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Kiera Driscoll, age five, died Monday, January 19, 2015. She was vaccinated against the flu. She became sick suddenly over the weekend and collapsed Monday from CARDIAC ARREST.

She tested positive for influenza A, the same strain for which she had been vaccinated.

Jan. 28, 2015 – 5-Year-Old Girl Dies After Catching the Flu, Even After Getting Vaccine – Kiera Driscoll had the flu shot but caught the virus anyway.

A Las Vegas kindergartner who died days after coming down with the flu felt well enough to play outside 24 hours before she collapsed, her father told ABC News.

Kiera Driscoll, 5, had a slight fever on Sunday morning, but she seemed to be feeling better after taking some children’s ibuprofen, said her father, Patrick Driscoll.

“In fact, she was playing outside that afternoon with my wife and even made a comment that it was ‘the most fun time ever,'” Driscoll said.

But then Kiera’s slight fever returned and her cough worsened and included phlegm, Driscoll said. At about 4 a.m., her parents gave her medicine to help expand her airways by way of an albuterol nebulizer. She didn’t have asthma but occasionally had a barking cough as a baby, Driscoll said. Afterward, he stayed up with her watching cartoons until she fell asleep again at 8 a.m.

That morning, the Driscolls took her to an urgent care center, where she got another albuterol treatment and was given a steroid to help her breathe, Driscoll said. He went to work, and his wife stayed home to take care of Kiera.

Kiera’s mother tucked her into bed a few hours later for a nap, and turned away to turn on a vaporizer when Kiera said, “I can’t breathe. It’s hard to breathe,” Driscoll said. Then, the little girl collapsed and passed out.

Kiera’s mother is trained in CPR and jumped into action, clearing Kiera’s airways, performing rescue breathing and calling 911, Driscoll said. Kiera’s pulse went away and came back in the emergency room. But her brain wave activity diminished,

Driscoll said, and she developed an irregular heart beat and went into cardiac arrest. She died the following day, on Tuesday, Jan.20, 2015.

“Their working diagnosis was that a mucus plug of thick mucus got coughed up and clogged, lodged in her trachea, preventing her from being able to breathe,” Driscoll said.

The little girl’s elementary school celebrated her life last week by dressing in purple, releasing purple balloons and eating frozen yogurt, according to KNTV, ABC’s affiliate in Las Vegas. “Frozen” was Kiera’s favorite movie, and a stuffed Olaf doll sat in her seat at school after her death, according to the station.

Laurel Beckstead, the headmaster of the American Heritage Academy, where Kiera went to school, told KNTV the death was shocking. Beckstead is also Kiera’s aunt.

“She went home happy, healthy, and then to get a phone call that Monday that she had gone to Quick Care Monday morning, released and went home and then later collapsed, was almost a shocking disbelief,” Beckstead told the station. “How can this be happening to Kiera?”

As of the week ending Jan. 17, 56 pediatric flu-related deaths had been reported to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Kiera’s official cause of death was that she went into cardiac arrest after coming down with influenza A and pneumonia, according to the Clark County coroner’s office in Nevada, which did not examine her body after her death.

Dr. Frank Esper, a pediatric infectious disease physician at UH Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital in Cleveland, said death’s like Kiera’s can be confusing, and some states require autopsies when the explanation is unclear. He said it’s important to remember that influenza can cause death, especially in people with underlying lung and heart conditions — which may not be diagnosed. People at risk for complications, including young children, pregnant women, people with asthma, and the elderly, should contact their physician at the first sign of flu, he said. They may be prescribed antiviral medications to shorten their illness and prevent it from worsening.

“Though Kiera’s passing has shattered the world her birth created for me, the joy of raising her was worth it,” Driscoll said of his daughter at her funeral. He shared the eulogy on a fundraising page set up for Kiera to express his gratitude for the love and support his family received.

Driscoll told ABC News that Kiera got a flu shot, and they still want other parents to vaccinate their children.

“Vaccines help save lives, and they help keep other people from getting infected as well,” he said. “We always want people to be vaccinated.”

He said his family has taken comfort in the fact that his wife knew CPR and did everything she could. And he knows he’ll see his little girl again someday, he said.

“If there’s something we can say to someone going through something similar,” he said. “Hold on to your faith. Rely on family and community, and never take a moment for granted.”

My Take…

Kiera got the flu shot although the media reports don’t tell us exactly when. She then died of cardiac arrest.

I suspect that Kiera suffered cardiac injury from the flu vaccine and then when her heart was under stress due to flu like symptoms, she suffered a cardiac arrest.

It’s also clear that the parents are completely in denial:

“Driscoll told ABC News that Kiera got a flu shot, and they still want other parents to vaccinate their children.

“Vaccines help save lives, and they help keep other people from getting infected as well,” he said. “We always want people to be vaccinated.”


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.  

Featured image is from COVID Intel

De-Banking Political Opponents: After Leftist Lobbying, German Bank Kills “Anti-Globalist Opposition AfD Donation Account

By Ben Bartee, July 08, 2024

Canada yesterday; Germany today; the whole of the West tomorrow. It’s only a matter of time until de-banking political opponents becomes standard operating procedure in the United States — bastion of Democracy™ that it is.

Fluoridation and “Forever Chemicals” (PFAS): Federal Hypocrisy Is Poisoning Americans with Toxic Synthetic Chemicals

By Richard Gale and Dr. Gary Null, July 08, 2024

A process we were led to believe was a safe and effective method of protecting teeth from decay is in fact a fraud. For decades it’s been shown that fluoridation is neither essential for good health nor protective of teeth. What it does is poison the body.

The End of Obama’s War on Syria

By Steven Sahiounie, July 08, 2024

Recently, Turkey has changed their policy on Syria in an effort to restore diplomatic relations with Damascus. The Prime Minister of Iraq, al-Sudani, announced he expects a meeting between the Turkish President Recip Tayyip Erdogan and Syrian President Bashar al-Assad very soon.

Western-Supported Zionist Genocide and the Pathology of Evil

By Mark Taliano, July 08, 2024

Novelist Susan Abulhawa explains that the declared Palestinian death toll (of about 37,000) itself is a deception first because of the manner in which the numbers are calculated, and second, because of the reduced capacity to count death tolls.

The Multipolar World Is Getting Stronger?

By Ret Admiral Cem Gürdeniz, July 08, 2024

Geopolitical rivalries cannot be overcome without mutual trust and cooperation between countries. In geopolitical competition, mutual recognition of areas of influence and interest is essential, as was the case during the Cold War. The USA recognized the Soviet sphere of influence in 1945 and agreed to live in a bipolar world until 1989.

Massacre at the Ballot: The Punishing of the Tories

By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 08, 2024

A whole brigade of senior Conservatives suffered a rout.  Commons leader Penny Mordaunt lost her seat, as did defence secretary Grant Shapps.  That manorial relic of Tory tradition and privilege, Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg, was also ousted from his seat.  The Liberal Democrats made huge inroads into traditional Conservative territory, winning seats held by two former prime ministers – David Cameron and Theresa May.

Lawsuit on Behalf of Vaccine-injured Seeks to Strike Down ‘Unconstitutional’ PREP Act

By Dr. Suzanne Burdick, July 08, 2024

Moms for America and individual plaintiffs who were injured by a COVID-19 vaccine, or whose loved one suffered injury or death from a COVID-19 vaccine, allege the federal law granting vaccine makers immunity for injuries caused by their products violates the U.S. Constitution.

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Canada yesterday; Germany today; the whole of the West tomorrow.

It’s only a matter of time until de-banking political opponents becomes standard operating procedure in the United States — bastion of Democracy™ that it is.

Via European Conservative (emphasis added):

German bank Berliner Volksbank has closed the donation account of the right-wing antiglobalist opposition party Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) following a petition by a group calling itself Grandmothers Against the Right (Omas gegen Rechts).

The group launched their petition in May, stating that the bank, which claims to stand for tolerance and against right-wing extremism, should not be allowed to accommodate an account for the AfD. The organisation handed over 33,500 signatures to the bank on Wednesday, July 3rd, to demand the termination of the account, and after meeting the chairman of the board of directors, Carsten Jung, Grandmothers Against the Right announced that their venture has been successful.”

Via Newsweek, Feb. 15, 2022 (emphasis added):

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Sunday vowed to freeze bank accounts of the truckers protesting his COVID-19 vaccine mandates, while the movement’s fundraising website remained down.

Right-wing Christian fundraising site GiveSendGo remained down and the platform has not said anything for over 24 hours, despite the website and official page for the Canadian truckers appearing to be hacked and non-functional on Monday.

A leak website also said it received a cache of information, including donor details to the Freedom Convoy protest, after the fundraising site was targeted in a cyberattack on Sunday night.

Protesters had raised more than $8 million of funding to support their cause, as they blockade roads in the Canadian capital Ottawa. The protests, which have been associated with the anti-vaccination movement and the far-right*, have gathered momentum all over the world.”

*“Far-right” is now a meaningless expression of disdain for the peasants who challenge state power.

If everyone is “far-right,” no one is “far-right”; the modifier “far” by definition signifies an outlier of some kind when, in fact, the corporate state calls anyone who disagrees with it by the name.


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This article was originally published on the author’s Substack, Armageddon Prose.

Ben Bartee, author of Broken English Teacher: Notes From Exile, is an independent Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs. He is a regular contributor to Global Research. Follow his stuff via Substack. Also, keep tabs via Twitter.

Featured image: AfD election poster from 2014. The slogan translates as “Washington spies. Brussels dictates. Berlin obeys.” (Licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0)

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For decades, we have been told a lie, a lie that has led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans and the weakening of the immune systems of tens of millions more.

This lie is called fluoridation.

A process we were led to believe was a safe and effective method of protecting teeth from decay is in fact a fraud. For decades it’s been shown that fluoridation is neither essential for good health nor protective of teeth. What it does is poison the body. Therefore we should all be asking how and why public health policy and the American media continue to perpetuate this scientific sham. Despite the growing consensus in the medical literature about fluoride’s dangers and decades of denial within the federal health establishment to take any notable action, this is not the case for another class of pervasive toxic substances commonly known as “forever chemicals.”

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), often referred to as “forever chemicals,” are synthetic chemicals that have increasingly raised alarming concerns due to their persistence in the environment and common everyday products and their adverse effects on human health.  These chemicals are characterized by strong carbon-fluorine bonds, which are among the strongest bonds in organic chemistry. This unique chemical structure makes PFAS highly resistant to natural processes that typically break down other substances, such as microbial degradation, photolysis (breakdown by light), and hydrolysis (breakdown by water). The strong carbon-fluorine bonds make PFAS resistant to metabolic breakdown. The body’s natural detoxification processes, which can effectively eliminate other chemicals, are not as effective against PFAS. They can bind to serum albumin in the blood, which prevents them from being easily filtered out by the kidneys and excreted in urine. Finally, PFAS bio-accumulate, meaning their concentration can increase over time in the tissues of living organisms. Continuous exposure through contaminated water, food, and consumer products thereby leads to higher concentrations in the body.

For this reason PFAS are referred to as “forever” because of their ability to persist in the environment for decades if not centuries. Moreover, due to their high solubility, forever chemicals can migrate long distances through water systems from their original source and ultimately contaminate drinking water supplies.

Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS)

Forever chemicals can enter the body through various pathways and become widely distributed in bodily tissues and organs. They have been shown to readily disrupt key biological processes such as fat and amino acid metabolism. PFAS primarily enter the human body through ingestion, inhalation, and dermal absorption. Ingestion is the most common route of exposure. Contaminated drinking water, often resulting from industrial chemical discharges of toxins and pollutants and the use of firefighting foam are a significant source of PFAS. The presence of PFAS in soil and water contaminates much of our food produce, especially seafood. Food packaging materials, such as microwave popcorn bags and fast food wrappers coated with PFAS, further contribute to ingestion.

Inhalation is another route through which PFAS can enter the body.

Indoor dust particles in homes with PFAS-treated carpets, curtains, furniture, textiles, mattresses and bedding can contain these chemicals. Occupational exposure in industrial facilities manufacturing PFAS-containing products poses a very high risk.  Although less significant compared to ingestion and inhalation, PFAS can be absorbed through the skin. Personal care products, including lotions, shampoos, and cosmetics, often contain PFAS. Handling materials coated with PFAS can also lead to dermal absorption. Outrageously, a government study through the National Toxicology program discovered that medical bandages, including 18 of 26 common brand band-aids purchased at major popular pharmacies were found to have dangerous levels of the forever chemical fluorine, which is used to make rocket fuel. The infamous Silent Spring Institute observed these chemicals even present in many assumed “eco-friendly” children’s products (with green certifications) such as bedding, clothing and water-resistant outer wear. Unbeknownst to the majority of consumers, PFAS are also found in shampoo and nail polish, dental floss, toilet paper, guitar strings, sticky notes, tampons and menstrual pads. Many consumer products containing high levels of these toxic chemicals are imported from China.

Once PFAS enter the body, they are absorbed into the bloodstream and transported to various organs and tissues. PFAS are known for their persistence due to their long half-lives, which can range from several years to decades. The liver is a primary target for PFAS accumulation, leading to liver damage, increased liver enzymes, and altered lipid metabolism. A 2023 Yale study noted that two PFAS enable cancer cells to migrate, an indication that these chemicals are contributing to metastasis. The thyroid gland is another critical organ affected by PFAS, as these chemicals can interfere with thyroid hormone production and regulation, potentially leading to thyroid disease. Researchers at Mount Sinai Hospital observed that one particular PFAS, perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS), might be contributing to the recent dramatic increase in thyroid cancer diagnoses.  PFAS also impact reproductive organs, affecting fertility and causing developmental issues in fetuses.

Briefly, PFAS induce cellular toxicity by disrupting cell membrane integrity, inducing oxidative stress, and altering cell signaling pathways thereby affecting cell growth. PFAS exposure has been linked to genotoxic effects, including DNA strand breaks, chromosomal aberrations, and epigenetic modifications, potentially leading to cancer and other diseases. The impact of PFAS on reproductive health is particularly concerning. Studies have demonstrated that PFAS exposure can reduce fertility in both males and females, cause developmental toxicity including low birth weight and developmental delays in offspring, and disrupt hormone levels, affecting reproductive health and development. A 2019 study showed that PFAS exposure induces DNA damage in human liver cells. An earlier Danish study found that higher PFAS levels were associated with lower sperm quality and reduced fertility in men. And UCLA scientists demonstrated that PFAS exposure during pregnancy was linked to lower birth weights and developmental delays in children. 

It should also be noted that the adverse effects of PFAS are not limited to human health but extend to wildlife and the environment. These chemicals have been found in all our water resources, soil, and air, leading to bioaccumulation in fish, animals and plant life. This bioaccumulation is disrupting normal reproductive and developmental cycles in animals and other wildlife, further contributing to the breakdown of our nation’s ecosystems.

The widespread presence of PFAS in the human body is alarming.

Scientific studies have detected these chemicals in the blood of nearly all Americans tested, as well as in breast milk and umbilical cord blood, indicating that exposure begins even before birth. In 2020 the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found PFAS in the blood of 97% of Americans. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has set health advisories for PFOA and PFOS in drinking water at 70 parts per trillion (ppt). However, many experts and environmental groups argue that this level is not stringent enough to protect public health. These advisories are also non-enforceable and simply serve as guidelines for individual states. On the other hand, almost nothing is being done to remove these chemicals from their ubiquitous use in common consumer products aside from food packaging. 

Early in the Biden administration, the EPA signaled its commitment to deal with widespread forever-chemical contamination; but it was only in April of this year, as the presidential election approaches, that the administration finally made any concerted effort. However, the new rule is limited to environmental PFOA and PFOS contamination from industrial and manufacturing facilities and Superfund clean up projects. The bill does nothing towards the banning of their use in cleaning products, nonstick cookware, paints, carpeting, outdoor gear and personal care products. The Trump-run EPA likewise did nothing to limit PFAS until 2019 and again near election time when a PFAS Action Plan was announced. But the plan was limited to research and monitoring and has been criticized for its lack of enforceable regulations and comprehensive bans. The FDA also failed dismally to deal with PFAS in food packaging; several food manufacturers have voluntarily taken it upon themselves to remove these chemicals. Only a handful of states, notably California, Michigan, New Jersey and New York, have taken proactive measures to regulate and strengthen PFAS usage, especially in drinking water standards. 

While there is increasing awareness at both federal and state levels, concerted efforts to reduce PFAS usage and proliferation are fragmented and less stringent than in some other developed nations. The European Union, on the other hand, has already proposed a comprehensive ban on all PFAS by 2030. Denmark, Germany and Sweden have begun phasing out of forever chemicals. In general, American legislative efforts and regulatory actions for a PFAS-free future are dismal given the widespread acknowledgement within the medical and scientific communities about their toxic threats to human health and the environment. 

Although the growing medical and environmental concerns over the toxicity of “forever chemicals” have led to increased public awareness and initial steps toward regulatory actions, a significant inconsistency exists in how government health officials and authorities address another well-documented toxic chemical: fluoride. This discrepancy is particularly concerning given the long-term health risks fluoride poses, especially to children. While PFAS have been the focus of substantial scientific and regulatory analysis, in contrast, fluoride, which is widely used in drinking water and dental products, continues to be endorsed by industry-compromised public health authorities throughout the federal and state governments despite mounting evidence of its toxicity and serious debilitating health risks. This highlights our nation’s scientific and medical hypocrisy: while one toxic chemical (PFAS) is increasingly alarming federal health officials, another (fluoride) continues to be used extensively without any urgent scrutiny.

In 2022, the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research released a comprehensive report showing that oral health in the U.S. has not improved in 22 years. In fact, it has declined and 70 percent of children and adolescents are now fluoride-overdosed. 

Studies have shown that excessive fluoride exposure can lead to dental and skeletal fluorosis, neurological damage, and endocrine disruption. Children are particularly vulnerable, with research indicating that high fluoride levels can negatively impact cognitive development. 

Several factors contribute to the failure of federal health officials and the medical establishment to take the health risks of fluoride seriously. Of course, historical precedent and public health policy play a significant role. Fluoride has been added to public water supplies for over 70 years as a measure to prevent tooth decay. This long-standing practice has ingrained fluoride’s image as a safe and beneficial public health intervention.

The fluoride industry

Corporate and political pressure also plays a crucial role. The fluoride industry, which includes manufacturers of dental products and private companies involved in water fluoridation chemicals, has a vested interest in maintaining the status quo. It is no longer a secret that political lobbying and corporate pressure significantly influence public health policies. For instance, the American Dental Association (ADA) has been a strong advocate for water fluoridation and intentionally downplays or dismisses fluoride’s health risks. Economic interests further complicate the issue. Fluoride is a byproduct of industrial aluminum and phosphate fertilizer production. Utilizing fluoride in water fluoridation and dental products provides an economic benefit to these industries by reducing waste disposal costs.

The primary beneficiaries of continued fluoride use in drinking water and dental products are industrial producers and dental product manufacturers.

Manufacturers of toothpaste, mouthwash, dental gels and foams, fluoride varnishes and dental floss also benefit from the widespread belief in fluoride’s dental health benefits. The pharmaceutical industry’s mouthpiece Wikipedia, for example, claims there have been only three reported cases of fluoride toxicity associated with toothpaste ingestion, when in fact there are over 23,000 reports of toothpaste-related fluoride poisoning annually. This represents hundreds of emergency room visits for fluoride poisoning at substantial and unnecessary medical cost. But our exposure to fluoride is not limited to our water utilities and dental products. In regions where the water supply is not fluoridated, children may be prescribed fluoride tablets or drops. Some popular children’s multivitamins include fluoride. 

Canadian studies, for example, indicate that children under three should have no fluoride whatsoever. The Journal of the Canadian Dental Association states that “Fluoride supplements should not be recommended for children less than 3 years old.”  Since these supplements contain the same amount of fluoride as water does, they are basically saying that children under the age of three shouldn’t be drinking fluoridated water at all, under any circumstances.

Beverages made with fluoridated water

Beverages made with fluoridated water, including sodas, juices, and teas, may contain fluoride, and foods prepared with fluoridated water contain trace amounts of fluoride. Researchers writing in the Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry found that fruit juices, in particular, contain significant amounts of fluoride. In one study, a variety of popular juices and juice blends were analyzed and it was discovered that 42% of the samples examined had more than l ppm of fluoride, with some brands of grape juice containing up to 6.8 ppm. The authors cite the common practice of using fluoride-containing insecticide in growing grapes as a factor in these high levels, and they suggest that the fluoride content of beverages be printed on their labels, as is other nutritional information.

Even some medications, including certain antibiotics and antifungal drugs, contain fluoride. And here’s a little-publicized fact: Cooking can greatly increase a food’s fluoride content. Peas, for example, contain 12 micrograms of fluoride when raw and 1500 micrograms after they are cooked in fluoridated water.

During the past four years, several studies further warrant national attention because they are directly associated with other rising health epidemics.  A study out of the University of Southern California’s School of Medicine analyzed fluoride levels in mother–child pairs at pregnancy and later evaluated the children’s behavior after three years. Children exposed to increases in fluoride in the womb were twice as likely to develop neurobehavioral problems including emotional reactivity, anxiety and somatic complaints. A similar finding was confirmed earlier by Canadian researchers at York University that discovered higher rates of medically-diagnosed ADHD in American children with higher levels of fluoridated water. A 2019 study published in JAMA Pediatrics found that higher fluoride exposure during pregnancy was associated with lower IQ scores in children. A Kenyan study published in the American Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences reported that auditory working memory significantly declined as fluoride concentration in drinking water increased, confirming the results of an earlier systematic review showing lower IQ in children in high-fluoride areas. These effects were observed at concentrations as low as 0.5 mg/L – the low end of the scale recommended by the World Health Organization, which recommends fluoridation at concentrations as high as 1.5 mg/L.

British researchers at the University of Kent observed a 30 percent increase of hypothyroidism in areas where fluoridation of the public water supply was highest (above 0.3 mg per liter). This is especially alarming for Americans, which sets the recommended fluoride level in water at 0.7 mg/L, twice that of England. With heart disease as the major killer of Americans, a 2022 Spanish study now demonstrates that fluoridated water calcifies and hardens arteries. People with chronic renal disease were observed to be especially at high risk

Reproductive Health

Data suggest that the damaging effects of fluoride extend to reproductive health as well. A 2013 study published in the journal Archives of Toxicology showed a link between fluoride exposure and male infertility in mice. The study’s findings suggest that sodium fluoride impairs the ability of sperm cells to normally fertilize the egg through a process known as chemotaxis.

When fluoride is ingested, approximately 93% of it is absorbed into the bloodstream. A good proportion of the chemical is excreted, but the rest is deposited in the bones and teeth, and is capable of causing a crippling skeletal fluorosis. This condition damages the musculoskeletal and nervous systems and results in muscle wasting, limited joint motion, spine deformities, and calcification of the ligaments, as well as neurological deficits. Large numbers of people in Japan, China, India, the Middle East, and Africa have been diagnosed with skeletal fluorosis from drinking naturally fluoridated water. In India alone, nearly a million people suffer from the affliction. 

Although the American Dental Association and the government consider dental fluorosis only a cosmetic problem, the American Journal of Public Health says that “…brittleness of moderately and severely mottled teeth may be associated with elevated caries levels.” In other words, in these cases the fluoride is causing the exact problem that it’s supposed to prevent. Yiamouyiannis adds, “In highly naturally-fluoridated areas, the teeth actually crumble as a result. These are the first visible symptoms of fluoride poisoning.” In addition, the pro-fluoride camp repeats the faulty wisdom that fluoride enhances the formation of fluorapatite, a component of tooth enamel. On the other hand, they refuse to mention that studies show that this fluorapatite layer is just six nanometers thick, less than 1/10000th the width of a strand of hair and therefore unlikely to have much of an impact on strengthening or re-mineralizing teeth.

At one time, fluoride therapy was recommended for building denser bones and preventing fractures associated with osteoporosis. Now the peer-reviewed medical literature confirms that fluoride is associated with bone breakage. Three studies reported in The Journal of the American Medical Association showed links between hip fractures and fluoride. One study published in the New England Journal of Medicine reports that people given fluoride to cure their osteoporosis actually wound up with an increased nonvertebral fracture rate.

Finally, we might take a very brief look at some evidence supporting a fluoride-cancer association. Numerous studies demonstrate links between fluoridation and cancer; however, agencies promoting fluoride consistently refute or cover up these findings. Almost a half-century ago, Drs. John Yiamouyiannis and Dean Burk, former chief chemist at the National Cancer Institute (NCI), released a study that linked fluoridation to 10,000 cancer deaths per year in the U.S. Their inquiry, which compared cancer deaths in the ten largest fluoridated American cities to those in the ten largest unfluoridated cities between 1940 and 1950, discovered a 5% greater cancer rate in the fluoridated areas. Unsurprisingly, the NCI refuted its own findings. To settle the matter, a Congressional subcommittee instructed the National Toxicology Program (NTP) to perform another investigation. That study, due in 1980, was not released until 1990. In the meantime, the EPA raised the standard fluoride level in drinking water from 2.4 to 4 ppm. Critics of the EPA decision charged it with being politically motivated without any concern for public health.  

And what were the NTP study results? Out of 130 male rats that ingested 45 to 79 ppm of fluoride, 5 developed osteosarcoma, a rare bone cancer. There were cases, in both males and females at those doses, of squamous cell carcinoma in the mouth. Both rats and mice had dose-related fluorosis of the teeth, and female rats suffered osteosclerosis of the long bones. When Yiamouyiannis analyzed the same data, he found a particularly rare form of liver cancer, known as hepatocholangiocarcinoma. This cancer is so rare, according to Yiamouyiannis, that the odds of its appearance in the study by chance are 1 in 2 million in male mice and l in 100,000 in female mice. He also found precancerous changes in oral squamous cells, an increase in squamous cell tumors and cancers, and thyroid follicular cell tumors as a result of increasing levels of fluoride in drinking water.

Water fluoridation and fluoride-enhanced dental products

Aside from the health risks, water fluoridation and fluoride-enhanced dental products are unnecessary. Many countries do not fluoridate water supplies or have ceased fluoridation altogether. In 2013, Israel’s Ministry of Health committed to a countrywide phase-out of fluoridation. The decision came after Israel’s Supreme Court deemed the existing health regulations requiring fluoridation to be based on science that is “outdated” and “no longer widely accepted. European countries such as Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Netherlands, Norway and Switzerland, as well as Japan, do not fluoridate their drinking water.

There are safer and equally effective alternatives to fluoride for dental health and water treatment. Xylitol, a natural sugar alcohol found in many fruits and vegetables, has been shown to reduce tooth decay by inhibiting the growth of Streptococcus mutans, a primary bacterium responsible for cavities. Hydroxyapatite, a naturally occurring mineral form of calcium apatite, is an effective alternative in toothpaste; hydroxyapatite promotes remineralization and strengthens tooth enamel without the toxicity associated with fluoride. Silver diamine fluoride (SDF), although it contains fluoride, if used in very minute amounts has been proven effective in arresting dental caries with a lower risk of systemic exposure compared to water fluoridation. For water treatment, technologies such as reverse osmosis and activated alumina can effectively remove contaminants, including fluoride, providing safe drinking water without the need for chemical additives.

The stark contrast in how PFAS and fluoride are addressed by health officials underscores a significant inconsistency in public health policy. While PFAS have rightfully garnered attention due to their harmful effects, the continued endorsement of fluoride, despite clear evidence of its toxicity, reveals an underlying issue influenced by historical precedent, corporate interests, and political lobbying. Ever since Harvard University researcher Philippe Grandjean first added fluoride to a list of developmental neurotoxicants considered especially harmful to the developing brain in a 2014 paper published in The Lancet, our health officials have suffered from institutionalized cognitive dissonance by categorically denying fluoride-induced illness. Fortunately, the pushback against decades of lies, misinformation and media propaganda to seduce the American public into accepting corporate and government sponsored junk research supporting fluoridation continues to reach a tipping point towards public safety.  In 2021, an alliance of public health organizations and watch groups, led by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Michael Connett, filed suit against the EPA in a federal court trial to bring an end to fluoridation once and for all.

To truly protect public health, it is crucial to re-evaluate the use of fluoride in drinking water and dental products and consider safer, scientifically proven alternatives. This shift would ensure that public health policies are based on current scientific evidence rather than outdated practices and economic interests.


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Richard Gale is the Executive Producer of the Progressive Radio Network and a former Senior Research Analyst in the biotechnology and genomic industries.

Dr. Gary Null is host of the nation’s longest running public radio program on alternative and nutritional health and a multi-award-winning documentary film director, including his recent Last Call to Tomorrow.

They are regular contributors to Global Research.

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On July 5, Ozgur Ozel, the leader of the main opposition party in Turkey, CHP, told the press he wants to travel to Damascus with a delegation and meet with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

One of the issues to be discussed will be the repatriation of Syrian refugees from Turkey.

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said repeatedly that he wants to meet with Assad and to restore the diplomatic relationship between the two neighbors, which had been prior to 2011 a very close and beneficial relationship for Turkey.  Prior to 2011, Syria was the largest export market for Turkey.

Syria has said repeatedly, they are open to a restored relationship, but Turkey must first cut ties with terrorist groups and radical militias which have been supported by Turkey, and Turkey must withdraw mercenaries and Turkish soldiers from Idlib, north of Aleppo, and all northern Syrian border areas.

Recently, Turkey began the first steps of cutting ties with terrorists in Idlib and north of Aleppo. This resulted in clashes between the terrorists and their civilian supporters who view the Turkish policy change as betrayal to their cause, which was to establish an Islamic State in Idlib, under HTS, formerly Jibhat al-Nusra, formerly the Syrian branch of Al Qaeda.

Steven Sahiounie of MidEastDiscource interviewed Aydin Sezer, political scientist, foreign policy analyst, former diplomat, and economic advisor at the Turkish Embassies in Cairo and Moscow for his opinion on these new developments in the Turkish-Syrian file.

Steven Sahiounie (SS):   Recently, there have been clashes between the Turkish military and the Syrian opposition in Idlib and north Aleppo. This appears to be a result of a new Turkish foreign policy decision on Syria. In your opinion, are we seeing the beginning of the end of Turkish support for the Syrian opposition?

Aydin Sezer (AS):  Yes, this is the beginning of the end of Turkey’s support to the Syrian opposition. However, this is not a surprising development. It is an inevitable consequence of Turkey’s flawed Syria policy. Turkey has to face the reality and its mistakes, and that process is now underway. If there is to be peace with Assad, if this is really desired, Turkey will have to confront not only the Syrian National Army, which Turkey established, but also the jihadists and extremists in Idlib. Peace in Syria will have a separate cost for Turkey. Since these elements cannot be included in the Assad administration, unfortunately it will be a difficult process.

SS:   Turkey had been a major supporter of the Syrian opposition. In your opinion, what has caused this drastic change in Turkey’s policy?

AS:  There are many different factors and reasons for the change in Turkey’s policy. The most important one, in my opinion, is the unbearable economic crisis Turkey is going through. The Syrian costs are now unaffordable, especially in fiscal terms. The tight monetary policy that the finance minister, Mehmet Şimşek, has been implementing for a year now is making it more difficult to pay this bill. Turkey therefore wants to get rid of this burden somehow.

The second important factor is the presence of more than 5 million Syrian refugees in Turkey. Tensions and clashes between Turks and Syrians for various reasons are taking the country into a serious and irreversible process. Aside from the political cost, given the growing racist sentiments in Turkey, there is the possibility of undesirable problems. Erdoğan is therefore now convinced that this issue must be resolved. I guess so, in fact I hope so, but it is difficult to predict what Erdoğan will do tomorrow.

SS:  Media reports show Syrians in Idlib and north of Aleppo attacking Turkish vehicles and citizens. In one case, they attacked a Turkish soldier. In your opinion, how do you see Turkey’s response to this violence?

AS:  Judging by the public reaction, we can say this. It is terrible. These are unwanted images that provoke reactions among Turks. Unfortunately, they are also likely to increase the public reaction against Syrians in Turkey. Politicians and Erdogan characterize these developments as provocations. The public is urged to be sensitive to provocation. But, provocations are in the nature of things, and this is an expected development. It is a difficult process. If the reaction of the Turkish armed forces is harsh, the violence of the demonstrations will increase.

SS:   Recently, as a response to the violence in Idlib and north of Aleppo we are seeing media reports of Syrian refugees in Turkey being mistreated. In your opinion, will there be a move to repatriate the Syrians?

AS:  Yes, this step is already being taken. But, it is thought that this will help to reduce the tension in Turkish society towards asylum seekers.

SS:  The Prime Minister of Iraq has said that he is hopeful of a meeting soon between President Erdogan and President Assad. In your opinion, what needs to be done to make this meeting happen?

AS:  Russia is already contributing to this process. As you know, Assad has two preconditions. Turkey’s withdrawal from Syrian territory and the cessation of Turkey’s support to the jihadists. It is very difficult for Erdogan to accept these, we know that, but on the other hand Assad has to be convinced. Maybe Turkey could announce a timetable for withdrawal from Syria. More precisely, Turkey and Erdogan must first convince Assad of Turkey’s sincerity. I think, in order to reach a peace agreement, a preliminary agreement is needed to overcome the crisis of trust between the parties.


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This article was originally published on Mideast Discourse.

Steven Sahiounie is a two-time award-winning journalist. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from MD

The End of Obama’s War on Syria

July 8th, 2024 by Steven Sahiounie

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Spread the Truth, Refer a Friend to Global Research


While the Assad administration is slowly restoring its bilateral relations with neighboring states, it must be noted that the US has no intention of withdrawing its troops from eastern Syria, effectively backing the Kurdish-led rebel faction Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). Its imperialistic agenda which aims at controlling Syria’s oil reserves remains buried under the official narrative of “fighting ISIS.”

—Global Research, July 9, 2024


Kessab is a tiny Syrian village on the Turkish border. In February 2011, Em Ahmad, a 30-year plus resident of Kessab, was coming back to Kessab through the international border crossing at Kessab. She and her family were shocked to see white tents set-up in Turkey on the border as the passed by. The so-called ‘popular uprising’ in Daraa, Syria did not begin until March 2011, and Em Ahmad had no inkling of the purpose of the empty tent community set-up waiting for Syrian refugees.  Later, she would understand the role those tents played, and the fact they were ready long before any Syrian in Daraa, 371 kilometers away, would take to the streets.

Syria is now in the first steps toward ending the nightmare that destroyed many parts of the country, caused the largest migration since WW2, caused millions to become refugees living in tents in neighboring countries, displaced half of the country, and killed and injured hundreds of millions.

Recently, Turkey has changed their policy on Syria in an effort to restore diplomatic relations with Damascus. The Prime Minister of Iraq, al-Sudani, announced he expects a meeting between the Turkish President Recip Tayyip Erdogan and Syrian President Bashar al-Assad very soon.

In order to restore the relationship, Turkey must stop its support of terrorists, must withdraw its troops and mercenaries from all areas in Syria, which include Idlib and north of Aleppo. The first steps have been taken by Turkey as they have ended support of the terrorists in Idlib, and ended support of the Turkish-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA) north of Aleppo.

This drastic change by Turkey was met recently by violent clashes between Turkish soldiers and Turkish civilians, and terrorists and their Syrian civilian supporters, who pulled down Turkish flags and step-on them, attacked Turkish vehicles and Turkish drivers, and attacked a Turkish soldier and made him kneel and kiss the 3-stared flag of the FSA. In Idlib, the terrorists burned up Turkish vehicles owned by Turkish citizens working in Idlib officially, which resulted in all Turkish civil servants being evacuated from Idlib. Syrian refugees in Turkey were attacked by angry Turkish citizens who view the Syrians as unwelcome vandals.

Al-Bab bombing carried out by a former Erdogan terrorist from Hamzat group in Aleppo 

North of Aleppo, there had been roads controlled by the Turkish backed FSA, but a new order came from Ankara to relinquish the roads back to the Syrian Arab Army (SAA). These beginning steps pave the way to a restored relationship between Ankara and Damascus.

The UN played a role in maintaining Idlib as a bastion for the armed opposition.  Repeatedly, the UN pressured Russia and Syria to allow humanitarian aid to enter Idlib from Turkey. The UN argued there were 3 million civilians who needed food and medical supplies, and while that is true, the aid passed exclusively through the hands of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS). If you were a civilian supporter of HTS, you got your aid, but if you had any complaint, you got nothing.  Civilians were forced to buy the food they needed from the shopping mall, Al Hamra, where HTS leader, Mohammed al-Julani warehoused surplus aid to be sold. All the major international charities were in Idlib, and a number of them had serious problems with the terrorists who controlled their work there.  For example, the terrorists would not allow female civilians to participate in aid programs which would teach them employment skills.  According to the FSA, once called “McCain’s Army”, women were to stay at home in the kitchen and bedroom.

Turkey was a close ally of the US and a fellow NATO member. Turkey was directed to play a vital role in the ‘regime change’ project orchestrated by US President Barak Obama. The Syrian project was just one piece in the larger ‘Arab Spring’ in which the US and NATO attempted to create a ‘New Middle East’.

Libya was attacked and destroyed by the US-NATO war machine, and has not recovered. Tunisia was transformed into a Muslim Brotherhood administration, Egypt’s election was rigged by the US in order to place a Muslim Brotherhood president at the helm, and Syria was attacked in a ‘regime change’ project which failed. Tunisia and Egypt have both since recovered from the US meddling in ‘Arab Spring’ and have kick-out the Muslim Brotherhood. Syria fought back and refused to change a secular government into a sectarian nightmare to suit US interests.

General Wesley Clark, former NATO commander, said in a video, that he visited the Pentagon and was told they had plans to ‘take out seven countries’. Syria was one of them.

Serena Shim, an American-Lebanese journalist in Turkey on assignment, witnessed a UN World Food Program truck delivering armed terrorists from Jibhat al-Nusra (now called HTS) across the border from Turkey to Syria. After reporting her explosive news, she was killed in Turkey when a cement truck rammed her small rental car, and the driver of the truck has never been located.

HTS has occupied Idlib, and holds 3 million residents as human shields. Idlib is the last remaining territory occupied by the armed Syrian opposition. Recently, the residents of Idlib took to the streets to protest their treatment under the Julani iron-fist rule. Qatar, one of the last bastions of Muslim Brotherhood influence, stated they no longer support Julani, and were sympathetic of the protesters who voiced their grievances after arrests and torture of civilians by Julani’s terrorists.

Despite the $10 million bounty on the head of Julani, issued by the US FBI, American media has visited Julani to interview him, while he sported a western suit and tie, in an effort to re-brand his image. In the end, the US project to morph a Radical Islamic terrorist into a Washington approved leader in Syria failed, as did the entire Obama war on Syria.

Robert S. Ford, former US Ambassador to Syria, has been very critical of Obama’s failure in Syria. Ford feels the US seriously underestimated the Syrian Arab Army (SAA), and bet that the army would break under the pressure from the Muslim Brotherhood supporters in the street. The SAA never broke. Ford had wanted the US to enter Syria militarily, but Obama refused to fulfill his promises.

US Senator John McCain, Republican of Arizona, was the biggest force behind arming and funding the terrorists fighting in Syria. McCain made several illegal visits to Idlib and met personally with the terrorists and their commanders. Even though he hated the Mexican migrants coming into Arizona illegally, that didn’t stop him from doing the same and crossing from Turkey into Idlib without any visa or border controls. He believed in the FSA, and lobbied for them in Congress. The FSA sold fellow Arizonian, Kayla Mueller, to ISIS in Aleppo. She was later raped and tortured by the ISIS leader, Baghdadi, and died in a US airstrike.

Syria is now in a period of transition. The battlefields have been silent since 2017, but the recovery process was not allowed to begin due to US sanctions on Syria which prevent supplies, or investments being sent to Syria other than strictly humanitarian aid.

Lessons to be learned from Syria: never participate in any US war abroad using terrorists as assets; never support sectarian conflicts; never force democracy on any people from the barrel of a gun.


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This article was originally published on Mideast Discourse.

Steven Sahiounie is a two-time award-winning journalist. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from MD

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Spread the Truth, Refer a Friend to Global Research


Israel’s genocide of Palestinians is happening beneath a curtain of lies.

Novelist Susan Abulhawa explains that the declared Palestinian death toll (of about 37,000) itself is a deception first because of the manner in which the numbers are calculated, and second, because of the reduced capacity to count death tolls.

First, the only deaths counted, says Abulhawa, are those from “direct fire”.  Consequently, those who die from lack of access to medications that would normally treat chronic diseases, those who die from Zionist-imposed starvation and famine, those whom Zionists kidnap, the missing, those buried beneath the rubble,(1) those who die from rampant diseases caused by bombed and impaired infrastructure including water treatment plants,(2) none of these are counted, even as the Zionist siege of Gaza, the Zionist bombing of hospitals and infrastructure, the murder of health care workers, are root causes.

Second, even the limited methodology of counting only those who interface with hospitals is impaired since Zionists have been bombing and destroying hospitals as policy.  Not only are they murdering hospital personnel, but computer servers and other instruments of recording deaths are being destroyed.

The real death toll so far from the Zionist extermination campaign, explains Abulhawa, would be 193,000 plus to 514,000 plus.

“Simple math proves,” says Abulhawa, “that Israel’s stated goal (for invasion) is an epic lie.”

She adds that Zionists are “trafficking” children and engaging in illegal organ harvesting (3) as well. These are all too familiar “harvests of war”.

“The pathology (of what is happening) should terrify people,” laments Abulhawa.


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Research Assistance by Basma Qaddour

Mark Taliano is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG) and the author of Voices from Syria, Global Research Publishers, 2017. He writes on his website where this article was originally published.

Order Mark Taliano’s Book “Voices from Syria” directly from Global Research.

**Voices from Syria**

Author: Mark Taliano

ISBN Number: 978-0-9737147-9-1

Year: 2017

Product Type: PDF File

List Price: $6.50

Special Offer: $5.00 

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The Multipolar World Is Getting Stronger?

July 8th, 2024 by Ret Admiral Cem Gürdeniz

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Spread the Truth, Refer a Friend to Global Research


After the Second World War, the Anglo-Saxon world’s world domination thesis, imposed with all the power of the victor, was balanced with the Soviet Union, and the world had a bipolar world order until 1989. The collapse of the Soviets, who saved Europe from Hitler’s fascism by sacrificing 25 million people (one third of them were women) in the Second World War, 45 years later, gave the Anglo-Saxon hegemony unlimited freedom of action.

Neocons Without Borders

There is no gap in the balance of power. The Warsaw Pact and the rapid dissolution of the Soviet Union gave great morale and energy to American neocons. Russia should also be disintegrated, and all states on the border – including Turkiye – should come under the full control of the USA. Moreover, the borders of the 22 states in North Africa and the Middle East had to be shaped according to American geopolitics and neo-liberal political economy. This vision was beyond the imagination of even George Kennan, who gave life to the USA’s famous Soviet Containment Strategy in 1946. NATO expansion, the disintegration of Yugoslavia, and brutal interventions in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria were the requirements of this vision. According to them, there was no power that could balance American power. However, American neocons could not take advantage of China’s rise in the process of realizing this vision.

Pacific Balances

The USA had won with a very strong superiority in the Pacific basin at the end of 1945. Even though China was communist, it was a weak threat to the USA compared to the Soviets. George Kennan, the mastermind of Containment, was wary of direct military conflict despite the rise of Communist China. The containment strategy also applied to China. According to him, the further spread of Communism in Asia should be prevented. He advocated support for non-communist regimes in the region. He implemented a strategy that included diplomacy and economic measures instead of military intervention. However, the strategic picture changed with the involvement of North Korea in the war between North and South Korea between 1950-53. The USA fought against China. Although China was founded in 1949, the USA did not recognize Beijing for 22 years and had Taiwan (Nationalist China) accepted as China’s representative in the UN Security Council. The decision on the American-sponsored UN intervention in the Korean War was made with this tactic.

US-China Approach

In 1969, 20 years after the establishment of the People’s Republic of China, the war between the Soviets and China over the border issue brought the US administration closer to China. China’s inclusion in the edge belt system in the geopolitical perspective has emerged. However, China was a completely isolated state until the visit of US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger in 1971. The USA, on the other hand, was friends and allies with Australia, Japan, New Zealand, South Korea and the five founding members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand. These states did not have trade or even diplomatic relations with China in 1971. When (ASEAN) was born in 1967 as an American project to create a sphere of influence against communism during the Vietnam War, the Soviet Union and China strongly opposed it. However, after the visits of Kissinger in 1971 and Nixon in 1973, China’s isolation was lifted and China quickly integrated into the outside world. So much so that in November 2000, China proposed a free trade agreement to ASEAN. This initiative put into effect the ASEAN-China Free Trade Area (ACFTA), which is considered one of the largest free trade areas in the world, on January 1, 2010.

Lessons from the Soviet Collapse

The impact of the US-China rapprochement, which started after US President Nixon’s visit in 1973, played an important role in the collapse of the Soviet Union. So much so that the USA and China became close enough to carry out joint activities during the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. However, China saw that what happened to the Soviets after 1989 would also happen to it as a rising Asian power. Because, although the state practiced capitalism in practice, it was a communist state and its regime had to be changed and come under the control of the USA. Evaluating the collapse of Soviet communism, Chinese governments learned lessons from the collapsed Soviet economy despite having huge energy resources. Singaporean diplomat and former UN representative Kishore Mahbubani writes these in his book “Did China Win?”: 

“First of all, the Soviet Union collapsed not because of external pressures, but because of internal weaknesses. China is aware of the fact that ‘To survive, you need to have a strong, dynamic economy and a strong, dynamic society’. Meanwhile, in 1949, American strategist George Kennan said that the outcome of the struggle between the United States and the Soviet Union would depend not on our weapons and soldiers, but on which society has greater spiritual vitality. US society was much more dynamic than that of the Soviet Union. The United States prospered and the Soviet Union collapsed. The Chinese know that the first priority is to ensure a strong economy and a strong society; So they are greatly educating their people and growing their economies so they won’t become a second Soviet Union.”

China and Containment

China, which increased its economic stability, growth and prosperity domestically, later focused on globalization by taking advantage of the opportunities opened to it by the USA. They learned a lesson from the isolation of Soviets surrounded by the USA. According to Kishore Mahbubani, China made a preemptive move against the containment policy and made its neighbors dependent on the Chinese economy. The best example of this is the free trade agreement with ASEAN, which consists entirely of countries under US control, in 2000. It was extremely surprising that China was the first country to propose a free trade agreement to ASEAN. In 2000, ASEAN’s trade with the USA was 135 billion dollars, and its trade with China was only 40 billion dollars. In 2022, ASEAN’s trade with the United States increased to $450-500 billion (an increase of more than threefold), while China’s trade with ASEAN jumped from $40 billion to almost one trillion. This was a world record. Mahbubani describes it as madness for ASEAN countries to engage in a containment policy against China in the future with US triggering and pressure. This situation reveals the difficulty of countries receiving infrastructure investments through China’s Belt and Road project to participate in similar containment and sanctions.

Multipolar Order and Living in Peace

Geopolitical rivalries cannot be overcome without mutual trust and cooperation between countries. In geopolitical competition, mutual recognition of areas of influence and interest is essential, as was the case during the Cold War. The USA recognized the Soviet sphere of influence in 1945 and agreed to live in a bipolar world until 1989. Today, it wants to see and keep the whole world in its sphere of influence. Neocons want continents, not just oceans. But they can’t afford this anymore. They may see their power run out by experiencing a major world war, but a major world war due to nuclear weapons will be a war with no winners. Then, the best choice left is to accept peaceful coexistence within the multipolar world order. The concept of peaceful coexistence was first expressed by Chinese Premier Zhou En Lai in 1953. It was later adopted at the Bandung Conference (1955), which paved the way for the Non-Aligned movement. 

China’s Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence were: Mutual respect for each other’s territorial integrity and sovereignty./Mutual non-aggression. /Mutual non-interference in each other’s internal affairs. /Equality and mutual benefit. /Peaceful coexistence.

This concept was damaged by the 1956 Suez Crisis, the 1956 Soviet Intervention in Hungary, and the 1962 China-India border war in the Himalayas region. The Sino-Soviet separation that started in the 1960s also played a role in this process. The world communist movement was also divided into two.

The concept of Living Together in Peace was also used by Soviet President Brezhnev in 1959. Brezhnev focused on the necessity of living in peace with the capitalist world by keeping ideological differences separate. This understanding, which emphasized preventing nuclear war and giving importance to diplomacy, economic and cultural relations, was damaged by the military intervention of the Warsaw Pact in Czechoslovakia in the Prague Spring in 1968. This time, the Détente policy put forward by the Soviets since the 1970s was designed to support the vision of Peaceful Coexistence. Despite the setbacks experienced during the Arab-Israeli war in 1973, this policy led to successes, especially the reduction and restriction of nuclear weapons and the signing of the Helsinki Final Act.

During the Neocon domination period that emerged after the Cold War, the USA imposed its own values ​​under the rule-based world order. Neoliberal capitalist economy based on Judeo-Christian morality; human rights, democracy, freedom of belief and thought have become a chewing gum in the mouth of American diplomats, politicians and representatives. Since there was no enemy left as a great power, a new threat was created under the global war on terrorism. However, a double standard has been created to the extent of calling terrorist organizations close to it, such as PKK, YPG/PYD, its land force, or using organizations such as ISIS, which it founded, as a means of strategic action.

Russia’s intervention in Georgia in 2008 and China’s serious change in attitude towards the USA, Japan and the Philippines in the South and East China seas starting from 2012 triggered a great resistance to neocon imperialism and led to today. 

The President of China made a speech at the Conference Commemorating the 70th Anniversary of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence in Beijing on June 28, 2024.

Xi emphasized the following: “Over the past 70 years, the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence have demonstrated that they have strong resilience and enduring validity, transcending time and space and resisting alienation. These principles have become the open, inclusive and universally applicable basic norms of international relations and the basic principles of international law… In this historical period when humanity has had to decide between peace and war, prosperity and stagnation, unity and confrontation, we have always followed the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. We must defend ourselves more than ever before and strive tirelessly for the supreme goal of building a community with a common future for humanity…Among all the powers in the world, the Global South stands out with strong momentum and plays a crucial role in the progress of humanity…The Global South is at a new historical starting point It needs to be more open and inclusive… It needs to join hands and take the lead in building a community with a common future for humanity…”

The Multipolar World Has Started

The economic axis has already turned from west to east. The dark Anglo-Saxon dominance with its colonial past is in decline. The biggest reason for this decline is the rise of China and Russia’s resistance. The failure of the US neocons to restrain their geopolitical ambitions and the fact that they repeatedly made huge mistakes and dragged the world into disasters played a role in the decline of the Anglo-Saxon leadership. Even though the military power that would balance them emerged, such as Russia after 2008, the main thing was the emergence of a military power that also had economic power. 

China did this. 

Today, an alternative order is being built to the Western-centered economic system governed by the USA after 1945. In 2006, Russia, China, Brazil and India created a global economic initiative, forming the “BRIC” group. The Republic of South Africa joined the group in 2010 and the initiative was named “BRICS”. The 5-member BRICS later grew by adding 4 more members. Today, the 9 countries in BRICS+ own 45% of the world’s population, 36% of the global economy in terms of purchasing power parity, 25% of world exports and 44% of crude oil production. BRICS increased its share in the global economy to 35.7% in 2023. G7 remained at 29%.

The group includes global/continental nuclear powers such as UN Security Council permanent members China and Russia, and continental economic/military powers such as India, Brazil and the Republic of South Africa. With the latest expansion, the states that control two critical waterways such as the Strait of Hormuz and the Suez Canal (Iran, UAE and Egypt) have taken their place in BRICS+. Perhaps the most important feature of BRICS+ is the combination of today’s representatives of the world’s oldest civilizations and cultures. It consists of states with 25 countries are waiting for BRICS membership.

On the other hand, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, which was established in 1996 with 5 states under the leadership of China to improve military cooperation in the border regions, turned into a 10-member balancing entity with the participation of Belarus at the 24th SCO Summit held in Astana on July 4, 2024. 

Making a speech at the summit, Russian leader Vladimir Putin said: “In the current conditions where rapid and irreversible changes are experienced in the world, the active entrepreneurial attitude of the SCO in international relations is definitely needed. The multipolar world has become a reality”. Noting that he believe that the SCO and BRICS are the pillars of the emerging new world order, Putin emphasized that these two international entities are the locomotive of the approval of multipolarity.

The growth of SCO and BRICS+ will undoubtedly contribute to the establishment of a multipolar world order without large-scale wars. 

The question is whether the Anglo-Saxons can endure this outcome with the will to live together in peace. 

The problem is that whether the US statesmen and politicians, who maintained peace in the bipolar world without war between 1945 and 1989 and were able to establish a balanced geopolitical order with the Soviets, left the legacy in question to the unqualified and short-sighted Americans, who this time live in a world of dreams dominated by Zionists and neocons, some of whom draw their strength from the Bible and the Torah can repeat it or not!


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The original source of this article is Veryansin TV.

Ret Admiral Cem Gürdeniz, Writer, Geopolitical Expert, Theorist and creator of the Turkish Bluehomeland (Mavi Vatan) doctrine. He served as the Chief of Strategy Department and then the head of Plans and Policy Division in Turkish Naval Forces Headquarters. As his combat duties, he has served as the commander of Amphibious Ships Group and Mine Fleet between 2007 and 2009. He retired in 2012. He established Hamit Naci Blue Homeland Foundation in 2021. He has published numerous books on geopolitics, maritime strategy, maritime history and maritime culture. He is also a honorary member of ATASAM.  

Featured image is from Veryansin TV

Massacre at the Ballot: The Punishing of the Tories

July 8th, 2024 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

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Few would have staked their political fortune, let alone any other sort of reward, on a return of the British Conservatives on July 4.  The polls often lie, but none suggested that outcome.  The only question was the extent British voters would lacerate the Tories who have been in office for fourteen years, presiding over a country in divisive decline, aided by policies of austerity, the galloping cost of living and the lunatic tenures of Boris Johnson and Liz Truss.  Predicted numbers varied from a return of 53 seats to what was forecast in the more accurate Ipsos exit poll of 131 seats.

As the night wore on, the laceration became a ballot massacre.  It was clear that most voters were less keen on Sir Keir Starmer’s dour Labour team, supposedly reformed and devoid of dangerous daring, as they were of voting against the Tories.  Any other option would do.

Source: Wikimedia Commons

A whole brigade of senior Conservatives suffered a rout.  Commons leader Penny Mordaunt lost her seat, as did defence secretary Grant Shapps.  That manorial relic of Tory tradition and privilege, Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg, was also ousted from his seat.  The Liberal Democrats made huge inroads into traditional Conservative territory, winning seats held by two former prime ministers – David Cameron and Theresa May.

Recriminations, long readied in reserve, came out.  Former party chair, Sir Brandon Lewis, pointed the finger to his leader, Rishi Sunak, whose decision to call the election was considered monumentally ill-judged. 

“I suspect right now that’s weighing on him very, very strongly … He will go down as the Conservative prime minister and leader who had the worst election result in over a century.”

Other Tories thought Sunak’s efforts to push the Conservatives further to the right to stem the leaching of votes to Nigel Farage’s Reform UK a serious error of judgment.  Former Tory universities minister Lord Jo Johnson, also famed for being the sibling of that buffoonish wrecker-in-chief Boris, called efforts to make the Conservatives “a Reform-lite kind of party” a “big mistake”.  Only a return to the “centre-ground of British politics” would spare them a lengthy spell in the wilderness.

The strafing of the more liberal Tory members does, however, place them in an unenviable position.   Are they to, as Lord Johnson suggests, alter course to “appeal to metropolitan, open-minded, liberal voters”?  Or should they, as Rees-Mogg insists, dig deeper into the soil of Conservative values, what he calls “core principles” that had been essentially pinched by Reform UK?  Amidst the debate, former lord chancellor Robert Buckland could not resist quipping that this Conservative “Armageddon” was “going to be like a group of bald men fighting over a comb.”

The most staggering feature of these elections, leaving aside the ritualistic savaging of the Tories, was the wholly lopsided nature of the share of votes relative to the winning of seats.  “This election,” the Electoral Reform Society solemnly declared, “saw Labour and the Conservatives receive their joint lowest vote share on record, with a combined 57.4%.”

That did not prevent the two major parties from snaring the lion’s share.  Labour received 33.7% of the vote yet obtained 63.2% (411 seats) of the 650 on offer, making it the most disproportionate on record.  The Tories, despite the bloodbath, could still count on 121 MPs with 23.7% of votes winning 18.6% of seats in the House of Commons.

The Lib Dems burgeoned in terms of representatives, gaining a record number of MPs (they now stand at 72), despite only having a vote share of 12.2%. It was a modest percentage hardly different from the 2019 election.

Reform UK, Farage’s rebranded party of Brexiteers, had every right to feel characteristically foiled by the first past the post system that is always defended by the party that wins majority, leaving smaller contenders to chew over its stunningly unrepresentative rationale.  Having netted a higher percentage than the Lib Dems at 14.3% (over 4 million votes), they had only five MPs to show for it.  “That is blatantly not a properly functioning democratic system – that is a flawed system,” a resentful Richard Tice of Reform remarked on BBC 4 Radio’s Today program.  “The demands for change will grow and grow.”

The Greens, similarly, received 6.7% of the vote (just under 2 million), but returned a mere four MPs to Westminster.  Despite this, the strategists will be seeing these wins, the most successful in their party’s history, as stunning, bettering the heroic if lonely exploits of Caroline Lucas.  Tellingly, the party pinched two seats off Labour, and one from the Conservative stable.

Given that Labour proved the largest beneficiary of a voting system that should only ever apply in a two-way contest and given the prospect of Reform and the Greens posing ever greater threats from either wing of politics, appetite for electoral reform is likely to be suppressed.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge. He currently lectures at RMIT University. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). Email: [email protected]

Featured image: A school being used as a polling station on election day in the constituency of Hampstead & Highgate. The polling station had been in a different constituency before the boundary review. (Licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0)

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Spread the Truth, Refer a Friend to Global Research


Moms for America and individual plaintiffs who were injured by a COVID-19 vaccine, or whose loved one suffered injury or death from a COVID-19 vaccine, allege the federal law granting vaccine makers immunity for injuries caused by their products violates the U.S. Constitution.


A lawsuit filed Tuesday seeks to strike down the PREP Act — the federal law that granted legal immunity to companies such as Pfizer and Moderna for injuries caused by their COVID-19 vaccines and other COVID-19 countermeasures.

The lawsuit, filed in the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Florida, Tampa Division, alleges the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act violates the U.S. Constitution and the Administrative Procedure Act, which governs how federal agencies develop and issue regulations.

Plaintiffs in the suit include the nonprofit Moms for America and individual plaintiffs who were injured by a COVID-19 vaccine, or whose loved one suffered injury or death from a COVID-19 vaccine.

According to the complaint, “This case is about the government’s failure to resolve conflicts involving Americans killed or grievously harmed while receiving healthcare during the COVID-19 pandemic.”

Defendants are the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration, HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra and President Joe Biden.

“As even The New York Times has recently acknowledged,” Jeff Childers, attorney for the plaintiffs, told The Defender, “too many Americans have been injured by the COVID vaccines and other rushed treatments, and now have no recourse, no help and no support. They can’t sue anybody, thanks to PREP.”

“PREP was poorly conceived, badly executed, and gave far too much power to unelected bureaucrats and executive agencies,” he added.

Childers wrote on Substack today that the PREP Act should “be crushed and burned to a cinder in the incinerator of history’s worst ideas.”

The lawsuit asks the court to declare the PREP Act unconstitutional and to declare that the HHS secretary’s actions in implementing the act violate the Administrative Procedure Act.

The suit also asks the court to declare that the plaintiffs can sue companies like Pfizer and Moderna in federal and state courts. It also seeks compensation for attorney fees.

COVID Revealed How Bad PREP Act Is for Americans

In 2005, Congress passed the PREP Act in a defense appropriations bill after then-President George W. Bush gave a “passionate speech about the nation’s lack of preparation for biowarfare and pandemics,” Childers told The Defender.

The PREP Act authorizes the HHS secretary to declare that “a disease or other health condition or other threat to health constitutes a public health emergency.” It also grants a “covered person” immunity from legal liability for all claims for loss relating to the administration or use of “countermeasures,” such as drugs, biological products, medical devices and vaccines.

“Before COVID,” Childers said, “it was barely used.”

Kim Mack Rosenberg, general counsel for Children’s Health Defense, told The Defender the COVID-19 pandemic has “shined a bright light” on the PREP Act.

“I think it is safe to say,” she said, “most Americans had no idea that as COVID vaccines were developed and rolled out at ‘warp speed’ — and in many instances mandated or taken by individuals based on fear-mongering — and as medications such as remdesivir were forced on many patients, that if they were harmed or died as a result of these interventions they would be essentially left with no remedy.”

The PREP Act set up the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP) court where those injured by COVID-19 countermeasures can bring their claims.

Injuries related to vaccines that are not considered countermeasures to a public health emergency are handled by the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program and its court, according to the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986.

Childers called the CICP court an “unconstitutional shadow court” in which “a secret bureaucracy denies 99% of claims and awards the ‘lucky few’ with pennies on the dollar.”

As of June 1, CICP had received 13,773 claims and issued decisions for only 3,363 of those claims. The program denied 3,271 of the claims.

Thirteen of the claims awarded were for injuries suffered from a COVID-19 vaccine. Less than $10,000 was awarded for each of the claims, with the total payout for all 13 claims amounting to less than $50,000.

“In other words,” he said, “PREP cuts normal Constitutional courts out of the process, replacing them with a poor, unconstitutional substitute.”

PREP has already done “massive damage,” Childers said, “by turning normal commercial incentives inside-out and deleting due process.”

He added, “We must get help to millions of people discarded by the system, and prevent this disaster from ever happening again.”

The Florida lawsuit calls out CICP’s “breathtakingly short” one-year statute of limitations for:

“Injuries caused by unknown, unknowable, and non-existent vaccine products and technologies. Even to receive program compensation, the Act requires causation to be proved based on established science for those same novel products and technologies. Most medical studies take years to conduct, be drafted, be peer-reviewed, and to be published. It is irrational to believe that a person taking a covered countermeasure could possibly have access to published medical/scientific studies within the one-year statute of limitation.”

Lawsuit Is 1 of 3 Suits Challenging PREP Act

Childers’ lawsuit is one of three active cases challenging the PREP Act, according to attorney Ray Flores who on May 31 filed a separate lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD), which oversaw the development and distribution of the drug under Operation Warp Speed.

In addition to the suits filed by Childers and Flores, attorney Aaron Siri in October 2023 sued HHS and other government agencies on behalf of React19 — an advocacy group whose 36,000-plus members were injured by the COVID-19 vaccines — and eight vaccine-injured individuals.

Flores told The Defender, “The PREP Act and the Department of Defense’s Operation Warp Speed are indeed acts of war on our own — hundreds of thousands of civilian casualties, violations of the Nuremberg Code, and essentially no monetary recourse for their experimenting on humanity at large.”

Flores added, “I applaud Mr. Siri and Mr. Childers for raising awareness with the public, with the courts, on Capitol Hill and in the press.”

When the Defender reached out to HHS for comment on the lawsuit, an HHS spokesperson who chose to remain anonymous said the agency cannot comment on ongoing litigation.

The Defender reached out to the White House for comment on the suit but did not receive a response by deadline.


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Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D., is a reporter and researcher for The Defender based in Fairfield, Iowa.

Featured image is from CHD

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

You may also access the online version of the e-Book by clicking here.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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Spread the Truth, Refer a Friend to Global Research


Excerpt from the Rasmussen Reports (June 21, 2024):

Nearly a quarter of those who got vaccinated against COVID-19 regret it, and a third agree with a medical expert’s condemnation of the vaccine as deadly.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 24% of American Adults who got at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccine regret getting vaccinated against the virus. Sixty-nine percent (69%) of vaccine recipients have no regrets about it. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

In January 2023, cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough said: “The vaccine is killing people, and is killing large numbers of people.” Thirty-three percent (33%) of American Adults agree with that statement, including 16% who Strongly Agree. Fifty-seven percent (57%) disagree, including 39% who Strongly Disagree. Another 11% are not sure.

The survey of 1,232 American Adults was conducted June 10-12, 2024 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC. See methodology.

Seventeen percent (17%) have a lot of trust for the medical and pharmaceutical industries, 37% say they have some trust, 25% don’t have much trust and 18% have no trust at all in the medical and pharmaceutical industries.

Twenty-five percent (25%) of American Adults say they never took the COVID-19 vaccine, while 14% got only one dose, 20% got more than one vaccine and 38% got the vaccine plus one or more booster shots.

Click here to read the full report.


The survey of 1,223 American Adults was conducted June 13 and 16-17, 2024 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC. See methodology.

My Take…

  • 25% of Americans claim they never took the COVID-19 Vaccine
  • 33% of Americans believe COVID-19 Vaccines are killing people
  • 24% of Americans regret getting the COVID-19 Vaccine
  • 69% of COVID-19 jabbed have NO REGRETS
  • 38% of Americans had COVID-19 Vaccine booster shots
    • ONLY 10% of the boosted believe COVID-19 Vaccines are killing people
    • ONLY 10% of the boosted have regrets about getting the jab (vs 43% who got one jab)
    • 80% of the boosted have trust in the medical & pharmaceutical industries.

The majority of the population is sound asleep.

69% have no regrets in getting DNA Contaminated COVID-19 Vaccines. This is extremely high.

Only 33% believe COVID-19 Vaccines are killing high numbers of people – this is still much too low!

Once you’ve had at least one booster shot, it seems you are lost forever.  

I like this survey, I believe it is accurate. It shows that even though 33% of the population is awake, we still have at least 50% of the population sound asleep (75% took the jabs x 69% have no regrets = 52% of the population).


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.  

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

You may also access the online version of the e-Book by clicking here.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

Minors Taking Guns in Ukraine While Terrorists Enter Europe

July 8th, 2024 by Lucas Leiroz de Almeida

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Spread the Truth, Refer a Friend to Global Research


In addition to the military, political and economic problems affecting Ukraine, several serious social issues are beginning to emerge day by day. Now, data shows that juvenile crime is increasing exponentially in the country, which is a direct result of the decline in the quality of life and the irresponsible militarization of civil society.

A report by UNICEF – the UN agency responsible for caring for children and adolescents – indicated that child and juvenile crime in Ukraine is expanding, having reached about 63% growth in recent times. In at least 27 Ukrainian districts, children and adolescents have already been seen using weapons, which has worried local authorities.

Interestingly, the UNICEF report was deleted shortly after its publication, which is not surprising, considering that international organizations have been increasingly co-opted by the Collective West. In addition, it should be emphasized that the reasons for the increase in child crime are deeply related to the fact that the country is receiving massive quantities of Western weapons, which are constantly sold on the black market by corrupt officials – and then end up in the hands of criminals and terrorists inside and outside Ukraine. Many criminal networks recruit children and teenagers into their networks, which explains why so many minors are using weapons in Ukraine today.

In addition, it should be remembered that the Kiev regime literally distributed weapons to the population for free under the argument that citizens should participate in a so-called “popular resistance” against the Russian “invasion”. As a result, ordinary people without military training began to acquire weapons, including minors. The situation becomes even more serious due to the fact that many children have been brainwashed with anti-Russian and neo-Nazi ideology in Ukraine over the past ten years, with fascist and racist doctrines being taught in schools and in children’s special training camps.

Ukrainian authorities have repeatedly reported that they are unable to maintain control over all the weapons circulating in the country. Both Western equipment that was handed over to the military and Ukrainian weapons that were given to civilians are circulating freely in Ukraine, without any official control over their owners.

Since the beginning of the special military operation, the Ukrainian Investigative Department has reported that the following weapons have “disappeared”:

  • 42,000 automatic rifles;
  • 20,000 pistols;
  • more than 6,000 grenade launchers (including half a thousand foreign ones);
  • about 6,500 machine guns, more than 150 MANPADS (including Stingers);
  • 250 ATGMs (including Javelin and NLAW);
  • a dozen and a half artillery pieces.

In addition to the weapons that are illegally flowing in Ukraine, it is necessary to mention that various military equipment are being sold on the black market abroad. Several weapons supplied by the United States to Ukraine have already been found in such regions as Africa, the Middle East and even Western Europe. Currently, at least 630,000 weapons are “wanted” by the Ukrainian authorities, probably being abroad, including:

  • 89,412 units of assault rifles, of which: 82,936 different modifications of the Kalashnikov assault rifle, assault rifles of caliber 5.56 – 1,139 of which the largest number are “M4A1” (317 units);
  • 12,020 grenade launchers, of which: 5,780 RPG 7 units of various modifications; 4,164 “GP 25” units; 357 AGS 17 units, 206 SPG 9 units;
  • 307 MANPADS, incl. 22 Stinger MANPADS, other modifications of Strela (15) and Igla (270) MANPADS;
  • 268 ATGM, incl. 68 “NLAW”, 43 “JAVELIN”;
  • 44 artillery pieces, incl. 8 D44 guns, 13 2A42 guns (installed on BMP-2, BMD-3), 4 2A38 guns (installed on Tunguska and Pantsyr-S1 air defense missile systems), 9 2A28 guns (installed on BMP-1), 4 “ZTM2” automatic weapons (installed on BTR-3U, BMP armored personnel carriers);
  • 12,103 machine guns, incl. 382 Browning machine guns, 201 MG42 machine guns of various modifications, 167 Maxim machine guns, 640 Degtyarev infantry machine guns of various modifications;
  • 61,298 pistols of various modifications;
  • 3,127 edged weapons (knives, sabers, swords, checkers, crossbows).

In addition to the fact that weapons sent to Ukraine are ending up in the hands of criminals inside and outside the country, Kiev is also becoming a point of interest for terrorist networks. Illegal extremist groups use Ukrainian territory to enter and leave Europe. Both weapons and militants frequently cross through Ukraine to ensure a terrorist presence in the EU – mainly through infiltration in the wave of migration generated by the conflict.

All of this data only corroborates something that has long been said by experts: the cost of war with Russia is very high and will be paid jointly by Ukraine and the EU. By adhering to the US war plans, Ukrainians and Europeans have consented to their own tragic fates.


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This article was originally published on VT Foreign Policy.

Lucas Leiroz is a Brazilian journalist, geopolitical analyst. Graduated from the Cultural Extension Program of the Brazilian War College. Researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies. Professionally, he works as a journalist and geopolitical analyst. Researcher in the “Crisis, Development and International Relations” research group at the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro. At the invitation of the Russian Delegation in Geneva, he presented a report on the use of chemical weapons by the Ukrainian Armed Forces at the 52nd Session of the UN Human Rights Council and at the OSCE’s “Supplementary Discussions”.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research. You can follow Lucas on X (formerly Twitter) and Telegram.

Featured image source

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Spread the Truth, Refer a Friend to Global Research


On June 18 in Detroit at the St. Matthew’s-St. Joseph’s Episcopal Church, five veteran women organizers from the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) and the Northern Student Movement, spoke on the significance of their struggles during 1964.

These panelists were Dorothy Dewberry-Aldridge; Martha Prescod Norman Noonan; Diane Lewis; Muriel Tillinghast; and Marilyn Lowen. All of these women have decades of experience and study related to the movements for Civil Juneteenth, a more than a century-and-a-half commemoration which marks the end of chattel enslavement of African people in the state of Texas, has since 2021 been designated as an official national holiday. In recent years Juneteenth has been widely celebrated in various iterations.



The holiday had been celebrated largely in the southern U.S. and eventually spread rapidly throughout the country. Just four years ago in the midst of the demonstrations and rebellions in response to the police execution of George Floyd, hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets in various municipalities to reclaim the holiday.

Nearly a century after the conclusion of the Civil War (1861-1865) and the failure of Federal Reconstruction (1866-1877), the modern mass Civil Rights Movement would emerge. By 1963-64, the movement led by African Americans, had won the attention and support of millions throughout the U.S. and internationally.

When the African American youth and workers went into the streets of numerous cities including Birmingham, Alabama; Cambridge, Maryland; Danville, Virginia; Sommerville, Tennessee; to only mention a few, it would set the stage for a campaign to register tens of thousands of disenfranchised people living in the state of Mississippi. The Council of Federated Organizations (COFO) had been formed in Mississippi as early as 1961-62 as a coalition of groupings including SNCC, the Congress on Racial Equality (CORE), the state National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC).

According to the SNCC Digital archives it says of the formation of COFO that:

“Youthful activism began accelerating in the ‘closed society’ of Mississippi in the early 1960s, and it increasingly centered on community organizing. Bob Moses, sent by SCLC’s executive director Ella Baker, had quietly entered the Mississippi Delta in the summer of 1960 and began conversations with local NAACP leader Amzie Moore. He promised to return to Mississippi the following year. When Moses returned, Amzie Moore sent him to McComb. Moore had introduced the Harlem-native to the need for a voter registration program, and Moses began that work in McComb as a SNCC field secretary; it was SNCC’s first voter registration project. Bob Moses, now developing Moore’s ideas, began forming a grassroots community organizing template that became key to SNCC and later COFO’s organizing efforts across the state.”

Noonan described visiting Greenwood, Mississippi during 1963 when while walking down the street returning from purchasing paper for printing flyers, she and another activist, Willie Wazir Peacock, witnessed Byron De La Beckwith being congratulated by white people in the city. She was told that he was the man who had murdered NAACP Field Secretary Medgar Evers just weeks before.

Image: Marilyn Lowen speaks at Juneteenth and Freedom Summer forum, June 18, 2024 

The assassination by De La Beckwith of Evers prompted anger throughout the South and the rest of the U.S. In Detroit on June 23, 1963, the largest demonstration for Civil Rights in U.S. history was held where an estimated crowd of 125,000-250,000 were in attendance. Just two months later, the March on Washington convened where the turnout was comparable to what transpired in Detroit.

By 1964, planning for the Freedom Summer campaign was well underway. Aldridge noted that she had been charged with signing up volunteers in Detroit. She was working at the Friends of SNCC office in the city. Prior to this Aldridge was also a member of the Northern Student Movement along with other activists including Frank Joyce of Detroit and William Strickland of New York City.

Now retired Atty. Denise Lewis recounted that in 1964, she was an undergraduate student at Barnard College in New York. Her work in Mississippi during that summer was centered around the Freedom Schools.

“It was an education for me because of the knowledge acquired through the orientation for the project,” she said. Lewis pointed out that the classes taught in Mississippi documented the historic denial of political and economic rights for the African American people. Since this time period, Lewis emphasized that the teaching of African American history has remained an important aspect of her professional life. ((18) Freedom Schools WIP – YouTube)

Tillinghast spoke about her work with COFO which was spread throughout three counties in Mississippi. She would later serve as director of the COFO office in the state capital of Jackson.Prior to working in Mississippi, Tillinghast had spent time in the South American state of Guyana where she saw first-hand the efforts of the U.S. aimed at demonizing the progressive forces as “communists”. She said the motivation of the Civil Rights Movement was to break down all aspects of discrimination and oppression in the U.S.

A central focus of the Freedom Summer project was to recruit people into the alternative Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (MFDP). The party challenged the segregationist exclusion from electoral politics by the all-white Democratic Party. 80,000 people signed up for the MFDP.

The MFDP took its delegation of 68 people to the Democratic National Convention held that year in Atlantic City, New Jersey. Their objective was to appeal to the credentials committee to unseat the racist Democratic Party delegation from the state of Mississippi. In an attempt to work out a compromise, the Johnson administration offered two seats at-large to the MFDP while pledging to change the rules to abolish discrimination by the next convention in 1968. (See this)

A meeting was held at the Union Baptist Church prior to the conclusion of the DNC where national leaders including Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., President of the SCLC; Atty. Joseph Rauh, Chief Counsel for the UAW and the MFDP delegation; among others, attempted to convince the MFDP to accept the compromise offered by the credential committee. Mrs. Fannie Lou Hamer, the Vice-Chair of the MFDP, had spoken to the credentials committee outlining the racial terrorism the Civil Rights Movement activists were subjected to in the state.

After the delegation voted to reject the compromise, Mrs. Hamer said “we did not come this far for no two seats. We are tired.” The MFDP left the DNC after making attempts to occupy the seats vacated by the segregationist Mississippi delegation which refused to accept the pledge to end discrimination within the state party. They, in fact, left Atlantic City angry and later openly campaigned for the Republican Party candidate Barry Goldwater who opposed the Civil Rights Act passed just one month before in Washington. (See this)

Lowen went to Mississippi after Freedom Summer in the Spring of 1965. She worked in the Child Development Group or Mississippi which was established as a concession from the Johnson administration resulting from the mobilizations of the Civil Rights Movement. (See this)

Lowen at the June 18 meeting read a poem paying tribute to Ben Chaney who passed away in February 2024 and was eulogized in an obituary published by the New York Amsterdam News. Chaney had left the state of Mississippi and moved to New York in the aftermath of the murder of his older brother. Chaney would later join the Black Panther Party (BPP) and the Black Liberation Army (BLA). He served over a decade in prison as a result of his political activities. (See this)

The Murders of Andrew Goodman, Michael Schwerner and James Chaney

During the first week of the Freedom Summer Project while many volunteers were still undergoing orientation at the Western College for Women in Oxford, Ohio, news came of the disappearance of three Civil Rights workers. Two of the volunteers missing were white and from New York City, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner. James Chaney was an African American from the state of Mississippi.

The media reports on the apparent kidnapping and possible lynching of these three youth sent shockwaves to the Freedom Summer volunteers and their supporters throughout the country. Aldridge said that despite this horrible news, all of the people who had committed to the project vowed to continue.

After 44 days of searching, the bodies of Goodman, Chaney and Schwerner were found in an earthen dam. Their murders were carried out by white police officers, many of whom were members of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK).

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was signed by President Lyndon B. Johnson into law. Theoretically it provided for equal access to public accommodations, voting and employment while prohibiting discrimination based upon race, religion, national origin and gender. At the time it was hailed as the most comprehensive legislation on Civil Rights since the period of Reconstruction between 1866-1875.

Nonetheless, discrimination and other forms of national oppression continued in the areas of school segregation and voting rights. The Voting Rights Act of 1965, passed in the aftermath of the Selma Campaign which reached its zenith in March of that year, ostensibly outlawed discriminatory practices regarding access to the franchise and the capacity of African American communities to register and elect representatives of their own choosing.

Implications of Freedom Summer Six Decades Later

Aldridge mentioned that the U.S. Supreme Court in its decision in the Shelby V. Holder (2013) ruling struck down the enforcement provisions of the Voting Rights Act. Today in 2024, there are ongoing challenges from the right-wing in the South and other regions of the country to repeal the principles outlined in the original bill signed into law on August 6, 1965, by President Johnson.

In the realm of education, there are efforts to once again restrict and eliminate the teaching of African American Studies along with the actual history of other oppressed groups including Latin Americans and Women. Book bans have been instituted in various municipalities in the U.S.

All of the panelists agreed that the struggle for full equality and self-determination continues. This discussion was important in light of the upcoming national elections in November where the outcome remains uncertain due to the divisions within the Democratic Party electorate and the threats posed by the Republicans headed by former President Donald Trump.

Resources on Freedom Summer and the Civil Rights Movement:


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Abayomi Azikiwe is the editor of the Pan-African News Wire. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.  

All images in this article are from the author

¡Alto A La Invasión De Los Océanos!

July 8th, 2024 by Mouris Salloum George

In Westminster at Last: The Threat of Nigel Farage

July 8th, 2024 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

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“This is the inflection point,” warned Nigel Farage last month as he assumed the reins of power at the incarnated Reform UK party, standard bearer of the often inchoate group known as the hard right of British politics.  “The only wasted vote is a Conservative one.  We are the challengers to Labour.  We are on our way.”

On July 4, an important stop was made on that way.  A figure who had exerted more influence on British politics outside the houses of Parliament than any other this century, a figure who had conspicuously failed in getting elected despite seven previous efforts, had finally convinced voters he was electable.

The new member for the Essex seat of Clacton had unseated the Conservative candidate, Giles Watling, who had held the seat since 2017.  The margin was impressive: 21,225 votes to Watling’s 12,820.

To keep him company in the House of Commons will be such colleagues as Richard Tice, Reform’s chair, along with former Southampton football club chairman Rupert Lowe, and former Conservative deputy chair Lee Anderson.  They now form a snapping rearguard of politics that is not so much nipping at the heels of Britain’s oldest party as tearing it apart.

As the Tories contemplate their ruin and richly deserved defeat, the new Labour government of Sir Keir Starmer will find little time to relish the joys of victory.  Farage is already promising rapacious raids into enemy territory.  “We are coming for Labour … be in no doubt about that.”  While eschewing notions of working with the Conservatives, he offered an olive branch by way of invitation: Tory members could join Reform if they wished.

Commentators on Farage’s life have noted a streak of luck suggesting the blessings of the devil. He has cheated death, surviving car crashes, a plane crash and a misdiagnosis regarding testicular cancer.  The party that caught his eye, the UK Independence Party (Ukip), would have vanished into the suffocating arms of the larger Referendum party of James Goldsmith had the latter not perished to cancer 10 weeks after the 1997 election.  “Farage takes his chances, and though things often blow up – planes, parties, countries – he walks away and on to the next caper,” writes David Runciman.

Reform UK is certainly one such caper, and its somewhat anti-democratic operations, often chaotic, poorly organised and lacking any institutional framework, make its electoral returns even more remarkable.  But even on Farage’s side of politics, it is hard to mistake the fact that he has treated the party much like a political start-up, where he has assumed the role of director and majority shareholder.  Reform will, in time, require reform if it is to be a durable force.  Farage has admitted as much. 

“We have a structure.  We do have a constitution, but to build a branch structure, we have to give people the ability to choose candidates to vote.”

Durability, however, may have nothing to do with it.  As with many charismatic buffoonish party goers, he may leave when required to help with the cleaning up, leaving the washing to the snarling and fractious functionaries who fight over the leftovers and break the crockery.  This may well be Starmer’s hope.  It is certainly the assessment of Fraser Nelson in The Spectator.  “Whatever his intention, Farage has ended up serving as a purely destructive force.  He has become the nemesis, not the rejuvenator, of the causes he purports to care about.”

Otherwise, the threat is palpable, and comments by the new Business Secretary Jonathan Reynolds about Reform’s policies being like “Liz Truss in terms of the economy” and similar to “Russian positions in terms of … the war in Ukraine” are unhelpful.  Labour’s lack of clarity on how it will deal with the Channel crossings of irregular migrants is something Farage is salivating over.

Concerned about such matters, Tony Blair, Labour’s longest serving prime minister and overly remunerated circuit speaker, has been willing to offer the sort of advice in the Sunday Times he charges obscene amounts for.  His typically soupy ideas all go to trying to blunt the effect Reform will have in the next election.   

“We need a plan to control immigration.  If we don’t get rules, we get prejudices.”

Showing his recurrent fascination with surveillance (as the Coronavirus pandemic raged, Blair suggested adopting a “Covid Pass” to distinguish the anointed from the unwashed), a “digital ID” could be used to maintain the integrity of borders.  Law and order matters, another favourite of the New Labour era, also needed to be dealt with.  “At present, criminal elements are modernising faster than law enforcement.”  To round off the trifecta, it was also important that the Starmer government not succumb to “any vulnerability on ‘wokeism’.”

Farage is now in the temple of Westminster and, in time, hopes to bring it down.  He will woo, seduce and despoil, as he has done to a string of lovers and prominent figures he has lured to his camp over the years.  He will be remorselessly destructive.  For Labour and for those more progressive than Starmer’s stiffly starched set, the threat has been truly enlivened.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He currently lectures at RMIT University.  He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). Email: [email protected]

Featured image: Farage campaigning during the 2024 general election (Licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0)

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[First published by GR on July 1, 2024.]

The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) exposes the WEF’s long history of sexual harassment and discrimination (color, pregnancies, and new mothers) in an explosive story, published on 29 June 2024.

Both, discrimination and sexual harassment clashes with the WEF’s public stances. The WEF has repeatedly said and published articles about their anti-discrimination and anti-sexual-harassment position. It contradicts the WEF’s preached ideals of promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Sexual harassment is less surprising, if you know that the WEF’s Davos meeting every year in January, converts Davos into one huge luxury bordello. Local businesses and populations complain that the WEF meetings are harming Davos’s reputation.

See this and this.

According to the WSJ, the WEF declined making Schwab available for an interview.

WEF is the NGO cum world organization that wants to drastically reduce world population, because most of us are “useless eaters”, and convert the survivors into robots and transhumans, according to Klaus Schwab’s infamous ”4th Industrial Revolution”, whose main objective is an all-digitized world run by Artificial Intelligence (AI) – and where the few of us left, would “own nothing but be happy”.

It will not happen, Mr. Schwab. You are sitting on your own powder keg, in the form of a high tree’s branch which you cut yourself off, with your arrogance and endless drive for ever-more power, funded by the largely invisible, dark financial behemoths supporting your diabolical agenda.

The WSJ’s full article (about 15 minutes reading time), is an elaborate work of research with interviews of over 80 present and former WEF managers and staff – see this.

Click here to read the article on WSJ

Here are a few of the most flagrant examples of fraud, harassment and discrimination that has been going on – and growing as undisturbed – for more than 30 years. The extent of these crimes on humanity must be well known to the WEF’s host government, Switzerland. But nothing has happened, so far. To the contrary, the WEF enjoys tax free status and full diplomatic immunity.

The WEF claims officially its mission is to improve the state of the world. 

Mr. Schwab has recently stepped back from his active WEF Executive role, stating it was part of a long-planned transition. He said he would stay on as nonexecutive chairman of the board of trustees.

The Board of Trustees consists of about 30 members from various sectors of life, including cellist Yo-Yo Ma, Queen Rania Al Abdullah of Jordan, BlackRock’s Larry Fink, and the heads of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund, as well as the European Central Bank. BlackRock is the largest WEF funder and supporter.

Could it be that the impending release of this WSJ article helped prompting Schwab’s stepping in the back and becoming less visible?


Mr. Schwab (86), a few years ago singled out a group of employees over 50 years old and instructed his human resources (HR) chief to get rid of them all. This, he explained, would lower the average age of the workforce. The HR chief, a seasoned former World Bank executive declined, pointing out that there must be a reasonable explanation for firing somebody, such as poor performance. Shortly afterwards Schwab fired the HR chief.

Schwab discriminates not only against age, but also against pregnant women and colored people. In a known case among staffers, in 2017 Schwab appointed a young woman to lead an initiative for startups. She had discovered she was pregnant, and told Schwab about it. He got upset and told her she was not suited for the job and pushed her out, under the pretext that her leadership position was only a short trial period.

Sexual Harassment

Many female staff reported cases of sexual harassment to the HR and their management, often higher management. In most cases to no avail. They were either brushed off, transferred to lesser jobs, or let go altogether.

A female European staff, who worked in WEF’s Geneva office in the 2000s, said Schwab never crossed the line to physical contact with her, but that his pattern of suggestive remarks and behavior was “a horrible thing as a woman to go through.” Once, she said, he propped his leg up on her desk with his crotch in front of her face and told her he wished she was Hawaiian because he’d like to see her in a Hawaiian costume.

“I need to find you a man, and if I were not married, I would put myself on the top of that list,” Schwab told her more than once, she said.

A former senior WEF executive confirmed that the European woman told him about some of Schwab’s flirtatious comments to her not long after.

He and another WEF staff said they witnessed Schwab strike the crotch pose in front of the European lady and other women.

When asked by the WSJ, the WEF denied the charges, adding that Schwab does not know what a Hawaiian costume looks like.

Or this WSJ quote:

Old timers at the Forum [WEF] said Schwab liked to hire attractive people, who typically staffed the annual event at Davos. Former WEF executives said the situation was ripe for sexual harassment and that several staffers complained to them about inappropriate behavior by partners. There was even a term for sexual contact between VIPs and WEF staff, said a former employee: “white on blue action,” for the color of badges worn by the two parties.

And this:

Another woman, who joined the Forum in 2006, said she would receive texts from Forum partners saying, “You look pretty today” and asking to get a drink after the day’s events. She said she had to fend off one government minister who called her with a supposed problem in his hotel room.

“Our male colleagues received different kinds of messages from constituents, like do you know if there are any girls to go out with this evening,” she said. “We never really felt protected.” 

In 2018, another female staff complained to legal and HR that a manager asked her out for drinks after work and engaged in unwanted touching and forcible kissing. She told the WSJ, in the process she found out that she was not alone, that there were other women with similar issues. The Journal reviewed the e-mail correspondence for its correctness.

It took three years and many more complaints about the same manager, before he was eventually fired, but re-positioned immediately in a WEF partner organization.

Other managers receiving similar complaints, remain to this date in their unchallenged management positions.

Ms. Cheryl Martin, a former official with the US Energy Department, said she sought internal changes to address harassment issues during her time on the WEF’s managing board. She said she pushed to strengthen the code of conduct at Davos and encourage employees to report any harassment at the event. Her advocacy was viewed by Schwab and upper management as “overreaction”.

In 2018, she said, Schwab changed her job, stripping her of responsibilities, staff, and budget resources. She then resigned.


A lady employee in the WEF’s New York office, who joined the Forum in 2022, gave birth to twins. A week before returning to work from maternity leave, she was told that her job had been eliminated, even though she said she didn’t have any performance-related issues. She was offered a six-month temporary position.

She said, within weeks, the WEF hired a replacement to fill a similar role she was told was eliminated.

“It is a psychologically violent institution, and I don’t understand how they have the credibility to write this Gender Gap report and dictate how economies and industries are run globally,” she said.

Black employees also complain that they are segregated from attending the Davos meeting, even though they were in the Davos preparation team, like their white colleagues, who did go to Davos. They know that sending young, good-looking white people to Davos, was one of the WEF’s policies.

The WEF’s HR brushed it off, saying that who goes to Davos is determined by on-site needs.

On other recent occasions, two managers said the N-word in front of Black women working for them. One of the managers was Schwab’s longtime operations chief. Several employees complained about his off-color remarks, he made over the years. He was eventually fired, when he belittled a Black woman on his team in the open office. As he walked away, he said, “What can you expect from a N–.” He was finally fired after this incidence.


This thoroughly analyzed and explosive WEF report by the WSJ describes many more such incidences.

The world MUST know about the monsters that run the WEF, and who funds their diabolical actions. In tandem with the United Nations, in a cooperative agenda, signed in June 2019 by Klaus Schwab and Antonio Guterres, their depopulation.

They plan to do it, and are in the process of doing it – by any means they can find – fake plandemics, bio-weapons in the form of poisonous vaccines, famine by killing agriculture worldwide, controlling food supply, and not least – the absolute and criminal hoax of “climate change”, based on the most sophisticated geoengineering technologies, and anything and everything that can be invented and lied being related to it, indoctrinated in human brains since at least the 1972 published Club of Rome report, “Limits to Growth”.

People, be aware what kind of criminals are attempting to run – or reduce – the lives of the world’s 8.1 billion people!

Thanks to the WSJ, evidence is on the table.


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Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.

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Kiev continua a sua prática de chantagem nuclear na cidade russa de Energodar, região de Zaporozhye, onde está localizada a maior central nuclear da Europa. Outro ataque brutal foi levado a cabo pelas forças ucranianas contra instalações nucleares, deixando vários feridos. Moscou tem relatado repetidamente sobre o interesse da Ucrânia em gerar terror nuclear nas Novas Regiões, impedindo a normalização da vida nos territórios libertados.

Em 3 de julho, o regime neonazista atacou as instalações da Central Nuclear de Zaporozhye (ZNPP) com drones kamikaze, ferindo pelo menos oito funcionários. As vítimas do ataque eram justamente integrantes de uma equipe que reparava os danos causados ​​pelos bombardeios anteriores. Um dos feridos está hospitalizado em estado grave.

A instalação atingida foi a subestação Raduga. Há duas semanas, a mesma unidade foi atingida por drones num ataque que foi inclusive observado por membros de uma equipe da Agência Internacional de Energia Atômica (AIEA). A agência confirmou que o atentado ocorreu, apesar da sua insistência em evitar acusações diretas contra o lado ucraniano. Os trabalhadores recentemente visados ​​estavam a restaurar a unidade danificada pelos ataques quando foram alvo de uma nova incursão terrorista por parte da Ucrânia.

Há poucos dias, outro ataque ucraniano ao ZNPP conseguiu destruir um dos principais sensores da usina. O equipamento é necessário para medir os níveis de radiação e assim permitir o controle de segurança durante as atividades da usina. A intenção deliberada da Ucrânia de destruir este tipo de maquinaria mostra que o regime de Kiev planeja perturbar o trabalho dos funcionários e impedi-los de manter os níveis de controle necessários – visando assim gerar pânico sobre possíveis vazamentos.

Os ataques ao ZNPP não são novidade. Desde 2022, a usina tem sido um dos alvos preferidos do regime neonazista. Quase diariamente, drones e projéteis de artilharia atingem as instalações nucleares, criando um medo constante sobre a possibilidade de um acidente radioativo. A AIEA confirma a frequência dos bombardeios, além de ter afirmado recentemente que não existem armas russas no entorno da usina fortes o suficiente para gerar esse tipo de impacto – corroborando tacitamente que os ataques vêm de áreas sob controle ucraniano.

“O uso de drones contra a usina e seus arredores está se tornando cada vez mais frequente. Isto é completamente inaceitável e vai contra os pilares de segurança e princípios concretos que foram aceitos por unanimidade”, disse Rafael Grossi, chefe da agência atômica da ONU, após uma das suas recentes visitas a Zaporozhye.

É importante ressaltar que a Federação Russa é o único lado do conflito que está disposto a mostrar a verdade sobre o que está acontecendo no Energodar, convidando constantemente observadores e jornalistas internacionais para visitar o local. Eu próprio participei numa recente expedição de imprensa a Zaporozhye e vi a realidade no terreno. Durante minha viagem, pude observar como os funcionários da usina trabalham constantemente para evitar que os danos causados ​​pelos ataques alterem os níveis de produção de energia.

Tive a oportunidade de visitar algumas das instalações críticas da central, vendo os reatores e algumas das unidades atingidas pelas forças ucranianas. Os destroços de drones e mísseis estão expostos na fábrica, mostrando que os ataques são realizados com equipamentos ucranianos e ocidentais. Além disso, os funcionários explicaram que é improvável que esses ataques causem algum tipo de vazamento. A estrutura da planta é extremamente robusta e preparada para qualquer evento. O principal problema, porém, é explicar esses detalhes técnicos às pessoas comuns.

Especialistas e observadores entendem como os ataques ucranianos são inúteis para causar vazamentos. No entanto, as pessoas comuns não têm conhecimento de como uma usina realmente funciona e, portanto, tendem a temer que ocorra algum tipo de acidente. Para os moradores de Zaporozhye, ver mísseis e drones caindo sobre a usina todos os dias é obviamente motivo de medo e terror. Muitos dos moradores da região tinham parentes afetados pela tragédia nuclear de Chernobyl, décadas atrás, e temem que algo assim aconteça novamente.

Kiev espera que este medo se converta em pensamentos políticos e em oposição ao governo russo. No cálculo estratégico ucraniano, quanto mais medo o povo tiver, maior pressão haverá sobre Moscou para pôr fim à operação militar especial. A realidade, porém, mostra que esta lógica está errada. Quanto mais são atacados, mais os cidadãos das Novas Regiões da Rússia apoiam as ações militares.

Após dez anos de sofrimento devido à guerra travada pela junta de Kiev, a população local não tem outra esperança senão a vitória militar absoluta. Para os russos comuns, é cada vez mais claro que a vitória é a única forma de acabar com o terror – não apenas em Zaporozhye, mas em todas as Novas Regiões da Federação.

Lucas Leiroz de Almeida


Artigo em inglês : Ukraine worsens its attacks on ZNPP, injuring personnel and destroying critical machinery, InfoBrics, 4 de Julho de 2024.

Imagém : InfoBrics


Lucas Leiroz, membro da Associação de Jornalistas do BRICS, pesquisador do Centro de Estudos Geoestratégicos, especialista militar.

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Além dos problemas militares, políticos e económicos que afetam a Ucrânia, vários problemas sociais graves começam a surgir dia após dia. Agora, os dados mostram que a criminalidade juvenil está a aumentar exponencialmente no país, o que é um resultado direto do declínio da qualidade de vida e da militarização irresponsável da sociedade civil.

Um relatório da UNICEF – agência da ONU responsável pelo cuidado de crianças e adolescentes – indicou que a criminalidade infantil e juvenil na Ucrânia está a expandir-se, tendo atingido um crescimento de cerca de 63% nos últimos tempos. Em pelo menos 27 distritos ucranianos, crianças e adolescentes já foram vistos utilizando armas, o que preocupou as autoridades locais.

Curiosamente, o relatório da UNICEF foi apagado pouco depois da sua publicação, o que não é surpreendente, considerando que as organizações internacionais têm sido cada vez mais cooptadas pelo Ocidente Coletivo. Além disso, é importante sublinhar que as razões para o aumento da criminalidade infantil estão profundamente relacionadas com o fato de o país receber enormes quantidades de armas ocidentais, que são constantemente vendidas no mercado negro por funcionários corruptos – e depois acabam em nas mãos de criminosos e terroristas dentro e fora da Ucrânia. Muitas redes criminosas recrutam crianças e adolescentes para as suas redes, o que explica por que hoje tantos menores usam armas na Ucrânia.

Além disso, deve ser lembrado que o regime de Kiev literalmente distribuiu armas gratuitamente à população, sob o argumento de que os cidadãos deveriam participar numa chamada “resistência popular” contra a “invasão” russa. Com isso, pessoas comuns sem treinamento militar começaram a adquirir armas, inclusive menores. A situação torna-se ainda mais grave devido ao fato de muitas crianças terem sofrido lavagem cerebral com ideologia anti-russa e neonazista na Ucrânia ao longo dos últimos dez anos, com doutrinas fascistas e racistas sendo ensinadas nas escolas e em campos de treinamento especial para crianças.

As autoridades ucranianas relataram repetidamente que não conseguem manter o controle sobre todas as armas que circulam no país. Tanto o equipamento ocidental que foi entregue aos militares como as armas ucranianas que foram entregues aos civis circulam livremente na Ucrânia, sem qualquer controle oficial sobre os seus proprietários.

Desde o início da operação militar especial, o Departamento de Investigação Ucraniano informou que as seguintes armas “desapareceram”:

⁃ 42.000 rifles automáticos;

⁃ 20.000 pistolas;

⁃ mais de 6.000 lançadores de granadas (incluindo meio milhar estrangeiros);

⁃ cerca de 6.500 metralhadoras, mais de 150 MANPADS (incluindo Stingers);

⁃ 250 ATGMs (incluindo Javelin e NLAW);

⁃ uma dúzia e meia de peças de artilharia.

Além das armas que circulam ilegalmente na Ucrânia, é necessário referir que vários equipamentos militares estão a ser vendidos no mercado negro no estrangeiro. Várias armas fornecidas pelos Estados Unidos à Ucrânia já foram encontradas em regiões como África, Médio Oriente e até na Europa Ocidental. Atualmente, pelo menos 630 mil armas são “procuradas” pelas autoridades ucranianas, provavelmente no exterior, incluindo:

⁃ 89.412 unidades de fuzis de assalto, das quais: 82.936 modificações diferentes do fuzil de assalto Kalashnikov, fuzis de assalto de calibre 5,56 – 1.139 dos quais o maior número são “M4A1” (317 unidades);

⁃ 12.020 lançadores de granadas, sendo: 5.780 unidades RPG 7 de diversas modificações; 4.164 unidades “GP 25”; 357 unidades AGS 17, 206 unidades SPG 9;

⁃ 307 MANPADS, incl. 22 Stinger MANPADS, outras modificações de Strela (15) e Igla (270) MANPADS;

⁃ 268 ATGM, incl. 68 “NLAW”, 43 “JAVELIN”;

⁃ 44 peças de artilharia, incl. 8 canhões D44, 13 canhões 2A42 (instalados no BMP-2, BMD-3), 4 canhões 2A38 (instalados nos sistemas de mísseis de defesa aérea Tunguska e Pantsyr-S1), 9 canhões 2A28 (instalados no BMP-1), 4 “ZTM2” armas automáticas (instaladas em veículos blindados BTR-3U, BMP);

⁃ 12.103 metralhadoras, incl. 382 metralhadoras Browning, 201 metralhadoras MG42 de várias modificações, 167 metralhadoras Maxim, 640 metralhadoras de infantaria Degtyarev de várias modificações;

⁃ 61.298 pistolas de diversas modificações;

⁃ 3.127 armas afiadas (facas, sabres, espadas, damas, bestas).

Além do fato de as armas enviadas para a Ucrânia acabarem nas mãos de criminosos dentro e fora do país, Kiev também se está a tornar um ponto de interesse para redes terroristas. Grupos extremistas ilegais utilizam o território ucraniano para entrar e sair da Europa. Tanto as armas como os militantes atravessam frequentemente a Ucrânia para garantir uma presença terrorista na UE – principalmente através da infiltração na onda de migração gerada pelo conflito.

Todos estes dados apenas corroboram algo que há muito é dito pelos especialistas: o custo da guerra com a Rússia é muito elevado e será pago conjuntamente pela Ucrânia e pela UE. Ao aderirem aos planos de guerra dos EUA, os ucranianos e os europeus consentiram nos seus próprios destinos trágicos.

Lucas Leiroz de Almeida



Imagém : Batalhão de Azov 2015.


Lucas Leiroz, membro da Associação de Jornalistas do BRICS, pesquisador do Centro de Estudos Geoestratégicos, especialista militar.

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The West’s Lunatic Woke Agenda

July 7th, 2024 by Stephen Karganovic

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New Year Donation Drive: Global Research Is Committed to the “Unspoken Truth”


First published on January 19, 2024

Introductory Note 

Important article by Stephen Karganovic.

What is the the unspoken agenda of Woke Lunacy? Does it emanate from the WEF?  See this

  • Derogate fundamental human rights by creating Woke conflicts;
  • Create stylized social divisions which ultimately undermine broader acts of solidarity and resistance against the hegemony of the “Big Money” financial establishment.
  • Woke Lunacy also serves to distract people from the ramped poverty and social inequality triggered by the corona crisis, not to mention  the devastating impacts of the Covid-19 vaccine on excess mortality. 


Michel Chossudovsky. Global Research, January 19, 2023


Not one of the items that follow will strike a typical resident of the “collective West,” aka the 14 percent of the world that styles itself as the “international community,” as inherently improbable or even odd in many instances. They have grown accustomed to it; it is part of their everyday landscape.

Here, for illustrative purposes, is a select but representative sample of policies and prescribed behaviours that in that bizarre but thankfully shrinking part of the world have come to constitute the new normal.

Five Selected Woke Policies

1. In order to maintain the fiction that in their attributes men and  women are physiologically indistinguishable, the Canadian government has mandated the installation of tampon dispensers in men’s bathrooms. The empirical fact that men have no use for tampons is trumped by ideology, which dictates categorically that they do because it is dogmatically prescribed that men do menstruate and are furthermore able to give birth to babies. People who believe themselves to be something they are not, and claim that their subjective self-perception overrides reality, are politically empowered to cancel empirical observation and the conclusions reached by scientists who perform accurate, verifiable research.

2. Also on the ideological reality chopping block is terminology that points to pre-woke, common sense notions about natural relations between human beings. “Mother” and “father, “expressions that allude to the manifestly different roles of parents in the process of conception and nurture of offspring, in the woke-controlled universe have been forcibly replaced by designations “parent no. 1” and “parent no. 2,” invented to hide those facts. Now the Methodist Church of Great Britain has gone a step farther, to label terms “husband” and “wife” offensive. Inspired by inclusivity, the technical rationale for this departure from normalcy is “to avoid making assumptions” that are not “the reality for many people.”

3. The avant-garde state of California has passed a law that takes effect this year, AB 1084, requiring large retail stores to include gender neutral toy sections or face fines and other punishments. The new law will place an additional undue burden on retailers and will have the foreseeable economic impact of raising the price of toys generally for normal families and their children. Incidentally, it is anybody’s guess what the definition of gender neutral toys is and whether there is a market for such items. But in a parallel universe governed by ideological delusions these are inconsequential details.

4. In Britain, the country where the novel 1984, which introduced the notion of thought crime, had been written, the first literal thought crime prosecutions have recently been instituted. Isabel Vaughan Spruce, Director of UK March for Life, so far has been cited by the police three times and taken to court for silently praying in front of abortion clinics. Readers should note that her arrests were triggered not by speech or conduct but for an “objectionable” activity that was purely mental. British authorities did not contest her right as a citizen (or royal subject, if you wish) to be in the public space where she was detained. Detention and prosecution were based entirely on their perception of what allegedly was going on in her mind, in the proximity of an abortion clinic, which the authorities considered might be provocative and perturbing to the consumers of the clinic’s services. Readers should be aware that in common law the concept of thought transgression does not exist and that so far the British Parliament has not given statutory expression to such an offence. Nevertheless, an actual person presumably endowed with human rights has been subjected to persecution for objectively unprovable thoughts in order to enforce a legally non-existent norm. But that is the new normal, the rules based order of woke jurisprudence now taking shape in the land that once prided itself on upholding the “rights of Englishmen,” no matter how eccentric. Even the KGB in the old days could not have made this up.

5. Returning to avant-garde California, award-winning Glendale fifth-grade teacher Ray Shelton was suspended for refusing to acquiesce to male students who “identify” as girls stripping naked in front of female students in the girls’ changing room. For opposing the transgender agenda in his school Shelton lost his job. It made no difference that female students and their parents fully supported him and also vehemently objected to these aggressive displays of opposite sex nudity. Glendale happens to be a heavily Armenian suburb of Los Angeles and its overwhelmingly normal residents are unacculturated to progressive Western values. They reacted with consternation to the state-orchestrated sexualisation of their children. Their protests, however, were to no avail. Shelton is now suing the state for damages. Good luck, in the judicial system of the deranged state of California.

These morsels of lunacy might be regarded as the tragicomical final stage in the collapse of a suicidal civilisation except for the fact that by means of highhanded political manipulation and arrogant agenda imposition even nations and cultures which still retain a residue of sanity are being cowed into submission and drawn into the abyss. Let Serbia serve as an instructive case study, foreshadowing the contours of the coming dystopia.

Serbia. Submission to the World Economic Forum

[The Prime Minister of Serbia Ana Brnabić was Member of Klaus Schwab‘s Young Leaders Forum in 2016-2017. She was appointed Prime Minister of Serbia in June 2017. G.R. Editor]

Ana Brnabić. Image Right

For a number of years already and to the utter disgust of its citizens the Serbian government has been signalling its submission to Western values by allowing the parade that the Russian government has had the good sense to prohibit. But that is the least of it. Under the radar, Serbia’s colonial administration recently reconfirmed its fealty to the foreign masters by passing a gender equality law with severely restrictive provisions, copy/pasted from analogous legislation already in effect in the aforementioned 14 percent and shrinking portion of the known world.

As of April of this year, on pain of heavy penalties, in all gender related matters Serbs will be required to mimic their collective West models. The educational system, including textbooks, and all public sector communication will be reorganised to reflect the newly mandated guidelines. The imposition of gender sensitive language, including pronouns, ranks high on this agenda. Serbian parents will be obliged to conform willingly to the whims of their soon to be brainwashed children, acquiesce to gender transition hormone treatments for their youngsters, and to strictly observe the pronoun regime that will be demanded of them. Resistance will result in steep fines and prison sentences and in their offspring being forcibly removed from parental custody to be placed in government-approved foster care.

How totally “modern” is Serbia’s legislation in this regard may be judged from the fact that in Scotland an almost identical law, providing for up to seven years in prison for recalcitrant parents who refuse to accept their children identifying as transgender, has been submitted but still remains in the legislative pipeline. Assuredly it will be passed in the near future, but colonial Serbia can now boast of having beaten Scotland to the punch.

The alert reader might ask what compels Serbia to pass laws that an overwhelming majority of its citizens, perhaps exceeding in number even those who support Russia’s Special Military Operation, find utterly abhorrent. Serbia is not a member of the European Union nor is it obligated by any treaty to embrace such culturally alien norms.

In Serbia, there does not seem to be anybody capable of providing a coherent answer to this very pertinent question, though it may reasonably be inferred that the subservient position of the political elite vis-à-vis their foreign curators probably has something to do with it. But as Serbian academic and spokesman for Serbia’s Family Defence Coalition, Dr. Miša Djurković, has discovered, in his country it is inadvisable even to pose such questions. He and his colleagues, also distinguished academics and public intellectuals, have been targeted with malicious harassmentlawsuits for “discrimination” (readers from Western countries know exactly how that works) to the point where their patience and financial resources are now exhausted.

As a result, Dr. Djurković has sadly decided to terminate his pro-family activities. He recently published a tongue-in-cheek “apology” to his woke detractors, the powerful foreign supported and abundantly financed lobby that is wreaking havoc on his country’s morals and culture whilst subverting the remnants of its degraded legal system. (Readers with a command of the Serbian language may peruse his downhearted missive here.) Needless to say, the very subtlety of the genre Dr. Djurković has chosen to announce his “capitulation” ensures that his point will be entirely lost on the woke ruffians to whose terror, one hopes only temporarily, he appears to have succumbed.  

The nefarious agenda that Dr. Djurković had attempted valiantly to  oppose in his home country may well triumph, in Serbia and elsewhere,  if Bertrand Russell’s nightmarish post-human vision ever comes true, and the collective West’s luciferian engineers of human souls manage to massively implant in the human consciousness “the unshakable conviction that snow is black.”

That is the goal that Russell quite frankly proposed they pursue. But those were not Lord Russell’s private musings. It was the authoritative articulation of the ideology which animates the perpetrators of what Archbishop Vigano has called the “global coup d’état, the all-out war against humanity not motivated only by a lust for wealth and power but mainly by a religious motive …” Russell was in his time a leading intellectual oracle of those very perpetrators.

Their pseudo-religious motive, Vigano explains, is “Satan’s hatred: hatred of God, hatred of God’s creation and hatred of man who is created in the image and likeness of God.” The Archbishop is spot on.

Compulsory denial of the evidence of one’s senses and obligatory surrender to repugnant nonsense constitutes the initial step in that direction. That most certainly is not a scheme for the betterment of society. It is a blueprint for the crushing of the human spirit, leading ultimately to its total subjugation.


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Stephen Karganovic is president of “Srebrenica Historical Project,” an NGO registered in the Netherlands to investigate the factual matrix and background of events that took place in Srebrenica in July of 1995. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.  

Rethinking Srebrenica eBook : Karganovic, Stephen, Simic, Ljubisa: BooksRethinking Srebrenica

By Stephen Karganovic

Rethinking Srebrenica examines the forensic evidence of the alleged Srebrenica “massacre” possessed by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) in The Hague. Even though the ICTY created more than 3,500 autopsy reports, many of these autopsy reports were based on bone fragments, which do not represent complete bodies. An examination of the matching femur bones found reveals that there were only about 1,900 complete bodies that were exhumed. Of these, some 1,500 autopsy reports indicated a cause of death consistent with battlefield casualties. Only about 400 autopsy reports indicated execution as a cause of death, as revealed by ligatures and blindfolds. This forensic evidence does not warrant the conclusion of a genocide having taken place.

Karganovic examines the events that took place in Srebrenica in July 1995 in a wholistic manner instead of restricting it to a three-day event. The ten chapters cover:

1) Srebrenica: A Critical Overview;

2) Demilitarization of the UN Safe Zone of Srebrenica;

3) Genocide or Blowback?;

4) General Presentation and Interpretation of Srebrenica Forensic Data (Pattern of Injury Breakdown);

5) An Analysis of the Srebrenica Forensic Reports Prepared by the ICTY Prosecution Experts;

6) An Analysis of Muslim Column Losses Attributable to Minefields, Combat Activity, and Other Causes;

7) The Genocide Issue: Was there a Demonstrable Intent to Exterminate All Muslims?;

8) ICTY Radio Intercept Evidence;

9) The Balance Sheet; and

10) Srebrenica: Uses of the Narrative.

  • ASIN:‎ B0992RRJRK
  • Publisher: ‎Unwritten History, Inc.; 2 edition (July 8 2021)
  • Language: ‎English

Click here to purchase.

Introductory Note

Our thoughts are with the People of Palestine.

MAY-JUNE 2024, We commemorate the Nakba. 

Building solidarity requires confronting the crimes committed by the State of Israel from the very outset in 1948. 

Felicity s a powerful voice,

The text below was the object of Felicity Arbuthnot’s article first published with foresight in 2017. 

According to Arbuthnot The “Nakba” (“catastrophe”) has been ongoing for 76 years

Global Research, May 15 , 2024, July 07 2024


Palestine: Apartheid, Stolen Lives and Land,

History Erased, United Nations Deaf Mute


Felicity Arbuthnot

July 30, 2017


The Washington Post reports that: “All 100 U.S. Senators signed a letter Thursday asking U.N. Secretary General António Guterres to address what the lawmakers call entrenched bias against Israel at the world body.” 

The letter: “… uses strong language to insist that the United Nations rectify what the Senators said is unequal treatment of Israel on human rights and other grounds.

“Through words and actions, we urge you to ensure that Israel is treated neither better nor worse than any other U.N. member in good standing,” they stated. 

The Senators appear to be on a parallel universe. Have they reflected, in context, on the UN’s fine founding words, avowing: 

“to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war … to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person … to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom … to practice tolerance and live together in peace with one another as good neighbours … to employ international machinery for the promotion of the economic and social advancement of all peoples …” 


Israel – ever presented as the eternal victim – has not just made a mockery of the words but also of the Balfour letter of 2nd November 1917 and trampled on both ever since. Balfour: 

“His Majesty’s Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine …” (Emphasis added.) 

So much for the “rights” of the Palestinians. Between November 1947 and November 1948 five hundred and thirty one Palestinian towns and villages had been “ethnically cleansed.” (1) By 1952 it was six hundred and fifteen. (2) 

This “Nakba” (“catastrophe”) seventy years after Israel’s final founding, is ongoing.

The land grabs are illegal and violate: U.N. Charter, Article 2(4) & 51 (1945); Declaration on Principles of International Law Concerning Friendly Relations…, Principle 1 (1970). 

Settlements on occupied lands violate Geneva Conventions IV, Article 49(6) (1949). It is illegal to colonize or transfer non-indigenous people to occupied land. 

Taking land by force and claiming sovereignty violates: U.N. Charter, Article 2(4) (1945); Declaration on Principles of International Law Concerning Friendly Relations…, Principle 1. 

Forbidding civilian populations the right to return to their homes following the end of armed conflict is in direct violation of international law and UN resolutions. Geneva Convention IV, Articles 45, 46 & 49 (1949), UN resolutions 194 (III) (General Assembly; 1948) & 237 (Security Council; 1967). 

Collective punishment violates Geneva Conventions IV, Article 33 (1949); Geneva Conventions (Protocol I), Article 75(2d) (1977). (3) 

The list of breaches of international law is near endless as are the attacks on a people with no army, air force or navy, plus the decimations of 1967, 2008-9 and 2014. 

Israel’s violations of United Nations Security Council Resolutions, legally binding on Member-nations, include Resolutions – 54, 111, 233, 234, 236, 248, 250, 252, 256, 262, 267, 270, 280, 285, 298, 313, 316, 468, 476, a small sample.

The Senators would seem to have as little knowledge of the iniquities inflicted on the Middle East by foreign powers and cuckoos in the nest as their rookie President.

It is not Israel being meted out “unequal treatment” it is the Palestinians, thieved of their land, history, justice and all normality.



1.    http://www.palestineremembered .com/Acre/Right-Of-Return/Stor y432.html

2. -palestinian-villages-erased-a nd-replaced-with-jewish-towns/ 124847/

3. ents_pdf_etc/IsraelViolationsI nternationalLaw.pdf

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The following text is Chapter XII of Michel Chossudovsky’s book.




The Worldwide Corona Crisis,

Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity


Global Debt and Neoliberal “Shock Treatment”


Michel Chossudovsky 



The March 11, 2020 (simultaneous) closing down of the national economies of approximately 190 member states of the UN is diabolical and unprecedented. Millions of people have lost their jobs and their lifelong savings. In developing countries, poverty, famine and despair prevail. The closure of national economies has led to a spiraling global debt. Increasingly, national governments are controlled by the creditors, which are currently financing the social safety nets, corporate bailouts and handouts.

While this model of “global intervention” is unprecedented, it has certain features reminiscent of the country-level macro-economic reforms including the imposition of strong “economic medicine” by the IMF. To address this issue, let us examine the history of so-called “economic shock treatment” (a term first used in the 1970s).1 

Flashback to Chile, September 11, 1973

As a visiting professor at the Catholic University of Chile, I lived through the military coup directed against the democratically elected government of Salvador Allende. It was a CIA operation led by Secretary of State Henry Kissinger coupled with devastating macro-economic reforms.

In the month following the coup d’etat, the price of bread increased from 11 to 40 escudos overnight.2 This engineered collapse of both real wages and employment under the Pinochet dictatorship was conducive to a nationwide process of impoverishment.

Chilean leader Augusto Pinochet shaking hands with U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger in 1976 (By Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Chile.Archivo General Histórico del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, licensed under CC BY 2.0 cl)


While food prices had skyrocketed, wages had been frozen to ensure “economic stability and stave off inflationary pressures.” From one day to the next, an entire country had been precipitated into abysmal poverty; in less than a year, the price of bread in Chile increased 36 times and 85 percent of the Chilean population had been driven below the poverty line. That was Chile’s 1973 “Reset”. 

Two and a half years later in 1976, I returned to Latin America as a visiting professor at the National University of Cordoba in the northern industrial heartland of Argentina. My stay coincided with another military coup d’état in March 1976.

Behind the massacres and human rights violations, “free market” macro-economic reforms had also been prescribed – this time under the supervision of Argentina’s New York creditors, including David Rockefeller who was a friend of the Junta’s Minister of Economy José Alfredo Martinez de Hoz.3

Chase Alumni Association

Image: David Rockefeller meets Dictator Jorge Videla (right) and Minister of Finance Martinez de Hoz, 1978? (Source: Plaza de Mayo)

Chile and Argentina were “dress rehearsals” for things to come. The imposition of the IMF-World Bank Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP) was imposed on more than 100 countries starting in the early 1980s (see Michel Chossudovsky, The Globalization of Poverty and the New World Order, Global Research, 2003).4

A notorious example of the “free market”: Peru in August 1990 was punished for not conforming to IMF diktatsthe price of fuel was hiked up 31 times and the price of bread increased more than 12 times in a single day.5 These reforms – carried out in the name of “democracy” – were far more devastating than those applied in Chile and Argentina under the fist of military rule.

The March 2020 Lockdown. “Economic Warfare”

And now on March 11, 2020, we enter a new phase of macro-economic destabilization, which is more devastating and destructive than 40 years of “shock treatment” and austerity measures imposed by the IMF on behalf of dominant financial interests.

There is rupture, a historical break as well as continuity. It’s “neoliberalism to the nth degree”.

Closure of the Global Economy: Economic and Social Impacts at the Level of the Entire Planet

Compare what is happening to the global economy today with the country by country “negotiated” macro-economic measures imposed by creditors under the Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP). The March 11, 2020 “Global Adjustment” was not negotiated with national governments. It was imposed by a  “public-private partnership”, sustained by fake science, supported by media propaganda and accepted by co-opted and corrupt politicians.

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“Engineered” Social Inequality and Impoverishment. The Globalization of Poverty 

Compare the March 11, 2020 “Global Adjustment” “guidelines” affecting the entire planet to Chile on September 11, 1973.

In a bitter irony, the same Big Money interests behind the 2020 “Global Adjustment” were actively involved in Chile (1973) and Argentina (1976). Remember “Operation Condor” and the “Dirty War” (Guerra Sucia).

There is continuity. The same powerful financial interests including the IMF and the World Bank bureaucracies in liaison with the Federal Reserve, Wall Street, The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) and the World Economic Forum (WEF) are currently involved in preparing and managing the post-pandemic “new normal” debt operations (on behalf of the creditors) under the Great Reset.

Henry Kissinger was involved in coordinating Chile’s 9/11, 1973 “Reset”.

The following year (1974), he was in put charge of the drafting of the “National Strategic Security Memorandum 200 (NSSM 200) which identified depopulation as “the highest priority in US foreign policy towards the Third World”.6         

The Thrust of “Depopulation” Under the Great Reset? 

Illustration by Global Research/image of Henry Kissinger is from White House Photographic Office/PD-USGOV, licensed under the Public Domain

Today, Henry Kissinger is a firm supporter alongside the Gates Foundation (which is also firmly committed to depopulation) of the Great Reset under the auspices of the World Economic Forum (WEF) (see Chapter XIII). 

No need to negotiate with national  governments nor carry out “regime change”. The March 11, 2020 lockdown project constitutes a “Global Adjustment” which triggers bankruptcies, unemployment and privatization on a much larger scale affecting in one fell swoop the national economies of more than 150 countries.

And this whole process is presented to public opinion as a means to combating the “killer virus” which, according to the CDC and the WHO is similar to seasonal influenza (see Chapter III).

The Hegemonic Power Structure of Global Capitalism 

Big Money including the billionaire foundations are the driving force. It’s a complex alliance of Wall Street and the banking establishment, the Big Oil and Energy Conglomerates, the so-called “Defense Contractors”, Big Pharma, the Biotech Conglomerates, the Corporate Media, the Telecom, Communications and Digital Technology Giants, together with a network of think tanks, lobby groups, research labs, etc. The ownership of intellectual property also plays a central role.

This powerful digital-financial decision-making network also involves major creditor and banking institutions: the Federal Reserve, the European Central Bank (ECB), the IMF, the World Bank, the regional development banks, and the Basel-based Bank for International Settlements (BIS), which plays a key strategic role.

By far the most powerful financial entities are the giant investment portfolio conglomerates including Black Rock, Vanguard, State Street and Fidelity. They control: 

“… a combined 20 trillion dollars in managed assets…. Conservatively counting, a four to five-fold leverage power (i.e. some US$ 80 to 100 trillion)”. These powerful financial conglomerates have a leverage in excess of the the world’s GDP which is of the order of about 82 trillion dollars.”7

In turn, the upper echelons of the US state apparatus (and Washington’s Western allies) are directly or indirectly involved, including the Pentagon, US Intelligence (and its research labs), the health authorities, Homeland Security and the US State Department (including US embassies in over 150 countries).

The “Real Economy” and “Big Money”

Why are these COVID lockdown policies spearheading bankruptcy, poverty and unemployment?

Global capitalism is not monolithic. There is indeed “a class conflict” “between the super rich and the vast majority of the world population”.

But there is also intense rivalry within the capitalist system; namely a conflict between “Big Money Capital” and what might be described as “Real Capitalism” which consists of corporations in different areas of productive activity at the national and regional levels. It also includes small and medium-sized enterprises.

What is ongoing is a process of concentration of wealth (and control of advanced technologies) unprecedented in world history, whereby the financial establishment (i.e. the multi-billion dollar creditors) are slated to appropriate the real assets of both bankrupt companies as well as state assets.

The “real economy” constitutes “the economic landscape” of  real economic activity: productive assets, agriculture, industry, services, economic and social infrastructure, investment, employment, etc. The real economy at the global and national levels is being targeted by the lockdown and closure of economic activity. The Global Money financial institutions are the “creditors” of the real economy.

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Global Governance: Towards a Totalitarian State

The individuals and organizations involved in the October 18, 2019 201 Simulation are now involved in the actual management of the crisis once it went live on January 30, 2020 under the WHO’s Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC), which in turn set the stage for the February 2020 financial crisis and the March lockdown (see Chapter I).

The lockdown and closure of national economies has triggered several waves of mass unemployment coupled with the engineered bankruptcy (applied worldwide) of small and medium-sized enterprises (see Chapter IV).

All of which is spearheaded by the installation of a global totalitarian state which is intent upon breaking all forms of protest and resistance.

The COVID vaccination program (including the embedded digital passport and the QR Code) is an integral part of a global totalitarian regime (see Chapter VIII and Chapter XIII).

What is the infamous ID2020? It is an alliance of public-private partners, including UN agencies and civil society. It’s an electronic ID program that uses generalized vaccination as a platform for digital identity. The program harnesses existing birth registration and vaccination operations to provide newborns with a portable and persistent biometrically-linked digital zones, face masks, social distancing, lockdown. (Peter Koenig, March 12, 2020)8

“The Great Reset”

The same powerful creditors which triggered the COVID global debt crisis are now establishing a “new normal” which essentially consists in imposing what the World Economic Forum describes as the “Great Reset”.

Using COVID-19 lockdowns and restrictions to push through this transformation, the Great Reset is being rolled out under the guise of a ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’ in which older enterprises are to be driven to bankruptcy or absorbed into monopolies, effectively shutting down huge sections of the pre-COVID economy. Economies are being ‘restructured’ and many jobs will be carried out by AI-driven machines.

The jobless (and there will be many) would be placed on some kind of universal basic income and have their debts (indebtedness and bankruptcy on a massive scale is the deliberate result of lockdowns and restrictions) written off in return for handing their assets to the state or more precisely to the financial institutions helping to drive this Great Reset. The WEF says the public will ‘rent’ everything they require: stripping the right of ownership under the guise of ‘sustainable consumption’ and ‘saving the planet’. Of course, the tiny elite who rolled out this great reset will own everything. (Colin Todhunter,  Dystopian Great Reset, November 9, 2020)9

Push the Reset Button

The World Economic Forum’s Great Reset has been long in the making. “Push the reset button” with a view to saving the world economy was announced by WEF Chairman Klaus Schwab in January 2014, six years prior to the onslaught of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

“What we want to do in Davos this year [2014] is to Push the Reset Button, the world is too much caught in a crisis mode.”

Two years later in a 2016 interview with the Swiss French language TV network (RTS), Klaus Schwab talked about implanting microchips in human bodies, which in essence is the basis of the “experimental” COVID mRNA vaccine. 

“What we see is a kind of fusion of the physical, digital and biological world,” said Klaus Schwab.

Schwab explained that human beings will soon receive a chip which will be implanted in their bodies in order to merge with the digital world.

RTS: “When will that happen?

KS: “Certainly in the next ten years.

“We could imagine that we will implant them in our brain or in our skin.”

“And then we can imagine that there is direct communication between the brain and the digital World.”

Click here to watch the interview, Towards Digital Tyranny, with Peter Koenig. Click here for the Bitchute version.

Screenshot from the video / Copyright Global Research

June 2020. The WEF Officially Announces the Great Reset

“The pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world to create a healthier, more equitable, and more prosperous future.” -Klaus Schwab, WEF (June 2020) 

What is envisaged under “the Great Reset” is a scenario whereby the global creditors will have appropriated by 2030 the world’s wealth while impoverishing large sectors of the world population.

In 2030, “you’ll own nothing, and you’ll be happy.” (Click here to watch the video) 

The United Nations: An Instrument of Global Governance on Behalf of an Unelected Public-Private Partnership

The UN system is also complicit. It has endorsed “Global Governance” and the Great Reset. And so has the Vatican. 

Image: Antonio Guterres (By U.S. Mission Photo by Eric Bridiers/Flickr, licensed under the Public Domain)

While UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres rightfully acknowledges that the pandemic is “more than a health crisis”, no meaningful analysis or debate under UN auspices as to the real causes of this crisis has been undertaken.

According to a September 2020 UN Report:

“Hundreds of thousands of lives have been lost. The lives of billions of people have been disrupted. In addition to the health impacts, COVID-19 has exposed and exacerbated deep inequalities … It has affected us as individuals, as families, communities and societies. It has had an impact on every generation, including on those not yet born. The crisis has highlighted fragilities within and among nations, as well as in our systems for mounting a coordinated global response to shared threats. (UN Report)10

The far-reaching decisions which triggered social and economic destruction worldwide are not mentioned. No debate in the UN Security Council. Consensus among all five permanent members of the UNSC.

V the Virus is casually held responsible for the process of economic destruction. 

The World Economic Forum’s “public-private partnership” project entitled “Reimagine and Reset Our World” has been endorsed by the United Nations. 

Image: George Kennan (By Harris & Ewing/Library of Congress, licensed under the Public Domain)

Flashback to George Kennan and the Truman Doctrine in the late 1940s. Kennan believed that the UN provided a useful way to “connect power with morality,” using morality as a means to rubber-stamp America’s “humanitarian wars”.

The COVID crisis, the lockdown measures and the mRNA vaccine are the culmination of a historical process.

The lockdown and closure of the global economy are “weapons of mass destruction” which in the real sense of the word“destroy people’s lives”. Amply documented, the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine is best described as a “killer vaccine”. 

What we are dealing with are extensive “crimes against humanity”.

President Joe Biden and the “Great Reset”

Joe Biden is a groomed politician, a trusted proxy, serving the interests of the financial establishment.

Let’s not forget that Joe Biden was a firm supporter of the invasion of Iraq on the grounds that Saddam Hussein “had weapons of mass destruction”. “The American people were deceived into this war”, said Senator Dick Durbin. Do not let yourself be deceived again by Joe Biden.11

Evolving acronyms: 9/11, GWOT, WMD and now COVID. Biden was rewarded for having supported the invasion of Iraq.

During the election campaign, Fox News described Biden as a “socialist” who threatens capitalism; “Joe Biden’s disturbing connection to the socialist ‘Great Reset’ movement”.

While this is absolute nonsense, many “progressives” and anti-war activists have endorsed Joe Biden without analyzing the broader consequences of the Biden presidency.

“The Great Reset” is socially divisive, it’s racist. It is a diabolical project of global capitalism. It constitutes a threat to the large majority of American workers as well as to small and medium-sized enterprises. It also undermines several important sectors of the capitalist economy.  

The Biden Presidency and the Lockdown

With regard to COVID, Biden is firmly committed to maintaining the partial closing down of both the US economy and the global economy as a means to “combating the killer virus”.  

President Biden is a firm supporter of the corona lockdown. He not only endorses the adoption of staunch COVID-19 lockdown policies, his administration is committed to the World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset” and the “vaccine passport” as an integral part of US foreign policy, to be implemented or more correctly “imposed” worldwide.

In turn, the Biden-Harris administration will attempt to override all forms of popular resistance to the coronavirus lockdown.

What is unfolding is a new and destructive phase of US imperialism. It’s a totalitarian project of economic and social engineering, which ultimately destroys people’s lives worldwide. This “novel” neoliberal agenda using the corona lockdown as an instrument of social oppression has been endorsed by President Biden and the leadership of the Democratic Party. 

The Biden White House is committed to the instatement of what David Rockefeller called “Global Governance”. 

The Protest Movement

It should be noted that the protest movement in the US against the lockdown is weak. In fact there is no coherent grassroots national protest movement. Why? Because “progressive forces” including leftist intellectuals, NGO leaders, trade union and labor leaders — most of whom are aligned with the Democratic Party — have from the outset been supportive of the lockdown. And they are also supportive of Joe Biden.  

In a bitter irony, anti-war activists as well as the critics of neoliberalism have endorsed Joe Biden.

Unless there is significant protest and organized resistance, nationally and internationally, the Great Reset will be embedded in both domestic and US foreign policy agendas of the Joe Biden-Kamala Harris administration.

It’s what you call imperialism with a “human face”.

Where Is the Protest Movement Against This Unelected Corona “Public-Private Partnership”?

The same philanthropic foundations (Rockefeller, Ford, Soros, et al.) which are the unspoken architects of the “Great Reset” and “Global Governance” are also involved in (generously) financing climate change activism, the Extinction Rebellion, the World Social Forum, Black Lives Matter, LGBT, et al. 

What this means is that the grassroots of these social movements are often misled and betrayed by their leaders who are routinely co-opted and generously rewarded by a handful of corporate foundations.

The World Social Forum (WSF), which is commemorating its 21st anniversary, brings together committed anti-globalization  activists from all over the world. But who controls the WSF? From the outset in January 2001, it was (initially) funded by the Ford Foundation. 

It’s what you call “manufactured dissent” (far more insidious than Herman-Chomsky’s “manufactured consent”).

The objective of the financial elites “has been to fragment the people’s movement into a vast “do it yourself” mosaic. Activism tends to be piecemeal. There is no integrated anti-globalization anti-war movement.” (Michel Chossudovsky, Manufacturing Dissent, Global Research, 2010)12

Image: Joe Biden with Henry Kissinger (By Kai Mörk www.securityconference.delicensed under CC BY 3.0 de)

In the words of McGeorge Bundy, President of the Ford Foundation (1966-1979):

“Everything the [Ford] Foundation did could be regarded as “making the world safe for capitalism”, reducing social tensions by helping to comfort the afflicted, provide safety valves for the angry, and improve the functioning of government.13

The protest movement against the Great Reset which constitutes a “global coup d’état” requires a process of worldwide mobilization:

There can be no meaningful mass movement when dissent is generously funded by those same corporate interests [WEF, Gates, Ford, et al.] which are the target of the protest movement”.14



1 Michel Chossudovsky, April-June 1975. Hacia El Nuevo Modelo Económico Chileno Inflación Y Redistribución Del Ingreso.

2 Ibid.

3 Michel Chossudovsky, April 16, 1977. Legitimised Violence and Economic Policy in Argentina. 

4 Prof Michel Chossudovsky, June 3, 2020. Understand the Globalization of Poverty and the New World Order.

5 Ibid. 

6 National Security Council, December 10, 1974. Implications of Worldwide Population Growth For U.S. Security and Overseas Interests (THE KISSINGER REPORT).

7 Peter Koenig, January 22, 2022. The COVID-Omicron Crisis: The Roadmap Towards a Worldwide Financial Crash, Inflation, Digitization.

8 Peter Keonig, March 12, 2020. The Coronavirus Vaccine: The Real Danger is “Agenda ID2020”. Vaccination as a Platform for “Digital Identity”.

9 Colin Todhunter, November 9, 2020. Dystopian “Great Reset”: “Own Nothing and Be Happy”, Being Human in 2030.

10 UN, September 2020. United Nations Comprehensive Response to COVID-19.

11 Mark Weisbrot, February 17, 2020. WORTH THE PRICE? Joe Biden and the Launch of the Iraq War (narrated by Danny Glover).

12 Prof Michel Chossudovsky, September 20, 2010. “Manufacturing Dissent”: The Anti-globalization Movement is Funded by the Corporate Elites.

13 Ibid. 

14 Ibid.

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

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First published on January 17, 2023


In recent months the world is hearing unusual terms to describe extreme weather events. Now terms like Bomb Cyclone or Atmospheric Rivers are used in the daily TV weather reports to describe dumping of record volumes of rain or snow in regions of the world in an extremely destructive way. The Green Mafia claims, without a shred of factual proof, that it is all because of man’s too-large “carbon footprint.” They use it as an excuse to double down on phasing out oil, gas, coal as well as nuclear energy in favor of unworkable, taxpayer-subsidized “green energy”– unreliable wind or solar. Could it be that these freak weather calamities are indeed “manmade,” but not from CO2 emissions? 

Since late December, especially the United States has undergone severe weather events from the Bomb Cyclone storm that buried much of the East Coast in record snow from Buffalo down as far as Florida. At the same time the US West Coast from Washington State down the coast of California has undergone extreme flooding from wave after wave of so-called Oceanic Rivers carrying huge volumes of water from the Pacific causing severe flooding. Without presenting any scientific proof, green ideologues have claimed it is all due to manmade global warming– now called “climate change” to confuse the original issue– and argue for accelerated transition to a dystopian carbon free world.

A serious case can be made that it could well be manmade. But not because of too much CO2 or other manmade greenhouse gas emissions. It could be due to deliberate and malicious manipulation of our major weather patterns.


Weather manipulation technology is one of the areas that is highly secret and has been kept from open debate since the end of World War II. It is often called geoengineering or more recently the less ominous-sounding “climate intervention.” Whatever name, it involves man messing with the complexities of Earth weather, with potentially catastrophic results. What do we know about the possibilities?

Following the 2015 Paris Climate Conference and subsequent Paris Agreement, Peter Wadhams, professor of ocean physics at the University of Cambridge, along with other leading global warming scientists, began an open call for geoengineering to “solve” the alleged climate crisis and prevent global warming above 1.5 ‘ C above pre-industrial levels, an utterly arbitrary target. What the post-Paris scientists claim is that, “Our backs are against the wall and we must now start the process of preparing for geo-engineering. We must do this in the knowledge that its chances of success are small and the risks of implementation are great.“ [1] What they do not say is that geo-engineering weather manipulation has been developed in secrecy by the military and intelligence agencies of the USA for decades.

‘Owning the Weather in 2025’

In June 1996 the US Air Force published a report with the provocative title, “Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025.” The report outlined the possibilities of manmade geoengineering to, among other things, enhance precipitation or storms, deny precipitation (induce droughts), eliminate cloud cover of an enemy, and other events. It was produced, “to examine the concepts, capabilities, and technologies the United States will require to remain the dominant air and space force in the future.”  The report noted at the onset, “weather-modification can be divided into two major categories: suppression and intensification of weather patterns. In extreme cases, it might involve the creation of completely new weather patterns, attenuation or control of severe storms, or even alteration of global climate on a far-reaching and/or long-lasting scale.” (emphasis added).[2]

 The Air Force document  also states,

“…the tremendous military capabilities that could result from this field are ignored at our own peril… appropriate application of weather-modification can provide battlespace dominance to a degree never before imagined… The technology is there, waiting for us to pull it all together.” By 2025 it claimed, “we can Own the Weather.” The report notes that way back in the Eisenhower era, “In 1957, the President’s Advisory Committee on Weather Control explicitly recognized the military potential of weather modification, warning in their report that it could become a more important weapon than the atom bomb.” [3] That was almost seven decades ago.

Consult the original document. US Air Force document entitled “Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025

Screen Shot from the Report submitted to Air Force 2025, click to access full report

Image is a screenshot from a Ripley’s Believe It or Not video

Operation Popeye: America's Secret Weather Warfare Project - YouTube

Going back to the Vietnam War in the late 1960s, Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and the CIA authorized a top secret geoengineering, code-named Operation PopEye, from Thailand over Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam. Using military WC-130 planes and RF-4 jets, the US forces sprayed silver iodide and lead iodide into seasonal monsoon storm clouds to turn the North Vietnamese supply roads into impassable mud sinks. The mission was to create enough year-round rain to keep the Ho Chi Minh trails blocked. [4] The secret geoengineering operation was made public by award-winning journalist Seymour Hersh in 1972, resulting in Congressional hearings, but little more. A few years later in 1976 a toothless law was passed “requiring” any actors to report annually to the government NOAA any weather modification undertaken. Tell that to the CIA or Pentagon. [5]

Ionospheric Heaters and atmospheric resonance technology

Since the 1970s the work on manmade geoengineering has gotten more sophisticated and also much more secret.  The traditional method of “rainmaking”, cloud seeding by planes dispersing, typically, particles of silver iodide onto clouds containing water droplets to induce rainfall has been used since the 1940s. However, since the 1990s, around the time the US Air Force published Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025, significant new methods were developed with far greater reach and effect, and well before 2025.

Notably, that US Air Force 1996 report stated, “…modification of the ionosphere is an area rich with potential applications and there are also likely spin-off applications that have yet to be envisioned.” [6]

Much international attention and concern has been given to a US Air Force and Office of Naval Research ionospheric research project, HAARP– High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program– in Gakona, Alaska. In January 1999, the European Union called the project a “global concern” and passed a resolution calling for more information on its health and environmental risks. Washington ignored the call. Most of HAARP research data has been classified for reasons of “national security,” leading to wide speculation of sinister activity.

In 1985 while working for ARCO Oil Company on a grant from the Pentagon’s DARPA, a brilliant physicist, Dr. Bernard J. Eastlund, filed a patent  (US #4,686,605), for a “Method and Apparatus for Altering A Region In the Earth’s Atmosphere, Ionosphere, And Or Magnetosphere.” The patent description claimed that a specific beaming of powerful radio waves into the ionosphere could cause heating and “elevate” the Earth’s ionosphere. It  could be used to control weather, altering jet streams, changing tornadoes or creating or denying rainfall. ARCO was approached by the US military and sold them the patent rights from their then-employee Eastlund.

The US military then reportedly turned the patent rights over to top military contractor, Raytheon. Raytheon is reportedly also involved in construction of every major ionosphere heating radar arrays globally. [7]  Coincidence? A HAARP spokesman  denied it used the patent of Eastlund in HAARP. They did not mention any of the other sites, however.  [8]

HAARP antenna array (Licensed under the Public Domain)

HAARP is a highly powerful phased array of radar antennas aimed at the ionosphere. It is sometimes referred to as an ionic heater. The ionosphere is a high-altitude layer of the atmosphere with particles which are highly charged with energy. If radiation is projected into the ionosphere, huge amounts of energy can be generated and used to annihilate a given region. Initially its own website, now deleted, stated HAARP was “a scientific endeavor aimed at studying the properties and behavior of the ionosphere… for both civilian and defense purposes.” [9]

HAARP at Gakona was officially shuttered by the US military in 2013. In 2015 officially they transferred operation of HAARP to their civilian partner, The University of Alaska at Fairbanks. The closure provided the excuse to stop the live broadcasting of HAARP’s signals on a public website, which had given strong evidence of links between HAARP activities and major weather catastrophes such as Hurricane Katrina or the 2008 China Chengdu earthquake. Operation of the facility was transferred to the University of Alaska in 2015.

Some researchers have speculated that the Gakona HAARP is a sly diversion, an innocent site open to academic scrutiny, while serious military ionospheric manipulation takes place at other top secret sites. [10]

By 2015  the US military and government agencies such as NOAA had moved well beyond the capacities of HAARP. They oversaw construction of far more powerful phased array ionospheric radar heat arrays around the world. This included a more powerful HIPAS – a 70 megawatt facility east of Fairbanks. It also included Arecibo Observatory, formerly known as the Arecibo Ionosphere Observatory – 2 megawatt facility in Puerto Rico;  Mu Radar – 1 megawatt facility in Japan. And the mother of all atmospheric heating radar arrays, EISCAT – a 1 gigawatt facility in Tromsø, Northern Norway. HAARP is only a mere 3.6 megawatt facility. Many other phased array ionospheric heater sites are either classified secret  or give little information. It is believed one such is at Vandenberg Air Force base in Southern California. Another in Millstone Hill, Massachusetts, another in Taiwan and in the Marshall  Islands. Because the Pentagon and other relevant US Government agencies choose to say little or nothing about their inter-connectedness and use in climate alteration, we are left to speculate. [11]

The military contractor Raytheon, who got the Eastlund patents from ARCO, reportedly is involved in many such sites globally.

China As Well?

Because the US Government work on geoengineering has been classified and kept from an open public discussion, it is not possible to prove in a court of law that events like the East Coast Bomb Tornadoes or the September 2022 Florida Hurricane Ian, one of the most powerful storms ever to hit the US, or the January 2023 record floods from repeated waves of Atmospheric River storms lashing California after extraordinary drought, are simply natural freaks. There is no scientific evidence it is due to a surplus of CO2 in the atmosphere.  But as the above suggests, there is a huge body of evidence pointing to malicious actors with powers of the state, using geoengineering not to benefit, even if manmade geoengineering could benefit.

In 2018 Chinese media reported that the state’s Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology was launching a vast geoengineering project, Tianhe which translates as “Sky River.” The project, which reportedly will be based on the high Tibetan Plateau, source of some of the world’s largest rivers, is intended to shift huge volumes of water from the rain-abundant South into the arid north. It was to have begun operation in 2020 but no details have since been published. [12]

Recent discussion of Bill Gates’ project with Harvard physicist David Keith to release calcium carbonate particles high above the earth to mimic the effects of volcanic ash blocking out the sun, or the recent experiments of Make Sunsets to launch weather balloons from Baja Mexico of Sulphur dioxide to block the sun, are clearly meant as diversions to hide how advanced real geoengineering of our weather is.


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F. William Engdahl is strategic risk consultant and lecturer, he holds a degree in politics from Princeton University and is a best-selling author on oil and geopolitics. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).


[1] Derrick Broze, Leading Climate Scientists, Say Paris Conference Failed  Call for Geoengineering, January 15, 2016,

[2] Col Tamzy J. House, et al,  Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025,

[3] Ibid.

[4] Seymour Hersh, “Rainmaking Is Used As Weapon by U.S.” The New York Times, July 3, 1972,

[5] US Congress, Senate, Committee on Foreign Relations, Report: Prohibiting Environmental Modification as a Weapon of War, Report no. 93-270. Washington, DC: OS Govt. Printing Office, 27 June 1973.

[6] Col Tamzy, Op Cit.

[7] Gary Vey (Dan Eden),  The Never Ending, 2010,

[8] Mark Farmer, Mystery in Alaska,  Popular Science, September 1995,

[9] HAARP website, Program Purpose,

[10] Gary Vey, Op cit.

[11] Jim Lee, HAARP and Ionospheric Heaters Worldwide,

[12] China’s Tianhe Project satellite to debut at Airshow China 2018, People’s Daily, November 06, 2018,

Featured image is licensed under the Public Domain


Seeds of Destruction: Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation

Author Name: F. William Engdahl
ISBN Number: 978-0-9879389-2-3
Year: 2007
Product Type: PDF File

Price: $9.50

This skilfully researched book focuses on how a small socio-political American elite seeks to establish control over the very basis of human survival: the provision of our daily bread. “Control the food and you control the people.”

This is no ordinary book about the perils of GMO. Engdahl takes the reader inside the corridors of power, into the backrooms of the science labs, behind closed doors in the corporate boardrooms.

The author cogently reveals a diabolical world of profit-driven political intrigue, government corruption and coercion, where genetic manipulation and the patenting of life forms are used to gain worldwide control over food production. If the book often reads as a crime story, that should come as no surprise. For that is what it is.

Click here to purchase.

This incisive article by Julie Lévesque was first published on March 6, 2014 in the wake of the EuroMaidan “regime change”.


Dmitry Yarosh (center), leader of the Maidan Brown Shirts, on an international wanted list and charged with inciting terrorism.

Under the new government, Yarosh is leader of the Neo-Nazi Right Sector delegation to the Ukraine Parliament.

His close friend and political partner Andriy Parubiy co-founder of the Neo-Nazi  Social-National Party of Ukraine (subsequently renamed Svoboda) was appointed by the new government to the position of Secretary of the National Security and National Defense Committee (RNBOU), a key position which oversees the Ministry of Defense, the Armed Forces, Law Enforcement, National Security and Intelligence. Right Sektor leaders Yarosh was appointed to the number 2 position at RNBOU. 

Have the Neo-Nazis cornered Ukraine’s National Security agenda?

Welcome to “The New Normal”

In the following video filmed in the Ukrainian Parliament and posted in late December 2013, we can clearly see on the pillars two flags which are listed in the Anti-Defamation League’s (ADL) “Visual Database of Extremist Symbols, Logos and Tattoos”: the White power flag and the Confederate flag.

The Celtic Cross is categorized by the ADL as a “General Racist Symbol” representing “International white pride” and used by Neo-Nazis and White supremacists.  (Click on image to enlarge.)

The Confederate flag is also described as a “General Racist Symbol” representing “White pride” and used by White supremacist. (Click on image to enlarge.)

The flags from France, the United Kingdom, Canada, as well as the one from the Ukrainian ultra-nationalist Svoboda party hang beside those two White supremacist flags.

This “hate on display”, as the ADL puts it, adds on to other evidence of the neo-Nazi elements in the Ukrainian political factions which ousted elected President Yanukovych.

The western mainstream media can no longer casually dismiss this as Russian propaganda.

From left to right: Confederate flag, White power flag and Svoboda party flag.

Max Blumenthal, as well as many other authors,  described the fascist essence of the political groups involved in the overthrow of the elected government in Ukraine:

One of the “Big Three” political parties behind the protests is the ultra-nationalist Svoboda, whose leader, Oleh Tyahnybok, has called for the liberation of his country from the “Muscovite-Jewish mafia.” After the 2010 conviction of the Nazi death camp guard John Demjanjuk for his supporting role in the death of nearly 30,000 people at the Sobibor camp, Tyahnybok rushed to Germany to declare him a hero who was “fighting for truth.”

In the Ukrainian parliament, where Svoboda holds an unprecedented 37 seats, Tyahnybok’s deputy Yuriy Mykhalchyshyn is fond of quoting Joseph Goebbels – he has even founded a think tank originally called “the Joseph Goebbels Political Research Center.”

According to Per Anders Rudling, a leading academic expert on European neo-fascism, the self-described “socialist nationalist” Mykhalchyshyn is the main link between Svoboda’s official wing and neo-Nazi militias like Right Sector. (Max Blumenthal, Is the US backing Neo-Nazis in Ukraine?, Alternet, February 25, 2014)

Numerous reports have exposed the links between the U.S. government and Svoboda, and several pictures show U.S. and European authorities with the controversial Svoboda leader Oleh Tyahnybok.

U.S. Assistant secretary of State Victoria Nuland with Oleh Tyahnybok (left)

U.S. Senator John McCain with Oleh Tyahnybok (right).


High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy for the European Union Catherine Ashton and  Oleh Tyahnybok (left).

European Union Enlargement Commissioner Stefan Fuele (center) and  Oleh Tyahnybok (right).

The ADL, which has expressed its concern about the Svoboda party,  has yet to condemn U.S. and European support for it. In a statement published February 28, ADL’s National Director Abraham H. Foxman writes:

The Ukrainian Jewish community is nervous. The ultra-nationalist Svoboda party, with its history of anti-Semitism and platform of ethnic nationalism, won more than 10 percent of the vote in October 2012, shared the political leadership of the Maidan revolution over the past months, and just this week received three ministries in the new Ukrainian government.

While Svoboda’s leaders have refrained recently from making anti-Semitic statements, it is troubling that Oleksandr Sych, Svoboda’s chief ideologue, was named vice prime minister. Sych’s speeches over the years have focused on promoting Ukrainian nationalism, which he says is exemplified by Stepan Bandera, a leader of the Ukrainian nationalist movement of the 1930s and 1940s. Bandera was at times aligned with the Nazis during World War II and was complicit in mass killings of Jews and Poles by Ukrainian partisans…

Dmitro Yarosh, leader of Right Sector, met with Israel’s ambassador to Ukraine, Reuven Din El, and told him that their movement rejects anti-Semitism and xenophobia and will not tolerate it.

Ukrainian Jewish journalist Eleonora Groisman interviewed Sergei Mischenko, the leader of “Spilna Sprava,” and told him that Ukraine’s Jews were worried about the nationalists. Mischenko responded that Jews will not have any problems and shouldn’t worry. He went on to say, “On the Maidan there were Jews with us who served in the Israeli Defense Forces. We got along excellently and fought shoulder to shoulder...”

Will Svoboda accept Jews as full-fledged Ukrainians and follow the welcome assurances of the armed nationalists? Or will the promises of Right Sector and Spilna Sprava be overtaken by the ethnic nationalism of Svoboda? (Abraham H. Foxman, In Ukraine, New Government Must Reassure Jewish Community, The Huffington Post, February 28, 2014)

The ADL doesn’t address the fact that former Israeli soldiers fought alongside with known neo-Nazi militants who now claim to reject antisemitism. This sends the paradoxical message that neo-Nazism is somehow acceptable. It is worth noting that the US media as well as the ADL refrain from using the terms “neo-Nazi” , neo-fascist and “extremist”. Instead of condemning this abnormal alliance, the ADL sees a glimmer of hope in the “promises of Right Sector and Spilna Sprava”, groups which the Israeli media itself qualified as “fascist and neo-Nazi”.

Along with similar fascist and neo-Nazi groups such as Spilna Sprava (Common Cause) and Afgantsy (a coalition of veterans from the Soviet war in Afghanistan), Pravy Sektor has played a key role both in seizing government buildings and providing security for the sprawling protest camps against riot police.  (Ari Soffer, Ukraine: Neo-Nazi Militia Leader Threatens ‘Civil War’, Arutz Sheva, February 5, 2014)

Israel’s Haaretz also reported that members of Svoboda and Pravy Sektor, were “flying flags with neo-Nazi symbols” and were “distributing freshly translated editions of Mein Kampf and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion in Independence Square.” (Anshel Pfeffer, The new dilemma for Jews in Ukraine, February 25, 2014)

The Anti-Defamation League should not only firmly condemn the presence of all the fascist and neo-Nazi groups in the post-coup Ukrainian government, but also denounce the countries which support them morally and/or financially, like the U.S., Canada, and member countries of the European Union.

nuland in ukraine

In sharp contrast with today, Hillary Clinton was heavily criticized by Jewish groups in 2012 for “indirectly legitimizing (the) Ukrainian opposition party that entered into a parliamentary alliance with (a) neo-Nazi party”:

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has criticized the Ukrainian Opposition Party of Yulia Tymoshenko for having signed a parliamentary alliance that gave legitimacy to a far-right extremist party well known for its anti-Semitic views.

ADL National Director, Abraham Foxman issued a statement in which he expressed “alarm” at the strong electoral support for the neo-Nazi Svoboda (Freedom) party of Ukraine at last Sunday’s parliamentary elections.

“Anti-Semitic rhetoric has been a mainstay of Svoboda’s leaders and campaign slogans,” Foxman said…

U.S. Secretary of State Hilary Clinton has also come under fire from Jewish groups for having penned an op-ed published in The New York Times last week for praising Tymoahenko, leader of the opposition Batkivshchina (Fatherland) party…

Israeli foreign minister, Avigdor Lieberman, also denounced the agreement, alluding to the deaths of millions of Jews on Ukrainian soil during the Holocaust. (Rachel Hirshfeld, Clinton Indirectly Legitimizing Ukrainian Neo-Nazi Party?, Arutz Sheva, June 11, 2012.)

Today, former Israeli soldiers are fighting with Svoboda allies, the ADL is not “alarmed” and Avigdor Lieberman has not condemned this unholy alliance. ADL’s Abraham Foxman now hopes Prime Minister Yatsenyuk will “set an admirable example” by ensuring anti-semitism is not tolerated:

Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk, together with UDAR leader Vitaliy Klichko, brought Svoboda into the opposition coalition in 2012. Now, having brought Svoboda into the government, it is up to Prime Minister Yatsenyuk to ensure that anti-Semitism is not tolerated and that democratic norms are adhered to. By sending that message to the people of Ukraine now, the prime minister will reassure the Jewish community and set an admirable example. (Foxman, op., cit).

What kind of example are we talking about exactly? Alliance with neo-Nazi groups is ok as long as they’re not anti-Semitic?

The presence of former Israeli soldiers in the Maidan protests along with neo-Nazi militias and the attitude of the ADL and Israeli officials in this matter raise questions about what the Zionist lobby and Israel might possibly gain from the coup which put in power, among others, Igor Kolomoysky, a Ukrainian-Israeli who was appointed governor of Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine’s vital business and political center.

The newly-appointed Dnepropetrovsk governor is Igor Kolomoysky, Ukraine’s third-wealthiest man, with an estimated fortune of $2.4 billion. He co-owns the informal commercial group Privat, which includes Ukraine’s largest bank Privatbank, which Kolomoysky heads, as well as assets in the oil, ferroalloys and food industries, agriculture and transport.

A former ally of Yulia Tymoshenko, Kolomoysky reportedly had a falling out with her and refused to finance her election campaign in 2010, which the ex-prime minister subsequently lost to Yanukovich. Kolomoysky was reported to be a principal sponsor of the UDAR party, which is one of the three fueling the street campaign to oust Yanukovich. Kolomoysky has a dual Ukrainian-Israeli citizenship and controls his business empire from Switzerland. (Rule by oligarchs: Kiev appoints billionaires to govern east, RT, March 3, 2014)

Kolomoysky also owns the Jewish-interest news channel Jewish News One and heads the European Council of Jewish Communities which describes itself as the “the pan-European umbrella body for Jewish communities and organizations across the continent, representing Jewish community life across West, Central and Eastern Europe covering around 40 countries.”

There is hardly any mention of the presence of neo-Nazi personalities in the new government on Jewish News One.

It is also interesting to note that in a country struggling with an important national debt, Mr. Kolomoysky’s PrivatBank was the Ukrainian champion of offshoring in 2012. Economic Pravda reported in July 2012:

“Ukraine which is struggling from poverty of the majority of its population is able to make banking transfers to Cyprus and British Virgin Islands of billions of US dollars in two month period. The question is who does those transfers and what are the destinations?…

The first place is taken by the biggest Ukrainian bank- PrivatBank. The result of the entity which is owned by Ihor Kolomoiskiy and Hennadiy Boholoubov is almost fantastic.

For the first two month of 2012 the PrivatBank has transferred to the offshores 3 billion 863 million US dollars.” (Treasure Islands, Economic Pravda, July 13,2012)

After calling for attacks on Russia, the Right Sektor leader Dmitry Yarosh, seen by the ADL as reassuring, is now on an  international wanted list for inciting terrorism. RT reported March 5, 2013:

Earlier, on Sunday Yarosh called on Russia’s most wanted terrorist, Doku Umarov, to act against Russia in an address posted on the Right Sector’s page in the Russian VKontakte social network.

The statement said that “many Ukrainians with arms in their hands” supported Chechen militants in their fight against Russians and “it is time to support Ukraine now.” The message, signed “leader of Right Sector Dmitry Yarosh” called on Umarov “to activate his fight” and “take a unique opportunity to win” over Russia. (Russia puts Ukraine far-right leader on international wanted list over calls for terrorism, March 5, 2013)

Will the ADL review its position and condemn all neo-Nazi, fascist and extremist groups, as well as their supporters?

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First published by Global Research on July 1, 2024


Confronted by a multidimensional, highly coordinated attack on our humanity – our identity as Homo Sapiens, our freedom and even our existence – most humans retreat in fear. And, in this state, people are incapable of resisting.

Despite the rapidly advancing technocracy that is systematically depopulating humanity and taking control of those left alive, the threat of nuclear war between NATO and Russia as NATO insanely responds to the impending Russian defeat of Ukraine, the ongoing destruction of the world economy and the threat of wider war barely concealed by the televised genocide being conducted by Israel against the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank which the official international community is utterly powerless to halt, most people remain unaware of the severity of these threats and the overall predicament in which humanity finds itself, and retreat behind the chatter and babble of everyday life, comforted by what is familiar.

For an overview of some key technocratic, political and other threats, see

‘We Are Being Smashed Politically, Economically, Medically and Technologically by the Elite’s “Great Reset”: Why? How Do We Fight Back Effectively?’,

and for discussions of threats that are less well known, such as those posed by geoengineering, synthetic biology and artificial intelligence, see

Geoengineered Transhumanism: How the Environment Has Been Weaponized by Chemicals, Electromagnetism & Nanotechnology for Synthetic Biology,

and watch

‘AI Exterminating Humans Through Synthetic Biology’.

For a sample of expert commentary on the risk of nuclear war between NATO and Russia, see

‘Press Release – RED ALERT: Ukrainian Strike on Russian Early Warning Radar Threatens To Unleash Nuclear World War’,

‘To Avoid Nuclear War, Putin Needs to be a Little Crazier’,

‘Ukraine’s NATO Allies Dragging World Into Nuclear Armageddon’ and

‘Watching Washington Foment Nuclear War’.

For an overview of why and how the global economy is being ‘transformed’ as part of the Elite program, see

Historical Analysis of the Global Elite: Ransacking the World Economy Until ‘You’ll Own Nothing.’

And for thoughtful commentary on the push to expand the genocide being inflicted on Palestinians into war in the Middle East, see

‘Expanding Middle East War. Planned US-Israeli Attack on Iran, The War on Energy, Strategic Waterways: Genocide is on The Drawing Board of the Pentagon. The Zionist Lobby is firmly aligned with U.S. Foreign Policy’ and

‘Israel’s War on Palestine. Escalation in the Middle East. Towards a World War III Scenario? The Future of Humanity’.

Unfortunately, too, most serious commentators observing or even analyzing one or more of these rapidly advancing threats offer no message of resistance or, at best, encouragement to use Elite channels. Devoid of the knowledge to resist effectively, any ‘resistance’ that is conducted almost invariably conforms to Elite-approved methods ensuring that it is absorbed and dissipated.

See ‘The Elite Coup to Kill or Enslave Us: Why Can’t Governments, Legal Actions and Protests Stop Them?’

So after observing virtually all humans fail to respond even remotely adequately to the predominant threats of any given period for more than 50 years, despite my own efforts to mobilize a strategic response on many occasions, the fearful powerlessness of most humans in the current context is not surprising. See, for example, ‘Rage Against the War Machine: What Rage? “When will they ever learn?”’

And so each of us stands at the brink of either no future or a future not worth living with the rare howls of warning barely escaping the narrow confines of those occasional, aware progressive media outlets before being overwhelmed by the insane chatter of ill-informed and irrelevant commentary.

Sadly, it cannot be any other way.

Just like the typical child who is endlessly subjected to ‘visible’, ‘invisible’ and ‘utterly invisible’ violence – see

‘Why Violence?’ and

‘Fearless Psychology and Fearful Psychology: Principles and Practice’

– eventually learns that resistance only incurs further violence, virtually all human adults have learned to submit to the violence – direct, structural and cultural: see

‘A Structural Theory of Imperialism’ and

‘Cultural Violence’

– that is inflicted on them by Elite agents.

Beyond the childhood experience of near-endless ‘terrorization’ (what humans like to label ‘socialization’), the Elite also deploys a vast array of tools to ensure submission. See ‘The Elite’s 5,000-Year War on Your Mind is Climaxing. Can We Defeat it?’

And among those few who do not just quietly submit, like children, most will complain powerlessly to their perpetrator although the ‘complaint’ might take one or more of various forms – a petition to a higher authority (employer, government, international agency), a demonstration, a legal challenge – and some will resort to trivial acts of sabotage. Unfortunately, most people simplistically perceive this type of activity as equivalent to strategically effective action. See ‘The Elite Coup to Kill or Enslave Us: Why Can’t Governments, Legal Actions and Protests Stop Them?’

Few are capable of analyzing, thoughtfully, what makes the violence possible and how it might be effectively countered by a strategy to undermine its foundations using nonviolent action. And then few people will have the capacity to perceive this potential and participate in this strategy, given it requires considerable thought, self-discipline, changes in personal behaviour and, sometimes, courage.

Solving Conflicts Using Nonviolent Strategy

Any thoughtful consideration of the threats to a meaningful and sustainable human future reveals an incredibly complex configuration of conflicts, with some of the keys ones – the risk of nuclear war, destruction of the global economy, the genocide in Palestine, the advancing technocracy – briefly touched on above.

And each of these, not just those mentioned above, must be tackled.

So here are my own thoughts on achieving resolution in many areas, starting with the foundation of them all.

If we want powerful human individuals who are capable of responding strategically and nonviolently to conflicts in their life, we must stop terrorizing them into obedience during childhood in the belief we are simply ‘socializing’ them. How? See ‘My Promise to Children’.

If this promise seems beyond you, check out the value to yourself of ‘Putting Feelings First’.

If you read some of the links to key referenced articles above, you will know that my analysis has led me to ascribe responsibility for the advancing technocracy, economic destruction, wars, the genocide in Palestine (among other crises) to the Global Elite. And this Elite is insane. See ‘The Global Elite is Insane Revisited’.

So dealing with major global conflicts requires strategies that take this fact into account and do not simply assume that a conflict can be dealt with by ignoring this fact or by using Elite-controlled channels such as governments, international organizations and legal systems. Nor can they be addressed by simply attending a demonstration, popular though these have always been.

Power in our world is a ‘stacked deck’. We cannot win if we play by Elite rules.

So we must mobilize ‘ordinary’ people to act strategically outside the rules of the Elite ‘game’.

To halt the genocide in Palestine, see ‘Strategic Goals to Halt the Genocide in Gaza and Liberate Palestine’.

For insight into the war in Ukraine and how to end it, see

‘The War in Ukraine: Understanding and Resisting the Global Elite’s Deeper Agenda’ and

‘The War to End War 100 Years On: An Evaluation and Reorientation of our Resistance to War’.

To stop the advancing technocracy and defend yourself against the ongoing destruction of the global economy, see the 30 strategic goals on ‘We Are Human We Are Free’ with one-page flyers available in 23 languages.

And to read nonviolent strategies to halt a range of other threats, including those posed by 5G – see

‘Deadly Rainbow: Will 5G Precipitate the Extinction of All Life on Earth?’

– see

Nonviolent Campaign Strategy.

With generalized strategies (easily refined to a particular context) to end a variety of international threats such as coups, genocides, invasions and foreign occupations, explained here: Nonviolent Defense/Liberation Strategy.


Time has virtually run out. Arguably, we are already too late to act, effectively, to halt the worst of what is happening, whether in the Middle East and North Africa, Central Asia or in relation to the economy and the technocracy. And, to reiterate, this is not to exclude myriad other conflicts, environmental and otherwise, that could easily attract our committed attention.

It is certainly the case that it would have been much better had we acted sooner.

Still, because I never quit, I hope that others, for whatever reasons of their own, won’t either.

But only strategic action, whatever the context, is worth your time.


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Robert J. Burrowes has a lifetime commitment to understanding and ending human violence. He has done extensive research since 1966 in an effort to understand why human beings are violent and has been a nonviolent activist since 1981. He is the author of ‘Why Violence?’ His email address is [email protected] and his website is here. He is a regular contributor to ‘Global Research’.  

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“Everything is being set up for a confrontation that has not been seen for decades. Or even more than half a century. So, this is what is really dangerous. For all of us.”Drago Bosnic, from this week’s interview.


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Alerts of a third and final world war are out there. Plastered all over the newspapers, network broadcasts, and on the various social media outlets.

Rather like the lead-up to World War I, the major nations of the world are convulsing into a rivalry between two great alliances – the U.S.-NATO-Israel alliance and the Russia-China-Iran alliance. The former representing the “rules-based international order.” The latter representing the alternative, identified frequently by NATO leaders as the “authoritarian” by Western entities like the Atlantic Council.[1]

As with WWI, immense expenditures on weaponry is underway. And also, moves on the grand chessboard are starting to evolve into escalating a series of “checks.”[2]

With the war in Ukraine seeing a major failure in the so-called “Counter-offensive” and the Russians holding their ground and advancing, we heard the French President Emmanuel Macron apparently intend on sending Western troops to Ukrainian soil to aid the ailing Ukrainian forces. This was followed by Russia threatening to fire on the forces should they arrive in Ukraine. [3]

We saw that, according to Western military sources, 300,000 soldiers from the NATO alliance are stationed on the border with Russia, Belarus and Ukraine on high-readiness and are offensive-oriented. Russia. As well, indications are that the U.S., UK and EU are preparing to draft soldiers into service. Russia is preparing to revamp its entire doctrine on the usage of WMDs. Russia has also dispatched warships to Cuba about two weeks ago. [4][5][6]

And now, just last weekend, there were MGM-140 Army Tactical Missile System  (ATACMS) fired on Sevastopol in Crimea, mostly intercepted by Russian air defence but killing four people and injuring 151. Russia blamed the U.S. for the attack, as the U.S. military supplied the weapons, aimed them and provided data for the attack. As of this date, Russia is planning retaliation. [7]

Pressure is building as neither Russia nor the U.S. appears ready to blink. Will one of them blink? Or will there be a moment, not unlike the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand that sparked the vital mix of imperial tensions causing an explosion that was the most destructive war to that point in history – World War I. Will history repeat itself in 2024? That is the subject of this week’s special episode of the Global Research News Hour. [8]

In our first half hour, Drago Bosnic, a military and geopolitical analyst studying the war constantly gives his assessment of the recent developments, and assesses the high probability that a major confrontation and ultimately a nuclear war will result.

In our second half hour, we have a lengthy chat with historian Dr. Jacques Pauwels about the World War II victory 80 years ago and how the lion’s share of the work, and the sacrifice, and the bloodshed fighting the German Nazis was on the Russian side in the east, not Normandy in the West. He makes a comparison between the two wars as a necessary one highlighting the dangers and stupidity of the Ukraine War.

Drago Bosnic is an independent geopolitical and military analyst. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Dr. Jacques R. Pauwels was born in Belgium in 1946, moved to Canada in 1969. Undergraduate history studies at Ghent  University, Phd in history from York University in Toronto; MA and PhD in Political Science from University of Toronto. Part-time lecturer in history at various universities in Ontario from approximately 1975 to 2005.

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).

(Global Research News Hour episode 438)


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The Global Research News Hour airs every Friday at 1pm CT on CKUW 95.9FM out of the University of Winnipeg.

The programme is also broadcast weekly (Monday, 1-2pm ET) by the Progressive Radio Network in the US.

The programme is also podcast at .

Other stations airing the show:

CIXX 106.9 FM, broadcasting from Fanshawe College in London, Ontario. It airs Sundays at 6am.

Campus and community radio CFMH 107.3fm in  Saint John, N.B. airs the Global Research News Hour Fridays at 7pm.

CJMP 90.1 FM, Powell River Community Radio, airs the Global Research News Hour every Saturday at 8am.

Caper Radio CJBU 107.3FM in Sydney, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia airs the Global Research News Hour starting Wednesday afternoon from 3-4pm.

Cowichan Valley Community Radio CICV 98.7 FM serving the Cowichan Lake area of Vancouver Island, BC airs the program Thursdays at 9am pacific time.

WZBC 90.3 FM in Newton Massachusetts is Boston College Radio and broadcasts to the greater Boston area. The Global Research News Hour airs Global Research News Hour excerpts infrequently during Truth and Justice Radio which starts Sunday at 6am.



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New Year Donation Drive: Global Research Is Committed to the “Unspoken Truth”

First published by the Centre for Research on Globalization on January 20, 2024



The world looks on with horror,  and apparent impotence, as more than 23,000 [at time of writing] defenseless Palestinians, many of them women and children, have been killed, many more wounded since the October 7, 2023  bombing campaign by the Israeli armed forces,  pulverizing Gaza, ostensibly in retaliation for the attack on Israel by Hamas on October 7, which killed approximately 1,500 Israelis.  

Calls for a ceasefire from around the world are ignored, and, most shamefully of all,  the United Nations Security Council, whose mandate requires it to uphold global peace and security, has, to date, remained impotent, failing to draft any resolution which would demand a cessation of the bombing; and despite the fact that United Nations workers themselves have also been killed as a consequence of the assault on Gaza, the Security Council has completely failed, as of this writing, to produce any resolutions which would halt this collective punishment of the Palestinians, which is now described as genocide.

It would be unfathomable why the UN Security Council permits this slaughter to continue, unabated; it is also unfathomable why the UN Security Council failed to demand that the Minsk Accords be complied with, which would have prevented the current prolonged war between Russia and Ukraine, and saved approximately half a million lives, slaughtered in a useless and preventable war. To make matters more scandalous were the admission by France and Germany that they never intended the Minsk Accords to be complied with, and that they cynically used the UN Security Council approval of the Minsk accords to buy time to strengthen the Ukrainian Army, for the purpose of shattering demolishing Russia.

The Historical Context

A study of the manipulation and abuse of the UN Security Council for the enactment of the geopolitical agenda of the Western powers,  should begin with the 1990-1991 manipulation of the Security Council by the Western powers, just prior to the collapse of the Soviet Union, the USSR by then almost fatally weakened, and unable to withstand US/UK pressure. This study follows, including the exposure of the cynical and Machiavellian tactics used by the West to force through Security Council Resolution 678, which unleashed the pattern of slaughters for which the United Nations Security Council provided both authorization and “cover.”

An examination of overt and covert means by which Security Council approval for resolution 678 was obtained, the methods of coercion, intimidation and bribery by which Security Council members were drawn by the United States into tragic and shameful collaboration in passage of a resolution which has betrayed the very purpose for which the United Nations was originally created (“to prevent the scourge of war”) reveals the criminal and barbarous character or the “New World Order which the former Bush administration intended to impose throughout the world by the most violent means in human history.

On November 16, 1990 the Non-Aligned members of the Security Council drafted an initiative alerting the Security Council members to the risk: “Talk of war option establishes its own momentum which increases the risks of war.” The initiative states:

“1. Given the cultural gap and lack of direct, face-to-face communication between principal parties, and the overall atmosphere of suspicion, there is a high probability that any Iraqi ‘signal’ of ‘flexibility’ would either be ignored, discounted as insincere, or otherwise misinterpreted.”

“2. Given the overwhelming negative consequences now attached to withdrawal, Iraq is not likely to send a signal of flexibility that is sufficiently strong and clear to be understood until war is imminent, by which time it may be too late to stop the momentum toward war.”

Iraq’s Serious Efforts to Cooperate

The New York Times, December 2, 1990 stated:

“Neither President Bush nor Secretary of State James Baker 3rd responded publicly today to Iraq’s acceptance of Mr. Bush’s offer of talks on the Gulf crisis. But Administration officials rebuffed the Iraqi Government’s suggestion that any direct talks between Iraq and the US on Kuwait should deal with the issue of a Palestinian homeland. In its statement, Iraq welcomed the chance for the two countries to have ‘a deep and serious dialogue,’ but did not make its acceptance of Mr. Bush’s offer conditional on discussion of the Palestinian issue.’”

It would be difficult to misunderstand Iraq’s eagerness for dialogue, or to deny its flexibility. On November 29, following what the New York Times described as a “smoothly orchestrated” series of Security Council meetings (“disrupted today when Cuba complained that the Council is rushing into voting a new Persian Gulf crisis resolution before it has voted on an earlier resolution criticizing Israel’s treatment of Palestinians in the occupied territories…..The United States has been striving to delay a vote on the anti-Israel resolution until after the Council gives permission for military action against Iraq, because it would like to veto the measure.  Such a reminder of the United States’ friendship with Israel would embarrass Washington’s Arab friends.”) inciting the psychological atmosphere necessary for passage of Resolution 678 (the Security Council listened to descriptions of Iraqi atrocities in Kuwait for two days, all sensationally reported by the New York Times.

But interestingly, the major media failed to mention a press conference in United Nations Room 226, given by Dr. Mohammad Said, and contradicting many of the statements describing Iraqi “atrocities” “smoothly orchestrated” in the Security Council chamber.

Dr. Said’s testimony and his description of the historical circumstances and context of the Iraqi invasion were documented extensively with videotapes (he has two half-brothers and other relatives in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia) and eyewitness reports from his travels in Kuwait and Iraq: he brought a view of both Iraq and Kuwait at odds with the picture painted by the American news media “and called for both sides to pursue a rational approach to peace based on a plan put forth by the Committee of Arab-Americans Against “US intervention in the Gulf.” His testimony was ignored by both the press and the Security Council.

US/UK Machiavellian Maneuvers Making War Inevitable 

The War Resolution 678 was adopted, following a campaign of manipulation akin to gangster tactics (to be described in detail, later.) And as, legally, Security Council members opposing the War Resolution 678 could have legitimately obstructed its ignominious passage by demanding a procedural vote on which issue took precedence, and should be dealt with first: in fact, S. 219331, concerning the issue of Palestine, brought before the council on October 8, 1990 legally took precedence, and massive disruption of the “smoothly orchestrated ministerial level ‘war council’” could legitimately have been caused by Security Council members outraged by the brazenly displayed double standard of 12 hastily and threateningly passed resolutions in four months, punishing Iraq for its 4 month old occupation of Kuwait, and no effective resolutions protecting Palestinians in territories “occupied” by Israel after 20 years.

And with cynicism equivalent to utter contempt (November 29, Newsday report),

“The United States agreed informally last night to allow passage of a new Security Council resolution protecting Palestinians in the Israeli-occupied territories if the measure’s sponsors don’t raise the issue and disrupt today’s historic UN vote authorizing the use of force to oust Iraq from Kuwait, according to reliable diplomatic sources. Egyptian Ambassador Amre Moussa said the United States had agreed ‘in principle’ last night not to block the measure on the occupied territories and the sponsors of the resolution promised in return that “there won’t be any ‘show biz’ during today’s council meeting on Iraq and Kuwait.”

The Non-Aligned honored their agreement and the “War Resolution 678” passed without disruption or complication, or the disgrace that the Non-Aligned could have legitimately heaped upon the United States and it Foreign Ministerial collaborators. (In fact, a senior US official told an AP correspondent that the Non-Aligned would have “every reason to feel betrayed if they didn’t get cooperation on S/21933/Rev.1”).

The Famous / Infamous BBC “Leak”

On December 5, a resolution approved by the Permanent Five, including the United States Mission, and the Non-Aligned was drafted and scheduled for Security Council vote, as promised by the United States Mission, and the Non-Aligned was drafted and scheduled for Security Council vote, as promised by the United States, and would have, crucially, also met Iraq’s request for conditions enabling it to immediately and honorably withdraw from Kuwait, thereby averting a devastating war.  “Interestingly,” the resolution, (acceptable to all, including, crucially, Iraq, and guaranteeing a peaceful solution) was “leaked” the evening of December 5 to a BBC reporter by “several of the usual reliable US diplomatic sources,” and immediately broadcast by the BBC as an “important shift in US” policy since “as part of negotiations on this resolution the Americans were proposing a reference in the Security Council resolution to a Middle East peace conference; this was the first time such a conference was mentioned in connection with the Security Council, and would be binding, implying further action of the kind Israel wouldn’t like.”

The premature BBC leak spotlighting the peace conference “caused (more accurately, enabled) Bush to immediately reject the “peace resolution,” and it was squashed. Though the BBC correspondent stated disingenuously that “this kind of proposal would have to have a green light from Washington”’ if it already did, the BBC “leak” relieved, and allowed Bush to “back off” from support for a resolution his administration never intended to support from the outset, though the US mission could appear to support it initially until the cooperative BBC “leak” enabled Washington to obstruct the “peace resolution” from coming to a vote at the Security Council, at which point the US would have vetoed it, exposing its own double standard. (Washington once stated:  “it is not opposed to leaks, it simply wants to control them.”) Had the resolution passed, it might have offered protection to Palestinian civilians, and led to Iraq’s withdrawal from Kuwait, clearly something Washington and its British lackeys in cynical collaboration intended to prevent.

Cynical US/UK Postponements of Vote on Peace Restoration, Malaysia Protest Deception

Nevertheless, this cowardly and dishonorable ploy did not go unnoticed by many Ambassadors at the UN, accustomed to US conniving methods of interference in the domestic affairs of other countries: privately a majority of Ambassadors at the UN referred with disgust to the so-called “leak,” but they lacked a voice on the Security Council. Meanwhile, back at the Security Council events developed in an even more odious and disgraceful fashion: the meeting at the Security Council, scheduled for the afternoon on December 6, and at which the Non-Aligned Resolution S/21933.Rev.2 on Palestine should have been brought to a vote at the Security Council with US support, as promised on November 28, was then shifted to Friday morning, then to Friday evening, then to Saturday evening.  On December 8, 1990, the Soviet Ambassador moved for postponement till December 10 (to spare the US the embarrassment of vetoing Res. 21933/Rev.2:  Ambassador Razalli of Malaysia stated: 

“I appeal to members of the Council to understand what the request for a postponement is all about.  It is not to work towards a different formulation of paragraph 7; it is to work towards the exclusion of paragraph 7, which calls for the convening of an internal peace conference on the Middle East, in the interest of the position of an important member of the Council.”

Nevertheless, the meeting was postponed. At 3PM December 10, the Soviet Ambassador again moved the adjourn the meeting to Wednesday, December 12 at 6PM (again sparing the US the embarrassment of vetoing the Resolution and exposing its own double standards). The Representative of Malaysia again protested:

“For the record, too, let me say that the sponsors have made the maximum concession on the international conference.  We have offered, in what may be called ‘Revision 3,’ if ever that revision clears the surface, to transpose paragraph 7 into the preamble and what is in the preamble into the operative part; this is a maximum concession that in many ways diluted many things on the matter of the international conference.”

To no avail, the meeting was adjourned until December 12 at 6PM. On December 12, the Deputy Ambassador of the Soviet Union proposed adjournment of the meeting to Monday, December 17 at 3PM. Outside the Security Council chambers, Mr. Al Kidwah, the representative of Palestine stated unequivocally that

“it is the USA that is blocking and ultimately preventing any action toward a peaceful and equitable solution of the Palestinian and the entire Middle East crisis.”

When challenged that it was the USSR that had moved to postpone the meetings, Al Kidwah lucidly reaffirmed that it is the USA that is fundamentally responsible for the deadlock, implying that other members were serving the US interest in masking its role, and not too nakedly revealing its duplicitous double-standard.

Stupefaction and disbelief, followed by tension, frustration, rage and despair were shared by Asian, African, Latin American and Middle Eastern diplomats as well as others observing the vulgar and contemptuous methods of the USA, its British and European lackeys, and a collaborative, emasculated USSR, of manipulating and paralyzing any Security Council action protecting Palestinian citizens in the “occupied territories” and ultimately sabotaging effective action toward a peaceful resolution of the crisis in the Middle East. And the extent to which the USA dishonored itself, betrayed its promise of November 28, and succeeded in manipulating the Security Council and the United Nations to serve its own “interest” in instigating the Gulf War was staggering.

Highjacking of the United Nations Security Council by US Dominated Western Powers

The formal meeting scheduled for December 17, 3PM did not occur. Evidently a “long epic informal meeting” (as described by the Representative of Malaysia on December 19) served to further delay serious efforts to resolve the crisis – peacefully, and when on Wednesday, December 19 at 11:55 AM a formal meeting was convened, Finland moved for further postponement – implicitly to enforce a further dilution o S/21933/Rev.3 which would ultimately result in castration of the resolution, thereby serving the USA’s intransigent, obsessive and virtually fanatic insistence that nothing even remotely suggesting that the crucial problems of the Middle East might have some common basis (that suggestion of “linkage,” a word which attained the status of a taboo throughout these negotiations) survive, as Finland thereby insured protection of the “interests” of a tiny ‘elite,’ the Ruling Class in the USA which succeeded in using the entire United Nations apparatus to impose and inflice its own interes upon the entire planet.

The War: UN Security Council Resolution 678: Pulverizing Iraq

And while epithets were hurled at Saddam Hussein throughout this period, references to him as a “madman, another Hitler, etc., the US delegation’s panic at any suggestion of the work “linkage” verged on psychosis, causing any impartial observer to wonder who was in fact the madman, and whether Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait was being used by the USA in precisely the same manner as Hitler used the burning of the Reichstag to justify all his ultimately genocidal actions. Unfortunately, George H. W. Bush’s statement almost 4 weeks later (as on January 16, 1991 the US began bombing Iraq in what was to become the most “intensive bombing campaign in the history of warfare”) (New York Times, January 23, 1991,  p.8…. described, as follows by an Egyptian refugee: 

“They are bombing;  people are dying in the street,” said Mr. Mohammed, the auto mechanic. “This is not war, it is the annihilation of a people, an entire Muslim people. People are sleeping in the Mosques. Soldiers are dead in the streets with no one to evacuate them.

This is a black day.”) was conclusive proof that Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait was indeed Washington’s Reischstag, as George Bush stated before the world that the goal of the bombing was to destroy Iraq’s nuclear and chemical industries and to eliminate Hussein from power. (This despite UNDPI International Atomic Energy Agency/1154 stating “no change has taken place in the status of nuclear material under safeguards in Iraq since the last inspections”…April, 1990. At that time, the conclusion was reached that all nuclear material under safeguard was accounted for.)

According to Felicity Arbuthnot:

“The US having refused all negotiation, then dispatched an extra three hundred and sixty thousand US troops to the Gulf at the end of November, the UN Security Council passed UNSCR 678, threatening force of Iraq did not withdraw by January 15th – Iraq having offered to withdraw, albeit with conditions on August 12th., and without conditions a short time later.

In Geneva, on 9th January 1991, then Secretary of State James Baker (a “diplomat” who stated: “We will reduce Iraq to a pre-industrial age”) met Iraq’s Foreign Minister, Tareq Aziz, with a letter from Bush Snr., promising the destruction of Iraq, if Kuwait was not withdrawn from by 15th January. Tareq Aziz stated he would not deliver the letter.


Expansion of the Attack on Iraq: In Violation of UN Security Council Mandate

The New York Times, January 21, 1991: 

“The Bush Administration is taking advantage of combat in the Persian Gulf to try to achieve military aims that go beyond an Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait:…The process began from the moment President Bush announced the onset of war and said the US would destroy Iraq’s nuclear and chemical industries. That was not envisioned in the 12 United Nations Resolutions on Kuwait, but that was an objective that was certainly on the lists of American officials who had been looking for ways to neutralize Iraq as a regional power. The United Nations resolutions on Kuwait never mentioned Iraq’s nuclear potential. But announcing the start of hostilities permitted Mr. Bush to say explicitly that he intended to destroy the chemical and nuclear potentials of Iraq…The US continues to say that it is not trying to kill Mr. Hussein, but it has made no secret of its hope that he would fall from power as a result of the war.” (New York Times, January 22, 1991)

Yes, United States’ will prevailed, with the collaboration of Finland, and of course the meeting was postponed to December 20, 1990, at which point the US had bludgeoned the entire Security Council into submission, the diluted “offending preambular paragraph  in S/21922/Rev.3” was entirely eliminated and replaced by a Presidential Statement (not legally binding, as a Security Council Resolution including the paragraph would have been) which was virtually meaningless, in any case, stating: 

“In this context they agree that an international conference, at an appropriate time, properly structured, should facilitate efforts to achieve a negotiated settlement and lasting peace in the Arab-Israeli conflict.’ “However, the members of the council are of the view that there is not unanimity as to when would be the appropriate time for such a conference. In the view of the members of the council, the Arab-Israeli conflict is important and unique and must be addressed independently, on its own merits.”

The only voice of sanity (reminiscent of the boy in “The Emperor’s New Clothes” who stated, in opposition to the totally deluded consensus on the exquisite finery of the Emperor’s new clothes, that the Emperor was, in fact, naked) was expressed by Yemen’s Ambassador Al-Ashtal

“Since there has been much recent talk of linkage between the Gulf crisis and the problem of the Middle East, I should like in conclusion to recount a brief folk tale that may portray the overall situation with regard to this problem. The story – which by the way is an old Chinese proverb – goes as follows: A farmer had some silver coins and wanted to hide them somewhere. He therefore dug up a small hole in his orchard and buried the coins in it. He then put up a sign reading: ‘There are no silver coins buried here.’ The moral of that terse little tale is that the more we affirm that there is no linkage between the Gulf crisis and the Middle East problem, the more we highlight that link.”

Under the circumstances, it is doubtful whether the BBC would have been severely reprimanded for its “leak” that entirely disrupted negotiations toward a peaceful settlement of the Gulf crisis. All evidence leads toward the BBC “leak” as part of a “smoothly orchestrated” inexorable and deadly “legal” preparation for a war that has revealed its perpetrators, the “coalition” architects as genocidal and barbarous was criminals.


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Carla Stea is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG) and Global Research’s Correspondent at UN headquarters, New York. 

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First published on June 12, 2024

During the previous years, and more specifically the last few months, the intensity of a putrid smell of war has increased to the point where apocalypse could be just around the corner. More and more talks of war, a fear-mongering discourse, the projection of a hot (nuclear) WWIII – hitting Central Europe the third time in just over hundred years, is dominating the mainstream and even non-mainstream media.

It could be true, of course.

Hungary’s Prime Minister, Viktor Orban, envisions a West entangled in Ukraine close to no return. This would mean a direct clash with Russia. Mr. Orban is especially referring to French President Macron’s promise of delivering to Ukraine Mirage fighter jets (no numbers mentioned) and his repeated threats of sending French / NATO troops to fight in and for Ukraine and against Russia.

NATO soldiers in Ukraine is a fully understandable no-no for President Putin, as he repeated on many occasions. It had been part of the Minsk Agreements (2014 and 2015), as signed by all parties, but completely ignored. According to Madame Merkel, then-German Chancellor, Minsk was never meant to be serious, but rather to “buy time” for the west to bolster Ukraine for war with Russia. So, western lies, tricks and cheats are gradually seeping out.

NATO troops are already in Ukraine, just not officially, but admitted and referred to on several occasions by the Polish Foreign Minister.

Hungary’s Head of State also says that NATO requires its members to supply Ukraine with at least 45 billion dollars-worth of weaponry – which he is against. Hungary will not participate in any NATO (or otherwise) direct intervention in Ukraine against Russia. See this.

As a sideline-advise, Mr. Orban may surround himself with bodyguards, as anti-Nato-Ukraine politicians have been cautioned, if not warned, by unidentified sources – for example politicians in Georgia – about the fate of Slovakia’s PM, Robert Fico – who recently just survived an assassination attempt.

Mr. Fico was openly against arming and funding Ukraine in the war against Russia. He is also a fierce opponent of the WHO “Pandemic Treaty”, which is “disabled” for now. The death cult knows no limits.

The other war – in the Middle East – the US Biden-Blinken Administration is doing whatever they can to drive the Zionist Israeli horrendously brutal killing machine to extremes in Gaza – and, less reported on, in all of Palestine, extending into Lebanon and Jordan and soon deeper into the Middle East for the Zionists holy goal of a Greater Israel. See this and this and this.

On 8 June, Washington supported the IDF (better called ZDF – “Z” for Zionist) to “rescue 4 Israeli captives” in Gaza. That offensive ended up killing at least 200 Palestinians, with children being the main target, maiming them, blowing them up, leaving them destroyed, either death or horrendously suffering until death relieves them from suffering.

A US official told Axios (American news website), a US “cell” was stationed in Israel since 7 October 2023, supporting the IDF with military and intelligence data, or as the NYT calls it “intelligence and other logistical support”. All the while, there are, of course, no US boots on the ground.

Does anybody still doubt that the October 7, 2023 “Hamas attack” was planned well in advance by Israel’s Mossad, along with the CIA and MI6?

It looks obvious that these two active and hot wars – Ukraine and Gaza – are connected, as are many others with less news coverage. Both are following the interests of the same Zionist-led worldwide financial apparatus. Killing by wars is among the western system’s biggest money-making affairs.

Plus, it serves the same cabal’s key priority of depopulating the planet. Therefore, wars may rather proliferate than abate, as we see on a daily basis. Atrocities and rules-based assassination of objectors to the orders, are reaching extremes – with a largely desensitized public just looking on “as long as it doesn’t touch me…”

This is the world we are living in.

Or is it?

Simultaneously, there is a fresh breeze of hope and peace cleansing the stench of war. Things are shifting – into a new direction. All over the world. This move is often hard to see – because we are living in a western propaganda and lie-media cage. It ignores the ongoing contest between evil darkness and the light of liberation and Peace.

For example, this past weekend (8 / 9 June 2024), an Anti-Globalist rage swept Europe. Elections took place in many countries in Europe, notable for the European Parliament – where the so-called left, the corrupted “socialists” (no longer deserving their noble name) and greens, the Master Globalists (as in the Green Deal, the largest sham in recent party history) were out-voted by a landslide, in favor of conservative politicians and parties representing the will of the people, national sovereignty, personal independence – screaming a loud NO to globalism.


Eurovision Debate 2024 with Lead Candidates (Licensed under CC BY 2.0)

A drastic shift to the so-called right – a better term would be towards “people’s and national sovereignty” in the EU Parliament, took place.

Under the circumstances, it is far from sure that Madame Ursula Von der Leyen, unelected European Commission (EC) President for the last five ears and loaded with corruption lawsuits, will be reappointed for a second five-year term in August 2024.

The Belgian Prime Minister resigned. In France, the people revolted against Macron, chanting RESIGN!

Consequently, Macron dissolved Parliament and called for snap elections on June 30 and July 7, 2024. For details on how French dissolution of the National Assembly (Parliament) and snap  elections work, see this from Le Monde.

President Macron’s opponent, National Rally’s Marine Le Pen, and her young ally, Jordan Bardella, were jubilant after Sunday’s victory. They are projected winning the upcoming elections by a large majority.

Is this the beginning of the downfall of Globalist Europe? If so, where will Washington go? A people’s revolt in the US is also just around the corner. Many barbarian acts – like the literal promotion and funding with hundreds of millions of dollars of “illegal immigrants” by the Biden / Blinken Administration, are keeping the American public on edge. 

So far about US$120 billion, and more promised, in US tax-payers money transferred to ultra-corrupt Ukraine in the form of cash or weaponry, is further polarizing Americans, especially those aware of the real level of recession, poverty and unemployment ravaging the United States’ economy since the covid sham. 

Image: Two soldiers are positioned on the Statue of Liberty’s torch, which has been turned into a makeshift fighting position. (Licensed under Fair Use)

Two soldiers are positioned on the Statue of Liberty's torch, which has been turned into a makeshift fighting position.

Many speak about a potential civil war, going as far as a breaking off by Texas into a new independence (Texas was a breakaway state from March 2, 1836 to February 19, 1846). See also the independent 2024 movie, “Civil War”. Films are often used by the Cult-Cabal to predict what may be planned and coming.

Potential scenarios are many. And who knows how long the struggle between the forces of darkness and those of light will last, when finally light will outshine darkness?

Does it mean that the western systems of usurpation – thousand years of colonizing the Global South – may collapse on both sides of the Atlantic?

Speculating positively, Europe may rebuild itself along the lines of the ancient giant Eurasian Continent that 2100 years ago was united by the original Silk Road, already then initiated by China.

It would be a logical unification and cooperation in Peace and harmony with Russia, China, and the Global South, today represented by the expanded BRICS and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO).

We are not there yet.

Kiev is still fighting for more and more western support, in arms, in money, in training of Ukrainian troops to fight against Russia. They will, on average, according to expert Scott Ritter, last about a week or less before they are killed.

Russia could indeed bring a halt to this bloodshed by decapitating Kiev in a matter of 72 hours or less. If it has not happened yet, it is because President Putin does not want to risk a hot – God forbid – nuclear WWIII, destroying Europe and possibly much of Moscow too.

Figuratively speaking, it is a few seconds to noon before a collapse may be triggered by an act of cowardice, by the western illusion of supremacy. Yet, Russia is today and has always been ready to negotiate for a fair arrangement that protects the Russian population in the Donbas and keeps Ukraine out of NATO – as a neutral state.

Why does it not happen?

Why does the West not take advantage of the so-called Peace Conference sponsored by Switzerland on 15 / 16 June on the Swiss luxury resort Burgenstock, a frequent Bilderberger venue, to which it is expected that more than 160 delegations, nations, organizations, NGOs and individuals will attend – but NOT Russia? Naturally, names of expected attendees are secret.

Why is it that they lie about not inviting Russia, saying, because Russia would not want to attend, when the exact contrary is the case? The truth is, Switzerland was falling for Zelenskyy’s wish to hold a Peace Conference without Russia. Can anybody imagine this billion-dollar effort for zilch? For sheer anti-Russia propaganda? And for bending to western arrogance? 

Such a sinister plan can only be a loser’s plan. 

Whatever it is, subtle events of reconciliation are occurring throughout the world, the breeze of fresh air is brushing away the stench of war, of ever more obvious political incompetence, of the endless war propaganda, and, instead, they are announcing a new, non-globalist multi-polar world working together for shared benefits and a common future.


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Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and  co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.

Featured image is from Massoud Nayeri

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A famous person (was it Karl Marx?) once remarked that when history repeats itself, the first time it is a tragedy, the second time a farce. Many of Marx’s important predictions may not have come to fruition exactly as he wanted, but on this one he was spot on.

Image: Evo Morales (Source: Peoples Dispatch)

The recent commotion in the South American country of Bolivia may be regarded as an illustration. The potential tragedy part of the drama was the 2019 coup, executed professionally according to the regime change rulebook in order to seize the country’s valuable lithium deposits and incidentally despoil it’s citizens of all their remaining mineral wealth.

In that coup, President Evo Morales, the indisputable champion of the bulk of Bolivia’s majority indigenous population, was ruthlessly deposed. The farce is the amateurishly attempted replay of that episode on 26 June 2024, which in spite of best laid plans unexpectedly went awry. The farce took all of three hours to collapse.

On both occasions, in 2019 and on 26 June 2024, the principal points of contention were Bolivia’s vast lithium deposits, estimated at 21 million tonnes, and for whose benefit they would be exploited.

A related but equally fundamental issue was (and still very much is) Bolivia’s orientation in the geopolitical arena, whether it would side with the BRICS block or the collective West.

In everything but the operation’s outcome in the farcical stage, the symmetry between the two coups was evident.

In 2019 the intended rapine of Bolivia’s natural resources, with lithium deposits at the top of the plunder list, initially was successful but ultimately it failed.

To be sure, the regime change manual was followed faithfully. After shameless electoral interference with abundant cash and a flood of corrupt media disinformation, Evo Morales’s commanding lead in the 2019 elections was whittled down to a manageable level so that his electoral victory could be plausibly portrayed as stolen.

In standard fashion, rented mobs demanded his withdrawal and commissions were set up by vassal entities such as the Organisation of American States to declare that the election process was fraudulent. At the appropriate moment, army officers who almost to a man were graduates of the notorious subversion academy, the School of the Americas (since innocuously renamed Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation to cover up its criminal tracks) were activated to administer the coup de grace to Morales’ presidency, or so it was expected. The legally re-elected, however narrowly, President Morales was compelled to flee for his life into exile.

A dumb and as it turned out also venal, but extremely cooperative, Aryan blonde without a drop of Inca blood, Jeanine Áñez, was invested with the presidential sash and illegally installed to replace him.

The multinational lithium cartel could now rub their hands and gloat over the succulent Bolivian pickings that had fallen into their lap, a booty Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid could only have dreamt of.

Elon Musk, one of the rapacious magnates who was allegedly involved in the coup and who was in dire need of lithium to power his electric car venture, publicly flaunted his complicity in the affair, instigated to thwart the political will of a long-suffering and impoverished nation. He arrogantly boasted that “we will coup whoever we want” when asked to explain his sordid role in  overthrowing a democratically elected foreign government.

But it was a short lived party. Bolivia’s unwashed masses, the Andean “deplorables,” stubbornly refused to play by the script. Following months of civil disobedience by the abused population, Bolivia became virtually ungovernable and it was the coup regime that finally had to give in.

After a new election, Bolivia was returned to constitutional rule under the legally elected current President Luis Arce, Morales’ protégé and former finance minister.

The stage was set for the recent farce the moment Evo Morales announced his intention to run for President in the forthcoming 2025 elections.

His stand-in Luis Arce’s patriotic policies were bad enough for the cabal, particularly his plan to treat Bolivia’s national resources as the common patrimony of its people, to explore the use of safe lithium extraction technologies developed by Russia, and to apply for membership in BRICS.

But the prospect of their charismatic bête noire Evo Morales’ being elected again next year was simply intolerable for both oligarchies, the international and the domestic.

Image: Luis Alberto Arce Catacora (Licensed under CC BY 2.0)

Luis Arce in the Casa Grande del Pueblo, invested with the symbols of command. Behind are the dual flags of Bolivia: the national flag and the Wiphala.

The big lesson of the failed attempted coup in Bolivia is that the hegemon’s bag of tricks is nearly empty and that its technologies of control, which in the past had almost always worked flawlessly, are now faltering badly. It is futile however to try to teach an old dog new tricks.

Taking a leaf from Alexander Lukashenko’s playbook during the foreign orchestrated upheaval in Belarus, instead of fleeing to seek refuge in a foreign embassy, which is what Latin American presidents have traditionally done in similar circumstances, Luis Arce decided to change the paradigm. He came down from his office, personally confronted the rebellious troops, all native Bolivians like himself, informed them that he was their legal President and commander-in-chief, and addressing them over the head of the treacherous School of the Americas graduate, General Juan José Zúñiga, who enticed them to mutiny on the false pretext of protecting democracy, Arce ordered them to return to their barracks. And lo and behold, obediently they did. After a brief stand-off in Plaza Murillo in front of the Presidential palace, the second Bolivian lithium coup fizzled pathetically.

But as the saying goes, you lose some and you win some. Whilst being chased out of proud Bolivia, the lithium cabal are scoring big in servile Serbia.

Compared to Bolivia and other lithium rich countries, Serbia’s reserves are relatively modest, estimated at 1,3 million tonnes. It is nevertheless an attractive venue because its corrupt regime grants foreign concessions on the principle of baksheesh and is always keen to make under the table deals for a cut of the proceeds.

It is as uninterested in the devastating impact of unregulated lithium mining as it is completely indifferent to where its munitions will end up in the Ukrainian conflict. The health of citizens theoretically entrusted to its care or the environment are the least of its concerns.

Mostly unnoticed by the rest of the world, for several years an intense lithium battle has been simmering in Serbia. Spearheading the international mining cartel’s assault on Serbia’s mineral wealth is the predatory Rio Tinto corporation, an outfit with a terrible record for environmentally destructive practices and callous exploitation of human labour.

One suspects that the reason Rio Tinto and the Serbian government are getting on so well is that they are kindred spirits.

The crux of the Serbian situation is that the government does not have a policy of treating natural resources as the inalienable patrimony of the nation not subject to privatisation and which must be administered with regard for the common good.

Rio Tinto’s objective, naturally, is the maximisation of profit for the least investment. There are other European countries, such as Germany, which have considerable lithium deposits but they also have strict environmental laws, high labour costs, and a much more ecologically sophisticated public than is the case in Serbia.

That is why for Rio Tinto a symbiotic relationship with Serbia’s corrupt government is the perfect solution for getting a piece of the electric vehicle battery market at minimum cost. The waste its mining activities would leave behind once they cease to be profitable, having devastated productive agricultural land and contaminating Serbia’s water supply with poisonous substances, is not Rio Tinto’s problem. It should be the government’s concern, of course, but like everywhere else where it operates Rio Tinto has the government in its pocket.

There are indications that sections of the Serbian public are waking up to the existential danger to life and health posed by their government’s shady deal with a predatory corporation whose track record is scandalous even by the abysmally low mining industry standards. Serbs do not have the stamina of Bolivians, but over the next several weeks protests are scheduled in the most endangered areas as well as in the rest of the country.

It is unlikely that the protesters will stray very far from their comfort zone or that a general on a white horse (perhaps this time a graduate of the Suvorov military academy?) will appear to save the day. But as the situation unfolds it bears watching, and we will keep readers abreast of further developments as warranted.


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Stephen Karganovic is president of “Srebrenica Historical Project,” an NGO registered in the Netherlands to investigate the factual matrix and background of events that took place in Srebrenica in July of 1995. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.  

Featured image: Laguna Cañapa in Bolivia. Photo via Wikimedia.

Rethinking Srebrenica eBook : Karganovic, Stephen, Simic, Ljubisa: BooksRethinking Srebrenica

By Stephen Karganovic

Rethinking Srebrenica examines the forensic evidence of the alleged Srebrenica “massacre” possessed by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) in The Hague. Even though the ICTY created more than 3,500 autopsy reports, many of these autopsy reports were based on bone fragments, which do not represent complete bodies. An examination of the matching femur bones found reveals that there were only about 1,900 complete bodies that were exhumed. Of these, some 1,500 autopsy reports indicated a cause of death consistent with battlefield casualties. Only about 400 autopsy reports indicated execution as a cause of death, as revealed by ligatures and blindfolds. This forensic evidence does not warrant the conclusion of a genocide having taken place.

Karganovic examines the events that took place in Srebrenica in July 1995 in a wholistic manner instead of restricting it to a three-day event. The ten chapters cover:

1) Srebrenica: A Critical Overview;

2) Demilitarization of the UN Safe Zone of Srebrenica;

3) Genocide or Blowback?;

4) General Presentation and Interpretation of Srebrenica Forensic Data (Pattern of Injury Breakdown);

5) An Analysis of the Srebrenica Forensic Reports Prepared by the ICTY Prosecution Experts;

6) An Analysis of Muslim Column Losses Attributable to Minefields, Combat Activity, and Other Causes;

7) The Genocide Issue: Was there a Demonstrable Intent to Exterminate All Muslims?;

8) ICTY Radio Intercept Evidence;

9) The Balance Sheet; and

10) Srebrenica: Uses of the Narrative.

  • ASIN:‎ B0992RRJRK
  • Publisher: ‎Unwritten History, Inc.; 2 edition (July 8 2021)
  • Language: ‎English

Click here to purchase.

NATO’s 70th anniversary in Florence, Italy (April 7, 2019) called for NATO-Exit. 

We are currently gearing up to the Washington NATO July Summit  to be held on 9-11, July 2024.

At this juncture in our history the crimes committed by NATO and its 32 member states are beyond description, specifically with regard to its unbending support of a Nazi government in Kiev. 


Five years ago in April 2019, we met in Florence at a Conference Venue calling for NATO EXIT.

No Guerra, No NATO.

The Florence Declaration adopted by more than 600 participants called for NATO-Exit: the withdrawal of NATO member states from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 

The object of the Florence Declaration was NATO-EXIT. The Dismantling of NATO and the closure of US military bases. 

NATO is not an Alliance. It is an organisation under the command of the Pentagon, and its objective is the military control of Western and Eastern Europe.

US bases in the member countries of NATO serve to occupy these countries, by maintaining a permanent military presence which enables Washington to influence and control their policies and prevent genuine democratic choices.

NATO is a war machine which works for the interests of the United States, with the complicity of the major European power groups, staining itself with crimes against humanity.

Text of The Florence Declaration: NATO EXIT

Adopted by more than 600 participants to the Florence No War No NATO Conference, April 7, 2019.

Original in Italian. Translations into English, French, Russian, Spanish.

The debates and discussions were chaired by renowned author and geographer Manlio Dinucci.

The event was organized by Italy’s Comitato No Guerra, No NATO, in collaboration with the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). 

The Florence Declaration was drafted by Italy’s Comitato and the CRG.


First published on Global Research on May 06, 2019, July 6, 2024


The risk of a vast war which, with the use of nuclear weapons, could mean the end of Humanity, is real and growing, even though it is not noticed by the general public, which is maintained in the ignorance of this imminent danger.

A strong engagement to find a way out of the war system is of vital importance. This raises the question of the affiliation of Italy and other European countries with NATO.

NATO is not an Alliance. It is an organisation under the command of the Pentagon, and its objective is the military control of Western and Eastern Europe.

US bases in the member countries of NATO serve to occupy these countries, by maintaining a permanent military presence which enables Washington to influence and control their policies and prevent genuine democratic choices. 

NATO is a war machine which works for the interests of the United States, with the complicity of the major European power groups, staining itself with crimes against humanity.

The war of aggression waged by NATO in 1999 against Yugoslavia paved the way for the globalization of military interventions, with wars against Afghanistan, Libya, Syria and other countries, in complete violation of international law.

These wars are financed by the member countries, whose military budgets are increasing continually to the detriment of social expenditure, in order to support colossal military programmes like that of the US nuclear programme which costs 1,200 billion dollars.

In violation of the Non-Proliferation Treaty, the USA is deploying nuclear weapons in five non-nuclear NATO States, under the false pretext of the ”Russian menace”. By doing so, they are risking the security of Europe.

To exit the war system which is causing more and more damage and exposing us to increasing dangers, we must leave NATO, affirming our rights as sovereign and neutral States.

In this way, it becomes possible to contribute to the dismantling of NATO and all other military alliances, to the reconfiguration of the structures of the whole European region, to the formation of a multipolar world where the aspirations of the People for liberty and social justice may be realised.

We propose the creation of a NATO EXIT International Front in all NATO member countries , by building an organisational network at a basic level strong enough to support the very difficult struggle we must face in order to attain this objective, which is vital for our future.

Florence, April 7, 2019




Manlio Dinucci from Italy

Michel Chossudovsky from Canada


Zivadin Jovanovic from Serbia

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How the Israeli Army Benefits from US Tax Law

July 6th, 2024 by Philip Giraldi

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The United States tax code allows exemptions from federal taxes for certain categories of nonprofit organizations or groups that frequently serve either an educational or charitable purpose. Such organizations are categorized as 501(c)(3) and exempt from Federal income taxes while the donors who contribute to their support can deduct the total donations up to the limits imposed by their own overall tax liability. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) recognizes more than 30 types of nonprofit organizations but only those that qualify for 501(c)(3) status can say that donations made to them are tax deductible.

Most of the organizations that may be eligible for 501(c)(3) designation

“fall into one of three categories: charitable organizations, churches and religious organizations, and private foundations. A group must operate exclusively for one of certain purposes to be considered a charitable organization by the IRS: charitable, religious, educational, scientific, literary, testing for public safety, fostering national or international amateur sports competition, or preventing cruelty to children or animals.”

The IRS further defines “charitable” activities as “relief of the poor, the distressed, or the underprivileged; advancement of religion; advancement of education or science; erecting or maintaining public buildings, monuments, or works; lessening the burdens of government; lessening neighborhood tensions; eliminating prejudice and discrimination; defending human and civil rights secured by law; and combating community deterioration and juvenile delinquency.”

A 501(c)(3) organization is also “forbidden from using its activities to influence legislation in a substantial way, including participating in any campaign activities to support or deny any particular political candidate. It’s also typically not permitted to engage in political lobbying.” A private foundation is typically “held by an individual, a family, or a corporation and it obtains most of its income from a relatively small group of donors. Private foundations are subject to stricter rules and regulations than public charities. A public charity is a nonprofit organization that receives a substantial portion of its income or revenue from the general public or the government.”

It is worth considering how a 501(c)(3) is supposed to work when one examines how the numerous organizations that constitute the Israel Lobby in the United States have attained that status, which enables them to avoid US taxes while also attracting donors through tax deductions in spite of the fact that they lobby heavily, which ignores US laws, and exist to support and empower a foreign government that is engaged in a genocide.

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), regarded as the wealthiest and most politically powerful of the Lobby groups, even boasts about its lobbying ability as well as the amazing success of its associated PAC in endorsing favorable to Israel political candidates. The heavily politically engaged Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and the pro-Iran war Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD) are likewise 501(c)(3). Smaller foundations such as the Charles and Seryl Kushner Foundation, founded by the father of Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner, are likewise 501(c)(3) and engaged in supporting illegal settlement development in Israeli occupied Palestine.

The 501(c)(3) status enables many Jewish and Israel-oriented groups to obtain large sums of money which are then used politically to enabled the corruption of the political process in the United States to the benefit of both Israel and domestic Jewish-favored issues. And being non-profit most definitely does not mean that anyone is going broke or working out of shabby offices in some dank suburb. AIPAC reported in excess of $90 million in earnings since Israel has been at war in Gaza, plus ADL $105 million in 1922, and FDD $18 million in earnings in the same year. The chief executives of the three organizations are, respectively Howard Kohr, Jonathan Greenblatt, and Mark Dubowitz. They earned $1,055,000, $993,000, and $771,000 respectively in 2021-2022.

This all means in practice that there is a steady cash flow from the United States to Israel that far exceeds the $3.8 billion plus special appropriations annually that President Barack Obama foolishly guaranteed to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in 2016 in a bid to maintain Jewish donor and media support for Hillary Clinton’s election. Grant Smith, who heads the “Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy (IRMEP)”, has estimated that the annual total going to Israel far exceeds $10 billion and, which does not include other freebies like US government co-development and production projects and disbursements like the $14 billion gift from President Joe Biden to Israel in April to help pay for and arm that nation’s extermination of the Gazans.

Israel and the Jewish community also get an enormous free ride from some state governments. Smith has described how one such board that he has identified in Virginia is a unique example of a state’s economic policies being manipulated by a dedicated Israeli fifth column in government. It is named the Virginia Israel Advisory Board (VIAB).

The VIAB is actually part of the Virginia state government. It is funded by the Commonwealth of Virginia and is able to access funds from other government agencies to support Israeli businesses. It is staffed by Israelis and American Jews drawn from what has been described as the “Israel advocacy ecosystem” and is self-administered, appointing its own members and officers. Only Virginia has such a group actually sitting within the government itself though other states have similar advisory or “trade” commissions. VIAB is able to make secret preferential agreements, to arrange special concessions on taxes and to establish start-up subsidies for Israeli businesses. Israeli business projects have been, as a result, regularly funded using Virginia state resources with little accountability. It has been estimated that the cash flow in favor of Israel from Virginia alone has exceeded $500 million annually.

Smith has reported how VIAB is not just an economic mechanism. Its charter states that it was “created to foster closer economic integration between the United States and Israel while supporting the Israeli government’s policy agenda.” Smith also has observed that “VIAB is a pilot for how Israel can quietly obtain taxpayer funding and official status for networked entities that advance Israel from within key state governments.” The board grew significantly under Democratic governor Terry McAuliffe’s administration (2014-2018). McAuliffe, regarded by many as the Clintons’ “bag man,” has received what are regarded as generous out-of-state campaign contributions from actively pro-Israeli billionaires Haim Saban and J.B. Pritzker, who are both affiliated with the Democratic Party.

Terry McAuliffe as governor met regularly in off-the-record “no press allowed” sessions with several Israel advocacy groups and spoke frequently about “the Virginia Advisory Board and its successes.” That was, of course, a self-serving lie by one of the slimiest of the Clinton unindicted criminals. In short, the VIAB is little more than a mechanism set up to carry out licensed robbery of Virginia state resources to benefit Israel. As a side benefit to us Virginians, its reckless activities have led to numerous zoning and environmental violations.

Judging by all of the above, one would reasonably have to accept that we are only seeing the tip of the iceberg, that there are many “non-profit” federal tax-exempt foundations and other boards and organizations that exist in the United States to benefit Israel. That said, however, there are a couple of pro-Israel 501(c)(3) “charitable” foundations that boggle the mind for their openly state mission. They consist of several organizations that have been established and exploited to support the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), which, as noted above, are currently engaged in carrying out what is widely recognized to be a genocide in Gaza as well as persecution of Palestinians on parts of the illegally occupied West Bank. They are perhaps deserving of some special attention.

The best known and largest of the Israeli army focused “charities” is the “Friends of the Israel Defense Forces” (FIDF) which stages annual rallies and gatherings both in Los Angeles and New York to raise money for those brave warriors who are nearly every day bombing hospitals and schools and killing many thousands of children. The gatherings are well attended by the usual celebrities and politicians and widely reported in the accommodating media. The group, based in New York City, boasts of how it works directly with the Israeli Ministry of Defense. Friends of IDF raised a record $60 million at a Los Angeles gala in 2018. Major Donald Trump financial supporters Miriam and Sheldon Adelson donated $10 million, matched by Israeli-American Hollywood figure Haim Saban and his wife, Cheryl.

FIDF claims to be the only 501(c)(3) certified IDF fund raiser in the US, but there is at least one other organization that has been in the news recently. It is “The Association for Israel’s Soldiers” which also goes by “The Friends of LIBI” and “LIBI USA”, which is a volunteer outfit based in Brighton, Massachusetts. It actually also claims to be part of Israel’s Ministry of Defense and its job is to cover expenses that are not part of the Israeli government budget. As money is fungible, that frees up money for more warlike purposes. But that description inevitably makes one wonder how an element of the Israeli government is able to collect tax exempt money that is also deductible as federal income taxes donations which are apparently repatriated from the US to Israel without any “charitable” or “educational” function intruding in America?

It does not require any particular brilliance to realize that both politically and economically Israel is not treated like everyone else by governments at various levels in the United States. At risk of being repetitive, how is it possible that organizations that are committed to supporting war crimes and even genocide by a foreign nation are allowed to have tax breaks that enable them to collect more money to corrupt the system that feeds them? How is it possible that the foreign army carrying out the war crimes is also allowed to benefit directly from the exemption from taxation? Those are questions that need to be answered!


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This article was originally published on The Unz Review.

Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a 501(c)3 tax deductible educational foundation (Federal ID Number #52-1739023) that seeks a more interests-based U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Website is, address is P.O. Box 2157, Purcellville VA 20134 and its email is [email protected].

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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This Is What Genocide Looks Like

July 6th, 2024 by Mark Taliano

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Zionists bomb homes and businesses and families and people have nowhere safe to go. They have lost everything, including family members, and they have nowhere safe to go.

This is what genocide looks like. Western-supported Zionists use Western-supplied 2,000 pound bombs to obliterate neighbourhoods, to obliterate Palestinians. This is policy.  The genocide, the mass-killings and the mass destruction are intentional.

This is what fascist genocide looks like. Western-supported Israel rounds up and tortures civilians as policy.

This is what genocide looks like. Zionists intentionally destroy healthcare and hospitals. Doctors have no choice but to perform surgeries WITHOUT ANESTHETICS.

This is genocide. Western governments support it.


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Mark Taliano is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG) and the author of Voices from Syria, Global Research Publishers, 2017. He writes on his website where this article was originally published.

Featured image: Let Them Eat Dirt – by Mr. Fish

Order Mark Taliano’s Book “Voices from Syria” directly from Global Research.

**Voices from Syria**

Author: Mark Taliano

ISBN Number: 978-0-9737147-9-1

Year: 2017

Product Type: PDF File

List Price: $6.50

Special Offer: $5.00 

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O primeiro-ministro húngaro, Viktor Orban, fez uma visita surpresa a Kiev em 2 de julho e conversou com o presidente ucraniano, Vladimir Zelensky, sobre a possibilidade de um cessar-fogo. As autoridades de Kiev rejeitaram a proposta de Orban quase imediatamente, deixando claro que não haverá paz e que o país planeja seguir a diretiva ocidental de lutar “até ao último ucraniano”.

Orban propôs a Zelensky que tomasse a iniciativa de estabelecer um cessar-fogo e depois retomar as negociações de paz com a Rússia. Na opinião do líder húngaro, um cessar-fogo seria um gesto frutífero de boa vontade para o diálogo com Moscou, mostrando que Kiev está disposta a resolver o conflito diplomaticamente. Ele acredita que, com o fim das hostilidades, as negociações poderiam avançar de forma mais adequada, tendo mais chances de as partes finalmente chegarem a um acordo.

Esta foi a primeira visita de Orban a Kiev em mais de uma década, o que mostra como o político húngaro estava genuinamente disposto a propor um diálogo de paz. No entanto, as autoridades ucranianas nem sequer consideraram a proposta de Orban, com o assessor de Zelensky, Igor Zhovkva, quase imediatamente a manifestar-se para rejeitar a iniciativa.

“[Orban] expressou a sua opinião (…) Este não é o primeiro país que fala sobre tais possíveis desenvolvimentos (…) [No entanto] a posição da Ucrânia é bastante clara, compreensível e bem conhecida (…) [Para Kiev, um cessar-fogo] não pode ser considerado isoladamente”, disse ele durante um comunicado oficial.

Zhovkva está errado quando diz que Orban propôs um cessar-fogo “isolado”. A iniciativa que propôs visa retomar as negociações de paz. Obviamente, cessar as hostilidades antes das conversações seria visto por Moscou como um gesto de boa vontade, independentemente do resultado final das discussões. No entanto, esta falta de educação diplomática ucraniana era realmente esperada.

O regime neonazista deixou repetidamente claro que não está disposto a negociar a paz, excepto nos seus próprios termos – que incluem precisamente a recuperação do controle territorial sobre as áreas libertadas pelas forças russas. É evidente que Moscou não está disposto a entregar aos territórios inimigos que já foram reintegrados na Federação Russa, pelo que o diálogo com a junta de Kiev é impossível.

Na verdade, de um ponto de vista realista, só os russos podem realmente propor um acordo de paz. Como lado vitorioso no conflito, é Moscou quem decide quando encerrar a ação militar. Kiev só pode aceitar as condições da Rússia ou continuar a lutar mesmo sem qualquer possibilidade de vitória. Por seu lado, a Rússia já propôs um acordo de paz, cujos pontos principais são o reconhecimento das Novas Regiões e a promessa de Kiev de não aderir à OTAN. A Ucrânia continua a recusar estas condições, prolongando desnecessariamente o conflito.

É possível dizer que Orban fez o que pôde, mas os seus planos foram frustrados pela sede ucraniana de guerra. A junta de Kiev está obstinada em cumprir todas as ordens ocidentais, sendo infrutíferas quaisquer iniciativas de paz. No entanto, é importante sublinhar como a atitude dura da Ucrânia em relação a Orban poderá ter consequências graves, uma vez que as tensões entre Kiev e Budapeste têm aumentado continuamente nos últimos tempos.

Orban tem uma postura soberanista, sendo um líder dissidente na UE e na OTAN. Ele é contra o fornecimento de armas a Kiev e a favor da paz entre a Rússia e a Europa. Recentemente, Orban acusou os “burocratas da UE” de quererem a guerra com a Rússia e deixou claro que não quer que a Hungria se envolva numa tal situação.

Orban também está profundamente preocupado com os seus compatriotas étnicos húngaros sob jurisdição ucraniana. Tal como acontece com os russos em Donbass, Kiev está a promover a limpeza étnica na região da Transcarpátia, de maioria húngara. A língua húngara foi banida das escolas da Transcarpátia e os cidadãos locais foram enviados em massa para a morte certa nas linhas da frente, sendo uma prioridade na política de recrutamento forçado.

A Hungria denunciou repetidamente a situação na Transcarpátia, mas as organizações internacionais permanecem inertes. Zelensky não deu qualquer explicação a Orban sobre esta questão na recente reunião. É altamente esperado que isso irrite o líder húngaro e o encoraje a tomar medidas cada vez mais duras contra Kiev, talvez sancionando-o ou encorajando a emigração em massa de húngaros étnicos da Ucrânia.

Além disso, Orban poderia prosseguir uma política ainda mais soberana a partir de agora. O primeiro-ministro húngaro já compreendeu que não há futuro na cooperação com a UE e a OTAN, razão pela qual a Hungria pode procurar parcerias estratégicas com potências emergentes, incluindo a Rússia.

Lucas Leiroz De Almeida


Artigo em inglês :Ukrainian insistence on war might seriously irritate Hungary, InfoBrics, 3 de Julio de 2024.

Imagém : InfoBrics


Lucas Leiroz, membro da Associação de Jornalistas do BRICS, pesquisador do Centro de Estudos Geoestratégicos, especialista militar.

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Donald Trump, a peacemaker?

That’s precisely how Robert C. O’Brien (former US National Security Adviser) describes the former president’s record – even if this means peace by force, or “peace through strength”, as Ronald Reagan phrased it and as Trump echoed it in his UNGA 2020 General Assembly speech. Analyses of Trump’s political profile can indeed vary wildly, depending on whom you ask (see below). O’Brien in any case forecasts that, with regards to foreign policy, one can expect realism with a “Jacksonian flavor” in case the Republican wins the election.

Andrew Byers (a nonresident Fellow at Texas A&M University’s Albritton Center for Grand Strategy) and Randall L. Schweller (an Ohio State University Professor and Director of the Program for the Study of Realist Foreign Policy) have similar views on this.

According to them, Donald Trump is, at heart, a “true realist”, that is, “someone who avoids idealistic and ideological views of global affairs in favor of power politics”.

For the experts,  in Trump’s first term, such “realist impulses were muted and sometimes stopped by hawkish national security staffers who did not share his vision”, however, “having learned that personnel is policy”, he “will not make this mistake again.”

Byers and Schweller thus forecast that Trump’s potential new administration will be “perhaps the most restrained US foreign policy in modern history.”

The idea of securing peace through readiness to engage in war is best summarized in American political culture by the aphorism of which Theodore Roosevelt was so fond of saying: “speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far.”

Trump seems to lack the softness part – this becomes abundantly clear if one takes the story of his exchange with Taliban leadership seriously, for instance (clearly a mistake, considering how other Powers today pragmatically engage with the Taliban). Even Roosevelt’s “big stick” diplomacy was not pure bullying: it was supposed, in theory, at least, to allow adversaries to “save face” in defeat.

O’Brien and the other experts quoted do have a point with regards to Trump’s record of “peacemaking”. There is at least a grain of truth to that and one must admit it. There is however, as is often the case, another side to almost all the examples these analysts list in making their point.

O’Brien goes as far as to claim that “Trump was determined to avoid new wars and endless counterinsurgency operations, and his presidency was the first since that of Jimmy Carter in which the United States did not enter a new war or expand an existing conflict.” This assertion depends on one’s definition of “war”, of course. The claim is even contradictory, as O’Brien next says “Trump also ended one war with a rare US victory, wiping out the Islamic State (also known as ISIS)”. Besides, on the defeat of the ISIS terrorist group, O’Brien, while hailing the Republican candidate, fails to mention the key role played by Russia and Iran (not to mention Hezbollah).

Other analysts, such as Hal Brands (a Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies scholar), also ardently believe in Trump’s “isolationism” – but see it as potentially apocalyptic. For Brands, a new Trump presidency could “fracture Europe”, bringing back the European “darker, more anarchic, more illiberal patterns of its past.”

Image: Donald Trump and Iranian General Qassem Soleimani (Source: OneWorld)

I wrote in March about how Trump’s supposed “isolationism” must be taken with a grain of salt. One may recall that it was no other than Trump who assassinated Iranian General Soleimani, for one thing. Trump has also famously said that Tel Aviv must “finish the problem”. The former president may not be the insane warmonger he’s made out to be by a largely Democrat US media and some analysts. He does prefer to resort to economic warfare (rather than opting for military intervention all the time). However he is obviously no “anti-imperialist” hero as the fantasies of some of the more naïve analysts would have it.

Trump did “facilitate the Abraham Accords” to bring “peace” to “Israel and three of its neighbors in the Middle East plus Sudan” (as O’Brien writes)

However, the very same agreements, albeit attracting new allies, have caused a major increase in tensions all across Africa, the Middle East and beyond. The Israel-UEA peace deal in 2020, for instance, prompted protests in South Africa right away – by 2022, the African nation was declaring Israel an “apartheid state”. The Persian Gulf – Horn of Africa nexus has always been a strategic place for Israel, this being a region where military and commercial interests overlap. These normalization deals were in fact also part of the rise of Israeli military presence in Africa and abroad – this was made all the more clearly with the 2021 Israel’s joint naval drill with the UAE and Bahrain. Besides that, already in 2021 I wrote (as did countless others) on how the Israeli-Palestine conflict further polarized the Middle East and inflamed public opinion against the Abraham Accords.

The same normalization agreements, together with the issue of Western Sahara, escalated Algerian-Moroccan tensions tremendously, to the point of disrupting European energy interests. In December 2020, Trump recognized Morocco’s claims to the disputed region (in a kind of “quid pro quo” after Morocco normalized its relations with the Jewish state). In doing so, the former US President fueled pre-existing contradictions between the Maghreb region and the African Union, and within the Maghreb region itself – with regards to the Western Sahara  “forgotten war”, he threw gasoline on the fire. One must admit that increasing tensions globally is a rather strange way of making peace.

Trump gave the Abraham Accords a central place in its foreign policy, and Biden has inherited this. The hard fact is that the roots of today’s crisis in the Middle East lie largely at these agreements. With the escalation of conflict in the Middle East, the center of gravity for global tensions might have partially shifted away from Eastern Europe. The current Houthi crisis in the Red Sea, for one thing, is largely a collateral effect of the Washington-backed catastrophic Israeli campaign in the Levant. It turns out Trump is, by all indications, more of an unconditional backer of Israel than his opponent Biden is. And this could be bad news to the world.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Uriel Araujo is a researcher with a focus on international and ethnic conflicts. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Gage Skidmore via Flickr

Americans Ready for War… Against US Government?

July 5th, 2024 by Drago Bosnic

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A national poll (conducted by Marist Poll) in late May showed that a staggering 47% of American citizens believe a new civil war is likely to happen during their lifetime. The populace also deeply distrusts the mainstream propaganda machine, as evidenced by previous polls showing that nearly 40% of Americans don’t trust their media in the slightest. And who could possibly blame them? The American people have been lied to for decades, with warmongering politicians tricking them into supporting wars and foreign meddling that only exacerbated world problems, which would often come back and bite the electorate in the US itself. Now, many Americans believe that the corrupt federal institutions are trying to push for a global confrontation in order to take away their constitutionally guaranteed rights and basic freedoms.

American citizens find the possibility of military conscription (known as the draft in the United States) a particularly concerning prospect and a bad omen of the troubled times going forward.

Such fears grew exponentially on June 14, when the House passed an amended version of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) which now includes a provision that will automatically register all American men aged 18-26 with the Selective Service System. In other words, this is the restitution of the pre-Vietnam War draft policies and will effectively end the much-touted “all-volunteer force” (AVF) approach that was dominating the strategic thinking in the US military and most other global thalassocracies during the (First) Cold War, continuing throughout the 1990s and 2000s.

However, with the interest to serve in most NATO militaries plunging to its historical low, the draft seems to be the only solution for this problem. It’s broadly equivalent to the conscription that still exists in many countries, including Russia and several major NATO member states. Somewhat ironically, US politicians and the Pentagon often ridicule conscription-based militaries, claiming they’re “ineffective”. However, this approach is far more suitable than just registering untrained men for the draft. After all, Russian conscripts have at least basic military training, unlike American draftees. This is a quite radical change to the aforementioned AVF approach and the only logical explanation is that the US is preparing for a major war. And once again, as is the case historically, there’s bipartisan support for this initiative.

For instance, prominent Democrat representatives such as Chrissy Houlahan (D-Pa.) cosponsored the NDAA. Namely, while she, a “proud feminist”, previously advocated the expansion of draft registration to both men and women, her latest proposal included automatic registration of men only. Quite interesting to see politicians ignore their own purported ideological convictions, particularly when it comes to sending other people’s children to war. One could even argue that the Kiev regime’s policies are slowly finding their way to the political West. And indeed, even the Pentagon argues that the only way to fight a near-peer adversary such as Russia is to reinstate the draft, as evidenced by the US Army War College’s publications now trying to prepare Americans and justify the draft as manpower shortages persist.

In one of its essays (PDF) published last year, the Pentagon stresses the need to learn lessons and draw conclusions from the NATO-orchestrated Ukrainian conflict. In a subsection titled “Casualties, Replacements, and Reconstitutions”, the authors argue that “large-scale combat operations troop requirements may well require a reconceptualization of the 1970s and 1980s volunteer force and a move toward partial conscription”. Apart from being yet another indirect proof of the enormous casualties among the NATO-backed Neo-Nazi junta forces, it’s also a bad omen for the Americans who’d be drafted into the US military and sent off to fight a country like Russia and/or China. As a result, those same Americans who have been lied to all these decades aren’t exactly keen on fighting, especially not for the very government lying to them.

The rhetoric pushing for the reinstatement of mandatory service has been ongoing for years. Some of the latest statements by high-ranking officials only exacerbate the fear of general conscription in the US and other Western countries. In mid-June, Chris Miller, the former acting Defense Secretary, publicly suggested that the draft should be reinstated. Just days later, the Center for a New American Security (CNAS), a Washington DC-based think-tank, released a report in which they conducted several wargame scenarios that included conscription for a large-scale conflict with China. The DoD (Department of Defense) regularly did the same in the pre-Vietnam War era. CNAS and similar think tanks are deeply integrated with the Pentagon, which leaves Americans worried about the possibility of such scenarios becoming reality.

Interestingly, the CNAS report argues that “[mobilizing] a force of 100,000 new recruits within 200 days would be nearly impossible under current cultural conditions], insisting that [the Internet and social media present a significant obstacle, ostensibly because it allows people to share unfiltered information]. In other words, this Pentagon-linked think-tank wants to shut down your Internet access in order to make it easier to send you to war with nuclear-armed superpowers. However, CNAS went further than that, suggesting that “any significant draft could only succeed if the public knew they could face real punishment if they refused to comply”. The authors also made a particularly curious argument that older draftees should be targeted first, as they’re more likely to push back against such mandates.

Despite years of the mainstream propaganda machine’s “Russia losing” fantasies, dozens of millions of Americans have access to Telegram and similar platforms, showing the brutal realities of modern warfare.

Coupled with the atrocious casualty ratio of the US/NATO-backed Neo-Nazi junta forces in Ukraine, Americans realize that their warmongering elites want to prepare them to be the next cannon fodder. Public (dis)trust in the US government is so bad now that US citizens are more likely to go to war with their own government rather than any foreign adversary. Less than 20% of Americans support a return to the pre-Vietnam War era draft, simply because they don’t see a point in going to war for the US in its current state. The so-called “woke” policies and similar end-of-civilization degeneracies are the main culprit.

Most normal people (known as “conservatives” and “radicals” to the liberal extremists in power) find the system utterly repulsive, particularly now when the so-called “woke mind virus” is slowly drifting away into the realm of pedophilia and similar mental disorders and sexual deviations. Thus, who in their right mind would go to war so that so-called “transsexuals” can dance naked in front of their kids (including preschool children and even toddlers)? In fact, it can easily be argued that the vast majority of normal people would take up arms or at least turn their guns away from the “evil Russians and Chinese” who aren’t actually forcing them to do anything and point them at those who do – the US government composed of deeply corrupt warmongers, war criminals, plutocrats and child traffickers (among many other things).


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Drago Bosnic is an independent geopolitical and military analyst. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

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Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev, and Pakistani Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif held a trilateral meeting on the sidelines of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation summit in Astana on July 3. In this meeting, Erdogan’s intentions of shaping the Caucasus and Central Asia in a Turkish-led order became even more apparent.

This was the first meeting between leaders of the three countries in a trilateral format and had “historic significance,” according to Azertaj, with promises that such meetings would be held regularly. Previous trilateral meetings were only held at the level of foreign ministers, parliamentary speakers, and defence personnel.

According to the Azerbaijani outlet, “concern was expressed over the policy of militarisation in the South Caucasus by extra-regional states,” namely the delivery of French and Indian weapons to Armenia.

Only weeks earlier, Armenia ordered Caesar self-propelled howitzers from France, which French Defence Minister Sebastien Lecornu described as a “new important milestone” in his country’s “defence relationship” with Yerevan but which Baku blasted as “further evidence of France’s provocative activities” in the region. 

“The Macron regime, pursuing a policy of militarisation and geopolitical intrigue in the South Caucasus region, is an obstacle to normalisation of relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan and ensuring lasting peace in the region,” Azerbaijan’s Defence Ministry added in the statement.

This is hypocritical by Azerbaijan, considering that its military spending in 2022 was approximately 3.8 times that of Armenia. At the same time, Azerbaijan received weapons from Israel as recently as July 2, 2024.

Azertaj, in reference to the Second Nagorno-Karabakh War in 2020, reported:

“The political and moral support by fraternal Turkey and Pakistan to Azerbaijan during the 44-day Patriotic War was emphasized” in the trilateral meeting.

The Turkey-Azerbaijan-Pakistan alliance, known as “Three Brothers,” has been manifesting for years as the brainchild of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to expand his country’s influence in the Caucasus and Central Asia and was cemented during the Second Nagorno-Karabakh War.

Turkey assisted Azerbaijan’s capture of the historically Armenian region by providing weapons and intelligence and deploying drone operators, special forces soldiers and Syrian jihadists. Pakistan, the only country in the world not to recognize Armenia, provided significant amounts of ammunition, mercenaries and Afghani and Pakistani terrorists.

Following the ethnic cleansing of Armenians from Nagorno-Karabakh in 2023, Turkey’s expanded influence since 2020 was evident as it now has permanent bases in Azerbaijan it did not have before the war, whilst all Russian troops left the country in June this year. This is part of Erdogan’s vision for Turkey to become the dominant power not only in the Caucasus but also in Central Asia – both of which are traditionally Russia’s zone of influence – by appealing to Islamic and Turkic sentimentality.

For his part, Erdogan said during the trilateral meeting that the “region is plagued by wars, conflicts, and tensions” and specifically mentioned Gaza, Cyprus and Kashmir.” Erdogan did not explain why the region was “plagued by wars” and instead claimed that trilateral cooperation “would not only contribute to the prosperity of the peoples of the three countries but also serve to promote regional and global peace and stability.”

However, it was Turkish-backed Azerbaijan that instigated the war in Nagorno-Karabakh and continues to threaten to invade the Republic of Armenia, whilst Pakistan has started every war with India since the two countries were established in 1947, in addition to training, funding and arming jihadists groups in Kashmir and Afghanistan.

Although Turkey is making inroads in the Turkic-speaking countries of Central Asia through soft power means, it is only through war and instability that Turkish influence can spread and strengthen outside of this cultural zone, such as supporting jihadist forces in Syria and then occupying large areas in the north of the country, Azerbaijan’s capture of Nagorno-Karabakh, and Pakistan’s position on Kashmir – India’s complete surrender of the region.

Turkey seeks to become the epicentre of a Turkic-centric order, which naturally challenges Russia’s interests in the Caucasus and Central Asia and even its sovereignty since the Turkish vision imagines the North Caucasus independent of Moscow.

Growing rivalry in the Caucasus and Central Asia, where China is also making inroads, creates common ground between Ankara and Washington, something which the latter will undoubtedly exploit.

But to attain this vision, Erdogan is cooperating directly with the leaders of Azerbaijan and Pakistan to achieve their individual goals, namely Azerbaijan’s territorial expansion at the expense of Armenia, Pakistan’s conquest of Indian-administered Jammu and Kashmir and North India, which for centuries was ruled by Islamic Turkic Empires, and the establishment of a pan-Turkic Union led by Turkey.

Although Turkey is far from its goal, it is evident that steps are being taken to reach this. This will eventuate in problems with Moscow, much worse than those instigated by differences over Syria, and will inevitably lead to Ankara receiving much more support from the US.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Ahmed Adel is a Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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CJPME Condemns Anti-Palestinian Smear Campaign Against Incoming Human Rights Commissioner

July 5th, 2024 by Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East

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Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) condemns the smear campaign against Birju Dattani, the incoming chief commissioner of the Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC). The campaign, which is led by pro-Israel advocacy organizations, seeks to cancel Dattani’s appointment over his past support for Palestinian human rights. CJPME asserts that challenging Israel’s racist practices against Palestinians is a legitimate form of political expression and entirely consistent with Dattani’s mandate to combat racism, and urges Justice Minister Virani to reject the calls to rescind the appointment.

“This witch hunt is about more than just Mr. Dattani. Pro-Israel groups are trying to police the boundaries of anti-racism work so that those who express solidarity with Palestinians are excluded,” said Thomas Woodley, President of CJPME. “At a time when Israel’s racist and apartheid character is widely acknowledged by the international human rights community, pro-Israel groups are trying to make it a disqualifying offence to criticize racist Israeli practices. This is an absurd and dangerous request which the government must unambivalently reject,” added Woodley.

Mr. Dattani has been defended by his former employer the Yukon Human Rights Commission and a group of human rights and labour organizations including the National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE) and the Federation of Black Canadians (FBC). Although Minister Virani has nominally stood by the appointment, CJPME notes with regret that the government has itself fed into the smear campaign by ceding to calls for an unnecessary investigation and by falsely suggesting that Dattani failed to disclose his background.

CJPME believes that this incident underlines the need for the federal government to recognize and combat anti-Palestinian racism, which has been described by the Arab Canadian Lawyers Association (ACLA) as “a form of anti-Arab racism that silences, excludes, erases, stereotypes, defames or dehumanizes Palestinians or their narratives.” Unfortunately, APR was excluded from Canada’s renewed Anti-Racism Strategy, published last month, even though the document had identified Palestinians as a group facing “unprecedented levels” of hate. CJPME also notes that the same organizations behind the smear campaign to fire Dattani are also leading the campaign to prevent institutions from recognizing anti-Palestinian racism, further attempting to exclude Palestinians from discussions about racism and discrimination.


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Featured image: Birju Dattani has been appointed chief commissioner of the Canadian Human Rights Commission. (

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July 13, 2021 – Cause Of Death Released For West Catholic Prep Student Who Died On Football Field


“He had received his second Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine on July 7, six days before collapsing on the Coatesville Area High School football field on July 13, officials said.”

“Officials noted that no COVID-19 respiratory disease was found, and cardiac examination showed no inflammation or myocarditis.”

“while there were features of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, a condition frequently associated with sudden death in young athletes, the diagnosis could not be definitively made or ruled out in this case”

“Testing included autopsy, toxicology, specialized cardiac pathology, neuropathology and genetic testing. Key features were an enlarged heart and a thickened heart muscle that showed scarring…toxicology was negative….genetic testing was negative”

My Take…

Hundreds of teenagers have collapsed and died while playing sports, starting in 2021, after the COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines rolled out.

It’s extremely rare that we get details in mainstream media on the COVID-19 Vaccine status of such sudden deaths.

16 year old Ivan Hicks received his 2nd Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine 6 days before he dropped dead on the field during a football scrimmage on July 13, 2021.

The autopsy was inconclusive.

Unfortunately, the pathologist did not stain his heart for the spike protein, the one test that probably would have given a definitive answer.

Pfizer & Moderna COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines Damage the Heart Within 48 Hours 

2023 Oct.12 – Schreckenberg et al – Cardiac side effects of RNA-based SARS-CoV-2 vaccines: Hidden cardiotoxic effects of mRNA-1273 and BNT162b2 on ventricular myocyte function and structure

  • “After 48 h, expression of the encoded spike protein was detected in ventricular cardiomyocytes for both mRNAs.”
  • “At this point in time, mRNA-1273 induced arrhythmic as well as completely irregular contractions associated with irregular as well as localized calcium transients, which provide indications of significant dysfunction of the cardiac ryanodine receptor (RyR2)”
  • “In contrast, BNT162b2 increased cardiomyocyte contraction via significantly increased protein kinase A (PKA) activity at the cellular level.”
  • “Here, we demonstrated for the first time, that in isolated cardiomyocytes, both mRNA-1273 and BNT162b2 induce specific dysfunctions that correlate pathophysiologically to CARDIOMYOPATHY”
  • “Both RyR2 impairment (Moderna) and sustained PKA activation (Pfizer) may significantly increase the risk of acute cardiac events.”

This is a Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine sudden death until proven otherwise. 

There doesn’t need to be overt myocarditis for these kids to drop dead.

Within 48 hours of the first COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine injection, their heart cells suffer dysfunctions that “increase the risk of acute cardiac events”.

Within 48 hours.

How many kids have died in this manner since start of 2021?

Globally… THOUSANDS.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.  

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

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In this article, I examine the historical origins of two well known political symbols: the symbol utilised on the flag of Israel; and the swastika symbol we usually associate with Nazism. 

The Ancient Swastika (Svasktika)

The swastika, usually associated Nazism, actually originates from the ancient auspicious Sanskrit symbol and word ‘svasktika’, which means “It is,” “Well Being,” “Good Existence” and “Good Luck.”

It is notable that the 6-Pointed Star of David (associated with Judaism and utilized by political Zionism in modern times) also originates from a very ancient Vedic symbol, the ‘satkona’.

Before these symbols were seemingly ‘hijacked’ by modern political forces, the symbols were commonly and widely used for thousands of years throughout human history. Ancient Vedic motifs, such as the swastika and the satkona, can be seen on ancient architecture on all continents worldwide, from ancient standing stones and tombs in Ireland, the Caucasian civilizations of ancient Europe, ancient temples in Iraq and India, and amongst native tribal communities in North America. The video below evidences the existence of the ancient swastika in numerous countries worldwide. 

Incredibly the picture of a swastika, and other Vedic motifs, shown below, is from an ancient temple in what is today Zionist Israel. The temple is called the Second Temple. The appearance of the swastika as an ancient symbol in cultures worldwide is an indication that ancient civilisations worldwide were all once part of a ‘connected’ ancient ‘worldwide’ civilisation. I examine this subject in the book Godless Fake Science.

The Ancient Satkona

The six-pointed star symbol with a hexgram within, often associated with Zionist Israel, is actually an ancient Vedic symbol known as ‘satkona’ in Sanskrit language.  The sat-kona is constructed by joining two perfect triangles. The symbol is found not only on ancient architecture in India, but on ancient architecture throughout the world, see Endnote . Below is picture of the satkona on an ancient Vedic temple pillar in Kerala; and in a Vedic temple in Katmandu.

Given that the ‘political tenets of Zionist Isreal’ and ‘the literatures of ancient Vedic Vaisnavism’ (which pre-dates Christianity) appear to be poles apart – one may validly ask whether the satkona symbol has , in essence, been ‘politically hijacked’?



The satkona is the oldest spiritual symbol known to the world. In the oldest known Vedic literature, Sri Brahma-samhita, the Sat-kona is mentioned in a description of the supreme abode of Goloka, the abode of Krsna, God personified in ancient Vedic literature[2].

The use of the satkona is evidenced in ancient Vedic cultures dating back over 5,000 years ago. The satkona has been used throughout the ages in India, Nepal, China, Tibet, Sri Lanka, and other countries in Asia by proponents of Vedic Vaisnavism, Jainism, and also in Buddhism. In the west and the middle-east the Carthaginians, the Greeks, Romans, Christians [Catholic, Orthodox and Coptic], Muslims and Medieval Alchemists also used the satkona. Below is an image of a satkona in an ancient temple in Iraq – an area that is in modern times pre-dominantly Muslim.

Ancient temple in Iraq

Phoenician coin (500 BC)

Nepalese coin

Anglo-saxon sword hilt (200 BC)

Ancient Arabian jar

Ancient Fatmid weight (Egypt)

Freemason lodge Edinburgh

The satkona is evidenced in many cultures dating back long before the appearance of Jesus Christ. This includes in Sumeria, Iraq,  Crete , Mongolia, Japan (in some of the oldest shrines of Shinto), Sri Lanka, Egypt, as well as in the lands currently known as Israel[1].

According to the referenced research of Bhakti Gaurava Narasingha, “for the Jews themselves the use of Satkona… the Star of David only takes shape for the first time between the 12th and 14th centuries… From ancient times to the Middle Ages, the Jews possessed no particular national or religious symbol… It was only later that the term Star of David gradually became dominant in ‘Ashkenazi’ Jewish communities… as a popular Jewish symbol, sat-kona did not find its place permanently in Judaism until European Jews adopted it in 1648 CE.” 

World War 2

We have been led to believe by mainstream history that Nazism and Zionism were opposing forces, however, in my book Censored History of WW2 and Communism I also examine interesting connections and involving the Balfour Declaration, the creation of Nazism in Germany, the Zionist movement that established the state of Israel, and the transfer of Jews from Germany to Israel. 

Furthermore, it may be controversial to say, yet in defense of the people of Germany during WW2, it appears to me that there are many censored historical books and testimonies that provide a history of WW2 very different from that which we were all taught in school. These censored histories indicate that:

  • the German people, and the European people that did so, were absolutely correct in defending themselves from the expansion of genocidal communism – it is evident that communism resulted in the deaths of tens of millions of people; 
  • and that there is a deeper story involving the creation of Nazism, and the planned orchestration of WW2 by ‘behind the scenes’ financial and political ‘ulteriors’. A war that created mass death and destruction on both ‘sides’ whilst benefitting those financial and political ‘ulteriors’.  

The symbol of freemasonry also appears to be a hijacking of the Vedic shatkona. The intersecting lines of the two triangles are simply removed. The fact that non-Vedic sources have hijacked ancient Vedic symbols, should not be a reason for rejecting the satkona, or the swastika. The demonic forces hijacking these symbols invert the energy. However, when used consciously by God-conscious people they emanate their original auspicious energy as they have done for thousands of years.

The Very Ancient Vedic World

One wonders how could the ancient ‘svasktika’ and ‘satkona’ exist in cultures worldwide (in locations far apart) thousands of years ago? Does mainstream history not tell us that mankind only became capable of worldwide travel in relatively recent times? Based on my research it is clear to me that the mainstream historical timeline of human history is incorrect.

Furthermore, I note that many languages throughout the world, for example, the ancient Irish ‘Gaelic’ language, contain words that are clearly derived from ancient Sanskrit (the language the Vedas were written in). Sanskrit is purported by various Vedic scholars to be the world’s oldest language.

“Thus in any part of the world we, mortals, can trace our origin and genealogical table or tree…. The word Norway is derived from the Sanskrit narak, or hell. Soviet comes from sveta (white). Russia from rushis or rsis (sages), who meditated there. Siberia from the Sanskrit word for inhospitable camping. Scandinavia from Skanda, the commander of the denizens of heaven…. The word Viking and the English “king” is derived from the Sanskrit singh (lion)… In many places in Europe murti’s (images) of Krishna, Shiva and other divine manifestations were found.” – Authors, Gauranga Premananda dasa and Avadhuta Raya

In addition, my research indicates that the pyramids in Egypt are much older than mainstream history tells us. The pyramids were built on the model of the smasana-cit altars for the Vedic cremation rituals.

It also appears that ancient pyramids that similar in design can be found worldwide, including in China, Australia, Mexico, and the USA (in Illnois). Below is a fascinating picture of mountains in Russia and Bosnia. Some people assert that these are actually ‘very’ ancient pyramids, that have been subject to erosion and vegetation growth, and therefore now look like mountains.

Pyramid-like mountain in Russia

Pyramid of the sun in Bosnia

Could these structures of advanced engineering worldwide be proof standing that ancient mankind was not primitive, but highly advanced? and that civilisations capable of world-wide communication and travel existed in the very ancient past? This narrative is in contrast to the history we have been taught in school.

Could it be that the flood, as described in the Bible, was an event that caused such destruction it disconnected us from our very ancient past? Some Vedic scholars assert that a great flood occurred around 11,000 BC to the end of the Ice Age. I note that the flood story, and that of Noah, which, in the western world, we usually associate with the Judeo-Christian bible, is here referred as being in the ancient Vedic histories. 

“According to the puranas, the history books of the Vedas, and the smaller puranas, the Upa puranas, there were floods around 11,000 BC to the end of the Ice Age. Vaisvata Manu (Noah) and his family were, thanks to their boat, practically the only survivors.” – Authors, Gauranga Premananda dasa and Avadhuta Raya

Was Darwin correct? Is the theory of Darwinian evolution correct?

Incredibly, the Vedic histories, written in ancient Sanskrit, indicate that the modern-day theory of evolution is incorrect; and that human civilisations have existed not just for thousands of years, but for –  wait for it – ‘millions of years’. I refer to evidence supporting this assertion in the book Godless Fake Science. This includes reference to much archaeological evidence documented by Micheal Cremo that appears to have been ignored by the institutional orthodoxy of archaeology. It appears these evidences simply did not fit the ‘approved’ evolutionary narrative/timeline. 

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Mark Keenan, is a former scientist at the UK Government Dept. of Energy and Climate Change, and at the United Nations Environment Division. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is author of the following books available on

Website: Reality Distinguished From Illusion

Donate for Mark’s articles here via Paypal.


[1] Source:

[2] Source:

All images in this article are from the author unless otherwise stated

Bird Flu Terror: Raw Milk Targeted

July 5th, 2024 by Ben Bartee

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As we watch the narrative surrounding bird flu and its alleged jump into the beef supply develop, the stage is increasingly set for a crackdown on raw dairy suppliers. 

Why target raw milk? The reason is, perhaps, two-fold:

a.) Raw milk proprietors tend to be small operations with limited political clout whom giant agricultural interests see as competition they would like to wipe;

b.)  Raw milk is full of beneficial bacteria that get wiped out during pasteurization. Parsing official narratives from the government and corporate state media is actually not so difficult once your central operating theory — which is proven correct time and time again — becomes: whatever is good for people, the governing authorities wish to stamp out by whatever means available to them.

First, we have the government now reassuring the public — with important caveats we’ll get to in short order — that pasteurization does actually kill viruses (which any middle school student should know).

Via US News (emphasis added):

“As bird flu continues to spread among U.S. dairy cows, reassuring new government research finds the pasteurization process widely used in the industry effectively kills all bird flu virus in milk.

In a health update posted Friday, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration said the results are the latest to show that pasteurized grocery store milk remains safe from the highly pathogenic avian virus H5N1.”

Via FDA (emphasis added):

The FDA, along with our federal partners at the U.S. Department of Agriculture, is announcing results from a first-of-its-kind study using the process typically used by commercial milk processors. The intention of this study was to further confirm that pasteurization is effective at inactivating Highly Pathogenic H5N1 Avian Influenza (H5N1 HPAI) virus in fluid milk and other dairy products made from pasteurized milk.

The study – the only one to date designed to simulate commercial milk processing – found that the most commonly used pasteurization time and temperature requirements were effective at inactivating the H5N1 HPAI virus in milk. These results complement the FDA’s initial retail sampling study in which all 297 samples of dairy products collected at retail locations were found to be negative for viable H5N1 HPAI virus.

Collectively, these studies provide strong assurances that the commercial milk supply is safe.”

So Pasteurization Kills Bird Flu (Obviously). However…

According to Forbes, “a certain type of pasteurization may not always be effective in killing the virus,” leaving the door ajar to dig up positive bird flu tests out of the commercial beef supply in the future if need be.

Via Forbes (emphasis added):

Dozens of cows infected with bird flu have either died or been slaughtered in Colorado, Ohio, Michigan, South Carolina and Texas, which is unusual since—unlike poultry—cows cost more to slaughter and around 90% usually make a full recovery

A new study with mice suggests that drinking infected milk can spread the disease—and that a certain type of pasteurization may not always be effective in killing the virus

The Food and Drug Administration announced it will commit an additional $8 million to ensure the commercial milk supply is safe, while the Department of Agriculture said it will pay up to $28,000 per farm to help mitigate the spread of the disease, totaling around $98 million in funds.”

So they’re not entirely done with the “pasteurized milk is going to kill you” narrative just yet; they’re going to throw $8 million more at it and see what they want to do with it in the future.

More immediately, though, it seems that the raw milk supply is in the crosshairs.

Via Forbes (emphasis added):

An alarming 14% of raw milk samples taken from four states with dairy herd outbreaks contained infectious H5N1 bird flu, according to new testing results released by the FDA.

The researchers took 275 milk samples from bulk storage tanks on farms in states where dairy cattle are confirmed to be infected by H5N1. The virus was actually detected in 57.5% of the samples, with further testing showing that a quarter of these contained infectious virus. However, the FDA was keen to stress that the study was not specifically designed to assess the prevalence of the virus in milk and that the numbers might not be more widely representative.

The goal of this study was to determine what range of viral load might be present in raw milk samples from farms that routinely send product for pasteurization, not to determine state-wide or national H5N1 virus prevalence in the overall milk supply,’ said a spokesperson for the FDA.”


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This article was originally published on the author’s Substack, Armageddon Prose.

Ben Bartee, author of Broken English Teacher: Notes From Exile, is an independent Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs. Follow his stuff via Substack. Also, keep tabs via Twitter. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Ever since the eruption of the Russo-Ukraine War in February 2022, the foremost insidious objective of the Western authoritarian regimes has been to somehow create a schism between Russia’s national security institutions and the general public. Because Western military strategists are acutely aware of the historically proven fact that popular wars supported by the public almost invariably end in glorious triumphs, whereas unpopular wars disliked by the public end in humiliating defeats.

Therefore, for the purpose of creating a rift between Russia’s military and the public, the rogue Western regimes have applied all available tactics in the Machiavellian playbook of hybrid warfare. They have imposed stringent economic sanctions on Russia in order to squeeze its typically vibrant economy. The Western deep states have literally coerced multinational corporations to wrap up lucrative and highly profitable businesses in Russia since the beginning of the war.

Against the established rules of the international financial system, the European Union has recently decided to allocate $300 billion of seized Russian assets for rearming Ukraine. But after all available tactics failed to break the spirit of the valiant Russian nation, then the security establishment of the United States decided to play the most effective trump card in its scaremongering playbook since the days of the Soviet-Afghan War of the eighties, the Islamic terrorism, in order to send a clear message to the Russian public that the war will impact their lives, too, and they wouldn’t be safe at home.

Image: HTS in Idlib, Syria 

For this nefarious purpose, four Tajiks, allegedly belonging to the Islamic State, were hired from a former Soviet republic in order to reduce suspicion of the CIA’s involvement. They were paid large sum of money to travel to Turkey, from where the Turkish intelligence, known for closely collaborating with the CIA in Syria’s proxy war since 2011, whisked the jihadists away across the border to northwest Syria in the territory controlled by the Turkish proxy al-Nusra Front, rebranded as Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS).

Thus, after training for several months in Syria’s northwest Idlib Governorate with al-Nusra’s highly skilled fighters, the terrorists were let loose at Moscow’s fabled Crocus City Hall on March 22, where they massacred over 140 innocent civilians and wounded many more before being arrested by Russia’s security agencies.

Reportedly, two weeks before the terrorists staged the bloody attack in the suburbs of Moscow, the US government gave a vague warning of imminent terrorist attack to Russian officials. But one doesn’t have to be an Agatha Christie, the celebrated British detective novelist, to understand the simple fact that actually it’s quite common in the world of crime that the real perpetrator of the crime becomes the confidant of the victim in order to gain his trust, hence absolving himself from the crime and deploying diversionary tactics to implicate others.

The recent spate of terrorist attacks in Russia, specifically the Crocus City Hall massacre and the attacks on churches, synagogues and police posts in Dagestan on June 23 claiming 25 lives, clearly has the fingerprints of the CIA all over them in order to destabilize Russia amidst the Ukraine War.

It’s worth noting that both self-proclaimed caliphs of the Islamic State, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and his successor Abu Ibrahim al-Qurayshi, were killed in October 2019 and February 2022, respectively, in al-Nusra’s territory in Syria’s northwest Idlib Governorate, miles away from the Turkish border, which lends credence to the assertion that the caliphs of the Islamic State are merely Turkish stooges, and in fact the real caliph of the Islamic State is none other than neo-Ottoman Sultan Erdogan himself. Moreover, the artificial distinction between the Islamic State, al-Nusra Front and the rest of Syria’s jihadist proxies is more illusory than real.

The imperial United States’ steadfast NATO client, Turkish President Erdogan, has not only provided Bayraktar drones, military assistance and offer of joint production of weapons to Kyiv but he has also sent Syria’s battle-hardened jihadists to fight alongside Ukrainian forces against Russia.

Clearly, both the self-styled caliphs of the Islamic State, al-Baghdadi and his successor al-Qurayshi, were hiding in Syria’s Idlib with the blessings of al-Nusra leadership and the Turkish security forces, which have trained and armed myriad groups of jihadists during Syria’s proxy war since 2011, and were used as bargaining chips to extract geo-strategic concessions from Washington.

The scapegoating of both the ISIS caliphs by the Erdogan government, first in October 2019 to let Turkey mount Operation Peace Spring in northeast Syria and then in February 2022, was done to reconcile with the Biden administration as Erdogan was repeatedly snubbed by Biden throughout the maiden year as the president due to Erdogan’s personal friendship and business partnership with Biden’s predecessor and political rival Trump.

During the four years of the Trump presidency, Erdogan acted with impunity in regional conflicts, from Syria and Libya to Nagorno-Karabakh in Azerbaijan, because he had forged a personal bonhomie with Donald Trump, as Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner was a business partner of Erdogan’s son-in-law and former finance minister of Turkey Berat Albayrak, who was summarily dismissed from the ministry as soon as Trump lost the US presidential election in November 2020.

This is the reason Erdogan is bending over backwards to reconcile with the Biden administration to regain their lost international prestige. For the purpose, Erdogan took a trip to Ukraine in 2022, offered to mediate in the crisis while ironically selling armed drones and lethal weaponry to Ukraine, and is recruiting and sending Syria’s battle-hardened jihadists to fight alongside Ukrainian forces against Russia, some of whom have been tasked by the CIA and SBU to infiltrate across the border to mount subversive activities inside Russia, including the four Tajik jihadist who were reportedly fleeing toward the Ukraine border after perpetrating the Crocus City Hall massacre before they were caught by Russia’s vigilant security forces.


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Nauman Sadiq is an Islamabad-based geopolitical and national security analyst focused on geo-strategic affairs and hybrid warfare in the Middle East and Eurasia regions. His domains of expertise include neocolonialism, military-industrial complex and petro-imperialism. He is a regular contributor of diligently researched investigative reports to Global Research.

Featured image: Russian Crocus City Hall amphitheater interiors, day after terrorist attack on 22 March 2024 (Licensed under CC BY 4.0)

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Despite its reputation as a professional military that prides itself on being “the most moral military in the world,” the Israel Defense Forces’ (IDF) campaign against Hamas and other militant groups in Gaza has exposed serious command and control problems.

Before proceeding, it is worth noting that while the Israeli military is operating in an incredibly challenging environment in Gaza, where Hamas uses civilians as human shields, the human costs of its operations have been staggering; more than 38,000 Palestinians, many of them women and children, are dead, and over a million have been displaced in more than eight months of war. While some have argued that the IDF has done more than any army in history to protect enemy civilians, others have highlighted how Israel has not done nearly enough to protect innocent Palestinians in Gaza.

As Israel continues operations in Rafah, pushing into the city’s center, questions surrounding the use of U.S. military equipment will continue to proliferate, as seen in the catastrophic May 26 Israeli airstrike on a tent camp in Rafah that killed at least 45, which was conducted utilizing U.S. munitions.

Strategically speaking, the regional situation remains fraught. Hezbollah attacks on Israel in May were the most intense since October, as the IDF warns of offensive military action against its northern neighbor. In early June, an Israeli airstrike near Aleppo in Syria killed a top Iranian military advisor. (When the Israeli military killed a top Iranian general in Damascus in April, it led to the first direct Iranian attack on Israeli territory in history.)

Clearly, then, there is plenty of room for escalation. This renders the seeming lack of proper chain of command in Israel an even more urgent problem—and one in which U.S. support and arms are entangled.

Israel’s command and control issues are clearest in its alleged war crimes. The purpose of this piece is not to litigate which allegations are true but rather to examine the implications of those war crimes for the Israeli chain of command. Though these categories overlap, Israeli violations of international humanitarian law and the law of armed conflict in the war may be broadly grouped as follows: starvation, torture, mass executions, and the indiscriminate use of bombs, drones, and missiles.

Here are a handful of cases that most clearly suggest the command and control problems.

First, the Israeli military has blamed midlevel officers for the killing of seven World Central Kitchen volunteers in an early April drone strike. Numerous experts and nongovernmental organizations have noted the need for better coordination processes between humanitarian organizations and the IDF. Statements from the Israeli military and Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories (an Israeli governmental body responsible for implementing Israeli policies in the West Bank and Gaza Strip) indicate that World Central Kitchen properly coordinated its movements with the IDF but midlevel commanders made the decision to fire anyway. This suggests that the Israeli military’s command and control structures are not as strong as they ought to be.

Click here to read the full article on Foreign Policy.


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, a Ph.D. candidate in history at the University of Texas at Austin, where he specializes in U.S. foreign and national security policy since 1945, especially toward the Middle East and Russia.

Featured image: Israeli soldiers around Gaza Strip on Oct. 7. (IDF Spokesperson’s Unit, Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 3.0)

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Spread the Truth, Refer a Friend to Global Research


A couple of weeks ago, I attended as a speaker (together with astrophysicist Willie Soon and geologist Gregory Wrightstone) at Clintels five year anniversary conferencein the Netherlands. It was a very well organised event with around 140 guests. I contributed with a talk called “The Climate Emergency Illusionists”.

It also gave me the opportunity for some meetings and interviews as well as visiting some well-known Dutch landmarks. One of these was the Peace Palace in the Hague.

Image: Andrew Carnegie (1835-1919)

Andrew Carnegie | Peace Palace

The beautiful building was inaugurated in 1913, with financing from the wealthy Scottish steel magnate Andrew Carnegie with the intention to serve as a “Temple of Peace”.

It now hosts the International Court of Justice (established 1945 as one of United Nations six main organs), the Permanent Court of Arbitration (founded 1899) and The Hague Academy of International Law (established 1923).

The decision to build the palace was made at the “First Hague Peace Conference” in 1899, initiated by Russian Tsar Nicholas II. The conference wasn’t a great success as Russia’s war with Japan broke out five years later, resulting in a humiliating defeat for Russia, while the Tsar was executed by the Bolsheviks in 1918.

Andrew Carnegie supported the construction of the “Temple” with a 5 million dollar donation in 1903. He also lent his name to the Carnegie Foundation in the Netherlands that was set up with the purpose to own and manage the Peace Palace.

Today the foundation receives financial grants from the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as the Carnegie Corporation of New York. It is a joint venture by Carnegie and the state of the Netherlands.

Just a year after the inauguration ceremony, the Great War broke out. The president of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Nobel Peace laureate and former US Secretary of War, Elihu Root, advocated for American entry into the war.

In other words, the great ideal of universal peace had a price that counted in millions of lives.

The Peace Palace was a part of Carnegie’s internationalist aspirations, and the march towards a global governance system. A goal shared by the Dutch royals. The first step was The League of Nations in 1920, followed by the successor United Nations in 1945. The two world wars acted as a catalyst for a new international order.

The Peace Palace has ever since been an important venue to further the internationalists goals for the world.

Bilderberg Group

Hotel Bilderberg, in Oosterbeek, the Netherlands.

These aspirations are also reflected in the Bilderberg Group, which was founded in 1954 to gather prominent movers and shakers to influence the future direction of world events, as well as inviting politicians to carry out the agenda in their respective countries.[1] Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands was one of the co-founders, together with David Rockefeller (Chase Manhattan Bank) and Polish politician Józef Retinger, and served as chairman until the Lockheed bribe scandal in 1976 forced him to step down.

Earth Charter

Earth Charter Launch Ceremony. Peace Palace, The Hague. June 2000

On June 29, 2000, the Earth Charter was launched at a ceremony in the Peace Palace. The Earth Charter Commission had been initiated by Bernhards daughter, Queen Beatrix, and her Prime Minister Ruud Lubbers (with oil executive Maurice Strong and former Soviet Union leader Mikhail Gorbachev as co-chairs) with the mission to create an ethical framework for the planet. The Dutch government provided financial support to the project. Steven Rockefeller, chairman of the Rockefeller Brothers Fundand David Rockefellers nephew, served as the commission’s coordinator.

The sixteen principles share similarities with the UN 2030 Agenda with its seventeen Sustainable Development Goals.

The Albright-Gambari Commission

The launch of the Commission on Global Security, Justice & Governance, at the residence of the Dutch ambassador in Washington D.C. 21 November 2014.

Fourteen years later “The Albright-Gambari Commission on Global Security, Justice & Governance” was set up by the Hague Institute of Global Justice (supported by the Dutch government) and Stimson Institute (supported by Carnegie Corporation, and US Department of Defense).

They launched their report Confronting the Crisis of Global Governance, at the Peace Palace in The Hague on 16 June 2016. The intent was to promote global governance innovations and, “to encourage a broad-based global policy dialogue and an institutional reform agenda aimed at 2020”.

These new governance innovations would be presented at a proposed “World Conference on Global Institutions” during United Nations seventy-fifth anniversary in 2020.

New Shape Prize and Bahá’í Faith 

The Swedish Global Challenges Foundation heeded the call and launched the New Shape Prize competition in November 2016.

New Shape Forum and Prize | International Environment Forum

The winners of the New Shape Prize with Laszlo Szombatfalvy from Global Challenges Foundation

One of the winning contributions were “Global Governance and the Emergence of Global Institutions for the 21st Century”, by Maja Groff, a teacher at the Hague Academy of International Law in the Peace Palace, Professor Arthur Dahl from the International Environment Forum and Augusto Lopez-Claros, a former chief economist at the World Economic Forum and the World Bank Group.

The three of them are Bahá’ís. Believers of a religion that preaches the unification of the world under a world government. This will according to their teachings bring universal peace and harmony. As expressed in “The World Order of Bahá’u’lláh” from 1936:

A world executive, backed by an international Force, will carry out the decisions arrived at, and apply the laws enacted by, this world legislature, and will safeguard the organic unity of the whole commonwealth. A world tribunal will adjudicate and deliver its compulsory and final verdict in all and any disputes that may arise between the various elements constituting this universal system. — The World Order of Bahá’u’lláh, The Unfoldment of World Civilization

These ideas closely align with Carnegie’s visions. The winning trio has since the prize ceremony in 2018 been awarded key positions to develop new governance arrangements.

Climate Governance Commission

UN75 Global Governance Forum - Join the Conversation! | One Earth Future


The “World Conference on Global Institutions”, that was arranged as the virtual event United Nations Global Governance Forum in September 2020, birthed the Climate Governance Commission with Groff as convener (with Dahl and Lopez Claros as experts). The COVID-19 pandemic had in their opinion high-lighted the need for closer international cooperation to manage global risks.

The commission (with former Irish president Mary Robinson as chair, and Swedish “climate tsar” Johan Rockström as one of the co-chairs) serve as advisors to the ongoing reform of the United Nations, initiated at the seventy-fifth session of the UN General Assembly (which resulted in the report Our Common Agenda report a year later).

In September 2023, The Climate Governance Commission, funded by Global Challenges Foundation, Stimson Center, Rockefeller Foundation and Baha’i International, proposed the declaration of a Planetary Emergency at the United Nation’s Summit of the Future in September 2024. If their advice is granted, it will trigger the establishment of a Planetary Emergency Platform, and a Planetary Emergency Plan. They advocate collective management of the “Planetary Commons”.

Maja Groff and the New Institute 

Maja Groff recently joined The New Institute, a think-tank founded 2020 by German social democrat politician Erck Rickmers and led by the former secretary-general of the Volkswagen Foundation, Wilhelm Krull.

Groff will chair the program Planetary Governance with the mission to “design and implement the needed global governance reforms to address the planetary emergency.” This includes developing a Global Environmental Agency and an International Court of the Environment. We can assume that the location of the latter will be in Carnegie’s “Temple of Peace”.

As with the world wars, the climate crisis scaremongering acts as a leverage to further the construction of their envisioned “peaceful global order”. And as Groffs colleague Arthur Dahl said during a meeting with the Global Governance Forum:

Maybe the best solution to climate change would be a nuclear winter for a few years to cool down the planet very quickly. And maybe, in the longer term, that would be in our best interest than any other solutions tried at the moment.

The Bahá’ís supreme goal of universal peace comes at a high price. To quote George Orwell: “War is Peace”.


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Spread the Truth, Refer a Friend to Global Research


The Brandon entity, from the start of its career in the executive branch, has been a synthetic creation of the corporate state, sponsored by the donor class, foisted on the American people with no due consideration to their will.

(The reason, incidentally, Biden has always been a useful tool for the donor class is because it has publicly acknowledged that it is a prostitute in very clear, literal terms — subtlety not being a personality trait it is known for.)

“I Tried To Prostitute Myself”

Via Washington Free Beacon (emphasis added):

Former Vice President Joe Biden said during a 1974 discussion on campaign finance that he tried to ‘prostitute’ himself to big donors during his first run for U.S. Senate but failed to get their money because he was too young.

His youth, however, was what enabled Biden to raise enough money to win, he explained.

‘I’m like the token black or the token woman,’ Biden said. ‘I was the token young person.’”

Unlike bona fide party stars like Barack Obama and Bernie — who, whatever one might think of them, have legitimate grassroots bases of support — Biden never had and never will have any significant popular support.

The only reason it ascended to its current position is because Obama’s handlers handpicked it out of obscurity in 2008 for VP — an avowed segregationist racist to balance out the first black top-of-the-ticket — after having run two failed campaigns itself, the first of which in 1988 it had to abandon because it was discovered it had plagiarized an entire speech from a British politician.

Joe Biden: Political Plagiarism, 1988 Presidential Campaign 

No matter: a proven liar multiple times over — that was rejected by the voters and would have languished in obscurity until the unceremonious end of its career — was named VP anyway.

In 2020, it was again Obama who swooped in to salvage Biden’s failing campaign, at which time even then it was obvious it had dementia, to prevent Bernie Sanders from clinching the win.

Via CNN, April 8, 2020 (emphasis added):

Former President Barack Obama played an active, albeit private, role in the Democratic presidential primary that effectively ended on Wednesday when Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders dropped out of the race.

Obama and Sanders spoke multiple times in the last few weeks as the Vermont senator determined the future of his campaign, a source familiar with the conversation tells CNN. Sanders’ decision to get out on Wednesday paves the way for Joe Biden, who served as Obama’s vice president for eight years, to become the Democratic nominee.

Obama’s eventual endorsement of Biden and fulsome entry into the campaign, whenever it occurs, will signal a new phase in Democrats’ efforts to defeat President Donald Trump.”

After it was announced as the nominee, the message was disseminated publicly and privately that pointing out Biden’s dementia was verboten, which I have previously written about, and so the team players in the party and the corporate state media never brought it up again until last week when the lie became unmanageable.


Via CNN, October 2019 (emphasis added):

“In yet another sign of trouble for Sen. Kamala Harris in the 2020 presidential race, the California Democrat has slid from an enviable front-runner position in her home state into the single digits in a new poll of likely voters in the Golden State.

As the state’s March 5 primary draws closer, Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts (23%), former Vice President Joe Biden (22%) and Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont (21%) are now tied as the leaders in the field among likely voters who are either registered as Democrats or identify as Democratic-leaning independents in the new Public Policy Institute of California poll, which was conducted in mid- to late September after Harris’ uneven performance in the last debate.

Harris tumbled from 19% in July to 8% in the new poll by the institute, failing to sustain the momentum she sparked with her first debate performance in June. She lost significant ground over the summer, while her chief rivals all solidified their standing among California voters.”

No matter: for its remarkably poor performance and total rejection by even the citizens of its own state, the Karamel-uh entity was crowned VP.

In this election cycle, the party of Democracy™ canceled all primary debates — despite Brandon essentially pledging to be a one-term president back in 2020 — that would have exposed its dementia much sooner, perhaps in time to swap it out before hitting the current crisis point.

Via ABC News, June 2, 2023 (emphasis added):

Democrats have so far opted to tune out the primary challenges levied against him, with the Democratic National Committee throwing its support behind Biden. And while some in the party have criticized the organization and Biden as ‘un-democratic’ for presuming he’s the de facto nominee, there’s precedent in sitting it out: No incumbent president has participated in a primary debate since the first modern debate was held in 1948, even when presented with high-profile primary challengers.

As former President Donald Trump sought re-election in 2020, the Republican National Committee didn’t hold primary debates, nor did former President Barack Obama during his second bid. The same pattern can be traced as far back as Gerald Ford.

And Democrats today show no signs of changing course.

Biden’s candidacy is being challenged by two Democrats, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Marianne Williamson, who have remained critical of the DNC’s expected decision to unite behind the incumbent president.”

None of this, you will further note, has anything whatsoever to do with the will of the voters. In fact, appointing the Karamel-uh entity and the Brandon entity to their posts was in direct contradiction to the expressed will of the voters.

To the extent there are any card-carrying Democrats left out there with any self-respect who still believe in advancing the party’s political agenda — whatever that is at this point; child trannyism and state-funded abortion drive-thru service, I guess — the extraordinary anti-democratic lengths to which the party went to rig the political process up until this current date should enrage them.

This is what comes from making lying and gaslighting and manipulating and rigging the political machinery the modus operandi.

I know from personal experience, as the Soviet Union leadership also learned the hard way: on a long enough timeline, dirty deeds come back to haunt you.

All things come to light; it’s only a matter of time.


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This article was originally published on the author’s Substack, Armageddon Prose.

Ben Bartee, author of Broken English Teacher: Notes From Exile, is an independent Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs. Follow his stuff via Substack. Also, keep tabs via Twitter. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: U.S. President Joe Biden preparing to disembark Marine One, July 2021. (White House, Adam Schultz)

Finland Gives US Control Over 15 Military Bases, on Russia’s Doorstep

By Drago Bosnic, July 04, 2024

Starting from July 1, Washington DC has access to at least 15 Finnish military bases, with the possibility of deploying heavy weapons. It wasn’t specified what sort of arms and equipment that refers to, but it’s not that difficult to imagine.

“Alarming 3000% Increase in Unexplained Child Deaths in Alberta”: Medical Doctors and Scientists’ Press Conference

By Dr. Mark Trozzi, Dr. Byram W. Bridle, Dr. William Makis, and et al., July 04, 2024

The morning after the landmark event “An Injection of Truth” in Calgary, where a delegation of Canadian MDs and scientists presented crucial scientific information, a press conference was held. This event addressed the alarming 3000% increase in unexplained child deaths in Alberta and aimed to provide essential knowledge to Albertans and the global community.

Iran Elections: Shame or War?

By Konrad Rękas, July 05, 2024

The second round of the presidential elections in Iran on Friday, 5th July, is not only a continuation of the clash between pro-Western liberals and traditionalists attached to the ideals of the Islamic Revolution and determined to maintain the independence of Persian civilisation.

Can We Rest Assured That Just Because of the Unacceptably High Costs of Nuclear War and World War III, These Will Never Happen?

By Bharat Dogra, July 04, 2024

In the middle of several very serious questions haunting humanity today the one which looms over all others is this terrible one—how high is the possibility of World War III/nuclear war and how destructive this will be?

Russia Finally Acknowledges That She Is at War with Washington

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, July 04, 2024

Russia responded to Washington’s cluster bomb attack on civilians in Crimea by informing Washington that the two countries are now at war. What it means, if anything, remains to be seen. It does not seem to have caused any consternation in Washington.

Julian Assange Is Finally Free, But Let’s Not Forget the War Crimes He Exposed

By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, July 04, 2024

Under the terms of a plea deal with the U.S. Department of Justice, Assange pled guilty to one count of conspiracy to obtain documents, writings and notes connected with the national defense under the Espionage Act. Assange was facing 175 years in prison for 18 charges in the indictment filed by the Trump administration and pursued by the Biden administration.

Biden and Trump Battle Over a Rattle

By Edward Curtin, July 04, 2024

The spectacle of presidential politics and people’s addiction to it is a depressing commentary on people’s gullibility.  To think that the candidates are not puppets manipulated by the same hidden powerful elite forces is a form of illiteracy that fails to grasp the nature of the fairy tale told through the looking-glass.

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Spread the Truth, Refer a Friend to Global Research


33 year old Drag Racer Lizzy Musi (Driver on Street Outlaws) died from Stage 4 Triple Negative Breast Cancer on June 27, 2024.





She was diagnosed with Stage 4 TNBC in April 2023.

June 28, 2024 – ‘Street Outlaws: No Prep Kings’ star Lizzy Musi dead at 33


Lizzy Musi.


Lizzy Musi has died at 33.

The driver and reality TV star, best known for “Street Outlaws: No Prep Kings,” passed away after a battle with breast cancer.

Her father, Pat Musi, announced her death in a post shared via Facebook on Thursday.

“Surrounded by her Family, in the comfort of her own home, Lizzy was called to heaven at 11:25pm tonight,” the post read.

“Thank you for all the prayers and support throughout her battle

Lizzy Musi was a driver and the director of Musi Racing. Lizzy Musi/Instagram

Lizzy Musi was a car racer and reality TV star. Lizzy Musi/Instagram

Musi, who grew up in North Carolina, rose to fame on the Discovery Channel series “Street Outlaws: No Prep Kings,” a spinoff of 2018’s “Street Outlaws,” a docu-series about drag racers competing on rough terrain.

She starred on the show with her father Pat, an eight-time PDRA Pro Street World Champion, according to his website.

In addition to being a driver, she was also the director of Musi Racing in Mooresville, North Carolina.

Musi revealed her cancer diagnosis in an April 2023 Instagram post.

“Hey Everyone, I haven’t been able to have much time to post due to an unexpected life change. A few days ago I have been Diagnosed with Triple Negative Stage 4 Breast Cancer that has moved to my lymph nodes to my liver,” she wrote, adding, “I have a rough journey ahead of me. I appreciate everyone’s messages and calls.

Lizzy Musi shared selfies after shaving her head during her cancer battle. Lizzy Musi/Instagram

In June 2023, she showed off “the new me” after shaving her head.

“Never thought in a million years I would post a picture like this. I want to share every raw moment with you guys through my journey,” Lizzy captioned the image. “2 nights ago I had to shave my head due to extreme hair loss,” adding that her ex-fiance, Kye Kelly, helped her shave her head.

“Some days are tough to look in the mirror,” she wrote.

After winning the 2023 “Street Outlaws: No Prep Kings” invitational at Tulsa Raceway Park in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Musi told Drag Illustrated in August, “I swear I haven’t been this happy in my whole life. I just feel like I can do my job as a driver, and it just came so naturally. It felt so good to be able to be myself again and race.”

She added, “I can’t even begin to explain everything I’ve been going through and dealing with this cancer diagnosis – a lot of people had their doubts about me. I’m very thankful and blessed that I can keep doing what I’m doing.”

“I still have the fire in me,” Lizzy Musi said in a 2023 interview. Lizzy Musi/Instagram

She noted that her health struggles didn’t put her down, saying: “I still have the fire in me.”

“I have such a huge support system that keeps me going. My family has been so supportive. It’s incredible, and I’m so thankful for that.”

Musi continued, “I’ll sit in treatment rooms, getting this chemo done, and here I am a couple of days later in a race car, and now we won this race – it feels like the biggest accomplishment ever. We struggled so much, so I feel like going through all those struggles makes a win so much more worthwhile.  Me and my dad got emotional at the top end, but we both know that we went through hell and back to get to where we’re at. I look up to him so much.”

“But there are days where I feel stronger than ever.”

Her father wrote in his Facebook post about her death, “At this time, the family would like to have time to process, grief and make arrangements in peace. We will give an update as soon as we have information to share.”

My Take… 

Lizzy didn’t push COVID-19 vaccines but with all the sponsors, TV show on Discovery, racing on various racetracks during 2021-2023, etc, she is presumed vaccinated.

Triple Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC) has the worst prognosis.

COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines cause Turbo Cancer. Breast cancer is in the top 3 most common Turbo Cancers. Of the Turbo Breast Cancers, TNBC is the most common type.

Look at the features:

  1. Very young age: 33 is much too young, we start screening at 50
  2. Stage 4 Presentation. No warning signs.
  3. Triple Negative – this is the most common type after mRNA injection
  4. Died 14 months after diagnosis – progression much too rapid and also suggests the cancer did not respond to chemo.

All of these features are typical of mRNA-induced turbo cancer.

r/dragracing - VIDEO: Street Outlaws Lizzy Musi Cancer Treatment Update | #LIZZYSTRONG

r/StreetOutlaws - Lizzy Musi passed away today :(


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.   

Featured image is from COVID Intel

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

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Iran Elections: Shame or War?

July 5th, 2024 by Konrad Rękas

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Spread the Truth, Refer a Friend to Global Research


The second round of the presidential elections in Iran on Friday, 5th July, is not only a continuation of the clash between pro-Western liberals and traditionalists attached to the ideals of the Islamic Revolution and determined to maintain the independence of Persian civilisation.

The choice of the Iranians may also have serious international implications, affecting the situation in Palestine, within the so-called Fertile Crescent (Lebanon-Syria-Iraq), and even the result of the US presidential elections.

Who Assassinated President Raisi?

Only 39.93 percent of Iranians went to the polls on 28th June 2024.

This is the lowest turnout in the history of the Islamic Republic, which has clearly not yet recovered from the shock of the death of President Ebrahim Raisi, perhaps not liked by everyone but widely respected. 

His death in a plane crash on 19th May is widely considered to the assassination inspired either by Zionists and Americans, or by the members of corrupt elites whom the president ordered a ruthless fight against.  In the unanimous opinion of the Iranian faithful, Ebrahim Raisi had the highest predispositions to become, after the end of his almost certain second term, the future spiritual leader of Iran, of course through the longest possible life of Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and in accordance with the tradition strengthened by the example of Great Ayatollah Khomeini. The criminals who committed the attack clearly wanted not only to interrupt Raisi’s presidency and destroy the threat of his re-election, but also to disrupt the entire political continuity of the Islamic Republic of Iran. And so far, they continue to do everything to complete such a destructive work.

Love’s Labour’s Lost

I was in Iran during the 2017 presidential campaign, won overwhelmingly by reformist candidate Hassan Rouhani (image on the right), who promised to quickly lift international sanctions against the Republic by reaching an agreement with a U.S.-led coalition interested in ending Iran’s nuclear program.  Ebrahim Raisi, who was defeated in those elections, warned that the West cannot be trusted and all the false promises are and intended only to further weaken Iran’s economic and military potential.  The course of events very quickly proved that Raisi’s position was right, and the liberal bloc was also severely disgraced by corruption, widespread under President Rouhani’s rule.  

I also remember well the situation in Iran before the 2021 presidential elections.  It has been perfectly summarised by the Supreme Leader himself, the great Ayatollah Ali Khamenei called on candidates to compete for programs and to focus on solving real problems, especially socio-economic:

“People don’t care about candidates’ views on social media or foreign policy. Our people are worried by things like unemployment and low income, in particular being the result of wrong policies that suppress national production.”

That was the real reason why the people Iran supported the real God’s Man, Ebrahim Raisi.  Even his greatest enemies always have to admit that he was a politic who had never involved in even the slightest scandal. He was always incorruptible and steadfast and He guaranteed that enemies of Iran have not been able to bribe the Iranian elites in a purpose of social ties breakdown and the destruction of the society, what happened for example to the Central European countries and all other societies affected by the disease of democratisation, liberalisation and any pro-Western political transformation.  Today, however, that fight must be repeated again.


Images are licensed under CC BY 4.0

Of the six candidates registered by the Council of the Guardians of the Revolution, four finally  took part in the first round, including Saeed Jalili, forcing the continuation of the Raisi’s line and loyalty to the Supreme Leader’s instructions, and Masoud Pezeshkian, announcing a return to the Rouhani’s line, once discredited, but still attractive to many today.

Jalili, a disillusioned long-time negotiator with the West, was ultimately supported by, among others, the incumbent vice president of Iran, Amir-Hossein Ghazizadeh Hashemi, and the mayor of Tehran, Alireza Zakani. 

The third in the race, Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf, the Speaker of the Islamic Consultative Assembly, who was considered a candidate particularly close to military circles, also called for voting for Jalili. 

Pezeshkian, however, is supported by the liberal establishment from the past, including former president Mohammad Khatami and former speaker of Parliament Mahdi Karroubi. 

So we are dealing with a clash similar to those in 2017 and 2021, a clash that would not have happened without the death of Raisi, who was unanimously considered to be certain of re-election. 

Only the president’s death gave the liberals a chance, and Pezeshkian obtaining 44.36 percent of votes in the first round keeps these hopes alive.

Zionists Just Wait…

Though, Dr. Jalili is now the hope of both traditionalists, gained around the Supreme Leader, and populists of former president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, in whose administration the current candidate served as deputy minister of foreign affairs for European and American affairs, must unite. 

For both groups, Iran’s unilateral surrender to the demands of Western negotiators equals to defeat in an undeclared but ongoing war with Tel Aviv, which is only waiting for the disarmament of the Islamic Republic to attack Lebanon and Syria again and complete the pacification of the Palestinian territories. 

The election of Dr. Pezeshkian, a former health minister calling for compromise with the West, may be the final death sentence for Gaza, the Palestinian Autonomy, and ultimately also Beirut and Damascus. The Zionists will not forget Tehran’s drone attack that compromised their anti-aircraft defence, and they want to take revenge through ballot boxes filled by Iranians tormented by sanctions. However, they should not forget about other important international circumstances: the US presidential elections and the expected change of Government in the UK.

Best Friends of Israel

Both Donald Trump and Sir Kier Starmer announced a significant tightening of Anglo-Saxon policy towards Tehran after their expected election victories. 

For Trump, the war with Iran would become the final proof that he is “Israel’s greatest friend” among American presidents, and the leader of the British Labour Party would thus culminate his campaign of ruthlessly eliminating all critics of Zionism and opponents of the genocide in Gaza from the ranks of the Labor Party. Even being victorious, but at the same time unable to openly war with China (as he would like), nor able to end the war in Ukraine (which the Washington establishment will probably not allow him to do), Trump will face the huge temptation of a third armed conflict, in the Middle East, with an attempt at land including the invasion of Iran. It would be naive for the Iranians to believe that they would avert such a threat by choosing a capitulator ready to hand over the Republic to Western foundations and globalist capital. 

If the battered and frightened inhabitants of Iran choose shame, they may get war too.


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Konrad Rękas is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Attribution: Tasnim News Agency

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First published on December 15, 2021, Update May 21, 2023, April 8, 2024 

Author’s Introduction and Update

“Hell is Empty and the Devils are All Here”. William Shakespeare, “The Tempest”, 1623 


The World Economic Forum (WEF) which represents the Western financial elites, played a key role in the launching of the March 11, 2020 corona lockdown, which was conducive to a Worldwide process of economic and social chaos. It also supported the launching of the Covid-19 vaccine in November 2020, which (amply documented) has been conducive (Worldwide) to an upward trend in mortality and morbidity

And now they are “promising” us a Crisis which is “Much Worse than Covid”. 

Over the last four years, starting in January 2020, “the deliberate triggering of  chaos” has become part of a broad and complex agenda:

  • the war in Ukraine,
  • the hike in energy prices,
  • the triggering of bankruptcies,
  • the collapse of economic activity,
  • widespread poverty, famine and despair. 

In recent developments, Washington has endorsed 

  • Israel’s genocide directed against the People of Palestine,
  • An unfolding US-NATO-Israel military agenda against the broader Middle East.
  • US Threats against Iran
  • US-NATO threats directed against the Russian Federation 
  • Confrontation directed against China


The article below focusses on the dangers of Cyber Warfare, which were first announced by the World Economic Forum (WEF) in 2020

In 2021, the WEF conducted a simulation of Cyber Attacks involving a scenario of Paralysis of the Power Supply, Communications, Transportation, The Internet. 

Klaus Schwab intimated in no uncertain terms based on “a simulated scenario” that a cyber-attack:  

Could bring a complete halt to the power supply, transportation, hospital services, our society as a whole …

 The COVID-19 crisis would be seen in this respect as a small disturbance in comparison to a major cyberattack.” (emphasis added) 

Barack and Michelle Obama’s “Leave the World Behind” Movie: Cyberattack, “Synchronized Chaos”, Collapse, “Civil War”

Another controversial element has recently emerged. Available on Netflix, Hollywood has released “Leave the World Behind” produced by former President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama, based on the script of Rumaan Alam‘s novel. The film director is Sam Esmail.

“Leave the World Behind” “depicts the unraveling of society in the wake of a surprise attack by an unknown assailant, which “predicts a cyberattack on the U.S. power grid”.

Rumaan Alam’s novel “Leave the World Behind,” was published in October 2020, several month following the fear campaign and the March 11, 2020 Covid-19 “Lockdown”. In an interview with The Guardian: (October 26, 2021) Rumaan Alam says:  

I’d never even heard the word coronavirus prior to February 2020. On a very basic level, the book dramatises being trapped in at home and not having enough information – and it happened to be published into a reality in which many readers felt that they were trapped in their homes and didn’t have enough information. So it’s a strange resonance. [namely]… the individual relationship to anxiety over the climate, the absurdity of the contemporary moment, our warped relationship to technology. People are thinking and talking about this stuff so it makes sense that there will be books about it.  

… The people I’m talking about are the person I am. The day lockdown began, what was the first thing we did? Aside from grocery shopping, everyone I know, myself included, went shopping …  

According to Joseph Mercola in a carefully researched review of the “Leave the World Behind” movie:

“Leave the World Behind” depicts the unraveling of society in the wake of a surprise attack by an unknown assailant. Many believe the film, produced by Barack and Michelle Obama, predicts a cyberattack on the U.S. power grid

A cyberattack that will make the COVID pandemic look like a minor inconvenience in comparison to what has been repeatedly “promised” in recent years by World Economic Forum (WEF) founder Klaus Schwab

“Leave the World Behind” doesn’t preach preparedness ideologies or indulge in apocalyptic fantasies. Instead, it offers a glimpse into the potential ramifications of societal breakdowns and the human condition’s capacity for both despair and resilience  (See Mercola’s analysisJanuary 7, 2024, see Schwab quotation above) 

Rumaan Alam’s novel depicts the social impacts of a Blackout affecting the entire U.S. East Coast.

There is no concrete evidence at this stage that the producers and director of “Leave the World Behind” were cognizant of the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Simulation of a Cyber Attack first conducted in July 2020. The matter requires further investigation. 

Video: “Leave the World Behind”


Video: the WEF Cyber Polygon 2020 Simulation. “The Year that has Changed the World”

An engineered “Cyber Terrorist Attack” conducive to unprecedented disruptions? Is this something that we should take seriously?

The World Economic Forum warns us of a new crisis of “even more significant economic and social implications than COVID19.”

“Protect People Properly”, Says former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair in the above video.

What threat could possibly be more impactful?”

The Ice Age Farmer in the video below: 

“breaks down the WEF’s “Cyber Polygon” tabletop exercise, its participants, and predictive programming around a looming large scale cyberattack on critical infrastructure that would unleash a Dark Winter and help to usher in the Great Reset.”

Video: The Next Crisis “Bigger than Covid”

Jeremy Jurgens, WEF Managing Director:

In the words of Jeremy Jurgens, who is the WEF’s  Managing Director and Head of the WEF’s Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution: 

“I believe that there will be another crisis. It will be more significant. It will be faster than what we’ve seen with COVID. The impact will be greater, and as a result the economic and social implications will be even more significant.” (emphasis added) 

The 2020 Cyber Polygon Simulation was followed by a Second Simulation in 2021

What does Klaus Schwab have up his Sleeve? A Geopolitical Slant: The 2021 Cyber Polygon Simulation 

The 2021 WEF cyber polygon simulation scenario had an obvious “contradictory” geopolitical slant: 

The event was chaired by Russia’s Prime Minister  Mikhail Mishustin, numerous Russian financial institutions, media and communications entities had been invited by the WEF.


Forty-eight countries participated in the Event, there were 41 partners of which 10 were from Russia and Kazakhstan: these included News Agency TASS, NTVSberbank, Russia’s largest bank and a leading global financial institution,  the Group, Russia’s largest internet provider, MTS, Russia’s leading telecommunications group, the State Legal Department of the Omsk Region, Siberia. Powerful banking financial institutions from Kazakstan. Among others.

See also the assumptions of the Training Program, which are predicated on terrorist cyber hackers.

Amply documented, the World Economic Forum (WEF) has been instrumental in endorsing US-NATO’s military agenda in regards to Ukraine.

Was this July 2021 Cyber Polygon event (which occurred less than 8 months prior to the outset of the Ukraine War) intent upon creating political divisions within the Russian Federation by establishing partnerships with a number of powerful Russian media, communications, banking and financial institutions, etc.

Not a single representative from the People’s Republic of China. Was the Cyber Polygon Simulation (July 2021) intended to foster confrontation between China and Russia? Are Cyber attacks contemplated as part of a Global Military agenda?

The Process of “All-Digitization”

In November 2023, as documented in an article by Peter Koenig, the Financial Elites passed from the “simulation of scenarios” to outright  “implementation”. They  entrusted the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) “as the flag-carrier … for the deadly onslaught of All-Digitization.” 

Koenig focusses on the “Take Down of a Society That is Digital.which could be conducted in the form of  a Worldwide Cyber Attack (as outlined by Klaus Schwab in his 2021 statement):  

“If everything around us is run by digital signals that are controlled by the “Globalist Cabal” (Financial Elites) one or a few switches can turn off our different networks:

water supply, electricity, gas, all kinds of energy, food supply, fuel deliveries, traffic signals, all transportation, all communication, the money in our accounts, and much more.” (Peter Koenig, November 18, 2023


Bear in Mind, the July 2021 WEF “Cyber Attack Simulation was co-chaired by Klaus Schwab and the PM of Russia Mikhail Mishustin, Barely 7 months later, the WEF suspends it relationship with the Kremlin following the launching of President Putin’s Special Military Operation (SMO) against Ukraine on February 24, 2022.


Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, May 21, 2023, July 5, 2024


Below is the text of Michel Chossudovsky’s December 2021 article


Another Crisis “Much Worse than Covid”,

Paralysis of Power Supply,

Communications, Transportation.

The WEF “Cyber Attack” Scenario

by Michel Chossudovsky  

December 15, 2021 


The World Economic Forum (WEF) which represents the Western financial elites, played a key role in the launching of the March 11, 2020 lockdown, which was conducive to a Worldwide process of economic and social chaos. 

The WEF is now pointing to: “A cyber-attack with COVID-like characteristics”, which promises to be far more devastating and chaotic than the Covid-19 pandemic.

The World Economic Forum’s “Concept 2021”. Cyber Polygon Scenario

The World Economic Forum (WEF) which co-sponsored Event 201, the table top simulation of the corona pandemic together with John Hopkins and the Gates Foundation in October 2019, has been involved in another strategic exercise entitled Concept 2021. The latter is described as an:

“international capacity building initiative aimed at raising the global cyber resilience”.

It is not a table top simulation comparable to Event 201. 

Last year it was conducted at the height of the lockdown via video conferencing. This year, the 2021 Conference “discussed the “key risks of digitalization”.

Those participating in the Cyber Polygon Exercise (2020) included high tech companies including IBM, numerous banks and financial institutions, internet companies, cyber security agencies, corporate and government media, think tanks, law enforcement agencies including Interpol with representatives from 48 countries.

The exercise was an obvious means to secure reliable partners and develop strategic alliances. In this regard, there were numerous representatives from Russia and countries of the former Soviet Union, including major Russian banking interests, communications and media companies. All in all 42 partners. No corporate /governmental partners from China, participated in the simulation. 

There was also a training program with 200 teams from 48 countries. Cyber Attack With Covid-like Characteristics

Simulation of A Cyber-Attack. Towards A Complete Halt to Power Supply, Communications, Transportation

Klaus Schwab, founder and Executive Director of the WEF and architect of the “Great Reset” describes the crisis scenario as follows:

The frightening scenario of a comprehensive cyber attack could bring a complete halt to the power supply, transportation, hospital services, our society as a whole. The COVID-19 crisis would be seen in this respect as a small disturbance in comparison to a major cyberattack.” (emphasis added)

Jeremy Jurgens, WEF Managing Director:

“I believe that there will be another crisis. It will be more significant. It will be faster than what we’ve seen with COVID. The impact will be greater, and as a result the economic and social implications will be even more significant.” (emphasis added)

The implications of these bold “predictions” which represent the interests of the financial establishment are far-reaching.

What they describe is a scenario of economic and social chaos involving the disruption of communications systems, the internet, financial and money transactions (including SWIFT), the power grid, global transportation, commodity trade, etc., as well as likely “geopolitical dislocations”.

The opening session (July 2021) of Cyber Polygon 2021 was conducted (video below) by the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Mikhail Mishustin together with the Director General of the WEF Klaus Schwab.

According to Mikhail Mishustin, Prime Minister of the Russian Federation

“Addressing cyberthreats and securing our common digital future are among the priorities of every government and company.  …”

Video. Opening Session Featuring Russia’s Prime Minister and Klaus Schwab (July 2021).

Removed from the WEF website


The WEF has suggested in no uncertain terms that another devastating Worldwide economic and social crisis is likely to occur in the wake of the so-called Covid-19 pandemic.  

Video: The Next Crisis Bigger than Covid


Is this Scenario a “Dress Rehearsal” for a Forthcoming Cyber Crisis? 

The geopolitics of this exercise are complex. While Russia is routinely threatened by US-NATO, the Russian Federation [was] is a partner of this WEF initiative, which is largely dominated by Wall Street and the Western financial establishment.

Why was China –which is an ally of Russia– excluded from the Cyber Polygon Exercise?

The Cyber Attack is categorized as a Terrorist Act. Ask yourself the question: Who has the capabilities of carrying out such an attack?

Russia’s financial and banking establishment were actively involved in the Cyber Scenario. Was the exercise intended to create divisions between China and Russia?

While one cannot speculate, the matter must nonetheless be addressed.

And who will be blamed if the Cyber Scenario goes live?

Engineered economic and social chaos. Is that not part of a US hegemonic project?

About the Author

Michel Chossudovsky is an award-winning author, Professor of Economics (emeritus) at the University of Ottawa, Founder and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), Montreal, Editor of Global Research.

He has undertaken field research in Latin America, Asia, the Middle East, sub-Saharan Africa and the Pacific and has written extensively on the economies of developing countries with a focus on poverty and social inequality. He has also undertaken research in Health Economics (UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC),  UNFPA, CIDA, WHO, Government of Venezuela, John Hopkins International Journal of Health Services (1979, 1983)

He is the author of thirteen books including The Globalization of Poverty and The New World Order (2003), America’s “War on Terrorism” (2005),  The Globalization of War, America’s Long War against Humanity (2015).

He is a contributor to the Encyclopaedia Britannica.  His writings have been published in more than twenty languages. In 2014, he was awarded the Gold Medal for Merit of the Republic of Serbia for his writings on NATO’s war of aggression against Yugoslavia. He can be reached at [email protected]

See Michel Chossudovsky, Biographical Note

Michel Chossudovsky’s Articles on Global Research

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Israel Burning Down

July 5th, 2024 by Karsten Riise

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Israel is burning down.

More than 200 Hezbollah missiles have hit Israel the past day and night.

Though Hezbollah’s 200 missiles have been reported in western media, it has always been with the addition from censored Israeli public information, that Israel either “shoots down all Hezbollah missiles”, or “Hezbollah missiles strike empty land”. The images in the video prove that evidently Hezbollah is doing tremendous real damage, burning down Israel.

The devastation by Hezbollah in the video is not reported on CNN, NYT or WaPo.

Not even reported by Israeli media.

As Israel cannot defeat Hamas in little Gaza, taking on far bigger Hezbollah is an impossible task for Israel.

The fire will therefore grow until it consumes Israel.


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Karsten Riise is a Master of Science (Econ) from Copenhagen Business School and has a university degree in Spanish Culture and Languages from Copenhagen University. He is the former Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Mercedes-Benz in Denmark and Sweden.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is a screenshot from the AFP video

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O regime de Kiev continua a tomar decisões perigosas que podem levar a uma grave escalada do conflito com a Federação Russa. Recentemente, tropas ucranianas começaram a ser posicionadas na fronteira com a República da Belarus, o que é um passo sério, considerando que qualquer ataque à soberania bielorrussa será respondido militarmente por Moscou, uma vez que ambos os países têm um pacto de defesa mútua. A Ucrânia está consciente deste risco de escalada, mas procura abertamente internacionalizar o conflito.

Em 29 de Junho, o vice-comandante das forças de operações especiais bielorrussas, coronel Vadim Lukashevich, afirmou que Kiev está a posicionar soldados, veículos blindados e sistemas de artilharia fornecidos pelos EUA ao longo da fronteira de 1.000 km entre os dois países. Além disso, foram criados campos minados na região, o que é claramente um sinal de preparação para um possível conflito aberto. Além do exército ucraniano, o serviço de fronteira bielorrusso também relatou a presença de mercenários neonazistas na fronteira.

Pouco depois das declarações das autoridades bielorrussas, o regime de Kiev confirmou as acusações, admitindo que está a realizar movimentos militares na fronteira norte. De acordo com Andrey Demchenko, porta-voz do Serviço de Fronteiras da Ucrânia, a Ucrânia vê a fronteira com a Belarus como “perigosa”, razão pela qual Kiev “continua a fortalecê-la… para evitar quaisquer ações que possam vir do território de Belarus”.

Demchenko não explicou porque é que o seu país considera Belarus uma ameaça. Figuras públicas ucranianas e pró-ucranianas salientam frequentemente que alguns dos primeiros ataques russos durante a primeira fase da operação militar especial foram realizados com tropas que se deslocavam através do território bielorrusso. De fato, alguns dos militares russos envolvidos na operação cruzaram a fronteira norte da Ucrânia em direção a Kiev para realizar uma manobra diversiva que permitiu que as tropas ucranianas se distraíssem enquanto posições de verdadeiro interesse russo eram facilmente tomadas em Donbass.

Esses movimentos militares, contudo, terminaram na Primavera de 2022. A Rússia retirou-se dos subúrbios de Kiev depois de ganhar posições estratégicas no Donbass. Além disso, Moscou deixou claro que o fim das ações na região de Kiev foi também um gesto de boa vontade diplomática para avançar nas negociações de paz, razão pela qual a Ucrânia já não precisava de temer quaisquer novas incursões nos arredores da capital.

No momento do início da operação militar especial, Belarus tinha declarado a sua neutralidade no conflito, embora tenha permitido o trânsito de tropas russas através do seu território. A presença militar russa no país é absolutamente legal, uma vez que ambos os países estão amplamente integrados no Tratado do Estado da União. Devido às constantes provocações ucranianas, Belarus mudou o seu estatuto no conflito, apoiando agora abertamente a Rússia, mas deixando claro que não está interessada em participar em quaisquer movimentos militares. No entanto, se a Ucrânia continuar a lançar manobras provocativas, Minsk poderá ser forçada a agir de forma mais decisiva para proteger o seu povo.

As autoridades russas deixaram claro em diversas ocasiões que não tolerarão qualquer tipo de ataque ao seu aliado. O Estado da União estabelece apoio militar mútuo em caso de conflito, razão pela qual um ataque a Belarus será visto como um ataque à própria Rússia. No entanto, Kiev já realizou diversas provocações nas fronteiras, incluindo incursões de drones e tentativas de ataques terroristas. Minsk tem sido paciente e ignorou as ações ucranianas, mas se mais atividades deste tipo forem realizadas, é possível que o governo bielorrusso peça o apoio russo para reforçar a segurança fronteiriça. Além disso, Moscou poderia lançar outra operação no norte, semelhante à do início do conflito, com o objetivo de dissuadir os ucranianos de se retirarem da fronteira com Belarus.

Para Kiev, a internacionalização do conflito é uma prioridade. Com o seu exército à beira do colapso e a derrota total sendo uma mera questão de tempo, a única esperança da Ucrânia é tornar o conflito tão sério e internacional quanto possível, tentando assim angariar mais apoio ocidental e uma possível intervenção da OTAN. Belarus tem sido um dos maiores alvos de provocações, tal como a república separatista da Transnístria, onde já foram reportadas diversas manobras terroristas e incursões de drones. Kiev, contudo, não conseguirá envolver tão facilmente mais actores na guerra. Minsk, por exemplo, já deixou claro que só entrará diretamente no conflito se houver um ataque militar ucraniano direto. Apesar de ser provocativo, o regime neonazista está ao mesmo tempo agindo de forma covarde, não querendo arriscar as suas já frágeis e altamente enfraquecidas forças militares.

É digno de nota que a Ucrânia está enviando tantas tropas para uma fronteira pacífica, apesar de ter sofrido pesadas perdas no campo de batalha. Talvez a esperança de Kiev com estes movimentos seja precisamente distrair as forças russas, fazendo parecer que o regime abrirá uma nova frente para tentar reduzir as ações russas nas Novas Regiões e em Kharkov, que são atualmente os principais flancos do conflito. Esta tentativa de distração, no entanto, é fútil, uma vez que Moscou continua a utilizar apenas uma pequena percentagem das suas capacidades militares, tendo força suficiente para atuar em várias frentes ao mesmo tempo.

Se Kiev intensificar as provocações na fronteira com a Belarus, a Rússia poderá facilmente entrar na Ucrânia pelo norte, sem reduzir as suas ações nas outras frentes. Por outro lado, um novo flanco poderia desgastar ainda mais a Ucrânia e levar rapidamente ao seu colapso militar.

Lucas Leiroz de Almeida


Artigo em inglês :

Kiev Regime Worsening Tensions by Sending Troops to Belarussian Border

InfoBrics, 2 de Julho de 2024.

Imagém : InfoBrics


Lucas Leiroz, membro da Associação de Jornalistas do BRICS, pesquisador do Centro de Estudos Geoestratégicos, especialista militar.

Você pode seguir Lucas Leiroz em: e


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In the middle of several very serious questions haunting humanity today the one which looms over all others is this terrible one—how high is the possibility of World War III/nuclear war and how destructive this will be?

Even those who take an optimistic view of the existing situation do not deny the obvious fact that weapons of mass destruction that exist with just the two biggest nuclear weapon powers (over 10,000 nuclear weapons plus other weapons) have the capacity to destroy most life on earth several times over.

They base their optimism mainly on their view that just because the risks of a large-scale nuclear war are so unacceptably high, this will never be allowed to actually happen by the world leadership and no matter how serious the hostilities become, some solution will always be found to avoid a war that has the capacity to destroy all sides.

Can this optimism be accepted? Is this optimism justified?

Is this optimism good for reducing worries and tensions of people, or is it likely to prove extremely harmful by creating a false assurance of safety and thereby avoiding much-needed safety steps? Do the actual risks remain unacceptably high?

What is at stake here is so huge—the very survival of life on planet—that even a low probability of an all-out nuclear war should be seen as extremely dangerous. If for example a 5% probability of this existed till about a few years ago, then this was a very serious matter and if this has now increased to about 10% then this is a much more serious matter. If this probability now appears to show a further increasing trend then this makes the situation even more alarming.

On the whole we can say definitely that the probability of a life-destroying nuclear war today is unacceptably high and it shows all the signs of worsening further.

There are two aspects that need to be considered here, firstly the state of world leadership and governance and secondly certain technological factors.

It is extremely unfortunate that when international peace and cooperation are needed more than ever before to avoid the most catastrophic situations, the world leadership has been increasingly exposed in recent times for its glaring failures to achieve such peace and cooperation. In fact it is no exaggeration to say that at a time when the need for moving fast on the path of peace, disarmament and cooperation is the highest, world leadership has been instead moving in the reverse direction, as evident from increasing superpower rivalries and tensions as well as breakdown and non-renewal of important disarmament treaties or agreements.

In addition there are several serious environmental problems which together threaten to disrupt life-nurturing conditions of earth if not checked in time. To resolve these in time, apart from strong community actions, close international cooperation is also needed but this too is denied by increasing big power disputes and rivalries, as well as inability of the most of the rich countries to adopt a caring attitude towards the needs of poorer and most vulnerable countries. This is mentioned here as another example of the failure of world leadership to get its priorities right and resolve the most urgent problems before it is too late.

The most dangerous aspect of increasing irresponsibility shown by the leadership of big powers is their apparent willingness to pursue their rivalries and hostilities in ways that bring them closer to the possibilities of direct war (in addition to the several proxy wars they have fought and are fighting). Despite warnings by some of their most senior statesmen and diplomats, the USA and its close allies persisted with the relentless eastward expansion of NATO, thereby increasing tensions with Russia. This worsened with a coup in Ukraine assisted by them, followed by pushing Ukraine relentlessly towards increasing hostility with Russia. In the course of the Ukraine-Russia conflict, USA and close allies have increasingly taken decisions that can lead to direct confrontation of Russia with USA and its close allies/ NATO. New red lines have been drawn and crossed several times in the recent past.

The spread of dangerous ideas among elites and the absence of adequate training in commitment to peace makes them more susceptible to pursue irrational hostility rather than peace, and it is from these elites that the most decisive posts are filled and it is these elites that comprise the deep establishment. 

Secondly, regarding the technological aspects, the extremely high speed at which nuclear weapons can be made to reach their targets makes it difficult to correct serious mistakes. It is possible in times of high tensions to mistake normal weapon delivery as nuclear weapon delivery and take retaliatory actions. There are possibilities of accidents and misunderstandings that can start a nuclear war. 

There is huge irrationality and recklessness involved in perpetually living in a state of being just minutes away from doomsday. 

The fact that world leadership sees nothing wrong in living this way year after year, endangering the life of billions of people and other life forms, is further evidence of its glaring failure to protect the most crucial interests of the planet and its life.

The previous two world wars were fought over several years and involved prolonged battles in many countries. World War 3 can take a very different shape as so much harm is caused within just a few days that it cannot continue beyond this. However it will be worse than the previous two world wars taken together as within a few days of nuclear warfare and the resulting nuclear winter most people and other life-forms will die or will be left to die. The actual use of just 10% of the existing stock of nuclear weapons will be enough to achieve such a hugely destructive result.  

It is not just a question of whether the probability of this ever happening is 5% or 10%, more or less. The fact is that by any rational reckoning any probability of this happening even at minimum levels is unacceptable. This is a betrayal by world leadership of their most essential responsibility towards people, towards this generation and the next, towards completely innocent children, towards all forms of life.

Hence it is time for the people of the world to rise, led by women and youth, to create an entirely different world where the probability of such huge destruction by weapons and wars is zero, and where all people can live in peace and cooperate to resolve the most important environmental problems in time and ensure that all people can have creative, satisfactory livelihoods to meet their basic needs on a sustainable basis. In short, the world should be firmly on a path based on peace, safety, environment protection and justice.


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Bharat Dogra is Honorary Convener, Campaign to Save Earth Now. His recent books include Planet in Peril, Protecting Earth for Children, Earth without Borders, Man over Machine and A Day in 2071. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Countercurrents

O primeiro debate eleitoral evidenciou a milhões de cidadãos americanos que eles são governados por uma esponja. Talvez a antecipação dos debates (nas eleições anteriores o primeiro debate ocorreu somente no final de setembro) tenha ocorrido precisamente com o objetivo de testar o recebimento da (falta de) capacidade cognitiva de Joe Biden pelo grande público para que houvesse tempo de substituí-lo por outro candidato, caso necessário. Como em 2020, Biden deu um golpe interno no Partido Democrata, impedindo a concorrência e os debates para não expor sua completa incapacidade de governar.

Mas todas as vozes da grande burguesia imperialista americana agora estão clamando desesperadamente pela sua substituição.

Mais influente porta-voz do establishment, o New York Times pediu em um editorial: “para servir a seu país, o presidente Biden deve deixar a disputa”, rasgando elogios ao “presidente admirável”, sob cuja liderança “a nação prosperou e começou a abordar uma série de desafios antigos”. Porque Biden está concorrendo contra o demônio personificado. “Donald Trump se provou um perigo significativo para a democracia – uma figura errática e egoísta que não merece a confiança do público”, opinou o jornal.

Entretanto, os democratas e a grande burguesia americana não têm ninguém com a mesma popularidade de Donald Trump. A maioria das pesquisas de opinião aponta o republicano como favorito e vem crescendo o número de adeptos às ideias e políticas defendidas por ele, como o combate à imigração, ao envio de armas à Ucrânia e à “cultura woke”. Pesquisa publicada no início de janeiro pelo Washington Post e a Universidade de Maryland indicou que 36% dos americanos acham que a eleição de Biden em 2020 não foi legítima. Trump conseguiu arrecadar 53 milhões de dólares para sua campanha em 24 horas após ser condenado em maio pela justiça de Nova York e conquistou 3 milhões de seguidores quase imediatamente após abrir uma conta no Tik Tok. É um fenômeno ainda mais arrasador do que em 2016.

Sabendo, no entanto, que não é a vontade do povo, mas sim as maquinações dos poderosos interesses dentro das instituições do Estado que realmente decidem o próximo presidente dos Estados Unidos, é preciso analisar as estruturas da burguesia americana e de seus tentáculos e medir a força de seus setores que neste momento estão em clara contradição. É a correlação de forças dentro do sistema político e econômico dos EUA que irá decidir qual camada das classes dominantes, a superior ou a inferior, terá o seu representante na Casa Branca em 2025.

O poder dos republicanos nos estados

Levando em conta o maior ou menor controle da máquina política estatal (executivo, legislativo e histórico nas últimas três eleições presidenciais), os republicanos deverão vencer em todos os “red states” e em outros 17 estados, incluindo o “swing state” da Geórgia. Terão garantidos, assim, 255 delegados para o colégio eleitoral, na soma dos delegados que cada um desses estados têm direito. Já os democratas tendem a vencer em todos os “blue states” e em mais 10 estados, incluindo os “swing states” de Nevada e Michigan e os estados de Minnesota e Maine, onde, ao contrário de todos os outros, o partido que obtêm a maioria dos votos populares no estado não elege automaticamente todos os delegados, mas têm regras próprias – nossa conta leva em consideração que os democratas controlam a máquina política nesses dois estados, portanto têm condições de manejar o resultado das eleições. Os democratas obterão, assim, 243 delegados para o colégio eleitoral.

Para que seu candidato seja o vencedor das eleições presidenciais, um partido deve ter ao menos 270 delegados no colégio eleitoral. Daí a importância essencial dos “swing states” onde o controle político não é definido (Pensilvânia, Wisconsin e Arizona). Conquistando aqueles 255 delegados, para se eleger bastará para Trump vencer em apenas um deles (a Pensilvânia), ou, se perder na Pensilvânia, se vencer nos outros dois. Já o candidato democrata será obrigado a vencer na Pensilvânia e em mais um dos outros dois “swing states” chave, se obtiver apenas 243 delegados.

Considerando, assim, o controle da máquina política nos estados, somado à tendência de maior preferência dos eleitores nas pesquisas de intenção de voto, Donald Trump tem maiores chances de se eleger presidente do que o candidato democrata.

O Deep State contra Trump

“Com uma maioria favorável ao MAGA [o movimento trumpista “Make America Great Again”] na Suprema Corte, dezenas de aliados nos tribunais federais inferiores, bem como no Congresso, nas legislaturas estaduais e nas mansões dos governadores, e uma base considerável, extremamente leal e fortemente armada de apoiadores políticos, Trump terá considerável margem de manobra e muitos apoiadores”, diz um artigo da Foreign Affairs publicado em 10 de junho, assinado por Jon D. Michaels.

O autor teme que o trumpismo esteja construindo um Deep State próprio, o que poderia ser consolidado com a volta de Trump ao governo. Os analistas tradicionais da intelectualidade ocidental costumam caracterizar os países que não pertencem à América do Norte e à Europa Ocidental como regimes extremamente burocráticos, corruptos e antidemocráticos, onde reinam as conspirações internas como forma de luta pelo poder. Pois na verdade essa caracterização cabe perfeitamente aos Estados Unidos das últimas décadas. Os EUA têm uma das maiores e certamente a mais poderosa burocracia estatal do mundo. Esqueçam as supostas preocupações com os LGBT ou os negros. Quem domina o poder nos EUA não liga para os direitos ou a falta de direitos dessas pessoas. Eles se importam com coisas mais fundamentais, como manter o estrito controle do regime político.

E Trump é uma perigosa ameaça a esse controle. Ele tende a concentrar os poderes na presidência, com um poder maior de intervenção e controle sobre as agências de inteligência e os órgãos de defesa nacional. Aprendeu com os erros de seu primeiro mandato e agora irá colocar apenas pessoas de total confiança nos postos-chave – e a tendência é que ele troque a maior parte das cabeças das principais áreas do governo. Um outro artigo da Foreign Affairs, publicado por Risa Brooks em 20 de março, mostra preocupação sobre a crescente politização das forças armadas americanas, alimentada tanto pela propaganda trumpista quanto pelos vetos de legisladores republicanos à promoção de oficiais supostamente liberais nas forças armadas. Então os chefes do Pentágono também detestam a ideia da volta de Trump ao governo. E os oficiais do Pentágono sempre são selecionados entre os quadros das empresas armamentistas, que estão de cabelos em pé com a possibilidade de que os Estados Unidos retirem suas bases militares e suas tropas da Ásia e da Europa, pois seu lucro vem justamente da venda de material ao governo dos EUA e de seus países-clientes. Os outros órgãos do Deep State, como a CIA e o Conselho de Segurança Nacional, também são alimentados com quadros da indústria militar, assim como do Vale do Silício e de Wall Street, que reúnem os grandes monopólios tecnológicos e financeiros dos Estados Unidos e do mundo. Trump já declarou também que poderia abrir os arquivos secretos sobre o assassinato de John Kennedy, o que revelaria mais um pouco sobre a podridão da CIA e do Deep State, prováveis responsáveis por aquele magnicídio.

Trump pode fazer uma reconfiguração inédita no Deep State, o verdadeiro governo dos EUA. Está mexendo com os piores instintos do imperialismo americano.

Quem são os homens de Trump?

O âmago do conflito entre Trump e o aparato que comanda os EUA são as contradições de classe. Neste caso, as contradições dos setores marginalizados da burguesia, da classe média e do proletariado, com a alta burguesia imperialista.

Jeffrey Sonnenfeld, um proeminente acadêmico da alta sociedade americana que trabalha diariamente com os maiores capitalistas dos EUA, tem enfatizado essa contradição em artigos para a imprensa. No New York Times, ele destacou que, até agora, nenhum dos 100 maiores bilionários na lista da Fortune doou um mísero centavo para a campanha presidencial de Trump – assim como nenhum CEO doou em 2016 e apenas dois dos top 100 o fizeram em 2020. Além disso, muitos empresários que financiaram Trump em 2016 abandonaram o barco ao longo de seu governo.

Alguns poucos financistas têm apoiado o líder republicano, mas, “na realidade, esses financistas representam um pequeno segmento da comunidade de negócios”, ressaltou Sonnenfeld na Time.

Está claro por essas informações e pela campanha nos principais meios de comunicação que a alta burguesia americana não apoia Trump. Mas quem o apoia?

Basta dar uma olhada para as posições políticas de Trump. Ele é protecionista, isolacionista e anti-imigrantes. Ataca a globalização e promete cuidar da situação interna dos Estados Unidos e diminuir a intervenção nos assuntos de outros países, o que significaria um duro golpe sobre o regime imperialista global, ainda mais em uma época de insurreições contra esse regime no mundo todo.

Obstaculizar a entrada dos imigrantes elevaria a taxa salarial dos trabalhadores americanos, pois os imigrantes que entram nos EUA aceitam receber salários baixíssimos, reduzindo a média salarial dos trabalhadores americanos. Por isso os grandes empresários atacam a pauta migratória de Trump, a fim de manter os baixos salários com a competição dos imigrantes. Muitos trabalhadores apoiam Trump porque querem, naturalmente, salários melhores.

Há mesmo uma ala esquerdista dentro do trumpismo, como existia no fascismo italiano e no nazismo alemão. Isso se dá justamente pela influência de trabalhadores desorganizados e com pouca consciência política que têm sofrido intensamente com décadas de neoliberalismo, desindustrialização e governos democratas e republicanos tradicionais. Em ambos os artigos, para o NYT e para a Time, Sonnenfeld opina que a política econômica de Trump é muito mais parecida com a da esquerda socialista do que com as posições tradicionais do Partido Republicano, “e são frequentemente mais progressistas que as da Administração Biden”.

As corporações são muito impopulares entre toda a população americana e mesmo entre membros dos dois partidos, por isso até Biden tem de criticá-las a adotar medidas que as desagradam. Mesmo setores poderosos dentro dos EUA foram afetados pelo domínio dos monopólios sobre a economia, pois estes suprimiram a concorrência de empresários que ficaram à margem do poder. De fato, se uma minoria tão reduzida governa, inclusive setores ricos da sociedade terminam prejudicados. E eles não gostaram de ter sua vida e seus negócios espionados pela NSA ou de perder seus clientes e quase falir devido à concorrência de produtores estrangeiros, principalmente chineses.

Nos últimos anos os EUA se tornaram dependentes da China em diversas áreas, como eletrônicos, vídeo games, maquinário, têxteis, produtos químicos, metais etc. Isto é, principalmente com relação aos produtos manufaturados. As empresas de Elon Musk, um notório apoiador de Trump, são competidoras das companhias chinesas de fornecimento de internet e carros elétricos. Todo esse vasto ramo empresarial, que abarca multidões de empresas e empresários, concorda quando Trump diz que os EUA precisam se proteger da competição chinesa e de outros países. Tanto é assim que exerceram grande pressão para que a administração Biden seja a mais anti-China da história ao impor altas tarifas e sanções, controle e banimento de investimentos e estar a ponto de proibir o Tik Tok. Na esfera geopolítica, a administração Biden talvez seja a mais agressiva contra  China, ameaçada de uma guerra contra os EUA por Taiwan. Muitos entendem que o principal inimigo geopolítico dos EUA não é o terrorismo, o Irã ou a Rússia, mas sim a China. Sua penetração no mercado interno dos EUA gera acusações de espionagem tanto industrial e tecnológica quanto política e o fortalecimento econômico de uma potência desafiadora da hegemonia americana.

O protecionismo e o isolacionismo de Trump foram vistos em seu primeiro mandato, quando ele retirou os EUA da Parceria Trans-Pacífico, dos Acordos Climáticos de Paris, da OMS e do acordo nuclear com o Irã, todos criados graças ao establishment imperialista americano. Trump é representante dos setores da burguesia que eram dominantes antes de os EUA se tornarem uma potência imperialista hegemônica, quando a maioria dos negócios da burguesia se resumia ao próprio território estadunidense e ao continente americano. Quando o desenvolvimento capitalista levou ao surgimento e ao monopólio da indústria e dos bancos por poucos conglomerados, aqueles setores perderam espaço na economia e na política. O capital financeiro americano se disseminou pelo mundo e exigiu a entrada dos EUA na I e na II Guerra Mundiais exatamente para que o governo protegesse os seus negócios. A ala dos políticos que representava esses interesses se autointitulou “internacionalista”, um eufemismo hipócrita para imperialista. A burguesia marginalizada pelo capital financeiro cuja área de atuação era muito mais limitada não estava interessada em entrar em guerras tão devastadoras para defender esses monopólios que a subjugavam. Por isso criou o movimento “America First”, símbolo do isolacionismo apregoado pelos políticos que representavam esse setor marginalizado da burguesia.

Durante muito tempo, até a era neoliberal, tanto o Partido Democrata quanto o Partido Republicano tinham membros ligados a esse setor. Mas isso não significa que Trump tenha apenas retomado uma política tradicional dos isolacionistas. Esta é uma nova era, influenciada pela experiência neoliberal que devastou ainda mais os negócios da burguesia marginalizada e também a qualidade de vida das classes média e trabalhadora. Ao mesmo tempo, levou a uma crise sem precedentes da própria alta burguesia imperialista. Esse fenômeno é o que os intelectuais do regime americano chamam de “crise da democracia”. E não é Trump que está fazendo essa democracia erodir. Essa “democracia” nada mais é do que a ditadura estável dos monopólios imperialistas, cuja estabilidade já não existe mais por sua própria natureza. A contribuição de Trump para isso é liderar um movimento de insurreição da grande burguesia marginalizada, da pequena burguesia urbana e rural empobrecida e do proletariado desorganizado. Qualquer semelhança com a Alemanha e a Itália da década de 1920 não é mera coincidência. Durante mais de 100 anos a política norte-americana permaneceu uma ditadura bipartidária em que os dois partidos eram gêmeos siameses e sua política quase idêntica garantiu a estabilidade do regime. Donald Trump chegou para abalar essa estabilidade, subverter o Partido Republicano, polarizar o país e estremecer as estruturas do regime político. Por isso é tão odiado pelas elites política e econômica.

Trump também tem o apoio de setores poderosos da burguesia europeia que sofrem com a competição desleal dos monopólios americanos que colonizaram a Europa a partir do Plano Marshall. A exigência de Trump para que a Europa pague uma cota maior de financiamento da OTAN favorece a redução da dependência desses países diante dos EUA, o que significa a diminuição da submissão política. Certamente vários setores da burguesia europeia veem essa possibilidade como uma pequena libertação do jugo americano. Por outro lado, a alta burguesia imperialista americana ataca sistematicamente a possibilidade de redução da participação americana na OTAN e em outros órgãos internacionais, porque sabe que a participação americana não é igual a dos outros países, mas sim uma participação dominante, cuja força econômica compra os funcionários e os chefes dessas organizações para que atendam aos interesses dos Estados Unidos.

O governo Netanyahu também é um claro patrocinador de Trump, com seus tentáculos no poderoso lobby sionista americano. Outros governos de direita de tipo nacionalista burguês, em várias partes do mundo, mesmo que não tenham condições de influenciar de maneira decisiva o resultado das eleições americanas, dão um suporte maior ou menor à candidatura do republicano, porque veem nela uma possibilidade de contenção do domínio dos monopólios imperialistas sobre a sua economia e o favorecimento da burguesia local, asfixiada pelas companhias americanas.

Uma verdadeira revolução política no regime americano?

Em seu primeiro mandato, Trump não conseguiu levar sua política até as últimas consequências. Foi sabotado dentro do próprio partido e governo. Agora, ele tomou conta do Partido Republicano e tende a integrar apenas pessoas de alta confiança no núcleo duro do governo. Pessoas que atendam aos mesmos interesses que ele. Trump pode reestruturar por completo a burocracia estatal dos Estados Unidos. Isso seria como uma revolução política no regime, ou seja, substituir os dirigentes e o sistema político sem mexer drasticamente nas bases da economia capitalista-monopolista.

A principal semelhança de Trump com o fascismo não é a sua xenofobia, seu machismo, ou seu racismo, mas sim a sua base social. A eleição de Trump poderia ser a tomada do poder pelas classes médias e pela baixa e média burguesia, a base social tradicional do fascismo em sua fase embrionária, isto é, antes da sua chegada ao poder. As experiências fascistas do século passado, como os regimes de Hitler e Mussolini, foram domesticadas e controladas pela alta burguesia imperialista quando era inevitável que tomassem o poder. Ou seja, os grandes monopólios abraçaram o fascismo naquela época. Eles não se incomodariam em fazer isso novamente por algum princípio ideológico ou ético, como o fazem em vários lugares do mundo, mas nada indica que estejam dispostos a se aliar a Donald Trump. O mais provável é que, se tudo correr como se anuncia, os EUA se afoguem em um caos jamais visto nos últimos 150 anos e cheguem à beira da guerra civil. Seria um regime absolutamente instável e insustentável, o que poderia acelerar exponencialmente o declínio do império americano.

A grande burguesia financeira e imperialista dos Estados Unidos não pode permitir uma vitória de Trump de modo algum. Pelo contrário, ela precisa retomar o controle dos EUA sobre o mundo todo, o que vai de encontro aos interesses econômicos do MAGA. Mas vai também de encontro à própria realidade objetiva: a crise desse controle e do regime imperialista liderado pelos Estados Unidos é irreversível. Para impedir uma vitória de Trump, levando em conta todo o seu apoio popular, o controle da burocracia estatal pelos republicanos em muitos estados e o respaldo que tem Trump entre setores econômicos poderosos, embora marginalizados, a grande burguesia imperialista terá de executar um golpe de Estado eleitoral. Mas ela não parece ter muita margem de manobra. Por isso não descarto, por exemplo, uma tentativa de assassinato. Se não houver um golpe, Trump será eleito.

E se Trump for eleito, é melhor se pensar em outro golpe de Estado. Caso contrário, se Trump conseguir aparelhar totalmente o Estado como seus opositores temem, os grandes capitalistas terão de fazer como fizeram com Hitler e Mussolini: domesticar a fera, comprando membros do trumpismo, extirpando sua ala mais radical e inserindo homens de confiança do imperialismo para fazer um pacto e estabilizar minimamente a situação. Mas não será nada fácil executar esse plano. É bem provável que o caos se instale. O apodrecimento violento e destruidor não é nada mais senão a tendência natural de um regime imperialista em decadência como o americano.

Eduardo Vasco


Eduardo Vasco é jornalista especializado em política internacional, correspondente de guerra e autor dos livros-reportagem “O povo esquecido: uma história de genocídio e resistência no Donbass” e “Bloqueio: a guerra silenciosa contra Cuba”.

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Spread the Truth, Refer a Friend to Global Research


Featuring Dr. Byram Bridle, Dr. William Makis, Darrell Komick, Dr. Chris Shoemaker, Dr. David Speicher, and Dr. Mark Trozzi addressing journalists’ questions.

The morning after the landmark event “An Injection of Truth” in Calgary, where a delegation of Canadian MDs and scientists presented crucial scientific information, a press conference was held.

This event addressed the alarming 3000% increase in unexplained child deaths in Alberta and aimed to provide essential knowledge to Albertans and the global community.

This knowledge is vital for making informed decisions regarding the modified mRNA C-19 injections, commonly known as Covid-19 vaccines. Here is the video recording of the press conference, featuring myself and other experts.

Click here to watch the video


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Dr Mark Trozzi, is a veteran ER physician and trauma expert, who has taught at three top medical schools. Since 2020, he’s opposed the criminal COVID agenda, fighting for human rights, justice, and the World Council for Health.

Featured image is a screenshot from the video

Our Right to Abolish Government

July 4th, 2024 by James Roguski

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Spread the Truth, Refer a Friend to Global Research


Governments are instituted to serve We the People.

We have authority over our government.

We have the power to reform, alter or even abolish our state governments.

What are WE waiting for?

Exercising the right, and the duty, to reform and to even abolish government when it no longer serves us, is how the United States of America began 248 years ago.

In Congress, July 4, 1776

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. 

See this.


Amending the United States Constitution:

The Constitution provides that an amendment may be proposed by the Congress with a two-thirds majority vote in both the House of Representatives and the Senate. The Congress proposes an amendment in the form of a joint resolution. Since the President does not have a constitutional role in the amendment process, the joint resolution does not go to the White House for signature or approval. The original document is forwarded directly to NARA’s Office of the Federal Register (OFR) for processing and publication.

A proposed amendment becomes part of the Constitution as soon as it is ratified by three-fourths of the States (38 of 50 States).

See this.

The Right to Alter Or Abolish the Government

According to the Declaration of Independence, the people have the right and duty to abolish any government that has committed a long train of abuses and usurpations.

The Declaration of Independence listed 27 items of complaint, constituting what they believed was a long train of abuses and usurpations.

Below are just some of the abuses and usurpations committed by our Presidents, Congress, Supreme Court and government. 

  1. The President has appointed numerous officials to new offices or positions not authorized by Congress.

  2. The President has legislated from the Oval Office by issuing rules and regulations for the general public by executive fiat.
  3. The President has decided which laws he will enforce or not and refuses to enforce those laws ow which he does not personally approve when he has no discretion in the matter.
  4. The President has refused to secure our national borders or enforce existing valid immigration laws.
  5. Congress has passed burdensome laws without knowing what was in them and openly mocked the requirement to read aloud and debate legislation prior to passage.
  6. Congress has farmed out the writing of major pieces of legislation to private interest groups and then adopted the same as their own work product.
  7. Congress has placed many burdensome requirements on the people which Congress exempts its own members and their staffs from sharing.
  8. Congress has failed to pass annual budgets as required by law or to restrain its own spending habits.
  9. Congress has authorized unprecedented increases in the national debt limit which have endangered the national economy.
  10. Congress has failed to hold the Federal Reserve accountable or to reign in its inexcusable printing of fiat currency in large quantities.
  11. Congress has established phony courts such as the FISA court which operate in secrecy.
  12. Congress has violated the separation of powers and usurped judicial power by taking testimony, administering oaths and using subpoenas to compel testimony in non-judicial hearings.
  13. Congress has used the tax laws to achieve a coercive redistribution of wealth under the guise of social welfare programs and individual tax subsidies.
  14. Congress has created a sizable fourth branch of government and has delegated legislative authority (rule-making) to so-called independent agencies which have no accountability to the people.
  15. The Supreme Court has allowed Congress and the President to expand the scope of federal powers well beyond anything envisioned by the Constitution and has failed to act as guardians of the rights of the people.
  16. The Supreme Court has colluded with Congress to deprive the states of their proper spheres of sovereignty and to defeat the will of the people.
  17. The government has used national security as an excuse to deprive individuals of the due process of law in interrogations.
  18. The government has engaged in intrusive government tracking of individual movements, electronic activities and transactions which are private in nature.
  19. The government has limited the time, place and manner of free speech based on the content of that speech.
  20. The government has restricted and regulated parents in the discharge of their natural rights and duties to educate their children in any manner they see fit.
  21. The government has deprived or subverted the rights of private property by telling people what crops they can or cannot grow on their own land.
  22. The government has deprived or subverted the rights of private property by taking private property in the name of a ‘public use’ but in reality turning such property over to another private owner.
  23. The government has deprived or subverted the rights of private property by designating various agricultural crops which God has made as contraband, making it illegal to grow, sell or possess them.
  24. The government has deprived or subverted the rights of free enterprise by using taxpayer monies to fund the bailout of private enterprises.
  25. The government has deprived the rights of private employers by involuntarily conscripting every private employer as a tax collection agent by making them collect, pay and account for taxes owed by others, namely, their employees.
  26. The government has deprived the rights of private employers by regulating business endeavors, by imposing fees, licensing requirements, as well as time, place and manner restrictions, arbitrarily making illegal what is inherently lawful by natural right.
  27. The government has further deprived or subverted the rights of free association and contract by requiring individuals to enter into private contracts for the purchase of auto or health insurance under penalty of law and dictating the terms of those policies.

Whatever people have the right to institute among men by the consent of the governed, they also have the right to alter or abolish by consent. These two great powers are two sides of the same coin, for one cannot possibly exist without the other.

People not only have the right or ability to do these things, they have the duty or obligation to do them. It is just as irresponsible to fail to correct the situation when government gets so out of whack that the justice it administers is no longer just, and the individual rights of the people are no longer secure.

We as a people cannot do nothing. If not for ourselves, we owe it to our children – our posterity – to provide new guards for their future security when the existing ones have failed. This power is not to be taken lightly.

The struggle we are now facing is not about tweaking the government so that it can run better. It is about significantly paring back the size and scope of government. The government is simply doing too many things it shouldn’t be doing at all. Eliminating fraud, excess and corruption isn’t the issue. It’s about eliminating usurpation and setting the people free from their governmentally imposed chains.

All the jousting between political parties (Republican, Democrat, Independent) and philosophical camps (progressive, establishment, tea party) is just a distraction. If there’s one thing we should recognize by now, the problems we face with our government’s excesses and tyrannization of the people cannot be solved by any election, or series of elections. Merely getting “our” people in and “their” people out isn’t the solution if the entrenched interests and bureaucratic machinery currently in place remain intact.

Ultimately, we as a nation must reject the idea that the state (i.e., civil government in general) is the supreme achievement of mankind. Instead, we must embrace the ideal that the true foundation of every society is self-government, and those people are most free who have learned how to effectively stop the growth of civil power. Progressivism holds that progress is measured by an increased centralization of power. But I say the real progress of history is the ability to limit tyranny. That is the goal we must press toward.

See this.

What Are We Waiting For?

The constitutions of the 16 states listed below clearly state that the people of those states have the right to ABOLISH their state government whenever the people deem it to be appropriate. (Maine’s constitution states that the people may “totally change” their government.)

The people in the remaining 34 states clearly have the right to reform their government by amending their state constitutions or by holding state constitutional conventions to completely reform their state government.

  • I am not suggesting violence or rebellion.
  • We the People are fed up with state government controls and actions, and the normal processes like public testimony, initiatives, referenda, elections, and recall efforts have failed to make any of the changes that the public wants. We are left with no other recourse.

  • We the People have the right right to dramatically reform or abolish state governments by adopting several amendments at the same time.
  • We the People have the right to call a state-wide constitutional convention and dramatically reform their state government.
  • The government would be simultaneously replaced by something that was still a republican form of government.
  • All processes will follow pre-abolishment laws.
  • The new constitution will still be legal under federal laws.
  • The state name will not change.


Article II, Bill of Rights

Bill of Rights

In order to assert our rights, acknowledge our duties, and proclaim the principles upon which our government is founded, we declare:

Section 1. Vestment of political power. All political power is vested in and derived from the people; all government, of right, originates from the people, is founded upon their will only, and is instituted solely for the good of the whole.

Section 2. People may alter or abolish form of government proviso.

The people of this state have the sole and exclusive right of governing themselves, as a free, sovereign and independent state; and to alter and abolish their constitution and form of government whenever they may deem it necessary to their safety and happiness, provided, such change be not repugnant to the constitution of the United States.

See this.




All political power is inherent in the people. Government is instituted for their equal protection and benefit, and they have the right to alter, reform or abolish the same whenever they may deem it necessary;

See this.


Article I.

Declaration of Rights.

Section 2.  Power inherent in people.  All power is inherent in the people; all free governments are founded in their authority and instituted for their benefit; they have therefore an unalienable and indefeasible right to institute government, and to alter, reform, or totally change the same, when their safety and happiness require it.

See this.


Article 1.

That all Government of right originates from the People, is founded in compact only, and instituted solely for the good of the whole; and they have, at all times, the inalienable right to alter, reform or abolish their Form of Government in such manner as they may deem expedient.

See this.


SECTION 6. Regulation of government; right to alter.

The people of this state have the inherent, sole, and exclusive right to regulate the internal government and police thereof, and to alter and abolish their constitution and form of government whenever they deem it necessary to their safety and happiness; Provided, Such change be not repugnant to the constitution of the United States.

See this.


Article I, Section 3. Powers of the people over internal affairs, constitution and form of government.—

That the people of this state have the inherent, sole and exclusive right to regulate the internal government and police thereof, and to alter and abolish their constitution and form of government whenever they may deem it necessary to their safety and happiness, provided such change be not repugnant to the Constitution of the United States.

See this.


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Spread the Truth, Refer a Friend to Global Research


For nearly half a century, Scandinavia’s neutrality (with the obvious exception of Norway) was an important segment of keeping various buffer zones between the Soviet Union and NATO. And interestingly, despite the fact that the USSR was much more powerful than Russia nowadays, while also being virtually unopposed in the Baltic Sea, for some reason, neither Sweden nor Finland felt the need to become part of NATO.

What’s more, if there ever was a danger of a mythical Soviet invasion of either country, it was gone in 1991. Up to that point, Moscow’s access to the Baltic Sea stretched from Finland to Denmark (nearly, that is). Nowadays, Saint Petersburg and Kaliningrad are Russia’s only access points.

Thus, if the Kremlin hadn’t invaded Sweden and Finland during the (First) Cold War, it surely wouldn’t be doing it now. However, as rabid Russophobia is an extremely damaging degenerative disease, it clouds people’s judgment, leading them to make all sorts of rash and inexplicable decisions. On the other hand, it’s impossible to explain NATO expansionism in Scandinavia without seeing it as part of a wider offensive build-up that aims to surround Russia with hostile states and other entities (including terrorist ones). In one of the latest such moves, Helsinki just gave the United States the legal permission to station troops in the country. The vote in the Finnish Parliament was unanimous.

Thus, starting from July 1, Washington DC has access to at least 15 Finnish military bases, with the possibility of deploying heavy weapons. It wasn’t specified what sort of arms and equipment that refers to, but it’s not that difficult to imagine.

The US is already trying to surround both Russia and China with the previously banned medium and intermediate-range missiles, which is precisely why it’s setting up new military bases all across Europe and the Asia-Pacific region. The latest agreement with Finland, aptly termed the “Defense” Cooperation Agreement (DCA), “will allow the United States to bring defense equipment, supplies, materials, and soldiers to Finland”, according to local sources.

Worse yet, the DCA gives America legal grounds to create military exclusion zones, areas that will be accessible to US personnel only. What this really means is that Finland effectively relinquished its sovereignty so it could become a legitimate target for Russian missiles.

Congratulations, Helsinki! You just exposed 5.5 million Finns to virtually immediate thermonuclear annihilation in case of (an increasingly possible) military conflict between NATO and Russia. Considering the fact that the US has similar “exclusive access” facilities all over the world and that the Pentagon usually uses them for illegal programs and experiments, including with deadly biological materials, Russia will respond.

In fact, the Kremlin certainly anticipated such moves, which is why it started deploying new missile brigades in northwestern Russia, including those armed with ballistic and hypersonic weapons. Moscow’s second-to-none missiles such as those used by the “Iskander-M” platform or the MiG-31K strike fighters with 9-A-7660 “Kinzhal” systems (carrying the 9-S-7760 air-launched hypersonic missiles) put the entire Scandinavia in range. In addition, the sheer speed of these unrivaled weapons gives the Kremlin the ability of a virtually instantaneous retaliation in case anyone gets any ideas. Unfortunately, none of this seems to have deterred the (obviously suicidal) ruling elite in Helsinki.

The Finnish Parliament’s rather senseless decision to antagonize its much larger nuclear-armed neighbor cannot possibly be justified by any excuses of “defense” or any similar reasoning. The simple fact that Finland is allowing the presence of American offensive capabilities on the border with Russia will be enough for the latter to deploy weapons that the former simply has no means of defending against. As the DCA creates a legal framework for a permanent American military presence in Finland, this also means that the Kremlin will surely respond in kind, making Helsinki far less safe than was the case before it joined NATO, thus defeating the very purpose of its membership in this racketeering cartel.

However, according to Finnish sources, there might even be some opposition to this in the country, as MP Anna Kontula submitted a proposal calling on other MPs to reject the DCA, although her motion received no backing. Therefore, the Finnish Parliament “did not vote on the agreement, but approved it unanimously”, local sources report. This alone puts the legality of the agreement in serious question, although we’re extremely unlikely to see any major opposition to it. Last month, Helsinki’s Constitutional Law Committee concluded that the “[DCA] would have to be approved by a two-thirds majority in Parliament, as it affects several aspects of the Finnish constitution” (i.e. it’s unconstitutional).

In other words, Finland is going out of its way to please the US and NATO, just like it did with Nazi Germany (their geopolitical predecessor) over 80 years ago. This was in the making for quite some time, even predating the special military operation (SMO), as Helsinki wanted to acquire the troubled F-35 fighter jets back in 2021. Having such aircraft in one’s arsenal also means that a country is relinquishing its sovereignty. Namely, the US has control over the F-35’s systems, as the jet keeps sending data back to Lockheed Martin and the US military, meaning that even if the then “neutral” Finland didn’t join NATO, the Pentagon would effectively control a crucial branch of the country’s armed forces, forcing Russia to respond either way.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Drago Bosnic is an independent geopolitical and military analyst. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Russia Finally Acknowledges That She Is at War with Washington

July 4th, 2024 by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

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Spread the Truth, Refer a Friend to Global Research


Today is July 4 when we get our annual dose of patriotic propaganda that serves to wrap us in self-righteousness which enables Washington to conduct its wars. Washington has got away with it for a long time, but now has created and brought us into conflict with a powerful adversary.

According to reports, Russia responded to Washington’s cluster bomb attack on civilians in Crimea by informing Washington that the two countries are now at war. What it means, if anything, remains to be seen. It does not seem to have caused any consternation in Washington.

In actual fact hot war between Russia and Washington began in 2008 when Washington surprised Putin by sending a US trained and equipped Georgian army into South Ossetia. The American sponsored invasion resulted in the deaths of civilians and Russian peace keepers. It only took the Russian Army 5 days to defeat the American trained Georgian Army, so Washington did not have time to get more involved.

Putin was again surprised when Washington overthrew the Ukrainian government in 2014.

Persecution and murder of Donbas Russians followed. Donbas asked to be reincorporated into Russia like Crimea, but Putin refused. Instead, Putin tried to keep Donbas in Ukraine with the Minsk Agreement. Ukraine and Donbas agreed and France and Germany agreed to enforce the agreement, but in fact the agreement was used to deceive Putin while the West built and equipped a large Ukrainian army to retake the self-declared Donbas republics. In February, 2022,

Putin was forced by Washington to defend the Donbas Russians from being slaughtered like Israel is doing to the Palestinians. But Putin limited Russia’s intervention in a way that prevented Russia from obtaining a quick victory before Washington could get the West involved and widen the war. Now Putin is presented with US missiles targeting Russian civilians and with French troops in Ukraine.

Washington has been at war with Russia since 2007 when Putin said at the Munich Security Conference that Russia did not accept Washington’s unipolar world. This challenge to Washington’s hegemony put crosshairs on Putin.

Now 17 years later Putin acknowledges the fact that Washington and Russia are at war.

The question is what is Putin going to do with his belated recognition of reality?


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Paul Craig Roberts is a renowned author and academic, chairman of The Institute for Political Economy where this article was originally published. Dr. Roberts was previously associate editor and columnist for The Wall Street Journal. He was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy during the Reagan Administration. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from OneWorld

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Spread the Truth, Refer a Friend to Global Research


We are women from across the world who deeply love our planet. We cherish the universal principles of equality, justice and peace enshrined in the United Nations Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We fight for the rights of women and peoples of the world against all forms of violence, exploitation and discrimination.

For decades, we have been engaged in the search for global peace, for a world system that abolishes war. We recognise the role that capitalism plays in generating militarism and war, and we want a new, non-militarized security, to ensure the life and health of present and future generations of all on this planet – and of the planet itself. 

NATO is not a democratic institution. It is an elite club of the world’s major nuclear armed militaries. NATO views war and the threat of war as the solutions to all problems. There are no preparations for peace and dialogue, only preparations for war. 

The increasingly global NATO, acting in the interests of the wealthy nations of the “West”, has extended its activities to the rest of the world. NATO seeks to impose a “model of civilization” well beyond the Euro-Atlantic area of the original Treaty. The New Strategic Concept is completely at odds with the “Helsinki spirit” that seeks peaceful cooperation between states and the rejection of threat or use of force. This offensive reconfiguration of NATO is in stark contrast with the constitutional principles of member states and often approved without the consent of national governments. It is also at odds with the manifest desire for peace of so many of the citizens of the NATO states. 

As women of peace, we reject NATO and its worldview. It foments instability and exacerbates international conflict. It is irreconcilable with our principle of taking care of the world – a principle that we strive to affirm globally.

No to global NATO – No to increasingly militarised blocs!

No to war as a way of settling international disputes!


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Featured image is from the Alliance for Global Justice

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US presidential candidate Donald Trump is reportedly wanting to make a deal with Moscow to not expand NATO into Ukraine and Georgia. At the same time, citing a senior US State Department official, The Telegraph reported that the Kiev regime would be notified at a NATO summit in Washington on July 9 that Ukraine will not join the bloc due to corruption concerns, putting further doubt that the Eastern European country could ever become an alliance member.

The Telegraph reported on July 3 that at the NATO summit, alliance members are expected to ask Kiev for “additional steps” to combat corruption ahead of accession talks. The official said this position will be set out in writing in a NATO communiqué that will be signed at the summit on July 9.

“We have to step back and applaud everything that Ukraine has done in the name of reforms over the last two-plus years,” the official told The Telegraph. “As they continue to make those reforms, we want to commend them, we want to talk about additional steps that need to be taken, particularly in the area of anti-corruption. It is a priority for many of us around the table.”

It is recalled that US President Joe Biden acknowledged in an interview with Time magazine earlier this year that he had witnessed “significant corruption” in Ukraine during his visits to the country as vice president.

In late September 2022, Zelensky said his country was applying for accelerated NATO membership. Russian President Vladimir Putin reiterated that Moscow considers Ukraine’s non-aligned status vital to ending the years-long conflict. Kiev’s stated goal of joining the US-led alliance was one of Russia’s reasons for launching its special military operation in February 2022.

A US defence official told The Telegraph that NATO diplomats and officials have given Kiev a list of reforms it must carry out before its membership ambitions can be realised.

“That’s something NATO has been doing quietly under the radar that helps them get closer to membership,” the source added.

However, even if corruption is reduced, Ukraine faces a litany of issues in achieving NATO membership. In fact, NATO members disagree on whether they should promise Kiev an “irreversible” path to membership, with Washington preferring to use the term a “well-lit bridge.”

Another issue for the Kiev regime is the prospect of Trump’s return to the White House. According to Politico, the former president is considering making a deal with Moscow not to expand NATO into Ukraine and Georgia if he is re-elected in November.

His campaign has not yet named a national security team or released a new NATO agenda, but the magazine outlined a possible plan.

“As part of a plan for Ukraine that has not been previously reported, the presumptive GOP nominee is mulling a deal whereby NATO commits to no further eastward expansion — specifically into Ukraine and Georgia — and negotiates with Russian President Vladimir Putin over how much Ukrainian territory Moscow can keep, according to two other Trump-aligned national security experts,” the article said, citing two national security experts close to billionaire.

An anonymous source reportedly familiar with Trump’s thinking said he was “open to something foreclosing NATO expansion and not going back to the 1991 borders” but did not rule out any other options, “including supplying large amounts of weapons” to Kiev.

While Trump is unlikely to withdraw from NATO immediately, he could potentially reshape the US-led bloc to require its European members to take on more responsibility—something the magazine’s sources fear they are not capable of.

“The United States does not have enough military forces to go around,” Elbridge Colby, Trump’s deputy assistant secretary for strategy, told Politico. “We can’t break our spear in Europe against the Russians when we know the Chinese and Russians are collaborating, and the Chinese are a more dangerous and significant threat.”

Following Biden’s humiliating performance at the recent presidential election debate, Trump, according to the latest polls, now has a 3-point lead over the current president across the battleground states collectively and a 2-point edge nationally. There is a very real prospect that Trump will be re-elected, meaning that even if corruption is reduced to a level satisfactory to the Europeans, any prospect for Ukraine’s NATO membership path could be sacrificed so that the new US administration can reach a deal with Russia and focus on challenging China.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Ahmed Adel is a Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

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Spread the Truth, Refer a Friend to Global Research


After a 14-year struggle, including five years spent in Belmarsh, a maximum-security prison in London, WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange is finally free. Under the terms of a plea deal with the U.S. Department of Justice, Assange pled guilty to one count of conspiracy to obtain documents, writings and notes connected with the national defense under the Espionage Act. Assange was facing 175 years in prison for 18 charges in the indictment filed by the Trump administration and pursued by the Biden administration.

The Justice Department agreed to the plea bargain a little over a month after the High Court of England and Wales ruled that Assange would be allowed to appeal an extradition order. The High Court found the U.S. government didn’t provide satisfactory assurances that Assange could rely on a First Amendment defense if extradited and tried in the U.S. The Justice Department, now fearful it would lose the case, scrambled to strike a deal with Assange.

The plea agreement requires that before entering his plea, Assange must have done everything he could to either return or destroy “any such unpublished information in his possession, custody, or control, or that of WikiLeaks or any affiliate of WikiLeaks.”

As stipulated in the plea deal, Ramona Manglona, U.S. Chief Judge of the District Court for the Northern Mariana Islands, sentenced Assange to 62 months with credit for the time he served in Belmarsh Prison. The U.S. sentencing guidelines say the range for this “offense” is 41-51 months, so Assange served 11 to 21 months longer than this type of case would typically garner.

Assange was prosecuted because WikiLeaks exposed U.S. war crimes in Iraq, Afghanistan and Guantánamo Bay. In 2010, U.S. Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning, who had a “TOP SECRET” U.S. security clearance, furnished WikiLeaks with 700,000 documents and reports, many of which were classified “SECRET.”

These documents included the “Iraq War Logs,” 400,000 field reports documenting 15,000 unreported deaths of Iraqi civilians, as well as systematic rape, torture and murder after U.S. forces transferred detainees to a notorious Iraqi torture squad.

Source Exposure in WikiLeaks Documents Raises Security Questions

They also contained the “Afghan War Diary,” comprising 90,000 reports that documented more civilian casualties by coalition forces than the U.S. military had reported. And they included the “Guantánamo Files” — 779 secret reports containing evidence that 150 innocent people had been held at Guantánamo Bay for years. The reports explain how the nearly 800 men and boys there had been tortured and abused, which violated the Geneva Conventions and the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.

Manning also provided WikiLeaks with the infamous 2007 “Collateral Murder” video, which depicts a U.S. Army Apache attack helicopter crew targeting and killing 12 unarmed civilians in Baghdad, including two Reutersjournalists, as well as a man who came to rescue the wounded. Two children were injured in the attack. A U.S. Army tank drove over one of the bodies, severing it in two. In a conversation after the attack, one pilot said, “Look at those dead bastards,” and the other responded, “Nice.” The video reveals evidence of three violations of the Geneva Conventions and the U.S. Army Field Manual.

WikiLeaks provided material for news outlets around the world to report on U.S.-led atrocities. Informing the public about the illegality of George W. Bush’s “war on terror” resulted in calls for accountability.

“10 years on, the War Logs remain the only source of information regarding many thousands of violent civilian deaths in Iraq between 2004 and 2009,” John Sloboda, co-founder of Iraq Body Count (IBC), wrote in his submitted testimony for Assange’s extradition hearing in October 2020. IBC is an independent NGO that has done the only comprehensive monitoring of credibly reported casualties in Iraq since Bush’s 2003 invasion.

“WikiLeaks cables have contributed to court findings that US drone strikes are criminal offences and that criminal proceedings should be initiated against senior US officials involved in such strikes,” Clive Stafford Smith, co-founder of Reprieve and attorney for seven Guantánamo detainees, wrote in his submitted testimony.

“They took a hero [Assange] and turned him into a criminal,” Vahid Razavi, founder of Ethics in Tech, told Common Dreams. “Meanwhile, all of the war criminals in the files exposed by WikiLeaks via Chelsea Manning are free and never faced any punishment or even their day in court.”

The Iraq War Logs

The Iraq War Logs contained extensive evidence of U.S. war crimes. Several reports of detainee abuse were supported by medical evidence. Prisoners were blindfolded, shackled and hung by their ankles or wrists. They were subjected to punching, whipping, kicking, electrocution, electric drills, and cutting off fingers or burning with acid. Six reports document the apparent deaths of detainees.

Secret U.S. Army field reports revealed that U.S. authorities refused to investigate hundreds of reports of murder, torture, rape and abuse by Iraqi soldiers and police. The coalition had a formal policy of ignoring these allegations, marking them “no investigation is necessary.”

Although U.S. and U.K. officials maintained that no official records of civilian casualties existed, the logs document 66,081 noncombatant deaths out of 109,000 fatalities from 2004-2009.

The log describes video footage of Iraqi army officers executing a prisoner in Tal Afar. It says, “The footage shows approximately 12 Iraqi army [IA] soldiers. Ten IA soldiers were talking to one another while two soldiers held the detainee. The detainee had his hands bound … The footage shows the IA soldiers moving the detainee into the street, pushing him to the ground, punching him and shooting him.”

The Afghan War Diary

The Afghan War Diary also revealed evidence of U.S. war crimes from 2004-2009. The reports describe how a secret “black” unit composed of special operations forces hunted down accused Taliban leaders for “kill or capture” without trial. Secret commando units — classified groups of Navy and Army special operatives — used a “capture/kill list,” which resulted in the killing of civilians, angering the Afghan people.

Moreover, the CIA expanded paramilitary operations in Afghanistan, carrying out ambushes, ordering airstrikes and conducting night raids. The CIA financed the Afghan spy agency, operating it like a subsidiary.

A 2007 meeting between Afghan district officials and U.S. civil affairs officers was documented in the reports. Afghan officials are quoted as saying, “The people of Afghanistan keep loosing [sic] their trust in the government because of the high amount of corrupted government officials. The general view of the Afghans is that the current government is worst [sic] than the Taliban.”

The logs recorded numerous civilian casualties from airstrikes, shootings on the road, in villages and at checkpoints; many were caught in the cross fire. The victims weren’t suicide bombers or insurgents. Several deaths were not reported to the public.

The Guantánamo Files

The Guantánamo Files say that only 220 of the 780 people held at the prison camp since 2002 were classified as “dangerous international terrorists.” Of the rest of the detainees, 380 were classified as low-level foot soldiers and 150 were considered innocent Afghan or Pakistani civilians or farmers.

Many detainees were held at Guantánamo for years based on paltry evidence or confessions extracted by torture and abuse. Among the detainees, for example, were an 89-year-old Afghan villager with senile dementia and a 14-year-old boy who was the innocent victim of a kidnapping.

The files document a system aimed more at extracting intelligence than detaining dangerous terrorists. One man was transferred to Guantánamo because he was a mullah with special knowledge of the Taliban. A taxi driver was sent to the prison camp because he had general knowledge of certain areas in Afghanistan. An Al Jazeera journalist was held at Guantánamo for six years to be interrogated about the news network.

Nearly 100 detainees were classified with depressive or psychotic disorders. Several joined hunger strikes to protest their indefinite detention or attempted suicide, the files revealed.

No One Was Harmed by WikiLeaks’s Revelations

Although the U.S. government alleged that WikiLeaks’s publication of information had caused “great harm,” they “admitted there was not a single person anywhere that they could produce that was harmed by these publications,” Assange’s attorney Barry Pollack said at a June 26 press conference in Australia.

The plea agreement says, “Some of these raw classified documents were publicly disclosed without removing or redacting all of the personally identifiable information relating to certain individuals who shared sensitive information about their own governments and activities in their countries with the U.S. government in confidence.”

The U.S. government claims that Assange endangered U.S. informants who were named in the published documents. But John Goetz, an investigative reporter who worked for Germany’s Der Spiegel, testified at the 2020 extradition hearing that Assange went to great lengths to ensure that the names of informants in Iraq and Afghanistan were redacted. Goetz said that WikiLeaks underwent a “very rigorous redaction process” and Assange repeatedly reminded his media partners to use encryption. Indeed, Goetz said, Assange tried to stop Der Freitag from publishing material that could result in the release of unredacted information.

Moreover, WikiLeaks’s revelations actually saved lives. After WikiLeaks published evidence of Iraqi torture centers established by the U.S., the Iraqi government refused then-President Barack Obama’s request to grant immunity to U.S. soldiers who committed criminal and civil offenses there. As a result, Obama had to withdraw U.S. troops from Iraq.

Obama took credit for ending U.S. military involvement in Iraq. But he had tried for months to extend it beyond the December 31, 2011, deadline his predecessor negotiated with the Iraqi government. Negotiations broke down when Iraq refused to grant criminal and civil immunity to U.S. troops.

What Assange’s Plea Bargain Means for Free Speech

Before she accepted Assange’s guilty plea, Judge Manglona asked him what he did to violate the law.

Working as a journalist, I encouraged my source to provide information that was said to be classified,” Assange said. “I believed the First Amendment protected that activity, but I accept that it was a violation of the espionage statute.” Assange then added, “The First Amendment was in contradiction with the Espionage Act, but I accept that it would be difficult to win such a case given all these circumstances.”

Even though Assange will go free, his plea deal raises concerns for First Amendment advocates in the U.S.

The United States has now, for the first time in the more than 100-year history of the Espionage Act, obtained an Espionage Act conviction for basic journalistic acts,” David Greene, head of civil liberties at the Electronic Frontier Foundation, told The New York Times. “These charges should never have been brought.”

Charlie Savage, who has covered the Assange case extensively for years, warned that Assange’s plea sets a “new precedent” that “will send a threatening message to national security journalists, who may be chilled in how aggressively they do their jobs because they will see a greater risk of prosecution.” But, Savage noted, since Assange pled guilty and didn’t mount a constitutional challenge to the Espionage Act, that eliminated the risk that the U.S. Supreme Court would ultimately sanction a narrow interpretation of First Amendment press freedoms.

“WikiLeaks published groundbreaking stories of government corruption and human rights abuses, holding the powerful accountable for their actions,” WikiLeaks said in a statement announcing the plea agreement. “As editor-in-chief, Julian paid severely for these principles, and for the people’s right to know. As he returns to Australia, we thank all who stood by us, fought for us, and remained utterly committed in the fight for his freedom.”

There is no doubt that but for the sustained activism of people around the world and the work of his superb legal team, Julian Assange would still be languishing behind bars for revealing evidence of U.S. war crimes.


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Marjorie Cohn is professor emerita at Thomas Jefferson School of Law, dean of the People’s Academy of International Law and past president of the National Lawyers Guild. She sits on the national advisory boards of Assange Defense and Veterans For Peace. A member of the bureau of the International Association of Democratic Lawyersshe is the U.S. representative to the continental advisory council of the Association of American Jurists. Her books include Drones and Targeted Killing: Legal, Moral and Geopolitical Issues.  

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