Late Wednesday, House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R. CA) said “(w)e have enough votes” to pass Trumpcare on Thursday. “It’ll pass,” he added.

Earlier in the day, $8 billion was added to help cover individuals with pre-existing conditions – a meaningless amount providing too little help to matter.

The measure faces strong opposition from healthcare advocacy groups. American Medical Association president Dr. Andrew Gurman said

“(n)one of the legislative tweaks under consideration changes the serious harm to patients and the health care delivery system.”

The 11th hour changes “tinker at the edges without remedying the fundamental failing of the bill – that millions of Americans will lose their health insurance as a direct result of this proposal.”

It’s an abomination, leaving low-income Americans unable to get vital affordable coverage, ones with pre-existing conditions most vulnerable.

A new study by Harvard and MIT academics discussed subsidized healthcare insurance for low-income adults, based on the Massachusetts experience from 2009 – 2013. Its main results state:

“Subsidies Matter: Insurance take-up falls rapidly as (they) decline.” A $40 monthly premium increase causes about 25% of low-income individuals or households to drop coverage.

If monthly premiums increase up to $116, the “estimate(d) take-up falls…to less than half” of individuals covered (44%).”

“Plans Suffer Adverse Selection: Enrollees induced by larger subsidies to purchase insurance are also lower-cost, consistent with adverse selection into insurance.”

“But adverse selection cannot completely explain low take-up: even adjusting for adverse selection, enrollees’ own expected medical costs are three to four times larger than what they are willing to pay for insurance.”

“Uncompensated Care Matters:” Estimated uncompensated care for low-income individuals and households “accounts for nearly all of the gap between enrollee willingness to pay and costs.”

The “primary beneficiary of expanded insurance” is providers, not enrollees.

Low willingness or ability to pay accounts for “highly incomplete enrollment” in Obamacare marketplaces.

Modest premium increases “are a major deterrent to universal coverage” for low-income people, based on the Massachusetts experience.

Adverse selection helps explain why Obamacare insurance plans have higher than expected costs.

“While reducing insurance subsidies can lower costs, significant subsidies are required to achieve near-universal coverage,” the study showed.

Eliminating subsidies or reducing them sharply would prevent low-income Americans from the ability to afford health insurance.

Price matters. When premiums rise, enrollee numbers fall. According to study co-author Nathaniel Hendren, Trumpcare as it now stands would make coverage unaffordable for households earning less than $75,000 annually.

The Obamacare/Massachusetts experience proves the only viable option is government-sponsored universal coverage for everyone.

It’ll save hundreds of billions of dollars annually in wasted insurance costs – good for industry profits, bad for assuring everyone has heathcare coverage, a fundamental human right.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected].

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”

Visit his blog site at

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Will ‘Trumponomics’ Bankrupt America?

May 4th, 2017 by F. William Engdahl

The campaign promises were grandiose just like the candidate. Donald Trump wooed millions of American voters with his pledge to “make America great again.” He promised a $1 trillion infrastructure plan to revitalize the de facto depressed national economy. He promised to bring jobs back from China, Mexico and elsewhere by renegotiating major trade deals or scotching them entirely as with the Trans-Pacific Partnership of the Obama era, a scheme which Trump rightly said would take even more American jobs. After 100 days in office what are the prospects that his economic program will bring positive changes to Americans?

Dismal to put it mildly. Of course that should come as no shock to anyone taking a closer look at who is Trump, or more correctly his transition team brought in to run White House economic policy.

That Dubious Wall Street Economics Team

The top economic and financial position in the Trump Cabinet is held by of Steve Mnuchin, Secretary of the Treasury, a veteran Wall Street banker for 17 years at Goldman Sachs. As an undergraduate at Yale University, for those interested in occult matters, Mnuchin was inducted into the bizarre Skull & Bones secret society in 1985, the same secret society where George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush were initiates.

After leaving Goldman Sachs, Mnuchin was several times a business partner with notorious convicted hedge fund insider trader, George Soros, the putative ‘Daddy’ Warbucks today of CIA and USAID regime change NGOs around the world.

Image result for mnuchin + soros

George Soros and Steve Mnuchin, Source: AntiMedia

Both Mnuchin and Soros, with other investors, made a literal killing on the ravages of the US sub-prime real estate collapse. They bought bankrupt California mortgage lender IndyMac from the US Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation during the 2008 sub-prime mortgage crisis at a bargain price. Mnuchin was severely criticized as owner and CEO of IndyMac for making money by foreclosing aggressively on homes at a rate double the norms of the banking industry. He was sued over questionable foreclosures, and settled several cases for millions of dollars. He violated the Fair Housing Act by not lending money to African Americans, Hispanics, and Asians. If we are to believe him, he told the financial TV CNBC last November it would be the Trump administration’s job to

“make sure that the average American has wage increases and good jobs.”

A second key member of Donald Trump’s economic team is Wilbur Ross, Secretary of Commerce. Ross, a billionaire, was for 24 years head of N.M. Rothschild & Sons New York office for bankruptcy-restructuring, a euphemism for what is called “asset-stripping,” where he earned the title, “King of Bankruptcy.”

Ross’ ties to Trump go back to the 1980’s when Ross helped Trump avoid foreclosure on The Donald’s three Atlantic City gambling casinos. Ross’ International Coal Group owned a West Virginia coal mine where an explosion in 2006 killed 12 miners. It was later revealed by his former associates that Ross knew well that the mine was sub-standard in safety but did nothing to correct it. In 2014 Ross was named head or “Grand Swipe” of a secret Wall Street fraternity, Kappa Beta Phi, founded in 1929 just before the stock market crash, whose stated purpose is to “keep alive the spirit of the ‘good old days of 1928–29.” Michael Bloomberg, former Goldman Sachs CEO Jon Corzine, Laurence Fink CEO of the $4.5 trillion financial firm BlackRock, are some of the very select members of Ross’ Wall Street fraternity.

The Trump Director of the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB), responsible for drafting the President’s annual Budget, is former US Congressman Mike Mulvaney. In his first Trump Budget proposal Mulvaney cut funds for a program “Meals on Wheels” which brings food to disabled, claiming the program showed no “results.” The program delivers meals to individual homes and senior citizen centers, feeding more than 2.4 million Americans 60 and older, more than half a million of them veterans according to their website. The government says that most recipients live alone, take more than six medications, and rely on these meals for at least half the food they consume.

Gary Cohn is the White House Director of the National Economic Council. He came to the job directly from Goldman Sachs where he was President and Chief Operating Officer. Cohn led a Goldman Sachs delegation to Greece in 2009 to try to convince the Greek government to use derivatives to push debt due dates into the distant future. Goldman Sachs in fact, while Cohn held a top position in 2001, devised the exotic derivatives scheme to hide billions in state debt from Brussels that enabled Greece to illegally qualify to join the Eurozone.

This is the gang that we are supposed to believe will “make America great again,” and to “make sure that the average American has wage increases and good jobs.” In fact, based on what they have released to date, they will destroy much of what little remains of a functioning national economy and a stable middle-class.

Trump Economic Plan: Bankers’ Socialism

With this economic team it should surprise not that the outlines of the Trump proposals for tax cuts and investments for “making America great again” will, much like those of Ronald Reagan in the 1980’s, benefit the 1%, those like Trump and his billionaire Cabinet. He proposes to radically cut individual and business taxes.

Sounds nice, until we see the details.

On April 26 the Trump Administration presented an outline of his tax overhaul plan. The Trump team proposes drastic cuts in estate taxes, in capital gains taxes on private investments such as stocks or bonds, and repeal of the Affordable Care Act, the controversial Obamacare health insurance that presently taxes at 3.8% the investment income of the highest income earners to subsidize health insurance for the lowest earners. Trump’s team expects to win $1 trillion over the next decade in savings for the rich from that Obamacare surgery. According to law professor and former chief of staff of the US Congress’ Joint Committee on Taxation, Edward Kleinbard,

“The only Americans who are very clear winners under the new system are the wealthiest.”

The added repeal of the current Estate Tax on inheritance would affect the fortunes of only 5,300 families.

In total the US Government would lose an estimated “$5 trillion in present tax revenue over 10 years” with its regressive tax cuts according to analysis of the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities.

At the same time, with Government shutdown looming over failure of Congress to approve a higher US Federal debt ceiling, and a legal mandate to contain future Budget deficits and debt, the Trump economic team proposes to savagely reduce health, education and other social programs to finance his proposed large increases in military spending and tax cuts. Yet, because of the huge tax revenue loss and social security payments drain to the Federal Budget that is underway as the generation born after the war until around 1964 retire, and because the Trump economics makes no serious effort to balance tax cuts and Budget spending, Budget deficits under the Trump plan could easily surpass $2 trillion a year. Today it is about $600 billion in a regime of unprecedented low Federal Reserve interest rates. Even before the Trump economic plan, assuming ideal continuation of the conditions of the last few years, the Congressional Budget Office estimated that by 2021 the annual Budget deficit, already over $19 trillion, would permanently exceed $1 trillion a year.

To underline the “damned if we do, damned if we don’t nature of the current fiscal and economic debt trap the US Government has made over the past years, especially since the crisis of 2007-2008, if the Federal Reserve continues to slowly raise interest rates after more than 8 years of zero interest, the US Budget interest on federal debt explodes. If interest rates were at 3.75%, instead of the current .75%, then the US Federal Government would have to pay an added $600 billion per year in interest payments. And as Federal debt goes well beyond $20 trillion with those “normal” interest levels, interest rate on debt alone approaches $1 trillion.

Today traditional buyers of US Government debt in the form of Treasury bonds and bills, namely China, Japan, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia are selling their Treasury debt. In 2016 China alone sold a net $188 billion. Russia, hit by politically-motivated US Treasury sanctions has also been selling as has Saudi Arabia due to the severe drop in oil prices. As the size of the Federal debt in the next few years goes parabolic and foreign buyers continue reducing, the Federal Reserve as not “Lender of last resort” as was the case, becomes the “Buyer of last resort.” Yet already after 8 years of crisis, the debt holdings of the Fed have exploded from a level of $476 billion at the beginning of the financial crisis to a staggering 2,844 billion, that is $2.844 trillion on the eve of the Trump inauguration in January. ix

In short, the Trump economic cabal of Wall Street asset strippers and Goldman Sachs speculators is proposing tax and economic programs that will blow an already unprecedented US debt situation into the stratosphere. Is this the background driving an increasingly desperate Trump foreign policy of wars with everyone, peace with none? Unlike Trump’s gambling casinos which could declare bankruptcy and let The Donald emerge richer than ever because of the corporate bankruptcy laws, the US Government does not enjoy that luxury.

A critic of the Trump economic plans, investor and economist, Peter Schiff, who correctly predicted the 2007 sub-prime real estate collapse, commenting on the Trump economic and tax plans, warned,

“years of massive deficits, runaway government spending, artificially low interest rates, and three rounds of quantitative easing, have left the economy so sick that any tax cut large enough to revive it may actually kill it instead.”

All in all, if Congress, dominated by wealthy Republicans, passes the outlined Trump tax and budget plans, it will make America’s present economic depression and fiscal crisis even worse. Is it any surprise given who Trump has named to his economic policy advisers? The swamp is about to drain the nation and its citizens, once more, and this time it looks savage.

F. William Engdahl is strategic risk consultant and lecturer, he holds a degree in politics from Princeton University and is a best-selling author on oil and geopolitics, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook.”

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General Curtis M. Scaparrotti, the head of America’s European Command spoke before a US Senate subcommittee and delivered a statement worthy of Dr. Strangelove.

The script transcript of his remarks is something straight out of the early 1950s.

General  Scaparrotti made the wild claim that Russia is the enemy of Europe, Ukraine, Georgia and perhaps most astonishingly of all, an enemy of Turkey.

In reality, Turkey is pivoting away from NATO and the EU and in terms of trade and diplomatic cooperation, is looking increasingly to Russia as a partner. This is happening in spite of the totally divergent goals between Ankara and Moscow in Turkey. Nevertheless, Turkey is one of the key participants in the Astana Peace Talks while the US has no official role.

Furthermore, the chief adviser to Turkish President Erdogan has said that Turkey may ‘accidentally’ fire upon US troops in Syria during Turkey’s protracted war with Kurdish forces. Yet Turkey is scared of Russia according to General Scaparrotti? It makes no logical sense. But nor does the following statement he offered,

“Today we face the most dynamic European strategic environment in recent history,” he said in his testimony. “In the east, a resurgent Russia had turned from partner to antagonist as it seeks to undermine the Western-led international order and reassert itself as a global power.

“Accordingly, we are adjusting our plans, our posture, our readiness to remain relevant to combat the threats we face…In short, we are returning to our historic role as a war fighting command”.

He continued,

“Russia’s posture is not a light force, it’s a heavy force.

In order to have the posture that is both credible and of the right composition, we need more armoured forces… to make sure that we do have a force of enough size that enables us to deter Russia.

Five or six years ago, we weren’t concerned about being ready (for combat against Russia) today….That has changed.”

Scaparrotti further stated that Russia is not a partner but an ‘adversary’. This entirely contradicts Donald Trump’s campaign mantra that Russia is not the enemy but that ISIS is and to that end, Russia could be a potential partner for the US in the fight against the barbaric Wahhabist terrorist group.

Of course, Russia does have a modern, large and dynamic army and it is also true that geographically Russia is and always has been on Europe’s Euroasian border. But how this automatically means that Russia is an enemy of Europe is anyone’s guess. Russia actually has fewer strategic or economic interests in Europe than it did during the late-modern Tsarist period, the Soviet period or in the 1990s and early 2000s.

EU sanctions have hurt European agricultural produces far more than they’ve hurt Russia which has become increasingly self-sufficient in addition to importing warm weather products from countries that have a better trading parity with Russia anyway. Such countries include Turkey and Serbia.

Europe needs Russian gas far more than Russia needs European agriculture. Russia invading Europe is as fanciful as China invading Russia or Canada invading the United States. It simply makes no sense in the real world.

Now watch General Scaparrotti deliver his address with a straight face.

Watch the ‘original’ below.

Adam Garrie is the managing editor at The Duran.

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Selected Articles: How the US Supports Al-Qaeda

May 4th, 2017 by Global Research News

Global Research strives for peace, and we have but one mandate: to share timely, independent and vital information to readers across the globe. We act as a global platform to let the voices of dissent, protest, and expert witnesses and academics be heard and disseminated internationally.

We need to stand together to continuously question politics, false statements, and the suppression of independent thought.

Stronger together: your donations are crucial to independent, comprehensive news reporting in the ongoing battle against media disinformation.  (click image above to donate)

While we’ve been told by the mainstream media about the enormous efforts of the US fighting against Al Qaeda and the ISIS, the following selection of Global Research articles tells us otherwise. 

The US Supplies Weapons to Al Qaeda in Syria, via Bulgaria?

By Sophie Mangal, May 03, 2017

The Bulgarian newspaper Trud which initiated a journalistic investigation sent an official request to both companies to clarify what the received money was spent on. Chemring responded some ammunition for the U.S. and its allies’ armies was purchased from Vazovski Mashinostroitelni Zavodi (VMZ-Sopot). It included 122mm rockets for the Grad MLRS, 73mm anti-tank shells and 40mm ammo for rocket launchers. The other company, Orbital ATK, simply ignored the request.

The US Created Al Qaeda: The Illusion of America “Cooperating” with Russia in “Combating Terrorism”

By Stephen Lendman, May 03, 2017

US preemptively waged wars aim to replace sovereign independent governments with pro-Western ones – in Syria and elsewhere. Its relations with Russia remain irreconcilably adversarial because its deep state wants pro-Western governance replacing its sovereign independence.

U.S. “Military Aid” to Al Qaeda, ISIS-Daesh: Pentagon Uses Illicit Arms Trafficking to Channel Enormous Shipments of Light Weapons into Syria

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, April 28, 2017

According to Jane’s Defence Weekly, quoting documents released by the U.S. Government’s Federal Business Opportunities (FBO), the US –as part of its “counterterrorism campaign”– has provided Syrian rebels [aka moderate Al Qaeda] with large amounts of weapons and ammunition. 

The US and its allies (including Turkey and Saudi Arabia) have relied on the illicit trade in light weaponry produced in Eastern Europe, the Balkans, China, etc. for delivery to rebel groups inside Syria, including ISIS-Daesh and Al Nusra.

How Obama and Erdogan Moved ISIS from Iraq to Syria, to Weaken Assad

By Eric Zuesse, May 01, 2017

Then, when U.S. and Turkish forces attacked ISIS in Mosul Iraq, an escape-path was intentionally left by them for those ISIS jihadists to travel west to Der Zor, so that they could not only take over the oil wells there, but do major damage to the Syrian government’s army forces in that key city, after Obama had bombed there on September 17th. Consequently, Erdogan and Obama were now using ISIS in Mosul as a means for reinforcing ISIS in Syria, in such a way as to provide oil-income to ISIS and also to directly weaken Assad’s government.

Who’s Arming Radical Militants in Syria and Iraq?

By Martin Berger, May 01, 2017

The fact that the United States carries on large-scale shipments of Bulgarian weapons to the “moderate” opposition in Syria has recently been uncovered by the Bulgarian newspaper Trud. According to the media source, last March alone, Danish vessel Marianne Danika made 2 trips from the Bulgarian Burgas to the Saudi city of Jeddah, carrying tons of weapons that are now delivered to Syria via Turkey or Jordan.

America Mingles with Al Qaeda in Syria: Washington Wants Russia Not to Target al-Qaeda “Terror Groups”

By Daniel McAdams, May 01, 2017

Now we see the extraordinary situation where the US government admits that the militia groups Jaish al-Islam and Ahrar al-Sham are fighting alongside and are “intermingled with” al-Qaeda’s Nusra Front, but resoundingly rejects the Russian request to therefore classify these two groups terrorist.

In fact, not only does fighting alongside and “intermingling with” al-Qaeda not get a group classified “terrorist,” the US government is actually asking Russia and the Syrian government to stop shooting at such groups!

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This article pertaining to the August 2013 East Ghouta attack was first published by Global Research in April 2015.

The dirty war on Syria has involved repeated scandals, often fabricated against the Syrian Government to help create pretexts for deeper intervention. Perhaps the most notorious was the East Ghouta incident of August 2013, where pictures of dead or drugged children were uploaded from an Islamist-held agricultural area east of Damascus, with the claim that the Syrian Government had used chemical weapons to murder hundreds of innocents. The incident generated such attention that direct US intervention was only averted by a Russian diplomatic initiative. The Syrian Government agreed to eliminate its entire stockpile of chemical weapons (Smith-Spark and Cohen 2013), maintaining that it had never used them in the recent conflict.

Indeed, all the independence evident on the East Ghouta incident (including evidence from the US and the UN) shows that the Syrian Government was falsely accused. This followed a series of other false accusations, ‘false flag’ claims recorded by senior nun Mother Agnes (SANA 2011), a shamefully biased investigation into the Houla massacre (see Anderson 2015) and failed or exposed  attempts to blame the Syrian Government over Islamist group killings, for example at Daraya and Aqrab (Fisk 2012; Thompson 2012). The Islamist groups’ use of chemical weapons was mostly dismissed by the western powers, and that dismissal has been reflected in most western media reports. However, because the chemical weapon claims have been repeated for years, public perceptions seem to have little reference to facts based on evidence. After a little background, let’s consider the independent evidence on the East Ghouta incident, in some detail. Arising from that evidence we are led to another serious crime of war, the fate of the dead or drugged children portrayed in those infamous images.

1. Chemical Weapons in Syria

Chemical weapons are a crude relic of an earlier era, such as the trench warfare of a century ago. They have no utility in urban warfare, where an army hunts armed groups amongst streets, buildings and civilian populations. No real utility, unless a ruthless party wants to create a general panic. In the case of the Syrian Arab Army, their conventional weapons were far superior to such crude weapons and their urban warfare training, often done in Iran, had the aim of rooting out terrorist groups, building by building (al Akhras 2013). A stockpile of chemical weapons had been kept as a deterrent to Israel, which holds nuclear weapons; but there had been no proven use of them in recent decades.

By mid 2013 the war had turned in favour of the Government. Although parts of Aleppo and some parts of eastern Syria were held by various Islamist groups, the Army had secured the major populated areas in western Syria and had closed much of the armed traffic across the mountainous Lebanese border. Along the borders with states which backed the Islamists – Turkey, Israel and Jordan – there were regular incursions, but they were always beaten back by the Syrian Army. Over May-June 2013 the Army, backed by Lebanon’s Hezbollah militia, took back the city of Qusayr, south-west of Homs, from a combination of the Farouq Brigade and Jabhat al Nusra, including many foreigners (Mortada 2013).

In this context anti-government armed Islamist groups were accused of using chemical weapons. The main foreign support group for the Syrian Islamists, Jabhat al Nusra, were reported to have seized a chemical factory near Aleppo in December 2012 (Gerard Direct 2012). Then in March the Syrian Government complained to the UN that sarin gas had been used in a major battle with the Islamists at Khan al Assal, west of Aleppo. The Syrian news agency SANA reported that terrorists had fired a rocket ‘containing chemical materials’, killing 16 people and wounding 86, soldiers and civilians. The death toll later rose to 25 (Barnard 2013). The Muslim Brotherhood-aligned British-based source, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, along with other anti-government ‘activists’, confirmed the casualties but insinuated that the Syrian Army might have used the weapons and ‘accidentally’ hit themselves (Barnard 2013). Western media reports mostly elevated the Islamist counter-claims to the level of the Government’s report. In April 2013 Jabhat al Nusra was reported as having gained access to chlorine gas (NTI 2013).

About Khan al Asal, a 19 March statement from Syria’s UN Ambassador, Bashar al Ja’afari, said that ‘armed terrorist groups had fired a rocket from the Kfar De’il area towards Khan Al Asal (Aleppo district) … a thick cloud of smoke had left unconscious anyone who had inhaled it. The incident reportedly resulted in the deaths of 25 people and injured more than 110 civilians and soldiers who were taken to hospitals in Aleppo’. The following day the Syrian Government ‘requested the Secretary-General to establish a specialized, impartial independent mission to investigate the alleged incident’ (UNMIAUCWSAA 2013: 2-3).

Almost immediately following this, from 21 March onwards, the governments of the USA, France and Britain (all of which were by then directly or indirectly supporting the Islamist groups) began to add a series of incidents, claiming the use of chemical weapons in Syria (UNMIAUCWSAA 2013: 2-6). Washington repeatedly claimed there was ‘no proof’ the ‘rebels’ were responsible for chemical weapon use. They sought to turn the accusations against the Syrian Government.

However, in an interim statement in May, UN investigator Carla del Ponte said she had testimony from victims that ‘rebels’ had used sarin gas (BBC 2013). Then in May, Turkish security forces were reported to have found a 2kg canister of sarin, after raiding the homes of Jabhat al Nusra fighters (RT 2013). In July Russia announced it had evidence that Syrian ‘rebels’ were making their own sarin gas (Al Jazeera 2013).

Despite dissatisfaction over the Houla inquiry the previous year (see Anderson 2015), the Syrian Government invited UN inspectors to visit the Khan al Asal attack site. Details were organised and the UN’s Special Mission finally arrived in Damascus on 18 August 2013. The Mission ‘intended to contemporaneously investigate the reported allegations of the use of chemical weapons in Khan Al Asal, Saraqueb and Sheik Maqsood’, that is three of the 16 reported sites, ‘which were deemed credible’. However, ‘after the tragic events of 21 August 2013’ the UN Secretary General directed the group to investigate that incident ‘as a matter of priority’ (UNMIAUCWSAA 2013: 7-8). The East Ghouta incident and claims of mass gassing derailed the initially planned investigations. Despite the implausibility of the Syrian Government launching a chemical weapons attack, just as it had invited UN inspectors in Damascus, the Islamist claims succeeded in gaining world attention.

2. The East Ghouta Incident

The main armed Islamist group which controlled the area, the Saudi-backed Islamic Front (Liwa al Islam), blamed the Government for gassing children. Photos of dozens of dead or injured children were circulated. Supporting the ‘rebel’ accusations, the US government and the Washington-based Human Rights Watch blamed the Syrian government. Human Rights Watch said it had ‘analyzed witness accounts of the rocket attacks, information on the likely source of the attacks, the physical remnants of the weapon systems used’, and claimed the rockets used were ‘weapon systems known and documented to be only in the possession of, and used by, Syrian government armed forces’ (HRW 2013a). Much the same was said by the US Government. Close links between the two should tell us that this was more collaboration than corroboration. A group of Nobel Prize winners would later accuse Human Rights Watch of running a ‘revolving door’ between its offices and those of the US government (Pérez Esquivel, and Maguire 2014).

The New York Times backed the US Government claim ‘that only Syrian government forces had the ability to carry out such a strike’ (Gladstone and Chivers 2013). The paper claimed vector calculations of the rocket trajectories indicated they must have been fired from Syrian Army bases in Damascus (Parry 2013). Yet studies at MIT quickly showed the rockets to have a much shorter range than was suggested. The NYT retreated from its telemetry claims saying, while ‘some argued that it was still possible the government was responsible’, new evidence ‘undermined the Obama administration’s assertions’ about the rocket launch points’ (Chivers 2013; also Parry 2013). The final MIT report was more emphatic, concluding that the rockets ‘could not possibly have been fired at East Ghouta from the ‘heart’, or from the eastern edge, of the Syrian Government controlled area shown in the intelligence map published by the White House on August 30, 2013’ (Lloyd and Postol 2014).

While western media outlets mostly repeated Washington’s accusations, independent reports continued to contradict the story. Journalists Dale Gavlak and Yahya Ababneh reported direct interviews with ‘doctors, Ghouta residents, rebel fighters and their families’ in the East Ghouta area. Many believed that the Islamists had received chemical weapons via Saudi intelligence chief, Prince Bandar bin Sultan, and were responsible for carrying out the gas attack (Gavlak and Ababneh 2013). The father of a rebel said his son had asked ‘what I thought the weapons were that he had been asked to carry’. His son and 12 other rebels were ‘killed inside of a tunnel used to store weapons provided by a Saudi militant, known as Abu Ayesha’ (Gavlak and Ababneh 2013). A female fighter complained they had no instructions on how to use chemical weapons. A rebel leader said much the same. Many of those interviewed reported that their salaries came from the Saudi government (Gavlak and Ababneh 2013).

Next a Syrian group, ISTEAMS, led by Mother Agnes Mariam, carried out a detailed examination of the video evidence, noting that bodies had been manipulated for the images and that many of the children appeared ill or drugged (ISTEAMS 2013: 32-35). The videos used ‘artificial scenic treatment … there is a flagrant lack of real families in East Ghouta … so who are the children that are exposed in those videos? (ISTEAMS 2013: 44). All reports came from ‘rebel’ controlled areas. The medical office of the area claimed 10,000 injured and 1,466 killed, 67% of whom were women and children; while the Local Coordinating Committee (an FSA linked group) said there were 1,188 victims; but videos showed less than 500 bodies, by no means all dead (ISTEAMS 2013: 36-38). Even more striking was the subsequent absence of verified bodies. ‘Eight corpses are seen buried. [The] remaining 1,458 corpses, where are they? Where are the children?’ (ISTEAMS 2013: 41). A ‘rebel’ spokesperson claimed that ‘burials took place quickly for fear the bodies might decompose as a result of the heat’ (Mroue 2013).

The ISTEAMS report suggested a possible link with a large scale abduction of children in Ballouta, Northern Latakia, just two weeks prior to the East Ghouta incident. ‘We refer also the list of the victims of the invasion of 11 Alawite villages in Lattakia the 4th of August 2013, where 150 women and children were abducted by Jobhat Al Nosra’ (ISTEAMS 2013: 43). The report said: ‘the families of some adducted women and children … recognise their relatives in the videos’, and called for an ‘unbiased’ investigation to determine the identity and whereabouts of the children (ISTEAMS 2013: 44). Later reports noted that the children abducted in northern Syria had been held in the northern town of Selma (Martin 2014; Mesler 2014), with one alleging the armed groups had drugged those children to create a video, sending it to East Ghouta to be uploaded (Mesler 2014). If this were true, those children were never in the East Ghouta.

At the end of 2013 a Turkish lawyers and writers group issued a substantial report on crimes against civilians in Syria. A particular focus was the responsibility of the Turkish Government, which was backing the ‘rebel’ groups. The report concluded that ‘most of the crimes’ against Syrian civilians, including the East Ghouta attack, were committed by ‘armed rebel forces in Syria’. The Saudi backed group Liwa al Islam, led by Zahran Alloush, was said ‘by several sources to be the organization behind the chemical attack (Peace Association and Lawyers for Justice 2013).

North American veteran journalist Seymour Hersh interviewed intelligence agents and concluded that Washington’s claims on the evidence had been fabricated. Al Nusra ‘should have been a suspect’, he said, ‘but the [US] administration cherry picked intelligence to justify a strike against Assad’ (Hersh 2013). President Obama cited as evidence the Syrian Army’s preparation for a gas attack and ‘chatter’ on the Syrian airwaves at the time of the incident. However Hersh said he had found ‘intense concern’ and anger amongst agents over ‘the deliberate manipulation of intelligence’. One officer said the attack ‘was not the result of the current regime’ (Hersh 2013). The White House backgrounder combined facts after the event with those before. Hersh concludes that the White House ‘disregarded the available intelligence about al-Nusra’s potential access to sarin and continued to [wrongly] claim that the Assad government was in sole possession of chemical weapons’ (Hersh 2013).

The UN special mission on chemical weapons returned to Syria in late September and investigated several sites, including East Ghouta. They decided to investigate seven of the initial sixteen reports (UNMIAUCWSAA 2013: 10). This Mission was not briefed to determined responsibility, but rather to determine whether chemical weapons had been used and what had been the results. In a December 2013 report they reported that chemical weapons had been used in Syria, and specifically ‘against civilians, including children, on a relatively large scale in the Ghouta area of Damascus on 21 August … in Khan Al Asal on 19 March 2013 against soldiers and civilians … in Jobar on 24 August 2013 on a relatively small scale against soldiers … in Saraqueb on 24 August 2013 on a small scale, also against civilians … [and] in Ashrafiah Sahnaya on 25 August 2013 on a small scale against soldiers’ (UNMIAUCWSAA 2013: 19-21). Notice that on three of these five occasions chemical weapons were used against soldiers. Logically those attacks came from groups were fighting soldiers, not from government forces. A later report for the Human Rights Council (February 2014) noted that the chemical agents used in Khan-Al-Assal attack ‘bore the same unique hallmarks as those used in al Ghouta’; however they could not determine the perpetrator  (HRC 2014: 19). The independent evidence was overwhelming and inescapable: chemical weapons had been used in East Ghouta, but the charges against the Syrian Army were fabricated.

East Ghouta chemical weapons incident (August 2013): significant reports
Source/report/evidence Method and conclusion
Carla del Ponte (UN) Pre-East Ghouta: ‘Rebels’ believed to have used sarin gas in North Syria
Various news reports Pre-East Ghouta: ‘Rebels’ (al Nusra) arrested in Turkey with sarin gas
‘Syrian Rebels’ and associates 1,300+ killed, including children, from Government CW shelling (however only 8 bodies are publicly buried)
Human Rights Watch The CW used were only in possession of the SG
New York Times Telemetry evidence links attacks to SG bases (later MIT studies force NYT to modify this claim)
Lloyd and Postol (MIT) Rockets used had limited range and could not have been fired from suggested SG positions.
Gavlak and Ababneh (MINT Press) CW had been supplied by Saudis to ‘rebel’ groups, some locals had died due to mishandling
Mother Agnes / ISTEAMS Images were contrived, no social context, only eight people buried – who are the children?
John Mesler (NSNBC) Parents identified children in photos as those kidnapped in Latakia, two weeks earlier
Seymour Hersh (LRB) Interviewed US officials. Intelligence was manipulated to blame President Assad, false claims used.
Turkish lawyers and writers group (PALJ) Saudi backed ‘rebel’ group Liwa al Islam believed to be responsible.
UN Dec 2013 report on CW  attacks in Syria CW were used in East Ghouta; three of five CW attacks were ‘against soldiers’ or ‘against soldiers and civilians’
HRC Feb 2014 report chemical agents used in Khan-Al-Assal attack ‘bore the same unique hallmarks’ as those used in East Ghouta 

Independent evidence came from Syrian, Jordanian, Turkish and US sources, and from a United Nations team. Further, many of the displays of children were not reliably linked to East Ghouta. Nor is there independent verification of who those children are and what happened to them. The weight of evidence proves this was another ‘false flag’ incident, designed to attract deeper foreign intervention. The scale of independent reporting which undermines claims against the Syrian Government stands in contrast to the open self-publicity of ‘rebel’ atrocities such as beheadings, public executions, truck bombings, mortaring of cities, bombing of hospitals and destruction of mosques and churches. The fact that the Syrian Army strongly contests civilian atrocity claims (the treatment of captured fighters is another matter), while many of the ‘rebel’ groups publicise their own atrocities against civilians, sets a distinct background to these controversies.

3. Chemical Fabrications and Syria’s Missing Children

After the East Ghouta incident, Islamist groups supported by a range of anti-Syrian governments kept up their accusations, while covering up their own exposures. Jabhat al Nusra claimed the chemicals they were caught with in Turkey were ‘not for making sarin gas’ (Today’s Zaman 2013). Yet video evidence from south Syria showed al Nusra using chemical weapons against Syrian soldiers (Turbeville 2014).  In July 2014 barrels containing sarin were reported as discovered in parts of ‘rebel-held Syria’ (RT 2014). Then in 2015 Iraqi Kurds reported the al-Nusra breakaway group ISIS using chemical weapons (Solomon 2015; Ariel 2015). Kurdish fighters seized chlorine canisters after a suicide bomb attack which left them ‘dizzy, nauseous and weak’ (Akbar 2015).

Anti-Syrian ‘activists’, plus US-based NGOs such as Avaaz, the Syria Campaign and The White Helmets, also repeated and extended their accusations, while urging a Libyan styled ‘no fly zone’ (NFZ Syria 2015; White Helmets 2015), clearly intended to topple the Government in Damascus. By 2014 there seemed little chance that would happen. Such one-sided campaigns seemed unlikely to do much except help extend the killings. In April 2014 Al Jazeera accused the Syrian Government of using chlorine gas (Baker 2014), while anonymous activists’ accused the Syrian army of a poison gas attack (Mroue and Lucas 2015). In neither case was there any independent verification. Counter-campaigners exposed the financial and political links between Washington and a range of US-based ‘civil society’ groups like Avaaz (Morningstar 2014; Sterling 2015). Nevertheless, media channels repeated the initial claims of the East Ghouta incident, as though they were fact, oblivious to the evidence. An April 2015 article in the UK Guardian, for example, claimed in its backgrounder that the Syrian Government had used chemical weapons and ‘killed up to 1,400 people in August 2013’ (Black 2015).

The smokescreens around chemical weapons have effectively derailed reasonable public discussion about the war in Syria, at least in western circles; and perhaps that was the point. It is sad, though, that reasonable discussion of the evidence should matter so little. Further, the constant stream of fabrications have certainly aggravated and helped prolong the violence. Islamist militia carry out their crimes with relative impunity, often blaming them on the Syrian Government.

Another crime has been buried by the chemical fabrications: the fate of the children kidnapped in Ballouta. Even Human Rights Watch reported this crime (HRW 2013b), if not the link to the children said to have been injured or killed in East Ghouta. This mass kidnapping was just one of many by the Islamist groups. The victims are held for ransom, for prisoner exchanges, or simply slaughtered because they are thought be from pro-government families. The latter was the case with Alawi families in the Aqrab massacre (Thompson 2012), while a failed prisoner exchange was behind the Daraya massacre (Fisk 2012).

However in the East Ghouta incident, several sources (ISTEAMS 2013; Martin 2014; Mesler 2014) now link the Ballouta children to the photos of the dead or drugged little bodies said to be in Ghouta. That is, their images may have been uploaded from East Ghouta but the bodies were never there. While some of those kidnapped were released in a 2014 prisoner exchange, many are still held; and this is said to be why many families in north Syria have not yet more publicly identified their children. The want to see them released. Western media sources continue refer to ‘1,400’ dead, without names, but only eight bodies are known to have been buried. In the fog of war, Mother Agnes Mariam has been right all along to insist on names and details of people killed, and not just a recital of numbers, as though these killings were a cricket match. Back in September 2013 her ISTEAMS group posed one of the most most vital questions of this whole affair: ‘Eight corpses are seen buried’. [The] remaining 1,458 corpses, where are they? Where are the children?’ (ISTEAMS 2013: 41).


Al Akhras, Samir (2013) Interview with this writer, Damascus, 24 December

Al Jazeera (2013) ‘Syria rebels made own sarin gas, says Russia’, 10 July, online:

Anderson, Tim (2015) ‘The Houla Massacre Revisited: “Official Truth” in the Dirty War on Syria’, Global Research, 24 March, online:

Ariel, Ben (2015) ‘United States ‘concerned’ about ISIS use of chlorine gas’, Arutz Sheva, 17 March, online:

Akbar, Jay (2015) ‘More evidence emerges of ISIS using chemical weapons as Kurdish fighters seize chlorine canisters after suicide bomb attack that left them ‘dizzy, nauseous and weak’’, 15 March, Daily Mail, online:

Baker, Graeme (2014) ‘Syrian regime accused of chlorine gas attacks’, Al Jazeera, 17 April, online:

Barnard, Anne (2013) ‘Syria and Activists Trade Charges on Chemical Weapons’, New York Times, 19 March, online:

BBC (2013) UN’s Del Ponte says evidence Syria rebels ‘used sarin’’, 6 May, online:

Black, Ian (2015) ‘Former ambassador attacks Cameron’s ‘arrogant’ Syria policy’, UK Guardian, 8 April, online:

Chivers, C.J. (2013) ‘New Study Refines View of Sarin Attack in Syria’, New York Times, online:

Eva Pal (2014) ‘Talk with Lilly Martin and Steven Sahiounie, part 1’, YouTube, May 10, online:

Fisk, Robert (2012) ‘Inside Daraya – how a failed prisoner swap turned into a massacre’, 29 August:–how-a-failed-prisoner-swap-turned-into-a-massacre-8084727.html

Gavlak, Dale and Yahya Ababneh (2013) ‘Syrians In Ghouta Claim Saudi-Supplied Rebels Behind Chemical Attack’, MINT PRESS, August 29, online:

Gerard Direct (2012) ‘Syria: jihadist al-Nusra Front seizes chemical factory near Aleppo’, 9 December, online:

Gladstone, Rick and C.J Chivers (2013) ‘Forensic Details in U.N. Report Point to Assad’s Use of Gas’, New York Times, 16 September, online:

Hersh, Seymour M. (2013) ‘Whose Sarin?’, London Review of Books, Vol. 35 No. 24, 19 December, 9-12, online:

Hersh, Seymour M. (2014) ‘The Red Line and the Rat Line’, London Review of Books, 36:8, 17 April, pp 21-24, online:

HRC (2014) ‘Report of the independent international commission of inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic’, Human Rights Council, A/HRC/25/65, 12 February, online:

HRW (2013a) ‘Attacks on Ghouta: Analysis of Alleged Use of Chemical Weapons in Syria’, Human Rights Watch, Washington,10 September, online:

HRW (2013b) ‘You Can Still See Their Blood’, Human Rights Watch, Washington, 11 October, online:

ISTEAMS (2013) ‘Independent Investigation of Syria Chemical Attack Videos and Child Abductions’, 15 September, online:

Lloyd, Richard and Theodore A. Postol (2014) ‘Possible Implications of Faulty US Technical Intelligence in the Damascus Nerve Agent Attack of August 21, 2013’, MIT, January 14, Washington DC, online:

Malas, Nour (2013) ‘As Syrian Islamists Gain, It’s Rebel Against Rebel’, Wall Street Journal, 29 may, online:

Martin, Lilly (2014) in Deena Stryker ‘The Hidden Australia/Syria Story’, Op Ed News, 22 December, online:

Mesler, John (2014) ‘Combating the Propaganda Machine in Syria: The ‘Moderate Opposition’, the Children from Ballouta, and the Sarin Gas Attack on Eastern Ghouta’, NSNBC, 10 October, online:

Morningstar, Cory (2014) ‘Syria, Avaaz, Purpose and the art of selling hate for empire’, Wrong Kinds of Green, 17 September, online:

Mortada, Radwan (2012) ‘Syria Alternatives (II): no homegrown solutions’, Al Akhbar, 13 June, online:

Mortada, Radwan (2013) ‘The Battle for Qusayr: Decisive Victory or War of Attrition?’, Al Akhbar, May 21, online:

Mroue, Bassem (2013) ‘Syrian forces bomb area of alleged chemical attack’ USA Today, 22 August, online:

Mroue, Bassem and Ryan Lucas (2015) ‘Activists accuse Syrian military of deadly poison gas attack’, 17 march, online:

NFZ Syria (2015) ‘Call from Syria: London march 26th April’, 4 April, online:

NTI (2013) ‘Syrian militants have access to chlorine gas: plant owner’, 1 April, online:

Parry, Robert (2013) ‘NYT Backs Off Its Syria-Sarin Analysis’, Global Research, 30 December, online:

Peace Association and Lawyers for Justice in Turkey (2013) ‘War Crimes Committed Against the People of Syria’, December, online:

RT (2013) ‘Turkey finds sarin gas in homes of suspected Syrian Islamists – reports’, 30 may, online:

RT (2014) ‘‘Abandoned’ barrels containing deadly sarin seized in rebel-held Syria’, 8 July, online:

SANA (2011) ‘Mother Agnes Merriam al-Saleeb: Nameless Gunmen Possessing Advanced Firearms Terrorize Citizens and Security in Syria’, Syrian Free Press Network, 19 November, online:

Smith-Spark, Laura and Tom Cohen (2013) ‘U.S., Russia agree to framework on Syria chemical weapons’, CNN, 15 September, online:

Solomon, Erica (2015) ‘Iraqi Kurds claim ISIS used chemical weapons’, Financial Times, 14 March, online:

Turbeville, Brandon (2014) ‘New video evidence points to al-Nusra chemical attack against Syrian soldiers’, 5 May, Online:

Stack, Liam and Hania Mourtada (2012) ‘Members of Assad’s Sect Blamed in Syria Killings’, New York Times, December 12, online:

Sterling, Rick (2015) ‘Humanitarians for War on Libya’, Syrian Free Press, 5 April, online:

Thompson, Alex (2012) ‘Was there a massacre in the Syrian town of Aqrab?’, 14 December:

Today’s Zaman (2013) ‘Detained al-Nusra members say chemicals not for making sarin gas’, 13 September, online:

UN (2013) United Nations Mission to Investigate Allegations of the Use of Chemical Weapons in the Syrian Arab Republic, December, online:

UNMIAUCWSAA (2013) ‘Final report’, United Nations Mission to Investigate Allegations of the Use of Chemical Weapons in the Syrian Arab Republic, 12 December, online:

White Helmets (2015) ‘It’s time to stop the bombs’, March, online:

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Author’s note and Update 

FBI Director James Comey confirmed in a Senate Judiciary Committee on  May 3 that his mandate required him to speak out regarding the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails trove, 11 days prior to the November 8 presidential elections.

Comey confirmed that he had no regrets: “It makes me mildly nauseous to think that we might have had some impact on the election, but honestly, it wouldn’t change the decision, … To not speak about it would require an act of concealment in my view,… Concealing, in my view, would be catastrophic.”

In four hours of testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Comey delivered his most impassioned defense yet of a decision that many Democrats believe cost them the White House: telling Congress 11 days before the Nov. 8 election that the FBI had uncovered a new trove of Clinton-related emails.

… He told the panel one reason for the FBI’s renewed interest in Clinton’s case was that investigators had found emails, some of them classified, forwarded by Clinton’s assistant Huma Abedin to her husband, who was not authorized to see such information. 

…Clinton said on Tuesday her election bid was derailed in part by Comey’s announcement about the renewed probe of her use of a private email server while she was secretary of state. She said her effort also was damaged by the WikiLeaks release of her campaign chairman John Podesta’s emails, allegedly stolen by Russian hackers. (Reuters, May 3, 2017)

It is important to recall the circumstances of the actions undertaken by FBI director Comey.

The evidence revealed by the FBI points to criminal wrongdoings and corruption on the part of presidential candidate Hillary Clinton pertaining to:

1) The email trove while Clinton was Secretary of State,

2) Corruption, money laundering and conflict of interest in relation to the Clinton Foundation,

3) Meddling and corruption by the Democratic National Committee (DNC) with a view to manipulating the primary elections in favor and on behalf of Hillary Clinton and against Bernie Sanders.  This was fully revealed by John Podesta’s emails. The blame was placed on Russia’s alleged hacking of Podesta’s emailS. Meanwhile the broader issue of election fraud wilfully carried out by the DNC was forgotten. Bear in mind that if this DNC meddling had not occurred, Bernie would in all likelihood  have won the primaries, and would most probably have won the presidential elections against Trump. 

4) Barely acknowledged by the mainstream media Hillary Clinton had also bribed a senior FBI official who was subsequently put in charge of the investigation into her email trove.

Hillary had bought out the police chief, who in January 2016 was promoted Number Two Man of the FBI and put in charge of investigating her alleged wrongdoings.

The following article published by Global Research on November 7, one day before the presidential elections provides  evidence of possible criminal wrongdoing by Hillary Clinton as well as serious divisions and conflicts within the FBI, resulting from the bribing  of  a senior FBI official by Hillary.

The Senate Judiciary Committee is casually reviewing the matter, while diverting attention away from Hillary-DNC meddling of the primaries to Russia’s alleged role in the hacking the DNC  as a means of supporting  Trump’s candidacy.

Will the truth be revealed? Highly unlikely.

This is what happened.  See below.

Michel Chossudovsky, May 3, 2017


  *      *    * 

FBI Director James Comey: Hillary Should Not Face Criminal Charges. But Who Conducted the Investigation? FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe Whose Wife Received $467,500

by Michel Chossudovsky

Global Research

November 7, 2016

FBI Director James Comey (image left) decided to issue a report two days before the November election confirming that there is no evidence of wrongdoing on the part of Hillary in relation to the recent release of  650,000 Emails on October 28th. 

First let us outline the official MSM story as presented by the media (November 6): Washington Post  echoed by CNN Anderson Cooper et al. What the reports intimate is that the FBI worked assiduously around the clock and found nothing incriminating in the trove of 650,000 emails:

From the moment they secured a warrant, dozens of FBI agents worked night and day to analyze a trove of messages that they thought might help advance their probe of Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server, according to a U.S. official.

The pressure was intense. …. The agents’ work, at first, seemed endless. They had to use special software to sift through some 650,000 emails.

(WP, November 9, 2016)

According to CNN, Hillary is Clean. “Cleared” by the FBI:  “FBI Director James Comey told lawmakers Sunday the agency hasn’t changed its opinion that Hillary Clinton should not face criminal charges  after a review of new emails.”

“Based on our review, we have not changed our conclusions that we expressed in July,” Comey wrote in the new letter to congressional committee chairmen. (CNN, November 6, 2016)

 There is however something fishy with the mainstream media story.  The report is accepted at face value by the media. No discussion, no debate of what’s in the emails, etc.  The Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus issued the following statement in a letter to Congress:

 “The FBI found evidence Clinton broke the law, that she placed highly classified national security information at risk and repeatedly lied to the American people about her reckless conduct.”

“None of this changes the fact that the FBI continues to investigate the Clinton Foundation for corruption involving her tenure as secretary of state. Hillary Clinton should never be president,”

 Washington Post Video

Who Was in Charge of the Investigation

About Turn at the FBI?  The media reports fail to mention the name of the FBI official who was in charge. It wasn’t Comey. It was his number two man, deputy director of the FBI Andrew McCabe. (image right).

While McCabe was in charge of the investigation, FBI Director Comey was entrusted with the release of a formal statement to the US Congressional committee.

There is reason to question the validity of the investigation led by Andrew McCabe.

To put it mildly: Andrew McCabe is in conflict of interest. (This has been the object of a previous article by the author)

Let us review the chronology.

1. Andrew McCabe is senior official of the FBI and husband of Dr. Jill McCabe who ran for the State senate of Virginia in 2015.

2. According to the WSJ, Hillary’s “Ally” Governor of Virginia Terry McAuliffe allocated $675,000 in support of Jill McCabe’s candidacy.

“The political organization of Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, an influential Democrat with longstanding ties to Bill and Hillary Clinton, gave nearly $500,000 to the election campaign of the wife of an official at the Federal Bureau of Investigation who later helped oversee the investigation into Mrs. Clinton’s email use” (WSJ, October 23, updated October 24, 2016)

3. A few months later, in late January 2016, Andrew McCabe is promoted to the rank of Deputy Director of the FBI and put charge of the investigation into  Hillary’s Emails.

Screenshot of FBI Press Release, January 29,2016

4. Following the release of a WSJ report on October 23, the nearly $500,000 transaction in favor of Andrew McCabe’s wife is made public.

5. The WSJ as well as other reports suggest internal conflicts as well as corruption within the FBI: Possible divisions between Comey and his Deputy who was “indirectly” bribed by Hillary Clinton?

6. Five days later on October 28, FBI director James Comey decides “to go clean” with a Second letter to the US Congress.

7. Upon the release of Comey’s second letter, the FBI director is accused of breaking the law.

8. In a bitter irony, nobody actually points to the fact that Andrew McCabe rather than James Comey had broken the law. The fact that Andrew McCabe’s wife had received close to half a million dollars has gone totally unnoticed. Was James Comey being sidelined in favor of Andrew McCabe? Was Andrew McCabe involved in stalling the investigation? The Wall Street Journal (October 30, 2016) points to an Internal Feud within the FBI:

FBI in Internal Feud Over Hillary Clinton Probe

Laptop may contain thousands of messages sent to or from Mrs. Clinton’s private server

“…Others further down the FBI chain of command, however, said agents were given a much starker instruction on the case: “Stand down.” When agents questioned why they weren’t allowed to take more aggressive steps, they said they were told the order had come from the deputy director—Mr. McCabe.”

Was James Comey and the senior staff of the FBI pressured into accepting McCabe’s twisted report?

“… Others familiar with the matter deny Mr. McCabe or any other senior FBI official gave such a stand-down instruction. (Ibid)

9. Hillary had bought out the police chief, who in January 2016 was promoted Number Two Man of the FBI and put in charge of investigating her alleged wrongdoings. How convenient. Needless to say Andrew McCabe was NOT the object of a police investigation. If he had things would have turned out differently.

10.  While James Comey issued an official statement on November 6, “clearing Clinton” none of the news reports mentioned that Andrew McCabe rather than James Comey was in charge of the police investigation.

11. None of reports point to conflict of interest and the fact that Andrew McCabe was protected by Hillary Clinton.

12. Without getting into the detail of what’s in the trove of emails, which has been the object of  media coverage and analysis (See recent articles by Global Research), there are grounds to question the validity of both Andrew McCabe’s investigation as well as the official statement issued by FBI Director James Comey.

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Global Research Publishers brings you “Voices from Syria”, a new e-book by author Mark Taliano. The book is now available for order on our online store.

Click HERE to order.

Excerpt from Preface:

Between 15 and 23 September 2016, I travelled to war-torn Syria because I sensed years ago that the official narratives being fed to North Americans across TV screens, in newsprint and on the internet were false. The invasions of Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya were all based on lies; likewise for Ukraine. All of the post-9/11 wars were sold to Western audiences through a sophisticated network of interlocking governing agencies that disseminate propaganda to both domestic and foreign audiences. But the dirty war on Syria is different. The degree of war propaganda levelled at Syria and contaminating humanity at this moment is likely unprecedented. I had studied and written about Syria for years, so I was not entirely surprised by what I saw.

What I felt was a different story. Syria is an ancient land with a proud and forward-looking people. To this ancient and holy land we sent mercenaries, hatred, bloodshed and destruction. We sent strange notions of national exceptionalism and wave upon wave of lies. As a visitor I felt shame, but Syrians welcomed me as one of them. These are their stories; these are their voices.

Author Mark Taliano

Excerpt from Foreword by Michel Chossudovsky:

We bring to the attention of our readers Mark Taliano’s Book entitled Voices from Syria. In contrast to most geopolitical analysts of the Middle East, Mark Taliano focusses on what unites humanity with the people of Syria in their struggle against foreign aggression. Taliano talks and listens to the people of Syria. He reveals the courage and resilience of a Nation and its people in their day to day lives, after more than five years of US-NATO sponsored terrorism and more than two years of US “peacemaking” airstrikes which have largely targeted Syria’s civilian infrastructure.

Taliano refutes the mainstream media. The causes and consequences of the US-led war on Syria, not to mention the extensive war crimes and atrocities committed by the terrorists on behalf the Western military alliance are routinely obfuscated by the media. He is committed to reversing the tide of media disinformation, by reaching out to Western public opinion on behalf of the Syrian people. Voices from Syria provides a carefully documented overview of life in Syria, the day to day struggle of the Syrian people to protect and sustain their national sovereignty.

Former high school teacher Mark Taliano is an author and independent investigative reporter who recently returned from a trip to Syria with the Third International Tour of Peace to Syria. In this book, he combines years of research with on-the-ground observations to present an informed and well-documented analysis that refutes mainstream media narratives about the dirty war on Syria.

**New Book: Voices from Syria**

Author: Mark Taliano

ISBN Number: 978-0-9737147-9-1

Year: 2017

Product Type: PDF File

List Price: $6.50

Special Offer: $5.00 

Click to order

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“Throughout the history of mankind there have been murderers and tyrants; and while it may seem momentarily that they have the upper hand, they have always fallen.” (Mahatma Gandhi)

“The United States has discarded pretensions to international legality and decency, and embarked on a course of raw imperialism run amok.” (William Rockler, Nuremberg Tribunal prosecutor)

Except for fools and madmen, everyone knows that nuclear war would be an unprecedented human catastrophe.

In a 2-megaton explosion over a fairly large city, buildings would be vaporized, people reduced to atoms and shadows, outlying structures blown down like matchsticks and raging fires ignited. And if the bomb were exploded on the ground, an enormous crater, like those that can be seen through a telescope on the surface of the Moon, would be all that remained where midtown once had been.” (Carl Sagan, Nuclear Winter, 1983)

“Today there is an imminent risk of war with the use of that kind of weapon and I don’t harbor the least doubt that an attack by the United States and Israel against the Islamic Republic of Iran would inevitably evolve towards a global nuclear conflict.

In a nuclear war the “collateral damage” would be the life of all humanity. Let us have the courage to proclaim that all nuclear or conventional weapons, everything that is used to make war, must disappear!”  (Fidel Castro Ruz, Conversations with Michel Chossudovsky, October 12-15, 2010)

I do not know with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones”. (Albert Einstein)

When a US sponsored nuclear war becomes an “instrument of peace”, condoned and accepted by the World’s institutions and the highest authority including the United Nations, there is no turning back: human society has indelibly been precipitated headlong onto the path of self-destruction. 

The anti-war movement is dead, nuclear war is not front page news.

What are the countervailing forces which might prevent this war from occurring? There are numerous ongoing forces at work within the US State apparatus, the US Congress, the Pentagon and NATO which are confronting the Trump administration.

The main force which could prevent this war from occurring comes from the base of society, requiring forceful antiwar action by hundreds of millions of people across the land, nationally and internationally.

People must mobilize not only against this diabolical military agenda, the authority of the State and its officials must also be challenged.

This war can be prevented if people forcefully confront their governments, pressure their elected representatives, organize at the local level in towns, villages and municipalities, spread the word, inform their fellow citizens regarding the implications of a nuclear war, initiate debate and discussion within the armed forces.

Click cover image to order Towards a World War III Scenario, the Dangers of Nuclear War 

The holding of mass demonstrations and antiwar protests is not enough. What is required is the development of a broad and well organized grassroots antiwar network which challenges the structures of power and authority.

What is required is a mass movement of people which forcefully challenges the legitimacy of war, a global people’s movement which criminalizes war.

The following text was first published in November 2010. An expanded version was published in 2011 in my book entitled “Towards a World War III Scenario, The Dangers of Nuclear War”

Michel Chossudovsky, May Day 2017

*      *      *

Antiwar protest does not question the legitimacy of those to whom the protest is addressed.

Protest is accepted under Western style “democracy”, precisely because it accepts the established political order, while exerting pressure on political leaders to shift their policy stance.

Protest serves the interests of the war criminals in high office, to whom the demands are directed.

Ultimately what is at stake is the legitimacy of the political and military actors and the economic power structures, which control the formulation and direction of US foreign policy.

What is needed is to consistently challenge the legitimacy of the main political and military actors, reveal the true face of the American Empire and the underlying criminalisation of foreign policy. Ultimately what is required is to question the Obama Administration’s “right to rule”.

Even if a majority of the population is against the war, this in itself will not prevent the war from occurring.

The propaganda campaign’s objective is to sustain the lies which support the legitimacy of the main political and military actors

While the Obama administration implements a “war on terrorism”, the evidence (including mountains of official documents) amply confirms that successive U.S. administrations have supported, abetted and harbored international terrorism including Al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden.

This fact, in itself, must be suppressed because if it ever trickles down to the broader public, the legitimacy of the so-called “war on terrorism” collapses “like a deck of cards.” And in the process, the legitimacy of the main actors behind this system would be threatened.

How does one effectively break the war and police state agendas?

Essentially by refuting the “war on terrorism” and America’s holy crusade against Islamic fundamentalism which constitute the very foundations of America’s national security doctrine.

In other words, the mobilization of antiwar sentiment in itself will not reverse the tide of war.

A necessary condition for bringing down the rulers is to question their legitimacy and eventually dismantle their propaganda campaign.

How best to achieve this objective? By fully uncovering the lies behind the “war on terrorism” and revealing the complicity of the US administration in the events of 9/11.

This is a big hoax, it’s the biggest lie in US history. The war pretext does not stick and the rulers should be removed.

Moreover, it is important to show that “Enemy Number One” (Osama bin Laden) is fabricated.

Bin Laden & Brzezinski, Afghanistan

The terrorist attacks are indeed real, but who is behind them? The covert operations in support of terrorist organisations, including the history of Al Qaeda’s links to the CIA since the Soviet Afghan war are known and documented. They must be fully revealed. These covert operations relate directly to the wave of terrorist attacks which have occurred since September 11, most of which are said to have been ordered by Al Qaeda.

To reverse the tide, the spreading of information at all levels, which counteracts the propaganda campaign is required.

The truth undermines and overshadows the lie.

Once the “real truth” becomes fully understood, the legitimacy of the rulers will be undermined.

When the lies – including those concerning September 11 – are fully revealed and understood by everybody, the legitimacy of the US NATO Israel military agenda will be broken.

While this will not necessarily result in a fundamental and significant “regime change” in the US, a new “anti-war consensus” will have emerged, which may eventually pave the way for a broader struggle against the New World Order and the American Empire’s quest for global domination.

A war agenda is not disarmed through antiwar sentiment or through protest. Protest accepts the legitimacy of the leaders to whom the protests are being addressed.

One does not reverse the tide by asking President Barack Obama [update: Donald Trump]: “please abide by the Geneva Convention” and the Nuremberg Charter. Ultimately, a consistent antiwar agenda requires unseating the war criminals in high office as a first step towards disarming the institutions and corporate structures of the New World Order.

To break the Inquisition, we must also break its propaganda, its fear and intimidation campaign, which galvanizes public opinion into accepting the “war on terrorism”.

The Existing Anti-War movement

The existing antiwar movement has since 2003 been substantially weakened and divided. It does not at present have the required organizational capabilities to wage this campaign.

The antiwar movement is misinformed on the nature of the US military agenda. Several non-governmental organizations have placed the blame on Iran, for not complying with the “reasonable demands” of the “international community”. These same organizations, which are committed to World Peace tend to downplay the implications of the proposed US bombing of Iran.

An important segment of the antiwar movement, including prominent “progressive” intellectuals, are tacitly supportive of the “war on terrorism”. Al Qaeda is considered a threat. “We are against the war but we support the campaign against terrorism”.

The 9/11 Truth Movement which challenges US military doctrine and the pretext for waging war is categorized by segments of the anti-war movement as “Conspiracy Theorists”.

While we should build upon existing antiwar structures, a meaningful mass movement would require entirely different premises and strategies.

Manufacturing dissent

The antiwar collectives in the US, Canada and Western Europe are composed of  numerous trade unions, NGOs, community groups, etc, many of which are dependent on foundation and/or government funding.

The programs of these NGOs and people’s movements rely heavily on both public as well as private funding agencies including the Ford, Rockefeller, McCarthy foundations, among others. While the anti-globalization and antiwar movements are opposed to Wall Street, the Big Five Defense Contractors (ie. weapons producers) and the Texas oil giants controlled by Rockefeller, et al., the foundations and charities of Rockefeller et al will generously fund progressive anti-capitalist anti-war networks as well as environmentalists (opposed to Big Oil) with a view to ultimately overseeing and shaping their various activities.

These mechanisms of “manufacturing dissent” require a manipulative environment, a process of arm-twisting and subtle cooptation of individuals within progressive organizations, including anti-war coalitions.

Whereas the mainstream media “manufactures consent”, the complex network of NGOs (including segments of the alternative media) are used by the corporate elites to mould and manipulate the protest movement. In the US, the main antiwar coalitions including United For Peace and Justice and  MoveOn are funded by the corporate establishment.

Similarly, part of the “Left Leaning” alternative media, which has accepted the official 9/11 narrative, tends to pay lip service to the US led war. (See Michel Chossudovsky, “Manufacturing Dissent”: the Anti-globalization Movement is Funded by the Corporate Elites, Global Research, September 2010)

At this juncture, “progressives” funded by major foundations are an obstacle to the formation of an articulate grassroots antiwar movement.

A consistent antiwar movement must also confront various forms of cooption within its ranks, the fact that a significant sector of progressive opinion tacitly supports US foreign policy including “humanitarian interventions” under UN/NATO auspices.

An antiwar movement funded by major corporate foundations is the cause rather than the solution. A coherent antiwar movement cannot be funded by warmongers.

Jus ad Bellum: 9/11 and the Invasion of Yugoslavia and Afghanistan

Both the wars of Yugoslavia and Afghanistan were upheld by several “Progressives” as “Just Wars”. In the case of Afghanistan,  the “self-defense” argument was accepted at face value as a legitimate response to the 9/11 attacks, without examining the fact that the US administration had not only supported the “Islamic terror network”, it was also instrumental in the installation of the Taliban government in 1995-96.

In 2001, when Afghanistan was bombed and later invaded, several “Progressives” upheld the Administration’s “just cause” military doctrine.

In the wake of 9/11, the antiwar movement against the illegal invasion of Afghanistan was isolated. The trade unions, civil society organizations had swallowed the media lies and government propaganda. They had accepted a war of retribution against Afghanistan, which allegedly was harboring Al Qaeda. Several prominent “left leaning” intellectuals upheld the “war on terrorism” agenda.

Media disinformation prevailed. People were misled as to the nature and objectives underlying the invasion of Afghanistan. Osama bin Laden and the Taliban were identified as the prime suspects of the 9/11 attacks, without a shred of evidence and without addressing the historical relationship between Al Qaeda and the US intelligence apparatus. In this regard, understanding 9/11 is crucial in formulating a consistent antiwar position.

9/11 is the pillar of  US war propaganda, it sustains the illusion of an outside enemy, it justifies pre-emptive military intervention.

A meaningful anti-war movement requires breaking the “war on terrorism” narrative and upholding 9/11 Truth.

To reverse the tide of war and globalization requires a massive campaign of networking and outreach to inform people across the land, nationally and internationally, in neighborhoods, workplaces, parishes, schools, universities, municipalities, on the dangers of a US sponsored war, which contemplates the use of nuclear weapons. The message should be loud and clear: Iran [or North Korea] is not the threat. Even without the use of nukes, the proposed aerial bombardments could result in escalation, ultimately leading us into a broader war in the Middle East.

Debate and discussion must also take place within the Military and Intelligence community, particularly with regard to the use of tactical nuclear weapons, within the corridors of the US Congress, in municipalities and at all levels of government. Ultimately, the legitimacy of the political and military actors in high office must be challenged.

The corporate media also bears a heavy responsibility for the cover-up of US sponsored war crimes. It must also be forcefully challenged for its biased coverage of the Middle East war.

For the past year, Washington has been waging a “diplomatic arm twisting” exercise with a view to enlisting countries into supporting of its military agenda. It is essential that at the diplomatic level, countries in the Middle East, Asia, Africa and Latin America take a firm stance against the US military agenda.

Both Hillary Clinton and her predecessor at the State Department Condoleezza Rice have trekked across the Middle East, “expressing concern over Iran’s nuclear program”, seeking the unequivocal endorsement of  the governments of the region against Tehran. Meanwhile both the Bush and Obama administrations have allocated funds in support of Iranian dissident groups both within Iran and the US.

Fake Anti-war Activism: Heralding Iran as a Nuclear Threat

Many people in the antiwar movement, while condemning the US administration, also condemn the government of President Ahmadinejad for its bellicose stance with regard to Israel.  The Jus ad Bellum reasoning used as a pretext to bomb Yugoslavia on humanitarian grounds is now being applied to Iran.

President Ahmadinejad allegedly wants Israel to be “wiped off the Map” as first reported by the New York Times in October 2005:

“Iran’s conservative new president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, said Wednesday that Israel must be “wiped off the map” and that attacks by Palestinians would destroy it, the ISNA press agency reported.

Ahmadinejad was speaking to an audience of about 4,000 students at a program called “The World Without Zionism,” …. His tone was reminiscent of that of the early days of Iran’s Islamic revolution in 1979. Iran and Israel have been bitter enemies since then, and anti-Israel slogans have been common at rallies.”(See Nazila Fathi, Wipe Israel ‘off the map’ Iranian says – The New York Times, 27 October 2005)

The alleged “Wiped Off the Map” statement by Iran’s president was never made. The rumor was fabricated by the American media with a view to discrediting Iran’s head of state and providing a justification for waging an all out war on Iran:

On October 25th, 2005 …. the newly elected Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad delivered a speech at a program, titled “The World Without Zionism”….

Before we get to the infamous remark, it’s important to note that the “quote” in question was itself a quote— they are the words of the late Ayatollah Khomeini, the father of the Islamic Revolution. Although he quoted Khomeini to affirm his own position on Zionism, the actual words belong to Khomeini and not Ahmadinejad. Thus, Ahmadinejad has essentially been credited (or blamed) for a quote that is not only unoriginal, but represents a viewpoint already in place well before he ever took office.


So what did Ahmadinejad actually say? To quote his exact words in farsi:

“Imam ghoft een rezhim-e ishghalgar-e qods bayad az safheh-ye ruzgar mahv shavad.”

That passage will mean nothing to most people, but one word might ring a bell: rezhim-e. It is the word “Regime”, pronounced just like the English word with an extra “eh” sound at the end. Ahmadinejad did not refer to Israel the country or Israel the land mass, but the Israeli regime. This is a vastly significant distinction, as one cannot wipe a regime off the map. Ahmadinejad does not even refer to Israel by name, he instead uses the specific phrase “rezhim-e ishghalgar-e qods” (regime occupying Jerusalem).

So this raises the question.. what exactly did he want “wiped from the map”? The answer is: nothing. That’s because the word “map” was never used. The Persian word for map, “nagsheh”, is not contained anywhere in his original farsi quote, or, for that matter, anywhere in his entire speech. Nor was the western phrase “wipe out” ever said. Yet we are led to believe that Iran’s President threatened to “wipe Israel off the map”, despite never having uttered the words “map”, “wipe out” or even “Israel”.


The full quote translated directly to English:

“The Imam said this regime occupying Jerusalem must vanish from the page of time”.

Word by word translation:

Imam (Khomeini) ghoft (said) een (this) rezhim-e (regime) ishghalgar-e (occupying) qods (Jerusalem) bayad (must) az safheh-ye ruzgar (from page of time) mahv shavad (vanish from).

Here is the full transcript of the speech in farsi, archived on Ahmadinejad’s web site:

(See the detailed article by Arash Norouzi, Israel: “Wiped off The Map”. The Rumor of the Century, Fabricated by the US Media to Justify An All out War on Iran , Global Research  February 20, 2007)

What President Ahmadinjad was essentially calling for in his statement was “regime change” in Tel Aviv. (Compare Ahmadinejad’s bland statement on regime change in Israel with that of former Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz, who called for “Ending states that sponsor terrorism”.

This alleged “Wiped off the Map” statement has served not only to justify a pre-emptive attack against Iran but also to subdue and tame the antiwar movement.

While the danger of an all out war on Iran is a matter of concern, it is by no means a priority for the US, Canadian and European antiwar movements. In the US, there are very few antiwar events focussing on US-Israeli threats directed against Iran (See Main US antiwar collective: United for Peace & Justice : Index, United for Peace & Justice : Events).

On the other hand, there is an ongoing campaign led by United Against Nuclear Iran” (UANI), calling on President Obama  and the US Congress to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons. (See UANI home page). The UANI collective, founded by Obama appointees Richard Holbrooke and Gary Samore, claims to be integrated by “human rights and humanitarian groups, the labor movement, political advocacy and grassroots organizations” (Coalition | UANI)

UANI’s advisory board consists of a number of U.S. government insiders and big shots who have close ties with the U.S. statesmen including R. James Woolsey, the former head of CIA,… By publishing propagandistic reports and articles on the purported hazard of Iran’s nuclear activities, UANI also functions as a mouthpiece which is exclusively dedicated to fear-mongering and spreading falsehood about Iran. (See Spreading falsehoods about Iran: “United Against Nuclear Iran”: America’s war propaganda mouthpiece”   Orwell’s Dreams, September 20, 2010)

Notwithstanding Arash Norouzi’s disproval, many in the antiwar movement, while condemning the US, continue to believe that Iran constitutes a threat and that the solution is “regime change”.  The funding of NGOs (which are constituent members of major antiwar collectives) by tax exempt charities and corporate foundations, has also contributed to weakening antiwar activism in relation to Iran.  Iran is viewed by many within the antiwar movement as a potential aggressor. Its non-existent nuclear weapons are considered, a threat to global security.

The Road Ahead

What is required is the development of a broad based grassroots network which seeks to disable patterns of authority and decision making pertaining to war.

This network would be established at all levels in society, towns and villages, work places, parishes. Trade unions, farmers organizations, professional associations, business associations, student unions, veterans associations, church groups would be called upon to integrate the antiwar organizational structure. Of crucial importance, this movement should extend into the Armed Forces as a means to breaking the legitimacy of war among service men and women.

The first task would be to disable war propaganda through an effective campaign against media disinformation. The corporate media would be directly challenged, leading to boycotts of major news outlets, which are responsible for channelling disinformation into the news chain.  This endeavor would require a parallel process at the grass roots level, of sensitizing and educating fellow citizens on the nature of  the war and the global crisis, as well as effectively “spreading the word” through advanced networking, through alternative media outlets on the internet, etc.

The creation of such a movement, which forcefully challenges the legitimacy of the structures of political authority, is no easy task. It would require a degree of solidarity, unity and commitment unparalleled in World history. It would require breaking down political and ideological barriers within society and acting with a single voice. It would also require eventually unseating the war criminals, and indicting them for war crimes.

Abandon the Battlefield: Refuse to Fight

The military oath taken at the time of induction demands unbending support and allegiance to the US Constitution, while also demanding that US troops obey orders from their President and Commander in Chief:

“I,____________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to the regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God”

The President and Commander in Chief has blatantly violated all tenets of domestic and international law. So that making an oath to “obey orders from the President” is tantamount to violating rather than defending the US Constitution.

“The Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) 809.ART.90 (20), makes it clear that military personnel need to obey the “lawful command of his superior officer,” 891.ART.91 (2), the “lawful order of a warrant officer”, 892.ART.92 (1) the “lawful general order”, 892.ART.92 (2) “lawful order”. In each case, military personnel have an obligation and a duty to only obey Lawful orders and indeed have an obligation to disobey Unlawful orders, including orders by the president that do not comply with the UCMJ. The moral and legal obligation is to the U.S. Constitution and not to those who would issue unlawful orders, especially if those orders are in direct violation of the Constitution and the UCMJ.” (Lawrence Mosqueda, An Advisory to US Troops A Duty to Disobey All Unlawful Orders,,

See also Michel Chossudovsky, “We the People Refuse to Fight”: Abandon the Battlefield!<>  March 18, 2006 )

The Commander in Chief is a war criminal. According to Principle 6 of the Nuremberg Charter:

“The fact that a person [e.g. Coalition troops] acted pursuant to order of his Government or of a superior does not relieve him from responsibility under international law, provided a moral choice was in fact possible to him.”

Let us make that “moral choice” possible, to enlisted American, British, Canadian and Coalition servicemen and women.

Disobey unlawful orders! Abandon the battlefield! … Refuse to fight in a war which blatantly violates international law and the US Constitution!

But this is not a choice which enlisted men and women can make individually.

It is a collective and societal choice, which requires an organizational structure.

Across the land in the US, Britain, Canada and in all coalition countries, the anti-war movement must assist enlisted men and women to make that moral choice possible, to abandon the battlefield in Iraq and Afghanistan. [and now in Syria and Yemen]

This will not be an easy task. Committees at local levels must be set up across the United States, Canada, Britain, Italy, Japan and other countries, which have troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.

We call upon veterans’ associations and local communities to support this process.

This movement needs to dismantle the disinformation campaign. It must effectively reverse the indoctrination of coalition troops, who are led to believe that they are fighting “a just war”: “a war against terrorists”.

The legitimacy of the US military authority must be broken.

What has to be achieved:

  • Reveal the criminal nature of this military project,
  • Break once and for all the lies and falsehoods which sustain the “political consensus” in favor of a pre-emptive nuclear war.
  • Undermine war propaganda, reveal the media lies, reverse the tide of disinformation, wage a consistent campaign against the corporate media
  • Break the legitimacy of the war-mongers in high office.
  • Dismantle the US sponsored military adventure and its corporate sponsors.
  • Bring Home the Troops
  • Repeal the illusion that the State is committed to protecting its citizens.
  • Expose the “fake crises” such as the global flu pandemic as a means to distract public opinion from the dangers of a global war.
  • Uphold 9/11 Truth. Reveal the falsehoods behind 9/11 which are used to justify the Middle East Central Asian war under the banner of the “Global War on Terrorism” (GWOT)
  • Expose how a profit driven war serves the vested interests of the banks, the defense contractors, the oil giants, the media giants and the biotech conglomerates
  • Challenge the corporate media which deliberately obfuscates the causes and consequences of this war,
  • Reveal and take cognizance of the unspoken and tragic outcome of a war waged with nuclear weapons.
  • Call for the Dismantling of NATO
  • Implement the prosecution of war criminals in high office
  • Close down the weapons assembly plants and implement the foreclosure of major weapons producers
  • Close down all  US military bases in the US and around the World
  • Develop an antiwar movement within the Armed Forces and establish bridges between the Armed Forces and the civilian antiwar movement
  • Forcefully pressure governments of both NATO and non-NATO countries to withdraw from the US led global military agenda.
  • Develop a consistent antiwar movement in Israel. Inform the citizens of Israel of the likely consequences of  a US-NATO-Israeli attack on Iran.
  • Confront Target the pro-war lobby groups including the pro-Israeli groups in the US
  • Dismantle the homeland security state, call for the repeal of the PATRIOT legislation
  • Call for the removal of the military from civilian law enforcement. Call for the enforcement of the Posse Comitatus Act
  • Call for the demilitarization of outer space and the repeal of Star Wars

People across the land, nationally and internationally, must mobilize against this diabolical military agenda, the authority of the State and its officials must be forcefully challenged.

This war can be prevented if people forcefully confront their governments, pressure their elected representatives, organize at the local level in towns, villages and municipalities, spread the word, inform their fellow citizens on the implications of a nuclear war, initiate debate and discussion within the armed forces.

What is required is the development of a broad and well organized grassroots antiwar network which challenges the structures of power and authority, the nature of the economic system, the vast amounts of money used to fund the war, the shear size of the so-called defense industry.

Click book cover to order Michel Chossudovsky’s latest book directly from Global Research

What is required is a mass movement of people which forcefully challenges the legitimacy of war, a global people’s movement which criminalizes war.

What is needed is to break the conspiracy of silence, expose the media lies and distortions, confront the criminal nature of the US Administration and of those governments which support it, its war agenda as well as its so-called “Homeland Security agenda” which has already defined the contours of a police State.

The World is at the crossroads of the most serious crisis in modern history. The US  has embarked on a military adventure, “a long war”, which threatens the future of humanity.

It is essential to bring the US war project to the forefront of political debate, particularly in North America and Western Europe. Political and military leaders who are opposed to the war must take a firm stance, from within their respective institutions. Citizens must take a stance individually and collectively against war.

We call upon people across the land, in North America,  Western Europe, Israel, The Arab World, Turkey and around the world to rise up against this military project, against their governments which are supportive of military action against Iran, against the media which serves to camouflage the devastating implications of a war against Iran.

The military agenda supports a profit driven destructive global economic system which impoverishes large sectors of the world population.

This war is sheer madness.

World War III is terminal. Albert Einstein understood the perils of nuclear war and the extinction of life on earth, which has already started with the radioactive contamination resulting from depleted uranium. “I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.”

The media, the intellectuals, the scientists and the politicians, in chorus, obfuscate the untold truth, namely that war using nuclear warheads destroys humanity, and that this complex process of gradual destruction has already commenced.

When the lie becomes the truth there is no turning backwards.

When war is upheld as a humanitarian endeavor, Justice and the entire international legal system are turned upside down: pacifism and the antiwar movement are criminalized. Opposing the war becomes a criminal act.

The Lie must be exposed for what it is and what it does.

It sanctions the indiscriminate killing of men, women and children.

It destroys families and people. It destroys the commitment of people towards their fellow human beings.

It prevents people from expressing their solidarity for those who suffer. It upholds war and the police state as the sole avenue.

It destroys both nationalism and internationalism.

Breaking the lie means breaking a criminal project of global destruction, in which the quest for profit is the overriding force.

This profit driven military agenda destroys human values and transforms people into unconscious zombies.

Let us reverse the tide.

Challenge the war criminals in high office and the powerful corporate lobby groups which support them.

Break the American inquisition.

Undermine the US-NATO-Israel military crusade.

Close down the weapons factories and the military bases.

Bring home the troops.

Members of the armed forces should disobey orders and refuse to participate in a criminal war.

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Yesterday brought not one outrage du jour, but two from Israel. Defense minister Avigdor Lieberman denied 8 year-old Ahmed Dawabshe’s application for the official compensation offered all Israeli Jewish terror victims. The little boy’s father, mother and baby brother were all burned to death by Jewish settler terrorists. The attackers haven’t even been tried yet for their crimes though it is nearly two years since the crime.

Lieberman claimed Israel could not recognize Dawabsheh as a terror victim because he’s not an Israeli citizen. Note, that the Jewish settlers who incinerated both his parents and baby brother live right next door to him in the occupied West Bank and are Israeli citizens. Yet he is not and so is denied.

Israel further insulted the victim by presenting the PA with a $250,000 medical bill for Ahmed’s care. Palestinians were outraged at this effrontery, claiming Israel was charging Ahmed for his own care.  Israeli authorities then tried sophistry. They hadn’t presented any bill to Ahmed. The world was supposed to interpret that as Israel presented no bill to anyone, which was a lie.

Further, those settlers did not have their homes demolished for their terror attack as any Palestinian attacker would. And because one of the group of attackers was a Shabak stoolie, this individual hasn’t even been named, charged or prosecuted in Israel (but he was outed here).

How the Hell does Israel have the chutzpah to shrey about a UN report documenting it is an apartheid state, when decisions like this confirm it a hundred-fold??

The second outrage was a Supreme Court decision finding that a former Argentine mass murderer who married a Jew and made aliyah to Israel to escape prosecution for war crimes, will not face justice for his crimes.  The Court, finding that Teodoro Gauto did indeed lie on his Israeli citizenship application about his past, nonetheless refused to revoke his citizenship. It argued that his good behavior in the fourteen years since his arrival in Israel wiped out any crimes he committed beforehand. Essentially, the justices argued that if you are a good boy while you live among us Jews, it doesn’t matter how many goyim you killed previously (not that there were no Argentine Jews murdered).  All this meant that he would never be extradited back to Argentina for trial.

dawabsheh murders

Singed picture of the murdered Dawabsheh family retrieved after arson fire destroyed their home

An irony which Uri Strauss noted in a Facebook comment is that Israel has never shrunk from kidnapping war criminals in Argentina and flying them to Israel to face justice.  Perhaps Argentina might want to take a trick from Israel’s playbook and kidnap Gauto to haul him back before an Argentine war crimes tribunal.  I’m sure Bibi would squeal like a stuffed pig at the violation of Israeli sovereignty.  But when has Israeli honored the concept national sovereignty when it wasn’t in its interest to do so??

The case against Gauto was brought by an Argentine Jew whose brother was murdered in the same facility in which Gauto served during the era of the military junta.  Gauto, responding to the charges, claimed he was no murderer, but rather a low-level researcher who studied left-wing ideology on behalf of the real murderers.

As I’ve said here before, decades ago the Supreme Court represented the last bastion of democracy in this benighted country.  But now, its ranks have been infiltrated by settler justices and rightist hacks whose decisions would make the judiciary of Nazi Germany proud.  They rip Muslim babies from their biological mothers and offer them to Orthodox Jewish adoptive parents on the racist grounds that a Muslim baby will be offered a better future by Orthodox Jews than his biological mother would.

The Israeli Supreme Court is now just another one of the tired, dysfunctional, racist institutions leading Israel down the path to self-destruction.  It’s days of championing justice or democracy are long behind it.

In the meantime, Hamas has issued a groundbreaking revision of its Charter, which now recognizes a Palestinian state within 1967 borders:

“Hamas considers the establishment of a Palestinian state, sovereign and complete, on the basis of the June 4, 1967, with Jerusalem as its capital and the provision for all the refugees to return to their homeland is an agreeable form that has won a consensus among all the movement members,” Meshaal said.

The new document also removes anti-Semitic passages that had populated the original Charter.  It shows a Hamas that has become pragmatic and forward-thinking, while Israel sinks even further into a morass of moral turpitude.

The Charter does not recognize Israel itself.  But given that the PLO did recognize Israel on behalf of the entire Palestinian people, and Hamas has never rejected this act of recognition, the Islamist movement has tacitly recognized Israel.  At this point, at which Israel has completely turned its back on the Palestinians and rejected any form of compromise, I don’t think we should expect any better from Hamas.  At some future date, when circumstances offer either an Israeli leader willing or compelled to recognize Palestinian national rights; or an international consensus that demands such recognition, I’m certain the movement’s positions will soften on this matter.

In a sense, this new effort is a reflection of inconvenient necessity.  Gaza has almost no champions left in the Arab world.  Turkey’s Erdogan made a flourish about his commitment to end the Israeli siege as the price of resumption of relations with Israel.  In reality, he’s done very little to change anything in Gaza.  Hamas split from Iran some time ago over its role in Syria.  That turned off what had been a flowing spigot of financial and political support.  With the overthrow of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood government, Hamas faced an implacably hostile military junta which took power.  So Hamas had to soften its former expressions of allegiance to the MB in order to curry favor with the generals.  Egypt is now the only game in town as far as Hamas is concerned.  It still controls all points of entry into the enclave.  With the Israeli siege, Egypt is the only “escape-valve” that remains.

ahmed dawabsheh

Scarred Ahmed Dawabsheh, sole survivor of settler terror attack

As long as Israel maintains an arch-rejectionist stance toward Palestine, only a one-state solution presents itself as viable.  So in this sense, the hardline Islamists and hardline Israeli nationalists have the same goal: they each want a single state (though each side has contradictory views of what that state should look like).  However, it seems highly unlikely the world will stand for Israeli nationalists running the sort of apartheid state they envision.  Rather, the world will likely demand a democratic state, meaning that Israeli Jews will eventually become a minority and subject to the will of the Palestinian minority.  This is an outcome the nationalists would abhor.  But they are walking into that future with their eyes sealed shut.  This allows them to see only the future they want, rather than the future the world will demand.

I don’t think anyone is foolish to believe that the Hamas initiative will change hearts and minds overnight.  This will be a gradual transition in which the world will eventually come to see Hamas as a political movement that should and must be part of any future solution.  Israel, in the meantime will natter on about this being the same-old Hamas now dressed as a wolf in sheep’s clothing; a Hamas still full of killers whose hands drip Israeli blood.  That, what I call “terror-porn” approach to Hamas, worked as long as it was primarily a radical Islamist militia focused on armed resistance. With this change, those shibboleths will lose their power and meaning.  This will cause Israel to fall even farther back in its efforts to promote Brand Israel as the sole font of decency, democracy and tolerance in the region.

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At a time of US responsibility for dismal East/West relations, Angela Merkel will meet one-on-one with Vladimir Putin in Sochi, Russia on Tuesday for the first time in two years.

According to the Kremlin press service, both leaders will discuss “key international problems, including the fight against terrorism, the situation in the Middle East, and the implementation of the Minsk agreements aimed at resolving the Ukrainian crisis,” along with the current state and prospects for improving dismal bilateral relations, notably on trade.

Things were further strained after Germany’s Bundestag was cyberattacked in late April 2015, falsely blamed on Moscow.

Hostility toward Russia remains intense in America and Europe, including a steady stream of anti-Russia disinformation.

Ahead of Merkel’s trip, NATO Strategic Communications Center of Excellence director Janis Sarts said Germany anchors the EU, falsely adding “Moscow equates a strong Europe with a weakening of Russia’s position and that is the reason for” the cyberattack.

Moscow had nothing to do with it. Nor is it interfering in upcoming French and later in the year German elections. Sarts lied claiming Russia wants Ukrainian territory annexed.

Russia wants friendly, cooperative relations with all nations, confrontations avoided, ongoing wars resolved diplomatically.

Image result for merkel putin

Since Washington’s 2014 coup in Kiev replaced democratic governance with illegitimate putschists, US, German and other Western officials said sanctions on Russia won’t be lifted until it hands over its sovereign Crimean territory to Ukraine and complies with Minsk conflict resolution terms.

Russia and Donbass freedom fighters alone fully observe Minsk. Kiev flagrantly breaches it. The Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol won’t be handed over to Ukraine or any other country.

Adversarial East/West relations remain in place because Washington wants it this way. Putin’s meeting with Merkel won’t change things, including both leaders sharply disagreeing on Syria – Germany in lockstep with US regime change objectives, Russia respecting the Syrian Arab Republic’s sovereign independence.

The best case scenario for the Putin/Merkel meeting is easing tensions, short of a badly needed thaw. Expect no major breakthroughs – nor from a Tuesday Putin/Trump phone conversation, scheduled for 7:30PM Moscow time, according to Kremlin press secretary Dmitry Peskov.

Both leaders spoke several times before. No improvement in bilateral relations followed, nor is it likely from Tuesday’s conversation.

Trump is a captive of America’s deep state, continuing longstanding deplorable domestic and geopolitical policies – including maintaining adversarial relations toward Russia and all other sovereign independent nations.

Prospects for improving things on his watch are virtually nil. His first 100 days in office revealed the disturbing measure of the man – a warrior, not a peacemaker, a captive of Wall Street and other predatory corporate interests, not a leader serving all Americans equitably.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected].

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”

Visit his blog site at

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A number of Russian troops and vehicles have entered the area of the Afrin Canton controlled by fighters of the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG), according to photos and videos appearing online.

Pro-Kurdish media activists speculate that the Russian military is going to set up a military base or even a “joint military base” in the YPG-held area near the border with Turkey.

According to more neutral sources, Russian military servicemen are setting up two posts near the border in order to monitor possible clashes between Kurdish militias and the Turkish military.

This comes amid increasing US military activity along the Syrian-Turkish border. According to Kurdish sources in northeastern Syria, US troops have been patrolling the Kurdish-held areas bordering Turkey. Thus, US troops are a buffer force that should prevent Ankara from combating Kurdish militias in Syria.

The YPG which is a branch of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) and a core of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), is described by Turkey as a terrorist group.

In the province of Raqqah, the SDF is very close to capturing the whole area of the town of Tabqah from ISIS. When Tabqah is secured, the SDF, supported by the US-led coalition’s air power, artillery, and military advisors, will focus on securing the Tabqa dam and will continue attempts to further isolate Raqqah.

Earlier this week, western backed militant groups captured Al-Humaymah southwest of Deir Ezzor. This operation was part of the broader effort aimed at expanding control along the Syrian-Iraqi border.

With the collapsing of ISIS defenses in central Syria and in the area of the Iraqi city of Mosul, various factions involved in the Syrian conflict have increased efforts aimed at gaining control of as many important areas as possible.

While there is little doubt that the SDF, with significant US military assistance, will be able to seize Raqqah one day, the Deir Ezzor countryside and areas along the Syrian-Iraqi border will remain contested between US-backed forces and the Syrian government.

Fighting between government troops and ISIS terrorists continued near the Talilah crossroad east of Palmyra. ISIS has been conducting harassment operations against the Syrian Arab Army in the area in order to prevent a possible government advance along the Palmyra-Deir Ezzor road.

Government forces, led by the Republican Guard, continued military operations against Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and its allies in the district of Qaboun in eastern Damascus. Government troops there are seeking to divide the pocket into two separated parts. This will be a major move, if accomplished, on the way to a full liberation of the area from militants.

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Amidst mounting tensions between the United States and North Korea, and just one week after a test launch of a U.S. unarmed intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), the U.S. has scheduled another Minuteman III ICBM missile test for Wednesday, May 3, between 12:01 a.m. and 6:01 a.m. PDT from Vandenberg Air Force Base. Like last week’s test, according to Air Force Global Strike Command, “The purpose of the ICBM test launch program is to validate and verify the effectiveness, readiness, and accuracy of the [nuclear] weapon system.”

David Krieger, President of the Santa Barbara-based Nuclear Age Peace Foundation (NAPF), noted,

Image result for US ICBM

“How does one test the effectiveness of a weapons system that is designed as a deterrent, that is, to prevent others from ever using nuclear weapons against us? Such effectiveness cannot be assumed from a missile test no matter how ready we are to fire the missile or how accurate the missile proves to be. In other words, so-called ‘effectiveness’ is a psychological concept that cannot be proven by a missile test. This is a very dangerous game we are playing.”

Rick Wayman, Director of Programs at NAPF, commented,

“It is significant to note that this nuclear-capable missile test will take place on the second day of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty conference. This treaty requires all parties to negotiate in good faith for an end to the nuclear arms race.”

Wayman continued,

“Conducting a test-launch of a missile whose sole purpose is to deliver nuclear warheads anywhere around the world is a glaring example of bad faith and violates the spirit of the Non-Proliferation Treaty. It’s exactly this kind of double standard that undermines U.S. credibility when insisting that other nations not develop nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles.”

Image result for north korea ballisticNorth Korea test-fired a ballistic missile on April 29, the day after U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson convened a special session of the U.N. Security Council, calling for new economic sanctions on North Korea and other “painful” measures over its nuclear weapons program.

The Trump administration’s strategy of “maximum pressure and engagement” towards North Korea seems to rule out immediate military intervention, though U.S. officials have continued to say that “all options are on the table.”

Continued ballistic missile tests by both parties can only be perceived as provocative in nature and an escalation of an already dangerous situation. Surely our political and military leaders can and must do better.

* * *

If you would like to interview David Krieger, President of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation or Rick Wayman, Director of Programs, please call the Foundation at (805) 965-3443.

The Nuclear Age Peace Foundation’s mission is to educate and advocate for peace and a world free of nuclear weapons and to empower peace leaders. Founded in 1982, the Foundation is comprised of individuals and organizations worldwide who realize the imperative for peace in the Nuclear Age. The Nuclear Age Peace Foundation is a non-partisan, non-profit organization with consultative status to the United Nations. For more information, visit

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The Combined Joint Task Force, in its monthly assessment of civilian casualties from the U.S. coalition’s operations against ISIS acknowledged at least 352 civilians had been killed in U.S.-led strikes in Iraq and Syria since the operation began in 2014.

According to The Guardian, however, the Pentagon put civilian deaths in strikes on ISIS way lower than outside groups. Such a conclusion was made due to the latest data published by Airwars monitoring group. Airwars estimated that 3,164 civilians had been killed by the US-led coalition’s indiscriminate air strikes since the beginning of the ‘counter-terrorism’ operation in Syria and Iraq. Earlier, Airwars reported that only in March this year, as a result of the numerous coalition’s attacks, the number of civilian casualties increased to 1,782.

According to Amnesty International, the likely civilian death toll in Syria from air strikes by Coalition forces between 23 September 2014 and August 2016 was in the range of 804 to 1,213. It was also reported that such an impressive number of victims was caused by inaccurate air strikes, erroneously carried out mainly not at the positions of terrorists, but at residential areas and civil infrastructure.

In this regard, it becomes clear why the command of the international coalition deliberately hides the real number of victims in Iraq and Syria. Having officially acknowledged the deaths of such an impressive number of civilians, Washington will be forced to acknowledge the low level of training of the U.S. Armed Forces in fighting terrorism.

The White House can’t allow this. Now all its efforts are directed to a show of force such as the previous strikes at the Syrian Shayrat airfield. Moreover, in order to maintain the image of a superpower, Washington is ready to neglect even the lives of helpless civilians.

There is no doubt that it is difficult for Washington to hide the real number of casualties among civilians during its military operation in Syria and Iraq. To try and mitigate the reaction of the world community, the Combined Joint Task Force can only dose the ‘new information’ about the victims and demonstratively express its deepest sympathies to the families and others affected by the coalition’s air strikes.

Anna Jaunger is a freelance journalist from Inside Syria Media Center.

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Inside Syria Media Center has conducted an investigation to expose a U.S.-backed of weapon supplies to the al-Qaeda group in Syria.

The suppliers list starts with U.S. companies Chemring and its affiliate Chemring Ordinance which previous year signed a contract with the American government and received $47 million in accordance with the Non-Standard Equipment and Weapons Procurement Program. Orbital ATK, another U.S. company was granted $50 million within the program.

The Bulgarian newspaper Trud which initiated a journalistic investigation sent an official request to both companies to clarify what the received money was spent on. Chemring responded some ammunition for the U.S. and its allies’ armies was purchased from Vazovski Mashinostroitelni Zavodi (VMZ-Sopot). It included 122mm rockets for the Grad MLRS, 73mm anti-tank shells and 40mm ammo for rocket launchers. The other company, Orbital ATK, simply ignored the request.

Vazovski Mashinostroitelni Zavodi (VMZ-Sopot)

Ammo of these types is not in service in the U.S. army. The company refused to disclose which U.S. allies it was intended for referring to the confidentiality of the supply contract. To be mentioned is that earlier Inside Syria Media Center wrote a piece on military vehicle deliveries carried out by the Liberty Passion ship via the port of Aqaba in Jordan on the pretext of tackling ISIS. In this case, the Bulgarian weapon supplies to al-Qaeda are transported via the largest Saudi port of Jeddah.

First, the munitions produced by VMZ-Sopot and purchased by the U.S. are delivered to the Bulgarian port of Burgas to be loaded on the Marianne Danica contracting carrier. This carrier has already traded twice in the route from Burgas to Jeddah.

The munitions are loaded on the Marianne Danica contracting carrier. Source: Bernd Wüstneck

To be noted is that the carrier makes no calls at any ports while spending on average 8 hours in Burgas and Jeddah – a minimum time required for fueling and cargo-handling operations, according to the tracking website

Cargo ship’s tracking data, Source:

At the same time, Marianne Danica officially declares that it transports extremely dangerous cargo. According to automated Identification System (AIS) type, the cargo is Hazard A (Major) which is the class for explosives and weapons. However, this cargo is evidently not intended for Saudi Arabia as its army is equipped with the armament provided by Western states only.

Neither the Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Bulgaria nor the owner of the ship H. Folmer & Co have officially provided the information on the transported cargo along the route Burgas-Jeddah and the Bulgarian weapons’ recipient country.

H. Folmer & Co-owned Marianne Danica carrier at a port. Source:

Moreover, Amnesty International declares this company and carrier had already been involved into a scandal while carrying tear-gas and riot control weapons including arms to Egypt in 2011. Then, the US State Department spokesperson had to admit it pointing out that H. Folmer & Co had allegedly been granted a license to transport armaments.

Col. Malik al-Kurdi

The fact of Bulgarian weapons deliveries to terrorists is confirmed by the FSA deputy commander Col. Malik al-Kurdi. In an interview to the Trud newspaper, he claimed that

“an HQ has been set up in Turkey and Jordan to ensure cooperation between the special services of 15 states. We warned the U.S. and the EU that the weapons delivered in this HQ gets directly in the hands of the terror organizations.”

Bulgarian-made PK variant machine gun (left) and an RPG-7 launcher (right) used in Western Aleppo Province in Syria, according to a Syrian opposition commander who provided the pictures. Source: balkaninsight

It looks like a double game. I can say with certainty that these countries’ special services arm and finance al-Qaeda, Jabhat al-Nusra, this is happening in Syria. They accuse anyone of terrorism pursuing the goals of their policies”.
As VMZ-Sopot announced its hiring and adopted continuous shift working, new American administration is up to conclude new contracts.

The recipient of the Bulgarian weapon purchased by the U.S. became evident in December 2016 when two million shells and four thousand rockets for the Grad were found at depos in the eastern districts of liberated Aleppo. The depos belonged to Jabhat al-Nusra.

Ammo for the U.S. army? Source:

In connection with this, it would be great to ask what ordinary American people, the relatives of 2,977 people killed in the 9/11 attack conducted by al-Qaeda, think about it.

In 16 years, the U.S. government has not avenged the victims nor eliminated al-Qaeda but instead keeps supplying it with the money of American tax payers.

Data related to investigation credit: Bulgarian Trud.

Sophie Mangal is a special investigative correspondent, Co-Editor at Inside Syria Media Center.

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The General Strike in Brazil. History and Analysis

May 3rd, 2017 by Luísa Monteiro

April 28th will be a date to remember. Even though some of the great media claim that there were only demonstrations around the country, it is to assume that, by a consensus or not, what happened here was a strike. A general strike, the first in 20 years, one of the biggest in the History of the country, highly cited in the social media (figuring the trending topics in the whole world for hours), spread over the 26 states and the Federal District. Barely any buses or trains in the city of São Paulo. Diverse unions like the teachers’ and the bankers’ and the two main popular fronts were not only present, but also organised the event.

The reason for that? Not Mr. Temer’s government, specifically; not this time. But the new measures and reforms he has emphatically worked on since the end of last year, that happen to surprise and worry – to say the least – the average Brazilian worker.

The outraged atmosphere, however, comes way before today and takes a brief economic explanation to understand.

Old but not gold

The last general strike happened in 1996, during Fernando Henrique Cardoso’s government, another neoliberalist. One of the points in common is the fight against turning the workers’ rights more flexible. At the time, Mr. Cardoso even claimed that ‘strikes don’t create jobs’, as the protesters also manifested against the high unemployment rates.

It is natural that a moment of economic instability creates some sort of friction amongst the workers and the government. The late conjunction of that with a huge political crisis under the stigma of corruption is perfectly combined with strict measures from Mr. Temer and creates a dangerous mixture.

One of the most controversial acts proposed by thenew president concerns the pension reforms. The original project aimed to stablish a common age for retirement, being that valid for men, women, being them urbanorrural workers – 65 years old, against the current 55 for women and 60 for men. Also, the minimum working time for retirements with a full pension (starting with 70% of its value and progressively evolving to 100%, according to the years of extra contribution)would be of 49 years, against the current 25 years for urban workers and 15 for the rural ones. Since it was not accepted nor tolerated, some changes were made to be voted again in the Parliament  – yet, the amount of people impacted by the reform will be enormous, and the time they need to work until they retire will increase. The country, Mr. Temer says, cannot afford for the current system and some austerity must be shown, even in such a delicate matter.

It is clear as Malthus could foresee that times of prosperity and abundance do not last forever, but one must make no mistake and believe that any reform should be accepted. Indeed, the Brazilian pension system works as a pyramid – the ones who start working pay for those who have already stopped. This pyramid, following the global tendency, is becoming inverted and finding solutions for that is more than an obligation. Mr. Cardoso, and also Mrs. Rousseff created some formulas for calculating the ideal age for retiring and, until now, workers were to choose which one would fit them best. The clash came with a proposition of a questionable redistribution – which might have come as a demand from the president’s supporters – that would ultimately harm the Brazilian workers’ rights.

Work, work, work

Image result for temer brazil

Those, however, were not the only plans of the PMDB, Mr. Temer’s party, government. On Wednesday (27), a late voting session at the Lower House showed an articulation of a worried president for the approval of a reform of working laws before the pickets that would happen the next day. This reform would change some important aspects for workers, like the possibility to work as third parts, maybe causing more instability; the prevalence of employer-employee agreements over the law, which may bring poorer working conditions, and the end of the obligation of yearly paying the union, being the latter clearly one of the reasons why the unionists were so heated.

The other side

The day after the general strike, Mr. Temer went to the television. He had already discreetly positioned himself by saying that the workers were in their right to protest, but that he would keep the discussion where it was due: the Congress.

But what he and most of the citizens could take from the acts on Friday was that 1) protesters and non-protesters, especially the low-income ones, were terrified with the idea of reforms that 2) they could not fully understand.

Therefore, on April 29th, the president appeared on a popular TV show, in which he was interviewed by a charismatic TV host, and had about half an hour to assure the mentioned workers that ‘the reforms would be totally positive, no one would lose their rights’. He also took time, through simple metaphors, to explain the contention measures and how some economic measures – like the now allowed withdrawals from inactive accounts from the Guarantee Fundfor Length of Service and a R$5000.00 budget for renovating the houses of low-income families – would inject money in the country again and create jobs.

Mr. Temer, this time, tried a clever movement in hopes of becoming more popular and clearly rejected the populism present in the ‘late governments’. He even reaffirmed his position in a brief 2-minute video shared on the government’s official social media about the Workers Day, but the consequences of this effort will only be felt as time passes and his propositions are negotiated in the Legislative sphere.

Image result for may day brazil

On May 1st, many spots of entertainment, militancy and discussion were organised by the unions, where many celebrated and protested during the holiday. What was clear to see were the significant fewer voices from politicians and an official letter from those institutions, in which they claimed to be still fighting for the workers’ right and considering, if necessary, a new date for strikes.

“If history … was ever on holiday, or seemed retired, it looks as re-employed now.” – professor Anis Bajrektarevic – discussing state, rights and ideology – recently wrote in his luminary essay on Europe.

The next days will be decisive. The country lives a moment of increasing turmoil and, in times of Car Wash operation and increasing legit criticism against the people’s representatives, no change will be easy. Mr. Temer appears to be determined, but his government shows a history of rethinking policies and measures. Until now, one can only try to interpret the facts  – so far, unemployment rates rose to 13,7% and, even though inflation fell from 10,71% to 4,5%, so did his approval rating, which was 4% in April – and hope for, if not innovative, feasible solutions for the puzzle Brazil has become.

Luísa Monteiro is a bachelor in Social Communication and is a senior editor at Modern Diplomacy. She is also taking a Master’s degree in Communication and Politics at PUC São Paulo.

Her researches are closely linked to the studies of internet as a democratic agora and her latest academic production correlates the (offline) social movements and their exposure on the net.

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May Day is international worker’s day and in the city of Detroit people from various organizations across the metropolitan area came together to express their discontent with the system of capitalism and imperialism.

This was the fourth year that progressive forces have gathered in the downtown area to expose the false narrative of an economic revival in a major municipality which has the largest per capita African American population inside the United States.

The event was sponsored by the Moratorium NOW! Coalition, the Michigan Emergency Committee Against War & Injustice (MECAWI), the Michigan Peoples Defense Network (MPDN), Workers World Party and the Detroit Active and Retired Employees Association (DAREA). These organizations have been on the frontlines of the struggle to win adequate housing, water services, education, pensions, an end to state repression and the renewed Pentagon war drive throughout Africa, the Middle East, Latin America and the Asia-Pacific.

Beginning at Grand Circus Park, a rally featured speakers from these groups along with others who called for a broad united front among workers and the nationally oppressed in the U.S. and around the world. May Day was the culmination of extensive outreach throughout Detroit and its environs involving the distribution of thousands of palm cards, planning meetings and social media postings. The local affiliate of ABC News, WXYZ, announced the rally and march over their television network the evening before.

Joe Mshahwar, a youth organizer for Workers World Party in Detroit, spoke on the role of Washington in fomenting and continuing the war in Syria. He denounced the arming of counter-revolutionary opposition groups which have attempted to overthrow the government of President Bashar al-Assad since 2011.

“Syria is the only progressive secular Arab state in existence now in the Middle East”, Mshahwar noted. “The aim of the U.S. government is to topple the Syrian state and replace it with a regime in alliance with imperialism.”

Later Kris Hamel, the Managing Editor of Workers World newspaper based in New York City, recounted the history of May Day emphasizing that it was initiated in the 1880s through the labor actions of largely European immigrant working class militants from the Socialist and Anarchist movements.

In 2006, Hamel stressed that,

“the holiday was revived by immigrant workers from Mexico and other Latin American countries. We are in full support of the immigrant rights movement. Workers have no borders.”

Image result for detroit may day 2017

UAW 869 member Martha Grevatt, who is also a Contributing Editor to Workers World, read a statement from the Party’s Labor fraction expressing unconditional support to the immigrant community. Grevatt has worked in the auto industry for nearly three decades and has traveled in several Latin American countries including Cuba and Honduras. Just last year, she was a delegate from the U.S. at the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) Congress in Durban, South Africa.

Participants pledged solidarity with the Indigenous people of Standing Rock against the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL). Two organizers at May Day had spent considerable time at Standing Rock assisting the Native people in the efforts to halt DAPL which threatens the land and water supply of the people living in the area.

Detroit Still Faces Economic Crisis

DAREA co-founder and retired municipal employee Cecily McClellan spoke about the illegal emergency management and bankruptcy imposed on Detroit during 2013-14. The dictatorial measures resulted in the privatization of public assets including the theft of the Detroit Institute of Arts (DIA), the Detroit Public Works (DPW), the regionalization of the water system under a Great Lakes Authority, along with the slashing of pensions and healthcare benefits for existing employees and retirees.

Image result for detroit economic crisisThis retiree organization was born out of the campaign to halt these monumental cuts handed down on behalf of the financial institutions and multi-national corporations who are responsible for the impoverishment of Detroit. DAREA has appealed the rulings by former Federal Judge Steven Rhodes who presided over the bankruptcy proceedings in 2013-4 through the Sixth Circuit and it is now before the U.S. Supreme Court.

Other speakers noted that public taxpayer funds slated for distribution to the school system, libraries and for municipal services are being captured by corporate-oriented entities such as the Downtown Development Authority (DDA) which funnels this money to private interests who are unaccountable to the people who live in the city. Prestige projects such as the new Red Wings and Pistons arena in downtown relies heavily on public funding despite the for profit nature of these initiatives.

The city was disproportionately impacted by the housing crisis beginning in 2007. Detroit was targeted by predatory lending institutions which stole tens of thousands of homes and small businesses from residents.

Today there is an epidemic of property tax foreclosures in Wayne County that stems directly from the bank-induced crisis of the previous decade. The Moratorium NOW! Coalition has called for an immediate halt to these home seizures as well as the termination of water services, an ongoing problem potentially damaging over 18,000 households in the coming weeks and months.

Prof. Bernadette Atuahene, who is in Detroit to study the social character of the housing crisis, addressed the May Day rally at Grand Circus Park. As an objective observer she mentioned her qualitative research in the Republic of South Africa for ten years through the Land Claims Courts established by the African National Congress (ANC) government in the aftermath of the overthrow of the racist apartheid system.

“The situation in Detroit is one of the worst I have seen in comparison to South Africa and the plight of Afro-Colombians in South America.”

Her research report will be published later this year in a leading academic journal.

March on the Federal Government and the Banks 

After the conclusion of the rally there was a march from Grand Circus Park down Woodward Avenue to Michigan. Demonstrators took the streets leading to the Federal building where another rally was held. Activists sung Civil Rights Movement songs and called upon the administration of President Donald Trump to halt the attacks on African Americans, women, immigrants from the Middle East, Latin America and Asia.

Arthur Bowman of the Black Youth Project 100 Detroit chapter addressed the crowd sporting a Marxism-Leninism-Maoism shirt. This organization has grown across the U.S. in response to the escalation of racist police violence against African Americans. Bowman called for an end to home foreclosures and water shut-offs.

The demonstration then proceeded south on Cass Avenue to West Lafayette passing the Federal Court building where the bankruptcy case was held three years ago. Marchers continued through Campus Martius walking pass the headquarters of Quicken Loans, headed by Dan Gilbert. Gilbert is projected by the corporate media as the “white savior of Detroit.”

Nonetheless, Gilbert’s business practices are under scrutiny through a Department of Justice civil case accusing Quicken Loans of fraudulent practices utilizing Federal Housing Administration (FHA) funds. Gilbert has been a beneficiary of the “restructuring” of Detroit having dozens of foreclosed commercial building turned over to his firms while being given massive tax breaks to further drive African American and working people out of the downtown area.

The coalition of organizations which sponsored May Day pledged to continue their work in reversing the current economic situation. Despite the propaganda by the ruling class that Detroit is on the rebound, the people remain the poorest of any large municipality in the U.S.

Various activities are already being planned including a Town Hall meeting on the property tax foreclosure issues in support of the existing class action lawsuit demanding a moratorium on these home seizures by the Wayne County. Additional demands include the payment of reparations for the damage done through the assessment of taxes far in excess of the actual values of most homes in the city.

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America created and supports ISIS, al-Nusra and likeminded terrorist groups in Syria, the Middle East and elsewhere.

No US cooperation with Russia exists in combating this scourge. Rhetorical promises or suggestions otherwise by Washington are meaningless.

US preemptively waged wars aim to replace sovereign independent governments with pro-Western ones – in Syria and elsewhere.

Its relations with Russia remain irreconcilably adversarial because its deep state wants pro-Western governance replacing its sovereign independence.

Putin and China’s leadership are America’s main obstacles to unchallenged global dominance – nuclear war possible ahead against one or both countries, a doomsday scenario if launched by Washington.

Following Putin’s Tuesday phone call with Trump, the Kremlin press service tried putting a brave face on irreconcilable bilateral differences, saying:

“On May 2, Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation with President of the United States Donald Trump. The sides discussed a number of topical issues of cooperation between the two countries on the international arena.”

“The focus was laid on the prospects for coordination of Russia’s and the United States’ action in fighting against international terrorism in the context of the Syrian crisis.”

“The presidents, in particular, agreed to enliven dialogue the two countries’ foreign ministers to look for options for the consolidation of the ceasefire and making it sustainable and controlled.”

“The goal is to create conditions for launching a real settlement process in Syria. Thus, the Russian foreign minister and the US secretary of state will inform the leaders about progress reached on this track.”

Chances for Washington cooperating with Russia on Syria or any other geopolitical issue is virtually nil.

Bashar al-Assad is right, saying Trump

“is doing what he is told to do by the CIA, the Pentagon and major oil companies. (H)e…conform(s) to the established principles of US governance” like his predecessors.

Nothing suggests change. He’s captive to America’s deep state, doing its bidding, risking removal from office by impeachment or something more sinister if he diverges from longstanding policy.

US relations with Russia are as hostile as any time during decades of Cold War. America is at war in multiple theaters, escalated since Trump took office, conflict on the Korean peninsula threatened.

Russia and China are surrounded by hostile US military bases, both countries furious about Pentagon deployment of THAAD missiles targeting their homelands, giving America a first-strike advantage.

In a Tuesday press briefing, Beijing’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said his country’s

“position is clear-cut and firm. We oppose the deployment of the THAAD system in South Korea and urge relevant sides to immediately stop the deployment. We are ready to take necessary measures to protect our interests.”

Russia considers deployment of THAADs an “additional destabilizing factor for the region.” Weeks earlier, Sergey Lavrov said THAADs

“certainly affect our strategic forces, negatively affect(ing) the security not only of Russia but also China and other countries.”

In March, Russia’s Defense and Security Committee chairman Victor Ozerov called deployment of THAADs

“another provocation against Russia. Under the guise of a North Korean threat, (Washington) want(s) to close the ring around Russia…besieg(ing) it from the west and the east.”

Putin’s Tuesday discussion with Trump failed to change US geopolitical policies and intentions – despite positive spin reported.

America’s rage for unchallenged global dominance remains unchanged. Possible US nuclear war on North Korea, Russia, and China hangs like a sword of Damocles over humanity.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected].

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”

Visit his blog site at

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The “debt system” is gathering steam in Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, just as in the highly industrialized countries, after going through several fundamental changes over the past 40 years. Mainly since the outbreak of the Third World debt crisis in the early 1980s.

Austerity policies aiming for structural adjustment encourage private debt

Structural adjustment programmes were widely implemented on the pretext of the public debt crisis. Prices of the Third World’s exports to the global market plunged during 1981-1982 and the US Federal Reserve increased interest rates during 1979-1980. The combined effect of these two factors led to this crisis. |1| The late 20th century saw the domination of austerity policies and structural adjustment programmes in most countries, particularly in the so-called “developing” countries and the former Eastern bloc.

International institutions imposed these structural adjustment programmes, with the willing complicity of right-wing governments in order to implement a series of counter-reforms conducive only to the interests of large private enterprises, the great powers and local ruling classes. |2| These policies have degraded the living conditions of a large section of the population, particularly in the agricultural regions but also in the urban areas. What are the key moves that led to an increasing dependence on private debt for survival? The following can be listed:

  • Withdrawal of subsidies from many basic consumer goods (food, heating fuels, etc.) and services (electricity, water, transport), thus increasing the cost of living;
  • Cost recovery policy in the education and health sectors, forcing the lower classes to borrow in order to pay for tuition and health;
  • Abolition / privatization of public banks, especially those lending to farmers, placing the latter at the mercy of usurers and /or microcredit organizations;
  • Abolition of public agencies that bought agricultural commodities from farmers at pre-fixed and guaranteed prices. This abolition proved to be fatal and led to debts when the prices of agricultural products fell on the local / global market;
  • Abolition of government-controlled cereal storages, which used to provide food security in the event of bad harvests and other adversities. This step led to sudden and speculative increases in food prices, compelling families to incur debts to buy food at any cost;
  • Opening up the domestic market to imports and foreign investment: the competition devastated many local companies, and the small producers (farmers, craftsmen, etc.) were ruined;
  • Intensified campaigns for green revolution and chemical inputs (pesticides, fertilizers, etc.) or genetically modified seeds (GMOs). This compelled farmers to borrow to buy seeds, pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers in the hope that they would be able to repay once the crops were harvested and sold on the market;
  • Land privatization (see counter-reforms in Mexico in 1993, in Egypt at the same time and in many other countries);
  • Landgrabs by foreign owners;
  • Curtailing government sector jobs;
  • Wage freezes and cuts;
  • Generalization of VAT and indirect taxes;
  • Pension cuts (wherever applicable).

Together, these counter-reforms and actions have given rise to a high level of indebtedness among the working classes. This encompasses both daily consumptions and small investments in the informal urban sector as well as among small and medium-sized farmers.

The rise of microcredit since 1980-1990

Microcredit initiatives expanded from the 1980s. From the onset they found favour with governments and major international institutions such as the World Bank. This is the case of Colombia, as Daniel Munevar describes in a hitherto unpublished study. |3| Microfinance developed in the early 1980s in this country, with the support of private organizations, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the US government. The Colombian government adopted a microcredit development plan for small businesses of the informal sector in 1984. Similar projects were launched in Bolivia, Peru, and Mexico.

The best-known microcredit institution in the world is undoubtedly the Grameen Bank founded in the late 1970s by Muhammad Yunus in Bangladesh. The World Bank has consistently promoted microcredit. The UN has campaigned for it and proclaimed 2005 as the “International Year of Microcredit”. In 2006, the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to Muhamad Yunus and the Grameen Bank. That year, heads of states, including Jacques Chirac, José Zapatero, George W. Bush, Luis Inacio Lula, as well as Bill Clinton and Bill Gates, waxed eloquent on microcredit.

The stakes are high

With substantial institutional support from governments and several international agencies, |4| microcredit institutions have gradually mushroomed in developing countries. Globally, around 2 billion adults do not have a bank account. This is extremely propitious for the growth of microcredit agencies. By 2014, there were 1,045 microcredit agencies with 112 million clients, 81% of whom were women, and a credit portfolio of $87 billion. 57% of these borrowers live in rural areas. These figures for 2014 are taken from the Microfinance Barometer 2016 report published by a “consortium” of the three main French banks (BNP Paribas, Crédit Agricole and Société Générale), the Grameen FoundationRenault, Véolia (the world’s first transnational service provider for water, waste management and energy), Master Card, ENGIE (GDF Suez), Danone (food industry), KPMG (one of the four leading audit firms in the world), Vinci (operator for transport and management – highways, airports, energy, construction and public works), the City Council of Paris, the princely government of the Principality of Monaco, and the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development. Most of the loans range from $100 – $1,000.

Source: Microfinance Barometer 2016

Most of the major international banks have opened their own microcredit branch. These are entrusted with exploring the prospects of penetrating the sector, usually by forging alliances with existing microcredit agencies.
Obviously, these are small loans, but as we can see above, The 2 billion adults who do not have a bank account are a potentially juicy microcredit market. There are two other very important factors to consider. First, the microfinance sector charges 25%-50% as real interest rates (after adding various commissions to the official rate, which are charged to the borrowers). Secondly, according to the microcredit agencies, the recovery rate is more than 90% because the poor make greater efforts to repay their loans.

A strategic issue for capitalism

The capitalist system works by constantly trying to penetrate and dominate the spheres not yet under its full control. At the end of the 20th century, it succeeded enormously when the capitalist economic model was restored in societies like the USSR, the other European countries in the Soviet bloc, as well as China and Vietnam. The environmental crisis was embraced as an opportunity to develop the market for permits to pollute and promote a green capitalism. |5| Starting from the 1960s, when the green revolution was fully set into motion, capitalism successfully subjugated hundreds of millions of peasants to the capitalist model. They were made to depend on the seeds, pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers produced and patented by capitalism. Starting from the 1990s, dispossession was again rampant, through large-scale land grabbing at the international level. |6|

Since the 1980s, with the constant rise of microcredit, persistent efforts have been made to bring the 2 billion adults without a bank account under capitalism’s financial fold. Mostly women, they are already embedded in monetary relations, but a part of the labour and a part of the production still correlates with the non-monetary domestic or community sphere (self-sufficient food production, housekeeping). The strategic challenge for the capitalists is to successfully and systematically bring them back into the capitalist scheme through formalized debt bound by contractual borrowing relationships. Traditionally women save money by pooling funds from amongst themselves. An example would be tontines in sub-Saharan Africa (where women pool their savings and lend to each other by turns for certain exigencies or for projects / investments). Capitalism considers that this system, where it still exists, must be stopped. The strategic objective for capitalism is to ensnare another part of humanity into debt: a part which has not yet been fully integrated into formal (contractual) capitalist relations.

Governments, international organizations such as the World Bank and all multilateral banks operating in the Southern countries (African Development Bank, Asian Development Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, European Investment Bank, etc.), large financial companies (almost all major private banks, investment funds), large commercial companies (major distribution chains), communication companies (mainly mobile phones) are thriving on the activity in these sectors.

Other than microcredit itself, which is the focus of this text, we must highlight how the commercial distribution chains have intensified consumer credit in a large number of emerging countries. We should also take note of the increased use of mobile phones for payments and fund transfers, especially by people who do not have a bank account. |7| This widespread use of mobile phones to make payments merits a specific study.

The microcredit fable

The main question for Muhammad Yunus is:

Since half of the world’s population is most fragile, what can be done to make them join the mainstream of global economy and participate in the free markets?

Yunus begins with the assumption that global economy works well through free market: the only problem of the poor is to get one foot on the ladder. The first loan would open up avenues for them. Do the banks doubt the poor people’s solvency? Are they refusing to grant them loans? Yunus is there, to experiment with loans to the poor.

When a borrower tries to dodge a loan offer on the pretext that he has no business experience and does not want to take that money, we must try to convince him that he can indeed come up with creative ideas for an ​​economic activity” (p.40).

Take the loan first, later we’ll see what you managed to do…. For Yunus,

social-business is the missing piece of the capitalist system. Introducing it can save the system” (p.171).

The question is whether such a death-dealing system should be saved. |8|

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Muhammad Yunus

Numerous empirical studies on microcredit show that it does not really liberate its clients from the shackles of poverty. Microcredit leads many of its users into debt, even into over-indebtedness. It does not open the path for enterprises to enter the formal sector. Microenterprises borrowing from microcredit agencies remain in the informal sector. Microcredit neither allows local collectives to thrive nor supports any replacement to public services that are deteriorating or disappearing while the state applies neoliberal policies. In fact, microcredit reproduces the mechanisms that breed poverty. |9|

Once indebted, people, mostly women, can be more easily dispossessed, exposed, and forced to seek a paid job in the labour market. Thus they contribute to the burgeoning of the unemployed masses and the pressure to bring down wages. In many situations, clients of microcredit institutions facing troubles with repayments end up visiting traditional moneylenders. The latter impose fewer conditions but charge even higher interest rates.

Concrete examples of microcredit

Bangladesh: the archetypal example of microcredit

Bangladesh, one of the countries where microcredit is the most prevalent, has a population of 160 million. In 2015, 29 million people in Bangladesh resorted to microcredit, with an average of €200 (17,000 takas, currency of Bangladesh). |10| More than 80% of the borrowers were women. The following is a testimony from Abul Kalam Azad who works with Action Aid in Dhaka, Bangladesh and is also a member of the CADTM:

Microcredit, in its “classical” sense, implies the granting of small loans to a single group of several borrowers. A debtor group is made up of about 25-30 people committed to 16 principles (intended to ensure that the borrowers act collectively and inclusively as a group). Members of a group first form a joint savings fund and then apply to a microcredit agency for a loan on the strength of that fund. More recently, microcredit agencies have begun lending to individuals. For an individual loan, the borrower must provide a guarantee to the agency amounting to 30% of the amount contracted”. |11|

Real interest rates vary between 35-50% (including the official commissions). Consequently, given the difficulties of paying such rates, microfinance clients end up being indebted on an average to 3 microcredit organizations. Let us take an imaginary but completely plausible example. She (the majority of the microcredit borrowers are women) begins by borrowing from the Grameen Bank (currently, the third-ranked microcredit bank in Bangladesh in terms of volume). If she fails to repay on time, she borrows from BRAC (which is the premier microcredit organization) to repay the Grameen Bank. Unable to repay either BRAC or Grameen, she then turns to ASA (the second-ranked microcredit bank). If she can not pay yet again, she decides to disappear with her family. If the family lives in a village, they bolt without leaving an address and go, guilt-ridden, to the anonymity of the big city. Dhaka, the capital, has 14.5 million residents and other cities are also swelling.

The microcredit repayments involve so many difficulties that the indebted live under great stress and humiliation. According to Abul Kalam Azad:

“Difficulties regarding repayments have brought huge stress within the borrowers’ families”.

Since most of the borrowers do not own real estate, dispossession does not involve land or home: it revolves around the 30% guarantee that the borrower had to pledge with the microcredit agency. This very important factor must not be overlooked in understanding why the microfinance organizations have a recovery rate of more than 98%. A potential borrower must deposit 30% of the loan as collateral. Failure to repay implies that the microcredit organization will forfeit the guarantee. This is in fact a ploy for dispossessing a large number of people who lose their collateral if they fail to repay. Consequently, they leave their village to escape vilification.

A further clarification: in Bangladesh, the three largest microcredit banks control 61% of the market. If you visit the capital city, Dhaka, you will notice that the majority of ATMs (automated teller machines) belong to the three main banks.

Colombia: the State gives structural support to Microcredit

As noted above, the governments of Colombia and the US, as well as the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank, have been actively launching, supporting and expanding microfinance. In Colombia, microenterprises, who are the biggest employers, have been the main targets of microcredit agencies. In 2014, five institutions dominated the sector by controlling 72% of the loans. Bancamia, the chief microcredit bank, is associated with BBVA, Spain’s second largest private bank. The State lends them operational support. In 1996, Corposol / Finansol, which controlled 40% of the market for new loans to microenterprises, had to be bailed out with public funds because of extensive over-trading. |12| The senior executives of the microcredit banks have been recruited from large private banks, especially from the US such as Citibank. All the studies carried out by the Colombian government showcase the success of what it calls the microcredit industry.

The reason is simple: these evaluations only consider the microfinance sector’s growth, without any concern for its effects on the economic activity, without looking into the capability of micro-enterprises to leave the informal sector for the formal sector. In fact, Colombian microfinance has retained the microenterprises in the informal sector, pushing them towards over-indebtedness, which in turn has seen a rise in payment defaults. Staring from the 2000s, the government persuaded the major banks to invest in microfinance. Between 2002 and 2006, they invested $130 million p.a., largely with a public guarantee in the case of default or bankruptcy. |13|

The credit portfolio guaranteed by the State increased five-fold between 2001 and 2005. The government subsequently decided to grant more microcredits, and set a target of 5 million micro-credits between 2006 and 2010. The target was surpassed, 6.1 million credits were granted. For the period 2010-2014, the record was again beaten: while the government anticipated 7.7 million micro-loans, the actual figures touched 10.2 million. However, the expansion of business did not help improve the quality of employment. In 2006, pressure from microcredit banks led the government to approve an increase in the interest rates. |14| Authorized rates ranged from 22.6% to 33.9%.

Starting from 2010, the official rates rose further, wavering between 30-50%. Moreover, the government authorized the introduction of variable rates with indexation every 3 months. In Colombia, microcredit expansion is exponential, increasing from $136 million in 2002 to $3,800 million in 2016, an annual growth of 28.1%. In terms of individual loans in 2015, 72% of such microcredit is 1 to 25 times the legal minimum wage while the remaining 28% fluctuate between 25 to 120 times. In 2015, the return on equity (ROE) was phenomenal |15|: Bancamia reached 11.7%, the Women’s World Banking-WWB (sic!) 9.1% and the Banco Mundo Mujer 21 %. Goldman Sachs, globally one of the most profitable banks, does not match this!

While the Colombian banks specialized in microcredit seem to have a solid foothold, it is a different scenario for the people and the micro-enterprises availing of these loans. 32% of the clients are over-indebted and have had to request a restructuring of their debts, which basically implies extending the repayment period. The economic situation is deteriorating in Colombia in 2016-2017 and more and more borrowers are defaulting. |16|

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Les Autres Voix de la Planète, CADTM’s magazine, on illegitimate private debts (out april 2017 – in french)

South Africa: often the employers, by court order, retain repayments directly from the workers’ pay packets

On 16 August 2012, the police opened fire on miners striking in the Marikana region of South Africa, killing 34 of them.

The massacre of striking mineworkers at Marikana in 2012 is widely regarded as a turning point in the history of democratic South Africa. As well as revealing the virtually unconditional support given to capital by the ANC and the new black elite, it revealed also the high levels of debt amongst mine workers. Most of this debt is with ‘micro-lenders’ and the growth of micro-lending in South Africa has been nothing short of phenomenal. For South Africans earning between R3 500 and R10 000 a month (a worker’s salary) as much as 40% of income goes toward covering loan repayments. Garnishee orders – when employers are ordered by the courts to deduct debt repayments directly from workers’ salaries – are common. Many mine workers were striking for higher wages in 2012 in part because garnishee orders were leaving them with little on which to live or because they were indebted to the unsecured lenders operating outside the mines or to the cash loan shops that have grown up in towns like Marikana all over South Africa”. |17|

Morocco: when the victims unite

Since the mid-1990s, the Moroccan government has been promoting microcredit through national and international public funding (Hassan II Fund for Economic and Social Development, UNDP, US Aid, etc.). Today, the National Federation of Microcredit Associations boasts of a membership of 13 coordinated institutions, 4 of which (including two subsidiaries of banks) are at the origin of 95% of the loans granted . From 2008 to 2011, it experienced a crisis due to repayment failures, which led to, among other things, the Zakoura foundation’s bankruptcy. This in turn prompted the state to intervene to reorganize and consolidate the fabric of the sector.

From the 1990s to the end of 2015, loans totalling nearly 50 billion dirhams were granted ranging between 500- 50,000 dirhams (€ 50 – 5,000) at an average effective rate of 35%, which can easily go up.

The microcredit organizations take advantage of the borrowers’ exigencies, their level of education and their ignorance of the technicalities to camouflage the actual effective annual interest rate, citing only the monthly rate.

The difficulties of repaying excessive loans and the application of usury rates explain why close to 4,500 victims of microcredit, mostly women, launched a movement in the Ouarzazate region (South-east of Morocco) in 2011. |18| ATTAC CADTM Morocco supported this struggle and regarded it as a just struggle against the greed of banking institutions and the investors who run them, and pointed out the illegitimacy and illegality of these loans.

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Caravana internacional de solidaridad con las mujeres víctimas de los microcréditos en Marruecos

As ATTAC CADTM Morocco reports:

What the microfinance institutions claim to be their goals, the laws that support them, and the illegal methods adopted to handle unpaid debts: all smack of hypocrisy. The persistence of the movement has exposed this. The borrowers were subjected to various forms of threats and stripped of their property. Women particularly have been under tremendous pressure: some have left their families, others have emigrated, and some have even been forced into prostitution.” |19|

Initially, the organizers of the movement were prosecuted and harshly sentenced. Vis-à-vis a strong mobilization of the victims and the international solidarity they received, the court was forced, ultimately, to acquit them. |20|

As ATTAC CADTM emphasizes:

Microcredit involves more than the greed of local and international financial institutions. It points to the more general problem of the type of policies adopted for combating poverty, and in a broader sense, the development model underlying these policies. On the one hand, land grabbing, extended agri-business, closure of public services or privatization are eating into the livelihoods of a part of the population. On the other hand, they are receiving loans, thus gaining access to paid services: private schools, health clinics, etc. During the process, they are being asked to devise their own income-generating activities in a crisis-ridden world, substantially depriving them, at the same time, of the benefits”. |21|

Other mechanisms of private debts

These play an important role in the so-called developing countries, emerging or not.

In China, more than 100 million people have been caught up in a colossal housing bubble that has been snowballing for over 10 years. The prices for homes have become astronomical. Tens of millions of peasants are victims of real-estate speculation, which makes agricultural land near urban centres costlier. The mortgages issued by the Chinese banks are continually increasing and the bankers are profiteering more and more. Defaults on repayments are on the rise. Tens of millions of families will face the threat of eviction when the real estate prices collapse.

In India, over the last 20 years, more than 300,000 suicides of indebted peasants have been recorded. The number of victims is not subsiding. |22| Also dowry is one of the curses still existing in the Indian society, forcing poor parents to resort to microcredit and other forms of loans so that their daughters may marry. Despite legal provisions for punishment under section 304B of the Indian Penal Code (Dowry Death), 8,233, 8,083, and 8,455 deaths related to dowry-related abuses were registered in the country in 2012, 2013 and 2014 respectively. Despite the Dowry Prohibition Act of 1961, parents still “take loans, sell land and fall into deep debt in order to save for their daughter’s dowry”. 21 year old Shital Vyankat Vayal, daughter of a poor farmer in the western state of Maharashtra in India committed suicide by jumping into a well, to save her family from the financial and social burden of her marriage. Her suicide note says that her father had been trying to borrow from moneylenders, but agencies and banks refused to grant him loans for want of capital, since consistent crop failures had landed the family in dire straits. In another incident dating back to 2011, a mother committed suicide along with her son and married daughter since the family was under tremendous pressure to pay dowry for the daughter. The mother’s death-note read:

Overwhelming debts worry us. We cannot repay.

To summarize, in these early years of the 21st century, private debt is increasingly being used to enslave, plunder and deprive the already oppressed populations both in the global North and South. This is why the CADTM has decided to include in its activities the fight for the abolition of illegitimate private debts.


Acknowledgments: The author wishes to thank Damien Millet and Claude Quémar for their review of the text and their suggestions. He also thanks Daniel Munevar and Suchandra de Sarkar for their research and assistance. The author is solely and entirely responsible for any errors or omissions contained herein.

Translated by Suchandra de Sarkar and further reviewed by Mike Krolikowski

End of Part 3.
Read part 1 here
Read part 2 here

Part 4 will explore alternative paths.


Eric Toussaint is a historian and political scientist who completed his Ph.D. at the universities of Paris VIII and Liège, is the spokesperson of the CADTM International, and sits on the Scientific Council of ATTAC France. He is the author of Bankocracy(2015); The Life and Crimes of an Exemplary Man (2014); Glance in the Rear View Mirror. Neoliberal Ideology From its Origins to the Present, Haymarket books, Chicago, 2012 (see here), etc. See his bibliography: He co-authored World debt figures 2015 with Pierre Gottiniaux, Daniel Munevar and Antonio Sanabria (2015); and with Damien Millet Debt, the IMF, and the World Bank: Sixty Questions, Sixty Answers, Monthly Review Books, New York, 2010. Since the 4th April 2015 he is the scientific coordinator of the Greek Truth Commission on Public Debt.



|1| See chapter 3 of “Debt, the IMF, and the World Bank: Sixty Questions, Sixty Answers” can be purchased directly from the MONTHLY REVIEW STORE.

|2| See Éric Toussaint, How to apply unpopular austerity policies, The OECD issues guidance to governments

|3| Daniel Munevar, “Colombia: A critical look”, 2017, 21 pages, will appear in a publication of The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD).

|4| Once again, what is advertised as an enterprise of the civil society and private initiative, actually owes its success to crucial support from governments as well as international agencies (e.g. the World Bank) bolstering the States’ roles.

|5| See L’impossible capitalisme vert : Un livre indispensable pour construire un projet écosocialiste (The impossible green capitalism, an indispensable book for ecosocialist projects) (in French). Also see Daniel Tanuro, Green Capitalism: Why It Can’t Work, Merlin Press, UK, October 2013

|6| See Nicolas Sersiron, “Terres préemptées, néo-colonialisme renforcé” (Lands appropriated, neo-colonialism reinforced) (in French).

|7| See “Le Kenya, leader mondial du paiement mobile” (Kenya: world leader in mobile payments) (in French). Also see “Dialing for cash: mobile transfers expand banking: In Africa, cross-border remittances by phone overcome bank limits” and UNCTAD, ”Mobile Money for Business Development in the East African Community

|8| See Muhammad Yunus, Vers un nouveau capitalisme (Towards a new capitalism) (in French), Publisher: J-C Lattès, 2007, 280 pages, p. 31. We have translated these parts from Denise Comane’s excellent article in French, titled “Muhammad Yunus: prix Nobel de l’ambiguïté ou du cynisme?” (Muhammad Yunus: Nobel prize for ambiguity or cynicism?”)

|9| Esther Duflo, “Microcrédit, miracle ou désastre ?” (Microcredit, miracle or disaster?) (in French)

|10| Source: Monower Mustafa’s deliberation in the CADTM’s international seminar organized in Dhaka from 3-4 March, 2017. See the full report here: “Concerted efforts in South Asia against debt and microcredit”.

|11| See “Bangladesh: Harsh effects of the Grameen Bank and other microcredit institutions on the rural population

|12| See “Corposol/Finansol: Preliminary Analysis of an Institutional Crisis in Microfinance

|13| Trigo, J., Patricia, L., Devaney, L., & Rhyne, E. (2004). Supervising & Regulating Microfinance in the Context of Financial Sector Liberalization: Lessons from Bolivia, Colombia and Mexico

|14| Gutiérrez, M. L. (2009). Microfinanzas dentro del contexto del sistema financiero colombiano. (Microfinances within the context of Colombia’s economic system) (in Spanish).

|15| Return on Equity calculates the ratio between net income and shareholders’ equity in terms of a percentage. The equation for ROE would be = Net profit / equity.

|16| El Nuevo Siglo, 20 April 2017, Bogota, “Cae desembolso de microcrédito” (Number of microcredits plunges) (in Spanish)

|17| Source: Samantha Ashman, Financialisation and mine workers’ struggles in South Africa, paper presented at the seminar on Finance and Social movements, Paris, 13 April 2017

|18| See Lucile Daumas, “Micro-crédit, macro-arnaque” (Microcredit, a macro-scam) (in French)

|19| ATTAC CADTM Maroc, “Le microcrédit au Maroc: quand les pauvres financent les riches”. (Morocco’s microcredit system: when the poor finance the rich) (in French) This article is soon to be published in 2017. Also see Omar Aziki, ”Maroc : les couches populaires sous le double joug du microcrédit et du despotisme” (The people are doubly burdened by microcredit and despotism) (in French)

|20| See Souad Guennoun, “Acquittement pour les deux inculpé.e.s du procès microcrédit à Ouarzazate” (The two accused in the microcredit lawsuit in Ouarzazate have been acquitted) (in French)

|21| ATTAC CADTM Maroc, “Le microcrédit au Maroc: quand les pauvres financent les riches”. (Morocco’s microcredit system: when the poor finance the rich) (in French) This article is soon to be published in 2017.

|22| For specific examples, see Al Jazeera, “India’s sugarcane farmers: A cycle of debt and suicide”, 3 April 2017.

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Myanmar appears poised to escape international scrutiny of its vast and expanding human rights abuses targeting its Rohingya minority.

US State Department-funded media platform, The Irrawaddy, would report in an article titled, “Burma set to Dodge Full UN Probe on Arakan State,” that:

Burma looks set to escape an international investigation into alleged atrocities in Arakan State, after the European Union decided not to seek one at the UN Human Rights Council, a draft resolution seen by Reuters showed on Wednesday. 

The UN said in a report last month that the army and police had committed mass killings and gang rapes of Rohingya Muslims in northern Arakan state and burned villages in a campaign that may amount to crimes against humanity and ethnic cleansing.

The article would also reveal the role the European Union played in avoiding the UN probe, stating:

EU diplomats told a meeting on Tuesday that they preferred using an existing mechanism that had received good cooperation and access from Burma’s government, rather than a new approach, and to give more time to the domestic process.

The article indicates, however, that existing mechanisms lack transparency, independence and thus legitimacy. It also notes that other nations, including Ukraine and Syria, have not escaped similar probes.

Why Myanmar is “Special” 

The Southeast Asian state of Myanmar’s political transition last year which saw Aung San Suu Kyi’s National League for Democracy come to power and herself assume office as the first “State Counselor of Myanmar,” was the culmination of decades of US-European regime change efforts.

The extent of this support is documented in immense detail in the 2006 Burma Campaign UK report, “Failing the People of Burma?” (.pdf). It states:

The National Endowment for Democracy (NED – see Appendix 1, page 27) has been at the forefront of our program efforts to promote democracy and improved human rights in Burma since 1996. We are providing $2,500,000 in FY 2003 funding from the Burma earmark in the Foreign Operations legislation. The NED will use these funds to support Burmese and ethnic minority democracy-promoting organizations through a sub-grant program. The projects funded are designed to disseminate information inside Burma supportive of Burma’s democratic development, to create democratic infrastructures and institutions, to improve the collection of information on human rights abuses by the Burmese military and to build capacity to support the restoration of democracy when the appropriate political openings occur and the exiles/refugees return.

While many laud Western support for the supposed democratic movements within Myanmar’s political landscape, one of the keys to genuine democracy is self-determination, a concept completely negated by foreign funding and involvement within a nation’s internal politics.

Suu Kyi’s political party, street fronts and a vast network both within Myanmar and abroad of foreign-funded organisations posing as nongovernmental organisations (NGOs) have incrementally undermined and displaced Myanmar’s institutions and political circles of power.

Since taking power, rhetoric regarding human rights, democracy and freedom evaporated as many of the abuses used as excuses by the US and Europe to meddle in Myanmar’s internal affairs to begin with, expanded rather than were abated by their political proxies.

Why Myanmar’s Human Rights Abuses Remain “Sort of” in the News 

While US and European organisations continue to place pressure on Myanmar’s current leadership, it is now abundantly clear that such pressure is used as geopolitical leverage against the government in pursuit of concessions and in no way constitutes a genuine interest in protecting human rights.

Among the concessions US and European interests seek, includes Myanmar’s divestment from its ties to neighbouring China. US-European interests are engaged in Myanmar’s internal politics not simply to enter, monopolise and profit from the nation’s markets, population and natural resources, but as part of a much larger, regional agenda aimed at encircling China with a hostile unified Southeast Asian front to hinder Beijing’s rise as a region and international superpower.

China has invested in a series of large infrastructure and develop projects within Myanmar, as well as projects aimed at securing China’s trade routes from Asia to Africa, Europe and beyond. China’s proximity to Myanmar gives it a distinct advantage that allows it to continue making inroads despite US proxies holding power. Dissuading Myanmar’s political leadership from building further ties at current or accelerated rates is done through a variety of methods, including the use of disingenuous human rights advocacy used as a form of geopolitical blackmail.

The severity, duration and scope of human rights investigations, or whether they happen at all, depends entirely on any given state’s obedience to US and European powers which hold a monopoly on what is essentially weaponised human rights advocacy. Exposing this weaponisation of human rights advocacy is essential in both preserving a nation’s sovereignty and protecting legitimate, essential human rights advocacy.

Joseph Thomas is chief editor of Thailand-based geopolitical journal, The New Atlas and contributor to the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.

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Empty Values: The Australian Concept of Citizenship

May 3rd, 2017 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

It has been a lowering conversation, and one that Australia’s politicians have been engaging in with various degrees of discomfort. The Australian prime minister, for one, doesn’t seem to know where to place his feet on this one, showing considerable trouble in navigating the term “Australian values” before probing questions.  

Would such values, posed Leigh Sales of the ABC to the squirming Malcolm Turnbull, include those traditionalists celebrating Hanukkah? Could you still pass muster as an Australian wearing the headscarf? “Of course!” retorted a clearly exasperated prime minister.

Left stranded on high ground, Turnbull has had to propose a kindergarten list of what those values would look like: “respect, the rule of law, commitment to freedom, democracy.”[1] His colourful deputy, Barnaby Joyce, adds the “fair go” and a form of attire: shorts.

The topic of “Australian values” need never have arisen, given the sheer paucity of detail as to what they entail, but the Turnbull government is that desperate for electoral mileage it is liable to politicise the air if it senses a chance for survival. Political desperation is palpable, and can either place you into a coma of boredom or befuddle the strategists. 

To that end, proposals that may never make it to the bureaucrat’s desk have been spun suggesting that the Australian citizenship test incorporate a greater component of “Australian values”. Highly problematic to begin with, it is a chance for committees and challenged experts to concoct an arbitrary list of what, exactly, these might be.

The absurdity of the suggestion becomes clearer on an examination of some proposed values potential candidates for citizenship will be queried upon. Would you, for instance, gleefully approve the practice of genital mutilation? Would you have been involved or propose to engage in acts of genocide? 

This meaningless debate tends to spike when the emotional barometer is jarred on special occasions. When that great, murderous folly known as Anzac Day finds expression in marches and rum-laced milk in the morning, a call is made to refine the nature of those values and apply them to prospective Australians.

One Australian MP with much time on his hands, Andrew Laming, has gone so far this year as to argue that a new national anthem should reflect those “values”. At the very least, there should be a new verse reflecting “our jocular sense of humour”, how we “come from blends of many backgrounds”, and how Australia is “a young nation”.[2] (Presumably, when longer in the tooth, the Australian state would have to find a new verse.)

The social psychologist fraternity has also made efforts to identify what it terms “cultural values”, though treating these as objective indicators of anything can be problematic. Shalom Schwartz has a stab at a finite number, coming up with seven dimensions or orientations: harmony, embeddedness, hierarchy, mastery, affective autonomy, intellectual autonomy and egalitarianism.[3] 

Unsurprisingly, there are two that stand out for the pundits: that of embeddedness, where the whole is valued more than the individual; and autonomy, which is pretty straight forward in its individualistic suggestiveness. Schwartz’s work is praised to the heavens as being “the outcome of decades of empirical research around the globe.”[4]

Playing around in such academic undergrowth enables Professor Nick Haslam of University of Melbourne to suggest that Australia is far from distinctive, let alone exceptional its paraded values. By the metric of how far Australia deviates “from the international average over seven dimensions”, the seekers of exceptionalism will be disappointed. Australia “is the second least distinctive culture of all, beaten to the gold medal by Brazil” (The Conversation, May 1).

The debate has also provoked some much needed satire. Ben Pobije insists that the PM and his colleagues have missed the key points. One is the “gift of the nature strip”, the innate Australian tendency to recycle appliances and items abandoned on the grass in front of a house.

“Council regulations might say otherwise, but the freedom to gather up strangers’ garbage whenever opportunity knocks is a vital Australian value and one we do well to safeguard.”[5]

Pobije suggests other value indicators that could be codified: a deep suspicion of the imagination, a latent anti-Americanism despite surface affection for those from the land of the free, and any chance “to take a day off from work for literally any reason.”

Unfortunately, this particular issue tends to be less one to satirise than one to observe with mute insensibility. This is bound to lead to humbug, where values become less a matter of virtue than sin, a facile and shallow assertion of crude patriotism. As a letter to The Age put it,

“It might be hard to wax lyrical about our treatment of asylum seekers, the reduction in foreign aid or the growing divide between rich and poor, for example.”[6]

On the point of values, take your pick.

Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He lectures at RMITUniversity, Melbourne.  Email: [email protected]








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Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross is under fire—with one journalist characterizing it as the behavior of a ‘sociopath’—following crude remarks made Monday in which he described the U.S. bombing of Syria as “after-dinner entertainment” at President Donald Trump‘s private Mar-A-Lago estate while hosting Chinese President Xi Jinping last month.

“Just as dessert was being served, the president explained to Mr. Xi he had something he wanted to tell him, which was the launching of 59 missiles into Syria,” Ross said Monday during a speech at the Milken Institute Conference in Beverly Hills, California. “It was in lieu of after-dinner entertainment. The thing was, it didn’t cost the president anything to have that entertainment.”

According to Variety, which first reported the comments, some members of the audience responded with laughter.

Made public, however, the comments by Ross attracted not smiles but widespread disgust and rebuke.

This short video by Carbonated TV captured additional responses of outrage:

Rep. Ted Lieu, a Democrat from California, also condemned Ross’ comment.

“Secretary Wilbur Ross needs to apologize,” Lieu declared in a tweet Monday night. “US military is not a toy and should never be used for ‘entertainment.'”

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If the public were to rely solely on the U.S. government and its respective mouthpieces for its source of news, one might assume Iran is to blame for the current crisis engulfing Yemen, the Arab world’s poorest country.

From Reuters:

“At least 10,000 people have been killed and more than 3 million displaced in the war in Yemen, now in its third year. Millions of people are also struggling to feed themselves.

“‘We will have to overcome Iran’s efforts to destabilize yet another country and create another militia in their image of Lebanese Hezbollah, but the bottom line is we are on the right path for it,’ Mattis [Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis] told reporters in Riyadh after meeting senior Saudi officials.

Note how the Reuters report explains the current humanitarian crisis but then transitions into a statement from the Trump administration that directly apportions the blame for that crisis to the Iranian government.

Is Iran to blame for the current crisis in Yemen?

In 2015, I wrote an article for Truthout in which I analyzed a number of Guardian articles that claimed, without question, that the Houthi rebels leading an insurrection in Yemen were “Iran-backed.” Most of the time, the claim was presented without any evidence, though the Guardian occasionally provided a hyperlink for the source. By clicking on the hyperlinks I found the Guardian was failing to provide evidence that Iran was backing rebels in Yemen. In one of the examples, the hyperlinked article was an article where a “source” had revealed that fighters who were trained in one of the Gulf States (which was not specified) — who numbered no more than ten altogether — had arrived in Yemen; hardly proof of anything.

In turn, Media Lens, an organization that analyzes media bias and propaganda, shared the article with the Guardian author in question, Ian Black, to elicit a response on Twitter. The Guardian author did respond (indirectly), by sharing an article from Reuters titled “Iranian support seen crucial for Yemen’s Houthis.”

Sounds promising, right? Here is a direct quote from the article:

“Exactly how much support Iran has given the Houthis, who share a Shi’ite ideology, has never been clear.” [emphasis added]

The article relies entirely on unnamed sources in order to promulgate a number of claims that even Reuters couldn’t verify. For example:

“He [an unnamed Iranian official] said about 100 Houthis had traveled to Iran this year for training at a Revolutionary Guards base near the city of Qom. It was not immediately possible to verify this claim.” [emphasis added].

If Iran, which has relatively low military spending — and is mired by crippling economic sanctions imposed by the U.S. — is truly capable of destabilizing Yemen, then surely the mainstream media would be able to provide concrete evidence of this Iranian-Houthi relationship. Claims that there is an Iranian arms supply to Yemen have been extensively debunked. A recent report that attempted to show that Iran had an arms supply route to Yemen concluded that some (emphasis on some) weapons that arrived in Yemen via Somalia were probably supplied with the complicity of Iranian security forces.” Probably supplied…would this hold up in a court of law?

In addition to their lack of direct proof, these reports also fail to answer two important questions. First, how is it that Iran is able to ship weapons to Yemen in the face of a Saudi-imposed blockade, which has completely devastated the country?

And second, why is it that as late as January of this year, U.N. experts were unable to find any evidence of large-scale Iranian involvement? As noted by the U.N. experts who presented a report of their findings to the U.N. Security Council:

The panel has not seen sufficient evidence to confirm any direct large-scale supply of arms from the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran, although there are indicators that anti-tank guided weapons being supplied to the Houthi or Saleh forces are of Iranian manufacture.”  [emphasis added]

If you are inclined to think that the origin of manufacture is proof of direct interference, perhaps you should read this report that outlines how the U.S. has armed both sides of the conflict.

Though the U.N. experts could not find ample evidence of Iranian interference, they did find mounting evidence of war crimes committed by Saudi Arabia (in fact, this was the sole purpose of the report.)

It is because of this complete lack of evidence of any tangible Iranian involvement in Yemen that even the Washington Post had no choice but to publish the following:

“Yet as [the author] argued in a recent article in the May 2016 issue of International Affairs, the Chatham House journal, Tehran’s support for the Houthis is limited, and its influence in Yemen is marginal. It is simply inaccurate to claim that the Houthis are Iranian proxies.”

But we should never let these facts get in the way of a good story.  If you repeat a lie enough times, people will believe it. If you repeat the claim that Saddam Hussein is developing weapons of mass destruction, people will believe it is justified to attack Iraq. If you repeat the claim that in 2011 Muammar Gaddafi was a genocidal maniac who ordered his forces to commit mass rape (the same people he offered free health care), people will believe it is justified to attack Libya. If you repeat the claim that Bashar al-Assad used chemical weapons in the major documented attacks in 2013 (even though U.N. investigators concluded he didn’t) and that he used them again in 2017 (even though very prominent intellectuals have concluded the U.S. intelligence does not support this conclusion), then people will believe it is justified to attack Syria.

If you repeat the claim over and over that the Houthi rebels are backed by Iran, people will believe it.

No one doubts that Iran has a stake in the Yemen conflict and has probably tried its best to send support in some way or another (whether political, symbolic, or by direct military assistance). But the fact remains that the mainstream media is unable to provide any shred of direct intelligence or conclusive evidence of any large scale involvement that has contributed to the destabilization of Yemen.

The other twisted aspect of this narrative worth highlighting is that if Iran was arming rebels in Yemen, it would be the most literal translation of the phrase “chickens coming home to roost,” as Saudi Arabia has spent vast sums of money arming fanatical jihadist rebels to topple Iran’s close ally in Syria. Hillary Clinton’s leaked emails show the Obama administration was well aware that Saudi Arabia and Qatar were directly sponsoring ISIS.

War Crimes, Genocide, and Mass Starvation

Yemen is home to al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), the brand of al-Qaeda that Washington previously regarded as the deadliest. It is also home to ISIS because the terror group capitalized on the instability and managed to latch itself onto a decent foothold in the war-torn country. Yet Saudi Arabia is not targeting either of these two groups. Further, the Houthi rebels are actually sworn enemies of these two violent terror groups; if Washington were genuine in prosecuting its war against al-Qaeda, then the Houthis would technically be a natural ally.

So who are the Saudis bombing? Civilians, plain and simple.

On October 8, 2016, an aerial bombardment targeted a crowded funeral in Sana’a, the capital of Yemen. According to the U.N., more than 140 Yemenis were killed and at least 525 others were injured. The aftermath of this attack was aptly dubbed a “lake of blood.”

To date, the coalition has struck well over 100 hospitals, as well as wedding parties, refugee campsfood trucks, factories, transport routes, agricultural land, residential areas, and schools, to name a few.

According to Martha Mundy, professor emeritus at the London School of Economics, the Saudi coalition has been hitting agricultural land. Noting just 2.8 percent of Yemen’s land is cultivated, she has argued that

[t]o hit that small amount of agricultural land, you have to target it.”

Even before the war broke out, Yemen was already dependent on imports for 90 percent of its staple foods and almost all of its fuel and medical supplies. When the coalition isn’t directly bombing civilians and civilian infrastructure, the rest of Yemen’s population is suffering due to the Saudi-imposed blockade, which has put half the population at risk of starvation. According to the U.N., over 462,000 children under the age of five are suffering from severe acute malnutrition. (Still believe the U.S.-led coalition, including Saudi Arabia, cares about human rights in Syria?)

The Obama administration, and in turn the recent Trump administration, are well aware that Saudi Arabia’s complete disregard for human rights and its incompetence have led to widespread civilian suffering.  As the New York Times reported:

“The first problem was the ability of Saudi pilots, who were inexperienced in flying missions over Yemen and fearful of enemy ground fire. As a result, they flew at high altitudes to avoid the threat below. But flying high also reduced the accuracy of their bombing and increased civilian casualties, American officials said.

“American advisers suggested how the pilots could safely fly lower, among other tactics. But the airstrikes still landed on markets, homes, hospitals, factories and ports, and are responsible for the majority of the 3,000 civilian deaths during the yearlong war, according to the United Nations.”

In addition to supplying billions of dollars’ worth of arms to the Saudi kingdom, U.S. and U.K. personnel provide overwhelming assistance to the Saudi-led coalition to wreak this devastation on Yemen by sitting in the Saudi’s command and control center, for example.

As if this barbarism wasn’t cruel enough, the Saudi-led coalition purposely destroyed the cranes that Yemen used at its port of Hodeidah to uplift cargo, meaning any food and aid that actually makes it through the Saudi blockade never makes it to shore. From Truthout:

“The climax of the blockade strategy was a series of airstrikes on August 17, 2015, that destroyed all of the cranes used to unload container ships at the main commercial port of Hodeidah, Yemen’s only port capable of receiving such ships. The strikes also destroyed an entire World Food Program warehouse, one of the berths, the port authority warehouse, the port control building and the customs building.”

Even at the time of this article’s publication, the Saudis are attempting to take over this key port in Yemen knowing full well the real suffering will be felt by the civilian population. Hodeidah port is “Yemen’s lifeline,” according to the director of the Sana’a Center for Strategic Studies.

The Houthi Movement

Despite all of this mainstream evidence that Saudi Arabia is unleashing the true horror and devastation in Yemen, somehow the Trump administration continues to blame Iran for this catastrophe. In reality, the Houthis are not extensively backed by Iran but are directly assisted on the ground by forces loyal to Yemen’s former president, Ali Abdullah Saleh. Saleh was ousted in 2012 but continues to retain the loyalty of much of the armed forces.

In this context, Yemeni armed forces marched towards its capital, Sana’a, in 2014 and forced the removal of then president Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi. In other words, an organic uprising displaced a leader that was widely viewed as a Saudi puppet. Saudi Arabia, with U.S. and U.K. assistance and with the backing of a number of Gulf States, has since insisted on Hadi’s reinstatement by force.

Image result for former president hadi

Former President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi

Hadi was already overthrown (by his people nonetheless). What gives Saudi Arabia the right to force this leader on a population that doesn’t want him anymore? Bear in mind, overthrowing one’s leader is something the Saudis claim should happen in Syria, despite the fact that Assad retained his post as Syria’s president with an overwhelming election victory in 2014.

What makes Yemen’s uprising bad and, conversely, what makes Syria’s uprising good? The fact that the Houthis are not al-Qaeda-aligned?

Not to mention that Assad has not been overthrown in almost six years of fighting, compared with Hadi, who was overthrown in a mere matter of months. This should tell one something about the difference between these conflicts. Even with the assistance of Saudi air power — completely empowered by the U.S. and the U.K. — Saudi Arabia is struggling to beat the Houthi movement.

As this conflict rages on at a catastrophic rate with millions upon millions of civilians suffering, it is almost impossible to take the Trump administration’s claims regarding human rights in Syria seriously. Legal experts have already warned the U.S. government that its complicity in these attacks can make them a co-belligerent in Saudi Arabia’s vast, extensive list of war crimes. This warning has not helped at all in deterring the Trump administration from continuing some of Barack Obama’s worst policies.

If the U.S. pulled its support for Saudi Arabia, Yemen’s suffering could stop tomorrow. Rather, the words of Britain’s foreign secretary Boris Johnson brilliantly capture the West’s lack of empathy towards Yemen’s civilian population. He stated that if the U.K. didn’t supply arms to Saudi Arabia, someone else would.

If that’s really how our respective governments feel about war crimes, crimes of aggression, and crimes against humanity, then they should stop pretending to care about human rights in Syria — because they don’t.

To the powers-that-be, Yemenis are nothing more than ants in a warped and barbaric geopolitical chess game that sees Saudi Arabia attempting to assert itself as a regional power.

In this context, the notion that the U.S. would consider supplying Saudi Arabia – a country so backward that women aren’t allowed to drive – with nuclear weapons is nothing short of suicidal.

Meanwhile, Yemen’s plight continues in complete silence. How can this be?

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Britain Must Break Free from the Agrochemical Cartel

May 3rd, 2017 by Colin Todhunter

Agrochemical manufacturers are knowingly poisoning people and the environment in the name of profit and greed. Communities, countries, ecosystems and species have become disposable inconveniences. Corporate totalitarian tries to hide beneath an increasingly fragile facade of democracy. The agrochemicals industry lobbies hard to have its products put on the market and ensures that they remain there. It uses PR firms and front groups to discredit individuals and studies which show the massive health and environmental devastation caused and gets its co-opted figures to sit on bodies to guarantee policies favourable to its interest are secured.

From bought-and-paid-for science and public relations that masquerades as journalism to policy implementation and the lack of regulation, the argohemicals industry wallows in a highly profitable cesspool. Money wields power and political influence.

In capitalism, a private corporation is compelled to secure control of assets (in agriculture – seeds, land, water, soil, chemical inputs, etc) and exploit them for a cash profit, while removing obstacles that might hinder this goal. Concerns about what is in the public interest or what is best for the environment lies beyond the scope of hard-headed business interests and is the remit of governments and civil organisations. The best case scenario for private capital is to have toothless, supine agencies or governments.

Rosemary Mason writes to the chair of the ECP

The UK Expert Committee on Pesticides (ECP)

“provides independent, impartial advice to the government on matters relating to pesticides.”

William Cushley is a professor of molecular immunology and chair of the ECP. Environmentalist Dr Rosemary Mason has just written an open letter to the professor requesting that he acknowledges genuine independent evidence about the toxic impacts of pesticides – not the studies or data being pushed and prioritised by powerful transnational corporations – and breaks the silence over the devastation being caused.

Image result for environmentalist rosemary mason

Dr. Rosemary Mason, Environmentalist

Mason felt it necessary to write to Cushley because the financial and political clout of a group of powerful agrochemical corporations ensures that their interests are privileged ahead of public health and the environment to the detriment of both. There is in effect a deeply embedded collusion between powerful corporations and public bodies. The agrochemical industry has corrupted public institutions, government policies and decision making.

Mason draws Cushley’s attention to some of the outcomes. For instance, she notes independent research that recognises the extreme toxicity of low levels of systemic neonicotinoid insecticides, which have become widespread in the environment. They cause a virtually irreversible blockage of postsynaptic nicotinergic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) in the central nervous system of insects (to which the human foetus is also exposed). The damage is cumulative: with more exposure, more receptors become blocked.

In the Netherlands, the levels of imidacloprid in Dutch surface have been increasing since 2004 and such increases are correlated with a decline in invertebrates and in insect-feeding birds.

Mason then goes on to point out that in 2006 she set up a small nature reserve in Wales in response to the decline in birds and invertebrates such as bumblebees, butterflies, dragonflies and moths. However, even the reserve’s biodiversity soon began to witness a loss of biodiversity.

About that time, she received the article by US Scientists Anthony Samsel and Stephanie Seneff ‘Glyphosate, pathways to modern diseases’ and immediately suspected that Monsanto’s Roundup was destroying the reserve. That’s because for many years Monsanto’s contractors had been spraying Roundup on Japanese knotweed in the Swansea area where she lives, until it had become Roundup-resistant.

It was clear that the reserve was thus under threat from numerous agrochemicals, which have wide-ranging consequences, not least where human health is concerned.

In the UK, some farmers have been spraying glyphosate pre-harvest since 1980, and the US Center for Disease Control has found strong correlations between it and various diseases which have been increasing over the last 30 years. These include obesity, autism, type 2 diabetes, dementia, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, liver and kidney failure, hypercholesterolemia, stroke and various cancers such as kidney, liver, pancreas, thyroid, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, myeloma and leukaemia. In her previous documents, Mason has noted spiralling rates of illness in Wales and the UK in general and has indicated how they are linked to agrochemical use, especially glyphosate (as well as other toxins courtesy of Monsanto having used a quarry as a toxic dump).

Mason informs Cushley that detrimental health outcomes are caused by even small exposure to common chemicals like the ones found in pesticides as well as in plastics and air pollution. There are documented links between prenatal exposure to environmental chemicals, and adverse health outcomes span the life course and include impacts on fertility and pregnancy, neurodevelopment and cancer. The global health and economic burden related to toxic environmental chemicals is in excess of millions of deaths and billions of dollars every year.

The health problems are even greater for babies exposed in the womb, who face increased risks of cancer, reduced cognitive function and even miscarriage or stillbirth.

There has been a sharp increase over the past four decades in chemical manufacturing, which continues to grow by more than three per cent every year.

A system set up to serve corporate needs

As with all her numerous open letters and correspondence with various officials, Mason supplies Cushley with a lengthy fully-referenced document (Open Letter to the Chairman of the Expert Committee on Pesticides) that supports all the claims made and which sheds further light on the issues raised (readers should consult that document to access texts and links which are also relevant to the article you are now reading).

On this occasion, she outlines conflicts of interest within the UK’s Health and Safety Executive, the damning verdict of the judges of the International Monsanto Tribunal and a report presented to the UN Human Rights Council about the Right to Food. The disastrous effects of Roundup and neonicotinoids are also discussed along with the agrochemical industry’s hold on the UK government.

Mason’s evidence indicates the not-so-hidden hand of the agrochemical sector, including Bayer, Syngenta and Monsanto, has conspired to cover up the damaging effects of its products. The power of the industry – underpinned by its ability to fund and thus slant research, to lobby government officials effectively, to infiltrate and co-opt institutions and to push people through the revolving door into key positions – has corrupted science and decision making and destroyed any notion of objective and independent regulation and policy formulation.

Industry-backed research has been favoured ahead of independent studies, directives are ignored, court rulings are overturned in favour of the industry and public bodies act more as product promoting agencies than acting in the interests of the public.

Cushley is informed that the UK government is being directed by the pesticides industry. Mason tells Cushley that he, as Chairman of the ECP, has the responsibility for giving chemicals authorisation and should realise he is being fed industry information.

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Professor William Cushley

For instance, Mason argues that the industry had known – but has consistently denied – that neonicotinoid pesticides are harmful to bees. Tests and protocols that had allowed registration of the systemic pesticides were not adapted to assess potential hazard and risk from this type of pesticide. Despite knowing all this, protection agencies have allowed the pesticides industry to keep neonicotinoids on the market.

In discussing the International Monsanto Tribunal, Mason notes that Monsanto has violated human rights to food, health, a healthy environment and the freedom indispensable for independent scientific research. This corporation holds huge sway over governments and promotes a highly-profitable (but damaging and unnecessary) chemical-intensive model of farming.

To strengthen her case, Mason also presents Cushley with details concerning a report to UN Human Rights Council about the Right to Food. Global agricultural corporations (like Monsanto) are severely criticised by Hilal Elver the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food and co-author of the report, which is highly critical of the global corporations that manufacture pesticides, accusing them of the “systematic denial of harms”, “aggressive, unethical marketing tactics” and heavy lobbying of governments which has “obstructed reforms and paralysed global pesticide restrictions.”

The reports adds:

“It is time to create a global process to transition toward safer and healthier food and agricultural production.”

Elver says:

“Using more pesticides is nothing to do with getting rid of hunger. According to the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation, we are able to feed 9 billion people today. Production is definitely increasing, but the problem is poverty, inequality and distribution.”

Whilst spouting platitudes about feeding the world, the increasingly globalised system of agriculture being rolled out by the transnational agritech/agribusiness cartel was never designed to do that. Part of that design it to undermine alternative, credible approaches that could feed the world sustainably without being dependent on the agrochemical cartel and its dubious products.

But that’s the problem: these independent alternatives are a threat to the prevailing business models of companies such as Monsanto and Bayer, which resort to the practices Elver outlines.

Mason proceeds by discussing in some detail the well-documented disastrous effects on the environment of Roundup and neonicotinoids, in terms of the destruction of biodiversity, ecosystems, environmental degradation and human and animal health, etc. Evidence is provided that shows pesticide residues on British food are increasing annually, and statistics show a massive increase in glyphosate between 2012 and 2014

Mason quotes Robert van den Bosch, writing in 1978 in ‘The Pesticide Conspiracy’:

“If one considers how dangerous these chemicals are, one would suppose that it would be Government policy to minimize their use by every possible means. However the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution (RCEP) notes, ‘there is… no such policy in the UK, nor does the possible need for it appear to have been considered, notwithstanding the great increases in the use of these chemicals.”

However, the agrochemical industry, on the contrary, seems to be under the impression it is government policy to encourage the maximum use of pesticides.

Mason notes Theo Colborn’s crucial research in the early 1990s into endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) that were changing humans and the environment was ignored. In the 1996 book ‘Our Stolen Future: How Man-made Chemicals are Threatening our Fertility, Intelligence and Survival’, Colborn, Dumanoski and Peters revealed the full horror of what was happening to the world as a result of contamination with EDCs.

Mason concludes by stating:

“Britain will soon become a biological desert just as Craig Childs described in Apocalyptic Planet with reference to the fields of GM Roundup-Ready corn on a Farm in Iowa… “

“Few can avoid the pollution of water, soil and air by genotoxic and teratogenic herbicides, insecticides and other industrial chemicals. Governments and regulators only measure a small fraction of them. Human health depends on biodiversity. Food depends on natural pollinators.

“The devastating effects of these silent killers on us and our environment do not distinguish between farmers or city dwellers, the wealthy or the poor, between media moguls, editors or their reporters, Monsanto or Syngenta executives, prime ministers or presidents. Humans and the environment are being silently poisoned by thousands of untested and unmonitored chemicals.

“What will your grandchildren experience in the way of wildlife? Nothing. It will all have been poisoned by chemical biocides just to make money for the agrochemical corporations and the British government. They should be prosecuted in the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity.”

Mason encourages Cushley to break the silence and inform people what is happening.

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For the first time – a court has ordered the Philadelphia DA to turn over evidence and open their files in Mumia’s appeal. In a complacency shattering blow, the District Attorney’s office is finally being held to account. Judge Leon Tucker of the Philadelphia Common Pleas Court ordered the DA to produce all of the documents relevant to former PA Supreme Court Justice’s role in the case.

Castille was first a supervisory ADA during Mumia’s trial, then District Attorney, and finally as a judge he sat on Mumia’s appeals to the PA Supreme Court. 

This broad discovery order follows just days after the arguments in court by Christina Swarns, Esq. of the NAACP LDF, and Judith Ritter, Esq. of Widner Univ.

Judge Leon Tucker Philadelphia Common Pleas Court

During that hearing, Swarns made it clear that the District Attorney’s practice of lying to the appellate courts would not be tolerated and had been specifically exposed by the U.S. Supreme Court. In the Terrence Williams case, which highlights Ronald Castile’s conflict, the Supreme Court in no uncertain terms excoriated the office for failing to disclose crucial evidence. Evidence the office hid for years. This is an opportunity to begin to unravel the decades long police and prosecutorial corruption that has plagued Mumia’s quest for justice.

Judith Ritter, Esq. (Widner Univ.)  w/ Christina Swarns, Esq. (right) (NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund) outside of Court on April 24th after arguing in front  of Judge Tucker.

In prison for over thirty six years Mumia Abu-Jamal has maintained his innocence in the death of Philadelphia Police officer Daniel Faulkner on Dec. 9th 1981.

“The Commonwealth  must  produce  any  and  all  documents  or  records  in  the  possession  or  control  of  the Philadelphia  District  Attorney’s  Office   showing   former   District   Attorney   Ronald   Castille’s   personal   involvement   in the  above-captioned  case  … and public statements during and after his tenure as District Attorney of Philadelphia.”

It is important to note that the history of the District Attorney’s office in delaying and appealing to prevent exposure of prosecutorial misconduct and the resulting justice. At every turn, there will be attempts to limit Mumia’s access to the courts and release. It is past time for justice in this case.

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American Democracy: A Dead Man Walking

May 3rd, 2017 by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

Trump’s “sell-out,” as it is called, coming on top of Obama’s eight-year “sell-out,” is instructive. We have now had a Democratic president who sold out the people who elected him and a Republican president who has done the same thing. This is a very interesting point, the meaning of which most people miss.

But not Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin. At the Valdai discussion club, Putin summed up Western democracy, which I paraphrase as follows:

In the West, voters cannot change policies through elections, because the ruling elites control whoever is elected. Elections give the appearance of democracy, but voting does not change the policies that favor war and the elites. Therefore, the will of the people is impotent.

People are experiencing that they and their votes have no influence on the conduct of affairs of the country. This makes them afraid, frustrated, and angry, a combination of emotions that is dangerous to the ruling elite, who in response organize the powers of the state against the people, while urging them with propaganda to support more wars.

Obama promised to get out of Afghanistan or Iraq or perhaps it was both. He promised to reverse the police state created by the George W. Bush regime. He promised to focus American resources on American domestic problems, such as health care.

But what did he do? He expanded the wars and launched new ones, destroyed Libya and attempted to destroy Syria, but was stopped by British non-participation and Russian objection. He expanded the police state. Obama overthrew democratic governments in Honduras and Ukraine. He began the demonization of Russia and Putin. He betrayed the American people again by allowing the private insurance industry to write his health care plan known as Obamacare. The private interests wrote a plan that diverts public monies from health care to their profits.

All of this is forgotten when the ruling elites and the presstitutes that serve only them refocused the demonization on Trump. Suddenly, it was the president-elect of the United States who was the main danger to the US and the American people. Trump was a Russian agent. He had conspired with Putin to steal the US election from Hillary Clinton and make the White House a partner of Putin’s alleged reconsruction of the Soviet Empire.

The nonsense was hot and furious, and it was effective. Trump succumbed to pressure and sacrificed his National Secuity Advisior, who was supportive of Trump’s promise to normalize relations with Russia. Trump replaced him with a Russophobic idiot who apparantly cannot wait to see mushroom clouds over cities all over the Western world.

Why did two presidents in succession completely sell out the people who voted for them?

The answer is that presidents are not as powerful as the interest groups who make the decisions.

Trump was going to get us out of Syria, so he committed an unambigious war crime by gratuitously attacking Syria with Tomahawk missiles.

Trump was going to normalize relations with Russia, so his Secretary of State announces that US economic sanctions will stay on Russia until Russia hands over to Ukraine the Russian Crimean naval base on the Black Sea.

It is impossible to normalize relations when the cost to the other party of the normalization is national suicide.

Despite Trump’s complete surrender to the powers that be, today (May 2) on NPR I heard raw propaganda dressed up as “expert opinion” that Trump is biased against the media, when what all of us have seen is massive media bias against Trump, including the program to which I was listening.

For example, NPR had accumulated “experts” who said that Trump had slandered Obama by accusing him of intercepting his communications. NPR said nothing about the Obama regime’s charge that Trump conspired with Putin to steal the election from Hillary Clinton.

If anything was slander, this was, but all the talk was about how Obama could sue Trump.

But, of course, both are public figures, and neither can sue the other.

I wonder why NPR’s “expert” didn’t get around to this point.

Why is the ruling oligarchy still using its presstitutes to campaign against a president who has surrendered to them?

Perhaps the answer is that the real powers that be are going to make an example out of Trump so that never again does a person running for elected office make a populist appeal to the electorate.

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On April 23rd, the U.S. mega-corporate and government-funded National Public Radio network, NPR, interviewed voters about their views on President Trump’s achievements so far; and a typical respondent, the 33-year-old Jamie Ruppert, of White Haven, Pennsylvania, said, “I don’t think he’s been terrible. I mean, he definitely stepped up when the people of Syria kind of needed some help”. She was referring actually to this, though she wasn’t even aware of it; she believed instead the U.S. government’s lies about Syria’s government, just like the Americans who had supported the lies that produced the destruction of Iraq by the psychopathic American government had done, back then in 2003.

Polls show that highly prejudiced (i.e., misinformed) Americans tend to be especially supportive of the jihadists’ war to overthrow and replace Syria’s secular Russian-backed government. (The jihadists in Syria are backed by the U.S. government, which however opposes ISIS jihadists, which are too extreme for even the rulers of Saudi Arabia to trust. But the U.S. and Saudi governments have been backing in Syria every jihadist group that accepts Al Qaeda’s leadership, because Al Qaeda was created to hate Russia, which fact was even captured on video at the time, but is effectively denied by U.S. ‘news’media, after-the-fact, and America’s ‘history’-books also generally hide the actual cause of what today’s U.S. President refers to as “radical Islamic terrorism”, a joint U.S.-Saudi operation. Such realities would be called ‘fake news’ by America’s ‘news’media, if they reported these truths at all, which their censors or ‘editors’ occasionally do — they occasionally slip-up, and allow such facts through, and some reporters and ‘news’room managers even lose their jobs for doing that.)

For example, the polls by ABC News and Washington Post have indicated that whereas Republicans strongly opposed the Democratic President, Barack Obama’s, bombing of Syria as a U.S. response to the U.S.-backed jihadists’ sarin gas attack in 2013, which the U.S. blamed against Bashar al-Assad‘s government (and Britain’s MI6 found that Obama was lying, so UK refused to join Obama’s planned invasion, and it was called-off), the similar set-up-job jihadist-produced gas-attack in Syria, occurring now under the Republican President Donald Trump, is overwhelmingly supported by Republicans, and mildly opposed by Democrats — indeed,

The sharpest change has been among Republicans, among whom 22 percent supported missile strikes [in 2013] compared with 86 percent today”.

By contrast, among Democrats today, “37 percent support, while 59 percent are opposed”, to the Republican Trump’s bombing of Syria on April 7th. So: Party-affiliation is a big determinant of whether a given American citizen favors an American invasion of a foreign country. (America’s ‘independent’ voters tend to be between the two types of prejudice, but a few of them are simply unprejudiced. However, even a few Republicans and Democrats are also unprejudiced.)

The ABC-WP poll also found that (partly because of the incessant U.S. propaganda against Assad, in media such as NYT, WP, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, Fox, The Atlantic, etc.) there has been a great increase in the percentage of Americans who favor America’s invasions of Syria: as the WP says in that article,

“The slight majority support for missile strikes last week is markedly higher than in September 2013, when President Barack Obama urged Congress to approve a military operation in response to U.S. government conclusions that Assad used chemical weapons on his own citizens [Obama actually lied there]. A Post-ABC poll at the time found 61 percent [of all Americans] opposed to launching missile strikes, including 45 percent who opposed them ‘strongly’”.

However, the reason for that rise in support for invading Syria is more complex than simply because the American ‘news’media reflect their owners’ and advertisers’ widespread hatred and demonization of any sovereign and independent Russian government (and of any foreign leader such as Assad who allies with it) — oppose a country that’s not controlled by America’s billionaires — but is also a reflection of another fact: conservative voters (such as Republicans) tend to be exceptionally prejudiced, far more so than progressive voters are — and, whereas some progressive Democrats exist, no progressive Republicans still exist (though there are still some liberal Republicans).

This fact, of Democrats being less-partisan than Republicans are, was indicated, for example, in that same ABC-WP poll back on 28 August to 1 September 2013, showing Republicans and Democrats to be at that time both equally opposed to the Democratic President’s bombing Syria — each of the two electorates exhibited the same 12% net margin of overall opposition to it, at that time.

Whereas Republicans almost knee-jerk-support Republican leaders, Democrats are somewhat more skeptical about theirs. Ignorance and misinformation are far more common amongst conservatives than amongst progressives (that’s to say, conservatives are far easier to dupe), but each political party has a different ideological mix, and this varying degree of gullibility (high among Republicans, but only moderate among Democrats) will largely determine the extent to which a given party will be net-harmful, both to the given nation, and to the world-at-large. A nation’s aristocracy basically controls the beliefs of its conservative voters, but not of its progressive ones, who are the essential foundation for any authentic democracy that exists, anywhere — or even for democacy to exist, at all.

The U.S. government’s war to overthrow Syria’s government has been going on ever since in 1949 the CIA first tried to overthrow it for favoring the Soviet Union over Western imperialists. (The progressive Democratic President, FDR, who passionately opposed imperialism, was dead; Truman was now the U.S. President.) Then, after the U.S. under President George Herbert Walker Bush promised the Soviet, subsequently Russian, President, Mikhail Gorbachev, in 1990, that if the USSR and its communism and its Warsaw Pact military alliance all ended, then NATO would not move “one inch to the east” — and then the Cold War quickly ended on the Russian side — the U.S. continued the Cold War by moving NATO right up to Russia’s borders, and now the U.S. continues trying to overthrow and replace any national head-of-state who is at all friendly towards Russia.

Thus, Saddam Hussein was murdered in 2003, and Muammar Gaddafi was murdered in 2011, and the U.S. regime continues trying to murder Bashar al-Assad, even while claiming that it’s “against radical Islamic terrorism”, which the U.S and Sauds actually started in 1979, under Zbigniew Brzezinski and Jimmy Carter, and escalated under Reagan — all first in order to conquer the USSR, and then, after 1991, to strip Russia of its allies and finally go in for the kill, perhaps to occur soon under Trump.

Americans who believe that the country that invaded Vietnam, and that invaded Iraq, and that invaded Syria, and that Invaded Libya, and that perpetrated coups in Iran (1953), Guatemala (1954), Chile (1953), Ukraine (2014), etc., and basically destroyed each one of those countries, should invade a country, tend to be extremely prejudiced in favor of whatever the leadership of their party, ethnicity, or religion, want. For example, on April 19th, Glen Ford at Black Agenda Report — a site that opposes all bigotry, by anyone against anyone — headlined “Maxine Waters Loses Her Mind to ‘Anti-Russia Dementia’ – Like the Rest of the Black Caucus“, and he wrote:

“When Maxine Waters goes gung-ho crazy for the War Party, it tells us that the Black political class — overwhelmingly Democrats — are utterly useless to any movement for peace and social justice. In the throes of a terminal case of ‘Anti-Russia Dementia,’ otherwise known as ‘Putin Derangement Syndrome,’ the California congresswoman told a Tax March crowd in front of the U.S. Capitol that President Trump and Russia’s Vladimir Putin somehow conspired to arrange both the chemical event that killed dozens in northern Syria and the U.S. missile strike on a Syrian military airfield that followed”.

Of course, similarly, most American Jews are prejudiced in favor of “the Jewish state” — the apartheid ‘democracy’ Israel — which likewise is trying to replace the non-sectarian pro-Russian Syrian leader by a pro-Saud jihadist leader. (The Israeli regime and the Sauds have been secretly allies for quite some time now; and both of those aristocracies are allied with the U.S. regime — notwithstanding that the Sauds were behind the 9/11 attacks, and the Israeli regime militarily attacked the U.S. in 1967, and the U.S. regime covered-up both.)

So, it doesn’t make much difference what type of bigotry an American happens to have, but practically all of America’s bigots hate Russians. It’s what they’re taught, every time they open a ‘news’paper, or watch the ‘news’ propaganda on television, or read ‘think’-magazines such as The Atlantic. The regime’s propaganda-tentacles reach everywhere, to pollute Americans’ minds, in the same way, regardless of party — they’re all controlled by the same aristocracy. (It’s done mainly by agents hired by the roughly 1,500 billionaires that constitute the U.S. aristocracy and its vassal-aristocracies abroad — the people who have been running the U.S. empire, especially during recent decades. Their behind-the-scenes influence — shown in wikileaks etc. — is so powerful that they effectively control the U.S. government, and not just the mega-banks, the mega-oil-companies, the mega-propaganda-organizations, etc.)

This is the real-world version of George Orwell’s dystopic classic novel 1984, which was symbolically prophetic — a symbolically remarkably accurate version of the real thing. On the deeper level, that novel’s portrayal of today’s international relations is far more accurate than are today’s mainstream U.S.-and-empire ‘news’ ‘reports’ about the government’s foreign policies. If it hadn’t been merely symbolic, it probably would not have found a publisher at all, but in that fictional form it became a best-seller. Some truths are too deep to be published in a self-described-but-false ‘democracy’, except in a fictionalized form; and, even at the end of World War II, Britain was still being controlled by its aristocracy. But, after Tony Blair’s regime and the conquest of Iraq, even a fictionalized account that might be published today of such reality, would likely be suppressed by the UK’s ruling class.

A fiction-book like 1984 that’s published today would probably be too clearly relevant to what’s occurring in the world, so that even the regime itself cannot deny the allegory’s reference to the regime. Ways could be found to stop its publication, or else to discredit its author. Similarly, the U.S. government has been very successful at making its public hostile toward such heroic champions of democracy as Chelsea Manning, Edward Snowden, and Julian Assange. When the same aristocracy controls the government as controls the press, it’s fairly easy to do. And, of course, the more misinformed a citizen is, the likelier that citizen will be to think of a whistleblower as being instead a ‘traitor’. This is how an advanced, modern, police-state functions.

And, this way, far fewer people need to be physically imprisoned. The more that the mental means succeeds, the less there needs to be usage of the far costlier cement type. Deceit (coercion against the mind) is much more efficient than violence (coercion against the body). Every aristocracy, throughout the ages, has thus preferred fraud, as its modus operandum, over violence; and has, consequently, sought to make as difficult as possible, any prosecutions for fraud (the aristocracy’s predominant form for coercions), and as easy as possible, prosecutions for violence (the public’s predominant form for coercions).

This is also why the worst criminals are likelier to be found in the White House, than in the big house. And, in any case, partisan prejudices are likelier to decide ‘criminal’ verdicts, than the facts will.

However, if Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal standards were to be applied today, most recent American Presidents would be behind bars, if not executed. Only the aristocracy prevents that from happening. And, after the assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy for starting to buck the aristocracy, no subsequent U.S. President has done likewise. That ended that.

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of  They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of  CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.

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The Economics of the Future

May 3rd, 2017 by Prof Michael Hudson

At first glance Steve Keen’s new book Can We Avoid Another Financial Crisis? seems too small-sized at 147 pages. But like a well-made atom-bomb, it is compactly designed for maximum reverberation to blow up its intended target.

Explaining why today’s debt residue has turned the United States, Britain and southern Europe into zombie economies, Steve Keen shows how ignoring debt the blind spot of neoliberal economics – basically the old neoclassical just-pretend view of the world. Its glib mathiness is a gloss for its unscientific “don’t worry about debt” message. Blame for today’s U.S., British and southern European inability to achieve economic recovery thus rests on the economic mainstream and its refusal to recognize that debt matters.

Mainstream models are unable to forecast or explain a depression. That is because depressions are essentially financial in character. The business cycle itself is a financial cycle – that is, a cycle of the buildup and collapse of debt.

Keen’s “Minsky” model traces this to what he has called “endogenous money creation,” that is, bank credit mainly to buyers of real estate, companies and other assets. He recently suggested a more catchy moniker: “Bank Originated Money and Debt” (BOMD). That seems easier to remember.

The concept is more accessible than the dry academic terminology usually coined. It is simple enough to show that the mathematics of compound interest lead the volume of debt to exceed the rate of GDP growth, thereby diverting more and more income to the financial sector as debt service. Keen traces this view back to Irving Fisher’s famous 1933 article on debt deflation – the residue from unpaid debt. Such payments to creditors leave less available to spend on goods and services.

In explaining the mathematical dynamics underlying his “Minsky” model, Keen links financial dynamics to employment. If private debt grows faster than GDP, the debt/GDP ratio will rise. This stifles markets, and hence employment. Wages fall as a share of GDP.

This is precisely what is happening. But mainstream models ignore the overgrowth of debt, as if the economy operates on a barter basis. Keen calls this “the barter illusion,” and reviews his wonderful exchange with Paul Krugman (who plays the role of an intellectual Bambi to Keen’s Godzilla), who insists that banks do not create credit but merely recycle savings – as if they are savings banks, not commercial banks. It is the old logic that debt doesn’t matter because “we” owe the debt to “ourselves.”

The “We” are the 99%, the “ourselves” are the 1%. Krugman calls them “patient” savers vs “impatient” keenavoidborrowers, blaming the malstructured economy on personal psychology of indebted victims having to work for a living and spend their working lives paying off the debt needed to obtain debt-leveraged homes of their own, debt-leveraged education and other basic living costs.

By being so compact, this book is able to concentrate attention on the easy-to-understand mathematical principles that underlie the “junk economics” mainstream. Keen explains why, mathematically, the Great Moderation leading up to the 2008 crash was not an anomaly, but is inherent in a basic principle: Economies can prolong the debt-financed boom and delay a crash simply by providing more and more credit, Australia-style. The effect is to make the ensuing crash worse, more long-lasting and more difficult to extricate. For this, he blames mainly Margaret Thatcher and Alan Greenspan as, in effect, bank lobbyists. But behind them is the whole edifice of neoliberal economic brainwashing.

Keen attacks this “neoclassical” methodology by pointing that the logical fallacy of trying to explain society by looking only at “the individual.” That approach and its related “series of plausible but false propositions” blinds economics graduates from seeing the obvious. Their discipline is the product of ideological desire not to blame banks or creditors, wrapped in a libertarian antagonism toward government’s role as economic regulator, money creator, and financer of basic infrastructure.

Keen’s exposition undercuts the most basic and fundamental assumptions of neoclassical (that is, anti-government, anti-socialist) economics by showing that instead of personifying economic classes as “individuals” (Krugman’s “prudent” individuals with their inherited fortunes and insider dealings vs. spendthrift individuals too economically squeezed to afford to buy houses free of mortgage debt) it is easier to start with basic economic categories – creditors, wage earners, employers, governments running deficits (to provide the economy with money) or surpluses (to suck out money and force reliance on commercial banks).

His Figure 16 shows how stable UK private debt/GDP was for a century, until Margaret Thatcher deranged the economy. Debt soared, and mainstream economists applauded the boom. (He suggests calling this new wave of neoliberal policy “deform,” in contrast to “reform.” We certainly need a new vocabulary to counter the soporific euphemisms used by the fake economic news media.) Privatization of Council Housing and basic infrastructure forced the population deeply into debt to afford their basic needs. The financial City of London ended up the big winners, while industry or labor have suffered a debt squeeze.

Keen’s model shows that a long debt buildup can give the appearance of prosperity, until the crash comes. But when it comes, voters blame the party in power, not the earlier promoters of nationwide debt peonage. Along with Thatcher, Keen places the blame the pied piper of Wall Street deregulation Alan Greenspan, whom he calls “a maestro of delusion, not of insight.” He also cites Larry Summers as an example of the learned ignorance beclouding economic discussion – which of course is just why the Clintons and Obama were told by their Donor Class to anoint him.

This book enables the non-mathematician to pierce the shell of mathiness in which today’s economic mainstream wraps its lobbying effort for the big banks and their product, debt. The needed escape from the debt deflation they have caused is a debt writedown.

Image result for modern debt jubileeThe problem is that the public is brainwashed to imagine that it is the banks that need saving, not the indebted economy. Keen proposes a “Modern Debt Jubilee” that is essentially a swap of equity for debt. The intellectual pedigree for this policy to keep debt within the ability to pay was laid two centuries ago by Saint-Simon in France. His solution was for banks to take an equity position in their clients, so that payments to backers could rise or fall in keeping with the fortunes of the enterprise. Keen urges that this become the basis for future banking.

As a transition from todays debt stagnation, he suggests that the central banks create a lump sum to put into everyone’s account. Debtors would be required to use their gift to pay down the debt. Non-debtors would keep the transfer payment – so as not to let demagogic political opponents accuse this plan of rewarding the profligate.

If this solution is not taken, debtors will continue to lumber on under debt and tax conditions where only about a third of their nominal wages are available to spend on the goods and services that labor produces. The circular flow between producers and consumers will shrink – being siphoned off by debt service and government taxes to bail out bankers instead of their victims.

This should be what today’s politics is all about. It should be the politics of the future. But that requires an Economics of the Future – that is, Reality Economics.

Toward this end, Keen’s pamphlet should be basic reading for placing debt at the center of today’s political debate and replacing mainstream “barter” economics with a more reality-based discipline.

Michael Hudson is the author of Killing the Host (published in e-format by CounterPunch Books and in print by Islet). His new book is J is For Junk Economics.  He can be reached at [email protected]

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NATO Terrorism in Syria

May 2nd, 2017 by Mark Taliano

NATO terrorists have been committing unspeakable crimes in Syria since the beginning of the West’s criminal war against Syria and its peoples.

Organ harvesting remains one of the terrorists’ lucrative and heinous operations to generate money. According to Hossein Noufel, Director-General of the Syrian Coroner’s office,

“body organs of thousands of Syrian civilians have been sold in the international black markets over the past six years.”

The aforementioned information is corroborated by permanent Syrian resident Lilly Martin who commented in a global Facebook posting that

(t)he organ harvesting in Turkey is not limited to selling a part for cash. The majority of organ harvesting in Turkey is done by the terrorists, who are US supported. The terrorists take injured or kidnapped Syrians across the border to Turkey and instead of saving their life with medical care, the injured are shipped back to Syria with an explanation that they died in surgery, and couldn’t be saved. However, they always have clear signs of organ harvesting. In many cases, eyes were removed. This info comes from survivors of the Aleppo battles, who are now in Latakia.

Evidence of additional terrorist atrocities have been emerging since the liberation of Aleppo. French investigative journalist Pierre Le Corf demonstrates yet again (what investigator journalist Vanessa Beeley has long since proven) that the White Helmets are in fact al Qaeda.

In a video recorded at Saskour, Aleppo, Le Corf takes us for a tour of former al Qaeda and White Helmets headquarters which demonstrates conclusively their close affiliation.

Prof. Tim Anderson presents some of Le Corf’s evidence in the following montage:

Also reporting from liberated Aleppo, investigative reporter Vanessa Beeley uncovered further evidence that terrorists tortured and murdered captive populations. In a video entitled “Syrian Boy From Aleppo”, a boy testifies that the White Helmets and al Nusra Front terrorists tortured and killed people in the room where the interview was conducted.

All of this evidence continues to underscore the reality that whereas criminal Western media outlets endeavour to create the perception that the West are “saviours” in Syria and beyond, NATO and its allies are in fact the root cause of the terrorism and the destruction in Syria.  All of this is well-documented.

None of the atrocities and terrorism that currently plague Syria, the cradle of civilization, existed prior to the US-led dirty war on Syria.

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Around 140,000 people marched yesterday in demonstrations across France for May Day, in the run-up to the second round of the presidential elections between former Socialist Party (PS) Economy Minister Emmanuel Macron and neo-fascist National Front (FN) leader Marine Le Pen.

Fifty thousand people marched in Paris, 10,000 in Toulouse, 5,000 in Lyon, Marseille, and Rennes, 4,000 in Boredeaux and Nantes, 2,000 in Strasbourg and over 1,000 in Lille. Protests drawing several thousand people took place in several mid-sized cities. In many demonstrations, groups of marchers chanted slogans opposing both candidates, such as “Neither Macron nor Le Pen” or, as in Rennes, “Le Pen, Macron, we don’t want them.”

The French media expressed surprise at the relatively small May Day protests this year, compared to the massive demonstrations against Jean-Marie Le Pen in 2002, the other time that the FN reached the second round of the French presidential elections. The trade unions also failed to agree on a common demonstration and organized separate marches or gatherings. The largest trade union in the private sector, the PS-linked French Democratic Labor Confederation (CFDT), mobilized virtually none of its forces.

Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron

The lack of a response in the working class to the unions’ lukewarm calls to protest on May Day is yet another reflection of the broad collapse of the French political system. After the elimination of the candidates of France’s two main big-business parties, the Socialist Party (PS) and The Republicans (LR), workers and young people are demonstrating their lack of faith in the union bureaucracies.

The relatively small size of the protests cannot be attributed to satisfaction by workers and young people with political or social situation. On the contrary, class tensions are explosive. One poll found 69 percent of the population is hostile to both candidates in the second round. Similarly, two-thirds of the French people said that the class struggle is a daily reality of life for them.

The powerful sentiment of opposition that exists in the working class in France and across Europe can find no expression, however, in the reactionary operations of the French unions to back the militarist candidacy of Emmanuel Macron, the free-market former Rothschild banker. Masses of workers and youth sense that the calls to “block” Le Pen issued by the bulk of the political establishment are barely disguised appeals to vote Macron, and that he will attack the social and democratic rights of the workers no less than Le Pen.

Among a large section of protesters, there was broad hostility to both candidates and anger at an election between two openly reactionary candidates.

Image result for france may day 2017

In Paris, members and sympathizers of the Parti de l’égalité socialiste (PES) distributed leaflets calling for an active boycott of the second round, and for participation in the successful public meeting the PES organized after the march to explain its active boycott call. They met a warm response from the marchers, apart from pro-Macron union officials.

The union bureaucracies tried to de-politicize the rallies, putting forward demagogic slogans such as calls to “impose social progress,” which are empty and false if they do not give a perspective for a struggle against the social onslaught the next president will launch against the workers. Or they called for a “social third round,” as if the presidential elections had no real significance.

When they took a position, they called in one way or another to vote for Macron. In Paris, the main banner of the CGT, which has supported President François Hollande’s PS government since the beginning of his term in office, declared: “Put an end to the social retrogression that benefits the far right.”

The CFDT held a common rally with the UNSA (National union of autonomous unions) and the Federation of Student General Assemblies (FAGE) in Paris. Its banner, featuring France’s blue-white-red tricolor flag and an effigy of Marianne, the symbol of the republic, stated:

“For Marianne, vote against Marine” Le Pen.

The CGT called for an anti-Le Pen vote without mentioning Macron, but with the same intention as the CFDT.

“Our slogan is clear, we must defeat the FN to obtain social progress. The FN is a racist, xenophobic, anti-woman and free-market party,” declared CGT General Secretary Philippe Martinez.

Image result for france may day 2017The FO trade union, one quarter of whose members voted for Marine Le Pen in the first round according to one recent poll, did not specify whom it was endorsing.

Martinez’s call was echoed by many pseudo-left political parties at the demonstrations. The NPA, which called for demonstrations together with the trade unions, also indirectly called for a Macron vote with its slogan, “National-sexist, homophobic and racist, fight the National Front!” Lutte ouvrière (LO, Workers Struggle) issued a call, “Against the racist Le Pen and the banker Macron, make the camp of the workers heard,” intending to steer the workers, as LO inevitably does, behind the trade unions, which openly support Macron.

The Paris protest included many youth and unorganized students who marched without banners and wanted neither Le Pen nor Macron. There were cries of “Neither capitalism nor fascism” and, in response to accusations from the political establishment that anyone not voting for Macron is a neo-fascist supporter, “Siamo tutti antifascisti” (“We are all anti-fascists” in Italian).

Many of the protesting youth were manifestly continuing on May Day the protests against both second round candidates organized a few days before, with blockades of high schools and spontaneous unauthorized demonstrations across Paris.

The PS government set up a massive security and surveillance deployment around the May Day protests. According to the police prefecture, more than 9,000 policemen, paramilitary police, and soldiers of Operation Sentinel (the army’s ongoing deployment inside France) were officially mobilized for the occasion.

After a few groups of masked protesters at the head of the march threw objects at the riot police, a large, heavily-armed police detachment assaulted the entire protest, launching repeated volleys of tear gas.

Defeated Unsubmissive France candidate Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who has left his voters only with the perspective of a call to vote Macron or to abstain, called on the former PS minister to make “a gesture” to his supporters. He raised the PS’ unpopular free-market labor law, which it imposed last year in the face of overwhelming popular opposition and mass protests. Macron responded by declaring at a meeting held in Paris that he did not support retracting the law.

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The Real Defenders of Democracy: Syria and the Struggle against the International Despotism of Wall Street

By Stephen Gowans, May 02, 2017

A more sophisticated view holds that there exists in Syria an indigenous Islamist movement which—though rejecting democracy as a man-made ideology and seeking rule by the Quran (Islam’s holy book) and Sunna (the record of the Islamic prophet Mohammad’s thought and actions)—is fundamentally democratic insofar as it represents the aspirations of the majority. This view, however, suffers from two fatal defects: (1) There is no evidence that a majority of Syrians hold Islamist aspirations; and (2) a significant part of the Islamist opposition to the secular Syrian government is of foreign origin.

GRNH Radio: Escalation of Tensions in Syria: One Month after the Chemical Attack in Khan Sheikhoun

By Michael Welch, Ray McGovern, Patrick Henningsen, and Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, May 02, 2017

President Trump explained that the killing of “innocent children, innocent babies — babies, little babies — with a chemical gas that is so lethal” inspired him to rethink his approach to dealing with the Syrian President, and ultimately to fire 59 Tomahawk Missiles on the air base from which the chemical gas attack was allegedly launched.

Flawed Chemical Analysis in the French Intelligence Report Alleging a Syrian Government Sarin Nerve Agent Attack in Khan Sheikhoun

By Dr. Theodore Postol, May 01, 2017

Aside from the lack of a rational linkage of asserted observations, the FIR falsely claims (or implies that) the presence of DIMP is a unique indicator that the sarin found by the French at Saraqib must have been produced by the Syrian government.  As it turns out, DIMP is likely to be found at any location where sarin has been introduced into the environment.  In the case of hexamine, this chemical can be produced by the military explosives in a sarin nerve agent dispensing munition or from explosives produced in military attacks unrelated to the use of sarin.

How Obama and Erdogan Moved ISIS from Iraq to Syria, to Weaken Assad

By Eric Zuesse, May 01, 2017

Then, when U.S. and Turkish forces attacked ISIS in Mosul Iraq, an escape-path was intentionally left by them for those ISIS jihadists to travel west to Der Zor, so that they could not only take over the oil wells there, but do major damage to the Syrian government’s army forces in that key city, after Obama had bombed there on September 17th. Consequently, Erdogan and Obama were now using ISIS in Mosul as a means for reinforcing ISIS in Syria, in such a way as to provide oil-income to ISIS and also to directly weaken Assad’s government.

America Mingles with Al Qaeda in Syria: Washington Wants Russia Not to Target al-Qaeda “Terror Groups”

By Daniel McAdams, May 01, 2017

Now we see the extraordinary situation where the US government admits that the militia groups Jaish al-Islam and Ahrar al-Sham are fighting alongside and are “intermingled with” al-Qaeda’s Nusra Front, but resoundingly rejects the Russian request to therefore classify these two groups terrorist.

Soldiers of the U.S. Army 3rd squadron, 2nd Cavalry Regiment as the troops of the "Dragoon Ride" military exercise arrive at their home base at Rose Barracks in Vilseck April 1, 2015. | Photo: Reuters

US Deploys Troops and Armored Vehicles “Inside Syria”, Close to Turkish Border

By Press TV, May 01, 2017

A convoy of armored vehicles with US flags was spotted on a rural road in the village of Darbasiyah, a few hundred meters from the Turkish border in Syria’s northeastern Hasakah province, Kurdish activists said Friday.

Video: President Al-Assad Interview: The West and Israel are Supporting the Terrorists

By Bashar al Assad and Telesur, April 30, 2017

President al-Assad added in an interview given to Venezuelan Telesur TV that the solution in Syria should be through stopping outside support to the terrorists and reconciliation among the Syrians.

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We are at a point in time when it is critical that we remind ourselves of the importance of art in human emancipation. Bazille and the Birth of Impressionism at the National Gallery of Art does that – offering a tantalizing retrospective of a brilliant and daring painter whose career spanned only eight years, ending when the twenty-eight year old was killed in the Franco-Prussian war, cut down in the Battle of Beaune-la-Roland.

The only difficulty with this otherwise exhilarating exhibition is the suggestion that Frédéric Bazille (1841-1870) was a French Impressionist painter. Whether he would he have become one had he lived can only remain an object of speculation; but the final paintings we have do not indicate that Bazille was moving in the direction of his friend Claude Monet, with whom relations had cooled. His work, in fact, owes a lot more to Gustav Courbet and Édouard Manet, than it does to the future figureheads of Impressionism.

Viewing Bazille as essentially a precursor to Impressionism, as is often done, misses the highly individualistic style this painter would develop, the sometimes unsettling psychological intensity of his portraits, and the strange composite quality of his work, which draws on Renaissance old masters even as it explores and experiments with the representation of natural light.

Bazille’s family belonged to the Protestant bourgeoisie of Montpellier in southern France, and at twenty he ostensibly went to Paris to study medicine; in fact, he really went there to become a painter, and enrolled in the studio of Charles Gleyre, where he would befriend ‘three other beginners’: Claude Monet, Auguste Renoir, and Alfred Sisley.

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The Improvised Field Hospital, 1865

The Improvised Field Hospital (1865) is rightly regarded as one of Bazille’s most successful works. It depicts Monet as he lay bedridden with an injured leg, comfortably leaning against the pillows – while an ‘improvised’ burette, undoubtedly assembled by Bazille, the former medical student, provided a slow water drip. From the floral wall patterning and checkered mattress to the prominent grain of the wooden bed-frame and the smooth hexagonal terracotta tiles, we see Bazille’s growing interest in the striking juxtaposition of pattern and texture. From the deep pockets of shadow to the overhanging drapery and the patient’s white gown, swiftly and assuredly rendered with a few bold strokes, we see Bazille’s individual aesthetic emerging, one which will be developed in the ambitious works that follow shortly thereafter.

The Family Gathering (1867) is arguably Bazille’s masterpiece. A large-scale work, Emile Zola observed that the painting

“bears witness to a strong love of truth… One sees that the painter loves his own time.”

It appears that Bazille was the first of his generation to combine group portraiture with plein air painting; and while there is masterly attention to the shifting light as it dapples the ground, perhaps most noteworthy is Bazille’s profound sensitivity to the individuality of each person present, which includes himself in the far left corner. Not only is each face rendered with great care, it is as if nothing escapes Bazille’s notice – he loves the embroidered shawls and ribbons, the neckties, hats and bonnet: all are treated with distinctness, and finesse. It was accepted to the Paris Salon, and like the beautiful and mysterious View of the Village (1868), there is a clarity and fidelity to line and form that clearly sets Bazille apart from Monet: as well as a certain self-consciousness on the part of the subjects, which likely reveals the influence of Manet.

The paintings from 1869 and 1870 must command our greatest attention: with these last works, Bazille finally comes into his own – having absorbed the lessons from his contemporaries and the old masters to create something which is quite new and unabashed in its embrace of a highly sublimated eroticism.

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Summer Scene, 1869

Summer Scene (1869) is one of Bazille’s most extraordinary achievements, and proved to be an important step in his career. The square-shaped canvas appeared at the Salon of 1870. The scene includes a group of young men variously relaxing, wrestling, and swimming along on the banks of the river Lez. In his letters, Bazille called it simply “the bathers” or “the nude men.” The picture has, to be sure, a homoerotic element which we also find, arguably in Fisherman with a Net (1868), with its exquisitely realist rendering of the male form. Bazille’s finished nudes are far removed from the expressionistic brushwork of Cézanne’s bather in Le Baigneur au Rocher (c. 1860-66), which is included in this exhibit as well.

Bazille achieves a heightened sensuality in Summer Scene – not only through the athletic and fraternal relations of the young men, but through the trees, the grass, the water, and the brilliant sunlight with which they interact. One youth leans upon a tree, a posture modeled after the martyr Saint Sebastian, who is traditionally pictured pierced by arrows. With his flushed face, this bather appears to be in a state of semi-religious ecstasy – a mixture of the rapturous and the erotic which lends the painting a somewhat discomfiting voyeuristic aspect – reminiscent of Italian baroque master Guido Cagnacci, whose Young Female Martyr (ca. 1640) Bazille is likely to have seen in Montpellier.

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Ruth and Boaz, 1870

Ruth and Boaz (1870) is unlike anything else of Bazille’s, not only in terms of its subject matter (it is the only religious theme that he painted), but also in terms of its overall mood and atmosphere. The painting was left incomplete (“half-done”) at Bazille’s death – painted in the summer a few days before his enlistment. Victor Hugo writes: “Ruth dreamed and Boaz slept.” Bazille is true to Hugo: indeed, the painting itself has a poetic sensitivity and dreamlike quality that owes much to the magic of Bazille’s moonlight and the acknowledgement of mystery with which his Ruth gazes up at the crescent ‘delicate and clear’.

Bazille painted his own working studio on several occasions, and perhaps the most recognizable is the Studio on the rue La Condamine (1870) where the artist is present casually conversing with his friends. In the right foreground is the red-hot glow of the furnace – a feature which refers us to his much earlier Studio on the Rue De Furstenberg (1865). The furnace there radiates its warm glow in a room where no one is physically present: a palette is on the floor alongside brushes and a box of paints, presumably those that he used to paint the picture. For me, there is in his body of work no more poignant reminder that Bazille’s art is, in large part, about the love of painting itself. His studio interiors are perhaps the most ready manifestation of this.

To frame Bazille’s work in terms of the birth of Impressionism is not an approach that is likely to yield a fresh look at the painter in all his daring originality. Bazille died four years before the first Impressionist exhibition. What he does share with what will become “Impressionism” is the use of plein air painting driven by a fascination with the magical effects of daylight and a growing mastery of light, in all its fullness and power.

Right now, we have an administration that wants to eliminate the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) – which currently receives 0.004 percent of the federal budget (approximately $150 million annually). The proposal to defund the NEA is not about efficient allocation of resources – as Eve L. Ewing recently observed in the New York Times: “It’s about creating a society where propaganda reigns and dissent is silenced… In saving the arts we save ourselves from a society where creative production is permissible only insofar as it serves the instruments of power.”

At the same time, our nation’s capital is hosting a painter who was a champion of the fine arts in all its forms. His greatest works are a reminder of the radical potential of aesthetic form as such – radical in the sense that it opens a space for the possibility of a new sensibility. To appreciate what is most unique, disruptive, and liberating in an artist, we do well not to analyze his or her work in terms of well-worn and convenient categories that ultimately miss what is most significant – namely, the potential for emancipation.

Sam Ben-Meir, PhD is an adjunct professor at Mercy College. His current research focuses on environmental ethics and animal studies. [email protected] Web:

For media inquiries, contact Kim Hurley  at [email protected].

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The disenchanted Reagan Administration official and much-honored economist and political scientist, Paul Craig Roberts, headlined on April 27th, “Washington Plans to Nuke Russia and China” and stated an impressive case that this radical conclusion is realistic, no mere alarmism.

Roberts even said in it that “Russia and China cannot simply sit there and await America’s preemptive nuclear strike,” which is an extremely bold and even courageous thing to assert in a country that the rest of the world labels as being overwhelmingly “the greatest threat to peace in the world today” (and this U.S.-government-sponsored global poll was taken only once, in 2013, and because of its finding was never repeated, nor was it mentioned in the government-controlled media).

Dr. Roberts employed his trademark unflinchingly unambiguous style to state that,

“The US military/security complex has clearly prevailed over Trump’s intention to normalize relations between the US and Russia, and anti-Russian venom continues to pour out of NATO and Washington’s European vassal states. The majority of the American people seem to have accepted the propaganda that Russia is the number one threat to the United States. With propaganda controlling the explanation, Washington’s aggressive actions are explained as defense against a threat and not as a policy that will end life on earth.”

But how can this possibly be true, given that a war between the U.S. and Russia would ultimately release 15,000 nuclear warheads before the ‘winner’ would even be able to contemplate what he had ‘won’, and the ‘winner’ would almost certainly die from radiation sickness within, at most, a decade, if not from starvation or illnesses or injuries produced by the nuclear-destroyed planet, occurring within even less time than that? We’ll get to that question; he has an answer to it.

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Roberts focused mainly upon summarizing today’s news and recent historical events, rather than on hypothesizing an explanation for them, but he did note that,

“The neoconservative claim of American exceptionalism is the identical claim made for Germans by Hitler,”

and he blamed “the insanity that is Washington” and basically argued that yesterday’s Nazis are today’s Americans: America is today’s champion of invasions. Hitler was arrogant and reckless; so is today’s U.S. regime. The facts support Roberts’s view that the analogy holds.

Whereas Hitler ceaselessly repeated his countrymen’s “Deutschland über alles” (meaning that Germany was the world’s most important country), Obama repeated his countrymen’s calling America “the one indispensable nation,” such as on 28 May 2014, when he told graduating cadets at West Point Military Academy:

From Europe to Asia, we are the hub of alliances unrivaled in the history of nations. America continues to attract striving immigrants. The values of our founding inspire leaders in parliaments and new movements in public squares around the globe. And when a typhoon hits the Philippines, or schoolgirls are kidnapped in Nigeria, or masked men occupy a building in Ukraine, it is America that the world looks to for help. (Applause.) So the United States is and remains the one indispensable nation. That has been true for the century passed and it will be true for the century to come.

But the world is changing with accelerating speed. This presents opportunity, but also new dangers. We know all too well, after 9/11, just how technology and globalization has put power once reserved for states in the hands of individuals, raising the capacity of terrorists to do harm. Russia’s aggression toward former Soviet states unnerves capitals in Europe, while China’s economic rise and military reach worries its neighbors. From Brazil to India, rising middle classes compete with us, and governments seek a greater say in global forums.

Not only does the U.S. aristocracy, which recent U.S. Presidents have actually been representing (no longer the public), view this country to be the only nation that’s “indispensable” (and all others thus as being “dispensable”), but America’s soldiers, whom the American public fund through paying taxes, are being instructed by this agent for the U.S. aristocracy, to view themselves as being agents, themselves, for the global dominance of U.S. international corporations, over those headquartered in any economic upstart countries, such as Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa — the BRICS nations, which Obama was thereby casting as being not only an economic threat, but the enemy nations that these cadets are bound by their future career as U.S. military leaders to subdue or else to conquer.

Image result for trump casinoWhat America’s aristocrats, the individuals who control the U.S.-headquartered international corporations, are more concerned about than anything else, is dominating the world. This motivation is consistent with the empirical findings in Social Psychology and Personality Psychology, that the richer a person is, the more psychopathic he/she tends to be. If you’re a billionaire, then getting tax-write-offs and university buildings named after you for ‘philanthropy’ will be fine, but your real obsession will be to win, to dominate everything — by hook or by crook, and no matter what, but this is for real, it is none of the mythology. It’s no different in today’s America than it was in Nazi Germany.

Roberts’s reference to “Washington’s European vassal states” is too narrow, however, because Japan, Australia, and many other nations outside of Europe, are likewise run by aristocracies that are vassals of the U.S. aristocracy.

It’s an international gangland operation, and the local aristocracy has adjudged that its best chances for being with the winner will be for their country to buy U.S. weaponry and otherwise to be allied with the U.S. gang. But worldwide, there are fewer than 3,000 billionaires; so, any of them whose main concern isn’t merely to be, or to be with, ‘the winner’, could probably organize any other such dissenters to resist the present escalating trend toward nuclear annihilation — unless there are no such dissenters among them, such as currently seems to be the case. Any of them who controls a major news-medium could have an impact, if such a person is not first declared to have died from ‘an unfortunate accident’.

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of  They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of  CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.

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“I will tell you, what happened yesterday is unacceptable to me,…And I will tell you, it’s already happened that my attitude toward Syria and Assad has changed very much.” – U.S. President Donald Trump (April 6, 2017) [1]




On Thursday March 30th, US Ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, assured reporters the Trump administration was no longer focused on removing the Syrian Head of State from power.

This policy stance shifted 180 degrees less than a week later following an April 4th incident involving dozens of deaths in Khan Sheikhoun attributed by Syrian opposition sources to a deliberate chemical weapons attack by the Assad government. President Trump explained that the killing of “innocent children, innocent babies — babies, little babies — with a chemical gas that is so lethal” inspired him to rethink his approach to dealing with the Syrian President, and ultimately to fire 59 Tomahawk Missiles on the air base from which the chemical gas attack was allegedly launched.

Far from being outraged at this violation of international law, mainstream media talking heads erupted with applause of the Commander-in-Chief’s actions. Opinion polls finally tipped in his favour, and even opposition politicians found occasion to commend him for his actions.

No comparable ‘presidential’ acts of moral indignation were in evidence a week later when over one hundred children evacuated from Syrian opposition-held villages were murdered in cold blood by a terrorist bombing in Rashideen. In fact, with the exception of a few alternative news outlets, the incident has been virtually erased from public consciousness.

Likewise, dissident perspectives casting doubts about President Assad’s deliberate bombing of his own citizens with chemical weapons, in spite of the lack of a rational motive (on the eve of a major peace conference in Brussels) are mocked in the mainstream press.

Does the tragic deaths of ‘beautiful babies’ ring true in this instance as a pre-text for military action? Or was this a ‘Wag the Dog‘ maneuver to prop up an ongoing assault on the Trump presidency? These questions are at the core of this week’s episode of the Global Research News Hour.

First up, we will hear from Ray McGovern, a representative of the group Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, about the problematic (lack of ) intelligence informing the Trump administration’s policy on reprisal for the chemical agent deaths. McGovern also looks at the coincidence between the president’s stance on Syria, and the shake-up of his cabinet, beginning with the departure of his first National Security Advisor Mike Flynn.

We then hear an interview with Patrick Henningsen, recorded by Chris Cook of radio station CFUV 101.9 FM in Victoria for the program Gorilla- Radio. Henningsen, who was on the ground in Syria in April, further elaborates on the problems with the April 4th chemical agents attack, talks about the Rashideen Massacre which he investigated hours after it happened, and the problematic media coverage of both incidents.

Finally, we hear never before heard audio from an interview with Mahdi Nazemroaya, recorded April 1st. This interview contextualizes the attacks by the Turkish government on Kurdish positions in Syria and Iraq near the end of April. Nazemroaya’s analysis touches on Turkey’s shifting allegiances in recent years and its evolving attitude toward Kurds.

Ray Mcgovern is a former U.S. Army Intelligence/Intelligence and past CIA analyst. He is a representative of the group ‘Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity’ which has published two reports critical of the Official ‘Assad did it’ line regarding Assad’s use of chemical weapons.

Patrick Henningsen is a writer, investigative journalist, and filmmaker and founder of the news website 21stCentury

Mahdi Nazemroaya is a research associate with the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He specializes on the Middle East and Central Asia. He has been a contributor and guest discussing the broader Middle East on numerous programs and international networks such as Al Jazeera, Press Tv, and Russia Today.  His writings have been published in more than ten languages. He also writes for the Strategic Culture Foundation (SCF) in Moscow, Russia.


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  1. Jeff Mason and Tom Perry (April 6, 2017), ‘Trump says chemical attack in Syria crossed many lines’, Reuters;

While the new resident of the White House has been acquiring a taste for military adventures overseas, the prime minister of Japan, Shinzo Abe, visited Moscow last Thursday for his 17th talk with Vladimir Putin. But of course their normal economic agenda, intended to hammer out the final details of some painful bilateral issues, was powerfully affected by events in North Korea. So what’s the real political equation in the Eurasian Far East these days?

The memorable dinner hosted by Pres. Trump for Chairman Xi and served up with the added flourish of a missile strike on a Syrian air base was hardly a diplomatic success for the new administration. The Chinese leader has apparently turned a deaf ear to the president’s demands to revalue the yuan and thus financially offset the enormous US trade deficit with its biggest economic partner. But one of the few advantages of having a businessman in the Oval Office is that he always has a non-business argument when trapped in any sort of business quagmire. Teasing a limitrophe that is loyal to your adversary is the first-choice option in such cases.

Nearly 63 years after the end of the Korean War, during which the United States Air Force dropped more conventional and napalm bombs onto North Korea than did all the Allies onto Germany during the WWII, Washington is still officially in a state of war with Pyongyang.  And it is precisely this powerful factor of ambiguity that drives the awkward nuclear ambitions of a small and stalemated nation. A safe and manageable bogey-state offers a convenient pretext for the US to stretch a vengeful hand toward the coastline of a key economic “partner” whenever the time is right – which is almost a dream come true for US strategists. So far, this most recent “North Korean escalation” has had a single tangible result – the US THAAD anti-missile systems that monitor eastbound Chinese rockets are being deployed in South Korea and will reportedly “be operational within days.

The only problem is that this game is not being played in a geopolitical vacuum. A symptomatic WP commentator – periodically venting his spleen against the “hermit kingdom” of North Korea – lets slip one notable point:

If the crisis deepens, the possibility arises of South Korea and, more importantly, Japan going nuclear themselves.

The best way to label the prevailing mood among Japanese foreign-policy officials at the dawn of the Trump era would be that of “ill-concealed anxiety.” Tokyo is justifiably concerned that it might be dragged into an unpredictable, hot regional military conflict (the American bases on Okinawa are the highest-priority targets for the North Korean missiles) or that Washington and Beijing might reach a long-term consensus at the expense of the interests of the neighboring countries. In both scenarios Japan would be the weakest chain in the regional string.

The first problem is the burden of history. At one time or another all its neighbors have been the victims of horrific war crimes at the hands of the Japanese military, with some suffering on multiple occasions. Most nations in the region share the common denominator of anti-Japanese prejudices that are unconscious for the most part, yet still potent. What makes matters worse is that Japan alone is denied the right to its own army.

The second problem is that despite impressive economic and technological breakthroughs, Japan, like Germany, is still stuck in the position of a crypto-colony of the United States, unable to make sovereign military and foreign-policy decisions. This situation is made worse by the acute shortage of mineral resources on their islands.

Is Japan eager to escape this vicious circle and reclaim its full sovereignty? Without question. This is why PM Abe visits Pres. Putin.

PM Abe and Pres.Putin giving press-conference after talks in Moscow, April 27, 2017

Of course Mr. Abe’s rise to the peak of Japan’s political Olympus was not serendipitous. His maternal grandfather, the former prime minister Nobusuke Kishi, was a close associate of the top commanders in the Kwantung army and in October 1941 became a member of the militaristic government cabinet in Tokyo. After the capitulation of Japan he was arrested by the Allies and held as a war criminal for three years. Once he adopted America’s visions and demands for post-war Japan, he was released and eventually became the prime minister of a pro-American Japanese government. Although Kishi held no trump cards in his hands, he did everything in his power to strengthen and re-militarize Japan.

His grandson aspires to the same goal – to rid his home of an unwelcome guest. He understands that he must overcome the military restrictions of the capitulation act and obtain independent access to sufficient natural resources. But unlike his grandpa, he holds some trump cards. Agreeing to abandon the futile dispute over the “northern territories” in exchange for a broad partnership with Russia might be the only way for Japan to emerge from this troubled time with some long-sought benefits.

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While the new resident of the White House has been acquiring a taste for military adventures overseas, the prime minister of Japan, Shinzo Abe, visited Moscow last Thursday for his 17th talk with Vladimir Putin. But of course their normal economic agenda, intended to hammer out the final details of some painful bilateral issues, was powerfully affected by events in North Korea. So what’s the real political equation in the Eurasian Far East these days?

The memorable dinner hosted by Pres. Trump for Chairman Xi and served up with the added flourish of a missile strike on a Syrian air base was hardly a diplomatic success for the new administration. The Chinese leader has apparently turned a deaf ear to the president’s demands to revalue the yuan and thus financially offset the enormous US trade deficit with its biggest economic partner. But one of the few advantages of having a businessman in the Oval Office is that he always has a non-business argument when trapped in any sort of business quagmire. Teasing a limitrophe that is loyal to your adversary is the first-choice option in such cases.

Nearly 63 years after the end of the Korean War, during which the United States Air Force dropped more conventional and napalm bombs onto North Korea than did all the Allies onto Germany during the WWII, Washington is still officially in a state of war with Pyongyang.  And it is precisely this powerful factor of ambiguity that drives the awkward nuclear ambitions of a small and stalemated nation. A safe and manageable bogey-state offers a convenient pretext for the US to stretch a vengeful hand toward the coastline of a key economic “partner” whenever the time is right – which is almost a dream come true for US strategists. So far, this most recent “North Korean escalation” has had a single tangible result – the US THAAD anti-missile systems that monitor eastbound Chinese rockets are being deployed in South Korea and will reportedly “be operational within days.

The only problem is that this game is not being played in a geopolitical vacuum. A symptomatic WP commentator – periodically venting his spleen against the “hermit kingdom” of North Korea – lets slip one notable point:

If the crisis deepens, the possibility arises of South Korea and, more importantly, Japan going nuclear themselves.

The best way to label the prevailing mood among Japanese foreign-policy officials at the dawn of the Trump era would be that of “ill-concealed anxiety.” Tokyo is justifiably concerned that it might be dragged into an unpredictable, hot regional military conflict (the American bases on Okinawa are the highest-priority targets for the North Korean missiles) or that Washington and Beijing might reach a long-term consensus at the expense of the interests of the neighboring countries. In both scenarios Japan would be the weakest chain in the regional string.

The first problem is the burden of history. At one time or another all its neighbors have been the victims of horrific war crimes at the hands of the Japanese military, with some suffering on multiple occasions. Most nations in the region share the common denominator of anti-Japanese prejudices that are unconscious for the most part, yet still potent. What makes matters worse is that Japan alone is denied the right to its own army.

The second problem is that despite impressive economic and technological breakthroughs, Japan, like Germany, is still stuck in the position of a crypto-colony of the United States, unable to make sovereign military and foreign-policy decisions. This situation is made worse by the acute shortage of mineral resources on their islands.

Is Japan eager to escape this vicious circle and reclaim its full sovereignty? Without question. This is why PM Abe visits Pres. Putin.

PM Abe and Pres.Putin giving press-conference after talks in Moscow, April 27, 2017

Of course Mr. Abe’s rise to the peak of Japan’s political Olympus was not serendipitous. His maternal grandfather, the former prime minister Nobusuke Kishi, was a close associate of the top commanders in the Kwantung army and in October 1941 became a member of the militaristic government cabinet in Tokyo. After the capitulation of Japan he was arrested by the Allies and held as a war criminal for three years. Once he adopted America’s visions and demands for post-war Japan, he was released and eventually became the prime minister of a pro-American Japanese government. Although Kishi held no trump cards in his hands, he did everything in his power to strengthen and re-militarize Japan.

His grandson aspires to the same goal – to rid his home of an unwelcome guest. He understands that he must overcome the military restrictions of the capitulation act and obtain independent access to sufficient natural resources. But unlike his grandpa, he holds some trump cards. Agreeing to abandon the futile dispute over the “northern territories” in exchange for a broad partnership with Russia might be the only way for Japan to emerge from this troubled time with some long-sought benefits.

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The Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas is due to meet Donald Trump in the White House on Wednesday to discuss reviving the long-cold corpse of the peace process.

Back home, things are heating up. There is anger in the West Bank, both on the streets and within the ranks of Abbas’s Fatah movement. The trigger is a two-week-old hunger strike by Palestinian prisoners.

Last Thursday, Palestinians shuttered their businesses in a show of solidarity, and the next day youths clashed with the Israeli army in a “day of rage”.

About a quarter of the 6,500 political prisoners held by Israel – almost all of them in Israeli territory, in violation of international law – are refusing food in protest at their degrading treatment. They want reforms to Israel’s industrial system of incarceration. Some 800,000 Palestinians – 40 per cent of males – have passed through Israel’s cells since 1967.

Israel hopes to break the prisoners’ spirits. It has locked up the leaders in solitary confinement, denied striking inmates access to a lawyer, taken away radios, and last week began confiscating salt rations – the only sustenance along with water the prisoners are taking.

The strike is led by Marwan Barghouti, the most senior Palestinian leader in jail – and the most popular, according to polls.

Abbas is publicly supportive of the strikers, but in private he is said to want the protest over as quickly as possible. Reports at the weekend revealed that he had urged Egypt’s president, Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, to intercede with America and Israel to help.

In part, Abbas fears the influence of Barghouti, a man often described as the Palestinian Nelson Mandela and seen as Abbas’s likely successor. Notably, the Palestinian president has repeatedly sidelined him within Fatah.

But Abbas is also concerned that the hunger strike will provoke violent clashes in the West Bank with Israeli security forces, damaging his efforts to persuade Trump to back his diplomatic campaign for Palestinian statehood.

Instead, he wants to prove he can snuff out any signs of what Trump might see as “terrorism”. That requires tight security cooperation with Israel.

The visit to Washington and the hunger strike have brought into sharp relief the biggest fault line in the Palestinian national movement.

Abbas’s strategy is strictly top-down. Its starting point is that western states – those that have consistently betrayed the Palestinian people over many decades – can now be trusted to help them attain a state.

From this dubious assumption, Abbas has sought to suppress anything that plays badly in western capitals. Pressure has only intensified under Trump.

By contrast, the “battle of empty stomachs” is evidence of a burgeoning bottom-up strategy, one of mass non-violent resistance. On this occasion, the demands are limited to prison reform, but the strike’s impact could spread.

Not least, the model of protest, should it succeed, might suggest its relevance to a Palestinian public disillusioned with Abbas’s approach. They too are living in cells of Israel’s devising, even if larger, open-air ones.

The starkly different logic of these two strategies is harder than ever to ignore.

To stand a hope of winning over the Trump administration, Abbas must persuade it that he is the sole voice of the Palestinians.

That means he must keep a lid on the hunger strike, encouraging it to fizzle out before prisoners start dying and Palestinian fury erupts across the occupied territories. His approach is reported to be creating severe tensions within Fatah.

Wishing only to add to those difficulties, Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu demanded last week that Abbas halt financial aid to the prisoners’ families, calling it compensation for terrorism.

Abbas also feels compelled to assert himself against his Hamas rivals in Gaza. That is why last week he stopped funding the fuel needed to generate electricity there, having recently cut medical services and salaries to Gaza’s civil servants.

His hope is that, as he turns the screws, Hamas will be toppled or forced to submit to his rule.

But more probably, the fissure with Hamas will deepen, forcing the cornered Islamist movement into another bloody confrontation to break free of Israel’s decade-old blockade. These divisions, most Palestinians increasingly understand, weaken rather than strengthen their cause. Mass non-violent resistance such as the hunger strike, by contrast, has the potential to reunite Fatah and Hamas in struggle, and re-empower a weary Palestinian populace.

Reports have suggested that Barghouti has reached a deal with jailed Hamas leaders committing to just such a struggle in the occupied territories once Abbas has departed.

A popular struggle of non-violence – blocking settlement roads, marching to Jerusalem, tearing down walls – would be hard to characterise as terrorism, even for Trump. It is the Israeli army’s nightmare scenario, because it is the only confrontation for which it has no suitable response.

Such a campaign of civil disobedience, however, stands no chance of success so long as Abbas is there to undermine it – and insists on obediently chasing after illusions in Washington.

A version of this article first appeared in the National, Abu Dhabi.

Jonathan Cook won the Martha Gellhorn Special Prize for Journalism. His books include “Israel and the Clash of Civilisations: Iraq, Iran and the Plan to Remake the Middle East” (Pluto Press) and “Disappearing Palestine: Israel’s Experiments in Human Despair” (Zed Books). His website is

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America’s Financial War Strategy

May 2nd, 2017 by Alasdair Macleod

America’s renewed desire to escalate military tensions is a front for America’s continual financial war, this time directed at North Korea, Syria and possibly Iran. This is likely to be the opinion of China’s strategic advisers.

We analyse the geopolitics and economics behind America’s war strategy from China’s perspective, concluding that it is entering its final phase. China’s exit plan appears to be to tie the pricing of energy and then other major commodities to gold, returning to the pre-1971 status quo, when the dollar was just a settlement link between commodity prices and gold. Except this time, the dollar itself will be side-lined, so far as China is concerned, which will use the yuan instead for its empire, which will be far larger than that of the US in time, measured by GDP.


The day President Trump assumed office, it appeared that at last there would be détente with Russia, leading to America’s withdrawal from unwinnable conflicts and towards a new peaceful agreement between these long-term enemies. However, within the traditional presidential bedding-down period of one hundred days, Trump has gone from his electoral platform of disengagement from foreign ventures to overt aggression in multiple locations.

Something major has changed his thinking. Trump has committed no less than five acts of foreign aggression in that short time, with a sixth pending. The first was a joint operation with Emirati commandos in Yemen, which backfired, leading to the death of a Navy SEAL. The second was the recent attack on a Syrian airfield, in response to an alleged poison gas attack. The third is the escalation of military threats against North Korea. The fourth is the bombing of a cave network in Eastern Afghanistan. And the fifth is the deployment of more troops to Northern Iraq and Eastern Syria to step up the fight against ISIS. The rhetoric is also being ramped up against America’s long-term bogeyman, Iran.

The three theatres of war that offer the best prospects for further escalation are Syria, Korea, and Iran. They are in two regions where significant quantities of dollars are owned and invested, offering the potential for capital flight, which should be kept in mind, when reading this article.

Trump is also seeking congressional approval for an increase in defence spending totaling $54bn, a massive increase which, to put it in perspective, compares with Russia’s total defence budget of $66bn.

The default assumption is that American military power and weapons technology guarantees battlefield objectives will be achieved. This hasn’t usually been the case since the first Iraq invasion in 1990. Since then, any initial success has been more than outweighed by subsequent failures and unintended consequences. It is because of American-led operations in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria that Europe is flooded with refugees, bringing undercover terrorists with them. There can be little doubt that a dispassionate analyst would recommend America abandons military action, so there must be other reasons behind America’s war-mongering.

China, itself a long-time strategic target for American aggression, is sure to be worried about the escalation of threats to North Korea, and with good reason. In terms of trade, South Korea is now an important trading partner, and for that reason, China will not want to see the situation on the Korean peninsula deteriorate. She will also not want America securing territory which abuts her border. Russia has a small border with North Korea as well and is likely to share that view. However, Russia’s trade is not so much with South Korea, but she is a major arms supplier to the North.

The only leader with good access to North Korea’s president, Kim Jong-un, is Russia’s President Putin. When Trump was first elected, negotiations with North Korea were a realistic option, and there was even talk of Trump meeting Kim Jong-un to negotiate. The route to negotiations was always through Putin, and if that is not actually closed, it is made much more difficult, because of America’s action launching missiles against Russia’s interests in Syria.

While the renewal of hostilities in Korea threatens to resume (they never officially ended in 1953), China and Russia are sure to avoid escalating the situation. President Xi will have made his own assessment of President Trump to this end, which was probably the most important reason for the meeting at Mar-a-Lago, from Xi’s point of view. The rather casual way in which Xi is reported to have been told about the missile strike against Syria over chocolate cake looks like a businessman’s power-play to impress an opponent. It was not an action of statesmanship. Xi is likely to have thought it amateurish, even a sign of weakness, and might have given Putin a debrief of the meeting including this view.

The relationship between Russia and China is strong, and they are likely to coordinate their strategic responses to American aggression in both Korea and Syria. The question is, if America continues to escalate its bellicose actions against North Korea, Syria, and possibly Iran, what will their response be? For clues, we should look at this from China’s point of view. The People’s Liberation Army’s most influential strategist, Major-General Qiao Liang laid out his overall strategic philosophy at a book-study forum of the Communist Party’s Central Committee in Autumn 2015. His view can be taken to be that of the Chinese leadership.i

China’s working assumptions

Qiao’s economic analysis and conclusions are both interesting and important, but it should be read for what is not said, as much as what is said. His paper will have been examined and cleared by China’s leadership, before being made publicly available. To that extent, there is likely to be an element of disinformation involved as well. It will also have been intended to be studied by foreign governments, alerting them to America’s true motives.

With these cautions in mind, we can proceed. Qiao’s principal thesis is that America uses the dollar to manage external trade and finance for its domestic benefit. Many of us are familiar with the proposition that by exporting dollars and dollar-denominated bank credit, America creates wealth for both the US government and the major American banks, and that the dollar’s reserve status is accordingly vital to the US economy. But Qiao takes this much further, claiming that since the dollar’s peg to the gold price was abandoned, America has initiated a cycle of economic boom and bust among foreign users of the dollar for its own benefit. As Qiao puts it:

The U.S. avoided high inflation by letting the dollar circulate globally. It also needs to restrain the printing of dollars to avoid a dollar devaluation. Then what should it do when it runs out of dollars?

The Americans came up with a solution: issuing debt to bring the dollar back to the U.S. The Americans started to play a game of printing money with one hand and borrowing money with the other hand. Printing money can make money. Borrowing money can also make money. This financial economy (using money to make money) is much easier than the real (industry-based) economy. Why will it bother with manufacturing industries that have only low value-adding capabilities?

Since August 15, 1971, the U.S. has gradually stopped its real economy and moved into a virtual economy. It has become an “empty” economy state. Today’s U.S. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has reached US$18 trillion, but only $5 trillion is from the real economy.

By issuing debt, the U.S. brings a large amount of dollars from overseas back to the U.S.’s three big markets: the commodity market, the Treasury Bills market, and the stock market. The U.S. repeats this cycle to make money: printing money, exporting money overseas, and bringing money back. The U.S. has thus become a financial empire.

In other words, America’s wealth is sustained by a pump-and-dump operation facilitated by the dollar’s reserve status, replacing genuine industrial production. It is worth clarifying one point: foreign owned dollars never leave the US, only their function. It is more correct to state that the US Government causes dollars to be diverted from foreign trade and investment in manufacturing, to be invested in Treasuries. It can do this by increasing the risks of other uses compared with owning US Treasuries, which are deemed to be “risk free”.

The first cycle identified by Qiao was the expansion of dollars aimed at creating a boom in Latin America in the mid-seventies. Bank credit expanded on the back of a weak dollar. America then raised interest rates to strengthen the dollar when inflation threatened, leading to dollars being switched from riskier uses into safe-haven Treasuries. A widespread financial crisis in Latin America ensued. This allowed American investors subsequently to buy productive assets at rock-bottom prices (the Brady bonds). Meanwhile, the US stock market rose strongly from 1981 onwards, as interest rates subsequently declined.

The second cycle was aimed at South-East Asia, which expanded on the back of a dollar that weakened from 1986 onwards. From 1995, the dollar began to strengthen, culminating in a bear-raid on the Thai baht, which spread to Malaysia, Indonesia and other countries in the region. The Asian Tiger phenomenon was created and destroyed, not by the countries themselves, but by the flood and ebb of dollar ownership and investment. Qiao notes that China escaped being caught up in this US-inspired operation. Again, dollars flowed back into US assets, this time fuelling the tech boom, which had another two years to run.

Qiao goes so far to state that the most important event in the twentieth century was not the two world wars, but America’s abandonment of the gold standard in 1971. This is some statement. While he explains the events that led up to this event convincingly, the flaw in Qiao’s analysis is to assume that America deliberately added the pump-and-dump money-making strategy to the benefits of exporting dollar ownership when freed from the discipline of gold. US strategists in the Deep State almost certainly lacked the degree of control necessary over events.

The real reason US interest rates rose in 1980-81 was to stop runaway domestic inflation, which was getting out of control. The collapse of Latin America was unintended. The Asian crisis was mostly the result of bad investment and outright theft of capital, not the premeditated actions of the American government. Qiao claims that the way dollars were deliberately diverted from foreign investment is by America issuing Treasury debt. While the benefits to America of this pump-and-dump cycle might be obvious expressed in Qiao’s description, the expansion of the quantity of Treasuries being issued is primarily tied to credit cycles, not the result of some devious dealings by the Deep State. But we can at least agree that the consequences of America’s mismanagement of her own financial affairs match Qiao’s observations.

Where Qiao’s analysis gets less easy to criticise is in subsequent American actions. He claims that Saddam Hussein was overthrown because he instituted a policy of selling oil for euros, not dollars. That was true, and there is little doubt that the threat to dollar hegemony was discouraged. He claims the break-up of Yugoslavia was to undermine the status of the new euro. The euro lost 30% of its value from that time and was damaged as a settlement option for global trade. As Qiao goes on to say,

“after the first cruise missiles exploded in Kabul, the Dow Jones index jumped up 600 points in one day”.

Qiao then turns his attention to the contemporary cycle (in 2015) of dollar management, claiming it was now aimed at China. In his words,

It was as precise as the tide; the U.S. dollar was strong for six years. Then, in 2002, it started getting weak. Following the same pattern, it stayed weak for ten years. In 2012, the Americans started to prepare to make it strong. They used the same approach: create a regional crisis for other people.

Therefore, we saw that several events happened in relation to China: the Cheonan sinking event, the dispute over the Senkaku Islands (Diaoyu Islands in Chinese), and the dispute over Scarborough Shoal (the Huangyan Island in Chinese). All these happened during this period. The conflict between China and the Philippians over Huangyan Island and the conflict between China and Japan over the Diaoyu Islands, might not appear to have much to do with the U.S. dollar index, but was it really that case? Why did it happen exactly in the tenth year of the U.S. dollar being weak?

Unfortunately, the U.S. played with too much fire [in its own mortgage market] earlier and got itself into a financial crisis in 2008. This delayed the timing of the U.S. dollar’s hike a bit.

If we acknowledge that there is a U.S. dollar index cycle and the Americans use this cycle to harvest from other countries, then we can conclude that it was time for the Americans to harvest China. Why? Because China had obtained the largest amount of investment from the world. The size of China’s economy was no longer the size of a single county; it was even bigger than the whole of Latin America and about the same size as East Asia’s economy.

At the time Qiao presented his paper to the CCP’s Central Committee, the Shanghai stock market was collapsing, and ever since then, there have been bouts of capital flight, which the Chinese authorities have had difficulty containing. The main-stream media in the US has been consistently negative. From Qiao’s perspective, everything points to a pump-and-dump aimed at China. However, China has protected herself from America’s financial attacks through its national ownership of the banks and by capital controls. Consequently, only foreigners can sell yuan to buy dollars, or withdraw dollars from their own operations to invest in Treasuries. Therefore, the damage was always going to be limited.

China also bends with the wind. While America increases her Naval domination of the Pacific region, instead of fighting it she merely increases her influence towards the West. This is the basis of the One Belt One Road project, which is already running goods trains as far as Madrid and London.

China prefers her trade partners to take yuan in payment, and will lend them yuan if called upon. In time, yuan payments will have convertibility into gold using the Shanghai Gold Futures Market when it gains greater depth, making it superior to the dollar as a settlement currency, though Qiao is silent on this point. More on this below. Embedded in Qiao’s analysis is an understanding that the Chinese empire will not only become far larger than the US in terms of trade, but by understanding the weaknesses of American financial imperialism, it will be more enduring.

Solving the US debt limit

These future events are implicit in Qiao’s thesis. Let us assume for a moment that his thesis is valid, then Trump’s threats to escalate a regional war over North Korea and/or Syria/Iran takes on a wholly different light. While it is a stretch of the imagination to believe that the US’s Deep State planned to “harvest” Latin America, followed by South-East Asia in the late nineties, we are entitled to assume that the US government’s own strategic advisers would have learned that manipulating the dollar’s exchange rate in this way is a powerful financial weapon, benefiting America’s domestic finances and keeping its enemies under control. By threatening North Korea, dollar investment is likely to flow out of trade and investment in South Korea and Japan, back to US Treasuries.

Thinking ahead, this could solve two pressing problems: the first is to persuade Congress to sanction an increase in the deficit limit, it always being easier to persuade Congress to finance a government at war, and the second is to attract the necessary dollar-denominated capital to buy Treasury debt, without having to increase interest rates. The US Government is bound to be aware that higher interest rates must be capped to minimise the risk of triggering a full-blown debt crisis.

As was the case with the Asian crisis, it seems China will avoid being undermined by these negative capital flows. Unknown to the public, America has already failed in its financial war against China, and needs new victims, which is why the attention has switched to the Korean peninsula as well as the Middle East. Trump now realises the only way his presidency can prosper is to encourage capital flight into America from abroad, and have the debt limit raised to accommodate it. This, surely, is behind his Damascene conversion.

Japan and South Korea will most probably have studied Qiao’s paper, becoming wise to America’s true motives, and are therefore more likely to distance themselves from trading in dollars thereafter. Their private sectors will be slow to understand these financial dynamics, so will remain victims. But for governments and large corporations, the American gaff has been blown. This is likely to lead us into a new world, where the dollar’s decline as a reserve and trade currency accelerates, as America runs out of its pump-and-dump victims. And when that happens, the dollar is almost certain to rapidly lose its purchasing power, leading to a global currency reset and a far higher dollar price for gold.

Gold’s glaring omission

A clue that Qiao’s report was censored is the absence of any mention of China’s gold accumulation strategy. While Qiao was quick to notice the importance of the link between gold and the dollar in the Bretton Woods years, there is no mention of why China has been amassing gold, ever since the original regulations were promulgated in 1983, appointing the Peoples Bank for this function. There is no mention of why gold was promoted to ordinary citizens after the Shanghai Gold Exchange opened in 2002, no mention of why China has invested in gold mining to the point where it is now the largest producer in the world by far, and no mention of why the government retains a monopoly on refining, even buying doré from other countries to refine and accumulate. There is no mention that leads us to understand why Chinese state refined gold bars are hardly ever seen outside China.

China places a great emphasis on hoarding gold, both for itself and its citizens. The public has acquired an estimated 12,000-14,000 tonnes since 2002, and this writer has speculated that the Government has hoarded in various accounts as much as a further 20,000 tonnes since 1983. For the government, this represents an average annual accumulation of less than 600 tonnes a year, mostly at contemporary prices far lower than the current dollar level.

But China has gone even further, seeking to control the global market by making the Shanghai Gold Exchange the largest physical exchange by far. She has now introduced yuan gold futures contracts, which will be followed by yuan oil futures contracts in time. This ensures that foreign traders in commodities and wholesale goods can sell forward the yuan they receive in return for gold, increasing the attractiveness of trade finance and settled in yuan compared with dollars. And when the yuan oil contract is introduced, oil importers will use the yuan contracts to sell oil for gold.

In one simple action, China is ready to change the pricing of oil to gold instead of dollars. All she needs to do is pull the trigger, presumably when she has sold down her own dollar reserves to stockpile industrial commodities. And when oil is effectively settled in gold through the futures markets, we can expect other commodities to follow.

This should come as no surprise to the American state, close to being declared check-mate by China on the geopolitical chess board. The dollar price of gold is likely to rise sharply, reflecting the loss of purchasing power for the dollar, and it will end the American dollar’s exorbitant privilege, enjoyed since the end of the gold standard in 1971. It is potentially the coup-de grace for both the paper dollar and American imperialism.


China is thinking ahead, and has its own unique understanding of how America manages its financial empire for the benefit of its domestic economy, at the expense of everyone else. China has protected herself, and attempts by America to undermine China’s economy have already failed. Attention is now focused elsewhere. The latest war-mongering against North Korea, Syria and possibly Iran has much to do with persuading Congress to raise the debt ceiling, and to encourage capital flight back into a new wave of US Treasuries without interest rates being raised. This neatly explains Trump’s change of heart over foreign adventures.

The current attempt to pump-and-dump the economies of Japan and South Korea by escalating tension over North Korea, as well as countries with dollar balances in the Middle East by escalating Syria, Northern Iraq and Iran, will likely be the last such attempt. China’s publication of Qiao’s analysis has alerted government strategists everywhere to the use of this tactic, reducing its efficacy. America is running out of fools to fleece.

The end game for the dollar and America’s harvesting of foreign countries is therefore in sight, and it will likely end with a final dollar crisis. China could bring this about at a time of its own choosing, simply by introducing the planned oil futures yuan contract alongside the gold futures yuan contract. When liquid enough, oil producers will be able to sell oil for gold, effectively restoring the pre-1971 price relationships. This explains the dynamics being played out at the highest levels, and America has the most to lose. But because China still owns large quantities of US Treasuries and dollar reserves, for the moment she might prefer more time before executing the coup de grace.

But execute it, she will. Her fundamental objective is to remove America’s ability to profit from having everything priced in dollars. Logically, that means getting oil and other key commodities referenced in gold, as they were before the Nixon shock in 1971, with fiat currencies merely being the settlement media. America must be careful not to bring forth the date of her own demise by attacking North Korea, Syria, or Iran.


iFor a summary of Qiao Liang’s speech, see

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Last weekend, the 5th Assault Corps and the National Defense Forces, supported by the Russian air power, began an operation against ISIS in the eastern Homs countryside. By Monday, government forces have retook the villages of Jibab Hamad, Tadmuria, Jabbab Hamad Rajm Al-Qasr, Rajm Dergam, Al-Rajm al-A’ali, Al-Rajm al-Madraji, the Al-Ay’lam hill and the Turks hill.

The ongoing government operation is a part of the broader effort aimed at securing the Ithriyah-Khanasser-Aleppo road that remains the only government supply line to Aleppo. Also, it could be considered as a preliminary action prior to resuming an advance against ISIS in the eastern part of Aleppo province with the goal to reach the town of Masakah in the Masakah plain.

In the countryside of Palmyra, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) further advanced in the northern direction from the ash-Shaer gas fields. Government troops seized, the communication Station of Ash-Shaer, the Qaret al-Bak area, Thaniat al-Roz mountain and four oil and gas wells: No 103, No 108, No 110, No 112, and reached the primary well of the fields – No 105.

The ISIS-linked news agency Amaq claimed that ISIS had repelled the attack and killed 20 Syrian soldiers, and destroyed a battle tank and a Shilka self-propelled gun.

The Russian Aerospace Forces carrier out multiple airstrikes against ISIS targets, targeting the terrorist group’s manpower and military equipment near the ash-Shaer gas fields, in the area northwest and east of Palmyra, and the villages of Taiba and Alkom north-east of the city.

The SAA discovered and blew up a 50-meter-long tunnel in the Al-Syna’a district of Deir Ezzor. The tunnel had been used to transfer VBIEDs into the SAA-held areas in Deir Ezzor.

Government forces also killed seven ISIS militants, destroyed a technical and 3 ISIS fortified points in the Panorama area west of Deir Ezzor. Republican Guard forces at the Deir Ezzor Airport counter-attacked against ISIS south of the regiment 137. Pro-government sources report about casualties among terrorists, but no gains were made.

The Syrian Air Force bombed ISIS targets in the Hill 17, the Alush Hill, the Tharada Mountains, the Electricity Company and Saryyat Jneid, south of Deir Ezzor. The US-led coalition air power also targeted ISIS positions in Bokamal and Al Mayadeen in the Deir Ezzor countryside.

In northern Hama, clashes continued between government forces and the joint militant forces led by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham south of Lataminah. But no breakthrough was achieved by any side.

In the province of Raqqah, the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) have recaptured the districts of Harat Al-Mahaja, Al-Busrabah, Abu Aish, Al-Kanisah al-Ashuria, Al-Kassara and Al-Masaar inside the town of Tabqah. Thus, over a half of the town is under the SDF control. US-led coalition warplanes and helicopters delivered over 20 airstrikes against ISIS in Tabqah.

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Here is one detailed analysis, published on 28 March 2017, of the voter-data from the 2016 Clinton-v-Trump Presidential contest.

Here is another, published on 1 May 2017, which goes even deeper.

Both conclude the same thing: Trump won mainly because of people who had voted for Obama in 2012, voting for Trump in 2016.  

Thus, the two separate most-recent and most-detailed studies of the data regarding the 2016 election, indicate exactly the same main reason why Hillary Clinton lost to Donald Trump: it isn’t “turnout” (as the Democratic Party propaganda has been claiming to have been the chief reason) but instead it is voters who had voted for Obama against Romney in 2012, voting for Trump against Hillary in 2016 — voters who were so disappointed in the (as it turned out) Romneyish Obama, and considered Hillary to embody Obama’s deceits and bad policies (such as her NAFTA and his TPP and Wall Street bailouts) even more than Obama embodied those deceits and bad policies. She was viewed in the worst way, by these voters — the voters who (as both studies show) decided the election.

Of course, both studies also do show some advantage that Trump had in voter-enthusiasm or “turnout,” but both find that that explanation constituted the lesser of the two factors producing Trump’s victory; and, furthermore, part of the reason for Hillary’s deficiency in turnout consisted of the Obama-voters in 2012 who “stayed home” on Election Day, or who even voted for Trump. So: a portion of Hillary’s “turnout” problem was her unacceptability among some of these disenchanted Obama-voters.

In other words: the key voters in 2016 were actually lifelong Democrats who saw their Party under Hillary as having become even worse than the Republican Party was under Trump. 

I happen to have been one of those voters, which is why I left the Democratic Party in 2016. I had never voted for a Republican since I first voted, and now that I see the real Donald Trump as being merely a John-Birchite Republican who lied to support some progressive policies so as to get votes from some progressives like I am and then reversed himself once he had won,

I won’t vote for either Party unless the Democratic Party has first renounced and repudiated both the Clintons and the Obamas as liars and as traitors to the Democratic Party’s equalitarian FDR progressive traditions — as people who should be “run out of town on a rail”, rejected and condemned by a reconstituted Democratic Party that’s reformed from the ground up, back again into the great populist-progressive tradition upon which this nation was actually founded — a political equality of rights (and that tradition was pinnacled by the progressive populist Abraham Lincoln after the Democratic Party itself had abandoned it in the 1850s, but his new Republican Party got taken over by the new aristocracy immediately when Lincoln got assassinated in 1865).

Upon that political equality of rights was to be built an influence elite of natural talents, not of any inherited money whatsoever. True equality of economic opportunity for all was the founders’ clear goal, and has now been defeated by the new aristocracy. 

President-Bill-Clinton Laughs It Up as He Signs the Repeal-of the Glass-Steagall Act, November-12-1999
If the Democratic Party won’t repudiate the Bill Clinton DLC repudiation of FDR and termination of FDR’s Glass-Steagall Act, and the “New Democrats” other slimy ‘Democratic’ servantage to the aristocracy (such as Barack Obama led, after Bill Clinton did), then a new Party is necessary, which will aim to replace the Democratic Party, because two aristocratically controlled Parties constituting America’s body-politic is just a dictatorship by the aristocracy against the public; it’s no authentic democracy at all. A dictatorship is not acceptable to any honorable American, nor to the original intent of the U.S. Constitution, which repudiated (instead of admired) the aristocracy.

Today’s America is just treachery which honors the aristocracy, not anything that the Founders sought to establish — it’s what they had sought to avoid. That’s today’s America.

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of  They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of  CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.

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Killing Your Own People

May 2nd, 2017 by John Kozy

The American government often claims that its incursions into countries in the Middle East and elsewhere are carried out in order to protect the lives of Americans. Apparently people believe it; I have not heard anyone attempt to confute it.

But consider this scenario: A person in a public place in Erie, Pa. starts shooting at people randomly. A police officer kills him before anyone else is injured. That officer can be said to have protected the lives of the other people in the area, but he cannot be said to have protected the lives of people in San Francisco. Likewise, a soldier in Iraq who kills an enemy combatant can be said to have protected the lives of his comrades but cannot be said to have protected the lives of Americans living thousands of miles away. It’s simply not possible.

But the claim that the soldier is protecting the lives of Americans in general can be made. People in general are not real however. Making sense of that claim is difficult. But suppose that this claim makes sense and consider some of the groups of Americans whose lives would be protected by those incursions.

Consider the undernourished children who go to bed hungry every night. Consider the elderly who can’t afford both food and medicine. Consider the homeless, those who lack access to medical care, the unemployed whose benefits have expired. These are America’s neglected. They die prematurely. So if their lives are being protected by the soldier in Iraq, he’s protecting those the government is neglecting. The government, by not providing their basic needs, is slowly killing them, and they are the American government’s own people. The claim that America’s incursions in other countries protects Americans amounts to claiming that the lives of those being killed by neglect are being protected by the killing of enemy combatants in far off nations. That claim is patently absurd.

But killing people by neglect is not the same as killing people with saran gas. Well perhaps, but the difference is not great.

USA Today recently reported that London’s toxic air pollution is killing thousands every year. Is Great Britain gassing its own people to death? Isn’t polluted air a poisonous gas? Isn’t it just like saran? And isn’t Great Britain, by neglecting to provide its people with clean air, deliberately killing them? Isn’t governmental neglect a deliberate act?

Numerous ways of killing people exist. Are some more acceptable than others? Imagine asking a person killed by a bullet rather than gas if he is grateful to his killer for having done that. Do you suppose that he would thank his killer for having been humane? Would he say, “Thanks for killing me with a gun rather than with gas?” Get serious people! To the dead, no way of killing is more abhorrent than another.

I doubt that any society has ever existed that didn’t kill its own people in some way or other. None will ever exist as long as people are viewed as means to some non human end. War has never been fought to protect anyone’s life. When considered as fodder–factory, farm, or cannon–people’s lives will continue to be “harvester” for God, country, profit, or even pleasure. Such is the nature of mankind as we have known it.

John Kozy is a retired professor of philosophy and logic who writes on social, political, and economic issues. After serving in the U.S. Army during the Korean War, he spent 20 years as a university professor and another 20 years working as a writer. He has published a textbook in formal logic commercially, in academic journals and a small number of commercial magazines, and has written a number of guest editorials for newspapers. His on-line pieces can be found on and he can be emailed from that site’s homepage.

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In this short note I describe why the chemical forensic analysis and logic described in the French Intelligence Report of April 26, 2017 (FIR) could lead to a high confidence conclusion that an indigenous nerve agent attack in Denver, Colorado was perpetrated by the Syrian government.

Such an obviously flawed investigative finding would be a product of the same combination of irrational arguments and unsound scientific evidence that the FIR used as its basis to reach a conclusion that the Syrian government must have executed in nerve agent attack on April 4, 2017 in Khan Sheikhoun.

We start from quoting directly from page 2 of the French intelligence report, which can be found in a PDF file at :

France therefore independently and categorically confirms that sarin was used on 4 April. The United States, the United Kingdom, Turkey and the Director-General of the OPCW have also established that sarin was employed on the basis of analysis of biomedical samples.

  1. c) According to the intelligence obtained by the French services, the process of synthesizing sarin, developed by the Scientific Studies and Research Centre (SSRC) and employed by the Syrian armed forces and security services, involves the use of hexamine as a stabilizer. DIMP is also known as a by-product generated by this process.
  2. d) This intelligence on the process used by the regime, which is a sign of its responsibility in the attack on 4 April, is based notably on the analysis of the content of an unexploded grenade which was used with certainty by the Syrian regime during the Saraqib attack on 29 April 2013.

Aside from the lack of a rational linkage of asserted observations, the FIR falsely claims (or implies that) the presence of DIMP is a unique indicator that the sarin found by the French at Saraqib must have been produced by the Syrian government.  As it turns out, DIMP is likely to be found at any location where sarin has been introduced into the environment.  In the case of hexamine, this chemical can be produced by the military explosives in a sarin nerve agent dispensing munition or from explosives produced in military attacks unrelated to the use of sarin.

The diagram on the next page below shows the path from sarin that leads to DIMP.

Sarin is a complex unstable molecule that can easily be disrupted by impurities contained in the final product.  It is commonly produced by mixing a complex and difficult to produce chemical known as DF with isopropyl alcohol.  The chemical reactions that produce sarin also produce hydrogen fluoride, a powerful and highly corrosive acid.  In order to remove the hydrogen fluoride produced along with the sarin, a “fluorine scavenging agent” is mixed with the isopropyl alcohol when the two binary components are combined.  The component that is typically used as a fluorine scavenger is isopropyl amine.  The isopropyl amine does not play a role in producing sarin, its purpose is simply to chemically bond with the fluorine ions in the simultaneously produced hydrogen fluoride.

Another chemical that is capable of scavenging fluorine from the hydrogen fluoride is hexamine.  Hexamine is a solid and is relatively insoluble in isopropyl alcohol – but if it is mixed with decaying sarin, it can remove

the single fluorine atom that is attached to sarin molecules.  Figure 1 below shows a structural diagram that indicates the sequence of processes that could lead to the production of DIMP.

Postol 1Figure 1

The sequence of steps that result in sarin being transformed into DIMP which FIR implies is a unique signature associated with sarin produced by the Syrian government.  In fact, DIMP could easily be produced in many circumstances from the normal breakdown of sarin after its use.

The sequence of steps that result in sarin being transformed into DIMP which FIR implies is a unique signature associated with sarin produced by the Syrian government.  In fact, DIMP could easily be produced in many circumstances from the normal breakdown of sarin after its use.

The point that DIMP is an expected product to be found in the aftermath of a sarin attck is made in a statement from United States Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) which is an arm of the Center for Disease Control (CDC).  The ATSDR document that describes DIMP can be found at

We quote from this document below:

Diisopropyl methylphosphonate, or DIMP, is a chemical by-product resulting from the manufacture and detoxification of GB (also called Sarin), a nerve gas that the Army produced from 1953 to 1957. … You might find diisopropyl methylphosphonate in places where GB has been produced, stored, or used, for example, the Rocky Mountain Arsenal (RMA) outside of Denver, Colorado.

It is therefore clear that if the FIR analysis that led to the identification of sarin as being produced by the Syrian government would have led to the same unsupported conclusion from the FIR if it were applied to an indigenous sarin attack in Denver Colorado.

This would particularly be the case if a sarin dispersing munition similar to the one described by FIR in the sarin nerve agent attack of April 29, 2013 was used in the postulated indigenous attack.  That particular munition had a small charge of military explosives to rupture the container and disperse the sarin.  The explosive would have certainly produced hexamine as a byproduct.  The hexamine could have readily broken the fluorine bonds on some of the sarin residue leading to the production of DIMP.  However, this is not the only path for producing DIMP the residues from a sarin attack.

Postol 2

First Page Describing DIMP from the United States
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR)

Postol 3Postol 4Postol 5

Page 2 from French Intelligence Report of April 26, 2017

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Postol 9Postol 10

The .pdf version of Dr. Postol’s essay is here: Postol – The Flawed Chemical-Analysis in the French lntelligence Report of April -26, 2017 Alleging a Syrian Government Sarin Nerve Agent Attack in-Khan Sheikhoun of April 4, 2017_(April 30, 2017)_PQ_

Theodore A. Postol, professor emeritus of science, technology, and national security policy at MIT. Postol’s main expertise is in ballistic missiles. He has a substantial background in air dispersal, including how toxic plumes move in the air. Postol has taught courses on weapons of mass destruction – including chemical and biological threats – at MIT. Before joining MIT, Postol worked as an analyst at the Office of Technology Assessment, as a science and policy adviser to the chief of naval operations, and as a researcher at Argonne National Laboratory. He also helped build a program at Stanford University to train mid-career scientists to study weapons technology in relation to defense and arms control policy. Postol is a highly-decorated scientist, receiving the Leo Szilard Prize from the American Physical Society, the Hilliard Roderick Prize from the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and the Richard L. Garwin Award from the Federation of American Scientists.

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Creating a distorted image of the humanitarian crisis is the starting point. Painting a picture of a country on the verge of collapse is the alibi.

The coup plot against Venezuela has already been written and presented. On March 2, 2017, during the first round of OAS talks, Shannon K. O’Neil (Latin America director of the Council on Foreign Relations, CFR) presented the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee with a portfolio of actions and measures to be taken by the United States if it wanted to remove Chavismo from political power in Venezuela.

Origin and Key Players of CFR

The Council on Foreign Relations, or CFR, is a think tank founded in 1921 with money from the Rockefeller Foundation. It is aimed at creating a group of experts to shape U.S. foreign policy and its leadership positions, including the president and the State Department, which does not act for its own reasons but rather according to the interests of these lobbyists.

Since it was created, the council, which is made up of 4,500 members, has placed a number of senior officials in positions to implement CFR strategy. These include Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, Madeleine Albright and Colin Powell, responsible for the war in Vietnam, Yugoslavia and Iraq respectively, and in the case of Powell, a major player in the April 2002 coup.

Moreover, an honorary member and ex-vice president of the think tank was David Rockefeller, the former owner of Standard Oil Company who has great interests and influence in Venezuela. His penetration in the country’s national political life reached such a point that he was one of the sponsors of the Punto Fijo pact that gave rise to the Fourth Republic.

Corporations That Finance the CFR and Use It as a Political Platform

Corporations born from the dissolution of Standard Oil also finance the CFR, namely Chevron and Exxon Mobil. The former was involved in financing the sanctions against Venezuela and the latter wants to create conflict between Guyana and Venezuela in order to take advantage of the large oil reserves in Essequibo.

Among CFR’s financiers is Citibank, which last year blocked the accounts of the Central Bank of Venezuela and the Bank of Venezuela, affecting the country’s ability to import essential goods. The financial corporation JP Morgan is responsible for using financial aggression as an excuse to declare Venezuela in default of payments in November 2016, using manipulative maneuvers to affect Venezuela’s financial credibility.

Both banks aimed to hurt Venezuela’s ability to attract investment and loans that would stabilize its economy. The most aggressive players of the financial and economic coup against Venezuela are part of CFR. These same players are now responsible for designing the agenda of the political coup — in the same way that Colin Powell, a CFR member, devised and armed the 2002 coup against Chavez when he was George W. Bush’s secretary of state. Now, just like then, the MUD (today called Democratic Coordinator) only responds to a political line designed by these large, factual powers — the real power that governs the United States.

Presentation to the United States Senate

For this reason, O’Neil is no more than a delegate of the royal leaders of this private organization. He is in charge of presenting to the Committee on Foreign Relations of the U.S. Senate the actions that must be taken to change the political course of Venezuela, using unconventional war tactics, as outlined by the interests of the great economic powers represented by CFR.

The audience begins by reporting, without solid and reliable figures, that the Venezuelan population currently lives on par or worse conditions than the citizens of Bangladesh, Republic of Congo and Mozambique, countries brought to extreme misery by private and irregular wars which sought to plunder their natural resources.

Creating a (media-distorted) image of the humanitarian crisis in Venezuela is the starting point for the rest of the plan. Painting a picture of a country on the verge of collapse is the alibi.

During the presentation, O’Neil said that the PDVSA is on the brink of default, omitting that the state oil company has continued to pay its external debt payments in honor of its international commitments. Before proposing these options to the U.S. government, the CFR delegate says that Venezuela is strategic for U.S. interests in the hemisphere, and that a hypothetical collapse in oil production would hurt the U.S. (because it would increase prices), while also affirming — without any proof — that the incursions of the Zetas and Sinaloa drug cartels in Venezuela poses a threat to the region.

The Coup Plot

Th CFR proposes three major political actions for the U.S. to execute a coup in Venezuela in the immediate future. Options that, because of the political and financial weight embodied in CFR, are already in full operation (and running for months). Indeed the CFR have directed the anti-Chavista leadership to strictly follow this coup manual.

1. CFR proposes to continue sanctions on “human rights violators, narco-traffickers and corrupt officials” to increase pressure on the Venezuelan government. Anti-Chavez leaders, following that script, have backed these actions and the false positive in question, since there is no evidence linking Venezuelan Vice President Tareck El Aissami to international drug trafficking. Even leaders like Freddy Guevara have gone to Washington directly to “demand” that the sanctions be extended, under the support of the anti-Venezuelan lobby led by Marco Rubio.

2. The United States must take a tougher stance within the OAS to implement the Democratic Charter against Venezuela, co-opting countries in the Caribbean and Central America to support this initiative, which in recent OAS (illegal) sessions have resisted supporting. Marco Rubio’s threat against Haiti, the Dominican Republic, and El Salvador was not an isolated action, but a coordinated maneuver led by the State Department to increase pressure against Venezuela’s international alliances.

The CFR also proposes that the Treasury Department convinces China to withdraw its support for Venezuela to increase political and economic pressure on the country and the government. The MUD has been a stellar actor in this part of the script, using Luis Almagro to demand the Democratic Charter be applied against Venezuela. The latest statement from the U.S. State Department on the march convened by the MUD on April 19, aims not only to harden its stance toward Venezuela to increase pressure from the OAS (trying to bring together the largest number of allies with this critique), but legitimizes, with premeditation, violent and lamentable acts that could occur in the march. Clinging to false narratives such as the use of “collectives” to suppress demonstrations and “tortures” carried out by Venezuelan state security forces, the State Department proposes calling April 19 a turning point to escalate the siege against Venezuela and expand sanctions against the country, making them more aggressive and direct.

3. The CFR states that the United States should work together with Colombia, Brazil, Guyana and Caribbean countries to prepare for a possible “refugee increase,” channeling resources to various NGOs and U.N. organizations from the United States Department of Agriculture State. But beyond this warning of an intervention in Venezuela, there is a real political operation in place: the NGO funded by the same Department of State, Human Rights Watch (HRW), published today, April 18, 2017, a report on how the “humanitarian crisis” has spread to Brazil. Based on specific testimonies and by magnifying immigration data, HRW took the opportunity to call on the governments of the region (with special emphasis on Brazil) to put pressure on the Venezuelan government, as required by the strategy proposed by CFR. Luis Florido, leader of Popular Voluntad, is currently touring Brazil and Colombia to try to reactivate the diplomatic siege against Venezuela from border countries.

The U.S. think tank also requires that these countries under the leadership of the United States and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) organize a financial guardianship plan for Venezuela, that hides Russian and Chinese investments in strategic areas of the country. In recent days, Julio Borges has used his role in parliament and as a political spokesperson to continue the message that propagates the false narrative of the “humanitarian crisis” in Venezuela. It is the same strategy outlined by the CFR, arguing that the United States should increase its level of involvement in the internal affairs of Venezuela from the State Department, now headed by Rex Tillerson, linked to oil company Exxon Mobil (he was its general manager since 2007 until he took over this public position), a CFR financier.

Where the Opposition Leaders Come into Play

These ongoing actions, while unveiling the geopolitical urgency in the coup strategy against Venezuela (affiliated with the latest statements by U.S. Southern Command Chief Admiral Kurt Tidd on the need to displace China and Russia as allies of Latin America), also reflects how they have delegated the generation of violence, programmed chaos and diplomatic procedures (in the best of cases and exclusive use of Luis Florido) to their intermediaries in Venezuela, specifically, the leaders of the radical parties of anti-Chavism. These actions led by the United States (and corporations that manage its foreign policy) lead toward one final aim: intervention by financial and preventive military means.

How to Justify Intervention

The evidence presented by President Nicolas Maduro links leaders of Primero Justicia with financing vandalism against public institutions (the case of the TSJ in Chacao). What, beyond this specific case, reveals the very probable promotion of para-criminal, irregular and mercenary (allied and politically directed) factors to escalate and encourage violence in order to legitimize the position of the State Department.

The badly named MUD is a private embassy that works on the basis of the great economic interests of these factual powers, which are vital for its strategy to advance. Whether these strategies can keep pace with this global moment will depend on what their supporters can do on the ground. Given the resources of financial and political warfare applied by these powers (financial blockade, international diplomatic siege, programmed attack on PDVSA payments, etc.) and State Department maneuvers, are on their account, generating all the conditions of Pressure, siege and financing needed by its operators in Venezuela for the much-announced breakpoint that does not finish arriving.

And that it is necessary that it arrives for those who financed and designed this agenda.

Despite the tactics of the financial and political war (financial blockade, international diplomatic siege, programmed attack on PDVSA payments, etc.) and the maneuvers of the State Department, made on its behalf, to generate all the conditions of pressure, siege and investment needed by their Venezuelan operatives, the highly anticipated breaking point in Venezuela has still not arrived.

But for those who financed and designed the agenda against Venezuela, it is important this point come as soon as possible.

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The human capacity, notably in cultures where measurements are valued, places much stock in numbering deeds. In the case of the US presidency, power is supposedly meant to translate into something within the first hundred days, a ring fight between the president and other arms of government, a race to the policy making podium.

The US political system, in its republican realisation, has heavily qualified such vast, plenary powers a president would otherwise have. In its stead is the illusion of effectiveness. It was precisely that illusion on show at President Donald Trump’s rally in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania on Saturday, a gathering suggesting that, when things are going poorly, pretend you are still in electioneering mode.

The blustering speech was flecked with contingencies and what had yet to come. America had yet to be made great again, but would become so in a blaze of inevitability. Much had to be done, but many a box had been ticked in terms of executive orders and directives. (However effective, it is always important to look busy.) His administration had been “keeping one promise after another”; it had been “very exciting and very productive”.

The Harrisburg address was also combative and specifically divisive, taking traditional aim at such targets as Mexican illegal immigrants and the media establishment. It was, in the words of veteran advisor and analyst David Gergen,

“the most divisive speech I’ve ever heard from an American president.”

On immigrants, Trump recited, with staged evangelism and polemical peculiarity, Al Wilson and Oscar Brown Jr.’s The Snake, something he has done on various occasions. Initially, it might have been taken as a statement on the immutable nature of instinct: the snake, even wounded, cannot deny its stinging nature, even against a kindly woman who takes it in. But that image was soon replaced by that of the easily deceived humanitarian, the idea that offering sanctuary to certain immigrants was dangerous.

While Trump was keeping his supporters happy in Harrisburg, Washington’s media personalities were gathering for the annual White House Correspondents’ dinner. Not since 1981 has a US president decided to avoid such an event. And Trump seemed happy to.

“I could not possibly be more thrilled to be more than 100 miles away from the Washington swamp, spending my evening with all of you and a much, much larger crowd and much better people.”

Image result for trump rally pennsylvania

This beastly swamp has become the repository of Trump’s darkest targets: establishment media with their spun narratives couched in false objectivity; purveyors of fake news.

Again, for all the usual Trumpisms, the president was still casting morsels to various political positions on the left and right of politics. He took an expected torch to the North American Free Trade Agreement, suggesting that it would be renegotiated with Canada and Mexico, or abolished altogether.

He also puzzled supporters in the Harrisburg address with an accommodating tone towards China’s President Xi Jinping.

“I don’t think right now is the best time to call China a currency manipulator.”

The reason? North Korean provocations needed Chinese dampening and restraint, and now was no time to be getting irate.

Taken as a whole, the Trump resume is certainly not impressive so far. There has been much fury in pursuing an agenda made more from air than the tangible. The anti-establishment maverick has had to work with aspects of the establishment not much to his liking.

Central to the first century of days was the vain effort to restrain immigrants and those travelling from several hot spot countries. Many courts in the US thought otherwise about the wisdom of his executive order. Nor has the megalomanic wall materialised.

There were also appointments that went awry, notably that of former National Security Advisor Michael T. Flynn. There have been resignations and investigations about connections with foreign powers, notably that of Russia. But, reassured Trump, the appointment of Supreme Court justice Neil Gorsuch was successful!

There have been a few spectacular displays of school boy insolence: the cruise missile attack on Syria, much for the sake of display, showed that he could still pull some strings and court the misguided humanitarian lobby, the same one he otherwise despises.

Key areas of reform, if one dare use that feeble term, have been left standing in winds of chaotic anticipation. Having come to office thinking that the Affordable Care Act was a demon to out, rout and abolish, the opposite is true. There has been no nationwide implosion (or explosion, as Trump preferred to term it), and much of the kernel of the system remains something the GOP wants to retain in some form.

The road blocks have yet to be overcome. But none of these things matter. The terrain is being redone, repatched, and the language of failure is being redrawn as the language of success. Whether news is fake or not is irrelevant: what matters is that there is news, something which Trump always gives.

He might have resignations, investigations, and a hostile Congress to deal with. But he remains US CEO of the largest imperial military corporation the world has seen, an imperial project that, while stuttering, continues its relentless drive. In time, the snake taken in by the US voter may be none other than an all stinging Trump.

Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge. He lectures at RMIT University, Melbourne. Email: [email protected]

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Given the continued escalation of tensions on the Korean Peninsula over the past months, all concerned parties should implement the resolutions adopted by the UN Security Council in a more strict manner and return to peaceful negotiations, the People’s Daily said in an editorial published on Sunday.

The commentary came after Friday’s ministerial meeting on the nuclear issue of the Korean Peninsula hosted by the UN Security Council at the UN headquarters in New York.

The latest developments on the peninsula highlighted an imperative need for all parties to intensify their efforts to bring stakeholders to dialogue table, added the commentary published under the pen name Zhong Sheng, which is often used to express the paper’s views on foreign policy.

It is reasonable for the DPRK to pursue its own security, but its nuclear and missile ambitions have put itself and the whole region into dire peril, stressed the article titled “Responsible actions are needed to ensure peace of Korean Peninsula”.

The country has been immersed itself into a strong sense of insecurity given historic reasons and reality, the paper added.

The DPRK must not be obsessed in a wrong path of repeated nuclear tests and missile launches that resulted in rounds of sanctions, the commentary said, calling on the country to respect and comply with the relevant Security Council resolutions.

The article pointed out that the Republic of Korea(ROK) and the US also added fuel to the escalated tensions since the two allies, who have been maintaining a high-handed pressure on the nuclear issue of the Korean Peninsula, revealed a strategic intention to crush the DPRK.

It is almost impossible to ease the crisis on the peninsula if the ROK and the US continue their fantasy to settle the problem with more military actions but turn a blind eye to reasonable appeals of the DPRK, the paper stressed.

China is not a directly-concerned party of the peninsula crisis, and it does not hold the key to solving the nuclear issue on the peninsula, the commentary admitted.

But it emphasized that no matter what happens, China will never waiver in its clear-cut position regarding the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula, which means it will stay committed to the goal of denuclearization as well as the path of dialogue and negotiation.

In the next step, the DPRK should refrain from further nuclear test or missile launches, the article urged, adding that the ROK and the US, for their part, also need to stop launching or expanding their military drills or deployment against the DPRK.

All stakeholders need to comprehensively understand and fully implement the DPRK-related resolutions adopted by the Security Council, the paper said. The international community needs to step up their anti-proliferation efforts against the DPRK action. Meanwhile,all parties also need to do more to persuade stakeholders back to peaceful dialogues, it added.

China will, with its utmost sincerity and efforts, safeguard the peace and stability of Northeast Asia and realize the goal to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula along with relevant parties, the paper vowed, stressing that though a peace lover, the country is fearless of any provocations or tests.

China has proposed the “dual-track approach” and “suspension for suspension” plan for peaceful settlement of the issue, in an attempt to help the parties breakout of the security dilemma and return to the negotiating table.

The objective, reasonable and feasible proposals, according to the editorial, not only conform to the requirements of the UN resolutions, but also meet the fundamental interest of all parties including the US and the DPRK.

Translated from Chinese, People’s Daily, April 2017.

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Given the continued escalation of tensions on the Korean Peninsula over the past months, all concerned parties should implement the resolutions adopted by the UN Security Council in a more strict manner and return to peaceful negotiations, the People’s Daily said in an editorial published on Sunday.

The commentary came after Friday’s ministerial meeting on the nuclear issue of the Korean Peninsula hosted by the UN Security Council at the UN headquarters in New York.

The latest developments on the peninsula highlighted an imperative need for all parties to intensify their efforts to bring stakeholders to dialogue table, added the commentary published under the pen name Zhong Sheng, which is often used to express the paper’s views on foreign policy.

It is reasonable for the DPRK to pursue its own security, but its nuclear and missile ambitions have put itself and the whole region into dire peril, stressed the article titled “Responsible actions are needed to ensure peace of Korean Peninsula”.

The country has been immersed itself into a strong sense of insecurity given historic reasons and reality, the paper added.

The DPRK must not be obsessed in a wrong path of repeated nuclear tests and missile launches that resulted in rounds of sanctions, the commentary said, calling on the country to respect and comply with the relevant Security Council resolutions.

The article pointed out that the Republic of Korea(ROK) and the US also added fuel to the escalated tensions since the two allies, who have been maintaining a high-handed pressure on the nuclear issue of the Korean Peninsula, revealed a strategic intention to crush the DPRK.

It is almost impossible to ease the crisis on the peninsula if the ROK and the US continue their fantasy to settle the problem with more military actions but turn a blind eye to reasonable appeals of the DPRK, the paper stressed.

China is not a directly-concerned party of the peninsula crisis, and it does not hold the key to solving the nuclear issue on the peninsula, the commentary admitted.

But it emphasized that no matter what happens, China will never waiver in its clear-cut position regarding the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula, which means it will stay committed to the goal of denuclearization as well as the path of dialogue and negotiation.

In the next step, the DPRK should refrain from further nuclear test or missile launches, the article urged, adding that the ROK and the US, for their part, also need to stop launching or expanding their military drills or deployment against the DPRK.

All stakeholders need to comprehensively understand and fully implement the DPRK-related resolutions adopted by the Security Council, the paper said. The international community needs to step up their anti-proliferation efforts against the DPRK action. Meanwhile,all parties also need to do more to persuade stakeholders back to peaceful dialogues, it added.

China will, with its utmost sincerity and efforts, safeguard the peace and stability of Northeast Asia and realize the goal to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula along with relevant parties, the paper vowed, stressing that though a peace lover, the country is fearless of any provocations or tests.

China has proposed the “dual-track approach” and “suspension for suspension” plan for peaceful settlement of the issue, in an attempt to help the parties breakout of the security dilemma and return to the negotiating table.

The objective, reasonable and feasible proposals, according to the editorial, not only conform to the requirements of the UN resolutions, but also meet the fundamental interest of all parties including the US and the DPRK.

Translated from Chinese, People’s Daily, April 2017.

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Pollution in Europe has contributed to one of the worst droughts in India which has destroyed the lives of more than 130 million people, according to a new study. Researchers believe manufactured aerosols are to blame for the weakening of monsoon winds and rain in India over the past few decades.

Emissions from the northern hemisphere’s main industrial areas caused a staggering 40 per cent drop in rainfall in north west India in 2000, according to researchers from Imperial College London. Europe’s emissions alone caused levels of rainfall to fall by ten per cent in the same year.

Sulphur dioxide – produced mainly by coal-fired power plants – causes a number of harmful effects, such as acid rain, heart and lung diseases, and damage to plant growth. Now researchers at Imperial College London have calculated just how big an effect emissions of sulphur dioxide had on rainfall in India in 2000.

The north-west of India experienced a staggering drop in precipitation of about 40 per cent because of emissions from the northern hemisphere’s main industrial areas. Aerosols, which release sulphur dioxide and stay in the atmosphere for weeks, can both reflect and absorb solar radiation. They also affect cloud cover – and can make them brighter and suppress rainfall. Although they are produced naturally from sea salt spray and desert dust, man-made aerosols make up a major part of this pollution.

One of the researchers, Dr Apostolos Voulgarakis, of ICL’s Grantham Institute, said the study showed how emissions in one part of the world could have a significant effect on another – even if the pollution itself didn’t actually get there. Dr Voulgarakis said their research, along with other studies, showed the kind of problems that might result from attempts to use sulphur dioxide in a geo-engineering scheme.

“Geo-engineering has generally suggested to be problematic because of the knock-on effects it could have,” he said. “This research shows one of those reasons as it can affect rainfall quite dramatically.”

How does European air pollution affect the South Asian monsoon?

In a blog post researcher Dilshad Shawki from ICL’s Grantham Institute explains how understanding and predicting monsoon rainfall is of huge importance to those societies like India that have developed following its rhythms.

Aerosols are liquid and solid particles suspended in the atmosphere that have the ability to reflect or absorb solar radiation. They also influence clouds by making them brighter and even supressing rainfall. Aerosols can also occur naturally from sea salt spray and dust plumes driven by winds in desert regions, but synthetic aerosols make up a major part of global air pollution. Whether manufactured or natural, aerosols remain in the atmosphere for days to weeks, which makes their direct influence on the climate more localised. Interestingly though, local differences in temperature and pressure can influence circulation – and hence the climate – in areas far away from the emission source.

The South Asian monsoon’s interaction with aerosols has been studied extensively in recent years, with many researchers concluding that manufactured aerosols may be responsible for weakening the circulation of monsoon winds and precipitation in recent decades. These changes matter to people on the ground. In the second half of the twentieth century, drier conditions in central India have led to more frequent and intense droughts, and a devastating effect on crop yields.

Each summer the South Asian monsoon drenches the Indian subcontinent, as strong moisture-laden winds from the Indian Ocean deliver over 70% of the region’s annual rainfall in just 3 months. As such, the monsoon’s bountiful rain is crucial to the economy and to livelihoods in the region. In recent decades however, rising pollution levels and increases in global surface temperatures have influenced atmospheric circulation patterns in the tropics, in turn affecting monsoon rainfall patterns.

Villages Turning Into Ghost Towns

Hit hard by this man-made European drought villages in India are turning into Ghost Towns, chief among them is the Anantpur district of the South Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. Last year, India saw its highest temperature on record – a sweltering 51 degrees Celsius (123.8F). Hundreds of farmers died as crops failed in more than 13 states. More and more farmers are gearing up to leave their villages and migrate to cities leaving the elderly and kids behind to use last traces of water while the able-bodied earn a fighting wage in the cities. With the economy collapsing over large swathes, people migrate as a last resort.

Thanks to deficit rainfall more farmers are gearing up to leave in the next two months. The few who remain survive by selling milk and doing odd jobs that fetch them not more than Rs 100 a day. This is not a case of just one state. Farmers across the country are facing similar situation. Recently in a dramatic move, 150 farmers from the South Indian state of Tamil Nadu protested at New Delhi’s Jantar Mantar with skulls of fellow dead farmers who had allegedly committed suicide.

The drinking water ministry has asked 18 drought-prone states to utilise 25% of the Central budget available with them to mitigate drinking water crisis. While 13 states were identified last year as drought-prone, the ministry has assessed another five states as the ones facing drinking water scarcity this year.

While the entire nation is grappling with one of the deadliest droughts to hit the region deciphering the root causes of monsoon changes in the past and the various scenarios of monsoon change in the future will be an ongoing challenge for climate researchers.

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Pollution in Europe has contributed to one of the worst droughts in India which has destroyed the lives of more than 130 million people, according to a new study. Researchers believe manufactured aerosols are to blame for the weakening of monsoon winds and rain in India over the past few decades.

Emissions from the northern hemisphere’s main industrial areas caused a staggering 40 per cent drop in rainfall in north west India in 2000, according to researchers from Imperial College London. Europe’s emissions alone caused levels of rainfall to fall by ten per cent in the same year.

Sulphur dioxide – produced mainly by coal-fired power plants – causes a number of harmful effects, such as acid rain, heart and lung diseases, and damage to plant growth. Now researchers at Imperial College London have calculated just how big an effect emissions of sulphur dioxide had on rainfall in India in 2000.

The north-west of India experienced a staggering drop in precipitation of about 40 per cent because of emissions from the northern hemisphere’s main industrial areas. Aerosols, which release sulphur dioxide and stay in the atmosphere for weeks, can both reflect and absorb solar radiation. They also affect cloud cover – and can make them brighter and suppress rainfall. Although they are produced naturally from sea salt spray and desert dust, man-made aerosols make up a major part of this pollution.

One of the researchers, Dr Apostolos Voulgarakis, of ICL’s Grantham Institute, said the study showed how emissions in one part of the world could have a significant effect on another – even if the pollution itself didn’t actually get there. Dr Voulgarakis said their research, along with other studies, showed the kind of problems that might result from attempts to use sulphur dioxide in a geo-engineering scheme.

“Geo-engineering has generally suggested to be problematic because of the knock-on effects it could have,” he said. “This research shows one of those reasons as it can affect rainfall quite dramatically.”

How does European air pollution affect the South Asian monsoon?

In a blog post researcher Dilshad Shawki from ICL’s Grantham Institute explains how understanding and predicting monsoon rainfall is of huge importance to those societies like India that have developed following its rhythms.

Aerosols are liquid and solid particles suspended in the atmosphere that have the ability to reflect or absorb solar radiation. They also influence clouds by making them brighter and even supressing rainfall. Aerosols can also occur naturally from sea salt spray and dust plumes driven by winds in desert regions, but synthetic aerosols make up a major part of global air pollution. Whether manufactured or natural, aerosols remain in the atmosphere for days to weeks, which makes their direct influence on the climate more localised. Interestingly though, local differences in temperature and pressure can influence circulation – and hence the climate – in areas far away from the emission source.

The South Asian monsoon’s interaction with aerosols has been studied extensively in recent years, with many researchers concluding that manufactured aerosols may be responsible for weakening the circulation of monsoon winds and precipitation in recent decades. These changes matter to people on the ground. In the second half of the twentieth century, drier conditions in central India have led to more frequent and intense droughts, and a devastating effect on crop yields.

Each summer the South Asian monsoon drenches the Indian subcontinent, as strong moisture-laden winds from the Indian Ocean deliver over 70% of the region’s annual rainfall in just 3 months. As such, the monsoon’s bountiful rain is crucial to the economy and to livelihoods in the region. In recent decades however, rising pollution levels and increases in global surface temperatures have influenced atmospheric circulation patterns in the tropics, in turn affecting monsoon rainfall patterns.

Villages Turning Into Ghost Towns

Hit hard by this man-made European drought villages in India are turning into Ghost Towns, chief among them is the Anantpur district of the South Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. Last year, India saw its highest temperature on record – a sweltering 51 degrees Celsius (123.8F). Hundreds of farmers died as crops failed in more than 13 states. More and more farmers are gearing up to leave their villages and migrate to cities leaving the elderly and kids behind to use last traces of water while the able-bodied earn a fighting wage in the cities. With the economy collapsing over large swathes, people migrate as a last resort.

Thanks to deficit rainfall more farmers are gearing up to leave in the next two months. The few who remain survive by selling milk and doing odd jobs that fetch them not more than Rs 100 a day. This is not a case of just one state. Farmers across the country are facing similar situation. Recently in a dramatic move, 150 farmers from the South Indian state of Tamil Nadu protested at New Delhi’s Jantar Mantar with skulls of fellow dead farmers who had allegedly committed suicide.

The drinking water ministry has asked 18 drought-prone states to utilise 25% of the Central budget available with them to mitigate drinking water crisis. While 13 states were identified last year as drought-prone, the ministry has assessed another five states as the ones facing drinking water scarcity this year.

While the entire nation is grappling with one of the deadliest droughts to hit the region deciphering the root causes of monsoon changes in the past and the various scenarios of monsoon change in the future will be an ongoing challenge for climate researchers.

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At a time of growing tensions between nuclear powers—Russia and NATO in Europe, and the U.S., North Korea and China in Asia—Washington has quietly upgraded its nuclear weapons arsenal to create, according to three leading American scientists, “exactly what one would expect to see, if a nuclear-armed state were planning to have the capacity to fight and win a nuclear war by disarming enemies with a surprise first strike.”

Writing in the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, Hans Kristensen, director of the Nuclear Information Project of the American Federation of Scientists, Matthew McKinzie of the Natural Resources Defense Council, and physicist and ballistic missile expert Theodore Postol, conclude that “Under the veil of an otherwise-legitimate warhead life-extension program,” the U.S. military has vastly expanded the “killing power” of its warheads such that it can “now destroy all of Russia’s ICBM silos.”

The upgrade—part of the Obama administration’s $1 trillion modernization of America’s nuclear forces—allows Washington to destroy Russia’s land-based nuclear weapons, while still retaining 80 percent of the U.S.’s warheads in reserve. If Russia chose to retaliate, it would be reduced to ash.

Any discussion of nuclear war encounters several major problems. First, it is difficult to imagine or to grasp what it would mean in real life. We have only had one conflict involving nuclear weapons—the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945—and the memory of those events has faded over the years. In any case, the two bombs that flattened the Japanese cities bear little resemblance to the killing power of modern nuclear weapons.

The Hiroshima bomb exploded with a force of 15 kilotons. The Nagasaki bomb was slightly more powerful at about 18 kt. Between them, they killed over 215,000 people. In contrast, the most common nuclear weapon in the U.S. arsenal today, the W76, has an explosive power of 100 kt. The next most common, the W88, packs a 475-kt punch.

Another problem is that most of the public thinks nuclear war is impossible because both sides would be destroyed. This is the idea behind the policy of Mutually Assured Destruction, aptly named “MAD.”

But MAD is not a U.S. military doctrine. A “first strike” attack has always been central to U.S. military planning, until recently, however, there was no guarantee that such an attack would so cripple an opponent that it would be unable—or unwilling, given the consequences of total annihilation— to retaliate.

The strategy behind a first strike—sometimes called a “counter force” attack—is not to destroy an opponent’s population centers, but to eliminate the other sides’ nuclear weapons, or at least most of them. Anti-missile systems would then intercept a weakened retaliatory strike.

The technical breakthrough that suddenly makes this a possibility is something called the “super-fuze”, which allows for a much more precise ignition of a warhead. If the aim is to blow up a city, such precision is superfluous, but taking out a reinforced missile silo requires a warhead to exert a force of at least 10,000 pounds per square inch on the target.

Up until the 2009 modernization program, the only way to do that was to use the much more powerful—but limited in numbers—W88 warhead. Fitted with the super-fuze, however, the smaller W76 can now do the job, freeing the W88 for other targets.

Traditionally, land-based missiles are more accurate than sea-based missiles, but the former are more vulnerable to a first-strike than the latter, because submarines are good at hiding. The new super-fuze does not increase the accuracy of Trident II submarine missiles, but it makes up for that with the precision of where the weapon detonates.

“In the case of the 100-kt Trident II warhead,” write the three scientists, “the super-fuze triples the killing power of the nuclear force it is applied to.”

Before the super-fuze was deployed, only 20 percent of U.S. subs had the ability to destroy re-enforced missile silos. Today, all have that capacity.

Image result for trident II missilesTrident II missiles typically carry from four to five warheads, but can expand that up to eight. While the missile is capable of hosting as many as 12 warheads, that configuration would violate current nuclear treaties. U.S. submarines currently deploy about 890 warheads, of which 506 are W76s and 384 are W88s.

The land-based ICBMs are Minuteman III, each armed with three warheads—400 in total—ranging from 300 kt to 500 kt apiece. There are also air and sea-launched nuclear tipped missiles and bombs. The Tomahawk cruise missiles that recently struck Syria can be configured to carry a nuclear warhead.

The super-fuze also increases the possibility of an accidental nuclear conflict.

So far, the world has managed to avoid a nuclear war, although during the 1962 Cuban missile crisis it came distressingly close. There have also been several scary incidents when U.S. and Soviet forces went to full alert because of faulty radar images or a test tape that someone thought was real. While the military downplays these events, former Secretary of Defense William Perry argues that it is pure luck that we have avoided a nuclear exchange, and that the possibility of nuclear war is greater today than it was at the height of the Cold War.

In part, this is because of a technology gap between the U.S. and Russia.

In January 1995, Russian early warning radar on the Kola Peninsula picked up a rocket launch from a Norwegian island that looked as if it was targeting Russia. In fact, the rocket was headed toward the North Pole, but Russian radar tagged it as a Trident II missile coming in from the North Atlantic. The scenario was plausible. While some first strike attacks envision launching a massive number of missiles, others call for detonating a large warhead over a target at about 800 miles altitude. The massive pulse of electro-magnetic radiation that such an explosion generates would blind or cripple radar systems over a broad area. That would be followed with a first strike.

At the time, calmer heads prevailed,, and the Russians called off their alert, but for a few minutes the doomsday clock moved very close to midnight.

According to the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, the 1995 crisis suggests that Russia does not have “a reliable and working global space-based satellite early warning system.” Instead, Moscow has focused on building ground-based systems that give the Russians less warning time than satellite-based ones do. What that means is that while the U.S. would have about 30 minutes warning time to investigate whether an attack was really taking place, the Russians would have 15 minutes or less.

That, according to the magazine, would likely mean that “Russian leadership would have little choice but to pre-delegate nuclear launch authority to lower levels of command,” hardly a situation that would be in the national security interests of either country.

Or, for that matter, the world.

A recent study found that a nuclear war between India and Pakistan using Hiroshima-sized weapons would generate a nuclear winter that would make it impossible to grow wheat in Russia and Canada and cut the Asian Monsoon’s rainfall by 10 percent. The result would be up to 100 million deaths by starvation. Imagine what the outcome would be if the weapons were the size used by Russia, China or the U.S.

For the Russians, the upgrading of U.S. sea-based missiles with the super-fuze would be an ominous development. By “shifting the capacity to submarines that can move to missile launch positions much closer to their targets than land-based missiles,” the three scientists conclude, “the U.S. military has achieved a significantly greater capacity to conduct a surprise first strike against Russian ICBM silos.”

The U.S. Ohio class submarine is armed with 24 Trident II missiles, carrying as many as 192 warheads. The missiles can be launched in less than a minute.

Image result for missile submarine

The Russians and Chinese have missile-firing submarines as well, but not as many and some are close to obsolete. The U.S. has also seeded the world’s oceans and seas with networks of sensors to keep track of those subs. In any case, would the Russians or Chinese retaliate if they knew that the U.S. still retained most of its nuclear strike force? Faced with a choice committing national suicide or holding their fire, they may well choose the former.

The other element in this modernization program that has Russia and China uneasy is the decision by the Obama administration to place anti-missile systems in Europe and Asia, and to deploy Aegis ship-based anti missile systems off the Pacific and Atlantic coasts. From Moscow’s perspective—and Beijing’s as well—those interceptors are there to absorb the few missiles that a first strike might miss.

In reality, anti-missile systems are pretty iffy. Once they migrate off the drawing boards, their lethal efficiency drops rather sharply. Indeed, most of them can’t hit the broad side of a barn. But that is not a chance the Chinese and the Russians can afford to take.

Speaking at the St. Petersburg International Forum in June 2016, Russian President Valdimir Putin charged that U.S. anti-missile systems in Poland and Rumania were not aimed at Iran, but Russia and China.

“The Iranian threat does not exist, but missile defense systems continue to be positioned—a missile defense system is one element of the whole system of offensive military potential.”

The danger here is that arms agreements will begin to unravel if countries decide that they are suddenly vulnerable. For the Russians and the Chinese, the easiest solution to the American breakthrough is to build a lot more missiles and warheads, and treaties be dammed.

The new Russian cruise missile may indeed strain the Intermediate Nuclear Force Treaty, but it is also a natural response to what are, from Moscow’s view, alarming technological advances by the U.S. Had the Obama administration reversed the 2002 decision by George W. Bush’s administration to unilaterally withdraw from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, the new cruise might never have been deployed.

There are a number of immediate steps that the U.S. and the Russians could take to de-escalate the current tensions. First, taking nuclear weapons off their hair-trigger status, which would immediately reduce the possibility of accidental nuclear war. That could be followed by a pledge of “no first use” of nuclear weapons.

If this does not happen, it will almost certainly result in an accelerated nuclear arms race. “I don’t know how this is all going to end,” Putin told the St. Petersburg delegates. “What I do know is that we will need to defend ourselves.”

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Chris Tomson of Al Masdar News headlined on Monday May 1st, “Syrian Army tank takes direct hit from ISIS guided missile in Deir Ezzor” and reported that, “Currently, government forces are less than 1500 meters from linking up Deir Ezzor city to its airbase,” which would be an essential link-up in order for the Syrian government to begin to restore control over the largest city in eastern Syria. Here will be the account of how U.S. President Barack Obama handed that city over to ISIS by means of two key actions, so as to weaken Assad’s government.

Today, Der Zor, or Deir Ezzor, Syria’s major oil center, is controlled by ISIS or Daesh, but Obama’s warplanes bombed the Syrian government troops there on 17 September 2016 and thereby ended the then 5-day-old ceasefire that John Kerry had spent months putting together with Sergei Lavrov, and thus Obama effectively ended all peace negotiations with Russia regarding Syria. Then, when U.S. and Turkish forces attacked ISIS in Mosul Iraq, an escape-path was intentionally left by them for those ISIS jihadists to travel west to Der Zor, so that they could not only take over the oil wells there, but do major damage to the Syrian government’s army forces in that key city, after Obama had bombed there on September 17th. Consequently, Erdogan and Obama were now using ISIS in Mosul as a means for reinforcing ISIS in Syria, in such a way as to provide oil-income to ISIS and also to directly weaken Assad’s government.

Obama never told anyone that he favored ISIS and all jihadists over Assad’s government, but he showed it clearly and consistently by his actions

12 August 2012 U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency warning that the Obama Administration’s strategy might drive ISIS from Mosul in Iraq to Der Zor in Syria, has actually been carried out as a plan instead of a warning — a plan to weaken and ultimately oust Syria’s non-sectarian President Bashar al-Assad and replace him with a Sunni Sharia-law regime (one led by jihadists). The 2012 DIA warning had called this scenario an “unraveling,” but Obama and the U.S. Congress are actually chose it, so as to set the incoming President Trump up with an opportunity to replace Assad’s government by one that the Sauds and their U.S.-made weapons will control.  

The DIA warning in 2012 had said: 


Whoever wrote this assessment recognized that though the option would mean an “unraveling” of Syria, it’s what the U.S. and its allies were actually seeking.

On September 17th of 2016, U.S. and UK jets bombed the compound of Syrian government troops who were fighting to oust jihadists from Deir Ezzor, and killed 62 Syrian soldiers, with a hundred more injured, in that U.S.-led bombing attack. Der Zor was being softened-up for the coming U.S.-and-allied takeover.

The brilliant anonymous military blogger “Moon of Alabama” then became the first reporter to notice the possible connection that the DIA’s warning might end up having, to what became the joint U.S.-Turkish-Iraqi operation against ISIS in Mosul; he headlined on 20 September 2016, “Deir Ezzor Attack Enables The ‘Salafist Principality’ As Foreseen In The 2012 DIA Analysis”, and he presciently wrote:

“Two recent attacks against the Syrian Arab Army in east-Syria point to a U.S. plan to eliminate all Syrian government presence east of Palmyra. This would enable the U.S. and its allies to create a ‘Sunni entity’ in east-Syria and west-Iraq which would be a permanent thorn in side of Syria and its allies [Russia and Iran]. A 2012 analysis by the Defense Intelligence Agency said” — and he then quoted the above DIA excerpt. 

Then on October 12th, he bannered “The ’Salafist Principality’ — ISIS Paid Off To Leave Mosul And To Take Deir Ezzor?”, and reported that the Obama Administration had just negotiated with Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan, and with Saudi Prince Salman (who is the decision-maker in Saudi military matters), to provide safe passage into the large Syrian city of Deir Es Zor, for the ISIS jihadists who were occupying the large Iraqi city of Mosul.

He cited also a tweet on the morning of October 12th, from the celebrated Syrian historian and journalist Nizar Nayouf, reporting:

“Breaking news: Sources in #London say: #US&#Saudi_Arabia concluded an agreement to let #ISIS leave #Mosul secretly & safely to #Syria.”

So, Britain too was in on this assistance for ISIS to fight against the Syrian government.

Furthermore, on October 15th, the Turkish government posted online a map showing the “‘Sensitive’ Operation Plan for Mosul” including six steps, one of which was “An escape corridor into Syria will be left for Daesh [ISIS] so they can vacate Mosul.” Though the U.S. government wasn’t public about this part of their plan — moving the jihadists “into Syria” instead of killing the jihadists (as Obama always claimed to be his intention) — the Turkish government was public, and proud, of it.

Slightly beyond Der Zor is Palmyra — another Syrian city that the U.S.-Saudi alliance want to grab. 

On December 11th, Russian Television headlined “4,000 ISIS fighters regroup, make new attempt to capture Palmyra”, and reported that:

“Over 4,000 Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) terrorists, reinforced by tanks, have started an offensive to retake the key Syrian city of Palmyra after regrouping themselves. … The terrorists have received considerable reinforcement, including heavy military hardware from the regions of Raqqa and Deir ez-Zor. …The terrorists are receiving support from jihadists coming from Iraq. … In October, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov warned that terrorists ‘could flee from Mosul and go to Syria.’”

That’s precisely what happened.

So: the Obama Administration set up the next U.S. President, Trump, with an “unraveling” situation in Syria, so as to enable Trump to continue Obama’s war against Russia and all its allies (such as Syria).

President Trump has thus far been continuing Obama’s policy of helping the invading jihadists to overthrow and replace Assad’s government.

Istanbul’s Daily Sabah newspaper headlined on April 26th, “Daesh said to move capital from Raqqa to Deir ez-Zor” and reported that,

“High-ranking executives of the Daesh terrorist group are withdrawing from Raqqa. … They are believed to have set up their new headquarters in Deir ez-Zor, located about 140 kilometers southeast of Raqqa, in anticipation of a decisive battle.” 

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of  They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of  CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.

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Selected Articles: What Trump Has Accomplished in 100 Days

May 1st, 2017 by Global Research News

“Trump continues dirty business as usual, serving wealth, power and privilege exclusively at the expense of most others – while waging endless war on humanity at home and abroad.”  (Stephen Lendman)

“Trump has broken  his campaign promises, surrounding himself with Wall Street insiders and intensifying Obama’s belligerent and militaristic foreign policy around the globe.” (Ralph Nader)

“One Hundred Days and Counting.

And there is more to come … ” (Michael T. Bucci)

The First 100 Days of Donald Trump’s Presidency in Military Terms

By Vladimir Kozin, April 30, 2017

Donald Trump has promised to increase the military budget, spending more on nuclear missiles in particular.  And he will increase that budget.  Updates to the classical, strategic nuclear triad as well as to tactical nuclear weapons continue, some of which are positioned very close to the borders of Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, and a number of other states.

Trump v. FDR’s First Hundred Days. “Sold out to Wall Street, War-profiteers, Big Oil, Big Pharma, Breaking every Positive Promise Made”

By Stephen Lendman, April 30, 2017

His first 100 days suggest more of the same. He sold out to Wall Street, war-profiteers, Big Oil, Big Pharma, insurance giants, and other corporate favorites at the expense of serving ordinary Americans equitably. He’s part of the swamp he pledged to drain.

Trump’s Foreign Policy After 100 Days: Tweeting with Bombs?

By Nile Bowie, April 29, 2017

From the vantage point of his first 100 days in office, Trump appears to be channeling the foreign policy strategies of Ronald Reagan: a massive military build-up accompanied by threatening displays of strength as a means of gaining leverage over adversarial powers.

Trump’s Deadly Legacy. One Hundred Days and Counting. And There’s More to Come…

By Michael T. Bucci, April 29, 2017

Michael T. Bucci provides us with an insightful review and detailed timeline of Trump “accomplishments”.

Trump’s Hundred Days of Rage and Rapacity

By Ralph Nader, April 28, 2017

Trump has broken  his campaign promises, surrounding himself with Wall Street insiders and intensifying Obama’s belligerent and militaristic foreign policy around the globe. He is also demanding that Congress add fifty-two billion dollars more to the already bloated Pentagon budget, decried by many liberals and conservatives. Fifty-two billion dollars is far greater than all the combined federal regulatory budgets for the agencies that provide the health, safety and economic protections for Americans from costly corporate crimes, abuses and frauds.

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Putting aside the lack of any proof of Russian interference in U.S. elections, Americans have some nerve complaining about outside meddling when they have violated the sovereign rights of much of the planet. Americans owe the world heartfelt acts of contrition. “There ought to be a march of apology from Americans to people in Grenada, Haiti, Honduras, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Somalia, Libya, and yes in Russia too.”

The charge that the Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election is presented as fact in the corporate media and by the Democratic Party. Their collusion accomplishes two goals at once. The imperial project which has long sought to weaken Russia is given legitimacy. The Democrats divert attention from years of electoral failure which culminated in Donald Trump’s victory. Democratic Party rank and file members seethe about Vladimir Putin’s alleged misdeeds when they ought to ask their leadership hard questions.

Something is seriously amiss when Congressional Black Caucus talking points enshrine the FBI and CIA as beneficial and reliable sources of information. Democrats irresponsibly speak of an “act of war” and in so doing may bring about the real thing. The corruption and overreach are obvious but there is another important issue that has gone unaddressed.

Why is it worse for Americans to suffer a fate their government has meted out to others all over the world? The list of coups, invasions, and electoral fraud committed against other countries by the United States is a long one and encompasses every continent on the planet. American expressions of outrage should not be taken seriously.

“Democrats irresponsibly speak of an ‘act of war’ and in so doing may bring about the real thing.”

The United States directly subverted the will of the Russian people in 1996 when Bill Clinton’s operatives assisted Boris Yeltsin’s reelection campaign The current animosity between Russia and the United States results in large part from interference in Ukraine which ousted president Victor Yanukovych in 2014. The coup would not have taken place absent Obama administration support. If anyone should be crying about interference it is the Russians.

But the list of skullduggery is ignored in favor of argument about what is provable and what is not. There should also be discussion about why Americans refuse to acknowledge the wrongdoing they support either tacitly or actively. There is an opportunity being missed, an opportunity to express contrition and to change the temptation for Americans to support their government’s worst acts.

Many of the liberals so quick to cast aspersions at Russia are also quick to support American state sponsored violence. Some of those who said Trump is “not my president” applauded his bombing of a Syrian air base.

“If anyone should be crying about interference it is the Russians.”

It is time for Americans to grow up but that is easier said than done in a country for which historical amnesia is a founding principle. Most liberals want to be flag waving patriots and they are loath to concede the wrongdoing which goes on in one presidency after another. They refuse to admit their own complicity in excusing war crimes with vapid talk of lesser evils.

If Americans are so upset about the prospect of being treated the way their government treats millions of people they should always condemn these violations. They ought to foreswear support for the wars of aggression committed in their name. Democrats go on foolishly speaking of an “act of war” committed by Vladimir Putin. This latest propaganda term is not just stupid, it is extremely dangerous and posits that Americans have rights that they do not accord to others.

So far this year there have or will be marchers wearing pink hats, supporting science or fighting climate change. There ought to be a march of apology from Americans to people in Grenada, Haiti, Honduras, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Somalia, Libya, and yes in Russia too. Millions of people have lost their homes, health and lives whenever an American president decides that another leader “must go” or claims that national interest demands intervention or endless war.

“There isn’t any democracy left for the Russian government to damage.”

It is time for people in this country to stop acting like aggrieved children. The temper tantrums about their sovereignty and their democracy are not just hypocritical but also tell lies about how this political system really works. There isn’t any democracy left for the Russian government to damage. And even if there were America’s guilty behavior abroad makes a mockery of it.

If Vladimir Putin hatched a plot to get Trump into office he didn’t do anything worse than American presidents have done. People in this country ought to reflect on their history instead of behaving as if they are entitled to rights they routinely disregard elsewhere. The Russia haters must stop whining about their supposed grievance. But first they should apologize to people around the world and fight to stop America’s attacks on them.

Margaret Kimberley’s Freedom Rider column appears weekly in BAR, and is widely reprinted elsewhere. She maintains a frequently updated blog as well as at Ms. Kimberley lives in New York City, and can be reached via e-Mail at [email protected].

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Korea: Leading to War?

May 1st, 2017 by Dr. Chandra Muzaffar

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is deeply concerned that escalating tensions between North Korea and the United States of America could lead to war. This view was expressed at the end of the 30th ASEAN Leaders’ Summit in Manila on the 29th of April 2017.

Given the gravity of the situation, ASEAN could perhaps have been a little more proactive. It should have rejected any military solution and argued for a negotiated diplomatic settlement of the conflict. For negotiations to begin there will have to be some preliminary gestures from both sides. North Korea should suspend all nuclear and missile tests while the US and South Korea should halt their joint military exercises.

Though this idea was first suggested by the Chinese Foreign Minister, Wang Yi, ASEAN should have put it forward as its own proposal. ASEAN should have gone further and offered to host talks among all the six principal actors in the conflict — North and South Korea, China, the US, Japan and Russia. A strong push by ASEAN for the immediate re-commencement of the six party talks at this juncture would have carried a lot of weight.

Image result for asean summit 2017

Southeast Asian Leaders during the 2017 ASEAN Summit in Manila

Unlike the first six party talks from 2003 to 2008 which made little progress the talks this time should go beyond North Korea’s nuclear weapons programme. It should address some of the underlying causes of the tension and friction in the region as a whole. For instance, North Korea began its nuclear testing and its missile firing as a response to the massive US- South Korean joint military exercises. This is why issues pertaining to US-South Korea military ties; the US military relationship with Japan; and the stationing of thousands of US military personnel in a number of bases in both South Korea and Japan cannot be divorced from North Korea’s military posturing.

What this means is that while the North Korean leadership’s belligerence has undoubtedly contributed to the current conflict, the US’s drive to maintain its hegemony over North East Asia has also exacerbated the situation. This hegemonic agenda — especially if it is viewed against the backdrop of the Korean War (1950-1953) — is directed against China and Russia which are both neighbours and allies of sorts of North Korea. Even after the end of the Cold War (1949-1989) the US has continued to see North Korea from a power perspective shaped to a great extent by the position of South Korea and Japan, on the one hand, and the presence of China and Russia, on the other.

If these fundamental issues are ignored, and all that one is focused upon is how to tame a recalcitrant state, the instability in North East Asia and the danger it poses to regional and global peace will persist. Hence the urgent need to hold comprehensive talks aimed at resolving the primary and secondary causes of the continuing conflict in the Korean Peninsula. The alternative to peace talks is war — a devastating war that will impact upon not only North East Asia but also the rest of the continent and indeed, the world.

The consequences of a second Korean war should be spelt out in detail by the media to those who wield power and authority in the US and the region. Since both the US and North Korea are nuclear armed, a nuclear exchange between them, according to the well-known journalist Eric Margolis with loads of experience in reporting from war zones,

“would expose a third of the world’s economy to nuclear contamination, not to mention spreading nuclear winter around the globe.”

He goes on to argue that even a conventional US attack on North Korea

“will prove a daunting challenge. US analysts have in the past estimated a US invasion of North Korea would cost some 250,000 American casualties and at least US$10 billion, though I believe  such a war would cost four times that much today.” Margolis warns that, “North Korea is unlikely to be a pushover in a war. Even after US and South Korean forces occupy Pyongyang, the North has prepared for a long guerrilla war in the mountains that could last for decades. They have been practising for 30 years. Chaos in North Korea will invite Chinese military intervention …. Will Russia sit by quietly while the US blows apart North Korea? Does anyone in the White House know that North Korea borders Russia and is less than 200km from the key Russian port of Vladivostok?”

The urgency of convening talks cannot be overstated. It is not too late for ASEAN leaders and people to speak with one voice and plead with the six states to re-commence the six party talks immediately.

Dr Chandra Muzaffar is the President of the International Movement for a Just World (JUST).

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Korea: Leading to War?

May 1st, 2017 by Dr. Chandra Muzaffar

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is deeply concerned that escalating tensions between North Korea and the United States of America could lead to war. This view was expressed at the end of the 30th ASEAN Leaders’ Summit in Manila on the 29th of April 2017.

Given the gravity of the situation, ASEAN could perhaps have been a little more proactive. It should have rejected any military solution and argued for a negotiated diplomatic settlement of the conflict. For negotiations to begin there will have to be some preliminary gestures from both sides. North Korea should suspend all nuclear and missile tests while the US and South Korea should halt their joint military exercises.

Though this idea was first suggested by the Chinese Foreign Minister, Wang Yi, ASEAN should have put it forward as its own proposal. ASEAN should have gone further and offered to host talks among all the six principal actors in the conflict — North and South Korea, China, the US, Japan and Russia. A strong push by ASEAN for the immediate re-commencement of the six party talks at this juncture would have carried a lot of weight.

Image result for asean summit 2017

Southeast Asian Leaders during the 2017 ASEAN Summit in Manila

Unlike the first six party talks from 2003 to 2008 which made little progress the talks this time should go beyond North Korea’s nuclear weapons programme. It should address some of the underlying causes of the tension and friction in the region as a whole. For instance, North Korea began its nuclear testing and its missile firing as a response to the massive US- South Korean joint military exercises. This is why issues pertaining to US-South Korea military ties; the US military relationship with Japan; and the stationing of thousands of US military personnel in a number of bases in both South Korea and Japan cannot be divorced from North Korea’s military posturing.

What this means is that while the North Korean leadership’s belligerence has undoubtedly contributed to the current conflict, the US’s drive to maintain its hegemony over North East Asia has also exacerbated the situation. This hegemonic agenda — especially if it is viewed against the backdrop of the Korean War (1950-1953) — is directed against China and Russia which are both neighbours and allies of sorts of North Korea. Even after the end of the Cold War (1949-1989) the US has continued to see North Korea from a power perspective shaped to a great extent by the position of South Korea and Japan, on the one hand, and the presence of China and Russia, on the other.

If these fundamental issues are ignored, and all that one is focused upon is how to tame a recalcitrant state, the instability in North East Asia and the danger it poses to regional and global peace will persist. Hence the urgent need to hold comprehensive talks aimed at resolving the primary and secondary causes of the continuing conflict in the Korean Peninsula. The alternative to peace talks is war — a devastating war that will impact upon not only North East Asia but also the rest of the continent and indeed, the world.

The consequences of a second Korean war should be spelt out in detail by the media to those who wield power and authority in the US and the region. Since both the US and North Korea are nuclear armed, a nuclear exchange between them, according to the well-known journalist Eric Margolis with loads of experience in reporting from war zones,

“would expose a third of the world’s economy to nuclear contamination, not to mention spreading nuclear winter around the globe.”

He goes on to argue that even a conventional US attack on North Korea

“will prove a daunting challenge. US analysts have in the past estimated a US invasion of North Korea would cost some 250,000 American casualties and at least US$10 billion, though I believe  such a war would cost four times that much today.” Margolis warns that, “North Korea is unlikely to be a pushover in a war. Even after US and South Korean forces occupy Pyongyang, the North has prepared for a long guerrilla war in the mountains that could last for decades. They have been practising for 30 years. Chaos in North Korea will invite Chinese military intervention …. Will Russia sit by quietly while the US blows apart North Korea? Does anyone in the White House know that North Korea borders Russia and is less than 200km from the key Russian port of Vladivostok?”

The urgency of convening talks cannot be overstated. It is not too late for ASEAN leaders and people to speak with one voice and plead with the six states to re-commence the six party talks immediately.

Dr Chandra Muzaffar is the President of the International Movement for a Just World (JUST).

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Professor Richard Falk highlights the US role in Saudi Arabia’s war on Yemen while suggesting that Washington’s support for Riyadh’s illegal aggression has increased under the presidency of Donald Trump.

“Since the presidency of Donald Trump, the US has reinforced its support for Saudi Arabia’s aggression against Yemen,” Richard A. Falk said in an interview with Tasnim News Agency.

“The nature of this aggression is a flagrant violation of the UN Charter and of international law,” said Falk, who has served as the UN special rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories.

The following is the full text of Interview:

Tasnim: For two years, the Yemeni civilians have been targets of cruel attacks and airstrikes by the Saudi-led coalition. Yemen’s Legal Center for Rights and Development, an independent monitoring group, has recently put the civilian death toll at 12,041, including 2,568 children and 1,870 women. According to the United Nations, nearly 3.3 million people in Yemen, including 2.1 million children, are acutely malnourished because of the war and total siege imposed on them. They include 460,000 children under age of five with the worst form of malnutrition, who risk dying of pneumonia or diarrhea. Why is the international community so indifferent to the heinous crimes committed by the Al Saud regime in the Arabian Peninsula country?

Falk: It is a sad and tragic situation, and reflects the inability of the international community to respond effectively and consistently to even the most severe humanitarian crises when, as here, major geopolitical obstacles exist. The role of Saudi Arabia in creating and aggravating this crisis in Yemen is central, and given Saudi leverage within the UN as reinforced by the backing of the United States, paralyzes all UN efforts to respond on behalf of the victimized Yemeni population. All in all, what the Yemen situation underscores is the primacy of geopolitics in the Middle East, which is mainly responsible for this terrible ordeal of human suffering being experienced by the civilian populations of several societies in the Arab world.

Tasnim: Certain Western countries are continuously claiming that they are champions of human rights. However, it seems that they are pursuing double standard policies on Saudi Arabia’s atrocities. On March 10, 2017, the administration of US President Donald Trump approved the resumption of weapons sales to Saudi Arabia which critics have linked to Riyadh’s killing of civilians in Yemen. The $1.15 billion deal was previously blocked by former President Barack Obama after Saudi warplanes targeted a funeral hall in Yemen killing scores of civilians, provoking an international outcry. How do you see the role of the US in the regime’s aggression against the impoverished Arab country?

Falk: Since the presidency of Donald Trump, the US has reinforced its support for Saudi Arabia’s aggression against Yemen. The nature of this aggression is a flagrant violation of the UN Charter and of international law.

The failure to condemn this operation, and the scandal of extending diplomatic support and engaging in military sales to the Saudi government, underlines my prior mention of the primacy of geopolitics.

Tasnim: Since the start of its war on Yemen, the Saudi regime has failed to reach its objectives. In 2015, the kingdom had a record budget deficit of almost $100 billion, prompting it to rein in public spending in a bid to save money. Why is the regime continuing its heinous attacks on the Arab country despite its failures and cash-strapped economy?

Falk: Of course, I am not in a position to know what motivates such self-defeating behavior on the part of the Saudi government. I can only guess that their paranoid concerns about the stability of their own governing structure seems threatened by the emergence of a government in Yemen that is perceived as hostile. As their intervention in Bahrain back in 2011 illustrated, the leadership in Riyadh is extremely threatened by what is perceived to be an adverse political development in a neighboring country. And then, of course, Saudi regional policies, as particularly evident in Syria, emphasize sectarian preoccupations with the containment of Shiite influence. It is not uncommon for authoritarian governments to be so obsessed with their own security—not national security, but regime security—that all other concerns are subordinated.

Tasnim: The situation across the world, the Middle East in particular, is very confusing. What are your predictions regarding the future of the Middle East and the world?

Falk: With so many contradictory forces, a variety of regional and global intervening actors, and a variety of extremist movements, it is impossible to predict the future of the region. It is to be hoped that the carnage and suffering will finally encourage countries such as the United States and Russia to use their leverage to produce ceasefires and political compromises, although such efforts will themselves be fragile. Underlying all the turmoil are three adverse factors: the colonial legacy of 100 years ago that carved up the region into artificial political communities, reflecting the colonial ambitions of Britain and France; Western geopolitical intervention, focusing on oil, Israeli and Saudi support, containment of Iranian influence; the unresolved Israel/Palestine conflict, and the imposition of an apartheid structure of domination and abuse on the Palestinian people.

Richard A. Falk is the author or co-author of 20 books and the editor or co-editor of another 20 volumes. In 2008, the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) appointed Falk to a six-year term as a United Nations Special Rapporteur on “the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967”.

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1.  A toxic mix

Although widely used across the world, many Bayer and Monsanto products are highly toxic for people and planet – an ironic illustration of our broken global food system.

One kind of problematic Bayer insecticides are the so-called ‘neonicotinoids’, whose active ingredients are a main driver of the large-scale death of bees and other pollinators. Although this has horrendous consequences for ecosystems and food production, Bayer is unwilling to relent and has started an outright lobby war to overturn a partial ban in the EU.

By the advice of EU food safety agency EFSA, the partial ban was issued for three neonicotinoids in 2013, which led Bayer to hire ‘product defense company’ Exponent to attack the scientific evidence underlying the ban. Right now, Bayer is suing the European Commission to see this partial ban overturned. But its war on science looks set to be in vain: the EU is expected to announce a complete ban on neonics this year. In an attempt to at least limit reputational damage, the company is running ‘Bayer Bee Care Centers’ – a glaringly obvious greenwashing inititive.

For Monsanto, its biggest worry is also its biggest cash cow: glyphosate, the active ingredient in its flagship weedkiller RoundUp, was found to ”probably cause cancer in humans” by the World Health Organisation. Still, its wide-spread use means glyphosate residue can now even be found in human urine and breastmilk. This year the EU has to decide whether to grant another 10-year market authorisation for glyphosate-based weed killers – given the WHO findings, an EU ban of the substance should be beyond debate.

But Monsanto has been trying to rubbish the scientific evidence against its product and insisted the WHO study on glyphosate was “junk science”, as well as running the industry lobby group ‘Glyphosate Task Force’. Although the EU agencies for food safety and chemicals already concede that glyphosate can seriously damage sight and has long-lasting toxic effects on aquatic life, they reject its likely carcinogenic characteristic in humans. Tellingly, these EU risk assessments are based on Monsanto-owned studies that are not fully available for independent scrutiny and were not compiled by independent scientists. Trying to make the voice of civil society heard against this corporate capture of science, almost 1,5 million people signed a petition to ban glyphosate and a European Citizens’ Initiative has been launched to the same aim.

2. Lobby spending

In the EU and the US, both Bayer and Monsanto have to declare their lobby spending in so-called transparency registers. But these figures only cover direct lobbying in the capitals. Many other costs lurk beneath the surface.

The US has a legally-binding register with a quarterly reporting requirement. In contrast, the EU transparency register is a voluntary instrument without any sanctions for misleading declarations, making the declared data highly unreliable and often unrealistic. Moreover, there are very few resources for verifying declarations, which renders it virtually impossible to trust the reported data.

Given these restraints of the EU register, the EU figures on the EU lobby spending of Bayer and Monsanto represent only the tip of the iceberg. According to Open Secrets, Monsanto’s lobbying in the US in 2015 amounted to an estimated $4,330,000, but the company only declared lobby spending of between €300,000 and 399,999 in the EU’s Transparency Register. And the situation looks similar for Bayer. While the corporation declared $7,730,000 lobby spending for 2015 to the US authorities, Bayer declared a mere €1,989,000 to the EU authorities.

The vastly different declarations make it very hard to believe that these figures are accurate, especially considering that the EU market in trade terms is bigger than the US market. The declared lobby spending of Bayer and Monsanto for 2015 alone amounts to at least €13,521,187 when combined. But here too, this figure needs to be taken with a grain of salt.

Aside from their in-house lobbyists who attempt to directly influence legislation on their behalf, Bayer and Monsanto also rely on other lobby strategies to make their voice heard. Public relations companies, trade associations, think tanks, law firms, product defence companies and lobby consultancies are among the actors employed by Bayer and Monsanto to echo their positions, produce and push  studies in the companies’ favour, provide PR strategies etc.

These companies get paid generous fees by Bayer and Monsanto, for instance to set up an industry-orchestrated group from scratch. An example is the Glyphosate Task Force, which is run by Hume Brophy for Monsanto.

There is simply no way of knowing exactly how much Bayer and Monsanto spend on these for-hire lobby actors every year – presumably a large sum, which might by far exceed their spending on in-house lobbyists. Taking this into consideration, Bayer’s and Monsanto’s combined total lobby spending in the EU and US is likely to be that amount many times over.

3. Entangled in the lobby web

Agribusiness corporations like Monsanto and Bayer have built a vast network of influencers to bend EU laws and safety standards in their favour. Lobby activities on their behalf are coordinated by lobby associations organised at global, regional and national level.

In Brussels, Monsanto and Bayer are represented by the seed lobby European Seed Association (ESA), pesticide lobby European Crop Protection Association (ECPA), biotech lobby EuropaBio and chemical lobby CEFIC. CEFIC alone employs around 135 staff and has an annual budget of 40 million euro, making it the single biggest lobby actor in the European Union!

In addition, they get specialised support from lobby consultancies and law firms like Fleishman Hillard, Weber Shandwick, FTI Consulting, Hume Brophy, Hill & Knowlton and Burson-Marsteller. The ‘Glyphosate Task Force’, led by Monsanto and managed by Hume Brophy, is dead set on achieving an extension of the market authorisation of highly toxic glyphosate-based weedkillers.

Both Monsanto and Bayer are also members of industry-funded science platforms like the International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI) or the European Centre For Ecotoxicology and Toxicology of Chemicals (ECETOC), which aim to skew the way products are approved in the industry’s favour. ‘Product defence companies’ like Exponent and Gradient Corp likewise pay scientists to cherry pick study data that is in their clients’ interest and for criticising independent study data that is not. Monsanto, Bayer, CEFIC and ECPA have all been using such services to defend cancer-causing and fertility-damaging crop protection products.

4. A food system under corporate control

Our food system is undoubtedly broken: Europe’s current model of farming and food consumption is destroying the planet and hurting people.

But agribusiness corporations like Bayer and Monsanto continue to promote an industrial model of agriculture that is destroying soils, water supplies, rural communities and biodiversity, and thereby slowly turning the Earth into a desert. Monsanto and Bayer are two of the most influential companies in this industry and the negative consequences of their activities are felt throughout the globe.

A merger between these two agribusiness giants would be catastrophic for people and planet. It would put more pesticides in our food and water, increase the amount of genetically-modified produce on our plates and endanger public health.

In addition, a merger of Bayer and Monsanto would increase the already massive corporate control over our food and farming systems and crush small-scale and independent farmers. It is in fact them, not big multinational actors like Bayer and Monsanto who are feeding the majority of people worldwide and are therefore the front-line defenders of global food security.

For years we have been fighting for a food system free from corporate control that provides pesticide free food, guarantees a decent living for small-scale farmers and ensures food sovereignty for all!

The planned merger goes against all of those principles. It is simply not safe to leave so much power in the hands of so few, especially when it affects something as essential as the food we eat.

We do not want pesticides in our food or GMOs on our plates! If we are to have any chance of reversing the harmful effects of industrial agriculture on our planet and food system, this merger must not be approved.

5. The package deal: patented, weedkiller-addicted GM crops

A substantial part of Bayer’s and Monsanto’s business comes from genetically-modified (GM) seeds that have been engineered to tolerate the companies’ herbicides.

Monsanto was the first to commercially launch weedkiller-tolerant crops with GM soy, maize and oilseed rape varieties made to withstand the toxic glyphosate component in its best-selling herbicide Roundup. Bayer produces its own range of GM varieties resistant to its broad-spectrum weedkiller ‘Liberty’, which contains glufosinate – a substance very similar to glyphosate.

To market these genetically modified seeds, corporations claim a reduction of pesticide quantities However, weedkiller-resistant crops have much increased use and quantities of herbicides, especially as many weeds have developed a resistance to glyphosate. As a consequence, farmers have been forced to spray more glyphosate-based as well as additional weedkillers. Monsanto, Bayer and other big agribusiness corporations have developed GM crops that can withstand several different herbicides, which are now necessary to control weed adaptation. This means many agricultural products will have been treated with multiple toxic herbicides before reaching consumers.

Also highly problematic are the high price and GM patents of herbicide-resistant crops, which force farmers to buy expensive seed licenses anew every season. But there are ever fewer alternatives as the monopolies of big agribusiness corporations like Monsanto, Bayer, Syngenta, Dow and DuPont make it increasingly difficult for farmers to choose non-GM and/ or non-patented seeds. Mergers of such companies only serve to give even more influence to these already powerful actors, trapping farmers in dependency.

The World Health Organisation considers glyphosate to be a probable cause of cancer in humans. Even though this link should mandate an EU ban of the substance, Bayer, for example, has demanded an exception for its highly toxic glyphosate-based herbicides for commercial reasons.

6. The BaySanto lobby tool box

Monsanto and Bayer use a wide range of lobby strategies to rig EU pesticide regulation in their favour. From direct lobbying to public relations spin and the corporate capture of science – no instrument in the lobby tool box appears too unethical for these two agribusiness giants.

Aside from joining forces with similar corporations in industry lobby associations, both Bayer and Monsanto pay huge sums to specialised lobby consultancies and law firms every year to boost their own influencing prowess and push industry-friendly alternatives to policy proposals. But their direct lobbying goes even further; many of the European Commission’s advisory expert groups feature several industry representatives who can shape policy recommendations from the get-go.

The public relations departments working for the companies do their bit to sideline health and environmental concerns around herbicides. They aggressively vilify critics, present the industry’s ultimate goal as ‘feeding the world’, and try their best to ‘greenwash’ the industry’s reputation by framing agribusiness corporations as innovators empowering farmers. More sinister yet, Bayer and Monsanto also co-opt scientific research to protect their profits: to ensure favourable study data, the pesticide producers initiate and monitor public-private research projects, fund scientists to echo their messages as 3rd party voices and hire product defence companies to publish studies that cast doubt on independent research findings.

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America’s wealth grew by 60 percent in the past six years, by over $30 trillion. In approximately the same time, the number of homeless children has also grown by 60 percent.

Financier and CEO Peter Schiff said,

“People don’t go hungry in a capitalist economy.”

The 16 million kids on food stamps know what it’s like to go hungry. Perhaps, some in Congress would say, those children should be working.

“There is no such thing as a free lunch,” insisted Georgia Representative Jack Kingston, even for schoolkids, who should be required to “sweep the floor of the cafeteria” (as they actually do at a charter school in Texas).

The callousness of U.S. political and business leaders is disturbing, shocking. Hunger is just one of the problems of our children. Teacher Sonya Romero-Smith told about the two little homeless girls she adopted:

“Getting rid of bedbugs, that took us a while. Night terrors, that took a little while. Hoarding food..”

America is a ‘Leader’ in Child Poverty

The U.S. has one of the highest relative child poverty rates in the developed world. As UNICEF reports,

“[Children’s] material well-being is highest in the Netherlands and in the four Nordic countries and lowest in Latvia, Lithuania, Romania and the United States.”

Over half of public school students are poor enough to qualify for lunch subsidies, and almost half of black children under the age of six are living in poverty.

$5 a Day for Food, But Congress Thought it was Too Much.

Nearly half of all food stamp recipients are children, and they averaged about $5 a day for their meals before the 2014 farm bill cut $8.6 billion (over the next ten years) from the food stamp program.

In 2007 about 12 of every 100 kids were on food stamps. Today it’s 20 of every 100.

For Every 2 Homeless Children in 2006, There Are Now 3

On a typical frigid night in January, 138,000 children, according to the U.S. Department of Housing, were without a place to call home.

That’s about the same number of households that have each increased their wealth by $10 million per year since the recession.

The US: Near the Bottom in Education, and Sinking

The U.S. ranks near the bottom of the developed world in the percentage of 4-year-olds in early childhood education. Early education should be a primary goal for the future, as numerous studies have shown that pre-school helps all children to achieve more and earn more through adulthood, with the most disadvantaged benefiting the most. But we’re going in the opposite direction. Head Start was recently hit with the worst cutbacks in its history.

Children’s Rights? Not in the U.S.

It’s hard to comprehend the thinking of people who cut funding for homeless and hungry children. It may be delusion about trickle-down, it may be indifference to poverty, it may be resentment toward people unable to “make it on their own.”

The indifference and resentment and disdain for society reach around the globe. Only two nations still refuse to ratify the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child: South Sudan and the United States. When President Obama said,

“I believe America is exceptional,” he was close to the truth, in a way he and his wealthy friends would never admit.

Paul Buchheit is a college teacher, an active member of US Uncut Chicago, founder and developer of social justice and educational websites (,,, and the editor and main author of “American Wars: Illusions and Realities” (Clarity Press). He can be reached at [email protected].

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The Western coalition’s struggle against the notorious Islamic State terrorist organization stands at the edge of one thousand days of military operations against. A thousand days ago, American warplanes opened a new chapter in its Middle Eastern military campaigns, by launching an attack against terrorist positions in Iraq, and then in Syria.

A thousand days and and a thousand nights – is an immense amount of time in terms of modern warfare, when the geopolitical situation dictates a rapid course of action. This is especially true in the Middle East, where in the past three years there have been unprecedented changes in the alignment of forces and interests.

Despite certain successes in this struggle, achieved by both the American and Russian coalitions, unfortunately, one must note that the fight against international terrorism has been unjustifiably dragged down. The main reason for the fight taking so long is not the alleged amount of support that the idea of a “world caliphate” has received in the region, but rather Washington’s interest in maintaining tensions across the Middle East. Thus, it’s been using ISIS as it used to take advantage of Al-Qaeda’s existence.

Unfortunately, it is also necessary to recognize that the interests of US military contractors in the eyes of Western politicians overshadows any other public concern, leaving the arms market at the mercy of gun traffickers. And why should we even be surprised by the fact that the alleged “fight against international terrorism” is taking so long, when what was supposed to be a humanitarian operation carried out by the international community has been transformed into an arms dealer’s paradise?

Small arms shipments to militants don’t surprise anybody, as terrorists began receiving artillery systems, anti-aircraft guns and even tanks, which not only exacerbates the level of violence in the Middle East, but also makes ISIS opposition that much stronger.

Thus, it has recently become known that the so-called Free Syrian Army, which received a extensive amount of support from Western states and Turkey, has begun selling its tanks to the Islamic State, as it’s been reported by Turkish media source BirGun. As it’s been noted by the publication, Turkish armored vehicles participating in Operation Euphrates’ Shield in northern Syria somehow fell into the hands of FSA units that decided to then sell them to ISIS.

Over the past five years numerous media sources have repeatedly stressed the existence of illegal arms trafficking channels stretching from the EU, primarily from the Balkan and Eastern European states, to terrorists in Syria and Iraq. However, any hope that this information could be of interest to law enforcement agencies charged with putting an end to these illegal activities or the governments that claim they are engaged in combating international terrorism activities, has fallen flat. Both the Balkan Investigative Reporting Network (BIRN) and the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) have repeatedly exposed the participation of a number of European countries and Persian Gulf monarchies in the ongoing sale of weapons to extremists, which initially started back in 2012. The total worth of arms sold has surpassed 1.2 billion euros, effectively transforming the so-called “Arab Spring” protest movements into a source of perpetual armed conflict. Since then, thousands of weapons and munitions have been smuggled from the Balkan countries to the Persian Gulf states and those countries that share a common border with Syria.

But in spite of these reports, new weapon shipments continue arriving to Syria, strengthening ISIS and Al-Qaeda forces. Bulgarian shipments are conducted under the guise of “providing logistic support to the moderate Syrian opposition.” It is hardly a surprise to anyone that the Pentagon is deeply involved in these illegal activities, since it’s taking advantage of this aid program designed to provide assistance to key US allies. Such companies as Chemring and Orbital ATK are heavily engaged in delivering weapons by sea to Saudi Arabia, from where they will go to Syria directly. Just recently a blogger that goes under the name of Lost Weapons who has been covering weapons that are used in modern armed conflicts, posted a screenshot on Twitter of a video of the “Islamic State” in which an extremist holds a round for a Bulgarian anti-tank grenade launcher, noting:

Then some bulgarian RPGs. See both PMU and ISIS using bulgarian tandem RPGs in mosul. then counless clips of VBIEDS vs MBTS, HMMWV, ect

It is not difficult to confirm that this grenade was produced at the Vazovski Mashinostroitelni Zavodi (VMZ) in Bulgaria, if one is to compare it with the one featured at the official site of VMZ in the list of products. Both the markings and the appearance of the munitions are identical.

A video of the Bulgarian weapons is fresh, dated April, and anti-tank grenade launchers are used by extremists against Iraqi forces, who are now trying to recapture the so-called ISIS capital in Iraq – the city of Mosul. The absurdity of the situation is that these terrorists are shooting Bulgarian weapons bought with money provided by American taxpayers, trying to kill, among other targets, American servicemen.

The head of Conflict Armament Research, James Bevan, has clearly stated last year that anyone who arms the so-called Syrian opposition has no control whatsoever over where the weapons are going to be used. Pretty much the same scenario occurred in Afghanistan back in the 80s, when the United States, Saudi Arabia and their allies supplied weapons to Pakistani intelligence.

Image result for bulgaria weapons shippingThe fact that the United States carries on large-scale shipments of Bulgarian weapons to the “moderate” opposition in Syria has recently been uncovered by the Bulgarian newspaper Trud. According to the media source, last March alone, Danish vessel Marianne Danika made 2 trips from the Bulgarian Burgas to the Saudi city of Jeddah, carrying tons of weapons that are now delivered to Syria via Turkey or Jordan. The newspaper is convinced that there is a network for the delivery of weapons to all sorts of terrorist groups under the guise of arming the “Free Syrian Army”. In addition, Western intelligence agencies are financing terrorist groups directly, thus enabling the latter to buy weapons on the black market.

Due to the fact that a handful of reports published by various media sources on ongoing illegal arms deliveries to terrorists continues to go unnoticed by both the UN and the leading Western politicians, the question arises: why has there been no credible investigation launched into these allegations?

Or maybe there are structures and politicians who, while being tasked with fighting terrorism, are in fact encouraging it, making millions of dollars from such arms sales?

Martin Berger is a freelance journalist and geopolitical analyst, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook.”  

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On the same day that Theresa May did a catastrophically inept interview on the Andrew Marr show (evading questions, robotic repetition of her ridiculous “strong and stable” mantra, refusing to admit that nurses relying on food banks to survive is wrong, trying to whitewash the ongoing Tory electoral fraud investigations …) Jeremy Corbyn received a standing ovation from hundreds of head teachers for his speech about Labour’s education policy.

The mainstream press will give Corbyn’s speech minimal publicity, and hardly any of the scant coverage that does appear will frame the speech in terms of the rousing ovation that it received.

That’s why I’m providing a transcript of the speech so you can judge it for yourself.

[Introductions] …

It is a great honour to address you, leaders of one of the most important professions in our society, those who look after the education, the wellbeing, and the future of our children.

That is why Labour is making our children’s education one of the cornerstones of our General Election campaign.

The choice in this election could not be clearer – and it’s not the re-run of the EU referendum that the Prime Minister wants it to be.

Britain needs a government for the many not the few – one that’s ready to invest in our economy and public services. But the Conservatives have demonstrated that cannot be them, preferring to give the richest and largest corporations tax hand-outs worth tens of billions.

The NHS and social care have been pushed into a state of emergency. Housebuilding has fallen to its lowest peacetime rate since the 1920s. Schools across the country face real terms cuts in funding per pupil, and class sizes are rising – while those young people who want to go to university face huge debts.

There is no greater responsibility than ensuring our children get the education that they deserve. I know this, you know this, parents up and down this country know this. But it is clear that this Conservative Government has its focus elsewhere.

The NAHT has correctly pointed out that this election is make or break time for our children’s education system.

As all of you will know, the National Audit Office confirms that schools are facing a cut of three billion pounds in real terms by 2020, the first real terms cut in education budgets in a generation.

This is an absolutely staggering figure and shows the need for a complete change of direction in how the government of this country treats our schools.

And we have to ask ourselves: is this how we want to treat the education system of our children? Is this how Britain’s children deserve to be treated?

Do our children deserve to be held back by a chronic shortage of teachers?

Do our children deserve to crammed into schools like sardines?

Do our children deserve to be taught by teachers whose morale is at an all-time low?

Not by any fault of the teachers, they are the people who also bear the burden of government cuts, but the fault of governments who fail to recognise the importance of investing in the lives of children, and those who teach and support them, up and down this country.

That is why we must value teachers, because if we don’t we lose them. And you know better than anyone there is a recruitment crisis and that crisis will be made even worse if we don’t secure the rights of EU nationals.

Last year 5,000 teachers from EU countries qualified to teach here and there are thousands more working to teach our children. So that’s why, as Keir Starmer set out this week, a Labour government will guarantee the rights of EU nationals living here.

And if we lose teachers, we lose subjects, we narrow the horizons of young people. So that’s why I passionately believe in an Arts Pupil Premium so that every primary school child will benefit from a £160 million cash boost to help pupils learn to play instruments, learn drama and dance and have “regular access” to theatres, galleries or museums in their local areas.

And yet, while all this is happening, while funding to our children’s education is cut, multinational corporations have received multi-billion pound tax giveaways

How can it be right that money is being siphoned straight out of our children’s schools and directly into the pockets of the super-rich?

We have to be clear, once and for all, that enough is enough.

Throughout this General Election campaign, we will be making absolutely clear our commitment to build a country for the many, and not just the few.

A vital part of that will be creating an education system that provides for every child regardless of their background, or their parents’ income.

Labour will introduce a National Education Service, ensuring excellent learning opportunities for all from early years to adult education.

What we need now – and what you as teaching professionals need now – are concrete answers and concrete solutions to the problems that our education system is facing.

That is why Labour has set out a plan to help give every young person the best start in life possible, by introducing universal free school meals for pupils at primary schools. It’s a policy that is fully costed, and will be paid for by introducing VAT on private school fees.

There are clear educational benefits to providing universal free school meals. It boosts the attainment and level of education of our children. We know that these early formative years are the most important in a child’s education and we have a duty to provide for our children the best we possibly can throughout that period.

It’s a policy that demonstrates how a Labour government would care for the many, and not just the few.

We will ensure that every single child receives a healthy and nutritious meal which will not only boost children’s productivity in the classroom but also helps to ensure their personal wellbeing, no matter what their background.

Children eating together is a great start in life.

So not only will the policy help children throughout their time in education, it will also help teachers who will see the benefits of improved concentration and improved attainment in the classroom.

And it will help parents who will not only save money but will have the peace of mind in knowing that their child is getting a healthy school meal during the day

Investing in the health of our nation’s children, is investing in our nation’s future.

If we are to truly place value on our children’s education, we must also place value on the teachers, head teachers and other school staff who deliver that education.

We must put an end to the continual attacks on the teaching profession, end the downward pressure on pay and conditions, the constant undermining of morale and the erosion of standards that means we have more unqualified teachers than ever in our classrooms.

That’s why, as part of the comprehensive programme Labour has set out today to strengthen rights at work and end the race to the bottom in the jobs market, we have confirmed a Labour government will lift the cap on public sector pay.

It cannot be right that those who provide our vital public services have their pay squeezed year after year. Britain’s public service employees deserve a pay rise.

And we must give the teaching profession the recognition it deserves, not only in terms of pay, but also in terms of status in our society.

We need to listen to you, the teaching professionals, on how you believe schools can be improved and respect the huge wealth of talent and knowledge that lies in the teaching profession as a whole.

I have always believed that the people who know how to a job best are those who do it day in day out. We must start listening to parents, teachers and head teachers: you are the people who know how schools should be run and you are the people who best understand the needs of our children.

That is why Labour has taken our lead from the NAHT – and from the other teachers’ unions – when we set out in no uncertain terms our opposition to the expansion of grammar schools in this country.

Not only does the mass introduction of segregation in our education system not help the overwhelming majority of this country’s children, it also returns us to what are frankly Victorian notions of education based on a narrow curriculum.

The task is clear: we must build an education system that suits the needs of our children and the opportunities they will have in the jobs market of tomorrow.

And if we are to build an economy worthy of the 21st century, we need a schools system that looks forwards, and not backwards to the failed models of the past.

We must recognise that every single child in this country has talents and every single child deserves the chance to flourish and thrive to their maximum potential in whichever field suits them best.

But our children’s schools do not exist in a vacuum. I am always in awe of the local head teachers I work with. Like thousands of children, I have learned so much from them.

And what I admire most is their commitment – not just to managing their schools and to educating our children – but the multi-faceted demands of the children in their community: their housing issues, immigration problems, their mental health. You are the heart of your communities.

You are part of a wider care system and you need the other parts of that system to work effectively alongside you, youth services, the NHS and social care.

Support for schools by these services is essential to promote pupil wellbeing. The duty to directly address pupils’ mental health needs ultimately rests with the social and care services.

No school should be asked to fund health and social care services from the school budget. That is why Labour has pledged to address the chronic underfunding for social care and the NHS.

As you all know schools are most effective as places of learning when they work together with high quality social care and health services to meet the needs of all students but especially those who are most vulnerable.

One in ten children and young people in this country suffer from a mental health condition and 75 percent of adult mental health problems are found to begin before the age of 18.

We must prioritise the mental wellbeing of our children. This is the least they deserve.

It is vital that we enable early intervention and provide support when problems first emerge but to do this we must build an education system that integrates social and health care.

Improving the way our society deals with mental health is a particular concern of mine because I am passionate to see opportunities for all.

That’s why I have been so impressed by the work so many of you do for children with special needs and how good special needs co-ordinators can liberate children from what has sometimes been a lifetime of exclusion.

That focus on the individual child is what drives our determination to reduce class sizes. We know that half a million children have been landed in super-size classes of 31 pupils or more.

This government is failing on education on its own terms. The Prime Minister herself has said that super-sized classes are proof of a school system in crisis. So then why is it allowed to continue?

Why are our children’s schools, not getting the funding that they deserve? This is a choice. And it is the wrong choice. The cut to schools funding is also a breach of their manifesto the Conservatives’ pledge to protect schools funding.

Labour will ensure schools have the resources they need.

I’m afraid I can’t give you a sneak preview of the full Labour manifesto today but be assured if it’s a choice between a tax giveaway to the largest corporations paying the lowest rates of tax in the developed world or funding for our schools. Labour will make very different choices from the Conservatives.

We have already started to set some of that out not just our free schools meals policy.

And our commitment to reintroduce the Educational Maintenance Allowance for college students from lower incomes.

We are also committed to restoring maintenance grants for university students so that no one is held back from realising their ambitions and so that every schoolchild knows that the options of further and higher Education are available to them.

We must not be ashamed to value education, for education’s own sake.

Schools should exist to get the very best from our children, to give them the best start in life, to enable them to succeed in whichever walk of life they chose.

Whereas Theresa May’s government has repeatedly cut resources and staffing we will invest in our children’s futures because they deserve nothing less.

The excuses from the government come thick and fast. They’ve blamed teachers for not working hard enough, they’ve diverted funds to their vanity projects. £138.5 million wasted on schools that have closed, partially closed or never opened in the first place.

We will not bring back a system that blamed children and parents for not passing the eleven plus and getting into a grammar school.

They blame everybody else, to divert attention from their own damaging failures. They need head teachers to tell them, own up, take responsibility and say sorry.

Labour will give schools the funding that our children deserve, the funding that teachers and headteachers deserve and the investment that our country and our economy deserves.

This election can be the chance for a fresh start, with a Labour government that will invest to create shared prosperity, protect our public services and build a fairer Britain.

A Labour government will work with you, we will give schools the funding the need and we will ensure you and your staff get the respect and resources you need.

We have a duty to our children and we will meet it.

Thank you.

[Standing ovation]


Watch the video here.

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In case of war with North Korea, the US would face a military challenge as perhaps never before in the last seventy years. This is why a conventional deterrence is actually more important than the nuclear one if we break down a realistic war scenario. The downside is that the DPRK is fully aware that if it responded to a US attack, even in a limited way and only on military targets, it would be flagged as an aggressor, paving the way for a larger foreign intervention.

To answer this question, it is necessary to examine what would entail a US attack on North Korea. Suffice it to say that as the neocon Senator John McCain has admitted, the US would be unable to defend Seoul (as well as its US bases nearby) in the first 24 to 48 hours of a conflict. A city of 20 million inhabitants, together with military bases containing thousands of soldiers, would suffer untold loss of life.

The United States would certainly suffer huge losses, revealing weaknesses that could be exploited in future conflicts, a consideration that would need to be considered if contemplating shooting down DPRK missiles.

China would certainly not be happy to risk a humanitarian catastrophe on its own border, not to mention being eventually forced to intervene to defend its ally (there is a treaty between the two countries). Japan and South Korea would be hit hard, being clearly exposed to a North Korean retaliatory attack; so they clearly do not want a war with Pyongyang. The great truth about the Korean Peninsula is that despite the fact that every country flexes its muscles and seems ready to act, no one wants this eventuality, as no one could win this war, and everyone would suffer devastating effects both economically and militarily. This is not to mention the popular uproar that would arise from so many civilian deaths, let alone were there to be a nuclear escalation.

In the Korean peninsula, we are faced with a great strategic game in which the DPRK becomes more difficult to attack with each passing day, thanks to its conventional forces rather than its nuclear power. This is something that western planners tend to ignore in order to avoid accentuating the power of the DPRK. Unfortunately for them, this is something that is far too well known to US soldiers, and especially South Koreans, which is why a real attack on the DPRK is absolutely out of the question for Seoul.

Finally, there is a worrying aspect to consider for the DPRK’s opponents, namely the alleged ways in which the DPRK preserves and launches its conventional forces. In the parade on April 15, a large availability of solid-fuel mobile platforms was displayed. This creates two great advantages: the first being the ability to launch a missile within a short space of time, thereby minimizing the risk of detection during such things as refueling operations; and the second, of course, being the ability to launch a missile and then quickly change position (shoot and scoot). With mobile launchers, it is impossible to track and hit all such systems in a preemptive attack. This is without factoring into the equation the North Korean submarines that are said to be able to launch medium- and short-range SLBMs with conventional or nuclear warheads.

An indication of the confusion that prevails amongst military planners regarding North Korea can easily be seen with the story of USS Carl Vinson. Ships with significant attack capabilities, Trump said a few days ago, were sailing towards the DPRK with the intention of inducing Kim to talks through military intimidation. However, the reality was that the carrier group was actually thousands of miles away, continuing to navigate in the opposite direction. Even without this ridiculous situation, US military leverage hardly works with the DPRK for the reasons explained above.

With this unprecedented gaffe, the United States is at least divided internally on what to do, sending a troublesome message to its allies, leaving them with the following set of questions: Is Trump really in control of the armed forces? Can his words be taken seriously? Is he consistent with his intentions? The first 100 days of the Trump presidency raise these questions, and in difficult scenarios such as the one that obtains in the Korean Peninsula, they take a heavy toll. At the end of the day, in Korea we are faced with a lot of smoke and mirrors, threats and promises. But realistically, no one wants a conflict.

On the contrary, war rhetoric rewards virtually all the actors involved.

Japan and South Korea aim for more American involvement in the region, but for very different reasons. The South Korean elite is in a crisis, Park Geun-hye daughter of the founder of the country having been fined for corruption and the likely new president seeming to have positions on the DPRK and the alliance with the US that are very different from that of his predecessors. The danger the US sees is that a substantial part of the South Korean elite prefers a shift from a strongly anti-DPRK and pro-US policy to a more balanced one, especially with China, South Korea’s main partner. The best solution to prevent this change is to raise the level of tension with the DPRK (and, as a consequence, with China), aiming to solidify the US presence in the country (witness the urgent deployment of the THAAD system, which candidate Moon Jae-in seems to oppose).

The Japanese case is even more explicit, with Abe’s nationalist vision aiming for a constitutional revision that does away with the limits placed on Tokyo’s armed forces. The US war industry will of course benefit, ready to sell weapons of all kinds to Japan in to reassure its ally over the “North Korean threat”. China and Russia start from different assumptions in their relations with the DPRK, but both have enough problems on the world stage to become embroiled in an open crisis involving the DPRK. Obviously, Moscow and Beijing would like a reasonable diplomatic resolution, negotiated by several actors, with the backdrop of talks with the Iranian Islamic Republic over nuclear matters.

The latter is a matter, as we have seen, that is difficult to reach between Washington and Pyongyang for lack of mutual trust. In the case of an extended negotiation with other regional and global actors, perhaps Beijing and Moscow could ensure the inviolability of the DPRK’s territory in exchange for disarmament that would lead to a lifting of the sanctions and embargo on Pyongyang.

This is still a controversial consideration, as Russia and China should provide military aid to the DPRK without Pyongyang having nuclear deterrence. From another point of view, it is the conventional forces of the DPRK that provide real deterrence, so a multi-stakeholder peace proposal is to be considered the second most likely outcome of tensions in the region.

What will happen next?

In the first place, a likely outcome is immobility and inaction, coupled with strong statements filled with threats from both the US and its allies, as well as a defiant response from Pyongyang. Personally, I am convinced that Kim would like an acknowledgement of his country’s status as a nuclear power in exchange for a halt in his development of nuclear weapons, thereby standardizing relations with neighbors and with the United States as well as gaining greater independence from China.

It should not be surprising that Pyongyang also has a more multi-polar vision in its foreign policy, but this relies more on Washington than Beijing. Unfortunately, it is difficult to imagine an immediate resolution of the situation given the commitment of Japan and South Korea to maintaining a hostile climate for the DPRK in the region, calling for American involvement. It is likely that the situation will not degenerate but instead return to normal as tensions in the region progressively subside, without seeing any particular concessions from either side.

Federico Pieraccini is an independent freelance writer specialized in international affairs, conflicts, politics and strategies.

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The total muddle that is US policy toward Syria continues to astonish. This week we saw the spectacle of a State Department Spokesman telling us that President Obama’s promise to not put US boots on the ground in Syria, was never a promise not to put boots on the ground in Syria. Yes, it was funny to see him squirm, but there is nothing funny about the past five years of disastrous policy in Syria. Particularly considering the thousands killed once the US decided that “Assad must go” and began sending in fighters to make that happen.

Now we see the extraordinary situation where the US government admits that the militia groups Jaish al-Islam and Ahrar al-Sham are fighting alongside and are “intermingled with” al-Qaeda’s Nusra Front, but resoundingly rejects the Russian request to therefore classify these two groups terrorist.

In fact, not only does fighting alongside and “intermingling with” al-Qaeda not get a group classified “terrorist,” the US government is actually asking Russia and the Syrian government to stop shooting at such groups!

Here’s State Department Spokesman Mark Toner making the request:

Check the video here

So the State Department is urging the Syrians and Russians to stop bombing Aleppo because Jaish al-Islam and Ahrar al-Sham are operating there, even though it also admits that the groups are “intermingling” with al-Qaeda’s Nusra Front.

But it gets even more bizarre, as Pentagon Spokesman Col. Steve Warren said last week in a press briefing that “it’s primarily al-Nusra who holds Aleppo.”

Why does the State Department urge a cessation of hostilities against the forces holding Aleppo while the Pentagon tells us that it is primarily al-Qaeda’s Nusra Front that is in charge of Aleppo?

Do either of them know what’s going on there?

State Department Spokesman John Kirby tries to explain it away by telling us that because Jaish al-Islam and Ahrar al-Sham are also present (intermingling with Nusra Front — “because they want to be near one another”), there should be no Russian or Syrian attack on Aleppo.

But in a February 22 press briefing, State Department Spokesman Mark Toner explicitly stated that groups who fight alongside al-Nusra Front or other terrorist groups in Syria would be legitimate military targets!

Asked whether the groups fighting alongside al-Nusra in Syria should be considered military targets, Toner made it clear that such actions opened them up to being targeted:

Again, that’s for them to – frankly, to resolve. I mean, if they’re going to be – I mean, they cannot – we have been very clear that – we, the ISSG, have been very clear in saying that al-Nusrah and Daesh are not part of any kind of ceasefire or any kind of negotiated cessation of hostilities. So if you hang out with the wrong folks, then you make that decision.

Is this all coming through clearly? Doesn’t it feel like they are making it up as they go?

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