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Josep Borrell, the European Union’s top foreign policy official, said Monday that the destruction in Gaza as a result of the Israeli bombing campaign could be “even greater” than the damage to German cities during World War II, AFP reported.

Borrell called the situation in Gaza “catastrophic, apocalyptic” and noted that the Israeli onslaught has resulted in “an incredible number of civilian casualties.” Discussing the destruction of buildings in Gaza, he said it is “more or less or even greater than the destruction suffered by the German cities during the Second World War.”

Borrell made similar comments on Friday, saying the Israeli bombing campaign in Gaza was “one of the most intense in history” and said the destruction is “comparable, if not higher, to levels of destruction of German cities during World War II.”

A report from Financial Times found the damage to northern Gaza was comparable to the most heavily bombed cities of Germany in World War II. “Dresden, Hamburg, Cologne — some of the world’s heaviest-ever bombings are remembered by their place names,” Robert Pape, a US military historian who focuses on air power, told FT. “Gaza will also go down as a place name denoting one of history’s heaviest conventional bombing campaigns.”

Israeli officials and their supporters in the US have invoked the allied strategic bombing campaigns of World War II to justify the mass slaughter in Gaza.

“There were many, many civilians [that] got attacked from your attacks on German cities,” Tzipi Hotovely, the Israeli ambassador to the UK, told a Sky News anchor in October, according to The Grayzone.

“Dresden was a symbol, but you attacked Hamburg, you attacked other cities, and altogether it was over 600,000 civilian Germans that got killed … Was it worth it in order to defeat Nazi Germany? And the answer was yes,” she added.

The Israeli bombing campaign has also been compared to the US bombing of Japanese cities during World War II, which includes the fire bombings of Tokyo that killed around 100,000 civilians in one night in 1945, as well as the dropping of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) has said Gaza is “going to look like Tokyo and Berlin at the end of World War II when this is over. And if it doesn’t look that way, Israel made a mistake.” He made the comments in an interview where he said there was “no limit” to the number of civilians Israel kills in Gaza, which is the policy of the Biden administration as it continues to provide unconditional military aid despite the massive civilian death toll.


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UN Members Support Gaza Ceasefire in Overwhelming 153-10 Vote

December 13th, 2023 by Jessica Corbett

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The United Nations General Assembly on Tuesday passed a resolution demanding “an immediate humanitarian cease-fire” in Israel’s two-month war on Gaza after the U.S. last week used its permanent member status to veto a similar Security Council measure.

The resolution also demands “that all parties comply with their obligations under international law, including international humanitarian law, notably with regard to the protection of civilians,” as well as “the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages, as well as ensuring humanitarian access.”

The final vote during the General Assembly’s emergency special session in New York was 153-10 with 23 abstentions.

“Humanity has prevailed,” declared Egyptian Ambassador to the U.N. Osama Abdel Khalek after the vote. “This resolution must be implemented immediately. The Israeli aggression on Gaza must end. This bloodshed must stop.”

Tuesday’s meeting came after Egypt and Mauritania invoked Resolution 377A (V), which states that

“if the Security Council, because of lack of unanimity of the permanent members, fails to exercise its primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security in any case where there appears to be a threat to the peace, breach of the peace, or act of aggression, the General Assembly shall consider the matter immediately.”

Last week’s U.S. veto came after United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres invoked Article 99, a rarely used section of the U.N. Charter empowering him to bring to the attention of the Security Council “any matter which in his opinion may threaten the maintenance of international peace and security,” for the first time in his tenure.

Noting Guterres’ message to the council as well as a recent letter from the commissioner-general of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, the General Assembly resolution expresses “grave concern over the catastrophic humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip and the suffering of the Palestinian civilian population,” and emphasizes that “the Palestinian and Israeli civilian populations must be protected in accordance with international humanitarian law.”

Israeli Ambassador Gilad Erdan on Tuesday had urged member states to oppose the resolution, arguing that it would amount to “voting in favor of a genocidal jihadist organization” and hamper Israel’s ongoing operation to destroy Hamas.

“A cease-fire is a death sentence,” claimed Erdan, who said the effort to pass the resolution made the United Nations “a moral stain on humanity.”

Israel’s assault on Gaza has killed at least 18,412 Palestinians and injured over 50,100 more, according to local health officials. The war has also devastated civilian infrastructure and displaced 85% of the besieged enclave’s 2.3 million residents.

Urging the assembly to support the resolution, Francesca Albanese, the United Nations special rapporteur for the occupied Palestinian territories, said Tuesday that “the Israeli army is fighting everyone and everything in Gaza—including the U.N.”

U.S. Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield told the General Assembly that the United States agrees with some “aspects” of the resolution, including that conditions in Gaza are dire, people in the Palestinian territory need more aid, and hostages must be released. However, she also claimed that “any cease-fire right now would be temporary at the best and dangerous at worst.”

The United States—which voted against the resolution on Tuesday— gives Israel $3.8 billion in annual military aid and Congress is now considering a new $14.3 billion package.

“Today the majority of the world stood together to demand an end to this bloodshed and suffering in Gaza. The United States has once again voted to allow the carnage against civilians in Gaza to continue,” said Avril Benoît, executive director of Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières USA, after the vote.

“Today the U.S. failed to show compassion or leadership in the face of continued bombardment of human beings who are trapped in Gaza without food, water, shelter, or access to proper medical care,” Benoît continued. “The U.S. is increasingly isolated in its steadfast support of a war that seems to have no rules and no limits, a war that Israel claims is focused on rooting out Hamas but that continues to kill large numbers of Palestinian civilians, mostly women, and children.”

“Israel has continued to indiscriminately attack civilians and civilian structures, impose a siege that amounts to collective punishment for the entire population of Gaza, force mass displacement, and deny access to vital medical care and humanitarian assistance. The U.S. continues to provide political and financial support to Israel as it prosecutes its military operations regardless of the terrible toll on civilians. It is impossible to deliver humanitarian aid at scale in Gaza under current circumstances,” she stressed. “For humanitarians to be able to respond to the overwhelming needs, we need a cease-fire now.”

In addition to the resolution, the General Assembly on Tuesday considered two amendments—one from the United States condemning “the heinous terrorist attacks by Hamas” on October 7 and the taking of hostages, and another from Austria to add language about Hamas to the line calling for the release of hostages.

Neither amendment got the two-thirds majority support needed to pass. The Austrian amendment vote was 89 in favor and 61 opposed with 20 abstentions while the U.S. amendment vote was 84-62 with 25 abstentions.

The General Assembly’s previously approved resolution on Gaza, passed in late October, called for “an immediate, durable, and sustained humanitarian truce leading to a cessation of hostilities.”

[From Common Dreams: Our work is licensed under Creative Commons (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0). Feel free to republish and share widely.]


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Jessica Corbett is a senior editor and staff writer for Common Dreams.

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Author’s Introduction

In recent developments, World leaders are meeting in Dubai (UAE) at  The 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference or COP 28 Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC from November 30 to December, 12 2023.

To review the COP28 documents click here. Not a single word pertaining to “Environmental Modification Techniques (ENMOD)

The so-called “climate emergency”  is to be resolved by a “Race to Zero” which consists in drastically reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions.

The CO2 Consensus 

The “Race to Zero” is described as a: 

global campaign rallying non-state actors – including companies, cities, regions, financial, educational, and healthcare institutions – to take rigorous and immediate action to halve global emissions by 2030 and deliver a healthier, fairer, net zero world.

This “consensus” does not contribute to

“Helping Deliver A Healthier, Fairer, Net Zero World”

Quite the Opposite: It has devastating economic and social consequences. 

The Unspoken Truth: It serves powerful financial interests. 

As in previous Climate summits, environmental modification techniques (ENMOD) –which can trigger tsunamis, typhoons and earthquakes– have been casually dismissed by COP28. The emphasis is on CO2 and the dangers of Global Warming.  I should mention that since the mid-1990s ENMOD techniques are fully operational.

Ironically, Environmental Modification Techniques (ENMOD) were acknowledged by the UN in 1977 upon the signing in Geneva of  the Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques. 

Environment Modification has been amply documented by scientists. It is acknowledged by the mainstream media including CBS and CBC (See video below) as well as by the US Air Force. 

Weather-modification, according to the US Air Force: Weather as a Force Multiplier. Owning the Weather in 2025) ‘offers the war fighter a wide range of possible options to defeat or coerce an adversary’, capabilities, it says, extend to the triggering of floods, hurricanes, droughts and earthquakes:

‘Weather modification will become a part of domestic and international security and could be done unilaterally… It could have offensive and defensive applications and even be used for deterrence purposes. The ability to generate precipitation, fog and storms on earth or to modify space weather… and the production of artificial weather all are a part of an integrated set of [military] technologies.’ *(Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025)

Despite a vast body of scientific knowledge, the issue of manipulation of the weather has been excluded from the agenda on climate change.

In excluding it from the debate, the UN is in violation of its own mandate as defined by the 1977 Convention. (See text in Appendix)

What is published below is a revised and edited version of an article first published in 2009.

Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, December 11, 2023  


Environmental Modification Techniques (ENMOD)

and Climate Change


Michel Chossudovsky 


The term “environmental modification techniques” refers to any technique for changing – through the deliberate manipulation of natural processes – the dynamics, composition or structure of the Earth, including its biota, lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere, or of outer space. (Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques, United Nations, Geneva: 18 May 1977)

“Environmental warfare is defined as the intentional modification or manipulation of the natural ecology, such as climate and weather, earth systems such as the ionosphere, magnetosphere, tectonic plate system, and/or the triggering of seismic events (earthquakes) to cause intentional physical, economic, and psycho-social, and physical destruction to an intended target geophysical or population location, as part of strategic or tactical war.” (Eco News)

“[Weather modification] offers the war fighter a wide range of possible options to defeat or coerce an adversary… Weather modification will become a part of domestic and international security and could be done unilaterally… It could have offensive and defensive applications and even be used for deterrence purposes. The ability to generate precipitation, fog and storms on earth or to modify space weather… and the production of artificial weather all are a part of an integrated set of [military] technologies.” (US Air Force document AF 2025 Final Report)

The Debate on Climate Change

The debate on Climate Change focuses on the impacts of greenhouse gas emissions and measures to reduce manmade CO2 emissions under the Kyoto Protocol.

The underlying consensus is that greenhouse gas emissions constitute the sole cause of climate instability. Neither the governments nor the environmental action groups, have raised the issue of “weather warfare” or “environmental modification techniques (ENMOD).” for military use. Despite a vast body of scientific knowledge, the issue of climatic manipulations for military use has been excluded from the UN agenda on climate change.

John von Neumann noted at the height of the Cold War (1955), with tremendous foresight that:

 “Intervention in atmospheric and climatic matters ….will unfold on a scale difficult to imagine at present… [T]his will merge each nation’s affairs with those of every other, more thoroughly than the threat of a nuclear or any other war would have done.” (Quoted in Spencer Weart, Environmental Warfare: Climate Modification Schemes, Global Research, December 5, 20090

In 1977, an international Convention was ratified by the UN General Assembly which banned “military or other hostile use of environmental modification techniques having widespread, long-lasting or severe effects.” (AP, 18 May 1977). Both the US and the Soviet Union were signatories to the Convention.

Guided by the interest of consolidating peace, … and of saving mankind from the danger of using new means of warfare, (…) Recognizing that military … use of such [environmental modification techniques] could have effects extremely harmful to human welfare, Desiring to prohibit effectively military … use of environmental modification techniques in order to eliminate the dangers to mankind. … and affirming their willingness to work towards the achievement of this objective, (…) Each State Party to this Convention undertakes not to engage in military … use of environmental modification techniques having widespread, long-lasting or severe effects as the means of destruction, damage or injury to any other State Party. (Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques, United Nations, Geneva, May 18, 1977. Entered into force: 5 October 1978, see full text of Convention in Annex)

The Convention defined “‘environmental modification techniques’ as referring to any technique for changing–through the deliberate manipulation of natural processes–the dynamics, composition or structure of the earth, including its biota, lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere or of outer space.” (Environmental Modification Ban Faithfully Observed, States Parties Declare, UN Chronicle, July, 1984, Vol. 21, p. 27)

The substance of the 1977 Convention was reasserted in very general terms in the Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) signed at the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro:

“States have… in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations and the principles of international law, the (…) responsibility to ensure that activities within their jurisdiction or control do not cause damage to the environment of other States or of areas beyond the limits of national jurisdiction.”  (UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, New York, 1992)

Following the 1992 Earth Summit, the issue of Climate Change for military use was never raised in subsequent climate change summits and venues under the auspices of the UNFCCC. The issue was erased, forgotten. It is not part of the debate on climate change.

In February 1998, however, the European Parliament’s Committee on Foreign Affairs, Security and Defense Policy held public hearings in Brussels on the U.S based weather warfare facility developed under the HAARP program.

The Committee’s “Motion for Resolution” submitted to the European Parliament:

“Considers HAARP.[The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program  based in Alaska].. by virtue of its far-reaching impact on the environment to be a global concern and calls for its legal, ecological and ethical implications to be examined by an international independent body…; [the Committee] regrets the repeated refusal of the United States Administration… to give evidence to the public hearing …into the environmental and public risks [of] the HAARP program.” (European Parliament, Committee on Foreign Affairs, Security and Defense Policy, Brussels, doc. no. A4-0005/99, 14 January 1999).

The Committee’s request to draw up a “Green Paper” on “the environmental impacts of military activities”, however, was casually dismissed on the grounds that the European Commission lacked the required jurisdiction to delve into “the links between environment and defense”. Brussels was anxious to avoid a showdown with Washington. (see European Report, 3 February 1999).

In 2007, The Daily Express reported –following the release and declassification of British government papers from the National Archives– that:

“The [declassified] documents reveal that both the US, which led the field, and the Soviet Union had secret military programmes with the goal of controlling the world’s climate. “By the year 2025 the United States will own the weather, ” one scientist is said to have boasted.

These claims are dismissed by sceptics as wild conspiracy theories and the stuff of James Bond movies but there is growing evidence that the boundaries between science fiction and fact are becoming increasingly blurred. The Americans now admit that they invested L12million over five years during the Vietnam war on “cloud seeding” – deliberately creating heavy rainfall to wash away enemy crops and destroy supply routes on the Ho Chi Minh trail, in an operation codenamed Project Popeye.

It is claimed that rainfall was increased by a third in targeted areas, making the weather-manipulation weapon a success. At the time, government officials said the region was prone to heavy rain. (Weather War?, Daily Express, July 16, 2007)

The possibility of climatic or environmental manipulations as part of a military agenda, while formally acknowledged by official government documents and the US military, has never been considered relevant to the Climate debate. Military analysts are mute on the subject. Meteorologists are not investigating the matter, and environmentalists are strung on global warming and the Kyoto protocol.

The HAARP Program

The High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) based in Gokona, Alaska, has been in existence since 1992. It is part of a new generation of sophisticated weaponry under the US Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI). Operated by the Air Force Research Laboratory’s Space Vehicles Directorate, HAARP constitutes a system of powerful antennas capable of creating “controlled local modifications of the ionosphere” [upper layer of the atmosphere]:

HAARP has been presented to public opinion as a program of scientific and academic research. US military documents seem to suggest, however, that HAARP’s main objective is to “exploit the ionosphere for Department of Defense purposes.” (See Michel Chossudovsky, The Ultimate Weapon of Mass Destruction: “Owning the Weather” for Military Use, Global Research, September 27, 2004

Without explicitly referring to the HAARP program, a US Air Force study points to the use of “induced ionospheric modifications” as a means of altering weather patterns as well as disrupting enemy communications and radar. (Ibid)

HAARP also has the ability of triggering blackouts and disrupting the electricity power system of entire regions:

“Rosalie Bertell, president of the International Institute of Concern for Public Health, says HAARP operates as ‘a gigantic heater that can cause major disruptions in the ionosphere, creating not just holes, but long incisions in the protective layer that keeps deadly radiation from bombarding the planet’.

Physicist Dr Bernard Eastlund called it ‘the largest ionospheric heater ever built’. HAARP is presented by the US Air Force as a research programme, but military documents confirm its main objective is to ‘induce ionospheric modifications’ with a view to altering weather patterns and disrupting communications and radar.

According to a report by the Russian State Duma: ‘The US plans to carry out large-scale experiments under the HAARP programme [and] create weapons capable of breaking radio communication lines and equipment installed on spaceships and rockets, provoke serious accidents in electricity networks and in oil and gas pipelines, and have a negative impact on the mental health of entire regions.’

Weather manipulation is the pre-emptive weapon par excellence. It can be directed against enemy countries or ‘friendly nations’ without their knowledge, used to destabilise economies, ecosystems and agriculture. It can also trigger havoc in financial and commodity markets. The disruption in agriculture creates a greater dependency on food aid and imported grain staples from the US and other Western countries.” (Michel Chossudovsky, Weather Warfare: Beware the US military’s experiments with climatic warfare, The Ecologist, December 2007)

An analysis of statements emanating from the US Air Force points to the unthinkable: the covert manipulation of weather patterns, communications systems and electric power as a weapon of global warfare, enabling the US to disrupt and dominate entire regions of the World. According to an official US Air force report

Weather-modification offers the war fighter a wide-range of possible options to defeat or coerce an adversary… In the United States, weather-modification will likely become a part of national security policy with both domestic and international applications. Our government will pursue such a policy, depending on its interests, at various levels.” (US Air Force, emphasis added. Air University of the US Air Force, AF 2025 Final Report, emphasis added)

The Manipulation of Climate for Military Use

The manipulation of climate for military use is potentially a greater threat to humanity than CO2 emissions.

Why has it been excluded from the debate under COP28, when the UN 1977 Convention states quite explicitly that “military or any other hostile use of such techniques could have effects extremely harmful to human welfare”? (Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques United Nations, Geneva, 1977)

Why the camouflage?

Why are environmental modification techniques (ENMOD) not being debated by the civil society and environmentalist organizations.


CBC 1996 News documentary: HAARP – US military weather weapon



Related articles

Spencer Weart, Environmental Warfare: Climate Modification Schemes, Global Research, December 5, 2009

Weather War?, Daily Express, July 16, 2007

Michel Chossudovsky, Weather Warfare: Beware the US military’s experiments with climatic warfare, The Ecologist, December 2007

Michel Chossudovsky, The Ultimate Weapon of Mass Destruction: “Owning the Weather” for Military Use, Global Research, September 27, 2004


Adopted by Resolution 31/72 of the United Nations General Assembly on 10 December 1976. The Convention was opened for signature at Geneva on 18 May 1977.

Convention on the Prohibition of Military

or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques


The States Parties to this Convention, Guided by the interest of consolidating peace, and wishing to contribute to the cause of halting the arms race, and of bringing about general and complete disarmament under strict and effective international control, and of saving mankind from the danger of using new means of warfare,

Determined to continue negotiations with a view to achieving effective progress towards further measures in the field of disarmament,

Recognizing that scientific and technical advances may open new possibilities with respect to modification of the environment,

Recalling the Declaration of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, adopted at Stockholm on 16 June 1972,

Realizing that the use of environmental modification techniques for peaceful purposes could improve the interrelationship of man and nature and contribute to the preservation and improvement of the environment for the benefit of present and future generations,

Recognizing, however, that military or any other hostile use of such techniques could have effects extremely harmful to human welfare,

Desiring to prohibit effectively military or any other hostile use of environmental modification techniques in order to eliminate the dangers to mankind from such use, and affirming their willingness to work towards the achievement of this objective,

Desiring also to contribute to the strengthening of trust among nations and to the further improvement of the international situation in accordance with the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations,

Have agreed as follows:

Article I 1. Each State Party to this Convention undertakes not to engage in military or any other hostile use of environmental modification techniques having widespread, long-lasting or severe effects as the means of destruction, damage or injury to any other State Party.

2. Each State Party to this Convention undertakes not to assist, encourage or induce any State, group of States or international organization to engage in activities contrary to the provisions of paragraph 1 of this article.

Article II As used in article 1, the term “environmental modification techniques” refers to any technique for changing – through the deliberate manipulation of natural processes – the dynamics, composition or structure of the Earth, including its biota, lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere, or of outer space.

Article III 1. The provisions of this Convention shall not hinder the use of environmental modification techniques for peaceful purposes and shall be without prejudice to the generally recognized principles and applicable rules of international law concerning such use.

2. The States Parties to this Convention undertake to facilitate, and have the right to participate in, the fullest possible exchange of scientific and technological information on the use of environmental modification techniques for peaceful purposes. States Parties in a position to do so shall contribute, alone or together with other States or international organizations, to international economic and scientific co-operation in the preservation, improvement and peaceful utilization of the environment, with due consideration for the needs of the developing areas of the world.

Article IV Each State Party to this Convention undertakes to take any measures it considers necessary in accordance with its constitutional processes to prohibit and prevent any activity in violation of the provisions of the Convention anywhere under its jurisdiction or control.

Article V 1. The States Parties to this Convention undertake to consult one another and to co-operate in solving any problems which may arise in relation to the objectives of, or in the application of the provisions of, the Convention. Consultation and co-operation pursuant to this article may also be undertaken through appropriate international procedures within the framework of the United Nations and in accordance with its Charter. These international procedures may include the services of appropriate international organizations, as well as of a Consultative Committee of Experts as provided for in paragraph 2 of this article.

2. For the purposes set forth in paragraph 1 of this article, the Depositary shall within one month of the receipt of a request from any State Party to this Convention, convene a Consultative Committee of Experts. Any State Party may appoint an expert to the Committee whose functions and rules of procedure are set out in the annex which constitutes an integral part of this Convention. The Committee shall transmit to the Depositary a summary of its findings of fact, incorporating all views and information presented to the Committee during its proceedings. The Depositary shall distribute the summary to all States Parties.

3. Any State Party to this Convention which has reason to believe that any other State Party is acting in breach of obligations deriving from the provisions of the Convention may lodge a complaint with the Security Council of the United Nations. Such a complaint should include all relevant information as well as all possible evidence supporting ItS validity.

4. Each State Party to this Convention undertakes to cooperate in carrying out any investigation which the Security Council may initiate, in accordance with the provisions of the Charter of the United Nations, on the basis of the complaint received by the Council. The Security Council shall inform the States Parties of the results of the investigation.

5. Each State Party to this Convention undertakes to provide or support assistance, in accordance with the provisions of the Charter of the United Nations, to any State Party which so requests, if the Security Council decides that such Party has been harmed or is likely to be harmed as a result of violation of the Convention.

Article VI 1. Any State Party to this Convention may propose amendments to the Convention. The text of any proposed amendment shall be submitted to the Depositary, who shall promptly circulate it to all States Parties.

2. An amendment shall enter into force for all States Parties to this Convention which have accepted it, upon the deposit with the Depositary of instruments of acceptance by a majority of States Parties. Thereafter it shall enter into force for any remaining State Party on the date of deposit of its instrument of acceptance.

Article VII This Convention shall be of unlimited duration.

Article VIII 1. Five years after the entry into force of this Convention, a conference of the States Parties to the Convention shall be convened by the Depositary at Geneva, Switzerland. The conference shall review the operation of the Convention with a view to ensuring that its purposes and provisions are being realized, and shall in particular examine the effectiveness of the provisions of paragraph 1 of article I in eliminating the dangers of military or any other hostile use of environmental modification techniques.

2. At intervals of not less than five years thereafter, a majority of the States Parties to this Convention may obtain, by submitting a proposal to this effect to the Depositary, the convening of a conference with the same objectives.

3. If no conference has been convened pursuant to paragraph 2 of this article within ten years following the conclusion of a previous conference, the Depositary shall solicit the views of all States Parties to this Convention concerning the convening of such a conference. If one third or ten of the States Parties, whichever number is less, respond affirmatively, the Depositary shall take immediate steps to convene the conference.

Article IX 1. This Convention shall be open to all States for signature. Any State which does not sign the Convention before its entry into force in accordance with paragraph 3 of this article may accede to it at any time.

2. This Convention shall be subject to ratification by signatory States. Instruments of ratification or accession shall be deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

3. This Convention shall enter into force upon the deposit of instruments of ratification by twenty Governments in accordance with paragraph 2 of this article.

4. For those States whose instruments of ratification or accession are deposited after the entry into force of this Convention, it shall enter into force on the date of the deposit of their instruments of ratification or accession.

5. The Depositary shall promptly inform all signatory and acceding States of the date of each signature, the date of deposit of each instrument of ratification or accession and the date of the entry into force of this Convention and of any amendments thereto, as well as of the receipt of other notices.

6. This Convention shall be registered by the Depositary in accordance with Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations.

Article X This Convention, of which the Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish texts are equally authentic, shall be deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations, who shall send duly certified copies thereof to the Governments of the signatory and acceding States.

In witness whereof, the undersigned, being duly authorized thereto, have signed this Convention

Done at Geneva, on the 18 day of May 1977.

Annex to the Convention

Consultative Committee of Experts 1. The Consultative Committee of Experts shall undertake to make appropriate findings of fact and provide expert views relevant to any problem raised pursuant to paragraph 1 of article V of this Convention by the State Party requesting the convening of the Committee.

2. The work of the Consultative Committee of Experts shall be organized in such a way as to permit it to perform the functions set forth in paragraph 1 of this annex. The Committee shall decide procedural questions relative to the organization of its work, where possible by consensus, but otherwise by a majority of those present and voting. There shall be no voting on matters of substance.

3. The Depositary or his representative shall serve as the Chairman of the Committee.

4. Each expert may be assisted at meetings by one or more advisers.

5. Each expert shall have the right, through the Chairman, to request from States, and from international organizations, such information and assistance as the expert considers desirable for the accomplishment of the Committee’s work.

Argentina – La plaza del apocalipsis

December 12th, 2023 by Daniel Campione

The Climate Scam Revealed by COP28

December 12th, 2023 by Peter Koenig

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As COP28 draws to an end, it may be the moment to uncover the enormous scam these COPs are, have been and will be – if the fraud is maintained into the uncertain future.

For those who do not know by now, COP stands for Conference of the Parties; 28 means it is the 28th Conference of the Parties, referring to the United Nations Climate Change Conferences, held every year in the context of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

The present COP28 is hosted by the United Arab Emirates (UAE). It is taking place in Dubai from 30 November to 12 December 2023.

The COPs started with the (in)famous Earth Summit in 1992 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. That is when the multi-trillion-dollar scam began. Actually, the precursor of this fraud is the Club of Rome’s report “Limits to Growth” which remains the blueprint for much of UN Agenda 2030 and the Great Reset.

COPs are a worldwide swindle stretching over all 193 UN member countries, in a similar way as did the COVID con that began at midnight on 31 December 2019 – and marked the beginning of UN Agenda 2030, alias the WEF’s Great Reset.

In case you do not know, the World Economic Forum (WEF), a mere NGO registered in a lush suburb in Geneva, Switzerland, and the world body called the United Nations, have entered into an agreement in 2019, under which their agendas are paired and are supposed to be implemented hand-in-hand.

The UN Agenda 2030 and the WEF’s Great Reset are 2 in 1, a set of monstrous plans to massively reduce the world population, robotize and digitize the survivors for total control and use the multi-faceted man-made geoengineering technology to induce “climate change”. 

This brings us back to the topic at hand – a scam of unheard proportions, keeping still to this day some 90-plus percent of the world population spell-bound and indoctrinated by a monumental lie cast upon humanity for total control and enslavement by a small, utterly sick, insanely wealthy, and powerful “Big Money” elite.

The President of COP28 is UAE’s Sultan Al Jaber, also CEO of the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC), which is fully state-owned by UAE. It is the world’s 12th largest oil company by production. In 2021, the company had an oil production capacity exceeding 4 million bpd (barrels per day) with plans to increase to 5 million bpd by 2030.


The entrance to COP28 with the flags of all nations (Licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0)

COP28 UAE is taking place from 30 November to 12 December 2023 at Expo City, Dubai in the United Arab Emirates.

In addition, Sultan Al Jaber is also a member of the Abu Dhabi Supreme Council for Financial and Economic Affairs. He is chairman of the Emirates Development Bank and of the board of trustees of the Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence.

ADNOC prides itself for taking transformative steps to make today’s energy cleaner while investing in “clean energies of tomorrow.”

As a byline for the climate consciousness that precedes such events as COP28, a few weeks before the start of COP28, ADNOC announced the award of contracts for a huge natural gas production project. The company will invest in the Hail and Ghasha offshore gas fields off the coast of the Emirates. The two contracts are worth a total of $16.9 billion.

A joint venture between the Abu Dhabi National Petroleum Construction Company (NPCC) and two Italian companies are responsible for the infrastructure on the mainland. So much for Europe’s official climate fanatism.

The plan is to produce almost 42.5 million cubic meters of gas by 2030. The project is the first in the world that aims to be “climate neutral”, according to ADNOC.

Question – what is “climate neutral” by producing more than 40 million cubic meters of gas? Climate neutrality is a mere slogan that has been injected under the skin of the common people, so they must not think anymore. The thinking has been done for them. “Climate Neutral” equals all is good.

Let’s face it, Sultan Al Jabar is not leading COP28 to phase out the use of hydrocarbon energy, as the climate freaks may dream. Of course not.

So, let us give all climate fanatics – including those who glue themselves on the highways and on airport runways in Europe and in the US of A in protest against fossil fuel-driven cars and planes – a picture of what reality has in store for them.

Imagine, COP28, pretty much like COP27, held in Sharm El Sheikh Egypt in November 2022, is attended by some 70,000 people, or “participants”. Thousands are from NGOs and businesses who are using the event for networking. About 2,000 of them – maybe more – are lobbyists for oil companies or governments, or corporations, depending on fossil fuels for their economies, production and for their future.

They are not lobbying for phasing out the world’s most important source of energy. About 85% of all energy used in the world stems from hydrocarbons.

These lobbyists are in Dubai at the COP28 to make oil and gas deals for profit.

Image: COP 28 President Dr. Sultan Al Jaber: Inaugural Plenary Address (Source)

COP28 President Dr. Sultan Al Jaber: Inaugural Plenary Address

This year more than ever. And Sultan Al Jabar will connect them to ADNOC dealmakers, as well as commercial managers of other large petrol and gas companies present at the COP28 – and previously at COP27, and previously at… well, you get the picture.

Imagine, Since the Earth summit in 1992 in Rio, every year the same – just bigger – circus – while fossil fuel consumption rises.

Now as then, of the world’s total energy consumption, about 85% stems from fossil fuels. There has been no change in hydrocarbon energy use in 30 years of pledging “good doing” and temperature and CO2 emissions reduction – and what-not nonsense.

The number of lobbyists and the business deals grow — and the world’s public at large keeps slumbering away, and the number of COP participants grows every year.

What level of CO2 emission would a 2-week summit attended by 70,000 people, many of them big shots and big spenders, generate? Probably thousands of tons – or more – of CO2.

Just think of the air traffic for the participants, back and forth, many of the VIPs come in their private jets – not unlike the bigwigs going to the annual WEF meetings in Davos.

Plus, the food and drink – production, transport, consumption, the air-conditioned comforts of the attendees’ hotel rooms – and much more. You got it.

Or, has anybody dared to calculate the CO2 emissions of the currently active, lingering, and endless wars and conflicts around the globe? Driven, of course, by the dark forces behind the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), call it the hardly visible Financial-Military-IT-Media-Pharma (FMIMP) Complex?

Talking about CO2 and other “greenhouse gases” emissions emanating from wars is a strictly forbidden topic for the COPs. Otherwise, you might endanger the huge profit concept of the FMIMP Complex.

After all, they call the shots and pull the strings on the indoctrination and dumbing down of the people so they believe in climate change – which is so severe, it is said, that it affects life on earth within the span of a human life of about 80 years.

To be sure, climate changes all the time. But by far the main driver of real climate change is the sun. Solar movements account for about 97% of Mother Earth’s climate. That was the case since the earth exists.

Major climate changes may occur within 20,000 to 30,000 years with shorter cycles in between, but always at a pace, so that life on earth can adapt. That has been the history until now, and real science tells us, this history continues its course for the foreseeable billions of years left for Mother Earth.

Take this – nobody pays the slightest attention to the CO2 and other “greenhouse gas” generating events like these GOPs and the Western-driven endless wars. But the Dutch government plans to force close up to 3,000 farms, one-third of Dutch farmland to become idle, because – literally – of farting cows and other agricultural prone methane emissions, purportedly affecting our climate.

Tiny Holland, barely 42,000 km2 and about 18 million people, is the second largest agricultural goods exporter in the world, just after the United States. Might there be another Bill Gates agenda – misery and death by starvation – behind this ludicrous endeavor?

Also worth mentioning may be this little innocent zoom anecdote just a few days ago, between Mary Robinson, former Irish President, and Sultan Al Jaber, the head of COP28.

Ms. Robinson tells the Sultan,

“We are in an absolute crisis that affects particularly women and children… as we have not yet committed to phasing out fossil fuels…. You, as the President of COP28, could now say with much credibility as you are the CEO of ADNOC …. “We must phase out fossil fuels and convert world economies into affordable, renewable, and clean energies. It will not happen overnight, but it is urgent. That’s what I would like to hear, your word “urgent”.”

Sultan Al Jaber, with much patience, responds –

“There is no science behind what you are asking me to do, which is phase out fossil fuels, oil, gas, coal… you are lying about it and you want me to lie about it on your behalf.”

The ADNOC Chairman adds, that phasing out of coal, oil and gas would take the world ‘back into caves’. See video below.

COP28 will end like all the previous COPs – no firm conclusions.

The “agreements” of the Paris COP21 are still unfulfilled; they are talked about, but remain unfulfilled.

Countries’ governments will continue thinking about the Paris agreements, and consider solutions, and present and debate them at the next COP, and the next…



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Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.

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“Individuals are the primary concern and addressees of human rights norms and principles.

Accordingly, all human rights instruments seek the best possible protection for the human person. This theory, which underpins the entire human rights system, is called the pro homine principle”


The argumentum ad hominem is widely understood to be a means or tactic designed to divert attention away from the facts of a matter onto the person. It seeks to discredit a proposition or presentation of evidence by attacking its proponent, the character of traits of the person himself or herself.

Let’s use a hypothetical debate between two scientists about the safety of the covid jabs as an example. 

Scientist number 1 offers evidence of an increased incidence of myocarditis, stroke, renal problems and miscarriages and heart attacks as a result of the Pfizer inoculation in New Zealand, and correlates the development of these conditions with the rollout of the jab.

If Scientist number 2 ignores the data and instead argues that his opponent is a delusional conspiracy theorist who also happens to have been convicted for drunk driving whose data therefore cannot be valid, he would be engaging in an ad hominem attack. Should the pursuit of truth be paramount he would never employ such a tactic, since drunk driving or delusions have nothing to do with the facts presented which themselves should be able to be confirmed or disconfirmed.

There is another side to this coin, however, which as far as I know has not been identified by logicians, debaters and philosophers with the same clarity or precision but which is in fact equally fallacious and destructive to the pursuit of truth: the argumentum pro homine.

Let’s say that Debater number 1 is generally esteemed as a solid, honest and decent person who is arguing that the sea level in Wellington is rising at an alarming rate so that the city will be engulfed within ten years. 

Debater number 2, who is a convicted arsonist, armed with numbers and charts and graphs, counters his argument.

The adjudicating panel sides with the upstanding citizen purely on the basis of his personal reputation and refuses to assess the material provided by his opponent. The inference is that whatever Debater number 1 says must be true simply because he’s a good guy or she’s a good gal, so to speak. This position is just as ludicrous and harmful as an ad hominem attack.

These are of course rather extreme examples used for purposes of demonstration. Life, being the messy conundrum that it is, doesn’t often present clear-cut situations, situations in which evidence may be easily assessed, so that we find ourselves dealing with ambiguities. Nonetheless, a reliance upon the perceived character of the person is not a sufficient indicator of the truth of a proposition. So often I hear that so-and-so is ‘good’ or ‘genuine’, which is a prelude to an admonishment that whatever he or she says must be correct — and so often I hear the opposite, despite the fact that the Devil, as we all know, can quote Scripture quite flawlessly. And as for who is saintly or ‘genuine’ or whatever, remember King Duncan’s admonition in Macbeth: ‘there’s no art to find the mind’s construction in the face’. In other words, only by our fruits shall we be known.

Just yesterday I promised to show a friend a few tips about violin technique and she, being a friend, responded with animation, saying “Oh, I know they will be excellent!”

I disagreed: she knew no such thing because I hadn’t yet demonstrated anything and I told her that she should reserve her judgment until I did! Sure, she trusted me and was well disposed out of friendliness, but she could only know whether my violin method would be helpful after she tried it out. Her premature pro homine conclusion had no basis and required a very real test before she could say anything with certainty.

This is not a matter of picking nits, but one of great importance: truth is truth, regardless of who propounds it, and falsity is falsity. In our topsy-turvy ever-changing wartime landscape a great deal rides on emotional response, on prejudice, on bias, on the wish to have one’s wishes come to fruition. I understand that well enough, but we must always be on our guard against allowing our reason to be thus overridden.

I recently chanced upon a nice neat edition of an old novel I had read many decades ago — Joseph Conrad’s Typhoon. I’d remembered nothing about it except that a ship was caught in a tremendous storm at sea and somehow managed to survive. In fact, that’s pretty much the plot of the short novel, but one doesn’t read Conrad for plot — or, at least, I don’t. It’s the perspicacity and thrill and wonder of his extraordinary prose, wherein virtually every sentence becomes an adventure of discovery, as in the following example:

The far-off blackness ahead of the ship was like another night seen through the starry night of the earth — the starless night of the immensities beyond the created universe, revealed in its appalling stillness through a low fissure in the glittering sphere of which the earth is the kernel.

I mean — well, how can one not but gape at the splendors of such writing!

Anyway, the novel did have a bit more a plot line than my faulty memory had dredged up. Yes, a ship passed through a devastating storm, but during its passage its rather dull and unimaginative Captain insisted on having his crew restore order among a cargo of Chinamen who, when their goods and monies had been scattered in their hold, had begun to riot.

If there is a ‘message’ in the wondrous work of Conrad’s imagination, it is about retaining one’s cool in the midst of the most dreadful of calamities, and of doing the right thing. In short, a message especially relevant for us in the here and now of our strange and cataclysmic world, where it is ever more essential for us to focus on the facts at hand, savory or unsavory as they may be.

Not every jab is a lethal bullet, nor is every natural supplement a panacea, no matter who says they are.

While navigating this long and deadly war, it is well to keep in mind the many emotional forces, within and without, that threaten to sway us from the steady course of fact.

There is yet one more facet of my thesis, that extends in another dimension. What if a nation has achieved a phenomenal triumph which is hailed universally as unique, beneficent and inspiring? Would that nation’s depredations be forgiven? Would this magnificent accomplishment and the enduring halo of its glow serve to run cover for its less palatable activities?

Hint: have the Apollo moon missions given my United States of America an undeserved free pass as they wrought havoc in Vietnam and so many wars since then?


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Dr. Garcia is a Philadelphia-born psychoanalyst and psychiatrist who emigrated to New Zealand in 2006. He has authored articles ranging from explorations of psychoanalytic technique, the psychology of creativity in music (Mahler, Rachmaninoff, Scriabin, Delius), and politics. He is also a poet, novelist and theatrical director. He retired from psychiatric practice in 2021 after working in the public sector in New Zealand. Visit his substack at where this article was first published.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Children’s Health Defense

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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The IDF Operations Directorate’s Influencing Department, which is responsible for psychological warfare operations against the enemy and foreign audiences, operates a Telegram channel called 72 Virgins – Uncensored, which targets Israeli audiences and shows the bodies of Hamas terrorists with the promise of “shattering the terrorists’ fantasy.” 

The channel, which boasts of “exclusive content from the Gaza Strip” and has published over 700 posts, images and videos of terrorists being killed and of destruction in the Strip, encourages its 5,300 followers to share the content so that “everyone can see that we’re screwing them.”

The Israel Defense Forces denies that it operates the channel, but a senior military official confirmed to Haaretz that the army is responsible for operating it.

“There is no reason for the IDF to conduct influence campaigns on Israeli citizens of Israel,” said the official, who requested anonymity. “The messages there are problematic. It doesn’t look like an awareness campaign of an army like the IDF, but more like talking points for [far-right rapper] The Shadow, and the fact that soldiers operate such a problematic page is egregious,” he said.

Images from the '72 Virgins - Uncensored' Telegram group.

Images from the ’72 Virgins – Uncensored’ Telegram group.

The channel was created October 9, two days after the war began, as The Avengers. The next day the name was changed to Azazel, echoing the Hebrew pronunciation of “Gaza” and a word for hell, and then 72 Virgins – Uncensored. An October 11 post read:

“Burning their mother … You won’t believe the video we got! You can hear the crunch of their bones. We’ll upload it right away, get ready.”

Images of Palestinian captives and the bodies of terrorists were captioned “Exterminating the roaches … exterminating the Hamas rats. … Share this beauty.” The following text accompanies a video of an Israeli soldier allegedly dipping machine gun bullets in pork fat:

“What a man!!!!! Lubricates bullets with lard. You won’t get your virgins.”


“Garbage juice!!!! Another dead terrorist!! You have to watch it with the sound, you’ll die laughing.”

Each night, the channel posts a daily summary that includes several IDF updates on the activity in Gaza, with promises of exclusive images and videos.

“As always, we’re the first to bring you the information from the field,” it says. “We have crazy recordings of terrorists, how can we put it, swimming with the fishes. We have documentation no one else has. We promise much more!!!”

On October 14, alongside the caption, “Exclusive video of a good night, don’t forget to share and repost,” was a video of an Israeli vehicle repeatedly driving over the body of a terrorist.

“Very good, Gershon!!! Run him over run him over!!!! Screw the bastards! Flatten them,” the accompanying post said.

Images from the '72 Virgins - Uncensored' Telegram group.

Images from the ’72 Virgins – Uncensored’ Telegram group.

The channel administrators didn’t stop at images from Gaza. On October 11, hundreds of Israelis, including members of the Beitar Jerusalem soccer team’s violently racist fan club La Familia, rioted at the Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer, near Tel Aviv, following a rumor that Hamas terrorists who had invaded Israel were being treated there. People roamed the hospital, cursing out and spitting on medical professionals. Within an hour, a video of the riot was uploaded to 72 Virgins with the title,

“My brothers, the heroesssss, La Familia fans, love you!!!!!!! What heroes, came to screw the Arabs.”

This isn’t the first time that an IDF psychological warfare operation targeting an Israeli audience has been exposed. Haaretz revealed this year that during the 2021 war in the Gaza Strip, the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit conducted a deceptive campaign against Israeli citizens aimed at boosting awareness of the IDF’s attacks and their “cost” to the Palestinians. The army posted to fake social media accounts images of the widespread destruction in the Strip and called on followers to share “so they know we are retaliating big time.” Officials in the spokesperson’s unit admitted, after the operation was exposed, that they had “erred.”

The Telegram channel also urges followers to share its content. Next to an image of what are alleged to be captured terrorists is the exhortation,

“Don’t forget that all the content here is exclusive first for you!!!!!! Share it so everyone will see what crybabies they are.”

Over two years ago, Haaretz reported that the IDF hired the operator of a Telegram channel called Abu Ali Express as a consultant on the “war for public opinion on social media. The channel published exclusive reports, videos and pictures with its logo to its 100,000 followers, without proper disclosure of the cooperation with the IDF. More than once, the IDF spokesman referred journalists to Abu Ali Express for news on the fighting, while telling them that the information “did not come from the military.” Under the cloak of anonymity, Abu Ali Express discredited journalists who criticized IDF policy and then-Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman. In 2022, the IDF announced it had terminated the consultant’s contract. This week, 72 Virgins shared a post from Abu Ali Express, which was given a prominent credit.

Images from the '72 Virgins - Uncensored' Telegram group.

Images from the ’72 Virgins – Uncensored’ Telegram group.

For years, the IDF has used psychological warfare against Israel’s enemies in an effort to undercut their narratives, influence the population (including in the Gaza Strip, Iran and Lebanon) and tout its successes. These campaigns are conducted in secret, using fake accounts, without leaving evidence of IDF involvement. However, the IDF is barred by law from using these capabilities against Israelis.

In a statement, the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit said 72 Virgins is not operated on the IDF’s behalf.

“If there was any connection by soldiers or other parties connected to the IDF with the page or its operation, this was done without approval and without authority.”

However, as mentioned, a senior military official confirmed that the channel was systematically operated by IDF personnel.


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“He says, ‘You’re not going to be a dictator, are you?’ I said: ‘No, no, no, other than day one. We’re closing the border, and we’re drilling, drilling, drilling. After that, I’m not a dictator.’”—Donald Trump to Sean Hannity on being asked if he would abuse power after being re-elected

Once a dictator, always a dictator.

Power-hungry, lawless and steadfast in its pursuit of authoritarian powers, the government does not voluntarily relinquish those powers once it acquires, uses and inevitably abuses them.

Likewise, any presidential candidate who promises to be a dictator on day one, if elected, will be a dictator-in-chief for life.

Then again, the president is already a dictator with permanent powers: imperial, unaccountable and unconstitutional thanks to a relatively obscure directive (National Security Presidential Directive 51 and Homeland Security Presidential Directive 20), part of the country’s Continuity of Government (COG) plan, which gives unchecked executive, legislative and judicial power to the president in the event of a “national emergency.”

That national emergency can take any form, can be manipulated for any purpose and can be used to justify any end goal—all on the say so of the president.

It doesn’t even matter what the nature of the crisis might be—civil unrest, the national emergencies, “unforeseen economic collapse, loss of functioning political and legal order, purposeful domestic resistance or insurgency, pervasive public health emergencies, and catastrophic natural and human disasters”—as long as it allows the government to justify all manner of government tyranny in the name of so-called national security.

The country would then be subjected to martial law by default, and the Constitution and the Bill of Rights would be suspended.

For all intents and purposes, the Constitution has long been suspended, and we’ve been operating in a state of martial law for some time now.

The emergency powers that we know about which presidents might claim during such states of emergency are vast, ranging from imposing martial law and suspending habeas corpus to shutting down all forms of communications, including implementing an internet kill switch, and restricting travel.

Yet according to documents obtained by the Brennan Center, there may be many more secret powers that presidents may institute in times of so-called crisis without oversight from Congress, the courts, or the public.

Deploying the same strategy it used with 9/11 to acquire greater powers under the USA Patriot Act, the police state—a.k.a. the shadow government, a.k.a. the Deep State—has been planning and preparing for such crises for years now, quietly assembling a wish list of presidential lockdown powers that could be trotted out and approved at a moment’s notice.

Indeed, President Trump’s administration even asked Congress to allow it to suspend parts of the Constitution whenever it deems it necessary during the COVID-19 crisis and “other” emergencies. The Department of Justice (DOJ) went so far as to quietly trot out and test a long laundry list of terrifying powers that override the Constitution.

We’re talking about lockdown powers (at both the federal and state level): the ability to suspend the Constitution, indefinitely detain American citizens, bypass the courts, quarantine whole communities or segments of the population, override the First Amendment by outlawing religious gatherings and assemblies of more than a few people, shut down entire industries and manipulate the economy, muzzle dissidents, “stop and seize any plane, train or automobile to stymie the spread of contagious disease,” reshape financial markets, create a digital currency (and thus further restrict the use of cash), determine who should live or die.

Bear in mind that the powers the government officially asked Congress to recognize and authorize barely scratch the surface of the far-reaching powers the government has already unilaterally claimed for itself.

Unofficially, the police state with the president at its helm has been riding roughshod over the rule of law for years now without any pretense of being reined in or restricted in its power grabs by Congress, the courts or the citizenry.

Although the Constitution invests the President with very specific, limited powers, in recent years, American presidents have claimed the power to completely and almost unilaterally alter the landscape of this country for good or for ill.

The powers amassed by each successive president through the negligence of Congress and the courts—powers which add up to a toolbox of terror for an imperial ruler—empower whoever occupies the Oval Office to act as a dictator, above the law and beyond any real accountability.

As law professor William P. Marshall explains, “every extraordinary use of power by one President expands the availability of executive branch power for use by future Presidents.”

Moreover, it doesn’t even matter whether other presidents have chosen not to take advantage of any particular power, because “it is a President’s action in using power, rather than forsaking its use, that has the precedential significance.”

In other words, each successive president continues to add to his office’s list of extraordinary orders and directives, expanding the reach and power of the presidency and granting him- or herself near dictatorial powers.

All of the imperial powers amassed by past presidents—to kill American citizens without due process, to detain suspects indefinitely, to strip Americans of their citizenship rights, to carry out mass surveillance on Americans without probable cause, to suspend laws during wartime, to disregard laws with which he might disagree, to conduct secret wars and convene secret courts, to sanction torture, to sidestep the legislatures and courts with executive orders and signing statements, to direct the military to operate beyond the reach of the law, to operate a shadow government, and to act as a dictator and a tyrant, above the law and beyond any real accountability—were passed from Clinton to Bush to Obama to Trump to Biden and will be passed along to the next president.

These presidential powers—acquired through the use of executive orders, decrees, memorandums, proclamations, national security directives and legislative signing statements and which can be activated by any sitting president—enable past, president and future presidents to operate above the law and beyond the reach of the Constitution.

These are the powers that continue to be passed along to each successive heir to the Oval Office, the Constitution be damned.

The war on disinformation, the war on electoral corruption, the war on COVID-19, the war on terror, the war on drugs, the war on illegal immigration: all of these countermeasures have become weapons of compliance and control in the police state’s hands.

This is what you might call a stealthy, creeping, silent, slow-motion coup d’état.

We’ve been losing our freedoms so incrementally for so long—sold to us in the name of national security and global peace, maintained by way of martial law disguised as law and order, and enforced by a standing army of militarized police and a political elite determined to maintain their powers at all costs—that it’s hard to pinpoint exactly when it all started going downhill, but “we the people” are paying the price for it now.

We are paying the price every day that we allow the government to continue to wage its war on the American People, a war that is being fought on many fronts: with bullets and tasers, with surveillance cameras and license readers, with intimidation and propaganda, with court rulings and legislation, with the collusion of every bureaucrat who dances to the tune of corporate handouts while on the government’s payroll, and most effectively of all, with the complicity of the American people, who continue to allow themselves to be easily manipulated by their politics, distracted by their pastimes, and acclimated to a world in which government corruption is the norm.

If we continue down this road, there can be no surprise about what awaits us at the end.

After all, it is a tale that has been told time and again throughout history about how easy it is for freedom to fall and tyranny to rise.

What we desperately need is a concerted, collective commitment to the Constitution’s principles of limited government, a system of checks and balances, and a recognition that they—the president, Congress, the courts, the military, the police, the technocrats and plutocrats and bureaucrats—answer to and are accountable to “we the people.”

Start locally—in your own communities, in your schools, at your city council meetings, in newspaper editorials, at protests—by pushing back against laws that are unjust, police departments that overreach, politicians that don’t listen to their constituents, and a system of government that grows more tyrannical by the day.

We must recalibrate the balance of power.

Congress must also put an end to the use of presidential executive orders, decrees, memorandums, proclamations, national security directives and legislative signing statements as a means of getting around Congress and the courts.

As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely—no matter which party holds office.

The process of unseating a dictator and limiting the powers of the presidency is far from simple but at a minimum, it must start with “we the people.”

Make the government play by the rules of the Constitution.


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This article was originally published on The Rutherford Institute.

Constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead is founder and president of The Rutherford Institute. His most recent books are the best-selling Battlefield America: The War on the American People, the award-winning A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State, and a debut dystopian fiction novel, The Erik Blair Diaries. Whitehead can be contacted at [email protected].

Nisha Whitehead is the Executive Director of The Rutherford Institute. Information about The Rutherford Institute is available at

They are regular contributors to Global Research.

What Happens When Kiev Regime Runs Out of American Money?

December 12th, 2023 by Drago Bosnic

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One of the gravest mistakes the Kiev regime ever made was to involve itself in American politics.

It could be argued that this was inevitable because the United States effectively created the Neo-Nazi junta, but still, its leadership could’ve certainly expected what focusing only on one part of the American establishment would do to their future. However, the Kiev regime’s absolute lack of sovereignty is such they couldn’t even make that decision and the consequences are coming back to bite them.

Namely, the fact that the Democrats, aided by the increasingly unpopular neocon Republicans, were the power behind the Maidan coup, is what will be the undoing of the Neo-Nazi junta. Of course, apart from the fact that they thought it was a good idea to fight the military superpower next door.

By going with the Democrats and even aiding their efforts to grab power in Washington DC, the Kiev regime did so thinking it was fighting for its own interests. However, this was only a very short-term solution and it was quite obvious it wouldn’t last. As the Biden administration kept sweeping rapidly growing domestic issues under the rug, while sending hundreds of billions of US taxpayer’s money to the Neo-Nazi junta, it was only a matter of time before the American people themselves would punish that with a landslide victory for the GOP during the midterms. The DNC knew this and it feared the midterms just like it’s terrified of the presidential election in 2024. However, there’s no going back now, or in 11 months, or ever, for that matter. And the Kiev regime might be the first “casualty”.

The Democrats are perfectly aware of this, but they can’t have a “change of heart” now. Their supporters have been brainwashed into thinking climate change and Ukraine are the world’s greatest problems, while the vast majority of Republican voters and an increasing number of neutral ones are simply enraged by the hellscape the DNC leaves wherever it’s in power.

The fact that the Democrats and the Neo-Nazi junta established this symbiotic relationship where US taxpayer’s money is sent to the latter only for it to them circle back to the former’s coffers is what’s driving people away from and against the DNC. By losing power in Congress, the Democrats lost the ability to secure “aid” for the Kiev regime (and by extension, for themselves). Worse yet, they gave Republicans the incentive to stop it.

Namely, the GOP has both financial and political reasons to leave the Neo-Nazi junta hanging, as this also stifles the DNC’s finances, and their ability to campaign. And while the so-called “Big Tech” and the mainstream propaganda machine are deeply intertwined with the Democrats and neocons (in other words, the Deep State), their chances for a win have plummeted and the only thing they’re left with at this point is election fraud. However, the time is running out, fast. The Kiev regime’s situation is only exacerbating the issue. The fact that it will be left without US money and that this will accelerate its downfall in the face of Russia’s counteroffensive will result in a downward death spiral that will finally destroy the DNC’s already grim prospects. Precisely this is why Moscow is in no hurry.

It’s important to note that the American money is what’s keeping the Neo-Nazi junta’s institutions functional, not only in terms of military power but all-round. Salaries of its corrupt officials, starting from Zelensky himself all the way to a mailman, are paid precisely by Washington DC. Due to the limited scope of the special military operation (SMO), most of Ukraine is completely intact and life goes on relatively normally. However, with US funding running dry, this will be unsustainable, very likely with graver consequences than the SMO itself. For instance, various interest groups within the Kiev regime will start competing for the dwindling funds, including the military and the Neo-Nazi battalions, which are already in competition with each other, causing the already low morale to plummet.

In turn, this will exacerbate the situation on the frontlines, particularly as the Kiev regime’s much-touted counteroffensive failed, with much (if not most) of its fighting capabilities either destroyed or damaged beyond repair. On the other hand, the Russian military is slowly moving from active defense and defense-in-depth to incremental offensive operations. The Kremlin will certainly not make the mistake of throwing tens of thousands of soldiers into the fire and “hope for the best” as the Neo-Nazi junta did. The high command in Moscow doesn’t have any illusions that the fight is easy. On the contrary, the Russians take these advances very seriously and are perfectly aware of the fact that NATO invested tens of billions and nearly a decade to fortify western parts of Donbass.

However, the Kiev regime’s ability to launch offensive operations is effectively gone. In any sort of conflict, focusing on defense only is simply unsustainable. The Russian military, despite all the reverie about it running out of fuel, shells, missiles, drones and other munitions, is actually getting stronger by the day. It hasn’t only increased its manpower, but it’s also adapting fast and using ever newer and more advanced technologies. This ensures its superiority, both strategic and tactical, limiting not only the Neo-Nazi junta’s room for maneuver, but also that of NATO itself. According to the belligerent alliance’s Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, the Kiev regime’s prospects are rather grim. He’s insisting on the need to continue financing the Neo-Nazi junta, but NATO is completely powerless without the US.

The world’s most aggressive military alliance needs to take the peculiarities of the American political system into account.

Without Washington DC, NATO will be unable to continue financing the Kiev regime, as it’s effectively composed of little more than the European Union. The process of de facto unifying EU and NATO is well underway, but this will only exacerbate the troubled bloc’s already dwindling economic power. The cumulative effect of these developments will further diminish the Neo-Nazi junta’s chances for survival. The official narrative of what a “victory over Russia” constitutes will change, going from “liberating Donbass and Crimea” to actually not losing any more regions. However, the disastrous effect that this will have on the overall morale will only accelerate the possibility of a complete defeat.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Drago Bosnic is an independent geopolitical and military analyst. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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The Biden Administration’s stupidity mandating that those in the military submit to this worthless experiment MRNA vaccine or be dishonorably discharged has resulted in not just a shortage of pilots.

Still, there has been a dramatic increase in heart problems among those who surrendered their human rights and took the vaccine. Heart problems have skyrocketed, and to add to this insanity, now this braindead government is offering up to $600,000 in bonuses to keep pilots.

You can’t make up this stuff. 

My own lawyer, who took the shot so he could travel, ended up with the blood clots and now cannot fly.

Pfizer should be shut down, and the head should be in prison for treason and manslaughter, but our wonderful “representatives” only represent themselves and will NEVER admit they passed such decrees on the order of Schwab’s WEF.

They have indeed fulfilled our model and its forecast for the collapse of “representative” forms of governments post-2032.



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Featured image: Pfc. Shaniah Edwards, Medical Detachment, prepares to administer the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine to soldiers and airmen at the Joint Force Headquarters, February 12, 2021. (U.S. Army National Guard photo by Sgt. Leona C. Hendrickson – Source.)

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

Cranking Up the Ukraine Phony History Mill

December 12th, 2023 by Stephen Karganovic

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What took the British so long? We learned from the Guardian recently that British “partners” have embarked on a long-overdue project to fabricate a history for Ukraine, “to wrest Ukraine’s past from the shadow of Russian and Soviet narratives.”

Projection is evident right from the start. A narrative, the definition of which is a self-serving false account, is being concocted in London to counter not another equally false narrative but to undermine the historically attested perception shared by inhabitants of both contemporary Russia and Ukraine that they are, indeed, “one people.” That is exactly what was pointed out in you know who’s famous essay ”On the Historical Unity of Russians and Ukrainians,“ published in the summer of 2021. Ever since, those essentially commonplace historical assertions, acknowledged for at least the last millennium as axiomatic by all the locals from Kiev to Moscow, have disconcerted quite a few nation-builders in the collective West.

And that precisely is the reason for the Ukraine history project which lately has obsessed British minds. The construction of a viable anti-Russia is glaringly incomplete unless endowed with a suitable “history” written to reflect not just Ukraine’s supposed distinctness but more importantly its antithetical nature in relation to Russia. The task of the London-based Ukrainian History Global Initiative is to fill the embarrassing gap in the scholarship by hiring a bevy of what in the narcissistic West passes for reputable academics for the job. The undertaking has been conceived by serious hybrid warfare operatives to supersede the inadequate and primitive rantings of native propaganda assets with a glossy, sophisticated version of exactly the same rantings, but skilfully packaged as respectable scholarship in order to impress the simpleminded.

The Ukrainian History Initiative is expected to complete its work in three years and has been entrusted to ninety largely non-Ukrainian, Western academics. It is chaired by Swedish politician Karl Bildt (whose credentials as a historian are not clear) and includes such luminaries as the stridently anti-Russian Yale historian Timothy Snyder, intelligence asset Anne Applebaum (who just happened to fall in love and marry Russian fifth-columnist Ilya Ponomarev), British lawyer and KC Philippe Sands, and Klaus Schwab associate Yuval Harari, among others.  

It may seem odd that the fabrication of Ukrainian history is being managed from London, not having been entrusted to the intellectual brain-power of the Kiev regime, the party which presumably should be interested the most in the success of this academic travesty. Western curators, however, prefer to keep such undertakings under tight control and to delegate execution to reliable staff. The identical approach – seemingly just as odd, but not really – was employedseveral years ago for the fabrication of the “Montenegrin language”. The new language was created by a committee composed entirely of foreigners, without a single Montenegrin. Just as NATO satrapy Ukraine would be incomplete without a history, for roughly similar reasons the new NATO satellite Montenegro would appear inauthentic without a separate language.

The front man for the Ukraine history operation is an individual by the name of Viktor Pinchuk, self-identified on the internet page of the Fund bearing his name as “a Ukrainian businessman and philanthropist.” Specific information about Pinchuk’s “philanthropic” activities, beyond the tritely stated goal of “empowering future generations to become the change makers of tomorrow,” is scarce. The fact, however, that Pinchuk’s business accomplishments date back to the early 1990s, an era not particularly remembered for its philanthropic spirit, suggests the origin and manner of acquisition of his considerable wealth. And to boot, Pinchuk is the son-in-law of Ukraine’s second President, the notoriously corrupt Leonid Kuchma, whose pointedly entitled book, “Ukraine is not Russia,” should probably prove enormously helpful to the scholars being assembled in Britain to give an academic articulation to precisely such an idea. A chip off the old block indeed.

The evident purpose of the sham history of Ukraine that is being prepared Britain is to turn it into a reference text supplanting everything previously written on the subject that might be in disaccord with its premises. The goal is both ambitious and brazen.

The probability that the synthetic history of Ukraine being forged in London will have a measurable impact on public perception is very slight. During the three-year time frame for its completion the situation in the Ukraine will hardly remain static. By the time the “history” is unveiled it may already be an anachronism given the military and political trends on the ground. Expecting it to be a psychological game-changer is just as unrealistic as expecting the tanks, fighter planes, and munitions scheduled for delivery sometime next year to make a significant difference on the battlefield.

Kiev regime ultra-nationalists should think twice before betting on the expected benefits of the Ukraine History Initiative for another reason as well. All policies and commitments initiated by the collective West are inherently mutable in relation to shifting momentary interests. The erstwhile political mantra of supporting the Kiev regime “as long as it takes” has evolved in response to changing conditions into an altogether different current narrative. In the near future tinkering with Ukrainian history may also be abandoned or drastically modified in recognition of evolving circumstances.

The brutal lesson taught to the West’s obedient puppets in Macedonia should not be lost on anyone in Kiev. For years delusional Macedonian nationalism was being whipped up to irrational lengths, actively buttressed by phony scholarship fully endorsed by the collective West, claiming that Macedonians were heirs to a glorious legacy going back to antiquity and even descendants of Alexander the Great. The buttering up of an impressionable people and its ignorant, bought and paid for, ruling class came to an abrupt end when it was time to finalise NATO membership. Greece objected vigorously to the perpetuation of historical phantasies at its expense and threatened to block Macedonia’s entry into NATO unless they were explicitly and humiliatingly dropped.

And so they were. Strong-armed by its NATO “partners” Macedonia renounced not just its historical pretensions but also changed its official name to accommodate the demands of Greece, which apparently was of greater strategic importance to the duplicitous West.

Let those who have eyes and ears in Kiev see and hear. The hired scholars in London will be well taken care of for their efforts. As Timothy Snyder averred, “I can think of few endeavours, in contemporary humanities at least, which are on this scale, keeping just under 100 scholars active for around three years: if you just do the math, it’s a fair amount of money.” They will all be on the gravy train, as it is called in America, and the helpings will be generous.

A few Ukrainian collaborators, selected for window dressing, will also receive some crumbs. For the unfortunate people of Ukraine there will be nothing but mayhem and abandoned rotting corpses.


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Stephen Karganovic is president of “Srebrenica Historical Project,” an NGO registered in the Netherlands to investigate the factual matrix and background of events that took place in Srebrenica in July of 1995. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.  

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Whether it’s drone technology or the infamous Pegasus spy software, Israel has long developed and refined repressive technologies used by governments around the world by testing them on Palestinians. 

Antony Loewenstein, journalist and author of The Palestine Laboratory: How Israel Exports the Technology of Occupation Around the World, joins The Chris Hedges Report for a deep dive into the disturbing links between Israeli Apartheid, the arms industry, and global repression of civilian populations.


Chris Hedges:  The Palestinians are human laboratory rats to the Israeli military intelligence services and arms and technology industries. Israel’s drones, surveillance technology including spyware, facial recognition software, and biometric gathering infrastructure, along with smart fences, experimental bombs, and AI-controlled machine guns are all tried out on the captive population in Gaza, often with lethal results. These weapons and technologies are then certified as “battle-tested” and sold around the world.

Israel is the tenth largest arms dealer on the planet and sells its technology and weapons to an estimated 130 nations, including military dictatorships in Asia and Latin America. Israeli weapons sales totaled $12.5 billion last year. Its close relationship with these military internal security surveillance, intelligence gathering, and law enforcement agencies explains the fulsome support Israel’s allies give to its genocidal campaign in Gaza.

When Colombian president, Gustavo Petro refused to condemn the October 7 attack by Palestinian resistance groups as a terrorist attack and said, “Terrorism is killing innocent children in Palestine,” Israel immediately halted all sales of defense and security equipment to Colombia. This global cabal dedicated to permanent war and keeping its populations monitored and controlled has hundreds of billions of dollars a year in sales.

These technologies are cementing into place a supernational, corporate totalitarianism: A world where populations are enslaved in ways that past totalitarian regimes could only imagine. It is not a far cry from Gaza to the camps and detention centers set up for migrants fleeing to Europe from Africa and the Middle East. It is not a far cry from the carpet bombing in Gaza to the endless wars in the Middle East and the global south. It is not a far cry from the anti-terrorism laws used to criminalize dissent in Israel to the anti-terrorism laws introduced in Europe and the US. Joining me to discuss this use of Palestinians as human guinea pigs for the Israeli weapons and technology industry is Antony Loewenstein, author of The Palestine Laboratory: How Israel Exports the Technology of Occupation Around the World.

The Palestine Laboratory: How Israel Exports the Technology of Occupation Around the World by Antony Loewenstein | Goodreads

So your book, which is a great read, lays out the rise of this arms industry, which originally was a state industry and then privatized. One of the points you made at the end of the book, which is very fascinating, is how much of the apparatus to keep the Palestinians under control is essentially now handed over to private firms. I want to quote Elliott Abrams, whom I’ve interviewed, “The role of Israel is to serve as a model, an example in military might, in innovation, in encouraging childbirth.” This is one of the themes of your book that much of Israel’s support and power derives from its connection to this global arms network. So let’s lay out some of the innovations that Israel has pioneered. We can begin with Pegasus and drones. They’re at the forefront of some of the most advanced technologies and weapon systems that are used to control subject populations.

Antony Loewenstein:  In some ways, the genesis of the book was partly due to some of the reporting around Pegasus a few years ago. Listeners or viewers will be aware that Pegasus is a spyware tool that is made by NSO Group, which is an Israeli company and it was started to be used about 15 or so years ago by a range of countries. The country that it was first mostly used in was Mexico as various governments there were desperate to fight a failed drug war, and it only made the violence worse. But what’s interesting back then and also now is Mexico remains, Chris, to this day, the world’s biggest and most obsessive user of Pegasus. Obsessed.

Whether it’s the right-wing government or nominally left-wing government, Pegasus is now in dozens of countries. I don’t even know how many, I think about 70, 80, or 90. In some ways, the reason I partly wrote the book was to say that the media was obsessed with Pegasus. Pegasus is an important investigation; It’s a tool that is put on the phones of activists and human rights workers in countless countries. And it breaches human rights. That’s terrible. But the problem was that it was too often framed as this rogue Israeli company doing terrible things. As I show in the book, it’s not that: It’s an arm of the state as Lockheed Martin and Raytheon are arms of the US government. Now, Lockheed Martin is a private company. It has a board, sure, and it makes profits or not. But essentially it’s an arm of the state. Right? It’s used by the government in various foreign policy agendas or goals.

Pegasus is the same. I started looking at that issue by saying that now probably, Israel is number one or two in the world for spyware, and Pegasus and NSO Group in some ways are a smokescreen. Because there are so many other companies that are doing the same thing. So if NSO Group goes bust tomorrow – And it’s in a bit of financial trouble at the moment – It’s not going to make any difference. There are so many other companies doing the same thing using that whole allure of being able to spy on pretty much anybody, which is why to this day no country wants to regulate this, no country. They’re all obsessed with it. That’s been the fundamental problem at the moment.

Chris Hedges:  Explain how Pegasus works. We should note that it was also used on Jamal Khashoggi’s fiance, Jamal, who I knew being a Saudi journalist who was dismembered in the Saudi embassy and a consulate in Turkey. But explain how it works.

Antony Loewenstein:  Pegasus is a silent tool. It can be installed on your iPhone or Android. It doesn’t matter what phone you have. Years ago, a lot of us used to get random text messages. You’d click on the link, you’d forget about it, and you’d move on. That was the way it used to work. So country X or intelligence agency Y would have this tool, let’s say, in India, in some other country. They would then send a message to the phone of an activist, human rights worker, or a lawyer, that person would click on a link, their phone would be infected, and they wouldn’t know.

There’s no way to know yourself without it being forensically checked. These days it doesn’t even require a text message. All it requires is someone knowing your number. That’s it. And it can access all your information. It can even access your phone and microphone when the phone is off. So it can be used as a weapon against you. As I show in the book, I interviewed huge amounts of people in Mexico, India, and elsewhere. These are people often lawyers who are challenging the state.

In Mexico, I interviewed a woman whose husband was murdered by, almost certainly, Narcos. Then after his death, her phone was being surveilled by the Mexican state. It’s never entirely clear even to this day why in her case it was surveilled. But it shows that there is this utter obsession with various intelligence services to get access to all this personal information. It’s important to note that one thing that was clear in researching this particular tool is that Pegasus and tools like this have become – And it was said to be in The New York Times a few years ago, and I questioned some of this in the book but two journalists wrote – The most powerful weapon in the world since the invention of the nuclear bomb.

Now, I would question that because nuclear bombs clearly can cause carnage, to put it mildly. Pegasus doesn’t directly kill anybody per se, but what it does is it means that privacy is close to dead. At the moment there is this massive proliferation of these tools. Israel of course – This is the key point – Uses Pegasus and other tools as a key foreign policy agenda. I show in the book Netanyahu and Mossad, over the last decade, would go to countries where Israel had no close relations: Rwanda and India when Modi came in, and others: Saudi, UAE. They hold Pegasus up as a diplomatic carrot saying, we will sell you this amazing tool which you can surveil your citizens, whatever you want. But in return, we would like you to vote in a certain way in the UN or buy certain weapons. That’s how it works. I show a timeline when Netanyahu goes to Hungary to visit Orban or Modi in India, and 6-12 months later, Pegasus is in use. This is not accidental. This is a key part of Israeli foreign policy now.

Chris Hedges:  Let’s talk about the drone program. They pioneered drones. As I remember from the book, India is maybe their largest drone customer. These drones are used against migrants fleeing towards Europe, particularly Greece as well as the US-Mexico border.

Antony Loewenstein:  I have some interesting declassified documents from the ’80s where Israel was using drones in its war in Lebanon. When Israel invaded Lebanon in 1982, it was before the digital era, but Israel was using drones. In this amazing document that I have in the book from the CIA, they’re shocked and amazed at how incredible – That’s their words – These drones are, how effective they are, and they wonder – Back in the ’80s – How Israel will be a global pioneer of drones. Fast forward to the last decade or so, and as I show in the book, I have spent a lot of time in Gaza as a reporter in the last 15 or so years there has been a proliferation of testing of drones, particularly around Gaza.

I’m putting aside what’s happened since October 7, although it’s happening since then too. But in the last 15 years huge amounts of drones are being tested above Gaza, some armed, some not, used in the various Israeli invasions, incursions, or whatever you want to call it in Gaza. Those drones are then called “battle-tested” and then they’re sold to huge amounts of nations around the world. The part that shocked me the most was the use by the EU. The EU is buying Israeli drones. They’re unarmed, yes. And viewers will be aware that in the last 10 or so years, there’s been a huge influx of migrants coming from Africa and the Middle East, after 2015 when the Europeans said they didn’t want to repeat that huge influx of people coming. Of course, if you’re Ukrainian and white, they’ll welcome you in. And I have no problem with Ukrainians being welcomed in. But clearly, if you’re Black or Brown it’s not going to be the same.

EU created this fortress, and European and Israeli drones are part of that. Frontex, which is the European border force, uses Israeli drones 24/7 in the Mediterranean, circling the Mediterranean, sending back real-time images to Frontex, which is based in Warsaw, Poland of what’s happening. The EU has made a clear decision to let people drown; That is obvious. They barely issue rescue boats and they criminalize people who are trying to rescue migrants. Israeli drones are a key part of that infrastructure and eye in the sky and Israeli drones have appeared in India and various other countries. In the last years, Israel remains one of the key drone makers of the world, and increasingly, so is Turkey. Turkey makes a cheaper version of what Israel has been developing and therefore Turkish drones are now also appearing in many nations around the world in many conflicts.

Chris Hedges:  Let’s talk about who Israel sells to. It’s easier to tick off the list of who they don’t sell to. I covered the conflicts in Guatemala and El Salvador in the 1980s. Israel was supplying weapons, including napalm, to the Salvadorans and the Guatemalans. They were one of the most fervent supporters of the apartheid regime in South Africa, they worked with Pinochet’s Chile, and the Rwandan genocide was perpetrated with Israeli weapons. They will provide military equipment to the most heinous regimes, including the latest ethnic cleansing in Nagorno-Karabakh. You mentioned three countries: Iran, North Korea, and I don’t know who the other one was.

Antony Loewenstein:  I think I say Syria.

Chris Hedges:  Maybe Syria

Antony Loewenstein:  As far as we’re aware.

Chris Hedges:  Right. As far as we’re aware.

Antony Loewenstein:  As far as we’re aware. It’s interesting to note though, that before 1979 and the Islamic Revolution, Israel and Iran were incredibly close. The fact that Iran was run by a dictator did not impede the selling of weapons. They were worried that the rise of the Islamic Revolution would impede their sales, which it did. On the one hand, I shouldn’t have been that surprised. It’s important to note America remains the world’s biggest arms dealer. 45% of the world’s arms come from America, so they are leaders by far. Israel is tenth. One of the things that shouldn’t have shocked me but did was Myanmar, in the last years, has been committing genocide against its Rohingya population – Many of them have been killed and many have been kicked out into Bangladesh – Even after the UN found that Myanmar was committing genocide, Israel was still selling surveillance and weapons to the Myanmar regime.

As you say, it’s hard to list. There are so many of them. It’s also worth saying that India – And India is a big focus of the book because India is now the world’s biggest country population-wise, the world’s biggest self-described democracy. Although I would very much question that. A key ally of the US and certainly my country, Australia, and most Western nations, because it’s not China – India is building a Hindu fundamental estate under Modi, a proudly chauvinist nation where Muslims are discriminated against openly. There are pogroms against Muslims. Now, India and Israel didn’t have a great relationship before Modi came in. There was a relationship in decades past. Modi comes in 2014 as Prime Minister and there’s a love affair between Netanyahu and Modi. There’s this image that some viewers may have seen of the two of them stepping onto the beach, getting their feet wet, talking about how much they love each other, who knows, no audio was recorded.

But this relationship is central to why I wrote the book. There is a growing global ethno-nationalist surge, India being the most obvious example, of nations that proudly discriminate against non-majority populations. In India, it’s against Hindus, against Muslims. In Israel, it’s Jews against anyone who’s not Jewish. And I say this as someone Jewish myself, that the whole alliance between Israel and India reminds me very much of Israel and South Africa: Nations that proudly discriminate against non-so-called acceptable populations and are therefore inspiring others. Israel has become the inspiration to so many countries and far-right and rightists around the world, putting aside liberal Zionists for a minute, who over the years have had a love for Israel. I’m talking about India, Hungary, and various other nations, not selling weapons but selling the idea of getting away with it.

That’s something I talk about a lot in the book, that the idea that Israel can get away with it, each being occupation, endless colonization, brutalizing Palestinians, selling weapons to God knows who and God knows where, goes to the heart of why Israel is, to me, a danger. Not only to Palestinians, which is bad enough, but a model. Finally, Chris, I say in the book that you often go to far-right rallies – And I go there for work, to be clear. For work purposes – In the US, Australia, and elsewhere, the Israeli flag is a constant presence. It’s not unusual and these are not groups that traditionally like Jews. They don’t. I quote in the book Richard Spencer, that hideous alt-right leader in America who said a few years ago, I’m a white Zionist. He doesn’t like Jewish people but he loves the idea of creating, for him and many like him, a Christian ethno-nationalist state.

You’ve written a lot of incredibly important work on Christian theocracy in the US and its potential growth and rise in domination. Israel is a touchpoint, as you would well know, for many of these groups. Not all, but many. And it’s not because lobbyist groups like Jews; Many of them do not. But they like what Israel is doing to Palestinians to unbelievably dominate and control them. And they’re proudly Jewish chauvinists. They’re Jewish supremacists. That’s what they want to create for Christians in America or Hindus in India. That to me is the danger.

Chris Hedges:  This is from your book according to Netanyahu, Jewish writer Peter Beinarr explained, “The future belonged not to liberalism as Obama defined it – Tolerance, equal rights, and the rule of law – But to authoritarian capitalism: governments that combined aggressive and often racist nationalism with economic and technological might. The future, Netanyahu implied, would produce leaders who resembled not Obama, but him.” It fits in with what you said. And unfortunately, I fear – I don’t know what you think – That he’s right.

Click here to read the full transcript.


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Chris Hedges is a Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist who was a foreign correspondent for 15 years for The New York Times, where he served as the Middle East bureau chief and Balkan bureau chief for the paper. He previously worked overseas for The Dallas Morning News, The Christian Science Monitor, and NPR. He is the host of show The Chris Hedges Report.

Featured image: Israeli soldiers around Gaza Strip on Oct. 7. (IDF Spokesperson’s Unit, Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 3.0)

Summer of Died Suddenly: Athletes and Retired Athletes

December 12th, 2023 by Dr. William Makis

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Nov. 28, 2023 – New Zealand Rugby player 29 year old Melita Williams died suddenly (Nov. 28, 2023).


Nov. 25, 2023 – Scottish Rugby player and Coach Barry Hughes died suddenly (Nov. 25, 2023).


Nov. 21, 2023 – 22 year old college football star at University of Minnesota Duluth Ryan Reed died after collapsing during a team workout. Death is being falsely blamed on a “genetic heart condition”.

Nov. 13, 2023 – NFL Football Star 35 year old Devon Wylie who played for the Kansas City Chiefs and Tennessee Titans died suddenly on Nov. 13, 2023 of “unknown causes.”


Nov. 12, 2023 – 52 year old NHL player Roman Cechmanek, Czech professional ice hockey goaltender, died from unknown causes.

Nov. 11, 2023 – 33 year old Jon Trasamar, professional golfer died suddenly on Nov.11, 2023 after battling Stage 4 Melanoma diagnosed a year ago.


Nov. 11, 2023 – 42 year old Kyle Leduc was a professional racing driver who died after a battle with cancer.

Nov. 8, 2023 – 41 year old NFL football player, Super Bowl champion and retired Indianapolis Colts offensive guard Matt Ulrich died on November 8, 2023. Cause of death not reported.


Nov. 8, 2023 – Miami Kiteboarder Christophe Ribot died unexpectedly on Nov. 8, 2023.

Nov. 6, 2023 – 54 year old Kirby Lee, professor of Clinical Pharmacy and surfer was found unconscious in water before noon on Nov. 6, 2023. “Lee was pulseless & not breathing” – they ruled out injury.


Nov. 1, 2023 – Tacoma, WA – 37 year old former Montana basketball star Anthony Johnson had a massive stroke during his daughter’s birthday party on Oct. 21, 2023 and he died suddenly on Nov. 1, 2023.


Oct. 31, 2023 – Ecuadorian Olympic Surfer Israel Barona dead at age 34 after suffering seizures in his hotel room. Found dead in his hotel room on Oct. 31, 2023.


Oct. 26, 2023 – Brazil, 44 year old Simone Lima, professional basketball player died after battle with cancer.

Oct. 23, 2023 – 41-year-old women’s basketball coach at Georgetown University, died on Oct. 23, 2023 two years after diagnosis of advanced stage breast cancer.


Oct. 23, 2023 – Hong Kong – 20 year old Mark Groeneveld, a Dutch professional cyclist, collapsed after a race on Oct. 23, 2023 and died suddenly of presumed cardiac arrest.

Click here to read the full article.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

Featured image is from COVID Intel

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

Censoring Israeli Violence: Western Media Outlets Capitulate

December 12th, 2023 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

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The cathedral of censorship is a vast, airy one. In its embrace, texts are abridged, images removed, ideas scrubbed. Historical inconveniences are filed and rendered inaccessible. The only sermons tolerated will be those satisfying and serving the dictates of power.

The power Israel disproportionately wields here, notably across a number of Western democratic states, is staggering. It is manifested in moves to not publish material critical of the country’s assault on Gaza, and, in some cases, directly target journalists who dare violate such injunctions.

Censorship is a manifold beast. The conventional approach is that of the blanking redaction: the “nothing to see here” school of regulation. Another is that of imposing what is akin to a counterfeit balancing act: to mention the slaughter of thousands of Palestinian children must be, for instance, softened by mention of a dozen Israeli children who were killed, mutilated or kidnapped by barbaric Hamas fighters. Each message, dispatch and broadcast must be accordingly laden with such qualifications.

In some cases, certain matters are simply not mentioned, indexed for being too unsavoury, too challenging, too inconvenient. To also run them would risk careers and put reputations at risk. Moral cowardice is guaranteed to do the rest.

Examples abound in the field. In October, the German media behemoth, Axel Springer, took a dim view of 20-year-old news apprentice Kasem Raad for taking issue with the outlet’s crawlingly pro-Israeli line. He had asked questions of the management line regarding Israel’s military operations while also posting a video disputing parts of the Israeli narrative regarding the Hamas attacks on October 7.

“It is one of my rights to ask questions. I wanted to stay at Axel Springer,” claimed Raad, who was fired for his alleged impertinence. “Unfortunately, I was taken in for questioning by senior management, who told me, ‘We are Germans and we need to do this’.”

In November, almost a dozen staffers at the Los Angeles Times signed an open letter condemning the Israeli operations in Gaza, arguing that such efforts alongside the media blockade “threatens news gathering in unprecedented fashion.” In addition to noting the runaway death toll of Palestinians, the letter was also cognisant of the growing number of slain journalists.

“As reporters, editors, photographers, producers, and other workers in newsrooms around the world, we are appalled at the slaughter of our colleagues and their families by the Israeli military and government.”

The letter also goes on to note the “dehumanizing rhetoric” being used by “Western newsrooms” that have “served to justify ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. Double-standards, inaccuracies and fallacies abound in American publications and these have been well-documented.”

On November 18, Semafor reported that “staffers who signed the letter have been told by the paper’s management that they will not be allowed to cover the conflict in any way for at least three months.” That’s certainly one way of enforcing balance.

A favourite of news management in such cases is also the non-renewal of contracts. Veteran cartoonist Steve Bell received such treatment from The Guardian in October, ending a four-decade association. It involved a submitted cartoon, featuring Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu performing surgery on his own stomach with two scalpels while wearing boxing gloves, revealing a flesh incision in the shape of the Gaza Strip. Internal complaints followed. The scolding line from management: “Jewish bloke; pound of flesh; anti-Semitic trope.” As Bell reflected,

“It is getting pretty nigh impossible to draw this subject for the Guardian now without being accused of deploying ‘antisemitic tropes’.”

Had the incurious dunderheads at the paper bothered to do their research, they would have realised that Bell was not even referencing the famous Shakespearian remark by Shylock in The Merchant of Venice. It was inspired by the satirical work of cartoonist David Levine, a frequent New York Review of Books contributor who thought it appropriate to, in 1966, mock US President Lyndon B. Johnson’s posing for cameras to sport a scar left by gallbladder surgery. Levine’s little touch-up gave the scar the shape of Vietnam, a country that would come to define his presidency.

The Spectator’s editor, Fraser Nelson, appropriately remarked that this whole chapter potentially imperilled the glorious savagery of British satire itself, menaced by such forces as the social media juggernaut and doltish editors. To have depicted Netanyahu as an echo of LBJ seemed a “fair analogy: Netanyahu will be defined by what happens next in Gaza just as LBJ was by Vietnam.”

Even in the more rarified climes of academic discussion, the devil of censorship was doing its work behind the thin veneer of bogus integrity. In a November 18 meeting of the Harvard Law Review, editors (they number 104) voted by a majority to block the publication of a piece commissioned from human Palestinian human rights attorney and doctoral candidate, Rabea Eghbariah. The article asserted that the unfolding calamity in Gaza would satisfy the demanding threshold of genocide and that the Nakba, which involved the expulsion of Palestinians from their territories in 1948, deserved to be recognised as a crime.

Despite reviewing and checking the article for its factual content, the online chairs, Sabrina A. Ochoa and Tascha Shahriari-Parsa, were taken to task for, among other things, sidestepping standard editorial processes at the Law Review. This stiff and snotty reasoning suggests something else at play. It certainly did not impress some 125 law professors who signed an open letter raising matters of “censorship” and over 25 editors who, in a November 22 statement, found the decision threatening to “academic freedom and perpetuates the suppression of Palestinian voices.”

In The Harvard Crimson, the more revealing concerns of some editors who favoured preventing publication were noted. To publish the item would have put them at risk of a “public backlash or doxing” and that “these consequences would likely disproportionately fall on people of color at the Law Review.” Like censorship, a lack of courage is also manifold.

Within Israel itself, publications such as Haaretz are squarely within the government’s sights.  Communications minister, Shlomo Karhi, drew up a proposal last month suggesting that official government notices would no longer be published in the paper. The proposal had not been vetted by the ministry’s legal advisor and would result in the halting of any payments to the paper from Israeli entities within his remit, including the cancellation of state employee subscriptions to the publication.

The reason was outlined in Karhi’s letter to Cabinet Secretary Yossi Fuchs:

“Since the beginning of the war, I have received many complaints that Haaretz has taken an offensive line which undermines the war’s goals and disparages the military effort and its social fortitude. It is possible that some of the paper’s publications even cross the criminal standard set in those far-flung sections of the penal code reserved for wartime only.”

The Israeli journalists’ union was unimpressed, pointing out that Karhi had spent much of his time in office trying to close the public broadcasting corporation. “His new proposal to end all government business with Haaretz is a populistic proposal devoid of any feasibility or logic, and its entire purpose is to garner likes among his political base at the expense of dedicated journalists who are working night and day right now to cover the war.” Despite possessing some momentum at this point, we can only hope that Karhi, and his ilk, will eventually stall before the blood-drenched realities of this conflict.  Some hard-headed, brave news coverage would also be welcome.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge. He currently lectures at RMIT University. He is a regular contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research. Email: [email protected]

Featured image is from The New Arab

Criticize Israel? You’re Fired.

December 12th, 2023 by The Intercept

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A climate of fear is gripping U.S. newsrooms as a growing list of journalists have been fired, suspended, or otherwise sidelined after refusing to abide by the pro-Israel bias across the U.S. news media.

The New York Times, Associated Press, BBC, and Los Angeles Times are just a handful of the more prominent news outlets where journalists say they were sidelined after criticizing Israel or expressing sympathy for Palestinians.

Meanwhile, the death toll in the Gaza Strip now exceeds 18,000, and more than 80 percent of Palestinians there have been displaced by the war.

Since October 7, there have been numerous incidents reported in which journalists were fired, demoted, suspended, or otherwise silenced after voicing criticism of Israel, including:

  • The German media giant Axel Springer fired Kasem Raad, a 20-year-old apprentice at the company, after he questioned the company’s Israel policy through internal channels.
  • Thirty-eight Los Angeles Times journalists have been barred from covering Gaza for a minimum of three months after signing an open letter criticizing media coverage of the war and Israel’s targeting of journalists.
  • The BBC took six Arab journalists off the air after they allegedly showed “anti-Israel bias” by liking and publishing pro-Palestinian posts on social media.
  • Mona Chalabi, the data journalist and illustrator who won the Pulitzer Prize for the New York Times earlier this year, said she’s been unable to get commissioned for additional work from the paper since the war started.
  • Artforum editor-in-chief David Velasco was fired after wealthy art collectors objected to an open letter by artists expressing solidarity with Palestinians was posted on the magazine’s website.
  • The Harvard Law Review killed an article on the Gaza war and Nakba after it was commissioned, edited, fact-checked, and prepared for publication.
  • Two weeks ago, MSNBC canceled the Sunday night show hosted by Mehdi Hasan, one of the only cable news hosts willing to openly challenge Israel and a valued former Intercept colleague.

While the reasons for some of these moves against journalists have been disputed, there’s been an undeniable chilling effect across the U.S. media landscape as a result of incidents like these.

In the words of Pulitzer Prize-nominated journalist Abdallah Fayyad, a “culture of fear in many newsrooms” is leading many journalists “to take the easier route and continue the mainstream media’s pro-Israel slant.”


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Featured image: Funeral for Palestine TV journalist Mohammad Abu Hattab. Credit: X/@MuhammadSmiry

Biden Fundraising Tour: “To Destroy Democracy”

December 12th, 2023 by Matt Orfalea

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Over the last month, the Democrats compared Trump to Hitler non-stop for his use of the word “vermin” to describe opponents but it appears to be another case of psychological projection—accusing others of what they are guilty of themselves.

Previously the media and Joe Biden used the term “vermin” to describe opponents. And of course, Biden has repeatedly demonized approximately half the country’s voters, MAGA Republicans, as “extremists” out to “destroy democracy”, even referring to “enemies from within” during the 2020 campaign trail.

BIDEN 7/11/19: We are facing entered enemies both without and from within, hoping to exploit the fissures and our society, undermine democracy, break up our alliances, return us to an international system that might determines right.

Now Biden is exploiting these fissures himself, raising money by demonizing the 74 million Americans who didn’t vote for him in 2020.

In private fundraisers this past month alone, Biden has referred to MAGA Republicans as enemies out “to destroy democracy” at least a dozen times.

Biden Quotes Warning MAGA Will “Destroy Democracy”

“But let’s be clear about what’s at stake in 2024. Donald Trump and his MAGA Republicans are determined to destroy American democracy.” -Joe Biden Addresses a Fundraising Event in Boston – December 5, 2023, 2:02 PM

“But let’s be clear about the side — what’s at stake in 2024: Donald Trump and his MAGA Republicans are determined to destroy American democracy. And that, again, is not hyperbole. That’s a fact. The former president makes no bones about it. Don’t take my word for it. Just listen to what he has to say….” -Remarks: Joe Biden Addresses a Fundraising Event in Weston Massachusetts – December 5, 2023 4:02 PM

“Folks, we can’t — we just can’t fall numb to Trump and the threats he poses. Donald Trump and the extreme MAGA Republicans are determined to destroy American democracy as we know it….” -Remarks: Joe Biden Addresses a Fundraising Event in Denver – November 28, 2023

“…Donald Trump and the extreme — extreme MAGA Republicans are determined to destroy American democracy. Folks, democracy is on the ballot again. We need you. Indeed, we need every American who loves our democracy.” -Joe Biden Addresses a Fundraising Event in San Francisco – November 14, 2023

“…And, by the way, this is not your father’s Republican Party. Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans are determined to destroy democracy as we know it….” -Remarks: Joe Biden Addresses a Fundraising Event in Chicago – November 9, 2023

“Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans are determined to destroy this democracy.” -Joe Biden Addresses a Fundraising Event in Minneapolis – November 1, 2023

“…And Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans are determined to destroy this democracy.” -Joe Biden Addresses a Fundraising Event in Washington – October 27, 2023

“…And let there be no question: Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans are determined to destroy American democracy because they want to break down the institutional structures that allow it to happen….” -Joe Biden Addresses a Fundraising Event in San Francisco, California – September 27, 2023

“And I know that sounds like hyperbole, but think about it. And, folks, Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans are determined to destroy this democracy. The democracy is based on institutional structures. When you undermine the institutions, it’s awful hard for democracy to function.” -Joe Biden Addresses a Fundraising Event in Atherton, California – September 26, 2023

“…And let there be no question: Donald Trump and his MAGA Republicans are determined to spread anger, hate, and division. They seek power at all costs. They’re determined to destroy this democracy….” -Joe Biden, Address the Black Caucus Phoenix Awards – September 23, 2023

“…And I really mean it. I know that sounds like hyperbole, but think about it. Donald Trump and his MAGA Republicans are determined to destroy American democracy, the institutional structures.” -Joe Biden Addresses a Fundraising Event in New York City – September 20, 2023, Intercontinental Barclay Hotel, 5:43 P.M. EDT

“I’m running because democracy is at stake and because, in 2024, democracy is going to be on the ballot again. And I think that my predecessor and the MAGA Republicans are literally determined to destroy the institutional structures of this democracy.” -Joe Biden Addresses a Fundraising Event in New York City – September 20, 2023, Private Residence, 4:09 P.M. EDT

“And let there be no question. Donald Trump and his MAGA Republicans are determined to destroy American democracy. And I will always defend, protect, and fight for our democracy.” -Joe Biden Addresses a Fundraising Event in New York City on Broadway – September 18, 2023, audio


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Over the past year, the House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government has released several reports detailing how the government is a) harassing and intimidating citizens to shut down undesirable viewpoints b) using misinformation and propaganda to drive false narratives and c) censoring protected speech using third parties

November 30, 2023, House Judiciary Committee held another hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government. Investigative journalist Michael Shellenberger testified and shared evidence about the existence of a group called the Cyber Threat Intelligence League (CTIL), which consists of military contractors that are censoring Americans and using sophisticated psychological operations against us

The CTIL was founded by a group of former Israeli and British intelligence agents who initially volunteered their cybersecurity services FOR FREE to multibillion-dollar hospital and health care organizations in the U.S.

CTIL also offers physical security and “cognitive” security, which are volunteered by U.S. and British military contractors

The CTIL’s plan to control the information landscape also includes using debanking as financial leverage, pressuring social media platforms to change their terms of service to facilitate censorship and deplatforming under the guise of “terms of service violations,” and more


The video above features the November 30, 2023, House Judiciary Committee hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government.1

Over the past year, the Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government has released several reports detailing how the government is a) harassing and intimidating citizens to shut down undesirable viewpoints, b) using misinformation and propaganda to drive false narratives and c) censoring protected speech using third parties. Here’s a list of those reports that you can peruse at your convenience.

The Subcommittee also filed an amicus brief on Missouri v. Biden in early August 2023.

Around the one-hour mark in the featured video, Rep. Thomas Massie questions Olivia Troye — a former intelligence official at the Department of Homeland Security under President Obama and a national security and counterterrorism adviser to vice president Mike Pence — about the U.S. government’s use of third party organizations to censor protected speech.

The relevant clip is included above. In her opening statement, Troye accused the Committee of “indulging in fantasy detached from reality.” “Members of this committee and their witnesses make grand and vague accusations about government censorship,” she said. She also claimed the members were “spreading conspiracy theories about government censorship.”

Massie went on to point to a tweet he posted May 19, 2021, under his official congressional account, in which he had linked to a peer-reviewed study that found the effectiveness of natural immunity was identical to that of the Pfizer COVID shot.

“Here’s a comprehensive study that tracked reinfections and COVID complications for 187,549 people with prior SARS-CoV2 infection,” he wrote in his tweet. “Conclusion: Effectiveness of immunity due to prior infection is the same as for the Pfizer vaccine.”

This tweet was censored by Twitter after the Stanford Internet Observatory’s Virality Project flagged it as “misinformation.” As detailed in previous articles, the Virality Project is partnered with CISA and funded by the U.S. government to perform censorship activities the government cannot legally perform.

When asked if she thought there was a reason to flag Massey’s tweet, Troye answered, “Depends on whether you’re spreading inaccurate information.” But who determines its “accuracy”?

It was a peer-reviewed, published study, which means several scientists who were not part of the study reviewed it. Is the Virality Project qualified to judge the accuracy of published research? This is a very dangerous slippery slope. If we cannot share peer-reviewed science, which is the epitome of “reputable source,” then what, exactly, is acceptable to share?

“Are you going to sit here and maintain that it is a conspiracy theory that this occurred?”Massey asked Troye. “We have the documents … that showed this [censorship] occurred.”

“Well, then it [Massey’s tweet] must have been flagged for a reason,” Troye replied.

“What reason?” said Massey. “Is there ever a good reason to censor a member of Congress? … I bring this up, No. 1 to show that your testimony is false. But No. 2, if they can do this to a member of Congress’ official account, they can do it to anybody.”

Whistleblower Reveals Military Contractors’ Secret Plan for Censorship

Investigative journalist Michael Shellenberger testified at this meeting for the second time. Nine months ago, he testified and shared evidence with the Subcommittee about the existence of a “Censorship Industrial Complex, a network of government agencies, including the Department of Homeland Security, government contractors, and Big Tech media platforms that conspired to censor ordinary Americans and elected officials alike for holding disfavored views.”2

All of that was wild enough, but there’s more. At the November 30 hearing, Shellenberger exposed a group called the Cyber Threat Intelligence League (CTIL), which consists of military contractors that are not only censoring Americans, but also using sophisticated psychological operations against us.

According to Shellenberger, the CTIL was founded by a group of former Israeli and British intelligence agents who initially volunteered their cybersecurity services FOR FREE to multi-billion-dollar hospital and health care organizations in the U.S.

CTIL also offers physical security and “cognitive” security, i.e., protection against misinformation, and these services are volunteered by U.S. and British military contractors. According to a whistleblower who shared internal CTIL documents with Shellenberger, a number of CTIL “volunteers” are currently in government employ.

They also used formal government letter head (FBI, CISA, U.S. Navy and so on) when communicating with each other. As noted by Massey, that “makes it hard for folks to claim that these weren’t agents of the government or acting in coordination with the government …”

CTIL Files Show Censorship Plot Is Bigger Than Imagined

Now, the CTIL’s plan to control the information landscape goes further than those of CISA, the Virality Project and other government-led censorship activities. CTIL’s plan also includes using debanking as financial leverage to shut people up, and pressuring social media platforms to change their terms of service to facilitate censorship and deplatforming under the guise of “terms of service violations” — and more.

In a December 4, 2023, Substack article, Shellenberger’s colleague, Alex Gutentag wrote about this new cache of documents, referred to as the CTIL Files:3

“During last Thursday’s [November 30, 2023] Congressional hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, Democratic members of Congress insisted4 that censorship efforts of groups like the Cyber Threat Intelligence League (CTIL),5 the Election Integrity Partnership (EIP),6 and the Virality Project (VP)7 were benign and not a violation of the First Amendment.

‘It’s not the First Amendment!’ said Rep. Dan Goldman, ‘It’s the [social media platforms’] Terms of Service … And they are flagging it for the social media companies to make their own decisions. That is not the First Amendment. That is the Terms of Service.’

But the CTIL Files, a trove of documents that a whistleblower provided to Public and Racket, reveal that US and UK military contractors developed and used advanced tactics — including demanding that social media platforms change their Terms of Service — to shape public opinion about Covid-19, and that getting content removed was just one strategy used by the Censorship Industrial Complex.”

Adversarial Misinformation and Influence Tactics and Techniques

As explained by Gutentag,8 the CTIL partnered with the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) to implement a framework called “AMITT,” which stands for “Adversarial Misinformation and Influence Tactics and Techniques.”

The predecessor to this program was the DISARM framework — described as an “open-source, community-led9 … master framework for fighting disinformation through sharing data and analysis, and coordinating effective action10” — created by the DISARM Foundation in 2017.

According to the DISARM Foundation, AMITT was launched with the financial support of the Craig Newmark Philanthropies in 2019.11,12 The AMITT framework includes a variety of “offensive actions,” including:13

  • Influencing government policy
  • Discrediting alternative media
  • Using bots and sock puppets to manipulate and direct public discussion
  • Pre-bunking
  • Counter-messaging

More specific AMITT strategies include but are not limited to:

  • Creating policy that forces social media to police mis- and disinformation
  • Creating “strong dialogue” between the federal government and private sector to improve reporting
  • Marginalizing and discrediting “extremists”
  • Naming and shaming “influencers” who share unsanctioned information
  • Simulating misinformation and disinformation campaigns, and responses to them, beforehand
  • Debanking offenders and cutting off their access to financial services14
  • “Inoculating” populations against “misinformation” using “media literacy training”

A Full-Fledged Military-Led Influence Operation

Gutentag continues:15

“Far from simply protecting the public from falsehoods, both government and non-profit actors within Censorship Industrial Complex have followed CTIL’s exact playbook and have waged a full-fledged influence operation against Americans.

This influence operation has deep ties to security and intelligence agencies, as is evidenced through many examples of collaboration. In one instance of such collaboration, supposedly independent “disinformation researchers” like Renée DiResta coordinated16 a 2020 election tabletop exercise with military officials.

Defense and intelligence funding supports much of the Censorship Industrial Complex. For instance, Graphika, which was involved in both EIP and VP, receives grants from the Department of Defense, DARPA, and the Navy.

Pentagon-affiliated entities are heavily involved in ‘anti-disinformation’ work. Mitre, a major defense contractor, received funding to tackle ‘disinformation’ about elections and COVID.

The US government paid Mitre, an organization staffed by former intelligence and military personnel, to monitor and report17 what Americans said about the virus online, and to develop vaccine confidence messaging.18

This government-backed military research group, Public discovered, was present in the EIP and VP misinformation reporting system, and in election disinformation report emails to CISA …

Why are agencies that are supposed to combat foreign threats using military-grade psychological tools to wage influence operations against the domestic population?”

Anti-Democratic Ideology Is Driving the Censorship

As noted by Gutentag, these efforts appear to be partly driven by the need to manufacture perceived threats to justify the existence of the counter-terror bureaucracy.” But there are also clear ideological factors at play. He writes:19

“Both [federal law enforcement and the intelligence community] now essentially treat Americans as an enemy population, with enormous support from the Democratic party and the legacy media.

The result has been large-scale information warfare against US citizens, with sophisticated tactics being employed to develop propaganda narratives about Trump, COVID, and the 2020 election in the name of combatting ‘disinformation.’ We are now uncovering the clear evidence that military contractors appear to have been at the forefront of this effort …

What was once considered a ‘conspiracy theory’ that military and intelligence forces were manipulating public opinion through inorganic interventions, has now been confirmed.

Our study of the Censorship Industrial Complex has exposed a far-reaching plan to subvert the democratic process and engage in activities that have a basis in military techniques and which are tantamount to attempts at thought or mind control.”

The Plan to Get Censorship Back on Twitter

The short clip above features Alex Stamos, head of the Stanford Internet Observatory, which runs the government’s censorship apparatus via its Virality Project.

In it, he’s taunting Elon Musk, saying he “bought himself into a hellish existence” by making moderating Twitter his personal responsibility. In so doing, Musk is placing his net worth, most of which is invested in Tesla, as well as all other Tesla shareholders, “in jeopardy.”

The reason? Four words: The Digital Services Act.20 This European Union law, which took effect August 25, 2023, requires online companies to actively police their platforms for “illegal” content or face huge fines — up to 6% of their global revenue. Repeated refusal to comply with rules or requests for action can result in suspension of the platform within the EU altogether.

What Stamos appears to be insinuating is that by Musk insisting on keeping X a free speech platform, he risks losing it all, and this kind of financial extortion leverage is precisely what the CTIL plan calls for.

Another Surveillance Program Revealed

In related news, Wired magazine recently reported21 on leaked documents that verify the existence of a “secretive government program” that allows law enforcement to access trillions of phone records of Americans without a warrant.

In a recent letter to the Department of Justice, U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden challenged the legality of the program, which has been up and running for more than a decade. According to Wired:22

“… a surveillance program now known as Data Analytical Services (DAS) has for more than a decade allowed federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies to mine the details of Americans’ calls, analyzing the phone records of countless people who are not suspected of any crime, including victims.

Using a technique known as chain analysis, the program targets not only those in direct phone contact with a criminal suspect but anyone with whom those individuals have been in contact as well.”

DAS started out as a program called Hemisphere, run by the White House in coordination with AT&T. It was renamed DAS in 2013. It captures phone calls made using the AT&T infrastructure on behalf of U.S. law enforcement agencies, including local police, sheriffs’ departments, U.S. customs and postal inspectors.

DAS is managed under an anti-drug trafficking program called HIDTA, which stands for “high-intensity drug trafficking area,” but leaked files from the Northern California Regional Intelligence Center (NCRIC) shows the system is also being used in cases that are unrelated to drug trafficking. According to Wired, the DAS data does not include recordings of conversations.

The data do, however, include identifying information such as the names of the caller and recipient, their phone numbers, dates and times of calls, spanning at least 10 years or more into the past. Together, these data can be used to determine the exact locations of people, “a practice deemed unconstitutional without a warrant in 2018,” Wired notes.

According to Wyden, “The scale of the data available to and routinely searched for the benefit of law enforcement under the Hemisphere Project is stunning in its scope.” Moreover, it’s not under congressional oversight, and because it’s run out of the White House, it’s exempt from privacy impact assessment rules and Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests.

Protections afforded by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act are also circumvented because AT&T’s call record collection occurs along a telecommunications “backbone.”

In early November 2023, Wyden and other lawmakers in the House and Senate introduced the Government Surveillance Reform Act of 2023,23 which aims to patch the loopholes DAS is currently exploiting.

If passed, the DAS program would become explicitly illegal and would likely be forced to shut down. So, I encourage you to contact your representatives and ask them to support this legislation.


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1 House Judiciary Committee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government

2 Public Substack November 30, 2023

3, 8, 13, 15, 19 Public Substack December 4, 2023

4 Public Substack December 1, 2023

5 Public Substack November 28, 2023

6 Public Substack November 7, 2023

7 Public Substack November 10, 2023

9 Disarm Foundation About Us

10, 11 Disarm Foundation DISARM Framework

12 Disarm Foundation Brief History

14 Disarm Framework C00129

16 Twitter NetworkAffects April 25, 2023

17 YouTube Mitre Squint

18 COVID-19 Health Communication Playbook (Archived)

20 Twitter Mike Benz December 4, 2023

21, 22 Wired November 28, 2023

23 Wired November 7, 2023

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Syrian Jewish Chanukah tradition

Chanukah tradition to light an extra candle on this holiday for the light of Syria who welcomed us in after our expulsion from Spain in 1492.

This year, I am taking this tradition & lighting an extra candle for Palestine & the Palestinian people in solidarity.

May our shared history become our shared future.

Click here to view the video.


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Milei y la hegemonía estadounidense

December 12th, 2023 by Andrés Pabón Lara

Israel and US Plan Complete Deportation from Gaza. Famine Is Looming. “A Child Is Killed Every Ten Minutes”

By Marc Vandepitte, December 11, 2023

Deporting all Gazans is the joint plan of the US and Israel. According to the plan, the Palestinians will be ‘relocated’ to Egypt, Iraq, Turkey, and Yemen. This large-scale ethnic cleansing is cynically presented as a “moral and humanitarian” aid plan. 

Israel’s “Final Solution” for the Palestinians Did Not Start in 2023. “The Terror to Eliminate Palestinians from Their Homeland” Started in the 1930s

By Peter Koenig, December 11, 2023

For starters, it may be telling to illustrate the characters of Palestine and Israel, by presenting the lyrics and songs of two contrasting school choirs, the one from The Ramallah Friends School Choir, hailing Peace and Harmony – see first video below; contrasted by “Annihilate Everyone”, Israeli’s Children’s Choir’s “Friendship Song”, promoting outright genocide in Gaza; see second video below.

Provoke a Second Nakba, Transform Gaza Into a Mass of Rubble, Outdoor Concentration Camp in Rafah, Confiscate Gaza’s Offshore Maritime Gas

By Germán Gorraiz López, December 11, 2023

The real objective of the military campaign in Gaza would be to provoke a second Nakba in which 1.5 million Palestinians would be forced to leave a Gaza turned into a mass of rubble and human remains that would make it impossible to return the displaced Gazan population.

The Gaza War Calls Into Question the Moral Rectitude of Western Democracies

By James M. Dorsey, December 11, 2023

While the need for a ceasefire to halt Gaza’s human carnage is self-evident, some drivers of the Biden administration’s debate about the timing of a ceasefire raise questions about the moral underpinnings of Western democracies.

Yuval Noah Harari Discusses the Creation of a Massive Class of “Useless People” and What Should be Done with Them

By Rhoda Wilson, December 11, 2023

In 2015 and 2017, Israeli historian and philosopher Yuval Noah Harari discussed how a massive class of useless people was being created. The artificial intelligence revolution is beginning to create “the useless class,” he said.

Babies Died After Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine, Flu Vaccine, or Died from SIDS

By Dr. William Makis, December 11, 2023

15 month old Melody Rain Palombi-Malmgren had Three Vaccines (Varicella, DTap, Flu) on Oct. 17, 2023. Two days later, she “stopped breathing and went into cardiac arrest”. She died in the Hospital (also had liver & kidney failure).

History and Geopolitics: The Controversial Haavara Transfer Agreement, Analysis by the Jewish Virtual Library

By Ben Bartee, December 11, 2023

The Haavara Agreement has long been a thorn in the side of Zionist historical canon because of the obvious narrative difficulties it presents. As a result, pro-Israeli media is forced to come up with rationales for how the Third Reich funneling money to fund the creation of Israel (the literal definition of Zionism) wasn’t actually a Zionist endeavor.

“No NATO” for Ukraine, Ukrainian Politician Says. “Western Abandonment and Betrayal”

By Uriel Araujo, December 11, 2023

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken is pressuring European diplomats to cease any talks about Ukraine joining NATO, according to a member of Rada (the Ukrainian parliament), Oleksiy Goncharenko. This is no minor politician. The son of a former Odessa mayor, he is a member of the Ukrainian Permanent Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE).

Biden’s Support of the Genocide in Gaza May Prevent Reelection in 2024

By Steven Sahiounie, December 11, 2023

Guterres has been calling for a ceasefire since October 18, but the U.S. Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield has been instructed by U.S. President Joe Biden to never agree to any ceasefire in Gaza, and instead allow Israel the green-light to kill civilians in Gaza as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu continues with his revenge attack on Gaza, in response to the Hamas attack of October 7 which killed over 1,000 Israelis.

Hamas Plan: Israel Knew It for Over a Year

By Manlio Dinucci, December 11, 2023

Last July, just three months before the attack, a veteran analyst from Unit 8200 Israel’s intelligence agency warned that Hamas had conducted an intense exercise similar to the one described in the plan. But an intelligence agency colonel trashed her report.

Video: The Trials of Henry Kissinger

December 12th, 2023 by Global Research News

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Featuring previously unseen footage, de-classified documents, and revealing interviews with Kissinger supporters (Alexander Haig, Brent Scowcroft, and William Safire) as well as his detractors (Seymour Hersh, William Shawcross, and Christopher Hitchens),

The Trials of Henry Kissinger explores how a young boy who fled Nazi Germany grew up to become one of the most powerful and controversial figures in U.S. history. “Devastating!” – The New York Times

Video The Trials of Henry Kissinger

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First published by Global Research on September 23, 2023


If for some inexplicable reason, you couldn’t come up with a reason to be ashamed of the U.S., I’ve got one for you: Henry Kissinger has been a widely revered thinker and statesman for six decades, and is the recipient of awards like the Nobel Peace Prize (1973); Presidential Medal of Freedom (1977); and Medal of Liberty (1986).

I may soon write a long article to document at least some of Kissinger’s heinous catalog of criminality. For now, I’d simply like to clarify his ongoing role as a Godfather of sorts to all the other miscreants that make up the top 1%.

I mean, the esteemed Henry Kissinger has his own damn page on the World Economic Forum (WEF) website and has been mentoring the notorious Klaus Schwab for decades. In the photo up top, Kissinger and Schwab openly plot for us to “have nothing” and “be happy.”

Kissinger’s interests have heavily influenced the parasites-in-charge (regardless of political party).

As far back as 1974, he penned National Security Study Memorandum 200 on “Implications of Worldwide Population Growth For U.S. Security and Overseas Interests.” In that document, the Nobel Peace Prize Laureate muses about “technological innovations” that might reduce the globe’s human population.

Kissinger has also declared:

“Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the Third World, because the U.S. economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad, especially from less developed countries.”

This brings us to Bill Gates — yet another psychopath who  contrives with Henry K and his WEF cronies.

Gates might see himself as up to the task of providing Kissinger with the “technological innovations” that might reduce the globe’s human population:

Click here to see and hear Gates saying these words, in case you think it’s a misquote.




I’ve told you about deadly protocols imposed on U.S. hospitals that killed about one million people.

I’ve been telling you about all the vaccine adverse events that are being ignored while countless suffer and die.

The sociopaths-in-charge have left a clear, easy-to-find paper trail of their intentions.

What are you gonna do about all this?

P.S. I know I said I’d save all the Kissinger evidence for its own article but I can’t resist offering one example of the kind of man who is awarded a peace prize in today’s society:

With a total population of nearly 30 million, the Kurds are the largest ethnic group in the world without their own country and have often been used as geopolitical pawns. In 1975, in the midst of a border dispute between Iraq and the Shah of Iran (a U.S. ally), then-Secretary of State Henry Kissinger secretly channeled $16 million in military aid to Iraqi Kurds.

The Kurds, succumbing to the spin, believed Washington was finally supporting their right to self-determination. In reality, the United States was using the Kurdish rebels to sap the resources of the Iraqi regime and coerce them into a settlement.

That settlement came at the 1975 OPEC summit, at which time the United States promised Iraq that support for the Kurds would be immediately withdrawn. As Iraq wiped out the Kurdish rebels, Kurdish leader Mustafa Barzani sent a message to Kissinger. It read in part:

“Our movement and people are being destroyed in an unbelievable way, with silence from everyone. We feel, your excellency, that the United States has a moral and political responsibility towards our people, who have committed themselves to your country’s policy.”

One can easily imagine Kissinger getting off on being called “your excellency,” while cringing at the concept of “moral responsibility,” but he did not directly reply to Barzani. Instead, he instructed a staff member: “Promise them anything, give them what they get, and fuck them if they can’t take a joke.”

When asked to explain America’s duplicity towards the Kurds, Kissinger delivered a one-liner that effectively sums up his beliefs and U.S. foreign policy: “Covert action should not be confused with missionary work.”


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Featured image: Henry Kissinger and Klaus Schwab in Davos. (Source: Post-Woke)

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Even though this article is the writing of an anonymous author, it is so well detailed and supported by historic facts which Zionist-controlled historians and media have erased from public knowledge, that it should be made known to the world populations at large.

For starters, it may be telling to illustrate the characters of Palestine and Israel, by presenting the lyrics and songs of two contrasting school choirs, the one from The Ramallah Friends School Choir, hailing Peace and Harmony – see first video below; contrasted by “Annihilate Everyone”, Israeli’s Children’s Choir’s “Friendship Song”, promoting outright genocide in Gaza; see second video below.

In essence, the terror to eliminate Palestinians from their own territory started way before the creation of Israel, a colonialist idea by the Brits. This summarizes what Wikipedia has to say:

“The Israeli Declaration of Independence, formally the Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel, was proclaimed on 14 May 1948 by David Ben-Gurion, the Executive Head of the World Zionist Organization, Chairman of the Jewish Agency for Palestine, and soon to be first Prime Minister of Israel. It declared the establishment of a Jewish State in Eretz-Israel, to be known as the State of Israel, which would come into effect on termination of the British Mandate at midnight that day.”

The establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine had been the goal of Zionists since the lates 19th Century. In 1917 British Foreign Secretary, Arthur Balfour, wrote to British Jewish community leader, Lord Rothschild, that:

“His Majesty’s government views with favor the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.”

This letter became known as the Balfour Decaration, upon which British government policy officially endorsed Zionism. After WWI, the UK was given the mandate for Palestine, conquered from the Ottomans during WWI.

This colonial spirit prevalent to this day, instead of conferring independence to Palestine after freeing it from the Turkish Ottoman Empire, is largely responsible for the mess and political instability in the Middle East, notably the apparent everlasting conflict between Israel and Palestine, now always fueled by Zionist Israel.

According to the Balfour Declaration, a Jewish national home was to be established in Palestine while civil and religious rights – but not political and national rights – of non-Jewish Palestinian communities may prevail.

Palestinians wanting their political rights and autonomy as a sovereign state, resented continued Jewish immigration into Palestine. They disapproved of the British mandate and by 1936 their dissatisfaction had grown into open rebellion.

The so-called Peel Commission, named after its head Lord Robert Peel, was established by the UK in 1936 to study the conflict situation. The Commission’s report of July 1937 admitted the mandate was unworkable because Jewish and Palestinian objectives were incompatible.

The Commission proposed the partitioning of Palestine into three zones, an Arab-Palestine state, a Jewish state, and a neutral territory containing the holy places like Jerusalem. This was the equivalent of a two-state solution.

The Peel Commission’s recommendation was eventually rejected by the British Government as “unworkable”.

The reason for the rejection was most likely the interpretation and possibly pressure by the Jewish-Zionist leader Lord Rothschild that the establishment of Israel in Palestine would give Zionist Israel unlimited rights over what he, Lord Rothschild, considered henceforth their land.

The British rejection of the Peel Commission’s “reasonable” two-state solution gave rise to the 1936 – 1939 Palestine revolt.  

File:UN Partition Plan For Palestine 1947.svg - Wikipedia

UN 1947 partition plan for Palestine (From the Public Domain)

Nevertheless, the partition of Palestine – 57% to 43% for Israel and Palestine respectively, rejected by Palestine, was presented to the newly established United Nations as Resolution 181 – and largely approved by 33 to 13 in favor and 10 abstentions. 

This background is necessary to understand the Holocaust-like long-term cruelties by Israel over Palestine; the Zionists devastating atrocities in the years before Israel was officially established. This report bears testimony to Zionist-Israeli oppression for almost 100 years.

The Zionist terror attacks, largely silenced by the media, were to intimidate and weaken Palestine, before the creation of Israel in 1948 – an Israel which way before she officially existed, had already plans for Greater Zionist-Israel for the “Chosen People”.

See Article on


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Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.

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Following the asymmetric punishment inflicted by Israel, all basic infrastructure, schools, mosques, hospitals and 80 per cent of Gaza’s buildings were reportedly razed by systematic aerial bombardments resulting in more than 20,000 Palestinian civilian casualties, (7000 of them would be children) and several thousand more buried in the rubble.

The real objective of the military campaign in Gaza would be to provoke a second Nakba in which 1.5 million Palestinians would be forced to leave a Gaza turned into a mass of rubble and human remains that would make it impossible to return the displaced Gazan population.

To this end, Israel is attempting to confine the Palestinians to an outdoor concentration camp of 1.7 km2 located in Rafah, a situation described by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Türk as “apocalyptic”, while warning “of the growing risk of genocide”.

Such forcible confinement of the Gazan population would be a measure of pressure on Egypt to open its border and settle the Palestinians in the Sinai Peninsula, after which Israel would proceed to the unilateral declaration of sovereignty over Gaza and its maritime areas. Thus, Israel would assume control of the maritime routes and exploration of the Gazan gas reserves that would be integrated into Israel’s offshore facilities and proceed with the construction of the Ben Gurion Canal.

This project, named after the founding father of the Israeli regime, David Ben Gurion, was conceived in the late 1960s with a view to creating an alternative route to the Suez Canal, the main maritime route connecting Europe and Asia, which would thus come under American Jewish control.

Then, in the second phase of the ethnic cleansing undertaken by Israel, we will see the expulsion of the Arab population from East Jerusalem and the unstoppable expansion of Israeli settler settlements in the West Bank, Ramallah remained a Palestinian islet in an ocean of Israeli colonies where an Abbas would languish until his death as a mere servant of Israel.

Consequently, the two-State theory will remain an impossible utopia given the absence on both sides of valid interlocutors to negotiate a lasting peace involving the mutual recognition of the States of Israel and Palestine.


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Germán Gorraiz Lopez is a political analyst. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Deporting all Gazans is the joint plan of the US and Israel. According to the plan, the Palestinians will be ‘relocated’ to Egypt, Iraq, Turkey, and Yemen. This large-scale ethnic cleansing is cynically presented as a “moral and humanitarian” aid plan. 



In recent war history, there has rarely been such an intensive and massive slaughter of civilians and children as in Gaza, one of the most densely populated places in the world. The destruction of northern Gaza in less than seven weeks approaches the devastation caused by the years of carpet bombing of German cities during World War II.

According to the World Health Organization, a child is killed every ten minutes.

More than half of Gaza City has now been destroyed, including schools and mosques. Hospitals can no longer function. Bakeries are closed and there is almost no drinking water left. Destruction and slaughter are happening on an industrial scale, with the help of Artificial Intelligence.

People were first driven out of the north, but now the south is attacked with heavy bombing and a ground offensive against the town of Khan Younis. According to a top official of the UN humanitarian aid agency, conditions there are now apocalyptic. 

No child still has unlimited access to care, food or water. Famine is looming. And because sewers no longer work, there will be mass outbreaks of disease.

Gazans are now being urged to leave for Rafah, the southernmost point of Gaza, where the border post with Egypt is also located.

Officially, Israel’s goal is to eliminate Hamas. But the intensity and ruthlessness with which the Israeli army is acting reveals that this is an excuse for another goal: the complete expulsion of the population from Palestine, starting with Gaza.

According to the Jewish philosopher Moshé Machover, this plan has been in existence for a long time: “We are actually waiting for a time when they can be permanently expelled to neighbouring countries. That will only be possible during a full-scale war and I fear that Israel is prepared to provoke it.” He said this in 2017.

New Deportation Plan

Israel wants to increase the level of inhumanity to such an extent that the residents of Gaza will ultimately have no choice but to leave. That seems to be the hidden plan, although that plan is getting clearer by the day.

A plan, from the Israeli Intelligence Ministry was already leaked in late October. That plan envisaged a final deportation of Gaza’s population to Egypt’s Sinai desert. That was met with a resounding refusal from Cairo.

But Israel is determined to continue this large-scale ethnic cleansing. In a recent op-ed in the Wall Street Journal, two Israeli members of the Knesset called on Western countries to accept Palestinian refugees. Gila Gamliel, intelligence minister wrote a similar op-ed in the Jerusalem Post, proposing the “voluntary resettlement” of Palestinians in Gaza to other countries around the world.

Minister of Agriculture Avi Dichter does not hesitate to call the current war a ‘Nakba 2023’, referring to the mass expulsion of Palestinians from Palestine  at the founding of the Jewish state in 1948. 

“We are now rolling out the Gaza Nakba. From an operational point of view, there is no way to wage a war – as the IDF seeks to do in Gaza – with masses between the tanks and the soldiers. (…) Gaza Nakba 2023. That’s how it’ll end.”

And it is not just words. A new joint US-Israeli plan has now surfaced in which they want to deport the population of Gaza to four countries: Turkey, Egypt, Iraq and Yemen. In this new plan, Egypt should no longer bear the burden alone.

The numbers per country are already known too: a million Palestinians would go to Egypt, half a million to Turkey, 250,000 to Iraq and another 250,000 to Yemen.

The four countries referred to are receiving generous aid from Washington. The plan states that this support will be linked to a willingness to receive Gazans. In other words, the four countries will be put under serious financial and perhaps diplomatic pressure to ‘harbour’ the Gazans.

The key country is Egypt, which must open its border. Joe Wilson, former Republican MP and one of the initiators of this plan, is very clear about this. According to him, “the only moral way [to solve the Gaza problem] is to ensure that Egypt opens its borders”.

“Israel is trying to keep civilian casualties in the Gaza Strip as low as possible, but Hamas is not allowing the refugees to leave and Egypt is unwilling to open its borders,” the authors of the plan write in the opening paragraph. Meanwhile, six children are being slaughtered every hour…

For its planned population move, the plan refers to other recent conflict hotspots. “It would not be the first time other countries have accepted refugees,” the plan says. Here, the authors refer to the six million Ukrainians who fled the country to Poland, Germany and the Czech Republic, among others. Nearly five million Syrians have also “moved” to Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan, while other Middle Eastern and European countries have taken in hundreds of thousands of Syrians.

The plan has been submitted to key figures in the US House of Representatives and Congress and has the support of both Democrats and Republicans. The planned large-scale ethnic cleansing is cynically presented as a “moral and humanitarian” aid plan:

“The neighbouring borders have been closed for too long, but it is now clear that in order to free the Gazan population from the tyrannical oppression of Hamas and to allow them to live free of war and bloodshed, Israel must encourage the international community to find the correct, moral and humane avenues for the relocation of the Gazan population.” 

Truly a fine piece of newspeak.

The plan also firmly lashes out at UNRWA, the UN refugee agency dedicated to aid and development for Palestinian refugees in the Middle East. US lawmakers blame the agency of “propagating the refugee narrative” and “inhibiting the rehabilitation of Palestinian refugees for over seventy years and has in fact deepened the refugee crisis”. That’s why they want the agency to be closed down.


We may be on the eve of a mass deportation of Palestinians, a second Nakba. If Western countries want to retain any shred of credibility, they must take action immediately.

They must immediately impose economic and diplomatic sanctions against Israel and also convene the Security Council to condemn and thwart the sinister plan of the US and Israel. If not, they are complicit in this declared humanitarian disaster.


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Marc Vandepitte is a Belgian economist and philosopher. He writes on North-South relations, Latin America, Cuba, and China. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.


Senior US lawmakers review plan linking Gaza refugee resettlement to US aid to Arab countries

US lawmakers review plan linking Gaza refugee resettlement to American aid to Arab countries

US Congress is reviewing a plan to facilitate an ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in Gaza

Israel and America’s plan to move the people of Gaza to Iraq, Egypt, Turkey and Yemen

‘We’re Rolling Out Nakba 2023,’ Israeli Minister Says on Northern Gaza Strip Evacuation

Featured image: Girl holds improvised white flag, to tell Israel to respect Geneva Conventions and spare her fleeing family. Photo credit: Yasser Qudih 

What Were Romans Thinking as They Watched Rome Collapse?

December 11th, 2023 by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

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I have often wondered what Roman citizens thought as they watched the Roman Empire fall apart culturally, politically, morally, and militarily. Cicero, quaestor, praetor and Counsel of Rome, tried to save the Roman Republic. For his efforts he was chased down and murdered. As Cicero was, perhaps, the most famous Roman, his murder stopped efforts to prevent Rome’s descent into tyranny. 

The same thing is happening today to those who attempt to arouse us to our danger. Julian Assange, for example, has been imprisoned contrary to every known US and UK law for a decade without conviction for simply doing his duty as a journalist and reporting the crimes of our rulers, the crimes of the corrupt vermin we continue to return to office and power over us. No one has done anything about it, not even his fellow journalists.

When truth is punished, a country dies.

Rome survived for centuries after its essence had departed, because her enemies were weak in comparison. Rome destroyed itself. As many or more Romans died in civil wars fighting one another than died repelling barbarian invasions, Roman military might ended in self-destruction.  

The enemies Washington has created for America are not weak. Russia alone, China alone, perhaps even Iran alone, is a match or more for America. The three together constitute a vast over-match of US military capability. Yet Washington continues to increase hostilities with these countries. The mindlessness of my government is unbearable. Such utter stupidity.

Once the moronic Biden regime’s economic sanctions and the US loss of the reserve currency role finish off the US dollar, America is finished. We will be a third world country, and the rest of the world will punish us for the sins of our government.

Try to tell this to an American.  


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Paul Craig Roberts is a renowned author and academic, chairman of The Institute for Political Economy where this article was originally published. Dr. Roberts was previously associate editor and columnist for The Wall Street Journal. He was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy during the Reagan Administration. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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The question is no longer if but when the United States will support a ceasefire in the Gaza war.

While the need for a ceasefire to halt Gaza’s human carnage is self-evident, some drivers of the Biden administration’s debate about the timing of a ceasefire raise questions about the moral underpinnings of Western democracies.

The debate suggests decisions are driven as much by perceived strategic and national interests as by perceptions of political fortunes and electoral calculations, even if that is at the expense of thousands of innocent lives.

To be fair, the Biden administration’s balancing of support for Israel’s war goals – destruction of Hamas and release of hostages – with the electoral fallout of a confrontation with Israel over a ceasefire works in favour of an earlier rather than a later end to the Gaza war, at least on the administration’s timetable.

The United States last week vetoed a United Nations Security Council resolution calling for an immediate Gaza ceasefire. Senior Israeli officials worry the US could abstain, or even vote in favour, of a similar resolution if, and when, one is again tabled in the coming weeks.

Already, the United States has reportedly given Israel a three-week deadline for ending the Gaza fighting. The White House denied giving Israel a “firm deadline.”

This weekend, the United States fired a shot across Israel’s bow by not stopping the adoption by the World Health Organisation’s Executive Board of a resolution calling for the “immediate, sustained and unimpeded passage of humanitarian relief” into Gaza.

In addition to signalling Israel that it cannot continue to count on unconditional support, the United States, a member of the WHO’s 34-nation board, likely did not want to be seen opposing badly needed humanitarian aid.

Even so, the fact that limiting the sacrifice of innocent lives doesn’t figure, at least not prominently, in US political calculations, particularly given the military and political alternatives available to Israel in responding to Hamas’ brutal October 7 attack, calls into question the moral and ethical underpinnings of politics in Western democracies.

It also calls into question the integrity of democratic checks and balances that fail to distinguish between what is right and what is a political rather than a national interest.

The prioritization of political fortune is no truer than for Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu who prides himself on governing a Western democracy.

To be fair, Israeli democracy is likely to ensure that Mr. Netanyahu’s political days are numbered once the guns fall silent.

Lack of moral rectitude is equally true for Hamas leaders, although they make no pretence to adhere to democratic and humanitarian norms.

Hamas, even if it survives the war with a political victory of kinds, wantonly sacrificed innocent Gazan lives and made no provisions for a modicum of security for the civilian population in times of war.

Like Israel, Hamas discarded alternatives at its disposal in the way it fights its battles.

To be sure, failure to distinguish between national and domestic political interests pervades national security discussions far beyond the Gaza war.

There may be no immediate or obvious formula for introducing a mechanism capable of making the distinction without taking domestic political interests into account.

Moreover, in a world of extreme polarization, fear, and rage, the survival of a leader, even if he or she lacks the moral rectitude to make preservation of life an imperative, may be perceived as a national interest.

Leaving aside whether President Joe Biden’s support for Israel enhances or damages his election prospects, the choice between Mr. Biden and Donald J. Trump, who many perceive as authoritarian or a potentate, is a case in point in the run-up to next year’s US presidential election.

Even so, the question remains whether Gaza’s population that does not vote in the United States should be required to pay the price of US domestic politics.

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict’s role in undermining the moral backbone and pillars of democracy goes far beyond Western support for Israel in Gaza.

The war has magnified the successful, years-long Israeli campaign to prevent unfettered debate about the conflict by equating criticism of Israel with anti-Semitism.

To put the campaign in perspective, one equivalent would be to assert that criticism of sub-Saharan nations amounts to anti-Black racism.

To be sure, the lines separating anti-Israel and anti-Zionist attitudes and anti-Semitism are often blurred. Critics of Israel and anti-Zionists have frequently failed to distance themselves from anti-Semitic expressions that, for example,  surface at times on the margins of pro-Palestinian protests.

Nevertheless, Israel’s successful effort, aided by Western politicians, to impose its narrative on public debate has undermined freedom of expression in democracies and elevated support of Israel to the status of loyalty to one’s own country.

It turns on its head the anti-Semitic allegation that Jews cannot be trusted because they have double loyalties to their country of origin and Israel.

A recent survey of 963 scholars, two thirds of whom are based in the United States, illustrated the impact of the Israeli effort.

Eighty-two per cent of all US-based respondents said they self-censor when they speak about the Israeli-Palestinian issue. That figure rose to 98 percent among more junior assistant professors.

Just over 81 per cent of those self-censoring said they primarily refrained from criticising Israel, while 11 percent said they held back from criticizing Palestinians.

Moreover, Israel has managed to enshrine the limiting or banning of criticism of the Jewish state and anti-Israeli activism in the laws and regulations of Western democracies.

Twenty-seven US states have adopted laws or policies that penalize businesses, organizations, or individuals that engage in or call for boycotts against Israel.

The German parliament condemned as anti-Semitic the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement that calls for economic pressure on Israel to end the occupation of Palestinian land, grant Arab citizens equal rights, and recognize  Palestinian refugees’ right of return.

Israel views the call for the right of return as a veiled quest for the destruction of Israel as a Jewish state because Jews would no longer be a majority.

While having merit in the past, the argument increasingly rings hollow with Israeli settlements on occupied Palestinian territory threatening the viability of an independent Palestinian state alongside Israel.

Doubts about the feasibility of a two-state solution have revived debate about one state in which Jews and Palestinians would have equal rights.

Responding to the Israeli concern, the German state of Saxony-Anhalt decided by ministerial decree that applicants for German citizenship must declare their support for Israel’s right to exist. The Bundestag, the German parliament is considering making the requirement mandatory nationwide.

Although the German measures may be explained in part by what The New Yorker describes as the “politics of memory” of the Holocaust, they, like the steps taken by US states, amount to an undefendable restriction on freedom of expression.

Moreover, criticism of anti-BDS moves does not by definition constitute support for a boycott of Israel. It is, first and foremost, a defense of freedom of choice, including the freedom to choose whose products one buys, with whom one does business, and what one invests in.

It is also a defence of democracy.

“The unprecedented carnage in Israel and Palestine is having repercussions in the United States, testing pillars of democracy including the fundamental human rights to free speech and assembly,” warned Human Rights Watch’s US program director Tanya Greene.


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Dr. James M. Dorsey is an Adjunct Senior Fellow at Nanyang Technological University’s S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, and the author of the syndicated column and podcast, The Turbulent World with James M. Dorsey. 

Featured image is from the author

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In 2015 and 2017, Israeli historian and philosopher Yuval Noah Harari discussed how a massive class of useless people was being created. The artificial intelligence revolution is beginning to create “the useless class,” he said.

When asked if his 2015 book provided any solutions, he responded:

“At present, the best guess we have is to keep them [the useless class] happy with drugs and computer games.”

In 2015, Yuval Noah Harari published two books: ‘Sapiens: A Brief History of Human Kind’ and ‘Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow’.

Dr. John Lennox, a renowned Oxford Mathematician and author of ‘2084: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Humanity, said Harari concerned him because of his widespread influence. 

“He really is an influencer … What he actually has to say concerns me more because of its inaccuracy and his reading of history seems, to me, to be very strange,”  Dr. Lennox said.

In Homo Deus, Dr. Lennox said, Harari says that there are two major agenda items for the 21st century. 

“The first is to solve the technological problem of human death. He regards it as a technical problem and a technical problem with technical solutions. And then secondly, to enhance human happiness … [On] enhancing human happiness his target is, and this is more or less a quote, ‘is to turn Homo sapiens into Homo Deus’. In other words, turn humans into gods.”

Shortly after he released Homo Deus, Harari gave a speech based on his other book Sapiens at TED Talks. After his speech, Harai was asked to elaborate on a statement he made in his book Sapiens: “… new classes and new class struggles, just as the industrial revolution did.”

Harari answered:

“In the industrial revolution, we saw the creation of a new class of the urban proletariat. And much of the political and social history of the last 200 years involved what to do with this class and the new problems and opportunities.”

“Now, we see the creation of a new massive class of useless people,” he said.

“As computers become better and better in more and more fields, there is a distinct possibility that computers will out-perform us in most tasks and will make humans redundant. And then the big political and economic question of the 21st century will be, ‘What do we need humans for?’, or at least, ‘What do we need so many humans for?’”

Harari was then asked whether there were answers to those questions in his book. He responded:

“At present, the best guess we have is to keep them happy with drugs and computer games.”

He clarified he was not predicting the future but rather laying out possibilities. 

“It’s not a prophecy; it’s seeing all kinds of possibilities before us,” he said.

As he saw it, there were only two possibilities; both would result in a massive number of useless people. He said:

“One possibility is this creation of a new massive class of useless people. Another possibility is the division of humankind into different biological castes, with the rich being upgraded into virtual gods, and the poor being degraded to this level of useless people.”

TED: Why humans run the world, 24 July 2015 (17 mins)

Just over two years later he joined Turkish broadcaster TRT’s The Newsmakers. TRT asks in the video caption: Thanks to new technology and artificial intelligence, will we achieve near immortality, or is the future for the human race a bleak one?

“The three biggest problems of humankind in the 21st century is the danger of nuclear war, it’s the danger of climate change and it’s the dangers inherent in disruptive technologies especially bioengineering and artificial intelligence,” Harari said.

“We are now gaining really divine powers of creation and destruction just as according to ancient religions God had the power to create animals and plants and humans according to his wishes. Now humankind in the 21st century with bioengineering and artificial intelligence gains this divine power to engineer and manufacture life.”

According to Harari, the main products of the 21st century economy will not be things like textiles, vehicles and weapons.

“The main products will be bodies and brains and minds. We are learning to design life … we are really upgrading ourselves into gods.”

It’s not absolutely certain technology, it’s not deterministic and we can still do something about it, he said.  

“But, if we are not careful then, within the next century – let’s say within a hundred years – we may see humankind splitting into biological casts … With the rise of bioengineering, it might be possible to translate economic inequality into biological inequality and then … we will see humankind splitting into castes.”

He again referred to the creation of “the useless class.”

“The artificial intelligence revolution is beginning to create the useless class. As computers outperform humans in more and more tasks, they are likely to push them out of more and more jobs. And then the danger is that you will have millions of people even billions of people who don’t have any economic value and therefore they also don’t have any political power.”

The Newsmakers: Humanity on the brink? 5 October 2017 (13 mins)


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Our thanks to Al Jazeera for this article.


United States President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, was indicted for multiple counts of tax evasion late on Thursday. Here’s what there is to know:

What Are the Recent Charges Against Hunter Biden?

The US Justice Department filed three felony and six misdemeanour tax offences against Biden, 53, on Thursday, according to an indictment filed in the US District Court, Central District of California. He is accused of failing to file and pay taxes, evading tax assessment and making a false or fraudulent tax return, according to court documents presented in Los Angeles.

Biden “engaged in a four-year scheme to not pay at least $1.4 million in self-assessed federal taxes he owed for tax years 2016 through 2019,” the indictment filed in a US district court in central California read.

It further added that Biden instead spent this money on personal expenditures including luxury hotels, cars, clothing and more than $70,000 on drug rehabilitation.

Prosecutors said that between 2016 and October 2020, he received more than $7m in total gross income.

Republican lawmakers have continually slammed the younger Biden for leveraging his family name to make money overseas such as with Burisma, one of the largest gas companies in Ukraine, where he made $2.3m from 2016 to 2019. He has also worked at a Chinese private equity fund. Joe Biden was US vice president from 2009 to 2017.

Has Hunter Biden Been Indicted Before?

Biden is being charged this year for a second time by a special counsel investigating his personal and business dealings.

Previous charges accuse him of illegally owning a handgun alongside two counts of lying about his drug use on a federal application when he purchased the gun.

In July, a plea bargain between Hunter Biden and special counsel David Weiss – which would have erased the gun charges while Biden pleaded guilty to two tax charges and avoided prison – fell apart.

In October, he pleaded not guilty to these charges in Delaware, in the first criminal prosecution of a sitting US president’s child.

Can He Face Trial and Go to Jail?

The new charges mean that Hunter Biden could in theory go on trial twice next year. It was not clear when he would appear in court.

If convicted, Biden can face up to 17 years in prison. The Justice Department said its investigation into Biden is continuing.

What Are the Reactions to Biden’s Indictment?

While the White House declined to comment, President Biden has previously insisted he stands by his son despite his past troubled behaviour.

Hunter Biden’s lawyer, Abbe Lowell, said in a statement that his client had repaid his taxes in full, accusing Weiss of renouncing a previous agreement, according to US media. He accused Weiss of “bowing to Republican pressure”.

“If Hunter’s last name was anything other than Biden, the charges in Delaware, and now California, would not have been brought,” Lowell was quoted as saying.

What Does this Mean for Joe Biden’s 2024 Presidential Campaign?

This indictment comes as Joe Biden likely faces former US President Donald Trump in the 2024 race for the presidency.

It also comes as congressional Republicans pursue an impeachment inquiry into President Biden, claiming he was engaged in an influence-peddling scheme with his son.

The House is expected to vote next week on formally authorising the inquiry. No evidence has emerged so far to prove that Joe Biden, in his current or previous office, abused his role or accepted bribes, though questions have arisen about the ethics surrounding the Biden family’s international business.


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Featured image: This caricature of Hunter Biden was adapted from in the public domain from the US Congress (PDF). The body was adapted from in the public domain from The White House’s Flickr photostream.

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Oct. 17, 2023 – Greenwood Lake, NY – 15 month old Melody Rain Palombi-Malmgren had Three Vaccines (Varicella, DTap, Flu) on Oct. 17, 2023. Two days later, she “stopped breathing and went into cardiac arrest”. She died in the Hospital (also had liver & kidney failure).


Click here to view the video.

There are 25 Babies ages 0 to 2 years old in this article.

Dec. 5, 2023 – Toronto, ON – Josh Azan and Ali Rioux Azan posted: “Our son passed away suddenly and unexpectedly without warning on our flight to Jamaica.”

Nov. 22, 2023 – UK – 2 year old previously healthy Noah-Blake Eddy died on Nov. 22, 2023. “He was taken into hospital 6 weeks ago with a mystery illness, his lungs just weren’t getting any better.” Mother Natasha Eddy was COVID-19 Vaccinated.

Nov. 10, 2023 – Louisiana – Mercedes White, a prominent TikTok star posted news that her 2 year old son, Wesley, inexplicably died of cardiac arrest on Nov. 10, 2023. The previously healthy baby had a cardiac arrest and died on the way to the hospital.

July 20, 2023 – New York Influencer Christine Tran Ferguson’s 15 month old son Asher died after a 2 week health battle. His death was unexpected and unexplained.

July 13, 2023 – Savannah, GA – 2 year old Josephine Boswell died suddenly in her crib on night of July 13, 2023. Her mother Kassandra Pelky Boswell wrote when she was born: “I just simply can’t take the risk of unvaccinated people being around my infant.”

Dec. 29, 2022 – Kelowna, BC, Canada – 23 month old Addilyn Emelia Radomske Booth was an energetic little girl with no health issues. On Dec. 28, 2022 she went for a sleepover at grandmother’s house. She was found not breathing the morning of Dec. 29 and died.

Dec. 16, 2022 – Manchester, NH – 2 year old Elizabeth Rose Ragonese died suddenly on Dec. 16, 2022. She received both Moderna COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine and Influenza (Flulaval Quadrivalent by GlaxosmithKline) on Dec. 15 and died the next day on Dec. 16! She is recorded as VAERS ID 2536846 and VAERS ID 2573802.

Click here to read the full article.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

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No thoughtful self-respecting human being can deny that within the political institutions responsible for administrating human affairs today, there are only a tiny fraction of individuals who put responsibility for caring for fellow humans and our planet, at the top of their agenda – if at all.

‘Democracy’ is what many still believe to be the best solution for citizen governance, these same people also hold that the politicians elected via national voting systems are ‘servants of the people’, since constitutionally that is what is indicated. Members of parliament entrusted with responsibility for accounting to those who elect them.

However, is spite of the fact that the general mass of the populace cling to the dream of a world in which democracy means a form of governance being ‘of the people, by the people, for the people’, upon inspection the reality is precisely the opposite.

Those beguiling men and women who portray themselves as saviours and saints of their communities prior to their election, shape shift into self serving parasites to the program of the globalist shadow government as soon as they become elected into office.

And what does the electorate do about this?

Some allow themselves to think that such a state of affairs is somehow inevitable ‘in this corrupted world’.

Others express dismay and loudly proclaim that they will vote for the opposition party at the next election (..and get precisely the same result).  Yet others try to ignore the reality altogether, muttering cynically about ‘not voting at all in the future’.

A very small minority hold their elected representatives to account, demanding that they stand by the policies they promised to support before the election. Not that such determination necessarily produces the desired result; but it is at least honourable.

The net result of all this is that parliamentarians, senators and congressman, each of whom is primarily concerned with making a successful political career, fall instantly in line with the ‘party program’. A top-down fixed agenda, based upon the wishes of the corporate billionaire donors whose fulsome funding comes with an assurance that their support will be properly reciprocated.

Democracy in action, you understand.

The man or woman you thought was going to fight for the electorate’s interests at the local and regional level, turns out to simply be a puppet to those higher up the political pyramid. The new parliamentarians, if they didn’t know already, soon find out that the only way to keep their political prospects alive, is to follow the party agenda and never step out of line.

In the UK, any intention to deviate from the party line is greeted with the threat of being ‘whipped’, meaning being forced to comply with the will of the leaders – or face being expelled from the party.

Now that we grasp the essentially tunnel vision fixation of our party political systems, we can turn our attention to the agenda of the global shadow power nucleus around which everything is actually turning.

For those not fully aware of the motivation of this small but all powerful cabal – which prefers to remain in the shadows – it is a profound shock to be faced with the realisation that everything being visibly played-out under the predominant influence of globalisation, is an ulterior motive and charade for something considerably more sinister hatched out of sight and therefore ‘out of mind’ – of the great majority of world citizens, including most of the politicians they elect.

We don’t need to go into the details of what mainstream media calls ‘fake news’ and ‘conspiracy theories’. Those reading this article will already be more than familiar with the increasingly desperate attempt of the shadow government cabal – and therefore also the national governments they control, to discredit – or in severe cases to dispose of – those armed with truth and the determination to make it known.

Anyone not shaken to the core by events in Gaza since October 7, will also be unlikely to recognise the significance of the abject failure of nation states and their government representatives to step outside their political straightjackets and come to the rescue of a country whose essentially defenceless citizens are being systematically and brutally murdered in their thousands, in full view of everyone with a screen on their living room wall or office desk.

For the cabal, ‘non intervention’ is what it’s all about, because this shadowy sect is the motivating force behind the horror and takes a darkly parasitic interest in benefiting from the consequences.

The inability, or refusal of nations and key spokespeople to take a coordinated, international humanitarian stand in the face of this holocaust, reveals an unbroken chain reaction whose inception can be traced back to the parliamentarian I mentioned earlier, who failed to stand his ground thus capitulating to the will of senior figureheads in order not to jeopardise an overriding ambition to further his all important career.

Here is where the slide into slavery begins and the true expression of human liberty ends; the innate responsibility of the sentient, moral human, to act in the cause of truth and justice – superseded instead by the narcissistic desire to feed the demands of an insatiable ego.

Now juxtapose this with the top of the pyramid cult ambition to live-out the fantasy ‘God-King’ bloodline dream of  attaining ‘absolute power’ through ‘absolute possession’ – and the links in the chain slot into place.

Klaus Schwab’s proclamation “You will own nothing and you will be happy” simply exposes the program whereby our homes and related assets are to be confiscated in the interests of a totalitarian regime declaring itself to be the only authority able to align the whole planet with the ‘sustainable development’ goals of the Great Reset and Green New Deal.

Ironic indeed is the choice of the term ‘sustainable development’ to describe the take-over of the world by a small clique of psychopathic megalomaniacs, using the great global warming deception ‘Net Zero by 2050’ to authenticate the enforcement of its global power grab.

But it was known well in advance that this ploy would be sure to work, because less grandiose versions have already been practised successfully for decades – if not centuries – under the ‘problem, reaction, solution’ formula. Invent a crisis, provoke a reaction and come up with a solution to the problem you created. 

How many cabal initiated false flags have been used to catalyse a preplanned outcome over the past twenty five years alone?

The likes of Schwab, Gates, Soros, Rockefeller and Rothschild are the visible end of this control agenda. So are the global institutions like the United Nations, World Economic Forum, World Health Organisation and European Union. Then there are the bankers like Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan and Layman Brothers that team-up with semi secret societies like the Bilderberg Club, Trilateral Commission, Club of Rome and Chatham House.

Also visible and boasting crushing financial powers are asset management firms like BlackRock, Vanguard and UBS. Not to mention behemoths like the Military Industrial Project and Silicon Valley. 

All these, and many more of course, are the outward material expression of an inner compulsion to dominate, and in the process crush the natural order expressed in ecology, family, community, creativity, diversity and spirituality. 

Answering to this vast conglomerate of aggressive globalisation parasites, are the parliaments of Nation states, playing out their subterfuge of democratic governance and ‘proper management’ of national resources.

Do they have an agenda in any way separate from the globalist cabal?

Are they standing-up for their professed ‘democratic’ belief in justice, honour and fundamental human rights?

Are they fighting to protect the sanctity of ownership, privacy and human dignity?

Are they defending the rights of their constituents to have direct access to affordable non-denatured foods free from toxins and laboratory engineered genetic distortions?

Are those who sit in these parliaments setting a worthy example by the way they conduct their own lives?

Apart from those few individuals who determinedly stand their ground and fulfill their duties of office, there is really nothing to distinguish the behaviour and attitude of those in government to those at the forefront of the globalist rape of humanity’s planetary resource base and all life forms that depend on it.

In the end, they too are agents of destruction, apologetically and passively complicit in their failure to take a stand against the crushing of all who resist a life of slavery.

So what really are governments these days?

They are institutions that offer the cowardly pretence of deliberating on the merits or demerits of adopting what is, in reality, a top down fixed and secretive agenda serving the cause of a ‘Great Reset’ and a ‘New World Order’ to be administered by a centralised AI form of robotic technocracy.

Working hand in hand with communication industry masters of mass hypnosis, they spin slavery to the cabal as ‘the proper workings of society’.

Across the world, governments handling of Covid, with very few exceptions, was a collective agreement to engage in genocide. 

Is it any wonder then, that these same governments cower behind a veil of collusion in refusing to take action to prevent the mass genocide being perpetrated in Gaza?

‘We the people’ have an extraordinary challenge ahead of us in order to take back control of our destinies and ultimately our planet.

No longer should we hold any illusions about the role of our political institutions. They are a dangerous sham; a dark hypocritical playhouse whose vanity laden games with democracy are rapidly leading to self inflicted collapse.

It is most certainly not our duty to try and save them, but to adopt instead a bold, fresh and inspiring approach that brings out the best qualities of the human race, so as to break through the dystopian matrix and set in motion a true sense of direction and purpose. One able to rise above and eventually vanquish the demonic forces unashamedly intent on our complete impoverishment.


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Julian Rose is an organic farmer, writer, broadcaster and international activist. He is author of four books of which the latest ‘Overcoming the Robotic Mind’ is a clarion call to resist the despotic New World Order takeover of our lives. Do visit his website for further information 

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is by Birch Gold Group

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Today in “historical context you won’t get from the Race Lady at MSNBC or former AIPAC intern Wolf Blitzer at CNN” – the provision of which is the value of independent outlets like Armageddon Prose – via Jewish Virtual Library:

Haavara [was] a company for the transfer of Jewish property from Nazi Germany to Palestine. The Trust and Transfer Office Haavara Ltd., was established in Tel Aviv, following an agreement with the German government in August 1933, to facilitate the emigration of Jews to Palestine by allowing the transfer of their capital in the form of German export goods.

The Haavara Agreement is an instance where the question of Jewish rights, Zionist needs and individual rescue were in deep tension. Jewish organizations outside of Germany had declared a boycott against German goods and hoped to delegitimate the Nazi regime. The Zionists saw this agreement as a way of attracting Jews to Palestine and thus rescuing them from the Nazi universe even if that meant cooperation with Hitler. For a time the Nazi program of making Germany Judenrein and the Zionist policy of seeking olim coincided. The amounts to be transferred were paid by prospective emigrants into the account of a Jewish trust company (PALTREU – Palestina Treuhandstelle zur Beratung deutscher Juden) in Germany and used for the purchase of goods, which the Haavara then sold in Palestine. The proceeds, in Palestine currency, were paid to the emigrants living in Palestine. The rate of exchange was adjusted from time to time by the Haavara according to the disagio, necessitated by the subsidy which the Haavara granted the Palestinian importers, to make up for the steadily deteriorating value of the Reich mark, so the German goods could compete with other imports.

The ensuing disagio, borne by the emigrants, accordingly increased from 6% in 1934 to 50% in 1938. The major part of the transfer proceeds provided the 1,000 Palestine Pounds (then $4,990) necessary for a “capitalist” immigration certificate of the Mandatory administration, but also for other categories of immigration, such as Youth Aliyah, students, and artisans as well as for the transfer of public funds. The transfer weakened the boycott of German goods declared by many Jewish organizations around the world, and thus met with considerable opposition. The controversy was settled at the Zionist Congress in Lucerne (1935) which decided by a vast majority in favor of the transfer and placed the Haavara under the supervision of the Jewish Agency.

The Zionists sought to attract immigrants to Palestine, most especially the affluent German Jewish immigrants and the Germans sought to get rid of their Jews, increase their exports and a propaganda victory by dividing the Jews regarding the boycott. The Haavara continued to function until World War II, in spite of vigorous attempts by the Nazi Party to stop or curtail its activities. The total transfer amounted to LP 8,100,000 (Palestine Pounds; then $40,419,000) including LP 2,600,000 (then $13,774,000) provided by the German Reichsbank in coordination with Haavara. The Haavara transfer was a major factor in making possible the immigration of approximately 60,000 German Jews to Palestine in the years 1933–1939, and together with the money invested by the immigrants themselves, in providing an incentive for the expansion of agricultural settlement and for general economic development. It also served as a model for a similar arrangement with the Czech government and the immigration of several thousand Jews on the eve of World War II.”

The Haavara Agreement has long been a thorn in the side of Zionist historical canon because of the obvious narrative difficulties it presents. As a result, pro-Israeli media is forced to come up with rationales for how the Third Reich funneling money to fund the creation of Israel (the literal definition of Zionism) wasn’t actually a Zionist endeavor.

Via The Independent:

“Claims that Hitler was a Zionist, or supported Zionism, before his anti-Jewish policies turned into murder and extermination flare up at regular intervals. They usually cite the controversial Haavara Agreement (Transfer Agreement) of August 1933 as the most potent evidence of a wilful cooperation between Hitler and the Zionist movement. When viewed in a certain way, this deal does superficially seem to show that Hitler’s government endorsed Zionism – but just because it was a mechanism to help German Jews relocate to Palestine it does not imply it was ‘Zionist’.”

The salient point here is not to conflate Zionism and Nazism — which are obviously divergent ideologies — or the Israeli state and the Third Reich, or whatever simple-minded reactionary smear one would expect from the American mainstream media for shining light on such unsavory historical facts as above.

Obviously, Nazi Germany and the Zionists of the day in the early-to-mid-20th century had only briefly intersecting political agendas — the tenuousness of which were evidenced by the agreement’s controversial nature among the constituencies of the relevant factions.

Rather, the relevant revelation is one I have previously tried to make: Zionism is a political project that ultimately has only a superficial relationship to Judaism. The purported relationship between the ancient Abrahamic religion called Judaism and the political project called Zionism is drummed up by many parties, both hostile and friendly to the state of Israel, for practical and ideological purposes.

The Israeli propaganda machine is very adept at conflating criticism of Israel with antisemitism, a tactic it has employed with greater force — but, thankfully, receding effectiveness — recently than ever before in a veritable PR blitzkrieg as it scrambles to drum up international political support for its campaign in the Gaza Strip.

Israel is, and always has been since it was first imagined several hundred years ago in Europe, an explicitly political project.

In general, the purview of Armageddon Prose is geopolitics, not ancient theological beefs. No volume or intensity of accusations of “antisemitism” or censorship at the behest of the Israel lobby is going to budge me off of the acknowledgment of reality.


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This article was originally published on the author’s Substack, Armageddon Prose.

Ben Bartee, author of Broken English Teacher: Notes From Exile, is an independent Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image:Jews on selection ramp at Auschwitz, May 1944 (Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 de)

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I wasn’t really planning to do another article on the events of October 7 but I’ve come across two additional pieces of information which I thought warrant getting out there.

The first one has seen little to no coverage in English (although a fair bit in Hebrew) and the second one has been covered a fair bit but I thought it would be useful to go straight to the original source in Hebrew.

To close off this article, I will also tie it all together for you (in case you still need it) and finish off with a call to action which I cannot possibly make clearer!

Let’s dive in.

The Mysterious Case of the Men with the Light Blue Shirts 

I was sent this video just over a week ago. It’s in Hebrew with no subtitles and has also been designated as “age restricted” by YouTube (despite not having anything overly visually distressing in it) which means you’ll need to log into your YouTube account if you want to watch it…which you should only do if you can understand Hebrew obviously.

That video is almost 29 minutes long and I’ve taken the most pertinent parts from it and added English subtitles to them, taking extra care to ensure they are completely accurate.

The video was uploaded on October 25 by an Israeli named Matan Gorodish and features a recording of a presentation he gave six days earlier on October 19.

The title of the presentation is “where were the IDF forces for 6-8 hours on October 7?”

Mr. Gorodish is a former deputy commander of an IDF tank battalion and also happens to be the nephew of Shmuel Gorodish, a famous IDF general who was the head of the IDF southern command during the Yom Kippur war of 1973.

A look through Matan’s YouTube channel quickly reveals that he is also what’s commonly known as a ‘flat earther’.

I just wanted to get this out of the way to pre-empt any comments on the matter and say that this ‘inclination’ of Mr. Gorodish has absolutely nothing to do with:

  • The topic of his presentation; and
  • The validity of the irrefutable factual claims he makes (and provides photographic proof thereof).

With regards to the “flat earth” bit, I encourage you to check the following if that’s of interest and have a think about it for yourself.

The two topics covered in the 11 minute video above are:

  1. (The first 6:36 minutes): The appearance of several men wearing light blue shirts, who are clearly not Palestinians and were embedded with Hamas on the day of the October 7 attacks. They also appear to have been in-command of their forces; and
  2. (The remainder of the video): How the events of October 7 tie in to the bigger picture.

Mr. Gorodish also covered another topic in the video (which I’ve cut out) which discusses the conspiracy plan (not theory) between the top political and military leadership in Israel and one Henry Kissinger, who was the US secretary of state at the time, to allow the ‘surprise’ attack in 1973 by Egypt and Syria to take place on purpose in order to achieve various political objectives of the two parties.

I discuss this plan, and how a highly decorated Colonel in the Israeli Air Force was eliminated by his own people for ‘knowing too much’, a mere few months before that war, in this section of my post to commemorate the 22nd anniversary of 9/11.

If you haven’t done so yet, please go now and watch the first 6:36 minutes of the video above (or all of it) as it speaks for itself and I don’t really have much further to add.

“Wall of Jericho” 

This topic has been covered by a few legacy media outlets, as well as by several independent journalists (like Dan Dicks of Press For Truth) but I thought it will be worthwhile to go straight to the source and provide the original footage.

This footage was first aired on November 29 as an exclusive story on Kan (“Here” in Hebrew) which is Israel’s public broadcaster.

The ‘journalist’ who first broke this exclusive story is Ayala Hasson, a long time veteran of the Israeli legacy media scene and one of its most awarded investigative journalists.

There are two reasons why I am putting ‘journalist’ in brackets when referring to Mrs. Hasson:

  1. She made some HORRIFIC statements during the days of the injection mandates and the “green pass” in Israel which can never (and should never!) be looked past as well as willingly becoming a propaganda agent for the government; and
  2. While her piece starts well with unbiased and factual reporting, she seamlessly transitions to being a propaganda agent again in the last 20 seconds or so of her report, as you will clearly see for yourself.

The full original report, as aired on Kan on November 29, can be found below and other than cutting out the in-studio introduction by Hasson (which doesn’t provide any additional information beyond what is found in the report itself) and adding English subtitles, I have not modified the footage in any way.

How the Current Head of the IDF Military Intelligence Ended Up in His Role 

The current head of the IDF Military Intelligence Directorate, Maj. Gen. Aharon Haliva, was appointed to the role in February 2021 when he was head of the IDF Operations Directorate and officially commenced it on October 5, 2021.

As this excellent article mentions:

In an irregular move, Kohavi (the IDF chief of staff at the time) decided to move the current head of the Central Command, Maj. Gen. Tamir Yadai, to the IDF Ground Forces after less than a year in that position.

Yadai, who previously led the IDF Home Front Command during the initial outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, was named the head of the Central Command last summer, some seven months ago.

Generals typically remain in a given role for at least two to three years, with the exception of the heads of the Air Force and Navy, who generally stay in their positions for closer to five years.

The article also gives the ‘official reasoning’ the IDF provided at the time for shuffling all these Generals around ahead of schedule which you can read for yourself.

The article also mentions that Haliva’s appointment was:

One of six announced on Thursday, based on recommendations by IDF Chief of Staff Aviv Kohavi that were approved by Defense Minister Benny Gantz, the military said.

Kohavi, who was the IDF Chief of Staff when Haliva was recommended by him to become head of military intelligence, was a subordinate in the IDF of Benny Gantz who was the defence minister at the time of Haliva’s appointment.


Kohavi was also head of military intelligence himself when Benny Gantz was IDF Chief of Staff.

From right to left: Chief of Staff Benny Gantz, Commander of the Southern Command Tal Russo, and Chief of the Israeli Military Intelligence Directorate Aviv Kohavi. By Israel Defense Forces – IDF Chief of Staff Visits Southern Command, Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

Kohavi finished his role as IDF Chief of Staff in January this year and was replaced by his deputy at the time Herzi Halevi, who was nominated to the role by, you guessed it, Defense Minister Benny Gantz.

Prior to being Kohavi’s deputy, Halevi was the commander of the IDF Southern Command, overseeing the IDF activity around the Gaza Strip. He was in that role since June 2018.

But wait, there’s more!

Prior to being the commander of the IDF Southern Command, the currentIDF Chief of Staff Halevi was Head of the Military Intelligence Directorate for four years (2014-2018) in his first role as Major general (or ‘Aluf’ as the rank is called in the IDF).

Do you see where I’m going with this?

If not, hopefully this thread makes it clearer.

Nothing to see here, move along now…

If you want to find out even more revelations about what actually happened on October 7 and since then, you can check this but I must warn you that it gets really dark and really disturbing.

The Bigger Picture 

In the last 5 minutes of the video at the top of this article, Mr. Gorodish delves into the bigger picture and how the events of October 7 tie into it.

He does it brilliantly so I encourage to go and watch it, if you haven’t already.

I don’t have much to add to what he shows and says there except to say that what he said about the Iranian Parliament Building is definitely true.

The new (and current) Parliament Building of the Islamic Republic of Iran (a.k.a Baharestan) was opened in 2004 and looks like this:

 (1 of 3)

 (2 of 3)

 (3 of 3)

Credit to Wikimapia

If you find that ‘interesting’, take a look at the current building of the Supreme Court of the state of Israel which was opened in 1992:

The building was designed by the sibling Israeli Architects Ram Karmi and his sister Ada Karmi-Melamede after they won in 1986 an international competition to design the new Supreme Court building.

Funding for the project was provided predominantly by the Rothschilds (who else?)!

The quote from this article says it all:

Money for construction of the Supreme Court was donated very discreetly by the Rothschild Foundation.

In the best of Jewish charitable traditions, the Rothschilds are not mentioned by name on the sign located at the entrance to the courthouse.

In case you didn’t know this, Israel is one of the major (and most important) Freemasonry centres on the planet as this video discusses. It’s in Hebrew but English subtitles are provided.

Then there’s also this obviously.

Moving beyond just the Freemasons and into the really big picture, this detailed and extensively researched and referenced article by Matthew Ehret covers it much better than I ever could:

And here’s my humble attempt at explaining how the global power structure actually works.

Israel has been conducting well organised and highly sophisticated ‘information operations’ (a.k.a PsyOps) since October 7. 

This could easily be an article all to itself but I will give you just a few resources below to get yourself up-to-speed on this topic.

To start with, this is an excellent overview prepared by Jack Poulson & Lee Fang.


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US Secretary of State Antony Blinken is pressuring European diplomats to cease any talks about Ukraine joining NATO, according to a member of Rada (the Ukrainian parliament), Oleksiy Goncharenko. This is no minor politician. The son of a former Odessa mayor, he is a member of the Ukrainian Permanent Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE). The allegations were publicly made in a series of texts posted in his Telegram channel (in Ukrainian). He wrote:

“Unfortunately, there will be no NATO [for Ukraine]. Forget about it – it won’t happen.”

Goncharenko claims that “several sources” in Washington told him the topic of Ukraine’s accession to the Atlantic Alliance “annoys the US elite” and even “after war” the country should not expect it.

The politician also commented on the ongoing friction between the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and  Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, General Valery Zaluzhny. According to Goncharenko, Washington is “not happy” about it. In addition, he says, one should expect the next aid package to Ukraine to be the last one:

“In a year, at the end of 2024, we will not be given any more money… Most likely, we will switch to a credit form of cooperation. They’ll give a loan. Not a grant that won’t need to be repaid.”

Could such allegations be a fabrication created for propaganda purposes? There is no reason to think so and the logic of it in this case would be far from clear. In fact, Goncharenko’s claims make perfect sense in light of what we already know by now.

We know the US has been pressuring its ally to hold elections. Moreover, the US Mission to NATO last month posted on X (formerly Twitter) a vague message about Washington being “focused on setting the conditions for a just, durable, and sustainable peace” in Ukraine. We also know that European Union (EU) member states are divided over the bloc’s common budget, including additional funding for Kyiv in 2024.

In addition, Pulitzer winner journalist Seymour Hersh has written that, according to his American diplomacy and intelligence sources, the aforementioned General Valery Zaluzhny has been directly negotiating a peace deal with Russian general Valery Gerasimov, independently of Zelensky, who is described as a “wild card”. According to the journalist: “The two generals may continue to talk and Putin may indeed be interested in a settlement that gives him permanent control of Crimea and the four provinces he has claimed, but Zelensky remains the wild card. The American official said that Zelensky has been told that “this is a military-to-military problem to solve and the talks will go on with or without you.” If necessary, the American official told me, “We can finance his voyage to the Caribbean’.”

We know that the unprecedented sanctions against the Russian Federation have been backfiring since the beginning, with the Eurasian great power reaching record trade surplus as early as May 2022. That has sparked division within the European continent, and how de-industralizedpost-Nord Stream Europe has been hurt by the ongoing conflict and by American subsidy war.

As early as April 2023, as I wrote, former US ambassador to Finland, Earle Mack wrote that the US-led West had been “propping up Ukraine to fight a proxy war” but he could only see “a decade of death and chaos” for the country.

In May Zelensky was planning a number of bold actions against Russia, including bombing the Druzhba pipeline that provides Russian oil to Hungary (a NATO member), and even occupying Russian villages plus targeting the Russian Federation with long-range missiles. Such plans crossed some red lines and were a huge problem from the point of view of both the US and that of Ukraine’s neighbors.

That same month, aforementioned Serymour Hersh also reported that countries such as Hungary, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, and the Czech Republic, led by Poland (with Germany playing some role in it too) had been pressuring the Ukrainian leader “to find a way to end the war, even by resigning himself if necessary, and to allow the process of rebuilding his nation to get under way.” According to Hersh’s CIA source at the time, these European leaders had “made it clear that ‘Zelensky can keep what he’s got – a villa in Italy and interests in offshore bank accounts – ‘if he works up a peace deal even if he’s got to be paid off, if it’s the only way to get a deal’.” Few months later, in September, Poland stopped sending Ukraine weapons, allegedly over a trade dispute, as bilateral relations deteriorated.

All of this points to a clear picture emerging, one that had been haunting Ukraine for a while: Western abandonment and betrayal – something of which Washington has a solid record. From an European perspective, the picture is even more dramatic: it is about the bloc’s own interests. As I wrote, in December 2021, American and European energy interests are far from converging and in fact the energy crisis in that part of the Old World is something that has benefited Washington, while hurting its European allies – and the same can be said about the American proxy attrition war in Eastern Europe. It is about time to admit NATO’s expansion has been a recipe for disaster and about time to admit Ukraine has a far-right problem and a problem with the way it deals with the Russian minority – and not just in Donbass. And all of that is a problem for Europe, too.

It remains to be seen how European leaders will conduct their policy pertaining to Ukraine and also to the strategic energy interests of the continent. One may expect many European voices urging the bloc to reconsider sanctions against Russia, for instance, as has been the case already. For a start, it could reconsider its stance on the issue of the rights of ethnic minorities.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Uriel Araujo is a researcher with a focus on international and ethnic conflicts. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

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“The Security Council was again prevented from rising to this moment to uphold its clear responsibilities in the face of this grave crisis threatening human lives and threatening regional and international peace and security,” said the Palestinian envoy to the United Nations.


As the United Nations humanitarian chief warned that aid workers in Gaza are “hanging on by our fingertips” as they try to mitigate an “untenable” disaster, and with Americans’ support for Israel’s U.S-backed bombardment of the enclave eroding, the United States on Friday vetoed a resolution demanding an immediate humanitarian cease-fire at the U.N. Security Council.

U.S. Envoy to the U.N. Robert Wood told members of the council that a cease-fire would “only plant the seeds for the next war.”

Thirteen member-countries voted in favor of the cease-fire resolution, which was introduced after U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres took the rare step of invoking Article 99 of the U.N. Charter, warning that Israel’s slaughter of at least 17,487 Palestinians in just two months “may threaten the maintenance of international peace and security.”

The U.K. abstained from voting on the resolution, saying it did not take into account that Hamas committed acts of terrorism when it attacked Israel on October 7.

Riyad Mansour, the Palestinian U.N. envoy, called the veto “disastrous.”

“The Security Council was again prevented from rising to this moment to uphold its clear responsibilities in the face of this grave crisis threatening human lives and threatening regional and international peace and security,” said Mansour. “Instead of allowing this council to uphold its mandate by finally making a clear call after two months of massacres that the atrocities must end, the war criminals are given more time to perpetuate them. How can this be justified?”

Nicolas de Rivière, France’s permanent representative to the Security Council, who voted in favor of the cease-fire, argued that there is no “contradiction in the fight against terrorism and the protection of civilians, in strict respect of international humanitarian law.”

“Unfortunately once again, this council has failed. With a lack of unity and by refusing to genuinely commit to negotiations in doing this, the crisis in Gaza is getting worse and it runs the risk of extending,” said de Rivière.

The U.S. has now vetoed U.N. resolutions to hold Israel accountable for its policies in Palestine 45 times, human rights lawyer Noura Erakat said.

Former U.N. human rights official Craig Mokhiber—who resigned in October over the U.N.’s response to the war in Gaza—noted that U.S. blocked the resolution on the eve of the 75th anniversary of the U.N. Genocide Convention.

“Thousands have died since [the United States’] last veto and more will die now,” said Mokhiber.

[From Common Dreams: Our work is licensed under Creative Commons (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0). Feel free to republish and share widely.]


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Julia Conley is a staff writer for Common Dreams.

War on Gaza Will Last a Year at the Very Least

December 11th, 2023 by Marc Vandepitte

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On Friday 1 December, a seven-day ceasefire ended, allowing the exchange of captured women and children by both sides. Many hoped that this break in fighting would be extended and possibly even lead to a permanent ceasefire.

But Israel firmly intends to continue the war until Hamas is “eliminated”. To achieve that goal, it plans a military campaign that will last a year or more, with the most intensive phase of the ground offensive continuing until early 2024. Several people familiar with its preparation told Financial Times.

Israel says it wants to kill the three main leaders of Hamas in Gaza: Yahya Sinwar, Mohammed Deif and Marwan Issa. In addition, it says it wants to secure a “decisive” military victory against the group’s fighting battalions and underground tunnel network.

“This will be a very long war. … We’re currently not near halfway to achieving our objectives,” said a person familiar with the Israeli war plans. 

The duration of the war will depend on operational progress on the ground, international pressure and opportunities to free Israeli hostages.

The renewed intensive ground operation focusing on northern Gaza is estimated to last until early 2024. According to one insider,

“Gaza City isn’t finished yet, nor fully conquered. It’s probably 40 per cent done”.

At the same time, the Israeli army will launch a ground offensive in southern Gaza, which has so far only been hit by sporadic air strikes. According to Israeli officials, that is where the majority of Hamas fighters and leadership are now located, as well as most of the remaining Israeli hostages.

The southern ground offensive would be less intensive, at least that is what insiders claim. They probably say this to get world public opinion on their side as much as possible and to appease Washington. The White House wants Israel to have “a smaller military footprint” in the south of Gaza than in the north, i.e. fewer civilian casualties.

According to these insiders, the southern ground offensive, which has now begun, will mainly focus on Khan Younis, an urban centre in the south, and Rafah, the southernmost point of the strip where the border crossing with Egypt is located.

Here, the Israeli army wants to tackle the underground smuggling tunnels that are “the main oxygen channel for Hamas rebuilding its military capabilities”, one of the Financial Times sources said.

The Israeli war strategy seems clear, but there is no sign of an exit strategy or a plan for how to proceed in Gaza after the siege. Israeli officials indicate that they want to permanently eliminate Hamas as a threat at all costs, regardless of how long that takes and what comes next.

One of the people familiar with the war plans puts it this way:

“The main difference [now] is that Hamas doesn’t understand — we have patience. Everything changed on October 7”.

It cannot be ruled out that the ultimate goal of the operation is the deportation of the entire population of Gaza. The elimination of Hamas would then be the excuse and the events of 7 October the ideal trigger.

After two months of intensive bombing and siege, more than 17,000 Gazans have died, including 6,600 children and 4,300 women. Another 3,500 children are missing. They are believed to have been crushed under the rubble of collapsed buildings. It is not without reason that UN Secretary General Guterres says that “Gaza is becoming a graveyard for children”.

On the Israeli side, 94 soldiers were killed in the past two months. 

Since the end of the ceasefire, more than 2,000 Palestinians have already been killed and a multiple injured.


Israel is in the grip of an unbridled war fever for revenge that is producing apocalyptic scenes. The ruthless lust for destruction tries to heal the wound and violated honour of October 7, in vain. It is an illusion, and even a dangerous illusion, that this decades-long conflict can be settled with arms.

Or as 18 former French ambassadors put it,

“Hamas, which has already been targeted by five deadly military campaigns, will inevitably rise again. The army will not be able to defeat a movement supported by a large part of the Palestinian population, in Gaza as well as in the West Bank.”

Sustainable security for the country can only come if all residents of the territory are recognized as equal citizens, deported Palestinians can return to their country and the colonial occupation comes to an end.

After two months of fighting, more than 16,000 people have now been killed. In the event of a prolonged conflict, the death toll could possibly rise to many tens of thousands. That is why pressure on Israel, both diplomatically and economically, must be started as soon as possible. This is the only way we can stop this madness. It was only in this way that the other apartheid state, South Africa, came to an end.


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Marc Vandepitte is a Belgian economist and philosopher. He writes on North-South relations, Latin America, Cuba, and China. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Read Part I and II:

The War on Gaza: Might vs. Right, and the Insanity of Western Power

By Amir Nour, December 01, 2023

The War on Gaza: How the West Is Losing. Accelerating the Transition to a Multipolar Global Order?

By Amir Nour, December 04, 2023

Truth, Justice and the Unwinnable “Forever War”

In an article[1] I wrote in 2018, I said the following: 

“Winston Churchill once famously said: “Truth is the first casualty of war [and] history is written by the victors”. Dan Brown, author of “The Da Vinci Code”, didn’t think otherwise when he wrote “History is always written by the winners. When two cultures clash, the loser is obliterated, and the winner writes the history books – books which glorify their own cause and disparage the conquered foe”.

Napoleon Bonaparte also said: “What is history, but a fable agreed upon?”. Going a step further, Malek Bennabi[2] – arguably one of the greatest Muslim thinkers of the 20th century – observed that “The real history of the modern world has yet to be written, because only its apparent history has been reported [and] it takes a certain sense of esotericism to actually penetrate the secrets and arcane of history (…) and to leave to the generation to come sound and reliable information about the heredity of its own world.”

In another piece[3] I mentioned that until recently, historians have looked at the past essentially through Eurocentric or Western-centric lens. Their worldview has therefore been heavily centred on and biased towards Western civilization, chiefly in the form of apologetic stances and narratives with regard to colonialism and imperialism.

However, globalization has considerably altered scholars’ approach to history, and it’s no longer possible to study nations in isolation or to understand global history as emanating exclusively from the West.

That’s why a new discipline called “Global history” emerged in the 1980’s as a dynamic, innovative and productive field of scholarly inquiry, one that takes the connectedness of the world as its point of departure and the world’s past as an integrated whole. Obviously, such an evolution poses a fundamental challenge to the premises and methods of the henceforth outmoded and often truncated or insular Western-centric perspective.

More recently, another Muslim scholar[4] pointed out that:

“History is written by the Victors. That’s what they say. That means that whatever history you have been reading, that’s by the West or by Westerners, Western historians. The entire Western narrative of history is a rough draft of history that will not proceed to publication in the end (…) The narrative of the West will not survive the test of time; it will be thrown out by later historians as a distortion and as a propagandistic misrepresentation of reality”.

A case in point in this respect is the story of 9/11 in relation to the so-called “Islamist” or even “Islamic” terrorism. In the words of Mark LeVine[5], on September 11, 2001, a clash of civilizations that had been brewing for decades finally erupted, splitting the world in two. On one side, the forces of Good, a coalition of the willing committed to promoting liberty and combating terror wherever it appears.

On the other, the Axis of Evil, an unholy alliance of religious extremists who hate freedom and are prepared to go to any lengths to suppress it. United only by their mutual hatred and incomprehension, the West and the Muslim world can never be reconciled with one another. The end of history has come, and it is time to choose sides. You’re either with us, or you’re against us. This is, LeVine explains, at least what “they want us to think”.

These words resonate loudly with today’s ubiquitous and unremitting pro-Zionist discourse on the so-called Palestinian terrorist aims and means, and are a stark reminder of an infamous utterance that fundamentally changed the course of world politics and public perceptions throughout the globe in the 21st century. No wonder then that the October 7 Palestinian military operation is often being likened to the Al-Qaida’s September 11 attacks. 

Palestinian members of the Ezz Al-din Al Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas burn military armored vehicle belonging to Israeli forces near Gaza Strip, Gaza on October 07, 2023. Photo by STR APA Images

Let’s remember. On 20 September 2001, nine-days after the deadliest terrorist attacks in U.S. history, President George W. Bush stood before a joint session of the U.S. Congress and vowed to use every resource available to defeat “global terrorism” in an historic speech[6]. He said:

“Our grief has turned to anger, and anger to resolution. Whether we bring our enemies to justice, or bring justice to our enemies, justice will be done (…) The Taleban must act and act immediately. They will hand over the terrorists, or they will share in their fate (…) Every nation, in every region, now has a decision to make. Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.” 

According to recent research, a reasonable and conservative estimate suggests that at least 4.5 million people have died in the major post-9/11 war zones in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Syria, Yemen, Libya and Somalia. These countries have experienced the most violent wars in which the U.S. government has been involved in the name of counterterrorism since 2001.[7]

Lastly, in his excellent article[8], Nick Turse notes that during its 20-year-long “Global War on Terror”, the U.S. has seen its share of stalemates, disasters, and outright defeats from Iraq in 2014 to Afghanistan in 2021. The greatest failure of its “Forever Wars” however, he writes, may not be in the Middle East, but in Africa. In this respect, he reminded that in the immediate wake of the 9/11 attacks President George W. Bush told the American people that

“Our war on terror begins with al-Qaeda, but it does not end there. It will not end until every terrorist group of global reach has been found, stopped, and defeated”, noting specifically that such militants had designs on “vast regions” of Africa.

And so, whereas in 2002 and 2003, the State Department counted a total of just nine terrorist attacks in Africa, today militant Islamist groups on that continent have, according to the Pentagon, already conducted 6,756 attacks. In other words, “since the United States ramped up its counterterrorism operations in Africa, terrorism has spiked 75,000%”!

In concluding his analysis, the author indicates that

“In country after country on that continent, the U.S. has, indeed, faltered and its failures have been paid for by ordinary Africans killed, wounded, and displaced by the terror groups that Bush pledged to ‘defeat’. Earlier this year, General Michael Langley, the current AFRICOM commander, offered what may be the ultimate verdict on America’s Forever Wars on that continent. ‘Africa’, he declared, ‘is now the epicentre of international terrorism”.

For my part, in my aforementioned 2018 article, I drew the following conclusion whose main points are – to this very day – unfortunately entirely valid: 

“This war, like all other unjust wars – to borrow from George Orwell – was not meant to be won; it was meant to be continuous, in order to profit those who pull the strings of conflicts of this kind. And the flames of its fire, ignited in October 2001 with the invasion of Afghanistan, are still fanning. They are even spreading fiercely. Thus, between October 2015 and October 2017, the US “fought terror” in 76 countries, or 39% of the total number of countries in the world, according to data contained in Brown University’s latest “Costs of War” Project. It is already the longest war in American history. And it’s not going to end until the American people stops believing its false narrative and the lies that have given birth to it.

It’s high time for such a salutary paradigm shift. One that – to paraphrase Mark LeVine again – radically challenges the assumptions and prejudices that have long been taken for granted by both liberals and conservatives in the United States; one that would help prevent Western and Muslim fundamentalists alike from exerting a noxious influence on their respective societies; one that calls into question the familiar “Why do Muslims hate US?” and replaces it with the unfamiliar “What if THEY don’t?”, or even “Why do Westerners hate Muslims?”.

In the meantime, this horrendous, unending, and, most importantly, unwinnable war has cost the United States dearly. Not only in terms of needless sacrifice of blood and treasure, as documented by scores of recent reports and studies, but also in geopolitical and moral terms. For the U.S. has lost its primacy in the “New American Century” according to the Pentagon itself, and few in the world continue to give credit to a feckless moralising by an “indispensable nation” whose successive governments preach peace while waging wars to end all peace.”

The Fall of Israeli Hasbara

First and foremost, and contrary to what the mainstream media in general and pro-Israel propaganda in particular has been stressing unremittingly, the “Al-Aqsa Flood” military operation of October 7 targeting the Gaza envelope was neither a “surprise” nor an “unprovoked” attack. Quite the contrary, what was astounding regarding those influential voices is the denial of the simple idea that the ultraviolent repression meted out to the Palestinians for so long, under a Zionist regime founded on occupation and apartheid, would backfire sooner or later. 

Every and each lucid observer, whether in Israel or elsewhere, would have seen all this coming. As was put by Zehava Galon in Haaretz newspaper not long before the October 7 attack,

“Israelis have learned to exact a price for every news report about the occupation, every hint that Palestinian blood is as red as theirs. We’re not an occupying country, we’re an occupation with a country. The occupation is our major national project, and it has gone on for so long that we can’t imagine ourselves without it”.

Such an admission objectively describing a despicable everyday reality cannot bode well for the Israelis themselves, let alone for the Palestinians.[9]

Indeed, there have been clear signs of gathering clouds, and surely the writing was on the wall for those monitoring the tense situation engendered both by the Israeli Government’s repressive policies and the settlers’ provocations – mainly around the Muslim holy sites – during the preceding days, weeks and months in the West Bank and Al-Qods (Arabic name for Jerusalem, hence the operation’s name “Al-Aqsa Flood” or “Deluge”).

On 27 April, Human Rights Watch (HRW) released a 213-page meticulously researched report[10] concluding that Israeli authorities are committing the crimes against humanity of apartheid and persecution. The finding is based on an overarching Israeli government policy to maintain the domination by Jewish Israelis over Palestinians and grave abuses committed against Palestinians living in the occupied territory, including East Jerusalem. This unprecedented report by HRW further stated that

“The international community has for too long explained away and turned a blind eye to the increasingly transparent reality on the ground. Every day a person is born in Gaza into an open-air prison, in the West Bank without civil rights, in Israel with an inferior status by law, and in neighbouring countries effectively condemned to lifelong refugee status, like their parents and grandparents before them, solely because they are Palestinian and not Jewish. A future rooted in the freedom, equality, and dignity of all people living in Israel and the OPT will remain elusive so long as Israel’s abusive practices against Palestinians persist”.

As for the situation in the Gaza strip, it could not be worse in the aftermath of the May 2023 brutal five-day-long Israeli offensive on the besieged enclave. On June 13, Amnesty International published its investigation on that offensive, stating: “The root cause of this unspeakable violence is Israel’s system of apartheid. This system must be dismantled, the blockade of the Gaza Strip immediately lifted, and those responsible for the crime of apartheid, war crimes and other crimes under international law must be held to account” and called on the international community to address the source of those repeated cycles of violence and to intervene to protect civilians and prevent further suffering as a matter of high urgency. This, the organisation insisted: “requires upholding international law and ending Israel’s 16-year-long illegal blockade on Gaza, and all other aspects of Israel’s system of apartheid imposed on all Palestinians”[11]. Once again unfortunately, that cry of alarm was not heeded and the call for an urgent action fell on deaf ears.

Image: Heritage Minister Amichai Eliyahu said nuking Palestinians was an option (Screengrab/X)

On August 2, far-right minister Amitai Eliyahu – the same warmonger who contemplated the option of dropping a nuclear bomb on Gaza – urged the government to annex the West Bank, calling the Green Line that separates Israel from the occupied territories “fictitious”, saying:

“I don’t really think there is a Green Line. It’s a fictitious line. This is our homeland. This is where the Jewish people arose. The attitude of the State of Israel that there are two states here is a mistake. We should impose sovereignty on Judea and Samaria (…) We should advance this as quickly as possible, as smartly as possible. We should begin to say this everywhere, to create international recognition that this place is ours. In Judea and Samaria, everyone understands that our roots and history are there, and therefore, I think that the entire Green Line is just an abnormality. There is a distorted reality that we need to erase”[12].

On August 25, Abdel Bari Atwan, a Palestinian-born British journalist and editor-in-chief of Arab world digital news and opinion website “Rai al-Youm”, wrote a prescient piece[13] which he concluded by saying:

“Finally, we reveal that the escalation of Israeli threats to launch an attack on the Gaza Strip, despite the state of calm it is currently in, comes because the occupation generals know that the Operations Management Office for the West Bank is based in the Gaza Strip. Israel is experiencing its most difficult and most dangerous predicaments these days, because the military and security threat comes from both inside and outside, and its leaders are well aware that the next, and perhaps imminent war will be of a regional nature and will be conducted on several fronts. It seems that the end of the occupying state is much closer than ever before due to the presence of men wishing for martyrdom and praying to obtain it…and time will tell”.

On August 31, Yigal Carmon, a former adviser on counter-terrorism to prime ministers Yitzhak Shamir and Yitzhak Rabin, published a report titled “Signs of Possible War in September–October”. The forecast, published by the Middle East Media Research Institute, a watchdog better known by the acronym MEMRI that Carmon heads focused mainly on the possibility of an escalation from the West Bank or Lebanon. Gaza was mentioned only in the context of Palestinians in the West Bank adopting Gazan fighting methods.[14]

On September 6, Tamir Pardo, a former Mossad chief appointed by Netanyahu (2011-2016) told the Associated Press that “There is an apartheid state here. In a territory where two peoples are judged under two legal systems, that is an apartheid state”. He also said that as Mossad chief, he repeatedly warned Netanyahu that he needed to decide what Israel’s borders were, or risk the destruction of a state for the Jews. In reaction, Netanyahu’s Likud party issued a statement, saying:

“We firmly condemn the shameful and false remark by Tamir Pardo (…) Instead of defending Israel and the IDF, Pardo is slandering Israel. Pardo, shame on you”.[15]

But perhaps the most dangerous looming storm was the one coming from New York, just two weeks later. In effect, on September 22, addressing the delegates of all member states of the United Nations Organisation during the 78th session of the General assembly, Netanyahu brandished a map of the “New Middle East” that showed the Gaza strip, the West Bank and East Jerusalem as part of Israel. In his speech[16] he declared:

“A few years ago I stood here with a red marker to show the curse, a great curse, the curse of a nuclear Iran. But today, I bring this marker to show a great blessing. The blessing of a new Middle East, between Israel, Saudi Arabia and our other neighbours. We will not only bring down barriers between Israel and our neighbours. We’ll build a new corridor of peace and prosperity that connects Asia through the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Israel, to Europe[17]”. But, he added, “there’s a caveat. It has to be said here forcefully. Peace can only be achieved if it is based on truth. It cannot be based on lies. It cannot be based on endless vilification of the Jewish people”. And, more significantly, he stated that for that peace to prevail “the Palestinians must stop spewing Jew-hatred and finally reconcile themselves to the Jewish state. By that I mean not only to the existence of the Jewish state but to the right of the Jewish people to have a state of their own in their historic homeland, the Land of Israel.”

What that means was explained by Palestinian Ambassador to Germany Laith Arafeh in a tweet:

“No greater insult to every foundational principle of the United Nations than seeing Netanyahu display before the UNGA a ‘map of Israel’ that straddles the entire land from the river to the sea, negating Palestine and its people, then attempting to spin the audience with rhetoric about ‘peace’ in the region, all the while entrenching the longest ongoing belligerent occupation in today’s world”.  

What that means was also expressed, albeit more bluntly, by Israel’s UN ambassador to the United Nations Danny Danon in a New York Times op-ed on 24 June 2019, in which he essentially urged the Palestinians to surrender their struggle for a homeland in exchange for economic benefits, as the United States prepared to roll out part of a peace plan promising $50 billion in investment for Palestinians and their Arab neighbours. He wrote:

“I ask: What’s wrong with Palestinian surrender? Surrender is the recognition that in a contest, staying the course will prove costlier than submission. The Palestinians have little to lose and everything to gain by putting down the sword and accepting the olive branch.”[18] In a later tweet he explained that Israel “awaits the emergence of a Palestinian Anwar Sadat, a leader who is willing to do what is best for his people – a leader who recognizes that building a bright future requires surrendering a dark past”.

To correctly put in perspective what Netanyahu and Danon said – in particular with regard to their understanding of Israel’s frontiers – one has to keep in mind that according to the ruling Likud party’s original “platform”: a) The right of the Jewish people to the land of Israel is eternal and indisputable and is linked with the right to security and peace; therefore, Judea and Samaria will not be handed to any foreign administration; between the Sea and the Jordan there will only be Israeli sovereignty: and b) A plan which relinquishes parts of western Eretz Israel (Greater Israel), undermines our right to the country, unavoidably leads to the establishment of a “Palestinian State”, jeopardizes the security of the Jewish population, endangers the existence of the State of Israel, and frustrates any prospect of peace.[19]

The clear message conveyed through such statements is the total denial of the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people and the definitive liquidation of their cause. It is nothing less than the completion of the “Nakba” (catastrophe) initiated in 1948, as was to be confirmed in a later Israeli Intelligence Ministry document recommending the forcible and permanent transfer of Gaza Strip’s 2.3 million Palestinian residents to Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula.[20]

All the while, Israel’s sprawling array of the 40-mile-long state-of-the-art chain of walls and fences at the Gaza border – which cost more than a billion dollars and was completed in 2021– were supposed to have left the country nearly invulnerable to anything Hamas or any other Palestinian faction for that matter was capable of throwing at them. Teemed with sensors and automated weapons, this defence system is supported by an electronic intelligence network that monitors every phone call, text message and email in the territory, in addition to a large, well-trained military standing ready with ultra-modern weaponry to respond rapidly to incoming threats.[20] And yet, when the Palestinian combatants attacked what presumed to be a vast technological advantage suddenly seemed deeply flawed. This shocking predicament prompted Yossi Kuperwasser, director of research IDSF – an Israeli defence think tank with close ties to the military – to observe that “No technology can replace the soldier on the battlefield”.[22]

Also, in the wake of this monumental “technological collapse”, another no less unexpected crumbling is taking place. Indeed, with each passing day of the ongoing genocidal war on Gaza – already the longest and bloodiest of all – the once powerful Israeli propaganda machine commonly known as “hasbara” seems to be steadily washed away by the flood of the Al-Aqsa military operation. This time around, Dr Frank Luntz’s manual[23] that guides Israel’s supporters on how best to speak to the media seems to be of little assistance. 

Patrick Cockburn called the manual

“The secret report that helps Israel hide facts” and said that “On every occasion, the presentation of events by Israeli spokesmen is geared to giving Americans and Europeans the impression that Israel wants peace with the Palestinians and is prepared to compromise to achieve this, when all the evidence is that it does not”[24].   

As senior political analyst Marwan Bishara rightfully observed:

“Fortunately, the lies have finally caught up with the liars, as more and more Western journalists, pundits and officials started to doubt the spin and question the Israeli spinners, even ridicule them, for their poor performances, doctored evidence, and vulgar lies. Soon, they will start to question the spinners’ overall deception about the war, its conduct and root causes.”[25]


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Amir Nour is an Algerian researcher in international relations, author of the books “L’Orient et l’Occident à l’heure d’un nouveau Sykes-Picot” (The Orient and the Occident in Time of a New Sykes-Picot) Editions Alem El Afkar, Algiers, 2014 and “L’Islam et l’ordre du monde” (Islam and the Order of the World),  Editions Alem El Afkar, Algiers, 2021. 


[1] Amir NOUR,“Islam and the West: What Went Wrong and Why”, The Saker Blog, 1 March, 2018:

[2] Malek Bennabi (1905-1973) was an Algerian writer and philosopher who devoted most of his life to observe and analyse history to understand the general laws behind the rise and fall of civilizations. He is mostly known for having coined the concepts of “colonisability” (the inner aptitude to be colonised) and “Globalism”.

[3]  Amir Nour, “9/11 and the Green Scare: It’s High Time for a Paradigm Shift”, The Saker Blog, 12 March 2018:

[4] Shahid King Bolsen, “Unveiling the Victorious Narrative”, The Middle Nation, 16 November 2023.

[5] Mark LeVine, “Why They Don’t Hate Us: Lifting the Veil on the Axis of Evil”, Oneworld, Oxford, 2005.

[6] Read full text as published by the U.S. Department of State:

[7] Brown University’s Watson Institute for International & Public Affairs, The Costs of War project, “How Death Outlives War: The Reverberating Impact of The Post-9/11 Wars on Human Health”, 15 May 2023.

[8] Nick Turse, “The Pentagon Proclaims Failure in its War on Terror in Africa”, Counterpunch, 16 November, 2023

[9] Zehava Galon, “Israel Is an Occupation with a Country Attached to It”, Haaretz newspaper, Jun 12, 2023.

[10] Human Rights Watch, “A Threshold Crossed: Israeli Authorities and the Crimes of Apartheid and Persecution”.

[11] Amnesty International, “Israel/OPT: Civilians on both sides paying the price of unprecedented escalation in hostilities between Israel and Gaza as death toll mounts”, 7 October 2023.

[12] TOI Staff, “Far-right minister says Green Line ‘fictitious’, urges annexation of West Bank”, The Time of Israel newspaper, 2 August 2023.

[13] Abdelbari Atwan, Rai al-Youm, 25 August 2023.

[14] Gianlucca Pacchiani, “The writing was on the wall,’ says counterterror expert who saw war looming”, The Times of Israel, 9 October 2023

[15] AP and TOI Staff, “Former Mossad chief Pardo says Israel enforcing ‘apartheid’ system in West Bank”, The Times of Israel, 6 September 2023.

[16] To read the full speech:

[17] Officially called “The India-Middle-East-Europe Economic Corridor” (IMEC), this new project was agreed upon during the G20 meeting in New Delhi on 10 September 2023. It is a part of the Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment (PGII), a G7-led initiative for funding infrastructure projects across the world. It is commonly seen as a counter to China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). The Corridor will include a shipping route connecting Mumbai and Mundra (Gujarat), with the UAE. and a rail network connecting the UAE, Saudi Arabia and Jordan with the Israeli port of Haifa to reach the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. Haifa will then be connected by sea to the port of Piraeus in Greece to eventually be connected to Europe. 

[18] AFP, “Israel’s UN envoy: What’s wrong with Palestinian surrender?”, 24 June 2019.  

[19] Jewish Virtual Library, “Israel Political Parties: Likud Party”.

[20] Yuval Abraham, “Expel all Palestinians from Gaza, recommends Israeli gov’t ministry”, 30 October 2023. 

[21] David H. Freedman, “Disaster at the Border”, Newsweek Magazine, 24 November 2023.

[22] Newsweek Magazine, idem.

[23] Dr. Frank Luntz, “The Israel Project’s 2009 Global Language Dictionary”, April 2009. To read the document:

[24] Patrick Cockburn, “The secret report that helps Israel hide facts”, The Independent, 29 July 2014. According to Cockburn, the report was written in the aftermath of Operation Cast Lead in December 2008 and January 2009, when 1,387 Palestinians and nine Israelis were killed. Every one of the 112 pages in the booklet was marked “not for distribution or publication”, but it was leaked almost immediately to Newsweek Online. It should be required reading for everybody, especially journalists, interested in any aspect of Israeli policy because of its “dos and don’ts” for Israeli spokesmen.

[25] Marwan Bishara, “Israel, Gaza, and the mass production of myths for mass media”, 20 November 2023.

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Oct. 14, 2023 – Spokane, WA 29 year old Quindrey Trevon Davis-Murphy, Spokane Jazz Orchestra, was diagnosed with leukemia & died of a brain bleed 4 days later (Diagnosis to death: 4 days).

Nov. 12, 2023 – Cambridge, MH – Jenny Mortensen was diagnosed with leukemia on Oct. 14, 2023 but died less than a month later due to internal bleeding and blood clots which caused strokes.

Sep. 23, 2023 – Brazil – 43 year old journalist Wallescka de Andrade Lyra was diagnosed with Leukemia in the morning, intubated & died the same day on Sep. 23, 2023 (Diagnosis to death: hours) (Credit: Tulloch1978).

Aug. 21, 2023 – Halifax, NS, Canada – 8 year old Abigail Elizabeth May Parker was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia on July 21, 2023 and died suddenly one month later on Aug. 21, 2023 (suspected case – unusually rapid course). 

June 13, 2023 – Remsenburg, NY – 40 year old Lauren Jill (LJ) Delman Hanechak died suddenly on June 13, 2023. “Passed away unexpectedly from Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) only 4 days after she had been diagnosed.”

May 3, 2023 – Solon, OH – 11 year old Cole Zelwin was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia and 48 hours later died on May 3, 2023.

April 13, 2023 – Philadelphia, PA – 16 year old Kyle Limper died within 24 hours of leukemia diagnosis on April 13, 2023. “Before April 13th, he was a completely healthy and happy young man with no sign of illness,” his obituary states. “It just came and took him in the same day.”

His father, Ken Limper, initially brought his son to urgent care for back pain after Kyle played basketball before taking him to Jefferson Hospital.

“They told me in a couple of days, if he doesn’t get better, to bring him back. Well, in a couple of days he couldn’t even stand up,” the grieving dad said. “He couldn’t even get out of bed and I had to help him up and stand him up, then he fell right back down on the bed.”

Limper was eventually rushed to St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children, where doctors said the multi-sport athlete’s organs were shutting down from leukemia. Within 24 hours after he arrived at the hospital, he died. (click here)

Feb. 16, 2023 – Omaha, NE – Kavieriona White, 11 year old girl died two days after leukemia diagnosis.

11 year old Kavieriona died suddenly after being diagnosed with Leukemia just a few days prior (click here).

It started when she was sent home from school with a fever. A few days later she was found unresponsive, rushed to hospital where she was diagnosed with leukemia and she died two days later.

“The blood disease was leukemia. The doctor informed me it was treatable and curable but the main problem was the brain bleeds.”

Feb. 13, 2023 – Augusta, GA – Julia Chavez, 13 year old girl from Harlem Middle School in Georgia died hours after leukemia diagnosis on Feb. 13, 2023. She went to the ER with a headache and ear infection. “She had bleeding in her brain, lungs, stomach and throughout her body. We never knew she had it.

Feb. 10, 2023 – Vallejo, CA – Evan Fishel, age 21, died 4 days after leukemia diagnosis, on Feb. 10, 2023 (he was mandated COVID-19 Vaccines at Cal Maritine Academy).

Aug. 25, 2022 – Agoura Hills, CA – 15 year old Carter Stone, football player at Agoura High School went into cardiac arrest during routine shoulder surgery after doctors found tumor on his heart which was an undiagnosed T-cell leukemia (Diagnosis to death: minutes).

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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

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The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

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Derek Chauvin was convicted on the basis of false evidence. His conviction rested on a video taken at an angle that produced a misleading view. As I reported at the time, up close police videos showed Chauvin’s knee was on Floyd’s shoulder, an approved restraint illustrated in the approved police practices handbook. This information was buried under constantly repeated showings by the irresponsible and witch-hunting American media of the video which from the angle it was taken made Chauvin’s knee on Floyd’s shoulder look like it was on Floyd’s neck.

The three officers, Alexander Kueng, Thomas Lane, and Tou Thao (a black, a white, and an Asian) convicted along with Chauvin were simply convicted for being present on the scene. 

As I pointed out at the time, Chauvin was indicted and convicted by the irresponsible American media with endless repetition of “Derek Chauvin had his knee on Floyd’s neck for 9 minutes despite Floyd’s plea ‘I can’t breathe.’” This was a lie. Chauvin was convicted by a lie.

I remember when it was a cause for moving a trial to a neutral or objective location or even for dismissal of the charges if media or public officials said a defendant was guilty prior to conviction by a jury. The reason was the media would have polluted the jury pool with the idea that the defendant was guilty. In Chauvin’s case the Minneapolis city government further polluted the jury pool by awarding Floyd’s family $27 million dollars in damages prior to the trial. I do not know whether the ban against conviction in the media has been repealed or become a dead letter requirement or whether it was just suspended in Chauvin’s case. 

Intimidation also played a role in the wrongful conviction of Chauvin. The Black Lives Matter riots, which the Democrats permitted, encouraged and justified, convinced prosecutors, judges, and jurors that a guilty verdict was required whatever the facts of the case or there would be more looting and burning. It is clear that Judge Cahill withheld exculpatory evidence from being presented to the jury. He was an asset to the prosecution and enabled Chauvin’s wrongful conviction.

I also reported at the time that the coroner’s report stated that Floyd’s blood contained a higher dose of fentanyl than is normally required to kill a person. This evidence played no role in the trial of Chauvin. I also reported the autopsy report’s conclusions that there were no injuries to Floyd’s neck and that Floyd had heart problems that would make his death likely under the influence of drugs.

Chauvin’s frame up was a product of the intimidating violence Democrats and media encouraged and justified and of the prosecution and judge’s  withholding of exculpatory evidence. It was also a product of years of media reports emphasizing gratuitous police violence against blacks. The same police violence was used against whites, but the media only reported the instances where blacks were the victims. Some experts attributed the police violence to the Israeli firms that were hired to train US police, pointing out that in Israel police are trained to deal with terrorists, not with ordinary crimes. The years of media emphasis left a negative image of police.

The misrepresentation of George Floyd’s death has even intimidated the US Supreme Court which refused to hear Chauvin’s evidence-based appeal.  

One consequence of Chauvin’s wrongful conviction is that media, Democrats, and Black Lives Matter have learned that they can use violence and intimidation to convict the accused, thereby decreasing the importance of evidence.  Another consequence is that policing in Minneapolis is dead. Forty-four percent of the force resigned. With fentanyl use at a peak, and with  fentanyl deaths  exploding, especially among blacks, police avoid situations in which the suspected black criminal could be on fentanyl, resulting in an overdose death and murder conviction for the police officers. The result is the explosion of crime in America as blacks understand that they are now less likely to be arrested for criminal acts.

Anastasia Katz, who covered the trial of Chauvin, published an article on December 8 about “The Fall of Minneapolis,”a documentary about the trial and its consequences, produced by investigative reporter Liz Collin. The documentary is based on Collin’s book, They’re Lying: The Media, The Left and the Death of George Floyd.  Here are the links to the article and to the documentary. This is a very important presentation of evidence that shows you that conviction, not justice, is the goal of the system. Watch the documentary before the thought control police take it down. No, Liz Collin is not leftwing. The leftwing delighted in Chauvin’s wrongful conviction.

You will learn, based on fact, not opinion, that the American print and TV media repeatedly lied and made no investigation of the facts.  The facts show that Chauvin did everything according to the approved procedures in which he was trained. You will learn that the prosecutors knew about the fentanyl and lack of neck injuries and decided to downplay the exculpatory evidence and prosecute regardless of the facts. You will learn that chief prosecutor Keith Ellison, a black, is on record saying that “black people don’t have an obligation to obey government.”  You will learn that the Minneapolis black police chief lied under oath for the prosecution.  You will learn that Minneapolis mayor Jacob Frey and Minnesota governor Tim Walz are despicable beings who led the campaign against Chauvin in advance of the facts.  You will learn that the FBI intervened and might have intimidated Dr. Baker.  You will learn that in blue cities, mob violence controls the justice system.  You will learn that Democrats covered up their responsibility for the massive destruction in the Minneapolis fire, which they caused by standing down the police, by blaming it on Derek Chauvin.

George Floyd killed himself by overdosing on fentanyl, by leaving a serious heart problem unattended, and by lying to police that he was drug free.  If Floyd had answered truthfully, police would have realized Floyd’s condition sooner and called medics earlier.  George Floyd and no one else was responsible for his death.

For black activists, who have been taught to hate “racist white people,” George Floyd is the equivalent of the Zionist’s Holocaust.  Just as any criticism of Zionist Israel’s mass murder of Palestinians is dismissed as anti-semitism, the arrest of black criminals is considered racism. Just as nothing can be done about Israel’s war crimes, nothing can be done about black crime. Indeed, blue cities and states continue to legalize black crime as this allows Democrats to pretend that black crime doesn’t exist.


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Paul Craig Roberts is a renowned author and academic, chairman of The Institute for Political Economy where this article was originally published. Dr. Roberts was previously associate editor and columnist for The Wall Street Journal. He was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy during the Reagan Administration. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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The United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has invoked Article 99 of the UN Charter in an effort to push for a ceasefire in Gaza on December 6. Guterres has been calling for a ceasefire since October 18, but the U.S. Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield has been instructed by U.S. President Joe Biden to never agree to any ceasefire in Gaza, and instead allow Israel the green-light to kill civilians in Gaza as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu continues with his revenge attack on Gaza, in response to the Hamas attack of October 7 which killed over 1,000 Israelis.

The death toll in Gaza now stands at more than 17,000 Palestinians dead, the majority of whom are children.

In his letter to the 15-member security council’s president, Guterres invoked this responsibility, saying he believed the situation in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories, “may aggravate existing threats to the maintenance of international peace and security”.

Guterres has described “appalling human suffering, physical destruction and collective trauma across Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories”, and has said the Gaza is a graveyard for children.

The ‘international community’ has failed to stop a genocide in Gaza. The UN and humanitarian organizations have called the relentless Israeli attacks on 2 million civilians in Gaza a genocide unfolding before our eyes.

In the late 1930’s and early 1940’s, the Nazi regime led by Adolph Hitler in Germany committed a genocide against the Jews in Germany and across Europe. Great Britain and the United States were well aware of the genocide, but stood by and did nothing initially. It wasn’t until Hitler began occupying European lands that the U.S. and its allies made a plan to stop Hitler. The genocide was not the impetus for action, but losing territory was something more serious in the eyes of the ‘international community’ of that era.

Today’s ‘international community’ is viewed as the U.S. and its allies, and are the European Union member states, and NATO members. But, there are some nations who are not part of that arrogant elite; countries like Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. South Africa has been particularly vocal about the apartheid state of Israel, as South Africa had a history of decades as an apartheid state, where White European settlers colonized the Black African people.

Israel and their colonization and subjugation of the Palestinian people is a mirror image of the crimes against humanity endured in South Africa prior to their fight for freedom carried out by an armed struggle of the ANC and led by Nelson Mandela. It was a bloody fight for freedom, but they achieved victory, in part because of the support given them by the ‘international community’ which carried out boycotts of South African goods.

For decades, the American voter has been conditioned to believe that Israel shares the same values as the U.S. Americans have been spoon-fed a media mantra which says Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East and is the most important U.S. ally in the region.

Americans value freedom, democracy and human rights. Americans traditionally take the side of the under-dog, the oppressed and those who ‘yearn to be free’. But, Israel stands opposed to all those cherished American values. Israel, in their brutal treatment of Palestinians for the last 70 years, have demonstrated their national values are closer to the Third Reich in WW2 era Germany. Israel values only Jews; human rights, property rights and international law are reserved for the 6 million Jewish citizens, while the 6 million Palestinians are deprived of all rights and dignity.

In the American system of government, the people are the taxpayers and voters, but many feel they have no voice in Washington, DC. The U.S. Congress is supposed to represent the people, but they have perpetuated the culture of acquiescing to any and all demands by Israel. This is facilitated through AIPAC, which many experts acknowledge holds sway over the U.S. Congress.

Biden is facing re-election in less than one year. According to a new poll from Data for Progress, 70% of young voters of all ethnicities disapprove of Biden’s handling of the Gaza war.

Over 70% of Democrats support a permanent ceasefire in Gaza, and a total of 61% of Americans polled said they were in favor of a ceasefire.

Biden’s position is the direct opposite of the Democratic caucus in the House, where roughly half have called for an end to the war.

The #AbandonBiden movement was launched by Arab American and Muslim leaders who are mobilizing supporters to not vote for Biden in 2024, because of his support for the genocide against the Palestinians in Gaza. The movement focuses on swing states, like Michigan, with significant Arab or Muslim populations, and could make the difference between victory, or defeat for Biden.

A CNN poll found that just 27 % of 18 to 34-year-old voters believe Israel’s military response to Hamas’ attacks is fully justified.  81 % of voters 65 or older support the Israeli aggression, and this is the older-aged group which Biden belongs to.

According to some political analysts of Biden’s 2020 victory, it was the young voters who were the decisive factor that secured the White House for him.

Biden is ignoring the youth vote, and even the Democrats in the House. It is the Republicans and older voters who share Biden’s blind support of war crimes and genocide in Gaza.

Can Biden win without the young voters, the Arabs, and Muslims? Is he gambling on American voters being uninformed about the war in Gaza, and not interested in foreign wars? In the past, there was no social media and Israel could hide the atrocities it committed against the Palestinians, but today people get their news and information on the internet. Nothing is hidden anymore. In November 2024, Biden will be judged by the voters in part on his policy of blind-support of Israel which goes against the moral fabric of the American soul.


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This article was originally published on Mideast Discourse.

Steven Sahiounie is a two-time award-winning journalist. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Hamas Plan: Israel Knew It for Over a Year

December 11th, 2023 by Manlio Dinucci

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“Israel has known Hamas’ attack plan for over a year,” reveals the New York Times. A 40-page document code-named by Israeli intelligence as “Walls of Jericho” proves it. Without specifying the date, it outlines point by point exactly the attack carried out by Hamas on October 7, 2023. The plan has circulated widely for over a year before October 7, 2023, among Israeli military and intelligence leaders. Still, they concluded that “an attack of this magnitude is beyond the capabilities of Hamas.”

Last July, just three months before the attack, a veteran analyst from Unit 8200 Israel’s intelligence agency warned that Hamas had conducted an intense exercise similar to the one described in the plan. But an intelligence agency colonel trashed her report. On October 7, 2023, Hamas executed the attack plan with “astonishing precision”: a barrage of rockets, drones to disable security cameras and automatic machine guns along the barrier surrounding Gaza, armed men entering Israeli territory from gaps opened with bulldozers in the barrier. Exactly as it was written in the plan called the “Walls of Jericho” by Israeli intelligence.

This exceptional documentation – the political-media mainstream has essentially passed over it in silence – confirms what we have demonstrated based on facts and not opinions since episode 113 of Grandangolo entitled “September 11th in the Middle East”: the leaders of Israel were not taken by surprise by the Hamas attack, but contributed to its execution to have the pretext of implementing their strategic plan. It consists of exterminating the population of Gaza: the dead and seriously injured people, mostly women and children, have so far amounted to around 60 thousand, equivalent to around 2 million dead and seriously injured in Italy (if we were in a similar situation). At the same time, the plan consists of making Gaza uninhabitable by pounding it with thousands of bombs supplied by the USA: in less than seven weeks Israeli bombings have destroyed almost 70% of the buildings in the North, and they are now doing the same in the South, while in throughout the Second World War, Allied bombing of Germany destroyed 60% of the buildings in Dresden and other cities.

In the plan of Israeli leaders, the final solution involves the deportation of the Gaza population to the Sinai desert and the cancellation of Gaza as  Palestinian territory, then they will do the same thing with the West Bank. The leaders of Israel are thus committing not only crimes of war but a real crime of genocide. This international crime consists of the methodical destruction of an ethnic, racial, or religious group as such, carried out through the extermination of individuals, the dissociation and dispersion of family groups, and the dismantling of all social, political, religious, and cultural institutions.


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This article was originally published in Italian on Il Manifesto.

Manlio Dinucci, award winning author, geopolitical analyst and geographer, Pisa, Italy. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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Below is a screenshot of the summary of the 1947 CIA document that was partly declassified in 2013, entitled “The Consequences of the Partition of Palestine.”


Click here to read the full document.


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Video: “The design of the so called COVID-19 vaccines was intentionally to harm people.” Dr. Mike Yeadon

By Patricia Harrity and Dr. Mike Yeadon, December 11, 2023

I’m going to tell you that the design of the so called vaccines was intentionally to harm people, and I’m going to give you several examples of that based on my extensive industry experience of rational drug design. Not a single atom or molecule in a synthetic drug is in there.

The View from Washington: Let the Killing in Gaza Continue

By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, December 11, 2023

Bloodletting as form; murder as fashion. The ongoing campaign in Gaza by Israel’s Defence Forces continues without stalling and restriction. But the burgeoning number of corpses is starting to become a challenge for the propaganda outlets: How to justify it? Fortunately for Israel, the United States, its unqualified defender, is happy to provide cover for murder covered in the sheath of self-defence.

Gaza: “Genocide Joe,” 66% of Americans Want a Ceasefire!

By Barry Kissin, December 11, 2023

A Data for Progress poll conducted between October 18 and 19 found that 66% of Americans want a U.S. call for a ceasefire. As reflected in the votes on U.N. resolutions demanding a cease fire, there is a larger majority of the rest of humanity demanding same.

Activating the Genocide Convention

By Craig Murray, December 10, 2023

There are 149 states party to the Genocide Convention. Every one of them has the right to call out the genocide in progress in Gaza and report it to the United Nations. In the event that another state party disputes the claim of genocide – and Israel, the United States and the United Kingdom are all states party – then the International Court of Justice is required to adjudicate on “the responsibility of a State for genocide”.

A Fateful Nobel Prize in Medicine to Convince “Reluctant People” to Get Vaccinated. For Making Possible the “Genetic Lobotomy” of a Large Part of the World’s Population

By Dr. Michael Nehls, December 09, 2023

The German newspaper “Handelsblatt” reported on October 2nd that the mRNA COVID “vaccine” was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine in order to convince reluctant people to undergo this experimental gene therapy treatment, which I call “spiking” for short.

“Is the Virus Fictitious”? Laboratories in US Can’t Find COVID-19 in One of 1,500 Positive Tests

By Xander Nieuws, December 10, 2023

A clinical scientist and immunologist-virologist at a southern California laboratory says he and colleagues from 7 universities are suing the CDC for massive fraud. The reason: not one of 1500 samples of people tested “positive” could find Covid-19. ALL people were simply found to have Influenza A, and to a lesser extent Influenza B.

Seventeen COVID Pandemic Lies We’ve Been Told

By Richard Gale and Dr. Gary Null, December 10, 2023

Aside from the “infodemic versus plandemic” debate, what is now certain is that much of what our federal health officials and their mainstream media mouthpieces told us during these three-plus years was patently false and untrue. 

Israel-Palestine War: The Big Picture. Peter Koenig

By Peter Koenig and Mike Adams, December 09, 2023

Some “experts” say with full conviction Hamas is winning this war. They base it on Hamas having achieved a ceasefire which they consider is already a “win”. And then they said getting Israel to accept a 2-day extension is a further sign of Hamas upper-hand. That is just wishful thinking. An illusion at best. It would be desirable.

11 Children Ages 9-19 Had a Cardiac Arrest at US Schools in the Past Month. Some Schools Are Now Starting to Conduct “Sudden Cardiac Arrest Screening”

By Dr. William Makis, December 09, 2023

14 year old Knox MacEwen is a Western High School Air Force Junior ROTC (Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps) student. On Nov. 4 he was running at a Army Junior ROTC exercise when he suffered a cardiac arrest during a 5K run and died in the hospital. His mother is recovering from a hard fought battle with cancer this past year.

The Genocidal State of Israel. Let It Happen or Make It Happen?

By Prof. Anthony J. Hall, December 09, 2023

There are many facets of the obfuscation and uncertainty surrounding the events of October 7 that are quite similar to those permeating the events of 9/11. As with 9/11, the uncertainties involving the real story of October 7 provided no hindrance to immediately setting in motion a ruthless campaign of lethal military attacks on an entrapped and mostly defenceless civilian population.

Cuba bloqueada, no embargada, por Estados Unidos

December 11th, 2023 by Víctor Arrogante

The View from Washington: Let the Killing in Gaza Continue

December 11th, 2023 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

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Bloodletting as form; murder as fashion. The ongoing campaign in Gaza by Israel’s Defence Forces continues without stalling and restriction. But the burgeoning number of corpses is starting to become a challenge for the propaganda outlets: How to justify it? Fortunately for Israel, the United States, its unqualified defender, is happy to provide cover for murder covered in the sheath of self-defence.

Such cover also takes the form of false fairness and forced balance.

“We don’t have to choose between defending Israel and aiding Palestinian civilians,” Secretary of State Antony Blinken wrote inanely in the Washington Post on October 31. “We can and must do both.  That is the only way to stand firmly by one of our closest allies, protecting innocent lives, uphold the international rules of the road that ultimately benefit the American people, and preserve the sole viable path to lasting peace and security for Israelis and Palestinians: two states for two peoples.”

Given that innocent lives are being taken with mechanistic ruthlessness, international laws broken with impunity, and any remnant of a Palestinian state being liquidated, Blinken seemingly inhabits a parallel universe of mind-bending cynicism.

The latest attempt to halt hostilities came in the form of an intervention by UN Secretary-General António Guterres under the auspices of Article 99 of the UN Charter.  The article grants the secretary-general the liberty to “bring to the attention of the Security Council any matter which in his opinion, may threaten the maintenance of international peace and security.”

In his December 6 letter to the members of the Security Council, Guterres gives a brief account of the conflict, commencing on October 7. After noting the death of 1,200 Israelis and 250 abductions (130 are still being held in captivity in Gaza), the focus shifts to the death of over 15,000 individuals in the strip itself, “more than 40 per cent of whom were children.” Somewhere in the order of 80 per cent of the population of 2.2 million residents in Gaza had been displaced, with 1.1 million seeking refuge in UNRWA facilities across the strip “creating overcrowded, undignified, and unhygienic conditions.” The provision of viable health care had all but ceased, with 14 hospitals of 36 facilities “partially functional.” Overall, Gaza was facing “a severe risk of collapse of the humanitarian system.”

The secretary-general concludes his note by urging the Security Council members “to press to avert a humanitarian catastrophe” and seek a “humanitarian ceasefire”. But on December 8, Washington predictably sabotaged the passage of the follow up resolution, which had been proposed by the United Arab Emirates. (Thirteen countries voted for the measure; with the United Kingdom abstaining.) The resolution demanded an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza and the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages and ensuring humanitarian access.

The US deputy ambassador to the UN Robert A. Wood, claimed that he and the delegation had “engaged in good faith on the text.” But “nearly all” of Washington’s recommendations had been ignored, resulting in “an unbalanced resolution divorced from reality on the ground.” Again, a sticking point was the omission in the draft of any reference to Hamas’s attack on October 7, Israel’s right to self-defence, and reference to any permission for the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) to access and provide medical treatment to the hostages still being held by Hamas.

With the gloves off, Wood made it clear that, in solidarity with Israel, the US will not countenance the continued existence of Hamas. “The resolution retains a call for an unconditional ceasefire – this is not only unrealistic but dangerous; it will simply leave Hamas in place, able to regroup and repeat what it did on 7 October.”

While Israel’s UN ambassador, Gilad Erdan, was not present to address the Security Council, he subsequently affirmed the blood curdling, unending mission his country has embarked upon. 

“A ceasefire will only be possible only with the return of all the hostages and the destruction of Hamas.”

As this farcical theatre of constipated morality unfolded, the Biden administration was happy to beef up the Israeli war machine by asking Congress to urgently approve the sale of 45,000 shells for the IDF’s Merkava tanks to aid its offensive in Gaza.  The sale, worth around $500 million, does not form part of Biden’s $110.5 billion supplemental request that covers funding for both Ukraine and Israel.

In pursuing such a course of action, be it defending Israel’s policies in the Security Council, or via armaments, the US is effectively colluding in the perpetration of crimes against humanity.  This was certainly the view of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, who said in a statement released by his office that

“the American position is aggressive and immoral, a flagrant violation of all humanitarian principles and values, and holds the United States responsible for the bloodshed of Palestinian children, women and elderly people in the Gaza Strip”.

Amnesty International’s Secretary General, Agnès Callamard also expressed the view that the US, in vetoing the resolution, had “displayed a callous disregard for civilian suffering in the face of a staggering death toll, extensive destruction and an unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe happening in the occupied Gaza Strip.” Washington had “brazenly wielded and weaponized its veto to strongarm the UN Security Council, further undermining its credibility and ability to live up to its mandate to maintain international peace and security.”  Not that it had much credibility to begin with.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He currently lectures at RMIT University.  He is a regular contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research. Email: [email protected] 

Featured image: US Secretary of State Antony Blinken meets with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Tel Aviv, Oct. 12, 2023. – Secretary Antony Blinken on X

Accidents of Eccentricity: Israel’s Pacific Hold

December 11th, 2023 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

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How much longer are Americans going to put up with this? On Dec. 7, the Washington Post (ordinarily extremely pro-Israel and pro-Biden administration) reported as follows:  

“‘Through our inspection of refugee camps, we noticed a large spread of hepatitis, which is spreading due to crowding of people, lack of usable drinking water and contaminated food,’ Imad Al-Hams, an emergency physician in Rafah, told The Post. ‘This is a serious disease that leads to death.’

“He said it was hard to issue official figures on the volume of infections, due to the large number of people and a lack of access for medical teams, but noted that many diseases were spreading because of poor hygiene conditions, and children were particularly at risk.”

In a piece published in the Israeli daily Yedioth Ahronoth on November 22, Giora Eiland, a decorated former head of the Israeli military’s Operations and Planning Division and former head of the National Security Council, proposed disease as an effective method of killing the Palestinian people in Gaza. He wrote:

“After all, severe epidemics in the southern Strip will bring victory closer and reduce fatalities among IDF soldiers.” 

A Data for Progress poll conducted between October 18 and 19 found that 66% of Americans want a U.S. call for a ceasefire. As reflected in the votes on U.N. resolutions demanding a cease fire, there is a larger majority of the rest of humanity demanding same.

But “Genocide Joe,” his new and widespread nickname, along with most of Congress, remain in favor of billions more in aid to Israel without conditions as well as the ongoing supply of American weapons being used to obliterate Gaza. The U.S. has also deployed an armada to the Mediterranean daring anyone to interfere in the onslaught.  

On Oct. 30, the Guardian published an article titled “Hamas has created additional demand: Wall Street eyes big profits from war” and subtitled “Morgan Stanley and TD Bank hope for aerospace and weapons boon after a 7% value increase from start of Israel-Hamas conflict.”


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Barry Kissin is a retired attorney, dedicated peace activist and columnist who resides in Frederick, Maryland, home of Fort Detrick, headquarters of the American biodefense/bioweapons program. He is regularly published in his local newspaper, The Frederick News-Post, as well as in alternative media, including Global Research, Consortium News, Op-ed News and Unz Review.

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Dr Michael Yeadon had prepared a video recording for the event hosted by Andrew Bridgen in Parliament yesterday. However, there was said to be a technical error, but according to Dr Yeadon, there must have been two errors because they had received his recording several days before and confirmed that “it was working” and “Peter McCullough was intending to present by video link, eg Zoom” but a technical error prevented it from being seen.

“It’s not believable that both link & local playback failed.” “Why didn’t they want me to speak?” he asks.

Why indeed?


“This is my censored speech for us in Andrew Bridgen’s event.”

Hello. My name is Dr. Mike Yeadon.

Probably know by now that I’m a career research scientist and biologist. I’ve worked in the biopharmaceutical industry for over 30 years. Famously, a former vice president at Pfizer, left in 2011 as vice president and worldwide head of Respiratory research.

I was responsible for everything from idea to clinical proof of concept. In the ten years after leaving Pfizer, I’ve worked as an independent. I consulted to 30 biotech companies.

I also founded Led and sold my own biotech Ziarco. And we were written up in a 2017 article in Forbes magazine. I think it was Converting Pfizer Discards into Gold, and it was written by a former Pfizer board member. So three years before this alleged event started, I was very well regarded in the industry.

I’m going to tell you that the design of the so called vaccines was intentionally to harm people, and I’m going to give you several examples of that based on my extensive industry experience of rational drug design. Not a single atom or molecule in a synthetic drug is in there. By luck, it’s in there because people chose it to be in there and they intended certain things to flow from their choices.

But just very briefly, you should know, I hope there has not been a pandemic.

Denis Rancourt’s data shows that the all cause mortality evidence data did not increase at all in the run up to the Declaration. Fraudulently by who? Of a pandemic. There is no public health emergency except that created by our governments.

An inappropriate fraudulent PCR test was used to give people the impression that they had a particular disease where they didn’t. There were all normal diseases. And then what happened was in three different ways. People were treated badly through changed medical procedures that were imposed above the level of nation.

Briefly, mass ventilation of people inappropriately in hospitals that led to lots of deaths. In care homes, many people were given sedatives and respiratory depressants which led to their deaths.

My PhD was specifically in that area of opiates and respiratory depression. And in the community, people were denied life saving antibiotics and died of bacterial pneumonia. There’s your pandemic. There is no other pandemic. And based on this lie, we were told that vaccines were coming our way and would be our savior.

Two things, as I say. First, there’s no pandemic, so you certainly don’t need an experimental, rushed medical intervention. But secondly, even if you did, as someone who’s worked in the industry for over 30 years, I am telling you it’s absolutely impossible to invent, test, clinically, evaluate and manufacture and then launch on global scale a complex biomedical product. It’s absolutely impossible. It’s not as close, it’s years wrong.

The fastest record price of this was six years. And friends of mine who’ve worked all their lives in manufacturing of complex biological products tell me the methods development alone for the development of a reproducible manufacturing process itself takes a number of years.

So whatever it is you think was done, I am telling you, there was not the development of a proper medical product. What I think happened was the advancement of materials that are intentionally toxic.

And then they were sketchily, advanced and jammed into people’s arms, often coerced, sometimes even mandated, with the unsurprising effect that millions of people have died. I don’t have time today to explain what I think they’re going to do in the future, but suffice to say, more injections are coming if we don’t stop this.

So, like I said, I’m skilled in the arts of rational drug discovery. So why am I saying these materials are intentionally toxic? Well, let me give you the first example. How do you think your body plays nice with itself, but when it’s infected or detects a cancer, it goes to war.

And the answer is, it distinguishes self things that are meant to be inside you from non self, from foreign things that are not meant to be inside you. And it is trained exquisitely to detect and attack non self foreign things. If you inject a person with a gene that encodes a foreign piece of protein, like a spike protein from a foreign organism, your body will detect that.

And every single cell that takes up that material and expresses foreign protein will be attacked and killed by your immune system. Now, if you think that’s advanced immunology, let me put you right. It’s in the first chapter. Distinguishing self from non self is one of the foremost lessons of immunology.

And every single person involved in the train of delivery of these materials to doctor’s hands knew what I’ve just told you, they will inevitably cause injury. Then on top of that, it’s not just bad enough that you’re making a foreign protein, you’re making a specific material called spike protein. Those materials are biologically active. That is, if you add them to human blood, for example, they start to coagulate, it clots.

Those materials are biological toxins. So now you’ve got a genetic sequence that forms foreign proteins. That means your body attacks and kills every cell that does it. And if you should release any of that protein in your blood, it will form blood clots. If it releases it near nerves, for example, you will get one or other of several neurological defects.

And of course, it’s not just nerves or blood. There’s a third major factor, and there are many others. But let me give you the third one. These materials are formulated it’s normal to formulate drugs. These are formulated in fatty globules called lipid nanoparticles.

What they do is disguise the foreign genetic information so your body doesn’t see it initially until it gets inside your cells and it goes all around your body. It will glide through the cell wall as if it wasn’t there. And that was the entire point of it. So that means these materials don’t just go to your lymph nodes.

And they certainly don’t stay in your arm where they’re injected. They go all around the body, including into your brain and your blood and every organ in your body. But here’s the thing. Ten years ago, there were papers published, and it was well established and well known in the industry that lipid nanoparticles, lipid nanocarriers deposit their cargo, preferentially in the ovaries, and that was confirmed with the pfizer products in an animal experiment performed for the Japanese regulators.

So, by design, these agents cause an autoimmune attack on every tissue. They make your body form a well understood biological toxin that can damage multiple organs in your body. And they deposited their cargoes, preferentially in the reproductive tissues of women and girls. So if you think that’s by luck, then you’re mistaken.

There is no doubt in my mind, anyone of my caliber, and this is my peers that worked on this, absolutely understood what they were designing and manufacturing. So I think, having heard what I’ve just said, that there was no pandemic and the lie was maintained in order to inject people en masse, I think five and a half billion people with an intentionally dangerous substance, 17 million of whom have died so far.

What do you think is happening and what do you think your role as an individual is in stopping this crime? On. Thank you for listening.


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Activating the Genocide Convention

December 10th, 2023 by Craig Murray

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There are 149 states party to the Genocide Convention. Every one of them has the right to call out the genocide in progress in Gaza and report it to the United Nations. In the event that another state party disputes the claim of genocide – and Israel, the United States and the United Kingdom are all states party – then the International Court of Justice is required to adjudicate on “the responsibility of a State for genocide”.

These are the relevant articles of the genocide convention:

Article VIII
Any Contracting Party may call upon the competent organs of the United Nations to take such action under the Charter of the United Nations as they consider appropriate for the prevention and suppression of acts of genocide or any of the other acts enumerated in article III.

Article IX
Disputes between the Contracting Parties relating to the interpretation, application or fulfilment of the present Convention, including those relating to the responsibility of a State for genocide or for any of the other acts enumerated in article III, shall be submitted to the International Court of Justice at the request of any of the parties to the dispute.

Note that here “parties to the dispute” means the states disputing the facts of genocide, not the parties to the genocide/conflict. Any single state party is able to invoke the Convention.

There is no doubt that Israel’s actions amount to genocide. Numerous international law experts have said so and genocidal intent has been directly expressed by numerous Israeli ministers, generals and public officials.

This is the definition of genocide in international law, from the Genocide Convention:

Article II
In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group

I can see no room to doubt whatsoever that Israel’s current campaign of bombing of civilians and of the deprivation of food, water and other necessities of life to Palestinians amounts to genocide under articles II a), b) and c).

It is also worth considering Articles III and IV:

Article III
The following acts shall be punishable:
(a) Genocide;
(b) Conspiracy to commit genocide;
(c) Direct and public incitement to commit genocide;
(d) Attempt to commit genocide;
(e) Complicity in genocide.

Article IV
Persons committing genocide or any of the other acts enumerated in article III shall be punished, whether they are constitutionally responsible rulers, public officials or private individuals.

There is, at the very least, a strong prima facie case that the actions of the United States and United Kingdom and others, in openly providing direct military support to be used in genocide, are complicity in genocide. The point of Article IV is that individuals are responsible, not just states. So Netanyahu, Biden and Sunak bear individual responsibility. So, indeed, do all those who have been calling for the destruction of the Palestinians.

It is very definitely worth activating the Genocide Convention. A judgement of the International Court of Justice that Israel is guilty of genocide would have an extraordinary diplomatic effect and would cause domestic difficulties in the UK and even in the US in continuing to subsidise and arm Israel. The International Court of Justice is the most respected of international institutions; while the United States has repudiated its compulsory jurisdiction, the United Kingdom has not and the EU positively accepts it.

If the International Court of Justice makes a determination of genocide, then the International Criminal Court does not have to determine that genocide has happened. This is important because unlike the august and independent ICJ, the ICC is very much a western government puppet institution which will wiggle out of action if it can. But a determination of the ICJ of genocide and of complicity in genocide would reduce the ICC’s task to determining which individuals bear the responsibility. That is a prospect which can indeed alter the calculations of politicians.

It is also the fact that a reference for genocide would force the western media to address the issue and use the term, rather than just pump out propaganda about Hamas fighting bases in hospitals. Furthermore a judgement from the ICJ would automatically trigger a reference to the United Nations General Assembly – crucially not to the western-vetoed Security Council.

All this begs the question of why no state has yet invoked the Genocide Convention. This is especially remarkable as Palestine is one of the 149 states party to the Genocide Convention, and for this purpose would have standing before both the UN and the ICJ.

I am afraid the question of why Palestine has not invoked the Genocide Convention takes us somewhere very dark. Anyone who, like George Galloway and myself, cut their political teeth in left-wing politics of Dundee of the 1970s has (long story) their experience and contacts with Fatah, and my sympathies have always very much lain with Fatah rather than Hamas. They still do, with the aspiration for a democratic, secular Palestine. It is Fatah who occupy the Palestinian seat at the United Nations, and the decision for Palestine to call into play the Genocide Convention lies with Mahmoud Abbas.

It is more and more difficult daily to support Abbas. He seems extraordinarily passive, and the suspicion that he is more concerned with refighting the Palestinian civil war than with resisting the genocide is impossible to shake. By invoking the Genocide Convention he could put himself and Fatah back at the centre of the narrative. But he does nothing. I do not want to believe that corruption and a Blinken promise of inheriting Gaza are Mahmoud’s motivators. But at the moment, I cannot grab on to any other explanation to believe in.

Any one of the 139 states party could invoke the Genocide Convention against Israel and its co-conspirators. Those states include Iran, Russia, Libya, Malaysia, Bolivia, Venezuela, Brazil, Afghanistan, Cuba, Ireland, Iceland, Jordan, South Africa, Turkey and Qatar. But not one of these states has called out the genocide. Why?

It is not because the Genocide Convention is a dead letter. It is not. It was invoked against Serbia by Bosnia and Herzegovina and the ICJ ruled against Serbia with regard to the massacre at Srebrenica. This fed directly through to ICC prosecutions.

Some states may simply not have thought of it. For Arab states in particular, the fact that Palestine itself has not invoked the Genocide Convention may provide an excuse. EU states can hide behind bloc unanimity.

But I am afraid that the truth is that no state cares sufficiently about the thousands of Palestinian children already killed and thousands more who will shortly be killed, to introduce another factor of hostility in their relationship with the United States. Just as at this weekend’s summit in Saudi Arabia, where Islamic countries could not agree an oil and gas boycott of Israel, the truth is that those in power really do not care about a genocide in Gaza. They care about their own interests.

It just needs one state to invoke the Genocide Convention and change the narrative and the international dynamic. That will only happen through the power of the people in pressing the idea on their governments. This is where everybody can do a little something to add to the pressure. Please do what you can.

Hat tip to the indefatigable Sam Husseini who has been pressing the Genocide Convention on the White House.


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Piano di Hamas: Noto a Israele da Oltre un Anno

December 10th, 2023 by Manlio Dinucci

Israele conosceva il piano d’attacco di Hamas da oltre un anno”, rivela il New York Times.

Lo prova un documento di 40 pagine denominato in codice dall’intelligence israeliana “Mura di Gerico”: esso delinea punto per punto, senza specificare la data, esattamente l’attacco effettuato da Hamas il 7 Ottobre 2023.

Il piano è circolato ampiamente, per oltre un anno prima del 7 Ottobre 2023, tra i leader militari e dell’intelligence israeliana, ma essi hanno concluso che “un attacco di tale portata è al di là delle capacità di Hamas”.

Lo scorso luglio, solo tre mesi prima all’attacco, una analista veterana dell’Unità 8200, l’agenzia di intelligence israeliana, ha avvertito che Hamas aveva condotto un’intensa esercitazione simile a quella descritta nel piano. Ma un colonnello dell’agenzia di intelligence ha cestinato il suo rapporto.

Il 7 Ottobre 2023 Hamas ha eseguito il piano di attacco con “stupefacente precisione”: una raffica di razzi, droni per mettere fuori uso le telecamere di sicurezza e le mitragliatrici automatiche lungo la barriera che circonda Gaza, uomini armati che entrano in territorio israeliano dai varchi aperti con bulldozer nella barriera. Esattamente come era scritto nel piano denominato dall’intelligence israeliana “Mura di Gerico”.

Questa eccezionale documentazione – che il mainstream politico-mediatico ha passato sostanzialmente sotto silenzio – conferma quanto abbiamo dimostrato, in base ai fatti e non alle opinioni, fin dalla puntata 113 di Grandangolo intitolata “L’11 Settembre del Medioriente”: i capi di Israele non sono stati colti di sorpresa dall’attacco di Hamas, ma hanno contribuito alla sua esecuzione per avere il pretesto di attuare il loro piano strategico.

Esso consiste nello sterminare la popolazione di Gaza: i morti e i feriti gravi, per la maggior parte donne e bambini, ammontano finora a circa 60 mila, equivalenti (se ci trovassimo noi in una situazione simile) a circa 2 milioni di morti e feriti gravi in Italia.

Allo stesso tempo il piano consiste nel rendere Gaza inabitabile, martellandola con migliaia di bombe fornite dagli USA: in meno di sette settimane i bombardamenti israeliani hanno distrutto quasi il 70% degli edifici nel Nord, e lo stesso stanno facendo ora nel Sud, mentre nel corso di tutta la Seconda guerra mondiale i bombardamenti degli Alleati sulla Germaniadistrussero il 60% degli edifici di Dresda e altre città.

La soluzione finale, nel piano dei capi di Israele, prevede la deportazione della popolazione di Gaza nel deserto del Sinai e la cancellazione di Gaza quale territorio palestinese, facendo poi la stessa cosa con la Cisgiordania, I capi di Israele stanno così commettendo non solo crimini di guerra, ma un vero e proprio crimine di genocidio.

Questo crimine internazionale consiste nella metodica distruzione di un gruppo etnico, razziale o religioso in quanto tale, compiuta attraverso lo sterminio degli individui, la dissociazione e dispersione dei gruppi familiari, lo scardinamento di tutte le istituzioni sociali, politiche, religiose, culturali.

Manlio Dinucci


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According to America’s top three newspapers, as measured by circulation, Henry Kissinger was a figure who both excelled in international diplomacy and generated rivals and critics. [2][3][4]

This “loved by some” mentality is certainly reflected in prominent politicians in the U.S. U.S. Republican Senator John McCain during a Senate Armed Services Committee in which Kissinger made a statement mentioned the protest against Kissinger by the group Code Pink was “disgraceful,” “outrageous,” and “despicable.” And he apologized profusely to Kissinger for “allowing such disgraceful behaviour towards a man who served this country with the greatest distinction.”[5]

In the Democratic Party, Hillary Clinton, wrote a 2014 review of Kissinger’s book, World Order. In the article she praised Kissinger calling him a “friend” and stating:

“Even when there are tensions between our values and other objectives, America, he reminds us, succeeds by standing up for our values, not shirking them, and leads by engaging peoples and societies, the sources of legitimacy, not governments alone.”[6]

To those not in positions of elite power and privilege, it would be difficult to ignore the multitudes of deaths, torture which flourished from the seeds planted by Kissinger in countries around the globe. His underhanded and covert diplomacy as he pursued his own version of foreign policy realism resulted in massacres across Cambodia, Chile, Argentina, East Timor, and Bangladesh. To name just a few.[7]

And then there are the concerns of the elite class. Consider this quote from Kissinger’s  National Security Study Memorandum 200 entitled “Implications of Worldwide Population Growth For U.S. Security and Overseas Interests.”

It reads:

“The study should take into account the President’s concern that population policy is a human concern intimately related to the dignity of the individual and the objective of the United States is to work closely with others, rather than seek to impose our views on others.” (Emphasis added.)

Kissinger finally passed away at the end of November., aged 100. Given the profound impact his policies had on the world stage, and its perception of America, a show like the Global Research News Hour had to put on a show reflecting an appraisal of his monstrous crimes. We do so during this week with the assistance of four guests. They include an emeritus Professor of Law at Princeton University, a scholar from RMIT university, an activist from the U.S. and Canadian journalist and researcher.

Richard Falk is a member of the TRANSCEND Network, Albert G. Milbank Professor Emeritus of International Law at Princeton University, Chair of Global Law, Faculty of Law, at Queen Mary University London,  Research Associate the Orfalea Center of Global Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and Fellow of the Tellus Institute. He is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Binoy Kampmark teaches core legal courses within the Legal and Dispute Studies program for the Bachelor of Social Science at RMIT University, Melbourne. He has research interests in the institution of war, diplomacy, international relations, 20th Century History and law.

Jodie Evans is co-founder of the anti-war group Code Pink.

Matt J L Ehret is a journalist, historical analyst, lecturer and founder of the Canadian Patriot review.

(Global Research News Hour episode 412)


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The Global Research News Hour airs every Friday at 1pm CT on CKUW 95.9FM out of the University of Winnipeg. The programme is also podcast at .

Other stations airing the show:

CIXX 106.9 FM, broadcasting from Fanshawe College in London, Ontario. It airs Sundays at 6am.

WZBC 90.3 FM in Newton Massachusetts is Boston College Radio and broadcasts to the greater Boston area. The Global Research News Hour airs during Truth and Justice Radio which starts Sunday at 6am.

Campus and community radio CFMH 107.3fm in  Saint John, N.B. airs the Global Research News Hour Fridays at 7pm.

CJMP 90.1 FM, Powell River Community Radio, airs the Global Research News Hour every Saturday at 8am. 

Caper Radio CJBU 107.3FM in Sydney, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia airs the Global Research News Hour starting Wednesday afternoon from 3-4pm.

Cowichan Valley Community Radio CICV 98.7 FM serving the Cowichan Lake area of Vancouver Island, BC airs the program Thursdays at 9am pacific time.


  1. Anthony Bourdain (2002), ‘A Cook’s Tour: In Search of the Perfect Meal’, published by Bloomsbury;
  2. Allan Cullison (November 30, 2023), ‘Henry Kissinger, Who Helped Forge U.S. Foreign Policy During Vietnam and Cold Wars, Dies at 100’, Wall Street Journal;
  3. New York Times (November 29, 2023), ‘Henry Kissinger Dies: Diplomat Who Long Held the Global Stage Was Both Celebrated and Reviled’, NYT;
  4. Thomas W. Lippman (November 29, 2023), ‘Henry Kissinger, who shaped world affairs under two presidents, dies at 100’, Washington Post;
  6. Hillary Rodham Clinton (September 4, 2014), ‘Hillary Clinton reviews Henry Kissinger’s ‘World Order’ ‘, The Washington Post;
  7. David Corn (September 5, 2014), ‘Hillary Clinton Praises a Guy With Lots of Blood on His Hands’, Mother Jones;

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First published by Global Research on September 6. 2021. Translated from Dutch.



A clinical scientist and immunologist-virologist at a southern California laboratory says he and colleagues from 7 universities are suing the CDC for massive fraud. The reason: not one of 1500 samples of people tested “positive” could find Covid-19. ALL people were simply found to have Influenza A, and to a lesser extent Influenza B. This is consistent with the previous findings of other scientists, which we have reported on several times.

Dr. Derek Knauss: “When my lab team and I subjected the 1500 supposedly positive Covid-19 samples to Koch’s postulates and put them under an SEM (electron microscope), we found NO Covid in all 1500 samples. We found that all 1500 samples were primarily Influenza A, and some Influenza B, but no cases of Covid. We did not use the bulls*** PCR test.’

At 7 universities not once COVID detected

‘When we sent the rest of the samples to Stanford, Cornell, and a couple of the labs at the University of California, they came up with the same result: NO COVID. They found Influenza A and B. Then we all asked the CDC for viable samples of Covid. The CDC said they can’t give them, because they don’t have those samples.’

‘So we came to the hard conclusion through all our research and lab work that Covid-19 was imaginary and fictitious. The flu was only called ‘Covid,’ and most of the 225,000 deaths were from co-morbidities such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, pulmonary emphysema, etc.. They got the flu which further weakened their immune systems, and they died.’

‘This virus is fictitious’

‘I still need to find one viable sample with Covid-19 to work with. We who conducted the lab test with these 1500 samples at the 7 universities are now suing the CDC for Covid-19 fraud. The CDC still has not sent us a viable, isolated and purified sample of Covid-19. If they can’t or won’t, then I say there is no Covid-19. It’s fictional.’

‘The four research papers describing the genome extracts of the Covid-19 virus never managed to isolate and purify the samples. All four papers describe only small pieces of RNA that are only 37 to 40 base pairs long. That is NOT a VIRUS. A viral genome normally has 30,000 to 40,000 base pairs.’

‘Now that Covid-19 is supposedly so bad everywhere, how come not one lab in the world has completely isolated and purified this virus? That’s because they never really found the virus. All they ever discovered were small pieces of RNA that were not identified as the virus anyway. So what we’re dealing with is just another flu strain, just like every year. Covid-19 does not exist and is fictitious.’

‘I believe that China and the globalists have set up this Covid hoax (the flu disguised as a new virus) to establish a global tyranny and totalitarian control police state. This intrigue included (also) massive election fraud to overthrow Trump.’

CDC itself admits to having no identifiable virus

Deeply hidden in an official document on Covid-19, the CDC ruefully admitted as early as summer 2020 that it does not have a measurable virus: ‘As no quantified (= measured) isolated virus objects of 2019-nCoV are available at this time…’ (page 39 of the ‘CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel’ (July 13) In other words, the CDC, as one of THE leading medical authorities in the world, could not, and still cannot, demonstrate a virus.

About the for this purpose scientifically totally debunked, but still shamelessly abused PCR test, the CDC wrote under the heading ‘limitations’: ‘The detection of viral RNA cannot demonstrate the presence of an infectious virus, or that 2019-nCoV is the causative agent of clinical symptoms.’ And in addition: ‘This test cannot exclude other diseases caused by other bacterial or viral pathogens.’

In other words, we cannot prove that the people who get sick and are hospitalized, and very occasionally die, were sickened by a new coronavirus called SARS-CoV-2, nor can we prove that it caused them to develop a new disease called ‘Covid-19.’ It could just as easily be a different virus and a different disease. (And since all the symptoms, including severe pneumonia, correspond seamlessly to what flu can cause historically in vulnerable people… ‘if it looks like a duck and walks like a duck, it is a duck’.

Reward of $265,000 for demonstrating coronavirus

Earlier this year, Samuel Eckert’s German Team and the Isolate Truth Fund pledged a reward of at least $265,000 for any scientist who can provide incontrovertible proof that the SARS-CoV-2 virus has been isolated and therefore exists. They too pointed out that not one lab in the world has yet been able to isolate this corona virus.

Yes, systems scientists claim they have, but this ‘isolation’ consists only of a sample from the human body, which is a ‘soup’ full of different kinds of cells, remains of viruses, bacteria, et cetera. With the help of (toxic) chemicals one then searches for some (residual) particles that may indicate a virus that once existed or may still exist, after which this is designated as ‘evidence’.

Canadian team also received no evidence despite 40 Public Access Law requests

In late December 2020 there was a similar initiative to the one in Germany. A team around Canadian investigative journalist Christine Massey submitted no less than 40 Public Access Law requests to medical authorities worldwide with the simple request for proof that the SARS-CoV-2 virus has been isolated and its existence can therefore be objectively proven. Not one of the agencies and authorities written to was able to provide that evidence.

‘Impossible to demonstrate that SARS-CoV-2 causes a disease called Covid-19’

Dr. Tom Cowan, Dr. Andrew Kaufman and Sally Fallon Morell recently published a statement on “the continuing controversy over whether the SARS-CoV-2 virus is isolated or purified. But based on the official Oxford definition of “isolation” (“the fact or condition of being isolated or secluded, a separation from other things or persons, standing alone”), common sense, the laws of logic and the rules of science dictate that any unbiased person must come to the conclusion that the SARS-CoV-2 virus has never been isolated or purified. As a result, no confirmation of the existence of the virus can be given.’

‘The logical and scientific implications of this fact are that the structure and composition of something whose existence cannot be proven cannot be known, including the presence, structure and function of hypothetical spike or other proteins. The genetic sequence of something that has never been found cannot be known, nor can the “variants” (mutations) of something whose existence has not been demonstrated. It is therefore impossible to show that SARS-CoV-2 causes a disease called Covid-19.’

Combined PCR test for corona and influenza ‘because there’s hardly any difference’

Not surprisingly, the world’s largest biotech company, China’s BGI, recently launched a new PCR test that can simultaneously test for influenza A, B and corona. Apart from the proven fact, acknowledged trough various lawsuits, that a PCR test cannot prove infection with any virus whatsoever, BGI’s explanation that both diseases are so difficult to distinguish from each other and that they have therefore made only one test, says more than enough. Maybe there IS no difference at all, ‘Covid’ is just another name for ‘old familiar’ flu viruses, and this is just another clever marketing trick?

Most people have been fooled by fear propaganda

With worldwide, government-controlled 24/7 fear propaganda by the mass media, most people have come to believe that there is indeed a life-threatening virus that makes people sick much faster and more severely than seasonal flu. However, even the latter is demonstrably not the case. Influenza A has been the leading cause of death from pneumonia in the developed world for years.

But send people designated as severe Covid patients to a few ICU’s, put cameras on them constantly, instruct a few physicians that they should only discuss the worst cases, and you have your “televised pandemic. The argument ‘we are doing it because otherwise care will be overburdened’ was undermined by governments itself some time ago, by rejecting offers of additional ICU beds or staff, because ‘it is not necessary’. (Was this perhaps the first and only time the truth was told?)

Official figures: nothing to worry about (yet it never gets back to normal)

Now that also the official figures show that after the normal traditional flu season nothing is wrong, and according to the EU statistics (EuroMOMO) there is even a significant lower mortality, the society – if it really was about a virus and public health – should immediately go back to normal to start repairing the huge damage caused by government policies.

However, as you know, that will never be done, and that is because this carefully planned pandemic hoax is carrying out an ideological agenda, the World Economic Forum’s ‘Great Reset’, which aims to largely demolish the society and economy of the West, and then subject it to a global technocratic climate-vaccine dictatorship, in which all our freedoms, civil and self-determination rights will be done away with once and for all.

At least that was their plan.


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This article was originally published in Dutch, translated by Great Reject.

Featured image is from Vaccine Injury News


Seventeen Covid Pandemic Lies We’ve Been Told

December 10th, 2023 by Richard Gale

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First published in October 2023


Looking back over the past three years and ten months since the outbreak of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in Wuhan, the world has been on a roller coaster ride torn between competing and warring scenarios about what took place, how and why.

For those who promulgated the official narratives composed by the World Health Organization and governmental health ministries, medical dissenters constituted an “infodemic” of misinformation that criticized the institutional authority and scientific evidence embodied in the official policies that were supposed to protect public health.

On the other side of the fence, dissenting medical voices observed a potential “plandemic”—a pre-planned and orchestrated effort to take full advantage of a viral outbreak in order to serve ulterior motives and goals. 

Aside from the “infodemic versus plandemic” debate, what is now certain is that much of what our federal health officials and their mainstream media mouthpieces told us during these three-plus years was patently false and untrue. 

In fact, in retrospect, it was more of stream of ad hoc beliefs and wishful thinking instead of an public health strategy based upon hard scientific facts.

Therefore, we are listing many of the most egregious errors, and more likely intentional lies, that the American people have been indoctrinated into believing with a brief analysis and the evidence to lay these pandemic mythologies to rest.

1. Lockdown of COVID-19 Positive Individuals and Social Distancing Will Curtail the Pandemic

The federal health agencies decision to do a mass domestic lockdown of the nation to curtail the Covid-19 pandemic may be one of the greatest policy disasters in American history. It was not supported by any consensual scientific data, and there was no historical precedent to warrant it.

The lockdown was catastrophic to the economy and small and mid-sized businesses, many which were forced into bankruptcy. By the end of May 2020, 36 million working Americans found themselves unemployed. 

The nation’s mental and physical health plummeted. Even the Great Depression took a couple of years to destroy the nation’s economy to this degree, and not in several months, as did the lockdown. 

Some nations realized early that lockdowns and business and school closures were a foolish policy.  In August 2020, infectious disease expert and medical advisor to the UK government Mark Woolhouse called the British lockdown a “panic measure…. because we couldn’t think of anything better to do.” He correctly predicted that the lockdown would do greater harm than the Covid-19 virus. 

People will be surprised to learn that according to a Ron Paul Institute investigation, the pseudo-science behind the rationale for social distancing originated in 2006 with a 15 year old Albuquerque high school student’s science fair project and the assistance of her father, a government employed scientist.

The computer modeling project was based upon asking the question how might students be prevented from transmitting an infectious disease to each other? Thus arose the hypothesis of social distancing. Somehow, due to the girl’s father’s connections, her project wound up in the US Department of Homeland Security. In 2007, the CDC, under the Bush administration, made social distancing official policy. 

Otherwise, there is absolutely no evidence based science to suggest that either lockdowns or social distancing can have any realistic impact during a pandemic. Government efforts to fund research to legitimize the lockdown policies were debunked as fundamentally flawed by Lund University researchers in Sweden and published in Nature. 

Similarly, a review of lockdown measures taken by ten nations by Stanford University scientists, including signatories of the Great Barrington Declaration and world renowned medical statistician John Ioannidis, concluded that there were no benefits through restrictive lockdown measures, and the populations who were the least restrictive, such as Sweden and South Korea, fared better.

In fact, other consequences of lockdowns can have a far more detrimental impact upon society such as stunted mental development. 

2. Schools Must be Shut Down to Protect Children

One of the most disconcerting consequences of rigid lockdowns and closures was the disruption in children’s education. The rationale for school closures never had a scientific basis and was based upon premature fears.

Outside of the US, early in the pandemic, health officials realized that children were not very susceptible to contracting or spreading SARS-CoV-2 as previously thought. Sweden never locked down schools and there were no spikes in Covid-19 infections among children.

In Canada a team of scientists representing several professional medical institutions monitored children’s capacity to transmit the virus in daycare, in schools, on the playground and other extracurricular activities. The researchers concluded there was no risk to children, nor adult staff, to restrict in-person classes and outdoor activities.

Nor was there ever evidence-based data to support the need to vaccinate children with the mRNA vaccines. A large study analyzing all hospital admissions and Covid-19 deaths across the UK during a twelve month period beginning March 2020, reported only 25 deaths in persons under 18 years of age. 

Half of those had severe comorbidities or disabilities requiring complex healthcare needs such as tube feeding—a rate of 2 per one million youth. This rate is far below children who die annually from regular vaccines on the CDC childhood vaccine schedule.

3. Face Masks Prevent Viral Transmission

Perhaps the most bizarre round of hypocrisy during the early phase of the pandemic was the row of inconsistencies by America’s doctor, Anthony Fauci, regarding the importance of face masks to lessen viral transmission. Appearing early on 60 Minutes, Fauci announced there was “no reason to be walking around with a mask” and it has “unintended consequences.”

This was a truthful statement and there is a large body of peer-reviewed research going back decades that show masks are essentially useless. Yet later in July 2020, he would declare the exact opposite, “We are trying to get people to universally wear masks.” 

His flip-flop was stated in a critical response against prescribing hydroxychloroquine, and to promote masks as an alternative. Later still, Fauci would walk back masks’ preventative benefits, and then yet again restate their efficacy. 

There are over 170 peer-reviewed research studies. There are many reasons for avoiding masks whenever possible. These include viral concentration in nasal passages resulting in viral damage to the olfactory channel and eventually the brain reduction of blood oxygenation; an abnormal increase in CO2 levels (hypercapnia) and, hypoxia-associated headaches.

This poses an especially dangerous risk to cardiac and cancer patients, because cancer cells prefer a low-oxygen environment to proliferate.  Wearing a mask for long periods of time will also increase concentrations of viruses in general, not simply coronavirus; a viral overload may in turn contribute to cytokine storms and trigger serious autoimmune conditions.

4. Everybody’s Life Is Endangered by the SARS-CoV-2 Virus

Although the message to the global community emphasized that everyone’s health was in jeopardy from the SARS-CoV-2 virus, health officials also acknowledged a 99 percent survival rate. Stanford University epidemiologist John Ioannidis calculated that the average mortality rate was 0.07 percent in people under 70 years of age.

In fact, a later study released by the Swiss Policy Institute on Covid-19 lethality, concluded that the median Covid death age is higher than the national life expectancy of most developed nations such as the US, UK, Canada, Australia, and Germany. 

Moreover, the large majority of Covid-related deaths involved at least one prior serious comorbidity. In an Italian study, this was the case for over 99 percent of Covid fatalities. Most cases have been infirm patients in elderly care homes and hospitals. Consequently there was never any exaggerated rate of excess deaths. 

5. The PCR Test Is the Most Accurate Method to Confirm SARS-2-CoV Infections

It is important to note that at the time the PCR test was widely deployed for the identification of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, there had to be a quantified virus isolate upon which to even develop the PCR with a modicum of accuracy. For this reason, the use of PCR to diagnose the Covid virus was awarded an Emergency Use Authorization by the FDA.  

Despite PCR being ruled as the “gold standard” for testing SARS-CoV-2 infections, it was never designed to be a diagnostic tool.  PCR’s inventor, the Nobel Prize laureate Kary Mullis stated “PCR… doesn’t tell you that you are sick, or that the thing that you ended up with was going to hurt you or anything like that.” 

Moreover, PCR has a long history of being unreliable. For example, a Chinese study observed that a single patient could test differently on any given day. Before the roll out of the Covid-19 vaccines, PCR tests were set to high cycle thresholds of between 35-40 cycles.

Some US labs set the cycle at 45, which would assuredly result in a very high rate of false positive results. Even Anthony Fauci is on record admitting that cycles over 35 are “almost never culturable”—in other words, there is insufficient virus present, if any, that can be isolated for culturing. 

It wasn’t until late 2021, long after the PCR served its intended goal to keep the illusion of Covid-19 infectious rates high, that nations began to dump it in preference for more accurate, quick tests.  In fact, relying on PCR as a secondary confirmatory test was dropped as well. 

On December 31, 2021, the CDC came clean and admitted PCR was unable to differentiate between the flu and Covid-19 virus. A study reported in the Physician’s Weekly announced the CDC knew the kits were frequently contaminated and had a serious design error that contributed to false positives. 

Nevertheless, according to the Kaiser Foundation, the PCR tests were a huge financial windfall for healthcare clinics and hospitals. This was despite the test’s complete misuse throughout the first two years of the pandemic, and the astronomical false positives that blew the severity and spread of the virus out of proportion.

There were cheaper and better alternatives such as Abbott’s and Roche’s analyzers that cost no more than $25 per text rather than the average $90 for a flawed PCR. One hospital charged $1,400 per test.  

In summary, the pandemic statistical rates based upon PCR testing were meaningless. There is also a high rate of upwards to 75 percent of Covid positive results which were asymptomatic but nevertheless qualified under WHO guidelines as being “confirmed.” This inevitably reinforced the perception of the SARS-2 virus’ widespread transmission.  

6. COVID-19 Vaccines Require Emergency Use Authorization Because There Are No Effective Drugs Against SARS-2-Cov

Unlike the United States, where we were told there was no effective drug or therapy to successfully treat Covid-19 infections, there was plenty of research and clinical application of available drugs and nutrients being used overseas.

The Western public is barely aware that between late January 2020 and early February, before the WHO official proclaimed a global pandemic, the Chinese government had ordered 50 tons of vitamin C from a Dutch firm and delivered them to Wuhan.

Starting on February 9th, hospitals began aggressive clinical trials with vitamin C. A week later, the Chinese government made vitamin C an official recommendation for treating Covid-19 infections. Other Asian countries, including Japan and South Korea followed suit.  Shortly thereafter, China added hydroxychloroquine to its recommended list of treatments. 

At home, as early as March 2020, there were front line doctors dedicated to finding available drugs with anti-viral properties that might target SARS-2. The government’s recommendations of quarantine and eventual hospitalization showed no signs of success whatsoever and only increased the death rate.

It is therefore no surprise that the United States led the world in the highest Covid-19 death rate per capita. And there were plenty of drug candidates, among them hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and ivermectin, as well as what the Asian nations were doing with nutrients such as Vitamin C, Vitamin D and zinc. 

There is only one reason for why the federal health agencies refused to acknowledge the repurposing of existing drugs.  If there were an existing drug or protocol to successfully treat Covid-19 infections, the FDA could not give Emergency Use Authorization approval to the mRNA vaccines and expensive design drugs in the pharmaceutical companies’ pipeline. 

7. Quarantining COVID-19 Positive Individuals and Ventilation Are the Only Reliable Therapies

Before the launch of the Covid-19 vaccines at the end of 2020, the federal health officials’ only recommended treatment was quarantining Covid-positive individuals and ventilation if admitted to the hospital with serious infection.

Inova Fairfax Hospital in Virginia published a study in PLoS One in November 2020, and reported “Mortality of patients with Covid-19 requiring invasive mechanical ventilation is high, with particularly daunting mortality seen in patients of advanced age, even in a well-resourced health care system.”

The death rate for patients over 70 years old, who were most susceptible to infection, was 84 percent. In fact, ventilation has never cured any infectious disease. Nevertheless government health agencies, as well as the WHO recommended ventilation as a necessary medical intervention for serious Covid-19 cases, which during the early period of the pandemic was upward to 86 percent of all hospitalized patients.

Despite the growing medical evidence from around the world indicating the high success rate of repurposed drugs, such as hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, published in scientific journals, the government continued to do nothing to save lives and continued advancing proven ineffective recommendations until a vaccine was available.

Furthermore, long-term ventilation has its own serious side effects including memory loss, muscle weakness and sleeping disorders. After reviewing the literature, the Chief Physician Editor for WebMD estimated that between 40-50 percent of ventilated patients die. 

8. Hydroxychloroquine Is Ineffective and Dangerous

An Emergency Use Authorization cannot be authorized for any product or medical intervention if there is an FDA approved alternative product already available, unless the experimental product clearly shows significant advantages. EUA products also require informed patient consent.

Therefore, Anthony Fauci and other government health officials made it certain that no prior medical products could challenge the Covid-19 vaccines EUA status and assured they would be forced through the regulatory process with limited federal evaluation. 

The only explanation for the federal health agencies’ refusal to recommend hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) for treating Covid-19 patients is intentional malfeasance. In February 2020, the National Health Commission of China included hydroxychloroquine in its guidelines for treating mild, moderate and severe SARS-2 cases with notable success.

Throughout the pandemic, Covid-19 mortality rates in China were far below the United States and most European nations that followed America’s example.  Early in the pandemic, physicians such as the late New York doctor Vladimir Zelenko quickly earned a reputation for successfully treating patients with a combination of HCQ, the antibody azithromycin and zinc, which directly threatened the Fauci formula to do nothing except distance and isolate.

Other physicians including Dr. Paul Marik at Eastern Virginia Medical School and Dr. Pierre Kory likewise adopted HCQ with enormous success. Yet throughout the first years of the pandemic, the mainstream media continued to promulgate Fauci’s do nothing strategy by reminding the public that “months would be needed to find an effective treatment.” 

There was absolutely no reason for the CDC to intentionally ignore and denigrate HCQ.  To date there are over 430 studies evaluating the drug’s efficacy, with the large majority of random controlled trials proving its successful efficacy especially during early treatment with a 72 percent reduction in mortality. 

9. Ivermectin Is Ineffective and Dangerous

Similar to hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin posed a second threat to the Covid-19 vaccines and any future novel anti-Covid drugs. Ivermectin was first introduced to the market in the early 1980s as an anti-parasitic drug.

However, its effectiveness was observed later to possess a broad range of antiviral properties against a variety of RNA viruses such avian influenza, zika, dengue, HIV, West Nile, yellow fever, chikungunya and earlier severe respiratory coronaviruses. 

It has also been found effective against DNA viruses such as herpes, polyomavirus, circovirus-2 and others. By April 2020, there was strong evidence that the drug was capable of killing the SARS-CoV-2 virus in 48 hours.

Therefore, front line clinical physicians naturally wanted to prescribe ivermectin to their patients because quarantine and ventilation were a failure. However, a government public relations campaign led by Anthony Fauci spread fear into the public by spreading false information that the drug was only a veterinarian dewormer medication.

Corporate media consistently repeated the government’s talking point despite ivermectin having one of the longest safety profiles in medical history and having been prescribed to over 3.5 billion people worldwide. Both HCQ and ivermectin are listed on the World Health Organization’s essential drug list.

Ivermectin has an impressive success profile across the entire course of SARS-2 infection: 85 percent improvement as a prophylaxis, 62 percent improvement for early and 41 percent for late treatment.

One hundred seventy-five of 225 ivermectin studies have been peer-reviewed and 99 were clinical trials comparing ivermectin treatment and control groups. Fifty-one studies show that ivermectin lowers overall mortality by an average 55 percent. Twenty-two countries have officially adopted ivermectin for early treatment.

10. Remdesivir Is the Go-To Drug Against COVID-19 Infections

Despite hydroxychloroquine’s and invermectin’s successful therapeutic profiles, and its widespread use without FDA approval for Covid-19, the federal agencies continued to await a novel, designer drug to treat SARS-2 infections.

Gilead’s drug remdesivir received emergency use approval in May 2020 and was officially launched in late October. In the interim, tens of thousands of Americans died who could have been saved with the preexisting medications. Without proper FDA review to evaluate the drug’s safety profile and efficacy, it was touted as the go-to drug to fight Covid-19 infections.  

However, remdesivir’s profile is horrible. Sixty studies have been conducted to determine its efficacy and only 22 are favorable with weak results. Its viral clearance is a poor 10 percent. It is equally poor for late serious treatment (9 percent).

The drug prevents mortality only by 11 percent and has a negative adverse track rate in preventing hospitalization (-5 percent). Moreover, remdemisvir carries a serious warning for acute kidney injury. 

11. The COVID-19 Vaccines Are 95% Effective

When the two vaccine developers, Pfizer and Moderna, made their announcements to the world that their mRNA Covid-19 vaccines were 95 percent effective in protecting people from the SARS-CoV-2 virus and for preventing infection, it was an automatic green light for their rapid launch.

However, the news was based only upon press releases and some study protocols without release of the trials’ full data. As more trial information was released as the vaccination programs were underway, the data showed a completely different picture.

Some of the original trial participants were missing, data that would be expected to appear was missing, observed adverse effects were oddly redefined so as to be ruled coincidental and unrelated to the vaccines, and trials were discontinued before their end dates.

There were also problems with the PCR tests to determine whether or not trial participants were infected or not. One Pfizer document excluded 3,410 “suspected confirmed Covid-19” cases following vaccination. Peter Doshi, then an associate editor at the British Medical Journal conducted a thorough investigation into the companies’ trial data that was publicly available at the time.

He uncovered widespread inconsistencies and protocol deviations. The FDA wanted to keep tens of thousands of Pfizer’s vaccine safety data documents sealed for 75 years; however after considerable pressure from civil and public health groups, a federal court ruled the FDA had eight months to release them. 

After the mass vaccination campaigns were underway, reports challenging the 95 percent efficacy started to regularly appear in the medical literature. First, Johns Hopkins University published a study that the vaccines were less effective in persons with diverse autoimmune diseases including rheumatoid arthritis and musculoskeletal diseases.

Soon the vaccines were only 75 percent effective, 60 percent effective and finally only effective for a maximum of 5 months. In early 2022, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, who earlier stated 100 percent vaccine efficacy, stated that two shots offered limited protection, “if any”. 

12. The COVID-19 Vaccines Will Protect Recipients from Infection and Transmission

Throughout the course of the Covid-19 vaccination campaigns we were repeatedly told by the White House, Anthony Fauci and other health officials, and the media pundits that it was incumbent for citizens to get vaccinated in order to stop the pandemic.

Only the vaccinated would be protected from infection, not carry the virus and, therefore, would not transmit the virus to others. This message’s rhetoric became fear mongering; it was everyone’s patriotic duty to get vaccinated and those who refused endangered society. 

However, nothing in the message was based upon medical consensus. In fact, by June 2021, it was learned that the federal government didn’t possess sufficient or accurate data to calculate the transmissibility of the virus.

Therefore, federal officials were incapable of predicting a target for vaccine “herd immunity”. In other words, all the targets for the percentage of Americans necessary to protect the population were strictly fictitious. 

During a CNN interview, then CDC director Rochelle Walensky admitted that the vaccines were no longer able to “prevent transmission.” When asked, she also admitted that although an infected person may be asymptomatic, the virus can still be transmitted.

In fact, as time wore on and a greater understanding about the mRNA’s flaws and risks were published, this was all misinformation. During a large outbreak of the Delta variant at an indoor gathering in Provincetown, Massachusetts in July 2021, an overwhelming number of infected cases were fully vaccinated.

Despite all the evidence to the contrary, and as similar outbreaks among fully vaccinated persons continued to multiply, it did not bring an end to virtue signaling and the condemnation of the unvaccinated as enemies to the health of the nation.

13. Natural Immunity Following COVID-19 Infection Is Insufficient

The proponents of the official Covid-19 vaccine narrative want us to believe that natural immunity following infection with any of the virus’ variants is insufficient and not a substitute for not getting vaccinated. If this were true, then this contradicts the evidence of natural immunity’s superiority over vaccine immunity for all other RNA viruses.

Yet there is no convincing evidence to support the official claim.  One large study that analyzed over one million people found natural immunity following a SARS-2 infection offers longer lasting protection than vaccination.

In the same paper, Weill Cornell Medicine found that full vaccination after three doses of both Pfizer’s and Moderna’s mRNA vaccines provided no immunity against the omicron variant.  To the contrary, natural immunity was 97 percent effective against severe Covid-19 after 14 months.

When the FDA approved Pfizer’s BNT162b2 vaccine for emergency use in children between 5 to 11 years of age, a group of professors of medicine and physicians at the University of North Carolina and the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services published evidence in the New England Journal of Medicine that the vaccine’s effectiveness becomes negative within five months, but also destroys any prior natural immunity the person may have.

In other words, in less than half a year, the vaccinated are more susceptible to Covid-19 infection than the unvaccinated.  This study is especially worrisome. Nevertheless, it was never picked up by the media despite being published in one of the world’s most prestigious medical journals.

14. The COVID-19 Vaccines Are Perfectly Safe and Adverse Effects Such as Myocarditis Are Extremely Rare

Anyone willing to take the time to investigate the medical evidence will quickly realize this false claim that is repeatedly voiced by the CDC and mainstream media and has no supporting evidence whatsoever.

There are now well over 1,000 studies appearing in the medical literature detailing Covid-19 vaccine injuries for 118 different medical conditions.  In particular, the mRNA vaccines target the heart and cardio-vascular system. The most frequently reported adverse event, contributing to the majority of vaccine-induced deaths, are myocarditis-related.

Currently there are at least 228 peer-reviewed papers confirming Covid-19 vaccines inflamed heart muscle resulting in arrhythmias. 

The other most frequent life-threatening vaccine injuries include thrombosis and thromboembolism (150 studies), thrombocytopenia (116 studies), cerebral venous thrombosis (61 studies), vasculitis or inflammation of blood vessels (43 studies), Guillain Barre Syndrome (43 studies), lymphadenopathy or diseased lymph nodes (35 studies), and myopericarditis (21 studies). 

Due to the many sudden deaths associated with heart attacks and strokes following mRNA vaccination that appear on social media and cannot be hidden, myocarditis obviously has gained the greatest attention.

Nevertheless there is an ever-increasing number of case reports of intracerebral hemorrhage, Bell’s Palsy, acute encephalopathy, acute kidney injury, CNS inflammation, autoimmune disorders, cancer, and a variety of reproductive organ, fertility and pregnancy complications that have yet to be studied more thoroughly. 

Finally, a large independent study conducted by the Correlation Research in the Public Interest organization in Canada evaluated the potential number of Covid-19 vaccine-related mortality compared to all cause mortality (ACM) in seventeen nations in the Southern Hemisphere, which included Australia, Brazil, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, which comprise over 9 percent of the world’s population.

The study’s conclusion was that the vaccines contributed to approximately 17 million additional deaths above ACM, and there is no evidence they actually saved lives. 

15. The Vaccines’ mRNA Remains Only at the Site of Inoculation

Health officials, physicians and medical personnel administering the mRNA Covid-19 vaccines tell vaccine recipients that the genetic material coding for the spike protein and encapsulated by the lipid PEG nanoparticle remains only at the muscle location of the inoculation.

In other words, it doesn’t traverse through the body’s other tissues and organs. This may be partially true for traditional vaccines, which rely upon a bacterial or viral component or vector; however this is not the case for the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines that use a nanoparticle, which are capable of diffusing across cell membranes and even the blood-brain barrier. 

This was reported in one of Pfizer’s own studies to observe the vaccine’s toxicological effects in rats. 

In the Pfizer document, after a 48-hour period following injection, the mRNA nanoparticles distribute themselves specifically to the liver, adrenal glands, spleen and reproductive organs, including the ovaries.

Non-specifically, the mRNAs can migrate to the heart, kidney, lung and brain.  It is no different for Moderna’s vaccine. A Moderna study reports, “low levels of mRNA could be detected in all examined tissues except the kidney. This included heart, lung, testis and brain tissues, indicating that the mRNA/LNP crossed the blood brain barrier.”

16. Pregnant Women Should Receive COVID-19 Vaccines

The belief that the Covid-19 vaccines given to pregnant women will protect both the mother and fetus from infection remains unfounded. The only studies making these claims are poorly designed cohort analyses. However, many gynecologists with large patient loads of pregnant women have observed an inordinate rise in the number of miscarriages and anomalies since the mRNA vaccines were launched. 

The most commonly reported pregnancy-related adverse event reported in the government’s VAERS Covid-19 vaccine injury database is spontaneous abortions. 

A separate ratio analysis performed on the VAERS data that compared post-Covid-19 vaccine reports against pre-pandemic flu vaccination found a greater than 100 percent increase in menstrual abnormality, miscarriage, fetal chromosomal abnormalities, fetal cardiac disorders and arrhythmia, placental thrombosis and fetal death/stillbirths during the Covid-19 period. 

A later study by the same authors, suggests there may be as high as a 92 percent chance of a spontaneous abortion before 13 weeks gestation.

Based upon one of Pfizer’s own mRNA vaccine reproduction toxicity studies on pregnant rats, incidences of pregnancy loss doubled following vaccination.  The study also observed that the vaccine’s nanoparticles were distributed to “all tissues in the body.” Unlike the European Union, the FDA has failed to release the study’s full details.

17. Medical Voices Who Dissent from the Official Narrative Are Spreading Misinformation and Should be Censored

As the dissenting voices within the medical community challenging the government’s official pandemic narrative and preventative policies grew, the establishment declared we were in an “infodemic” that threatened global health.

The term appears to have originated from a United Nations communications official, Melissa Fleming, during a podcast aired by the World Economic Forum in November 2020. Also on the broadcast was a former Twitter employee Mark Little, who advocated for a global counter-attack on pandemic dissenters through social media.

The World Economic Forum determined misinformation was a global crisis that required immediate coordinated responses from governments, private industries and civil society groups working together. This is just one among many other initiatives to begin an orchestrated censorship of physicians and other medical professionals who spoke out against government pandemic response policies.

One such effort was a collaborative agreement between the World Health Organization and Wikipedia, according to the New York Times. Shortly after entering the White House, one of Biden’s first initiatives was to recruit the large social media firms, such as Google, Facebook and Twitter “to clamp down on chatter that deviates from officially distributed Covid-19 information.” The primary goal was to silence voices that opposed the vaccines. 

We should be reminded that efforts to curtail, marginalize and condemn dissenting medical practitioners began immediately before and after the Covid-19 vaccine rollouts.

At the outset, it was widely acknowledged that the mRNA vaccines were experimental medical interventions, which were never studied under real life conditions to make any realistic evaluation about their efficacy and safety.

The federal health agencies were determined to have complete ownership over whatever narrative was necessary to meet its vaccination and pandemic policy goals. This required silencing information, even peer-reviewed research that supported the anti-vaccination concerns, by whatever means available. 


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Richard Gale is the Executive Producer of the Progressive Radio Network and a former Senior Research Analyst in the biotechnology and genomic industries.

Dr. Gary Null is host of the nation’s longest running public radio program on alternative and nutritional health and a multi-award-winning documentary film director, including his recent Last Call to Tomorrow.

They are regular contributors to Global Research.

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

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Israel-Palestine War: The Big Picture. Peter Koenig

December 9th, 2023 by Peter Koenig

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This Interview with Mike Adams, Brighteon Broadcast News (BBN) on the Israel-Palestine Conflict and Beyond is followed by a loose transcript of the key points of the interview. 

Some “experts” say with full conviction Hamas is winning this war.

They base it on Hamas having achieved a ceasefire which they consider is already a “win”. And then they said getting Israel to accept a 2-day extension is a further sign of Hamas upper-hand.

That is just wishful thinking. An illusion at best. It would be desirable. But, with Israel’s Defense Forces (IDF) armed to the teeth with western — mostly US — state-of-the-art weapons, plus top secret service advice from Mossad, CIA and UK’s MI6 (Military Intelligence, section six), such ideas are way detached from reality.


First, in this, like in most other wars, there is no winner. There are only losers.

Second, instead of dividing the world in pro or con the one or the other warrying party, the typical “divide to conquer” propaganda, we should all vouch for PEACE.

Having said this, it is undeniable that Palestine has lived through some kind of a “Holocaust” for the last 75 years, since the creation of Israel in 1948 – sponsored by the UK, in connivance with the then brand-new UN, backed by the US.

The UN, created in 1945, had only 51 member countries, and was then already under full control of the “top winner” of WWII, the USA.

The Israeli crackdown on Palestine became even more severe when, on June 5, 1967, Israel launched an attack against Egyptian forces in response to Egypt’s closing of the Suez Canal for Israeli shipping. Jordan and Syria joined the conflict.

By June 11, Israel defeated all three and occupied the Sinai Peninsula, the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and the Golan Heights. The United States pressed for a ceasefire to prevent the risk of a Soviet intervention. See this.

This was the beginning of Palestine’s – especially Gaza’s – colonization.

The next step and further repression of Palestine followed the Yom Kippur War in October 1973 – against Egypt and Syria. It lasted a mere 20 days.

From then forward, the oppression mounted year by year to the point where in January 2006, Hamas won democratic elections in Palestine with 74 of the 132 seats, while Fatah, the then ruling party trailed with 45.

Fatah was the former Palestine Liberation Movement founded and led by Yasser Arafat until his death (by poisoning) in 2004.

When in 2007 Hamas also took over the reins in Gaza, Israel no longer adhered to the earlier agreed ever shakier ceasefire.

Israel then closed the border to Gaza, making Gaza the world’s largest open prison with then close to 2 million inhabitants which grew by 2023 to about 2.3 million.

Up to today, for the last almost 17 years, the border has remained hermetically sealed, surveilled electronically and by hundreds of border guards. Some Israeli guards say that not even a rat could escape undetected.

Living in Gaza was and is hell.

Gaza was and is fully occupied by Israeli military, the people harassed on a daily basis – and as we know, shot often point blank, for no reason. See video below.

This was the situation up to October 7, 2023. Since then, Gaza has been bombed to ashes and almost erased from the map. Close to 2 million people are homeless and, on the move, starving, no clean water, no electricity, no fuel, no means of communication, destroyed infrastructure, hospitals, schools. IDF has either all destroyed or blocked access to vital means of surviving.

There are no words to describe the misery in Gaza.


Hamas was created in 1987 by Israel and the US – Ron Paul just recently testified to this effect in the US Congress when he said, “after all we created Hamas and now, we have to get rid of them…”

See below and listen to the end, Rep. Ron Paul (Tx) also reveals openly that the US has recruited and supported Osama Bin Laden and created Al-Qaeda.

Hamas is the Arabic abbreviation for “Islamic Resistance Movement”; Hamas gave the impetus to and led the first Palestine Intifada (“civil uprising”) in 1987, after Israel killed four Palestinians driving to work in a provoked car accident… or so the story goes.


Direction and Purpose of the War

These developments, however, point to a much larger story – to a plan that has been in the making for at least the last 50 to 70 years.

The Three Point Plan that serves the West is part of the Great Reset and Agenda 2030 playbook – and is supposed to lead to the “promised” One World Government run by what might be called the Financial-Military-IT-Media and Pharma (FMIMP) Complex.

From the very beginning, the Zionists behind Israel wanted to dominate not only what they called the ancient homeland, Palestine – which, as Israeli homeland, is historically highly questionable.

Some 3,000 years ago on that greater land of Palestine which also included today’s Jordan – Arabs and (few) Jews lived peacefully together. They lived together in peace and harmony for about 1,600 years when Islam was born in about 610 AD.

Even after this date Israelis and Arabs still lived together for another about 1,400 years in peace, until 1948, when Israel was born. That is when the Zionist-Arab conflict started and was driven by worldwide Zionism and by all those who defended Zionism, including Evangelists.

Zionists have infiltrated western governments, from the United States, Europe to the UK’s Commonwealth States and beyond.


Let us start with the first of the Three Points mentioned earlier.

Since the Old Testament, Jews were the “Chosen People” who will eventually live in their “Promised Land” to become Israel.  

The Zionist concept of the Chosen People was always intent to expand their territory – Palestine – to “Greater Israel”.

Greater Israel Map

Source: Adda247

Greater Israel – in the planning since the ’60s, and definitely after the Yom Kippur War – would stretch east to comprise parts of Saudi Arabia, Syria, Iraq and, of course Jordan (see map above). This might constitute 30% to 50% of what is today’s Middle East.

As such it would make Israel the owner of a good third (or more) of the world’s hydrocarbon resources, mainly oil and gas. The West needs these resources for economic development – to be able to further sanction Russia and to make sure the New World Order is controlled by the West.

As a parenthesis, the Russian central bank forecasts the 2023 current account surplus at $26 billion; whereas the US national debt is projected for 2023 and more than US$ 33 trillion – as compared to the US GDP of projected US$ 26.5 trillion – a debt-GDP ratio of 124%.

Looking at the real US debt, namely Unfunded Liabilities, they stand at 259 trillion, almost 10-times US GDP. See the US-deb clock for more details.


With a planned (though, far from realized) larger, energy resources-rich Israel, the symbiotic relationship between Israel and the West, mainly the US and its western puppets, the European Union, would grow even stronger.

The Second Point is with focus on Gaza.

It is the discovery in 1999 by British Gas (BG) of at least a trillion cubic feet of gas [about 300 billion cubic meters] off-shore of Gaza.

With the Gaza population pushed into Egypt’s Sinai desert where Egypt, in agreement with Israel, has already built a huge tent city – and from where Palestinians would never be allowed to return to their home land, Israel would simply and undisturbed confiscate these Gaza gas fields.

The existence of huge gas deposits was known before 1999. Indications are that the quantities are much larger than a trillion cubic feet. But talking about suspected much larger deposits now would be strategically unwise.

Adding the Gaza gas to the hydrocarbon resources of a Greater Israel would make Israel an even bigger player in the world arena of energy supplier, possibly one of the three largest (Venezuela, Russia, Israel) — sort of really the “Chosen People”.

And the Third Point, not to be neglected, is since the early 1970’s the planned Ben Gurion Canal. It would lead from the Mediterranean Sea either through current Gaza or just outside of Gaza, through Israel / Palestine to the Red Sea. It would be about three-times as long as the Egyptian Suez Canal, competing with the Suez Canal, and be entirely under Western control.

It would be crucial for the presumably undisturbed transport of the Gaza gas and other Western goods, to Asian and Global South markets.


The Big Picture

Frankly, chances that this monster plan of a Greater Israel, with the ensuing wars and conflicts will be realized are almost nil, as We, the People, are waking up and can stop the growing tyranny in its tracks.

We may not yet have the masses we would like to see, but dynamics never work out as we, the People foresee them, but rather with a quantum spin which we do not quite comprehend yet – but which eventually will lead to justice.


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Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for online journals and is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.

Featured image: A view from the area after Israeli airstrikes on Jabalia refugee camp in northern Gaza, on October 31, 2023. [Stringer – Anadolu Agency]

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First published on November 8, 2023



Nov. 4, 2023 – Davie, FL – 14 year old Knox MacEwen is a Western High School Air Force Junior ROTC (Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps) student. On Nov. 4 he was running at a Army Junior ROTC exercise when he suffered a cardiac arrest during a 5K run and died in the hospital. His mother is recovering from a hard fought battle with cancer this past year.

Nov.4, 2023 (Photo above) – Davie, FL – 14 year old Knox MacEwen is a Western High School Air Force Junior ROTC (Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps) student. On Nov.4 he was running at a Army Junior ROTC exercise when he suffered a cardiac arrest during a 5K run and died in the hospital. His mother is recovering from a hard fought battle with cancer this past year.

Oct.30, 2023 – Ridgefield, CT – A Ridgefield High School student has died early morning on Oct.30, 2023. Name not released

Oct.23, 2023 – Memphis, TN – 14 year old Kingston Davidson was in class when he “fell ill”, had a cardiac arrest and died suddenly.

Oct.18, 2023 – Putnam County, WV – 9 year old Gryffin Cavender, 3rd grader at Scott Teays Elementary School, was in gym class when he went into cardiac arrest on Oct.18, 2023

Oct.14, 2023 – Grayslake, IL – School bus driver Beverly Raddatz was waiting for a local high school soccer team to board her bus for a Saturday game. Just before boarding, one of the student athletes collapsed and went into cardiac arrest.

Oct.13, 2023 – 16 year old Angel Hernandez, sophomore at Chisholm Trail High School completed a 5km run at a district track event in Tarrant County on Oct.13, but quickly collapsed after crossing the finish line and died an hour later.

Oct.10, 2023 – CT – 15 year old Elijah-Jay Mariano Rivera lost consciousness at football practice and died suddenly on Oct.10, 2023

Oct.2, 2023 – Savannah, GA – 15 year old Keshaun Allen suffered a medical emergency during a football game and died suddenly on Oct.2, 2023

Sep.29, 2023 – Ohio – 17 year old Breanne McKeandied suddenly during homecoming festivities Sep.29, 2023 “after collapsing at Mapleton High School football field with medical emergency, where she was part of the homecoming court”

Sep.22, 2023 – Tracy, CA – 13 year old Heather Freligh was taking a test when she slumped over her desk and collapsed on the floor with cardiac arrest.

Sep.22, 2023 – Greeneville, TN – 12 year old KadenGunter, football player at Greeneville Middle school collapsed during football practice with a “cardiac emergency” and died suddenly on Sep.22, 2023



Oct.11, 2023 – Texas – 12 year old Isabelle Marie Herrera died suddenly on Oct.11, 2023. “Isabelle got her vaccine today! So proud of her!” “My sweet precious Isabelle passed away this morning”. Isabelle’s mom found her unresponsive while getting ready for a normal school day, she died in Cook Children’s Hospital.


Oct.4, 2023 – 15 year old C’Anna Ramirez, student at East Providence High School, died suddenly in her sleep prior to the start of classes on the morning of Oct.4, 2023.

SPECIAL MENTION: (mRNA status uncertain)

Oct.15, 2023 – DeBary, FL – 8 year old Stella Quinn DuPont was at SeaWorld with her family when she suddenly collapsed and went into cardiac arrest on Oct.15. She was found to have “spontaneous bleeding near brain stem” and died on Oct.17, 2023.


My Take…

I didn’t want to have to do another one of these again so soon.

11 Children (ages 9-19) had cardiac arrests at US schools in the past month, 2 more had cardiac arrests while getting ready for school

Look at what is now being offered at some schools:



Remember, 1:30 children may have subclinical myocarditis from one COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine (which increases their risk of cardiac arrest):

Study #1 – Thailand study (2022, Mansanguan) 202 boys ages 13-18, from two different schools, 7 of them developed subclinical myo/pericarditis after 2nd Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA dose. That’s 1 in 30 per Pfizer dose.

Study #2 – Swiss Study (2023, Muller) – 777 healthcare workers had Moderna COVID-19 mRNA booster shot, 22 had evidence of myocardial injury (22/777 = 1 in 35 per Moderna dose)

Parents should get their COVID-19 mRNA Vaccinated children out of all sports until they can have thorough cardiac screening done.


Oct. 30, 2023 – Ridgefield, CT – A Ridgefield High School student has died early morning on Oct. 30, 2023. Name not released

Oct. 23, 2023 – Memphis, TN – 14 year old Kingston Davidson was in class when he “fell ill”, had a cardiac arrest and died suddenly.

Oct. 18, 2023 – Putnam County, WV – 9 year old Gryffin Cavender, 3rd grader at Scott Teays Elementary School, was in gym class when he went into cardiac arrest on Oct. 18, 2023

Oct. 14, 2023 – Grayslake, IL – School bus driver Beverly Raddatz was waiting for a local high school soccer team to board her bus for a Saturday game. Just before boarding, one of the student athletes collapsed and went into cardiac arrest.

Oct. 13, 2023 – 16 year old Angel Hernandez, sophomore at Chisholm Trail High School completed a 5km run at a district track event in Tarrant County on Oct.13, but quickly collapsed after crossing the finish line and died an hour later.

Oct. 10, 2023 – CT – 15 year old Elijah-Jay Mariano Rivera lost consciousness at football practice and died suddenly on Oct. 10, 2023

Oct. 2, 2023 – Savannah, GA – 15 year old Keshaun Allen suffered a medical emergency during a football game and died suddenly on Oct. 2, 2023

Sep. 29, 2023 – Ohio – 17 year old Breanne McKean died suddenly during homecoming festivities Sep. 29, 2023 “after collapsing at Mapleton High School football field with medical emergency, where she was part of the homecoming court”

Sep. 22, 2023 – Tracy, CA – 13 year old Heather Freligh was taking a test when she slumped over her desk and collapsed on the floor with cardiac arrest.

Sep. 22, 2023 – Greeneville, TN – 12 year old Kaden Gunter, football player at Greeneville Middle school collapsed during football practice with a “cardiac emergency” and died suddenly on Sep. 22, 2023

Deaths while getting ready to go to school:

Oct. 11, 2023 – Texas – 12 year old Isabelle Marie Herrera died suddenly on Oct. 11, 2023. “Isabelle got her vaccine today! So proud of her!” “My sweet precious Isabelle passed away this morning”. Isabelle’s mom found her unresponsive while getting ready for a normal school day, she died in Cook Children’s Hospital.

Oct. 4, 2023 – 15 year old C’Anna Ramirez, student at East Providence High School, died suddenly in her sleep prior to the start of classes on the morning of Oct. 4, 2023.

SPECIAL MENTION: (mRNA status uncertain)

Oct. 15, 2023 – DeBary, FL – 8 year old Stella Quinn DuPont was at SeaWorld with her family when she suddenly collapsed and went into cardiac arrest on Oct. 15. She was found to have “spontaneous bleeding near brain stem” and died on Oct. 17, 2023.

My Take…

I didn’t want to have to do another one of these again so soon.

11 Children (ages 9-19) had cardiac arrests at US schools in the past month, 2 more had cardiac arrests while getting ready for school

Look at what is now being offered at some schools:


Remember, 1:30 children may have subclinical myocarditis from one COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine (which increases their risk of cardiac arrest):

Study #1 – Thailand study (2022, Mansanguan) 202 boys ages 13-18, from two different schools, 7 of them developed subclinical myo/pericarditis after 2nd Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA dose. That’s 1 in 30 per Pfizer dose.

Study #2 – Swiss Study (2023, Muller) – 777 healthcare workers had Moderna COVID-19 mRNA booster shot, 22 had evidence of myocardial injury (22/777 = 1 in 35 per Moderna dose)

Parents should get their COVID-19 mRNA Vaccinated children out of all sports until they can have thorough cardiac screening done.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

Featured image is from COVID Intel

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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The German newspaper “Handelsblatt” reported on October 2nd that the mRNA COVID “vaccine” was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine in order to convince reluctant people to undergo this experimental gene therapy treatment, which I call “spiking” for short.

I derive the term from the fact that the mRNA components code for the coronary spike protein. In my new book, The Indoctrinated Brain, to be published December 12 2023, I show that the recently awarded Nobel Prize for “spiking” is a neuropathological attack on our autobiographical memory (the hippocampus). The injections have dramatic consequences, not only for the cardiovascular system, as is now well documented. In particular, rational thinking, psychological resilience, and natural human curiosity have been shown to be severely impaired.

Coronavirus spikes are produced in high numbers after COVID vaccination and have dramatic consequences on the neurological system

In the article “SARS-CoV-2 spike protein induces TLR4-mediated long-term cognitive dysfunction recapitulating post-COVID-19 syndrome in mice” Brazilian researchers outline the spike protein’s role in causing prolonged hippocampal damage. This sheds light on “Long COVID” and post-vaccination issues, which I collectively term “Post-Spike Syndrome” or “Spikeopathy.” This draws parallels to lobotomy.

The Parallels to a Lobotomy 

Spiking effectively cuts off the frontal brain from its mental energy source in the hippocampus, which is essential for critical thinking. This effect has far-reaching consequences, and I want to make them abundantly clear to you. In 2023, for the second time, a Nobel Prize was awarded to a treatment method involving permanent personality change. The first similar case occurred about a generation ago, when Portuguese neurologist António E. Moniz (1874-1955) won the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1949 for

“the discovery of the therapeutic value of prefrontal leukotomy in certain psychoses.”

Prefrontal leukotomy, which involves severing fiber connections in the central nervous system, is a synonym for lobotomy.

The psychosurgical procedure known as lobotomy has created individuals with robotic qualities and controllable behaviour.

A Fateful Nobel Prize

Soon after, tens of thousands of people began to undergo lobotomy each year instead of thousands. The Nobel Committee’s decision to award Walter Freeman had unforeseen consequences. Freeman himself later admitted that the procedure’s effects were not adequately recognized as they were both downplayed and shocking. In addition, Freeman played a significant role in the industrialization of the controversial ice-pick procedure. According to Freeman, the psychosurgical operation’s terrible secret of success lies in “crushing the imagination, blunting emotions, destroying abstract thought, and creating a robot-like, controllable individual” (source: PubMed). In my book, I demonstrate that this description also pertains to numerous aspects and effects of spikeopathy.

Advertising “Psychosurgical Intervention” 

So now, the Nobel Prize in Medicine awarding institution hopes that the prize will increase the confidence of those hesitant about the Corona vaccines and ultimately increase the number of people undergoing a personality-altering “psychosurgical procedure,” just as before. This time, the process is genetically engineered and therefore more subtle, but no less fatal, especially considering its global reach.

As a final quote from my book:

It is imperative to convey that we’re all facing the grave and imminent danger of living under totalitarian conditions after the [Great Reset] is completed, or being ruled by humans and their machine and digital henchmen who have literally stepped over corpses and will most likely continue to do so to gain or retain power.

Assuming that each individual [conscious mind] can inform or convince merely one or two other people in his or her own environment, the tide is shifting rapidly in our favor.


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This article was originally published on the author’s Substack, Michael Nehls.

Featured image is from FiercePharma

The Genocidal State of Israel. Let It Happen or Make It Happen?

December 9th, 2023 by Prof. Anthony J. Hall

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Read Parts I and II:

The Genocidal State of Israel

By Prof. Anthony J. Hall, December 01, 2023

The Genocidal State of Israel. Netanyahu’s Machinations Are Coming Undone in the Midst of a Monumental Global Re-Alignment

By Prof. Anthony J. Hall, December 02, 2023

There are many facets of the obfuscation and uncertainty surrounding the events of October 7 that are quite similar to those permeating the events of 9/11. As with 9/11, the uncertainties involving the real story of October 7 provided no hindrance to immediately setting in motion a ruthless campaign of lethal military attacks on an entrapped and mostly defenceless civilian population.

After September 11, 2001, US troops were invading Afghanistan with boots on the ground within a matter of a few days. In the cases generated by the way the events of October 7 and 9/11 were reported with contrived propaganda on steroids, both the US and Israeli governments immediately engaged in drastic actions without any formal investigation whatsoever.

Thus the course of history was altered in ways that advanced the pre-existing agendas of the very powerful individuals, groups and interests claiming victimhood status. The propensity in such cases show very clear signs of deception from within. The gutter press— aka the legacy media— goes to work on fraud-infested trials by media, pre-empting any objective assessment by third-party adjudicators.

As with 9/11, the investigations into the events of October 7 that may eventually take place will most likely prove to be nothing more than a power-serving ritual. Most likely the process will end, if it takes place at all, with a conclusion that all the internal contractions between the official narrative and the evidence can be explained away with the turn of a simple phrase—“intelligence failure.”

See this.

Many reason that, at the very least, the actual evidence rather than the language of media spin points to the conclusion that key branches of the Israeli government, adopted a “let it happen” approach. Some go further. They see indications that a “make it happen” scenario is underway. Based on a survey of the existing evidence, Prof. Chossudovsky arrived at the following conclusion on Oct. 13,

Everything Points to Massive Fraud and Criminality by Netanyhu and his IDF-Mossad apparatus.

It is a criminal “False Flag” operation against Israeli civilians engineered by the Netanyahu government, which controls Hamas.

It is “A False Flag” which has resulted in the deaths of countless Israeli civilians, which in turn has provided a justification “on fake humanitarian grounds” to Netanyahu’s criminal IDF military “revenge” against 2.3 million Gaza civilians.

It is a War against Palestinians and Israelis. 

And the international community applauds.

See this.

Controlling the Narrative; Deceiving the Public

In mounting the Iron Swords military campaign of collective punishment against Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank, Netanyahu has acknowledged that there are many aspects of the events of October 7 which rightfully arouse suspicions that should be investigated. He indicated that an Israeli investigation, one that should include his own testimony, will have to take place at some unspecified time in the future.

So an increasingly familiar pattern is re-enacted: act first, pretend to figure out what really happened later. Almost inevitably in a sensitive case like this one, the most probable judgment will evade the main issues by declaring an “intelligence failure.” Nobody, except possibly some sacrificial patsy far down the chain of command, will be blamed and held to account.

When seen in the light of recent history, Netanyahu’s possible willingness to sacrifice the lives of his own Israeli citizens in order to advance his personal political goals as well as those of the lobbies he serves, is far from surprising. As with the 9/11 Deception, Netanyahu was an integral figure in the manufactured COVID crisis.

This invented pandemic kicked off an expanding sequence of murder and mayhem that continues to mushroom in ways that serve a very sinister global power grab. The enormous but still-largely-uninvestigated dimensions of the invented worldwide pandemic, creates the context for the accelerating campaign of depopulation, economic sabotage, and enfeeblement including through war and genocide. See this.

A horrific precedent was set by the propensity of many governments to force on their citizens a mandatory injected bioweapon that killed and injured a significant portion of the recipients without any identifiable benefits whatsoever. See this.

Gradually the concept of shrinking the global population through lethal interventions on the part of state agencies, is coming to seem acceptable to some. As I wrote in a prior Substack blog, a “death cult” is developing in popular culture. This development is reflected, perhaps, in the ready embrace, especially by some Jews and large masses of Christian Zionists, of the cold blooded mass murder of Palestinian People.

This worldwide pattern was especially marked in Israel where Prime Minister Netanyahu agreed in a contract with Pfizer Corp. to transform his population into test tube specimens for numerous unregulated experiments on human subjects in ways that are outlawed by the Nuremberg Code. The failure of Israeli officials to pay heed to the main international instrument laying out explicit legal requirement for experiments on human subjects, is even more shocking than the same neglect demonstrated by most medical professionals worldwide.

If even officials in the Jewish state of Israel could be so flippant about disregarding the applicability of the Nuremberg Code, what does it say about their attitude towards the genocidal events said to give rise to the Nuremberg proceedings including the famous Doctors’ Trial. As in many countries, large numbers of Israelis met and continue to meet premature deaths and illnesses as a results of the mass injections done by the Netanyahu government in a unique partnership with the criminal corporation, Pfizer.

The obstacles are usually daunting when it comes to investigating the crimes overseen by certain people when those same people control the mechanisms of criminal investigations, prosecutions and trials. The same conundrums are especially pertinent when it comes to the international crime of genocide.

Most often, the implementation of genocide is directed by powerful groups with much capacity in their home governments to limit investigations and prosecutions of crimes involving circumstances in which they are implicated. The same is true when it comes to investigating the possible October 7 crimes perpetrated in high places.

What can be expected from investigators when those doing the investigation are themselves deeply implicated in the wrongdoing they are investigating? The conflict of interest inherent in such cases is enormous. The remedy is supposed to be international criminal law conducted in courts not subject to the direct control of the nation states and those that dominate them

The United Nations’ Genocide Convention was supposed to set precedents for the broader enforcement of international criminal law. As indicated by the United Nations Office on Genocide Prevention and the Responsibility,

The Genocide Convention was the first human rights treaty adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 9 December 1948 and signified the international community’s commitment to ‘never again’ after the atrocities committed during the Second World War. Its adoption marked a crucial step towards the development of international human rights and international criminal law as we know it today. 

But where is there any sign of even of the existence of a UN Office for the Prevention of Genocide, let alone a willingness on the part of its members to take action during this unprecedented moment? Where are these so-called genocide preventers hiding?

Why even have such an Office or, for that matter, have the UN itself, given the degraded nature of the institution? Why is there so much difference between the zeal of the UN in 2020 to lock down our economies globally in the name of fighting COVID and then to disregard the Israeli-US genocide being pressed forward in Gaza?

Billions of people around the world are being shown in living colour on their devices, the mechanics of industrial-scale mass murder. The undeniable evidence has been right in our faces day after day for many weeks. Officials in Israel are actually openly boasting about their present and future acumen as expert genocidaires.

The pictures of mass murder on our devices come complete with the most detailed coverage ever presented on a particularly obscene instance of genocide. It is true that much of the coverage is very biased, but not all of it. However much of the most authentic coverage from reliable sources is coming at a very high cost.

According to Nasser Abu Bakr, head of the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate, his colleagues are being targeted for assassination one-by-one in rapid succession by the Israeli government. He indicates, “our journalists have always been a target for the Israeli military, but Israel moved from killing [an average of] one Palestinian journalist a year before October 7 to killing over one a day.”

See this.

It seems Aljazeera, the site of much deep and important coverage of the Gaza Massacre, has become a particular target of the IDF’s strategy of information management through targeted murder of journalists. The home of Aljazeera’s Gaza Bureau, Wael Al-Dahdouh, was hit with a targeted Israeli bomb. Al-Dahdouh’s wife, son, daughter and grandson were killed.

Christiane Amanpour highlighted the extent of the violent reprisal imposed on her Aljazeera colleague. She continues by broadcasting an alert calling attention to the lethal perils visited on too many journalists covering the Israeli assault on Palestinians.

One such peril was manifest in the bombing attack in 2021 on the Gaza offices of Aljazeera and the Associated Press during one of the Israeli government’s periodic invasions which are frequently described in Israel as “mowing the grass.” The next year, 2022, saw an IDF member purposely shoot and kill Shireen Abu Akleh when she was doing her journalistic duty covering an Israel military unit on a mission in Jenin on the West Bank. Abu Akleh was the pioneer of an intimate style of broadcasting that continues to animate much of Aljazeer’s coverage.

An Almost Perfect Case to Prosecute Violators of the Genocide Convention and to Enforce Appropriate Punishments on Convicted Culprits? 

The former UK Ambassador and renowned human rights activist, Craig Murray, is helping give form to a movement that seeks to place the UN’s Genocide Convention in the mix of possible remedies to be applied in coming to some reckoning with the overlap that imposes Israel over Palestine. Significantly, at this moment the population sizes of both groups are equal, about 7 million on each side. Murray writes,

“There is no doubt that Israel’s actions amount to genocide. Numerous international law experts have said so and genocidal intent has been directly expressed by numerous Israeli ministers, generals and public officials.”

Even the Children’s Choir singing an ode to the Israeli intent to “annihilate” Palestinian “swastika-bearers,” adds to the weight of evidence that the goal of Operation Iron Swords is to not to “defeat Hamas” but to press full-fledged genocide on the targeted population.

Often in the course of genocide proceedings, the hardest thing to prove beyond a reasonable doubt, is the element of intent.

What were the intentions of the accused in taking action? In this case the issue of the intention of the perpetrators is pretty much already a settled question. The larger question, however, remains. What are the major powers prepared to do about this genocide happening in Gaza and the West Bank? Will the powers of the UN Office of Genocide Prevention be set in motion by UN members pushing the system into operational mode?

What precisely is genocide and where did the word and the conceptions it invokes come from?

The term genocide was invented at the end of WWII by lawyer Raphael Lemkin. A Polish Jew, Lemkin had observed close up in Europe the behaviour of the German government until 1941. Lemkin studied particularly the actions of German social engineers that worked, he said, on building up kindred Germanic groups and stifling the viability of unfavoured groups especially in Eastern Europe. Lemkin seemed drawn especially to the investigation of an array of tactics often involving repressions of unwanted cultures through means like the closing down of national theatres, museums, archives, libraries and schools.

The circumstances, Lemkin decided, required the introduction of some new legal terminology. At the core of his new lexicon was the term “genocide.” He introduced the term in 1944 in his new book, Axis Rule in Occupied Europe. See this.

In 1941 Lemkin escaped Europe to travel via the Pacific Ocean to New York. There he found powerful patrons, probably Zionists, able to create a comfortable place for him in the technocracy of the newly-created United Nations. In that capacity Lemkin worked with officials from a number of UN member states to come up with a new Convention on the Prevention and Prohibition of Genocide.

The Convention that was ratified in the UN General Assembly in 1948. It was streamlined down from Lemkin’s original conception. The government of countries like Canada that were peopled largely by immigrants and their descendants who had overwhelmed the Indigenous peoples, tried to whittle down the definition of genocide. They did not want find themselves in international court defending themselves from allegations that their countries had committed the international crime of genocide.

Many Indigenous peoples around the world would in the years to come seize on the Genocide Convention as a means of attempting some reckoning with their history of subjugation and dispossession. What makes the case of the indigenous Palestinians particularly compelling, however, is that they are presently facing the most violent and concerted military assault in history to remove a large Native society from their ancestral lands. The current genocidal onslaught makes the Palestinians generally, not just Hamas, the collective targets of modern-day genocidal campaign initiated and continued by the government of Israel without respite since 1948. See this.

The United States held back from joining the Genocide Convention until 1988. The US government waited until the Cold War was winding down to make this move. Generally speaking, the US government has held back from subjugating their country to all forms of UN jurisdiction until the Biden administration embraced the WHO’s fabrications as an integral part to the manufactured COVID crisis.

Section 2 of the Convention says,

Article II
In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group

Many experts in law and other fields agree that military campaign that the Israeli government with US backing has initiated in Gaza after October 7, fits to a tee every definition of genocide in the Genocide Convention except item (e). See this and this.

Two Articles of the Genocide Convention following Article II are especially interesting. These articles have large implications for the present fiasco wherein so many governments and corporations have lined up as Israel’s backers, suppliers, spin doctors, publicists and such. How many of them are “complicit” with genocide?

Article III
The following acts shall be punishable:
(a) Genocide;
(b) Conspiracy to commit genocide;
(c) Direct and public incitement to commit genocide;
(d) Attempt to commit genocide;
(e) Complicity in genocide.

Article IV
Persons committing genocide or any of the other acts enumerated in article III shall be punished, whether they are constitutionally responsible rulers, public officials or private individuals.

If there was to be a formal allegation of genocide coming from even one ICJ member country, the process of arbitration would be shared by two courts, both based in the Hague. One is the International Court of Justice and the other is the International Criminal Court. The job of the ICJ would be to decide if genocide was, or is, taking place and the ICC would decide what governments, institutions and individuals would be charged.

With the experience of a seasoned British diplomat behind him, Craig Murray describes the implications of what would follow from the ICJ’s determination of guilt, a ruling he finds quite likely under this particular set of circumstances. His well considered assessment is worthy of a lengthy citation. He writes,

“There is, at the very least, a strong prima facie case that the actions of the United States and United Kingdom and others, in openly providing direct military support to be used in genocide, are complicit in genocide. The point of Article IV is that individuals are responsible, not just states. So Netanyahu, Biden and Sunak bear individual responsibility. So, indeed, do all those who have been calling for the destruction of the Palestinians.

It is very definitely worth activating the Genocide Convention. A judgement of the International Court of Justice that Israel is guilty of genocide would have an extraordinary diplomatic effect and would cause domestic difficulties in the UK and even in the US in continuing to subsidize and arm Israel. The International Court of Justice is the most respected of international institutions; while the United States has repudiated its compulsory jurisdiction, the United Kingdom has not and the EU positively accepts it.

If the International Court of Justice makes a determination of genocide, then the International Criminal Court does not have to determine that genocide has happened. This is important because unlike the august and independent ICJ, the ICC is very much a western government puppet institution which will wiggle out of action if it can. But a determination of the ICJ of genocide and of complicity in genocide would reduce the ICC’s task to determining which individuals bear the responsibility. That is a prospect which can indeed alter the calculations of politicians.

It is also the fact that a reference for genocide would force the western media to address the issue and use the term, rather than just pump out propaganda about Hamas fighting bases in hospitals. Furthermore a judgement from the ICJ would automatically trigger a reference to the United Nations General Assembly – crucially not to the western-vetoed Security Council.”

Why is it that none of the states that are members of the ICJ and the UN have not yet come forward to make the complaint that genocide is taking place in Gaza and the West Bank? Why do not, say, the government of Iran or Russia or South Africa or Bolivia or Jordan or Qatar or Venezuela or some combination, step up to the witness stand to officially articulate the obvious?

One of the 149 “states” with standing at the ICJ and at the UN to make the accusation of genocide, is Palestine. As it presently stands, that complaint would have to come not from Hamas but from the leader of the Palestinian Authority, a secular organization that does not share the Islamic personality of Hamas.

Mahmoud Abbas is the leader of the Palestinian Authority. Abbas used to be known as Abu Mezan. Apparently under pressure from the United States, Yasser Arafat appointed Abbas to take over Fatah which joined the PLO after the Six Day War in 1967.

Of the longtime leader of the Palestinian Authority, Murray writes, “Abbas seems extraordinarily passive, and the suspicion that he is more concerned with refighting the Palestinian civil war than with resisting the genocide is impossible to shake. By invoking the Genocide Convention he could put himself and Fatah back at the centre of the narrative. But he does nothing.” See this.

Abbas seems to be some sort of personification of the colonialism’s comprador class. Members of this collaborator class derive wealth along with some infamy from assisting the ruling group to impose its will on subject people. This role is associated with many stigmatizing terms such as Uncle Toms, double agents, Malinches, or quislings. One website known as “Sins of the Palestinian Authority” asserts, “The Palestinian Authority today has the largest per-capita police force in the world. And yet, it uses this force to safeguard Israel’s security instead of safeguarding the Palestinian resistance to Israel’s apartheid and occupation.” See this.

It seems this problem with Abbas and the Palestinian organization he supposedly runs poses a definite problem that the Palestinian people who will have to work out for themselves if they are to seize the moment and elevate the possibility of future negotiations beyond an opening round of exchanging hostages for prisoners.

Only Victors’ Justice

Craig Murray makes it seem that the the system of international law, but especially the ICJ, is viable. I for one would like to share his optimism tempered with a smidgeon of pragmatic realism.

That pragmatism motivates me to point out that the system of international criminal law has not to this day ever significantly transcended a pattern where it is only those on the defeated side of international conflicts that face serious prosecutions and trials.

The pattern is very clear with the legal procedures imposed on the defeated side in the tribunals created at Nuremberg and at Tokyo after the Second World War. The crimes never came up of those who fire bombed Dresden, carpet bombed Tokyo, starved hundreds of thousands of German prisoners of war after WWII, or nuked Hiroshima or Nagasaki. This list is far from complete.

This same pattern was on ostentatious display with the trials of Iraq’s Saddam Hussein or Serbia’s Slobodan Milošević. Those that violate international laws such as the Genocide Convention on the winning side have enjoyed pretty much blanket impunity from all prosecution.

The fact remains that the world’s dominant controllers seem to maintain an almost absolute capacity to violate domestic and international law with impunity. Alternatively the lawless predator class at the top, regularly deploys its capacity to declare its opponents— whether, for instance, Truckers or Palestinians or January 6 protestors at the US Capitol— as a criminal classes whose member are essentially guilty until proven innocent.

These observations make it hard to see the chimera of a rule of law equally applied and uniformly enforced, as the basis for anything other than cynical fiction meant to fool the gullible. The apparent confidence so far of the Israeli and US aggressors responsible for the mass murder and destruction in Gaza, stands as a dramatic indicator of this reality.

On the other hand, significant portions of the human family can readily perceive that this reality must change substantially if civilization and even all life on earth is to be held back from bring of catastrophic ruin. Have the time and circumstances for this kind of momentous change finally arrived? Can more of us join forces to leave the spectators’ chairs and get on the field to make life-affirming changes in the making of history?

When have those high up in the military chain of the United States and Israel ever faced international criminal proceedings— that is trials, verdicts, and enforced punishments—- for any of their own transgression? Such cases must exist here and there but I can’t think of any right now. Sometimes there are isolated reports of prosecutions but then the stories seem to go nowhere, without any confirmation that laws of international crime have been adhered to outside the limitations of victors’ justice.

“Arrest George Bush, Not Me,” “Splitting The Sky” Intervenes in the Quest to Uphold the Rule of Law

I’ll end with a few brief comments on the late Dacajeweiah, the Mohawk term for “Splitting The Sky”. In my next contribution I intend to say more about him and his interventions to create momentum for the kind of changes needed now more than ever, the kind of changes already discussed in this essay.

Splitting The Sky’s life changed dramatically when he was charged in 1971 for killing a police guard during the Attica prison uprising. To this day, “Attica” identifies the most well known crisis in the history of the US penal system.

After spending many years in jail, Splitting The Sky (STS) was released. He attributed his free status largely to the lawyering of his friend, the late Ramsay Clark, a former US Attorney General who came into politics along with the ascent of John and Bobby Kennedy. STS came to Lethbridge to meet with me and we established a collaboration that included my occasional request for him to lecture to my students.

In 2009 STS contacted me to indicate that George W. Bush was coming to nearby Calgary to give his first speech as a private citizen after serving for two terms as President of the United States. In making preparations, both of us were drawn to a pre-existing movement trying to get Bush arrested for war crimes involving atrocities that he had ordered especially in Iraq.

The calculation was that Bush was most vulnerable to slipping under the authority of international criminal law when he was outside the United States.

When Bush made his plan to come to the Canadian province that is sometimes called Texas North, STS and I provided evidence to local police authorities calling on them to arrest the “credibly accused” war criminal.

We consulted with Ramsay Clark, for a time the Chief Law Officer in the United States, to advise us about how a citizen’s arrest might work if Canadian police failed to act on our request.

Here is a video of STS’s attempt to conduct a “citizen’s arrest.”

This feature of law gives an an opening to citizens to deputize themselves when law enforcement agencies and agents who refuse to do their job, thereby creating significant hazards for the public from dangerous criminals on the lose.


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This article was originally published on the author’s Substack, Looking out at the World from Canada.

Dr. Anthony Hall is currently Professor of Globalization Studies at the University of Lethbridge in Alberta Canada. He has been a teacher in the Canadian university system since 1982. Dr. Hall, has recently finished a big two-volume publishing project at McGill-Queen’s University Press entitled “The Bowl with One Spoon”.

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).

Featured image: Girl holds improvised white flag, to tell Israel to respect Geneva Conventions and spare her fleeing family. Photo credit: Yasser Qudih 

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Destabilizing the social, political and economic structure of 190 sovereign countries cannot constitute  a “solution” to combating the virus. But that was the imposed “solution” which was implemented in several stages from the very outset of the corona crisis in January 2020.  It’s the destruction of people’s  lives. It is the destabilization of civil society.

Fake science was supportive of this devastating agenda. The lies were sustained by a massive media disinformation campaign. 24/7, Incessant and Repetitive “Covid alerts” in the course of the last two years.

The  historic March 11, 2020 lockdown triggered economic and social chaos Worldwide. It was an act of “economic warfare”: a war against humanity. 

This diabolical agenda has undermined the sovereignty of nation states. It has contributed  to a wave of bankruptcies. It has impoverished people Worldwide.  It has led to a spiralling dollar denominated global debt. 

The March 11, 2020 Lockdown applied simultaneously in 190 countries has resulted in: “The confinement of the labor force” coupled with “The paralysis of the workplace”. The predictable impact: The most serious economic crisis in world history. 

Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, December 9, 2023


Video. Interview with Michelle Leduc Catlin, National Citizens Inquiry (NCI)




The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

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