As the acute phase of civil warfare in Syria winds down while the government of President Bashar al-Assad increasingly gains the upper hand over foreign-funded insurgents, regional powers are desperately boosting aid for local proxies in a last-ditch attempt to rekindle the nearly seven-year-long conflict and gain a strategic foothold in the war-torn Arab republic.

Israeli occupation forces are frantically hoping to secure their grip on the country’s southern region surrounding the illegally-occupied Golan Heights, in hopes to gain leverage against what Israel fears is an increasing presence of fighters aligned with Iran.

For the Israeli military’s top brass, this means not only launching outright aggression against alleged targets affiliated with Tehran, but also redoubling support for at least seven armed opposition factions that it euphemistically calls “the locals,” according to an investigative report by Israeli analyst Elizabeth Tsurkov.

The Israelis fear that many of these groups are taking up posts along the Israeli-Syrian border and adjacent to the illegally-annexed Golan Heights, especially after a hesitant Russia agreed to temporarily prevent the Iranian-aligned combatants from deploying from around 5 to 7 kilometers’ distance from Syria’s Golan.  Previous demands by Tel Aviv that Washington and Moscow guarantee the departure of the Shia groups were largely shrugged off, as was a demand that a 60-kilometer “safe-zone,” free of the Iranians and their allies, be established in the districts of Daraa and Quneitra.

Israeli occupation forces seized the Golan Heights from Syria during Israel’s expansionist military campaign of 1967, prior to outright annexing it. The move was never recognized by the international community, yet Tel Aviv’s imperialist backers and sponsors in Washington and other Western capitals unofficially recognized the annexation of the strategic 500 square-mile plateau.

Stepping into the funding vacuum

The Israeli aid boost comes after the Military Operations Command, the United States’ CIA-directed center in Jordan, finally halted funding last month that had provided the salaries for anywhere between 10,000 and 20,000 combatants in the “Southern Front” network of Free Syria Army (FSA) militias.

According to Syrian pro-government media sources and interviews Tsurkov conducted with opposition militants, various factions of the Free Syrian Army have enjoyed increased support since the fall of 2017:

This support came in the form of weapons, ammunition and money to purchase weapons on the black market. All of my sources confirmed the identity of at least seven factions receiving Israeli support, on the condition that the groups would not be named.”

The support has also been accompanied by reported joint operations against affiliates of the Islamic State group in a bid to dislodge the Salafi-jihadists and allow the Israeli-backed militants to gain ground.

Open assistance

Damascus has long expressed alarm over the Israeli military’s aid to opposition factions such as the Quneitra-based Liwa Fursan al-Jolan, or the “Knights of the Golan Brigade,” and FSA faction Firqat Ahrar Nawa. Last month, Firqat Ahrar Nawa posted a video to YouTube showing rebels unloading a truck full of containers bearing Israeli markings before deploying a multiple rocket launcher against an unidentified target.

The Syrian Arab Army has also made claims that it seized large caches of Israeli-manufactured weapons and military equipment in the course of its battles with various foreign-backed rebel factions.

In a report last June by the Wall Street Journal, Fursan al-Jolan spokesman Moatasem al-Golani admitted to his group’s receiving significant direct aid — such as medical care, cash, food and fuel — from the Israelis, boasting:

Israel stood by our side in a heroic way … We wouldn’t have survived without Israel’s assistance.”

The report was followed by an exclusive interview by right-wing Israeli newspaper The Jerusalem Post with Revolutionary Command Council in Quneitra and Golan spokesman Abu Omar al-Golani. In the report, the militant – whose generic nom de guerre has been attached to such titles as “opposition activist,” a “brigade leader,” or “media activist” – appealed to the U.S., the Israelis, and Jordan to help “liberate” Quneitra District from “Assad regime forces” by assisting the anti-government “Operations of the Army of Muhammed” campaign. The campaign was co-led by the rebranded al-Qaida affiliate Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, or the Levant Liberation Committee (previously known as Jabhat al-Nusra).

Expressing hope that the Israelis would open up a corridor allowing for wounded rebels to receive quicker treatment in Israeli hospitals, Golani asked for “all types of weapons and military support in order to be able to eliminate the Shi’ite terrorist militias and Iranian gangs of the Assad terrorist regime.”

According to a recent speech by Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Danny Danon – who has been known to fabricate his talking-points – up to 82,000 pro-government Shia fighters affiliated with the Islamic Republic, including Lebanese resistance movement Hezbollah, are based in Syria with the consent of the country’s lawful authorities.

Prominent Israeli media personalities like Alex Fishman, chief military-security correspondent for Yedioth Ahronoth, have openly advocated the need to assist rebels regardless of their “religious extremist views” by “buy[ing] their loyalty through material aid.”

According to the Wall Street Journal, the Israelis began providing Golan rebels with direct cash support in 2013 under the tenure of Israeli then-Chief of Staff Moshe Ya’alon. In a 2016 conference at the Institute of National Security Studies in Tel Aviv, Ya’alon controversially endorsed the Islamic State terrorist group as a preferable alternative to Iran:

In Syria, if the choice is between Iran and the Islamic State, I choose the Islamic State. They don’t have the capabilities that Iran has … Iran determines future [sic] of Syria and if it leads to perpetuation, Iranian hegemony in Syria will be huge challenge [sic] for Israel.”

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Ajit Pai – former Verizon lobbyist and now Trump’s chairman of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) – was given a handmade Kentucky rifle from the National Rifle Association (NRA) Friday – for his “courage” in working to kill net neutrality at the behest of the telecom giants.

“As soon as President Trump came into office, President Trump asked Ajit Pai to liberate the internet and give it back to you,” said Dan Schneider, executive director of the American Conservative Union. “Ajit Pai is the most courageous, heroic person that I know.”

“Some people urged me to go for sacrifice bunts and singles and try to nibble around the edges — make some minor changes,’ Pai said accepting the award. “But I don’t play small ball.”

Past recipients of the NRA’s “Charlton Heston Courage Under Fire Award” include far-right favorites Rush Limbaugh, Phyllis Schlafly, Mike Pence and Sheriff David Clarke.


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It didn’t get much notice, but Sen. Jim Risch made extremely alarming remarks on Sunday at the Munich Security Conference, in which he said President Donald Trump is prepared to start a “very, very brief” war with North Korea that would be “one of the worst catastrophic events in the history of our civilization.” Trump would go to these extraordinary lengths, the Idaho Republican said, in order to prevent the government of Kim Jong-un from developing the capacity to deliver a nuclear warhead to the U.S. via an intercontinental ballistic missile.

Kim claimed in his 2018 New Year’s address that North Korea can already strike all of the U.S. with nuclear weapons. While U.S. intelligence does not believe this is currently true, CIA Director Mike Pompeo stated recently that North Korea may be able to hit at least some of the U.S. mainland in a “handful of months.”

Risch will likely become chair of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, if the GOP maintains control of the Senate and the current chair, Sen. Bob Corker, R-Tenn., retires. Risch said he and Sen. Jeanne Shaheen, D-N.H. — who was sitting next to him on stage at the conference in Germany — had “drilled down with the administration” on its North Korea policy. Risch emphasized that the Trump administration was not bluffing.

If Risch is correct, Trump is willing to cause “mass casualties the likes of which the planet has never seen” in a conflict with North Korea, rather than rely on principles of deterrence that have prevented nuclear war between the U.S. and Russia and the U.S. and China for many decades.

Risch’s claims are congruent with Trump’s own statements, including that North Korea will face “fire and fury like the world has never seen” if it threatens the United States. Trump’s National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster recently said, “We’re not committed to a peaceful [resolution], we’re committed to a resolution. … We have to be prepared if necessary to compel the denuclearization of North Korea without the cooperation of that regime.” Last August, Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., spoke of how “there is a military option to destroy North Korea’s program and North Korea itself.”

None of Risch’s remarks addressed the fact that the U.S. Constitution gives Congress, rather than the president, the power to declare war.

These are Risch’s most disturbing words, with video below:

There is no more dangerous place on the earth than the Korean peninsula right now. …

The president of the United States has said, and he is committed to, seeing that Kim Jong-un is not able to marry together a delivery system with a nuclear weapon that he can deliver to the United States. …

The consequences of that are breathtaking when you think about how this could happen. …

If this thing starts, it’s going to be probably one of the one of the worst catastrophic events in the history of our civilization. It is going to be very, very brief. The end of it is going to see mass casualties the likes of which the planet has never seen. It will be of biblical proportions. …

The president can do this quickly, and as I said, it is at his fingertips.

Risch’s statement can be see in full here, starting at 11:00, or read below:

Turning to North Korea, the answer I’m going to give is really quite easy to give, although the message is pretty dire. And that is that this is a really dangerous situation that we’re facing right now on the Korea peninsula. I would argue that there is no, from a mass casualty standpoint, that there is no more dangerous place on the earth than the Korean peninsula right now.

This is all in the hands and the minds of a single person. And that of course is Kim Jong-un. What he does, what he decides to do, is going to be decisive of how this matter resolves. And it is not going to resolve well if he continues on the course that he is continuing on.

The president of the United States has said, and he is committed to, seeing that Kim Jong-un is not able to marry together a delivery system with a nuclear weapon that he can deliver to the United States. He has said that very clearly. That is, our president has said that very clearly. And anyone who doubts the president’s commitment to see that that doesn’t happen does so really at their own peril.

The consequences of that are breathtaking when you think about how this could happen. There is no “bloody nose” policy. Senator Shaheen and I drilled down with the administration on that, and nobody knows where that came from. It appeared in the national media, the administration says they’ve never used the term, they’ve never considered the strategy, there is  no such thing.

And if you think about it, it absolutely makes sense. If this thing starts, it’s going to be probably one of the one of the worst catastrophic events in the history of our civilization. It is going to be very, very brief. The end of it is going to see mass casualties the likes of which the planet has never seen. It will be of biblical proportions.

Anyone who doubts that this president isn’t committed to that, I would suggest that they step back, take a breath, listen to what he has said, review the facts on the ground. This president has at his fingertips the ability to dispense what he has said he’s going to dispense, if the North Korean regime, if Kim Jong-un, that he is, uh, the president can do this quickly, and as I said, it is at his fingertips.

I respect any opinion that any of you may have regarding what’s happened, what should happen, where it’s going to go, but please, please, don’t ignore the facts that are there.

Risch’s most significant words on North Korea were first reported by Tom Wright of the Brookings Institution.

Towards a World War III Scenario: The Dangers of Nuclear War” 

by Michel Chossudovsky

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Year: 2012
Pages: 102
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The US has embarked on a military adventure, “a long war”, which threatens the future of humanity. US-NATO weapons of mass destruction are portrayed as instruments of peace. Mini-nukes are said to be “harmless to the surrounding civilian population”. Pre-emptive nuclear war is portrayed as a “humanitarian undertaking”.

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“In a world where engineered, pre-emptive, or more fashionably “humanitarian” wars of aggression have become the norm, this challenging book may be our final wake-up call.”
-Denis Halliday, Former Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations

Michel Chossudovsky exposes the insanity of our privatized war machine. Iran is being targeted with nuclear weapons as part of a war agenda built on distortions and lies for the purpose of private profit. The real aims are oil, financial hegemony and global control. The price could be nuclear holocaust. When weapons become the hottest export of the world’s only superpower, and diplomats work as salesmen for the defense industry, the whole world is recklessly endangered. If we must have a military, it belongs entirely in the public sector. No one should profit from mass death and destruction.
Ellen Brown, author of ‘Web of Debt’ and president of the Public Banking Institute   

WWIII Scenario

Michel Chossudovsky is Professor of Economics at the University of Ottawa and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), which hosts the critically acclaimed website . He is a contributor to the Encyclopedia Britannica. His writings have been translated into more than 20 languages.

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Selected Articles: Is It the End of Net Neutrality?

February 25th, 2018 by Global Research News

With the Federal Communications Commission’s net neutrality repeal plan, the freedom of expression is threatened. Online censorship will predominate — silencing independent media (including Global Research) — which will eventually pave way to further mainstream media fake news and propaganda.

Will you allow the suppression of critical and unbiased thought and analysis? Or will you be one of those truth defenders?

Please read our selection of articles below and disseminate it far and wide.

*     *     *

Online Censorship: Lessons in the New McCarthyism

By Prof Michael Keefer, February 25, 2018

A McCarthyist suppression of dissent is precisely what The Walrus is advocating with Justin Ling‘s full-throated call, in “Why Google Has a Responsibility to Fight Fake News” (The Walrus, January 5, 2018), for Google to put a prominent Canadian political-commentary website, the Centre for Research on Globalization, out of existence.

The FCC Repeals Net Neutrality: Internet Defenders Prepare for ‘Hell of a Fight’

By Jake Johnson, February 25, 2018

Federal Communications Commission (FCC) chair Ajit Pai‘s net neutrality repeal plan was finally published in the Federal Register on Thursday, but that doesn’t mean net neutrality is officially dead—in fact, as open internet defenders quickly observed in response to the news, the fight to save the web from the Republican-controlled FCC is just beginning.

Next Stage of Net Neutrality Conflict Begins

By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, February 25, 2018

There are multiple fronts of struggle to make net neutrality a reality: Congress, the courts, states and communities. This is part of a campaign to create an Internet for the 21st Century that is fast, reliable and available in all communities.

Mainstream Media – Pushing Global Conflict, Disseminating Fear

By True Publica, February 25, 2018

decade ago the thought of another global conflict was unthinkable – but that prospect appears to be far more probable today. Or, at least, that’s what we are being told.

On The Nature of Independent Journalism: Conversation with Andre Vltchek

By Andre Vltchek and Danny Haiphong, February 23, 

There is no democracy in the West: governments are being selected, not elected. Most of the media is upholding, glorifying this process. It is definitely not challenging it, philosophically and ideologically. In the past, long decades ago, there was at least some philosophical debate about the direction in which our civilization and our planet evolving. Now it all stopped. Mass media became synonymous with imperialist propaganda. It is all very well-orchestrated; choreographed. And people in the West are so thoroughly brainwashed that they stopped asking questions regarding the most essential issues.

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The Coming of “First Northern War” in Syria

February 25th, 2018 by Salman Rafi Sheikh

With war into its sixth year, it is by far clear to all the actors involved in the Syrian conflict that Syria’s Assad is not “going home” now. But then this war was never about one person only; it was more about changing fundamentally the Middle East’s geo-political landscape in favour of the Wahabbi centre of power and rid the region of a common enemy of the US, Israel and Wahabbism: Iran. And the way the war in Syria progressed throughout these years and the way this has changed the geo-political landscape to the orchestrators’ disadvantage means that this war in not going to end any time soon.

A mere restoration of Syrian territory and sovereignty wouldn’t do that either, for the real target of the US-Saudi nexus, Iran, remains strong, in fact much stronger than it was before the beginning of this war. Therefore, now that Russia and its allies have succeeded in voiding imperial agenda of ‘regime change’ in Syria, the US still has no intention of withdrawing. Instead, it is now demanding from Russia to ‘distance’ itself (its interests) from that of Iran in Syria, and thus allow some space for the US and its regional allies, Saudia and Israel, to push back Iran from Syria and limit its influence. This is hardly any doubt that this is a sure-short recipe of new conflict in the region.

The US, on its part, has already started to build up pressure. This is evident from the video the Pentagon released in the second week of February, showing its fighter jets destroying a Russian tank, giving a message to Russia about the imperative of staying clear of the next fight-in-the-making in Syria in which Israel is taking the lead, evident from its last week’s air attacks and the consequent downing of one its jets. There is no doubt that Israel has the US backing against Iran. And there is hardly any doubt that the momentum for an armed conflict isn’t being built. Its most recent manifestation came from James Mattis on February 12 when he defended Israel’s ‘right to self-defence.’ He said:

“Israel has an absolute right to defend itself, and I think that’s what happened yesterday.”….“They don’t have to wait until their citizens are dying under attack before they actually address that issue. So when Syria, which has made no … excuse for what they’re doing alongside Iran, when they are providing throughout for Iran to give weapons, including more sophisticated weapons, to the Lebanese Hezbollah, Israel has an absolute right to defend themselves. It is interesting that everywhere we find trouble in the Middle East, you find the same thing behind it. Whether it be in Yemen or Beirut, or in Syria, in Iraq, you always find Iran engaged.”

The “First Northern War”

And since the Israelis aren’t interested in waiting for a real attack to come to them, they are already preparing for what many in Israel have already started to call the “first northern war”, because it will be fought on both Lebanese and Syrian fronts.

The US mainstream media is not lagging behind in paving the way for this war. A New York Times report recently noted that Iran is expanding its ‘axis of resistance’ in Syria against Israel. According to the rogue projections made in the report, “many Israelis say the danger is not just from the new Iranian-backed militias, but also from the Iranian efforts to give advanced, high-precision weapons capable of hitting sensitive infrastructure to Hezbollah.”

The claims made in the report about the possibility of Iran hitting Israel have been largely endorsed by the US officials too. According to McMaster, “What’s particularly concerning is that this network of proxies is becoming more and more capable as Iran seeds more and more” of its “destructive weapons into these networks”, requiring them to now start thinking in terms of acting “against Iran.”

Israel is prepared to do so as is evident from the recent Israeli attacks and as re-affirmed by the Israeli leadership. And while Israel’s war rhetoric has recently become highly charged, Israel doesn’t seem to be interesting in using its own ground forces. Instead, to counter Iranian presence in Syria, Israel has started to arm Syrian rebel groups. According to a report of Israeli media Hareetz:

“At least seven Sunni rebel organizations in the Syrian Golan are now getting arms and ammunition from Israel, along with money to buy additional armaments. This change has taken place at a time when America has greatly reduced its involvement in southern Syria.”

This has already been officially confirmed. According to a separate report of Times of Israel, Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon confirmed, in the last week of January, that

“Israel has been providing aid to Syrian rebels, thus keeping the Druze in Syria out of immediate danger.”

While he didn’t define the nature of this “aid”, recent developments have already started to show that this “aid” isn’t just medical.

While the momentum of conflict is building up, there are many crucial go-betweens—and the most important of these is the Russian factor.

The Russians have installed its top of the line S-400 missiles in Syria, which they can use to sweep the Syrian skies any time they want. And as Russia’s Lavrov warned, sitting besides his Iranian counter-part in Moscow, the US of the dangers involved in ‘playing with fire’, it gave a clear hint of the fact that its position in Syria remains unchanged even after it has successfully protected the Syrian regime and that any new build up in Syria will have to duly consider the S-400 missile shield, which is capable of preventing the “first northern war.”


Salman Rafi Sheikh is a research-analyst of International Relations and Pakistan’s foreign and domestic affairs, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.

Featured image is from the author.

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Taliano talks and listens to the people of Syria. He reveals the courage and resilience of a Nation and its people in their day to day lives, after more than six years of US-NATO sponsored terrorism and three years of US “peacemaking” airstrikes.

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Over the past several years certain certain US mass shootings receive round-the-clock coverage yet often possess curious features which are ignored and merely accepted “as reported” by less-than-trustworthy corporate media. Bizarre circumstance and the sometimes inexplicable actions of officials, victims, eyewitnesses and would-be culprits give rise to concern that government agencies and news media act in certain ways to embellish some incidents while short-circuiting the dissemination of vital information.

In the flood of information following such heavily-covered tragedies there are sometimes enough anomalies in routine reporting to develop serious cause for concern and  intensified scrutiny. The Marjory Stoneman Douglas mass shooting is one such event. Below is a list and brief discussion of what this author believes to be the most glaring inconsistencies and overall problems evident in information and coverage of the Parkland incident that necessitate further consideration of the overall event.

1. Missing Surveillance Video. Ensconced in a locale boasting a $600,000 media property value. Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School is among the most modern and well-funded in Florida. Like other schools throughout the state, the campus was equipped with a comprehensive video monitoring system of buildings’ interior passages and exterior walkways. The Broward County School District is withholding video taken during the February 14 ,2018 mass shooting at the school that could reveal exactly how the event transpired. It appears that some video may have been obtained by the Miami Herald, which posted it with the headline, “Video Shows Blood-Smeared Floor, Body Inside Douglas Classroom.” The article has since been removed from the newspaper’s website.

2. Scripted Lines? A Stoneman Douglas high school junior and ROTC member, Colton Haab, who sought to participate in a CNN TownHall broadcast on February 21, claimed the cable network provided him with a list of “scripted questions.” “I expected to be able to ask my questions and give my opinions on my questions,” Haab explained to local ABC affiliate, WPLG-TV. “CNN had originally asked me to write a speech and questions, and it ended up being all scripted.” Haab said he was asked to prepare a speech and to ask about school safety and the prospect of veterans being employed as armed security guards in schools. The high schooler’s ideas and queries were prohibited by CNN. After being told he had to ask a scripted question, Haab decided not to attend the event. “I don’t think that it’s going get anything accomplished. It’s not gonna ask the true questions that all the parents and teachers and students have,” Haab said.

Shortly thereafter Haab stated on FoxNews that based on his experience he believed all of the questions asked by Stoneman Douglas students and community members at the CNN TownHall were scripted.

3. Manufactured Dissent? Stoneman Douglas High students impacted by the event were rapidly mobilized by Democratic political leaders to advocate for the Party’s foremost rallying cries–strengthened gun control laws. News media including CNN and state and federal Democratic Party operatives, including Florida Representative and former Democratic Party National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, advised key Stoneman students in organizing the #NeverAgain movement and arranging protests, including a lobbying trip to Tallahassee to meet with Florida legislators. Parkland, however, is represented by Democratic Representative Ted Deutch, another staunch gun control advocate.

According to the New Yorker, Wasserman Schultz and her aides touched base with Stoneman junior and NeverAgain leader-in-training Jaclyn Corin on February 15–one day after the shooting. “Conversations with state representatives followed, and preliminary arrangements were made to bus a hundred Douglas students and fifteen chaperones to Tallahassee to address the state legislature. Yesterday, I asked Corin if she had been politically active before the shooting. ‘Not even a little bit,’ she said.”

Corin appears especially astute having absolutely no previous experience in issue-oriented politics. “The action has been so quick,” the 17-year-old told the Naples Daily News. “And that’s necessary because this is a fresh and open wound and we can’t let it close up. We need to do something about it before it just disappears like it always has.”

4. Experts Speak Out. Those with military and school administrative experience have begun to step forward and question various troubling elements of the Stoneman Douglas shooting. For example, John Bouchell, a militarily trained weapons expert, security expert and school administrator based in Florida tweeted at length about how Parkland differed greatly from his own experiences defending his school during an active shooter event.

5. Reports of Multiple Shooters. In numerous interviews Stoneman Douglas students assertedthere was more than one shooter in Building 12 as the event proceeded. Parkland student Jalen Martin claims the United States Secret Service visited the high school’s campus weeks before the incident, altering the active shooter response protocol. Is this why Douglas school resource officer and Sheriff’s Deputy Scot Peterson remained outside the classroom building as the carnage ensued? Another student claimed she saw and spoke to alleged shooter Nikolas Cruz in Building 12 during the event. A Stoneman Douglas teacher told MSNBC faculty were informed there would be an active shooter drill sometime during the spring semester, but were left in the dark as to the actual date or time of the exercise.

6. Crime Scene Demolition. Less than two days after the tragic shooting Broward County Schools Superintendent Robert Runcie proposed demolishing Building 12—the crime scene itself. The Florida State Legislature almost immediately agreed to help fund the tear down. One must ask why, just hours after the brutal deaths of 17 youths, plans for evidence destruction and a new memorial are even being pondered. “Just looking at that building and talking about it now, I have goosebumps out to my head [sic],” Runcie said. “I don’t know how teachers, students could get back in that building. I don’t even know how we’re going to open the whole campus, period.” Stoneman Douglas will join a long line of mass casualty event scenes, including Columbine, Aurora, and Sandy Hook, that have been destroyed.

7. Abandoned Law Enforcement Protocols. On the afternoon of February 14 Stoneman Douglas school resource officer and Broward Sheriff’s Deputy Scot Peterson heard gunshots in Building 12 and rushed there but waited outside for four minutes as the massacre ensued. Broward Sheriff Scott Israel, who could not explain Peterson’s behavior, acknowledged Peterson’s inaction was captured in campus surveillance video and suspended the deputy without pay. Israel thereafter told the press, “We’re not going to to disclose the video at this time and we may never disclose the video.” Two additional deputies under Israel’s command Edward Eason and Guntis Treijs, were placed on administrative duties pending further investigation. Both deputies participated in 23 calls for service to Cruz’s home and may not have followed protocol.Two other Broward Sheriff’s deputies are under review for failing to further investigate repeated complaints concerning Cruz that may have prevented the shooting, WPLG reports. In 2014 Peterson was selected by Parkland as school resource officer of the year. He was in another campus building when he heard the initial shots.

“I’m completely disgusted,” said Broward County Commissioner Michael Udine, a former mayor of Parkland whose daughter attends Stoneman Douglas. “There is nobody in authority talking to each other and every organization that had a chance to stop this completely failed our children from top to bottom.”

8. Fight to Establish Official Narrative. There is a very well-defined struggle to establish and defend the official government/law enforcement narrative of the Stoneman Douglas mass shooting and prevent any questioning of this storyline. This campaign is being led in part by cable news giant and Time Warner subsidiary CNN. Alternative media have been banished from YouTube for sharing differing views and analyses of the Parkland shooting and earlier mass casualty events. A recent “Community Guidelines” policy change provides for the Google subsidiary to eliminate any videos it perceives as “targeting the victims of tragedies,” thus de facto censoring many important critical analyses of such events.

On February 23 CNN directly petitioned YouTube to shutdown a channel run by libertarian commentator Alex Jones, claiming that its alternative reportage and commentary on the Parkland shooting runs afoul of YouTube’s policies. “On Wednesday, YouTube removed a video from InfoWars’ page for violating its policies on harassment and bullying,” CNN argued in a piece targeting “conspiracy theories.” “The video was titled, ‘David Hogg Can’t Remember His Lines In TV Interview.’” CNN reporters then “identified three similar YouTube videos from InfoWars and asked if they also violated YouTube’s policies. The YouTube spokesperson said the videos CNN sent were flagged to the policy team for review.” Under YouTube’s policy, if a user receives three strikes in a three month period their account is terminated. Such advocacy toward eliminating a media competitor and defending an official government narrative of such a controversial and still-unfolding event is especially concerning.

In another instance Isaac Green, a thoughtful and popular commentator running the Anti-School YouTube channel who proffered an array of unconventional perspectives on Stoneman Douglas and political controversies, had all of his videos removed by YouTube. Shortly thereafter Google locked Green out of his account entirely.

9. FBI Involvement. Ongoing internal investigations on law enforcement responses to the threats Cruz posed already reveal how the FBI alongside local law enforcement repeatedly failed to follow up on reports of the supposed assailant’s unusual behavior, weapons ownership, and disturbing online media posts. The FBI’s failure in this regard was condemned by Florida Governor Rick Scott and the US Justice Department. The bureau admitted an individual close to Cruz phoned the FBI’s Public Access Line on January 5 to report information concerning Cruz’s gun ownership, desire to kill people, unpredictable behavior and ominous social media posts. The party also stated that Cruz could likely carry out a mass shooting. The information was never forwarded to the FBI’s Miami office and investigated further.

Or was it? According to investigative journalist Trevor Aaronson, throughout the so-called “War on Terror” the FBI has been directly involved in cultivating terrorists through its network of informants, and often encouraging their activities. “Our nation’s top law enforcement agency, traditionally focused on investigating crimes after they occur,” writes Aaronson, “now operates more as an intelligence organization that tries to preempt crimes before they occur. But how many of these would-be terrorists would have acted were it not for an FBI agent provocateur helping them?” Was Cruz manipulated to take up arms against his Stoneman Douglas peers? Or, was he somehow maneuvered to the scene, as the observations of one eyewitness suggests, while other more capable gunmen carried out the slaughter?

10. Antipsychotic Drugs. According to the Florida Department of Children and Families, Nikolas Cruz was receiving mental health services from Henderson Behavioral Health and accordingly “taking medication” for alleged psychiatric ailments. In 2016 Cruz’s adoptive mother Lynda Cruz stated that her son suffered from depression, ADHD, and autism, suggesting how Cruz was regularly consuming a cocktail of potent drugs that may have impacted his behavior and judgement prior to the shooting. The psychoactive drugs used to treat depression and ADHD have profoundly complex and potentially debilitating side effects when taken separately that are only compounded if administered in unison. These include agitation, hyperactivity, psychosis, and are further linked to suicidal and homicidal actions. Given the mass media’s heavy dependence on drug company advertising, the role that psychiatric drugs may play in mass shootings is almost always downplayed in reportage on such events. “The drugs aren’t the only causative factor,” journalist and author Jon Rappoport observes, “but they produce what I call the Johnny Appleseed effect throughout society. Sprinkle enough of the drugs among enough people and you get otherwise unexplainable violence popping up—in schools, in workplaces. The psychiatric plague eats out the country from the inside.”


This article was originally published by James F. Tracy.

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Sum of All American Fears in Korea: Peace

February 25th, 2018 by Tony Cartalucci

North Korea has been depicted by the Western media as a dangerous rogue state, plotting the nuclear holocaust of America and holding global peace and stability hostage with its irrational aggression. It is the supposed threat North Korea poses to the world that the United States uses to justify its enduring decades-long military presence on the Korean Peninsula. 

In the recently released 2018 US Department of Defense Nation Defense Strategy, it claims:

North Korea seeks to guarantee regime survival and increased leverage by seeking a mixture of nuclear, biological, chemical, conventional, and unconventional weapons and a growing ballistic missile capability to gain coercive influence over South Korea, Japan, and the United States.

Yet North Korea’s immediate neighbor – South Korea – felt comfortable enough with this “rogue regime” that it not only invited high level diplomats to the PyeongChang 2018 Winter Olympic Games, it had its own athletes compete side-by-side with their North Korean counterparts as a unified team.

The opening ceremony included a unified parade, song, and chorus group. North Korean leader Kim Jong Un’s sister publicly greeted South Korean President Moon Jae-in. Other senior North Korean leaders and diplomats were present and interacted with their South Korean counterparts.

ABC News would report in their article, “Kim Jong Un’s sister shakes hands with South Korea’s president at Olympics opening ceremony,” that:

After arriving in South Korea with a high-level delegation, the sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un publicly shook hands with the neighboring nation’s president during tonight’s opening ceremony of the 2018 Winter Olympics.

CNN would report that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un would go as far as inviting South Korean President Moon Jae-in to the North Korean capital, Pyongyang. 

Evident is the absurdity of Western political and media claims about the danger North Korea presents to the world, when the very nation it is allegedly still technically at war with – South Korea – invites its leadership to a sporting event their athletes compete as a team together in and whose leaders watch, sitting side-by-side.

However, CNN’s article, “Kim Jong Un invites South Korean President Moon to Pyongyang,” would reveal:

Moon responded to the invitation by suggesting the two countries “should accomplish this by creating the right conditions,” adding that talks between North Korea and the United States were also needed, and requested that North Korea be more active in talking with the US, according to Kim Eui-kyeom.

In essence, the president of South Korea requires US permission to conduct what should be South Korea’s own bilateral talks with its immediate neighbor to the north. And here is revealed both the root of tensions on the Korean Peninsula – America’s involvement – and the sum of all American fears – peace between North and South – especially on their own terms.

For the United States, North Korea has been a convenient pretext to remain deeply embedded on the Korean Peninsula, admittedly part of Washington’s strategy – not to deal with a rogue state – but to further encircle and contain China’s rise in Asia. The US maintains a significant military presence in Japan for similar purposes and has attempted to reestablish a significant military presence in the Philippines toward this end as well.

Pretext For Permanent US Occupation

It has been the United States pressuring South Korea to maintain a heavily militarized and belligerent posture versus North Korea, conducting annual military exercises with the United States aimed at provoking North Korea’s leadership.

The Telegraph in its article, “US Navy Seals tasked with North Korea ‘decapitation’ strike could be part of exercises,” would report:

A unit of US special forces tasked with carrying out “decapitation” operations may be aboard a nuclear-powered submarine docked in the South Korean port of Busan, the nation’s newswire reported on Monday, citing a defence source.

The USS Michigan, an 18,000-metric ton submarine, arrived in Busan on Friday, ahead of a ten day joint US-South Korean drill led by the USS Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier.

The report was part of widespread psychological warfare carried out in concert by Western and South Korean media aimed at provoking North Korea’s senior leadership. The Foal Eagle exercises the US special forces were allegedly taking part in included thousands of US troops and simulated airstrikes on North Korean targets.

The US has penned entire policy papers discussing plans to invade, overthrow, and subjugate North Korea, usually with South Korea playing a supporting role. The influential corporate-funded US policy think tank – the Council on Foreign Relations – in its 2009 “Preparing for Sudden Change in North Korea,” paper would claim the need for a US occupation of North Korea should its leadership for whatever reason collapse. It would claim:

How large a force would be required to bring security and stability to North Korea would depend on the level of acquiescence to foreign intervention. Based on previous experiences elsewhere, the rule of thumb for the number of troops required for successful stability operations in a permissive environment is somewhere between five and ten per thousand people. Because North Korea has a population of approximately twenty-three million, a successful operation could require between 115,000 to 230,000 military personal. In addition, tens of thousands of police might also be needed to support these forces in more basic tasks. Those requirements would place a significant strain on South Korea, particularly in view of the current plan to reduce its army by some 30 percent over the next decade.

Again, even in this 2009 report, South Korea is said to have been preparing to reduce its military by up to 30%, exposing again the perceived threat the US claims North Korea is to the world, and North Korea’s immediate neighbor to the south preparing to stand down over a quarter of its military because it knows otherwise.

South Korea has existed as a subordinate in terms of its own defense since the effective end of the Korean War. The US still maintains wartime operation control, has tens of thousands of troops stationed on the Korean Peninsula and requires South Korea to pay a percentage of the money required to keep them stationed there. The US openly and repeatedly refers to the “US-ROK alliance” that “defends South Korea.”

The Straits Times would report in an article titled, “South Korea pays more than ‘peanuts’ to host US troops: The Korea Herald,” that:

South Korea pays about half of the costs for maintaining the 28,000 American troops, which reached 944.1 billion won (S$1.1 billion) in 2016. The payment has gone up steadily – from 488.2 billion won in 2001 to 680.4 billion won in 2005 and 790.4 billion in 2010.

The article would also add:

One more thing to note when one counts “defence surplus and deficit” is the fact that South Korea is a major purchaser of US arms, having spent 36.4 trillion won on weapons and military equipment over the past 10 years.

The article finishes by citing China’s rise – not the threat of North Korea – as the actual purpose of US troops in both South Korea and Japan.

It is clear that to remain in Korea and to sell an immense amount of US weapons, the US must manufacturer a threat sufficient to justify both. Containing China’s so-far peaceful economic rise is not a sufficient justification – though that is the true purpose for America’s presence on the Korean Peninsula. 

In the end, it turns out it was the US itself – through concerted lies and a history of provocations and threats – that has intentionally perpetuated tensions on the Korean Peninsula, not North Korea. It was US Vice President Mike Pence who turned a cold shoulder as leaders from North and South Korea exchanged greetings at this year’s Winter Olympic Games. And it will be the United States that intentionally foils any attempt by North and South Korea to build upon the historic meetings that took place during the sporting event. 

The US does not fear a nuclear holocaust on US soil brought about by North Korean intercontinental ballistic missiles, it fears peace on the Korean Peninsula on North and South Korea’s own terms and another corner of Asia that shows it to the door.


Tony Cartalucci is a Bangkok-based geopolitical researcher and writer, especially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook” where this article was originally published.

Featured image is from the author.

Towards a World War III Scenario: The Dangers of Nuclear War” 

by Michel Chossudovsky

Available to order from Global Research! 

ISBN Number: 978-0-9737147-5-3
Year: 2012
Pages: 102
Print Edition: $10.25 (+ shipping and handling)
PDF Edition:  $6.50 (sent directly to your email account!)

Michel Chossudovsky is Professor of Economics at the University of Ottawa and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), which hosts the critically acclaimed website . He is a contributor to the Encyclopedia Britannica. His writings have been translated into more than 20 languages.

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Maldives Political Crisis Deepens

February 25th, 2018 by Rohantha De Silva

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Moldova appears to be rushing to embrace NATO. According to the statement of Defense Minister Eugen Sturza, the country’s armed forces will be rearmed to meet NATO standards. In an interview with Moldova-1 TV channel, he said Moldova will buy lethal weapons and ammunition abroad for the first time in 27 years. The republic is to receive €11 million in military aid from the United States. According to the official, it’s just a beginning. The rearmament and modernization process will go much further as the military prepares for taking part in international missions.

The mention of the need to meet NATO standards (whatever it means) was done on purpose. It was a policy statement as the Moldovan government is shifting from neutrality to ally itself with the West. Moldova is a member of the NATO’s Partnership for Peace program. It has participated in the bloc’s mission in Kosovo.

On Feb.5, Romanian Minister of Defense, Mihai Fifor visited Moldova to meet his counterpart. Joint projects to move Chisinau closer to NATO topped the agenda. The two officials reached an agreement on formation of a joint battalion trained to respond to emergencies. The move is taken to familiarize Moldova’s military personnel with NATO’s procedures. It was announced that 41 Moldovan servicemen will go through training in Romania this year. Some 800 Moldovan soldiers have already been trained there.

The Romanian Defense Chief said Bucharest wishes for Republic of Moldova’s European track to become an irreversible process. In December, 2017, the NATO Liaison Office was opened in Chisinau to confirm the fact that Moldova has become a springboard for NATO information offensive. Last May, Moldova expelled five Russian diplomats. Just a few days ago a law banning Russia broadcasting in Moldova came into force. The country has joined NATO anti-Russia propaganda effort.

Not much has been said about it but the US Navy plans to construct eight training facilities for military operations in the Bulboaca training base. Probably, the facility will host American Marines. Last March, US Army Commander in Europe Lt. Gen. Ben Hodgessaid US seeks “ways to do more exercises in the southern flank of NATO”. In the summer of 2017, Bulboaca hosted the Dragoon Pioneer 2017, a joint US-Moldovan exercise.

Romanian Prime Minister Viorica Danchila will visit Chisinau on February 27 after her trip to European institutions. New moves to strengthen security cooperation with NATO via Romania are expected. Moldova’s ruling coalition will seek to limit Russia’s influence, said Daniel Coates, the US Director of National Intelligence, at the hearings in the special committee on intelligence of the US Congress Senate held on Feb.13.

On Feb.12, the Moldova’s Defense Ministry announced that the military would join the US, Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine and Georgia in Platinum Eagle, a large-scale military exercise. The mission is to deploy joint forces under unfavorable battle conditions.

Speaking at the Munich Security Conference, Moldova’s Prime Minister Pavel Filip used the opportunity to call for withdrawal of Russian troops from Transnistria. Speaker of the Moldovan parliament, Andrian Candusays that the presence of Russian troops stationed on the left bank of the Dniester is illegal. According to him, they should be withdrawn with compensation paid by the Russian government for the damage supposedly inflicted by the “occupation forces”.

Last July, Moldova’s parliament passed a resolution urging the withdrawal of Russian military from Transnistria. The lawmakers for Socialist Party left the parliament in protest against it, while Moldavia’s President Igor Dodon called the move a provocation. The vote came a day after the Moldovan government refused to allow a military aircraft with Russia’s Deputy Prime Minister Rogozin on board to land in Chisinau. The official was to take part on the festivities devoted to the 25th anniversary of the Transnistria’s peacekeeping mission.

The authorities of the breakaway republic oppose such a move. They say the Russian military presence guarantees peace. The Russian-speaking region of Transnistria separated from Moldova in 1991. An armed conflict broke out in 1992-1993. Russian peacekeepers put an end to the fighting. The 1,000-strong task force, including Russian, Transnistrian and Moldovan military assisted by a dozen of Ukrainian military observers, has been securing peace for about 26 years.

Roughly, 1,000 Russian servicemen guard the warehouses in Kolbasna (some 20,000 tons of ammunition). This presence is very limited and poses no threat to anybody but it ensures peace. Suppose Russian peacekeepers leave, is there any OSCE member willing to contribute its forces? Can anybody guarantee no armed conflict will spark again to take away human lives? It should be noted that the “5+2 format” talks on Transnistrian peace held since 2005 by Moldova, Transnistria, the OSCE, Russia, Ukraine as parties and the EU and the US in external observers’ roles have produced no results so far. No one of those who want Russia to go has ever come up with any ideas or initiatives to give fresh impetus to the process.

Should the situation in Transnistria become part of “the worse for Russia, the better for us” geopolitical game? What about the Transnistrian people? Who will protect their rights? So, Moldova can make one step after another to get closer to the North Atlantic Alliance, buy weapons from bloc’s members and host NATO’s facilities on its soil. But Russian peacekeepers cannot stay in Transnistria despite the fact that it is done in strict compliance with the international obligations (the 1992 Agreement on the Principles for a Peaceful Settlement of the Armed Conflict) and the wish of Transnistrian people and government.

Moldova seldom hits media headlines but the situation there is another example of creeping NATO expansion. The US is in the process of establishing its military presence there to make American soldiers and Russian peacekeepers watch each other through gun sights. It’s sad, because Russia and Moldova have never seen each other as adversaries. Moldova, a neutral state, will inevitably become a target for Russia’s potential retaliatory strike.

The situation can be changed before it is too late. Moldova holds parliamentary elections in November. A new parliament may adopt a more responsible foreign policy to put the relationship between Moscow and Chisinau back on track to benefit all.


Alex Gorka is a defense and diplomatic analyst.

Featured image is from the author.

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Online Censorship: Lessons in the New McCarthyism

February 25th, 2018 by Prof Michael Keefer

We bring to the attention of Global Research readers an article by Professor Michael Keefer, which reviews the smear campaign directed against Global Research by Canada’s Walrus Magazine as well as by the Globe and Mail.

These two reports border on ridicule. They belong to realm of “dirty journalism”. While we welcome exchange of viewpoints with individual mainstream journalists, given the nature of the defamatory statements and outlandish accusations (particularly by the Globe and Mail) directed against Global Research, we took the decision after careful consideration not to respond.

As outlined by Michael Keefer, censorship of the independent online media, carried out by the search engines including Google, is not only intended to suppress online access to critical thought and analysis, it is ultimately intended to destroy the independent media outright.

This, however, will not prevent us from relentlessly pursing our commitment to Truth in Media. To quote Martin Luther King, both our authors and readers “have a dream” and so does Professor Michael Keefer who has supported Global Research from the outset.

Not surprisingly, the mainstream media strikes back and accuses us of spreading propaganda on behalf of a foreign government.

Freedom of expression is threatened.  With the emergence of “The New McCarthyism”, what is required is an effective counter-propaganda campaign which challenges the mainstream protagonists of “fake news”. In the words of Michael Keefer: “Truth is the goal and the aspiration of honest critical researchers and scholars; it is not a verb, nor something one does, nor a fetish object to be carried in one’s pocket and brandished in the face of doubters.”

It is essential that the relevant information and analysis reach the broader public.

At this juncture in our history, it is essential  to reach out to people across the land, nationally and internationally on the derogation of fundamental human  rights, the impoverishment of large sectors of the World population, the causes and consequences of US-led wars, not to mention the extensive war crimes and atrocities which are routinely obfuscated by the corporate media.

The Western corporate media is controlled by a handful of powerful business syndicates. The media conglomerates which control network TV and the printed press must be challenged through cohesive actions which reveal the lies and falsehoods.

More than ever we need to support of our readers

Michel Chossudovsky, February 25, 2018


The Walrus Wants Google to Strangle Global Research: Lessons in the New McCarthyism

by Prof. Michael Keefer

When David Berlin and Ken Alexander launched The Walrus in September 2003, their ambition was to create a Canadian equivalent to American monthly magazines like The New Yorker or Harper’s, which was then under the legendary editorship of Lewis W. Lapham. Who could have anticipated that not quite fifteen years later, The Walrus would be dipping its tusks into the tepid sludge of McCarthyist witch-hunting? It’s not an orientation Lapham would have recommended when David Berlin consulted with him about possibilities of collaboration a year before the magazine’s launch: as Lapham wrote in Gag Rule: On the Suppression of Dissent and the Stifling of Democracy (2004),

“We can’t know what we’re about, or whether we’re telling ourselves too many lies, unless we can see or hear one another think out loud. Tyranny never has much trouble drumming up the smiles of prompt agreement, but a democracy stands in need of as many questions as its citizens can ask of their own stupidity and fear.”1

A McCarthyist suppression of dissent is precisely what The Walrus is advocating with Justin Ling‘s full-throated call, in “Why Google Has a Responsibility to Fight Fake News” (The Walrus, January 5, 2018), for Google to put a prominent Canadian political-commentary website, the Centre for Research on Globalization, out of existence.

Prof. Michael Keefer (right)

Despite a title that might lead one to expect a wide-ranging analysis, Ling has just the one target—though he does seem puzzled as to where exactly fits on the political spectrum. It was once “a joke,” he says, “an example of Canada’s truther far left,” but now he locates it “somewhere in the bizarre alt-right and fake-news ecosystem that has become relevant since President Donald Trump‘s rise to power.”2 Far left or alt-right, Ling wants Google to manipulate its search criteria so as to make effectively disappear.

* * *

One problem I have with what Ling is trying to do in this article is that his hand-me-down McCarthyism is not just politically toxic; it’s blindingly stupid. Ling’s apprenticeship as a journalist with Vice News appears to have taught him two things. First, that in the age of Trumpian Twitter wars and sock-puppet trolling by short-tempered citizens, independent hacktivists, and state-run cyber warfare units,3 nothing pulls in larger numbers of readers than quick-fire insult and innuendo. And second, that in the climate of Vladimir-Putin-panic initiated by the Hillary Clinton campaign during the 2016 US election, and inflated into full-on Russians-under-the-bed McCarthyism after Clinton’s unexpected loss, the hunt for pro-Russian collusion and treachery is where the money lies for freelancers who want to make it in the mainstream media.

Screengrab from The Walrus website

The result in this case is an argument that may be snappy, but is at the same time both evidence-free and absurdly self-contradictory. For while Ling denounces conspiratorial thinking and fake news, his reasons for urging Google to flush down the memory hole rest upon uncritical faith in a large-scale—and, one may suspect, blatantly faked—global conspiracy.

After proposing at some length that the information disseminated by Michel Chossudovsky, the professor emeritus of economics at the University of Ottawa who founded and edits, is both conspiratorial and false, Ling allows that he “and his outlandish views may fit into real-news-with-a-heavy-slant category as well.” But Ling’s next sentences reduce Chossudovsky from a provider of real-though-biased news to the likely agent of a foreign government at whose behest he has been poisoning the wells of our communication system:

“[Chossudovsky] has appeared repeatedly on Sputnik and RT, as well as on state-owned Iran’s PressTV. He’s caught the attention of NATO’s Strategic Communications Centre of Excellence. The Globe and Mail reported in November that the NATO centre has been investigating whether the Centre for Research on Globalization is part of a system used by the Russian government to sow skepticism of the West, in part by feeding fake and misleading information into Google. (When asked by the Globe, Chossudovsky wouldn’t confirm about any ties he may have to the Kremlin.)”4

One can remark in passing that the Globe reporter’s inquiry belongs to the category of literally filthy questions whose use defines the person who deploys them as a smear-artist.5 But Ling evidently believes that a refusal to “confirm about” the Globe and Mail‘s insulting fantasies is the last nail in Chossudovsky’s coffin. He promptly adds,

“If Russia is using the Centre for Research on Globalization, via Google, to muddy the waters, it’s not a bad strategy.”

Indeed! And if Chossudovsky and the—what shall we call them: dupes? stooges? moskali?—who provide the daily contents of are just one part of a sinister and occult Kremlin-run propaganda system, then we can have hopes of a really full-blown witch-hunt!

It would be easy enough to mock this rubble-heap of supposition and innuendo. But one should not forget that Ling’s article is intended to have real-world consequences: that’s how witch-persecutions operated in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Europe, and how McCarthyism works in our own time.

Ling is pushing his readers toward the truly inane conclusion that “there’s an argument to be made that Google is the real front line in the fight against propaganda and misinformation.” He would like Google to police, rather than simply facilitate, our searches for information. But why should we want to assign such a role to a mega-corporation with a well-earned reputation for greedy profiteering and ruthless manipulation,6 no record of understanding the value to a democracy of critical and oppositional thinking, and no discernible interest in matters of truth?

Let’s instead poke a stick into the spokes of Ling’s front wheel by asking whether there’s the least scintilla of evidence that the Russian skepticism-sowing operation hypothesized by NATO’s Centre of Excellence has any empirical existence in the real world.

Other Russian conspiracies about which we have been informed by breathless hordes of journalists in the mainstream media have proven—shall we say—disappointing. The Russian submarine whose lurking presence near Stockholm agitated the Swedish navy for weeks in 2015 was eventually acknowledged not to have been there at all.7 Emmanuel Macron‘s email was definitely hacked during the French presidential election, but France’s Directorate for Internal Security has denied that any evidence supports the chorus of voices blaming Russia for the intrusion.8

Germany’s Federal Intelligence Service has similarly stated that accusations of Russian interference in Germany’s national election were groundless.9 Despite angry denunciations by Theresa May‘s government, the notion of Russian interference in the UK’s Brexit referendum has likewise proved to be a phantom without substance.10 The claim that Russians hacked into Vermont’s electrical grid turned out to be another piece of fake news.11 Dramatic and apparently authoritative accusations that the Russians had attempted to hack into the vote-counting machines of multiple American states during the 2016 election made front-page stories, but were refuted and then quietly withdrawn.12

And finally, according to Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS), the Russians did not after all hack into the computers of the Democratic National Committee during the 2016 election campaign. One of the associates of VIPS obtained access to the actual downloading data of the DNC files, and concluded that the speed of the transfer showed unequivocally that it was done not through the internet, but rather by means of a USB key. The release to the public of all of those DNC messages was therefore—forgive the phrase—an inside job, carried out, one might suppose, by a DNC staffer disgusted with the organization’s corrupt behaviour.13

What about other forms of electoral interference? Scholars who have done serious work on electoral fraud have strong evidence that the Hillary Clinton campaign manipulated electronic voting machines to steal Democratic primary elections from Bernie Sanders (while the Republican primaries, surprisingly, were clean).14 There is likewise strong evidence that Clinton was in turn defrauded of victory in the 2016 election—not by Russian efforts, of which there is no evidential trace whatsoever—but rather by the same Republican Party fraud machine that stole five to ten percent of the Democrats’ vote through vote-suppression and electronic vote-miscounting in each of the preceding four presidential elections.15

What might the odds be that the NATO hypothesis of a huge Russian skepticism-sowing operation, which Justin Ling finds impressive, will turn out to be just another piece of fake news—and another stage in the rapidly progressing McCarthyist stultification of this continent?16

I have a suggestion for Mr. Ling and the intellectual giants at NATO’s Strategic Communications Centre of Excellence. If they are genuinely concerned with the reasons for declining public confidence in the veracity of Western governments and their mainstream media stenographers, why don’t they try inquiring into the seven episodes mentioned above, in which vehement accusations of aggressive misbehaviour levelled against Russia by the United States and its Western European satrapies turned out, without exception, to be false? Who launched that fake news? Not the Kremlin, I would guess. And who uncritically amplified it? Not the Centre for Research on Globalization.

I would propose as well that anyone inclined to share Justin Ling’s view of Google as an appropriate guardian of truth and journalistic honesty should try carrying out Google searches, using an appropriate variety of search terms, into those same seven episodes. Anyone curious enough to make the effort will find in each case a staggering preponderance of new stories confidently asserting the falsehood in question, and a vanishingly slender number of stories carrying their refutation and the truth of the matter. I’d suggest checking out, as well, what Google provides us with in the way of reports on the critical research and investigative journalism that exposed the fraud conducted by Democratic and Republican party elites in the 2016 election cycle. You won’t find much at all, at least in the mainstream media.

Should these exercises lead us to blame Google for the fact that its listings reflect both the amplifying power and the systematic biases of the mainstream or corporate media? I would say not—if it weren’t for the fact that Google has already developed a habit of systematically adjusting its search algorithms in order to reduce access to the alternative websites that have been trying to inform the public about such deceptions.17 But this experience should disabuse even the most naive among us of any notion that a glorified search engine ought to become an arbiter of truth and falsehood.

* * *

I’ve mentioned Justin Ling’s somewhat muddled notions as to where the Centre for Research on Globalization belongs on the political spectrum. His own political affiliations may be easier to place.

In his third paragraph, eager to smear the founder and editor of, Ling notes that

“in 2006, the now defunct Western Standard magazine listed [Michel Chossudovsky] as one of Canada’s ‘nuttiest professors.’”

The Western Standard was a vehicle of Ezra Levant—the serial slanderer, confabulator, and enabler of neo-fascists—whose name is scarcely one to conjure with in a denunciation of fake news, and whose indecencies include open racism.

On September 5, 2012 Levant denounced Roma refugees in a full nine-minute segment of his cable TV show. In the course of this rant he declared that “gypsies” are “a culture synonymous with swindlers. The phrase gypsy and cheater have been so interchangeable historically that the word has entered the English language as a verb: he gypped me. Well the gypsies have gypped us. Too many have come here as false refugees. And they come here to gyp us again and rob us blind as they have done in Europe for centuries….”18 A response co-written by a former CEO of the Canadian Jewish Congress, by a Shoah survivor, and by the president of Ve’ahavta, the Canadian Jewish Humanitarian and Relief Committee, asked readers to re-imagine Levant’s hateful jeering with a simple word-substitution: “These are Jews [….] he jewed me. Well the Jews have jewed us,” and so on. As they noted, Levant was mobilizing antisemitic tropes against a people who had been victims with the Jews of the Nazi genocide, and who are currently being persecuted in Hungary and other parts of central Europe by a resurgent neo-Nazism.19

Unsurprisingly, Justin Ling attempts to smear Michel Chossudovsky not just as a “nutty professor,” but also as an antisemite—alluding in this case to complaints made by B’nai Brith Canada in 2005 about alleged antisemitic materials that had appeared on the website. The facts of the matter are simple. For a brief period, experimented with a Discussion Board open to the public. When B’nai Brith noticed that comments posted there included hate-mongering by antisemites and Holocaust deniers, rather than simply informing Chossudovsky so that he could delete them, the organization joined the Ottawa Citizen in a campaign of defamation. But attempts to conflate antisemites’ toxic invasion of Chossudovsky’s website with his own writings and editorial work were easily identifiable as misleading, and the campaign evoked strong ironies.

One was that Chossudovsky, members of whose immediate family died at Auschwitz, has been a leading interpreter of globalization and the structural violence and military aggressions it has entailed, and a strenuous critic of injustices of all kinds, including the foulness of racism. Another irony was that the Ottawa Citizen, which quoted at length the insinuations of antisemitism and accusations of “wild conspiracy theories” made against Chossudovsky by leading figures in B’nai Brith in what may have been an attempt to punish him for supporting Palestinian human rights, had not long before published a thoughtful and sympathetic account of Chossudovsky’s work as a political economist.20

Since Ling thinks it worthwhile to rake up these old coals, it may be appropriate to reflect on the credibility of B’nai Brith, which has espoused far-right-wing policies that most Canadians would recognize as extremist. This organization applauded the Harper government’s smearing and de-funding of UN and church-supported humanitarian relief agencies that provide aid to Palestinian refugees;21 it has attacked the principle of arms-length funding to universities, proposing that the Ontario government de-fund universities that fail to suppress events relating to Israel’s violations of Palestinian human rights;22 and it supports Israel’s illegal policies of settlement and colonization with such vehemence as to insist, bizarrely, that “the ancestral presence of Jews in Judea and Samaria” makes it improper even to employ “terminology such as ‘settlements’.”23

Given that Ling’s own mode of argumentation rests largely on insinuations of guilt by association, it may seem surprising that in the opening salvo of his polemic he should have chosen to associate himself with two such dubious sources.

* * *

I have another more direct problem with Justin Ling’s article—for I must admit to having skin in this game. I have corresponded with Michel Chossudovsky for well over a decade, and regard him as not just a colleague, but a friend. Like him, I’m now a professor emeritus (a retired academic, that is to say, whose research work has been honoured by his university with that title). I share with him another lesser honour—that of having figured in the Western Standard‘s 2006 list of Canada’s dozen “nuttiest” (which is to say, most deserving of dismissal) professors.

I have likewise written on a variety of political subjects, though in far lesser quantity and with only a small fraction of the impact that Chossudovsky’s widely admired writings in defence of democracy and human rights have attained—ranging as they do through critical analyses of conventional political economy, the geopolitics of globalization, and the alarming linkages between state crimes against democracy at home and military aggressions and state terror abroad.24

For several years I served as a contributing editor for, providing assessments of a very modest number of texts ranging from article- to book-length that had been submitted for publication. And since November 2004, nearly twenty of my essays on political subjects have received their first publication at (Most of these were also published elsewhere, sometimes at a dozen or two dozen other websites; several were translated into other languages.) Another ten or more essays that I first published elsewhere have been re-published at or linked to by the site, which also carries a scattering of radio interviews in which I was a guest.25

As a contributor to the website, and someone who for a short time assisted in its functioning, I’m happy to assure Justin Ling, together with his editors at The Walrus and the gnomes labouring in NATO’s Strategic Communications Centre of Excellence, that I have never detected the least trace of the Kremlin’s cloven hoof in the operations of; nor am I aware of any expressions of sympathy among the website’s publications with the toxic idiocies of the alt-right. Moreover, while the website has indeed published analyses of the events of September 11, 2001 and their consequences (including several by me), I would reject the label “truther.”

Truth is the goal and the aspiration of honest critical researchers and scholars; it is not a verb, nor something one does, nor a fetish object to be carried in one’s pocket and brandished in the face of doubters.

While I find Ling’s mocking allusions to the materials published at bothersome, I won’t defend my own contributions—except to say that whether their subject-matter is electoral fraud in the US, Haiti, and Canada, other forms of state crimes against democracy, or imperial aggressions in the Middle East and elsewhere, they are written to the same standards of critical analysis and documentation as my peer-reviewed academic publications.26 But it’s not for me to assess my own work, or for that matter to offer defensive evaluations of the rest of what is published by I would prefer to leave judgments of value to the critical intelligence of readers.

My association with this website is evidence of my respect for the analyses of contemporary events it has been providing, though as with any critical reader, that does not imply agreement with or assent to everything I read there. has, for example, only belatedly come to a recognition of the overwhelming importance of chaotic anthropogenic climate change and global warming caused by greenhouse gas emissions, which threaten the survival not just of human civilization but of life on this planet; I regard articles the website has published alleging deliberate weather- and climate-change operations through “chemtrails” and the US’s HAARP installation as implausible and as distractions from the main issue.

However, I would emphasize the exemplary courage has shown in facing up to other issues that, taken together, pose a related and possibly no less serious threat to human survival. It is widely acknowledged that the threat of superpower nuclear war may be greater now than at any time since the height of the Cold War—and climate scientists have proposed that while the climatic consequences of a nuclear war between lesser powers would result in mass starvation worldwide, those produced by an all-out war between major nuclear powers would be catastrophic, and could last long enough to entail the probable extinction of all large animal species, including ourselves.27

The West entered a path towards dramatically increased tensions with Russia as a result of US violations during the 1990s of promises made at the time of German reunification not to expand NATO eastward.28 However, the Western shift into full-on aggressiveness followed events which—although they mark a crucial hinge in US history—the mainstream media and most academics have refused to subject to serious analysis. I am referring to the stolen presidential elections of 2000 and 2004, which brought the Bush-Cheney neoconservatives to power and enabled them to consolidate it during a second term; and to the state crime against democracy of September 11, 2001,29 which made it possible for the neoconservative cabal to implement policies that, under the name of The Project for the New American Century, this group had outlined in a report published in September 2000.30

Post-9/11, these policies took the form of manipulating and terrorizing the American population into accepting, domestically, a transition from constitutional government into a permanent state of exception or emergency;31 and in foreign policy, a program of unconstrained aggression aimed at ensuring perpetual American dominance over Eurasia.

The most obvious fruits of that aggressive foreign policy have been the sowing of chaos across the Middle East and North Africa, the near-total destruction of social infrastructure in countries like Iraq, Libya and Syria, the deaths of over a million civilians, and the production of tidal waves of refugees. But far more serious consequences, in the form of superpower nuclear war, may yet ensue from the US push to attain the capacity for a nuclear first strike, with impunity, against Russia—a program that now includes, in addition to a domestic anti-ballistic missile system, the installation of US missiles in NATO countries near Russia’s western borders and the deployment of missile-carrying ships in waters close to Russia’s coasts.

As the recent nuclear alert in Hawaii may remind us, it is possible that a nuclear war could be triggered by a software glitch or by human stupidity. But in an address to an audience of Western journalists at the 2016 St Petersburg International Economic Forum, Russian President Vladimir Putin emphasized a different aspect of the current situation. Russia, he claimed, has developed missiles that can defeat any defensive measures, but the presence near Russia’s borders of US installations whose range is increased year by year means, he implied, that the Russian system is on hair-trigger alert. Russian intelligence is aware of the increasing range of the American missiles in Poland and Romania, Putin said to the journalists, “and [the Americans] know we know! It’s only you that they tell tall-tales to, and you spread it to the citizens of your countries. Your people, in turn, do not feel a sense of the impending danger—this is what worries me. How can you not understand that the world is being pulled in an irreversible direction? [….] From what I can see, we are in grave danger.”32

By this analysis, then, a key aspect of the present situation is the deficit in public understanding and awareness created by the Western media’s continuing refusal to report on important realities. The sabre-rattling US neocons “misunderestimated” (to borrow a George W. Bush coinage) the consequences of their regime-change attacks on Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria. Who is to say, given their invincible arrogance and the fact that regime change in Russia is one of their major goals, that they might not miscalculate yet again?

Most writers on the left—whether persuaded by mainstream propaganda or intimidated by the label of “conspiracy theorist”—have steered away from questioning how the neoconservatives who still control US foreign policy came to power with Dubya Bush and Dick Cheney, and what they proceeded to do with that power. In contrast, has not flinched from publishing analyses of Republican (and more recently, Democratic Party) electoral fraud, or from exposures of the massive cover-ups that have sought to obstruct public understanding of the events of September 11, 2001.

The same determination to sift out the truths underlying a torrent of propaganda and obfuscation has been evident in‘s coverage of NATO’s attack on Libya, the US’s proxy war against Syria, and the seemingly inexorable political pressures in the United States that have been leading us in the direction of a Third and no doubt final World War.

Within this larger context, The Walrus‘s opportunistic McCarthyism may seem trivial. But no attempt to stifle critical intelligence and the search for truth is without significance. As Lewis Lapham wrote, in the final sentence of Gag Rule: On the Suppression of Dissent and the Stifling of Democracy,

“To the extent that a democratic society gives its citizens the chance to speak in their own voices and listens to what they have to say, it gives itself the chance not only of discovering its multiple glories and triumphs but also of surviving its multiple follies and crimes.”33

* * *

Since this essay was first drafted on January 15th, Martin Luther King Day, there may be one last thing to be said about Justin Ling’s polemic. In the first sentence of his article, as the lead entry in a short catalogue of absurdities advanced by the Centre for Research on Globalization as “uncontroversial realities,” Ling cites the belief that

Martin Luther King Jr. was murdered in his hospital room by J. Edgar Hoover and the FBI and not, as is commonly accepted, by a gunman dead set against the civil rights’ leader’s crusade.”

When he provides a link to an article containing this piece of supposedly self-evident folly, he must be hoping that readers will be too lazy to check it out. The article, by Craig McKee, is “The Plot to Kill Martin Luther King: Survived Shooting, Was Murdered in Hospital.”34 Let’s note its subtitle as well: “Martin Luther King was murdered in a conspiracy that was instigated by then FBI director J. Edgar Hoover. Review of William Pepper’s Book.” Ah, so the author isn’t actually claiming that Hoover murdered King with his own hands in a hospital room.

Perhaps, if we have the patience to move beyond facile mockery and to exercise our own critical judgment, we may discover more of substance in McKee’s review article than Ling would lead us to believe is there.

I doubt he would want us to know that Dr. William F. Pepper, one of whose books McKee is reviewing, is a lawyer and civil rights and anti-war activist who was a friend and colleague of King’s. In 1999 Pepper represented Coretta Scott King and the King family in a civil lawsuit against Lloyd Jowers, an alleged organizer of King’s assassination, and against others unnamed. As a usefully compressed article in Wikipedia notes, “After four weeks of testimony which involved over 70 witnesses and thousands of pages of never before seen evidence, a Memphis jury unanimously found […] that Jowers was part of a conspiracy to kill King, and that the assassination plot also involved ‘others, including governmental agencies’.”35

The mainstream media of course chose not to report on this trial and its findings. But Pepper’s book An Act of State: The Execution of Martin Luther King (London: Verso, 2003) contains full information about his painstaking investigations and the court proceedings with which they culminated. Dramatic further details of the assassination plot revealed by Pepper’s subsequent inquiries are contained in the book McKee is reviewing, The Plot to Kill King: The Truth Behind the Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. (New York: Skyhorse Publishing, 2016).

Might I conclude with some suggestions?

I’m not going to make any proposals as to what not to read: that’s a job I’m happy to leave to up-and-coming Catos like Mr. Ling.

But try taking a look at Craig McKee’s insightful review of William F. Pepper’s latest book.

Then read Pepper’s brilliant and moving books yourself—and treat them as fitting introductions to a reading or re-reading of King’s own sermons, speeches, and public letters. I can’t think of a better way of paying tribute to Martin Luther King’s full and generous humanity, his superb courage in standing up against the falsehoods disseminated by what he knew to be great and powerful forces of evil, and the unflinching determination with which he set his forehead against racism and racial inequality, against poverty, and against the cruel and malign forces that lead us into war.


This article was originally published on Michael Keefer.


1 Lewis W. Lapham, Gag Rule: On the Suppression of Dissent and the Stifling of Democracy (New York: Penguin, 2004), p. 1.

2 Justin Ling, “Why Google Has a Responsibility to Fight Fake News: Google gives a platform to sites that deal in outright lies and innuendo—and that’s a problem,” The Walrus (5 January 2018),

3 For an account of one state-run trolling and cyber warfare unit, based on information from a purportedly reformed troll, see Tom Coburg, “A former hacktivist reveals how a UK spy agency is actively subverting democracy,” The Canary (4 January 2018),

4 Ling, “Why Google has a Responsibility.” The article referred to is by Mark MacKinnon, “NATO research centre sets sights on Canadian website over pro-Russian disinformation,” The Globe and Mail (17 November 2017),

5 One might equally well ask someone about a purported interest in pedophilia, and then, when the question was rejected with indignation, write that “Mr. X wouldn’t ‘confirm about’ any ties he may have to child-pornography rings.”

6 See, for example, Joon Ian Wong, “These are the EU’s reported plans to break up Google’s monopoly powers,” Quartz Media (3 October 2016),; and Mark Scott, “Google Fined Record $2.7 Billion in E.U. Antitrust Ruling,” The New York Times (27 June 2017),

7 “Försvaret om bilden: Det är ingen ubåt,” Dagens Nyheter (12 April 2015),; Umberto Bacchi, “Russian submarine sighted near Stockholm was civilian boat claims Swedish admiral,” International Business News (13 April 2015),

8 “The Latest: France says no trace of Russian hacking Macron,” Associated Press (1 June 2017),

9 “German Intel Clears Russia on Interference,” Consortium News (15 February 2017),

10 Ed West, “It’s nonsense to claim Russia influenced the Brexit vote,” The Spectator (16 November 2017),; “Oxford researchers latest to insist there’s no evidence Russia influenced Brexit,” RT (20 December 2017),

11 Edward Kovacs, “Vermont Utility Refutes Reports of Russia Hacking U.S. Electrical Grid,” Security Week (2 January 2017),

12 See, for example, “Feds tell 21 states they were targeted during election,” CBS News (22 September 2017), After two states rejected as false the information provided by the Department of Homeland Security—see David Shepardson, “California, Wisconsin deny election systems targeted by Russian hackers,” Reuters (28 September 2017),—the story quietly died.

13 Patrick Lawrence, “A New Report Raises Big Questions About Last Year’s DNC Hack,” The Nation (9 August 2017),; Dennis J. Bernstein, “The Still-Missing Evidence of Russia-gate,” Consortium News (1 January 2018),

14 See “Odds Hillary Won Without Widespread Fraud: 1 in 77 Billion Says Berkeley, Stanford Studies,” Higgins News Network (18 June 2016),; “Democracy Lost: A Report on the Fatally Flawed 2016 Democratic Primaries,” Election Justice USA (25 July 2016),; and Alex Geijsel (Tilburg University) and Rodolfo Cortes Barragan (Stanford University), “Are we witnessing a dishonest election?”

15 See Greg Palast, “The Election Was Stolen—Here’s How….” (11 November 2016),; and Eric Draitser, “Was the US Election Stolen … Yet Again?” Telesur (18 November 2016),…Yet-Again-20161118-0008.html. Important studies of fraud in previous US presidential elections include Bev Harris, with David Allen, Black Box Voting: Ballot Tampering in the 21st Century (Renton, WA: Talion Publishing, 2004); Andrew Gumbel, Steal This Vote: Dirty Elections and the Rotten History of Democracy in America (New York: Nation Books, 2005); Steven F. Freeman and Joel Bleifuss, Was the 2004 Presidential Election Stolen? Exit Polls, Election Fraud, and the Official Count (New York: Seven Stories Press, 2006); Mark Crispin Miller, ed., Loser Take All: Election Fraud and the Subversion of Democracy, 2000-2008 (Brooklyn, NY: Ig Publishing, 2008); Jonathan D. Simon, Code Red: Computerized Election Theft and the New American Century, Election 2016 Edition. 2016, available at; and Greg Palast, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy (2003; rpt. New York: Plume, 2004); Palast, Armed Madhouse (New York: Plume, 2007); and Palast, Billionaires and Ballot Bandits (New York: Seven Stories Press, 2012).

16 For a lucid assessment of this McCarthyist stultification, see Jackson Lears, “What We Don’t Talk About When We Talk About Russian Hacking,” London Review of Books (4 January 2018), The latest phase of the apparently inexorable advance of stupidity—the media buzz over the Mueller inquiry’s indictment of thirteen Russian people and three Russian legal entities for, among other things, “Conspiracy to Defraud the United States”—is decisively analyzed in “Mueller Indictment – The ‘Russian Influence’ Is A Commercial Marketing Scheme,” Moon of Alabama (17 February 2018),

17 See Andre Damon and Niles Niemuth, “New Google algorithm restricts access to left-wing, progressive web sites,” World Socialist Web Site (27 July 2017),; and Kollibri Terre Sonneblume, “Cowardly New World: Alternative Media Under Attack by Algorithms,” CounterPunch (26 October 2017),

18 Quoted from Bernie M. Farber, Nate Leipciger and Avrum Rosensweig, “Hating the Jew, hating the ‘gypsy’,” National Post (25 September 2012),

19 Ibid.

20 The article that provided a sympathetic profile of Chossudovsky’s work (Judith O’Neill, “Battling mainstream economics,” Ottawa Citizen [5 January 1998]) is no longer available online, but a brief synopsis of it is available in an essay I wrote at the time: “In Defence of Michel Chossudovsky: A Cup of Cool Reason for the Ottawa Citizen’s Fevered Brow” (10 September 2005), available at (I have echoed wording from my essay in this paragraph.)

21 These are the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) and KAIROS: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives, an NGO linked to eleven Canadian churches and church-related organizations (including the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, the United Church, the Anglican Church, the Presbyterian Church, the Evangelical Lutheran Church, and the Mennonite Central Committee). Jason Kenney, the minister responsible for these actions, smeared KAIROS, and by implication the churches that support it, as antisemitic. For details, see Michael Keefer, ed., Antisemitism Real and Imagined: Responses to the Canadian Parliamentary Coalition to Combat Antisemitism (Waterloo: Canadian Charger, 2010), “Introduction,” pp. 10-11; and Part 3, ch. 3, “Data and Deception: Quantitative Evidence of Antisemitism,” p. 186, and n. 96, p. 203. The “Introduction” and the “Data and Deception” chapter of Antisemitism Real and Imagined are available online at; and at

22 See Antisemitism Real and Imagined, p. 186, and n. 97, p. 203.

23 Ibid., p. 186, and n. 99, p. 203.

24 For a now somewhat dated account of Chossudovsky’s work (together with that of another Canadian scholar-activist, the philosopher John McMurtry, FRSC, whose writings in some respects parallel his), see my essay “Canada’s Thinker-Activists and Critics of Globalization,” Centre for Research on Globalization (27 December 2005),

25 Most of my publications, along with a large part of my other writings, are available at my website-in-progress, at In the versions available there, errors of which I am aware have been duly noted.

26 Some of the essays of mine that appear at have also been published as peer-reviewed articles in academic books and journals.

27 See, for example, A. Robock, L. Oman, G. L. Stenchikov, O. B. Toon, C. Bardeen and R. P. Turco, “Climatic Consequences of Regional Nuclear Conflicts,” Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 7. 8 (April 2007): 2003–2012; Owen B. Toon, Alan Robock and Richard P. Turco, “Environmental Consequences of Nuclear War,” Physics Today 61. 12 (December 2008): 37–42; and Steven Starr, “Catastrophic Climatic Consequences of Nuclear Conflict,” from the INESAP Bulletin 28 (April 2008; updated Oct. 2009 version),

28 See Joshua R. Itzkowitz Shifrinson, “Russia’s got a point: the U.S. broke a NATO promise,” Los Angeles Times (30 May 2016),–20160530-snap-story.html; and “NATO Expansion: What Gorbachev Heard. Declassified documents show security assurances against NATO expansion to Soviet leaders from Baker, Bush, Genscher, Kohl, Gates, Mitterrand, Thatcher, Hurd, Major, and Woerner,” National Security Archive (12 December 2017),

29 For an explanation of what may in this context seem an unfamiliar term see my essay “State Crimes Against Democracy and Canada’s 2011 General Election,” Centre for Research on Globalization (13 March 2015),; available also at

30 See Thomas Donnelly et al., Rebuilding America’s Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources For a New Century (The Project for the New American Century, September 2000), This report notoriously declared, with respect to the foreign policy reorientation and program of re-armament and military re-organization it recommended, that “the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event—like a new Pearl Harbor” (p. 51). A year later, George W. Bush was reported by CBS News to have written in his diary on the evening of 9/11 that “the Pearl Harbor of the 21st century took place today.” See David Ray Griffin The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions About the Bush Administration and 9/11 (2nd ed., Northampton, MA: Olive Branch Press, 2004), p. xi.

31 In 2008 I wrote, in “The Unacknowledged Scandal of Electoral Fraud,” Humanist Perspectives 165 (Summer 2008): 11-16; available at, that the foundational right to vote and have one’s vote counted, and the right of a simple majority to remove from office a politician or party of whom they disapprove, “appear to have been lost in the United States…. And what of other rights? The Military Commissions Act, passed in September 2006 (and unchallenged since November 2006 by the new Democratic majority in Congress), permits the President to arbitrarily redefine American citizens as ‘enemy combatants,’ and subject them to arbitrary arrest, unconstrained interrogation, and indefinite imprisonment. Together with other Bush regime legislation passed since 2001, this act normalizes and makes permanent a state of exception which supersedes the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The country has entered—perhaps not irrevocably—a condition of yet-to-be-fully-activated fascism.”

32 Putin’s key statements at the 2016 St Petersburg International Economic Forum (and also at the 2007 Munich Security Conference) are available at (accessed 15 January 2018). Putin refrained from specifying the new Russian missile systems, but Western military intelligence agencies are aware of their reported capacities. The missiles include the rail- and container-mobile RS28 Sarmat ICBM and the RSM58 Bulava submarine-launched ICBM, the hypersonic (Mach 6 plus) Zircon missile, the Kalibr cruise missile (with a range of 2,500 km and a terminal velocity of Mach 2.9 in the anti-ship version), and the S400 and S500 air defence and anti-missile systems. Russia has also developed a long-range hyper-cavitating 100-knot torpedo capable of carrying out nuclear strikes against coastal cities.

33 Lapham, Gag Rule, p. 171.

34 Centre for Research on Globalization (26 December 2017),

35 “Lloyd Jowers,” Wikipedia (accessed 15 January 2018),

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Criticism of another country is largely allowed. Criticism of the constitution of a country by any individual may also be acceptable if constructive. Any government may also question the legislation of another country as long as it’s done within diplomatic standards and protocols. But making official pretentious and misleading statements, and using false arguments to then justify economic sanctions against another country, must be openly criticized. That behaviour becomes unethical when a group of a dozen countries in the American hemisphere, known as the Lima Group, takes it upon them to issue moral sanctions against Venezuela accusing it of “serious deterioration of democratic institutions” and “violation of the constitutional order” without a shred of evidence.

Those same countries, supposedly with intelligent heads of state, well-informed foreign ministers, experienced legislative institutions, supreme courts versed in legal matters, and the best legal brains at the UN and OAS, among other organizations, have not singled out one article of the Venezuelan constitution or other legislation that has been violated. Their announcements are just unproven statements that they use investing themselves with a pompous air of authority as reflected in official photos for their infamous posterity.

Case in point, last October 5 the group raised an unfounded alert and warned to “consider that the regional elections to be held on October 15 in Venezuela to elect governors must be held in a manner fully respectful of the Constitution and the Organic Law of Electoral Processes of that country.” There is no mention of which article of the law would not be respected. The elections were fully legitimate, uneventful and transparent. Four candidates of the opposition were elected to state governorships.

In the more recent statement of February 13, where the group says that Venezuela is not welcome at the 8th Summit of the Americas to take place in April in Lima, Peru, they insist on the issue of elections and “Urge the Government of Venezuela to reconsider the call for presidential elections.” A matter that is usually considered an internal decision, and in this particular case the Venezuelan opposition had agreed to before it refused to go along with it under international pressure.

In that same statement there seems to be an attempt to at least refer to an international legislation to justify its decision. Point 6 states

Given the continued and serious deterioration of democratic institutions in Venezuela, and based on the Quebec Declaration adopted at the III Summit of the Americas in 2001, which states that ‘…any unconstitutional alteration or interruption of the democratic order in a state of the Hemisphere constitutes an insurmountable obstacle to the participation of that state’s government in the Summit of the Americas process’, the Government of Peru has decided to reconsider the participation of the Government of Venezuela in the VIII Summit of the Americas, in Lima.”

Image result for Lima Group

Source: teleSUR

The quote of the Quebec Declaration refers to Chapter 4, Article 19 of the 2001 Inter-American Democratic Charter, which begins with the following sentence conveniently omitted in the previous quote: “Based on the principles of the Charter of the OAS and subject to its norms…”

Consequently, the Quebec Declaration does not supersede the OAS Charter. Therefore, the coincidentally equally numbered, Chapter 4, Article 19 of the OAS Charter stands fully. The article says:

No State or group of States has the right to intervene, directly or indirectly, for any reason whatever, in the internal or external affairs of any other State. The foregoing principle prohibits not only armed force but also any other form of interference or attempted threat against the personality of the State or against its political, economic, and cultural elements.”

This is the crucial article that the “Lima Group” chooses to break.

The “Lima Group” forgets that the OAS failed to apply the Democratic Charter for lack of the required votes to condemn Venezuela for “unconstitutional alteration or interruption of the democratic order.” It is important to highlight that the “Lima Group” is the minority group of countries that voted against Venezuela within the OAS and therefore decided to take their “show” on the road contravening the basic OAS Charter statute of no intervention or “any other form of interference”for any reason whatever.”

The decision to reconsider Venezuela’s participation at the Summit, therefore, collapses, and becomes a contradiction precisely of the same democratic institutional principle they try to represent and enforce. Eventually, we have learned that the final decision was not based on any legal principle, but as surrender to the pressure of the minority Venezuelan opposition that admitted to have lobbied Peru to ban Maduro from the upcoming Summit. A clear case of interference.

On the issue of deterioration of democratic institutions and violation of the constitutional order, it would be taking a cheap shot detailing the humiliating political recent histories of some of the countries in the “Lima Group”. Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Guatemala, Honduras, Paraguay, Peru, come immediately to mind. Similarly can be said on the issue of violations of human rights of which Venezuela is also unfairly accused.

In contrast to the Summit host country closing the door to prevent Venezuela from having the rightful opportunity to make its case with a group of peer countries in the region, Venezuela is opening the door to international acompañantes,More than to inspect, [to] be able to learn from the flawless electoral system we’ve built”, tweeted President Maduro.

For the sake of transparency, Venezuela has established two modalities to participate in the electoral process as a non-voter. One is acompañante (companion), which is reserved to international witnesses in order to get to know the specifics of the Venezuelan system, watch at polling stations, and even contribute to improvements, within the framework of respect and sovereignty of the country. Acompañante can be an electoral official of another country, a rep of an organization or an individual properly accredited by the National Electoral Council. The second modality is national observer, which is only reserved to Venezuelan individuals or organizations. Venezuela has already received international acompañantes in previous elections.

Interestingly, countries of the “Lima Group” that do not allow international observers at polls are Argentina, Brazil, Canada and Chile.

Image result for Lima Group summit

The ministers at the gathering of the Lima Group. (Source: El Pais)

In conclusion, the so-called Lima Group is a self-appointed group with an unconvincing single country focus: Venezuela. It was set up with a somewhat pretentious purpose of addressing “the critical situation in Venezuela and explore ways to contribute to the restoration of democracy in that country through a peaceful and negotiated solution; … with full respect for the norms of international law and the principle of non-intervention.” The whole existence of such a group is problematic. It has the immediate appearance of twelve countries ganging up on another, and so it is in reality. If for a moment we accept the intention of the group as stated, we observe a major gap between the intention and the practice.

Its declaration does not give any analysis of the possible causes of the “critical situation” except that there is a “breakdown of the democratic order.” That should be a conclusion following an investigation, but no legal or factual basis is provided to make that deduction. All the standard democratic processes are in place in Venezuela: free speech, freedom of the press, multi-party system, free and secret ballots.

The statements issued by the group reflect condemnation rather than contributions to the “restoration” of democracy in Venezuela. All the actions are punitive rather than negotiated solutions. Consider for example the series of accusatory declarations and votes called at the OAS to castigate Venezuela, or Canada’s vocal criticism of Venezuela on behalf of the “Lima Group”, or the more recent unsupported exclusion of Venezuela to the Summit in Lima.

The “Lima Group” has never responded to the repeated calls by the Maduro government to dialogue with the opposition while under way in the Dominican Republic, and offered negotiated solutions. On the contrary, the group has squarely sided with the Venezuelan, often violent, opposition. This is an aggressive attitude towards Venezuela rather than a position conducive to the proclaimed peaceful solutions. It is meant to force a sovereign country to their will.

Finally, we have indicated that the respect for the norms of international law is virtually non-existent, but a real breakdown is shown by the “Lima Group”, a breakdown of the principle of non-intervention as established by the OAS Charter. This is indicative of a more hidden, serious and dangerous agenda against Venezuela.

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“Iran brazenly violated Israel’s sovereignty,” stated Netanyahu on 10 February. “They dispatched an Iranian drone from Syrian territory into Israel.”

In response to this alleged reconnaissance drone, which the Israeli military characterized as a “serious Iranian attack on Israeli territory,” Israel promptly bombed twelve Syrian and Iranian targets in Syria.

A vagueness persists about the alleged drone. Iran stated the claim was “baseless” and “ridiculous.” The US called the drone “provocative.” Israel noted that it waited for the drone to enter its territory and “chose where to bring it down,” just ninety seconds later. Some sources indicate it was over Beit Shean, some say over the Golan. While the drone caused no damage, Israeli airstrikes killed six people.

At the Munich Security Conference a week later, Netanyahu underscored his indignation:

“[Iran’s] brazenness reached new heights, literally new heights. It sent a drone into Israeli territory, violating Israel’s sovereignty, threatening our security. We destroyed that drone and the control center that operated it from Syria.” He then portrayed Israel as the innocent victim under threat, characterising the alleged drone as an “act of aggression.”

Talk about brazen.

Let us recall that in August 2014 it was Israel’s drone that was shot down in Iranian territory. While Israeli media reported that the “device looks like a kind of UAV used by the Israeli military,” all sources agree with Reuters’ observation: “Israel has always declined comment on such accusations.” ­Did the Netanyahu-labelled “tyrants of Tehran” respond as Israel has just done? Did Iran retaliate by sending fighter jets into Israel? Absolutely not. Instead, Iran did what it was meant to do as a cooperative member of the international community. It verbally  condemned the affront; it reported it to the IAEA (INFCIRC/867) and to the UN Security Council (S/2014/641). The IAEA merely circulated the complaint to member states, and the world ignored the brazenness of Israel.

Let us recall that in August 2011 it was a US drone that was shot down in Iranian territory. Somehow this was not “provocative,” but was rather, as then-current and former officials said, “part of an increasingly aggressive intelligence collection program aimed at Iran,” encouraged by “public debate in Israel.” This 2011 drone is even flaunted in current Israeli media, noting the US “initially denied the incident but eventually acknowledged the loss.” A bit brazen, wouldn’t you say?

Let us recall Israel’s unconscionable use of air power, including drones, over Occupied Palestine. Seen as “near continual surveillance and intermittent death raining down from the sky,” its decades-long aerial persecution of the Palestinians epitomises brazenness.

Lastly, let us recall Lebanon. Since the 1960s, Israel has routinely occupied Lebanese skies. This flagrant defiance of international law is a matter of record. Lebanon has issued numerous formal complaints with the UN—to no avail. Lebanese skies are violated virtually daily by a combination of helicopters, reconnaissance aircraft, and two, four or eight Israeli warplanes. They fly through all regions of Lebanon, including over UNIFIL territory, over Beirut, and over the Ba‘abda Presidential Palace. The Israeli overflights might just spy, or they might create sonic booms, or they might fire flares, or they might fly round-the-clock shifts so that there are always one or two Israeli aircraft in the skies of Lebanon. Or they might fly through Lebanese airspace to bomb Syria.

A recent UN Security Council Report states:

“Israel continued to violate Lebanese airspace on a daily basis, in violation of resolution 1701 (2006) and Lebanese sovereignty. From 1 July to 30 October [2017], UNIFIL recorded 758 air violations, totalling 3,188 overflight hours, an increase of 80 per cent compared with the same period in 2016.”

This was, of course, despite the Security Council’s previously reiterated call for “Israel to cease immediately its overflights of Lebanese airspace.” But, then again, that call has been reiterated by the UN for decades. Extraordinary brazenness.

It has been argued that Israel should not be bound by Resolution 1701 because Hezbollah has remained armed. Such an argument is simply making excuses for Israel’s belligerent conduct. It should be noted that:

  • UN Resolutions do not subscribe to the all-or-none approach; they specify obligations to each party separately.
  • Israeli overflights in Lebanese airspace are in direct violation of the 1949 Armistice, which forbids Israel to “enter into or pass through the air space” of Lebanon, clarifying specifically “for any purpose whatsoever.”
  • Prior to the formation of the Hezbollah Resistance there were already 28 Security Council Resolutions condemning Israel’s aggressions against Lebanon. Since at least 1972—a decade before Hezbollah—UNSC Resolution 316 called on Israel specifically “to desist forthwith from any violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Lebanon.”
  • Resolution 1701 states that prohibitions on weaponry “shall not apply to arms, related material, training or assistance authorized by the Government of Lebanon or by UNIFIL.”  This authorization is indeed expressed, as is custom, in the 2016 Ministerial Statement of the Government, which emphasises the right of Lebanese citizens to resist the Israeli occupation and to respond to its aggression. As President Aoun, a former Army General, explained: “Hizbullah’s arms do not contradict with the State and are an essential component of the means to defend Lebanon.”

With 552 violations of Lebanese airspace in 2016, Israel has exhibited extreme brazenness. With 805 violations in the ten months of 2017 that have been officially reported, Israel has surely forfeited the right to stand in judgement. Fifty years of consistent air violations in Lebanon and Palestine. And Netanyahu calls Iran “brazen” for ninety seconds?


Brenda Heard is the founder of Friends of Lebanon UK. She is the author of Hezbollah: An Outsider’s Inside View (2015). She can be reached at [email protected].

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The Globalization of War: America’s “Long War” against Humanity

Michel Chossudovsky

The “globalization of war” is a hegemonic project. Major military and covert intelligence operations are being undertaken simultaneously in the Middle East, Eastern Europe, sub-Saharan Africa, Central Asia and the Far East. The U.S. military agenda combines both major theater operations as well as covert actions geared towards destabilizing sovereign states.

ISBN Number: 978-0-9737147-6-0
Year: 2015
Pages: 240 Pages

List Price: $22.95

Special Price: $15.00

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US Embassy Moving to Jerusalem on Israel’s Independence Day

February 25th, 2018 by Middle East Eye

The United States plans to move its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem on 14 May, the 70th anniversary of Israel’s independence, a US official confirmed on Friday.

In December, US President Donald Trump recognised Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, and signalled Washington’s intention to relocate its embassy. The move infuriated many of Washington’s Arab allies and dismayed Palestinians who see as East Jerusalem as the capital of their future state.

The US schedule for the move appears to have sped up: during his visit to Israel last month, Vice President Mike Pence said that the embassy would move by the end of 2019.

There are several possible sites for the new embassy. The most likely plan would be to locate the embassy at a US facility in Jerusalem’s south-eastern Talpiyot neighbourhood, currently used for consular affairs including passport and visa processing.


Officials said the US could initially retrofit a small suite of offices at the existing facility to accommodate current ambassador David Friedman and one or two top aides including his chief of staff.

That would allow the administration to hang an “embassy” sign over the door and formally open it in time for Israeli independence day on 14 May.

Israeli congratulations

Soon after US officials announced the May date, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that he is in contact with the US administration and will respond if and when an official American announcement is made on the planned embassy move to Jerusalem. Netanyahu is scheduled to visit the White House on 5 of March 5.

Israeli intelligence minister Yisrael Katz congratulated Trump in a tweet.

“There is no greater gift than that! The most just and correct move. Thanks friend!” Katz wrote.

Trump’s Jerusalem announcement was rejected by 128 nations in a vote in the UN General Assembly in late December.

The overwhelming vote came during a rare emergency meeting to ask nations not to establish diplomatic missions in the historic city of Jerusalem. Israel has illegally occupied East Jerusalem since 1967.

Trump’s announcement on 6 December led to ongoing waves of protests by Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza.

Nabil Abu Rdainah, a spokesman for the Palestinian Authority president, Mahmoud Abbas, said that

“this is an unacceptable step. Any unilateral move will not give legitimacy to anyone and will be an obstacle to any effort to create peace in the region.”

Abu Rdainah said that the “only way to achieve peace, security and stability” was Abbas’s proposal – outlined in his 20 February address to the United Nations Security Council in New York – that there should be an international conference to kick-start the stalled peace process with Israel, including a “multilateral mechanism” to oversee it.

Abbas is still in the United States after undergoing medical checks in Baltimore on 22 February, Abu Rdaineh said. He said the Palestinian leader would be leaving the United States on 24 February.

In Gaza, a Hamas official, Sami Abu Zuhri, said that

“moving the American embassy to Jerusalem is a declaration of war against the Arab and Muslim nation, and the US administration must reconsider its move”.

Clashes erupted in Gaza and the West Bank earlier on Friday, in a weekly protest against Trump’s stance on Jerusalem.

A spokesman for the Gaza health ministry said 25 Palestinians were wounded by Israeli live fire during clashes along the fence with Israel in Gaza.

Palestinian health officials said at least 20 Palestinians, most of them in Gaza, have been killed in protests against Trump’s decision since the 6 December announcement.

Federal Communications Commission (FCC) chair Ajit Pai‘s net neutrality repeal plan was finally published in the Federal Register on Thursday, but that doesn’t mean net neutrality is officially dead—in fact, as open internet defenders quickly observed in response to the news, the fight to save the web from the Republican-controlled FCC is just beginning.

With Pai’s deeply unpopular rule officially published, Congress now has 60 legislative days to pass a Congressional Review Act (CRA) resolution to restore net neutrality protections—an effort, led by Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.), that is one Republican vote away from the simple majority needed to pass the Senate.

“Now it’s officially go time, and the internet is gearing up for a hell of a fight,” Evan Greer, campaign director of Fight for the Future, said in a statement on Thursday. “The CRA is the clearest path to restore net neutrality protections that never should have been taken away in the first place. A vote is imminent, and every senator needs to decide right now whether they’re going to listen to their constituents or go down in history as having voted against the free and open internet.”

Opponents of Pai’s net neutrality repeal plan—which was approved in a party-line vote by the Republican-controlled FCC in December—will now also have 10 days to file lawsuits challenging the new rule.

As Common Dreams has reported, state attorneys general and advocacy groups have been lining up since the FCC’s vote to sue the agency and restore the net neutrality protections that prevented massive telecom companies from discriminating against or blocking web content. If Pai’s rule is kept in place, net neutrality protections will begin to unravel April 23.

“An open internet is absolutely essential to a functioning democracy, and we will fight to make sure that the people, not the special interests and their compliant FCC, have the final word on its future,” said Michael Copps, special adviser at Common Cause, one of the groups that is preparing to sue the FCC. “Common Cause and its allies are fighting all the way to oppose the FCC’s misguided actions and restore the net neutrality rules through all fronts, including litigation.”

In addition to prepping for legal battles, advocacy groups are also gearing up for a massive internet-wide protest set to take place next Tuesday.

Titled “Operation #OneMoreVote,” the demonstration is aimed at harnessing widespread public support for net neutrality and translating it into pressure on lawmakers who have yet to back Markey’s CRA.

“Internet users will be encouraged to sound the alarm on social media and sign up to receive alerts with their lawmaker’s position on net neutrality and prompts to take action on the big day, while websites, subreddits, and online communities will display prominent alerts driving phone calls, emails, and tweets to senators and representatives calling on them to pass the CRA,” Fight for the Future noted in a Medium post on Wednesday.

“Several senators have indicated that they are considering becoming the 51st vote we need to win, but they’re under huge pressure from telecom lobbyists,” the group added. “Only a massive burst of energy from the Internet will get them to move.”

If the CRA passes the Senate, it will then face an uphill battle in the House, where it will need 218 votes to make it to President Donald Trump‘s desk.

In a tweet on Thursday, Democratic FCC commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel expressed confidence that, with sustained public pressure, the open internet will ultimately overcome Pai’s corporate-friendly assault.


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In the light of recent reports pertaining to “unimaginable” levels of radiation emanating from Fukushima, we are reposting this I-Book on the Fukushima tragedy, which has been the object of media coverup and distortion. In the words of Dr. Helen Caldicott, “one millionth of a gram of plutonium, if inhaled can cause cancer”.  

Originally published in  January 2012, this study by Michel Chossudovsky confirms what is now unfolding, a Worldwide process of nuclear radiation.

Note to Readers: Remember to bookmark this page for future reference.

Please Forward the GR I-Book far and wide. Post it on Facebook.

[scroll down for I-BOOK Table of Contents]

Originally published in January 2012. The introduction of the I-Book is contained as a chapter in Michel Chossudovsky’s 2015 bestseller:  The Globalization of War, America’s Long War against Humanity, Global Research, Montreal 2015

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Fukushima: A Nuclear War without a War

The Unspoken Crisis of Worldwide Nuclear Radiation

Michel Chossudovsky (Editor)

I-Book No. 3, January 25  2012

Global Research’s Online Interactive I-Book Reader brings together, in the form of chapters, a collection of Global Research feature articles and videos, including debate and analysis, on a broad theme or subject matter. 

In this Interactive Online I-Book we bring to the attention of our readers an important collection of articles, reports and video material on the Fukushima nuclear catastrophe and its impacts (scroll down for the Table of Contents).

To consult our Online Interactive I-Book Reader Series, click here.


The World is at a critical crossroads. The Fukushima disaster in Japan has brought to the forefront the dangers of Worldwide nuclear radiation.

The crisis in Japan has been described as “a nuclear war without a war”. In the words of renowned novelist Haruki Murakami:

“This time no one dropped a bomb on us … We set the stage, we committed the crime with our own hands, we are destroying our own lands, and we are destroying our own lives.”

Nuclear radiation –which threatens life on planet earth– is not front page news in comparison to the most insignificant issues of public concern, including the local level crime scene or the tabloid gossip reports on Hollywood celebrities.

While the long-term repercussions of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster are yet to be fully assessed, they are far more serious than those pertaining to the 1986 Chernobyl disaster in the Ukraine, which resulted in almost one million deaths (New Book Concludes – Chernobyl death toll: 985,000, mostly from cancer Global Research, September 10, 2010, See also Matthew Penney and Mark Selden  The Severity of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster: Comparing Chernobyl and Fukushima, Global Research, May 25, 2011)

Moreover, while all eyes were riveted on the Fukushima Daiichi plant, news coverage both in Japan and internationally failed to fully acknowledge the impacts of a second catastrophe at TEPCO’s (Tokyo Electric Power Co  Inc) Fukushima Daini nuclear power plant.

The shaky political consensus both in Japan, the U.S. and Western Europe is that the crisis at Fukushima has been contained.

The realties, however, are otherwise. Fukushima 3 was leaking unconfirmed amounts of plutonium. According to Dr. Helen Caldicott, “one millionth of a gram of plutonium, if inhaled can cause cancer”.  

An opinion poll in May 2011 confirmed that more than 80 per cent of the Japanese population do not believe the government’s information regarding the nuclear crisis. (quoted in Sherwood Ross, Fukushima: Japan’s Second Nuclear Disaster, Global Research, November 10, 2011)

The Impacts in Japan

The Japanese government has been obliged to acknowledge that “the severity rating of its nuclear crisis … matches that of the 1986 Chernobyl disaster”. In a bitter irony, however, this tacit admission by the Japanese authorities has proven to been part of  the cover-up of a significantly larger catastrophe, resulting in a process of global nuclear radiation and contamination:

“While Chernobyl was an enormous unprecedented disaster, it only occurred at one reactor and rapidly melted down. Once cooled, it was able to be covered with a concrete sarcophagus that was constructed with 100,000 workers. There are a staggering 4400 tons of nuclear fuel rods at Fukushima, which greatly dwarfs the total size of radiation sources at Chernobyl.” ( Extremely High Radiation Levels in Japan: University Researchers Challenge Official Data, Global Research, April 11, 2011)

Fukushima in the wake of the Tsunami, March 2011

Worldwide Contamination

The dumping of highly radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean constitutes a potential trigger to a process of global radioactive contamination. Radioactive elements have not only been detected in the food chain in Japan, radioactive rain water has been recorded in California:

“Hazardous radioactive elements being released in the sea and air around Fukushima accumulate at each step of various food chains (for example, into algae, crustaceans, small fish, bigger fish, then humans; or soil, grass, cow’s meat and milk, then humans). Entering the body, these elements – called internal emitters – migrate to specific organs such as the thyroid, liver, bone, and brain, continuously irradiating small volumes of cells with high doses of alpha, beta and/or gamma radiation, and over many years often induce cancer”. (Helen Caldicott, Fukushima: Nuclear Apologists Play Shoot the Messenger on Radiation, The Age,  April 26, 2011)

While the spread of radiation to the West Coast of North America was casually acknowledged, the early press reports (AP and Reuters) “quoting diplomatic sources” stated that only “tiny amounts of radioactive particles have arrived in California but do not pose a threat to human health.”

“According to the news agencies, the unnamed sources have access to data from a network of measuring stations run by the United Nations’ Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Organization. …

… Greg Jaczko, chair of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, told White House reporters on Thursday (March 17) that his experts “don’t see any concern from radiation levels that could be harmful here in the United States or any of the U.S. territories”.



The spread of radiation. March 2011

Public Health Disaster. Economic Impacts

What prevails is a well organized camouflage. The public health disaster in Japan, the contamination of water, agricultural land and the food chain, not to mention the broader economic and social implications, have neither been fully acknowledged nor addressed in a comprehensive and meaningful fashion by the Japanese authorities.

Japan as a nation state has been destroyed. Its landmass and territorial waters are contaminated. Part of the country is uninhabitable. High levels of radiation have been recorded in the Tokyo metropolitan area, which has a population of  39 million (2010) (more than the population of Canada, circa 34 million (2010)) There are indications that the food chain is contaminated throughout Japan:

Radioactive cesium exceeding the legal limit was detected in tea made in a factory in Shizuoka City, more than 300 kilometers away from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. Shizuoka Prefecture is one of the most famous tea producing areas in Japan.

A tea distributor in Tokyo reported to the prefecture that it detected high levels of radioactivity in the tea shipped from the city. The prefecture ordered the factory to refrain from shipping out the product. After the accident at the Fukushima nuclear power plant, radioactive contamination of tea leaves and processed tea has been found over a wide area around Tokyo. (See 5 More Companies Detect Radiation In Their Tea Above Legal Limits Over 300 KM From Fukushima, June 15, 2011)

Japan’s industrial and manufacturing base is prostrate. Japan is no longer a leading industrial power. The country’s exports have plummeted. The Tokyo government has announced its first trade deficit since 1980.

While the business media has narrowly centered on the impacts of power outages and energy shortages on the pace of productive activity, the broader issue pertaining to the outright radioactive contamination of the country’s infrastructure and industrial base is a “scientific taboo” (i.e the radiation of industrial plants, machinery and equipment, buildings, roads, etc). A report released in January 2012 points to the nuclear contamination of building materials used in the construction industry, in cluding roads and residential buildings throughout Japan.(See  FUKUSHIMA: Radioactive Houses and Roads in Japan. Radioactive Building Materials Sold to over 200 Construction Companies, January 2012)

A “coverup report” by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (May 2011), entitled Economic Impact of the Great East Japan Earthquake and Current Status of Recovery  presents “Economic Recovery” as a fait accompli. It also brushes aside the issue of radiation. The impacts of nuclear radiation on the work force and the country’s industrial base are not mentioned. The report states that the distance between Tokyo -Fukushima Dai-ichi  is of the order of 230 km (about 144 miles) and that the levels of radiation in Tokyo are lower than in Hong Kong and New York City.(Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Impact of the Great East Japan Earthquake and Current Status of Recovery, p.15). This statement is made without corroborating evidence and in overt contradiction with independent radiation readings in Tokyo (se map below). In recent developments, Sohgo Security Services Co. is launching a lucrative “radiation measurement service targeting households in Tokyo and four surrounding prefectures”.

A map of citizens’ measured radiation levels shows radioactivity is distributed in a complex pattern reflecting the mountainous terrain and the shifting winds across a broad area of Japan north of Tokyo which is in the center of the of bottom of the map.”

SOURCE: Science Magazine

“Radiation limits begin to be exceeded at just above 0.1 microsieverts/ hour blue. Red is about fifty times the civilian radiation limit at 5.0 microsieverts/hour. Because children are much more sensitive than adults, these results are a great concern for parents of young children in potentially affected areas.”

The fundamental question is whether the vast array of industrial goods and components “Made in Japan” — including hi tech components, machinery, electronics, motor vehicles, etc — and exported Worldwide are contaminated? Were this to be the case, the entire East and Southeast Asian industrial base –which depends heavily on Japanese components and industrial technology– would be affected. The potential impacts on international trade would be farreaching. In this regard, in January, Russian officials confiscated irradiated Japanese automobiles and autoparts in the port of Vladivostok for sale in the Russian Federation. Needless to say, incidents of this nature in a global competitive environment, could lead to the demise of the Japanese automobile industry which is already in crisis.

While most of the automotive industry is in central Japan, Nissan’s engine factory in Iwaki city is 42 km from the Fukushima Daiichi plant. Is the Nissan work force affected? Is the engine plant contaminated? The plant is within about 10 to 20 km of the government’s “evacuation zone” from which some 200,000 people were evacuated (see map below).

Nuclear Energy and Nuclear War

The crisis in Japan has also brought into the open the unspoken relationship between nuclear energy and nuclear war.

Nuclear energy is not a civilian economic activity. It is an appendage of the nuclear weapons industry which is controlled by the so-called defense contractors. The powerful corporate interests behind nuclear energy and nuclear weapons overlap.

In Japan at the height of the disaster, “the nuclear industry and government agencies [were] scrambling to prevent the discovery of atomic-bomb research facilities hidden inside Japan’s civilian nuclear power plants”.1  (See Yoichi Shimatsu, Secret Weapons Program Inside Fukushima Nuclear Plant? Global Research,  April 12, 2011)

It should be noted that the complacency of both the media and the governments to the hazards of nuclear radiation pertains to the nuclear energy industry as well as to to use of nuclear weapons. In both cases, the devastating health impacts of nuclear radiation are casually denied. Tactical nuclear weapons with an explosive capacity of up to six times a Hiroshima bomb are labelled by the Pentagon as “safe for the surrounding civilian population”.

No concern has been expressed at the political level as to the likely consequences of a US-NATO-Israel attack on Iran, using “safe for civilians” tactical nuclear weapons against a non-nuclear state.

Such an action would result in “the unthinkable”: a nuclear holocaust over a large part of the Middle East and Central Asia. A nuclear nightmare, however, would occur even if nuclear weapons were not used. The bombing of Iran’s nuclear facilities using conventional weapons would contribute to unleashing another Fukushima type disaster with extensive radioactive fallout. (For further details See Michel Chossudovsky, Towards a World War III Scenario, The Dangers of Nuclear War, Global Research, Montreal, 2011)

The Online Interactive I-Book Reader on Fukushima: A Nuclear War without a War

In view of the official cover-up and media disinformation campaign, the contents of the articles and video reports in this Online Interactive Reader have not trickled down to to the broader public. (See Table of contents below)

This Online Interactive Reader on Fukushima contains a combination of analytical and scientific articles, video reports as well as shorter news reports and corroborating data.

Part I focusses on The Fukushima Nuclear Disaster: How it Happened? Part II  pertains to The Devastating Health and Social Impacts in Japan. Part III  centers on the “Hidden Nuclear Catastrophe”, namely the cover-up by the Japanese government and the corporate media. Part IV focusses on the issue of  Worlwide Nuclear Radiation and Part V reviews the Implications of the Fukushima disaster for the Global Nuclear Energy Industry.

In the face of ceaseless media disinformation, this Global Research Online I-Book on the dangers of global nuclear radiation is intended to break the media vacuum and raise public awareness, while also pointing to the complicity of  the governments, the media and the nuclear industry.

We call upon our readers to spread the word.

We invite university, college and high school teachers to make this Interactive Reader on Fukushima available to their students.

Michel Chossudovsky, January 25, 2012

Towards a World War III Scenario: The Dangers of Nuclear War

Michel Chossudovsky

“In a world where engineered, pre-emptive, or more fashionably “humanitarian” wars of aggression have become the norm, this challenging book may be our final wake-up call.” –Denis Halliday, Former Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations

Following the highly acclaimed 2012 release of the latest book by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky, “Towards a World War III Scenario: The Dangers of Nuclear War“.  

Click here to order directly from Global Research.

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The Fukushima Nuclear Disaster: How it Happened

The Fukushima Nuclear Disaster: What Happened on “Day One”?
– by Yoichi Shimatsu – 2011-04-16
Fukushima is the greatest nuclear and environmental disaster in human history
– by Steven C. Jones – 2011-06-20

Nuclear Apocalypse in Japan
Lifting the Veil of Nuclear Catastrophe and cover-up
– by Keith Harmon Snow – 2011-03-18

Humanity now faces a deadly serious challenge coming out of Japan — the epicenter of radiation.

VIDEO: Full Meltdown? Japan Maximum Nuclear Alert
Watch now on GRTV
-by Christopher Busby- 2011-03-30

Fukushima: Japan’s Second Nuclear Disaster

– by Sherwood Ross – 2011-11-10

Secret Weapons Program Inside Fukushima Nuclear Plant?
U.S.-Japan security treaty fatally delayed nuclear workers’ fight against meltdown
– by Yoichi Shimatsu – 2011-04-12

The specter of self-destruction can be ended only with the abrogation of the U.S.-Japan security treaty, the root cause of the secrecy that fatally delayed the nuclear workers’ fight against meltdown.

Fukushima: “China Syndrome Is Inevitable” … “Huge Steam Explosions”
“Massive Hydrovolcanic Explosion” or a “Nuclear Bomb-Type Explosion” May Occur
– by Washington’s Blog – 2011-11-22

Accident at Second Japanese Nuclear Complex: The Nuclear Accident You Never Heard About

– by Washington’s Blog – 2012-01-12

VIDEO: New TEPCO Photographs Substantiate Significant Damage to Fukushima Unit 3
Latest report now on GRTV
– by Arnie Gundersen – 2011-10-20


The Devastating Health and Social Impacts in Japan

VIDEO: Surviving Japan: A Critical Look at the Nuclear Crisis
Learn more about this important new documentary on GRTV
– by Chris Noland – 2012-01-23

Fukushima and the Battle for Truth
Large sectors of the Japanese population are accumulating significant levels of internal contamination
– by Paul Zimmerman – 2011-09-27

FUKUSHIMA: Public health Fallout from Japanese Quake
“Culture of cover-up” and inadequate cleanup. Japanese people exposed to “unconscionable” health risks
– by Canadian Medical Association Journal – 2011-12-30

FUKUSHIMA: Radioactive Houses and Roads in Japan. Radioactive Building Materials Sold to over 200 Construction Companies

– 2012-01-16

VIDEO: Cancer Risk To Young Children Near Fukushima Daiichi Underestimated
Watch this important new report on GRTV
– by Arnie Gundersen – 2012-01-19

VIDEO: The Results Are In: Japan Received Enormous Exposures of Radiation from Fukushima
Important new video now on GRTV
– by Arnie Gundersen, Marco Kaltofen – 2011-11-07

The Tears of Sanriku (三陸の涙). The Death Toll for the Great East Japan Earthquake Nuclear Disaster

– by Jim Bartel – 2011-10-31

The Severity of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster: Comparing Chernobyl and Fukushima

– by Prof. Matthew Penney, Prof. Mark Selden – 2011-05-24

Uncertainty about the long-term health effects of radiation

Radioactivity in Food: “There is no safe level of radionuclide exposure, whether from food, water or other sources. Period,” – by Physicians For Social Responsibility – 2011-03-23

71,000 people in the city next to the Fukushima nuclear plant “We’ve Been Left to Die” – 2011-03-19

Tokyo Water Unsafe For Babies, Food Bans Imposed – by Karyn Poupee – 2011-03-23



Hidden Nuclear Catastrophe: Cover-up by the Japanese Government and the Corporate Media

VIDEO: Japanese Government Insiders Reveal Fukushima Secrets
GRTV Behind the Headlines now online
– by James Corbett – 2011-10-06

Fukushima and the Mass Media Meltdown
The Repercussions of a Pro-Nuclear Corporate Press
– by Keith Harmon Snow – 2011-06-20

Scandal: Japan Forces Top Official To Retract Prime Minister’s Revelation Fukushima Permanently Uninhabitable

– by Alexander Higgins – 2011-04-18

Emergency Special Report: Japan’s Earthquake, Hidden Nuclear Catastrophe
– by Yoichi Shimatsu – 2011-03-13

The tendency to deny systemic errors – “in order to avoid public panic” – is rooted in the determination of an entrenched Japanese bureaucracy to protect itself…

VIDEO: Fukushima: TEPCO Believes Mission Accomplished & Regulators Allow Radioactive Dumping in Tokyo Bay
Learn more on GRTV
– by Arnie Gundersen – 2012-01-11

The Dangers of Radiation: Deconstructing Nuclear Experts
– by Chris Busby – 2011-03-31

“The nuclear industry is waging a war against humanity.” This war has now entered an endgame which will decide the survival of the human race.

Engineers Knew Fukushima Might Be Unsafe, But Covered It Up …
And Now the Extreme Vulnerabilty of NEW U.S. Plants Is Being Covered Up
– by Washington’s Blog – 2011-11-12

COVERUP: Are Fukushima Reactors 5 and 6 In Trouble Also?
– by Washington’s Blog – 2011-11-14

Fukushima’s Owner Adds Insult to Injury – Claims Radioactive Fallout Isn’t Theirs

– by John LaForge – 2012-01-17


The Process of Worldwide Nuclear Radiation

VIDEO: Japan’s Nuclear Crisis: The Dangers of Worldwide Radiation

– by Dr. Helen Caldicott – 2012-01-25

An Unexpected Mortality Increase in the US Follows Arrival of Radioactive Plume from Fukushima, Is there a Correlation?
– by Dr. Joseph J. Mangano, Dr. Janette Sherman – 2011-12-20

In the US, Following the Fukushima fallout, samples of radioactivity in precipitation, air, water, and milk, taken by the U.S. government, showed levels hundreds of times above normal…

Radioactive Dust From Japan Hit North America 3 Days After Meltdown
But Governments “Lied” About Meltdowns and Radiation
– by Washington’s Blog – 2011-06-24

VIDEO: Fukushima Will Be Radiating Everyone for Centuries
New report now on GRTV
– by Michio Kaku, Liz Hayes – 2011-08-23

Fukushima: Diseased Seals in Alaska tested for Radiation

– 2011-12-29

Radiation Spreads to France

– by Washington’s Blog – 2011-11-15

Radioactive rain causes 130 schools in Korea to close — Yet rain in California had 10 TIMES more radioactivity


Implications for the Global Nuclear Energy Industry


Science with a Skew: The Nuclear Power Industry After Chernobyl and Fukushima
– by Gayle Greene – 2012-01-26

After Fukushima: Enough Is Enough

– by Helen Caldicott – 2011-12-05

VIDEO: Radiation Coverups Confirmed: Los Alamos, Fort Calhoun, Fukushima, TSA
New Sunday Report now on GRTV
– by James Corbett – 2011-07-04

VIDEO: Why Fukushima Can Happen Here: What the NRC and Nuclear Industry Don’t Want You to Know
Watch now on GRTV
– by Arnie Gundersen, David Lochbaum – 2011-07-12

VIDEO: Safety Problems in all Reactors Designed Like Fukushima
Learn more on GRTV
– by Arnie Gundersen – 2011-09-26

VIDEO: Proper Regulation of Nuclear Power has been Coopted Worldwide
Explore the issues on GRTV
– by Arnie Gundersen – 2011-10-05

VIDEO: New Nuclear Reactors Do Not Consider Fukushima Design Flaws
Find out more on GRTV
– by Arnie Gundersen – 2011-11-24

Nuclear Energy: Profit Driven Industry
“Nuclear Can Be Safe Or It Can Be Cheap … But It Can’t Be Both”
– by Washington’s Blog – 2011-12-23

VIDEO: Fukushima and the Fall of the Nuclear Priesthood
Watch the new GRTV Feature Interview
– by Arnie Gundersen – 2011-10-22

Why is there a Media Blackout on Nuclear Incident at Fort Calhoun in Nebraska?

– by Patrick Henningsen – 2011-06-23

Startling Revelations about Three Mile Island Disaster Raise Doubts Over Nuke Safety

– by Sue Sturgis – 2011-07-24

Radioactive Leak at Fort Calhoun Nuclear Power Station

– by Rady Ananda – 2011-07-01

VIDEO: US vs Japan: The Threat of Radiation Speculation
Dangerous double standards examined on GRTV
– by Arnie Gundersen – 2011-06-25

Additional articles and videos on Fukushima and Nuclear Radiation are available at Global Research’s Dossier on The Environment


 Nuclear Radiation: Categorization

At Fukushima, reports confirm that alpha, beta, gamma particles and neutrons have been released:

“While non-ionizing radiation and x-rays are a result of electron transitions in atoms or molecules, there are three forms of ionizing radiation that are a result of activity within the nucleus of an atom.  These forms of nuclear radiation are alpha particles (α-particles), beta particles (β-particles) and gamma rays (γ-rays).

Alpha particles are heavy positively charged particles made up of two protons and two neutrons.  They are essentially a helium nucleus and are thus represented in a nuclear equation by either α or .  See the Alpha Decay page for more information on alpha particles.

Beta particles come in two forms:  and  particles are just electrons that have been ejected from the nucleus.  This is a result of sub-nuclear reactions that result in a neutron decaying to a proton.  The electron is needed to conserve charge and comes from the nucleus.  It is not an orbital electron.  particles are positrons ejected from the nucleus when a proton decays to a neutron.  A positron is an anti-particle that is similar in nearly all respects to an electron, but has a positive charge.  See the Beta Decay page for more information on beta particles.

Gamma rays are photons of high energy electromagnetic radiation (light).  Gamma rays generally have the highest frequency and shortest wavelengths in the electromagnetic spectrum.  There is some overlap in the frequencies of gamma rays and x-rays; however, x-rays are formed from electron transitions while gamma rays are formed from nuclear transitions. See the Gamma Rays  for more” (SOURCE: Canadian Nuclear Association)

A neutron is a particle that is found in the nucleus, or center, of atoms. It has a mass very close to protons, which also reside in the nucleus of atoms. Together, they make up almost all of the mass of individual atoms. Each has a mass of about 1 amu, which is roughly 1.6×10-27kg. Protons have a positive charge and neutrons have no charge, which is why they were more difficult to discover.” (SOURCE: Neutron Radiation)

“Many different radioactive isotopes are used in or are produced by nuclear reactors. The most important of these are described below:

1. Uranium 235 (U-235) is the active component of most nuclear reactor fuel.

2. Plutonium (Pu-239) is a key nuclear material used in modern nuclear weapons and is also present as a by-product in certain reprocessed fuels used in some nuclear reactors. Pu-239 is also produced in uranium reactors as a byproduct of fission of U-235.

3. Cesium (Cs-137 ) is a fission product of U-235. It emits beta and gamma radiation and can cause radiation sickness and death if exposures are high enough. …

4. Iodine 131 (I-131), also a fission product of U-235, emits beta and gamma radiation. After inhalation or ingestion, it is absorbed by and concentrated in the thyroid gland, where its beta radiation damages nearby thyroid tissue  (SOURCE: Amesh A. Adalja, MD, Eric S. Toner, MD, Anita Cicero, JD, Joseph Fitzgerald, MS, MPH, and Thomas V. Inglesby MD, Radiation at Fukushima: Basic Issues and Concepts, March 31, 2011)

Michel Chossudovsky is an award-winning author, Professor of Economics (Emeritus) at the University of Ottawa. He is the Founder and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), Montreal and Editor of the website. He is the author of The Globalization of Poverty and The New World Order (2003) and America’s “War on Terrorism”(2005). His most recent book is entitled Towards a World War III Scenario: The Dangers of Nuclear War (2011). He has taught as Visiting Professor at universities in Western Europe, South East Asia, Latin America and The Pacific, acted as adviser to governments of developing countries and as a consultant to several international organizations. Prof. Chossudovsky is a signatory of the Kuala Lumpur declaration to criminalize war and recipient of the Human Rights Prize of the Society for the Protection of Civil Rights and Human Dignity (GBM), Berlin, Germany. He is also a contributor to the Encyclopaedia Britannica. His writings have been published in more than twenty languages.

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Towards a World War III Scenario
The Dangers of Nuclear War

by Michel Chossudovsky



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Next Stage of Net Neutrality Conflict Begins

February 25th, 2018 by Kevin Zeese

On Thursday, the FCC’s net neutrality rule was published in the Federal Register. This was the official start of the next phase of the campaign to protect the open Internet as a common carrier with equal access for all and without prejudice based on content (net neutrality).

There are multiple fronts of struggle to make net neutrality a reality: Congress, the courts, states and communities. This is part of a campaign to create an Internet for the 21st Century that is fast, reliable and available in all communities.

Polls show widespread support for net neutrality. Last year, polling found 77% of people in the UniteS States “support keeping the net neutrality rules, which are already in place” and 87% agree that “people should be able to access any websites they want on the internet, without any blocking, slowing down, or throttling by their internet service providers.” The FCC’s net neutrality rule does the opposite of the national consensus, and if members of Congress want support from Internet users, they need to reverse the FCC’s rule.

Tech Policy Poll conducted by Civis Analytics, 2,475 adults, June 22-23, 2017.
Open Internet Survey conducted by Republican consulting firm IMGE and
commissioned by INCOMPAS, 1,502 registered voters between June 26-29, 2017.
Net Neutrality Survey conducted by Ipsos and commissioned by Mozilla, 1,008 adults, May 24-25, 2017.

Repeal the FCC Anti-Net Neutrality Order In Congress

Under the Congressional Review Act (CRA), Congress can reject a federal agency’s decision. The net neutrality movement has 60 legislative days to push Congress to reverse the FCC’s order and return net neutrality rules that reclassified the Internet under Title II of the Federal Communications Act. Title II classification ensured the Internet was a common carrier with equal access for all. The movement is working in both bodies of Congress to put elected officials on record for their positions so they can be held accountable.

Net neutrality proponents have been organizing for a Resolution of Disapproval under the CRA since the FCC announced its decision last December. There are already enough co-sponsors to ensure a vote in the Senate, but we are one vote away from victory. Right now all Senate Democrats, both independents, Senators Bernie Sanders (VT) and Angus King (ME), and one Republican, Susan Collins (ME), have agreed to vote for the resolution. This has the Senate in a tie, which would be broken by Vice President Mike Pence.  There are several possible Republicans, e.g.  Sen. John Kennedy (LA), Sen. Lisa Murkowski (AK), Sen. Dean Heller (NV), Sen. Dan Sullivan (AK), Sen. Cory Gardner (CO), and Sen. John McCain (AZ), who might join Collins in opposing the FCC rule.

Next Tuesday, February 27, the Internet coalition has organized a #OneMoreVote national day of action. Go to Battle for the Net’s #OneMoreVote campaign to encourage your Senator to get behind the CRA. There will be a rally for the #OneMoveVote campaign outside the Senate in Washington, DC as part of the national day of action.

The Internet Service Providers’ position is being advocated for by the right wing group, Freedom Works, who defends the FCC’s repeal of net neutrality. They will be holding a day of action on Monday. They are taking the CRA challenge seriously and can no longer ignore us.

There has also been organizing in the US House of Representatives. On January 16, Representative Mike Doyle (PA-14) unveiled the names of 82 original cosponsors of his CRA resolution. Including Doyle, the list totals 83 and includes House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi. A majority of House members are needed to move forward.

This movement intends to make net neutrality an issue in the 2018 election. Republicans, in particular, are worried about a Trump-caused election against them, resulting in large numbers of retirements. Voters across the political spectrum support net neutrality. Republicans need to join the national consensus or pay a political price.

After we succeed in both Chambers, President Trump will need to decide if he is with the people or the telecoms. If we are successful in both Houses of Congress, we will have built a lot of political power that will be dangerous for Trump to ignore.

Net Neutrality in the Courts

The publication of the FCC rule repealing net neutrality also restarts litigation to challenge the FCC rule, which seeks an injunction to stop the rule from being implemented. State attorneys general, public interest groups and internet companies are all taking legal action in the US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit. The goal is for the FCC rule to be remanded for reconsideration and for it to be enjoined pending the outcome of the litigation. Courts tend to favor federal agencies, but we have a strong case.

The central arguments will be that the FCC’s action was arbitrary and capricious and abuse of their discretion by  reversing net neutrality rules. Further, the FCC misinterpreted and disregarded critical evidence on industry practices, and their decision will harm consumers and businesses. In addition, the procedures followed by the FCC violated the Administrative Procedures Act.

Over the next ten days, lawsuits will be filed by several net neutrality advocacy groups. Those that have filed or pledged to do so include Free PressPublic Knowledge and the Open Technology Institute. In addition, 22 states and the District of Columbia have refiled their lawsuits against the FCC to restore its original rules. Mozilla and Vimeo have also filed suit to protect net neutrality.

Source: Muni Networks,

Net Neutrality in States and Local Communities

The campaign for net neutrality is also working at the state and local level. In more than half of the states, net neutrality protections are moving forward.

In CaliforniaHawaiiNew YorkMontana and Vermont legislation is in the works that would preserve internet neutrality. The FCC’s new rule says states are not allowed to pass their own net neutrality laws, but many are trying to do so with various legal workarounds. It is likely these state and local actions will require litigation to be put into place.

Governors are also working to protect net neutrality. The first governor to act was Montana’s Steve Bullock. Now governors in Vermont, Hawaii, New Jersey and New York have signed executive orders requiring their states to only do business with internet providers that abide by net neutrality rules.

And there is activity at the community level. A new map from Community Networks shows that more communities than ever are building their own broadband networks to end big telecom’s monopoly. They range from large networks in Chattanooga, Tennessee to small town networks connecting a few local businesses. The map includes more than 750 communities as of January 2018, including 55 publicly-owned municipal networks serving 108 communities, 76 communities with publicly-owned cable networks reaching most or all of the community, and 258 communities served by rural electric cooperatives, among others. Nineteen states have barriers in place that discourage or prevent local communities from creating publicly-owned local networks.

People Will Ensure the Internet Serves Us All Equally

The paths we are on in the courts, Congress and the states are challenging, but every step this campaign takes builds the political power of the Internet equality movement. The Internet movement is never going to give up on its demand for net neutrality, as well as related issues of equal access to high quality broadband for all, no matter your level of wealth or income.

We need to build an Internet for the 21st Century. The reign of FCC Chairman Ajit Pai will be seen as an era of regression. In the end, we will strive for the country to recognize access to high quality Internet is a human right and a public good. Pai’s backward steps will be used to launch us to an even stronger future where we create a public broadband system that serves people, not corporate profits. Join our Internet campaign Protect Our Internet and take action today at Battle for the Net.

As we discussed in our radio show with two top experts on Internet issues, the failure to treat the Internet as a common carrier violates legal principles going back before the founding of the United States. The ideas that the mail was a common carrier or that public transit treated everyone equally are the root concepts for net neutrality. We need to continue to build power to ensure Internet access is seen as a human right and a tool of free speech with equal access for all.


Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers are co-directors of Popular Resistance where this article was originally published.

All images in this article are from the authors.

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President Serzh Sargsyan told the audience at last weekend’s Munich Security Conference that his landlocked state was striving to become the pivotal ‘land-linked’ component of an ambitious plan to connect the Black Sea and Persian Gulf through an Armenian-transiting corridor, which is to his country’s supreme strategic interest but would undoubtedly affect the geopolitical situation in this sensitive region. For starters, this initiative would divert some of the traffic from the multimodal North-South Transport Corridor between Russia and India by cutting Baku and Moscow out of the equation when it comes to facilitating EU-Indian trade along this route, essentially replacing them with Yerevan and Tbilisi and charting a branch corridor to the Black Sea that could then lead to the bloc’s southeastern Balkan members.

Of relevance, Armenia just signed the so-called “Comprehensive & Enhanced Partnership Agreement” with Brussels despite its existing membership in the Russian-led Eurasian Economic Union, though the South Caucasian state asserts that its two institutional obligations are not incompatible. In any case, the consequences of Armenia’s Black Sea-Persian Gulf corridor plans would be disadvantageous to Russia’s strategic interests, which calls into question why Moscow’s mutual military defense ally would engage in such a policy even if it doesn’t intend to siphon off EU-Indian trade from Russia. The answer can be found in the competing “deep state” factions vying for control of Armenia, which can be divided into the pro-Eurasian integrationalists and the pro-Western obstructionists that operate as the proxies of the powerful Moscow and Californian diaspora communities, respectively.

About the second-mentioned group, they’re so pro-American that the influential “Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA)” recently implored Washington not to sell any more military equipment to Turkey on the fear mongered grounds that “Turkey may leak highly classified F-35 technology to…Russia”, so it’s little wonder then why some have suspected them of backing the anti-Russian Color Revolution attempts in their homeland back in 2015 and 2016. What both camps have in common, however, is the uncomfortable feeling that they have towards Russia’s newly pragmatic approach to Nagorno-Karabakh which emphasizes the primacy of international law and is therefore thought in a “zero-sum” way to be to the benefit of their Azeri adversaries. It’s due to this disagreement with Russia’s tacit policy shift that Armenia has sought to “hedge its bets” by reaching out to the West lately in order to “counterbalance” Moscow.

Yerevan’s plans for constructing the Black Sea-Persian Gulf corridor should therefore be seen in this context, since there’s no getting around the fact that the successful completion of this project would indirectly impact on Moscow’s interests as well, whether this is a deliberate outcome or an unwitting one. It’ll still take some time for this idea to become a reality, if at all, but it could end up being attractive to all cooperating parties, especially Iran and India if they decide to play “hardball” with Russia in response to its newfound “balancing” relations with their Israeli and Pakistani nemeses and thus take steps to cut it out of the North-South Transportation Corridor with Europe.

Proposed railway links between Armenia and Iran

Proposed railway links between Armenia and Iran

The post presented is the partial transcript of the CONTEXT COUNTDOWN radio program on Sputnik News, aired on Friday Feb 23, 2018:


This article was originally published by Oriental Review.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare.

All images in this article are from the author.

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How the NSA Can Greatly Reduce Mass School Shootings

February 25th, 2018 by Washington's Blog

Instead of spying on Americans to crush dissentconsolidate power, or gather sensitive information for blackmail, the NSA could actually do something useful.

The NSA could reduce the number of mass shootings using existing technology and resources.

Remember, virtually all school shooters are males in their teens or early twenties.

And the New York Times reports that most school shooters leave numerous public clues about their intentions before the shooting … and most are obsessed with reading about prior school shootings:

Studies have shown, for example, that in school shootings, the killers virtually always “leak” their intentions, leaving a trail of clues behind them. Nikolas Cruz, the 19-year-old who the police said has confessed in the Parkland shooting, apparently was no exception: Students reportedly avoided him and joked that if anyone were going to shoot up the school, it would be him.

Researchers have also found that in many, if not most, cases of school violence, the perpetrator has done extensive research on previous school shootings, studying them in detail, often with special attention to the killings at Columbine High School in 1999. A study of nine school shootings in Europe conducted by J. Reid Meloy, a forensic psychologist in San Diego who consults on threat assessment for schools and corporations, found that a third of the killers had “consciously imitated and emulated what had happened in Columbine.”

Elizabeth Englander, Professor of Psychology, and the Director of the Massachusetts Aggression Reduction Center (MARC), Bridgewater State University, writes:

Technology may challenge kids’ social development, but it can also be harnessed for good. Anonymous reporting systems – perhaps text-message based – can make it easier for parents and students to alert law enforcement and school counselors to kids who seem disconnected or disturbed. That enables early intervention.

In Steamboat Springs, Colorado, one such tip appeared to prevent extreme violence in May 2017. Police took a young man who’d threatened to harm his peers into protective custody before he could act on his words.


Extreme violence is almost always preceded by certain behavioral problems. These typically include a propensity toward aggression, a marked lack of social connectedness, indications of serious mental illness and a fascination with violence and guns.


Most young people today use social media to express their feelings and aspirations. In the case of school shooters, these posts are often violent. A single violent post is hardly a guarantee of homicidal acts, of course. But evidence strongly indicates that repeated expressions of this nature can be a sign of trouble.

But the current approach of law enforcement is just to wait and hope for a luck break:

We are not proactively scraping the Internet for offenders … We react.” Instead, the agents depend on what [the head of the FBI’s the National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime, America’s top expert on identifying mass shooters] calls “the human bystander.” They depend on somebody giving someone else the creeps. Though he acknowledges that many bystanders are fragile resources—“it’s usually the people closest to an individual who are best positioned to observe those kinds of concerning behaviors and at the same time the most reluctant to report”—his team members have no choice but to wait for a concerned person to tell them about a person of concern.

But we don’t have to wait for a lucky break of a volunteer bystander getting the creeps … the NSA can do it for us.

After all, the NSA is already spying on virtually everyone in America.

The high-level NSA executive who created the NSA’s global electronic surveillance system, Bill Binney, says that the NSA could help identify would-be shooters … while protecting the privacy of most Americans.

Specifically, the system which Binney designed at the NSA to catch terrorists automatically encrypted and anonymized Americans’ information.  The information could only be decrypted with a court order.

Binney thinks this could work for school shooters …

Specifically, the NSA could gather information from the web, social media, and other sources and gather information on:

  • Males in their teens or early twenties
  • Who lack social connectedness
  • Who have obsessively studied past school shootings … or otherwise made violent statements on social media or the web
  • Who have experienced mental health issues
  • Who law enforcement personnel or others say are unstable

The identity of people who turn up using these parameters would be kept encrypted and anonymous … unless and until a judge ordered them to be decrypted in order to further investigate and question the individual.

Then the suspect could be imprisoned, counseled or left alone … as appropriate.

How about the NSA do something – for a change – which actually helps the American people?

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Trump Uses Australian PM’s Visit to Threaten North Korea

February 25th, 2018 by Peter Symonds

US President Donald Trump yesterday exploited a joint press conference at the White House with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull to once again menace North Korea with crippling economic sanctions and a military onslaught. Trump’s comments come as the Winter Olympics in South Korea are about to close and the US and South Korea prepare for massive joint war games in April.

Speaking just hours after the announcement of tough new sanctions on North Korea, Trump warned:

“If the sanctions don’t work we’ll have to go to phase two, and phase two may be a very rough thing.”

While not specifying what “phase two” might involve, he said it could be “very, very unfortunate for the world.”

Trump and his top officials have repeatedly warned that military action will be necessary if North Korea does not capitulate to US demands to abandon its nuclear arsenal and submit to an intrusive inspection regime. CIA director Mike Pompeo declared, in late January, that North Korea was “a handful of months” away from having a nuclear intercontinental ballistic missile—something Washington has indicated is a red line for war.

In his comments, Turnbull said the US was Australia’s “most important strategic and economic partner.” He emphasised the military alliance between the two countries, saying it “is as close as it possibly could be and yet keeps getting closer.” He noted that it was 100 years since Australian and American soldiers fought together in France in 1918, declaring:

“A hundred years of mateship and a hundred more to come.”

Turnbull’s servile remarks, stressing the martial character of US-Australian ties, underscore the fact that his government is marching in lockstep with Washington into a war with incalculable consequences. Trump announced that one of the US navy’s new warships would be named the USS Canberra, as a symbol that the US had “no closer friendship” than with Australia. Turnbull responded obsequiously that this was a “very rare honour.”

As the US has ramped up its confrontation, not just with North Korea, but with China, the Pentagon has come to regard northern Australia as a vital base for its military operations in Asia. Admiral Harry Harris, the head of US Pacific Command and an anti-China hawk, has been appointed US ambassador to ensure that Canberra is fully integrated into any war.

In his comments alongside Turnbull, Trump made clear that the US was targeting China, as well as North Korea. He pointedly said he would “love” to see Australian warships involved with the US navy in “freedom of navigation” operations to challenge Chinese maritime claims in the South China Sea—exercises that threaten to provoke a direct clash with the Chinese military. While Turnbull’s government to date has been wary, the Australian newspaper today indicated that the Defence Department had drawn up detailed plans for such an operation.

Earlier on Friday, the White House announced what Trump described as “the heaviest sanctions ever imposed” on a country. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin warned that the US was “putting companies and countries across the world on notice… Those who trade with North Korea do so at their own peril.”

The latest bans add another 27 companies, 28 ships and one individual to the Treasury Department’s blacklist, which blocks anyone dealing with them from conducting business in the United States. The ships are registered or flagged not only in North Korea, but also in China and seven other countries.

Mnuchin, who met with Turnbull, declared they had “a very productive discussion on North Korea” and noted that “he’s very supportive and we’ve encouraged him to work with us on sanctions.” The two men have known each other for years—both were partners in the giant US investment bank Goldman Sachs.

Mnuchin refused to say whether the US sanctions ultimately would be enforced by a full naval blockade of North Korea. But he noted that UN Security Council resolutions allowed the US navy to board ships and inspect cargo with the consent of the country that flagged the vessel. The Trump administration has pushed in the UN for a resolution condoning the boarding and seizure of vessels on the high sea—itself an act of war.

US Vice President Mike Pence, who signalled the latest sanctions earlier this month, defended his refusal to stand at the Winter Olympics when the joint North-South Korean team entered the stadium last weekend. He again blasted the Pyongyang regime on Thursday, declaring the United States “doesn’t stand with murderous dictatorships.” He warned:

“We will keep standing strong until North Korea stops threatening our country, our allies or until they abandon their nuclear and ballistic missiles once and for all.”

Pence’s gesture at the Olympics, where he also snubbed top North Korean officials, cut across South Korean efforts to use the “peace games” to restart negotiations with Pyongyang. While not completely ruling out talks, the Trump administration has stressed that it will accept nothing less than North Korea’s complete surrender to US demands to denuclearise.

South Korea and the US have already announced that joint military exercises, delayed to allow North Korea to compete in the Olympics, will proceed next month. The huge annual war games, which last year involved more than 300,000 troops, backed by heavy weaponry, warships and the latest US bombers and fighters, will inevitably raise tensions on the Korean Peninsula. The drills are a thinly-veiled rehearsal for full-scale war with North Korea.

The scale of the catastrophe that Trump is preparing to inflict on North Korea was underscored by the comments of US Senator Jim Risch at the Munich Security Conference last weekend. Echoing Trump’s own warning last year of “fire and fury like the world has never seen,” Risch dismissed suggestions that the US was planning a limited, pre-emptive strike—a “bloody nose”—to intimidate North Korea.

Risch declared that, if war started,

“it’s going to be probably one of the worst catastrophic events in the history of our civilisation, but it is going to be very, very brief.” He continued: “The end of it is going to see mass casualties, the likes of which the planet has never seen. It will be of biblical proportions.”

Risch will attend the closing ceremony of the Winter Olympics on Sunday as an official member of the US presidential delegation. He is also in line to become the next chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. His bellicose remarks are a warning that the Trump administration is planning an all-out onslaught using conventional and/or nuclear weapons to “totally destroy” a country of more than 25 million people.

Towards a World War III Scenario: The Dangers of Nuclear War” 

by Michel Chossudovsky

Available to order from Global Research! 

ISBN Number: 978-0-9737147-5-3
Year: 2012
Pages: 102
Print Edition: $10.25 (+ shipping and handling)
PDF Edition:  $6.50 (sent directly to your email account!)

Michel Chossudovsky is Professor of Economics at the University of Ottawa and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), which hosts the critically acclaimed website . He is a contributor to the Encyclopedia Britannica. His writings have been translated into more than 20 languages.


“This book is a ‘must’ resource – a richly documented and systematic diagnosis of the supremely pathological geo-strategic planning of US wars since ‘9-11’ against non-nuclear countries to seize their oil fields and resources under cover of ‘freedom and democracy’.”
John McMurtry, Professor of Philosophy, Guelph University

“In a world where engineered, pre-emptive, or more fashionably “humanitarian” wars of aggression have become the norm, this challenging book may be our final wake-up call.”
-Denis Halliday, Former Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations

Michel Chossudovsky exposes the insanity of our privatized war machine. Iran is being targeted with nuclear weapons as part of a war agenda built on distortions and lies for the purpose of private profit. The real aims are oil, financial hegemony and global control. The price could be nuclear holocaust. When weapons become the hottest export of the world’s only superpower, and diplomats work as salesmen for the defense industry, the whole world is recklessly endangered. If we must have a military, it belongs entirely in the public sector. No one should profit from mass death and destruction.
Ellen Brown, author of ‘Web of Debt’ and president of the Public Banking Institute   

WWIII Scenario

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Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said Thursday that his government has raised US$1 billion in the first two days of its “Petro” cryptocurrency sale.

“We already have offers and negotiations that exceed US$1 billion, in just two days, far exceed US$1 billion, here in the hand, cold and hard,” said Maduro in a brief speech on Facebook live.

Each day that passes “that will grow, that’s US$1 billion … that go directly to the resources of the Republic,” added the president.

The Venezuelan government issued the digital currency in response to the financial sanctions applied by the United States and European Union, which prevent its citizens from acquiring new debt from the oil nation and limited the movements of Caracas’ money in global banking.

Maduro said that in the first two days since the launch of the digital currency,

“292,000 Petro purchase option offers have been made, of which 36 percent have been made in dollars, 15 percent in euros, 18 percent in Ethereum, and 31 percent in Bitcoin.”

The cryptocurrency has generated interest in several countries, such as Colombia, China, Spain and Palestine after the Venezuelan government launched a private presale of 38.4 million Petros of the total 100 million released, which will extend until March 19.

“Just today 950,000 people entered the page to interconnect, download information from the Petro, which is a positive phenomenon, a monetary, political, economic, psychological phenomenon in the path of the new economy,” Maduro concluded.

The launch of the Petro was announced in December. It is regulated by the Superintendence of Cryptocurrencies and Related Activities, as well as the Blockchain Observatory.

Cryptocurrencies typically are not backed by any government or central banks, nor are they regulated. However, the U.S. Security and Exchanges Commission has been increasingly tracking digital currencies, classifying some tokens as securities, thus making them subject to oversight.

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In the aftermath of yet another mass shooting in the United States, the internet and broadcast news alike are inundated with commentary about why this keeps happening in America. Some blame guns, others blame mental health, and still others confidently blame false flag events and crisis actors.

But one commonality among numerous mass killings in the United States remains absent from these conversations. It is always reported when details of the shooter are published, but the widespread connection is rarely acknowledged: A mounting number of mass shooters have ties to the military, including Nikolas Cruz, who was a member of his school’s military prep organization, JROTC (Army Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps).

The United States has indulged in a culture of ‘patriotic’ militarism for decades, glorifying this institutionalized violence as a sign of strength and morality. As Anti-Media observed last week shortly after the Florida shooting,

We memorialize those who commit violence for the government and hold them in the highest esteem — throwing tantrums when others express dissenting opinions or fail to bow to the people who serve these institutions.”

Indeed, this glorification of violence bleeds over into the United States’ unique problem of individuals committing acts of mass violence. Here is a brief sampling of perpetrators of some of the most high-profile mass shootings in recent years. Many were either members of the military at some point, were rejected by the military (but clearly wanted to join), or came from a military family:

  • Chris Harper Mercer, who shot up a school in Oregon, was kicked out of the army and often wore military fatigue pants as a regular outfit. He was described as “militant.”
  • The Navy Yard shooter, Aaron Alexis, was a Navy reservist before he became a contractor and conducted his rampage on military grounds.
  • Nidal Hassan, the Fort Hood shooter, was a psychiatrist in the military and committed his shooting on military grounds.
  • Wade Michael Page, who opened fire on a Sikh temple, was kicked out of the military.
  • Devin Patrick Kelly, who killed 26 people in a chapel in Texas last year, was also kicked out of the military.
  • Esteban Santiago-Ruiz, who shot up the Ft. Lauderdale airport, was a member of the National Guard.
  • Chris Dorner, who notoriously began murdering police officers over deeply-rooted frustrations over racism and injustice within the Los Angeles Police Department, was a Marine before he became a cop.
  • Micah Javier Johnson, who went on a cop-killing spree in Dallas in 2016, was a member of the Army Reserves and fought in Afghanistan.
  • At least one member of a foiled plot to blow up a mosque in Kansas had served in the military and then continued in the National Guard.
  • Eric Frein, who ambushed Pennsylvania state troopers in 2014, came from a military family, reenacted military battles, and carried military gear and camouflage face paint. Police found an Army sniper handbook in his bedroom.
  • One of the infamous Columbine High School shooters, Eric Harriscame from a military family and was rejected by the Marines over his use of antidepressants.

Other shooters, like Paul CianciaAdam Lanza, and James Holmes showed up to their shootings donning battle gear, and while this does not implicate a direct tie to the military, their decision to show up to a massacre of innocent people in tactical outfits (most commonly associated with the military and police) arguably demonstrates their mentality: one of battle, which is constantly glorified in American culture. Unsurprisingly, Cruz wore his JROTC shirt to shoot up Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.

None of this is to claim that simply being a member of or supporting the military creates mass shooters (although admittedly, many members of the military are mass shooters, they just kill innocent foreigners abroad rather than those in the U.S.).

However, it is to say that the military is an inherently violent institution, and it should come as no surprise that individuals drawn to violent institutions believe using violence is acceptable.

As journalist Justin King wrote in a piece highlighting the experience of an average American teenage boy and how much violence pervades the fabric of our culture:

In homeroom, they watch the news. A bunch of brown kids in some far away land have been ripped in half by warheads from a drone. Oops. Just collateral damage. Life is cheap. He’ll watch the live footage of the dead kids as detached as any trained killer. He knows we’re ready to go to war in Syria and knows we should kill them, but neither he nor his parents could tell you why.

Despite outrage from many Americans over the consistent stream of mass shootings, a tiny fraction of the population makes so much as a peep about the relentless destruction of innocent life abroad — destruction they pay for and that seeps back into American society. This is no more evident than in the repeated tendency of mass shooters to revere or participate in the military machine (though some corners of the internet claim these events are “false flags,” the reality remains that even if that were the case, those “selected” to perpetrate them are still drawn to the characteristically violent military).

While an inability to contain anger and mental health problems and the use of psychiatric drugs are certainly linked to horrific violence the difference between this phenomenon and that of military connections among shooters is simple: taking antidepressants is not inherently violent, and those who take them are not inherently endorsing a violent activity. The military, on the other hand, is intrinsically violent and would cease to exist without the “moral” authority to use this violence.

As Americans continue to rage at each other over solutions to gun violence, some insisting the government confiscate guns and others insisting the government ramp up the militarization of schools, it is clear that nothing will change until the American people confront the deeply-rooted foundation of violent militarism that continues to plague the United States and the world.


Featured image is from the author.

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decade ago the thought of another global conflict was unthinkable – but that prospect appears to be far more probable today. Or, at least, that’s what we are being told.

But let’s not forget that today there are large scale practices that enable large scale control of the masses.  By far the most used is FEAR and it comes in many forms.  One of the most pervasive, used in Western societies, is the fear of “outsiders.” Social pressure is manipulated through the mainstream print and television media and hey presto – Immigrants, religion and terrorism go hand in hand. The government is usually the perpetrator of this type of propaganda and when it gets to fever pitch, it’s a sign that they are trying to consolidate both power and its workings.

Here are a tiny selection of excellent examples, of which there are many.

The Economist magazine, the influential London weekly devoted its latest issue to discussing “The Next War” and “The Growing Threat of Great Power Conflict.” Its lead editorial opens with a chilling warning:

“In the past 25 years war has claimed too many lives. Yet even as civil and religious strife have raged in Syria, central Africa, Afghanistan and Iraq, a devastating clash between the world’s great powers has remained almost unimaginable.

No longer … powerful, long-term shifts in geopolitics and the proliferation of new technologies are eroding the extraordinary military dominance that America and its allies have enjoyed. Conflict on a scale and intensity not seen since the second world war is once again plausible. The world is not prepared.” writes that

The Economist envisages a dystopian, violent future, with the American military deploying to intimidate or destroy purported challenges to its dominance everywhere.

It predicts that in the next 20 years “climate change, population growth and sectarian or ethnic conflict” are likely to ensure that much of the world descends into “intrastate or civil wars.” Such conflicts will increasingly be fought at “close quarters, block by block” in cities ringed by “slums” and populated by millions of people. The future for large sections of humanity is the carnage that was witnessed during last year’s murderous battles over the Iraqi city of Mosul and the Syrian city of Aleppo.

But more chilling are the series of scenarios it outlines for a major escalation in tensions between the United States and Russia and China, presented as Washington’s strategic adversaries, which at any moment threaten to spiral into a nuclear holocaust.”

In July of 2016, Mehring Books published David North’s A Quarter Century of War, which noted:

“Beginning with the first Persian Gulf conflict of 1990-91, the United States has been at war continuously for a quarter century. While using propaganda catchphrases, such as defense of human rights and War on Terror, to conceal the real aims of its interventions in the Middle East, Central Asia, and Africa, as well as its confrontation with Russia and China, the United States has been engaged in a struggle for global hegemony. As the US seeks to counteract its economic weakness and worsening domestic social tensions, its relentless escalation of military operations threatens to erupt into a full-scale world war, between nuclear-armed states.”

However, The Economist also warns that

The greatest danger,” it states, “lies in miscalculation through a failure to understand an adversary’s intentions, leading to an unplanned escalation that runs out of control.

For the mainstream media there is a macabre fascination for the prospect of an unimaginable global conflict. Pushing this type of conflict has the same undertones from the same unquestioning media who pushed the Western world into wars with Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria.

HuffPost speculates with the timeline of global destruction to be in 2034:

“If the next world war is to happen, it will most likely be in Asia and feature a clash between the incumbent hegemon, the United States, and the principal challenger, China. The good news is China does not want war now and in the foreseeable future, primarily because Beijing knows too well that the odds are not on its side. But if we look ahead, in 2034, the circumstances will have shifted significantly.”

Time magazine decides a global conflict as somewhat closer:

“Wars start through any number of pathways: One world war happened through deliberate action, the other was a crisis that spun out of control. In the coming decades, a war might ignite accidentally, or it could slow burn and erupt as a reordering of the global system in the late 2020s, the period at which China’s military build up is on pace to match the U.S.”

The Independent recently wrote that:

One might even argue that capitalism often resolves systemic economic crises through war. After all, a war economy with militarisation, mobilisation, full employment and jingoism can be viewed as the ultimate solution to economic woes and social unrest. The transition of Western democracy to oligarchy and the descent into soft fascism is under way.

The Daily Express endlessly reports on the chilling prospect on WW3. Googling “world war 3 latest news” (on and the first 50 stories – all bar two, are written by this one national paper. Its latest prediction of death-to-us-all is 2018 – by publishing preposterous predictions made by NOSTRADAMUS several hundred years ago

“Predictions for 2018 have foretold one of the worst years in global history with a string of natural disasters, the fall of the economy, and the start of World War 3.” It opines like many other MSM outlets that “World War 3 news has become current again. That’s because most people are ignoring the fact that Russia and the United States have resumed a level of tension not seen since almost 30 years ago. Instead of diffusing it, Senators and congressional representatives in Washington are fuelling the risks.” 

To be fair – that last bit about Senators seems to be on the button (no pun intended).

CNN took the opportunity to put another twist on the outbreak of WW3 with dire predictions quoted from Elon Musk’s tweets:

“Competition for AI superiority at national level most likely cause of WW3 imo,” Musk said in a tweet, using the Internet short-hand for “in my opinion.” In another reply on Twitter, Musk speculated that an AI system could choose to start a war “if it decides that a preemptive strike is most probable path to victory.

The infamous hacktivist group Anonymous has released a chilling new video — urging people across the globe to “prepare” for World War 3 — as the US and North Korea continue to move “strategic pieces into place” for battle.

The New York Post quotes the hacktervist group Anonymous and posts its six minute video of the inevitable coming global conflict complete with scary signature Guy Fawkes character and robotic voiceover. They say warnings made by Japan and South Korea about imminent nuclear attacks from the North — as they deliver their frightening prophecy thus:

Watch as each country moves strategic pieces into place, – but unlike past world wars, although there will be ground troops, the battle is likely to be fierce, brutal and quick. It will also be globally devastating, both on environmental and economical levels.

The Washington Post reminds us just a few weeks ago that

“the Atomic Scientists advanced the symbolic Doomsday Clock a notch closer to the end of humanity, moving it ahead by 30 seconds after what the organisation called a “grim assessment” of the state of geopolitical affairs.”

As of today,” Bulletin president Rachel Bronson told reporters, “it is two minutes to midnight” — as close as the world has ever been to the hour of apocalypse. In moving the clock forward, the group cited “the failure of President Trump and other world leaders to deal with looming threats of nuclear war and climate change.”

The organisation — which has 15 Nobel laureates on its board — now believes “the world is not only more dangerous now than it was a year ago; it is as threatening as it has been since World War II.

These 15 Nobel winners have calculated that at 2 minutes to midnight of a 24 hour clock, that the chance of human extinction is 99.8 per cent. They seem pretty certain don’t they?

Nowhere across the spectrum of Think Tanks, national newspapers, magazines and commentators can you find those voices attempting to avert a human catastrophe with the exception of some online petitions and forums.

So how well has the mainstream media done in convincing everyone in the democratic west that global annihilation in on course within our lifetime? asks this very same question with depressing results. 78 per cent of respondents said that WW3 is inevitable – just 22 per cent arguing otherwise. brings back even worse results with a 91 per cent thumbs up for WW3

YouGov survey of 9,000 people across nine countries found popular opinion thinks world peace has rarely been further away.

World War Three is just around the corner and the planet is teetering on the brink of all-out conflict – according to people in major Western nations.”

Some 64 per cent of Americans think the world is close to a major war, compared to just 15 who think world peace is likely. Britons are only slightly more hopeful: 19 per cent believe peace is possible but 61 per cent say a global conflict is a distinct possibility.

The same survey revealed people in Europe and America tended to see Russia as a major military threat, with British people the most fearful of Moscow.

Anthony Wells, YouGov’s director of political and social research, said:

Fear seems the highest in the US and France, but for different reasons.

Fear – that’s the word. For citizens across the Western world, our governments are instilling a deliberate strategy of fear.  The result is that we are losing individual freedoms to an increasingly oppressive modern society and dictated to by paranoid so-called world leaders.

The iconography of today is a total loss of trust, frightening technology, mass surveillance, environmental destruction, ecological collapse and global conflict. Is this the best we can do?

As George Orwell once said:

War against a foreign country only happens when the moneyed classes think they are going to profit from it.” 

That’s a hint of what’s really going on, nothing here is new!


All images in this article are from TruePublica.

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“We must recognize that we can’t solve our problem now until there is a radical redistribution of economic and political power… this means a revolution of values and other things. We must see now that the evils of racism, economic exploitation and militarism are all tied together… you can’t really get rid of one without getting rid of the others… the whole structure of American life must be changed.”

– Dr. Martin Luther King, in a report to Southern Christian Leadership Conference staff (May 1967) [1]


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During his farewell address, outgoing U.S. President Barack Obama alluded to progress in his nation’s longstanding war with racial inequality, while acknowledging that “we’re not where we need to be.”

Yes, our progress has been uneven. The work of democracy has always been hard. It has been contentious. Sometimes it has been bloody. For every two steps forward, it often feels we take one step back. But the long sweep of America has been defined by forward motion, a constant widening of our founding creed to embrace all, and not just some.[2]

The historical narrative of ‘uneven progress’ in which America has taken one step back for every two steps forward masks the reality of an enduring Newtonian dynamic in which for every achievement in the struggle, there seems to be an equal and opposite racist reaction. Hence the rise of Jim Crow and the Ku Klux Klan following the Emancipation of slaves, the rise of mass incarceration and criminalization of Blacks following the civil rights victories of the 60s, and the rise of a white supremacy baiting presidential candidate following the administration of America’s first Black president. [3]

The depiction of an exceptionalist America stumbling toward a horizon, however distant, of equality and racial harmony serves to distract from the inequities already built into the economic and political system. The persistence of America’s racial divide is not fully explained by the ignorance and callousness of individuals. A full accounting of enduring hostility toward people of colour must account for the idea that economic elites have long benefited from such repression. Systemic components within a system that exists “to protect the minority of the opulent against the majority,” as Founding Father James Madison put it, will therefore remain intact absent a fundamental restructuring of the balance of economic and political power in the country.

This week’s Global Research News Hour attempts to honour and respect the spirit of Black History Month by examining these more fundamental institutional factors impeding real change in race relations.

In the first half hour, past guest Abayomi Azikiwe returns to discuss today’s prison-industrial complex as slavery by other means, the rise of the NRA, and Trump-era domestic politics all within the context of America’s racist/capitalist paradigm. He also tackles the question of emancipation both from racism and capitalism as a joint project.

We then hear from Canadian historian and poet Professor Afua Cooper about some of the hidden history of Canada’s cruelty toward its Black population, and how institutional racism is expressing itself within the Canadian context today.

Finally, we hear from Suzanne Ross, one of the campaigners to free former death row prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal. Mumia’s arrest and trial are seen by many as examples of institutional racism at work within the criminal justice system. In this short interview, Ross provides an update on Mumia’s plight and shares word of an international campaign in the lead up to a March 27th court date which provides a realistic hope that Mumia may ultimately be released from prison. More details at the site

Abayomi Azikiwe is the editor of Pan-African News Wire, an international electronic press service designed to foster intelligent discussion on the affairs of African people throughout the continent and the world. A political analyst for Press TV and RT, Abayomi has appeared on numerous television and radio networks including Al Jazeera, CCTV, BBC, NPR, Radio Netherlands, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, South Africa Radio 786, Belgian Pirate Radio, TVC Nigeria and others. He is also a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Afua Cooper is Associate Professor at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. She holds the James Robinson Johnston Chair in Black Canadian Studies and is a celebrated and award-winning poet, author, historian, curator, performer, cultural worker, and recording artist. Afua holds a Ph.D. in history with specialties in slavery, abolition and women’s studies, and is one of Canada’s premier experts and chroniclers of the country’s Black past.

Suzanne Ross is a clinical psychologist, a long-time anti-imperialist activist and representative of International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal.


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The Global Research News Hour airs every Friday at 1pm CT on CKUW 95.9FM in Winnipeg. The programme is also podcast at . The show can be heard on the Progressive Radio Network at Listen in everyThursday at 6pm ET.

Community Radio Stations carrying the Global Research News Hour:

CHLY 101.7fm in Nanaimo, B.C – Thursdays at 1pm PT

Boston College Radio WZBC 90.3FM NEWTONS  during the Truth and Justice Radio Programming slot -Sundays at 7am ET.

Port Perry Radio in Port Perry, Ontario –1  Thursdays at 1pm ET

Burnaby Radio Station CJSF out of Simon Fraser University. 90.1FM to most of Greater Vancouver, from Langley to Point Grey and from the North Shore to the US Border.

It is also available on 93.9 FM cable in the communities of SFU, Burnaby, New Westminister, Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam, Port Moody, Surrey and Delta, in British Columbia, Canada. – Tune in  at its new time – Wednesdays at 4pm PT.

Radio station CFUV 101.9FM based at the University of Victoria airs the Global Research News Hour every Sunday from 7 to 8am PT.

CORTES COMMUNITY RADIO CKTZ  89.5 out of Manson’s Landing, B.C airs the show Tuesday mornings at 10am Pacific time.

Cowichan Valley Community Radio CICV 98.7 FM serving the Cowichan Lake area of Vancouver Island, BC airs the program Thursdays at 6am pacific time.

Campus and community radio CFMH 107.3fm in  Saint John, N.B. airs the Global Research News Hour Fridays at 10am.

Caper Radio CJBU 107.3FM in Sydney, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia airs the Global Research News Hour starting Wednesday Morning from 8:00 to 9:00am. Find more details at

RIOT RADIO, the visual radio station based out of Durham College in Oshawa, Ontario has begun airing the Global Research News Hour on an occasional basis. Tune in at


  3. Ibram X. Kendi (January 21, 2017), ‘Racial Progress Is Real. But So Is Racist Progress’, New York Times;

The Power of Western Propaganda

February 24th, 2018 by Ian Sinclair

Guardian columnist and leader writer Natalie Nougayrede wrote an op-ed last month examining propaganda in our supposed age of “lies and distortion.”

Focusing on “Russian propaganda” and “Russian meddling” in the West’s political systems, Nougayrede argued

“citizens who live in an authoritarian, disinformation-filled environment deal daily with the reality of propaganda in ways we can’t fully experience, because we live outside of it.”

The former executive editor of Le Monde newspaper in France couldn’t be clearer. Propaganda is what “they” — Russia and other official enemies — do, not something the West dirties its hands with.

In actual fact, as academics David Miller and William Dinan argue in their 2007 book A Century of Spin, sophisticated propaganda has played a central role in Western societies, particularly the United States, since the early 20th century. US dissident Noam Chomsky calls this “thought control in a democratic society.”

As the “father of public relations” Edward Bernays explained in his 1928 PR manual,

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organised habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society … it is the intelligent minorities which need to make use of propaganda continuously and systematically.”

This echoes the thoughts of another influential intellectual of the period, Walter Lippmann, who believed the elite needed to be protected from the “bewildered herd” — the general public. How? By “the manufacture of consent.”

Indeed the term “public relations” is itself a brilliant bit of spin, with Bernays noting:

“Propaganda got to be a bad word because of the Germans … using it [in 1914-18]. So what I did was to try to find some other words. So we found the words Council of Public Relations.”

As the quotes from Bernays and Lippmann highlight, Dinan and Miller say:

“Public relations was created to thwart and subvert democratic decision making” — to “take the risk of out of democracy,” to paraphrase the title of the seminal 1995 book written by Australian academic Alex Carey.

With the US and UK at the heart of the global advertising and marketing industries and corporations funding think tanks and huge lobbying efforts, today the general public faces hundreds of thousands of talented professionals spending billions trying to influence their thoughts and actions.

For example, in 2013, The Guardian’s Suzanne Goldenberg reported that, between 2002 and 2010, conservative US billionaires had covertly provided £86 million to more than 100 groups casting doubt about the science behind climate change.

“Americans are now being exposed to more public relations than ever before,” Sue Curry Jensen, professor of media and communication at Muhlenberg College, wrote on The Conversation website last year.

Western governments become especially interested in manipulating public opinion during wartime. In 1990, we had the confected story about Iraqi soldiers in Kuwait throwing babies out of incubators, masterminded by the US PR firm Hill & Knowlton.

In the late 1990s, Britain’s Secret Intelligence Service carried out Operation Mass Appeal aimed at gaining support for sanctions and war against Iraq.

Stories were planted in the foreign media “with the intention that they would then feed back into Britain and the US,” British historian Mark Curtis explained in his book Unpeople: Britain’s Secret Human Rights Abuses.

In 2002-3, the British government carried out a long campaign, complete with dossiers, sexed-up intelligence and dirty tricks at the United Nations, to persuade the British public to back the invasion of Iraq — what Curtis calls “a government propaganda campaign of perhaps unprecedented heights in the post-war world.”

In 2011, the public was told that Nato intervention in Libya was essential to stop Libyan government forces massacring civilians in Benghazi.

Five years later, the House of Commons foreign affairs committee’s investigation into the UK role in the conflict concluded that “the proposition that Muammar Gaddafi would have ordered the massacre of civilians in Benghazi was not supported by the available evidence.”

The military itself is a huge source of propaganda. In 2016, the Mirror reported that the British armed forces employ 122 press officers and spend £41.4m on press and public relations.

Across the pond the Pentagon spends “nearly £431m annually on public relations” in an attempt “to shape public opinion,” according to Chatham House’s Micah Zenko.

It is likely US propaganda is directed at the UK population as well as the public. For example, in 2010, Wikileaks published a US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) memo proposing how European support for Nato mission in Afghanistan could be sustained.

Concerned that “indifference” to the war in nations like France and Germany “might turn into active hostility,” the memo recommends “a consistent and iterative strategic communication program across Nato troop contributors.”

This will create “a buffer” to future opposition, thus “giving politicians greater scope to support deployments in Afghanistan.”

“Afghan women could serve as ideal messengers in humanising the ISAF [International Security Assistance Forces] role in combating the Taliban,” the CIA notes.

“Outreach initiatives that create media opportunities for Afghan women to share their stories… could help to overcome pervasive scepticism among women in Western Europe toward the ISAF mission.”

Though the liberal view is of a media that is cantankerous and highly critical of power, some basic facts suggest something else is going on. “Research indicates that as much as 75 per cent of US news begins as public relations”, Curry Jansen notes.

Investigative journalist Nick Davies confirmed similar figures for the UK press in his 2008 book Flat Earth News. In addition, in the US there are now five PR people for every reporter.

More broadly, Chomsky has long noted that mainstream news media play a key role in relaying corporate and government propaganda to the general public. In their book Manufacturing Consent, Edward Herman and Chomsky highlight an “observable pattern of indignant campaigns and suppressions, of shading and emphasis, and of selection of context, premises, and general agenda” which “is highly functional for established power and responsive to the needs of the government and major power groups.”

This brings us back to Nougayrede, who has been spreading fake news and propaganda about the West’s involvement in the Syrian conflict.

In August 2015, she wrote in the Guardian that President Obama has “refrained from getting involved in Syria,” noting that “the US has this year found only 60 rebels it could vet for a train-and-equip programme.”

In the real world, mainstream newspaper reports had already noted the US and UK had been working with Saudi Arabia and Qatar to send in hundreds of tons of weapons to Syrian rebels.

Moreover, in June 2015, the Washington Post estimated that the CIA Timber Sycamore programme in Syria — “one of the agency’s largest covert operations” — was spending £720m a year and had trained and equipped 10,000 rebels.

Pushing for Western military intervention in July 2015, Nougayrede highlighted what she saw as the hypocrisy of the anti-war left in the West, saying

“there have been no significant street demonstrations against the war that Assad and his allies have waged on Syrian civilians.”

Chomsky explored the laser-like focus many intellectuals had for the crimes of opposite states in his 1992 book Deterring Democracy.

“Fame, Fortune and Respect await those who reveal the crimes of official enemies,” he noted, while “those who undertake the vastly more important task of raising a mirror to their own societies can expect quite different treatment.”

There are, of course, very real consequences for those criticising the government in authoritarian states, so it’s understandable why commentators living under oppressive governments might toe the party line.

Nougayrede, on the other hand, continues her Western power-friendly crusade against the West’s official enemies freely of her own volition, no doubt thinking she is a questioning, adversarial commentator — a perfect illustration of the power of Western propaganda.

As George Orwell once said,

“Circus dogs jump when the trainer cracks the whip, but the really well-trained dog is the one that turns somersaults when there is no whip.”


You can follow Ian Sinclair on Twitter on @IanJSinclair.

Featured image is from the author.

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Abdel Bari Atwan, the retired editor-in-chief (1989-2013) of the pan-Arab newspaper Al Quds Al Arabi and author of widely respected books on the Middle East, headlined on February 18th, “A superpower confrontation could be triggered by accident in Syria” and he opened:

Qatar’s plans to build a gas pipeline to the Mediterranean were a major cause of the outbreak of the Syrian civil war. Seven years on, Syria’s oil and gas reserves east of the Euphrates, and especially around Deir az-Zour, have the potential to trigger World War III.

Four military aircraft were downed over Syria in the course of one week: an Israel F-16 shot down by a Russian-made Syrian missile; a Russian jet hit by an American-made shoulder-fired MANPADS; an Iranian pilotless drone intercepted by Israeli missiles; and a Turkish helicopter brought down in the countryside of Afrin by US-backed Kurdish fighters.

Warplanes from at least six countries crowd Syria’s airspace, including those of the American and Russian superpowers, while numerous proxy wars rage on the ground below involving Arab, regional and international parties.

Atwan goes on to note the reason why the war has ratcheted up after Donald Trump became America’s President:

The US has made clear that it has no intention of withdrawing its 2,000 military personnel from Syria even after the expiry of the original pretext for deploying them, namely to fight the Islamic State (IS) group. Administration officials have repeatedly affirmed that these forces will remain indefinitely in order to counter Iranian influence in the country.

Trump has abandoned former U.S. President Barack Obama’s excuse for invading Syria, and replaced it by what is now clearly an American hot war against Iran, which indisputably has become the U.S. President’s target — no longer (even if only as an excuse) ISIS or “radical Islamic terrorism.”

Iran never attacked the U.S. However, Iran did overthrow the U.S.-installed Shah in 1979 and capture the U.S. Embassy, which had ruled Iran (and allowed or disallowed what the Shah did) ever since America’s 1953 coup there overthrew Iran’s democratically elected progressive secular Government and installed instead the Shah’s brutal dictatorship. But the aggression was by the U.S. Government, not by Iran’s Government.

And, after 1979, Iran never committed aggression against the United States; so, the U.S. is entirely in the wrong, now, to be planning (or instructing Israel) how to destroy Iran.

This U.S. President clearly wants an invasion of Iran, which Israel is now preparing to launch.

Iran is an ally of Russia. On February 19th, Russia’s Tass news agency headlined “Moscow calls on US not to play with fire in Syria” and reported the Russian Foreign Minister’s statement: “I once again call on our American colleagues not to play with fire and measure their steps proceeding not from immediate needs of today’s political environment, but rather from long-term interests of the Syrian people and of all peoples of this region.”

Here is a description of what will likely be entailed if Israel launches a military attack against Iran; it was published on February 22nd, by Russian geostrategic expert Peter Korzun, under the headline “Israel and Iran: Inching Toward Conflict”:

If Iran itself is attacked, its sites related to its nuclear program will top the list of the prime targets for Israel’s F-35, F-15, F-16, and Kfir fighters, drones, and intermediate-range Jericho missiles. There are different routes they could take, but all of them would require flying through the airspaces of Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Syria, or Turkey. None of these Muslim countries will openly allow Israel to use their airspace, but anti-Iran sentiments are strong in the Sunni-dominated Arab states. Some of them might be willing to look the other way. A clandestine agreement to tacitly allow Israeli aircraft to cross their air space is entirely possible. Anger could be vented publicly once the mission has been completed.

Iraq is not focused on monitoring its airspace – it has many other problems to deal with and Israel could take advantage of that. The route through Iraq looks like it might be the best option.

The distance that would need to be covered would be between 1,500 km (930 miles) and 1,800 km (1,120 miles). The aircraft will also have to make a return trip, so in-flight refueling will be a necessity. Israel is only believed to own between eight and ten large tanker aircraft (such as Boeing 707s). That will hardly be enough. The Israeli military is not particularly adept at aerial refuelling. If the aircraft have to fly undetected, the F-35s will have to forgo their externally mounted weapons in order to preserve their stealth capabilities. Then their payload will be reduced to only two JDAM-guided bombs in the internal bay. Pretty underwhelming.

Then Iran’s radars will have to be spoofed, and its air defenses, especially the Russian-made S-300, will have to be knocked out. It won’t be easy.

Israel has a few dozen laser-guided bunker buster bombs (the GBU-28). The Jericho III is an Israeli three-stage solid propellant missile with a payload of more than a ton and capable of carrying multiple low-yield independently targeted reentry warheads. All the targets in Iran fall within its range of up to 6,500 km (4,038 miles). These missile strikes are capable of destroying every command and control site, as well as all major nuclear facilities.

The Heron-2 and Eitan drones can hover in the air for more than 20 consecutive hours to provide guidance and intelligence and to jam Iranian communications and confuse its radar.

Israel would wage electronic warfare against Iran’s military and civilian infrastructure, such as its electric grids and Internet, creating interference with Iran’s emergency frequencies.

After the war has begun, Israel will come under rocket and missile attack from Iran’s proxies: Hamas in the Gaza Strip and Hezbollah in Lebanon. Hezbollah has up to 150,000 rockets that can reach anywhere in Israel. It is true however, that Israel possesses a sophisticated, multilayer, air-defense shield. A first-class intelligence and early-warning system will mitigate the fallout, but substantial damage will be unavoidable.

Israeli troops will have to deploy in the Strip and move across the Lebanese border. But the Shia group will have to fight on two fronts: in Syria to prop up the Assad government, and in Lebanon against Israel. Syria is likely to find itself involved in combat operations. Israel will go to any length to keep Iran and Hezbollah away from its border.

Iran may try to block the Strait of Hormuz. But even if it does not, global oil prices would go up. Iran or its proxies might attack US forces in the Middle East, primarily in Syria and Iraq. Should that happen, Iraq would likely become a battleground between US forces and Iranian proxies, with American reinforcements rushing in. Iran could punish the Americans for their support of Israel in Afghanistan.

An attack against Russia’s ally would be an attack that will significantly weaken Russia. Will Russia come to the defense of its ally, the victim of this uncalled-for invasion by America’s proxy, Israel? Will Russia retaliate by destroying Israel — and maybe destroying also its sponsor?

Most scenarios for a world-ending nuclear war entail “errors,” or else a traditional non-nuclear conflict (perhaps in Syria, or in Ukraine — or it could be in Iran, or in North Korea) producing victory for one side (it could be either the U.S. versus Russia, in Syria, Ukraine, or Iran; or else the U.S. versus China, in North Korea), unless the other side (it could be either Russia versus the U.S., or else China versus the U.S.) blitz-launches almost its entire nuclear arsenal against the other side and against the other side’s strategically key allies. (For example, if Israel invades Iran, then perhaps Russia will launch a blitz-nuclear invasion of both Israel and the United States.) The first-to-strike in an all-out war between the nuclear superpowers will have the best chance of winning (i.e., in military parlance “winning” means simply inflicting more damage on the other side than it inflicts upon the “winner” — regardless of how damaged both sides — and the rest of the world — are). If the U.S. or its allies invade more than they’ve already done (practically all allies of Russia), then a blitz from Russia and/or China would be reasonable, because then obviously the U.S. aims to become conqueror of the entire world — the only super-power. Once one side has lost the traditional conflict in Syria and/or Ukraine, or elsewhere, the other side will either unleash its nuclear stockpile against the other (except for whatever anti-missiles it holds in reserve against any of the enemy’s missiles that haven’t yet been destroyed in that blitz-attack), or else it will surrender to the other. There will be a ‘winner’, but the entire world will be the loser. This is what America’s ‘democracy’ has brought us to.

Billionaires (including owners of controlling interests in weapons-manufacturers whose main or only customers are the U.S. Government and its allied governments — the ‘democratic’ decision-makers who had won political power because of donations from those billionaires) are planning to survive nuclear war. There seem to be two main ways:

Google this line:

billionaires moving to “new zealand”

Others are buying bunkers deep underground in countries where they already reside — such as here, and here, and here, and here, and here, and here, and here, and here, and here, and here, and here — to protect themselves from the nuclear blasts, though nothing can protect anyone (not even, ultimately in New Zealand) from the resulting nuclear winter, and global famine and die-off.

More about what’s behind this can be seen in an excellent article by Edward Curtin, which has been published at a number of terrific news-sites — especially Greanville PostCounter CurrentsGlobal Research, and Off-Guardian (all four of which sites are prime ones to visit regularly, if a person wants to understand today’s world) — and it is aptly titled “The Coming Wars to End All Wars”.


This article was originally published by The Saker.

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of  They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of  CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.

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Why US Subversion Flopped in Iran

February 24th, 2018 by Tony Cartalucci

At the end of December 2017 the Western media reported “widespread” protests sweeping Iran. Narratives indistinguishable from the US-engineered “Arab Spring” in 2011 flooded headlines and social media regarding a “popular uprising” spurred first by alleged economic grievances before protesters then began making demands echoing the US State Department regarding Iran’s internal domestic affairs as well as its foreign policy.

The protests were in fact so indistinguishable from the now admittedly US-engineered “Arab Spring” that still-fresh disillusionment regarding the fate of nations like Libya and Syria likely played  a role in blunting the efficacy of the protests in Iran.

Western Propaganda Outlived Actual Unrest 

An article in Politico titled, “Why the Iranian Uprising Won’t Die,” in an attempt to qualify and promote the West’s narrative regarding the Iranian protests would claim:

…Iranians were enraged as they struggled to feed their children while their government spent billions on its foreign adventures in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and elsewhere. While Iran was made poor, the regime became richer. While Iranians suffered, the regime’s allies became powerful and prosperous.

Yet when Politico published the article on January 7, 2018, written by RAND Corporation analyst Alireza Nader, the protests had already since “died.”

Politico’s article wasn’t the only one published days and even weeks after the protests had already ended – indicating that the Western media had prepared weeks – even months of propaganda to fuel Iranian unrest within information space as US-backed opposition groups attempted to fuel it on the ground.

Despite preparations that US policy papers indicate were years in the making – which included not only the creation of opposition fronts and armed militant groups within and along Iran’s borders but the encirclement of Iran itself by US military bases including in Syria and northern Iraq under the pretext of “fighting the Islamic State (ISIS)” –  the protests quickly ran their course and ended.

If the majority of Iranians were truly driven into the streets by extensive economic and political grievances – and since none of these grievances could have possibly been addressed yet – it is unlikely the protests would have died out so quickly and with a minimum use of force by the Iranian government, even according to the Western media itself.

However, if the protests were organized by the West and led by illegitimate, unpopular opposition movements within Iran and from abroad – and after the West has already long-abused these now transparent tactics of subversion – “widespread” protests diminishing in just days was not only likely, but inevitable.

Washington’s Extensive Preparations

Preparations for the overthrow of Iran stretch back well over a decade and have transcended multiple US presidential administrations – both Republican and Democrat – including the current administration of US President Donald Trump and his predecessor, US President Barack Obama.

The Brookings Institution in its 2009 “Which Path to Persia? Options for a New American Strategy toward Iran,” laid out extensive plans for undermining and overthrowing the Iranian government.

Chapters in the paper included:

Chapter 1: An Offer Iran Shouldn’t Refuse: Persuasion;

Chapter 3: Going All the Way: Invasion;

Chapter 4: The Osiraq Option: Airstrikes;

Chapter 5: Leave it to Bibi: Allowing or Encouraging an Israeli Military Strike

Chapter 6: The Velvet Revolution: Supporting a Popular Uprising;

Chapter 7: Inspiring an Insurgency: Supporting Iranian Minority;

And Opposition Groups and;

Chapter 8: The Coup: Supporting a Military Move Against the Regime.

It should be noted that each and every option has been pursued since 2009, either against Iran directly or against Syria in a bid to spread conflict over Iranian borders. This includes Washington’s use of Israel to carry out airstrikes on Syria while the US attempts to maintain plausible deniability.

Within these chapters, detailed plans were laid out to create and back both political opposition organizations and armed militant groups. It laid out a variety of economic sanctions that could be used to pressure Tehran and create division and discontent among the Iranian population. It also proposed methods of attacking Iran militarily both covertly and overtly as well as possible ways of goading Tehran into full-scale war.

The paper was written shortly after the failed US-backed “Green Revolution” during that same year – a US-engineered protest that was larger in scale and duration than the most recent protests.

US Sought to Draw Out and Overextend Iran Ahead of Subversion 

Another paper – by the RAND Corporation also published in 2009 – titled, “Dangerous But Not Omnipotent : Exploring the Reach and Limitations of Iranian Power in the Middle East,” noted that Iran’s foreign policy was pursued mainly in self-defense. The paper explicitly noted that (emphasis added):

Iran’s strategy is largely defensive, but with some offensive elements. Iran’s strategy of protecting the regime against internal threats, deterring aggression, safeguarding the homeland if aggression occurs, and extending influence is in large part a defensive one that also serves some aggressive tendencies when coupled with expressions of Iranian regional aspirations. It is in part a response to U.S. policy pronouncements and posture in the region, especially since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. The Iranian leadership takes very seriously the threat of invasion given the open discussion in the United States of regime change, speeches defining Iran as part of the “axis of evil,” and efforts by U.S. forces to secure base access in states surrounding Iran.

The paper discusses Iran’s extensive ties to Syria and Lebanon’s Hezbollah as well as its growing ties with Iraq. These ties – according to the RAND paper itself – were pursued to create a buffer in Iran’s near-abroad against regional US military aggression.

By 2011, the US was pursuing a proxy war consuming the entire Middle East and North Africa region (MENA) with Libya overthrown and left in perpetual ruination by the end of the year and Syria consumed by nationwide conflict as foreign-funded and armed militants flooded the country from Syria’s borders with Turkey and Jordan.

The fact that Libya was overthrown first, then used as a springboard for the proxy invasion of Syria illustrates the wider regional context that drove the US-NATO intervention in Libya.

In essence, the US was attacking the pillars of Iran’s national defense in its near-abroad. Knowing how critical Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq were to Iran’s national defense strategy of hindering US encirclement and keeping in check Washington’s regional allies particularly in the Persian Gulf – the region-wide destabilization was designed to draw the Iranians into a costly regional intervention.

Iranian forces have lent extensive aid to Syria and Iraq including direct and indirect military support – the extent of which when coupled with decades of economic sanctions imposed upon Iran by the US and its Western allies – contributed to the so-called “economic” grievances recent US-backed protests in Iran attempted to leverage.

The US has maintained troops in several Persian Gulf states including Qatar and Bahrain, a continuous military presence in Iraq since the 2003 invasion, and a US military presence in Afghanistan on Iran’s eastern borders since 2001.

More recently, the US has occupied eastern Syria and lent extensive aid to Kurdish militant groups both within Syria and in northern Iraq. The US also provides political and covert support to Buluchi terrorists in southwest Pakistan and western Afghanistan.

On a map, it is clear that the US has continued to further encircle Iran since 2011 both with its own military, and with proxies engaged in costly conflicts along Iran’s peripheries.

The Opposition Was Intentionally Left “Unnamed” 

Despite sensational Western headlines promoting and attempting to perpetuate unrest in Iran, the Western media was particularly careful about not identifying the political and militant groups taking to the streets. Just like in Libya and Syria where “pro-democracy protesters” were eventually revealed to be extremists drawn from listed terrorist organizations, many of those taking part in Iran’s protests had likewise unscrupulous backgrounds.

Protesters in Iran invoked the names of opposition groups and figures mentioned by name in the 2009 Brookings paper under a subheading titled, “Finding the Right Proxies.” These included the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK) – a US State Department designated foreign terrorist organization delisted in 2012 for the sole purpose of allowing the US to more openly fund and arm the group. It also included exiled Iranian opposition figure Reza Pahlavi, the son of the ousted Iranian Sha who now resides in the United States.

The bulk of pro-opposition coverage in Iran came from overtly US-funded media sources including the US State Department’s Farsi-language version of Voice of America and the New York-based “Center for Human Rights in Iran.”

To then claim the recent Iran “protests” were merely “spontaneous” expressions of Iranian frustration and not simply the next step in an admitted US conspiracy against Tehran is an absurdity the Western media is having increasing difficulties selling to global audiences.

Washington’s Return on Investment

Still, the unrest, when coupled with ongoing efforts by the US to encircle and envelop Iran, have at the very least applied additional pressure on Tehran – forcing it to invest more resources at home while still fighting against multiple US-backed proxy conflicts across the region.

The 2009 Brookings paper “Which Path to Persia?” explicitly states that:

While the ultimate goal is to remove the regime, working with the internal opposition also could be a form of coercive pressure on the Iranian regime, giving the United States leverage on other issues.

It continues by stating:

In theory, the United States could create coercive leverage by threatening the regime with instability or even overthrow and, after having done so, use this leverage to force concessions on other issues such as Iran’s nuclear program or support for militants in Iraq.

However, each time the US attempts to use foreign-funded opposition and militant groups to destabilize Iran – especially as alternatives to Western media domination continue to grow – this tactic losses a certain degree of credibility, sustainability, and thus viability.

That the recent protests ran their course so quickly despite the fact that Iran has been overstretched militarily and economically amid years of conflict in Syria, Iraq, and Yemen, illustrates just how unsustainable this foreign policy option has become for the US when targeting well-prepared, formidable states like Iran.

A combination of well-honed information warfare, well-prepared security forces, and well-organized counter-protests on Tehran’s part blunted this latest round of US-backed subversion.

Washington’s apparent impotence versus Tehran when coupled with its struggling attempts to overthrow the Syrian government and assert hegemony over Iraq further undermines the illusion of legitimacy the US has attempted for decades to construct around its otherwise illegitimate hegemonic foreign policy.

Washington’s increasingly sloppy and transparent meddling in Iran will undermine efforts later this year as Washington prepares to destabilize other nations everywhere from South America to Southeast Asia. And with the US accusing Russia of meddling in American politics, obvious questions will be raised as to why it is not acceptable for Moscow to allegedly “influence US elections,” but acceptable for the US through organizations like the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and USAID to not only openly influence foreign elections around the world, but to openly run entire opposition parties from Washington D.C.

Washington’s return on investment for its extensive and so-far failed attempts to destabilize and overthrow Iran is indeed questionable. Iran – as well as other nations likely to be targeted by the US next – will simply review this latest round of protests and be better prepared for it next time. As more people become aware of tactics used during US-backed subversion, these tactics will grow less effective.

US Still Losing in Syria and Iraq 

Meanwhile, the protests in Iran seem to have had little impact on Washington’s precarious position in nearby Syria as Syrian forces continue making advances into Idlib and as the US struggles to justify its continued presence in the eastern region of the country. If Idlib is secured, it will leave US and Turkish occupation forces at the fringes of the conflict and at the fringes of international legitimacy.

Irregular warfare targeting Turkish or American forces in Syria could transform their respective occupations into untenable and costly conflicts. It will be difficult to differentiate between Syrian, Russian, or Iranian-backed irregular forces and the terrorist organizations Turkey and the US themselves have been arming and funding while simultaneously claiming to fight.

Just as the repeated overuse of US-backed protests have cost the US a once valuable tool from its geopolitical bag of tricks, the use of terrorism against targeted states appears poised to boomerang back Washington’s way. Like all waning empires in human history, the US will be unable to simply “go home.” It will require many more years of direct and indirect conflict before the US is fully uprooted from the MENA region. However, the spectacular failure of US-backed subversion in Iran before New Year’s may be further evidence of US hegemony’s irreversible decline.


Tony Cartalucci is a Bangkok-based geopolitical researcher and writer, especially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook” where this article was originally published.

All images in this article are from the author.

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Arming Educators: Trump, Gun Violence and Schools

February 24th, 2018 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

It had been in the works.  Instead of engaging in the traditional revulsion associated with a mass shooting, or even digesting the grief of outraged students and grieving parents, US President Donald Trump’s solution to guns violence was elementary.  To target the perpetrator, it was necessary to arm instructors, mount the barricades, and raise the stakes. 

His address of February 15 was hackneyed but drew the lines of barriers and defence.  It was a description of a dysfunctional environment, one further bloodied in the wake of the shootings in Parkland, Florida.

“No child, no teacher, should ever be in danger in an American school.  No parent should ever have to fear for their sons and daughters when they kiss them goodbye in the morning.”

A week later, he had met some of the survivors of the shootings at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, adopting the familiar pose as radical agent of change, a person who would do things differently from his impotent or indifferent predecessors.  At the very least, he would do something.

“I listened to their heartbreaking stories. I asked them for their ideas, and pledged to them that we will take action, unlike, for many years, where people in my position did not take action.  They didn’t take proper action.  They took no action at all.  We’re going to take action.”

In fact, he claimed confidently, work was already being done by his administration to target guns – and criminals. Little distinction here is made between the armed gangs he boastfully targets, or the ill individual who prefers to resort to using weapons in a fit of disturbance.

“So we’re working on getting violent offenders off the streets and guns out of the hands of the dangerous criminals.”

He also promised firmer background checks, the removal of such incidents of the problem as bump stocks.

One of the more telling aspects of Trump’s latest approach to guns is his insistence on how best to deal with the “sick guy” behind the trigger.  Nikolas Cruz had “so many sides” befitting a mental patient. But alas, communities in the United States had taken a stance over the years against the mental institution, citing costs and in some cases the liberty of the patient, as reasons for mass closures.

“So, we’re going to be talking seriously about opening mental health institutions again.  In some cases, reopening.  I can tell you, in New York, the governors in New York did a very, very bad thing when they closed our mental institutions, so many of them.”

Not that Trump is particularly enthused by a model of care and compassion.  The sick of the United States are not to be treated in tender fashion but subjected to something amounting to pseudo-incarceration.

“You have these people living on the streets.  And I can say that, in many cases throughout the country, they’re very dangerous.  They shouldn’t be there.”

And what of the school children themselves?  They would be protected by their guardians and teachers at school, not by discouraging the use of weaponry but encouraging competent armed responses.  Arm, for instance, up to 20 percent of teachers.  Security guards, alone, were inadequate.  They did not, like deputy Scot Peterson of the Broward County Sheriff’s Office, “know” or “love the children”.

This arming strategy would also be selective.  On Friday, the President suggested that not all pedagogues would be anointed with the task, merely those “that have great ability with weaponry, with guns, those are the only people I’m talking about.  They’ll protect the students.”  An environment of true, trigger conscious mayhem.

In this regard, Trump’s proposal is not drawn from a crazed air.  Sponsorship programs in various US states exist encouraging gun loading and training for administrators and teachers.  The phenomenon of the armed educator has taken root in very troubled soil.  FasterColorado does just that in Colorado, a confession that guns are less to be controlled than embraced with care.

Laura Carno, co-founder of Coloradans for Civil Liberties, is one figure Trump speaks to.  It was Carno who, in a brainwave of inspiration, brought the Ohio-based Faculty/Administrator Safety Training and Emergency (FASTER) program to Colorado.  The language of the program is not that of schooling but urban warfare.

In the fantastically grim voice of security public relations,

“FASTER training enables teachers, administrators and other school employees to stop school violence quickly and administer medical aid immediately.”

Carno’s sociological vision is primitively fatalistic.  The enemy can be defeated – with force.

“We need to talk about fortifying doors.  We need to talk about a lot of things, but we also need to talk about arming staff, because everything can be defeated.”

For Trump, a crude deterrence theory passes muster.  The person behind the gun is a coward who, on knowing that there are no gun free zones, will resist temptation.  Such apocalyptic scenarios remain the stuff of gun policy in US debates, and suggesting a crude irony at work: to keep people safe, they must be reassured they are in gun zones.

With such a stance, the right to bear harms remains unabridged and unchallenged.  What matters is the mentality behind using them.  Given that such individuals are often broken on inflicting carnage, rational appraisals of deterrence seem weak.  What Trump’s America looks like after the Florida school shootings is a more militant, and militarised space rife with suspicion and pathological insecurity.


Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He lectures at RMIT University, Melbourne.  Email: [email protected]

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On February 22, units of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) entered into and established a full control of the YPG-held neighborhoods of Aleppo city, according to pro-government sources. A representative of the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) confirmed the SAA deployment to the Kurdish HAWAR news agency. According to the released statement, YPG units from the city of Aleppo had moved to the Afrin area to combat Turkish forces. However, some sources say that some YPG units will remain in the neighborhood of Sheikh Maqsuud.

On the same day in the morning, a third group of pro-government fighters entered the Afrin area. In the evening, the Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) struck another convoy, which was entering Afrin. According to the Turkish General Staff, the TAF attacked a convoy of 30-40 vehicles belonging to the People’s Protection Units (YPG), the Democratic Union Party (PYD), the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) and even to ISIS.

The claim that the convoy was in any way belonging to ISIS is nonsense. However, claims about some ISIS presence is common to almost all TAF statements on its Operation Olive Branch.

Separately, Kurdish sources released info that it was an aid convoy, which had been about to enter the Afrin area through the Ziyarah crossing. Some sources say that an unknown number of pro-government fighters had been embedded with the convoy.

Meanwhile, the Russian state-run news agency Sputnik, citing a YPG security source, reported that the YPG is going to hand over the town of Tell Rifaat to the SAA under a deal allegedly reached by the sides over Afrin. However, this report has not been yet confirmed.

The TAF and its proxies from the Free Syrian Army have captured the villages of Rahmanli, Sari Ushagi, Kurke Jerin, Kurke Jorin, Ali Raju and Miqdad from the YPG in Afrin. So far, a limited implementation of the SAA-YPG deal has no effect on the Turkish actions in the area.

Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra) and the so-called Syrian Liberation Front (SLF), a coalition of Ahrar al-Sham and Nour al-Din al-Zenki, continued clashing with each other in what the mainstream media would call a democratic competition for southern Idlib and western Aleppo. Hayat Tahrir al-Sham militants have reportedly seized the villages of Kafr Nabl, Urum al-Jawz, Kafrshlaya and Kafrnaha. Meanwhile, the SLF has reported entered the villages of Ihsim, Iblin, Balyun, Bara, Jouzef, Marata, Arnaba, Ein Laruz, Mozra and Kansafra. Both sides claim that the so-called enemies of revolution have suffered major casualties.


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Far-right Terrorists Shoot at DPRK Association in Tokyo

February 24th, 2018 by Adam Garrie

Members of a far-right Uyoku dantai group in Japan have fired gunshots at the gate of the General Association of Korean Residents. The Association serves as the de-facto consulate of the DPRK in Japan, as the countries have no formal relations. Historically, left wing Japanese parties often exchange ideas and literature with members of the General Association of Korean Residents.


According to local reports, no one was injured in the shooting but part of a gate was damaged. This comes just before the close of the 2018 Winter Olympic Games in which athletes from both Korean states marched together under a Unity Flag, while the teams competed jointly in several events.

While the majority of the international community has welcomed the rapprochement between Pyongyang and Seoul, US Vice President Mike Pence famously refused to acknowledge the procession of the joint Korean team while all other dignitaries present applauded their cooperative efforts. With the two Korean states set to cooperate on future initiatives with both sides praising the joint Olympic endeavour, it is now the case that Japan has far poorer relations with the DPRK than does South Korea. Nevertheless, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzō Abe shook hands with the DPRK delegation at the Olympics unlike the US Vice President.

The two terrorists have now been arrested by Japanese police.

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It had all the trappings of a bombshell report. The German socialists turning against their conservative former allies – and running headlong into the open arms of Russia’s Vladimir Putin. There were secret meetings, armies of Internet trolls and “targeted” social media attacks.

Still, despite the fusillade of juicy details, a story containing salacious allegations of Russian interference in German politics published by Bild, one of Germany’s most well-read newspapers, has been revealed to be a hoax organized by a German satirical magazine, which noticed that German media had been much more hesitant to blame Russia for election hacking than media in other Western countries.

Germany’s Bild – which has a well-known anti-SPD stance and roots in the tabloid world – ran with the story, despite failing to double-check and verify claims that a leader in Germany’s Social Democratic Party had engaged in a conspiracy with a shadowy Russian hacker to organize a coordinated Russian disinformation campaign targeted at SPD leader Martin Schulz.

Applying all their creativity, they forged a chain of fake emails resembling an exchange between Kevin Kuehnert, head of the Social Democratic Party (SPD) youth wing Jusos (and a prominent critic of the new coalition government with Angela Merkel’s conservative bloc), and a shadowy Russian bot master by the name of “Juri.” The fake material was then fed to Bild. Schulz, a former president of the European Parliament, stepped down from the leadership of the SPD earlier this month after announcing a controversial coalition deal with German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democrats and their Bavarian allies the Christian Social Union.

Schulz had also recently abandoned a bid to serve as Germany’s foreign minister following heavy criticism from his party.

Given all the drama, the writers and editors at Titanic, a Germany monthly satirical magazine, found it odd that the German media had hesitated to blame Russia for meddling in their country’s political process – particularly given the strong showing of Germany’s Alternative for Germany far-right party that has advocated closer ties to Russia. So the editors decided to capitalize on the growing global hysteria about Russia and see if they could entice Bild – which they frequently criticize for having sub-par editorial standards – into publishing an embarrassing hoax with details seemingly cribbed from a spy novel, as RT reports.

Editors of Titanic, a German monthly satirical magazine with a circulation of approximately 100,000, found it odd and amusing that the German media, including the top-selling Bild daily, for some reason hesitated to blame Russia for meddling in their country’s political process too.Capitalizing on the global ‘Russian meddling’ hysteria, they devised a ‘spy movie’ plot, a storyline that would feature a Russian ‘troll factory’ using social media bots to target German politicians.

“There were no rumors of Russian meddling and we thought – ‘this cannot be’ – we have to make an alliance with the Bild tabloid and push a story of Russian meddling. And as we see now, it works perfectly,” Moritz Hürtgen, editor of Titanic, told RT.

Applying all their creativity, they forged a chain of fake emails resembling an exchange between Kevin Kuehnert, head of the Social Democratic Party (SPD) youth wing Jusos (and a prominent critic of the new coalition government with Angela Merkel’s conservative bloc), and a shadowy Russian bot master by the name of “Juri.” The fake material was then fed to Bild.

“What we did was we came up with a story that was tacky and like in a spy movie. And we had a good feeling that this would work especially with Bild as they already ran a campaign against the SPD, the Social Democratic Party which Kevin Kuhnert is a part of,” Hürtgen recalled. “Our intent was to spin this story further.”

Upon receiving the forged emails, the editors at Bild apparently thought that they had finally stumbled upon hard proof of Russian meddling – a first among the German press. So what did they do? Instead of vetting the information, they rushed to press, publishing a story about the “new smear campaign inside the SPD” on Friday.

It wasn’t until Wednesday that the paper retracted the story. It’s also now facing a lawsuit from Kevin Kuehnert, head of the SPD youth wing, who was identified as a conspirator in the story.

Bild’s sizzling Russia ‘scoop’ documents Juri’s offer to use social media bots to target former SPD leader Martin Schulz.  Citing the ‘sensational’ messages, it explains that Juri stood ready to pump between €4,000 and €5,000 into Kuehnert’s campaign against a new “grand coalition.” The hoax has Kuehnert readily accepting the mysterious Russian meddler’s generous proposal, as long as Juri can ensure that it looks like the money came from his youth organization.

However, on Wednesday, the satirical magazine confessed that it had fabricated the entire email exchange, mocking Bild for its sub-WordPress-blog journalistic standards. “The readers of Bild [are] just like the editors of Bild – they are hopeless cases. So you can’t help them,” Hürtgen told RT. “It was a good laugh. And I think that is worth something.”

Although Bild is Germany’s most widely-read daily with a circulation over one million, ordinary Germans were unsurprised by the tabloid’s extremely lax standards. “I don’t believe that the Russians really do that, because the BZ and the Bild publish fake news very often. We here in Berlin know that already and that happens constantly,” Mohamed, a Berlin resident, told Ruptly.

Many Germans expressed a complete lack of surprise upon learning that the Bild story was a hoax.

“I’m used to that. Bild publishes without checking, I mean, Bild is for entertainment, not for something serious,” another Berliner said.

Now, imagine if somebody had pulled a similar stunt in the US? How do you think the Washington Post would react?


Featured image is from Zero Hedge.

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Cuba Is an Example for Fighting Hunger: FAO

February 24th, 2018 by Telesur

Cuba is an example to the world in fighting hunger, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) declared Wednesday.

FAO’s representative in Cuba, Marcelo Resende, said during an interview with the country’s Round Table television program, that Cuba leads in the promotion of agricultural production in the country and the world, as well as the democratization of land tenure, with agrarian reform being a cornerstone of the Cuban Revolution.

Resende said that Cuba demonstrated early on that it is possible to fight hunger with political will.

Currently, there are 800 million people around the world who go hungry despite the fact that food production is seven times higher than the needs of each person, which is due to the lack of political will, pressed the representative.

Resende recalled the words of the late revolutionary leader, Fidel Castro, where he had remarked, that from the millions of children who go hungry in the world, none are Cuban.

The representative also highlighted the FAO’s extensive collaboration with the Caribbean island, especially in the areas of natural disasters, hurricanes, seed production. However, he added, FAO has continued to learn more from Cuba than vice versa, even when the FAO has provided technical assistance.

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“There’s no possible way you can say that [Russia’s manipulation of the 2016 U.S. elections] didn’t happen,” says Ben Nimmon, of the Atlantic Council, which was set up by the U.S. Government in 1961 during the Cold War, to encourage increased military spending in U.S.-allied countries. The video, with Nimmon saying this, appears in the U.S. Government’s Voice of America’s February 19th article “Israel, Iran Clash Over Nuclear Threat at Munich Conference”, which opens by saying, “Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has claimed that Iran is just years away from having a nuclear bomb.” This article presents the former U.S. Secretary of State, John Kerry, on the defensive, against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s extensive statements there, for an invasion soon against Iran. Kerry negotiated the nuclear deal with Iran that U.S. President Donald Trump says the U.S. won’t honor.

On February 22nd, an article was headlined “Israel and Iran: Inching Toward Conflict”, by Peter Korzun, at the website of Strategic Culture Foundation, which favors Russia against NATO, and which article presents considerable evidence that Israel plans soon to invade Iran, and to use the airspace of “Sunni-dominated Arab states” (the U.S. Government’s other allies against Iran) in order to do it, or else to use Iraq’s airspace: Korzun wrote,

“Iraq is not focused on monitoring its airspace — it has many other problems to deal with, and Israel could take advantage of that. The route through Iraq looks like it might be the best option.” 

Israel, which receives $3.8 billion per year from the U.S. Government to buy U.S.-made weapons, is seeking the U.S. Government’s okay to use them for an invasion of Iran, which America’s fundamentalist-Sunni ally the Saud family also want to destroy. U.S. President Donald Trump, whose biggest financial backer in 2016 was the pro-Israel extremist Sheldon Adelson, who is a billionaire casino-operator, would need first to approve the invasion; and, presumably, President Trump would now be seeking support from the members of Congress, and from the news-media, in order to pave the way for that authorization.

Consequently, in U.S. propaganda, there appears to be a close link between the U.S. Government’s hostile intentions against Russia, and the U.S. Government’s hostile intentions against Iran. Donald Trump, and the U.S. Congress, already seem likely to allow the Israeli Government’s request, and the Voice of America’s article can be seen as being part of the effort to gain the world’s support for such an invasion to occur. Such an invasion would be a boost to the stock-values of American weapons-manufacturers: already, for example, the stock price of Boeing has nearly tripled since 2016, and any invasion by a U.S. ally can only keep the momentum going, for continued growth in the U.S. economy. In this light, the $3.8 billion-per-year donation from America’s taxpayers to Israel’s Government can reasonably be viewed as a U.S. Government investment in continuation of growth in U.S. stock prices, which measures seem to be the main driver behind U.S. international relations.


Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of  They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of  CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.

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“Those who claim to be objective, like the BBC or The New York Times, are actually the most professional propagandists for the Western Empire.”

This week I spoke with philosopher, novelist, filmmaker and investigative journalist Andre Vltchek. Vltchek has covered wars and conflicts in dozens of countries. Three of his latest books are his tribute to “The Great October Socialist Revolution” a revolutionary novel “Aurora” and a bestselling work of political non-fiction: “Exposing Lies Of The Empire .” His other books can be viewed here . Also be sure to watch Rwanda Gambit , his groundbreaking documentary about Rwanda and DRCongo and his film/dialogue with Noam Chomsky “On Western Terrorism” . Vltchek presently resides in East Asia and the Middle East, and continues to work around the world. He can be reached through his website and his Twitter .

I spoke with him about his work and his thoughts on the current imperialist attack on independent media.

Danny Haiphong: Could you give readers a background of who you are and what influenced you to take the path of independent journalism and analysis?

Andre Vltchek: First of all, lately I do not define myself as a journalist. These days, journalism is synonymous with ‘the oldest profession.’ I document the world, I inform people, and I propagate my political ideas. I don’t believe in “objective reporting” – it simply does not exist, and those who claim to be objective, like the BBC or The New York Times, are actually the most professional propagandists for the Western Empire. I may be a propagandist, too, but for the left, for internationalism. And I never hide who I am and where I am standing, politically.

Who am I? To simplify it: a Cuban-style unapologetic ‘Commie’ and internationalist. Russian-born, quarter Chinese, novelist, filmmaker, philosopher and revolutionary.

DH: In the years I’ve followed your media work, you have covered such topics as neo-colonialism, the role of the Soviet Union in the rise of internationalist politics, and the little known imperialist wars on Syria and the Democratic Republic of Congo, to name a few. Could you tell me more about what led you to seek the truth on these matters?

AV: I witnessed terrible suffering of people in Africa, Asia and the Middle East. It often appeared that the Empire truly saw billions of human beings as ‘non-people,’ as some lowly beings who deserve to have no rights, who could be freely exploited, enslaved, even killed. This arrangement of the world made me sick, from my young age. It made me so sick, that I decided to get involved, to take action, to join the struggle against Western imperialism and neo-colonialism.

I never saw Western civilization or Western culture as something glorious or positive. It managed to literally slaughter hundreds of millions of human beings on all continents, for centuries.

I tried to understand the concept of imperialism, colonialism and neo-colonialism, in order to help to stop this deadly process. I went to Namibia to study the first Holocaust committed by Germans. I went to Congo (DRC), in order to understand extremity of European brutality, 100 years ago, and now.

At some point, I finally understood that the only way to reach permanent peace on Earth, based on justice, would be to force Western powers from the position of power, of controlling the world.

DH: In your bio, I’ve noticed that you have written for Russian and Chinese outlets such as RT, New Eastern Outlook, and The People’s Daily. What is the difference, in your opinion, in the quality of journalism that emanates from these countries as opposed to the US and West?

AV: Media outlets that you mentioned belong to the countries which are fighting against Western imperialism and its global dominance. These countries are my allies; therefore, I write for their media, I make films for them, and appear on their television networks. It is not only Russian and Chinese media, but also several outlets in Latin America and the Middle East.

What is different about them? They serve their nations, their people, not some corporate freaks. I like when people work for wellbeing of their countries: I like healthy patriotism, especially when it is combined with the internationalist principles.

DH: How has the media landscape in the US and West changed since you became a journalist and how have such changes affected broader efforts to understand the developments and changes occurring worldwide?

AV: Media landscape in the West is evolving in one direction only: it is being increasingly, now almost exclusively, controlled by the corporate interests. Corporate interests, in turn, are controlling the state, in both Europe and North America. There is no democracy in the West: governments are being selected, not elected. Most of the media is upholding, glorifying this process. It is definitely not challenging it, philosophically and ideologically. In the past, long decades ago, there was at least some philosophical debate about the direction in which our civilization and our planet evolving. Now it all stopped. Mass media became synonymous with imperialist propaganda. It is all very well-orchestrated; choreographed. And people in the West are so thoroughly brainwashed that they stopped asking questions regarding the most essential issues.

DH: Since late 2016, the US and Western corporate press and political establishment has been obsessed with the notion that Russia has infiltrated US and Western democracy, influencing elections through the promotion of “fake news.” This accusation has produced grave consequences for alternative media outlets and journalists, as publications such as RT and Black Agenda Report have been labeled dupes of the Russians and subsequently censored by internet search engines such as Google and social media like Facebook. Has social media censorship affected your work at all and what would you say is the significance of this campaign against independent journalism?

AV: In the future, and may this future come soon, those who are performing this outrageous censorship, will be judged by history and labeled as collaborators with the Western imperialist regime, which in turn is synonymous with fascism.

In the meantime, we are now fighting information, or call it a media war. The Western media is directly and indirectly promoting Western imperialism, while some independent media outlets, including Black Agenda Report, and of course many non-Western television stations and publications are doing their best to expose the lies and crimes of Western regime and its journo collaborators.

Of course, internet search engines as well as social media are huge business organizations. We cannot expect them to be on our side.

But people, millions of them, even in the West, are now “migrating” to the alternative media sources, like RT, TeleSUR, PressTV, CGTV, but also those that are produced in the West, like TGP, Investig’Action, Black Agenda Report or Dissident Voice.

“The Western media is directly and indirectly promoting Western imperialism.”

And about Russia? Look, it is actually all very simple. And let us say it as it is, brutally: Many Russians look like whites, but they are not really whites, they have their own culture, which is more Asian than European. For centuries, Russia was attacked from the West, by Scandinavians, French, Germans, the US after the Revolution, by the UK, Czechs, Poles, and many others. Russia lost tens of millions of people, but it never ended up on its knees. It became an internationalist power, siding with the oppressed, sponsoring countless anti-colonialist struggles in all corners of the world. One could say, it most likely saved the world from Western fascism, on more than one occasion. The West never forgave Russians for this: white-looking ‘traitors’ who instead of joining the plunder, has been fighting for the oppressed! That is all there is to it; to that anti-Russian hysteria in the West.

DH: You recently wrote a piece criticizing the Western left for abandoning the principle of internationalism. Could you elaborate on your argument and relate it to the question of which way forward the alternative and independent media should go in the current political climate in the US and West?

AV: Yes, I wrote a very critical, some would say damning essay, basically claiming that the Western left is finished and has no right to give advice to any revolutionary country or government in Africa, Asia or Latin America. And if they give advice and are taken seriously, progressive countries end up being defeated, like Argentina and Brazil were defeated, recently. I don’t even trust the Western left when it criticizes politicians like Zuma or Duterte.

The majority of people in the West are not able to commit themselves. They are too selfish, too egotistic. And they are full of nihilism: sweating and shitting nihilism.

They reject all ideologies and they do not want to govern. They despise those who are holding power. However, without ideology and without aiming at governing, no true revolution can take place. I don’t think Western left is serious: there is no revolutionary force there, no willingness to sacrifice anything for the struggle. It is all weak, spineless and boring: like shouting at the high definition television set, or insulting opponents in the pub.

The Western left wants more and more privileges for North American and especially European citizens. Who pays for these privileges? Devastated, raped nations in Asia, Africa and the Middle East, as well as those ‘south of the border.’ But French, Italian, Spanish or US intellectuals from the so-called left do not want to talk about this. They are not and don’t claim to be, internationalists.

“The Western left is all weak, spineless and boring.”

I will say more, and this will hurt: they are, many of them are, racist. Not racist in traditional sense, no. They talk racial equality, they are politically correct. It is different type of racism: they do not mind if millions of Congolese people are sacrificed, so the French workers could have shorter working day or better medical benefits. They are also convinced that countries like China with much greater culture than the West, could and should be judged and defined (“Is China really a Communist country?” For instance) from London, New York or Paris. It is so pathetically arrogant! It is grotesque.

The Western left hates those revolutionaries in Asia, Latin America, Africa and the Middle East who still dare, who are fighting, who are not afraid to govern.

Independent political media? In the West? It should learn how to be revolutionary, again. Otherwise it will never inspire anyone, anymore. People are bored and tired of theories and clichés. In the West, people are often tired and depressed about themselves, and they’d welcome some mighty kicks into their own asses. In the exploited countries, people do not want to be appeased; they want to fight, to rebel, to have media on their side, carrying their voices.

DH: What are some projects and organizations, if any, that you are working on right now and where can we find your work?

AV: I cooperate with many internationalist media outlets all over the world, be they in Russia, China, Latin America, the Middle East or Africa.

Best way to follow my work is by going to my website . All my latest stuff is there.

As always, I’m running myself to the ground, working day and night, but it is as always great fun! In one month or so, my new book on revoltionary philosophy will be published with the title “On Western Nihilism and Revolutionary Optimism.” I’m making two documentary films about the absolute environmental devastation of Borneo Island, particularly its Indonesian part (called Kalimantan). And I’m collecting footage in Afghanistan, for a low budget feature film. I’m also writing a book about that wonderful but scarred country, and about how the West totally perverted modern Afghan history. I’m involved in a theatre project in Hamburg, and I’m writing two new books.

There is no time to lose. This is a great intellectual war against the West and its deadly imperialism. And for the first time in modern history, we are winning this war. And ‘they’ know it. That is why they are running amok, attacking, censoring, Soon, no one will be taking them seriously. This is our great chance. That is why we have to work day and night, every day and every night, until the final victory!


Danny Haiphong is an activist and journalist in the New York City area. He can be reached at [email protected]

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As this article goes to print, Globovision TV quotes Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro announcing the launch of a new cryptocurrency, the “Petro Oro”. It will be backed by precious metals. The launch of the new cryptomoney is scheduled for the next week. No details of quantities offered for sale are available at this point.

“I do not want to rush things, but we have a surprise regarding the petro and the gold, which will have the same dimension as it has been related to oil, but it is the theme of next week,” the President says.

The first public offering, the ‘Pre-sale’ of 38.4 million of the oil-backed “Petro” on 20 February, has raised US$ 735 million equivalent which is considered a great success.

Imagine an international currency backed by energy? By a raw material that the entire world needs, not gold – which has hardly any productive use, but whose value is mostly speculative – not hot air like the US dollar. Not fiat money like the US-dollar and the Euro largely made by private banks without any economic substance whatsoever, and which are coercive. But a currency based on the very source for economic output – energy.

On February 20, 2018, Venezuela has launched the “Petro” (PTR), a government-made and controlled cryptocurrency, based on Venezuela’s huge petrol reserves of about 301 billion barrels of petrol. The Petro’s value will fluctuate with the market price of petrol, currently around US$61 per barrel of crude. The Petro was essentially created to avoid and circumvent illegal US sanctions, dollar blockades, confiscations of assets abroad, as well as to escape illegal manipulations from Florida of the Bolivarian Republic’s local currency, the Bolívar, via the black-market dollars flooding Venezuela; and, not least, to trade internationally in a non-US-dollar linked currency. The Petro is a largely government controlled blockchain currency, totally outside the reach of the US Federal Reserve (FED) and Wall Street – and it is based on the value of the world’s key energy, hydrocarbons, of which Venezuela has the globe’s largest proven reserves.

In a first batch Venezuela released 100 million Petros, backed by 5.342 billion barrels of crude from the Ayacucho oil fields of Orinoco; a mere 5% of total proven Venezuelan reserves. Of the 100 million, 82.4% will be offered to the market in two stages, an initial private Pre-Sale of 38.4% of so-called non-minable ‘tokens’, followed by a public offering of 44% of the cryptomoney. The remaining 17.6 million are reserved for the government, i.e. the Venezuelan Authority for Cryptomoney and Related Activities, SUPCACVEN.

When launching the currency, on 20 February 2018, Vice-president Tareck El Aissami declared,

“Today, the Petro was born and we will formally launch the initial pre-sale of the Venezuelan Petro. Venezuela has placed herself in the vanguard of the future. Today is a historic day. Venezuela is the first nation to launch a cryptomoney, entirely backed by her reserves and her natural riches.”

President Maduro has later affirmed that his country has already entered contracts with important trading partners and the world’s major blockchain currencies.

Can you imagine what this means? – It sets a new paradigm for international trade, for safe payment systems that cannot be tampered with by the FED, Wall Street, SWIFT, New York courts, and other Washington puppets, like the European Central Bank (ECB), the unelected European Commission (EC) and other EU-associated Brussels institutions. It will allow economic development outside illegal ‘sanctions’. The Petro is a shining light for new found freedom from a hegemonic dollar oppression.

What is valid for Venezuela can be valid for other countries eager to detach from the tyrannical Anglo-Zion financial system. – Imagine, other countries following Venezuela’s example, other energy producers, many if not most of whom would be happy to get out from under the Yankee’s boots of blood dollars inundating the world thanks to uncountable wars and conflicts they finance – and millions of innocent people they help kill.

Rumors have it, that in a last-ditch effort to salvage the faltering dollar, the FED might order the IMF to revert to some kind of a gold standard, blood-stained gold. – Of the 2,300 to 3,400 tons of gold mined every year around the globe, it is estimated that about a quarter to a third is illegally begotten, so called ‘blood’ gold, extracted under the most horrendous conditions of violence, murder, opaque mafia-type living (and dying) conditions, child labor, sexual enslavement of women, many of whom way under-age, abject poisoning of humans with heavy metals, mercury, cyanite, arsenic and more, contamination of surface and underground water ways, vast illegal deforestation of tropical rain forests – and more. That’s the legacy of gold, the MSM, of course, doesn’t talk about.

That’s what the west based its monetary system on until 1971, when Nixon decided to replace gold with the fiat dollar which then became de facto the world’s major reserve currency, albeit declining rapidly over the last twenty years. In desperation, Washington might want to apply another gold-based international norm to salvage the faltering dollar. Of course, a norm designed to favor the US, with the rest of the western and developing world destined to absorb the astronomical US debt.

Since the world’s major goldmining corporation and the illegal gold-digging mafia networks work hand-in-hand, smuggled gold works its way intricately into the dominium of shady traders, many of whom also deal with so-called white gold (drug powder), washing gold and drug-money simultaneously, thereby confounding and obscuring the origins of either. Eventually this illegal gold is purchased by major gold mining or refining corporations mixed with ‘legal’ gold, so that the illegal portion is no longer traceable.

Therefore, every ounce of gold that would back our money, the purchases of our livelihoods would be smeared in blood, in children’s abuse and death, in murdered and enslaved women and men, in poisoned water ways and in a contaminated environment. But the world wouldn’t go for it. No more. There are healthier and more transparent physical assets to back up international currencies, i.e. the Petro, backed by energy. Though not free from socio-environmental damage, petrol-energy may gradually convert into alternative sources of energy, like solar, wind and aquatic power or a combination of all of them.

What the world is to aim for is a monetary system based on each nation’s or group of nations or societies economic output. Today it’s the other way around – it’s the fiat money, designed by the Anglo-Zionist masters of finance, that defines economies. Thus, economies in our western world are prone to be manipulated by the rulers and their institutions – FED, IMF, World Bank, World Trade Organization (WTO) – that support the debt / interest-based monetary rules – they are purposefully maneuvered into booms and busts. With every bust, more capital is transferred from the bottom to the top, from the poor to an ever-smaller elite. The energy-based Petro is a first step away from this sham.

Imagine the Petro was to become the new OPEC currency! The world would need Petros, as it used to need US dollars to buy hydrocarbon energy. But Petros are blockchain-safe, less vulnerable for manipulation. They are not coercive, they are not made for blackmailing ‘unwilling’ nations into submission; they are not tools for violence. They are instruments of equitable production and trade. They are also instruments of protection from the fiat money abuses.

The world’s ten largest hydrocarbon reserve holders have a capital base of 1.4 trillion barrels of crude. Not bad to start a worldwide cryptocurrency, based on energy, controlled by energy and by all those who will use energy – that might become a world reserve currency, at par with the Chinese economy- and gold-backed Yuan, but much safer than the fiat currencies of the US-dollar, Euro, British Pound and Japanese Yen.

Source: TeleSUR

We are talking about a seismic paradigm shift. Its potential is unfathomable. The move away from the US-dollar hegemony might result in an implosion of the western monetary structure as we know it. It may stop the predator empire of the United States in its tracks, by simply decimating her economy of fraud, built on military might, exploitation and colonization of the world, on racism, and on a bulldozing scruple-less killing machine. The Petro, a secured cryptocurrency based on energy that everybody needs, might become the precursor for an international payment and trading scheme towards a more balanced and equitable approach to worldwide socioeconomy development.


Peter Koenig is an economist and geopolitical analyst. He is also a former World Bank staff and worked extensively around the world in the fields of environment and water resources. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for Global Research; ICH; RT; Sputnik; PressTV; The 21st Century; TeleSUR; The Vineyard of The Saker Blog; and other internet sites. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed – fiction based on facts and on 3 0 years of World Bank experience around the globe. He is also a co-author of The World Order and Revolution! – Essays from the Resistance

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C’è un partito che, anche se non compare, partecipa di fatto alle elezioni italiane: il Nato Party, il Partito dellla Nato, formato da una maggioranza trasversale che sostiene esplicitamente o con tacito assenso l’appartenenza dell’Italia alla Grande Alleanza sotto comando Usa.

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Political Breakthrough Possible on the Korean Peninsula

February 23rd, 2018 by Vladimir Terehov

On February 10 of the current year, the reception of the delegation of DPRK (the most representative one since the Korean War) by the South Korean President, as well as the subsequent negotiations of the parties became one of the most significant events of regional and world policy of the last few years.

Future historians will only marginally report the cause for it to be a certain event from the sphere of show business entitled “The Olympic Games”. For the process launched in Seoul may well lead to (under favorable circumstances) the healing of one of the oldest and dangerous wounds on the body of modern global politics.

This process definitely far outweighs the professional sports show, which is today taking on the role of gladiatorial combats during the declining period of the Roman Empire.

However, the positive developments on the Korean Peninsula can only be expected if the main external participants remain “sidelined” until the North and South Koreans reach some sort of resolution on various issues, which together form one common “Korean problem”.

It is obvious that such a (hypothetical) resolution should more or less satisfy the above mentioned “external participants”. These include the United States, China, Russia, and Japan, which together with both the Korean countries constitute the format of “Six-Party Talks” that were interrupted in 2008.

This seems to be an ideal continuation of the process started on February 10 in Seoul, which certainly will not be implemented as some of the “external participants” are very much interested in their own vision of the situation on the Korean Peninsula and precisely “will not step aside”.

First of all, this holds true for the United States and Japan, for whom (and it is the most important moment), not the “Korean problem” but the North Korean missile and nuclear program is relevant. It should be noted that for such an approach to the situation on the Korean Peninsula, they have formal grounds in the form of the UN Security Council resolutions, which are undoubtedly violated by the DPRK.

At the same time, Washington and Tokyo do not take account of the fact that North Korean missile and nuclear program itself is a consequence of the unsettled “Korean problem”. The initial joint position of the US and Japan is as follows: firstly, it is necessary to start the process of solving the issue of missile and nuclear program and only then will it be possible to talk “about everything else” (lifting the sanctions against the DPRK, establishing trade and economic, diplomatic relations with it and etc.).

Such a position has not led to positive results. It should be noted that for Washington, the situation on the Korean Peninsula can only be considered “positive” if it allows the US to continue maintaining its military presence there.

Significantly, the first reports about the agreements between Pyongyang and Seoul to resume bilateral contacts have caused a noticeable stir both in Washington and Tokyo.

On February 3, a telephone conversation was held between Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and President Donald Trump. On February 7, Vice President Michael Pence made a stopover in Tokyo on the way to Seoul. In the course of these contacts, the allies seem to have conducted a final “synchronization of watches” regarding both the current situation on the Korean Peninsula and the negotiation strategy of each of them with the South Korean President Moon Jae-in.

The outcome of US-Japan talks consisted of two memos, one of which -addressed to the DPRK- consists in the traditional “increase of pressure” on Pyongyang until it renounces its nuclear program.

However, the second one reflects the entirely new realities that have emerged on the Korean Peninsula with the resumption of inter-Korean dialogue. There were heard the words “about the need to prevent a split” in the “USA-Japan-South Korea” configuration. It should be emphasized that the only reason for its existence is “counteracting North Korean threat”.

Then a blunder occurred that was both obvious and difficult to explain. In spite of being in a difficult (euphemistically speaking) relationship with South Korea, for some reason, the Prime Minister of Japan took the responsibility to convey the US-Japanese position to the South Korean president.

During negotiations with President Moon Jae-in, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe touched upon the topic which does not concern Japan, from a formal point of view. In particular Prime Minister Shinzo Abe interceded in favor of the resumption of the planned US-South Korean military exercises, which had been postponed for a month in connection with the holding of the Winter Olympic Games in the territory of South Korea. The answer to this initiative came in the expected form of “mind your own business“.

In the interpretation of S. Abe, the main outcome of the Japan-South Korean talks in Seoul was the confirmation of the “pressure policy” on the DPRK. However, this thesis was not reflected in the public statements of the South Korean President. Therefore, there is a certain intrigue in the matters of both the said “pressure” and the resumption of the US-South Korean military exercises.

At the same time, two important circumstances, which significantly restrict the freedom of action of the South Korean leadership towards the DPRK, should not be overlooked. Firstly, Seoul is interested (for the moment) in maintaining a military-political alliance with the United States and therefore cannot completely ignore certain planned joint activities. Secondly, let us reiterate that the DPRK is a violator of the UN Security Council resolutions, the provisions of which must be implemented by all members of this organization.

Generally speaking, the denuclearization of the DPRK can be achieved by applying various schemes. But from the standpoint of the United States and Japan, no “options” exist, but there do exist resolutions of the “world community” that have to be strictly implemented. This approach, to be recalled, has not led to any positive development as yet.

Apparently, the inter-Korean talks in Seoul seem to have initiated an alternative approach when the problem of the North Korean missile and nuclear program is plunged into the context of a more general “Korean problem”. The preference for this “succession of actions” can hardly raise doubts.

But what can happen in reality, after the phase of “Olympic diplomacy” ended with the departure of the North Korean delegation to Pyongyang on February 11? This is roughly the question asked by the Chinese newspaper Global Times.

It is important to note here that perhaps the main outcome of the negotiations was President Moon Jae-in’s acceptance of the invitation extended to him by the North Korean leader to visit the DPRK. For that, as the South Korean president puts it, “appropriate conditions must be created”.

However, it is unlikely that at present he himself has a clear answer to the question what precisely these conditions consist in. But one thing is clear for sure: in search for an answer, he will be actively assisted by “Elder Brothers” represented not only by Washington, but also by Beijing.

The illustrator for the above-mentioned article in Global Times depicted the American position in the form of “Uncle Sam” with a cudgel in his hand, viciously looking at the flying dove of peace with an olive branch in its beak.

It is possible, however, that the public “irreconcilable” rhetoric of Washington is intended to cover up a much more subtle game of American diplomacy. Pressure and sanctions against Pyongyang have also played a role in drastically changing its position.

Earlier, President Donald Trump repeatedly hinted at the possibility of Washington taking into account the interests of the DPRK in the process of solving the problem of missile and nuclear program. A somewhat similar statement was given by US State Secretary Rex Tillerson on January 17 at the Hoover Institute of Stanford University.

The process of shaping the vector of the situation on the Korean Peninsula will not take place without participation of Beijing. More precisely, the positive direction of this vector can only be achieved by harmonizing the positions of the USA and China. And it is noteworthy that only one of the many components of the problems of US-China relationship is related to the Korean Peninsula.

The complex set of these relationships was once again discussed during a visit to Washington on February 6 by Yang Jiechi – a significant member of the current Chinese power hierarchy. During his talks with R. Tillerson, a wide range of issues was discussed. But, as reported by Reuters, special attention was paid to the problem of North Korean missile and nuclear program.

“Uncertainty” is the most commonly used word while commenting on the situation prevailing on the Korean Peninsula after the resumption of the inter-Korean dialogue. Let us just hope that this time there won’t be another “blank shot” in a series of attempts to resolve the “Korean problem”.


Vladimir Terekhov is an expert on the issues of the Asia-Pacific region, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook.

Featured image is from the author.

Towards a World War III Scenario: The Dangers of Nuclear War” 

by Michel Chossudovsky

Available to order from Global Research! 

ISBN Number: 978-0-9737147-5-3
Year: 2012
Pages: 102
Print Edition: $10.25 (+ shipping and handling)
PDF Edition:  $6.50 (sent directly to your email account!)

Michel Chossudovsky is Professor of Economics at the University of Ottawa and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), which hosts the critically acclaimed website . He is a contributor to the Encyclopedia Britannica. His writings have been translated into more than 20 languages.

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$21 Trillion Missing From US Federal Budget

February 23rd, 2018 by Project Censored

A whopping $21 trillion was found to be missing from the US federal budget as of this past year. Michigan State University professor Mark Skidmore and a group of graduate students made the discovery after overhearing a government official say that the 2016 report by the Department of Defense’s Office of Inspector General (DoDIG) indicated $6.5 trillion in adjustments had not been adequately documented. Attempting to uncover the reasoning behind these adjustments, Skidmore began to dig deeper. He says,

“I tried to call and talk to the office of the Inspector General to talk to the people who helped generate these reports. I haven’t been successful, and I stopped trying when they disabled the links.”

Despite disabled links and neglect from officials, the verification of over $6T inspired Skidmore and his students to comb through thousands of Office of Inspector General (OIG) reports for 1998-2015. Regarding his findings Skidmore stated,

“This is incomplete, but we have found $21 trillion in adjustments over that period. The biggest chunk is for the Army. We were able to find 13 of the 17 years and we found about $11.5 trillion just for the Army.”

While it is known that the US government engages in unauthorized spending and black budgets, quantities this large abuse basic Constitutional and legislative requirements on spending.

Shortly after Skidmore’s findings went public, the Pentagon announced the first ever audit of the Department of Defense (DoD). Despite having $2.2 trillion in assets and billions of dollars flowing through each year, the DoD has famously never been audited. The audits are set to begin in 2018 and occur annually. Defense Department’s Comptroller David L. Norquist is confident that the audits will benefit DoD’s management of tax dollars and establish confidence in Congress as well as the American people.

In addition to depriving the public of access to US financial accounting reports by disabling links, the Department of Defense’s clever implementation of an audit bent this twisted act into a positive endeavor for DoD in the eyes of the public. Apart from Forbes’ brief report on the adjustments and NPR’s recognition of the first audit, US corporate media has failed to recount any of the details concerning the shocking findings of Mark Skidmore’s research.


Student Researcher: Andrea Fekete (North Central College)

Faculty Evaluator: Steve Macek (North Central College)


Greg Hunter, “Missing $21 Trillion Means Federal Government Is Lawless – Dr. Mark Skidmore,” USAWatchdog, December 3, 2017,

“$21 trillion of unauthorized spending by US govt discovered by economics professor.” RT, December 16, 2017,

On February 14, an American horror story played out in southeastern Florida when 19-year-old Nikolas Cruz opened fire at Stoneman Douglas High School, killing 17 people, including 14 students.

In April 1999, the country was stunned by the mass killing of 13 students and teachers at Columbine High School in Colorado by two students, who then committed suicide. In the course of the past 20 years, eruptions of homicidal violence have become almost commonplace, and the death tolls resulting from such incidents have in many cases far exceeded the terrible loss of life at Columbine. The 2017 attack in Las Vegas resulted in 58 deaths. The 2016 attack at the Pulse nightclub in Florida left 49 dead. The 2014 shooting in San Bernardino cost the lives of 14 people. The 2012 assault at Sandy Hook Elementary School claimed 28 lives. The attack on an audience at a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado, also in 2012, took 12 lives. The shooting at the Fort Hood Army base in 2009 resulted in 13 deaths.

The killings are not only deadlier than in 1999. Such incidents occur much more frequently. Mass killings involving more than four deaths take place every 16 days in the US, 10 times more frequently than in the period between 1982 and 2011, when the average time between mass killings was 200 days.

Unlike in the aftermath of previous shootings, this time the usual hypocritical appeals for “unity” and “remembrance” have been accompanied by a groundswell of anger. Students have spoken out sharply against politicians, including President Trump, and walkout demonstrations involving thousands of students have occurred at high schools and middle schools across the country.

Student youth recognize that the wave of mass killings testifies to a deep-rooted sickness of American society. Justin Gruber, who hid in a classroom closet as Cruz gunned down his classmates, told ABC News Wednesday, “I was born into a world where I never got to experience safety and peace. There needs to be a significant change in this country.”

The initial focus of the demonstrations has been on assault rifles, which have been used in numerous eruptions of homicidal violence. The fact that such weapons can be so easily obtained, even by youth with serious psychological disorders, is seen as an obvious expression of the irrationality of American society. The hatred of the fascistic National Rifle Association and the contempt for the politicians who take money from this reactionary organization is entirely legitimate. But the exclusive focus on guns—which has been encouraged by the media and the Democratic Party—runs the danger of becoming an evasion from the deeper causes of the Parkland tragedy.

Horrific events like the Parkland shooting seize headlines, but such incidents represent only a tiny fraction of the extreme violence of American society.

Since 2000, there have been 270,000 murders in the US, 600,000 drug overdoses (200,000 involving opioids), 650,000 suicides (130,000 by veterans), and 85,000 workplace deaths. An estimated 700,000 people have died prematurely during this period due to lack of health care. Police killed over 12,000 people from 2000 to 2014, and up to 27,000 immigrants have died attempting to cross the US-Mexico border since 1998. The government has executed roughly 850 prisoners since 2000. Over 2.2 million adults are currently incarcerated in jails and prisons, with another 4.7 million on probation or parole.

There are two critical factors in the phenomenon of American violence. The first is the extreme level of social inequality.

There have been numerous scientific studies that establish a correlation between inequality and a high level of social violence. According to a 2009 book, The Spirit Level: Why Greater Equality Makes Societies Stronger, there is a direct correlation between a country’s level of inequality and the level of social violence it exhibits. A 2004 article by British social epidemiologist Richard Wilkinson, who authored The Spirit Level, explains that “the increase in violence associated with greater inequality is part of a broader shift in the nature of social relations.”

Wilkinson and Pickett demonstrate in The Spirit Level that countries with higher levels of inequality exhibit higher levels of violence.

In the aftermath of the 2015 mass shooting in San Bernardino, California, Daniel M. T. Fessler, the director of the UCLA Center for Behavior, Evolution and Culture, wrote to the Los Angeles Times:

What, then, makes our society so violent? Research indicates that a principal driver is income inequality. In addition to being among the most violent of industrialized nations, ours is among the most unequal, with wealth being concentrated in the hands of a few.

In highly unequal societies like the United States, crushing exploitation, unfair treatment by profit-hungry employers, a lack of access to social programs, increased competition and extreme economic stress push millions to the psychological breaking point.

Number of US school shooting victims per year compared to the growth of social inequality

A second factor is, undoubtedly, the impact of unending war, waged by the United States all over the world, on American society. The “war on terror,” now in its 18th year, dominates not only the political life of the United States, but its social culture as well.

A 17-year-old high school student has not lived a day in his or her life when the United States has not been at war. Under the auspices of the “war on terror,” the government has armed the police with military equipment as part of the development of a “total army.” It has advanced its war aims through the perpetual exacerbation of moods of extreme nationalism, violence, paranoia, xenophobia, fear, suspicion and alienation.

Worst of all, the number of people killed by the military forces of the United States in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Syria, Somalia and Pakistan is in the hundreds of thousands.

To claim that the ongoing state of permanent war and mass surveillance has had no effect on the social psychology of the country is untenable. In Cruz’s case, the 19-year-old reportedly sported his Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) shirt as he unloaded clip after clip into the bodies of his former classmates and teachers.

As always when sections of the population attempt to assert their social grievances, the political establishment has mobilized to manipulate popular aspirations and channel protests in reactionary directions.

One faction of the ruling class has responded to the shooting by calling for more guns in schools. On Wednesday, Trump proposed to arm school teachers so they can kill potential shooters. The local sheriff in Parkland announced that all schools in the area will be occupied by police armed with AR-15 semi-automatic assault rifles, the same weapon used by Cruz.

The Democratic Party has intervened to orient public debate behind gun control, seizing on popular hostility to groups like the fascistic National Rifle Association (NRA) that have profited from the nearly unrestricted proliferation of military-grade weapons. Though a law limiting the availability of assault rifles might reduce the number of deaths when shootings occur, it would not address the underlying causes of social violence. Other, and, one has reason to suspect, even more lethal means of destroying lives will be found.

The root cause of such violence lies in the capitalist social system, based on ever-intensifying corporate exploitation, inequality, and war. This nightmarish American reality will be brought to an end only when capitalism is ended and replaced by socialism.

The International Youth and Students for Social Equality warns that protests addressed to the Democratic and Republican Parties will fall on deaf ears. Students and youth must turn to the working class, the great progressive and revolutionary social force.

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Junk Planet: Is Earth the Largest Garbage Dump in the Universe?

February 23rd, 2018 by Robert J. Burrowes

Is Earth the largest garbage dump in the Universe? I don’t know. But it’s a safe bet that Earth would be a contender were such a competition to be held. Let me explain why.

To start, just listing the types of rubbish generated by humans or the locations into which each of these is dumped is a staggering task beyond the scope of one article. Nevertheless, I will give you a reasonably comprehensive summary of the types of garbage being generated (focusing particularly on those that are less well known), the locations into which the garbage is being dumped and some indication of what is being done about it and what you can do too.

But before doing so, it is worth highlighting just why this is such a problem, prompting the United Nations Environment Programme to publish this recent report: ‘Towards a pollution-free planet’.

As noted by Baher Kamal in his commentary on this study: ‘Though some forms of pollution have been reduced as technologies and management strategies have advanced, approximately 19 million premature deaths are estimated to occur annually as a result of the way societies use natural resources and impact the environment to support production and consumption.’ See ‘Desperate Need to Halt “World’s Largest Killer” – Pollution’ and ‘Once Upon a Time a Planet… First part. Pollution, the world’s largest killer’.

And that is just the cost in human lives.

So what are the main types of pollution and where do they end up?

Atmospheric Pollution

The garbage, otherwise labelled ‘pollution’, that we dump into our atmosphere obviously includes the waste products from our burning of fossil fuels and our farming of animals. Primarily this means carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide generated by driving motor vehicles and burning coal, oil and gas to generate electricity, and agriculture based on the exploitation of animals. This is having a devastating impact on Earth’s climate and environment with a vast array of manifestations adversely impacting all life on Earth. See, for example, ‘The World Is Burning’ and ‘The True Environmental Cost of Eating Meat’.

But these well-known pollutants are not the only garbage we dump into the atmosphere. Airline fuel pollutants from both civil and military aircraft have a shocking impact too, with significant adverse public health outcomes. Jet emissions, particularly the highly carcinogenic benzpyrene, can cause various cancers, lymphoma, leukemia, asthma, and birth defects. Jet emissions affect a 25 mile area around an airport; this means that adults, children, animals and plants are ‘crop dusted’ by toxic jet emissions for 12 miles from a runway end. ‘A typical commercial airport spews hundreds of tons of toxic pollutants into our atmosphere every day. These drift over heavily populated areas and settle onto water bodies and crops.’ Despite efforts to inform relevant authorities of the dangers in the USA, for example, they ‘continue to ignore the problem and allow aviation emissions to remain unregulated, uncontrolled and unreported’. See Aviation Justice. It is no better in other countries.

Another category of atmospheric pollutants of which you might not be aware is the particulate aerosol emitted into the atmosphere by the progressive wear of vehicle parts, especially synthetic rubber tyres, during their service life. Separately from this, however, there are also heavier pollutants from wearing vehicle tyres and parts, as well as from the wearing away of road surfaces, that accumulate temporarily on roads before being washed off into waterways where they accumulate.

While this substantial pollution and health problem has attracted little research attention, some researchers in a variety of countries have been investigating the problem.

In the USA as early as 1974, ‘tire industry scientists estimated that 600,000 metric tonnes of tire dust were released by tire wear in the U.S., or about 3 kilograms of dust released from each tire each year’. In 1994, careful measurement of air near roadways with moderate traffic ‘revealed the presence of 3800 to 6900 individual tire fragments in each cubic meter of air’ with more than 58.5% of them in the fully-breathable size range and shown to produce allergic reactions. See ‘Tire Dust’.

A study in Japan reported similar adverse environmental and health impacts. See ‘Dust Resulting from Tire Wear and the Risk of Health Hazards’.

Even worse, a study conducted in Moscow reported that the core pollutant of city air (up to 60% of hazardous matter) was the rubber of automobile tyres worn off and emitted as a small dust. The study found that the average car tyre discarded 1.6 kilograms of fine tyre dust as an aerosol during its service life while the tyre from a commercial vehicle discarded about 15 kilograms. Interestingly, passenger tyre dust emissions during the tyre’s service life significantly exceeded (by 6-7 times) emissions of particulate matters with vehicle exhaust gases. The research also determined that ‘tyre wear dust contains more than 140 different chemicals with different toxicity but the biggest threat to human health is poly-aromatic hydrocarbons and volatile carcinogens’. The study concluded that, in the European Union: ‘Despite tightening the requirements for vehicle tyres in terms of noise emission, wet grip and rolling resistance stipulated by the UN Regulation No. 117, the problem of reduction of tyre dust and its carcinogenic substance emissions due to tyre wear remains unaddressed.’ See ‘Particulate Matter Emissions by Tyres’.

As one toxicologist has concluded: ‘Tire rubber pollution is just one of many environmental problems in which the research is lagging far behind the damage we may have done.’ See ‘Road Rubber’. 443d

Another pollution problem low on the public radar results from environmental modification techniques involving geoengineering particulates being secretly dumped into the atmosphere by the US military for more than half a century, based on research beginning in the 1940s. This geoengineering has been used to wage war on the climate, environment and ultimately ourselves. See, for example, ‘Engineered Climate Cataclysm: Hurricane Harvey’, ‘Planetary Weapons and Military Weather Modification: Chemtrails, Atmospheric Geoengineering and Environmental Warfare’, ‘Chemtrails: Aerosol and Electromagnetic Weapons in the Age of Nuclear War’ and ‘The Ultimate Weapon of Mass Destruction: “Owning the Weather” for Military Use’.

With ongoing official denials about the practice, it has fallen to the ongoing campaigning of committed groups such as GeoEngineering Watch to draw attention to and work to end this problem.

Despite the enormous and accelerating problems already being generated by the above atmospheric pollutants, it is worth pausing briefly to highlight the potentially catastrophic nature of the methane discharges now being released by the warming that has already taken place and is still taking place. A recent scientific study published by the prestigious journal Palaeoworld noted that ‘Global warming triggered by the massive release of carbon dioxide may be catastrophic, but the release of methane from hydrate may be apocalyptic.’ This refers to the methane stored in permafrost and shelf sediment. Warning of the staggering risk, the study highlights the fact that the most significant variable in the Permian Mass Extinction event, which occurred 250 million years ago and annihilated 90 percent of all the species on Earth, was methane hydrate. See Methane Hydrate: Killer cause of Earth’s greatest mass extinction’and Release of Arctic Methane “May Be Apocalyptic,” Study Warns’.

How long have we got? Not long, with a recent Russian study identifying 7,000 underground [methane] gas bubbles poised to “explode” in Arctic’.

Is much being done about this atmospheric pollution including the ongoing apocalyptic release of methane? Well, there is considerable ‘push’ to switch to renewable (solar, wind, wave, geothermal) energy in some places and to produce electric cars in others. But these worthwhile initiatives aside, and if you ignore the mountain of tokenistic measures that are sometimes officially promised, the answer is ‘not really’ with many issues that critically impact this problem (including rainforest destruction, vehicle emissions, geoengineering, jet aircraft emissions and methane releases from animal agriculture) still being largely ignored.

If you want to make a difference on this biosphere-threatening issue of atmospheric pollution, you have three obvious choices to consider. Do not travel by air, do not travel by car and do not eat meat (and perhaps other animal products). This will no doubt require considerable commitment on your part. But without your commitment in these regards, there is no realistic hope of averting near-term human extinction. So your choices are critical.

Ocean Garbage

Many people will have heard of the problem of plastic rubbish being dumped into the ocean. Few people, however, have any idea of the vast scale of the problem, the virtual impossibility of cleaning it up and the monumental ongoing cost of it, whether measured in terms of (nonhuman) lives lost,ecological services or financially. And, unfortunately, plastic is not the worst pollutant we are dumping into the ocean but I will discuss it first.

In a major scientific study involving 24 expeditions conducted between 2007 and 2013, which was designed to estimate ‘the total number of plastic particles and their weight floating in the world’s oceans’ the team of scientists estimated that there was ‘a minimum of 5.25 trillion particles weighing 268,940 tons’. See ‘Plastic Pollution in the World’s Oceans: More than 5 Trillion Plastic Pieces Weighing over 250,000 Tons Afloat at Sea’ and ‘Full scale of plastic in the world’s oceans revealed for first time’.

Since then, of course, the problem has become progressively worse. See ‘Plastic Garbage Patch Bigger Than Mexico Found in Pacific’ and ‘Plastic Chokes the Seas’.

‘Does it matter?’ you might ask. According to this report, it matters a great deal. See New UN report finds marine debris harming more than 800 species, costing countries millions’.

Can we remove the plastic to clean up the ocean? Not easily. The US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has calculated that ‘if you tried to clean up less than one percent of the North Pacific Ocean it would take 67 ships one year’. See ‘The Great Pacific Garbage Patch’. Nevertheless, and despite the monumental nature of the problem – see ‘“Great Pacific garbage patch” far bigger than imagined, aerial survey shows’ – organizations like the Algalita Research Foundation, Ocean Cleanup and Positive Change for Marine Life have programs in place to investigate the nature and extent of the problem and remove some of the rubbish, while emphasizing that preventing plastic from entering the ocean is the key.

In addition, the UN Convention on Biological Diversity outlined a series of measures to tackle the problem in its 2016 report ‘Marine Debris Understanding, Preventing and Mitigating the Significant Adverse Impacts on Marine and Coastal Biodiversity’.In February 2017, the UN launched its Clean Seas Campaign inviting governments, corporations, NGOs and individuals to sign the pledge to reduce their plastic consumption. See #CleanSeas Campaign and ‘World Campaign to Clean Torrents of Plastic Dumped in the Oceans’.

Sadly, of course, it is not just plastic that is destroying the oceans. They absorb carbon dioxide as one manifestation of the climate catastrophe and, among other outcomes, this accelerates ocean acidification, adversely impacting coral reefs and the species that depend on these reefs.

In addition, a vast runoff of agricultural poisons, fossil fuels and other wastes is discharged into the ocean, adversely impacting life at all ocean depths – see ‘Staggering level of toxic chemicals found in creatures at the bottom of the sea, scientists say’– and generating ocean ‘dead zones’: regions that have too little oxygen to support marine organisms. See ‘Our Planet Is Exploding With Marine “Dead Zones”’.

Since the Fukushima nuclear reactor disaster in 2011, and despite the ongoing official coverup, vast quantities of radioactive materials are being ongoingly discharged into the Pacific Ocean, irradiating everything within its path. See ‘Fukushima: A Nuclear War without a War: The Unspoken Crisis of Worldwide Nuclear Radiation’.

Finally, you may not be aware that there are up to 70 ‘still functional’ nuclear weapons as well as nine nuclear reactors lying on the ocean floor as a result of accidents involving nuclear warships and submarines. See ‘Naval Nuclear Accidents: The Secret Story’ and ‘A Nuclear Needle in a Haystack The Cold War’s Missing Atom Bombs’.

Virtually nothing is being done to stem the toxic discharges, contain the Fukushima radiation releases or find the nuclear weapons and nuclear reactors on the ocean floor.

Waterways and Groundwater Contamination

Many people would be familiar with the contaminants that find their way into Earth’s wetlands, rivers, creeks and lakes. Given corporate negligence, this includes all of the chemical poisons and heavy metals used in corporate farming and mining operations, as well as, in many cases around the world where rubbish removal is poorly organised, the sewage and all other forms of ‘domestic’ waste discharged from households. Contamination of the world’s creeks, rivers, lakes and wetlands is now so advanced that many are no longer able to fully support marine life. For brief summaries of the problem, see ‘Pollution in Our Waterways is Harming People and Animals – How Can You Stop This!’, ‘Wasting Our Waterways: Toxic Industrial Pollution and the Unfulfilled Promise of the Clean Water Act’ and ‘China’s new weapon against water pollution: its people’.

Beyond this, however, Earth’s groundwater supplies (located in many underground acquifers such as the Ogallala Aquifer in the United States) are also being progressively contaminated by gasoline, oil and chemicals from leaking storage tanks; bacteria, viruses and household chemicals from faulty septic systems; hazardous wastes from abandoned and uncontrolled hazardous waste sites (of which there are over 20,000 in the USA alone); leaks from landfill items such as car battery acid, paint and household cleaners; and the pesticides, herbicides and other poisons used on farms and home gardens. See ‘Groundwater contamination’.

However, while notably absent from the list above, these contaminants also include radioactive waste from nuclear tests – see ‘Groundwater drunk by BILLIONS of people may be contaminated by radioactive material spread across the world by nuclear testing in the 1950s’ – and the chemical contamination caused by hydraulic fracturing (fracking) in search of shale gas, for which about 750 chemicals and components, some extremely toxic and carcinogenic like lead and benzene, have been used. See ‘Fracking chemicals’.

There are local campaigns to clean up rivers, creeks, lakes and wetlands in many places around the world, focusing on the primary problems – ranging from campaigning to end poison runoffs from mines and farms to physically removing plastic and other trash – in that area. But a great deal more needs to be done and they could use your help.

Soil Contamination

Our unsustainable commercial farming and soil management practices are depleting the soil of nutrients and poisoning it with synthetic fertilisers, herbicides, pesticides and antibiotics (the latter contained in animal manure) at such a prodigious rate that even if there were no other adverse impacts on the soil, it will be unable to sustain farming within 60 years. See ‘Only 60 Years of Farming Left If Soil Degradation Continues’.

But not content to simply destroy the soil through farming, we also contaminate it with heavy metal wastes from industrial activity, as well as sewer mismanagement – see ‘“Black Soils” – Excessive Use of Arsenic, Cadmium, Lead, Mercury…’– the waste discharges from corporate mining – see, for example, ‘The $100bn gold mine and the West Papuans who say they are counting the cost’ – and the radioactive and many other toxic wastes from military violence, discussed below.

We also lose vast quantities of soil by extensive clearfelling of pristine forests to plant commercially valuable but ecologically inappropriate ‘garbage species’ (such as palm oil trees – see ‘The Great Palm Oil Scandal’ – soya beans – see ‘Soy Changes Map of Brazil, Set to Become World’s Leading Producer’ – and biofuel crops). This leaves the soil vulnerable to rainfall which carries it into local creeks and rivers and deposits it downstream or into the ocean.

Staggering though it may sound, we are losing tens of billions of tonnes of soil each year, much of it irreversibly.

Is anything being done? A little. In response to the decades-long push by some visionary individuals and community organizations to convert all farming to organic,biodynamic and/or permaculture principles, some impact is being made in some places to halt the damage caused by commercial farming. You can support these efforts by buying organically or biodynamically-certified food (that is, food that hasn’t been poisoned) or creating a permaculture garden in your own backyard. Any of these initiatives will also benefit your own health.

Of course, there is still a long way to go with the big agricultural corporations such as Monsanto more interested in profits than your health. See ‘Killing Us Softly – Glyphosate Herbicide or Genocide?’, ‘Top 10 Poisons that are the legacy of Monsanto’ and ‘Monsanto Has Knowingly Been Poisoning People for (at Least) 35 Years’.

One other noteworthy progressive change occurred in 2017 when the UN finally adopted the Minimata Convention, to curb mercury use. See ‘Landmark UN-backed treaty on mercury takes effect’ and ‘Minamata Convention, Curbing Mercury Use, is Now Legally Binding’.

As for the other issues mentioned above, there is nothing to celebrate with mining and logging corporations committed to their profits at the expense of the local environments of indigenous peoples all over the world and governments showing little effective interest in curbing this or taking more than token interest in cleaning up toxic military waste sites. As always, local indigenous and activist groups often work on these issues against enormous odds. See, for example, ‘Ecuador Endangered’.

Apart from supporting the work of the many activist groups that work on these issues, one thing that each of us can do is to put aside the food scraps left during meal preparation (or after our meal) and compost them. Food scraps and waste are an invaluable resource: nature composts this material to create soil and your simple arrangement to compost your food scraps will help to generate more of that invaluable soil we are losing.

Antibiotic Waste

One form of garbage we have been producing, ‘under the radar’, in vast quantities for decades is antiobiotic and antifungal drug residue. See ‘Environmental pollution with antimicrobial agents from bulk drug manufacturing industries… associated with dissemination of… pathogens’.

However, given that the bulk of this waste is secretly discharged untreated into waterways by the big pharmaceutical companies – see ‘Big Pharma fails to disclose antibiotic waste leaked from factories’ – the microbes are able to ‘build up resistance to the ingredients in the medicines that are supposed to kill them’ thus ‘fueling the creation of deadly superbugs’. Moreover, because the resistant microbes travel easily and have multiplied in huge numbers all over the world, they have created ‘a grave public health emergency that is already thought to kill hundreds of thousands of people a year.’

Are governments acting to end this practice? According to the recent and most comprehensive study of the problem ‘international regulators are allowing dirty drug production methods to continue unchecked’. See ‘Big Pharma’s pollution is creating deadly superbugs while the world looks the other way’.

Given the enormous power of the pharmaceutical industry, which effectively controls the medical industry in many countries, the most effective response we can make as individuals is to join the rush to natural health practitioners (such as practitioners of homeopathy, ostepathy, naturopathy, Ayurvedic medicine, herbal medicine and Chinese medicine) which do not prescribe pharmaceutical drugs. For further ideas, see ‘Defeating the Violence in Our Food and Medicine’.

Genetic Engineering and Gene Drives

Perhaps the most frightening pollutant that we now risk releasing into the environment goes beyond the genetic mutilation of organisms (GMOs) which has been widely practiced by some corporations, such as Monsanto, for several decades. See, for example, ‘GM Food Crops Illegally Growing in India: The Criminal Plan to Change the Genetic Core of the Nation’s Food System’.

Given that genetic engineering’s catastrophic outcomes are well documented – see, for example, ‘10 Reasons to Oppose Genetic Engineering’ – what are gene drives? ‘Imagine that by releasing a single fly into the wild you could genetically alter all the flies on the planet – causing them all to turn yellow, carry a toxin, or go extinct. This is the terrifyingly powerful premise behind gene drives: a new and controversial genetic engineering technology that can permanently alter an entire species by releasing one bioengineered individual.’

How effective are they? ‘Gene drives can entirely re-engineer ecosystems, create fast spreading extinctions, and intervene in living systems at a scale far beyond anything ever imagined.’ For example, if gene drives are engineered into a fast-reproducing species ‘they could alter their populations within short timeframes, from months to a few years, and rapidly cause extinction.’ This radical new technology, also called a ‘mutagenic chain reaction’, combines the extreme genetic engineering of synthetic biology and new gene editing techniques with the idea ‘that humans can and should use such powerful unlimited tools to control nature. Gene drives will change the fundamental relationship between humanity and the natural world forever.’

The implications for the environment, food security, peace, and even social stability are breathtaking, particularly given that existing ‘government regulations for the use of genetic engineering in agriculture have allowed widespread genetic contamination of the food supply and the environment.’ See ‘Reckless Driving: Gene drives and the end of nature’.

Consistent with their track records of sponsoring, promoting and using hi-tech atrocities against life, the recently released (27 October 2017) ‘Gene Drive Files’ reveal that the US military and individuals such as Bill Gates have been heavily involved in financing research, development and promotion of this grotesque technology. See ‘Military Revealed as Top Funder of Gene Drives; Gates Foundation paid $1.6 million to influence UN on gene drives’ and the ‘Gene Drive Files’.

‘Why would the US military be interested?’ you might ask. Well, imagine what could be done to an ‘enemy’ race with an extinction gene drive.

As always, while genuinely life-enhancing grassroots initiatives struggle for funding, any project that offers the prospect of huge profits – usually at enormous cost to life – gets all the funding it needs. If you haven’t realised yet that the global elite is insane, it might be worth pondering it now. See ‘The Global Elite is Insane’.

Is anything being done about these life-destroying technologies? A number of groups campaign against genetic engineering and SynBioWatch works to raise awareness of gene drives, to carefully explain the range of possible uses for them and to expose the extraordinary risks and dangers of the technology. You are welcome to participate in their efforts too.


A nanoparticle is a microscopic particle whose size is measured in nanometers. One nanometer is one billionth of a meter. In simple English: Nanoparticles are extraordinarily tiny.

Nanoparticles are already being widely used including during the manufacture of cosmetics, pharmacology products, scratchproof eyeglasses, crack- resistant paints, anti-graffiti coatings for walls, transparent sunscreens, stain-repellent fabrics, self-cleaning windows and ceramic coatings for solar cells. ‘Nanoparticles can contribute to stronger, lighter, cleaner and “smarter” surfaces and systems.’ See ‘What are the uses of nanoparticles in consumer products?’

nanotech 88

Some researchers are so enamored with nanoparticles that they cannot even conceal their own delusions. According to one recent report: ‘Researchers want to achieve a microscopic autonomous robot that measures no more than six nanometers across and can be controlled by remote. Swarms of these nanobots could clean your house, and since they’re invisible to the naked eye, their effects would appear to be magical. They could also swim easily and harmlessly through your bloodstream, which is what medical scientists find exciting.’ See ‘What are Nanoparticles?’

Unfortunately, however, nanoparticle contamination of medicines is already well documented. See ‘New Quality-Control Investigations on Vaccines: Micro- and Nanocontamination’.

Another report indicates that ‘Some nanomaterials may also induce cytotoxic or genotoxic responses’. See ‘Toxicity of particulate matter from incineration of nanowaste’.What does this mean? Well ‘cytotoxic’ means that something is toxic to the cells and ‘genotoxic’ describes the property of chemical agents that damage the genetic information within a cell, thus causing mutations which may lead to cancer.

Beyond the toxic problems with the nanoparticles themselves, those taking a wider view report the extraordinary difficulties of managing nanowaste. In fact, according to one recent report prepared for the UN: ‘Nanowaste is notoriously difficult to contain and monitor; due to its small size, it can spread in water systems or become airborne, causing harm to human health and the environment.’ Moreover ‘Nanotechnology is growing at an exponential rate, but it is clear that issues related to the disposal and recycling of nanowaste will grow at an even faster rate if left unchecked.’ See ‘Nanotechnology, Nanowaste and Their Effects on Ecosystems: A Need for Efficient Monitoring, Disposal and Recycling’.

Despite this apparent nonchalance about the health impacts of nanowaste, one recent report reiterates that ‘Studies on the toxicity of nanoparticles… are abundant in the literature’. See ‘Toxicity of particulate matter from incineration of nanowaste’.

Moreover, in January, European Union agencies published three documents concerning government oversight of nanotechnology and new genetic engineering techniques. ‘Together, the documents put in doubt the scientific capacity and political will of the European Commission to provide any effective oversight of the consumer, agricultural and industrial products derived from these emerging technologies’. See ‘European Commission: Following the Trump Administration’s Retreat from Science-Based Regulation?’

So, as these recent reports makes clear, little is being done to monitor, measure or control these technologies or monitor, measure and control the harmful effects of discharging nanowaste.

Fortunately, with the usual absence of government interest in acting genuinely on our behalf, activist groups such as the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy and the Organic Consumers Association campaign against nanotechnology as part of their briefs. Needless to say, however, a lot more needs to be done.

Space Junk

Not content to dump our garbage in, on or under the Earth, we also dump our junk in Space too.

‘How do we do this?’ you may well ask. Quite simply, in fact. We routinely launch a variety of spacecraft into Space to either orbit the Earth (especially satellites designed to perform military functions such as spying, target identification and detection of missile launches but also satellites to perform some civilian functions such as weather monitoring, navigation and communication) or we send spacecraft into Space on exploratory missions (such as the Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity).

However, getting spacecraft into Space requires the expenditure of vast amounts of energy (which adds to pollution of the atmosphere) and the progressive discarding of rocket propulsion sections of the launch craft. Some of these fall back to Earth as junk but much of it ends up orbiting the Earth as junk. So what form does this junk take? It includes inactive satellites, the upper stages of launch vehicles, discarded bits left over from separation, frozen clouds of water and tiny flecks of paint. All orbiting high above Earth’s atmosphere. With Space junk now a significant problem, the impact of junk on satellites is regularly causing damage and generating even more junk.

Is it much of a problem? Yes, indeed. The problem is so big, in fact, that NASA in the USA keeps track of the bigger items, which travel at speeds of up to 17,500 mph, which is ‘fast enough for a relatively small piece of orbital debris to damage a satellite or a spacecraft’. How many pieces does it track? By 2013, it was tracking 500,000 pieces of space junk as they orbited the Earth. See ‘Space Debris and Human Spacecraft’. Of course, these items are big enough to track. But not all junk is that big.

In fact, a recent estimate indicates that the number of Space junk items could be in excess of 100 trillion. See ‘Space Junk: Tracking & Removing Orbital Debris’.

Is anything being done about Space junk? No government involved in Space is really interested: It’s too expensive for that to be seriously considered.

But given the ongoing government and military interest in weaponizing Space, as again reflected in the recent US ‘Nuclear Posture Review 2018’, which would add a particularly dangerous type of junk to Space, the Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space has been conducting an effective worldwide campaign since 1992 to mobilize resistance to weapons and nuclear power being deployed and used in Space.

Military Waste

The carnage and waste produced by preparation for and the conduct of military violence is so vast that it almost defies description and calculation. In its most basic sense, every single item produced to perform a military function – from part of a uniform to a weapon – is garbage: an item that has no functional purpose (unless you believe that killing people is functional). To barely touch on it here then, military violence generates a vast amount of pollution, which contaminates the atmosphere, oceans, all fresh water sources, and the soil with everything from the waste generated by producing military uniforms to the radioactive waste which contaminates environments indefinitely.

For just a taste of this pollution, see the Toxic Remnants of War Project, the film ‘Scarred Lands & Wounded Lives’, ‘U.S. Military World’s Largest Polluter – Hundreds of Bases Gravely Contaminated’, ‘Depleted Uranium and Radioactive Contamination in Iraq: An Overview’ and ‘The Long History of War’s Environmental Costs’.

Many individuals, groups and networks around the world campaign to end war. See, for example, War Resisters’ International, the International Peace Bureau and World Beyond War.

You can participate in these efforts.

Nuclear Waste

Partly related to military violence but also a product of using nuclear power, humans generate vast amounts of waste from exploitation of the nuclear fuel cycle. This ranges from the pollution generated by mining uranium to the radioactive waste generated by producing nuclear power or using a nuclear weapon. But it also includes the nuclear waste generated by accidents such as that at Chernobyl and Fukushima.

Image result for Emergency Declared at Nuclear Waste Site in Washington State

Again, for just a taste of the monumental nature of this problem, see ‘Emergency Declared at Nuclear Waste Site in Washington State’‘Disposing of Nuclear Waste is a Challenge for Humanity’ and ‘Three Years Since the Kitty Litter Disaster at Waste Isolation Pilot Plant’.

While the London Dumping Convention permanently bans the dumping of radioactive and industrial waste at sea (which means nothing in the face of the out-of-control discharges from Fukushima, of course) – see ‘1993 – Dumping of radioactive waste at sea gets banned’ – groups such as Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace continue to campaign against the nuclear industry (including radioactive waste dumping) and to promote renewable energy.

They would be happy to have your involvement.

Our Bodies

Some of the garbage that ends up being dumped is done via our bodies. Apart from the junk food produced at direct cost to the environment, the cost of these poisoned, processed and nutritionally depleted food-like substances also manifests as ill-health in our bodies and discharges of contaminated waste. Rather than eating food that is organically or biodynamically grown and healthily prepared, most of us eat processed food-like substances that are poisoned (that is, grown with large doses of synthetic fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides that also destroy the soil and kill vast numbers of insects – see ‘Death and Extinction of the Bees’ and ‘Insectageddon: farming is more catastrophic than climate breakdown’ – and then cook this food in rancid oils and perhaps even irradiate (microwave) it before eating. Although microwave ovens were outlawed in the Soviet Union in 1976, they remain legal elsewhere. See ‘The Hidden Hazards of Microwave Cooking’, ‘How Your Microwave Oven Damages Your Health In Multiple Ways’ and ‘Microwave Cooking is Killing People’.

Unfortunately, however, considerable official effort still goes into developing new ways to nuclearize (contaminate) our food – see ‘Seven examples of nuclear technology improving food and agriculture’ – despite long-established natural practices that are effective and have no damaging side effects or polluting outcomes.

But apart from poisoned, processed and unhealthily prepared food, we also inject our bodies with contaminated vaccines – see ‘New Quality-Control Investigations on Vaccines: Micro- and Nanocontamination’, ‘Dirty Vaccines: New Study Reveals Prevalence of Contaminants’ and ‘Aluminum, Autoimmunity, Autism and Alzheimer’s’ – consume medically-prescribed antibiotics (see section above) and other drugs – see ‘The Spoils of War: Afghanistan’s Multibillion Dollar Heroin Trade. Washington’s Hidden Agenda: Restore the Drug Trade’– and leave the environment to deal with the contaminated waste generated by their production and the discharges from our body.

Many individuals and organizations all over the world work to draw attention to these and related issues, including the ‘death-dealing’ of doctors, but the onslaught of corporate media promotion and scare campaigns means that much of this effort is suppressed. Maintaining an unhealthy and medically-dependent human population is just too profitable.

If you want to genuinely care for your health and spare the environment the toxic junk dumped though your body, the ideas above in relation to growing and eating organic/biodynamic food and consulting natural health practitioners are a good place to start.

‘Ordinary’ Rubbish

For many people, of course, dealing with their daily garbage requires nothing more than putting it into a rubbish bin. But does this solve the problem?

Well, for a start, even recycled rubbish is not always recycled, and even when it is, the environmental cost is usually high.

In fact, the various costs of dealing with rubbish is now so severe that China, a long-time recipient of waste from various parts of the world, no longer wants it. See ‘China No Longer Wants Your Trash. Here’s Why That’s Potentially Disastrous’.

Of course there are also special events that encourage us to dump extra rubbish into the Earth’s biosphere. Ever thought about what happens following special celebrations like Christmas? See ‘The Environmental Christmas Hangover’ or the waste discharged from cruise ships? See ‘16 Things Cruise Lines Never Tell You’.

Does all this pollution really matter? Well, as mentioned at the beginning, we pay an enormous cost for it both in terms of human life but in other ways too. See ‘The Lancet Commission on pollution and health’.

Junk information

One category of junk, which is easily overlooked and on which I will not elaborate, is the endless stream of junk information with which we are bombarded. Whether it is corporate ‘news’ (devoid of important news about our world and any truthful analysis of what is causing it) on television, the radio or in newspapers, letterbox advertising, telephone marketing or spam emails, our attention is endlessly distracted from what matters leaving most humans ill-informed and too disempowered to resist the onslaught that is destroying our world.

So what can we do about all of the junk identified above?

Well, unless you want to continue deluding yourself that some token measures taken by you, governments, international organizations (such as the United Nations) or industry are going to fix all of this, I encourage you to consider taking personal action that involves making a serious commitment.

This is because, at the most fundamental level, it is individuals who consume and then discharge the waste products of their consumption. And if you choose what you consume with greater care and consume less, no one is going to produce what you don’t buy or discharge the waste products of that production on your behalf.

Remember Gandhi? He was not just the great Indian independence leader. His personal possessions at his death numbered his few items of self-made clothing and his spectacles. We can’t all be like Gandhi but he can be a symbol to remind us that our possessions and our consumption are not the measure of our value. To ourselves or anyone else.

If the many itemized suggestions made above sound daunting, how does this option sound?

Do you think that you could reduce your consumption by 10% this year.?And, ideally, do it in each of seven categories: water, household energy, vehicle fuel, paper, plastic, metals and meat? Could you do it progressively, reducing your consumption by 10% each year for 15 consecutive years? See ‘The Flame Tree Project to Save Life on Earth’.

I am well aware of the emotional void that makes many people use ‘shopping therapy’ to feel better or to otherwise consume, perhaps by traveling, to distract themselves. If you are in this category, then perhaps you could tackle this problem at its source by ‘Putting Feelings First’.

No consumer item or material event can ever fill the void in your Selfhood. But you can fill this void by traveling the journey to become the powerful individual that evolution gave you the potential to be. If you want to understand how you lost your Selfhood, see ‘Why Violence?’ and ‘Fearless Psychology and Fearful Psychology: Principles and Practice’.

You might also help ensure that children do not acquire the consumption/pollution addiction by making ‘My Promise to Children’.

If you want to campaign against one of the issues threatening human survival discussed briefly above, consider planning a Nonviolent Campaign Strategy.

And if you wish to commit to resisting violence of all kinds, you can do so by signing the online pledge of ‘The People’s Charter to Create a Nonviolent World’.

In the final analysis, each of us has a choice. We can contribute to the ongoing creation of Earth as the planet of junk. Or we can use our conscience, intelligence and determination to guide us in resisting the destruction of our world.


Robert J. Burrowes has a lifetime commitment to understanding and ending human violence. He has done extensive research since 1966 in an effort to understand why human beings are violent and has been a nonviolent activist since 1981. He is the author of ‘Why Violence?’ His email address is [email protected] and his website is here.

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The Kurds Have Backed Damascus into a Corner

February 23rd, 2018 by Andrew Korybko

Conflict Context

The past week has seen a flurry of conflicting reports about the true status of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allied militias in Afrin, with the general conclusion being that Damascus is playing a dangerous game of brinksmanship with Ankara in coyly playing with the possibility of allying with the PYD-YPG “federalist” Kurds. The author wrote about this in his most recently analysis titled “Syria’s Afrin Move: ‘Artful Assistance To Allies’ Or ‘Armageddon In The Making’?”, which includes references to his two crucial foundational texts on this topic questioning whether “It’s Even Possible To “Betray” The Kurds?” and warning that “The Syrian Kurds Think They Can Play Damascus Like A Fiddle”.

The main point being expressed is that no actor should feel any “guilt” about breaking their previous “commitments” to the Syrian Kurds because it’s impossible to “betray” them anyhow, but that Damascus might not realize this and is therefore susceptible to being taken advantage of by the PYD-YPG as it seeks to provoke a conventional Turkish-Syrian conflict. Regrettably, the fact alone that Damascus is flirting with the Kurds is proof that it might be falling for their ruse, though to the government’s defense, it might only be doing so as part of a short-term tactical measure aimed at countering what it believes to be the larger and more existential threat of Turkey.

Spheres Of Influence

That, with all due respect to Damascus, is a risky supposition to make because it overlooks the nuances of the Russian-Turkish Strategic Partnership and Ankara’s legitimate claims about fighting Kurdish terrorists, which everyone should be reminded were passively approved by Moscow withdrawing its military forces from Afrin and de-facto greenlighting the “Operation Olive Branch”. Turkey does not intend to “annex” any part of Syria like some misleading infowar voices claim but it admittedly wants to establish a sphere of influence within the country by replacing the PYD-YPG with pro-Turkish Kurds and Arabas afterwards. They’re not the only one gaming to set up their own ‘fiefdom’ in the country, though, since the Kurdish “federalists” themselves already allowed 2000 US troops to deploy to 10 bases in the agriculturally and energy-rich northeastern one-third of Syria.

Israel is also in on this too, since it’s no secret that they intend to expand and then ultimately crystallize the so-called “de-escalation zone” next to the occupied Golan Heights in order to carve out their own sphere as well. Iran, however, isn’t playing its hand as obviously as the others are and actually has international law on its side since its envisioned region of influence corresponds with the territories under the SAA’s control. As for Russia, it’s engaged in a complex “balancing” act attempting to multi-manage these sometimes contradictory aspirations in order to advance its own end game designs of replacing America’s fading leadership in the region and therefore strengthening the Multipolar World Order that’s emerging in its wake.


To that end, Russia wants military hostilities to end as soon as possible so that it can use its influence over the political process to divvy out de-facto spheres of influence to every competitor, thereby making it the indispensable Mideast power. The problem is that both Syria and Iran are against this design: Damascus is opposed in principle and also because it believes that anything less than liberating ‘every square inch” of the country like President Assad promised would discredit him, while Tehran fears that it and its Hezbollah allies will be “backstabbed” during this process and compelled to withdraw from Syria. That’s why these old partners are coordinating with one another in order to keep hostilities simmering for as long as possible in the hope that the resultant uncertainty can create windows of opportunity for them to push back against their Turkish, American, and Israeli rivals’ spheres of influence.

Russia wised up to their game plan and is increasingly losing patience with both of them, knowing full well that its grand strategic vision risks being undermined by Syria and Iran if these latter two succeed in their objectives. Moscow believes that it has more to gain in the long term and in view of the “bigger picture” by pragmatically going along with Turkey and Israel’s sphere of influence claims while simultaneously reaching a “gentlemen’s agreement” with the US for passively accepting its own in the Kurdish-controlled northeast, but all of Russia’s hard-fought diplomatic-strategic work is now endangered because Syria appears to have heeded Iran’s presumed advice in backing up the PYD-YPG Kurds in Afrin against the Turks.

Damascus’ “Kurdish Card”

It’s not only that Syria wants to spite the Turks, or cause enough confusion that it can then exploit to liberate more territory ,that explains its support – however temporary and tactical it may be – for the Kurds, but deeper motivations as well. Syria is a richly diverse state comprised of many sub-identities that have come together in order to form the contemporary nation, and the Kurds are one of its main components. If President Assad was seriously perceived of by his people as “selling out” what are technically his own citizens despite their treasonous collaboration with the US and anti-constitutional declaration of “federalization” in setting up an Amero-Zionist proxy state in the country’s northeast, then it could lead to the collapse of the modern Syrian state.

To explain, the government’s implicit “acknowledgement” that one of its constituent people have betrayed the country for identify-centric “nationalist” reasons could quickly lead to the erosion of the country’s contemporary (key word) identity that was constructed in the aftermath of independence when this millennia-old civilization abruptly became a nation-state after centuries of Ottoman occupation. It’s not to say that Syria has always “needed” the Kurds, but just that nowadays the removal of this strategic factor from the national equation could be disastrous in the sense that it might “legitimize” other identity separatist “causes”elsewhere, rapidly leading to the unraveling of the very essence of the modern-day Syrian state. This doesn’t have to happen, but it’s the fear of such a scenario that might be why Damascus has felt compelled to back up the Kurds in a desperate bid to ensure their “loyalty”, however flimsy and short-term it may be.

Another possible motivation might have to do with Syria’s history of supporting Kurdish militants ever since it decided to host PKK founder Abdullah Ocalan in 1979 in an effort to asymmetrically equalize its strategic disparity with much stronger NATO-member Turkey. While former President Hafez Assad expelled this controversial figure in 1998 following unprecedented Turkish pressure, it’s likely that elements of the Syrian “deep state” retained some uncertain degree of contact with his organization in order to not lose the unconventional leverage that they would need to rely on in the event of an actual future war with their neighbor. In view of this, it makes sense why the SAA reportedly armed the PYD-YPG, which itself is an offshoot of Ocalan’s PKK, in the early stages of the Hybrid War of Terror on Syria when the Kurds were fighting against foreign-backed terrorists and had yet to openly betray Damascus.

Nowadays there’s no denying that the PYD-YPG committed treason against the Syrian state through its collaboration with the Americans and blatant “federal” regime change calls against its democratically elected government, but the irony is that Damascus doesn’t yet feel comfortable with recognizing this reality because of the earlier mentioned fear that it might catalyze the destruction of the country’s contemporary “nationalism” and subsequently its very being. The Syrian authorities and their Iranian allies believe that there are several vultures circling the Arab Republic and waiting to take a piece of it for themselves, whether through the unrealistic scenario of doing so de-jure (which would never be recognized by any other player and isn’t seriously considered by anyone at this time) or de-facto via “decentralization” along the “de-escalation zones” into spheres of influence, and they think that the state actors (which includes their Israeli foe that they don’t recognize as legitimate) constitute a greater threat than the non-state Kurds.

Concluding Thoughts

This might be a massive miscalculation on their part because it downplays the danger that the PYD-YPG poses not only to the integrity of the Syrian state via their Amero-Zionist “federalist” crusade but also the reaction that it risks provoking from Turkey, which probably isn’t going to stop until the threat is quashed. Ankara’s response might even include attacking the SAA under the pretext that the national military is “defending terrorists”, a scenario which might likely see Russia stand on the sidelines as passive “punishment” to Syria for “overstepping” and trying to undermine Moscow’s meticulous multipolar “balancing” strategy. Damascus is between a rock and hard place after being encouraged by Tehran to “confront” the Russian-Turkish-Israeli spheres of influence plan and the implied one that would likely follow between Moscow and Washington by playing Syria’s own version of the “Kurdish Card”, but it stands to dramatically backfire in the worst ways imaginable.

The danger isn’t just that the Turkish Armed Forces will wage an all-out war on their Syrian counterparts – a scenario that is frighteningly real – but that Damascus has shown that it is unable to overcome its identity-“dependency” on the Kurds in doing away with the long-held notion that they form an “integral” part of Syrian society and can’t be directly fought against at any cost no matter what they do, which includes working with the country’s hated Amero-Zionist enemies. The fact that the Kurds can “get away” with this is striking since no Arab or Turkish member of the country’s society has ever been given such an “exception”, but that just proves that the Syrian leadership still feels that it needs the Kurds more than the reverse, which is a major strategic vulnerability that’s being exploited by PYD-YPG that Syria ironically says at times doesn’t even represent the will of the majority of the Kurds anyhow.

It’s because of these reasons that it can be concluded that the Kurds have backed Damascus into a corner, but as the saying goes, “a cornered fox is more dangerous than a jackal”, and this means that Syria might react very unpredictably in the next week or two as it fights for what its leadership truly believes to be the existential fate of the state itself.


Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare.

Featured image is from Oriental Review.

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War Preparations Against Venezuela as Election Nears

February 23rd, 2018 by Kevin Zeese

Since we published “Regime Change Fails: Is a Military Coup or Invasion Next,” we received more information showing steps toward preparing for a potential military attack on Venezuela. Stopping this war needs to become a top priority for the peace movement.

Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) published a newsletter that reported “troubling news of an impending military assault on the sovereign nation of Venezuela by states and forces allied with the United States.” Ajamu Baraka, the director, said the US is concerned that President Maduro will win the April 22 election, which would mean six more years in office. BAP urges people to include “No War On Venezuela” in actions being planned from February 16-23 for the 115th anniversary of the United States occupying Guantanamo.

Is the Path to War Through Border Disputes?

One way to start a war would be a cross-border dispute between Venezuela and Colombia, Brazil or Guyana. On February 12, the Maritime Herald reported that Admiral Kurt Tidd, head of the US Southern Command, arrived in Colombia just two days after the US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson met with President Juan Manuel Santos as part of Tillerson’s unprecedented regime change tour. Tidd met with Colombian Defense Minister Luis Carlos Villegas and other senior officials to coordinate efforts around “regional stability” with a focus on Venezuela.

The Maritime Herald also reports US troops coming to Colombian military bases, paramilitaries coming to Colombian towns along the Venezuelan border, plans for “a joint naval force between the United States, Colombia and Mexico,” and arrival of a contingent of 415 members of the United States Air Force to Panama to create support and logistics points for the operation against Venezuela. Also important are two fast-acting US military bases installed in the communities of Vichada and Leticia, Colombia, bordering Venezuela.

Both Colombia and Brazil have deployed more troops to their borders with Venezuela. Colombian President Santos ordered “the deployment of 3000 additional security personnel to the Venezuelan border. This figure included 2,120 more soldiers.” The decision came the day before officials from the US Southern Command met in Colombia to “discuss security cooperation.” Brazil also announced plans to “double its border patrols on the Venezuelan frontier.” The excuse for these increased deployments was due to Venezuelan migrants crossing the border into Colombia and Brazil.

To calm these concerns, President Maduro called for a meeting between Venezuelan authorities and Colombia over security concerns along their border. The Colombian government estimates that 450,000 Venezuelan migrants have entered the country in the last 18 months.  Maduro said that official numbers did not equate to a “massive exodus” and reminded Colombia that during the Colombian civil war with the FARC, 5.6 million Colombians crossed the border to make Venezuela their home.

The corporate intelligence firm, Stratfor, which works closely with the US government, recently published a report that could be laying the groundwork for a border dispute. Stratfor wrote that Brazilian intelligence officials are goinging to meet with Guyana’s officials to warn them that Venezuela is planning to attack Guyana. There is a long-term dispute over land between Venezuela and Guyana that is being litigated before the International Court of Justice. The report includes a questionable claim that there is an “ongoing dialogue with the Trump administration over the terms of President Nicolas Maduro and his party’s departure from power.” The reality is that President Maduro is preparing for the April election.

In response to these actions, President Maduro announced the Venezuelan armed forces will carry out military exercises on February 24 and 25 in “defense” of the nation to fine tune the movement of “tanks, missiles and helicopters as part of the nation’s defense strategy.”

Upcoming Elections in Venezuela

The opposition in Venezuela has been seeking presidential elections since 2016 when they presented a petition for the recall of President Maduro. They claimed to collect enough signatures, but there were allegations of voter fraud, including thousands of dead people’s names listed on the petitions.

Violent protests followed rejection of the petition and Henrique Capriles set a deadline for an election in November 2016, threatening larger protests. On November 1, opposition leader Henry Ramos, the head of the national assembly, announced cancellation of the protests.  The opposition still pressed for an election. The government announced a special election to be held in February or March of 2018.

Now,  Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza announced,

“We have a date for the presidential election, which is the date proposed by the opposition, April 22. Furthermore, we have the electoral guarantees proposed by the opposition, so we are going to the elections and the Venezuelan people will decide their future with democracy and votes.”

Officials of the Dominican Republic observers guaranteeing the legitimacy of the elections. Venezuela will invite the United Nations and others to also serve as observers. Despite this, the United States and members of the right wing Lima Group of US allies, say they will not recognize the elections.

Does the Trump Administration Want War to “Unify the Country”

President Trump’s divisive presidency has left him unpopular in the polls. Hours before his State of the Union speech, Trump told television news anchors,

“I would love to be able to bring back our country into a great form of unity. Without a major event where people pull together, that’s hard to do. But I would like to do it without that major event because usually that major event is not a good thing.”

We hope President Trump is not looking at the increase in public support that President George W. Bush received after he attacked Iraq as a model for his administration. Instead, he should remember President Lyndon Johnson being driven from office after his landslide election because of the Vietnam war.

The Trump administration has failed in its attempts to instigate war with North Korea and Iran. The terrible diplomatic performance of Vice President Pence at the Olympic games, where the two Koreas began to make progress toward peace and unification, puts the US in a weaker position to threaten North Korea. President Kim invited President Moon to North Korea to continue peace talks. Now there is rising hope for an agreement between the two Koreas.

Similarly, the protests in Iran, which the US may have encouraged, fizzled. When the US brought the protests to the UN Security Council and used them to call for action against Iran, the US was isolated. Countries asked whether the UN should have taken action against the US after the protests in Ferguson over the police killing of Michael Brown. The protests also exposed massive US spending to create opposition to the government in Iran, as well as coordination with Israel.

Stopping the US Attack on Venezuela

In our last article, we indicated the reasons for the threat of a military coup and military attack were because Venezuela has the world’s largest proven oil reserves and because Venezuela has set an example of breaking from US dominance of the region and challenging capitalism.

In addition, economic sanctions have pushed Venezuela to have closer relations with Russia and China to circumvent US sanctions.  The US does not want these global rivals in what it has considered it’s backyard since the Monroe Doctrine.

Finally, the US is concerned with Venezuela’s new cryptocurrency, which will launch within days and be backed by 5.3 billion barrels of oil worth $267 billion. The cryptocurrency is a bid to offset Venezuela’s deep financial crisis. This threatens US economic domination.

We must expose the reasons for increasing US aggression towards Venezuela and work to counter misinformation in the media that is attempting to build support for a military conflict with Venezuela. Here are actions you can take:

  1. Use this tool to contact your Members of Congress. Urge them to use diplomacy with Venezuela and to stop the sanctions, which are a deadly form of economic warfare. CLICK HERE TO TAKE ACTION.
  2. Share this newsletter widely in your community and through social media.
  3. Join the actions on February 23 with messages of “US out of Guantanamo” and “No war with Venezuela.”

Let’s stop this next war before it begins!


Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers co-direct

All images in this article are from the authors.

The School Massacre in Florida. Media Violence, War Culture

February 23rd, 2018 by Dr. Rudolf Hänsel

On February 14, at the Parkland High School in Florida (USA), the 19th school shooting took place at a US school in the just-started 2018. It was one of the deadliest: fourteen students and three teachers were literally executed by a 19-year-old former student and dozens more injured.

In a disturbing life video of a student from a classroom, it becomes clear what mental torments young people have to go through in a school massacre: boys in shorts and girls lie huddled in fear under tables and chairs, the jackets pulled over their heads. At short intervals you hear gunfire and a boy screaming in panic:

“Our fu**ing school is getting shot up… O my god! There’s bullet holes in the fu**ing computer… O my god!” (1)

Other students called their parents over cell phones and said goodbye or asked desperately, “Where should I go, what should I do?” Never before have I experienced this insanity so closely and painfully.

Philip Medd, a former CIA and FBI official who as an expert had to drop a CNN interview on a massacre because of a wine spasm, said that this mass murder was not by accident, not by misfortune, but as a consequence of “our inaction”. America is experiencing an “epidemic of mass killings” that cannot be accepted (2).

According to observers in Florida, this Parkland crime is an exact repetition of the school shooting at Erfurt’s Gutenberg High School on April 26, 2002, even as far as the 17 dead are concerned.

On the causes of increasing youth violence and school shootings

As early as the 1970s, the question of how violence originates and how it spreads has been clarified through scientific studies: Aggressive, violent behavior, like all other human behaviors, is learned in the interpersonal relationship and is not innate.

The US scientists Albert Bandura and Richard Walters have found in their research that children imitate parents, siblings and playmates. And just as they acquire cognitive and social skills, they also acquire aggressive behavior as early as the first years of life. It’s a learning on the model.

The influence of models is so strong that even children who have no preparedness for aggression take on the aggressive behavior of role models. With this explanation certain aggression theories (hypothesis of an aggressive drive, aggression frustration hypothesis) and other theories are refuted as false.

In exploring the causes of increasing youth violence, it is important to highlight the role of the media, especially the violent computer and video games. It has been proven that the increasingly brutal TV and violent games products contribute significantly to the development of child and juvenile delinquency and to the increase of youth violence.

Violent video and computer games (“killer games”) are touted to the youth of the world since the early 1990s by the multi-billion dollar games industry as entertainment and the ultimate “game fun”.They are produced in cooperation with the Pentagon. The internationally recognized US military psychologist Lt. Col. Dave Grossman, an expert on the psychology of killing, describes these violence games as “mass murder simulators.

Although serious media impact research was able to eliminate the last doubts already  many years ago and lead to conclusive proof that playing violent video games produces more aggressive, less compassionate children – regardless of age, gender, or cultural background (3) –, have the lobbyists of the film and games industry, in association with journalists, politicians and scientists, succeeded over the past decade to unsettle parents, teachers and educators, on the one hand with targeted false statements and on the other hand by questioning solid research results.

Stop Teaching our Kids to Kill

In his book “Stop Teaching our Kids to Kill” military expert Dave Grossman provides convincing evidence that violent games are co responsible for school shootings:

“There are three things you need in order to shoot and kill effectively and efficiently. From a soldier in Vietnam to an eleven-year-old in Jonesboro, anyone who does not have all three will essentially fail in any endeavor to kill. First, you need a gun. Next you need the skill to hit target with a gun. And finally you need the will to use that gun. The gun, the skill, and the will. Of these three factors, the military knows that the killing simulators take care of two out of the three by nurturing both the skill and the will to kill a fellow human being.”(4) 

The bitter result of this murder training are then children and adolescents who shoot siblings, parents or their classmates and teachers. In a narcissistic personality, this is usually triggered by alleged insults, rejections and negative interpretations of events. The feeling of being right and restoring justice also plays a role (5).

If the youth then has a weapon available, this narcissistic injury turns into a mass murder with many deaths – as happened recently in Florida.

In addition to the excessive use of violence games, another factor is co-responsible for crimes such as the school shootings: adults must be present in the lives of children and adolescents. Reliable and trusted caregivers are of great importance for the development in childhood and adolescence. The criminologist and psychologist Hans Joachim Schneider came to the conclusion:

“If adults are not present in the lives of adolescents, it is also not possible to teach their children adult values such as self-confidence, self-discipline, courtesy, mutual respect, patience, generosity and empathy to others. (…) Empirical research on ‘school shootings’ in the US provides strong evidence of the absence of advice and guidance from adults, and especially from parents.”(6)

Looking now at the superficial coverage in the mass media about the events in Florida, you notice the contradiction to the scientific facts presented.As the causes for the mass murder mentioned in the first place are the liberal US weapons laws, and then factors such as childhood trauma, unjust parents or teachers, psychiatric disorders, substance abuse, spurned love or membership in a shooting club, all of which may be more or less responsible, but are not crucial.

But no politician or expert speaks of the violence- and war culture of the transatlantic “community of values” that forms the learning environment of our children and adolescents? World-wide wars are being waged with devastating consequences for tens of millions of people, and warlords are threatening with impunity other states with atomic annihilation or being bombarded back to the Stone Age if they are not obedient and submit to the hegemon. The role model effect for our youth is correspondingly fatal.

Yet, we are not defenseless to the media violence on television and the violent games. Parents, educators, and teachers would be able to protect children and adolescents from media negligence and social contamination with the violent virus, and to sensitize them to the covert mechanisms of manipulation to see through the “game”. This protection can be achieved through education and restrictive measures.

An essential element is a relationship shaped by the parents and teachers, which strengthens the adolescents. Thus, the child and the adolescent can develop a mental immunity to the flooding with images of violence.

Why do we train a generation of killers?

But the reality is different: In Germany, nearly 40 million people currently play computer and video games. The vast majority of these games are full of repulsive violence, the negative impact on the predominantly male adolescents is drastic. As the Drug Commissioner of the Federal Government stated already in the fall of 2017:

“Teenagers between the ages of 12 and 17 spend an average of about 22 hours per week playing computer games or using the Internet. (…) 5.8 percent of all young people between the ages of 12 and 17 years now show a disturbed Internet or computer game behavior. They have difficulty controlling their play and show withdrawal symptoms such as aggression, withdrawal from everyday life or depression. This is a worrying development, (…)” (7).

Dave Grossman, author of the sensational book “Assassination Generation. Video Games, Aggression, and the Psychology of Killing” writes on“Violent Games and Automatic Control”:

“Millions of children are training with violent video games every day, and only a few of them will go off and use those skills and conditioned reflexes they learned in the games and commit mass murder. But that should be enough for us to understand that we are doing something very stupid! Never before have we had adolescents capable of committing such mass murders.” (8)

Why do we allow our male adolescents to continue having the opportunity to train killing virtually? Why do we make a generation of killers? For example, former US President Reagan prophesied in the 1980s:

“I’ve recently heard something interesting about video games. Many young people have developed incredible dexterity in hand, eye and brain coordination in these games. The Air Force believes these kids will be exceptionally good pilots once they fly our jets.”(9)

Cui bono?

In the field of criminalistics and history, it has become the principle to ask about the beneficiaries of certain events or actions, especially in the case of crimes: Cui bono? Whose advantage or benefit? The Roman philosopher and playwright Lucius Annaeus Seneca (1 to 65 AD) used the expression slightly modified in his tragedy Medea: “Cui prodest scelus, is fecit” –  “To whom the crime benefits, he has committed it.” But first things first.

Just one day after the massacre, allegations were made at a press conference in Parkland against the US Federal Police FBI: The massacre was not prevented despite clear indications and warnings.Already in September 2017, the FBI is said to have received a reference to the student Nikolas Cruz, the later assassin.He had announced his act under a YouTube video with the words: “I will be a professional school assassin.” (10) However, the investigation by the FBI remained inconclusive.

On January 5, 2018, the FBI got a phone call with very concrete references to the perpetrator. The caller is said to know Nikolas Cruz well and to have pointed out his infatuation with weapons and the planning of a possible attack on a school. The FBI was hence very concretely warned of the assassin, but has admitted to not have followed the indication.

Even the school board of the concerned high school has warned of Nikolas Cruz and gave him house ban. Many students have already feared, according to TV reports that he would return as an avenger, because he had to leave school some time ago due to disciplinary difficulties.

As an expert on the prevention of school and media violence, who has after the school shooting in Germany spent many years working on the issue of preventing such crimes as a school counselor and school psychologist, I already asked myself at that time: Why has the FBI done nothing, despite all the warnings, to protect the more than 3,000 grade 9-12 students and the more than 120 high school teachers from the 19-year-old gunfool?

Also, I wondered if this school massacre with 17 dead maybe should not be prevented. But for what reason and whose benefit (Cui bono)? Should this crime possibly pressure the US president to intensify the liberal arms laws? However, because of the monstrosity of such a crime, I found my suspicions too premature.

The grief has turned into a national rebellion of teenagers.

But already a few days later, evidence of possible beneficiaries of the crime condensed. Almost all mainstream media reported that the massacre could possibly have been prevented if the FBI had not failed. The governor of Florida demanded the resignation of the FBI Director.

Two days after the assassination, the US President visited the relatives of the victims and the survivors in the hospital. He emphasized that the culprit had been mentally ill. He did not speak about intensifying the gun laws. That was expected of him. But he already did not do that on his TV appearances in the days before.

On February 18, then, the media reports from Florida almost overturned in the conviction of Trump as the National Rifle Association (NRA) man. Spiegel Online, under the headline “Amok survivors to Trump: Shame on you”, reported that the young surviving student Emma Gonzales had made serious allegations against President Trump and that her anger speech was spreading rapidly on social media:

“Shame on you”, cried Emma Gonzales at an anti-gun demonstration in Fort Lauderdale attended by hundreds of students. (…) She also criticized Trump for accepting funds from the NRA in the 2016 presidential campaign. (…)”Shame on you, shame on you,” chanted the demonstrators.”(11)

17-year-old David Hogg told the president that Trump should stop vacationing in Mar-a-Lago and instead do something and set out laws to save lives: “Children die and the blood sticks to your hands as well.” (12)

The grief turned into rage, headlined the online edition of the Süddeutsche Zeitung, reporting that students, parents and teachers in Florida demonstrated and chanted for stricter gun laws: “Enough is enough” and “shame on you” (13).

On February 19, Spiegel online was already talking about a “rebellion of teenagers“. The so-called Columbine generation (named after the US school massacre in 1999) wants to fight and do something with demonstrations, with TV interviews, with protest calls on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snap chat. For March 24, students have called for a nationwide “anti-arms march” in Washington. America’s teachers would follow with a general strike (14).

There is nothing more to say about this process right now. The further development will either confirm the expressed initial suspicion of the “cui bono?” or it must be rejected. Also, we will see how the US President reacts to the nationwide protests and allegations of the youth.


Dr. Rudolf Hänsel is an educationalist, psychologist and expert in the prevention of youth violence, school violence and media violence. More information at



(2) Mitschrift eines Videos in:

(3) Hänsel, R. (2011). Game over! Wie Killerspiele unsere Jugend manipulieren, S. 29 f.

(4) Grossman,D. /DeGaetano,G. (2002). Wer hat unseren Kindern das Töten beigebracht? Ein Aufruf gegen Gewalt in Fernsehen, Film und Computerspielen. Stuttgart, S. 86.

(5)Vgl. Füllgrabe, U. Gewaltförderung durch falsche Paradigmen. reportpsychologie 1/2007, S. 12-27.

(6) Schneider, H. J. Delinquenz Jugendlicher. In: Kriminalistik 4/2000, S. 26.

(7) Die Drogenbeauftragte der Bundesregierung, „Gemeinsame Pressemitteilung gamescom 2017: Exzessive Mediennutzung birgt Risiken – Zahl der computerabhängigen Jugendlichen steigt“ vom 21.08.2017.

(8) Grossman, D./ Christensen, L. W. Gewaltspiele und automatische Steuerung. In: Hänsel, R. / Hänsel, R. (Hrsg.) (20062). Da spiel ich nicht mit! Auswirkungen von „Unterhaltungsgewalt“ in Fernsehen, Video- und Computerspielen – und was man dagegen tun kann. Eine Handreichung für Lehrer und Eltern. Donauwörth.

(9) Hänsel, R. (2011). Game over! Wie Killerspiele unsere Jugend manipulieren, S. 56.

(10) -parkland-gewarnt-a-1194003.html.





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We are reaching the seventh-year anniversary of the tragic conflict in Syria, which seems to evolve and get more complex as time goes on. If nothing else, with the recent downing of an Israeli F16 by the Syrian army of Bashar al-Assad, which was the first time an Israeli jet was shot down for breaching Syrian air space, the conflict could even grow, with sustained intrusions from Israeli military forces in Syria and tit-for-tat retaliations against Israel by Hezbollah opening a front between Israel and Lebanon. Diffusing the simmering tensions between Israel and Iran/Hezbollah has become imperative to avoid the conflict becoming regional, and the only party that can broker such a deal is Russia, probably with the assistance of Turkey.

Israel is claiming that the provocation came from an Iranian drone breaching their airspace, and this is why the international community wants Moscow to put pressure on Tehran. There is a lot of posturing on all sides. For example, Israeli Brigadier General Amit Fisher, IDF’s commander on the Syrian border, said after the downing of the F16:

“We need to prepare ourselves operationally for the mounting threat. The big test will be the test of war.”

What Amit Fisher is not saying is that the big test will come when Bashar al-Assad’s army will want to retake control of the Syrian part of the Golan Heights. For his part, Iranian official Ali Shamkhani, Secretary of the National Security Council, said in the aftermath of the incident that

“The Syrian nation proved this time that it will respond to any act of aggression, as the era of hit and run is over.”

Overall, while Bashar al-Assad’s Syrian army is reclaiming territories on the battlefield, Israel and the United States are trying to derail the process and setting up shifting red lines.

At the recent international Munich Security Conference, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, known for his occasional histrionics, brought along a piece of metal, which he claimed was a part of the Iranian drone, as evidence of the alleged Iranian intrusion, and served Tehran a flourish of threats punctuated with the usual Bibi pseudo-comical theatrics. While smirking and brandishing the piece of metal junk, Netanyahu gave the Islamic Republic a warning and said that “the tyrants of Tehran should not test Israel’s resolve.” He added, in the specific context of Syria:

“We will act, if necessary, not just against Iran’s proxies, but against Iran itself.”

The revival of this tough rhetoric towards Tehran from Netanyahu is not about the drone episode and not even specifically about Syria. Beyond the theatrics, there are two real issues: firstly, a desperate push by Tel Aviv, with the support of the Trump administration, to cancel the 2015 nuclear agreement with Iran; secondly, a classic wag-the-dog stunt from an Israeli PM who could, at any given time, be indicted by the Israeli police on the charge of corruption and accepting bribes for political favors.

Netanyahu is in political trouble. At a recent rally in Israel some signs called the prime minister a “crime minister.” For politicians in history, it has been a standard operating procedure to foster conflicts abroad, often artificially, when their political situations become precarious on the home front. Unless this is exposed, it works as a dangerous distraction. This is the definition of the wag-the-dog strategy.

Netanyahu’s push, with the assistance of the Trump administration, to scrap the 2015 international nuclear agreement with Iran, will be a no go. While in Munich, Netanyahu had the impudence to compare the nuclear deal to the disastrous 1938 Munich agreement that was signed by Western powers and Adolf Hitler on the incredible premise to avoid war. Unfortunately for Netanyahu and Trump, the other signatories to the nuclear deal, which are France, Britain, Germany, Russia and China, think that the agreement is working fine and do not want to renegotiate it. For his part, at the Munich Security conference and in blatant contradiction to the Trump administration, former US Secretary of State John Kerry defended the deal he had helped to broker and categorically dismissed Netanyahu’s assertions.

Anti-Iranian narrative and the paranoia of the Islamic Republic being “an existential threat for Israel” has helped Netanyahu maintain his grip on power for a long time. It seems that time is up for Bibi. In the post-Netanyahu era coming soon, perhaps Israelis will understand that stability in Syria, which was secured for decades with the strong rule of the Assads is  far from perfect but better than endless war. Israelis should understand as well that a detente with Iran is ultimately in the interest of the Jewish state, as opposed to Netanyahu’s murky and barely secret alliance with Saudi Arabia‘s despot and king in waiting Mohamed bin-Salman. People in Israel, just like the populations of other regional powers, and that is especially true for their temporary allies the Kurds, must understand that in the Middle East the notion of Pax Americana is worse than a myth. It is a grotesque lie. The interest of the US, an empire run by and for the military-industrial complex, is permanent war, not peace. In Syria, if peace finally comes along after seven years of hell, it will be Pax Russiana.

What is remarkable in the Syrian conflict, and this fact has not escaped astute Western geopolitical analysts, is that Russia, not the US, is the unquestionable broker because of its military intervention in 2015 and its role with Turkey and Iran. The Russian leadership role has to be assumed firstly within the Russian, Iranian, Turkish and Hezbollah coalition, and secondly in the context of regional consultations, most essentially with Israel. Increased pressure should be put by Moscow on both Tel Aviv and Tehran to avoid further escalation. But what has triggered this apparent setback and increased number of military incidents, such as the recent downing of a Russian SU-25 by al-Nusra front or the US air strikes against Syrian pro-government forces in Deir Ez-Zor, is obviously a way for the US and Israel to counter the substantial gains made by the forces of Bashar al-Assad on the battlefield. It is also definitely an effort, from all parties, to maximize battlefield gains before potential peace negotiations, but it is overall a dangerous game. It seems that the West wants the Syrian abscess to fester indefinitely. By contrast, Syria’s neighbors, such as Turkey, Israel, Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq, could soon come to realize that only a strongman like Bashar al-Assad can bring Syria out of its present chaos.

In the killing fields and ruins of Syria many proxy wars, either regional or global, rage in a shifting web so elusive that at times it seems too opaque to see even remote possibilities of peaceful political resolutions. Since 2011 more than 500,000 people have died in Syria and 13 million Syrians have been displaced either outside Syria, mainly to Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan, or internally like countless tumbleweeds at the mercy of war. Curiously, the West, despite its humanitarian narrative, has pushed through the years contradictory policies that have fostered, just like in Libya, the ongoing crisis in Syria. At times the West says Assad must go, but on other occasions the dissonant chorus says maybe Assad can stay. Should Assad stay or should he go is indeed one of the questions the different parties should agree upon. But in all tragedies there are elements of comedy and even absurdity. One has to admit: it is rather ironic for Turkey to call its military operation against Syrian Kurds “Olive Branch” considering that an olive branch is a symbol of peace.

Turkey’s military operation on Afrin, a territory controlled by Syrian Kurds, is an issue with the US which happens to be, in a blatant contradiction, allied with the Turks in the context of NATO and also a sponsor of Kurdish forces, which the US military views as their main foot soldiers in Syria. Before launching his Olive Branch Operation, PM Erdogan had consulted Moscow, and one can suspect that, through the Russian channel, Bashar al-Assad was not only informed but actually understood that weakening the Syrian Kurds, allied on the ground with the Americans, was to his advantage. Let us not forget that Turkey, for decades, had no problems with the Assad dynasty’s rule of Syria. In the early stages of the conflict, Turkey was on the Sunni side with Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Israel, and the West actively pouring gasoline on the fire by arming and financing proxy Jihadists of all stripes to topple Bashar al-Assad; Washington’s increased coziness with the Kurds, however, has triggered Erdogan to rethink his Syria policy. Ultimately, Turkey’s prime minister understood that forming a de facto coalition with Russia and Iran was, not only in his country’s interest, but also critical for a chance of regional stability.

The fact that Damascus has apparently been in contact with Syrian Kurd forces fighting the Turks in Afrin and that Bashar al-Assad’s army could join them against the Turkish forces is extremely troubling. Considering that the Kurds are the foot soldiers of the Americans in Syria, it would be a huge strategic mistake on the part of Bashar al-Assad, who has so far been remarkably resilient and shrewd. His impulse to help the Syrian Kurds against the Turks has a historical component to it. Let us not forget that Turkey, as the Ottoman Empire, has a history of invading the region. As a matter of fact, Syria was part of the Ottoman Empire for around 600 years. That said, what should matter to Assad, more than history, is the integrity of the coalition on his side, which includes Turkey. Assad has been warned by Erdogan not to intervene, and it is likely that Russia and Iran will put pressure on Damascus not to join the Kurds in Afrin.

Arguably, the main agent of chaos in Syria, just like it has been in Iraq and Libya, was and still is the US. Despite the apparent schizophrenic aspect and inconsistency of US foreign policy, such as in the instance of Syria being allied with Turks and Kurds who are enemies, the consistent element is that once the US military sets foot on the ground in a country it does become a permanent occupation. Officially, the Pentagon says that it has 2,000 troops in Syria; with black ops the real number could easily be 4,000.

In a January 17, 2017 conversation between Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Condoleeza Rice on the US way forward in Syria, Secretary Tillerson stated that American troops will remain in Syria long after their fight against ISIS is over to ensure that “Neither Iran nor Bashar al-Assad take over areas that have been newly liberated with the help of the US.” Tillerson called the Assad administration as well as Iran “malignant.” His narrative was full of lies and straight out of the neocon lexicon: blatant lies about Assad originally sponsoring ISIS and al-Qaeda; lies and arrogance about the Trump administration claiming credit for the defeat of ISIS in Iraq and Syria.

One Tillerson statement illustrates well the completely false US narrative on Syria, and it has to be quoted: “For nearly 50 years the Syrian people have suffered under the dictatorship of Hafez al-Assad and his son Bashar al-Assad. The nature of the Assad regime, like that of its sponsor Iran, is malignant. It has promoted state terror and empowered groups such as al-Qaeda.” Never mind fake news, this is a gem of fake history! But let us judge US imperialism by what it does, not what it says. Look at Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and Yemen: beyond its web of lies the Orwellian Empire is in the business of engineering failed states either directly or through proxies.

In Syria’s seven-year hell, the country’s ruins have been soaked with the blood of 500,000 people. Thirteen million Syrians have been scattered to the winds, either outside or inside Syria. A few months ago a cease fire was within reach, under the impulse of Russia, Iran and Turkey. But the mayhem is back: the bombs are falling again, and the guns are blazing. A complete country, which was part of Mesopotamia, known to be the cradle to civilization, has been reduced to rubble for the sake of a perverse geopolitical game where most Syrians are just collateral damage. If the coalition of Russia, Iran, Turkey and Hezbollah remains intact and agrees, in the context of a Pax Russiana, that Bashar al-Assad deserves a chance to rebuild his country, then peace could come. Once upon a time, Bashar al-Assad’s destiny was to be a medical doctor specialized in ophthalmology. Could Assad progressively stabilize Syria and then help his people to heal from all this unbearable pain? If this can be achieved, then in due time, Bashar al-Assad will surely want to reclaim Syria’s national sovereignty and will ask all foreign troops to leave his country.


This article was originally published by News Junkie Post.

Gilbert Mercier is the author of The Orwellian Empire

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Trump Sets Deadly Precedent by Hiding Rationale for Bombing Syria

February 23rd, 2018 by Prof. Marjorie Cohn

Pressure is mounting as the Trump administration continues to refuse to reveal its legal justification for bombing Syria in April 2017, despite increased scrutiny from Democratic senators and a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit.

Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Virginia) wrote a letter to Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on February 8, 2018, requesting a copy of the State Department memo containing the Trump administration’s legal justification for the US attack against Syria on April 6, 2017, when it bombed the Shayrat military airbase with 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles.

At the time of the bombing, Trump suggested that he ordered the launching of the missiles in retaliation for a sarin gas attack at Khan Sheikhoun, allegedly ordered by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

The Syrian government, however, denied responsibility for the chemical attack. Meanwhile, Defense Secretary James Mattis admitted earlier this month he has “no evidence” Assad ordered the use of sarin gas against his own people.

In his letter, Kaine expressed concern that the administration persists in refusing to reveal its legal rationale for the bombing.

 “The fact that there is a lengthy memo with a more detailed legal justification that has not been shared with Congress, or the American public, is unacceptable,” Kaine wrote.

Yet, in spite of a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit filed by Protect Democracy on May 22, 2017, Trump refuses to release the memo. The administration claims it is classified. But, as Protect Democracy discovered during the litigation, the classified portion can be easily redacted.

Trump’s Attack on Syria Violated US and International Law

In response to an April 2017 inquiry by Kaine and Rep. Adam Schiff (D-California), the administration said the 2017 missile strike in Syria was not based on the 2001 or 2002 authorizations for use of military force (AUMF), which related to Afghanistan and Iraq, respectively. Rather, the administration has cited the president’s authority as Commander in Chief and Chief Executive under Article II of the Constitution “to defend important U.S. national interests.”

But Article II does not give the president the power to mount a military attack in this instance. Article II states, “The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States.” Article I, however, says only Congress has the power to declare war. Taken together, Articles I and II mean that the president commands the armed forces once Congress has authorized war.

In fact, Trump’s attack on Syria violated both US and international law.

Under the War Powers Resolution (WPR), the president can introduce US troops into hostilities or imminent hostilities only (1) after Congress has declared war, or (2) with “specific statutory authorization,” or (3) in “a national emergency created by attack upon the United States, its territories or possessions, or its armed forces.”

None of these three requirements was met to justify the use of military force in Syria. First, Congress had not declared war. Second, the administration stated it was not relying on the 2001 or 2002 AUMFs (which would not apply anyway) and there was no other congressional authorization. Third, there had been no attack on the United States or US armed forces before Trump’s missile strike. It thus violated the WPR.

Moreover, even if the military attack on Syria did not run afoul of the WPR, it violated the United Nations Charter, a treaty the United States has ratified, making it part of US law under the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution, which says treaties shall be the supreme law of the land.

Article 2(4) of the Charter says that states “shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state.”

The Charter only allows a military attack on another country when conducted in self-defense after an armed attack or if the Security Council has authorized it. Neither occurred in this case.

Syria had not attacked the United States or any other country before Trump directed the missile strike.

“The use of chemical weapons within Syria is not an armed attack on the United States,” according to Notre Dame law professor and international law expert Mary Ellen O’Connell.

Nor had the Council approved Trump’s attack. It therefore violated the Charter. In fact, Assad would have a valid self-defense claim, since the United States initiated an armed attack on Syria.

In his April 8, 2017, report to Congress, Trump claimed he ordered the missile strike to avert “a worsening of the region’s current humanitarian catastrophe.” So-called humanitarian intervention is not a settled norm of international law. To be lawful, military force can only be used in self-defense or with the blessing of the Security Council. Neither was present in this case.

It is critical that Americans know the administration’s purported legal rationale for the Tomahawk missile strike because Trump has launched illegal strikes, and may launch additional military attacks in the future.

A Dangerous Precedent for Attacks on North Korea?

As Kaine wrote in his letter to Tillerson,

“I am also concerned that this legal justification [in the secret memo] may now become precedent for additional executive unilateral military action, including this week’s U.S. airstrikes in Syria against pro-Assad forces or even an extremely risky ‘bloody nose’ strike against North Korea.”

Kaine was referring to the February 7 air and artillery strikes the US-led coalition mounted in Syria. And on February 10, the US-led coalition bombed a T-72 tank in Syria’s Euphrates River Valley.

The Wall Street Journal reported in January that the Trump administration is considering a preemptive “bloody nose” strike against North Korea: “React to some nuclear or missile test with a targeted strike against a North Korean facility to bloody Pyongyang’s nose and illustrate the high price the regime could pay for its behavior.”

Preemptive military attacks violate the UN Charter’s prohibition on the use of military force except in self-defense or with Security Council approval. In a February 5 letter, 18 senators informed Trump that he lacks the “legal authority” to conduct a preemptive military strike on North Korea. They cited “the risks of miscalculation and retaliation” and decried the administration’s removal of Victor Cha from consideration for US ambassador to South Korea, reportedly due to his disagreement with the “bloody nose” strategy.

Besides being illegal, a preemptive strike on North Korea would be catastrophic. Nevertheless, Trump continues his provocative threats against Pyongyang.

Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tennessee), chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said in October that Trump’s dangerous threats could put the United States “on a path to World War III.”


Copyright, Truthout. Reprinted with permission.

Marjorie Cohn is professor emerita at Thomas Jefferson School of Law, former president of the National Lawyers Guild, deputy secretary general of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers and an advisory board member of Veterans for Peace. The second, updated edition of her book, Drones and Targeted Killing: Legal, Moral, and Geopolitical Issues, was published in November. Visit her website: Follow her on Twitter: @MarjorieCohn.

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Can the United Nations Survive?

February 23rd, 2018 by Hans Stehling

The contempt of the Israeli government headed by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu (currently under investigation for fraud and corruption)  for the UN Security Council has shown the international community that any UN member state can ignore Security Council Resolutions, such as UNSCR 2334, with apparent impunity.

Of course, the ability of Mr Netanyahu to dismiss the authority of the United Nations is facilitated by his close links with a compliant US Congress, with whom he has a symbiotic – but parasitic – relationship.  That means that any UN Resolution that is critical of the Likud Zionist government will automatically be rendered null and void by the automatic use of the veto by the United States. In return, Israel offers a strategic base to facilitate American control over both the politics and the oil-rich natural deposits of the entire Middle East.

It is, in fact, an odious relationship that renders void the democratic principles upon which the Charter of the United Nations was based. And that is a complete tragedy for the international community because the United Nations is the one international forum – the only international forum – that represents nearly all 193 nation states, globally. There is no other such body that has the power to intervene, militarily and/or diplomatically, in conflicts anywhere in the world and to mediate between opposing sides.

Now, thanks to two arrogant, aging, Right-wing politicians (who, although here today, will be gone tomorrow), the world is suddenly in dangerously deep, dark, nuclear waters. It is a time that urgently requires great care and diligence plus the emergence of true democratic statesmen, or women, of integrity to lead us into calmer seas where peace, freedom and human rights – not war, imprisonment and torture – will be the benchmarks of a civilised, world society.

Let us pray that we are not too late to avoid nuclear war and an irradiated  landscape where nothing and no one, will grow for the next hundred years:  for we are nearer to that dystopian scenario now than at any time in the history of mankind.

God, Politics and Billy Graham

February 23rd, 2018 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

Evangelising is an ugly thing. It assumes indisputable truths, and limits the field of inquiry.  Its very assertiveness lies in unquestioning rather than probing, a sheepish acceptance of the truth.  The tele-pastor and media choked evangelists, of which the United States became famed, had a figure who was, for much of his time, without peer. 

The late Billy Graham, who died on Wednesday at his home in Montreat, NC, received packed audiences in gatherings of orgiastic religiosity.  His was a crusader beamed via satellite, a religious demagogue attuned to mass media.

Like other religious super figures, including Mother Theresa, he also had the ear of leaders who cared to listen to him. To receive Graham in the White House was to court and entertain power itself.  Presidents duly took note, even, it might be said, in dereliction of their office.  The Bible was consumed with Dwight Eisenhower; company was kept with Gerald Ford.  A very flawed George W. Bush supposedly received a spiritual rebirth under his eye.  With one exception, he told the New York Times, “I never asked to meet them.  They always asked to meet with me.”

The enormity of his reputation was belied by his lack of ostentation.  He dressed simply; he eschewed scandal.  Admirers pondered about his appeal, his ability to traverse partisanship and avoid the stain of naked populism.

“Evangelists cannot be closely identified with any particular party or person.  We have to stand in the middle in order to preach to all people, right and left.  I haven’t been faithful to my own advice in the past. I will be in the future.”

Such a lack of faith lay in the slip-up of associating American life with the divine, a sort of moral exemplar perfected on earth. Could it be that God was American, a point alluded to by the foot soldiers of the Christian Right? “Then I realized that God had called me to a higher kingdom than America.  I have tried to be faithful to my calling as a minister of the Gospel.”

One grand stumble in his calling (or was it a step up?) in the lower reaches of this kingdom in associating with that most morally challenged of US politicians.  With an element of the night about him, President Richard Nixon formed something of a duo with Graham, tantalising him, flirting and encouraging.  Nixon even suggested the possibility that Graham take up the post of ambassador to Israel.

This is all the more fascinating given the insistence by the preacher that pornographic Jews were dominating the media and would ultimately send the United States “down the drain”.  “They’re ones putting out the pornographic stuff,” huffed Graham to Nixon, insisting that the “Jewish stranglehold” had to be “broken”.  To each audience, the appropriate fable.

For Graham, Jews were friends, attempting to cultivate him with a certain relish, encouraged by what they perceived to be his friendship with Israel.  But discomfort reigned.  Disappointment with their power could be contrasted with his own lack. Having “no power, no way to handle them” he would wait to “stand up if under proper circumstances.”  Such is the nature of the preacher; the demagogue can turn.

Invariably, Graham’s use of God as crutch and spear sat uncomfortably with the rational fundamentalists.  Invoking God was tantamount to grand charlatanism in the pursuit of earthly powers.  In 2007, while promoting his polemically charged God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything, Christopher Hitchens found little to commend Graham.  He was “a disgustingly evil man” and “self-conscious fraud”.  His career had been marked by “spouting lies to young people. What a horrible career.  I gather it’s soon to be over. I certainly hope so.”

For Hitchens, Graham’s sermon at the National Cathedral after the attacks of September 11, 2001, “made the claim that all the dead were now in paradise and would not return to us if they could.  I say absurd because it is impossible… to believe that a good number of sinful citizens had not been murdered that day”.  Such is the economy of sin.

The approach from those who assess his legacy in US politics and religion with a softer hand prefer the virtue of the flaw over the insistence on perfection.  For Nancy Gibbs and Michael Duffy, authors of The Preacher and the Presidents, Graham was admirable.  Finding fault was easy for him; self-examination was constant.  But that was the penitent showman, aware of playing up to his role.  A flawed religious leader is bound to be more appealing than the rabid perfectionist.  As an insurance policy, it is unmatched.

What is ignored in the assessments of Graham is the modern dilemma of US politics, its proximity to the same God that the Founding Fathers pondered over with mixed affection.  The secular keeps company, if not hugs, the religious in an at times disturbing embrace.  Depending on the presidency of the time, prayer breakfasts will intrude upon more earthy deliberation.  Advocates for Darwinism must battle fervent creationists. To that end, Graham’s mighty influence simply affirmed the US republic in its more idiosyncratic guise: the enlightenment keeping company with the divine.


Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He lectures at RMIT University, Melbourne.  Email: [email protected]

Independent Media Delivers Truth and Accountability

February 23rd, 2018 by Global Research

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This article first published on November 21, 2013 is in relevance to the recent Florida mass shooting. What could be the underlying reason in this dramatic increase of shootings in the US?

While the data about the ever-increasing random shootings is important, it doesn’t mean spit unless someone in a position of power is willing to seriously question what is causing the violent behavior. A beginning point might be to ask if there is a common denominator among the shooters.

By Kelly Patricia O’Meara

The U.S. Attorney General, Eric Holder, recently announced that the rate of mass shootings in the U.S. is increasing. Although the information could hardly come as a surprise to most Americans, what is interesting is that the nation’s top cop provided no clues as to what may be causing this severe increase in deadly violent acts.

As Holder reported, the annual number of mass-shooting incidents in the U.S. has tripled since 2009 and, remarkably, the average number of shootings has increased from 5 per year before 2009 to 15 per year since.

While the data about the ever-increasing random shootings is important, it doesn’t mean spit unless someone in a position of power is willing to seriously question what is causing the violent behavior. A beginning point might be to ask if there is a common denominator among the shooters.

For instance, at the same time that mass-shootings have increased in the U.S., so has the use of prescription psychiatric drugs.  If one considers this list of well-publicized shootings between 1999 and 2013, it is clearly evident that the majority of these shooters were either taking, or strongly suspected of taking, mind-altering psychiatric drugs.

The data that reinforce the psychiatric drugs and violence connection is overwhelming.

  • A PLOS One study, based on FDA adverse event drug data, authored by Thomas J. Moore, Joseph Glenmullen and Curt D. Furberg, found that “acts of violence towards others are a genuine and serious adverse drug event associated with a relatively small group of drugs.” Verenicline (Chantix) and antidepressants with serotonergic effects were the most strongly and consistently implicated drugs.
  • Psychiatrists prescribe antipsychotic drugs to children in one third of all visits, which is three times higher than during the 1990′s, and nearly 90 percent of those prescriptions written between 2005 and 2009 were prescribed for something other than what the Food and Drug Administration approved them for.  Antipsychotics have been described as a chemical lobotomy because of their ability to disable normal brain function.
  • Emergency Room visits involving nonmedical use of Central Nervous System Stimulants (CNS) among adults aged 18-34 increased from 5,605 in 2005 to 22,949 in 2011.  CNS drugs include prescription ADHD drugs.
  • According to IMS Health, there has been a 22% increase in the number of Americans on psychiatric drugs since 2002, with over 77 million people currently taking them—that’s one in four Americans.
  • A total of 8.2 million children under 18 are taking psychiatric drugs in the U.S.
  • There are over 40 million Americans taking antidepressants – a 15% increase since 2002. Of these, 2 million are children under 18.
  • Since 2002, the number of Americans on ADHD drugs has gone up by 94% with over 10 million currently taking them.
  • According to the CDC, 11 percent of school-age children have been diagnosed with ADHD and there are now 4.7 million children under 18 in the U.S. taking ADHD drugs, per IMS Health.
  • The total number of Americans on antipsychotics has increased by 40% since 2002.
  • All antidepressants carry the FDA’s “Black Box” warning, alerting the public that antidepressants may increase the risk of suicidal thinking and behavior in children and young adults. A “Black Box” warning is the FDA’s most serious prescription drug warning.
  • Finally, the US military has seen an increase in the number of suicides, with a record 349 in 2012, far exceeding the number of American combat deaths.  According to the Military Times, at least one in six service members (17%) is on some form of psychiatric drug.
  • According to the Defense Logistics Agency, between 2001 and 2009, the overall use of psychiatric drugs increased by 76%. During the same time, antidepressant use increased 40%.

Of course, these data are just a small sample of the publicly available information that law enforcement, and lawmakers, could utilize in an effort to understand what may be causing the increased number of shootings.

But despite these overwhelming data, to date, there still has been no investigation by state or federal lawmakers, or law enforcement agencies, into the possibility that the increased use of mind-altering psychiatric drugs may be the common thread in the increased violent behavior.

Until this issue is addressed the mass shootings will continue to increase, the carnage will continue and the hypocritical and hollow words of sympathy and condolence will fall from the mouths of those who had the power to make a difference but not the courage to simply ask a question.

Kelly Patricia O’Meara is an award winning former investigative reporter for the Washington Times, Insight Magazine, penning dozens of articles exposing the fraud of psychiatric diagnosis and the dangers of the psychiatric drugs  She is also the author of the highly acclaimed book, Psyched Out: How Psychiatry Sells Mental Illness and Pushes Pills that Kill. Prior to working as an investigative journalist, O’Meara spent sixteen years on Capitol Hill as a congressional staffer to four Members of Congress.

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The fiftieth anniversary of the death of Che Guevara, assassinated in Bolivia on October 9, 1967, offers us an opportunity to look back on the journey of the Cuban-Argentine revolutionary who dedicated his life to defending the “damned of the earth”.

Was Che the public face of the Cuban Revolution?

Fidel Castro has always been the emblematic figure of the Cuban Revolution. Che was its international representative. He made his first diplomatic world tour in June of 1959, a trip which lasted three months. Fidel had entrusted him with the mission of traveling to Africa and Asia in search of political support, a gesture that illustrated the enormous trust he had in him. Che met Nasser in Egypt, Surkarno in Indonesia and Nehru in India. He also visited Burma, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Hong Kong, Pakistan, Greece, Yugoslavia, Italy, Sudan and Morocco.

A year later, in October of 1960, he undertook a diplomatic tour of the socialist countries. This time his objective was more economic in nature. He visited Czechoslovakia, Russia and China. He was warmly received in these countries and applauded by the crowds that gathered at each of his public appearances. In this manner, he took the measure of the Cuban Revolution’s popularity throughout the world.

Finally, his participation at the conference of the Inter-American Economic and Social Council in Punta del Este, Uruguay, in August of 1961, transformed him into the iconic figure of the Latin American left.

Did the CIA attempt to assassinate Che?

The United States, from the beginning, opted for the political assassination of the leaders of the Cuban Revolution. Their main target was Fidel Castro, who was the victim of more than 600 assassination attempts. But Che and Raúl Castro were also among those targeted.

What was the message of Che’s famous speech at the United Nations in December of 1964?

The speech was an indictment of imperialism, colonialism and neocolonialism. In it, Che strongly advocated self-determination for the peoples of Latin America, Africa and Asia. Cuba symbolized the small nation that aspires to sovereignty under the constant threat of a powerful neighbor. Many Third World countries recognized themselves in the Cuban people’s struggle for dignity. Che brought a message of peace, calling for peaceful coexistence among all nations of the world, regardless of the differences in their societies, not just among the most powerful. Che denounced imperialist aggression against Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos. He also denounced Belgian imperialism in the Congo and the segregationist apartheid regime in South Africa.

A little known fact, Che launched one of the first calls for nuclear disarmament. He also militated for an undivided China and for its entry into the United Nations. He ended his speech denouncing the US-imposed state of siege against Cuba and recalling the internationalist mission of its Revolution.

What role has Che played in supporting struggling peoples around the world?

Che, in the name of the Cuban Revolution, lent his support to all anti-colonial movements around the world, in Latin America, Africa and Asia. He believed that the struggle for human emancipation must, of necessity, be global and that all progressives have an obligation to participate. Che’s revolutionary  “foco” theory presupposes the possibility of a guerrilla war without necessarily waiting for all of the subjective conditions (organization of the people, powerful unions, predisposition to the struggle) to be in place. At the same time, the objective conditions (misery, poverty, exploitation, oppression) were already in place everywhere. The goal is to trigger, through guerrilla warfare, an uprising of the masses. Further, guerrilla action should take place in the countryside. Guevarism is the rupture of the old order through armed struggle. It is based on both anti-imperialism and Marxism. According to Che, if objective conditions are met, guerrilla warfare can create the subjective conditions for overthrowing the established order and for building a socialist society.

What did Che’s call to “create two, three … many Vietnams” mean.

For Che, solidarity with the Vietnamese people’s struggle for freedom, confronted as they were by a particularly ruthless form of US imperialism, was to be the priority of all revolutionaries. Vietnam was fighting the toughest of all battles against the United States. In order to weaken imperialism, it would be necessary to open armed struggle movements throughout the Third World, thus forcing the enemy to divide its resources.

What was the moral pact between Che and Fidel Castro?

During their first meeting in Mexico, Che, when he joined the July 26 Movement, had asked Fidel Castro’s permission to leave the group once the triumph in Cuba was assured in order to launch a revolutionary movement in Argentina. Because Che was a principal leader of the Revolution, Fidel Castro was resolutely opposed to his departure. But for him his word, once given, was sacred. Because the conditions necessary to launch an armed struggle in Argentina had not been met, Fidel Castro did not wish to risk Che’s life unnecessarily.

While waiting for the creation of these conditions, Fidel Castro proposed that Che go to the Congo where a revolutionary movement was already occurring. The story is well known and recounted in Che’s Congo journal. The action, however, was a bitter failure because of the fighters’ lack of discipline and the conduct of the military chiefs who preferred to bask in the luxury of the capital instead of facing the inclemencies in the field as leaders of their troops.

In 1965, Fidel Castro published Che’s Farewell letter because of the many rumors circulating about his intentions. After the failure of the Congo effort, Fidel suggested he return home to prepare in Cuba for his next venture in Bolivia. Che was reluctant to return to Cuba after the publication of his farewell letter. After much effort, Fidel managed to convince him to return. Still, Che returned secretly, disguising his face in a manner that proved quite effective.

After his capture and execution, why was Che’s body mutilated and concealed?

Following his assassination on October 9, 1967, the CIA and the Bolivian army decided to film his corpse in order to prove to the world that Che was in fact dead. His hands had been cut off to allow the Argentine Federal Police to use his fingerprints as a check on his identity. His body was buried secretly in Valle Grande, Bolivia. Discovered in 1997, it was repatriated to Cuba where it rests in a mausoleum in memory of Che in the city of Santa Clara.

What is Che’s legacy today?

Che persists in our collective memory as the Apostle of the oppressed and the symbol of resistance to the humiliation and indignation that injustice gives rise to. Renouncing his own class interests, he took up arms in the name of the higher interests of the disinherited. He is the archetype of the internationalist who extends a fraternal and generous hand to those who fight for their emancipation. Che’s ideals and his example live on despite the many attempts to mask and distort his struggles and sully his memory.


Article in French :

Che Guevara, apôtre des opprimés : Une figure internationale, January 23, 2018

Translated from the French by Larry R. Oberg.


Doctor of Iberian and Latin American Studies at the Paris IV-Sorbonne University, Salim Lamrani is Senior Lecturer at the University of La Réunion, specializing in relations between Cuba and the United States.

His new book is titled Fidel Castro, Héros des désherités, Paris, Editions Estrella, 2016. Preface by Ignacio Ramonet.

Contact: [email protected]; [email protected]

Facebook page: SalimLamraniOfficial


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Thirteen martyrs, and over seventy seven wounded, was the result of yesterday’s terrorist attacks on Damascus.  Over 200 mortar shells were launched from Eastern Ghouta in Damascus countryside on the suburbs and neighborhoods of Damascus – and that was only yesterday. The situation of sustained attacks of this nature has been much the same for many years, ever since Takfiri terrorists took Eastern Ghouta under control.

Over 30,000 terrorists are located in this area which is one of the most dangerous terrorist strongholds in Syria, along with Idlib. Eastern Ghouta’s terrorist enclave presents an even graver danger than those in Idlib due to its proximity to the capital. This has been made all the more worrying as Damascus has always been the penultimate target of the original enemies of Syria, the western alliance and Israel.

Al-Ghouta is now home to factions of radical Islamists whose slogan is: ‘we are coming to slaughter you’. Moreover, the situation is becoming increasingly unbearable , with daily missile strikes on Damascus. The terrorists of al-Ghoutha have escalated their attacks ever since the New Year’s Eve, 2018. Every day Syria loses more martyrs to these attacks, most of whom are children, teachers and ordinary workers. To make matters even more horrific, the terrorists purposefully target schools, hospitals and public parks.

The pain theses terrorists cause to our people everyday, could simply not be the product of a Syrian mind, it could only be a Zionist mind that could conceive of such a systematic plot to kill Syrians and destroy their lives. Syrians realise that a covert “Israeli” hand is behind the attacks on Damascus, a city that is not only Syria’s capital, but whose location is perilously close to the border of the occupier entity. Indeed, some of “Israel’s” covert actions are unmasked as blatant when Israeli missiles are fired at Damascus in tandem with Islamist missiles from al-Ghoutha.

How many families in Damascus must lose their children while they were at school, just because the al-Ghouta terrorists have the technical ability to launch their missiles at those school, whenever they want and all under shameful silence of the UN? How many young Syrian girls must lose their legs or eyes in terrorist shelling on the city? Can you imagine such a missile landing on your bed or in your kitchen? What have the teachers and children and workers done to deserve such daily horrors?

Finally our Syrian Arab Army has to stop these terrorists – these armed terrorists who have every kind of advanced weapon, medicines and equipment that most regular Syrians no longer have. Sometimes these weapons were smuggled to them via the soft Turkish border and at other times via “Israel”.

Only two days ago, our army made its way to this stronghold of terrorists in order to stop their attacks on the poor civilians in Damascus.  But in spite of this, the terrorists continue their attacks as they have mass storehouses of advanced weapons. But now the deaf and dumb ‘international community’ represented by the UN has opened its blind eye, but only defend the terrorists of al-Ghouta before demanding an untenable ceasefire.

All the while, the Godfather of the terrorists, Israel has used its media machine to defend the terrorists saying President Assad decided to end the “rebellion” in al-Ghouta. Israeli media has claimed that these terrorists are “rebels” who are ‘innocently’ bombing our children because those children are in so-called “pro-regime” schools. It’s no wonder, as “Israel” continues to pursue its age old dream of creating a buffer zone in southern Syria controlled by the al-Nusra front terrorist group.

At the same time, western mainstream media rely on the White Helmets, a group aligned with the al-Nusra jihadists of al-Ghoutha telling lies that it is their hospitals which are flowing with blood. These are the same people who staged and propagated the discredited “chemical attack” in al-Ghouta in 2013. Indeed, Israeli media always simultaneously publishes the same fake stories coming  from the pro-jihad White Helmets.

As a Syrian, we in Syria recognize that every missile against our children, every attack against our homeland is an “Israeli one”, whether by “Israeli” planes and missiles or by terrorist groups covertly working with “Israel” in order to pursue “Israel’s” longtime goal of destroying Syria, irrespective of whether such groups call themselves al-Qaeda, al-Nusra, ISIS etc – all the while US coalition airstrikes kill our soldiers and civilians in Deir ez-Zor and Raqqa just as they killed Iraqis in Mosul. This is the reality for a people besieged on all sides.


All images in this article are from the author.

Order Mark Taliano’s Book “Voices from Syria directly from Global Research.  

Taliano talks and listens to the people of Syria. He reveals the courage and resilience of a Nation and its people in their day to day lives, after more than six years of US-NATO sponsored terrorism and three years of US “peacemaking” airstrikes.

Mark Taliano combines years of research with on-the-ground observations to present an informed and well-documented analysis that refutes  the mainstream media narratives on Syria. 

Voices from Syria 

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-1-6

Author: Mark Taliano

Year: 2017

Pages: 128 (Expanded edition: 1 new chapter)

List Price: $17.95

Special Price: $9.95 

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On Saturday, Syrian news agency SANA reported that six men had been hospitalized after an alleged Turkish chemical weapons attack on a small town near the city of Afrin in Northern Syria. Jiwan Mohammad, the director of the Afrin Hospital, told SANA that the men’s symptoms were indicative of those experienced after contact with chemical weapons, including “difficulty breathing, coughing and burning all over the body.”

The pro-Syrian-opposition reporting group, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), also confirmed the attack to the AFP news agency, stating that “shelling from either Turkey or allied factions hit Al-Sheikh Hadid [30 km west of Afrin] and left six people with enlarged pupils and breathing difficulties.”

Though various videos and images of the alleged victims were made available on social media, reports could not be independently confirmed.

Turkey has denied any and all responsibility. Yaskin Aktay, chief adviser to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogantold Al Jazeera that “it is out of the question for Turkey to use an internationally prohibited war tool in Afrin.” Turkey has been launching attacks within the Afrin province since late January as part of an offensive it has ironically called “Operation Olive Branch.” Turkey launched the offensive after the U.S. announced it would be using its Kurdish allies in the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) to create a “border force” of 30,000 fighters.

Turkey condemned the proposed force as a “terror army,” owing to the fact that the SDF is largely composed of forces belonging to the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) militia, which Turkey has long considered a terrorist group. Turkish President Erdogan has vowed to “suffocate this terror army before it is born.”

Useful U.S. double standard

The Trump administration, in marked contrast to its earlier responses to alleged chemical weapons attacks in Syria, took the Turkish government at its word and said that it was “extremely unlikely” that Turkish forces had used chemical weapons against the Kurds in Afrin. This response was especially odd given that the Kurds in control of Afrin are ostensibly allied with the U.S.

Given that both Turkey, an ally of U.S.-dominated NATO, and the Kurdish militia, allied with the U.S., have each been accused of using chemical weapons in the past month, it seems that the U.S. is willing to turn a blind eye to such attacks when its allies are implicated.

In these instances, the U.S.’ response has been drastically different from its response to alleged chemical weapon attacks where the accused party has been the Syrian government – even when the U.S. has admitted that it has never had evidence of Syria’s chemical weapons use. Yet that lack of evidence didn’t stop the U.S. from calling for a “no-fly zone” in Syrian government-held territory after an alleged chemical weapons attack in 2013, and a unilateral attack against Syria after another alleged chemical weapons attack last year.

In the most recent case, an alleged chemical gas attack, which was said to have injured a single person, was blamed on the Syrian government earlier this month. The evidence given was the verbal testimony of members of the White Helmets, long exposed as a “propaganda construct” and logistics group for the terrorist group al-Nusra. Al-Nusra and other so-called “rebels” in Syria have also been accused on several occasions of chemical weapons use, but these accusations have also failed to draw a response from the U.S. — even when these groups admitted to using the prohibited weapons.

In contrast, the case in Turkey was documented by both pro-opposition groups and pro-Syrian government groups and there was video footage. However, in this case, the accounts of the U.S.’ Kurdish allies are apparently not as trustworthy as those of the al-Nusra-affiliated White Helmets.

Whether or not the chemical weapons attack in Afrin actually happened, the event proves that the U.S. is not interested in stopping the use of chemical weapons nor in protecting the lives of Syrians – even when those Syrians are their allies. Instead, the U.S. has shown that it finds the alleged use of chemical weapons worth investigating or condemning only when it can be blamed on the Syrian government in order to justify more aggressive efforts to bring about the U.S.’ long-standing goal of regime change in Syria.


Whitney Webb is a staff writer for MintPress News who has written for several news organizations in both English and Spanish; her stories have been featured on ZeroHedge, the Anti-Media, and 21st Century Wire among others. She currently lives in Southern Chile.

Order Mark Taliano’s Book “Voices from Syria directly from Global Research.  

Taliano talks and listens to the people of Syria. He reveals the courage and resilience of a Nation and its people in their day to day lives, after more than six years of US-NATO sponsored terrorism and three years of US “peacemaking” airstrikes.

Mark Taliano combines years of research with on-the-ground observations to present an informed and well-documented analysis that refutes  the mainstream media narratives on Syria. 

Voices from Syria 

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-1-6

Author: Mark Taliano

Year: 2017

Pages: 128 (Expanded edition: 1 new chapter)

List Price: $17.95

Special Price: $9.95 

Click to order

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Selected Articles: US-DPRK: The Dangers of Nuclear War

February 22nd, 2018 by Global Research News

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Cracking Down on Pipeline Protests. Wyoming Now Third State to Propose ALEC Bill

By Steve Horn, February 22, 2018

On the heels of Iowa and Ohio, Wyoming has become the third state to introduce a bill criminalizing the type of activities undertaken by past oil and gas pipeline protesters.

Anti-Trump, Anti-Russian Fundamentalism. The Reckless “Resistance”

By Ann Garrison, February 22, 2018

Anti-Trump, anti-Russian fundamentalism emanates from the heart of “The Resistance.” Fundamentalism—meaning strict adherence or imposition of the basic principles of any theory, politics, or religion—is one aspect of totalitarianism and/or fascism, but I’m not using those words because we’re not there yet, or at least not domestically. I can still write this without getting arrested.

Federal Investigation into Link Between Psych Drugs and School Shootings

By J. D. Heyes and Atty. Jonathan Emord, February 22, 2018

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Gaza: Who or What Has a “Right to Exist”?

By Judith Deutsch, February 22, 2018

Operation Cast Lead was preceded by Israeli assaults that destroyed Gaza’s infrastructure, cruelly named 2004 Operation Rainbow, 2004 Operation Days of Penitence, 2006 Operation Summer Rains and Autumn Clouds, 2008 Operation Hot Winter. After the democratic election of Hamas in 2005, Israel imposed a punishing blockade which UN Special Rapporteur John Dugard noted was the first time an occupied people was subject to sanctions and that were a violation of major UN Security Council and General Assembly resolutions and a ruling by the International Court of Justice.

North Korea and the Dangers of Nuclear War. The Demilitarization of the Korean Peninsula. Towards a Peace Agreement.

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, February 22, 2018

Fire and Fury” was not invented by Donald Trump. It is a concept deeply embedded in US military doctrine. It has characterized US military interventions since the end of World War II.

Mainstream War Propaganda. Embedded with the Terrorists

By Mark Taliano, February 22, 2018

All of the mainstream Western news sources dealing with the war on Syria have been discredited. This helps to explain why the mainstream news stories amount to criminal war propaganda.

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On February 20, the ISIS-linked news agency Amaq reported that ISIS members had shelled a US military base in the Afghan city of Jalalabad with Grad-type unguided rockets.

The ISIS statement is likely a propaganda move aimed at promoting itself as a power fighting the Americans in Afghanistan to gain support from the local population. The group is involved in a fierce confrontation with the Taliban. The movement had contributed notable efforts to purge ISIS supporters. Ironically, the Taliban became the key factor limiting the ISIS influence in the war-torn country.

On the same day, the Afghan Ministry of Defense claimed that at least 20 Taliban members, including a local commander, had been killed over the past 24 hours. The ministry added that currently 14 offensive operations are underway in 14 provinces.

Meanwhile, the Taliban’s news agency Voice of Jihad reported that the movement had attacked 3 police check posts in the district of Nad Ali and had killed 20 service members and had destroyed a vehicle.

On February 19, Voice of Jihad reported that 8 police service members had been killed in a Taliban attack in the city of Lashkargah.

The situation near the city of Farah remained very complicated for government forces as the Taliban controls a wide area near it and reportedly prepares to storm the city itself.


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The Globalization of War: America’s “Long War” against Humanity

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Gaza: A Concentration Camp of 1.5 Million People

February 22nd, 2018 by Jean Shaoul

Israeli forces attacked 18 targets in the Gaza Strip belonging to Hamas, which controls the besieged enclave, in the second such action over the weekend.

The strikes followed an explosion during a demonstration of Palestinians on the southern border with Israel Saturday that injured four Israeli soldiers. The Israeli military shot and killed two Palestinian teenagers in response. It was the worst such border incident since Israel’s war against Gaza in 2014 and portends a broader offensive.

None of the militant groups in Gaza has claimed responsibility for the explosion. Israeli Defence Minister Avigdor Lieberman accused the Popular Resistance Committees, one of the smaller armed groups in Gaza, of detonating the bomb. Nevertheless, as always Israel holds Hamas, the Islamist national bourgeois party that controls Gaza, responsible for the attack.

For months, there have been almost weekly demonstrations against Israel’s blockade of Gaza and the deteriorating economic conditions. Last December, tensions rose after US President Donald Trump recognised Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. Earlier this year, Gaza’s traders closed in protest over the deteriorating situation.

Israel’s Army Chief of Staff Gadi Eisenkot warned the cabinet recently that tensions were rising due to the worsening humanitarian crisis, that demonstrations were increasing in size and that an incident along the fence could spark an escalation of hostilities. His purpose was to get cabinet approval for harsh measures to deal with the crisis in the face of Gaza’s economic collapse.

Conditions in Gaza, a narrow coastal strip on the Egyptian-Israeli border, after 11 years of living under a land, sea and air blockade, are hellish.

Last year, a United Nations report stated that the living conditions for two million Palestinians had deteriorated “further and faster” than the prediction made in 2012 that the enclave would become “unlivable” by 2020. Large numbers of people are destitute. Forty-six percent of the population are without work. Sixty five percent live on $1.90 or less a day. This collapse in purchasing power has led to a huge drop in the number of trucks entering Gaza with food and equipment—from 800-1,200 a day to just 300.

Power shortages mean that most Palestinians are lucky if they get four hours of electricity a day. There is not enough power to pump sewage, so 95 percent of Gaza’s drinking water is not fit to drink. The coastal aquifer is almost unusable and will soon be irreversibly-depleted unless remedial action is taken.

The health system is collapsing, medical supplies are dwindling and clinics are closing, causing untold suffering and unnecessary deaths. Unable to get treatment in Gaza for complicated or chronic medical problems, many seek treatment in Egypt, Israel, the West Bank or Jordan. Yet last year, Israel granted just 54 percent of 25,000 applications for travel permits in time for patients to attend their scheduled appointments, down from 92 percent in 2012. As a result, at least 54 people died in 2017 waiting for visas.

Children are in school for just four hours a day.

There is no escape from this open-air prison. Israel has surrounded the Gaza Strip with a high-tech barrier and spent almost $1 billion building an underground-barrier project to seal its border to the attack tunnels into Israel. It controls two of the three exit points, while Egypt controls the third. Last year, Israel issued one-third of the number of exit visas issued two years earlier and just one percent of the number in early 2000. Movement between the two Palestinian territories, Gaza and the West Bank, in either direction is all but impossible.

The economic and social plight of the two million Palestinians living in the tiny enclave has been dire ever since Israel, with the full support of the US, European Union and the Fatah-controlled Palestinian Authority (PA)—particularly since 2013—imposed a blockade on Gaza. Jordan, by imposing strict transit conditions on Gazans, and Egypt, which controls the Rafah crossing, have played a key role in the siege.

The siege of Gaza was mounted following the unexpected victory of Hamas over Fatah in the January 2006 elections which the major powers had intended as a means of strengthening the hand of Mahmoud Abbas, Fatah leader and PA President. Winning 44 percent of the vote in the West Bank and Gaza, compared to Fatah’s 41 percent, Hamas took 74 of the 132-seat Palestinian Legislative Council.

Hamas’ election victory was the result of widespread disgust at Fatah’s corruption and subservience to Israel. The Oslo Accords, which Hamas had earlier opposed, had brought wealth for a few and unemployment, poverty and military oppression for the majority, while the Israeli settlements on land to be included in any future state had increased.

Despite Hamas’ willingness to accept some form of a “two state solution” and take a minority role in a coalition with Fatah, Israel and the US rejected this. They demanded Hamas abandon its three core tenets and renounce the use of arms, recognise Israel and sign up to the Oslo Accords in return for international recognition of a Hamas-controlled PA, or face an international boycott. The other members of the Quartet, the UN, European Union and Russia, soon fell in line with Washington’s demands, and the EU too cut its aid to the PA.

The US and Israel were determined to prevent any attempts by Fatah and Hamas to reach an agreement, deepening the split between the two factions in order to divide and rule, while increasing Hamas’ economic dependence on Qatar and Iran.

In June 2006, Israel launched an attack on Gaza, knocking out its power station, making Gaza increasingly dependent on Israel for its electricity and precipitating daily power cuts lasting for hours at a time. Israel tightened its blockade on Gaza after Hamas forestalled and defeated an attempted coup by Fatah in a brief but brutal civil war in June 2007. Three military assaults on Gaza in 2008-09, 2012 and 2014 killed 1,417, 147 and 2,250 Palestinians respectively, and destroyed much of Gaza’s basic infrastructure together with tens of thousands of homes. Around 90,000 of the 500,000 people displaced by the 2014 assault remain displaced or homeless.

The blockade worsened after the military coup in Egypt that toppled the Muslim Brotherhood-led government of Mohammed Morsi and the clampdown on the Brotherhood and Hamas—a Brotherhood affiliate—by the military junta of Abdul Fattah el-Sisi.

El-Sisi closed Egypt’s border crossing at Rafah and forced Hamas to close the tunnels between Gaza and Egypt that had provided a means of circumventing Israel’s blockade and a source of income, by taxing the goods brought in, for Hamas.

Last year, Abbas imposed further hardship on Gaza. He stopped paying Israel for fuel for Gaza’s power station and electrical transmission into the Gaza Strip and ended or cut salary payments to thousands of public sector workers. This was to force Hamas into “reconciliation” talks with Fatah that culminated in a Cairo-brokered agreement in October. But the talks have stalled and the promised relief has failed to materialise.

In October, the World Food Programme announced a cutback in its food voucher programme in Gaza due to a budget shortfall.

Earlier this year, the Trump administration withheld $65 million in funding for the United Nations Relief and Work Agency (UNRWA), which supports some 1.2 million in Gaza, as well as $45 million in food aid in the West Bank and Gaza that it had promised for an emergency UNRWA appeal.

UNRWA has for decades provided key social services as well as a vital lifeline for the poorest Palestinians. Now that too has gone and the viability of the agency itself is in question.


Featured image is from Defend Democracy Press.

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On the heels of Iowa and Ohio, Wyoming has become the third state to introduce a bill criminalizing the type of activities undertaken by past oil and gas pipeline protesters. 

One of the Wyoming bill’s co-sponsors even says it was inspired by the protests led by the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe against the Dakota Access pipeline, and a sheriff involved in policing those protests testified in support of the bill at a recent hearing. Wyoming’s bill is essentially a copy-paste version of template legislation produced by the conservative, corporate-funded American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC).

At the organization’s December meeting, ALEC members voted on the model bill, the Critical Infrastructure Protection Act, which afterward was introduced in both Iowa and Ohio.

Like the ALEC version, Wyoming’s Senate File 74 makes “impeding critical infrastructure … a felony punishable by imprisonment for not more than ten (10) years, a fine of not more than one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00), or both.” Two of the bill sponsors of SF 74, Republican Sens. Eli Bebout and Nathan Winters, are ALEC membersSF 74 has passed unanimously out of its Senate Judiciary Committee and now moves onto the full floor.

ALEC‘s model bill, in turn, was based on two Oklahoma bills, HB 1123 and HB 2128. The Sooner State bills, now official state law, likewise impose felony sentencing, 10 years in prison, and/or a $100,000 fine on individuals who “willfully damage, destroy, vandalize, deface, or tamper with equipment in a critical infrastructure facility.” As DeSmog has reported, the Iowa bill has the lobbying support of Energy Transfer Partners — the owner of the Dakota Access pipeline (DAPL) which runs through the state — as well as that of the American Petroleum Institute and other oil and gas industry companies.

ALEC brings together primarily Republican Party state legislators and lobbyists to enact and vote on “model” legislation at its meetings, which take place several times a year. Within different task forces at these meetings, corporate lobbyists can voice their support or critiques of bills, while also getting a vote. Those bills often then are introduced as legislation in statehouses nationwide, as in this latest example in Wyoming.

Hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”) in Wyoming has helped the state vastly increase its natural gas production and spurred pipeline build-out. However, multiple studies in recent years have also linked fracking-related activities around the small town of Pavilion to groundwater contamination.

Credit: Center for Media and Democracy

Targeting ‘Ecoterrorism’

Wyoming’s bill, like the ALEC model bill and one of the Oklahoma bills, includes language implicating any organization “found to be a conspirator” and lobbing a $1 million fine on any group which “aids, abets, solicits, encourages, hires, conspires, commands, or procures a person to commit the crime of impeding critical infrastructure.”

State Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Leland Christensen, a Republican and one of the bill’s co-sponsors, said when he introduced the bill that legislative language was needed to hold accountable those “organizations that sponsor this kind of ecoterrorism.”

The fiscal note for the Wyoming bill says that the “fiscal impact to the judicial system is indeterminable,” while also discussing the prospective costs of incarcerating people under the auspices of the legislation.

“The Department of Corrections states that the impact of the bill is indeterminable as there is currently no way to accurately estimate the number of offenders that will be sentenced pursuant to the bill,” reads the fiscal note. “Each year of incarceration currently costs the state approximately $41,537 per inmate, including medical costs. Each year of community supervision costs the state approximately $2,000 per inmate.”

ALEC Model Confirmed

One co-sponsor of the Wyoming bill, its sole Democratic supporter, Rep. Stan Black, told that the bill was inspired by what took place at the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation and that SF 74 was based on the ALEC model bill.

Shortly after ALEC members voted to adopt the Oklahoma legislation as a model bill, Oklahoma’s HB 1123 was also adopted by the corporate-funded Council of State Governments (CSG) as a piece of “Shared State Legislation” (SSL) at its own annual meeting held just a week later.

ND Rep. Kim Koppelman (Photo Credit: North Dakota Legislature)

One of the state legislative officials sitting on CSG‘s Committee on Shared State Legislation, North Dakota’s Republican Rep. Kim Koppelman, has a long history of involvement with ALEC, and throughout 2017 he spoke critically of the Indigenous-led movement against the Dakota Access pipeline.

“One of the major issues we dealt with was several bills introduced in response to the violent protests at the site of the Dakota Access pipeline,” Koppelman wrote in a February 2017 article halfway through the North Dakota Legislature’s session. “As you may know, peaceful protests led by Native American tribes began this summer but they attracted others from throughout the nation and deteriorated into illegal occupation of sites on federal land, trespassing on private land, blocking of roadways and some incidents of violence.”

At the beginning of 2017, Koppelman co-sponsored three pieces of North Dakota legislation, which crack down on pipeline protests. Two of them passed and are now state law.

The bills “struck a good balance to ensure everyone’s constitutional right to peacefully protest, which we cherish, but to provide for appropriate consequences when anyone crosses the line into anarchy, terrorizing or destruction of property,” wrote Koppelman in his article. “These bills have been fast tracked to give law enforcement the tools they need.”

After DeSmog filed an open records request pertaining to Koppelman’s ALEC and CSG efforts in this area, he told DeSmog,

 “I have no documents or records concerning the subject of your request but, even if I did, you should be aware that, under North Dakota Century Code Section 44-04-18.6, communications and records of a member of the North Dakota Legislative Assembly are not subject to disclosure.”

In a follow-up email exchange, Koppelman told DeSmog that he “had no role in bringing the bill” to CSG and does not know who did so.

“Frankly, I don’t even specifically recall the bill you’ve inquired about, without going back to review it,” Koppelman told DeSmog. “I also don’t recall who may have supported or opposed it at that meeting, either on the Committee or among the members of the public in the audience.”

For the ALEC bill, Koppelman also said he could not speak to its origins as a model or who has pushed it at the state-level since becoming a model.  When asked by DeSmog if CSG records the Shared State Legislation meetings or keeps minutes, Koppelman said that he does not believe so “because the result of meetings and the committee’s work is in the published volume” of Shared State Legislation which CSG disseminates annually.

CSG has in the past, though, kept meeting minutes of its SSL voting sessions, doing so as recently as 2014. Those minutes included an attendance list, which listed nearly three times the number of lobbyists present as state legislators and showed industry attendees representing both the American Gas Association and the Consumer Energy Alliance.

According to a letter obtained and published by HuffPost, the ALEC model bill has also enjoyed the backing of the American Gas Association, American Chemistry Council, American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers (AFPM), and Marathon Petroleum.

Industry, Cops Push ALEC Bill in Wyoming

According to a follow-up story by, the Wyoming Senate Judiciary Committee had Wyoming Business Alliance lobbyist Cindy DeLancey, rather than the lead sponsor, Sen. Christensen, introduce the bill in front of the committee.

Before taking over as head of the Wyoming Business Alliance, DeLancey worked as a director of government and public affairs for BP, where she did “government and public affairs support for the Leadership Team of the Lower 48 North Business Unit,” according to her LinkedIn profile. DeLancey’s Wyoming Business Alliance biography also shows that she formerly served as the chair of the Petroleum Association of Wyoming’s Government and Public Relations Committee. She did not respond to a request for comment.

Wyoming Business Alliance steering committee members include representatives from the Petroleum Association of Wyoming, Chesapeake Energy, Devon Energy, and Jonah Energy. Petroleum Association of Wyoming leadership committees consist of representatives from companies such as Devon Energy, Chesapeake Energy, BP, Anadarko Petroleum, and other companies, while its board of directors lists officials from those companies, plus ExxonMobil, EOG Resources, Halliburton, Williams Companies, and others. has reported that, according to a document received from Sen. Christensen, the Petroleum Association and other oil and gas companies have also come out as official supporters of the bill, along with law enforcement representatives. The Wyoming bill’s official backers include the Wyoming Association of Sheriffs and Chiefs of Police, the Wyoming Business Alliance, the Petroleum Association of Wyoming, the Wyoming Petroleum Marketers Association, American Fuel and Petrochemical Manufacturers (AFPM), Holly Frontier Corporation, Anadarko Petroleum, and ONEOK.

According to a special events calendar obtained by DeSmog, the Wyoming Business Alliance hosted a reception at the Cheyenne Botanic Gardens on February 12, just days after Wyoming bill SF 74 was introduced on February 9.

On March 1, ALEC will also host a reception at the Nagle-Warren Mansion Cheyenne, according to that calendar, with invited guests asked to RSVP to Wendy Lowe or David Picard. Picard currently has no oil and gas industry lobbying clients, according to his lobbying disclosures, but his lobbying firm’s website says he formerly did so for companies such as Shell, BP, and Marathon. He did not respond to a request for comment for this story.

According to lobbying disclosure forms, Lowe works as a lobbyist for Williams Companies, a major pipeline company with over 3,700 miles of pipeline laid in Wyoming. Lowe also formerly served as associate director of the Petroleum Association of Wyoming, according to her LinkedIn Profile.

Wyoming ALEC Pipelines Bill

Credit: Wyoming State Legislature

Lowe, the private sector chairwoman for ALEC in Wyoming as of 2014, won the state chair of the year award from ALEC in 2012. She has also previously received corporate-funded “scholarship” gifts to attend ALEC meetings as an official Wyoming representative, according to a 2013 report published by the nonprofit watchdog group Center for Media and Democracy.

An ALEC newsletter from May 2011 shows that, at an ALEC event Lowe co-hosted in 2011 in Wyoming, she praised the organization for “creating a unique environment in which state legislators and private sector leaders can come together, share ideas, and cooperate in developing effective policy solutions.”

The Center for Media and Democracy also reported in 2014 that Lowe, a former Peabody Energy lobbyist, gave a presentation titled, “Increasing Travel Reimbursement Income” at an ALEC meeting in Chicago in 2013. But Lowe told DeSmog that, although she attended the Senate hearing on the bill, she did not know about it until it was proposed and is not lobbying for it.

National Sheriffs: DAPL Full Circle

At a state Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on the Wyoming bill, Laramie County Sheriff Danny Glick also came out in support of the legislation, warning that a situation similar to Standing Rock could happen in Wyoming.

One of our Niobrara county commissioners already has graffiti going up — ‘No DAPL’ — in that area up there,” Glick said at the hearing, referring to the shorthand for the Dakota Access pipeline. Glick, an Executive Committee member and Immediate Past President of the National Sheriffs’ Association, was one of the most supportive sheriffs pushing what has been characterized as a heavy-handed and militaristic reaction by law enforcement to the activism at Standing Rock.

Under the direction of Glick, Laramie County sent officers to the Dakota Access protests under the auspices of the Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC), triggered after North Dakota’s Republican Governor Jack Dalrymple issued an emergency order on August 19, 2016. Glick too, spent time at Standing Rock and spoke at a press conference alongside Morton County Sheriff Kyle Kirchmeier on October 6, 2016.

Glick, who attended a roundtable meeting at the White House in February 2017 with President Donald Trump and other sheriffs, was also previously CC‘d on a set of emails obtained by DeSmog and Muckrock in which the National Sheriffs’ Association and public relations firms it had hired wrote talking points in an attempt to discredit those who participated at Standing Rock. Those talking points said to describe the anti-pipeline movement as rife with “anarchists” and “Palestinian activists” who used violence and possessed “guns, knives, etc.”

‘Worst Instincts of Power’

Critics say the Wyoming bill could have far-reaching and negative impacts, if it becomes law, both in terms of criminal sentencing and for First Amendment rights. The American Civil Liberties Union of Wyoming, for example, has come out against the bill on both grounds.


The Sierra Club in Wyoming agreed, saying in an email blast that the bill is “explicitly designed to crush public opposition to projects like the Dakota Access and Keystone pipelines, by preventing the kind of protests that occurred at Standing Rock.”

Even people representing industry interests and within the Republican Party have come out against the bill as it currently reads.

This bill appeals to the absolute worst instincts of power,” Larry Wolfe, a Wyoming attorney who represents the oil and gas industry, said at a hearing about the bill, according to “We the powerful must protect things that are already protected under existing law.”

Republican Senator Cale Case largely echoed the concerns put forward by Wolfe.

This country has been through WWII, civil unrest in the 1960s and a heck of a lot more, but we didn’t need legislation like this,” Case conveyed in an email to “Good laws already exist to protect property without this chilling impact on free speech.”


This article was originally published by DeSmogBlog.

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Anti-Trump, anti-Russian fundamentalism emanates from the heart of “The Resistance.” Fundamentalism—meaning strict adherence or imposition of the basic principles of any theory, politics, or religion—is one aspect of totalitarianism and/or fascism, but I’m not using those words because we’re not there yet, or at least not domestically. I can still write this without getting arrested.

“Global hegemony” more accurately describes the US empire of bases, and “barbarism” the cruise missiles, proxy wars, and covert operations savaging the Global South. Bombs literally smash dissent and defiance, but they don’t persuade hearts and minds. More often they have the opposite effect.

On Sunday, February 18, Resistance icon Bernie Sanders appeared on “Meet the Press” and said:

What most Americans know is that, at the end of my campaign, when it appeared that Clinton was going to win, and certainly after she won the nomination, what the Russians were doing is flocking to Bernie Sanders Facebook sites, and they were saying to Bernie Sanders supporters—as they were, by the way, to Black Lives Matter supporters, people who were fighting for social justice, as they were saying to the Muslim community, “If you voted for Sanders, you have to understand Hillary Clinton is crazy, she’s a murderer, she is terrible”—all kinds of horrible, horrible things about Hillary Clinton.

And it turns out that one of our social media guys in San Diego actually went to the Clinton campaign in September and said, “Something weird is going on. Bernie’s not in the campaign. Hundreds of these people are now coming onto his Facebook sites.” So I think we already knew that. It was an effort to undermine American democracy and to really say horrible things about Secretary Clinton.

Americans didn’t need Russian Facebook posts to read horrible things about Secretary Clinton

Bernie obviously doesn’t read Black Agenda ReportCounterpunchGlobal Research, and other left news sites, many of which were on the Prop or Not list, which the Washington Post published despite its dubious origins. He must not listen to the one and only Jimmy Dore Show on the YouTube, even though Jimmy still has a soft spot for Bernie. Jimmy and those of us who write for the aforementioned publications all said horrible things about Hillary Clinton before, during, and after the 2017 campaign.

Hillary Clinton is a murderer and a war criminal. She violated the first principle of international law—the sovereignty of UN member nations—in Libya and all the other nations that the US was already at war with when she became Secretary of State. She committed war crimes and crimes against humanity under the preposterous pretense of preventing genocide. Anyone who would murder so many innocents is a sociopath—a person manifesting extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience. That’s one definition of crazy.

Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama presided over the murder of Afghans, Syrians, Iraqis, and Libyans, including President Muammar Gaddafi. That’s not counting those who died in US proxy wars, crackdowns by ruthless US-backed dictators, and the US-backed right-wing coup in Honduras with all its brutal consequences.

And that’s all apart from the bribery and corruption uniting the State Department and the Clinton Family Foundation during her tenure, including the undisclosed cash contributions that flowed to the foundation during the sale of Uranium One—and with it, one-fifth of the uranium production capacity of the United States—to the Russian firm Rosatom. In her official capacity, Secretary of State Clinton approved that transaction.

I’m not Russian and I’m not trying to undermine American democracy, but I’ve written about all this, sometimes on Facebook and Twitter, and sometimes for publication. In 2017 I wrote “Clinton E-Mail on Libyan Conquest: We Came, We Saw, We Got Oil.” Of course that’s not all “we” got; Libya also has uranium, cobalt, credit markets, warm water ports, and opportunities to rebuild everything that NATO destroyed. But “we” did get oil, which has become shorthand for imperial loot. Executives of the Waha Group (Marathon, ConocoPhillips and Amerada Hess) wrote to thank Secretary Clinton.

I put quotation marks around “we” because it’s not a pronoun that identifies the vast majority of Americans, despite its standard use as such in political discourse. To the victors go the spoils, but we’re not the victors. At least half of us couldn’t survive a $1000 emergency, and all we get, war after war, is deeper in debt for all the missiles and military tech manufactured to destroy nations, sow chaos, and make profit for weapons manufacturers. Most of us are still chained to the oil companies just to make our way to wherever we have to go, often on roads and bridges in disrepair because the money’s all gone to the wars.

Thanks for the memories, Secretary Clinton. Thanks President Obama. You’re both sociopaths and murderers, but I’m not Russian, and I’m not trying to undermine American democracy. Neither are writers for the aforementioned publications or other left, antiwar, anti-imperialist American writers and broadcasters.

Neither are Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, and the rest of the Fox News hosts, nor the writers and editors of Breitbart News or any of the alt-right, wing-nut websites. I mention them not as kindred spirits, but as far more prominent Americans who said horrible things about Hillary Clinton in 2017. People do that during political campaigns; they say horrible things about each other, true or not. Hillary Clinton called Trump supporters a “basket of deplorables.” He called her “crooked Hillary” whenever he had the media’s abundant attention, often to crowds cheering, “Lock her up!”

Americans didn’t need Russia’s social media meme bombers to find writers, broadcasters, and social media aficionados saying horrible things about Secretary Clinton. Some had reason and evidence; others were just determined to elect their own equally horrible, amoral, unconscionable, sociopathic candidate, Donald Trump, who is now a war criminal as well.

This is obvious, indisputable, and readily reviewable. The evidence is in last year’s print, broadcast, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram archives, but nevertheless, a confounding number of Americans are willing to blame “the Russians” or Vladimir Putin for Hillary’s defeat.

Defenders of the Mueller indictments say they don’t allege that 13 Russians swung the election for Trump. They don’t say that 13 Russians hacked into the DNC or Podesta emails or gave them to Wikileaks. Or that they hacked and altered the tallies of any electronic voting machines, despite how readily those machines invite hacking and fraud. They don’t even say that Putin was in command of this operation.

They’re right; the Mueller indictments don’t say any of that. Anyone who thinks they do should read them, but how many Americans will? If they’re not Fox News fans, MSNBC, CNN, and the rest of the liberal extremist media have probably already convinced them that the Russian government is responsible, as has Resistance royalty: Bernie Sanders, Harvard law professor Laurence Tribe, and California Congressional Reps Adam Schiff, Ted Lieu, and Jackie Speier, just to name a few. I mention the Californian Reps because I live here where they make the most noise when they’re not in Washington, although many Americans outside the Golden State now recognize the glazed eyes and fundamentalist countenance of Adam Schiff, who represents West Hollywood to the eastern border of Pasadena, and Echo Park to the Angeles National Forest. Jimmy Dore and his wife Stef Zamorano live in Pasadena, and Stef has suggested suing Schiff for neglecting his constituents to lead the anti-former-communist crusade on the national stage.

On Meet the Press, Bernie Sanders said that “everybody knows” the Republicans are trying to sabotage the 2018 midterms. Seemed like he actually made a little slip on the air there; he probably meant “the Russians,” although he said the Republicans, because he went on to further accuse “the Russians.” Perhaps he was imagining that the Russians would help the Republicans defeat “The Resistance,” but whatever he meant, he went on to say:

And I think one of the of the weirdest things in modern American history is you have every intelligence agency, you have the Mueller report, you have Trump’s own administration saying the Republicans [another slip?] want to sabotage the 2018 campaign. Everybody knows this, except the President of the United States, and I think people are asking, “What is going on with this president?”

What we have got to do—and I think Senator Langford talks about some of the issues—front end, front end, what we have got to say to the Russians: “You are doing something to undermine American democracy. You are not going to get away with it. This is a major assault. If you do that, there will be severe, severe consequences. We’ve gotta protect states and communities to make sure that their voting is not compromised.”

Seems kinda reckless to accuse the nation with the second greatest number of nuclear missiles in the world of a major assault and then threaten them with “severe, severe consequences” just because 13 Russians have been noodling around on social media, maybe helping to organize a few pro-Trump rallies. Not that the number of nukes really matters since both the US and Russia have enough to destroy all but the faintest traces of life on earth. A member of the Russian Parliament said Mueller’s story is straight from a Hollywood crime comedy, probably with the title “Thirteen Friends of Vladimir Putin,” but that doesn’t mean that the country’s military strategists aren’t taking further steps to defend it.

Also seems kinda reckless to be bolstering the argument for internet censorship or even state control, especially when, as “The Resistance” so often claims, the spectre of fascism haunts the US and the world. According to Julian Assange, information control of the internet with artificial intelligence is a greater danger than global warming.

Nevertheless, Bernie Sanders is still the most popular politician in the US, still drawing record crowds, and now reported to be discussing a 2020 run for president.


Ann Garrison is an independent journalist based in the San Francisco Bay Area. In 2014, she received the Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza Democracy and Peace Prize for her reporting on conflict in the African Great Lakes region. She can be reached at @AnnGarrison or [email protected] 

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Gaza: Who or What Has a “Right to Exist”?

February 22nd, 2018 by Judith Deutsch

Gaza: An Inquest into its Martyrdom (Verso, 2018), is an extraordinary book. It is also a difficult book to read. In his preface, Norman Finkelstein writes that this work “has been a painstaking, fastidious undertaking born of a visceral detestation of falsehood, in particular when it is put in the service of power and human life hangs in the balance.” He writes that “Gaza is about a Big Lie composed of a thousand, often seemingly abstruse and arcane, little lies. The objective of this book is to refute that Big Lie by exposing each of the little lies.” His meticulous inquest into Israel’s atrocities and the moral depravity within humanitarian institutions demands answers about who or what has a right to exist.

The book primarily investigates the official reports about Operation Cast Lead (2008-09), the Mavi Marmara (2010), and Operation Protective Edge (2014). Finkelstein attributes these assaults in part to Israel’s intention to prove its deterrence capacity after its defeat by Hezbollah in 2006. A pattern emerges of Israel’s surreptitious provocations that conceal its own aggression, use of disproportionate military force and targeting of civilians, specious legality, and lies that exonerate Israel and permit ever-increasing brutality. The Dahiya doctrine refers to Israel’s military strategy of acting immediately, decisively, and with disproportionate force. Dahiya is a suburb of Beirut that was flattened by Israel in the 2006 war.

Punishing Blockade

Operation Cast Lead was preceded by Israeli assaults that destroyed Gaza’s infrastructure, cruelly named 2004 Operation Rainbow, 2004 Operation Days of Penitence, 2006 Operation Summer Rains and Autumn Clouds, 2008 Operation Hot Winter. After the democratic election of Hamas in 2005, Israel imposed a punishing blockade which UN Special Rapporteur John Dugard noted was the first time an occupied people was subject to sanctions and that were a violation of major UN Security Council and General Assembly resolutions and a ruling by the International Court of Justice. Israel attacked a civilian population imprisoned within its territory and already decimated by a ruined economy.

A shell fired by Israeli forces explodes over the northern Gaza

Israel attacked Gaza with the most advanced combat aircraft in the world, flying nearly 3000 sorties and dropping 1000 tons of explosives. The U.S. Senate unanimously supported the attack and the House vote was 390 to 5. New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman “joined the chorus of hallelujahs during Cast Lead” and expressed hope that Israel would “’educate’ Hamas by inflicting a heavy death toll on Hamas militants and heavy pain on the Gaza population.” Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni “audaciously declared in the midst of Cast Lead that ‘no humanitarian crisis’ existed in Gaza. UNRWA director described what was obvious from eyewitness photographs and newscasts: “We have a catastrophe unfolding in Gaza for the civilian population…. They’re trapped, they’re traumatized, they’re terrorized.” What was also obvious was that Israel systematically targeted Gaza’s civilian infrastructure. 1400 civilians were killed, including 350 children.

Goldstone Report

Amnesty International and the Goldstone Report established that Israeli soldiers, not Hamas, used civilians as human shields. The Goldstone Report found that much of the devastation was premeditated and anchored in a military doctrine. The Report stated that the assault constituted “a deliberately disproportionate attack designed to punish, humiliate and terrorize a civilian population….” The Report also paid tribute to “the resilience and dignity of the Gazan people.” It recommended that individual states “start criminal investigations in national courts, using universal jurisdiction….” It noted Israel’s “seemingly deliberate cruelty” to children.

On April 1, 2011, Goldstone disowned the “devastating UN report of Israeli crimes carrying his name.” The gist of his recantation was that Israel did not commit war crimes and that it was fully capable of investigating violations of international law. The other three investigators issued a statement unequivocally affirming the Report’s original findings. Finkelstein goes into considerable detail about Goldstone’s recantation which essentially legitimized Israel’s alibis: that Israel does not target civilians but that civilian casualties were due to error or were collateral to targeting militants, and that its grossly disproportionate destructiveness was justified self-defence.

Goldstone attributed his recantation to a drone photograph of the Al-Samouni family compound that Israel offered as evidence 22 months after the massacre of 29 family members. Several family members were actually gathering firewood but the blurry photograph purported to show that they were carrying rocket launchers. Israeli soldiers based close to the house had even warned the commanding officer, Colonel Malka, that the Al-Samounis were civilians. The Israeli investigation claimed that the massacre was just a “simple mistake.” From his investigations, Goldstone also knew well from soldiers’ testimonies that they had license to go “crazy,” “lunatic,” “insane,” “to destroy everything in its way” and “kill everything that moves.” John Dugard, previous UN Special Rapporteur, adjudged that “there are no new facts that exonerate Israel and that could possibly have led Goldstone to change his mind.” Finkelstein’s verdict:

“In one fell swoop, Goldstone inflicted irreparable damage on the cause of truth and justice and the rule of law…. He poisoned Jewish-Palestinian relations, undermined the courageous work of Israeli dissenters, ‘and – most unforgivably – increased the risk of another merciless IDF assault. … the singular distinction of Goldstone’s recantation was that it renewed Israel’s license to kill.”

Israel’s killing of nine passengers on the Mavi Marmara, part of the Gaza flotilla to break the blockade of Gaza, followed the same pattern of previous assaults: Israel characterized their victims as terrorists; the pre-planned attack by Israeli commandos was vastly disproportionate. The commandos opened fire on the unarmed passengers with tear gas, smoke and stun grenades, and live ammunition. Israel appointed Jacob Turkel, a former Israeli Supreme Court justice, to chair Israel’s investigation, and UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon appointed the corrupt and criminal Colombian president Alvaro Uribe to chair a UN Panel. According to the official investigations, the “shaheeds” armed themselves to kill Israelis but did not manage to kill even those in their custody, whereas the Israelis took “every precaution and exercised every restraint not to kill anyone but ended up killing nine people.” The UN Report invented a novel legal fiction by differentiating the land and sea blockades as if boats are for smuggling weapons, thereby justifying the naval blockade and attack on the Mavi Marmara. “It must be a first … that a report bearing its [UN] imprimatur vilified the victims of a murderous assault because they sought to cast light on an ongoing crime against humanity.”

Israeli troops and tanks near the Gaza border (Source: Israel Defense Forces – Armored Corps Operate Near the Gaza Border / CC)

Operation Protective Edge was the deadliest massacre. Again, Israel provoked and opportunistically seized a timely opportunity to attack. Israel assassinated Hamas military chief Ahmed Jabari and exacerbated Israeli racism and paranoia through its concealing facts about the killing of three settlement youth. Arab Spring had turned into Arab Winter, with Egypt again closing the Gaza border. The 2014 downing of the Malaysian plane conveniently deflected attention from Israel, and Israel bombed Gaza hours later.

The disproportion is self-evident. Hamas killed 73 Israelis of whom only 8% were civilians while Israel killed 2200 Gazans of whom fully 70% were civilians. Israel killed 550 [recent figure is 556] children, and Hamas killed one Israeli child. The ratio of civilian dwellings destroyed was 18,000:1. As well, Israel again destroyed vital infrastructure, leaving Gazans without electrical power, potable water, medical care.

Finkelstein dissects the major investigative reports. Both the Amnesty and the UN Human Rights Council investigations of Operation Protective Edge refused to accuse Israel of committing war crimes and crimes against humanity or of violating the UN Charter or the Geneva Conventions. These reports appallingly presumed an equivalence of suffering by Gazans and by Israeli Jews. Joining in this whitewash were UNICEF, the Lancet medical journal editor Dr. Richard Horton, Jacques de Maio of the International Committee of the Red Cross, and International Criminal Court former chief prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo who heaped praise on Israel’s respect for the “rule of law.” The International Court of Justice which had previously declared the settlements illegal, evasively claimed that Protective Edge was “highly complicated,” to which Finkelstein asks “where the complication lay: was it when Israel dropped 100 one-ton bombs on Shja’iya or when it indiscriminately fired 20,000 high-explosive artillery shells in densely populated civilian areas?”

These investigations bought into Israel’s claims that it only targeted “militants.” Finkelstein commented:

“On this evidentiary standard, Amnesty couldn’t find that Israel had committed a war crime unless and until Israel acknowledged its commission.”

Amnesty accepted Israel’s internal investigation which “found that the attacks had been carried out in accordance with international law.” The UNHCR even accepted Israel’s alibis about the killing of 18 people at the UNRWA Beit Hanoun School. Finkelstein: Israel did not take “all feasible precautions to protect civilians, even though it did take all feasible precautions to set them up for a bloodbath.”

Right to Exist

Both Freud and Marx explored the distortions of thinking in which abstractions are treated as material or animistic things, an observation that appears to be lost in much political discourse. The most egregious examples are that the “state” and “corporations” or even the “planet” have a “right to exist” while people do not. Finkelstein’s inquest concerns depraved individual behavior made credible and enforceable in association with abstract powerful institutions. Israel’s vicious massacres are hardly the first. Post Cold War, the U.S.’ 1991 bombing of Baghdad, the ensuing UN sanctions leading to half-million child deaths, and the sieges of Fallujah were among many other atrocities showing that it is easy to get away with murder.

What are the forces from within and without that protest collusion with murder? Some institutions (always created by people and made up of people) are inherently and historically destructive to human life, like the military, corporations and a range of financial institutions, and perhaps the UN Security Council, while other institutions have an uneven record or are modifiable.

In today’s world, states must be assessed in terms of the deaths they cause or facilitate inside and outside their borders. Similarly, the humanitarian organizations investigated by Finkelstein necessitate this kind of standard. Amnesty and the UNHRC are cases in point. Astonishingly, Saudi Arabia remains chair of the UNHRC. In 2012 Suzanne Nossel was named chair of AIUSA. On Nossel’s watch, child murder justifier Madeleine Albright gave the keynote address to the AIUSA AGM in 2012. Maximilian Forte, author of Slouching towards SirteNato’s War on Libya and Africa, reported that In her State Department job, Nossel had played a key role drawing up the UN Human Rights Council resolution that ultimately formed the basis for Security Council Resolution 1973 that led to the NATO intervention in Libya. Amnesty had also credited the unfounded reports about Iraq and the incubator babies that was used to justify the devastating 1991 war.

Was there dissent within Amnesty? Have there been retractions or admissions of guilt and of responsibility for complicity in so many deaths? The good work of Amnesty then serves to lend credibility to its disastrous positions.

In this book Finkelstein expresses outrage that Israel is exonerated by prestigious people and institutions, allowing escalation of war crimes and crimes against humanity. Persistent exposure of the little and big lies needs to be part of the struggle if there is really to be a Never Again for all people.


Judith Deutsch is a columnist for Canadian Dimension magazine, former president of Science for Peace, a psychoanalyst by profession and writes about a range of social justice issues. She can be reached at [email protected].

A top-rated lawyer who has beaten the Food and Drug Administration more times in court than any other attorney is calling on the Trump administration to launch a probe into possible links between commonly-prescribed psychiatric drugs and the epidemic of school shootings.

“The financial interests of the psychiatric industry is to feed this drug industry,” said Jonathan Emordin a short documentary video.“

And the drug industry’s financial interest is to come up with the agents to feed the psychiatric industry.

“The psychiatric industry, then, is endlessly engaged in identifying new disorders,” he continued, “which can then be treated with psychiatric drugs. Now psychiatric drugs are the primary drugs that are consumed in America.”

He’s right about that. In October 2011, Harvard Medical School noted the “astounding” increase in the use of antidepressants by Americans. According to a report by “the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), the rate of antidepressant use in this country among teens and adults (people ages 12 and older) increased by almost 400% between 1988–1994 and 2005–2008,” wrote Peter Wehrwein.

By December 2016, as reported by the Scientific American, fully one-in-six Americans were taking a psych drug.

Emord says the studies show the number is higher — one-in-five Americans. And he believes there is a substantive link between increased psychiatric drug use, especially by younger Americans, and the rash of school shootings.

The attorney notes that psych drugs are known to produce dangerous side effects that include thoughts of and/or tendencies towards suicide and, importantly, violence. As such, “shouldn’t we expect aberrant behavior to be cropping up all over the nation?” Emord said.

The attorney added that it’s shocking there isn’t more outrage over the use of drugs even the FDA has admitted can cause dangerous side effects and the high number of school shooters in recent years that have been taking them. (Related: On the same day that 17 children were murdered in a Florida high school, almost 300 Americans were killed by FDA-approved prescription medications.)

The Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) International agrees.

“There is overwhelming evidence that psychiatric drugs cause violence. 27 International drug regulatory warnings cite violence, mania, hostility, aggression, psychosis and even homicidal ideation. Individuals under the influence of such drugs and committing these acts of senseless violence are not limited to using guns are not limited to just schools,” the CCHRI said on the organization’s website.

The organization reports that “at least 36 school shootings and/or school-related acts of violence have been committed by those taking or withdrawing from psychiatric drugs.” The result: 172 people wounded and 80 people killed.

The number could be higher; medical and psychiatric histories are not known about all school shooters.

In the video interview, Emord discussed his efforts on behalf of an organization to obtain the medical records of Adam Lanza, who committed the atrocious murders of six-year-old first-graders at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut.

But state officials refused to turn them over, claiming that doing so would mean identifying the antidepressants he was taking and thus “cause a lot of people to stop taking their medications.”

Emord said that argument “is ridiculous.” He argued in a Freedom of Information Act case to see Lanza’s records that there were no longer any privacy interests among the concerned parties because those were “extinguished by the acts of” Lanza, yet the state of Connecticut continued to resist.

“Against all of that is this huge financial interest of both the psychiatric community and the drug industry,” he said. “If this did not exist, if there wasn’t this huge lobbying presence, I strongly suspect that the coroner’s offices would release the information to the public.”

He also suspects there would be investigations on the state and federal level. But so far, there aren’t any.




J.D. Heyes is a senior writer for and, as well as editor of The National Sentinel.


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In the video below, Dr. Peter Breggin talked about the dangers of psychiatric drugs which are unequivocally one of the culprits of present-day mass shootings.

He exposes the hazard of each class of drug in the effort to raise awareness to cut back and taper off from these medications.



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British Columbia’s Mount Polley Copper Mining Disaster of 2014

February 22nd, 2018 by Dr. Gary G. Kohls

”Environment Canada reported that the metallic contaminants that had been dumped in the Mt Polley tailings pond included these hazardous metals: Lead, Arsenic, Nickel, Zinc, Cadmium, Vanadium, Antimony, Manganese and Mercury.”

“ALL tailings “ponds” are problems. If they don’t breach and spill massive amounts of toxic sludge into the environment like at Mount Polley, they leach that contamination slowly, poisoning the waters and lands around them.” – Source

Last year, the Duluth News-Tribune published a Local News article with the title “EPA signals its support for final PolyMet review”.

The article ended with what I regard as an intentionally deceptive and woefully insufficient sentence from the DNT journalist: “Critics say the project is likely to taint downstream waters with acidic runoff.”

In a column for the Duluth Reader, which I wrote in response, I attempted to correct the notion that “acidic runoff” is the major reason for the widespread opposition to PolyMet’s proposed copper/nickel mining project (and the Twin Metals Project, which is adjacent to the pristine Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness).

Both PolyMet and Twin Metals, it should be mentioned, began as Penny Stock companies from Canada and are total novices when it comes to operating copper/nickel sulfuric acid-producing mines. The companies have never earned a penny producing a product. All their revenues have come from speculators, major transnational mining corporations and other investors that are hoping that the regulatory agencies will succumb to corporate propaganda and public pressure, that the mines will be built and that they can cash in on their investments before northern Minnesota wakes up to the sobering realities.

Typical of many mainstream media outlets that depend on advertising revenues from Big Business, the Duluth News-Tribune reneged on its duty to fully inform the public on critical issues by reporting on the 2014 catastrophe at Mount Polley, British Columbia where 24 million cubic meters of toxic sludge suddenly burst from its tailings lagoon and “tainted the downstream waters” into Lake Quesnel and the Fraser River.

Note that the earthen dam that dissolved at Mount Polley was 130 feet high. The earthen dam at PolyMet tailings lagoon is projected to attain a height of 250 feet!

The Mount Polley Copper Mining Disaster of 2014 

On August 4, 2014, a copper/gold open pit mine at Mount Polley, British Columbia had its huge tailings pond dam (an earthen dam) suddenly burst, massively polluting downstream streams, rivers and lakes (and probably eventually the Pacific Ocean at the mouth of the Fraser River, not to mention underground aquifers which had already been polluted during the years before the catastrophe.

The millions of tons of toxic sludge flooded into tiny Hazeltine Creek and then into the pristine Quesnel Lake, which flows into the 800 mile long Fraser River, a migratory Sockeye salmon-bearing river that empties into the Georgia Strait and the Pacific Ocean at the city of Vancouver, B.C.

Typical of most government and industry responses to such catastrophic mining industry failures, Stephen Harper’s Conservative Party government of Canada – not to mention the ruling Liberal Party government of British Columbia – tried to cover up the disaster. Hence, most North Americans on either side of the border (certainly us Minnesotans) were unaware of the event, thanks in part to our co-opted corporate-controlled media that failed to adequately report on it.

Immediately below are links to dramatic photos and videos that have been available to the US government and media agencies, but which were not reported, to my knowledge, on in the evening news of either local or regional media outlets.

Imperial Metals Corporation of Vancouver, the owner of the mine, acknowledged that they had, as is true of all metal sulfide mining operations, been continuously dumping hazardous waste into the tailings pond in the years leading up to the failure of the dam.

The following list of toxic minerals that had been dumped in the Mt Polley lagoon is taken from Environment Canada’s website here.

Environment Canada reported that the metallic contaminants that had been dumped in the tailings pond included these hazardous metals: Lead, Arsenic, Nickel, Zinc, Cadmium, Vanadium, Antimony, Manganese and Mercury.

Each of these 9 heavy metal contaminants are highly toxic to all life forms. They have no safe levels in drinking water or in the serum or tissues of human or animal tissue. These contaminants, commonly found in ALL hard rock sulfide mines, are also lethal to plant life, but only when the rock has been ground up into fine powder in the mineral extraction process.

It is important to recall that polluted aquifers cannot be de-toxified by any known process.

The photo above was taken following the Mt Polley tailings pond failure. It pictures what was once the tiny, 6 foot wide Hazeltine Creek. Photo courtesy of Clayoquot Action, Tofino, BC (

Here is a selection of links to some of the videos of the Mount Polley tailings pond dam failure:

The first one is titled: “The Unlikely Truth – The Imperial Metals Environmental Disaster”:

And here is an important video of an experimental tailings dam breach that can happen to any earthen dam:

“ALL tailings “ponds” are a problem. If they don’t breach and spill massive amounts of toxic sludge into the environment like at Mount Polley, they leach that contamination slowly, poisoning the waters and lands around them.” 

The birds-eye view of the mouth of Hazeltine Creek (now 120-150 feet wide) as it enters into Quesnel Lake, the previously deepest, purest lake in British Columbia and a famous trout and salmon fishery that was irretrievably damaged on August 5, 2014, when 24,000,000 cubic meters of toxic sludge breached the upstream Mt Polley mine’s tailings dam and exploded downstream. The tan material in the photo represents millions of floating dead trees that were swept away in the massive flood.

Immediately below are satellite photos of the Mt Polley copper/gold mining facility’s before and after it suddenly dissolved in 2014. Note the change in color of the tailings pond, the nearby lakes and the widening of the Hazeltine Creek that directed the poisonous sludge into Quesnel Lake. The creek had been invisible to satellite photos until the flood.

All these photos depict what are considered the biggest environmental disasters in the histories of Canada and could, someday in the near or distant future, represent what could happen to Minnesota’s St. Louis River watershed, since highly toxic metal tailings/sludge/slurry/slime ponds have a substantial risk of failing, especially in the case of one of our planet’s increasingly common (seemingly annual) 100-year catastrophic floods, storms or downpours. These photos are posted here.

A Final Thought

Northern Minnesotans, Native American Water Protectors (like the heroes at Standing Rock), sportsmen, environmentalists, downstream businesses, wild rice harvesters, fish, game, birds and just plain working folks whose babies and other vulnerable beings with developing brains need non-toxic water to thrive or simply survive must understand that such relatively common catastrophes could destroy the aquifers in the BWCAW, Birch Lake, the Partridge River, the Embarrass River, the St. Louis River, the city of Duluth and ultimately, Lake Superior.

In the considered opinion of many ethical thinkers, any thinking human with a conscience would conclude that the risks are too great to allow any amateur (or experienced) sulfide mining company such as PolyMet or Twin Metals to dig either a massive open-pit mine or a below ground mine, both of which require permanent, nearby tailings ponds in which to deposit the 99.8% hazardous waste products.

The same goes for the similarly amoral, non-human corporations like Switzerland’s GlencoreXstrata or Chile’s Antofagasta. Whether the company is a minor or a major mining company, the risks of tailings pond ruptures are still too great. (Glencore and Antofagasta are the two major multinational mining corporations that control PolyMet and Twin Metals.)

The plans to open and operate permanently polluting sulfuric acid-producing copper mines in pristine watersheds that are upstream from children and other living things should be shelved for the good of the planet and the resources left in the ground where they are safe. But somehow, the legislators, businessmen and Chambers of Commerce who are often in bed with their corporate paymasters are quite willing to ignore the risks in favor of a few temporary jobs. And fattening of their bottom lines The risks seem to be OK for conscienceless corporations and their investors, but most of them don’t live downstream.

States that surround the potentially poisoned wilderness areas as well as Lake Superior and the other 4 great lakes should have a say in the issue. Bullying corporations, along with their co-opted friends in positions of power seem to be quite willing to risk permanent catastrophes such as Mt Polley.

Corporations, especially mining corporations like Antofagasta and Glencore have repeatedly earned their sociopathic labels, and so they can’t be expected to act as ethical humans, especially when billions of dollars are involved.


Brazil’s worst environmental disaster in its history occurred in November 2015, when the Samarco iron mine’s tailings pond suddenly emptied its toxic contents into the Rio Doce River, either killing or terminally polluting everything in its path, until it reached the Atlantic Ocean 300 miles downstream.

Nobody in Minnesota heard about either the 2014 Mount Polley disaster (British Colombia’s worst environmental disaster in its entire history) or Brazil’s 2015 Samarco disaster on our corporate-controlled TV stations, thanks to some clever press censorship and/or some conspiracy of silence to not allow Minnesota voters to be made aware of what could happen to their environment because of the hazardous tailings ponds that are at high risk of bursting and destroying the downstream environment. Citizen awareness of the risks inherent in tailings ponds would have been an early warning signal that would have impaired the progress of both Canadian Penny Stock mining company’s (PolyMet and Twin Metals) in their semi-secret plans to exploit northern Minnesota’s precious resources and then have the mess they leave behind get cleaned up by us taxpayers.

For more information and photos of the disaster, check this out.

The heavily contaminated sludge from the now-infamous Samarco mine destroyed mining and non-mining communities that happened to be downstream from the tailings pond. The massive amount of toxic sludge entered the Rio Doce river in a sudden, thunderous flood (ironically, “doce” means “sweet” in Spanish).

The poisonous sludge polluted or killed everything in its path as it flowed toward the Atlantic Ocean, a distance of 300 miles. The guilty mining company perpetrators were as helpless in dealing with the aftermath as PolyMet and Antofagasta will be when their tailings ponds break at some point in the future. (Samarco, incidentally, is co-owned and operated by the mining giants, Vale (Brazilian) and the largest mining company in the world, BHP Billiton (British-Australian).)

Before and after satellite photos of the Samarco disaster are available here.


Dr Kohls is a retired physician from Duluth, MN, USA. He writes a weekly column for the Duluth Reader, the area’s alternative newsweekly magazine. His columns deal with the dangers of American fascism, corporatism, militarism, racism, malnutrition, Big Pharma’s psychiatric drugging and over-vaccination regimens, and other movements that threaten the environment, prosperity, democracy, civility and the health and longevity of the populace.

All images in this article are from the author unless otherwise noted.