Prominent American propagandist Howard French recently published a lengthy editorial in the Guardian titled, “Is it too late to save Hong Kong from Beijing’s authoritarian grasp?,” in which he attempts to buttress an otherwise categorically false narrative surrounding an alleged indigenous struggle for democracy and independence within Hong Kong.

French attempts to hold China accountable for backtracking on an agreement made with Britain over the return of its own territory taken from it by force in 1841. He also attempts to portray Beijing’s crackdown on US-UK subversion in Hong Kong as “authoritarian,” never making mention of the extensive funding and meddling both the United States and the United Kingdom are engaged in within Chinese territory.

The article documents only one side of the so-called “independence” movement in Hong Kong, sidestepping any critical analysis of the colonial background of the ongoing political crisis or the neo-colonial aspects that shape current events even now.

The lengthy piece was paid for by a grant from the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting, a Washington D.C.-based front that collaborates with the New York Times, PBS, NPR, Time Magazine and other mainstays of US propaganda. These are the same media outlets that helped sell the US invasion and occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq, as well as US-led attacks on Libya and US meddling in Syria beginning in 2011. By supporting French’s work, they now help sell to the public a narrative that undermines Chinese sovereignty an ocean away from American shores.

The entire editorial, its contents, author and the special interests that paid for it as well as its placement in the Guardian, represent a continued and concerted effort to maintain an Anglo-American foothold in Hong Kong, part of the last vestiges of Western hegemony within Chinese territory.

The Truth About Hong Kong 

Had Howard French penned an honest account of Hong Kong’s recent political crisis, he would have included the extensive, some may say exclusive, control the United States and the United Kingdom exercised over an otherwise fictitious and impossible pro-independence movement. Quite literally every leader of the so-called “Umbrella Revolution” is either directly funded and directed by the US and/or UK government, or possesses membership within an organisation, institution or front funded by Anglo-American money.


The notion that a teen-aged Joshua Wong was single-handedly defying Beijing is preposterous even at face value. He was but one cog of a
much larger, well-documented foreign-funded machines aimed at stirring up conflict within Hong Kong, undermine Beijing’s control of the territory and infect Chinese society as a whole with notions of Western-style “democracy.”

Just months before the 2014 “Umbrella Revolution,” one of its leaders, Martin Lee, was literally in Washington D.C., before members of the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), pleading for material and political support for upcoming demonstrations. Toward the end of that same year, and despite NED denying Lee was a protest leader, Lee would find himself in the streets of Hong Kong leading the protests from the front shoulder-to-shoulder with Benny Tai and Joshua Wong.

Ironically, after the protests diminished and were finally pushed off the streets by both local police and impatient residents, Lee, Tai and Wong would be invited to Washington D.C. for a special event organised by NED subsidiary, Freedom House, dubbed, “Three Hong Kong Heroes.” The three protest leaders, having attempted to shake off accusations of being Washington puppets, or even protest leaders altogether, would take to the stage with yellow umbrellas in hand.

Howard French, and others attempting to persuade Western audiences of their version of events in Hong Kong omit these critical facts regarding the foreign-funded and directed nature of the “pro-independence” movement. They do so intentionally, with French himself being a 2011 Open Society fellow, Open Society being one of several fronts the US has channelled money through in support of subversion in Hong Kong.

In reality, there is nothing “pro-independence” about the movement in Hong Kong. It is simply the latest in a centuries-long attempt by Western powers to project geopolitical hegemony into Asia and more specifically, upon China itself.

French’s lengthy lament regarding China’s “authoritarianism” captures what may possibly be frustration that Washington and London’s tricks no longer work, and the more “Umbrella Revolutions” they attempt to organise against Beijing, the more familiar the Chinese public will be with them and subsequently, the more determined they will become to frustrate them.

Additionally, China’s influence over Hong Kong and even across Asia as a whole, is stronger, more sustainable and continuously expanding versus waning Western influence. Spectacular political stunts like the “Umbrella Revolution” attempt to leverage global public opinion over which the US media still maintains considerable influence, but ultimately such strategies have been confounded by Beijing and are, in the long-term, unsustainable.

Hong Kong represents a past, strong bastion of Western colonial power, now struggling to maintain itself even as a minor regional foothold. Despite the efforts of manipulators like Howard French and media platforms that lend themselves to his disingenuous narrative, footholds like Hong Kong will continue to diminish until the last remnants of the West’s colonial past are all but swept from modern geopolitics and permanently assigned to the pages of history.

Joseph Thomas is chief editor of Thailand-based geopolitical journal, The New Atlas and contributor to the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.

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Prominent American propagandist Howard French recently published a lengthy editorial in the Guardian titled, “Is it too late to save Hong Kong from Beijing’s authoritarian grasp?,” in which he attempts to buttress an otherwise categorically false narrative surrounding an alleged indigenous struggle for democracy and independence within Hong Kong.

French attempts to hold China accountable for backtracking on an agreement made with Britain over the return of its own territory taken from it by force in 1841. He also attempts to portray Beijing’s crackdown on US-UK subversion in Hong Kong as “authoritarian,” never making mention of the extensive funding and meddling both the United States and the United Kingdom are engaged in within Chinese territory.

The article documents only one side of the so-called “independence” movement in Hong Kong, sidestepping any critical analysis of the colonial background of the ongoing political crisis or the neo-colonial aspects that shape current events even now.

The lengthy piece was paid for by a grant from the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting, a Washington D.C.-based front that collaborates with the New York Times, PBS, NPR, Time Magazine and other mainstays of US propaganda. These are the same media outlets that helped sell the US invasion and occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq, as well as US-led attacks on Libya and US meddling in Syria beginning in 2011. By supporting French’s work, they now help sell to the public a narrative that undermines Chinese sovereignty an ocean away from American shores.

The entire editorial, its contents, author and the special interests that paid for it as well as its placement in the Guardian, represent a continued and concerted effort to maintain an Anglo-American foothold in Hong Kong, part of the last vestiges of Western hegemony within Chinese territory.

The Truth About Hong Kong 

Had Howard French penned an honest account of Hong Kong’s recent political crisis, he would have included the extensive, some may say exclusive, control the United States and the United Kingdom exercised over an otherwise fictitious and impossible pro-independence movement. Quite literally every leader of the so-called “Umbrella Revolution” is either directly funded and directed by the US and/or UK government, or possesses membership within an organisation, institution or front funded by Anglo-American money.


The notion that a teen-aged Joshua Wong was single-handedly defying Beijing is preposterous even at face value. He was but one cog of a
much larger, well-documented foreign-funded machines aimed at stirring up conflict within Hong Kong, undermine Beijing’s control of the territory and infect Chinese society as a whole with notions of Western-style “democracy.”

Just months before the 2014 “Umbrella Revolution,” one of its leaders, Martin Lee, was literally in Washington D.C., before members of the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), pleading for material and political support for upcoming demonstrations. Toward the end of that same year, and despite NED denying Lee was a protest leader, Lee would find himself in the streets of Hong Kong leading the protests from the front shoulder-to-shoulder with Benny Tai and Joshua Wong.

Ironically, after the protests diminished and were finally pushed off the streets by both local police and impatient residents, Lee, Tai and Wong would be invited to Washington D.C. for a special event organised by NED subsidiary, Freedom House, dubbed, “Three Hong Kong Heroes.” The three protest leaders, having attempted to shake off accusations of being Washington puppets, or even protest leaders altogether, would take to the stage with yellow umbrellas in hand.

Howard French, and others attempting to persuade Western audiences of their version of events in Hong Kong omit these critical facts regarding the foreign-funded and directed nature of the “pro-independence” movement. They do so intentionally, with French himself being a 2011 Open Society fellow, Open Society being one of several fronts the US has channelled money through in support of subversion in Hong Kong.

In reality, there is nothing “pro-independence” about the movement in Hong Kong. It is simply the latest in a centuries-long attempt by Western powers to project geopolitical hegemony into Asia and more specifically, upon China itself.

French’s lengthy lament regarding China’s “authoritarianism” captures what may possibly be frustration that Washington and London’s tricks no longer work, and the more “Umbrella Revolutions” they attempt to organise against Beijing, the more familiar the Chinese public will be with them and subsequently, the more determined they will become to frustrate them.

Additionally, China’s influence over Hong Kong and even across Asia as a whole, is stronger, more sustainable and continuously expanding versus waning Western influence. Spectacular political stunts like the “Umbrella Revolution” attempt to leverage global public opinion over which the US media still maintains considerable influence, but ultimately such strategies have been confounded by Beijing and are, in the long-term, unsustainable.

Hong Kong represents a past, strong bastion of Western colonial power, now struggling to maintain itself even as a minor regional foothold. Despite the efforts of manipulators like Howard French and media platforms that lend themselves to his disingenuous narrative, footholds like Hong Kong will continue to diminish until the last remnants of the West’s colonial past are all but swept from modern geopolitics and permanently assigned to the pages of history.

Joseph Thomas is chief editor of Thailand-based geopolitical journal, The New Atlas and contributor to the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.

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February 2017: CEOs of Delta, United and American Hope Trump Will Block Arab Competition

The big three U.S. airlines maintain that Emirates, Etihad Airways, and Qatar Airways — airlines backed by governments of Qatar and the United Arab Emirates — are unfairly subsidized and that their expansion into the U.S. market represents unfair competition that should be blocked by regulators.“The Gulf carriers have received over $50 billion in documented subsidies from their government owners since 2004,” the chief executives of the big three wrote in a recent letter to Secretary of State Rex Tillerson. “Mr. Secretary,” the letter continues, “we are confident that the Trump Administration shares our view on the importance of enforcing our Open Skies agreements, ensuring that U.S. airlines have a fair and equal opportunity to compete in the international market, and protecting American jobs.”

March 2017: US bans laptops, tablets on flights from Turkey and Arab world

Senior US officials told reporters that nine airlines from eight countries had been given 96 hours, beginning at 3:00 am (0700 GMT), to tell travelers to pack any device bigger than a smartphone in their checked luggage. Laptops, tablets and portable game consoles are affected by the ban — which only applies to direct flights to the United States from the blacklisted airports. No US carriers are affected by the ban, but passengers on approximately 50 flights per day from some of the busiest hubs in Turkey and the Arab world will be obliged to follow the new emergency ruling.

The ban will hit flights operated by Royal Jordanian, EgyptAir, Turkish Airlines, Saudi Airlines, Kuwait Airways, Royal Air Maroc, Qatar Airways, Emirates and Etihad Airways.

The U.S. move is certainly not about security. What now hinders anyone to fly from Dubai to Paris and on to New York with a laptop and tablet in her carry on luggage? Why would that be more secure than a direct flight with Emirates Airline?  No. This is all about unwanted competition and an effort of the highly subsidized U.S. airlines to sell higher priced tickets with less service.

Flying from the Middle East to the U.S. one can now choose between a direct flight without any personal entertainment equipment, or take a flight with some additional stop on a (code-sharing) U.S. carrier. The second variant is of course more “secure”.

A bit funny: The Brits immediately followed up with their own “security measures”. But they banned different airports and airlines than the U.S. There are no new, additional “security measures” for flights to Britain from Kuwait, Qatar and Morocco. Instead Tunisia is on the British list. That of course does not make sense from a security standpoint. But it probably reflects the importance of certain investors for the City of London as well as the competitive situation of British Airways.

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Em setembro de 2010, agentes federais norte-americanos em Chicago invadiram injustificadamente a residência de Hatem Abudayyeh, diretor executivo da Rede de Ação Árabe-Norte-Americana (AAAN, na sigla em inglês), em uma época em que agentes federais executavam mandados de busca em residências e escritórios de vários islamitas em Chicago e Minneapolis. Algumas das muitas “caças contra muçulmanos” em todos os lugares do país, desde os ataques do 11 de Setembro.

Os agentes do FBI levaram um computador, fitas de vídeo e um telefone celular do líder muçulmano pelos direitos civis. “Eles levaram tudo na minha casa que continha a palavra ‘palestino'”, disse Abudayyeh. A investigação federal procurava saber se Abudayyeh e outros cidadãos financiaram organizações terroristas estrangeiras. Abudayyeh nunca foi condenado por nada.

De acordo com o líder da AAAN, filho de palestinos, o FBI o investigou apenas por ter uma visão pró-palestina. “Trata-se de uma escalada maciça de ataques às pessoas que atuam em prol da Palestina neste país, e que trabalham contra a guerra”, disse Abudayyeh na Universidade de Wisconsin-Milwaukee três meses depois das buscas policias, enquanto se recusava a conceder entrevista à rede de TV ABC News. “Não vamos parar de falar abertamente contra a guerra, não vamos parar de falar abertamente contra o apoio dos Estados Unidos às violações de Israel contra o povo palestino”.

Nesta entrevista exclusiva, Hatem Abudayyeh comenta a ordem executiva do presidente norte-americano Donald Trump sobre imigração islamita, que proíbe cidadãos de sete países de maioria muçulmana de entrar nos Estados Unidos nos próximos 90 dias, refugiados de todo o mundo por quatro meses, e refugiados sírios por tempo indeterminado (barrada pela Justiça estadunidense).

O ativista palestino-norte-americano diz: “Trump e outros racistas e supremacistas brancos em seu governo são extremamente perigosos, não só para árabes e muçulmanos como também para imigrantes em geral: negros, trabalhadores, mulheres e todas as outras comunidades marginalizadas e oprimidas nos Estados Unidos. Acredito que Trump quer, na realidade, ‘fazer os Estados Unidos brancos de novo ‘”, diz ele em irônica referência ao lema de campanha do republicano, “fazer os Estados Unidos grandes de novo”.

Abudayyeh afirma que árabes e muçulmanos querem viver em paz e com dignidade, enquanto muitos deles têm sido intimidados e diversas organizações de sua comunidade dedicadas a serviços sociais, programação para jovens e divulgação cultural têm sido sumariamente fechadas no “berço da democracia”.

Nada mudou nos Estados Policialescos Unidos da América desde a opressão que o líder islamita do estado de Illinois sofreu em 2010, em nome de uma “Guerra ao Terror” sem fim que apenas espalha medo, violência indiscriminada, fere liberdades civis sem precedentes e semeia muito ódio no país, e em todo o mundo. “As políticas pós-11 de Setembro criminalizaram árabes e muçulmanos de tal forma, que estamos vivendo em constante medo de detenção, de deportação, de vigilância e de repressão geral”, diz ele. “Nossa comunidade está enfrentando vigilância massiva, documentada, e repressão”. Mas não apenas isso, de acordo com o ativista muçulmano: “Ele (Trump) criminaliza árabes e muçulmanos nos Estados Unidos para obter apoio das pessoas aqui com objetivos imperialistas em nossos países de origem”.

Nada mudou na “política de segurança” dos Estados Unidos (eufemismo para crimes institucionalizados) desde os sombrios anos de George W. Bush – a não ser no sentido de maior insegurança no mundo e nos próprios Estados Unidos. Isso tudo, nada mais é o que os poderes totalitários precisam para justificar o cerceamento de liberdades civis e a aplicação de políticas de linha dura em geral, a fim de dominar e explorar. Nenhuma novidade na história da humanidade, mas nem por isso menos deplorável.

Confira a íntegra da entrevista com Hatem Abudayyeh, quem relata o clima de histeria e de ódio que permeia todos os segmentos da política e da sociedade norte-americana. Uma vez mais, soa agressivamente o apito da panela de pressão branca e protestante da América.

Edu Montesanti: Hatem Abudayyeh, conte como funciona a Rede de Ação Árabe-Americana (AAAN)?

Hatem Abudayyeh: A AAAN foi criada em 1995 para prestar apoio à comunidade árabe da Grande Chicago nas áreas de organização comunitária, advocacia, serviços sociais, programação para jovens e divulgação cultural.

Somos a única organização árabe em Illinois, e uma das poucas em todo o país que desafiam o racismo estrutural e institucional, e a opressão nacional com uma base organizacional popular.

Oferecemos desenvolvimento de liderança para jovens e mulheres imigrantes, e os membros da comunidade mais afetados lideram nossas campanhas de justiça social e mudança sistêmica.

O que significa ser um árabe nos Estados Unidos hoje, especialmente árabes muçulmanos depois do 11/9/2001, eo que mudou desde que o presidente Donald Trump ganhou as eleições americanas?

Os árabes nos Estados Unidos enfrentam opressão nacional e racismo há muitas décadas, desde muito antes do 11 de Setembro, e agora com Trump. Mas os desafios são muito mais acentuados agora.

As políticas pós-11 de setembro de 2001 criminalizaram árabes e muçulmanos de tal forma, que estamos vivendo em constante medo de detenção, deportação, vigilância e repressão geral.

Várias de nossas organizações têm sido fechadas, indivíduos proeminentes como Rasmea Odeh enfrentaram acusações políticas, e o sistema judicial, a mídia, o sistema educacional e outros segmentos tornam algo aterrorizante aos árabes e muçulmanos viver aqui em paz, e com dignidade.

No discurso de inauguração, o presidente Donald Trump pediu que o “mundo civilizado” se unisse “contra o terrorismo radical islâmico, que erradicaremos completamente da face da Terra”. Mais tarde, o presidente Trump confirmou o representante Mike Pompeo como chefe da CIA : Pompeo é republicano do Tea Party. Pompeo favorece a reintegração de “waterboarding” [afogamento simulado, proibido pelas leis internacionais e locais], entre outras técnicas de tortura”. Ele vê os muçulmanos como uma ameaça ao cristianismo e à civilização ocidental. Ele é identificado como “um radical extremista cristão” que acredita que a “Guerra Global contra o Terrorismo” constitui uma “Guerra entre o Islã e o Cristianismo”. A sua opinião, por favor, Hatem.

Trump e os outros racistas e supremacistas brancos no seu governo são extremamente perigosos, não só para árabes e muçulmanos como também para os imigrantes em geral: negros, trabalhadores, mulheres e todas as outras comunidades marginalizadas e oprimidas nos Estados Unidos.

Não há muita diferença entre republicanos e democratas neste país, especialmente quando se trata da política externa dos Estados Unidos e até mesmo em relação à política doméstica e econômica, mas Trump é claramente distinto. Ele está claramente aproximando-se do pior racismo da sociedade dos Estados Unidos, colocando os supremacistas brancos declarados em seu governo e atacando imigrantes, negros e trabalhadores através de todas as ordens executivas que assina.

O ataque específico contra árabes e muçulmanos serve a uma causa muito específica, uma causa que tem sido utilizada por todos os presidentes desde o 11 de Setembro. Ou seja, para justificar a política externa dos Estados Unidos no Oriente Médio: invasão, ocupação, apoio à desestabilização da Síria, ameaças contra Irã e Líbano entre outras coisas. O governo, aqui, precisa colocar um rosto local sobre o “inimigo” estrangeiro.

Ele criminaliza árabes e muçulmanos nos Estados Unidos para obter apoio das pessoas aqui, com fins imperialistas em nossos países de origem. Sim, Trump e Pompeo são racistas radicais ultra-direitistas, mas isso é apenas uma continuação da política imperialista embora seja, talvez, ainda mais devastadora.

Como você vê a ordem executiva de Trump sobre a imigração que impede os cidadãos de países com maioria muçulmana – Irã, Iraque, Líbia, Somália, Sudão, Síria e Iêmen – de entrar nos Estados Unidos nos próximos 90 dias e refugiados de todo o mundo por quatro meses?

Acredito que Trump quer, na realidade, “fazer os Estados Unidos brancos novamente”. A proibição da entrada de muçulmanos e os memorandos anteriores da execução da ordem executiva têm a intenção expressa de proibir imigrantes da cor de vir para cá, e deportando outros que estão já aqui – na maior parte mexicanos e centro-americanos.
A AAAN não acredita que essas políticas estão apenas afetando árabes e muçulmanos. Na verdade, as pessoas que estão e vão carregar o peso são os latinos, que constituem a maior população de imigrantes indocumentados neste país. A grande maioria deles trabalha, paga impostos e tenta sustentar suas famílias aqui, mas Trump quer deportá-los, todos. Trump está afirmando que eles “ferem a lei”, mas a única coisa ferida é o nosso sistema de imigração que tem um enorme atraso de pedidos para as pessoas que tentam se tornar residentes permanentes. Eles estão aqui há muitos anos e têm sido forçados a estar aqui, principalmente, por causa das políticas econômicas neoliberais como NAFTA e CAFTA, mas agora eles estão sendo ameaçados diariamente com deportações.

Trump é um autocrata racista que está usando ações executivas para tentar tornar o país mais parecido com o que seus partidários querem, isto é, a sociedade branca europeia politicamente dominada dos anos 30, 40 e 50 nos Estados Unidos.

Como isso afetará a sociedade americana eo mundo nos próximos anos?

Essas políticas de proibição da entrada de muçulmanos e anti-imigrantes em geral já estão afetando a sociedade norte-americana, causando apreensão e intimidação em massa, mas também resistência maciça.

Nós não vimos os tipos de protestos diários, consistentes como esses provocados por Trump e seu racismo desde a era dos direitos civis (dos anos 60), e é claro que eles não vão abrandar. Ao mesmo tempo em que os imigrantes estão sob ataque, os negros e seu Movimento de Libertação Negra (Black Liberation Movement) também etsão, como evidenciado pelo plano de Trump de rescindir a política de Obama de eliminar gradualmente prisões privadas, e os ataques de propaganda do governo Trump contra o Movimento por Vidas Negras (Movement for Black Lives) e suas exigências que a aplicação da lei neste país parar o seu perfil racial e matar os negros.

O outro perigo atual que vemos hoje são os crimes supremacistas brancos contra pessoas em comunidades de cor. Porque Trump normalizou o racismo contra negros, latinos, árabes, muçulmanos e tantos outros, os supremacistas brancos têm perpetrado crimes racistas de ódio contra todas essas comunidades.

De um massacre em uma igreja negra, dos racistas brancos armados protestando contra mesquitas até um índio norte-amerciano morto com um tiro porque ele parecia árabe, e os latinos sendo agredidos por multidões brancas, os Estados Unidos de Trump são muito parecidos com aquele país Estado brucutu dos anos 50 e 60.

Mas como o movimento dos direitos civis no Alabama e por todos os Estados Unidos, as pessoas hoje não se permitirão ser vítimas. Elas vão se defender, vão resistir e voltar a lutar. E as políticas de Trump serão interrompidas pelas massas, como a proibição da entrada dos muçulmanos acabou sendo. O tribunal federal que congelou a proibição declarou claramente que havia gerado “caos”, o que significa que a nossa resistência, os protestos em massa e o fechamento de aeroportos tinham tanto a ver com a decisão judicial como a inconstitucionalidade da proibição.

De um massacre em uma igreja negra e de racistas brancos armados protestando contra mesquitas em um tiro americano indiano porque ele parecia árabe e latinos sendo agredidos por mobs brancos, a América Trump é muito parecida com a America “Bull” Connor nos anos 50 e 60.

Mas, como o movimento dos direitos civis no Alabama e nos EUA, as pessoas hoje não se permitirão ser vítimas. Eles vão se defender, eles vão resistir, e eles vão lutar para trás.

E as políticas de Trump serão interrompidas pelas massas, como o #MuslimBan foi. O tribunal federal que congelou a proibição declarou claramente que havia causado “caos”, o que significa que a nossa resistência, protestos em massa e fechamento de aeroportos tinham tanto a ver com a decisão judicial como a inconstitucionalidade da proibição.

Você denunciou uma vez F.B.I. Repressão contra ativistas, e você foi vítima de um conflito. Raid em 2010. Isso ainda acontece? Você e sua comunidade se sentem vítimas de qualquer vigilância e repressão?

Nossa comunidade está enfrentando vigilância e repressão, massivas e documentadas. Existem milhares de informantes do FBI em nossas comunidades, infiltrados em mesquitas, centros comunitários e pequenas empresas.

Um programa federal iniciado pelo governo de Obama, chamado Contra o Extremismo Violento (Countering Violent Extremism), fornece quantidades maciças de dinheiro às comunidades para atingir jovens árabes e muçulmanos, e considera nossa comunidade extremista, mas não os supremacistas brancos que perpetraram mais ataques terroristas que qualquer outro segmento neste país ao longo dos anos.

Mais especificamente, acreditamos que a vigilância e a repressão política afetam mais os palestinos e seus seguidores, dos estudantes que defendem os direitos dos palestinos, das organizações palestinas ao já mencionado Rasmea Odeh.

A crítica política da ocupação e colonização israelenses está se tornando a norma neste país, e o governo dos Estados nidos, por seu apoio inequívoco a Israel, precisa reprimir a organização de apoio da Palestina para continuar garantindo que Israel permaneça como seu cão de guarda no mundo árabe.

E agora o governo de ultra-direita de Trump está em cena ao mesmo tempo que o governo de ultra-direita de Netanyahu governa Israel, então devemos esperar que a repressão piore.

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Presidenta da Assembleia Legislativa equatoriana analisa período eleitoral crucial para o país andino, e a conjuntura local e regional

Gabriela Rivadaneira Burbano, de 34 anos, deputada pelo partido governista Alianza PAÍS e presidenta da Assembleia Legislativa do Equador, é uma das tantas apaixonadas e incansáveis obreiras da Revolução Cidadã que transformou a sociedade de seu país, sem precedentes na história da nação andina.

Hoje o Equador é um dos protagonistas da integração latino-americana e exemplo mundial em conquistas sociais e em direitos humanos, segundo os mais diversos organismos internacionais.

Com apenas 14 anos, Gabriela iniciou a militância política em um movimento cultural. Gaby, como é popularmente conhecida, foi vereadora, vice-prefeita da província de Imbabura e, em 2011, tornou-se governadora. Dois anos mais tarde foi eleita deputada com 3,5 milhões de votos, uma das mulheres mais votadas do país andino. Foi também a primeira e mais jovem mulher a assumir a presidência parlamentar.

Nesta entrevista exclusiva, Gabriela Rivadaneira, vítima de tentativa de homicídio semanas atrás através de potente carta-bomba, analisa o cenário de seu país às vésperas do segundo turno das eleições presidenciais que ocorrerá em 2 de abril, quando os equatorianos decidirão entre o candidato governista Lenín Moreno e o banqueiro neoliberal Guillermo Lasso.

Na semana passada, o jornal argentino Página 12 noticiou que Lasso está vinculado a 49 empresas offshore com depósitos bancários em paraísos fiscais. No mês passado o povo equatoriano havia decidido, em Referendo Popular, que cidadãos não podem exercer cargos públicos se mantém contas em paraísos fiscais, o que agora coloca em risco a candidatura do especulador pró-Washington. Já as pesquisas apontam larga vantagem de Lenín, com mais de 18 pontos à frente de Lasso, quem promete alegar fraude caso perca nas urnas em abril.

A líder parlamentar também analisa o atual cenário político equatoriano; conta sobre as conquistas da Revolução Cidadã, tão distorcida pelo monopólio da informação; comenta o potente envelope-bomba enviado a seu gabinete; fala da reedição da Operação Condor apoiada sobre a mídia corporativa na América Latina que, segundo a líder equatoriana, provocou o golpe parlamentar contra a ex-presidenta Dilma Rousseff; aponta as principais divergências entre seu partido e o da oposição de Lasso; projeta o futuro equatoriano, especialmente os desafios do novo governo diante da atual crise econômica global; e responde à questão que está na boca e em todos os corações progressistas latino-americanos ao passo que, segundo a parlamentar, “não deixa a direita dormir”: Rafael Correa, um dos líderes mais populares e carismáticos da região, concorrerá à Presidência novamente, em 2021?

A seguir, a íntegra da entrevista com La Guerrera, Gabriela Rivadaneira.

Edu Montesanti: Quais as principais conquistas da Revolução Cidadã, e as suas particularmente, como parlamentar?

Gabriela Rivadaneira: As mudanças têm sido tantas e tão profundas, que eu não poderia enumerá-las aqui sem estender-me por várias horas. Quando dizemos que vivemos não uma era de mudança no País, mas sim uma mudança de era, na verdade nos referimos a uma revolução estrutural que atravessa todas as áreas, com objetivos muito claros tais como a recuperação do Estado à serviço dos cidadãos e não das elites, o combate à pobreza e à discriminação, a busca pela equidade em todos os níveis, a atenção a todos os territórios e a todas as populações.

O processo constitucional subverteu a lógica do poder que havia sido estabelecida durante o neoliberalismo e recuperou a ação pública para iniciar um processo de redistribuição da riqueza, a mais veloz do continente. Cumprimos as Metas do Milênio vários anos antes do prazo, e continuamos sem pausa vencendo paradigmas de séculos para romper ciclos sistêmicos de pobreza e miséria, que se expressavam mais rigor entre a maioria das populações mais vulneráveis, tais como as crianças e adolescentes, as mulheres e os povos originários, as minorias com outra orientação sexual e, é desnecessário dizer, as pessoas com deficiência que constituíam, sem dúvida, o maior extremo da discriminação que o país viveu.

As mudanças são quantitativas, mas fundamentalmente qualitativas. Hoje temos garantias de direitos, serviços públicos gratuitos e de qualidade, atenção à cidadania durante todo o ciclo de vida, temos reduzido enormemente a mortalidade materno-infantil, fortalecido a medicina preventiva em todo o País, e através da recuperação da seguridade social, que estava despedaçada, temos proporcionado qualidade de vida aos nossos aposentados, rendas dignas que reconhecem as contribuições que dadas por eles ao país, enquanto em 2007 havia grevistas aposentados em greve de fome às portas da seguridade social, pedindo os direitos que o neoliberalismo negava-lhes.

Como parte desta revolução, tenho trabalhado para estas conquistas coletivas, que são conquistas populares que vamos defender. O País tem se transformado de maneira integral nestes últimos anos, dentro e fora, porque agora a mundo nos olha de maneira diferente também.

Quanto ao meu trabalho como legisladora e como presidenta da Assembleia Nacional, tenho me certificado de que todas as leis que sejam aprovadas estejam revestidas de cinco eixos ação, em relação às mulheres, aos migrantes, às pessoas com deficiência, os povos originários e a justiça intergeracional.

Temos leis que marcam épocas históricas, como a Lei de Justiça do Trabalho que reconhece o trabalho diário de donas de casa e do seu direito a uma pensão e à aposentadoria, leis que reconhecem os direitos trabalhistas das trabalhadoras remuneradas do lar, que proíbem a demissão de mulheres grávidas e das líderes sindicais, leis que punem a violência, o feminicídio, que pune a violência psicológica, física, simbólica, patrimonial e obstétrica, a qual ainda é praticada contra as mulheres.

E não é o suficiente ter políticas públicas de um governo de esquerda, precisamos de leis que integrem esses mandatos na vida da sociedade e, nesse sentido, temos trabalhado na Assembléia. Leis para um novo País, o que por exemplo evidenciou-se após o terremoto que sofremos em abril do ano passado, através de uma Lei da Solidariedade que agora nos permite reconstruir as populações afetadas, algo nunca feito antes, por governo nenhum.

A senhora afirmou ao jornalista Rolando Segura em 28 de fevereiro no programa da TV venezuelana Telesur, Enclave Política: “O monopólio midiático esconde a semelhança entre o formato de Macri (presidente da Argentina), e o formato do candidato equatoriano da direita, Guillermo Lasso”. Como exatamente a grande mídia tem agido durante essas eleições em seu País? Diante disso, como os partidários de Alianza PAÍS e seus apoiantes têm atuado? E conte também qual o principal trabalho a ser executado nestes 10 dias restantes de campanha para o binômio Lenin Moreno-Jorge Glas, especificamente?

Um grave problema que temos em nossos países é que não dispomos de informação contrastada, de análises com profundidade; geralmente a mídia corporativa limita-se a jogar a versão que é gerada a partir de sua sede em países centrais, e dá como certa essa informação que, muitas vezes, é claramente tendenciosa.

Vivemos isso na América Latina o tempo todo: no golpe parlamentar contra Dilma Rousseff no Brasil, os meios de comunicação a sentenciaram muito antes do Congresso; e o mesmo ocorreu com Cristina Fernandez (de Kirchner, ex-presidenta da Argentina), quem já está condenada pela mídia hoje. Eles estão procurando gerar opinião pública adversa através de grandes manchetes. E se a isso somamos o poder exercido pelas redes sociais corporativistas, é muito difícil estimar o poder real da mídia. Nos querem fazer duvidar da Dilma, mas apenas mencionam que Temer está envolvido no caso da Odebrecht e os cortes aprovados social para 20 anos no Brasil, algo inimaginável.

E quanto a Macri, as semelhanças são evidentes porque correspondem à agenda de direita mais cavernosa, quer dizer, redução de impostos especialmente para os banqueiros, abertura total, a entrega de projetos sociais para que sejam gerenciados por setores privados para extorquir a população com empréstimos impagáveis a fim de que se compre um modesta casa, ou pagar por estudos ou pelo hospital.

Na área da saúde, o próprio Lasso propôs a criação de uma zona de livre-comércio para as agências de saúde internacionais, ou seja, benefícios de saúde para as classes mais ricas e saúde enquanto aos pobres não se diz absolutamente nada, e nós sabemos o porquê disso: leva anos dizendo que a despesa pública é insustentável, que quando chegue ao poder que terá que tomar medidas, ou seja, está preparando um cenário de cortes na área social, grandes pacotes econômicos, redução de impostos, e tudo isso afetará, sem dúvida, as classes mais pobres.

O trabalho para este segundo turno define-se por uma escolha entre o passado e o futuro. Ou seguimos em frente com esta era de crescimento humano e social, ou voltamos para o modelo acumulador e elitista que nos condenou à miséria por tantos anos. Como ativistas, trabalhamos de porta em porta para compartilhar com o público a nossa proposta, o nosso projeto, e advertir sobre esse perigo a fim de alertar sobre as falsas promessas de candidatos da bancocracia, e também temos que enfrentar aos poderosos meios de comunicação que frequentemente repetem uma falsa imagem do candidato que hoje se apresenta como amigo dos camponeses e dos jovens, por cujo bem-estar nunca antes interessou. Já que sendo um gerente bancário poderia, muito bem, ter feito empréstimos a juros baixos para artesãos, pescadores, jovens empresários, mas nunca fez nada disso. E seu sonho é chegar ao poder para acabar com os bancos públicos que temos recuperado, hoje oferecendo benefícios com juros de 5 por cento para mulheres, jovens, pequenos agricultores e empresários que, anteriormente, tinham que recorrer a bancos privados para ser extorquidos com taxas de até 35 por cento ao ano.

A campanha para este segundo turno girará sobre quem somos, o que temos demonstrado ao País e, nesse sentido, Lenín Moreno tem para mostrar ao País e ao mundo inteiro a Missão Solidária Manuela Espejo (em favor dos deficientes físicos), enquanto Lasso leva sobre as costas a quebra de bancos, a maior apreensão de fundos privados da nossa história, e muitos migrantes que acabaram expulsos da terra natal pelas administrações dessa bancocracia.

Em 15 de fevereiro a senhora recebeu “um envelope com um CD que, na verdade, era um explosivo de médio alcance e capacidade letal”, a senhora anunciou em sua conta no Twitter. Victor Hugo Zarate, chefe da guarda legislativa, explicou que o tipo de explosivo, RDX e PETN, tem mesmo a função de acabar com a vida do indivíduo a quem ele se dirige. Conte os detalhes disso, como estão as investigações, e se você sabe quem foi ou quem foram os autores daquele ataque contra sua vida.

Não vou me estender muito neste assunto. Quando assumimos este caminho político, sabíamos muito bem que estávamos diante de riscos porque a vida de um líder político à esquerda, comprometido com um projeto que desempenha grande interesse, está sempre exposta.

Sabemos que procuram provocar medo porque essa seria a reação de covardes, mas enganam-se se pensam que vamos brecar esta corrida pela vida e a alegria de continuar sustentando e impulsionando este novo País.

Ao contrário da direita, nós não buscamos o poder para sermos servidos, mas para servir. Por isso, essa ameaça não a tomamos com algo pessoal mas como uma afronta à sagrada vontade do povo, que nos nomeou para representá-lo na democracia. Que saibam muito bem que as revoluções não fazemos as pessoas mas os povos, e que nenhuma bomba pode deter um rio da história.

Agradeço de coração à minha equipe de segurança, que impediu uma tragédia. Uma das colaboradoras do meu escritório está em gestação, e lhe correspondia abrir a correspondência: imagine as consequências terríveis daquilo! As investigações estão em andamento, temos confiança em nossos policiais e sabemos que os culpados, em breve, irão aparecer publicamente.

Finalmente, como mulher e como mãe agradeço a fortaleza da minha família, e o apoio que sempre recebo. Eles nunca me pediram que abandone por causa da ameaça de um covarde. Como gosto de dizer, que ninguém tente me calar porque eu nasci gritando.

O presidente Rafael Correa tem denunciado constantemente uma nova Operação Condor em curso na região. A senhora acha que a direita equatoriana que disputa a Presidência com Alianza PAÍS, por meio do que tem sido denominado Campanha Suja sustentada pela grande mídia, tem atuado em conexão com esta nova operação que tem sido frequentemente comprovada por WikiLeaks através da liberação dos principais cabos secretos emitidos pelas “embaixadas” dos Estados Unidos, que na verdade funcionam muito mais como centros de espionagem, em países da América Latina?

Na América Latina, vivemos processos muito semelhantes quanto à necessidade de se recuperar uma soberania que tinham nos tomado, a recuperar as instituições públicas, a capacidade de se realizar investimento público, mesmo porque no Equador a bancocracia chegou a ponto de proibir por lei o investimento público para que o setor privado gere negócios a partir dos direitos dos indivíduos.

Por isso não construíram nem uma escola, nem um hospital, nem uma energia hidrelétrica por mais de 30 anos, na prática submetendo-nos a um atraso sistêmico que levou nossa produção nacional à obsolescência, e provocou a perda de planos de vida de várias gerações, atoladas no desespero.

A Operação Condor foi criada em nossos países como uma política exógena para cercear o desenvolvimento da região, e canalizá-la para o interesse das grande corporações transnacionais, especialmente as do petróleo. Se aparecia um governo de esquerda como o de Roldós (Jaime Roldós Aguilera, presidente do Equador de 10 de agosto de 1979 a 24 de maio de 1981), havia que encerrá-lo. E assim eles mataram Roldós Torrijos (Omar Efraín Torrijos Herrera, oficial do Exército e líder do Panamá de 1968 a 1981) como parte desse plano. Assim eles apoiaram as ditaduras mais ferozes do continente, e causaram até mesmo conflitos armados entre nações irmãs para atender seus objetivos.

O primeiro lema é, naturalmente, evitar o processo de integração regional. E por isso, quando os governos progressistas chegaram ao poder através de mandatos democráticos em nosso países, o alarme foi reativado e implementado um novo plano de Condor, que utiliza estratégias conhecidas como a efervescência das ruas pela direita a fim de gerar condições para golpes parlamentares, como aconteceu no Brasil e como se pretende executar na Venezuela.

Nestas semanas mesmo no Equador, pequenos grupos de alta classe tomaram as ruas para apresentar ao mundo uma imagem distorcida da nossa democracia, e desta maneira uma gerar opinião pública internacional de acordo com seus interesses. Em toda a região movem-se tendências poderosas que valorizam muito mais os interesses dos bancos que os da vida humana.

E é claro que as embaixadas são importantes pontos de contato que, acima de tudo, demonstram a qualidade de políticos servis que ainda temos na América Latina. Mas que nem sonhem: somos um país soberano que nunca mais terá bases militares estrangeiras em nosso território, e que nem se submeterá aos desígnios de outros países para moldar seu futuro.

Quais as principais divergências entre Alianza PAÍS e a oposição nos campos político, econômico e social?

Bem, esta pergunta é simples porque se tratam de opostos muito claros.

Defendemos um modelo de redistribuição da riqueza entre a sociedade, enquanto Lasso promove a acumulação de riqueza nas mãos de uma elite que decide quanto quer ou não redistribuir.

Defendemos um Estado para a cidadania que garante direitos, e Lasso promove um Estado que se dedica a trabalhar para a empresa privada, e que seja essa empresa privada que decida o preço a ser estipulado aos direitos da cidadania.

Defendemos um modelo de investimento público no ser humano, enquanto Lasso define isso como “gasto”.

Defendemos a responsabilidade fiscal como fundamento do crescimento coletivo, ao passo que Lasso apregoa a eliminação de impostos sem os quais não se poderia manter a gratuidade da saúde ou a da educação.

Reconhecemos a mulher no centro da mudança da política, enquanto Lasso promove uma imagem feminina de acordo com os parâmetros do Opus Dei, isto é, obediência e aceitação do inaceitável.

Trabalhamos por uma seguridade integral com uma ECU 9-1-1 (Serviço Integrado de Seguridade, a fim de prestar socorro à sociedade para todas as emergências), exemplo na região, enquanto Lasso fala de segurança para o capital, para os valores, não para as pessoas.

Em quase todos os pontos, estamos em lados opostos. E isso nos ratifica dentro de nossos princípios. Olhamos para o futuro com esperança, enquanto Lasso vê o passado com nostalgia. Um passado que o enriqueceu mas gerou miséria ao País, morte e migração maciça.

Nestes dez anos, temos feito o que a direita recusou-se a fazer em 40 anos. E por isso está desesperada para retomar o poder, para que não sigamos com esta era de mudanças.

No primeiro turno, a vantagem do candidato governista Lenin Moreno foi muito grande: mais de um milhão de votos sobre Guillermo Lasso. Houve uma distância de quase 12 por cento, fazendo com que Moreno tivesse ficado a apenas 0,7 por cento de vencer as eleições logo no primeiro turno, conforme previsto que ocorreria por três dos quatro institutos de pesquisa equatorianos. Além de um segundo turno, comemorado por “uma oposição acostumada a perder”, como diz o presidente Correa; Alianza PAÍS mantém maioria na Assembleia Nacional, mas perdeu assentos. Seu partido perdeu o poder no Parlamento do Equador. A que se devem desses acontecimentos, um segundo turno que contradiz as expectativas, e a perda legislativa?

Não temos perda legislativa, temos uma clara maioria concedida pelo povo equatoriano.

A diferença em relação á Assembleia anterior é que tínhamos as duas terças partes, e por isso pudemos, neste período que conclui, aprovar mais de 90 leis para beneficiar o País, porque não tínhamos conflitos de governabilidade, e isso é muito importante especialmente em um país como o Equador, que antes desta Revolução teve dez presidentes em seis anos e uma assembleia de deputados que impedia o processo constitucional as pessoas exigiam.

E a oposição não estava comemorando nas ruas, estava violando a lei eleitoral, o silêncio essencial e lógico que se espera para contar os votos após uma eleição múltipla e com percentuais delicados, no sentido de que eles estavam dentro da margem de erro de duas dessas pesquisas mencionadas. A intenção era a de invalidar o processo eleitoral se o percentual exigido de 40 por cento tivesse se consolidado, pois sabia-se com certeza que seriam mais do que dez pontos de diferença a vantagem de Lenín Moreno. E mais uma vez os grandes meios internacionais apresentam este cenário como uma demonstração “a favor da democracia” quando, na realidade, trata-se de uma violação a essa democracia.

Será que eles aceitariam o resultado de um único turno assim como nós aceitamos enfrentar e derrotá-los novamente no segundo turno? A resposta é clara, não aceitariam porque eles estavam orquestrando distúrbios, gritavam em seus protestos que estavam prestes a “incendiar Quito “se Lenin Moreno vencesse na primeiro turno, e o que é pior, com o consentimento do prefeito da cidade, quem esteva sempre pronto para fornecer tendas e centros de alimentação para aqueles que violavam a lei e ameaçavam queimar a cidade à qual ele foi designado para proteger.

Novamente, trata-se de uma resposta orquestrada por algumas centenas de cidadãos que defendem a seus privilégios, tratados com uma gigantesca lupa pela grande mídia internacional direitista, que busca sempre todos os escândalos que possam deslegitimar os triunfos da esquerda na América Latina para fazê-los parecer reivindicações das pessoas, mas não são porque a realidade é que temos vencido a direita nas urnas desde o início deste processo histórico, e acabamos de obter uma nova vitória no primeiro turno com um milhão de votos a mais que o candidato da bancocracia, e vamos para o segundo turno com alegria e compromisso renovados para derrotá-los e encerrar, de uma vez por todas, o capítulo neoliberal da história equatoriana.

Quanto à Assembleia, a democracia significa mobilidade, contraposição de posições, argumentos e debates especialmente na função legislativa. Na verdade, tratou-se de um fato inédito no País contar, no período anterior, com uma maioria tão sólida que, entre outras coisas, permitiu-nos concluir o ciclo constituinte, enfrentar leis fundamentais tais como a da água, da terra, das sementes, da comunicação, do código penal integral que, pela primeira vez, enfrenta a figura do feminicídio, entre muitas outras questões.

E no novo período, a maioria que temos nos permitirá acelerar os projetos e o fundamental: deter as tentativas da direita de revogar algumas das leis aprovadas neste período, impedir que os avanços sociais sejam obstruídos, e evitar a todo o custo um retrocesso dos direitos cidadãos.

Quais as propostas específicas da Alianza País para os próximos quatro anos, a fim de acelerar o processo revolucionário?

Acelerá-lo é uma maneira quase impossível de se referir a ele, porque vamos avançando tão rapidamente quanto nos é possível, e as mudanças no País demonstram o quanto se trabalha nesta Revolução.

Mas a verdade é que estamos diante de uma nova etapa, novos horizontes especialmente porque quando estávamos no mais profundo do neoliberalismo, a aspiração óbvia era alcançar a luz, ter energia, saúde, transporte, educação, justiça, segurança, forças armadas operacionais, fronteiras fechadas em todo o País, acordos de desenvolvimento binacionais nas nossas fronteiras, direitos trabalhistas, salários decentes, e assim a lista era interminável. E sem esquecer a indústria obsoleta, o apaziguamento dos nossos recursos naturais, o modelo de exportação agrícola primária, a falta de soberania em todas as áreas, a dívida com o FMI que nos extorquia ano a ano a um nível de pobreza de assustador, de quase 40 por cento.

Tivemos que corrigir tudo, e rapidamente. E tem sido uma viagem cheia de vertigem, com a força do povo que nos respalda e impulsiona. Mas nesta nova etapa já temos colheitas para cuidar, jovens profissionais que foram educados nas melhores universidades do mundo regressam ao País para dar sua contribuição, os migrantes que estão voltando a investir no Equador, e um novo modelo social que inclui a economia popular e solidária como uma parte essencial do sistema econômico nacional. Além disso, as áreas de energia, turismo e indústria têm desenvolvido e precisam de mais espaço. Assim, os desafios são muitos, mas estamos habituados a um intenso ritmo de trabalho.

Precisamos de uma lei que promova o emprego dos jovens, o emprego qualificado para os estagiários que retornam, o emprego para as mulheres e, especialmente, na área de empreendimentos.

Nós cobrimos quase 50% da demanda habitacional em todo o País, mas nesta nova fase, o grande desafio é dotar as famílias do País de moradias dignas e ter, finalmente, no século XXI, água potável e rede de esgotos em todo o território nacional.

Vamos implementar universidades técnicas, temos milhares de diplomados do ensino médio que querem se juntar à população economicamente ativa com um escritório próprio, com conhecimentos técnicos que lhes permitam crescer profissionalmente. Planejamos várias universidades em todo o País, de acordo com a vocação produtiva de cada região.

Fizemos muito isso tudo, mas é ao mesmo tempo o que ainda devemos fazer já que o horizonte dos direitos avança à medida que caminhamos.

A economia global atravessa grave crise. Quais os projetos da Alianza País para enfrentá-la?

As crises do capitalismo são cíclicas, parte de sua estrutura interna. Quando falamos de questões como paraísos fiscais, fundos abutres, bolhas financeiras, bolhas hipotecárias, estamos falando de mecanismos no limite legal e legítimo que, em algum momento, entrará em colapso. Isso ocorreu na crise bancária no Equador em 1999, o mesmo se deu no “corralito” argentino, o mesmo princípio marcou a crise hipotecária nos Estados Unidos em 2009, e na Espanha.

A grande questão é quem se beneficia com essas crises, e onde escondem seus benefícios. E neste quesito o Equador está marcando uma grande diferença neste momento.

Desde a Presidência do Grupo dos 77 nas Nações Unidas, temos proposto ao mundo o fim dos paraísos fiscais, que são as cavernas onde escondem dinheiro desviado e lavado, e também o dinheiro roubado do povo. E, é claro, o candidato Lasso tem dinheiro em paraísos fiscais, tem até um banco no Panamá que corresponde a esta descrição.

E nestas eleições, o povo soberano do Equador decidiu em um Referendo Popular que para se tornar um funcionário público ou de eleição popular, ele não pode possuir fundos ocultos nessas esconderijos. 56% do País disse não a paraísos fiscais e sim à transparência, e com base neste respaldo vamos insistir neste pedido, porque não podemos de maneira global enfrentar as crises sistêmicas, a corrupção e a especulação – que são o mesmo, de outra forma – se não fechamos os esconderijos de seus tesouros.

E, é claro, o candidato da bancocracia se opôs ao referendo, não faltava mais nada.

Como a se pretende alavancar a reforma agrária, que não tem avançado significativamente?

O que nos anos setenta foi chamado de reforma agrária no País, na verdade gerou grandes propriedades que monopolizaram a água e o solo fértil nas mãos de pequenas parcelas de caráter familiar que eram, na verdade, insustentáveis. Não se tratou de um verdadeiro processo de distribuição de terras e, acima de tudo, não havia possibilidade de se ter acesso a fatores da produção que necessitavam as famílias rurais.

Uma das mais fortes demandas sociais era ter uma lei de terras que permitisse uma partilha das terras rurais improdutivas e, especialmente, o estabelecimento de mecanismos de apoio à produção em escala popular e solidária popular, uma justa distribuição da água através de uma lei e de geração de cadeias produtivas e formação de cadeias de valor produtivas para apoiar a produção agropecuária dos nosso pequenos e médios produtores.

O capitalismo impõe o egoísmo, a fria competição, mas a sociedade precisa de um forte princípio da ação coletiva, de economia solidária para garantir a vida das comunidades e a soberania alimentar do País.

Nos próximos anos se impulsionará uma nova etapa na área agrária equatoriana, e veremos os resultados muito em breve. Já o retorno é evidente, os campos estão produtivos, os mercados ativos, estradas abertas, as famílias semeiam com esperança e cada vez mais o comércio justo é a norma. Temos avançado, mas o salto quântico está por vir.

O economista Jorge Orbe, em entrevista a mim há três semanas [a leia mais abaixo], disse: “Um dos aspectos sobre os quais gira a campanha eleitoral no Equador é a necessidade da criação de emprego. Para além do anunciado geral, os candidatos não têm explicado as estratégias para este fim. A questão é complicada quando, por razões de concorrência e competitividade, as empresas incorporam frequentemente máquinas e ferramentas que economizam trabalho e jogam vastos setores da população ao desemprego e subemprego. Nestas circunstâncias, impossibilitados de vincular-se à ‘economia formal’, ao setor empresarial privado, significativos segmentos da população urbana impulsionam estratégias de sobrevivência da população vinculadas aos empreendimentos familiares e ao trabalho autônomo”.
De maneira particular a mim, ele acrescentou: “A dificuldade estrutural da economia equatoriana de gerar emprego, mais ainda quando está em andamento a quarta revolução industrial e o desenvolvimento da robótica deixará milhões de pessoas sem emprego. Talvez nenhum aborde a questão para medo, já que tocar na estrutura do sistema é algo complicado e politicamente incorreto…”.
Como a senhora analisa essas observações?

Na verdade, a questão do emprego tem sido uma das mais tocadas na campanha, mas com duas visões diferentes. O candidato Lasso diz que temos uma crise de desemprego, quando na verdade temos as taxas mais baixas de desemprego da nossa história, e a mais baixa da região, com 5%.

Mas o emprego sempre é vital, porque significa esperança, alegria, crescimento pessoal e coletivo, bem-estar econômico para família, e é uma questão muito delicada especialmente para os jovens.

Mas acreditar que um banqueiro mantém preocupações com o desemprego é uma ingenuidade extrema. Inclusive a candidata social-cristã da direita mais pura (Cynthia Viteri, terceira colocada no primeiro turno), criticava Lasso por demissões em massa feitas no agências bancárias que gerenciava.

Quando a direita esteva no poder, o salário básico não cobria sequer 20 por cento da cesta básica, havia centenas de milhares de trabalhadores terceirizados, ou seja, que estavam privados de seus direitos, as trabalhadoras domésticas recebiam os salários como se fossem um favor por suas exaustivas horas de trabalho, isto é, apenas 120 dólares enfim, é difícil acreditar que o problema do emprego não deixa a direita dormir.

Hoje o salário básico é de 375 dólares, é obrigatória a afiliação à seguridade social e o acesso aos direitos, são universais.

E, é claro, o País quer mais empregos, queremos chegar a desemprego zero, mas não como simples empregados de banco, mas sim o pleno emprego, emprego de qualidade, de alta talento humano, com a incorporação de alto valor acrescentado e apoio aos empresários para que gerem mais emprego.

Para isso, temos todo um programa de apoio conjunto para fornecer capital semente para 20 mil jovens empreendedores, com acompanhamento técnico e taxas de juros muito baixas, somos um país que deseja empreender, e faremos isso.

E, como mencionado anteriormente, os planos para o emprego dos jovens, para o primeiro emprego, para o emprego de formandos repatriados e mulheres, são muito amplos e serão implementados com mais força durante o governo de Lenín, que é um defensor do emprego como nenhum outro, e tem demonstrado isso através do emprego de pessoas com deficiência no projeto de pleno emprego que mudou a vida de milhares de famílias no País, e provocou em todos nós uma grande mudança cultural para tornarmo-nos, sem dúvida, seres humanos melhores.

O presidente Correa tem enorme popularidade, repetidamente reconhecido internacionalmente pelas conquistas sociais do País durante os dez anos de governo, e é um dos mais populares América Latina. O povo equatoriano é hoje protagonista de sua própria história, e o Equador é hoje um dos protagonistas da integração latino-americana. A pergunta que todos se fazem: é possível que Rafael Correa concorra à Presidência novamente, em 2021?

Essa é a pergunta que não deixa a direita dormir. Parafraseando a famosa frase do Manifesto Comunista, eu diria que “um espectro ronda os pesadelos dos neoliberais”, e é que Rafael Correa regresse em um futuro não tão distante, para responder ao amor que seu povo tem por ele, e é inegável.

Os processos de transformação são coletivos, mas o papel da liderança é fundamental e Rafael soube despertar em todos a paixão por um país diferente, a visão de que é possível enfrentar os maiores poderes com a força de um povo unido, a dignidade de querer ser novamente, e para sempre, um país com soberania, com futuro, com esperança. E nos colocou para trabalhar todos estes anos em um ritmo incansável, com a urgência de quem precisa mudar o País já.

Acredito que o Equador e o planeta inteiro querem mais de Rafael Correa. É uma pessoa jovem que, após alguns meses de descanso, se integrará em um espaço de trabalho que ajude a continuar mudando o Equador e mudar o mundo.

A lei permite que ele se candidate novamente e, pessoalmente, eu acredito que nosso povo o deixa partir agora como reconhecimento pelo trabalho e pela entrega, mas não vai deixá-lo ir muito longe ou por muito tempo, como dizemos nos Andes, “ele retornará”, porque o lar de Rafael é o coração Equador, onde ele sempre será o líder que mobilizou a esperança nacional quando tudo parecia perdido. Rafael nos contagiou com seu otimismo, com sua alegria, com sua fé inabalável no Equador que podemos ser, e sempre será um líder para nós na Presidência, no partido ou em qualquer área que nós represente, e espero que sejam muitas, muitas mais.

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Mientras se acerca la segunda vuelta de las elecciones presidenciales en Ecuador el 2 de abril, se mantiene la ventaja del candidato oficialista Lenín Moreno (Alianza PAÍS) ante el banquero Guillermo Lasso (CREO-SUMA), según sondeos de 15,4%.

Días pasados, el diario argentino Página 12 reveló que Lasso incrementó su riqueza en los paraísos fiscales de Panamá, Caimán y Delaware con 49 empresas offshore a nombre de sus familiares: el candidato neoliberal acumuló, entre 1999 y 2000, una riqueza de 30 millones de dólares. En 1999, la fortuna de Lasso era de 1 millón de dólares, durante la peor crisis financiera de la historia ecuatoriana. El hecho pone en riesgo la candidatura de Lasso ya que, a través de consulta popular el 19 de febrero, los ecuatorianos decidieron que ningún servidor público puede tener bienes en paraísos fiscales para desempeñar sus funciones.

La joven diputada Gabriela Rivadaneira (Alianza PAÍS), presidenta de la Asamblea Nacional de Ecuador, una de las mujeres más votadas en el país andino y víctima de un intento de asesinato semanas pasadas, comenta en la siguiente entrevista la coyuntura ecuatoriana que vive, hace diez años desde que Rafael Correa asumió la Presidencia, los más significativos cambios políticos, económicos y sociales de su historia y uno de los más exitosos de América Latina convirtiéndose, así, en uno de los protagonistas de la integración regional, tan bombardeada por las élites locales y por las fuerzas imperiales.

Con sólo 14 años de edad, la líder parlamentaria Gabriela Rivadaneira comenzó el activismo político en un movimiento cultural. Gaby, como es popularmente conocida en su país, fue concejal, alcalde de la provincia de Imbabura, y en 2011 se convirtió en gobernadora. Dos años más tarde fue elegida diputada con 3,5 millones de votos, algo histórico para una política femenina. También es la mujer más joven a presidir el Parlamento ecuatoriano.

A continuación, la entrevista completa con La Guerrera, Gabriela Rivadaneira.

Edu Montesanti: ¿Cuáles han sido los grandes logros impulsados por la Revolución Ciudadana en general, especialmente en favor de las mujeres, de los marginados, de las minorías en fin, de los derechos humanos? En cuanto a usted, particularmente, cuáles han sido las principales conquistas en favor de la Revolución Ciudadana como Asambleísta?

Diputada Gabriela Rivadaneira: Los cambios han sido tantos y tan profundos que no podría enumerarlos aquí sin extenderme varias horas. Cuando decimos que vivimos no una era de cambios en el país, sino un cambio de era, realmente nos referimos a una revolución estructural que atraviesa todos los ámbitos, con ejes muy claros, como son la recuperación del Estado para servicio de la ciudadanía y no de las élites, la lucha contra la pobreza y el discrimen, la búsqueda de la equidad en todos los niveles, la atención a todos los territorios y a todas las poblaciones.

El proceso constituyente trastocó la lógica del poder que se había establecido durante el neoliberalismo, y se recuperó la acción pública para iniciar un proceso de redistribución de la riqueza que es el más veloz del continente. Cumplimos las Metas las Milenio varios años antes del plazo y hemos seguido sin pausa venciendo paradigmas de siglos para romper círculos sistémicos de pobreza y miseria, que se expresaban con más rigor entre las poblaciones más vulnerables, como son los niños y adolescentes, las mujeres, los pueblos y nacionalidades, las minorías con otra orientación sexual y, ni qué decirlo, las personas con discapacidad, que constituían sin duda el mayor extremo del discrimen que vivía el país.

Los cambios son cuantitativos, pero fundamentalmente cualitativos. Hoy tenemos garantía de derechos, gratuidad y calidad en los servicios públicos, atención a la ciudadanía durante todo el ciclo de vida, hemos reducido enormemente la mortalidad materno infantil, fortalecido la medicina preventiva en todo el país, y con la recuperación de la seguridad social, que estaba prácticamente desahuciada, hemos logrado calidad de vida para nuestros jubilados, ingresos dignos que reconocen los aportes que le dieron al país, mientras que en el año 2007 había jubilados en huelga de hambre que morían a las puertas del seguro social, pidiendo los derechos que el neoliberalismo les negaba.

Como parte de esta Revolución, he trabajado para estos logros colectivos, que son conquistas populares que vamos a defender.

El país se ha transformado de manera integral en estos años, dentro y fuera, porque ahora el mundo nos mira de manera distinta también.

En cuanto a mi trabajo como legisladora y como Presidenta de la Asamblea Nacional, me he asegurado que todas las leyes que se aprueban estén atravesadas por cinco ejes de acción, en relación a las mujeres, los migrantes, las personas con discapacidad, pueblos y nacionalidades y justicia intergeneracional.

Tenemos leyes que marcan hitos históricos, como la Ley de Justicia Laboral, que reconoce el trabajo cotidiano de las amas de casa y su derecho a una jubilación en la vejez, leyes que reconocen los derechos laborales de las trabajadoras remuneradas del hogar, que prohíben el despido de mujeres embarazadas y lideresas sindicales, leyes que castigan la violencia, los femicidios, que castigan la violencia física, sicológica, simbólica, patrimonial y obstétrica, que se ejerce todavía contra las mujeres.

Y es que no es suficiente tener políticas públicas de un gobierno de izquierda, necesitamos leyes que asienten estos mandatos en la vida de la sociedad y en ese sentido hemos trabajado desde la Asamblea. Leyes para un nuevo país, lo que por ejemplo se evidenció luego del terremoto que tuvimos en abril del año pasado, con una Ley de Solidaridad que nos permite hoy reconstruir las poblaciones afectadas, algo que nunca antes hizo gobierno alguno.

Usted afirmó al periodista Rolando Segura, en el programa Enclave Política de Telesur el 28 de febrero: “Los medios monopólicos ocultan la similitud entre el formato Macri y el formato del candidato de derecha ecuatoriano Guillermo Lasso” ¿Cómo han actuado los grandes medios durante esas elecciones? Ante eso, ¿cómo han actuado los partidarios de Alianza PAÍS y sus apoyadores? ¿Cuál es el principal trabajo en esos 20 días de campaña para el binomio Lenín Moreno-Jorge Glas, específicamente?

Un grave problema que tenemos en nuestros países es que no disponemos de información contrastada, de análisis de profundidad, generalmente los medios corporativos se limitan a reproducir la versión que se genera desde sus matrices en países centrales y dan como cierta una información que la mayoría de las veces está claramente parcializada.

Lo vivimos en Latinoamérica todo el tiempo, con el golpe parlamentario en contra de Dilma Rousseff en Brasil, los medios la sentenciaron mucho antes que el Congreso de ese país; y lo mismo ocurre ahora con Cristina Fernández, que ya está sentenciada por medios que pretenden generar opinión pública adversa con grandes titulares. Y si a esto le sumamos el poder que tienen las redes sociales corporativizadas, es muy difícil calcular el poder real que tienen los medios. Nos quieren hacer dudar de Dilma, pero apenas si mencionan que Temer está implicado en el caso de Odebrecht y que se aprobaron recortes sociales por 20 años en el Brasil, algo inimaginable.

Y en cuanto a Macri, las similitudes son evidentes, porque se corresponden a la hoja de ruta de la derecha más cavernaria, es decir, reducción de impuestos especialmente para la banca, aperturismo total, entrega de los proyectos sociales para que lo manejen los sectores privados, para que extorsionen a la población con préstamos impagables para adquirir una modesta vivienda, o pagar estudios, o la factura del hospital. En salud, incluso Lasso ha propuesto crear una zona franca para las agencias internacionales de salud, es decir beneficios de salud para las clases más pudientes, y de la salud de los pobres no dice nada de nada, y ya sabemos por qué: lleva años diciendo que el gasto público es insostenible, que cuando llegue al poder tendrá que tomar medidas, es decir se prepara ya un escenario de recortes en el área social, de paquetazos económicos, de reducción fiscal, que afectará por supuesto a las clases más pobres.

El trabajo para esta segunda vuelta se define por una elección entre el pasado o el futuro. O seguimos adelante con esta era de crecimiento humano y social, o regresamos al modelo acumulador y elitista que nos condenó a la miseria por tantos años.

Como militantes, trabajamos puerta a puerta para compartir con la ciudadanía nuestra propuesta, nuestro proyecto, y advertir de este peligro, para alertar sobre las falsas promesas del candidato de la bancocracia, pero debemos enfrentarnos a poderosos medios de comunicación, que repiten una y otra vez una imagen falsa de un candidato que hoy se presenta como amigo de los campesinos y los jóvenes, cuando nunca antes se interesó por su bienestar. Porque siendo gerente de una entidad bancaria bien pudo crear préstamos de bajo interés para los artesanos, los pescadores, los jóvenes emprendedores, pero nunca lo hizo. Y su sueño es llegar al poder para terminar con la banca pública que hemos recuperado y que ahora concede prestaciones con un interés del 5% para mujeres, jóvenes, pequeños agricultores y empresarios, que antes debían recurrir a la banca privada, para ser extorsionados con intereses de hasta 35% anual.

Las campaña para esta segunda girará sobre quiénes somos, qué le hemos demostrado al país, y en ese sentido Lenín Moreno tiene para mostrarle al país y al mundo entero la maravillosa Campaña Manuela Espejo, mientras que Lasso tiene sobre sus espaldas el quiebre bancario, la mayor incautación de fondos privados de nuestra historia y una multitud de migrantes que fueron expulsados de su Patria por los manejos de esa bancocracia.

El 15 de febrero usted recibió “un sobre con un CD que resultó ser un explosivo de mediano alcance y capacidad letal”, anunciado en su cuenta en Twitter. Víctor Hugo Zárate, jefe de la escolta legislativa, explicó que el tipo de explosivo, de RDX y Pentrita, tiene realmente la función de terminar con la vida a quienes se dirige. Cuéntenos los detalles de eso, cómo están las investigaciones, y si se sabe quien o quienes fueron los autores del atentado en contra de su vida?

No voy a extenderme mucho en este tema. Cuando asumimos este camino político, sabíamos muy bien que afrontábamos riesgos, porque la vida de una dirigente política de izquierda, comprometida con un proyecto que toca grandes intereses, siempre está expuesta.

Sabemos que buscan provocar miedo, porque esa sería la reacción de los cobardes, pero se equivocan si piensan que vamos a frenar esta carrera por la vida y la alegría, para seguir sosteniendo e impulsando el nuevo país.

A diferencia de la derecha, nosotros no buscamos el poder para servirnos, sino para servir. Por eso esta amenaza no la tomamos como algo personal, sino como una afrenta a la voluntad sagrada del pueblo, que nos designó para representarlo en democracia.

Que sepan muy bien que las revoluciones no las hacemos las personas sino los pueblos, y que ninguna bomba puede frenar el río de la historia.

Agradezco de corazón a mi equipo de seguridad, que evitó una tragedia. Una de las colaboradoras de mi oficina está en estado de gestación y le correspondía a ella abrir la correspondencia. Imaginen qué terribles consecuencias pudo tener el evento.

Las investigaciones están en marcha, tenemos confianza en nuestra policía y sabemos que los culpables pronto aparecerán ante la luz pública.

Para terminar, como mujer y como madre, agradezco la fortaleza de mi familia y el apoyo que siempre recibo. Nunca me pedirían que abandone por la amenaza de un cobarde. Como me gusta decir, que nadie intente callarme, si nací gritando.

El presidente Correa ha denunciado constantemente una nueva Operación Cóndor en curso en la región. ¿Usted cree que la derecha ecuatoriana que disputa la presidencia con Alianza PAÍS, a través de lo que se ha denominado Campaña Sucia junto de los grandes medios, ha actuado en conexión con esa nueva Operación que, además, ha sido frecuentemente comprobada por WikiLeaks a través de la liberación de cables secretos ultrasecretos emitidos por las “embajadas” norteamericanas en los países latinoamericanos?

En Latinoamérica vivimos procesos muy similares, en cuanto a la necesidad de recuperar una soberanía que nos habían arrebatado, recuperar las instituciones públicas, la capacidad de hacer inversión pública incluso, porque en Ecuador la bancocracia llegó al extremo de prohibir por ley la inversión pública para que sea el sector privado el que genere negocios a partir de los derechos de las personas. Por eso no construyeron ni una escuela ni un hospital ni una hidroeléctrica por más de 30 años, sometiéndonos en la práctica a un atraso sistémico que llevó nuestra producción nacional a la obsolescencia y que provocó la pérdida de planes de vida de varias generaciones, sumidas en la desesperanza.

El Plan Cóndor se estableció en nuestros países como una política exógena destinada a coartar el desarrollo de la región y a encauzarlo según los intereses de las grandes transnacionales, especialmente petroleras. Si aparecía un gobierno de izquierda como el de Roldós, había que terminarlo. Y así mataron a Torrijos y a Roldós como parte de ese Plan. Y así apoyaron a las dictaduras más feroces del continente e incluso provocaron enfrentamientos bélicos entre pueblos hermanos, para cumplir sus objetivos.

La primera consigna es por supuesto impedir un proceso de integración regional. Y por eso, cuando gobiernos progresistas llegamos al poder por mandato democrático en nuestros países, se reactivó la alarma y se implementó un Nuevo Plan Cóndor, que utiliza estrategias conocidas como el calentamiento de calles por parte de la derecha, para generar condiciones para golpes parlamentarios como sucedió en Brasil y como se pretende en Venezuela. En estas mismas semanas en Ecuador salieron a las calles pequeños grupos de clase alta para presentarle al mundo una imagen distorsionada de nuestra democracia y así generar opinión pública internacional afín a sus intereses.

En toda la región se mueven hilos poderosos que valoran mucho más los intereses bancarios que la vida humana. Y por supuesto que las embajadas son puntos de contacto importantes, que sobre todo demuestran la calidad de políticos servilistas que todavía tenemos en Latinoamérica.

Pero que ni lo sueñen. Somos un país soberano, que nunca más tendrá bases militares extranjeras en su territorio ni se someterá a designios de otros países para forjar su futuro.

¿Cuáles son las marcas de la oposición, en el campo social, económico y político?

Bueno, esta pregunta es sencilla, porque se trata de opuestos muy claros.

Nosotros defendemos un modelo de redistribución de la riqueza entre la sociedad y Lasso promueve la acumulación de la riqueza en manos de una élite que decide cuánto quiere o no redistribuir.

Nosotros defendemos un Estado para la ciudadanía, que garantice derechos, y Lasso promueve un Estado que se dedique a trabajar para la empresa privada y que sea esa empresa privada la que decida qué precio le pone a los derechos de la ciudadanía.

Nosotros defendemos un modelo de inversión pública en el ser humano, mientras que Lasso define eso como “gasto”.

Nosotros planteamos la responsabilidad fiscal como fundamento del crecimiento colectivo, y Lasso pregona eliminar impuestos con lo cual no podría mantener la gratuidad ni en salud ni en educación.

Nosotros reconocemos a la mujer política como eje del cambio, y Lasso promueve una imagen femenina de acuerdo a los parámetros del Opus Dei, de obediencia y aceptación de lo inaceptable.

Nosotros trabajamos por una seguridad integral, con un ECU 9-1-1 que es un ejemplo en la región, y Lasso habla de seguridad para los capitales, para los valores, no para la gente.

Casi en todos los puntos, estamos en orillas opuestas. Y eso nos ratifica en nuestros principios.

Nosotros miramos al futuro con esperanza, mientras que Lasso ve el pasado con nostalgia. Un pasado que lo enriqueció a él, pero que generó en el país miseria, muerte y migraciones masivas.

En estos 10 años hemos hecho lo que la derecha no quiso hacer en 40 años. Y por eso están desesperados para retomar el poder, para que no sigamos con esta era de cambios.

Pero que sufran no más, porque el 2 de abril los vamos a derrotar una vez más en las urnas, porque el Ecuador ya cambió y el pasado no es una opción.

La ventaja del candidato oficialista, Lenín Moreno, fue muy grande: más de un millón de votos de diferencia en relación al segundo candidato más votado, Guillermo Lasso de Creo-SUMA. Fueron casi 12% de diferencia, faltando 0,7% para que Moreno hubiera vencido en la primera vuelta, como indicaban que sucedería tres de las cuatro encuestadoras. Además de una segunda vuelta, conmemorada por una oposición acostumbrada a perder, Alianza PAÍS mantiene mayoría en la Asamblea Nacional pero perdió bancas. El partido oficialista perdió poder en el Parlamento de Ecuador. ¿A qué se deben estos sucesos, una segunda vuelta que contraría las expectativas y una pérdida legislativa?

No tenemos pérdida legislativa, tenemos una clara mayoría otorgada por el pueblo ecuatoriano.

La diferencia con la anterior Asamblea es que teníamos las dos terceras partes y por eso pudimos en este período que concluye aprobar más de 90 leyes en beneficio del país, porque no teníamos conflictos de gobernabilidad, y eso es muy importante, especialmente en un país como Ecuador, que antes de esta Revolución tuvo diez presidentes en seis años y una diputación que impedía el proceso constituyente que exigía el pueblo.

Y la oposición no estaba festejando en las calles, estaba infringiendo la ley electoral, el silencio indispensable y lógico que se espera para poder contar los votos luego de una elección múltiple y con porcentajes delicados, en el sentido que estaban dentro del margen de error de dos de esas encuestas que mencionaste. La intención era invalidar el proceso electoral si el porcentaje necesario del 40% se hubiese concretado, porque ya se sabía a ciencia cierta que habría más de 10 puntos de diferencia. Y otra vez los medios lo presentan a nivel internacional como una demostración “a favor de la democracia”, cuando en realidad se trata de una ofensa a esa democracia. ¿Habrían ellos aceptado el resultado de una sola vuelta así como nosotros aceptamos enfrentarnos y derrotarlos nuevamente en la segunda vuelta? La respuesta es a claras luces no, porque ya estaban orquestando disturbios, se gritaba en sus protestas que se disponían a “incendiar Quito” si Lenín Moreno ganaba en una sola vuelta, y lo que es peor, con la anuencia del alcalde de la ciudad, que estuvo presto para disponer carpas y centros de comidas para quienes rompían la ley y amenazaban con incendiar la ciudad que él está llamado a proteger.

Una vez más se trata de una respuesta orquestada por unos cientos de ciudadanos que defienden sus privilegios, tratados con una gigantesca lupa por la prensa internacional derechista, que busca siempre todos los escándalos que puedan deslegitimar los triunfos de la izquierda en Latinoamérica, para hacerlos aparecer como proclamas del pueblo, que no lo son, porque la realidad es que hemos vencido a la derecha en las urnas desde el inicio de este proceso histórico, y acabamos de obtener una nueva victoria en la primera vuelta, con un millón de votos por encima del candidato de la bancocracia, y vamos a la segunda vuelta con alegría y renovado compromiso, para derrotarlos y cerrar de una vez y para siempre el capítulo neoliberal de la historia ecuatoriana.

En cuanto a la Asamblea, la democracia significa movilidad, contraposición de posiciones, argumentos y debates, especialmente en la función legislativa. En realidad se trató de un hecho inédito en el país contar en el período anterior con esa mayoría tan sólida, que nos permitió entre otras cosas cerrar el ciclo constituyente, afrontar leyes fundamentales como la de aguas, la de tierras, de semillas, de comunicación, el código integral penal que por primera vez enfrenta la figura del femicidio, entre muchas otras.

Y en el nuevo período la mayoría que tenemos nos permitirá avanzar en los proyectos y lo fundamental: detener los intentos que hará la derecha por derogar algunas de las leyes que aprobamos en este período, impedir que los avances sociales sean obstruidos e impedir a toda costa un retroceso de derechos ciudadanos.

¿Cuáles son propuestas para los próximos cuatro años a fin de acelerar el proceso revolucionario?

Acelerarlo es una manera casi imposible de decirlo, porque vamos tan rápido como podemos, y los cambios en el país demuestran cuánto se trabaja en esta Revolución.

Pero la verdad es que afrontamos una nueva etapa, de nuevos horizontes sobre todo, porque cuando estábamos en el fondo del neoliberalismo, la aspiración evidente era salir hacia la luz, tener energía, salud, vialidad, educación, justicia, seguridad, fuerzas armadas operativas, fronteras cerradas en todo el país, acuerdos de desarrollo binacionales en nuestras fronteras, derechos laborales, salarios decentes, y así la lista era interminable. Y sin olvidar la industria obsoleta, el entreguismo de nuestros recursos naturales, el modelo agroexportador primario, la falta de soberanías en todos los ámbitos, la deuda del FMI que nos extorsionaba año tras año y un nivel de pobreza de casi un aterrador 40%.

Había que solucionar todo y rápido. Y ha sido un viaje lleno de vértigo, con la fuerza del pueblo que nos respalda e impulsa.

Pero en esta nueva etapa ya tenemos cosechas que cuidar, jóvenes profesionales que se han educado en las mejores universidades del mundo que regresan al país para dar su aporte, migrantes que están retornando para invertir en Ecuador, y un nuevo modelo social que incluye la economía popular y solidaria como parte indispensable del sistema económico nacional. Además, las áreas de energía, turismo e industria se han desarrollado y necesitan más espacios.

Así que los retos son múltiples, pero estamos acostumbrados a un alto ritmo de trabajo. Necesitamos una ley que promocione el empleo juvenil, el empleo calificado para los becarios que retornan, el empleo para las mujeres y sobre todo en el área de emprendimientos.

Hemos cubierto casi el 50% de la demanda de vivienda a nivel nacional, pero en esta nueva etapa el gran desafío es dotar de vivienda digna a las familias del país, así como poder tener por fin, en el siglo XXI, agua potable y alcantarillado en todo el territorio nacional.

Vamos a implementar universidades técnicas, tenemos miles de bachilleres que quieren incorporarse a la población económicamente activa con un oficio propio, con conocimientos técnicos que les permitan crecer laboralmente. Planificamos varias universidades así en todo el país, de acuerdo a la vocación productiva de cada región.

Hemos hecho tanto, pero es tanto lo que nos falta por hacer, porque el horizonte de los derechos avanza a medida que nosotros caminamos.

La economía mundial atraviesa grave crisis. ¿Qué proyectos en este sentido tiene Alianza PAÍS, para hacer frente a eso?

Las crisis del capitalismo son cíclicas, forman parte de su estructura interna. Cuando hablamos de asuntos como paraísos fiscales, fondos buitres, burbujas financieras, burbujas hipotecarias, estamos hablando de mecanismos en el límite de lo legal y lo legítimo, que eventualmente van a colapsar.

Así ocurrió en la crisis bancaria de Ecuador en el año 99, lo mismo fue en el “corralito” argentino, el mismo principio marcó las crisis hipotecarias de EEUU en el 2009 y de España.

La gran pregunta es quién se beneficia de estas crisis y dónde esconden sus beneficios. Y ahí sí que Ecuador está marcando una gran diferencia en este momento.

Desde la Presidencia del Grupo de los 77 en las Naciones Unidas, le hemos planteado al mundo terminar con los paraísos fiscales, que son las cuevas donde se esconden los dineros mal habidos o lavados, y también los dineros robados a los pueblos.

Y por supuesto que el candidato Lasso tiene dineros en paraísos fiscales, tiene hasta un banco en Panamá, que se corresponde con esta descripción.

Y en estas elecciones, el pueblo soberano de Ecuador dictaminó en una Consulta Popular que para ser funcionario público o de elección popular, no se pueda tener fondos ocultos en estos escondrijos. El 56% del país le dijo NO a los paraísos fiscales y SÍ a la transparencia, y con este respaldo vamos a insistir en este pedido, porque no podemos de manera global enfrentar las crisis sistémicas, la corrupción y la especulación -que es lo mismo de otra manera- si no cerramos los escondites de sus tesoros.

Y por supuesto que el candidato de la bancocracia se opuso a la Consulta Popular, no faltaba más.

¿Cómo pretende adelantar la reforma agraria, algo que no se ha avanzado significativamente?

Lo que en los años setenta se llamó reforma agraria en el país, en realidad generó latifundios que acaparaban el agua y el suelo fértil junto a pequeñas parcelas de carácter familiar que eran en realidad insustentables, no se trató de un proceso de real repartición de las tierras y sobre todo no existía la posibilidad de acceder a los factores de la producción que necesitaban las familias campesinas.

Una de las demandas sociales más fuertes era tener una ley de tierras que permita una repartición de las tierras rurales improductivas y sobre todo que establezca mecanismos de apoyo a la  producción de la escala popular y solidaria, una justa repartición del agua a través de una ley y la generación de encadenamientos productivos y formación de cadenas de valor para apoyar la producción agropecuaria de nuestros pequeños y medianos productores.

El capitalismo impone el egoísmo, la fría competencia, pero la sociedad necesita un sólido principio de acción colectiva, de economía solidaria, para garantizar la vida de las comunidades y la soberanía alimentaria del país.

En estos años próximos arrancará una nueva etapa en el agro ecuatoriano y veremos los resultados muy pronto. Ya el retorno es evidente, los campos están productivos, los mercados activos, los caminos expeditos, las familias siembran con esperanza y cada vez el comercio justo es la norma. Hemos avanzado, pero el gran salto cualitativo está por venir.

El economista Jorge Orbe, en entrevista a mí hace dos semanas, dijo: “Uno de los aspectos sobre los que gira la campaña electoral en Ecuador es la necesidad de generación de empleo. Más allá del enunciado general, los candidatos no han explicado las estrategias orientadas a este fin. El asunto se complica cuando, por razones de competencia y competitividad, las empresas incorporan periódicamente máquinas y herramientas que ahorran mano de obra y arrojan a vastos sectores de la población a una situación de desempleo y subempleo. En estas circunstancias, imposibilitados de vincularse a la ‘economía formal’, con el sector empresarial privado, significativos segmentos de la población urbana impulsan estrategias de supervivencia vinculadas con emprendimientos familiares y el trabajo autónomo”. En particular, añadió: “La dificultad estructural de la economía ecuatoriana para generar empleo, más aún cuando está en marcha la cuarta revolución industrial y el desarrollo de la robótica dejará a millones de personas sin empleo. Tal vez ninguno lo haga por miedo, ya que tocar en la estructura del sistema es algo sencillo y políticamente incorrecto…”. ¿Cómo usted analiza estas observaciones?

Efectivamente el tema del empleo ha sido uno de los más tocados en la campaña, pero en dos visiones distintas.

El candidato Lasso dice que tenemos una crisis de desempleo, cuando en realidad tenemos las cifras más bajas de desempleo de nuestra historia y una de las más bajas de la región, con 5%. Pero siempre el empleo es vital, porque significa esperanza, alegría, crecimiento personal y colectivo, bienestar económico para la familia, y se trata de un tema muy sensible especialmente para los jóvenes.

Pero creer que un banquero se preocupa por el desempleo es una ingenuidad extrema. Incluso la candidata socialcristiana, de la derecha más pura, criticaba a Lasso por los despidos masivos que hacía en las sucursales del banco que gerenciaba.

Cuando la derecha estaba en el poder, el salario básico no cubría siquiera el 20% de la canasta familiar, había cientos de miles de trabajadores que eran tercerizados o sea que eran ignorados en sus derechos, las trabajadoras del hogar cobraban como un favor por sus horas extenuantes de trabajo apenas 120 dólares, cuesta creer que el problema del empleo no deja dormir a la derecha.

Hoy el salario básico es de 375 dólares, es obligatoria la afiliación a la seguridad social y los accesos a derechos son gratuitos. Y por supuesto que el país quiere más empleo, queremos llegar a cero desempleo, pero no como simples empleados de banco, sino empleo pleno, empleo de calidad, de alto talento humano, de incorporación de alto valor agregado y apoyo a los emprendedores para que a su vez generen más empleo. Para eso tenemos todo un programa de apoyo para brindar capitales semilla a 20.000 jóvenes emprendedores, con acompañamiento técnico e intereses muy bajos y a largo plazo, somos un país que desea emprender y lo vamos a hacer.

Y como mencionaba antes, los planes para empleo joven, para primer empleo, para empleo de becarios retornados y de mujeres, son muy amplios y se van a implementar con más fuerza durante el gobierno de Lenín, que es un defensor del empleo como nadie, y lo ha demostrado con la inserción laboral de personas con discapacidad en el proyecto empleo pleno, que cambió la vida de miles de familias en el país y nos provocó a todos un enorme cambio cultural para volvernos sin duda, mejores seres humanos.

El presidente Correa tiene enorme popularidad, repetidas veces reconocido internacionalmente por las conquistas sociales del país en esos diez años de su gobierno, y es uno de los más populares de Latino América. El pueblo ecuatoriano es protagonista de su propia historia, y Ecuador es hoy uno de los protagonistas de la integración latinoamericana. La pregunta que todos se hacen: ¿puede que Rafael Correa se postula a la presidencia nuevamente, en 2021?

Esa es la pregunta que no deja dormir a la derecha. Parafraseando la célebre frase del Manifiesto Comunista yo diría que “un fantasma recorre las pesadillas de los neoliberales” y es que Rafael Correa regrese en un futuro no tan lejano, a responder por el amor que su pueblo le tiene y que es innegable.

Los procesos de transformación son colectivos, pero el  papel de los liderazgos es fundamental y Rafael supo despertar en todos nosotros la pasión por un país distinto, la visión de que es posible enfrentarse a los más grandes poderes con la fuerza de un pueblo unido, la dignidad de querer ser nuevamente y para siempre un país con soberanía, con futuro, con esperanza. Y nos puso a trabajar todos estos años a un ritmo incansable, con la urgencia de quien necesita cambiar el país ya.

Yo creo que Ecuador y el planeta entero quieren más de Rafael Correa. Es una persona joven que luego de unos meses de descanso, se integrará en algún espacio de trabajo que ayude a seguir cambiando el Ecuador y a cambiar el mundo.

La ley permite que se presente nuevamente como candidato y en lo personal yo creo que nuestro pueblo lo deja partir ahora como reconocimiento por el trabajo y la entrega, pero no lo va a dejar irse ni muy lejos ni por mucho tiempo, como decimos en los Andes, “se va a volver” nomás, porque el hogar de Rafael es el corazón del Ecuador, donde siempre será el líder que movilizó la esperanza nacional cuando todo parecía perdido. Rafael nos contagió su optimismo, su alegría, su fe inquebrantable en el Ecuador que podemos ser y siempre será un líder para nosotros, en la Presidencia, en el partido, o en cualquier ámbito en los que nos represente, y ojalá sean muchos y muchos más.

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Destroying edu thru war

America Seeks to Destroy Syrian Civilization, Replace it With Terrorism and Ignorance

By Mark Taliano, March 22 2017

NATO/GCC/Israeli proxy terrorists in Syria have committed all manner of atrocities with a view to destroying Syria’s culture, history, economy, pluralism, its very essence.  They want to create a blank slate. They want to destroy the country’s secular institutions so that Syria devolves into a sectarian terrorist cesspool of death and ignorance.  All of this is well documented.


Netanyahu Vows Continued War on Syria

By Stephen Lendman, March 22 2017

On Tuesday, Netanyahu denied reports about Russia demanding Israel halt airstrikes in Syria, vowing they’ll continue. Their aim is more about weakening the country than targeting weapons convoys allegedly intended for Hezbollah. Pretexts are easy to invent to justify lawlessness.


The International Community Must Bring an End to Israel’s Illegal Occupation of Palestine

By Edu Montesanti and Amit Gilutz, March 21 2017

Independent and funded by contributions from foundations in Europe and North América, B’Tselem The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories acts primarily to change Israeli policy in the Occupied Territories and ensure that its government, which rules the Occupied Territories, protects the human rights of residents there and complies with its obligations under international law. Edu Montesanti speaks to Amit Gilutz, B’Tselem spokesman, on the Israeli occupation of Palestine.


Somalian Refugees Massacred in the Red Sea Off Yemen Coast

By Abayomi Azikiwe, March 22 2017

Somalian community representatives in Yemen have issued a statement denouncing the brutal killings of 42 people and the injuring of 120 others when their vessel was struck in the Red Sea area near the port city of Hodeida on March 17. Reports indicate that the deaths were a direct result of an airstrike carried out by the Saudi Arabian-Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) in a war being waged against the people of Yemen.


David Rockefeller: A Dark Legacy in Brazil, A Critical Obituary

By Brasil Wire, March 21 2017

On March 20, David Rockefeller died at the age of 101. As the obituaries for one of the world’s richest men gush over his philanthropy, it needs to be pointed out that he was a major player in several Latin American coups, supported extremely corrupt military dictatorships, post-dictatorship neoliberal policies that greatly exacerbated income stratification and poverty and that his dark legacy will continue to influence the region long after his death.

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La soberanía nacional es un bien infravalorado en el mundo de hoy, especialmente en los medios internacionales, donde las perspectivas de Washington y sus aliados mayormente prevalecen. Esto es cierto respecto a temas tanto políticos como económicos, y las consecuencias pueden ser particularmente fuertes para una región como Latinoamérica, tradicionalmente considerada por los funcionarios estadounidenses como su “patio trasero”.

La próxima elección en Ecuador está siendo observada y disputada por fuerzas que tienen visiones opuestas en este asunto. A la izquierda se encuentra la apuesta presidencial del anterior vicepresidente Lenín Moreno y su partido — el cual ha ganado ya la mayoría en la Asamblea — Alianza PAIS (Patria Altiva i Soberana, AP). Al igual que los otros partidos de izquierda que llegaron al poder durante el giro hacia la izquierda que arrasó en la región a inicios del siglo XXI, AP valora la soberanía nacional y la autodeterminación. Sus líderes, así como sus activistas y la mayor parte de su base electoral, entienden que el progreso alcanzado durante la última década hubiese sido imposible si el gobierno del presidente Rafael Correa hubiese seguido las recetas económicas de Washington.

Dicho progreso incluyó la reducción de la pobreza en un 38%, y de la extrema pobreza en un 47%. La desigualdad se redujo también substancialmente: La ratio de los ingresos del 10% más rico con respecto al más pobre se redujo, de 36 en 2006 a 25 en 2012. El crecimiento anual de ingresos por persona se incrementó desde el 0.6% de los 26 años anteriores al 1.5%. También el acceso a salud y educación aumentó notablemente, con una inversión en educación superior ascendiendo de 0.7% a 2.1% del PIB — más de lo invertido incluso en muchos países de altos ingresos. En general, hubo el doble de inversión social, y la inversión púbica con respecto al PIB fue más que duplicada.

Para alcanzar estos objetivos, el gobierno tuvo que re-regular el sector financiero, gravar la fuga de capitales, exigir a los bancos la repatriación de la mayor parte de sus activos líquidos en el extranjero y hacer del Banco Central un integrante más del equipo económico del ejecutivo — entre otras reformas económicas. Sin el Estado actuando ahora por el interés público en lugar de en nombre de los banqueros ecuatorianos y los ciudadanos más ricos, Ecuador no hubiese alcanzado la mayor parte de los avances de la última década.

El retador, el ex-banquero Guillermo Lasso, propone el tradicional programa de derecha consistente en rebajas tributarias para los ricos y reducciones de gastos aun mayores, orientadas a disminuir el déficit presupuestario. Se compromete a reducir el rol del Estado en la economía, que fue en realidad muy importante para los avances de la última década, argumentando que el “libre mercado” es la clave para desencadenar el potencial económico del país. También ha prometido recuperar la autonomía del Banco Central, lo que lo convertiría más en un instrumento de los grandes banqueros, como el que el mismo Lasso fue en su momento de gloria hacia el final de los noventa (cuando la economía naufragó debido a un colapso bancario).

Lasso también admitió ser dueño de un banco en Panamá, que se dedica principalmente a facilitar la fuga de capitales desde Ecuador. Se trata de un gran tema de soberanía nacional para Ecuador, ya que la mayoría de los votantes acaban de aprobar (en las elecciones del 19 de febrero) una propuesta de ley para prohibir que personas con cargos públicos tengan dinero en paraísos fiscales.

Todo esto sería un mal presagio bajo cualquier circunstancia, pero la falta de respeto por la soberanía nacional significa que si la economía se mete en problemas — lo cual es probable, dados los recortes presupuestarios propuestos — Lasso probablemente recurriría al FMI en busca de un préstamo. Aquello significaría el fin de la duramente ganada soberanía del Ecuador en política económica, y una cantidad de “reformas estructurales” definidas en Estados Unidos que Lasso y sus aliados estarían ansiosos por implementar.

No es poco significativo que, de acuerdo a un documento filtrado de la Embajada de los Estados Unidos en Ecuador, Lasso informó a los funcionarios diplomáticos de sus esfuerzos por organizar una oposición empresarial al gobierno de Correa en 2007. Si hubiese evidencias así de contundentes respecto a las relaciones entre Rusia y Donald Trump, esto significaría el fin de su presidencia.

Ya sabemos cómo fueron las décadas de reforma estructural promocionadas en el pasado por Washington: casi cero crecimiento en ingresos por persona en el Ecuador durante un total de dos décadas (1980–2000). Podemos ver también el desempeño de los nuevos gobiernos de derecha, apoyados por Washington, en Argentina y Brasil. Ha pasado casi un año desde que el corrupto de derecha Michel Temer tomó el poder mediante un “juicio político” — que muchos expertos han tildado de golpe debido a la ausencia de una verdadera causal de destitución. La depresión más larga de la historia del Brasil ha continuado agudizándose durante el último cuatrimestre de 2016, con niveles récord de desempleo y sin fin a la vista. La inversión continúa cayendo a pesar de — o mejor debido a — la austeridad y los recortes presupuestarios, que supuestamente habrían de entusiasmar a los inversores, incluso si al mismo tiempo hundieron la economía.

En Argentina, recesión y un 40% de inflación, así como devastadores incrementos de precios en los servicios públicos, han llevado a millones de argentinos a cambiar de opinión respecto al presidente de derecha que la mayoría eligió en diciembre de 2015. Como Lasso y Temer, el presidente argentino Mauricio Macri es un protegido de Washington. Cables diplomáticos filtrados de 2009 lo muestran pidiendo a funcionarios estadounidenses un tratamiento más duro contra el gobierno Kirchner en Argentina. Ahora esta gente tendrá como sus aliados más cercanos a Donald Trump y a extremistas republicanos en el Congreso de los Estados Unidos, gente como el senador Marco Rubio, quien con gusto destruiría Ecuador para salvarlo.

Sin duda este no será el mejor momento para que Ecuador devuelva a Washington su duramente ganada soberanía nacional.

Mark Weisbrot

Mark Weisbrot: Codirector del Centro de Investigación en Economía y Política (Center for Economic and Policy Research, CEPR) en Washington, D.C. y presidente de la organización Just Foreign Policy. También es autor del nuevo libro “Fracaso. Lo que los ‘expertos’ no entendieron de la economía global” (2016, Akal, Madrid).

Artículo original en inglés:

Ecuador shows why national sovereignty is so important, publicado el 19 de marzo de 2017.

Traducido por Jorge Enrique Forero.

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IMAGEN: El libro más reciente de Yanis Varoufakis, ex ministro de Finanzas del gobierno griego comandado por Alexis Tsípras. El economista griego recuerda cómo sus reflexiones sobre las fuerzas que están dividiendo a Europa se convirtieron en política de la vida real al asumir como ministro de Finanzas de su país.

Escribir un libro debería ser un antes y un después para su autor. Este libro no fue una excepción. Mientras lo escribía, fue como si el tema saltara de la página y me pidiera una respuesta de la vida real. Pronto me vi en el corazón de la bestia sobre la que había estado escribiendo.

Comencé a investigar y a escribir  ¿Y los pobres sufren lo que deben? para responder a una serie de preguntas. ¿Por qué se está desintegrando la Unión Europa (con el Brexit como primer síntoma de su enfermedad)? ¿Por qué la UE está fallando tan estrepitosamente en seguir el modelo de los Estados Unidos, que antes de consolidarse (en respuesta a sus varias crisis existenciales) también comenzaron su historia como una relajada confederación de estados divididos?

Mientras investigaba sobre estos temas, mi propio país, Grecia, se convirtió en el canario de la mina. Un aviso de que la UE era incapaz de convertir la crisis financiera de 2008 en un programa de consolidación. En vez de eso, optaba por una contraproducente mezcla de incompetencia y autoritarismo.

En el sexto capítulo del libro cuento la historia de países como Grecia, a los que se les ha hecho arrojarse por el acantilado con contraproducentes políticas de austeridad, acelerando así la división de la UE. No había pasado mucho tiempo desde que lo terminé cuando me llamó el deber. El día de Año Nuevo de 2015 tuve que dejar de escribir y lanzarme a una pequeña campaña electoral para terminar como ministro de Finanzas de Grecia. El tema de mi libro había saltado de mi portátil y me pedía que pasara del dicho al hecho.

En mis seis meses dentro del gobierno luché por conseguir un trato mutuamente beneficioso para Grecia y para la UE, un trato que comenzara el proceso de sanación de una Europa en avanzado estado de descomposición. Bruselas, Berlín y Frankfurt respondieron con una brutalidad increíble, como si lo que quisieran fuera acelerar la ruptura de la UE.

En el verano de 2015 ya era de público conocimiento: Grecia sería encerrada en una prisión para deudores. Yo rechacé firmar los papeles de rendición y dimití como ministro. Una vez más, la UE pretendería haber resuelto una crisis cuando lo único que había hecho era arrojar deuda nueva al pozo sin fondo de las viejas e impagables. Y las gentes de Europa perderían la poca confianza que les quedaba en las instituciones de la Unión.

Pocas semanas después de la humillación de Grecia, llegaron a sus costas miles de refugiados. No hizo falta mucho tiempo para que la UE se denigrara a sí misma firmando un escandaloso acuerdo con Turquía: en los hechos, los gobiernos europeos sobornaban al cada vez más autoritario presidente turco para poder violar las leyes internacionales sobre protección y derechos de los refugiados.

Libre de deberes ministeriales, volví a mi libro convencido de que mis preguntas iniciales se habían vuelto infinitamente más urgentes y de que ahora podría aportar un montón de perspectivas nuevas sobre el tema. Lo terminé en el verano de 2015. La UE ya había perdido su integridad machacando a Grecia y estaba en el proceso de vender su alma al renunciar a sus responsabilidades con los refugiados.

Cuando terminé mi manuscrito, temí que los lectores británicos lo encontraran demasiado alejado de sus preocupaciones diarias. Pero David Cameron me quitó esa preocupación enseguida al programar el referéndum sobre la permanencia en la UE para junio de 2016. De repente, los medios de comunicación británicos se llenaron de paralelismos entre el Grexit y el Brexit y los debates sobre las virtudes y el futuro de la UE se pusieron de moda. Inesperadamente, mi libro había encontrado una audiencia británica masiva.

En pocas semanas, yo estaba viajando por Reino Unido haciendo campaña contra el Brexit. Muchos de los que me escuchaban no entendían. “Después de lo que la UE te hizo a ti y a tu país, ¿cómo puedes decirnos que deberíamos quedarnos?”. Michael Gove y otros partidarios contribuyeron a esa confusión: habían alabado mi libro presentándolo equívocamente como el mejor argumento del Reino Unido para dejar la UE.

Baste con decir que esos que piensan que el Brexit estrechará las relaciones entre el Reino Unido, EEUU, y el resto del mundo no entienden el origen de la UE ni el papel que jugó EEUU en su formación. Y tampoco los efectos negativos que la fragmentación de la UE ya está teniendo en el resto del mundo.

Yanis Varoufakis

Artículo original en inglés:

‘People were confused that I didn’t support Brexit’, publicado el 7 de marzo de 2017.

Traducido por Francisco de Zárate para el Diario.

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¿Existió alguna vez la época dorada del capitalismo?

March 22nd, 2017 by Alejandro Nadal

En muchos círculos de todo el espectro político se habla de una época dorada del capitalismo. La referencia es al periodo que arranca con el Nuevo Trato impulsado por la administración Roosevelt durante los años de la gran depresión y termina hacia finales de la década de los años 1970.

Entre 1945 y 1970 la economía estadunidense experimentó un incremento sostenido en el ingreso promedio de la población y una expansión casi sin precedentes de la clase media. Casi todos los observadores concuerdan en que durante esos años se consolidó una especie de paz social en la que capital y trabajo convivieron para generar un auge económico sin precedente. Hoy la nostalgia por la época dorada hace soñar a muchos a lo largo de todo el espectro político.

Pero, ¿realmente existió esa época dorada? Es una pregunta importante y compleja. Nuestra visión sobre la evolución del capitalismo en los tiempos que corren depende de la respuesta. Los objetivos estratégicos de la acción política de partidos, sindicatos y todo tipo de organizaciones también están condicionados por ella. Para simplificar el análisis podemos hacer referencia en primer lugar a la economía de Estados Unidos. No es casualidad que la referencia geográfica para ese periodo de auge sea ese país pues en él nunca existió otra cosa que el modo de producción capitalista.

Para empezar hay que reconocer que entre 1945-1970 la economía de Estados Unidos efectivamente mantuvo altas tasas de crecimiento de manera sostenida. Y durante esos años se alcanzó algo muy cercano al pleno empleo y el crecimiento de los salarios fue constante. Por esos resultados se considera que fueron los años dorados del capitalismo, tanto en círculos conservadores como en espacios más críticos y hasta radicales.

Son muchos los factores que explican este proceso de crecimiento. Uno de ellos tiene que ver con las nuevas oportunidades de rentabilidad que se abrieron para la inversión. Otro se relaciona con el mantenimiento de una demanda agregada apuntalada por salarios que acompañaron los aumentos en productividad. La reproducción de la fuerza de trabajo pudo realizarse gracias a ese crecimiento de los salarios.

Por otra parte, las élites en Washington fueron muy hábiles para explotar la hegemonía estadunidense en la posguerra. En especial, el sistema de Bretton Woods ofreció ventajas singulares a la economía estadunidense al mantener una demanda constante de dólares. No fue sino hasta la primera mitad de la década de 1970 que el régimen de Bretton Woods se desintegró y Estados Unidos tuvo que inventar otro sistema para asegurar la demanda artificial de dólares. Eso lo logró a través de un acuerdo con Arabia Saudita para que sus ventas de petróleo se hicieran en dólares, pero esa es otra historia.

En las narrativas que hablan sobre la época dorada aparece un común denominador. Se dice que el régimen económico estuvo basado en una tregua entre capitalistas y trabajadores. El respiro en la lucha entre clases habría nacido con el Nuevo Trato de Roosevelt diseñado para afrontar los efectos de la gran depresión. Pero un análisis más detallado revela que la supuesta tregua no fue sino una guerra de posiciones y de preparación para la ofensiva final del capitalismo.

Al inicio de la depresión el movimiento sindical en Estados Unidos era débil. Pero entre 1937-1947 la membresía sindical se multiplicó por un factor de cinco y alcanzó los 15 millones de trabajadores. Entre 1945-1970 estallaron más de cien huelgas importantes en sectores estratégicos: estibadores, trabajadores ferroviarios y obreros industriales en diversas ramas. Una de las huelgas más importantes fue estallada a escala nacional por trabajadores de General Electric en 1946. De ahí nació en la empresa un modelo para promover negociaciones directas con los trabajadores a nivel individual y así marginar a sindicatos y organizaciones obreras.

Las estructuras empresariales nunca vieron con buenos ojos las políticas del Nuevo Trato. Para 1945 sus objetivos pasaron a la destrucción de las bases de la contratación colectiva y a la recuperación del control sobre el proceso de trabajo en talleres y fábricas. La guerra ideológica se llevó a las universidades a través de organizaciones que financiaron todo tipo de proyectos sobre las virtudes del libre mercado y los peligros del autoritarismo y la corrupción sindical. Al arrancar la guerra fría el capital buscó recuperar la hegemonía ideológica, al acusar al sindicalismo y a la intervención estatal de acercarse al comunismo. Al final de la década de los setenta, el movimiento sindical había comenzado a fragmentarse y debilitarse.

En síntesis, las condiciones económicas que dieron lugar a la llamada época dorada del capitalismo fueron excepcionales y no volverán a repetirse. La supuesta tregua entre capitalistas y trabajadores corresponde a una mala interpretación de los hechos. Hoy que estamos en plena crisis del neoliberalismo no hay que hacerse ilusiones sobre un pretendido regreso a una mítica época dorada del capitalismo.

Alejandro Nadal

Alejandro Nadal: Profesor e investigador de economía en el Colegio de México (COLMEX).

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24 de Marzo: Aniversario de bombardeo de la OTAN a Yugoslavia

March 22nd, 2017 by Roberto Molina Hernández

Un día como hoy, hace 18 años, la maquinaria de guerra de la Alianza Noratlántica (OTAN) aguardaba la orden para iniciar los bombardeos sobre Yugoslavia 48 horas más tarde, como colofón del desmembramiento de este país balcánico.

Estados Unidos y sus aliados del pacto bélico habían encontrado la fórmula para sacar el tema de la intervención militar del Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU y obviar así el seguro veto de Rusia y propinar el golpe final al gobierno de Slobodan Milosevic.

La operación, presentada al mundo como Conversaciones de Rambouillet, en Francia, (6 al 17 de febrero de 1999) para poner fin a los enfrentamientos armados en Kosovo, no fueron tales porque nunca estuvieron frente a frente en una mesa las delegaciones de Yugoslavia y los albano-kosovares.

Pero no solo eso resultó una farsa, sino también la propuesta de acuerdo de paz redactada por Washington.

Unido a la separación de Kosovo, esa fórmula obligaba a Belgrado a permitir tropas no solo en ese territorio, sino en todo el país, desplazamiento libre por aire, mar y tierra y, además, pagar los gastos de todo ese despliegue, una formulación inaceptable para cualquier Estado.

La entonces Yugoslavia firmó los documentos generales del tratado, menos los artículos que comprendían esos aspectos violatorios de la soberanía.

Precisamente el 22 de marzo de 1999 llegó a la capital yugoslava el negociador impuesto por Estados Unidos, Richard Holbrooke, para entregar a Milosevic un ultimátum: ‘acepta el paquete completo o la OTAN bombardea el país’.

El día 23 el parlamento federal rechazó el despliegue de las tropas de la OTAN, la señal que esperaba el secretario general del pacto, Javier Solana, para dar curso al ataque, que comenzó en la madrugada del 24.

Desde ese momento y hasta el 10 de junio fueron 78 días de incursiones aéreas de la OTAN con el empleo de más de mil aviones modernos, de acuerdo con fuentes de la Alianza.

Se realizaron 38 mil misiones para descargar bombas y cohetes que causaron la muerte de entre dos mil 500 y tres mil civiles.

Sin la autorización del Consejo de Seguridad fue desatada una guerra sobre un país miembro de la ONU, con el objetivo de ‘disuadir’ a sus autoridades a aceptar una virtual capitulación, la cual estuvo acompañada de una campaña sicológica para amedrentar a la población.

Los blancos militares destruidos, el argumento esgrimido para detener las acciones del ejército y la policía yugoslavos contra la población albanokosovar, fueron insignificantes, pero el barrido de puentes, fábricas, acueductos, refinerías, escuelas y hospitales sumieron al país en una profunda crisis económica.

De acuerdo con las autoridades de Belgrado, el daño causado se elevó a unos 100 mil millones de dólares y sus ciudadanos pasaron a ser los más pobres de Europa, según estudios británicos.

El fin justifica los medios, una sentencia atribuida a Napoleón Bonaparte, se aplicó a rajatabla por Estados Unidos y la OTAN: Yugoslavia sucumbió y después fracasó la alianza de Serbia y Montenegro en 2006.

Kosovo proclamó unilateralmente la independencia en febrero de 2008, y en noviembre de 2009 el presidente William Clinton inauguró en Prístina su propia estatua dorada y de tres metros de altura.

Fue un culto al artífice de aquellos bombardeos, que juristas internacionales se atreven a calificar de crimen, aunque nunca juzgado y mucho menos castigado.

Roberto Molina Hernández

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Alto funcionario de la Unión Europea llega a Macedonia a capear crisis

March 22nd, 2017 by Roberto Molina Hernández

IMAGEN: El comisario para la Política Europea de Vecindad y Negociaciones de Ampliación, Johannes Hahn.

Ante la persistencia de la crisis institucional en Macedonia, el comisario para la Política Europea de Vecindad y Negociaciones de Ampliación, Johannes Hahn, intenta hoy una nueva mediación para viabilizar una solución política y evitar implicaciones regionales.

Acompañado de tres eurodiputados, Hahn inició esta tarde con los líderes de los partidos de la etnia albanesa (25 por ciento de la población) una ronda de negociaciones con todas las fuerza políticas del país.

Sin embargo, la decisión del alto funcionario de no reunirse con representantes del movimiento Por una Macedonia Unida- en las calles de todo el país hoy por su visita- se considera un gesto nada constructivo para las gestiones de la Unión Europea (UE).

A ello se añade que el presidente Gjorge Ivanov declinó encontrarse con el visitante y solo esta noche regresará de Hungría, donde realiza una visita oficial en la que agradeció la iniciativa de ese país ante la UE para la búsqueda de un arreglo a la crisis.

El mandatario se negó en dos ocasiones a entregar el mandato a Zoran Zaev, líder de la alianza con mayoría en el parlamento (67 de 120 diputados), para que forme gobierno por considerar anticonstitucional y contraria a la integridad del país la llamada Plataforma de Tirana.

Desde Budapest declaró que su posición sigue siendo la misma hasta que la coalición (Movimiento Social Demócrata Macedonio y los partidos albaneses DUI, Besa y AA) renuncie a ese documento, por lo que no tiene nada nuevo que dialogar con Hahn y la troika acompañante.

Medios de prensa locales comentan que Hahn podría estar disuadiendo a los mentores políticos con la posibilidad de aplicar algunas sanciones en caso de que no se produzca en un futuro cercano una salida política a la crisis, caracterizada por la falta de gobierno desde los comicios de diciembre.

Por las declaraciones de los líderes de DUI, Besa y AA, Ali Ahmet, Bilal Kasani y Zijadin Sela, respectivamente, se desprende que no hay un progreso plausible.

Mientras el visitante reitera que se deben poner los intereses del país por encima de los individuales y partidistas para salir del entuerto y retornar al proceso de integración a la UE, sus interlocutores insisten en que no hay Plataforma de Tirana, sino asuntos pendientes desde hace 20 años vitales para los albaneses.

Cuando le toque el turno en la mesa de conversaciones al líder del partido VMRO-DPMNE y ex primer ministro, Nikola Gruevski, el distinguido huésped recibirá un esbozo de lo que será una propuesta la semana próxima a todas las fuerzas políticas para buscar una salida a la situación.

Así lo declaró ante la televisión y adelantó que será un documento unitario, sin favoritismos para ningún partido o etnia.

Ello incluye la celebración de nuevas elecciones parlamentarias, un tema del que habló hoy como la única vía de solución a los asuntos de Macedonia el primer ministro de Hungría, Viktor Orban, durante un encuentro con Ivanov.

Después de esas pláticas en Skopje, Hahn y sus acompañantes partirán hacia Bruselas con poco y nada en el portafolio, para sumar un nuevo revés a los intentos de la UE de pacificar la región de los Balcanes occidentales, considerada un potencial barril de explosivos en el que Macedonia pudiera ser uno de sus componentes.

Roberto Molina Hernández

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Somalian community representatives in Yemen have issued a statement denouncing the brutal killings of 42 people and the injuring of 120 others when their vessel was struck in the Red Sea area near the port city of Hodeida on March 17.

Reports indicate that the deaths were a direct result of an airstrike carried out by the Saudi Arabian-Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) in a war being waged against the people of Yemen.

These refugees were traveling to the Republic of Sudan utilizing the Bab-el-Mandeb, a strait near Yemen, Djibouti, and Eritrea which joins the Red Sea to the Gulf of Aden. This area is one of the most lucrative shipping lanes in the world transporting oil, military hardware and other commodities.

The Somalians living in Yemen are demanding that the international community investigates the circumstances surrounding the bombing. In addition, they are urging that those found responsible should be prosecuted for the crimes committed. (Saba News Agency, March 21)

A United States manufactured Apache helicopter attacked the vessel carrying Somalians who were fleeing from the war torn state of Yemen. Since March 2015, the White House and Pentagon has backed a war inside the country to defeat the Popular Committees led by the Ansurallah Movement (Houthis) and allied military forces still loyal to former President Ali Abdullah Saleh.

Over 12,000 people have died over the last two years while tens of thousands of others have been injured. A blockade that often prevents essential supplies reaching the people of Yemen has 3.3 million people facing famine.

Saudi-GCC airstrikes and ground operations have targeted civilians, educational institutions, power stations, communications facilities, water sources and municipal services. The Pentagon and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has supplied the Saudi-GCC forces with sophisticated air power, refueling technology and geographic coordinates needed to inflect maximum damage on the ground.

The persons on board the vessel were said to have documents in their possession certifying them as displaced persons. The United Nations High Commission for Refugees UNHCR) said of the massacre that the agency was “appalled by this tragic incident, the latest in which civilians continue to disproportionately bear the brunt of conflict in Yemen.”

U.S.-backed Forces Deny Involvement

In response to the charges that the Saudi-GCC Coalition was responsible for the massacre, the alliance in a statement said:

“”We are also aware of allegations that the attack was carried out by a helicopter and naval vessel belonging to the Saudi-led coalition. We can confirm the coalition was not responsible for any attack on a refugee boat on Friday (March 17) and … there was no firing by any coalition forces on Friday in the area of Hudaida.” (Middle East Eye, March 19)

Not only did the U.S.-allied forces deny responsibility, they then proposed the port city “be placed immediately under United Nations supervision”. Such an action by the UN would be in contravention of international law since Hodeida is part of Yemeni national territory.

For the UN to enact this suggestion would be tantamount to the colonization of a section of the country.  Saudi Arabia has occupied sections of Yemeni territory in the recent past aimed at curtailing the advances of the Ansurallah movement which they claim are supported by the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Attempting to conceal its political motivations the Saudi-GCC Coalition declared: “This would facilitate the flow of humanitarian supplies to the Yemeni people, while at the same time ending the use of the port for weapons smuggling and people trafficking.” Nonetheless, it is well documented that it is the forces loyal to Riyadh which have continued to target civilians in the war and prevent the transport of essential goods and services from reaching millions of people in Yemen.

The Somalian government fresh from electing a new president, Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed, is a member of the Coalition which is conducting war against neighboring Yemen. Mogadishu has become an outpost of U.S. and European imperialism which finances, trains and coordinates military operations both inland and offshore in Somalia.

Some 22,000 African Union (AU) troops from Uganda, Burundi, Kenya, Djibouti and Ethiopia are patrolling the capital of Mogadishu and other areas in the central and southern regions of the Horn of Africa nation. Pentagon and CIA advisors are embedded in the Somali National Armed Forces and AMISOM units to guarantee the security of the Federal Government which is still waging a war against the Al-Shabaab Islamic movement.

Former Somalian Foreign Minister Abdusalam Omer did not immediately condemn the massacre of his own citizens on March 17. In a statement issued on March 18, Mogadishu said “We call on our partners in the Saudi-led coalition to investigate the raid.”

However, it is unlikely that any substantive investigation into these deaths will occur from Mogadishu, Riyadh or its allies in the Yemen war. During the course of developments since March 2015, the U.S. under both the previous administration of President Barack Obama and his successor Donald Trump, there has been no condemnation of the way in which the war has been carried out by the Saudi-GCC Coalition.

War Continues at Feverish Pace

Meanwhile, the situation in Yemen remains tense and volatile. On March 21 authorities seized a vehicle packed with explosives found traveling on the al Azrakain road north of the capital of Sana’a. (Saba, March 21)

On the same day according to Saba news agency:

“A man was killed by a hand grenade in a popular market in Azzancity of Shabwa province. A local official told Saba that an armed man dropped the grenade at the middle of the Qat Market in Azzan, killing the man and injuring 30 others, some of them are critically injured. Shabwa province experiences insecurity in the light of al-Qaeda controls on a number of areas.”

It is the al-Qaeda presence in Yemen which provides another rationale for the escalation of Pentagon military strikes inside the country. In January, a disastrous commando operation authorized by President Trump resulted in the deaths of more than two dozen civilians as well as a Navy Seal in Bayda Province.

Stratfor, the intelligence consultancy firm based in Austin, Texas, said of the escalation in direct airstrikes authorized by Washington claiming to target al-Qaeda of the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) that:

“The United States has carried out around 30 airstrikes against the group in Yemen over the past several days, marking a significant increase in the pace of strikes from the previous year. In fact, the United States only publicly acknowledged carrying out 31 strikes during all of 2016.” (March 6)

New York Times reporters Helene Cooper and Eric Schmitt wrote on March 2:

“The coordinated series of attacks occurred in three Yemeni provinces — Abyan, Shabwa and Baydha — that have been linked to terrorist activity, according to the Pentagon. The strikes were conducted against targets that had been developed before the January raid, a senior official said.”

Consequently, the war against the people of Yemen has been intensified under the Trump administration. These developments coincide with the increasing role of the Pentagon in Syria which has announced the deployment of additional troops to this embattled state.

Official pronouncements from the Pentagon say approximately 500 U.S. Special Operations forces are already engaged in Syria ostensibly supporting the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) near Raqaa, the de facto capital of the Islamic State.  An additional 250 Rangers and 200 Marines are reportedly in the same area.

Trump has ordered Secretary of Defense James Mattis to draft a plan to place even more troops in Syria by the end of March. These troops could come from the 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit transported by warships harboring 2,200 Marines currently moving in the direction of Syria along with the Army’s 82nd Airborne Division, which has 2,500 troops en route to Kuwait.

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Netanyahu Vows Continued War on Syria

March 22nd, 2017 by Stephen Lendman

War in Syria isn’t civil as falsely reported. It’s US launched aggression, aided by NATO, Israel and other rogue regional allies.

Its aim is regime change. Washington wants another imperial trophy. It wants Iran’s government toppled.

It wants regional control along with Israel, weakening or eliminating Russian and Chinese influence in the Middle East.

Imperialism is dirty business, human lives and welfare of no consequence. Millions of casualties attest to US viciousness. Trump seems bent in escalating things on the phony pretext of combating terrorism America supports.

On Tuesday, Netanyahu denied reports about Russia demanding Israel halt airstrikes in Syria, vowing they’ll continue.

Their aim is more about weakening the country than targeting weapons convoys allegedly intended for Hezbollah.

Pretexts are easy to invent to justify lawlessness. Attacking the territory of another country for any reason other than Security Council authorized self-defense constitutes the highest high crime against peace, a flagrant international law violation.

Netanyahu said he told Putin during his March 9 Moscow visit that Israel’s “policy is consistent.

“We will not allow Israel to be attacked from Syrian territory, and we will not tolerate the transfer of advanced weaponry of those entering Syria – Hezbollah – to the extent that we detect it.”

Translation: Israel is allied with Washington’s regime change objective, Syrian territory attacked to advance this aim.

The issue isn’t about “Israel’s national security,” as Netanyahu claims. It reflects its regional hegemonic ambitions – war, instability and aiding terrorist fighters its strategy of choice.

Early Wednesday, Israeli warplanes again terror-bombed Syrian targets. Reports indicated Syrian army posts in Mount Qasioum near Damascus were struck – the fourth such incident in the past week.

Israel apparently wants conflict escalated. It’s goading Syria to respond more forcefully, wanting a convenient pretext to escalate attacks more than already, maybe intending full-scale war, what Damascus and Russia want avoided.

On Monday, Assad told Russian and EU members visiting Damascus he intends trying to resolve years of conflict by combating terrorism and diplomacy.

He urged European parliamentarians to pressure their governments to stop supporting terrorist groups.

Syrian People’s Assembly Speaker Hadiyeh Abbas said

“we rely on the European parliamentarians and representatives of the peoples of Europe to correct the wrong European policies towards Syria and enhance cooperation and coordination to combat terrorism since it is the only way to protect the Europeans.”

Escalated Israeli aggression along with increasing numbers of US forces in northern Syria show both countries want endless war continued, not resolution through peace talks.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected].

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”

Visit his blog site at 

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March 16, 2017, was the 49th anniversary of the My Lai Massacre, located in Quang Ngai Province, Vietnam. It was Saturday morning, March 16, 1968, when approximately 115 U.S. Army soldiers of the American Division’s Charlie Company, 1st Battalion, 20th Infantry, landed in helicopters just outside the village of My Lai 4. Over the course of the next four hours, these American soldiers, and their Military High Command, who were flying overhead in helicopters observing the massacre, took part in a horror show far beyond the human imagination.

They took the term, “War Crimes,” and added a butcher shop to the equation of morbid extermination. In essence, they became a U.S. version of the final solution. They committed an act of barbarity that would redefine the war in Vietnam. It would take years to decipher what happened that day, as denial is the elixir that protects us from experiencing national shame. It is these two words, “National Shame,” that continues to hide the truth of what really happened in Southeast Asia.

This is what the U.S. Military did on that day on March 16, 1968. I use the word “We,” because our taxes paid for the massacre, and our ignorance about the war wrote the check. Among the dead were a hundred and eighty-two women, seventeen of them pregnant. A hundred and seventy-three children were executed, including fifty-six infants. Sixty older men were also murdered.

The museum at My Lai includes the accounting of another important fact: there was another village located about a mile away from My Lai 4, called My Khe 4, that U.S. soldiers from Bravo Company on the same day, also committed atrocities. So, 407 were murdered at My Lai 4, and 97 were murdered at My Khe 4, for a total of 504 Vietnamese civilians. It also must be noted, that there were twenty rapes committed, not to include attempted rapes. I have chosen not to go into detail about how those executions were committed, or the torture and extreme suffering that was committed by American soldiers under Pentagon command. This butcher shop mentality would be extremely difficult to read and comprehend by most people. I will say this, and it is a quote from Larry Colburn, who was a door gunner on Hugh Thompson’s helicopter that landed on the ground during the massacre, and attempted to stop the killing. These are Larry Colburn’s words:

“The only thing the U.S. soldiers did not do was cook them and eat them.”

In order to understand WHY these two massacres were committed on March 16, 1968, a synopsis and history of what happened in Quang Ngai Province during the war would be helpful for the reader. I came across an article written on October 2, 1994, by award winning author, and Vietnam veteran, Tim O’Brien. The title of the article is: “The Vietnam in Me.”  These are his words:

In the years preceding the murders at My Lai, more than 70 percent of the villages in Quang Ngai Province had been destroyed by air strikes, artillery fire, Zippo lighters, napalm, white phosphorus, bulldozers, gunships and other such means. Roughly 40 percent of the population had lived in refugee camps, while civilian casualties in the area were approaching 50,000 a year. These numbers, reported by the journalist Jonathan Schell in 1967, were later confirmed as substantially correct by Government investigators. Not that I needed confirmation. Back in 1969, the wreckage was all around us, so common it seemed part of the geography, as natural as any mountain or river. Wreckage was the rule. Brutality was S.O.P. Scalded children, pistol-whipped women, burning hootches, free-fire zones, body counts, indiscriminate bombing and harassment fire, villages in ash, M-60 machine guns hosing down dark green tree lines and human life behind them.

In a war without aim, you tend not to aim. You close your eyes, close your heart. The consequences become hit or miss in the most literal sense. With so few military targets, with an enemy that was both of and among the population, Alpha Company began to regard Quang Ngai itself as the true enemy–the physical place, the soil and paddies. What had started for us as a weird, vicious little war soon evolved into something far beyond vicious, a hopped-up killer strain of nihilism, waste without want, aimlessness of spirit. As Schell wrote after the events at My Lai,  “There can be no doubt that such an atrocity was possible only because a number of other methods of killing civilians and destroying their villages had come to be the rule, and not the exception, in our conduct of the war.”


My Lai mural.

In his book, Kill Anything That Moves, by Nick Turse, he states on page 11,

“The war’s casualty figures are staggering indeed. From 1955 to 1975, the United States lost more than 58,000 military personnel in Southeast Asia. Its troops were wounded around 304,000 times, with 153,000 cases serious enough to require hospitalization, and 75,000 veterans left severely disabled. While Americans who served in Vietnam paid a grave price, an extremely conservative estimate of Vietnamese deaths found them to be proportionally 100 times greater than those suffered by the United States.”

Also, on page 61 of Nick Turse’s book, he states:

According to Westmoreland’s memoir, MacArthur “urged me to make sure I always had plenty of artillery, for the Oriental, he said, ‘ greatly fears artillery,’” and suggested that Westmoreland might have to employ a “scorched earth policy ” in Vietnam.

As I did more research in writing this article, I had to put my mind in a place that required the attention of bearing witness. So much of the research is heart breaking, especially when you watch video of Vietnamese grieving the loss of loved ones. The shame you feel is gut wrenching.  As an Army medic in Vietnam in 1970-71, the Vietnam War completely redefined my life. I was raised in a military family, as my father was a career Army officer, and combat veteran in North Africa during World War II. I spent my early life on U.S. military bases in Japan, and Germany, to include bases on the East Coast and West Coast of the United States.

My core belief system was a direct result of that upbringing. As far as I was concerned, the United States was the greatest country in the world. I wholeheartedly believed that until I went into the Army in March 1969. By the time I got to An Khe, Vietnam in September 1970, I was experiencing the rapid deterioration of American involvement in Vietnam. I was seeing periodic casualties coming in by medevac helicopters from the field, occasional attacks from mortars and rockets, but mostly internal violence in my own unit. Heroin addiction was rampant, suicides and shoot-outs between U.S. soldiers could happen at anytime. I spent most of my time on a reconnaissance support base that included three other heavily armed fire bases. The 155mm howitzers on those bases occasionally fired into free-fire zones just like most bases throughout Vietnam. Our assault helicopters and gunships went out often on hunting missions. To this day, I have no idea the damage they inflicted on the Vietnamese people.

In early April 1971, I was working in our aid station, when a Armored Personnel Carrier ( APC ) pulled up to our aid station, because one of the crew members had a minor injury. On the front of that APC, the crew had painted in large white letters: KILL A GOOK FOR CALLEY. Lt. William Calley, was of course the only one who was found guilty of the My Lai Massacre. He was found guilty of war crimes on March 29, 1971, and was sentenced to life in prison. However, President Nixon pardoned him, and he eventually returned to Atlanta, Georgia to work in his father-in-law’s jewelry store.

During his trial, millions of Americans believed he was not guilty, and sent thousands of letters to the White House asking for his release. Even though Calley was guilty, the one thing most people do not realize, is that you always protect the upper echelon of military command. It is an unwritten rule in the military. The military almost always blames it on a bad apple in the lower ranks. The important thing to remember, is that the My Lai Massacre was a military operation that had a predictable outcome. You do not bring the enemy to the peace table by just killing military combatants. You ultimately bring the enemy to the peace table by killing innocent civilians. They are military targets. The primary goal of the aggressor nation is to break the will of the people, and its ability to defend its homeland. This strategy is as old as warfare itself.

It is now March 16, 2017, forty-nine years after the My Lai Massacre. Since the end of World War II, my lifetime, as I am now 72, the United States has bombed 30 countries. The atrocities have never stopped. What happened at My Lai is extremely important to understand, because atrocities during the war were U.S. Policies! My Lai is a metaphor for the entire Vietnam War. My Lai was NEVER an aberration. The most important realization that has come out of writing this article, is that it always comes back to me, because My country did this.

I cannot divorce myself from this reality. When I came back from Vietnam I finally had to face the truth, that I was the enemy in Vietnam. That realization was to eventually put me in two psychiatric hospitals. My core belief system was completely dismantled. I felt like a stranger in a strange land. And, whenever I tried to convince people that We were the barbarians in Vietnam, the more people avoided me.

People don’t want to hear that toxic truth, because I was violating the existing beliefs of society. I was like the 16-year-old girl who blurted out that her father raped her. This kind of information is taboo, and the only course was to blame the victim. I have met many Vietnam veterans who were involved in atrocities, and that pain was very excruciating. Some of them have worked through what happened, but the trail of suffering they went through had to be done behind closed doors with counselors. Our society is never part of that healing, because they don’t want to hear the truth. And, of course, you have to ask why? They do not want to feel the shame, the National Shame, because it is so frightening. If they were to feel that shame, they would have to redefine their entire lives. In the end, I came to realize, that whenever the truth threatens one’s core belief system, there is an urgent need to deny its reality. That is why denial becomes a sacred cow.

I have personally known many Vietnam veterans who were destroyed by their experiences in Vietnam. At least four of my friends died from Agent Orange exposure, to include my brother-in-law. One died from a head on car collision, one died homeless on the streets, and two hung themselves. It does not surprise me that more Vietnam veterans have committed suicide than were killed in Vietnam. According to the Veterans Administration, one veteran commits suicide every hour in this country.

The survivor, then, is a disturber of the peace. He is a runner of the blockade men erect against knowledge of  “unspeakable ” things. About these he aims to speak, and in so doing he undermines, without intending to, the validity of existing norms. He is a genuine transgressor, and here he is made to feel real guilt. The world to which he appeals does not admit him, and since he has looked to this world as the source of moral order, he begins to doubt himself. And that is not the end, for now his guilt is doubled by betrayal– of himself, of his task, of his vow to the dead. The final guilt is not to bear witness. The survivor’s worst torment is not to be able to speak. –Terrence Des Pres,  The Survivor

In closing, I have to remind myself that Lying Is The Most Powerful Weapon In War. I am reminded of what Dalton Trumbo wrote in his famous novel, “Johnny Got His Gun.” These are his words:

“If the thing they were fighting for was important enough to die for then it was also important enough for them to be thinking about it in the last minutes of their lives. That stood to reason. Life is awfully important so if you’ve given it away you’d ought to think with all your mind in the last moments of your life about the thing you traded it for. So, did all those kids die thinking of democracy and freedom and liberty and honor and the safety of the home and the stars and strips forever? You’re goddamn right they didn’t.”

Viktor E. Frankl, who wrote, “Mans Search For Meaning, ” was very instrumental in my healing, when he wrote, ” Suffering ceases to be suffering when it has meaning.”  In 1994, and 2016, I made trips back to Vietnam, with special emphasis on spending time at the My Lai Massacre site. This past year, I helped raise $8,600.00 with the help of Veterans For Peace, to restore a very large mosaic tile mural, that depicts the massacre of those civilians in the last moments of their lives. It is a very powerful piece of art.

While I was there, I met a Vietnamese woman who is the co-director of the My Lai Museum. She has worked there for 17 years, and has met countless tourists who make the journey to this place. I told her I was a veteran, and that millions of Americans who were adamantly against the war, see this memorial as being very important. I also said to her, that as far as I was concerned, the My Lai Massacre site was sacred ground. In an instant, she broke down and cried. The emotional connection I felt was beyond understanding. I think it was the closest thing to love I had felt since I came back from Vietnam in 1971.


The “Why” medivac helicopter, 1970,  in An Khe, Vietnam. Photo by author.

Shortly after I met her, she asked me if I wanted to meet one of the lone survivors of the massacre. His name is Pham Thanh Cong, who was eleven-years-old when U.S. troops came into his village that early morning on March 16, 1968. An American soldier threw a hand grenade into his family hut, and killed his mother, three sisters and a six-year-old brother. He was protected by their bodies during the explosion. He himself was wounded in three places. It was a privilege to meet him, but I have to admit, I was somewhat apprehensive, because I had been an American soldier in HIS country.

Shortly after we met, he asked me if I had been at My Lai during the massacre. I assured him that I had not, and that I was in the Central Highlands two years after the massacre. I could tell he was relieved. We talked for about ten minutes through an interpreter. There was a brief recording of that conversation made. When I began to see his eyes turn red, with tears welling up, I switched the conversation to having a picture made with him and me, and another American veteran who was with me by the name of Sandy Kelson. In the back of my mind, I didn’t really know what I would say to him as we parted. In the end, I kissed him on the cheek, and told him I loved him.

Mike Hastie served as an Army Medic in Vietnam.

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Europe’s Far Right’s “Leftist Mask”

March 22nd, 2017 by Line Rennwald

In the early 1980s, Jean-Marie Le Pen took pride in being called the “French Ronald Reagan.” Likening fiscal authorities to the Spanish Inquisition, the then-leader of the far-right National Front called for a radical scaling back of the French state to its “nightwatchman” functions (army, police, justice, diplomacy). Tax and expenditure was to be cut. Government, he said, should be “taken off our backs and out of our pockets.”

Thirty years later, his daughter Marine, who succeeded him as leader in 2011, is calling for the rich to be taxed, criticizing the impacts of global “ultra-liberalism,” and arguing that a strong “strategist state” is the only way to fight the increase of inequality.

Across Europe, anti-immigration parties such as the National Front in France, Geert Wilders’s Party for Freedom (PVV) in the Netherlands, and UKIP in the UK present themselves as the only real defenders of the working class. Much like Donald Trump, they have made significant gains in working-class areas suffering economic decline, and have even overtaken social-democratic parties in working class votes.

To achieve this, many of them have donned left-wing clothing: opposing privatizations, defending welfare entitlements, and advocating for the reigning in of finance. For most of these parties, this is a radical shift from the libertarian agenda they pursued in the past. However, their apparent turn to the left on the economy is largely window-dressing: when voters aren’t watching they are often found lining up with business interests and attacking workers’ rights.

UKIP supporters in 2013. Jennifer Jane Mills / Flickr

From the Nightwatchman to the Strong State

The free-market orientation of the European radical right in its early days can be traced back to its leaders’ origins. Its politicians tended to rise to prominence within conservative or liberal parties defending the interests of business and the petty bourgeoisie. Jean-Marie Le Pen was first elected to parliament in 1956 for the party of Pierre Poujade, who championed a tax insurgency on behalf of small shopkeepers against the so-called “fiscal Gestapo.”

Wilders, for his part, was a protégé of liberal politician Frits Bolkestein, a proponent of Reaganomics who went on to push for a radical deregulation of the European labor market as European Union commissioner. He is widely remembered for a directive proposing to allow companies to employ workers in one country (say Luxembourg) and pay them the salaries of their home country (say Poland).

UKIP in the United Kingdom is another example that emerged out of Liberal movements. Its founder, Alan Sked, was a Liberal Party member, and stood for Parliament for the party in 1970. He was also an early member of Margaret Thatcher’s Bruges Group, founded on the basis of a speech she gave in 1988 arguing that the Tories “had not successfully rolled back the frontiers of the state in Britain, only to see them re-imposed at a European level.” Befitting its roots, UKIP was initially libertarian, opposing the European Union’s development into what it saw as a “super-state.”

For anti-establishment parties, particularly in social-democratic Europe, free-market economics once offered an insurgent quality. Lowering taxes, shrinking government, and privatizing public services were advanced as a way to remove power from those controlling the state. In the 1980s, Le Pen saw Reaganomics as an opportunity to challenge the French political elite, which oversaw a large welfare state and government-owned industries.

Geert Wilders, founder of the Dutch Party for Freedom, saw a similar appeal in US-style fiscal conservatism. In 2005, after he defected from the VVD, he went on a study trip to the United States where he met with Grover Norquist, the Heritage Foundation, the American Enterprise Institute, and the Libertarian Party.

He recognized limits to how far this agenda could be imported to Europe, but made a connection between his anti-immigrant agenda and tax cuts: since immigration increases demands for social security, he reasoned, cutting it can lower taxes. Because there was no Dutch party advocating radical tax cuts, there was an opportunity for him to combine an anti-immigration and anti-tax agenda, and for his party to appear as more than an anti-Islam fringe group.

But by the time 2011 came around, with the economic crisis in full swing, a similar fact-finding mission for Marine Le Pen had a more limited impact. While she found common ground with libertarian congressman Ron Paul on foreign policy isolationism, she was far less taken by his economic ideas. The National Front’s economic program was, by this time, widely divergent from libertarian positions.

Today, it features measures to increase pension benefits for the elderly, cut taxes for the three poorest deciles, increase credits for those on low incomes, introduce price controls on gas and electricity, maintain the maximum working week to thirty-five hours — a measure established by the Socialist Party in the 1990s — and sanctions for CEOs of large companies who engage in cartel-like practices.

Statements in party manifestos on welfare. See bigger picture here.

The National Front has made the most conspicuous moves to the left of all the radical right parties, but others have also diverged from their free-market roots. UKIP is a striking recent example. Its new leader Paul Nuttall once advocated the privatization of the public National Health Service, writing that “like all state monopolies, it is costly, inefficient, and stuffed with bureaucrats,” and that its existence stifled competition. After he succeeded Nigel Farage as leader he reversed his earlier position, committing to keep the NHS public and even making it one of his central issues in the Stoke by-election.

Where once UKIP championed a (regressive) flat tax, and proposed scrapping the state pension system, today it supports progressive taxation, and campaigns to “protect benefits.” This reversal fits well with its new electorate. Polling shows that 79 percent of its voters support the nationalization of energy companies, and 73 percent back the nationalization of railways.

How Workers Came to Choose the Far Right

This re-branding of the radical right has occurred at a moment when it is increasingly attracting working-class votes. Blue-collar workers are the social group where Marine Le Pen enjoys the highest level of support (at 44 percent) for the upcoming French presidential election. They constitute the single most important group in the National Front’s electorate. This is tied to fundamental changes in patterns of class voting in Europe. For much of the twentieth century, a clear political divide existed between the bottom and the top of the social hierarchy. By and large, the working class voted for social-democratic and communist parties, and the managerial class and petty bourgeoisie supported liberal and conservative parties.

Since the end of the 1980s, however, these class-party alignments have considerably changed. The blue-collar working class has massively deserted the social-democratic parties and opted either for abstention or the radical right on the basis of concerns about immigration and globalization. Throughout the industrialized world, differences in turnout between rich and poor have increased, making low-income groups less attractive for party strategists and, in turn, more difficult to mobilize.

Social-democratic parties in Europe have drawn less and less on the manual working class. In their most successful incarnations they have been able to rely on the votes of the growing base of middle classes employed in the public sector and in creative industries. More commonly they have become unsuccessful “catch-all parties” attracting middling level of support among various classes but without the capacity to mobilize any of them effectively. In the meantime, with center-left parties moving away from them, many working-class voters have turned to parties proposing economic and cultural security through nationalism rather than social democracy.

There are many examples of this change in the link between class and party. Henin-Beaumont, a former mining town in the north of France, had been controlled by the Socialist Party for seventy years. It became the flagship municipality of the National Front when it elected a far-right mayor in 2014. In the former “red banlieues” of Paris, historically controlled by the Communist Party, the FN has made significant advances, even if it is still far from matching the levels of its historical stronghold of the Cote d’Azur and de-industrialized north.

In our research, we analyzed the share of working-class voters in the electorate of radical right parties in seven countries, looking not only at workers in manufacturing and trades, but also at service workers. Lower-skilled jobs in services, often occupied by women, constitute now an even greater share of employment than manufacturing in most countries. Employment conditions in these sectors are usually worse than in manufacturing, where workers can rely on a longer tradition of union mobilization.

In nearly all the countries we looked at, the proportion of working-class voters within the electorate of radical right parties increased over time. Working-class voters now represent between 60 and 75 percent of the radical right’s electorate in Austria, France, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom, while they represent only between 44 percent and 54 percent of all voters in these countries. We also found a clear over-representation of workers among the electorate of radical right parties in Denmark and Switzerland. The Lega Nord in Italy is an exception, as it is the only party where workers are not over-represented.

On the other hand, the proportion of working-class voters voting for left-wing parties has declined. In several countries workers continue to be over-represented among the electorate of the left but today there are often more working-class voters within the electorate of the radical right than among the left.

Share of working-class votes. See bigger picture here.

If one considers in a different but complementary perspective the voting behavior of the working class (and not only the parties’ class composition), new patterns of class voting also emerge. Production and service workers give a clear above-average support for the radical right, while this is not the case for the Left. In a sample of nine European countries, 31 percent of production workers and 25 percent of service workers voted for the radical right on average in the period 2002–2014, while it gathered only 18.8 percent of votes within the population as a whole.

The difficulty of the center-left to mobilize its core electorate is not surprising. The turn of social-democratic parties towards the Third Way policies championed by Tony Blair and Gerhard Schröder in the 1990s has left widespread disillusionment in its wake. But the increasing focus on issues of identity has also been a factor, and all the more striking when compared with the recent turn of the radical right to issues of economic security, a reorientation that coincided with their recent success.

Fake Socialism

This leftist re-branding of far-right parties should not be taken at face value, however. There is a gulf between what they say and what they vote for. Even when their program and rhetoric claim to defend working people, the radical right often sides with capital when it comes to legislation.

The latest labor reform passed by the French government in 2015 is a good example. It aimed to further facilitate dismissals for business reasons and give more flexibility to companies for wage-setting. Officially, the National Front called for its withdrawal, denouncing it as an attack on the job security of French workers. Le Pen called it another ultra-liberal “diktat of Brussels.”

At the same time, its senators fielded amendments to remove representation rights for workers in small firms, remove the obligation to provide training, cut the ability of workers in strenuous jobs to claim early retirement, and cut taxes on extra hours. They then attacked union rights: asking to remove the monopoly of unions in wage negotiations, which would make it possible for firms to negotiate wages with nonunion groups.

In the end, the amendments were withdrawn and parliamentary assistants blamed for them. When unions organized mass demonstrations against the law, Marine Le Pen first called for them to be banned (France was officially in a state of emergency after the Bataclan attack), only later recognizing their “legitimate right to protest.” By then, she knew that the majority of her own voters supported the protests.

This double discourse is widespread within the radical right, which claims to represent both workers and the petty bourgeoisie — constituencies with opposing interests. In the run-up to the 2010 elections, Geert Wilders claimed that increasing the mandatory retirement age was an issue he would never compromise on. The day after the election, he said that this was no longer a stumbling block to coalition negotiations. Later on, he was reported to have said in private that this gambit was only aimed at pulling support from the Socialist Party among working-class voters.

Even when Wilders claims to represent ordinary people, his party often votes for policies that benefit the rich. For instance, the PVV has been a strong defender of tax rebates for homeowners. As well as contributing to making Dutch households the most indebted in the industrialized world, this rebate has been shown to benefit the richest 20 percent of households, which benefit to the tune of half of the total tax cut. His party also opposes collective bargaining and union rights. Most Dutch workers are covered by sectoral collective bargaining where the government extends the terms of negotiations between employers and trade unions to be compulsory for all workers in an economic sector. The PVV has proposed to dismantle this system, leaving individuals to negotiate with their employer alone.

This trend is repeated across Europe: in Switzerland, the Swiss People’s Party claims to protect Swiss workers from immigration, but strongly opposes sanctions for employers exploiting immigrants. Its MPs have illegally employed asylum seekers without paying taxes. In Austria, the Freedom Party (FPÖ) supported a raft of laws to weaken the unions and deregulate the labor market while in government between 2000 and 2007.

This should not be surprising for a political tradition which defends an agenda that is hostile to the collective solidarity embodied by union rights and collective bargaining. The type of solidarity that radical right parties advocate is subordinate to nationalist and conservative values. Whereas the Left campaigns for expanding the welfare state, the radical right most often talks about cutting it: limiting social benefits to nationals, or as Wilders’s PVV proposed, opposing child benefits for families of more than two children because Muslim families are believed to have more children. When it comes to social entitlements, they have been longstanding supporters of a punitive approach to welfare. The local chapters of the PVV in Rotterdam and the Hague want to force unemployed people to work in greenhouses to replace immigrant workers.

The division between “us” and “them” that the radical right uses when it talks about immigration is transposed in its welfare policies: “us” being hardworking taxpayers, and “them” being immigrants, but also the unemployed and welfare “cheats.”

The Limits of Deception

It is clear that the working-class vote for the radical right has increased alongside a shift from free-market to leftish economic platforms. But much of this shift has been rhetorical. In practice, radical right parties in Europe mostly function to convert working-class votes into right-wing policies. Their true pro-capitalist nature only comes to light in cabinet meetings or in legislative committees, when voters aren’t paying the same attention.

This game has limits, however. Voters cannot be tricked indefinitely. After its first period in government the Austrian FPÖ lost two-thirds of its seats. The PVV lost a third after it supported a conservative cabinet committed to implementing wide-ranging austerity. Their electoral support is volatile, and this goes some way to explaining their shift to the left on the economy. Most radical right voters are primarily concerned with immigration — and many do not even know their parties’ positions on the economy. But if they are ever to move beyond a single-issue demographic, they will need a broader social message.

This re-branding exercise can and must be prevented. The migration of working-class voters to the radical right is an immediate concern for the Left, which must be countered by re-engaging with workers, the historic base of progressive politics. In this sense we should look to examples in Spain and Portugal, where the far right remains marginal, and where left parties have been able to mobilize a strong anti-establishment vote.

Alexandre Afonso is an assistant professor at the University of Leiden, Netherlands. 

Line Rennwald is a postdoctoral researcher at the European University Institute in Florence.

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The UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, Michael Lynk, has described the Israeli occupation as “the most malignant” in the world. The Canadian official added that perpetuating an alien rule over almost five million people, against their fervent wishes, inevitably requires the repression of rights, the erosion of the rule of law, the abrogation of international commitments and the imposition of deeply discriminatory practices.

Image of Michael Lynk, Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied Michael Lynk [Alhadath24/Facebok]

Lynk accused Israel of humiliating the Palestinians and intensifying the crackdown on human rights activists. He presented his report to the UN Commission on Human Rights and Human Rights Council during its latest session on Israel. Israeli and US diplomats boycotted the session dedicated to several UN reports criticising Israeli settlements, the blockade of Gaza and the excessive use of force against Palestinians.

The report also criticised the Palestinian authorities for their violations, including unlawful killings and detentions. It comes after the resignation of the Executive Secretary of the UN Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia, Rima Khalaf, after her report accusing Israel of being an apartheid state was rejected by the international body under pressure from Israel and the US.

The US boycotted the debate on Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories in Geneva on Monday, claiming that the UN Human Rights Council is biased against Israel. The move came after the US administration announced in March that it would review its relationship with the Geneva-based council, in light of its strong focus on Israel, Washington’s ally.

The HRC regularly addresses many areas of tension, including Syria and North Korea. However, Israel is the only state regularly placed on a separate agenda item with numerous human rights reports.

US State Department spokesman Mark Toner claimed in a statement from Washington that the discussion of the Monday session is an additional reminder of the long-standing bias of this body against Israel.

“The continued existence of this item on the agenda is among the greatest threats to the council’s credibility,” he added.

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México – El secreto encanto de la plutocracia

March 22nd, 2017 by Mouris Salloum George

Lo que se sabe de cierto, según reportes del Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (Inegi), es que en un periodo de doce meses, los mexicanos fueron víctimas de 22 millones 800 mil delitos de diferente tipificación.

También se sabe -cambiando de fuente- que el gasto en seguridad privada en México se incrementó en 2016 en 17.7 por ciento, hasta 226 mil 700 millones de pesos (equivalente a 1.27 por ciento del Producto Interno Bruto).

Ese gasto se aplicó a la compra e instalación de sofisticados sistemas de cámaras digitales de circuito cerrado con alarmas a larga distancia, blindaje de accesos residenciales y automóviles, chalecos antibalas de última generación para escoltas, pago de seguros de vida y bienes físicos, etcétera.

Se sabe aún más: Las cárceles mexicanas están atiborradas de decenas de miles de presos sin sentencia; no pocos, indiciados por robos famélicos; esto es, hacerse de un pan para saciar el hambre propia y de la familia.

Ya “somos” 15 los mexicanos más ricos del mundo

Lo que no se sabe a ciencia cierta -acaso lo sepan siquiatras de cabecera-, es qué sienten los mexicanos económicamente poderosos, cuando saludan la primavera con puras nuevas que cuentan, y hay que contarlas.

Hace unas horas, el corporativo de medios Forbes dio a conocer su periódica y esperada nómina de los privilegiados más ricos del planeta: Son 2 mil 43. Tienen, para ellos solitos, la descomunal suma acumulada de siete mil 670 billones de dólares (sistema anglosajón).

En esa lista no pueden faltar los “buenos mexicanos”. Si bien el más acaudalado histórico bajó del cuarto al sexto lugar, a la nómina de 2015, de 14, se agregó en diciembre uno más; y ya son 15.

Por obvia causa, ya no aparece en ese listado el potentado Joaquín Guzmán  Loera. Algunas buenas conciencias aseguran que nunca debió aparecer.

Sólo sumando la fortuna de los primeros siete de esos agraciados mexicanos, el registro rebasa los 100 mil millones de dólares: 2 000 000 000 000.00 pesos.

Razón bastante para explicar el galopante gasto en seguridad privada. Y eso es que todavía no regresan a México todos los compatriotas que se propone expulsar Donald Trump, según su propio peritaje, “puros criminales”.

Si no hay paz en las calles, ¿cómo puede haber tranquilidad en las conciencias?

Mouris Salloum George

Mouris Salloum George: Director del Club de Periodistas de México A.C.

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NATO/GCC/Israeli proxy terrorists in Syria have committed all manner of atrocities with a view to destroying Syria’s culture, history, economy, pluralism, its very essence.  They want to create a blank slate. They want to destroy the country’s secular institutions so that Syria devolves into a sectarian terrorist cesspool of death and ignorance.  All of this is well documented.

Dr. Joseph Saadeh, a dentist and city councilor in the liberated Christian town of Maaloula, Syria, expressed similar sentiments in this video.

The well-orchestrated, genocidal terrorism, includes assaults on Syria’s previously exemplary education system, with a view to replacing it with anti-Islamic Wahhabi/Takfiri-oriented teachings of hatred and violence.

Investigative reporter and Syrian resident Tom Duggan reported in a text message that the terrorists

turned these beacons of education (schools) into platforms of terror and launching the Takfiri extremist ideology which will invade the whole world if not stopped. The result is that Syria believed in producing a well-educated civilized human being, while the terrorists planned to produce a new generation of terrorists who only believe in killing people and destroying humanity, that did not conform to their strict ideas these monsters will be on the European borders and here we have a decision to make it yours to choose between the civilized education of mankind and a hideous ideology that only resembles humans in shape and form a blind obedience to create suffering and destruction of any modern society that opposes them.

In a recently-released documentary, the Sun Of Syria series, Duggan explains that in their efforts to destroy Syria’s education system, terrorists targeted and destroyed modern educational infrastructure, including schools (444 schools were destroyed by terrorists since 2011), and the Ministry Of Education’s main printing depot, the Eral Establishment for Printing And Textbook(s), which was under siege for 80 days.

It should be obvious that the West’s on-going efforts to destroy Syria have nothing to do with democracy, and everything to do with its on-going support for genocide, terror, and destruction.

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Singaporean Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen reiterated the importance of the city-state’s policy of Total Defence. In his statement coinciding with the 75th anniversary of the British surrender of the island to Japanese forces in 1942, he spoke specifically about the 5 pillars of Total Defence.

He emphasised that Singapore cannot depend on other nations for its defence, and warned that “the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must.”

According to Singapore’s Ministry of Defence website, the 5 pillars of Total Defence include military, civil, economic, social and psychological defence. The policy specifically includes the entirety of Singaporean society as part of Total Defence. While clearly the military and other state institutions play larger roles in each of the above mentioned pillars, the policy assigns clear examples all Singaporeans can follow to contribute.

Singapore’s Defence Minister and his ministry’s 5 pillars reflect an often overlooked realism to geopolitics. It is realism in which “alliances” and “treaties” ultimately amount to nothing and that a nation can only depend on itself to truly ensure self-preservation.

Singapore’s defence policy, in turn, reflects on the global transition from American and European unipolar hegemony, toward a more equitable balance of power within a multipolar world where national sovereignty once again holds primacy, as does a nation’s responsibility to uphold its own sovereignty.

The Five Pillars of Total Defence 

The five pillars of Singapore’s Total Defence policy, military, civil, economic, social and psychological, reflect on the multiple vectors through which foreign aggression can move in attempts to undermine and overthrow any nation’s (including Singapore’s) sovereignty.

While military and economic (which includes cyber and information) defence are more or less self-explanatory, social and psychological defence are owed an explanation.

According to Singapore’s Ministry of Defence, social defence includes:

Singapore enjoys social and economic stability because people of all races and religions live together harmoniously. We know what could happen if we allow extremist ideologies and racial prejudice and discrimination to endanger social cohesion and harmony. We befriend, accept and help people of different ethnicities.

Regarding psychological defence, the ministry states:

While being prepared is the key to Total Defence, it is always the fighting spirit, the will, the resilience of Singaporeans that determines whether or not our nation will overcome a crisis. When each Singaporean is resolved and determined to overcome any crisis together, proud of our country and willing to stand up to defend what is ours, we can be assured of a secure future, regardless of the challenge.

National unity and pride are cited as essential for cultivating a viable psychological defence.

How Aggressors Use Different Vectors Against Targeted States 

Reflecting on the past decade and a half of US foreign policy, one can see examples of how the US alone used overt military aggression to invade, occupy and systematically divide and destroy nations like Iraq and Afghanistan.


The US also used economic warfare to undermine and destabilise nations ahead of overt military aggression. In other cases, such as Libya, Egypt and Syria, economic warfare, price manipulation and even sanctions, helped create social and psychological cracks among the populations of targeted nations.

Libya and Syria’s populations had vulnerable social and psychological fault lines as well that the United States and its allies were able to exploit to foment unrest and eventually destructive military conflict. Had these nations extended national defence to include economic, social and psychological warfare, they may have fared better in the face of American aggression.

In one form or another, every state appears aware of these necessary aspects of national defence. But Singapore has openly and cohesively integrated them into a single strategy; Total Defence.

For nations across the rest of Asia Pacific, still very much targeted by the United States in its decades-long effort to encircle and contain China by asserting American hegemony over China’s peripheries, particularly in Southeast Asia, developing a similar, focused and properly integrated Total Defence policy would be highly recommended.

Each state across Southeast Asia possesses different strengths and weaknesses regarding Total Defence, but could adopt and build on Singapore’s basic premise. So many other aspects of Singapore’s successful socioeconomic policies have been adopted, modified or built up upon across Asia, enhancing regional resilience to global challenges. Total Defence appears to be another concept to prepare both Asian governments and their populations to defend themselves against the full-spectrum warfare waged against the region by both evident enemies today and potential enemies tomorrow.

Joseph Thomas is chief editor of Thailand-based geopolitical journal, The New Atlas and contributor to the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.

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Singaporean Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen reiterated the importance of the city-state’s policy of Total Defence. In his statement coinciding with the 75th anniversary of the British surrender of the island to Japanese forces in 1942, he spoke specifically about the 5 pillars of Total Defence.

He emphasised that Singapore cannot depend on other nations for its defence, and warned that “the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must.”

According to Singapore’s Ministry of Defence website, the 5 pillars of Total Defence include military, civil, economic, social and psychological defence. The policy specifically includes the entirety of Singaporean society as part of Total Defence. While clearly the military and other state institutions play larger roles in each of the above mentioned pillars, the policy assigns clear examples all Singaporeans can follow to contribute.

Singapore’s Defence Minister and his ministry’s 5 pillars reflect an often overlooked realism to geopolitics. It is realism in which “alliances” and “treaties” ultimately amount to nothing and that a nation can only depend on itself to truly ensure self-preservation.

Singapore’s defence policy, in turn, reflects on the global transition from American and European unipolar hegemony, toward a more equitable balance of power within a multipolar world where national sovereignty once again holds primacy, as does a nation’s responsibility to uphold its own sovereignty.

The Five Pillars of Total Defence 

The five pillars of Singapore’s Total Defence policy, military, civil, economic, social and psychological, reflect on the multiple vectors through which foreign aggression can move in attempts to undermine and overthrow any nation’s (including Singapore’s) sovereignty.

While military and economic (which includes cyber and information) defence are more or less self-explanatory, social and psychological defence are owed an explanation.

According to Singapore’s Ministry of Defence, social defence includes:

Singapore enjoys social and economic stability because people of all races and religions live together harmoniously. We know what could happen if we allow extremist ideologies and racial prejudice and discrimination to endanger social cohesion and harmony. We befriend, accept and help people of different ethnicities.

Regarding psychological defence, the ministry states:

While being prepared is the key to Total Defence, it is always the fighting spirit, the will, the resilience of Singaporeans that determines whether or not our nation will overcome a crisis. When each Singaporean is resolved and determined to overcome any crisis together, proud of our country and willing to stand up to defend what is ours, we can be assured of a secure future, regardless of the challenge.

National unity and pride are cited as essential for cultivating a viable psychological defence.

How Aggressors Use Different Vectors Against Targeted States 

Reflecting on the past decade and a half of US foreign policy, one can see examples of how the US alone used overt military aggression to invade, occupy and systematically divide and destroy nations like Iraq and Afghanistan.


The US also used economic warfare to undermine and destabilise nations ahead of overt military aggression. In other cases, such as Libya, Egypt and Syria, economic warfare, price manipulation and even sanctions, helped create social and psychological cracks among the populations of targeted nations.

Libya and Syria’s populations had vulnerable social and psychological fault lines as well that the United States and its allies were able to exploit to foment unrest and eventually destructive military conflict. Had these nations extended national defence to include economic, social and psychological warfare, they may have fared better in the face of American aggression.

In one form or another, every state appears aware of these necessary aspects of national defence. But Singapore has openly and cohesively integrated them into a single strategy; Total Defence.

For nations across the rest of Asia Pacific, still very much targeted by the United States in its decades-long effort to encircle and contain China by asserting American hegemony over China’s peripheries, particularly in Southeast Asia, developing a similar, focused and properly integrated Total Defence policy would be highly recommended.

Each state across Southeast Asia possesses different strengths and weaknesses regarding Total Defence, but could adopt and build on Singapore’s basic premise. So many other aspects of Singapore’s successful socioeconomic policies have been adopted, modified or built up upon across Asia, enhancing regional resilience to global challenges. Total Defence appears to be another concept to prepare both Asian governments and their populations to defend themselves against the full-spectrum warfare waged against the region by both evident enemies today and potential enemies tomorrow.

Joseph Thomas is chief editor of Thailand-based geopolitical journal, The New Atlas and contributor to the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.

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The Collapse Of Trust In The West

March 22nd, 2017 by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

Just as President Putin has stated that governments and media in the West have destroyed Russia’s trust in the West, the governments and media in the West have destroyed the trust of their citizens, who have been transformed into serfs to whom government no longer is accountable.

I have stressed in many columns that the absence of trust between nuclear powers is a great threat to all life on earth.  Yet the Western governments and media continue to work 24/7 to worsen relations between the US and Russia and the US and China. Those of us who warn of the possible consequences are put on lists of “Russian dupes” and purveyors of “fake news.”  These lists show the desperation behind the orchestrated “Russian threat.”  A one thousand billion dollar annual military/security budget is at stake along with American financial and political hegemony.

In brief, greed for money and power are driving the world to destruction.

Greed and power have also driven Americans, indeed all of the Western world, into a more complete police state than George Orwell describes in his book, 1984.Image result for 1984 george orwell

Judge Andrew P. Napolitano describes the extraordinary spy capability of the US government and the ease with which it can be used against even the President of the United States.  Napolitano’s article appeared on, and  The link has a link to the response from the UK’s GCHQ, which has full access to NSA’s digital collection of all electronic communications of Americans, to Napolitano’s suggestion that Obama could have used the British to avoid leaving US fingerprints on his spying activities against Trump. (Read Napolitano’s article, Did Obama Spy On Trump?, here.)

The British Government Communications Headquarters dismissed Napolitano’s suggestion as “nonsense, utterly ridiculous and should be ignored.”  In other words, the GCHQ did not deny that it has access to every electronic communication made by Americans, including the President of the US.  Instead, GCHQ tried to impugn Napolitano’s credibility.  Keep in mind that it was British intelligence that permitted Prime Minister Tony Blair to lie to the British Parliament in behalf of the George W. Bush regime’s orchestrated case for invading Iraq.

When you read Napolitano’s account of the completeness with which Americans have lost all privacy, you will understand that the US Constitution is erased, like the Confederate States of America and its battle flag. Our privacy is not only erased by government but also by private corporations.  Those Americans so insouciant as to respond to the fact that they are spied upon by saying, “I’m doing nothing wrong, so I have nothing to fear,” should read the statement below from the American Civil Liberties Union:

“Last year we won strong internet privacy rules. The Federal Communications Commission introduced protections that require companies like Comcast, AT&T, and Verizon to get your permission before they sell your private information to the highest bidder.

“Now some politicians are caving to industry pressure. The Senate introduced a resolution to overturn this important FCC rule – and if passed by Congress, the FCC would be blocked from issuing similar rules in the future.

“Add your name to tell the Senate you don’t want companies selling your data without your permission.

“For years, internet service providers have been trying to find ways to collect, use, and sell the sensitive data they collect from you – every website you visit, the times you log into and out of your online accounts, and even your location. These companies collect data that can paint an intimate picture of your religious practices, sexual activities, health problems, and more.

“Who are the buyers? Advertisers, big-data brokers, and even government and law enforcement agencies.

“Protecting privacy is also about stopping discrimination. Retailers can offer different online prices based on customers’ locations, sometimes giving worse deals to residents of low-income neighborhoods where there are fewer stores to compete with online prices.

“Tell the Senate to keep common sense online privacy protections in place.

“We’ve been on the front lines of the long fight to restrict what profiteers can do with the sensitive data they sweep up from your online activity.

“Help put the pressure on politicians to keep crucial FCC rules in place.”

The ease with which the US government has been able to destroy the US Constitution in the 21st century illustrates the weakness of democracy.  Unconcerned and unaware people are incapable of protecting their civil liberties. Habeas corpus, due process, and privacy have been erased.  The only remaining protection is the Second Amendment, which cannot stand alone.

The peoples of the West have allowed themselves to be deceived by lies, misled by orchestrated “threats,” and distracted into irrelevant matters.  Consequently, they have lost their liberty. And they might lose their lives.

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Established 28 years ago by a group of prominent academics, attorneys, journalists, and Knesset members, B’Tselem, in Hebrew “in the image of,” is an Israeli human rights organization which endeavors to document and educate the Israeli public and policymakers about human rights violations in the Occupied Territories, combat the phenomenon of denial prevalent among the Israeli public, and help create a human rights culture in Israel.

Independent and funded by contributions from foundations in Europe and North América, B’Tselem The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories acts primarily to change Israeli policy in the Occupied Territories and ensure that its government, which rules the Occupied Territories, protects the human rights of residents there and complies with its obligations under international law.

Edu Montesanti speaks to Amit Gilutz, B’Tselem spokesman, on the Israeli occupation of Palestine.

“We welcome (UN) resolution 2334 [condemning the Israeli settlements, voted last December]”, Amit says.

Below is the talk with B’Tselem spokesman.

Edu Montesanti: Would you please tell about B’Tselem, The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights  in the Occupied Territories? How exactly does it work, and what have the organization got for justice and a solution towards the so long Israeli occupation of the Palestinian lands?

Amit GilutzB’Tselem - The Israel Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories, was founded in 1989 by a group of journalists, academics, lawyers, and MK Members, during the height of the first Intifada, when there was need of accurate and verifiable information about events in the occupied territories.

Until this day we are primarily an information and research center; we document, analyze and publish violations of human rights occurring under the Israeli military occupation, now in its fiftieth year.

Our end goal is to close our offices, once the occupation -a grave and fundamental human right violation in and of itself-ends.

Edu Montesanti: How do you see the meeting between President Donald Trump and Prime-Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on February 15? “I’m looking at two-state and one-state” formulations, Mr. Trump said during a White House news conference with Mr. Netanyahu. “I like the one that both parties like. I’m very happy with the one that both parties like. I can live with either one”? Many say that President Trump has “killed” two-state solution in that speech…

Amit Gilutz: B’Tselem is not invested in a particular political formulation for ending the occupation, so long as it upholds the human rights and dignity of all people. We follow the developments and statements of the Trump administration and fear that the same trends we’ve been seeing will continue or escalate by an emboldened extreme right Israeli government.

2016 for example, saw a record high number of home demolitions in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, and from what we are seeing currently, 2017 is on the same path or worse, with whole communities facing the risk of expulsion, to make room for Israeli settlements’ expansion.

Regardless of Trump however, the Israeli policy of settlement construction and expansion, while fragmenting Palestinian space into 165 enclaves that cannot thrive, and an ongoing occupation not designed to ever end, has been wholly consistent.

Edu Montesanti: What do you think of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 2334 voted on December 23 last year, condemning the Israeli settlements as a flagrant violation of international law and a major impediment to the achievement of a two-state solution?

Amit GilutzWe welcome resolution 2334 and hope it will be followed up by decisive action from the international community to bring an end to the occupation.

There’s a huge power disparity between Israel and the Palestinians, and lack of political will on part of Israel to change that brings not simply stagnation, but rather, the occupation becoming more and more entrenched as time goes by.

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I dislike Trump and his policies. I dislike Merkel and her policies. Both are my political enemies. But what I dislike even more are lying media which try to deceive for undeclared political aims.

A recent example:

The pieces linked above go on to speculate about personal animosities between Merkel and Trump and about diverging U.S. and European political directions.

While differences may exist between Trump and Merkel, they have nothing to do with a handshake in an Oval Office photo op. Not mentioned in the above reports is that Merkel and Trump shook hands with each other several times and in cordial ways.

Here as Merkel arrives at the White House:

See bigger picture here.

And here at the end of the press conference after their talks:

See bigger picture here.

So why the headlines above?

Trump rejected to shake hands in the Oval Office. This was at a photo opportunity where typically some 20 to 30 photographers have a chance to snap a picture of an event. During such shootings the photographers try to get the persons in front of lenses into a position that makes for salable pictures. When one watches the video of the event one can clearly hear some photographers urging Merkel and Trump to shake hands. Trump ignores the request. But Merkel does not get it and asks Trump if he wants to shake hands. Trump continues to ignore the request.

His faked ignorance was not directed against Merkel though. As one can see above he has no aversion at all to shake hands with her. His behavior was directed against jerky photographers.

Consider the headlines of earlier handshakes Trump exchanged with his guests:

This seems like a pattern to me:

  • The “awkward” handshake with Abe happened on February 10 during the photo op in the Oval Office after prompting by photographers.
  • The “awkward” handshake with Trudeau happened on February 13 during the photo op in the Oval Office after prompting by photographers.
  • The “refusal” of a handshake with Merkel happened on March 17 during the photo op in the Oval Office after prompting by photographers.

Had Trump shaken hands with Merkel at the event the media would certainly have found some “awkward” aspect to it. They would have written similar stories as they have written about the handshakes with Abe and Trudeau. Trump tried to avoid that. But the media now write similar stories about the “rejected” handshake request. This time Trump did not fall for the photographer request for an “awkward” handshake. But there was no escape from the trap. The stories about the “ill behaved Trump” and  “bad relations” with Merkel had, in all likelihood, already been written.

But why do the media do this?

During the election some 98% of all editorial media endorsements went for Clinton. It is no question on which side they are on. They dislike Trump. I understand that, I dislike him too. But that does not mean that I have to shun objectivity. He is the duly elected president of the United States and any analyzing and anticipating of his policies requires to keep that in mind. Analysis based on the false handshake story will inevitably be false.  The media are obviously out to get Trump, if not over false claims of Russian influence on him and the elections then over “awkward” handshakes.

The current media task is, in military termini, to “soften the target”. To drive up his disapproval rates as they successfully do. This to -in the end- enable his impeachment:

The intention [.. is …] to hamstring and delegitimize the new administration coming in, and to bring about the resignation or impeachment of Donald Trump. It is in all intents and purposes a coup, though without military intervention, as it seeks to overturn a completely legal and constitutional election.

The now ongoing hearings in Congress about alleged Russian hacking, influence on the election and collusion with the Trump campaign – zero evidence has been provided for these claims – aims in the same direction.

We previewed this “elite” coup at this site in December 2016. I still do not understand the end aim the Democrats and their masters have in mind. A president Pence would likely be even more devastating to domestic liberal aims than Trump. His foreign policy would be more hawkish.

Is that last point the feature, not the bug, that drives the anti-Trump campaign?

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On March 20, David Rockefeller died at the age of 101. As the obituaries for one of the world’s richest men gush over his philanthropy, it needs to be pointed out that he was a major player in several Latin American coups, supported extremely corrupt military dictatorships, post-dictatorship neoliberal policies that greatly exacerbated income stratification and poverty and that his dark legacy will continue to influence the region long after his death.

The Rockefellers’ arrival in Brazil

The Rockefeller Foundation first arrived in Brazil during World War I and was embedded within the so-called “public health movement” amongst Brazilian elites. At that time, Brazilian eugenics was synonymous with public health and emphasized “hygienization”, expressed in the maxim “to sanitize is to eugenize”. With Rockefeller assistance, the creation of the Eugenic Society of São Paulo in 1918 represented the institutionalization of eugenics in Brazil. Amongst elites, eugenics was associated with evolution, progress and civilization, even treated by some as a ‘new religion’. In “War against the weakEdwin Black explains that the purpose of the Rockefeller Foundation was to finance programs aimed at “the extermination of those considered degenerate”. In Brazil, this meant the poor, the ignorant, those of mixed race and African descent.

In her thesis on David’s older brother Nelson Rockefeller, historian Elisabeth Cobbs argues that U.S. Foreign policy in Brazil was not only realised by official relations between governments and diplomats, but also by the private sector, including philanthropic organisations. Nelson had been a regular visitor to Brazil since the 1930s. In 1941, Nelson Rockefeller was named by president Roosevelt to the post of coordinator of the Office of Interamerican Affairs (CIAA), which ran intelligence and propaganda operations against the Axis Powers in Latin America.

Following the end of the War, Nelson headed the American International Association for Economic and Social Development in Brazil of AIA. The AIA was a “Capitalist Missionary” philanthropic NGO known in Brazil for its programmes for modernisation of agriculture to North American models and standards (including the introduction of pesticides, herbicides and hybrid seeds), sanitation, and literacy.

AIA would eventually birth two more agencies, IBEC (International Basic Economy Company) and the IRI Research Institute. As coordinator of the CIAA, Nelson acquired invaluable information about Latin America’s untapped natural resources, especially mineral reserves, information that he would go on to use following the war. IBEC became a key component in the post-World War Two opening of the Amazon rainforest to commercial exploitation, “a process that eventually led to military dictatorships, genocide of native peoples, loss of biological diversity and unprecedented misery for the majority of Brazilians”.

The Cold War increased pressures on Brazil regarding Oil exploration concessions. President Getúlio Vargas was said to have tried to address this by forming a consortium, with the participation of Standard Oil, Shell and the Brazilian State. Shell is reported to have accepted the idea, but Standard Oil and Chase Bank opposed. Standard Oil would instead coerce using threats to Brazil’s Coffee exports – the Rockefeller group controlled the American Coffee Corporation, which bought most of Brazil’s coffee, processed it and distributed to the United States.

In the 1950s David Rockefeller & Chase became more active in Brazil, creating Interamerican Finance & Investments, only to sell their shares in 1956 as the political climate turned against Internationalisation. In 1961, he tried to set up a Chase affiliate bank in Brazil, buying 51% of Banco Lar for $3m dollars, but Chase were discouraged due to the political instability in the country. (In 1980 he was cleared by the Central Bank to buy the remaining shares, and this entity finally became Brazil’s Chase).

During this period, along with his brother Nelson, David developed a very close friendship with partner and boss of Unibanco (later merged with Itau) Walther Moreira Salleswhose family made a second fortune from the ultra-rare mineral Niobium. Together, the Rockefellers and Moreira Salles would purchase a massive Farm, “Bodoquena”, in the state of Mato Grosso.
Image result for rockefeller foundation

In the early 1960s on the instruction of President Kennedy, David Rockefeller founded the Business Group for Latin America, which was intended to help counter the spread of leftist governments in the region following the Cuban revolution. Under his leadership, it subsequently transformed into the Council of the Americas and finally AS/COA, which currently publishes Americas Quarterly, a relatively discreet but influential nucleus of anglophone “Free Trade” policy discourse on Latin America.

The Business Group for Latin America included on its board senior executives such as C. Jay Parkinson, CEO of Anaconda Copper – which had a strong presence in Chile, and Harold Geneen, head of the International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation (ITT), also heavily involved in the country, and Donald M. Kendall, CEO of PepsiCo. All of these firms supported the intervention of Nixon and Kissinger against elected President Salvador Allende, in 1973.

In 1970, covert CIA schemes against Allende included a $500,000 contingency plan to influence the congressional vote against his candidacy. His opponent Alessandri was to be given around half a million dollars, to be raised by ITT and other companies within the Business GroupAccording to Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Seymour Hersh, Rockefeller’s Business Group for Latin America, which was transformed in 1970 into the Council of the Americas, had a close relationship with the CIA and Enno Hobbing, who had participated in the overthrow of Arbenz in Guatemala. Hobbing, a CIA official who had initially been assigned as liaison to the Business Group, eventually left the CIA and became the principal operations officer for the Council of the Americas.

Countless academics have written about economic sabotage, often in cooperation with US business elites such as the Rockefeller family, as a component of US-backed coups in Latin America. From the ITT orchestrated Chilean copper boycott of 1972 to the Reagan administration’s economic destabilization of Nicaragua, to US efforts to sabotage the Venezuelan economy, progressive populism is to this day frequently met with US aggression, including media propaganda.

David Rockefeller and the Brazilian Military Dictatorship

Jan K. Black’s “United States Penetration of Brazil” contains numerous passages related to the activities of Rockefeller Group, the Business Group of Latin America and its precursors in the 1962 Election, the Coup of 1964 and period that followed, in connivance with local conservative elites. She documents how, at a Military conference on Latin America at West Point in the fall of 1964, David Rockefeller said that it had been decided quite early that Goulart was not acceptable to the U.S. banking community, and that he would “have to go.” As in 2016, in 1964 the foreign emphasis was not on marxist ideology, but on combating economic and resource nationalism.

The assertion of national control over basic natural resources, as well as a more general assertion of control over the productive capacity of the economy, had been seen by the Goulart government as a prerequisite to the redistribution of income. The advocacy of economic nationalism had also been seen as one of the most promising means of mobilizing mass support for the government. U.S. businesses, with the support of the U.S. Government, had generally been able to fend off the constraints of nationalistic but weak governments. If the mobilization of the masses had not appeared to be a threat or a possibility, it seems likely that the combined pressures of the multinational corporations and those elements of the Brazilian business community whose fortunes were linked to them would have been sufficient to intimidate the Brazilian government into backing down on its nationalistic designs. But regardless of the actual potential in 1964 for the mobilization of the masses, Goulart apparently believed that it was possible: and his enemies, foreign and domestic, apparently feared that he was right.”

In 1975, former CIA agent Philip Agee confirmed many of the findings and suspicions of a Brazilian congressional commission into Foreign interference in Brazil’s 1962 Election. The investigation revealed that of the (CIA) Rio Station’s main political-action operations, the Brazilian Institute for Democratic Action (IBAD) and a related organisation called Democratic Action (ADEP):

They “…spent during the 1962 electoral campaign at least the equivalent of some 12 million dollars financing anticommunist candidates, and possibly as much as 20 million….The parliamentary investigating commission was controlled somewhat-five of its nine members were themselves recipients of IBAD and ADEP funds-but only the refusal of the First National City Bank, the Bank of Boston, and the Royal Bank of Canada to reveal the foreign source of funds deposited for IBAD and ADEP kept the lid from blowing off.  Beneficiaries of IBAD were prominent among the conspirators in the coup of 1 April and some, particularly military beneficiaries, were among who gained power as a consequence of it….Robinson Rojas listed Standard Oil of New Jersey, U.S. Steel, Texas Oil, Gulf Oil, Hanna Corporation, Bethlehem Steel, General Motors, and Willys Overland among the depositors in the accounts of IBAD-ADEP-Promotion”. Economist & Environmentalist Jean Marc von der Weid maintained that “more than one hundred foreign enterprises and some national ones were involved in financing the institute, and that the Rockefeller Group-IBEC was one of the major benefactors.”

The CIA’s “point man” in the 1964 Coup was Joseph Caldwell King, also known by his CIA code name of Oliver G. Galbond. He was former vice president of Business Group member Johnson & Johnson, in charge of Brazil & Argentina, and from there he moved to his close friend Nelson Rockefeller’s Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs (OCIAA). After officially leaving the CIA in 1967, King became CEO of ‘Amazon Natural Drug Company’, a CIA front which was collecting organic material from the rainforest for Rockefeller Foundation-funded research by US Agencies.

Brazil’s hegemonic media network, Rede Globo, was actually created with the assistance and funding of Rockefeller-associated Time-Life Publishing in the United States. It became a powerful instrument of societal control during the dictatorship following its launch in 1964.

The 1995 book by Gerard Colby & Charlotte Dennett ‘Thy will be done: The Conquest of the Amazon’ was an investigation into the Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL), also known as the Wycliffe Bible Translators, a Rockefeller & USAID funded Evangelical organisation which had been translating the Bible into hundreds of indigenous languages in Central and South America, sending scores of missionaries and establishing churches to counter the “threat” of Liberation Theology to United States Security, identified by older brother Nelson in 1969. Financial support for Evangelical faith in Brazil evidently extends to the present, with the massive and politically influential Pentecostal “Universal Church of the Kingdom of God” whose head Bishop, Edir Macedo told his followers in 2011 that the Rockefellers had been generous contributors.

David and Nelson Rockefeller along with Zbigniew Brzezinski were also involved in the drafting of Henry Kissinger’s “National Security Study Memorandum 200” in 1974, which President Ford, to whom Nelson was serving as Vice, made official United States policy. The once secret NSSM-200, which was first seen by researchers in the 1990s, is a chilling document which advocates forced population control in 13 “Less Developed Countries”, one of which was Brazil, countries chosen for the strategic importance of their natural resources. The study states that “the world is increasingly dependent on mineral supplies from developing countries, and if rapid population frustrates their prospects for economic development and social progress, the resulting instability may undermine the conditions for expanded output and sustained flows of such resources.”

It goes on to conclude that

“Whether through government action, labor conflicts, sabotage, or civil disturbance, the smooth flow of needed materials will be jeopardized. Although population pressure is obviously not the only factor involved, these types of frustrations are much less likely under conditions of slow or zero population growth”, and “Young people, who are in much higher proportions in many LDCs, are likely to be more volatile, unstable, prone to extremes, alienation and violence than an older population. These young people can more readily be persuaded to attack the legal institutions of the government or real property of the ‘establishment,’ ‘imperialists,’ multinational corporations, or other-often foreign-influences blamed for their troubles”.

Such mandatory population control programmes would be implemented by Non Governmental Organisations such as the Rockefeller’s own Eugenicist Population Council. In 1968, Frederick Osborn, the organisation’s first president, said “Eugenic goals are most likely to be achieved under another name than eugenics.”

The implications of the NSSM-200 document for Brazilians cannot be understated. It can be interpreted that de-facto opposition to population growth, rises to living standards & life expectancy, availability of quality public education and healthcare, and independent development in Brazil, has been effectively codified into United States foreign policy since 1975.


Two decades after a Military Dictatorship took power with his support, in 1987 following transition to Civilian Rule, David Rockefeller remarked “In all my visits to Brazil, I have never before come across such desperate poverty”.

In June 1992 he was back in Brasilia. “The progress is encouraging and the road is open to an accord” he said, after a 45-minute meeting with corruption-hit President Fernando Collor de Mello at the Planalto Palace in the capital. Though by this point Rockefeller was only a consultant at Chase Manhattan, he was still involved in the Council of the Americas. The New York Times wrote that Brazil was seeking to convert its world record $108bn debt into 30-year bonds that would be backed by the United States Treasury. Born into an Oligarchic family, Collor had come to power in 1989 via the first direct election since the 1964 Coup, as Rede Globo’s anointed candidate. One of his leftist rivals Leonel Brizola, had been identified as the potential target for a U.S.-supported Coup d’etat should he have won. By the end of 1992, Collor, who had overseen a programme of rapid privatisation and economic liberalisation, resigned, facing imminent impeachment, with inflation standing at over 1000%. In dealing directly with Collor, Rockefeller ensured that debt-deals were set in stone before any change in Presidency.

During preparations for the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, Rockefeller Foundation created LEAD (Leadership in the Environment and Development). According to their website they have since then

“been recruiting talented individuals from key sectors and professions all over the world to be part of a growing network now standing at over 2400 leaders, who are committed to changing the world. […] Since 1992, more than 500 professionals have been trained in Brazil, Canada, China, Former Soviet Union, Europe, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan and South Africa.”

The Brazilian branch of LEAD (ABDL) was one of the first, founded in mid-1991.  Al Binger, LEAD’s international director, said with surprising frankness:

“We hope that in ten years many of the fellows will be acting as ministers of environment and development, university rectors and CEOs.”

One of the Brazilian Politicians most closely associated with LEAD/ABDL would be future Presidential Candidate & environmental campaigner, Marina Silva. Silva was Catholic Liberation Theologist, and social movement leader for almost two decades, converting to Evangelical faith in the mid 1990s. Although widely hailed as an environmentalist leader in the anglophone media, her public support of “green capitalism” is not only rejected by the Brazilian environmentalist movement, its rejection was chosen as the theme to the Cupula dos Povos, the international alternative forum to Rio+20, held simultaneously with it in Rio de Janeiro in 2012.

“A bridge to the future”

AS/COA (Americas Society / Council of the Americas) magazine Americas Quarterly and its circle of promoted commentariat have been a major player in reshaping the master narrative of Brazil as a failing state, that Dilma Rousseff’s impeachment was legitimate, and in particular the depiction of Lava Jato judge Sergio Moro as objective “anti-corruption crusader”. There is a also a common rhetorical dismissal of U.S. interference in modern Latin America as being a relic of the cold war.

Shortly after the illegitimate impeachment of predecessor Dilma Rousseff, on September 22 2016, documented U.S. informantnew President Michel Temer, who was visiting the United States to meet Vice President Joe Biden and address the UN, also spoke at a specially-organised meeting at the New York headquarters of AS/COA . At the meeting for Investors, Business and Banking elites, Temer candidly revealed an “open secret” – that the true purpose of Rousseff’s removal was that she would not agree to implement a hardline Austerity & Privatisation programme contained within a policy document called “Bridge to the Future”.

The document was odd in that it appeared to have been translated from English, with social media users remarking on its unusual wording. Economist Marcio Pochmann noted similarities between “Bridge to the Future” and the “Government Economic Action Plan” (PAEG) which followed the Coup of 1964. One such similarity, he says, is the strong international influence.

“PAEG was written in English, there was great American intervention in the country, so much so that the US supported the dictatorship and even sent a ship in case of civil war. The coup of 2016 also has undeniable US interests in relation to a series of developmental moves the country had made since 2003, as it sought greater autonomy in Brazilian foreign policy. The South-South relationship and the strengthening of the BRICs (Trade Bloc formed by Brazil, Russia, India and China) is different from what the US considers to be the best for Latin America.”

Former Dictatorship-era Public Security Official Michel Temer was also asked by one attendee what plans he had to deal with social unrest amongst the population in response to such extreme austerity measures. This too echoes 1964, in “Who Rules the World“, Chomsky noted that the Kennedy administration’s policy was to transform Latin America’s Militaries into glorified police forces, designed to deal with their own populations “should they raise their heads”, not external threats.

Despite the shocking nature of Temer’s comments, they were for the most part ignored by close-knit Brazil-based corporate journalists, but to those who have been following the US-led rollback against democratically elected center-left and left leaders in Latin America, it was no coincidence that Temer admitted this at a meeting sponsored & organised by AS/COA.

AS/COA is effectively a Latin America equivalent of the Atlantic Council and its slogan is “Uniting opinion leaders to exchange ideas and create solutions to the challenges of the Americas today” and its online biographies state: “Americas Society (AS) Is the premier forum dedicated to education, debate, and dialogue in the Americas.

Its mission is to foster an understanding of the contemporary political, social, and economic issues confronting Latin America, the Caribbean, and Canada, and to increase public awareness and appreciation of the diverse cultural heritage of the Americas and the importance of the inter-American relationship.”, “Council of the Americas (COA) is the premier international business organisation whose members share a common commitment to economic and social development, open markets, the rule of law, and democracy throughout the Western Hemisphere. The Council’s membership consists of leading international companies representing a broad spectrum of sectors, including banking and finance, consulting services, consumer products, energy and mining, manufacturing, media, technology, and transportation.”

The organisation is said to be based on the “fundamental belief that free markets and private enterprise offer the most effective means to achieve regional economic growth and prosperity.” Membership has grown to over 200 blue chip companies that represent the majority of U.S. private investment in Latin America. The Council hosts presidents, cabinet ministers, central bankers, government officials, and leading experts in economics, politics, business, and finance, which gives it unique access to information from the region.

The Council of the Americas argues that “free markets and private enterprise offer the most effective means to achieve regional economic growth”. It has been a supporter of free trade agreements and has been instrumental in the conception of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA)….and the yet to be implemented Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA), the long-held ambition of David Rockefeller himself. Meanwhile, sister organisation The Americas Society’s focus is in contrast “to increase public awareness and appreciation of the diverse cultural heritage of the Americas and the importance of the inter-American relationship”

Elite COA corporate members include: Bloomberg, Blackrock, Bank of America, Barings, Barrick Gold Corporation, Boeing, Bombardier, Banco Bradesco, Banco do Brasil, Banco Santander, Cisco, Citigroup, Coca Cola, ExxonMobility, Ford, General Electric, General Motors, Google, Itaú Unibanco, IBM, Johnson & Johnson, JP Morgan Chase, Lockheed Martin, McDonalds, Moody’s, Morgan Stanley, Microsoft, News Corp / Fox, Pearson, Pfizer, Philip Morris, Raytheon, Shell, Television Association Of Programmers Latin America, Time Warner/Turner, Toyota, Viacom, Wal-Mart.  One of the successor companies to Standard Oil, Chevron Corporation is listed as “Patron Corporate Member” of Council of the Americas, and has a strong vested interest in who governs Brazil. David Rockefeller remained Honorary Secretary of COA until the day he died, while current Secretary is William R. Rhodes, formerly of Citibank/Citigroup.

Alongside other D.C. Think Tanks such as the older Brookings, and Rockefeller/Ford funded Council on Foreign Relations, AS/COA is not unusual in its stated function but is a particularly interesting case – an interface between State & Corporate power, Intelligence communities, Multinational & Latin American Banks, Washington-aligned Neoliberal Politicians, educational institutions such as FGV, local & international NGOs, Authors, Journalists, and everyday English-language media from the region, such as Reuters and CNN.

David Rockefeller once said, “American capitalism has brought more benefits to more people than any other system in any part of the world at any time in history. ” He may have passed away, but his imperialist business interests and his think tank, backed by some of the World’s most nefarious corporations in terms of human and environmental rights, will no doubt continue to meddle and weaken democracy in Latin America for years to come.

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The Missing Logic of Russia-gate

March 21st, 2017 by Robert Parry

As Rep. Adam Schiff tries out for the lead role in a remake of the Joe McCarthy hearings by maligning specific Americans as suspected Russian moles, some of the actual evidence argues against the Democratic notion that the Russians own President Trump and other key Republicans.

For instance, last week, Democrats circulated a report showing that retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, who served briefly as President Donald Trump’s national security adviser, had received payments from several Russia-related entities, totaling nearly $68,000.

Retired U.S. Army lieutenant general Michael Flynn at a campaign rally for Donald Trump at the Phoenix Convention Center in Phoenix, Arizona. Oct. 29, 2016. (Flickr Gage Skidmore)

The largest payment of $45,386 came for a speech and an appearance in Moscow in 2015 at the tenth anniversary dinner for RT, the international Russian TV network, with Flynn netting $33,750 after his speakers’ bureau took its cut. Democrats treated this revelation as important evidence about Russia buying influence in the Trump campaign and White House. But the actual evidence suggests something quite different.

Not only was the sum a relative trifle for a former senior U.S. government official compared to, say, the fees collected by Bill and Hillary Clinton, who often pulled in six to ten times more, especially for speeches to foreign audiences. (Former President Clinton received $500,000 for a Moscow speech from a Russian investment bank with ties to the Kremlin, The New York Times reported in 2015.)

Yet, besides Flynn’s relatively modest speaking fee, The Washington Post reported that RT negotiated Flynn’s rate downward.

Deep inside its article on Flynn’s Russia-connected payments, the Post wrote,

“RT balked at paying Flynn’s original asking price. ‘Sorry it took us longer to get back to you but the problem is that the speaking fee is a bit too high and exceeds our budget at the moment,’ Alina Mikhaleva, RT’s head of marketing, wrote a Flynn associate about a month before the event.”

So, if you accept the Democrats’ narrative that Russian President Vladimir Putin is engaged in an all-out splurge to induce influential Americans to betray their country, how do you explain that his supposed flunkies at RT are quibbling with Flynn over a relatively modest speaking fee?

Wouldn’t you think that Putin would have told RT’s marketing department that the sky was the limit in paying off Flynn because the ever-prescient Russian president knew from his Ouija board in 2015 that Flynn would be the future national security adviser under President Trump?

After all, it’s become one of Official Washington’s favorite groupthinks that RT is nothing but a Russian propaganda front designed to destroy the faith that Americans have in their democratic process – as if the sleazy and shameful political campaigns financed with hundreds of millions of dollars from billionaires need any help from RT.

Anti-Democracy Debates

But RT-bashing is always in season. The Director of National Intelligence’s report on Jan. 6, with its evidence-free “assessments” that Russia was engaged in undermining American democracy included a seven-page appendix dating from 2012 that described how RT was contributing toward that goal by portraying “the US electoral process as undemocratic.”

The “proof” behind the DNI’s accusation included RT’s articles on “voting machine vulnerabilities” although virtually every major U.S. news organizations ran similar stories in that time frame. The DNI report also took RT to task for covering the Occupy Wall Street movement and for reporting on the environmental dangers from “fracking,” topics cited as further proof that the Russian government was using RT to weaken U.S. public support for Washington’s policies (although, again, these are topics of genuine public interest).

To further demonstrate how RT was carrying out the Kremlin’s goal of spoiling Americans’ faith in the U.S. democratic process, the DNI report noted that “RT broadcast, hosted and advertised third-party candidate debates.”

Jill Stein and Michael Flynn attending a dinner marking the RT network’s 10-year anniversary in Moscow, December 2015, sitting at the same table as Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Apparently, the DNI’s point was that showing Americans that there are choices beyond the two major parties was somehow seditious. “The RT hosts asserted that the US two-party system does not represent the views of at least one-third of the population and is a ‘sham,’” the DNI’s report said.

Yet, polls have shown that large numbers of Americans would prefer more choices than the usual two candidates and, indeed, most Western democracies have multiple parties. But somehow RT’s suggestion that other voices should be heard constituted an assault on American democracy.

As for Flynn, the report on his finances showed that he also received payments of $11,250 from the U.S. subsidiary of Kaspersky Lab, a Russian cyber-security firm, and $11,250 from a U.S. air cargo company associated with the Volga-Dnepr Group, owned by a Russian businessman.

Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Maryland, who was the chief defender of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton when she was subjected to the Republicans’ over-the-top Benghazi investigations, switched positions in publicizing the news about Flynn’s post-government work related to Russia. Cummings was suddenly the accuser.

”I cannot recall any time in our nation’s history when the President selected as his National Security Advisor someone who violated the Constitution by accepting tens of thousands of dollars from an agent of a global adversary that attacked out democracy,” Cummings wrote in a letter to President Trump, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and FBI Director James Comey.

Heating Up the New Cold War

Cummings thus became another Democrat pouring gasoline on the smoldering tensions between nuclear-armed Russia and the United States. For the Democrats, any dealing with any entity that had some connection to Russia is now prima facie evidence of disloyalty.

The context of these contacts has become almost irrelevant, subordinated to the larger goal of ousting Trump, whatever the cost, even transforming the Democratic Party into the party of the New Cold War and the New McCarthyism.

Yet, further undercutting the new certainty that Putin lined Trump’s pockets with rubles as a way to ensure his allegiance to the Kremlin is the story of Trump’s failed luxury hotel project intended to be built in Moscow several years ago.

A source familiar with those negotiations told me that Trump had hoped to get a half interest in the $2 billion project but that Russian-Israeli investor Mikhail Fridman, a founder of Russia’s Alfa Bank, balked because Trump was unwilling to commit a significant investment beyond the branding value of the Trump name.

Again, if the Democratic narrative is to be believed – that Putin controls all the businesses in Russia and wanted to pay off Trump – it’s hard to understand why the hotel deal fell through. Or, for that matter, why RT was nickel-and-diming Flynn.

Rep. Adam Schiff, D-California

The other problem with the Democratic narrative is that it always assumes that Putin could foretell that Trump would rise in 2016 to win the U.S. presidential election and thus there was value in corrupting Trump and his entourage with money and other favors.

The fact that almost no political pundit in the United States shared that prediction even last year would seem to demonstrate the kookiness of the Democratic assumptions and the flaws in the U.S. Intelligence Community’s “assessments” about alleged Russian “hacking” and distribution of Democratic emails.

Those “assessments” also assume that Putin’s motives were to hurt Hillary Clinton’s campaign, boost Trump and – as FBI Director Comey added on Monday – turn Americans against their democracy.

But there is a counter-argument to that thinking: Assuming that Putin read the polls like everyone else, would he risk infuriating the likely next President of the United States – Hillary Clinton – by embarrassing her with an email leak that would amount to a pinprick? Clinton herself blamed her surprise defeat on FBI Director Comey’s decision to briefly reopen the investigation into whether she endangered national security by using a private email server as Secretary of State.

Unless one assumes that Putin’s Ouija board also predicted Comey’s actions or perhaps that Comey is another Russian mole, wouldn’t it be a huge risk for Putin to anger Clinton without ensuring her defeat? There’s the old saying that “if you strike a king, you must kill him,” which would seem to apply equally to a queen. But logical thinking no longer applies to what’s going on in Official Washington.

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Russia is setting up a military facility in the Afrin canton area controlled by the Kurdish People’s Protection Units in northwestern Syria. The agreement on establishing the base was concluded on Sunday, according to YPG spokesman Redur Xelil. The base will reportedly be located at the village of Qatmah. Russian military servicemen have already arrived in the area with armoured vehicles, trucks, and troop carriers. According to the YPG spokesman, Russian military advisors will allegedly train YPG fighters and increase cooperation with the YPG in combating terrorism.

The Russian Defense Ministry denied the creation of a military base and said that some units of the Reconciliation Centre had been deployed to the area to “observe” the ceasefire. In any case, this will clearly contribute to further improvement of the relations between Kurdish military political entities and the Syrian government.

Government troops have reversed a significant part of the gains made Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (formerly the official branch of al-Qaeda) in the Qabun industrial district in eastern Damascus and re-imposed the siege on the area of Qabun.

Clashes are still ongoing in the area but it’s clear that the joint militant forces led by al-Qaeda have failed to achieve their military goals. The growth of al-Qaeda-led operations in the Damascus countryside could trigger a government advance aiming to clear the area from militants. In this case, Qabun is a legitimate target for government forces.

In the province of Aleppo, the Syrian army and its allies aim to cut off the road linking Deir Hafer with the ISIS-controlled airbase of Jirah and to encircle the city. Government forces liberated the village of Al-Qusayr and the nearby train station from ISIS and attacked terrorists in Jifr Mansur, Aqulah, and Adasarah.

The US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), predominantly consisting of the People’s Protection Units (YPG), have taken control of Karamah, Tal Fatisah, Khardal, and the Balasim oil storage east of the ISIS-controlled city of Raqqah. The SDF advance was actively backed by the US military. At least one Apache attack helicopter was spotted supporting the SDF advance.

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¿Puede China salvar el orden global?

March 21st, 2017 by Yong Deng

En enero pasado, en la reunión anual del Foro Económico Mundial en Davos, el presidente chino Xi Jinping, refiriéndose a la experiencia reciente de China, habló en defensa de la globalización y ofreció una visión de desarrollo inclusivo y sostenible. Con la administración del presidente estadounidense, Donald Trump, dando la espalda al internacionalismo, China ha dado un paso hacia adelante para asumir el liderazgo mundial. ¿Pero puede China realmente proporcionar las soluciones alternativas necesarias para mantener en funcionamiento los motores de la globalización?

El orden liberal de la posguerra ha estado en serios problemas desde la crisis financiera de 2008, que debilitó las economías occidentales y socavó a los organismos de gobernanza mundial y las instituciones reguladoras. Según la directora gerente del Fondo Monetario Internacional, Christine Lagarde, las economías emergentes representaron más del 80% del crecimiento mundial después de la crisis, mientras que hoy aportan el 60% del PIB mundial.

Mientras tanto, las potencias emergentes, en particular China y Rusia, han socavado aún más las instituciones y valores liberales claves. La anexión de Crimea por parte de Rusia en 2014 y la intervención en Siria han desafiado los principios del intervencionismo humanitario, como la “responsabilidad de proteger” (R2P) y una China en ascenso afronta la supremacía de Occidente -en términos de poder duro y blando- en el orden mundial de posguerra.

Estados Unidos ha respondido a estos acontecimientos intentando crear un orden liberal 2.0 e impulsando un eje estratégico para salvar el statu quo en Asia. Muchos observadores se han centrado en el objetivo estadounidense de prevenir el dominio regional chino. Pero Estados Unidos también quiere defender y fortalecer los principios que hicieron posible el éxito de la posguerra en Asia, lo que el ex Secretario de Estado adjunto Kurt Campbel, denomina el “sistema operativo” asiático.

Así, la administración Obama promovió la democracia en Myanmar, aplicó normas de protección de la libertad de navegación en el mar y concluyó el Acuerdo de Asociación Transpacífico entre los Estados Unidos y otros 11 países de la Cuenca del Pacífico. Mientras tanto, en diciembre de 2015, el Congreso de los Estados Unidos ratificó las reformas de cuotas y gobernanza del FMI en 2010 y en octubre de 2016, la Junta Ejecutiva del FMI agregó el renminbi chino a la cesta de monedas que comprende la unidad de cuenta del Fondo, los Derechos Especiales de Giro.

Si Hillary Clinton hubiera ganado las elecciones presidenciales de 2016, ahora estaríamos viendo un continuo esfuerzo liderado por Estados Unidos para revitalizar y preservar el prolongado statu quo en Asia y más allá. Pero con Trump en el cargo, muchos temen que los arreglos internacionales existentes pronto puedan cambiar.

El interés de Estados Unidos en mantener el orden mundial liberal se deriva de su papel como lo que los cientistas políticos llaman un “fiduciario responsable” y un “tomador de privilegios” en ese sistema. Pero Trump ve la hegemonía estadounidense como una carga, y parece ajeno a los privilegios que ofrece, no en menor medida los muchos beneficios asociados con controlar la principal moneda de reserva del mundo. Pero, al mismo tiempo, Trump no quiere ceder la preeminencia global de Estados Unidos, lo que significa que podría mostrar una inclinación por las guerras comerciales, o incluso participar en conflictos militares.

Al considerar el papel de China en un mundo así, vale la pena señalar un cambio fundamental en el pensamiento chino desde finales de los años 2000, lejos de la preocupación por el estatus internacional y hacia un enfoque más restringido de renovación nacional o el “Sueño Chino”. Por ejemplo, un análisis de los medios de comunicación chinos realizado por Harvard Alastair Iain Johnston de la Universidad de Harvard concluye que “en lugar de centrarse en fuerzas hostiles extranjeras”, el principal mensaje ideológico de Xi es el” gran renacimiento de la nación china.

Quienes sostienen enfoques realistas en política exterior definen el estado de gran potencia en términos de la autopercepción o las capacidades materiales de un país. Para China, sin embargo, el estatus se concibe en el contexto de su relación con la autoridad establecida, es decir Occidente. A partir de los años noventa, China comenzó a ver a Estados Unidos y Occidente como representantes de la corriente principal global. Aunque los líderes chinos no aspiran a unirse al Occidente, ciertamente han buscado su reconocimiento. No quieren que China sea percibida como una potencia revisionista hostil ni que se la margine del orden existente.

Esta es la razón por la cual China comenzó a gravitar hacia Occidente y buscar una mayor integración en la economía global. La ideología reformista del gobierno dictaba que China “se conecta por la vía internacional”. Pero tras la crisis financiera de 2008, los chinos descubrieron de repente que la “vía internacional” estaba en problemas. Por necesidad, pero también por elección, China se ha convertido desde entonces en una potencia “post-responsable” centrada en sí misma,. Ahora está menos restringida por el statu quo y tiene una mayor intención de cambiarlo.

Afortunadamente, China no está actuando como una potencia revisionista tradicional y sigue profundamente comprometida con la globalización económica. Los líderes chinos ven a su país como el nuevo motor de ese proceso. Desde 2013, Xi ha estado desarrollando el masivo programa de “un cinturón, una carretera” de China, diseñado para estimular el crecimiento a través de la conectividad global y la inversión en infraestructura. China no quiere un Asia dividida ni bloques regionales fragmentados a lo largo de fisuras geopolíticas, por lo que está cultivando la cortesía internacional a través de intereses en común.

Pero China se enfrentará a un conjunto de problemas específicos a medida que intente llevar adelante la antorcha de la globalización económica. Para empezar, sigue siendo un país en desarrollo, y su paisaje interno está plagado de peligros políticos e incertidumbres económicas. El gobierno de Xi está luchando por mantener la estabilidad doméstica, a medid que pasa de un crecimiento económico intensivo en mano de obra e inversión pesada hacia uno basado en el consumo y los servicios locales. La primacía de esta agenda interna significa que el intento de China de liderar el cambio global carecerá de una visión clara y una estrategia coherente.

Un segundo problema se deriva de la transición incompleta de China en la escena mundial. Después triunfar en la Segunda Guerra Mundial, Estados Unidos dominó el mundo de inmediato e indudablemente. China, al tratar de liderar la siguiente etapa de la globalización económica, no goza de tal poder geopolítico ni legitimidad.

Los observadores de Occidente y del mundo en desarrollo se preguntan si las soluciones que ofrece China son bienes públicos genuinos. Muchos sospechan que la iniciativa “un cinturón, una carretera” de China, por ejemplo, es un plan interesado e impuesto unilateralmente. Esa incertidumbre subraya un punto central: si bien el orden mundial liberal puede estar en problemas, aún no es discernible una alternativa impulsada por China.

Artículo original en inglés:

Can China Save the Global Order?, publicado el 20 de marzo de 2017.

Traducido para Project Syndicate por David Meléndez Tormen.

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IMAGEN: Manifestación de ultraderecha en Grecia.

En Francia, “Marine Le Pen no es simplemente una ultraderechista como los críticos y los medios han anunciado. Creo que la política de Le Pen es una política populista que ha atraído a  un enorme sector de la clase obrera y al 40% de los votantes más jóvenes. Debemos considerar que aparte de las políticas anti inmigrantes de Le Pen, todas las políticas –económica, social y contra la oligarquía de Bruselas- es progresista, frente a los candidatos de la burguesía que están a favor de grande recortes de pensiones y salarios, horas de trabajo, etc.”, dijo el sociólogo norteamericano, profesor James Petras, en su columna semanal  de los lunes por Radio Centenario (CX36). Hay que tomar en cuenta –dijo- que “la ultraderecha está avanzando por el fracaso de los partidos de centro izquierda”. 

Efraín Chury Iribarne: Le estamos dando la bienvenida a James Petras desde Estados Unidos. ¿Cómo estás? 

James Petras: Estamos muy bien, ya recuperados de la caída de más de un metro de nieve de la semana pasada, y ahora tenemos un día caliente con 1° C.

EChI: Bien Petras, comencemos con la insistencia injerencista del ex canciller de José Mujica y que ahora es secretario general de la OEA, Luis Almagro, que vive pidiendo la cabeza de Venezuela. ¿Para quién trabaja este hombre?

JP: Bueno, aquí en  Washington lo llaman “Luis”, lo consideran más allá del normal cipayo, como el mejor. Incluso algunos expertos en Washington me comenzaron que están pensando en  montar un  premio de mejor apoyante y sirviente de Washington por el año. En este sentido, no hay ninguna duda que Almagro está haciendo más allá que cualquier otro, los servicios a Washington para tumbar gobiernos desprestigiar presidentes independientes y cualquier crítico a la política norteamericana. Particularmente con las dificultades que hay con Donald Trump, por sus pronunciamientos demasiado extremistas.  Y a Almagro no le importa, cualquiera que sirva a Washington es aceptable.

En ese sentido, Washington nunca esperó tener un secretario general de la OEA tan servil a su política, es “excepcional” según dice el Pentágono.

Creo que el problema con Mujica y los demás es que ellos pensaban que Almagro iba a servir los intereses de Washington, pero no a la altura que ha llegado, como por ejemplo expulsar a Venezuela de la OEA, imponer elecciones por la fuerza y la intervención. En otras palabras, está en la peor lista con Somoza de Nicaragua, Stroesner en Paraguay, Trujillo en República Dominicana, etc. Tenemos una lista de sirvientes de Washington y Almagro está en esa lista, entre los peores sirvientes de EEUU para tumbar gobiernos, como hicieron los anteriores cuando trataron de expulsar a Cuba de la OEA y tumbar a otros gobernantes progresistas. Debemos incluir a Almagro entre los peores en la historia de América Latina.

EChI: Sorprendió lo de Israel que después de bombardear Siria, se enoja porque Siria se defiende. 

JP: No sólo eso, porque están alcanzando lugares en Siria que están muy cerca de las operaciones de Rusia. Incluso ayer el Embajador de Rusia llamó a la Cancillería de Israel y les avisaron que si tocan territorios donde están los rusos en Siria van a sufrir las consecuencias.

Debemos reconocer que una bomba rusa puede destruir todo lo que es Israel. Pero ellos están con los más extremistas en todo sentido, el apartheid con un representante de las Naciones Unidas, como muchos países del mundo incluso el 80% de los canadienses condenan a Israel pese a que su gobierno mantiene relaciones.  Creo que Israel está planteando posiciones muy destructivas en el mundo árabe y más allá de eso, está creando condiciones para un enfrentamiento con Rusia.

EChI: ¿Cuál ha sido la repercusión del encuentro entre Donald Trump y Angela Merkel? 

JP: Eso tiene raíces profundas, porque el caso de Alemania como China, han desarrollado industrias muy avanzadas, han creado condiciones con presencia de industrias sobre las decisiones del sector financiero, han creado bienestar social más avanzado que EEUU con un plan nacional de salud pública. Entonces Alemania no tiene déficit financiero ni déficit en su balanza de pagos. Es decir, es un país con balances favorables en las exportaciones principalmente de mercancía industrial.

Frente a eso, EEUU siente mucha envidia, porque Washington tiene las condiciones opuestas: balances desfavorables, son muy dependientes en las finanzas externas, no han tenido ningún éxito con el plan de salud, simplemente es un país que ha fracasado en todas las áreas en las que Alemania ha tenido éxito.

En ese sentido, Washington tiene mucha envidia y trata de forzar a Alemania a aumentar sus gastos militares que van a perjudicar su capacidad de mantenerse económicamente viable. Pero una cosa debemos reconocer, cuando Merkel aceptó las presiones de Trump de aumentar los gastos militares al 2% fijó la fecha para dentro de diez años. Es decir, no van a cumplir con las metas norteamericanas hasta dentro de diez años.

EChI: Después de Holanda y lo que viene en Francia, ¿la derecha se viene en Europa? ¿O la situación es distinta a la de hace dos o tres años? 

JP: Obviamente es distinta.

Los inmigrantes están entrando en gran masa a causa de las guerras externas de la Unión Europea y EEUU. Todos los países que están mandando inmigrantes como Irak, Afganistán, Siria han sufrido guerras de EUUU con apoyo de la UE. Como consecuencia de toda esta inmigración, el peso que cae sobre los ciudadanos ha forzado una protesta contra los gobierno pro norteamericanos.

Ahora, frente a los descontentos que están enfrentando, el gobierno de centro derecha lanzó una campaña contra los inmigrantes compitiendo los partidos abiertamente anti inmigrantes y eso ha causado que, como resultado del voto, los partidos tradicionales ganaran las elecciones pero con poco margen y aceptando la política de sus adversarios. Y la prensa anuncia que los anti inmigrantes perdieron las elecciones, pero en realidad ganaron sus programas sin ganar las elecciones.

Una cosa diferente es lo que pasa en Francia y queremos analizar profundamente el hecho de que Marine Le Pen no es simplemente una ultraderechista como los críticos y los medios han anunciado. Creo que la política de le Pen es una política populista que ha atraído a  un enorme sector de la clase obrera y al 40% de los votantes más jóvenes.

Es decir, entre el 18 y el 25%, el primer partido por lejos es el Frente Nacional.

Debemos considerar que aparte de las políticas anti inmigrantes de Le Pen, todas las políticas –económica, social y contra la oligarquía de Bruselas- es progresista, frente a los candidatos de la burguesía que están a favor de grande recortes de pensiones y salarios, horas de trabajo, etc. Hay que tomar en cuenta que en Francia en las elecciones próximas, el voto es entre el ultraneoliberalismo y un partido popular nacionalista con tintes anti inmigrantes. Además, la anti inmigración de Le Pen se diluye cada vez más, ahora dice que los que tienen papeles se pueden quedar, sólo los inmigrantes del último período sin papeles serían sujetos de expulsión.

En todo caso, creo que la ultraderecha está avanzando por el fracaso de los partidos de centro izquierda. Los partidos como el Frente Amplio en Uruguay van a sufrir las mismas consecuencias.

Hay que recordar que en Holanda el Partido Laboral, el partido socialdemócrata, perdió los 2/3 de sus votos por su colaboración con los partidos de la derecha y centro derecha neoliberal. El partido laborista ha caído al cuarto lugar en las elecciones y está cayendo en la desintegración total.

EChI: ¿Hay algún otro tema en el que esté trabajando? 

JP: Si, estamos considerando varias cosas.

Primero los ataques, el domingo –ayer- los terroristas atacaron Damasco. ¿Y cómo es posible que lancen un ataque directamente en la capital de Siria?

Hay un factor que nunca entran en los medios de comunicación: los terroristas vienen de Irak, donde los EEUU y sus apoyantes permitieron la salida de cientos o miles de terroristas hacia Siria y dentro de siria, hacia Damasco.

Los terroristas recibieron apoyo militar en las últimas tres semanas en gran cantidad para lanzar este ataque. Entonces no sólo una “sorpresa” de los anti sirios, es un ataque de EEUU, Arabia Saudita y los demás, que están alimentando a los terroristas con armas nuevas y efectivas. A pesar de eso, parece que el gobierno sirio ha lanzado una contraofensiva y vuelven a ocupar el territorio en Damasco. Pero no es simplemente un ataque de los terroristas locales, debemos anotar ese punto.

El segundo tema que debemos tomar en cuenta, son las avalanchas de lodo que se están dando en Perú, incluso en Lima, donde ya hay 75 muertos, cien mil personas que perdieron todo y seiscientos mil afectados.  Hay avalanchas siempre en Perú, recuerdo uno en 1960 cuando estuve allí y murieron diez mil personas. Entonces es una constante, pero la causa es que los gobernantes peruanos nunca invierten en infraestructura que pueda controlar los efectos de las lluvias. No han invertido en las condiciones que faciliten el control sobre el flujo de los ríos, no hay ninguna mega obra hidráulica que controle este problema. Es un problema político, no es sólo el lodo producto de la naturaleza.

Pero nadie habla de la falta de infraestructura, hablan de las víctimas pero no de las causas políticas y económicas que provocan cada año avalanchas de lodo, donde mueren más o menos personas, pero son constantes.

Esto debemos pensarlo respecto a todas las crisis que llaman naturales, pero que son producto del ser humano vinculado con el poder que prefieren invertir en centros turísticos de lujo en vez de cuidar a la gran mayoría de la gente que está afectado por los efectos de la avalanchas.

Finalmente queremos mencionar las relaciones entre Rusia y Trump. Hoy en día, mientras estamos hablando, hay una investigación del congreso estadounidense que invita a los jefes de la Policía federal (FBI) y de la CIA para dar testimonio.

Hasta ahora, las noticias que tenemos es que ningún líder, incluso de las instituciones de seguridad, han podido presentar algún hecho concreto para implicar a Rusia con  las elecciones presidenciales en EEUU.

Vamos a ver cómo funcionan estos testimonios, porque los jefes de las instituciones de seguridad estaban metidos con el régimen de Barack Obama anteriormente.  Entonces hay mucha desconfianza sobre lo que va a pasar en esos testimonios, pero frente a las cuestiones por ejemplo de pruebas concretas, es dudoso que vayan a presentar algo nuevo y efectivo.

Hasta ahora todas las denuncias en los medios de comunicación son especulaciones, propaganda, faltas de contenido y tienen solo una meta: buscan  tumbar al gobierno de Trump y reemplazarlo con alguien que no tenga relaciones positivas y no bélicas contra Rusia, ese es el problema que han tenido los poderes norteamericanos.

Es decir, Trump con todos sus defectos –que son muchos y profundos- tiene una cosa positiva, no quiere enfrentar a Rusia en forma bélica. Por su parte, el Secretario de Estado, Rex Tillerson, está negociando con China para ver cómo puede mejorar las condiciones comerciales. Otra  vez tenemos una diferencia entre Obama y Trump.

Entonces los oficiales de gobierno de Trump buscan profundizar y extender las relaciones comerciales y no enfrentamientos militares con Rusia y China. Ese es el problema, y vamos a ver como salen hoy estos testimonios e investigaciones del Congreso.

EChI: Muy completo todo este análisis Petras, gracias, nos reencontramos el lunes. 

JP: Hasta el lunes, un abrazo.

James Petras

James Petras: Sociólogo estadounidense conocido por sus estudios sobre el imperialismo, la lucha de clases y los conflictos latinoamericanos.

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El impacto de los agrotóxicos

March 21st, 2017 by Darío Aranda

Un informe de la relatora especial sobre el Derecho a la Alimentación de la ONU, Hilal Elver, responsabiliza a los agrotóxicos por la muerte de 200 mil personas al año y cuestiona la idea de que sin ellos no es posible alimentar.

“Hemos llegado a un punto de inflexión en la agricultura. El modelo agrícola dominante resulta sumamente problemático, no solo por el daño que causan los plaguicidas, sino también por los efectos de estos en el cambio climático, la pérdida de diversidad biológica y la incapacidad para asegurar una soberanía alimentaria”, afirmó el mayor organismo de Naciones Unidas (ONU) referido al derecho a la alimentación. En un duro informe, desmintió que los agrotóxicos sean necesarios para producir alimentos, los responsabilizó por la muerte de al menos 200 mil personas al año, denunció el lobby empresario y confirmó el impacto de los agroquímicos en la salud y el ambiente.

El Relator Especial sobre el Derecho a la Alimentación es el ámbito especializado de la ONU para abordar la situación del acceso a los alimentos, nutrición, modelos productivos y necesidades, desde una perspectiva de derechos humanos y multidisciplinario. Al frente está la especialista turca Hilal Elver, que presentó su último documento ante el Consejo de la ONU.

“La producción agrícola se ha incrementado. Ello se ha logrado a costa de la salud humana y el medio ambiente, y al mismo tiempo el aumento de la producción no ha logrado eliminar el hambre en el mundo. La dependencia de plaguicidas es una solución a corto plazo que menoscaba el derecho a una alimentación adecuada y el derecho a la salud de las generaciones presentes y futuras”, afirma el escrito de Naciones Unidas, y al mismo tiempo, desmiente que sean necesarios químicos y transgénicos para acabar con el hambre (como suelen publicitar las empresas): “Sin utilizar productos químicos tóxicos, o utilizando un mínimo de ellos, es posible producir alimentos más saludables y ricos en nutrientes, con mayores rendimientos a largo plazo, sin contaminar y sin agotar los recursos medioambientales”.

El documento (“Informe de la Relatora Especial sobre el derecho a la alimentación”) contó con la redacción del Relator Especial de Sustancias y Desechos Peligrosos, precisa que al menos 200.000 personas mueren al año por intoxicación aguda y el 99 por ciento suceden en países en vías de desarrollo.

El trabajo confirma los efectos de los agrotóxicos en la salud, hecho negado sistemáticamente por las empresas y periodistas del agro. “Las mujeres embarazadas que están expuestas a plaguicidas corren mayor riesgo de sufrir abortos espontáneos y partos prematuros, y sus bebés, de sufrir malformaciones congénitas. Estudios han constatado la presencia de diversos plaguicidas en el cordón umbilical, probando la existencia de una exposición prenatal”, afirma el trabajo y específica que la exposición a plaguicidas de las mujeres embarazadas lleva aparejado un mayor riesgo de leucemia infantil, autismo y problemas respiratorios.

Otros efectos en la salud que confirma: cáncer, alzheimer, parkinson, trastornos hormonales, problemas de desarrollo, neurológicos y esterilidad.

Los especialistas de Naciones Unidas no tienen dudas de que los agroquímicos “implican un costo considerable para los gobiernos y tienen consecuencias desastrosas para el medio ambiente, la salud humana y la sociedad en su conjunto, afectando a los derechos humanos”. Y remarca: “Las investigaciones científicas confirman los efectos adversos de los plaguicidas”. Al mismo tiempo, apunta al rol de las grandes empresas productoras: “Existe una negación sistemática, alimentada por la agroindustria y la industria de los plaguicidas, de la magnitud de los daños provocados por estas sustancias químicas, y las tácticas agresivas y poco éticas empleadas en el ámbito de la mercadotecnia”.

Toma como referencia la situación del glifosato, utilizado en la producción de soja transgénica, maíz y algodón, entre otros. “Ha sido presentado como menos tóxico que los herbicidas tradicionales pero existe una considerable división de opiniones acerca de su efecto. Estudios han señalado efectos negativos en la diversidad biológica, la flora y fauna, y el contenido en nutrientes del suelo. En 2015, la OMS anunció que el glifosato era un probable cancerígeno”. Y recuerda que los estudios de toxicidad de las empresas “no analizan los múltiples efectos crónicos relacionados con la salud (solo abordan los efectos agudos, de corto plazo)”.

El Relator de Derecho a la Alimentación es uno de los pocos espacios de Naciones Unidas que no es dominado por el lobby de las empresas transgénicas. El informe precisa que tres empresas (Bayer-Monsanto, Dow-Dupont, Syngenta-ChemChina) dominan el 65 por ciento de las ventas mundiales de agroquímicos y el 61 por ciento del mercado de semillas. “Las transnacionales ejercen un extraordinario poder sobre la agenda regulatoria, las iniciativas legislativas y la investigación agroquímica a nivel mundial”, advierte.

Darío Aranda

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Una izquierda de la esfera pública

March 21st, 2017 by Emir Sader

La izquierda del siglo XX fue una izquierda del Estado, que se valió del Estado para organizar proyectos de nación, empujar el desarrollo económico y garantizar los derechos sociales. Tuvo un rol fundamental, sobre todo si pensamos que antes había un Estado estrictamente de las elites dominantes, de las oligarquías exportadoras de materias primas, que hacían del Estado un instrumento estricto de sus intereses.

Cuando se agotó el ciclo largo expansivo del capitalismo internacional y, con él, el modelo desarrollista, dos perspectivas se presentaban en el horizonte. Ronald Reagan enarboló una, la vencedora: el Estado habría dejado de ser la solución, para ser el problema. Y la forma de enfrentar ese problema era reducirlo a sus proporciones mínimas, al Estado mínimo, promoviendo la centralidad del mercado. El viejo adagio del liberalismo recobraba nueva fuerza: el mercado es el mejor administrador de recursos.

Aparentemente de forma contrapuesta a esa versión, surgió un relato que también pretendía superar el agotamiento del Estado, pero proponiendo a la “sociedad civil” como su sucedáneo. Condenaba al Estado tanto o incluso más que la versión anterior. Toni Negri alcanzó a tildarlo de conservador, como pieza de museo. Holloway tenía esperanzas de que se podría cambiar el mundo sin tomar el poder, sin el Estado.

Los primeros han realizado su sueño y han llevado al mundo a sus desastres actuales, como el resultado de la centralidad de un mercado descontrolado, mercado dominado por el capital especulativo y por los grandes bancos privados. Los segundos han quedado relegados a la intrascendencia, prisioneros de la trampa liberal de una sociedad civil en contra del Estado.

La versión alternativa era otra. No era el abandono del Estado, sino su democratización. No era ni el abandono a la esfera mercantil, ni el retorno puro y simple a la esfera estatal, sino la construcción, a partir del Estado y de las organizaciones sociales, de la esfera pública. Una esfera de la ciudadanía, una esfera de los derechos iguales para todos, la verdadera esfera democrática.

Los gobiernos que han revertido al modelo neoliberal de la centralidad del mercado son aquellos que se han valido del Estado para promover los derechos sociales de todos, para rescatar el rol activo del Estado como promotor del crecimiento económico y proyector de políticas externas soberanas. Fueron los gobiernos antineoliberales de América del sur. Incluso éstos han recuperado al Estado, sin transformarlo, defendiendo a la sociedad de las consecuencias negativas de un mercado descontrolado, pero sin democratizar al Estado, con la centralidad en la esfera publica. Los aparatos de Estado han resistido, desde adentro, a las alianzas con las fuerzas conservadoras desde afuera, para frenar un amplio proceso de democratización política, social, económica y cultural, de que carecen las sociedades contemporáneas.

Cuando los gobiernos antineoliberales se enfrentan a obstáculos no deben ceder pura y simplemente al liberalismo tradicional, al mercado, sino, al contrario, deben avanzar hacia la transformación radical de los Estados con la centralidad de la esfera pública. Porque la contradicción fundamental en la era neoliberal es la que se da entre la esfera mercantil -el afán de mercantilizar todo, de transformar derechos en mercancías y ciudadanos en consumidores- y la esfera pública, la esfera de los derechos para todos, la esfera de los ciudadanos.

Se puede medir cuánto se ha avanzado en la superación del neoliberalismo en la medida en que se ha avanzado en la extensión de los derechos para todos y en la restricción de la mercantilización de la sociedad. La medida en que se han fortalecido la educación pública, la salud pública, por ejemplo, a expensas de la educación mercantil, de la salud mercantilizada; el fortalecimiento de los bancos públicos a expensas de los bancos privados.

La esfera pública no representa solamente la democratización de la sociedad actual, sino apunta hacia una dinámica anticapitalista, en la medida en que el eje y el proyecto central del capitalismo son la mercantilización generalizada de todas las esferas de la sociedad,esto es, que se transforme todo en mercancías, que todo tenga precio, que todo se pueda vender y comprar. La esfera pública, al contrario, promueve el derecho de todos, la promoción de todos los indivíduos a ciudadanos, esto es, a sujetos de derechos.

Para llegar a tener una izquierda de la esfera publica es indispensable, antes que nada, además de una crítica radical de todos los efectos negativos de la centralidad del mercado, desarrollar una profunda conciencia pública, radicalmente democrática, un espírito de la centralidad de los bienes públicos, de las empresas públicas, de los servicios públicos, del Estado como un instrumento en manos de toda la sociedad, de los trabajadores y del pueblo.

El Estado no es ni la solución por sí solo, ni el problema. Es un espacio de disputa entra la esfera mercantil y la esfera pública. Cabe a la izquierda del siglo XXI ser una izquierda de la esfera pública –que es la forma actual de ser anticapitalista–, para la construcción de sociedades profundamente democráticas y de un mundo apropiado para sus pueblos a partir de esos Estados nacionales democratizados y centrados en la esfera pública.

Emir Sader

Emir Sader: Sociólogo y científico político brasileño, es coordinador del Laboratorio de Políticas Públicas de la Universidad Estadual de Rio de Janeiro (UERJ).

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¿China en el TPP?

March 21st, 2017 by Xulio Ríos

China participó en el reciente encuentro de Viña del Mar (Chile) de los países firmantes del Acuerdo Transpacífico (TPP, siglas en inglés). Tras el anuncio del abandono del acuerdo por parte de EEUU, las especulaciones en torno a si China se sumaría o no al mismo presidieron la atmosfera de la reunión. Ello a pesar de que, desde el primer momento, China dejó claro que su intención no era hablar del TPP sino de la cooperación y la integración económica de Asia-Pacífico. A pesar de ese desmentido inicial, la hipótesis de un relevo de EEUU por China para salvar al TPP de la bancarrota asomaba en algunas cancillerías.

El TPP fue firmado en 2015 por Canadá, México, Perú, Chile, EEUU, Australia, Nueva Zelanda, Japón, Malasia, Brunei, Singapur y Vietnam, que representan el 40 por ciento de la economía mundial. En el tiempo transcurrido desde la firma solo Japón finalizó los procedimientos de ratificación y lidera el bloque de países que instan la continuidad del tratado sin la participación de EEUU.

China ha sido muy crítica con el TPP, un acuerdo que considera totalmente alejado de sus objetivos y modelo de integración, hecho a medida de EEUU para garantizar su supremacía en la región a modo de pieza clave de la estrategia del Pivot to Asia de la administración Obama, diseñada para contener a China.

Frente al TPP, China apostó por la Asociación Económica Integral Regional (RCEP, siglas en inglés), así como por el Área de Libre Comercio de Asia-Pacífico, proyectos concebidos, dice, desde la apertura, la inclusión y la búsqueda de beneficios mutuos.

Ante el desinterés chino, el futuro del TPP se dilucidará en Vietnam en mayo, en un encuentro al margen de la cumbre de APEC pero sus posibilidades de reflotamiento son bastante limitadas. Chile, anfitrión de la reunión que firmó en 2005 un TLC con China, sugiere su alargamiento al conjunto de la Alianza del Pacífico (que además integran Perú, Colombia y México). Este último parece apostar por esta vía. Otros, no obstante, no descartan como alternativa viable la incorporación de los países de América Latina a la RCEP y al proyecto de La Franja y la Ruta. En cualquier caso, siempre más cerca de China.

En una gira oceánica, el primer ministro Li Keqiang iniciará el próximo miércoles una importante visita a Australia, otro firmante clave del TPP. Durante años, China ha sido su mayor socio comercial, así como su principal mercado de exportaciones y fuente de importaciones e inversión. En diciembre de 2015 ambos países suscribieron un TLC.

La forma en que Trump cortó la conversación telefónica con el primer ministro australiano Malcom Turnbull, al negarse el primero a cumplir el acuerdo firmado con Obama para asumir un determinado número de refugiados, fue interpretada en Canberra como un desaire. Este hecho alimenta el presentimiento de que podría no tener más opción que desarrollar relaciones más estrechas con China. Tras la deserción de EEUU, Canberra también sugirió la inclusión de China en el TPP poniendo fin al ostracismo promovido por Obama. Ahora podría optar por acelerar las negociaciones con Beijing para ultimar la RCEP.

Xulio Ríos

Xulio Ríos: Director del Observatorio de la Política China.

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"Class and Conflict" at  the "Neoliberal" University

“Fake Scholarship” and the Future of America’s University

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 21 2017

The Harvard Index acts as a Lynchpin. It establishes a “new normal”, a guideline to colleges and universities across to land, regarding what we can and cannot read, what we can or cannot write?

What is the mainstream media NOT reporting?

Mainstream Media In Total Collapse

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 21 2017

The world of lies that comprises life in the Western world and hides reality from the people has destroyed all justification for the West’s long hegemony over humanity. Today the West, corrupt, violent, greedy beyond all measure, evil beyond Satan, is a collection of populations comfortable with the mass murder of millions of Muslims in many countries. When evil can go without challenge, what hope does humanity have?

boycott israel apartheid palestine

Apartheid Israel

By Chandra Muzaffar, March 21 2017

Using international human rights law as a basis, the report provides ample evidence to show why Israel practises apartheid in various facets of governance. Land policy is one example.  Land occupied by Israel between 1948 and 1967 can only be owned and used by Jews and by law excludes non-Jews some of whom have documentary claims to the land that go back a few centuries. An even more insidious mechanism employed by the Israeli regime to exercise control and domination is the fragmentation of the Palestinian population into various categories. The authors of the report call them ‘domains.’


The Pentagon: Americans Support Increasing Budget of Most Wasteful Federal Department

By Eric Zuesse, March 21 2017

There is only one Cabinet-level federal Department that is so wasteful — so corrupt (&/or incompetent) — that its financial records can’t even be audited, meaning that no auditors can be found who will certify its books: the Defense Department, otherwise called «the Pentagon»


The Planet Is Not Warming Up, But Drying Out!

By Prof. Claudia von Werlhof, March 21 2017

Recent satellite data show that there has been no warming up of the planet in general since the late 1990s. This contradicts the normal information given to the public by the IPCC, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, regarded as being the most reliable institution on questions of climate change. This has been the topic of a recent hearing of the US-Senate on the question. It seems that the IPCC is relying on statistical assumptions alone and cannot explain the reality. It is my thesis that if the planet is not warming up it is nevertheless drying out.

Self-Portrait c.1799 by Joseph Mallord William Turner 1775-1851

Revisiting the Oracle: Artist J. M. W. Turner (1775-1851) at the Frick Collection in New York City

By Sam Ben-Meir, March 21 2017

For the philosopher Gille Deleuze, Turner was the modern Pythia (otherwise known as the Oracle of Delphi). Like the puzzling pronouncements of the ancient priestess, Turner’s work makes a claim on us. He wants us to take our time – and he accomplishes this in part by leaving things ambiguous, never giving us all the answers.

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A “demonização” dos muçulmanos nos EUA

March 21st, 2017 by Catherine Shakdam

“Os muçulmanos têm sido humilhados, ofendidos e ostracizados pela elite política e por seus muitos instrumentos de eco através da mídia corporativa”, afirma Catherine Shakdam

Repentinamente, a mídia corporativa dos Estados Unidos que tem alimentado fundamentalmente a criminosa “Guerra ao Terror” – projetada antes do 11 de Setembro para ser infinita – e a demonização dos muçulmanos – inclusive através do cinema -, passou a se “indignar” com a histeria do novo ocupante da Casa Branca, Donald Trump, contra os muçulmanos, como se fosse algo novo no país ao norte do Rio Bravo.

“Ser muçulmano na América não tem sido fácil desde que as Torres Gêmeas caíram. Os muçulmanos têm sido demonizados, humilhados, ofendidos e ostracizados pela elite política e por seus muitos instrumentos de eco através da mídia corporativa”, afirma Catherine Shakdam, analista política do sítio de notícias norte-americano Mint Press, e diretora-adjunta do Beirut Center for Middle Eastern Studies. Para ela, a mídia nunca tolerou Trump, e agora usa os muçulmanos, uma vez mais, como bola da vez para atingir fins políticos.”Esquecemos as muitas e graves violações dos direitos humanos e civis contra cidadãos norte-americanos por conta da sua fé desde o 11 de Setembro? Era culpa do senhor Trump tudo aquilo?”

Nesta entrevista à Caros Amigos, Catherine comenta o clima de histeria contra os muçulmanos nos Estados Unidos, o oportunismo midiático, e a posição do Islã em seu contexto mais amplo, à parte uma minoria extremista, em relação a atos de terror. E lembra que a mesma grande mídia que, como ela, condena Trump, por outro lado defende alegremente a mesma “democracia” norte-americana que elegeu Trump – para a analista, o mais perfeito “palhaço” dentro de um “circo” que é o establishment estadunidense.

Confira a íntegra da entrevista, a seguir.

Caros Amigos: O que significa a eleição de Trump especificamente para os muçulmanos nos Estados Unidos? O que seus ditos e feitos representam para a comunidade muçulmana no país?

Catherine Shakdam: Lamento por esta tendência recente trombeteada pela mídia retratando-o como o anti-Cristo. Independentemente de os meios de comunicação aprovarem-no ou não, o senhor Trump foi democraticamente eleito para a Presidência – isso implica, inerentemente, que sua campanha, suas políticas e as questões que discutiu com a América ecoaram mais alto do que as postuladas por Hillary Clinton.

Trump não é o Diabo, e faríamos bem em lembrar que a islamofobia existia muito antes de ele decidir concorrer à Presidência. Eu diria que o establishment, a estrutura do Estado da América tem muito a responder quando se trata de marginalizar os muçulmanos e outras minorias religiosas em relação a esse assunto. Há décadas, os Estados Unidos têm subsistido sobre um Estado de oposição e de rejeição a determinados grupos: comunistas, muçulmanos… Em cada etapa histórica, a América tinha que ter seus demônios para odiar e assustar seu público. Será que o senhor Trump é o novo bicho-papão?

Agora, garanto que o senhor Trump fez algumas declarações bastante chocantes sobre a imigração, o Islã, o terrorismo e a política externa em geral… Mas, novamente, poder-se-ia argumentar que o senhor Trump era suficientemente astuto para saber como jogar com seu público. A política norte-americana é um circo, e o senhor Trump é o palhaço perfeito. Ele é o único que morre de rir na Casa Branca hoje!

Devemos entender que esta súbita preocupação com o bem-estar dos muçulmanos nos Estados Unidos é uma tentativa, por parte da grande mídia, de deslegitimar e demonizar a administração de Trump no início. Olhando para as abominações anteriores às quais os governos dos Estados Unidos comprometeram-se, com forte apelo moral, eu preferiria ver um auto-confessado fanático assumindo suas posições, e ver o que ele faz… não poderá ser pior que as guerras de Obama e de Bush.

Ser muçulmano na América não tem sido fácil desde que as Torres Gêmeas caíram. Os muçulmanos têm sido demonizados, humilhados, ofendidos e ostracizados pela elite política e por seus muitos instrumentos de eco através da mídia corporativa.

Falamos sobre os direitos civis dos muçulmanos estarem no paredão diante de Trump como se as administrações anteriores os protegessem. Esquecemos as muitas e graves violações dos direitos humanos e civis contra cidadãos norte-americanos por conta da sua fé desde o 11 de Setembro? Era culpa do senhor Trump tudo aquilo?

Eu gosto do homem? Não, mas, novamente, não tenho que condená-lo tanto já que o povo norte-americano o elegeu, todos nós temos que seguir em frente e aceitar a opção democrática.

Como está a comunidade muçulmana nos Estados Unidos agora, dada a vitória de Trump e o anúncio da Ordem Executiva que proíbe a entrada de muçulmanos oriundos de sete países, barrada pela Justiça?

Ser muçulmano na América não tem sido fácil desde que as Torres Gêmeas caíram. Os muçulmanos têm sido demonizados, humilhados, ofendidos e ostracizados pela elite política e por seus muitos instrumentos de eco através da mídia corporativa, de modo que o intervencionismo militar poderia ser vendido como solução para um público temeroso.

Aqui está o problema que acredito que temos: temos um problema semântico. Quando o senhor Trump falou contra o terror – e garanto-lhe que ele não é o mais eloquente nem o mais sofisticado dos oradores -, ele realmente se referiu ao wahabismo – a religião estatal da Arábia Saudita (uma das maiores violadoras dos direitos humanos em todo o mundo, aliada histórica dos Estados Unidos). Não é tanto o Islã, a fé que Trump ataca, mas sim o wahhabismo como uma construção política fascista, violenta e repressiva.

Se queremos admiti-lo ou não, é verdade que grande parte do mundo ocidental foi infectado pelo wahhabismo – a própria ideologia que inspirou as opções da Al-Qaeda, do Estado Islamita, do Boko Haram e outras organizações terroristas.

Temos visto muçulmanos sendo uma das piores vítimas de violência e todo tipo de discriminação nos Estados Unidos ao longo de todos esses anos, desde 11 de setembro de 2001. Sua comunidade é perseguida e espionada, a maioria das pessoas que professam sua fé, considerada terroristas em potencial. O que você pode dizer sobre esse cenário, Catherine?

Os muçulmanos têm sido, há muito, determinados como os inimigos do Estado. Por mais de uma década, os governos e as mídias corporativas têm jogado com a ideia de que o Islã é uma religião estrangeira que existe em antítese ao mundo judaico-cristão. Aqui é onde a palha quebra as costas do camelo pois o Islã, tanto quanto o Judaísmo e o Cristianismo, nasceu no Oriente Médio. Por definição, todos os três abraâmicos são, portanto, estrangeiros para o Ocidente.

Eu acredito mesmo que a demonização do islamismo está enraizada no neocolonialismo e neo-imperialismo. O Ocidente gosta de se criar inimigos para justificar suas políticas agressivas. Os muçulmanos são, somente, as últimas vítimas.

Muitos dizem que a comunidade muçulmana deve condenar mais contundentemente ataques jihadistas em todo o mundo, o que significa dizer, segundo tais vozesm que sua comunidade tem sido omissiva ou mesmo conivente diante da violência em nome da religião. O que você pode dizer sobre isso?

A realidade é que os muçulmanos sempre condenaram o terrorismo – a mídia escolheu, simplesmente, olhar para o outro lado… Isso faz com que uma TV de maior audiência faça de conta que os muçulmanos estão lá fora, agachados na escuridão, esperando o momento certo de atacar as pessoas mais inteligentes.

Os muçulmanos, mais do qualquer outro grupo religioso, tem sofrido pelas mãos do wahhabismo. Os muçulmanos foram perseguidos pelos wahhabis por longos séculos para, apenas agora, fazerem como vítima o Ocidente.

Estudiosos, intelectuais, autoridades do Estado, inúmeras figuras públicas aparecerem e falaram publicamente contra a exclusão religiosa, contra o wahhabismo, o contra salafismo… Somente neste ano o Gran Mufti de Al-Azhar do Egito (mestre local da sharia) rejeitou a ideia de que o wahhabismo é parte integrante do Islã. O mundo escolheu ignorar! No Iêmen, no Bahrein, no Iraque, na Síria… Milhões de pessoas pediram o fim do terror, do wahhabismo e, ainda assim, o Ocidente insistiu em fortalecer a aliança com aqueles poderes que que abraçam o wahhabismo.

Sejamos honestos: se é culpa que queremos atribuir a alguém, o Islã não clama por homicídio nem por derramamento de sangue. Este ridículo argumento de que o Islã ordena aos muçulmanos matar os assim chamados incrédulos, é insanidade. Não, onde ele diz isso?! Você não pode tirar versos do Alcorão fora do contexto mais amplo, e esperar argumentar de maneira real.

Agora, não estou dizendo que todos os muçulmanos são perfeitos, longe disso. Mas precisamos realmente definir a premissa de nossa argumentação sobre o radicalismo, deixando o Islã – a fé, fora dele e concordando, em vez disso, que o que estamos lidando é com um culto maléfico: o wahhabismo.

Há muitos preconceitos contra os muçulmanos hoje em que o público ainda associa a fé a uma nacionalidade. Não suporto decepcionar a muitos, mas como o Cristianismo, o Judaísmo, o Budismo e outros tipos de fé que você pode pensar, associando-as à etnia e à nacionalidade, são irrelevantes. O Islã não é uma tribo!

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Dimanche, au centre-ville de Paris, la police française a attaqué une manifestation d’environ 7000 personnes contre la brutalité policière, tirant des gaz lacrymogènes et en venant aux coups avec les manifestants, tout en bloquant les autres groupes de manifestants pacifiques au mépris des droits démocratiques fondamentaux. La marche a défié l’état d’urgence perpétuellement étendu en France qui, selon les déclarations des responsables du Parti socialiste (PS) ainsi que des membres des partis de droite et néo-fascistes, signifie qu’aucune manifestation ne devrait avoir lieu.

La manifestation a été organisée par la Marche pour la Justice et la Dignité, une organisation créée par les familles des victimes de violences policières dans de multiples banlieues parisiennes. Un cas particulièrement important fut le viol récent de Théo, un jeune de la banlieue ouvrière d’Aulnay-sous-Bois, qui a subi une plaie de 10 cm au rectum par une matraque de police le mois dernier.

L’assaut contre la manifestation est survenu au milieu de l’hystérie sécuritaire incitée par le gouvernement PS et le candidat de droite à la présidence François Fillon lors de la fusillade de l’aéroport d’Orly samedi. Ziyed Ben Belgacem, un français mentalement dérangé de 39 ans, armé et agissant seul, a blessé un policier lors d’une fusillade, puis a été abattu par des soldats patrouillant dans l’aéroport après s’être emparé de l’arme d’une militaire.

L’ensemble de l’aéroport a ensuite été verrouillé.

Ces événements mettent en évidence les tensions sociales explosives en France à la veille des élections présidentielles d’avril-mai et l’atmosphère implacable de droite et sécuritaire suscitée par toutes les factions de l’establishment politique français.

Plusieurs membres de la famille des victimes de violences policières ont pris la parole lors de la manifestation et ont exprimé la profonde colère qui monte dans les quartiers populaires face aux actes de brutalité policière commis en toute impunité. Amal Bentousi, dont le frère Amine a été tué d’une balle dans le dos en 2012 en fuyant la police, a déclaré : « Le meurtrier de mon frère a été condamné, mais il reste encore d’autres familles pour qui ce n’est pas le cas. »

Ramata Dieng, dont le frère Dieng est mort d’asphyxie au cours d’une arrestation en 2007 où la police l’a brutalement retenu et a plaqué au sol, a déclaré : « Nous réclamons que les policiers ne soient pas au-dessus des lois. Nous réclamons que leurs homicides soient jugés à la mesure de ce que prévoit le code pénal. » Se référant aux conclusions des enquêteurs qu’il n’y avait aucune raison d’accuser la police dans l’affaire, elle a ajouté : « Nous en avons marre de ces mascarades de justice. »

À la fin de la manifestation, cependant, alors que la marche s’approchait de la place de la République, des affrontements ont éclaté entre la police et des groupes non identifiés de manifestants cagoulés ou des manifestants du Black Bloc. Les activités de ces forces, dont il fut révélé à plusieurs reprises en France et dans toute l’Europe qu’elles sont infiltrées par des provocateurs policiers, a servi de prétexte à une répression policière, y compris contre des manifestants pacifiques.

Les manifestants du Nouveau Parti Anticapitaliste (NPA) petit-bourgeois auraient été empêchés de continuer leur route pendant la manifestation, bien qu’il n’y ait aucune indication d’un reproche de la police contre eux. En particulier, étant donné les liens bien connus et très étroits entre le NPA et le Parti socialiste (PS) au pouvoir, le fait que les escadrons de police sous l’autorité PS ciblent les militants NPA est un avertissement. Ils sont prêts à procéder brutalement contre d’autres organisations qui ne sont pas aussi serviles envers les intérêts à long terme du PS.

Ces manifestations donnent une image bien plus vraie de l’attitude de la population envers la police française que le culte incessant de la police et du ministère de l’Intérieur dans les médias et les sondages qui veulent montrer qu’une large majorité de la population appuie l’état d’urgence. Dans une crise sociale et économique profonde en France et à travers l’Europe, les interventions policières dans les quartiers ouvriers de plus en plus exploités et opprimés produisent une colère explosive.

La seule réponse du gouvernement PS profondément impopulaire a été d’essayer de supprimer l’opposition sociale en fomentant une atmosphère sécuritaire hystérique et d’insister constamment sur le rôle de la police dans l’état d’urgence.

Samedi, alors que tout l’aéroport d’Orly a été verrouillé, laissant des milliers de passagers à l’abandon, le président François Hollande et François Fillon, le candidat présidentiel du parti de droite Les Républicains (LR), ont fait des déclarations belliqueuses sur la fusillade. Fillon a utilisé l’incident pour dénoncer toute suggestion selon laquelle l’état d’urgence, qui suspend les droits démocratiques fondamentaux, pourrait être résilié. « Rien, je dis bien rien, n’autorise à lever l’état d’urgence » a-t-il dit.

Hollande a déclaré : « ceux qui s’interrogeaient encore sur le rôle de l’opération Sentinelle (la présence de militaires dans les lieux publics, les aéroports, les gares) doivent comprendre que ce renfort est essentiel, que tout le dispositif a pu répondre parfaitement aux ordres donnés il y a plusieurs mois par moi et par le gouvernement ».

En fait, les rapports initiaux qui émergent donnent à penser que la présence de soldats armés de fusils d’assaut dans des lieux publics à travers la France a plutôt encouragé Belgacem à agir agressivement – cherchant une confrontation avec des soldats pour mettre fin à sa propre vie.

Vers 6 h 55 samedi, il a blessé un policier avec un fusil de chasse lors d’un contrôle de circulation à Garges-lès-Gonesse, au nord de Paris, puis a fui. Il a ensuite appelé sa famille et a dit : « J’ai fait des bêtises, j’ai tiré sur des gens et on m’a tiré dessus ». Il est ensuite allé à un bar à Vitry-sur-Seine, où il a menacé les clients et a tiré plusieurs coups sans toucher personne. Il a ensuite volé une voiture et a conduit à l’aéroport d’Orly.

À 8 h 22, il a affronté une patrouille de trois personnes à l’aéroport, en criant : « Posez vos armes, je suis là pour mourir par Allah. De toutes façons il va y avoir des morts ». Il a tenté et finalement réussi à saisir le fusil d’assaut de la militaire, à ce moment les deux autres soldats l’ont abattu.

La famille de Belgacem a déclaré qu’il n’avait aucun lien islamiste connu, et que ses fusillades étaient dues à une histoire de vol à main armée et de toxicomanie. « Mon fils n’a jamais été un terroriste. Jamais il a fait la prière, et il boit. Et sous l’effet de l’alcool et du cannabis, voilà où on arrive », a déclaré le père de Belgacem alors qu’il était en détention préventive pour interrogatoire par la police.

Par les Journalistes du WSWS

Article paru en anglais, WSWS, le 20 mars 2017

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Damascus, SANA-President Bashar al-Assad said in a statement given to Russian media that we are ready to discuss anything, including the constitution, adding that defending our borders is our right and it is a duty.

Following is the full text of the statement:

Question 1: Mr. President, are you familiar with the Russian proposal to create a commission on research of a new constitution? What do you think about it?

President Assad: Yesterday, I think, our representative in the United Nations, Mr. Jaafari, announced that we support the Russian initiatives – different initiatives, not only this one – as headlines, and now we are discussing with the Russians the details. The problem is that we went to Astana recently, as you know, the other delegation, the delegation of the militants, didn’t join that meeting, they didn’t go to Astana, and we all believe that this is the negative influence of the Turks. So, how can we start something concrete if you don’t have a partner? So, we said we are ready to discuss anything including the constitution, but we need to see who’s going to be in Geneva, are they going to discuss the same paper or not? But for us, as a government, our position is very clear: that we are ready to discuss it in details, but we support the headline, of course.

Question 2: Mr. President, there are reports that the United States-led coalition are planning to start the operation in Raqqa in the beginning of April. Do you have confirmation on that, and if Raqqa is liberated, will it be under control of Damascus, or are there any other agreements on that? And is the American troops’ presence in Syria legal?

President Assad: Any military operation in Syria without the approval of the Syrian government is illegal, and I said if there’s any troops on the Syrian soil, this is an invasion, whether to liberate al-Raqqa or any other place. This is first. Second, we all know that the coalition has never been serious about fighting ISIS or the terrorists, so we have to think about the real intention of the whole plan, if there’s a plan to liberate al-Raqqa. To liberate it from who? From ISIS? To give it to who? So, their plan is not to fight terrorists, not to help the Syrian government, it’s not for the unity of Syria, it’s not for the sovereignty of Syria, it must be something else not of these factors that I just mentioned, but all that we have till this moment are only information, we don’t have any fact on the ground regarding this.

Question 3: Mr. President, as far as we know, the Syrian Army does its best in fighting with terrorism, you fight with terrorists fine, but war isn’t over, so I wanted to know whether Damascus is going to ask Russian air forces to increase its presence in Syria, and will you ask Russia to start a ground troops operation in Syria?

President Assad: Actually, if you talk about the relation between the Syrian government and the Russian government, it goes back in history for decades, so they know the details of Syria, and after the war they know more details about what’s happening. So, if we want to talk about fighting terrorism, we discussed in details the requirements to support the Syrian Army. For this stage, the Russian support by air raids was enough for the Syrian Army to advance on different fronts, mainly in Aleppo and Palmyra as you know. I’m sure that if the Syrian and the Russian officials and military officials feel that we need more support to defeat the terrorists, they’re going to do it, but till this moment, the level of support is good and effective.

Question 4: Can you evaluate the participation of Russian troops, Russian army, in liberation and demining in Palmyra? And maybe you can tell
us about the level of destruction in Palmyra in the last month, and maybe your government has some plan of rebuilding and restore this ancient city.

President Assad: Of course, it’s not only Syrian heritage; it’s international heritage, and I think the whole world should be worried about the
destruction of Palmyra. Of course, some of the destruction could be repaired. Now we are evaluating, because you know if the stones turn into rubble, it could be difficult for anyone to restore this heritage, but if you have the stone safe and sound, you can do it. When we liberated Palmyra the first time, President Putin himself, when he spoke to me and congratulated me for the liberation of Palmyra last year, he said Russia was very interested in the restoration of Palmyra. Of course, as you know, ISIS came again to Palmyra, and it was liberated again, but now there’s more destruction, so we have to re-evaluate Palmyra again to see what we can do, but I think it’s not only about Syria and Russia; it’s about the UNESCO, it’s about the other institutions, and it’s about other countries that they always claim that they are worried about the human heritage and human culture and so on.

Journalist: And the participation of the Russian army in the liberation, can you evaluate it?

President Assad: Usually we don’t speak about military issues, but there was important support on the ground, but I don’t have to tell you the details of that kind of support.

Question 5: Mr. President, will you continue to protect, to defend Syrian borders after the threat of Mr. Avigdor Lieberman, to protect with missile defense systems, of course, and how international diplomacy, maybe Russia diplomacy can help to prevent the conflict between Israel and Syria?

President Assad: Defending our borders is our right, and it’s our duty, not only our right. If we don’t do it as officials when we can do it, we should be blamed by the Syrian people, we should be held accountable. So, we don’t have to ask ourselves that question, whether there were statements by Israeli officials or not. We don’t base our policy and decisions on their statements. So, of course, it’s our right and duty, again.

As we heard this morning, that the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs asked the Israeli ambassador, they invited him to the Ministry in order to discuss the Israeli violation of the Syrian sovereignty. So, I think Russia can play an important role in that regard, and the whole policy of Russia is based on the international law, it’s based on the Charter of the United Nations, and the Security Council resolutions. So, they can discuss the same issues with the Israelis depending on this criteria, and they can play a role in order that Israel not attack Syria again in the future.

Question 6: My turn. Mr. President, the now infamous groups such as the White Helmets and the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights have reported recently about the airstrike by the United States-led coalition that killed 50 civilians in a mosque near Aleppo. Now, the Pentagon said they were present in the area, but they had nothing to do with the destruction of the mosque. Previously, Washington held those two groups as reliable sources when they were critical of Damascus, and now they are silent about it. Are we looking at a situation of double standards?

President Assad: The American policy is based on many standards, not double; they have maybe ten standards because they don’t base their policy on values or on international law; they base it on their own vision, their own interests, sometimes on the balance of different lobbies and powers within the American institutions.

We all know that. So, we don’t talk about double standards, this is very normal for the US. For example, their raids against ISIS in Mosul in Iraq were something good, or let’s say, positive, while the same raid by the Syrian and Russian army airplanes or troops on the ground in Aleppo to liberate the people of Aleppo is against human rights according to their political discourse.

So, this is natural for the American policy and for the West in general, not only the Americans. White Helmets are Al Qaeda, they’re Al Qaeda members and that’s proven on the net; the same members are killing or executing or celebrating over dead bodies, at the same time they are humanitarian heroes, and now they have an Oscar as you know. So, that’s to be expected by the Americans, we have to ignore all their narratives, their own public doesn’t believe their narrative anymore. They don’t know the truth yet; the public opinion in the West in general, they know there’s a lie, but they don’t know what the truth is, and that’s why they have a problem with RT for example, for that reason.

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Sicília, base de ataque dos EUA/Otan

March 21st, 2017 by Manlio Dinucci

Realiza-se desde 12 de março, até o dia 24, em frente à costa mediterrânea da Sicília, o exercício naval da Otan denominado Dynamic Manta em que participam as marinhas militares dos Estados Unidos, Canadá, Itália, França, Espanha, Grécia e Turquia.

A ponta de lança das 16 unidades navais mobilizadas é o submarino nuclear estadunidense de ataque rápido Califórnia SSN-781. Armado de torpedos e mísseis de cruzeiro para ataque a alvos terrestres, faz parte da Task Force 69, responsável pelas operações de guerra dos EUA na Europa e África. Além do submarino de ataque, a U.S. Navy participa no exercício com o contratorpedeiro lança-mísseis  Porter e aviões de patrulhamento marítimo, com a estação do Sistema de Comunicação por Satélite (MUOS, na sigla em inglês) de Niscemi e a base aeronaval de Sigonella.

A Dynamic Manta 2017 se desenvolve na área do Comando da força conjunta aliada (cujo quartel general fica em Lago Pátria, Nápoles), sob as ordens da almirante estadunidense Michelle Howard, que comanda ao mesmo tempo as forças navais dos EUA na Europa e na África.

A Itália, além de participar no exercício com unidades próprias, desenvolve aquilo que o contra-almirante De Felice, comandante do Comando Marítimo da Sicília, define como “um papel fundamental”, porque fornece todo o suporte logístico. Particularmente importante é Augusta, “ponto estratégico para reabastecimento de combustíveis, munições e suporte para as unidades navais que provenham de países de ultramar”. É relevante também o porto de Catânia, disponível para hospedar nove navios de guerra.

Simultaneamente, estão em curso desde fevereiro os exercícios com fogo das forças especiais estadunidenses no polígono de Pachino. Esta área foi oficialmente concedida para “uso exclusivo dos Estados Unidos”, com base num acordo assinado com o Pentágono em abril de 2006, durante o terceiro governo de Berlusconi.

Nesse mesmo acordo foram concedidas aos Estados Unidos para uso exclusivo uma área no interior da base de Sigonella, para estacionamento aeronaval, e uma em Niscemi, para o centro de transmissões de rádio e a estação terrestre do MUOS. Nessas áreas é especificado com todas as letras que “o Comandante dos EUA exerce pleno comando militar sobre o pessoal, equipamentos e operações estadunidenses”, com a única obrigação de “notificar antecipadamente ao Comandante italiano todas as atividades estadunidenses significativas”.

Quanto às despesas da estação aeronaval estadunidense, com base no acordo só é financiada exclusivamente pelos EUA a NAS I, área administrativa e recreativa, enquanto a NAS II, das unidades operativas e portanto a mais custosa, é financiada pela Otan, ou seja, também pela Itália.

A situação da Sicília, emblemática da situação nacional, deveria ser um dos temas centrais da mobilização de 25 março, o dia seguinte à conclusão da Dynamic Manta. Não se pode pensar em libertar-se dos poderes representados pela União Europeia (UE) sem libertar-se do domínio e da influência que os EUA exercem sobre a Europa diretamente e através da Otan. Hoje, 22 dos 28 países da UE, com mais de 90% da população da União, fazem parte da Otan, reconhecida pela UE como “fundamento da defesa coletiva”.

A Otan, sob comando dos EUA, está preparando novas guerras, depois da Iugoslávia em 1999, do  Afeganistão em 2001, Iraque, 2003, Líbia, 2011, Síria, desde 2011, Ucrânia, desde 2014. É o que confirma a Dynamic Manta, que seguramente testou também a capacidade de ataque nuclear no exercício de guerra submarina. Notícia que ficou submersa na grande “informação”.

Manlio Dinucci



Artigo em italiano :

Article en italien :

Nato Dynamic Manta

Sicilia base d’attacco Usa/Nato

Publicado em il Manifesto, 21 de março de 2017..

Traduzido por José Reinaldo Carvalho para Resistência


Manlio Dinucci é jornalista e geógrafo

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Sicilia base d’attacco Usa/Nato

March 21st, 2017 by Manlio Dinucci

Si svolge dal 12 al 24 marzo, di fronte alle coste mediterranee della Sicilia, l’esercitaziome navale Nato Dynamic Manta cui partecipano le marine militari di Stati uniti, Canada, Italia, Francia, Spagna, Grecia e Turchia. La punta di lancia delle 16 unità navali impegnate è il sottomarino nucleare statunitense da attacco rapido California SSN-781. Armato di siluri e di missili da crociera per attacco a obiettivi terrestri, esso fa parte della Task Force 69, responsabile delle operazioni Usa di guerra sottomarina in Europa e Africa.

Oltre che col sottomarino da attacco, la U.S. Navy partecipa all’esercitazione col cacciatorpediniere lanciamissili Porter e aerei da pattugliamento marittimo, con la stazione Muos di Niscemi e la base aeronavale di Sigonella.

La Dynamic Manta 2017 si svolge nell’area del Comando della forza congiunta alleata (il cui quartier generale è a Lago Patria, Napoli), agli ordini dell’ammiraglia statunitense Michelle Howard, che comanda allo stesso tempo le Forze navali Usa in Europa e le Forze navali Usa per l’Africa. L’Italia, oltre a partecipare all’esercitazione con proprie unità, svolge quello che il contrammiraglio De Felice,  comandante di MariSicilia, definisce un «ruolo fondamentale» poiché fornisce tutto il supporto logistico. Particolarmente importante è Augusta, «punto strategico in quanto fornisce  rifornimenti di combustibile, di munizionamento e di supporto per le unità  navali che vengono addirittura da paesi al di là dell’Atlantico». Rilevante anche il porto di Catania, disponibile a ospitare ben nove navi da guerra.

Contemporaneamente, sono in corso da febbraio esercitazioni a fuoco di forze speciali statunitensi nel poligono di Pachino.  Quest’area è stata ufficialmente concessa in «uso esclusivo degli Stati uniti», in base a un accordo sottoscritto col Pentagono nell’aprile 2006, durante il governo Berlusconi III.

Nello stesso accordo sono state concesse agli Stati uniti in uso esclusivo un’area all’interno della base di Sigonella, per la stazione aeronavale, e una a Niscemi, per il centro di trasmissioni radio navali e la successiva stazione terrestre del Muos. In tali aree, viene specificato a chiare lettere, «il Comandante Usa ha il pieno comando militare sul personale, gli equipaggiamenti e le operazioni statunitensi», col solo impegno di «notificare in anticipo al Comandante italiano tutte le significative attività statunitensi».

Riguardo alle spese della stazione aeronavale statunitense, in base all’accordo viene finanziata esclusivamente dagli Usa solo la Nas I, l’area amministrativa e ricreativa, mentre la Nas II, quella dei reparti operativi e quindi la più costosa, è finanziata dalla Nato, ossia anche dall’Italia.

La situazione della Sicilia, emblematica di quella nazionale, dovrebbe essere uno dei temi centrali della mobilitazione del 25 marzo, il giorno dopo la conclusione della Dynamic Manta. Non si può pensare di liberarci dai poteri rappresentati dall’Unione europea senza  liberarci  dal dominio e dall’influenza che gli Usa esercitano sull’Europa direttamente e tramite la Nato. Oggi 22 dei 28 paesi della Ue, con oltre il 90% della popolazione dell’Unione, fanno parte della Nato, riconosciuta dalla Ue quale «fondamento della difesa collettiva».

La Nato sotto comando Usa sta preparando altre guerre, dopo Jugoslavia 1999, Afghanistan 2001, Iraq 2003, Libia 2011, Siria dal 2011, Ucraina dal 2014. Lo conferma la Dynamic Manta, che sicuramente ha testato anche le capacità di attacco nucleare nell’esercitazione di guerra sottomarina. Notizia rimasta sommersa nelle grandi reti di «informazione».

Manlio Dinucci


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Apartheid Israel

March 21st, 2017 by Dr. Chandra Muzaffar

If anyone doubts that Israel is guilty of the crime of apartheid, he should read the report “Israeli Practices towards the Palestinian People and the Question of Apartheid” commissioned by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA). The report released on the 15th March 2017 and posted on the ESCWA website has now been removed on the orders of the UN Secretary-General, pressured, it is alleged, by the governments of Israel and the United States both of whom have denounced the report in harsh terms.

The withdrawal of the report prompted the ESCWA Executive Secretary and UN Under-Secretary-General Dr. Rima Khalaf, to submit her resignation. In her words, “I resigned because it is my duty not to conceal a clear crime and I stand by all the conclusions of the report.” It is worth noting that the report carried a clear disclaimer that “the findings, interpretations and conclusions expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the UN or its officials or Member States.”

The report was co-authored by two distinguished American scholars — Richard Falk, Professor Emeritus of International Law Princeton University who, from 2008 to 2014, also served as UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, and Virginia Tilley, Professor of Political Science at Southern Illinois University and author of Beyond Occupation: Apartheid Colonialism and International Law in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.  Carefully worded, incisively analysed and succinctly articulated, the report is a significant milestone in the endeavour to understand one of the longest political conflicts in modern times.

Using international human rights law as a basis, the report provides ample evidence to show why Israel practises apartheid in various facets of governance. Land policy is one example.  Land occupied by Israel between 1948 and 1967 can only be owned and used by Jews and by law excludes non-Jews some of whom have documentary claims to the land that go back a few centuries.

An even more insidious mechanism employed by the Israeli regime to exercise control and domination is the fragmentation of the Palestinian population into various categories. The authors of the report call them ‘domains.’

Domain 1 comprises those who are citizens of the state of Israel. They receive inferior social services, limited budget allocations, and are subjected to restrictions on jobs and professional opportunities. They live in segregated residential areas and are aware that  access to public benefits are by and large reserved for those who qualify as citizens under the Citizenship Law and the Law of Return, meaning by which Jews.  This creates a system of covert racism and renders Palestinians second-class citizens.

Domain 2, also under Israeli rule, is made up of Palestinian residents of occupied East Jerusalem. They are also victims of discrimination like their counterparts in Domain 1. They have limited access to good educational and health care facilities. In addition, a Palestinian resident of East Jerusalem can have his residency revoked if he cannot prove that Jerusalem is his “centre of life.” Between 1996 and 2014, residency was revoked for more than 11,000 Palestinians.

Palestinians living in Gaza and the West Bank, territories occupied by Israel since 1967, would constitute Domain 3. They are governed by military law. Though Hamas has limited authority over Gaza, it is Israel that has exclusive control over its borders. And since 2007, Israel has imposed a blockade upon Gaza that affects all aspects of life in that tiny peninsula. While the residents of both West Bank and Gaza are subject to military law, the 350,000 Jewish settlers in the West Bank are governed by Israeli civil law. This dual legal system underscores stark racial discrimination which manifests itself in many other ways. In contrast to the parlous state of Palestinians living in the West Bank and Gaza, Jewish settlements continue to flourish. Jews from all over the world are offered various incentives to move to these well-endowed settlements,including employment guarantees, agricultural subsidies, school grants and special recreational facilities.

Unlike the first three domains, Palestinians in Domain 4 are the only ones who are not under Israeli control. These are Palestinians who are refugees from the wars and expulsions since 1948 and their descendants who have been living outside original Palestine, in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Egypt and a number of other countries in West Asia and North Africa (WANA). There are some who for generations have been staying in Europe and North America. All of them are affected by one vital dimension of Israeli policy. They are barred from returning home. While they are prohibited from returning to the land of their ancestors, a Jew who does not have the flimsiest link to Israel or Palestine is encouraged to settle down in these territories. This is yet another blatant example of apartheid.

The report prepared by Falk and Tilley argues eloquently that the emergence of the domains and the apartheid practised by various Israeli governments cannot be separated from the desire and the drive in the Zionist movement from the turn of the 20th century to establish an exclusive Jewish state in Palestine. Bringing in Jewish immigrants long before the Israeli state was created, the wars, the expulsions and the laws to prevent Palestinians from returning to their land were all part of that mission. Indeed, there has been deliberate ethnic cleansing of Palestine — a point which has been elaborated with much lucidity by the outstanding Israeli historian, Ilan Pappe in his ground breaking book, The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine.

In its conclusion, the Falk-Tilley report establishes, “on the basis of scholarly inquiry and overwhelming evidence that Israel is guilty of the crime of apartheid.” It then proposes that an international tribunal examine the report and make an assessment that will be truly authoritative.  If such an authoritative assessment concurs with the finding of the report, the UN and its agencies, regional outfits and national governments should act. They have a collective duty to de-legitimise an apartheid regime and render it illegal. They cannot allow such a regime to continue.

The report also urges civil society groups and non-state actors to step up their campaign against apartheid Israel. Some of them are already doing quite a bit through the Boycott, Divest and Sanctions (BDS) movement. They should organise and mobilise much more through the alternative media.

That the media has given so little attention to the contents of the report on apartheid Israel is an indication of the power and influence of the states and vested interests that do not want the truth about Israel to be known to the world. This is what we have to struggle against in order to ensure that truth triumphs and justice is done to the people of Palestine.

Dr. Chandra Muzaffar is the President of the International Movement for a Just World (JUST). Malaysia. 

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J. M. W. Turner is one of those rare artists who seem always to be ahead of us – as with Shakespeare, he remains somehow ever beyond our reach.

Turner’s Modern and Ancient Ports: Passages through Time is a thrilling exhibition currently on display at The Frick Collection in New York City, bringing together six oil paintings and some two-dozen watercolors from the artist’s middle period. This was a turning point in Turner’s career, the beginning of a shift towards ‘colour for colour’s sake’ – a romantic shift towards light and color as pure elements of inner experience, which bursts forth in the revolutionary works of the late period.

Joseph Mallord William Turner (1775-1851) was born in London, the son of a barber and wigmaker. The boy was a prodigy: by the age of fourteen he had entered the Royal Academy of Art; and at twenty-four, the youngest possible age, he was elected an Associate. He became a full member of the Academy in 1802. Intensely competitive, driven to be a painter as great or even greater then Rembrandt, Turner enjoyed tremendous success and popularity from an early age. As his later work became more daring and original he was criticized, sometimes excoriated, by contemporaries – but always acknowledged as a painter of genius.

Harbor of Dieppe: Changement de Domicile (c. 1825) and Cologne, the Arrival of the Packet Boat: Evening (1826) are contemporary port scenes in which Turner’s poetic representation of light and atmosphere has an almost intoxicating beauty. In Dieppe, Turner is already employing non-naturalistic color, golden hues which were more likely to be found in the southern Mediterranean, than in northern France. Marvelous details abound for the unhurried viewer: a family of ducks as they make their way past the boats; a young girl splashing her feet in the water, while on the lower right a young couple unload baskets and all the accouterments of daily life – the event, perhaps, being referenced in the subtitle (“Change of Address”). The incandescent illumination of sky, air and water, is striving for a phenomenology of light that transcends the mere representation of visual experience – one that traces the coming-to-appearance of time and memory, change and renewal.

Like its companion piece, Cologne is a grand-scale painting; a mesmerizing work which has the capacity to transfix and capture the viewer as under a spell. Nearing the shore is a packet boat with a band of spirited tourists aboard; meanwhile, peasant women carry lumber along the beach, a solitary dog laps water from the bank, and a neglected fishing apparatus floats idly in the shallows – Turner invests these ordinary sights with a sense of mystery. He embraces painting’s potential to make the everyday unfamiliar, to cast doubt – not unlike Rembrandt, who he would say, had the ability to “throw a mystery over the meanest piece of common.”

Cologne, the Arrival of a Packet-Boat: Evening, exhibited 1826 Oil on canvas 66 3/8 x 88 1/4 inches. The Frick Collection, New York Photo: Michael Bodycomb\

Turner’s colors have the power to produce in themselves various states of consciousness. He invents hues that suspend ordinary perception – both in the sense of prolonging and interrupting. His revolutionary use of color would seem to suggest, among other things, that color is able to summon forth untapped reaches of the mind – to invoke those ‘abysses of the past which are still in one just as much as the present.’

For the philosopher Gille Deleuze, Turner was the modern Pythia (otherwise known as the Oracle of Delphi). Like the puzzling pronouncements of the ancient priestess, Turner’s work makes a claim on us. He wants us to take our time – and he accomplishes this in part by leaving things ambiguous, never giving us all the answers. We see this, for example, in his paintings of ancient ports. In Ovid Banished from Rome (1838), the sun sets upon the ancient city with its temples, triumphal arches and statuary already dissolving into the mists of time, while in the foreground a man is being arrested – is this Ovid? – maybe the poet is already deceased (a tomb on the lower left bears his name). The overall feeling of the painting is one of irretrievable loss.

Regulus (1828) takes its name from the Roman general whom the Carthaginians condemned to stare at the sun until he went blind, before being executed. In Turner’s painting, the title character is all but impossible to find; and in searching for him the viewer is forced to share his fate, so to speak – to face directly the blinding luminescence of the sun. Here, as in so many of his land and seascapes, Turner insists that we bear witness; that we take up our position inside the work. Turner’s ports are truly portals – gateways luminous and large enough for us to enter with our whole being. The revolution in landscape painting that Turner achieved involved transcending the basic principle that “a landscape is something which unfolds before you.” His pictures envelop you and function in such a way as to “preclude the outside spectator.”

Turner was regarded as the greatest contemporary artist in the medium of watercolor; and experimented with various methods (including scratching out the paper) to achieve novel visual effects.  Mont-St. Michel, Normandy (1827) is a small gem of a work, and no less mysterious and bewitching for its size. In a night scene, lit by the moon and torches, French officers are arresting smugglers on the flat sands exposed by low tide. A looming medieval abbey towers like a lonely mountain, beneath the gathering of dark and heavy clouds to create a sense of solitude and impending violence.

In writing about his late painting, The Angel Standing in the Sun (1846), Turner spoke of light devouring the entire visible world. For the great art critic John Berger (who passed away earlier this year), the devouring light is “close to the new productive energy” which was doing away with all previous notions about wealth, labor, distance, time and so much else. Turner’s attunement to the rapid changes wrought by industrialization is evidenced by the sensitivity with which he depicts smokestacks, steamboats, and laborers toiling through the night beside the red-hot glow of furnaces. In the entrancing watercolor Shields, on the River Tyne (1823), workers shovel coal from small boats onto a cargo ship, beneath the pale glow of a full moon.

Image result for william turner

Turner’s obsession with light is also indeed an obsession with the migration of light. Light travels: it journeys the sea and creates a kind of luminescent road over the surface of the ocean that stretches to the horizon and seemingly beyond. The light is infinite, and Turner is surely a painter of the infinite if ever there was one. Ultimately, Turner’s devotion to light is not some form of proto-impressionism: his quest is more a theological than a phenomenological one. Light is literally the royal road to God, the absolute, the divine.

The thread that seems to run through so many of these works, disturbing their general sense of tranquility, is not simply that the world of yesterday is fading – transformed by the emerging Industrial Revolution – and literally melting away into the tinted haze. Turner’s ports and coastal scenes having a way of insisting on our inherent vulnerability and the precariousness of human endeavor in the face of nature’s elemental forces. It is almost as if we are seeing the world sub specie aeternitatis – from the standpoint of eternity, from the standpoint of the all-consuming light itself.

Turner was far more than a virtuoso painter of windswept seas, of ocean vessels, and radiant cascades of yellow, blue and orange; one walks away from these pictures with the sense of taking ones leave from a long farewell. The world is a theophany, an appearance of God, for Turner – an almost Spinozistic God in which all things are ultimately dissolved in and through the infinite substance of Light. It is not simply the ever-changing effects of light that ultimately obsesses Turner, but the impermanence and evanescence of all things under the sun.

Sam Ben-Meir, PhD is an adjunct professor at Mercy College. His current research focuses on environmental ethics and animal studies.
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The Conspiracy Against President Trump

March 21st, 2017 by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

March 20, 2017: Listened yesterday to the broadcast of testimony by FBI Director Comey and National Security Agency Director Admiral Michael Rogers before the House Intelligence Committee (an oxymoron) made it clear that the Democrats, Comey, and Rogers intend conflict with Russia.

The Republicans, for the most part, were interested to know how security leaks targeted at Trump Republicans came from meetings at which only the CIA Director, NSA Director, and FBI director were present. Of course, they did not get an answer, which shows how powerless congressional oversight committees are. Comey repeatedly said that he could not tell the committee anything, because it would confirm that a press leak was true. But, he said, speaking generally and of no specific leak, most leaks come from “someone who heard something” and passes it on to the media, which also explains the inaccuracy of some leaks. In other words, don’t blame us.

The Democrats were out in force to demonize Russia, Putin, and everyone, especially Trump Republicans, who speaks to a Russian even if the person is still a private citizen, as was Gen. Flynn when he recommended to the Russian ambassador that Russia not respond in kind to President Obama’s expulsion of Russian diplomats over Christmas. The Democrats bestowed yet another demonic title on Putin.  In addition to being “the new Hitler,” a “thug,” and a “Mafia don,” today Putin became a “tarantula in the center of the spy web.”

The Democrats’ position was that Flynn, by discouraging a Russian tit for tat, had interfered with the Obama regime’s policy of worsening relations between the US and Russia. Some Democrats saw this as treason. Others saw it as proof that Flynn and Trump are in Putin’s pocket, and still others see it as even worse.

The Democrats were also very concerned about lobbyists, if they be Republican, working for Russian interests, including Tillerson, the Secretary of State.  The fact that every country employs lobbyists and that the lobbyists don’t always register as foreign agents, such as Israel’s lobbyists, or if news reports at the time were correct, neocon Richard Perle who represented Turkey in Washington (Read an article on Perle Libel Watch here).

Democrats were also after Gen. Flynn for saying that he had not received money from the Russian government. Flynn received a fee for attending the 10th Anniversary celebration of RT in Moscow. Is RT, a news organization, the Russian government?  Its budget is supported by the Russian government, but how does this differ from the US government’s support of the budgets of National Public Radio, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Voice of America? Does this mean that everyone who gives an interview to NPR, Radio Liberty, and VOA is an American agent in the pocket of the US president?  If you attend a function of one of these organizations, does it make you an “American agent/dupe”?  Will there be a list of these people?

What the Democrats tried to do today was to criminalize everyone who works for better relations between the US and Russia. To be for peace between the nuclear powers is to be a Russian agent and to be put on a list. The Democrats insisted that Russia was an enemy out to get us, and the Democrats had no difficulty getting Comey and Rogers, both Obama appointees, to agree.

Comey and Rogers said that Russia was the main threat to the US, was working against our interests, and intends to harm us. Harming us includes opposing US hegemony and unilateralism. In other words, if the Russian government acts in the interests of Russia, the Russian government is harming the US. From the testimony it clearly emerged that any kind of opposition to anything Washington does is against American interests.

Both Comey and Rogers declared, falsely, that Russia had invaded Ukraine and seized Crimea by force. If Comey and Rogers are so poorly informed that they believe this, they are unfit for office. Crimea has been a part of Russia for 300 years. The population is almost entirely Russian. When the Soviet Union collapsed and Washington broke it apart, the Ukraine became independent for the first time in history. Crimea, which had been transferred by Khrushchev in 1954 from the Russian Soviet Socialist Republic to the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, was included in the transfer on the condition that Russia had a long term lease on the naval base in Crimea.

When Washington’s coup overthrew the democratically elected government in Ukraine, the Russian populations in Crimea, and in the new republics of Luhansk and Donetsk, were attacked and threatened by the neo-nazi elements in eastern Ukraine that had fought for Hitler against the Soviet Union.  The populations of these areas voted overwhelmingly to reunite with Russia, from whence they had come. The votes were fair and open. As Crimea is the Russian Navy’s Black Sea base, Crimea was already occupied by Russian forces. For Comey and Rogers to call this an “invasion” displays either ignorance or a lack of integrity.

Indeed, the lack of integrity of the FBI, NSA, CIA, and Obama regime is evidenced by the sustained campaign of lies, distortions, and targeted “news leaks,” that is, stories planted on the presstitutes by the intelligence services about Russian interference in the presidential election. It is all about protecting the massive military/security budget and powers. Trump threatened both the budget and the power when he declared that his policy would be to normalize relations with Russia. If relations are normalized, the carefully orchestrated “Russian threat” disappears. The intelligence services are not willing for this to happen. The US intelligence services prefer the risk of nuclear Armageddon to a budget cut.

The Democrats are probably not sufficiently intelligent to understand that they are fanning the flames of war between nuclear powers. The Democrats are desperate to find someone on whom to pin their loss of the election. Moreover, by pinning it on a conspiracy between Trump and Putin, they hope to remove Trump from office. Although Pence, who is a Russophobe, is acceptable to the military/security complex, the Democrats have hopes of clearing out Pence as well, as his election resulted from the alleged conspiracy, and reinstalling themselves in the White House.

Americans need to understand that the political competition between the Democrats and Republicans is over which party gets to collect the money for being the whore for the One Percent. Traditionally, the party in the White House gets most of the money, so that is where both parties want to be.

Michael Morell, a supporter of Hillary Clinton and President Obama’s last CIA director in an acting capacity, who was slated to become CIA director under Hillary, said,

“On the question of the Trump campaign conspiring with the Russians, there is smoke, but there is no fire, at all. There’s no little campfire, there’s no little candle, there’s no spark. And there’s a lot of people looking for it.” (Read about it here.)

Morell does believe that it was the Russians who hacked Hillary’s incriminating emails, although the evidence is that they were a leak from inside the Democratic National Committee by disaffected supporters of Bernie Sanders.

Obama’s Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said on Meet the Press on March 5 that he had seen no evidence of a Putin-Trump conspiracy when he left office on January 20.

Listening to Comey and Rogers today, if they are not working against President Trump, what would classify as working against Trump? Trump supporters ask why Trump doesn’t fire these two men who are working to block a reduction in the dangerous tensions between Washington and Russia. Are the Democrats, Comey, Rogers, the CIA and their media whores so stupid that they don’t understand what it means when the President of Russia says, “the Americans have destroyed our trust in them?”

Trump doesn’t fire Comey and Rogers, because he cannot fire them. If he fires them, the Democrats and presstitutes will explain the firings as proof that Trump is a Russian agent and is covering up his treason by removing those investigating it.

Trump is trying to use Twitter to respond to the orchestrated media assault against him and to achieve some organization among his supporters, the working class that elected him. However, Trump cannot even count on the Republican Party. Most Republicans are also dependent on political contributions from the military/security complex, and Republicans know that the intelligence agencies have all the dirt on them. To fight for Trump is to expose themselves.

It is undeniable that the CIA controls the media, both in Europe and in the US. Udo Ulfkotte’s book, Gekauftge Journalisten, exposed the CIA’s hold on European journalists when it was published in Germany in 2014.  An English language edition, Journalists for Hire: How the CIA Buys the News, is due out in May.  In the meantime Joel Whitney’s book, Finks: How the C.I.A. Tricked the World’s Best Writers, suffices to establish that America’s most respected journalists drank the CIA’s Kool-Aid “and thought they were saving freedom” by serving as propagandists (Read about the history of fake news here).

People in the West need to understand that if the news they receive bears on the interests of the US military/security complex, the news is scripted by the CIA. The CIA serves its interests, not the interests of the American people or the interests of peace.

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We always knew that this would start happening. Earlier this month, I wrote about the severe economic problems that are plaguing South America, but up to this point I have neglected to discuss the horrific famines that are breaking out all over Africa.

Right now there is a desperate need for food in South Sudan, Somalia, northeast Nigeria, Eritrea and Kenya. And Yemen, even though it is not technically part of Africa, is being affected by many of the same factors that are crippling nations all over eastern Africa.

The United Nations says that more than 20 million people could die from starvation and disease if nothing is done. When I write about economic collapse, this is the kind of thing that I am talking about, and we are starting to see alarming conditions spread across the globe. Many believe that we could never possibly face this kind of food crisis in the western world, but unfortunately wishful thinking will only get you so far.

The United Nations was formed in 1945, and the UN has just announced that what we are facing this year is “the largest humanitarian crisis since the creation of the UN”. The following comes from a CNN article entitled “20 million at risk of starvation in world’s largest crisis since 1945, UN says“…

“We stand at a critical point in history. Already at the beginning of the year we are facing the largest humanitarian crisis since the creation of the UN,” UN humanitarian chief Stephen O’Brien said Friday.

Now, more than 20 million people across four countries face starvation and famine. Without collective and coordinated global efforts, people will simply starve to death. Many more will suffer and die from disease.”

It would be hard to overstate the level of human suffering that we are witnessing in many parts of Africa at this moment. In Somalia, the UN estimates that more than 6 million people are in desperate need of food aid

As Somalia inches closer to a calamitous famine, the prospect of utter devastation and colossal loss of human life is once again becoming an imminent reality. The humanitarian situation in Somalia is deteriorating by the day with up to 6.2 million people in need of urgent aid. People across Somalia have been forced to walk hundreds of miles in search of food, water and shelter- with women and children disproportionately affected. Over 300,000 children under the age of five are severely malnourished, with over 200,000 more children at risk of acute malnutrition.

In South Sudan, close to half the population is in dire need of assistance, and things have gotten so bad there that people will literally eat grass if they can find it

Across South Sudan more than one million children are believed to be acutely malnourished and UNICEF have said that if urgent aid does not reach them, many of them will die. “There is no food, we eat anything we can find,” one South Sudanese mother told ITV. “We will find grass, we will eat it. That’s just the way it us for us now.”

Over in Yemen, there are about seven million people in need of food help, and authorities are warning that if nothing is done “millions of children” could starve to death

“The numbers affected are absolutely extraordinary,” said Mark Kaye, Save the Children’s Yemen spokesperson.

“We keep on talking about a country that’s on the brink of famine, but for me these numbers highlight that we’re at the point of no return. If things are not done now we are going to be looking back on this and millions of children will have starved to death, and we’ll all have been aware of this for some time. That will shame us as an international community for years to come.

Eritrea was not specifically included in the recent UN alert, but it should have been.  Much of the country has been hit by a crippling drought, and approximately half of all children in Eritrea are stunted

But we cannot understand why Eritrea is not included in the appeal. Unicef has confirmed what we know from our friends and families inside the country. In a report in January, the agency said that the El Niño drought has hit half of all Eritrea’s regions. Acute malnutrition is widespread. As Unicef put it: “Malnutrition rates already exceeded emergency levels, with 22,700 children under five projected to suffer from severe acute malnutrition in 2017 … Half of all children in Eritrea are stunted, and as a result, these children are even more vulnerable to malnutrition and disease outbreaks.

We have been warned that there would be famines in diverse places in these times. But here in the western world we tend to be lulled into a false sense of security by our comfortable lives, not realizing that the massively inflated standard of living that we have been enjoying has been fueled by the largest mountain of debt in the history of the planet.

In Kenya, a national emergency has been declared due to drought and famine. For those of you that are parents, what would you do if your children were crying out for food but you didn’t have anything to give them? The following story from Kenya is beyond heartbreaking…

Emmanuel Ayapar is three years old and can no longer walk. The flesh on his legs, which dangle from his mother’s hip as she carries him around, is wasting away.

He seems listless and sad, tongue flicking repeatedly in and out of his mouth.

‘We do not have enough food,’ said Veronica, his 28-year-old mother. ‘We eat only once a day.’

The little boy is suffering from severe malnutrition and is at risk of starving to death. He weighs just 15lb – half the typical weight for a boy of his age.

I don’t even know what to say after that.

In the western world we can be so incredibly self-absorbed that we don’t even realize that children are literally starving to death on the other side of the planet.

Hopefully those of us that live in “wealthy” western countries will step up to the plate and aid those in need, and hopefully this crisis will also help us to understand that we need to prepare for the day when things get difficult in our own nations too.

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There is only one Cabinet-level federal Department that is so wasteful — so corrupt (&/or incompetent) — that its financial records can’t even be audited, meaning that no auditors can be found who will certify its books: the Defense Department, otherwise called «the Pentagon» — it’s 54% of the Fiscal Year 2016 federal budget for all Departments of discretionary (i.e., legally non-obligatory) federal spending, as shown here:

Politico and Morning Consult poll, a scientific sampling of 1,992 registered American voters, which was first published on March 8th, asked «Here is a list of federal departments and agencies. For each of the following, please indicate if you think the department or agency should have its annual budget increased, decreased, or kept about the same». Here is what it found:

In other words: as compared to cutting the incredibly wasteful $625 billion Aggression Department (euphemistically called the ‘Defense Department’), Americans are more favorable toward cutting almost all of  the constructive Departments: cutting the State Department (not shown in the pie-chart except as ‘International Affairs’, but it was actually allocated in FY 2017 $37.9 billion), cutting the $41,6 billion that’s shared between the Energy Department and the EPA, and cutting the Interior Department (which expenditures are generally not shown online, such as in the pie-chart above, or here), or Commerce Department (also generally not shown), or HUD (which was allocated $37.5 billion in FY 2017), or Justice (which was allocated $28.7 billion in FY 2017) or Labor (which also is generally not shown), or Agriculture (which also is generally not shown, but might be the $13,3 billion shown on the pie-chart above for «Food & Agriculture»), or Transportation ($27.4 billion on that pie-chart, but generally not shown), or Education ($74.1 billion on that pie-chart, and $68.3 billion allocated for FY 2017).

Furthermore, the $625 billion for ‘Defense’ excludes such things as the CIA, whose costs the federal government does its best to hide from the public, but without the CIA, America’s coups overthrowing foreign governments (such as here), wouldn’t even be possible, notwithstanding that they actually are part of America’s ‘Defense’ expenditures, though not at the Pentagon — so, the $625 billion ‘Defense’ figure is clearly an understatement of the reality (even if those expenditures actually helped produce the 9/11 attacks and overall reduce the safety of Americans — but that’s another question entirely).

Americans Support Increasing Budget of Most Wasteful Federal Department

As is clear from the above, the U.S. federal government does its best to make inscrutable its financial records, and so even organizations that try to inform the public about federal expenditures in ways that the public can easily make sense of, have enormous difficulty doing it, and really cannot do it for all federal Departments; but, by far the most untrustworthy numbers of all are those that are given for ‘Defense’, even though that’s so gigantic that even our federal officials haven’t yet found a way to make ‘Defense’ seem to be less than half of all federal discretionary spending. Americans live (though never informed of this) in a war-state, today’s Sparta, a nation at perpetual war, in order to overthrow (either by the Pentagon or by the CIA) governments around the world that the actual powers-that-be in this country do not like.

The Morning Consult & Politico poll also found that when asked «As you may know, a special prosecutor is generally a lawyer from outside the government who is appointed by the Attorney General or Congress to investigate a government official for misconduct while in office. Do you support or oppose appointing a special prosecutor to investigate alleged ties between Donald Trump‘s campaign staff and Russian government officials?»

37 % «Strongly support» and 17% «Strongly oppose», while 20% «Somewhat support» and 14 % «Somewhat oppose». Given figures like that, the pressure on Congress to pressure the White House on this will be very «Strong». For the Administration to continue to resist would only weaken the Administration. Of course, the lowest support for this came from Republicans (39% «Support» versus 50% «Oppose) and the highest support came from Democrats (75% «Support» versus 16% «Oppose»), but if Trump continues to oppose it, his re-election chances will be greatly damaged because the issue will look worse for him as time goes by and as he continues to resist. 82% of the respondents who said that they had voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016 were in «Support» of «appointing a special prosecutor,» and the 2016 Presidential election was close; so, if Trump continues to oppose on this, he’ll almost certainly be a one-term President — if even that (Democrats could get their wish and overthrow Trump and install Pence instead, though they would actually like President Pence even less, except that his thirst for war against Russia is even greater than what Trump now is showing in order to satisfy Democrats plus John McCain and Lindsey Graham).

There is so much that is essential for the American public to know and to understand, that they are instead confused and misinformed about; but the powers-that-be benefit greatly by the public’s misinformation and confusion, and so it will certainly continue; but is this democracy, or is it dictatorship — and, if the latter, then whom is it actually serving? Who is Big Brother? Actually?

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of  They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of  CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.

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“Fake Scholarship” and the Future of America’s University

March 21st, 2017 by Prof Michel Chossudovsky

Harvard University has established a modern version of the Catholic Church’s Index Librorum Prohibitorum, a list of prohibited online publications which are tagged as “fake” and “false”, broadly following the politically tainted “List” of censored independent and alternative media. As we recall the Catholic Church’s Index was a list of books “deemed heretical, anti-clerical or lascivious”.1 

Ex Cathedra, Harvard has decided in one fell swoop that virtually the entire US based “Alternative Media” pertaining to tens of thousands of authors would be categorized not only as fake news, but fake science, knowledge and analysis.

The Harvard Index however goes far beyond the Catholic Church’s Index which selectively banned books after careful reading, review and evaluation within the Church’s hierarchy. This frivolous decision by Harvard constitutes a violation of the most fundamental principles of  university education which are debate, discussion, critique and analysis.

The Harvard Index acts as a Lynchpin. It establishes a “new normal”, a guideline to colleges and universities across the land, regarding what we can or cannot read, what we can or cannot write. 

Is it a conspiracy? Yes it is.  Harvard’s Index broadly undermines the foundation of University education. It instates academic mediocrity.

In turn, the targeted websites– including Global Research-  are the object of a “wiki-smear” campaign, which has become embedded in online search engines. The latter tend to be increasingly skewed against alternative media content.

The “alternative media” sites are thereby casually tagged as promoting “fake news” and “conspiracy theories”.

Harvard Library lists the “authoritative” “Fact-Checking” sites and Plugins required by both students and professors to detect ‘Fake news”.

The “universus” is the totality of  analysis and conceptualization: debate, discussion, observation, critique, interaction. The University as an institution encompasses the development of knowledge, learning and research in the sciences, humanities, philosophy, history, social sciences, applied sciences, medicine, the study of law and justice, engineering, environmental analysis, policy analysis, management as well as all creative endeavors in the fine arts and music.

The various interrelated disciplines constitute the “universus”, the totality of knowledge, the learning process which characterizes humanity. Collegiality is what unites teachers, researchers (colleagues) within an academic environment in which independence of thought and mutual respect prevail.

Of course there are dominant schools of thought particularly in establishment academic institutions, certainly in the fields of economics and political science; there are vested interests which pervade academia, there is ideology and “politically correct” perspectives which pervade teaching and research.  But there is also plurality of thought and freedom of expression. Students are not discouraged or prevented from reading from an Index of prohibited books and publications.

The university is the place where universal values are debated. The advance of knowledge is humanity’s guiding force.

Harvard established their list without reading or even consulting the contents of the alleged fake online publications.

We’re talking about an extensive archive of hundreds of thousand of articles and authors including award winning scientists, prominent journalists, university professors, Nobel laureates, artists, actors, movie directors, distinguished politicians including  members of the US Congress as well as young and committed authors and bloggers, not to mention university, college and high school students. Ironically, within this extensive archive are numerous university professors, prominent researchers, many of whom coincidentally are graduates of America’s “best” universities (including Harvard).

What are the implications? Is Harvard’s Censorship initiative, as a “leading” Ivy League institution intent upon triggering  a process whereby universities in the US, Canada  and Western Europe establish what is true and what is false, without analysis, dialogue or critique, thereby banning the truth and upholding the lie?

America’s global military agenda, not to mention extensive war crimes is supported by a vast propaganda apparatus which now”officially” includes Harvard University.

What is the endgame?

The filtering out and the eventual closing down of the alternative online media?

The systematic smearing of critical thought?

The transformation of the university into a de facto instrument of indoctrination, where science and knowledge are used to justify police state surveillance and America’s hegemonic wars?

Within America’s universities, the learning process is to be revamped. Alternative views are to be discarded. Critical debate on the geopolitics of war are to be foreclosed.  The criminalization of US politics is not an object of debate within the nation’s colleges and universities.

How is this carried out.

Students –who unduly refer or quote independent or dissident scholars and scientist–  will not be allowed to graduate.

In turn, the universities will not recruit professors and researchers who do not conform to establishment scholarship.

Critical debate and plurality are gradually phased out. It’s a reproductive process which consists in eliminating dissident views within academia.

The American Inquisition

An inquisitorial system is unfolding in some regards similar to the Spanish inquisition. A consensus building process is established within the nation’s institutions of higher learning.  It requires social subordination in areas of analysis and scientific research.

The political consensus cannot be questioned. In its contemporary version, the inquisition requires and demands submission to the notion that war is a means to spreading Western values and democracy. And the university is part of a consensus building process, whereby concepts and realities are turned upside down.

War is peace. The ‘big lie’ becomes the truth … and the real truth becomes a ‘conspiracy theory’.

And a witch hunt against the independent media is launched.

Those who are committed to the Truth are categorized as “Terrorists”. War is upheld as a peace-making endeavor. When war becomes peace, the Lie becomes the truth. There is no turning backwards.

When war is upheld as a humanitarian endeavor,  the judicial system is criminalized, the entire international legal system is turned upside down: pacifism and the antiwar movement are criminalized.

Has Harvard joined the bandwagon, with precise guidelines to its professors and students? Has academia joined the corporate media in obfuscating the unspoken truth, namely that America’s hegemonic wars destroy humanity?

The compliance of intellectuals within “leading”universities and research institutions is crucial to sustaining the “Big Lie”. Opposing the war is taboo within colleges and universities.

The Lie prevails. A world of fantasy permeates the mainstream media. The Universus is fractured and destroyed. Concepts are turned upside down.  Political insanity prevails.

We are at a dangerous crossroads in our history. No more scientific analysis, no more critique: Tactical nuclear weapons (B61-11) “are harmless to the surrounding civilian population because the explosion is underground” (according to co-opted “scientists” on contract the Pentagon). Those who decide on waging nuclear war believe their own propaganda. They are totally ignorant as to the broader consequences of using nuclear weapons.

The danger of a third world war is obfuscated by both the media and academia. University scholarship conforms.

When Propaganda becomes knowledge

Analysis and debate on the impacts of global warfare and the future humanity are foreclosed.  The University now tells us: you have a responsibility to support “humanitarian wars”.

The Big Lie must be exposed for what it is and what it does.

It sanctions the indiscriminate killing of men, women and children.

It destroys families and people. It destroys the commitment of people towards their fellow human beings.

It prevents people from expressing their solidarity for those who suffer. It upholds war and the police state as the sole avenue.

It destroys both nationalism and internationalism.

When the lie becomes the truth there is no turning backwards. (Michel Chossudovsky, When the Lie Becomes the Truth


Break the propaganda and media disinformation nexus.

Rebuild the anti-war movement,

Initiate a broad movement in colleges, universities against “Fake Scholarship”.


1. See Grendler, Paul F. “Printing and censorship” in The Cambridge History of Renaissance Philosophy, Charles B. Schmitt, ed, Cambridge University Press, 1988, pp. 45–46. Quoted by Wikipedia.

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The Planet Is Not Warming Up, But Drying Out!

March 21st, 2017 by Prof. Claudia von Werlhof

Recent satellite data show that there has been no warming up of the planet in general since the late 1990s. This contradicts the normal information given to the public by the IPCC, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, regarded as being the most reliable institution on questions of climate change. This has been the topic of a recent hearing of the US-Senate on the question. It seems that the IPCC is relying on statistical assumptions alone and cannot explain the reality (

It is my thesis that if the planet is not warming up it is nevertheless drying out.

This is a very different perspective, as the drying out does not necessarily have to do with the temperature alone or at all.

The “temperature” may even be a dubious concept.

A growing temperature anywhere on earth is unlikely to be the result of growing CO2 emissions, as contended by the IPCC and others. In fact, if there is a warming up at all, it is not occurring low on earth where the CO2 sinks down, but higher up in the atmosphere.

This is partly due to the ionizing of the Ionosphere through the EM-emissions of “Ionospheric heaters” like Haarp in Alaska and estimated two dozen more installations on the planet.

Additionally something else is coming down from above – the heavy metals sprayed via “solar radiation management”SRM – activities or “stratospheric geoengineering”, as we call it, be it through civil or more likely military geoengineering. They mainly consist of aluminium, barium and other metals and materials.

Something is coming down from above that works as or like a “warming” and effects especially the glaciers in the mountains, and makes them disappear.

Whatever the reasons are, it is clear that we can already foresee a future without sufficient fresh water, as 70% of the freshwater are packed within the glaciers and the ice of the poles.

The melting of the glaciers, therefore, happens without a general warming, and it happens independently from producing CO2 or not.

If we want to stop it, and we will have to stop it, if we want to survive on this planet, we have to know the real reasons why it is happening that the glaciers are melting down – and a very high speed!

Even if they did not affect the overall temperature, the temperatures on the mountains seem to have grown indeed. How and why so? Where does a “temperature” come from, and what else is important for its effect?

A personal experience:

On the 16th of March in 2017, I had to drive by car from Innsbruck in Tirol, Austria, to Salzburg, and back. I started in the morning at about 8.30 and soon I was wondering about the air. It was a sunny day, early spring, and it was if I was driving through a cloud, but not a humid one. It appeared like the summer haze of June/July that is the result of humidity dissolving with the sun rising. But it was only March, and there was no humidity at all. Everything was completely dry, though I could still see the snow in the mountains. Second, I was wondering about the light. Though the sun was blocked by the haze, the light was blinding, very aggressive and bright, but in a strange way, and I had to protect the eyes for not having to look into it. There was dust around on the road, in the fields and the landscapes. It was difficult to concentrate on driving because there were nearly no colours around, the road, the cars and the surroundings looking the same way as if they were all light grey.

Soon I felt my eyes burning and scratching as if some sand had touched them or if I were completely tired and had to close them.

I arrived at the location near Salzburg where I had to do some work together with a friend. Afterwards we sat on her terrace outside in her garden, the faces turned to the sun. I felt, nevertheless, I could nearly not open my eyes, as the aggressive heat of a sun buried behind a thick haze, hit me and burned me, scratched me and made me feel always more uncomfortable.

I thought this to be a rather strange day in spring, where one prefers to go back into the house instead of enjoying one of the first nice days of the year.

Then I drove back to Innsbruck. It was afternoon, and still the same experience. After a while, I started to get angry. The light was still shrill and piercing, I had to put on the sunglasses because otherwise I wouldn’t see enough, something that never has happened to me before. The haze was still everywhere and the landscape could nearly not be seen. Eyes, nose, throat scratching, and very tired and frustrated I approached the city. Suddenly, I had left the “cloud” and drove under a blue sky, the sun full shining and colours appearing around me. At the same moment, the scratching was over, normal breathing, no piercing light any more though the sun was not behind a haze any more….

This was the proof! The whole had to do with the cloud, this dry aggressive, thick and hazy cloud. What was it about?

I first had to go to a Shopping Centre. When I entered it the air was so clean and fresh, that I was shocked realizing the difference with the air I had been breathing the whole day already outside.

When coming home I started thinking about this strange experience. During that night I started to get it:

I had been driving in a SRM – solar radiation management – or stratospheric geoengineering cloud on the ground! They – whoever they are – released it below the stratosphere in the lower troposphere next to the ground! So, what other people and I were experiencing that day was having been inside of a cloud of aluminium, barium and I don’t know what else. A heavy metal like aluminium, however, must have been responsible for the effects of burning and scratching, making the light piercing as it reflects it and functions like a multiple solar panel, together with it being materially in the air – as Nano-particulates! This is why it felt so aggressive, unnatural, disturbed and frustrated.

It felt like an attack on one’s own life.

And – it was unnaturally and aggressively “hot” and super-dry!

Why? This we know:

The aluminium in the sprayings takes all the humidity out of the air, so that even thunderstorms that occur under these conditions pass without a single rain shower.

Didn’t I observe this effect of a drying out of everything many times already?

Didn’t I see the grey dust running through the dry city several days ago as well?

Didn’t two years ago a mountain-wood burned down in Tirol – in the middle of the wettest season of the year in March too?

Didn’t I miss these days where it is raining the whole day, not too much, but going on persistently?

Didn’t I observe this strange aggressive, blinding and piercing light/heat already in the 1990s, which feels like poison?

Yes, it is poison! The difference being only that normally we are not walking in the middle of such a metal cloud, but get it through the air, when it comes down from the stratosphere. This is not so shocking but finally the same…

It makes clear that somebody is experimenting with us, does not like us, and is keen enough to even attack us directly, mocking at us, because most of the people who made the same experience may not have understood it the same way. My way is that we are “weaponized”, turned into metallic monsters, machines that can receive orders or stop living if it is wanted, cyborgs that have started to not live a genuine organic life anymore… science fiction becoming real?

There is, nevertheless, something,which exceeds my personal feeling and experience.

The glaciers’ experience?

It has to do with the fact that SRM-sprayings or stratospheric geoengineering-measures are taking place every day and everywhere on this planet, their effects being maybe comparable. Using heavy metals, the sprayings attract and absorb the humidity of the air, reflect the white of the glaciers and turn it into piercing light and local heat as if working with millions of mirrors or solar panels, burning and drying down snow and ice, leaving a dry rocky poisoned desert…

If this is the real reason, why the glaciers are melting or “drying down”, why did nobody find out about it yet, or did not make it public, and what does this mean?

It means that it is not CO2, which is responsible for the melting of glaciers, and it is not a general warming, but an “artificial”, local one, combined with/ expressed in a drying process. This “warming” is the result of the artificial existence of metals in the air, that change the air and the temperature at the same time, drying the humidity of the air radically out and producing an artificial, non-meteorological “heat”, resulting from the meeting of metallic mirrors with snow/ice, dry air and sunlight.

Related image

It may be a “collateral damage” of the activities of people who gain from it – be it for businesses at the stock exchange, be it for gaining much, much power over this planet. Because, what do we know about geoengineering and its aims and methods, even beyond SRM-sprayings? We know, for instance, that the latter are needed in order to guide EM-waves, to guide storms and freak weather, and to build bridges over Ozone holes…

This means that we would need to change nothing less than profit-interests and even military ones in order to save the glaciers and with them our freshwater and our future as humanity.

Why is it not enough that these interest groups must have an interest in saving them too?

Of the Arctic, by the way, we know that it is melting, because Electromagnetic extreme low frequency –“ELF”-waves – have been used to produce this effect, starting in 1974 already. The interests behind that crime have won. They can now get to the resources under the ice shield… They started to do it already.

Again, all this has nothing to do with CO2 and “global warming”…

What can we, the people, do? What should we do to stop these crimes going on? Together with the soil, the air and the sun, the light, it is the element Water that is now endangered, representing literally our soul itself, the Love we may feel for this life… or not anymore? It is time to take a decision. Without enough freshwater there will be nearly no life on earth anymore. We have to stop Geoengineering!

Claudia von Werlhof is Professor of Political Science and Women’s Studies, University Innsbruck, Austria. 

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No Evidence Of Collusion Between Trump And Russia

March 21st, 2017 by Stephen Lendman

Asked by Fox News host Chris Wallace about any evidence between “Trump world” and Russia on Sunday, House Intelligence Committee chairman Devin Nunes (R. CA) said:

“I’ll give you a very simple answer: no,” adding he’s “up to speed on everything. No evidence of collusion” was found between Trump’s campaign and Russia.

On March 8, said “(i)ntelligence sources say that the FBI investigated a computer tied to Donald Trump’s business but there’s no evidence to date that would warrant criminal charges against any of the president’s associates.”

“(M)onths-long FBI counterintelligence investigation” found no evidence of improper ties between Trump and/or his associates and Russia – no illegal contacts, financial transactions or encrypted communications. Nothing!

An unnamed US official was quoted, saying “I’ve never seen a case so misrepresented and leaks so damaging to a process that was meant to be conducted in secret.”

On Monday, FBI director James Comey and NSA head Mike Rogers will testify before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence on alleged Russian US election hacking during the 2015-16 presidential campaign, along with allegations of Trump ties to Russia.

No evidence proves baseless claims. None was publicly presented. None exists. Yet false accusations persist, a deep state scheme to bash Russia and delegitimize Trump, wanting him undermined for the wrong reasons, likely aiming to remove him from office by impeachment, conviction, resignation or more sinister means.

DNC emails were leaked, not hacked, discussed in previous articles, including a Sputnik News interview with former UK ambassador to Uzbekistan Craig Murray.

He explained claims about Russian US election hacking were fabricated.

“The source of these emails and leaks has nothing to do with Russia at all,” he said.

“I discovered what the source was when I attended the Sam Adam‘s whistleblower award in Washington,” he explained. “The source of these emails comes from within official circles in Washington DC. You should look to Washington not to Moscow.”

“WikiLeaks has never published any material received from the Russian government or from any proxy of the Russian government. It’s simply a completely untrue claim designed to divert attention from the content of the material.”

Misinformation and Big Lies repeated enough get most people to believe them. A GenForward poll published Friday showed over half of respondents aged 18 – 30 consider Trump illegitimate.

Only 22% approve of him, 62% disapprove. A new Gallup poll showed his approval at 37%, his lowest showing since taking office.

He entered office with a 45% approval rating. Relentless bashing took its toll. His disturbing agenda so far makes it hard to win support.

He warrants criticism for the right reasons, not the wrong ones, not for any improper relations with Russia. Nothing suggests any exist.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected].

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”

Visit his blog site at

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On 21 March, the International Day of Forests, 200 organisations are reminding the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) that its misleading forest definition dating back to 1948 must be changed.

The definition has allowed the plantations industry to hide the devastating ecological and social impacts of large-scale monoculture tree plantations behind a positive forest image.

FAO’s forest definition has allowed the plantations industry to call their monoculture plantations of fast-growing species such as eucalyptus, pine, rubber or acacia “forests” because it defines a forest only by the number, height and canopy cover of trees on an area. The FAO forest definition has been used as blueprint for over 200 national and international forest definitions since 1948.

Under the guise of this FAO forest definition, the industry has been able to expand fast, especially in the global South, where monoculture tree plantations now cover some several tens of millions of hectares of land. This expansion has brought misery to countless rural and peasant communities, and indigenous peoples. Families have lost land and livelihood where monoculture tree plantations have taken their land, destroyed their way of life, dried up their water springs and streams and poisoned their food with agro-toxins. (1)

“For almost 70 years, the misleading FAO forest definition has served the tree plantations industry well. They have hidden the destruction caused when diverse forests, grasslands and peatlands overflowing with life are converted into ‘green deserts’ made up of monoclonal trees in straight rows behind the positive forest image provided by the FAO,” says Winfridus Overbeek, international coordinator of the World Rainforest Movement.

Forest restoration as climate protection debate adds urgency to get forest definition right

“With the adoption of the UN Paris Agreement on climate change, revision of this FAO forest definition takes on additional urgency”, says Guadalupe Rodríguez from Salva la Selva/Rettet den Regenwald, “it would be a tragedy if the misleading FAO definition makes expansion of these damaging tree monocultures eligible for climate funds earmarked for “reforestation” and “forest restoration.”  This would not only harm even more communities where tree plantations take over land used by villagers but also undermine climate protection: Carbon-rich forests could be destroyed and be replaced by monoculture tree plantations with countries claiming that according to the FAO forest definition, no forest area has been lost – despite the massive loss of carbon, biodiversity, water sources and local livelihoods when forests are replaced by monoculture plantations.

An example where the deliberate mis-labelling of plantations as forests allows the plantations industry to tap into climate funds is the ‘African Forests Restoration initiative’ (AFR100). Launched at the 2015 UN climate meeting, it aims to cover 100 million hectares that participating African governments consider “degraded” lands. The World Bank will make USD 1 billion available for this plan – and relies on the FAO forest definition to define eligibility for funding. Unsurprisingly, one of the most controversial tree plantations companies operating in Africa, the Norwegian-based Green Resources (2), was among the keynote speakers at a 2016 conference in Ghana, where the implementation of the AFR 100 initiative was prominent on the agenda.

2017 FAO International Forests Day theme ‘Forests & Energy’ shows urgent need to change forest definition 

“Industrialized countries’ unsustainable energy demand combined with their new quest for ‘renewable’ energy is already converting forests in the global South into industrial ‘biomass’ plantations. Yet, the word ‘plantation’ does not appear once on the FAO’s “Key messages” webpage for the International Forests Day 2017″, says Wally Menne of the Timberwatch Coalition, South Africa. For example, to fuel all of the UK’s energy requirements through eucalyptus­-based biomass would require some 55 million hectares of plantation in Brazil – an area larger than twice the size of the UK.

200 groups today join the more than 130 thousand groups and individuals who called on the FAO in 2015 to rise to the challenge and urgently change the FAO forest definition because tree plantations are not forests.


World Rainforest Movement:

Winfridus Overbeek

Timberwatch Coalition:

Wally Menne

Rettet den Regenwald:

Guadalupe Rodriguez


(1) The letter sent to FAO today can be found here. It is also available in SpanishFrench and Portuguese.

(2) In response to the 2015 petition signed by over 130,000 people calling on FAO to change its forest definition, the FAO claims that its role is merely to harmonize the different national and international forest definitions of forests elaborated since 1948. However, the letter sent today shows how this view ignores that in fact, the FAO forest definition is THE reference for many of the national definitions, in the UN climate talks, in initiatives such as AFR100, etc.

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Mainstream Media In Total Collapse

March 21st, 2017 by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

Few any longer believe the “mainstream media,” that is, the presstitutes. This has put the presstitutes into a panic as they lose their value to the ruling elite if they cannot control the explanations in order to justify the self-serving agendas of the ruling elite.

To fight back against the alternative media that does tell the truth, a secret group, PropOrNot, as well hidden as an an offshore money-laundering operation, published a list of 200 websites accused of being “Russian agents/dupes.”

PropOrNot’s effort to discredit truth-tellers was hurt by the site’s anonymity.

Consequently, the next list appeared on the website of the Harvard University library, where it is attributed to a Melissa Zimdars of whom no one has ever previously heard. The websites on the list are also on the PropOrNot list, but those of us on Zimdars’ list are no longer “Russian agents/dupes,” merely purveyors of “fake news.”

None of my readers agree that I provide fake news. Indeed, when I tried to retire, my readers demanded that I continue providing them with reliable information as they understand that the presstitute media consists of lies.

Now I hear from bloggers in France that the French newspaper Le Monde has posted a list of conspiratorial news sites, and, yes, French sites that translate and post my columns in the French language are on the list.

It appears that the campaign against truth is being extended to the entirety of the American Empire.

Just as the Washington Post and the Harvard Library made themselves look ridiculous and had to put some distance between themselves and the lists that they publicized, Le Monde will also. Not only was I a columnist for leading French newspapers, such as Liberation (Paris) in the late 1980s and for Le Figaro (Paris) in the early to mid-1990s, but also I was awarded the French Legion of Honor by the President of France in 1987. The honor was personally presented to me at the French Embassy in Washington, D.C., by the French Minister of Economics and Finance, and later Prime Minister, Edourad Balladur, at a grand party at which top level Reagan Administration officials attended bearing a letter from the President of the United States congratulating France for recognizing my contributions.

That Le Monde would post such a list proves the truth of Udo Ulfkotte’s statement in his well known book that there is no significant journalist anywhere in Europe that is not on the CIA payroll.

I have wondered if the PropOrNor list was a creation of the presstitute media, such as CNN, New York Times, Washington Post, NPR, MSNBC, in order to protect their monopoly over explanations, or whether it was a creation of the CIA in an effort to protect the presstitutes who serve the CIA by controlling the explanations that gullible and ignorant people receive. I suspect that the list is a creation of the CIA or the Department of State. It is a desperate act by those who have lost credibility to keep control over explanations.

The world of lies that comprises life in the Western world and hides reality from the people has destroyed all justification for the West’s long hegemony over humanity. Today the West, corrupt, violent, greedy beyond all measure, evil beyond Satan, is a collection of populations comfortable with the mass murder of millions of Muslims in many countries. When evil can go without challenge, what hope does humanity have?

The Harvard Library website, perhaps in response to criticism, has now identified Melissa Zimdars as an assistant professor of communication at Merrimack College.

The library distances itself from the list by declaring it to be “an informal list.” The library still has a link to Zimdars’ list of fake news websites, but the link opens to something else. Stephen Lendman provided a copy of Zimdars’ list on Global Research (Read Harvards Fake Guide To Fake News Sites. Americas 21st Century “Index Librorum Prohibitorum“). Notice that WikiLeaks is on Zimdars’ list, which shows Zimdars’ absurdity. WikiLeaks posts no commentary or news, only vetted documents. Here is Zimdars’ list:

  • 21st Century Wire
  • Activist Post
  • Before Its
  • Black Agenda Report
  • Boiling Frogs Post
  • Common Dreams
  • Consortium News
  • Corbett Report
  • Countercurrents
  • CounterPunch
  • David Stockman Contracorner
  • Fort Russ
  • Freedoms Phoenix
  • Global Research
  • The Greanville Post
  • Information Clearing House
  • Intellihub
  • Intrepid Report
  • Lew Rockwell
  • Market Oracle
  • Mint Press News
  • Moon of Alabama
  • Naked Capitalism
  • Natural News
  • Nomi Prins
  • Off-Guardian
  • Paul Craig Roberts
  • Rense
  • Rinf
  • Ron Paul Institute
  • Ruptly TV
  • Russia-Insider
  • Sgt Report
  • ShadowStats
  • Shift Frequency
  • – my alma mater (Harvard) recommends avoiding my writing; new articles posted daily; featuring truth-telling on major issues
  • Solari
  • South Front
  • Sputnik News
  • Strategic
  • The Anti-Media
  • The Duran
  • The Intercept
  • The People’s Voice
  • The Saker
  • The Sleuth Journal
  • Third World Traveler
  • Voltairenet
  • What Really Happened
  • Who What Why
  • WikiLeaks
  • Zero Hedge
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First published in May 2015, this article confirms that the US led coalition is behind the Islamic State (ISIS).  

Washington has now acknowledged in no uncertain terms that the ISIS is responsible for genocide in Syria, which begs the question as to Washington’s role in liaison with Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey in channelling support to the Islamic State.  

Michel Chossudovsky, GR Editor. May 21, 2017

*      *      *

The US-led coalition now attempting to appear as though they are fighting ISIS knowingly aided the rise of the Islamic State for the purpose of isolating Assad and combating expanding Iranian influence. 

At least as far back as August of 2012 the very same anti-IS coalition knew full well that the precursors to ISIS, al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) and Islamic State in Iraq (ISI), dominated the Syrian opposition along with other al-Qaeda affiliated groups. 

They knew that AQI was declining during 2009-10, yet was resurrected due to the insurgency in Syria.  In spite of this, the US and her allies continued to provide aid, funding, weaponry, and training to these same extremist groups, specifically seeing their rise (and the horrendous crimes against humanity that they partook in) as a strategic asset for their geopolitical aims. 

The rise of the Islamic State was not only predicted, it was the expressed aim of the powers sponsoring the sectarian Syrian opposition for the purpose of opposing Assad and containing Iran.  Despite the fact that the rise of an Islamic State was predicted to have dire consequences for Iraq, including the fall of Mosul and Ramadi, support from the US-coalition to the Syrian opposition continued to manifest, leading to the conclusion that this was either the expressed intent, or an accepted byproduct of these policy decisions. 

A 7-page Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) document dated to August of 2012, recently released under a Freedom Of Information Act, request specifically states that the Syrian opposition was by that time “taking a clear sectarian direction,” and that “the Salafist, the Muslim Brotherhood, and AQI are the major forces driving the insurgency in Syria.”

AQI, the precursor to the Islamic State, as well “supported the Syrian opposition from the beginning,” and had “a regression… during the years of 2009 and 2010; however, after the rise of the insurgency in Syria, the religious and tribal powers in the regions began to sympathize with the sectarian uprising.”  Despite these facts, it was “the West, Gulf countries, and Turkey [who] support[ed] the opposition,” while “Russia, China, and Iran support[ed] the regime.”

Furthermore, it was predicted by the DIA that “ISI (Islamic State in Iraq) could also declare an Islamic State through its union with other terrorist organization in Iraq and Syria” and that “there is a possibility of establishing a declared or undeclared Salafist principality in eastern Syria.”  This is exactly what transpired in the years after 2012 with the declaration of the Islamic State.  Yet not only was this a possibility, this was instead “exactly what the supporting powers to the opposition want, in order to isolate the Syrian regime, which is considered the strategic depth of the Shia expansion” with Iran and Iraq being labelled as integral parts of this expansion.  The supporting powers are said to be “the West, Gulf countries, and Turkey.”

The report goes on to state that “the future assumptions of the crisis” are that “the regime will survive” and that the current events are developing “into a proxy war” between Iran-Russia-China and the West, Gulf, and Turkey.  Further, the report accurately predicts the fall of Mosul and Ramadi, stating that

“the deterioration of the situation has dire consequences on the Iraqi situation… This creates the ideal atmosphere for AQI to return to its old pockets in Mosul and Ramadi, and will provide a renewed momentum under the presumption of unifying the jihad among Sunni Iraq and Syria, and the rest of the Sunnis in the Arab world against what it considers one enemy, the dissenters.”

This could as well “create grave danger in regards to unifying Iraq and the protection of its territory.”

This document was classified as “secret” and distributed to the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of State, the DIA, FBI, CIA, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of State, Central Command, and other agencies.  It is an Intelligence Information Report, not a “finally evaluated intelligence” assessment, yet its information was vetted before distribution.

Therefore the US-led coalition that is now “fighting” ISIS continually supported an opposition it knew to be dominated by sectarian extremists, lying to the public while describing them instead as “moderates,” and predictably knew that this support would result in the establishment of an “Islamic State” and further continued to aid in such an establishment in order to weaken and oppose Assad and combat Iranian expansion.  It is a tenant of law that the “doer of an act must be taken to have intended its natural and foreseeable consequences.”(1)  Therefore, even absent the documents own admission of complicity of intent given that the rise of ISIS was a “natural and foreseeable consequence” of continually aiding the sectarian opposition the US and her allies must therefore be taken to have intended this outcome.

Furthermore, the document specifically demarcating Iraq as a center for unwanted Iranian “Shia”expansion while accurately predicting the fall of both Mosul and Ramadi to Sunni extremists, thereby assuring against such an expansion, all lead to the conclusion that the recent ISIS gains in both of these cities was not something that the US opposed, but instead something that it desired.  Given that the fall of Mosul and Ramadi too were “natural and foreseeable consequences”, given as well the severely questionable ways in which each city fell and the fact that although these outcomes were predictable the US-coalition still continued the policies that were known to lead to them, the US and her allies must therefore be taken to have intended these outcomes as well, either directly or indirectly.

The fall of Mosul in June of 2014 it must be remembered was, as described by Noam Chomsky,

“pretty remarkable.  In fact, western military analysts were astonished.  Remember what happened, Iraq has an army, and the Iraqi army knows how to fight.  During the Iran-Iraq war that army fought hard and viciously, and in fact ultimately won the war, with US support.  There was an Iraqi army of 350,000 men, armed to the teeth with all kinds of advanced weapons.  They had been trained by the United States for over a decade.  They were faced by a couple of thousand lightly armed jihadi’s.  First thing that happened was all the generals ran away. Then all the troops ran away, leaving their weapons behind them.  And then the jihadi forces just marched into Mosul and then into large parts of Iraq.  It was a pretty amazing phenomenon, it tells you a lot if you think about it.”

Furthermore “the Iraqi security forces disintegrated and fled, the rout led by their commanding officers,” one Iraqi army soldier describing that

“on the morning of June 10 his commanding officer told the men to stop shooting, hand over their rifles to the insurgents, take off their uniforms, and get out of the city.”(2)

Mosul was simply given away to by a battle-hardened army of 350,000 men to a lightly armed brigade of roughly 1,300 Islamists(3), the commanding military officers specifically ordering their subordinates to leave their weapons for the jihadi’s and to flee.  Had this “remarkable” fall been desired by the US-coalition in order to “isolate” the “strategic depth of Shia expansion” in Iraq?  Or rather “Had the senior Iraqi commanders been instructed by their Western military advisers to hand over the city to the ISIS terrorists? Were they co-opted?” as Professor Michel Chossudovsky had asked when this occurred?

Similarly, the more recent fall of Ramadi is equally as dubious.  The US-led coalition, which had promised to defend Iraq against the Islamic State, basically allowed Ramadi to fall, conducting only 7 airstrikes during the battle, which is such a low number as to be completely irrelevant.  The remarkably weak excuse was that a great sandstorm had prevented them from conducting regular attacks.  This despite the fact that the next day ISIS was holding victory parades among perfectly clear skies, the militants assembling in massive rows down the wide open street.With no “sandstorm” excuse, airstrikes could have easily wiped out entire factions of the extremists the US is supposedly fighting, yet none occurred.  Why?  Had this too been desired by the US-coalition in order to “isolate” the “strategic depth of Shia expansion” in Iraq?

Wahda Al-Jumaili, an advisor to Iraq’s parliamentary speaker, speaking of the city’s fall the day after stated “Whether this was the result of treason, neglect, or conspiracy, or a regional or international plot… Even the international coalition has played a bad role.  People saw the international coalition dropping weapons for ISIS.  They dropped heavy weaponry to the forces of terrorism in Ramadi.  This is an act of treason by the international coalition forces.”

This, however, is not the first time an Iraqi politician has accused the US-coalition of dropping weapons and aid to ISIS, this is instead a phenomenon that has been going on for some time now, in one incident two British planes were even shot down by the Iraqi’s under charges that they were dropping weapons to ISIS.  Photographic evidence was taken of the downed planes.  Iraqi parliamentarian Jome Divan stated that “The international coalition is only an excuse for protecting the ISIL and helping the terrorist group with equipment and weapons.  The coalition has not targeted ISIL’s main positions in Iraq.”  This being only one of a plethora of Iraqi politicians who have consistently been making these claims for some time now.

In any event the spillover to Iraq and the fall of Mosul and Ramadi were predictable consequences of the Wests’ Syria policy, and in some instances it appears as though the West aided in their fall, so at the very least they were an accepted consequence in the strategy against Syria and Iran, and at the worst they were an intended partition of Iraq.

Given this, and the fact that the US-coalition continuously aided the sectarian Syrian opposition knowing full well that this would then lead to an “Islamic State”, the consequence of which was the predictable fall of Mosul and Ramadi, coupled with the unbelievable manner in which both fell, it would be wise to consider the numerous Iraqi politicians claims very seriously, and to seriously question whether or not the fall of these cities really does have a more believable, albeit much more sinister, explanation behind them.


1.)   International Court of Justice, Advisory Opinion on the Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons (1996), “Dissenting Opinion of Judge Weeramantry,” Chapter III, “Humanitarian Law,” section 10, “Specific rules of the humanitarian laws,” (a) “The prohibition against causing unnecessary suffering” (emphasis in original).

2.)   Cockburn, Patrick. “The Rise of ISIS.” The Rise of Islamic State: ISIS and the New Sunni Revolution. Brooklyn, NY: Verso, 2015. 15. Print.

3.)   Ibid, 11.


Steven Chovanec is an independent geopolitical analyst and writer based in Chicago, IL.  He is a student of International Studies and Sociology at Roosevelt University and conducts independent, open-source research into geopolitics and social issues.  His writings can be found at, find him on Twitter @stevechovanec.

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Activists carried out some actions in solidarity with the Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions (BDS) movement which targets Israeli apartheid.

Israel’s Crime of Apartheid: UN Agency Head’s Forced Resignation

By Stephen Lendman, March 19 2017

Pro-Western UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres showed he’s no different from his disgraceful predecessors. He acted on orders from Washington. The Palestinian BDS National Committee denounced him for removing from the UN’s web site a report “Israel does not want you to read,” it said.


The Complete Censored ESCWA Report: “Israel Practices towards the Palestinian People and the Question of Apartheid”

By Richard Falk and Virginia Tilley, March 19 2017

The decision by the UN Secretary General to remove this report points to the criminalization of the United Nations. Censorship is applied by the UN body on the explicit instructions of the US government, which alongside Israel is responsible for extensive war crimes against the people of the Middle East.

Trump-Mexico war

Trump Slips into ‘Endless War’ Cycle

By James W Carden, March 18 2017

Trump, it turns out, seems every bit as captive to the bipartisan foreign policy consensus as was his predecessor. Many supporters of Barack Obama held the errant hope that Obama would finally break the cycle of wars begun a quarter-century ago when George H.W. Bush launched Operation Desert Storm against Iraq and in defense of desert petro-states, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. Trump partisans may object that he’s only been in office for about two months. Give him time, they say. That’s fair enough, but it is worth reviewing Trump’s foreign policy record up to this point.


Rwanda: Human Rights Watch and the Absolute Truth

By Ann Garrison, March 18 2017

Human Rights Watch (HRW) is well known for accepting U.S. wars of aggression so long as they’re conducted according to the Geneva Conventions. HRW famously crusades for the same U.S. wars of aggression for the purpose of protecting citizens of other nations from their own governments. Its warmongering catechism includes Halabja, Rwanda, Srebrenica and now Aleppo, all of which it cites as failures to protect civilians that compel the U.S. to humanitarian war evermore.

fake news

Propaganda, Fake News, and Media Lies: The Diabolical Business of Global Public Relations Firms

By Peter Phillips, March 18 2017

The expansion of  public relations and propaganda (PRP) firms inside news systems in the world today has resulted in a deliberate form of news management. Maintenance of continuous news shows requires a constant and ever-entertaining supply of stimulating events and breaking news bites. Corporate media are increasingly dependent on various government agencies and PRP firms as sources of news.


The Information Superhighway, The Feeling of Absurdity, Something is Inherently Wrong, Buried in a Snowstorm…

By Edward Curtin, March 20 2017

Wherever you go in the US, you sense a generalized panic and an inability to slow down and focus. Depression, anxiety, hopelessness fill the air. Most people sense that something is seriously wrong, but don’t know exactly what.

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Ações anti-imigração deve-se ao racismo de Washington

March 20th, 2017 by Prof. Marjorie Cohn

“Se os EUA realmente quisesse acabar com o terrorismo, atacaria os terroristas brancos de direita dentro dos EUA e imporia um maior controle sobre quem pode obter armas”, afirma a jurista Marjorie Cohn

A Ordem Executiva que proíbe a entrada de cidadãos islamitas originários de sete países de maioria muçulmana – Iraque, Síria, Irã, Líbia, Somália, Sudão e Iêmen -, que inclui suspensão por 120 dias do ingresso de refugiados de todas as partes do mundo nos Estados Unidos, além da nova onda de deportação em massa de imigrantes indocumentados, tem gerado ressonantes protestos por parte de juristas, jornalistas, ativistas por direitos humanos e cidadãos comuns, dentro e fora do país ao norte do Rio Bravo.

O presidente Trump também promete manter aberta a prisão de Guantánamo, e os métodos de tortura contra suspeitos de terrorismo (arbitrariamente assim acusados segundo os critérios do Poder Executivo, independente do Judiciário).

No primeiro caso, a administração de Trump desconsidera que, segundo pesquisa do FBI, ataques terroristas dentro dos Estados Unidos por parte de islamitas possui incidência muito baixa, atrás de judeus e dos próprios cidadãos norte-americanos, inclusive os inúmeros crimes branco-racistas e religiosos, por parte de cristãos fundamentalistas. Tampouco leva em conta que nos remotos atentatos de 11 de setembro de 2001, segundo a versão oficial (no mínimo, questionável) a maior parte dos sequestradores dos quatro aviões era originários da Arábia Saudita (aliada histórica dos Estados Unidos no Oriente Médio) e do Egito.

No caso dos imigrantes ilegais, especialmente latino-americanos em grande vítimas de pobreza e opressão em seus países de origem outrora invadidos e vítimas de boicotes, de golpes e de governos autoritários apoiados pelos Estados Unidos, a administração de Trump manipula dados, com base no velho discurso patriótico e com forte apelo moralista, que apontam que crimes cometidos por imigrantes em solo norte-americano são muito menores em comparação aos cometidos por cidadãos estadunidenses.

Estudo publicado em 28 de fevereiro no sítio norte-americano de pesquisas Pew Research por Steve Rattner, conselheiro de Barack Obama em 2009 para a Força Tarefa da Indústria Automobilística, revela que “enquanto 25 por cento dos nativos de 16 anos de idade estiveram envolvidos em pelo menos um crime no ano passado, entre os recém-chegados o número esteve em cerca de 16 por cento”. E em todas as outras faixas etárias, segundo mostra o gráfico elaborado por Rattner, cidadãos norte-americanos cometem mais crimes que imigrantes.

Tudo isso, além de ambas as medidas aprovadas por Trump logo que assumiu a Presidência, cumprindo promessas de campanha, são questionadas por juristas. A Corte Suprema dos Estados Unidos vetou a Ordem Executiva que proíbe a entrada de muçulmanos oriundos dos sete países mencionados, e de refugiados. Donald Trump, que contestou a decisão da Justiça alegando que ela fere o Poder Executivo e torna a sociedade norte-americana mais vulnerável a ataques terroristas, promete nova proposta a fim de restringir a entrada islamitas em seu país, ao invés de entrar com recurso para reverter a ordem judicial.

Procurada por Caros Amigos, a renomada jurista norte-americana Marjorie Cohn analisa nesta entrevista ambas as questões, sendo bastante enfática quando afirma que o Poder Judiciário dos Estados Unidos tem a prerrogativa de vetar qualquer Ordem Executiva que viole a Constituição do País, o que é o caso agora, segundo ela.

Para a doutora Cohn, o que move o presidente Trump é o racismo e no preconceito anti-muçulmano, no afã de “embranquecer” a sociedade norte-americana. “Se o governo dos Estados Unidos realmente quisesse acabar com o terrorismo, atacaria os terroristas brancos de direita dentro dos Estados Unidos e imporia um maior controle sobre quem pode obter armas”, afirma a jurista.

Marjorie Cohn, analista política e autora de diversos livros no campo jurídico, é professora emérita na Thomas Jefferson School of Law, onde lecionou por 25 anos. Está constantemente na mídia e ministra palestras em todo o mundo sobre direitos humanos e política externa de seu paí.

Confira a íntegra da entrevista, a seguir.

Caros Amigos: O presidente Donald Trump afirma que nenhum Tribunal pode se opor a uma Ordem Executiva (OE). No caso da suspensão da Suprema Corte dos EUA em relação à suspensão da OE que proíbe cidadãos muçulmanos, oriundos de sete países de maioria muçulmana de entrarem nos Estados Unidos, ele diz que a Corte atua contra a segurança nacional. “A ordem de Trump é destinada a proteger a pátria e o povo norte-americano, e o presidente não tem dever e responsabilidade maior do que fazer isso”, disse Gillian Christensen, secretária de imprensa do Departamento de Segurança Interna, ao anunciar a suspensão da OE. Sua análise sobre isso, por favor, professora doutora Marjorie Cohn.

Marjorie Cohn: O presidente tem o dever de proteger a segurança nacional dos Estados Unidos, mas ele não pode tomar ações ilegais. A Constituição dos Estados Unidos tem três ramos do governo: o Executivo (presidente), o Legislativo (Congresso), e o Judiciário (tribunais).

O Poder Judiciário tem o poder de revisar qualquer ação do presidente para se certificar de que ela não viola a Constituição. Quatro juízes dos Estados Unidos decidiram que há uma boa chance de que, após uma audiência completa tenha lugar, a proibição muçulmana será considerada inconstitucional.

Além do mais, não houve ataques terroristas nos Estados Unidos por pessoas dos sete países listados.

Como a senhora vê a atual onda de deportações de imigrantes indocumentados?

Os imigrantes cometem menos crimes e utilizam-se de menos benefícios sociais que os cidadãos dos Estados Unidos, e eles contribuem muito para a economia do país.

A decisão do governo norte-americano de deportar muito mais imigrantes indocumentados, mesmo que eles não tenham cometido crimes, não se baseia em considerações de segurança nacional. É uma tentativa racista de tornar a América mais branca, e menos diversificada.

Por que o governo dos Estados Unidos deveria legalizar os imigrantes indocumentados, em vez de deportá-los? A administração de Trump diz que está agindo de acordo com a lei.

Todo mundo nos Estados Unidos, exceto os nativos norte-americanos, vieram ao País como um imigrantes. As leis de imigração dos Estados Unidos preveem asilo e legalização.

Trump está ordenando que funcionários deportem mais pessoas, o que dividirá famílias e enviará pessoas que contribuíram para a sociedade norte-americana. Trump não está tentando proteger a América. Ele está tentando tornar a América mais branca.

Retornando á questão dos seguidores do Islã e os Estados Unidos, tem havido importantes considerações de que a histeria do presidente Trump contra os muçulmanos esconde interesses imperialistas no Oriente Médio, usando a velha estratégia da “Guerra Santa” para espalhar bases militares naquela região e obter recursos naturais. A mencionada Ordem Executiva de Trump assinada no final de janeiro coincidiu com a confirmação do republicano Mike Pompeo como chefe da CIA: Pompeo é republicano do Tea Party e favorece a reintegração de “waterboarding” (tortura por afogamento simulado), entre outras técnicas de tortura. Ele vê os muçulmanos como ameaça ao cristianismo e à civilização ocidental. O presidente Trump também é identificado como “radical, extremista cristão” que acredita que a “Guerra Global contra o Terrorismo” constitui uma “Guerra entre o Islã e o Cristianismo”. Qual sua opinião sobre isso, professora doutora Marjorie Cohn?

Steve Bannon, que aparentemente é o principal conselheiro de Trump, também tem essa filosofia. Mas o general Mattis, secretário de Defesa de Trump, se opõe à tortura. Resta saber quem Trump irá ouvir.

Como a senhora avalia as intenções do presidente Trump, de usar métodos de tortura tal como “waterboarding” e de manter a prisão de Guantánamo aberta?

“Waterboarding” é tortura, e tortura é ilegal segundo a lei dos Estados Unidos, e de acordo com a lei internacional. A Convenção contra a Tortura e Outros Tratamentos ou Penas Cruéis, Desumanos ou Degradantes (Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment), assim como o Pacto Internacional de Direitos Civis e Políticos proíbe a tortura e os tratamentos cruéis. A partir do momento que os Estados Unidos ratificaram estes dois tratados, eles fazem parte da lei do País sob a Cláusula de Supremacia da Constituição dos Estados Unidos.

Os Estados Unidos ocupam ilegalmente Guantánamo, dado que os tratados entre os Estados Unidos e Cuba limitaram o uso de Guantánamo a uma estação de carvão ou naval, e não a uma prisão. O governo norte-americano deve fechar a prisão e devolver Guantánamo ao seu legítimo proprietário, que é Cuba.

O presidente Trump não age dessa maneira, proibindo islamitas de entrar no país e deportando agressivamente muitos trabalhadores dos Estados Unidos, para além do racismo, baseado também em uma mentalidade imperialista e em uma religião fundamentalista?

A proibição muçulmana e o aumento das deportações de imigrantes baseiam-se numa filosofia racista, nativista e anti-muçulmana. Essa política aparentemente vem do estrategista-chefe do presidente Trump, Steve Bannon, que acredita firmemente na supremacia branca.

Se o governo dos Estados Unidos realmente quisesse acabar com o terrorismo, atacaria os terroristas brancos de direita dentro dos Estados Unidos e imporia um maior controle sobre quem pode obter armas.

Em termos sociais, professora Cohn, quais serão as conseqüências para a sociedade norte-americanadessa Ordem Executiva e da deportação de imigrantes ilegais, a médio e longo prazo?

A economia e a sociedade dos Estados Unidos sofrerão se esses imigrantes indocumentados forem deportados, já que eles são uma parte importante da sociedade do País. Eles contribuem para a economia realizando um importante trabalho, e pagando impostos.

Deportá-los enviará um sinal ao mundo de que os Estados Unidos são um país mesquinho, que não valoriza a diversidade.

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Israel Escalating Aggression In Syria

March 20th, 2017 by Stephen Lendman

On Sunday, Lebanon’s al-Manar TV said an Israeli drone struck a car in Quneitra province near Golan in southwest Syria, killing two members of the National Defense Forces, allied with Syria’s military.

An IDF spokesperson declined to comment on the incident. Syrian media didn’t report it. Eyewitnesses said Israeli planes breached Syrian airspace in areas bordering both countries.

In January, an Israeli helicopter attack killed an Iranian general and several Hezbollah fighters in Quneitra province, including the son of the group’s late military commander, Jihad Mughniyeh.

Sunday social media reports said senior Hezbollah officer Yasser Assayed was one of the individuals killed when the vehicle he was traveling in was attacked by an Israeli drone.

Separately on Sunday, IDF chief of staff Gadi Eisenkot said

Israeli forces are monitoring “changes in the Lebanon and Syrian sectors. In Lebanon, Hezbollah continues its efforts to rearm with lethal and more precise weaponry whose purpose is to hit the Israeli home front…”

“The recent declarations from Beirut make it clear that in a future war, the targets will be clear: Lebanon and the organizations operating under its authority and its approval. We are protecting our security interests and acting to prevent weapons transfers to Hezbollah and will make every effort to prevent it in the future as well.”

Fact: Hezbollah poses no threat to Israel or any other country.

Fact: It requires military preparedness to be able to respond effectively to an Israeli attack. Earlier ones occurred in 1967, 1978, 1982, 1993, 1996 and 2006 – besides numerous belligerent incidents.

Israel still illegally occupied Sheba Farms, 14-square miles of water-rich land near Syria’s Golan, seized in 1967 along with Lebanon’s Ghajar village.

For half a century, Israel repeatedly breached Lebanese airspace, launching attacks on its territory and neighboring Syria.

US officials wrongfully call Iran, Syria and Hezbollah the root cause of regional terrorism. America and Israel hold that distinction.

Their provocative actions seem bent on escalating Middle East conflicts. Planned regime change in Syria, if successful, would isolate Iran, leaving it vulnerable to US/Israeli attack.

Both countries seek unchallenged regional dominance, weakening Russia and China if achieved.

Ongoing US-instigated conflicts look likely to continue. Israel attacking Syrian territory twice since Friday is cause for concern.

Are more provocations planned? Trump intends deploying thousands more US combat troops to the region, larger numbers likely earmarked for Syria. Defense Secretary Mattis and Pentagon commanders want a permanent US presence in Iraq.

Instead of cooperating with Russia in combating terrorism, confrontation seems more likely.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”

Visit his blog site at 

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An article published in Third World Quarterly in 2008 was our initiation into collaborative work on Canadian mining imperialism and the popular forms of resistance it systematically engenders in Latin America.

The first seed. After a lengthy stretch of germination, this led almost a decade later to our new book, Blood of Extraction: Canadian Imperialism in Latin America. In the preliminary stages, when Blood of Extraction wasn’t even yet a fully-fledged idea, Todd was working on the manuscript which would become Imperialist Canada (2010), and Jeff was trying to map out the cycle of left-indigenous revolt in early twenty-first century Bolivia and the rise to the presidency of Evo Morales. This eventually took shape in Red October: Left-Indigenous Struggles in Modern Bolivia (2011), and From Rebellion to Reform: Class Struggle, Indigenous Liberation, and the Politics of Evo Morales (2011).

Focused collaboration on Blood of Extraction began in earnest in 2010, and in many ways flows logically out of those earlier books. Imperialist Canada sought to explain Canada’s settler-colonial and capitalist foundations in the racist dispossession of indigenous peoples and its eventual rise to a secondary imperialist power within the hierarchical world-capitalist system. Through the prism of Bolivian history, Red October and From Rebellion to Reform, meanwhile, tackled questions of Latin America’s subordinate incorporation into the world market, the historical formation of capitalist states in the region, and the often radical struggles of subaltern classes and oppressed groups within, against, and beyond domestic capitalist states and the machinations of various imperialisms.

Our fundamental analytical and empirical concern in Blood of Extraction is the role assumed by the Canadian state within the worldwide system of capitalist imperialism in relation to Latin America. Capitalist imperialism is characterized by deep structural inequalities between regions and countries of the world. These inequalities are exacerbated by the uneven development of global capitalist relations, and are reproduced through the active policies adopted by imperialist states and powerful international financial institutions (IFIs), such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank. Capitalist imperialism involves the draining of the wealth and resources of poorer countries to the benefit of capital of the Global North, at the cost of the majority of the peoples of the Global South.

Doing the Research

We started our research with a number of questions. What are the specific ways in which this systemic dynamic has played itself out in Canadian-Latin American relations? What forms have Canadian capitalist expansion and Canadian state interference in Latin America assumed in recent decades? How have Latin American workers, peasants, and indigenous communities – dispossessed and exploited by Canadian capital – responded in turn? What precisely are the contours of this dialectic of accumulation by dispossession and popular resistance?Blood of Extraction: Canadian Imperialism in Latin America

We began with Statistics Canada databases of Canadian foreign direct investment and the industry journals of the mining sector. We surveyed the secondary literature in Spanish and English, and trolled through the archives of newspapers and magazines throughout the Americas. This was the work of the sleuth and the economist, detecting hidden truths beneath official lies, drawing connections, and constructing models of Canadian interests and investments throughout the region.

Patterns emerged. In 1990, Canadian foreign direct investment into Latin America and the Caribbean stood at only $2.58-billion (CAD) in stock (that is, cumulative Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) flows). It rose to $25.3-billion (CAD) in 2000, an increase of 880 per cent, and to $59.4-billion (CAD) – amidst the deepest global economic recession since the 1930s – in 2013, an increase of 134 per cent from the year 2000, and 2,198 per cent from the year 1990.

The figures for 2000 and 2013, moreover, are certainly an underrepresentation of the extent of Canadian capital’s penetration of the region, as Statistics Canada’s data, from which these figures are primarily drawn, do not include Canadian investment that is routed through the Caribbean Offshore Financial Centres (OFCs), which, if it did, would likely double-to-triple the figures for some countries given how strong Canadian financial capital’s presence is in the Caribbean OFC, as we note below. Canadian investment is occurring across a range of sectors. Canadian textile manufacturers and oil and gas, pipeline, and construction companies play prominent and controversial roles in the hemisphere. But it is clearly in the financial and mining sectors where Canadian companies are most prominent. The motivation underlying all of this investment is profit, at whatever cost to the human rights and the environment. The purpose of Canadian foreign policy in Latin America is in turn to enable and enhance the profit-making potential of Canadian multinational firms, above all in finance and mining.

Next we turned to access-to-information requests. Sifting through the thousands of pages of documents generated through such requests over a number of years revealed precisely how the different apparatuses of the Canadian state – the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO), Foreign Affairs, the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) (as of 2015 Foreign Affairs, CIDA, and International Trade are now part of Global Affairs Canada), National Defense, Natural Resources Canada, Health Canada, and Canadian embassies throughout the region – sought systematically to intervene in domestic Latin American affairs on behalf of Canadian capital. Most of the relevant activities we uncovered passed without mention in the mainstream Canadian media.

Canadian Foreign Policy in Latin America

In recent years, the Canadian state has lent its support to a repressive post-coup regime in Honduras; it has provided military and ideological backing for a repressive regime in Colombia, one which boasts the hemisphere’s worst record on human rights; it has aggressively interfered in the domestic affairs of left-of-centre Latin American governments, such as that of Hugo Chávez in Venezuela and Rafael Correa in Ecuador; it has supported ecological destruction and the dislocation of vulnerable populations in the region through its support for Canadian natural resource companies; it has provided cover for exploitative working conditions in the factories of Canadian companies operating in the export processing zones of Central America; it has sought to delegitimize, co-opt, or coerce popular movements that have directly challenged the economic interests of Canadian capital – this is the reality with which any honest study of Canada’s growing political and economic engagement with Latin America must start.

These are not extreme or isolated examples, we discovered, unrepresentative of the broader character of Canada’s foreign policies in the Americas. These trends are at the core of Canadian foreign policy in Latin America, animating the dialectic of Canadian capitalist expansion and popular resistance in the region.

Finally, we turned to interviews with trade unionists, indigenous activists, peasant militants, human rights lawyers, feminists, and environmentalists. [Ed.: see Bullet Nos.: 679681682683687.] During repeated trips to Honduras, Guatemala, Venezuela, Ecuador, and Bolivia we spoke to people on the frontlines of the many open battles against Canadian capitalists and diplomats which are ongoing throughout Latin America, from Mexico to Argentina. Our interview material demonstrates decisively that the indigenous and peasant communities dispossessed by Canadian mining companies, and the women workers in the sock and t-shirt factories exploited by Canadian capital, are not meek and passive victims of imperial abuse. They are fighting back in myriad creative ways, with often astonishing courage and commitment. This book aims to contribute in a small way to their multifaceted efforts of dismantling the architectures of coercion and exploitation.

Blood of Extraction begins with an introductory chapter theorizing Canada’s position in the imperialist world order today, and shows specifically the drivers and dynamics of Canadian imperialism in Latin America. In the rest of the book, we trace the increasingly aggressive insertion of the Canadian state and capital into the complex political economy of Latin America, with a particular focus on two sub-regions: Central America and the Andes. Canadian capital, especially in banking and natural resources development, plays a leading role in capitalist accumulation throughout the Americas, while the Canadian state is assertively pursuing the conditions amenable to Canadian investors: liberalized markets, weak environmental regulatory regimes, and contained or repressed social movements.

The first section of the book looks at the dynamics of capitalist expansion and resistance as they have played out in Central America. Canada has positioned itself as an important player in the Isthmus, supporting reactionary forces, including the pro-coup actors in Honduras. The section is anchored by the chapter on Honduras, which pivots on the 2009 coup against democratically-elected President Manuel Zelaya, but also includes a detailed account of Canada’s political-economic intervention in Guatemala and the rest of the region. The second section of the book looks at the Andes. Canadian capital has major interests in Ecuador, Peru, and Colombia, while the Left resurgence in Latin America has been strongest in the central and northern Andes. Thus there is a great deal at stake for Canadian investors in a region where their interests are regularly challenged by strong social movements and, occasionally, governments. As our chapters covering Ecuador, Colombia, Peru, and Venezuela argue in detail, the Canadian state has worked assiduously to weaken Andean social movements and the Ecuadorian and Venezuelan governments, while simultaneously seeking to strengthen diplomatic and military ties with conservative governments in Colombia and Peru.

Todd Gordon is an Assistant Professor of Law and Society at Wilfrid Laurier University, Brantford. He is the author of Imperialist Canada and Cops, Crime, and Capitalism: The Law-and-Order Agenda in Canada.

Jeffery R. Webber is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Politics and International Relations at Queen Mary University of London. He is the author of The Last Day of Oppression, and the First Day of the Same: The Politics and Economics of the New Latin American LeftRed October: Left-Indigenous Struggles in Modern Bolivia, and From Rebellion to Reform: Class Struggle, Indigenous Liberation and the Politics of Evo Morales.

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Confidential sources have told Politico that Bill Cooper — current congressional staffer and former fossil fuel industry lobbyist and attorney — is under consideration to head President Donald Trump‘s White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ).

CEQ works to coordinate various federal agencies dealing with environmental and energy public policy issues and oversees the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) review process for proposed infrastructure projects.

Cooper served as legal counsel for the U.S. House Energy and Commerce Committee on what is today known as the “Halliburton Loophole,” a clause which exempts hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”) from U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) enforcement of the Safe Drinking Water Act. The Halliburton Loophole was slipped into the Energy Policy Act of 2005 and became law under President George W. Bush.

A 2005 newsletter published by the Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission (IOGCC) credits Cooper specifically for his work in getting the clause inserted into the bill.

Image Credit: Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission (IOGCC)

“Cooper’s concerns about potential EPA regulation of fracking — as championed by Democrats several years earlier — piqued the interest of the Republican chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, Billy Tauzin of Louisiana, as well as Joe Barton of Texas, the chairman of the subcommittee on air quality,” industry publication The Oil Daily further reported in December 2013. “Their mantra was ‘Let’s fix it, and let’s fix it right.’”

In a Truth in Testimony form Cooper submitted before testifying at a 2013 House Committee on Energy and Commerce hearing, he also cited the central role he played in negotiating and writing the Energy Policy Acts of 2002 and 2003, both of which had Halliburton Loophole provisions. On that form, Cooper also listed his experience as an oil and gas industry attorney.

“Practiced law, serving clients in oil and gas exploration, development, production, including natural gas gathering, transmission, and distribution, provided counsel in the development of litigation, acquisition, and divestment strategies, personnel policies, regulatory compliance, and long-range initiatives,” reads the form. “Conducted due diligence for oil and gas exploration companies for acquisitions, divestitures, and litigation. Supervised survey crews, independent contractor drilling crews, well stimulation, geophysical, and completion crews for oil and gas wells. Prepared budgets and managed expenditures of all funds for the execution of drilling programs.”

Cooper presently serves as staff director for the U.S. House Natural Resources Committee’s Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources and formerly was a lobbyist for the Center for Liquefied Natural Gas (CLNG)American Petroleum Institute (API), and Southern Company.

CLNG, where Cooper worked for nearly a decade before passing through the reverse revolving door and returning to work for Congress, was created by the American Petroleum Institute.

Industry-Sponsored Junkets

Cooper’s amicability toward the oil and gas industry was clear during his first stint working as a congressional staffer, before he became a lobbyist for the American Petroleum Institute.

Bill Cooper

Main image credit: China Central Television (CCTV) YouTube Screenshot

For example, he attended the Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission (IOGCC) 2004 meeting in Oklahoma City — on the IOGCC dime — while working for the House Energy and Commerce Committee, according to congressional travel disclosure records reviewed by DeSmog. Sponsors of that meeting included BP, Chesapeake Energy, Devon Energy, Dominion Energy, Kerr-McGee (now Anadarko Petroleum), Williams Energy, and others.

IOGCC, a congressionally authorized, interstate quasi-government agency whose members are oil and gas industry state regulators, lobbyists, and executives, played a central role in advocating for the Halliburton Loophole.

“Thanks to the Halliburton Loophole, the oil and gas industry is the only industry in America that is allowed by EPA to inject known hazardous materials — unchecked — directly into or adjacent to underground drinking water supplies,” Jennifer KrillEarthworks executive director, told DeSmog.

As a House Energy and Commerce staffer, Cooper traveled on numerous other industry-funded trips beyond IOGCC’s 2004 meeting, according to congressional travel disclosure forms reviewed by DeSmog. Among the trips:

-A junket to the Alberta tar sands sponsored by Shell Oil to visit its Muskeg River site.

-A 2003 trip to discuss the Energy Policy Act of 2003 at a meeting of the Independent Petroleum Association of America (which today sponsors the influential fracking front group, Energy in Depth).

-An El Paso Corporation–funded 2002 paid speaking gig at the annual meeting of the Independent Petroleum Association of Mountain States (IPAMS, now the Western Energy Alliance, or WEA).

-A BP-sponsored speaking appearance in 2004 in which Cooper discussed energy policy, according to his disclosure form, but was listed by BP as an “industry speaker.”

Image credit: Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives

CEQ Climate Denial History Redux

George W. Bush’s CEQ chief of staff Phillip Cooney also was a former API lobbyist-turned-CEQ staffer. During his tenure at the council, Cooney doctored scientific reports about climate change written by U.S. government agencies and then left to become a lobbyist for ExxonMobil.

History could repeat itself, in a sense, if Cooper takes the helm at CEQ.

That’s because the Trump White House CEQ, according to a recent story by Bloomberg, may ax climate change impacts from consideration in National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) environmental reviews, a goal of API and CLNG for the past several years. President Barack Obama‘s CEQ issued the guidance for government agencies to consider climate change in these reviews.

Cooper has publicly supported cutting climate change out of the NEPA process, and according to his bio for a recent speech at a Natural Gas Roundtable, he presently acts as a NEPA senior policy advisor for his Committee on Natural Resources job.

“Without boxing ourselves in [we plan to] look at the CEQ’s guide on [greenhouse gases] as a first step” toward streamlining the NEPA process, Cooper told Inside EPA in December 2016. “We think it’s an opportunity for us to correct a lot of wrongs, and that in and of itself should streamline the process.”

Some are concerned about such maneuvers espoused by Cooper, however.

The push for climate change’s non-inclusion in NEPA appraisals “puts our country, our communities, and our people at great risk,” Paul Getsos, national coordinator for the April 29 People’s Climate Movement march, told Bloomberg. “It also sends a dangerous message to the world that the United States does not care about climate change or protecting front-line communities.”

Cooper did not respond to a request for comment for this story.

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Israel: America’s Mad Dog in Syria

March 20th, 2017 by Tony Cartalucci

Israel has played an increasingly provocative role in the destructive conflict unfolding within and along Syria’s borders since 2011. To many observers, it appears Israeli policy borders between opportunistic and unilateral aggression. In reality, Israel’s role in the Syrian conflict fits a much larger and long-term pattern with Anglo-American plans not only for Syria but for the entire region.

A more recent row between Israel and Syria was the reported incursion of Israeli warplanes into Syrian airspace, including attacks near the eastern Syrian city of Palmyra. Palmyra hosts an ongoing battle between Syrian forces and the self-proclaimed “Islamic State” (ISIS) terrorist organization. Israeli airstrikes against Syrian forces – then – would have facilitated ISIS operations in the region.

Israel is a State Sponsor of Terror, Not a Champion Against it

Israel has existed as a nation-sized, de facto forward operating base for Anglo-American interests since its creation in the 20th century. It has pursued aggressive regional policies that have intentionally pitted itself against its neighbors as a means of maintaining a Western foothold and point of leverage in North Africa and the Middle East for decades.

Ongoing conflicts between Israel and Palestine are fueled by an orchestrated strategy of tension between a manipulated Israeli population and controlled opposition – Hamas – politically backed, armed, and funded by Israel’s own regional collaborators including Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

When proxy military operations began against the Syrian state in 2011 under the cover of the US-engineered “Arab Spring,” Israel along with Jordan and Turkey, played a direct role in backing militants and undermining Damascus.

While Jordan has played a more passive role, and Turkey a more direct role in facilitating proxy militant forces, Israel has played the role of “unilateral provocateur.” While Turkish, US, and other “coalition” forces are unable to directly attack Syrian forces, Israel – posing as a unilateral regional player – can and has done so regularly since 2012.

CNN in its article, “Israeli jets strike inside Syria; military site near Palmyra reportedly targeted,” would note:

In November 2012, Israel fired warning shots toward Syria after a mortar shell hit an Israeli military post, the first time Israel had fired on Syria across the Golan Heights since the 1973 Yom Kippur War.

Israeli jets have been striking targets in Syria since at least 2013, when US officials told CNN they believed IDF jets had hit targets inside Syrian territory.

CNN would also report:

Israeli strikes may have gone as far inside Syria as the capital. In 2014, the Syrian government and an opposition group both said an IDF strike had hit Damascus’ suburbs and airport.

And while Israeli politicians and military officials claim their aggression seeks to stop the transfer of weapons to terrorist organizations, organizations they deem as “terrorist” are in fact the sole forces within Syria fighting actual, internationally recognized terrorist organizations including Al Qaeda, its  various subsidiaries and affiliates, as well as the Islamic State itself.

Paradoxically, these genuinely terrorist organizations have existed along Israel’s border enjoying de facto protection from Israeli forces from Syrian military operations.

Israel’s Role as America’s “Mad Dog” is No Secret 

Israel’s geopolitical role as “unilateral mad dog” has been a matter of stated US policy since at least the 1980s – and in specific reference to America’s repeated attempts to undermine and overthrow the Syrian state amid much larger objectives aimed at Iran and the region as a whole.

A 1983 document – part of a deluge of recently declassified papers released to the public – signed by former CIA officer Graham Fuller titled, “Bringing Real Muscle to Bear Against Syria” (PDF), states (their emphasis):

Syria at present has a hammerlock on US interests both in Lebanon and in the Gulf — through closure of Iraq’s pipeline thereby threatening Iraqi internationalization of the [Iran-Iraq] war. The US should consider sharply escalating the pressures against Assad [Sr.] through covertly orchestrating simultaneous military threats against Syria from three border states hostile to Syria: Iraq, Israel and Turkey. 

The report also states:

If Israel were to increase tensions against Syria simultaneously with an Iraqi initiative, the pressures on Assad would escalate rapidly. A Turkish move would psychologically press him further. 

In 2009, US corporate-financier funded policy think tank, the Brookings Institution, would publish a lengthy paper titled, “Which Path to Persia?: Options for a New American Strategy toward Iran” (PDF), in which, once again, the use of Israel as an apparently “unilateral aggressor” was discussed in detail.

Of course, a US policy paper describing planned Israeli aggression as part of a larger US-driven conspiracy to attack, undermine, and ultimately overthrow the Iranian state reveals there is nothing “unilateral” at all about Israel’s regional policy or its military operations.

In 2012, the Brookings Institution would publish another paper titled, “”Saving Syria: Assessing Options for Regime Change” (PDF), which stated:

Some voices in Washington and Jerusalem are exploring whether Israel could contribute to coercing Syrian elites to remove Asad. 

The report continues by explaining:

Israel could posture forces on or near the Golan Heights and, in so doing, might divert regime forces from suppressing the opposition. This posture may conjure fears in the Asad regime of a multi-front war, particularly if Turkey is willing to do the same on its border and if the Syrian opposition is being fed a steady diet of arms and training. Such a mobilization could perhaps persuade Syria’s military leadership to oust Asad in order to preserve itself. 

Once again, the use of Israel as one of several regional provocateurs executing policy as part of a larger US-orchestrated conspiracy is openly discussed.

As each Israeli incursion into Syria unfolds – regardless of the details, claims, and counterclaims made regarding each incursion – it should be analyzed within the context of US interests, not “Israeli” interests.  And regardless of the details of each incursion, the ultimate purpose is to escalate the conflict continuously until Syria and its allies react and provoke a much larger, direct military conflict the US and others amid its axis of aggression can openly participate in.

It should be noted that in Brookings’ 2009 paper, “Which Path to Persia?,” using Israeli attacks to provoke an Iranian response and thus justify direct US military intervention involving everything from an air campaign against Tehran to a full-scale US invasion and occupation were among the centerpieces of the policy paper.

It is clear that an identical policy is now being pursued against Syria. Unveiling the true nature of Israel’s incursions into Syria and resisting the temptation to escalate the conflict further is key to confounding US designs and rendering the provocations of its proxies – including Israel and Turkey – moot.

Tony Cartalucci, Bangkok-based geopolitical researcher and writer, especially for the online magazine New Eastern Outlook”.

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As US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson completed his weekend trip to China, President Donald Trump again compounded tensions in North East Asia by condemning North Korea for its latest rocket-engine test, announced on Sunday. Trump told the media yesterday the North Korean leader Kim Jong-un was “acting very, very badly”—with the implied threat that the US would take action, including possible military strikes.

Trump’s remark was also designed to ramp up the pressure on Beijing to use its economic levers to force Pyongyang to bow to US demands to dismantle its nuclear and missile programs. It echoed a tweet by Trump last Friday declaring:

“North Korea is behaving very badly. They have been ‘playing’ the United States for years. China had done little to help!”

Tillerson’s trip to Asia over the past week—to Japan, South Korea and finally China—was designed to deliver the same message to the Chinese government.

While his public remarks in Beijing were relatively muted, Tillerson had already made clear in Seoul that “all options,” including military ones, were on the table if the Chinese government did not bring Pyongyang to heel. Referring to the Obama administration’s policy of step-by-step sanctions, he said: “Let me be very clear. The policy of strategic patience is over. We are exploring a new range of diplomatic, security and economic measures.”

In Beijing, Tillerson met with Chinese President Xi Jinping and Foreign Minister Wang Yi. Wang appealed for the US to adopt a “cool-headed” approach to North Korea and said he and Tillerson “both hope to find ways to restart the talks” with Pyongyong. The US secretary of state, however, insisted that any discussions were contingent on the North Korean regime reversing its nuclear weapon and missile programs.

The Trump administration last week flatly rejected a proposal by Wang for a suspension-for-suspension approach—North Korea would suspend its nuclear and missile programs and the US would call off its massive joint military exercises in South Korea—as a means for starting negotiations. The joint war games, involving more than 320,000 military personnel, an aircraft carrier strike group and stealth war planes, are a rehearsal for war with North Korea.

In his only in-depth media interview during his trip, Tillerson told the right-wing Independent Journal Review that the “imminent threat” from North Korea had propelled it to the top of the agenda in Beijing. He suggested that “broader sanctions” on North Korea could be considered, adding:

“It’s not our objective to force [Pyongyang] into some brash action.”

Yet is precisely the threat of US military action that the Trump administration is using to try to muscle the Chinese government into imposing crippling sanctions on the North Korean regime. Beijing has already taken harsh punitive measures against Pyongyang, including suspending the import of coal—North Korea’s largest export earner.

Further sanctions could trigger a major economic and political crisis in Pyongyang. China accounts for at least 70 percent of North Korea’s trade and most of its imported oil. The Chinese government has been hostile to North Korea’s nuclear tests, which provide the excuse for a military build-up by the US and its allies. But Beijing also wants to avoid the collapse of the North Korean regime, which could result in a unified pro-US Korea on its northern border.

China has been particularly hostile to the US decision to begin installing a Terminal High Altitude Area Defence (THAAD) anti-ballistic missile system in South Korea. While nominally directed against North Korea, the THAAD deployment is part of an expanding anti-missile system that is primarily aimed at fighting a war with China.

In Seoul last week, Tillerson publicly called on China to refrain from taking economic retaliation against South Korea over the THAAD deployment. In Beijing, he undoubtedly used the threat of more US anti-ballistic missile systems in Asia to try to force the Chinese regime to take action against its North Korean ally.

North Korea’s test last weekend of what it claimed was a high-thrust rocket engine and hailed as a “great victory,” only played directly into US hands. Far from defending the North Korean people, the rocket test, coming on top of a series of missile launches this year, provides a pretext for the Trump administration to deal with the supposed “imminent threat” through military means.

A chilling piece appeared in the New York Times on Saturday by Max Fisher entitled, “The risks of pre-emptive strikes against North Korea.” The article reflects the calculations now being made in US strategic and military circles about the costs of war on the Korean Peninsula.

“Almost any plan would bring a high risk of unintended escalation to all-out war,” Fisher wrote. “It would place millions of South Korean and Japanese civilians in the cross hairs of North Korean weapons with few guaranteed benefits.”

The article outlines three options—a single strike on a missile launch, a series of attacks to devastate North Korea’s nuclear and missile facilities, and an all-out war to destroy the Pyongyang regime, its military apparatus and industrial base. Fisher concludes that any of these plans would result in retaliation by North Korea that could result in mass deaths.

The article cites General Curtis Scaparrotti who told a congressional committee in 2016, when he was head of US forces in South Korea, that a war with North Korea “would be more akin to the Korean War and World War II—very complex, probably high casualty.” Fisher concludes with a quote from North Korean analyst Jeffrey Lewis.

“It’s a bad strategic idea, but you can understand why military planners would gravitate towards it,” Lewis said, calling the plans “the best of a bad lot.”

Yet when Tillerson declares that “all options” are on the table, he is referring to these reckless US acts of aggression. Whatever the pretexts and the starting point, a US-led war against North Korea would not only devastate the Korean Peninsula. It could rapidly draw in other powers, including Japan and China, and lead to an unprecedented world conflagration involving nuclear weapons.

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Why The UN Branded Israel An Apartheid State

March 20th, 2017 by Prof. Juan Cole

Apparently the Trump administration at Israeli urging threatened to defund the UN if this report was not withdrawn. The UN Secretary-General caved, and the executive director of ESCWA (who was also an under-secretary general of the UN), Rima Khalaf, has resigned. The legal case built by the ESCWA report remains sound.

A shouting match has been provoked this week by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia, which issued a report this week concluding definitively that Israel is guilty of Apartheid practices toward the Palestinians. The report is careful to say that it is not using the term merely as a pejorative but is rather appealing to a body of international law with precise definitions, definitions that Israel’s policies toward the Palestinians easily and transparently meet. Here’s the short blog version of the report, which runs to 76 pages.

Apartheid is a Dutch word meaning “apartness” and was used to describe the system of racial segregation deployed by the ruling Afrikaner minority in South Africa 1948-1991. In international law, however, it has been generalized to any government practicing systematic racial domination.

Article II of the International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid (1973) defines it this way:

“The term “the crime of apartheid”, which shall include similar policies and practices of racial segregation and discrimination as practiced in southern Africa, shall apply to… inhuman acts committed for the purpose of establishing and maintaining domination by one racial group of persons over any other racial group of persons and systematically oppressing them.”

The 2002 Rome Statute, which has 150? signatories among the nations of the world, and which established the International Criminal Court, contained a definition of Apartheid.

“The crime of apartheid’ means inhumane acts . . . committed in the context of an institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over any other racial group or groups and committed with the intention of maintaining that regime…”

Apartheid is one of the listed “crimes against humanity” along with enslavement, torture, war rape, and forcible deportation. A crime against humanity is the systematic and continuous commission of war crimes.

Because of these international law instruments (the Rome Statute is a multilateral treaty), Apartheid now refers to a generalized crime, not just the policy of the old South African government.

As a result, the Court can under some circumstances charge individual politicians with the crime of Apartheid. Those circumstances are that

1) the country has signed the Rome Statute or

2) that the UN Security Council has forwarded the case of a war criminal to the ICC.

Neither of these circumstances fits Israel, since it is not a signatory and the US would veto any attempt to charge a major Israeli politician at the International Criminal Court. This inability to bring Israeli officials to the Hague, however, is merely procedural. As a matter of law, Israel can still be guilty of Apartheid practices.

The UN report is concerned with specific legal infractions as spelled out by international law, and with the intention behind those infractions. Intent to dominate another people is important to the definition of Apartheid.

The report points out that

“The Israel Lands Authority (ILA) manages State land, which accounts for 93 per cent of the land within the internationally recognized borders of Israel and is by law closed to use, development or ownership by non-Jews.”

Going back to the colonial Jewish National Fund, there has been a practice that once land is owned by Zionist institutions, including the Israeli state, it can never be sold to a non-Jew– it is permanently taken off the market on a racial basis.

The Law of Return is another discriminatory practice. Any Jew anywhere in the world can emigrate to Israel. But no Palestinian family expelled in 1948 can return to their ancestral homeland.

Jewish councils may reject applications for residence from Palestinian-Israelis. An Israeli Jew who married an American Christian is allowed to bring the spouse to Israel; but an Israeli Jew who married a West Bank Palestinian may not.

The report argues that in the Israel-Palestinian context, Palestinians are a “race.” I would add that the exclusion of Palestinian spouses of Israeli citizens underlines this definition, since one characteristic of race is endogamy or marrying within the in-group.

Other UN decisions have recognized the Palestinians as a people entitled to self-determination (and indeed such recognition goes back to the correspondence of League of Nations states overseeing the British Mandate over Palestine in the 1920s).

The document says:

“This report finds that the strategic fragmentation of the Palestinian people is the principal method by which Israel imposes an apartheid regime. It first examines Israeli Practices towards the Palestinian People and the Question of Apartheid how the history of war, partition, de jure and de facto annexation and prolonged occupation in Palestine has led to the Palestinian people being divided into different geographic regions administered by distinct sets of law. This fragmentation operates to stabilize the Israeli regime of racial domination over the Palestinians and to weaken the will and capacity of the Palestinian people to mount a unified and effective resistance.”

As for the specifics of Apartheid in the Occupied West Bank, the UN document observes that this territory is virtually a textbook case in Apartheid governance:

“Domain 3 is the system of military law imposed on approximately 4 .6 million Palestinians who live in the occupied Palestini an territory, 2 .7 million of them in the West Bank and 1.9 million in the Gaza Strip. The territory is administered in a manner that fully meets the definition of apartheid under the Apartheid Convention: except for the provision on genocide, every illustrative “inhuman act” listed in the Convention is routinely and systematically practiced by Israel in the West Bank. Palestinians are governed by military law, while the approximately 350,000 Jewish settlers are governed by Israeli civil law. The racial character of this situation is further confirmed by the fact that all West Bank Jewish settlers enjoy the protections of Israeli civil law on the basis of being Jewish, whether they are Israeli citizens or not. This dual legal system, problematic in itself, is indicative of an apartheid regime when coupled with the racially discriminatory management of land and development administered by Jewish – national institutions, which are charged with administering “State land” in the interest of the Jewish population.”

The Executive Summary is here.

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Pekín y Nueva Delhi: ¿Alianza o rivalidad estratégica?

March 20th, 2017 by Alfredo Toro Hardy

China e India oscilan entre factores de consonancia y disonancia. Entre los primeros encontramos una historia que desde el pasado distante ha sido productiva. Ello ha incluido elementos tan importantes como la difusión del budismo en China a partir de la India. Más aún la similitud de sus procesos históricos no encuentra parangón.  Durante 1.800 de los últimos 2.000 años sus economías resultaron las mayores del planeta. Para 1750 su producción manufacturera combinada representaba todavía el 57,3% de la mundial. 

Bajo el impacto del colonialismo, sin embargo, ambas naciones habrían de sufrir traumas superlativos y sus economías habrían de achicarse radicalmente. Para 1900 la producción manufacturera combinada de China e India alcanzaba apenas a 7% de la global. No en balde ambos países jugarían un papel protagónico en los procesos de descolonización y en el emerger del movimiento de los no alineados en la Cumbre de Bandung de 1955.


Más aún, dichas naciones se proyectan hacia el futuro con fuerza indetenible y con una inmensa complementariedad económica. Las proyecciones apuntan a que en 2040 estos países representarán el 40% del mercado global, mientras que el PIB conjunto de sus economías alcanzará al 52% del mundial.

Lo anterior haría del predominio económico occidental un simple paréntesis en la historia multimilenaria de la humanidad. Nada tiene de extraño, por consiguiente, que algunos autores recurran al acrónimo Chindia para referirse al impacto de esta conjunción económica.

Límites y geopolítica

No obstante junto a los factores de convergencia se encuentran también los de divergencia. Estos últimos se expresan en los campos de lo limítrofe y de la geopolítica. China e India mantienen diferendos territoriales en las regiones de Aksai Chin y Arunachal Pradesh que conllevan a altas tensiones periódicas y que en 1962 las condujeron a una guerra limitada.

Los estrechos vínculos entre Pakistán y China, de su lado, son vistos como una amenaza por India, quien a la vez ofende profundamente a Pekín por el asilo que brinda al Dalái Lama y por las actividades que el “gobierno en el exilio” de Tíbet realiza desde la ciudad india de Daramshala. A estas disonancias ha venido a sumarse en años recientes una nueva capaz de generar altos decibeles de tensión.

China dispone de una gran marina mercante y mantiene aspiraciones de construir una flota de guerra de aguas azules que proteja las rutas marítimas del Océano Índico por donde circula el petróleo que importa. Ligado a lo anterior Pekín ha construido, construye o moderniza un conjunto de puertos alrededor de la India en Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Pakistán y Myanmar. A todos estos países China ha brindado importante ayuda y respaldo político. El efecto combinado de las ambiciones chinas de desplegar una flota de guerra por aquellos mares con los desarrollos portuarios y las alianzas en curso, es fuente de mucha inseguridad para India quien comienza a sentirse rodeada.

El que la consonancia o la disonancia prevalezcan entre Nueva Deli y Pekín  podría resultar de gran importancia geopolítica. A medida en que las tensiones entre China y Estados Unidos parecen aumentar y la posibilidad de un eje Moscú-Pekín comienza a esbozarse, la dirección en la que se incline Nueva Deli asumirá inmensa significación.

La Doctrina Primakov 

En 1996 el entonces Primer Ministro de Rusia Primakov formuló la doctrina que lleva su nombre. Esta planteaba la necesidad de ir dando forma a un bloque que incluyese a Rusia, China, India e Irán. La participación de Irán en un bloque de esta naturaleza no admitiría dudas. La de India, sin embargo, resulta un tema mucho más complejo.

Las posturas multilaterales de Nueva Delhi, su énfasis en una identidad asiática, el volumen de su comercio con China, su complementariedad energética con Rusia y hasta su asociación con estos últimos dos países en el marco de los BRICS, generan una cercanía importante con ellos. En contrapartida se encuentran, sin embargo, los elementos de disonancia con China a los que antes aludíamos.

Visión estratégica conjunta con Washington 

Todo parece indicar, no obstante, que estos últimos han tendido a privar, propiciando un acercamiento entre India y Estados Unidos. El acuerdo Washington-Nueva Delhi en relación a cooperación nuclear civil, el acercamiento en materia de defensa con particular referencia a la coproducción de equipos defensivos y, en especial, la llamada “Visión Estratégica Conjunta para el Asia-Pacífico y la región del Océano Índico”, dejan suponer que Estados Unidos e India han forjado ya una alianza estratégica. A lo anterior se suma el fuerte acercamiento indio con el otro gran rival estratégico de China: Japón.

Así las cosas India no resultará el aliado natural de Pekín y Moscú al que aludía la Doctrina Primakov. Por el contrario, una alianza con Washington y Tokio es la que está cobrando forma.

Alfredo Toro Hardy

Alfredo Toro Hardy: Diplomático y académico venezolano.

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Argentina – Macri enfrenta sus límites

March 20th, 2017 by Eduardo Aliverti

IMAGEN: El presidente de Argentina, Mauricio Macri.

La ignorancia mediática generalizada en torno de la masiva manifestación docente del jueves pasado, en La Plata, es uno de los datos específicos y simbólicos más impresionantes de los últimos tiempos.

Las columnas comenzaron a llegar a media mañana y no tardaron en hacer estallar el centro de la capital bonaerense. Ni entonces, ni durante el discurso asambleario de Roberto Baradel, ni durante el resto de la jornada, la tevé, la radio y los portales de la prensa oficialista destacaron el hecho. Tampoco lo hicieron en apartados de significación alguna. Más aun, al día siguiente sólo hablaron de un gremio endurecido y Clarín consignó en portada un título para la historia: “Los docentes hoy vuelven a clase, pero Baradel sigue en huelga”. Los trolls del PRO, en las redes, acompañaron con el hashtag #BastaBaradel, que a su vez se sumaba –en el combo con lo sucedido en Olavarría– a la estructuración de un sentido de negros-vagos-extorsionadores-kirchneristas-faloperos-ricoteros.

Sencillamente, es como si 60 a 70 mil manifestantes no hubiesen existido. También en la mañana del viernes, algunos operadores comunicacionales del macrismo se interrogaban, tan azorados como cínicamente ninguneadores de lo ocurrido en La Plata, si acaso el paro y el callejerismo docente representan a la totalidad o gran mayoría de maestros y profesores. “Y, por lo menos a la mitad se ve que sí”, pudo escucharse en esos antros de la prensa oficialista que, a regañadientes lastimosos, parecían rendirse frente a ciertas evidencias.   Volvamos necesariamente a preguntas que se formulaban desde este espacio la semana pasada. ¿Le es conveniente al Gobierno insistir con esta táctica en que todo se reduce a personalizar en Baradel el centro y periferia del conflicto, ora porque se enamoró de pelear, ora porque hay elecciones en su gremio y no puede dejar que lo corran por izquierda, y así sucesivamente? ¿Los protagonistas y usinas del macrismo repasan cómo les fue hasta acá? Dicho a grandes saltos, empezaron convocando voluntarios a dar clases para descubrirse a las pocas horas que el bienintencionado tuitero original era un servicio del PRO (como militante y como ex agente del Batallón 601). Después movieron a la gobernadora en una aparición que narrativamente fue impresentable, con una oratoria desganada en la que se conmiseró de sí misma diciendo que su único interés son los chicos y sus familias.

Y que hasta aplicó para macartear, cuando llamó a los sindicalistas a identificarse políticamente. Por último, hasta ahora, les ofrecieron mil pesos a los carneros, en admisión implícita de que los problemas presupuestarios son manejables si se trata de romper la huelga. Este aspecto es importante, más allá de sus características morales: a los indignados operarios periodísticos y ultraliberales del oficialismo, que acusan al ecosistema de maestros, trabajadores estatales, choriplanes, demagogias, por lo dramático del déficit fiscal y de un país quilombero que no ofrece seguridad a las inversiones, ¿no se les ocurre cuestionar de dónde sí puede salir la plata para que se carneree? Y de vuelta, las preguntas consecutivas que constituyen a las demás. ¿Esto expresa fortaleza oficial, en la presunción de asentar los bajos instintos de electorados gorilas y frívolos que bastarían para zafar en agosto de cara a octubre? ¿O es debilidad porque consiste en que el Gobierno no tiene otra forma de atrincherarse, si no es a través de reafirmar la grieta contra la que discursiva y eficazmente operaron en campaña?

No es un planteamiento retórico que conduciría a preferir la segunda pregunta. Nada de eso. Con una oposición dispersa, el machaque permanente de que el modelo anterior sólo fue un desenfreno de corruptos que van yendo presos y, claro que sí, el problema de que tanto adherente circunstancial de Cambiemos en 2015 deba admitir haberse equivocado a tan poco de transcurrida la gestión, podría pasar tranquilamente que la apuesta gubernamental de culpar a Cristina por todos los males de este mundo dé buenos resultados. Pero lo que seguro pasa es que no son lo mismo la fantasía de creer en los Reyes durante una campaña y la obviedad de sus consecuencias.

En política, los magos tienen corta vida. Si la CGT no quiere pero tiene que convocar a un paro general porque fue desbordada por wines varios y no por zurdos revoltosos; si las clases no terminan de arrancar; si las inversiones no llueven ni garúan; si se reunifica la CTA; si paran hasta los laburantes de la morgue; si hay el espectáculo deprimente de comercios y talleres industriales cerrados por doquier; si los mismísimos voceros oficiales admiten que la baja de desocupados mostrada por el Indec es debida a la caída por desaliento de la gente que busca empleo (en el lenguaje oficial: “refugiados en la inactividad”); si frente a las patoteadas contra Baradel se viene una Marcha Federal Educativa que reventará Buenos Aires como no se habrá visto desde el menemato; si están en efervescencia aumentada las organizaciones sociales amparadas por el Papa; si el círculo rojo le exige a Macri que deje de ser un híbrido, y simultáneamente ni el círculo ni Macri tienen espacio político para demandar y ejecutar represión abierta; si la maquinaria del sentido común porteño-clasemediero de los shows televisados ya tiene que cuidarse de preguntar por la calle cómo arreglárselas ante la jungla de vías cortadas, porque hay el riesgo creciente de la respuesta “volvé Cristina-MacriGato”, y si el mismo Macri debe asentir que “para mucha gente la economía no arrancó”, ¿la discusión es reducible al caos de tránsito en el centro de la ciudad? ¿Y a si los troscos le cascotean el rancho al secretario general del Suteba, al punto de que los medios oficialistas le dan cartel francés a su opositora interna? Esa ¿paradoja? es casi increíble: por un lado, el macrismo agita a la izquierda radicalizada y, por otro, previene que Baradel podría ser lo menos peor. Lo lisérgico de este corso a contramano es lo implícito de reconocer que la suma es la bronca. Pero no.

Hablan de parar como fuere a la impunidad sindical-piquetera, y dicen que Macri está de punta contra lo irresoluto de Rodríguez Larreta para meter fuego contra la fauna y la negrada, y entonces dicen –carácter transitivo elemental– que Macri no puede disciplinar ni a las huestes de su palo. Algo o muchísimo de eso es lo que viene advirtiéndose asimismo en los tanques más leídos y escuchados de y por el establishment mediático. La desmentida furibunda de Felipe González por la publicación, en Clarín, del interés manifestado por él en nombre de los inversionistas hacia Cristina presa, tiene una espectacularidad pocas veces vista. Es muy probable que González, en diálogo informal, efectivamente le haya dicho a Macri lo que desmiente “asombrado”. El tema no es ése, sino hasta dónde puede llegar lo imperioso de una presión corporativa como para que se viole semejante off. Por allí, por esa trama de runfleros de negociados, se inquieren cada vez con mayor frecuencia, y en público para quien quiera registrarlo: Macri, este gobierno, estos dichosos cuadros de nuestros intereses, ¿son una firmeza o nada más que una transición? Hasta hace poco, la respuesta ipso facto apuntaba a que, de última, Macri sería un fusible cuyas eventuales impericia e inestabilidad darían lugar a Massa. Es decir, un prolijito amigable con anclaje peruca. Pero hoy ya no. Massa está afuera de “la ancha avenida del medio”. Volvió a quedar atrapado, o eso parece, en una ambigüedad que visto el clima reinante está lejos de favorecerlo. Sus espadas más relevantes ya negocian un acuerdo amplio en espacios capitalinos decididamente peronistas, o bien en alguno de perfil discursivo claramente antimacrista.

Ante la imposibilidad absoluta de que el Gobierno retruque con números económicos o esperanzas firmes a este movimiento embroncado, que incluso lleva a que la pareja presidencial se sienta tensa y desconsolada frente a Mirtha Legrand, las respuestas oficiales son solamente aquellas de cargar todo fardo en el kirchnerismo. Las vocerías comunicacionales de Casa Rosada mentan intenciones destituyentes. El ministro de Educación de la provincia de Buenos Aires dice que las cosas, todas las cosas, están dirigidas desde Santa Cruz. Cualquier chichipío o cualquier quebrado que ande por ahí es usado para esparcir que detrás de este despelote está la mano de Cristina. El recital del Indio, los motoqueros cortando la 9 de Julio, la CGT cercada, los médicos de los hospitales bonaerenses en pie de lucha, los limones argentinos que no pueden ingresar a Estados Unidos, lo que fuese o deba ser, no importa: todo es culpa de Cristina y su banda. Lo que no pueden explicar es cómo resulta probable que semejante y demostrada fiesta de corruptos tenga tamaña capacidad, envalentonada, de desestabilización. La bronca tiene el problema de que no hay quienes la vehiculicen con una construcción política dotada de liderazgo indiscutible. Y el Gobierno tiene el problema de que, para escaparse discursivamente, dota de liderazgo a quien no sabe si meter presa o dejar que siga actuando, o creando imaginario, para polarizar.

Lo demás es como creerle al horóscopo. En la síntesis, lo único concreto es que empezó a producirse la reacción de muchos de los ajustados. El límite a Macri en forma movilizada. El síntoma.

Eduardo Aliverti

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China contra Estados Unidos: La colisión que viene

March 20th, 2017 by José Valenzuela Feijóo

A lo largo de su historia, el capitalismo muestra una gran disparidad en materias de crecimiento. Por lo mismo, suele darse un periodo histórico en el cual tal o cual país funciona como líder o potencia hegemónica, para luego avanzar a otro periodo en que es otra la potencia dominante. Al finalizar la Segunda Guerra Mundial, Estados Unidos se convierte en la gran superpotencia, abrumadoramente superior en lo económico y lo militar. Entre 1945 y 1975 Europa y Japón crecen muy rápido y se acercan a EE.UU.

Luego, con el ascenso del neoliberalismo, los ritmos tienden a acompasarse y el deterioro de EE.UU. respecto a Japón y Alemania se detiene. Pero al iniciarse el siglo XXI (o antes) aparece un nuevo desafío: China. Este país viene desde muy abajo y de un periodo en que bajo la dirección de Mao Tse Tung, buscó avanzar al socialismo. Proyecto que es cancelado dando lugar a una vía capitalista en que el país crece a ritmos desaforados y empieza a desafiar a la que todavía es la gran superpotencia: Estados Unidos.

Este país sigue siendo la primera potencia mundial. Pero pudiera ser que China lo esté alcanzando y hasta superando. Para el caso, conviene recordar algunos datos básicos.

En términos del producto por habitante, usando tipos de cambio de paridad, el FMI estima que en 2013 el PIB per cápita de EE.UU. llegaba a 52.980 dólares y el de China a 12.196 dólares. O sea, China se situaba en un 23% del nivel de EE.UU. Y como el diferencial de tasas de crecimiento es muy distinto, el desnivel se va reduciendo más y más[1]. De hecho, en términos globales, el PIB total de China ya supera al de Estados Unidos. En 2015, EE.UU. explicaba un 15.8% del PIB mundial y China un 17.1%.

En cuanto al PIB industrial, si hacemos igual a 100 el PIB de EE.UU. tenemos que en el año 2014 el de China era igual a 125, a precios constantes del año 2000. A precios corrientes, en el mismo año 2014 tenemos que EE.UU. = 100 y China = 130. La superioridad china es evidente.

¿Qué sucede con las exportaciones? Midiendo en dólares corrientes, para 1970 tenemos que EE.UU. explicaba un 15.7% del total mundial y China un pequeño 0.6%. En 2003, la porción de EE.UU. había descendido a 11.1% y la de China subido a 4.9%. Luego, en 2015, la parte de EE.UU. experimentó un leve descenso: llegó a 10.8%. Entretanto, la cuota de China saltó hasta 11.6%.

El avance científico-técnico resulta también crucial en la lucha por la supremacía económica y política. Y se puede esperar que en este campo el atraso relativo de China sea mayor. Con todo, en los últimos años ya se observan cifras muy respetables. El gasto en investigación y desarrollo (I&D) asociado a la industria manufacturera fue de 201 billones en EE.UU. y de 162 en China (que ya ocupa el segundo lugar mundial). Y como porcentaje del valor agregado fue de 10.6% en EE.UU. y de 3.8% en China.

En este indicador China tiene todavía un amplio campo para su expansión tecnológica. Baste pensar que si llega a una intensidad en I&D igual a 8.0% (semejante a la que ahora maneja Alemania), su gasto absoluto se iría a 325 billones de dólares, cifra que superaría ampliamente a la de Estados Unidos. Y valga subrayar: en el plano científico y tecnológico lo que cuenta son las cifras absolutas del gasto.

Terminemos con un breve vistazo al poderío militar. Para ello, consideramos las cifras del gasto militar de China, de Estados Unidos y el total mundial. Entre 2001 y 2014, el gasto militar mundial sube un 85% (al 4.8% anual). El gasto de Estados Unidos se eleva en 45.9% (2.9% anual) y el de China sube 283% (10.9% anual). La dinámica del gasto militar es tremendamente desigual (en favor de China) aunque esta todavía está, en términos absolutos, muy por debajo de Estados Unidos.

En 2001 los gastos chinos equivalían al 12% de los estadounidenses, en 2007 al 16% y en 2014 a un 33%. China se acerca pero aún está distante (SIPRI, base de datos 3/03/2017). En el plano global hay que considerar la muy posible alianza de China con Corea del Sur, un bloque que sería formidable. Y si a él se le pudiera agregar Japón, el desplazamiento del centro del poder mundial sería inevitable. Esta situación, en términos históricos, no es nueva: la potencia dominante conserva un poder militar superior pero va perdiendo terreno en el plano económico.

Si esta tendencia se mantiene, se producirá una fuerte disociación entre los poderes económicos y los militares. Entretanto, en la potencia emergente el poder económico crece y va, hasta cierto momento, muy por encima del poder militar. Al cabo, el poder militar debería alcanzar al económico, siendo este, muy probablemente, el momento del desplazamiento de la vieja potencia hegemónica por la nueva. En el caso que nos preocupa, si las tendencias se mantienen, la mutación pudiera darse en unos diez o quince años más.

También hay que evitar extrapolaciones ingenuas. Los problemas internos de China hasta ahora no resultan muy visibles, pero son agudos. El régimen de explotación de la fuerza de trabajo obrera y campesina, a partir de la reversión al capitalismo (empujada por Deng Xiaoping y otros), ha sido inmisericorde y se puede hablar de una dictadura en contra de los trabajadores del campo y la ciudad.

Situación que debería dar lugar, tarde o temprano, a reclamos y protestas. Después de todo, alguna memoria debe quedar de los tiempos revolucionarios, de la Larga Marcha y de la revolución cultural. En breve, no se puede augurar un camino terso por el lado chino.

Esta revisión somera basta para comprobar que China ha empezado a alcanzar, e incluso superar, al poderío económico de Estados Unidos. Fenómeno que en los próximos años se debería acentuar y dar lugar a colisiones de orden mayor. Recordemos a Lenin: “En el terreno del capitalismo, ¿qué otro medio puede haber que no fuera la guerra, para eliminar la desproporción existente entre el desarrollo de las fuerzas productivas y la acumulación de capital, por una parte, y el reparto de las colonias y de las esferas de influencia del capital financiero, por otra?”[2].

Bujarin apuntaba en el mismo sentido: “La internacionalización de la vida económica conduce fatalmente a resolver por las armas las cuestiones en litigio”[3].

El recurso a la guerra ciertamente no es nuevo (¿acaso no es la continuación de la política por otros medios?) y se sabe lo brutal de sus costos. Pero hay un dato nuevo: ¿qué puede suceder cuando ambos bandos son potencias nucleares? ¿Podría resistir el mundo una guerra con ataques nucleares masivos por ambos lados? Así las cosas, ¿no se llegaría a eliminar la misma existencia humana?

Podríamos también suponer o desear, que antes, esa humanidad se levantará para poner un alto a tamaño destino.

Y que lo haga enarbolando el lema de Rosa Luxemburgo: “Socialismo o barbarie”.

José Valenzuela Feijóo

José Valenzuela Feijóo: Investigador de la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (UAM), México.


[1] Las cifras que se manejan (salvo indicación expresa) las tomamos del Banco Mundial, de ONUDI o del FMI.

[2] V. I. Lenin, El imperialismo, fase superior del capitalismo, en Obras Escogidas, Tomo 1, págs. 773. Edit. Progreso, Moscú, 1974.

[3] N. Bujarin, La economía mundial y el imperialismo, pág. 129. Pasado y Presente, México, 1979.

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