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First published on November 1, 2023

Video: The “Secret Intelligence” Memorandum and The History of U.S. War Crimes (1945-): Michel Chossudovsky




Update. Israel’s Secret Intelligence Memorandum

An official “secret” memorandum authored by Israel’s  Ministry of Intelligenceis recommending the forcible and permanent transfer of the Gaza Strip’s 2.2 million Palestinian residents to Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula”, namely to a refugee camp in Egyptian territory. There are indications of Israel-Egypt negotiations as well as consultations with the U.S. 

The 10-page document, dated Oct. 13, 2023, bears the logo of the Intelligence Ministry … assesses three options regarding the future of the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip … It recommends a full population transfer as its preferred course of action. … The document, whose authenticity was confirmed by the ministry, has been translated into English in full here on +972. See below, click here or below to access complete document (10 pages)



Option C constitutes the basis for carrying out a Genocide against the People of Palestine. 

M. Ch. Global Research, November 1, 2023, November 27, 2023



Israel’s genocidal bombing of Palestinians in Gaza has (as of October 30) resulted in 8,306 deaths of civilians including more than 3,000 childrenIn the words of Canadian journalist Andrew Mitrovica,

“This is not an onslaught. It is not an invasion. It is not even a war. It is a genocide.” …The monstrous plan is as plain as Netanyahu’s wretched character: Be done with Gaza by erasing Gaza.


CBC Radio Report, October 3, 2023


Israel’s Operation “To Wipe Gaza Off the Map” including the false flag agenda was carefully coordinated with U.S. military and intelligence. It is part of a broader military agenda of US-NATO.

America’s unspoken military practice from World War II to the present consists in routinely targeting civilians, which constitutes a crime against humanity. Netanyahu is Washington’s proxy.

 “Are Special Units of the U.S. Military Fighting Alongside the Israelis”?

It should be understood that Israel’s deliberate targeting of civilians in Gaza is part of a longstanding U.S. military strategy of killing civilians. America is in this regard fully supportive of its Israeli proxy.

In recent developments Israeli officials have justified its killing of civilians in Gaza by pointing to the bombing of the German city of Dresden (a civilian target) as well as many other German cities by the U.S. and Britain towards the end of World War II. 

Dresden versus Gaza 

Similarly, the U.S. applied the same strategy of targeting Japanese civilians with fire bombs towards the end of World War II. 

America’s Strategy of Killing Civilians (1945- )

Since World War II, America’s military strategy has deliberately targeted civilians as well as “civilian objects” including hospitals, schools, churches, residential areas. The evidence is overwhelming.

While this practice is categorized as a crime against humanity, the United States has never been the object of prosecution by the International Criminal Court (ICC).

The history of US-led wars confirms that murdering millions of civilians is an integral part of America’s global war agenda.

During and since World War II , the United States has killed more than 40 million people in a number of countries, most of them civilians, either directly or through proxy by its puppet regimes:

  • GermanyWorld War II: (several cities bombed by U.S. including Dresden, Nuremberg, Hamburg, Cologne); Number of people killed: 600,000 (according to Israeli official’s recent statement)
  • Japan-World War II:  442,000 civilians killed by U.S. and U.K. fire bombing.
  • Korean War 1950-53: Three million civilians killed by U.S. bombing.
  • Vietnam War (1962-1975): 3.8 million civilians killed by U.S. bombing and invasion.
  • Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos (1962-1975): A total of 4.3 million people killed by U.S. in all three countries.
  • Iraq War (2003): Three million Iraqis killed by U.S. invasion.
  • The U.S.’ so-called “War on Terrorism” has killed up to 4.6 million people in Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Libya, Syria, Somalia and Pakistan according to a Brown University report.   
  • Pakistan 1971: Up to three million ethnic Bengalis killed by the Pakistan army (a U.S. proxy) in East Pakistan (the country’s biggest province). Due to this East Pakistan separated from Pakistan and became Bangladesh.  
  • The invasion of the Democratic Republic of the Congo by U.S. proxies Rwanda and Uganda beginning in 1998 has killed more than 6.9 million civilians. This genocide continues.

The above is a partial list which does not include Afghanistan, Sudan, Yemen, Libya, Syria, Indonesia, Angola, Mozambique and Latin America. Also of relevance are deaths resulting from famines and mass poverty enforced by U.S. policies globally, especially by sanctions. 

Former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright (who assumed this post in 1997) was asked by the CBS interviewer Leslie Stahl in 1996 about the deadly effect of U.S. sanctions on Iraqi children. Stahl: “We have heard that half a million children have died. Is the price worth it?”

Albright replied,

“I think it is a very hard choice but the price–we think the price is worth it.” 

The number of Iraqi children killed by U.S. sanctions up to 1996 was 575,000. Currently, Washington has imposed sanctions on 39 countries.

As Kevin Reese and Margaret Flowers put it in their 2020 Global Research article,

“Economic sanctions are an act of war that kills tens of thousands of people each year through financial strangulation.” 

The list of U.S. war crimes above confirms that: 

The Israeli genocide of Palestinians does not emanate from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu but from the U.S. Empire.

The mass murder of civilians has been part of U.S. military doctrine since World War II and Washington has attempted to “normalize” this practice in one war after another.  

World War II. Germany and Japan

“The world will note that the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, a military base. That was because we wished in this first attack to avoid, insofar as possible, the killing of civilians” said U.S. President Harry Truman in a radio address on August 9, 1945. “We will use [this weapon] so that military objectives…are the target and not women and children.”

Of course Hiroshima was a city of 350,000 civilians and not a military target. Prof. Michel Chossudovsky in his article on the Hiroshima bombing, calls Truman “a liar and a criminal”.  

“Had [Truman] been misled by his advisers that Hiroshima was a military base and that it was OK to bomb… was he stupid and uneducated?”

The U.S. firebombing of Tokyo on March 9, 1945, is considered the single most deadly air raid in history killing more than 100,000 civilians, injuring a million and making another million people homeless.

The bombing destroyed half of Tokyo.  

Kisako Motoki, then 10 years old, lost her parents and brother to the bombing. She recalls:

“I saw melted bodies piled up on top of each other as high as a house.  I saw black pieces, bits of bodies everywhere on the ground and burnt corpses in the water.  I couldn’t believe this was happening in this world.”

Haruyo Nihei, another survivor of the Tokyo bombing, says U.S. claims that its planes were bombing factories are “false”.  “There were no big military factories in the areas they bombed on March 9” she explains, “they did it as punishment. I believe they should be held accountable for war crimes.”

Curtis LeMay, the U.S. Air Force general, who ordered the bombing of Tokyo said: 

“[U.S. forces] scorched and boiled and baked to death more people in Tokyo on that night… than Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined.”

LeMay admitted that

“if he had been on the losing side, he would be charged with war crimes.”           

The Korean War (1950-53)

US military sources confirm that 20 percent of North Korea’s population was killed off over a three-year period of intensive bombings. Every single family in North Korea lost a loved one in the course of the Korean War.

According to General Curtis LeMay who was head of the Strategic Air Command during the Korean War:

“After destroying North Korea’s 78 cities and thousands of her villages, and killing countless numbers of her civilians… over a period of three years…we killed off 20% of the population…perhaps an unprecedented percentage of mortality suffered by one nation due to the belligerence of another.”

North Korea lost up to 30% of its population (more than three million people) due to U.S. bombing according to War Veteran and Global Research Associate Brian S. Willson

“Everyone I talked with, dozens and dozens of folks, lost one if not many more family members during the war especially from the continuous bombing…deliberately dropped on virtually every space in the country…The pained memories of the people are still obvious and their anger at ‘America’ is often expressed.” 

Pyongyang 1953

Pyongyang 2023

General MacArthur Says “Sorry for the Human Suffering”

Image: Truman and MacArthur, 1950

The criminal bombings of Pyongyang in 1951 ordered by president Truman, had been opposed by General Douglas MacArthur who was commander of allied forces in Korea:

“A defiant Douglas MacArthur appeared before Congress and spoke of human suffering so horrifying that his parting glimpse of it caused him to vomit.

“I have never seen such devastation,” the general told members of the Senate Armed Services and Foreign Relations committees. At that time, in May 1951, the Korean War was less than a year old. Casualties, he estimated, were already north of 1 million.

“I have seen, I guess, as much blood and disaster as any living man,” he added, “and it just curdled my stomach.”  (quoted by the Washington Post, August 10, 2017)

As Chossudovsky explains in his September 2013 article on the Korean War:

“The Korean War set the stage for a global process of militarization and U.S.-led wars… In the words of U.S. General Wesley Clark  quoting a senior Pentagon official,

‘We’re going to take out seven countries in five years starting with Iraq then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and finishing off, Iran. (March 2, 2007)


The Vietnam War 

From 1965 until 1975, the United States military dropped “more than 7.5 million tons of bombs on Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia, double the amount dropped on Europe and Asia during World War IIIt remains the largest aerial bombardment in human history.” 

During the Vietnam War, the U.S. expanded the style of genocidal warfare it had perfected in Korea, bombing three countries at the same time, Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos. 

Image: Vietnam War protestors march at the Pentagon in Washington, DC on October 21, 1967.

The bombing of Vietnam was accompanied by a ground invasion of a million American and allied troops who devastated the country for ten years generating a holocaust. 

3.8 million Vietnamese civilians were killed in the war, 5.3 million civilians were wounded and 11 million Vietnamese were made refugees. Another 4 million Vietnamese were doused with 20 million gallons  of the toxic chemical herbicide called Agent Orange dropped by U.S. planes leading to hundreds of thousands of civilian deaths.

The spraying of Agent Orange destroyed three generations of Vietnamese children (up to the present) many thousands of whom were and are born with serious mental disorders and physical deformities.  Many babies were still-born or without brains, arms and legs.   

“It’s suffering on an almost unimaginable scale” says Nick Turse author of the 2013 book Kill Anything that Moves: The Real American War in Vietnam (Macmillan).  

According to Turse, “indiscriminate killing was a deliberate strategy of the U.S. military.”  And this strategy was “dictated at the highest levels of the [Pentagon].” Turse explains that the military was obsessed with body counts:

“So when they were not able to achieve victory through attrition, through the body count, the only recourse was to increase the firepower and this was turned loose on the Vietnamese countryside.” 

The role of racism was also central to U.S. strategy. Similar to Israeli officials calling Palestinians “human animals” the U.S. military dehumanized the Vietnamese. 

“The idea was that the Vietnamese were not really people” says Turse “they were subhuman, mere ‘gooks’ who could be killed or abused at will.  I talked to veterans who told me that from the moment they got into basic training, they were told, Never call them Vietnamese, call them gooks or dinks, slopes, slants, rice-eaters.’  Anything to take away their humanity, to dehumanize them and make it easy to see any Vietnamese–all Vietnamese as the enemy.”       

Demolishing Iraq: Iraq War I. The Gulf War (1991)

More than thirty-two years ago, the so-called “Gulf War” (Iraq War I) was launched against Iraq on January 17, 1991.

Of relevance to Palestine, extensive crimes against humanity were committed by the US and its NATO allies under the banner of  a “peace making operation”. 

Remember: The 1991 Gulf War: The Massacre of Withdrawing Soldiers on “The Highway of Death”

There for 60 miles every vehicle was strafed or bombed, every windshield is shattered, every tank is burned, every truck is riddled with shell fragments. No survivors are known or likely. The cabs of trucks were bombed so much that they were pushed into the ground, and it’s impossible to see if they contain drivers or not. Windshields were melted away, and huge tanks were reduced to shrapnel.”


Those extensive crimes against humanity were the beginning of a long and unending war against the people of Iraq. 

Destroying Iraq. Iraq War II (2003- )

During April 2004, the Iraqi city of Fallujah was almost completely destroyed by the U.S. military which showed no regard for its massive killing of civilians as documented by Felicity Arbuthnot who reported from Iraq on this massacre. She quotes Brigadier-General Mark Kimmett who was asked by a reporter:

“You talk about a clean war in Fallujah but the Iraqis have an image through television, from what is happening in Fallujah including killing children. 

Is there a way that you can convince Iraqis through your point of view that you have only utilized force against terrorists?”

As Arbuthnot puts it,

“With his hallmark contempt for humanity, Kimmit replied:

 “With regards to the solution on the images of Americans killing innocent civilians, my solution is quite simple, change the a legitimate, authoritative, honest news station. 

The stations that are showing Americans intentionally killing women and children are not legitimate news sources. That is propaganda and lies.”

Image: Depleted uranium shells, Fallujah

Marines killed so many civilians that the municipal soccer stadium had to be turned into a graveyard”. (Emphasis added)

According to Felicity Arbuthnot:

The Americans invaded, chillingly: “house to house, room to room”, raining death and destruction on the proud, ancient “City of Mosques.”

One correspondent wrote: “There has been nothing like the attack on Fallujah since the Nazi invasion and occupation of much of the European continent – the shelling and bombing of Warsaw in September 1939, the terror bombing of Rotterdam in May 1940.”

Arbuthnot emphasizes that Fallujah was in fact made “a free fire zone” by the U.S. military:

“two hospitals were demolished…and at the General Hospital, patients and doctors were initially handcuffed, the ‘liberators’ regarding it as a ‘centre of propaganda’, since the staff talked … of the numbers of dead and wounded they were treating. The ‘non-American wounded were in essence left to die’ as a result. “

Arbuthnot quotes a Lt. Col Pete Newell as saying that U.S. forces wanted 

“Fallujah to understand what democracy is all about.” 

US Military Doctrine and Israel’s Ongoing Genocide

Israel’s current genocide against the Palestinians of Gaza is a continuation of the horrendous civilian killings carried out by the US and its NATO allies since the Second World War.

The atrocities committed in Palestine are similar to those committed in Fallujah. Washington’s fingerprints are on the Gaza genocide. Netanyahu has the unconditional support of the Biden administration. 

From Dresden to Gaza (1945-2023): The Death of 40++ Million People

From Dresden to Gaza, the U.S.’ “hallmark contempt for humanity” has resulted in the death of more than 40 million people.

The people of the Global South are in the way of Washington and its proxies who covet the valuable mineral resources these people happen to live over or near. 

The massacres of Gazans, Congolese and Iraqis (among others) facilitate access to these minerals (natural gas in the case of Gaza) ensuring the continuing impoverishment of the Global South and the resulting enrichment of the U.S. empire.   


The Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG) stands in solidarity with the People of Palestine.


This text was written by Dr. Asad Ismi and Prof. Michel Chossudovsky

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First published on November 4, 2023


On Saturday October 7, 2023 the military section of Hamas in Gaza, one of the National Liberation organizations of Palestine, initiated a military incursion inside Israel, killing many Israeli civilians. The corporate media, politicians, and some in the international community, are desperately trying to convince us that this was an “unprovoked” attack.

This characterization is so banal, simplistic, and loaded with falsehood, one could ignore the misinformation were it not for the fact that the Israeli/Palestinian conflict stems from a long history of injustice. Just this year for example, before Hamas’ military action, independent media and human rights organizations reported that over 225 Palestinians, including children, have been killed by Israeli security forces. But there’s much more; lets trace the historical background.

The Context of the Current Conflict

The genesis of the current Israeli/Palestine conflict began in 1897 when the First Zionist Congress was held in Switzerland, establishing the World Zionist Movement.

The Jews strove for their own homeland after suffering systemic anti-semitism and pogroms in Europe. The Zionists initially considered countries like Cyprus, Argentina, Uganda, and the State of Texas in the United States. However they ultimately decided on Palestine, the historic homeland of the Jews where Arabs had been living for thousands of years and now owned close to 100 percent of the land. Liberal Zionists like Achad Ha’am wanted to coexist with the Arabs but a more violent element of the Zionist settlers wanted to displace them.

In 1917, Arthur Balfour, Britain’s Foreign Minister, sent a letter to Lionel Rothschild, a leader of the British Jewish community, requesting “…the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people.” The letter further stated that Britain would “use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object.” This letter is historically known as the Balfour Declaration. The British earnestly facilitated European Jews emigration to Palestine where their population was under 30 percent.

The Balfour Declaration pictured right, with portrait of Arthur James Balfour left. (Source: MintPress News)

Although the Balfour Declaration hypocritically suggested that “nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine;” the complete opposite was done by the settlers. The Jews used the opportunity and the conditions created by the Declaration to undermine Palestine while organizing and arming themselves, all of which became the precursor to establishing the formal State of Israel through the Nakba in 1948.

During this almost two-year siege more than 500 Palestinian villages were destroyed, over 13,000 Palestinians killed and more than 750,000 forced to flee their homes. To this day the majority of Palestinians have not and cannot return to their former homes, because Israel through its occupation and policies have prevented it. Al-Jazeera has reported that

“Palestinian refugees and their descendants number more than seven million. Many still languish in refugee camps in neighbouring Arab countries, waiting to return to their homeland.”


Western powers thus helped establish the state of Israel on territory belonging to indigenous Palestinians. For 75 years the people of Palestine have experienced occupation, genocide, apartheid, ethnic cleansing, bombings, raids, wanton killings including women and children, frivolous imprisonment, torture and indefinite detention. All these atrocities can be considered to have been fueled by a Zionist ideology rooted in racism, national chauvinism, and a misguided fallacy of religious exclusivity.

In the “1967 War” Israel completed its pogrom against the Palestinian people by seizing all the remaining lands of the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and the Golan Heights.

For the next 56 years, Israel has committed terrible crimes against the local population during its continued illegal occupation of Palestine:

  • Numerous military checkpoints;
  • a “passbook” system of identification;
  • separation walls;
  • frequent military raids and operations resulting in the massacre of civilians;
  • wanton air-raids and bombings against civilian targets;
  • military sniper shootings of civilians;
  • destruction of infrastructure and the destruction of olive plantations; 
  • restricting of free movement and the unification of families are a fraction of the apartheid and genocidal experience of the daily life of the Palestinian people.

Palestinian farmers inspect the damage done to their olive trees by Israeli settlers [Issam Rimawi/Anadolu Agency]

Palestinian farmers inspect the damage done to their olive trees by Israeli settlers. [Source:]

National Liberation Is Not Terrorism

In the attempt to splinter the Palestinian resistance to Israeli occupation and undermine the secular Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), Hamas was ironically created with the support of Mossad, Israel’s national intelligence agency that works closely with the CIA.

Israel, as CAM has recently documented, continues to finance Hamas with the goal of perpetuating violent conflict. This instills fear in the Israeli population so they will support Israeli’s reigning oligarchy which increasingly exploits Israel’s working class.

While Hamas is characterized as a terrorist organization and indeed commits terrorist attacks like the Tribe of Nova massacre on October 7, many Palestinians consider it to be a liberation organization that gains further legitimacy by providing badly needed social services to the people.

Hamas’ demands, prior to and after the October 7th operation they called “Operation Al-Aqsa Flood,” are: freeing all political prisoners; respecting the sanctity of Palestinian holy sites in Jerusalem; and ending the 17-year siege on Gaza among others.

I vividly recall when the people of Gaza in 2007 elected Hamas as their organizational representative; Israel and their international collaborators, headed by the United States, decried the election results and used armed force to dissolve the results of the election and isolate Hamas.

News Click has published a short list of military atrocities carried out by the Israeli Security forces against the people of Palestine:

-Operation Summer Rains (June2006);

-Operation Autumn Clouds (October – November 2006);

-Operation Hot Winter (February – March 2008);

-Operation Cast Lead (December 2008 – January 2009);

-Operation Running Echo (March 2012);

-Operation Pillar Cloud (November 2012);

-Operation Protective Edge (July – August 2014);

-Operation Black Belt (November 2019);

-Operation Breaking Down (August 2022).

Included in this list should also be the massacre of 1953 in the West Bank where 69 Palestinians were killed by Israeli security forces when 45 of their houses in the village of Qibya were blown up. Who can forget in January of this year, the Israeli massacre in Jenin also in the West Bank; medical attention was severely delayed because of the presence of Security Forces snipers, and the targeting of hospitals and makeshift clinics with tear gas.

The military incursion by Hamas into Israel, is a direct result of 75 years of the illegal and immoral occupation, dehumanization, genocidal and apartheid living conditions heaped on the people of Palestine by a belligerent, fascist, and colonialist State of Israel.

It is simplistically infantile, and illogical to expect that human beings so oppressed would not offer resistance, including military action; this logic lays bare the ignorance of those who call Hamas’ incursion a “surprise,” and worse, “unprovoked.”

  • The struggle for National Liberation and self-determination takes many forms, depending on the objective social conditions.
  • The people of Palestine were forcibly driven from their ancestral homes;
  • they were and continue to be subjected to atrocities, carried out by one of the most repressive regimes in the history of mankind.
  • Resistance is inevitable and resistance is justifiable.

Israel and its media collaborators, would have us believe that only Israelis and Americans were taken hostage; but again, it’s party of the hapless “victim” strategy of Israel to garner increased support for their genocide and apartheid against Palestinians. The hostages taken are dual nationals and “citizens of more than 20 countries,” reports Al-Jazeera.

Unfortunately, in the absence of a clear and firm understanding of revolutionary theory, errors in judgment and execution will be made by revolutionary forces. At the same time the status of the enemy cannot be underestimated or overestimated; Both are extremes that can prove critical to the forward movement of the liberation struggle. Underestimation can result in adventurist actions that drowns the liberation struggle in blood unnecessarily. Overestimation can lead to in-action, political impotence and strengthens the position of the enemy. Revolutionaries have to be always aware of the advice of late Cuban President Fidel Castro; always maintain moral superiority over the enemy. The international rules of conduct surrounding military engagement must be observed and practiced.

Ethnic Cleansing Again for Gaza

On October 9, 2023 the Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, announced that Israel will impose a total blockade on Gaza.

This constitutes a total siege on the already occupied and beleaguered territory, which has resulted in the cutting off of food, electricity, and water. This action is illegal under International Law as it constitutes a crime against humanity.

While Gaza has been pounded daily by air-strikes and bombings, Israel has mobilized up to 300,000 troops near the border with Gaza. On October 12, Israel issued evacuation orders for the over 1 million people living in Gaza, to move south within 24 hours or “face death.”

Gaza currently is an area of 225 square miles; it is the most densely populated area on earth, with an estimated 2.3 million residents living in what is often referred to as the largest open-air prison in the world. The evacuation order is not only cynical and condescending, but also shows the arrogance of Israel; it is also logistically impossible. You cannot move that amount of people within that time and the most important question is: “move them to where?”

The crux of the matter is that Israel is opportunistically using the current conflict as a pretext to continue and escalate its ethnic cleansing of Gaza and expand the ongoing building of settlements.

A considerable amount of Gaza’s residents are refugees or descendants of refugees who were forced out of their homes in 1948, the founding of the State of Israel. A significant number of Palestinians have been killed during this siege on Gaza, including an attack on the refugee camp in Jabalia; as reported by the Palestinian Health Ministry and the official Palestinian news agency WAFA.

Whilst meeting with U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken on October 13, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas rejected the evacuation order of Israel. Al-Jazeera, TeleSur and other independent media sources have reported that President Abbas underscored the urgency for humanitarian corridors to be opened to Gaza; this will allow the restoration of water, electricity, fuel, and much needed medical supplies to reach the people of Gaza. This cutting off of Gaza worsens the already Israeli imposed 17-year blockade on Gaza.

The United States and International Hypocrisy

There have been 77 Resolutions passed by the UN General Assembly condemning the occupation, genocidal, and apartheid treatment of Israel against the people of Palestine. The United States has never voted on one, and Israel has never been held accountable for ignoring any of the Resolutions.

Ever since its retaliatory actions against Hamas and Gaza, Israel has violated several international protocols surrounding military conflicts: The bombing and air-strikes against civilian targets, including schools and hospitals; carrying out “collective punishment” operations in Gaza; and the use of white phosphorus, an agent that is banned by International Law.

None of the corporate media or reactionary politicians have condemned the use of this agent, nor do they call for Israeli accountability for using this deadly substance that burns through to the bone.

All the “frothing at the mouth” concerns regarding human rights and morality have suddenly been abandoned; Where are the calls for sanctions and the implementation of such sanctions? Where is the listing of Israel as a sponsor and perpetrator of state-sponsored terrorism?

As of October 22, 2023 the death toll in Gaza has topped 5,000 with at least 2,000 of them being children. This is unbridled barbarism by any definition and is incomparable to the Hamas’ incursion into Israel.

The President of the United States, Joe Biden, reactionary politicians, and the corporate media, are complicit in the massacre and ethnic cleansing currently taking place in Gaza. Israelis are referred to as being “killed,” Palestinian deaths are referred to as “casualties.” This is the most blatant example of a racist narrative and encouragement of genocide in recent history. There is no “war with Hamas;” Israel’s intent is to wipe out Palestine and the United States’ government is complicit in this by their uncritical support of Israel and providing it with money and weapons to carry out this Zionist atrocity.

The wider international community is also complicit in the seemingly permanent subjugation of the people of Palestine; while they have given “lip” service to the rights of the Palestinian people, they have ignored enforcing any of the United Nations resolutions on Israel. They have been selective in their condemnation of human rights atrocities and violations against Palestine. The President of the European Commission, Roberta Metsola, was very emphatic last year, when she referred to Russia’s alleged attack on civilian targets in Ukraine as terror; however, everyone is now silent even in the face of documented and proven terror by Israel against Palestinians. France and Germany have banned public solidarity protests in support of the people of Palestine.

What Is to be Done

  • There needs to be a complete cease-fire by both parties in the conflict.
  • Boycott, divestment, and sanction movements against Israeli apartheid and genocide need to be strengthened and expanded.
  • The United States must stop its obscene financial and military support of Israel, which props up an oppressive, state-terrorist regime.
  • Israel must put an end to the continued building and expansion of illegal settlements.
  • Israel must withdraw all troops from occupied Palestine, return all lands stolen in the formation of the State of Israel, and all displaced Palestinians should be allowed to return to their homes.
  • Palestine must organize, mobilize, and struggle for reparations from Israel to compensate for 75 years of land stealing, genocide, humanitarian, and the physical destruction of their Homeland. While no cost can be put on the human toll the Palestinians have paid in defense of their Homeland, reparations is a small moral gesture for Israel’s illegal and violent occupation of Palestine.
  • The Israeli/Palestine conflict is not an issue to be solved militarily. It’s a political issue that is best resolved by a two-state solution.


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Richard Dunn is a retired construction professional, trained in Architecture and Energy Management. He’s been a social justice activist since 1968 and was particularly active with the Walter Rodney defense demonstrations. Richard is an author, a contributing columnist to newspapers, an editor for a music industry magazine and operates a social justice website. Richard can be reached at: [email protected].

Featured image is from Al Mayadeen English

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First published on November 28, 2023


“Hell is Empty and the Devils are All Here”. William Shakespeare, “The Tempest”, 1623 

Peter Koenig’s Contemporary Analysis of “The Tempest 2020-2030”


From 5G to 6G

We, the People, are in a race against the Globalists committed to Depopulation; control the survivors, exploit us, dehumanize us, and ultimately digitize us, so that we can be remotely controlled by 5G;

And, now, just “launched” by China, 6G. See China launches ultra-high-speed next-generation Internet backbone – SHINE News.

Nobody really knows, or at least has not publicly said what 6G is meant to do, what 5G cannot already do. Incidentally, has the health impact of 6G been studied? Maybe. But nobody divulges the results.

This is how Qualcomm describes 5G:

5th generation mobile network. It is a new global wireless standard after 1G, 2G, 3G, and 4G networks. 5G enables a new kind of network that is designed to connect virtually everyone and everything together including machines, objects, and devices. See this.

Nobody has openly spoken about the health impact of 5G, though, that has been studied. Yet, the studies are not revealed to the public.

Beyond George Orwell’s 1984 

There is “guessing”; and scientists who come forward with the truth depicting the impact caused on wildlife and humans by these ultra-microwaves, are most often labeled “conspiracy theorists.” 

This is the “shut-up” phrase for everything the mainstream, the Cabal, the Matrix, the Globalists do not want the public to know. We are way beyond George Orwell’s “1984.”

The 6th Generation Mobile Network or 6G is about 100 times faster, more powerful, than 5G. It will be able to digitize everything. 

This is what RantCell has to say about 6G:

It is Operating at terahertz frequency bands, 6G will deliver a peak data rate of 1,000 gigabits/s having air latency less than 100 microseconds. When we talk about 5G vs 6G network speed, 6G speed is expected to be 100 times faster than 5G with enhanced reliability and wider network coverage. See this. 

We, the People, are in a race – life against death. If we wake up and counteract, the Globalist’s, namely the project of the diabolical protagonists of UN Agenda 2030 and The Great Reset will “be doomed”.

But if we keep letting us being duped, We, the People, “Will go to Hell”.  

This is the reason why the entire UN system is desperate to get the world digitized. The faster the better so, there may be not enough time for We, the People, to wake up in masses to take our world, our lives back before it is too late.

The Financial, Military, IT, Media, Pharma Complex Nominates UNCTAD  

Therefore, the United Nations, the political body under full control of the Globalist Cabal (openly led by Washington), but really, by the powerful Financial, Military, IT, Media, Pharma Complex (FMIMPC), has nominated one of its under-agents, the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) as the flag-carrier – at least for now – for the deadly onslaught of All-Digitization. 

UNCTAD –in blatant derogation of its historical mandate on behalf developing countries, namely the Global South–, will level the playing field, as the saying goes, on behalf of the entire UN System by announcing in a Press Release in Geneva on 15 November 2023, its e-Week from 4 to 8 December 2023, in a major revamp of its annual e-Commerce Week series which began in 2016.

UNCTAD’s Secretary-General, Rebecca Grynspan said,

“The digital economy plays a critical role in advancing development goals at all levels. Through inclusive and multi-stakeholder discussions, we can together build a global digital future that works for all.” 

UNCTAD’s infamous e-Week is called

“UNCTAD e-Week 2023 to Mobilize Global Support for a More Inclusive Digital Economy.”


“More than 3,000 stakeholders from 130 countries will examine how to turn digital opportunities into shared development gains and close existing divides for a sustainable future.”

The text of the Press Release abounds in sloganism, niceties and “noneties” (senseless talk for the “sold to the system gnomes”).

For example…. 

“The Conference is themed for “Shaping the Future of the digital economy”. The topics will feature over 150 sessions focused on tackling pressing issues related to digitalization. Key topics will range from platform governance, the development impact of artificial intelligence (AI), eco-friendly digital practices, to empowering women through digital entrepreneurship and accelerating digital readiness in developing countries.”

This intro-phrase hardly misses one of meaningless globalist jargons, that are now current and circulate in the minds of people, without them giving a second thought of what they really mean. 

Wait a minute, they forgot the term “sustainable”. Surely, it will appear later in the text.

UNCTAD and the “Digital Playing Field”

Very Important Persons (VIP) attending. They also talk about several high-level speakers like Amandeep Sing Gill, the UN Secretary General’s Envoy on Technology; Nizar Ben Neji, Tunisa’s minister of communication and technologies; as well as Henry Puna, Secretary General of the Pacific Islands Forum; and many more IT-VIPs.

The AI Potential. They are not missing out on Tapping the Artificial Intelligence (AI) potential, reminding the world that time is of the essence as the world navigates uncertainties surrounding emerging technologies, including the rapid uptake of AI, which is increasingly revolutionizing the digital economy.

It is clear – our future, the People’s future, is being planned as a digital future. And that, without any consultation. The UN body and those who pull its strings are planning to decide for We, the People. But only if we let them.

Leveling the digital playing field will concentrate on the massive data flows from the digital economy, call for global governance responses to market concentration and unequal distribution of benefits. 

They say that over 70% of the global digital advertising revenue goes to just five digital platforms.

So, what are they planning to do about it? Nothing. Because these five digital platforms control already the world – Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Meta and Microsoft. These behemoths control about 9 trillion dollars-worth of IT communication. And now add “X” (former Twitter) and the horizon for change looks ultra-bleak, especially not by a minor UN body, called UNCTAD. 

This is by far not all.

On the agenda also is another slogan: Harnessing the digital promise, which predicts and promises that the data-driven digital economy holds vast potential for countries to spur economic growth, foster innovation and reduce geographic and physical barriers to inclusive development.

Here is the final icing on the cake:

Digitalization for development – the UNCTAD e-Week platform for constructive and inclusive dialogue is to generate insights and actions that can feed into global efforts, particularly the ongoing UN Global Digital Compact, aimed at catalyzing an open, free, and secure digital future for all, leading up to the UN’s 2024 Summit of the Future.

And for all of that, they need Stronger partnerships; especially with multiple global crises unfolding on geopolitical, economic and climate fronts, countries must make critical decisions to chart digitalization paths for equitable and sustainable development.

They may be talking about the unethical and illegal 2019 compact between Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum (WEF) and the United Nations as well as the wantonly man-made worldwide wars and conflicts, chaos, and killings, just to keep the population at bay, confused and distracted. 

This completes the sloganism: Equitable and sustainable is not forgotten.

“Taking Down a Society That Is Digital” 

When reading between the lines and beyond the slogans and digital jargon propaganda, it is not difficult to see that we are ever-more rapidly moving towards digital enslavement.

Consider what Tucker Carlson has to say in a recent interview that it is easy to “Take Down a Society That is Digital.”

Think about it.

If everything around us is run by digital signals that are controlled by the “Globalist Cabal” (namely the FMIMPC) one or a few switches can turn off our different networks:

  • water supply, electricity, gas, all kinds of energy,
  • food supply,
  • fuel deliveries,
  • traffic signals,
  • all transportation,
  • all communication,
  • the money in our accounts, and much more.

The impacts on people’s lives are beyond description. It does not need a nuclear explosion to implement its depopulation agenda, or the so-called “useless eaters” (a quote from WEF’s Israeli Yuval Noah Harari), that could also endanger those who control the switches. 

And We, the People, would be completely powerless. 

Listen to Tucker Carlson’s interview (start at 05:00).


By now, it should be clear to all of us what is being gradually and, in many ways, imperceptibly prepared for us, We, the People, is “Pure Evil”.

It is, We, who are in the Matrix. The Elites that control the few switches to run the End Game are outside the Matrix. They will keep their supply lines open – of everything, hoping to live in paradise where, We, the People, own nothing but are happy. 

They remote control the Matrix. We self-proclaimed “red-pilled” people thought we were outside and could watch the chaos being created inside.

It is the other way around.

People, do not be fooled. It is a confrontation between the powerful elites, namely the Financial, Military, IT, Media, Pharma Complex (FMIMPC) and the We the People, namely Humanity acting Worldwide at the Grassroots of Society. 


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Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing. 

Featured image is from Children’s Health Defense

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First published on January 18, 2023


There’s soon going to be another reason to either choose vegetarian food options or get your meat from local, trusted sources: mRNA vaccines are about to be heavily implemented across the meat industry, with cattle, chickens, pigs, goats and other livestock targeted for regular mRNA injections.

As we’ve seen with human beings, mRNA injections can:

  1. Circulate throughout the entire body and end up in blood and organs.
  2. Cause the body to produce toxic proteins which can cause toxic effects.
  3. Clog arteries and end up killing or harming people from strokes or heart attacks.
  4. Alter chromosomes and cause permanent genetic changes to the organism.

Hypodermic needles, it turns out, aren’t the only way these mRNA instructions can be introduced into the human body. They can also be swallowed, or they can enter through skin contact. Merely handling raw meat contaminated with mRNA products is likely the equivalent to being exposed to “shedding” from vaccine recipients. And even though stomach acid likely destroys mRNA sequences, there is absorption that takes place in the mouth, under the tongue, which is why many medications and supplements — including CBD oils and zinc — are often best absorbed under the tongue rather than being swallowed.

Thus, merely introducing mRNA-vaccinated animal meat products into your mouth, if not fully cooked, may expose you to a kind of “food shedding” of mRNA products that can be absorbed into your blood and circulated throughout your body. This can include proteins which are alien to the human body.

Pfizer, Bayer and other pharma giants have already announced mRNA vaccines for meat animals

As Dr. Robert Malone revealed in a recent substack article, Big Pharma giants began announcing mRNA vaccines for animals as early as 2016. From his story:

It’s clear that the ranch animal industry is about to be overtaken by mRNA vaccines, which will likely kill a shocking number of ranch animals (and promote increasing infertility) as well as contaminate the meat supply with mRNA artifacts such as spike proteins. Consider this a kind of “ranch animal depopulation” agenda to eliminate meat and force people onto mealworms and crickets (see below).

Soon, if you eat conventional meat products, you will be eating the biotech production results of mRNA mass “vaccination” of animals.

If you eat meat, know where it comes from

From here forward, should you choose to eat meat, know where it comes from. If it comes from factory animal operations, it’s almost certain to soon be contaminated with mRNA biotechnology.

Although still an assumption, it is possible that high heat cooking might destroy some delicate proteins generated by mRNA biotech. For this reason, make sure you avoid eating raw / pink meat products such as rare steaks. We don’t yet know for sure that cooking destroys spike proteins, however, so exercise caution when consuming meat products from conventional sources. (Hopefully we will learn more on this subject and report our findings to you.)

If you eat meat, make an effort to find local meat providers who follow more holistic, natural practices such as avoiding mRNA injections for their herds. Support local farming and you’ll have a supply line of cleaner food. Always choose animals raised with non-GMO, organic feed if possible.

Or you could eat mealworms and “beetle burgers” to appease the globalists

It seems obvious that globalists are trying to both contaminate the meat supply and wipe it out over time, replacing animal meats with grubs, mealworms, crickets and black soldier fly larvae, among other creatures. A article highlights a recent study on mealworms that claims these dried larvae will soon replace chicken in chicken nuggets.

Doesn’t this look like a delicious lunch? Soon, this is what the impoverished masses will be offered as a protein source:

Meanwhile, no doubt, globalists will enjoy prime rib on their private jets while they nibble on non-GMO organic salads, because they know clean food promotes longevity.


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Might vs. Right, and the Insanity of Western Power

Often misattributed to Albert Einstein, the famous adage that “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results” has rarely been more apt than in the case of the traditionally biased Western governments’ position vis-à-vis the Israeli-Arab and Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Remarkably unanimous as far as the substance of the problem is concerned – even though  occasionally divergent on paltry details of pure form – these governments, as well as their powerful relays among the elites and mainstream media, have invariably supported and defended loud and clear the theses and objectives of the Israeli occupier, giving themselves a clear conscience by making false promises and failed commitments to the Palestinians who in the process have steadily been uprooted from their ancestral lands.

Through hypocritical posturing and morally bankrupt double-standard language and procedures, they have thus culpably contributed to the perpetuation of both the plight of the Palestinians and a conflict that colonial Great Britain and France in particular and Nazi Germany created during the past century, and which the United States of America constantly feeds in order to serve its strategic interests[1] in a world that it has relentlessly strived to dominate and control exclusively since the end of the Second World War. 

Subsequently, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has today become explosive, while its solution, on a just and lasting basis, seems to be moving further and further away, giving rise to an unprecedented degree of despair, mutual hatred and violence in an historically volatile region. The ongoing horrendous  Israeli onslaught on the besieged Strip  – the fifth of its kind in just 15 years – is further destabilising the whole region and gravely jeopardising international peace and security, to say the least.

Yet, and fortunately enough, the lines are starting to move in a changing global geostrategic context, chiefly under the combined effect of the end of the dismal American unipolar dominance parenthesis, the resurgence of Russia and China on the global stage, and the gradual emergence of a Global South which legitimately claims the right to participate in the management of the affairs of our increasingly interconnected “planetary village”, most conspicuously under the aegis of the BRICS nations.

It is also worth mentioning here the worldwide  rise of the Vox Populi as a powerful means in modern political communication, from popular street protests and demonstrations to digital platforms and social media networks, and its impact on political authority, participation and representation.

As a result of this momentous historical evolution, there are clear signs of a revolt brewing among Global South nations and peoples and a process of de-Westernization of the world – which lasted more than three centuries – coupled with a transition to a multipolar global order seem to be inexorably underway. Maybe there is, for once, a silver lining in this for the innocent, dispossessed and oppressed Palestinian people, and for the endlessly and purposefully divided and tormented part of the world they belong to, which the European colonisers once called the “Near East”, before the Americans, pursuant to strategist Alfred Thayer Mahan’s determination, decided it should rather be known as the “Middle East”.[2]

Operation “Al-Aqsa Flood”: A Mere Repetition of Past Wars?

In my book[3] published in 2014, following the bloody military operation launched by Israel on the caged Gaza Strip, I dedicated a whole chapter titled “Palestine: the new/old face of an eternal conflict?” in which I wrote: 

“While the occupied West Bank is on the verge of explosion, perhaps a prelude to a third Intifada that the Israeli government fears above all else, the Gaza Strip is already in ruins.

For a month, aerial bombardments and shelling, by land and sea, by the “fourth most powerful army in the world” spared neither the civilian populations, nor the homes, nor the hospitals, nor the mosques, nor Gaza’s only power plant, nor other scarce vital infrastructure like universities and schools, including those run by UNRWA.

The main aim of this deluge of fire was to defeat the government of national unity which had only just been formed by the Palestinians[4] and to break any desire for resistance in this overpopulated enclave transformed into an open-air prison by an inhumane blockade imposed on a population that the “democratic West” had criticized for having democratically chosen its representatives during the 2006 legislative elections. And until the outbreak of this umpteenth Israeli aggression against the Arab States and against the Palestinians, the effects of the blockade on the people of Gaza did not seem to move most of the international community, including some neighbouring Arab States.

And what about the deafening silence of the UN Security Council, usually so quick to wield the sword of Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations to severely punish Arab and Islamic “dictators” and “terrorist organizations”, but so incredibly slow to move – provided there is unanimity among its members of course, which is often not the case – and ultimately settle for adopting non-binding presidential declarations calling on Israel to ‘exercise restraint’? This, even though it is a question of reacting to Israel’s state terrorism and the war crimes and crimes against humanity perpetrated by its very misnamed “IDF” (Israel Defence Forces), according to the very admission of some of its members disgusted by what they see in the daily reality of colonization[5]. And what about the reaction of the moribund League of Arab States, If not to join without hesitation in the appeal launched recently by Dr Ahmed Taleb Ibrahimi, former Algerian Minister of Foreign Affairs (1984-1988)[6], to Arab leaders with a view to its pure and simple dissolution and its replacement by a new institution more in line with the demands of current times and, above all, with the real aspirations of the Arab peoples? 

This genocidal and particularly destructive war[7], whose authors thought they could wage smoothly and with impunity, is in fact transforming into a real strategic and moral rout for Israel and its accomplices in the region and elsewhere, and into a victory for Palestinian resistance[8]. 

Even Foreign Policy and The Economist – which are from being sympathetic to Hamas or hostile to Israel – have espoused this view. Thus, in an editorial with a revealing title[9], the British magazine, after having sacrificed the customary ritual in the West – that is a necessary prior praise to Israel – believes that “it is not surprising that many Israelis have the feeling that the world is against them and believe that criticism of Israel often masks antipathy towards the Jews. But they would be wrong to ignore them completely. This is partly because public opinion matters. For a trading nation built on the idea of ​​freedom, delegitimization is, in the words of an Israeli think tank, ‘a strategic threat’. But also because certain criticisms coming from abroad are well-founded (…) Time is not on Israel’s side. Palestinians would already outnumber Israelis in places where they live together (…) Without the two-state solution, the risk for Israel would be either a permanent and undemocratic occupation depriving Palestinians of the right to vote, or a democracy where Jews constitute a minority. Neither option would correspond to the Jewish homeland with equal rights for all that Israel’s founding fathers aspired to”. Foreign Policy considers, for its part, that “ultimately, Israel lost, notwithstanding the power of its army and its resources, because the Palestinians have a secret weapon which constitutes an asset compared to the Iron Dome: the time is in their favour. With each passing day, their population and the injustice they suffer increases. With each passing day, Israel’s arguments for delaying the establishment of this (Palestinian) state diminish”. 

The Gazans are providing proof, if it were still needed, that only armed resistance is capable of making law and justice triumph in the face of an occupier who has always made brutal force the supreme virtue. The growing disapproval of Arab and international public opinion; the certainly still too timid inflection of the major Western mainstream media, until now almost entirely committed to Zionist theses; the courageous positions taken by a number of elected officials, politicians, academic circles, artists, renowned Western and Israeli authors and even survivors and descendants of victims of Nazism[10]; added to the indiscretions of the American Secretary of State, John Kerry, recently revealed by the international press[11], are the harbingers of a global awareness that is long overdue. We can only sincerely hope for it and rejoice just as much if it were to be finally confirmed. Perhaps we will then witness the beginnings of a salutary change in the attitude of those, among Western governments, who support Israel unconditionally and thereby continue to bear a heavy responsibility for the perpetuation of the historical injustice that they did to the Palestinians. For now, however, the powerful Israeli lobby[12] and its no less powerful media arm are keeping an eye on things, particularly in the United States. How else to explain that just hours after the National Security Council spokesperson’s statement that “The United States condemns the bombing of an UNRWA school in Gaza that reportedly left Palestinians dead and injured innocent people – including children – and UN employees”, the Pentagon spokesperson confirmed for his part that Washington had resupplied Israel with munitions, the very ones which kill Palestinian children, declaring that “The United States United States is committed to ensuring the security of Israel, and it is crucial to American national interests to help Israel develop and maintain a strong and responsive self-defence capability (…) This arms sale is consistent with these goals”?[13] And how else can we interpret the fact that Democratic and Republican members of Congress were working hard to finalize an agreement on an additional $225 million in funding for Israel’s “Iron Dome” before their summer break?[14] And finally how can we justify the presence in Gaza, alongside Israeli soldiers, of numerous American volunteers?[15]

The same influence of this Israeli lobby is true in other Western countries. In France, for example, the testimony recounted in Pascal Boniface’s latest book[16] concerning the risks run by those who dare to criticize Israel’s policies is overwhelming. He states that “dealing with anti-Semitism, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and its consequences on French society by departing from the agreed discourse, and above all by taking the opposite view of the dominant positions in the circles of political powers and media, is not without risk. I have already experienced this (…) I know too many political leaders and too many journalists who do not dare to contradict the argument (of Jewish community authorities) for fear of being accused of anti-Semitism and suffering painful and serious consequences (…) When in 2003 I published “Is it permissible to criticize Israel?”[17], “l’Arche”, the major monthly magazine of the Jewish community, devoted a file of several pages to me under the friendly title “Is it allowed to be anti-Semitic?”. As a result, some of these personalities “are excessively harsh (towards community organizations) off the microphone, while totally approving of them in public”! 

There is no doubt that what is currently happening in Gaza is closely linked to ongoing events in other parts of the Arab-Muslim world. This is one facet, among others, of the long war – both open and covert – which has continued to be waged against all Muslims for a very long time. Questioned on this subject, Dr. Ahmed Taleb Ibrahimi made this reflection: “We must be aware of the fact that fifty years ago we dreamed of Arab unity and Islamic unity, whereas today, in a strange irony, we have come to fear even for the preservation of the integrity of existing entities. Proof of this is that we witnessed the official break-up of Sudan without reacting in the slightest; proof of this is also that we see a de facto partition of Iraq taking place before our eyes without us being able to move; proof of this is also the process of partition and fragmentation underway in Libya, in addition to other states waiting their turn. The renewal of this nation is only possible by being aware of these threats and making sure to avoid them.”[18]

Except for a few chronological details, the content of these excerpts may be mistaken for an actual description of the horrendous events presently taking place in the occupied territories, whether it be for the atrocities committed by Israel against the Palestinian population, epitomised by the mass civilian casualties and the wilful and systematic destruction of their homes and infrastructure, the blatant violation of international humanitarian law, the inability of the international community represented by the United Nations Security Council to impose a ceasefire, the active complicity with and unconditional support to Israel on the part of the overwhelming majority of Western governments, the betrayal of most of the Arab and Muslim leaders, the scandalously biased coverage of the war by the mainstream media in the United States and Europe, or for the way the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is affecting Western and non-Western public attitudes. 

The big picture might even lead one to agree with French novelist Jean Baptiste Alphonse Karr’s proverbial expression “the more things change, the more they stay the same”. And yet, this war is different to the others in many important respects.


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Amir Nour is an Algerian researcher in international relations, author of the books “L’Orient et l’Occident à l’heure d’un nouveau Sykes-Picot” (The Orient and the Occident in Time of a New Sykes-Picot) Editions Alem El Afkar, Algiers, 2014 and “L’Islam et l’ordre du monde” (Islam and the Order of the World),  Editions Alem El Afkar, Algiers, 2021. 


[1] During his 18 July 2023 meeting with his Israeli counterpart in the Oval office of the White House in Washington D.C., President Joe Biden repeated a line he famously said in 1986 : “If there were not an Israel, we’d have to invent one”, The Conversation, 25 July 2023.

[2] Read the brilliant analysis of Chas W. Freeman Jr., “The Middle East is Once Again West Asia”, Remarks to the Middle East Forum at Falmouth, 6 August 2023.

[3] Amir Nour, «L’Orient et l’Occident à l’heure d’un nouveau Sykes-Picot», op cit..

[4] Read: Ari Shavit, «Top PM aide: Gaza plan aims to freeze the peace process», Haaretz, 6 October 2004. In this interview Dov Weisglass, a senior adviser to Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, revealed in clear terms the true and malevolent intentions of the Israeli Government in the presentation of its so-called “disengagement plan” approved in June 2004. He said that Mr. Sharon devised the disengagement plan as a means of “freezing” the peace process and ensuring that there would be no political process with the Palestinians. Weisglass further explained that “when you freeze that process, you prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state, and you prevent a discussion on the refugees, the borders and Jerusalem. Effectively, this whole package called the Palestinian state, with all that it entails, has been removed indefinitely from our agenda. And all of this with authority and permission. All with a presidential blessing and the ratification of both houses of Congress”.

[5] O. K, «How an army of defense became an army of vengeance» ; Avner Gvaryahu, «I’ve seen how shockingly we treat Palestinians» ; Yehuda Shaul, «Un ancien officier israélien : “ Notre but était de semer la peur», in Le Monde newspaer of du 22 July 2014 :,  as well as the poignant testimony of Eran Efrati, «On The Wrong Side Of History: Ex-Israeli Soldier Speaks Out»:

[6] Interview with the Algerian newspaper El Khabar, 23 July 2014:

[7] Read to that effect:

– An opinion titled «Lever la voix face au massacre perpétré à Gaza», by former French Prime minister and minister of foreign affairs, Dominique de Villepin, in Le Figaro magazine, 31 July 2014.

– Jess Rosenfeld: «Israel’s Campaign to Send Gaza Back to the Stone Age», The Daily Beast, 29 July 2014.

– Amos Regev: «Return Gaza to the Stone Age» Israel Hayom, 9 July 2014. 

[8] Ariel Ilan Roth, «How Hamas Won : Israel’s Tactical Success and Strategic Failure», Foreign Affairs, 20 July 2014, Brent Sasle, «Israel’s Hollow Victory over Hamas, Haaretz, 22 July 2014, Jeffrey Goldberg, «Israel Is Winning Battles But Losing The War, Business Insider, 28 July 2014.

[9] The Economist, «Winning the battle, losing the war»,  2-8 August 2014.

[10] – Noam Chomsky, «A Hideous Atrocity: on Israel’s Assault on Gaza», Democracy Now! 8 August 20014. 

– Gideon Levy, «Killing Arabs to restore quiet», Haaretz, 13 July 2014.

– Amira Haas, «Sans changement de politique, l’Etat d’Israël n’est pas viable», Courrier international :

– MSN News, «Outcry after British MP tweets he would fire rockets at Israel»:;

-Democracy Now!, with Norman Finkelstein and Mouin Rabbani, «After Palestinian Unity Deal, Did Israel Spark Violence to Prevent a New “Peace Offensive“? », 15 July 2014.

– Information Clearing House, «Israel Accused Of War Crimes (UK Parliament)». 

Stop Mensonges, «Les médias mainstream sont sur le point de tomber, la vérité est surpuissante!», 21 July 2014.

-Global research News, «Over 300 Survivors and Descendants of Survivors of Victims of the Nazi Genocide Condemn Israel’s Assault on Gaza», 16 August 2014.

[11] – Courrier International, «Pour John Kerry, Israël risque de “devenir un Etat d’apartheid“», 28 April 2014.

–, «Gaza: Kerry laisse filtrer son irritation devant un micro resté branché à son insu, 21 July 2014.

[12] Read in this respect:

– John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt, «The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy », Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2007.

 -Alison Weir: «Israeli Analyst Explains that the “Special Relationship” Benefits Israel, NOT the US»:

Alison Weir is the author of «Against Our Better Judgment: The Hidden History of How the U.S. Was Used to Create Israel», CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2014.

-Paul Craig Roberts, «The Moral Failure Of The West», Information Clearing House.

– See also:

[13] Le and  AFP, «Les Etats-Unis réapprovisionnent Israël en munitions», 31 juillet 2014.

[14] Arutz Sheva Israel National News, «Congress Scrambling to Approve Iron Dome Boost», 30 juillet 2014.

[15] The Daily Beast, 23 July 2014 : «1,000 Americans Are Serving in the Israeli Army and They Aren’t Alone».

[16] Pascal Boniface, «La France malade du conflit israélo-palestinien», Editions Salvator, 2014.

[17] The book was rejected by seven publishers before finally being accepted by Robert Laffont. The same goes for Michel Bôle-Ricard’s book, «Israël, le nouvel apartheid», which was rejected by ten publishers before its ultimate publication in 2013 by Les liens qui libèrent.

[18] Interview with El Khabar, op. cit.

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More than 85% of the grass fed beef sold in the U.S. is not raised in the U.S., yet it’s labeled “Product of the USA.” As a result of a loophole in the labeling law, American farmers who produce grass fed beef are forced to compete against far less expensive imported grass fed beef

In 2017, raising grass fed beef in Australia cost 59 cents per pound, whereas the cost per pound in the U.S. was $1.55 for large producers and as much as $4.26 per pound for a small farm

One of the reasons for this price discrepancy is the fact that countries like Australia and New Zealand have relatively temperate weather year-round. As a result, their cows can graze on pasture throughout the year, whereas American farmers must purchase feed during the winter

There’s a globally coordinated assault on agriculture. The G20, the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP27) and the World Economic Forum are all pushing for radical reductions in farming to reach “net zero” greenhouse gas emissions

The “sustainability” that globalists are calling for is not the sustainability of the human population. What they’re referring to is the sustainable growth of a new global economic system based on the allocation of finite resources to the technocratic “rulers.” The rest of us will “own nothing,” because they intend to strip us of our ownership rights. It’s crucial that people understand that the “sustainability” solutions currently offered will result in the eradication of a large portion of humanity


The video above is a short excerpt from a Joe Rogan interview (episode 2062) with Will Harris, the owner of a regenerative farm called White Oak Pastures, and his daughter Jenni Harris. In it, they discuss the ramifications of not having country of origin labeling on beef.

Twenty-five years ago, White Oak Pastures was the first “American made” grass fed beef brand on the market. Today, more than 85% of the grass fed beef sold in the U.S. is not raised in the U.S. Most of it comes from Australia, New Zealand and Uruguay. However, all that imported beef is legally labeled “Product of the USA.”

How is that possible? As explained by Will, “If value is added in this country, it’s a product of the USA.” “Added value” includes grinding, slicing, labeling, packaging, reboxing and transporting the meat. In other words, any kind of domestically performed processing and transport.

“But make no mistake, the animal was born, raised and slaughtered in Uruguay, Australia, New Zealand or 20 other countries,” Will says. As a result of this loophole in the labeling law, American farmers like the Harris family are forced to compete against far less expensive imported beef, which obviously has a negative impact on their profit margin.

In 2017, raising grass fed beef in Australia cost 59 cents per pound, whereas the cost per pound in the U.S. was $1.55 for large producers and as much as $4.26 per pound for a small farm.1 Naturally, if an American farmer wants to compete with Australian beef, they have to either find a way to slash costs, or produce at little to no profit. 

One of the reasons for this price discrepancy is the fact that countries like Australia and New Zealand have relatively temperate weather year-round. As a result, their cows can graze on pasture throughout the year, whereas American farmers must purchase feed during the winter. The temperate climate also allows them to maintain much larger herd sizes, and scale cuts down the cost as well.

Country of Origin Labeling Excludes Beef and Pork

The U.S. does have a law in place that requires retailers to notify customers about the country of origin of certain foods. The Country of Origin labeling (COOL) law has been in effect since 2002. When first passed (under Title X of the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002), it applied only to fresh beef, pork and lamb.

In 2008, the COOL requirements were expanded to include fresh fruits, nuts and vegetables. Congress repealed the COOL requirement for beef and pork in 2015 because the World Trade Organization (WTO) had issued a series of rulings prohibiting country of origin labels on these two commodities. The final rule removing mandatory COOL requirements for beef and pork in the U.S. was issued in February 2016.2

Is Your Beef Truly Grass Fed?

American grass fed beef producers also face another unfair hurdle, as the USDA doesn’t have an official definition for “grass fed.” As reported by The Gazette:3

“Unlike anything with an organic seal, which requires adherence to more definitive USDA rules, calling beef ‘grass fed’ doesn’t require an on-farm inspection or even mandate that animals live freely on a pasture.

Some ‘grass fed’ beef comes from cattle raised in grass feedlots, where they are confined in pens and fed grass pellets … Other beef products are labeled ‘grass fed, grain-finished,’ a shorthand for the standard cattle practice of raising cows on grass for most of their lives and then fattening them up quickly at the end.”

Under the USDA, terms like “grass fed” and “free-range” are voluntary marketing claims4 that aren’t backed up by stringent certification requirements or inspections. To address this shortcoming, organizations such as the American Grassfed Association (AGA) have stepped in to create their own national standards.

At present, the best and most rigorous grass fed certification in the U.S. is that of the AGA.5 AGA certified grass fed beef is raised on a 100% grass diet from weaning until slaughter. They’re also raised on pasture, without confinement throughout their life cycle, and are never treated with antibiotics or added growth hormones.

Importantly, all AGA certified animals are also born and raised on American family farms that employ a regenerative approach to farm management. The take-home here is that if you want to support American beef producers, make sure the beef you buy is AGA certified. The “Product of the USA” label is meaningless.

USDA to Revise Labeling Guidelines for Grass Fed Beef

In June 2023, the USDA announced it intends to revise meat labeling guidelines for claims like “grass fed” and “free-range” to require verification of how the animals were actually raised.6 The agency also plans to “strongly encourage” third-party certification to verify grass fed claims.

Time will tell whether the USDA’s revisions will have the intended effect. Time and again, sneaky loopholes have allowed even the largest producers to compete by making claims they don’t live up to.

For example, many large-scale egg producers claim their hens are raised on free-range pasture, when in fact the only “pasture” the chickens have access to is a concrete slab that most can’t get to anyway due to the sheer number of chickens in the flock.

Agriculture Is Under Coordinated Assault

While the USDA may appear to care about food quality and giving consumers accurate and truthful information about the food we buy, the larger agenda is pushing in a different direction entirely. As reported by Global Research,7 there’s a globally coordinated “all-out assault” on agriculture.

“The recent G20 governmental meeting in Bali, the UN Agenda 2030 COP27 meeting in Egypt, the Davos World Economic Forum [WEF] and Bill Gates are all complicit,” Global Research reporter William Engdahl writes.

“Typically, they are using dystopian linguistic framing to give the illusion they are up to good when they are actually advancing an agenda that will lead to famine and death for hundreds of millions not billions if allowed to proceed.”

Engdahl goes on to review the agendas of the G20, Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP278) and the WEF as they pertain to our continued ability to produce food.

G20 Plan — Change Food System to Combat Climate Change

November 13, 2022, the G20 agreed on a final declaration in which they call for “an accelerated transformation” toward “sustainable and resilient” agriculture, food systems and supply chains to “ensure that food systems better contribute to adaptation and mitigation to climate change …”

Importantly, the G20 is committed to achieving “global net zero greenhouse gas emissions/carbon neutrality by or around mid-century.” As noted by Engdahl:9

“’Sustainable agriculture’ with ‘net zero greenhouse gas emissions’ is Orwellian doublespeak … What in fact is being promoted is the most radical destruction of farming and agriculture globally under the name ‘sustainable agriculture.’”

COP27 Plan — Kill Farming to ‘Save the Planet’

Days after the G20 meeting, the UN’s COP27’s annual Green Agenda Climate Summit meeting took place. There, participants (which included UN member states and hundreds of “green” NGOs) launched an initiative called FAST, which stands for Food and Agriculture for Sustainable Transformation.

Just like the G20 declaration, the FAST initiative calls for a rapid shift toward “sustainable, climate-resilient, healthy diets” to address climate change. But what does that entail, exactly? As noted by Engdahl, the acronym reveals quite a bit, seeing how “fast” means “to abstain from eating food.” Reading between and behind the lines, it’s quite clear that the globalist plan is to severely restrict traditional food production and consumption. Engdahl writes:10

“According to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization … within a year the FAO will launch a ‘gold standard’ blueprint for reduction of so-called Greenhouse gases from agriculture.

The impulse for this war on agriculture comes not surprisingly from big money, [the] FAIRR Initiative, a UK-based coalition of international investment managers which focuses on ‘material ESG risks and opportunities caused by intensive livestock production.’

Their members include the most influential players in global finance including BlackRock, JP Morgan Asset Management, Allianz AG of Germany, Swiss Re, HSBC Bank, Fidelity Investments, Edmond de Rothschild Asset Management, Credit Suisse, Rockefeller Asset Management, UBS Bank and numerous other banks and pension funds with total assets under management of $25 trillion.

They are now opening the war on agriculture much as they have on energy … The FAIRR claims, without proof, that ‘food production accounts for around a third of global greenhouse gas emissions and is the main threat to 86% of the world’s species at risk of extinction, while cattle ranching is responsible for three quarters of Amazon rainforest loss.’

The FAO plans to propose drastic reduction in global livestock production, especially cattle, which FAIRR claims is responsible for ‘nearly a third of the global methane emissions linked to human activity, released in the form of cattle burps, manure and the cultivation of feed crops.’ For them, the best way to stop cow burps and cow manure is to eliminate cattle.

The fact that the UN FAO is about to release a roadmap to drastically reduce so-called greenhouse gases from global agriculture, under the false claim of ‘sustainable agriculture’ that is being driven by the world’s largest wealth managers … tells volumes about the true agenda.

These are some of the most corrupt financial institutions on the planet. They never put a penny where they are not guaranteed huge profits. The war on farming is their next target.”

‘Sustainable’ for Whom?

Engdahl points out that the term “sustainable” was created by David Rockefeller’s Malthusian Club of Rome. In its 1974 report, “Mankind at the Turning Point,” The Club of Rome argued that nations cannot become interdependent lest they give up some of their independence.

To encourage this giving up of independence, the Club drew up a master plan for “sustainable growth and world development based on global allocation of all finite resources and a new global economic system.” This master plan formed the foundation of what eventually became UN Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, and The Great Reset. Continuing to quote Engdahl:11

“The UN and Davos WEF teamed up in 2019 to jointly advance the SDG [sustainable development goals] UN Agenda 2030. On the WEF website this is openly admitted to mean getting rid of meat protein sources, introducing promoting unproven fake meat, advocating alternative protein such as salted ants or ground crickets or worms to replace chicken or beef or lamb.

At COP27, discussion was about ‘diets that can remain within planetary boundaries, including lowering meat consumption, developing alternatives, and spurring the shift towards more native plants, crops and grains (thus reducing the current reliance on wheat, maize, rice, potatoes).’

The WEF is promoting a shift from meat protein diets to vegan arguing it would be more ‘sustainable.’ They also promote lab-grown or plant-based lab meat alternatives such as the Bill Gates-funded Impossible Burgers, whose own FDA tests indicate it is a likely carcinogen as it is produced with GMO soy and other products saturated with glyphosate.

The CEO of Air Protein, another fake meat company, Lisa Lyons, is a special WEF adviser. WEF also promotes insect protein alternatives to meat … The war on animal raising for meat is just getting deadly serious.

The government of the Netherlands whose Prime Minister Mark Rutte … is a WEF Agenda Contributor … announced it will forcibly close 2,500 cattle farms across Holland. Their goal is to force fully 30% of cattle farms to close or face expropriation.

In Germany the German Meat Industry Association (VDF), says that within the next four to six months Germany will face a meat shortage, and prices will skyrocket … The issues in meat supply are due to Berlin insisting on reducing the numbers of livestock by 50% to reduce global warming emissions.

In Canada, the Trudeau government, another Davos WEF product … plans to cut emissions from fertilizer 30% by 2030 as part of a plan to get to net zero in the next three decades. But growers are saying that to achieve that, they may have to shrink grain output significantly.

When the autocratic President of Sri Lanka banned all import of nitrogen fertilizers in April 2021 in a brutal effort to return to a past of ‘sustainable’ agriculture, harvests collapsed in seven months and famine and farmer ruin and mass protests forced him to flee the country. He ordered that the entire country would immediately switch to organic farming but provided farmers with no such training.

Combine all this with the catastrophic EU political decision to ban Russian natural gas used to make nitrogen-based fertilizers, forcing shutdowns of fertilizer plants across the EU, that will cause a global reduction in crop yields, and as well the fake Bird Flu wave that is falsely ordering farmers across North America and the EU to kill off tens of millions of chickens and turkeys … and it becomes clear that our world faces a food crisis that is unprecedented. All for climate change?”

Understand What’s at Stake

Indeed, the forces at play on the global scene are marching us straight toward worldwide famine under the banner of saving the planet. Mass starvation will be the end result if they get their way, and there’s every reason to suspect they know this.

You’d have to be an idiot to not understand that if you drastically cut production of key food staples there will be food shortages, and if people don’t have enough to eat, eventually they die. You also have to be way behind the eight-ball not to realize that lab-grown meat alternatives and insects will not provide the same nutrition as real meat, and malnutrition is almost as bad as no nutrition. The end result is much the same.

So, the “sustainability” these globalists are calling for is NOT the sustainability of the human population. The sustainability they’re referring to is the sustainable growth of their new global economic system, which is based on the allocation of all finite resources. And to whom will all these world’s resources be allocated? It will go to themselves — the technocratic echelon, which includes the richest of the rich — of course.

The rest of us will “own nothing,” because they intend to strip us of our ownership rights and seize our assets. That’s what programmable central bank digital currencies and a central ledger is all about. Somehow, the promise that we’ll “be happy,” has also been thrown in there, but that’s pure fantasy.

It’s universally understood that private ownership is key to freedom and prosperity, which in turn tends to foster contentment and some measure of happiness. So, at this point, it’s really crucial that people understand the context within which the word “sustainability” is being used, and that it implies the eradication of a large portion of humanity.

Call on Legislators to Support the PRIME Act

If we want to avoid worldwide famine, we must stand together against those who seek to prohibit food production under false pretenses. We also need to encourage, support and push for MORE local food production.

To that end, tell your representatives and senators to cosponsor the PRIME Act — House Resolution 281412 (H.R. 2814) and Senate Bill 90713 (S.907) — which would allow states to pass laws to legalize the sale of custom slaughtered and processed meat in intrastate commerce. As explained by The Weston A. Price Foundation:14

“Passage of the PRIME Act would better enable farmers to meet booming demand for locally produced meat. Right now in parts of the country, farmers have to book a slaughterhouse slot as much as 1-1/2 to 2 years out.

Moreover, farmers often have to transport their animals several hours to a slaughterhouse, increasing their expenses and stressing out the animals which could affect the quality of the meat. Passage of the PRIME Act would significantly increase access to local slaughterhouses.

Passage of the PRIME Act would improve food safety. Anywhere from 95% to 99% of the meat produced in the U.S. is slaughtered in huge facilities that process 300–400 cattle an hour. It is difficult to have quality control in the plant under those conditions no matter how many inspectors are present …

The big plants process more animals in a day than a custom house would in a year. There is better quality control in a custom slaughterhouse, inspector or no inspector … Custom operators have every incentive to process clean meat. Where a lawsuit against a big plant is just a cost of doing business, one lawsuit can easily shut down a custom house.

Passage of the PRIME Act would improve food security. Supply chain breakdowns and labor shortages have made the food supply more vulnerable. Passage of the PRIME Act would improve food security by increasing the local supply of quality meat, food that for most of us is critical for a healthy diet …

Passage of the PRIME Act would keep more of the food dollar in the state and community. The big food corporations send much of the money they earn out of the state; more of the money that local farmers, ranchers and custom house operators earn would circulate within the state and community, strengthening the local economy.”

This bill has been before Congress for eight years already. It’s time to get it passed, and the best way to do that is to get it into the 2023 Farm Bill. You can look up your representatives at, or call the Capitol switchboard at 202-224-3121.

If you cannot meet with your legislators face-to-face, call and/or email your U.S. representative and both of your U.S. senators and ask them to cosponsor HR 2814 / S907. Talking points and other tips on how to contact and interact with your legislators can be found here.


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1, 3 The Gazette May 25, 2019


4, 6 ABC News June 15, 2023


7, 9, 10, 11 Global Research December 1, 2022, Republished June 18, 2023

8 UN COP27

12 House Resolution 2814

13 Senate Bill 907

14 Weston A. Price August 9, 2023

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According to Alexandra Pelosi, the events at the U.S. Capitol and the subsequent prosecutions were a marketing gimmick to propagandize the public into believing Trump supporters are dangerous.

The campaign sought to destroy Donald Trump’s chances of ever becoming President again.

In the video, Nancy Pelosi’s daughter is seen engaging in conversation with a defendant from the January 6th incident, who she is considering featuring in her documentary about the event.

She discusses the potential political consequences of the January 6th hearings, particularly in relation to the 2022 mid-term elections.

Pelosi is heard saying that interest might wane after the Democrats potentially lose the House and the committee is dissolved.

“After the Democrats lose the House and then they get rid of the committee, people may lose interest,” Pelosi declares.

“The first trials are gonna get a lot of attention.”

“It’s like [an] anniversary; the first one is a big deal.”

“No one’s gonna care after the Democrats are out of power.”

“And then take Biden out of office, then who cares?”

“I know you’re not the bad guys [to the J6 defendant]”

“If it was an insurrection… you were supposed to have a plan”

“You’re going to be able to laugh about this one day.”

Nancy Pelosi’s daughter continues her discussion by mentioning her acquaintance with Gavin McInnes, who is allegedly a past leader of the Proud Boys. She reveals that they used to socialize together in the past.

Additionally, Alexandra Pelosi has been actively involved in profiting from the events of January 6th.

Besides the political leverage gained by the Democrats from this event, Alexandra Pelosi has been actively promoting her documentary, which focuses on the events labeled as an “insurrection.”

This film has received considerable praise and attention from major media outlets aligned with the Democratic Party.



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Featured image is from The People’s Voice

Henry Kissinger: Snake Oil Salesman of Gangster Realism

December 1st, 2023 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

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“‘He’ll have ye smilin’,” an old Irish saying goes, “while he takes the gold out of your teeth’.” — Charles Glass, London Review of Books, Oct 20, 2022

The obituaries of criminals, masterful or otherwise, are always going to be sordid matters.  Either one has time for the deeds, giving column space to their execution and legacy, or one focuses on the extraneous details: voice, accent, suit, demeanour. “He may have killed the odd person or two, but he did have style.”

Much of the Henry Kissinger School of Idolatry is of the latter propensity.  The nasty deeds are either misread or diminished – notably when they have to do with the global infliction of mass death, prolongation of conflict, or the overthrow of democratic governments.  Instead, time is given to the perceptions of what is supposedly meant to have been the workings of an oversized brain in international relations.  Rather than seeing the inside of a prison or being bothered to the gallows by overly fussy lawyers, Kissinger spent ample time at high level receptions receiving huge wads of cash for offering his inner expertise.  He was admired, adulated and pampered; the critics kept at bay.

As former National Security Advisor and US Secretary of State, he was meant to be the great exponent of realism, which, rebadged, might simply be described as elevated gangsterism at play. His 1957 work, A World Restored: Metternich, Castlereagh and the Problems of Peace 1812-1822 studied the Europe of the admired diplomat Prince Clemens von Metternich, revealing a mind keen on keeping international power in fine equilibrium.  Stability and order were primary goals; justice and human rights were concepts that had little to no role to play.

Metternich, alongside British Foreign Secretary, Viscount Robert Stewart Castlereagh, was to construct a post-Napoleonic order suspicious, even paranoid of revolutionary movements.  It held social and political progress in check; doused the fires of freedom.  As a result, Kissinger reasons, Europe maintained stability from Napoleon’s defeat in 1815 to the outbreak of the First World War in August 1914. For all that, Kissinger would write that Metternich lacked “the ability to contemplate an abyss, not with the detachment of a scientist, but as a challenge to overcome – or perish in the process.” As if envisaging his own future role in US diplomacy, he suggested that “men become myths, not by what they know, nor even by what they achieve, but the tasks they set themselves.”

This gnomic drivel was precisely the sort that fed a media illusion of the big-brained sage in command.  His bloodied hands were washed on the international stage by such absurd titles as “Henry of Arabia,” one given to him by Time Magazine in 1974.  The same magazine would give him front-cover billing in February 1969 as one keen on “New Approaches to Friends and Foes”, and repeat the treatment on no fewer than fourteen other occasions.  Not to be outdone, Newsweek was positively crawling in depicting the German-Jewish émigré who made his name at Harvard and on the world stage as “Super K”.

As the Establishment Courtesan, Kissinger sought out such society reporters as Sally Quinn of The Washington Post to emetically inquire why she did not assume the master strategist to be “a secret swinger”.  Sadistic touches to his curriculum vitae could thereby be ignored, including a butcher’s bill that would eventually run into roughly 3 million souls from the Vietnam War to Cambodia, East Timor, Bangladesh, the “dirty wars” of Latin America, and a number of encouragements and interventions in Africa.

This also meant that such abysmal contributions such as his spoiling role in prolonging the war in Vietnam by several years in order to satisfy the electoral lust of his eventual boss, Richard Nixon, could be overlooked in favour of “shuttle diplomacy ” in ending the Arab-Israeli War of October 1973.  In this, he resembled, as Charles Glass suggested with striking salience, a certain “American frontier archetype: the pedlar whose wagonload of patent medicines promised to cure every ailment.  By the time the rubes realised that his bottles contained snake oil, he had left town.”

A far better appreciation of the Kissinger legacy would be gained by consulting such publications as that ever reliable, if bleak source of primary documents, the National Security Archive.  The Archive pursued the US government with admirable tenacity, alleging that Kissinger had sought to remove, retain and control some 30,000 pages of daily transcripts of his phone conversations (“telcons”) as “personal papers” when he left office in 1977.

As the director of the Archive, Tom Blanton, piquantly remarked, “Kissinger’s aides later commented that he needed to keep track of which lie he told to whom.”  But the telcons are also illustrative, less of Kissinger the realist who furnished his employer with fearless advice than that of a truckler, obedient to his paymaster.  When Nixon made the decision to commence the secret bombing of Cambodia to target Hanoi’s supply routes in March 1969, Kissinger conveyed the order to Secretary of Defence Melvin Laird without demur. He also states firmly that “there is to be no public comment at all from anyone at any level either complaining or threatening”.  When public comment did make its way to the New York Times in May that year, Kissinger badgered the FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover to place a number of selected government officials and journalists under surveillance.

While one’s death is rarely a planned thing – the Grim Reaper makes calls at all unexpected hours – there was a sense in Kissinger’s case that he had cheated it just long enough.  He made it to a century without his collar being fingered.  He avoided, in the early 2000s, attempted legal suits for human rights violations in the UK and France.  Despite failing health, he was surrounded by the Establishment sycophants of which he had been one, worshipping power over principle while proffering snake oil.  And there were a goodly number of them for the sendoff.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He currently lectures at RMIT University. He is a regular contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research. Email: [email protected]

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“Sleep that knits up the raveled sleave of care, The death of each day’s life, sore labor’s bath, Balm of hurt minds, great nature’s second course, Chief nourisher in life’s feast.” – Shakespeare, Macbeth


People often laugh when I tell them that I go to sleep at 8:15 P.M. They laugh harder when I say it’s been a lifetime habit, with unavoidable exceptions of course. And that I wake up long before dawn.

Not because I am a dairy farmer or a baker, but because I love to sleep and all the best things I have written have been written in my dreams and refined during reveries while walking or in the early morning when all is silent still and I am alone with my musings.

I have always felt that sleeping and being awake were a seamless whole, contrary to the go-getters’ attitude that sleep and dreams are a waste of time, and I have been blessed with the ability to fall asleep as soon as I crawl into my crib and usually to remember my dreams in detail when I wake.

Jonathan Crary, the Meyer Schapiro Professor of Modern Art and Theory at Columbia University, agrees that sleep is profoundly important and under assault today.  To enter his book, 24/7, Late Capitalism and the Ends of Sleep, (which was first published in 2014) is for me to discover a kindred spirit, but also to enter a mind so capacious and profound that I wish to share his insights while I dream in words.

If what William Wordsworth (what a name!) wrote in 1802 was true then,

The world is too much with us; late and soon,
Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers;—
Little we see in Nature that is ours;
We have given our hearts away, a sordid boon!

What possibly could one say about today?  That shopping or thinking about shopping – things or propaganda or the latest useless buzz – is all we know?  That we have become completely insane, bamboozled by a capitalist techno-electronic madness that has not only seized our hearts but convinced our minds that it is good to spend our lives – our sleep and dreams and time and praxis – in tending to machines that destroy our souls night and day without interruption.

When fifty plus years ago the monk Thomas Merton wrote that “someday they will sell us the rain,” he could today add that the hard rain that Dylan sung of then has already fallen and they now need not sell us anything because we have eaten the bitter fruit of our own corruption.  People say they want peace while they fill their nights and days with digital dreams, eliminating what Crary calls “fugitive anonymity” for the bait of 24/7 capitalist drug addiction and being “with it.”  All the clichés have it that peace begins with “you,” yet you has become them or it, the tech-life 24/7.  I hear Sinatra singing Cole Porter’s lyrics today as

Night and day, you are the one
Only you ‘neath the moon or under the sun
Whether near to me or far
It’s no matter, cell phone, where you are
I think of you day and night

And such love is reciprocated, of course, as the electronic machines help so many distracted and restless souls make it through the night. Sort of. Not the kind of help Kris Kristofferson sang about, but a fleshless flashing gizmo colder than a frozen heart.

It is well known that sleep disorders are widespread today with technologically produced sleep drugs (and now marijuana) used by vast numbers of people. Such drug-induced sleep, the flip side of the frenetic passivity that precedes and follows it, occurs within a larger 24/7 sleepless framework that Crary accurately notes happens “ . . . within the globalist neoliberal paradigm, [for] sleeping is for losers.”   

Yet what’s to be won is never enunciated because the winners’ faces are always well-hidden as they execute the prodigious capitalist machine of control that creates docility and separation in people who find the machine life irresistible – even as it drains them of easy-going vitality and the joy of dawdling, even for an idle while.  Doing nothing has become a crime.

Last night I stepped outside an hour after sunset and was startled by a massive full moon eyeing me as it rose over the eastern hills. Here where I dwell there are no city or factory lights to block the moon and stars as they illuminate our nights. But most people are not so lucky, for what our ancestors once took for granted – that we are part of nature, part of the Tao – has been lost for so many as artificial lights, urbanization, and a 24/7 linguistic mind-control ideology block the thrill of being transfixed by the moon’s loving gaze, an invitation to taste the sweetness of the north wind’s cookie. Maybe the sight of her face might rattle the televised images lodged in people’s “memories” of mechanical misbegotten men in ghost suits trampling her peaceful countenance.

Stop Mindless Scrolling on Your Phone: Tips to Disable Endless Scrolling - Bollyinside

The 24/7 digital life, essential to neo-liberal financialized capitalism with its day and night markets and infrastructure that allow for continuous consumption and work – total availability – is the culmination of a long process that began with the invention of artificial lighting that allowed the English cotton mills to run 24/7. Crary brilliantly illustrates this point through the 1782 painting, Arkwright’s Cotton Mills by Night, by the British artist James Derby. This painting shows the windows of the massive mills lit like pin-points in the rural night, watched over by a full moon that illuminates the sky. Incongruous time indeed! He writes, “The artificial lighting of the factories announces the rationalized deployment of an abstract relation between time and work, severed from the cyclical temporalities of lunar and solar movements.” This radical break from the traditional relation between time and work and the earth was later noted by Karl Marx as essential to the advance of capitalism since it disconnected the laboring individual from all interdependent connections to family, community, etc. while reorienting people’s feelings for time. The English art critic John Berger, who knew that time with its corollary to place was a key to understanding so much history, put it this way: “Every ruling minority needs to numb and, if possible, to kill the time-sense of those it exploits. This is the authoritarian secret of all methods of imprisonment.”

Dreaming of imprisonment, I just remembered that although it seems like a delusion from so far away and long ago, I once worked in a factory by day with its huge blast furnaces, in a NYC Police precinct jail on the 4-12 P.M. shift, and all-night as a nightwatchman. All good lessons in how American society works, although I hated them all and labored simply for the pay. But each in its own way taught me about imprisonment, especially the watchman’s job, since it involved a jolting sense of time and staying awake all night and sleeping by day. I was always exhausted and felt I was violating my deepest nature.

Sleep deprivation is a central component of the torturers’ methods, as so many victims of the U.S. war machine have learned. And the Pentagon (DARPA) has spent vast sums trying to create a sleepless soldier who can go at least seven days without sleep. As Crary notes: “ . . . scientists in various labs are conducting experimental trials of sleeplessness techniques, including neurochemicals, gene therapy, and transcranial magnetic stimulation.”  The war against sleep is being waged on many fronts by well-armed maniacs intent on controlling human beings for nefarious ends.  To control sleep is to control time is to confound minds, which is the goal.

Ovid, the most sensual of Roman poets, would be shocked, I imagine, to learn that Morpheus, the god of sleep and dreams from his Metamorphoses, would be attacked so relentlessly by today’s madmen who never heard of his poetry. My mind drifts to my college days translating Ovid under a weeping willow. “My cause is better: no-one can claim that I ever took up arms against you,” he wrote and I read.  These words come back to me as I muse on the arms taken today against sleep, but I’m not sure if it’s Ovid or Bob Dylan’s lyrics in his song Workingman’s Blues #2 (from the album Modern Times) that fly to mind, for Dylan also sings “No-one can ever claim/ That I took up arms against you.”

Poor Morpheus, so many people in these modern times yearn for your arms but instead of that balm, they toss and turn in a time out of mind and out of sleep.

Crary tells us that the amount of sleep the average North American adult gets has gone from ten hours in the early twentieth century to eight hours a generation ago to six-and-a-half today. And although people will always have to sleep, I think we can expect further reductions. To say it is a form of torture is probably an exaggeration, but not by much. He writes:

Behind the vacuity of the catchphrase, 24/7 is a static redundancy that disavows its relation to the rhythmic and periodic textures of human life. . . . A 24/7 environment has the semblance of a social world, but it is actually a non-social model of machinic performance and a suspension of living that does not disclose the human cost required to sustain its effectiveness. . . . 24/7 is a time of indifference, against which the fragility of human life is increasingly inadequate and within which sleep has no necessity or inevitability. In relation to labor, it renders plausible, even normal, the idea of working without pause, without limits. It is aligned with what is inanimate, inert, or unageing. As an advertising exhortation it decrees the absoluteness of availability, and hence the ceaselessness of needs and their incitement, but also their perpetual non-fulfillment.

In other words, 24/7 is a form of linguistic mind control tied to cell phones, computers, and the digital life of the Internet whose purpose is to convince people that sleep and the human body is somehow unnatural and the future lies with people accepting their marriage to machines in a disenchanted and transhuman world. It is a lie, of course, for if that is a future people accept, there will be no future, just a desert. “Deleuze and Guattari went to the point of comparing the order-word [24/7] to a ‘death sentence,’” writes Crary. Such an order-word or imperative is similar in this respect to the term “9/11” which was coined to send an instant message that emergencies will now be endless so we will have to monitor you forevermore. Keep your cell phone ready. Be on your toes, stay alert, the terrorists come at all hours – keep awake!

Crary makes a profoundly important point at a time when there is much justifiable focus on propaganda and the lies of governments and the media. This is the power of habit involved in the acceptance of the naturalness of various devices – today, electronic screens that are omnipresent – that we semi-automatically accept as normal. He says,

“In this sense, they are part of larger strategies of power in which the aim is not mass-deception, but rather states of neutralization and inactivation, in which one is dispossessed of time. But even within habitual repetitions there remains a thread of hope – a knowingly false hope – that one more click or touch might open onto something to redeem the overwhelming monotony in which one is immersed. One of the forms of disempowerment within 24/7 environments is the incapacitation of daydream or any mode of absent-minded introspection that would otherwise occur in intervals of slow or vacant time.”

This is part of a modern process of psychological reductionism and a changed understanding of the nature of wishes that have excluded dreaming and daydreaming from any connection to a traditional magico-theological framework.  Science and especially the neuro-sciences have reduced all life to what is empirically provable, attenuating life and the creation of art in the service of human life.  Crary uses Jean Paul Sartre’s inelegant but insightful neologism, “practico-inert,” to explain people’s inability to see the nature of the social worlds they are part of with any clarity.  “The practico-inert was thus Sartre’s way [in Critique of Dialectical Reason] of designating the sedimented, institutional everyday world constituted out of human energy but manifested as the immense accumulation of routine passive activity.”

To repeat, this frenetic passivity serves to obscure the negative historical reality of life in a 24/7 electronic spectacle that is advertised as amazingly empowering but is the reverse.

For direct experience has fallen on hard times as life today has come to be mediated through electronic gadgets.  Surprises must be googled in advance or photographed to prove their reality.  Living is never easy, not in the summertime or any other season. Tension, inattention, exhaustion, and constant busyness are the order of the day.  This should be self-evident but isn’t.  People feel it but can’t see it.

Commenting on the dying art of storytelling, Walter Benjamin, in an essay called “The Storyteller,” said the following about people’s ability to listen and remember stories that they can integrate into their own experience so they can pass them on:

This process of assimilation, which takes place in depth, requires a state of relaxation, which is becoming rarer and rarer [written in 1936].  If sleep is the apogee of physical relaxation, boredom is the apogee of mental relaxation.  Boredom is the dream bird that hatches the egg of experience.  A rustling in the leaves drives him away.  His nesting places – the activities that are intimately associated with boredom – are already extinct in the cities and are declining in the country as well.  With this the gift of listening is lost and the community of listeners disappears.  [my emphasis]

We have gone beyond rustling in the bushes to a cacophonous electronic world that makes one deaf to all else.  That it will come crashing down around our ears is hard to imagine, but it will.  It already has in the damage that it’s done.

Once upon a time . . . well, I will spare you.  It might just seem like the dream of a ridiculous man, or something Dostoevsky would write, not your normal story or even daydream.

So read Jonathan Crary’s brilliant, 24/7: Late Capitalism and the Ends of Sleep and its sequel, Scorched Earth: Beyond the Digital Age to a Post-Capitalist World.  They will get you to think about your sleep habits and whether or not you are ever turned off and tuned out but just sometimes only in “sleep mode.”


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This article was originally published on the author’s blog site, Behind the Curtain.

Edward Curtin is a prominent author, researcher and sociologist based in Western Massachusetts. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).

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Henry Kissinger, national security adviser and secretary of state under two presidents and longtime éminence grise of the U.S. foreign policy establishment, died on November 29 at his home in Connecticut. He was 100 years old.

Kissinger helped prolong the Vietnam War and expand that conflict into neutral Cambodia; facilitated genocides in Cambodia, East Timor, and Bangladesh; accelerated civil wars in southern Africa; and supported coups and death squads throughout Latin America. He had the blood of at least 3 million people on his hands, according to his biographer Greg Grandin. 

There were “few people who have had a hand in as much death and destruction, as much human suffering, in so many places around the world as Henry Kissinger,” said veteran war crimes prosecutor Reed Brody.

A 2023 investigation by The Intercept found that Kissinger — perhaps the most powerful national security adviser in American history and the chief architect of U.S. war policy in Southeast Asia from 1969 to 1975 — was responsible for more civilian deaths in Cambodia than was previously known, according to an exclusive archive of U.S. military documents and interviews with Cambodian survivors and American witnesses.

The Intercept disclosed previously unpublished, unreported, and under-appreciated evidence of hundreds of civilian casualties that were kept secret during the war and remained almost entirely unknown to the American people. Kissinger bore significant responsibility for attacks in Cambodia that killed as many as 150,000 civilians — up to six times more noncombatants than the United States has killed in airstrikes since 9/11, according to experts.


A B-52D on a bombing mission over Southeast Asia (Licensed under the Public Domain)

Born Heinz Alfred Kissinger in Fürth, Germany, on May 27, 1923, he immigrated to the United States in 1938, among a wave of Jews fleeing Nazi oppression. Kissinger became a U.S. citizen in 1943 and served in the U.S. Army’s Counter Intelligence Corps during World War II. After graduating summa cum laude from Harvard College in 1950, he earned an M.A. in 1952 and a Ph.D. two years later. He then joined the Harvard faculty, with appointments in the Department of Government and at the Center for International Affairs. While teaching at Harvard, he was a consultant for the administrations of John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson before serving as national security adviser from 1969 to 1975 and secretary of state from 1973 to 1977 under Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford. A proponent of realpolitik, Kissinger greatly influenced U.S. foreign policy while serving in government and, in the decades that followed, counseled U.S. presidents and sat on numerous corporate and government advisory boards while authoring a small library of bestselling books on history and diplomacy.

Kissinger married Ann Fleischer in 1949; the two were divorced in 1964. In 1974, he married Nancy Maginnes. He is survived by his wife, two children from his first marriage, Elizabeth and David, and five grandchildren.

As national security adviser, Kissinger played a key role in prolonging the U.S. wars in Southeast Asia, resulting in the deaths of tens of thousands of American troops and hundreds of thousands of Cambodians, Laotians, and Vietnamese. During his tenure, the United States dropped 9 billion pounds of munitions on Indochina.

In 1973, the Norwegian Nobel Committee awarded the Nobel Peace Prize to Kissinger and his North Vietnamese counterpart Le Duc Tho “for jointly having negotiated a cease fire in Vietnam in 1973.”

“There is no other comparable honor,” Kissinger would later write of the prize he received for an agreement to end a war he encouraged and extended, a pact that not only failed to stop that conflict but also was almost immediately violated by all parties. Documents released in 2023 show that the prize — among the most controversial in the award’s history — was given despite the understanding that the war was unlikely to end due to the truce.


USAF UH-1Ps over Cambodia (Licensed under the Public Domain)

Tho refused the award. He said that the U.S. had breached the agreement and aided and encouraged its South Vietnamese allies to do the same, while also casting the deal as an American capitulation. “During the last 18 years, the United States undertook a war of aggression against Vietnam,” he wrote. “American imperialism has been defeated.”

North Vietnam and its revolutionary allies in South Vietnam would topple the U.S.-backed government in Saigon two years later, in 1975. That same year, due in large part to Nixon and Kissinger’s expansion of the war into the tiny, neutral nation of Cambodia, the American-backed military regime there fell to the genocidal Khmer Rouge, whose campaign of overwork, torture, and murder then killed 2 million people, roughly 20 percent of the population. Kissinger almost immediately sought to make common cause with the génocidaires. “You should also tell the Cambodians that we will be friends with them. They are murderous thugs, but we won’t let that stand in our way. We are prepared to improve relations with them,” he told Thailand’s foreign minister.

As secretary of state and national security adviser, Kissinger spearheaded efforts to improve relations with the former Soviet Union and “opened” the People’s Republic of China to the West for the first time since Mao Zedong came to power in 1949. Kissinger also supported genocidal militaries in Pakistan and Indonesia. In the former, Nixon and his national security adviser backed a dictator who — according to CIA estimates — slaughtered hundreds of thousands of civilians; in the latter, Ford and Kissinger gave President Suharto the go-ahead for an invasion of East Timor that resulted in about 200,000 deaths — around a quarter of the entire population.

In Latin America, Nixon and Kissinger plotted to overturn the democratic election of Chile’s socialist president Salvador Allende. This included Kissinger’s supervision of covert operations — such as the botched kidnapping of Chilean Gen. René Schneider that ended in Schneider’s murder — to destabilize Chile and prompt a military coup.

You did a great service to the West in overthrowing Allende,” Kissinger later told Gen. Augusto Pinochet, the leader of the military junta that went on to kill thousands of Chileans.

In Argentina, Kissinger gave another green light, this time to a terror campaign of torture, forced disappearances, and murder by a military junta that overthrew President Isabel Perón. During a June 1976 meeting, Kissinger told the junta’s foreign minister, César Augusto Guzzetti:

If there are things that have to be done, you should do them quickly.”

The so-called Dirty War that followed would claim the lives of an estimated 30,000 Argentine civilians.

Kissinger’s diplomacy also stoked a war in Angola and prolonged apartheid in South Africa. In the Middle East, he sold out the Kurds in Iraq and, wrote Grandin,

“left that region in chaos, setting the stage for crises that continue to afflict humanity.”

Through a combination of raw ambition, media manipulation, and an uncanny ability to obscure the truth and avoid scandal, Kissinger transformed himself from a college professor and bureaucrat into the most celebrated American diplomat of the 20th century and a bona fide celebrity. Hailed as the “Playboy of the Western Wing” and the “sex symbol of the Nixon administration,” he was photographed with starlets and became a fodder for the gossip columns. While dozens of his White House colleagues were laid low by myriad Watergate crimes, which cost Nixon his job in 1974, Kissinger skirted the scandal and emerged a media darling.

“We were half-convinced that nothing was beyond the capacity of this remarkable man,” ABC News’s Ted Koppel said in a 1974 documentary, describing Kissinger as “the most admired man in America.” There was, however, another side to the public figure often praised for his wit and geniality, according to Carolyn Eisenberg, author of “Never Lose: Nixon, Kissinger and the Illusion of National Security,” who spent a decade reading Kissinger’s White House telephone transcripts and listening to tapes of his unvarnished conversations. “He had a disturbed personality and was unbelievably adolescent. He admitted he was egotistical, but he was far beyond that,” she told The Intercept. “He was, in many respects, very much stuck at age 14. His opportunism was boundless. His need to be important, to be a celebrity, was gigantic.”

Kissinger was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom — America’s highest civilian award — in 1977. In 1982, he founded Kissinger Associates, an international consulting group that became a revolving door refuge for top national security officials looking to cash in on their government service. The firm leveraged their and Kissinger’s reputations and contacts to help huge multinational corporations, banks, and financial institutions — including American Express, Anheuser-Busch, Coca-Cola, Heinz, Fiat, Volvo, Ericsson, and Daewoo — broker deals with governments.

“A big part of Henry Kissinger’s legacy is the corruption of American foreign policymaking,” Matt Duss, a former adviser to Sen. Bernie Sanders, told Vox in 2023. “It is blurring the line, if not outright erasing the line, between the making of foreign policy and corporate interests.”

Kissinger counseled every U.S. president from Nixon through Donald Trump and served as a member of the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board from 1984 to 1990 and the Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board from 2001 to 2016. After being tapped to head the 9/11 Commission, families of victims raised questions about potential conflicts of interest due to Kissinger’s financial ties with governments that could be implicated in the commission’s work. Kissinger quit rather than hand over a list of his consultancy’s clients.

The Trial Of Henry Kissinger: Hitchens, Christopher: 9781455522972: Books

In his 2001 book-length indictment, “The Trial of Henry Kissinger,” Christopher Hitchens called for Kissinger’s prosecution “for war crimes, for crimes against humanity, and for offenses against common or customary or international law, including conspiracy to commit murder, kidnap, and torture” from Argentina, Bangladesh, Chile and East Timor to Cambodia, Laos, Uruguay, and Vietnam.

Kissinger ducked questions about the bombing of Cambodia, muddied the truth in public comments, and spent half his life lying about his role in the killings there. In the early 2000s, Kissinger was sought for questioning in connection with human rights abuses by former South American military dictatorships, but he evaded investigators, once declining to appear before a court in France and bolting from Paris after receiving a summons. He was never charged or prosecuted for deaths for which he bore responsibility.

“Much of the world considered Kissinger to be a war criminal, but who would have dared put the handcuffs on an American secretary of state?” asked Brody, who brought historic legal cases against Pinochet, Chadian dictator Hissène Habré, and others. “Kissinger was not once even questioned by a court about any of his alleged crimes, much less prosecuted.”

Kissinger continued to win coveted awards, and hobnobbed with the rich and famous at black-tie White House dinners, Hamptons galas, and other invitation-only events. By the 2010s, the Republican diplomat had become a darling of mainstream Democrats and remained so until his death. Hillary Clinton called Kissinger “a friend” and said she “relied on his counsel” while serving as secretary of state under President Barack Obama. Samantha Power, who built her reputation and career on human rights advocacy and went on to serve as the Obama administration’s ambassador to the U.N. and the Biden administration’s head of the U.S. Agency for International Development, befriended Kissinger before receiving the American Academy of Berlin’s Henry A. Kissinger Prize from Kissinger himself. Biden’s secretary of state, Antony Blinken, also had a long, cordial relationship with his distant predecessor.

Kissinger was repeatedly feted for his 100th birthday in May 2023. A black-tie gala at the New York Public Library was attended by Blinken; Power; Biden’s CIA director, William J. Burns; disgraced former CIA director and four-star Gen. David Petraeus; fashion designer Diane von Furstenberg; New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft; former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg; former Google CEO Eric Schmidt; and the Catholic Archbishop of New York Timothy M. Dolan, among other luminaries.

To mark Kissinger’s centenary, Koppel — who became Kissinger’s friend following the 1974 documentary — conducted a sympathetic interview for CBS News that nonetheless broached the charges that dogged Kissinger for decades.

“There are people at our broadcast who are questioning the legitimacy of even doing an interview with you. They feel that strongly about what they consider, I’ll put it in language they would use, your criminality,” said Koppel.

“That’s a reflection of their ignorance,” Kissinger replied.

When Koppel brought up the bombing of Cambodia, Kissinger got angry.

“Come on. We have been bombing with drones and all kinds of weapons every guerilla unit that we were opposing,” he shot back. “It’s been the same in every administration that I’ve been part of.”

“The consequences in Cambodia were particularly —”

“Come on now.”

“No, no, no, were particularly —”

“This is a program you’re doing because I’m gonna be 100 years old,” Kissinger growled. “And you’re picking a topic of something that happened 60 years ago. You have to know that it was a necessary step. Now, the younger generation feels that if they can raise their emotions, they don’t have to think. If they think, they won’t ask that question.”

When The Intercept asked that question about Cambodia — in a more pointed manner — 13 years earlier, Kissinger offered the same dismissive retorts and flashed the same fury. “Oh, come on!” he exclaimed. “What are you trying to prove?” Pressed on the mass deaths of Cambodians resulting from his policies, the senior statesman long praised for his charm, intellect, and erudition told this reporter to “play with it.”

Kissinger’s legacy extends beyond the corpses, trauma, and suffering of the victims he left behind. His policies, Grandin told The Intercept, set the stage for the civilian carnage of the U.S. war on terror from Afghanistan to Iraq, Syria to Somalia, and beyond.

“You can trace a line from the bombing of Cambodia to the present,” said Grandin, author of “Kissinger’s Shadow.” “The covert justifications for illegally bombing Cambodia became the framework for the justifications of drone strikes and forever war. It’s a perfect expression of American militarism’s unbroken circle.”

Brody, the war crimes prosecutor, says that even with Kissinger’s death, some measure of justice is still possible.

“It’s too late, of course, to put Kissinger in the dock now, but we can still have a reckoning [with] his role in atrocities abroad,” Brody told The Intercept. “Indeed, his death ought to trigger a full airing of U.S. support for abuses around the world during the Cold War and since, maybe even a truth commission, to establish an historical record, promote a measure of accountability, and if the United States were ready to apologize or acknowledge our misdeeds — as we have done in places like Guatemala and Iran — to foster a kind of reconciliation with the countries whose people suffered the abuses.”


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The wife of the head of Ukraine’s Main Intelligence Directorate (GUR) of the Ministry of Defence Kyrylo Budanov, Marianna Budanova, was poisoned along with several other GUR employees, said Andriy Yusov, a spokesperson of Ukraine’s GUR military intelligence directorate. Her poisoning is likely the latest event in the deepening power struggle in the Kiev regime.

According to Ukrainian media outlets, Budanova was hospitalised after being poisoned with heavy metals, most likely via food, and is now being treated. RBC Ukraine noted that it is unknown whether this was a “one-time poisoning” or “they poisoned her in portions for some time.”

“During the tests, metals such as arsenic and mercury were discovered […] This affected not only Kyrylo Budanov’s wife directly, but also several employees of the Main Intelligence Directorate,” the former head of the Ukrainian Foreign Intelligence Service Valeriy Kondratyuk said on NV radio.

“We are talking,” continued Kontratyuk, “about high-ranking officials, heads of individual areas responsible for operations against Russia.”

During the summer, Yusov said that Budanov survived more than a dozen assassination attempts. The head of the Main Intelligence Directorate stated that his wife lives with him in his office, and they are together 24/7 for safety reasons. At the same time, Budanova does not work at the State Traffic Inspectorate, and since June 2021, she has held the position of adviser to the mayor of Kiev, Vitali Klitschko.

All this may indicate an intensification of behind-the-scenes fighting within the Ukrainian top leadership. There are deep contradictions between President Volodymyr Zelensky, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valerii Zaluzhny and Budanov. Their differences have been well reported on, including in Western media, revolving around how to proceed with the war effort.

The disagreement between the president and the commander-in-chief began in October when Zaluzhny indicated that the military operation was about to end. Zelensky disagreed, insisting that Ukrainian troops are capable of winning. The military leader’s recent public acknowledgment that Moscow is in an advantageous position in the conflict has added tension. Rumours about the dismissals of senior military personnel, including him, were confirmed by Defence Minister Rustem Umerov.

Amid the tensions, reports emerged that in the March 2024 elections, Zaluzhny could run for president against the current president of Ukraine. Although the commander has not yet expressed such an intention, Zelensky is concerned about a possible loss of support.

Most telling and further consolidating the idea that the poisoning was orchestrated from within Kiev and not Moscow is that Russia has not been blamed for the assassination attempt, as usually happens in such situations. It is quite evident that the string of poisonings is part of Zelensky’s attempt to consolidate his power, especially after taking the much-criticised decision to cancel the country’s presidential elections scheduled for March 2024.

A recent poll found Budanov has better ratings than the president, enjoying +45%. The same poll, The Economist reported, suggests that Zelensky risks losing a presidential election if he ever goes head-to-head with Zaluzhny. Under such conditions, it is not difficult to see why Zelensky would want Budanov and Zaluzhny either killed or stripped of their power.

It is recalled that the vice-chairman of the Ukrainian Parliament’s Committee for Security, Defence and Intelligence, Maryana Bezuglaya, had previously openly demanded the resignation of Zaluzhny, citing inadequacy in carrying out his duties as a military leader. Bezuglaya’s criticism of the commander-in-chief has only escalated recently, raising questions about whether this is a personal vendetta or is being said on orders from Zelensky.

Since November 26, Bezuglaya has harshly criticised Zaluzhny on his social media, alleging the lack of a strategic plan for 2024 and accusing him of transferring responsibilities to the presidential office in uncomfortable situations. Her statements received criticism from Ukrainian society, which accused her of undermining confidence in the country’s military. 

According to the Ukrainian website Strana, the decision on the consequences of Bezuglaya’s statements will be taken by Zelensky’s close circle and his chief of staff, Andriy Yermak. So far, neither the president nor his advisors have reacted to the incident. Despite Bezuglaya denying coordination with the presidency, there is speculation in Ukrainian society that her words could be the start of a campaign to discredit the military leadership, indicating a possible dismissal of Zaluzhny by Zelensky.

It is unlikely that these incidents are happening in isolation. The string of murder attempts, calls for resignation, cancelling of elections, character assassinations and much more point to a major power struggle in Kiev. The poisoning of Budanova is likely the latest event in this power struggle, but it certainly will not be the last.


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Ahmed Adel is a Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Corriere

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Incident: Ryanair B38M near Krakow on Nov 26th 2023, pilot incapacitated 

By Simon Hradecky, created Wednesday, Nov 29th 2023 20:58Z

A Ryanair Boeing 737-8 MAX, registration EI-IHW performing flight FR-3472 from London Luton, EN (UK) to Rzeszow (Poland), was enroute at FL370 about 90nm northwest of Krakow (Poland) when one of the pilots became incapacitated prompting the other pilot to divert the aircraft to Krakow, where the aircraft landed safely on runway 25 about 25 minutes later where the aircraft was awaited by an ambulance. The pilot received medical assistance.

Poland’s PKBWL rated the occurrence a serious incident and opened an investigation.


Pilot Incapacitations and Deaths in Aug-Nov 2023

Nov. 20, 2023 – Air Transat Flight TS-186 (YYZ-PUJ) from Toronto, Canada to Punta Cana, Dominican Republic – pilot became incapacitated and was replaced by a pilot passenger

Nov. 16, 2023 – Air India Pilot Death – 37 year old Air India Pilot Captain Himanil Kumar had cardiac arrest at Delhi’s Indira Gandhi International Airport during training

Oct. 30, 2023 – Jet2 Flight LS-1711 (MAN-DLM) Manchester (UK) to Dalaman (Turkey) – First officer became incapacitated, pilot diverted aircraft to Budapest, landed safely

Oct. 18, 2023 – Austrian Airlines Pilot Death – 43 year old Christian Zimmerebner, AUA Austrian Airlines Pilot and member of Dorfgastein mountain rescue, diedsuddenly on Oct.18, 2023 due to “serious illness”

Sep. 24, 2023 – Austrian Airlines Flight OS-188 (STR-VIE) Stuttgart to Vienna The captain became incapacitated, first officer took control of aircraft

Sep. 23, 2023 – Alaska Airlines Pilot Death – 37 year old Captain Eric McRae died suddenly in his hotel room during layover, was to fly that morning

Sep. 22, 2023 – Delta Flight DL-291 (CDG-LAX) Paris to Los Angeles – Pilot became incapacitated, was taken to cabin for care, plane diverted to Minneapolis, pilot taken to hospital

Aug. 27, 2023 – Air Canada Flight AC348 (YVR-YOW) Vancouver to Ottawa, one of the pilots felt ill and became incapacitated 50 min before landing in Ottawa.

Aug. 17, 2023 – IndiGo Flight (NAG-PNQ) Nagpur to Pune, India, 40 year old Pilot Manoj Subramanium died after collapsing at the boarding gate, about to board.

Aug. 16, 2023 – Qatar Airways Flight QR579 (DEL-DOH) Delhi to Doha, Qatar, 51 year old pilot collapsed as a passenger inflight and died, plane diverted to Dubai.

Aug. 14, 2023 – LATAM Flight LA505 (MIA-SCL) Miami to Santiago, Chile – 2 hours into 8hr flight, 56 year old Captain Ivan Andaur collapsed and died in the lavatory – plane diverted to Panama City!

Aug. 9, 2023 – United Airlines UAL1309 (SRQ-EWR) Sarasota to Newark, pilot had a heart attack and lost consciousness in flight

Aug. 7, 2023 – TigerAIR Flight IT237 (CTS-TPE) Sapporo to Taipei, copilot had a medical emergency after landing plane in Taipei

Pilot Incapacitations and Deaths (On Duty) Jan-July 2023

July 19, 2023 – Eurowings Discover Flight 4Y-1205 (HER-FRA) Heraklion to Frankfurt, pilot incapacitated, first officer took control, landed safely

July 16, 2023 – Small plane – 2006 Piper Meridian, flying from Westchester NY, crashed at Martha’s Vineyard Airport after pilot had medical emergency upon final approach and passenger took control of the plane and attempted a landing. Pilot, 79 year old Randolph Bonnist, died later in hospital.

June 7, 2023 – Air Canada Flight ACA692 (YYZ-YYT) Toronto to St.John’s, First Officer became incapacitated, deadheading Captain assumed duties

June 4, 2023 – Small plane – Cessna Citation N611VG flying Tennessee to Long Island, fighter jets spotted pilot slumped over in cockpit unconscious, plane crashed and all onboard died

May 11, 2023 – HiSKy Flight H4474 (DUB-KIV) Dublin to Chisinau (Moldova), 20 min after liftoff pilot became “unable to act”, plane diverted to Manchester

May 4, 2023 – British Charter TUI Airways Flight BY-1424 (NCL-LPA) Newcastle to Las Palmas Spain pilot became ill, plane diverted back to NCL.

May 3, 2023 – Air Transat and Air Canada Pilot Eddy Vorperian, age 48, died suddenly during layover in Croatia

April 21, 2023 – Easyjet Flight U2-6469 (LGW-AGA) London Gatwick to Agadir, Morocco, first offer became incapacitated, diverted to Faro, Portugal.

April 4, 2023 – United Airlines Flight 2102 (BOI-SFO) – captain was incapacitated, first officer was only one in control of the aircraft.

March 25, 2023 – TAROM Flight RO-7673 TSR-HRG diverted to Bucharest as 30 yo pilot had chest pain, then collapsed

March 22, 2023 – Southwest Flight WN6013 LAS-CMH diverted as pilot collapsed shortly after take-off, replaced by non-Southwest pilot

March 18, 2023 – Air Transat Flight TS739 FDF-YUL first officer was incapacitated about 200NM south of Montreal

March 13, 2023 – Emirates Flight EK205 MXP-JFK diverted due to pilot illness hour and a half after take-off

March 11, 2023 – United Airlines Flight UA2007 GUA-ORD diverted due to “incapacitated pilot” who had chest pains

March 11, 2023 – British Airways (CAI-LHR) pilot died of heart attack in crew hotel in Cairo before a Cairo to London flight (name & age not released)

March 3, 2023 – Virgin Australia Flight VA-717 ADL-PER Adelaide to Perth flight was forced to make an emergency landing after First Officer suffered heart attack 30 min after departure.

Military Pilot Incapacitations

Aug. 18, 2023 – US Army Aviation Center (Alabama) student pilot went into cardiac arrest behind the controls midflight (Aug.18, 2023), Instructor landed plane – pilot was dead for 18 minutes!

Recent Pilot Deaths (Not On Duty)

Pilot death – May 2023 – 4 Singapore Airlines pilots died suddenly in May 2023

Pilot death – May 9, 2023 – United Airlines and US Air Force Pilot Lt. Col. Michael Fugett, age 46, died unexpectedly at his home

Pilot death – April 13, 2023 – Phil Thomas, graduate of Flight Training Pilot academy in Cadiz, Spain (FTEJerez) died suddenly.

Pilot death – March 17, 2023 – 39 year old Westjet Pilot Benjamin Paul Vige died suddenly in Calgary


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

Featured image is from COVID Intel

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

The Genocidal State of Israel

December 1st, 2023 by Prof. Anthony J. Hall

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name.

To receive Global Research’s Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here.

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It came as a surprise to me to see flashes of warmth, affection and mutual respect during the moments on the 25th of November when the Israeli captives were handed off to Red Cross officials by Hamas fighters of the Qassem Brigades. Not only were the captives shown to be in good health; they were well scrubbed and calm in their demeanour. One young woman on crutches had obviously been receiving medical attention.

At the end of her 7-week ordeal, time probably spent largely in the Gaza tunnels, she and one of her captors seemed touched with warm emotion as they parted, each going their own way into very different futures. They exchanged tender looks and little waves as the young woman said in Arabic Shukran, “thanks.” Other similar scenes were pictured as a other captives in Gaza were transported back to Israel on the second day of a several-day respite in the bombardment.

See this.

This little snapshot of sane interactions between human beings near the very heart of a holocaust-level event, seemed to fly in the face of the stereotypes contaminating too many minds in setting the mental environment within which the Gaza Kill Fest has been unfolding. The objectives of the leadership running the Israeli side of this operation go far beyond the stated goal of conquering and eliminating a Palestinian organization, one founded and funded by the Israeli government.

See this.

Hamas was meant by its Israeli founders to further the Israeli effort to avoid a two-state resolution to the longstanding Palestine-Israel conflict. As explained by Joachim Hagopian,

On Sunday November 26th, the Washington Post exposed Benjamin Netanyahu’s symbiotic relationship with Hamas. On the one hand, he’s often claimed to want to destroy the “terrorist” group Hamas over many years, yet has helped finance Hamas and used this Palestinian militant faction to divide and rule Palestinians as a politically disunited people. By breaking up Palestine between its token Palestinian authorities in the West Bank and treating it as separate from East Jerusalem and the Hamas stronghold in Gaza, it ensures Israeli apartheid subjugation and control continues. See this.

What we are seeing, therefore, is the the culmination of the strategy to put a permanent end to even the possibility of a two-state solution. In fact the decision to depopulate Palestine of Palestinians, may be leading much of the international community to a conclusion that runs exactly opposite to what the conniving Prime Minister of Israel intends.

To be more explicit, the objective of Netanyahu and his Jewish supremacist constituents led by fascist Itamar Ben-Gvir, is to quickly eliminate by a variety of means the entire population of Palestinians who have survived three generations of violent abuse under the rule of Zionist Israel.

For decades these Palestinians have stubbornly refused to remove themselves from the lands of their ancestors regardless of all the pressures put on them to leave, to die, to suffer, or to just fade away into despondent despair.

The objective of the Israeli genocidaires is to destroy all the infrastructure that makes life possible in Gaza.

The aim is to push forward a scorched earth strategy to transform Gaza into a desolate wasteland incapable of supporting human existence. The tactics include a Dresden-style bombardment of human habitations. The result is that 80% of the 2.3 million Gazans are already homeless and internally displaced. Water treatment facilities are being dismantled as sewers and other sanitation facilities are being destroyed including in the remaining Palestinian districts in the West Bank.

Special measures have been taken to eliminate all capacity for growing and processing food. Even the remnants of institutions for recreation and cultural appreciation are being wiped into oblivion. The Israeli government’s proudest feat of ruination, has been to transform hospitals into bombed-out morgues on a scale that has probably never been seen before in military history.

As we shall see, this strategy of transforming hospitals into death camps can be interpreted as a particularly morbid legacy of the insanities done in the name of fighting COVID-19. On his way to the “War on Hamas,” Netanyahu had a big role in incorporating these insanities, many of them lethal, into Israeli policy and hospitals in ways that proved lethal and injurious for many Israeli citizens.

The Israeli government is trying to cover up many of these lethal insanities in Gaza through the IDF’s targeted assassination of journalists, photographers and even their families. Dozens have of them have been killed since October 7 along with many UN officials charged to record the extent of Israeli savagery.

From Netanyahu on down, Israeli officials make it clear that they are far from finished in their quest to make Gaza uninhabitable. The strategy so far has been to flatten Gaza’s buildings but especially those in its main population centre, Gaza City. The ceasefire has presented more openings for the cameras to record the devastation from many angles. In spite of the intense bombardment, thousands of northerners have refused to leave, preferring instead to live in tents in front of their destroyed homes.

The ceasefire has resulted in the temporary opening up to a trickle of essential supplies desperately needed by more than 2,000,000 starving and thirsty people, many of them suffering all sorts of injuries. This trickle of incoming supplies has slightly mitigated the draconian measures put in place by the Defence Minister. On October 8 Yoav Gallant notoriously announced that the “human animals”in Gaza would be subjected to a “siege” including being cut off from all food, water, and electricity.

Apparently Itamar Ben Gvir, the Minister of National Security who publicly declared his contempt for the ceasefire agreement, was particularly distraught with Netanyahu for letting in gasoline. Netanyahu is still seemingly in charge although he is hated by much of Israeli population.

The multiple scandals swirling around Netanyahu, including the emerging leaks about his “symbiotic” relationship with Hamas as well as new disclosures about what really happened on October 7. It seems that before October 7 many people, including several journalists, had prior knowledge of what was about to take place on October 7.

Moreover Netanyahu was one of many officials in Israel and the United States who would have had to have played a role in setting up the pretext for the planned annihilation and displacement of the entire population of Palestinians still living under the jack boot of Israeli control.

During the 7 weeks of bombing, the Jewish people of Israel mostly supported the military operation. But that support is apparently dwindling as the fate of the Israeli captives is more and more highlighted in the media.

There was something very discordant in Netanyahu’s claim that the way to free the Israeli hostages, but especially the soldiers, was to continue the blitzkrieg pounding their Hamas captors.

It is not known how many Israelis, if any, have already been killed by the proliferation of Israeli-US bombs dropped on the population of Gaza. While Netanyahu continues to stay out of jail by retaining his job as Prime Minister, he is once again being confronted with public protests at his home. The demands for his resignation are once again becoming aggressive.

The military operations have included an Israeli order to Gazans in the northern sector of the Gaza strip to move southwards. Many from this internally displaced population used the ceasefire to travel north in an effort to find their dead relatives in the rubble heaps and possibly to locate a few of their possessions that might have survived the bombing. IDF soldiers briefly broke the ceasefire by firing at northward-headed Palestinians. Two were killed and several were injured.

The internally displaced population, that is to say 80% of Gaza’s people, are being assembled in the south end of the Gaza strip.

They are being conveniently placed into close proximity to the Rafah crossing into Egypt. The plan has been to push the process of exterminating as many Palestinians as possible, before reconstituting the survivors as a new contingent of intergeneration refugee. Efforts have been aimed at bullying and bribing the government of Egypt into setting up refugee camps in the Sinai Desert.

Another scenario is to force more survivors of the US-Israeli bombardment into Western countries. This subject has large implications addressed by Tucker Carlson and others. They compare the desire of people in Israel to be exclusively and monolithically Jewish, even as Zionist power brokers demand intensified and enlarged multicultural mixing throughout the West.

The hypocrisy and double standards of Zionist connivance are becoming too audacious as so many in the “never again” chorus, cheer on the slaughter to advance Israel’s ethnic cleansing of the native Palestinians.

The core motivation in the Zionist quest to eliminate Palestinians from Israel is not difficult to understand. Many Jewish citizens of the Jewish state want to extract themselves from the dark legacy of the inconvenient truths about how their country came to emerge and grow from the violent ongoing expropriation of the land of Palestine.

No amount of passing of Netanyahu-style laws to declare that Israel is under the exclusive sovereign proprietorship of the Jewish people, can change this history. In fact the ugly side of this genocidal history would only be rendered more shameful in the eyes of much of the world if the land of Palestine was to be ethnically cleansed of its entire Palestinian population.

There would be no need for a two-state solution if there were no more indigenous Palestinians to form the Arab state called for in the UN Resolution that launched Israel into the realm of international affairs.

It is this convergence of current events, changing attitudes, and inherited realities that causes me to question if the Jewish State of Israel might henceforth be better understood as the Genocidal State of Israel. As I see it, the flash of affection and decency displayed in the handover process indicates the situation is not yet hopeless.

A similar scene was re-enacted on day six of the ceasefire, as several released Israeli teenagers hugged, smiled and shook hands with members of the Qassam Brigades as they were being handed off to the Red Cross. Why not make friends, not hatred and war?

From God’s Chosen People, to Manifest Destiny, to Annihilating the Swastika Bearers

Those who after WWII declared, “Never Again,” are themselves committing a new Holocaust complete with obscene PR campaigns.

One such campaign can be seen as a telling marker of the emergence of the Genocidal State of Israel. This marker is the now-notorious video of a choir of Jewish children singing angelic praise for mass murder. This production by Rosenbaum Communications represents a new low in manipulative war propaganda. Putting such poisonous words into the mouths of innocent minors, amounts to nothing short of child abuse.

The video was removed from its biggest platform “ for violating You Tube’s Terms of Service.” The children affirmed in this song that, “within a year we will annihilate everyone.” By “everyone” the producers apparently mean all Palestinians who are described generically as “swastika-bearers.”

Like the child singers of the genocidal song, many Israeli officials have clearly declared their country’s intention to eliminate all Palestinians from Israel. See this.

A clear indication of the fraudulent nature of the Israeli government’s description of its military campaign as a “War on Hamas” is that the slaughter is being pushed forward not only inside Gaza but outside Gaza as well. See this.

As shall be explained in more detail below, the West Bank is well outside the jurisdictional sphere of Hamas. The Palestinians of the West Bank are currently assigned by their Israeli rulers to the jurisdiction of the Palestinian Authority. The PA is another another branch of the Israeli-authorized system for governing Palestinians.

A proliferation of Jewish “settlements” have been built in the West Bank since the region was illegally conquered along with the Gaza enclave by the IDF in 1967. Both the West Bank and Gaza were assigned by the United Nations to the Arab state that has yet to be created

Gallant’s description of Palestinian’s as “human animals” deserving of genocide is widely reflected and even exceeded in similar pronouncements coming from many prominent Israelis. See this.

Of course this resort to dehumanizing language followed up by genocidal action has been a persistent theme in the Israeli entity’s treatment of the Palestinians since its founding acts of violently uprooting native people in the so-called War of Independence in 1948. Now, many Israels are intent on “finishing the job.” See this.

Prime Minister Menachin Begin’s description in 1982 of the Palestinian leader and martyr, Yasser Arafat, as “a beast walking on two legs” can be seen as a forerunner of Gallant’s description of the IDF’s targets as human animals. See this.

Arafat, by far the most unrelenting leader in the history of the movement for Palestinian self-determination, was killed by poisoning in 2004 through contamination with radioactive polonium. See this.

The Israeli campaign of genocidal onslaught in Gaza is nothing like that of state-backed armies doing battle in open spaces. The Gaza Massacre in more like a modern-day version of an American Indian war, only the Indigenous peoples are locked up in a fort from which there seemed to be no exit until October 7 of 2023. Moreover the Palestinians of Gaza face some of the most sophisticated weaponry coming from the vast and sophisticated arsenals of their Zio-American attackers.

The plight of the Palestinians and Native Americans have often been compared by Norman Finkelstein and others, including myself. The Native peoples of both Palestine and the United States have both been subject to the force of Biblical interpretation. The founders of both New England and Israel saw themselves as Israelites, chosen by God for a divinely-sanctioned mission starting with the seizure of the Promised Land from the Indigenous peoples.

The theology of the New England Puritans was given a twist in the adoption by US expansionists of the view that America had a “Manifest Destiny” granted by God to rule North America, the Western Hemisphere and eventually the world. In taking over the imperial mission of Great Britain, the United States assumed leadership of the Zionist vision of building up a national home for the Jewish people in Palestine. This history forms much of the background for the establishment of Israel in 1947-48.

This geopolitical partnership between the United States and its Israeli offshoot evolved into the thesis that both countries are exceptional polities not subject to the usual restrictions of the law, especially when it comes to acquiring land, resources, and wealth in the name of “spreading democracy.”

Given this shared history there is considerable strategic importance in “Native Studies” in Israel and North America. This topic area has attracted the attention of the proponents of competing schools of interpretation that go from the sublime scholarly contributions of Stephen Salaita to the ridiculous babblings of Ryan Bellerose who was briefly “the face” of B’nai Brith Canada. See this.

To add to the horror of the overall spectacle, a portion of humanity are openly cheering on with religious fervour the Israeli Defence Force and its US partners. The cheer leaders, including many millions of Christian Zionists, are instrumental proponents intent on lending support to this one-sided debacle of mass annihilation.

Part 2  Forthcoming

Click here to access Prof Anthony Hall’s Substack which includes the full article.


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This article was originally published on the author’s Substack, Looking out at the World from Canada.

Dr. Anthony Hall is currently Professor of Globalization Studies at the University of Lethbridge in Alberta Canada. He has been a teacher in the Canadian university system since 1982. Dr. Hall, has recently finished a big two-volume publishing project at McGill-Queen’s University Press entitled “The Bowl with One Spoon”.

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).

Featured image is from Mideast Discourse

Israel-Gaza War: Anything Is Now Possible

December 1st, 2023 by Dr. Paul Larudee

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name.

To receive Global Research’s Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here.

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The denouement has begun, as expected, in the early hours of the eighth day after the beginning of the ceasefire, with Israeli aircraft efficiently but indiscriminately adding to the death, destruction, misery and displacement in Gaza.

Israel has its eyes on the elimination of the Palestinians.

Hamas and its allies have their eyes on the liberation of Palestine.

The US has its eyes on maintaining the power of its enforcer in West Asia.

Hezbollah, Iran, Yemen, and movements in Iraq, Türkiye, and other Arab and Muslim countries have warned that potential defeat of the Palestinian resistance, genocide of the Palestinian people and attacks against the third holiest shrine of Islam are a tripwire for their participation in the battle.

This is a very dangerous time. It’s hard to say how far the escalation will go. Israel knows that it cannot endure total mobilization long term without total collapse of its economy, as well as social unrest and continued flight of its population. Its strategy is very likely to try to achieve the most extreme horrors as quickly as possible.

But such a strategy is also likely to trigger uncontrollable outrage in countries and movements that will react with military intervention, and have promised to do so. The streets of cities around the world will fill with larger crowds than ever, and rising passions may result in impatience with their own government representatives, and consequent unrest.

A dangerous time.

A time of change.

A time of turmoil.

Potentially a pivotal time in world history.

I previously wrote that 2023 will be the watershed year ending a half-millennium of Western domination of the world.

Perhaps it is fitting that the point for this pivot should be the center of the three great monotheisms on our planet. Cecil B. Deville might have imagined the script.


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All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name.

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I’ve found myself feeling unusually cranky over the past several months. Goodnesss knows, there are plenty of reasons: the never-ending covidian pall that has hung over our heads for nearly four years,

  • the absurdly frivolous persecution of my medical colleagues here in New Zealand by a thoroughly corrupt Medical Council in the back pocket of the FSMB,
  • the recent change in government with promises to begin a covid inquiry that itself promises to be about as successful as the Warren Commission report on the assassination of JFK,
  • and the many stories of jab-injured people who feel they have nowhere to turn. In fact, I received a message from one just last week imploring me to hear her out over the holidays, which I gladly will.

But more particularly for me and my level of grumpiness this week was having come across a video by a YouTube influencer, a bona fide physicist whose channel promises “Science without the gobbledygook.” I’ve chanced upon her before as I meandered my way through discussions of dark energy, dark matter, black holes and the like, no doubt a masochistic exercise for someone whose mathematical abilities reach their peak in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division — although in fairness I did manage to pass calculus and statistics courses in my youth, the memory of which is something best repressed.

The physicist in question, one Sabine Hossenfelder, produced a video entitled “Long COVID: All you need to know”.

I sat through the excruciating twenty minutes in stunned disbelief. Here, after all, is a very real and accomplished scientist, who describes herself on her channel thus:

“Sabine Hossenfelder has a PhD in physics. She is author of the books “Lost in Math: How Beauty Leads Physics Astray” (Basic Books, 2018) and “Existential Physics: A Scientist’s Guide to Life’s Biggest Questions” (Viking, 2022).”

I know without a doubt that her mental capacity for engaging in the higher complexities of mathematics, cosmology, particle physics and the like, is considerable, and in comparison to me she is many light years ahead or above my capabilities to comprehend even the rudiments of these august fields.

Mysteriously however, Dr. Hossenfelder’s scientific acumen took a leave of absence when she ventured into the field of medicine. I realize that she does not possess an MD, but surely any scientist worth his or her salt could never had failed to address the one highly significant variable in all this talk of long, longer and endless covid: the Jab.

Well, to be fair, she does mention covid “vaccination” in the context of preventing long covid, citing a meta-analysis that suggests multiple “vaccinations” are preventive. And with respect to the treatment of covid, she utterly fails to mention anything like zinc, zinc ionophores such as Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine and Quercetin, Vitamin C, or Vitamin D — offering instead the suggestion that those infected with covid should “rest well” and not “try to push through it.”

I am reminded of a neighbor who developed a deep venous thrombosis in her calf and, two days after diagnosis, a pulmonary embolism requiring emergency hospitalization.

She fortunately survived. When I asked her what her doctors told her about the developments she initially said that they were befuddled and could offer no explanation. A week later, however, their tune changed and, voila’, they discovered the culprit — yes, you guessed it, long covid! Not one of her doctors thought to consider the fact that she had received the thromobogenic Pfizer inoculation and boosters. This poor woman continues to require treatment and I suspect that she will line up for the yet another covid booster, despite my attempts to warn her of the possibility that this would be unwise and unhealthy. Let’s see.

Meanwhile I muse upon the titanium-clad propaganda machine that has generated a fool-proof shield of rebuttals to any real scientific curiosity. I predicted at the outset that adverse effects of the covid Jab would be attributed to covid itself instead of to the real culprit, and so they have, at least in mainstream circles. This is a kind of beautiful perfection in propaganda, isn’t it? With all the insurmountable and overwhelming evidence of Jab-induced harm, or people dying in greater numbers, the propagandist’s fall-back position is covid itself.

Yet another aspect of the bludgeoning under which we have suffered these past several years is that peculiar form of gaslighting that has turned the tables on everything we once held as rock-solid. Fundamental principles of medicine were, as if by a magician’s wave of the hand, dismissed — things like natural immunity, early treatment and prevention, individualized therapy, informed consent. Where once pandemic guidelines eschewed quarantining the healthy, lockdowns became the norm. Distancing became something “social” and masking, long known to be rather useless for respiratory viruses, became mandatory. We were told, daily, incessantly, to fear for our lives thanks to an infectious agent that was never more deadly than a seasonal flu. And, most ominously, we were advised that the very sanctity of our bodies — let’s leave the soul out of this for now — could be transgressed and violated by a State that justified its rapine coercion by the outright lie that healthy people could be lethal to others.

Yes, I suppose I have a lot of reasons to be out of sorts, but perhaps mostly because I am naive enough to think that very real and very accomplished scientists like Sabine Hossenfelder should practice scientific principles when they venture into domains beyond their particular expertise. In short, I thought that a scientific mind would be, well, scientific, and that the exclusion of a very real and ubiquitous variable such as mass inoculation would at the very least have been given some weight.

Then I ask myself the question, are these so-called scientists — like Dr. Hossenfelder with her million subscribers — truly ignorant, or are they part of the program?


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Dr. Garcia is a Philadelphia-born psychoanalyst and psychiatrist who emigrated to New Zealand in 2006. He has authored articles ranging from explorations of psychoanalytic technique, the psychology of creativity in music (Mahler, Rachmaninoff, Scriabin, Delius), and politics. He is also a poet, novelist and theatrical director. He retired from psychiatric practice in 2021 after working in the public sector in New Zealand. Visit his substack at where this article was first published.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Children’s Health Defense

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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Forward this article to your email lists. Crosspost on your blog site, internet forums. etc.

Timely article, incisive analysis by Matthew Ehret-Kump,  first published by Global Research on July 12, 2020




The [late] Henry Kissinger is known for many things, but a revolutionary is not one of them. Over the years of service to the empire, the career geopolitician has been consistent in his unfailing commitment to

1) destroy the Westphalian system of sovereign nation states,

2) promote population control across the developing sector,

3) advocate limited nuclear war (in opposition to the more popular visions of total nuclear war advocated by Cold Warriors) and

4) selectively overthrow troublesome governments as a co-architect of color revolutions.

The unifying theme throughout has been Kissinger’s total commitment to stability. No matter what chaotic means chosen to advance his agenda, you can be sure that Kissinger does it all for a near religious commitment to “order” and stability.

Although too often overlooked, Henry Kissinger’s 1st published work in 1957 A World Restored: Metternich, Castlereagh and the Problems of Peace 1812-1822, offers us the greatest insight into the broader historical forces which young Kissinger understood and which won him entry into the most trusted inner echelons of the oligarchy. It also offers us a sort of master key into unravelling some major historical paradoxes that will assist us in making great sense out of our present age plagued by color revolution and war.

In previous articles, I advanced several concepts which I will add to in this current story.

  1. That the American Revolution was a global rather than local phenomenon which involved players from across Europe as well as India and Morocco who not only made the republican revolution a success but intended to bring that success back to their own countries as part of a broader emancipation of humanity from systems of hereditary elites.
  2. That the French Revolution was intended to be the first expression of that process outside of America before British Intelligence transformed it into a Jacobin terror that killed all of the qualified republican leaders.
  3. That the National Endowment of Democracy which is behind today’s color revolutions was created as a Trilateral Commission scheme under the guidance of Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski– two men not known for their “democratic sympathies”.

In this report, I wish to pick up from where we left off with the British sabotage of the French revolution and the 20 year reign of destruction of Europe led by the Rothschild-funded asset of chaos Napoleon Bonaparte who was finally put down on June 18, 1815.

In A World Restored, Kissinger identifies the 1815 Congress of Vienna as the greatest lesson for statesmen of all ages.

Why? Because it entailed the restoration of order by the European elite after a process of chaos unleashed by the 1776 revolution in America.

In Kissinger’s worldview, justice and freedom have no existence. “Evil” does exist, but only as that which causes “dis-equilibrium”. The hereditary elite of 1815 were obviously more than a little nervous living in a world that had lost its equilibrium. The revolutionary fervor of 1776 and its international spread, demonstrated that the absolute power claimed by the Zeusian gods of Olympus was little more than an illusion which could be taken away if the people organized themselves appropriately.

In his thesis, Kissinger wrote how Britain’s Lord Robert Castlereagh and Prince Clemens von Metternich led in the most brilliant restructuring of political structures in the wake of Napoleon’s defeat which supposedly brought peace to Europe for nearly 100 years.. but nothing could be further from the truth.

The Congress of Vienna and the Roots of Color Revolutions

When one looks closely at the Congress of Vienna, the “restoration of order” valued by Kissinger was premised upon the attempted killing of creativity and love of freedom by imposing a political, cultural dictatorship on the bodies, minds and souls of all of Europe.

How was this done?

After several months of booze-soaked orgies which saw representatives, emperor, prince and minister of every government of Europe debauch themselves in spy-infested salons and parties under the guidance of Prince von Metternich and Lord Castlereagh, several treaties resulted.

  1. The restoration of monarchical France.
  2. The creation of the Holy Alliance under the control of Metternich which comprised an alliance of Austria, Prussia, Russia and for a time Britain and France.
  3. The Carlsbad Decrees that featured a comprehensive cultural dictatorship which was considered the most important weapon against “revolutionary” ideas that needed to be wiped off the face of the earth.

The Carlsbad Decrees imposed a strict dictatorship over thoughts themselves whereby inquisitors loyal to the Holy Alliance were placed in every university with absolute power to fire professors and expel students who were accused of republican ideals.

Anyone who was expelled or fired from a university was prevented from working or studying in any other university in Europe which is why America saw a surge of republican immigrants during this period. All newspapers had to submit their works to official censors who edited all papers until they were deemed acceptable to the elite and all books were subject to censors with thousands of poets and philosophers deemed unprintable. Anyone seeking to read the writings of Friedrich Schiller, Thomas Paine, or Benjamin Franklin would be out of luck.

Metternich’s leading advisor (and enemy of Friedrich Schiller) Friedrich von Schlegel stated that “the true nursery of all these destructive principles, the revolutionary school, for France and the rest of Europe, has been North American. Thence the evil has spread over many other lands, either by natural contagion, or by arbitrary communication.” Thus for the destructive principles of republicanism to become undone, America itself would have to be destroyed from within as would the ideas which inspired it everywhere they arose.

Of course, the suffocation of the natural sentiments for freedom and creativity resulted in a backlash which should have been expected by Metternich and his ilk.

Lafayette’s 2nd Chance

By 1830, this backlash manifested itself around the person of the aging revolutionary the Marquis Lafayette, who at 19, became a leading figure in the American revolution, and at 32 nearly became President of France, though ultimately lived through much of the French Revolution in a Hapsburg dungeon as an enemy of the oligarchy after the revolution was hijacked and converted into a color revolution by the British Foreign Office.

From 1824-1830, Lafayette, operating as head of the European branch of the Society of the Cincinnati, was organizing an international counter revolution to the Congress of Vienna and Holy Alliance. Much of his organizing for this little known historical movement entailed a months long sojourn to America where the war hero campaigned for the presidency of John Quincy Adams (who narrowly defeated the Wall Street candidates of his day in 1824), and organized American support for a new European revolution that was to begin in France in 1830.

The plan was simple: The French population was ready to revolt against the abuses of the new king and Lafayette was positioned to take control. Once he was declared the President of France and the errors of the Jacobin bloodbath of 1789-94 was corrected, then republican movements were ready declare independence in Poland, followed by movements in Germany, Spain and beyond. But it had to first work in France.

From 1828-1830, some of the greatest intellects of America found themselves in France working to advance this cause. Some of the most notable figures working closely with Lafayette were James Fenimore Cooper, American inventor, artist and spy Samuel B. Morse, Edgar Poe, West Point leader General Sylvanus Thayer, and America’s ambassador to Spain Washington Irving.

Lafayette’s Failure to Break with the Hereditary Principle

Professor Pierre Beaudry in his ground breaking study Lafayette and the Hereditary Principle (2008) quotes France’s great Foreign Minister and historian Gabriel Hanotaux who described the paradox of France of 1798 and 1830:

“The question is always the fight between the two principles: the hereditary principle and the revolutionary principle. It is the dispute of the two Frances, the quarrel of the two flags which lingers on, and which renders impotent all government system, unless it is stopped once and for all.”

When the time came for Lafayette to declare himself President of the French republic on July 31 1830, thousands of Parisian citizens shouted his name in front of City Hall after days of rioting. However, at the last minute, Lafayette failed to capture the moment and gave into the false promises of Philippe Egalite’s son (the Duke of Orleans) who agreed to become a “republican King of France” and make Lafayette the head of the National Guard and defender of the people. Waiting until the last minute, Lafayette decided tragically to go to the balcony with Louis Philippe at his side. In front of thousands of onlookers, Lafayette ignored the popular calls to become president and instead embraced the monarch and within minutes France had a new king under Louis Philippe I.

Gabriel Hanotaux reported on the dialogue between Lafayette and the soon-to-be monarch moments before the embrace:

“You know,” said to him Lafayette, “that I am a republican and that I consider the Constitution of the United States as the most perfect that ever existed.”

– “I think as you do,” replied the Duke of Orleans, “It is impossible to have lived two years in the United States and not be of that opinion; but, do you believe that, in the situation that France is in, and following public opinion, it would be right to adopt it?”

– “No,” replied Lafayette, “what the French people need today, is a popular monarchy, surrounded by republican institutions, completely republican .”

– That is precisely what I intend to do,” said the prince.”

Within months, the Marquis Lafayette had been fired from his position as head of the National Guard. The republican movement of Poland was annihilated as none of the support needed to advance their revolution was given by a monarchist France and the surviving revolutionaries made their way to France after the failed October uprising to find temporary protection under Lafayette. Lafayette was horrified as he watched the new king enmesh France into a deep alliance with Britain while expanding its colonial policy abroad.

Lafayette died in 1834 after watching King Louis Philippe turn on the people and become the same tyrant which the revolution of 1789 sought to end. In spite of his death, the fervor for freedom from monarchism couldn’t be stifled directly. Instead, a technique was honed called neo-Jacobinism which used anarchism to direct the rage of the masses towards breaking all structures identified as “the establishment” while in reality keeping said establishment in place. Today’s color revolutions are merely 21st century versions of this 19th century technique.

Lord Palmerston who ran Britain’s Foreign Office and worked closely with the Holy Alliance, used a vast array of assets throughout the 1830s, 1840s and 1850s to direct the polarized energy of disenfranchised youth towards the greatest degrees of chaos possible under the heading of the Young Europe Movement.

Jesuits, Confederates and Transcendentalists Undermine America

Working closely with Italian Grand Master Freemason Giuseppe Mazzini, Young Italy, Young Germany, Young Russia, Young Bosnia, Young Ireland movements were created. A Young America Movement grew in the United States under the guidance of Ralph Waldo Emerson (himself under the direction of British Intelligence’s Thomas Carlyle) and the new movement of New England Transcendentalists which Edgar Poe fought against tooth and nail.

Throughout this process, the inventor Samuel Morse wrote an invaluable book entitled Foreign Conspiracies Against the Liberties of the United States (1841) by describing Prince Metternich’s Holy Alliance and it’s deployment of Jesuits throughout the Americas to undo the American revolution when he said “the latter come from the same quarter, in the shape of hundreds of Jesuits and priests; a class of men notorious for their intrigue and political arts, and who have a complete military organization through the United States.”

While the Young America Transcendentalists in the north grew in influence promoting a new self-centered mysticism antagonistic to the principles of America’s constitution, Jesuit infiltration spread throughout all layers of influence in the Americas. A third branch of warfare was deployed as Giuseppe Mazzini coordinated a Confederate general by the name of Albert Pike who was to go onto lead the southern session movement alongside British Foreign Office asset Jefferson Davis which nearly put an end to the American experiment in 1861. Under Mazzini’s direction, Pike revamped the Scottish Rite and created the KKK, both of which were instrumental in undermining America’s constitutional traditions from within.

So when Sir Henry Kissinger comes out promoting democratic revolutions against dictatorships on the one hand, and anti-revolutionary movements like the Congress of Vienna of 1815 on the other hand, rest assured that there is no contradiction.

The world which such technocratic zombies like Kissinger and the hives of Rhodes Scholars  which he represents live in define “stability and equilibrium” as the greatest goods in politics.

They inversely believe that all creative change that reduces “predictability” are evils to be wiped out at all costs, and thus such movements as the Belt and Road Initiative, just like the American Revolution of 1776 and its international expressions, must be destroyed… even at the cost of risking nuclear war.


Matthew J.L. Ehret is a journalist, historical analyst, lecturer and founder of the Canadian Patriot Review.

Featured image is from Wikimedia Commons

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Originally published on October 6, 2023.


The European Union’s “Energy Performance of Buildings Directive” — the legislative instrument that dictates the energy performance standards for buildings within the EU — will be used to achieve a massive wealth transfer scheme

By 2030, the EU must meet a minimum 55% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. By 2050, they want every building — commercial, public and residential — in the EU to meet zero-emission standards. To achieve that, they will impose a slew of new renewal energy requirements on homeowners

For example, heating systems that use fossil fuels are to be completely phased out of existence by 2035. Homeowners will be required to install new “green,” presumably electric, heating systems — and pay for it out of pocket. The cost for these new energy requirements are estimated to be around 100,000 euros for a residential house

The goal is to force people out of their homes. If you cannot afford the required upgrades, you’ll be forced to sell your home. Asset management companies will then buy them and turn them into rentals

September 20, 2023, the U.N. General Assembly (UNGA) president approved a declaration on pandemic prevention, which assigns pandemic authority to the WHO, without a full assembly vote and over the objections of 11 member states. The objections should have prevented a consensus adoption the declaration, but the U.N. is skirting the rules by having the UNGA president, rather than the General Assembly, approve the declaration


In the video above, Bjorn Andreas Bull-Hansen, a best-selling Norwegian novelist, explains how the European Union’s “Energy Performance of Buildings Directive” — the legislative instrument that dictates the energy performance standards for buildings within the EU — will be used to achieve a massive wealth transfer scheme.

In March 2023, the EU Parliament voted to revise this directive as part of a “Fit for 55” package, which aims to meet a minimum 55% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 2030.

By 2050, the EU intends to achieve a “zero-emission and fully decarbonized building stock.”1 In short, by 2050, they want every building — commercial, public and residential — in the EU to meet zero-emission standards. To achieve that, they will impose a slew of new requirements on homeowners.

For example, heating systems that use fossil fuels are to be completely phased out of existence by 2035,2 if the European Parliament gets its way, and that means homeowners will be required to install new “green,” presumably electric, heating systems — and pay for it out of pocket. According to Bull-Hansen, the cost for these new energy requirements is estimated to be around 100,000 euros for a residential house.

The Goal Really Is for You to Own Nothing

The goal, Bull-Hansen, explains, is to force people out of their homes. If you cannot afford the required upgrades, you’ll be forced to sell your home, and asset management companies like BlackRock and Vanguard will stand at the ready to snatch these properties up.

And that’s if you’ll be allowed to sell a house that isn’t up to standards; the government might just deem it unsellable and seize it, or you may have to pay a fine of some sort.

In the U.S., BlackRock and Vanguard started bulk-buying residential homes in earnest in early 2021, which they then rent out rather than resell, thereby eroding middle class homeownership. They also artificially drove up home prices by paying above-asking price, thereby pushing homeownership further out of reach.

Of course, the price of rent has also skyrocketed, and renters will have to pay even more after these energy upgrades. So, not only is homeownership something many young people can no longer achieve, many can’t even afford to rent, and are forced to live with their parents or multiple roommates. We can eventually expect the number of homeless to skyrocket as well.

As noted by Bull-Hansen, the elimination of personal property ownership is all part of the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Great Reset agenda, Agenda 2030 and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. These are just different names for the same overarching plan.

The WEF’s “8 Predictions for the World in 2030” video,3 in which they cheerfully declared that by 2030 “you will own nothing,” spelled out many of the aspects of this global plan, including the goal to eliminate personal ownership rights. “All products will become services,” the WEF explains on its website.4 That’s what “you’ll own nothing” refers to.

Gone will be the days when you buy something once and can use it indefinitely because you own it. Instead, the new system they’re pushing us into will require you to rent everything — your home, transportation, furniture, pots and pans and all the rest. You’ve probably noticed this creep already.

For example, you used to be able to buy a piece of software, which came on a disc. You could install and reinstall that program on any computer you wanted, because you had the CD.

Today, most software programs are cloud-based subscriptions, and you have to pay a monthly or annual fee for as long as you’re using it. And, while the fee may be low, once you add it up over a lifetime of use, you’ll end up paying many times more than what you did when you were able to buy it outright.

Homeownership Has Always Been a Wealth-Building Strategy

As noted by Bull-Hansen, homeownership defines the middle class. More importantly, it’s been a way to build and secure generational wealth for ages. Remove the ability for people to buy their own home, and you effectively eliminate the middle class, leaving just the very rich, and the very poor.

“It doesn’t matter if you believe this will be good for the environment or not,” Bull-Hansen says. “This is about controlling you. This is about owning you … This is a wealth transfer that we’re looking at, and we can’t accept that. Ownership is important. It’s a very, very essential concept …

If you take ownership away, what you’re left with is feudalism. Someone’s going to own the stuff that you need, and they will be the so-called ‘elites’ … So we must put our foot down and refuse to accept this.”

Disobedience Is Our Only Way Out

OK, so what do we do about it? I second Bull-Hansen’s call for peaceful disobedience. “We MUST be disobedient now,” he says. The alternative is to accept serfdom.

And again, the coming slave system is not merely about removing human rights and eliminating the freedoms we’ve enjoyed our whole lives — even simple things, such as having the freedom to travel wherever you choose, whenever you want — it’s also about stripping us of our wealth and eliminating the possibility of building wealth in the future.

They’re not just trying to take away your ability to own a home and build generational wealth that way. With a central bank digital currency (CBDC), you won’t make interest on your money, and they’ll take taxes out automatically. They’ll also have the ability to dictate where and what you can spend your money on, and put expiration dates on your funds so that you can never save up for a rainy day.

The globalist cabal behind this entire agenda intends to create a permanent slave class that has no rights, no freedoms and no way out.

If you go along with these “green” proposals — which is what they’re using to justify this particular wealth transfer scheme — then you are actively choosing poverty and slavery for yourself, your children and all descendants thereafter, because dismantling this global system of control will be unimaginably difficult once it’s in place.

How are you going to rebel when the government can seize your bank accounts at will, lock you out of grocery stores, send you to an infectious control internment camp to “protect public health” even though you’re not sick, program your electric vehicle such that it only runs within a specific designated area, and punish everyone you know in the same way, simply because they know you?

All of that, and much more, will be possible once the AI-run digital surveillance and control grid is fully implemented and linked to your digital identity, a programmable CBDC and the unified ledger system.

As noted by Bull-Hansen, there will be ramifications for disobedience and refusal to go along with the globalist “green” agenda, but if we agree to pay the price now, and refuse en masse, this globalist power grab will absolutely fail. They cannot do it without mass obedience.

Who’s Looking to Rule the World?

If this topic is new to you, you might be wondering who these “globalists” are that are trying to effect this global coup. I’m not going to name names here, although it’s getting easier by the day to identify the individuals who are part of the club by examining their public statements and stances, their business endeavors and affiliations.

The reason for this is because most are no longer even trying to hide their involvement, and the organizations erected to drive the agenda forward are becoming more and more open about their goals.

For example, June 5, 2023, the United Nations published a document spelling out its commitment to make the World Health Organization the central global governance body.

The following excerpt is from page 9 of the Zero Draft of the “Political Declaration of the United Nations General Assembly High-level Meeting on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response” document drafted in advance of the September 20, 2023, General Assembly meeting.5

global governance

The final text6 of this document was published September 1, 2023, and in that version, all of the headings have been removed, but the overall intent to make the WHO a de facto governing body for the world remains unchanged.

While the document focuses on the WHO’s authority to dictate pandemic prevention and response worldwide, as I’ve detailed in several previous articles, the WHO will not only be in charge of pandemics. That’s just the justification they use to get its foot in the door.

Next, the WHO will move into general health care by advancing the acceptance of a universal health care system.

This will be promoted under the banner of enhancing pandemic prevention, preparedness and response, as detailed on page 11 under OP33 in the Zero Draft,7 and under article 22 in the final text.8

Then, through the global One Health program, which expands “public health” to include everything from agriculture and pollution to travel and climate change, the WHO — or some spinoff thereof — will take over all government functions.

The final text of the UN’s “Political Declaration” even declares that health is an indicator of “sustainable development,” thereby directly linking the WHO’s pandemic authority to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and Agenda 2030.

one health

Lawlessness Reigns

Making matters all the more dire for the people of the world is the fact that governments and global organizations involved in this power grab are increasingly flouting rules, guidelines, laws and treaties that previously have ensured at least some semblance of democracy and rule of law.

One of the latest examples of this is the U.N. General Assembly (UNGA) president’s approval of the declaration on pandemic prevention (the document discussed above) without a full assembly vote and over the objections of 11 member states (Belarus, Bolivia, Cuba, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Eritrea, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Nicaragua, the Russian Federation, the Syrian Arab Republic, Venezuela and Zimbabwe).

According to Francis Boyle, J.D., Ph.D., a bioweapons expert and professor of international law at the University of Illinois who drafted the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, the objections by 11 nations should “prevent this declaration being adopted by consensus and thus arguably becoming part of customary international law, which is what those behind the declaration intend.”

“They could not get it through the UNGA as a Consensus Resolution because of the 11 objecting states,” Boyle told The Defender.9 “They are trying to spin it and misrepresent it by having the UNGA president — not the UNGA — approve the declaration.”

UN Declaration Calls for Universal Vaccinations and More

The fact that the UN General Assembly president is creating loopholes where there are none is particularly disturbing in light of the fact that the declaration makes the COVID-19 power grabs permanent and calls for universal vaccination, increased surveillance, vaccine passports, social media censorship, and an “integrated One Health approach,” which I just explained is the primary way by which the WHO will end up governing all aspects of human life.

So, we can see that even when countries disagree and push back, U.N. leadership simply skirts the rules and follows the Deep State plan anyway, and that’s precisely the kind of behavior we can expect from a “One World Government.” They’ll have rules for themselves, which they’ll conveniently ignore when it suits them, and fixed rules with harsh penalties for the rest of the plebs. As reported by The Defender, September 20, 2023:10

“Critics called the declaration, which seeks to create a global pandemic authority with the power to enforce lockdowns, universal vaccination and censorship of ‘misinformation,’ ‘hypocrisy’ and ‘unhinged.’ The approval came as part of a high-level meeting on PPPR [Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response] …

In a statement, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said, ‘If COVID-19 taught us nothing else, it’s that when health is at risk, everything is at risk.’ He linked the PPPR to the U.N.’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), saying world leaders should ‘show they have learned the painful lessons of the pandemic’ …

Writing for the Brownstone Institute, Dr. David Bell, a public health physician, biotech consultant and former director of Global Health Technologies at Intellectual Ventures Global Good Fund, said ‘the main aim’ of the declaration ‘is to back’ the ‘pandemic treaty’ and IHR amendments currently under negotiation by WHO member states.

Bell said a ‘silence procedure’ is in place, ‘meaning that States not responding will be deemed supporters of the text.’ He said the text is ‘clearly contradictory, sometimes fallacious, and often quite meaningless,’ and intended to centralize the WHO’s power.

Bell told The Defender, ‘The declaration was not written with serious intent, but is essentially empty rhetoric promoting a continued centralization of control that the U.N. and WHO are openly seeking, at the expense of democracy, human rights and equality.’

Francis Boyle … agreed … ‘This is a full-court press to have the entirety of the United Nations Organization, its specialized agencies and its affiliated organizations, back up and support their proposed globalist WHO worldwide totalitarian medical and scientific police state,’ he said.”

Why Does the Deep State Reveal Its Plans?

In recent years, the last three in particular, the Deep State global mafia has gotten more and more open about its plans. That said, even decades ago, the plan for a “New World Order,” a “One World Government,” was there for anyone to see. They discussed it in published white papers and reports, they hinted at it in movies and entertainment, they divulged it in tabletop exercises.

Why do they always reveal their plan? Wouldn’t it be more sensible to keep it a secret so that people don’t know what’s coming and therefore won’t put up a fight?

As it turns out, there’s a method to the apparent madness, and the video above, “Revealing the Method: Esoteric Symbolism as Mind Control,” explains it. In summary, the agenda for a global governance system uses mass mind control to condition people to loss of personal power by promoting and getting us used to three types of loss:

  1. Loss of memory (amnesia)
  2. Loss of will or initiative (abulia)
  3. Loss of interest in that which is vital to one’s health and well-being (apathy)

These three psychological conditions are required for the global cabal to successfully implement a global government. Mind control methods used by the cabal to promote these conditions include the subversion of sacred symbolism and archetypes.

With the use of occult and esoteric symbols, they appeal to mankind’s lower instincts, animalistic appetites, compulsive urges and “inharmonious drives that conflict with an individual’s higher conscious nature.” The goal is to arrest the spiritual development of individuals and stifle the evolution of spirit within society.

Putting their “mark” on everything they do may also be an ego-driven facet of the cabal’s megalomania. It proclaims their dominance to each other and, subconsciously, to the masses, while simultaneously mocking those they view as inferior.

One particularly interesting aspect of the cabal’s use of symbolism is that the symbol typically means the exact opposite of the mainstream consensus view of its meaning. For example, the hammer and sickle symbol, found on the flag of the former Soviet Union, is commonly thought to represent the tools of the working class — industry and agriculture. The idea is that of a “working class utopia.”

The occult meaning, however, which predates the Soviet Union, is that of Saturn, a demi-urge who used a sickle to sever the unity of earth and heaven. Having separated earth from the divine, Saturn became the architect of the material world. In emulation of Saturn, the cabal is also engrossed with matters of the material world: owning it, shaping it, controlling it.

The hammer, meanwhile, represents the obliteration of matter — “The final act of chaotic destruction to usher in their new order.” It’s the instrument that shatters the last remnants of divine will within mankind “in a process in which man devolves and descends further into a post-human world.”

The hammer and sickle, then, seen from an occult perspective, denotes the tyrannical rule of an elite class intent on separating mankind from the divine and, ultimately, destroying it. Its occult meaning is that of a divided dystopia — the opposite of a unified utopia.

I recommend viewing the video, which goes into much greater detail than this short summary. If nothing else, it’s food for thought.


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1, 2 EU Energy Performance of Buildings Directive March 2023

3 Sociable August 23, 2022

4 Weforum November 12, 2016 (Archived)

5 Political Declaration of the United Nations General Assembly High-level Meeting on Pandemic Prevention, […], Zero Draft, June 5, 2023, Page 9

6 Political Declaration of the United Nations General Assembly High-level Meeting on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness […], Final Text, Sept. 1 2023

7 Political Declaration of the United Nations General Assembly High-level Meeting on Pandemic Prevention, […], Zero Draft, June 5, 2023, Page 11

8 Political Declaration of the United Nations General Assembly High-level Meeting on Pandemic Prevention […], Final Text, September 1 2023, Article 22

9, 10 The Defender September 20, 2023

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[First published on September 15, 2023]


We are currently at the crossroads of the Most Serious Economic and Social Crisis in World History.  It is an outright war against all humanity: the Planet’s 8 billion people. 

Starting with the corona crisis in late January 2020, the global crisis (2020-2023) –which is ongoing– has literally disrupted and destroyed people’s lives Worldwide in the course of the last three years.

In turn, the dangers of a Third World War are routinely obfuscated by the media. A world of fantasy permeates the mainstream media which tacitly upholds the conduct of nuclear war as a peace-making endeavor. 

Everything is interrelated: the war in Ukraine, censorship and the derogation of fundamental rights, the Lockdowns and Covid-19 “killer Vaccine”, corrupt governments, … (Michel Chossudovsky)

This interview addresses the complexities of this global crisis.

Click here to access the Video on and/or leave a comment


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By John Klar, November 30, 2023

The accomplishments of human technology are genuinely astounding. However, anthropogenic ingenuity’s limits – and potential harms – are abundantly evident. These dangerous realities do not daunt Elon Musk and NASA, who promise to use technology to solve worldly ills of energy and pollution (by burning energy, and polluting).

The Media’s Fatal Compromises. The Practice of “Embedding”: “Undisguised Effort to Control What War Correspondents See and Hear”: Patrick Lawrence

By Patrick Lawrence, November 30, 2023

The practice of “embedding,” which requires correspondents to report in war and conflict zones as part of a given military unit, struck me as a repellent compromise with power as soon as American media began accepting this unacceptable practice. It is an undisguised effort to control what correspondents see and hear, and so what they write or broadcast, and so what their readers, listeners and viewers think.

Netanyahu’s Insistence on the Continuation of the War. “Will the War Get Out of Control”: Interview with Dr. Ahmad Alderzi

By Dr. Ahmad Alderzi and Steven Sahiounie, November 30, 2023

The events in Gaza and Israel have captured the world’s attention. With so many factors and moving parts to the situation, it is necessary to take a step back and look at the whole scene. 

Pentagon Blames Somalian Pirates for Attempted Vessel Seizure

By Abayomi Azikiwe, November 30, 2023

An escalation in military engagements have been occurring in the Gulf of Aden as several vessels connected with the State of Israel and its supporters are being targeted by the Yemen resistance force of the Ansar Allah. See this.

National Citizens Inquiry Commissioners Report: Inquiry Into the Appropriateness and Efficacy of the COVID-19 Response in Canada

By National Citizen’s Inquiry, November 30, 2023

On Tuesday, November 28, 2023, the National Citizens Inquiry (NCI) released the final report of its months-long investigation into Canada’s response to COVID-19. This report follows the September 14 release of an interim report focused on the regulatory approval process and safety of COVID-19 vaccines.

How F-16s for Kiev Regime Could Spark Wider NATO-Russia War

By Drago Bosnic, November 30, 2023

For months, the Neo-Nazi junta has been preparing to receive US-made F-16 fighter jets from its NATO overlords, including by repurposing civilian airfields and infrastructure for military use. The Kiev regime’s air arm has suffered major losses since the start of the special military operation (SMO), with its airbases either destroyed or damaged beyond repair by Russian long-range precision strikes.

The White House Goes Rogue: “The Government’s Definition of a “Bad” Guy”. Secret Surveillance Program Breaks All the Laws

By John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead, November 30, 2023

The government wants us to believe that we have nothing to fear from its mass spying programs as long as we’ve done nothing wrong. Don’t believe it. It doesn’t matter whether you obey every law. The government’s definition of a “bad” guy is extraordinarily broad, and it results in the warrantless surveillance of innocent, law-abiding Americans on a staggering scale.

Fake Obituaries Are Being Created to Taint “Died Suddenly” Reporting. Dr. William Makis

By Dr. William Makis, November 30, 2023

Social media influencer Samara Maloney died unexpectedly from a brain aneurysm on Nov. 7, 2023. There are many fake obituaries regarding her death, claiming car accident.

New York Just Made It Legal to Quarantine and Isolate Citizens Indefinitely

By Mike Gunzelman, November 30, 2023

A New York Appellate Court has just upheld Governor Kathy Hochul and the State’s appeal that the government should have the authority to isolate and / or quarantine anyone with a highly contagious disease.

“Mr. President, Tap the Brakes”: 3,900 Auto Dealers Warn EV Demand Crumbling

By Zero Hedge, November 30, 2023

Data from Bankrate indicates that interest rates for new auto loans with a 60-month term have reached their highest point since the Dot Com bust era. Additionally, the soaring prices of new electric vehicles pose a significant affordability challenge for the average working-class American.

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The accomplishments of human technology are genuinely astounding. However, anthropogenic ingenuity’s limits – and potential harms – are abundantly evident. These dangerous realities do not daunt Elon Musk and NASA, who promise to use technology to solve worldly ills of energy and pollution (by burning energy, and polluting). Musk, a prominent priest of this new science fiction age, recently asserted that 10,000 square miles of solar panels could power the entire US. This far-sighted vision’s scientific realities and potential harms evaporate in the near-mystical assumptions implicit in such claims. Perhaps Elon will one day require absolution for his visions-become-nightmares.

Icarus and the Sun

In truly Icarian fashion, the higher mankind has climbed toward the technological sun, the more arrogant and reckless the race has become.

Almost every scientific advance has carried hidden and profound costs unpredicted by the prophets of science. Consider that the EPA has only this year determined what exposures of “forever chemical” PFAS are acceptable: the stuff has tainted millions of Americans’ drinking water since its introduction in the 1940s. There are thousands of PFAS: how could the Teflon frying pan be anything but good?

This example extends to technological “marvels” such as lobotomies, transgender surgeries (and synthetic hormones) for minors, thalidomide, Agent Orange, DDT, PCBs, phthalates, BPA, neonicotinoids, glyphosate, hydrofluorocarbons, and a dizzying myriad of other manmade contributions to the environment that ultimately delivered evils to compliment the promised good. Medicines saved lives but increased overpopulation; cars and refrigerators are essential gadgets that damage the environment. Over and over, man’s vision outstrips reality; repeatedly, the promised gifts of technology obscure the Trojan horse results after the supposed gift is unleashed within the city gates.

Musk Is Genius

Mr. Musk is undoubtedly brilliant, and his accomplishments are superhuman. But he has also proved his capacity for error, especially in his space exploration ventures: his rockets keep exploding, spewing pollution and space debris widely. But Elon is hardly alone in his guru promises: Steven Hawking famously claimed humanity had a mere 1000 years to escape the surly bonds of earth and populate a new world or perish. A few months later, he reduced his escape timeline to a single century: Which Hawking is correct?  

If it is true humanity is destroying Earth with technology and must use technology to flee its masochistic destruction, is humankind simply a chubby virus that flits from planet to planet, destroying the universe? Which science fiction character is America in this scenario – the savior of Earth in Armageddon, or the Death Star of Star Wars? 

Elon Musk is more sober than many prophets of techno-rescue, allowing his 100×100-mile solar panel array suffers from a battery problem. But he is still intoxicated by his vain imaginings: where is the power grid to deliver this energy?

What of the profound problems of intermittency? 

How much pollution and energy would be generated while Musk and Co are paid stellar sums to manufacture 10,000 square miles of solar panels, and where and how will those toxic panels be “renewed” when their useful life inevitably expires? Perhaps the entire pile of solar panel refuse can be jettisoned into space, to drift around with the growing pile of Musk-launched flotsam and jetsom.

Hawking’s vision of interplanetary rescue is alive and well in Musk and NASA, which are now partners in flying a BIPOC American to the moon. The potential conflict of interest appears large: Musk and SpaceX are to supply NASA with its future spacecraft for its Artemis missions; Tesla manufactures residential and commercial solar panels. That profit motive might taint the visionary’s vision, but does not hinder the rose-colored receptiveness of fellow profiteers or the technologically faithful.

Exploding Rockets

Image: SpaceX Starship SN9 prototype (Licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0)

Musk’s SpaceX rocketships keep exploding shortly following blast-off, but he has more readied for launch. The environmental cost of detonating rockets in the Earth’s atmosphere to populate space takes stock of the damage it wreaks much the same as Kim Jong Un’s military missile launches.

It is indisputable that these space missions (and the manufacture of rockets and fuels) spew massive quantities of toxins and greenhouse gases in their profit-driven execution.

Any logical risk-benefit analysis of the environmental costs of space exploration is simply side-stepped by NASA, much like the monumental externalized pollution costs of solar panel manufacture and disposal: the “see no evil, hear no evil” of the biggest polluters of all. Instead, NASA amplifies the Hawking-Musk promise of stellar deliverance:

Setting Humanity on a Sustainable Course to the Moon The Artemis program builds on a half-century of experience and preparation to establish a robust human-robotic presence on and around the Moon. ….America will lead the monumental shift that frees humanity from our innate bonds to Earth. This is the decade in which the Artemis Generation will teach us how to live on other worlds. … Under the Artemis program, humanity will explore regions of the Moon never visited before, uniting people around the unknown, the never seen, and the once impossible. We will return to the Moon robotically beginning next year, send astronauts to the surface within four years, and build a longterm presence on the Moon by the end of the decade. … The sooner we get to the Moon, the sooner we get American astronauts to Mars.

NASA gushes of its grand visions and sticks the trigger word “sustainable” as a title on its predictions without ever explaining what on earth is sustainable about landing a person “of color” on the sterile moon, or how the massive amounts of rocket fuel are being minimized with Musk catalytic converters on his Starship rocket’s 33 booster engines (they aren’t).

The ships’ “flight termination system” explodes the rockets in midflight if they veer off course. In his most recent launch, that technology effectively blew up the rocket in mid-flight so it would not plummet to earth and do harm. It failed on the previous launch. But where is all this pollution being sequestered? SpaceX has lost a series of prototypes that have “collapsed, exploded, or crashed and then exploded,” but claims that “success comes from what we learn … And this flight will help us improve Starship’s reliability as SpaceX seeks to make life multiplanetary.”

As bizarre science strives to make men into women and transhumans immortal, the proposal of infecting the universe with human folly and toxic consumption in the name of “what we learn” demonstrates how little we ultimately have learned. Elon Musk may have saved free speech by purchasing X, but he will not save humanity by selling America 100×100 square miles of solar panels or ten spaceships for colored human explorers. George Lucas told a great story, but he and his air-conditioned audiences could still differentiate between reality and science fiction.

Space Religiosity 2023

The techno-colonization of foreign worlds will prove an elusive Holy Grail, but Elon Musk will enlarge his empire by billions in the trying. His fortunes may exceed those of fellow fantasy-visionary Bill Gates. Most Americans, though, are strangers in an ever-stranger land, being lorded over by space-fantasy prosperity prophets for profit. Tithing is economically and environmentally compulsory in the Musk megachurch of the Space Cadet age. A small step for Elon; a giant step background for mankind.


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Attorney-farmer John Klar hosts the Small Farm Republic Substack and podcast from his Vermont farm.  His recent book is Small Farm Republic: Why Conservatives Must Embrace Local Agriculture, Reject Climate Alarmism, and Lead an Environmental Revival.

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The practice of “embedding,” which requires correspondents to report in war and conflict zones as part of a given military unit, struck me as a repellent compromise with power as soon as American media began accepting this unacceptable practice. It is an undisguised effort to control what correspondents see and hear, and so what they write or broadcast, and so what their readers, listeners and viewers think.

It is a trick, in short. The ruling or governing power’s military pretends it respects the rightful freedom of an independent press, while correspondents and editors get to pretend they serve as brave correspondents and principled editors.

There is no respect, bravery or principle in any of it. Embedding is a charade, an offense on the part of everyone who participates in it.

It is an act of deprivation in that it gives those reading or viewing the work of embedded correspondents the illusion they are informed while they are, most of the time, kept ignorant of the war or conflict they are eager to understand. 

As in various other ways, Israel’s real-time barbarity in Gaza has worsened the relationship between media — Western media, I mean — and the powers they are supposed to report upon. As to audiences, they — we — are left utterly confused to the extent the common language with which people can communicate begins to fail them. 

The result is not silence. It is a senseless cacophony that echoes through a weird no-man’s land in which nothing can be said without the risk of retribution or condemnation or banishment. Civil discourse is more or less out of the question. 

We are now a dreadful step on from embedding, it seems. It is no longer enough to tether correspondents to the perspective of the military from whose side they report. We appear to be on the way to having wars fought — huge, bloody, consequential wars — without any witnesses.

Last week Politico published a lengthy piece on the Biden regime’s argument that the current “pause” in Israel’s merciless murder spree in Gaza and the exchange of hostages proves the policy cliques in Washington have done the right thing. It does not take much for these dangerously unqualified people to fool themselves. 

But the White House remains “‘deeply, deeply worried’ about Israel’s longer-term strategy and what the next phase of the war may look like,” Politico reported. Then this:

“And there was some concern in the administration about an unintended consequence of the pause: that it would allow journalists broader access to Gaza and the opportunity to further illuminate the devastation there and turn public opinion on Israel.”

In plain English, Biden’s people fret about what the slaughter of Palestinians will look like once it resumes — appearances being not quite all but nearly. But if there was no one there to see and report the savagery, there would be no appearances to worry about. 

Trita Parsi at the Quincy Institute brought this quotation to my attention, and I cannot do better than his comment on it: “I’m speechless.” 

It is interesting that at least some people in the Biden regime seem to consider relations between power and the media to be adversarial in the old-fashioned way. And how fine it would be were the corporate press and broadcasters to get their correspondents into Gaza on their own and report what they see as they see it. 

This seems to me perfectly possible. The BBC, Al Jazeera, and various wire services — Reuters, The Associated Press, Agence France–Presse — are among the news organizations with bureaus in Gaza City. 

Since Vietnam

Aug. 10, 1968, protest against the Vietnam War as Chicago was preparing to host the Democratic National Convention. (David Wilson, CC BY 2.0, Wikimedia Commons)

But the record to date indicates that cowardice and supine compliance will prevail over the aforementioned bravery and principle. This is how embedding journalists got started in the post–1975 years. The defeat in Vietnam spooked the Pentagon and the political leadership, which blamed the media for turning Americans against the war. By the Gulf War, August 1990 to February 1991, embeddedness was s.o.p. among American media. 

A reporter named Brett Wilkins published a well-reported piece in Common Dreams a month into the Israel Defense Forces’ war crimes in Gaza. In “U.S. Corporate Media Outlets Allow IDF to Vet ‘All Materials’ from Embedded Reporters in Gaza,” Wilkins laid out the whole disgusting nine. His lead:

“U.S. corporate media outlets have granted Israeli military commanders pre-publication review rights for ‘all materials and footage’ recorded by their correspondents embedded with the Israel Defense Forces during the invasion of Gaza, a precondition condemned by press freedom advocates.”

Wilkins goes on to name a few of the names — among them CNN and NBC — who indulge their spinelessness in this manner. And he quotes the feckless Fareed Zakaria offering the boilerplate excuse for this gross breach of professional ethics. “CNN has agreed to these terms in order to provide a limited window into Israel’s operations in Gaza,” Zakaria deadpans. 

Speechless a second time. 

A photojournalist named Zach D. Roberts gets my award for the pithiest summation of this daily travesty.

“What CNN is doing here is creating ad b-roll [supplementary video footage] for the IDF,” Roberts said. “It’s nothing resembling news and the CNN employees that participated in it aren’t anything resembling journalists.” 

So far as I can make out there are few-to-no exceptions to this condemnable practice. The New York Times sent two correspondents and a photographer into Al–Shifa Hospital earlier this month and had the integrity to acknowledge they were escorted by the IDF and to report that a hole in the ground the diameter of a manhole cover did not look much like a Hamas command center. 

But “limited windows,” in Zakaria’s slithery phrase, are nonsense, and the Times should have declined the tour on any terms but its own. This seems to me the only way the press and broadcasters can reclaim the professional sovereignty they gave up in the post–Vietnam years. 

Devastated Credibility

Since then we have witnessed a succession of what I count as fatal compromises. This kind of conduct is part of what has devastated Western media’s credibility and left the reading and viewing public abandoned in the dark. Now we are down to embedding as bog standard procedure and the hinted possibility that correspondents may not be able to bear witness to conflicts and wars under any circumstances. 

Journalists were once considered among the guardians of language. Writing and editing with rigorous attention to clarity and correct usage was how language as a vessel of meaning was preserved and protected. 

Look at the circus all around us now. Anti–Semitism can mean anything you want it to mean. Ditto anti–Zionism. Anti–Israel can mean anti–Semitic, Hamas can be cast as a terrorist organization, a real-time genocide can be marked down as self-defense. The Times invites us, in Sunday’s editions, to wring our hands as we search for “a moral center in this era of war.” 

It is an invitation to drown in blur and induced confusion. I put this down in part — in large part — to the derelictions of those reporting what is called — incorrectly, a case in point — the Israel–Gaza war. 

I have watched recently a goodly number of videos recorded in Gaza and seen many photographs taken on the ground there. Here is a video of Gazans fleeing for their lives, published two weeks into the bombing by Al Jazeera. Here are some photographs shot by Mohammed Zaanoun, a Palestinian photographer, and published on Nov. 23 by The New Humanitarian, which was founded at the U.N. in the mid–1990s. 

This kind of material, produced by professional journalists, various kinds of nongovernmental organizations, relief agencies and the like, is readily available. How differently would people think, how much clearer would their understanding and conclusions be, were our major media to make it available. 


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Patrick Lawrence, a correspondent abroad for many years, chiefly for the International Herald Tribune, is a columnist, essayist, lecturer and author, most recently of Journalists and Their Shadows, available from Clarity Press or via Amazon.  Other books include Time No Longer: Americans After the American Century. His Twitter account, @thefloutist, has been permanently censored. 

Featured image: Israeli soldiers around Gaza Strip on Oct. 7. (IDF Spokesperson’s Unit, Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 3.0)

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The events in Gaza and Israel have captured the world’s attention. With so many factors and moving parts to the situation, it is necessary to take a step back and look at the whole scene. 

Dr. Ahmad Alderzi, the noted microbiologist and activist, has been interviewed by Steven Sahiounie of MidEastDiscourse, and his sweeping assessment is enlightening and thought provoking.

Steven Sahiounie (SS): Many people have wondered if Hezbollah will open a war front against Israel in response to the situation in Gaza since October 7. In your opinion, will the war expand, or will it remain contained?

Ahmad Alderzi (AA): Hezbollah looks at the issue of expanding the war from multiple concerns and it has prepared itself for such a situation since the end of July 2006 war. There are various factors in Hezbollah’s view of expanding the war, which make it measure the extent of its intervention in the war with a golden scale.

A. The Palestinian factor: There is great concern for the achievement to be completely Palestinian, which makes its cause return to the centrality of global issues, which in turn puts the resistance forces in the strongest position to achieve their conditions.

B. The Lebanese factor: This factor has played a fundamental role before the martyrdom of Abbas Raad, the son of the head of the largest parliamentary bloc in Parliament, due to the chronic political division between the Lebanese forces, and the fear of the section of the Lebanese environment incubating the resistance of the consequences of the war, which would be disastrous for the Lebanese and the “Israeli” interior. This factor may have changed after the martyrdom and after the anti-war forces realized that the war in Gaza and the West Bank is leading to defeat for the Israelis.

C. The regional factor: This factor is mainly related to the exhausted Syrian front, which is the weak point of the resistance axis. There is a real fear that Israeli and American aviation will intervene to open military roads for the expansion of military groups in the north, south and east, towards central Syria and the Syrian capital.

D. The Iranian factor: There is a perception among Iranians that the expansion of the war may get out of control, which pushes things towards more than regional war, and the widespread destruction of infrastructure that accompanies this war, in light of the harsh sanctions imposed on it, and the internal political division. With a mainstream that views the relationship with the West as an only option for a comfortable life.

E. The fifth factor is the American and Western position in general: which seeks to prevent the expansion of the war and control it within the Palestinian interior to give the Israeli army the opportunity to eliminate Hamas movement, and this is what did not happen.

Therefore, Hezbollah continued to raise the level of its military resistance against Israel, in a way that serves the Palestinian cause within the two conditions that Nasrallah have set ; namely the survival of Hamas movement and a ceasefire. However, this is what we began to notice with the last developments in the war and the truce that everyone agreed to extend

SS: Hamas and Israel have been exchanging Israeli hostages in Gaza for Palestinian prisoners in Israel. How do you view this development?

AA: This deal, which was concluded, represents the first step in announcing the reality on the ground for both Israel and Hamas movement, and this comes after Israel set high goals which are eradicating the Hamas movement and displacing the people of Gaza to Sinai. But, it failed to achieve both matters, that’s what puts Israel in a position of defeat, and it must acknowledge this; acknowledge the victory of the Hamas movement, and go towards accepting the requests of the victorious party, by starting the process of releasing prisoners and those kidnapped by both parties.

SS: The pause has lasted days, was extended, and is now coming to a possible end unless an extension is agreed upon. Will the battles resume afterwards?

AA:  The truce has begun in practice, and has expanded in time. Because all parties have reached a complete conviction that the Israeli army has not been able to achieve an actual achievement in the field war, and also has suffered enormous losses in a way that the Israeli society cannot bear.

Despite the Israeli army’s efforts to continue the war to restore its shattered image, in addition to Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s insistence on the war continuation, to prevent himself from paying heavy prices as a result of his exit from political life after this war. But, the military and field reality, the continued losses of the Israeli army, and the resuming of the Israeli massacres against the Palestinians, all of these will make every day of the continuation of the war mean more accumulation of defeat, not only for Israel, but also for the entire dominant Western regime, and will help accelerate the emergence of a new international order of forces that oppose the policy of the United States.

SS: Resistance fighters in the far eastern desert region of Syria have attacked the American military bases that they had illegally occupied. In your opinion, can this tactic succeed in expelling the occupiers?

AA: This tactic, in its current state, does not fall short of the level of messages directed to the United States to intervene with its force to bring about a ceasefire in Palestine, considering that it is primarily responsible for this war in actual terms. And such operations, despite their intensity, did not lead to a significant harm to the Americans. The second thing here is to ensure that there is the least amount of bloodshed between the Americans, relying on patience by putting pressure on them and let them make the decision to leave Syria and Iraq, but I do not believe that this level of action will push the Americans to end their occupation and presence in these two countries, and  more committed to staying , in order to prevent stability in the region, which does not prevent the success of the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative, the Eurasian project, and the West Asia Axis project, which is led by Tehran.

SS: Israel is waging a war on civilians in Gaza. How do you see the Syrian position on this conflict?

AA: Despite of the silence of Syrians at the official level, the official media outlets express the general official Syrian position, although there is a cold relationship with Hamas movement after the reconciliation between the two parties, and anticipation prevails in general, with the realization that this war will lead to a new reality for maps of the region. Because there is a real break in the static that has prevailed in the region for decades, especially since the start of the so-called “Arab Spring”. And this will naturally put Damascus in a position of waiting to pick the fruits of the Palestinian victory, which It will be a victory for the entire West Asian axis.


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This article was originally published on Mideast Discourse.

Steven Sahiounie is a two-time award-winning author. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from MD

Pentagon Blames Somalian Pirates for Attempted Vessel Seizure

November 30th, 2023 by Abayomi Azikiwe

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An escalation in military engagements have been occurring in the Gulf of Aden as several vessels connected with the State of Israel and its supporters are being targeted by the Yemen resistance force of the Ansar Allah. See this.

On November 26, the United States Department of Defense issued a statement saying it had thwarted an attempted seizure of the Central Park, a commercial tanker operating in these waters.

However, several hours later, Mohammad al-Bukhaiti, a member of the Ansar Allah Political Bureau, denied any involvement in the incident. The resistance movement accused the Pentagon of concocting the story to provide a rationale for the ongoing military support to the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) in their genocidal war against the Palestinian people and others throughout the region.

Map of Somalia

After the statements by the Yemeni resistance, the Pentagon shifted its position and blamed pirates of Somalian nationality for the bordering and attempted hijacking of the Central Park. This is the first time in many years that Somalians have been accused of seizing commercial vessels. See this.

The Ansar Allah movement is routinely described by the U.S. administration and the Pentagon as being an Iranian-backed militia. This allegation on the part of Washington is designed to deny the legitimacy of the movement which has been the victims of a seven-year war engineered by several successive White House administrations both Democratic and Republican.

In an interview delivered to Al Mayadeen, it quotes and summarizes the position of the resistance:

“The United States ‘invented a story of rescuing a commercial ship from militants in the Gulf of Aden,’ Mohammed al-Bukhaiti, a member of Ansar Allah’s Political Bureau, posted on X. The official stressed that the location where the act was allegedly carried out is not a suitable spot for a capture operation.  Al-Bukhaiti went on to debunk other details of the American narration of the events, in which the Pentagon claimed that two ballistic missiles were fired at the USS Mason, which responded to Central Park’s distress call.” 

Yemen Has Long Been a Focus of the U.S. and NATO

Due to the anti-imperialist character of the Yemen revolutionaries, they have been targeted by the U.S. for destruction. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) beginning in 2015 waged an air war against the advances being made by the Ansar Allah.

It was the U.S. administrations of former President Barack Obama and his successor, President Donald Trump, which authorized the bombing of Yemen and the logistical support for a rival government in Yemen which was allied with imperialism. The ground campaign against Yemen was largely dependent upon the targeted bombing utilizing Pentagon aircraft and coordinates which struck infrastructural sites, residential neighborhoods and ports.

Mediation efforts by the Oman government coupled with improved relations between the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the UAE, did lead to a lessening of tensions. Since 2022, there has been a substantial decrease in the fighting in Yemen, where during the course of U.S.-backed bombing and ground offensive against the Ansar Allah, the country considered the most impoverished in the West Asia region, became the center of the worst humanitarian crisis in the world.

1.2 million cases of cholera were reported largely among children. The capacity to address the crisis was hampered by the bombing of hospitals and clinics, a strategy employed by the U.S.-backed Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) military units which are being replicated in the current war in Gaza. See this.

Since the launching of Operation Al-Aqsa Storm on October 7 in the Palestinian Occupied Territories (POT), Yemen under the leadership of the resistance forces have pledged maximum solidarity with the fighters in Gaza. Demonstrations involving millions of Yemenis have been bolstered by military actions against the Israeli interests in the Gulf of Aden.

Al-Bukhaiti in the Al Mayadeen interview challenged other talking points by the White House related to the situation in the Gulf of Aden:

“Al-Bukhaiti went on to debunk other details of the American narration of the events, in which the Pentagon claimed that two ballistic missiles were fired at the USS Mason, which responded to Central Park’s distress call. The official exposed American lies, after the latter asserted that the two missiles fell 10 miles of their intended target, the USS Mason. Al-Bukhaiti explained that Yemeni ballistic missiles intended to target moving naval targets are equipped with active guidance systems and are capable of altering their trajectories accordingly. He also stressed that Yemen possesses precision-guided munitions, saying it is impossible for such weapons to have a margin of error of 10 miles. The official reiterated that the Yemeni Armed Forces ‘only target ships owned by the Zionist entity,’ warning other nations not to interfere in the operations of the Yemeni Armed Forces, aimed at supporting Palestine and its people who are faced with fierce Israeli aggression.”

Over the previous decade, the U.S. has deployed troops and intelligence operatives in Yemen aimed at controlling the internal political dynamic of the country. With the resistance forces operating as an integral part of the Axis of Resistance bringing together Iran, Syria, southern Lebanon, Iraq and Palestine, the Biden administration will continue to escalate its military presence around Yemen and throughout the entire Gulf of Aden and Persian Gulf waterways.

U.S. Maintains Neo-Colonial Designs on Somalia and the Horn of Africa

For many decades various U.S. administrations have carried out direct and indirect military interventions in Somalia. In December 1992, former U.S. President George W. Bush Sr. deployed thousands of marines into the Horn of Africa state under the guise of providing humanitarian assistance during a famine in the aftermath of a civil war.

Within a matter of months, the Pentagon troops were embroiled in major battles with resistance forces in Somalia.

The U.S. ordered massacres of leading Somalian political groupings prompting anger and hostility towards their troops. By October 1993, the number of casualties inflicted upon the Pentagon troops led to the eventual withdrawal by the administration of then President Bill Clinton.

Somalians take down US helicopters chanting anti-American slogans during October 1993

Later in 2007, the administration of President George W. Bush Jr. launched a proxy war against the Islamic Courts Union in Somalia by encouraging the intervention of Ethiopian and Kenyan military forces.

The events in Somalia remain unsettled since 2007 as the U.S.-backed deployment of Ethiopian and Kenyan troops was reinforced by Pentagon aerial bombardments against Islamist organizations and civilians.

At present the U.S. and United Nations-sponsored African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) has been transformed into a transitional project (ATMIS) which aims to draw down the AU forces while placing more emphasis on strengthening the Somalian National Army.

Therefore, this cursory historical review of U.S. involvement in Somalia indicates that people inside the country and the Gulf of Aden-Horn of Africa region should not take any solace in the Pentagon apportioning blame to pirates for the attempted seizure of the Central Park.

What is never asked by the corporate and government-controlled media in the U.S. and other imperialist states is why does Washington still have military forces stationed throughout various areas spanning from the eastern Mediterranean to Gulf of Aden.

After the escalation of the war in Palestine, the Biden administration immediately dispatched two aircraft carriers to the eastern Mediterranean. The U.S. is the largest contributor to the military structures of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) and the occupation apparatus as a whole.

As the temporary truce during the closing days of November brought about the release of some of the prisoners of war and detainees among the Palestinians, settler population and foreign nationals, the IDF and other security forces continued to arrest and kill people living in the West Bank. On November 29, it was announced that two more Palestinian children, 8 and 15 years old, were killed by the IDF in what they described as an “counter-terrorism operation.”

Shamefully, the Biden administration has attempted to take political credit for the pause in the IDF bombing of Gaza, while millions in the U.S. are calling for a permanent ceasefire and the withholding of aid to the settler-colonial state of Israel. There is no long-term policy being articulated by the Biden administration other than additional attempts to maintain the status-quo which does not create an independent Palestinian state nor the abolition of the apartheid construct.

People in the antiwar, anti-imperialist and Palestine solidarity movements should pay very close attention to the increasing U.S. military presence in the Gulf of Aden and Horn of Africa. The Biden administration like its predecessors is willing to risk a regional war in the failed attempts to reinforce its hegemony on a global scale.


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Abayomi Azikiwe is the editor of the Pan-African News Wire. He is a regular contributor to Global Research. 

All images in this article are from the author

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On Tuesday, November 28, 2023, the National Citizens Inquiry (NCI) released the final report of its months-long investigation into Canada’s response to COVID-19. This report follows the September 14 release of an interim report focused on the regulatory approval process and safety of COVID-19 vaccines.

The Report was written by NCI’s four independent Commissioners: Chairperson Mr. Ken Drysdale, Ms. Heather DiGregorio, Ms. Janice Kaikkonen and Dr. Bernard Massie. The Report is the culmination of their efforts to:

  • listen to the testimony of over 300 witnesses who told the Commissioners and all Canadians what happened to them during the COVID-19 crisis, or shared their expertise on subjects ranging from the economy and education, to mental health and medical science, to media and institutional censorship, to social harms and civic losses—to name just a few.
  • learn how Canadians were affected by the policies enacted by governments and other organizations in response to COVID-19.
  • recommend ways health and other crises can be better managed in future, to reduce and avoid the many harms that Canadians experienced since COVID-19 began in early 2020.

The Commissioners expressed deep appreciation for the individuals and organizations who courageously came forward to share their experiences, expertise and perspectives, and which led to the report and recommendations now available here.

Click here to download the report.


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The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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With each passing month since the U.S./NATO withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021, the catastrophic impacts of the United States’ hegemonic grip over West and Central Asia, or the so-called “Middle East,” continue to be evident. At the same moment U.S. officials are facilitating an ongoing genocide in occupied Palestine, they’re subjecting the people of Afghanistan to collective punishment.

In October, a series of powerful earthquakes killed and injured thousands in Herat. One month later, the U.S.-backed interim government of Pakistan initiated racist deportations of all Afghan nationals from the country. Despite the need for immediate humanitarian relief, the United States continues to levy sanctions and freeze Afghanistan’s sovereign assets. Despite the need for an immediate normalization of relations, Thomas West, U.S. Special Representative for Afghanistan, maintains that this is “not going to be possible.” The United States intends to continue targeting the Afghan people with impunity.

The mission of the United States Office of the Special Representative for Afghanistan is “to advance U.S. interests related to Afghanistan.”

The United States was built on indigenous genocide, colonial conquest and violent repression, and the destructive humanitarian impact and economic devastation wrought by U.S. interests is plain to see–from Afghanistan, Palestine and Sudan to Haiti, Niger and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. 

As the conditions in Afghanistan worsen before what is expected to be another harsh winter–with nearly all Afghans unable to attain basic necessities like food, water and fuel due to the U.S.-led sanctions and asset freeze–it is imperative to connect what is unfolding in Afghanistan as a result of U.S.-led war and imperialism to the wider region and world. 


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Let us implement peace!

There must be two independent states, Palestine and Israel in pre-1967 borders.

Each of about 7 million citizens with independent  legislatures.

Freedom of movement for all citizens of both nations.

All political prisoners to be immediately released, without charge.

Each state to have its own international airport plus international seaports and fishing rights on the eastern Mediterranean.  

River Jordan to be controlled by a joint authority and access to water supplies apportioned equally. Electricity to be generated independently.  

National defence exercises to be held jointly every 2 years.

No Labour permits required for each others’ nationals. Tax regimes to be separate.

No restrictions on intermarriage. All holy sites to be under binational joint jurisdiction.  

There must be freedom of worship. Nuclear weapons and all WMD to be banned.

Israeli nuclear armed submarine fleet and all NBC weapons at Dimona Nuclear site, Tel Nof Air Force Base 8, and elsewhere, to be destroyed under supervision of the UN’s IAEA. There must be an immediate ban on the importation of offensive arms and weapons from the US, U.K. or any other party or state without joint approval by both legislatures.

Natural mineral deposits including fossil fuels to be split equally between two states.

In all other respects each state is entirely independent, politically and economically but must act in concert on all matters that jointly affect the security or economy of both states.

Both Palestine and Israel must respect and adhere to all resolutions of the UN General Assembly and/or Security Council within the times specified therein.


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Hans Stehling is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Tikkun

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The White House has requested the removal of restrictions on all categories of weapons and ammunition Israel is allowed to access from U.S. weapons stockpiles stored in Israel itself.

The move to lift restrictions was included in the White House’s supplemental budget request, sent to the Senate on October 20.

“This request would,” the proposed budget says, “allow for the transfer of all categories of defense articles.”

The request pertains to little-known weapons stockpiles in Israel that the Pentagon established for use in regional conflicts, but which Israel has been permitted to access in limited circumstances — the very limits President Joe Biden is seeking to remove.

“If enacted, the amendments would create a two-step around restrictions on U.S. weapons transfers to Israel,” said John Ramming Chappell, a legal fellow with the Center for Civilians in Conflict.

Created in the 1980s to supply the U.S. in case of a regional war, the War Reserve Stockpile Allies-Israel, or WRSA-I, is the largest node in a network of what are effectively foreign U.S. weapons caches. Highly regulated for security, the stockpiles are governed by a set of strict requirements. Under circumstances laid out in these requirements, Israel has been able to draw on the stockpile, purchasing the weapons at little cost if it uses the effective subsidy of U.S. military aid.

With the WRSA-I, Biden is looking to lift virtually all the meaningful restrictions on the stockpile and the transfer of its arms to Israel, with plans to remove limitations to obsolete or surplus weapons, waive an annual spending cap on replenishing the stockpile, remove weapon-specific restrictions, and curtail congressional oversight. All of the changes in the Biden budget plan would be permanent, except for lifting the spending cap, which is limited to the 2024 fiscal year.

The changes would come in an arms-trade relationship that is already shrouded in secrecy, as The Intercept recently reported. Whereas the administration has provided pages of detailed lists of weapons provided to Ukraine, for instance, its disclosure about arms provided to Israel could fit in a single, short sentence. Last week, Bloomberg obtained a leaked list of weapons provided to Israel, revealing that they include thousands of Hellfire missiles — the same kind being used extensively by Israel in Gaza.

The effect of lifting the restrictions on transfers to Israel — such as eliminating the requirement that the weapons be part of a surplus — could harm U.S. interests by diminishing American preparedness for its own conflicts in the region, said Josh Paul, a former official who served in the State Department’s Bureau of Political-Military Affairs.

Paul, who resigned over U.S. arms assistance to Israel, told The Intercept,

“By dropping the requirement that such articles be declared excess, it would also increase the existing strain on U.S. military readiness in order to provide more arms to Israel.”

“Undermine Oversight and Accountability”

The U.S. government is only supposed to spend $200 million per fiscal year restocking the WRSA-I — about half the total cap for all U.S. stockpiles round the globe. The White House request, however, would waive the limit on U.S. contributions to the stockpile in Israel. That would allow the stockpile to be continuously replenished.

“The President’s emergency supplemental funding request,” Paul said, “would essentially create a free-flowing pipeline to provide any defense articles to Israel by the simple act of placing them in the WRSA-I stockpile, or other stockpiles intended for Israel.”

The U.S. currently requires that Israel grant certain concessions in exchange for certain types of arms assistance from the Pentagon, but the White House request would remove this condition as well.

Finally, the White House request would also reduce congressional oversight of U.S. arms transfers by reducing the length of advance notice made to Congress before a weapons transfers. Under current law, there must be 30 days prior notice, but the Biden budget request would allow this to be shortened in “extraordinary” circumstances.

“The Biden administration’s supplemental budget request would further undermine oversight and accountability even as U.S. support enables an Israeli campaign that has killed thousands of children,” said Chappell, of Center for Civilians in Conflict.

The House has already passed legislation reflecting the White House’s request last month, and it now stands before the Senate.

“Taken as a package,” said William Hartung, an arms expert at the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft, “it is extraordinary, and it will make it much harder for Congress or the public to monitor U.S. arms transfers to Israel, even as the Israeli government has engaged in massive attacks on civilians, some of which constitute war crimes.”


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For months, the Neo-Nazi junta has been preparing to receive US-made F-16 fighter jets from its NATO overlords, including by repurposing civilian airfields and infrastructure for military use. The Kiev regime’s air arm has suffered major losses since the start of the special military operation (SMO), with its airbases either destroyed or damaged beyond repair by Russian long-range precision strikes. This has effectively made it impossible to launch anything but occasional airstrikes on Russian positions, an occurrence that is slowly coming to an end as Moscow is finding ways to make its second-to-none long-range air defenses deadlier than ever before. To say nothing of the Eurasian giant’s top-of-the-line interceptors and air superiority fighter jets.

Since the first day of the SMO, the Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS) dispatched jets such as the MiG-31BM “Foxhound” and Su-35S “Flanker-E”, destroying most of the Neo-Nazi junta’s air assets on the ground and leaving only a handful of operational jets. As these had little to no chance of shooting down vastly superior Russian equivalents, the Kiev regime forces had no choice but to disperse their units and use them for occasional air support, primarily by flying extremely low. The remaining aircraft were forced to operate from ad hoc bases, further limiting their usability and battlefield impact, although NATO made them somewhat more useful by investing in the rearmament of the remaining jets. This includes the integration of various Western weapons with the Soviet-built aircraft.

However, while the highly robust Soviet-era jets such as the MiG-29, Su-24M, Su-25 and Su-27 could be adjusted to these ad hoc airbases, the same is not the case for F-16s, primarily because of their higher maintenance and logistics requirements. Even the infamous CNN, after engaging in usual propaganda about the F-16 being a supposed “game changer”, had to admit that the jet is “no silver bullet” and that the Neo-Nazi junta will have major issues operating it. According to Colonel Yurii Ihnat, one of the Kiev regime forces’ spokespeople, two squadrons, each made up of 12 F-16s would be “enough” to supposedly “begin to turn the tables”. Obviously, such claims are beyond laughable to anyone remotely familiar with the actual state of the Kiev regime forces and their battlefield prowess.

And indeed, according to their own admission, the Neo-Nazi junta needs over a hundred heavily modernized F-16s in order to have any sort of a fighting chance. However, the much bigger problem is how would NATO deliver these fighter jets and where exactly would they be based. Neighboring Poland and Romania both operate F-16s and already have the necessary infrastructure to accommodate them, making them the likeliest candidates for stopgap basing. In addition, Slovakia and Bulgaria are in the process of acquiring them and are rapidly building similar infrastructure, meaning they too are able to do the same or at least they will be soon. However, will Russia really tolerate this, considering that F-16s using NATO airbases would make them a party to the conflict?

The question is rhetorical, of course. Russian President Vladimir Putin warned NATO not to get directly involved at the beginning of the SMO and the belligerent alliance was forced to comply with this, the covert presence of its special forces and intelligence services in Ukraine notwithstanding. However, as the political West is deeply frustrated by the performance of the Kiev regime forces, they want at least some results, even if they’d be nothing more than propaganda “wins”. The belligerent power pole needs this to show the much-needed “results” to its increasingly disillusioned populace. And yet, in order to accomplish this, NATO needs to get more directly involved, which exponentially amplifies the risk of a direct confrontation with Russia, one which would cost the entire world.

There are also “lesser” problems connected to such developments, including the economic and financial damage to host countries, as they would need to disrupt their civil aviation, making it impossible to conduct normal economic (or any other regular) activities. This would inevitably exacerbate the already ongoing crisis in the European Union, as the well-being of its citizens would further deteriorate. Not to mention that the areas where these airbases are would become legitimate targets for the Russian military. Obviously, NATO would also attempt attacks on Russian bases in Crimea and elsewhere in the Black Sea region, which would certainly spark a wider war. Moscow would then respond by launching long-range missiles and/or dispatching advanced strike fighters.

Some, such as the superfast, high-flying MiG-31K/I carrying the “Kinzhal” air-launched hypersonic missilescould be used for immediate action, while others, such as the Su-34M could follow suit for massed air strikes. Worse yet, all this would follow despite the F-16s simply being unable to match Moscow’s top-of-the-line fighter jets. Namely, the idea that outdated F-16s that were decommissioned to make way for the troubled F-35s will be able to jeopardize Russian aircraft such as the MiG-31BM interceptor or Su-35S is simply ludicrous. As previously mentioned, “just two squadrons” that were initially deemed “enough” have been superseded by requests for another 100 heavily modernized F-16s that are needed to “make a difference”.

That’s over four times more jets, plus the modernization which would take even longer to accomplish and would further delay the already overdue delivery. In other words, the risk is too high, while the reward is extremely low, meaning that NATO is doing all this for optics. While this may reignite the interest in the Ukrainian conflict for a short while, in the long term, the so-called “Ukraine fatigue” will only get worse. The obvious question arises, is the belligerent thalassocracy so desperate to keep its neocolonialist power that it’s willing to risk what would inevitably be a world-ending thermonuclear conflict?


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Drago Bosnic is an independent geopolitical and military analyst. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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“We are rapidly entering the age of no privacy, where everyone is open to surveillance at all times; where there are no secrets from government.” — William O. Douglas, dissenting in Osborn v. United States (1966)

The government wants us to believe that we have nothing to fear from its mass spying programs as long as we’ve done nothing wrong.

Don’t believe it.

It doesn’t matter whether you obey every law. The government’s definition of a “bad” guy is extraordinarily broad, and it results in the warrantless surveillance of innocent, law-abiding Americans on a staggering scale.

For instance, it was recently revealed that the White House, relying on a set of privacy loopholes, has been sidestepping the Fourth Amendment by paying AT&T to allow federal, state, and local law enforcement to access—without a warrant—the phone records of Americans who are not suspected of a crime.

This goes way beyond the NSA’s metadata collection program.

Operated during the Obama, Trump and now the Biden presidencies, this secret dragnet surveillance program (formerly known as Hemisphere and now dubbed Data Analytical Services) uses its association with the White House to sidestep a vast array of privacy and transparency laws.

According to Senator Ron Wyden, Hemisphere has been operating without any oversight for more than a decade under the guise of cracking down on drug traffickers.

This is how the government routinely breaks the law and gets away with it: in the so-called name of national security.

More than a trillion domestic phone records are mined through this mass surveillance program every year, warrantlessly targeting not only those suspected of criminal activity but anyone with whom they might have contact, including spouses, children, parents, and friends.

It’s not just law enforcement agencies investigating drug crimes who are using Hemisphere to sidestep the Fourth Amendment, either. Those who have received training on the program reportedly include postal workers, prison officials, highway patrol officers, border cops, and the National Guard.

It’s a program ripe for abuse, and you can bet it’s getting abused.

Surveillance, digital stalking and the data mining of the American people—weapons of compliance and control in the government’s hands—haven’t made America any safer, and they certainly aren’t helping to preserve our freedoms.

Indeed, America will never be safe as long as the U.S. government is allowed to shred the Constitution.

The Fourth Amendment was intended to serve as a protective forcefield around our persons, our property, our activities, our communications and our movements. It keeps the government out of our private business except in certain, extenuating circumstances.

Those extenuating circumstances are spelled out clearly: government officials must have probable cause that criminal activity is afoot (a higher legal standard than “reasonable suspicion”), which is required by the Constitution before any government official can search an individual or his property.

Unfortunately, all three branches of government—the legislatures, courts and executive offices—have given the police state all kinds of leeway when it comes to sidestepping the Fourth Amendment.

As a result, on a daily basis, Americans are already being made to relinquish the most intimate details of who we are—our biological makeup, our genetic blueprints, and our biometrics (facial characteristics and structure, fingerprints, iris scans, etc.)—in order to clear the nearly insurmountable hurdle that increasingly defines life in the United States: we are now guilty until proven innocent.

Warrantless, dragnet surveillance is the manifestation of a lawless government that has gone rogue in its determination to do whatever it wants, whenever it wants, the Constitution be damned.

Dragnet surveillance. Geofencing. Fusion centers. Smart devices. Behavioral threat assessments. Terror watch lists. Facial recognition. Snitch tip lines. Biometric scanners. Pre-crime. DNA databases. Data mining. Precognitive technology. Contact tracing apps.

What these add up to is a world in which, on any given day, the average person is now monitored, surveilled, spied on and tracked in more than 20 different ways by both government and corporate eyes and ears.

This creepy new era of government/corporate spying—in which we’re being listened to, watched, tracked, followed, mapped, bought, sold and targeted every second of every day—has been made possible by a global army of techno-tyrants, electronic eavesdroppers, robotic snoops and digital Peeping Toms.

The government has a veritable arsenal of surveillance tools to track our movements, monitor our spending, and sniff out all the ways in which our thoughts, actions and social circles might land us on the government’s naughty list, whether or not you’ve done anything wrong.

Rounding out the list of ways in which the Techno-Corporate State and the U.S. government are colluding to nullify the privacy rights of the individual is the Biden Administration’s latest drive to harness the power of artificial intelligence technologies while claiming to protect the citizenry from harm.

In his executive order on artificial intelligence, President Biden is calling for guidelines on how the government will use AI while simultaneously insisting that corporations protect consumer privacy.

Talk about ironic that the very government that has been covertly invading our privacy rights wants to appoint itself the guardian of those rights.

Tell me this: how do you trust a government that continuously sidesteps the Constitution and undermines our rights? You can’t.

A government that repeatedly lies, cheats, steals, spies, kills, maims, enslaves, breaks the laws, overreaches its authority, and abuses its power at almost every turn can’t be trusted.

At a minimum, you shouldn’t trust the government with your privacy, property or freedoms.

Whatever else it may be—a danger, a menace, a threat—the U.S. government is certainly not looking out for our best interests.

Remember the purpose of a good government is to protect the lives and liberties of its people.

Unfortunately, what we have been saddled with is, in almost every regard, the exact opposite of an institution dedicated to protecting the lives and liberties of its people.

Indeed, the government has a history of shamelessly exploiting national emergencies for its own nefarious purposes.

Terrorist attacks, mass shootings, civil unrest, economic instability, pandemics, natural disasters: the government has been taking advantage of such crises for years now in order to gain greater power over an unsuspecting and largely gullible populace.

That’s exactly where we find ourselves now: caught in the crosshairs of a showdown between the rights of the individual and the so-called “emergency” state.

All of those freedoms we cherish—the ones enshrined in the Constitution, the ones that affirm our right to free speech and assembly, due process, privacy, bodily integrity, the right to not have police seize our property without a warrant, or search and detain us without probable cause—amount to nothing when the government and its agents are allowed to disregard those prohibitions on government overreach at will.

This is the grim reality of life in the American police state: our so-called rights have been reduced to technicalities in the face of the government’s ongoing power grabs.

While surveillance may span a broad spectrum of methods and scenarios, the common denominator remains the same: a complete disregard for the rights of the citizenry.

With every court ruling that allows the government to operate above the rule of law, every piece of legislation that limits our freedoms, and every act of government wrongdoing that goes unpunished, we’re slowly being conditioned to a society in which the Constitution means nothing.

Any attempt by the government to encroach upon the citizenry’s privacy rights or establish a system by which the populace can be targeted, tracked, monitored and singled out must be met with extreme caution.

Dragnet surveillance in an age of pre-crime policing and overcriminalization is basically a fishing expedition carried out without a warrant, a blatant attempt to circumvent the Fourth Amendment’s warrant requirement and prohibition on unreasonable searches and seizures.

What we need is a digital “No Trespassing” sign that protects our privacy rights and affirms our right to be left alone.

Then again, as I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, what we really need is a government that respects the rights of the citizenry and obeys the law.


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This article was originally published on The Rutherford Institute.

Constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead is founder and president of The Rutherford Institute. His most recent books are the best-selling Battlefield America: The War on the American People, the award-winning A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State, and a debut dystopian fiction novel, The Erik Blair Diaries. Whitehead can be contacted at [email protected].

Nisha Whitehead is the Executive Director of The Rutherford Institute. Information about The Rutherford Institute is available at

They are regular contributors to Global Research.

Featured image is from Global Look Press / Jaap Arriens

Baltic States Ignore Basic Principles of European Security

November 30th, 2023 by Lucas Leiroz de Almeida

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The Baltic countries show a lack of geopolitical knowledge as well as a real strategic irrationality. Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania are criticizing the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) and condemning the Russian Federation’s participation in an event of the bloc. For them, it is impossible for Moscow to be part of an OSCE meeting, even though it is a member country of the organization, which shows a great inability on the part of the Baltic states to deal with the geopolitical reality of Europe.

The foreign ministers of the three countries issued a joint statement saying that they will not attend the next OSCE conference due to the presence of the head of Russian diplomacy, Sergey Lavrov. For the Baltic states, Lavrov’s participation is “legitimizing the Russian aggression”, which is why, as supporters of Ukraine, these countries cannot be at the event.

“Lavrov’s attendance at the OSCE Ministerial also risks legitimizing aggressor Russia as a rightful member of our community of free nations, trivializing the atrocious crimes Russia has been committing, and putting up with Russia’s blatant violation and contempt of the OSCE fundamental principles and commitments (…) We, the Ministers of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, will not be part of this and will not share responsibility for [the] consequences it will create”, the ministers said in the joint statement on November 29.

As can be seen, the Baltic states’ representatives were disrespectful towards the OSCE, openly attacking the organization for the mere fact of not banning Russia’s Lavrov from the event. By accusing the OSCE of “trivializing atrocious crimes”, these states are not only accusing Moscow, but truly defaming the organization and publicly demoralizing it.

Also, as expected, Ukraine took the same stance as the Baltic countries and decided not to participate in the meeting, claiming that the OSCE is experiencing an “existential crisis” and that the bloc is being held “hostage” by Moscow. For the Kiev regime, the OSCE needs to be “saved” from Russia – in other words, it needs to banish Moscow, otherwise there should be no normality in the group’s activities, stopping all cooperation projects.

“[Russia is creating an] existential crisis within the OSCE [and turning the group] into a hostage of its whims and aggression (…) We should focus our common efforts on how to save the OSCE from Russia, and not send messages about the possibility of returning to the forms of cooperation that existed before February 2022”, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine said in a statement about the case.

In fact, Lavrov’s participation has not even been confirmed yet. The Russian government is still awaiting official authorization from Bulgaria in order to confirm the Russian minister’s participation. The event will take place in the first week of December, in Skopjie, North Macedonia. To reach the location, Lavrov would have to pass through a neighboring country, Bulgaria, which is why official authorization is being awaited – as Bulgaria has adhered to the irrational sanctions imposed by the West on Moscow.

It is nothing really new that Ukraine and the Baltic countries are taking a firm stance against Russia, to the point of even boycotting the OSCE event. Kiev and the Baltics are controlled by fanatically anti-Russian and pro-NATO political elites, willing to take any action with the aim of harming Moscow. In practice, they do not act rationally and put the entire continental European security at risk by fomenting rivalries and hostilities against Russia.

The main problem is that, by boycotting the event, these countries are harming themselves. The OSCE is not a political or ideological organization, but a group focused on multilateral discussions about security and cooperation. The bloc’s members do not need to be allies or friends, just strategic partners in quest of the common goal of making Europe a safer place.

Russia is part of the European geographical reality, and peaceful coexistence is an absolute necessity. Even if other European countries criticize Russia, impose sanctions and maintain hostile relations of enmity, it is necessary to maintain dialogue with Moscow on strategic issues so that the minimum conditions of coexistence are created.

By trying to prevent Russian participation in the OSCE, the Baltics are simply ignoring elementary principles of European security. These states are acting very irresponsibly and risking the entire continental security architecture. As analysts say, dialogue needs to happen, regardless of the political situation. At some point, the Baltic countries will have to understand this, otherwise there will be a serious and irreversible escalation of tensions.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Lucas Leiroz is a journalist, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, geopolitical consultant. You can follow Lucas on X (former Twitter) and Telegram. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) meets in Lodz, Poland, on December 1, 2022. Photo credit: OSCE

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Nov. 7, 2023 – Social media influencer Samara Maloney died unexpectedly from a brain aneurysm on Nov. 7, 2023. There are many fake obituaries regarding her death, claiming car accident.

Fake Obituary #1: Vietnamese Website: “Samara Maloney Accident Details: Trinidad and Tobago mourns the loss of Samara Maloney, a beloved resident whose vibrant presence was tragically extinguished in a car accident.”

Fake Obituary #2: Website called “Wealthy Peeps”: “Samara’s life was tragically cut short due to a fatal car crash on a fateful day.”

Fake Obituary #3: Website called Holly Bolly – “On November 7, 2023, the nation of Trinidad and Tobago was deeply shaken by the news of the untimely demise of Samara Maloney, resulting from a tragic car crash.”

Nov. 28, 2023 – 22 year old Reed Ryan, football player for University of Minnesota Duluth Football Program, had a cardiac arrest during practice on Nov. 21 and died a week later on Nov. 28, 2023. 

“he accepted a full scholarship to play football at North Dakota State University (NDSU) for four seasons. In 2023, he was welcomed as a Bulldog at the University of Minnesota-Duluth with #99”

Real Obituary: Waunakee – “Reed Ryan our much loved son, brother, uncle, teammate, and friend was welcomed by the angels into Heaven on November 28, 2023. Reed, age 22, was born on December 27, 2000. Reed went into cardiac arrest on November 21st following a football team workout in the weight-room doing what he loved. This was the result of an undetected genetic heart condition and a large, loving heart. The athletic training team was tremendous in their efforts to immediately initiate CPR and regain his pulse.”

While he was still in the hospital, alive, someone commissioned two fake obituaries for him claiming he died in a “car accident.” These fake obituaries were released on Nov. 26. He died on Nov. 28.

Fake Obituary #1: (Vietnamese website) “In a devastating car accident, the world lost a remarkable individual – Ryan Reed, a talented football player at NDSU. His untimely passing.”

Fake Obituary #2: (India Website with senior writer Rishabh Raikwar) RajasDentalCollege: “Ryan Reed, a talented football player at NDSU, lost his life in a tragic car accident. The news has left his family and friends in profound grief”


Nov. 9, 2023 – US DOCTOR DEAD – Fredericksburg, VA Dr. Jayson Tappan, 53 year old emergency doctor and US Navy Veteran died suddenly on Nov. 9, 2023.


Fake Obituary #1: (Vietnamese website): “Tragedy strikes as Jason Tappan, a renowned emergency medical specialist in Spotsylvania County, Virginia, loses his life in a devastating crash. The collision, which occurred on Route 3 near Gordon Road, involved Tappan’s Toyota Camry and a Ford F-150 pickup truck traveling in the wrong direction. Both vehicles caught fire, resulting in the deaths of both drivers. While the cause of the crash is still under investigation, authorities suspect that speed and weather conditions may have been contributing factors.”

Fake Obituary #2: GeniusCelebs By: Sashank Paudel “He was involved in a fatal car crash that occurred around 8 a.m. on Route 3 near Gordon Road, according to the Spotsylvania County Sheriff’s Office. Tappan was driving a Toyota Camry when a Ford F-150 pickup truck that was traveling in the opposite direction collided with him.

Fake Obituary #3: RajasDentalCollege


Nov. 9, 2023 – Elizabeth Marie Lynch,30, of Louisville, KY, passed away unexpectedly on Thursday, November 9, 2023.

Real Obituary #1

Fake Obituary #1: Vietnamese Website: “Elizabeth Lynch Passes Away In a Tragic Accident – The incident occurred in the early hours of Thursday on I-264 near Bardstown Road. Elizabeth, a long-time resident of Louisville, was driving her SUV when she lost control and collided with the ramp barrier. The impact was catastrophic, resulting in a fiery crash that claimed her life.

Fake Obituary #2: Rajas Dental College – The fatal incident unfolded around 1 a.m. when Louisville Metro police officers were called to I-264 near Bardstown Road. Elizabeth Lynch, driving east in an SUV, tragically lost control of her vehicle, colliding with the ramp barrier. The aftermath was devastating, with the SUV catching fire immediately after the collision. Despite the efforts of emergency responders, Elizabeth Lynch was pronounced dead at the scene.

Fake Obituary #3: NewsUnzip – “Elizabeth Lynch…died in a horrific car crash on November 8, 2023 (wrong date). She was 21 years old and a student at the University of Louisville.” (wrong age)


Nov. 6, 2023 – UK – Nurse Sarah Healey died suddenly on Nov. 6, 2023. She was an “aesthetic nurse prescriber.”


Fake Obituary #1: ( “Sarah Jayne Healey Accident: Died in a Car Crash on Her Way to Work”

Fake Obituary #2: ( Claims car crash


Oct. 27, 2023 – Lakeland, FL – 16 year old Julia Black, volleyball player at Harrison School for the Arts (Orchestra program) suffered cardiac arrest 8:20pm & died suddenly from “cardiac arrest caused by pericardial infection.”


Real Obituary: “Julia Christine Black was born on January 22, 2007, in Lakeland, Florida. She left us much too soon on Friday, October 27, 2023, after sudden cardiac arrest caused by a pericardial infection.”

Fake Obituary #1: By Subhikshya Khadka: Julia Black Lakeland FL Car accident and her untimely demise…


June 7, 2023 – Prince George, BC – 35 year old Dr.Vincent Budac, optometrist at True North Optometry, died suddenly on June 7, 2023. His death was unexpected and he leaves behind two small children.


Fake Obituary #1: By Umesh Gautam: “Vincent Budac, a renowned optometrist…passed away on June 9th, 2023 (wrong date of death) at the age of 52 (wrong age, he is 35). He was involved in a fatal car accident while driving home from his clinic.”


Jan. 8, 2023 – 48 year old Heather L Frederick, Algonquin middle school teacher, died in her home.

Local News Story #1: No car crash and coroner report shows no foul play.

Local News Story #2: Coroner Clarifies Rumors Regarding Local Middle School Teacher’s Death. On Thursday, McHenry County Coroner Michael Rein said Heather Frederick, 48, did not die in a car crash.

Fake Obituary #1: by – ”Heather Frederick tragically lost her life in a car accident. Reports indicate that the critical injuries she sustained rendered her unable to recover, and despite her best efforts and four days of battling at the hospital, she sadly passed away. Heather had so much more life to live, but it was cut short by a cruel twist of fate.”

Fake Obituary #2: – “Heather Frederick car accident”


Nov. 24, 2022 – 21 year old Canadian University student (mandated COVID-19 vaccines at Western University in Ontario) Megha Thakur died in the early morning hours at her home.


Real Story #1: DailyMail UK

Fake Obituary #1: by “However, a website called Social Telecast reported that the young woman died in a road accident. These claims haven’t been verified by any other publication.”

Fake Obituary #2: by Anupal Sraban Neog: “there have been reports circulating online about her reportedly passing away in a car accident.”

Fake Obituary #3: OxGaps


Fake Obituary #4: Indian website GeniusCelebs by Sashank Paudel: “Megha Thakur Death: TikTok Star And Western University Student Died In An Accident. According to reports, the TikTok influencer and celebrity perished on November 24, 2022, in Ontario, Canada. The accident claimed the life of the beloved TikToker and Western University student while also gravely injuring another person.”

June 18, 2022 – 34 year old Danielle Hampson died in early morning on her wedding day. One year later her X-Factor star Husband Tom Mann still has no answers. But the fake obituaries claim car crash.

Fake Obituary #1: Latest in Bollywood by Kajal Hundlani – “Danielle Hampson Cause of Death:- Danielle Hampson (Born: 15 March 1987; Death: 18 June 2022) was a popular dancer and model who died in a car accident.”

Fake Obituary #2: Freshers Live by V.Sruthi – “Danielle Hampson Car Accident: Danielle Hampson was a famous dancer and model who died in a car accident. Danielle Hampson Car Accident is widely searched on the internet by most people”

My Take…

Why would someone pay to create a fake obituary on an obscure website in India or Vietnam, claiming a person in the US who “died suddenly” (usually at home or in a hospital), died from a car accident?

Interestingly, these fake websites (most of them originating in India or Vietnam) are being used by mRNA pushing doctors, to attack those who are trying to shed light on the dramatic increase in sudden deaths.

Even though doctors who forced COVID-19 mRNA vaccines on their patients (knowing the jabs would most likely injure, disable or kill them) are some of the most evil people in the world today, I don’t believe they’re creating these fake obituaries themselves.

This has the look and feel of a governmental agency operation, or a big pharma sponsored operation to “poison the well” of sudden death reporting.

Many people have extremely short attention spans and a 30 second google search that yields “car accident” as an explanation for a tragic sudden death, is more than enough to put the minds of the 6x-vaccinated at ease.

Never underestimate the lengths that big pharma and their bribed doctors, bureaucrats, politicians and media will go to, to keep the mRNA Vaccine fraud going a little longer.

And yes, that includes commissioning and paying for fake obituaries on prominent sudden deaths where there was a high probability of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine involvement, and labeling them all as “car accidents”, to discourage their reporting.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

Featured image is from

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

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Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

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The geopolitical position of Serbia is highly contested and one of the most volatile in Europe. The vast majority of the Serbian people have undivided support for Russia, being the only nation in Europe to overwhelmingly hail the Kremlin and its resurgence. However, Belgrade’s political establishment is another story. While the current government has to take into account the opinions of the people, it would seem that its actual priorities lie in Brussels.

The NATO bombing of 1999. has made it almost impossible for the Serbian people to support the accession to the alliance, so local politicians found ways to circumvent that by claiming that Serbia is only joining the European Union, not NATO. However, with the recent blurring of the lines between the military alliance and what’s supposed to be an economic bloc, most Serbs have become disillusioned with the idea of joining the EU.

And yet, to the dismay of the general populace, the political establishment is not only insisting on this but is also becoming increasingly obedient to NATO demands, such as the official support for Ukraine. Having good relations with the West is one thing, but going against Russia and the national interests of the Russian people is a whole other issue that could cost the current government its political power.

A particularly controversial situation was sparked by Tamara Vucic, wife of Serbian President Alexander Vucic, as well as some of his closest associates. Tamara, known for her lavish lifestyle that includes attending expensive fashion weeks and shopping in Europe, particularly Paris, is also a strong supporter of the LGBT community in Serbia. Needless to say, the local populace is extremely critical of this.

Although the media in the country generally underreport Tamara’s activities, all in order to hide her highly unpopular behavior, the news travels through the grapevine, prompting protests and angry rebukes from patriotic organizations and political parties. Perhaps the most contentious issue was her recent attendance at the Summit of First Ladies and Gentlemen organized by the First Lady of Ukraine, Olena Zelenska.

Needless to say, this was an extremely unpleasant surprise for the Serbian people, but only after the event was reported by alternative media, forcing the more mainstream platforms to admit that Tamara Vucic attended the controversial event. However, if this was a slap in the face of most Serbs, what she did next is considered nothing less than a stab in the back. Namely, Tamara Vucic also visited the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra.

Now, why would visiting an Orthodox monastery be considered bad or even controversial? Well, it certainly wouldn’t have been an issue if the Ukrainian government hadn’t forcefully taken the Lavra from the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate), officially turned it into a museum, and then also given it to the unrecognized “Orthodox Church of Ukraine”, practically a NATO-backed NGO posing as an Orthodox Church.

To add insult to injury, the aforementioned support for the LGBT community is also very unpopular among the Serbian populace, but Tamara Vucic continues this practice. Her husband, Serbian President Alexander Vucic, despite his superficially conservative views, is also connected to the LGBT community through his support for Prime Minister Ana Brnabic, who is a lesbian and is openly flaunting her sexual orientation.

Naturally, this is extremely frustrating to the Serbian people, but still, Vucic has been keeping her as the Prime Minister since 2017, despite the fact that she was never elected for this position. It’s possible that he’s simply trying to appease the West by having a high-ranking official with such a background, which is understandable from a geopolitical standpoint. However, this still doesn’t justify his wife’s support for the LGBT community.

Unfortunately, that’s not the end of it. Other people from Vucic’s cabinet are also making highly controversial moves and giving statements that could ruin Serbia’s long-standing friendship with Russia. Namely, on November 17, the Minister of Construction, Transportation, and Infrastructure of Serbia, Goran Vesic, took part in the Serbian-Ukrainian Business Forum in Belgrade, where he openly supported the Ukrainian government.

Vesic said that he was convinced that Ukraine and its people were looking at days of recovery and prosperity, but also noted that Serbia was there to help. During the meeting at the Chamber of Commerce of Serbia (CCIS), Vesic reminded that, not long before, in cooperation with partners from the USA, the initiative for the potential participation of Serbian construction companies in the projects of rebuilding Ukraine had been launched.

During his speech, Vesic also condemned what he called “Russian aggression in Ukraine”, causing an uproar of angry reactions from countless patriotic organizations and political parties. This imprudent statement, to say the least, goes against Belgrade’s self-proclaimed neutrality in the Ukrainian conflict, as well as against its own foreign policy that relies on multiple global partners, including the Russian Federation.


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Desanka Handson is a Serbian-American freelance journalist.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

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In his opening essay in the newly released anthology, Canary in a Covid World, Colin McAdam writes:

“I had watched everyone learn to hate each other in the name of caring, everyone denying life in the name of living, compassionate artists wagging their fingers or screaming at people who didn’t do as they did, and no one shouting at the people who deserved it most: the ones who created this disease, the motherf**kers who told us we should hate each other but continue to buy what they sold.”

McAdam is an internationally acclaimed novelist — and one of the few Canadian authors to speak up about the epic injustice of the COVID era. This despite the fact that McAdam initially went along with the mandates. His family even took both the prescribed clot shots.

But when the trucker convoy converged on Ottawa, he saw history unfold firsthand and realized which side of it he would be standing on:

“I shook hands with all kinds of people,” McAdam writes, “hugged a big drunk in Carhartt overalls, wandered around and chatted. Met a mother whose son couldn’t play hockey on his team without being vaccinated, who died the morning after inoculation. The gym owner who lost his business, his house, his income, deemed inessential by people who still enjoyed the novelty of working at home in their pyjamas. These people who should be heard, the mute and inglorious — they weren’t there just out of bitterness, they were there to feel connection. They were protesting, they had complaints, but they were there to overcome. To be brave.”

Quickly, McAdam realized that the liberal arts community had completely neglected to deride the very type of oppression they so pride themselves on opposing.

“One of the things I learned over these years is how class conscious, how insecure and unempathetic, so much of my cohort truly is. We in the Arts community are meant to be the ones who look in the dark corners, the ones who care about the oppressed and sing the sorrows of those who have no time or strength to sing. We are meant to think critically, to challenge authority and champion the individual under the thumb of the man.”

That mission statement sums up beautifully why I was so driven to write Much Ado About Corona: A Dystopian Love Story.

It also explains why, after reading McAdam’s essay, I immediately ordered his latest novel, Black Dove — a story about “genetic editing and the adventures of a grieving father and son.” I have a feeling I’m going to love it.

“Stories can warn us, scare us, light up the darkness, chase away boredom,” writes McAdam. “And they can also make us brave.”

And so can essays…. Canary in a Covid World includes 34 essays by thought leaders ranging from a novelist like Colin McAdams, to journalists, lawyers, judges, scientists, doctors, academics, politicians, researchers, vaccine-injured and data experts. They’ve bravely put their reputations (and possibly even their lives) before the firing squad of public opinion — to expose what happened and stop history from repeating itself. You can order copies of Canary in a Covid World for yourself, your family and friends here.


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John C. A. Manley is the author of the full-length novel, Much Ado About Corona: A Dystopian Love Story. He is currently working on the sequel, Brave New Normal. John lives in Stratford, Ontario, with his son Jonah, and the ever-present spirit of his late wife, Nicole. You can subscribe to his email newsletter, read his full bio or find out more about his novel. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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To receive Global Research’s Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here.

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Want to understand why the media we consume is either owned by billionaires or under the thumb of government?

The latest developments in the reporting of who was behind the explosions that destroyed the Nord Stream pipelines that brought Russian gas to Europe provide the answer.

Although largely forgotten now, the blasts in the Baltic Sea in September 2022 had huge and lasting repercussions. The explosion was an act both of unprecedented industrial sabotage and of unparalleled environmental terrorism, releasing untold quantities of the most potent of the greenhouse gases, methane, into the atmosphere.

The blowing up of the pipelines plunged Europe into a prolonged energy crisis, tipping its economies deeper into a recession from which they are yet to recover. Europe was forced to turn to the United States and buy much more expensive liquified gas. And one of the long-term effects will be to accelerate the de-industrialisation of Europe, especially Germany.

There can be almost no one in Europe who did not suffer personal financial harm, in most cases significant harm, from the explosions.

The question that needed urgently answering at the time of the blasts was one no media organisation was in a hurry to investigate: Who did it?

In unison, the media simply recited the White House’s extraordinary claim that Russia had sabotaged its own pipelines.

That required an unprecedented suspension of disbelief. It meant that Moscow had chosen to strip itself both of the lucrative income stream the gas pipelines generated, and of the political and diplomatic leverage it enjoyed over European states from its control of their energy supplies. This was at a time, remember, when the Kremlin, embattled in its war in Ukraine, needed all the diplomatic influence it could muster.

The Main Culprit

The need to breathe credibility into the laughably improbable “Russia did it” story was so urgent at the time because there was only one other serious culprit in the frame. No media outlet, of course, mentioned it.

The United States had both the motive and the means.

US officials from Biden down had repeatedly threatened that Washington would intervene to make sure the Nord Stream pipelines could not operate. The administration was expressly against European energy dependency on Russia. Another gain from the pipelines’ destruction was that a more economically vulnerable Europe would be forced to lean even more heavily on the US as a guarantor of its security, a useful chokehold on Europe when Washington was preparing for prolonged confrontations with both Russia and China.

As for the means, only a handful of states had the divers and technical resources enabling them to pull off the extremely difficult feat of successfully planting and detonating explosives on the sea floor undetected.

Had we known then what is gradually becoming clear now, even from establishment media reporting – that the US was, at the very least, intimately involved – there would have been uproar.

It would have been clear that the US was a rogue, terrorist state, willing to burn its allies for geostrategic gain. It would been clear that there was no limit to the crimes it was prepared to commit.

Every time Europeans had to pay substantially more for their heating bills, or filling up their car, or paying for the weekly shop, they would have known that the cause was gangster-like criminality by the Biden administration.

Evidence Ignored

Which is precisely why the establishment media were so very careful after the explosions not to implicate the Biden administration in any way, even if it meant ignoring the mass of evidence staring them in the face.

It is why they ignored the incendiary report by legendary investigative journalist Seymour Hersh – who has broken some of the most important stories of the last half century – detailing exactly how the US carried out the operation. When his account was occasionally referenced by the media, it was solely to ridicule it.

It is why, when it became obvious that the “Russia did it” claim was unsupportable, the media literally jumped ship: credulously reporting that a small group of “maverick” Ukrainians – unknown to President Volodymyr Zelensky, of course – had rented a yacht and carried off one of the most daring and difficult deep-sea stunts ever recorded.

It is why, later, the media treated it as entirely unremarkable – and certainly not worthy of comment – that new evidence suggested the Biden administration was warned of this maverick Ukrainian operation against Europe’s energy security. It apparently knew what was about to happen but did precisely nothing to stop it.

And it is why the Washington Post’s latest report changes the earlier, impossible-to-believe claim that “maverick” Ukrainians carried out the operation to destroy the pipelines into one that implicates the very top of the Ukrainian military. Yet, once again, the paper and the rest of the media steadfastly refuse to join the dots and follow the implications contained in their own reporting.

The central character in the new drama, Roman Chervinsky, belongs to Ukraine’s special operations forces. He supposedly oversaw the small, six-man team that rented a yacht and then carried out the James Bond-style attack.

The ingenuous Washington Post claims that his training and operational experience meant he was “well suited to help carry out a covert mission meant to obscure Ukraine’s responsibility”. It lists his resistance activities against Russia. None indicate that he had any experience masterminding a highly challenging, extremely dangerous, technically complex attack deep in the waters of the Baltic Sea.

Prior Knowledge

If the Ukrainian military really was behind the explosions – rather than the US – all the indications are that the Biden administration and the Pentagon must have been intimately involved in the planning, execution and subsequent cover-up.

Not least, it is extremely unlikely that the Ukrainian military had the technical capability to carry out by itself such an operation successfully and covertly.

And given that, even before the war, the Ukrainian military had fallen almost completely under US military operational control, the idea that Ukraine’s senior command would have been able to, or dared, execute this complex and risky venture without involving the US beggars belief.

Politically, it would have been quite extraordinary for Ukrainian leaders to imagine they could unilaterally decide to shut down energy supplies to Europe without consulting first with the US, especially when Ukraine’s entire war effort was being paid for and overseen by Washington and Europe.

And of course, Ukrainian leaders would have been only too aware that the US was bound to quickly work out who was behind the attack.

In such circumstances, why would the Biden administration choose to reward Ukraine with more money and arms for its act of industrial sabotage against Europe rather than punish it in some way?

Equally, the three states supposedly investigating the attack – Germany, Sweden and Denmark – would also have soon figured out that Ukraine was culpable. Why would they decide to cover up Ukraine’s attack on Europe’s economy rather than expose it – unless they were worried about upsetting the US?

And of course, there is the elephant in the room: the Washington Post’s earlier reporting indicated that the US had prior knowledge Ukraine was planning the attack. That is even more likely if the pipeline blast was signed off by Ukrainian military commanders rather than a group of Ukrainian “mavericks”.

The Post’s new story repeats the line that the Biden administration was forewarned of the attack. Now, however, the Post casually reports that, after expressing opposition, “US officials believed the attack had been called off. But it turned out only to have been postponed to three months later, using a different point of departure than originally planned”.

The Washington Post simply accepts the word of US officials that the most powerful country on the planet fell asleep at the wheel. The CIA and the Biden administration apparently knew the Ukrainian military was keen to blow up the Nord Stream pipelines and plunge Europe into an energy crisis and economic recession. But US officials were blindsided when the same small Ukrainian operational team changed locations and timings.

On this account, US intelligence fell for the simplest of bait and switches when the stakes were about as high as could be imagined. And the Washington Post and other media outlets report all of this with a faux-seriousness.

Ukrainian Fall Guy

Either way, the US is deeply implicated in the attack on Europe’s energy infrastructure and the undermining of its economy.

Even if the establishment media reporting is right and Ukraine blew up Nord Stream, the Biden administration must have given the green light, overseen the operational planning and assisted in the implementation and subsequent cover-up.

Then again, if as seems far more likely, Hersh is right, then there was no middle man – the US carried out the attack on its own. It needed a fall guy. When Russia no longer fitted the bill, Ukraine became the sacrificial offering.

A year on, these muffled implications from the media’s own reporting barely raise an eyebrow.

The establishment media has played precisely the role expected of it: neutering public outrage. Its regimented acceptance of the initial, preposterous claim of Russian responsibility. Its drip-feed, uncritical reporting of other, equally improbable possibilities. Its studious refusal to join the all-too-visible dots. Its continuing incuriousness about its own story and what Ukraine’s involvement would entail.

The media has failed by every yardstick of what journalism is supposed to be there for, what it is supposed to do. And that is because the establishment media is not there to dig out the truth, it is not there to hold power to account. Ultimately, when the stakes are high – and they get no higher than the Nord Stream attack – it is there to spin narratives convenient to those in power, because the media itself is embedded in those networks of power.

Why do billionaires rush to own media corporations, even when the outlets are loss-making? Why are governments so keen to let billionaires take charge of the chief means by which we gain information and communicate with each other. Because the power to tell stories, the power over our minds, is the greatest power there is.


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Jonathan Cook is the author of three books on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and a winner of the Martha Gellhorn Special Prize for Journalism. His website and blog can be found at

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What has happened to New York?

A New York Appellate Court has just upheld Governor Kathy Hochul and the State’s appeal that the government should have the authority to isolate and / or quarantine anyone with a highly contagious disease.

Regulation 10 NYCRR 2.13 established “isolation and quarantine procedures for people that were suspected of having communicable disease.”

The original regulation wasn’t even made DURING Covid – it was enacted under the state’s emergency authorization powers on Feb. 22, 2022. It has since been renewed in 90-day intervals with the state pushing for permanent adoption. A legal challenge ensued with a New York Supreme Justice upholding the plaintiff’s argument saying that it’s unconstitutional.

At New York Attorney General Letitia James’s behalf, the Appellate Court has now overturned the ruling and it is downright frightening the consequences that this could have on American’s liberty.

Read How Dangerous This Is

The State will now be able to instruct the the Department of Health to “pick and choose which New Yorkers they can lock up or lockdown without any proof they are sick and without any proof that you’ve been exposed to a communicable disease,” according to Attorney Debbie Anne Cox.

It gets worse.

“There is no time limit, so they can lock you up or lock you down for days, weeks… there is no location restrictions. They can put you in any facility they want; they can either lock you down in their house, or they can remove you from their house with the force of police and put you in a facility, detention center that they choose, you would have no say.”

Oh, and if that wasn’t enough…

There’s no procedure in how you actually get out of quarantine once you get there. Which is why the original New York Justice Ploetz ruled that the “involuntary detention is a severe deprivation of individual liberty, far more egregious than other health and safety measures,” and was a violation of constitutional due process. Instead of fighting for the people, Attorney General Letitia James argued that the plaintiff’s lacked standing.

This Is a Big Deal

If we’ve learned anything throughout the past couple of years, it’s that our elected leaders, government and bureaucratic agencies and more don’t always have our best intentions in their hearts. Never forget what they did to small businesses and how they forced out those that put their lives on the line such as firefighters and first responders who refused, or weren’t medically able to receive the vaccine. President Biden, Mayor Bill de Blasio, Governor Hochul and others threw them under the bus and took their jobs away.

We sure as hell know that Big Pharma and Big Tech don’t have our best interests in their mind – many times caring more about their profits than actual individuals. (The Moderna CEO made $400 million last year)

The Patriot Act began as a noble concept in the wake of September 11th. It has now gone far and beyond its original purpose and has helped turn the country into a surveillance state at times.

Too much power entrusted via Executive fiat is a dangerous precedent, that is why we have Separation of Powers.

People Are Leaving New York in Droves

The medical profession is at a major PR struggle right now – many people simply do not trust their doctors as much as they used to, or at the very least have very little faith in the World Health Organization or Department of Health. I mean hell, California is bringing back mask mandates in some areas!

This latest New York power grab by Governor Hochul’s administration has only put more of your liberty at risk.

But don’t worry – because if you try to say anything, they might think it’s hate speech, which is why they are openly monitoring New Yorkers social media accounts.

And yet, Governor Hochul, Mayor Eric Adams and other Democratic leaders are ‘shocked!’ that so many New Yorkers – including millionaires and billionaires that help fund the state’s tax revenue – are getting the hell out of New York.

Hopefully New Yorkers smarten up and realize what their leaders are doing to them.


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Mike “Gunz” Gunzelman has been involved in the sports and media industry for over a decade. He’s also a risk taker – the first time he ever had sushi was from a Duane Reade in Penn Station in NYC.

Featured image: Gov. Kathy Hochul (Licensed under CC BY 2.0)

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Data from Bankrate indicates that interest rates for new auto loans with a 60-month term have reached their highest point since the Dot Com bust era. Additionally, the soaring prices of new electric vehicles pose a significant affordability challenge for the average working-class American. Beyond affordability issues, consumer interest in EVs is also waning. This sentiment is echoed by 3,900 auto dealers who have written to President Biden, urging his administration to reconsider the pace of EV mandates, citing a severe decline in demand for these vehicles. 

“Currently, there are many excellent battery electric vehicles available for consumers to purchase. These vehicles are ideal for many people, and we believe their appeal will grow over time. The reality, however, is that electric vehicle demand today is not keeping up with the large influx of BEVs arriving at our dealerships prompted by the current regulations. BEVs are stacking up on our lots,” the dealers said. 

They said 2022 was a year of “hope and hype about EVs” but has morphed into a bust cycle as “supply of unsold BEVs is surging, as they are not selling nearly as fast as they are arriving at our dealerships — even with deep price cuts, manufacturer incentives, and generous government incentives.” 

They warned:

“Already, electric vehicles are stacking up on our lots which is our best indicator of customer demand in the marketplace.” 

According to Bankrate data, this may be because new auto loans with 60-month terms have soared from around 3.5% to 7.78% in a very short period – we call this an interest rate shock. Current rates are at levels not seen since the second half of 2001. 

The dealers said most customers are not ready for EVs, citing unaffordability issues. No fiscally conservative American trying to survive the failure of Bidenomics wants a +$1,000 EV car payment. 

They explained most customers don’t have “garages for home charging or easy access to public charging stations” and were concerned about “loss of driving range in cold or hot weather.” 

With that being said, the dealers asked Biden: 

Mr. President, it is time to tap the brakes on the unrealistic government electric vehicle mandate. Allow time for the battery technology to advance. Allow time to make BEVs more affordable. Allow time to develop domestic sources for the minerals to make batteries. Allow time for the charging infrastructure to be built and prove reliable. And most of all, allow time for the American consumer to get comfortable with the technology and make the choice to buy an electric vehicle.

None of this should be surprising to readers. We have well-documented the EV bust this year, pointing out in late summer that dealers struggled to sell EVs with inventories piling up. 

We even showed the ‘rise and fall’ of the EV hype in one chart, Bring A Trailer listings for the GMC Hummer EV.

The letter to the president also comes as the clean energy industry is plunging into turmoil, with shares of solar, wind, and hydrogen stocks crashing this year. 

President Biden’s green revolution stands no chance in a high interest rate environment. 

And we wonder if the EV price war sparked by Elon Musk earlier this year with major automakers means Tesla is soaking up market share – or if they, too, are experiencing demand troubles. 


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Selected Articles: The Dublin Riots: The Aftermath

November 30th, 2023 by Global Research News

The Dublin Riots: The Aftermath

By Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin, November 29, 2023

The recent horrific events in Dublin left many in shock as a stabbing incident developed into an anti-immigration rally, which in turn developed into a riot as a tram, busses and Garda cars were set on fire. In the early afternoon a man stabbed three children and a care assistant. He was stopped by a 43-year-old Deliveroo driver who intervened and hit him with his helmet.

NATO Further Postpones Ukraine’s Membership

By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, November 30, 2023

NATO makes it clear that the Kiev regime is not really a priority. In a recent statement, the head of the alliance emphasized the position of not advancing the accession process while there is a conflict with Russia.

Sovereignty Surrendered: Subordinating Australia’s Defence Industry

By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 30, 2023

One could earn a tidy sum the number of times the word “sovereignty” has been uttered or mentioned in public statements and briefings by the Australian Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese. But such sovereignty has shown itself to be counterfeit. 

The End of US Nuclear Superiority. Scott Ritter

By Scott Ritter, November 30, 2023

On Nov. 1, the U.S. Air Force was forced to explosively “terminate” the flight test of a Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM). This meant blowing it up in the air after it exhibited unspecified in-flight anomalies to engineers monitoring its progress.

The Dublin Riots and BLM – A Comparison of Reactions

By Gavin OReilly, November 30, 2023

With it soon emerging that the suspect was an immigrant who had previously been served a deportation order in 2003, tensions that had been building across the country over the past year in response to the immigration policy of Leinster House, which has seen large amounts of male migrants placed into wildly unsuitable locations such as an inner city office block and a children’s school, would come to a head.

An Open Letter to Members of the United States Congress on Hamas-Israel-Gaza Genocide. Ralph Nader

By Ralph Nader, November 30, 2023

We are writing to exercise our First Amendment to petition Congress for redress of grievances. We are urging Congress to end the United States’ unconditional, close, and continual military and intelligence support of Israel in its ongoing physical destruction of 2.3 million Palestinians residing in Gaza. The United States is responsible for genocide under any plain reading of the Genocide Convention.

Can U.S. Threats Prevent a Wider War in the Middle East?

By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, November 29, 2023

While Secretary of State Anthony Blinken has been frantically shuttling around the Middle East trying to stop the Israeli coflict in Gaza from exploding into a regional war, the United States has also sent two aircraft carrier strike groups, a Marine Expeditionary Unit and 1,200 extra troops to the Middle East as a “deterrent.”

“The Died Suddenly, Jabbed Recently” Phenomenon : Canada’s “Do No Harm” Initiative

By John C. A. Manley, November 29, 2023

The event opened with Dr. Jennifer Hibberd, a dental surgeon, describing Canada as the “playground for the World Economic Forum.” But they play dirty, as she learned firsthand. She told how her clinic was raided under the suspected direction of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service the day after she posted an online video from the Freedom Convoy in Ottawa. Here she is speaking on stage…

Don’t Irradiate the Birds

By Arthur Firstenberg, November 29, 2023

In mid-October 2019, the Maui Forest Bird Recovery Project (MFBRP), in cooperation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the State of Hawai’i, The Nature Conservancy, the American Bird Conservancy, Pacific Bird Conservation, and San Diego Zoo Global, attached VHF radio transmitters to the legs of 10 kiwikiu before releasing them into the Nakula Natural Area Reserve, on the southern slope of Haleakalā volcano.

Video: Japanese Are Protesting Sudden Deaths From COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines. ビデオ: 日本人は新型コロナウイルス感染症 mRNA ワクチンによる突然死に抗議している

By Dr. William Makis, November 29, 2023

Regarding a woman in her 50s in the prefecture who died the day after receiving the new coronavirus vaccine – awarded 44 million yen (approx 300K USD). Nationally, over 2000+ vaccine deaths applications still in process.

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First published on October 15, 2023


According to the official version, the Hamas attack “caught Israel by surprise”. However, a series of inexplicable facts do not make the official version credible.

How is it possible that the Gaza barrier was breached with bulldozers without anyone noticing?

The 64-kilometre barrier surrounding Gaza is made of an underground wall equipped with sensors to prevent tunnelling, and a 6-metre high fence with sensors, radars, cameras and automatic weapons systems connected to a command, and is manned by soldiers.

How is it possible that on that very day, a music festival was taking place involving thousands of young people, and located in the desert a few kilometres from Gaza, in an area already considered dangerous because it was within range of Hamas rockets, and moreover left without any security force?

How is it possible when Hamas militants attacked over 20 Israeli population centres, killing (according to official figures) 1300 people, the Israeli special forces, considered among the best in the world, did not immediately intervene with helicopters and only intervened with police force?

How is it possible that Mossad, considered one of the most efficient Secret Services in the world, did not realize that Hamas was preparing its attack?

The essential answers come from an article, published on October 8 by the Israeli newspaper The Times of Israel:

“For years, the various governments led by Benjamin Netanyahu have adopted a policy that has divided the Gaza Strip and the West Bank between two different powers, bringing Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to his knees and favouring Hamas.

Hamas was treated as a partner to the detriment of the Palestinian Authority to prevent Abbas from moving towards creating a Palestinian State. Hamas was promoted from a terrorist group to an organization with which Israel conducted negotiations through Egypt, and which was allowed to receive suitcases containing millions of dollars from Qatar through the Gaza crossings.” 

All these facts outline a scenario similar to the terrorist attack on New York and Washington on September 11, 2001, when the entire US intelligence and Defence System was “caught by surprise” by an alleged Al-Qaeda attack.

Irrefutable evidence (officially ignored or dismissed as “conspiracy”) demonstrates that 9/11 was not carried out by Al Qaeda, as a means to trigger the “global war on terrorism” with the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq and subsequent wars.

Something similar is happening today in Israel, whose entire Intelligence and Defence system was apparently “caught by surprise” by the Hamas attack.

The strategic aim of the operation is, on the one hand, to “put an end” to the Palestinians (so far there have been over 1,500 dead, including 500 children, and over 7000 injured) and to take over their territories.

The Israeli command has ordered the evacuation of over one million inhabitants, over half of the entire population, from the northern half of Gaza. On the other hand, the strategic aim of the operation is to trigger a chain reaction of wars in the Middle East, targeting Iran, where the United States, Israel and the European powers are losing ground.


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This article was originally published in Italian on Il Manifesto.

Manlio Dinucci, award winning author, geopolitical analyst and geographer, Pisa, Italy. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization.

The Dublin Riots and BLM – A Comparison of Reactions

November 30th, 2023 by Gavin OReilly

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Last Thursday afternoon, news would spread throughout Ireland of a horrific knife attack on three young schoolchildren and their teacher outside a Gaelscoil (Irish-language school) in Dublin city centre. At the time of writing, the youngest of the victims, a five year old girl, remains gravely ill in hospital.

With it soon emerging that the suspect was an immigrant who had previously been served a deportation order in 2003, tensions that had been building across the country over the past year in response to the immigration policy of Leinster House, which has seen large amounts of male migrants placed into wildly unsuitable locations such as an inner city office block and a children’s school, would come to a head. Calls for a protest in Dublin later that night would rapidly spread throughout social media.

Such protests have become a mainstay across Ireland over the past year, with the government of WEF ‘Young Global Leader’ Leo Varadkar labelling protesters as ‘’far-right’’ and carrying out surveillance of organisers in response, a strategy that has served only to exacerbate tensions even further.

Last year in Canada, under the rule of fellow WEF ‘Young Global Leader’ Justin Trudeau, a similar response would take place to the Freedom Convoy, a protest movement launched by Canadian truckers following the decision to mandate jab passports for drivers returning from the US, the largest land-border in the world and a key component of the Canadian economy.

Just as open borders policies serve the interests of the global elites that the WEF represents, via the undermining of national sovereignty and the devaluing of labour, jab passports served their interests by acting as conditioning for the introduction of an eventual mandatory digital ID, which in line with the Great Reset initiative would allow the government-corporate alliance to have an unprecedented level of control over its citizens’ finances in a cashless society.

The fraught tensions that had spurred on Thursday’s planned protest however, would seemingly attract an opportunistic element, one that had engaged in looting and the burning of vehicles in Dublin on the night.

Unsavoury scenes, though it cannot be understated that, in terms of magnitude, they are a universe apart from the stabbing of children.

The establishment media however, did not hold the same view; with the unrest that swept Dublin dominating newspaper headlines alongside accusations that it had been ‘’organised by the far-right’’, the brutal attack on the children and their teacher being consigned to a mere afterthought.

Security Minister for the southern Irish state, Helen McEntee announced that legislation would be fast tracked to introduce Facial Recognition Technology – another key component of the Great Reset – in response to the riots, and it was announced that MMA star Conor McGregor was being investigated for ‘’inciting hate’’ over a post on X that he had sent the night BEFORE the stabbings.

A lockstep response of condemnation, though one that lies in stark contrast to the response towards the riots that swept the United States following the death of George Floyd in May 2020, for which a minutes silence was held in the southern Irish Parliament, something that has so far not occurred for the victims of last Thursday’s mass-stabbing.

To understand why, one must look at the wider political context at the time of George Floyd’s death.

Four days prior to the footage of Minnesota police officer Derek Chauvin kneeling on Floyd’s neck going viral, Joe Biden, the then-Democrat candidate for that years US Presidential election, infamously declared that whoever voted for the incumbent Donald Trump over him ‘’Ain’t black’’ in an attempt to garner support amongst the black community of the United States for his Presidential campaign. A PR disaster, and one that confirmed he was in need of the black vote in order to guarantee an electoral victory.

Thus, the death of George Floyd was weaponised to guarantee such a result, with violent riots sweeping the United States in the aftermath. In contrast to the one night of looting and arson that took place in Dublin however, the mainstream media would provide cover for the months-long unrest in the US, with corporate outlet CNN notoriously describing it as ‘’fiery but mostly peaceful’’ at one stage.

Key to this was the involvement of George Soros, a significant donor to both the Democratic Party and the Black Lives Matter organisation via his Open Society Foundations, a globalist support-network that has sponsored colour revolutions from as far afield as Ukraine and China.

It is also why last week’s night of unrest in Dublin, carried out amidst a wider political context of opposition to globalist policies in Ireland, came in for far more media condemnation than the months of BLM-led riots that took place in the United States in 2020.


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Gavin O’Reilly is an activist from Dublin, Ireland, with a strong interest in the effects of British and US Imperialism. Secretary of the Dublin Anti-Internment Committee, a campaign group set up to raise awareness of Irish Republican political prisoners in British and 26 County jails. His work has previously appeared on American Herald Tribune, The Duran, Al-Masdar and MintPress News. He is a regular contributor to Global Research. Support him on Patreon. 

Featured image: Dubliners watch as a Dublin Bus is engulfed in flames during the 2023 Dublin riot. Photograph taken from O’Connell Bridge, facing northwards towards O’Connell Street. (Licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0)

NATO Further Postpones Ukraine’s Membership

November 30th, 2023 by Lucas Leiroz de Almeida

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NATO makes it clear that the Kiev regime is not really a priority. In a recent statement, the head of the alliance emphasized the position of not advancing the accession process while there is a conflict with Russia. In practice, NATO is simply stating that it will not allow Ukrainian access, as the organization itself does everything possible to ensure that the conflict does not end.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg stated in an interview on November 28 that Ukraine’s entry will only happen when the necessary “conditions” for it materialize. In other words, he emphasized again that without the end of the war with Russia there can be no progress in the accession process.

According to Stoltenberg, Ukraine “is closer to NATO than ever,” however completion of entry is only expected to happen after the country’s main problems are resolved. It is necessary to end the war and implement some reforms to adapt Kiev to the bloc’s requirements. Although Ukraine has been exempted from entirely fulfilling the Membership Action Plan (MAP) obligations, some countries remain reluctant to accept Kiev without certain reforms being carried out. Therefore, an adapted program of reforms is expected to be required, which makes the Ukrainian situation difficult.

The reforms established in this special program are expected to be fulfilled by Ukraine only after the end of the conflict, which reduces expectations of real access, as it is unlikely that Ukraine will have the necessary conditions to advance major national projects in a post-war scenario. In practice, by establishing these new conditions, NATO may simply be making Ukrainian access unfeasible.

In fact, such obstacles will continue to be in Ukraine’s path to NATO. The bloc made the promise to its proxy but evidently does not want to and cannot fulfill it. Ukraine does not meet the basic conditions required by the alliance, in addition to the fact that it is in a conflict situation, which prevents it from being admitted. Being a collective security treaty, NATO cannot admit a new member that is at war, as this would automatically mean placing all other members in the same conflict scenario.

In practice, the promise made by NATO to Ukraine appears to have simply been a bluff. To react to Russian military initiatives and encourage pro-Ukrainian propaganda around the world, the alliance promised to admit Kiev, but did not move forward with the process, hoping that all sides would “forget” the promise over time. But such “forgetfulness” did not happen. Kiev continues to insist on its accession and hopes to receive solid guarantees that admission will happen – even if only after the conflict.

The problem is that, as far as it depends on NATO, the conflict will not end anytime soon. As well known, the bloc’s intention is to maintain hostilities against Russia for as long as possible. Not by chance, in the same interview, Stoltenberg assured that NATO will support Ukraine “as long as it takes”, guaranteeing that new military and financial aid packages will be provided to the regime in the future. This means that NATO does not want the war to end, keeping active the plan to fight “to the last Ukrainian.” Consequently, Kiev’s chances of gaining access to NATO in a post-conflict scenario decrease significantly.

Post-war Ukraine will be in a catastrophic situation of social crisis and military weakness. The country will not have the necessary conditions to enter the alliance or any other international bloc as it will be demilitarized and in debt, without being able to contribute anything to NATO’s “collective security”. So, by postponing the decision to “admit or not” Kiev, Stoltenberg is simply saying that accession will never happen.

For any analyst, the impossibility of this access has always seemed obvious. Ukraine is a NATO proxy, so it cannot be a member. The alliance mobilizes Ukraine against Russia precisely because it is not a member, as this frees the bloc from the obligation of intervening in favor of the regime. Ukrainian membership would prevent Kiev from fulfilling its role in NATO’s war plans, which is why the promise of membership was always a mere bluff.

The best Ukraine can do in this scenario is to “change sides” and stop its fruitless partnership with NATO. Upon realizing that it was used in a war plan and that it will receive nothing for it, the Ukrainian government should agree to negotiate under Moscow’s peace terms.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Lucas Leiroz is a journalist, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, geopolitical consultant. You can follow Lucas on X (former Twitter) and Telegram. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Members of the US Congress fear that if a military and financial aid package for Ukraine cannot be agreed before Christmas, it could be delayed until after the 2024 presidential elections, which take place in the distant November. The Economist notes that due to this funding uncertainty, “now America has become one of Ukraine’s greatest worries” since Washington has been “Ukraine’s greatest saviour as it marshalled arms, money and more to help” to fight Russian forces.

According to the London-based outlet, “the longer the delay, the more the Republican and Democratic parties will “become consumed by election fever.”

“If there is no deal before Christmas, some in Congress worry, a fresh allocation of aid may be delayed until after the elections in November 2024,” the Economist reported, citing a source in the US Senate, who added that if Donald Trump was to be elected president, funding could stop completely.

Ukrainian officials fear that without American support, Kiev’s allies in Europe could lose heart, with the magazine highlighting that Ukraine is trying to boost its defence industry, which was famous during the Soviet era but has been badly neglected since.

“No matter how much we grow local production, we would be hugely dependent on Western partnerships,” admitted a senior official in Kiev.

Another Ukrainian source cited by the Economist said,

“In the spring the flow of military supplies was a broad river. In the summer it was a stream. Now it is a few drops of tears.”

Without US and Western funding, Ukraine’s collapse would be imminent since this was the decisive factor in why the eastern European country’s military has survived for as long as it has. The situation is so dire that the Ukrainian Ministry of Economy and the National Bank believe that Ukraine’s GDP is expected to reach pre-crisis 2021 levels only in 2030. 

Ukraine’s GDP dropped 29.1% last year, falling from 5.5 trillion hryvnia to 3.8 trillion hryvnia at constant prices, considering 2021 as the base year. With an average annual growth rate of 4.8%, the Ukrainian economy will reach pre-crisis levels only in 2030, when GDP will reach 5.6 trillion hryvnia at 2021 prices.

In comparison, the International Monetary Fund expects an average growth of 4.3% per year for the Ukrainian economy from 2025 to 2028.

Meanwhile, the Russian economy, which contracted 2.1% last year to 132.5 trillion rubles in 2021 prices, is forecast to grow 2.45% this year, reaching a GDP of 135.7 trillion rubles. Despite the sanctions, this value represents approximately 445 billion rubles more than recorded before the crisis.

Evidently, the sanctions against Russia have failed whilst Ukraine continues to struggle. Yet, despite this reality, the Biden administration is adamant about maintaining sanctions and financing Ukraine and is only blocked from doing so because of the strong opposition in Congress.

Biden’s unrelenting yet failed Ukraine policy will likely be his undoing since his popularity continues to plummet in the polls.

The latest Morning Consult poll, updated on November 27, had Biden’s approval rating at 38% and his disapproval rating at 55%. According to FiveThirtyEight’s average of all polls, Biden’s approval rating sat at 39%, with 54.7% disapproving.

The New York Times/Siena College polls at the beginning of November showed Trump ahead of Biden in four of the six swing states. Still, more indicators of the president’s electoral peril soon followed. Biden’s popularity in head-to-head matchups with Trump is dwindling, as seen in the fact that among the latest surveys this month from 13 separate pollsters, Biden’s position is worse than their previous polls in all but two.

As Politico highlighted,

“And while polls suggest most of the movement comes from voters abandoning Biden — who might become undecided but not swing to supporting Trump — the Republican has also started to gain steam. Trump’s vote share in the national polling average is higher now than at any point in the past year.”

A massive reason for the swing in popularity between Biden and Trump is their respective positions on the Ukraine war.

Trump has claimed he can end the conflict in 24 hours, and even though this is doubtful, it points to the fact that he wants to wrap up this war quickly.

Biden, on the other hand, not only instigated the start of the war but is attempting to continue it for as long as possible, even at the expense of the American taxpayers who are already struggling with the cost of living.

If funding of Ukraine is discontinued until at least November 2024, Moscow will likely have ended the war by then after achieving their goals and will be ready to start engaging in slow normalisation efforts with Washington – if Trump were to be elected.

And even if Congress eventually approves a new aid package for Ukraine, it will only merely delay for a short duration Russia’s final victory.


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Ahmed Adel is a Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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We are writing to exercise our First Amendment to petition Congress for redress of grievances. We are urging Congress to end the United States’ unconditional, close, and continual military and intelligence support of Israel in its ongoing physical destruction of 2.3 million Palestinians residing in Gaza. The United States is responsible for genocide under any plain reading of the Genocide Convention.

Congress commands plenary power over the foreign policy of the United States. It employed the power of the purse to end United States combat in Indochina on August 16, 1973. It prohibited the CIA from intermeddling in Angola with the Clark Amendment in 1975. And by statute, Congress has insisted that Israel receive weapons that ensure a Qualitative Military Edge over its neighbors.

Words only diminish our revulsion at the congressional dereliction in enabling President Joe Biden to transfer weapons and share real-time intelligence with Israel to destroy Palestinian civilians in Gaza in violation of multiple laws: the Genocide Convention, the federal prohibition of genocide,18 U.S.C. 1091, the Leahy Amendments, the Declare War Clause of the Constitution, and the statutory restriction on the use of American arms for defensive purposes only.

Why has Congress neglected public hearings to expose and redress these offenses to the rule of law?

Congress should enact a Joint Resolution endorsing a two-state solution featuring a Palestinian state initially administered by a United Nations caretaker mission to organize free and fair elections.

The United States’ current unlawful foreign policy is indistinguishable from “the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must” voiced by Thucydides in History of the Peloponnesian War.

Section 2 of the Genocide Convention defines the crime as including “intentionally creating conditions of life calculated to physically destroy a racial, religious, ethnic, or national group in whole or in part.” Evidence in the public domain authoritatively establishes that Israel is intentionally creating conditions of life in Gaza intended to physically destroy the 2.3 million Palestinian occupants. Israeli officials, without dissent, announced a siege of Gaza including the genocidal refrain, “no food, no water, no power, no electricity, no medicine, no shelter, no anything.” See e.g., “‘Erase Gaza’: Conflict Unleashes Inflammatory Rhetoric From Israeli Leaders,” New York Times, A7, November 16, 2023. Palestinians are even prohibited from collecting or storing rainwater which is considered the property of the Israeli government.

The siege of Gaza’s population has been fortified by a land invasion and bombings of hospitals, clinics, ambulances, bread bakeries, water mains, schools, apartment buildings, marketplaces, fleeing refugee families to nowhere, journalists, mosques, churches, and clearly marked United Nations schools and relief sites. Death certificates are prepared before the ink on birth certificates dries. Fires cannot be extinguished. Diseases are spreading. Deaths are at least 20,000 and probably twice or three times that number increasing by the hour, from lack of water, food, and urgent medical treatment, for those homeless battered families being driven south under Israeli bombardment and communications blackouts. There are no safe sanctuaries whether in North or South Gaza – even in hospitals they blockaded. Gaza is a free fire zone for the IDF.

Israel has turned its brutal war machine on the entire Palestinian population in Gaza. Israel’s President declaimed, “It is an entire nation out there that is responsible. It’s not true about civilians not aware, not involved. It’s absolutely not true.” An Israeli Knesset member echoed, “The Children of Gaza brought it upon themselves.” The Defense Minister insisted, “We are fighting human animals and will treat them accordingly.”

Prime Minister Netanyahu added that the Gaza conflict is between 21st century progress and “the barbaric fanaticism of the Middle Ages” and a “struggle between the children of light and the children of darkness.” He reminded Israeli Jews of the Lord’s ordering the destruction of Amalek in the Book of Samuel, “This is what the Lord Almighty says,” the prophet Samuel tells Saul. “I will punish the Amalekites for what they did to Israel when they waylaid them as they came up from Egypt. Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.’”

The Nazis in World War II attempted to conceal the Holocaust fearing legal accountability.  Israel’s genocide is unfolding in plain view confidant of impunity, including unconditional callous congressional support and gross misdirection of taxpayer dollars for violence, in lieu of satisfying the critical needs of the American people.

Congress is poised, without even public hearings and witnesses, to spend an additional $14.3 billion of taxpayer dollars to compensate for a staggering blunder of Israeli intelligence. Why?

Israel has taken an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth standard of justice of Leviticus to a criminal, genocidal level: 10,000 eyes for an eye, 10,000 teeth for a tooth. It is turning Gaza into a vast sick and dying huddle of civilian families exposed to American bombs and missiles. As the Washington Post reported, “hunger, thirst and disease are quickly spreading.” Babies are dying alone having lost their parents.

Had the touted Israeli defenses and intelligence not been colossally AWOL, the October 7th attack could never have occurred. As one elderly Holocaust survivor told The New York Times, “It should never have happened…”

President Biden has made the United States a belligerent and co-belligerent with Israel against Hamas without a constitutionally required declaration of war by Congress. Systematically providing the IDF with massive weapons made us a co-belligerent and sharing real-time battlefield intelligence made us a belligerent.

Such presidential wars are impeachable high crimes and misdemeanors as Mr. Biden himself vigorously underscored in his presidential campaign for the 2008 Democratic nomination in an interview with Chris Matthews on Hardball on December 4, 2007.

Listen further to the fundamental, historical provocation of the war as elaborated by David Ben-Gurion, founder and first Prime Minister of Israel:

“If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we have taken their country. It is true, God promised it to us, but how could that interest them? Our God is not theirs. There has been anti-Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault? They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?” Printed in “The Jewish Paradox,” (p. 121) by Nahum Goldmann.

Ben Gurion’s recognition was echoed by Israel’s acclaimed war hero Moshe Dayan. Standing close to the Gaza border in 1956 eulogizing a 21-year-old Israeli security officer who had been slain by Palestinian and Egyptian assailants, Dayan reflected,

“Let us not today cast blame on his murderers. What can we say against their terrible hatred of us? For eight years now, they have sat in refugee camps of Gaza and watched how, before their very eyes, we have turned their land and villages, where they and their forefathers previously dwelled, into our home.”

Also often forgotten by most Members of Congress is P.M. Netanyahu’s widely quoted strategy of supporting and funding Hamas over the years to thwart a two-state solution with the Palestinian Authority. Roger Cohen of the New York Times wrote on October 22, 2023,

All means were good to undo the notion of Palestinian statehood. In 2019, Mr. Netanyahu told a meeting of his center-right Likud party: ‘Those who want to thwart the possibility of a Palestinian state should support the strengthening of Hamas and the transfer of money to Hamas. This is part of our strategy.’”

The “From the river to the sea” expression originated with Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Likud party pressing for a “Greater Israel” in all of Palestine, not with Hamas. Further, the idea is also consistent with peaceful coexistence between Palestinians and Jews, by people advocating a one-state solution.

Dante observed, “The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in times of great moral crisis, maintain their neutrality.” The Congressional positions against Palestinian civilians, three-quarters of whom are children and women, are far beyond neutrality. Read the front-page article of the New York Times (November 26, 2023) headlined: “Israel Has Killed More Women and Children Than Have Been Killed in Ukraine.”

Congress should follow the example of President Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1956 who interceded in the Suez crisis to stop the attacks by Israel, France, and the United Kingdom, on Egypt. He also initiated the United Nations peacekeeping force in the Sinai.

Congress should conduct public hearings in the House and Senate featuring prominent and longtime Israeli peace advocates, holding past high-level government positions, along with Israeli and Palestinian human rights groups. Their voices have been excluded from Capitol Hill since 1948. You know why? Shame!

Congress cannot escape the judgment of history which will endure for the ages over its defining role in the annihilation of innocent Palestinian families – mostly children and women – inside Gaza – long described as Israel’s illegally blockaded open-air prison.

We look forward to a congressional response, from U.S. Senators and U.S. Representatives respectful of citizen petitions.


Bruce Fein, Esq.

Ralph Nader, Esq.


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Featured image: Eve of Destruction – by Mr. Fish

The End of US Nuclear Superiority. Scott Ritter

November 30th, 2023 by Scott Ritter

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On Nov. 1, the U.S. Air Force was forced to explosively “terminate” the flight test of a Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM). This meant blowing it up in the air after it exhibited unspecified in-flight anomalies to engineers monitoring its progress.

The test launch, carried out by the U.S. Air Force’s Global Strike Command, is, according to the Air Force, “part of routine and periodic activities intended to demonstrate that the United States’ nuclear deterrent is safe, secure, reliable, and effective to deter 21st century threats and reassure our allies.”

The U.S. Air Force maintains some 400 Minuteman III, stored in silos and ostensibly on 24-hour alert to respond to any potential strategic threat targeting the United States and/or its allies. The Minuteman III has been the land-based component of the “nuclear triad” of U.S. strategic deterrence (the other two being the sea component of Trident missiles onboard Ohio-class submarines and the air component of specially designated B-52 and B-2 manned bombers). 

The Minuteman III was developed in 1968, an improvement on the original Minuteman I missile design from 1958. It entered operational service in 1970. Originally conceived to carry three independently targeted warheads, the Minuteman III was retrofitted with a single warhead as part of the now defunct START II treaty, ratified by both the U.S. and Russia, but never entered into force.

Image: Presidents George H. W. Bush and Boris Yeltsin sign START II on Jan. 3, 1993, at the tail end of Bush’s term in office, in Moscow. (Kremlin, Wikimedia Commons, Public domain)

While the New START treaty that remains in effect today does not limit the number of warheads the Minuteman III can carry, the warhead limitations of the previous treaty means that the Minuteman III continues to be fitted out with a single warhead, although the U.S. Air Force routinely carries out flight tests of Minuteman III missiles retrofitted with three warheads.

The Minuteman III is scheduled to be replaced starting in 2029 with a new generation of U.S. land-based ICBM known as the Sentinel. Some Minuteman III missiles will remain on duty until the Sentinel is fully deployed sometime in the mid-to-late 2030s.

Sometime last year a British Vanguard submarine, carrying 16 nuclear-armed Trident II missiles, suffered a mechanical failure during dive operations which, if left unrectified, could have resulted in a catastrophe for the 140 crewmembers aboard at the time. 

The Vanguard-class submarines (four were built) entered service in 1993, and are currently scheduled to be replaced with the new Dreadnaught-class missile submarine sometime in the 2030s. The Vanguard represents the totality of the British nuclear deterrence force. In 2017 a Vanguard-class submarine carried out a failed test launch of a Trident II missile which was kept secret from British Parliament during heated debates about the future of the British independent nuclear deterrent.

Royal Navy Vanguard Class submarine HMS Vigilant in 2014. (Thomas McDonald/MOD, Wikimedia Commons, OGL v1.0)

The failures of the aging U.S. and British strategic nuclear deterrence force contrasts sharply with a series of successful tests carried out by the Russian counterparts, including the recent launches of a modern Bulava missile from a new Borei-class submarine, a Yars ICBM equipped with an advanced Avangard hypersonic warhead, and the successful test launch of a new nuclear-powered Burevestnik cruise missile (the Russians are not immune to test failures, either, as demonstrated by the failure of a Sarmat heavy ICBM earlier this year.)

The fielding of a new generation of Russian strategic nuclear missiles places additional pressure on both the U.S. and U.K. to push forward with expensive modernization programs at a time when competition for funding has created domestic political challenges in both nations. 

Missing Arms Control Framework 

Complicating things further is the lack of any viable arms control framework to keep the rush to deploy new strategic systems by all three nations from exploding into an arms race that could destabilize the strategic balance of power that has existed for decades. Citing the incompatibility of strategic arms control with the U.S. at a time when Washington’s official policy is to strategically defeat Russia, Moscow has suspended its participation in the New START treaty. 

Image: U.S. President Barack Obama and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and after signing the New START treaty in Prague, April 2010. (, CC BY 4.0, Wikimedia Commons)

The New START treaty expires in February 2026. While both Russia and the U.S. had indicated an interest in pursuing a follow-on treaty that would maintain the strategic equilibrium that existed under New START, the lack of any ongoing contact between arms control negotiators from the U.S. and Russia makes any chance of having a new treaty vehicle ready in time to replace New START highly unlikely.

But the fact is that Russia appears unlikely to pursue such an option even if it were doable. Based upon a series of discussions with senior Russian officials who are knowledgeable about strategic nuclear policy, Russian officials are no longer interested in trying to patch up an arms control relationship with the U.S. that is founded in the legacy of the Cold War. The prevailing mood in Russia is that the U.S. has, over the years, negotiated in bad faith, seeking to use arms control as a vehicle to sustain U.S. strategic dominance as opposed to nuclear parity and stability. 

When treaties are negotiated that achieve a modicum of reciprocal benefit, such as the anti-ballistic missile treaty and the Intermediate Nuclear Forces (INF) treaty, the U.S. withdraws once the treaty is deemed to be inconvenient to U.S. strategic objectives, such as missile defense or responding to developments outside the framework of the treaty (such as Chinese missile systems not covered under the INF treaty.)

Russians believe that the strategic arms reduction treaties, individually and collectively, were never designed to produce nuclear parity, but rather to sustain U.S. nuclear superiority. The New START treaty has been singled out as an example of U.S. duplicity, where the Obama administration kept issues pertaining to missile reductions separate from missile defense, promising to address each separately, only to walk away from missile defense once the missile reduction treaty (New START) was ratified.

When New START expires in 2026, Russia is positioning itself to pursue its current nuclear modernization programs free of any treaty constraints. This will complicate the nuclear modernization efforts of both the U.S. and U.K., whose follow-on capabilities, being developed at a cost of hundreds of billions of dollars, will be inferior to the systems Russia is in the process of deploying. 

Russia will not entertain any negotiating process which seeks to nullify its strategic advantage, especially so long as the U.S. and its Western allies embrace policies which paint Russia as a strategic enemy and seek the strategic defeat of Russia.

If there is to be any hope for a revival of nuclear arms control between the U.S. and Russia, it will not be through a vehicle which sustains the legacy of the Cold War.

Instead, a new strategic relationship will have to emerge based upon modern realities, where the U.S. either must spend huge amounts of money to reach nuclear parity with Russia or negotiate from a position of strategic inferiority.

The day and age of unquestioned American nuclear superiority has passed.

Whether U.S. policy makers can adjust to this new circumstance remains to be seen. But any failure to do so will only trigger an inevitable arms race which the U.S. cannot win, and for which the consequences of failure could be fatal to the entire world. 


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Scott Ritter is a former U.S. Marine Corps intelligence officer who served in the former Soviet Union implementing arms control treaties, in the Persian Gulf during Operation Desert Storm and in Iraq overseeing the disarmament of WMD. His most recent book is Disarmament in the Time of Perestroika, published by Clarity Press.

Featured image: Crewmen perform an electrical check on an LGM-30F Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile in its silo in 1980. (Wikimedia Commons, Public domain)

This article was first published by Global Research in July 2014

The Al Qaeda legend and the threat of the “Outside Enemy” is sustained through extensive media and government propaganda.

In the post 9/11 era, the terrorist threat from Al Qaeda constitutes the building block of US-NATO military doctrine. It justifies –under a humanitarian mandate– the conduct of “counter-terrorism operations” Worldwide.

Known and documented, Al Qaeda affiliated entities have been used by US-NATO in numerous conflicts as “intelligence assets” since the heyday of the Soviet-Afghan war. In Syria, the Al Nusrah and ISIS rebels are the foot-soldiers of the Western military alliance, which in turn oversees and controls the recruitment and training of paramilitary forces.

While the US State Department is accusing several countries of “harboring terrorists”, America is the Number One “State Sponsor of Terrorism”: The Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) –which operates in both Syria and Iraq– is covertly supported and financed by the US and its allies including Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Moreover, the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham’s Sunni caliphate project coincides with a longstanding US agenda to carve up both Iraq and Syria into separate territories: A Sunni Islamist Caliphate, an Arab Shia Republic, a Republic of Kurdistan, among others.

The US-led Global War on Terrorism (GWOT) constitutes the cornerstone of US military doctrine. “Going after Islamic terrorists” is part and parcel of non-conventional warfare. The underlying objective is to justify the conduct of counter-terrorism operations Worldwide, which enables the US and its allies to intervene in the affairs of sovereign countries.

Many progressive writers, including alternative media, while focusing on recent developments in Iraq, fail to understand the logic behind the “Global War on Terrorism.” The Islamic State of Iraq and Al Cham (ISIS) is often considered as an “independent entity” rather than an instrument of the Western military alliance. Moreover, many committed anti-war activists –who oppose the tenets of  the US-NATO military agenda– will nonetheless endorse Washington’s counter-terrorism agenda directed against Al Qaeda:. The Worldwide terrorist threat is  considered to be “real”: “We are against the war, but we support the Global War on Terrorism”.

The Caliphate Project and The US National Intelligence Council Report

A new gush of propaganda has been set in motion. The leader of the now defunct Islamic State of Iraq and Al Cham (ISIS) Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi announced on June 29, 2014 the creation of an Islamic State:

Fighters loyal to the group’s proclaimed “Caliph Ibrahim ibn Awwad”, or Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi as he was known until Sunday’s July 1st announcement, are inspired by the Rashidun caliphate, which succeeded the Prophet Muhammad in the seventh century, and is revered by most Muslims.” (Daily Telegraph, June 30, 2014)

In a bitter irony, the caliphate project as an instrument of propaganda has been on the drawing board of US intelligence for more than ten years.  In December 2004, under the Bush Administration, the National Intelligence Council (NIC) predicted that in the year 2020 a New Caliphate extending from the Western Mediterranean to Central Asia and South East Asia would emerge, threatening Western democracy and Western values.

The “findings” of the National Intelligence Council were published in a 123 page unclassified report entitled “Mapping the Global Future”.

“A New Caliphate provides an example of how a global movement fueled by radical religious identity politics could constitute a challenge to Western norms and values as the foundation of the global system”  (emphasis added)

The NIC 2004 report borders on ridicule; it is devoid of intelligence, let alone historical and geopolitical analysis. Its fake narrative pertaining to the caliphate, nonetheless, bears a canny resemblance to the June 29, 2014 highly publicized PR announcement of the creation of the Caliphate by ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

The NIC report presents a so-called “fictional scenario of a letter from a fictional grandson of Bin Ladin to a family relative in 2020.”  It is on this basis that it makes predictions for the year 2020. Based on an invented bin Laden grandson letter narrative rather than on intelligence and empirical analysis, the US intelligence community concludes that the caliphate constitutes a real danger for the Western World and Western civilization.

From a propaganda standpoint, the objective underlying the Caliphate project –as described by the NIC– is to demonize Muslims with a view to justifying a military crusade:

“The fictional scenario portrayed below provides an example of how a global movement fueled by radical religious identity could emerge.

Under this scenario, a new Caliphate is proclaimed and manages to advance a powerful counter ideology that has widespread appeal.

It is depicted in the form of a hypothetical letter from a fictional grandson of Bin Ladin to a family relative in 2020.

He recounts the struggles of the Caliph in trying to wrest control from traditional regimes and the conflict and confusion which ensue both within the Muslim world and outside between Muslims and the United States, Europe, Russia and China. While the Caliph’s success in mobilizing support varies, places far outside the Muslim core in the Middle East—in Africa and Asia—are convulsed as a result of his appeals.

The scenario ends before the Caliph is able to establish both spiritual and temporal authority over a territory— which historically has been the case for previous Caliphates. At the end of the scenario, we identify lessons to be drawn.”(“Mapping the Global Future”.  p. 83)

page 90 of the report

This “authoritative” NIC “Mapping the Global Future” report was not only presented to the White House, the Congress and the Pentagon, it was also dispatched to America’s allies. The “threat emanating from the Muslim World” referred to in the NIC report (including the section on the caliphate project) is firmly entrenched in US-NATO military doctrine.

The NIC document was intended to be read by top officials. Broadly speaking it was part of the “Top official” (TOPOFF) propaganda campaign which targets senior foreign policy and military decision-makers, not to mention scholars, researchers and NGO “activists”. The objective is to ensure that “top officials” continue to believe that Islamic terrorists are threatening the security of the Western World.

The underpinnings of the caliphate scenario is the “Clash of Civilizations”, which provides a justification in the eyes of public opinion for America to intervene Worldwide as part of a global counter- terrorism agenda.

From a geopolitical and geographic standpoint, the caliphate constitutes a broad area in which the US is seeking to extend its economic and strategic influence. In the words of Dick Cheney pertaining to the 2004 NIC’s report:

“They talk about wanting to re-establish what you could refer to as the Seventh Century Caliphate. This was the world as it was organized 1,200, 1,300 years, in effect, when Islam or Islamic people controlled everything from Portugal and Spain in the West; all through the Mediterranean to North Africa; all of North Africa; the Middle East; up into the Balkans; the Central Asian republics; the southern tip of Russia; a good swath of India; and on around to modern day Indonesia. In one sense from Bali and Jakarta on one end, to Madrid on the other.” Dick Cheney (emphasis added)

Screenshot, p. 92 of NIC Report

What Cheney was describing in today’s context is a broad strategic region extending from the Mediterranean to Central Asia and South East Asia in which the US and its allies are directly involved in a variety of military and intelligence operations, including covert US support to ISIS and Al Qaeda affiliated entities in the so-called “countries and territories where radical Islamists have aided violent groups…” (see map above)

The stated aim of the NIC report was “to prepare the next Bush administration for challenges that lie ahead by projecting current trends that may pose a threat to US interests”.

The NIC intelligence document was based, lest we forget, on “a hypothetical letter from a fictional grandson of Bin Ladin to a [fictional] family relative in [the year] 2020”. “The Lessons Learnt” as outlined in this “authoritative’ NIC intelligence document are as follows:

  • the caliphate project “constitutes a serious challenge to the international order”.
  • “The IT revolution is likely to amplify the clash between Western and Muslim worlds…”

The document refers to the appeal of the caliphate to Muslims and concludes that:

“the proclamation of the Caliphate would not lessen the likelihood of terrorism and in fomenting more conflict”. [sic]

The NIC’s analysis suggests that the proclamation of a caliphate will generate a new wave of terrorism emanating from Muslim countries thereby justifying an escalation in America’s Global War on Terrorism (GWOT):

the proclamation of the caliphate … could fuel a new generation of terrorists intent on attacking those opposed to the caliphate, whether inside or outside the Muslim World.” (emphasis added)

What the NIC report fails to mention is that US intelligence in liaison with Britain’s MI6 and Israel’s Mossad are covertly involved in supporting both the terrorists and the caliphate project.

In turn, the media has embarked on a new wave of lies and fabrications, focusing on “a new terrorist threat” emanating not only from the Muslim World, but from “home grown Islamist terrorists” in Europe and North America.

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Michel Chossudovsky


The US has embarked on a military adventure, “a long war”, which threatens the future of humanity. US-NATO weapons of mass destruction are portrayed as instruments of peace. Mini-nukes are said to be “harmless to the surrounding civilian population”. Pre-emptive nuclear war is portrayed as a “humanitarian undertaking”.

While one can conceptualize the loss of life and destruction resulting from present-day wars including Iraq and Afghanistan, it is impossible to fully comprehend the devastation which might result from a Third World War, using “new technologies” and advanced weapons, until it occurs and becomes a reality. The international community has endorsed nuclear war in the name of world peace. “Making the world safer” is the justification for launching a military operation which could potentially result in a nuclear holocaust.


America’s hegemonic project in the post 9/11 era is the “Globalization of War” whereby the U.S.-NATO military machine —coupled with covert intelligence operations, economic sanctions and the thrust of “regime change”— is deployed in all major regions of the world. The threat of pre-emptive nuclear war is also used to black-mail countries into submission.

This “Long War against Humanity” is carried out at the height of the most serious economic crisis in modern history.

It is intimately related to a process of global financial restructuring, which has resulted in the collapse of national economies and the impoverishment of large sectors of the World population.

The ultimate objective is World conquest under the cloak of “human rights” and “Western democracy”.

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OTAN adia ainda mais a adesão da Ucrânia.

November 29th, 2023 by Lucas Leiroz de Almeida

Mais uma vez, a OTAN deixa claro que o regime de Kiev não é realmente uma prioridade. Numa declaração recente, o chefe da aliança enfatizou a posição de não avançar no processo de adesão enquanto houver conflito com a Rússia. Na prática, a OTAN está simplesmente afirmando que não permitirá o acesso ucraniano, pois a própria organização faz todo o possível para garantir que o conflito não termine.

O secretário-geral, Jens Stoltenberg, afirmou numa entrevista no dia 28 de novembro que a entrada da Ucrânia só acontecerá quando se concretizarem as “condições” necessárias. Por outras palavras, voltou a sublinhar que sem o fim da guerra com a Rússia não poderá haver progresso no processo de adesão.

Segundo Stoltenberg, a Ucrânia “está mais próxima do que nunca da OTAN”, mas a conclusão da adesão só deverá acontecer depois de os principais problemas do país estarem resolvidos. É necessário acabar com a guerra e implementar algumas reformas para adaptar Kiev às exigências do bloco. Embora a Ucrânia tenha sido liberada do cumprimento integral das obrigações do Plano de Ação para a Adesão (MAP, em inglês), alguns países continuam relutantes em aceitar Kiev sem que sejam realizadas certas reformas. Portanto, espera-se que seja necessário um programa de reformas adaptado, o que torna a situação ucraniana difícil.

As reformas estabelecidas neste programa especial deverão ser cumpridas pela Ucrânia apenas após o fim do conflito, o que reduz as expectativas de acesso real, pois é pouco provável que a Ucrânia tenha as condições necessárias para avançar em grandes projetos nacionais num cenário pós-guerra. Na prática, ao estabelecer estas novas condições, a OTAN pode simplesmente estar a inviabilizar o acesso da Ucrânia.

Na verdade, tais obstáculos continuarão a ser colocados no caminho da Ucrânia para a OTAN. O bloco fez a promessa ao seu representante, mas evidentemente não quer e não pode cumpri-la. A Ucrânia não reúne as condições básicas exigidas pela aliança, além de se encontrar em situação de conflito, o que impede a sua admissão. Sendo um tratado de segurança coletiva, a OTAN não pode admitir um novo membro que esteja em guerra, pois isso significaria automaticamente colocar todos os outros membros no mesmo cenário de conflito.

Na prática, a promessa feita pela OTAN à Ucrânia parece ter sido simplesmente um blefe. Para reagir às iniciativas militares russas e encorajar a propaganda pró-ucraniana em todo o mundo, a aliança prometeu admitir Kiev, mas não avançou com o processo, esperando que todos os lados “esquecessem” a promessa ao longo do tempo. Mas tal “esquecimento” não aconteceu. Kiev continua a insistir na sua adesão e espera receber garantias sólidas de que a admissão acontecerá – mesmo que apenas após o conflito.

O problema é que, no que depender da OTAN, o conflito não terminará tão cedo. Como é sabido, a intenção do bloco é manter as hostilidades contra a Rússia durante o maior tempo possível. Não por acaso, na mesma entrevista, Stoltenberg garantiu que a OTAN apoiará a Ucrânia “enquanto for necessário”, garantindo que novos pacotes de ajuda militar e financeira serão fornecidos ao regime no futuro. Consequentemente, as possibilidades de Kiev obter acesso à OTAN diminuem significativamente.

A Ucrânia do pós-guerra estará numa situação catastrófica de crise social e fraqueza militar. O país não terá as condições necessárias para entrar na aliança ou em qualquer outro bloco internacional, pois estará desmilitarizado e endividado, sem poder contribuir em nada para a “segurança coletiva” da OTAN. Assim, ao adiar a decisão de “admitir ou não” Kiev, Stoltenberg está simplesmente a dizer que a adesão nunca acontecerá.

Para qualquer analista, a impossibilidade deste acesso sempre pareceu óbvia. A Ucrânia é um proxy da OTAN, por isso não pode ser membro. A aliança mobiliza a Ucrânia contra a Rússia precisamente porque não é membro, pois isso libera o bloco da obrigação de intervir a favor do regime. A adesão da Ucrânia impediria Kiev de cumprir o seu papel nos planos de guerra da OTAN, razão pela qual a promessa de adesão foi sempre um mero blefe.

O melhor que a Ucrânia pode fazer neste cenário é “mudar de lado” e pôr fim à sua parceria infrutífera com a OTAN. Ao perceber que foi usado num plano de guerra e que não receberá nada por isso, o governo ucraniano deveria cortar laços com o Ocidente e concordar em negociar sob os termos de paz de Moscou. Esta é a melhor forma de evitar que a situação se agrave ainda mais.

Lucas Leiroz de Almeida


Artigo em inglês : NATO further postpones Ukraine’s membership, InfoBrics,  29 de Novembro de 2023.

Imagem : InfoBrics


Lucas Leiroz, jornalista, pesquisador do Center for Geostrategic Studies, consultor geopolítico.

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Oficial militar de Kiev acredita que o conflito irá além da Ucrânia.

November 29th, 2023 by Lucas Leiroz de Almeida

As autoridades ​​de Kiev continuam a espalhar narrativas infundadas sobre o conflito, prevendo que as hostilidades tendem a expandir-se para outros territórios na Eurásia, uma vez que o conflito se tornou supostamente numa “guerra de recursos”. Embora exista um risco real de o conflito se espalhar para outras regiões, a retórica está errada e esta narrativa ajuda a espalhar a paranóia anti-russa.

O tenente-coronel Sergey Naev, comandante das forças conjuntas ucranianas, revelou seus pensamentos durante uma entrevista à ABC News. Para ele, com a estabilidade russa e a diminuição do apoio militar a Kiev, Moscou poderia ir além da Ucrânia nas suas manobras militares, envolvendo mais países nas hostilidades. Naev afirma que a Rússia recebe atualmente armas da Coreia do Norte e do Irã e que está a produzir equipamento militar suficiente para permanecer ativa no conflito.

Entretanto, a Ucrânia está a perder o apoio ocidental, recebendo cada vez menos armas e dinheiro. Naev está preocupado com este cenário, pois, para ele, só com uma Ucrânia forte frente à Rússia será possível impedir os alegados planos expansionistas de Moscou. Neste sentido, deixa claro que, apesar das dificuldades, as forças armadas ucranianas já se preparam para o futuro do conflito, melhorando as linhas de defesa para impedir o avanço russo.

“Estamos a preparar-nos para isso. Construímos defesas, colocamos minas e treinamos as nossas forças”, enfatizou.

Existem alguns pontos diferentes nas palavras de Naev que precisam ser analisados. Em primeiro lugar, é necessário sublinhar que ele tem razão na sua avaliação da crítica situação ucraniana. Com a redução dos recursos dados ao país pelo Ocidente, a Ucrânia tem expectativas terríveis para o futuro próximo do conflito. Desde o início da guerra na Palestina, o foco ocidental tem sido o apoio a Israel na sua campanha de limpeza étnica contra o povo de Gaza, razão pela qual a fonte “infinita” de recursos para a Ucrânia está a secar.

Como sabemos, Kiev já não tem força suficiente para manter as hostilidades a longo prazo e em algum momento o regime será forçado a render-se, mesmo que isso não agrade aos patrocinadores ocidentais. Tendo recebido numerosos pacotes militares, os ucranianos conseguiram pelo menos continuar a lutar (mesmo sem qualquer possibilidade de vitória), mas sem esta ajuda contínua, nem mesmo este prolongamento será possível.

No entanto, Naev está errado ao afirmar que o conflito se tornou uma mera “guerra de recursos”. Ele espalha rumores alegando que Moscou é abastecida com armas iranianas e norte-coreanas. Existem diversas acusações deste tipo, mas nenhuma confirmação oficial foi dada até o momento. Além disso, mesmo que a Rússia acabe por adquirir armas no estrangeiro, o país evidentemente não depende desta cooperação militar para atingir os seus objetivos no campo de batalha, sendo auto-suficiente na sua indústria de defesa. Por outro lado, no que diz respeito à Ucrânia, esta auto-suficiência obviamente não existe, pois o país depende de armas e dinheiro do Ocidente para lutar.

Outro problema na avaliação de Naev é a crença infundada de que o fracasso ucraniano motivará a Rússia a iniciar conflitos noutros países. Ao dizer isso, dissemina a narrativa de que a Rússia tem interesses expansionistas e continuará a lutar para conquistar novos territórios, o que é mentira. Os territórios de maioria russa só foram reintegrados na Federação porque Kiev não deu qualquer garantia de que protegeria os direitos da população local.

A libertação de territórios é uma medida reativa da Rússia para simultaneamente proteger os seus cidadãos e garantir a segurança nas suas fronteiras. As hostilidades poderiam ter terminado no ano passado sem que nenhum território fosse adicionado à Federação, mas o regime de Kiev optou pela guerra, pelo que os russos não têm outra alternativa senão lutar e reintegrar as novas regiões.

Portanto, não é correto dizer que uma expansão do conflito ocorrerá como resultado dos atos russos. Se as hostilidades começarem em qualquer outro país, certamente não será por iniciativa russa, mas pela própria OTAN, que tem demonstrado repetidamente interesse em internacionalizar a sua agressão contra a Rússia, envolvendo novos territórios na guerra.

Durante muito tempo, a aliança ocidental tem causado o caos e a desestabilização em regiões em torno do ambiente estratégico da Rússia, como o Cáucaso, a Moldávia, a Bielorrússia e outras. Perante a impossibilidade de derrotar Moscou num confronto simétrico, o Ocidente aposta na criação de múltiplas frentes, permitindo assim uma estratégia de desgaste prolongado para “desgastar a Rússia”. Assim, embora a possibilidade de expansão da zona de conflito seja real, não é culpa da Rússia.

Lucas Leiroz de Almeida



Artigo em inglês :

Kiev’s Military Official Believes Conflict Will Go Beyond Ukraine

InfoBrics, 28 de November de 2023.

Imagem : InfoBrics


Lucas Leiroz, jornalista, pesquisador do Center for Geostrategic Studies, consultor geopolítico.

Você pode seguir Lucas Leiroz em: e

The Dublin Riots: The Aftermath

November 29th, 2023 by Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin

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The recent horrific events in Dublin left many in shock as a stabbing incident developed into an anti-immigration rally, which in turn developed into a riot as a tram, busses and Garda cars were set on fire.

In the early afternoon a man stabbed three children and a care assistant. He was stopped by a 43-year-old Deliveroo driver who intervened and hit him with his helmet.

Then, “after the stabbing incident, rumours spread that the alleged perpetrator was an illegal North African immigrant ‘fresh off the boat’, along with false rumours that the children had died. Agitators fostered anti-immigrant sentiment online, urging people to assemble at the crime scene and protest.”

However, it turned out that the perpetrator was originally from Algeria, who had lived in Ireland for 20 years and was naturalised as an Irish citizen in 2014. The Deliveroo cyclist is from Brazil and the school is an Irish-medium primary school, of which there are many in Ireland, and these schools attract many children of Irish and non-Irish people living in Ireland who are interested in Irish traditional culture and the Irish language.

On social media the far-right urged people to go to the scene and “make your feelings known”, using the hashtag #Irelandisfull.

O’Connell Street, Dublin (Photo: Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin, 24 November 2023)

However, the rioters themselves seem to have been mainly young men from the ages of 18-25 who were not particularly ideological and in some cases had already been in trouble with the Gardai. Thus, the rioters seized the opportunity to cause trouble egged on by a small number of people who were reported to be shouting anti-immigration slogans at gardaí, some holding Irish flags and signs reading “Irish lives matter”.

Since then two of the victims have been released from hospital and the Justice Minister has confirmed that 48 people have now been arrested.

O’Connell Street, Dublin (Photo: Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin, 24 November 2023)

The Sinn Féin leader Mary Lou McDonald said “everyone saw this coming,” as “the reality is that Dublin city centre hasn’t been safe for some time,” due to a lack of Gardai in the city centre.

The current Taoiseach of Ireland and leader of the Fine Gael party, Leo Varadkar, stated:

“I really would ask people to try and avoid connecting crime with migration. It’s not right. Yes, of course, people who are migrants might commit crimes, just as people who aren’t might commit crimes. In a country of 5.3 million people, if you have hundreds of thousands of migrants, there are going to be a few of them who commit terrible crimes. Just as there are people born and bred in Ireland who commit terrible crimes every day, including murders. When I see what happened in Parnell Square, what I see is a suspect was a migrant, although a citizen and somebody here for over 20 years.”

Labour leader Ivana Bacik stated

“I’m sorry to say there are high profile individuals in this country, and there are people in this House and Seanad, who have used language about immigration that has undoubtedly contributed to the spread of that disinformation.”

The Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU) called on workers to gather at 1pm outside the GPO on O’Connell Street today (28/11/2023). At the rally the General Secretary Owen Reidy said:

“It’s a symbolic gesture and it’s an opportunity to do just that. We have to challenge this far-right xenophobic thinking that tries to make Ireland a place that’s unwelcome for migrants […] We want Ireland to be diverse and pluralistic and we want migrants to feel safe and welcome in our communities and our workplaces in our society […] Our bottom line is that all workers, whoever they are, have the right to go to work and come home safe.”

Phil Ní Sheaghdha, the general secretary of the Irish Nurses and Midwives Association (INMO), outlined the importance of the migrant workers for healthcare delivery but stated that

“there are instances where people will take advantage and try and have a go at somebody from a different country with a different colour of skin and we reject that totally, and we want to make sure that they feel safe, which is the very least that they should feel.”

O’Connell Street, Dublin (Photo: Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin, 24 November 2023)

On mainstream media Joe Brolly, a podcaster and barrister, was a witness to the aftermath and stated in an interview on Newstalk radio station that:

“‘No one hates Ireland more than the Irish far right. No one hates Ireland, and I mean no one hates Ireland more than the Irish far right. They hate bus drivers, librarians, Luas drivers, teachers, they hate teachers, women, gays trans, they loathe trans people, politicians, they can’t stand politicians. They hate working people. Muslims and jews, the Jewish replacement theory, we see them standing on O’Connell Street making these outrageous speeches, outrageous anti-Semitic speeches. The GAA, nurses, doctors, the homeless, sportspeople. You. They hate you, they hate me, and they’ll happily smash up their own city and loot shops because hate is transferable. It’s got nothing to do with politics. It’s psychologically occuring in the mind of the hater.”

As yet there is no real far right organisation in Ireland but it is hard not to speculate that there are very conservative forces in Ireland who are getting very worried about the rise in popularity of Sinn Féin and the huge support for the Palestinian cause. They need to create an indignant, pro-police, pro law and order climate that will help them sway opinion away from any ‘Leftist’ move in Irish society.


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Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin is an Irish artist, lecturer and writer. His artwork consists of paintings based on contemporary geopolitical themes as well as Irish history and cityscapes of Dublin. His blog of critical writing based on cinema, art and politics along with research on a database of Realist and Social Realist art from around the world can be viewed country by country here. Caoimhghin has just published his new book – Against Romanticism: From Enlightenment to Enfrightenment and the Culture of Slavery, which looks at philosophy, politics and the history of 10 different art forms arguing that Romanticism is dominating modern culture to the detriment of Enlightenment ideals. It is available on Amazon ( and the info page is here

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).

Featured image: Parnell Square East, Dublin. Site of Gaelscoil Cholaiste Mhuire closed off as a crime scene.  (Photo: Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin, 24 November 2023)

Can U.S. Threats Prevent a Wider War in the Middle East?

November 29th, 2023 by Medea Benjamin

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While Secretary of State Anthony Blinken has been frantically shuttling around the Middle East trying to stop the Israeli coflict in Gaza from exploding into a regional war, the United States has also sent two aircraft carrier strike groups, a Marine Expeditionary Unit and 1,200 extra troops to the Middle East as a “deterrent.” In plain language, the United States is threatening to attack any forces that come to the defense of the Palestinians from other countries in the region, reassuring Israel that it can keep killing with impunity in Gaza.

But if Israel persists in this genocidal war, U.S. threats may be impotent to prevent others from intervening. From Lebanon to Syria, Yemen, Iraq and Iran, the possibilities of the conflict spreading are enormous. Even Algeria says it is ready to fight for a free Palestine, based on a unanimous vote in its parliament on November 1st.

Middle Eastern governments and their people already see the United States as a party to Israel’s massacre in Gaza. So any direct U.S. military action will be seen as an escalation on the side of Israel and is more likely to provoke further escalation than to deter it.

The United States already faces this predicament in Iraq. Despite years of Iraqi demands for the removal of U.S. forces, at least 2,500 U.S. troops remain at Al-Asad Airbase in western Anbar province, Al-Harir Airbase, north of Erbil in Iraqi Kurdistan, and another small base at the airport in Erbil.  There are also “several hundred” NATO troops, including Americans, advising Iraqi forces in NATO Mission Iraq (NMI), based near Baghdad.

For many years, U.S. forces in Iraq have been mired in a low-grade war against the Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) that Iraq formed to fight ISIS, mainly from Shia militias. Despite their links to Iran, the armed groups Kata’ib Hezbollah, Asa’ib Ahl al-Haq and other PMFs have often ignored Iranian calls to de-escalate attacks on U.S. forces. These Iraqi groups do not respect Iran Quds Force leader General Esmail Qaani as highly as they did General Soleimani, so Soleimani’s  assassination by the United States in 2020 has further reduced Iran’s ability to restrain the militias in Iraq.

After a year-long truce between U.S. and Iraqi forces, the Israeli war on Gaza has triggered a new escalation of this conflict in both Iraq and Syria. Some militias rebranded themselves as the Islamic Resistance in Iraq, and began attacking U.S. bases on October 17. After 32 attacks on U.S. bases in Iraq, 34 more in Syria and 3 U.S. airstrikes in Syria, U.S. forces conducted airstrikes against two Kata’ib Hezbollah bases in Iraq, one in Anbar province and one in Jurf Al-Nasr, south of Baghdad, on November 21, killing at least nine militiamen.

The U.S. airstrikes prompted a furious response from the Iraqi government spokesman Bassam al-Awadi.

“We vehemently condemn the attack on Jurf Al-Nasr, executed without the knowledge of government agencies,” al-Awadi said. “This action is a blatant violation of sovereignty and an attempt to destabilize the security situation… The recent incident represents a clear violation of the coalition’s mission to combat Daesh (ISIS) on Iraqi soil. We call on all parties to avoid unilateral actions and to respect Iraq’s sovereignty…”

As the Iraqi government feared, the Islamic Resistance in Iraq responded to the U.S. airstrikes with two attacks on Al-Harir airbase on November 22 and several more on November 23rd. They attacked Al-Asad airbase with several drones, launched another drone attack on the U.S. base at Erbil airport, and their allies in Syria attacked two U.S. bases across the border in northeastern Syria.

Short of a ceasefire in Gaza or a full U.S. withdrawal from Iraq and Syria, there is no decisive action the U.S. can take that would put a stop to these attacks. So the level of violence in Iraq and Syria is likely to keep rising as long as the war on Gaza continues.

Another formidable and experienced military force opposing Israel and the United States is the Houthi army in Yemen. On November 14, Abdul-Malek al-Houthi, the leader of the Houthi government in Yemen, asked neighboring countries to open a corridor through their territory for his army to go and fight Israel in Gaza.

The Houthi Deputy Information Secretary Nasreddin Amer told Newsweek that if they had a way to enter Palestine, they would not hesitate to join the fight against Israel,

”We have fighters numbering hundreds of thousands who are brave, tough, trained and experienced in fighting,” Amer said. “They have a very strong belief, and their dream in life is to fight the Zionists and the Americans.”

Transporting hundreds of thousands of Yemeni soldiers to fight in Gaza would be nearly impossible unless Saudi Arabia opened the way. That seems highly unlikely, but Iran or another ally could help to transport a smaller number by air or sea to join the fight.

The Houthis have been waging an asymmetric war against Saudi-led invaders for many years, and they have developed weapons and tactics that they could bring to bear against Israel. Soon after al-Houthi’s statement, Yemeni forces in the Red Sea boarded a ship owned, via shell companies, by Israeli billionaire Abraham Ungar. The ship, which was on its way from Istanbul to India, was detained in a Yemeni port.

The Houthis have also launched a series of drones and missiles towards Israel. While many members of Congress try to portray the Houthis as simply puppets of Iran, the Houthis are actually an independent, unpredictable force that other actors in the region cannot control.

Even NATO ally Türkiye is finding it difficult to remain a bystander, given the widespread public support for Palestine. President Erdogan of Türkiye was among the first international leaders to speak out strongly against the Israeli war on Gaza, explicitly calling it a massacre and saying that it amounted to genocide.

Turkish civil society groups are spearheading a campaign to send humanitarian aid to Gaza on cargo ships, braving a possible confrontation like the one that occurred in 2010 when the Israelis attacked the Freedom Flotilla, killing 10 people aboard the Mavi Marmara.

On the Lebanese border, Israel and Hezbollah have conducted daily exchanges of fire since October 7, killing 97 combatants and 15 civilians in Lebanon and 9 soldiers and 3 civilians in Israel. Some 46,000 Lebanese civilians and 65,000 Israelis have been displaced from the border area. Israeli defense minister Yoav Gallant warned on November 11,

“What we’re doing in Gaza, we can also do in Beirut.”

How will Hezbollah react if Israel resumes its brutal massacre in Gaza after the brief pause is over or if Israel expands the massacre to the West Bank, where it has already killed at least 237 more Palestinians since October 7?

In a speech on November 3, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah held back from declaring a new war on Israel, but warned that “all options are on the table” if Israel does not end its war on Gaza.

As Israel prepared to pause its bombing on November 23, Iranian foreign minister Hossein Amirabdollahian held meetings in Qatar, first with Nasrallah and Lebanese officials, and then with Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh.

In a public statement, Amirabdollahian said,

“the continuation of the ceasefire can prevent further expansion of the scope of the war. In the meeting with the leaders of the resistance, I found out that if Israel’s war crimes and genocide continue, a tougher and more complicated scenario of the resistance will be implemented.”

Amirabdollahian already warned on October 16 that,

“The leaders of the resistance will not allow the Zionist regime to do whatever it wants in Gaza and then go to other fronts of the resistance.”

In other words, if Iran and its allies believe that Israel really intends to continue its war on Gaza until it has removed Hamas from power, and then to turn its war machine loose on Lebanon or its other neighbors, they would prefer to fight a wider war now, forcing Israel to fight the Palestinians, Hezbollah and their allies at the same time, rather than waiting for Israel to attack them one by one.

Tragically, the White House is not listening. The next day, President Biden continued to back Israel’s vow to resume the destruction of Gaza after its “humanitarian pause,” saying that attempting to eliminate Hamas is “a legitimate objective.”

America’s unconditional support for Israel and endless supply of weapons have succeeded only in turning Israel into an out-of-control, genocidal, destabilizing force at the heart of a fragile region already shattered and traumatized by decades of U.S. warmaking. The result is a country that refuses to recognize its own borders or those of its neighbors, and rejects any and all limits on its territorial ambitions and war crimes.

If Israel’s actions lead to a wider war, the U.S. will find itself with few allies ready to jump into the fray. Even if a regional conflict is avoided, the U.S. support for Israel has already created tremendous damage to the U.S. reputation in the region and beyond, and direct U.S. involvement in the war would leave it more isolated and impotent than its previous misadventures in Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq.

The United States can still avoid this fate by insisting on an immediate and permanent ceasefire and the withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza. If Israel will not agree to that, the U.S. must back up this position with an immediate suspension of arms deliveries, military aid, Israeli access to U.S. weapons stockpiles in Israel and diplomatic support for Israel’s war on Palestine.

The priority of U.S. officials must be to stop Israel’s massacre, avoid a regional war, and get out of the way so that other nations can help negotiate a real solution to the occupation of Palestine.


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Medea Benjamin is the cofounder of CODEPINK for Peace, and the author of several books, including Inside Iran: The Real History and Politics of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Nicolas J. S. Davies is an independent journalist, a researcher for CODEPINK and the author of Blood on Our Hands: The American Invasion and Destruction of Iraq

Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies are the authors of War in Ukraine: Making Sense of a Senseless Conflict, published by OR Books in November 2022. They are regular contributors to Global Research.

Featured image: U.S. Air Force airmen hand off cargo to the Israeli military at Nevatim Air Base, Israel, on Oct. 15, 2023. Photo: Edgar Grimaldo/U.S. Air Force

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Click here to watch the video

VIDEO #1 (ABOVE): Oct.27, 2023 – Chubu-Nippon Broadcasting – Kyoto City Demonstrations by 230 families of COVID-19 Vaccine victims (8:33 min).

VIDEO #2: (Oct.28, 2023) Professor Emeritus Yasufumi Murakami of Tokyo University of Science discusses DNA Contamination of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines and TURBO CANCER (6:34 min)

Click here to watch the video

VIDEO #3: (Nov.8, 2022) Nanoparticles – Professor Masayasu Inoue who is Emeritus Professor at Osaka City University School of Medicine:

Click here to watch the video

“We know that vaccine nanoparticles circulate in the bloodstream for several months. In rats, the half-life is 1 week; in humans, it is 10 weeks. Even though they think it hits the muscle, 99% of the time it hits beyond the muscle. It goes into whole body around in about an hour.

This happens to patients at the vaccination site, and patient goes into anaphylactic shock. So it usually happens on the day of the injection, and the nanoparticles that keep circulating in the blood for a long time are the production of nanoparticles(spike).

The messenger (RNA) and spike proteins were detected in the blood of vaccinated people a few months later There’s even a paper that says they were able to detect it, which means that it circulates and enters the cells of all organs.

The liver and spleen are the most common, but the third is bone marrow. The cell division that creates blood cells is extremely intense. The fourth one gathers in the ovaries, and the fifth and sixth ones have testicular conditions. The vaccine is concentrated in the organs that create the next generation in both women and men.”

VIDEO 04 – (Nov.16, 2023) Clinic Director from Ginza, Tokyo shares his observation on his vaccinated patients (Turbo Cancer):

Click here to watch the video

When we started administering the vaccine, some patients, for example, had been able to control their cancer like pancreatic cancer, for a long time, and after the second or third vaccine, it suddenly became serious, and this May, When the highest number of deaths occurred around June, there were times when around 5 people died per month. Around May and June, we saw the highest number of these cases, with roughly five patients per month succumbing to their illnesses.

Then, we are seeing patients with conditions like giant cell diabetes or light cell leukemia — diseases that are very rare and not often encountered in clinical practice. The cardiovascular specialist told them that they had never seen such diseases before though he read about them in books. I’m still wondering why there are so many people like this.”

VIDEO 05 – (Nov.12, 2023) Announcement from Japanese obstetricians and gynecologists to pregnant women and those who want to become pregnant about the coronavirus vaccine

Click here to watch the video

Major illnesses and abnormalities that have never been seen before are being found in pregnant women who received the new coronavirus vaccine during or before pregnancy. Pregnant women have a stronger blood clotting effect than usual to protect themselves from bleeding during childbirth. Then, administering the new coronavirus vaccine will make thrombosis much more likely to occur, putting you at greater risk of thrombosis than necessary. Blood clots can occur not only in the pregnant woman but also in the baby, making it difficult for blood to flow to the baby, causing blood clots to get stuck in the placenta, and other dangerous situations. The coronavirus vaccine is currently under research and its safety is not guaranteed. Please make your decisions carefully!”

VIDEO 06 – (Nov. 6, 2023) Japan’s largest national news broadcaster NHK just mentioned COVID-19 vaccine deaths!

Click here to watch the video

Regarding a woman in her 50s in the prefecture who died the day after receiving the new coronavirus vaccine – awarded 44 million yen (approx 300K USD). Nationally, over 2000+ vaccine deaths applications still in process.

VIDEO 07 – Japanese people take to the streets to make the general public aware of the harms of covid vaccines (Oct. 30, 2023)

Click here to read the full article.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

Featured image is from Hal Turner Radio Show

The 2020-22 Worldwide Corona Crisis: Destroying Civil Society, Engineered Economic Depression, Global Coup d’État and the “Great Reset”

My thanks to the Publisher and to the translator Tatsuo Iwana.











通常であれば開発に何年もかかるはずの新型ウイルスSARS-CoV-2のワクチンが、2020年11月初旬に速やかに発売されたのはなぜでしょうか。 ファイザーを筆頭に巨大製薬会社が発表したmRNAワクチンは、ヒトゲノムに関わる遺伝子編集mRNAの実験技術に基づくものです。1

マウスやフェレットを使った標準的な動物実験は行われたのでしょうか?それともファイザーは、「そのまま人間の “モルモット “を使ったのでしょうか?ヒトでの試験は、2020年7月下旬から8月上旬にかけて開始されました。2 「新しいワクチンのテストに3カ月というのは前代未聞です。数年が普通です。」3









第7章で検証する巨大製薬会社のワクチン接種プログラムは、2019年末に武漢で新型コロナウイルスが発生したとされる数カ月前にすでに考えられていました。この章では、「殺人ワクチン」(ぴったりの表現)を再調査します。 この章の後半では、ID2020デジタル・アイデンティティ・プロジェクトと、いわゆるワクチン・パスポートの押し付けに焦点を当てます。







  • 正確なデータ、概念、定義を用いて新型コロナウイルス感染症の危機を歴史的に概観する。
  • 公式文書や査読付き報告書から引用します。多数の出典と参考文献を提示する。
  • 「公式」データ、「公式」推定値、「公式」定義を科学的に分析し、詳細な再調査を行う。
  • WHOの「ガイドライン」や政府の政策が経済、社会、公衆衛生に与える影響を分析する。





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On Saturday, I headed east to attend the Do No Harm Symposium in Hamilton (on the outskirts of Toronto).

The event opened with Dr. Jennifer Hibberd, a dental surgeon, describing Canada as the “playground for the World Economic Forum.” But they play dirty, as she learned firsthand. She told how her clinic was raided under the suspected direction of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service the day after she posted an online video from the Freedom Convoy in Ottawa. Here she is speaking on stage…

Hibberd, like the other speakers, was speaking out against the “died suddenly/jabbed recently” phenomenon that’s been striking at the hearts, brains and major arteries of those who believed big government would never tell a big lie.

Up next was Michael Alexander…

Alaxander is the lawyer who has been representing Dr. Mark Trozzi. Trozzi has been deemed “incompetent” by the Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons for denouncing the entire COVID agenda, with his license under threat of suspension. How ironic, being that he’s one of the few competent doctors in Canada who is speaking out against the clot shot.

Alexander said he was quite confident that they would win against the Ontario College in court, despite failing before their corrupt tribunal. He is a true “Atticus Finch” of a lawyer (per Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird), though he’s such a jolly character, it’s as if he stepped out of a Dickens’ novel. You can see his cheerful demeanour pictured below with my son Jonah and me…

Up next was Alexander’s client, Dr. Mark Trozzi, who succinctly explained why he left the medical profession: “I did not sign up to be used to kill people.” However, he also pointed out that he has not really abandoned his job as an emergency room doctor, as the political situation he’s presently attending is “clearly an emergency.”  Trozzi emphasized how the nanoparticles in the COVID shots are designed to penetrate and produce the toxic spike protein in every cell in the body.

I gifted him (and all the other speakers) signed copies of Much Ado About Corona — pointing out how I named one of the restaurants in the story after him (Trozzi’s Pizza). Here we are, with Trozzi wearing his “PROUD MEMBER [of the] FRINGE MINORITY” sweatshirt….

Dr. Chris Shoemaker, however, went even further in his claims of vaccine hazards than Trozzi — presenting evidence that the shots may be producing spiderweb protein in people’s bodies (along with the cancerous SV40 DNA sequence). Spiderwebs may explain the strange blood clots morgues around the world have been pulling out of corpses.

Prior to COVID, you’ve heard people say they have cobwebs in their brain, sadly, now it may no longer be a metaphor.

Here’s a mRNA-free shot of me with the honest doctor…

Derek Sloan concluded the series of talks with a strong call to turn the “lambs into lions.” Sloan has certainly proven himself a lion (albeit a vegetarian one), being the only member of parliament to expose and oppose the COVID scandal. He emphasized that it’s a matter of being unrelenting in waking up the sheeple, “because once the light switch is turned on they can’t go back to sleep.”

I had the honour of sharing a vendor table with Sloan (where I was selling copies of Much Ado About Corona, with the proceeds going towards Mark Trozzi’s legal fees). Sloan was selling copies of his semi-autobiographical game plan to make Canada “glorious and free” again — the book being of the same title.  I was sure to purchase a signed copy of Glorious and Free as you can see here…

…and I encourage you to do the same (copies available here) unless you prefer Lamblike and Slaughtered.

And be sure to check out (and subscribe to) Dr. Mark Trozzi’s website. Consider also donating towards his legal fund (as, after all, it’s our battle he’s fighting).


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John C. A. Manley is the author of the full-length novel, Much Ado About Corona: A Dystopian Love Story. He is currently working on the sequel, Brave New Normal. John lives in Stratford, Ontario, with his son Jonah, and the ever-present spirit of his late wife, Nicole. You can subscribe to his email newsletter, read his full bio or find out more about his novel.

All images in this article are from the author

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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In less than two months, the soaring death rate in Gaza has now surpassed 15,000. The slaughter of Palestinians is recognized by UN experts as “genocidal incitement.” Israel nor the US never anticipated the global pushback against the Israeli carnage in Gaza. As of late, even the Mockingbird Mainstream Media outlets are turning against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s regime in its brutal assault on the Palestinian civilian population living in Gaza. With virtually the whole world watching via social media, the New York Times reported on November 25th that Israel’s bloodbath is killing innocent civilians at an unprecedented “historic pace” with over 10,000 women and children slaughtered so far.   

The Jewish State’s appalling record violence is turning into a PR disaster for Netanyahu. A fast growing number of Israeli leaders, including ex-security chiefs, current opposition leader Yair Lapid and now two former prime ministers Ehud Olmert and Ehud Barak are all calling for Bibi’s removal and formation of a new government to end this no-win war. 

On Sunday November 26th, the Washington Post exposed Benjamin Netanyahu’s symbiotic relationship with Hamas. On the one hand, he’s often claimed to want to destroy the “terrorist” group Hamas over many years, yet has helped finance Hamas and used this Palestinian militant faction to divide and rule Palestinians as a politically disunited people. By breaking up Palestine and its token Palestinian authorities in the West Bank separate from East Jerusalem and the Hamas stronghold in Gaza, it ensures Israeli apartheid subjugation and control continues, all the while denying them their own sovereign nation-state. The WaPo exposé includes drawing on Israeli insiders. Dahlia Scheindlin, an Israeli pollster and political analyst, stated:  

With no unified [Palestinian] leadership, [Netanyahu] was able to say he couldn’t move forward with peace negotiations. It allowed him to say, ‘There is no one to talk to.’ 

Netanyahu biographer Anshel Pfeffer maintains: 

Netanyahu always felt that the Palestinian conflict was a distraction being used as a wedge issue in Israel. 

This really is all you need to know to understand why the leader about to be removed from power and in such deep disfavor with his own people, facing corruption charges while at war with Israel’s Supreme Court, offers the motivation and means necessary that allows Israel’s “invasion” by Hamas to unfold unimpeded for a full 7-hours before unleashing his Israeli Defense Forces on the scene to murder up to hundreds of their own fellow Israeli citizens, further driving up the death count to 1,200 on October 7th.  

According to a Monday November 27th Grayzone article, more hard evidence reveals a female Israeli tank crew was ordered to indiscriminately fire at Israeli civilians at a kibbutz: 

New disclosures add to the growing body of evidence indicating many Israelis who died on October 7 were killed by the Israeli military. Firsthand testimony by admittedly inexperienced Israeli tank operators reveals orders to open fire upon Israeli communities when Palestinian militants breached the fences encircling Gaza on October 7… Meanwhile, the Israeli government has muzzled captives freed from Gaza to prevent further damage to the official narrative. 

Writing on X on November 14th, former Israel Prime Minister Naftali Bennett opportunistically uses victims killed by his own Israeli soldiers for false propaganda purposes justifying his nation’s genocide: 

12 year old Liel Hetzroni of Kibbutz Beeri was murdered in her home by Hamas monsters on Oct 7th. Her body has now been identified. Look at her sweet smile. Liel harmed nobody. She was murdered just because she’s Jewish. We’re fighting the most just war: to ensure this can never happen again. Nobody should ask us to stop, nor will we, before we achieve that goal. 

Then eleven days later on Saturday November 25th, another Grayzone article sets the record straight: 

Eyewitnesses to the October 7 hostage standoff in Kibbutz Be’eri have exposed Israel for misleading the world about the killings of 12-year-old Liel Hetzroni, her family and her neighbors. 

In the face of numerous falsely reported, now debunked incidents of Hamas “cutting heads off babies” and raping Israeli women still unsubstantiated, increasing evidence continues emerging daily that clearly proves that on the day of the so-called invasion, Israelis killed many fellow Israelis. It turns out Western MSM press’ jingoistic reporting of the Hamas “savage invasion” in southern Israel is pure propagandized fiction. Instantly, it gifted Bibi loads of sympathy and support from around the world, bought him more time in power as a wartime leader and granted him full license to exact genocidal revenge, ethnically purging Palestinians off the Gaza map through brutal war crime atrocities with the aim of forced evacuation migration of Palestinians into Egypt’s Sinai Desert. 

Then, with Gaza’s stolen land cleared of all Palestinians, Israel has been caught with a plan to take full advantage of two financial incentives for its genocide – building a hugely profitable canal across Gaza to surpass and replace Egypt’s Suez Canal as an international trade route shortcut while exploiting Gaza’s vast oil and gas reserves stealing not only Palestinians’ ancient homeland but their future source of wealth as well. As a Khazarian mafia chieftain, Zionist Netanyahu fits the profile archetype of the Luciferian mass murderer.  

Per notable geopolitical analyst Scott Ritter in a Sputnik article on November 23rd, this week’s extended ceasefire in a number of ways is a win-win for both the people of Israel and Palestine, especially for their freed captives, along with humanitarian relief finally reaching the Palestinians in Gaza. But the broader picture also shows a breakthrough victory for the Palestinian cause and a big loss for Israel’s rightwing extremist government and its tyrant Bibi and its primary backer the Biden regime. After all, for the longest time Israel mimicked by US have steadfastly refused to a ceasefire under any conditions. This momentum shift will only place increasing pressure on the Netanyahu regime and accomplice to stop their genocide. Both Israel and the US have backed themselves up into a corner with another intractable loss, not unlike the Ukraine debacle. The world is recognizing both as neocolonialist rogue states 180 degrees out of step with today’s multipolar world. 

Clearly the global tide of public opinion on the Israel-Gaza conflict has clearly shifted in Palestinians’ favor, despite the Hamas October 7th incursion in Israel. 46 years ago, the UN General Assembly called for the annual observance of an International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People on November 29th. This year it takes on far more significance than ever before. The United Nations headquarters in New York is opening an exhibit called “Palestine – a Land with a People.” The world is now learning that as the longest Israeli leader in its 75-year history, war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu’s actions toward the people of Palestine proves him an enemy of the state opposing a free Palestine as a sovereign nation. 

But now momentum toward justice can no longer be denied by continued lies and brutal oppression. The UN and even Western nations are increasingly demanding the two-state solution, never again placing it on the Israel apartheid backburner. The UN Resolution 242 in compliance with international law has called for a sovereign State of Palestine border to be returned to its 1967 pre-7-Day War status. The world of nations wants Israel and the US to finally begin complying with international law, and the people of Israel, Palestine, the US and entire world will be far better for it.   


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Joachim Hagopian is a West Point graduate, former Army officer and author of “Don’t Let the Bastards Getcha Down,” exposing a faulty US military leadership system based on ticket punching up the seniority ladder, invariably weeding out the best and brightest, leaving mediocrity and order followers rising to the top as politician-bureaucrat generals designated to lose every modern US war by elite design. After the military, Joachim earned a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and worked as a licensed therapist in the mental health field with abused youth and adolescents for more than a quarter century. In Los Angeles he found himself battling the largest county child protective services in the nation within America’s thoroughly broken and corrupt child welfare system.

The experience in both the military and child welfare system prepared him well as a researcher and independent journalist, exposing the evils of Big Pharma and how the Rockefeller controlled medical and psychiatric system inflict more harm than good, case in point, the pandemic hoax and kill shot genocide. As an independent journalist for the last decade, Joachim has written hundreds of articles for many news sites, including Global Research, and currently, and As a published author of a 5-book volume series entitled Pedophilia & Empire: Satan, Sodomy & the Deep State, Joachim’s books and chapters are Amazon bestsellers in child advocacy and human rights categories. His A-Z sourcebook series fully document and expose the global pedophilia scourge and remain available free at contents/. Joachim also hosts the weekly Revolution Radio broadcast “Cabal Empire Exposed” on Friday morning at 7AM EST

Featured image: Bad Moon Rising – by Mr. Fish

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Zelensky himself set this divisive process into motion by recently warning that Russian agents are supposedly plotting to carry out a “Maidan 3” against him.

Ukrainian National Security Council chief Alexey Danilov claimed that the Times of London misinterpreted his words when they quoted him as saying that the secret police (SBU) are still supposedly rife with Russian spies. It’s extremely unlikely that a newspaper of record such as this one would do that, however, especially about a subject as sensitive as this one. For that reason, it was probably the case that he was forced by the SBU to retract his statement under pressure from them.

It’s understandable why the SBU would be upset after they wrote that

“Oleksiy Danilov said in an interview with The Times that dormant Russian agents embedded in public institutions including the SBU, Ukraine’s domestic security service, were being ordered to undermine the country’s unity.”

To that end, he told them that this spy network was trying to widen political-military divisions and stir up protests, and he blamed the SBU’s continued infiltration on the legacy of former President Yanukovich.

Danilov’s  claims were made as “NATO’s Proxy War On Russia Through Ukraine Appears To Be Winding Down” and amidst the spiraling rivalry between Zelensky and his Commander-in-Chief Valery Zaluzhny.

It was arguably with a view towards preemptively discrediting genuinely grassroots protests against him, irrespective of whether his newfound military rival plays a role in orchestrating them, that the Ukrainian leader recently alleged that Russia is plotting a so-called “Maidan 3”.

Objectively speaking, it’s difficult to believe that Russia still retains the influence required to carry out such a regime change after the SBU’s 21-month-long nationwide counterintelligence operation, hence why it’s more likely that Zelensky just wanted to concoct a pretext for cracking down on state dissidents. Nevertheless, the signal that he unwittingly sent apparently made Danilov think that he should roll with this new information warfare narrative in solidarity with his boss, thus explaining his initial remarks.

By doing so, he actually ended up stoking the same internal divisions that he ironically claimed that Russia was trying to widen, which the SBU obviously realized and that’s the reason that they presumably pressured him to retract his statement right away. Extrapolating from this sequence of events, it seems that serious paranoia is once again beginning to take hold of security officials in Kiev, which was due in no small part to Zelensky himself warning about a “Maidan 3” for purely self-interested political reasons.

His desperation to save his own skin did what no “Russian agents” were hitherto able to accomplish, namely exacerbate domestic divisions at the most sensitive moment in the conflict thus far after the failure of this summer’s counteroffensive led to everything falling apart behind the Ukrainian frontlines. The economy, finances, foreign military aid, logistics, and morale have all plummeted at precisely the same time and served to widen preexisting civil-state and military-political fault lines.

Prior to Zelensky unveiling his conspiracy theory about Russian agents still supposedly operating inside Ukraine and continuing to pose a credible regime change threat in spite of the SBU’s protracted counterintelligence operation, Kiev played these problems off as being the result of natural processes. That was admittedly an accurate assessment, but now security officials are once again super paranoid after their head of state unexpectedly suggested that this is actually all the work of Russian agents.

The SBU felt offended after all they’d done to root out such networks over the past 21 months, while their institutional rivals began wondering whether the secret police might really still be infiltrated by the enemy, so much so that perhaps the Kremlin is now using them as cover for a “Maidan 3” scenario. Danilov then inadvertently extended credence to this divisive speculation that Zelensky himself was the first to introduce into the national discourse by explicitly claiming that the SBU is indeed still infiltrated.

From the secret police’s perspective, his rhetoric could serve to fuel their rivals’ efforts to sideline them at this sensitive moment in the conflict, which could potentially be exploited by Zaluzhny and his “fellow travelers” inside the state bureaucracy to carry out a power play against Zelensky. The SBU might also suspect that Danilov could be in on this speculative plot too and meant to discredit them this whole time but is only now retracting his statement because they put immense pressure upon him to do so.

It’s at moments like this that all states are supposed to remain united, yet it was none other than the head of state himself that set into motion the process that’s now tearing the state apart at the seams by pitting its security officials against once another out of paranoia that their rivals might be Russian agents. Nobody can confidently predict what comes next, but there’s no doubt that Zelensky dealt a powerful blow to “deep state” unity that’ll be very difficult for Ukraine to recover from anytime soon, if at all.


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This article was originally published on Andrew Korybko’s Newsletter.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research. 

Featured image: APR-23-2022 Press conference of Volodymyr Zelenskyy the President of Ukraine during Russian Ukrainian war at Kyiv Metro station to protect against air strikes. Kyiv, Ukraine

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After months of speculation whether Iran would acquire Russian weapons, particularly advanced fighter jets, on November 28, Deputy Defense Minister of Iran Mehdi Farahi dispelled previous rumors about the deal supposedly falling through and confirmed that Tehran had finally inked the contract to procure Su-35 air superiority/multirole fighters, Yak-130 light fighter/advanced trainer jets and Mi-28 attack helicopters from Russia.

The announcement comes amid an enormous increase in the already massive American military presence in the Middle East, which includes everything from carrier strike groups (CSGs) to fighter jets and even strategic bombers. The tensions have escalated significantly in the context of the ongoing Israel-Gaza conflict, prompting Iran to urgently modernize its aging fighter jet fleet.

Speculation about the acquisition has been ongoing since last year, specifically after Egypt withdrew from the deal to buy Russian jets. Cairo’s fear of getting on America’s bad side pushed it to stifle its sovereignty (and security), an opportunity that Tehran took to make a deal that would otherwise take years to finalize. Western sources have been speculating about the Su-35 deal with Iran even before the special military operation (SMO). Rumors about the acquisition continued throughout 2022, followed by speculation about the deal allegedly not going through. However, by September, it became clear that the military cooperation between Moscow and Tehran would include even more than Su-35 fighter jets, particularly after the Yak-130 light fighters/advanced trainers were spotted in Iran.

The Yak-130 can double as both attack jets and advanced trainer aircraft, but their primary role is the latter, meaning they were especially indicative of the deal going through. Namely, the Yak-130 is used as the stepping stone in flight training for pilots preparing to fly the Su-35. Getting advanced fighter jets for the Iranian Air Force (IRIAF) has been a point of contention for decades as the country was under a strict Western arms embargo that prevented any advanced weapons acquisitions. This had its perks, as it forced Tehran to develop a plethora of indigenous industries, including a very robust and highly cost-effective drone production, and now it’s clear that Tehran’s advanced military industry is perfectly capable of going toe to toe with the world’s most powerful countries in terms of developing and deploying unmanned systems.

However, despite these advances that also include a plethora of other weapons, such as surface combatants, transport aircraft and long-range SAM systems (mostly based on Russian designs), Iran is sorely lacking in the manned combat aviation compartment. This is hardly surprising, given that only a handful of countries in the world have fully indigenous aerospace industries. Even Asian giants such as China and India still rely heavily on Russia to acquire top-of-the-line aircraft, although their respective advances in this regard are certainly commendable. By getting the Su-35, Tehran is pushing the capabilities of the IRIAF well into the 21st century. Various reports indicate that at least 24 fighter jets have been ordered to replace the aging F-14 “Tomcats”, while there’s speculation that it would acquire over 60 in follow-up orders.

Almost the same could be said for the Mi-28 attack helicopter. The advanced Russian rotorcraft has very few equivalents abroad and would certainly revolutionize Iranian capabilities. Namely, Tehran currently relies on its ancient Vietnam War-era AH-1 “Super Cobra” attack helicopters which are decades behind technologically, even with the incremental upgrades and overhauls that the Iranian military has been applying. Reports indicate that Iranian forces operating in Syria were impressed by the performance of Iraqi and Russian Mi-28s in both Iraq and Syria, which was a major contributing factor to the decision to acquire them. The superb flight characteristics and armament of this Russian helicopter are rivaled only by the less conventional coaxial rotors-equipped Ka-52 “Alligator”.

It’s important to note that the ongoing procurement is of the utmost importance to the SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organization) and BRICS+ frameworks. Namely, Iran is already a member of the former, while it’s poised to join the latter in just over a month. With the US escalating tensions in the region, the primary target of which is precisely Tehran, the belligerent thalassocracy is looking to disrupt multiple peace processes in the region. Attacking Iran seems to be a very tempting prospect for Washington DC, as it would effectively “kill two birds with one stone” by making both SCO and BRICS+ look “weak” and unable (or even unwilling) to defend their new members. The US very likely believes this could be a deadly blow to the rapidly emerging multipolar world that will inevitably dismantle the existing “rules-based world order“. By arming Iran, Russia is making sure that any such attack would be not only a costly endeavor, but also a failed one.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Drago Bosnic is an independent geopolitical and military analyst. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

The Rise of the Desk Clerk Academic

November 29th, 2023 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

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It is a particularly quotidian breed in the modern, management-driven university.  The desk clerk who pretends to be an academic and researcher but is neither.  The desk clerk who admires rosters, work plans and “key performance indicators”, thinking that the process of knowledge is quantifiable by productivity targets and financial returns. The desk clerk who pilfers the work of undergraduates, sports a dubious doctoral thesis, and who rarely sets foot within the sacred surrounds of a library.

The rise of such a figure in the global university scene, one neither fish nor fowl, is no accident. As universities have declined, bureaucracy has bubbled with furious enthusiasm. The decline of teaching and its quality is complemented by the rise of the paranoid penpusher and spreadsheet artist. With a decline in substantive learning, the emergence of soft, watered-down syllabi, diminished reading lists (how dare one expect students to read one book a subject, let alone a few journal articles?), an increased focus on entertainment (flickering videos, please), the desk clerk has become sovereign, dominant, and terrifying.  Shallow, weak, insipid, such beings occupy a particular space of decline, subsided by the toilers who put in the hours in often shoddy conditions.  For the casual or sessional workforce, this is particularly acute.

Importantly, the desk clerk cadres perform the role of keeping actual academics with unhealthily industrious standards in check, acting as a sinister Varangian Guard for the broader management of the universities. They monitor staff emails without warning, undermine privacy with habitual criminality, conduct surveillance with pathological tendency. They straitjacket thought, curtail originality, quash dissent. To assist them in their mission is a vicious set of regulations known as the “Code of Conduct”, a document that would be neatly slotted into any KGB manual on thought control. Good to be on your best behaviour: the Desk Clerk is keeping an eye on you. Be a team member. Don’t question university policy, however criminal or moronic. If not, to the cooler, a disciplinary hearing devoid of natural justice precepts.

So, where do we find these crawling creatures so menacing to learning and murderous to thought? In the position of Deans, associate deans and their collaborating adjutants. Program managers on the make. Colourless gauleiters, humourless henchmen, women and those in between hoping to make a buck or two out of the neuroses of identity politics. (Fancy an aboriginal cause we can advance?) In the role of directors of learning and teaching. (Universities are in a bad way if they need such areas.) In sections with names resembling toilet cleaning products or carcinogenic chemicals.

These people are, in turn, given orders by nameless, unaccountable individuals in the upper echelons of the institution, crowned by that most unaccountable of officers, the Vice-chancellor.  Usual corporate and commercial laws do not apply, be there in terms of remuneration or governance decisions.  This is particularly the case in Australia’s universities, where the average salary for the VC hovers around A$1 million. Despite being treated as corporate institutions, such universities are not controlled by the same disclosure requirements that companies must follow. The results are predictable enough: the sloshing and moving of dark money, the prevalence of shady deals, and poor, even bankrupting decisions.

The desk clerk’s orders, often crafted on a ghastly template, are followed without question, delivered at meetings held with academics who should know better.  (An academic who has time for meetings is obviously not pulling any weight.)  It is one of the greatest conflicts of interest in the academy: the associate dean, having a chat with staff in a discipline meeting ostensibly to address a critical issue of merit. Given that the associate dean in question is not beholden to staff welfare but the unelected officialdom of a mini-police state, the spectacle is not merely farcical but scandalous.

Debate is supposedly held, discussion conducted. Academic staff babble, gossip and chat in convivial surroundings pretending to follow a serious agenda. But these meetings only ever serve to rubberstamp the bleak reality that is hatched in the University Chancellery, where thought is purposely killed in favour of middle-management speak, corrupt goals, and self-feathering. For desk clerks keen to rise up the greasy pole, it’s best to be obedient and steely in resolve, kick down against the opposition, and suppress the contrarians. Never mind that students are ignored, a toxic workplace rife with bullying neglected, or that the university is becoming increasingly irrelevant.

The favourite occasion of the year for the desk clerk is the announcement of the promotions round. Bootlickers and coprophagic devotees delight in the news that they have gained an associate professorship or even professorship, despite having not authored work of note – or any work for that matter.  The time has surely come to strip such individuals of academic positions and admit them to the role of administrators, with salaries adjusted downwards.  Because that is what a desk clerk, after all, is.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge. He currently lectures at RMIT University. He is a regular contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research. Email: [email protected] 

Featured image is from Justin A. Torner (Copyright: © 2021 The University of Iowa)

When Zionism Invaded Africa: The Story of General Idi Amin and Israel’s Influence in Uganda

By Timothy Alexander Guzman, November 29, 2023

Israel’s government and their Zionist ideology has been present in African politics since the late 1800s. It all began with the British government who wanted to dominate East Africa to advance their commercial interests and to secure trading routes to India before other Western Imperial powers such as Germany and France.

How Pfizer and Moderna Control Vaccine Discourse

By Dr. Joseph Mercola, November 29, 2023

In late April 2023, investigative journalist Lee Fang published evidence showing Pfizer had financed consumer, medical and civil rights organizations that lobbied for COVID jab mandates, thereby creating the false appearance of broad support.

Israel-Palestine: The Two-state Solution Is the New Mantra? It’s a PR Stunt?

By Steven Sahiounie, November 29, 2023

In the immediate aftermath of the October 7 Hamas attack on Israeli soldiers and civilians, the US President Joe Biden, and all the American allies repeated the same mantra on cue: ‘Israel has the right to defend itself’. Much later, the UN human rights expert pointed out that in this instance Israel does not enjoy that right, as the territory they are attacking is a territory they control and are responsible for.

Young Cardiac Sudden Deaths Are Being Blamed on “Congenital Heart Conditions.” Are Some Doctors Deliberately Covering Up COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Sudden Cardiac Deaths?

By Dr. William Makis, November 29, 2023

I believe many cardiologists are covering up COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Induced cardiac injuries and deaths, mainly because they recommended these vaccines and even if their heart injured patient didn’t take the jab on their advice, they’re worried it will come back to haunt them via other patients they pushed the jabs on.

Why Vaccine-Pushing Cardiologists Never See Myocarditis

By Dr. Peter McCullough, November 29, 2023

I have had cardiologists from time to time look perplexed and say they “never” see COVID-19 vaccine induced myocarditis. Two prospective cohort studies show the rate of COVID-19 vaccine myocarditis is ~2.5% per shot.

Kiev’s Military Official Believes Conflict Will Go Beyond Ukraine

By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, November 28, 2023

Kiev’s officials continue to spread baseless narratives about the conflict, predicting that hostilities tend to expand to other territories in Eurasia, as the fighting has supposedly become a “war of resources”. Although there is a real risk of the conflict spreading to other regions, the rhetoric is wrong and this narrative helps to spread anti-Russian paranoia.

“Lucifer’s Banker: The Untold Story of How I Destroyed Swiss Bank Secrecy”

By Jeremy Kuzmarov, November 28, 2023

Bradley Birkenfeld is a former Swiss banker who helped the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) recoup billions of dollars in tax revenues after exposing the largest tax fraud in U.S. history. Yet it was Birkenfeld who served 40 months at the Schuylkill Federal Correctional Institution in Minersville, Pennsylvania, while his bosses who orchestrated the fraud and the wealthy investors who cheated the U.S. government never faced any jail time.

The Myth that Putin Was Bent on Conquering Ukraine and Creating a Greater Russia

By John J. Mearsheimer, November 28, 2023

There is a growing body of compelling evidence showing that Russia and Ukraine were involved in serious negotiations to end the war in Ukraine right after it started on 24 February 2022 (see below). These talks were facilitated by Turkish President Recep Erdogan and former Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and featured detailed and candid discussions on the terms of a possible settlement.

UNESCO’s Insidious Plan to “Regulate Social Media” and “Control Speech Online”

By Alex Newman, November 28, 2023

A powerful United Nations agency has unveiled a plan to regulate social media and online communication while cracking down on what it describes as “false information” and “conspiracy theories,” sparking alarm among free-speech advocates and top U.S. lawmakers.

To Bury or Not to Bury: Muslim Migrants and the Politics of Funerary Rights in Contemporary Japan

By Shinji Kojima, November 29, 2023

Muslim migrants in Japan suffer from the lack of access to burial grounds when 99.9% of the nation is cremated. Muslims are usually met with opposition from the local community where cemetery construction is planned.

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Israel’s government and their Zionist ideology has been present in African politics since the late 1800s. It all began with the British government who wanted to dominate East Africa to advance their commercial interests and to secure trading routes to India before other Western Imperial powers such as Germany and France. In 1888, the British established the Imperial British East Africa Company (IBEA). This is where the British government had a problem and an idea to solve it and proposed several places that could become a new homeland for the Jewish minority in Europe.

Theodore Herzl’s Search for a Jewish Homeland in Africa?

In 1897, the Zionist Organization (ZO) was founded by Theodor Herzl, an Austro-Hungarian citizen with Jewish roots was an accomplished journalist and a political activist who is considered the father of Zionism. Herzl established the Zionist Organization to promote Jewish immigration to Palestine with the idea that it will eventually become a Jewish state, so he saw it as a practical solution against antisemitism throughout Europe. In Herzl’s A Jewish State: An Attempt at a Modern Solution of the Jewish Question he said that

“The Argentine Republic would derive considerable profit from the cession of a portion of its territory to us. The present infiltration of Jews has certainly produced some friction, and it would be necessary to enlighten the Republic on the intrinsic difference of our new movement.” 

But he made it clear that

“Palestine is our ever-memorable historic home. The very name ‘ of Palestine would attract our people with a force of Marvelous I potency.” 

Herzl proclaimed that

“We should there form a portion of the rampart of Europe against Asia, an outpost of civilization as opposed to barbarism. The sanctuaries of Christendom would be safeguarded by assigning them an extra-territorial status, such as is well known to the law of nations. We should form a guard of honor about these_ sanctuaries, answering for the fulfilment of this duty with our existence. This guard of honor would be the great symbol of the solution of the Jewish Question after eighteen centuries of Jewish suffering.”

Herzl spoke of how institutions would assure Jewish Supremacy under the protection of international law:

Externally, the Society will attempt, as I explained before in the general part, to be acknowledged as a State- forming power. The free assent of many Jews will confer on it the requisite authority in its relations with Governments. Internally, that is to say, in its relations with the Jewish people, the Society will create all the first indispensable institutions; it ‘ will be the nucleus out of which the public organizations of the Jewish State will later on be developed. Our first object is, as I said before, supremacy, assured to us by international law, over a portion of the globe sufficiently large to satisfy our just requirements

Jewish Zionists in Europe led by Herzl already had a strong connection towards the Land of Israel as they saw themselves as the lineage of the ancient people of Israel who settled in Canaan (aka Palestine) more than 2000 years ago which was during the time of the Roman Empire.

Despite the claims that there was a Jewish connection to Palestine, the British Imperial government did propose more than one territory including Cyprus, El Arish in the North Sinai Peninsula of Egypt and even another place in Africa called the Guas Ngishu, a huge plateau located between Nairobi and Mau which is known today as Kenya and of course, Uganda which was proposed later, but the crisis for Jews living in Eastern Europe called for decisive action from the British government.

Theodor Herzl spoke at the Sixth Zionist Congress in August 1903 and mentioned the British proposal for a temporary place, but there was a sense of urgency for a Jewish homeland since Jews in Russia were facing a high-level of discrimination although Herzl had envisioned Palestine as a future homeland for the Jewish people. Herzl even wrote a novel based on the Jewish “return to Palestine” called ‘Altneuland.’

There were several important figures for establishing a Jewish homeland including Joseph Chamberlain, a statesman who had experience in managing colonies for the British empire as Secretary of State for the Colonies personally knew Theodor Herzl as both were introduced to each other by Rothschild family members.

However, Herzl’s proposal for Jewish settlements in Cyprus, the Sinai Peninsula, or El Arish were not feasible to Chamberlain since they were not under British rule and in some cases, people had been living in these areas for a long time, but he did agree to discuss El-Arish Plan with Britain’s foreign secretary, Lord Lansdowne to gain Jewish support for Britain.  So, Chamberlain decided to tour South Africa, during his trip, he passed through Mombasa, a city in southeastern Kenya and was confronted by white British settlers who complained about the lack of workers to finish a railway. Along the way on a Ugandan railway, he saw a possible Jewish homeland in East Africa (Kenya) since it had a significant number of whites, so he mentioned the possibility to Herzl but did not push the idea any further since the plan was to eventually occupy Palestine.

But after the Kishnev Pogrom, an anti-Jewish riot that took place in Kishinev, the capital of the Bessarabia Governorate in the Russian Empire in 1903, Herzl thought about East Africa as an option.  The British government was interested in establishing a Jewish homeland in East Africa under its control.  Reactions were mixed in the Sixth Zionist Congress so there was a split with 295 votes in favor and 178 against the East Africa proposal.

By December 1904, the Zionist Organization sent a special commission to Guas Ngishu to investigate and determine if the conditions were favorable for a Jewish homeland, but the Plan was ultimately rejected in 1905 because of the opposition by a former high commissioner of East Africa and the white settlers.  In African Zion: The Attempt to Establish a Jewish Colony in the East Africa Protectorate describes why the plan was rejected:

On the whole, however, there was little for the scheme in British government circles, especially when opposition was encountered.  The white settlers in East Africa, led by Lord Delamere who had obtained a hundred thousand acres on lease, expressed their violent opposition in a campaign of vilification of Jews in general, and of the would-be Jewish settlers in particular.  Eliot, the commissioner of the protectorate, went along with the plan at first, but turned against it as opposition developed. The Indians were unfriendly, and the natives were not consulted

It seemed like the white settlers were acting just like the Palestinians.  The rejection of the plan allowed for the establishment of the Jewish Territorial Organization (ITO) to find a Jewish homeland even if it means that Palestine is out of the picture.  By 1925, the ITO was disbanded with most of its members throwing their support behind the Zionist movement.

Unfortunately, the British and shortly after, the Americans agreed on Palestine becoming a Jewish homeland called Israel in 1948. From there, Israel became a global player along with its Western partners, for example getting involved in Africa’s economy and having influence in its politics and that’s where the East African nation of Uganda comes in.

The Israelis in Uganda

It all began with a six-foot, four inches tall man by the name of Idi Amin Dada Oumee, known as General Idi Amin, an erratic dictator who lived like a ruling king who had several wives and children. During the start of his military career in the British led Ugandan military, he was promoted from a private to becoming one of two only black African officers. Serving in British led Uganda military, Amin fought against the Kenya Land and Freedom Army known as the Mau Mau who resisted British colonial rule.

Idi Amin first enlisted in the British King’s African Rifles (KAR) in 1946 and became an assistant cook since he lacked a formal education but received a comprehensive military training over the years and rose in the ranks, by 1959, he became the highest ranking black African officer (Effendi class 2) in the British led army. 

As a private, he was an impressive athlete who played in various sports including Rugby, swimming, and boxing. But it was boxing that made Amin stand out. As an amateur fighter, Amin had won the Uganda light heavyweight boxing championship in 1951 and remained a champion for nine more years. Some say that one of the greatest heavyweight champions of all-time, Muhammad Ali had refused to fight Idi Amin.

By 1962, Uganda gained its independence from British rule under a politician by the name of Milton Obote who became the country’s prime minister under King (Kabaka) Mutesa II in a coalition with the Kabaka Yekka movement.

By 1964, Obote had issues with King Mutesa II over a scandal in the 1964 Ugandan lost counties referendum and was also accused of smuggling gold, so Obote led a coup ousting Mutesa.  Obote became a civilian dictator which led him to the presidency in April 1966.

During Obote’s presidency, Amin had military training in the U.K and Israel. Amin was promoted several times eventually becoming the commander of all the Ugandan armed forces by 1970.

During that time, Obote had published ‘The Common Man’s Charter’ which was a guideline leading to socialist policies.  By 1970, the Obote government demanded more than 60% of share from private businesses and banks leading to massive corruption scandals.  Soon after, food shortages and inflation affected average Ugandans. Obote also persecuted the Indian population and their businesses which did not help the Uganda’s economy.  In other words, Obote was a corrupt socialist dictator that made life difficult for the Ugandan people.

During Obote’s reign, the Israeli government was entrenched in Ugandan society.  Israel even sent weapons through Uganda into southern Sudan, to support the Anyanya who were fighting the Arab-dominated Sudanese government for decades. They trained the police and military and supported the Anyanya, a Sudanese separatist group based in the South Sudan since the first Sudanese Civil War began in 1955.  The Anyanya were conducting a guerilla war with the Sudanese government.  Obote made a fatal decision to withdraw support for the Anyanya rebels which infuriated the Israelis since they were instrumental in fighting an Arab-influenced Sudanese government on the African continent.

However, during a short period of time, Obote managed to disappoint Western powers including the U.S., U.K., and of course, Israel. Foreign Relations of the United States, 1969–1976, Documents on Sub-Saharan Africa, 1969–1972 stated that “Amin is regarded as more moderate and pro-Western than Obote but his ability to organize and run an effective government is questionable.” So clearly, they knew Idi Amin would be more manageable than Obote who had socialist policies that would naturally lead to friendly relations with the Soviet Union, Cuba, and North Korea.  Idi Amin was the safer bet for Washington, London and Tel Aviv.

The West and Israel Supported Adi Amin’s Coup Against Obote

By January 1971, Idi Amin and his army overthrew President Obote with help from the Israelis and the CIA although Obote was in Singapore attending a Commonwealth conference. In 1976, The New York Times interviewed a retired Israeli colonel who helped Idi Amin topple Obote in 1971, “Colonel Bar‐Lev was head of the Israeli mission to Kampala shortly after General Amin became chief of staff of armed forces. The Israeli became his confidant, and their families became close friends.” Bar-Lev supported General Amin because Obote was ready to expel the Israelis, “The colonel, In an Interview today, said he supported General Amin against President Milton Obote because the latter was hostile to Israel and was planning to expel Israeli forces from his country.”

Amin avoided a coup when his paratroopers killed Obote’s military officers who were planning to arrest him:

Colonel Bar‐Lev advised the general to station In Kampala a military force from his own tribe. The force would include paratroopers, armor, and jeeps. Its mobility and firepower would be such that 600 to 800 men could overcome 5,000, he said.  Trained by Israelis, this force thwarted an Obote effort to oust General Amin, the colonel said, and played a key role in defeating the President’s forces.

Colonel Bar‐Lev said that in January 1971, President Obote, who was attending a conference in Singapore, decided to remove General Amin, and sent orders to have him arrested. A battalion commander loyal to President Obote called a meeting in the officers’ club to make plans for the arrest.  Four Uganda paratrooper instructors loyal to General Amin learned of the plan and killed those at the meeting.  General Amin then telephoned Colonel Bar‐Lev announcing, “The revolution has started”

The breaking point between Israel and Uganda was when Tel Aviv decided to cancel a visit by President Amin in late 1971 who was going to attend a ceremony for 200 Ugandan soldiers who completed a training course, so Amin was offended.  Shortly after,Amin was interested in visiting Libya “Then, without mentioning what had happened, he asked “How many kilometers from here to Benghazi? If I can’t go to Israel, I’ll go to Benghazi.”  According to the New York Times, The Israeli colonel went back to Israel and Idi Amin became a critic of Israel:

Colonel Bar -Lev returned home and President Amin announced a rupture of relations between the countries and the expulsion of all Israelis. He became one of Israel’s bitterest critics in Africa and provided Arab terrorists with bases and training facilities.

The former colonel said he had never had illusions about President Amin. He said he told officials in Jerusalem years ago that the man was emotionally unstable. He was told he was exaggerating

Israel’s Hand in Uganda’s Politics

Since the 1950’s, Israel wanted strategic partnerships with several African states to counter Arab influenced governments who were seen as hostile to Israel, so Amin was seen as the puppet dictator to help Israel achieve its goals in Africa.  As a commander in the Ugandan army, Amin initially had a good relationship with top Israeli politicians and military officials, at one point he even enrolled in a paratrooper course in Israel which he never completed.

In 1972, there was an invasion of Uganda organized by Obote and supported by Tanzania in a mission to overthrow Amin with Ugandan rebels.  So, Amin needed arms to counter Obote’s forces, but Israel and the US refused military support because they wanted Amin’s government to pay upfront, so naturally, Amin turned to President Muammar Gaddafi of Libya and promptly ended his relationship with Israel and the U.S.  Amin went to Libya and met with Gaddafi.  Soon after, Amin denounced Zionism and received a $25 million loan and received other loans from the Libyan–Ugandan Development Bank.  Then Amin started to remove Israeli military advisers and technicians, and then ended full diplomatic relations with Israel.

Besides Amin’s policies towards Indians which was no different from Obote’s policies by shutting down their businesses and deporting them, he targeted the Israelis which was a major step for Amin’s foreign policies towards the state of Israel.

Amin’s new policies towards the Israelis were clear, he had completely changed.  But then rumors spread that Amin used national funds for his own personal expenses which may have been true since most Western and Israeli supported dictators were corrupt, but Israel took a chance with Amin anyway, and it eventually backfired.

On August 22, 1972, The New York Times published ‘Ugandan Expulsion Is a Setback for Israel’, on Israel establishing ties with non-Arab states but the big picture was to conduct covert operations to destabilize their Arab neighbors, “for Israel, Africa is a major diplomatic battleground. Premier Golda Meir has said that since Israel could not be friends with her Arab neighbors, she would try to “be friends with our neighbors’ neighbors.” 

Israeli influence was gaining some ground in Africa which was successful until President Idi Amin turned on them, maybe he was embarrassed to learn about what the Israelis were up to in the Middle East and in Africa thanks to Muammar Gaddafi, “for more than a decade the policy was an almost unqualified success. Israel established relations with 32 black states, or most of non‐Arab Africa” and that “Israeli diplomacy has now suffered a sharp setback in the East African nation of Uganda, which expelled the last of 470 Israeli diplomats, military advisers, technicians and dependents on April 9.” 

Israel blamed Libya since it offered Idi Amin the much-needed support but according to the NY Times, “Informed sources said that Uganda owed Israel $13 million to $18 million, most of it in the form of short‐term debts to Israeli contracting concerns constructing airfields, military barracks, housing projects and buildings, and that Uganda simply did not have the money to pay.”

An observer said that “When Amin began all this spending, Israeli contractors figured they might as well get their share.”  Amin defended his stance against Israeli accusations as he told Soviet journalists “That Israelis had been “milking Uganda dry” and that “if you ask them to build a fence, they will demand three quarters of the payment in advance.”  The NY Times suggested that Idi Amin was a dead beat, refusing to repay the Israelis, “In this view, General Amin’s action represents an indirect form of debt repudiation.”  They even went as far as to say that Ugandan civilian officials could not control Amin’s spending habits, so they conveniently blamed the Israelis:

Another factor was that some Ugandan civilian officials had been critical of the Israelis to General Amin. Unable to restrain the general’s spending themselves, they reportedly took the desperate course of suggesting that it was the Israelis and not Government orders that were causing the financial squeeze

It’s worth mentioning that Idi Amin was an Israeli favorite over Milton Obote who condemned their aggression against Egypt and moved to cut support to the Anyanyas:

Uganda’s President at the time, Milton Obote, was a Pan-Africanist who envisioned a united Africa that would challenge the legacy of division and colonialism. Like most African leaders, he condemned Israeli aggression against Egypt and wanted to cut off support to the Anyanyas. But Amin, the Ugandan Army’s commander at the time, was a great admirer of Israel. He had briefly enrolled in a paratrooper course there (uncompleted), and was friendly with Colonel Baruch Bar-Lev, Israel’s military attaché in Uganda; Amin’s numerous wives and children even socialized with Bar-Lev’s wife and children. Amin came from an area near the Sudanese border, so was well placed to insure that Israeli arms continued to flow to the Anyanya, against Obote’s wishes

Months later, Israel took Uganda to court for the money its President, Idi Amin owed to them.  On November 29th, 1972, in a New York Times report Israel‐Uganda Dispute Reaches into Court Here as Bank’s Assets Are Ordered Attached’ the Israelis claimed that the Ugandan government owed them $610,270.20:

An Israeli contracting company obtained in State Supreme Court in Manhattan an order directing sheriffs in the state to attach any assets of Grind lays Bank (Uganda) Ltd. to satisfy the company’s claim of $610,270.20.

Court papers filed for J. Zeevi & Sons, Ltd., which had done construction work in the East African country, said the company had made deposits in Uganda currency in Grindlays Bank last March against which letters of credit totaling $610,270.20 could be drawn here. The company charged that Grind lays, a British‐owned commercial bank, had canceled the letters of credit because of the Uganda Government’s “new policy of active anti‐Semitism.”

Libya was also mentioned in the lawsuit:

General Amin, who visited Israel three times in 1971, later broke with the Israelis, charging that they had encroached on Uganda’s military and economic affairs. He is also said to have felt that his status as an African leader was being compromised by his close ties with Israel. Israel believes Libya encouraged the break.

Another factor is reported to be that Uganda owed more than $13 million in short‐term debts to Israeli concerns constructing airfields, military bar racks and housing projects and that Uganda did not have the money to pay the debt

The Israelis said that Amin praised Hitler and that anti-Semitism was at the forefront of Uganda’s foreign policy towards Israel:

The Zeevi complaint contended that the cancellation of the letter of credit was “based upon a new Government‐inaugurated and directed policy on forfeiture of foreign assets and property and a new policy of active anti‐Semitism embarked upon by the Government of Uganda.”

Court papers included as exhibits were news articles quoting General Amin as praising Hitler “for the killing of Jews.” Both the seizure of foreign assets and the official anti‐ Semitism, the complaint said, “are against and repugnant to the public policy of the State of New York and not recognized by the Federal Government of the United States”

In 2016, The New Yorker published an interesting article called ‘Idi Amin’s Israeli Connection’ based on Amin’s ties to Israel:

Israel itself helped install Amin in power, creating a monster who turned on his former patrons.  Israel had had a special relationship with Uganda since the latter’s independence from Great Britain, in 1962. Beginning in the nineteen-fifties, David Ben-Gurion, then Israel’s Prime Minister, sought strategic partnerships with states on the edge the Arab world, including Uganda, Kenya, Iran, and Turkey, to counter the hostile nations on Israel’s own borders. As part of what became known as the Peripheral Doctrine, Israel trained and equipped Uganda’s military and carried out construction, agriculture, and other development projects.

Just months after the Six-Day War, in 1967, Israel sold Uganda weapons worth seven million dollars. In 1969, Israel began funneling weapons through Uganda into southern Sudan, where a ragtag rebel group known as the Anyanya had been fighting the Arab-dominated Sudanese government since the nineteen-fifties

Idi Amin had expelled the Israelis; however, this does not ignore the fact that the ‘Butcher of Uganda’ was a dictator who reportedly ordered the murder of 100’s of thousands of Ugandans for ethnic, political, and financial reasons during his time in power.  Amin even purged his military officers and enlisted men from various ethnic groups including the Acholi and Lango people who technically opposed him and supported Obote.  That purge resulted in more than 5,000 military members killed and if you include the civilians who were killed in the process, the number is doubled.

In 1978, Amin wated to annex Tanzania’s  Kagera region, in response the Tanzanian president Julius Nyerere sent his troops to  invade Uganda and occupied Kampala  by 1979 and removed Idi Amin from power.  Amin went into exile in Libya, Iraq and ended up in Saudi Arabia for the rest of his life.

Idi Amin Dada was not one of the good guys, that’s for sure, but isn’t it ironic that even a dictator who was backed by the West and Israel, finally opened his eyes to the dangers of Zionism, he even called his former bosses ‘criminal’ for what they were doing to the Palestinians.

Here is a video with General Idi Amin in a candid interview explaining how the Israelis turned the Palestinians into refugees in their own country:


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Timothy Alexander Guzman writes on his own blog site, Silent Crow News, where this article was originally published. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: Idi Amin at UN (United Nations, New York) (Licensed under the Public Domain)

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In the immediate aftermath of the October 7 Hamas attack on Israeli soldiers and civilians, the US President Joe Biden, and all the American allies repeated the same mantra on cue: ‘Israel has the right to defend itself’. Much later, the UN human rights expert pointed out that in this instance Israel does not enjoy that right, as the territory they are attacking is a territory they control and are responsible for.

As the millions of people across the globe took to the streets in support of the Palestinian cause of freedom, an end of occupation, and protesting the Israeli attacks on Gaza against unarmed civilians, the western leaders had to stop and re-think their old attitudes, which were proving to be far out of step with the world of today, especially the younger global population which demand justice.  Due to social media, people can see videos and commentary from the scene.  Western media is not inside Gaza and they report from safe distance locations in Israel; however, Arab media reporting in English from the ground in Gaza have brought the conflict close to people on the internet.

The European protests were huge and well organized. London had 350,000 people in the streets, even though the Home Secretary had called them ‘Hate Marchers’ and was fired for her contempt. Europe is closer to Gaza than the US, and while the US has been traditionally kept captive of the Israeli lobby, AIPAC, the European public has been supportive of the Palestinian quest for freedom. Many Europeans feel that the European Union has been blindly following US foreign policies which have proved disastrous in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and Syria. 

The US State Department employees, under Secretary of State Antony Blinken, called out the war crimes and violations of international law by the Israeli government. The staff are career professionals and diplomates who voiced concern at US double-standards by the Biden administration, which puts a hold on weapons transfers from US to any country which will likely use the weapons in human right violations. Instead of holding up weapons to Israel, they were fast-tracked immediately even though it was clear they were committing war crimes, human rights violations, and clearly operating against international laws. Josh Paul resigned from the State Department in an act of conscience.

At the White House, the staff have become younger and more diverse than in past generations.  These professionals complained to Biden about what Israel was doing in Gaza.  Biden and Blinken had to re-think their position of blind approval of Israeli military actions. 

Biden and Blinken started peppering their statements about Gaza with references to the decades old UN resolution for a two-state solution. As the moments progressed, we then heard the same phrases repeated by western leaders aligned with the US.  We heard the Arab leaders echo the call for the two-state solution, and China, Russia, Brazil and South Africa as well.

Experts are pointing to a generational change, or revolution in the minds of people who believe there is an alternative to occupation, and there should be no alternative to freedom and autonomy for the Palestinian people who have suffered since 1948 under a brutal military occupation of the West Bank, and Gaza the largest open-air prison on earth.

The Israeli government under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is the most extremist and racist in Israeli history. Some of the officials have called the Palestinians ‘animals’, others have called for mass deportations to ethnically cleanse the land, and some have claimed Jews are a superior race. 

Israel likes to claim they are the only democratic country in the Middle East, but their policies against the Palestinians are undemocratic.  Americans who are aged 70 and 80 might be content to hang on to outdated notions, but the younger Americans are questioning how can Israel be considered to share American values, while having a two-tiered justice system which the UN has deemed to be an Apartheid state.

Biden has sent a request to the Senate on October 20 to remove all restrictions on US weapons stockpiled in Israel itself.

Democratic Senator Chris Murphy, who sits on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, told CNN on Sunday he was open to placing conditions on any aid to Israel, with the aim of reducing civilian casualties in Gaza.

“We regularly condition our aid to allies based upon compliance with US law and international law. And, so, I think it’s very consistent with the ways in which we have dispensed aid, especially during wartime, to allies, for us to talk about making sure that the aid we give Ukraine or the aid we give Israel is used in accordance with human rights laws,” Murphy said. 

Murphy said,

“Benjamin Netanyahu believed that you could ignore the Palestinians, that you could try to squash their desires for a state and, ultimately, that would bring peace to the region into Israel. That’s just not the case.”

He went on to call for a Palestinian state as the only way to long-term peace.

Senator Bernie Sanders listed out demands for the Israeli government in order to receive US aid.  Demanding “an end to the indiscriminate bombing,” a “right of displaced Gazans to return to their homes,” “a freeze on settlement expansion” in the West Bank and no long-term occupation of Gaza by Israeli forces, as well as a commitment to engage in peace talks “for a two-state solution in the wake of the war.”

The road towards a final solution to the Palestinian suffering will likely be long, but it looks like some road signs are being placed along the way pointing to a beginning of the journey. No one knows how many miles it will take, and what detours and roadblocks may spring up along the path, but the two-state solution is the plan. The only thing certain, is that this huge effort at peace in the Middle East will need the leadership and support of the White House and US Congress. With the 2024 election less than one year away, it will need the Biden administration, and any future President’s full support across all party lines.  Peace in the Middle East will have to be an American project with global coordination.


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This article was originally published on Mideast Discourse.

Steven Sahiounie is a two-time award-winning journalist. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from MD

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Dec. 8, 2021 – Watson, LA – 16 year old 6’2 230lb football player Grayson Lane Temple died suddenly on Dec. 8, 2021 – his death was blamed on a “genetic predisposition to a cardiac arrhythmia.”

There have been many questionable young person deaths attributed to “congenital” or “genetic” heart issues, since COVID-19 Vaccines rolled out. I provide some detailed examples. Coroners and cardiologists are concluding “deaths of natural causes” but it seems they are just covering up vaccine deaths.

He was the picture of health.  

He stood 6’2” and was 230 pounds. 16 year old Grayson could be found working on a motor of most any kind, welding, and hanging out with his friends. Grayson loved aggravating his older sisters Corinne and Sarah Peyton and his younger brother Jacob

Grayson never complained of feeling bad and was rarely sick. Six weeks prior to him going into cardiac arrest he was having symptoms that he had not shared with his parents. He had told his friends and the school nurse, but no one recognized the symptoms he was having as possible signs of a heart issue.

A week prior to his death, his mom noticed he was unusually tired and sleeping more than normal. Grayson had stayed home from school with what he called a stomach bug. After a couple of days home from school, his mom checked his blood pressure with an automated cuff and noted his pulse was too fast. She obtained her stethoscope and listened to his heart and found an arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat). The next day an appointment was made with a pediatric cardiologist.

Four days went by before Grayson would been seen and ended up being directly admitted to PICU with atrial flutter. The medical team attempted cardioversion and oral anti-arrhythmias unsuccessfully. The third day, they made the decision to attempt the cardioversion again but before the procedure could be performed Grayson went into cardiac arrest. Their attempts to revive him were unsuccessful. He passed away on December 8, 2021 at the age of 16.

Genetic testing was performed, and we learned that Grayson had a genetic predisposition to a cardiac arrhythmia such as Long QT syndrome (notice the story doesn’t say he had Long QT Syndrome)

His cause of death was listed as myocarditis which is the #3 leading cause of death in student athletes (Long QT syndrome has nothing to do with myocarditis)

Grayson’s parents have made it their purpose to educate their community about “sudden cardiac arrest.”

My Take on 16 year old Grayson Lane Temple’s Death 

This seems like a cover-up of what was most likely a COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Induced sudden cardiac death.

His cause of death was listed as myocarditis which has nothing to do with “genetic predisposition” such as “Long QT Syndrome”.


Nov. 4, 2023 – Davie, FL – 14 year old Knox MacEwen is a Western High School Air Force Junior ROTC (Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps) student. On Nov. 4 he was running at a Army Junior ROTC exercise when he suffered a cardiac arrest during a 5K run and died in the hospital. His mother is recovering from a hard fought battle with cancer this past year.

Nov. 8, 2023 – 14 year old dies after Running 5km; Is Congenital heart Disease to be blamed? (Someone paid for a fake story to be run on a fake website in India).

This story was so viral, that someone paid a fake site to run a fake story about Congenital heart disease.

The source is called “Times Now News” and appears to be a fake site out of India.

In fact, they consult an expert on US teenagers with congenital heart defects, Dr.Panjak Sugaonkar, Pediatric Cardiologist at Ruby Hall Clinic in Pune, India.

His clinic (in Pune, India) must be filled with mRNA Vaccinated US teenagers dropping dead from “Congenital heart disease”, for him to be an expert.


July 24, 2023 – Lebron James’ 18 year old son Bronny James suffered a cardiac arrest at 9:30am on July 24, 2023.



And here comes the Propaganda:

Look at how much focus they place on “those on social media who claimed that COVID-19 Vaccines were somehow involved despite the lack of that thing called evidence.”

Feb. 20, 2023 – 20 year old Ryan Keeler, UNLV football player, was found on Feb. 20 by UNLV defensive line coach Julio Garcia who was doing a welfare check on Keeler. He told police he kicked the apartment door open and found Keeler unconscious and cold to the touch. Coroner’s office said 20-year-old Ryan Keeler died of “cardiac dysrhythmia due to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.” “…died of natural causes”, according to the Clark County Coroner’s Office.


Feb. 1, 2023 – New York, NY – 27 year old Sean Grogg died suddenly from an “unknown congenital heart condition.” He was mandated COVID-19 Vaccines at work.

Jan. 5, 2023 – Las Vegas, NV – 16 year old Ashari Hughes died suddenly while playing flag football. Coroner’s Office ruled a natural death due to “congenital coronary artery anomaly.”

The Coverup: “Las Vegas doctor addresses heart health concerns after sudden deaths of two high school students.”

LAS VEGAS (KLAS) — Following the recent news of the sudden deaths of two local high school students, who both suffered cardiac arrest, some parents are no doubt concerned about the heart health of young adults.

8 News Now’s Brian Loftus spoke to Dr. Alfred Danielian the director of Sports Cardiology at Las Vegas Heart Associates to address concerns on the topic.


March 29, 2022 – Brazil – Helena Bilia Matarazzo was 6years old. Her mother had posted on social media about a congenital heart condition she had but that she was followed by a “specialized center”. She took the first dose of the Pfizer mRNA covid-19 vaccine on January 21, 2022 and the second dose in March of 2022. She died on March 29, 2022. Her mother did not blame Pfizer.

Sep. 28, 2021 – Inverness, FL – 16 year old Antonio Hicks collapsed during football practice and died suddenly on Sep. 28, 2021. Associate Medical Examiner Dr. Shanedelle Norford identified hypertrophic cardiomyopathy as the cause of the teenager’s death. Norford also cited ventricular hypertrophy in her Dec. 29, 2021, autopsy report.

My Take…

I believe many cardiologists are covering up COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Induced cardiac injuries and deaths, mainly because they recommended these vaccines and even if their heart injured patient didn’t take the jab on their advice, they’re worried it will come back to haunt them via other patients they pushed the jabs on.

Sometimes there is a congenital heart condition and it is falsely blamed. Sometimes there isn’t a congenital heart condition at all. I have seen much use of the word “possible”.

Every autopsy report I have seen in these cases is fraudulent. Why? None of the pathologists stained for mRNA or spike protein in the heart tissue. When these pathologists issue the final report, they are committing fraud because they reach a conclusion they couldn’t possibly have reached because the proper staining for a key complicating factor, was not done.

Having an underlying congenital heart anomaly or genetic predisposition is not a death sentence. Why does a young person live 20 years of their life just fine with their congenital heart anomaly, but they take an mRNA vaccine, drop dead a month or two later and it’s called a “natural cause of death” due to the anomaly that didn’t cause any problems for 20 years?

It makes no sense but I’m seeing more and more of these fraudulent “natural causes of death”

But silence from most families is what allows doctors to get away with injuring or killing their patients.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

Featured image is from COVID Intel

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

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