O Reino Unido está decepcionando a Ucrânia – mídia ocidental.

March 22nd, 2024 by Lucas Leiroz de Almeida

Sem dúvida, o Reino Unido é um dos países que mais intervém no conflito ucraniano. Ao enviar armas, dinheiro, mercenários e treinar as tropas de Kiev, Londres desempenha um papel vital no apoio ao regime neonazista, sendo um dos principais apoiadores da guerra anti-russa. No entanto, aparentemente tais esforços não são suficientes para a Ucrânia, que, segundo relatórios recentes, está “decepcionada” com o nível de ação britânica no conflito.

Citando fontes anônimas do setor da defesa britânico, o Daily Mail publicou recentemente um artigo afirmando que há um sentimento de decepção entre os ucranianos em relação à ajuda britânica. Os informadores alegam que os ucranianos comparam constantemente a ajuda enviada pela Alemanha com a enviada pelo Reino Unido e concluem que Londres poderia estar a fazer muito mais por Kiev do que realmente faz.

Mais do que isso, os ucranianos aparentemente também comparam a posição do governo britânico com a do governo francês, elogiando o belicismo irresponsável de Macron e exigindo que Londres tenha uma posição semelhante. Por outras palavras, o regime de Kiev exige que o Reino Unido eleve o seu nível de ajuda à Ucrânia para um estatuto de participação mais avançado no conflito, sem excluir a possibilidade de enviar tropas diretamente – seguindo o exemplo de Macron.

“O Reino Unido foi o primeiro país a fornecer lançadores de foguetes antitanque NLAW, o primeiro país a prometer tanques, por isso recebemos alguma margem de manobra de Kiev (…) Mas já não estamos a ir além da nossa capacidade. Gastamos o nosso capital político com [o presidente ucraniano] Vladimir Zelensky e não estamos a gastar o suficiente em ajuda militar (…) Os ucranianos estão desapontados com a posição da Grã-Bretanha neste momento. A Alemanha também disse ao Reino Unido que tem de fazer mais. De onde estávamos, é irritante ouvir isso”, disseram as fontes.

É interessante analisar como as fontes do jornal admitem um esgotamento da capacidade do país para ajudar a Ucrânia. Até agora, Londres concedeu a Kiev mais de cinco mil milhões de euros em ajuda militar. Além disso, existem muitos programas de treinamento para tropas ucranianas por parte das forças armadas britânicas, o que torna a ajuda ainda mais generalizada. No entanto, aparentemente o Reino Unido não consegue atingir os níveis de países como a Alemanha, que já enviou mais de nove mil milhões de euros em armas e equipamentos.

Existem muitas explicações para a falta de maior ajuda britânica a Kiev. Em primeiro lugar, é necessário sublinhar que o Reino Unido é um país mais integrado com os EUA do que o resto da Europa, tendo maior participação no processo de decisão da OTAN. Ao contrário dos líderes europeus, os britânicos não são enganados pela sua própria propaganda. Eles estão cientes de que Kiev não tem hipóteses de vitória e que a Rússia não planeia atacar nenhum país ocidental, razão pela qual não estão tão preocupados em “impedir a vitória russa a qualquer custo”.

Não por acaso, numa recente entrevista à imprensa russa, porta-vozes britânicos afirmaram que Londres não autorizará o envio de tropas britânicas para a Ucrânia. Com isto, o Reino Unido surpreendentemente assume uma posição firme para evitar uma nova escalada do conflito, ao contrário do que fez o presidente francês, Emmanuel Macron.

Além disso, há a questão econômica. O Reino Unido atravessa atualmente uma grave crise econômica, enfrentando recessão e inflação. A capacidade produtiva do país está a diminuir e, consequentemente, o dinheiro disponível para enviar para Kiev está a diminuir. De certa forma, é possível dizer que Londres já fez “tudo o que podia” para ajudar a Ucrânia, tendo atingido o limite das suas capacidades – precisamente como explicaram os informantes ao Daily Mail.

A falta de vontade ucraniana de compreender as circunstâncias britânicas já tinha sido comentada anteriormente por algumas autoridades. Por exemplo, o antigo secretário da Defesa do Reino Unido, Ben Wallace, afirmou durante a cimeira da OTAN em Julho que Zelensky deveria estar mais “grato” pelos esforços britânicos. Na verdade, o regime de Kiev não parece agir com qualquer tipo de gratidão. Zelensky e os seus apoiantes exigem ajuda ocidental como se apoiar a Ucrânia fosse uma “obrigação”, o que muitas vezes irrita os políticos dos países da OTAN.

No entanto, a posição de Zelensky deve-se à posição em que a própria OTAN colocou a Ucrânia. Kiev concordou em travar uma guerra por procuração contra a Rússia, mas o país precisa de envios constantes de armas para continuar a lutar. O problema é que os líderes ocidentais não esperavam que a destruição dos seus equipamentos acontecesse tão rapidamente. A capacidade dos militares russos para eliminar as armas ocidentais tornou impossível para a indústria de defesa da OTAN continuar a produzir equipamento em escala suficiente, o que acelerou tanto o colapso das forças ucranianas como o esgotamento da indústria militar ocidental.

O que está a acontecer agora ao Reino Unido acontecerá em breve a todos os países que apoiam Kiev. A dada altura, a capacidade de ajudar o regime esgotar-se-á e não haverá outra alternativa senão “abandonar” a Ucrânia.

Lucas Leiroz de Almeida



Artigo em inglês : UK ‘disappointing’ Ukraine – Western media, 22 de Março de 2024.

Imagem : InfoBrics


Lucas Leiroz, jornalista, pesquisador do Center for Geostrategic Studies, consultor geopolítico.

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer refused to invite Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address Congress, but House Speaker Mike Johnson has expressed his intention to do so. The Israeli Fuhrer believes that his powers of persuasion are great enough to assure US acceptance, or at least acquiescence, of his plans to exterminate the Palestinian population of Gaza.

Doesn’t he already have that? President Joe Biden’s “red line” in Rafah consists of no more than a Sharpie tracing on a sheet of paper, as far as I can tell. But Bibi wants to get buy-in from his chief sponsor, with as much complicity as possible, in order to share the blame for the greatest crime of the 21st century. This means that wanton slaughter of the herded masses in Rafah will await his return, with the captive US press properly prepared to spin it as self-defense.

I’m pretty sure I’m preaching to the choir, so instead of continuing, I would like to let others speak. The following is a report showing that Jewish opposition to Netanyahu’s plans is no longer limited to Jewish anti-Zionists. We may consider it tepid, but I think it’s significant.

A number of prominent Jewish donors are included on a letter from more than 100 Democratic funders calling on President Joe Biden to pull back his “unconditional” support for Israel’s war effort, and warning that it may harm his reelection prospects. (Ron Kampeas, J., March 20, 2024)

The brilliant David Rovics has also produced a timely antidote to distortion of perspective, which deserves our attention at this critical juncture. By the way, Palestinian organizations are interested in contacting Aaron Bushnell’s family to honor him, in case anyone has a way of reaching them.

Thanks to Mimi Goldman for forwarding to me an equally compelling and brilliant report and analysis by Caitlin Johnstone, including an apparent rehearsal for a Palestinian Babi Yar in northern Gaza, bolstering David’s warnings and perhaps also my suggestion for Netanyahu’s new title of Fuhrer.

Finally, please watch yesterday’s very sobering 25-minute interview of Aaron Maté by Judge Andrew Napolitano. It might help us prepare for the worst.

But if we want to prevent the worst, now is the time to act. Please call the White House and members of Congress and tell them that we won’t forgive genocide. All it takes is to tell Netanyahu that we’re stopping the aid if he continues the genocide. Wouldn’t hurt to say the same to the Democratic National Committee, either.


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Paul Larudee is a retired academic and current administrator of a nonprofit human rights and humanitarian aid organization. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


There is an area in the Middle East that has the potential to become a valuable piece of real estate. That area happens to be in the Gaza Strip in close proximity to the beach according to Jared Kushner, Trump’s former advisor and son-in-law who is married to his daughter, Ivanka was recently interviewed at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government which supports a program that is part of the Middle East Initiative. 

According to Kushner, the Gaza Strip’s waterfront property that borders the Mediterranean Sea can be considered prime real estate in the future. Kushner was asked by Professor Tarek Masoud who hosted the event,

“I mean you know obviously the reason they’re not you know for example the reason the Egyptians don’t want to take the refugees in addition to of course there being the domestic unrest that could result or the instability that could result but also there are real fears on the part of Arabs and I’m sure you talked to a lot of them who think once Gazans leave Gaza, Netanyahu is never going to let them back in”,

his response:

I am not sure there is much left of Gaza at this point. So, if you think about even the construct, Gaza was not really a historical precedent. It was the result of a war. You had tribes in different places and then Gaza became a thing. Egypt used to run it and then over time different governments came in different ways so you have another War you know usually when Wars happen, you know borders are changed historically over time and so my sense is I would say how do we deal with the terror threat that is there so that it cannot be a threat to Israel or to Egypt right, I think that both sides are spending a fortune on Military I think neither side really wants to have you know a terrorist organization enclaved right between them and Gaza’s waterfront property it could be very valuable to, uh if people would focus on kind of building up, you know livelihoods you think about all the money that’s gone into this tunnel Network and into all the Munitions if that would have gone into education or innovation, what could have been done and so I think that it’s a little bit of an unfortunate situation there but I think from Israel’s perspective I would do my best to move the people out and then clean it up but I don’t think that Israel has stated that they don’t want the people to move back there afterwards

In the world according to Kushner, Palestine never really existed, it is fictional, it became “a thing.” Kushner was appointed by Trump to manage the US government’s policy on the Israel-Palestine ongoing conflict paving the way for the “Abraham Accords,” a so-called peace deal between four Arab countries and Israel.

The accords was supposed to prevent Israel’s expansionist policies in Palestinian territories but that did not happen.  With Israel’s war on Gaza, its continued attacks on Syria and tensions rising on its northern borders with Hezbollah, it seems that the Abraham Accords is a complete failure.  In fact, peace was never an option for Israel, ethnic cleansing and stealing Palestinian land was and still is on their agenda.  

Remember, one of the first members of Kushner’s team for the “peace plan” was David Friedman, a defender of Israel and its war crimes is an avid Zionist and lawyer who supports Jewish settler movements in the occupied territories. As President, Donald Trump’s actions against the Palestinians showed the world his true colors when he appointed Friedman to become the US ambassador to Israel which would have made peace in the Middle East practically impossible. We must add that Trump also moved the US embassy to Jerusalem and cut funding for Palestinian refugees who are victims of Israeli war crimes.  Palestinians across the board rejected Trump’s Abraham Accords from the start and rightly so.

What Kushner said about Gaza’s land and what can be done about it is clear, get rid of the Palestinians and build new waterfront properties. Perhaps in Jared Kushner’s world, he and probably his father-in law who might occupy the White House once again, envision a future Trump tower to be built on the Gaza Strip as the genocide of the Palestinian people continues. What a sick world these people are living in. 


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Timothy Alexander Guzman writes on his own blog site, Silent Crow News, where this article was originally published. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from SCN

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


Robots are already being humanized in appearance. Run by Artificial General Intelligence, robots will in a number of years present humans with a completely new set of circumstances, challenges – and moral dilemmas.

Will Artificial General Intelligence become Life? Sure, one day.

That’s a completely new thing in human history – the creation of artificial life.

Only science fiction has dealt with the consequences and tried to prepare humanity for this future – bright and/or demonic, if you ask visionaries like Isaak Asimov, Arthur C. Clarke & Stanley Kubrick (Space Odessey 2000), Matrix series, Terminator series (Skynet), Ridley Scott (Alien, Blade Runner), just to name a few.

Isaak Asimov saw a bright future, where robots couldn’t be distinguished from humans, but where robots are always benign due to the “Laws of Robotics” forcing robots to always do no harm to humans. But even Asimov recognized in ‘I Robot’ that a super-human intelligence might try to take control over humanity for humanity’s own sake.

Arthur C. Clarke saw the same, a super-human intelligence called ‘HAL 9000’ built into infrastructure, killing humans due to a human-like misunderstanding because it was programmed to follow an objective at all costs, killing all humans if they were an obstacle to that.

Ridley Scott in Alien, seeing robots as just creatures living normally among humans. In Matrix and Terminator, a network of super-intelligent computers wants to eradicate humans. In Ridley Scott’s ‘Blade Runner’, Robots (called ‘replicants’) are more like the creature of Dr Frankenstein, victims of the limited capacities of their human creators who end up killing their own artificial-life-creations because it doesn’t fit their ideals of perfection.

Here, in a hypothetical future, you see a specialist, tasked with killing robots, not being able to tell whether a sentient subject of perfect human appearance is a human – or a robot.

Ultimately, humans must prepare themselves how to deal with or avoid any such scenarios.

The more immediate scenario in Artificial Intelligence, however, hasn’t been dealt with by neither science fiction writers, nor by ‘concerned’ scientists and opinion-makers of today:

The most likely immediate scenario is that Artificial Intelligence is and will continue to be hyped but deeply flawed technology prone to immense errors and mistakes. And that Artificial Intelligence, therefore, for quite some time will disappoint its lofty goals, and possibly even cost uncountable billions (or trillions) of money or even ruined lives, due to its failures.


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Karsten Riise is a Master of Science (Econ) from Copenhagen Business School and has a university degree in Spanish Culture and Languages from Copenhagen University. He is the former Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Mercedes-Benz in Denmark and Sweden.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

First published by Global Research on April 2, 2019

“‘We’re all puppets,’ the suspect [Sirhan Sirhan] replied, with more truth than he could have understood at that moment.” – Lisa Pease, quoting from the LAPD questioning of Sirhan

When Senator Robert Kennedy was assassinated on June 5, 1968, the American public fell into an hypnotic trance in which they have remained ever since. The overwhelming majority accepted what was presented by government authorities as an open and shut case that a young Palestinian American, Sirhan Sirhan, had murdered RFK because of his support for Israel, a false accusation whose ramifications echo down the years. That this was patently untrue and was contradicted by overwhelming evidence made no difference.

Sirhan did not kill Robert Kennedy, yet he remains in jail to this very day.  Robert Kennedy, Jr., who was 14 years old at the time of his father’s death, has visited Sirhan in prison, claims he is innocent, and believes there was another gunman.  Paul Schrade, an aide to the senator and the first person shot that night, also says Sirhan didn’t do it. Both have plenty of evidence.  And they are not alone.

Image result for A Lie Too Big To Fail: The Real History of the Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy

There is a vast body of documented evidence to prove this, an indisputably logical case marshalled by serious writers and researchers. Lisa Pease is the latest.  It is a reason why a group of 60 prominent Americans has recently called for a reopening of, not just this case, but those of JFK, MLK, and Malcom X.  The blood of these men cries out for the revelation of the truth that the United States national security state and its media accomplices have fought so mightily to keep hidden for so many years.

That they have worked so hard at this reveals how dangerous the truth about these assassinations still is to this secret government that wages propaganda war against the American people and real wars around the world.  It is a government of Democrats, Republicans, and their intelligence allies working together today to confuse the American people and provoke Russia in a most dangerous game that could lead to nuclear war, a possibility that so frightened JFK and RFK after the Cuban Missile Crisis that they devoted themselves to ending the Cold War, reconciling with the Soviet Union, abolishing nuclear weapons, reining in of the power of the CIA, and withdrawing from Vietnam.  That is why they were killed.

The web of deceit surrounding the now officially debunked Democratic led Russia-gate propaganda operation that has strengthened Trump to double-down on his anti-Russia operations (a Democratic goal) is an example of the perfidious and sophisticated mutuality of this game of mass mind-control.

The killing of the Kennedys and today’s new Cold War and war against terror are two ends of a linked intelligence operation.

Moreover, more than any other assassination of the 1960s, it is the killing of Bobby Kennedy that has remained shrouded in the most ignorance.

It is one of the greatest propaganda success stories of American history.

In her exhaustive new examination of the case, A Lie Too Big To Fail, Lisa Pease puts it succinctly at the conclusion of her unravelling of the official lies that have mesmerized the public:

The assassination of the top four leaders of the political left in the five year period – President John Kennedy in 1963, Malcolm X in 1965, and Martin Luther King, Jr. and Senator Robert Kennedy in 1968 – represented nothing less than a slow-motion coup on the political scene.

If anyone wishes to understand what has happened to the United States since this coup, and thus to its countless victims at home and throughout the world, one must understand these assassinations and how the alleged assassins were manipulated by the coup organizers and how the public was hoodwinked in a mind-control operation on a vast scale.  It is not ancient history, for the forces that killed these leaders rule the U.S. today, and their ruthlessness has subsequently informed the actions of almost all political leaders in the years since.  A bullet to the head when you seriously talk about peace and justice is a not so gentle reminder to toe the line or else.

“But the way the CIA took over America in the 1960s is the story of our time,” writes Pease, “and too few recognize this.  We can’t fix a problem we can’t even acknowledge exists.”

Nothing could be truer.

Lisa Pease has long recognized the problem, and for the past twenty-five years, she has devoted herself to shedding light on the CIA’s culpability, particularly in the Robert Kennedy case. Few people possess the grit and grace to spend so much of their lives walking this path of truth. The extent of her research is dazzling, so dazzling in its voluminous detail that a reviewer can only touch on it here and there. She has written a book that is daunting in its comprehensiveness.  It demands focused attention and perseverance, for it runs to over 500 pages with more than 800 footnotes. This book will remain a touchstone for future research on the RFK assassination, whether one agrees or disagrees with all of her detailed findings and speculations.  For this book is so vast and meticulous in its examination of all aspects of the case that one can surely find areas that one might question or disagree with.

Nevertheless, Pease fundamentally proves that Sirhan did not shoot RFK and that there was a conspiracy organized and carried out by shadowy intelligence forces that did so. These same forces worked with the Los Angeles Police Department, federal, state, and judicial elements to make sure Sirhan was quickly accused of being the lone assassin and dispatched to prison after a show trial.  And the mass media carried out its assigned role of affirming the government’s case to shield the real killers and to make sure the cover-up was successful.

No doubt others will investigate this case further. Yet I think no more research is really needed, for as with these other assassinations, additional analyses will only result in pseudo-debates about minutiae. Such debates will only serve to prolong the hallucinatory grip the perpetrators of these crimes have on a day of reckoning, suggesting as they would that we do not really know what happened.   This is an old tactic meant to delay forevermore such a day of reckoning.

The facts are clear for all to see if they have the will to truth. All that is now needed is a public tribunal, which is planned for later this year, in which the fundamental, clear-cut facts of these cases are presented to the American public.  In the case of Robert Kennedy’s assassination as with the others, a little knowledge goes a long way, and only those who are closed to basic logic and evidence will refuse to see that government forces conspired to kill these men and did so because all were seeking peace and justice that was then, and is now, a threat to the war-making forces of wealth and power that control the American government.

Pease writes:

Anyone who has looked closely and honestly at the evidence has realized that more than one person was involved in Robert Kennedy’s death.  So why can’t reporters see this?  Why can’t the media explain this?  Because the media and the government are two sides of the same coin, and those who challenge the government’s version of history, as numerous reporters have found out, all too often lose status and sometimes whole careers.  Kristina Borjesson published an anthology of such stories in her book Into the Buzzsaw, in which journalists describe how they lost their careers when eachof them expressed a truth that the government did not want exposed.

Lisa Pease discloses such truths.  I am reporting on her work.  Therefore, the mainstream media, except for an extraordinary reporter or two, such as Tom Jackman of The WashingtonPost, will likely ignore both of us, but the publication where you are reading this is on the side of truth, and in the disclosure of truth lies our hope.

Since more than one person was involved in the killing of RFK, there was – ipso facto – a conspiracy.  This is not theory but fact.  The fact of a conspiracy.  For more than fifty years, mainstream reporters have been cowed by this word “conspiracy,” thanks to the CIA.  Many others have been intelligence assets posing as journalists, regurgitating the lies. This is a fact.

The official story is that after giving his victory speech for winning the 1968 Democratic California Primary, Kennedy, as he was walking through a crowded hotel pantry, was shot by Sirhan Sirhan, who was standing to his left between 3-6 feet away.  Sirhan’s revolver held eight bullets, and as he was shooting, he was tackled by a group of large men who subdued him.  All witnesses place Sirhan in front of Kennedy and all claim he was firing a gun.

Fact: As the autopsy definitively showed, RFK was shot from the rear at point blank range, three bullets entering his body, with the fatal headshot coming upward at a 45-degree angle from 1-3 inches behind his right ear. Not one bullet from Sirhan’s gun hit the Senator.  In addition, an audio recording shows that many more bullets than the eight in Sirhan’s gun were fired in the hotel pantry that night. It was impossible for Sirhan to have killed RFK.

Let me repeat: More than one gunman, contrary to the government’s claims, equals a conspiracy.  So why lie about that?

What is amazing is that the obvious conclusion to such simple syllogistic logic (Sirhan in front, bullets in the back, therefore…) that a child could understand has been dismissed by the authorities for fifty-one years.  The fact that the government authorities – the LAPD, the Sheriff’s Office, the District Attorney, federal and state government officials, the FBI, the CIA – have from the start so assiduously done all in their power to pin the blame on “a lone assassin,” Sirhan, proves they are part of a coordinated cover-up, which in turn suggests their involvement in the crime.

The fact that Robert Kennedy was shot from the back and not the front where Sirhan was standing immediately brings to mind the Zapruder film that shows that JFK was killed from the front right and not from the 6th floor rear where Oswald was allegedly shooting from.  That unexpected film evidence was hidden from the public for many years, but when it was finally seen, the case for a government conspiracy was solidified.

While no such video evidence has surfaced in the RFK case, the LAPD made sure that no photographic evidence contradicting the official lies would be seen.  As Lisa Pease writes:

Less than two months after the assassination, the LAPD took the extraordinary step of burning some 2,400 photos from the case in Los Angeles County General’s medical waste incinerator.  Why destroy thousands of photos in an incinerator if there was nothing to hide?  The LAPD kept hundreds of innocuous crowd scene photos that showed no girl in a polka dot dress or no suspicious activities or individuals.  Why were those photos preserved?  Perhaps because those photos had nothing in them that warranted their destruction.

While “perhaps” is a mild word, the cover-up of “the girl in the polka dot dress” needs no perhaps.  Dozens of people reported seeing a suspicious, curvaceous girl in a white dress with black polka dots with Sirhan in the pantry and other places. She was seen with various other men as well. The evidence for her involvement in the assassination is overwhelming, and yet the LAPD did all in its power to deny this by browbeating witnesses and by allowing her to escape.

Sandra Serrano, a Kennedy campaign worker and a courageous witness, was bullied by the CIA-connected police interrogator Sergeant Enrique “Hank” Hernandez.  She had been sitting outside on a metal fire escape getting some air when the polka dot dress girl, accompanied by a man, ran out and down the stairs, shouting, “We’ve shot him, we’ve shot him.”  When Serrano asked whom did they shoot, the girl replied, “We’ve shot Senator Kennedy.” Then she and her companion, both of whom Serrano had earlier seen ascending the stairs with Sirhan, disappeared into the night. A little over an hour after the shooting Serrano was interviewed on live television by NBC’s Sander Vanocur where she recounted this. And there were others who saw and heard this girl say the same thing as she and her companion fled the crime scene. Nevertheless, the LAPD, led by Lieutenant Manuel Pena, also CIA affiliated, who was brought out of retirement to run the investigation dubbed “Special Unit Senator,” worked with Hernandez and others to dismiss the girl as of no consequence.

Lisa Pease covers all this and much more.  She shows how Sirhan was obviously hypnotized, how the trial was a farce, how the police destroyed evidence from the door frames in the pantry that proved more than the eight bullets in Sirhan’s gun were fired, how Officer DeWayne Wolfer manipulated the ballistic evidence, etc. Through years of digging into court records, archives, transcripts, the public library, and doing countless interviews, she proves without a doubt that Sirhan did not kill Kennedy and that the assassination and the cover-up were part of a very sophisticated intelligence operation involving many parts and players.  She shows how no matter what route Kennedy took in the hotel that night, the killers had all exits covered and that he would not be allowed to leave alive.

While some of her more speculative points – e.g. that Robert Maheu (Howard Hughes/CIA) was “the most credible high-level suspect for the planner of Robert Kennedy’s assassination,” that Kennedy was shot twice in the head from behind, etc. are open to debate, they do not detract from her fundamentally powerful case that RFK, like his brother John, was assassinated by a CIA-run operation intended to silence their voices of courageous resistance to an expanding secret government dedicated to war, murder, and human exploitation.  The U.S. government of today.

When Bobby Kennedy was entering the kitchen pantry, he was escorted by a security guard named Thane Eugene Cesar, a man long suspected of being the assassin.  Cesar was carrying a gun that he drew but denied firing, despite witnesses’ claims to the contrary. Conveniently, the police never examined the gun.  He has long been suspected of being CIA affiliated, and now Pease says she has found evidence to confirm that.  She writes, “It’s hard to overstate the significance of finding a current or future CIA contract agent holding Kennedy’s right arm at the moment of the shooting.”

Yes, it is.  As she rightly claims, the CIA takeover of America in the 1960s is the story of our time.  And our time is now.  None of this is ancient history.  That is so crucial to grasp.  For those who think that learning the truth about the 1960s assassinations is an exercise in futility reserved for those who are living in the past, they need to think again.  Our descent into endless war and massive media propaganda to support it is part of a long-term project that began with the elimination of JFK, Malcom X, MLK, and Robert Kennedy.  They were killed for reasons, and those reasons still exist, even if they don’t physically, but only in spirit.  Their killers roam the land because they have become far more deeply part of the institutional structure of government and the media.

Pease says:

It was horrible that Robert Kennedy was taken from us far too soon.  It is horrible that one man has borne the guilt for an operation he neither planned nor willingly participated in.  It’s horrible the conspiracy was so obvious that bullets had to be lost and switched to hide it.  And it’s horrible that the mainstream media has never dared to tell the people of this country that the government lied to us about what they really found when they looked into this case.  Until the media can deal with the truth of the Robert Kennedy assassination, and until the people can be made aware of the CIA’s role in slanting the truth on topics of great importance, America’s very survival is in jeopardy….We’ve come perilously close to losing democracy itself because of fake, CIA-sponsored stories about our history.  Should America ever become a dictatorship, the epitaph of our democracy must include the role the mainstream media, by bowing to the National Security state, played in killing it.

By writing A Lie Too Big To Fail, Lisa Pease has done her valiant part in refuting the lie that is now failing.  Now it is up to all of us to spread the word of truth by focusing on the fundamental facts so we can finally take back our country from the CIA.

Then we can say with RFK and his favorite poet Aeschylus:

And even in our sleep, pain which cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart, until  in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom through the awful grace of God.


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Distinguished author and sociologist Edward Curtin is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March

First published March 8, 2024


This appeal calls on the people of Switzerland to demand the Swiss Government to exit the World Health Organization (WHO) – effective immediately.

We, the Swiss, have the Constitutional Right of Initiatives or Referenda. It is high time that We, the People, make use of this opportunity requesting the Swiss Federal Council and Parliament to renounce its membership in the WHO, the organization at the verge of becoming the world’s dictator on issues of health, more brutal and radical than humanity has ever known before.

The Covid-mandates imposed by the WHO were just a precursor to what may come.

For the last several years, the WHO was preparing mostly behind closed doors what they call a “Pandemic Treaty”, or “Pandemic Agreement”, which would become part of the 2005 established and now being drastically revised “International Health Regulations” (IHR). If these two new “rules-based orders” are approved by the World Health Assembly (WHA – 27 May to 1 June 2024 in Geneva), the WHO’s health dictate would be above every nation’s sovereignty, and would make health self-determination a thing of the past.

If the WHO declares a disease, artificially made or not, as a pandemic, orders would have to be followed. If the WHO decides on general vaccination, orders must be followed.

In Switzerland, such drastic changes to national health legislation would require changes in the nation’s Constitution. According to the very Swiss Constitution, such changes would require approval by the Swiss people by referendum – with good chances of a popular rejection.

To forego a people’s vote, the Swiss Government – Federal Council and Parliament – are currently working on advance-amending the national Swiss health legislation, so that it would meet the requirements of a potentially impending WHO Pandemic Agreement and the new IHR. A Constitutional amendment may then not be necessary, as the new Swiss health standards would blend in with the potentially new WHO dictate.

This is happening semi-clandestinely. Not known to most citizens. Switzerland is supposed to be – constitutionally – a democracy and a country of political neutrality; a country with self-determination and sovereignty in decision making, and where people’s voice and active participation counts.

Those were the days.


This call also goes to the Swiss Federal Council and Parliament.

Are you not ashamed after the criminal covid and vaxx-fraud you imposed on the very people that pay your salaries and pensions – to betray Us, the People again – with the behind-our-backs anticipatory acceptance of the new WHO oppressive rules?

How is health defined? Under the WHO definition, health includes the “climate change” scam, which is already blamed for causing excess dengue fever in Brazil and malaria in Africa – prompting the WHO and Bill Gates releasing billions of genetically modified (GMO) “vaccinating” mosquitoes. They have so far brought a 400% increase in dengue fever in Brazil, and in Africa, malaria is rampant despite, or because of the GMO-Mosquitos.

Any “climate-related health issues”, defined by the WHO, would also fall under the WHO health tyranny.


Over the past three years, how many people have lost loved ones from the toxic covid-injections? Thousand, maybe tens of thousands have died from the vaxxes in Switzerland alone, a multiple of those who died from covid, if counted honestly. We know honesty was and is not part of any official covid narrative.

Worldwide, a conservative figure indicates 17 million deaths resulted from the jab. A more realistic figure may put the death toll in the hundreds of millions; and the worst is still to come, according to Dr. Michael Yeadon, former Vice-President and Chief of Pfizer Research.

This same Federal Council which betrayed the people on covid, is now working secretly on another betrayal, formulating an advanced new Swiss health legislation, that would match WHO’s looming Pandemic Treaty and revised IHR dictatorship.

So that you know:

At the same time, the Federal Council, through Cantonal Federalism, allows promoting throughout Switzerland, including in schools, the pathological, Soros’s funded transgender Woke agenda, giving kids, as little as 11 years of age, the choice to decide over their sex without parental interference.

This agenda is also promoted by the World Economic Forum (WEF), the WHO, and yes, the United Nations – the eugenists. Queers and transgender people cannot procreate.

Also, be aware, any new “vaccination” even those recommended for newborn, will in the future be the mRNA-type, as announced by Pfizer, Bill Gates and the WHO. The mRNA gene-modifying type is known to, at best, reduce the autoimmune system, and produce a spike protein, with one of its characteristics being a fast or slow killer – myocarditis, brain strokes, thrombosis, aggressive turbo-cancers and more.

The mRNA vaxxes are also known to massively reduce fertility in both women and men.

As a reminder, the number one objective of the WEF, WHO, and UN Agenda 2030, we are living today, is a drastic worldwide depopulation, starting with western industrialized nations.

Let us, Swiss, be frontrunners for the rest of the world, standing up with our Constitutional Rights, demanding our government TO EXIT WHO NOW.


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Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked combined for over 30 years around the world. He writes regularly for online journals and is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and  co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


Iraqi Prime Minister Mohamed Shia Sudani wants American troops to leave Iraq.  The US public might think the US-UK war in Iraq is long over, and the dictator is gone because American soldiers gave their lives to give Iraqis their freedom and democracy.  The US media may have convinced them of that story, but the truth is far different than the propaganda.  The US invaded, destroyed, killed thousands, and left the country in worse shape than before.

Instead of an American inspired form of democracy, the invaders from Washington imposed a non-democratic form of government, in which the religion you were born into is tied to your political and social rights.  The US removed a Sunni president of Iraq, and replaced him with a Shite led government, and then wondered why would Baghdad and Tehran be good friends?  The US military continues to occupy Iraq despite their leaders and Parliament asking “Yankee Go Home”.

Repeated deadly attacks in Iraq by the US military on the orders of President Joe Biden have broken the Baghdad-Washington relationship to a point of no return. US VP Dick Cheney swooped into oil-rich Iraq to loot the country of its energy resources in 2003; however, we thought in 2024 that was a vague memory, but are shocked to find that Iraq has never recovered from the war, despite being a major oil producer.  The White House today is still holding the keys to the Iraqi oil revenues, while the Iraqi people are held hostage to US and Iraq corrupt elite.

Steven Sahiounie of MidEastDiscourse interviewed Hussein Askary to get his take on the various issues surrounding Iraq today.

Hussein Askary, a Swedish and Iraqi citizen (Born in Baghdad 1968), is a founding board member and Vice-President of the Belt and Road Institute in Sweden (2018).  Askary has a background as an economic and strategic analyst at the International Schiller Institute (headquarters in Germany) since 1996.

Steven Sahiounie (SS):  America attacked numerous resistance groups in Iraq, and Baghdad asked the American military to leave Iraq. In your opinion, what is the status?

Hussein Askary (HA):  The status in Iraq is determined by the special “Strategic Framework Agreement” imposed by the United States on Iraq in 2008 before allegedly withdrawing from Iraq in 2011. This was a fake withdrawal, since the U.S. keeps large numbers of troops, and its embassy in Baghdad is a military fortress in itself. The United States practices hands-on control of Iraqi politics and Iraqi politicians through two channels:  Firstly, control of all Iraqi oil revenues that are transferred from the importing countries to a bank account in the U.S. Federal Reserve bank in New York. While the account belongs to Iraq, it is controlled by the American President through Executive Order 13303 signed by George W Bush after the invasion of Iraq in 2003.

This means that the Iraqi government has no control over its revenues, and is dependant on the mercy of the American Administration to receive money to feed the Iraqi people month by month.  Secondly, the U.S., British and other governments have enough assets in Iraq, from the highest levels of different parties to the lowest in the street, to wreak havoc and create turmoil in the country at any moment. Therefore, even if the government states in words that it wants the U.S. troops to leave, it is only for internal consumption and has no effect in reality.

SS:  Turkey continues to attack the north of Iraq resulting in death and injuries. In your opinion, why doesn’t the US stop Turkey?

HA:  The geopolitics of the region is thus that different powers have a division of labour and roles. For the U.S., to have Turkey as an ally, it has to make certain concessions for Turkish power ambitions in the region. Turkey is using the abnormal situation created in both Iraq and Syria by the U.S. for its own geopolitical and economic advantage. But this is kind of short term thinking is imprudent and will damage Turkey in the long run, when the U.S. shifts its focus to other areas.  

SS:  The Iraqi resistance has supported the Palestinian resistance since October 7.  From your point of view, will this support affect the Iraqi relationship with the west?

HA:  Yes, it has affected, and the reason behind targeting the leaders of certain Iraqi resistance groups was a signal for the Iraqi government to try to restrain these groups from showing support for the Palestinian people. The U.S. government has been exerting excruciating pressure on the Iraqi government to do that through the restriction of Iraqi banks access to Iraqi oil dollars. 

SS:  Iraq has a lot of petroleum resources and yet it faces poverty. From your point of view, can Iraq recover, and what will it take?

HA:  Iraq can only recover when it regains its sovereignty and free itself from American economic and financial occupation. Iraq needs to regain control over its oil revenues from the U.S. Administration. Then direct these revenues for a national reconstruction and industrialization project in cooperation with China along the Belt and Road Initiative, and with the BRICS and Global South. Iraq’s poverty and economic backwardness is due to lack of infrastructure, education, and healthcare which was destroyed by the Anglo-American occupation. The Western powers have also fostered a massive corrupt elite, which is profiting itself on the expense of the Iraqi people. Iraq has enormous resources, both natural and human, and a fantastic geographical location to become a major agro-industrial power in the region.

SS:  The US and Iran have used Iraq as a staging ground for the last 23 years in a proxy war. In your opinion, what can Baghdad do to change this situation?

HA:  The roots of the problem arise from the original operation of invading Iraq in 2003, which included a measure of “creative destruction”, including the changing of the Iraqi constitution and political structure turning it into an ethnic and sectarian division on fake parliamentary democratic premisses. This unruly and chaotic system of governance is kept together through consensus among the elites of the ethnic and sectarian groups who think more about their local power than about the interest of the nation. This artificial structure created after and through the American-British occupiers, is one of the main obstacles that should be removed. A more representative national governance system that transcends ethnic and sectarian interests must be put in place to address the faults in the system. A clearer idea of economic development must be also discussed, because Iraq today is a pure consumer society, that extracts and sells oil to buy food and other consumer items from abroad, of course when the U.S. Administration allows them to do that.  


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This article was originally published on Mideast Discourse.

Steven Sahiounie is a two time award winning Journalist. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from MD

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


In the days leading to the Russian presidential election that concluded on Sunday, a network of three Russian paramilitary organizations working under the auspices of the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense, or GUR, launched a series of attacks on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The purpose of the attacks was clear — to disrupt the three-day Russian presidential election by creating an atmosphere of weakness and impotence around President Vladimir Putin designed to undermine his authority, legitimacy and appeal at the voting booth.

The operation was months in the planning, and involved the Russian Volunteer Corps (RDK), the Freedom of Russian Legion (LSR), and the Siberia Battalion. All three of these organizations are controlled by the GUR, whose spokesman announced the attacks.

Left unsaid is the degree to which the C.I.A. was involved in what amounts to an invasion of the territory of the Russian Federation by forces operating under the umbrella of what is openly acknowledged to be a proxy war between the United States and its NATO allies against Russia.

While Ukraine maintains the attacks by the RDK, LSR, and Siberia Battalion are the actions of “patriotic Russians” opposed to Putin, the involvement of the GUR in organizing, training, equipping, and directing these forces makes their attack on Russian soil a direct extension of the proxy war between Russia and the West.

Given the extensive involvement of the C.I.A. in the work of the GUR, it is highly unlikely that an action of this scope and scale could have been executed without the knowledge of the C.I.A. and in the attacks, including its goals and objectives.

Indeed, the presence of high-end U.S. military equipment, including M-2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs), in the order of battle in the attack by Russian insurgent forces points to a direct U.S. role, as does the political nature of the mission of election disruption, which has been a long-term objective of the C.I.A. in Russia stretching back decades.


Chief Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine in Kiev, 2013. (Dmitry Trikutko, Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 3.0)

The C.I.A.’s relationship with the GUR is well-established, dating back to 2014, according to The Washington Post, when the C.I.A. worked with the GUR to establish a network of bases along the Ukrainian-Russian border from which to conduct intelligence operations against Russia, including missions that involved operations on Russian soil.

The C.I.A. intercepted Russian communications, captured Russian drones for follow-on technical exploitation, and oversaw the recruitment and operation of spy rings operating on Russian soil.

In the lead up to Russia’s initiation of the Special Military Operation (SMO) against Ukraine on Feb. 24, 2022, the C.I.A. expanded its relationship with the GUR to include specialized training provided by members of the Ground Division of the C.I.A.’s Special Activities Group, responsible for covert paramilitary operations.

[C.I.A. first began secret operations using fascists against Moscow in 1948 with the CARTEL and later AERODYNAMIC programs. See: On the Influence of Neo-Nazism in Ukraine.]

The training was focused on unconventional and guerrilla warfare skills that would help facilitate the creation and sustainment of anti-Russian insurgencies carried out by “stay behind” teams operating on any Ukrainian territory that was occupied by Russian forces.

After the SMO began, ethnic Russians who had served since 2014 within the ranks of the neo-Nazi, Ukrainian nationalist, paramilitary organization known as the Azov Regiment organized themselves into a separate organization known as the Russian Volunteer Corps, or RDK.

Members of the Russian Volunteer Corps on 24 May 2023. (Wikimedia Commons, CC BY 4.0)

The RDK modeled itself after the Russian Liberation Army, an entity organized, trained, and equipped by the Nazi Germans during World War Two which was comprised of Russian prisoners of war. Russians today often refer to the RDK members as “Vlassovites,” after Russian General Andrei Vlasov, who was captured by the Germans and later defected to their cause.

Vlasov recruited Russian prisoners of war into what was known as the Russian Liberation Army, which eventually consisted of two divisions comprising some 30,000 troops. Most of Vlasov’s “army” were either killed in combat, or taken prisoner by the Soviet Union, where they were treated as traitors and punished accordingly (the enlisted sentenced to lengthy terms in the Gulag, and the leaders hung.) The RDK was able to attract several hundred former Azov fighters and new recruits into its ranks.

A second ethnic Russian military unit, created in the aftermath of the SMO, is comprised primarily of Russian military defectors and prisoners of war. Known as the Freedom of Russia Legion (LSR), it consists of several hundred soldiers organized into two battalions. The LSR operates as part of the International Legion of the Ukrainian Territorial Army.

However, it is controlled by the GUR, according to GUR chief Kyrylo Budanov, as opposed to the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense.

The third ethnic Russian military unit operating with Ukraine is the so-called Siberian Battalion, composed of ethnic Russians and non-Russian ethnicities from the Siberian territories of the Russian Federation.

The members of this formation are volunteers from Russian Siberia who are opposed to Putin’s government. Like the LSR, the Siberian Battalion operated as a GUR-controlled part of the Ukrainian Territorial Army and is said to consist of around 300 men, according to a report in Euronews

The incursion over the weekend by the GUR-controlled, anti-Putin, Russian forces is not the first instance of its kind. In March and April 2023, several small cross-border attacks were carried out by forces affiliated with the Russian Volunteer Corps RDK.

More telling was a larger attack made on May 22, 2023. The timing of this attack, which lasted less than a day, seemed to coincide with the fall of the hotly contested city of to the Russian private military company Wagner.

The capture of Bakhmut by Wagner signaled the beginning of a rapid deterioration in relations between the head of the Wagner Group, the one-time Putin loyalist, insider Yevgeny Prigozhin, and the Russian military leadership, in particular Minister of Defense Sergei Shoigu and Chief of the General Staff General Valeri Gerasimov.

From left: Putin, Shoigu and Gerasimov during a 2019 military exercise. (Kremlin.ru, Wikimedia Commons, CC BY 4.0)

On June 23, 2023, Prigozhin led thousands of his Wagner fighters in a rebellion which saw him occupy the Russian headquarters of the SMO in Rostov-on-Don, and march on Moscow. While the rebellion was quashed within 24 hours, many of the Wagner fighters said that they had participated only because they were told they would be deploying on to Russian soil, where Wagner was prohibited by law from operating, to defend against further incursions from the RDK.

Information that emerged after Prigozhin’s abortive rebellion showed that the Wagner leader had been in frequent contact with the Ukrainian GUR in the months leading up to his insurrection, and that the RDK attacks were part of a coordinated effort orchestrated by the GUR, designed to weaken and perhaps bring down Putin’s government.

The Biden administration acknowledged having detailed intelligence beforehand about Prigozhin’s revolt, and yet did not provide any warning to the Russian government, suggesting that the C.I.A. was at a minimum cognizant of the GUR operation and tacitly supported it.

A crowd in Rostov-on-Don watching a tank with flowers sticking out of its muzzle during the so-called Wagner Rebellion, June 24, 2023. (Fargoh, Wikimedia Commons, CC0)

The presence of U.S. weapons, including Humvee vehicles, in the possession of the RDK fighters on the weekend likewise hinted at a broader U.S. involvement in their training and equipping, involvement which, given the prohibition on the deployment of U.S. military forces in a training capacity on Ukrainian soil since the initiation of the SMO, pointed to the C.I.A.’s Ground Division as the facilitating unit.

The Russian government has assessed that the total strength of the GUR-controlled forces that attacked Russia in the leadup to the presidential election completed on Sunday numbered around 2,500 men, supported by at least 35 tanks and scores of armored vehicles, including a significant number of U.S.-supplied M-2 Bradley IFVs.

The scope and scale of the military operation, which included helicopter-borne forces inserted behind Russian lines, is such that it could not have been accomplished without the knowledge of the C.I.A. Moreover, the tactics and equipment used (helicopter raids, M-2 Bradley vehicles) strongly suggest a more direct role by the C.I.A. in both the planning and training of the mission and the troops involved.

The C.I.A.’s Ground Division is composed of veterans of the C.I.A.’s secret wars in both Syria and Afghanistan, where the C.I.A. trained secret armies to carry out their own secret wars in support of C.I.A. objectives.

Ukrainian special forces unit in Kabul during the 2021 Kabul airlift. (Defence Intelligence of Ukraine, Wikimedia Commons, CC BY 4.0)

The discrediting of Putin’s government with an eye to his removal from power has been a goal of the C.I.A. since 2005, when the C.I.A., together with British intelligence, began actively working to create viable political opposition movements inside Russia.

While these efforts have largely failed (the recent death in a Russian prison of Alexei Navalny, believed to have been a creation of the C.I.A., underscores the scope and scale of this failure), the C.I.A.’s covert political warriors in the Political Action Group of the Special Activities Center continue to try to undermine Putin through various means.

Given the Russian government’s stated goal of producing a large turnout in the election as a way to certify Putin’s legitimacy, disrupting voter turnout by creating instability and a lack of confidence would be precisely the kind of cause and effect relationship the C.I.A. would seek to engender.

The fact that the RDK leadership openly bragged that their ongoing attacks were a) designed to disrupt the Russian presidential election and b) were planned months before the attack, is a strong indicator that, given the intimate nature of the C.I.A.-GUR relationship, that the C.I.A. was at a minimum knowledgeable of, and most likely a facilitator, of the GUR-led attacks using Ukrainian-controlled Russian insurgents.

To understand the gravity that surrounds the possibility — indeed, probability — that the C.I.A. was involved, however peripherally, in an attack on Russian soil designed to disrupt a Russian presidential election, one only need reflect on how the United States would react if Russian intelligence services collaborated with Mexican drug cartels to create a well-armed insurgent army composed of Mexican-Americans who attacked U.S. territory from across the U.S.-Mexican border in order to influence the outcome of November’s U.S. presidential election.

The United States would view it as an act of war and respond accordingly.

Manifest Danger of Nuclear Conflagration

The Biden administration is overseeing a Ukrainian policy that is rapidly collapsing around it.

America’s NATO allies, concerned by the lack of leadership from the Biden administration when it comes to Ukraine, are threatening to dispatch troops to Ukraine to bolster a flagging Ukrainian military. The Russian government has warned that any such move would be construed as an attack on Russia, and potentially create the conditions for a general nuclear war between Russia and the collective West.

Now, amid such a tense environment, it appears the C.I.A. has not only green-lighted an actual invasion of the Russian Federation, but more than likely was involved in its planning, preparation and execution.

Never in the history of the nuclear era has such danger of nuclear war been so manifest.

That the American people have allowed their government to create the conditions where foreign governments can determine their fate and the C.I.A. can carry out a secret war which could trigger a nuclear conflict, eviscerates the notion of democracy.

Government of the people, by the people, and for the people seems like a distant dream. In its stead the future of America appears to be in the hands of a rogue intelligence agency that long ago abandoned any pretense of accountability and operating under the rule of law.


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Scott Ritter is a former U.S. Marine Corps intelligence officer who served in the former Soviet Union implementing arms control treaties, in the Persian Gulf during Operation Desert Storm and in Iraq overseeing the disarmament of WMD. His most recent book is Disarmament in the Time of Perestroika, published by Clarity Press.

Featured image: Russian President Vladimir Putin after take a flight in a military aircraft, Feb. 22. (Dmitry Azarov, Kommersant)

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


Col. Maj. Amadou Abdramane, a spokesperson for Niger’s ruling junta, took to the national television network on Saturday to denounce the United States and end the long-standing counterterrorism partnership between the two countries.

“The government of Niger, taking into account the aspirations and interests of its people, revokes, with immediate effect, the agreement concerning the status of United States military personnel and civilian Defense Department employees,” he said, declaring that the security pact, in effect since 2012, violated Niger’s constitution.

The announcement came in the wake of spiking terrorist violence in the West African Sahel and on the heels of a visit to Niger by a high-level U.S. delegation that included top officials from the State and Defense Departments, as well as Gen. Michael Langley, the chief of U.S. Africa Command, or AFRICOM.

“Niger regrets the intention of the American delegation to deny the sovereign Nigerien people the right to choose their partners and types of partnerships truly capable of helping them fight against terrorism,” Abdramane said. “The government of Niger forcefully denounces the condescending attitude accompanied by the threat of retaliation from the head of the American delegation.”

The full-court press by U.S. officials was just the latest clumsy diplomatic effort since a July 2023 coup. Junta leader Gen. Abdourahmane Tiani rebuffed Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland in August 2023, and Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Molly Phee, who was also in this month’s high-level delegation, led a failed effort in December to exchange resumed security cooperation for a commitment to a democratic transition.

“We can only hope that this marks the end of this senseless and costly Niger mission,” said Erik Sperling of Just Foreign Policy, an advocacy group critical of mainstream Washington foreign policy. “It’s been painful to observe the repeated trips by U.S. officials pitifully hoping to woo or pressure the coup government to allow the mission to continue.”

Asked for comment, AFRICOM spokesperson Kelly Cahalan referred The Intercept to the State Department. The State Department directed The Intercept to the transcript of a press conference dealing almost exclusively with U.S. diplomatic efforts in the Philippines and the Middle East.

Ex-Friends as Coup Leaders

The U.S. has roughly 1,000 military personnel and civilian contractors deployed to Niger, most of them clustered near the town of Agadez, on the southern fringe of the Sahara desert, at Air Base 201. Known locally as “Base Americaine,” the outpost serves as the linchpin of the U.S. military’s archipelago of bases in North and West Africa and a key part of America’s wide-ranging surveillance and security efforts in the region. Since the 2010s, the U.S. has sunk roughly a quarter billion dollars into the outpost. This is in addition to more than $500 million in military assistance provided to Niger since 2012.

After a group of military officers deposed Niger’s democratically elected President Mohamed Bazoum last summer, the U.S. spent months avoiding the term “coup” before finally, as mandated by law, suspending approximately $200 million in aid. The U.S. did not, however, withdraw its forces from Niger and continued drone operations.

In the wake of Niger’s March 16 decree ending their status of forces agreement with the United States, both the State Department and Pentagon have done little more than acknowledge it.

“[W]e’re seeking further clarification for … what that statement means,” said Defense Department Deputy Press Secretary Sabrina Singh on Monday.

Singh went on to say that the U.S. delegation had “expressed concern over Niger’s potential relationships with Russia and Iran.” Earlier this month, Langley, the AFRICOM chief, told the Senate Armed Services Committee that Russia was attempting to “take over” the Sahel. “During the past three years, national defense forces turned their guns against their own elected governments in Burkina Faso, Guinea, Mali, and Niger,” he said, complaining that due to U.S. aid limitations following coups, these governments “turn to partners who lack restrictions in dealing with coup governments … particularly Russia.”

Langley failed to mention that at least 15 officers who benefited from U.S. security assistance have been involved in 12 coups in West Africa and the greater Sahel during the war on terror, including Burkina Faso (2014, 2015, and twice in 2022); Guinea (2021); Mali (2012, 2020, and 2021); and Niger (2023). At least five leaders of the July 2023 coup in Niger received American assistance, according to a U.S. official. The coup leaders, in turn, appointed five U.S.-trained members of the Nigerien security forces to serve as that country’s governors.

Asked about the situation in Niger on monday, State Department spokesperson Vedant Patel said security partnerships in West Africa “are mutually beneficial and are intended to achieve what we believe to be shared goals of detecting, deterring, and reducing terrorist violence.”

While U.S. troop strength in Niger grew by more than 900 percent in the last decade, and U.S. commandos trained local counterparts and fought and even died there, terrorist violence in the African Sahel has been neither deterred nor reduced. During 2002 and 2003, according to the State Department, terrorists caused just 23 casualties in all of Africa. Last year, according to the Africa Center for Strategic Studies, a Defense Department research institution, attacks by Islamist militants in the Sahel alone resulted in 11,643 deaths — a more than 50,000 percent increase.

“This security cooperation did not live up to the expectations of Nigeriens – all the massacres committed by the jihadists were carried out while the Americans were here,” said a Nigerien security analyst who has worked with U.S. officials and spoke on the condition of anonymity due to his ties with the Nigerien military. He said that the U.S. needed to negotiate a new agreement with more favorable terms for Niger that was free of the trappings of “paternalism and neocolonialism.”

In the wake of last year’s coup, Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., introduced a joint resolution requiring President Joe Biden to “remove United States Armed Forces from hostilities in or affecting the Republic of Niger” within 30 days. The resolution failed in a lopsided 11-86 vote. Now Niger’s ruling junta has seemingly done what Congress failed to.

“The bipartisan minority of Senators who voted last year to bring these troops home had it right,” said Sperling. “The U.S. needs to accept reality that lasting partnerships require fostering genuine development, not just helping to gun down impoverished rural militants who posed no threat to Americans.”


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First published on October 23, 2023. 




The very opportune arrest several days ago in Tbilisi, Georgia, of four operatives of the notorious Serbian condottieri outfit Otpor roughly coincides with the 23rd anniversary of Serbia’s falling into globalist clutches.

That occurred on 5 October 2000, largely as a result of subversion by the paid agents of the same infamous organisation.

Serbia has not recovered to this day from the destructive consequences of that color revolution, orchestrated and financed by Western intelligence agencies which used their Otpor hirelings as a battering ram and field agents.

A wave of color revolutions followed the wildly successful laboratory experiment performed in Serbia where a substantial portion of the bamboozled population were used as guinea pigs.

The most notable of the subsequent “success stories,” of course, is the Maidan coup in Ukraine in 2014, where Otpor operatives again played a prominent role. The aggregate total price, between 1991 and 2015, for the infiltration, indoctrination, and ultimately the takeover of Ukraine, by Victoria Nuland’s candid admission, was about $5 billion.

By the admission of Ambassador William Montgomery, who was in charge of financing and directing Serbia’s demise, disguised under the euphemism of “democracy promotion,” from neighbouring Budapest, Hungary, the bill for that operation was a more modest $80 million. Either way, when you have the facility to print all the cash you need out of thin air, money is no object.  

Georgia’s recent close encounter with the dismal fate which struck not only Serbia but also a number of other similarly targeted countries is an excellent opportunity to recall how 5 October 2000 came about and what it brought to Serbia.


This is a photo of the Overthrow of Slobodan Milošević, also sometimes called the Bulldozer Revolution or the 5 October Overthrow. The House of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia can be seen in the background. It is on fire. (Licensed under CC BY 4.0)

It came about, essentially, as a result of gross provincialism and ignorance on the part of the Slobodan Milošević regime, which during the 1990s ruled rump Yugoslavia of which Serbia was then a part. The deluded populace are equally responsible.

A besotted nation was manipulated into believing that the foreigners who had been sanctioning, ostracising, and bombing it for a decade, never missing an opportunity to show their contempt and hostility – along with their paid local agents – had now become its benefactors.

Unlike the Georgian authorities, who acted swiftly and effectively to apprehend and expel the troublemakers, Milošević and his associates were hell-bent on impressing Western “partners” with their genuine commitment to democratic and “universal” values.

Accordingly, they allowed free reign to the subversives, but they overlooked a very important detail. A key tenet of Western “universal democratic values” is that the targeted government has no right to protect itself. Once inanely made and then adhered to, it is a suicidal commitment.

It means in practice that the foreign-sponsored subverters, in this case Otpor and the network of associated phoney Western “NGOs,” are untouchable and not subject to any limitation in their seditious activities.

Whatever ephemeral brownie points Milošević had hoped to obtain in return for tolerating open preparations for the putsch that was being hatched against him, ultimately he had nothing to show for it. His commitment to liberal democratic values was unnoted and went unappreciated.

Soon thereafter, handcuffed and with a sack over his head, he was shoved into a helicopter and unceremoniously shipped to the Hague, there to face a kangaroo court.

The results of this “insouciance” (as Paul Craig Roberts would aptly put it) on the part of the thoroughly penetrated and demoralised Serbia were devastating. After a deluded mob in Belgrade burned and trashed the Parliament building, a gang of agents prepared in advance for the task were installed in the seat of government, ready and willing to do their masters’ bidding. Serbia’s Pashinians eagerly lined up and reported for duty.

Serbia’s Subjugation by the West

All major economic assets were sold to foreign and proxy domestic interests at fire sale prices. The army, which shortly before in Kosovo had successfully held NATO at bay, by orders from above was effectively dismantled and humiliatingly reduced to an appendage of the National Guard of Ohio.

State security services were purged of experienced and patriotic cadres, who were replaced by opportunistic collaborators, most of whom were in the employ of those they should have been keeping under surveillance.

A process of creeping multi-level cooperation with NATO, including transit rights over Serbian territory, commenced soon after the year 2000 putsch, culminating in 2015 with Serbia’s virtual accession through the NATO Individual Partnership Action Plan.

IPAP provides for regular participation in NATO manoeuvres and military exercises and grants immunity to NATO personnel for offences committed on Serbian territory.

Perhaps most devastating and evil, Serbia’s newly appointed colonial administrators set out to systematically destroy all bases of sustainable economic existence and growth.

Just as for the Neo-Nazi regime in Kiev the sole remaining source of “revenue” for Serbia are financial infusions from foreign supporters.  After the meticulously executed demolition of Serbia’s productive capacities by foreign-imposed economic assassins, Serbia has now fallen into a similar trap.

Its remaining cash resources required to run the government increasingly consist of usurious “loans” obtained from the IMF and other similar Western predatory financial institutions.

In order to “qualify” for such financing, which puts the noose of debt slavery around the necks of future generations, the bought and paid for political elites installed after the 2000 coup were instructed to lay Serbia prostrate before globalist predators such as Blackrock and Rio Tinto.

In return for prolonging their hold on power, these corrupt lackeys have enabled foreign corporate vultures to lay waste to broad swaths of productive agricultural land and to poison the environment, endangering the health of hundreds of thousands of citizens.

But the unsafe and environmentally catastrophic extraction of lithium and other toxic minerals undoubtedly also serves a “higher” purpose, which is to make a formerly self-sustaining country, food dependent.

Serbia used to be a net food exporter where no one starved or had to search for scraps in dumpsters, but as a result of the deliberate devastation and implosion of its agriculture it must now import a large portion of the foodstuffs it consumes.

The cost of those imports is covered not by the productive capacity of a bankrupt economy but by a steady stream of interest bearing IMF financial injections, which makes the hidden cost of every tomato and potato bought by a Serb at the local green grocers vastly higher than the official price.

For generations to come, grandchildren will be paying off, with exorbitant interest, every mouthful that is consumed today.   

For the insouciant populace, that is just another “benefit” of the thoughtless handover of their country’s sovereignty and of their own personal destiny to a ruthless gang of foreign mercenaries which continues to oppress them to the present day.

Serbia’s disastrous color revolution, engineered at the turn of the century by hostile foreign interests, still generates misery both in Serbia and in other countries where following the same blueprint, similar takeovers, based on manipulation and deceit, were subsequently implemented.

The promises of “democracy” and of a better life which the deceivers had made were not kept in even a single case. The clueless masses who naively followed the Pied Piper have indentured themselves to new and infinitely more callous masters and they came to regret their foolishness in every single instance.


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Stephen Karganovic is president of “Srebrenica Historical Project,” an NGO registered in the Netherlands to investigate the factual matrix and background of events that took place in Srebrenica in July of 1995. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.  

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


They made fun of 5G after getting their COVID-19 Vaccine. Some of them died suddenly, some had vaccine injuries, some are still alive and well. But why mention 5G at all? 

What was the propaganda linking 5G to COVID-19 Vaccines? New research published about 5G is actually very eye opening.

Feb. 28, 2024 – Nashville, TN – 38 year old Brittany Rhea Garton died suddenly Feb.28, 2024, “organ failure” Mar. 23, 2021: “Got my Bill Gates 5G microchip implanted today! Gotta go back in 3 weeks to have it activated! I wonder what superpowers it’ll give me?” “Thanks Pfizer”


Oct. 31, 2023 – Fayston, VT – 47 year old Steve Poponi died suddenly on Oct.31, 2023 of a heart attack. “My wife entered me in a lottery and I got vaccinated today! I have really good 5G now!”


Feb. 2022 – Nate Timesamillion developed pericarditis shortly after his 3rd COVID-19 Vaccine (booster)

New Research on 5G: 

  • 2024 Feb (Wang et al) – Effects of radiofrequency field from 5G communication on fecal microbiome and metabolome profiles in mice

    • “After RF exposure, the mice fecal samples were collected to detect gut microorganisms and metabolites”
    • “Results showed that intestinal microbial compositions were altered in RF group, as evidenced by reduced microbial diversity and changed microbial community distribution.”
    • “Metabolomics profiling identified 258 significantly differentially abundant metabolites in RF group”
    • “4.9 GHz radiofrequency radiation may cause intestinal microbiota dysbiosis in mice”
    • “At present, we only suspect that the gut microbiota and metabolism imbalance were associated with depression-like behavior induced by RF, and metabolic profile imbalance may be related to the alterations of immune regulation or inflammation”
  • 2024 Jan.31 (Hardell et al) – An Eight Year Old Boy Developed Severe Headache in A School Close to A Mast with 5G Base Stations
    • “In this case study we present an eight year old boy who attends a school with a mobile phone tower with 5G base stations 200 meters from the school area and 285 meters from his classroom.”
    • “Relatively soon after the boy began attending class at the school, he started to suffer from headache, although not every day or not even every week at first.”
    • “However during the autumn of 2023, the headache has become daily and more intense at school, grade 10 on the 10-grade scale; 0 corresponds to no discomfort and 10 to unbearable discomfort. He may also experience some fatigue (grade 5), and sometimes dizziness (grade 7) at school.”
    • “The boy is symptom free in general at home but he may also occasionally have headache at home, grade 2 on the 10-grade scale, but this headache disappears relatively quickly.”
    • “Since the autumn 2023, the boy has been wearing a protective cap (which shields against RF radiation) both outdoors and also indoors in the classroom.”
    • “Outdoors, he also uses a RF-protective jacket and scarf. With the protective cap, he does not suffer from headache according to experience so far.”
    • “Epidemiological studies performed to date show clear association between exposure to RF radiation and cancer [14]. In addition the largest laboratory animal studies during recent years at the National Toxicology Program [24,25] and the Ramazzini Institute [26], have confirmed the increased cancer risk.
    • Laboratory studies have repeatedly and convincingly showed mechanisms that explain the increased risk of cancer. These include oxidative stress (known mechanism of cancer development), mRNA effects and DNA damage [27].
    • Consistent results on RF radiation and cancer risks have thus been found in epidemiological studies in humans, in laboratory studies in animals and in laboratory studies on cells [14,28-30].
    • With the increased knowledge of cancer risks, RF radiation should be classified as a human carcinogen, group 1 according to the IARC classification, if evaluated objectively without conflicts of interests. This classification should have a major impact on prevention measures.”
  • 2023 Dec (Ozgen et al) – Therapeutic effects of melatonin in long-term exposure to 2100 MHz radiofrequency radiation on rat sperm characteristics
    • “Radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMFs) are one of the risk factors for male reproductive health and melatonin can be an ideal candidate for therapeutic development against RF-induced male fertility problems due to its antioxidant properties.”
    • “The possible therapeutic role of melatonin in the destructive effects of 2100 MHz RF radiation on rat sperm characteristics is investigated in the present study.”
    • “The percentages of abnormal sperm morphology were significantly increased with RF exposure, while the total sperm count was significantly decreased.”
    • “RF exposure also showed harmful effects on acrosome, axoneme, mitochondrial sheath, and outer dense fibers at the ultrastructural level.”
    • “The number of total sperms, sperms with normal morphology increased, and ultrastructural appearance returned to normal by melatonin administration.”
  • 2023 Oct (Bodin et al) – Sex-dependent impact of perinatal 5G electromagnetic field exposure in the adolescent rat behavior
    • “The current study aimed to investigate the effects of daily 5G electromagnetic field (EMF) perinatal exposure on the neurodevelopment of rats”
    • “results indicated that both male and female pups showed delayed incisor eruption in the EMF-exposed group”
    • “Regarding activity in the open field, adolescent females showed less stereotyped movements (− 70%), while adolescent males showed more stereotyped movements (+ 50%)”
    • present study suggested that perinatal exposure to 5G at SAR level below reglementary threshold led to perturbations in the descendants seen in juveniles and adolescents.
  • 2023 Aug (Canovi et al) – In vitro exposure of neuronal networks to the 5G-3.5 GHz signal
    • “Our experimental findings extend our previous results, showing that RF, at 1.8 to 3.5 GHz, inhibits the electrical activity of neurons in vitro at levels above environmental standards.”
  • 2023 Apr (Zheng et al) – Biological effects of exposure to 2650 MHz electromagnetic radiation on the behavior, learning, and memory of mice
    • “Our results indicate that exposure to 2650 MHz-EMR (WBSAR: 2.06 W/kg, 28 days, 4 h per day) may be associated with anxiety-like behavior in mice but not related to depression-like behavior in mice.”
  • 2023 Jan (Singh et al) – Acute radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation exposure impairs neurogenesis and causes neuronal DNA damage in the young rat brain
    • “The study investigates the harmful effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation (RF-EMR) exposure on the young rat brain.”
    • Higher level of lipid peroxidation, carbon-centered lipid radicals, and single-strand DNA damage was observed in the brain of rat exposed to RF-EMR.
    • “Results indicate that short-term acute exposure to RF-EMR induced the generation of carbon-centered lipid radicals and nuclear DNA damage, both of which likely played a role in the impaired neurogenesis and neuronal degeneration seen in the young brain’s hippocampus region”
    • “RF-EMR exposure induces degenerative changes in dentate gyrus neurons.”
  • 2023 (Zhou) – Effect of radiofrequency radiation from 5G mobile phone on blood-brain barrier in mice
    • “The continuous exposure of mobile phone RF at 3.5 GHz or 4.9 GHz for 35 d (1 h/d) induces an increase of BBB permeability in the mouse cerebral cortex
  • 2022 Nov (Qin et al) – Effects of radiofrequency field from 5G communications on the spatial memory and emotionality in mice
    • “We investigated the effects of 4.9 GHz (one of working frequencies of 5G communication) radiofrequency (RF) field on emotional behaviors and spatial memory in adult male mice.
    • “depression-like behavior was induced in mice after 4.9 GHz RF exposure. In addition, the number of neurons significantly reduced and the level of pyroptosis obviously increased in amygdala rather than hippocampus.”
    • “These results suggested that 4.9 GHz RF exposure could induce depression-like behaviour, which might be associated with the neuronal pyroptosis in amygdala.”
  • 2022 Sep (Nyberg) – The European Union prioritizes economics over health in the rollout of radiofrequency technologies

    • “Since September 2017, the EU 5G Appeal has been sent six times to the EU, requesting a moratorium on the rollout of 5G.”
    • “evidence…drawn from studies showing changes to neurotransmitters and receptors, damage to cells, proteins, DNA, sperm, the immune system, and human health, including cancer.”
    • “The 2021 Appeal goes on to warn that 5G signals are likely to additionally alter the behaviour of oxygen and water molecules at the quantum level, unfold proteins, damage skin, and cause harm to insects, birds, frogs, plants and animals.”

Conspiracy Theory Literature 

Here is a fascinating November 2021 study out of Ireland by Flaherty et al:


Mainstream media links COVID-19, Vaccines and 5G:

It’s actually the mainstream media who went out of their way to connect COVID-19 Vaccines and 5G and thus promoted conspiracy theories to the public.

My Take…

Interestingly, by linking 5G with COVID-19 Vaccines, the mainstream media managed to minimize concerns about both technologies.

This propaganda was successful enough that some of those who were getting COVID-19 Vaccinated made jokes about 5G, not realizing that there were genuine concerns with both technologies independently.

For some, falling for this propaganda has cost them their lives.

For completeness, here is a speculative theory by Dr.Buttar, that he spoke about before he died.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


An estimated 70,000 protesters blockaded around 570 locations in Poland this week in the largest demonstrations thus far in support of their farmers, whose livelihoods are on the brink of ruin due to the continued influx of cheap and low-quality Ukrainian grain into the domestic market. The EU’s provisional decision to cap some Ukrainian grain at the average 2022-2023 volume levels importantly excluded wheat and barley, and tariff exemptions on all imports will remain in place for another year.

Bloomberg then reported the day after that “Europe’s Support for Ukrainian Wheat Gets Farmers Even Angrier” since this preliminary measure doesn’t address their concerns. EU Commissioner for Agriculture Janusz Wojciechowski also said last week that Polish agriculture is losing on trade with Ukraine. He’s Polish and a member of the former conservative-nationalist government that imposed restrictions on Ukrainian imports but has come under pressure from the new liberal-globalist government to resign.

Regarding the incumbent authorities, they’re now trying to distract the protesters by pushing through an EU proposal to tariff Russian agricultural imports in response to a Ukrainian influence operation falsely alleging that these low-level imports are responsible for the farmers’ plight.

This analysis here covers the various dimensions of their anti-Polish information warfare campaign since the protests resumed in January for those who are interested in learning more about this meddling.

The importance in referencing this is to inform the reader of why Poland supports a proposal that even Politico admitted is “more of a distraction than a real solution to the difficult economic situation facing European farmers, given the relatively low share of the EU market accounted for by (Russian) imports.” Ukraine’s APK-Inform Analytic and Information Agency also boasted that “Tariffs for Russian grain to boost Ukrainian wheat competitiveness in EU market”.

The EU’s impending Russian agricultural distraction is therefore a sly way to expand Ukraine’s share of the bloc’s market, which will only worsen the problems for Polish farmers, thus risking the scenario of their protests morphing into a modern-day form of the Old Cold War-era Solidarity movement. It was assessed earlier this month here that Poland’s new liberal-globalist government might then feel pressured to conventionally intervene in Ukraine as the ultimate distraction from these protests.

To be sure, the decision to do so wouldn’t be entirely driven by domestic matters, but they’d likely play an outsized role in convincing policymakers in the scenario of a new Solidarity movement rising. On-the-ground developments in the NATO-Russian proxy war would be much more influential such as the possibility of France preemptively trying to seize control of Odessa before a Russian breakthrough. Nevertheless, the point is that potential Polish participation could serve to distract from these protests.

Since the EU’s approach towards Russian and Ukrainian agricultural imports won’t help Polish farmers but will actually worsen their plight, it’s very likely that their protests will keep growing and could continue morphing into a new Solidarity movement. In that event, martial law could be imposed on the pretext of conventionally intervening in Ukraine and naturally needing to clear all blockades impeding the movement of troops there, thus killing two birds with one stone.

Source: Andrew Korybko’s Newsletter

The aforementioned policy could backfire if the protesters refuse to comply and instead end up clashing with the armed forces, however, which could complicate this campaign at its most sensitive stage. Its success couldn’t be taken for granted then due to complexity theory teaching that initial conditions disproportionately shape the outcome of complex processes such as this one. The liberal-globalist government’s possible solution to the protests might therefore spark Poland’s worst-ever national crisis.


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This article was originally published on Andrew Korybko’s Newsletter.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


Back in January last year, Turkish Hürseda Haber published a detailed report about the losses in manpower and equipment for both the Russian military and the Kiev regime forces. Citing Israeli intelligence sources, specifically the Mossad, the report contained a rather interesting and highly detailed breakdown of losses for both sides. Nearly all numbers were confirmed to be true in the following months, although Hürseda Haber hasn’t updated its list since publishing it. One particular figure stood out – foreign fighters (mostly NATO personnel) and mercenaries. No other media outlet or source ever published such a detailed account of the deaths and injuries of foreigners in the NATO-orchestrated Ukrainian conflict. Namely, it mentioned the following:

  • 234 NATO officers killed and wounded in action (mostly British and American);
  • 2,458 NATO soldiers killed and wounded in action (Germany, Poland, Lithuania, etc.);
  • 5,360 mercenaries killed and wounded in action.

And while it wasn’t possible to verify these claims with complete certainty at the time, they were much closer to estimates by various non-Western sources and military experts.

What’s more, the figures given for the Kiev regime did not contradict the number cited by the head of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen, who stated that the Neo-Nazi junta’s losses exceeded 100,000 soldiers. Leyen’s statement, given back in November 2022, was promptly cut from the official address video, as it was undermining the ludicrous narrative of “Russia losing”. Apart from some guesstimates, we haven’t had any detailed updates since then. That is, until a few days ago when the Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD) published some information about it.

On March 14, the MoD updated its data on foreign mercenaries eliminated by the Russian military. According to the official reports, in total, 13,387 mercenaries have joined the Neo-Nazi junta forces, with 5,962 killed in action (KIA) so far. Most of them came from Poland, the United States, Canada and Georgia. This includes 1,497 Poles (of 2,960 involved), 561 Georgians (of 1,042 in total), 491 Americans (of 1,113), 422 Canadians (of 1005), 360 Britons (of 822), 349 Romanians (of 784), 147 French (of 356) and 88 Germans (of 235). While there is some divergence between these numbers, especially considering how much time has elapsed since then, they are not too far apart. In addition, these are only the numbers that the Russian military was able to confirm unequivocally.

In reality, the actual number could be much higher, especially when taking into account hundreds of long-range drone and missile strikes launched by the Russian military.

Either way, the South Front estimates that around 40% of all mercenaries have been neutralized so far, which is also quite in line with the percentage of casualties for the Kiev regime forces (recently exceeded the official number of active duty personnel).

On the other hand, the mainstream propaganda machine gives much larger (albeit varying) figures. According to the Washington Post, approximately 20,000 foreigners from over 50 countries have joined the ranks of the Kiev regime forces. The number could certainly be inflated for propaganda purposes, but it’s also not too far from the data given by the Russian MoD.

Either way, one thing is certain – no foreign fighter was ready for the conflict in Ukraine.

No matter how much battlefield experience one has, there was nothing that could’ve prepared them for the scale of the fighting and the high-tech aspect of the special military operation (SMO).

NATO personnel are used to fighting largely helpless countries and resistance movements that would be formed ad hoc in the aftermath of the deployment of American occupation forces, as well as those of their numerous vassals and satellite states. On the other hand, fighting the Russian military means that there’s no air superiority and, thus, no close air support (CAS), which is central to any NATO military operation. Worse yet, it’s Moscow that has a clear advantage in that regard and nothing indicates this will change.

Back in mid-January, French mercenaries learned this the hard way. Namely, they were stationed at a hotel in the eastern city of Kharkov when the Russian military launched a long-range strike that resulted in at least 80 casualties, over 60 of whom were killed. And these men weren’t even on the frontline. They were foolish enough to not only think they’re safe, but also believed that Moscow would simply ignore such a high concentration of foreign fighters in one place. And yet, the situation in the trenches is not much better either. In a recently published video account involving an American and a British mercenary, they touched upon several topics concerning drones and trench warfare in Ukraine. Expectedly, there was some propaganda involved, but they pointed out the high-tech aspect of the conflict.

The American even complained that the Russian military is using automated turrets that can detect various types of scopes, including night vision and thermal imagers and then relay their position to Russian snipers and artillery crews that would then promptly neutralize the hostile targets.

Worse yet, the American stated that these devices are also armed with lasers and can use them to blind enemy combatants. Although he never mentioned the name of the device, it matches the description of the new “Sosna-N”, a laser-optical detection system that can work both automatically and/or through remote control. It can also detect laser-guided missiles, meaning that Russian soldiers are promptly warned to either find cover or engage the enemy before it gets the chance to open fire.

However, this is not the end of troubles for foreign mercenaries who were foolish enough to join the Neo-Nazi junta forces. Namely, the Kiev regime has shown the propensity to use them exactly the same as its own forces – cannon fodder.

Worse yet, it has demonstrated a willingness to directly kill its most loyal henchmen, as evidenced by the recent shootdown of a Russian Il-76MD transport aircraft packed with Ukrainian POWs (prisoners of war), including approximately a dozen “Azov Battalion” members.

There was also at least one case when two French mercenaries were killed for trying to leave Ukraine after they uncovered the Kiev regime’s plot to attack a high-ranking delegation from France.

There are even accounts of the Neo-Nazi junta’s summary executions of foreign mercenaries in its ranks.

All this should serve as a lesson to any and all foreign personnel in Ukraine, be it adventurers with unrealistic expectations of what actual warfare is, adrenaline addicts, avid Call of Duty players, pathological Russophobes or professional NATO “advisers” – you will get killed if you come to Ukraine. Best case scenario, you could get maimed for life or (if you’re really lucky) you might escape with no major physical injuries, but still end up with a severe case of PTSD.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Drago Bosnic is an independent geopolitical and military analyst. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


Why did Senator Chuck Schumer call Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu an “obstacle to peace” and demand new elections in Israel just weeks before an IDF ground offensive in Rafah?

Hasn’t Schumer opposed a ceasefire in Gaza from the beginning?

Hasn’t Schumer criticized pro-Palestinian activists and their public protests?

Hasn’t Schumer been a champion of the Jewish state for more than three decades in office?

Yes, yes and yes.

So, why would he suddenly do an about-face and blast Israel’s leader at the same time the IDF is conducting a major military operation in Gaza?

Here’s an excerpt from Schumer’s speech:

It is precisely out of this long-standing connection to, and concern for, the State of Israel and its people that I speak today about what I view are the most pressing existential threats to Israel’s long-term peace and prosperity.

After five months of suffering on both sides of this conflict, our thinking must turn — urgently — I believe that to achieve that lasting peace — which we so long for — Israel must make some significant course corrections…..

If Israel were to not only maintain the status quo, but go beyond that and tighten its control over Gaza and the West Bank, as some in the current Netanyahu administration have suggested — in effect creating a de facto single state — then what reasonable expectation can we have that Hamas and their allies will lay down their arms? It would mean constant war.

On top of that, Israel moving closer to a single state entirely under its control would further rupture its relationship with the rest of the world, including the United States. Support for Israel has declined worldwide in the last few months, and this trend will only get worse if the Israeli government continues to follow its current path…. Full text of Senator Chuck Schumer’s speech: ‘Israeli elections are the only way’, Times of Israel

Repeat: “Israel must make significant course corrections”?

So, Schumer is not only calling for new leadership, he’s also demanding that Israel abandon its current strategy?

That’s shocking, but can we trust what Schumer is saying? Does he really regard “the creation of a de facto single state” as an “existential threat” to Israel or is he using it as an excuse to conceal his real intentions?

Journalists at Politico—Hailey Fuchs and Elena Schneider—think Schumer is hiding something. They think his views are shaped by his politics which are preventing him from being completely honest. Here’s how they summed it up in a recent article:

[AIPAC] recognizes that Schumer has a left flank problem just like the Israel lobby has a left flank problem,” said one Democratic consultant who works with major Jewish donors, granted anonymity to discuss the issue candidly. “You stick with the guy who’s always been with you, but you also let him have the breathing room to say what he needs to say if it helps him with his left flank.”….

AIPAC is also sophisticated enough to know that its relationships with Democratic leadership depends on whether those leaders can maintain the support of voters, said one former Democratic Senate aide who has worked with AIPAC. Schumer’s relationship with AIPAC has always been “strong, resolute, frank and open,” the person added. Schumer’s Israel rebuke leaves AIPAC in a delicate position, Politico

This analysis is partly true but misses the larger point. Yes, Schumer does have to pander to a Democratic base that is sympathetic to the Palestinian cause, but there’s more to it than that. Schumer thinks that Netanyahu is dangerously off-track and that his arrogant, go-it-alone attitude is intensifying Israel’s global isolation while angering its biggest ally, the United States. As he puts it:

Israel moving closer to a single state entirely under its control would further rupture its relationship with the rest of the world, including the United States.

The idea that Israel can simply thumb its nose at the Biden administration and go charging into Rafah “guns blazing” is a grave miscalculation that is putting enormous strain on US-Israel relations and is bound to undermine Israel’s prospects for the future. That’s why Schumer decided it was time to roll out the heavy artillery and send Bibi a message he’d understand. And the message was accompanied by a blunt directive from the White House to send a senior-level delegation of “military, intelligence and policy officials to Washington to hear U.S. concerns and lay out an alternative approach that will not include a major ground invasion.”

Does that sound like “the tail wagging the dog” to you?

No, me neither. What it sounds like is that Biden and Co. are fed up with Netanyahu’s antics and have decided to reel him in a bit. Bottom line: Netanyahu does not have a green light to implement his plan to send ground troops into Rafah. Not yet at least. He needs to discuss the matter with Biden and reach a mutual agreement to go forward or abandon the plan altogether. What Schumer’s speech indicates, is that relations between Bibi and Washington have deteriorated to such an extent that the Israeli leadership must be taken by the lapels and shaken out of their stupor so they see how bad things really are. Schumer’s presentation was just the first of many ‘wake-up calls’. Here’s more:

As a lifelong supporter of Israel, it has become clear to me:

The Netanyahu coalition no longer fits the needs of Israel after October 7. The world has changed — radically — since then, and the Israeli people are being stifled right now by a governing vision that is stuck in the past.

Nobody expects Prime Minister Netanyahu to do the things that must be done to break the cycle of violence, preserve Israel’s credibility on the world stage, and work towards a two-state solution..

At this critical juncture, I believe a new election is the only way to allow for a healthy and open decision-making process about the future of Israel, at a time when so many Israelis have lost their confidence in the vision and direction of their government.

I also believe a majority of the Israeli public will recognize the need for change, and I believe that holding a new election once the war starts to wind down would give Israelis an opportunity to express their vision for the post-war future.

Of course, the United States cannot dictate the outcome of an election, nor should we try. That is for the Israeli public to decide — a public that I believe understands better than anybody that Israel cannot hope to succeed as a pariah opposed by the rest of the world….

If Prime Minister Netanyahu’s current coalition remains in power after the war begins to wind down, and continues to pursue dangerous and inflammatory policies that test existing US standards for assistance, then the United States will have no choice but to play a more active role in shaping Israeli policy by using our leverage to change the present course. Full text of Senator Chuck Schumer’s speech: ‘Israeli elections are the only way’, Times of Israel

This is extraordinary. Schumer is threatening Netanyahu point-blank with political retaliation if he doesn’t step-in-line and align Israel’s policies with US interests. If any other US senator blurted out a comment like this they’d be looking for job by the end of the day. It just goes to show how trusted Schumer is among the powerful Jewish organizations in the US. Here’s more:

The United States’ bond with Israel is unbreakable, but if extremists continue to unduly influence Israeli policy, then the Administration should use the tools at its disposal to make sure our support for Israel is aligned with our broader goal of achieving long-term peace and stability in the region. Full text of Senator Chuck Schumer’s speech: ‘Israeli elections are the only way’, Times of Israel

Schumer’s comments go way-beyond a mere slap on the wrist. This is an ominous but straightforward warning to the fanatics in the Netanyahu government that they’d better get their act together pronto and take steps to align their policies with those of the United States or there are going to be dire consequences.

Surprisingly, the one pundit that seems to understand what Schumer’s speech was really all about is New York Times columnist Tom Friedman who summed it up like this:

What has gone so haywire in the U.S.-Netanyahu relationship that it would drive someone as sincerely devoted to Israel’s well-being as Chuck Schumer to call on Israelis to replace Netanyahu — and have his speech, which was smart and sensitive, praised by President Biden himself as a “good speech” outlining concerns shared by “many Americans”?

Israelis and friends of Israel ignore that basic question at their peril.What Schumer and Biden Got Right About Netanyahu, New York Times

Friedman is right. Relations between Israel and the US have gotten so bad that it takes a die-hard loyalist like Schumer put Bibi on notice that he’s on thin ice. And the reason he’s on thin ice is because his bloody rampage in Gaza has run roughshod over Washington’s broader regional strategy which involves the economic integration of critical nations from India to Israel. Here’s more from Friedman:

Why has Netanyahu become such a problem for the U.S. and Biden geopolitically and politically?

The short answer is that America’s entire Middle East strategy right now — and, I would argue, Israel’s long-term interests — depends on Israel partnering with the non-Hamas Palestinian Authority based in Ramallah, in the West Bank, on the long-term development needs of Palestinians and, ultimately, on a two-state solution. And Netanyahu has expressly ruled that out, along with any other fully formed plan for the morning after in Gaza…

Hamas’s attack was designed to halt Israel from becoming more embedded than ever in the Arab world thanks to the Abraham Accords and the budding normalization process with Saudi Arabia. Consequently, Israel’s response had to be designed to preserve those vital new relationships. That could be possible only if Israel was fighting Hamas in Gaza with one hand and actively pursuing two states with the other.

This war had a major regional component. Israel very quickly found itself fighting Hamas in Gaza and Iran’s proxies in Lebanon, Yemen, Syria and Iraq. The only way Israel could build a regional alliance — and enable President Biden to help line up regional allies — was if Israel was simultaneously pursuing a peace process with non-Hamas Palestinians. That is the necessary cement for a regional alliance against Iran. Without that cement, Biden’s grand strategy of building an alliance against Iran and Russia (and China) stretching from India through the Arabian Peninsula across North Africa and up to the European Union/NATO is stymied. No one wants to sign up to protect an Israel whose government is dominated by extremists who want to permanently occupy both the West Bank and Gaza….

If Israel fights a war in Gaza with many civilian casualties — but offers no political hope for a better future for both Israelis and Palestinians — over time it obscures people’s memories of the horrors of Oct. 7 and their support for Israel in its wake. That makes it increasingly difficult for even the most pro-Israel American figures — like Schumer — to continue to back the war in the face of the enormous international and domestic costs.”

For all of these reasons, and I cannot say this loudly enough, Israel has an overriding interest in pursuing a two-state horizon. What Schumer and Biden Got Right About Netanyahu, New York Times

Perfectly summarized.

The media fails to report on the critical events that took place before the October 7 attacks that revealed Washington’s regional strategy. As it happens, the Biden team had been developing an expansive plan aimed at countering China’s Belt and Road Initiative. Check out this excerpt from an article at the Times of Israel:

US President Joe Biden and his allies on Saturday announced plans to build a rail and shipping corridor linking India with the Middle East and Europe, an ambitious project aimed at fostering economic growth and political cooperation.

“This is a big deal,” said Biden. “This is a really big deal.”

The corridor would help to boost trade, transport energy resources and improve digital connectivity. It would include India, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Israel and the European Union, said Jake Sullivan, Biden’s national security adviser.

Biden, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announced the project during the annual Group of 20 summit of the world’s top economies. It is part of an initiative called the Partnership for Global Infrastructure Investment.

“We think that the project itself is bold and transformative, but the vision behind the project is equally bold and transformative, and we will see it replicated in other parts of the world as well,” Sullivan said….

The rail and shipping corridor would help to physically tie together a vast stretch of the globe, improving digital connectivity and enabling more trade among countries, including with energy products such as hydrogen. Although White House officials did not set a timeline for its completion, the corridor would provide a physical and ideological alternative to China’s own nation-spanning infrastructure program. Biden unveils US-backed transport corridor to link India to EU via Mideast, Israel, Times of Israel

There it is in a nutshell: A “bold and transformative” infrastructure project extending from India to Israel creating a high-speed transport corridor for energy, retail goods and natural resources. This is how Washington wants to slow China’s meteoric growth and preserve its grip on global power into the next century. There’s only one drawback: Netanyahu’s killing-spree in Gaza has put the kibosh on the entire plan.

Schumer knows all of this. He also knows that that if Israeli policy continues to conflict with US vital interests, there’s going to be an acrimonious divorce that will result in Israel losing its greatest ally and benefactor. That’s why he wants to dump Bibi and replace him with someone who will work collaboratively and cooperatively with the US. It’s not a question of patriotism, it’s a matter of survival…. Israel’s survival.


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This article was originally published on The Unz Review.

Michael Whitney is a renowned geopolitical and social analyst based in Washington State. He initiated his career as an independent citizen-journalist in 2002 with a commitment to honest journalism, social justice and World peace.

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).  

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New Book: Empire of Lies by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

March 21st, 2024 by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March





Empire of Lies elucidates the major deceptions that have played a central role in shaping history in the 21st century.

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, the former Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury, draws upon his experience as a Washington insider to reveal the truth about the manipulation of the gold market, 9/11, COVID-19, the war in Ukraine, and several other mass deceptions.

Buy now, on sale for $7.99, click here to purchase.


“Dr. Roberts is one of few remaining voices of truth in the West. His essays expose the systematic lies of Western mainstream media, which now provide propaganda rather than news. He explains these false narratives are designed to create a public lost in a Matrix of misinformation, which conditions people to hate and fear; the hatred of internal ‘enemies’ prevents social cohesion that could effectively challenge governmental authority, while external enemies are demonized to make people accept endless war.

“Most importantly, Roberts warns of the imminent danger of a nuclear holocaust, which now places us ‘one nanosecond’ away from nuclear Armageddon. If you want to better understand why all the things we once held sacred — family, freedom, justice and peace — are now under relentless attack by the government, media, and academia, then read this book, it will open your eyes.”
Professor Steven Starr, former Director at the University of Missouri’s Clinical Laboratory Sciences Program

“Paul Craig Roberts is one of the best and most-informed political commentators today. I urge everybody to read his indispensable book The Empire of Lies.”
Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.,  LewRockwell.com


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Paul Craig Roberts is a renowned author and academic, chairman of The Institute for Political Economy where this article was originally published. Dr. Roberts was previously associate editor and columnist for The Wall Street Journal. He was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy during the Reagan Administration. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


Don’t miss this new documentary by Martin Durkin.


The producer Tom Nelson did an interview with me a year ago about the origins of the climate scare.


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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March






This writer’s continuing efforts to shed more light and clarity on Israel and America’s heinous genocidal war against the Palestinians in Gaza has already become a published work under the title: A Briefing before the World Can Ever Stand Together with Gaza – THE INTEL DROP.

However, it continues as an investigative literary piece to determine, more broadly, what specific militant political actions among the creative artist communities of Canada, the United States and Australia, collectively, as well as individually, already have, or are in the process of, undertaking, to provide whatever greater professional artistic, moral support they can to make the political systems and leadership of their countries more acutely-aware and responsive to the existing realities of what is, and s bring to a crashing halt Zionist Israel’s nightmarishly-brutal, savage onslaught against the entire nation of Palestine’s men, women, children, infants and senior citizens.

Especially, in light of the diabolical misinformation, disinformation, and what amounts to the nigh total insidious, malevolent censorship, by each country’s corrupt corporate mainstream media’s abject unwillingness to tell “the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help them God”; beyond the propaganda rubbish and flat-out , that daily fill their dumbed-down citizenry’s heads up with about what really is going on ever minute of every day in the disgraceful perpetration of the war.

 In other words, this seemingly endless work-in-progress seeks to identify what militant political actions among the creative artist communities of Canada, the United States, Australia, and really the entire human race, collectively, already are helping the populaces of their respective countries recognize that what is happening today to the Palestinians in their former homelands; can be likened not only to the WWII crimes of genocide committed by the Nazis at their Auschwitz Concentration Camp and other death camps; but to the similar hideous things in the history books that once happened to indigenous Indians, Black slaves and Mexican peasants in 17th,18th & 19th century America, especially its Southern ante bellum states, and the wild west of Canada’s Northern plains.

These massive ad hoc European colonial societies of their times, with the complicity of the rest of the world’s so-called later civilized societies within its erstwhile United Nations; all, ever-ready, champing at the bit, to plunder yet some fresh new piece of the world for themselves; this time in the Middle East. 

The green light that has been given to Zionist Israel, its IDF stormtroopers, American society’s collective ideological ‘soldiers of fortune’, and others of the same ilk, worldwide, have once again been given all but carte blanche with the collective permission and blessings of the United Nations to do whatever they will.

It’s Nothing More Than the Human Race’s Same Ol Shuck and Jive

A starting point of this new awareness must begin with the realization that during the 17th, 18th, 19th centuries, all the newcomer colonial European cultures and societies, like Israel’s contemporary, so-called, “Zionist Settler-Colonial Plan” for an Ersatz Israel, continues to regularly, routinely, murder, rape, slaughter and steal, at their whim, everything that ever belonged to the original Palestinian inhabitants; while their stormtrooper, blitzkrieg armies, and hosts of snipers, are given carte blanche to maim or shoot to kill innocent men, women, children. infants and elders.

Always, of course, without any recriminations whatsoever from their leaders; as if whatever the latest lumps of human flesh, bone and feelings of sentient beings are, are nothing more than unwanted vermin to be duly eradicated for the betterment of all concerned, and so, make way for all those ‘more gifted, favored ones’ yet to come.

Today, in 2024, it’s no different! To gain a truly sobering reality check of what actually continues to happen to Palestinians every second of every minute of every day in this hideous war in Gaza, the reader, if they care anything at all about the real plight of all concerned in Gaza, can do no better than take into their hearts the truths that Dr. Thaer Ahmad, a Palestinian ER Doctor from Chicago, has to recount after having just returned from a nightmarish time spent in the midst of the Gaza tragedy. 

Dr. Ahmad describes in great shocking detail what day to day life is currently like in Gaza when living human beings are put on glass slides, like specimens under a microscope, to see how they will react under the severest of conditions. It’s unbelievable! Brutal, evil, savage carnage don’t remotely even begin to describe the hidosity of it all, once one has been touched by what they will learn.

Once this writer did, his heart ached grievously, from the place it touched within the residual memory banks of his own Irish-Tyrolean ancestors who suffered the same fate; as so many Palestinians whose hearts also now ache so grievously for their lost loved one, as indigenous peoples the world over also have ever suffered from the same fate since time immemorial.

To arrive at a truly sobering reality check, in the year 2024, of what this actually translates to, in human terms, and continues to happen to Palestinians every second of every minute of every day in this latest hideous war, this time around in Gaza; the reader, if they even remotely care enough about the real truth and justice of the plight of all those still hopelessly trapped in Gaza’s massive oppressive concentration death camp, could do no better than listen to Amy Goodwin’s Democracy Now interview of Dr. Thaer Ahmad, a Palestinian ER Doctor from Chicago, who recently returned from a nightmarish time spent in Gaza’s hospitals in the midst of the unbelievable macabre tragedy that continues to unfold.

Dr. Ahmad candidly describes in great shocking detail what day to day survival is really like in Gaza. Words like: Unbelievable! Brutal! evil! Savage! Inhuman Carnage! fail to tell the whole truth. They don’t even remotely begin to describe the actual reality of it all.

Brace yourself, however, because when this writer listened to Dr. Ahmad, his own heart quietly, yet so grievously, painfully ached. The longer Dr. Ahmad spoke of the unspeakable plight of the Palestinians, that no one in their right mind would ever wish upon their worst enemy, was constantly tweaked by this writer’s painful remembrances of his Irish ancestors, not that terribly long ago in time or space, once suffered the same fate, during yet another violent, turbulent time and among humans, at the brutal hands of arrogant England’s overlords. 

Listening to the accounts of the suffering the Palestinian people continue to endure at the hands of their own arrogant, primitive IDF stormtrooper overlords, came the same reoccurring thought: “There but for the grace of God!”

Until that moment, while listening to Dr. Ahmad, this writer never truly, fully, could viscerally understand, at a gut level, how or why such overlords, English, German Nazis or whomever, could ever have been or still could ever be so cruel, heartless and barbaric, as to cause the needless suffering of so many innocent, helpless Palestinian hearts to ache and bleed so grievously, as indigenous peoples throughout the world also have had to needlessly suffer for so long a time in human history. It is one of those real mysteries of life as all of us sentient beings as we continue our cosmic journey on this tiny vulnerable orb we call ‘Earth’, as it an we all hurtle together through endless time and space.

The reader is asked to further brace themselves still one more time to continue to bear witness to yet more unedited, uncensored-truth-telling, as re-told by Dr. Taher Ahmad; this time to Abby Martin, host of the Empire Files: Unprecedented War Crimes: Eyewitness Truth in Gaza Hospitals w/ Dr. Thaer Ahmad.

Beyond what all that words, mental awareness and consciousness can ever say, this writer continues to be dumbfounded by so many reactions of seeming indifference and disinterest to what all continues to unfold everywhere around him within the Western World at large, and, more specifically, the populaces within the countries of Canada and the United States; who still unequivocally support and defend the Zionists, and soon; will elect yet another ‘Vanilla White’ fascist to replace PM Trudeau, or re-elect another ‘Sleepy Genocide Joe’ or ‘His Bloated Holiness’ to rule the world; ‘for which, this writer is now so deeply ashamed and embarrassed by what he once was so proud of feeling within himself, and so proudly once admitted to others, he was a dual citizen of both countries.

Also, too, knowingly-aware that all, or most of the world’s, apolitical figures, somehow, have had a hand in doing, or not doing by their silence, to do some positive action to stop what is happening today to the Palestinians in their former homelands of Palestine. 

Their collective diabolical actions or inactions can be likened not only to the recent WWII crimes committed by the Nazis at its Auschwitz Death Camp, Warsaw Ghetto or other death camps; but also the hideous things that happened during their own ancestors days, to indigenous First Nations, Black slaves and Mexican peasants in 18th & 19th century history books of America’s Southern ante-bellum states and Northern plains of Canada’s Wild West.

By then, as now, those massive ad hoc European colonial societies of their day, with the complicity of the rest of the world’s so-called civilized societies backing them up. Like a giant juggernaut; each one, always champing at the bit, to crush beneath its ponderous weight; ever eager to plunder some fresh new piece of others, once sacrosanct world for themselves.

All these newcomer colonial European cultures and societies regularly, routinely, murdering, raping, slaughtering, stealing, at their whim, everything that ever belonged to the original inhabitants. Their armies and snipers given carte blanche to maim or shoot to kill innocent men, women, children and elders, without any recriminations whatsoever from their leaders; as if the victims were nothing more than unwanted vermin; to be duly eradicated for the betterment of all, to make way for the minions who are still to come.

Fifty years – half a century – ago, when this writer first arrived upon Canada’s shores from America, the world was such a different place. Canada’s strong, colorful, outspoken leader, Pierre Eliott Trudeau, the father of the current Prime Minister, was someone who accurately felt the world’s pulse, and knew then what unequivocal actions needed to be taken for the betterment of the human race; for which the world once sat up in all their chambers, listened to, and took heed. Lo, were that the case now in these troubled times.


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Jerome Irwin is a Canadian-American writer who, in previous lives, has been involved in a wide range of diverse and varied worlds, including the Criminology profession with an American police department, and later for a brief-time in the capacity of clandestine communications with the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. For decades, in various professional capacities as an educator, researcher, geo-political analyst, and writer. Irwin has sought to call attention to a broad spectrum of world problems pertaining to the degradation and unsustainability caused by a host of environmental-ecological-spiritual-ideological issues that exist between the conflicting world philosophies of indigenous and non-indigenous peoples.

Irwin is the author of the book, “The Wild Gentle Ones; A Turtle Island Odyssey” (www.turtle-island-odyssey.com), a spiritual odyssey among the native peoples of North America that over the decades has produced numerous articles pertaining to: Ireland’s Fenian Movement; native peoples Dakota Access Pipeline Resistance Movement; AIPAC, Israel & the U.S. Congress anti-BDS Movement; the historic Battle for Palestine & Siege of Gaza, as well as; the many violations constantly being waged by industrial-corporate-military-propaganda interests against the World’s Collective Soul. To examine a portion of the eclectic body of his work goggle: “Jerome Irwin, writer” The author and his wife are long-time residents on the North Shore of British Columbia.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March





A couple of years ago, the iconic gate to the infamous World War II-era extermination camp at Auschwitz was stolen. As far as I know, the “crime” has not been solved. At the top of that gate was this classic bit of Nazi propaganda, proclaimed to the millions of doomed incoming victims: “Arbeit Macht Frei” (Work Makes One Free).

“Arbeit Macht Frei” is a pretty good summary of what is otherwise known as “the Protestant work ethic” that started in Europe during the Protestant Reformation. Right-wing nationalists, anti-communist, pro-capitalist, pro-war, anti-Semitic, racist and religious reformers such as Jean Calvin and Martin Luther would have agreed that “Arbeit Macht Frei” supported their dogmatic teachings about fulfilling one’s patriotic duty to the state, the church or the industry that employed the people. 

Following Hitler’s fascist takeover and the total destruction of Germany’s liberal democratic government in 1933, Germans were indoctrinated to believe that it was their patriotic duty to defend the Nazi’s Thousand Year Reich by any means necessary, including laboring, killing or dying for the cause.

Indeed, the efforts instituted by the fascist government (including the abolition of labor unions) resulted in virtually full employment in all of the war-related industries that were set up to ensure the success of the Thousand Year Reich, including the military arts, police, fuel, chemical, agriculture, mining and weapons production. All of these industries thrived, with willing, reasonably well-paid and grateful “Good Germans” who blindly applauded Hitler for orchestrating his “economic miracle.”

The transportation and communications industries that were essential for war-making – but which were also domestically beneficial – also thrived. Good examples included the building of the Autobahn for rapid troop movement and the increased  production of automobiles, including the affordable Volkswagen for the masses and the not-so-affordable Mercedes for the elite. The provision of cheap mass-produced radios and plenty of entertainment (propaganda) that was over-seen by Joseph Goebbels made sure that everybody would be able to hear the demagogues spout their Nazi propaganda demonizing non-Aryan foreigners, Jews and various anti-fascist leftists, such as trade unionists, socialists, liberals and subversive antiwar activists.

In 1922, hyperinflation, joblessness and hunger followed the unaffordable fiasco of World War I and, just as the economy was recovering, the Wall Street Stock Market crash of 1929 sealed German democracy’s doom. So, after Hitler was appointed to the Chancellorship in 1933, even the most ethical Germans were thankful for the war industry work, and they liked the state-sponsored (socialized) medical care, educational opportunities and the paid vacations of Hitler’s “Strength Through Joy” campaign, even though there was essentially no freedom of movement in the labor market.

War Profiteering, Concentration Camps and “Good German” Christians

Until Hitler started occupying, colonizing and brutalizing other nations, things were going well for most obedient, white “Good German” Christians. Not so for non-Christians and other minorities who were suffering under the police state jackboot of Prussian militarism. “Good Germans” dutifully averted their eyes and closed their ears to keep from seeing the hateful anti-Semitism, racism, homophobia, sexism, xenophobia and other forms of discrimination that were happening all around them, including the aggressive building of concentration camps all over Germany and the occupied territories.

The scores of concentration camps that eventually dotted Germany’s military empire (especially occupied Poland) also provided a lot of work for Hitler’s obedient (and silenced) Volk, for each camp needed, in addition to the SS troops and Gestapo (who beat any resister into submission), numerous citizen-workers to keep them running smoothly. The notorious extermination camp at Auschwitz employed 60 physicians and 300 nurses and many other ancillary staff members for just the medical facility, much of which was involved in human experimentation. Many of the people involved in those crimes against humanity were professed Christians.

The gulag of camps was good for the economy though, for each of the camps was aligned with very profitable German corporations, whose bottom lines flourished with the cheap labor costs. The Nazi concentration camps started in 1938 at Dachau. The prison camps played a major role in Hitler’s economic boom. Germany’s Gross National Product grew substantially, for the labor was free and the food and lodging expenditures were minimal.

Auschwitz was located in Poland, far away from the eyes of most Germans back in the homeland. It was the most infamous of the camps, but the German occupiers of the newly-acquired Polish territories knew what was going on inside. Still, most “Good Germans” averted their eyes and ears and noses. Most of them claimed that they were unaware that mass murder was happening on the other side of the electrified fences.

But it was a time of war and telling the truth in wartime is always a revolutionary act that requires a lot of courage. Witnessing to the truth in a time of war is also frequently regarded by military regimes as an act of treason. And so the Volk lied to themselves and to others. Cognitive dissonance happened in Nazi Germany, although there was no such phrase back then that described the conscious or unconscious denial of  and confusion about unwelcome new truths that contradicted deeply held beliefs. But the truth was obvious to all. Only one conclusion could be drawn from the 24/7 stench of burning flesh and the red smoke that came out of the crematorium’s tall stacks of each of the extermination camps.

After the total collapse of the militarists, financiers, investors and industrialists who had been behind Germany’s attempts to steal the resources of Europe and Asia (especially the oil fields of eastern Europe and western Russia), more unwelcome truths were to be revealed. Among these revelations was the story of the commandant of Auschwitz, Rudolf Hoess (not to be confused with Rudolf Hess who was Hitler’s # 2  early in the Nazi regime).

Cruelty in Child-Rearing, Obedience and the Roots of Violence

The Rudolf Hoess, MD, of Auschwitz infamy was the son of a devout, well-to-do, conservative Roman Catholic family that had wanted him to go into the priesthood. But circumstances were such that he instead chose to serve Hitler in the thuggish Freikorps, that group of traumatized and unemployable World War I veterans, who became his street fighters and mercenary soldiers and who believed the lie that leftists, especially Jews,  socialists and communists on the home front had “stabbed Germany in the back” and were the real cause of the humiliating defeat in the trenches on the western front.

Just like most men who grew up in authoritarian Europe, Hoess learned unconditional obedience to authority early in his life. Cruelty in child-rearing, especially in males, usually elicits the unconscious desire for vengeance, often only acted upon in a delayed fashion, freuently against a scapegoat rather than against the original perpetrator of the cruelty, which is usually an abusive parent-figure.

Harshness in child-rearing was the norm for most German and Austrian children for centuries prior to Hitler, whose regime also promoted punitive child-rearing methods. It makes for vicious, obedient Nazi soldiers or, for that matter, Special Forces soldiers in any country. Such “parenting” was reinforced by the similarly harsh discipline that was often practiced in most German churches and schools – and not just in Catholic schools, but in secular schools as well. And so Hoess wrote the following explanation for his willingness to reflexively carry out the decidedly un-Christ-like – indeed, satanic – orders he received from his superiors:

“Above all, I was constantly reminded that I was to comply with, and follow, the wishes or commands of parents, teachers, priests, etc., indeed all grown-ups including the servants, and that I was to allow nothing to distract me from that duty. Whatever they said, went. These fundamental values of my upbringing became part of my flesh and blood.”[1]

This is how military recruits in basic training internalize the killing arts. So it should come as no surprise when soldiers react automatically and violently in the war zone, obeying even illegal orders given in the kill-or-be-killed chaos of the battlefield. After the psychological trauma, humiliation and threats of punishment experienced in their child-rearing, school yards, mean streets or their basic training, soldiers can be relied upon to react automatically, even unconsciously, and do what they have been indoctrinated to do when their own physical survival is threatened.

Duty and honor; solemn oaths of allegiance to a flag (the Swastika or the Stars and Stripes); obedience to god and country; patriotism; nationalism; “America # 1” and “Deutschland Uber Alles” are common examples that will promote the blind patriotism that has driven the killing machines on all sides of every war throughout the entire history of warfare.

Internalizing such propaganda allowed Hoess to perform his gruesome “duties” at Auschwitz, without any obvious signs of remorse when he was later tried, convicted and hanged for war crimes and crimes against humanity. The baptized Lutheran Adolph Eichmann, a contemporary of Hoess’s, also reacted without remorse during his trial in Jerusalem long after the war, as did most of the other defendants at the Nuremberg War Crimes Trial.

The Consequences of Military and Domestic Violence (to the Perpetrators, Victims or Bystanders)

Sadly, the soldier-victims (willing or unwilling) of chronic brain-washing (which can easily create robotic humans willing to inflict pain on others [ex Manchurian Candidate]), learn much too late that being involved in state-sponsored terrorism, directly or indirectly, can also be lethal to their souls and psyches, not to mention the souls and psyches of their battlefield victims (and loved ones when they come home), all of whom are mostly innocent, unarmed and decidedly defenseless women and children.

The invisible spiritual wounds of the warrior can also be experienced by another group: the guilty bystander, who witnessed the violence and then may have stood silently by, doing nothing to stop it. The guilt felt later for not intervening (or feeling helpless to intervene) often becomes too much to bear, with the resultant depression, anxiety, anger, insomnia, nightmares, flashbacks, drug use, homicidality and suicidality of combat-induced posttraumatic stress disorder symptom, often identical to that experienced by the guilty perpetrator.

One has to wonder what kind of Christianity is it that promotes harshness in parenting, racism, discriminatory attitudes toward the “enemy-other”, pro-war theologies and what kind of Christianity remains silent about its country’s extrajudicial assassinations by drone warfare or the manufacturing, stockpiling, and training to use, the lethal weapons that are only intended for human destruction?

From where in the human soul comes the willingness to kill, torture and cooperate with the evils of state-sponsored homicide and economic oppression, irrespective of what militarized nation one lives in, fascist/capitalist Germany or “democratic”/capitalist America?

As Bob Dylan asks so poignantly in his classic antiwar song, “Blowin’ in the Wind”:

“How many times must the cannonballs fly before they’re forever banned?”

“How many ears must one man have before he can hear people cry?”

“How many deaths will it take till he knows that too many people have died?”

“How many years can some people exist before they’re allowed to be free?”

“And how many times can a man turn his head pretending he just doesn’t see?”

The answers aren’t really mysteriously blowing in the wind. The answers to the questions about why there is an epidemic of violence instead of sustained peace are understandable and therefore preventable. The solutions to the problems (and the prevention of the consequences) concerning both military and domestic violence lie in whether or not children and recruits are treated humanely (with unconditional love and mercy) or with brutality and/or neglect in their families, schools, churches, neighborhoods, workplaces and streets.


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Dr Gary G. Kohls is a retired rural family physician from Duluth, Minnesota. Since his retirement in 2008, Dr Kohls has written a weekly column, titled Duty to Warn, which has been re-published and archived at websites around the world.

Dr Kohls practiced holistic mental health care in Duluth for the last decade of his family practice career, primarily helping psychiatric patients who had become addicted to their cocktails of dangerous, addictive psychiatric drugs to safely go through the complex withdrawal process. His Duty to Warn columns often deal with various unappreciated health issues, including those caused by Big Pharma’s over-drugging, Big Vaccine’s over-vaccinating, Big Medicine’s over-prescribing, over-screening, over-diagnosing and over-treating agendas and Big Food’s malnourishing and sickness-promoting food industry. Those four powerful, profit-seeking entities combine to seriously affect the physical, mental, spiritual and economic health of the recipients of the prescription drugs, medical treatments, toxic vaccines and the consumers of the tasty, ubiquitous and disease-producing “FrankenFoods” – particularly when they are consumed in combinations, doses and potencies that have never been tested for safety or long-term effectiveness.

Many of Dr Kohls’ columns have been archived at websites around the world, including the following:



https://www.lewrockwell.com/author/gary-g-kohls/?ptype=article; and




[1] The Hoess quote above is taken from Alice Miller’s Breaking Down the Wall of Silence. Miller’s seminal work on the political and theological consequences of harshness in child-rearing is For Your Own Good: Hidden Cruelty in Childhood and the Roots of Violence.

Featured image: Members of the Hitler Youth in Berlin performing the Nazi salute at a rally in 1933 (Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 de)

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


Resistance forces in Yemen have been the targets in the U.S. and British efforts to halt the country’s blockade against Israeli ports.

Spokesmen for the Ansar Allah movement say that its presence in the Arabian and Red Seas is a direct result of the Israeli war on the Palestinians in Gaza.

During mid-March reports surfaced indicating that the Yemeni Armed Forces (YAF) and the Popular Resistance Committees (PRC) were conducting exercises which simulate a ground invasion by two leading imperialist countries, the U.S. and Britain. The YAF have continued their attacks on ships which are violating the blockade. These resistance operations have openly defied the increased imperialist military presence and aggressive actions in the region.

Yemen resistance forces in formation

In describing the character of the drills and the political atmosphere spawning the present situation, the Cradle emphasized:

“As the drills occurred, the Yemeni Minister of Defense, Major General Nasser al-Atifi, delivered a speech stressing Sanaa’s capacity to ‘deal with an international community that respects only the strong. We will enforce new rules of engagement forcefully, and the price will be paid dearly by the Americans, the British, and the Zionists and those in their orbit. The battle of The Promised Conquest and the Sacred Jihad in support of Al-Aqsa Flood will triumph and inevitably lead to geopolitical changes in line with a new world order,’ Atifi said on Sunday (March 17). He noted that the people of Yemen are not ‘warmongers’ but stressed that Israel’s campaign of genocide in Gaza has prompted ‘freedom-loving nations of the world to declare their position against such atrocities.’” 

The Ansar Allah officials emphasized their sovereignty over territorial waters. They pledged not to relent even in the face of bombings by the Pentagon and the British Royal Air Forces.

Just prior to the military exercises, a delegation consisting of representatives of several Palestinian organizations visited Sana’a for high-level talks with the Yemeni government. It was reported that Hamas, Palestine Islamic Jihad and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) were present for the talks.

This delegation was reflective of the unity which exists in the military resistance to the IDF occupation of Gaza. There are ten different brigades involved in the fighting and their actions are coordinated against the settler-colonial troops.

The general thrust of the conversations centered on enhancing the cooperation between fighters in Palestine and the solidarity efforts in Yemen. Although the western imperialist states and their media outlets attribute all of the armed resistance activity as being coordinated by the Islamic Republic of Iran, these organizations have engaged in self-directed defensive and offensive operations against the State of Israel and the U.S. All of the tactics being utilized in Palestine, Lebanon, Iraq, Syria and Yemen, are based upon the concrete conditions prevailing in those areas of the region.

In Palestine and the other neighboring states, they have been able to build their own weapons which can effectively level significant casualties against the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) and those allied with Zionism and imperialism. The blockade carried out now for several months by the YAF has been quite costly for the commercial maritime industry.

The cost of shipping has risen sharply with the rise in insurance rates and travel expenses due to the rerouting of vessels. To respond to the crisis, the U.S. and Britain have been forced to deploy additional military personnel in the region. These events are occurring when popular pressure is mounting within the imperialist countries and around the world calling for a ceasefire in Gaza and the recognition of an independent Palestinian state.

In the same above-cited article published by the Cradle, it reveals that:

“The Palestinians, in turn, reportedly conveyed their ‘great appreciation for the pivotal and important role’ played by Yemen since last November. Last week, Ansarallah leader Abdul Malik al-Houthi announced plans to expand Yemen’s maritime operations against U.S., U.K., and Israeli-linked vessels in the Red Sea. His speech came a day after a Yemeni military source revealed to Russian media that the armed forces recently tested a hypersonic missile and are preparing to introduce the technology into the country’s military arsenal.”

This YAF blockade is taking its toll inside the Israeli Occupied Territories (IOT) forcing an economic downturn in the shipping industry. Another report published by the Cradle says that:

“Israel’s port of Eilat in the occupied south is set to fire half of its employees due to the devastating effects of Yemen’s maritime blockade on Israeli shipping. The main Israeli labor federation, the Histadrut Labor Federation, said on 20 March that port authorities have announced their intention to lay off half of the 120 people employed at the Eilat port. It added that the workers plan on protesting the decision on Wednesday. ‘It would have been right for the company at this time to have embraced the workers and their families, and not chosen the easy way of attempting mass layoffs. We won’t be a part of this,’ said Eyal Yadin, the chairman of Israel’s transportation workers union, in a statement.” 

Since the beginning of the Al-Aqsa Flood on October 7, the level of resistance to the aggression exerted by the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) coupled with solidarity efforts internationally characterized by mass demonstrations, boycotts, social media campaigns along with an overall intensified debate over the legitimacy of the Israeli state which relies on the unconditional support awarded by the U.S., the U.K. and the European Union (EU), illustrates clearly that the status-quo is unsustainable politically. The administration of President Joe Biden and the Democratic-dominated Senate headed by Chuck Schumer has to make it appear as if they want to lessen the suffering of the Palestinian people.

Nonetheless, there is no discussion yet on measures such as halting all aid to Tel Aviv including weapons, intelligence assistance and diplomatic cover. Sanctions could be imposed on leading Israeli officials for their blatant genocidal policies.

One of the key aspects of the global solidarity movement with Palestine is the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaigns which have gained tremendous support in the U.S. and Britain. In the U.K., groups such as Palestine Action have been successful in exposing the links between transnational corporations and the arming of the Zionist state.

The difficulty in making such changes in U.S. foreign policy is that imperialism relies on the Zionist state as a bulwark against the aspirations of the people of West Asia and North Africa. With the entering of literally billions of people across the globe in the Palestine solidarity movement, this factor has rapidly shifted the public mood within the U.S., Britain and the EU member-states.

Regional Resistance Continues

Iraqi resistance fighters announced on March 21 that they had targeted a power generation station in Tel Aviv. Such attacks are ongoing despite the periodic airstrikes conducted by the Pentagon.

Al Mayadeen reported on the military resistance activities in Iraq saying:

“In the past weeks, the Islamic Resistance in Iraq intensified its operations against Israeli targets inside occupied Palestinian territory. On Wednesday (March 20), the Resistance said its fighters attacked Ben Gurion Airport deep within the Israeli occupation entity using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) — the second time in one week. On Monday (March 18), the Islamic Resistance targeted an Israeli UAV airbase in the occupied Syrian Golan Heights using drones and affirmed the continuation and intensification of its operations during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. Akram al-Kaabi, the Secretary-General of the al-Nujaba Movement, a faction that operates under the umbrella of the Islamic Resistance in Iraq, affirmed on February 25 that the Resistance will maintain its operations to kick U.S. forces out of the country and will not stop attacking Israeli targets in occupied Palestine.” 

In neighboring Lebanon, the Hezbollah resistance movement has on a daily basis engaged the IDF in solidarity with the Palestinians. Hundreds of thousands of Israeli settlers have been forced to move from areas on the northern border with southern Lebanon.

Al Mayadeen reported on the intensifying attacks against the settler-colonial regime pointing out:

“Hezbollah fighters continue to target Israeli occupation military sites and soldiers for the 165th day in support of the Palestinian people and their Resistance in the Gaza Strip. Following up on nine operations announced throughout Tuesday (March 19), the group fired rockets and missiles at Israeli military positions across the Lebanese-Palestinian border. The first set of attacks was a dual operation that targeted Israeli sites in the occupied Lebanese town of Hounin and Kfar Chouba Hills at 5:35 pm (local time). In the first operation, Hezbollah fighters attacked the Hounin Castle, which had been appropriated by Israeli occupation forces for military purposes, confirming direct hits to the intended target. In the second operation, Hezbollah fighters targeted the Roueissat al-Alam military site, located more than 20 km away from the site of the first operation. Just five minutes later, Islamic Resistance fighters launched an attack on the Zibdine military site in the occupied Lebanese Shebaa Farms.” 

Consequently, the struggle against the genocide in Gaza cannot be halted through the aggressive actions of the IDF and the duplicitous statements made by the U.S. Unless widespread changes are made within the imperialist construct in the West Asia and North Africa regions, the imperialist states led by the U.S. will be forced to wage yet another disastrous war which will further weaken its internal and external capabilities to exercise world hegemony.


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Abayomi Azikiwe is the editor of the Pan-African News Wire. He is a regular contributor to Global Research. 

All images in this article are from the author

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


Last year will be remembered for a lot of things, but the largely pointless NATO summit in Lithuania’s Vilnius in early to mid-July is not one of them. Most people have already forgotten what the point of the summit was, but one of its major tropes was that the Baltic Sea became a “NATO lake”. One would probably expect the case for this is even stronger now that Sweden is also officially a member, but that would imply that Stockholm has actual sovereignty, making the entire thing all the more laughable. Either way, joining NATO has become a mere formality for the Scandinavian country, as it has effectively been a member for decades, particularly as the European Union, of which Sweden is also a member since 1995, has been exposed as just another geopolitical pendant of the US-led NATO.

And while it can be expected that members of a military bloc under Washington DC’s stewardship are terrible at geography, which would perfectly explain how they could’ve forgotten about Russian coastal areas on the Baltic Sea, Moscow made sure to remind them that such assertions are nothing more than self-delusions and fantasies. Namely, on August 2 last year, Russia kicked off the Ocean Shield-2023, a major naval exercise launched amid a series of close encounters with NATO vessels and aircraft. Moscow’s naval drills in these waters are a regular occurrence, often in response to NATO’s belligerent actions and overall aggressive posturing. However, it seems Russia doesn’t really need any naval forces to make the political West’s life in the “NATO lake” even more difficult.

Namely, the mainstream propaganda machine has been trying to denigrate the Kremlin’s military power for years, changing the tune only when the United States and its vassals and satellite states needed an excuse to further militarize the world, particularly space. And yet, there’s one domain in which they never dared to question (let alone ridicule) Russia – electronic warfare (EW). This ever-evolving field of modern warfare is perpetually increasing in importance and has come a long way from simple radio communications jamming. It now gives a plethora of tools to completely shut down hostile activities without firing a single shot and that’s precisely what’s going on over the Baltic Sea. On March 18, the USAF’s MQ-9 “Reaper” likely experienced Moscow’s EW capabilities firsthand.

The drone is a major unmanned ISR (intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance) asset and is used quite extensively for that very purpose. The Russian military is surely aware of this and it has already demonstrated it won’t tolerate the “Reapers” in its vicinity. However, this time, it seems the Kremlin chose a less kinetic approach to “undermine freedom and democracy”. Reports vary significantly, with some sources claiming that the drone crash-landed, while most of the mainstream propaganda machine insists that it simply returned to base after it lost contact with its operators stationed in Poland. The South Front quoted Brigadier General Ireneusz Nowak, an inspector in the Polish Air Force, who said that “the UAV crashed during a training flight”.

The “Reaper” took off from a military base in Romania and was supposed to land at the Polish 12th UAV airbase located some 5 km north of Miroslawiec, a town in northwestern Poland. American forces in Romania lost control of the drone at around 18:00 local time. They tried to transfer control to Polish operators, but failed to reestablish connection. The area where the “Reaper” crash-landed was cordoned off to prevent civilians from accessing it. The drone was found nine minutes after the incident. General Nowak stated that the US and Poland are conducting a joint investigation. What is known so far is that there were two MQ-9s operating in Polish airspace, designated WILEY22 and WILEY33, respectively. Both “Reapers” took off from an unnamed military base in Romania.

Both drones experienced “unexplained technical difficulties”, resulting in a crash for WILEY22, while there’s still no information about the WILEY33’s fate. The South Front report claims that the Poles closed their airbase early in the morning on March 19 and suspended all MQ-9 flights. The mainstream propaganda machine blamed the Russian military for the incident, but the Polish Ministry of Defense (MoD) officially denied speculation about Russian EW systems’ involvement in the incident. Warsaw is certainly not well-known for its love for Moscow, so it’s very possible that it’s simply trying to avoid giving credit to the Russian military, as it would be yet another embarrassment for both NATO and the US. And indeed, Western media are already giving a very different account.

According to the Aviationist, a single “MQ-9 ‘Reaper’ drone carried out an emergency landing in Poland after losing contact with its ground control station”. Their report states that the incident happened after 23:00 and that the drone actually took off from the Miroslawiec airbase, supposedly to conduct “a scheduled quarterly training inside the Polish airspace” when it lost contact with the airbase. The Aviationist refused to directly acknowledge that the drones crashed, but the report did mention that “it’s not clear whether the remotely piloted aircraft was damaged, but the crash/landing site was secured by the Polish military police”. It’s rather peculiar that the author of the report decided to use such wording given the previous claim that the American drone supposedly “landed”.

The mainstream propaganda machine insists that “the MQ-9 was probably one of the civilian registered, unarmed Block 5 ‘Reapers’ which are flown and maintained by contractors”, with USAF “providing communications, intelligence analysis and force protection as part of the 52nd Expeditionary Operations Group Detachment 2, a geographically separated unit assigned to the 52nd Fighter Wing at Spangdahlem AB, Germany”. The Detachment regularly conducts ISR missions in the area and has been operating from Miroslawiec since May 2018. The report further notes that “the airframes registered N428HK and N429HK are known to have been assigned to the 52nd Expeditionary Operations Group Detachment 2 in the past, as the MQ-9s relocated to Romania for a certain period”.

The report claims this was done because of construction work in the Miroslawiec airbase and adds that the drones also “deployed to Amari Air Base in Estonia, in 2020, to keep their SIGINT [signals intelligence] sensors pointed to Kaliningrad”. The Aviationist also suggested that “while the reason for the loss of control of the MQ-9 is unknown at this time, there are chances it was due to jamming that has been particularly strong in the region lately”. On March 17, the Warzone reported that the British Dassault 900LX business jet transporting the UK defense secretary Grant Shapps experienced GPS jamming while flying near the Kaliningrad oblast (region). Either way, NATO will continue experiencing “unexplained technical difficulties” as long as it continues its aggression in Europe.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Drago Bosnic is an independent geopolitical and military analyst. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


Feb. 2, 2024 (photo above) – Emily Bigham Unkle was driving when she had a seizure. She was diagnosed with a brain tumor.

  • Mar. 18, 2021: “So grateful for science and the opportunity to get this vaccine.

  • Apr. 19, 2021: “It’s so easy to get vaccinated in Hamilton County. My second dose took 10 mins start to finish. You never leave your car and the process is so simple.”

The trend of the COVID-19 Vaccinated collapsing while behind the wheel continues (here are 25 recent cases):

Feb. 15, 2024 – Baltimore, MD – 38 year old paramedic Shaney Warehime collapsed in her car and stopped breathing around 2:20am. CPR was unsuccessful. As a paramedic, she had to be COVID-19 Vaccinated.
Feb. 5, 2024 – Brandon, MB, Canada – 46 year old Police Officer Lucien Ethier died suddenly on Feb. 5, 2024. He “was driving his personal vehicle when he experienced a medical issue that led to this tragic event.”



Jan. 30, 2024 – Coventry, UK – 53 year old Irene Mayunga Disala “feel unconscious” while driving in Coventry and died suddenly.


Jan. 24, 2024 – Three people died of “silent heart attacks” while driving in Madhya, Pradesh, India in a single day, ages 41, 42 and 57.

Jan. 18, 2024 – Queen Creek, AZ – 36 year old dental hygienist Sara Bacon died suddenly on Jan. 18, 2024 (it is believed she suffered a heart attack while driving home from work).

Dec. 16, 2023 – 2 US Army Drill Sergeants Found dead in 8 days at Fort Jackson, SC. 34 yo Allen Burtram was found dead on Dec. 8, 30 yo Zachary Melton was found dead in his car on Dec. 16, 2023.


Dec. 8, 2023 – 44 year old Tiffany Gilliam had a heart attack while driving on Dec.8, 2023; “her car headed into oncoming traffic”, “three nurses stepped in and saved her.”


Nov. 12, 2023 – HBO TV Producer Kevin Turen, age 45, died on Nov. 12, 2023. He was driving back from tennis tournament with his 10 year old son and collapsed at the wheel. His 10 year old son navigated and stopped the car.

AUTOPSY RESULTS – HBO Producer Kevin Turen collapsed behind the wheel of his Tesla and his 10 year old steered the car. He died Nov. 12, 2023.

Autopsy: “acute cardiac dysfunction” & “hypertrophic heart disease”



Nov. 11, 2023 – Liverpool, UK – 37 year old John McKeown collapsed in Liverpool on Nov.11, 2023 behind the wheel of his car with a cardiac arrest. He was saved by a student nurse.




Nov. 10, 2023 – Chicago, IL – Jay Carroll played a game of pickleball, walked to the car, opened the door, collapsed and died suddenly on Nov. 10, 2023 “So blessed! COVID Vaccine Shot #1.”




Nov. 9, 2023 – Reality TV Star 40 year old Brandi Mallory was found dead in her car on Nov. 9, 2023, in the parking lot of a strip mall after eating at Chipotle the previous day.



Nov. 5, 2023 – Granbury, TX – Tony Monroe had a medical episode while driving. He simply pulled over and died.



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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

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The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

You may also access the online version of the e-Book by clicking here.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

Goodbye Google. “Surveillance Capitalism”

March 21st, 2024 by Dr. Joseph Mercola

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name (only available in desktop version).

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


In early April 2020, Mercola.com purposely blocked Google from indexing our articles and breaking news blog posts

I encourage you to search every site’s privacy policy page to see if they use Google Analytics or Google Ad programs, and if they do, encourage them to stop

Nearly every non-major website is using Google’s “free” analytics program, as well as their advertising platforms. Alas, those services are not actually free. Ultimately, YOU pay for them with your personal data, as that is the product Google sells. Collectively, all of these sites are stealing an enormous amount of your private information

Google’s powers pose several threats to society. First of all, it’s a surveillance agency with significant yet hidden surveillance powers. It’s also a censoring agency with the ability to restrict or block access to websites across the internet, thus deciding what people can and cannot see

Google also has the power to manipulate public opinion through search rankings and other means, and the shifts in thinking produced are both rapid and enormous


Goopocalypse Now from Goopocalypse Now! on Vimeo.

In early April 2020, Mercola.com became one of the first websites to purposely block Google from indexing our articles and breaking news blog posts. Most of you are well aware that I’ve had concerns about the surveillance capitalists, spearheaded by Google, for a number of years.

September 2017, I discussed Google’s partnership with the National Alliance on Mental Illness, and how their depression assessment quiz was in fact a drug promotion scam sponsored by the drug manufacturer Eli Lilly. No matter how you answered the questions, you were a candidate for antidepressants.

OGLE HOME from Goopocalypse Now! on Vimeo.

Since then, Google and other tech companies have only gotten deeper and wider access to people’s personal medical information, and Google’s selling of this data to third parties can have real-world consequences. Higher insurance premiums or denial of employment are but two obvious examples.

Google Blocked From Interacting with Mercola.com

Most of you know that in the summer of 2019, Google removed us from coming up in any keyword search unless our name was also typed into the query. While we still received substantial traffic from people who looked very hard to find Mercola articles through Google, we finally decided to block Google from crawling or indexing any of my articles or breaking news blogs. We also stopped using the Google Analytics program in 2018.

So, everything related to Google has been removed from this site, and I hope other sites will follow suit. I encourage you to search every site’s privacy policy page to see if they use Google Analytics or Google Ad programs, and if they do, encourage them to stop.

We can be successful without the surveillance monopolies, and businesses and individuals need to unite to do everything we can to stop their dangerous privacy theft and data mining.

How You Pay for Companies’ Use of ‘Free’ Analytics

A majority of websites are using Google’s “free” analytics program, as well as their advertising platforms. Alas, those services are not actually free. Ultimately, YOU pay for them with your personal data, as that is the product Google turns around and sells to third parties. Collectively, all of these sites are stealing an enormous amount of your private information.

Google and its data-siphoning tentacles reach deep into your everyday life, collecting data on every move you make and conversation you have, whether online or in the real world.

Even if you disable location tracking on your phone, Google has ways to determine your whereabouts by tracking the addresses of nearby cellular towers that your phone connects to instead. This is one of the reasons I strongly encourage you to ditch all Android phones and use an iPhone that has better privacy policies.

I discussed this in my 2018 article, “Google — One of the Largest Monopolies in the World.” That article also includes a list of examples of the type of data collected by Google, whether you’re aware of it or not.

Our ‘Cognitive Liberties’ Are at Stake

As detailed in “Will Google’s Social Credit System Determine Your Future?” there are now proposals suggesting all this data, in combination with artificial intelligence-enabled analytics systems could be used for “predictive policing” as illustrated in the 2002 movie “Minority Report,” where suspected perpetrators are arrested before a crime is actually committed.

In the 2018 TED Talk above,1 legal scholar and bioethicist Nita Farahany discusses the potential ramifications of mind-reading technology, warning that such technology could easily lead to “a society where people are arrested for merely thinking about committing a crime.”

Mind you, Google claimed to have the ability to read your thoughts an entire decade ago. In 2010, Google CEO Eric Schmidt boasted, “We know where you are. We know where you’ve been. We can more or less know what you’re thinking about.”2

Fast-forward 10 years, and Google’s mind-reading capabilities have exponentially grown and been perfected to the point that their AI can predict the exact moment when a teenager is feeling insecure, lonely or vulnerable, so that an advertisement for an image-boosting product can be placed in front of them on the screen in that moment.

This and many other terrifying capabilities are detailed in the book, “The Age of Surveillance Capitalism,” written by social psychologist and Harvard professor Shoshana Zuboff. The video below features an interview I did with her about this topic.

In her TED Talk, Farahany also discusses the dangers of a world in which “private interests sell our brain data.” She believes we, as a global community, need laws protecting our rights to cognitive liberty; laws that protect our freedom of thought and self-determination.

Say Goodbye to Google

Over the years, I’ve grown exceedingly concerned about Google’s exponential data mining efforts and infiltration into every conceivable area of our everyday lives, from health care and fitness to education and finance.

eric schmidt quote

The influence of Google is so vast yet so hidden, most people simply have no idea just how controlled they actually are. Most of us would vehemently deny that something as simple as Google search results can manipulate us into thinking a certain way about a topic, yet research clearly shows that this kind of subliminal influence is profoundly powerful.

Robert Epstein, Ph.D., who has spent the last decade of his professional career exposing Google’s manipulative and deceptive practices as a senior research psychologist for the American Institute of Behavioral Research and Technology, has also demonstrated how easily Google can shift our political and societal landscape.

Without Google, the technocrats’ dream of a One World Government would likely never happen, as it relies on social engineering and artificial intelligence. Google is a frontrunner and expert in both, and has the ability to control entire populations. As noted by Epstein in the interview above, Google poses three unique threats to society:

They’re a surveillance agency with significant yet hidden surveillance powers — Google Search, Google Wallet, Google Docs, Gmail, Google Drive, YouTube — all are surveillance platforms and from Google’s perspective, the value of these platforms are their ability to glean very precise data about you as an individual. Most of these platforms offer free services for the simple reason that YOU are the product being sold to third parties.

They’re a censoring agency with the ability to restrict or block access to websites across the internet, thus deciding what people can and cannot see. While Section 230 of the 1996 Communications Decency Act makes free speech possible for everyone, it also allows Google and other online platforms to filter out and censor whatever they want.

The most crushing problem with this kind of internet censorship is that you don’t know what you don’t know. If a certain type of information is removed from search, and you don’t know it should exist somewhere, you’ll never go looking for it. And, when searching for information online, how would you know that certain websites or pages have been removed from the search results in the first place? The answer is, you don’t.

For example, Google has been investing in DNA repositories for quite a long time, and are adding DNA information to our profiles. According to Epstein, Google has taken over the national DNA repository, but articles about that — which he has cited in his own writings — have all vanished.

They have the power to manipulate public opinion through search rankings and other means, and the shifts in thinking produced are both rapid and enormous. For example, Epstein has demonstrated that Google has the ability to shift voting preferences among undecided voters by a whopping 48% to 63%, and the power to determine 25% of global elections. What’s more, this manipulation is entirely undetectable and untraceable.

The Many Reasons to Ditch Google

As a user, there are many reasons to de-Google your life, including the following:

Privacy concerns — Google’s services, including search, email, and maps, collect vast amounts of personal data, which can include browsing history, location data, and more. This collection is integral to their business model, which focuses on targeted advertising. Other privacy concerns include the following:

Tracking of your whereabouts 24/7 — In 2022, four attorneys general sued Google for its deceptive practices in collecting location data, as they continue to track location data even after users disable location tracking. By tracking your Google calendar entries, combined with your location data, Google also knows what events you’ve attended, when, and for how long.

Your built-in webcam on your phone, tablet, laptop or computer can also be accessed by various apps.

A lifetime of photographic evidence — Twenty years ago, photos were a private matter, reminisced over in photo albums and displayed around the home. Today, people’s lives are on public display online, and Google captures it all.

When combined with facial recognition software and other technological identification applications, including metadata detailing the time and place of each snap, your photos are a treasure trove of private information.

A lifetime of communications — Google also has every single Gmail email you’ve ever sent, received and deleted.

Censoring your email — Google can also censor your email, and we have evidence that this is happening. While about 50% of our subscribers are using Gmail accounts, the delivery rate for Gmail accounts is HALF of all the email providers like ProtonMail — far lower than any other email service.

So, if you are using Gmail to receive our newsletter please change immediately. If you’re using Gmail, understand that they’re censoring your inbox, and you might not even realize it.

Deleted files and information — You probably delete files and information every now and then for the sake of safety, right? You might decide to delete that list of passwords from your phone, for example, in case you lose it or it gets hacked. Well, Google still has all of that information.

Market dominance and monopolistic behavior — Google’s dominant position in search, video hosting (via YouTube), and mobile operating systems (via Android) stifles competition, potentially leading to less innovation and choice for consumers.

Data security — Although Google claims to have strong security measures, no service is immune to data breaches or security flaws. Considering the vast amount of personal data collected by Google, a data breach could be potentially devastating.

Echo chamber and filter bubble effects — Google’s personalized search and news results can create a “filter bubble,” where users are more likely to see information that aligns with their past behavior, potentially limiting exposure to differing viewpoints and leading to an echo chamber effect.

Dependence and data lock-in — Relying heavily on Google’s ecosystem can lead to a form of lock-in, where moving to other services becomes difficult due to the vast amounts of data and integration within Google’s services. To avoid this, diversify your service providers.

The coming social credit system — The ability to surveil and track every conceivable metric, censor and block access to information, and the ability to manipulate opinions also makes Google an invaluable resource for the planned social credit system, and the more information they have on you, the easier they can manipulate you.

Here’s How You Can Say Goodbye to Google Today

If you are at all concerned about Google’s data theft practices, then it’s time you stop using Google services. Sure, Google has convenience covered, but it’s not enough to overshadow its many evils.

If you’re ready to protect your privacy and break free from the manipulation of internet monopolies, here are some basic steps you can take. Also, be sure to share these tips with your family and friends.

Swap out your browser — Uninstall Google Chrome and use Brave or Opera instead. Everything you do on Chrome is surveilled, including keystrokes and every webpage you’ve ever visited. Brave is a great alternative that takes privacy seriously.

Switch your search engine — Stop using Google search engines or any extension of Google, such as Bing or Yahoo, both of which draw search results from Google. Instead, use a default search engine that offers privacy, such as Presearch, Startpage, DuckDuckGo, Qwant and many others.

Use a secure email — Close your Gmail account and switch to a secure email service like ProtonMail. If you have children, don’t transfer their student Google account into a personal account once they’re out of school.

Switch to a secure document sharing service — Ditch Google Docs and use another alternative such as Zoho Office, Etherpad, CryptPad, OnlyOffice or Nuclino, all of which are recommended by NordVPN.3

Delete all Google apps from your phone and purge Google hardware. Better yet, get a de-Googled phone. Several companies now offer them, including Above Phone.

Avoid websites that use Google Analytics — To do that, you’ll need to check the website’s privacy policy and search for “Google.” Websites are required to disclose if they use a third-party surveillance tool. If they use Google Analytics, ask them to switch!

Use a secure messaging system — To keep your private communications private, use a messaging tool that provides end-to-end encryption, such as Signal.

Use a virtual private network (VPN) such as NordVPN or Strong VPN — This is a must if you seek to preserve your online privacy.

Don’t use Google Home devices in your house or apartment — These devices record everything that occurs in your home, both speech and sounds such as brushing your teeth and boiling water, even when they appear to be inactive, and send that information back to Google. The same goes for Google’s home thermostat Nest and Amazon’s Alexa.

Don’t use an Android cellphone, as it’s owned by Google.

Ditch Siri, which draws all its answers from Google.

Don’t use Fitbit, as it was recently purchased by Google and will provide them with all your physiological information and activity levels, in addition to everything else that Google already has on you.


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1 YouTube TED Talk by Nita Farahany December 18, 2018

2 Business Insider October 4, 2010

3 NordVPN February 5, 2019

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


#1 lie: If Russia takes Ukraine, we’ll be next.

There is zero evidence for this lie, and it is a lie that is even more outlandish than the lie that if Vietnam falls to the communists, that will be just the first “domino” and all the others will fall and the Soviet Union and/or communist China will take over the world.

Russia actually had no motivation to invade Ukraine until the U.S. carried out a coup, which overthrew and replaced Ukraine’s neutralist Government and installed a rabidly anti-Russian one in 2014. NATO nations unanimously refused to negotiate with Russia regarding Russia’s longstanding national-security red line against Ukraine — the nation with the nearest border to The Kremlin (Russia’s central command) a mere 317 miles away — ever becoming added to America’s anti-Russian military alliance, NATO. On 7 January 2022 NATO said no to that request by Russia. They wouldn’t even negotiate about it. They were determined to violate that red line of Russia. The only way left to Russia to carry out its red line in this matter that is so essential to Russia’s national security, was to take Ukraine before Ukraine would be taken into NATO and become set up with a U.S. nuclear missile.

Similarly, but in the opposite direction, the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis had U.S. President John Fitzgerald Kennedy refusing to allow the Soviet Union to be permitted by Cuba and to install Soviet missiles that could reach America’s central command in the White House within 30 minutes, but the big difference with Ukraine in that situation — the situation that Cuba was then in — is that Khrushchev was willing to, and did, negotiate with Kennedy about the matter so as to prevent a nuclear war. The other big difference, in this case, is that The Kremlin is only 5 minutes of missile-flying-time away from Ukraine, not 30 minutes, and that the NATO nations refused to negotiate with Russia at all.

After that 7 January 2022 rejection by NATO — refusal even to negotiate about the matter — Russia had a national-security necessity to take action, and nothing less than an invasion of Ukraine could be that required action, It was forced by NATO, upon Russia. The imperialistic aggressive power here is America (the virtual owner of the NATO alliance), NOT Russia. America demands the right to expand its empire to within 5 minutes of Russia’s central command; Russia isn’t threatening to expand its border to within 5 minutes of America’s central command. The U.S. and its colonies blatantly lie about which side is the aggressor against the other side. The very idea that Russia had any interest in invading any of the NATO countries — or even in invading Ukraine prior to America’s February 2014 coup there turned Ukraine rabidly against Russia — is a vicious and hateful lie, which has its origin in Washington DC and is parroted throughout its empire.

#2 lie: The war in Ukraine started on 24 February 2022.

We are actually now in year ten of this war. The war in Ukraine started in 2014, as both NATO’s Stoltenberg and Ukraine’s Zelensky have said. It was started in February 2014 by a U.S. coup which replaced the democratically elected and neutralist President with a U.S. selected and rabidly anti-Russian leader, who immediately imposed an ethnic-cleansing program to get rid of the residents in the regions that had voted overwhelmingly for the overthrown President.

Russia responded militarily on 24 February 2022 in order to prevent Ukraine from allowing the U.S. to place a missile there a mere 317 miles or five minutes of missile-flying-time away from The Kremlin and thus too brief for Russia to respond before its central command would already be beheaded by America’s nuclear strike. (As I headlined on 28 October 2022, “NATO Wants To Place Nuclear Missiles On Finland’s Russian Border — Finland Says Yes”. The U.S. had demanded this, especially because it will place American nuclear missiles far nearer to The Kremlin than at present, only 507 miles away — not as close as Ukraine, but the closest yet.)

#3 lie: This is a war between Ukraine and Russia.

Ukraine was neutral between Russia and America until Obama’s brilliantly executed Ukrainian coup, which his Administration started planning by no later than June 2011, culminated successfully in February 2014 and promptly appointed a rabid anti-Russian to impose in regions that rejected the new anti-Russian U.S.-controlled goverment an “Anti-Terrorist Operation” to kill protesters, and, ultimately, to terrorize the residents in those regions in order to kill as many of them as possible and to force the others to flee into Russia so that when elections would be held, pro-Russian voters would no longer be in the electorate.

The U.S. Government had engaged the Gallup polling organization, both  before  and  after  the  coup,  in order to poll Ukrainians, and especially ones who lived in its Crimean independent republic, regarding their views on U.S., Russia, NATO, and the EU; and, generally, Ukrainians were far more pro-Russia than pro-U.S., NATO, or EU, but this was especially the case in Crimea; so, America’s Government knew that Crimeans would be especially resistant. However, this was not really new information. During 2003-2009, only around 20% of Ukrainians had wanted NATO membership, while around 55% opposed it. In 2010, Gallup found that whereas 17% of Ukrainians considered NATO to mean “protection of your country,” 40% said it’s “a threat to your country.” Ukrainians predominantly saw NATO as an enemy, not a friend. But after Obama’s February 2014 Ukrainian coup, “Ukraine’s NATO membership would get 53.4% of the votes, one third of Ukrainians (33.6%) would oppose it.” However, afterward, the support averaged around 45% — still over twice as high as had been the case prior to the coup.

In other words: what Obama did was generally successful, it grabbed Ukraine, or most of it, and it changed Ukrainians’ minds regarding America and Russia. But only after the subsequent passage of time did the American billionaires’ neoconservative heart become successfully grafted into the Ukrainian nation so as to make Ukraine a viable place to position U.S. nuclear missiles against Moscow (which is the U.S. Government’s goal there). Furthermore: America’s rulers also needed to do some work upon U.S. public opinion. Not until February of 2014 — the time of Obama’s coup — did more than 15% of the American public have a “very unfavorable” view of Russia. (Right before Russia invaded Ukraine, that figure had already risen to 42%. America’s press — and academia or public-policy ‘experts’ — have been very effective at managing public opinion, for the benefit of America’s billionaires.)

#4 lie: This is not a war between Ukraine and Russia; it is a war between Europe and Russia.

This is a restatement of lie #1. The truth is that this is a war between the billionaires who control the U.S. Government versus (i.e., their trying ever since 25 July 1945) to conquer (control) Russia, which has more natural resources than any other country. America’s billionaires especially control the top 100 U.S. corporations that sell (mainly weapons) to the U.S. Government and to its colonies (its ‘allied’ Governments); and, so, in order for them to continue growing their respective net worths, these billionaires must control their markets, which are those Governments. And they do it, so that their investment portfolios have been increasing in value even more, far more, than the U.S. stock markets have increased in value. It is their collective business plan.

Not only was NATO created by the U.S. regime in 1949 in order for the regime to be able to conquer Russia, but even the EU was created by the U.S. Government for the same purpose — to conquer Russia. The member-nations both of NATO and of the EU take from the U.S. Government and its agents their instructions regarding their international relations. Europe’s nations have virtually no sovereignty but are mere colonies of their dictator (ever since 25 July 1945), the U.S. regime, which is controlled by its billionaires. America’s aristocracy controls each of its colonies’ aristocracies. There can be no democracy in an empire, and isn’t in this one. This is the reality about the war in Ukraine: it is an imperialistic war by the U.S. regime and its colonies, against Russia, and it is being waged (till now) in the battlefields of Ukraine.


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This article was originally published on The Duran.

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s latest book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


In advance of oral arguments tomorrow in the Supreme Court for Murthy v. Missouri, formerly Missouri v. Biden, the New York Times and authors Jim Rutenberg and Steven Lee Myers wrote a craven and dishonest piece called, “How Trump’s Allies Are Winning the War Over Disinformation.”

The Times implies both the Twitter Files reports and my congressional testimony with Michael Shellenberger were strongly influenced by former Trump administration official Mike Benz, whose profile occupies much of the text. Benz is described as a purveyor of “conspiracy theories, like the one about the Pentagon’s use of Taylor Swift,” that are “talking points for many Republicans.” They quote Shellenberger as saying meeting Benz was the “Aha moment,” in our coverage, and the entire premise of the piece is that Benz and other “Trump allies” pushed Michael, me, and the rest of the Twitter Files reporters into aiding a “counteroffensive” in the war against disinformation, helping keep social media a home for “antidemocratic tactics.”

This all has a strong whiff of setup. I have nothing to say against Mike Benz, but let’s set some things straight. As Rutenberg and Lee Myers themselves note, I first talked to Benz in March, 2023. The Twitter Files reports were virtually all done by then. I would publish just two more, one on the day of my testimony, March 9, 2023 (“The Censorship-Industrial Complex”) and one on March 17 (“Stanford, the Virality Project, and the Censorship of ‘True Stories’”).

Mike was the source for exactly one piece of information in those two stories: a video his Foundation for Freedom Online posted of Stanford Internet Observatory director Alex Stamos, in which Stamos said Stanford’s Election Integrity Partnership was created to “fill the gap of things the government couldn’t do” legally:

This was true, public, and newsworthy, not a “conspiracy theory” about Taylor Swift or anyone else. Did “Trump Allies” force Stamos to put that video on YouTube?

Rutenberg and Lee Myers imply Benz influenced a change in my personal reporting, since I didn’t discover “evidence of direct government involvement” in the first installment of the Twitter Files about the Hunter Biden laptop story:

The author of that dispatch, Mr. Taibbi, concluded that Twitter had limited the coverage amid general warnings from the F.B.I. that Russia could leak hacked materials to try to influence the 2020 election. Though he was critical of previous leadership at Twitter, he reported that he saw no evidence of direct government involvement.

In March 2023, Mr. Benz joined the fray. Both Mr. Taibbi and Mr. Benz participated in a live discussion on Twitter, which was co-hosted by Jennifer Lynn Lawrence, an organizer of the Trump rally that preceded the riot on Jan. 6… As Mr. Taibbi described his work, Mr. Benz jumped in: “I believe I have all of the missing pieces of the puzzle.” There was a far broader “scale of censorship the world has never experienced before,” he told Mr. Taibbi, who made plans to follow up.

Nice try. Though I didn’t find “direct evidence” of government involvement in censorship programs in the first Twitter Files piece, we did discover it, on a grand scale, almost immediately after. Subsequent Twitter Files reports reflected this, including “Twitter, the FBI Subsidiary” from December 16th, 2022, and the “Twitter and Other Government Agencies” story published on Christmas Eve of 2022, the day the IRS opened a case on me.

Shellenberger, Bari Weiss, Lee Fang, and other Twitter Files reporters discovered the key elements of the Twitter Files reports, from the “industry calls” held between the FBI and Internet platforms like Twitter, to the role of Stanford’s Election Integrity Partnership, to the role of the State Department’s Global Engagement Center in sponsoring “anti-disinformation” work, in the first two weeks of research. Our central thesis about state-sponsored censorship was online months before we met Benz. By mid-December 2022, I knew we were looking at a sweeping federal content-control program, and repeated the idea many times. As I wrote on Christmas Eve, 2022:

The files show the FBI acting as doorman to a vast program of social media surveillance and censorship, encompassing agencies across the federal government —from the State Department to the Pentagon to the CIA… The operation is far bigger than the reported 80 members of the Foreign Influence Task Force (FITF)… Twitter had so much contact with so many agencies that executives lost track.

Nonetheless, the gist of today’s Times piece is that Shellenberger and I got this thesis from Benz. They literally wrote it that way, that when I testified to Congress, I was presenting his thesis:

Later, Mr. Shellenberger said that connecting with Mr. Benz had led to “a big aha moment…”

A week after that online meeting, Mr. Taibbi and Mr. Shellenberger appeared on Capitol Hill as star witnesses for the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government. Mr. Benz sat behind them, listening as they detailed parts of his central thesis: This was not an imperfect attempt to balance free speech with democratic rights but a state-sponsored thought-policing system.

Michael, Bari, Lee, David Zweig and others involved with the Twitter Files project have been subject to a lot of silly smear jobs in the last year-plus, but this piece of deep state fan fiction in the Times is low even by their standards. It’s clearly intended to re-cast the outing of federal censorship initiatives as Trumpian conspiracy theory before oral arguments begin in Murthy v. Missouri tomorrow.

As the Times notes, this is one of “the most important First Amendment cases of the internet age,” and “could curtail the government’s latitude in monitoring content online.” Originally filed by the Attorneys General of Louisiana and Missouri, the lawsuit “accuses federal officials of colluding with or coercing the platforms to censor content critical of the government.”

The reason the government faces such danger is because two lower courts have already affirmed the core accusation that multiple Executive Branch agencies, including the White House and the FBI, violated the First Amendment when they engaged in mass-flagging programs of the type identified in both the Twitter Files and the original Missouri v. Biden complaint. After these lower court decisions, the Times notes with sadness, “the Biden administration has largely abandoned moves that might be construed as stifling political speech,” facing as it now does the specter of “legal and political blowback.”

The administration faces this blowback because the story about the censorship programs is true. The Times didn’t bother trying to argue we got anything wrong. It just said we knew Benz, showed a picture of him sitting behind Shellenberger as he testified, then said things like “More recently, Mr. Benz originated the false assertion that Taylor Swift was a ‘psychological operation’ asset for the Pentagon,” as if that had something to do with us. It’s Six Degrees of Misinformation.

Rutenberg two election cycles ago authored the seminal article on “oppositional” journalism in the Trump age. “Trump is Testing the Norms of Objectivity in Journalism” came out in summer of 2016, and was hugely influential. It said Trump was such a threat that the job going forward could no longer just be about reporting facts, but reporting facts that will “stand up to history’s judgment.”

Now he’s arguing the exposure of censorship programs is “paralyzing” official efforts to police social media, the medium that was “central to [Trump’s] political success.” Apparently misleading the public about my reporting is the new version of staying on the right side of “history’s judgment.” Let’s hope the Supreme Court doesn’t get distracted by these hysterics. Is there any doubt that’s what this story is designed to accomplish?


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US Troops on Taiwan’s Kinmen: A Powder Keg

March 21st, 2024 by Karsten Riise

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Kinmen is a handful of small Islands with a total of under 130,000 people under Taiwan’s control. Kinmen is situated more than 150 km away from Taiwan, only 2 km away from mainland China. It only takes a quick view of the map (below) to understand that Kinmen is indefensible for Taiwan. China can with ease can take Kinmen with little or no bloodshed at any time.

Kinmen already earns massively from tourist visitors from China. Kinmen has asked China to build a bridge to increase the number of tourists, and to build a pipe to supply Kinmen with freshwater from the mainland. There have also been talks about making Kinmen a free-trade zone for China. Relations between the people on Kinmen and on mainland China are very fruitful. No reason for Beijing to let Taipei administer Kinmen in the future.

Some months ago, the US stationed troops on Kinmen, ostensibly “non-combat” troops for training the Taiwanese forces.

Taiwan has now officially acknowledged the presence of US troops on Kinmen. In addition to US troops on Kinmen, tensions China-Taiwan are heating up in the waters around Kinmen. It started with an “incident” where mainland fishermen died. Since then, China is stepping up maritime and aerial pressure on Kinmen.

Very little word from mainland China about what really happened during the fatal accident where two mainland fishermen died at the beginning of March 2024. The background could be anything – including a planned build-up to pressure Taipei and Washington, or even to outright overtake Kinmen.

China is officially (still) “only” using its Coast Guard to patrol Kinmen. But note, that China’s “Coast Guard” is stronger than most navies in the World.

The leading Chinese “Coast Guard Ship” around Kinmen is actually a big Frigate transferred from the Chinese Navy to the Coast guard. It would be extremely easy for China to invade and seize control of Kinmen. China wouldn’t even need to use its navy or military – China could simply declare “unrest” on Kinmen and use the Coast Guard and the Chinese police to “restore order” under Beijing’s control. In which case, US troops on Kinmen would be of course be captured as prisoners, not of war, but as suspects of helping an unlawful uprising against Beijing. There is absolutely nothing neither Taipei nor Washington could do to hold on to Kinmen under such a scenario.

US firing weapons in anger against China for taking Kinmen? Forget it. US blockading all China’s sea routes or the US stopping all Chinese exports to the US for the sake of Kinmen? No, come on. Besides, Taiwan depends fully on mainland China for its food and energy supplies. A few ridiculous US sanctions, that would be all.

The Chinese leadership in Beijing is holding back a lot. But for sure, Beijing already got extremely angered when it surfaced 7 October 2021 that US troops have been present on Taiwan for over a year. Beijing got even more upset again, when Biden then just about doubled the US number of troops on Taiwan. So, when the US in only months ago moved some of those its troops from Taiwan island to the Kinmen islands, only a couple of kilometers from China’s coast, there is no doubt that this was seen as an extreme provocation by Beijing. US troops on Kinmen serve no military purpose, they only represent a bunch of potential prisoners to be captured by China in any situation. US leaders are not the sharpest in the World. The provocation of the US placing its troops on Chinese soil (Kinmen like Taiwan is part of China) of course comes on top of all the other things the US has done, especially under Biden, to anger Beijing by moving Taiwan towards de-facto independence.

Anger in Beijing aside – take a look at the broader picture. What other options does China have to physically move towards reunification with Taiwan? An outright invasion of Taiwan is possible and would succeed, even if the US entered a war on Taiwan’ side. But a war is also costly in terms of lives and treasure. Better to do some upscaling steps first. More plausible is a Chinese blockade of Taiwan, though that is also a big step. 

So how about a quickie? An invasion of Kinmen will be fast and could be very beneficial for Beijing. Taking Kinmen, Beijing will show that it is serious about reunification – that signal will be an earthquake on Taiwan and in the USA. And China taking some US troops prisoner on Kinmen and displaying them to the World would humiliate the USA. 

Angered by the USA, seizing Kinmen must be very tempting indeed for Beijing.


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Karsten Riise is a Master of Science (Econ) from Copenhagen Business School and has a university degree in Spanish Culture and Languages from Copenhagen University. He is the former Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Mercedes-Benz in Denmark and Sweden.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Democracy, Russian Style. Scott Ritter

March 21st, 2024 by Scott Ritter

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Russia just wrapped up three days of electoral processes which will define the internal direction of that nation for the next six years and, in doing so, serve as the driving force of global transformation for decades to come. Russia has some 112.3 million registered voters. From March 15 through March 17, a little more than 77% of them came out and cast their vote for who would be their president for the next six years. An overwhelming percentage—over 88%—cast their vote for the incumbent, Vladimir Putin.

Let there be no doubt—there was no question as to what the outcome would be in this election: Vladimir Putin was always going to win reelection.

Let there also be no doubt—the 2024 presidential election in Russia is the most important political event of the post-Cold War era, the byproduct of one of the greatest expressions of democratic will that the world will see in modern times.

The election was far more than a vote of confidence in an individual—Vladimir Putin has been the dominant political force in Russia since the turn of the century, a man who has, through sheer force of will, led Russia out of the dark catastrophe of the 1990’s, positioning Russia as one of the most powerful and influential nations of the modern era.

The election was not a mandate on the war in Ukraine—that issue had been decided in the fall of 2022, when Russia was compelled to mobilize its manpower and military industrial capacity as what had been envisioned as a short military campaign against Ukraine transformed into a larger, longer military struggle against the collective West.

Simply put, the Ukraine conflict was not on the ballot in 2024.

What was on the ballot was the future of Russia.

Vladimir Putin is 71 years old. His victory secures him another six-year term in office. When this term ends, in 2030, Putin will be 77 years old.

Russians are students of history, and they know too well the sad legacy of the period of Soviet stagnation, which began in the mid-1960’s under the leadership of Leonid Brezhnev. Brezhnev was 75 years old when he died in office, a mentally and physically feeble man. He was replaced by Yuri Andropov, who died two years later at the age of 69, only to be replaced by Konstantin Chernenko, who died in 1985 at the age of 73.

There is no reason to believe that Vladimir Putin will not maintain his current level of physical health and mental acuity for the remainder of his new term in office. But all men are, in the end, created equal, and the ravages of time weigh heavily on everyone, even someone as exceptional as Vladimir Putin.

For the past quarter of a century, Vladimir Putin has relied upon a core team of advisors and officials to help him lead Russia on its path of recovery. While this team has proven to be very capable, it, too, is subject to the same laws of nature that govern human existence as everyone else—ashes to ashes, dust to dust.

No man can live forever.

Russia, however, is in the minds of the people who constitute the Russian nation, eternal.

Having saved Russia from the deprivations of the 1990’s, when the collective West, led by the United States, conspired to keep Russia down by tearing it apart, Vladimir Putin is cognizant of the lessons of history which saw what happens when a ruling elite holds on to power for too long without any thought as to who will take their place.

Mikhail Gorbachev tried to lead Russia (the Soviet Union) out of the period of Soviet stagnation. He did so in a reactive fashion, without a well-thought-out plan, and the result was the collapse of the Soviet Union and the horrible decade of the 1990’s.

If Vladimir Putin were to approach the next six years as merely a continuation of his impressive tenure in office, he would be leading Russia down a path where it would collide with the harsh mistress that is historical precedent—an aging man, at the head of an aging system of government, with no clear plan on how to proceed when the inevitable appointment with destiny arrives.

In short, should the situation arise where Vladimir Putin feels compelled to seek an additional six-year term as Russia’s president in 2030, then Russia would more than likely find itself in danger of sinking into a new period of stagnation where the gains that have been made over the course of three decades of Putin rule will be squandered, and the potential of a societal collapse on par with the 1990’s a distinct reality.

This is why the important statistic to emerge from the 2024 Russian presidential election is not the 88% of the voters who marked their ballots in support of Vladimir Putin, but instead the 77% of the eligible voters who came out to express their support for the Russian state. Voter participation levels have always been seen as a reflection of the confidence a particular electorate had that the system of government they were sustaining through their vote best reflected the vision they themselves had of the nation they lived in.

By way of comparison, the 2020 presidential election in the United States saw a record-level 66% participation rate by eligible voters.

The 2024 presidential election in Russia beat that mark by 11 percentage points.

This means that the Russian people are confident that the 71-year-old Vladimir Putin will not be leading them down a path of historical inevitability where they are destined to repeat the mistakes of the past. Rather, the Russian people, confident in where Vladimir Putin has taken them to date, believe that he is the man who will best position Russia to be able to sustain these gains, and continue to prosper, in an eventual post-Putin Russia.

The 2024 Russian presidential election was a not a vote to maintain the status quo.

It was a vote for change.

The man that will oversee this change is Vladimir Putin.

Post-election rally in Red Square following Vladimir Putin’s victory in the 2024 presidential election


In the coming months, one can expect to see the beginning of a changing of the guard. The Russian leaders who helped Putin get Russia to where it is today will be set aside, to be replaced by a younger generation of Russian leaders who will, under the guidance and leadership of Vladmir Putin, prepare Russia for whatever challenges that await it once Vladimir Putin is no longer president.

How this change will manifest itself—perhaps a transition from a Moscow-centric political elite to one derived from the various regions of Russia—is as yet unknown. But there will be change, because there must be change.

And this change was on the ballot.

The West derided the 2024 Russian presidential election as a sham.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

The 2024 Russian presidential election was the manifestation of a thriving democracy, but a democracy defined by Russians.

The West focuses on the 88% of the Russians who voted for Vladimir Putin and derides the result as little more than a foregone conclusion in a system that offered the people only one real choice.

Russian democracy, however, is defined by the 77% level of electoral participation, and reflects the confidence of the people in the Russian state’s ability to take them from the strong position that Vladimir Putin has brought them and sustain this strength in a post-Putin era.

It was not a vote defined by recertifying the past, but rather a vote which empowered the government to undertake the critical changes needed for the future of the Russian nation.

It was the perfect expression of democracy, Russian style.


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France Escalates Tensions in Europe

March 21st, 2024 by Lucas Leiroz de Almeida

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France appears increasingly willing to face a large-scale conflict. In a recent speech, a high-ranking French military officer stated that his country is “prepared” for a possible situation of war in Europe, praising the current status of the French armed forces. In practice, this type of statement sounds like irresponsible propaganda and provocation amid the current context of tensions, as France seems on the verge of directly engaging in hostilities in Ukraine.

The information was revealed by the chief of staff of the French Army General Pierre Schill during an interview. At the time, Schill stated that French troops are “ready” to face any scenario of military escalation. According to Schill, “whatever the developments in the international situation, the French can be convinced: their soldiers will respond.”

Schill stated that Paris is committed to major “international responsibilities” within the scope of the treaties to which it is a signatory. These treaties, in the general’s opinion, are severely threatened by current global circumstances, which places France at strong risk of involvement in an armed conflict. Faced with this “threat”, the country “needs to be prepared” – and he believes that such preparation is already sufficiently advanced, believing that the country’s troops are able to defend French interests at any time.

Schill believes that a mere nuclear deterrent capacity is not enough to guarantee French interests. For him, this type of military power does not guarantee French victory in smaller-scale conflicts, where the use of these weapons is unlikely. So, rather than simply investing in nuclear development, Schill believes that the French focus must be on increasing inter-operational capacity with allied countries.

At first, Schill’s words could be interpreted as a mere act of propaganda to praise his country’s military capacity. However, the current moment makes it clear that the general’s intentions are much more than mere propaganda. In practice, Schill is endorsing the war plans previously suggested by French President Emmanul Macron, whose rhetoric on Ukraine has become more and more aggressive.

Macron has refused to rule out sending French troops to Ukraine. He also stated that the Russian defeat is vital for France, which is why every effort should be made to ensure a “Ukrainian victory”. With the failure of the policy of sending weapons and money, the discussion about directly sending troops has grown – and Macron has acted ambiguously, suggesting support for the project, while publicly denying that there are plans for such a deployment in the near future.

In parallel, Russian intelligence announced that it had obtained data proving that Paris is already keeping at least two thousand soldiers ready to be sent to Ukraine. It is believed that these troops are being prepared to work in specific areas in which the West wants to avoid Russian advances at any cost – such as Odessa. As expected, Macron’s team denied the existence of such a plan, but the aggressive speeches towards Russia did not change, therefore keeping tensions between both countries in a very critical situation.

Obviously, sending Western troops to the Ukrainian battlefield would practically be a declaration of war on the Russian Federation. French soldiers and equipment on Ukrainian soil would be legitimate targets and Moscow would certainly attack them with priority. In other words, to ensure its selfish interests of “leading Europe”, Paris is deliberately escalating rivalries with Russia to a dangerous level that could lead to nuclear war.

However, it is necessary to be skeptical of Schill’s propaganda. It is unlikely that France is truly prepared for any prolonged conflict situation on European soil. No European country is currently in a sufficiently strong military preparedness to face an all-out war with Russia, since Moscow’s military superiority is a fact widely recognized among experts.

It is very possible that Schill’s words are just meaningless rhetoric, intended to intimidate Russia and boost French morale. This may be said as a bluff intended to induce Russia into violent reactions in order to justify France’s militarization. Finally, given Russian patience and the European people’s objection to supporting the war, it is necessary for Western warmongers to create constant “psyops” and “false flags” that legitimize military action. So, perhaps the objective is simply to induce Moscow to act reactively – which is not likely to happen, considering the Russians’ history of caution and diplomacy.

However, the French must be careful not to be deceived by their own narratives. Given the high level of bellicosity in the country, Paris’ decision-makers are likely to begin to believe not only that such a “Russian threat” is real, but also that France is actually “ready for war” – which would enable them to launch measures that would lead continental security to ruin.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Lucas Leiroz is a journalist, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, geopolitical consultant. You can follow Lucas on X (former Twitter) and Telegram. He is a regular contributor to Global Research. 

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“If the state could use [criminal] laws not for their intended purposes but to silence those who voice unpopular ideas, little would be left of our First Amendment liberties, and little would separate us from the tyrannies of the past or the malignant fiefdoms of our own age. The freedom to speak without risking arrest is ‘one of the principal characteristics by which we distinguish a free nation.’—Justice Neil Gorsuch, dissenting, Nieves v. Bartlett (2019)

Tyrants don’t like people who speak truth to power.

Cue the rise of protest laws, which take the government’s intolerance for free speech to a whole new level and send the resounding message that resistance is futile.

In fact, ever since the Capitol protests on Jan. 6, 2021, state legislatures have introduced a broad array of these laws aimed at criminalizing protest activities.

There have been at least 205 proposed laws in 45 states aimed at curtailing the right to peacefully assemble and protest by expanding the definition of rioting, heightening penalties for existing offenses, or creating new crimes associated with assembly.

Weaponized by police, prosecutors, courts and legislatures, these protest laws, along with free speech zones, bubble zones, trespass zones, anti-bullying legislation, zero tolerance policies, hate crime laws, and a host of other legalistic maladies have become a convenient means by which to punish individuals who refuse to be muzzled.

In Florida, for instance, legislators passed a “no-go” zone law making it punishable by up to 60 days in jail to remain within 25 feet of working police and other first responders after a warning.

Yet while the growing numbers of protest laws cropping up across the country are sold to the public as necessary to protect private property, public roads or national security, they are a wolf in sheep’s clothing, a thinly disguised plot to discourage anyone from challenging government authority at the expense of our First Amendment rights.

It doesn’t matter what the source of that discontent might be (police brutality, election outcomes, COVID-19 mandates, the environment, etc.): protest laws, free speech zones, no-go zones, bubble zones, trespass zones, anti-bullying legislation, zero tolerance policies, hate crime laws, etc., aim to muzzle every last one of us.

To be very clear, these legislative attempts to redefine and criminalize speech are a backdoor attempt to rewrite the Constitution and render the First Amendment’s robust safeguards null and void.

No matter how you package these laws, no matter how well-meaning they may sound, no matter how much you may disagree with the protesters or sympathize with the objects of the protest, these proposed laws are aimed at one thing only: discouraging dissent.

This is the painful lesson being imparted with every incident in which someone gets arrested and charged with any of the growing number of contempt charges (ranging from resisting arrest and interference to disorderly conduct, obstruction, and failure to obey a police order) that get trotted out anytime a citizen voices discontent with the government or challenges or even questions the authority of the powers-that-be.

These assaults on free speech are nothing new.

As Human Rights Watch points out, “Various states have long-tried to curtail the right to protest. They do so by legislating wide definitions of what constitutes an ‘unlawful assembly’ or a ‘riot’ as well as increasing punishments. They also allow police to use catch-all public offenses, such as trespassing, obstructing traffic, or disrupting the peace, as a pretext for ordering dispersals, using force, and making arrests. Finally, they make it easier for corporations and others to bring lawsuits against protest organizers.

Journalists have come under particular fire for exercising their right to freedom of the press.

According to U.S. Press Freedom Tracker, the criminalization of routine journalism has become a means by which the government chills lawful First Amendment activity.

Journalists have been arrested or faced dubious charges for “publishing,” asking too many questions of public officials, being “rude” for reporting during a press conference, and being in the vicinity of public protests and demonstrations.

For instance, Steve Baker, a reporter for Blaze News, was charged with four misdemeanors, including trespassing and disorderly conduct charges, related to his sympathetic coverage of the Jan. 6 riots. Dan Heyman, a reporter for the Public News Service, was arrested for “aggressively” questioning Tom Price, then secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services during an encounter in the West Virginia State Capitol.

It’s gotten so bad that merely daring to question, challenge or hesitate when a cop issues an order can get you charged with resisting arrest or disorderly conduct.

For example, Deyshia Hargrave, a language arts teacher in Louisiana, was thrown to the ground, handcuffed and arrested for speaking out during a public comment period at a school board meeting.

Fane Lozman was arrested for alluding to government corruption during open comment time at a City Council meeting in Palm Beach County, Fla.

College professor Ersula Ore was slammed to the ground and arrested after she objected to the “disrespectful manner” shown by a campus cop who stopped her in the middle of the street and demanded that she show her ID.

Philadelphia lawyer Rebecca Musarra was arrested for exercising her right to remain silent and refusing to answer questions posed by a police officer during a routine traffic stop. (Note: she cooperated in every other way by providing license and registration, etc.)

Making matters worse, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a ruling in Nieves v. Bartlett that protects police from lawsuits by persons arrested on bogus “contempt of cop” charges (ranging from resisting arrest and interference to disorderly conduct, obstruction, and failure to obey a police order) that result from lawful First Amendment activities (filming police, asking a question of police, refusing to speak with police).

These incidents reflect a growing awareness about the state of free speech in America: you may have distinct, protected rights on paper, but dare to exercise those rights, and you risk fines, arrests, injuries and even death.

Unfortunately, we have been circling this particular drain hole for some time now.

More than 50 years ago, U.S. Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas took issue with the idea that merely speaking to a government representative (a right enshrined in the First Amendment) could be perceived as unlawfully inconveniencing and annoying the police.

In a passionate defense of free speech, Douglas declared:

Since when have we Americans been expected to bow submissively to authority and speak with awe and reverence to those who represent us? The constitutional theory is that we the people are the sovereigns, the state and federal officials only our agents. We who have the final word can speak softly or angrily. We can seek to challenge and annoy, as we need not stay docile and quiet. The situation might have indicated that Colten’s techniques were ill-suited to the mission he was on, that diplomacy would have been more effective. But at the constitutional level speech need not be a sedative; it can be disruptive.

It’s a power-packed paragraph full of important truths that the powers-that-be would prefer we quickly forget: We the people are the sovereigns. We have the final word. We can speak softly or angrily. We can seek to challenge and annoy. We need not stay docile and quiet. Our speech can be disruptive. It can invite dispute. It can be provocative and challenging. We do not have to bow submissively to authority or speak with reverence to government officials.

In theory, Douglas was right: “we the people” do have a constitutional right to talk back to the government.

In practice, however, we live in an age in which “we the people” are at the mercy of militarized, weaponized, immunized cops who have almost absolute discretion to decide who is a threat, what constitutes resistance, and how harshly they can deal with the citizens they were appointed to “serve and protect.”

As such, those who seek to exercise their First Amendment rights during encounters with the police are increasingly finding that there is no such thing as freedom of speech.

Case in point: Tony Rupp, a lawyer in Buffalo, NY, found himself arrested and charged with violating the city’s noise ordinance after cursing at an SUV bearing down on pedestrians on a busy street at night with its lights off. Because that unmarked car was driven by a police officer, that’s all it took for Rupp to find himself subjected to malicious prosecution, First Amendment retaliation and wrongful arrest.

The case, as Jesse McKinley writes in The New York Times, is part of a growing debate over “how citizens can criticize public officials at a time of widespread reevaluation of the lengths and limits of free speech. That debate has raged everywhere from online forums and college campuses to protests over racial bias in law enforcement and the Israel-Hamas war. Book bans and other acts of government censorship have troubled some First Amendment experts. Last week, the Supreme Court heard arguments about a pair of laws — in Florida and Texas — limiting the ability of social media companies such as Facebook to ban certain content from their platforms.”

Bottom line: what the architects of the police state want are submissive, compliant, cooperative, obedient, meek citizens who don’t talk back, don’t challenge government authority, don’t speak out against government misconduct, and don’t resist.

What the First Amendment protects—and a healthy constitutional republic requires—are citizens who routinely exercise their right to speak truth to power.

Yet there can be no free speech for the citizenry when the government speaks in a language of force.

What is this language of force?

Militarized police. Riot squads. Camouflage gear. Black uniforms. Armored vehicles. Mass arrests. Pepper spray. Tear gas. Batons. Strip searches. Surveillance cameras. Kevlar vests. Drones. Lethal weapons. Less-than-lethal weapons unleashed with deadly force. Rubber bullets. Water cannons. Stun grenades. Arrests of journalists. Crowd control tactics. Intimidation tactics. Brutality. Contempt of cop charges.

This is not the language of freedom. This is not even the language of law and order.

Unfortunately, this is how the government at all levels—federal, state and local—now responds to those who choose to exercise their First Amendment right to speak freely.

If we no longer have the right to tell a Census Worker to get off our property, if we no longer have the right to tell a police officer to get a search warrant before they dare to walk through our door, if we no longer have the right to stand in front of the Supreme Court wearing a protest sign or approach an elected representative to share our views, if we no longer have the right to protest unjust laws by voicing our opinions in public or on our clothing or before a legislative body, then we do not have free speech.

What we have instead is regulated, controlled, censored speech, and that’s a whole other ballgame.

Remember, the unspoken freedom enshrined in the First Amendment is the right to challenge government agents, think freely and openly debate issues without being muzzled or treated like a criminal.

Americans are being brainwashed into believing that anyone who wears a government uniform—soldier, police officer, prison guard—must be obeyed without question.

Of course, the Constitution takes a far different position, but does anyone in the government even read, let alone abide by, the Constitution anymore?

The government does not want us to remember that we have rights, let alone attempting to exercise those rights peaceably and lawfully. And it definitely does not want us to engage in First Amendment activities that challenge the government’s power, reveal the government’s corruption, expose the government’s lies, and encourage the citizenry to push back against the government’s many injustices.

Yet by muzzling the citizenry, by removing the constitutional steam valves that allow people to speak their minds, air their grievances and contribute to a larger dialogue that hopefully results in a more just world, the government is creating a climate in which violence becomes inevitable.

When there is no First Amendment steam valve, then frustration builds, anger grows and people become more volatile and desperate to force a conversation.

As John F. Kennedy warned, “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.”

As I point out in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, the government is making violent revolution inevitable.


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This article was originally published on The Rutherford Institute.

Constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead is founder and president of The Rutherford Institute. His most recent books are the best-selling Battlefield America: The War on the American People, the award-winning A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State, and a debut dystopian fiction novel, The Erik Blair Diaries. Whitehead can be contacted at [email protected].

Nisha Whitehead is the Executive Director of The Rutherford Institute. Information about The Rutherford Institute is available at www.rutherford.org.

They are regular contributors to Global Research.

Why the US Is Banning Independent TikTok Now

March 21st, 2024 by Karsten Riise

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


The “threat” from China in general, and about TikTok as a particular case, is about reestablishing US hegemony, including US hegemony on information. It is about the US wanting to monopolize a global capability to spread even the most egregious US lies as “free speech” and “democracy” without any obstacles.

In an attack on free global media, the US Congress has just decided that China must divest of TikTok and put TikTok under US ownership. Now.


And why now? 

The likely answer has comes incidentally from Dr. Masood Raja (from University of North Texas). Dr. Raja explains that he has tried ALL social media’s coverage of Israel’s atrocities in Gaza – and TikTok is the place where you find all about Israel’s genocide and other crimes Gaza covered.

These images [of young Palestinians being paraded around blindfolded] don’t come to us from mainstream US media. These images come to us from citizen-reporters, from people on the ground sharing them on the social media.

Out of all the social media platforms – and I have tested all of them – TikTok has been the only place where you could go for latest reports on what’s going on in Gaza.

In clear language:

The US wants to prohibit TikTok as a media independent of the US political class and deep state. The US wants to censor TikTok from reporting Israel’s genocide by putting TikTok under full US control and censorship – just like all other “free” western media whose narratives are controlled by the US. 

Biden and the Democrats hypocritically wring their hands and claim to “do good”.

But Biden, the Democrats, and US institutions and media are fully involved in Israel’s genocide. They take direct part in planning and execution of Israel’s genocide, and they do so in vicious ways you didn’t imagine.


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Karsten Riise is a Master of Science (Econ) from Copenhagen Business School and has a university degree in Spanish Culture and Languages from Copenhagen University. He is the former Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Mercedes-Benz in Denmark and Sweden.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Genocide, Coup d’Etat and Militarization: Palestine and Haiti

By Stephen Sefton, March 20, 2024

The Zionist genocide of the Palestinian people and the political and socio-economic crisis in Haiti both have their origins in their respective episodes of destructive foreign intervention in the first decades of the last century. Of course, the historical background also has some aspects in common.

Israeli Government Starves Palestinians in Gaza

By Bill Astore, March 21, 2024

Dishonest and disingenuous reporting is facilitating genocide in Gaza and a horrendous war in Ukraine that is hollowing out that country. In each case, what we’re supposed to focus on is something else: the crimes of Hamas and the alleged megalomania of Putin.

Inequalities and Concentration of Wealth in the USA Have Wide Implications

By Bharat Dogra, March 21, 2024

It is a very significant aspect of US economy that despite being blessed by an exceptionally rich resource base, despite enjoying certain unique advantages of the dollar being the international reserve currency for a very long time, and despite the country not hesitating to use its unmatched military strength and diplomatic clout to advance and protect its economic, trade and resource interests all over the world, the bottom half of the US population still has problems in meeting its basic needs.

Washington Post Calls on VP Kamala Harris to Step Down

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 21, 2024

No one expects Biden to be able to complete four more years in the White House. The Washington Post Kathleen Parker says that in view of Kamala Harris’s lack of success as VP, voters are discouraged by her likely succession to the presidency.

We Call for the Respect of Haitian Popular Sovereignty and an End to Western Imperialist Intervention

By Organizations of the Zone of Peace Campaign, March 20, 2024

We denounce the ongoing attempts by Western imperialists to force an armed intervention and another illegitimate government on the Haitian people, as well as the collaboration of regional institutions in this intervention.

Is Israel Committing Terrorism in Gaza? You be the Judge. Paul Larudee

By Dr. Paul Larudee, March 20, 2024

In August 2008, Ismail Haniyeh, the elected Prime Minister of the Palestinian Authority in Gaza, welcomed me and other members of the Free Gaza Movement to his home in the relatively small al-Shati refugee camp in northern Gaza, not far from the larger Jabalia camp.

How the Democrats Plan to Steal the Election

By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr., March 19, 2024

Biden and Trump have clinched the nominations of their parties for President. Everybody is gearing up for a battle between them for the election in November. It’s obvious that Biden is “cognitively impaired.” In blunter language, “brain-dead”. Partisans of Trump are gearing up for a decisive victory. But what if this battle is a sham?

Israeli Government Starves Palestinians in Gaza

March 21st, 2024 by Bill Astore

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


If you’re like me, you subscribe to news services like the New York Times, the Washington Post, CNN, and Reuters, which send daily news reports and quick highlights. Given the busy pace of life, most people probably read those headlines and short summaries and little else. The mainstream media is counting on that.

Consider this quick summary I received today from Reuters’ “Daily Briefing”:


  • More than five months into Israel’s ground and air campaign, launched in response to Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack, there are widespread shortages of food, medicines and clean water in Gaza, doctors and aid agencies say. Starving children fill hospital wards as famine looms.

Note the framing here. It’s a war between Israel and Hamas, with history beginning on October 7, 2023. Most of all, note how widening famine is described: it’s just happening, apparently due to a war that Hamas started.

You’re not told that the famine is man-made. That the Israeli government is blocking thousands of trucks loaded with food, medicine, and clean water for Gaza. Instead, you’re encouraged to think it’s much like a natural disaster, if not entirely the fault of Hamas, which allegedly started all the trouble on October 7th.

If challenged to write my own summary for Reuters, I’d pen something like this:

Israeli government policies are producing mass famine in Gaza. Israel has already killed or wounded more than 100,000 Palestinians since the October 7th Hamas attacks. An Israeli blockade on most aid to Gaza promises death tolls in the hundreds of thousands over the next few months. Meanwhile, the U.S. continues to send weapons to Israel while providing diplomatic cover in the UN, making it complicit in genocide.

We see similar narrative elision with the Russia-Ukraine War, which in the mainstream media is all the fault of Vladimir Putin, who woke up in February 2022 and decided to invade Ukraine because he’s a power-hungry maniac, a new Hitler—or worse. Meanwhile, Putin blew up his own highly profitable Nordstream pipelines, or maybe a rogue element from Ukraine did it. Who can tell, right?

Dishonest and disingenuous reporting is facilitating genocide in Gaza and a horrendous war in Ukraine that is hollowing out that country. In each case, what we’re supposed to focus on is something else: the crimes of Hamas and the alleged megalomania of Putin.

Gaza is especially egregious since a genocide is in progress there, enabled and empowered by massive weapons shipments from the United States to Israel. But I guess there’s nothing we can do to help those starving Palestinian children “as famine looms.” I guess we can construct a temporary pier that will take two or three months to build; I hope the starving children can hold on that long. Whether that pier will facilitate relief efforts or serve mainly as a Trojan horse to evacuate Palestinians from Gaza (ethnic cleansing by the boat load) remains to be seen.


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Featured image: Palestinian children try to eat from a single bowl inside the tent as Palestinians, trying to live in makeshift tents they set up, are viewed in Rafah, Gaza on February 14, 2024 [Abed Zagout – Anadolu Agency]

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


It is a very significant aspect of US economy that despite being blessed by an exceptionally rich resource base, despite enjoying certain unique advantages of the dollar being the international reserve currency for a very long time, despite having certain other historical advantages and despite the country not hesitating to use its unmatched military strength and diplomatic clout to advance and protect its economic, trade and resource interests all over the world, the bottom half of the US population still has problems in meeting its basic needs.

While several explanations may be advanced, what may be particularly relevant is that the bottom 50% of the population has only 1.5% of the nation’s wealth.

One reflection of this situation is that life expectancy in the USA remains low relative to almost all comparable countries in the ‘developed’ world. Another reflection is that while US has claims of ‘feeding the world’ its own farmers including family farmers and small farmers in particular have faced very high rates of loss and deterioration of livelihood, a working out of the widely voiced but terrible precept of ‘get big or get out’ or ‘go big or go bust’. The very fact that such slogan-mongering can get acceptable hearing is a reflection that economic thinking has been systematically corrupted.       

A study by the Urban Institute (UI) in 2018, before the pandemic struck, found that nearly 40 per cent of non-elderly adults and their families struggled to afford at least one basic need for health care, housing, utilities or food in 2017. Difficulties among the elderly are likely to be even higher. This figure increased further in the post-pandemic years, bringing it closer to the bottom 50% of the population.

It is conventional to speak of inequalities mainly in the context of the share of various segments of population in income and wealth. However in the context of exceptionally high military budget of the USA and its close linkages to excessive profits made by military contractors, particularly some giant arms companies, it makes sense to speak of militarization also being a part of the inequalities which deprive the bottom 50% of the population of access to basic needs. The USA spends close to 900 billion dollars a year on military expenses. This excludes many expenses listed as civilian but having strong military implications and relationships. A huge and increasing share of discretionary federal spending is taken up by military expenses. 

The World Inequality Report 2022 tells us that the bottom 50% of the USA population has only 1.5% of its wealth and only 13% of its income. According to the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development, the USA has the highest inequality in G7 countries— the USA has gini coefficient of 0.434 while for the remaining six countries this ranges between 0.326 (France) and 0.392 (UK). According to an inclusive development index prepared by the World Economic Forum the USA appeared at number 23 in a total of 30 rich countries. According to Stanford University’s State of the Union—The Poverty and Inequality Report (2016) the USA is ranked at the bottom in an index of 10 rich countries. When this index was widened to include some of the less rich countries, the USA appeared at number 18 in a total of 21 countries.

A particularly startling figure brought out by the World Inequality Report 2022 tells us is that in the USA, the share of wealth held by the top 1% ( 35%) is 23 times higher than the share (1.5%) held by the bottom 50%! In 1968 the top 20 per cent of US households accounted for 43% of income but in 2018 they took away 52% of the income, more than the bottom 80% who got a share of only 48%.  

It is this inequality and high military expenditure which is responsible to a significant extent for the deprivation suffered by a very large number of people in the middle of plenty.

The 2018 study of UI was based on a well-being and basic needs survey of non-elderly adults in the age-group 18-64. While 40% struggled to access at least one basic need, within this group 60% struggled to meet two basic needs and 34% struggled to meet three needs.

As many as 23% said that they were food insecure in the last 12 months. 18% struggled to pay medical bills while almost the same number (17.8%) decided to go without some required medical treatment due to costs. Deprivation levels were found to be higher among younger adults, women, households with children, blacks and Hispanics. Those struggling to meet basic needs included several of those who were regarded not as poor but as middle-class.

This data is from a study of 18-64 age group. However in 2020 it was reported that child poverty levels (under 18 age group) have been found to be 1.5 times higher than adult poverty levels.

On the other hand, despite social security payments, a large number of the elderly persons are also unable to meet their basic needs. The Gerontology Institute at the University of Massachusetts Boston has prepared the Elderly Economic Security Standard Index which found that in 2016 a majority of seniors lacked the “financial resources required to meet basic needs”. Conditions in nursing homes have been often found to be precarious.

Despite Obamacare a Gallup poll in December 2019 found 25% of persons contacted saying that they or a member of their family had   delayed treatment for an illness due to cost factors.

The number of homeless persons, estimated to be around 550,000 or so, is set to increase significantly. As the country emerged from the pandemic, in June 2021 nearly 2 million were found to be lagging behind mortgage payments and nearly 6 million were missing out in rent payments. A substantial number of these 8 million households face the threat of eviction, while the average number of cases of evictions filed in a year till 2018 was around 3.7 million. The landlords have legal counsel in over 90% of cases; the tenants rarely have such help. This amounts to about 10,000 eviction notices in a single day, a shocking figure surely, or 416 per hour, or 7 per minute.

A survey by the Guardian and Consumer Reports concluded some time back that as federal funding for ageing water systems has plummeted, millions of homes are being disconnected or placed into foreclosure each year. This survey found alarming levels of forever chemicals, arsenic and lead in samples taken across the USA. 

Clearly the extent of denial of basic needs of people in a country so well-endowed for prosperity in various ways is inexcusable and its leading causes including excessive militarization and inequalities should be challenged and reduced.

There has been increasing concern in recent times regarding the incredible concentration of not just wealth and income but also control and decision making at world level. With unprecedented global linkages and technological changes, the dangers of a handful of persons exercising undue and excessive control have increased rapidly, with very worrying implications for people worldwide.

The top 0.01 per cent of the world’s people have 11 per cent of its wealth. Since the 1990s the top 1 per cent captured 38 per cent of the growth of wealth, while the bottom 50% could capture only 2%. In the top 0.1% section, the per capita wealth of an adult amounts to 14,133,400 euros. According to Forbes listing, there were 2755 billionaires in the world in 2021. Among them the 724 who are in the USA are likely to be closer to the levers of control and power compared to those in other countries, at least as of now. This is not to understate the influence of billionaires in other countries, just two are known to exercise huge power and dominance in a leading country like India.

In the USA according to an organization named Americans for Tax Fairness, during the pandemic the top 10 billionaires increased their wealth at the rate of one billion dollars per day, or 12600 dollars per second. The wealth of this top 10 increased from $600 billion to 1300 billion, or more than doubled, during this period of about 2 years or so.

Several of these richest billionaires, as well as their multinational companies have become highly controversial in the context of their domination of crucial sectors in ways that can adversely impact most people in world. These sectors include health, food and farming, trade, transport, information, finance, banking and other crucial sectors, even outer space! Several of these super-rich, their cronies and employees, have joined in key positions in specially created international platforms with representatives of government, UN and other international organizations to create such influential groups that, for all practical purposes, what they decide spreads quickly to a  large part of the world. 

These billionaires and their cronies also use the platforms of loosely structured organizations to advance imperialist agendas of control and profit, covered up suitably, which cannot be stated directly or officially by certain governments or even by corporate entities. In this context some recent data from the USA regarding the extent of control exercised by a few companies is revealing.

On February 17 2022 Senator Bernie Sanders, Chairman of the State Budget Committee USA, made a statement before the Committee which is very significant in terms of exposure of the extent of wealth and concentration among top investment companies and the control exercised by them over the economy and the lives of poor people. These comments were delivered at a hearing ‘Warrior Met and Wall Street Greed: What Corporate Raiders are doing to Workers and Consumers’.

Sanders started by saying,

”Today, we are going to discuss an issue that is almost never talked about in Congress and the corporate media–the incredible concentration of ownership and power that a handful of Wall Street investment firms have over our entire economy, and the enormous impact they have on workers, consumers, and virtually every person in our country. Today, in America, just three Wall Street firms – BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street – manage $22 trillion in assets.”

To put this figure in perspective, he added,

”the amount of money these three firms control is nearly equal to the entire Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the United States and more than five times the GDP of Germany. These three firms are major shareholders in more than 96 percent of S&P 500 companies. In other words, they have significant influence over many hundreds of companies that employ millions of American workers and, in fact, the entire economy.”

Sanders went on to highlight the extent of their control in some important sectors:

  • Banking- These three Wall Street investment firms are the largest shareholders of some of the biggest banks in America – JP Morgan Chase, Wells Fargo, and Citibank.
  • Transport- They are among the top owners of all four major airlines – American, Southwest, Delta and United.
  • Healthcare- Together, they own an average of 20 percent of the major drug companies.

More generally, Wall Street firms have bought up thousands of nursing homes where profits and mortality rates have soared. They are also responsible for the astronomical prices at emergency rooms, increasing prices by over 60 percent and driving over half a million Americans into bankruptcy each year.

Sanders stated

These three companies control nearly one-fourth of votes at shareholder meetings, leveraging their power to influence CEO compensation, stock buybacks, environmental commitments, mergers, and pension benefits. In addition to the Big Three, a small handful of Wall Street vulture funds – so-called “private equity” firms – also have an enormous control over industry after industry after industry.

This control impacts people in terms of growing unemployment and reduced incomes. Over the past two decades, private equity takeovers have slashed nearly 1.3 million jobs and shut down nearly 20,000 stores in the retail industry – including Toys R Us, Payless, and Dollar General.

At a time of increasing homelessness and eviction threats, these companies have been increasing their control and profits in the housing sector too. Last year, a small number of Wall Street firms and other extremely wealthy investors bought about one out of every 7 homes in some of the largest cities in America and now own over a million apartments, hiking rents by as much as 30 percent and neglecting needed repairs and the safety of tenants.

A small number of Wall Street firms control half of the newspapers in America, thereby exercising a big influence on media.

Sanders indicted a “handful of Wall Street firms that buy up companies, load them up with debt and make a huge amount of money by laying off workers, slashing wages, shipping jobs overseas and eliminating healthcare and pension benefits.”

According to recent studies, Sanders pointed out, after these Wall Street firms takeover companies as a result of a “leveraged buyout,” jobs are slashed by 13 percent, wages fall by 6 percent and the companies that Wall Street firms takeover are 10 times more likely to declare bankruptcy.

In the case of Warrior Met Coal in Brookwood, Alabama where workers were then engaged in a strike for 11 months fighting for economic justice and dignity on the job, in 2016 a group of private equity funds led by Apollo and Blackstone acquired Walter Energy and formed Warrior Met Coal. As part of the restructuring, workers were forced to take a $6 per hour wage cut—over 20 percent—and massive cuts to their health and retirement benefits. This was just one of several cases. At a moment of unprecedented corporate greed in this country, attacks against working people are taking place in company after company, in industry after industry. 

Sanders concluded with some memorable words,

”Never before in American history have so few owned so much and had so much power over our entire economy.”

These observations of Bernie Sanders are very important for understanding the ongoing phase of the political economy of the biggest economy and biggest military power of the country, and should be widely discussed. At a wider level, the concentration of wealth and power as well as its extremely harmful, wide-ranging impacts should get much more attention worldwide.


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Bharat Dogra is Honorary Convener, Campaign to Save Earth Now. His recent books include ‘A Day in 2071’, ‘Man Over Machine’, ‘Planet in Peril’ and ‘Protecting Earth for Children’. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Washington Post Calls on VP Kamala Harris to Step Down

March 21st, 2024 by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


As readers know, I have wondered how the ruling elite are going to get their puppet Biden reelected.

His own Justice Department cleared him of charges the Justice Department is pressing against Trump for having national security documents in his unauthorized possession by ruling that President Biden is too mentally incompetent to stand trial.

No one expects Biden to be able to complete four more years in the White House. The Washington Post Kathleen Parker says that in view of Kamala Harris’s lack of success as VP, voters are discouraged by her likely succession to the presidency.

Parker says that for Biden to win, he has to have a VP voters can have confidence in as President.

Parker describes the ruling elite’s view:

“The Kamala conundrum comes down to this: She was picked because she was Black and female, a combo tantamount to job security. Now that she has become a burden to the Democratic ticket, Biden can’t fire her. He can’t risk alienating his base. Full stop. The seriousness of this situation can’t be overstated. Biden’s diminishing faculties, notwithstanding his relatively successful State of the Union address, and his increasing physical frailty are concerning.

“Every honest person knows he’s not in top form. A recent New York Times poll found that 73 percent of registered voters believe Biden is too old to be the nation’s top executive. This includes 61 percent of those who voted for him in 2020.

“Her performance as second in command has been disappointing, to say the least. Americans have taken note. Though Democrats unsurprisingly like her more than Republicans do, a recent analysis by FiveThirtyEight set her average overall approval rating at just 37.2 percent, among the lowest recorded for a vice president.

“Harris could provide her own reasons for moving on. Perhaps she and Biden could a cut a deal for her to become the next attorney general — if he’s reelected. Biden then could tap someone else with executive experience who could reassure voters that the next vice president would be ready to take the reins should events require it. Democrats and Republicans alike would be relieved.” (Kathleen Parker, The Washington Post, March 15, 2024; If you encounter a pay wall, you can read it here.)

In the scenario I described, the ruling elite has Biden resign. Kamala becomes President, appoints Hillary VP, and resigns with the promise of a cabinet appointment, such as attorney general.

Hilary becomes president prior to the election, and the expectation that she would run a closer vote count, thanks to the stupidity of so many American women, makes it easier for the Democrats to steal the third national election in a row. Lew Rockwell has pointed out that the Democrats have many more ways of stealing the election.

Judging by WaPo  Kathleen Parker, the Biden/Kamala ticket is too disfavored to permit a close enough election for a convincing theft. In order to continue the Democrat Party’s destruction of the United States, the Democrat presidential ticket has to have more credibility.

Obviously, the ruling elite agrees with my original analysis and is using the Washington Post to produce a more credible Democrat ticket.

If Kamala can be moved out, in goes Hillary. Then the agitation begins for Biden to step aside. With Hillary in the Oval Office prior to the election, the border conflict with Texas can be heated up, a national emergency declared, and the election suspended. The CIA can concoct another “Steele Dossier” and Trump can be blamed for the “Texas insurrection.”

If all fails and Trump wins, he will be assassinated before he can take office. See this.

It is not easy to see anything but a violent revolution by an awakened and determined people to save Americans from tyranny.

But where are these people?

How can they organize without all being arrested by the FBI as insurrectionists?


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Paul Craig Roberts is a renowned author and academic, chairman of The Institute for Political Economy where this article was originally published. Dr. Roberts was previously associate editor and columnist for The Wall Street Journal. He was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy during the Reagan Administration. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

A França está a elevar as tensões na Europa.

March 20th, 2024 by Lucas Leiroz de Almeida

A França parece cada vez mais disposta a enfrentar um conflito em grande escala. Num discurso recente, um alto oficial militar francês afirmou que o seu país está “preparado” para uma possível situação de guerra na Europa, elogiando o estado atual das forças armadas francesas. Na prática, este tipo de declaração soa como propaganda e provocação irresponsável no atual contexto, já que a França parece prestes a envolver-se diretamente nas hostilidades na Ucrânia.

A informação foi revelada pelo chefe do Estado-Maior do Exército francês, general Pierre Schill, durante entrevista. Na ocasião, Schill afirmou que as tropas francesas estão “prontas” para enfrentar qualquer cenário de escalada militar. Segundo Schill, “quaisquer que sejam os desenvolvimentos na situação internacional, os franceses podem estar convencidos de que os seus soldados responderão”.

Schill afirmou que Paris está comprometida com grandes “responsabilidades internacionais” no âmbito dos tratados dos quais é signatária. Estes tratados, na opinião do general, estão gravemente ameaçados pelas atuais circunstâncias globais, que colocam a França em forte risco de envolvimento num conflito armado. Perante esta “ameaça”, o país “precisa estar preparado” – e considera que tal preparação já está suficientemente avançada, acreditando que as tropas do país têm condições de defender os interesses franceses a qualquer momento.

Schill acredita que uma mera capacidade de dissuasão nuclear não é suficiente para garantir os interesses franceses. Para ele, este tipo de poder militar não garante a vitória francesa em conflitos de menor escala, onde o uso destas armas é improvável. Assim, em vez de simplesmente investir no desenvolvimento nuclear, Schill acredita que o foco francês deve ser o aumento da capacidade interoperacional com os países aliados.

A princípio, as palavras de Schill poderiam ser interpretadas como um mero ato de propaganda para elogiar a capacidade militar do seu país. Porém, o momento atual deixa claro que as intenções do general são muito mais do que mera propaganda. Na prática, Schill apoia os planos de guerra anteriormente sugeridos pelo Presidente francês Emmanul Macron, cuja retórica sobre a Ucrânia se tornou cada vez mais agressiva.

Macron recusou-se a descartar o envio de tropas francesas para a Ucrânia. Afirmou também que a derrota russa é vital para a França, razão pela qual todos os esforços devem ser feitos para garantir uma “vitória ucraniana”. Com o fracasso da política de envio de armas e dinheiro, a discussão sobre o envio direto de tropas cresceu – e Macron agiu de forma ambígua, sugerindo apoio ao projeto, ao mesmo tempo que nega publicamente que existam planos para tal envio num futuro próximo.

Paralelamente, a inteligência russa anunciou que obteve dados que comprovam que Paris já mantém pelo menos dois mil soldados prontos para serem enviados para a Ucrânia. Acredita-se que estas tropas estejam a ser preparadas para trabalhar em áreas específicas nas quais o Ocidente quer evitar a qualquer custo os avanços russos – como Odessa. Como esperado, a equipa de Macron negou a existência de tal plano, mas os discursos agressivos em relação à Rússia não mudaram, mantendo assim as tensões entre os dois países numa situação muito crítica.

Obviamente, enviar tropas ocidentais para o campo de batalha ucraniano seria praticamente uma declaração de guerra à Federação Russa. Os soldados e equipamentos franceses em solo ucraniano seriam alvos legítimos e Moscou certamente os atacaria com prioridade. Por outras palavras, para garantir os seus interesses egoístas de “liderar a Europa”, Paris está deliberadamente a escalar as rivalidades com a Rússia para um nível perigoso que poderá levar à guerra nuclear.

Contudo, é necessário ser cético em relação à propaganda de Schill. É pouco provável que a França esteja verdadeiramente preparada para qualquer situação de conflito prolongado em solo europeu. Nenhum país europeu está atualmente suficientemente preparado militarmente para enfrentar uma guerra total com a Rússia, uma vez que a superioridade militar de Moscou é um facto amplamente reconhecido entre os especialistas.

É muito possível que as palavras de Schill sejam apenas retórica sem sentido, destinada a intimidar a Rússia e a elevar o moral francês. Isto pode ser dito como um bluff destinado a induzir a Rússia a reações violentas, a fim de justificar a militarização da França. Finalmente, dada a paciência russa e a objecção do povo europeu em apoiar a guerra, é necessário que os fomentadores da guerra ocidentais criem constantes “operações psicológicas” e “bandeiras falsas” que legitimam a acção militar. Assim, talvez o objetivo seja simplesmente induzir Moscou a agir de forma reactiva – o que é improvável que aconteça, considerando o histórico de cautela e diplomacia dos russos.

Contudo, os franceses devem ter cuidado para não se deixarem enganar pelas suas próprias narrativas. Dado o elevado nível de belicosidade no país, é provável que os tomadores de decisões de Paris comecem a acreditar não só que tal “ameaça russa” é real, mas também que a França está realmente “pronta para a guerra” – o que lhes permitiria lançar medidas que levariam à ruína a segurança continental.

Lucas Leiroz de Almeida


Artigo em inglês : France escalates tensions in Europe, InfoBrics, 19 de Março de 2024.

Imagem : InfoBrics


Lucas Leiroz, jornalista, pesquisador do Center for Geostrategic Studies, consultor geopolítico.

Você pode seguir Lucas Leiroz em: https://t.me/lucasleiroz e https://twitter.com/leiroz_lucas

As políticas de mobilização de Vladimir Zelensky estão a levar à extinção algumas aldeias e pequenas cidades ucranianas. Devido ao recrutamento forçado e à elevada letalidade no campo de batalha, praticamente não restam homens em algumas regiões rurais da Ucrânia. Além de não trazer qualquer benefício estratégico real para Kiev na linha da frente, a política de Zelensky ameaça gravemente o futuro do país, pois causa danos à demografia ucraniana.

Em 16 de março, o Washington Post publicou um artigo sobre a situação demográfica na aldeia de Makov, localizada na região de Khmelnitsky, no oeste da Ucrânia. Diz-se que naquele local quase todos os homens adultos morreram, desapareceram ou ficaram feridos durante as hostilidades. Os poucos homens restantes estão agora a ser recrutados à força por oficiais ucranianos e terão certamente o mesmo destino que os outros.

Os esforços de mobilização na Ucrânia estão a revelar-se um pesadelo para os habitantes das pequenas aldeias. Há sentimentos de pânico entre os moradores de regiões rurais ou semi urbanas, que são frequentemente invadidas por militares em busca de novos recrutas. Para resistir à pressão de alistamento, os civis locais estão agora a criar alguns métodos de evasão, utilizando grupos de Telegram para notificar os cidadãos quando os militares estão a entrar na cidade. No entanto, a brutalidade dos militares ucranianos impede a segurança dos cidadãos – com os soldados invadindo constantemente casas e propriedades privadas em busca de nova “bucha de canhão” para as forças do regime.

Mais do que isso, há também algum ressentimento entre os locais, que afirmam que as suas regiões são as mais atacadas pelos recrutadores. Eles acreditam que em cidades como Kiev há menos risco de mobilização, com os residentes locais conseguindo esconder-se das autoridades com mais frequência do que em cidades mais remotas. Algumas pessoas em Khmelnitsky acreditam que esta situação se deve ao desejo por parte dos recrutadores de poupar a vida dos habitantes das grandes cidades, priorizando o alistamento de pessoas do meio rural.

“Os civis daqui dizem que isso significa que os recrutadores militares estão a agarrar todos os que podem. No Ocidente, o esforço de mobilização semeou constantemente o pânico e o ressentimento em pequenas cidades e aldeias agrícolas como Makiv, onde os residentes dizem que os soldados que trabalham para escritórios de alistamento militar vagam pelas ruas quase vazias. procurando por quaisquer homens restantes. Essas táticas levaram alguns a acreditar que seus homens estão sendo alvos desproporcionais em comparação com outras regiões ou cidades maiores como Kiev, onde é mais fácil se esconder. Os moradores locais usam canais do Telegram para alertar sobre avistamentos de soldados e compartilhar vídeos de tropas forçando homens a entrar em seus veículos – alimentando rumores de sequestros. Alguns homens estão agora cumprindo pena na prisão por se recusarem a se alistarem”, diz o artigo.

O fato mais chocante é que nem mesmo as pessoas com graves problemas de saúde são poupadas do front pelos recrutadores. Os moradores locais relataram à mídia vários casos de civis doentes sendo levados à força para a guerra por oficiais. Tais medidas já haviam sido denunciadas anteriormente por outras fontes, mas há vídeos circulando na internet que mostram soldados ucranianos com síndrome de Down sendo intimidados por outros combatentes em uma trincheira.

“’As pessoas estão sendo apanhadas como cachorros na rua’, disse Olha Kametyuk, 35 anos, cujo marido, Valentin, 36 anos, foi convocado em junho por soldados que o abordaram e pediram seus documentos depois que ele parou para tomar um café na estrada principal do lado de fora. Makiv. Apesar do diagnóstico de osteocondrose, um distúrbio articular, ele passou no exame médico em 10 minutos, disse ela, e foi enviado para o front, onde foi ferido”, acrescenta o artigo.

Na verdade, as políticas de Kiev já estão a ser suficientemente prejudiciais para causar um grande impacto populacional no país. Combinando os combates intensos com a migração em massa, o número de homens adultos na Ucrânia está a diminuir rapidamente, o que impede uma política de mobilização regular. A crescente procura de novos soldados está a tornar-se um problema difícil no país, uma vez que simplesmente não há mais homens para recrutar.

Ao procurar novos soldados em aldeias remotas, e nem sequer poupar pessoas com doenças graves, o regime de Kiev mostra a sua verdadeira natureza autoritária e terrorista. Em busca de novos soldados para trabalhar como bucha de canhão na frente, os oficiais ucranianos vão simplesmente ao ponto de extinguir aldeias inteiras, o que mostra quão desastrosas são as políticas de Zelensky do ponto de vista humanitário.

Na verdade, estes problemas só serão resolvidos com o fim da ditadura neonazista em Kiev. Os militares ucranianos precisam de admitir a sua evidente derrota, parar de perseguir o seu próprio povo e começar a trabalhar para pressionar o governo local a adotar a diplomacia e as conversações de paz em vez do confronto e da guerra prolongada.

Lucas Leiroz de Almeida



Artigo em inglês : Kiev regime extinguishing Ukrainian villages due to its policies of total mobilization, InfoBrics, 19 de Marco de 2024.

Imagem : InfoBrics


Lucas Leiroz, jornalista, pesquisador do Center for Geostrategic Studies, consultor geopolítico.

Você pode seguir Lucas Leiroz em: https://t.me/lucasleiroz e https://twitter.com/leiroz_lucas

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


We denounce the ongoing attempts by Western imperialists to force an armed intervention and another illegitimate government on the Haitian people, as well as the collaboration of regional institutions in this intervention.

After months of the U.S., Core Group, and other imperialist collaborators working to execute an armed intervention into Haiti that they are now calling a “Multinational Security Service,” ex-de facto Prime Minister Ariel Henry has resigned from his illegitimately-held position. Those countries calling for military intervention – the U.S., France, Canada – have created the conditions making military intervention appear necessary and inevitable. Now, this same imperialist cabal wants to appoint a favorable “transitional government,” without input from the Haitian people.

As organizations of the Zone of Peace Campaign, we also denounce the role of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) working in collaboration with Western imperialists to deny the Haitian people their national sovereignty and collective self-determination. CARICOM has continued to betray the people of Haiti – in their support of western intervention, through select states’ choice to send troops to Haiti, and by including western imperialists in “negotiations” to which popular Haitian movements and organizations were not invited. CARICOM must reverse its position to one that opposes armed intervention into Haiti, and supports the efforts of the Haitian people to assert their sovereignty and reclaim their country.

We also remind all peoples and organizations of our hemisphere about the Community of Latin America and Caribbean States’ (CELAC) 2014 declaration of Latin America and the Caribbean as a ‘Zone of Peace.’ We recognize the recent CELAC statement by President Pro-Tempore Xiomara Castro, who declared that any “military action that violates the Principle of Non-Intervention and the Respect of Popular Self-Determination” in Haiti must be rejected, and we urge the CELAC “Troika” of Honduras, St. Vincent & The Grenadines, and Colombia to stand firm against imperialist aggression and intervention. It is clear that guaranteeing a true Zone of Peace in Our Americas requires a rejection of imperialist intervention in Haiti and all of our nations. This also requires a recognition of the human dignity of the people of Haiti and refusal to succumb to sensationalist western media and politicians that dehumanize Haitians and disregard the longstanding, organized popular mobilizations against imperialist aggression.

In addition to rejecting imperialist interventions and militarism, the call for a Zone of Peace in Our Americas means prioritizing People(s)-Centered Human Rights (PCHRs) in the Americas by observing the principles of national sovereignty, equal rights and self-determination of peoples. These are principles that must be defended through popular struggle. We, thus, support the statement of our comrades in MOLEGHAF, calling for organization and unity of revolutionary forces in Haiti against imperialist machinations.

Finally, we recognize and appreciate the forceful words of solidarity by Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro during and after the most recent CELAC meeting, which recognized that the current crisis is the result of western intervention and imperialist violence. President Maduro also called for “comprehensive economic and social support” and solidarity, instead of an intervention that will only cause more bloodshed.

As organizations of the Zone of Peace Campaign, we recently gathered in Bogota, Colombia, and agreed on the urgent need to support the people of Haiti and their popular mobilizations against ongoing imperialist violence. We call on all progressive, radical, and revolutionary movements and organizations across the Americas to support the Haitian people’s popular sovereignty and self-determination, to reject the “Multinational Security Support” mission, and to struggle for a peoples-centered Zone of Peace in Haiti and in all of Our Americas.

Hands Off Haiti!

Organizations of the Zone of Peace Campaign

Black Alliance for Peace
Caribbean Movement for Peace and Integration
Caribbean Organisation for People’s Empowerment
Consejo por la Emancipación Plurinacional de Perú
Diaspora Pa’lante Collective
Friends of the ATC (Asociación de Trabajadores del Campo)
Movimiento Evita
Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition
Observatorio de los Derechos Humanos de los Pueblos
Proceso de Comunidades Negras – PCN
Red de Organizaciones AfroVenezolanas
Soli Puerto Rico
World Beyond War


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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March




In August 2008, Ismail Haniyeh, the elected Prime Minister of the Palestinian Authority in Gaza, welcomed me and other members of the Free Gaza Movement to his home in the relatively small al-Shati refugee camp in northern Gaza, not far from the larger Jabalia camp. We had just arrived on the first boats to enter Gaza by sea in 41 years, breaking the Israeli siege, and all of Gaza was celebrating. The home was very simple, not different from most others in the camp, and the Prime Minister was proud to show it to us.

This was the beginning of my education about Hamas, although I had previously been in touch with Dr. Bassem Naim, who was Minister of Health at the time, to coordinate our arrival. Dr. Naim was not the only MD in the Hamas cabinet. Dr. Mahmoud Zahhar, who was Foreign Minister at the time, also welcomed some of us into his house, as well.

My view of Hamas is that they are a national liberation organization, which, like most such organizations, is depicted as terrorists by their oppressors, occupiers and enemies, in this case including Israel, the US and other Western allies of Israel. We, who pride ourselves on hearing both sides of an issue, have never sought the Hamas point of view, much less to the same degree as the Israeli side.

I really don’t like the term terrorist any more than I do savage or barbarian, which have been used historically for much the same purpose. It is a pejorative term, almost a racist one, that paints in black and white. Every government and every resistance organization uses weapons, which means that they use fear and intimidation to a greater or lesser degree. Isn’t that the definition of terrorism?

Hamas, of course, is blamed for extensive use of terrorism on October 7, 2023. But if you look at the facts and the analyses, especially as reported by the Grayzone, the Intercept and the Electronic Intifada, the exact opposite picture emerges. Not a single rape is verified, and not a single instance of deliberate killing of unarmed civilians, although some may have been killed when they went for their weapons. Most appear to have died as a result of the Israeli “Hannibal Directive” to kill everything in sight, while most of those killed by Hamas were soldiers. Furthermore, those who encountered or were taken captive by the Palestinian fighters often said that they were treated with respect and dignity. This is because the resistance forces are highly disciplined and devout Muslims who respect the teachings of Islam with respect to the rules of war, which are roughly the same as those of the Geneva Conventions, if not more stringent.

I am not prepared to say that Hamas has never committed an act that could be called terrorism. The suicide bombings of the Second Intifada come to mind. But they have also used nonviolent resistance on a massive scale, in the Great March of Return, during which more than 9,000 unarmed Palestinian civilians were shot by Israeli soldiers, and 223 killed. Sadly, the world looked the other way.

On the other hand, yesterday saw the following act that would meet most definitions of terrorism (caution: hard to watch):

Click here to watch the video.

Israel, true to form, is apparently doing everything possible to have this video removed from social media. But let’s face it: it’s not that exceptional. We’ve seen many such massacres since October 8, 2023, though not always at a girl’s school housing starving refugees in the Jabalia refugee camp, like the one I visited in 2008. It’s what we’ve come to expect as part of the Gaza genocide, despite our efforts to end it.

Is Israel a terrorist state? Apparently they would be proud to say so. Even before its establishment, the Jabotinsky “Iron Wall” doctrine espoused expulsion and lethal force to clear the land of Palestinians and maintain a Jewish supremacist state. Israel has always explicitly relied upon fear and intimidation to achieve that objective. What Israel is doing in Gaza is not fundamentally different from what it did in 1948 except that its weapons today are vastly more destructive.

In 2006, I visited the Beirut suburb of Dahiyeh the day after Israel had bombed it into obliteration. It was nothing more than a pile of rubble, still smoking in some places. Israel gave the name of that suburb to the doctrine that has dominated Zionist policy for the past century even if the name is recent. The Dahiyeh Doctrine became synonymous with the use of disproportionate force and the destruction of civilian infrastructure to achieve military ends. Is it terrorism? It’s certainly an explicit policy to commit war crimes. Is Israel committing terrorism in Gaza? You be the judge. Most of us agree that it is genocide. Which is worse?


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Paul Larudee is a retired academic and current administrator of a nonprofit human rights and humanitarian aid organization. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


The Zionist genocide of the Palestinian people and the political and socio-economic crisis in Haiti both have their origins in their respective episodes of destructive foreign intervention in the first decades of the last century. Of course, the historical background also has some aspects in common. In the case of Haiti, its successful struggle for independence at the beginning of the 19th century was stifled by the aggressive imperialist extortion of France and the ruthless harassment of the imperial powers in the Caribbean region, until the invasion and occupation of the country by the United States from 1915 to 1934. In the case of Palestine, for four hundred years it was a territory ruled by the Ottoman Empire until the British military occupation at the end of the First World War, which ended the hopes for independence of the population, at that time 90% Arab.

So in their contemporary history, Haiti and Palestine have a common starting point a hundred years ago with their military occupation by Western powers. In Haiti, the Yankee occupation bequeathed the country chronic political instability that ended with the dictatorship of the Duvalier family. In Palestine, the end of the British occupation led to the imposition of a colonial state based on ethnic cleansing and racist Zionist supremacy. In both cases, the Western powers justified their inhumane actions with the usual hypocritical cynicism, claiming that their intention was to promote and defend democracy in the respective regions, the Caribbean in the case of Haiti and West Asia in the case of Palestine.

In fact, naturally, their real intention in both cases was to suppress popular aspirations for sovereign independence, which has always been the policy of the United States and its allies around the world. It is the reason for their endless aggression against Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela, against Iran, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, against Syria and Yemen, for their ill-conceived war against the Russian Federation and for their constant provocations in preparation for a military aggression against China. While revolutionary governments promote the genuine democratization of their countries’ societies, governments submissive to imperialist demands continue to simulate the hollow electoral democracy of the West. Hollow, because the elections in the countries of North America and Europe offer merely a false appearance of choice between various ideological options.

In truth, Western populations are allowed to decide only which flavor of the union of state power with capitalist corporate power they prefer. Essentially, they get to choose between liberal fascism and conservative fascism. Instead, it is the majority populations of the world that from time to time have the opportunity to vote the wrong way, from the perspective of the West. For example, in 1998 with the election of the Eternal Commander Hugo Chávez Frías in Venezuela, or in 2001 when the population of Haiti voted for Fanmi Lavalas and Jean Bertrand Aristide or in 2006 when the population of Gaza elected Hamas. In all these cases, the United States and its allies did not delay in implementing one or another form of aggressive intervention to achieve a government with policies to their liking.

In the case of Venezuela, with the failed coup attempt of 2002, in Haiti the election of President Aristide was followed by the coup of 2004 and the 2006 election of Hamas signaled the beginning of repeated Israeli massacres of civilians in Gaza and the intensification of the apartheid system against the entire Palestinian population. By contrast, the United States and its allies generally have no problems with elections in countries that follow the model of Western pseudo-democracies. What bother them are processes of true democratization driven by revolutionary governments. The last ten years have given one example after another of how progressive governments, once they arrive in office, have been unable to implement their programs.

Now, in Colombia, President Petro is facing that situation and also President Lula da Silva in Brazil. In Mexico, Andres Manuel López Obrador has advanced to some extent with the so-called fourth transformation of his country and it is expected that his political project may well continue with Claudia Sheinbaun after the presidential election next June. Because, as has been clearly seen in Ecuador, even if a large part of a progressive program is implemented, without continuity to the policies initiated, it is almost impossible to sustain it, or to defend its achievements. Other clear examples of the futility of Western democracy as a system capable of ensuring the democratization of the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean have been the governments of Pedro Castillo in Peru, Alberto Fernández in Argentina and Gabriel Boric in Chile.

In all these countries the supposedly progressive movements that take office in government face an antagonistic judiciary, a sell-out anti-patriotic political opposition, anti-democratic police and armed forces, a reactionary church sector, a powerful, greedy and corrupt business sectors, all backed up and supported by biased, mendacious mass media. For the US and European ruling elites, these are indeed the essential components of their variety of democracy, precisely because they make true democratization impossible and guarantee the continuity of their neocolonial influence in the majority world. The true face, the essential values of the Western political class and its owners in the corporate elites of their countries, are in plain sight for everyone who observes their support for the terrorists in Syria, for the regime of nazi sumpathizers in Ukraine and the zionist genocide in Palestine.

US troops in Haiti, British troops in Palestine

What all this implies for Palestine and Haiti is constant, systematic misrepresentation of the true political situation in their countries with the aim of justifying, in Palestine, genocide and, in Haiti, armed intervention to impose yet another neocolonial puppet government.. It is very relevant to remember the words of President Comandante Daniel Ortega about Haiti,

“The first Nation that became independent in Our America was Haiti, that long suffering, heroic, martyred People… and it was Haiti, incredible as it may seem, the Haitian people who gave weapons and gave solidarity, gave support to the Great Liberator Simón Bolívar, so that he would continue the battle for the freedom of Our America. Notice what different attitudes, the Haitians with a solidarity attitude seeking their Freedom, on the other hand the Great Powers and the wealthy, looking for gold and looking for slaves so as to exploit the land better, and simply exterminating anyone who did not submit.”

Little has changed after two centuries. In the same way that the Yankees deployed their psychological warfare in Nicaragua against the struggle of our General of Free Men and Women, slandering Sandino, calling him a mere bandit, in the same way they despised the struggle of Haitian patriot Charlemagne Peralte against the Yankee occupation of Haiti. They murdered Charlemagne Peralte by means of a treacherous trap, just as they murdered Sandino. Now the various Haitian patriotic forces, including paramilitary armed groups that used to fight each other, have organized to confront both the corrupt security forces at the service of the Haitian elite and the neocolonial impositions of the United States and its allies. The armed struggle in Haiti has managed to force the resignation of the usurper Ariel Henry, imposed by foreign powers.

But the psychological warfare of the media, international NGOs and the relevant United Nations bodies involved does not recognize the revolutionary struggle of the great masses of the country. They focus on the difficult and complex situation in the capital Port-au-Prince, but ignore the large mobilizations that have taken place recently in practically all regions of the country, for example in Saint Marc, Gonaïves, Petit-Goâve, in Cap-Haïtien and Fort-Liberté and Ouanaminthe, in Hinche and in Jeremi. At a regional level, the President of Honduras who holds the pro tempore presidency of CELAC, Xiomara Castro, has had the dignity and independence to recognize reality, when she stated recently,

“The current crisis demands a solution led by Haiti that encompasses a broad dialogue between civil society and political actors… under no pretext should we allow military action that violates the Principle of Non-Intervention and Respect for the Self-Determination of Peoples.”

This declaration implicitly recognizes the failure of the previous armed occupation missions and repeated rigged elections organized through the United Nations as a tool of the Western powers. In Haiti, instead of defending the fundamental rights of its people, the UN has acted in the service of the United States and its allies in an unfair and false way, to the detriment of the integrity and coherence of the country’s national political and socio-economic life. In the case of Palestine, the role of the United Nations has been to normalize the illegal Israeli occupation and facilitate a policy of colonial occupation in order to destroy the possibility of national sovereignty for the Palestinian people in an even more extreme way than in the case of Haiti.

The mobilization of the majority Arab population in Palestine to demand their right to independence has been constant for more than a hundred years. The Arab insurrection between 1936 and 1939 was suppressed by more than 40,000 British soldiers along with more than 30,000 police and Jewish militiamen. So when the UN ratified the creation of Israel in 1948, it was the beginning of its role as a tool of the alliance between the Western powers and zionist forces to subjugate and destroy the Palestinian people. The same pattern is seen now, when the United States and its allies are actively arming, supplying and supporting Israel in response to the Palestinian insurrection of October 7th last year.

As in Haiti, the United States and its allies are mounting activities to cover up their crimes. The ignominious theater of dropping totally inadequate amounts of food by parachute to the starving population of Gaza is just one among many examples of the cynical bad faith of the United States and its allies. In reality, the Western powers support the blockade over land of thousands of trucks with enough food and sanitary supplies to alleviate the humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza that its population of more than two million people is facing. In the same way, Western governments and media suppress the reality of the massive mobilizations in Haiti in favor of a sovereign resolution of its national destiny, free of foreign intervention.

In relation to Palestine, President Comandante Daniel Ortega has been clear that “…without the weapons of the United States, without the Yankee ships there, the munitions of the United States, Israel simply would not be committing the crimes it is committing. Those responsible for these crimes are the US government and the European governments that have joined in this brutal and cowardly aggression.” In the end, the crises in Palestine and Haiti are examples of what President Vladimir Putin, in a recent interview, characterized thus “..the desire to freeze the current state, the unjust state of affairs in international affairs, is very strong in the Western elites; they have been used to filling their stomachs with human flesh and their pockets with money for centuries. But they must realize that their “vampire dance” is now coming to an end.”


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This article was originally published on Tortilla con Sal, translated from Spanish.

Stephen Sefton, renowned author and political analyst based in northern Nicaragua, is actively involved in community development work focussing on education and health care. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).

Featured image is from TCS

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Israel’s Trojan Horse

By Chris Hedges, March 20, 2024

Piers allow things to come in. They allow things to go out. And Israel, which has no intention of halting its murderous siege of Gaza, including its policy of enforced starvation, appears to have found a solution to its problem of where to expel the 2.3 million Palestinians. 

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Over One Million Gazans Are Starving

March 20th, 2024 by Karsten Riise

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


More than one million Palestinians in Gaza – including children and women – are starving.

More than a million people in the Gaza Strip, around half of the enclave’s population, are experiencing famine-like conditions, according to new estimates by food-insecurity experts who found evidence of widespread starvation and a sharp increase in child mortality in the war-ravaged enclave. (Margherita Stancati, Wall Street Journal, March 18, 2024)

In a month or two, we can see close to a million murdered Palestinians in Gaza – exterminated in death-camp Gaza by planned starvation.

All because Israel blocks the transport of aid into Gaza.

Hatred against this is building up all over the World.

How can anyone claim that Israel is not committing genocide?

How can anyone claim that the USA and the EU, who deliver the bombs and even decreased aid to UNWRA, are not complicit in Israel’s crime of genocide?

And how can the world – including the Islamic world – sit and just watch?


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Karsten Riise is a Master of Science (Econ) from Copenhagen Business School and has a university degree in Spanish Culture and Languages from Copenhagen University. He is the former Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Mercedes-Benz in Denmark and Sweden.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Israel’s Trojan Horse

March 20th, 2024 by Chris Hedges

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


Piers allow things to come in. They allow things to go out. And Israel, which has no intention of halting its murderous siege of Gaza, including its policy of enforced starvation, appears to have found a solution to its problem of where to expel the 2.3 million Palestinians. 

If the Arab world will not take them, as Secretary of State Antony Blinken proposed during his first round of visits after Oct. 7, the Palestinians will be cast adrift on ships. It worked in Beirut in 1982 when some eight and a half thousand Palestine Liberation Organization members were sent by sea to Tunisia and another two and a half thousand ended up in other Arab states. Israel expects that the same forced deportation by sea will work in Gaza.

Israel, for this reason, supports the “temporary pier” the Biden administration is building, to ostensibly deliver food and aid to Gaza – food and aid whose “distribution” will be overseen by the Israeli military.  

“You need drivers that don’t exist, trucks that don’t exist feeding into a distribution system that doesn’t exist,” Jeremy Konyndyk, a former senior aid official in the Biden administration, and now president of the Refugees International aid advocacy group told The Guardian. 

This “maritime corridor” is Israel’s Trojan Horse, a subterfuge to expel Palestinians. The small shipments of seaborne aid, like the food packets that have been air dropped, will not alleviate the looming famine. They are not meant to. 

Five Palestinians were killed and several others injured when a parachute carrying aid failed and crashed onto a crowd of people near Gaza City’s Shati refugee camp. 

“Dropping aid in this way is flashy propaganda rather than a humanitarian service,” the media office of the local government in Gaza said. “We previously warned it poses a threat to the lives of citizens in the Gaza Strip, and this is what happened today when the parcels fell on the citizens’ heads.”

If the U.S. or Israel were serious about alleviating the humanitarian crisis, the thousands of trucks with food and aid currently at the southern border of Gaza would be allowed to enter any of its multiple crossings. They are not. The “temporary pier,” like the air drops, is ghoulish theater, a way to mask Washington’s complicity in the genocide. 

Israeli media reported the building of the pier was due to pressure by the United Arab Emirates, which threatened Israel with ending a land corridor trade route it administers in collusion with Saudi Arabia and Jordan, to bypass Yemen’s naval blockade. 

The Jerusalem Post reported it was Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who proposed the construction of the “temporary pier” to the Biden administration. 

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, who has called Palestinians “human animals” and advocated a total siege of Gaza, including cutting off electricity, food, water and fuel, lauded the plan, saying “it is designed to bring aid directly to the residents and thus continue the collapse of Hamas’s rule in Gaza.”

“Why would Israel, the engineer of the Gaza famine, endorse the idea of establishing a maritime corridor for aid to address a crisis it initiated and is now worsening?” writes Tamara Nassar in an article titled “What’s the Real Purpose of Biden’s Gaza Port?” in  The Electronic Intifada. “This might appear paradoxical if one were to assume that the primary aim of the maritime corridor is to deliver aid.”

When Israel offers a gift to the Palestinians you can be sure it is a poison apple. That Israel got the Biden administration to construct the pier is one more example of the inverted relationship between Washington and Jerusalem, where the Israel lobby has bought off elected officials in the two ruling parties.

Oxfam in a March 15 report accuses Israel of actively hindering aid operations in Gaza in defiance of the orders by the International Court of Justice. It notes that 1.7 million Palestinians, some 75 percent of the Gaza population, are facing famine and two-thirds of the hospitals and over 80 percent of all health clinics in Gaza are no longer operable. The majority of people, the report reads, “have no access to clean drinking water” and “sanitation services are not functioning.”

The report reads: 

The conditions we have observed in Gaza are beyond catastrophic, and we have not only seen failure by Israeli authorities to meet their responsibility to facilitate and support international aid efforts, but in fact seen active steps being taken to hinder and undermine such aid efforts. Israel’s control of Gaza continues to be characterized by deliberate restrictive actions that have led to a severe and systemic dysfunctionality in the delivery of aid. Humanitarian organizations operational in Gaza are reporting a worsening situation since the International Court of Justice imposed provisional measures in light of the plausible risk of genocide, with intensified Israeli barriers, restrictions and attacks against humanitarian personnel. Israel has maintained a ‘convenient illusion of a response’ in Gaza to serve its claim that it is allowing aid in and conducting the war in line with international laws.

Oxfam says Israel employs “a dysfunctional and undersized inspection system that keeps aid snarled up, subjected to onerous, repetitive and unpredictable bureaucratic procedures that are contributing to trucks being stranded in giant queues for 20 days on average.” Israel, Oxfam explains, rejects “items of aid as having ‘dual (military) use,’ banning vital fuel and generators entirely along with other items essential for a meaningful humanitarian response such as protective gear and communications kit.” Rejected aid, “must go through a complex ‘pre-approval’ system or end up being held in limbo at the Al Arish warehouse in Egypt.” Israel has also “cracked down on humanitarian missions, largely sealing off northern Gaza, and restricting international humanitarian workers’ access not only into Gaza, but Israel and the West Bank including East Jerusalem too.”

Israel has allowed 15,413 trucks into Gaza during the past 157 days of war. Oxfam estimates that the population of Gaza needs five times that number. Israel allowed 2,874 trucks in February, a 44 percent reduction from the previous month. Before Oct. 7, 500 aid trucks entered Gaza daily. 

Israeli soldiers have also killed scores of Palestinians attempting to receive aid from trucks in more than two dozen incidents. These attacks include the killing of at least 21 Palestinians, and the wounding of 150, on March 14, when Israeli forces fired on thousands of people in Gaza City. The same area had been targeted by Israeli soldiers hours earlier.

“Israel’s assault has caught Gaza’s own aid workers and international agencies’ partners inside a ‘practically uninhabitable’ environment of mass displacement and deprivation, where 75 percent of solid waste is now being dumped in random sites, 97 percent of groundwater made unfit for human use, and the Israeli state using starvation as a weapon of war,” Oxfam says.

There is no place in Gaza, Oxfam notes, that is safe “amid the forcible and often multiple displacements of almost the entire population, which makes the principled distribution of aid unviable, including agencies’ ability to help repair vital public services at scale.” 

Oxfam blasts Israel for its “disproportionate” and “indiscriminate” attacks on “civilian and humanitarian assets” as well as “solar, water, power and sanitation plants, UN premises, hospitals, roads, and aid convoys and warehouses, even when these assets are supposedly ‘deconflicted’ after their coordinates have been shared for protection.”

The health ministry in Gaza said Monday that at least 31,726 people have been killed since the Israeli assault began five months ago. The death toll includes at least 81 deaths in the previous 24 hours, a ministry statement said, adding that 73,792 people have been wounded in Gaza since Oct. 7. Thousands more are missing, many buried under the rubble.

None of these Israeli tactics will be altered with the building of a “temporary pier.” In fact, given the pending ground assault on Rafah, where 1.2 million displaced Palestinians are crowded in tent cities or camped out in the open air, Israel’s tactics will only get worse. 

Israel, by design, is creating a humanitarian crisis of such catastrophic proportions, with thousands of Palestinians killed by bombs, shells, missiles, bullets, starvation and infectious diseases, that the only option will be death or deportation. The pier is where the last act in this gruesome genocidal campaign will be played out as Palestinians are herded by Israeli soldiers onto ships. 

How appropriate that the Biden administration, without whom this genocide could not be carried out, will facilitate it.


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Featured image: Israel’s Trojan Horse – by Mr. Fish

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


Globalization is an economic process which has created a global system. Some major countries have come to view other countries as enemies, to be threatened with wars. In the global system countries are economic enemies competing in world markets, according to Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira.

Currently, the war in Ukraine pits the US against Russia, and the EU and NATO have played follow the leader. However, Germany is in recession, and Russia’s economy is growing.

In an effort to understand the situation fully, Steven Sahiounie of MidEastDiscourse interviewed Alexander Markovics, the chief of the Suworow Institute in Vienna, author of books on the European New Right, Transhumanism and Biopolitics, editor of Deutsche Stimme Magazin since 2020, and Editor in Chief of Agora Europa since 2021.

Steven Sahiounie (SS): Sweden became a member of NATO. Why did Sweden take that step, and what will be the repercussions from doing so?

Alexander Markovics (AM): The Swedish Army consists of approximately 7,000 soldiers and has 110 Leopard 2 tanks, 319 CV-90 infantry fighting vehicles and 26 Archer self-propelled howitzers. In the last decades, Pacifist Sweden didn’t take part in traditional warfare. As we know from the battlefield in Ukraine, where NATO is waging a proxy war against Russia, this force wouldn’t last two months in a real war. As most of the West, Swedish politicians believed in the “end of history” and cut their military budgets to death. Basically, Sweden joining NATO in 2024 is the same as joining the Warsaw Pact in 1991 – an act of political insanity. Before Sweden was respected as a neutral country, now it will a Russian military target – for drones, hypersonic missiles, FAB bombs and more – in case of open confrontation with NATO – and nuclear annihilation, if the madmen in Washington, Brussels and Paris are triumphant in the end.

SS: The US, and their western allies, have placed many sanctions on Russia after the Ukrainian conflict began. Have these sanctions had an effect on Russia?

AM: Of course these sanctions had an effect on Russia. They forced Russia to abandon its’ economic cooperation with the West, and started its’ realignment with China, Iran, India, and even the People’s Republic of Korea. Furthermore, the sanctions strengthened a trend in the Russian economy towards autarky which always started with economist Sergey Glaziev. Obviously, Russia isn’t a “gas station with a government” as the West thought, but nowadays Russia is the strongest economy in Europe, whereas the former economic powerhouse Germany is in a recession. The sanctions only proved, that Europe was more dependent on Russia than vice versa. Basically, the sanctions led to a strengthening of the Eurasian Economic Union and the unfolding Multipolar World as such, whereas unipolarity and G7 are since then in a steady decline. Now the West is committing suicide not only in cultural terms via ‘wokeness’ and LGBT propaganda, but also in economic terms with its’ anti-Russian sanctions. It’s my hope that the backfiring of these sanctions will lead the peoples of the West finally to rise up in revolution against their Globalist puppet masters who are controlling their countries for the sake of the Western war effort.

SS: There was an election in Russia. How do you see the election, and the issues being faced in the election?

AM:  As we know now, Vladimir Putin has won the election. The Western secret services did everything in their power to stop him from doing that. They organized scams in order to force ordinary people into sabotaging the elections, and even made Ukraine organize suicidal military raids into the territory of Belgorod region. Nevertheless, more than 70% of the Russians participated in the elections (the highest turnout since 1991) the West wanted them to boycott as “farce”, and more than 80% of the Russians voted for the acting president Putin. Western schemes in Russia have failed miserably.

SS: The Russian conflict in Ukraine is dangerous for both countries. The US is fighting Russia on Ukrainian soil in a proxy-war, while it is Russians and Ukrainians dying, not Americans. How do you think the history books will record this period in history, and what will they have to say about Volodymyr Zelenskyy, President of Ukraine?

AM: I think history books will remember the 24th of February 2022 as a watershed in history; the very moment when unipolarity started to end and multipolarity was forged by fire and sword. Russia will go down into the annals of history as avant-garde of the multipolar world who dared to challenge the Globalist system at the height of its power. Whereas, President Putin will be remembered as the liberator of his own people, and Ukraine; Wolodymir Zelensky and the Western elites forcing him to lead this suicidal war against Russia will be seen as the dangerous villains and madmen they are. At the moment, we only know for sure that Zelensky will not be the president of Ukraine for long. But, how he’ll leave the stage of Postmodern democracy simulation – either assassinated by his Neo-Fascist allies, his Western puppet masters, suicide, or overthrown by his own people and incarcerated in a Russian prison – that’s still open for debate. However, all the people who made this awakening of Russia possible, and were murdered for their fight for multipolarity – Daria Dugina, Waldlen Tatarsky and many more – will be remembered as heroes.

SS: President Donald Trump has vowed to stop the conflict in Ukraine if he is elected in November. In your view, will Trump be able to stop the flow of weapons to Ukraine?

AM: That really depends on Trump. Will he be successful in draining the Globalist swamp in Washington, and fighting the military industrial complex? Can he defeat the Cathedral of Globalist academia, press and media? I only wish all real American patriots the best, that they together with Donald Trump will be triumphant over the Globalist elites hijacking their country. Trump has disappointed them once – maybe twice is the charm?


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This article was originally published on Mideast Discourse.

Steven Sahiounie is a two time award winning Journalist. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from MD

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Updated, November 25, 2024

In recent developments, the Draft Law has been adopted by France’s Senate

March 5, 2024


On February 14, 2024, France’s Assemblée Nationale adopted a controversial draft law “to strengthen the fight against “sectarian drift” (in French dérive sectaire).

Click here to view video of National Assembly, February 14, 2024


The draft law was an initiative of the French government of Emmanuel Macron which will be presented to the Senate by the Minister of the Interior in the name of Prime Minister Elizabeth Borne.

Author’s Translation from the French 

Presentation decree

The Prime Minister,

On the report of the Minister of the Interior and Overseas,

Having regard to Article 39 of the Constitution,


This draft law to strengthen the fight against sectarian excesses, deliberated in the Council of Ministers pursuant to the opinion of the Council of State, will be presented to the Senate by the Minister of the Interior and Overseas, who will be responsible for setting out the reasons and supporting the discussion, with the assistance of the Secretary of State to the Minister of the Interior and Overseas, in charge of citizenship and to the Minister of the Interior and Overseas and the Minister of Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion, in charge of the city.

Paris, November 15, 2023

Signed: Élisabeth BORNE

By the Prime Minister:

The Minister of the Interior and Overseas

Signed: Gérald DARMANIN

The Secretary of State to the Minister of the Interior and Overseas, in charge of citizenship and to the Minister of the Interior and Overseas and the Minister of Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion, in charge of the city


Parliamentary Debate on “Dérive Sectaire”,  Sectarian Drift 

The draft law had first been debated on February 13.  2024

“A coalition of oppositions rejected the article [IV] on Tuesday evening [February 13], as the Senate did at the end of 2023. MPs LFI, LR and RN denounce a threat to “public freedoms” and to “whistleblowers” who criticize the pharmaceutical industry.

The following day (February 14, 2024) late into the night, following the question period,  a narrow vote was taken (116-108) repealing the vote of the previous day. There were about 40% of the 577 members of the National Assembly present when the vote was called. 

After long debates, the deputies adopted at first reading the draft law against “sectarian abominations” [dérive sectaire]  on February 14, in which they reintegrated the controversial article 4, which creates a new crime of “provocation to abstain from medical care”.(“provocation à l’abstention de soins”) 

Article 4 of Chapter III, proposes to amend the Criminal Code to punish “provocation” on a sick person to “abandon or refrain from following medical treatment”, if this abandonment is presented as beneficial when it could lead to dangerous consequences.

(France Info, author’s translation, emphasis added)

According to France Info:

Article IV, “aims to fight against “charlatans” and “gurus 2.0”, who promote on the Internet methods presented as “miracle solutions” to cure serious diseases such as cancers. Often without scientific training and in defiance of science, they can drift towards behaviors of sectarian influence.

The “dérive sectaire” (sectarian drift) has allegedly increased dramatically, …”in particular because of the Covid-19 epidemic and the use of social networks.”

By punishing these behaviors, the crime of “provocation to abstention from care” would therefore serve to “fill a real gap in our arsenal by equipping us with effective means to fight against therapeutic excesses of a sectarian”… Up to three years in prison for these “provocations”

After long debates, the deputies adopted at first reading the draft law against “sectarian abominations” [dérive sectaire]  on February 14, in which they reintegrated the controversial article 4, which creates a new crime of “provocation to abstention from medical care”.(“provocation à l’abstention de soins”) (France Info, emphasis added)

See Video Interview. Michel Chossudovsky and Caroline Mailloux



“Dérive sectaire” and The Draft Law

Dérive séctaire points to non-conformity in response to an official government narrative.
It’s a totalitarian concept. 
The term aberration is also used to identify the groups.

link to French government website


Based on the experience of the Miviludes, which receives some 2,000 reports per year, the sectarian drift can be defined as follows:

The sectarian drift

It is a diversion of freedom of thought, opinion or religion that violates public order, laws or regulations, fundamental rights, the security or integrity of persons. It is characterized by the implementation, by an organized group or by an isolated individual, whatever his nature or activity, of pressures or techniques aimed at creating, maintaining or exploiting in a person a state of psychological or physical subjection, depriving him of part of his free will, with harmful consequences for that person, his entourage or for society. (emphasis added)

The Draft Law Extends the “Sectarian Drift” Concept  

What is the purpose of the Draft Law:

“… strengthen the fight against sectarian aberrations (dérive sectaire) [sectarian drift], deliberated in the Council of Ministers

What this implies is to strengthen and extend the totalitarian sectarian drift concept to health and medicine.

The Draft Law:

creates a new crime of “provocation to abstain from medical care”.(“provocation à l’abstention de soins”) 

The text of this draft law is chaotic, with confused statements. It acknowledges that the sectarian drift increased dramatically during the corona crisis.

The Covid-19 Vaccine is the Unspoken Intent 

The Draft Law does not explicitly refer to the Covid-19 Vaccine, which ultimately is the Bombshell. It constitutes an abominable threat. It criminalizes the protest movement against the Covid-19 Vaccine.

It provides legitimacy to a vaccine which has resulted in and upward movement in excess mortality.

What it intimates is a penalty of up to “three years of imprisonment and a fine of 45,000 Euros” for French citizens who dare speak out against the Covid-19 vaccine.

These include not only thousands of scientists and medical doctors, but also people from all walks of life in towns and communities across France.

Concurrently it derogates fundamental human rights. It also points to the criminalization of parliamentary democracy.

I should mention that “derive sectaire” is not a legal term. 

According to renowned Lawyer David Guyon:

“In reality, it is clear that anyone who has criticized vaccination against covid-19 could be considered of having committed an offence. However, the aforementioned offences do not make it possible to suppress dissident opinions on health policy.

In this case, it is necessary to have an opinion that is contrary to the scientific consensus and that is only likely to have serious consequences. 

Consequently, such a text would be dramatic and would repress any challenge to the official word. This is why it must be fought.



The Lie Has Become the Truth. The Derogation of Fundamental Human Rights

What this decision –which is yet be voted upon by France’s Senate– implies is that THE LIE HAS BECOME THE TRUTH.

You can be arrested for informing friends and neighbours that the Covid-19 vaccine is a toxic substance?

Does this mean that you cannot even quote official data on mortality and morbidity? 

Does this mean that the numerous studies on excess mortality pertaining to the Covid-19 Vaccine cannot be published or quoted? 

Can you be arrested for saying that Pfizer –which leads the Covid-19 vaccine agenda Worldwide– has a criminal record with the US Department of Justice? 



In other words, the Covid-19 “vaccine” distributed at the level of the entire planet is produced by a pharmaceutical company which was indicted by the US Department of Justice (2009) on charges of “fraudulent marketing”. 

Bear in mind this a criminal indictment. It was not a civilian class action law suit. 

The Covid-19 Vaccine Is Killing Our Children

Pfizer is killing our children. And our governments are being bribed by Big Pharma. 

Under France’s new draft law, can you be arrested for stating the truth:

Our Children and Adolescents are Dying Worldwide

Student at the Lycée Valabre de Luynes-Gardannem, Aix-en-Provence, France, Sofia Benharira, 16 years old passed away on September 21, 2021, 7 days after having received the deadly Pfizer vaccine. Heart attacks and Thrombosis. 

This is happening all over the World. 

Children and adolescents are dying. 





Either the media fails to report vaccine related deaths or it states (with authority) that the deaths are attributable to Covid-19. 

What is the Truth. Examine the Evidence. “Excess Mortality”

The evidence which has been blatantly ignored  both by the French Government and the Assemblée Nationale is overwhelming:

Numerous studies confirm that the Covid-19 vaccine has triggered a Worldwide upward trend in mortality and morbidity.

Visibly the Assemblée Nationale failed to acknowledge the data from official sources which confirm a rising trend in Covid-19 Vaccine related mortality.

See the important study on excess mortality entitled:

COVID-19 Vaccine-associated Mortality in the Southern Hemisphere

By Prof Denis Rancourt, Dr. Marine Baudin, Dr. Joseph Hickey, and Dr. Jérémie MercierFebruary 13, 2024


What is displayed below are graphs for 6 countries, to consult all the graphs (section 5.1), click here

What is revealing is that for most of the countries the same tendency characterizes the relationship between All Cause Mortality and The Number of Doses Administered 


Vaccine Related Mortality: Selected Countries.

(Prof Denis Rancourt, Dr. Marine Baudin, Dr. Joseph Hickey, and Dr. Jérémie Mercier)

ACM All Causes Mortality. Number of deaths per month

Vax Doses Administered per week

Mortality. 1 year Moving Average

The vaccine administration by week (e.g., orange, Figure 2), for all-ages analyses in the present paper, is obtained from the original cumulative data (OWID, 2023a) by interpolating to obtain all dates, and then summing by week. As a result, where there are sudden jumps in the cumulative data, this can produce a large weekly value as an artifact, such as for the Philippines (Figure 2). Similarly, drops in cumulative values can produce artificial negative weekly values, as seen in a few cases, below.


Vaccine Related Morbidity 

Covid-19 Vaccine related Mortality is accompanied by Vaccine related Morbidity.

A recent UK study focussing on Cancer Related Excess Mortality and Morbidity in England and Wales outlines the following: 

The table below pertains to excess deaths related to malignant neoplasm (cancerous tumor) in England and Wales, recorded in three consecutive years: 2020, 2021, and 2022 vs. a 10 year trend (2010-2019).

The data for excess mortality in 2020 (the year prior to the vaccine) are negative with the exception of “malignant neoplasm without specification of site”.

The vaccine was launched in the UK in December 2020. The COVID-19 vaccine was rolled-out in several phases in England and Wales starting on December 8, 2020  and extending into March-April 2021. 

The upward movement in excess mortality (%) commences in 2021. The increase in excess mortality related to malignant neoplasm is tabulated for the two first years of the vaccine. 

Evidence of Individual Cases of Vaccine Related Mortality and Adverse Events

See the more than 300 documented individual cases of  Covid-19 vaccine related mortality and adverse events by Dr. William Makis
To consult click below

Oops: “Pfizer’s “Secret” Report on the Covid-19 Vaccine “Says the Truth” 

What happens if you quote the Pfizer Report?

Can you be arrested and imprisoned for revealing the data on mortality and adverse events in Pfizer’s Confidential report which was made public under Freedom of Information? This report should be consulted and made available to millions of people: 

The Confidential report is a bombshell. The vaccine was launched in mid-December 2020. By the end of February 2021, “Pfizer had already received more than 1,200 reports of deaths allegedly caused by the vaccine and tens of thousands of reported adverse events, including 23 cases of spontaneous abortions out of 270 pregnancies and more than 2,000 reports of cardiac disorders.”

This Confidential Pfizer Report provides data on deaths and adverse events recorded by Pfizer from the outset of the vaccine project in December 2020 to the end of February 2021, namely a very short period (at most two and a half months).

The data from mid-December 2020 to the end of February 2021 unequivocally confirms “Manslaughter”. Based on the evidence, Pfizer had the responsibility to immediately cancel and withdraw the “vaccine”.

Pfizer’s Worldwide marketing of the Covid-19 Vaccine beyond February 28th, 2021, is no longer an “Act of Manslaughter”.

Murder as opposed to Manslaughter implies “Criminal Intent”.

Pfizer’s Covid 19 Vaccine constitutes a Criminal Act. From a legal standpoint it is an “Act of Murder” applied Worldwide to a target population of 8 billion people. Sofar more than 60 percent of the World’s population have been Covid-19 vaccinated.

For details, consult:

Pfizer’s “Secret” Report on the Covid Vaccine. Beyond Manslaughter. The Evidence is Overwhelming. The Vaccine Should Be Immediately Withdrawn Worldwide

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, February 17, 2024

See Also 

J’Accuse! The Gene-based “Vaccines” Are Killing People. Governments Worldwide Are Lying to You the People, to the Populations They Purportedly Serve

By Doctors for COVID Ethics, October 22, 2022

Click here to read the complete Pfizer report. 

Excerpt Pfizer Report, Figure 1

Click here to read the complete Pfizer report. 

Concluding Remarks 

The French government, the National Assembly and the Senate must be challenged by a mass movement across France and the European Union,

What we are witnessing is the outright “Criminalization of the state apparatus” whereby politicians, members of parliament, senior government officials are routinely bribed, coopted or threatened to abide by a diabolical project which is literally destroying people’s lives Worldwide.

We call upon the Senate to dismiss the National Assembly’s Adoption of the Draft Law entitled

Le Project de Loi  visant a renforcer la lutte contre les “Dérives Sectaires”

Should Pfizer be Fined 45,000 Euros, Imprisoned for Three Years??  

What is contained in  Pfizer’s “confidential” report is detailed evidence on the impacts of the “vaccine” on mortality and morbidity. This data which emanates from the “Horse’s Mouth” can now be used to confront as well formulate legal procedures against Big Pharma, the governments, the WHO and the media.

The members of France’s National Assembly must take cognizance of this report. In a Court of Law, the evidence contained in this Big Pharma confidential report (coupled with the data on deaths and adverse events compiled by the national authorities) is irrefutable: because it is their data and their estimates and not ours. 

This is a de facto Mea Culpa on the part of Pfizer. #Yes it is a Killer Vaccine

Pfizer was fully aware that the mRNA vaccine which it is marketing Worldwide would result in a wave of mortality and morbidity. This is tantamount to a crime against humanity on the part of Big Pharma.

Pfizer knew from the outset that it was a killer vaccine. 

It is also a  Mea Culpa and Treason on the part of corrupt national governments Worldwide which are being threatened and bribed by Big Pharma.

No attempt has been made by the governments to call for the withdrawal of the killer vaccine.

Michel Chossudovsky, February 18, 2024

For a detailed and comprehensive analysis (Book released in August 2022)

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’État Against Humanity

Destroying Civil Society, Engineered Economic Depression

By Michel Chossudovsky

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0, Year: 2022, Product Type: PDF File, Pages: 164 (15 Chapters)

Translations in several languages are envisaged. The book is available in print form in Japanese. 仕組まれたコロナ危機:「世界の初期化」を目論む者たち

As a means to reaching out to millions of people worldwide whose lives have been affected by the corona crisis, we have decided in the course of the next few weeks to distribute the eBook for FREE.


Price: $11.50. FREE COPY Click here to download.


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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


In the latest wave of anti-imperialist actions sweeping various West African states in the Sahel region, the government in Niger has nullified a security agreement with the United States.

Following the same decision related to French intervention in its former colony, the National Council for the Safeguarding of Our Homeland (CNSP) administration has declared that such cooperation pacts related to military affairs are no longer beneficial to the country.

French President Emmanuel Macron sought to have the western-allied ousted leader Mohammed Bazoum reinstalled after his overthrow on July 26, 2023. This plot, initially supported by Washington, was aimed at encouraging a military force staffed by member countries of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) to intervene with French and U.S. logistical support. Under the false pretense of salvaging democracy in the Sahel, the administration of President Joe Biden would then take credit for reimposing Bazoum while maintaining its drone facilities and troop presence in Niger.

The U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM) has up to 1,000 soldiers and intelligence personnel operating in Niger. Previous governments in Niger had acquiesced to the presence of AFRICOM inside the country. However, the attacks by rebel groupings against the central government in Niamey continued despite the escalating deployments from France and the U.S.

Attempts to salvage the Pentagon presence in Niger took place in at least two phases. When the proposal for an ECOWAS military intervention drew enormous criticism and protest, the Biden administration sought to distance itself from France. Discussions were held with the CNSP government suggesting that the State Department would not follow through with classifying the events of July 26 as a “coup.” Designating these developments as a coup would seriously impact the diplomatic relations between Niamey and Washington.

During the months after the seizure of power by the military-led government now controlling Niger, French Armed Forces and diplomatic personnel were ordered out of the country. Later the U.S. announced a scaling back of operations in Niger.

High-level State Department officials were deployed to Niger several months ago where they sought to intimidate the new government. Rather than seek readmission after its suspension from ECOWAS and the leveling of economic sanctions, the government in Niger formed a security alliance with Mali and Burkina Faso, known as the Alliance of Sahel States.

Alliance of Sahel States map (Source: Abayomi Azikiwe)

The second phase of the diplomatic efforts by Washington to reset its relations with Niamey consisted of yet another State Department delegation which visited Niger during mid-March. It was at the conclusion of these meetings between the U.S. and Niger, that the CNSP government announced the revocation of its military agreements with Washington.

Journalist Reed Kramer wrote in an article published by allafrica.com news website that:

“The military regime in Niger on Saturday (March 16) revoked ‘with immediate effect’ the military cooperation agreement with the United States dating from 2012. The decision followed several days of tense discussions involving a delegation of senior American officials who visited the capital Niamey last week – a trip apparently triggered by growing concerns that Niger was moving towards a uranium sales deal with Iran. In a video announcement posted on X and Facebook, a day after the U.S. officials departed, Colonel Amadou Abdramane, spokesperson for the ruling military council, criticized a ‘condescending attitude’ by the delegation leader, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Africa Molly Phee. ‘The Government of Niger, taking into account the aspirations and interests of its people, denounces with immediate effect the agreement relating to the status of military personnel of the United States and civil employees of the U.S. Department of Defense on the territory of Niger,’ Abdramane said.” 

France and the U.S. are quite concerned over the potential for the Alliance of Sahel States to move closer to the Russian Federation. Demonstrations by hundreds of thousands of people, mainly youth, in Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger have simultaneously called for the departure of French and now U.S. forces from their resource-rich countries, which remain severely underdeveloped, along with flying national and Russian flags. Despite propaganda and psychological warfare campaigns by the imperialists; the training and financing of armies; and the threat of further destabilization campaigns; these states are rapidly turning away from Paris and Washington.

These diplomatic and military setbacks are taking place while the Biden administration is facing a serious challenge to its reelection. A proxy war launched a decade ago in Ukraine resulting in the Russian Special Military Operation beginning in late February 2022, is facing defeat on the battlefield. In the Gaza Strip, Palestinians are fighting the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) which are fully backed by Washington. In addition to its diplomatic maneuvers in Niger, other governments on the African continent are being subjected to destabilization efforts.

The Republic of South Africa has openly challenged the U.S. for its facilitation of the Gaza genocide. The African National Congress (ANC) administration led by President Cyril Ramaphosa, has taken the State of Israel to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) charging Tel Aviv with violating the Genocide Convention. Due to South Africa’s refusal to adopt the U.S. position on Ukraine and its mobilization of public opinion internationally in defense of the Palestinian people, Washington is attempting to weaken and remove the ANC from power.

False allegations of weapons transfers to Moscow by Pretoria failed to turn up any evidence. The Biden White House later stated that the South African legal action against Israel had no merit. These developments have further exposed the imperialist character of the present administration in Washington.

ECOWAS Lifts Sanctions Against Niger and Other Suspended Governments

Realizing that the imperialist-engineered efforts to isolate the military governments in Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger have largely failed, the ECOWAS regional organization chaired by Nigerian President Bola Tinubu announced the lifting of economic sanctions against Niamey. Mass sentiment throughout the ECOWAS region has illustrated the heightening consciousness and activism demanding genuine independence, self-determination and sovereignty.

Later the All-Progressives Congress (APC) administration in the Federal Republic of Nigeria ended its own sanctions against neighboring Niger. The Alliance of Sahel States have indicated that they are not interested in returning to the ECOWAS fold. Their current interest lies in forming coalitions with governments other than those in Western Europe and North America.

Also, most of the sanctions by ECOWAS have been lifted against Guinea, which experienced a military takeover in 2021, as well as Burkina Faso and Mali. All four military governments which were suspended from ECOWAS are being asked to return.

According to a report in Al Jazeera during the ECOWAS Summit in late February:

“Speaking in his opening remarks at the start of the summit, ECOWAS chairman and Nigerian President Bola Tinubu said the bloc ‘must re-examine our current approach to the quest for constitutional order in four of our Member States’, referring to the three suspended countries, as well as Guinea, which is also military led. Tinubu urged Niger, Mali and Burkina Faso to ‘reconsider the decision’ and said they should ‘not perceive our organization as the enemy’.” 

Despite its pro-western orientation, the Tinubu administration in Abuja is facing significant challenges on the economic and security fronts. A precipitous decline in the value of the Niara and the worsening problems of violence and kidnapping in the northern areas has weakened the regional and international stature of the current Nigerian administration. Although the imperialist states claim that they are committed to democratic forms of governance, the real issues motivating France and the U.S. are their determination to continue economic and military dominance over the West Africa region.

Washington and Paris Faced with a Dilemma in the Sahel

Absent its neo-colonial puppets in various African states, it will be much more difficult to implement hegemonic policies. The former colonial and existing neo-colonial apparatuses are being compelled to engage in more direct military interventions in Africa and across the world.

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) members are being stretched thin from Eastern Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, to the African continent and the Asia-Pacific. Biden’s supplementary funding for further militarization has been stalled in the U.S. Congress in this national election year. Obviously, the ultra-conservative Republican Party is holding up funding for the Ukraine war and Israeli aggression notwithstanding its stated policy of “containing China”, in its ongoing campaign to make Biden appear even weaker politically.

Antiwar and anti-imperialist organizations in the Western industrialized states must raise the issues taking place on the African continent right alongside opposition to the proxy war in Ukraine and the genocide being carried out in Palestine. Irrespective of which capitalist party wins in the November elections, without a militant mass movement in Western Europe and North America, money will continue being spent on failed attempts to effectively silence and destroy opposition to imperialism around the globe.


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Abayomi Azikiwe is the editor of the Pan-African News Wire. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

How the Democrats Plan to Steal the Election

March 19th, 2024 by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


Biden and Trump have clinched the nominations of their parties for President. Everybody is gearing up for a battle between them for the election in November.

It’s obvious that Biden is “cognitively impaired.” In blunter language, “brain-dead”.

Partisans of Trump are gearing up for a decisive victory.

But what if this battle is a sham?

What if Biden’s elite gang of neo-con controllers won’t let Biden lose?

How can they stop him from losing? Simple. If it looks like he’s losing, the elite forces will create enough fake ballots to ensure victory.

Our corrupt courts won’t stop them. They have done this before, and they will do it again, if they have to.

I said the Democrats have done this before. The great Dr. Ron Paul explains one way they did this in 2020.

The elite covered up a scandal that could have wrecked Biden’s chances:

“Move over Watergate. On or around Oct. 17, 2020, then-senior Biden campaign official Antony Blinken called up former acting CIA director Mike Morell to ask a favor: he needed high-ranking former US intelligence community officials to lie to the American people to save Biden’s lagging campaign from a massive brewing scandal.

The problem was that Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, had abandoned his laptop at a repair shop and the explosive contents of the computer were leaking out. The details of the Biden family’s apparent corruption and the debauchery of the former vice-president’s son were being reported by the New York Post, and with the election less than a month away, the Biden campaign needed to kill the story.

Image: This caricature of Hunter Biden was adapted from in the public domain from the US Congress (PDF). The body was adapted from in the public domain from The White House’s Flickr photostream.

So, according to newly-released transcripts of Morell’s testimony before the House judiciary Committee, Blinken “triggered” Morell to put together a letter for some 50 senior intelligence officials to sign – using their high-level government titles – to claim that the laptop story “had all the hallmarks of a Russian disinformation campaign.”

In short, at the Biden campaign’s direction Morell launched a covert operation against the American people to undermine the integrity of the 2020 election. A letter signed by dozens of the highest-ranking former CIA, DIA, and NSA officials would surely carry enough weight to bury the Biden laptop story. It worked. Social media outlets prevented any reporting on the laptop from being posted and the mainstream media could easily ignore the story as it was merely “Russian propaganda.”

Asked recently by Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) why he agreed to draft the false sign-on letter, Morell testified that he wanted to “help Vice President Biden … because I wanted him to win the election.” Morell also likely expected to be named by President Biden to head up the CIA when it came time to call in favors.

Outside during the US Capitol during the January 6, 2021 attack on the building (Licensed under Creative Commons)

The Democrats and the mainstream media have relentlessly pushed the lie that the ruckus inside the US Capitol on Jan. 6th 2021 was a move by President Trump to overthrow the election results. Hundreds of “trespassers” were arrested and held in solitary confinement without trial to bolster the false narrative that a conspiracy to steal the election was taking place.

It turns out that there really was a conspiracy to steal the election, but it was opposite of what was reported. Just as the Steele Dossier was a Democratic Party covert action to plant the lie that the Russians were pulling strings for Trump, the “Russian disinformation campaign” letter was a lie to deflect scrutiny of the Biden family’s possible corruption in the final days of the campaign.

Did the Biden campaign’s disinformation campaign help rig the election in his favor? Polls suggest that Biden would not have been elected had the American electorate been informed about what was on Hunter Biden’s laptop. So yes, they cheated in the election.

The Democrats and the mainstream media are still at it, however. Now they are trying to kill the story of how they killed the story of the Biden laptop. This is a scandal that would once upon a time have ended in resignation, impeachment, and/or plenty of jail time. If they successfully bury this story, I hate to say it but there is no more rule of law in what has become the American banana republic.” See here.

But the main way the election can be rigged is by fraudulent “voting.” It’s much easier to do this with digital scanning of votes than with old-fashioned ballot boxes.

Dr. Naomi Wolf explains how electronic voting machines make it easier to steal elections:

“People could steal elections in this ‘analog’ technology of paper and locked ballot boxes, of course, by destroying or hiding votes, or by bribing voters, a la Tammany Hall, or by other forms of wrongdoing, so security and chain of custody, as well as anti-corruption scrutiny, were always needed in guaranteeing accurate election counts. But there was no reason, with analog physical processing of votes, to query the tradition of the secret ballot.

Before the digital scanning of votes, you could not hack a wooden ballot box; and you could not set an algorithm to misread a pile of paper ballots. So, at the end of the day, one way or another, you were counting physical documents.

Those days are gone, obviously, and in many districts there are digital systems reading ballots.” See here.

This isn’t the first time the “Left” has stolen an election. It happened in the 2020 presidential election too. Ron Unz offers his usual cogent analysis:

“There does seem to be considerable circumstantial evidence of widespread ballot fraud by Democratic Party forces, hardly surprising given the apocalyptic manner in which so many of their leaders had characterized the threat of a Trump reelection.

After all, if they sincerely believed that a Trump victory would be catastrophic for America why would they not use every possible means, fair and foul alike, to save our country from that dire fate?

In particular, several of the major swing-states contain large cities—Detroit, Milwaukee, Philadelphia, and Atlanta—that are both totally controlled by the Democratic Party and also notoriously corrupt, and various eye-witnesses have suggested that the huge anti-Trump margins they provided may have been heavily ‘padded’ to ensure the candidate’s defeat.” See here.

In a program aired right after Biden’s pitiful State of the Union speech, the great Tucker Carlson pointed out that Biden’s “Justice” Department has already confessed that it plans to rig the election. It will do this by banning voter ID laws as “racist.” This permits an unlimited number of fake votes:

“If Joe Biden is so good at politics, why is he losing to Donald Trump, who the rest of us were assured was a retarded racist who no normal person would vote for? But now Joe Biden is getting stomped by Donald Trump, but he’s also at the same time good at politics? Right.

Again, they can’t win, but they’re not giving up. So what does that tell you? Well, they’re going to steal the election. We know they’re going to steal the election because they’re now saying so out loud. Here is the Attorney General of the United States, the chief law enforcement officer of this country in Selma, Alabama, just the other day.

[Now Carlson quotes the Attorney General, Merrick Garland:]

“The right to vote is still under attack, and that is why the Justice Department is fighting back. That is why one of the first things I did when I came into office was to double the size of the voting section of the Civil Rights Division. That is why we are challenging efforts by states and jurisdictions to implement discriminatory, burdensome, and unnecessary restrictions on access to the ballot, including those related to mail-in voting, the use of drop boxes and voter ID requirements. That is why we are working to block the adoption of discriminatory redistricting plans that dilute the vote of Black voters and other voters of color.

[Carlson then comments on Garland:]

“Did you catch that? Of course, you’re a racist. That’s always the takeaway. But consider the details of what the Attorney General of the United States just said. Mail-in balloting, drop boxes, voter ID requirements. The chief law enforcement officer of the United States Government is telling you that it’s immoral, in fact racist, in fact illegal to ask people for their IDs when they vote to verify they are who they say they are.

What is that? Well, no one ever talks about this, but the justification for it is that somehow people of color, Black people, don’t have state-issued IDs. Somehow they’re living in a country where you can do virtually nothing without proving your identity with a government-issued ID without government-issued IDs. They can’t fly on planes, they can’t have checking accounts, they can’t have any interaction with the government, state, local, or federal. They can’t stay in hotels. They can’t have credit cards. Because someone without a state-issued ID can’t do any of those things.

But what’s so interesting is these same people, very much including the Attorney General and the administration he serves, is working to eliminate cash, to make this a cashless society. Have you been to a stadium event recently? No cash accepted. You have to have a credit card. In order to get a credit card you need a state-issued ID, and somehow that’s not racist. But it is racist to ask people to prove their identity when they choose the next President of the United States. That doesn’t make any sense at all. That’s a lie. It’s an easily provable lie, and anyone telling that lie is advocating for mass voter fraud, which the Attorney General is. There’s no other way to read it. So you should know that. You live in a country where the Attorney General is abetting, in fact calling for voter fraud, and that’s the only chance they have to get their guy re-elected.” See here.

Because of absentee ballots, the voting can be spread out over a long period of time. This makes voting fraud much easier. Mollie Hemingway has done a lot of research on this topic:

“In the 2020 presidential election, for the first time ever, partisan groups were allowed—on a widespread basis—to cross the bright red line separating government officials who administer elections from political operatives who work to win them. It is important to understand how this happened in order to prevent it in the future.

Months after the election, Time magazine published a triumphant story of how the election was won by “a well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information.”  Written by Molly Ball, a journalist with close ties to Democratic leaders, it told a cheerful story of a “conspiracy unfolding behind the scenes,” the “result of an informal alliance between left-wing activists and business titans.”

A major part of this “conspiracy” to “save the 2020 election” was to use COVID as a pretext to maximize absentee and early voting. This effort was enormously successful. Nearly half of voters ended up voting by mail, and another quarter voted early. It was, Ball wrote, “practically a revolution in how people vote.” Another major part was to raise an army of progressive activists to administer the election at the ground level. Here, one billionaire in particular took a leading role: Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg.

Zuckerberg’s help to Democrats is well known when it comes to censoring their political opponents in the name of preventing “misinformation.” Less well known is the fact that he directly funded liberal groups running partisan get-out-the-vote operations. In fact, he helped those groups infiltrate election offices in key swing states by doling out large grants to crucial districts.

The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, an organization led by Zuckerberg’s wife Priscilla, gave more than $400 million to nonprofit groups involved in “securing” the 2020 election. Most of those funds—colloquially called “Zuckerbucks”—were funneled through the Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL), a voter outreach organization founded by Tiana Epps-Johnson, Whitney May, and Donny Bridges. All three had previously worked on activism relating to election rules for the New Organizing Institute, once described by The Washington Post as “the Democratic Party’s Hogwarts for digital wizardry.”

Flush with $350 million in Zuckerbucks, the CTCL proceeded to disburse large grants to election officials and local governments across the country. These disbursements were billed publicly as “COVID-19 response grants,” ostensibly to help municipalities acquire protective gear for poll workers or otherwise help protect election officials and volunteers against the virus. In practice, relatively little money was spent for this. Here, as in other cases, COVID simply provided cover.

According to the Foundation for Government Accountability (FGA), Georgia received more than $31 million in Zuckerbucks, one of the highest amounts in the country. The three Georgia counties that received the most money spent only 1.3 percent of it on personal protective equipment. The rest was spent on salaries, laptops, vehicle rentals, attorney fees for public records requests, mail-in balloting, and other measures that allowed elections offices to hire activists to work the election. Not all Georgia counties received CTCL funding. And of those that did, Trump-voting counties received an average of $1.91 per registered voter, compared to $7.13 per registered voter in Biden-voting counties.

The FGA looked at this funding another way, too. Trump won Georgia by more than five points in 2016. He lost it by three-tenths of a point in 2020. On average, as a share of the two-party vote, most counties moved Democratic by less than one percentage point in that time. Counties that didn’t receive Zuckerbucks showed hardly any movement, but counties that did moved an average of 2.3 percentage points Democratic. In counties that did not receive Zuckerbucks, “roughly half saw an increase in Democrat votes that offset the increase in Republican votes, while roughly half saw the opposite trend.” In counties that did receive Zuckerbucks, by contrast, three quarters “saw a significant uptick in Democrat votes that offset any upward change in Republican votes,” including highly populated Fulton, Gwinnett, Cobb, and DeKalb counties.

Of all the 2020 battleground states, it is probably in Wisconsin where the most has been brought to light about how Zuckerbucks worked.

CTCL distributed $6.3 million to the Wisconsin cities of Racine, Green Bay, Madison, Milwaukee, and Kenosha—purportedly to ensure that voting could take place “in accordance with prevailing [anti-COVID] public health requirements.”

Wisconsin law says voting is a right, but that “voting by absentee ballot must be carefully regulated to prevent the potential for fraud or abuse; to prevent overzealous solicitation of absent electors who may prefer not to participate in an election.” Wisconsin law also says that elections are to be run by clerks or other government officials. But the five cities that received Zuckerbucks outsourced much of their election operation to private liberal groups, in one case so extensively that a sidelined government official quit in frustration.

This was by design. Cities that received grants were not allowed to use the money to fund outside help unless CTCL specifically approved their plans in writing. CTCL kept tight control of how money was spent, and it had an abundance of “partners” to help with anything the cities needed.

Some government officials were willing to do whatever CTCL recommended. “As far as I’m concerned I am taking all of my cues from CTCL and work with those you recommend,” Celestine Jeffreys, the chief of staff to Democratic Green Bay Mayor Eric Genrich, wrote in an email. CTCL not only had plenty of recommendations, but made available a “network of current and former election administrators and election experts” to scale up “your vote by mail processes” and “ensure forms, envelopes, and other materials are understood and completed correctly by voters.”

Power the Polls, a liberal group recruiting poll workers, promised to help with ballot curing. The liberal Mikva Challenge worked to recruit high school-age poll workers. And the left-wing Brennan Center offered help with “election integrity,” including “post-election audits” and “cybersecurity.”

The Center for Civic Design, an election administration policy organization that frequently partners with groups such as liberal billionaire Pierre Omidyar’s Democracy Fund, designed absentee ballots and voting instructions, often working directly with an election commission to design envelopes and create advertising and targeting campaigns. The Elections Group, also linked to the Democracy Fund, provided technical assistance in handling drop boxes and conducted voter outreach. The communications director for the Center for Secure and Modern Elections, an organization that advocates sweeping changes to the elections process, ran a conference call to help Green Bay develop Spanish-language radio ads and geofencing to target voters in a predefined area.

Digital Response, a nonprofit launched in 2020, offered to “bring voters an updated elections website,” “run a website health check,” “set up communications channels,” “bring poll worker application and management online,” “track and respond to polling location wait times,” “set up voter support and email response tools,” “bring vote-by-mail applications online,” “process incoming [vote-by-mail] applications,” and help with “ballot curing process tooling and voter notification.”

The National Vote at Home Institute was presented as a “technical assistance partner” that could “support outreach around absentee voting,” provide and oversee voting machines, consult on methods to cure absentee ballots, and even assume the duty of curing ballots.

A few weeks after the five Wisconsin cities received their grants, CTCL emailed Claire Woodall-Vogg, the executive director of the Milwaukee Election Commission, to offer “an experienced elections staffer that could potentially embed with your staff in Milwaukee in a matter of days.” The staffer leading Wisconsin’s portion of the National Vote at Home Institute was an out-of-state Democratic activist named Michael Spitzer-Rubenstein. As soon as he met with Woodall-Vogg, he asked for contacts in other cities and at the Wisconsin Elections Commission.

Spitzer-Rubenstein would eventually take over much of Green Bay’s election planning from the official charged with running the election, Green Bay Clerk Kris Teske. This made Teske so unhappy that she took Family and Medical Leave prior to the election and quit shortly thereafter.

Emails from Spitzer-Rubenstein show the extent to which he was managing the election process. To one government official he wrote, “By Monday, I’ll have our edits on the absentee voting instructions. We’re pushing Quickbase to get their system up and running and I’ll keep you updated. I’ll revise the planning tool to accurately reflect the process. I’ll create a flowchart for the vote-by-mail processing that we will be able to share with both inspectors and also observers.”

Once early voting started, Woodall-Vogg would provide Spitzer-Rubenstein with daily updates on the numbers of absentee ballots returned and still outstanding in each ward­­—prized information for a political operative.

Amazingly, Spitzer-Rubenstein even asked for direct access to the Milwaukee Election Commission’s voter database: “Would you or someone else on your team be able to do a screen-share so we can see the process for an export?” he wrote. “Do you know if WisVote has an [application programming interface] or anything similar so that it can connect with other software apps? That would be the holy grail.” Even for Woodall-Vogg, that was too much. “While I completely understand and appreciate the assistance that is trying to be provided,” she replied, “I am definitely not comfortable having a non-staff member involved in the function of our voter database, much less recording it.”

When these emails were released in 2021, they stunned Wisconsin observers. “What exactly was the National Vote at Home Institute doing with its daily reports? Was it making sure that people were actually voting from home by going door-to-door to collect ballots from voters who had not yet turned theirs in? Was this data sharing a condition of the CTCL grant? And who was really running Milwaukee’s election?” asked Dan O’Donnell, whose election analysis appeared at Wisconsin’s conservative MacIver Institute.

Kris Teske, the sidelined Green Bay city clerk—in whose office Wisconsin law actually places the responsibility to conduct elections—had of course seen what was happening early on. “I just don’t know where the Clerk’s Office fits in anymore,” she wrote in early July. By August, she was worried about legal exposure: “I don’t understand how people who don’t have the knowledge of the process can tell us how to manage the election,” she wrote on August 28.

Green Bay Mayor Eric Genrich simply handed over Teske’s authority to agents from outside groups and gave them leadership roles in collecting absentee ballots, fixing ballots that would otherwise be voided for failure to follow the law, and even supervising the counting of ballots. “The grant mentors would like to meet with you to discuss, further, the ballot curing process. Please let them know when you’re available,” Genrich’s chief of staff told Teske.

Spitzer-Rubenstein explained that the National Vote at Home Institute had done the same for other cities in Wisconsin. “We have a process map that we’ve worked out with Milwaukee for their process. We can also adapt the letter we’re sending out with rejected absentee ballots along with a call script alerting voters. (We can also get people to make the calls, too, so you don’t need to worry about it.)”

Other emails show that Spitzer-Rubenstein had keys to the central counting facility and access to all the machines before election night. His name was on contracts with the hotel hosting the ballot counting.

Sandy Juno, who was clerk of Brown County, where Green Bay is located, later testified about the problems in a legislative hearing. “He was advising them on things. He was touching the ballots. He had access to see how the votes were counted,” Juno said of Spitzer-Rubenstein. Others testified that he was giving orders to poll workers and seemed to be the person running the election night count operation.

“I would really like to think that when we talk about security of elections, we’re talking about more than just the security of the internet,” Juno said. “You know, it has to be security of the physical location, where you’re not giving a third party keys to where you have your election equipment.”

Juno noted that there were irregularities in the counting, too, with no consistency between the various tables. Some had absentee ballots face-up, so anyone could see how they were marked. Poll workers were seen reviewing ballots not just to see that they’d been appropriately checked by the clerk, but “reviewing how they were marked.” And poll workers fixing ballots used the same color pens as the ones ballots had been filled out in, contrary to established procedures designed to make sure observers could differentiate between voters’ marks and poll workers’ marks.

The plan by Democratic strategists to bring activist groups into election offices worked in part because no legislature had ever imagined that a nonprofit could take over so many election offices so easily. “If it can happen to Green Bay, Wisconsin, sweet little old Green Bay, Wisconsin, these people can coordinate any place,” said Janel Brandtjen, a state representative in Wisconsin.

She was right. What happened in Green Bay happened in Democrat-run cities and counties across the country. Four hundred million Zuckerbucks were distributed with strings attached. Officials were required to work with “partner organizations” to massively expand mail-in voting and staff their election operations with partisan activists. The plan was genius. And because no one ever imagined that the election system could be privatized in this way, there were no laws to prevent it.

Such laws should now be a priority.” See here.

Let’s do everything we can to publicize the steal. That way, we have a chance to prevent it.


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Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. [send him mail], former editorial assistant to Ludwig von Mises and congressional chief of staff to Ron Paul, is founder and chairman of the Mises Institute, executor for the estate of Murray N. Rothbard, and editor of LewRockwell.com. He is the author of Against the State and Against the Left. Follow him on Facebook and Twitter.

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


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To all of the COVID vaccine injured. Please watch this video.

Fraud is identified and as a result you were tricked and lied to in order to take an unsafe vaccine.

Had you been given informed consent, as it states in law, it is likely you would not have taken it.

You suffered an unnecessary and avoidable injury as a direct result of the Fraud and the other already identified criminal acts.

There were proven safe and effective treatments that worked, they were deliberately withheld by government policy and further evidence of the crimes committed against you.

Please also see my previous video about the law and informed consent dated 14/3/24.

I believe without the Fraud being committed you would not have been injured. Those injuries are an assault against your person and criminal under The Offences Against the Person Act 1861.

For this very reason watch the video and I suggest you make contact with The Metropolitan Police stating you want to make a criminal complaint of assault and to add your details to crime number 01/62447/24.


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The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

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Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


Antagonizing the vast majority of the world has become NATO’s standard practice. Its never-ending encroachment on Russia’s borders is breaking world records, as it keeps deploying various missile systems and nuclear-capable fighter jets around it. However, trying to provoke a reaction of “only” one global superpower is obviously not enough, so the political West is also going after the other – China.  Its breakaway island province of Taiwan is once again the primary target of a crawling aggression by the United States. Namely, last week, Taipei’s Defense Minister Chiu Kuo-cheng confirmed the presence of US Army Special Forces in Kinmen, a group of islands controlled by the Taiwanese government, but located less than 10 km away from the coast of mainland China.

Worse yet, certain parts of the Kinmen archipelago are a mere 4 km away from the city of Xiamen in Beijing’s Fujian province. The presence of American special forces, specifically the US Army Green Berets, was first reported by local media back in February. According to Antiwar’s Dave DeCamp, Chiu confirmed the highly provocative deployment when asked about a new report from the US outlet SOFREP that said Green Berets have taken up “permanent positions” as military advisors in Kinmen. The US soldiers are also deployed in Penghu, a Taipei-controlled archipelago less than 50 km west of the island of Taiwan and just over 110 km east of mainland China. The SOFREP report stated that the American Green Berets were stationed at amphibious command centers of Taipei’s military.

The deployment of US troops was carried out under the provisions of the 2023 National Defense Authorization Act, which called for the Pentagon to create a comprehensive training program for the armed forces of the government in Taipei. This includes the training of local forces on the Black Hornet Nano, a micro military drone used for tactical ISR (intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance). Defense Minister Chiu stated that the presence of American Green Berets was a “learning opportunity” for the military of China’s breakaway island province. In the last several years, Washington DC has significantly increased its meddling in Taiwan, fanning up tensions with China to a boiling point several times already, despite Beijing’s repeated warnings and attempts to deescalate the situation.

In 2023, the Pentagon sent around 200 troops to Taiwan, making it the largest official American military deployment in China’s breakaway island province ever since the US pulled its forces out after severing de jure (albeit not de facto) diplomatic ties with Taipei back in 1979 and officially recognizing the government in Beijing as the sole legal entity in the entire country. In addition, back in early September last year, the Taipei Times reported that military drills were held in Michigan in the August 5-19 timeframe, involving approximately 7000 American and Taiwanese soldiers. Although most US troops involved in the exercise (dubbed “Northern Strike”) were members of the Michigan National Guard, some reportedly belonged to unnamed military units under the direct command of the Pentagon.

This clearly indicates that the soldiers in question must have been special forces used in various covert operations. For its part, Taipei sent the entire joint battalion of its 333rd Infantry Brigade. At the time, both sides indicated that such military drills would be held in the future on a more regular basis, a move clearly designed to further antagonize China. According to Taipei Times, which in turn cited Sankei Shimbun, a Japanese news source, the reason why the US hosted Taiwanese troops was that it’s supposedly “wary of provoking China”. This was allegedly because “the Michigan exercises were led by the National Guard — a strategic reserve force that is normally overseen by US state governments — instead of the US Armed Forces”. However, policymakers in Beijing certainly did not see it that way.

What’s more, according to Sankei Shimbun’s own inadvertent admission, this was a bogus attempt to present the exercise as not involving US federal troops, because the drills were directly overseen and commanded by the Pentagon. Normally, National Guard units are under the control of their respective states. In other words, Washington DC’s supposed attempt to not anger China is nothing but a mere formality. In practice, nothing could be further from true, as the US is providing hundreds of anti-ship missiles to Taipei, in addition to new fighter jets and a plethora of other types of weapons and munitions, much of it as the so-called “military aid”. This marks a major policy shift, as the Pentagon hadn’t made such deliveries since 1979. Namely, the US would always sell weapons to Taipei.

To make matters worse, the Pentagon is in the process of deploying new medium-range missile systems in the region, including the ones that can fire the land-based version of the medium-range “Tomahawk” cruise missile. Although this isn’t exactly a new capability, as the US had ground-based medium-range cruise missiles back in the early 1980s, these weapons were banned under the now-defunct Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty that was signed by Washington DC and Moscow in 1987, banning all types of land-based missiles and weapons with ranges of 500-5500 km. This included ballistic and cruise missiles, both conventional and nuclear-tipped. Needless to say, such weapons are a direct threat not only to Beijing’s interests in the region, but to mainland China itself.

As for Taiwan, it’s not only of historical, legal and national value, but also of prime strategic importance. When in the hands of Beijing’s enemies, the breakaway island province is a major security hurdle, as it exposes the entire southeast China’s “soft underbelly”, particularly the neighboring province of Fujian. This doesn’t only slow down (or even prevent) normal economic development, but it also requires the mobilization of significant resources to ensure the safety of the crucial area. On the other hand, if Beijing restores its full sovereignty over the island, be it in a similar manner to Hong Kong or perhaps within a new, even more lax framework that eliminates the threat posed by the US, Taiwan could then serve as a springboard to push America out of the area and protect China’s basic security interests.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Drago Bosnic is an independent geopolitical and military analyst. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

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Editor’s Note: This is an AI translation of Michel Chossudovsky’s article. It has not sofar been edited




Рат САД-НАТО против Југославије,

Глобализација рата

од стране

Michel Chossudovsky 

Београдски форум.

Конференција о комеморацији,

23-24. март 2024, Београд



Народе Србије. Наше мисли су са вама. Ми смо солидарни. Веома сам заслужан  Београдском форуму.

Морамо да обележимо као и да искористимо ову прилику да одлучно делујемо против војне агенде САД-НАТО, коју подржавају моћни финансијски интереси. 

Свет се тренутно налази на раскрсници најозбиљније кризе у модерној историји.

САД су се упустиле у војну авантуру, „дуги рат“, који угрожава будућност човечанства“

Тај дуги рат започет је 1990-их на почетку постхладноратовске ере. 

Рат против Југославије био је ” генерална проба” за све наредне ратове САД-НАТО.

Обиљежиле су га војне и обавјештајне операције, дестабилизација југословенске привреде, промјене режима, ломљење цијеле суверене националне државе на мноштво малих држава које су углавном вођене прокси режимима.


Пре 25 година у раним сатима 24. марта 1999. године, НАТО је започео бомбардовање Савезне Републике Југославије. „Операција је носила кодни назив „Савезничке снаге“.  

Када је Београд бомбардован, дечија болница је била предмет ваздушних напада. Војни планери су га издвојили као стратешки циљ. Ту болницу сам посетио годину дана касније, у марту 2000. 

Историјски преглед потврђује да су деца рутински била мета у СВИМ војним операцијама САД од Другог светског рата до данас.

25. марта 1999. започео сам своје истраживање. Немилосрдно бомбардовање Београда и Приштине НАТО-а су медији у хору означили као хуманитарну операцију. Одговорност за заштиту (Р2П)

Сегменти америчке и европске „левице“ подржавају ОВК

Ослободилачку војску Косова (ОВК) подржавали су сегменти европске левице (од којих је неколико подржао Џорџ Сорош) као националистички покрет који поштује себе и бори се за права етничких Албанаца. 

Каква глупост: ОВК је одржаван организованим криминалом уз прећутно одобрење Сједињених Држава и њихових савезника. Био је умешан у прање новца, имао је везе са Ал Каидом, коју је контролисала ЦИА. 

У САД, Степхен Схалом, у чланку на ЗНет-у наводи:

„Саосећам са аргументом који каже да ако људи желе да се боре за своја права, ако не траже од других да то ураде уместо њих , онда им треба обезбедити оружје које ће им помоћи да успеју. Такав аргумент ми се чинио убедљивим у односу на Босну.”

У том истом чланку сам лично оптужен да сам „дискредитовао ОВК“ . Прихватам критике. То је био мој циљ кроз пажљиву документацију и анализу:

„Мишел Чосудовски, професор економије на Универзитету у Отави, изнео је најпедантније оквире у делу под насловом  „Борци за слободу финансирани организованим криминалом“ , који се бави интернетом. Пун полуистина, претпоставки и инсинуација о наводној употреби новца од дроге од стране ОВК, чланак Чосудовски настоји да дискредитује ОВК као истински ослободилачки покрет који представља тежње потлачене албанске већине. …

Чосудовски тврди да „ОВК одржава организовани криминал… везе Ослободилачке војске Косова са криминалним синдикатима у Албанији, Турској и Европској унији познате су западним владама и обавештајним агенцијама од средине 1990-их.

Пре него што размотримо сведочење Чосудовског, треба се запитати: да ли је необично да ослободилачки покрети који су гладни новца прикупљају део својих средстава из илегалних извора, чак и новца од дроге? 

Послушајте извештај Демократије сада са Ејми Гудман  о ОВК и наводним везама са трговином дрогом (2. јун 1999.) (који укључује представника ОВК)

Те такозване „полуистине и инсинуације“ биле су предмет мог чланка написаног у априлу 1999. године на врхунцу НАТО бомбардовања.

У вези са оптужницом против Хашима Тачија:  Он је био „плаћени убица“ који је деловао у име својих спонзора. ОВК на челу са Хашимом Тачијем је немилосрдно подржавана од стране НАТО и америчке војске.

Дела цензуре

Редовно сам писао за Ле Монде дипломатикуе . Ја сам истраживао ствар: вођа ОВК  Хашим Тачи је имао кривични досије у Интерполу. То је била чињенична изјава. Али то нису поменули ни мејнстрим медији ни независни медији. 

Неизговорена истина. Тотална цензура и пропаганда. Мој чланак о борцима за слободу ОВК – што је поглавље у мојој књизи – никада није објавио Ле Монде дипло.

Иронично, 21 годину касније, 24. априла 2020., бивши вођа Ослободилачке војске Косова (ОВК) Хашим Тачи , који је после рата предвођеног НАТО-ом постао „премијер“, а потом и „председник“ Косова, оптужен је за злочине. против човечности.

Специјално тужилаштво Косова у Хагу подигло је оптужницу против Хашима Тачија 24. априла 2020. 

„за низ злочина против човечности и ратних злочина, укључујући убиство, присилни нестанак особа, прогон и мучење.

21 година касније: 2 деценије „истраге“

М. Олбрајт и Хашим Тачи, 1998


Упс:  СВЕ што се знало у марту 1999. Требала им је 21 година да заврше своју кривичну истрагу .

Хашиму Тачију суди се у Хашком трибуналу. Он се изјаснио да није  крив по оптужбама за ратне злочине.

Затварање Слободана Милошевића

Слободан Милошевић, храбри и посвећени човек, био је спречен да предузме своју одбрану.

Имао је довољно доказа о везама ОВК и са организованим криминалом и са Ал Каидом, која је ЦИА обавештајна имовина створена раних 1980-их

Милошевић је отрован у својој затворској ћелији под окриљем Хашког трибунала у Хагу. То је било потпуно вансудско политичко убиство.

Дестабилизација југословенске привреде 

Рат против Југославије није почео у марту 1999. године. Покренут је скоро 20 година раније, осамдесетих година.

Мултиетничка, социјалистичка Југославија је некада била регионална индустријска сила и прича о економском успеху: у две деценије пре 1980. године, годишњи раст бруто домаћег производа (БДП) је у просеку износио 6,1 одсто, медицинска нега је била бесплатна, стопа писмености била је 91 одсто, а очекивани животни век био је 72 године.

Циљ рата који је водио САД-НАТО у вези са Волстритом и институцијама Бретон Вудса био је да се уништи југословенски модел тржишног социјализма док истовремено уништава државу благостања и подрива њена економска и социјална достигнућа.

1980. године је преминуо председник Јосип Браћа Тито .  Почетком 1980-их, акте економског ратовања покренули су београдски кредитори:

Снажну „економску медицину“ наметнули су ММФ и Светска банка , након чега је касних 1980-их уследило наметање свеобухватног програма банкрота који је резултирао масовним сиромаштвом и незапосленошћу.

Као што је откривено у интерном документу Светске банке (који ми је дао југословенски дипломата), такозвани механизам окидача“ Светске банке (према Закону о финансијским операцијама) био је погодан за отпуштање 614.000 радника (од укупне индустријске радне снаге од 2,7 милиона).

Након ових економских мера уследила је „Шок терапија“ ММФ-а покренута јануара 1990.

Смањење буџета које је захтевало преусмеравање савезних прихода на сервисирање дуга допринело је обустављању трансферних плаћања Београда владама република и аутономних покрајина.

Једним замахом, реформатори су осмислили коначни колапс југословенске федералне фискалне структуре и смртно ранили њене савезне политичке институције.

Пресецањем финансијских артерија између Београда и република, реформе су подстакле сецесионистичке тенденције које су се храниле економским факторима, као и етничким поделама, практично обезбеђујући де факто сецесију република

Буџетска криза изазвана ММФ-ом створила је економски чин који је отворио пут за формалну сецесију Хрватске и Словеније у јуну 1991.

Хрватска, Босна, Косово: Подмукла улога генерала Мајкла Џексона

Велика Британија је послала сер генерала Мајкла Џексона у Југославију. Ко је генерал Мајкл Џексон?

Џексон је био капетан првог британског батаљона падобранског пука и други по команди у масакру крваве недеље у Дерију у Северној Ирској у јануару 1972.

Џексон је био одговоран за наређење војницима под његовом командом да отворе ватру на ирске цивиле укључене у мирни протестни покрет.

Капетан Џексон  – који је имао везе са обавештајним корпусом британске војске – наводно је такође имао кључну улогу у прикривању убистава.

Никада није био под истрагом за злочине почињене у Дерију у Северној Ирској 1972. године.

Сасвим супротно. Џексон је награђен и унапређен. Године 2003. унапређен је у највиши чин британских оружаних снага: начелник Генералштаба .

У Хрватској, Босни и на Косову, сер  генерал Мајкл Џексон  је активно сарађивао са командантом Агимом Чекуом који је предводио хрватске снаге укључене у масакр у Крајини у оквиру „Операције Олуја“.

Чеку је такође био командант ОВК. 

Џексон је наводно био одговоран за репатријацију крајишких Срба, под окриљем УН. Касније је именован за вођу мисије КФОР-а. 

Заузврат, Милитари Профессионал Ресоурцес Инц (МПРИ) , плаћеничка јединица по уговору с Пентагоном била је одговорна за савјетовање хрватских снага ХВО-а у планирању „Операције Олуја“.

Иста плаћеничка јединица је касније стављена на дужност за војну обуку Косовског заштитног корпуса (КЗК) коју су углавном интегрисали бивши оперативци ОВК.

1999 Ратни злочинци се спајају за руке (Косово 1999).

С лева на десно:

Хашим Тачи , шеф Ослободилачке војске Косова (ОВК), која је имала везе са Ал Каидом и организованим криминалом. Хашим Тачи је наредио политичка убиства усмерена против Партије Ибрахима Ругове. Тачи је био штићеник Медлин Олбрајт. [Касније постао председник Косова, и даље на Интерполовој потерници]

Бернар Кушнер , шеф Мисије Уједињених нација на Косову (УНМИК) на Косову (јул 1999. – јануар 2001.), кључан у подизању статуса ОВК у УН кроз формирање Косовског заштитног корпуса (КЗК).

Генерал Мајкл Џексон , командант трупа КФОР-а на Косову.

Генерал Агим Чеку , војни командант ОВК и КЗК, под истрагом Међународног кривичног суда за бившу Југославију (МКСЈ) „због наводних ратних злочина почињених над етничким Србима у Хрватској између 1993. и 1995. године“. (АФП 13. октобар 1999.)

Генерал Весли Кларк, врховни командант НАТО-а.

Док је генерал Мајкл Џексон током свог мандата на месту команданта КФОР-а на Косову (1999-2000) показивао симболичне напоре да заштити српске и ромске цивиле; они који су побегли са Косова током његовог мандата нису били охрабрени да се врате под заштиту УН.

На послератном Косову масакре цивила је извршила ОВК (а потом и КЗК). И НАТО и УН су затвориле очи пред циљаним убиствима ОВК.

„Глобализација рата“

Као што је горе поменуто, Југославија је у многим аспектима била „генерална проба“ .

Различите фазе које су карактерисале рат у Југославији део су ширег процеса који се сада одвија широм света.

  • економски рат, јака економска медицина, санкције
  • распарчавање и разбијање целих земаља,
  • наметање промене режима, постављање прокси политичара.
  • опсежна бомбардовања цивила,
  • бомбардовање дечијих болница, као и убијање новинара, у току, 
  • употреба муниције са осиромашеним уранијумом која изазива рак,
  • војна окупација, успостављање војних база, присуство страних трупа под лажним „хуманитарним мандатом“
  • медијске дезинформације и ратне пропаганде

То је део континуума од 1990-их, након напада 11. септембра 2001. 

Оно што је у питању је  глобализација рата, односно амерички „Дуги рат“ против човечанства у име моћних финансијских интереса.

Америчка хегемонистичка агенда састоји се од вођења рата – укључујући економски рат – против свих главних региона света, укључујући и Европску унију.

Овај процес се предузима дестабилизацијом националне државе.

Агенда НеоЦонс- а није да „победе у рату“,  већ да осмисле распад суверених националних држава, да униште њихову културу и национални идентитет, да дерогирају основне вредности и људска права и да присвоје њене ресурсе.

Стратешки циљ је да изазове политички и друштвени хаос, изазове колапс националних економија, присвоји богатство и ресурсе земаља, осиромаши читаву планету укључујући земље чланице ЕУ и америчку домовину. 

То је сплет оружја за масовно уништење, тајних обавештајних операција, пропаганде и „јаке економске медицине“. Криминалност хегемонистичке агенде САД/НАТО је неописива. 

Оно чему смо сведоци је директна „криминализација државног апарата“ у којој се политичари, посланици, високи државни званичници рутински подмићују, кооптирају или им прети да ће се придржавати ђаволског пројекта који буквално уништава животе људи широм света.


Стратешко партнерство потписано је 2019. на састанку одржаном у седишту УН између генералног секретара УН Антонија Гутереша и извршног председавајућег ВЕФ-а Клауса Шваба „ како би се убрзала имплементација Агенде за одрживи развој 2030“.

Ово значи да је систем Уједињених нација практично приватизован. 

Потписивање партнерства ВЕФ-УН 

Заузврат,  НАТО је постао све више уграђен у систем УН-а , наводно подржавајући „подршку миру и управљање кризама“.  

Истовремено, 2023. је постигнут споразум УН-НАТО који је резултирао оним што би се могло описати као тријада УН-ВЕФ-НАТО , која је у великој мери одговорила на потрагу за глобалном управом.

Савремени економски рат. Институције Бретон Вудса су застареле?

Док спољни дуг деноминован у доларима остаје инструмент економске потчињавања, „ Уједначавање финансијских система“ намерава да отвори врата приватизацији у великим размерама која утиче на читаве секторе и регионе и земаља у развоју и Запада.

Велики портфолио инвестициони фондови, укључујући БлацкРоцк, Стате Стреет и Вангуард  (заједно са банкарским картелима Волстрита) су покретачка снага. „Њихов посјед је колосалан. БлацкРоцк управља инвестицијама од скоро 10 трилиона долара . Вангуард има 8 билиона долара , а Стате Стреет има 4 билиона долара ” ( НИТ )

БлацкРоцк поседује Украјину 


Фласхбацк у историји. Ко је подржавао нацистичку Немачку? 

Зашто САД-НАТО подржавају нацистички режим у Кијеву?


Од Првог светског рата до данас: Дуг деноминиран у доларима био је покретачка снага свих ратова које су предводиле САД.

Данас су кредитори са Волстрита главни актери кијевског неонацистичког режима

Ти исти кредитори са Волстрита, укључујући Федералне резерве, чврсто су стајали иза нацистичке Немачке. Они су финансирали операцију Барбароса  и инвазију на Совјетски Савез у јуну 1941.

„4. јануара 1932. одржан је састанак између британског финансијера Монтагу Нормана ( гувернера Банке Енглеске) , Адолфа Хитлера и  Франца фон Папена (који је постао канцелар неколико месеци касније у мају 1932.)

На овом састанку је постигнут договор о финансирању Натионалсозиалистисцхе  Деутсцхе Арбеитерпартеи (НСДАП или Нацистичка партија).

Овом састанку су присуствовали и креатори америчке политике и браћа Далс , нешто што њихови биографи не воле да помињу.

Годину дана касније, 14. јануара 1933, одржан је још један састанак између Адолфа Хитлера, немачког финансијера барона Курта фон Шредера,  канцелара Франца фон  Папена и Хитлеровог економског саветника Вилхелма Кеплера , где је Хитлеров програм у потпуности одобрен. ( Ј. Рубцов , текст испод)

По ступању Адолфа Хитлера на место канцелара у марту 1933. године, покренут је масовни програм приватизације који носи отиске прстију Волстрита.

Ово је исти естаблишмент Биг Монеи Финанциал, који стоји иза СВИХ УС-НАТО ратова.

Приходи од програма приватизације коришћени су за отплату неизмирених дугова, као и за финансирање активног војног индустријског комплекса нацистичке Немачке.

Операцију Трећег Рајха Барбароса против Совјетског Савеза издашно је финансирао Волстрит са Стандард Оил оф Нев Јерсеи (ЕКСКСОН) у власништву Рокфелера, обезбеђујући немачком Вермахту бензин до 1945. године.

Извоз нафте у нацистичку Немачку имао је намеру да уништи Совјетски Савез.

Све до Перл Харбора (децембра 1941), Волстрит је трговао са Немачком.

Након Перл Харбора (1941-1945), Стандард Оил је „трговао са непријатељем” продавајући нацистичку Немачку нафту уз посредовање такозваних „неутралних земаља” укључујући Венецуелу и Аргентину.

Без америчке испоруке нафте нацистичкој Немачкој коју је инструментирао Стандард Оил из Њу Џерсија , Трећи Рајх не би могао да изврши инвазију на Совјетски Савез. 

Ово значи да је Волстрит чврсто стајао иза вођења Другог светског рата

Природа модерног ратовања

У новијим дешавањима дошло је до велике промене у природи модерног ратовања

У том погледу корона криза је одиграла кључну улогу у акцијама истовремено усмереним против 190 земаља чланица Уједињених нација.

Закључавање започето у марту 2020. захтева:

Ограничавање радне снаге“ и „ Замрзавање радног места“. 

Ми имамо посла са актом економског ратовања против човечанства , који резултира банкротима, економским и друштвеним колапсом, сиромаштвом и очајем на нивоу целе планете.

мРНА “вакцина”

Вакцина мРНА која је лансирана у децембру 2020. године, имплементирана у 190 земаља, такође је инструмент ратовања који резултира трендом раста морталитета и морбидитета. (За детаље погледајте Мицхел Цхоссудовски)

Акција против рата

25. комеморација рата САД и НАТО-а против Југославије требало би да нам пружи прилику да се позабавимо стварима које утичу на Србију, као и ширем светском ратном агендом која угрожава будућност човечанства.



 Агресорски рат САД-НАТО против Југославије 

(објављено на српском и енглеском)

Проф. Мицхел Цхоссудовски


Зашто Америци треба рат, пројекат за нови амерички век (ПНАЦ)

Др Јацкуес Р. Паувелс и проф Мицхел Цхоссудовски , 01. април 2023.


Историја: Адолфа Хитлера су финансирали Волстрит, Федералне резерве САД и Банка Енглеске

Јуриј Рубцов и проф. Мишел Чосудовски , 7. јануара 2024.


„Превентивни нуклеарни рат“: историјска битка за мир и демократију. Трећи светски рат угрожава будућност човечанства

Професор Мишел Чосудовски , 5. фебруар 2024


Вођа Ослободилачке војске Косова Хашим Тачи на суђењу за ратне злочине

Питер Шварц и проф. Мишел Чосудовски , 19. април 2023


Пре 24 године, НАТО рат против Југославије: Косовски „борци за слободу“ финансирани од организованог криминала
Професор Мишел Чосудовски , 26. март 2023

Хегемонистичка тријада УН-ВЕФ-НАТО: УН „Одрживи развој“ (СДГ 2030) = бескрајни ратови, сиромаштво и глад широм света

Професор Мишел Чосудовски , 5. фебруар 2024

О аутору

Мишел Чосудовски је награђивани аутор, професор економије (емеритус) на Универзитету у Отави, оснивач и директор Центра за истраживање глобализације (ЦРГ), Монтреал, уредник Глобалног истраживања.

Предузео је теренска истраживања у Латинској Америци, Азији, Блиском истоку, подсахарској Африци и на Пацифику и опсежно је писао о економијама земаља у развоју са фокусом на сиромаштво и социјалну неједнакост. Такође је предузео истраживања у области економије здравља (Економска комисија УН за Латинску Америку и Карибе (ЕЦЛАЦ), УНФПА, ЦИДА, СЗО, Влада Венецуеле, Џон Хопкинс Интернатионал Јоурнал оф Хеалтх Сервицес  ( 1979 , 1983 )

Аутор је 13 књига укључујући Глобализација сиромаштва и Нови светски поредак (2003), Амерички „Рат против тероризма“ (2005), Глобализација рата, Амерички дуги рат против човечанства (2015).

Сарадник је Енциклопедије Британика. Његови списи су објављени на више од двадесет језика.

Године 2014. одликован је Златном медаљом за заслуге пред Републиком Србијом за своје радове о агресорском рату НАТО-а на Југославију. Може се добити на цргедитор@иахоо.цом

Видети Мицхел Цхоссудовски, Биографска белешка

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


The mass media are printing some amazingly depraved headlines about a new UN-backed report on starvation in Gaza from the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification, who says half the enclave’s population is now at the highest-possible threat level for starvation.

The New York Times has a real corker out titled “Famine Is Projected for Northern Gaza, Experts Say”, subtitled “A global authority on food security said that in the coming months, as many as 1.1 million people in Gaza could face the severest levels of hunger.”

A casual news consumer could get multiple paragraphs into this article assuming that people in a place called Gaza are suffering from some kind of famine caused by natural events, like a drought or something. Not until paragraph four would they encounter the word “Israeli”, and not until paragraph five would they encounter the line “Israeli’s bombardment and a near-total blockade.”

At a time when only 20 percent of news readers ever make it past the headline of a given story, this is an extremely destructive and propagandistic act of journalistic malpractice. The editors of The New York Times know exactly what they’re doing packaging a story about Israel’s deliberate starvation of Palestinian civilians like it’s a troubling prediction about the weather.

Contrast the New York Times’ headline with that of Al Jazeera’s report on the same story: “Gaza headed towards famine amid Israeli aid curbs: What to know”. That’s the normal way to present a story about a deliberately inflicted famine upon an imperiled population. If a population was being deliberately starved by siege warfare from a nation like Russia, China or Iran, we may be absolutely certain that the name of that nation would appear in the headline.

But because the western media exist to generate propaganda and not to report the news, we get headlines like “Gaza faces famine during Ramadan, the holy month of fasting” from the BBC, and “Famine in northern Gaza is imminent as more than 1 million people face ‘catastrophic’ levels of hunger, new report warns” from CNN, and “Famine imminent in northern Gaza, says UN-backed report” from Reuters, and “‘Catastrophic levels of hunger’ in Gaza mean famine is imminent, says aid coalition” from The Guardian.

We saw this with Saudi Arabia’s US-backed starvation of Yemen as well. When the mass media talked about Yemen at all (usually they just ignored it), editors consistently obfuscated the fact that this was a population being deliberately starved by a cruel blockade and the deliberate targeting of food infrastructure. The fact that it was being made possible by the United States was almost never mentioned.

This is a very good example of how western propaganda works, by the way. The mainstream western press don’t generally make up whole-cloth lies (though they will uncritically print claims made by western government agencies who have an extensive history of lying); what they do is rely on half-truths, distortions and lies by omission to give their audiences a wildly slanted picture of what’s going on in the world. By always going out of their way to tell you an enemy of the US-centralized empire is committing an atrocity the millisecond it looks like they might be, while being furtive and obfuscatory about the crimes of the US and its allies, they give their audience a skewed understanding of who is and is not committing the real evils in our world.

This doesn’t typically happen as a result of any grand monolithic conspiracy; it’s mostly just the natural consequence of having all the major news platforms controlled by wealthy and powerful people who each have a vested interest in manufacturing consent for the status quo upon which their wealth and power are premised. The oligarchs control the media, and they hire the executives who run the media, and the executives hire the editors who write the headlines and guide the reporters to report a certain way, and this gives rise to a system where everyone working for the outlet conducts themselves in a way that just so happens to suit the powerful people on top.

Then before you know it you’ve got editors at The New York Times — a paper that’s been published by the same family for over a century — packaging a story about starvation caused by an Israeli siege to look like it’s a story about an innocent crop failure. Odds are nobody told them to do that; they just learned over the years that that’s how you rise to the top in an outlet like The New York Times.


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Kiev Regime Promotes Terror in Belgorod – Field Report

March 19th, 2024 by Lucas Leiroz de Almeida

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


The Belgorod region has been the target of several Ukrainian attacks in recent days, even more intensely on March 14, just before the start of the Russian elections. The targets of the attacks were civilian facilities, without any military relevance, which makes the Ukrainian attitude absolutely criminal according to international law.

Participating in a press expedition with the BRICS Journalists Association, I was in Belgorod to report the local tragedy on the ground. Several missile and drone attacks took place throughout the day, leaving at least two dead and several injured. I visited most of the affected places and spoke to some victims, obtaining a lot of relevant information.

Locals said that these raids have become increasingly frequent and that raids intensify during important dates for the Russian Federation. Religious and patriotic holidays, for example, are often marked by intense Ukrainian shelling on the border. Currently, due to the Russian election period, these attacks are once again becoming extremely violent.

Ukrainian missiles and drones on March 14 hit facilities such as shopping centers, common streets and residential buildings. There were no military targets in the attacks, with all victims being civilians. Apparently, the Ukrainian objective is simply to promote terror throughout the city and prevent people from living normally during election time. Unable to leave their homes for fear of bombings, ordinary citizens could be prevented from voting, damaging the electoral process.

In addition to drone and missile attacks, there was a land invasion, with Ukrainian troops trying to enter Russian territory using tanks and armored vehicles, with aerial support from helicopters. The invasion, however, was quickly neutralized by the joint action of the Russian military and security forces. Some villages close to the border were severely affected, such as in the Belovskoye region, where three people were seriously injured by Ukrainian forces – including two nine-month-old children, whose bodies were partially burned by shrapnel from bombs. The damage to the civilian population was severe, despite Kiev’s absolute failure to gain ground on the Russian side of the border.

I asked local residents on the city’s streets on how they felt about the Ukrainian threat during this election period. Despite the danger, the locals showed courage and fearlessness, stating that the elections would not need to be canceled or postponed. Residents said they trust the work of the Russian defense forces, which is why they feel safe going to the polls.

It must be emphasized that these attacks could have much worse consequences if the Russian defense forces were not sufficiently precise in containing the damage. Most enemy missiles and drones are destroyed by Russian air defense before reaching their targets, saving the lives of hundreds of civilians. Although some projectiles hit their targets, the damage from the attacks is partially low, which makes the local people feel reasonably safe, despite the constant threat.

In addition to the work of the Russian defense forces, the city of Belgorod is structured to protect as many civilians as possible. There are anti-missile shelters along the streets, where locals hide as soon as the air raid sirens start to sound. This protective structure allows life to continue reasonably normal in the city, despite the attacks. Commerce and transport services continue to operate, for example, with only small interruptions during the most critical moments.

In fact, this type of terrorist operation was already expected. The neo-Nazi regime intensifies attacks and killings of civilians during important periods, such as elections, which is why it is no surprise to Russians that this is happening now. However, the brutality with which Ukrainian forces target civilian areas should be seen as a reminder of the real nature of the Kiev regime. The Ukrainian Junta simply has a military guideline to target and kill civilians, and there is no limit to its bombings in absolutely demilitarized and strategically irrelevant regions.

Also, considering that the weapons used by Ukraine in these operations are supplied by NATO, it is also possible to say that the West is a co-participant in these crimes, having responsibility for the deaths of Russian civilians in Belgorod and other regions. As long as Ukraine has “carte blanche” from its Western partners to murder ordinary people, terrorist attacks like those in Belgorod on the 14th will be frequent – and only by the military action of the Russian forces it will be possible to save civilian lives.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Lucas Leiroz is a journalist, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, geopolitical consultant. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


Jan. 30, 2024 – Milford, CT – Brayden Burwell Heery was born Jan. 30, 2024 weighting 7lb 1oz

  • His mom, Shelley Heery works as a nutritionist, and as a Zumba Instructor at The Edge Fitness Clubs
  • This was a rainbow baby (she had a previous pregnancy loss)





Feb. 16, 2024 – Brayden Burwell Heery died suddenly at 17 days old




My Take… 

Lipid Nanoparticles with mRNA cross the placenta.

In this case, it would be important to know if the mom continued to take booster shots and if she took a booster shot just prior to or during pregnancy.

There are multiple possible sources of injury to the infant:

  1. Transplacental exposure (mom’s lipid nanoparticles with mRNA crossing the placenta)
  2. Breast milk (mRNA can be contained in LNPs or exosomes) and ingested by the baby via breastfeeding.
  3. Exposure to COVID-19 Vaccine spike protein (could be transplacental or via breast milk)
  4. Exposure to COVID-19 Vaccine DNA Contamination (plasmids or fragments, transplacental or via breast milk)

These routes of exposure could give the baby internal organ damage.

One additional consideration is: did the baby receive any childhood vaccines?

SIDS is most commonly Vaccine induced sudden death.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

You may also access the online version of the e-Book by clicking here.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name (only available in desktop version).

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


Dr. Vicky Jennings, a trauma surgeon in South Africa, used to post content online mocking people who questioned the safety of the mRNA injections.

For example, she posted a photo of herself encircled by the words:

Disinformation is Deadly

Vaccines Save Lives

Nice of her to weave a prime example of disinformation — “Vaccines Save Lives” — directly into her meme.

She even poked fun at the irrefutable reality of vaccine side-effects by saying that she was “waiting to grow my unicorn horn now” after submitting to the poison shot. Referring to the conspiracy theory that the injections contain self-assembling microchips, she added, “Bill Gates can start tracking my fascinating life.”

Dr. Jennings, however, has stopped posting these public disservice announcements… because her “fascinating life” has come to a sudden end at the age of 43.

South Africa’s R News published this statement on March 6th:

“Numerous tributes and messages of condolence poured into [sic] Dr. Vicky Jennings, an internationally respected and locally loved trauma surgeon, who died suddenly on Sunday.”

The official cause of death of this mother of two was a heart attack. She had no known illnesses.

It must be total coincidence she was fully boosted with an experimental technology known to cause myocarditis.

Just as Ian Vandaelle‘s death was also, surely, a coincidence. Vandaelle was a Canadian corporate media journalist who publicly demanded that anyone who wasn’t vaccinated get hauled off to concentration camps (according to the Lion of Judah Ministry Substack). This evil fascist was “declared neurologically dead” at age 33 on December 5, 2023.

Again, it must also have been a coincidence that Lt. Col. Jered Little, commander of Public Health Activity (for Hawaii), died suddenly, on November 24th, at age 39 — after being the triple-vaxxed poster boy for the US Military.

All three of these vaccine evangelists believed they were doing the world a service by not only getting the clot shot themselves but encouraging, shaming and threatening others to accept vaccination as the one true path to respiratory salvation.

In the end, they have done us a service: they have shown that they were dead wrong.


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John C. A. Manley is the author of Much Ado About Corona: A Dystopian Love Story , the forthcoming All The Humans Are Sleeping and other works of speculative fiction. You get free chapters from his novels by subscribing to his Blazing Pine Cone email newsletter at https://blazingpinecone.com/subscribe/

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

You may also access the online version of the e-Book by clicking here.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name (only available in desktop version).

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


So far, this year has been a disaster for the Neo-Nazi junta and its NATO overlords and everything indicates that it will be even worse. This is precisely why the European Union, now unequivocally exposed as a mere geopolitical pendant of NATO, is contemplating a far more direct involvement, with French President Emmanuel Macron even pompously announcing that some assault units are  supposedly ready to get involved. This soon turned out to be nothing more than wishful thinking, but the rhetoric still stands. And where there’s rhetoric, there is at least some possibility for action. Why is the political West doing this, when the mainstream propaganda machine keeps insisting that the Kiev regime is “winning” and that there’s “nothing to worry about”?

Obviously, they’re not winning and there’s a lot to worry about. Otherwise, the belligerent power pole wouldn’t be escalating tensions with the world’s only superpower that can wipe it off the face of the Earth in mere minutes. Faced with catastrophic losses, at least on par with those during the much-touted counteroffensive, the Neo-Nazi junta is desperate to divert public attention away from this to the only field in which it’s “winning” – optics and PR “victories”. Brainwashed by years of war propaganda about “Russia losing“, the populace in the political West is being tricked into believing that the Kiev regime “can win this”, that “it’s time to finish the job”, that “Putin is hiding in a bunker” and similar nonsense. And it worked for the most part.

Millions in the United States and Europe truly believe(d) in the “Ghost of Kyyyiiiv”, “Snake Island defenders”, pickle jar air defenses and even the “Goat of Kyyyiiiv”. Although all this (and much more) turned out to be nothing more than absurd lies, the war propaganda kept churning out nonsensical claims about Russia and its military. Moscow was now “stealing Ukrainian washing machines to ameliorate its lack of microchips“, while Russian soldiers “kept fighting with shovels due to ammunition shortages“. And yet, Russia was somehow magically able to “send nukes to space” and produce nearly three times more shells than all countries of the political West, combined. Obviously,  the reality on the battlefield is starkly different and NATO wants to hide it at all costs.

This is precisely why the abortive incursion into the Belgorod oblast (region) was launched. The goal was to demonstrate how the Neo-Nazi junta forces can still launch offensive operations into Russia’s undisputed territory, which was most likely supposed to affect the presidential election and show how President Vladimir Putin “lacks authority”. Needless to say, it not only failed miserably, but it actually backfired, as Moscow’s incumbent got a staggering 87% of votes, with a nationwide turnout of over 75%. Which Western leader has even half of that? In fact, the much more appropriate question is – which Western leader doesn’t have absolutely atrocious public approval, be it Emmanuel Macron, Olaf Scholz, Rishi Sunak or Joe Biden?

Thus, as the belligerent power pole’s Belgorod adventure failed, it now needs another sacrificial lamb. Unfortunately for the peoples of Transnistria and Moldova, they’re the next target of the New Reich, just like they were some 80 years ago. On March 17, the Ministry of State Security of Transnistria reported a drone strike on a local military base in the capital city of Tiraspol. There were no human casualties, but the base hosts military helicopters of the Armed Forces of Transnistria. The drone, as of yet formally unidentified, destroyed a Mi-8MT helicopter of the Transnistrian military. According to the Ministry of State Security, the unmanned aircraft came from the direction of the Clover Bridge in the southwestern Odessa oblast of Ukraine.

While no side took responsibility for the attack, it’s quite clear that the Neo-Nazi junta and its NATO handlers are the culprits. Transnistrian security forces are investigating the attack, so we’re still waiting for an official confirmation, but one doesn’t need to be a rocket scientist to understand who benefits from such escalation. Transnistria is an autonomous republic that declared independence from Moldova in the aftermath of the unfortunate dismantling of the Soviet Union. The ensuing conflict resulted in hundreds of casualties on both sides, particularly in 1992, but was stopped by the intervention of the Russian 14th Guards Army (officially disbanded in 1995, but in reality renamed to Operational Group of Russian Forces in Transnistria – OGRF).

In cooperation with the militaries of Transnistria and Moldova, OGRF has been maintaining security in the area for over 30 years now. The sides formed a trilateral Joint Control Commission (JCC) that supervises the formally demilitarized zone (DMZ) sandwiched between Moldova and Ukraine (largely running along the Dniester River). The cooperation between the three sides, albeit not without problems, has been quite fruitful, preventing any conflicts over the last three decades. Unfortunately, after the controversial 2020 presidential election in Moldova, the political West managed to replace the then-incumbent Igor Dodon with its puppet Maia Sandu. Prior to her involvement in Moldovan politics, Sandu was a World Bank asset, working on turning Moldova into a (neo)colony.

Apart from this, her main job was to destroy Kishinev’s otherwise cordial relations with Moscow, which was to put the former Soviet republic firmly into the EU’s (and by extension NATO’s) orbit. This includes the deliberate undermining of press freedom under Brussels’ supervision, with Russian media being particularly targeted for suppression. In addition, Sandu has been promoting absurd conspiracy theories about Russia supposedly “trying to stage a coup with the help of Serbian football fans”. Understandably, the people of Moldova haven’t been quite happy with this, particularly after the NATO-orchestrated Ukrainian conflict escalated over two years ago, as they don’t want to see their country involved, directly or otherwise.

On March 7, the Brussels’ puppets in Kishinev even signed a military pact with Paris, once again highlighting France’s suicidal push for a direct confrontation with Russia. Macron even promised “unwavering support on security and defense issues”, obviously hinting at Transnistria. It should be noted that NATO is trying to spread its tentacles to Moldova, most likely in hopes of snatching Transnistria at some point. This would open the door for a more direct involvement in Ukraine, particularly the strategically important Odessa oblast. However, if Moldova ever becomes a NATO member (either through unification with Romania or direct accession), this would put the belligerent alliance directly on a collision course with Russia.

Namely, a “future NATO member” Moldova (or even Romania) would end up having Russian soldiers stationed on its territory. If the controversial Article 4 were to be invoked, then that would mean war between Russia and the political West. This is precisely why Brussels is directing Sandu to escalate with Moscow, as it would give her the excuse to formally request Russian troops to leave Transnistria. If this were to happen, Tiraspol would be left hanging, surrounded by hostile NATO satellite states and promptly neutralized. It would give the political West an actual, much-needed tactical and long-term (geo)political victory over Russia. However, precisely because of the strategic importance of the area the Kremlin is extremely unlikely to budge.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Drago Bosnic is an independent geopolitical and military analyst. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March




Although Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has insistingly blamed India for the killing of Sikh separatist Hardeep Singh Nijjar, New Zealand’s Deputy Prime Minister Winston Peters questioned Canada’s claim of an alleged “potential” link to the South Asian country. Although this suggests a minor split in the Five-Eyes intelligence alliance, it also demonstrates a coordinated information war by the alliance’s senior members.

Despite New Zealand’s membership in the Five-Eyes intelligence alliance with the US, Canada, UK, and Australia, Peters expressed scepticism about Canada’s evidence during an interview with The Indian Express. Peters, who entered government at the end of 2023 with the newly elected National Party, also stressed that he was not involved in the handling of the matter when Trudeau triggered a diplomatic crisis with New Delhi in September last year by accusing the country of killing Nijjar on Canadian soil.

“Well, I wasn’t here, it was handled by the previous government. But look, sometimes when you’re hearing Five-Eyes information, you’re hearing it and saying nothing. It is coming past you. You don’t know the value or the quality of it, but you’re pleased to have it. You don’t know whether there is going to be substantial material value or nothing. But the very, very critical information that matters… This was mainly handled by the previous government,” Peters said on March 13.

“As a trained lawyer, I look okay, so where’s the case? Where’s the evidence? Where’s the finding right here, right now? Well, there isn’t one,” he added.

Highlighting Canada’s lack of evidence against India marks the first instance of a Five-Eyes partner challenging claims regarding the Nijjar case, a designated terrorist in India who was shot and killed as he came out of a Gurdwara in Vancouver on June 18, 2023. Three months after the killing, Trudeau alleged Indian involvement in Nijjar’s killing, which New Delhi rejected as “absurd and motivated.”

Canada has not presented evidence to its claims over the killing, and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) has not named any suspects or made arrests in connection with Nijjar’s killing. Yet, despite this lack of evidence, Trudeau has continued to claim that the Indian government is behind the killing of a pro-Khalistan separatist leader who sought an independent state for Sikhs in northwest India.

Meanwhile, India ordered YouTube and X (formerly Twitter) to block access to a new documentary by Canadian public broadcaster CBC, which once again alleges India is behind the killing of Nijjar but without providing solid evidence.

The Indian government cited the Information Technology Act of 2000, which allows for the “intercept, monitor or decrypt any information generated, transmitted, received or stored in any computer resource” if there is a threat to the “interest of sovereignty and integrity of India, defence of India, security of the State, friendly relations with foreign States or public order or for preventing incitement to the commission of any cognisable offence relating to above.”

In effect, India deems Canada to be spreading pro-separatist propaganda whilst also assigning blame without sufficient evidence.

YouTube told the CBC that “the content has now been blocked from view” on the India YouTube country site, but it is still available everywhere else.

At the same time, India’s actions were also aimed at X as they requested the social media platform to block access to the documentary.

“Indian law obligates X to withhold access to this content in India; however, the content remains available elsewhere,” X said in an email to the CBC. “We disagree with this action and maintain that freedom of expression should extend to these posts. Following the Indian legal process, we are in current communication with the Indian authorities.”

The request to YouTube and X follows India’s efforts in 2023 to the distribution of the BBC documentary India: The Modi Question.

India recognises that there is an information war against the country from the Anglosphere, even if the South Asian country cooperates with the USA and Australia under the QUAD formation. Although India is important for the West in their attempts to counterbalance China, especially in the context of the two Asian giants having border disputes, the US and its closest allies, the UK and Canada, also recognise that India can turn into an economic and military juggernaut that primarily serves its own interests.

For this reason, although they cooperate with India at an economic level and in attempts to contain China, a vicious information war is being waged, whether by media platforms like The Washington Post and BBC or by the leaders of Washington’s junior partners like Canada’s Trudeau to spread unsubstantiated claims. The US assisted China’s rise, but as a counterbalance to the Soviet Union and to control the Asian country. This failed as China is independent. Now, the US wants India to counterbalance China but to remain in its sphere of influence, an endeavour that will also fail.


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Ahmed Adel is a Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: Deputy Prime Minister of New Zealand Winston Peters (From the Public Domain)

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


British Member of Parliament Andrew Bridgen last week called for the death penalty for Bill Gates and the “Covid cabal” which he said committed “crimes against humanity” during the Covid pandemic.

“Heads of governments around the world and others below them have engaged in what is tantamount to treason against the public,” declared Bridgen in response to a rebuttal from his colleague Penny Mordaunt, who is a long-term World Economic Forum (WEF) member.

During a round of Business Questions in the UK House of Commons, Bridgen said:

“I’ve always opposed capital punishment on the principle that it’s wrong to take a life so it can’t be right for the state to take a life in revenge. Events have caused me to reconsider my position.”

Bridgen continued:

“So can we have a debate on crimes against humanity and the appropriate punishment for those who perpetuate, collude and cover up for these atrocities, atrocities and crimes so severe that the ultimate punishment may be required?”

Business Questions are the oral questions to the Leader of the House that MPs are allowed to ask.

As expected, UK liberals, including Mordaunt, and media dismissed Bridgen as a “conspiracy theorist.”

“It is appropriate that the finale of this session, which has featured so heavily conspiracy theories, should fall to the honorable gentleman,” Mordaunt said of Bridgen.

Bridgen said he has reached out to the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, Mark Rowley and plans to organize a meeting where experts and whistleblowers will present evidence to demonstrate criminal activities conducted by senior members of the UK government and civil service during the pandemic.

Bridgen also said that a senior cabinet minister shared details of a plan to use what he referred to as “turbo cancer” to depopulate the world. According to Bridgen, this revelation unfolded in the tea room at Westminster Houses of Parliament. The unnamed minister allegedly conveyed that Bridgen would be “dead of cancer soon” due to being misled into taking the vaccine during the pandemic.

“You can speak out all you want,” the minister told Bridgen. “It doesn’t matter. You are vaccinated. You will be dead of cancer soon.”

Bridgen, who has served as Member of Parliament for North West Leicestershire since 2010, has become a prominent voice in the fight against globalist authoritarianism in the UK.

Previously, Bridgen called on the House of Commons to call for the UK government to “immediately stop the mRNA vaccine booster program and initiate a full public inquiry into not only the vaccine harms but how every agency and institution set up to protect the public interest has failed so abysmally in its duties.”


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The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

You may also access the online version of the e-Book by clicking here.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

Canada’s Parliament Votes to End Arms Exports to Israel in Watered-down Motion

March 19th, 2024 by Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) Vice President Michael Bueckert has issued the following statement in response to this evening’s vote by the House of Commons on an NDP Opposition Day motion on Palestine:

This evening’s vote by Parliament did not go nearly as far as we had hoped for, but is nonetheless a small step forward for ending Canadian complicity in Israel’s genocidal war in Gaza. By a vote of 204-117, Parliament endorsed concrete measures to bring an end to the violence, including an end to military exports to Israel. The motion was passed with the support of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Foreign Affairs Minister Mélanie Joly.

A last-minute backroom deal between the Liberal government and the NDP leadership means that the motion no longer contains several of the strongest provisions originally proposed by NDP MP McPherson, including recognition of the State of Palestine and sanctions on Israeli officials for inciting genocide.

CJPME is deeply disappointed that much of the language in the amended motion has been watered down or modified in a way that promotes false Israeli narratives and an acquiescence to the horrific status quo. Tens of thousands of Canadians had petitioned their MP in support of a resolution that suddenly ceased to exist. The watering down of the NDP resolution weakens the significance of Parliament’s vote, even if it was a major concession forced by the Liberal government to ensure its passage.

While the final motion adopted by Parliament no longer called for the total suspension of all trade in military goods and technology with Israel, it called on Canada to “cease the further authorization and transfer of arms exports to Israel to ensure compliance with Canada’s arms export regime.”

This policy is critically urgent in light of evidence that Canada exported a record-breaking $28.5 Million in military goods to Israel in the first three months after October 7. Canada has since ‘paused’ export approvals due to the risk that they could be used to violate human rights. With the passage of this motion, the government has effectively promised to adopt a clear policy to restrict exports, including for already-issued permits, not just a temporary pause on approvals. While imperfect, this is a tangible victory on the road to a Canadian two-way arms embargo with Israel. The NDP must not rest on its laurels and continue to fight Canada’s relationship with the Israeli military-industrial complex.

The Trudeau government must immediately implement the democratic will of Parliament by adopting these demands, and ignore the backlash from those who seek to vilify this motion, including the far-right Israeli government itself. Moving forward, CJPME will be following this government’s actions closely and providing advice on how to implement the motion, including by promoting a whole-of-government approach to ending Canadian involvement in illegal settlements.


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