fix?”

The disease insidiously eats sovereign governments and the life of societies from within. In an interview, McMurtry points out that “de-regulated corporate globalization is eating the world alive.” Unless the illness is accurately diagnosed and properly treated, the prognosis is always fatal.

In creating an economic system that has to keep making more money, at a certain point the system develops a seeming autonomy such that it is has no choice—i.e., is forced—to do as programmed. We have then unwittingly tapped into supra-human forces—the Bible’s “powers and principalities”—which, as if having life of its own, can become, Golem-like, an irremediable, out-of-control Frankenstein monster. We—even those lucky among us who seem to be the winners (the 1%)—become captives of this force that’s got us all by the throats. The ones who are the most amply compensated by this pathological system are, except in the rarest of cases, the least free of all. The rulers and financiers of this system are themselves mere puppets in the clutches of these far more powerful archetypal forces.

“Genocide,” McMurtry writes, is the “leading edge of the cancer system.”[10] He points out that the disease “is mass-homicidal by its nature.”[11] A living death sentence, it is a self-devouring operating system, ultimately destroying everything within its sphere of influence, including itself. It should be noted that there is no counter-evidence to the cancer diagnosis, only denial, blindness and ignorance.

Like a parasite that tricks its host, the cancer has to deceive the host organism into believing that the intruder is actually a healthy part of the body politic that needs to be supported, nurtured and taken care of. In a reversal of meaning that creates a cognitive dissonance within our minds, the carcinogenic invasions are always portrayed to be in the name of freedom and against terror. In the process, however, human rights are overridden, social programs stripped, taxes on the rich reduced, financial fraud multiplied, endless wars of aggression to capture resources for private corporations are increased, and ever-more terrorists are created. Our air, soil, forests and water cumulatively degrade, the climate destabilizes, more species become extinct by the day, economic inequality increases, the forces of fascism grow and every life-system on the planet is pushed into further decline, with no evident action but more “war against the terrorists.”

This systemic devastation of all life-support systems on our planet is without historical precedent. This is to say that the cancer that McMurtry is pointing at presents a greater danger than any prior threat to the human species in all of our history. This is not an exaggeration or being overly alarmist, paranoid or conspiratorial, but rather, is an open-eyed, sober assessment of our current situation, supported by ever-increasing data. Jung writes, “Everything could be left undisturbed did not the new way demand to be discovered, and did it not visit humanity with all the plagues of Egypt until it finally is discovered.”[12]


It is important to differentiate between the lifeblood of society from the cancerous money-sequencing that consumes it. The unchallenged predatory capitalism practiced in our world today is a modern form of the vampire, feeding on the soul of living humanity. To quote the great healer Wilhelm Reich, “Fascism is the vampire leeched to the body of the living, the impulse to murder given free rein.”[13]

This cancerous, vampiric entity is neither alive nor dead, but exists in an intermediate state between existence and non-existence. It is death taking living form so as to take life. It is not human in nature, but rather, is machine-like—inhuman—in its operations. People sufficiently taken over become efficient zombie-like automatons, cogs in the wheel of “the machine,” programmed to unthinkingly serve the state. They become conditioned to react to certain stimuli like a reflex, with no creativity, free thinking or self-reflection programmed in. This inhuman economic machine is potentially enlisting us into the destruction of everything that we love. Amoral and indifferent to life, this carcinogenic entity has no soul or conscience. It cannot feel guilt or shame; it is propelled by a single imperative – it seeks only to replicate itself.

It is noteworthy that the system’s response to the disease is a call for “more growth,” which demands ever-more public resources to feed the very pathological dynamic which is animating the disease in the first place. To quote McMurtry, “the programme is insane to the extent that it seeks always to resolve the problems it causes by more pervasive implementation of the economic policies that generate them.”[14] This sounds like trauma, where our reaction to the trauma creates more of the very trauma to which we are reacting in a self-generated feedback loop. McMurtry’s point should be highlighted – the underlying program that structures how we do business with each other is insane.

The cancer’s modes of advance operate like a subtle and brilliant military tactician – when one route of its resource hijacking invasion is blocked, like a multi-headed hydra, it opportunistically switches to an alternative one. Societies so invaded lay pillaged as if subjugated and held captive by a foreign occupying army. To extend the military metaphor even further, people or countries who don’t buy into the cancerous system run the risk of being coerced into compliance by overwhelming force.

In societies where the disease is deeply entrenched, individual people have fewer and fewer rights relative to multinational corporations and their investors, which ironically, are now recognized as “persons” under the law. And yet, these corporate entities have supra-personal rights, employing teams of lawyers backed by nearly limitless wealth set to overrun all real persons, which is to say that only the rights of the supranational “investors” are protected. To the extent that governments are infected by the disease is to the extent they are typically only concerned with reassuring financial markets and foreign investors at the expense of everything—and everyone—else.

More and more analyses have recognized that something is undeniably amiss in our world, but it is rare to see an analysis that searches for the common cause. McMurtry writes that no analysis “connects the degenerate trends across ecological, social and organic life-support systems, nor defines the underlying disorder driving them.”[15] A second-order meta-understanding of the underlying disease is lacking. If the pathways of metastases are seen at all, it is in isolation without a connective whole systems diagnosis. For example, “planetary ecological crisis, growing inequality, greed of the 1%,” are all important aspects of the underlying disorder, but few analyses connect the dots back to the underlying source.

Speaking about “the underlying common cause of the world’s greatest cause of disease and death,” McMurtry writes that it “remains blinkered out.”[16] It is as if the disease itself sponsors a taboo against recognizing, thinking or talking about it. The disease occludes us in such a way that our occlusion becomes habitual and self-perpetuating, the result being that we can’t even tell we are occluded.

Over time the systemic disorder becomes normalized (even praiseworthy), considered to be just the way things are. The life-blind logic of the reigning economic model remains un-decoded – the inner logic is presupposed and not reflected upon. A system contaminated by the disease loses the ability to recognize its own disordered state, a blindness that continually feeds the disease’s genesis.

The disorder’s ill-logic, to quote McMurtry “is a closed and unfalsifiable belief system” steeped in magical thinking, what he refers to as “an infallibilist circle of meaning.”[17] People bound by the disease will be unwittingly conditioned to attack, with group-mind certitude, whatever exposes their self-hypnotic delusion; McMurtry sometimes refers to this disease as “the great delusion.” Self-referential in nature, the ruling principle of the cancer system is “life-blind” – it can’t think itself through, which is to say that it is blind to its life-destructive consequences. As this mind-lock spreads, a collective psychic epidemic such as we see today is the result – what McMurtry calls “a kind of collective delirium in which the mind is submerged as in a dream.”[18] In captivating the mind into a closed, self-limiting and insular form of thinking, the disorder cultivates an inability to even imagine how things could be different, dispelling any remaining faith that real positive systemic change is even possible. The disease cannot correct itself; it needs outside intervention – this is where we come in.

Human T-Cells

In describing the impact that this systemic cancer is having on us, words such as insanity, psychosis, delusion, denial, deception, blindness, unawareness, lack of recognition, belief systems steeped in magical thinking, distortion of our perceptions, programming, negative hallucinations, anti-information viruses, brainwashing and hypnotic spells are used. The one thing that all of these phrases have in common is that they all point to processes that are taking place in consciousness itself, which is the source and fundamental arena in and through which the great sickness covertly operates. This is to say that the cancer cannot simply be legislated out of existence by the stroke of a lawmaker’s pen.

Not recognizing the cancer nourishes it; the disease feeds off of our unawareness of it. Turning a blind-eye towards the cancer is how we become complicit in our own genocide. Being that the cancer promotes—and is an expression of—our blindness, its antidote and cure involves healing our blindness – i.e., seeing the cancer. Becoming conscious of the cancer—recognizing how it operates, both in the outside world as well as via the unconscious reactions within our own minds—takes away its food, and ultimately, its seeming power over us. In other words, seeing the cancer changes it, as well as ourselves. It is the very light of consciousness itself seeing the cancer that provides the radiant healing force that begins to dissolve the disease.

The cancer—a modern day plague of Egypt—is demanding that we recognize it, or we will perish. Recognizing the cancer is the crucial first step that opens up the door for potentially healing the disease. Merely recognizing the disease that is threatening us isn’t enough, however; we have to activate our collective immune system’s response in the world. Seeing without action is a partial and incomplete response. These two avenues – recognizing the cancer (an inner process) and taking action (an outer process) are not separate, but rather, are complementary and necessary aspects of a whole systems response.[19]

To extend the cancer metaphor one step further, once we recognize the threat that disease poses, our realization deputizes us to become active agents of the collective immune system’s response. When a living body is invaded by cancer it sends out “killer T-cells” which isolate, surround and dismantle the pathogen. As if stepping into a role that evolution has been preparing us for from time immemorial, we are being asked to become living human T-cells—anti-psychotic agents—in the greater body politic of humanity. As anti-cancer T-cells, we can come together so as to create the necessary external structures to contain the carcinogen, keeping it from going rogue and becoming out of control. Connecting with each other through our shared lucidity, we can collaboratively help each other to stabilize and deepen our mutual awakening. How this would look in our collective body politic as we wake up together we can only imagine.

Quantum Healing

Placing this inquiry into a scientific context, quantum physics, widely considered to be the crowning jewel of the sciences, has revealed that every event in the physical world has at bottom an immaterial source that is synergistically entangled with our psyches.[20] Part of seeing how the cancer operates in the outside world is to recognize that this seemingly external cancer is co-extensive with and reflective of shadow dynamics that are operating deep within our own psyches.

As if presciently speaking about today’s world, Jung writes, “the powers of darkness are coming up.”[21] The destructive cancerous forces that we see at work in our world today are—just like a dream—a symbolic outer reflection of the darkness of the unconscious emerging within us. Psychologically speaking, when we don’t recognize and consciously relate to manifestations of the unconscious psyche, we are unwittingly ensuring that these contents will shape our destiny and constellate negatively, i.e., get acted out externally in destructive ways. It is as if we, as a species, have collectively dreamed up our unconscious process into full-bodied materialization on the world stage so as to—in true quantum style, potentially—awaken to the part of ourselves that has been in the dark.

This is to say that the cancer is a revelation of something within us. The cancer is not an independently existing, objective entity that is attacking us from outside of ourselves (however convincingly this seems to be the case); to think this way (a thought-form inspired by the cancer), is to cultivate fear and a sense of victimization, which simply feeds the disease. Not separate from us in one iota, the cancer is an expression of an unknown part of ourselves that is announcing itself to us in projected form – via our psyche’s influence and connection to the outside world.

Like a quantum entity, how the cancer manifests—taking us down or waking us up—is a function of our observation, i.e., it depends upon whether or not we recognize what it is revealing to us about ourselves.

Quantum physics has discovered that the physical world—what physicists used to think of as the “real” world—is in actuality a lower-level projection of a higher-dimensional reality. Just as in the parable of Plato’s cave, if we don’t recognize the deeper process that is informing all of the myriad crises in our world, we will have mistaken the shadows on the wall for the substance, without noticing the more fundamental reality—in our case, the cancer—that is casting the shadows in the first place. We will then be dealing with mere symptoms instead of the deeper cause.

Jung writes, “When we look at human history, we see only what happens on the surface…. But what has really been happening eludes the inquiring eye of the historian, for the true historical event lies deeply buried, experienced by all and observed by none. It is the most private and most subjective of psychic experiences.”[22] When we look beneath what is happening on the surface and realize “the true historical event,” we can see the deeper disorder that is embodying itself through multiple channels in our world – including our own psyche. This realization is itself an expansion of consciousness, which is the very quantum up-leveling that creates the causes and conditions for the cancer to begin to heal.

To quote McMurtry, “Once the blinkers of the reigning paradigm are shed [and we see the cancer], the bars of the invisible prison fall.”[23] This is to say that when we recognize the cancer, the stage is set for the disease to start dissolving back into its empty nature – as if it never actually existed in the first place. We can then potentially discover our true nature, which we have never been separate from for a single moment. The purity of our true nature—who we actually are—has always been with us and has never been imprisoned, tainted or diseased. Once we realize this, our life-force energy that was continually getting unconsciously sucked into feeding the cancerous black hole can then be re-circulated into nourishing the creative spirit within us, enabling us to create a world more in alignment with our true nature as interconnected beings who depend upon each other for our well-being.

Once this realization occurs, the cancer shows its other—and hidden—face: because we would not have woken up without the cancer’s help, it can be recognized to be the very catalyst for the evolution of our species. It is as if concealed and encoded within the seeming poison of the cancer is the necessary ingredient that spurs the dynamics of our individual and collective individuation. This brings to mind Goethe’s masterpiece Faust, in which Faust asks Mephistopheles (who represents the devil – in our case, symbolizing the evil of cancer) who he is, and Mephistopheles replies that he is the “part of that force which would do evil, yet forever works the good.” From this point of view, it is as if the cancer is an instrument of a higher intelligence whose purpose is to connect us with a sacred, creative and healing source within ourselves.

How amazing: the very cancer that is potentially killing us is teaching us how to heal it – and as an added bonus is waking us up in the process.

A pioneer in the field of spiritual emergence, Paul Levy is a wounded healer in private practice, assisting others who are also awakening to the dreamlike nature of reality. He is the author of Awakened by Darkness: When Evil Becomes Your Father (Awaken in the Dream Publishing, 2015), Dispelling Wetiko: Breaking the Curse of Evil (North Atlantic Books, 2013) and The Madness of George W. Bush: A Reflection of Our Collective Psychosis (Authorhouse, 2006). He is the founder of the “Awakening in the Dream Community” in Portland, Oregon. An artist, he is deeply steeped in the work of C. G. Jung, and has been a Tibetan Buddhist practitioner for over thirty years. He is the coordinator for the Portland PadmaSambhava Buddhist Center. Please visit Paul’s website You can contact Paul at [email protected]; he looks forward to your reflections.


[1] I choose my words carefully. I write “seeming-entity” because although we subjectively experience the carcinogenic agent as if it is an actual entity outside of us, ultimately (as I point out in my book Dispelling Wetiko), it has no independent, objective existence separate from our own consciousness. The mystery is that although this entity doesn’t objectively exist, it can potentially destroy our species. This points to the incredible untapped creative (or destructive) power that exists within our unconscious.

[2] McMurtry, The Cancer Stage of Capitalism, p. 4.

[3] Levy, Dispelling Wetiko: Breaking the Curse of Evil, p. 228.

[4] A physics term that, in layman’s terms, refers to not being bound by the typical rules of third-dimensional space and time.

[5] Jung, Letters, vol. 1, p. 535.

[6] Jung, Civilization in Transition, CW 10, para. 471.

[7] McMurtry, Value Wars, p. 88.

[8] Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism (London: George Allen and Unwin, 1955).

[9] Vatican Radio, June 2, 2013.

[10] McMurtry, The Cancer Stage of Capitalism, p. 24.

[11] Ibid., p. 48.

[12] Jung, The Development of Personality, CW 17, para. 323.

[13] Reich, The Mass Psychology of Fascism (New York: Noonday Press, 1970), xvii.

[14] McMurtry, The Cancer Stage of Capitalism, p. 108.

[15] Ibid., 10.

[16] Ibid., 34.

[17] Ibid., 80.

[18] Ibid., 91.

[19] I call this sacred form of activism “Spiritually-Informed Political Activism.”

[20] I have just written a new book about this, titled The Quantum Revelation: A Modern-Day Spiritual Treasure.

[21] Jung, Nietzsche’s Zarathustra, vol. 1, p. 500.

[22] Jung, Civilization in Transition, CW 10, para. 315.

[23] McMurtry, The Cancer Stage of Capitalism, p. 20.

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The Detroit Rebellion of 1967 and Its Global Significance

February 27th, 2017 by Abayomi Azikiwe

Lessons for the 21st century and the continuing need for revolutionary organization 

This program was designed to acknowledge, commemorate and celebrate the historic July 1967 African American working class rebellion in Detroit and other cities across the United States during the same time period. It is also the beginning of a year-long dialogue on the political significance of this monumental development and what it portended for the world then and some five decades later in the 21st century.

We know that this anniversary will be a nervous one from the standpoint of the white-dominated ruling class and its surrogates. There will be an attempt to frame the Detroit Rebellion as a series of criminal acts devoid of social significance.

Although we are five decades removed from this outbreak of righteous indignation on the part of the oppressed people, the capitalist rulers can never admit that their systematic institutional racism and exploitation serves as the underpinning for all forms of resistance aimed at national liberation and social justice. From the period of slavery right through the failure of Reconstruction to Jim Crow segregation, lynching, the Great Depression, Cold War, and the contemporary period of benign neglect and state repression, African people have fought back against what Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. described as the “triple evils” of racism, war and poverty.

The deliberate distortion of the actual history of Detroit and its African American community is crafted to maintain the social status-quo. Despite the fact that gains were made from the self-organization and emancipatory movements of the post-World War II awakenings and increasing levels of national consciousness, the ruling capitalist class has sought to reverse all   advancements won by the people.

Moreover, there are striking parallels with the situation in 2017 and that of 1967. Racism is still very much in evidence. African Americans and other oppressed people are subjected to economic deprivation such as higher unemployment rates, deeper levels of poverty and desperation along with political suppression. The governmental system in the U.S. has never recognized through the Constitution and its amendments the special oppression of the African people who were brought here as slaves.

It was the profits accrued from the exploitation of slave labor and the land stolen from the indigenous people that built America into the most powerful imperialist state. Fundamentally there has been no transformation of the ownership of the means of production or the relations of production.

Consequently, the ruling billionaire firms, their corporate media enablers and the bureaucratic petty-bourgeois functionaries have a vested interest in ignoring the importance of 1967 and all other symbols of resistance and affirmation by the oppressed. They tell us on a daily basis that we should have faith in the capitalist rulers who will save us from the ills that they themselves have perpetuated for centuries.

Therefore, it is essential that we tell our own story. We must remind them of the ongoing exploitation which has rendered the city of Detroit as the most impoverished major municipality in the U.S.

This situation did not develop spontaneously. It is a by-product of a host of policies which favor the rich and deprive the workers and poor. Objectively, we are still locked into to colonial and neo-colonial oppression where the priorities of the wealthy supersede those of the needy and most worthy.

Just over the last decade at least 100,000 households have been dislocated in the city. Many of these people were forced out of Detroit into the suburbs or other cities. Many have remained in the city living in most cases under worst conditions than just a few years ago.

Our homes and apartments have been stolen by the banks and their agents in government working for the ruling class and not the people. Schools within the communities have been closed. The infrastructure of the city has been neglected in its crumbling state. These factors create human ecological damage which propelled hundreds of thousands into uncertainty, sickness and death.

No matter how many lies we are told by the corporate media and the bourgeois politicians it is quite obvious that the situation is getting more dangerous for the people. We know that what is described as the “revitalization” of Detroit is merely another method of extracting more wealth from the majority of the population through low-wage employment, tax captures, and the runaway spending on “prestige projects” which have no real benefit for the masses of working people and the poor.

We have to continue to be the voice of the voiceless. We must project an image of positivity for the struggle against racism, national oppression and super-exploitation. In actuality there is no other solution than the destruction of the capitalist system and the construction of socialism.

The wealth of the city, the state and the U.S. as a whole rightfully belongs to the people. It is our task to organize and mobilize for its seizure and redistribution to those who do the work and have been aggrieved by the ravages of injustice and expropriation on the part of the rich. There can be no compromise in these critical times. The current administration of President Donald Trump represents not a triumph of the ruling class but an illustration of its weakness and desperation. The ideology of the ruling class in the U.S. today is heavily influenced by the shifting demographics where the so-called minorities will become the majority in another quarter century; while at the same time the concentration of wealth is becoming more narrow every decade; and the repressive apparatus of the state is increasing militarized and rationalized under the false notions of combating “illegal immigration”, “Islamic terrorism”, and “crime in the streets.” Indeed we are fighting for our very lives and those of our children along with future generations.

Nonetheless, the real criminals, the capitalist ruling class of bankers, retailers and industrialists remain free to conduct their business of systematic theft. They pay no taxes while we are forced out of our homes, jobs and schools whose value has been reduced to nothing due to the activities of the financial institutions and their collaborators.

As tensions mount throughout the country and indeed the world, it is incumbent upon us to do all that we can to put an end to these violations of human rights and decency. The lessons of 1967 can be quite instructive to the task we are facing in the modern era.

What Actually Happened in 1967?

There are striking similarities between the ruling class narrative of five decades ago and 2017.

Detroit was a “model city” after 1966 ostensibly poised for revitalization in light of already industrial and geographic restructuring. The city was led by a white liberal Democratic Party Mayor Jerome Cavanaugh who was often spoken of a lesser version of President John F. Kennedy. In fact Detroit was even being considered to host the 1968 Olympics and a promotional film was issued in 1963 promoting the city as an ideal setting for the world event.

A peaceful demonstration by Wayne State University students from the group called Uhuru (freedom) that was founded in 1963, at an official event designed to attract attention to Detroit for consideration as the venue for the 1968 Olympics, resulted in arrests. At least one student, John Watson, who later became editor of the South End in 1968 during its revolutionary phase, was taken out of class by the police and charged with a crime even though he was not at the protest action. These students were later acquitted due to the absurd nature of the charges however it was a reflection of the nervousness that prevailed in this time period.

Later in 1966, a mini-rebellion erupted around Kercheval Street on the city’s eastside. The unrest was contained and the Cavanaugh administration was hailed by the corporate media for taking measures that curtailed a large outbreak. That same summer of 1966, urban rebellions took place in 40 cities throughout the U.S. with the largest being in the Hough section of Cleveland in May and in Chicago during July amid the Freedom Movement and the intervention of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC). The Civil Rights organization in the wake of the passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 shifted its focus to Chicago in an attempt to see if the tactics of nonviolent, civil disobedience and mass demonstrations could win concessions from the ruling class.

The Chicago Rebellion of July 1966 came on the heels of the advent of the Black Power slogan enunciated by Willie Ricks and Stokely Carmichael of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) during the “March Against Fear” through the Delta Mississippi in June of that year. Both SCLC and SNCC were blamed for the urban rebellions of 1966 by the racist city administrations and their capitalist benefactors. It was said that the conditions for African Americans in Chicago were far better than what existed in the South and that the problems of slums, joblessness, lack of political representation and police brutality could not be solved overnight.

By early 1967 the social situation in the U.S. had grown more volatile. The escalation of the War in Vietnam robbed resources from the administration of President Lyndon B. Johnson’s so-called “Great Society” programs, two of which being “Model Cities” and the “War on Poverty.” Both SCLC and SNCC by 1967 had come out publicly against the occupation of South Vietnam and bombing of the North under the leadership of Ho Chi Minh. Rebellions began to erupt in various cities with Newark, New Jersey being the most widespread starting on July 12.

Nevertheless, just 11 days later the city of Detroit seething from decades of de facto segregation and a split racist labor market exploded. Police raided a private club located on 12th Street between Clairmount and Atkinson. The intrusion prompted outrage in the neighborhood as people flooded out into the streets throwing rocks and bottles at the police.

Within a brief period of time windows of the local businesses were smashed while people liberated merchandise. The old Virginia Park 12th Street area was an overcrowded district with deteriorating housing stock and schools, lacking proper resources and public services. African Americans were largely disenfranchised through the citywide municipal governing structure allowing only one Councilperson, Nicholas Hood, in the legislative branch of government.

Police in the initial hours of the rebellion were forced to pull back their forces. It was assumed that the anger would soon subside and people would leave the streets. Congressman John Conyers and Deputy Detroit Public Schools Superintendent Arthur Johnson were sent over to 12th Street in an effort to calm the crowds. The masses were not having any conciliatory talk. They shouted Conyers down. A missile was thrown as a warning for them to leave. Both men soon vanished from the scene.

Hours later in the early afternoon some two dozen businesses were firebombed by youths using Molotov cocktails in rapid succession. The unrest soon expanded to Linwood Avenue just three blocks west of 12th Street. As the news spread through informal channels and the corporate media more people pour onto the streets in the Virginia Park area as well as other parts of the city extending to the east side.

City authorities feeling overwhelmed in the first half-day of the rebellion summoned the-then Governor George Romney of Michigan to deploy the National Guard. These troops began to arrive by the late afternoon and early evening. The people continued to challenge the authorities by liberating merchandise, setting fires to businesses and firing rifles and shotguns at the police and National Guard from buildings.

By late Sunday evening, Gov. Romney was compelled to conduct a flyover of the impacted areas of the city. Large sections of the city were already in flames. Romney then was taken on a guided tour of impacted areas of Detroit concluding that the situation was beyond the capacity of both the local and state police as well as the National Guard to contain. Romney then sent a telegram to President Johnson asking for the deployment of federal troops to assist in restoring order.

Johnson balked at the request from Romney. The Michigan governor had declared recently that he would be seeking the 1968 Republican nomination for the presidency. Romney, a former president and Chairman of the Board of the now-defunct Detroit-based American Motors Corporation (AMC), was a political adversary of LBJ who at that time had a strong possibility of winning re-election the following year. However, the proliferation of urban rebellions and the exposure of the futility of U.S. military policy in Vietnam would result in Johnson’s withdrawal from politics just eight months following the Detroit Rebellion.

The following day as the Rebellion spread throughout larger areas of Detroit, Johnson deployed Special Assistant to the Secretary of Defense Cyrus Vance to the city to survey the situation to determine if the dispatching of federal troops was warranted. By Monday evening July 24, Vance informed Johnson that additional reinforcements were required. Johnson went on national television to explain why troops were being deployed to Detroit. He decried the violence and called for the Rebellion to be halted.

By late Monday evening, thousands of troops from the 82nd and 101st Airborne Divisions of the U.S. Army were deployed in Detroit. They were to serve as a reserve unit in case the violence escalated to higher levels. By this time National Guard and police were engaging in a reign of terror throughout the city. People were being gunned down at random. Homes and apartments were shot up by Guardsmen saying that were suspected of harboring snipers.

The unrest continued through Thursday July 27. The city was placed under a curfew from 9:00pm to 6:00am. Anyone caught on the street without proper authorization would be arrested. There were several people killed for simply traveling in their vehicles and on foot during the curfew hours.

An article published by Bridge magazine recalled: “The Detroit Fire Department responded to 3,034 calls during the…week. A total of 690 buildings were destroyed or had to be demolished. Two firefighters died and 84 were seriously injured. A fire expert who studied Detroit’s… blazes concluded the ‘city had narrowly averted a firestorm’ like those in Tokyo, Berlin other urban war zones during World War II. Dozens of suburban departments came to Detroit’s aid….It took about 17,000 members of various organizations to quell the [rebellion]: Vietnam-hardened – and integrated – U.S. Army troops from the 82d and 101st Airborne units; Detroit Police; Michigan National Guard; and Michigan State Police. ” (March 11, 2016)

Initial property damage estimates in the Detroit Rebellion extended up to $1 billion. It was later lowered largely for political reasons. By the time the unrest had subsided some 43 people had been killed, the majority of whom were African Americans. Hundreds of others were wounded and suffered multiple injuries. Over 7,200 people were arrested filling the jails beyond capacity leading to the detention of people on busses and at Belle Isle.

Johnson in the same week announced the establishment of a National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorder chaired by Governor Otto Kerner of Illinois. When the report of the panel was issued in late March of 1968, Johnson refused to accept its findings. The Kerner Commission said what most African Americans already knew: that American society was divided into two, one Black and one White. It cited the biased role of the corporate media for fueling tensions and criticized the lack of quality housing, education and employment available to most African Americans.

The Fire Next Time

A recently-released documentary entitled “I Am Not Your Negro” by Raoul Peck, focuses on the life, times and legacy of legendary African American novelist, essayist, playwright and public intellectual James Baldwin (1924-1987). Baldwin had rose to prominence beginning in the late 1940s when he lived as an expatriate in Paris, fleeing from the horrendous levels of racism then prevalent in the U.S.

By the 1950s, Baldwin became a leading literary figure with a string of novels, articles and books of essays which sold millions. In the early 1960s, as the Civil Rights Movement grew more militant, he joined in anti-segregation efforts throughout the South and the North.

The documentary narrated by Samuel L. Jackson is based on the text of an incomplete book by Baldwin in which he was working on at the time of his death. The book was autobiographical in nature, looking at his own experiences through the lives of three leading African American political figures of the period: Medgar Evers, the field secretary of the NAACP in Mississippi; Malcom X, the former spokesperson for the Nation of Islam founded in Detroit in 1930; and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., who had evolved into a principal enemy of the U.S. ruling class by 1967. All three men were assassinated between 1963 and 1968.

Baldwin’s most well-known book is entitled “The Fire Next Time” published in 1963. The work prefigures the rising militancy within the African American nation. It foresaw the urban rebellions based upon the failure of the U.S. ruling class to effectively address the race problem.

What is important to consider in the history of the Civil Rights Movement of the Post-World War II period is the impact of the Cold War generated by the competition surrounding the systems of capitalism and socialism. The U.S. ruling class was compelled in the struggle with the USSR, China, Cuba, Democratic Korea, Vietnam and the national liberation movements, among others, to institute reforms that were being demanded by the domestic situation. The anti-U.S. propaganda value of the continued apartheid conditions existing among African Americans was immense. There was no way that Washington could justify waging war on the socialist countries and the national liberation movements while Africans were being barred from public institutions in the areas of municipal services, education, housing and employment.

The Fire Next Time observes that: “White Americans have contended themselves with gestures that are now described as ‘tokenism.’ For hard example, white Americans congratulate themselves on the 1954 Supreme Court decision outlawing segregation in the schools; they suppose, in spite of the mountain of evidence that has since accumulated to the contrary, that this was proof of a change of heart—or, as they like to say, progress. Perhaps. It all depends on how one reads the word ‘progress’. Most of the Negroes I know do not believe that this immense concession would ever have been made if it had not been for the competition of the Cold War, and the fact that Africa was clearly liberating herself and therefore had, for political reasons, to be wooed by the descendants of her former masters. Had it been a matter of love or justice, the 1954 decision would surely have occurred sooner; were it not for the realities of power in this difficult era, it might very well not have occurred yet.” (pp. 86-87)

As it relates to the social conditions of the African American people there was never any intention by the ruling class to make fundamental changes to the system of national oppression and class exploitation. The appearance of change, or even quantitative improvements, does not equal transformation. If there are no basic alterations of the structural barriers to the achievement of full equality and self-determination, then the question of liberation remains unanswered.

In the Fire Next Time, Baldwin notes: “I think this is a fact, which serves no purpose to deny, but, whether it is a fact or not, this is what the black population of the world, including black Americans, really believe. The word ‘independence’ in Africa and the word ‘integration’ here are almost equally meaningless; that is, Europe has not yet left Africa, and black men here are not yet free. And both of these last statements are undeniable facts, related facts, containing the gravest implications for us all. The Negroes of this country may never be able to rise to power, but they are very well placed indeed to precipitate chaos and ring down the curtain on the American dream.” (pp. 87-88)

1967: High Tide of Black Resistance

Nevertheless, other voices within the African American liberation struggle in subsequent years did articulate a view of not only creating disorder but also working towards the seizure of state power leading to the eradication of the capitalist system. This view was developed in Detroit in the aftermath of the 1967 Rebellion when organizations were founded to bring about what they saw a total freedom.

The findings of the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorder could not be accepted by Johnson or the following administration of President Richard M. Nixon. Sentiment in favor of even minimal reforms had shifted to an emphasis on the liquidation of the African American liberation movement through the social containment of the oppressed nation. U.S. imperialism’s priorities in Southeast Asia and Southern Africa, the most evident during the late 1960s and 1970s, influenced the domestic policies in an economic crisis which took hold in the years of 1971-75.

Soon enough an unprecedented level of capitalist restructuring became entrenched within the system itself. This process continues well into the 21st century.

During 1968, an organization was formed in Detroit which distinguished the movement here from anywhere else in the U.S. In February of 1968, a wildcat strike at the Dodge Main Chrysler facility in Hamtramck soon resulted in the formation of the Revolutionary Union Movement (DRUM). This organizing model spread to other production facilities in the Detroit area threatening the viability of industrial capitalism at the point of production. These factories employed young African American workers in significant numbers in critical areas of production. Revolutionaries saw this as providing the potential for the disruption of capitalist manufacturing, which was at the time the lifeblood of the profit system.

The following year in April 1969, DRUM, FRUM, ELRUM and other independent African American worker organizations came together with student, youth and community counterparts to form the League of Revolutionary Black Workers (LRBW). The objective of the LRBW was national liberation for the African American people and socialist revolution.

James Foreman, who in 1967 was Director of the International Affairs Commission for SNCC, wrote of that year stressing: “The year 1967 marked a historic milestone in the struggle for the liberation of black people in the United States and the year that revolutionaries throughout the world began to understand more fully the impact of the black movement. Our liberation will only come when there is final destruction of this mad octopus-the capitalistic system of the United States with all its life-sucking tentacles of exploitation and racism that choke the people of Africa, Asia, and Latin America.”

This same document continues saying: “To work, to fight, and to die for the liberation of our people in the United States means, therefore, to work for the liberation of all oppressed people around the world. Liberation movements in many parts of the world are now aware that, when they begin to fight colonialism, it becomes imperative that we in this country try to neutralize the possibilities of full-scale United States intervention as occurred in Santa Domingo, as is occurring in Vietnam, and as may occur in Haiti, Venezuela, South Africa or wherever. While such a task may well be beyond our capacity, an aroused, motivated, and rebelling black American population nevertheless helps in our indivisible struggles against racism, colonialism and apartheid.”

After the formation of the LRBW, the National Black Economic Development Conference (NBEDC) was held in Detroit at Wayne State University from April 25-27, 1969. The gathering sponsored by the Inter-Religious Foundation for Community Organizations (IFCO), brought together a broad range of groups concerned about the future of the African American liberation movement. Out of this Conference a document entitled “The Black Manifesto” was presented and adopted by the BEDC on April 26. The Manifesto was drafted by Forman and it was the first modern-day call for reparations that linked the demand to the struggle against capitalism, imperialism and for socialism in the U.S. and the world.

Forman was invited to relocate in Detroit by Mike Hamlin, a leading member of the LRBW and veteran activist in the revolutionary movement of the 1960s. The former SNCC leader, who had worked briefly as Minister of Foreign Affairs in the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense in 1968, was placed on the executive board of the LRBW in 1969 and would later co-found the International Black Workers Congress (BWC) established in late 1970.

The Black Manifesto sought reparations from the white Christian churches and Jewish synagogues which Forman said had benefitted from the national oppression of the African American people. He demanded the immediate payment of $500 million to fund a myriad of projects including printing houses, televised educational projects, a university teaching a revolutionary curriculum, the initiation of an African skills bank to solidify alliances and cooperation between African Americans and independent African states, etc.

In the book entitled “The Political Thought of James Forman” which was compiled, edited and published in the city of Detroit by Black Star in 1970, a division of the LRBW funded by the resources acquired through the Black Manifesto project, Forman says in a letter written from Martinique, the home of the late Dr. Frantz Fanon: “I am in Martinique precisely because I believe that the ideological struggle is most important and that Frantz Fanon has much to say to those of us who are colonized in the United States.  More than that, if we do not arm ourselves with sound theoretical concepts we will not survive the severe period of repression which is upon us.”

This same letter written by Forman goes on to observe that: “We all know of too many people and leading personalities who have abdicated the struggle inside the United States for various reasons, but one of them comes from not understanding the long term nature of our struggle and a sound theoretical position that our fight is against racism, colonialism, capitalism and imperialism and that world socialism is the only permanent answer to our economic and political exploitation. Personally, while I believe that ultimately the fight is for world socialism, I am not opposed to short term objectives.  For instance, the issue of Pan Africanism is going to hit the stage inside the United States.  This will be an advancement over many concepts, but it will not be enough if it does not speak to the economic framework of that Pan Africanism.  For inside Africa today there are many bourgeois nationalists running African governments and exploiting the people in the name of Pan Africanism.  We have the right to at least demand that people regress from Dr. W. E. B. Du Bois who in his later years was pleading for Pan African Socialism.  I am for Pan African socialism if it means taking all the wealth of Africa away from the imperialists and using it for the disposition of all oppressed people. Our ideological positions must lead us to the position that it is the poor, the working class among black people who must have power.  During the sixties we concentrated too much on the middle class.  Most of the gains except the long range political consciousness have resulted in the middle class of the black community entrenching itself further.  Our failure to actively work with black workers is a serious indictment of our movement as well as the abdication of our bases in the rural South.”

Our Task in the 21st Century: Completing the Struggle for National Liberation and Socialism

A combination of state repression, objective factors in the economic restructuring of the U.S. and subjective weaknesses within the revolutionary movement, lead to the demise of the mass mobilizations of the African American liberation struggle of the 1960s and 1970s. Scores of Black mayors and other politicians came into office in Detroit and other cities. Although these events represented a degree of political self-determination, the economic basis for the national oppression and economic exploitation of African American remained intact.

In the present period the capitalist system is even more resistant to tokenism and minimal reforms in the areas of institutional access and expansion of opportunities in the educational sector along with the widening of the labor market. Despite the rhetoric of Donald Trump, the reality of modern-day capitalism is that its survival depends upon the ever increasing rates of profit through the domination of international markets and the super-exploitation of the labor force.

The prison industrial complex provides an excellent example related to the character of global capitalism today. Since 1980, the rate of incarceration in the U.S. has risen by at least 500 percent, with a disproportionate number of inmates being African Americans and Latinos, including immigrants. Trump’s policy of increasing criminalization of the oppressed nations within the U.S. is nothing new. This program has been in existence now for decades.

As a revolutionary organization and movement we must continue to recruit and mobilize among the most potentially organized and disciplined social forces in capitalist society, the nationally oppressed and working class youth. These efforts will advance the level of struggle against the capitalist system. Our efforts are both ideological and political. We must effectively deconstruct the philosophical underpinnings of capitalism and imperialism and then win over the workers and oppressed peoples through our examples of selfless sacrifice and revolutionary commitment.

There is no viable alternative for the future other than socialist construction. This is the contribution that our generations must make to the realization of a world devoid of imperialist war, economic exploitation and national oppression.

The above text was delivered at the Annual African American History Month Forum on Feb. 25, 2017 under this year’s theme focusing on the 50th anniversary of the Great Detroit Rebellion of July 1967 and the lessons learned for the 21st century.

Additional speakers included Mond Toussaint Louverture, youth organizer for Workers World Party in Michigan, who discussed the impact of the theoretical contributions of Frantz Fanon on the worldwide African Revolution; Dorothy Aldridge, chairperson of the Detroit Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Committee, reflected on the Detroit People’s Tribunal established after the 1967 Rebellion; and remarks were made by Lori Parks, an organizer for the Detroit Fight for $15 low-wage workers’ movement. The event was chaired by Debbie Johnson of Workers World Party Detroit branch.

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German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble on Wednesday brought back the Grexit issue by saying that unless Greece implements reforms it cannot stay in the euro zone.

The German finance minister spoke to the country’s broadcaster ARD in light of the stalled negotiations between Greece and creditors over the bailout program review and the recent International Monetary Fund report that calls for a Greek debt haircut in order to make it sustainable.

“The pressure on Greece to undertake reforms must be maintained so that it becomes competitive, otherwise they can’t remain in the currency area,” Schaeuble said, referring to fiscal measures needed such as further pension and wage cuts and the widening of the tax base.

Schaeuble reiterated his position that Greece’s problem is not the amount of the sovereign debt but the lack of competitiveness in Greek economy and the need for structural reforms. Thereby, a debt cut will not solve the country’s problems. Furthermore, a debt haircut is not allowed within the euro zone.

“We can’t undertake a debt haircut for a member of the European single currency, it’s ruled out by the Lisbon Treaty. For that, Greece would have to exit the currency area,” he told ARD.

Greece should quit eurozone, get debt relief, German party leader says

Greece should leave the eurozone and then be given debt relief, the head of Germany’s pro-business Free Democrats (FDP) told a German radio station on Thursday. Greece should, however, remain in the European Union, FDP leader Christian Lindner told Deutschlandfunk, so it can get subsidies to put into infrastructure or help small- and medium-sized businesses.

“It’s clear that Greece needs to have its debts written off,” Lindner said. “Greece’s debts can only be written off outside of the eurozone, so we’re talking about Grexit.”

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Free Ramsey Muñiz. Was it a Set Up?

February 27th, 2017 by Steve Fischer

Federal Prisoner #40288-115, serving life without parole, doesn’t look like much. He should turn 75 this year, but in his frail condition he may not live until his December birthday. According to his family, he suffers from COPD and some degree of heart failure. He has been incarcerated since 1994, although he never killed, robbed, attacked or raped anyone.

Yes, he’s inmate 40288-115 now, however forty-five years ago, in 1972, he was ascribed a different number; 214,118. That’s how many Texans voted for a young, Ramiro “Ramsey” Muñiz as their La Raza Unida candidate for governor. That equaled 6.3 percent of the total; Republican Henry Grover got just under 45 percent, losing to Democrat Dolph Briscoe, who became governor with 48.8 percent.

Now, 45 years after that election, Mr. Muñiz celebrates his own 23rd anniversary at the Federal Correctional Facility in Beaumont, Texas. Muñiz, a college football star and a Baylor law graduate, received his life sentence under the “three-strikes-you’re-out” statute, which in his case was for violation of drug laws.

His supporters and a law partner I interviewed swear that he was set up. After all, he had a promising career and was active in the in the “Model Cities” initiative, Head Start and drop-out prevention programs. He always advocated for youth and education. Possessing large quantities of marijuana and cocaine doesn’t jibe with this, but he was convicted three separate times.

Was he guilty?

According to a Texas Criminal Justice Policy Council Report, the average time served for conviction of an aggravated violent offense in 1994 was 5.85 years. Non-violent offenders served less — an average of 3.74 years. In other words, of the majority of 1994 convicts, even violent offenders, were free by 2000.

Society is safe from Muñiz. Further prison is cruel and a waste of our money. I never voted for Muñiz for governor, yet I acknowledge his place in history. Furthermore, if you’re an Hispanic politician, whether Democratic or Republican, Ramsey Muñiz is your forerunner. He organized Hispanic voters with a passion in a way no one else had done before or has done since. We all owe him.

President Trump has created antipathy among many Hispanics. Wouldn’t Muñiz’s release assuage some of those wounds and bad feelings? The president has an excellent opportunity to show compassion towards drug offenders and to trump President Obama, who could and should have included Muñiz on his long list of pardoned non-violent drug offenders.

Irma Muñiz, an educator, has stuck by her husband since they met in 1982. She constantly campaigns for his release. Let Ramsey Muñiz out of prison to live his remaining days with his family and those who have waited, oh so long.

This really isn’t about politics. It’s about time.

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The Australian government joined the widely unpopular Iraq War in 2003 – deploying troops, warships, and combat aircraft – solely to boost its relationship with George W. Bush’s White House, a declassified Australian army paper has revealed.

A report, written by Dr. Albert Palazzo of the Australian Army’s Directorate of Army Research and Analysis (DARA) between 2008 and 2011, was accessed by Fairfax Media and cited by the Sydney Morning Herald. DARA is a branch of the Australian Army Headquarters and serves as the Army’s think tank

The 572-page declassified document provides enough evidence to prove that then Prime Minister John Howard joined former US President George W. Bush in invading Iraq only to strengthen Canberra’s ties with Washington.

It also gives insight into how the political decision to enter the unpopular war was made – Howard’s statements about enforcing UN resolutions, combatting global terrorism, and contributing to the post-war reconstruction of Iraq were dismissed in Palazzo’s report as “mandatory rhetoric.”

Eventually, Prime Minister Howard and the then Chief of the Australian Defense Force (ADF) General Peter Cosgrove were unwilling to accept the prospect of high casualties among the soldiers deployed to Iraq.

“The government was uncomfortable with the prospect of losses due to the possible negative effect on the domestic political environment,” the report said.

Australia, nonetheless, deployed a very limited number of troops and assets, which were often incapable of carrying out any noteworthy combat action. However, sending a sustainable and combat-capable contingent was “secondary to the vital requirement of it just being there.” Ultimately, such policy made some US military officers ridicule the Australian commitment, calling it “a series of headquarters.”

The US wanted the Australians to provide a reconnaissance battle group consisting of light armored vehicles. Lieutenant-General Peter Leahy, who was then chief of Australian army, actually pushed for them to be sent to action at the time, but “Cosgrove pushed back,” finding the “manpower requirement too large.” Consequently, the only significant Australian force on the ground in Iraq was the SASR, Australia’s equivalent of the famous British Special Air Service, because the Army was not prepared to fight against “even a mildly competent opponent,” Palazzo wrote.

However, even the deployment of SASR got off track, the report stated. ADF dispatched several CH-47 Chinook helicopters to transport the special forces, but the pilots lacked experience and simply “could not conduct aerial refueling or night insertion tasks,” which were essential for the Iraq mission. Moreover, the aircraft had no electronic warfare equipment for evading Iraqi missiles.

The SASR were deployed in Iraq by US helicopters, the paper said, adding “it is not possible to explain the rationale behind the CH-47s allocation” to the war. In addition, the mission became even messier when some troops arrived without weapons. Hot meals were not available at this point either, so the Australian troops had to live on US combat rations during the four-month deployment, leading to an average weight loss of six kilograms per soldier.

The lack of a clear mission was one of the factors negatively affecting troop morale. “Numerous rotation commanders… were convinced of the failure of the organization to inform them of what they were supposed to achieve in Iraq,” the report said.

It was “enormously frustrating,” an Australian commander wrote. Another called the mission “flag waving” and feared the coalition allies would conclude that the ADF was a “pack of posers.” Another was angered when the Middle East commander accused him of “mission creep” – though no mission had been defined in the first place.

In a telling statement to Palazzo, one of the officers said that the “unstated policy of Operation Catalyst [was] that ‘no mission was worth dying for.’”

Australia’s military contribution was relatively small in proportional terms, around 2,000 personnel in total, or 2.42 percent of its military compared to the US’ 4.85 percent and the UK’s 12 percent. Aside from the special forces, Australia deployed two frigates, as well as refueling and combat aircraft.

Australia’s Defense Ministry has dismissed Palazzo’s report as “unofficial history,” which only represents the authors own opinion.

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The hunger with which US officials pursue copyright or general intellectual property violations is insatiably manic. The degree of that hunger is expressed by the now suspended, and most likely defunct Trans-Pacific Partnership, an attempt to further globalise the policing of IP laws in favour of corporate and copyright control.

Then come the vigilantes and those singing different, discordant tunes suggesting another alternative. One such figure was Kim Dotcom, founder of Megaupload and on the US Department of Justice wanted list for some years, along with company co-founders Mathias Ortmann, Bram van der Kolk and Finn Batato.

His case is doing the torturous rounds in New Zealand, where the German-born defendant remains based, still seeing whether he can elude US authorities on the subject of inventive alleged violations.  It has become one of the largest criminal copyright cases in history, beginning after Dotcom’s dramatic arrest in 2012 at his New Zealand mansion at the hands of dozens of agents, both NZ and US, along with two helicopters.

The New Zealand court decided at the start of this week that the 2015 decision of the lower court favouring the extradition of Kim Dotcom and his co-defendants be upheld.  Justice Murray Gilbert of the High Court seemed rather tricky with his reasoning.  For one, he admitted “that online communication of copyright protected works to the public is not a criminal offence in New Zealand under s. 131 of the Copyright Act.”

Dotcom and his legal team would have felt rather thrilled with that. The prosecution plank had collapsed.  Case closed.  Except, of course, that it hadn’t.  Justice Gilbert proceeded to assume a mighty pulpit and preach despite the absence of a NZ copyright offence in this case.

Much of this lay in the prosecutorial effort to expand the range of offences, a tactic the Dotcom team termed “massaging”.  In widening the net, acts amounting to internet piracy were suggested, including racketeering, money laundering, to name but a few charges additional to the issue of copyright infringement.  Many coalesced around the issue of conspiracy, a favourite, catch-all provision US prosecutors have loved to employ.

The Crimes Act, in other words, had loomed into judicial consideration with its full force, its “general criminal law fraud provisions” doing their bit to undermine the case of the appellants, despite Dotcom’s assertion that this was purely a copyright matter.  Read along with s. 101B of the Extradition Act itself, the judge agreed “that the appellants are eligible for extradition on all counts for which their surrender is sought.”

That wilful infringement supposedly committed by Dotcom did something devastating to the copyright holder: deprive it “of something to which it may be entitled.”  (The amount alleged is staggering: $500 million worth.  Dotcom is alleged to have netted $175 million in criminal proceeds.)  It followed that the alleged conduct on count 2 constituted “the offence of conspiracy to defraud in terms of art II.16.”

Article II, paragraph 16 of the extradition treaty between the US and NZ outlines the grounds for extradition: “Obtaining property, money or valuable securities by false pretences or by conspiracy to defraud the public or any person by deceit or falsehood or other fraudulent means, whether such deceit or falsehood or any fraudulent means would or would not amount to a false pretense.”[1]

Digital activists have a brat element to them, an impetuousness that follows the crooked over the straight. They are often necessary boons excavating to find deficiencies in existing systems, rather than spotty criminals to be potted.

In Dotcom’s case, a cloud storage provider is being prosecuted, an aspect that has grave implications in the broader internet domain.  For one, it suggests a self-policing dimension to the operations of such an enterprise. Dotcom’s claims there, rather reasonably, are that policing the behaviour of 50 million daily users of a site is hardly credible, though efforts were made to detect copyright infringements. For all that, the US DOJ would still claim that there was a mere “veneer of legality” to such operations.[2]

As Dotcom’s barrister, Ron Mansfield, said after Justice Gilbert had down his judgment, “The High Court has accepted that Parliament made a clear and deliberate decision not to criminalise this type of alleged conduct by internet service providers, making them not responsible for the acts of their users.”[3]

Dotcom’s legal counsel, Ira Rothken, put it such last year: “The second you put a cloud storage site on the Internet, whether it’s Google or Megaupload, there’s going to be good users and bad users.  There’s going to be folks who are going to infringe, there are going to be folks who are saving wedding photos and using that for fair use.” [4]

But the legal assessment of Dotcom’s case suggests that prosecuting authorities will be favoured, and that powerful corporate demands expressed through state intermediaries and lobbies, will continue to have their day. Any effort to battle this case out in a US setting is most likely, as Rothken asserts, going to take place on an “unfair playing ground”.[5]  Next stop: the NZ Court of Appeal.

Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He lectures at RMIT University, Melbourne.  Email: [email protected]







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Recently, we had a look at the ways President Trump’s Ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, is making her predecessor, “humanitarian bomber” Samantha Power, look like a model diplomat by comparison. It turns out Haley’s ghastly performance at the UN thus far is no fluke. Each time she opens her mouth she spews not the kind of foreign policy that President Trump campaigned on, but rather the boot-in-the-face know-nothingness that we have grown accustomed to in recent years. 

In the latest “Haley Alert,” the Ambassador is furious over a Russia-threatened veto of a UN Security Council resolution offered by the US, UK, and France to impose new sanctions on the Syrian government over unproven allegations that Syria used chemical weapons against its own population.

Yes, under Ambassador Haley we have entered a time machine back to 2013, where the US is ready to deploy its entire diplomatic (and perhaps military) arsenal against the one government in the Middle East actually fighting President Trump’s sworn enemies: ISIS and al-Qaeda.

President Trump, in one of his first interviews after the November election, starkly contrasted his position with those both of the outgoing Obama Administration and his defeated opponent, Hillary Clinton:

I’ve had an opposite view of many people regarding Syria. …My attitude was you’re fighting Syria, Syria is fighting ISIS, and you have to get rid of ISIS. Russia is now totally aligned with Syria, and now you have Iran, which is becoming powerful, because of us, is aligned with Syria… Now we’re backing rebels against Syria, and we have no idea who these people are.

His employee, the US Ambassador to the UN, clearly does not share her boss’s “opposite view” on Syria. And she is not afraid to contradict her boss’s position on a regular basis. Today the US Mission to the UN released Ambassador Haley’s remarks condemning the threatened Russian veto of new sanctions against Syria, and her comments do not in any way suggest a diplomat remotely well-informed about the complex matters at hand:

I think what we saw in there was pretty amazing, because you had unity in the fact that we needed to be concerned about chemical weapons being used in Syria. You had an overwhelming vote to say we need an investigative mechanism that would prove that these chemical weapons were being done by the Syrian regime. Now you’ve got the results that have come out, and people don’t like what the results are. It is ridiculous. How much longer is Russia going to continue to babysit and make excuses for the Syrian regime? People have died by being suffocated to death. That’s barbaric.

So what we’re going to do is – we were given all these reasons on why we shouldn’t propose the resolution. We were given all these reasons on why the timing was wrong. That is exactly why the timing is right. That is exactly why this resolution needs to happen. Whether people are going to veto it or not, you are either for chemical weapons or you’re against it. People died because of this, and the United States isn’t going to be quiet. Thank you.

Let’s unpack this head-scratcher of a statement. First off, “we need an investigative mechanism that would prove that these chemical weapons were being done by the Syrian regime.” So she is stating that there must be an investigation to prove what she has pre-determined to be true before the investigation took place? Does that sound like “innocent until proven guilty”? Or does it sound like Hoxha-era revolutionary justice? “We must have a trial to prove comrade X guilty so we can execute him!”

And this from Haley: “How much longer is Russia going to continue to babysit and make excuses for the Syrian regime?”

Ms. Ambassador: Do you mean the regime that just liberated Aleppo from its murderous occupation by al-Qaeda? You know, those guys who attacked the US on 9/11?

If Assad is using chemical weapons against his own people (Why? Presumably for fun?) then why once Aleppo was cleansed of the al-Qaeda occupiers have former residents flocked to return to an Aleppo under Assad’s control? Do they enjoy being gassed?

US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley is an absolute train wreck. She embodies the worst traits of her predecessors with a much lower level of understanding of foreign affairs or diplomacy. Will President Trump recognize his mistake in appointing her to represent the US at the UN and replace her with someone who will actually carry out his foreign policy? Or was he simply lying when he said he had an “opposite view” from the conventional Washington wisdom on Syria (and Russia as well)?

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At the 28th Summit meeting of the African Union (AU) held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on 30 January 2017, Morocco’s readmission to the continental body generated heated discussion. At the end of the day the Kingdom of Morocco managed to win over sufficient member states on its side and it was allowed to join the fold unconditionally.

Morocco left the Organization of African Unity (OAU), precursor to the AU, in 1984 after the OAU recognized the right to self-determination and independence for the people of the Western Sahara and admitted the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) that was proclaimed in 1976 by the Sahrawi people’s Polisario Front.

Map of Western SaharaIt was in keeping with the OAU principle not to recognize the occupation of any part of the continent that it admitted the SADR to its membership. While SADR claimed sovereignty over the Western Sahara territory, Morocco saw it as an integral part of its own territory. Thus, rather than accept SADR’s independence, Morocco left the OAU.

Since then Morocco has refused to join the AU unless the organization withdraws the membership of SADR.

The Occupation of Western Sahara

The area of Western Sahara has been occupied by Morocco since 1976 when Spain pulled out and relinquished its claim as a colonial power over the territory. This former Spanish colony was then annexed by Morocco. Sahrawi people, who fought Spanish colonial oppression, were now forced to fight Moroccan occupation. They conducted resistance struggle under the leadership of Polisario Front until 1991 when the United Nations (UN) brokered a truce.

A UN-supervised referendum on independence of Western Sahara was promised in 1992 but it was aborted by Morocco. A UN peacekeeping mission that was to organize the referendum has remained in the territory ever since, while Morocco built a 2,700km-long sand wall, with landmines.

SADR, headed by the Polisario Front, has been recognized by the AU as the legitimate government in exile. For decades Morocco made futile attempts to delegitimize SADR and Polisario. Eventually it applied to rejoin AU without precondition.

AU member states argued that Morocco should not be readmitted unless it accepts the 1960 UN Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, which states that, “All peoples have the right to self-determination; and by virtue of that right they freely determine their political status.”

Morocco was also asked to accept unconditionally the OAU/AU African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights which provides that:

Nothing shall justify the domination of a people by another. All peoples shall have the unquestionable and inalienable right to self-determination. They shall freely determine their political status.

Thus, before readmission Morocco should have accepted all the 33 Articles of the Constitutive Act of the AU with Western Sahara as a founding member. Morocco should also accept the AU Act which recognizes African colonial boundaries, thus making its continued occupation of Western Sahara illegal.

All this was thrust aside and Morocco was readmitted to the AU when 39 out of the 54 African member states voted for Morocco. They tacitly endorsed the longstanding occupation of Western Sahara, while Morocco refuses to comply with the successive UN resolutions on the holding of a referendum on self-determination.

Western Sahara thus remains the continent’s last colonial outpost, occupied by another African state. It is an albatross on the African Union’s conscience, since it was a departure from its founding principles.

Morocco’s Goodwill Tour

Morocco’s readmission was reportedly influenced by Morocco’s King Mohammad’s affluence. This became evident when he demonstrated his largesse while touring the continent, lobbying for support from African heads.

It is said he will now bankroll the AU in line with what Libya’s Muammar Gaddafi used to do. The two are, of course, poles apart. Gaddafi, arguably, had a pan-Africanist and anti-imperialist vision, while the King aims at continued annexation of Western Sahara.

That is why prior to the AU vote the King embarked on a charm offensive by touring African countries, seeking support for his AU bid. In February 2014 he set off on a tour of Mali, Ivory Coast, Guinea and Gabon. This was his second regional trip in less than five months. He took with him a contingent of advisors and business executives who negotiated a pile of agreements covering practically everything – from religious training to agriculture and mining projects.

In December 2016, the King concluded the second leg of a nearly two-month, six-country Africa tour, resulting in some 50 bilateral agreements. The visits came on the heels of trips to Rwanda, Tanzania, and Senegal in October, when more than 40 bilateral agreements were signed.

This is how the monarch wound up his whirlwind tour of Africa prior to the AU Summit meeting in January 2017. For those who say the royal expeditions to African countries had altruistic motive, suffice it to quote his official who said:

Aside from west and central Africa we must open up to east Africa and that is what is under way. The context of Morocco’s return to the African Union is there too of course, and these are important countries in the AU.

The tour of east Africa “is also a way to get closer to countries which historically had positions which were hostile to Morocco’s interests,” said the Moroccan source.

In some circles it is argued that Morocco’s readmission was a ‘positive’ step in that, as full member of the AU, it will now have to recognize the independence and sovereignty of SADR. If that is so then the readmission should have been conditional.

In any case, Morocco has no intention to give in on its occupation. Its return to the union is intended to eventually push for the removal of Western Sahara out of the AU, thus silencing the voice of the Sahrawi people in connivance with ‘friendly’ member states.

Yet while the AU fails to stand by such principles, the kingdom of Morocco is under pressure in the international diplomatic arena where Polisario is gaining global support. In fact, on 21 December 2016, a few days before the Addis Ababa Summit, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) dismissed Morocco’s claim to Western Sahara. The ruling means the European Union’s trade deals with Morocco do not apply to the occupied territory of Western Sahara which is endowed with its fish stocks, mineral deposits, agricultural produce and oil reserves.

The UN and the European Union

The ECJ ruled that Western Sahara cannot be treated as a part of Morocco, meaning no EU-Morocco trade deals can apply to the territory. The ruling confirms the long-established legal status of Western Sahara as a non-self-governing territory, and upholds existing international law. The EU member states and institutions have been asked to comply with the ruling and immediately cease all agreements, funding and projects reinforcing Morocco’s illegal occupation of Western Sahara.

The Court also ruled that a trade deal between the EU and Morocco should be scrapped because it included products from Western Sahara. Morocco had to accept that any free trade deal would have to exclude Western Sahara. This includes the fruits and vegetables grown by companies such as Les Domaines Agricoles, which is partly owned by King Mohammed VI.

On top of this there have been more than 100 UN resolutions calling for self-determination for the Western Sahara. In March 2016, the then UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon described the situation in Western Sahara as an “occupation.” The UN, however, has to go beyond rhetoric by enforcing its resolutions. It formally recognizes the occupation of Western Sahara as illegal, and has maintained a peacekeeping mission (MINURSO) commissioned to hold a referendum in Sahara since 1991. But it has a skeleton staff, with no mandate to even monitor human rights abuses, thanks to France’s Security Council veto.

And so the French oil company Total is active in Western Sahara, while others have pulled out. Also big investors such as the Norwegian government’s pension fund avoid any deals which involve Western Sahara. And the EFTA free trade association, a group of non-EU countries including Norway, Switzerland, Iceland and Liechtenstein, excludes Western Sahara goods from its free trade deal with Morocco.

Morocco’s return to the AU is an affront not only to the people of Western Sahara but to African people, for Morocco is a country that once refused to host the African Cup of Nations on flimsy grounds that Moroccans would be infected by African teams bringing in Ebola virus.

Some African heads claim that the admission of Morocco will now resolve the question of Western Sahara’s occupation. Such argument is always pushed with some foreign machination. In fact Morocco is now emboldened. That is why those who voted for readmission of Morocco should have demanded an end to the illegal occupation as a precondition.

That did not happen at the AU Summit meeting in Addis Ababa. Instead we see the AU blatantly violating its own Constitutive Act, and the principle for African countries to respect each other’s territorial boundaries.

We witness a violation of both the AU and the UN declarations on the inalienable right of the people of Western Sahara to independence and self-determination.

Meanwhile, hundreds of thousands of Sahrawi people are disenfranchized. It is estimated that up to 200,000 have fled to refugee camps in the neighbouring Algeria and Mauritania. They are separated by a 2,700km-long wall going through Western Sahara, surrounded by landmines. •

Nizar Visram is a free-lance writer from Tanzania. He can be reached at [email protected].

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On the heels of Amnesty International’s admittedly and entirely fabricated report regarding Syria’s Saydnaya prison, Human Rights Watch (HRW) has published its own baseless report on Syria – this one regarding alleged chlorine bomb attacks in Aleppo during the city’s liberation late last year.

In a post on HRW’s website titled, “Syria: Coordinated Chemical Attacks on Aleppo,” it claims:

Syrian government forces conducted coordinated chemical attacks in opposition-controlled parts of Aleppo during the final month of the battle for the city, Human Rights Watch said today.

However, when qualifying HRW’s accusations, it admits:

Through phone and in-person interviews with witnesses and analysis of video footage, photographs, and posts on social media, Human Rights Watch documented government helicopters dropping chlorine in residential areas on at least eight occasions between November 17 and December 13, 2016. The attacks, some of which included multiple munitions, killed at least nine civilians, including four children, and injured around 200.

Watching the videos and viewing the photographs reveals that none of them actually link any of the alleged “chlorine attacks” to Syrian forces, or even to chlorine itself.

The body of evidence presented by HRW also reveals that the interviews they conducted with alleged “witnesses” included almost exclusively opposition forces. Among them were the US-UK funded White Helmets – referred to disingenuously as “Syria Civil Defense” in HRW’s report – who served as designated terrorist organization Jabhat Al Nusra auxiliaries, often found on the battlefield shoulder-to-shoulder with armed militants.

Not only are these clearly compromised sources of information based on their admitted political alignments, but also because of their respective, systematic fabrications throughout the Syrian conflict. It is telling of HRW’s systematic bias that it would base an entire report on compromised sources drawn from the opposition, but not even a single report based on government claims. United Arab Emirate-based Al Nusra propaganda platform “Orient News” was also cited, as were other notorious anti-government propaganda networks including the Aleppo Media Center. In reality, a trutable rights advocacy organization would only report what physical evidence verified. Human Rights Watch has deliberately avoided doing so not only in Syria, but amid virtually ever conflict it involves itself in.

From conflating the number of civilians “trapped” in eastern Aleppo, to attempts to downplay or dismiss the role designated terrorist organizations played in the occupation of Aleppo, the groups and individuals cited by Human Rights have practiced deliberate deceit throughout the battle for Aleppo, and the Syrian conflict at large.

For Human Rights Watch – an allegedly world-renowned rights advocacy organization – to cite such sources indicates that this latest report, like Amnesty International’s recently fabricated report, constitutes a politically-motivated attack hiding behind rights advocacy, not upholding it.

Considering the timing of Amnesty International, Human Rights, and also the Atlantic Council’s reports, rolled out in a multi-organizational campaign attacking the Syrian government, the individual deceit of each organization transforms into collective and coordinated impropriety.

A final consideration in the wake of Human Rights Watch’s latest, politically-motivated report is the fact that all actual evidence points to the opposition itself for being behind both the production and deployment of chlorine-based weapons.

TIME Magazine in an article titled, “Syria’s Civil War: The Mystery Behind a Deadly Chemical Attack,” would admit:

In August rebel forces took Sabbagh’s factory by force, as part of a sweep that also netted them an electricity station and a military airport about 30 km from Aleppo. Sabbagh, who has since fled Aleppo for Beirut, says his factory is now occupied by Jabhat al-Nusra, a militant group with strong ties to al-Qaeda that has been designated a terrorist group by the U.S. He knows this because his site manager has struck a deal with the rebels — they supply 200 L of fuel a day to keep the generator running so that the valves of his $25 million factory don’t freeze up. The factory isn’t operational anymore, but this way at least, says Sabbagh, it might be one day in the future. In the meantime, he has no idea what has happened, if anything, to the 400 or so steel barrels of chlorine gas he had stored in the compound. The yellow tanks, which hold one ton of gas each, are used for purifying municipal water supplies. “No one can know for certain, but if it turns out chlorine gas was used in the attack, then the first possibility is that it was mine. There is no other factory in Syria that can make this gas, and now it is under opposition control,” he says.

Military experts since the advent of modern chemical warfare have noted its limited utility during combat. It has very temporary tactical advantages when used on a very large scale – a scale much larger than any of the alleged attacks cited by Human Rights Watch. Strategically, a military force with superior conventional means would have no logical use for chemical weapons.

Likewise, chemical weapons would not turn the tide in the battle of Aleppo for the occupying terrorists. However, the use of chemical weapons in Aleppo and the use of the West’s powerful propaganda arms to assign blame to the Syrian government did promise a very significant political and possibly strategic advantage. It was accusations of “weapons of mass destruction” that served as a pretext for war with Iraq in 2003 – a pretext the US attempted to recreate versus Syria in 2013.

With these latest, weak, and baseless accusations presented by Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and the Atlantic Council, we are witnessing a redux of 2013 propaganda aimed at undermining the Syrian government and expanding the West’s pretext for more direct involvement in the Syrian conflict.

Tony Cartalucci, Bangkok-based geopolitical researcher and writer, especially for the online magazine New Eastern Outlook”.

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There, in Geneva, are the talks about the political solution in Syria.  It is the easy talk.  The negotiations should be two sides:   The governmental actor and the opposition actor.  However, the moderate oppositions have many delegations, many podiums, many representatives of many countries, but not from Syria.

There is the Riyadh delegation, Cairo delegation, Istanbul delegation, Moscow delegation – and behind the scene at the prime podium and the most effective delegation, the Israeli one.

Who are these people and why are they given podiums to discuss our country?

image-moderate oppositions assassinate major general hassan daaboul in homs

Syrian Major General Hassan Daaboul, martyred in Homs 25 February

Stefan de Mistura, the UN envoy supports the wanting of most of those opposition factions for a transitional government, which is also the main goal of Israel.

Saudi, Qatar, Turkey, the US, and Israel have backed these moderate oppositions whose representatives live in Five Star hotels, in luxury – while real Syrians are under the horror of war and under the attack of moderate Wahhabi mercenaries, suicide bombers, liver eating cannibalshead choppers, since March 2011 when the west and Gulfie and Levantine underlings launched the fake ‘revolution’ to destroy our country.  All helped by the fake news media.

Now in Geneva there are some of the same terrorists but they arrived after shaving their long beards and wearing modern suits to look nicely formed in these so-called opposition delegations.

Morever, Mr. Stefan de Mistura, who never missed any chance to defend the so-called “moderate” terrorists in Syria, supported them so much as to offer to use himself as a human shield, to go with them from Aleppo to any part of Syria, and with their weapons.  The western news reported on this, how loving and caring this old man is for the concern of Syrians, but they left out the part about the weapons.

If you decide to leave in dignity with your weapons, to Idlib [which became a state of terrorists by the full will of the west] or anywhere you wanted to go, I personally am ready, physically, to accompany you.  I can’t guarantee more than my own personality and body.

They did not report it, either, when he did not go to Aleppo to use himself as human shield when his moderate oppositions friends were murdering any Syrians trying to get on the buses when the government opened humanitarian corridors and gave a long humanitarian pause.

This was al Nusra [Jabhat al Nusra, JaN] he offered to protect, in his fact manner.  But then he finally came and wanted my country to give these terrorists autonomy in Aleppo.  Autonomy of the killers, to kill more.  Autonomy to the “oppositions” who starved and tortured and destroyed.  You can check a video by a real Syria woman, Mrs. Hayat, 21 years old, who is not pro and not against the government, just a simple, and not political woman.  She was tortured by the friends of de Mistura, the “rebels.” This woman was pushed to tell her story about daily life and death under the rule of these monsters he wanted autonomy for.

image-Syrian Woman Tortured by FSA Moderate Rebels in Eastern Aleppo

Syrian Woman Tortured by FSA Moderate Rebels in Eastern Aleppo

All of the world’s media lies against Syria are still not enough! Not enough that most of the terror against Syria is foreign, there are domestic terrorists, too, who sell their country, give poison against their land, Syria.  More deadly insults come from Mr. de Mistura who brought two women whose relatives are involved in terror, as his guests to the Geneva talks, to tell lies as “Syrian witnesses.”  The UN’s website wrote that “He pledged to raise this issue of detainees, abducted and missing people as parts of the ongoing discussions.”

Such a statement sounds like he plans to bring up the lies of Amnesty about a jail.  All countries have jails for criminals.  But lies about Syria make the world believe jails are for “detainees.”  The UN website didn’t write about the villages in Latakia countryside where men were slaughtered and women and children kidnapped in 2013.  The UN website didn’t write that 58 of them were freed early this month in exchange for imprisoned terrorists.  So, it will be more double standards and hypocrisy against Syria.

Meanwhile the UN security council, the NGOs HRW, and Amnesty are openly defending terrorists in Syria.

Again in Homs, suicide attacks hit.  Six suicide bombers, 6 terrorists targeted two security and military administrative offices.  More than 42 Syrians were martyred and dozens others wounded, many critically.  The destruction of people’s homes, buildings, streets is massive.

The work of suicide bomber moderate oppositions

These are the moderate oppositions — terrorists — supported by the mentality of de Mistura and Amnesty.

If we had captured them before they blew themselves up, slaughtering dozens of Syrians, they should not have been jailed!

Their rotten families have no right to  be honored at the Geneva talks, but this is what the fake, war criminal western media will report.  They will make more emotional war pornography against us, using them.

But what about the families of today’s 42 martyrs, de Mistura?  This is the reality of the the many delegations of non-Syrians at Geneva.  Most of these delegations of this conference have backed these moderate oppositions terrorists. We are too used to these attacks during every peace conference you hold.



Gift of moderate oppositions to Homs, to celebrate the Geneva peace talks

What about the families of all Syrians, since you started your international plot against my country? What about a generation of orphans?

I would love to be there with Dr. Ja’afari, to ask this of de Mistura, please stop weeping your crocodile tears about Syrians, while all you care about is defending and strengthening the terrorists you have supported.

One of today’s victims is General Hasan Da’aboul, our countryman. Your mainstream media like BBC Arabic was so happy about his martyrdom, under the pretext that he put many of your moderate terrorists in jail!  This is another clear confession from you:  You cheer the death of defenders of our country.  You call the killers and beheaders “moderate rebels” but you know that they are well organized gangs funded and armed by you.

Your moderate oppositions also bombed the Ebla processing station, in Homs countryside. It is the commercial gas plant of electricity-generating stations that feed into Syria’s national grid.  Some hospitals are now without fuel for their generators.

Don’t tell me about moderate “oppositions”!  Let Syrians tell you!

— Afraa Dagher 25 February

Editor’s addenda:

Bait and switch artist Stefan de Mistura’s 23 February opening statement to the Geneva meeting merits an award for oozing with patrimony and neo-colonialism.

His braying commitment to “continue to do everything…to promote the full and effective participation of Syrian women in the Syrian effort” omits the reality of Syrian women throughout the country’s thousands of years of civilized history; Syria’s warrior queen Zenobia was born in 240 CE.  Syrian women have had full suffrage since 1953, seven years after the French Mandate occupiers were driven out of the country.  Syria’s current vice president is a woman, and President Bashar al Assad’s chief advisor is a woman.  The Syrian Parliament’s House Speaker is a woman.   Syrian women dress themselves, run businesses, drive cars. Perhaps he mistakes Syria for Saudi occupied Arabia, where women do nothing without permission of male guardians?

He ridiculously claimed that there is “no military solution, only a political solution.”  This is an attempt to diminish the sacrifices of the Syrian Arab Army in defending the homeland from mostly foreign terrorist invaders.   By suggesting that there is a future political solution, he ignores that Syria has been successfully engaged in its Reconciliation projects.

On 5 January, twelve hundred terrorists converted to SAA in Damascus countryside.

In early January, top opposition figure Namaf al Bashir repented, and returned home.

On 14 January, Ret. Gen. Ahmad Ghadban, Reconciliation Coordinator in Wadi Barada was assassinated after leaving a successful meeting.

Today’s synchronized moderate opposition suicide bombings in Homs (which struck two security centers) were carried out by Jabhat Fateh al Sham, formerly Jabhat al Nusra.  Its leaders are foreign terrorists from Australia, Saudi occupied Arabia, Jordan, and Macedonia.  Aussie leader Mahamed assured CNN‘s Clarissa Ward last summer that the gang was no longer affiliated with al Qaeda.

That Major General Daaboul was among the 42 martyrs is being shamelessly ignored by western msm.

de Mistura heaped praise upon the Syria-less (as in no Syrians involved) ISSG, the the urgency for the colonialist- imposition of UNSCR 2254 upon the Syrian people.  It must be that royal bloodline of his, but he somehow missed that one of the countries who signed this UN agreement — Britain — does not have a constitution of its own.  Full analysis of the Syria-less ISSG and 2254, here.

H.E. Bashar al Ja’afari, Head of the Syrian Arab Republic delegation in Geneva, said that today’s “terrorist act in Homs isn’t just a military terrorist act, but also a political terrorist act” and called upon de Mistura et al. to issue a condemnation:

Naturally, issuing statements will not bring the victims back to life, but the condemnation will serve as a test for the platforms participating in the Geneva talks as moderate opposition, so that we can find out if these platforms are against terrorism or partners in it.

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Turkey has cut off the Euphrates River flow to Northern Syria, leaving Tishrin dam and its hydropower plant non-operational in Eastern Aleppo to stop operation.

According to Hawar news “People in North of Syria particularly in Kobanî canton and Manbij are suffering from cutting off the electricity as the Turkish government cut off Euphrates water which reduced water level in Tishrin Dam Lake, and therefore, the power cut off on many North Syria areas.”

“Since Friday night, the power totally has been cut off after ceasing Tishrin Dam from generating electricity,” the local website reported. Soon, the management of Tishrin Dam released a statement and made the reasons of cutting off the electricity clear.

Jahineh news reported that Turkey has closed off the flow of water in the Euphrates River that runs from its Southern territories to Northern Syria.

The Euphrates River is the main source of water reservoir behind the Tishrin Dam.

Authorities try to provide people with fuel to operate to avoid the problem of cutting off, Rasho Muhammad told Hawar news.

The administrative in services committee in Democratic Civil Administration in Manbij also emphasized that “Turkey violated the international conventions of water and rivers energy by cutting off Euphrates water”.

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One year before overthrowing Ali Abdullah Saleh in 2012, the Security Council of the UN, anxious about the events happening in Yemen, issued a resolution according to which all belligerent sides should immediately reject violence and called on them to commit a peaceful transition of power.

On 21 February 2012, in contradiction to the resolution and the article 108 of the constitution of Yemen, Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi, then vice president, held a presidential election in which he was the sole candidate, and as a result of which he became president for two years. When Shia insurgency intensified against Hadi, he abdicated in January 2015 and fled to Saudi Arabia requesting help from that country.

On 26 March a coalition of some Arab countries, as well as Pakistan, under the command of Saudi Arabia invaded Yemen calling their operation “al-Hazm Storm”. The Arab countries of Morocco, Sudan, Egypt, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, and UAE have taken part in the operation, and Somalia allowed the coalition to use its military bases to invade Yemen.

The coalition claims that the reason of its attack to Yemen was the letter which has been written by Hadi, after his abdication, requesting the UN and Saudi Arabia to intervene in Yemen by land force. On the other hand, the coalition forces, in their letter to the UN, claimed that the Houthis seek for hegemony on Yemen, using this country as a base to affect the region. Therefore, they claimed, the threat of Houthis is not only against the security, stability, and sovereignty of Yemen, but also against the peace and security of the region as well as international community. Pondering on the letter, it could be inferred that the coalition is not worried about the people of Yemen, but they are deeply scared of the impact of some other countries on Yemen. In fact, Saudi Arabia is deeply anxious about Yemen to be out of Saudi’s control, which was continuous for consecutive decades.

The invasion of Yemen entailed different reactions amongst different countries. Although the US, Canada, France, the UK, Israel, and Turkey, are amongst the supporters of the invasion, Russia, Iran, Iraq and Syria were against the attack. China and the UN also declared their anxiousness about the invasion.

Prohibition of the use of force is one of the basic principles on which international law has been founded. According to Article 2(4) of the Charter of the UN, all members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state.

According to The Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States adopted by the General Assembly on 24 October 1970 (resolution 2625 (XXV)), “A war of aggression constitutes a crime against the peace, for which there is responsibility under international law.”

According to the declaration, “States have the duty to refrain from propaganda for wars of aggression … [and] every State has the duty to refrain from the threat or use of force to violate the existing international boundaries of another State.” Although the declaration is not legally bounding, it is an important reliable document for the interpretation of the relevant rules of the UN charter. Therefore, the use of force for furthering national policy as well as interference in internal affairs of other countries, create the infringement of basic principles of international law.

The prohibition of the use of force has some exceptions, including self-defence and collective security system, which are not enforceable on the case of Yemen. No armed attack had been occurred by Yemen against the members of the coalition. Although the security council in its resolutions number 2201 and 2216 has considered Hadi as president of Yemen and referred to his letter in which he had requested help from the Arab League, the reliability of the resolutions, because of their being against ius cogens, ought to be regarded with suspicion. Many defenceless civilian Yemeni people were killed by the recurrent air strikes of the coalition which attacked them indiscriminately.

Although it has been claimed that the invasion has taken place based on the letter of Yemeni’s president, in should be said that Hadi was not the president of Yemen at the time of the letter. He, and his cabinet, had abdicated before as a result of a popular uprising, not as a result of a coup or something like that, as in Haiti in 1991. Therefore, he was not the representative of Yemeni people to request international community to intervene in Yemen.

To sum up, considering the rules of international law, it seems that the military operation of the coalition against Yemen is in contrast to international law; because of the fact that it was not an occupation by another state, such as Kuwait in 1990, and it was not a military coup, in contrast to the claims of Hadi, in Yemen. The Yemeni people would like to overthrow Hadi; but he supressed them with ultimate cruelty; for example, in the bloody Friday of 8 March 2011, more than 50 people were killed and 240 were wounded. Instead of listening to the demands of the downtrodden people of Yemen, the government of Hadi tried to suppress them violently; and it was condemned several times by international organisations, such as amnesty international and the UN. Now the breach of the sovereignty of Yemen and its territorial integrity is against the goals and purposes of the UN Charter. Being against humanitarian international law, it not does not help to create peace and security in the region; but it helps the terrorist groups such as Al-Qaeda to grow up.

Amir Abbas Amirshekari, PhD in International Law (University of Tehran, Iran), Advocate (Iran Bar Association)

[email protected]

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Israeli military bulldozers destroyed, Monday, a drinking water pipeline that was funded by The United Nations International Children’s Fund (UNICEF) in the Central Plains of the occupied West Bank.

Mo’taz Bisharat, a Palestinian official in charge of Israeli colonies’ file at the Palestinian Authority in central West Bank, said many Israeli army jeeps and bulldozers invaded the area, during early morning hours, and destroyed a drinking water pipeline, providing water to Palestinian communities along the al-Hadeediyya and ar-Ras al-Ahmar areas.

Bisharat added that the pipeline provided clean drinking water to 47 families, and extended on 8.5 kilometers.

He also stated that the pipeline’s installation and equipment costs were 12500 euros, provided by the UNICEF to enable access to clean drinking water, and added that the soldiers confiscated large sections of the pipeline.

It is worth mentioning that this destruction is the second of its kind in one month.

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How U.S. Missile “Defense” Destabilizes the World

February 26th, 2017 by William Griffin

Contrary to defense industry claims, missile defense does not make the world a safer place but rather destabilizes it, warned Dr. Jae-jung Suh and Ray McGovern during a recent online webinar organized by is a coalition of organizations building awareness and helping to grow a movement to stop the deployment of U.S. missile defense (MD) systems, such as the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system, which the Pentagon plans to deploy in South Korea this year.

MD systems are designed to detect, track, intercept and destroy incoming missiles. Initially built to intercept intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs), MD has broadened to include shorter-range non-nuclear tactical and theater missiles. MD allows first nuclear strike capability. During the Cold War, the doctrine of mutually assured destruction (M.A.D.) deterred nuclear powers from actually attacking each other with nuclear weapons. If one side were to attack, the other side would retaliate with a counter-attack, thereby mutually assuring each other’s destruction, and this prevented all parties from initiating conflict. The aim of MD, however, is to rid the enemy’s ability to mount a retaliatory attack and thereby  secure first strike capability. This makes nuclear weapons a more “usable” option.

In 1972, the U.S. and Soviet Union signed the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty.  This, according to Ray McGovern, who served as a CIA analyst from 1963 to 1990 and is now an anti-war activist, allowed each country only two ABM sites. Two ABM sites are hardly enough to guarantee nationwide protection. The signing of this treaty ensured that neither country could attack the other without “suffering a crippling blow in retaliation,” said McGovern, who had the privilege of attending the historic signing event.

(Ray McGovern on Missile Defense)

In 2002, former President Bush withdrew the U.S. withdrew from the ABM Treaty, “the main source for strategic stability,”according to McGovern. Since then, the MD industry has been on steroids, and the U.S. has been building and deploying MD systems surrounding Russia. Since 2011, the Pentagon has been implementing what it calls the “European Phased Adaptive Approach” (EPPA). The four phases outlined are as follows:

Phase One: address short and medium range ballistic missile “threats” by deploying sea-based MD systems, Aegis Ballistic MD ships, to the Mediterranean Sea. Phase One also calls for deploying a land-based early warning radar, which Turkey has agreed to host.

Phase Two: expand coverage against short and medium range threats with the fielding of a land-based SM-3 MD interceptor site in Romania, along with a BMD site.

Phase Three: improve coverage against medium and intermediate range missile “threats” with an additional land-based SM-3 interceptor site in Poland.

Phase Four: enhance the ability to counter medium and intermediate range missiles and potential future ICBM “threats” with the deployment of a SM-3 Block IIB interceptor in the Middle East.

Image by Professor JJ Suh

Why is the U.S. building MD systems? “Money,” said McGovern, who says the MD industry is basically a corporate welfare system. Missile defense construction was first started by former President Reagan and was coined the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), aka “Star Wars.” Later under former President Clinton, the SDI Organization was changed to the Ballistic Missile Defense Organization (BMDO). Then, under former President Bush, it changed again to today’s Missile Defense Agency (MDA). Since its birth, the MD industry has spent over $180 billion of U.S. taxpayer money. According to its website, the Missile Defense Agency requested $7.5 billion for the fiscal Year 2017 to “strengthen and expand the deployment of defense for our Nation, deployed forces, allies, and international partners against increasingly capable ballistic missiles.” This corporate welfare system, says McGovern, only fattens the coffers of the military industrial complex, as warned by former President Eisenhower.

In 2014, when the western intelligence community orchestrated a coup in Crimea to expand NATO eastward, Putin’s response, according to McGovern, was in part prompted by the U.S. deployment of MD in Eastern Europe. When Putin asked the last U.S. ambassador to the Soviet Union, Jack Matlock whether or not deploying MD systems on Russia’s doorstep is a threat to Russian security, Matlock attempted to dispel the argument but responded with something even more disturbing– “It is not to threaten Russia, but to create jobs for American manufacturers and employees.” Putin then asked, “Why would you ‘create jobs’ in an industry that has the potential to put the entire human race in danger?” Russia — and perhaps everyone else except the United States — seems to understand how dangerous and destabilizing MD/ABMs can be.

Speaking to western journalists at an international forum in 2016, Putin accused the U.S. of using the “Iranian threat” to justify its MD systems in Europe. “The Iranian threat does not exist,” he said. Again, Russia interprets U.S. MD as a threat to its national security and an offensive system, which disables its retaliatory capability in the face of an attack. Putin went on to say U.S. citizens “do not feel a sense of the impending danger-this worries me.” McGovern concurred– “There is no rational discussion of these problems within western media apparatus.”

“Trump has huge openings here… And this [MD systems] will be Topic A on Russia’s agenda,” concluded McGovern. “There’s no reason we can’t do another 1972 deal, not just Russia, but extended to the far-east [Asia] as well.”

U.S. THAAD Deployment in South Korea

On July 7, 2016, the U.S. and South Korean governments announced a joint decision to deploy the U.S. Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) missile system to South Korea sometime in 2017. Since then, there has been wide disapproval from the South Korean people, who have been waging anti-THAAD protests throughout the country as part of the  larger protests against the scandal-ridden President Park Geun-Hye.

THAAD is comprised of five major components: interceptors, launchers, radar, a fire control unit, and support equipment. The two controversial components are the interceptor (hit-to-kill missile) and the radar (AN/TPY-2). The interceptor isn’t effective for short-range missiles from North Korea, according to Dr. Jae-jung Suh, but the radar, if deployed in South Korea, has the potential to expand U.S. surveillance over China. THAAD is built to intercept high altitude intermediate range missiles, not the short range missiles North Korea would use were it to attack the South.

The THAAD system, says Suh, a professor of politics and international affairs at International Christian University in Japan, needs to be understood as part of an arms race on the Korean peninsula as well as the broader global arms race. Suh has been a leading expert on U.S. militarism in the Asia-Pacific for several years and has recently focused his work on the THAAD issue.

The THAAD system would not protect Seoul, where half the South Korean population resides, says Suh. The Pentagon plans to deploy it in the southeastern part of Korea, and it would only be able to protect the southern half of the country, where most U.S. forces are stationed. The THAAD radar, according to Suh, would most likely be used to detect North Korean missiles headed for the United States. It would relay the information to the U.S. THAAD system in Alaska, from where interceptors can be launched to destroy the incoming missile. In other words, the THAAD system doesn’t benefit South Koreans although they will bear the burden of hosting it.

Even former President Obama seems to have known that THAAD is for protecting U.S. assets, not South Korean lives. In an interview with CBS News in 2016, he said, “But what we’re also doing is consulting with the South Koreans, for the first time, about more missile defense capabilities to prevent any possibility that North Korea could reach U.S. facilities or the U.S. population.”

Suh agrees with McGovern that U.S. MD destabilizes the world. The THAAD radar’s ability to conduct surveillance over Chinese soil undermines mutual deterrence between the United States and China. The United States already has two THAAD radars in Japan in addition to its previous-mentioned MD systems in Europe. Tensions in the Asia-Pacific have been rising since the announcement of U.S.’ THAAD deployment in Korea, and China has already retaliated against South Korea with 43 actions.

Suh proposes an immediate freeze and arms control as an alternative. Trump could decide to not deploy the controversial MD system to South Korea and downgrade or stop the annual military training exercises in South Korea, says Suh. If so, he added, North Korea would likely be willing to negotiate, which is the only path to peace.

Tracing the history of North Korea’s responses to U.S. actions since 1994 to the present underscores this point and provides useful instruction on how to move forward, says Suh. As the following chart shows, each time the U.S. was willing to engage in discussion, North Korea responded with freezing its nuclear program and even disabled it for a moment. But every time the U.S. intensified military pressure, North Korea re-ignited its nuclear program.

Image by Professor JJ Suh

(Professor JJ Suh on the THAAD and the global arms race)

William Griffin is a member of Veterans for Peace and a Steering Committee member of the Task Force to Stop THAAD in Korea and Militarism in Asia and the Pacific.

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Is Israel Preparing for a New Middle East War?

February 26th, 2017 by Germán Gorraiz López

Theodor Herzl is considered the Father of the present State of Israel and founder of Zionism and in his book “The Jewish State: Essay on a Modern Solution of the Jewish Question”, proposed the creation of an independent and sovereign Jewish State for all Jews of the World while promoting the creation of the OSM (World Zionist Organization) and in his work “The Old New Earth” (1902), lays the foundations of the present Jewish state as a utopia of a modern, democratic and prosperous nation in which Projected to the Jewish people within the context of the search of rights for the national minorities of the time that lacked state, like the Armenians and the Arabs.

However,, denounces that “the isolationist policy of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu seems to be at the antipodes of the founders of Zionism, such as Teodoro Herzl and Chaim Weizmman, who included the movement within the spectrum Progressive in the field of diplomacy, so the question is whether the diplomatic isolation of Israel can be reversed with a policy that is contrary to immobility and closure. “

Thus, the Jewish movement Peace Now in its report “Moving away the solution of the Two States”, asserts that the Government of Netanyahu plans to resume the project of building more than 55,000 houses in settlements located in occupied territory of the West Bank and East Jerusalem,

That more than 8,000 would be settled in the colony E-1, a territory of 12 square kilometers located between the Jewish settlement of Maale Adumin and the northeastern area of Jerusalem, which in practice would mean the termination of the existence of Two States and a decree In all rule to the red line imposed by US and EU. As a result, the Obama Administration allowed the UN Security Council to condemn Israeli settlements, ignoring US President-elect Donald Trump, who unsuccessfully tried to stop the resolution and breaking with his traditional stance, the United States resigned Veto this critical text with Israel and abstained, while the other fourteen members of the Council voted in favor, which has as immediate collateral effect “the energetic condemnation of the Netanyahu Government of the resolution of the Council, which demands the end of the Colonization and try to ensure the viability of the two-state solution, as well as the US decision to allow it to be approved. ”

Netanyahu and the manipulation of fear

American Harold Lasswell (one of the pioneers of mass communication research) studied post-World War I propaganda techniques and identified a way of manipulating the masses (hypodermic needle or magic bullet theory) , A theory embodied in his book “Propaganda Techniques in World War (1927) and based on” injecting into the population a concrete idea with the help of the mass media to direct public opinion for their own benefit and that allows to achieve The adhesion of individuals to their political ideology without resorting to violence “(defense of the sacrosanct security of Israel).

Edward L. Bernays, Sigmund Freud’s nephew and one of the pioneers in the study of mass psychology, in his book “Crystallizing public opinion”, unravels the group’s brain mechanisms and the influence of propaganda as a method To unify his thinking. Thus, according to his words “the mind of the group does not think, in the strict sense of the word. Instead of thoughts it has impulses, habits and emotions. At the moment of deciding his first impulse is usually to follow the example of a leader in whom he trusts “, reason why the propaganda of the Zionist establishment will be directed not to the individual subject but to the Group in which the personality of the one-dimensional individual is diluted and falls Shrouded in fragments of false expectations and common aspirations that support it, using the invisible dictatorship of fear of the Third Holocaust, come from Hamas, Hezbollah or Iran.

Following the US Senate and Congressional approval of a statement prepared by Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham and Democrat Robert Menendez stating that “if Israel is forced to defend itself and take action (against Iran), the United States will be To support it militarily and diplomatically, “we will see increased pressure from the pro-Israel lobby of the United States (AIPAC) to proceed to the destabilization of Syria and Iran by expeditious methods at the Trump stage, which will be used By the US-Britain-Israel Trilateral to redesign the unconnected puzzles mapping the present Middle Eastern countries and thus achieve strategically advantageous borders for Israel, following the plan orchestrated 60 years ago by the Governments of Britain, the United States and Israel and would have the support of the main Western allies (Greater Israel, Eretz Israel), as it would try to unite the antithetical concepts of the atavism of Greater Israel (Eretz Israel) and that it would drink from the sources Of Genesis 15:18, which states that “4,000 years ago, the title of ownership of all the land existing between the Nile River of Egypt and the Euphrates River was bequeathed to the Hebrew patriarch Abraham and later transferred to his descendants.”

This would entail the restoration of the Balfour Declaration (1917), which drew a state of Israel with a vast expanse of about 46,000 square miles, stretching from the Mediterranean east of the Euphrates to Syria, Lebanon, the northern part of Iraq, Northern part of Saudi Arabia, the coastal strip of the Red Sea and the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt as well as Jordan. This doctrine would have as main leader to Isaac Shamir when defending that “Judea and Samaria (biblical terms of the current West Bank) are integral part of the land of Israel. They have not been captured nor will they be returned to anyone, “a doctrine on which would be based the current postulates of the Likud party led by Netanyahu who aspires to make Jerusalem the” indivisible capital of the new Israel “, after the invasion of his Oriental after the War of the Six Days (1967).

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Since Donald Trump’s election as US president last November and particularly since the beginning of the year, increasing numbers of refugees are fleeing the US for Canada. To do so, many are making perilous journeys through snow-laden fields, in frigid temperatures.

The Trump administration and its anti-immigrant witch-hunt are responsible for the refugees’ plight. So too is Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government. If refugee claimants are being forced to cross into Canada using fields and seldom-traveled back roads, it is because the Trudeau government has instructed the Canada Border Services Agency to continue to enforce the reactionary Canada-US “Safe Third Country Agreement” and deny them entry if they try to enter Canada at a border crossing.

The number of asylum seekers crossing from the US states of New York, Vermont and Maine into Quebec in January was up more than ten-fold from two years ago. While only 42 made the crossing in January 2015, last month the figure was 452.

A network of smugglers has sprung up, charging up to $1,000 per head to take families from New York and other cities to the Canadian border.

Since January, hundreds, often in groups of a dozen or more, have trekked along frozen rivers and fields to reach Manitoba from Minnesota and North Dakota. Many have made the trip without winter clothing and in temperatures of -20 degrees Celsius (minus 4 degrees Fahrenheit). Some have lost fingers due to frostbite.

Most of the refugees entering Canada from the US fled war, poverty and persecution in their native Africa. But the asylum seekers also include people from Latin America and other impoverished parts of the world.

The Trump administration launched a brutal witch-hunt against refugees and immigrants, with Muslims a special target, almost from the day it took office. The President has vowed to deport up to 3 million immigrants and already authorized mass deportation raids and vastly expanded the grounds on which people can be deported. He is also preparing a new executive order to re-impose the ban on refugees, immigrants and visitors traveling to the US from seven Muslim-majority countries.

Yesterday, in a further indication of the draconian character of the assault his administration is mounting on undocumented immigrants, Trump referred to it as a “military operation.”

The Canadian government’s response to the spike in asylum seekers has been a combination of callous indifference and outright hostility. New arrivals are being forced to rely on private charity to obtain the basic necessities of life, with many organizations reporting that they are already running short of supplies.

Under conditions where the US is openly violating its obligations to refugees and refugee-claimants under international law and asylum seekers are putting their lives at risk to reach Canada, the Liberal government has said it will not raise Canada’s pitifully low refugee quota for 2017.

More significant still is the Liberals’ staunch defence of the 2002 “Safe Third Country Agreement” with the United States. Under this agreement, any asylum seeker who enters Canada from the US at a border checkpoint is denied entry and the right to make a claim for refugee status in Canada and immediately returned to the US.

It is this that is causing people fleeing the US for Canada to choose high-risk routes to enter the country. Those who cross the border at an unauthorized point and subsequently file asylum claims are not automatically returned to the US. Canadian authorities can, however, later argue against granting them asylum on the grounds that they should have applied for refugee status in the US.

More than 200 legal scholars and refugee advocacy groups have called on the government to scrap, or at the very least suspend, the “Safe Third Country Agreement,” citing Trump’s anti-immigrant measures. But the government, with Immigration Minister Ahmed Hussen, who came to Canada as a 16-year-old Somali refugee serving as its frontman, has callously refused to do so.

When asked in parliament earlier this month about his government’s response to the spike in asylum seekers, Trudeau made clear that the plight of the refugees is the last of his concerns.

“We need,” declared Trudeau, “to make sure that we are protecting the integrity of the Canadian border, the strength of our immigration and refugee system, and demonstrating that we are there for the security of communities and individuals.”

The Trudeau government’s refusal to assist those desperately seeking to escape Trump’s deportation dragnet underscores the hypocritical and fraudulent character of the Liberals’ posturing as “refugee-friendly.” In the 2015 election, Trudeau sought to appeal to popular anger against the Harper Conservative government by making calibrated attacks on its whipping up of Islamophobia and its depiction of Syrian refugees as a grave threat to Canadian security.

Trudeau has since been promoted by the likes of the New York Times and the British Guardian as something of a poster boy for international liberalism because his government accepted 25,000 Syrian refugees into Canada in its first months in office. Not only is this a drop in the bucket given the millions displaced by the war in Syria, but Ottawa refused to accept any single men and worked with the US Department of Homeland Security to screen those it did allow in. Moreover, the majority were privately sponsored by churches and other charities, meaning that the government provided no support for them.

Last but not least, the Liberals used their “pro-refugee” stance as political cover for increasing Canada’s role in the US-led Mideast War. Yet it is the wars Washington has mounted over the past quarter-century, with Canadian imperialism’s support and participation, in the Middle East, Afghanistan and the Balkans, that have laid waste to entire societies, producing the greatest refugee crisis since the Second World War.

There are two reasons the Liberals are so adamant about upholding the “Safe Third Country Agreement.” First, Trudeau’s cynical tweets about Canada being “open” notwithstanding, they do not want to encourage asylum seekers to seek refuge in Canada. All the more so under conditions where Trump’s brutal measures could cause many to look to Canada for refuge.

Second and even more importantly, Trudeau and his government are determined to forge a close working relationship with the Trump administration and, therefore, don’t want to cause it any embarrassment or be seen to criticize it.

Earlier this month, Trudeau visited Trump at the White House and reaffirmed the longstanding Canada-US military-strategic partnership. Their joint statement pledged Canada to collaborate even more closely in US-led imperialist interventions around the globe and to forge a protectionist trade bloc under Washington’s leadership aimed at offloading the capitalist crisis onto Washington and Ottawa’s economic and geopolitical rivals.

During his Washington trip, Trudeau studiously avoided making any direct comment about Trump’s ruthless crackdown on immigrants. When, at their joint press conference, the US president launched into a full-throated defence of his 120-day suspension of all refugee claims and his discriminatory ban on persons from seven Muslim countries entering the US, Trudeau remained silent.

Canada’s Conservatives and other right-wing forces are seeking to exploit the refugee issue to foment reaction. Predictably, the Conservatives have launched a xenophobic campaign, denouncing asylum seekers for entering Canada “illegally” and demanding that the government do more to “defend” Canada’s borders.

Such claims deliberately seek to scapegoat refugees for problems that have been created by Canada’s brutal refugee policies. If asylum seekers are being forced to enter the country “illegally,” it is precisely because of the draconian anti-immigrant measures imposed by the former Conservative government and upheld by the Liberals, including the Trudeau government’s refusal to cancel the “Safe Third Country Agreement.”

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Addressing the Conservative Political Action Conference on Thursday, Vice President Pence said “America’s Obamacare nightmare is about to end.”

He lied saying he and Trump are committed to giving every American “access to quality, affordable health insurance,” vowing an “orderly transition” from current policy to Trumpcare.

The only responsible solution is government-sponsored, single-payer, universal coverage – ruled off the table by both wings of America’s duopoly system.

Everyone in, no one left out, equal benefits for everyone, not more for some, less for others.

House Speaker Paul Ryan wants tax credits replacing Obamacare subsidies, a boon for well-off households, disastrous for low-income ones and millions of unemployed Americans, paying little or no taxes – unable to benefit from credits.

He favors “mini-med” plans, offering minimal coverage, way too little in cases of serious illnesses, diseases or expensive hospitalizations and surgeries.

He wants inadequate block grants to states in lieu of Washington’s commitment to match their Medicaid spending.

He wants Medicare benefits beginning at age 67, instead of as early as age 62 currently, along with guaranteed benefits for seniors replaced by vouchers to purchase insurance – adjusted to inflation changes artificially kept low, ignoring soaring healthcare costs.

He and Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price, an orthopedic surgeon turned politician, want healthcare coverage for low-income and unemployed Americans reduced, while maintaining top quality coverage for the nation’s privileged class.

They want Washington’s obligation shifted to states. Martin Luther King once said “(o)f all the forms of inequality, injustice in healthcare is the most shocking and inhumane.”

Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP) advocates universal coverage as the only responsible policy. Their report titled “Beyond the Affordable Care Act: A Physicians’ Proposal for Single-Payer Health Care Reform” addresses fundamental reform vitally needed.

America spends double the amount on healthcare compared to other developed countries, while providing inadequate or no coverage for most of its citizens. Trumpcare looks like a scheme to make a bad system worse, not better.

PNHP’s proposal corrects systemic deficiencies, most of all “high cost sharing, limitations of coverage, and subcontracting to wasteful private plans.”

It focuses heavily on dramatically reducing administrative costs and other inefficiencies. It aims to eliminate underinsurance and lack of coverage affecting millions.

Though publicly financed, it relies on private providers. It reduces billing and paperwork costs – eliminating hundreds of billions of dollars in exorbitant insurance costs.

Federal bargaining with drug companies would assure much lower-priced prescription drugs. Hospitalization costs would go down.

Overall healthcare costs in other developed nations are around half what they are in America. Trumpcare will do nothing to address this.

Under Obamacare, around 26 million Americans have no coverage. Underinsurance endangers millions more. High deductibles and co-pays add greater burdens for low-income households.

Trumpcare threatens to replace a bad system with something worse. Marketplace medicine works well for insurers, drug companies and large hospital chains.

Single-payer universal coverage is the only equitable system for millions of ordinary people, struggling daily to get by. It’s a fundamental human right.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”

Visit his blog site at

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52 years-ago on February 21st, the world lost the great anti-colonial fighter, Malcolm X. Around the world, millions pause on this anniversary and take note of the life and contribution of Brother Malcolm. Two years ago, I keynoted a lecture on the legacy of Malcolm X at the American University in Beirut, Lebanon. While I had long been aware of the veneration that Malcolm inspired in various parts of the world, I was still struck by the love and appreciation that so many have for Malcolm beyond activists in the black world.

There are a number of reasons that might explain why 52 years later so many still pay homage to Malcolm.  For those of us who operate within context of the Black Radical Tradition, Malcolm’s political life and philosophy connected three streams of the Black Radical Tradition: nationalism, anti-colonialism and internationalism. For many, the way in which Malcolm approached those elements account for his appeal. Yet, I think there is something else. Something not reducible to the language of political struggle and opposition that I hear when I encounter people in the U.S. and in other parts of the world when they talk about Malcolm. I suspect it is his defiance, his dignity, his courage and his selflessness. For me, it is all of that, but it is also how those elements were reflected in his politics, in particular his approach to the concept of human rights.

The aspects of his thought and practice that distinguished the period of his work in that short year between his break with the Nation of Islam (NOI) in 1964 and his assassination in 1965 included not only his anti-racism and anti-colonialist stance but also his advocacy of a radical approach to the issue of human rights.

Human Rights as a De-Colonial Fighting Instrument


Malcolm – in the tradition of earlier black radical activists and intellectuals in the late 1940s –  understood the subversive potential of the concept of human rights when philosophically and practically disconnected from its liberal, legalistic, and state-centered genesis.

For Malcolm, internationalizing resistance to the system of racial oppression in the U.S. meant redefining the struggle for constitutional civil rights by transforming the struggle for full recognition of African American citizenship rights to a struggle for human rights.

This strategy for international advocacy was not new. African Americans led by W.E. B. Dubois were present at Versailles during the post-World War I negotiations to pressure for self-rule for various African nations, including independence from the racist apartheid regime in South Africa. At the end of the World War II during the creation of the United Nations, African American radicals forged the possibilities to use this structure as a strategic space to pressure for international support for ending colonization in Africa and fight against racial oppression in the United States.

Malcolm studied the process by which various African American organizations – the National Negro Congress (NNC), National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and the Civil Rights Congress (CRC), petitioned the UN through the Human Rights Commission on behalf of the human rights of African Americans. Therefore, in the very first months after his split with the NOI, he already envisioned idea that the struggle of Africans in the U.S. had to be internationalized as a human rights struggle.  He advised leaders of the civil rights movement to “expand their civil rights movement to a human rights movement, it would internationalize it.”

Taking a page from the examples of the NNC, NAACP and CRC, The Organization of Afro-American Unity (OAAU), one of the two organizations Malcolm formed after leaving the NOI, sought to bring the plight of African Americans to the United Nations to demand international sanctions against the U.S. for refusing to recognize the human rights of this oppressed nation.

However, there was something quite different with Malcolm’s approach to human rights that distinguished him from mainstream civil rights activists. By grounding himself in the radical human rights approach, Malcolm articulated a position on human rights struggle that did not contain itself to just advocacy. He understood that appealing to the same powers that were responsible for the structures of oppression was a dead end. Those kinds of unwise and potentially reactionary appeals would never result in substantial structural changes. Malcolm understood oppressed peoples must commit themselves to radical political struggle in order to advance a dignified approach to human rights.

We have to make the world see that the problem that we’re confronted with is a problem for humanity. It’s not a Negro problem; it’s not an American problem. You and I have to make it a world problem, make the world aware that there’ll be no peace on this earth as long as our human rights are being violated in America.

And if the U.S. and the international community does not address the human rights plight of the African American, Malcolm is clear on the course of action: “If we can’t be recognized and respected as a human being, we have to create a situation where no human being will enjoy life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”

Malcolm’s approach to the realization of human rights was one in which human agency is at the center. If oppressed individuals are not willing to fight for their human rights, Malcolm suggested that “you should be kept in the cotton patch where you’re not a human being.”

If you are not ready to pay the price required to experience full dignity as a person and as members of a self-determinant people, then you will be consigned to the “zone of non-being,” as Fanon refers to that place where the non-European is assigned. Malcolm referred to that zone as a place where one is a sub-human:

You’re an animal that belongs in the cotton patch like a horse and a cow, or a chicken or a possum, if you’re not ready to pay the price that is necessary to be paid for recognition and respect as a human being.

And what is that price?

The price to make others respect your human rights is death. You have to be ready to die… it’s time for you and me now to let the world know how peaceful we are, how well-meaning we are, how law-abiding we wish to be. But at the same time, we have to let the same world know we’ll blow their world sky-high if we’re not respected and recognized and treated the same as other human beings are treated.

People(s)-Centered Human Rights:

This approach to human rights struggle is the basis of what I call the People(s)-Centered approach to human rights struggle.

People(s)-Centered Human Rights (PCHR) are those non-oppressive rights that reflect the highest commitment to universal human dignity and social justice that individuals and collectives define and secure for themselves through social struggle.

This is the Black Radical Tradition’s approach to human rights.  It is an approach that views human rights as an arena of struggle that, when grounded and informed by the needs and aspirations of the oppressed, becomes part of a unified comprehensive strategy for de-colonization and radical social change.

The PCHR framework provides an alternative and a theoretical and practical break with the race and class-bound liberalism and mechanistic state-centered legalism that informs mainstream human rights.

The people-centered framework proceeds from the assumption that the genesis of the assaults on human dignity that are at the core of human rights violations is located in the relationships of oppression. The PCHR framework does not pretend to be non-political. It is a political project in the service of the oppressed. It names the enemies of freedom: the Western white supremacist, colonial/capitalist patriarchy.

Therefore, the realization of authentic freedom and human dignity can only come about as a result of the radical alteration of the structures and relationships that determine and often deny human dignity. In other words, it is only through social revolution that human rights can be realized.

The demands for clean water; safe and accessible food; free quality education; healthcare and healthiness for all; housing; public transportation; wages and a socially productive job that allow for a dignified life; ending of mass incarceration; universal free child care; opposition to war and the control and eventual elimination of the police; self-determination; and respect for democracy in all aspects of life are some of the people-centered human rights that can only be realized through a bottom-up mass movement for building popular power.

By shifting the center of human rights struggle away from advocacy to struggle, Malcolm laid the foundation for a more relevant form of human rights struggle for people still caught in the tentacles of Euro-American colonial dominance. The PCHR approach that creates human rights from the bottom-up views human rights as an arena of struggle. Human rights does not emanate from legalistic texts negotiated by states—it comes from the aspirations of the people. Unlike the liberal conception of human rights that elevates some mystical notions of natural law (which is really bourgeois law) as the foundation of rights, the “people” in formation are the ethical foundation and source of PCHRs.

Trumpism is the logical outcome of the decades long assault of racialized neoliberal capitalism. Malcolm showed us how to deal with Trumpism, and the PCHR movement that we must build will move us to that place where collective humanity must arrive if we are to survive and build a new world. And we will – “by any means necessary.”

Ajamu Baraka was the 2016 candidate for vice president on the Green Party ticket. He is an editor and contributing columnist for the Black Agenda Report and contributing columnist for Counterpunch magazine.  His latest publications include contributions to Killing Trayvons: An Anthology of American Violence (Counterpunch Books, 2014), Imagine: Living in a Socialist USA (HarperCollins, 2014) and Claim No Easy Victories: The Legacy of Amilcar Cabral ( CODESRIA, 2013). He can be reached at

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