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Development is a highly contentious concept because it has a variety of interpretations from different actors and interests that are involved. Dominant discourses and practices in development have placed a high emphasis on linear, economic models. These linear, economic models are characterized by policy prescriptions such as free trade, privatization, de-regulation and individual freedom.

Despite the promise of global prosperity, these prescriptive policies have had a disastrous impact on fragile economies, social livelihoods of people and the environment in the Global South. Consequently, scholars have sought to articulate alternative approaches to development that encapsulate gender equality, harmony between people and their environment and empowerment of indigenous populations.

Critical scholarship has attempted to re-claim the intervention of an active developmental state in providing social services to populations; amidst growing controversy that globalization has eroded the national autonomy of welfare states. Additionally, critical scholarship has advocated for a shift from the ‘politics of critique’ to a ‘politics of pragmatism’ that merges market values with social policy. These alternative approaches to development represent an ideological crisis in which there is no coherent stance against the dominant, neo-liberal paradigm.

The purpose of this review is to critically assess the alternatives to development approaches and debates proposed by Milford Bateman and Ha Joon Chang, James Ferguson and Eduardo Gudynas in their respective academic journal articles.

Dominant approaches to development have sought to increase women’s access to opportunities in order to alleviate gender inequality in domestic and public spheres.

However, gender inequality continues to be a persistent challenge because power hierarchies between men and women remain unchallenged. Alternative approaches to development also contradict the interests of women through generalizations and stereotypical representations in discourse. Bateman and Chang (2012) argue that microfinance has become prominent because it promotes poverty alleviation in the Global South through access to loans for small business development.

Microfinance does not have a positive impact on human and sustainable development because it locks people and communities into a perpetual cycle of poverty. It also undermines women’s empowerment because most of the profits are placed in the hands of the economic and political elite. The approach of the scholars stems from a Marxist interpretation of social institutions.

Marxists assert that social institutions are controlled by the dominant, social classes and as a result, it is extremely difficult for poor and powerless groups to change the political and social arrangements of society (Peet and Hartwick, 2015). Women are among the poor and powerless groups in society because social institutions dictate gender ascribed spheres, roles and expectations, which often limit their potential and agency. It must be noted that access to opportunity does not equate to equity. Furthermore, it does not equate transforming existing power hierarchies and relations between men and women.

The scholars have used a ‘gendered’ lens in examining the failures of the microfinance model in the Global South but they did not incorporate an intersectional approach in examining women’s persistent poverty and vulnerability to exploitation. Women are treated as a homogenous category in which their precarious experiences of oppression and exploitation are all similar (Mohanty, 1998).

There are factors such as race, ethnicity, gender, social class, geographic location and sexual orientation that make the issue of women’s exploitation a more complex one for interpretation and analysis. The assumptions cannot be generalized. Moreover, the arguments reflect flawed representations of women. Women are portrayed as powerless victims who are incapable of successfully negotiating with multiple patriarchies in order to ensure individual and collective survival in the developing world.

This representation of women stems from a position of patriarchal power in knowledge production. The discourse on women’s experiences with microfinance institutions in the Global South is primarily shaped by male economists with “expert knowledge”. There is an existing academic literature that challenges these stereotypical representations of women in third world countries who have been clients of microfinance institutions. Although women were vulnerable to loan delinquency, they have used organizational tactics in India’s and Bangladesh’s self-help groups (SHGs) to control the interest rates on borrowing in order to prevent high debts (Kalpana, 2015). These case studies did not negate the fact that microfinance institutions undermine women’s empowerment and poverty alleviate. They reinforced the assertion that women are not passive agents to structures that promote inequities and exploitation. 

Gudynas (2011) also highlights the subject matter of gender equality in his discussion on ‘Buen Vivir’ (“good living”). He discusses that ‘Buen Vivir’ embodies feminist values but indigenous traditions have disregarded the importance of women’s agency. Similar to Bateman and Chang, Gudynas is attempting to include women’s experiences in the indigenous, alternative approach to development. His argument validates the fact that even within marginalized communities; women remain at the bottom of the social pyramid because of prevailing gender ideologies about their roles and status in society.

Bateman and Chang are over-reliant on demonizing the neo-liberal approach to poverty alleviation and its empowerment of the poor. On the other hand, the greatest limitation of Gudynas on this subject matter is that he is over-reliant on idealizing ‘Buen Vivir’. His de-politicization of social organizations and groups is detrimental to his analysis because all social organizations and groups are governed by politics.

Alternative approaches to development have sought to transform the position of communities that are marginalized to the positions of experts.

These communities use indigenous technical knowledge to define development in a manner that suits the peculiarity of their experiences as opposed to dominant models that emphasize a singular path to development- modernity.

Gudynas (2011) discusses that the community is inextricably connected to a social and ecological concept in which there is harmony between indigenous people and nature. Western development sees people and the environment as separate entities because most of the focus is on material well-being and modernity. Gudynas constantly critiques the concept of modernity because it sees development primarily in terms of success in economic indicators and this often excludes other important notions of development such as people’s empowerment, well-being and their interaction with the environment. 

His approach to the debate draws on both post-colonial and post-development approaches in which the political, social and economic arrangements of the Global South are products of prevailing imperial encounters, beliefs and practices. In addition,  he creates a space on the margins in which there is a greater appreciation of local knowledge and its role in transforming development (Escobar, 1995). While indigenous populations are critical actors in re-defining the notions of development from a peculiar standpoint, the harmonious relationship between communities and nature is also a Western, romanticized representation of indigenous populations. Therefore, instead of expounding on the ways in which indigenous technical knowledge is essential to all-encompassing definitions of development, Gudynas problematizes his own critique of dominant, Western approaches.

Bateman and Chang examine the potential impact of indigenous technical knowledge on the environment and the development of the Global South. Their conceptualization of community and environment are quite different from Gudynas. Gudynas (2011) defines the environment as a natural space. It is in sync with indigenous communities that have a non-materialistic and spiritual understanding of it.  Bateman and Chang (2012) define communities as poor people in the developing countries while the environment is the land which is used for subsistence farming.

They assert that microfinance has adverse effects on rural development because it ignores local knowledge that is used to ensure environmental preservation. They recommend that local family farms have the potential to use technology such as irrigation schemes to create rural employment opportunities, enhance productivity and protect nature. These debates help to de-mystify the popular belief that development agencies and industrialized countries can provide expert knowledge on policy issues in the third world. People in the third world are capable of crafting their own their solutions to challenges that are peculiar to them. This narrative derives from the participatory approach to development which affirms that people are central actors to development (Chambers, 1994).  It also seeks to shift the power from decision making in conference rooms located in metropolitan centres to decision making at the grassroots level.

These arguments are noteworthy in the post-development debate but the scholars have limited their definition of the environment and its benefits to an economic conceptualization. As a result, the debate returns to dominant discourses which stress the success of economic indicators. Gudynas is extremely critical of this on-going, pattern in post-development debate where criticisms of Western postulations on development often lead to a revival of these postulations in alternative options. He calls this a ‘zombie category of development’ but unfortunately, Gudynas, Bateman and Chang are culprits of reviving zombie categories of development. 

Critical scholarship in international development has extensively opposed the implementation of neo-liberal policies in developing countries. The common conclusion from this scholarship is that the dominant, neo-liberal orthodoxy does not protect the interests of poor, marginalized communities in the developing world. While this is not entirely wrong, there are emerging perspectives that advocate for a pragmatic use of neo-liberalism in which market values are merged with social policies in order to ensure equity, sustainability and prosperity for all. 

They are also alternative positions that call for a renewal of an active developmental state that will provide social services for populations because global governance institutions and other non-state actors represent the interests of the economic elite. These alternative positions sometimes intersect and run contrary to each other because there is no precise definition and criteria of evaluation for development. Ferguson (2009) debates that critical scholarship should desist from blaming ‘neoliberalism’ as the malevolent force that is responsible for the persistent poverty and underdevelopment of nations. He believes that there should be a pragmatic use of neo-liberalism. He cites the example of the Basic Income Grant (BIG) in South Africa as a method to alleviate poverty and empower poor individuals. 

Ferguson utilizes a post-structuralist approach to development in which he draws on Foucault’s conceptualization of neo-liberalism as a technique of governmentality. Governmentality seeks to uncover the ways in which people are governed.  The Basic Income Grant (BIG) cannot be limited to a simplistic assumption about neo-liberalism but it is a development project that draws on both market principles and welfare state values to alleviate poverty through less state intervention.

The developers of the basic income grant assume that when people have the greater individual freedom to participate in markets, their overall well-being will be improved. This assumption is similar to the microfinance model and its role in poverty alleviation. The intent behind microfinance is to provide greater autonomy to poor individuals through access to loans for small business development. Ferguson makes an astute observation that when the state has the responsibility to provide social services for populations, it places people into the categories of “deserving poor and undeserving poor”.

This creates more problems than solutions because the state performs the role of segregating, existing marginalized groups in societies. Therefore, the basic income grant and microfinance models are advantageous in the sense that they promote the intervention of non-state actors which includes, the communities themselves, to chart their own destinies through access to economic opportunities. Both models also allow people to participate in markets in order to improve their material well-being and other indicators of development such as greater access to education, health care and nutrition. However, the difference between both models is that the basic income grant is accessed through cash transfers to people while the microcredit is accessed through an application of loans from microfinance institutions.

Despite these advantages, Bateman and Chang (2012) commit the predictable conclusion of critical scholarship by affirming that the neo-liberal idea behind the microfinance model is hindering the development of countries in the Global South. They believe that ‘neo-liberalism’ is a malevolent force that is responsible for wreaking havoc on economies, social livelihoods and the environment. They did not specify the aspects of neo-liberalism that they are critiquing. However, they propose that active development states are alternatives that can counter the neo-liberal model on poverty alleviation. This is a one-sided, simplistic approach to analysing complex, development issues that extends beyond competing ideologies.

Ferguson (2009) rightfully points out that globalization processes have created new actors such as non-governmental organizations in development, which are equally capable of providing social services for populations. This means that states are no longer dominant actors in the current context of international development. Thus, this makes the alternative options of Bateman and Chang impractical and unviable. The impractical and unviable nature of alternative options provided by Bateman and Chang is similar to the propositions of Gudynas in ‘Buen Vivir’. Gudynas (2011) posits that the concept of ‘Buen Vivir’ moves away from modern, Western culture and offers a multi-cultural approach to development.

It is also an evolving concept that means different things in different contexts. While the conceptualization of plurality is essential in meeting diverse needs and interests in development, it is also impractical to measure the progress of a multi-scalar and evolving concept. The arguments of the scholar are also contradicts his key arguments because while he purports that this alternative to development moves away from Western culture, there are ideas that are borrowed from Western culture.

The post-development debate from Ferguson’s perspective provided new insights for analysis but definite, alternative solutions to dominant models and discourses are still inconclusive. The discussions of Bateman and Chang, Ferguson and Gudynas reflect an ideological crisis in the field of development where there is no coherent stance against the dominant, neo-liberal paradigm. Development is also remains a contentious, evolving and multi-dimensional concept.


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Tina Renier is a regular contributor to Global Research.


Bateman, M. and Chang, H.J. (2012). Microfinance and the illusion of development: From hubris to nemesis in thirty years. World Economic Review, 1(1), pp. 13-26.

Chambers, R. The origins and practice of participatory rural appraisal. World Development , 22 (7), pp. 953-969.

Escobar, A. (1995). Encountering development: The making and unmaking of the third world. Princeton, Princeton University Press.

Ferguson, J. (2009). The uses of Neo-liberalism. Antipode, 41(S1), pp. 166-184.

Gudynas, E. (2011). Buen Vivir. Today’s tomorrow. Development, 54 (4), pp. 441-447.

Kalpana, K. (2015). Economic Entitlements via Entrepreneurial Conduct? Women and Financial Inclusion in Neo-liberal India. Journal of World Systems, 21 (1), pp. 51-65.

Mohanty, C. (1998). Under Western eyes: Feminist scholarship and colonial discourses. Feminist Review, 30, pp. 61-88.

Peet, R. and Hartwick, E. (2015). Theories of Development: Contentions, Arguments and Alternatives. Guildford Publications Inc. Chapter 5.

Global Research Introduction 

This incisive article by Pierre-Henri Bunel, a former member of France’s Military Intelligence, initially published by Global Research in 2005, sheds light on the nature of Al Qaeda, an intelligence construct used by Washington to destabilize and destroy sovereign countries, while sustaining the illusion of  an outside enemy, which threatens the security of America and the Western World.

What is the meaning in Arabic of Al Qaeda? القاعِدة

According to Major Pierre-Henri Bunel: 

It’s “The Base”, namely  the Computer Database of the Islamic Mujahideen ( Reagan’s “Freedom Fighters”) recruited by the CIA.

“When Osama bin Laden was an American agent in Afghanistan, the Al Qaida Intranet was a good communication system through coded or covert messages.

The truth is, there is no Islamic army or terrorist group called Al Qaida. And any informed intelligence officer knows this.”

The above statement by Major Bunel, was confirmed by the late British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook (shortly before his passing) in a pointed article in The Guardian:

“Bin Laden was, though, a product of a monumental miscalculation by Western security agencies. Throughout the 80s he was armed by the CIA and funded by the Saudis to wage jihad against the Russian occupation of Afghanistan.

Al-Qaeda, literally “the database”, was originally the computer file of the thousands of mujahideen who were recruited and trained with help from the CIA to defeat the Russians.  (Robin Cook, The Guardian, July 8, 2005, see also archive, emphasis added)


Ronald Reagan meets the Mujahideen in the Oval Office (1980s)

Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, December 27, 2023 


*       *       *


Al Qaeda: The Data Base


Pierre-Henry Bunel


Excerpts from World Affairs Quarterly


I first heard about Al-Qaida while I was attending the Command and Staff course in Jordan. I was a French officer at that time and the French Armed Forces had close contacts and cooperation with Jordan . . .

Two of my Jordanian colleagues were experts in computers. They were air defense officers. Using computer science slang, they introduced a series of jokes about students’ punishment.

For example, when one of us was late at the bus stop to leave the Staff College, the two officers used to tell us:

‘You’ll be noted in ‘Q eidat il-Maaloomaat’ which meant ‘You’ll be logged in the information database.‘ Meaning ‘You will receive a warning . . .’

If the case was more severe, they would used to talk about ‘Q eidat i-Taaleemaat.‘ Meaning ‘the decision database.’ It meant ‘you will be punished.’ For the worst cases they used to speak of logging in ‘Al Qaida.’

In the early 1980s the Islamic Bank for Development, which is located in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, like the Permanent Secretariat of the Islamic Conference Organization, bought a new computerized system to cope with its accounting and communication requirements. At the time the system was more sophisticated than necessary for their actual needs.

Image right: Major Bunel

It was decided to use a part of the system’s memory to host the Islamic Conference’s database. It was possible for the countries attending to access the database by telephone: an Intranet, in modern language. The governments of the member-countries as well as some of their embassies in the world were connected to that network.

[According to a Pakistani major] the database was divided into two parts, the information file where the participants in the meetings could pick up and send information they needed, and the decision file where the decisions made during the previous sessions were recorded and stored.

In Arabic, the files were called, ‘Q eidat il-Maaloomaat’ and ‘Q eidat i-Taaleemaat.’ Those two files were kept in one file called in Arabic ‘Q eidat ilmu’ti’aat’ which is the exact translation of the English word database.

But the Arabs commonly used the short word Al Qaida which is the Arabic word for “base.” The military air base of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia is called ‘q eidat ‘riyadh al ‘askariya.’ Q eida means “a base” and “Al Qaida” means “the base.”

In the mid-1980s, Al Qaida was a database located in computer and dedicated to the communications of the Islamic Conference’s secretariat.

In the early 1990s, I was a military intelligence officer in the Headquarters of the French Rapid Action Force. Because of my skills in Arabic my job was also to translate a lot of faxes and letters seized or intercepted by our intelligence services . . .

We often got intercepted material sent by Islamic networks operating from the UK or from Belgium.

These documents contained directions sent to Islamic armed groups in Algeria or in France. The messages quoted the sources of statements to be exploited in the redaction of the tracts or leaflets, or to be introduced in video or tapes to be sent to the media.

The most commonly quoted sources were the United Nations, the non-aligned countries, the UNHCR and . . . Al Qaida.

Al Qaida remained the data base of the Islamic Conference. Not all member countries of the Islamic Conference are ‘rogue states’ and many Islamic groups could pick up information from the databases. It was but natural for Osama Bin Laden to be connected to this network. He is a member of an important family in the banking and business world.

Because of the presence of ‘rogue states,’ it became easy for terrorist groups to use the email of the database.

Hence, the email of Al Qaida was used, with some interface system, providing secrecy, for the families of the mujaheddin to keep links with their children undergoing training in Afghanistan, or in Libya or in the Beqaa valley, Lebanon.

Or in action anywhere in the battlefields where the extremists sponsored by all the ‘rogue states’ used to fight. And the ‘rogue states’ included Saudi Arabia. When Osama bin Laden was an American agent in Afghanistan, the Al Qaida Intranet was a good communication system through coded or covert messages.

Meet “Al Qaeda”

Al Qaida was neither a terrorist group nor Osama bin Laden’s personal property

. . . The terrorist actions in Turkey in 2003 were carried out by Turks and the motives were local and not international, unified, or joint. These crimes put the Turkish government in a difficult position vis-a-vis the British and the Israelis. But the attacks certainly intended to ‘punish’ Prime Minister Erdogan for being a ‘toot tepid’ Islamic politician.

 . . . In the Third World the general opinion is that the countries using weapons of mass destruction for economic purposes in the service of imperialism are in fact “rogue states”,  specially the US and other NATO countries. Some Islamic economic lobbies are conducting a war against the ‘liberal” economic lobbies. They use local terrorist groups claiming to act on behalf of Al Qaida. On the other hand, national armies invade independent countries under the aegis of the UN Security Council and carry out pre-emptive wars. And the real sponsors of these wars are not governments but the lobbies concealed behind them.

The truth is, there is no Islamic army or terrorist group called Al Qaida. And any informed intelligence officer knows this.

But there is a propaganda campaign to make the public believe in the presence of an identified entity representing the ‘devil’ only in order to drive the ‘TV watcher’ to accept a unified international leadership for a war against terrorism. The country behind this propaganda is the US and the lobbyists for the US war on terrorism are only interested in making money.

(emphasis added by GR)


Comment by Wayne Madsen

French officer Maj. Pierre-Henri Bunel, who knew the truth about “Al Qaeda”, the CIA’s data base.

In yet another example of what happens to those who challenge the system, in December 2001, Maj. Pierre-Henri Bunel was convicted by a secret French military court of passing classified documents that identified potential NATO bombing targets in Serbia to a Serbian agent during the Kosovo war in 1998.

Bunel’s case was transferred from a civilian court to keep the details of the case classified. Bunel’s character witnesses and psychologists notwithstanding, the system “got him” for telling the truth about Al Qaeda and who has actually been behind the terrorist attacks commonly blamed on that group.

It is noteworthy that the Yugoslav government, the government with whom Bunel was asserted by the French government to have shared information, claimed that Albanian and Bosnian guerrillas in the Balkans were being backed by elements of  “Al Qaeda.”

We now know that these guerrillas were being backed by money provided by the Bosnian Federation Train and Equip Defense Fund, an entity established under the Clinton Administration.


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“2023 has been a challenge for Global Research, but we know 2024 will be no different. That’s why we need your support. Will you make a New Year donation to help us continue with our work?”


“Standing there I wondered how much of what we had felt on the bridge was just hunger. I asked my wife and she said, ‘I don’t know, Tatie. There are so many sorts of hunger. In the spring there are more. But that’s gone now. Memory is hunger.” – Ernest Hemingway, A Moveable Feast


Now that our revels are ended, the holiday celebrations and feasts, if one had them, just a dream melted into thin air, our hungers perhaps richly satiated temporarily or not, our visions project us into a new year in which we hope to realize in a not insubstantial way the images we see before the canvases of our inner eyes.

What can we do, how create the new when we are such stuff as dreams are made of?

To escape the period that ends every sentence, every year, every life, one only needs winged words to take flight, to shimmer in the ascending iridescent light.

My wanderlust has taken me to scores of countries, I imagine, glimmering destinations that have inflamed me with images of satisfaction, but I have never kept an exact count since numbers bore me and my imagination forbids it.

“To a child who is fond of maps and stamps / The universe is the size of his immense hunger,” wrote Charles Baudelaire in Le Voyage in 1859.

When I was young and collected stamps of all the exotic places that I hoped to visit, what did I know of desire? Then it seemed satiable, as when I finished one book after another, and placed them neatly on a shelf, as if to say, now that is done – for now.  Now the books are different, so too each piece of edible writing that disappears out the backdoor of my days.  Today, those tangible little colored stamps on Air Mail envelopes are rarely seen, and so young potential voyagers usually dream digitally as little is left to their imaginations.  Their dreams are mass-produced, but their hunger is real.  My hunger is still immense.

But the desire to travel, like all hunger, is only satisfied for a while.  It is insatiable once it bites you.  Every time you are on your way away, you wonder if this voyage will be the last one where you find what you are looking for, even when you don’t know what that is. 

You close your eyes, spin the globe, and place a finger to find where you might vacate the old for the new.  You hope to return with photographs and memories, knowing secretly that they fade with your days.  Perhaps you think you will be like Odysseus, who at the end of his Odyssey has just returned home after twenty years and killed all the suitors who have been hitting on his wife Penelope, but then he shockingly tells her that he must be off again for new wanderings: “Woman, we haven’t reached the end of our trials,” he says, as they then proceed to their great olive tree-trunked bed with its mighty roots.  It is a short hot rest before he is off again.

Why?  What is his destination?  What are ours?  Where are we all going?

“One morning we set out, our brains aflame, / Our hearts full of resentment and bitter desires, / And we go, following the rhythm of the wave, / Lulling our infinite on the finite of the seas:”

In 1946 the French poet, Jacques Prévert, asked an analogous question, one that haunts us still, as we contemplate the corpses piling up in Gaza and around the world, victims of ruthless smiling jackals with polished faces.  His poem “Song in the Blood” asks,

“There are great puddles of blood on the world/where’s it all going all this spilled blood/is it the earth that drinks it and gets drunk . . . .  No the earth doesn’t get drunk . . . . it turns and all living things set up a howl . . . . it doesn’t stop turning/ and the blood doesn’t stop running/ where’s it all going all this spilled blood/murder’s blood . . . war’s blood/misery’s blood . . . .”

When I was young and in the early years of my blooming, my blood running down another road, I would watch a television show called “Adventures in Paradise.”  I would always watch it alone on a small television set that I had in my bedroom, won, as I recall, by some member of my large family on a TV game show.  It starred a handsome actor named Gardner McKay, who would sail the South Pacific on his schooner Tiki, looking for romance and adventures in every port.  My only memory of the shows is of the boat sailing the beautiful and exotic waters, accompanied by stirring music.  These images kindled the romantic in me, some hunger that I could not then name.  It was pure fantasy, of course, but it took me to places I had never been but thought enticingly fulfilling.  Each show was a new stamp in motion, just as were the many movies I would attend by myself during my teen years that took me to Italy, France, Greece, Russia, and so many other places.  But my hunger persisted.

Years later I would read an obituary of Gardner McKay in The New York Times where I learned that after a three-year run of the show, McKay refused to renew his contract with Twentieth Century Fox nor star in a movie with Marilyn Monroe, despite her personal pleas, because he hated the celebrity game where his photo had appeared on the cover of Life magazine as “a new Apollo.”  He left for the Amazon rainforest where for two years he worked as an agronomist’s assistant, before moving to France and then Egypt, eventually settling back in the U.S.A. with his wife, where he became a writer.  He was a Baudelaire who didn’t self-destruct.

“But the true voyagers are only those who leave / Just to be leaving; hearts light, like balloons, / They never turn aside from their fatality / And without knowing why they always say: ‘Let’s go!’”

In a fascinating essay, “On Jean-Luc Godard’s Histoire(s) du cinema,” written in 2012 and included in his new book, Tricks of the Light: Essays on Art and Spectacle, Jonathan Crary notes that Jean-Luc Godard, the French-Swiss filmmaker who died in 2022, maintained that Baudelaire’s poem, Le Voyage, anticipated cinema and its effects.

“Its general evocation of the boredom and bitterness of experience in a flattened, disenchanted world,” writes Crary, “describes the conditions for new kinds of journeys or dislocations that can occur without movement in space, in its figuration of an apparitional screen on which images and memories are projected.”

Connecting the political history of the period from 1859 to today, it is necessary, maintains Crary, to view it as inseparable from “the intertwined history of the camera arts.”  This analysis, which I think is very accurate, is not a call to despair; it is rather the opposite: “. . . Godard implies that each generation must wage its own battle against historical amnesia from the lived conditions of its unique historical vantage point, and that this struggle necessitates the remaking of the techniques and language available to it.”

Here we are today saturated with images, moving and still, a world where digital media, photographs and film in all their manifestations dominate most people’s consciousnesses.  But the paradoxical mystery of this development, as Crary notes, is revealed in Godard’s film, Histoire(s) du cinema, wherein Baudelaire’s poem Le Voyage is continuously recited.  As the film travels along, the poet’s words about the disillusionment of actual voyages is recited contrapuntally, as if to suggest that the most ancient of human arts – the poetic voice (“Sing in me, O Muse, and through me tell the story . . . . of that man . . . the wanderer”) – remains fundamental, even as technology develops new methods of image making and people travel through film.

One doesn’t have to share Godard’s view that Baudelaire’s poem was prophetically describing cinema to appreciate the rich possibilities of such a meditation at a time when the world seems entrenched in a media system that manipulates people’s minds in all directions simultaneously, carrying both meaning and its countermeaning, resulting in minds stuck at anchor, caught neurotically in dazed stasis.

“Godard’s larger suggestion here,” writes Crary, “is that the material basis for cinema, including projection, owes as much to the imaginative labor of poets and writers such as Baudelaire, Hugo, Zola, and Charles Cros as it does to any nineteenth-century traditions of applied science or mechanical bricolage.”

To escape the period that ends every sentence, every year, every life, one only needs winged words to take flight, to shimmer in the ascending iridescent light.

“We wish to voyage without steam and without sails! / To brighten the ennui of our prisons, / Make your memories, framed in their horizons, / Pass across our minds stretched like canvasses.”

So I sit here in a quiet room, not moving, yet moving still, traveling in words to an undiscovered country that I can’t see but hope will satisfy my immense hunger.  We all have our ways but have a singular destiny.  “And being nowhere can be anywhere,” as Baudelaire said, just as being somewhere can be everywhere.

“Must one depart? Remain? If you can stay, remain; / Leave, if you must. One runs, another hides / To elude the vigilant, fatal enemy,. / Time! There are, alas! those who rove without respite,”

So let Ernest Hemingway, who had one of his heroes, Jake Barnes, say nearly a hundred years ago, “Cheer up, all the countries look just like the moving pictures,” have the penultimate words, again from A Moveable Feast:

It was a wonderful meal at Michaud’s after we got in; but when we had finished and there was no question of hunger any more the feeling that had been like hunger when we were on the bridge was still there when we caught the bus home. It was there when we came in the room and after we had gone to bed and made love in the dark, it was there. When I woke with the windows open and the moonlight on the roofs of the tall houses, it was there. I put my face away from the moonlight into the shadow but I could not sleep and lay awake thinking about it. We had both wakened twice in the night and my wife slept sweetly now with the moonlight on her face. I had to try to think it out and I was too stupid.

That makes two of us.


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This article was originally published on the author’s website, Behind the Curtain.

Edward Curtin is a prominent author, researcher and sociologist based in Western Massachusetts. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).  

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The Israeli army has destroyed more than 200 archaeological and ancient sites out of 325 that were registered across besieged Gaza in the course of its devastating onslaught since October 7, authorities in the enclave said.

The Gaza Media Office said on Friday the sites include ancient churches, mosques, schools, museums and other different historical and archaeological sites and monuments.

“The ancient and archaeological sites destroyed by the army date back to the Phoenician and Roman ages; others date back between 800 BC and 1,400, while others were built 400 years ago,” it said in a statement.

The Great Omari Mosque, the Byzantine church in Jabalia, the Shrine of Al-Khadir in Deir al Balah city in central besieged Gaza, and the Blakhiya Byzantine cemetery [The Anthedon of Palestine], northwestern Gaza City were among the sites.

It noted that other sites were severely damaged, including the Greek Orthodox Saint Porphyrius Church, the 400-year-old Al-Saqqa House and the Sayed al-Hashim Mosque, which is one of the oldest mosques in Gaza.

Deliberately Destroying Palestinian Heritage

Geneva-based rights group Euro-Med Monitor said on November 20 that Israel deliberately destroyed archaeological and historical monuments in besieged Gaza and accused it of “explicitly targeting Palestinian cultural heritage.”

Gaza is an ancient and historic city that came under the rule of several empires and civilisations, including ancient Egyptians [Pharaohs], the Greeks, the Romans, the Byzantines then the Islamic age, among others.

Since Hamas’ cross-border surprise blitz on October 7, Israel has continued relentless attacks on the blockaded enclave, killing at least 21,507 Palestinians — about 1% of Gaza’s population — and wounding 55,915, according to local health authorities. Thousands more bodies are feared to be buried in the ruins of obliterated neighbourhoods.

The Israeli onslaught has left Gaza in ruins, with 60 percent of the enclave’s infrastructure damaged or destroyed and nearly 2.3 million residents displaced amid acute shortages of food, clean water, and medicines.

The civilian deaths and the destruction in Gaza from the Israeli bombardment has caused a growing international outcry, and the United States’ international image has taken a beating over its continued backing for ally Israel.


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Featured image: A view of the damaged historical Greek Orthodox Saint Porphyrius Church, where civilians took shelter, after Israeli air strike in Gaza City, Gaza on October 20, 2023. [Ali Jadallah] / Photo: AA

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(I was informed by inside sources that Andrew suspected the COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines as the cause of his pancreatic cancer)


Well, it is kind of awesome to write your own obituary. It’s not very often that someone has this opportunity. My symptoms initially manifested in November 2022 with relatively mild gastrointestinal issues. The doctors ran through their checklists and couldn’t find a root cause. Biopsies came back with no sign of malignancy, blood work returned completely normal, and weight loss stopped. It was at this point, Thanksgiving, I might have had a chance with the Whipple surgery. However, I was not a good candidate based on all the normal tests. In hindsight, I was probably already dead and doing a Whipple could have sped my demise (due to recovery complications).

By December, I had developed a cough. Looking back, the cough was the indicator that the cancer had spread to the lungs. It’s now July and I have seen and experienced much. I am thankful for the time I have received and I am thankful for everyone that has poured in their time to me and my family. We are truly blessed beyond measure.

Without further ado… here is my obituary:

Lieutenant Colonel Andrew James Lingenfelter, age 37, of Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio, passed away on July 19, 2023 after a courageous battle with pancreatic cancer. Andrew was surrounded by loved ones who will continue to honor his legacy by living their lives to the fullest.

Andrew was born on January 27, 1986 to Kimberly Marie (Miller) and Burton Paul Lingenfelter in Plainview, Nebraska. After Andrew graduated from Plainview Public Schools in 2004, he went on to study at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln on an Air Force ROTC scholarship.

After graduating with a degree in mechanical engineering, he started his first job at Eglin Air Force Base as a 2nd Lieutenant, kickstarting a fourteen plus year career in Air Force Acquisitions.

In 2005, Andrew met Lindsey at Northeast Community College where they were both taking summer courses. Andrew and Lindsey went on to have four biological children, Samson, Rhett, Sawyer, and Helena, and one adopted child, Otto.

Andrew was passionate about airplanes and working on his commercial pilot’s license when diagnosed with cancer. He lived by the slogan on his favorite t-shirt: I’d rather be flying! Andrew was also infatuated with cooking meats on his Big Green Egg and was famous in all circles for smoked brisket, roasted leg of lamb, and pulled pork.

In 2011, Andrew earned a master’s degree in industrial and systems engineering from the University of Florida. In 2016, Andrew earned a PhD in aeronautical engineering from the Air Force Institute of Technology.

Andrew loved his family and friends, the farm, food, flying, football, and fun – all the important f words. The doctor that delivered the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer told him it was the bad luck lottery of death – too young and zero risk factors. Andrew replied that it could be true, but he definitely had the good luck lottery of life with his relationships and accomplishments. Andrew won several Air Force awards for his research, papers, videos, and athletics and was proud to be lead snack officer at Wright Patt.

Andrew is survived by his children, Samson (15), Rhett (13), Sawyer (11), Helena (9), and Otto (6); his wife, Lindsey; his parents, Burton and Kimberly; his brother Luke (Kayla) of Overland Park, KS; his sister Mary (Tyler Abbenhaus) of Bloomfield, NE; his brother Benjamin (Alexis) of Overland Park, KS; his grandparents James and Sharon Miller of Hampton, NE; and many uncles, aunts, cousins, nieces, and nephews.

Services will be held in Ohio at Beaver Creek UCC on Tuesday, July 25, 2023 at 11:00 AM with visitation from 5:00-7:00 PM on Monday, July 24, 2023. Celebration of life and burial will be in Plainview, Nebraska at the Plainview United Church of Christ on Friday, August 4, 2023 at 2:00 PM. A short graveside ceremony will be held in Plainview following the service, followed by a BBQ, in honor of Lieutenant Colonel Lingenfelter, lead snack officer. Both services will have a patriotic theme. Memorial donations may be made to the Wright Patterson Fisher House, an organization dear to Andrew and the Lingenfelter family.

Fond memories and expressions of sympathy may be shared at for the Lingenfelter family.


Pilot Incapacitations and Deaths in Aug-Dec 2023

Dec. 5, 2023 – Volaris (El Salvador) Pilot – 30s year old Jose Espinal – El Salvador Pilot for Volaris (El Salvador), Air Jazeera Airways (Kuwait) and former VECA & TACA Airlines, died suddenly on Dec. 5, 2023.

Dec. 5, 2023 – Ryanair Flight RK-8528 (STN-OZZ) from London Stansted, UK, to Ouarzazate, Morocco – pilot felt unwell, crew diverted to Faro, Portugal, landed safely 30 min.

Nov. 29, 2023 – American Airlines Flight AA755 CDG-PHL, from Paris, France, to Philadelphia, PA, pilot had a seizure and collapsed in the cockpit.

Nov. 26, 2023 – Ryanair Flight FR-3472 (LTN-RZE) from London Luton, UK to Rzeszow (Poland) on Nov. 26, 2023, one of the pilots became incapacitated, plane diverted to Krakow and landed safely.

Nov. 20, 2023 – Air Transat Flight TS-186 (YYZ-PUJ) from Toronto, Canada to Punta Cana, Dominican Republic – pilot became incapacitated and was replaced by a pilot passenger.

Nov. 16, 2023 – Air India Pilot Death – 37 year old Air India Pilot Captain Himanil Kumar had cardiac arrest at Delhi’s Indira Gandhi International Airport during training.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

Featured image is from COVID Intel

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

Author and Filmmaker John Pilger Has Passed Away

January 1st, 2024 by Andreas Wiseman

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“2023 has been a challenge for Global Research, but we know 2024 will be no different. That’s why we need your support. Will you make a New Year donation to help us continue with our work?”


John Pilger, the veteran Australian author and filmmaker known for his investigative journalism and documentaries, has died aged 84, according to his family.

Pilger’s family this morning posted to his social media accounts: “It is with great sadness the family of John Pilger announce he died yesterday 30 December 2023 in London aged 84. His journalism and documentaries were celebrated around the world, but to his family he was simply the most amazing and loved Dad, Grandad and partner. Rest In Peace.”

His son, the journalist Sam Pilger, added on X: “My Dad died yesterday. I am heartbroken, but also so very proud and grateful to have had such an amazing Dad. He was my hero”.

BAFTA winner Pilger was renowned for countless investigations, particularly into the plight of Aboriginal Australians, American and British foreign policy and the ulterior motives of big business. A towering figure in his field, never afraid to express controversial views, Pilger is understood to have been battling illness since early 2023.

His Twitter bio reads: ‘It is not enough for journalists to see themselves as mere messengers without understanding the hidden agendas of the message and the myths that surround it.”

Pilger was born and grew up in Bondi, Sydney, Australia.

In his early years in the UK in the 1960s he worked for Reuters and the Daily Mirror, where he became chief foreign correspondent and reported from all over the world, covering numerous wars, notably Vietnam. In his twenties, he became the youngest journalist to receive Britain’s highest award for journalism, Journalist of the Year and was the first to win it twice.

In the U.S, he reported the upheavals there in the late 1960s and 1970s. He covered the marches following the assassination of Martin Luther King and was in the same room when Robert Kennedy was assassinated in 1968.

His work in South East Asia produced an iconic issue of the London Mirror, devoted almost entirely to his exclusive dispatches from Cambodia in the aftermath of Pol Pot’s reign.

His career in TV began on Granada’s World In Action in 1969, when he made the subversive film The Quiet Mutiny (1970), which revealed the shifting morale of American troops during the Vietnam War. He would go on to make numerous reports and documentaries for the BBC, ATV and ITV, among other broadcasters. Among many accolades was the Richard Dimbleby BAFTA award in 1991 and the Sydney Peace Prize.

Among dozens of acclaimed documentaries he made were Year Zero: The Silent Death Of Cambodia, The Secret Country, The Last Dream, Welcome To Australia, Utopia, Vietnam: Still America’s WarDo You Remember Vietnam?, Vietnam: The Last Battle, Death of a Nation: The Timor Conspiracy, The War On Democracy and Palestine Is Still The Issue.

His celebrated non-fiction books include Heroes, Distant Voices, A Secret Country, Hidden Agendas, The New Rulers of the World and Freedom Next Time.

Martha Gellhorn the American novelist, journalist and war correspondent, previously said of Pilger:

“[He] has taken on the great theme of justice and injustice… He documents and proclaims the official lies that we are told and that most people accept or don’t bother to think about.

[He] belongs to an old and unending worldwide company, the men and women of conscience. Some are as famous as Tom Paine and William Willberforce, some as unknown as a tiny group calling itself Grandmothers Against The Bomb…. If they win, it is slowly; but they never entirely lose. To my mind, they are the blessed proof of the dignity of man. John has an assured place among them. I’d say he is a charter member for his generation”.

Writer Noam Chomsky previously described his work as “a beacon of light in often dark times. The realities he has brought to light have been a revelation, over and over again, and his courage and insight a constant inspiration.”

Pilger is survived by his son Sam and daughter Zoe, both of whom are writers.


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“2023 has been a challenge for Global Research, but we know 2024 will be no different. That’s why we need your support.

Will you make a New Year donation to help us continue with our work?”


The moment Kissinger’s last breath left his corpse, media commentators lost no time running out the gates, either singing songs of slavish praise about the “great liberal statesman” on one hand or composing devastating critiques of the bloodstained trail of tears Kissinger’s legacy left on the world.

I was beginning to think that nothing new or relevant could be said about the life of Sir Kissinger (he was made a Knight of the Order of St. Michael and St. George in 1995). But with the smell of Messianic fanaticism weighing heavily in the air of Jerusalem these days, I realized I was quite mistaken. In 2012, Kissinger said something quite curious that very few people have taken seriously, yet his statement opens the door to an important lesson about world history—and Kissinger’s peculiar life gives us a window into it.

Speaking on Israel’s future in 2012, Kissinger sent shockwaves of confusion through the world when he said, “in 10 years, there will be no more Israel.”

Why would Kissinger, a man who devoted such a major part of his life to the cause of Zionism, believe with certainty that Israel would no longer exist in 10 years? What was supposed to happen under a Hillary Clinton regime that would have resulted in Kissinger’s prediction unfolding in 2022?

Did Kissinger not want the Middle East stability he so often spoke so highly of?

His apparent dual support for Zionist empowerment on one hand and his belief in the impending destruction of Israel on the other is not a glitch in the matrix nor a contradiction in Sir Kissinger’s thinking. Rather, it represents two sides of one bloody program that ultimately involves purging the Holy Land of both Jews and Arabs.

Since Kissinger’s 2012 opinion provided such an important, ironic crack in the machinery of oligarchism, I’d like to take a moment to invite you to join me as we peek through this crack into a story that may take us as far back as Babylon…

‘Greater Israel’ as a British Imperial Project

In 1914, the man who later became Israel’s first president, Chaim Weizman, stated:

“Should Palestine fall within the British sphere of influence, and should Britain encourage a Jewish settlement there, as a British dependency, we could have in 20 to 30 years a million Jews there-perhaps more; they would. . . form a very effective guard for the Suez/Canal.”

These words indicated a deeply underappreciated value that leading Jewish Zionists had for the British empire’s plans for global control over a century ago; these Zionists believed the empire could further their own plans for a Jewish state.

Lord Shaftesbury’s Zionist project was launched in 1839, the British Empire created the Palestinian Exploration Fund in 1865, and the founder of modern Zionism, Theodor Herzl, joined the cause of convincing the world’s Jews to live in the desert, but the role of British intelligence’s hidden hand in shaping the state of Israel, as well as international fascism more broadly, is often ignored. [1]

It wasn’t ignored by Sir Winston Churchill, then Lord of the British Admiralty during WWI. He wrote forcefully about the international Jewish conspiracy to take over the world on one hand, but he also spoke proudly of Zionism, saying in 1917:

“If, as it may well happen, there should be created in our own lifetime by the banks of the Jordan a Jewish state under the protection of the British crown … [it] would be especially in harmony with the truest interests of the British Empire.”

While Churchill could not be said to be a supporter of Hitler’s National Socialism, up until 1935, he loudly proclaimed his admiration for Hitler and also spoke fondly of Mussolini’s Black Shirts. Churchill was also a rampant racist who presided over the mass extermination of ‘lower races’ as displayed in the controlled Bengal famine (killing three million Indians) in 1943. Like most other dominant Round Table leaders of Britain at this time, Churchill was an ‘imperial socialist,’ which has always been at the heart of 20th-century fascism.

Without the force of numerous antisemitic fascists throughout the last two centuries, Zionism would have never been possible.

Take as an example the case of Lord Arthur Balfour, a leading strategist of the Rhodes-Milner Round Table Group. Balfour co-authored the Balfour Accords in 1917 alongside Leo Amery, Lord Milner, and Walter Rothschild. It shouldn’t surprise anyone to learn that, like Churchill, Lord Balfour was also a devoted white supremacist, Zionist, and supporter of fascism.

Prime Minister Lloyd George, who oversaw the project at this time, was an ardent social imperialist (aka international fascist) who openly praised Nazism alongside another pro-Nazi royal named King Edward VIII.

While Leo Amery was not openly antisemitic, his son John was a devoted supporter of British Nazism and Adolph Hitler. His other son, Julian Amery, worked closely with unreconstructed Nazis after World War Two as part of Operation Gladio. It was under Julian Amery [2] that Nazis like Otto Skorzeny, Walter Rauft, and Alois Brunner were transplanted to the Middle East and even worked for the Mossad after the CIA played a direct role in establishing that organization in 1951.

Additionally, Leo Amery was a close collaborator of pro-fascist Zionist leader Vladimir Ze’ev Jabotinsky during the former’s management of British Mandate Palestine (1925-1929) and co-founder of the Jewish Legion, which Jabotinsky went on to control. More than a Zionist, Amery was a believer in Cecil Rhodes’ vision for “a Church of the British Empire.”

Amery stated of his peculiar religion: The Empire is not external to any of the British nation. It is something like the Kingdom of Heaven within ourselves.” (Take note that the term “Kingdom of Heaven” was the name of the Templar Kingdom of Jerusalem, which will play a larger role in this story).

After leading the passage of anti-Jewish immigration laws in England in 1905 that prevented persecuted Russian Jews from coming to the UK, Balfour wrote in 1919 that Zionism would “mitigate the age-long miseries created for Western civilization by the presence in its midst of a Body which it too long regarded as alien and even hostile, but which it was equally unable to expel or to absorb.”

Balfour saw the creation of Israel as one stone that could kill two birds by 1) providing an excuse to purge the Jews from Europe and 2) creating a perfect weapon for destabilization in the geopolitical pivot of Halford Mackinder’s Heartland and the cross-section of all major civilizational forces on the earth.

Image result for silk road tang dynasty

The Silk Road trade routes of the Han Dynasty were revived again under the Tang Dynasty and have historically played a major role in disrupting systems of global empire by encouraging trade, cooperation, and understanding around diverse cultures (in opposition to the Crusader agenda that has promoted ‘clash of civilizations’ ideologies).

In his book Der Judenstat, Theodor Herzl openly admitted this when he said:

“We should, there, form a portion of the rampart of Europe against Asia, an outpost of civilization as opposed to barbarism. We should, as a neutral state, remain in contact with all Europe, which would have to guarantee our existence.”

Herzl was clear that like his British Imperial (and typically antisemitic pro-fascist sponsors), he envisioned Israel’s borders to extend “from the Brook of Egypt to the Euphrates.”

In the 1890s, Herzl was not yet settled on the specific location of the Jewish national homeland. William Eugene Blackstone, a devotee of John Nelson Darby, leader of a British sect called “The Plymouth Brethren,” sent him a voluminous report justifying Jerusalem as the only location ordained by God. This earned him the title of “the father of Zionism” by American Supreme Court Justice Louis D. Brandeis. In 1891, Blackstone drafted a memorandum dubbed “Palestine for the Jews,” which called for US leadership in establishing a homeland for the persecuted Jews of Russia. The memorandum was signed by 413 prominent Americans, including John D. Rockefeller, J. P. Morgan, Supreme Court Justice Cyrus McCormick, the heads of dozens of major newspapers, the Speaker of the House, and many members of Congress.

The Plymouth Brethren Gnostic Overhaul of Christianity

The Plymouth Brethren were a gnostic sect of pseudo-Christians founded in 1829 by an agent of the British East India Company named Anthony Norris Groves. Groves was sent to the Ottoman Empire and then India in 1830 as an orientalist engaged in recruiting young elites to train in British universities while carrying out espionage under the banner of Christian missionary work. Groves was soon joined by John Nelson Darby (godson of Admiral Horatio Nelson and father of modern rapture theology).

Darby, who considered himself a prophet, conducted six tours of the US seeding his doctrine into dozens of gnostic cults. Each one taught followers to interpret Bible prophecy the same way. This obviously required sending all Jews to Palestine, at which point a “secret rapture” for believers would unfold—followed by a hellscape of pain for heathens left to burn under the fires of global war and the anti-Christ.

Of course, in 1856, Darby’s prophetic gifts taught him that Russia—then Britain’s dominant nemesis after the US—was the anti-Christ and that the Civil War was a sign of the End Times. Darby went so far as to encourage his American followers not to fight to save the union since that would go against God’s will (to blow up the universe). Instead, he believed they should wait like good passive sheep atop their barns to be beamed up to heaven.

Among those American Christian movements influenced (and even created by Darby and the Plymouth Brethren sect), we have Cyrus Scofield. His 1909 reference bible became the most popular in the US during the 20th century and drew heavily upon Darby’s works.

Darby’s influence can also be seen in the works of Charles Fox Parham (the founder of Pentecostalism), George Pember, (the originator of the ‘fallen Nephilim’ interpretation of demonology now advanced by the alien disclosure movement), Dwight Lyman Moody (founder Moody Bible College), and James Hall Brookes (founding father and president of the Niagara Bible Conference, which helped spread Dispensationalism across America).

In fact, the entire Christian Zionist movement of war-pushing, faith-healing, rapture-loving preachers from John Hagee to Benny Hinn and Pat Robertson all sit on foundations created by Darby’s Plymouth Brethren—not the Bible.

The 1826 Albury Conferences on Prophecy 

The Plymouth Brethren emerged onto the scene in tandem with a tightly knit network of Anglican/Jesuit intelligence operatives who operated under the leadership of 1) Henry Drummond (financier and co-founder of the New Apostolic Church founded in 1834), 2) Lord Anthony Ashley Cooper, the 7th Earl of Shaftesbury, and 3) John Nelson Darby (founder of the ‘Exclusive Brethren’ Plymouth Brethren and leader of the sect).

Lord Anthony Ashley Cooper was a follower of Henry Drummond, who devoted himself to the cause of “Premillennial Dispensationalism” soon after a series of conferences on prophecy were held between 1826 and 1830. They were dubbed “The Albury Conferences.”

These conferences, overseen by Drummond at a vast estate he purchased featuring 70 bedrooms in Surrey, England, included leading figures of London’s gnostic intelligentsia. This included occultists Robert Haldane and Sir Thomas Carlyle, both of whom went on to become 12 “apostles/prophets” of the New Apostolic Catholic Church created by Drummond and George Irving in 1830.

The Albury Conferences themselves were sparked by the rediscovery of the writings of the influential Jesuit Francisco Ribera (1537-1591) of Salamanca, who played a major role in the Council of Trent of 1545, which ensured never-ending wars between Catholics and Protestants. This council and its Jesuit controllers are sometimes called ‘the counter-reformation.’

A Jesuit Sleight of Hand Sets the Stage for Zionism 

Ribera’s primary task was to create an intellectual argument in opposition to the Protestant affirmation that the end times were now (i.e. 545) and that the Whore of Babylon described in the Book of Revelation was the Catholic Church. Ribera’s solution was simple: make the case why the events of Revelation were neither in the present nor in the past (the majority of Christians at the time believed that the subject of the “Whore of Babylon” was Nero’s Rome). Rather, he argued, they were to take place at some distant moment in the future.

Moreover, in his 500-page treatise In Sacrum Beati Ioannis Apostoli, & Evangelistiae Apocalypsin Commentari, Ribera explained that the signs of the end times would only occur when the temple of Solomon, destroyed in 70 CE during the first Roman Jewish War, was rebuilt (additionally implying the restoration of Jews to their homeland). Ribera’s writings became known as the Futurist School of Pre-Millennial Dispensationalism, from which arose such modern perversions of Christian-Zionism, Rapture theology, and the diverse array of End Times Cultists of Christian and Jewish brands in our modern era.

By the early 17th century, Ribera’s writings had fallen into obscurity. They were only rediscovered when S.R. Maitland (Keeper of Manuscripts for the Archbishop of Canterbury) found himself working in the Vatican archives. Maitland believed the Jesuitical concepts were revolutionary, and they inspired him to write books on the antichrist and End Times in the form of An Inquiry into the Grounds of the Prophetic Period in Daniel and St, John (1826), A Second Inquiry (1829), and An Attempt to Elucidate the Prophecies Concerning Anti Christ (1830).

Perhaps most importantly, Ribera’s eschatology lent itself to the geopolitical aims of a British Empire struggling to 1) prevent the spread of independence movements across the world that followed America’s lead and 2) maintain a system of global enslavement with India, Russia, Egypt, China, and the Ottoman Empire as prime targets.

The obvious danger of the renewal of Silk Road routes of cooperation connecting these ancient civilizational states would be a disaster for the British Empire’s ambitions to become a New Roman Empire retaining control through divide-to-conquer tactics.

The Cabalistic Fraud of Apostolic End Times Cults

Echoing a similar gnostic ‘secret doctrine’ that paralleled the Cabalistic traditions of ‘exoteric’ (public) Torah and esoteric (hidden/oral) Torah, these self-professed ‘apostles’ claimed to hold prophetic gifts and that they could interact with angels and Jesus through what they called ‘the holy spirit’ (a practice commonly involving going into self-induced trances and speaking in uncontrolled gibberish/tongues).

Dozens of End Times cults splintered off from this source. Various prophets like Edward Irving (founder of the Irvingites), John Dowie (founder of Zion Illinois), John Darby (founder of Exclusive Brethren), Charles Parham (founder of Pentecostalism), Joseph Smith of the Mormons, and Dwight L. Moody (founder of Moody Bible College) created occult societies masquerading as “Christian” movements.

The thread tying these new sects together tended to revolve around 1) rapture interpretations of the Bible, 2) the restoration of the Jews to the Holy Land, and, in most cases, 3) the rebuilding of Solomon’s Temple.

Were these actions to occur, it was taught by those with ‘special gnostic knowledge,’ the apocalyptic End Times would be invoked. The dual origins of Christian Zionism and End Times rapture theology are found here—not in the Bible.

The Fraud of British Israelism

It is also noteworthy that many of these “apostolic” cult creators were also devotees of “British Israelism,” which claimed that the 10 lost Tribes of Israel actually settled in Britain, and the British Royal family was directly descended from the House of David—the ‘secret children’ of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. Films such as Martin Scorsese’s The Last Temptation of Christ and the popular book Holy Blood Holy Grail made these actual beliefs of the oligarchy into articles of popular mythology in the minds of plebian consumers.

Most people watching King Charles III sprinkled with water from the River Jordan during his coronation had no idea what insane symbolism was occurring. In the mind of Charles and the broader oligarchy he represents, this ritual symbolizes Charles as the blood heir to the throne of Christ himself.

The choice to carry a metallic globe and cross symbolizing his divine right to rule the entire globe as prima inter pares (first among equals)—a symbol of the Holy Roman Emperor—should also not be ignored (see image below).

In 1834, British Israelite Henry Drummond stated that “The majority of what was called the religious world, disbelieved that the Jews were to be restored to their own land, and that the Lord Jesus Christ was to return and reign in person on this earth.”

The Logic of England’s Use of Zionism 

In January 1839, Lord Anthony Ashley Cooper wrote an article in the London Quarterly Review commonly referred to as the first public call for the restoration of the Jews in Palestine:

“The soil and climate of Palestine are singularly adapted to the growth of produce required for the exigencies of Great Britain; the finest cotton may be obtained in almost unlimited abundance; silk and madder are the staple of the country, and olive oil is now, as it ever was, the very fatness of the land. Capital and skill are alone required: the presence of a British officer, and the increased security of property which his presence will confer, may invite them from these islands to the cultivation of Palestine; and the Jews, who will betake themselves to agriculture in no other land, having found, in the English consul, a mediator between their people and the Pasha, will probably return in yet greater numbers, and become once more the husbandmen of Judaea and Galilee. (Cited in Victoria Clark, Allies for Armageddon, p.67)

In 1840, Lord Palmerston (Lord Cooper’s cousin and British Foreign Secretary) echoed this proto-zionist outlook in a letter to the British ambassador to Constantinople:

“There exists at the present time among the Jews dispersed over Europe, a strong notion that the time is approaching when their nation is to return to Palestine… It would be of manifest importance to the Sultan to encourage the Jews to return and to settle in Palestine… I have to instruct your Excellency to recommend to hold out every just encouragement to the Jews of Europe to return to Palestine.”

In 1853, Shaftesbury wrote to then-Prime Minister Aberdeen describing Syria as “a country without a nation, which should be matched to a nation without a country… Is there such a thing? To be sure there is. The ancient and rightful lords of the soil, the Jews!”

Shaftesbury recognized the need to map Palestine (which also involved finding the location of Solomon’s Temple) in preparation for this vast project. To this end, he worked closely with his cousin Lord Palmerston and the Prince of Whales (later King Edward VII) to create the Palestinian Exploration Fund in 1865.

Templars, Mithra, and the Roots of the Palestinian Exploration Fund 

This project was been put into motion a little earlier, when in 1862, Queen Victoria’s son, Prince Edward Albert, led an expedition to Palestine. The first secretary of the Palestinian Exploration Fund (PEF), Walter Besant, described the importance of the King’s venture to the Holy Land in his work Twenty-One Years Work in the Holy Land (1886):

“Hitherto the opportunity for such systematic research has been wanting. It appears now to have arrived. The visit of HRH the Prince of Wales to the Mosque at Hebron has broken down the bar which for centuries obstructed the entrance of Christians to that most venerable of the sanctuaries of Palestine; and may be said to have thrown open the whole of Syria to Christian research.”

The fact that Walter Besant of the Palestinian Expedition Fund was the brother-in-law of Annie Besant, leader of the international Theosophy movement, should raise some alarm bells since it has been noted that John Nelson Darby infused his translations of the Bible with language and terms only being used by the Theosophists.

Before Prince Edward Albert’s trip, the last royal to step foot in Jerusalem was King Richard the Lionheart in 1192 CE during the 3rd Crusade overseen by the Templars.

The Templars were a mercenary cult established by Cistercian grand strategist Bernard of Clairvaux in 1118 CE. They were officially called “The Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon.” Not living up to their aspirations of poverty, this order of elite Christian mercenaries soon became the dominant financial empire across Europe and the Mediterranean sphere. It oversaw a network of Mithraic mystery cults throughout the world stretching from Russia to Europe, England, and the Middle East.

In fact, the Kingdom of Jerusalem, which reigned from 1099-1291, was frequently managed by the Templars and ranged widely in size during several bloody Crusades against the Muslims. An animation of the Kingdom can be seen here:

The Kingdom’s flag can be seen here:

The Jerusalem crosses became affiliated with the Templars before the order was dissolved (at least publicly) and appeared on the insignia of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre, established as a papal knighthood in 1098. It currently has 30,000 official members under an Order not too dissimilar in structure to Jesuit Generals[3]. Keep in mind that this papal knighthood was established 20 years before the founding of the Clairvaux’s Templars.

According to the sect’s website, the Knighthood of the Holy Sepulchre is devoted to “absolute fidelity to the Popes” and seeks to “sustain and aid…the Catholic Church in the Holy Land.” In Freemasonic fashion, the Order is organized around a Grand Master and a chain of command of obedience down to the lower degrees.

Among the priorities of the order today are the funding and maintenance of religious schools across Palestine, Israel, and the broader Middle East.

Below, one can see a Good Friday ritual celebrated by a group of Knights of the Sepulchre in Bolivia. I’m sure the similarities to the KKK (which emerged out of the Masonic Knights of the Golden Circle that nearly became the occult center of North America under Albert Pike’s command in the 19th century) are a complete coincidence.

In 1222, Francis of Assisi (ordained as the environmentalist’s saint) established a subdivision of his Franciscans dubbed “The Order of Penitent Brothers and Sisters.” Like its later incarnation in the Jesuits, the order was arranged around a general and featured an outward (exoteric) practice of strict Benedictine asceticism (this involved self-flagellation).

This order became known as the Franciscan Minorite Order and selected for themselves a very peculiar emblem.

This is important to keep in mind since the Prince of Whales Albert Edward celebrated his 1862 arrival in the Holy Land by engraving a tattoo featuring the Templar crosses on his arm. The Templar headquarters in Jerusalem were found in the elaborate crypts built under the Al-Aqsa Mosque (the supposed location of Solomon’s Temple) and are the source of much speculation. The likelihood of a Mithraic temple as part of a network of thousands scattered across the Holy Land and Europe is the most attractive hypothesis this author has yet seen.

Working directly under Prince Albert Edward was Sir Charles Warren, chief of the Palestine Exploration Fund (PEF) and First Grand Master of the Quatuor Coronati Lodge, which was established in 1886. The Quatuor Coronati (Four Crowns) was the first archeology lodge devoted to mapping out the Middle East and ultimately rebuilding Solomon’s Temple, which was destroyed in 70 CE.

Additional aims of the lodge and Palestinian Exploration Fund involved locating the ark of the covenant and holy grail. The geopolitical benefits of mapping the Middle East for the British High Command (as well as mapping out the tribal relations of Arabs living there under the manipulation of British orientalists) were obvious.

The entire field of ‘Biblical Archeology’ was created—and continues to be shaped—by the Quatuor Coronati. Upon founding the PEF, Warren stated that it was designed with the avowed intention of “gradually introducing the Jews, pure and simple, who are eventually to occupy and govern this country.”

In 1886, Sir Charles Warren was appointed the chief commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, where he was assigned to protect the Prince of Whales’ ritualistic murder of prostitutes across London in a famous unsolved case called “Jack the Ripper.” Warren worked with Plymouth Brethren member Sir Robert Anderson, head of Scotland Yard, to sabotage the investigation into the masonic ritual murder of prostitutes across London. These murders most likely occurred at the hand of Prince Albert Edward’s eldest son Prince Albert Victor. The 2001 Hollywood film From Hellstarring Johny Depp, was but one of many films banalizing this grotesque chapter of history in the form of popular entertainment.

It is also worth noting that author Michael Baigent—who wrote Holy Blood Holy Grail,which informed Dan Brown’s Davinci Code—was also a member of the Quatuor Coronati Lodge.

The Plymouth Brethren Start Religious Fires 

Another Plymouth Brethren cultist played an important role in British Mandate Palestine. Colonel Charles Wingate was a leading figure in Darby’s sect and ensured that his son, Colonel Orde Wingate, would follow in his father’s shoes as a deviant imperialist and Christian Zionist.

Orde Wingate worked closely with Christopher Sykes (son of Mark Sykes of Sykes-Picot fame) and was sent to British Mandate Palestine in 1935 to train Zionist paramilitary groups. He created a network of elite ‘Night Squads’ working in tandem with Jabotinsky’s Haganah paramilitary group.

As demonstrated by the pioneering work of Steven P. Meyer, Vladimir Jabotinsky was a British intelligence asset from Ukraine who was groomed in the Freemasonic Young Turk operation set into motion by Lord Palmerston and Giuseppe Mazzini in the 1840s. He was a Jewish fascist admirer who Israel’s first prime minister, David Ben-Gurion, called “Vladimir Hitler” due to his adoption of Nazi practices and his rabidly racist ethnonationalist attitude.

In a letter to his cousin, Orde wrote:

“The Jews are loyal to the Empire… Palestine is essential to our Empire- our Empire is essential to England- England is essential to world peace. We have the chance to plant here in Palestine and Transjordan a loyal, rich and intelligent nation, with which we can hold for us the key to world domination without expense or effort on our part.”

It is a notable irony that Col. Orde Wingate had two very influential “pro-Arab” Orientalist cousins: 1) E.G Browne (sponsor of Al-Afghani, the spiritual father of Salafiyyism) and 2) T.E. Lawrence, whose manipulation of Bedouin Hashemite tribes drove the British Empire’s first ‘Arab Spring’ against the weak Ottoman Empire during World War One.

British Mandate Palestine Grand Mullah Haj Amin frequently collaborated with British intelligence from Britain’s Cairo office, including the Muslim Brotherhood, to 1) assassinate moderate Arabs seeking economic cooperation with the Jews and 2) kill Jews to stoke revenge sentiments similar to the earlier program of keeping Protestant vs. Catholic wars ablaze in Europe.

Haj Amin’s story as a British asset and provocateur is told in full by Cynthia Chung in her book The Empire in Which the Black Sun Never Set. [4]

British intelligence’s support of Islamist cults throughout the Arab world, from al-Afghani (founder of Salafyyism) to the Muslim Brotherhood, and their simultaneous support of the most fascist and violent Zionist ideologues should not be seen as contradictory in any way. Rather, this support is united by one firm principle: maintain global dominance for the Church of the British Empire.

With a game so dirty, one shouldn’t be surprised to discover that Wingate’s fellow British intelligence agent and self-professed satanist Aleister Crowley himself emerged out of Darby’s Plymouth Brethren sect.

Mystery Babylon from a New Lens

Plymouth Brethren grand strategist George Hawkins Pember (1837-1910) is known as one of the most influential of Darby’s sect. His works on ancient mystery cults, Zionism, prophecy, and even alien interpretations of scripture have done an incredible amount of damage in shaping imperial strategic planning for over 150 years.

In his book The Antichrist, Babylon, and the Coming of the Kingdom, Pember laid out the challenge of interpreting what the ‘Whore of Babylon’ might be. This information is very important for anyone wishing to calculate the days until the End Times.

Pember followed the Pre-Millennial Dispensationalist line by extracting the cataclysmic events into the future. “It would seem, that Babylon must be rebuilt and become again the center of the world and the glory of kingdoms, as we have it represented in the eighteenth chapter of the apocalypse,” he wrote.

But who is this Babylon that must rise to power to usher in the End Times? Is it Russia? Is it the papacy? Is it the British Empire? Or is it something else?

As a devout Christian Zionist cut from the cloth of Palmerston, Churchill, or Eichmann, the answer is clear, according to Pember. In his book The Antichrist, Babylon, and the Coming of the Kingdom, he wrote:

“The wonder is that the restoration of Babylon has never yet been attempted…As soon, however, as Christendom is united in the form of the Ten Confederate Kingdoms, all jealousy will be at an end, and the great prize may then be seized for the common good. No doubt commerce will be the exciting motive: the civilized world will, perhaps, combine to build a great central emporium, which by their united exertions will quickly surpass all other cities, and finally become the capital of the Antichrist.”

Keeping in mind the role of the Plymouth Brethren and gnostic intelligence operatives of the Palestinian Expedition Fund in creating Zionism in the first place, let’s review once more the region proclaimed by Herzl, Jabotinsky, and other Greater Zionists as the divine land ordained by God’s covenant for the “chosen people”…

Herzl’s envisioned Greater Israel Empire

Today, the Anglo-Zionist project has grown from an aggressively demonic fetus to a vicious, full-grown monster. It appears intent on fulfilling a divine prophecy to recreate a new Babylon while provoking a war with literally every Arab neighbor surrounding them. The maps of Babylon 539 BCE and Herzl’s fantasy are eerily similar.

America’s nuclear arsenal will likely support Zionist ambitions to purge the land of Arabs, starting with Palestine and followed by Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Egypt, and possibly Saudi Arabia, as outlined by the neo-con Clean Break Doctrine submitted to Netanyahu in 1996. But are all Americans (or even Israelis) happy about this scenario? Judging from the mass protests in the US against Netanyahu’s current war and the collapse of his support within Israel itself, the answer is no.

But do the voices of the people who will be exterminated in the wake of a global nuclear war have any influence over the decisions made by imperial ideologues marching about Washington, London, or Tel Aviv? That remains to be seen.

I would also pose the question: Is it at all possible that the forces that birthed the Zionist project may ultimately see their creation as a disposable pawn in the great game? Is it also possible that these same forces don’t even see the US as a permanent fixture of the “end of history” some imperialists wish to see emerge onto the scene? These are just a few questions to ponder.

With all of this in mind, it is worth revisiting Henry Kissinger’s 2012 prophecy that “in 10 years, there will be no more Israel.”

The Fall of Babylon 2.0?

“The Truth Concerning the Land is Revealed in Cabala. Jewish Mysticism (Cabala) militates for life in the Land of Israel. Rationalistic approaches to Judaism place no special value on the Land of Israel. In wars, national characters crystalize. Israel, as the universal reflection of mankind, benefits thereby. The heels of Messiah follow upon World Conflagration… At the hour of the downfall of Western civilization, Israel is called upon to fulfill its divine mission by providing the spiritual basis for a New World Order.” [emphasis added]

-Rabbi Abraham Isaac Cohen Kook, Greater Israel champion, End Times cultist, Chief Ashkenaz Rabbi for British Mandate Palestine (1919-1935)

The genie of Greater Israelism, as promoted by the likes of Theodor Herzl, Rabbi A.I Kook, and the army of gnostic Christian Zionist heirs of John Nelson Darby begging for a first strike onto Iran represents a level of zealotry and fanaticism that may spell disaster for much of humanity. Unlike most End Times cults that have stained this world, this one happens to possess a nuclear arsenal, and it is supported by raving hordes of rapture-believing Christian Zionists in America hungry for Armageddon.

A strange collusion of the Jesuit-run papacy of Pope Francis and the Anglican Church of the eco-Crusader King Charles III has united on multiple fronts. This includes Lynn Forester de Rothschild’s Council for Inclusive Capitalism under the banner of the World Economic Forum. Additionally, why did Pope Francis (who took the name from the Templar-connected Francis of Assisi) choose to give shards of the cross upon which Jesus died (so it is claimed) as a coronation gift to a man who is a British Israelite who probably believes himself to be a blood heir to Jesus himself?

For that matter, why did Prince William’s wife, Kate Middleton, present her second baby to the world dressed in an outfit made famous by accused satanist and pedophile Roman Polanski in the film Rosemary’s Baby (featuring the story of a woman who is impregnated by a satanic cult leader and gives birth to the anti-Christ)?

This cult is also operating in a world shaped in large measure by a collapsing hegemon sitting atop a systemic financial meltdown that may make the 1929 depression look like a cakewalk.

Kissinger’s Role

Sir Henry Kissinger played an instrumental role in converting the US from a republic that aspired to uphold liberty to a nation fully committed to empire under the control of a techno-feudal priesthood.

It is important to keep in mind that throughout his long and destructive life, Kissinger cannot really be accused of being a cause of anything. Rather, he was always an instrument enslaved to a higher agency far beyond him. He was perhaps a fully witting agent—and thus all the more reprehensible than the many lower auxiliaries of technocracy who are ignorant of the evil they represent… but he was a slave nonetheless.

As a prized student of Rhodes Scholar William Yandall Elliot (who served as a guru to a nest of sociopathic young men at Harvard), Kissinger’s devout misanthropy, idealization of oligarchism, and spiritual devotion to systems of stasis were recognized by his handlers. He soon found himself working for the director of the CIA’s Office of Psychological Strategy Board in 1952, where he was brought into the inner sanctum of global intelligence operations.

Rhodes Scholar William Yandall Elliot surrounded by a few of his leading disciples: Sir Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Samuel Huntington, and Pierre Trudeau

Kissinger’s star rose quickly as he was made a member of the Round Table’s American think tank in 1956—The Council on Foreign Relations—and was soon brought into the Rockefeller Commission’s 1956 study group on America and the New World Order (named ‘Prospects for America’). There, he worked closely with Rhodes Scholar Dean Rusk and American fascist Henry Luce. This was soon followed by admission to the Bilderberg Group in 1957, where he went on to lead its steering committee.

Like his Rhodes Scholar mentor earlier, Kissinger found his own protégé in the form of a young sociopath named Klaus Schwab, whom he taught at a CIA-sponsored program at Harvard. Kissinger wasted no time setting the stage for the post-industrial era of deregulation, nation-stripping, and war as he brought the new Trilateral Commission into reality alongside David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski.

During his time as secretary of state and national security advisor, Kissinger worked closely with George Schultz in removing the US dollar from the fixed exchange rate gold reserve system, ensuring that what was once a viable industrial capital system would become a speculative weapon of mass destruction.

Once this was achieved, Kissinger’s work in orchestrating the Yom Kippur War of 1973 and broader oil shocks that resulted in a US dollar pegged to the price of OPEC oil was a cakewalk [5]. Kissinger’s next step in drafting the NSSM-200 program, transforming America’s foreign policy from a pro-industrial growth orientation toward “population control,” was another step into hell.

But were any of these policies designed to serve the interests of America or even Israel or Saudi Arabia in the long term?

Were any of these policies designed to serve any nation, or were they all simply different elements to the same abstract painting of chaos that he served on behalf of a higher agency?

What agency could that be if not American or Israeli or Saudi?

Kissinger’s Devotion to the British Empire Means More Than You Think

Sir Kissinger let the cat out of the bag on May 10, 1982, during a Chatham House (see: Round Table) conference in Britain. He described the principled schism between traditionally American vs. British imperial ways of looking at the world and demonstrated his commitment to the British imperial paradigm:

“Many American leaders condemned Churchill as needlessly obsessed with power politics, too rigidly anti-Soviet, too colonialist in his attitude to what is now called the Third World, and too little interested in building the fundamentally new international order towards which American idealism has always tended. The British undoubtedly saw the Americans as naive, moralistic, and evading responsibility for helping secure the global equilibrium. The dispute was resolved according to American preferences- in my view, to the detriment of postwar security… The disputes between Britain and America during the Second World War and after were, of course, not an accident. British policy drew upon two centuries of experience with the European balance of power, America on two centuries of rejecting it.

“Where America had always imagined itself isolated from world affairs, Britain for centuries was keenly alert to the potential danger that any country’s domination of the European continent-whatever its domestic structure or method of dominance-placed British survival risk… Britain rarely proclaimed moral absolutes or rested her faith in the ultimate efficacy of technology, despite her achievements in this field. Philosophically she remains Hobbesian: She expects the worst and is rarely disappointed. In moral matters Britain has traditionally practiced a convenient form of ethical egoism, believing that what was good for Britain was best for the rest…. In the nineteenth century, British policy was perhaps the principal factor in European system that kept the peace for 99 years without a major war ….”

Perhaps most revealing was his description of his own role as secretary of state when he described his relationship with the British Foreign Office:

“The British were so matter-of-factly helpful that they became a participant in internal American deliberations, to a degree probably never practiced between sovereign nations… In my White House incarnation then, I kept the British Foreign Office better informed and more closely engaged than I did the American State Department… It was symptomatic”.

For those who may not be aware, Kissinger’s recruitment to William Yandall Elliot’s Round Table operation in Harvard, his allegiance to the Round Table movement’s Chatham House operation in London and New York (dubbed “The Mothership” by Hillary Clinton), and his words above are nothing less than an admission of allegiance to a new Templar order.

The secret society that Cecil Rhodes established in his last will and testament as “a Church of the British Empire,” modeled on “The Jesuit Constitution” was explicitly based on the Grail Myths of the Knighthood of the Round Table. These were designed in the 13th century to promote the Templar-managed Crusades and the reconstruction of the Crusader kingdom of Jerusalem.[6]

As even Scottish Rite Grand Master Albert Pike stated in 1871, the Jesuit Order was itself a reconstructed and more disciplined Templar Order. In his Morals and Dogma, he wrote:

“The Templars were unintelligent and therefore unsuccessful Jesuits. Their watchword was, to become wealthy, in order to buy the world. They became so, and in 1312 they possessed in Europe alone more than nine thousand seignories. Riches were the shoal on which they were wrecked. They became insolent, and unwisely showed their contempt for the religious and social institutions which they aimed to overthrow. Their ambition was fatal to them.”

It has also been demonstrated that the Order of Saint Francis of Assisi was additionally a Templar Order (with the additional attributes of a Magna Mater cult of Cybele that dominated Rome as a nature-worship sect). This order also merged into the later Jesuit society. With this in mind, the union of Jesuits and Franciscans in 2013 takes on new meaning and should raise eyebrows.

It was, after all, the Jesuit influence on the 1545-1563 Council of Trent that both fueled the flames of never-ending religious wars across Europe and established the foundations of Christian Zionism and the End Times cults of our modern-day.

Whether it was the British Empire that created political Zionism as part of the Great Game as Winston Churchill, Lord Shaftesbury, or Lord Balfour believed, or whether Jewish cabalistic bankers were attempting to create a Greater Israel capital for a New World Order as Herzl, Vladimir Jabotinsky, or Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook likely believed…it may not matter which imperial monstrosity is wagging the tail: both may be destined to the same fate that befell the first Babylon over two millennia ago.

Perhaps Kissinger knew what this new age of Babylon would involve… but he’s too busy dealing with other problems at this moment.

One thing is certain: the thing calling itself ‘the antichrist’ has been very angry with something very special within Christianity, Judaism, and Islam for a very long time. It’s time to rediscover what that is before the End Times cult Kissinger served achieves its final act.


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This article was originally published on Matthew Ehret’s Insights.

Matthew Ehret is the Editor-in-Chief of the Canadian Patriot Review, Senior Fellow at the American University in Moscow, and Director of The Rising Tide Foundation. He has authored three volumes of the Untold History of Canada book series and four volumes of the Clash of the Two Americas. He hosts Connecting the Dots on TNT Radio, Breaking History on Badlands Media, and The Great Game on Rogue News.


[1] According to evidence available on record, Theodor Herzl was many things, but his own man was likely not one of them. His rise to prominence from a low-level journalist in 1893 to the leader of global Zionism within three years is unprecedented and doesn’t happen without vast institutional patronage. Additionally, his connection to Colonel Goldsmid (head of London’s Maccabee movement) from 1894 to 1904 is one of many important red flags of higher influences interfacing with Herzl. Colonel Goldsmid played a role in the Boer War alongside the new Round Table movement and was also the overseer of the British Empire’s Jewish colonial project in Argentina, which is no small thing. The Jewish colonial projects overseen by the British Empire in Argentina—like the Uganda scheme proposed by Chamberlain later (and submitted by Herzl to the World Zionist Congress in 1903)—was an indirect way of corralling international Jews from across Russia and Europe into controlled zones of British imperial domain that would serve as gateways towards a final Palestinian Zionist infusion. Ultimately, the empire’s success in sparking World War One and undermining the Ottoman Empire sped things up and made these stepping stones unnecessary. The fact that Herzl was also an antisemite who saw great practical use in antisemitism to make Europe and Russia unliveable for the Jews is a big red herring. It places him in conjunction with the intelligence agencies (often occult-theosophical) throughout the secret police operations of the Russian, French, Prussian, and British empires that coordinated the Dreyfuss Affair fiasco in France and the Protocols of Zion forgeries in Russia and their translations across the English world.

[2] In 1954, Egypt and the United Kingdom signed an agreement over the Suez Canal and British military basing rights. It was short-lived. By 1956 Great Britain, France, and Israel concocted a plot against Egypt aimed at toppling Nasser and seizing control of the Suez Canal, a conspiracy that enlisted the Muslim Brotherhood. The British went so far as to hold secret meetings with the Muslim Brotherhood in Geneva. According to author Stephen Dorril, two British intelligence agents, Col. Neil McLean and Julian Amery (Leo Amery’s son), helped MI6 organize a clandestine anti-Nasser opposition. Julian Amery would be directly linked to the Gladio networks. In Stephen Dorril’s book MI6: Fifty Years of Special Operations he writes, “They [McLean and Amery] also went so far as to make contact in Geneva…with members of the Muslim Brotherhood, informing only MI6 of this demarche which they kept secret from the rest of the Suez Group [which was planning the military operation via its British bases by the Suez Canal]. Julian Amery forwarded various names to [Britain’s Foreign Secretary].” The full story can be found in Dorril, Stephen. (2000) MI6: Fifty Years of Special Operations. The Free Press, New York p. 356, 629 and Chung, Cynthia, (2022) Empire on Which the Black Sun Never Set, Canadian Patriot Press p. 286

[3] The Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem (or Knights of the Holy Sepulchre), is a Catholic Order of knighthood (f.1099) under the protection of the Holy See. The pope is the sovereign of the Order. The Order creates canons as well as knights with the primary mission to “support the Christian presence in the Holy Land.” It is an internationally recognized Order of chivalry. The Order today is estimated to have some 30,000 knights and dames in 60 lieutenancies around the world. The cardinal grand master has been Fernando Filoni since 2019, and the Latin patriarch of Jerusalem is grand prior. Its headquarters are situated at Palazzo Della Rovere and its official church in Sant’Onofrio al Gianicolo, both in Rome, close to Vatican City.” [description from Wikipedia]

[4] Specifically Chapter 11: “Nazis, the British, and the Middle East.”

[5] Under his careful watch, oil prices increased 400% during the 1973 OPEC crisis. This has been acknowledged to have played a big role in driving the 1973-79 inflation. But as researcher William Engdahl demonstrated in his 1992 A Century of War, then-Secretary of State Henry Kissinger had more of a role in manufacturing this crisis from scratch by keeping hundreds of tankers replete with petrol from being unloaded in the US and facilitating the 400% interest rate increase with the assistance of several high-level oil ministers in the Middle East beholden to Kissinger. In recent years, Saudi Arabia’s OPEC minister at the time of the crisis corroborated Engdahl’s research stating: “I am 100 per cent sure that the Americans were behind the increase in the price of oil. The oil companies were in real trouble at that time, they had borrowed a lot of money and they needed a high oil price to save them.”

[6] See From Ritual to Romance by Jessie L. Weston, Cambridge University Press, 1920

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United Nations Resolves Palestinians Have the Right to Return and Live in Peace

The United Nations General Assembly, in 1948, passed UN Resolution 194 that resolved the right of Palestinians to return to their traditional homes and live in peace with their neighbors. The forcibly evicted Palestinians, and their descendants ever since have held, among their most prized possessions, the sacred keys that once opened the doors to all their homes from which they were originally evicted by the Global Zionist Jewry.

Sheikh Raed Salah, the head of the National Branch of the Islamic Movement in Israel, has vowed Islam will ultimately save the West from slavery to global Zionism.

But it’s long past any remote notion of a ‘high time’ coming, since the Zionist Jewish citizenry of Israel and the collective world should already have long since woken up to the unvarnished truths about the hideous nature of Global Zionism that, since 1948, has become one of the main suppliers of weapons of mass destruction that has encouraged other nations, throughout all the hemispheres of the earth, who’ve since ‘been poisoned, corrupted and encouraged by Israel’s war armaments industry to use against their own people and neighbors. 

One could argue that Global Zionist Israel, like its main ally the United States of America, and their war armament offsprings, like Israel Weapon Industries, Israel Aerospace Industries, Northrop Grumman and Raytheon Technologies, since their inceptions, have all been drug pushers of war and hate that, since their earliest inceptions, have served as constant banes on humanity that have turned the entire planet and its human denizens into a veritable hell-hole.

One especially-critical, pressing, still unresolved world matter, in particular; is: how and why Palestine originally was allowed to be illegally occupied by Zionist Israeli’s terrorist forces seventy-five years ago, and; how and why world leaders, the United States in particular, collectively avoided doing anything to prevent or resist it from happening; only incentivize and financially enable it to continue to do so for their own global goals of conquest and domination. 

Another still unanswered question is: how and why the non-stop occupation by ever-greater numbers of anti-Palestinian Zionist settler-colonist Jewry have-been allowed to continue, in spite of one UN resolution after another to the contrary, to push the Palestinian people into every smaller Bantustans of their former homelands, that has now led to the existing life and death war in Gaza for both Palestinians and Israeli Jews that since has turned into an unspeakable mass genocide against the Palestinians. 

It’s patently clear that unless the genocide is soon stopped, it will most assuredly lead to either the complete extermination of the Palestinian peoples or their complete eviction from their original homelands; with Israel’s crystal-clear intent that once the Palestinians leave, they will never again have any right to ever return; with the additional outrage that many capitalistic governments in the world, led by the woeful, despicable leadership of the United States and its allies in the United Nations will, no doubt, refuse to support any type of BDS (Boycott, Divestment, Sanction) Movement to stop the genocide of innocent Palestinian men, women, children and infants; even at the risk of allowing the war to turn into a regional or worldwide conflict between the entire Arab and Western Worlds, with unknown and unpredictable implications.

Zionism from the Beginning Has Been About Creating a Fascist State

To learn some of the unvarnished truths about the real insidious origins of Israel’s Zionism and how this cancerous travesty against humanity first began, one can do no better than choose as a starting point, if the world is to avoid the impending tragedy that awaits, by listening to Asa Winstanley and Norma Barrows-Friedman’s interview of Tony Greenstein, author of “Zionism During the Holocaust”.

Greenstein extensively documents the historical collaboration of the Zionists on a continuum spanning early 20th century Nazism to Winston Churchill and England’s Labor Party; while revealing the reality that Zionism never had a problem with anti-semitism because its main goal was primarily to build a 100% fascist Zionist state in Palestine 

Greenstein points out how Zionist Israel continued this dialectic by actively collaborating after WWII with far-right fascist regimes in the Southern Hemisphere like: Guatemala; Nicaragua, Paraguay, Chile and Argentina, as well as elsewhere throughout the world-. Greenstein exposes in the process the fact that the goal of Zionist Israel all along has unequivocally been to create a 100% Zionist Jewish State that never intended to include the Palestinians.

Chris Hedges Review of the Genocide Being Committed in Gaza

For anyone who wants a clear, concise and comprehensive overview of what is currently happening on the ground in Gaza they can do no better than listen intently to the Pulitzer Prize-winning-author and journalist Chris Hedges, who was a foreign journalist for the New York Times and served as its Middle East Bureau Chief for fifteen years.

Hedges was a close friend of Alina Margolis-Edelman, who was part of the armed resistance in the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising in WWII when the Nazi had sealed 400,000 Polish Jews inside the Warsaw Ghetto, not unlike Hamas and the Palestinians sealed in Gaza. Here husband, Marek Edelman, was the deputy commander of the uprising and the only leader to survive the war.

The trapped Jews died by the thousands, like the Palestinians, from starvation, disease and Nazi violence. When the Jews began to be transported to the extermination places, the resistance fighters fought back as Hamas now is doing in Gaza. None ever expected to survive either in Warsaw or in Gaza.

Edelman, after the war condemned Zionism as a racist ideology, used to justify the theft of Palestinian land. He sided with the Palestinians and supported their armed resistance.

Like Edelman who thundered against Israel’s appropriation of the Holocaust to justify its reprisals of the Palestinians, Chris Hedges thunders against the Zionist’s false claim that they, too, have the same right to exist on their stolen lands of the Palestinians as do the Palestinians, themselves.

Hedges points out that the war in Gaza isn’t against Hamas per se, but against every Palestinians man, women, child, infant and new born because the intent of Zionism is to erase the very idea of Palestine, as well as the idea of Palestinians, themselves, as a people. Hedges points to the fact that its coded within the very DNA of Zionism and White Western Imperialism. 

Zionism, from its inception, was intended to be a pure state of ideological Zionism, with no One State or Two State Solution ever intended, other than a Third State Solution where the Palestinians, en masse, were to be shipped off somewhere in the Sinai Desert to Jordan, Lebanon or Egypt.


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The writer Jerome Irwin is a Canadian-American writer who originally was a Criminology student working in one of America’s local police departments. For decades, Irwin has sought to call world attention to problems of environmental degradation and unsustainability caused by a host of environmental-ecological-spiritual issues that exist between the conflicting world philosophies of indigenous and non-indigenous peoples.

Irwin is the author of the book, “The Wild Gentle Ones; A Turtle Island Odyssey” (, a spiritual odyssey among the native peoples of North America that has led to numerous articles pertaining to: Ireland’s Fenian Movement; native peoples Dakota Access Pipeline Resistance Movement; AIPAC, Israel & the U.S. Congress anti-BDS Movement; the historic Battle for Palestine & Siege of Gaza, as well as; the many violations constantly being waged by industrial-corporate-military-propaganda interests against the World’s Collective Soul. The author and his wife are long-time residents on the North Shore of British Columbia.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image source

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“2023 has been a challenge for Global Research, but we know 2024 will be no different. That’s why we need your support. Will you make a New Year donation to help us continue with our work?”


Litigating against countries is the stuff of esoteric delight for international lawyers.  Such matters become yet more complex when it comes to claims of genocide or broader crimes against humanity. Accusations, however motivated, are always easy to make. Proving them in a court of law is quite another proposition.  International law remains a terrain of punctures and potholes, rather than smooth lines and fine paving. Working around those punctures is a skill worthy of prize and praise.

The ongoing flattening, mauling and extirpation of the Gaza Strip by Israel’s armed forces has drawn interest from jurists and litigants. The potholes and punctures, in that sense, seem to be filling up. It’s hard not to see why, when you have such startlingly grotesque admissions as those from Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari, a chief spokesman for the IDF, that “the emphasis is on damage and not on accuracy.”

Then come such background briefs as those from retired Colonel Pnina Sharvit Baruch, former director of the wing celebrated for advising IDF commanders about complying with the rules of war. A dive into the short overview from Baruch makes for grim reading. The aim, not method, is what matters, namely, the destruction of Hamas.

“Without achieving this goal, Hamas will succeed in de facto denying Israel the exercise of its sovereignty in the areas adjacent to the border with the Gaza Strip. In light of this significant military advantage, even if many civilians in Gaza are harmed during the attacks, this is not necessarily excessive incidental damage and therefore would not be disproportionate attacks that are illegal.” 

Mass murder can thereby be excused.

Leonard Rubenstein, a professor of practice at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, was sufficiently troubled by such reasoning to suggest that Israel had “asserted a theory of justifiable conduct in war that, contrary to this body of [humanitarian] law, elevates claims of military necessity in achieving the war’s aims over protection of civilians, particularly in a just war.”

In the international community, a number of actions are testing the waters of legality regarding Israel’s novel view of waging what is increasingly looking like a war of ghoulish extermination. In November, the New York Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) filed a suit on behalf of Palestinian human rights groups, US citizens with relatives in Gaza and Palestinians in Gaza arguing that the Biden administration had been complicit and failed to prevent “the Israeli government’s unfolding genocide”. It notes the language of various Israeli government figures that demonstrate “clear genocidal intentions” while deploying “dehumanizing characterizations of Palestinians, including ‘human animals’”.

That same month, South Africa, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Comoros and Djibouti, according to Karim Khan, the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, expressed the view that an investigation of “the situation in the state of Palestine” should take place. Khan accordingly declared that an investigation into the events in the Gaza Strip and the occupied West Bank from March 2021 was duly expanded to include “the escalation of hostilities and violence since the attacks that took place on October, 2023.” Despite Israel not being a member of the ICC, the prosecutor called “upon all relevant actors to provide full cooperation with my office.”

South Africa has decided to test the validity of Israel’s methods of war in Gaza through the offices of the International Court of Justice, a body of feeble, if acceptable dignity. On December 29, Pretoria filed an application regarding, in the words of the relevant press release, “alleged violations by Israel regarding the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide […] in relation to Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.” The application makes the claim that “acts and omissions” by the Israeli government “are genocidal in character, as they are committed with the requisite specific intent … to destroy the Palestinians in Gaza as part of the broader Palestinian national, racial and ethnical group”.

It further claims that

“the conduct of Israel – through its State organs, State agents, and other persons and entities acting on its instructions or under its direction, control or influence – in relation to Palestinians in Gaza, is in violation of the obligations under the Genocide Convention.”

The application instituting proceedings gives more detail to the South African case, noting such alleged genocidal acts as “killing Palestinians in Gaza, causing them serious bodily and mental harm, and inflicting on them conditions of life calculated to bring about their physical destruction.”

South Africa requests a number of provisional measures in its ICJ application, namely, that Israel immediately suspend military operations in and against Gaza; ensure all its military or irregular units under the state’s control “take no further steps in furtherance of the military operations” aforementioned; “desist from the commission of any and all actions within the scope of Article II” of the Genocide Convention (killing, causing serious bodily or mental harm to the members of the group); intentional infliction upon the group of conditions “calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part”; and “imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group”.

The response from Israel was hardly one of chastened reflection. Its government rejected “with contempt the blood libel by South Africa in its application to the International Court of Justice (ICJ).” The Israeli Foreign Ministry scorned the South African claim as lacking any “factual and judicial basis and is a despicable and cheap exploitation of the court.” Pretoria was, in effect, “collaborating with a terror group that calls for the destruction of Israel.”

In some ways, South Africa, with its historically thick layering of scar tissue regarding racial hatred, segregation, policing and administrative detention may be better suited than most in understanding the zealots prosecuting the war in Gaza. Far from proving a blood libel, the case may turn out to be something of a bloody revelation.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge. He currently lectures at RMIT University. He is a Research Associate at the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). Email: [email protected] 

Featured image: Eve of Destruction – by Mr. Fish

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“2023 has been a challenge for Global Research, but we know 2024 will be no different. That’s why we need your support. Will you make a New Year donation to help us continue with our work?”


We have seen since the latter part of 2023, the horrific repercussions of controlled and uncontrolled mass murder being perpetrated on men, women and children in the Gaza strip.

We have witnessed, in US and European cities, the escalation of deranged individuals shooting dead whoever happens to get in their line of fire.

We see – and increasingly directly experience –  a break down in civilised patterns of law and order; responsible governance within and without supranational bodies, national parliaments, educational institutions, national health services and hospitals, transport systems, banking, the media, and indeed, in too many cases within families themselves. Amounting to general disassociation with basic moral values.

We also see how giant corporations and banks continue to swallow-up smaller businesses and turn their workers into less than human robotic slaves, unwittingly and wittingly supporting a world exclusively devoted to self agrandissement through the twin totems of power and money.

We increasingly recognise that a whole generation, growing-up in a soulless era of materialistically driven, selfish and often aggressive behaviour patterns, are in danger of falling easy victims to EMF digitalised communications technologies that offer an escape route into a virtual reality world – having little or no connection with an ‘earthed’, meaningful and genuinely human existence.

Many see all this and much more – and yet feel paralysed from changing direction within their own lives. Feel spellbound by the top-down centralised program that stands behind the relentless degradation of human rights, basic freedoms, privacy and justice.

In spite of much valuable information being available to those who care to search for it, there remains a lack of awareness that we are living in ‘a program’. Within an agenda whose ends are 100% antithetical to sentient, caring human beings and to the vital ecological diversity of the planet.

Continuing to participate in this program while dismissing as ‘conspiracy theories’ information that reveals its origins to be a small cabal of ruthless exponents of a ‘New World Order’ and a ‘Great Reset’, is to be in denial of the gift of basic human intelligence.

For such people, only the arrival on one’s doorstep of a life altering shock, will induce an awakening.

But there are a quite rapidly growing number of decent human beings who are now recognising that the horrors which greet us in each morning’s media scan, add up to more than just arbitrary acts of spontaneous cruelty. 

They recognise a line of continuity between the perpetration of one tragedy and another. One deliberate incitement of violence with another.  They start to join the dots.

It is within this growing body of the partially aware that the New Year needs to bring with it a shift into taking responsibility for becoming fully aware – and taking the actions that, when enough engage in them, will bring about a crucial tipping point. A decisive shift in the energetic direction of our planet. A point where ‘we the people’ find our true sense of purpose, and follow it.

There are two key elements involved in turning around the existing ‘world order’: having a clear vision of what should replace it, and having the guts to go for it.

Within this is the need to continue to defend those basic values which have somehow endured up till now.

‘The vision’ is critical in order for further positive actions to be brought to life. Without vision driving aspiration, the goal cannot be reached. And the goal must be something which strongly appeals to the collective unconscious of mankind, not just at the conscious level.

What vision is capable of inspiring such a reaction?

It is said that ‘where attention goes energy flows’. So we must start with ourselves. We must each observe where it is that our attention goes – and whether this is genuinely life affirmative or essentially regressive – and then to be able to get control over it and firmly direct it towards truly meaningful ends. 

When I use the word ‘ourselves’, it refers to individuals capable of discerning the nature of the reality we live in and also capable of acting on it, responsibly. This includes, where necessary, taking responsible non-egoic leadership.

Shockingly, this rules out a large proportion of the population of our planet; including those who still insist that that which is positively aligned with the search for clarity and truth, is the domain of trouble makers and conspiracy theorists. 

So in assessing what element within society is able to adopt a vision capable of shifting daily life in a positive direction, we must conclude that this will be a small percentage of humanity.

However, small as it may be, if sufficiently fired-up, it has the power to bring about the fundamental shift of direction that is called for.  

The sickness moving through society today is not just the expression of physical ailments. It is the expression of a profound imbalance manifesting within all aspects of life on earth. A disruption of planetary equilibrium. 

This has been brought about, over many decades if not centuries, by placing a false emphasis within the core values of human education and aspiration. An emphasis skewed in favour of external material enrichment – of ‘having’ – rather than on discovering and fulfilling our true potential in body, mind and spirit: of ‘being’.

At the deepest level all humanity longs ‘to be’. Longing also for the sense of security experienced by realising one is under the guidance of an omnipotent and benign power offering unconditional love, regardless of one’s status in this world.

If this longing was recognised, respected and acted upon within the social, political, financial, legal, ecological and spiritual disciplines that form the core concerns of all people, we would solve the problems of humanity and indeed of the world, at one stroke.

It would mean the emphasis of all education would be the realisation of human aspirations set within the context of an overall pursuit of truth, justice and spiritual emancipation.

I have used a newly coined term ‘veritocracy’ (from the Latin ‘veritas’: truth) to describe this new state of existence – that which must replace the thoroughly worn-out socio-political institution called ‘democracy’. 

A Veritocracy will embrace the pursuit of truth and justice as the central goal of social, political and economic life. It will mean the end of politics as we know it.

At the core of this vision lies a belief in the realisation of the as yet untapped powers we have inherited as a divine gift of our Creator. 

An immeasurably valuable gift that we have failed to acknowledge and have therefore squandered in favour of false trails into unfulfilling realms of compromise and disaster. 

I therefore offer the birth of Veritocracy as a vision to get 2024 off to the right start.

A vision that when put into effect will change all our lives from top to bottom, bottom to top. Will fundamentally readdress our sense of direction and set mankind on its true path of destiny.

A path that will ensure the rapid demise of those whose existence is fully devoted to preventing the glorious and unobstructable flowering of mankind.


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Julian Rose is an organic farmer, writer, broadcaster and international activist. He is author of four books of which the latest ‘Overcoming the Robotic Mind’ is a clarion call to resist the despotic New World Order takeover of our lives. Do visit his website for further information 

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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“2023 has been a challenge for Global Research, but we know 2024 will be no different. That’s why we need your support. Will you make a New Year donation to help us continue with our work?”


Dec. 23, 2023 – French Journalist 31 year old Clementine Vergnaud died on Dec. 23, 2023 after a 1.5 year battle with bile duct cancer.


Dec. 22, 2023 – 49 year old Ryan Minor, former OU baseball and basketball star, died after 1 year battle with Colon Cancer.

Dec. 10, 2023 – 29 year old reality TV star Anna Chickadee Cardwell died after 10 month battle with Stage 4 Adrenal Carcinoma.


Dec. 5, 2023 – DOCTOR DEAD – Thailand – 29 year old Dr.Krittai Thanasombatkul was diagnosed with Stage 4 Lung Cancer in Oct. 2022 died on Dec. 5, 2023.


Dec. 4, 2023 – 46 year old Kelly Boening died suddenly after a few months battle with Stage 2 pancreatic cancer. Dx to death: few months.


Nov. 30, 2023 – NY – 40 year old Sophia Sheffer was diagnosed with Stage 4 Lung cancer in Oct. 2023 & died on Nov. 30, 2023. Dx to death: 1 month.


Nov. 21, 2023 – Edmonton, AB – 42 year old Tyler Wilson died suddenly on Nov. 21, 2023 after a short battle with cancer.


Nov. 21, 2023 – Frederick, MD – 37 year old Kristin Brown died suddenly on Nov. 21, 2023 after a “short but courageous battle with cancer.”


Nov. 18, 2023 – CHILE – 42 year old Luis Larrain, a prominent LGBTQ rights activist, died on Nov. 18, 2023 after a battle with “aggressive” form of Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, diagnosed Jan. 2023 “he had not responded to treatment.”


Nov. 18, 2023 – Sheffield, UK – 37 year old Matt Hardy died after a 2 year battle with cancer (Nov. 18, 2023).


Nov. 17, 2023 – 44 year old Dr. Brenda Dawn Nemeth, Red Deer Wellness Clinic Naturopathic Doctor died suddenly on Nov. 17, 2023 after a short battle with breast cancer.

ImageNov. 16, 2023 – 36 year old Freyja Hanstein founded the NHS-approved health app Wholesome World and was diagnosed with a brain tumor in 2015. She died in her sleep on Nov. 16, 2023 after recurrence of her tumor.


Nov. 16, 2023 – Curitiba, Brazil, 44 year old journalist Kathya Pricyla Balan died Nov. 16, 2023 after a 4-month battle with Turbo Breast Cancer, Triple Negative, very common cancer after taking Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine.


Nov. 12, 2023 – CANADIAN PhD DEAD – 40 year old Dr. Omeed Owen Ghandehari, psychology professor at University of Regina, died suddenly on Nov. 12, 2023. “Donations to Canadian Cancer Society”.


Nov. 12, 2023 – Nov.12, 2023 – Cambridge, MH – Jenny Mortensen was diagnosed with leukemia on Oct. 14, 2023 but died less than a month later due to internal bleeding and blood clots which caused strokes.

Nov. 11, 2023 – 42 year old off-road racing legend Kyle Leduc died on Nov. 11, 2023 Although recently diagnosed with Stage 4 Head & Neck Cancer, his wife clarified that he died of cardiac arrest.

Click here to read the full article.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

Featured image is from COVID Intel

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

Middle East: Arsonists Shout “Fire”. Netanyahu’s Insidious “Prerequisite for Peace”

By Manlio Dinucci, January 01, 2024

The one waged by Israel in Gaza is called by the Washington Post “one of the most destructive wars of this century.” This war – implemented by Israel with the full support of the U.S. NATO and the EU – has so far left more than 20,000 Palestinians dead and 55,000 seriously wounded, most of whom will not survive as Israeli forces systematically destroy Gaza’s hospitals.

Africa in Review 2023: BRICS and The Emerging Global Reconfiguration

By Abayomi Azikiwe, January 01, 2024

During 2023 a greater emphasis was placed upon the necessity for the majority of the world’s population to seek new avenues for economic development along with the resolution of diplomatic disputes and regional conflicts.

Tolstoy’s Speech Against War: “Thou shalt not kill!”

By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, January 01, 2024

As this speech is still highly topical today, at the turn of the year 2023/2024 – including the deliberate reduction of the world’s population through the COVID mRNA vaccine – some of the speeches are reproduced verbatim below. They all revolve around the clear, universally recognised truth, which is binding for all people, “that man cannot or must not kill another under any circumstances and under no pretext whatsoever.”

Why Do Western Neo-liberal Economic Policies Continue to Sideline People-centred Approach to Development?

By Tina Renier, January 01, 2024

Neo-liberalism continues to be a dominant political and economic ideology in international development because it is supported by global institutions, finance and influential ideologues. Nation-states are therefore assimilated into standardized policies through coercion or voluntary submission. 

War on Gaza: Global Leaders Must Find the Courage to Hit Israel and the US Where It Hurts

By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, January 01, 2024

As the world looks forward to 2024, holiday celebrations are being overshadowed by humanity’s failure to halt the genocide in Gaza and the active complicity of the United States that enables it.

Bulletproof Dreams: Turkiye Displays Paintings by Gazan Children

By TRT World, January 01, 2024

Drawing attention to the humanitarian tragedy in Palestine’s Gaza through the eyes of children, Türkiye’s Directorate of Communications has opened an art exhibit consisting of paintings and drawings by the children of Gaza.

There Are Human Beings in Palestine. “Against Erasure” A Pictorial History of Palestinians

By Kim Petersen, December 30, 2023

Against Erasure (Haymarket Books) is a book, edited by Teresa Aranguren and Sandra Barrilaro, that presents a pictorial history of Palestinians. The photos refute the often-heard canard that Palestine was a land without people. More importantly, the historicity of the photos humanizes the Palestinians. It seems ludicrous to anyone familiar with Palestinians that they would require humanization.

Amoral Compass: “Create and Govern Artificial Intelligence”. Palantir and Its Quest to Remake the World

By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, December 30, 2023

Finance analysts free of moral scruple can point to Palantir with relish and note that 2023 was a fairly rewarding year for it. The company, which bills itself as a “category-leading software” builder “that empowers organizations to create and govern artificial intelligence”, launched its initial public offering in 2020.

Israeli Forces Raiding West Bank Cash Machines and Banks, Depriving Palestinians of Their Means of Survival. What Is the Trigger That “Starts Peace”?

By Peter Koenig, December 29, 2023

Zionist Defense Forces (ZDF) are raiding cash machines (ATM), banks and exchange outlets in the occupied West Bank. They are stealing millions of dollars, under the pretext that the money is serving to finance resistance groups.

Zelensky, the Last Tsar of Ukraine

By Germán Gorraiz López, December 29, 2023

The stagnation of the war due to the arrival of winter and the lack of weapons and economic aid from the USA, would have provoked discouragement in the Ukrainian Army so it would be already brewing a peace agreement in Ukraine between the US and Russia that will try to be torpedoed by Zelensky, Britain and the Baltic States.

Tolstoy’s Speech Against War: “Thou shalt not kill!”

January 1st, 2024 by Dr. Rudolf Hänsel

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“2023 has been a challenge for Global Research, but we know 2024 will be no different. That’s why we need your support. Will you make a New Year donation to help us continue with our work?”



In 1909, the Russian writer Lev Nikolayevich Count Tolstoy (1828-1910), a representative of non-violent resistance, gave a speech against war at the age of 80 (1).

As this speech is still highly topical today, at the turn of the year 2023/2024 – including the deliberate reduction of the world’s population through the COVID mRNA vaccine – some of the speeches are reproduced verbatim below. They all revolve around the clear, universally recognised truth, which is binding for all people, “that man cannot or must not kill another under any circumstances and under no pretext whatsoever” (2).

“Speech Against the War”

“Beloved brothers! We have gathered here to fight against war. (…).

In their hands (the hands of the rulers, R. H.) there are billions of money, millions of willing soldiers, in our hands there is only one means, but the most important means in the world – the truth. And therefore, however small our forces may seem in comparison with the forces of our opponents, our victory is as certain as the victory of the light of the rising sun over the darkness of the night.

Our victory is certain, but only on one condition – on the condition that we proclaim the truth and state it unreservedly, without any digression, without any concession, without any mitigation. This truth is so simple, so clear, so plausible, so binding not only for Christians but for every sensible person that it only needs to be proclaimed in its full meaning so that people can no longer go against it.

This truth is contained in its full meaning in what was said thousands of years before us in four words in the law that we call the law of God: Thou shalt not kill! This truth says that man cannot or must not kill another under any circumstances and under no pretence whatsoever. (…).

I would therefore like to propose to our Assembly that we write and publish an appeal to the people of all nations, especially Christian nations, in which we state clearly and straightforwardly what everyone knows but no one or almost no one says: Namely, that war is not, as men now pretend, a particularly valiant and praiseworthy cause, but that it is, like all murder, an abominable and sacrilegious act, not only for those who choose the military career of their own free will, but also for all those who devote themselves to it for fear of punishment or for the sake of selfish interests. (…).

We must say what everyone knows and only dare not say, we must say that no matter how different a name people give to murder, murder always remains murder – a sacrilegious, disgraceful act. (…). They will cease to see in war the service of the fatherland, heroism, the glory of war, patriotism, and will see what is there: the naked, sacrilegious act of murder. (…).

Those who practise sacrilege will be ashamed, but those who have persuaded themselves that they see no sacrilege in murder will now realise it, and will cease to be murderers. (…).

That is all I wanted to say. I would be very sorry if I had offended, insulted or aroused evil feelings in anyone. But it would be a disgrace for me, an old man of 80 years, who is liable to die at any moment, not to speak quite openly the truth as I understand it, the truth which I firmly believe is the only thing that can save mankind from the unfortunate tribulations that war produces and from which it suffers.” (3)


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Dr Rudolf Lothar Hänsel is a school rector, educationalist and qualified psychologist. After his university studies, he became an academic teacher in adult education. As a pensioner, he worked as a psychotherapist in his own practice. In his books and specialist articles, he calls for a conscious ethical and moral education of values as well as an education for public spirit and peace. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.


(1) Tolstoy, Leo N. (1968). Speech against the war. Political pamphlets. Frankfurt am Main

(2) A. l. c., p. 164

(3) A. a. O., p. 163ff.

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“2023 has been a challenge for Global Research, but we know 2024 will be no different. That’s why we need your support. Will you make a New Year donation to help us continue with our work?”


Drawing attention to the humanitarian tragedy in Palestine’s Gaza through the eyes of children, Türkiye’s Directorate of Communications has opened an art exhibit consisting of paintings and drawings by the children of Gaza.

“Bulletproof Dreams: Gaza Child Artists Exhibition” was opened in Istanbul Taksim Square on Friday with the participation of Türkiye’s First Lady Emine Erdogan and Turkish Communications Director Fahrettin Altun.

“We must be the voice of the Palestinian children whose most essential right, the right to life, has been taken away (by Israel),” the first lady said, stressing that Türkiye continues intensive efforts to put an end to Israel’s atrocities against Palestinians.

Erdogan stressed that since October 7, Israel has brought upon unprecedented pain upon the people of Gaza and that civilians, especially women and children, have been most affected by Tel Aviv’s atrocities. 

Altun voiced the same sentiment as he vowed that Türkiye would never take a step back from voicing the truth, and would never give up defending the just cause of the innocent children who were killed.

“Israel’s cruelty can no longer be legitimised in any way. … These lines show beyond any doubt that Israel is fearlessly targeting children and the future of Palestine, committing grave war crimes and aiming for genocide,” the communications director stressed.

“We have to be the voice of Palestinian children, who are not sure whether they will see tomorrow, let alone the years to come, and make their suffering more visible,” says Turkish First Lady Emine Erdogan.

Depicting War and Destruction

The exhibition displays artworks from a collection initiated by journalist Abdullah Aytekin, who gathered 266 pieces created by children from Gaza, some of whom were killed by Israeli attacks.

The collection was based on a drawing by Mona, a 6-year-old girl from Gaza who witnessed her mother being killed by an Israeli rocket during the 2008-09 Gaza War and the subsequent massacre of 26 members of her family.

Covering a total area of 1350 square metres, “Bulletproof Dreams: Gaza Child Artists Exhibition” aims to raise the international community’s awareness of the trauma, pain and difficult conditions that Israel’s relentless attacks inflict on children.

In one section, the belongings of children who were martyred in the aftermath of Israel’s recent attacks are displayed amidst piles of rubble, depicting the war and destruction Tel Aviv brought upon innocent Palestinian lives.

There is also a special section for journalists and doctors who lost their lives in the Israeli attacks since a cross-border attack by the Palestinian resistance group Hamas on October 7. Israeli attacks since then have killed at least 21,110 Palestinians, mostly women and children, and injured 55,243 others, according to local health authorities.

Israel has left Gaza in ruins, with half of the coastal territory’s housing damaged or destroyed and nearly 2 million people displaced within the densely populated enclave amid acute shortages of food and clean water.


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“2023 has been a challenge for Global Research, but we know 2024 will be no different. That’s why we need your support. Will you make a New Year donation to help us continue with our work?”


The one waged by Israel in Gaza is called by the Washington Post “one of the most destructive wars of this century.” This war – implemented by Israel with the full support of the U.S. NATO and the EU – has so far left more than 20,000 Palestinians dead and 55,000 seriously wounded, most of whom will not survive as Israeli forces systematically destroy Gaza’s hospitals.

Women and children account for 70 percent of the dead. About 2 million people, corresponding to 85% of the population, are displaced. Increasing at the same time are Israeli raids in the West Bank. Against this background, PM Netanyahu enunciates, in an article in the Wall Street Journal, as the first “prerequisite for peace” the need that “Hamas must be destroyed.” He stresses that “in destroying Hamas, Israel will continue to act in full compliance with international law.”

Netanyahu “forgets” the official statement he made in 2019:

“Anyone who wants to obstruct the creation of a Palestinian State must support Hamas and transfer money to Hamas. This is part of our strategy: to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank.” 

For years, in agreement with Israel, Qatar has sent hundreds of millions of dollars in cash to Gaza each month to support the Hamas government. A 40-page document, code-named by Israeli intelligence “Wall of Jericho,” shows that Israel knew for more than a year, in detail, the plan for the attack carried out by Hamas on Oct. 7, 2023.  It served Israel’s leaders to justify “one of the most destructive wars of this century,” the purpose of which was clear from the beginning: to wipe out the territories of the Palestinian State, massacring and deporting its entire population.

This was confirmed today by Paula Betancur of the UN High Commission for Human Rights:

“The Israeli military operation in Gaza aims to deport the civilian population en masse.”  

The Israeli war to permanently wipe out the Palestinian State is part of the U.S.-NATO-EU strategy to maintain by war the control of a strategic region, the Middle East, in which the West is losing ground in the face of advancing political-economic projects, such as that of the BRICS, that are changing world assets.


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This article was originally published in Italian on Il Manifesto.

Manlio Dinucci, award winning author, geopolitical analyst and geographer, Pisa, Italy. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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“2023 has been a challenge for Global Research, but we know 2024 will be no different. That’s why we need your support. Will you make a New Year donation to help us continue with our work?”


We bring to the attention of our viewers the following interview, recorded with Michael Lynk on January 28, 2020.

This conversation is significant as it took place in the evening following President Trump’s offered Israeli-Palestinian peace plan: “Peace to Prosperity: A Vision to Improve the Lives of the Palestinian and Israeli People.”

The plan was 180 pages long with a series of harsh requirements for Palestinians, and, in comparison, much milder concessions from Israel. In particular, at the Press Conference where it was announced, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu proclaimed that Israel would be annexing Jordan Valley and the West Bank. In exchange, he would accept a halt on creating new settlements in areas on Palestinian territory (for four years.)

Palestinians, who were not even involved in developing the plan, rejected the proposal. More to the point, in recognizing annexed land as legal, it was taking the Israel-Palestine conflict a step backward. It does provide us with insights into the ongoing efforts by Netanyahu and his Likud Government to continue annexing more territory, by any effort possible, with full participation by the U.S.

Michael Lynk is an Associate Professor of Law at Western University in London, Ontario, and was at the time the special Rapporteur on Human Rights in occupied Palestine. He was giving a lecture in Winnipeg on the day of the announcement, devoted to law, justice and accountability in the endless occupation. He believes that no peace will be established in the region while international law continues to be ignored by Israel.

It is necessary to hear Professor Lynk’s conversation in order to fully understand what is at stake in the current situation Israel-Gaza War.


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During 2023 a greater emphasis was placed upon the necessity for the majority of the world’s population to seek new avenues for economic development along with the resolution of diplomatic disputes and regional conflicts.

A summit of the Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS-Plus) in Johannesburg resulted in the expansion of the organization and a renewed commitment to building alternative methods of international relations and trade.

Two other African states, Ethiopia and Egypt, were approved for admissions into BRICS, hence the suffix plus. Other members which joined were Iran, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in West Asia while Argentina was admitted from South America joining Brazil.

The BRICS Summit in South Africa held between August 22-24 marked the 15th of such gatherings. Although there are different views and social systems operating inside the BRICS grouping, there is obviously strong agreement on the need to create new mechanisms for fair trade and the acquisition of credit on favorable terms.

During the final year of World War II, the Bretton Woods conference in New Hampshire established the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank. These institutions were ostensibly designed to provide capital for the reconstruction of Europe in the aftermath of the devastating war.

In later years of the 1960s and 1970s, the IMF and World Bank were utilized to capture the post-colonial states amid their efforts to build independent and sustainable societies. Many of these states inherited the unequal class structures and the dependent character of foreign relations with imperialism which were an essential part of the neocolonial system.

In the latest BRICS Summit, some of the observations and objectives were spelled out as follows:

“With the addition of six new members, BRICS now has 30 percent of the world economy within its collaboration, with a combined GDP of US$30.76 trillion. It also constitutes 40 percent of the world’s population. The necessity of expanding trade and investment among the BRICS member states and strengthening their relations was emphasized by the summit leaders. By 2050, leaders at the summit hope to account for 50 percent of the world’s GDP, which will fundamentally change the economic landscape.” 

Obviously, if met, these goals would severely limit the ability of the Group of 7 countries to force their economic and political will upon the Global South. This growth in the proportion of the world’s GDP would occur as the internal contradictions within the western capitalist and imperialist states intensify.

The increasing exploitation of the working class and oppressed peoples inside the imperialist countries have prompted strikes and mass rebellions. In order to maintain the racist-capitalist system in Western Europe and North America, the repressive apparatus of the governments must rely on the security forces and legislative structures which provide a legal cover for the continuing expropriation of wealth from the majority.

Over the course of the year, in France, the United Kingdom and the U.S., millions of workers engaged in industrial actions aimed at regaining the lost household income and overall living standards sacrificed to the financial institutions, service and production facilities owners during the Great Recession of the first decade of the 21st century. At the same time the racism so prevalent in the western industrialized countries has sparked urban rebellions which have been costly in regard to property damage, injuries and deaths. Also, the influx of migrants from Africa, Asia and Latin America into the advanced capitalist states has aggravated the centuries-long existent discriminatory governance.

Despite its profound challenges, the AU member states are continuing to stride towards continental unity. Understanding this necessity, the 15th Summit in South Africa noted in its proceedings,

“[T]he BRICS summit members agreed to extend their support for an African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA). The summit stressed the value of the political stability of the African continent in building market certainty. Leaders at the summit also explored potential ways and methods to strengthen communication and cooperation to expand AfCFTA. If successful, and if implementation moves ahead, such a move by the BRICS countries will help foster new dynamics of engagement, and on several other contemporary issues such as drug trafficking and terrorism…. The summit also discussed increasing population in BRICS countries and their increasing food security concerns. In order to improve food security, lower costs, and to achieve a carbon neutral economy, BRICS leaders favored the role of modern technology in advancing agriculture. They also hoped to make Africa a global food basket.” 

Issues related to the building of a green economy based upon safe and renewable energy were an important element in the BRICS deliberations. Although the U.S. and other capitalist states attend the United Nations Climate Conference every year, their roles are far less than helpful towards the nations and territories of the Global South.

BRICS, through its exclusion of the Western capitalist governments, is capable of holding open and serious discussions on the challenges facing the emergent economies. There is no condemnation of the Russian Federation, the socialist Republic of Cuba, the People’s Republic of China, Republic of Zimbabwe, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and other governments which are considered principal adversaries of Washington, Brussels, London, Paris and other NATO capitals.

G77 Plus China: Majority Rule Will Come

Representing 80% of the world’s population, the Group of 77 plus the People’s Republic of China, held its summit in Havana, Cuba during mid-September. This gathering took place just prior to the 78th United Nations General Assembly in New York City.

Cuba identifies as an African country within the Caribbean and Latin American geopolitical region which maintains close links to the continent. Cuba played a pivotal role in the total liberation of Southern Africa by providing military and political support to the national liberation movements in Angola, Namibia and South Africa.

In its final declaration the meeting in Cuba emphasized:

“On 16 September, the Summit of Heads of States and Governments of the Group of 77 (G77) and China adopted the Havana Declaration, which emphasized the importance of South-South and triangular cooperation in science, technology, and innovation. The Summit – attended by more than 100 delegations, including over 30 heads of state and government – was held to address the pressing development challenges faced by G77 member countries. The primary focus of the Summit was on the critical role of science, technology, and innovation in addressing these challenges and promoting sustainable development…. The Summit also gave renewed impetus to core development issues of the nations of the South, based on the contribution of science, technology and innovation, as well as defined practical actions to address the existing disparities between developed and developing countries and advocated for the fulfillment of international commitments in terms of Official Development Assistance, technology transfer and financing necessary for the development of the countries of the South.” 

Such a declaration is quite meaningful to the AU member states, many of whom were in attendance in Havana. The Republic of Cuba, even though it has been subjected to a draconian blockade by the U.S. for more than six decades, has made tremendous progress in the fields of science and medical research.

These advancements have benefited the African continent on material and ideological levels. The concrete support for national liberation, socialist construction and assistance in treating the Ebola Virus Disease outbreak in three West African states during 2014. Subsequently, during the initial months of the COVID-19 pandemic, Cuban healthcare workers were deployed to several African countries including South Africa and Angola. The examples provided by socialist Cuba reinforces the determination of other states to move in the direction of self-reliance.

Contemporary Pan-Africanism and the Imperatives of the AU

These important alliances such as BRICS and the G77 plus China are pointing the way for the African continent to take its proper leading role in the struggle against western hegemony. Imperialism has its origins within the Transatlantic slave trade and colonialism where it accrued profits and technological capacity resulting in the restructuring of the world system after the 15th century.

Neo-colonialism is the modern-day system of imperialist domination throughout Africa and other geopolitical regions of the Global South. It will take a broad-based movement spanning several continents to overthrow the existing exploitative world order.

As President Dr. Kwame Nkrumah articulated during the post-World War II period through the early 1970s, the genuine liberation of Africa will only be achieved through unification and socialist development. These objectives require the organization and mobilization of the more than 1.3 billion Africans on the continent and those scattered throughout the Diaspora.

This is the central task of the third decade of the 21st century. With the U.S. being the dominant neo-colonial power among other imperialist states, Washington and Wall Street must be confronted and neutralized in the efforts to bring peace, stability and prosperity to the peoples of the world.


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Abayomi Azikiwe is the editor of the Pan-African News Wire. He is a regular contributor to Global Research. 

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“2023 has been a challenge for Global Research, but we know 2024 will be no different. That’s why we need your support. Will you make a New Year donation to help us continue with our work?”


Neo-liberalism continues to be a dominant political and economic ideology in international development because it is supported by global institutions, finance and influential ideologues. Nation-states are therefore assimilated into standardized policies through coercion or voluntary submission. Hence, the academic contributions of Ha-Joon Chang (2008) and Japhy Wilson (2014) present critical perspectives on the gruesome effects of neo-liberal policy implementation in developing countries of the Global South and ex-communist states.

In ‘The Bad Samaritans’, Ha Joon Chang (2008) argues that the most fierce proponents of the free market paradigm are developed countries that utilized state protectionist policies in order to harness the potential of their incubator industries. He explains that free trade does not necessarily bring gain for all countries because developed countries dominate the world trade system through rules and institutions while poor countries lack resources and technology to protect their incubator industries from foreign competition.

On the other hand, Japhy Wilson (2014) in ‘Jeffrey Sachs: The Strange Case of Dr. Shock and Mr. Aid’ examines the transformation of Jeffrey Sachs from an aggressive promoter of austerity measures to a charismatic advocate for international aid and philanthropy to alleviate poverty in the developing world. Wilson exposes the paradoxical nature of international development where Sachs promises resounding socio-economic success for states that implement neo-liberal policies but these policies have increased unrest, misery displacement and decline.

Neo-liberalism assumes that all countries can achieve economic growth and global prosperity through the implementation of standardized policies. However, the advocates of neo-liberal policies fail to acknowledge that countries possess different historical, political, social and economic experiences and this diversity, determine their level of influence and power in the global political economy. Hence, Chang utilizes historical analysis to challenge the neo-liberal orthodoxy because not only does it ignore the importance of a historical interpretation of socio-political and economic inequalities among states but rather, it manipulates the historical narrative to coincide with the interests of industrialized countries and institutions. This manipulation of history leads to misrepresentation and exclusion of the narratives that best define the experiences of poor countries. As a result, the actors that support the façade of neo-liberalism are referred to as ‘Bad Samaritans’.

Bad Samaritans: The Myth of Free Trade and the Secret History of Capitalism - Wikipedia

The title is a blatant critique of the social hypocrisy that exists within the sphere of international development whereby industrialized countries such as Britain and the United States of America do not necessarily practice the ‘theoretical prescriptions’ they provide for poor countries. This is most evident where Chang (2008) posits, “while they were imposing free trade on weaker nations through colonialism and unequal treaties, rich countries maintained higher tariffs” (p.8). Chang’s proposition shows that the history of international development sets the stage for the continuity of persistent underdevelopment of poor countries and that unfair advantage in free trade is not a coincidental position but rather a systemically organized process. Thus, developed countries policy practice is extremely different from their ideological impositions on poor countries. Developed countries like the United States of America and Britain fomented economic development through robust, state protectionist policies and subsidies.

Similar to Chang, Wilson (2014) uses historical events, but within a pscyho-analytic framework, to illustrate the emergence and maturation of neoliberalism as an economic ideology and political tool. The economist, Jeffrey Sachs is both the protagonist and antagonist because he is playing an instrumental role in dictating standardized policies for all countries to conform to but these policies are antithetical to the development of the countries in which they have been implemented. Wilson challenges the free trade paradigm by demonstrating that the concept of free trade was not constructed around the values of fairness and social justice for all countries but the concept is about ‘adjusting and modernizing rapidly’ based on Western standards in the context of capitalist globalization. Nevertheless, the adjustment of countries to standardized prescriptions failed because the neo-liberal model applies a one-size fits all approach. Hence, Wilson argues, “the social consequences of the shock therapy in Russia where immediate and extreme where the sense of community and welfare services were lost, there was rapidly rising unemployment and real incomes were cut by forty-six per cent, effectively destroying the savings of ordinary Russians” (p.32). Wilson’s assertion validates the fact that development is not synonymous with economic indictors but there are other essential components such as the well-being and empowerment of citizens within the states. 

While the freedom of markets is being strongly pursued, the freedom of citizens within states is at a greater risk. This encourages one to critically ask, does development embody the triumph and freedom of markets at the expense of state failure and the misery of humanity? Both authors were able to effectively capture the missing component from neo-liberal policies, which is a people-centred approach to development. Humans are equally important as markets and profits within states.

The notion of uneven development is further exacerbated through free trade because it does not necessarily produce mutual benefits for all countries. Free trade is also flawed because it ignores the role of power of states and their access to markets, technology, capital, the creation and management of regimes to fulfill national interests.

Chang opines that the losses of the losers are usually greater than the gains of the winners in international trade because developing countries are no longer able to protect their incubator industries through tariffs and subsidies due to foreign competition. This has severe economic and social ramifications for developing states and their citizens because there are weak or absent social welfare services available for those who have not benefitted from trade.

Chang points out, “the welfare state is very weak and sometimes virtually non-existent. As a result, the victims of trade adjustment do not get partially compensated for their sacrifices that they have made for the rest of society” (p.57). Wilson made similar propositions about the flaws of Sachs’economic advice on free trade implementation in countries but he used a practical country example to bolster the argument by zooming into the case of Bolivia. He states, “following trade liberalization and the abolition of subsidies, Bolivia’s peasant farmers were unable to compete with cheap food imports and agricultural production fell by 17% between 1985 and 1988” (p.20).

Although both authors examined the negative effects of free trade by giving, an example and explanation but they have failed to make deft connections between the loss of livelihoods and free trade, particularly Wilson. Wilson simply listed the numerous, disastrous effects without illustrating the complex inter-play between ‘high politics issues’ such as trade and ‘low politics issues’ such as the livelihoods of people, traditional sectors and the reason there is rapid urbanization, destruction of traditional sectors and the expansion of the informal economy. Chang gave a very clear explanation but he treated developing countries as a homogenous category without using specific case examples to solidify his critique of the free trade paradigm.  

Despite these gaps in the authors’ arguments, it is reinforced that neo-liberalism betrays its objective of mutuality by offering the triumph of ‘monoculture’ in international development where the superior-inferior tug-o-war between developed and developing states continues. This lack of mutuality in international development is reinforced by the viewpoint of radical feminist scholar, Maria Mies (2014) who postulates, “the law of progress is always a contradictory one because progress for some means retrogression for others. Humanization for some means de-humanization for others and development of productive forces means underdevelopment and retrogression of others” (p.55).

Jeffrey Sachs: The Strange Case of Dr. Shock and Mr. Aid (Counterblasts): Wilson, Japhy: 9781781683293: Books

Moreover, the proponents of neo-liberalism place high emphasis on the profits of markets rather than the lived experiences of people. As a result, the implementation of neo-liberal policies employs a top-down strategy instead of a participatory approach to development. A top-down strategy is associated with the implementation of neo-liberal policies because it helps to maintain the power of global capitalist organizations and influential individuals and it also assumes that only “academics” or “economists” are experts in alleviating development challenges. Wilson potently captures the myriad limitations of using a top-down strategy to alleviate poverty in the developing world. He shatters the uptopian images of Jeffrey Sachs bringing an ‘end to poverty’ in the village of Ruhiira in Uganda through the establishment of the Millennium Villages project. Using in-depth interviews with villagers, Wilson and his research team discovered that the most vulnerable community members were not benefitting the resources that the project is expected to provide because it ignored the socio-cultural, historical and political realities.

Consequently, the social class divisions and gaps between wealth and income distribution have been intensified. The most profound statement made by Wilson was, “but many of the poorest people I interviewed were not even aware that the project was due to end in 2015” (p.99).

This statement is extremely significant because it demonstrates that community people are treated as mere beneficiaries of a development project rather than instrumental stakeholders through inclusive participation. It also reveals that there is a hierarchal system of knowledge production where Western knowledge and expertise is seen as ‘superior and modern’ while the knowledge of community people is stereotypically viewed as ‘traditional and uncivilized’. It is these stereotypical notions and misrepresentations of the developing world and its people that underpin the top-down strategy of neo-liberal implementation. It can also be argued that the idea between the strategies is not new but rather, it is an extension of the modernization theory. The perspective has been discussed by scholars, Peet and Hartwick (2015) who explain, “Modernization theory, like conventional economics, has a class commitment to the rich elites-and that is why it merges so easily with neo-liberalism” (p.136). Thus, Wilson’s evaluation of Jeffrey Sachs’ project is quite accurate because the concept for the project is inspired by the five stages of the modernization theory.

Although Wilson’s strength was evaluating the impact of the Millennium Villages project on the lives and livelihoods of villagers, he still failed to delve deeper on important issues like the politics of land ownership and how it determines power and wealth in Ruhiira, Uganda. He quickly outlined the summary of his numerous findings, observed the issues through a social class lens and exerted a lot of his intellectual energies to prove that Sachs’ project is a massive failure. A social class lens is the ideal conceptual framework to use, when analyzing a complex issue such as the politics of land ownership. An intersectional approach would have made his discussion more academically rigorous and intriguing to his audience. For example, his observation that “the commercial farmer was the chairman of his local ‘Millennium’ agricultural group but the landless woman was not a member of the Millennium group and was never invited to any meetings (p.98).”  The issue within this specific context is not exclusion based on social class only. It is exclusion based on social class, race and gender and these factors inextricably linked with the long political history of violence, exploitation and land dispossession in Uganda. 

Like Wilson, Chang expresses disgust with the inherent biases and top-down strategy employed by organizations that strongly support the administration of neo-liberal policies. While Wilson is heavily reliant on dramatic spectacle, metaphors and sarcasm, Chang is reliant on the use of irony, questions and creative stories to challenge the dominant, top-down approach strategy. This is seen where he points out, “How on earth can the IMF and the World Bank persist for so long in pursuing the wrong policies that produce such poor countries?… on the other hand, there has been some window dressing moves, the IMF now calls structural adjustment programs the poverty and growth facility programme in order to show how much it cares about poverty but the contents of the programme have hardly changed than before” (p.18). 

The main subject matters of both authors are that, despite the re-naming and reformation of institutions and prominent personalities in the development community, the ideology behind confronting with these issues remains the same. Therefore, international development is infiltrated with deception and betrayal of the interests of those who are most affected by social and economic crises. Chang’s astute criticisms are very commendable; given that he provides clear and balanced analysis of the issues using history and statistical evidence to validate growth records and the impact of neo-liberal policies on development. Nevertheless, his weaknesses lie in the fact that he limited his conceptualization of ‘Bad Samaritans’ to industrialized nations, ideologues and institutions that impose detrimental policies on developing countries while contradicting these proposed prescriptions.. ‘Bad Samaritans’ can also be interpreted as individuals who betrayed the interests of the oppressed by taking sides with those who justify gross inequalities, poverty and exploitation in developing countries and ex-communist states. 

Jeffrey Sachs is a quintessential example of a bad Samaritan. Sachs came from a family background where the social conditions of the working class was an advocacy matter but through Westernized education, his original ideas on the centrality of people in development died and there were  replaced by the view that market triumphalism is the right and only way.

Chang provided practical solutions for developing countries in which they can use the East Asian success as a model. He proposed solutions such as: protecting infant industries through subsidies and tariffs, preserving some state owned enterprises and calling for developed nations to reform the international system in a manner that trade and other opportunities can be more beneficial to developing countries. However, there are flaws within these solutions because developed nations will never seriously alter their institutions to promote fairness because their meaning of development derives from the Darwinian concept of competition at any cost where the fittest survives and the weak is crushed. Furthermore, he used the East Asian success model but he fails to thoroughly examine the human development ramifications of high economic growth in countries such as Korea and Taiwan. Success in East Asia cannot be applied to the potential of success of countries in the African continent, other parts of Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean because they are a variety of complex, peculiar and diverse factors that underpin their development. 

Wilson fiercely criticizes Sachs for his deep faith in the success of a utopian, free market society where citizens will attain their aspirations based on hard work and private ownership but Wilson is also guilty of an obsession with a state-led, socialist model of development in countries. Criticisms only, whether constructive or destructive, are not sufficient to construct an alternative vision and model of development that can successfully challenge neo-liberal model of development. Neo-liberalism triumphs because it is backed by finance, knowledge production, celebrities and institutions.

Thus, neo-liberalism will continue to be a dominant model in international development because debates on alternatives remain fragmented and on the margins of global development.


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Tina Renier is a regular contributor to Global Research.


Chang, H.J. (2008). Bad Samaritans: The Myth of Free Trade and the Secret History of Capitalism. New York: Bloombury Press. pp. 8, 18 and 57.

Mies, M. (2014, 1986 orig.). Colonization and Housewifization, chapter three in Patriarchy and Accumulation on a World Scale. London: Zed Books. p.55.

Peet, R. and Hartwick, E. (2015). Theories of Development: Contentions, Arguments and Altenatives. Third Edition. Guildford Publications Inc. p.136.

Wilson, J. (2014). Jeffrey Sachs: The Strange Case of Dr. Shock and Mr. Aid. London: Verso. pp. 20, 32, 98 and 99.

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“2023 has been a challenge for Global Research, but we know 2024 will be no different. That’s why we need your support. Will you make a New Year donation to help us continue with our work?”


As the world looks forward to 2024, holiday celebrations are being overshadowed by humanity’s failure to halt the genocide in Gaza and the active complicity of the United States that enables it.

As the rest of the world condemns the massacre as a genocide and a crime against humanity, Israel and the United States stand isolated in their insistence that their atrocities are somehow justified by the indiscriminate violence committed during Hamas’s break-out from Gaza on 7 October.

On 8 December, the UN Security Council invoked article 99 for only the fifth time in UN history. Article 99 is an emergency provision that allows the secretary-general to summon the council to respond to a crisis that “threatens the maintenance of international peace and security”.

The previous occasions were the Belgian invasion of the Congo in 1960, in East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) in 1971, the hostage crisis at the US embassy in Iran in 1979 and Lebanon’s civil war in 1989.

Secretary-General Antonio Guterres told the security council that he had invoked article 99 to demand an “immediate ceasefire” in Gaza because “we are at a breaking point”, with a “high risk of the total collapse of the humanitarian support system in Gaza”. The United Arab Emirates drafted a ceasefire resolution that quickly garnered 97 co-sponsors.

The World Food Programme reported that Gaza was on the brink of mass starvation, with nine out of 10 people spending entire days with no food. In the two days before Guterres invoked article 99, Rafah was the only one of Gaza’s five districts to which the UN could deliver any aid at all.

The secretary-general stressed that

“the brutality perpetrated by Hamas can never justify the collective punishment of the Palestinian people… international humanitarian law cannot be applied selectively. It is binding on all parties equally at all times, and the obligation to observe it does not depend on reciprocity”.

Guterres concluded:

“The people of Gaza are looking into the abyss… the eyes of the world – and the eyes of history – are watching. It’s time to act.”

US Security Council Vetoes

UN members delivered eloquent, persuasive pleas for the immediate humanitarian ceasefire that the resolution called for, and the council voted 13 to one, with the UK abstaining, to approve the resolution.

But the one vote against, by the US, one of the five veto-wielding permanent members of the Security Council, killed the resolution, leaving the council impotent to act as the secretary-general warned that it must.

This was the 16th US Security Council veto since 2000 – and 14 of those vetoes have been used to shield Israel and/or US policy on Israel and Palestine from international action or accountability.

While Russia and China have vetoed resolutions on a variety of issues around the world, from Myanmar to Venezuela, there is no parallel for the US’s extraordinary use of its veto primarily to provide exceptional impunity under international law for one other country.

The consequences of this veto could hardly be more serious. As Brazil’s UN ambassador, Sergio Franca Danese, told the council, if the US hadn’t vetoed a previous resolution drafted by Brazil on 18 October,

“thousands of lives would have been saved”.

And as the Indonesian representative asked:

“How many more must die before this relentless assault is halted? 20,000? 50,000? 100,000?”

‘Israeli Myth-making’

After the US slammed the Security Council door in Palestine’s face on 8 December, the UN General Assembly took up an identical resolution on 12 December. The resolution passed by a vote of 153 to 10, with 33 more yes votes than a previous General Assembly vote in October. While General Assembly resolutions are not binding, they do carry political weight, and this one sent a clear message that the international community was disgusted by the carnage in Gaza.

On 13 December, the BBC spoke to Richard Dalton, former British Consul General in Jerusalem and ambassador to Libya and Iran, about the crisis and the US role in it.

“The US is weak,” Dalton said. “It hasn’t used any leverage so far. It is bleating about potential strategic defeat for Israel and criticism of indiscriminate warfare, but not backing that up in any way. Israel is reading the United States’ intentions quite differently [as a green light]. I am deeply pessimistic.”

“I think that one of the key difficulties for making peace is to roll back current Israeli myth-making,” Dalton continued. “We hear that it is not possible to find a partner for peace because the Palestinians want a state from the river to the sea. The conclusion that has been drawn from this in Israel is that it is they who should have the state from the river to the sea.

“It is time for a much more robust attitude by all Israel’s allies to make clear that the two-state solution requires fundamental change: more change in Israel than on the Arab side.”

As the death toll passed 20,000 and the UN human rights office published a report that Israeli forces had summarily executed at least 11 unarmed men in front of their families in Gaza City, diplomats at the UN Security Council spent the week before Christmas repeatedly postponing and rescheduling a vote on a new resolution that would be weak enough to avoid an Israeli-dictated US veto.

By Friday 22 December, they appeared to have found a formula that the US and Israel could accept – but other countries objected that it was too weak to make a difference. The resolution did not order an immediate ceasefire, and it would allow Israel to keep blocking life-saving aid.

Parallel ceasefire negotiations continued in Egypt, where Hamas refused to free any more Israeli hostages or prisoners of war before Israel ended the massacre, while Israel vowed only further escalation.

Genocide Convention

Another instrument the world can use to try to compel an end to the massacre is the genocide convention, which both Israel and the United States have ratified.

It only takes one country to bring a case before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) under the convention and, while cases can drag on for years, the ICJ can take interim measures to protect the victims.

On 23 January 2020, the court did exactly that, in a case brought by Gambia against Myanmar, alleging genocide against its Rohingya minority, after tens of thousands were killed, 740,000 had fled into Bangladesh and a UN-backed fact-finding mission found that the 600,000 who remained in Myanmar “may face a greater threat of genocide than ever”.

China vetoed a referral to the International Criminal Court (ICC) in the Security Council, so Gambia, itself recovering from 20 years of repression under a brutal dictator, submitted a case to the ICJ under the genocide convention.

That opened the door for a unanimous preliminary ruling by the ICJ that Myanmar must prevent genocide against the Rohingya, as the genocide convention requires. Since its final ruling on the merits of the case might be many years away, the court ordered Myanmar to file a report every six months to detail how it was protecting the Rohingya, signalling serious ongoing scrutiny of Myanmar’s conduct.

So, will one country step up, as the Gambia did, to bring an ICJ case against Israel under the genocide convention? Activists are discussing that with a number of countries. Roots Action and World Beyond War have created an action alert that you can use to send messages to 10 of the most likely candidates (South Africa, Chile, Colombia, Jordan, Ireland, Belize, Turkey, Bolivia, Honduras and Brazil).

There has also been increasing pressure on the ICC to take up the case against Israel. The ICC has been quick to investigate Hamas for war crimes but has been dragging its feet on investigating Israel. 

During a recent visit to the region, ICC prosecutor Karim Khan was prevented from entering Gaza by Israel, and he was criticised by Palestinians for visiting areas attacked by Hamas on 7 October but not visiting the hundreds of illegal Israeli settlements, checkpoints and refugee camps in the occupied West Bank.

After Ben Ferencz and others spent their lives campaigning for a court to enforce universal accountability for war crimes, this perpetuates a shameful pattern in which the ICC prosecutes only defendants from non-western countries. 

Having It Both Ways

As long as the world is faced with the US’s tragic and debilitating abuse and non-recognition of institutions the rest of the world depends on to enforce international law, economic and diplomatic actions by individual countries may have more impact than their collective actions through the UN and international courts.

While about two dozen countries have never recognised Israel, Belize and Bolivia have also now severed ties with Israel over its assault on Gaza, while others – Bahrain, Chad, Chile, Colombia, Honduras, Jordan, South Africa and Turkey – have withdrawn their ambassadors or diplomats.

Other countries are trying to have it both ways – condemning Israel publicly but maintaining their economic interests. At the UN Security Council, Egypt explicitly accused Israel of genocide and the US of obstructing a ceasefire. And yet Egypt’s long-standing partnership with Israel in the blockade of Gaza and its continuing role, even now, in restricting the entry of humanitarian aid into Gaza through its own border crossing, make it complicit in the genocide it condemns.

If Egypt means what it said in the Security Council, it must open its border crossings to all the humanitarian aid that is needed, end its cooperation with the Israeli blockade and reevaluate its obsequious and compromised relationships with Israel and the United States.

Qatar, which has worked hard to negotiate ceasefires in Gaza, was eloquent in its denunciation of Israeli genocide in the security council. But Qatar was speaking on behalf of the Gulf Cooperation Council, which includes Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and the UAE. Under the so-called Abraham Accords, the sheikhs of Bahrain and the UAE have turned their backs on Palestine to sign up to a toxic brew of self-serving commercial relations and hundred-million-dollar arms deals with Israel, while Saudi Arabia was until recently preparing to follow in their footsteps.

The UAE sponsored the 8 December resolution in the Security Council, where its representative declared:

“The international system is teetering on the brink. For this war signals that might makes right, that compliance with international humanitarian law depends on the identity of the victim and the perpetrator.”

And yet neither the UAE nor Bahrain has renounced their Abraham deals with Israel, nor their roles in the US’s “might makes right” policies that have wreaked havoc in the Middle East for decades.

Over a thousand US Air Force personnel and dozens of US warplanes are still based at al-Dhafra airbase in Abu Dhabi, while Manama in Bahrain, which the US Navy has used as a base since 1941, remains the headquarters of the US Fifth Fleet.

Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions

One government that has followed through on its support for Palestine is the Houthi government of Yemen, which is enforcing a blockade of the Bab al-Mandab Strait at the south end of the Red Sea against Israeli ships and ships bound to or from Israel.

After it fired at, boarded or detained several ships, four of the five largest shipping firms in the world are rerouting their ships around the Horn of Africa to avoid mushrooming insurance premiums and dangers to their ships and crew.

Many experts compare apartheid Israel to apartheid South Africa. UN resolutions helped to bring down South Africa’s apartheid regime, but real change didn’t come until countries around the world embraced a global campaign to economically and politically isolate it. 

The reason Israel’s die-hard supporters in the United States have tried to ban, or even criminalise, the campaign for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) is precisely because boycotting, sanctioning and divesting from Israel may be an effective strategy to help bring down its genocidal, expansionist and unaccountable regime.

US Alternate Representative to the UN Robert Wood told the Security Council that there is a “fundamental disconnect between the discussions that we have been having in this chamber and the realities on the ground” in Gaza, implying that only Israeli and US views of the conflict deserve to be taken seriously. 

But the real disconnect at the root of this crisis is the one between the isolated looking-glass world of US and Israeli politics and the real world that is crying out for a ceasefire and justice for Palestinians. While Israel is killing and maiming thousands of innocent people with US bombs and howitzer shells, the rest of the world is appalled by these crimes against humanity

The grassroots clamour to end the massacre keeps building, but global leaders must move beyond non-binding votes and toothless investigations to boycotting Israeli products, putting an embargo on weapons sales, breaking off diplomatic relations and other measures that will force Israeli and American leaders to roll back the myths and lies they have conjured up to weaponise their peoples’ fears and justify endless atrocities.


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Nicolas J S Davies is an independent journalist, a researcher for CODEPINK and the author of Blood on Our Hands: The American Invasion and Destruction of Iraq.

Medea Benjamin is cofounder of CODEPINK for Peace, and author of several books, including Inside Iran: The Real History and Politics of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Featured image: US Embassy in Jerusalem. Image: Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs/ Flickr

Em 2023, o Ocidente se mostrou mais fraco que nunca

December 31st, 2023 by Lucas Leiroz de Almeida

Em 2023, o Ocidente foi incapaz de conter o avanço da multipolaridade. Apesar de continuar a agressão financeira contra a Rússia e fomentar o caos em várias regiões para evitar o processo de transição geopolítica, os EUA e seus aliados estão enfraquecidos no cenário mundial atual e não foram capazes de obter sucesso em seus projetos.

No campo de batalha russo-ucraniano, Kiev foi incapaz de alcançar qualquer vitória significativa ao longo do ano inteiro. Desde o final de 2022, o regime neonazista tem apostado na possibilidade de lançar uma grande “contraofensiva” na temporada de primavera-verão de 2023. De acordo com a mídia ocidental, este contra-ataque seria forte o suficiente para tomar de volta todos os territórios reivindicados por Kiev, incluindo a Crimeia. 

Entretanto, as medidas ucranianas falharam absolutamente. As forças neonazistas foram incapazes de infligir danos às fortes linhas de defesa russas e por isso falharam em alcançar ganhos territoriais. O foco dos ucranianos mudou, então, do campo de batalha para a mídia, com o lançamento de uma série de ataques terroristas em territórios russos desmilitarizados, buscando mostrar à opinião pública ocidental que, pelo menos, estava a causar algum dano aos russos, justificando portanto o apoio militar contínuo.

As fortes capacidades de defesa e golpes precisos da Rússia, no entanto, frustraram os planos ucranianos mais uma vez e neutralizaram todas as incursões terroristas. No final, os ucranianos não tinham mais argumentos para disfarçar seus fracassos e publicamente admitiram que a contraofensiva não obteve sucesso. Como resultado, a situação nas linhas de frente se tornou ainda mais desvantajosa para as forças de proxy da OTAN. Com mais de um milhão e meio de ucranianos mortos – dezenas de milhares deles só na “contraofensiva” – e com perdas territoriais cada vez maiores, a Ucrânia já aparenta ser uma “batalha perdida” no Ocidente, com uma crescente opinião crítica ao apoio ao regime.

Alguns outros eventos militares relevantes também ocorreram em 2023, como uma nova guerra na região de Nagorno-Karabakh. Em Setembro, as forças do Azerbaijão lançaram uma série de ataques contra a resistência armênia na antiga república separatista e alcançaram uma rápida vitória militar, obtendo controle territorial completo sobre a região. Sem apoio da Armênia ou força militar suficiente para resistir à agressão do Azerbaijão, o governo separatista declarou a extinção da República de Artsakh, entregando formalmente o território a Baku.

Desde 2018, a Armênia é governada por um regime pró-Ocidente que a afastou da Rússia e a aproximou dos EUA e da UE. Os políticos locais foram levados a acreditar que com essa abordagem seria possível conter o avanço do Azerbaijão, mas na verdade conseguiram precisamente o contrário. A OTAN está interessada em gerar tanta instabilidade quanto possível no ambiente estratégico russo [e iraniano] e, portanto, encoraja o agravamento das crises no Cáucaso.

O cenário atual na região é tal que, de um lado, há forças do Azerbaijão apoiadas pelos turcos e, do outro, americanos e europeus que apoiam a Armênia. Ambos os lados partilham interesses antirrussos comuns e querem fazer da região uma zona de ocupação da OTAN. Neste cenário, Moscou apenas tenta evitar novos conflitos e trabalha diplomaticamente para que a paz entre as partes seja alcançada o mais rapidamente possível.

No entanto, foi no Oriente Médio que surgiram as maiores “notícias geopolíticas” do ano. Em Outubro, as forças da Resistência Palestina lideradas pelo Hamas lançaram uma incursão militar em áreas ocupadas ilegalmente por Israel. Chamada de “Operação de Inundação de Al Aqsa”, a ação teve sucesso em causar danos reais às forças armadas israelenses e aos colonos, mas provocou uma resposta brutal de Tel Aviv, com Netanyahu declarando guerra aos palestinos e lançando uma série de bombardeios que já mataram milhares de civis inocentes.

A brutalidade israelita, contudo, não foi suficiente para dar a vitória a Israel. Pelo contrário, no campo de batalha existe um cenário complicado em que as tropas sionistas sofrem para obter ganhos. Existem muitas dificuldades no terreno, principalmente devido ao fato de o Hamas manter uma rede complexa de túneis subterrâneos e conhecer o terreno local muito melhor do que os israelitas. Além disso, os tanques de Israel não conseguem circular facilmente devido à quantidade de destroços dos edifícios bombardeados, tornando as fricções mais favoráveis às guerrilhas palestinas.

Sofrendo pesadas perdas militares e simultaneamente matando milhares de civis, o governo sionista encontra-se numa situação de grave crise, tanto a nível interno como diplomático. Globalmente, Israel está isolado, obtendo o apoio de apenas alguns países ocidentais. Internamente, a pressão pelo impeachment é grande, com parte de suas forças armadas e do setor de inteligência aderindo à oposição.

Neste contexto regional, o governo Houthi do Iêmen mostrou solidariedade para com os palestinos através de uma declaração de guerra a Israel. Os Houthis têm conduzido operações no Mar Vermelho, dificultando o fluxo naval e prejudicando gravemente a economia israelense. Os EUA tentaram neutralizar o Iêmen lançando uma operação naval multinacional, mas a coligação ruiu antes mesmo de iniciar os combates, com os países europeus recusando-se a participar.

Também é importante observar como o Irã agiu neste cenário de crise no Oriente Médio. Os representantes de Teerã no chamado “Eixo da Resistência” atuam em profundo apoio à Palestina, como pode ser visto, por exemplo, no papel desempenhado pelo Hezbollah. A milícia libanesa lançou múltiplos ataques contra posições israelitas, prejudicando gravemente o sistema de inteligência sionista.

Na prática, é possível dizer que a crise no Oriente Médio prejudicou os planos de guerra americanos. Até recentemente, os EUA tinham uma estratégia clara para evitar a multipolarização da ordem mundial. O plano consistia em travar uma guerra por procuração contra a Rússia e um conflito direto com a China. Esperava-se que derrotasse a China e desgastasse a Rússia, mas nada disso aconteceu.

A Ucrânia revelou-se ineficiente em causar danos a Moscou e o Ocidente foi incapaz de gerar mais conflitos na região. As tentativas de mudança de regime para radicalizar as posições antirrussas falharam – como na Geórgia –, impedindo o surgimento de novos flancos. Os EUA também tentaram provocar uma guerra por procuração contra os russos na África, financiando grupos terroristas contra os governos revolucionários da antiga “Françáfrica”. Mas isto também está a falhar porque, em parceria com o Grupo Wagner russo, os governos locais alcançaram várias vitórias contra gangues apoiadas pelo Ocidente.

No mesmo sentido, a China não “mordeu a isca” e continuou a agir apenas diplomaticamente e economicamente, sem se envolver em qualquer conflito. E, no entanto, os palestinos – com o apoio iraniano – lançaram uma operação militar que forçou Washington a ignorar os seus planos anteriores e a concentrar-se no apoio a Israel. Com um forte lobby sionista nos EUA, há pressão para um apoio total a Israel, mesmo que isso signifique o fim da ajuda à Ucrânia ou dos planos anti-China.

Até Outubro, os EUA preparavam-se para lutar nas duas frentes. Agora, com o surgimento de um terceiro flanco, a situação tornou-se muito mais complicada. Washington não parece ter força suficiente para se envolver nos três conflitos ao mesmo tempo. Perante esta situação, resta saber se haverá vontade diplomática ou se os EUA optarão irracionalmente pela guerra total. Mas, em qualquer caso, o que está claro é que em 2023 o Ocidente revelou-se mais fraco do que nunca.

Lucas Leiroz de Almeida



Artigo em inglês : In 2023, the West has proven weaker than ever, InfoBrics, 29 de Dezembro de 2023.

Imagem : InfoBrics


Lucas Leiroz, jornalista, pesquisador do Center for Geostrategic Studies, consultor geopolítico.

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First published on May 3, 2022

CIA Director, William Casey is reputed to have said to Ronald Reagan ‘We’ll know our disinformation is complete when everything the American public believes is false.’

Fast forward thirty years, and there’s no piece of fiction the masses will not swallow.

From Woke to COVID to the war in Ukraine, people no longer make their own ideological pilgrimages to the truth – the truth is served oven-ready by their political betters.

Nowadays, there’s little distinction between the two hemispheres: reality and illusion. It’s not so much that people have been robbed of their ability to decipher between these two, it’s that facts have been reoriented into fiction and fiction into facts.  It’s a degradation of epistemology so momentous, that people don’t even know that they don’t know that they don’t know what’s happening, to quote one former anarchist.

In the grand scheme of things, humanity has perjured themselves and life as we know it has morphed into a sort of science-fiction, soap-opera with few common ancestors to reality. Even right-thinking folks require the equivalent of a cerebral chainsaw to hollow out the slew of implausible narratives into something remotely resembling reality. It goes beyond fiction to predictive programming. They’re not just deceiving you; they’re showing you that they’re deceiving you.

What is neither here nor there to the deceived is the track record of their deceivers. Before the ink dried on the newsprint proclaiming the crisis in-waiting, the falsifications of COVID were buried under the falsehoods of war, Zelensky’s standing ovation at Westminster knocked Pfizer’s data release off the rostrum and those formerly joined at the hip to COVID got hitched to their Ukrainian brides.

This entire fiasco holds water because what people think they know for sure, that just ain’t so, is a consensus.  A preponderance of fabrications, falsehoods and false prophets governs the spiritual milieu. People worship the prosaic and glorify artifice. Our moral choices are guided by platitude and not virtue, anecdote and not evidence.

To complicate matters, what was formerly held sacred has become profane and what was formerly profane has become sacred, to quote Robert Sepehr.

There’s a war raging, alright, but you will find its theatre of operations inside the human psyche. It is a war on consciousness, an atrophy of culture and its stark consequences is the spiritual malaise of humanity.

Freemasons, for one, understood that information was power. Concealing beyond the prying eyes of the lower orders, the esoteric mysteries of the universe.

Then as now, it’s not enough for these people to hold a monopoly over knowledge, they must deprive everyone else of its illumination, or go one further and spread ignorance. It goes beyond censoring counterarguments to fomenting falsehoods, It’s not so much societal breakdown but self-immolation. People are being misinformed and stupefied and sent out as agents of disinformation to further deconstruct what’s left of an already deconstructed reality.

To make matters worse, precisely zero lessons have been learned these past two years. People flounder from one crisis to the next. Walk aimlessly from quarantine camp to air-raid shelter into whichever direction their political higher-ups point them, to deride whoever is nominated as the scourge of society, de jour. The great national pastime is to gather at the pillories and hurl cabbages at anti-vaxxers, Russians, (insert your antihero here).

The Infowar

If all this sounds remarkably like an info-war, then it probably is.

The battle for hearts and minds has moved online. Our divine spark of life is being overhauled to data. Something of divine proportions compels us to the internet, to data – our daily bread (and circuses), our digital avatars living richer, more meaningful lives than their truant owners.

What ceases to be worth the candle is the epistemology of our data.

It doesn’t matter which side of the fence you’re on – a card carrying member of the great awakening or useful idiot on the lockdown left, you’re still part of the same problem. You have been taken hostage by a series of narratives laid on with a shovel by the predator class and designed for the sole purpose of keeping you rapt and not informed, sedentary and not spirited. In the world of algorithms everyone is created equal, and data is just data, there’s no morality to it.

These events play out as a nail-biting whodunnit, but the reality is, they’re not supposed to be solved. There’s no answers nor restitution, it’s your attention and not your belief systems which is being harvested.

What these hellhounds want is for you to pick your side, choose your battle, but make sure your battlelines are social media, and that you’re not throwing Molotov Cocktails at the Tower of Babel.

Everyone has a dog in the fight.  Particularly, those baying for the blood of the unvaccinated or calling for violence against Russians, who do so, according to Voltaire, because those who can make you believe in absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.

If a person’s psyche is under siege and they don’t designate an enemy to scapegoat, they might get wise to who’s really attacking them, and that simply wouldn’t do.

In this theatre of the absurd people acclimatise to fiction because it’s easier than confronting uncomfortable truths. But under these fertile conditions any version of reality, no matter how precarious, will wash. That’s where the Great Reset enters the fray.

Once you desecrate a person’s moralistic and cultural maps of the world, their place in it becomes increasingly untenable. People lose touch with reality and what it means to be human. The ensuing crisis of identity leaves them susceptible to hostile takeover.  Amongst other things that could possibly go wrong is the eventual microchipping of the population and brain machine interfaces.

Predictive Programming

But there are even stranger things brewing.  Predictive Programming is the theory of a hidden hand operating the levers of reality. A sort of reality adjustment bureau obfuscating real world events through film, literature and media manipulation. The fundamental principle here is psychological conditioning that reduces people’s resistance to the acceptance of planned future events and encourages them to swap concrete reality structures for static constructs, until eventually, our inherited world view is replaced by mythos and archetypes.

That we are living through the objectification of the predator class is no moot point. That’s their messiah complex imprinted onto the collective consciousness and projected back onto the real world. By their own volition, the masses are breathing life into these grotesqueries and blotting the social fabric.

Revelation of the Method

But it runs even deeper than predictive programming. Some call this Revelation of the Method.

According to Michael Hoffman: first they suppress the counterargument, and when the most opportune time arrives, they reveal aspects of what’s really happened, but in a limited hangout sort of way.

We were told the vaccines were harmless, until Pfizer debased their own safety claims, but not before the entire world had been vaccinated. Lockdown Apologists across the corporate media are now almost unanimous that lockdowns do more harm than good. This is no arbitrary volte-face, but rather a carefully planned sequence of disclosures when the time is ripe.

Michael Hoffman suggests that the ruling elite are giving notice of their supremacy. Declaring themselves virtuoso criminal masterminds, who are above the law and beyond reproach. But most of all, they are telling you, in no uncertain terms, that you are without recourse, these events are beyond your control, as is your own destiny for that matter. Eventually a sense of apathy and abulia engulfs humanity, demoralising us to the point of conceding defeat to a system we are powerless to change.

Not that you would ever have restitution. The house is not designed to do its own housekeeping. Buried deep within their rule of law, is a hidden constitution that states: nothing happens without your consent. In this version of contract law, once the truth is hidden in plain sight, you have agreed to it. There exists someplace an unsigned contract with your unsworn oath on it.

In the end, we’re all victims of the same masterstroke, whether keyboard evangelist or state-apologist, everyone is being royally screwed, and it’s not so much that they’re laughing at you, it’s that you’re laughing at yourself.


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Dustin is a writer and researcher based in London who has been writing about the New Normal these past two years, particularly the ethical and legal issues around lockdowns and mandates, the history and roadmap to today’s biosecurity state, and the key players and institutions involved in the globalised takeover of our commons.

Aside from COVID-19, Dustin writes about the intelligence state, big tech surveillance, big philanthropy, the co-option of activism and human rights.

You can find his work at Or follow him on twitter @TheCogent1

All images in this article are from the author

⁣⁣Superb explanation of one big reason the world went corona psychotic. Lecture by Ernst Wolff, renowned German economist and journalist. His focus is the on the global financial and monetary system, especially the role of the IMF, the World Bank, the Federal Reserve, the Bretton Woods system and the worldwide fiat money.
This speech is probably one of the best and most concise exposés of the whole Corona narrative and ends on a hopeful message of what we can do to prevent the dystopian vision of Klaus Schwab and his supporters becoming ‘the new normal’.  
This text was originally published in German in August 2021. To access the video with English subtitles click here: or scroll down.
First published by Global Research on January 3, 2o22
President Franklin Delano Roosevelt once said  Nothing happens accidentally in politics. And when something happens, you can bet on it that it was exactly planned that way.” 


When one looks at what has happened in the last year and a half, these words are especially alarming. 

After studying this topic in detail for 18 months, I must say that there is an impressive number of signs and indications, pointing in exactly in that direction. It’s this, and the consequences thereof that I want to talk about today.

The current situation we find ourselves in is unique in the history of mankind. Never before has the whole world been thrown under the rule of this type of coercive regime as we are experiencing now. And never have so many measures been taken which at first glance appears so unintelligible, partly so nonsensical, and in many cases, so contradictory.

This is about the most serious health crisis in living memory, but the measures being used against this have not improved the situation, but continuously made things worse. Every doctor today can confirm the health condition of people, the majority of people, is worse than before the crisis.


click here or video above to access the video recording, with english sub titles

The allegedly threatening 4th wave, and the announcement of the need for 3rd, 4th and 5th vaccinations show that the purpose of the measures up to now, namely preventing the illness has failed completely. But this is not all, by far. Worldwide production hangs in complete disarray. As the consequence of all the lockdowns up to now, we have a severe global economic crisis to manage. Global logistics is on the floor. Supply chains are broken. Harvests are being lost, food supply bottlenecks, and on top of this, a scarcity for a large part of the economy of essential semiconductors. The problems are not being addressed and solved but multiplied and magnified, via the application of further measures and the constant threats of new restrictions.

The most recent example is in China, a port freight terminal, the 3rd largest in the world has been closed down due to a single positive test from a worker there, or take New Zealand, where in all seriousness during the last week, 5 million people were put in lockdown for 3 days because a 58-year old person had a positive test. A further crisis is affecting the small and medium businesses sector which by a long way provide the most jobs worldwide, and additionally, supplies the largest share of tax revenues. We are experiencing at present a brutally increasing worldwide inflation, especially for raw materials with producer prices and with food products. Yet, nothing is being done to alleviate the situation but rather the opposite.

The flood of money printing continues and will be further increased. Countries and central banks have, since the start of the crisis, thrown in almost USD 20 trillion into the worldwide monetary system without any end in sight, and the International Monetary Fund as the most powerful financial organization in the world will give out next Monday, USD 650 billion, the largest amount ever of its own currency under special withdrawing rights. In the USA, for example, the strongest economy in the world with almost 4 million people are threatened with eviction because they cannot pay their rent or cannot cover their mortgage costs.

In the USA, the richest country of the world is unable to feed themselves from their own income. The premeditated change of power in Afghanistan managed by the USA—the Taliban have been deliberately handed military materials to the value of $20 billion—a complete air force with 11 airfield support bases available for use which with absolute certainty will cause the next enormous flood wave of refugees.

Why this? We may ask. Why were worldwide measures taken which have caused one disaster after another and pushed humanity deeper towards the abyss instead of lifting them out of their misery. To answer this question, namely, who has an interest in this global agenda and who profits from this? The answer to both questions is clear. The biggest profiteer of the current crisis and the most important string puller behind the scenes is the digital-financial complex.

The largest IT corporations include Apple, the Google parent company Alphabet, Amazon, Microsoft and Facebook. The market capitalization of these five companies alone at present amounts to an incredible USD 9.1 trillion. Just for comparison, the gross GDP of Germany, France and Italy is USD 8.6 trillion. Along with these digital concerns, we also have the large asset managers, namely BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street and Fidelity. They are significantly involved in all IT companies. Not only this, these 4 companies alone currently manage a total of USD 33 trillion.

Again, for comparison, the GDP of all 28 nations of the EU last year amounted to USD 15.7 trillion. But it is not just the monstrous financial clout of these concerns which makes the digital-financial complex so powerful. Let’s take first the IT corporations. They don’t just have enormous power themselves. They also control hundreds of thousands of other companies because they organize the digital systems of these other businesses, and in this way have a constant overview of their data streams. The industry is nothing other than a tumor, which in past years has metastasized into all other branches of the economy to make them dependent upon it, and in the meantime to completely dominate them. It is the same method with asset managers. They are involved in every large company in the world and able to influence every popular brand in the world. The largest of them, BlackRock supplies more than 40 years old data analysis system.

“Aladdin Data Cloud” is the greatest fund and financial information the world has ever seen. In the background, BlackRock uses this knowledge to advise the largest central bankers in the world: Federal Reserve and the EZB [European Central Bank]. Through the huge information advantage with which BlackRock has, it is very clear who is dependent upon whom. This has to do with the unique historic mix, or raw financial power and the discretionary power over an imaginably huge data pool. This combination allowed these corporations to make a business upswing.

Since the beginning of the crisis, in the last quarter of this year, April, May and June alone, these companies have made the largest profits in their whole history. It is this digital-financial complex which is a global power centre which drives everything. The digital-financial complex stands far above all governments and is ready to bring every government cabinet in the world to his knees and make him compliant.

One must wonder if this is undermining the very system from which it benefits. Here are a few examples: if the digital-financial complex destroys small and medium businesses, then really it is destroying its own livelihood. The small and medium business sector pay the greatest share of tax revenues and creates the most jobs, and when inflation increases, that also hurts the digital-financial complex, and when it destroys social peace through increasing inequality, then it also destroys those who it makes its business from. The digital-financial complex has no other choice other than to do what it does at present.

What we are currently experiencing is a formulated written agenda, with which it will accumulate, yet more money and power. A gigantic act of desperation, probably the biggest that has ever occurred in the whole history of mankind. The cause of this act of desperation, in that the system to which the digital-financial system with its existence can no longer be kept alive with the previous business model. It was very close to its demise already during the world financial crisis of 2007 to 2008. If government banks, then had not mobilized huge amounts of tax money, and the central banks instructed oodles of money to be created out of nothing, the system would have collapsed there and then, but salvation was only temporary. The amount of money had to be continuously increased over a period of 12 years, and the interest rates had to be reduced several times so the system was made ever more unstable. In the long term, that could go nowhere, and last year it was to the point that the next collapse was threatening, and this collapse has been postponed through a final feat of strength, namely the reduction of interest rates to zero, and the injection of billions and billions for one final time.

With that, however, a qualitative new situation has come about. A further deferral would require interest rates to be dropped into the minus range, and this would destroy the foundation of the current banking system. Banks cannot operate long term with negative interest rates. This means that a further deferral, with the previously used approach will not be possible. In the present situation, one can inject billions and billions into the system. However, with the growing rate of inflation, it will be driven into hyperinflation.

The situation in which the digital-financial complex finds itself is between the alternatives of on one side, the final collapse, and on the other side, hyperinflation. So that means the total loss of the value of money. That means historically, we have arrived at the point in which the digital-financial complex, in the framework of the existing system still has the choice between the two various forms of collapse.

Quite clearly, they have chosen to install a new system. In the background, away from public view, they are preparing a new system, and additionally, they are using the end phase of the present dying system to plunder it using all tricks at their disposal. This is exactly what we have seen since March 2020. The quite deliberate and premeditated destruction of the world economy for the exclusive expansion of the digital-financial complex with simultaneous preparation via the central banks of a new system, and in collaboration with the IT corporations. It is about the complete removal of cash, and banks in their previous form, and the introduction of digital money from central banks.

The end goal, as it appears, is that we will all have just a single account through which all transactions run. This account will not reside in a business bank, but with the central bank. The background to this plan is the following: Digital central bank money is programmable, and because central banks can create unlimited money out of nothing, one can indeed operate in this way with negative interest rates. Without having to destroy the system, digital central bank money will allow governments to watch over all transactions made, to assign various tax rates and impose upon individual fines.

Governments can also place an expiry limit on a part of our money and require that we spend certain amounts with certain time periods, but it can also require the money to be used for specific purposes and require that specific amounts be paid only for certain products, or that they be sourced only from certain regions. Above all, government will be in the position to cancel our ability to make all transactions with a single mouse click. They can shut us down financially. Digital central bank money would be the most efficient tax collection method for society that has ever occurred in the whole history of man—the realization of an all-encompassing dictatorship.

However, there will be expected resistance from the public or that a large proportion of people won’t accept this form of dis-infringement. The introduction of digital central bank money would be expected to produce huge social unrest, and it is exactly this problem that the digital-financial complex has quite obviously thought about. They won’t try to make the switch to digital currency so quickly, to avoid risking huge resistance. They will do it exactly the other way around. They will drop society into chaos in order to present the introduction of digital central bank money as a solution to all problems, namely, in the form of a universal basic income (UBI).

We have been experiencing the past 18 months under the pretext of fighting an illness, devastating and irreparable damages have been done to health, economy and finances whose full effects are only beginning to show up so far in traces. But at the same time, work is being done to increase these damages, and in parallel the social rift in society is being systematically deepened. By constantly driving new wedges between people, all of this leads us purposely in one single direction—social unrest to the point of a civil war, and indeed worldwide. This is what the elites want to see. We are experiencing today maximum social chaos, and then at the high point of this chaos, they bring in the universal basic income to affect change—from maximum chaos to maximum control.

The second reason, UBI must come as we are in the entering the fourth industrial revolution in the period ahead of us—the loss of millions and millions of jobs due to the introduction of artificial intelligence [AI]. This would mean millions of consumers will disappear. The demand for consumer goods will increasingly collapse, and because the current economic system is consumer driven, it can only happen if all these unemployed consumers cannot find work. What has been happening in the last 18 months and what is still going on is obviously following a prepared plan—the deconstruction of the present economic system to the benefit of elites.

The generation of the maximum economic and social chaos, and the establishment of a new system under the guise of wanting to provide humanitarian help. This concept is found in both books about the 4th Industrial Revolution and Covid-19: The Great Reset, by Klaus Schwab whose World Economic Forum plays a key role in this whole agenda. The WEF has succeeded over the past 50 years to become the most important control centre of the digital-financial complex.

Firstly, business leaders were brought together, then politicians were brought in, followed by media creators in commanding roles and prominent figures, all networking with one another. In the 90s, people were subjected to a targeted training program. Since 1992, the “Global Leaders of Tomorrow” and since 2005, the “Young Global Leaders” received a systematic onboarding schooling from the WEF. It is exactly the same people who now occupy positions of political power and influence, whether it is Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos or Jack Marr from the IT area, or CEO, Larry Fink of BlackRock, head of the IMF, Kristallina Georgieva, or former head of the Bank of England, Mark Carney, from the finance sector or Emanuel Macron, Sebastien Kurz, or Angela Markel from politics. All of these people have been either been trained by the WEF or they sit on its leadership board, with 1300 members of this closely networked elite teacher group who pulled the strings worldwide since 2012.

Furthermore, 10,000 under 30-year olds, so-called “global shaper” have joined the club and has also been brought together by the WEF who exerts influence on the course of world events. Please check the work of WEF founder, Klaus Schwab. Everything we have experienced follows a plan. His book appeared on June 20th, 2020, not even four months after the worldwide lockdown, and the book has given exact instructions on how one should use COVID-19, in order to destroy the world, and to build up a new world.

This is reminiscent of the darkest times of national socialism [nazism]. Indeed, the agenda that is being followed here is obviously not only planned, but also can hardly be surpassed in terms of evilness and deceitfulness. Who would ever have suspected that under the guise of protecting mankind from the effects of a disease, the world economy would be driven to a total collapse? To take away people’s freedom to travel, their rights of association and free speech. The freedom to express opinions, and in addition to condemn more than 100 million people to starvation.

In all of this, allegedly for their own protection, and who would have thought that an unapologetic eugenicist named Klaus Schwab would be put in a position to not only spread worldwide his vision of a melding of the human being with machine intelligence [AI], but also to have this vision driven forward by 10,000 helpers. All of these are deeply destructive developments with which we are now living and having to suffer, unimaginable of any rational thinking and person with feelings and empathy.

There is another side to this. A quite different side and above all, one which gives us all a huge boost and a great amount of power for future work. The plan of the elites—the visions of Klaus Schwab are condemned to fail for several reasons. The most important is that the narrative of a deadly virus which is an existential threat to humanity cannot be sustained in the long run. We already see the pack of lies and we see how in efforts to legitimize this, more absurd arguments, and rapid definition, it is important to recognize here, that the vehemence the media are displaying these days testifies not to their strength, but to their weaknesses. Like the pandemic of the unvaccinated, who declares healthy people public enemy number one, and based on a single illness, or test “case” locks down a whole country. They’re doing this only because they’re running out of arguments, and in desperation, are blindly lashing out.

Abraham Lincoln once said.

You can fool some of the people all the time. And all the people some of the time. But you can’t fool all the people all of the time.”

The truth will appear in our time, and this naturally has an enormous meaning for us. Because, ironically, it opens up for us that which Klaus Schwab has termed “a unique window of opportunity”. However, the narrative is collapsing day by day, and because of that, a unique window of opportunity has opened for all of us for a vast and a comprehensive campaign of enlightenment and our ability to enlighten others. We have learned the real background to the alleged pandemic, who the real balance of power in the world really are, and the real threats we face. Their increasingly unbelievable lies, and the introduction of a new currency system would only work under a comprehensive coercive system. One will always introduce new price controls, create permanent inflation with emphatic pressure which in turn will lead to continuous, improved impoverishment of the population and constant conflict with the state and the authorities.

What we need to understand is the following: without any doubt we stand before turbulent and dangerous times. The elites do not act according to the rules of reason, but strives out of motives of greed and power, and therefore bring itself into ever greater difficulties. We should use exactly that weakness, and always keep in view that the elites likes more money, more property, and have available all the weapons in the world. Their power is not based on their money, nor their possessions or their weapons, but rely solely upon one factor—the ignorance of the majority of people, ie., the majority doesn’t understand the evil game that this minority are playing with them.

As terrible as everything is that the digital-financial complex and his helpers help served up in the past 18 months, it has put itself in a situation which it cannot get out of, and in which out of despair, it must cross even more red lines. This means for all of us that in this exceptional situation, we should keep the peace, and consistently expose all lies and show people why and by whom they are being deceived. When we do that, we reflect on the strength of our arguments. Then we can solve the current problem, plus possibly achieve something much bigger, namely, use one of the deepest crises of humanity to turn around the direction of human history. So, let’s open the door to a new and better era.

 Transcribed and translated by Victory Canada.
Our thanks to Victory Canada 

Drug-Induced Dementia IS NOT Alzheimer’s Disease

December 31st, 2023 by Dr. Gary G. Kohls

This important article by Dr. Gary G. Kohls was first published on September 13, 2016


“The desire to take medicine is perhaps  the greatest feature which distinguishes man from animals.” –– Sir William Osler


“More than 50 conditions can cause or mimic the symptoms of dementia.” and “Alzheimer’s (can only be) distinguished from other dementias at autopsy.” — from a Harvard University Health Publication entitled What’s Causing Your Memory Loss? It Isn’t Necessarily Alzheimer’s

“Medications have now emerged as a major cause of mitochondrial damage, which may explain many adverse effects. All classes of psychotropic drugs have been documented to damage mitochondria, as have statin medications, analgesics such as acetaminophen, and many others…Damage to mitochondria is now understood to play a role in the pathogenesis of a wide range of seemingly unrelated disorders such as schizophrenia, bipolar disease, dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, epilepsy, migraine headaches, strokes, neuropathic pain, Parkinson’s disease, ataxia, transient ischemic attack, cardiomyopathy, coronary artery disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, retinitis pigmentosa, diabetes, hepatitis C, and primary biliary cirrhosis. Medications have now emerged as a major cause of mitochondrial damage, which may explain many adverse effects” —  Neustadt and  Pieczenik  authors of Medication-induced Mitochondrial Damage and Disease

“Establishing mitochondrial toxicity is not an FDA requirement for drug approval, so there is no real way of knowing which agents are truly toxic.”  – Dr. Katherine Sims, Mass General Hospital –

“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!” – Upton Sinclair, anti-fascist, anti-imperialist American author who wrote in the early 20th century.

“No vaccine manufacturer shall be liable…for damages arising from a vaccine-related injury or death.” – President Ronald Reagan, as he signed The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) of 1986, absolving drug companies from all medico-legal liability when children die or are disabled from vaccine injuries.

Over the past several decades there have been a number of well-financed campaigns, promoted by well-meaning laypersons, to raise public awareness to the plight of patients with dementia. Suspiciously, most of these campaigns come from “patient support” groups lead the public to believe that every dementia patient has Alzheimer’s dementia (AD).

Not so curiously, it turns out that many – perhaps all – of these campaigns have been funded – usually secretly – by the very pharmaceutical companies that benefit economically by indirectly promoting the sale of so-called Alzheimer’s drugs.

Such corporate-generated public relations “campaigns” are standard operating procedure for all of Big Pharma’s drugs, especially its psycho-pharmaceutical drugs. Big Pharma has found that the promotion and de-stigmatization of so-called “mental illnesses of unknown etiology” is a great tool for marketing their drugs

Recently Alzheimer’s support groups all around the nation have been marketing a documentary about country singer Glen Campbell who has recently been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease (of unknown etiology) despite the obvious fact that Campbell was infamous for his chronic heavy use of brain-damaging, dementia-inducing, addictive, and very neurotoxic drugs like cocaine and alcohol. And, just like so many other hard-living celebrities like the (now cured) dementia victim Kris Kristofferson and the suicidal and early dementia victim Robin Williams. All three celebrities were known to have received prescriptions for legal neurotoxic brain-altering drugs, adding to the burdens that their failing brains, livers and psyches had to endure. It is highly likely that all three of them were also on statins and were up-to-date on their mercury and aluminum-containing vaccinations.

It is an established fact that Alzheimer’s disease can only be definitively diagnosed at a post-mortem examination of the cerebral cortex, something that dementia patients are almost never subjected to. Because of the rarity of coroners doing autopsies on dementia patients, we have to question the accuracy of the diagnoses of, for example, the still living Glen Campbell, Kris Kristofferson and our own memory-impaired spouses, aunts, uncles, grandmas and grandpas, especially since so many of them have been on neurotoxic substances such as those mentioned in this article.

And we also have to question the motivations of the Big Pharma corporations that financially underwrite patient support groups like the Alzheimer’s Association. AND, equally importantly, given the total lack of recognition of the reality of drug-induced dementia, we have to question to oft-cited assertion that 2/3 of all dementia cases are because of Alzheimer’s disease (of unknown cause).

Are the Alzheimer’s, Autism and Autoimmune Epidemics Actually Iatrogenic, Drug-Induced Epidemics?

Synchronous with the recent large increases in 1) childhood and adult neurotoxic aluminum-adjuvanted vaccinations, 2) the use of neurotoxic psychotropic drugs, 3) the use of statin drugs (cholesterol-lowering drugs)  known to cause memory-impairment, and 4) the  ingestion of a variety of neurotoxic food additives, there has been a large parallel increase in A) the incidence of chronic autoimmune disorders, especially in childhood, B)the incidence of autistic spectrum disorders, C) “mental illnesses of unknown origin” and D) dementia.

For more go to:—mitochondrial_b_147030.html.

Each of those 4 root causes and the 4 neurological disorders that are closely correlated with them are admittedly multifactorial realities. But the important lesson is that they are also preventable. However, due to clever marketing by Big Pharma and the studied ignorance of Big Medicine and the refusal of Big Media to allow scholars to talk about the connections, “walks for the cure” and drug treatment is what is emphasized rather that prevention.

So what we need to ask – and then demand – is an honest answer to the question “could there be a connection between America’s increasingly common over-prescribing of immunotoxic, neurotoxic, synthetic prescription drugs and the equally over-prescribed immunotoxic and neurotoxic vaccines (that often contain either of the heavy metals aluminum and mercury) and some of the neurodegenerative disorders that supposedly “have no known cause”? Could the disabling American epidemic of autoimmune disorders, psychiatric disorders, autism spectrum disorders, etc (all supposedly of unknown origin) be found to have recognizable iatrogenic root causes and therefore be preventable? Psychiatrist and scholar Grace E. Jackson has the answers in her seminal (and black-listed) book

“Drug-Induced Dementia: A Perfect Crime”.

These are extremely important issues, especially in the case of the dementia epidemic, because the Alzheimer’s patient support groups seem to be unaware of the fact that many psychiatric drugs are known to irreversibly damage brain cells (partly by poisoning their mitochondria, the microscopic hearts and lungs of every cell) and therefore would be expected to cause a variety of other neurological and mental health disorders. (See more info on drugs and mitochondria below.

One of the big problems in America’s corporate-controlled culture, corporate-controlled government, corporate-controlled medical industries and corporate-controlled media is that the giant multinational (especially Big Pharma) corporations are in the business of developing and marketing known mitochondrial toxins with no oversight from regulatory agencies. These businesses obscure the fact that there ARE known causes for the disorders and that they are preventable. The unproven claims expressed in the TV commercials and medical journals advertising the newest drug-of-the-month are often later exposed as plain snake oil propaganda.

It should be a concern for everyone that some Alzheimer’s support groups are actually front groups for the pharmaceutical industry that profit handsomely from the handful of virtually useless drugs such as Aricept, Exelon, Namenda, Hexalon, and Razadyne.

Prescription Drug-Induced and Vaccine-Induced Mitochondrial Disorders

Acquired mitochondrial disorders (as opposed to the rare primary mitochondrial disorders like muscular dystrophy) can be caused by commonly prescribed drugs. They are difficult to diagnose and are generally poorly understood by most healthcare practitioners. When I went to medical school, none of my professors knew anything about the lethal effects that many synthetic drugs and vaccines do to the mitochondria of average brain or body cells. The science of the mitochondria was in its infancy.

A lot of mitochondrial research has been done since then, especially starting in the 1990s,and that research has proven the connections between a variety of commonly prescribed medications and mitochondrial disorders. That evidence seems to have been cunningly covered-up by the for-profit pharma groups whose drug are the culprits. Big Pharma has tremendous control  over the medical education of most health care providers, and they spoon-feed pro-drug and pro-vaccine propaganda to undiscerning “healthcare” journalists, which is where many physicians and patients get their health information.

An Honest Patient Guide for Dementia Patients (from Harvard)

I was pleasantly surprised recently to find a reasonably honest guide for dementia patients on a Harvard University website.

The entire guide can be accessed at

The information at that site stated that there were over 50 conditions that could cause or mimic early dementia symptoms. What medical practitioner in our double-booked clinic environment has the time to thoroughly rule out the 50 root causes of dementia symptoms when confronted with a patient with memory loss? It’s simpler to just diagnose every case of dementia as another case of Alzheimers! Who will ever dispute such an authoritative-sounding diagnosis? Certainly not those who want to keep dementia from being recognized as a potentially iatrogenic disorder (doctor or treatment-caused disorder).

I have often said to my patients and seminar participants: “it takes only 2 minutes to write a prescription, but it takes 20 minutes to not write a prescription”. In the current for-profit clinic culture, time is money and very few physicians are ever given the “luxury” of spending sufficient time listening carefully to their patients. (In defense of the physicians that I know, they are not happy about these realities but feel powerless to do anything about it.)

It is so tempting for us physicians to use the popularized, but rather squishy label of Alzheimer’s dementia rather than to educate ourselves about the possibility of drug-induced, vaccine-induced or malnutrition-related dementia. But what is so important is that many of the 50+ conditions are preventable or reversible, which will be therapeutic only if the real root causes are identified before permanent brain damage occurs. Just one example was the subject of the book “Lipitor: Thief of Memory” written by former astronaut and flight surgeon Duane Graveline, M.D., M.P.H

(for more information go to

The Harvard guide actually said that “medications are common culprits in mental decline. With aging, the liver becomes less efficient at metabolizing drugs, and the kidneys eliminate them from the body more slowly. As a result, drugs tend to accumulate in the body. Elderly people in poor health and those taking several different medications are especially vulnerable.”

The guide continued with a list of the possible classes of prescription drugs that number in the hundreds:

“The list of drugs that can cause dementia-like symptoms is long. It includes antidepressants, antihistamines, anti-Parkinson drugs, anti-anxiety medications, cardiovascular drugs, anticonvulsants, corticosteroids, narcotics, sedatives.”

The Harvard guide went on to emphasize that Alzheimer’s can only be accurately diagnosed on a post-mortem examination. The guide states that “Alzheimer’s is distinguished from other dementias at autopsy by the presence of sticky beta-amyloid plaques outside brain cells (neurons) and fibrillary tangles within neurons (all indicative of cellular death). Although such lesions may be present in any aging brain, in people with Alzheimer’s these lesions tend to be more numerous and accumulate in areas of the brain involved in learning and memory.”

“The leading theory is that the damage to the brain results from inflammation and other biological changes that cause synaptic loss and malfunction, disrupting communication between brain cells. Eventually the brain cells die, causing tissue loss and cell carcasses or scars.  In imaging scans, brain shrinkage is usually first noticeable in the hippocampus, which plays a central role in memory function.”

The FDA Does Not Require Big Pharma to Test its New Drugs or Vaccines for Mitochondrial Toxicity

But even the Harvard guide inexplicably fails to mention known mitochondrial toxins such as statins, metformin, Depakote, general anesthetics, fluoroquinolone antibiotics (like Cipro), fluorinated psychotropic drugs (like many of the SSRIs and the so-called antipsychotics).

And Big Food corporations are guilty of feeding us neurotoxins also.

For example, when the ubiquitous synthetic food, soft drink and chewing gum sweetener NutraSweet (aspartame) reaches 86 degrees (whether in our 98.6 degree bodies or in some MidEast desert (as was true for many American soldiers who developed Gulf War Syndrome) every molecule releases a molecule of the excitotoxic amino acids phenylalanine and aspartic acid and one molecule of the cellular toxin methanol (wood alcohol). Methanol then rapidly metabolizes into the known mitochondrial poison formaldehyde (embalming fluid), which is a serious cellular and mitochondrial toxin.

The chlorinated artificial sweetener Splenda, which was initially developed as a neurotoxic pesticide, is in an uncountable variety of foods as well.

These examples are only some of the synthetic chemicals in medicines, vaccines and processed foods that are capable of causing mitochondrial damage in brain and body cells – with memory loss, confusion and cognitive dysfunction, all early symptoms of dementia.

It is a tragedy for reversible and preventable drug- or vaccine-induced dementias (or any of the many neurodegenerative disorders) to be mis-diagnosed as Alzheimer’s disease (or neurological disorder) “of unknown cause” because if the root causes are not recognized preventive care will not be offered. And then, what may be worse, those patients might be placed on costly, potentially toxic and often useless medications that have not been tested for their own potential mitochondrial toxicities. (Tragically, the American pharmaceutical industry is not required by the FDA to test its drugs for mitochondrial toxicity, thus leaving physicians and their drug-consuming patients in the dark as far as safety of those medications is concerned.)

There is much more in the basic neuroscience literature proving the connections between drugs and vaccines and neurodevelopmental disorders. Those basic neuroscience researchers that do not have conflicts of interest with Big Pharma and Big Medicine should be listened to. Those authors with monetary or professional conflicts of interest should be regarded with suspicion.

Don’t expect Big Pharma to respond to such unwelcome revelations as mentioned above. Don’t expect Big Medicine to acknowledge the existence of iatrogenic illnesses or to offer apologies.

Do, however, expect denials, dismissals, distractions, delays and ad hominem attacks against the whistle-blowers rather than honest mea culpas.

So it must be up to the consumers of potentially toxic substances to do the research themselves, for those substances may not show symptoms until a tipping point is reached when their livers can no longer detoxify the cocktail of poisons that are presented to it).

Professor of Medicine Oliver Wendell Holmes once said: “If all the medicine in the world were thrown into the sea, it would be bad for the fish, but good for humanity.”

Enough said.

Dr Kohls has spent many years researching the powerful, obscenely profitable and therefore easily corrupted pharmaceutical industry and the many false claims that their lobbyists, think tanks and co-opted opinion leaders in the media have been making. He knows many families whose lives have been devastated by psychiatric drug and vaccine injuries, including the post-vaccination regressive autism that unequivocally began following routine well-baby or well-child vaccinations. He takes seriously the precepts of the Hippocratic Oath that he took when he received his medical degree. That oath says that physicians should above all do no harm to their patients and thus, when there is evidence of potential harm from a prescription drug, vaccine or procedure, physicians should hesitate in doing that harmful treatment until a thorough, unbiased re-evaluation is done. 

Tragically, there has been a proliferation of big medical corporations (for-profit health insurance companies, for-profit clinics, for-profit hospitals, etc) and the secretive, often above-the-law multinational pharmaceutical corporations that regularly use corrupted science to “prove” the safety and efficacy of their obscenely profitable drugs. They employ thousands of workers but mainly work for the economic benefit of their shareholders and not vulnerable patients. 

Dr Kohls practiced holistic mental health care for the last decade of his family practice career. He now writes a weekly column for the Reader Weekly, an alternative newsweekly published in Duluth, Minnesota, USA. Many of his Duty to Warn columns have been archived at, or at

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First published by Global Research on January 21, 2022

Since the publication of this article, the number of studies has increased. The evidence is overwhelming.



Over One Thousand Scientific Studies Prove That the COVID-19 Vaccines Are Dangerous, and All Those Pushing This Agenda Are Committing the Indictable Crime of Gross Misconduct in Public Office   

Just over 12 months from deployment of the COVID 19 emergency use experimental vaccines,  scientific studies in the thousands, and reports of criminal complaints of assault and murder from the illegal, unlawful use of biochemical poisons made to police forces around the country, verify an assault on an unsuspecting UK population. Irrefutable science shows that the COVID 19 vaccine is not safe and not effective in limiting transmission or infection from the SARS-CoV-2, coronavirus pathogens.

The “safe and effective” false propaganda, put out by public officials who now are continuing to push this vaccine, is a clear breach of duty. A public office holder is subject to, and aware of, a duty to prevent death or serious injury that arises only by virtue of the functions of the public office.

Many have breached that duty and, in doing so, are recklessly causing a risk of death or serious injury, by carrying on regardless of the now-confirmed dangers associated with COVID 19 injections. Some of these risks are blood clotting, myocarditis, pericarditis, thrombosis, thrombocytopenia, anaphylaxis, Bell’s palsy, Guillain-Barre, cancer including deaths, etc.

All of these are confirmed in the following science-and-government-gathered data from the UK Health and Security agency on COVID 19 regarding vaccine damage.

The term “vaccine” was changed recently to incorporate this illegal, unlawful medical experiment to facilitate usage of mRNA technology that is demonstrably not a vaccine, and which contains biologically toxic nano-metamaterials associated with 5G urban data gathering capability.

Metal nanoparticulates are known in science to be genotoxic—a poison that can also cause sterilization. The dangers posed to the victims in the near term from this medical battery are now known. However, the long term lethality of this weapon is not as yet realized due to the debilitating effects it has on the immune system, causing  Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome(AIDS).

The Medicines and Healthcare (products) Regulatory Agency (MHRA) had prior warning of the expected large numbers of adverse reactions before the deployment—confirming the premeditated nature of the crime and public conduct offences then and now.

  1. Cerebral venous thrombosis after COVID-19 vaccination in the UK: a multicentre cohort study:
  2. Vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia with disseminated intravascular coagulation and death after ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccination:
  3. Fatal cerebral hemorrhage after COVID-19 vaccine:
  4. Myocarditis after mRNA vaccination against SARS-CoV-2, a case series:
  5. Three cases of acute venous thromboembolism in women after vaccination against COVID-19:
  6. Acute thrombosis of the coronary tree after vaccination against COVID-19:
  7. US case reports of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis with thrombocytopenia after vaccination with Ad26.COV2.S (against covid-19), March 2 to April 21, 2020:
  8. Portal vein thrombosis associated with ChAdOx1 nCov-19 vaccine:
  9. Management of cerebral and splanchnic vein thrombosis associated with thrombocytopenia in subjects previously vaccinated with Vaxzevria (AstraZeneca): position statement of the Italian Society for the Study of Hemostasis and Thrombosis (SISET):
  10. Vaccine-induced immune immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia and cerebral venous sinus thrombosis after vaccination with COVID-19; a systematic review:
  11. Thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome associated with COVID-19 vaccines:
  12. Covid-19 vaccine-induced thrombosis and thrombocytopenia: a commentary on an important and practical clinical dilemma:
  13. Thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome associated with COVID-19 viral vector vaccines:
  14. COVID-19 vaccine-induced immune-immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia: an emerging cause of splanchnic vein thrombosis:
  15. The roles of platelets in COVID-19-associated coagulopathy and vaccine-induced immune thrombotic immune thrombocytopenia (covid):
  16. Roots of autoimmunity of thrombotic events after COVID-19 vaccination:
  17. Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis after vaccination: the United Kingdom experience:
  18. Thrombotic immune thrombocytopenia induced by SARS-CoV-2 vaccine:
  19. Myocarditis after immunization with COVID-19 mRNA vaccines in members of the US military. This article reports that in “23 male patients, including 22 previously healthy military members, myocarditis was identified within 4 days after receipt of the vaccine”:
  20. Thrombosis and thrombocytopenia after vaccination with ChAdOx1 nCoV-19:
  21. Association of myocarditis with the BNT162b2 messenger RNA COVID-19 vaccine in a case series of children:
  22. Thrombotic thrombocytopenia after vaccination with ChAdOx1 nCov-19:
  23. Post-mortem findings in vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia (covid-19):
  24. Thrombocytopenia, including immune thrombocytopenia after receiving COVID-19 mRNA vaccines reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS):
  25. Acute symptomatic myocarditis in seven adolescents after Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccination:
  26. Aphasia seven days after the second dose of an mRNA-based SARS-CoV-2 vaccine. Brain MRI revealed an intracerebral hemorrhage (ICBH) in the left temporal lobe in a 52-year-old man.
  27. Comparison of vaccine-induced thrombotic episodes between ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 and Ad26.COV.2.S vaccines:
  28. Hypothesis behind the very rare cases of thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination:
  29. Blood clots and bleeding episodes after BNT162b2 and ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccination: analysis of European data:
  30. Cerebral venous thrombosis after BNT162b2 mRNA SARS-CoV-2 vaccine:
  31. Primary adrenal insufficiency associated with thrombotic immune thrombocytopenia induced by the Oxford-AstraZeneca ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine (VITT):
  32. Myocarditis and pericarditis after vaccination with COVID-19 mRNA: practical considerations for care providers:
  33. “Portal vein thrombosis occurring after the first dose of SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine in a patient with antiphospholipid syndrome”:
  34. Early results of bivalirudin treatment for thrombotic thrombocytopenia and cerebral venous sinus thrombosis after vaccination with Ad26.COV2.S:
  35. Myocarditis, pericarditis and cardiomyopathy after COVID-19 vaccination:
  36. Mechanisms of immunothrombosis in vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT) compared to natural SARS-CoV-2 infection:
  37. Prothrombotic immune thrombocytopenia after COVID-19 vaccination:
  38. Vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia: the dark chapter of a success story:
  39. Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis negative for anti-PF4 antibody without thrombocytopenia after immunization with COVID-19 vaccine in a non-comorbid elderly Indian male treated with conventional heparin-warfarin based anticoagulation:
  40. Thrombosis after COVID-19 vaccination: possible link to ACE pathways:
  41. Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis in the U.S. population after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination with adenovirus and after COVID-19:
  42. A rare case of a middle-aged Asian male with cerebral venous thrombosis after AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccination:
  43. Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis and thrombocytopenia after COVID-19 vaccination: report of two cases in the United Kingdom:
  44. Immune thrombocytopenic purpura after vaccination with COVID-19 vaccine (ChAdOx1 nCov-19):
  45. Antiphospholipid antibodies and risk of thrombophilia after COVID-19 vaccination: the straw that breaks the camel’s back?:
  46. Vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia, a rare but severe case of friendly fire in the battle against the COVID-19 pandemic: What pathogenesis?:
  47. Diagnostic-therapeutic recommendations of the ad-hoc FACME expert working group on the management of cerebral venous thrombosis related to COVID-19 vaccination:
  48. Thrombocytopenia and intracranial venous sinus thrombosis after exposure to the “AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine”:
  49. Thrombocytopenia following Pfizer and Moderna SARS-CoV-2 vaccination:
  50. Severe and refractory immune thrombocytopenia occurring after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination:
  51. Purpuric rash and thrombocytopenia after mRNA-1273 (Modern) COVID-19 vaccine:
  52. COVID-19 vaccination: information on the occurrence of arterial and venous thrombosis using data from VigiBase:
  53. Cerebral venous thrombosis associated with the covid-19 vaccine in Germany:
  54. Cerebral venous thrombosis following BNT162b2 mRNA vaccination of BNT162b2 against SARS-CoV-2: a black swan event:
  55. The importance of recognizing cerebral venous thrombosis following anti-COVID-19 vaccination:
  56. Thrombosis with thrombocytopenia after messenger RNA vaccine -1273:
  57. Blood clots and bleeding after BNT162b2 and ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccination: an analysis of European data:
  58. First dose of ChAdOx1 and BNT162b2 COVID-19 vaccines and thrombocytopenic, thromboembolic, and hemorrhagic events in Scotland:
  59. Exacerbation of immune thrombocytopenia after COVID-19 vaccination:
  60. First report of a de novo iTTP episode associated with a COVID-19 mRNA-based anti-COVID-19 vaccine:
  61. PF4 immunoassays in vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia:
  62. Antibody epitopes in vaccine-induced immune immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia:
  63. Myocarditis with COVID-19 mRNA vaccines:
  64. Myocarditis and pericarditis after COVID-19 vaccination:
  65. Myocarditis temporally associated with COVID-19 vaccination:
  66. COVID-19 Vaccination Associated with Myocarditis in Adolescents:
  67. Acute myocarditis after administration of BNT162b2 vaccine against COVID-19:
  68. Temporal association between COVID-19 vaccine Ad26.COV2.S and acute myocarditis: case report and review of the literature:
  69. COVID-19 vaccine-induced myocarditis: a case report with review of the literature:
  70. Potential association between COVID-19 vaccine and myocarditis: clinical and CMR findings:
  71. Recurrence of acute myocarditis temporally associated with receipt of coronavirus mRNA disease vaccine 2019 (COVID-19) in a male adolescent:
  72. Fulminant myocarditis and systemic hyper inflammation temporally associated with BNT162b2 COVID-19 mRNA vaccination in two patients:
  73. Acute myocarditis after administration of BNT162b2 vaccine:
  74. Lymphohistocytic myocarditis after vaccination with COVID-19 Ad26.COV2.S viral vector:
  75. Myocarditis following vaccination with BNT162b2 in a healthy male:
  76. Acute myocarditis after Comirnaty (Pfizer) vaccination in a healthy male with previous SARS-CoV-2 infection:
  77. Myopericarditis after Pfizer mRNA COVID-19 vaccination in adolescents:
  78. Pericarditis after administration of BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 mRNA vaccine:
  79. Acute myocarditis after vaccination with SARS-CoV-2 mRNA-1273 mRNA:
  80. Temporal relationship between the second dose of BNT162b2 mRNA Covid-19 vaccine and cardiac involvement in a patient with previous SARS-COV-2 infection:
  81. Myopericarditis after vaccination with COVID-19 mRNA in adolescents 12 to 18 years of age:
  82. Acute myocarditis after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination in a 24-year-old man:
  83. Important information on myopericarditis after vaccination with Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA in adolescents:
  84. A series of patients with myocarditis after vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 with mRNA-1279 and BNT162b2:
  85. Takotsubo cardiomyopathy after vaccination with mRNA COVID-19:
  86. COVID-19 mRNA vaccination and myocarditis:
  87. COVID-19 vaccine and myocarditis:
  88. Epidemiology and clinical features of myocarditis/pericarditis before the introduction of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine in Korean children: a multicenter study e/en/covidwho-1360706.
  89. COVID-19 vaccines and myocarditis:
  90. Myocarditis and other cardiovascular complications of COVID-19 mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines lications-of-the-mrna-based-covid-19-vaccines
  91. Myocarditis, pericarditis, and cardiomyopathy after COVID-19 vaccination:
  92. Myocarditis with covid-19 mRNA vaccines:
  93. Association of myocarditis with COVID-19 mRNA vaccine in children: vid-19-vaccine-in-children/
  94. Association of myocarditis with COVID-19 messenger RNA vaccine BNT162b2 in a case series of children:
  95. Myocarditis after immunization with COVID-19 mRNA vaccines in members of the U.S. military:
  96. Myocarditis occurring after immunization with COVID-19 mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines:
  97. Myocarditis following immunization with Covid-19 mRNA:
  98. Patients with acute myocarditis after vaccination withCOVID-19 mRNA:
  99. Myocarditis associated with vaccination with COVID-19 mRNA:
  100. Symptomatic Acute Myocarditis in 7 Adolescents after Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccination:
  101. Cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging findings in young adult patients with acute myocarditis after COVID-19 mRNA vaccination: a case series:
  102. Clinical Guidance for Young People with Myocarditis and Pericarditis after Vaccination with COVID-19 mRNA:
  103. Cardiac imaging of acute myocarditis after vaccination with COVID-19 mRNA:
  104. Case report: acute myocarditis after second dose of mRNA-1273 SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine:
  105. Myocarditis / pericarditis associated with COVID-19 vaccine:
  106. Transient cardiac injury in adolescents receiving the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine: nts_Receiving.95800.aspx
  107. Perimyocarditis in adolescents after Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine:
  108. The new COVID-19 mRNA vaccine platform and myocarditis: clues to the possible underlying mechanism:
  109. Acute myocardial injury after COVID-19 vaccination: a case report and review of current evidence from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System database:
  110. Be alert to the risk of adverse cardiovascular events after COVID-19 vaccination:
  111. Myocarditis associated with COVID-19 vaccination: echocardiographic, cardiac tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging findings:
  112. In-depth evaluation of a case of presumed myocarditis after the second dose of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine:
  113. Occurrence of acute infarct-like myocarditis after COVID-19 vaccination: just an accidental coincidence or rather a vaccination-associated autoimmune myocarditis?:
  114. Recurrence of acute myocarditis temporally associated with receipt of coronavirus mRNA disease vaccine 2019 (COVID-19) in a male adolescent:
  115. Myocarditis after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination: a vaccine-induced reaction?:
  116. Self-limited myocarditis presenting with chest pain and ST-segment elevation in adolescents after vaccination with the BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine:
  117. Myopericarditis in a previously healthy adolescent male after COVID-19 vaccination: Case report:
  118. Biopsy-proven lymphocytic myocarditis after first COVID-19 mRNA vaccination in a 40-year-old man: case report:
  119. Insights from a murine model of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine-induced myopericarditis: could accidental intravenous injection of a vaccine induce myopericarditis
  120. Unusual presentation of acute perimyocarditis after modern SARS-COV-2 mRNA-1237 vaccination:
  121. Perimyocarditis after the first dose of mRNA-1273 SARS-CoV-2 (Modern) mRNA-1273 vaccine in a young healthy male: case report:
  122. Acute myocarditis after the second dose of SARS-CoV-2 vaccine: serendipity or causal relationship:
  123. Rhabdomyolysis and fasciitis induced by the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine:
  124. COVID-19 vaccine-induced rhabdomyolysis: case report with literature review:
  125. GM1 ganglioside antibody and COVID-19-related Guillain Barre syndrome: case report, systemic review, and implications for vaccine development:
  126. Guillain-Barré syndrome after AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccination: causal or casual association:
  127. Sensory Guillain-Barré syndrome after ChAdOx1 nCov-19 vaccine: report of two cases and review of the literature:
  128. Guillain-Barré syndrome after the first dose of SARS-CoV-2 vaccine: a temporary occurrence, not a causal association:
  129. Guillain-Barré syndrome presenting as facial diplegia after vaccination with COVID-19: a case report:
  130. Guillain-Barré syndrome after the first injection of ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine: first report:
  131. SARS-CoV-2 vaccines are not safe for those with Guillain-Barre syndrome following vaccination:
  132. Acute hyperactive encephalopathy following COVID-19 vaccination with dramatic response to methylprednisolone: a case report:
  133. Facial nerve palsy following administration of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines: analysis of self-report database:
  134. Neurological symptoms and neuroimaging alterations related to COVID-19 vaccine: cause or coincidence:
  135. New-onset refractory status epilepticus after ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccination:
  136. Acute myelitis and ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine: coincidental or causal association:
  137. Bell’s palsy and SARS-CoV-2 vaccines: an unfolding story:
  138. Bell’s palsy after the second dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine in a patient with a history of recurrent Bell’s palsy:
  139. Acute-onset central serous retinopathy after immunization with COVID-19 mRNA vaccine:.
  140. Bell’s palsy after COVID-19 vaccination: case report:
  141. An academic hospital experience assessing the risk of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine using patient’s allergy history:
  142. COVID-19 vaccine-induced axillary and pectoral lymphadenopathy in PET:
  143. ANCA-associated vasculitis after Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine:
  144. Late cutaneous reactions after administration of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines:
  145. COVID-19 vaccine-induced rhabdomyolysis: case report with review of the literature:
  146. Clinical and pathologic correlates of skin reactions to COVID-19 vaccine, including V-REPP: a registry-based study:
  147. Thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome associated with COVID-19 vaccines:.
  148. COVID-19 vaccine-associated anaphylaxis: a statement from the Anaphylaxis Committee of the World Allergy Organization:.
  149. Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis negative for anti-PF4 antibody without thrombocytopenia after immunization with COVID-19 vaccine in an elderly, non-comorbid Indian male treated with conventional heparin-warfarin-based anticoagulation:.
  150. Acute myocarditis after administration of BNT162b2 vaccine against COVID-19:.
  151. Blood clots and bleeding after BNT162b2 and ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine: an analysis of European data:.
  152. immune thrombocytopenia associated with Pfizer-BioNTech’s COVID-19 BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine:.
  153. Bullous drug eruption after the second dose of COVID-19 mRNA-1273 (Moderna) vaccine: Case report:
  154. COVID-19 RNA-based vaccines and the risk of prion disease: ease-1503.pdf
  155. This study notes that 115 pregnant women lost their babies, out of 827 who participated in a study on the safety of covid-19 vaccines:
  156. Process-related impurities in the ChAdOx1 nCov-19 vaccine:
  157. COVID-19 mRNA vaccine causing CNS inflammation: a case series:
  158. Allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis, after receiving the first dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine:
  159. Allergic reactions to the first COVID-19 vaccine: a potential role of polyethylene glycol:
  160. Pfizer Vaccine Raises Allergy Concerns:
  161. Allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis, after receiving the first dose of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine – United States, December 14-23, 2020:
  162. Allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis, after receiving first dose of Modern COVID-19 vaccine – United States, December 21, 2020-January 10, 2021:
  163. Reports of anaphylaxis after coronavirus disease vaccination 2019, South Korea, February 26-April 30, 2021:
  164. Reports of anaphylaxis after receiving COVID-19 mRNA vaccines in the U.S.-Dec 14, 2020-Jan 18, 2021:
  165. Immunization practices and risk of anaphylaxis: a current, comprehensive update of COVID-19 vaccination data:
  166. Relationship between pre-existing allergies and anaphylactic reactions following administration of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine:
  167. Anaphylaxis Associated with COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines: Approach to Allergy Research:
  168. Severe Allergic Reactions after COVID-19 Vaccination with the Pfizer / BioNTech Vaccine in Great Britain and the USA: Position Statement of the German Allergy Societies: German Medical Association of Allergologists (AeDA), German Society for Allergology and Clinical Immunology (DGAKI) and Society for Pediatric Allergology and Environmental Medicine (GPA):
  169. Allergic reactions and anaphylaxis to LNP-based COVID-19 vaccines:
  170. Reported orofacial adverse effects from COVID-19 vaccines: the known and the unknown:
  171. Cutaneous adverse effects of available COVID-19 vaccines:
  172. Cumulative adverse event report of anaphylaxis following injections of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine (Pfizer-BioNTech) in Japan: the first month report:
  173. COVID-19 vaccines increase the risk of anaphylaxis:
  174. Biphasic anaphylaxis after exposure to the first dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA vaccine COVID-19:
  175. Allergenic components of the mRNA-1273 vaccine for COVID-19: possible involvement of polyethylene glycol and IgG-mediated complement activation:
  176. Polyethylene glycol (PEG) is a cause of anaphylaxis to Pfizer / BioNTech mRNA COVID-19 vaccine:
  177. Acute allergic reactions to COVID-19 mRNA vaccines:
  178. Polyethylene glycole allergy of the SARS CoV2 vaccine recipient: case report of a young adult recipient and management of future exposure to SARS-CoV2:
  179. Elevated rates of anaphylaxis after vaccination with Pfizer BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine against COVID-19 in Japanese healthcare workers; a secondary analysis of initial post-approval safety data:
  180. Allergic reactions and adverse events associated with administration of mRNA-based vaccines. A health system experience:
  181. Allergic reactions to COVID-19 vaccines: statement of the Belgian Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (BelSACI):
  182. .IgE-mediated allergy to polyethylene glycol (PEG) as a cause of anaphylaxis to COVID-19 mRNA vaccines:
  183. Allergic reactions after COVID-19 vaccination: putting the risk in perspective:
  184. Anaphylactic reactions to COVID-19 mRNA vaccines: a call for further studies: 188.
  185. Risk of severe allergic reactions to COVID-19 vaccines among patients with allergic skin disease: practical recommendations. An ETFAD position statement with external experts:
  186. COVID-19 vaccine and death: causality algorithm according to the WHO eligibility diagnosis:
  187. Fatal brain hemorrhage after COVID-19 vaccine:
  188. A case series of skin reactions to COVID-19 vaccine in the Department of Dermatology at Loma Linda University:
  189. Skin reactions reported after Moderna and Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccination: a study based on a registry of 414 cases:
  190. Clinical and pathologic correlates of skin reactions to COVID-19 vaccine, including V-REPP: a registry-based study:
  191. Skin reactions after vaccination against SARS-COV-2: a nationwide Spanish cross-sectional study of 405 cases:
  192. Varicella zoster virus and herpes simplex virus reactivation after vaccination with COVID-19: review of 40 cases in an international dermatologic registry:
  193. Immune thrombosis and thrombocytopenia (VITT) associated with the COVID-19 vaccine: diagnostic and therapeutic recommendations for a new syndrome:
  194. Laboratory testing for suspicion of COVID-19 vaccine-induced thrombotic (immune) thrombocytopenia:
  195. Intracerebral hemorrhage due to thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome after COVID-19 vaccination: the first fatal case in Korea:
  196. Risk of thrombocytopenia and thromboembolism after covid-19 vaccination and positive SARS-CoV-2 tests: self-controlled case series study:
  197. Vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia and cerebral venous sinus thrombosis after covid-19 vaccination; a systematic review:
  198. Nerve and muscle adverse events after vaccination with COVID-19: a systematic review and meta-analysis of clinical trials:
  199. A rare case of cerebral venous thrombosis and disseminated intravascular coagulation temporally associated with administration of COVID-19 vaccine:
  200. Primary adrenal insufficiency associated with thrombotic immune thrombocytopenia induced by Oxford-AstraZeneca ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine (VITT):
  201. Acute cerebral venous thrombosis and pulmonary artery embolism associated with the COVID-19 vaccine:
  202. Thromboaspiration infusion and fibrinolysis for portomesenteric thrombosis after administration of AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine:
  203. 59-year-old woman with extensive deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary thromboembolism 7 days after a first dose of Pfizer-BioNTech BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine COVID-19:
  204. Cerebral venous thrombosis and vaccine-induced thrombocytopenia.a. Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19: a missed opportunity for a rapid return on experience:
  205. Myocarditis and other cardiovascular complications of mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines:
  206. Pericarditis after administration of COVID-19 mRNA BNT162b2 vaccine:
  207. Unusual presentation of acute pericarditis after vaccination against SARS-COV-2 mRNA-1237 Modern:
  208. Case report: acute myocarditis after second dose of SARS-CoV-2 mRNA-1273 vaccine mRNA-1273:
  209. Immune-mediated disease outbreaks or recent-onset disease in 27 subjects after mRNA/DNA vaccination against SARS-CoV-2:
  210. Insights from a murine model of myopericarditis induced by COVID-19 mRNA vaccine: could accidental intravenous injection of a vaccine induce myopericarditis:
  211. Immune thrombocytopenia in a 22-year-old post Covid-19 vaccine:
  212. propylthiouracil-induced neutrophil anti-cytoplasmic antibody-associated vasculitis after COVID-19 vaccination:
  213. Secondary immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) associated with ChAdOx1 Covid-19 vaccine: case report:
  214. Thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS) following AstraZeneca ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 (AZD1222) COVID-19 vaccination: risk-benefit analysis for persons <60 years in Australia:
  215. COVID-19 vaccination association and facial nerve palsy: A case-control study:
  216. The association between COVID-19 vaccination and Bell’s palsy:
  217. Bell’s palsy after COVID-19 vaccination:
  218. Acute transverse myelitis (ATM): clinical review of 43 patients with COVID-19-associated ATM and 3 serious adverse events of post-vaccination ATM with ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine (AZD1222):
  219. Bell’s palsy after 24 hours of mRNA-1273 SARS-CoV-2 mRNA-1273 vaccine:
  220. Sequential contralateral facial nerve palsy after first and second doses of COVID-19 vaccine:
  221. Transverse myelitis induced by SARS-CoV-2 vaccination:
  222. Peripheral facial nerve palsy after vaccination with BNT162b2 (COVID-19):
  223. Acute abducens nerve palsy after COVID-19 vaccination:
  224. Facial nerve palsy after administration of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines: analysis of self-report database:
  225. Transient oculomotor paralysis after administration of RNA-1273 messenger vaccine for SARS-CoV-2 diplopia after COVID-19 vaccine:
  226. Bell’s palsy after Ad26.COV2.S COVID-19 vaccination:
  227. Bell’s palsy after COVID-19 vaccination: case report:
  228. A case of acute demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy with bilateral facial palsy following ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccination:
  229. Guillian Barré syndrome after vaccination with mRNA-1273 against COVID-19:
  230. Acute facial paralysis as a possible complication of SARS-CoV-2 vaccination:
  231. Bell’s palsy after COVID-19 vaccination with high antibody response in CSF:
  232. Parsonage-Turner syndrome associated with SARS-CoV-2 or SARS-CoV-2 vaccination. Comment on: “Neuralgic amyotrophy and COVID-19 infection: 2 cases of accessory spinal nerve palsy” by Coll et al. Articular Spine 2021; 88: 10519:
  233. Bell’s palsy after a single dose of vaccine mRNA. SARS-CoV-2: case report:
  234. Autoimmune hepatitis developing after coronavirus disease vaccine 2019 (COVID-19): causality or victim?:
  235. Autoimmune hepatitis triggered by vaccination against SARS-CoV-2:
  236. Acute autoimmune-like hepatitis with atypical antimitochondrial antibody after vaccination with COVID-19 mRNA: a new clinical entity:
  237. Autoimmune hepatitis after COVID vaccine:
  238. A novel case of bifacial diplegia variant of Guillain-Barré syndrome after vaccination with Janssen COVID-19:
  239. Comparison of vaccine-induced thrombotic events between ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 and Ad26.COV.2.S vaccines:
  240. Bilateral superior ophthalmic vein thrombosis, ischemic stroke and immune thrombocytopenia after vaccination with ChAdOx1 nCoV-19:
  241. Diagnosis and treatment of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis with vaccine-induced immune-immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia:
  242. Venous sinus thrombosis after vaccination with ChAdOx1 nCov-19:
  243. Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis following vaccination against SARS-CoV-2: an analysis of cases reported to the European Medicines Agency:
  244. Risk of thrombocytopenia and thromboembolism after covid-19 vaccination and positive SARS-CoV-2 tests: self-controlled case series study:
  245. Blood clots and bleeding after BNT162b2 and ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccination: an analysis of European data:
  246. Arterial events, venous thromboembolism, thrombocytopenia and bleeding after vaccination with Oxford-AstraZeneca ChAdOx1-S in Denmark and Norway: population-based cohort study:
  247. First dose of ChAdOx1 and BNT162b2 COVID-19 vaccines and thrombocytopenic, thromboembolic and hemorrhagic events in Scotland:
  248. Cerebral venous thrombosis associated with COVID-19 vaccine in Germany:
  249. Malignant cerebral infarction after vaccination with ChAdOx1 nCov-19: a catastrophic variant of vaccine-induced immune-mediated thrombotic thrombocytopenia:
  250. celiac artery and splenic artery thrombosis complicated by splenic infarction 7 days after the first dose of Oxford vaccine, causal relationship or coincidence:
  251. Primary adrenal insufficiency associated with Oxford-AstraZeneca ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 (VITT) vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia:
  252. Thrombocytopenia after COVID-19 vaccination:
  253. Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis associated with thrombocytopenia after COVID-19 vaccination:
  254. Thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome after COVID-19 immunization:
  255. Acute myocardial infarction within 24 hours after COVID-19 vaccination:
  256. Bilateral acute macular neuroretinopathy after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination:
  257. central venous sinus thrombosis with subarachnoid hemorrhage after COVID-19 mRNA vaccination: are these reports merely coincidental:
  258. Intracerebral hemorrhage due to thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome after COVID-19 vaccination: the first fatal case in Korea:
  259. Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis negative for anti-PF4 antibody without thrombocytopenia after immunization with COVID-19 vaccine in a non-comorbid elderly Indian male treated with conventional heparin-warfarin-based anticoagulation:
  260. Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis 2 weeks after first dose of SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine:
  261. A case of multiple thrombocytopenia and thrombosis following vaccination with ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 against SARS-CoV-2:
  262. Vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia: the elusive link between thrombosis and adenovirus-based SARS-CoV-2 vaccines:
  263. Acute ischemic stroke revealing immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia induced by ChAdOx1 nCov-19 vaccine: impact on recanalization strategy:
  264. New-onset refractory status epilepticus after ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine:
  265. Thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome associated with COVID-19 viral vector vaccines:
  266. Pulmonary embolism, transient ischemic attack, and thrombocytopenia after Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine:
  267. Thromboaspiration infusion and fibrinolysis for portomesenteric thrombosis after administration of the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine:
  268. Spontaneous HIT syndrome: knee replacement, infection, and parallels with vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia:
  269. Deep venous thrombosis (DVT) occurring shortly after second dose of SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine:
  270. Procoagulant antibody-mediated procoagulant platelets in immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia associated with SARS-CoV-2 vaccination:
  271. Vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia causing a severe form of cerebral venous thrombosis with high mortality rate: a case series:
  272. Procoagulant microparticles: a possible link between vaccine-induced immune thrombocytopenia (VITT) and cerebral sinus venous thrombosis:
  273. Atypical thrombosis associated with the vaccine VaxZevria® (AstraZeneca): data from the French network of regional pharmacovigilance centers:
  274. Acute cerebral venous thrombosis and pulmonary artery embolism associated with the COVID-19 vaccine:
  275. Vaccine-induced thrombosis and thrombocytopenia with bilateral adrenal haemorrhage:
  276. Palmar digital vein thrombosis after Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccination:
  277. Cutaneous thrombosis associated with cutaneous necrosis following Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccination:
  278. Cerebral venous thrombosis following COVID-19 vaccination:
  279. Lipschütz ulcers after AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccination:
  280. Amyotrophic Neuralgia secondary to Vaxzevri vaccine (AstraZeneca) COVID-19:
  281. Thrombosis with thrombocytopenia after Messenger vaccine RNA-1273:
  282. Intracerebral hemorrhage twelve days after vaccination with ChAdOx1 nCoV-19:
  283. Thrombotic thrombocytopenia after vaccination with COVID-19: in search of the underlying mechanism:
  284. Coronavirus (COVID-19) Vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT):
  285. Comparison of adverse drug reactions among four COVID-19 vaccines in Europe using the EudraVigilance database: Thrombosis in unusual sites:
  286. Immunoglobulin adjuvant for vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia:
  287. Severe vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia following vaccination with COVID-19: an autopsy case report and review of the literature:
  288. A case of acute pulmonary embolism after immunization with SARS-CoV-2 mRNA:
  289. Neurosurgical considerations regarding decompressive craniectomy for intracerebral hemorrhage after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination in vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia-VITT:
  290. Thrombosis and SARS-CoV-2 vaccines: vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia:
  291. Acquired thrombotic thrombocytopenic thrombocytopenic purpura: a rare disease associated with the BNT162b2 vaccine:
  292. Immune complexes, innate immunity and NETosis in ChAdOx1 vaccine-induced thrombocytopenia:
  293. Sensory Guillain-Barré syndrome following ChAdOx1 nCov-19 vaccine: report of two cases and review of the literature:
  294. Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome after COVID-19 and ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 (AZD1222) vaccination:
  295. Reactivation of Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease under control for more than 6 years, after anti-SARS-CoV-2 vaccination:
  296. Post-vaccinal encephalitis after ChAdOx1 nCov-19:
  297. Neurological symptoms and neuroimaging alterations related to COVID-19 vaccine: cause or coincidence?:
  298. Fatal systemic capillary leak syndrome after SARS-COV-2 vaccination in a patient with multiple myeloma:
  299. Polyarthralgia and myalgia syndrome after vaccination with ChAdOx1 nCOV-19:
  300. Three cases of subacute thyroiditis after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination: post-vaccination ASIA syndrome:
  301. Facial diplegia: a rare and atypical variant of Guillain-Barré syndrome and the Ad26.COV2.S vaccine:
  302. Association between ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccination and bleeding episodes: large population-based cohort study:
  303. fulminant myocarditis and systemic hyperinflammation temporally associated with BNT162b2 COVID-19 mRNA vaccination in two patients:
  304. Adverse effects reported after COVID-19 vaccination in a tertiary care hospital, centered on cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST):
  305. Induction and exacerbation of subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus erythematosus after mRNA- or adenoviral vector-based SARS-CoV-2 vaccination:
  306. Petechiae and peeling of fingers after immunization with BTN162b2 messenger RNA (mRNA)-based COVID-19 vaccine:
  307. Hepatitis C virus reactivation after COVID-19 vaccination: a case report:
  308. Bilateral immune-mediated keratolysis after immunization with SARS-CoV-2 recombinant viral vector vaccine:
  309. Immune-mediated thrombocytopenic purpura after Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine in an elderly woman:
  310. Platelet activation and modulation in thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome associated with the ChAdO × 1 nCov-19 vaccine:
  311. Reactive arthritis after COVID-19 vaccination:
  312. Two cases of Graves’ disease after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination: an autoimmune / inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants:
  313. Acute relapse and impaired immunization after COVID-19 vaccination in a patient with multiple sclerosis treated with rituximab:
  314. Widespread fixed bullous drug eruption after vaccination with ChAdOx1 nCoV-19:
  315. COVID-19 mRNA vaccine causing CNS inflammation: a case series:
  316. Thymic hyperplasia after Covid-19 mRNA-based vaccination with Covid-19:
  317. Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis following vaccination against SARS-CoV-2:
  318. Tolosa-Hunt syndrome occurring after COVID-19 vaccination:
  319. Systemic capillary extravasation syndrome following vaccination with ChAdOx1 nCOV-19 (Oxford-AstraZeneca):
  320. Immune-mediated thrombocytopenia associated with Ad26.COV2.S vaccine (Janssen; Johnson & Johnson):
  321. Transient thrombocytopenia with glycoprotein-specific platelet autoantibodies after vaccination with Ad26.COV2.S: case report:
  322. Acute hyperactive encephalopathy following COVID-19 vaccination with dramatic response to methylprednisolone: case report:
  323. Transient cardiac injury in adolescents receiving the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine:
  324. Autoimmune hepatitis developing after ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine (Oxford-AstraZeneca):
  325. Severe relapse of multiple sclerosis after COVID-19 vaccination: a case report:
  326. Lymphohistocytic myocarditis after vaccination with the COVID-19 viral vector Ad26.COV2.S:
  327. Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis after vaccination with ChAdOx1 nCov-19:
  328. IgA vasculitis in adult patient after vaccination with ChadOx1 nCoV-19:
  329. A case of leukocytoclastic vasculitis after vaccination with a SARS-CoV2 vaccine: case report:
  330. Onset / outbreak of psoriasis after Corona virus ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine (Oxford-AstraZeneca / Covishield): report of two cases:
  331. Hailey-Hailey disease exacerbation after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination:
  332. Supraclavicular lymphadenopathy after COVID-19 vaccination in Korea: serial follow-up by ultrasonography:
  333. COVID-19 vaccine, immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia, jaundice, hyperviscosity: concern in cases with underlying hepatic problems:
  334. Report of the International Cerebral Venous Thrombosis Consortium on cerebral venous thrombosis after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination:
  335. Immune thrombocytopenia after vaccination during the COVID-19 pandemic:
  336. COVID-19: lessons from the Norwegian tragedy should be taken into account in planning for vaccine launch in less developed/developing countries:
  337. Rituximab-induced acute lympholysis and pancytopenia following vaccination with COVID-19:
  338. Exacerbation of plaque psoriasis after COVID-19 inactivated mRNA and BNT162b2 vaccines: report of two cases:
  339. Vaccine-induced interstitial lung disease: a rare reaction to COVID-19 vaccine:
  340. Vesiculobullous cutaneous reactions induced by COVID-19 mRNA vaccine: report of four cases and review of the literature:
  341. Vaccine-induced thrombocytopenia with severe headache:
  342. Acute perimyocarditis after the first dose of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine:
  343. Rhabdomyolysis and fasciitis induced by COVID-19 mRNA vaccine:
  344. Rare cutaneous adverse effects of COVID-19 vaccines: a case series and review of the literature:
  345. Immune thrombocytopenia associated with the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA vaccine BNT162b2:
  346. Secondary immune thrombocytopenia putatively attributable to COVID-19 vaccination:
  347. Immune thrombocytopenia following Pfizer-BioNTech BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine:
  348. Newly diagnosed idiopathic thrombocytopenia after COVID-19 vaccine administration:
  349. Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura and the Modern Covid-19 vaccine:
  350. Thrombocytopenia after Pfizer and Moderna SARS vaccination – CoV -2:
  351. Immune thrombocytopenic purpura and acute liver injury after COVID-19 vaccination:
  352. Collection of complement-mediated and autoimmune-mediated hematologic conditions after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination:
  353. Petechial rash associated with CoronaVac vaccination: first report of cutaneous side effects before phase 3 results:
  354. COVID-19 vaccines induce severe hemolysis in paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria:
  355. Cerebral venous thrombosis associated with COVID-19 vaccine in Germany:
  356. Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis after COVID-19 vaccination : Neurological and radiological management:
  357. Cerebral venous thrombosis and thrombocytopenia after COVID-19 vaccination:
  358. Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis and thrombocytopenia after COVID-19 vaccination: report of two cases in the United Kingdom:
  359. Cerebral venous thrombosis induced by SARS-CoV-2 vaccine:
  360. Carotid artery immune thrombosis induced by adenovirus-vectored COVID-19 vaccine: case report:
  361. Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis associated with vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia:
  362. The roles of platelets in COVID-19-associated coagulopathy and vaccine-induced immune-immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia:
  363. Cerebral venous thrombosis after the BNT162b2 mRNA SARS-CoV-2 vaccine:
  364. Cerebral venous thrombosis after COVID-19 vaccination:
  365. Lethal cerebral venous sinus thrombosis after COVID-19 vaccination:
  366. Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis in the U.S. population, After SARS-CoV-2 vaccination with adenovirus and after COVID-19:
  367. Cerebral venous thrombosis after COVID-19 vaccination: is the risk of thrombosis increased by intravascular administration of the vaccine:
  368. Central venous sinus thrombosis with subarachnoid hemorrhage after COVID-19 mRNA vaccination: are these reports merely coincidental:
  369. Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis after ChAdOx1 nCov-19 vaccination with a misleading first brain MRI:
  370. Early results of bivalirudin treatment for thrombotic thrombocytopenia and cerebral venous sinus thrombosis after vaccination with Ad26.COV2.S:
  371. Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis associated with post-vaccination thrombocytopenia by COVID-19:
  372. Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis 2 weeks after the first dose of SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine:
  373. Vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia causing a severe form of cerebral venous thrombosis with a high mortality rate: a case series:
  374. Adenovirus interactions with platelets and coagulation and vaccine-associated autoimmune thrombocytopenia thrombosis syndrome:
  375. Headache attributed to COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus) vaccination with the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 (AZD1222) vaccine: a multicenter observational cohort study:
  376. Adverse effects reported after COVID-19 vaccination in a tertiary care hospital, focus on cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST):
  377. Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis following vaccination against SARS-CoV-2: an analysis of cases reported to the European Medicines Agency:
  378. A rare case of a middle-age Asian male with cerebral venous thrombosis after COVID-19 AstraZeneca vaccination:
  379. Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis negative for anti-PF4 antibody without thrombocytopenia after immunization with COVID-19 vaccine in a non-comorbid elderly Indian male treated with conventional heparin-warfarin-based anticoagulation:
  380. Arterial events, venous thromboembolism, thrombocytopenia and bleeding after vaccination with Oxford-AstraZeneca ChAdOx1-S in Denmark and Norway: population-based cohort study:
  381. Procoagulant microparticles: a possible link between vaccine-induced immune thrombocytopenia (VITT) and cerebral sinus venous thrombosis:
  382. S. case reports of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis with thrombocytopenia after vaccination with Ad26.COV2.S, March 2-April 21, 2021:
  383. Malignant cerebral infarction after vaccination with ChAdOx1 nCov-19: a catastrophic variant of vaccine-induced immune-mediated thrombotic thrombocytopenia:
  384. Acute ischemic stroke revealing immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia induced by ChAdOx1 nCov-19 vaccine: impact on recanalization strategy:
  385. Vaccine-induced immune thrombotic immune thrombocytopenia (VITT): a new clinicopathologic entity with heterogeneous clinical presentations:
  386. Imaging and hematologic findings in thrombosis and thrombocytopenia after vaccination with ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 (AstraZeneca):
  387. Autoimmunity roots of thrombotic events after vaccination with COVID-19:
  388. Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis after vaccination: the UK experience:
  389. Massive cerebral venous thrombosis and venous basin infarction as late complications of COVID-19: a case report:
  390. Australian and New Zealand approach to the diagnosis and treatment of vaccine-induced immune thrombosis and immune thrombocytopenia:
  391. An observational study to identify the prevalence of thrombocytopenia and anti-PF4 / polyanion antibodies in Norwegian health care workers after COVID-19 vaccination:
  392. Acute transverse myelitis (ATM): clinical review of 43 patients with COVID-19-associated ATM and 3 serious adverse events of post-vaccination ATM with ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 (AZD1222) vaccine:
  393. A case of acute demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy with bilateral facial palsy after ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine:.
  394. Thrombocytopenia with acute ischemic stroke and hemorrhage in a patient recently vaccinated with an adenoviral vector-based COVID-19 vaccine:.
  395. Predicted and observed incidence of thromboembolic events among Koreans vaccinated with the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine:
  396. First dose of ChAdOx1 and BNT162b2 COVID-19 vaccines and thrombocytopenic, thromboembolic, and hemorrhagic events in Scotland:
  397. ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine-associated thrombocytopenia: three cases of immune thrombocytopenia after 107,720 doses of ChAdOx1 vaccination in Thailand:
  398. Pulmonary embolism, transient ischemic attack, and thrombocytopenia after Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine:
  399. Neurosurgical considerations with respect to decompressive craniectomy for intracerebral hemorrhage after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination in vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia-VITT:
  400. Large hemorrhagic stroke after vaccination against ChAdOx1 nCoV-19: a case report:
  401. Polyarthralgia and myalgia syndrome after vaccination with ChAdOx1 nCOV-19:
  402. A rare case of thrombosis and thrombocytopenia of the superior ophthalmic vein after ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccination against SARS-CoV-2:
  403. Thrombosis and severe acute respiratory syndrome Coronavirus 2 vaccines: vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia:
  404. Renal vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism secondary to vaccine-induced thrombotic immune thrombocytopenia (VITT):
  405. Limb ischemia and pulmonary artery thrombosis after ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine (Oxford-AstraZeneca): a case of vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia:
  406. Association between ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccination and bleeding episodes: large population-based cohort study:
  407. Secondary thrombocytopenia after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination: case report of haemorrhage and hematoma after minor oral surgery:
  408. Venous thromboembolism and mild thrombocytopenia after vaccination with ChAdOx1 nCoV-19:
  409. Fatal exacerbation of ChadOx1-nCoV-19-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia syndrome after successful initial therapy with intravenous immunoglobulins: a rationale for monitoring immunoglobulin G levels:
  410. A case of ANCA-associated vasculitis after AZD1222 (Oxford-AstraZeneca) SARS-CoV-2 vaccination: victim or causality?:
  411. Intracerebral hemorrhage associated with vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia after ChAdOx1 nCOVID-19 vaccination in a pregnant woman:
  412. Massive cerebral venous thrombosis due to vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia:
  413. Nephrotic syndrome after ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine against SARScoV-2:
  414. A case of vaccine-induced immune-immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia with massive arteriovenous thrombosis:
  415. Cutaneous thrombosis associated with cutaneous necrosis following Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccination:
  416. Thrombocytopenia in an adolescent with sickle cell anemia after COVID-19 vaccination:
  417. Vaccine-induced thrombocytopenia with severe headache:
  418. Myocarditis associated with SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination in children aged 12 to 17 years: stratified analysis of a national database:
  419. COVID-19 mRNA vaccination and development of CMR-confirmed myopericarditis:
  420. Severe autoimmune hemolytic anemia after receipt of SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine:
  421. Intravenous injection of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) mRNA vaccine can induce acute myopericarditis in a mouse model:
  422. A report of myocarditis adverse events in the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. (VAERS) in association with COVID-19 injectable biologics:
  423. This study concludes that: “The vaccine was associated with an excess risk of myocarditis (1 to 5 events per 100,000 persons). The risk of this potentially serious adverse event and of many other serious adverse events increased substantially after SARS-CoV-2 infection”:
  424. Bilateral uveitis after inoculation with COVID-19 vaccine: a case report:
  425. Myocarditis associated with SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination in children aged 12 to 17 years: stratified analysis of a national database:
  426. Immune-mediated hepatitis with the Moderna vaccine is no longer a coincidence but confirmed:
  427. Extensive investigations revealed consistent pathophysiologic alterations after vaccination with COVID-19 vaccines:
  428. Lobar hemorrhage with ventricular rupture shortly after the first dose of an mRNA-based SARS-CoV-2 vaccine:
  429. Mrna COVID vaccines dramatically increase endothelial inflammatory markers and risk of Acute Coronary Syndrome as measured by PULS cardiac testing: a caution:
  430. ChAdOx1 interacts with CAR and PF4 with implications for thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome:
  431. Lethal vaccine-induced immune thrombotic immune thrombocytopenia (VITT) following announcement 26.COV2.S: first documented case outside the U.S.:
  432. A prothrombotic thrombocytopenic disorder resembling heparin-induced thrombocytopenia after coronavirus-19 vaccination: 435.
  433. VITT (vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia) after vaccination with ChAdOx1 nCoV-19:
  434. Vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT): a new clinicopathologic entity with heterogeneous clinical presentations:
  435. Treatment of acute ischemic stroke associated with ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia:
  436. Spectrum of neurological complications after COVID-19 vaccination:
  437. Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis after vaccination: the UK experience:
  438. Cerebral venous vein/venous sinus thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome after COVID-19 vaccination:
  439. Portal vein thrombosis due to vaccine-induced immune thrombotic immune thrombocytopenia (VITT) after Covid vaccination with ChAdOx1 nCoV-19:
  440. Hematuria, a generalized petechial rash and headaches after Oxford AstraZeneca ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccination:
  441. Myocardial infarction and azygos vein thrombosis after vaccination with ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 in a hemodialysis patient:
  442. Takotsubo (stress) cardiomyopathy after vaccination with ChAdOx1 nCoV-19:
  443. Humoral response induced by Prime-Boost vaccination with ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 and BNT162b2 mRNA vaccines in a patient with multiple sclerosis treated with teriflunomide:
  444. Guillain-Barré syndrome after ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 COVID-19 vaccination: a case series:
  445. Refractory vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT) treated with delayed therapeutic plasma exchange (TPE):
  446. Rare case of COVID-19 vaccine-associated intracranial hemorrhage with venous sinus thrombosis:
  447. Delayed headache after COVID-19 vaccination: a warning sign for vaccine-induced cerebral venous thrombosis:
  448. Clinical features of vaccine-induced thrombocytopenia and immune thrombosis:
  449. Predictors of mortality in thrombotic thrombocytopenia after adenoviral COVID-19 vaccination: the FAPIC score:
  450. Ischemic stroke as a presenting feature of immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia induced by ChAdOx1-nCoV-19 vaccination:
  451. In-hospital observational study of neurological disorders in patients recently vaccinated with COVID-19 mRNA vaccines:
  452. Endovascular treatment for vaccine-induced cerebral venous sinus thrombosis and thrombocytopenia after vaccination with ChAdOx1 nCoV-19: report of three cases:
  453. Cardiovascular, neurological, and pulmonary events after vaccination with BNT162b2, ChAdOx1 nCoV-19, and Ad26.COV2.S vaccines: an analysis of European data:
  454. Cerebral venous thrombosis developing after vaccination. COVID-19: VITT, VATT, TTS and more:
  455. Cerebral venous thrombosis and myeloproliferative neoplasms: a three-center study of 74 consecutive cases:
  456. Possible triggers of thrombocytopenia and/or hemorrhage by BNT162b2 vaccine, Pfizer-BioNTech:
  457. Multiple sites of arterial thrombosis in a 35-year-old patient after vaccination with ChAdOx1 (AstraZeneca), which required emergency femoral and carotid surgical thrombectomy:
  458. Case series of vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia in a London teaching hospital:
  459. Neuro-ophthalmic complications with thrombocytopenia and thrombosis induced by ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine:
  460. Thrombotic events after COVID-19 vaccination in over 50 years of age: results of a population-based study in Italy:
  461. Intracerebral hemorrhage associated with vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia after ChAdOx1 nCOVID-19 vaccination in a pregnant woman:
  462. Age- and sex-specific incidence of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis associated with Ad26.COV2.S COVID-19 vaccination:
  463. Genital necrosis with cutaneous thrombosis following vaccination with COVID-19 mRNA:
  464. Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis after mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccination:
  465. COVID-19 vaccine-induced immune thrombosis with thrombocytopenia thrombosis (VITT) and shades of gray in thrombus formation:
  466. Inflammatory myositis after vaccination with ChAdOx1:
  467. Acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction secondary to vaccine-induced immune thrombosis with thrombocytopenia (VITT):
  468. A rare case of COVID-19 vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT) affecting the venosplanchnic and pulmonary arterial circulation from a UK district general hospital:
  469. COVID-19 vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia: a case series:
  470. Thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS) after vaccination with AstraZeneca ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 (AZD1222) COVID-19: a risk-benefit analysis for persons <60% risk-benefit analysis for people <60 years in Australia:
  471. Immune thrombocytopenia after immunization with Vaxzevria ChadOx1-S vaccine (AstraZeneca), Victoria, Australia:
  472. Characteristics and outcomes of patients with cerebral venous sinus thrombosis in thrombotic immune thrombocytopenia induced by SARS-CoV-2 vaccine:
  473. Case study of thrombosis and thrombocytopenia syndrome after administration of the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine:
  474. Thrombosis with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome Associated with COVID-19 Vaccines:
  475. Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis following vaccination with ChAdOx1: the first case of definite thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome in India:
  476. COVID-19 vaccine-associated thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS): systematic review and post hoc analysis:
  477. Case report of immune thrombocytopenia after vaccination with ChAdOx1 nCoV-19:
  478. Acute transverse myelitis after COVID-19 vaccination:
  479. Concerns for adverse effects of thrombocytopenia and thrombosis after adenovirus-vectored COVID-19 vaccination:
  480. Major hemorrhagic stroke after ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccination: a case report:
  481. Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis after COVID-19 vaccination: neurologic and radiologic management:
  482. Thrombocytopenia with acute ischemic stroke and hemorrhage in a patient recently vaccinated with an adenoviral vector-based COVID-19 vaccine:
  483. Intracerebral hemorrhage and thrombocytopenia after AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine: clinical and diagnostic challenges of vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia:
  484. Minimal change disease with severe acute kidney injury after Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine: case report:
  485. Case report: cerebral sinus vein thrombosis in two patients with AstraZeneca SARS-CoV-2 vaccine:
  486. Case report: Pityriasis rosea-like rash after vaccination with COVID-19:
  487. Extensive longitudinal transverse myelitis after ChAdOx1 nCOV-19 vaccine: case report:
  488. Acute eosinophilic pneumonia associated with anti-COVID-19 vaccine AZD1222:
  489. Thrombocytopenia, including immune thrombocytopenia after receiving COVID-19 mRNA vaccines reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS):
  490. A case of ANCA-associated vasculitis after AZD1222 (Oxford-AstraZeneca) SARS-CoV-2 vaccination: victim or causality?:
  491. Vaccine-induced immune thrombosis and thrombocytopenia syndrome after adenovirus-vectored severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 vaccination: a new hypothesis on mechanisms and implications for future vaccine development:
  492. Thrombosis in peripheral artery disease and thrombotic thrombocytopenia following adenoviral COVID-19 vaccination:
  493. Newly diagnosed immune thrombocytopenia in a pregnant patient after coronavirus disease 2019 vaccination:
  494. Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis and thrombotic events after vector-based COVID-19 vaccines: systematic review and meta-analysis:
  495. Sweet’s syndrome after Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine (AZD1222) in an elderly woman:
  496. Sudden sensorineural hearing loss after COVID-19 vaccination:
  497. Prevalence of serious adverse events among health care professionals after receiving the first dose of ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 coronavirus vaccine (Covishield) in Togo, March 2021:
  498. Acute hemichorea-hemibalismus after COVID-19 (AZD1222) vaccination:
  499. Recurrence of alopecia areata after covid-19 vaccination: a report of three cases in Italy:
  500. Shingles-like skin lesion after vaccination with AstraZeneca for COVID-19: a case report:
  501. Thrombosis after COVID-19 vaccination: possible link to ACE pathways:
  502. Thrombocytopenia in an adolescent with sickle cell anemia after COVID-19 vaccination:
  503. Leukocytoclastic vasculitis as a cutaneous manifestation of ChAdOx1 corona virus vaccine nCoV-19 (recombinant):
  504. Abdominal pain and bilateral adrenal hemorrhage from immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia induced by COVID-19 vaccine:
  505. Longitudinally extensive cervical myelitis after vaccination with inactivated virus based COVID-19 vaccine:
  506. Induction of cutaneous leukocytoclastic vasculitis after ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine:
  507. A case of toxic epidermal necrolysis after vaccination with ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 (AZD1222):
  508. Ocular adverse events following COVID-19 vaccination:
  509. Depression after ChAdOx1-S / nCoV-19 vaccination:
  510. Venous thromboembolism and mild thrombocytopenia after ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccination:
  511. Recurrent ANCA-associated vasculitis after Oxford AstraZeneca ChAdOx1-S COVID-19 vaccination: a case series of two patients:
  512. Major artery thrombosis and vaccination against ChAdOx1 nCov-19:
  513. Rare case of contralateral supraclavicular lymphadenopathy after vaccination with COVID-19: computed tomography and ultrasound findings:
  514. Cutaneous lymphocytic vasculitis after administration of the second dose of AZD1222 (Oxford-AstraZeneca) Severe acute respiratory syndrome Coronavirus 2 vaccine: chance or causality:
  515. Pancreas allograft rejection after ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine:
  516. Understanding the risk of thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome following Ad26.COV2.S vaccination:
  517. Cutaneous adverse reactions of 35,229 doses of COVID-19 Sinovac and AstraZeneca vaccine COVID-19: a prospective cohort study in health care workers:
  518. Comments on thrombosis after vaccination: spike protein leader sequence could be responsible for thrombosis and antibody-mediated thrombocytopenia:
  519. Eosinophilic dermatosis after AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccination:
  520. Severe immune thrombocytopenia following COVID-19 vaccination: report of four cases and review of the literature:
  521. Relapse of immune thrombocytopenia after COVID-19 vaccination:
  522. Thrombosis in pre- and post-vaccination phase of COVID-19;
  523. A look at the role of postmortem immunohistochemistry in understanding the inflammatory pathophysiology of COVID-19 disease and vaccine-related thrombotic adverse events: a narrative review:
  524. COVID-19 vaccine in patients with hypercoagulability disorders: a clinical perspective:
  525. Vaccine-associated thrombocytopenia and thrombosis: venous endotheliopathy leading to combined venous micro-macrothrombosis:
  526. Thrombosis and thrombocytopenia syndrome causing isolated symptomatic carotid occlusion after COVID-19 Ad26.COV2.S vaccine (Janssen):
  527. An unusual presentation of acute deep vein thrombosis after Modern COVID-19 vaccine: case report:
  528. Immediate high-dose intravenous immunoglobulins followed by direct treatment with thrombin inhibitors is crucial for survival in vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia Sars-Covid-19-vector adenoviral VITT with venous thrombosis of the cerebral sinus and portal vein:
  529. Thrombosis formation after COVID-19 vaccination immunologic aspects: review article:
  530. Imaging and hematologic findings in thrombosis and thrombocytopenia after vaccination with ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 (AstraZeneca):
  531. Spectrum of neuroimaging findings in post-CoVID-19 vaccination: a case series and review of the literature:
  532. Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, and thrombocytopenia after COVID-19 vaccination in a Taiwanese man: a case report and review of the literature:
  533. Fatal cerebral venous sinus thrombosis after COVID-19 vaccination:
  534. Autoimmune roots of thrombotic events after COVID-19 vaccination:
  535. New portal vein thrombosis in cirrhosis: is thrombophilia exacerbated by vaccine or COVID-19:
  536. Images of immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia induced by Oxford / AstraZeneca® COVID-19 vaccine:
  537. Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis after vaccination with COVID-19 mRNA of BNT162b2:
  538. Increased risk of urticaria/angioedema after BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccination in health care workers taking ACE inhibitors:
  539. A case of unusual mild clinical presentation of COVID-19 vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia with splanchnic vein thrombosis:
  540. Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis following vaccination with Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 (BNT162b2):
  541. A case of idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura after a booster dose of COVID-19 BNT162b2 vaccine (Pfizer-Biontech):
  542. Vaccine-induced immune thrombotic immune thrombocytopenia (VITT): targeting pathologic mechanisms with Bruton’s tyrosine kinase inhibitors:
  543. Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura after vaccination with Ad26.COV2-S:
  544. Thromboembolic events in younger females exposed to Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna COVID-19 vaccines:
  545. Potential risk of thrombotic events after COVID-19 vaccination with Oxford-AstraZeneca in women receiving estrogen:
  546. Thrombosis after adenovirus-vectored COVID-19 vaccination: a concern for underlying disease:
  547. Adenovirus interactions with platelets and coagulation and vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia syndrome:
  548. Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura: a new threat after COVID bnt162b2 vaccine:
  549. Unusual site of deep vein thrombosis after vaccination against coronavirus mRNA-2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19):
  550. Neurological side effects of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines:
  551. Coagulopathies after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination may derive from a combined effect of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and adenovirus vector-activated signaling pathways:
  552. Isolated pulmonary embolism after COVID vaccination: 2 case reports and a review of acute pulmonary embolism complications and follow-up:
  553. Central retinal vein occlusion after vaccination with SARS-CoV-2 mRNA: case report:
  554. Complicated case report of long-term vaccine-induced thrombotic immune thrombocytopenia A:
  555. Deep venous thrombosis after vaccination with Ad26.COV2.S in adult males:
  556. Neurological autoimmune diseases after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination: a case series:
  557. Severe autoimmune hemolytic autoimmune anemia after receiving SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine:
  558. Occurrence of COVID-19 variants among recipients of ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine (recombinant):
  559. Prevalence of thrombocytopenia, anti-platelet factor 4 antibodies, and elevated D-dimer in Thais after vaccination with ChAdOx1 nCoV-19:
  560. Epidemiology of acute myocarditis/pericarditis in Hong Kong adolescents after co-vaccination: 5179.
  561. Myocarditis after 2019 coronavirus disease mRNA vaccine: a case series and determination of incidence rate:
  562. Myocarditis and pericarditis after COVID-19 vaccination: inequalities in age and vaccine types:
  563. Epidemiology and clinical features of myocarditis/pericarditis before the introduction of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine in Korean children: a multicenter study:
  564. Shedding light on post-vaccination myocarditis and pericarditis in COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 vaccine recipients:
  565. Myocarditis Following mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine: mRNA_COVID_19_Vaccine.9.aspx.
  566. Myocarditis following BNT162b2 mRNA Covid-19 mRNA vaccine in Israel:
  567. Myocarditis, pericarditis, and cardiomyopathy following COVID-19 vaccination:
  568. Myocarditis and other cardiovascular complications of COVID-19 mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines:
  569. Possible Association Between COVID-19 Vaccine and Myocarditis: Clinical and CMR Findings:
  570. Hypersensitivity Myocarditis and COVID-19 Vaccines:
  571. Severe myocarditis associated with COVID-19 vaccine: zebra or unicorn?:
  572. Acute myocardial infarction and myocarditis after COVID-19 vaccination:
  573. Myocarditis after Covid-19 vaccination in a large healthcare organization:
  574. Association of myocarditis with COVID-19 messenger RNA BNT162b2 vaccine in a case series of children:
  575. Clinical suspicion of myocarditis temporally related to COVID-19 vaccination in adolescents and young adults:
  576. STEMI mimicry: focal myocarditis in an adolescent patient after COVID-19 mRNA vaccination:.
  577. Myocarditis and pericarditis in association with COVID-19 mRNA vaccination: cases from a regional pharmacovigilance center:
  578. Myocarditis after COVID-19 mRNA vaccines:
  579. Patients with acute myocarditis after COVID-19 mRNA vaccination:.
  580. Myocarditis after COVID-19 vaccination: a case series:
  581. Myocarditis associated with COVID-19 vaccination in adolescents:
  582. Myocarditis findings on cardiac magnetic resonance imaging after vaccination with COVID-19 mRNA in adolescents:.
  583. Myocarditis after COVID-19 vaccination: magnetic resonance imaging study: 421640.
  584. Acute myocarditis after administration of the second dose of BNT162b2 COVID-19 vaccine:
  585. Myocarditis after COVID-19 vaccination:
  586. Case report: probable myocarditis after Covid-19 mRNA vaccine in a patient with arrhythmogenic left ventricular cardiomyopathy:
  587. Acute myocarditis after administration of BNT162b2 vaccine against COVID-19:
  588. Myocarditis associated with COVID-19 mRNA vaccination:
  589. Acute myocarditis after COVID-19 vaccination: a case report:
  590. Acute myopericarditis after COVID-19 vaccination in adolescents:.
  591. Perimyocarditis in adolescents after Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccination:
  592. Acute myocarditis associated with anti-COVID-19 vaccination:
  593. Myocarditis associated with COVID-19 vaccination: echocardiographic, cardiac CT, and MRI findings:.
  594. Acute symptomatic myocarditis in 7 adolescents after Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccination:.
  595. Myocarditis and pericarditis in adolescents after first and second doses of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines:. 42104.
  596. COVID 19 vaccine for adolescents. Concern for myocarditis and pericarditis:
  597. Cardiac imaging of acute myocarditis after vaccination with COVID-19 mRNA:
  598. Myocarditis temporally associated with COVID-19 vaccination:
  599. Acute myocardial injury after COVID-19 vaccination: a case report and review of current evidence from the vaccine adverse event reporting system database:
  600. Acute myocarditis associated with COVID-19 vaccination: report of a case:
  601. Myocarditis following vaccination with COVID-19 messenger RNA: a Japanese case series:
  602. Myocarditis in the setting of a recent COVID-19 vaccination:
  603. Acute myocarditis after a second dose of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine: report of two cases:
  604. Prevalence of thrombocytopenia, antiplatelet factor 4 antibodies, and elevated D-dimer in Thais after vaccination with ChAdOx1 nCoV-19:
  605. Epidemiology of acute myocarditis/pericarditis in Hong Kong adolescents after co-vaccination:
  606. Myocarditis after 2019 coronavirus disease mRNA vaccine: a case series and incidence rate determination:
  607. Myocarditis and pericarditis after COVID-19 vaccination: inequalities in age and vaccine types:
  608. Epidemiology and clinical features of myocarditis/pericarditis before the introduction of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine in Korean children: a multicenter study:
  609. Shedding light on post-vaccination myocarditis and pericarditis in COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 vaccine recipients:
  610. Diffuse prothrombotic syndrome after administration of ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine: case report:
  611. Three cases of acute venous thromboembolism in women after coronavirus 2019 vaccination:
  612. Clinical and biological features of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis after vaccination with ChAdOx1 nCov-19;
  613. COV2-S vaccination may reveal hereditary thrombophilia: massive cerebral venous sinus thrombosis in a young man with normal platelet count:
  614. Post-mortem findings in vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia:
  615. COVID-19 vaccine-induced thrombosis:
  616. Inflammation and platelet activation after COVID-19 vaccines: possible mechanisms behind vaccine-induced immune thrombocytopenia and thrombosis:
  617. Anaphylactoid reaction and coronary thrombosis related to COVID-19 mRNA vaccine:
  618. Vaccine-induced cerebral venous thrombosis and thrombocytopenia. Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19: a missed opportunity for rapid return on experience:
  619. Occurrence of splenic infarction due to arterial thrombosis after vaccination with COVID-19:
  620. Deep venous thrombosis more than two weeks after COVID-19 vaccination:
  621. Case report: Take a second look: Cerebral venous thrombosis related to Covid-19 vaccination and thrombotic thrombocytopenia syndrome:
  622. Information on ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine-induced immune-mediated thrombotic thrombocytopenia:
  623. Change in blood viscosity after COVID-19 vaccination: estimation for persons with underlying metabolic syndrome:
  624. Management of a patient with a rare congenital limb malformation syndrome after SARS-CoV-2 vaccine-induced thrombosis and thrombocytopenia (VITT):
  625. Bilateral thalamic stroke: a case of COVID-19 (VITT) vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia or a coincidence due to underlying risk factors:
  626. Thrombocytopenia and splanchnic thrombosis after vaccination with Ad26.COV2.S successfully treated with transjugular intrahepatic intrahepatic portosystemic shunt and thrombectomy:
  627. Incidence of acute ischemic stroke after coronavirus vaccination in Indonesia: case series:
  628. Successful treatment of vaccine-induced immune immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia in a 26-year-old female patient:
  629. Case report: vaccine-induced immune immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia in a patient with pancreatic cancer after vaccination with messenger RNA-1273:
  630. Idiopathic idiopathic external jugular vein thrombophlebitis after coronavirus disease vaccination (COVID-19):
  631. Squamous cell carcinoma of the lung with hemoptysis following vaccination with tozinameran (BNT162b2, Pfizer-BioNTech):
  632. Vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia after Ad26.COV2.S vaccination in a man presenting as acute venous thromboembolism:
  633. Myocarditis associated with COVID-19 vaccination in three adolescent boys:
  634. Cardiovascular magnetic resonance findings in young adult patients with acute myocarditis after COVID-19 mRNA vaccination: a case series:
  635. Perimyocarditis after vaccination with COVID-19:
  636. Epidemiology of acute myocarditis/pericarditis in Hong Kong adolescents after co-vaccination:
  637. Myocarditis-induced sudden death after BNT162b2 COVID-19 mRNA vaccination in Korea: case report focusing on histopathological findings:
  638. Acute myocarditis after vaccination with COVID-19 mRNA in adults aged 18 years or older:
  639. Recurrence of acute myocarditis temporally associated with receipt of the 2019 coronavirus mRNA disease vaccine (COVID-19) in an adolescent male:
  640. Young male with myocarditis after mRNA-1273 coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) mRNA vaccination:
  641. Acute myocarditis after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination in a 24-year-old male:
  642. Ga-DOTATOC digital PET images of inflammatory cell infiltrates in myocarditis after vaccination with COVID-19:
  643. Occurrence of acute infarct-like myocarditis after vaccination with COVID-19: just an accidental coincidence or rather a vaccination-associated autoimmune myocarditis?”:
  644. Self-limited myocarditis presenting with chest pain and ST-segment elevation in adolescents after vaccination with BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine:
  645. Myocarditis Following Immunization with COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines in Members of the U.S. Military:
  646. Myocarditis after BNT162b2 vaccination in a healthy male:
  647. Myopericarditis in a previously healthy adolescent male after COVID-19 vaccination: Case report:
  648. Acute myocarditis after SARS-CoV-2 mRNA-1273 mRNA vaccination:
  649. Chest pain with abnormal electrocardiogram redevelopment after injection of COVID-19 vaccine manufactured by Moderna:
  650. Biopsy-proven lymphocytic myocarditis after first vaccination with COVID-19 mRNA in a 40-year-old man: case report:
  651. Multimodality imaging and histopathology in a young man presenting with fulminant lymphocytic myocarditis and cardiogenic shock after vaccination with mRNA-1273:
  652. Report of a case of myopericarditis after vaccination with BNT162b2 COVID-19 mRNA in a young Korean male:
  653. Acute myocarditis after Comirnaty vaccination in a healthy male with previous SARS-CoV-2 infection:
  654. Acute myocarditis in a young adult two days after vaccination with Pfizer:
  655. Case report: acute fulminant myocarditis and cardiogenic shock after messenger RNA coronavirus vaccination in 2019 requiring extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation:
  656. Acute myocarditis after 2019 coronavirus disease vaccination:
  657. A series of patients with myocarditis after vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 with mRNA-1279 and BNT162b2:
  658. Myopericarditis after Pfizer messenger ribonucleic acid coronavirus coronavirus disease vaccine in adolescents:
  659. Post-vaccination multisystem inflammatory syndrome in adults without evidence of prior SARS-CoV-2 infection:
  660. Acute myocarditis defined after vaccination with 2019 mRNA of coronavirus disease:
  661. Biventricular systolic dysfunction in acute myocarditis after SARS-CoV-2 mRNA-1273 vaccination:
  662. Myocarditis following COVID-19 vaccination: MRI study:
  663. Acute myocarditis after COVID-19 vaccination: case report:
  664. Association of myocarditis with COVID-19 messenger RNA BNT162b2 vaccine COVID-19 in a case series of children:
  665. Clinical suspicion of myocarditis temporally related to COVID-19 vaccination in adolescents and young adults:
  666. Myocarditis following vaccination with Covid-19 in a large healthcare organization:
  667. AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine and Guillain-Barré syndrome in Tasmania: a causal link:
  668. COVID-19, Guillain-Barré and vaccineA dangerous mix:
  669. Guillain-Barré syndrome after the first dose of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine: case report and review of reported cases:
  670. Guillain-Barre syndrome after BNT162b2 COVID-19 vaccine:
  671. COVID-19 adenovirus vaccines and Guillain-Barré syndrome with facial palsy:
  672. Association of receipt association of Ad26.COV2.S COVID-19 vaccine with presumed Guillain-Barre syndrome, February-July 2021:
  673. A case of Guillain-Barré syndrome after Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine:
  674. Guillain-Barré syndrome associated with COVID-19 vaccination:
  675. Rate of recurrent Guillain-Barré syndrome after COVID-19 BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine:
  676. Guillain-Barre syndrome after COVID-19 vaccination in an adolescent:
  677. Guillain-Barre syndrome after ChAdOx1-S / nCoV-19 vaccination:
  678. Guillain-Barre syndrome after COVID-19 mRNA-1273 vaccine: case report:
  679. Guillain-Barre syndrome following SARS-CoV-2 vaccination in 19 patients:
  680. Guillain-Barre syndrome presenting with facial diplegia following vaccination with COVID-19 in two patients:
  681. A rare case of Guillain-Barré syndrome after COVID-19 vaccination:
  682. Neurological complications of COVID-19: Guillain-Barre syndrome after Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine:
  683. COVID-19 vaccine causing Guillain-Barre syndrome, an uncommon potential side effect:
  684. Guillain-Barre syndrome after the first dose of COVID-19 vaccination: case report;
  685. Miller Fisher syndrome after Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine:
  686. Miller Fisher syndrome after 2019 BNT162b2 mRNA coronavirus vaccination:
  687. Bilateral facial weakness with a variant of paresthesia of Guillain-Barre syndrome after Vaxzevria COVID-19 vaccine:
  688. Guillain-Barre syndrome after the first injection of ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine: first report:
  689. A case of sensory ataxic Guillain-Barre syndrome with immunoglobulin G anti-GM1 antibodies after first dose of COVID-19 BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine (Pfizer):
  690. Reporting of acute inflammatory neuropathies with COVID-19 vaccines: subgroup disproportionality analysis in VigiBase:
  691. A variant of Guillain-Barré syndrome after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination: AMSAN:
  692. A rare variant of Guillain-Barré syndrome after vaccination with Ad26.COV2.S:
  693. Guillain-Barré syndrome after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination in a patient with previous vaccine-associated Guillain-Barré syndrome:
  694. Guillain-Barré syndrome in an Australian state using mRNA and adenovirus-vector SARS-CoV-2 vaccines:
  695. Acute transverse myelitis after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination: case report and review of the literature:
  696. Variant Guillain-Barré syndrome occurring after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination:
  697. Guillian-Barre syndrome with axonal variant temporally associated with Modern SARS-CoV-2 mRNA-based vaccine:
  698. Guillain-Barre syndrome after the first dose of SARS-CoV-2 vaccine: a temporary occurrence, not a causal association:
  699. SARS-CoV-2 vaccines can be complicated not only by Guillain-Barré syndrome but also by distal small fiber neuropathy:
  700. Clinical variant of Guillain-Barré syndrome with prominent facial diplegia after AstraZeneca 2019 coronavirus disease vaccine:
  701. Adverse event reporting and risk of Bell’s palsy after COVID-19 vaccination:
  702. Bilateral facial nerve palsy and COVID-19 vaccination: causality or coincidence:
  703. Left Bell’s palsy after the first dose of mRNA-1273 SARS-CoV-2 vaccine: case report:
  704. Bell’s palsy after inactivated vaccination with COVID-19 in a patient with a history of recurrent Bell’s palsy: case report:
  705. Neurological complications after the first dose of COVID-19 vaccines and SARS-CoV-2 infection:
  706. Type I interferons as a potential mechanism linking COVID-19 mRNA vaccines with Bell’s palsy:
  707. Acute transverse myelitis following inactivated COVID-19 vaccine:
  708. Acute transverse myelitis after COVID-19 vaccination:
  709. A case of longitudinally extensive transverse myelitis following Covid-19 vaccination:
  710. Post COVID-19 transverse myelitis; a case report with review of the literature:
  711. Beware of neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder after vaccination with inactivated virus for COVID-19:
  712. Neuromyelitis optica in a healthy woman after vaccination against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 mRNA-1273:
  713. Acute bilateral bilateral optic neuritis/chiasm with longitudinal extensive transverse myelitis in long-standing stable multiple sclerosis after vector-based vaccination against SARS-CoV-2:
  714. A case series of acute pericarditis after vaccination with COVID-19 in the context of recent reports from Europe and the United States:
  715. Acute pericarditis and cardiac tamponade after vaccination with Covid-19:
  716. Myocarditis and pericarditis in adolescents after the first and second doses of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines:
  717. Perimyocarditis in adolescents after Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine:
  718. Acute myopericarditis after COVID-19 vaccine in adolescents:
  719. Pericarditis after administration of the BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine COVID-19:
  720. Case report: symptomatic pericarditis post COVID-19 vaccination:
  721. An outbreak of Still’s disease after COVID-19 vaccination in a 34-year-old patient:
  722. Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis following COVID-19 vaccination (ChAdOx1 nCoV-19):
  723. Myocarditis after SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination, a case series:
  724. Miller-Fisher syndrome and Guillain-Barré syndrome overlap syndrome in a patient after Oxford-AstraZeneca SARS-CoV-2 vaccination:
  725. Immune-mediated disease outbreaks or new-onset disease in 27 subjects after mRNA/DNA vaccination against SARS-CoV-2:
  726. Post-mortem investigation of deaths after vaccination with COVID-19 vaccines:
  727. Acute kidney injury with macroscopic hematuria and IgA nephropathy after COVID-19 vaccination:
  728. Relapse of immune thrombocytopenia after covid-19 vaccination in young male patient:
  729. Immune thrombocytopenic purpura associated with COVID-19 mRNA vaccine Pfizer-BioNTech BNT16B2b2:
  730. Retinal hemorrhage after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination:
  731. Case report: anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-associated vasculitis with acute renal failure and pulmonary hemorrhage can occur after COVID-19 vaccination:
  732. Intracerebral hemorrhage due to vasculitis following COVID-19 vaccination: case report:
  733. Peduncular, symptomatic cavernous bleeding after immune thrombocytopenia-induced SARS-CoV-2 vaccination:
  734. Brain death in a vaccinated patient with COVID-19 infection:
  735. Generalized purpura annularis telangiectodes after SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination:
  736. Lobar hemorrhage with ventricular rupture shortly after the first dose of a SARS-CoV-2 mRNA-based SARS-CoV-2 vaccine:
  737. A case of outbreak of macroscopic hematuria and IgA nephropathy after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination:
  738. Acral hemorrhage after administration of the second dose of SARS-CoV-2 vaccine. A post-vaccination reaction:
  739. Severe immune thrombocytopenic purpura after SARS-CoV-2 vaccine:
  740. Gross hematuria after severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 vaccination in 2 patients with IgA nephropathy:
  741. Autoimmune encephalitis after ChAdOx1-S SARS-CoV-2 vaccination:
  742. COVID-19 vaccine and death: causality algorithm according to the WHO eligibility diagnosis:
  743. Bell’s palsy after vaccination with mRNA (BNT162b2) and inactivated (CoronaVac) SARS-CoV-2 vaccines: a case series and a nested case-control study:
  744. Epidemiology of myocarditis and pericarditis following mRNA vaccines in Ontario, Canada: by vaccine product, schedule, and interval:
  745. Anaphylaxis following Covid-19 vaccine in a patient with cholinergic urticaria:
  746. Anaphylaxis induced by CoronaVac COVID-19 vaccine: clinical features and results of revaccination:
  747. Anaphylaxis after Modern COVID-19 vaccine:
  748. Association of self-reported history of high-risk allergy with allergy symptoms after COVID-19 vaccination:
  749. Sex differences in the incidence of anaphylaxis to LNP-mRNA vaccines COVID-19:
  750. Allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis, after receiving the first dose of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine – United States, December 14 to 23, 2020:
  751. Allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis, after receiving the first dose of Modern COVID-19 vaccine – United States, December 21, 2020 to January 10, 2021:
  752. Prolonged anaphylaxis to Pfizer 2019 coronavirus disease vaccine: a case report and mechanism of action:
  753. Anaphylaxis reactions to Pfizer BNT162b2 vaccine: report of 3 cases of anaphylaxis following vaccination with Pfizer BNT162b2:
  754. Biphasic anaphylaxis after first dose of 2019 messenger RNA coronavirus disease vaccine with positive polysorbate 80 skin test result:
  755. Acute myocardial infarction and myocarditis after COVID-19 vaccination:
  756. Takotsubo syndrome after COVID-19 vaccination:
  757. Takotsubo cardiomyopathy after coronavirus 2019 vaccination in patient on maintenance hemodialysis:
  758. Premature myocardial infarction or side effect of COVID-19 vaccine:
  759. Myocardial infarction, stroke, and pulmonary embolism after BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine in persons aged 75 years or older:
  760. Kounis syndrome type 1 induced by inactivated SARS-COV-2 vaccine:
  761. Acute myocardial infarction within 24 hours after COVID-19 vaccination: is Kounis syndrome the culprit:
  762. Deaths associated with the recently launched SARS-CoV-2 vaccination (Comirnaty®):
  763. Deaths associated with recently launched SARS-CoV-2 vaccination:
  764. A case of acute encephalopathy and non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction after vaccination with mRNA-1273: possible adverse effect:
  765. COVID-19 vaccine-induced urticarial vasculitis:
  766. ANCA-associated vasculitis after Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine:
  767. New-onset leukocytoclastic vasculitis after COVID-19 vaccine:
  768. Cutaneous small vessel vasculitis after COVID-19 vaccine:
  769. Outbreak of leukocytoclastic vasculitis after COVID-19 vaccine:
  770. Leukocytoclastic vasculitis after exposure to COVID-19 vaccine:
  771. Vasculitis and bursitis in [ 18 F] FDG-PET/CT after COVID-19 mRNA vaccine: post hoc ergo propter hoc?;
  772. Cutaneous lymphocytic vasculitis after administration of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine:
  773. Cutaneous leukocytoclastic vasculitis induced by Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine:
  774. Case report: ANCA-associated vasculitis presenting with rhabdomyolysis and crescentic Pauci-Inmune glomerulonephritis after vaccination with Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA:
  775. Reactivation of IgA vasculitis after vaccination with COVID-19:
  776. Varicella-zoster virus-related small-vessel vasculitis after Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccination:
  777. Imaging in vascular medicine: leukocytoclastic vasculitis after COVID-19 vaccine booster:
  778. A rare case of Henoch-Schönlein purpura after a case report of COVID-19 vaccine:
  779. Cutaneous vasculitis following COVID-19 vaccination:
  780. Possible case of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine-induced small-vessel vasculitis:
  781. IgA vasculitis following COVID-19 vaccination in an adult:
  782. Propylthiouracil-induced anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-associated vasculitis following vaccination with COVID-19:
  783. Coronavirus disease vaccine 2019 (COVID-19) in systemic lupus erythematosus and neutrophil anti-cytoplasmic antibody-associated vasculitis:
  784. Reactivation of IgA vasculitis after COVID-19 vaccination:
  785. Clinical and histopathologic spectrum of delayed adverse skin reactions after COVID-19 vaccination:
  786. First description of immune complex vasculitis after COVID-19 vaccination with BNT162b2: case report:
  787. Nephrotic syndrome and vasculitis after SARS-CoV-2 vaccine: true association or circumstantial:
  788. Occurrence of de novo cutaneous vasculitis after vaccination against coronavirus disease (COVID-19):
  789. Asymmetric cutaneous vasculitis after COVID-19 vaccination with unusual preponderance of eosinophils:
  790. Henoch-Schönlein purpura occurring after vaccination with COVID-19:
  791. Henoch-Schönlein purpura following the first dose of COVID-19 viral vector vaccine: case report:
  792. Granulomatous vasculitis after AstraZeneca anti-SARS-CoV-2 vaccine:
  793. Acute retinal necrosis due to varicella zoster virus reactivation after vaccination with BNT162b2 COVID-19 mRNA:
  794. A case of generalized Sweet’s syndrome with vasculitis triggered by recent vaccination with COVID-19:
  795. Small-vessel vasculitis following Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccination against SARS-CoV-2:
  796. Relapse of microscopic polyangiitis after COVID-19 vaccination: case report:
  797. Cutaneous vasculitis after severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 vaccine:
  798. Recurrent herpes zoster after COVID-19 vaccination in patients with chronic urticaria on cyclosporine treatment – A report of 3 cases:
  799. Leukocytoclastic vasculitis after coronavirus disease vaccination 2019:
  800. Outbreaks of mixed cryoglobulinemia vasculitis after vaccination against SARS-CoV-2:
  801. Cutaneous small-vessel vasculitis after vaccination with a single dose of Janssen Ad26.COV2.S:
  802. Case of immunoglobulin A vasculitis after vaccination against coronavirus disease 2019:
  803. Rapid progression of angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma after BNT162b2 mRNA booster vaccination: case report:
  804. COVID-19 mRNA vaccination-induced lymphadenopathy mimics lymphoma progression on FDG PET / CT:
  805. Lymphadenopathy in COVID-19 vaccine recipients: diagnostic dilemma in oncology patients:
  806. Hypermetabolic lymphadenopathy after administration of BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine Covid-19: incidence assessed by [ 18 F] FDG PET-CT and relevance for study interpretation:
  807. Lymphadenopathy after COVID-19 vaccination: review of imaging findings:
  808. Evolution of bilateral hypermetabolic axillary hypermetabolic lymphadenopathy on FDG PET/CT after 2-dose COVID-19 vaccination:
  809. Lymphadenopathy associated with COVID-19 vaccination on FDG PET/CT: distinguishing features in adenovirus-vectored vaccine:
  810. COVID-19 vaccination-induced lymphadenopathy in a specialized breast imaging clinic in Israel: analysis of 163 cases:
  811. COVID-19 vaccine-related axillary lymphadenopathy in breast cancer patients: case series with literature review:
  812. Coronavirus disease vaccine 2019 mimics lymph node metastases in patients undergoing skin cancer follow-up: a single-center study:
  813. COVID-19 post-vaccination lymphadenopathy: report of fine-needle aspiration biopsy cytologic findings:
  814. Regional lymphadenopathy after COVID-19 vaccination: review of the literature and considerations for patient management in breast cancer care:
  815. Subclinical axillary lymphadenopathy associated with COVID-19 vaccination on screening mammography:
  816. Adverse events of COVID injection that may occur in children.Acute-onset supraclavicular lymphadenopathy coincident with intramuscular mRNA vaccination against COVID-19 may be related to the injection technique of the vaccine, Spain, January and February 2021:
  817. Supraclavicular lymphadenopathy after COVID-19 vaccination in Korea: serial follow-up by ultrasonography:
  818. Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccination induced lymphadenopathy on [18F] choline PET / CT, not just an FDG finding:
  819. Biphasic anaphylaxis after exposure to the first dose of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA vaccine COVID-19:
  820. Axillary adenopathy associated with COVID-19 vaccination: imaging findings and follow-up recommendations in 23 women:
  821. A case of cervical lymphadenopathy following COVID-19 vaccination:
  822. Unique imaging findings of neurologic phantosmia after Pfizer-BioNtech COVID-19 vaccination: a case report:
  823. Thrombotic adverse events reported for Moderna, Pfizer, and Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccines: comparison of occurrence and clinical outcomes in the EudraVigilance database:
  824. Unilateral lymphadenopathy after COVID-19 vaccination: a practical management plan for radiologists of all specialties:
  825. Unilateral axillary adenopathy in the setting of COVID-19 vaccination: follow-up:
  826. A systematic review of cases of CNS demyelination following COVID-19 vaccination:
  827. Supraclavicular lymphadenopathy after COVID-19 vaccination: an increasing presentation in the two-week wait neck lump clinic:
  828. COVID-19 vaccine-related axillary and cervical lymphadenopathy in patients with current or previous breast cancer and other malignancies: cross-sectional imaging findings on MRI, CT and PET-CT:
  829. Adenopathy after COVID-19 vaccination:
  830. Incidence of axillary adenopathy on breast imaging after vaccination with COVID-19:
  831. COVID-19 vaccination and lower cervical lymphadenopathy in two-week neck lump clinic: a follow-up audit:
  832. Cervical lymphadenopathy after coronavirus disease vaccination 2019: clinical features and implications for head and neck cancer services:
  833. Lymphadenopathy associated with the COVID-19 vaccine:
  834. Evolution of lymphadenopathy on PET/MRI after COVID-19 vaccination:
  835. Autoimmune hepatitis triggered by SARS-CoV-2 vaccination:
  836. New-onset nephrotic syndrome after Janssen COVID-19 vaccination: case report and literature review:
  837. Massive cervical lymphadenopathy following vaccination with COVID-19:
  838. ANCA glomerulonephritis following Modern COVID-19 vaccination:
  839. Extensive longitudinal transverse myelitis following AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccination:
  840. Systemic capillary extravasation syndrome after vaccination with ChAdOx1 nCOV-19 (Oxford-AstraZeneca):
  841. Unilateral axillary lymphadenopathy related to COVID-19 vaccine: pattern on screening breast MRI allowing benign evaluation:
  842. Axillary lymphadenopathy in patients with recent Covid-19 vaccination: a new diagnostic dilemma:
  843. Minimal change disease and acute kidney injury after Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine:
  844. COVID-19 vaccine-induced unilateral axillary adenopathy: follow-up evaluation in the USA:
  845. Gastroparesis after Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccination:
  846. Acute-onset supraclavicular lymphadenopathy coincident with intramuscular mRNA vaccination against COVID-19 may be related to the injection technique of the vaccine, Spain, January and February 2021:
  847. Supraclavicular lymphadenopathy after COVID-19 vaccination in Korea: serial follow-up by ultrasonography:
  848. Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccination induced lymphadenopathy on [18F] choline PET / CT, not just an FDG finding:
  849. Biphasic anaphylaxis after exposure to the first dose of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA vaccine COVID-19:
  850. Axillary adenopathy associated with COVID-19 vaccination: imaging findings and follow-up recommendations in 23 women:
  851. A case of cervical lymphadenopathy following COVID-19 vaccination:
  852. Unique imaging findings of neurologic phantosmia after Pfizer-BioNtech COVID-19 vaccination: a case report:
  853. Thrombotic adverse events reported for Moderna, Pfizer, and Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccines: comparison of occurrence and clinical outcomes in the EudraVigilance database:
  854. Unilateral lymphadenopathy after COVID-19 vaccination: a practical management plan for radiologists of all specialties:
  855. Unilateral axillary adenopathy in the setting of COVID-19 vaccination: follow-up:
  856. A systematic review of cases of CNS demyelination following COVID-19 vaccination:
  857. Supraclavicular lymphadenopathy after COVID-19 vaccination: an increasing presentation in the two-week wait neck lump clinic:
  858. COVID-19 vaccine-related axillary and cervical lymphadenopathy in patients with current or previous breast cancer and other malignancies: cross-sectional imaging findings on MRI, CT and PET-CT:
  859. Adenopathy after COVID-19 vaccination:
  860. Incidence of axillary adenopathy on breast imaging after vaccination with COVID-19:
  861. COVID-19 vaccination and lower cervical lymphadenopathy in two-week neck lump clinic: a follow-up audit:
  862. Cervical lymphadenopathy after coronavirus disease vaccination 2019: clinical features and implications for head and neck cancer services:
  863. Lymphadenopathy associated with the COVID-19 vaccine:
  864. Evolution of lymphadenopathy on PET/MRI after COVID-19 vaccination:
  865. Autoimmune hepatitis triggered by SARS-CoV-2 vaccination:
  866. New-onset nephrotic syndrome after Janssen COVID-19 vaccination: case report and literature review:
  867. Massive cervical lymphadenopathy following vaccination with COVID-19:
  868. ANCA glomerulonephritis following Modern COVID-19 vaccination:
  869. Extensive longitudinal transverse myelitis following AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccination:
  870. Systemic capillary extravasation syndrome after vaccination with ChAdOx1 nCOV-19 (Oxford-AstraZeneca):
  871. Unilateral axillary lymphadenopathy related to COVID-19 vaccine: pattern on screening breast MRI allowing benign evaluation:
  872. Axillary lymphadenopathy in patients with recent Covid-19 vaccination: a new diagnostic dilemma:
  873. Minimal change disease and acute kidney injury after Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine:
  874. COVID-19 vaccine-induced unilateral axillary adenopathy: follow-up evaluation in the USA:
  875. Gastroparesis after Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccination:
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Featured image is from Children’s Health Defense

First published on December 18, 2021

Economist Ernst Wolff believes that a hidden alliance of political and corporate leaders is exploiting the pandemic with the aim of crashing national economies and introducing a global digital currency.

How is it that more than 190 governments from all over the world ended up dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic in almost exactly the same manner, with lockdowns, mask mandates, and vaccination cards now being commonplace everywhere?

The answer may lie in the Young Global Leaders school, which was established and managed by Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum, and that many of today’s prominent political and business leaders passed through on their way to the top.

The German economist, journalist, and author Ernst Wolff has revealed some facts about Schwab’s “Young Global Leaders” school that are relevant for understanding world events during the pandemic in a video from the German Corona Committee podcast.

While Wolff is mainly known as a critic of the globalist financial system, recently he has focused on bringing to light what he sees as the hidden agenda behind the anti-Covid measures being enacted around the world.

Mysterious Beginnings

The story begins with the World Economic Forum (WEF), which is an NGO founded by Klaus Schwab, a German economist and mechanical engineer, in Switzerland in 1971, when he was only 32.

The WEF is best-known to the public for the annual conferences it holds in Davos, Switzerland each January that aim to bring together political and business leaders from around the world to discuss the problems of the day. Today, it is one of the most important networks in the world for the globalist power elite, being funded by approximately a thousand multinational corporations.

The WEF, which was originally called the European Management Forum until 1987, succeeded in bringing together 440 executives from 31 nations already at its very first meeting in February 1971, which as Wolff points out was an unexpected achievement for someone like Schwab, who had very little international or professional experience prior to this.

Wolff believes the reason may be due to the contacts Schwab made during his university education, including studying with no less a person than former National Security Advisor and Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. Wolff also points out that while Schwab was there, the Harvard Business School had been in the process of planning a management forum of their own, and it is possible that Harvard ended up delegating the task of organizing it to him.

The Forum initially only brought together people from the economic field, but before long, it began attracting politicians, prominent figures from the media (including from the BBC and CNN), and even celebrities.

Schwab’s Young Global Leaders: Incubator of “The Great Reset”?

In 1992 Schwab established a parallel institution, the Global Leaders for Tomorrow school, which was re-established as Young Global Leaders in 2004.

Attendees at the school must apply for admission and are then subjected to a rigorous selection process.

Members of the school’s very first class in 1992 already included many who went on to become important liberal political figures, such as Angela Merkel, Nicolas Sarkozy, Justin Trudeau and Tony Blair.

There are currently about 1,300 graduates of this school, and the list of alumni includes several names of those who went on to become leaders of the health institutions of their respective nations.

Four of them are former and current health ministers for Germany, including Jens Spahn, who has been Federal Minister of Health since 2018.

Philipp Rösler, who was Minister of Health from 2009 until 2011, was appointed the WEF’s Managing Director by Schwab in 2014.

Other notable names on the school’s roster are Jacinda Ardern, the Prime Minister of New Zealand whose stringent lockdown measures have been praised by global health authorities;

Emmanuel Macron, President of France. Young Global Leaders Class of 2017.

Sebastian Kurz, who was until recently the Chancellor of Austria;

Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary;

Jean-Claude Juncker, former Prime Minister of Luxembourg and President of the European Commission;

Angela Merkel, Global Leaders for Tomorrow Class of 1992.

and Annalena Baerbock, the leader of the German Greens who was the party’s first candidate for Chancellor in this year’s federal election, and who is still in the running to be Merkel’s successor.

We also find California Governor Gavin Newsom on the list, who was selected for the class of 2005, (image right) as well as former presidential candidate.

And  current US Secretary of Transportation Peter Buttigieg, who is a very recent alumnus, having been selected for the class of 2019.

All of these politicians who were in office during the past two years have favored harsh responses to the COVID-19 pandemic, and which also happened to considerably increase their respective governments’ power.

Gavin Newsom, Young Global Leaders Class of 2005. (image right)

But the school’s list of alumni is not limited to political leaders.

We also find many of the captains of private industry there, including Microsoft’s Bill Gates,  Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, Global Leaders for Tomorrow Class of 1998. Virgin’s Richard Branson, and the Clinton Foundation’s Chelsea Clinton.

Again, all of them expressed support for the global response to the pandemic, and many reaped considerable profits as a result of the measures.

Wolff believes that the people behind the WEF and the Global Leaders school are the ones who really determine who will become political leaders, although he stresses that he doesn’t believe that Schwab himself is the one making these decisions but is merely a facilitator. He further points out that the school’s alumni include not only Americans and Europeans, but also people from Asia, Africa, and South America, indicating that its reach is truly worldwide.

In 2012, Schwab and the WEF founded yet another institution, the “Global Shapers Community,” which brings together those identified by them as having leadership potential from around the world who are under 30.

Approximately 10,000 participants have passed through this program to date, and they regularly hold meetings in 400 cities. Wolff believes that it is yet another proving ground where future political leaders are being selected, vetted, and groomed before being positioned in the world’s political apparatus.

Wolff points out that very few graduates of the Global Leaders school list it on their CVs. He says that he has only seen it listed on one: namely, that of the German economist Richard Werner, who is a known critic of the establishment.

Economist Ernst Wolff

Wolff suggests that the school seems to like to include even critics of the system among its ranks, as another name among its graduates is Gregor Hackmack, the German chief of, who was in its 2010 class. Wolff believes this is because the organization wants to present itself as being fair and balanced, although it also wants to ensure that its critics are controlled opposition.

Another thing that the Global Leaders graduates have in common is that most of them have very sparse CVs apart from their participation in the program prior to being elevated to positions of power, which may indicate that it is their connection to Schwab’s institutions that is the decisive factor in launching their careers. This is most evident when the school’s alumni are publicly questioned about issues that they have not been instructed to talk about in advance, and their struggles to come up with answers are often quite evident. Wolff contends that their roles are only to act as mouthpieces for the talking points that those in the shadows behind them want discussed in public debate.

Schwab’s Yes Men in Action

Given the growing discontent with the anti-Covid measures put into practice by the school’s graduates who are now national leaders, Wolff believes it is possible that these people were selected due to their willingness to do whatever they are told, and that they are being set up to fail so that the subsequent backlash can be exploited to justify the creation of a new global form of government.

Indeed, Wolff notes that politicians with unique personalities and strong, original views have become rare, and that the distinguishing character of the national leaders of the past 30 years has been their meekness and adherence to a strict globalist line dictated from above. This has been especially evident in most countries’ response to the pandemic, where politicians who knew nothing about viruses two years ago suddenly proclaimed that Covid was a severe health crisis that justified locking people up in their homes, shutting down their businesses, and wrecking entire economies.

Determining exactly how the school operates is difficult, but Wolff has managed to learn something about it. In the school’s early years, it involved the members of each class meeting several times over the course of a year, including a ten-day “executive training” session at the Harvard Business School. Wolff believes that, through meeting their classmates and becoming part of a wider network, the graduates then establish contacts who they rely on in their later careers.

Today, the school’s program includes courses offered over the course of five years at irregular intervals, which in some cases may overlap with the beginnings of some of its participants’ political or professional careers – meaning they will be making regular visits to Davos. Emmanuel Macron and Peter Buttigieg, for example, were selected for the school less than five years ago, which means it is possible they have been regularly attending Young Global Leaders-related programs while in political office and may in fact still be attending them today.

A Worldwide Network of Wealth & Influence

Graduates from the Young Global Leaders school, and Global Leaders for Tomorrow before them, find themselves very well-situated given that they then have access to the WEF’s network of contacts. The WEF’s current Board of Trustees includes such luminaries as Christine Lagarde, former Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund and current President of the European Central Bank;

Queen Rania of Jordan, who has been ranked by Forbes as one of the 100 most powerful women in the world; and Larry Fink, CEO of BlackRock, the largest investment management corporation internationally and which handles approximately $9 trillion annually.

By tracing the connections between the school’s graduates, Wolff claims that you can see that they continue to rely on each other for support for their initiatives long after they participated in the Global Leaders programs.

Wolff believes that many elite universities play a role in the process determined by the WEF, and that they should no longer be seen as operating outside of the fields of politics and economics. He cites the example of the Harvard Business School, which receives millions of dollars from donors each year, as well as the Harvard School of Public Health, which was renamed the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health after it received $350 million from the Hong Kong-born billionaire Gerald Chan. The same is true of the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, which became the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health after media mogul Michael Bloomberg donated $1.8 billion to the school in 2018.

Wolff states that the WEF’s influence goes far beyond those who have passed through the Global Leaders and Global Shapers programs, however, as the number of people who participate in the annual Davos conferences is much larger than many suspect; he mentions being informed that approximately 1,500 private jets bring attendees to the event each year, overloading Switzerland’s airports.

The Alliance of Big Business & Government

The main goal of the WEF’s activities, Wolff believes, is to facilitate and further high-level cooperation between big business and national governments, something which we are already seeing take place. Viviane Fischer, another participant in the Corona Committee podcast, points out that the British-based company Serco processes migrants for the British government and also manages prisons around the world, among its many other activities. The pharmaceutical industry’s international reach is also considerable: Wolff mentions that Global Leaders alumnus Bill Gates, for example, had long been doing business with Pfizer, one of the main producers of the controversial mRNA anti-Covid vaccines, through his Foundation’s public health initiatives in Africa since long before the pandemic began. Perhaps not coincidentally, Gates has become one of the foremost champions of lockdowns and the Covid vaccines since they became available, and The Wall Street Journal has reported that his Foundation had made approximately $200 billion in “social benefits” from distributing vaccines before the pandemic had even begun. One can only imagine what its vaccine profits are today.

Digital technology, which is now all-pervasive, is also playing a prominent role in the elite’s global designs. Wolff highlights that BlackRock, run by Global Leaders alumnus Larry Fink, is presently the largest advisor to the world’s central banks and has been collecting data on the world financial system for more than 30 years now, and undoubtedly has a greater understanding of how the system works than the central banks themselves.

One of the goals of the current policies being pursued by many governments, Wolff believes, is to destroy the businesses of small- and medium-sized entrepreneurs so that multinational corporations based in the United States and China can monopolize business everywhere. Amazon, which was led until recently by Global Leaders alumnus Jeff Bezos, in particular has made enormous profits as a result of the lockdown measures that have devastated the middle class.

Wolff contends that the ultimate goal of this domination by large platforms is to see the introduction of digital bank currency. Just in the past few months, China’s International Finance Forum, which is similar to the WEF, proposed the introduction of the digital yuan, which could in turn be internationalized by the Diem blockchain-based currency network. Interestingly, Diem is the successor to Libra, a cryptocurrency that was first announced by Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook, indicating that a global currency that will transcend the power of either the dollar or the yuan, and managed through the cooperation of Chinese, European, and American business networks, is currently being discussed. The International Finance Forum’s supervisory board includes such names as the WEF’s Christine Lagarde; Jean-Claude Trichet, the former President of the European Central Bank; and Horst Köhler, the former Head of the International Monetary Fund.

Wolff further explains that the lockdowns and subsequent bailouts that were seen around the world over the past two years left many nations on the verge of bankruptcy. In order to avoid an economic catastrophe, the governments of the world resorted to drawing on 650 billion special drawing rights, or SDRs, which are supplementary foreign exchange reserve assets managed by the International Monetary Fund. When these eventually come due, it will leave these same governments in dire straits, which is why it may be that the introduction of digital currency has become a sudden priority – and this may have been the hidden purpose of the lockdowns all along.

Wolff says that two European countries are already prepared to begin using digital currency: Sweden and Switzerland. Perhaps not coincidentally, Sweden has had virtually no lockdown restrictions due to the pandemic, and Switzerland has taken only very light measures. Wolff believes that the reason for this may be that the two countries did not need to crash their economies through lockdown measures because they were already prepared to begin using digital currency before the pandemic began. He contends that a new round of lockdowns may be being prepared that will finish off the world’s economies for good, leading to massive unemployment and in turn the introduction of Universal Basic Income and the use of a digital currency managed by a central bank. This currency might be restricted, both in terms of what individuals can spend it on as well as in the time frame that one has to spend it in.

Further, Wolff indicates that the inflation currently being seen around the world is an inevitable consequence of the fact that national governments, after taking loans from the central banks, have introduced approximately $20 trillion into the global economy in less than two years. Whereas previous bailouts were directed into the markets, this latest round has gone to ordinary people, and as a result, this is driving up the prices of products that ordinary people spend their money on, such as food.

Democracy Has Been Cancelled

The ultimate conclusion one must draw from all of this, according to Wolff, is that democracy as we knew it has been silently cancelled, and that although the appearance of democratic processes is being maintained in our countries, the fact is that an examination of how governance around the world works today shows that an elite of super-wealthy and powerful individuals effectively control everything that goes on in politics, as has been especially evident in relation to the pandemic response.

The best way to combat their designs, Wolff says, is simply to educate people about what is happening, and for them to realize that the narrative of the “super-dangerous virus” is a lie that has been designed to manipulate them into accepting things that run contrary to their own interests. If even 10% of ordinary citizens become aware of this and decide to take action, it could thwart the elite’s plans and perhaps open a window for ordinary citizens to take back control over their own destinies.

Video Interviews

Ernst Wolff is interviewed in this series of videos by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, a German lawyer and politician who hosts a podcast called Corona Ausschuss (Corona Committee), which critically examines the German government’s response to the pandemic. These videos are taken from one of their podcasts.

Click here

Also on the group chat are Viviane Fischer, a business attorney and economist based in Berlin who is a regular participant on the Corona Committee; and Wolfgang Wodarg, a former German Member of Parliament for the Social Democratic Party who has been vocal in opposing the German government’s lockdown and vaccination measures.


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First published on September 13, 2021

This article is a followup on the Global Research’s 20th Anniversary webinar (September 09, 2021), focusing on Agenda ID2020 and its implications being rolled out in front of our eyes.

Yet, for most people the implications are not visible.

For further details see the following articles by Peter Koenig:

The Coronavirus Vaccine: The Real Danger is “Agenda ID2020”. Vaccination as a Platform for “Digital Identity” (28 June 2021)

Agenda ID2020 of the “One World Order”: The 101 to Understanding its Implications (17 August 2020).


What is the Infamous Agenda ID2020?

Behind its development is the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation – with support of the Rockefeller Foundation – and others belonging to the sinister all-digitization, depopulation and eugenics agenda. 

It is an alliance of public-private partners, including UN agencies and civil society.

It’s an electronic ID-program that uses generalized vaccination against Covid-19 as a platform for digital identity.

It is an all-electronic ID – linking everything to everything of each individual (records of health, criminal, banking, personal and private, etc.), being managed by a state agency or in extremis, by the private sector. – Imagine – an insurance company or bank handling your private records, converted into an electronic and eventually “chipped” ID.

Privatization of your personal records may sound far-fetched, but the Swiss government tried to get a privatized Agenda ID2020 quietly past the people. But the people found out and launched a referendum against Agenda ID2020. The idea was rejected with a margin of 2:1 in July 2021.

What will happen next? – Will the Swiss Government respect the vote of the people, or following the mandate from the Deep Dark State above?

Germany, Austria and France – and probably others, implemented ID2020 through Parliament or by decree – most people have no idea.

Implementation of Agenda ID2020 links into – or emerged from – Klaus Schwab’s (WEF) infamous “Covid-19 – The Great Reset”- which, by the way, is available from Amazon (or was, when I last checked). If it has been taken off and censored, perhaps by the very author – it would be no surprise.

Video: Towards Digital Tyranny with Peter Koenig

Click here to link to bitchute version

World War III Scenario

In the meantime, we live literally in a WWIII scenario, where countries’ Constitutions are either outlawed, or simply overrun by dictatorial measures that advance so fast that civil movements are in many cases too late to intervene – simply because civil society – even the alert ones – haven’t noticed.

It happens silently.

Either by decree, or by coopted and / or coerced Parliaments. A sort of Health Martial Law is being implemented basically everywhere in the world, with emphasis on the west.

And most of the public at large has no idea.

The Rockefeller-Gates Funded WHO Sponsored Vaxx-Certificate Passport

The Gates and Rockefeller Foundations are financing WHO’s guidelines for a digital international Vaccination Certificate, also called “Vaccination Passport”.

In the context of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, the concept of Digital Documentation of COVID-19 Certificates (DDCC) is proposed as a mechanism by which a person’s COVID-19-related health data can be digitally documented via an electronic certificate.

A digital vaccination certificate that documents a person’s current vaccination status to protect against COVID-19 can then be used for continuity of care or as proof of vaccination for purposes other than health care. The resulting artefact of this approach is referred to as the Digital Documentation of COVID-19 Certificates: Vaccination Status (DDCC:VS). (WHO, Executive Summary, emphasis added)

Surprisingly or perhaps not so surprisingly, the international “Vaxx-certificate / passport” is not funded by WHO’s member countries, as one might expect, but by Gates and Rockefeller. That’s significant.

WHO has published and distributed to all member countries on 27 August 2021 the guidelines for the introduction of an international digital Vaccination Certificate / Passport” – as well as Implementation Guidelines.

Joe Biden’s All-Vaxx Mandate

As an apparent consequence, the Biden Administration issued an all-vaxx mandate – requesting all enterprises with 100 or more employees, to demand tat their employees be vaccinated, or else. For non-compliance, huge fines are threatened. The same for the two million-plus government employees. In total, some 100 million Americans are affected by this draconian mandate. Biden follows the orders of Rockefeller et al.

This requirement will apply to over 80 million workers in private sector businesses, the White House said.  …

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) will require COVID-19 vaccinations for workers in most healthcare facilities … This requirement will impact over 17 million healthcare workers at hospitals and other facilities that take these patients.  …

The administration will require that teachers and staff in Head Start Programs, Department of Defense schools, and Bureau of Indian Education-operated schools be vaccinated.

Biden will also call on all states to adopt vaccine requirements for all school employees.

Biden’s plan calls on entertainment venues like sports arenas, large concert halls, and others where large groups of people gather to require that patrons be vaccinated or show a negative coronavirus test in order to enter.  (Reuters, emphasis added)

The European Union (EU) and Switzerland

The Swiss and other EU countries also as a result of the WHO-issued vaxx-certificate / passport, mandate banning access to most indoor activities – including restaurants, gyms and cinemas – as of 13 September, without a vaxx-certificate.

This is totally against the Nuremberg Code (animal testing of drugs and vaccines before applying on humans) and contradicts all democratic Constitutions. Countries’ Constitutions worldwide are overrun and “disabled” by a tyranny that functions with enormous power – deadly threats and possibly highly seductive and corruptive rewards.

Never in memory of human history has such a worldwide dictatorship existed. It emerged in less than 12 months and has subjugated – I repeat myself – all 193 UN member countries, including the entire UN system at once.

The Vaccination Certificate / Passport may eventually be chipped into people’s bodies (Klaus Schwab, WEF, in a 2016 interview with Swiss TV Geneva – recently “erased” from internet). See this: Dr. Astrid Stueckelberger, former WHO: You are Being Chipped.

The Vaxx-certificate may form the basis for a worldwide digital identity registration.

As a parenthesis, both WHO vaxx-certificate financing foundations are headed by currently the world’s most visible eugenists – Gates and Rockefeller, using WHO to further their agenda.

Most of the WHO member states are not directly involved.

It should also be mentioned that the creation of WHO in 1948 was Rockefeller’s idea, with all the money he had accumulated with his Standard Oil hydrocarbon (mostly petrol and gas) monopoly, the creation and subsequent integration of WHO into the UN system was relatively “easy” – with “easy” in quotes. Money buys also the UN.

With WHO as part of the UN, an official UN institution is in charge of the world’s health – or diseases – exactly what eugenists want.

The World Bank is also an important player in this colossal criminal plan – because it hast the power over the poorer so-called „developing countries“ – to pressure them with ‚conditionalities‘ in return for financial support. The usual. The same as the IMF – their roles are essentially interchangeable.

WW III Scenario without Bombs and Guns

In brief, we are indeed living in a WWIII scenario – without bombs and guns, directed against all Humanity

An invisible – and never isolated – virus: Propaganda, the Fear Campaign and the “Vaccine” are their Weapons of Mass Destruction – WMD.

What these measures do – “Vaccination Certificate / Passport” for the jabbed – is to separate society into the “good ones”, the “vaccinated” ones; and the “bad guys”, those who are not vaccinated, do not intend to get the deadly jab, and thus, do not deserve the vaxx-certificate / passport.

According to the lie-mongering governments – all 193 UN member countries whose governments have been coopeted in a long preparation period – would like you to believe that the non-vaccinated are a danger for society.

This is nonsense, because according to the CDC, and repeated by the same UN member countries, jabbed people also transmit the virus. – What virus?

Separating society is an age-old war strategy (at least back to the Roman Empire) : “Divide et Impera” – “Divide and conquer” – so that the people divide and fight each other, instead of their common enemy – which in this fake covid-case are our very governments, all 193 UN member governments – at once.

Agenda ID2020 is the chief instrument for implementing the WEF’s Great Reset

Implementation Progress is advancing fast.

This is how:

According to the Fifth Column’s Spanish Research Team, about 90% or more of the “vaxx-fluid” in the mRNA-formula consists of Graphene. – Graphene is the secret of the Agenda ID2020 – which was patented by Gates with a (luciferian) patent No. 666.

Triple-six, 666, is also the chemical formula of graphene itself — 6 molecules attached in a ring, attached to other such rings. The symbol they’re using is 3 attached rings.

Graphene inoculated by the mRNA-injection, forms immediately a neural net in the brain. It is a one molecule thick net that spontaneously grows around the brain from the graphene contained in the vaxx.

Electromagnetic waves emanating from the soon millions of 5G / 6G antennas around the world, are supposed to convert humans into “transhumans” (term used by Klaus Schwab, in his interview with the Swiss-French TV in 2016. The internet link to the interview has since been “fact-checked” out.

This may explain the enormous time-pressure behind the vaxx-drive; because once you are injected with the mRNA-concoction you are affected in one way or another. Either your health is endangered, or as outlined by Klaus Schwab (video below) you may become a “transhuman” which can be manipulated by robots and /or Artificial intelligence (AI).

A shorter version of the video is available here (click video screen below)


The Deep State

So, you may ask: “Genocide” or “Slavery”? What do the elites – the Deep State – plan for us?

The elites are members or associates and adherents to the WEF and the WEF’s philosophy, the banking and corporate elites.

The answer is both.

Mortality and morbidity resulting from the mRNA-jabs coupled with “enslavement” or “trans-humanization”, for the survivors.

It’s all well thought out. Since over 70 years.

We may just hope that we are not too late in stopping this massive onslaught of

  • genocide?
  • digital trans-humanization, and
  • transferring assets and capital from the lower and middle level of society to the top, by bankruptcies, joblessness, disease, and death by neglect and suicide. Already ongoing

“You are not Alone”

During the commenting and Q and A session of the Global Research webinar debate (September 9, 2021),  involving 245 participants, there were several desperate and abandoned sounding voices – what to do?

They have nobody to talk to.

They do not want the jab.

They realize it can be harmful and deadly.

If its not immediately “deadly”, it may have innumerable serious “side-effects” – health defects that may never be cured – and foremost, the mRNA-experimental gene-modifying inoculation may render both women and men infertile. The latter coincides with the eugenists’ agenda.

You are not alone – about half of the population of the western world have not been vaccinated.

They know the risks; they fear the risk of the injection, but they do not fear getting sick with Covid-19, alias SARS-CoV-2 – which, according to Dr. Anthony Fauci’s own words in a peer-reviewed scientific paper, is about comparable to a common flu (“Covid-19 – Navigating the Uncharted”, New England Journal of Medicine – NEJM, 26 March 2020). They fear the deadliness of the mRNA-injection.

You are not alone – there are millions, tens of millions, out there who feel the same way.

Start communicating with each other.

What we need is to overcome this crime of biblical proportions,

What we need is to develop a worldwide people’s solidarity movement integrating all sectors of society (between the vaxxed and the non-vaxxed) with the support of real law enforcement (police) and members of the military.

Once law enforcement officials (police) as well as members of the military realize that they and their families are also threatened, they will exercise their true role, which consists in defending the interests of the people, rather than those of proxy politicians and “criminal governments”, which have solely one Globalist goal. The latter consists in converting sovereign countries into a One World Order, ruled by a small extremely wealthy elite to the detriment of the surviving people which this elite intends to manipulate and transform with electromagnetic waves and the injected graphene oxide into “transhumans”.

We have to prevent their war strategy of “Divide et Impera” – “Divide and Rule” from taking hold. Instead, those who are “vaccinated” should unite with the non-vaccinated in solidarity to fight the common enemy.

We don’t have much time, but we can do it.

We can obliterate the thrust of Agenda ID2020 in a state of awakened solidarity.

In an elevated mindset. Not one of submission to the elite’s “diabolical agenda”, but one of elation, one of hope and light.

We shall overcome.



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Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he has worked for over 30 years on water and environment around the world. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for online journals and is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and  co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020)

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization.

Featured image is from Inga –

We Need a Martin Luther King Day of Truth

December 31st, 2023 by Edward Curtin

First published on MLK day 2018

As Martin Luther King’s birthday is celebrated with a national holiday, his death day disappears down the memory hole. Across the country – in response to the King Holiday and Service Act passed by Congress and signed by Bill Clinton in 1994 – people will be encouraged to make the day one of service. Such service does not include King’s commitment to protest a decadent system of racial and economic injustice or non-violently resist the U.S. warfare state that he called “the greatest purveyor of violence on earth.” 

Government sponsored service is cultural neo-liberalism at its finest, the promotion of individualism at the expense of a mass movement for radical institutional change.

“Nothing in all the world is more dangerous,” warned Dr. King, “than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.”

How true those words. For the government that honors Dr. King with a national holiday killed him. This is the suppressed truth behind the highly promoted day of service. It is what you are not supposed to know. It is what Thomas Merton, as quoted by James W. Douglass, called The Unspeakable: “It is the void that contradicts everything that is spoken even before the words are said; the void that gets into the language of public and officials declarations at the very moment when they are pronounced, and makes them ring dead with the hollowness of the abyss.  It is the void out of which Eichmann drew the punctilious exactitude of his service.”

The word service is a loaded word; it has become a smiley face and vogue word over the past 35 years. Its use for MLK Day is clear: individuals are encouraged to volunteer for activities such as tutoring children, painting senior centers, or delivering meals to the elderly, activities that are good in themselves but far less good when used to conceal an American prophet’s radical message. After all, Martin Luther King’s work was not volunteering at the local food pantry with Oprah Winfrey cheering him on.

The Assassination

King was not murdered because he had spent his heroic life promoting individual volunteerism. To understand his life and death – to celebrate the man – “it is essential to realize although he is popularly depicted and perceived as a civil rights leader, he was much more than that. A non-violent revolutionary, he personified the most powerful force for a long overdue social, political, and economic reconstruction of the nation.” Those are the words of William Pepper, the King family lawyer, from his comprehensive and definitive study of the King assassination, The Plot to Kill King, a book that should be read by anyone concerned with truth and justice.

Revolutionaries are, of course, anathema to the power elites who, with all their might, resist such rebels’ efforts to transform society. If they can’t buy them off, they knock them off. Fifty one years after King’s assassination, the causes he fought for – civil rights, the end to U.S. wars of aggression, and economic justice for all – remain not only unfulfilled, but have worsened in so many respects. And King’s message has been enervated by the sly trick of giving him a national holiday and then urging Americans to make it “a day of service.” The vast majority of those who innocently participate in these activities have no idea who killed King, or why. If they did, they might pause in their tracks, and combine their “service” activities with a teach-in on the truth of his assassination.

Because MLK repeatedly called the United States the “greatest purveyor of violence on earth,” he was universally condemned by the mass media and government that later – once he was long and safely dead and no longer a threat – praised him to the heavens. This has continued to the present day of historical amnesia.

Educating people about the fact that U.S. government forces conspired to kill Dr. King, and why, and why it matters today, is the greatest service we can render to his memory.

William Pepper’s decades-long investigation not only refutes the flimsy case against the alleged assassin James Earl Ray, but definitively proves that King was killed by a government conspiracy led by J. Edgar Hoover, the FBI, Army Intelligence, and the Memphis Police, assisted by southern Mafia figures.

The Trial

This shocking truth is accentuated when one is reminded (or told for the first time) that in 1999 a Memphis jury, after a thirty day civil trial with over seventy witnesses, found the U.S. government guilty in the killing of MLK. The King family had brought the suit and Pepper represented them. They were grateful that the truth was confirmed, but saddened by the way the findings were buried by the media in cahoots with the government.

Pepper not only demolishes the government’s self-serving case with a plethora of evidence, but shows how the mainstream media, academia, and government flacks have spent years covering up the truth of MLK’s murder through lies and disinformation. Another way they have accomplished this is by convincing a gullible public that “service” is a substitute for truth.

But service without truth is a disservice to the life, legacy, and radical witness of this great American hero. It is propaganda aimed at convincing decent people that they are serving the essence of MLK’s message while they are obeying their masters, the very government that murdered him.

It is time to rebel against the mind manipulation served by the MLK Day of Service. Let us offer service, but let us also learn and speak the truth.

“He who lives with untruth lives in spiritual slavery,” King told us, “Freedom is still the bonus we receive for knowing the truth.”


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Edward Curtin is a writer whose work has appeared widely. He teaches sociology at Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts. His website is

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We bring to the attention of Global Research readers, the full text of the legal procedure at the ICC regarding the “corona virus “vaccines”.

Please forward this text far and wide to ensure that it reaches millions of people Worldwide. Similar legal procedures should be initiated internationally.

First posted by Global Research on December 30, 2021


International Criminal Court
Office of the Prosecutor
Post Office Box 19519
2500 CM The Hague
The Netherlands
EMAIL: [email protected]

Subject of complaint:

  • Violations of the Nuremberg Code
  • Violation of Article 6 of the Rome Statute
  • Violation of Article 7 of the Rome Statute
  • Violation of Article 8 of the Rome Statute
  • Violation of Article 8 bis3 of the Rome Statute

Based on the extensive claims and enclosed documentation, we charge those responsible for numerous violations of the Nuremberg Code, crimes against humanity, war crimes and crimes of aggression in the United Kingdom, but not limited to individuals in these countries.


Prime Minister for the United Kingdom BORIS JOHNSON, Chief Medical Officer for England and Chief Medical Adviser to the UK Government CHRISTOPHER WHITTY, (former) Secretary of State for Health and Social Care MATTHEW HANCOCK, (current) Secretary of State for Health and Social Care SAJID JAVID, Chief Executive ofMedicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) JUNE RAINE, Director-General of the World Health Organisation TEDROS ADANHOM GHEBREYESUS, Co-chair of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation WILLIAM GATES III and Co-chair of theBill and Melinda Gates Foundation MELINDA GATES, Chairman and Chief executive officer of Pfizer ALBERT BOURLA, Chief Executive Officer of AstraZeneca STEPHANE BANCEL, Chief Executive Officer of Moderna PASCAL SORIOT, Chief Executive of Johnson and Johnson ALEX GORSKY, President of the Rockefeller Foundation DR RAJIV SHAH, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID) DR ANTHONY FAUCI, Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum KLAUS SCHWAB, President of EcoHealth Alliance DR PETER DASZACK



  • Hannah Rose – Lawyer and human rights activist
  • Dr Mike Yeadon – Qualified life science researcher with a degree in biochemistry in toxicology, and a research-based PhD in respiratory pharmacology, former Vice President and Chief Scientist of allergy and respiratory research at Pfizer
  • Piers Corbyn – Astrophysicist and activist
  • Mark Sexton – Retired Police officer
  • John O’Looney – Funeral Director and activist
  • Johnny McStay – Activist
  • Louise Shotbolt – Nurse and human rights activist

Legal representation and election of domicile

The applicants will be represented for the purposes of this procedure by Hannah Rose

Email: [email protected]

Consequently, all subsequent correspondence shall be sent only to the email address given above. Any notification within the meaning of the Statute of the Court addressed in this way will be considered valid.


Mr Prosecutor,

This communication and complaint is provided to the office of the Prosecutor pursuant to the United Kingdom’s accession to the International Criminal Court’s Rome Statute deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations on October 4, 2000.

We have tried to raise this case through the local English police and the English Court system without success, we have been unable to even get the case registered either with the police or with the court after several attempts. The statute for the ICC declares that “The ICC is intended to complement, not to replace, national criminal systems; it prosecutes cases only when a State is unwilling or unable genuinely to carry out the investigation or prosecution (Article 17(1)(a)). This is such a case which is why we are addressing the ICC directly.

A. Background

The Corona virus ‘vaccines’ are an innovative medical treatment, which have only received temporary Authorisation under Regulation 174 of the Human Medicine Regulations Act (2012). The long-term effects and safety of the treatment in recipients are unknown. It is important to note that the CoronaVirus ‘vaccines’ are the world’s first introduction to the synthetic m-RNA technology and all previous immunisations worked in a totally different manner, by way of introducing a deactivated or weakened virus to the body to trigger a natural arousal of the immune system against it. As detailed by Dr Mike Yeadon, the risks anticipated by this innovative medicaltreatment are hereby enclosed as Appendix 1 to this request.

All Phase 3 COVID-19 vaccine trials are ongoing and not due to conclude until late2022/early 2023. The vaccines are, therefore, currently experimental with only limited short-term and no long-term adult safety data available. In addition, they are using a completely new mRNA vaccine technology, which has never previously been approved for use in humans. The mRNA is effectively a pro-drug and it is not known how much spike proteinany individual will produce. Potential late-onset effects can take months or years to become apparent. The limited children’s trials undertaken to date are totally underpowered to rule out uncommon but severe side effects.

The Covid-19 ‘vaccines’ do not meet the requirements to be categorised as vaccines and are in fact gene therapy (Appendix 8). The Merriam-Webster dictionary quietly changed the definition of the term ‘vaccine’ to include components of the COVID-19 m-RNA injection. The definition of vaccine was specifically changed due to the Covid-19 injection on February 5th 2021. Dr Mike Yeadon, joint applicant on this request, asserts that claims calling the Covid-19 injections a ‘vaccine is public manipulation and misrepresentation of clinical treatment. It’s not a vaccination. It’s not prohibiting infection. It’s not a prohibiting transmission device. It’s a means by which your body is conscripted to make the toxin that then allegedly your body somehow gets used to dealing with it, but unlike a vaccine, which is to trigger the immune response, this is to trigger the creation of the toxin.’ MRNA uses the cell’s machinery to synthesize proteins that are supposed to resemble the SPIKE protein of the virus, which is what it uses to enter cells via the ACE2 receptor. These proteins are then identified by the immune system, which builds antibodies against them. The real concern isthat these proteins could accumulate in the body especially in regions of high concentration of ACE2 receptors, such as the gonads. If the immune system then attacks the location where they accumulate, then you could be dealing with an auto-immune condition.

PCR Tests

A review from the University of Oxford’s Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine (Appendix 2) found that the standard PRC test is so sensitive, that it can detect old infections by picking up fragments of dead viral cells. Originally developed to detect the presence of DNA and RNA in biological samples, even its Nobel Prize-winning inventor Kary Mullis declared that PCR was never intended to diagnose a disease. It simply detects the presence of specific genetic material, which may or may not indicate infection. As Dr. Kary Mullis put it, the PCR technique can find almost anything in anybody. The PCR test uses amplification cycles to find viral RNA. The sample is repeatedly chemically amplified to increase the RNA copies until they can be detected. Each “cycle” of amplification doubles the number of molecules in a sample. If you run enough cycles, you can effectively find a single molecule of any substance. Public Health England (PHE) policy confirms that the cycle threshold should beset around 25.6 and if the machine must run more than 25 to 35 cycles (Appendix 2a) to get the sample to the test’s Limit of Detection, there isn’t enough virus in the sample to matter clinically.

We have information from freedom of information requests that as many as 40-45 cycles are being carried out (Appendix 3, 3a, 3b, 3c) which is too many because it increases the chance of a positive result even without coronavirus RNA being present in the original sample –hence the ‘asymptomatic’ individuals. In addition to being completely unreliable the PCR tests also contain carcinogenic ethylene oxide. (Appendix 48)

Click here to read the full document.


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“Osamagate” and America’s “Global War on Terrorism” (GWOT)

December 31st, 2023 by Prof Michel Chossudovsky

“Patriotism cannot be based on a falsehood, particularly when it constitutes a pretext for waging war and killing innocent civilians”.

Author’s Note

The article below entitled “Osamagate” was first published more than 22 years on October 9, 2001, two days after the onslaught of the bombing campaign directed against Afghanistan on October 7, 2001. 

Within hours of the 9/11 attacks, Osama bin Laden was identified as the architect of the attacks on the WTC and the Pentagon, without a shred of evidence.

On the following day, the “war on terrorism” was launched. The media disinformation campaign went into full gear.

From the outset, the objective was to use 9/11 as a pretext for launching the first phase of the Middle East Central Asian War, which consisted in the bombing and occupation of Afghanistan. This was achieved by sustaining the myth that Muslim terrorists supported by the Afghan government had attacked America on September 11, 2001.

To this date there is no evidence that Al Qaeda was behind these attacks. 

Afghanistan was identified as a “state sponsor of terror”. The 9/11 attacks were categorized as an act of war, an attack on America by a foreign power.

The right to self-defense was put forth. The US-NATO aggressor was portrayed as the victim.

On September 12, 2001, less than 24 hours after the attacks, NATO invoked for the first time in its history “Article 5 of the Washington Treaty – its collective defence clause” declaring the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center (WTC) and the Pentagon “to be an attack against all NATO members.” (I should mention, in relation to the Ukraine War, that there are indications that the invocation of Article 5 are currently being discussed by US/NATO behind closed doors). 

Public opinion was led to believe that war preparations got underway on September 12th on the spare of the moment, that it was the result of indignation and outrage.

You do no plan a large scale theater war in four weeks. Military analysts will confirm that the war on Afghanistan launched on October 7, 2001, was planned well in advance of  9/11.

9/11 remains the pretext and justification for waging a war without borders.

911 marked the onslaught of war propaganda, of a massive media disinformation campaign. A World of fiction has replaced real people and real processes.

Eventually the term “Global War on Terrorism” (GWOT) emerged. 

The underlying objective was to sustain the legitimacy of  a US-NATO war without borders. President Bush pledged to “lead the world to victory”.

The Bush Administration confirmed its intention to embark on “a sustained military campaign rather than a single dramatic action” directed against Osama bin Laden.  In addition to Afghanistan, a number of countries in the Middle East were mentioned as possible future targets including Iraq, Iran, Libya and the Sudan.

And several prominent US political figures and media pundits have demanded that the air strikes be extended to other countries “which harbour international terrorism.”

According to intelligence sources, Osama bin Laden’s al Qaeda has operations in some 50 to 60 countries providing ample pretext to intervene in several “rogue states” in the Middle East, Central Asia, South East Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa” (Cited from “Osamagate, October 9, 2001) 

The Big Lie must be sustained through terror events; the terror organizations must be real. The threats must be real. 

The dramatic loss of life on September 11, 2001 served as a pretext to go after the “outside enemy”, the bogeyman (Osama bin Laden)  as well as install the contours of the Homeland Security State.

As of September 12, 2001 there was mounting public support for a war of retribution directed against Afghanistan described as “A Just War  a legitimacy, which was shared by progressive sectors of society including the antiwar movement. The US led war was presented as a counterterrorism operation:

-The “Global War on Terrorism” (GWOT)  waged internationally

-The Homeland Security State with the mandate to wage the “Domestic War on Terrorism” 

A holy crusade was launched against the Muslim World of approximately 50 countries and one quarter of the World’s population. 

In turn,Counterterrorism” has been used in the course of the last twenty years as a justification for the establishment of U.S. military bases in Africa, the Middle East and South-East Asia.

The unspoken objective of “counter-terrorism” is to confiscate and appropriate the extensive oil and gas reserves of Muslim countries. 

On October 7, 2023, Israel with the support of the U.S. initiated a genocidal war against the people of Palestine which was in the course of the last three months has evolved into a regional war in the Middle East. This process of escalation hinges upon the 9/11 counter-terrorism doctrine.

Below is my October 9, 2001 article focussing on the role of Al Qaeda as a US sponsored intelligence asset.

Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research,  September 11, 2011, December 31, 2023




by Michel Chossudovsky

Centre for Research on Globalisation (CRG), Montréal

October 9, 2001


“Now the Taliban will pay a price” vowed President George W. Bush, as American and British fighter planes unleashed missile attacks against major cities in Afghanistan.

The US Administration claims that Osama bin Laden is behind the tragic events of the 11th of September. A major war supposedly “against international terrorism” has been launched, yet the evidence amply confirms that agencies of the US government have since the Cold War harbored the “Islamic Militant Network” as part of Washington’s foreign policy agenda. In a bitter irony, the US Air Force is targeting the training camps established in the 1980s by the CIA.

The main justification for waging this war has been totally fabricated. The American people have been deliberately and consciously misled by their government into supporting a major military adventure which affects our collective future. 

Confronted with mounting evidence, the US Administration can no longer deny its links to Osama. While the CIA admits that Osama bin Laden was an “intelligence asset” during the Cold War, the relationship is said to “go way back”. Most news reports consider that these Osama-CIA links belong to the “bygone era” of the Soviet-Afghan war. They are invariably viewed as “irrelevant” to an understanding of present events. Lost in the barrage of recent history, the role of the CIA in supporting and developing international terrorist organisations during the Cold war and its aftermath is casually ignored or downplayed by the Western media.

Yes, We did support Him, but “He Went Against Us”

A blatant example of media distortion is the so-called “blowback” thesis: “intelligence assets” are said to “have gone against their sponsors”; “what we’ve created blows back in our face.”1 In a twisted logic, the US government and the CIA are portrayed as the ill-fated victims:

The sophisticated methods taught to the Mujahideen, and the thousands of tons of arms supplied to them by the US – and Britain – are now tormenting the West in the phenomenon known as `blowback’, whereby a policy strategy rebounds on its own devisers. 2

The US media, nonetheless, concedes that “the Taliban’s coming to power [in 1995] is partly the outcome of the U.S. support of the Mujahideen, the radical Islamic group, in the 1980s in the war against the Soviet Union”.3 But it also readily dismisses its own factual statements and concludes in chorus, that the CIA had been tricked by a deceitful Osama. It’s like “a son going against his father”.

The “blowback” thesis is a fabrication. The evidence amply confirms that the CIA never severed its ties to the “Islamic Militant Network”. Since the end of the Cold War, these covert intelligence links have not only been maintained, they have become increasingly sophisticated.

New undercover initiatives financed by the Golden Crescent drug trade were set in motion in Central Asia, the Caucasus and the Balkans. Pakistan’s military and intelligence apparatus (controlled by the CIA) essentially “served as a catalyst for the disintegration of the Soviet Union and the emergence of six new Muslim republics in Central Asia.” 4

Replicating the Iran Contragate Pattern

Remember Ollie North and the Nicaraguan Contras under the Reagan Administration when weapons financed by the drug trade were channeled to “freedom fighters” in Washington’s covert war against the Sandinista government. The same pattern was used in the Balkans to arm and equip the Mujahideen fighting in the ranks of the Bosnian Muslim army against the Armed Forces of the Yugoslav Federation.

Throughout the 1990s, the Pakistan Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) was used by the CIA as a go-between — to channel weapons and Mujahideen mercenaries to the Bosnian Muslim Army in the civil war in Yugoslavia. According to a report of the London based International Media Corporation:

“Reliable sources report that the United States is now [1994] actively participating in the arming and training of the Muslim forces of Bosnia-Herzegovina in direct contravention of the United Nations accords. US agencies have been providing weapons made in … China (PRC), North Korea (DPRK) and Iran. The sources indicated that … Iran, with the knowledge and agreement of the US Government, supplied the Bosnian forces with a large number of multiple rocket launchers and a large quantity of ammunition. These included 107mm and 122mm rockets from the PRC, and VBR-230 multiple rocket launchers … made in Iran. … It was [also] reported that 400 members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard (Pasdaran) arrived in Bosnia with a large supply of arms and ammunition. It was alleged that the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) had full knowledge of the operation and that the CIA believed that some of the 400 had been detached for future terrorist operations in Western Europe.

During September and October [1994], there has been a stream of “Afghan” Mujahedin … covertly landed in Ploce, Croatia (South-West of Mostar) from where they have traveled with false papers … before deploying with the Bosnian Muslim forces in the Kupres, Zenica and Banja Luka areas. These forces have recently [late 1994] experienced a significant degree of military success. They have, according to sources in Sarajevo, been aided by the UNPROFOR Bangladesh battalion, which took over from a French battalion early in September [1994].

The Mujahedin landing at Ploce are reported to have been accompanied by US Special Forces equipped with high-tech communications equipment, … The sources said that the mission of the US troops was to establish a command, control, communications and intelligence network to coordinate and support Bosnian Muslim offensives — in concert with Mujahideen and Bosnian Croat forces — in Kupres, Zenica and Banja Luka. Some offensives have recently been conducted from within the UN-established safe-havens in the Zenica and Banja Luka regions.


The US Administration has not restricted its involvement to the clandestine contravention of the UN arms embargo on the region … It [also] committed three high-ranking delegations over the past two years [prior to 1994] in failed attempts to bring the Yugoslav Government into line with US policy. Yugoslavia is the only state in the region to have failed to acquiesce to US pressure.5

“From the Horse’s Mouth”

Ironically, the US Administration’s undercover military-intelligence operations in Bosnia have been fully documented by the Republican Party. A lengthy Congressional report by the Republican Party Committee (RPC) published in 1997, largely confirms the International Media Corporation report quoted above. The RPC Congressional report accuses the Clinton administration of having “helped turn Bosnia into a militant Islamic base” leading to the recruitment through the so-called “Militant Islamic Network,” of thousands of Mujahideen from the Muslim world:

Perhaps most threatening to the SFOR mission – and more importantly, to the safety of the American personnel serving in Bosnia – is the unwillingness of the Clinton Administration to come clean with the Congress and with the American people about its complicity in the delivery of weapons from Iran to the Muslim government in Sarajevo. That policy, personally approved by Bill Clinton in April 1994 at the urging of CIA Director-designate (and then-NSC chief) Anthony Lake and the U.S. ambassador to Croatia Peter Galbraith, has, according to the Los Angeles Times (citing classified intelligence community sources), “played a central role in the dramatic increase in Iranian influence in Bosnia”.


Along with the weapons, Iranian Revolutionary Guards and VEVAK intelligence operatives entered Bosnia in large numbers, along with thousands of mujahedin (“holy warriors”) from across the Muslim world. Also engaged in the effort were several other Muslim countries (including Brunei, Malaysia, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, and Turkey) and a number of radical Muslim organizations. For example, the role of one Sudan-based “humanitarian organization,” called the Third World Relief Agency, has been well documented. The Clinton Administration’s “hands-on” involvement with the Islamic network’s arms pipeline included inspections of missiles from Iran by U.S. government officials… the Third World Relief Agency (TWRA), a Sudan-based, phoney humanitarian organization … has been a major link in the arms pipeline to Bosnia. … TWRA is believed to be connected with such fixtures of the Islamic terror network as Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman (the convicted mastermind behind the 1993 World Trade Center bombing) and Osama Bin Laden, a wealthy Saudi émigré believed to bankroll numerous militant groups. [Washington Post, 9/22/96] 6

Complicity of the Clinton Administration

In other words, the Republican Party Committee report confirms unequivocally the complicity of the Clinton Administration with several Islamic fundamentalist organisations including Osama bin Laden’s al Qaeda.

The Republicans wanted at the time to undermine the Clinton Administration. However, at a time when the entire country had its eyes riveted on the Monica Lewinsky scandal, the Republicans no doubt chose not to trigger an untimely “Iran-Bosniagate” affair, which might have unduly diverted public attention away from the Lewinsky scandal. The Republicans wanted to impeach Bill Clinton “for having lied to the American People” regarding his affair with White House intern Monica Lewinsky. On the more substantive “foreign policy lies” regarding drug running and covert operations in the Balkans, Democrats and Republicans agreed in unison, no doubt pressured by the Pentagon and the CIA not to “spill the beans”.

From Bosnia to Kosovo

The “Bosnian pattern” described in the 1997 Congressional RPC report was replicated in Kosovo. With the complicity of NATO and the US State Department. Mujahideen mercenaries from the Middle East and Central Asia were recruited to fight in the ranks of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) in 1998-99, largely supporting NATO’s war effort.

Confirmed by British military sources, the task of arming and training of the KLA had been entrusted in 1998 to the US Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA) and Britain’s Secret Intelligence Services MI6, together with “former and serving members of 22 SAS [Britain’s 22nd Special Air Services Regiment], as well as three British and American private security companies”.7

The US DIA approached MI6 to arrange a training programme for the KLA, said a senior British military source. `MI6 then sub-contracted the operation to two British security companies, who in turn approached a number of former members of the (22 SAS) regiment. Lists were then drawn up of weapons and equipment needed by the KLA.’ While these covert operations were continuing, serving members of 22 SAS Regiment, mostly from the unit’s D Squadron, were first deployed in Kosovo before the beginning of the bombing campaign in March. 8

While British SAS Special Forces in bases in Northern Albania were training the KLA, military instructors from Turkey and Afghanistan financed by the “Islamic jihad” were collaborating in training the KLA in guerilla and diversion tactics.9:

“Bin Laden had visited Albania himself. He was one of several fundamentalist groups that had sent units to fight in Kosovo, … Bin Laden is believed to have established an operation in Albania in 1994 … Albanian sources say Sali Berisha, who was then president, had links with some groups that later proved to be extreme fundamentalists.” 10

Congressional Testimonies on KLA-Osama links

According to Frank Ciluffo of the Globalized Organised Crime Program, in a testimony presented to the House of Representatives Judicial Committee:

“What was largely hidden from public view was the fact that the KLA raise part of their funds from the sale of narcotics. Albania and Kosovo lie at the heart of the “Balkan Route” that links the “Golden Crescent” of Afghanistan and Pakistan to the drug markets of Europe. This route is worth an estimated $400 billion a year and handles 80 percent of heroin destined for Europe.” 11

According to Ralf Mutschke of Interpol’s Criminal Intelligence division also in a testimony to the House Judicial Committee:

“The U.S. State Department listed the KLA as a terrorist organization, indicating that it was financing its operations with money from the international heroin trade and loans from Islamic countries and individuals, among them allegedly Usama bin Laden” . Another link to bin Laden is the fact that the brother of a leader in an Egyptian Jihad organization and also a military commander of Usama bin Laden, was leading an elite KLA unit during the Kosovo conflict.” 12

Madeleine Albright Covets the KLA

These KLA links to international terrorism and organised crime documented by the US Congress were totally ignored by the Clinton Administration. In fact, in the months preceding the bombing of Yugoslavia, Secretary of State Madeleine Albright was busy building a “political legitimacy” for the KLA. The paramilitary army had –from one day to the next– been elevated to the status of a bona fide “democratic” force in Kosovo. In turn, Madeleine Albright has forced the pace of international diplomacy: the KLA had been spearheaded into playing a central role in the failed “peace negotiations” at Rambouiillet in early 1999.

The Senate and the House tacitly endorse State Terrorism

While the various Congressional reports confirmed that the US government had been working hand in glove with Osama bin Laden’s Al Qaeda, this did not prevent the Clinton and later the Bush Administration from arming and equipping the KLA. The Congressional documents also confirm that members of the Senate and the House knew the relationship of the Administration to international terrorism. To quote the statement of Rep. John Kasich of the House Armed Services Committee: “We connected ourselves [in 1998-99] with the KLA, which was the staging point for bin Laden…” 13

In the wake of the tragic events of September 11, Republicans and Democrats in unison have given their full support to the President to “wage war on Osama”.

In 1999, Senator Jo Lieberman had stated authoritatively that “Fighting for the KLA is fighting for human rights and American values.” In the hours following the October 7 missile attacks on Afghanistan, the same Jo Lieberman called for punitive air strikes against Iraq: “We’re in a war against terrorism… We can’t stop with bin Laden and the Taliban.” Yet Senator Jo Lieberman, as member of the Armed Services Committee of the Senate had access to all the Congressional documents pertaining to “KLA-Osama” links. In making this statement, he was fully aware that that agencies of the US government as well as NATO were supporting international terrorism.

The War in Macedonia

In the wake of the 1999 war in Yugoslavia, the terrorist activities of the KLA were extended into Southern Serbia and Macedonia. Meanwhile, the KLA –renamed the Kosovo Protection Corps (KPC)– was elevated to United Nations status, implying the granting of “legitimate” sources of funding through United Nations as well as through bilateral channels, including direct US military aid.

And barely two months after the official inauguration of the KPC under UN auspices (September 1999), KPC-KLA commanders – using UN resources and equipment – were already preparing the assaults into Macedonia, as a logical follow-up to their terrorist activities in Kosovo. According to the Skopje daily Dnevnik, the KPC had established a “sixth operation zone” in Southern Serbia and Macedonia:

Sources, who insist on anonymity, claim that the headquarters of the Kosovo protection brigades [i.e. linked to the UN sponsored KPC] have [March 2000] already been formed in Tetovo, Gostivar and Skopje. They are being prepared in Debar and Struga [on the border with Albania] as well, and their members have defined codes. 14

According to the BBC, “Western special forces were still training the guerrillas” meaning that they were assisting the KLA in opening up “a sixth operation zone” in Southern Serbia and Macedonia. 15

“The Islamic Militant Network” and NATO join hands in Macedonia

Among the foreign mercenaries now fighting in Macedonia (October 2001) in the ranks of self-proclaimed National Liberation Army (NLA), are Mujahideen from the Middle East and the Central Asian republics of the former Soviet Union. Also within the KLA’s proxy force in Macedonia are senior US military advisers from a private mercenary outfit on contract to the Pentagon as well as “soldiers of fortune” from Britain, Holland and Germany. Some of these Western mercenaries had previously fought with the KLA and the Bosnian Muslim Army. 16

Extensively documented by the Macedonian press and statements of the Macedonian authorities, the US government and the “Islamic Militant Network” are working hand in glove in supporting and financing the self-proclaimed National Liberation Army (NLA), involved in the terrorist attacks in Macedonia. The NLA is a proxy of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA). In turn the KLA and the UN sponsored Kosovo Protection Corps (KPC) are identical institutions with the same commanders and military personnel. KPC Commanders on UN salaries are fighting in the NLA together with the Mujahideen.

In a bitter twist, while supported and financed by Osama bin Laden’s Al Qaeda, the KLA-NLA is also supported by NATO and the United Nations mission to Kosovo (UNMIK). In fact, the “Islamic Militant Network” –also using Pakistan’s Inter Service Intelligence (ISI) as the CIA’s go-between– still constitutes an integral part of Washington’s covert military-intelligence operations in Macedonia and Southern Serbia.

The KLA-NLA terrorists are funded from US military aid, the United Nations peace-keeping budget as well as by several Islamic organisations including Osama bin Laden’s Al Qaeda. Drug money is also being used to finance the terrorists with the complicity of the US government. The recruitment of Mujahideen to fight in the ranks of the NLA in Macedonia is implemented through various Islamic groups.

US military advisers mingle with Mujahideen within the same paramilitary force, Western mercenaries from NATO countries fight alongside Mujahideen recruited in the Middle East and Central Asia. And the US media calls this a “blowback” where so-called “intelligence assets” have gone against their sponsors!

But this did not happen during the Cold war! It is happening right now in Macedonia. And it is confirmed by numerous press reports, eyewitness accounts, photographic evidence as well as official statements by the Macedonian Prime Minister, who has accused the Western military alliance of supporting the terrorists. Moreover, the official Macedonian New Agency (MIA) has pointed to the complicity between Washington’s envoy Ambassador James Pardew and the NLA terrorists. 17 In other words, the so-called “intelligence assets” are still serving the interests of their US sponsors.

Pardew’s background is revealing in this regard. He started his Balkans career in 1993 as a senior intelligence officer for the Joint Chiefs of Staff responsible for channeling US aid to the Bosnian Muslim Army. Coronel Pardew had been put in charge of arranging the “air-drops” of supplies to Bosnian forces. At the time, these “air drops” were tagged as “civilian aid”. It later transpired –confirmed by the RPC Congressional report– that the US had violated the arms embargo. And James Pardew played an important role as part of the team of intelligence officials working closely with the Chairman of the National Security Council Anthony Lake.

Pardew was later involved in the Dayton negotiations (1995) on behalf of the US Defence Department. In 1999, prior to the bombing of Yugoslavia, he was appointed “Special Representative for Military Stabilisation and Kosovo Implementation” by President Clinton. One of his tasks was to channel support to the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), which at the time was also being supported by Osama bin Laden. Pardew was in this regard instrumental in replicating the “Bosnian pattern” in Kosovo and subsequently in Macedonia…

Justification for Waging War

The Bush Administration has stated that it has proof that Osama bin Laden is behind the attacks on the WTC and the Pentagon. In the words of British Prime Minister Tony Blair: “I have seen absolutely powerful and incontrovertible evidence of his [Osama] link to the events of the 11th of September.” 18 What Tony Blair fails to mention is that agencies of the US government including the CIA continue to “harbor” Osama bin Laden’s Al Qaeda.

A major war supposedly “against international terrorism” has been launched by a government which is harboring international terrorism as part of its foreign policy agenda. In other words, the main justification for waging war has been totally fabricated. The American people have been deliberately and consciously misled by their government into supporting a major military adventure which affects our collective future.

This decision to mislead the American people was taken barely a few hours after the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centre. Without supporting evidence, Osama had already been tagged as the “prime suspect.” Two days later on Thursday the 13th of September –while the FBI investigations had barely commenced– President Bush pledged to “lead the world to victory”. The Administration confirmed its intention to embark on “a sustained military campaign rather than a single dramatic action” directed against Osama bin Laden. 19

In addition to Afghanistan, a number of countries in the Middle East were mentioned as possible targets including Iraq, Iran, Libya and the Sudan. And several prominent US political figures and media pundits have demanded that the air strikes be extended to other countries “which harbour international terrorism.” According to intelligence sources, Osama bin Laden’s al Qaeda has operations in some 50 to 60 countries providing ample pretext to intervene in several “rogue states” in the Middle East and Central Asia.

Moreover, the entire US Legislature –with only one honest and courageous dissenting voice in the House of Representatives– has tacitly endorsed the Administration’s decision to go war. Members of the House and the Senate have access through the various committees to official confidential reports and intelligence documents which prove beyond doubt that agencies of the US government have ties to international terrorism. They cannot say “we did not know”. In fact, most of this evidence is in the public domain.

Under the historical resolution of the US Congress adopted by both the House and the Senate on the 14th of September [2001]:

“The president is authorized to use all necessary and appropriate force against those nations, organizations, or persons he determines planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on Sept. 11, 2001, or harbored such organizations or persons, in order to prevent any future acts of international terrorism against the United States by such nations, organizations or persons.”

Whereas there is no evidence that agencies of the US government “aided the terrorist attacks” on the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon, there is ample and detailed evidence that agencies of the US government as well as NATO, have since the end of the Cold War continued to “harbor such organizations”.

Patriotism cannot be based on a falsehood, particularly when it constitutes a pretext for waging war and killing innocent civilians.

Ironically, the text of the Congressional resolution also constitutes a “blowback” against the US sponsors of international terrorism. The resolution does not exclude the conduct of an “Osamagate” inquiry, as well as appropriate actions against agencies and/or individuals of the US government, who may have collaborated with Osama bin Laden’s Al Qaeda. And the evidence indelibly points directly to the Bush Administration.


1United Press International (UPI), 15 September 2001.

2The Guardian, London, 15 September 2001.

3UPI, op cit,

4For further details see Michel Chossudovsky, Who is Osama bin Laden, Centre for Research on Globalisation, 12 September 2001,

5 International Media Corporation Defense and Strategy Policy, US Commits Forces, Weapons to Bosnia, London, 31 October 1994.

6 Congressional Press Release, Republican Party Committee (RPC), US Congress, Clinton-Approved Iranian Arms Transfers Help Turn Bosnia into Militant Islamic Base, 16 January 1997, available on the website of the 7 Centre of Research on Globalisation (CRG) at The original document is on the website of the US Senate Republican Party Committee (Senator Larry Craig), at

7 The Scotsman, Glasgow, 29 August 1999.

8 Ibid.

9 Truth in Media, Kosovo in Crisis, Phoenix, Arizona, 2 April 1999

10 Sunday Times, London, 29 November 1998.

11 US Congress, Testimony of Frank J. Cilluffo , Deputy Director, Global Organized Crime, Program director to the House Judiciary Committee, 13 December 2000.

12 US Congress, Testimony of Ralf Mutschke of Interpol’s Criminal Intelligence Division, to the House Judicial Committee, 13 December 2000.

13 US Congress, Transcripts of the House Armed Services Committee, 5 October 1999,

14 Macedonian Information Centre Newsletter, Skopje, 21 March 2000, published by BBC Summary of World Broadcast, 24 March 2000.

15 BBC, 29 January 2001, at

16 Scotland on Sunday, Glasgow, 15 June 2001 at, see also UPI, 9 July 2001. For further details see Michel Chossudovsky, Washington behind Terrorist Assaults in Macedonia, Centre for Research on Globalisation, August 2001, at

17 Macedonian Information Agency (MIA), 26 September 2001, available at the Centre for Research on Globalisation at

18 Quoted in The Daily Telegraph, London, 1 October 2001.

19 Statement by official following the speech by President George Bush on 14 September 2001 quoted in the International Herald Tribune, Paris, 14 September 2001.

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Against Erasure (Haymarket Books) is a book, edited by Teresa Aranguren and Sandra Barrilaro, that presents a pictorial history of Palestinians. The photos refute the often-heard canard that Palestine was a land without people. More importantly, the historicity of the photos humanizes the Palestinians. It seems ludicrous to anyone familiar with Palestinians that they would require humanization.

Click the pages below to access the Book: Against Erasure

Nonetheless, the humanity of Palestinians is denied by many prominent Israeli Jews.

Take, for instance, Israeli defense minister Yoav Gallant who besmirched Palestinians as “human animals.” Jerusalem deputy mayor Arieh King upped the ante, stating that Palestinians are not “human animals”; they are not “human beings”; they are “subhuman.”

Such quotations by Israeli officials are serial and nothing new. [1]

Following the rescindment of the British Mandate, the United Nations forced partition upon the Indigenous people of historical Palestine. The outcome birthed the Jewish State of Israel. The land allotted to the Palestinians had its sovereignty in limbo. Palestine was, as evidenced by decades without formal statehood recognition by the United Nations, a de jure non-state. It was, however, conferred “observer entity” by the UN General Assembly in 1974. That status was upped to a “non-member observer state” in 2012 by a 138-9 UN General Assembly vote, and that is the situation today.

The sovereignty question, however, pales in significance to the genocidal onslaught that Israel is carrying out in Palestine.

“Thanks to the shameful indifference of the West and the international community, the Nakba of 1948 has become a permanent Nakba,” lamented Bichara Khader, a professor at the Catholic University of Leuven. (p 14)

It seems permanent in the mind of Israeli prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu who said in Hebrew:

“They [the Israeli troops] are committed to completely eliminating this evil from the world.” He then added: “You must remember what Amalek has done to you, says our Holy Bible. And we do remember.”

The god of the Bible had commanded the Hebrews to carry out a genocide: “Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.” (1 Shmuel/Samuel 15:3)

The message according to Mother Jones: “The lesson, when read literally, is clear: Saul’s failure to kill every Amalekite posed an existential threat to the Jewish people.”

Khader termed the Nakba a sociocide. This was made clear by the Zionist movement’s stated intention

 … to establish a Jewish state in Palestine—which clearly and emphatically meant the “de-Arabization” of Palestine or, in other words, the “invisibilization” of its people to facilitate the Judaization of the country.

The early twentieth century propaganda slogan “a land without a people for a people without a land” represents the hard nucleus of Zionist ideology. (p 8)

The malevolence of the Nakba has been laid bare during the current Israeli onslaught where 20,000 Palestinians (70% percent women and children) have been murdered by Zionist Jews. It must be noted that it is not a minuscule sect of Israeli Jewry. It is a military incursion into Gaza supported by more than 90 percent of Israeli Jews. It is abetted by the United States with the acquiescence of many western countries, and it is being carried out before the eyes of much of the world.

Back in 2014 when Israel was bombing Gaza, Israeli Jews in the nearby town of Sderot would bring out their sofas and chairs to sit and cheer the destruction, rather gleefully as the Buzzfeed News headline made clear: “Israelis Seen Clapping And Eating Popcorn While Watching Bombs Drop On Gaza.”

Photos posted on Twitter (now X) by Danish Middle East correspondent Allan Sørensen prompted outrage at Israeli inhumanity by many commenters.

Aliya Nazki: “I’m sorry but people, any people, celebrating death anywhere is abominable.”

Syed-Makki Shah: “morality of a people so skewed that murder is a public spectle. [sic] an astonishing thing to see in this day/age?”

It would seem obvious that the inhumanity is an attribute embraced by a plurality of a people who seemingly internalized a perverse lesson from World War II.

Nonetheless, the historical collection of photos of Palestinians and the presentation their lives is an irrefutable testimony to the humanity of these people. Recognize the diversity among them. There are minorities such as the Bedouins, Druze, and also Jews.

The Palestinians are mothers, fathers, children; they have families. They jubilate at weddings and mourn at funerals. The farmers grow olives, oranges, and melons. They are fishermen, police, seamstresses, musicians, teachers, postal workers, crafts people, engineers, boatmen, stevedores, doctors, nurses, shopkeepers, and politicians. The existence of organized political institutions attests to indigenous administration despite Ottoman, British, and Israeli attempts to quash Palestinian self-government and sovereignty.

Gaze at the photos and see Palestinians at the bazaar, at work, in school, in boy-scout troops. They play basketball, soccer, and swim.

The Palestinian transportation network allowed them to travel by car, train, plane, and boat. They attended churches and mosques. For leisure they’d go on picnics, watch open-air cinema, listen to Palestinian orchestras, eat in restaurants, and go to the beach.

Palestinians have all the trappings of what constitutes humanity. The photos in Against Erasure bring forth that Palestinians are humans like us. The humanity of Palestinians ought to have been unquestionable for everyone, and for those who doubted this, give your head a hard shake. But as they say: better late than never. If you are curious about what Palestinians were like before the Nakba, before the 2014 Gaza massacres, and before the current Israeli genocide or, more importantly, if for some peculiar reason, you need further affirmation of Palestinian humanity get Against Erasure and humanize yourself.


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Kim Petersen is an independent writer. He can be emailed at: kimohp at He is a regular contributor to Global Research.


[1] See Kim Petersen and BJ Sabri, “Defining Israeli Zionist Racism,” Dissident Voice, in particular parts 8, 9, and 10.

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Dear Readers, That’s why we need your support.

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Orders at many of the world’s biggest arms companies are “near record highs” due to rising geopolitical tensions in recent years, an analysis published Wednesday by Financial Times revealed.

The London-based newspaper analyzed the order books of the world’s 15 top arms makers and found their combined backlogs were $777.6 billion at the end of 2022—a 10% increase from 2020.

According to FT:

The trend’s momentum continued into 2023. In the first six months of this year—the latest comprehensive quarterly data available—combined backlogs at these companies stood at $764 billion, swelling their future pipeline of work as governments kept placing orders.

The sustained spending has spurred investors’ interest in the sector. [Member of Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment’s] global benchmark for the industry’s stocks is up 25% over the past 12 months. Europe’s Stoxx aerospace and defense stocks index has risen by more than 50% over the same period.

Private equity firms including BlackRock, Vanguard, Capital Group, and State Street are dominant or major shareholders in most of the weapons companies analyzed by FT. These Wall Street speculators are “the ones driving the perpetual wars to maintain their bankrupt financial system,” according to the International Schiller Institute, a Washington, D.C.-based think tank.

“In the U.S., the defense budget was $858 billion in 2023, and it is rapidly heading towards $1 trillion per year,” the institute said last week. “Meanwhile our highways and railroads, our bridges and tunnels, our hospitals and schools are crumbling. And the rest of the world also desperately needs American technology and capital goods to help their development, working with China and Russia, rather than driving the planet towards World War III against them.”

The West’s scramble to arm Ukraine’s homeland defense against ongoing Russian invasion and occupation played a significant role in surging arms orders.

For example, Hanwha Aerospace, South Korea’s largest weapons manufacturer, recorded the biggest increase in new orders—FT says its backlog soared from $2.4 billion in 2020 to $15.2 billion at the end of last year—largely due to sales of K-9 self-propelled howitzers to countries supplying arms to Ukraine.

Rheinmetall, a German firm that makes Panther main battle tanks, nearly doubled its backlog from $14.8 billion to $27.9 billion, also in large part because of Ukraine-related sales.

However, many of the company’s swollen backlogs predate the Ukraine war, which began in February 2022.

“The reality is lead times for policymaking, budgets, and placing orders are so long that the invasion of almost two years ago is only just appearing in orders and barely in revenues, except for a few shorter-cycle specialists such as Rheinmetall,” Nick Cunningham, an analyst at the insurance firm Agency Partners, told FT.

Israel’s assault on Gaza—which began in October and is already one of the most devastating in modern history, with an average of 1,000 bombs dropped daily on the densely populated strip—is not included in FT‘s analysis, but is a boon to arms-makers and a large part of the reason why last year’s record backlogs are expected to reach new heights in 2023 and beyond.

As Common Dreams reported earlier this year, global military spending rose to an all-time high of over $2.2 trillion last year, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute.

[From Common Dreams: Our work is licensed under Creative Commons (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0). Feel free to republish and share widely.]


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Brett Wilkins is a staff writer for Common Dreams.

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As the world watches in horror Israel’s military assault on the people of Gaza, people are left to wonder why world leaders are not doing more to censure Israel and are allowing Israel to get away with mass killing.

Jeff Halper, an American-Israeli anthropologist who has written numerous books on Israeli history, has a clear answer.

He says that leaders of countries around the world are feeling more insecure as wealth is increasingly concentrated in the hands of a tiny capitalist elite and popular disaffection and the threat of rebellion grows.

Israel is revered precisely for its mastery of population-control techniques against the Palestinians, which many leaders want to emulate against dissident or minority groups within their own borders.

Part of Israel’s ace in the hole, according to Halper, is its development of a formidable weapons industry that allows it to supply high-tech weapons to countries around the world for the purpose of population control.

Israel is at the cutting edge in the development of surveillance satellites, weaponized and surveillance drones, Artificial Intelligence (AI) target identification systems, spyware gadgets and crowd control and cyberwarfare technologies, which it sells around the world.

Israel additionally provides training to police and military forces and supplies mercenaries who can be found in presidential guards and among the enforcers of drug cartels.

Because of their heavy reliance on Israeli military aid, many countries may make a show of criticizing certain Israeli excesses but do nothing to impede them, refusing to impose economic sanctions or embargoes or trying to cut Israel off from world trade.

Halper spoke during a webinar on December 6 sponsored by the War Industries Resistance Network and Massachusetts Peace Action. His presentation included a map which showed the huge number of countries to which Israel sells weapon systems.

Among them are countries run by dictators to which even the U.S. refuses to sell weapons, like Equatorial Guinea and Myanmar.

Israel is also China’s number two arms supplier and the top supplier to India, which purchases more than $1 billion per year.

Additionally, Israel is a supplier of arms to South Korea, Brazil, Russia, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Uganda, Turkey and Azerbaijan which used the arms to brutalize Armenians in Nagorno Karabakh.

Halper sees Israel as a key global enforcer of the world capitalist system whose arm sales extend to 191 countries (up from 130 eight years ago).

The Occupied Territories have functioned as a laboratory for testing new weapons and counterinsurgency techniques by Israel which collaborates closely with the U.S. military and allows for testing of its new weapon systems.

U.S. leaders are in love with Israel because they seek to emulate Israel’s success against the Palestinians in asymmetrical warfare, which they have failed at miserably in countries like Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and before that Vietnam.

U.S. leaders also see as a model for the U.S.-Mexico border the censor-laden wall that Israel built surrounding Gaza.

Halper warned that we are in danger of “all being Palestinized.”

All of this is by a global capitalist elite and its political representatives who are adopting ever more repressive measures in an attempt to sustain their wealth and power.

Funding Your Own Assassins

Israel’s claim to be fighting in Gaza in self-defense is undercut by the emergence of new details about its role in funding and propping up Hamas.

On December 10, The New York Times published an article entitled “‘Buying Quiet’: Inside the Israeli Plan That Propped Up Hamas” by Mark Mazetti and Ronen Bergman.

The article noted that, “for years, the Qatari government had been sending millions of dollars a month into the Gaza Strip—money that helped prop up the Hamas government there. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel not only tolerated those payments, he had encouraged them.” So too did three American presidents—Barack Obama, Donald J. Trump and Joe Biden.

According to the Times, much of the money was dispensed to Hamas from suitcases by Qatari officials who were escorted into Gaza by the Mossad. The money allowed Hamas to divert some of its own budget toward military operations targeting Israel, including the October 7 attacks.

CovertAction Magazine has previously detailed how the Israeli billionaire class, whom Benjamin Netanyahu represents, has sought a state of permanent war as part of their governing strategy.

The billionaires grow rich from war and the Israeli war industry, and the creation of a terrorist threat legitimizes expanded military operations designed to wipe out the Palestinians and enhance the goal of establishing a “Greater Israel.”

Israel had been gripped with massive protests on the eve of the Israel-Gaza War against rising inequality and the attempt to subordinate Israel’s judiciary to the executive branch, with Netanyahu personally facing corruption charges.

Once the war broke out, the protests dissipated and Netanyahu could play his familiar role of uniting Israelis of all class backgrounds against a foreign enemy—which conveniently he and his ruling circle had helped to empower.

The October 31 issue of The New York Times had an article tellingly titled “They Refused to Serve. Now They’re Supporting Israel’s War Effort.” It profiled former coordinators of the anti-Netanyahu street protests who had once vowed not to serve in the IDF, but who were now supporting Israel’s war effort in reaction to the Tribe of Nova massacre and helping to organize clothing and military equipment drives for soldiers on the front lines of the war in Gaza.

No wonder then that Netanyahu’s government ignored warnings of the impending Hamas attack!

A Times article on December 20 was titled “After the Oct. 7 Attacks, Israelis Are Becoming More Politically Conservative.”

It emphasized that a) Israel’s peace camp had been driven virtually underground after the October 7 attacks; b) that being a leftist had now become a dirty word; and that c) Israelis had moved decidedly to the right on a number of issues, including support for settlers in the West Bank, endorsement of far-right politicians, and even the reestablishment of a military occupation of Gaza.

Tai Schneider, a columnist for the Times of Israel was quoted as saying “the trauma of what happened on Oct. 7 shifted Israeli society. It made them question the most basic tenets of whether they were safe in their homes. They are calling now for more—more military, more protection–more hard-line policies.”[1] This is similar in many ways to what happened in the United States vis-à-vis 9/11.

The Times in its December 10 article emphasized as a motive for Netanyahu’s funding of Hamas his goal of wanting to establish a counterweight to the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank.

In 2012, Netanyahu told Israeli journalist Dan Margalit that having two strong rivals, including Hamas which does not recognize Israel’s legitimacy, would lessen pressure on him to negotiate toward a Palestinian state.

Shlomo Brom, a retired general and former deputy to Israel’s national security adviser, said that “one effective way to prevent a two-state solution is to [create a] divide between the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.” The division gives Mr. Netanyahu an excuse to disengage from peace talks, noting that he can say, “I have no partner.”[2]

This motive is totally perverse and undermines Netanyahu’s claim to have launched military operations to protect Israeli security— from an enemy that he financed, no less.

Chaos Agents

Netanyahu’s critics include Ami Ayalon, the former head of the Shin Bet, Israel’s domestic intelligence service, who stated that Israel was “controlled by “chaos agents” whose goal is to create a “human disaster” in Gaza, because “from the chaos we shall start again.”

“This is exactly the theory of the most radical, fundamental Muslim organizations,” of ISIS and al-Qaeda, Ayalon said.

He added that it is foolish to go to war without defining a political goal: “The military goal is never the end goal, military is a tool, war is not the objective…. Victory is never measured in military terms. So when we say ‘the day after,’ we are trying to define the concept of victory, and we are not doing it. It’s a huge failure.”

Dethrone King Bibi

On December 25, Haaretz’ lead editorial was titled “Dethrone King Bibi.” It argued that the conditions exist to resume the huge protests against Netanyahu and his government that shook Israel for months before October 7.

At that time, the protests were focused against Bibi’s dictatorial “judicial reform;” now, their focus will be “King Bibi’s” responsibility for creating the conditions that led to October 7 and the current war.

Haaretz wrote that “Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is the one who bears the greatest blame for the security, diplomatic and social failures that led to the October 7 massacre and the outbreak of war. The thousands who protested on Saturday night in Tel Aviv, Haifa and Caesarea, calling for him to be deposed, prove that conditions have matured for the protests to be resumed and to expand the ranks of those taking to the streets.”

Haaretz went on to note that Netanyahu accepts no responsibility for that disaster of October 7, but blames the IDF, the intelligence services, the Oslo peace accords and “Yitzhak Rabin and those who continued his path,” the Israeli daily writes, and adds: “All of the above is enough without saying a word about the judicial coup he advanced in the service of the extreme Kahanist right, with its appetite for annexation and Jewish supremacy.”

Haaretz concluded by stating that “the time has come to demand from the one who wrought disaster on the State of Israel to vacate his throne and allow others the chance to repair what he has destroyed.”


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Jeremy Kuzmarov is Managing Editor of CovertAction Magazine. He is the author of five books on U.S. foreign policy, including Obama’s Unending Wars (Clarity Press, 2019), The Russians Are Coming, Again, with John Marciano (Monthly Review Press, 2018), and Warmonger. How Clinton’s Malign Foreign Policy Launched the U.S. Trajectory From Bush II to Biden (Clarity Press, 2023). He can be reached at: [email protected].


  1. Sherra Frenkel, “After the Oct. 7 Attacks, Israelis Are Becoming More Politically Conservative,” The New York Times, December 20, 2023, A8. 

  2. Bezalel Smotrich, a far-right politician who is now Netanyahu’s finance minister, put the Israeli strategy bluntly in 2015 when he said: “The Palestinian Authority is a burden,” while “Hamas is an asset.” 

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“2023 has been a challenge for Global Research, but we know 2024 will be no different. That’s why we need your support. Will you make a New Year donation to help us continue with our work?”


Finance analysts free of moral scruple can point to Palantir with relish and note that 2023 was a fairly rewarding year for it. The company, which bills itself as a “category-leading software” builder “that empowers organizations to create and govern artificial intelligence”, launched its initial public offering in 2020. But the milky confidence curdled, as with much else with tech assets, leading to the company stock falling by as much as 87% of value. But this is the sort of language that delights the economy boffins no end, a bloodless exercise that ignores what Palantir really does.

The surveillance company initially cut its teeth on agendas related to national security and law enforcement through Gotham. A rather dry summation of its services is offered by Adrew Iliadis and Amelia Acker:

“The company supplies information technology solutions for data integration and tracking to police and government agencies, humanitarian organizations, and corporations.”

Founded in 2003 and unimaginatively named after the magical stones in The Lord of the Rings known as “Seeing Stones” or palantíri, its ambition was to remake the national security scape, a true fetishist project envisaging technology as deliverer and saviour. While most of its work remains painfully clandestine, it does let the occasional salivating observer, such as Portugal’s former Secretary of State or European Affairs Bruno Maçães, into its citadel to receive the appropriate indoctrination.

It’s impossible to take any commentary arising from these proselytised sorts seriously, but what follows can be intriguing. “The target coordination cycle: find, track, target, and prosecute,” Maçães writes for Time, reflecting on the technology on show at the company’s London headquarters. “As we enter the algorithmic age, time is compressed. From the moment the algorithms set to work detecting their targets until these targets are prosecuted – a term of art in the field – no more than two or three minutes elapse.” Such commentary takes the edge of the cruelty, the lethality, the sheer destruction of life that such prosecution entails.

While its stable of government clients remain important, the company also sought to further expand its base with Foundry, the commercial version of the software.“Foundry helps businesses make better decisions and solve problems, and Forrester estimated Foundry delivers a 315% return on investment (ROI) for its users,” writes Will Healy, whose commentary is, given his association with Palantir, bound to be cherubically crawling while oddly flat.

This tech beast is also claiming to march to a more moral tune, with Palantir Technologies UK Ltd announcing in April that it had formed a partnership with the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine (OPG) to “enable investigators on the ground and across Europe to share, integrate, and process all key data relating to more than 78,000 registered war crimes.”

The company’s co-founder and chief executive officer, Alexander C. Karp, nails his colours to the mast with a schoolboy’s binary simplicity. “The invasion of Ukraine represents one of the most significant challenges to the global balance of power.  To that end, the crimes that are being committed in Ukraine must be prosecuted.”

Having picked the Ukrainian cause as a beneficial one, Palantir revealed that it was “already helping Ukraine militarily, and supporting the resettlement of refugees in the UK, Poland and in Lithuania.” For Karp, “Software is a product of the legal and moral order in which it is created, and plays a role in defending it.”

Such gnomic statements are best kept in the spittoon of history, mere meaningless splutter, but if they are taken seriously, Karp is in trouble. He is one who has admitted with sissy’s glee that the “core mission of our company always was to make the West, especially America, the strongest in the world, the strongest it’s ever been, for the sake of global peace and prosperity”. Typically, such money-minded megalomaniacs tend to confuse personal wealth and a robber baron’s acquisitiveness with the more collective goals of peace and security. Murdering thieves can be most moral, even as they carry out their sordid tasks with silver tongs.

When Google dropped Project Maven, the US Department of Defense program that riled employees within the company, Palantir was happy to offer its services. It did not matter one jot that the project, known in Palantir circles as “Tron”, was designed to train AI to analyse aerial drone footage to enable the identification of objects and human beings (again bloodless, chilling, instrumental). “It’s commonly known that our software is used in an operational context at war,” Karp is reported as saying. “Do you really think a war fighter is going to trust a software company that pulls the plug because something becomes controversial with their life? Currently, when you’re a war fighter your life depends on your software.”

War is merely one context where Palantir dirties the terrain of policy. In 2020, Amnesty International published a report outlining the various human rights risks arising from Palantir’s contracts with the US Department of Homeland Security. Of particular concern were associated products and services stemming from its Homeland Security Investigations (HIS) division of Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Human rights groups such as Mijente, along with a number of investors, have also noted that such contracts enable ICE to prosecute such activities as surveillance, detentions, raids, de facto family separations and deportations.

In 2023, protests by hundreds of UK health workers managed to shut down the central London headquarters of the tech behemoth. The workers in question were protesting the award of a £330 million contract to Palantir by the National Health Service (NHS) England. Many felt particularly riled at the company, given its role in furnishing the Israeli government with such military and surveillance technology, including predictive policing services. The latter are used to analyse social media posts by Palestinians that might reveal threats to public order or praise for “hostile” entities.

As Gaza is being flattened and gradually exterminated by Israeli arms, Palantir remains loyal, even stubbornly so. “We are one of the few companies in the world to stand and announce our support for Israel, which remains steadfast,” the company stated in a letter to shareholders. With a record now well washed in blood, the company deserves a global protest movement that blocks its appeal and encourages a shareholder exodus.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He currently lectures at RMIT University. He is a Research Associate at the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). Email: [email protected]

Featured image is from Shutterstock

Medioriente: Gli Incendiari Gridano “Al Fuoco”

December 30th, 2023 by Manlio Dinucci

Quella condotta da Israele a Gaza viene definita dal Washington Post “una delle guerre più distruttive di questo secolo”. Questa guerra – attuata da Israele col pieno sostegno di USA NATO e UE – ha provocato finora nella popolazione palestinese oltre 20.000 morti e 55.000 feriti gravi, che per la maggior parte non sopravviveranno dato che le forze israeliane distruggono sistematicamente gli ospedali di Gaza. Donne e bambini rappresentano il 70% dei morti. Circa 2 milioni di persone, corrispondenti all’85% della popolazione, sono sfollati. Aumentano allo stesso tempo i raid israeliani in Cisgiordania.

Su questo sfondo il premier Netanyahu enuncia, in un articolo sul Wall Street Journal, quale primo “prerequisito per la pace” la necessità che 2 “Hamas deve essere distrutto”. Egli sottolinea che “nel distruggere Hamas, Israele continuerà ad agire nel pieno rispetto del diritto internazionale.”

Dimentica Netanyahu quanto dichiarava ufficialmente nel 2019: “Chiunque voglia ostacolare la creazione di uno Stato palestinese deve sostenere Hamas e trasferire denaro ad Hamas. Questo fa parte della nostra strategia: isolare i palestinesi di Gaza dai palestinesi della Cisgiordania.” Per anni, d’accordo con Israele, il Qatar ha inviato ogni mese centinaia di milioni di dollari in contanti a Gaza per sostenere il governo di Hamas. Un documento di 40 pagine, denominato in codice dall’intelligence israeliana “Mura  di Gerico”, dimostra che Israele conosceva da oltre un anno, nei dettagli, il piano dell’attacco effettuato da Hamas il 7 Ottobre 2023. Esso è servito ai capi di Israele per giustificare “una delle guerre più distruttive di questo secolo”, il cui scopo è stato chiaro fin dall’inizio: cancellare i territori dello Stato palestinese, massacrando e deportando l’intera popolazione. Lo conferma oggi Paula Betancur dell’Alto Commissariato Onu per i Diritti Umani: “L’operazione militare israeliana a Gaza mira a deportare in massa la popolazione civile”.

La guerra israeliana per cancellare definitivamente lo Stato Palestinese si inserisce nella strategia USA-NATO-UE di mantenere con la guerra il controllo di una regione strategica, il Medioriente, in cui l’Occidente sta perdendo terreno di fronte all’avanzare dei progetti politicoeconomici, come quello dei BRICS, che stanno cambiando gli assetti mondiali.

Manlio Dinucci


First published by Global Research on June 1, 2022


THE PLAN shows the official agenda of the World Health Organization to have ten years of ongoing pandemics, from 2020 to 2030.

This is revealed by a WHO virologist, Marion Koopmans. You will also see shocking evidence that the first pandemic was planned and abundantly announced right before it happened.

Make sure to watch, and share this everywhere.

More information, and to see all the documents in THE PLAN, go to:

Video: The Plan 


A group of almost one thousand medical doctors in Germany called ‘Doctors for Information’, which is supported by more than 7,000 professionals including attorneys, scientists, teachers etc., made a shocking statement during a national press conference: (1)

‘The Corona panic is a play. It’s a scam. A swindle. It’s high time we understood that we’re in the midst of a global crime.’

This large group of medical experts publishes a newspaper with circulation of 500,000 copies every week, to alert the public about the misinformation in the mainstream media about the coronavirus.

They also organize mass protests with millions of people throughout Europe.

Hundreds of Spanish medical doctors say the pandemic was created

In Spain, a group of 600 medical doctors called ‘Doctors for Truth’ made a similar statement during a press conference.

doctors for truth spain pandemic planned

‘Covid-19 is a false pandemic created for political purposes. This is a world dictatorship with a sanitary excuse. We urge doctors, the media and political authorities to stop this criminal operation by spreading the truth.’ (2)

World Doctors Alliance: ‘Greatest Crime in History’ 

‘Doctors for Information’ and ‘Doctors for Truth’ have joined forces with similar groups of practitioners around the world in the ‘World Doctors Alliance’ (2A).

This historic alliance connects more than one hundred thousand medical professionals around the world.

They reveal how the pandemic is the greatest crime in history, and offer solid scientific evidence for this claim. They also take legal actions against governments who are playing along with this criminal operation. 

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Pfizer Vaccine Confirmed to Cause Neurodegenerative Diseases: Study

December 30th, 2023 by Nathaniel Linderman

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This article was originally published in April 2021.

In a shocking new report on the COVID-19 vaccines, it has been discovered that the Pfizer coronavirus vaccine may have long term health effects not previously disclosed, including “ALS, Alzheimer’s, and other neurological degenerative diseases.”

“The current RNA based SARSCoV-2 vaccines were approved in the US using an emergency order without extensive long term safety testing,” the report declares.

“In this paper the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine was evaluated for the potential to induce prion-based disease in vaccine recipients.” Prion-based diseases are, according to the CDC, a form of neurodegenerative diseases, meaning that the Pfizer vaccine is potentially likely to cause long term damage and negative health effects with regards to the brain.

Click Below to Access Research Article by J. Bart Classen MD

This is especially concerning since the Pfizer vaccine is an mRNA vaccine, an untested type of vaccine which creates new proteins and can actually integrate into the human genome, according to a report from the National Library of Medicine. In other words, degenerative brain conditions may appear at any time in your life after receiving the vaccine.

“The RNA sequence of the vaccine as well as the spike protein target interaction were analyzed for the potential to convert intracellular RNA binding proteins TAR DNA binding protein (TDP-43) and Fused in Sarcoma (FUS) into their pathologic prion conformations,” explains the report. TDP-43 is a protein known to cause dementia, ALS and even Alzheimer’s, according to Alzpedia. Similarly, the FUS protein is known to cause ALS and Hereditary Essential Tremors, according to the Human Genome Database.

The experiment done for the report was to determine whether or not these two harmful proteins embed themselves into our DNA, as an mRNA vaccine is expected to do. The report determined that “the vaccine RNA has specific sequences that may induce TDP-43 and FUS to fold into their pathologic prion confirmations,” meaning that both proteins have the potential to embed themselves into our DNA and cause harmful neurological diseases.

The report’s abstract summary concludes that

“The enclosed finding as well as additional potential risks leads the author to believe that regulatory approval of the RNA based vaccines for SARS-CoV-2 was premature and that the vaccine may cause much more harm than benefit.” The report itself ends with this warning: “

The vaccine could be a bioweapon and even more dangerous than the original infection.”

National File actually reached out to the CDC to inquire as to why the Pfizer vaccine is still being distributed despite these credible allegations. No response was received prior to publication.


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Featured image is from Fierce Pharma

Important article and interview.

Points to the over-counting of alleged Covid 19 deaths.  

First published on April 15, 2020.

Among 2020 Most Popular Articles


Senator Scott Jensen represents Minnesota. He’s also a doctor. He appeared on Fox News with Laura Ingraham where he revealed a very disturbing piece of information.

Dr. Scott Jensen says the American Medical Association is now “encouraging” doctors to overcount coronavirus deaths across the country.

Jensen received a  7-page document that showed him how to fill out a death certificate as a “COVID-19 diagnosis” even when there isn’t a lab test confirming the diagnosis.

“Right now Medicare is determining that if you have a COVID-19 admission to the hospital you get $13,000. If that COVID-19 patient goes on a ventilator you get $39,000, three times as much. Nobody can tell me after 35 years in the world of medicine that sometimes those kinds of things impact on what we do.” (Dr. Sen. Scott Jensen, from Fox Interview)

This is absolutely bone-chilling.

Watch the interview below.


Original Sources: Fox News. Thanks to Wayne Dupree for bringing this article to our attention


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First published on February 4, 2022

Peter Koenig with foresight predicted what is happening worldwide



Remember Bill Gates’ initiative, Agenda ID2020?

What we are confronted with now is much worse. It’s Agenda ID2020 on steroids. It’s the worldwide invasion of the QR code – QR coding of everything, including Agenda ID2020 – and all of your most intimate data, health, personal behaviors, habits – track records of where we have been and even where we may be planning to go. Nothing will escape the QR code. Nobody talks about it.

It’s been quietly sneaking into our lives, quietly, persistently – but by now almost unavoidably.

“What is the infamous ID2020?  It’s an electronic ID program that uses generalized (Covid) “vaccination” as a platform for digital identity. … The program harnesses existing birth registration and vaccination operations to provide newborns with a portable and persistent biometrically-linked digital identity.”

Agenda ID2020 aims at connecting everything with everything, eventually covering and connecting data from the planet’s 7.9 billion people, gradually building up individual, as well as societal data banks, including your highly personal data, bank account information, work information, behavioral trends, criminal records, relations with friends and family – an endless stream of everything that may be linked to an individual, or groups of individuals, and that may be watched and controlled.

See this and this.

An intense and as we know by now, coercive, even forced “vaccination” program against a virus that does not exist, accompanied by a well-studied psychological fear drive, day-in day-out, 24/7, attempting to bring people to their knees.

It’s been going on for two years. The media in charge of this campaign has been exceedingly subsidized and corrupted by the respective governments  and would one or the other of these bought media fall off the bandwagon, their existence would be wiped out in a flicker.

Forced mask wearing – dangerous, as the masks prevent the absorption of vital oxygen – and social distancing are lowering people’s self-esteem, making them even more submissive and obedient.

The government lies to the people in order to get them as soon as possible and as often as possible “vaxxed” with a so-called mRNA gene-modifying and electro-magnetic killer substance that contains graphene oxide.

This poisonous substance will literally kill people (see this –  Spanish “Fifth Column’s” findings). It is in itself a premeditated crime of unheard-of proportions, a crime against humanity. It reminds of the post-WWII Nuremberg trials of 1945-1946.

The tyranny and atrocity that has taken place over the past two years is unique in human history. It spans across the globe and, thus, in several regards surpasses the horrendous crimes of war.

The QR Code

While Agenda ID2020 has been silently adopted by most countries as a first phase of this monster surveillance program of the vaxx survivors, the time has come to universalize Agenda ID2020 into an all-encompassing uniform worldwide digitized platform called “Quick Response”, or QR code. Google calls it a barcode on steroids.

While the barcode holds information horizontally, the QR code does so both horizontally and vertically. This enables the QR code to hold exponentially more information than a barcode.

And here lays the danger: the QR code can accommodate literally all the information your life has ever produced or accumulated in a single square code, unreadable to the bare eye. It can be read only electronically by a digitized QR code reader which is set to read only specific data, as required by the authority concerned. Only the QR code central management system can read all the data.

Data Management

Mind you, in an ever more neoliberal world, outsourcing or what is euphemistically called public-private-partnership (PPP) has become the order of the day. It is very well possible that a PPP arrangement is made by a government with a large private sector agency or agencies, such as private banking and/or the insurance industry. Imagine, your personal, including very intimate private data, in the hands of a bank or insurance company. Unbelievable. But no longer very far-fetched.

The private sector may even trade it for money. Never mind the type of contract they sign with their government, in a lawless world as we have reached in just about two years, everything is possible.

No legal system works, as we are seeing everyday. No lawsuit against the current tyranny is accepted by any judge, as they are afraid of “punishment”. They have all been warned. So have all the medical and science professionals who want to stay within the system – and keep earning their and their families’ sustenance. They are being blackmailed or coerced to betray us, we the People.

The law and ethics are gone. No illusions. We are alone out there. And in many ways, that’s good, as long as we are aware and awake, and start depending on our own ingenuity, not on a corrupt system, hoping senselessly their masters will help us. Instead, we must take our lives in our own hands, search for alternatives. Breaking out of The Matrix. Take the red pill.

The system we have today will never help Us, the People. Never. To the contrary, the tarnished tenants forming the backbone of the “system”, for their sheer survival, they keep betraying Us, their colleagues and co-citizens. That’s what makes it so hard to believe. The very people we pay with our taxes are so miserably betraying us. They are trying to sell us out to the compulsory and deadly vaxx machine.

Even though, most if not all the medical doctors and scientists who opted for the blue pill (the conformists of The Matrix, movie) and whom we consult for our health, know what these so-called vaxxes do – they know, these poison concoctions result in mortality and morbidity. Are they are part of a “depopulation” initiative? Are they complicit with the system, against us?

Over the past 10 to 15 years, the QR code has gradually and silently been stealing its way into every corner of our lives. The vaxx pass, whether “vaccinated” or healed from Covid, or by having to take – or being scared into taking – multiple PCR tests, at every occasion, has been an argument to give each one of us world citizens a personalized QR code.

No matter how invalid the PCR tests are, they are pushed on us – you can’t enter any restaurants, any supermarket, any cinema, any closed area, and the list goes on, without a PCR test. So, the multiple PCR test results will be put on our individual QR code.

Nobody is really interested in the PCR test, but they are perfect pretexts to expand the data base on our QR code – where and why did we take the test?

The inventor of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method, Dr. Kary MullisNobel Prize winning biochemist, said way before Covid appeared on the horizon, that the PCR method was not meant to test for diseases and especially for viruses. On 7 August 2019, he was mysteriously found dead in his apartment.

This was only a few months before Event 201 (18 October 2019, in NYC) which effectively launched SARS-CoV-2, alias Covid-19.

Did the players of Event 201 already plan to use this useless test to drive up the SARS-Cov-2 “infections”, enhance the Covid statistics and spread fear – fear to facilitate the deadly vaxx drive?

The German virologist Dr. Christian Drosten, also known as the Coronavirus Czar, as part of the bought scientific clan, had indeed soon after the launching of SARS-CoV-2 decided that the PCR method was to be used massively, but massively, for the testing of the Covid virus in people, including in children as young as five years, no matter whether they had any symptoms or not.

According to real science, even including WHO and CDC, the test produces a 97% false positives. But the steamroller of the ruthless, inhuman and lawless governments pays no attention to the truth. The masters of deception continue pushing ahead with their PCR and vaxx drive, relentlessly – to increase the Covid statistics and eventually the “Covid death toll”.

The QR code is instrumental in perpetuating the lies about Covid.

By now, the QR code is everywhere

Virtually all citizens of at least the western world have a personalized QR code. It holds more, much more than health data. Payments can increasingly be made only through a QR coded message via a cell phone. Restaurants don’t give you anymore written menus. You have to scan a QR code on your smart phone. It’s all for your safety. You don’t touch potentially virus infected paper. In museums, parks, anywhere you go and want to read an information related to what you are watching, you have to scan a QR code.

The same with cash – in some places cash is no longer accepted. Official reason: Paper money and coins could be virus-infected. Digital money to be paid via QR code is the solution. People go for it. It’s so cool; just swipe your QR code in front of a payment device. The money is instantly deducted from your electronic bank account.

What (most) people do not realize is that every time you scan a QR code, it’s registered on your personalized QR code. In other words, you’re traceable wherever you go. They, the masters that be, know at every moment, real time, where you are, what you are doing, what you are buying, whether you buy an air ticket.

If you don’t behave according to the “system’s” values, they can turn off your money stream. They can indefinitely block your money or simply take it out of your account. You are totally at their mercy — enslaved. If not already, then soon, with the graphene oxide in your body, you are manipulable with the infamous and dangerous 5G ultra-short waves. Sooner or later, the QR code will be in our body, remotely accessible by artificial intelligence (AI) or robots.

You may then convert from a human to a transhuman, what Klaus Schwab – the WEF Czar — had already predicted in 2016 in an interview with Swiss French TV (first section of video below)

Video: Towards Digital Tyranny with Peter Koenig

Click here to link to bitchute version

What if you have taken the red pill and resist the mind manipulations? They may turn you off. Literally. Remotely. Your family would never know what happened.

We are not there yet. As it looks like today, it is almost impossible to get rid of the QR code. Yet we have to find ways to escape it. It may mean working towards an alternative society, detached from OWO slavehood that may descend on us, before we know it, if we keep going along with “mandates” and the all-encompassing QR code.

What can we do? We have to wake up, and those of us who are awake, help others to make that step forward and out of the comfort zone.

In parallel we have to bring the perpetrators to justice. This movement is already under way by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, the head of the German Corona Investigative Committee. Reiner Fuellmich just announced that he and a team of lawyers, scientists and witnesses are about to launch a Grand Jury, either at the International Criminal Court (ICC), The Hague, or in a newly created Court of Justice with judges who are not beholden to the dark masters of crime.

And also simultaneously, we may have to start building a new civilization, with new societies, a new beginning, outside and totally detached of the current system. This may be the biggest challenge because it will require sacrifices. It may cause misery and famine, and even death for some. Such losses may be the price as part of winning the war, if we are to escape the current flow of things – the impending One World Order – and the consequential tyranny – and enslavement, the dehumanization.

Nothing is impossible. “Venceremos!” The tide is turning – and we are entering a period of light, a bright light of a transparent new civilization, with human rights, with respect for each other and in solidarity. We may succeed, if we all put into our heads the positive and relentless thinking of VENCEREMOS – we shall overcome. Willpower, an element of quantum science, is invincible.


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Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he has worked for over 30 years on water and environment around the world. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for online journals and is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and  co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020)

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).

Featured image: The CommonPass generated QR code is shown. Original image sourced from the Common Project

Criminality Beyond Description: Netanyahu Supports Al Qaeda Terrorists

December 30th, 2023 by Prof Michel Chossudovsky

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Image: Netanyahu talks to Wounded Al Qaeda mercenary at Golan Heights IDF Military Field Hospital 


For those who have doubts concerning the criminality and insidious role of Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu and his government:  

1. Netanyahu is on Record for Supporting and Financing Hamas:  

“Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas … This is part of our strategy – to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank.”

(Benjamin Netanyahu, statement at a March 2019 meeting of his Likud Party’s Knesset members, Haaretz, October 9, 2023, emphasis added)

“Hamas was treated as a partner to the detriment of the Palestinian Authority to prevent Abbas from moving towards creating a Palestinian State. Hamas was promoted from a terrorist group to an organization with which Israel conducted negotiations through Egypt, and which was allowed to receive suitcases containing millions of dollars from Qatar through the Gaza crossings.”

(Times of Israel, October 8, 2023, emphasis added)

2. Netanyahu is also on Record for Supporting and Recruiting Al Qaeda Terrorists

Since the Onset of the War against Syria in March 2011, the IDF has actively recruited Al Qaeda and ISIS mercenaries. 

3. The Tale of Two Hospitals

While Netanyahu did not (according to the IDF and the latest MSM reports) order the bombing of the Al-Ahli hospital in Gaza City (October 17, 2023) (see update below), he is on record for the creation in 2013 of the IDF Military Field hospital in the occupied Golan Heights, which was built specifically to treat wounded Al Qaeda mercenaries hired by the IDF. 

The BBC contends that the bombing of the Al-Ahli Hospital was not by Israel, it was undertaken by Hamas. And Who is behind Hamas? 

(Update) Latest mainstream media reports quoting Daniel Hagari, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) spokesperson:

 “Israel had clear evidence from its operational records that there was no Israeli Air Force attack”.

According to the IDF: “the blast was caused by a misfired rocket launched by a terror group sympathetic to Hamas called Islamic Jihad, which fired the projectile from a nearby cemetery.” (Epoch Times, October 18, 2023)

Was it accidental or deliberate? Amply documented, both Hamas and the Palestinian “Islamic Jihad” (“sympathetic to Hamas”) are controlled by Israeli Intelligence (Mossad).

4. Netanyahu’s “Al Qaeda Hospital” 

In  2014, Netanyahu visited the Golan Heights IDF hospital together with Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon and IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Benny Gantz, Netanyahu was briefed “on the presence of global jihad elements inside Syria, as well as on the work being done to fortify the Israeli-Syrian border fence”. (Jerusalem Post, February 18, 2014, emphasis added)

5. Netanyahu Handshake with Wounded Al Qaeda Mercenary 

In the image below:

“Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defence Minister Moshe Ya’alon next to a wounded mercenary [Al Qaeda terrorist], Israeli military field hospital at the occupied Golan Heights’ border with Syria, 18 February 2014″ (JP. emphasis added) 


Ironically, while the IDF field hospital was established in support of Al Qaeda mercenaries in an operation coordinated by IDF Special Forces, Netanyahu casually accused Iran for  “its support of terrorist groups around the world”. (Jerusalem Post, February 18, 2014)

See Also:

Netanyahu visits Israel’s Hospital Facility for Al Qaeda affiliated rebels in the occupied Golan 


6. Video: Israeli Air Burst Bomb Striking al-Ahli Hospital Grounds. New Evidence

Stunning new video evidence reveals that Israel is likely the culprit behind the al-Ahli hospital bombing which killed more than 500 Palestinians as they slept on the hospital courtyard grounds (right next to the parking lot that was bombed).

Most conservative media publishers in America are missing key, critical evidence that overwhelmingly points to an Israeli-launched air burst bomb being used, specifically to blame Hamas and justify further atrocities in Gaza.


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“2023 has been a challenge for Global Research, but we know 2024 will be no different. That’s why we need your support. Will you make a New Year donation to help us continue with our work?”


Just in from Al JazeeraZionist Defense Forces (ZDF) are raiding cash machines (ATM), banks and exchange outlets in the occupied West Bank. They are stealing millions of dollars, under the pretext that the money is serving to finance resistance groups.

When, in reality, they are depriving Palestinians of their means of survival – buying food and merchandise that has not yet been banned from entering West Bank Palestine territories. Click image below to view video .

There is no end in sight for Zionist atrocities. Hence, it might be unfair to call killer-war forces Israel Defense Forces (IDF). More appropriate seems to be the term Zionist Defense Forces.

Yes, they are soldiers and must obey orders. But really? 

Foremost they are humans and have a conscience. Their mind tells them no matter how deep down, that what they are doing is wrong, is not only against any human law and reasoning, but is against the Principles of the Charter of the Nuremberg Tribunal, laid out in the Tribunal’s Judgment of 1950.

In other words, these Israeli soldiers, many of whom do not agree with Netanyahu’s genocide policy, could leave the battlefield – legally. In fact, according to the rulings of the Nuremberg Charter, they MUST leave the battlefield, if they sense that orders they receive are against human rights and against the laws of ethics: 

It is not through “negotiations” with Prime Minister Netanyahu and President Biden, both of whom are responsible for “crimes punishable under International Law” (See Principle VI) that we will be able to put an end to the genocidal attack against the People of Palestine. 

What is required is a campaign which enables Israeli, U.S. and NATO combatants To Disobey Unlawful Orders” and “Abandon the Battlefield”.

Principle IV of the Nuremberg Charter  defines the responsibility of combatants to refuse the orders of Government or a superior … “provided a moral choice [is] possible“. 

What is required is to initiate a campaign in Israel and Worldwide to make that “moral choice” possible, to enable enlisted Israeli, American, and NATO service men and women to “Abandon the Battlefield”. (Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, December 27, 2023)

Question, when and where does inhumanity stop and humanity begin?

What is the trigger – that starts Peace?

Is it a butterfly somewhere in Asia waving through the air that will bring a seed of Peace in the Middle East or Ukraine – or just about anywhere in the world – to start taking hold on Mother Earth’s soil and slowly grow?

It is called the butterfly effect. It obeys no rules, no digital commands, it is sheer incalculable dynamics at play.

Eventually, this growing seed may be helped by someone, who comes its way, and who will regularly nourish it with water, until the seed develops its own roots and finds its own water – and grows and grows autonomously, bigger than the tallest palm tree in the world – seeking water from deep down in the earth, so deep that no one can bar the tree’s access to its survival nutrition, WATER. 

Water is Peace – but humans MUST stand by and see to it that the seeds of Peace receive their daily portion of water to grow. It is a question of consciousness.


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Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

Peter is a Research Associate at the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.

Featured image is a screenshot from Al Jazeera

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On December 20 the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) held national multi-party elections in a country with a population of approximately 100 million people.

Popularly known in the past as the “Heart of Congo”, the DRC is one of the richest areas in the world regarding its strategic minerals and metals along with vast swaths of rainforests and arable land.

However, despite the wealth in natural resources, a large section of the population remains mired in poverty and insecurity. Multinational mining firms and financial institutions which facilitate their operations dominate the economy of the country like so many others across the continent.

Official results from the elections indicate that incumbent President Felix Tshisekedi is heading towards being declared the winner. There are opposition parties which have already declared the elections as fraudulent, prompting demonstrations against the administration.

The government has prohibited any protest actions related to the results of the vote calculations and criticism of the process. Some news reports claim that dozens have already been killed and injured in election-related violence.

There are several historical factors which have contributed to the current political situation in the DRC. Since its national independence from Belgium in June 1960, the former colonial power, the United States and other imperialist powers sought to undermine and subvert the trajectory being established by the first democratically elected Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba and his party known as the Congolese National Movement (MNC).

Lumumba was heavily influenced by the national liberation and Pan-Africanist political currents which took control of their governments from imperialism during the late 1950s. When the Ghana government under the Convention People’s Party (CPP) and its then Prime Minister Dr. Kwame Nkrumah convened the First All-African People’s Conference in Accra in December 1958, Patrice Lumumba (image right) was in attendance along with more than 60 other political parties and mass independence movements. Figures such as Guinean President Ahmed Sekou Toure, Frantz Fanon of the Algerian National Liberation Front (FLN), Tom Mboya of the trade union movement in Kenya, among others played important roles during this period of transition from colonialism to emergent independent states.

After winning the largest bloc of votes in the June 1960 elections, a series of events occurred leading to mutinies within the Belgian-dominated security forces; the house arrest of Lumumba by the United Nations Peacekeeping Forces which had been invited into the Congo by the MNC government; Lumumba’s flight to the eastern region of the country; and the eventual capture, torture and execution of the prime minister and two of his cabinet members by the Belgians, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and their agents under the supervision of Mobuto Sese Seko and Moise Tshombe.

Mobutu’s control of the country beginning in October 1960, later named Zaire, continued the process of economic exploitation of the land and labor of the Congolese people. When Mobutu was overthrown in May 1997, Laurent Kabila, a former fighter with the Lumumba forces, became the head-of-state. However, the fallout between Kabila and the governments of Rwanda and Uganda led to a protracted military conflict which lasted from 1998-2003. The intervention of Rwanda and Uganda prompted the deployment of tens of thousands of troops from the Southern African Development Community (SADC) led by Zimbabwe, Namibia and Angola.

A negotiated resolution to the war after 2003 brought about the involvement of UN peacekeepers and the eventual joining of the SADC by the DRC. Over the last two decades the instability in the eastern DRC has continued.

At present the two most formidable rebel groupings, the M23 and Allied Democratic Forces (ADF), continue to terrorize the population. The M23 has been accused of enjoying support from neighboring Rwanda while the ADF, which has its origins in Uganda, is patterned on the ISIS-affiliated organizations which arose in West Asia more than a decade ago.

Consequently, the further fracturing of the political parties contesting the recently held elections does not bode well for the future stability of the DRC. In a report published by Al Jazeera it says:

“The vote has been marred by accusations of corruption and chaotic organization since it kicked off on Wednesday, with authorities extending the poll into Thursday after some polling stations failed to open and some voters could not find their names on registers. While electoral authorities officially extended the vote only until Thursday, ballots were still being cast on Saturday in remote areas. The unscheduled extension prompted fierce pushback from opposition candidates, some of whom labelled the move unconstitutional and called for a new election.” 

Until the crises of governance in the DRC can be effectively resolved in the interests of the majority of working people, farmers and youth, the heart of Africa will continue under severe duress. An emphasis on Pan-African unification and socialism provides the only pathway towards genuine freedom and social emancipation.

SADC and Political Unity

The Southern African Development Community (SADC) was founded in 1992 in the newly independent Republic of Namibia. Previously known as the Southern African Development Coordination Conference (SADCC), founded in 1980 in Zambia, this sub-continental organization grew directly out of the necessities of the struggle against white-minority rule in the region during the 1980s and early 1990s.

After the overthrow of the apartheid system in South Africa in April 1994, the SADC region was poised to make progressive strides towards economic integration and political unification. Most of the member-states have periodic elections and avoid the military seizure of power. However, there have been exceptions in the case of the Kingdom of Lesotho in previous years. In addition, a rebel Al-Shabaab grouping has waged a terror campaign in the northern Cabo Delgado province of the Republic of Mozambique.

In the case of Mozambique, the government of Rwanda along with SADC military forces have been deployed to Cabo Delgado to fight the insurgents. In previous years, the rebels were able to disrupt the development of a liquified natural gas project jointly operated between the Mozambique government and the French energy corporation Total since 2017.

Nonetheless, reports emanating from the SADC during 2023 revealed that due to the intervention of the regional organization with Rwanda, the stability of northern Mozambique has been re-established. Modern Diplomacy wrote in a July article that:

“Mozambique now enjoys relative peace due to the SADC regional force. President Filipe Nyusi has been sharing this valuable experience about the use of well-constituted regional military force for enforcing peace and security in his country. Creating regional military forces to fight threats of terrorism will absolutely not require bartering the entire gold or diamond mines for the purchase of military equipment from external countries, he emphasized several times at different conferences. Now, Mozambique has relative peace and stability after the 16-member Southern African Development Community (SADC) had finally approved the deployment of joint military force with the primary responsibility of ensuring peace and stability, and for restoring normalcy in the Cabo Delgado province, northern Mozambique.” 

If this stability in Cabo Delgado proves to be sustainable it could very well serve as a model for similar crises such as the DRC. The capacity of the African Union (AU) and regional associates to resolve their own problems would mark a tremendous leap towards full unification and sovereignty.

U.S. Imperialism and the 21st Century Cold War

Washington and Wall Street are vying incessantly to reclaim influence within AU member-states in light of the public sentiment which is far more favorable towards the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China. The myths of the “Chinese debt traps” have been refuted even by western media outlets.

The positions taken by the majority of African states towards the Russian special military operation in Ukraine has been geared towards a ceasefire and a negotiated settlement of the conflict. These views on Ukraine conflict with the administration of President Joe Biden.

Palestine has become the towering issue on a global scale. The U.S. posture at the United Nations has exposed for the world to see its support for genocide in Gaza and the commitment to expand the already regionalized war in West Asia. Key states such as the Algerian and South African governments have ensured that the Israelis are kept out of the deliberations of the AU.

AU member-states must be resolute in solving internal conflicts including establishing a development framework which is continental in scope. These are the lessons of the present century which must be internalized and implemented.


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Abayomi Azikiwe is the editor of the Pan-African News Wire. He is a regular contributor to Global Research. 

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Former Assistant U.S Attorney for the District of Delaware Lesley Wolf did not tell lawmakers why she protected Joe Biden from a planned search warrant ahead of the 2020 presidential election.

Wolf testified before the House Judiciary Committee on Dec. 14 and declined to discuss an email she sent in August 2020 instructing FBI Agent Joshua Wilson to take Joe Biden’s name off a draft search warrant during the Hunter Biden investigation, according to a transcript reviewed by the Daily Caller.

“This is an email chain between you and FBI Special Agent Joshua Wilson. In the last sentence of the email that you sent, it states, ‘There should be nothing about political figure 1 in here.’ Can you tell us who political figure 1 is?” Wolf was asked.

“Looking at page 2 of the document, it would be, well, who’s described as former Vice President Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr., now President Biden,” Wolf responded.

“And can you tell us why you wrote ‘There should be nothing about political figure 1 in here’?”

“So I am not able to answer questions about this particular search warrant or this particular draft,” Wolf replied. She proceeded to give a lengthy explanation of how drafting search warrants works and the requirements to obtain one.

“So in this instance, you stand by your statement that there should be nothing about political figure 1 in here?”

“I’m not able to speak to this particular warrant” Wolf said.

She insisted political bias did not play a role in her decision to have Joe Biden removed from the search warrant and referred to her opening statement where she defended herself. Throughout her testimony, she claimed her actions on the Hunter Biden case were in line with Department of Justice (DOJ) policy.

“Okay. But in your opening statement, I think you indicated that none of these decisions were made for political reasons. Is that fair to say?”

“That is reflected in my opening statement, and I agree with that,” Wolf stated.

“Okay. So to extent you didn’t you asked the agents to take out political figure 1, there was no political motivation in requesting that?”

“I refer back to my opening statement where I said at no time there was politics playing a role in those decisions,” Wolf answered.

IRS whistleblowers Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler have accused Wolf of giving Hunter Biden special treatment by slow-walking and shutting down investigative steps, such as searching Joe Biden’s Delaware guest house and Hunter Biden’s northern Virginia storage locker.

She recently left the DOJ in the wake of the IRS whistleblower accusations. Wolf similarly refused to address a memo written by Shapley detailing how she ignored potential campaign finance issues surrounding Hunter Biden’s financier Kevin Morris.

The House Ways and Means Committee released a trove of documents in September provided by the IRS whistleblowers to support their initial testimony.

Among those documents was the email Wolf sent Wilson in August 2020 referring to “political figure 1” and telling him to remove the figure from the Blue Star search warrant. A draft copy of the search warrant shows “political figure one” was then-Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden.

Read the email here.

“As a priority, someone needs to redraft attachment B. I am not sure what this is cut and pasted from but other than the attribution, location and identity stuff at the end, none if it is appropriate and within the scope of this warrant. Please focus on FARA evidence only.  There should be nothing about Political Figure 1 in here,” Wolf emailed Wilson.

When he first testified in May, Shapley explained how Wolf and the DOJ’s stonewalling of the Blue Star search hindered the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) aspect of the Hunter Biden probe.

“On September 3rd, 2020, the slow-walking of process continued when AUSA Wolf stated that a search warrant for the emails for Blue Star Strategies was being sat on by OEO,” Shapley told the House Ways and Means Committee.

“She indicated it would likely not get approved. This was a significant blow to the Foreign Agents Registration Act piece of the investigation.”

Ukrainian energy firm Burisma Holdings hired Blue Star to lobby the Obama administration in late 2015 ahead of then-Vice President Biden’s December 2015 trip to Ukraine. Blue Star sent Burisma Joe Biden’s talking points for the trip a few days before it took place, a memo released by the Ways and Means Committee shows.

The year before, Joe Biden used an alias to exchange dozens of emails with Hunter Biden’s business associate Eric Schwerin, with most of their communications happening around Joe Biden’s June 2014 Ukraine trip, email metadata released Dec. 5 by the Ways and Means Committee revealed.

In late 2016, Blue Star and Schwerin celebrated a “victory lap” when it appeared Burisma founder Mykola Zlochevsky was going to be cleared by Ukrainian authorities, emails show. Blue Star also did lobbying work for the Ukrainian prosecutor who decided to go easy on Zlochevsky, according to internal State Department emails.

The Ukrainian prosecutor who let off Zlochevsky replaced Viktor Shokin, a prosecutor who was fired after Joe Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion of funding for Ukraine. Burisma considered Shokin a “threat” to the firm’s business, former Burisma board member and Hunter Biden business associate Devon Archer told Daily Caller co-founder Tucker Carlson in August.

Archer testified before the House Oversight Committee in July and recalled how the Biden family “brand” protected Burisma from scrutiny. He also told lawmakers about a spring 2015 dinner Joe Biden attended alongside Burisma executive Vadim Pozharskyi.

Burisma paid Hunter Biden over $80,000 per month when his father was leading the Obama administration’s Ukraine policy, bank records indicate. His salary from Burisma dropped significantly when former President Trump took office, a federal indictment leveled against Hunter Biden in California shows.

Hunter Biden is facing nine federal tax charges in California in addition to three federal gun charges in Delaware as part of special counsel David Weiss’ ongoing criminal investigation. Weiss, the Delaware U.S. Attorney and Wolf’s old boss, defended her when he testified in November before the House Judiciary Committee, according to a transcript reviewed by the Caller.

In September, Attorney General Merrick Garland declined to answer questions about Wolf when he testified publicly before the Judiciary Committee because of alleged physical threats to her safety.

Garland appointed Weiss special counsel in August after the IRS whistleblowers first came forward and Hunter Biden’s guilty plea deal in Delaware for two tax misdemeanor charges collapsed in federal court.

Delaware U.S. District Judge Maryellen Noreika derailed Hunter Biden’s guilty plea arrangement by scrutinizing a prosecutorial immunity provision inside of a pretrial diversion agreement for a felony gun charge tied to the guilty plea arrangement.

Wolf declined to answer specific questions surrounding the diversion agreement and instead made general claims about her understanding of pretrial diversion agreements.

Christopher J. Clark, Hunter Biden’s defense attorney at the time, subsequently withdrew from the case because of his role in the failed negotiations.

Wolf played a central role in orchestrating the guilty plea and diversion agreement after spending years on the Hunter Biden case, Politico first reported. Clark submitted a court filing Dec. 11 confirming Wolf’s central role in the negotiations to support Hunter Biden’s attempt to get the Delaware gun charges dismissed. His legal team has argued the diversion agreement is still legally binding.

House Republicans released a lengthy report Dec. 5 detailing how testimony from Weiss and other DOJ, FBI and IRS officials confirmed significant allegations brought forward by the IRS whistleblowers prior to Weiss’ special counsel appointment. Shapley and Ziegler said in a statement after the Dec. 7 California indictment they had been vindicated.

The White House pushed back against the IRS whistleblower allegations and the House GOP in a Dec. 5 memo circulated by spokesperson Ian Sams.

Hunter Biden is suing the IRS for alleged illegal disclosures by the whistleblowers. Ziegler has accused Hunter Biden of trying to silence them with the lawsuit.


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Henry Rodgers contributed to this report.

James Lynch can be reached on Twitter @jameslynch32.

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Once upon a time, a man entered a store.

Behind the counter stood an angel, whom he asked: “What do you have to offer me?”

The angel replied: “Anything you want, and for free.”

Then the man called out:

“If so, I would like to have for myself and all beings in the whole world,

Good health, and enough to eat, and clean water, and freedom, and love,

and no one who is lonely and must endure pain or suffering,

and bright children’s eyes, and a smile every day,

and a healthy nature, and happiness, and good air, and no more poverty,

and no more war, and, and, and….”

Then the angel interrupted him:

“Dear person, we don’t offer finished products here.

We only carry seeds.”

Translated from German by Peter Koenig


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Zelensky, the Last Tsar of Ukraine

December 29th, 2023 by Germán Gorraiz López

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The Ukrainian conflict would have meant a return to the Cold War between Russia and the US and a return to the Doctrine of Containment, the foundations of which were laid out by George F. Kennan ( image below) in his essay “The Sources of Soviet Behavior” published in the journal Foreign Affairs in 1947 and whose main ideas are summarized in the quote “Soviet power is impervious to the logic of reason but very sensitive to the logic of force.”

The stagnation of the war due to the arrival of winter and the lack of weapons and economic aid from the USA, would have provoked discouragement in the Ukrainian Army so it would be already brewing a peace agreement in Ukraine between the US and Russia that will try to be torpedoed by Zelensky, Britain and the Baltic States.

Thus, such actors would be desperately trying to involve NATO in the Ukrainian conflict, with which the jester Zelensky would already be for the US a burden from which it is appropriate to detach immediately, not being ruled out that he should be accused of corruption and forced into exile in the US.

The loss of control of Congress by the Democrats after the mid-term elections in November has meant that the Republicans are overseeing future arms aid to Ukraine, estimated to date at $90 billion and in effect until December, as well as a growing wave of political disaffection with Zelensky that would span the entire American political spectrum. Thus, Democrat Robert F. Kennedy Jr., in an interview in ” New Statesman” stated that “the US is sending 113 billion dollars to Ukraine when a quarter of American citizens go to bed hungry.”

On the Republican side, former President Donald Trump said in his networks that “we have never been so close to World War III” and that there must be a “total commitment to dismantle the globalist neoconservative power group responsible for dragging the world into endless wars.”

Likewise, the Republican candidate Ron DeSantis, affirmed that “Washington has many vital national interests, but getting even more entangled in the territorial dispute between Ukraine and Russia is not one of them.”

The coup de grace to Ukraine would be Congress’s recent rejection of Biden’s proposed aid of $80 billion more in military or humanitarian aid to Kiev, due to the frontal opposition of the radical Republican wing of Congress led by Donald Trump, with the avowed aim of stifling Zelensky from economic starvation to force him to sign a peace agreement with Putin. Moreover, military aid to Israel following the invasion of the Gaza Strip will absorb a significant part of the US military budget, so it could accelerate the personal encounter between Biden and Putin, which would lead in mid-2024 to a peace agreement between Ukraine and Russia that ends the Ukrainian dispute, already considered by the US as a drag due to spending due to the unaffordable expense involved.

Netanyahu, the Last Jewish King

Netanyahu, a nefarious politician who tried to strike an autocratic coup to later establish a presidential regime and implement the atavism of Greater Israel, could face a criminal trial in which he will be accused of negligence and crimes against human rights, which could mean a criminal conviction and his definitive departure from the Israeli political scene.

Thus, taking advantage of the alleged security holes in the Israeli Defense caused by the schism between the reservists and Netanyahu, the armed wing of the Islamist group Hamas, launched the largest military offensive since 2007 with the infiltration of tens of its members in Israeli localities and the launching of thousands of projectiles against large areas, including Tel Aviv and Jerusalem with the result about 1400 Israeli victims and more than 200 hostages.

Netanyahu, using the invisible dictatorship of fear of the Third Holocaust, came from Hamas, Hezbollah or Iran, took advantage of the bloody incursion of Hamas to declare the State of War (defense of Israel’s security) and unleash a crushing offensive in the Gaza Strip that would increase his lost popularity with his failed legal reform and allow him to bypass the judicial process in which he is accused of bribery, fraud and breach of trust.

Thus, all basic infrastructure, schools, mosques, hospitals and 80 per cent of Gaza’s buildings would have been razed by the systematic bombing of Israeli aircraft, with the result of more than 20,000 Palestinian civilian casualties and several thousand more buried in the rubble, Massacre that will have as collateral a new nakba in which 1.5 million Palestinians will be forced to leave a Gaza turned into a mass of rubble and human remains that will make it impossible for the displaced Gazan population to return.

However, after the invasion of Gaza by Israel, the disaffection of a civil society that cannot forgive the security failures in the Israeli Defence that would have led to the killing of 1400 Israelis and the kidnapping of more than 200 months of people by Hamas would be exacerbated.Thus,the newspaper Haaretz would have become the champion of the defense of democratic values and in an editorial of October 8 directly accused Netanyahu of being “responsible for this war between Israel and Gaza”, so the Netanyahu government would have imposed a financial punishment.

Moreover, Israeli public opinion would already be holding Netanyahu responsible for the shocking Israeli security failure by belittling the Egyptian reports that 10 days earlier allegedly warned Netanyahu that Hamas was preparing a major offensive against Israel, which was denied by Netanyahu in a tweet in which he accused the intelligence services of negligence, getting to antagonize the powerful services of the Israeli Mossad. Thus, according to a survey by The Jerusalem Post, 80% of those polled say that “the Government is mainly responsible for the infiltration of Palestinian militias” and 56% think that “Netanyahu should resign at the end of the current war.”

Netanyahu would already be cornered by the international community’s repulsion of the flagrant violation of human rights in Gaza with nearly 20,000 civilian victims and the US as the only supporter before the UN, so the Biden Administration is desperately trying to get a declaration of “indefinite truce” which would allow the exchange of Jewish hostages still held by Hamas as well as restore the circulation of humanitarian aid trucks for about 1 million Palestinians confined in a space of 7 Km 2 next to the Rafah border crossing, with which Biden would aim an important diplomat and wash his image before the world.

In this context, we are witnessing the unfortunate death by the Tzahal of three of the Jewish hostages by confusing them with members of Hamas. As a result, the mobilizations of the relatives of the people kidnapped by Hamas at the residence of Netanyahu who are made “personally responsible for their return home alive” have increased. Consequently, the disaffection of Israeli society towards Netanyahu due to his nefarious management of the crisis with Hamas and the zero interest in rescuing the Jewish hostages alive, could provoke the resignation of his Government and the subsequent convocation of new elections that facilitate the formation of a new Government of Salvation, whose primary task would be to reedit the Oslo Accords that allow the coexistence of Two peoples in Two states.


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Germán Gorraiz Lopez is a political analyst. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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India’s Turnaround on Palestine Has More Than Meets the Eye

December 29th, 2023 by M. K. Bhadrakumar

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Indian diplomacy is ending 2023 with a momentous turnaround. What began as a course correction necessitated by the torrential flow of events in West Asia is assuming strategic overtones. 

Truly, the aberration in India’s policies can be traced to the UPA rule (2004-2014) but it is under the period since then 2014 that they accentuated phenomenally and began creating contradictions undermining national interests. This aberration also led to a serious erosion of India’s strategic autonomy in a transformative international environment. 

India’s voting pattern in the United Nations with regard to the Israel-Palestine conflict is lately marked by a calibrated distancing from Israel. Only a few weeks ago, Israel’s ambassador in Delhi bullishly described the Indian stance as one of “100% support” to his country. But that is no more the case today. 

Delhi has rejected the repeated Israeli entreaties to declare Hamas as a terrorist organisation, marking its independent opinion regarding the ecosystem of resistance movements. Indeed, this is a highly significant distinction that Delhi is making vis-a-vis the Israeli and Western narrative about Hamas. Although India has not hesitated to condemn the violence directed against Israel on October 7, it refused to name Hamas. 

Considering that Hamas had a chequered past of receiving patronage from Israel, Tel Aviv has no right to expect Delhi to dance to its tunes. Equally, Hamas’ future is far from an open and shut case. The fact that Sinn Fein and Irish opinion has shown empathy towards Hamas, or that South Africa, which has itself been a victim of apartheid, has recalled its ambassador and diplomatic mission to Israel, calling the horrific Gaza killings as “genocide,” go to show that the embers of national liberation struggle are still burning.  

Although India expressed “solidarity” with the Israeli people over the brutal violence on October 7, it cannot condone the vastly disproportionate Israeli retaliation since then, blithely calling it a matter of Israel’s ‘right to self-defence’. On December 13, India voted in favour of a resolution in the UN General Assembly that demanded an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas conflict. 

This was the first time India supported such a resolution since the war broke out more than two months ago. Such a stance puts India on the right side of history, as the 193-member UNGA overwhelmingly adopted the resolution at an emergency special session, with 153 nations voting in its favour.

A third aspect is that from a geopolitical perspective, Delhi has marked its distance from the US-Israeli campaign branding Iran as the instigator of extremist groups acting against Israel. Interestingly, on December 19, India was one of only thirty states — along with Russia and China — who voted against a UN resolution on “the human rights situation in Iran.”

The running thread here is that India has reverted to its traditional stance on the Palestine problem and jettisoned the tilt supportive of Israeli interests. The unprecedented unity among the Arab countries, the close coordination between Saudi Arabia and Iran, the huge groundswell of opinion in the Arab world against Israeli atrocities against the Palestinian populations in Gaza and West Bank — all this has created a new momentum in Middle East politics that has pitchforked the Palestine problem to the centre stage, which is something India cannot afford to ignore. 

Nor can Delhi be oblivious of the new reality that something has fundamentally changed in the dynamics of the Palestine problem after the events since October 7. The Israeli ploys of dissimulation and evasiveness and deliberate wrecking of dialogue process and negotiations may no longer work. Indeed, Israel’s overwhelming military superiority vis-a-vis its Arab neighbours has lost its relevance. Coupled with the US’ loss of influence and America’s waning global hegemony alongside the sharp polarisation of opinion within Israel itself internally add up to create grave uncertainties regarding the future of the state of Israel as it exists today. 

Suffice to say, India feels the need to adapt to the new conditions in West Asia where regional countries prefer to settle their issues by themselves, which in turn undermines the rationale behind the creation of Israel as a cockpit of western strategic interests. The way out of this impasse lies in Israel reinventing itself. But the near civil war conditions in the country won’t permit that to happen. 

An immediate fallout of all this is going to be that India is unlikely to join the US-led alliance in the Red Sea gearing up to wage a war on terror against the Houthis of Yemen. This is despite the US efforts to involve the Quad countries in the Red Sea operations. By the way, both Japan and Australia have dissociated themselves from joining the US-led coalition of the willing. Once again, Delhi will be guided by the consideration that the US’s ill-fated move to use military power against the Houthis has no takers among the regional states. 

The US naval enterprise in the Red Sea is struggling to be born. The well-known ex-CIA analyst Larry Johnson has written that

“On paper it would appear that Yemen is outnumbered and seriously outgunned. A sure loser? Not so fast. The U.S. Navy, which constitutes the majority of the fleet sailing against Yemen, has some real vulnerabilities that will limit its actions.”

Johnson cites the expert opinion of Cdr. Anthony Cowden, a US Naval Reserve Officer, that given the current configuration of the US Navy as a ‘forward-based navy’ — as distinct from an ‘expeditionary navy’ — “US Navy no longer has sufficient capability for sustaining expeditionary operations.” 

After all, the Chief of Staff of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Mohammad Reza Naqdi was not far off the mark when he warned last week that the US and its allies are “trapped” in the Red Sea and should prepare for the closure of waterways stretching all the way to the western gates of the Mediterranean Sea. 

The Indian defence and security establishments have been unabashed votaries of India’s strategic ties with Israel. Such excessive adulation of the Israeli model as worthy of emulation by India was built on sheer naïveté, completely overlooking that the two countries operate under vastly different conditions and national ethos. It is patently absurd that India can emulate Israeli methods of brutal repression or assassination as part of statecraft, apartheid policies and so on and get away with it. 

The incidents of October 7 have been an eye opener for Indians, which has exposed not only Israel’s frailties as a modern state but also its military’s bluster and intelligence’s failure. The acolytes of Israel in the Indian strategic community feel utterly disillusioned. Simply put, an influential constituency in India and the interest groups that it spawned are no longer calling the shots in Delhi. This is going to be consequential. 

At the same time, the entire ideological underpinning of the present government’s tilt towards the Israeli leadership under Benjamin Netanyahu is unravelling. In a brilliant essay recently, the well-known French scholar and author on right-wing politics in India, Christophe Jaffrelot wrote that the emerging India-Israel alliance during the recent years was anchored not only on the two ruling elites’ hostility to Islam but also on affinities between Hindutva and Zionism, characterised by “ethno-nationalist ideologies that prioritise factors like race, territory and nativism.” 

Going forward, such affinities are going to be hard for the Indian elite to sustain, leave alone openly flaunt, as Israel turns into an apartheid state and gets battered by the forces of history.  


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The financial crisis of 2007–08, the worst economic meltdown since the Great Depression, badly damaged the international capitalist system and led to further erosion of confidence in the United States among its allies. US credibility was already undermined by its completely unjustified invasion of Iraq in 2003, and over the past 20 years America’s position has been declining as the single global power.

Following the 9/11 (11 September 2001) terrorist attacks against America, democratic institutions within the country have been regressing further. American scholar Francis Fukuyama admitted in 2014 that the decline of democracy in the US was more advanced than in other affluent Western countries.

Fukuyama highlighted the worsening corruption and incompetence within Washington, which was resulting in growing levels of inequality and the accumulation of money in fewer hands. By 2014 chief executives of the biggest American companies were paid 331 times more than the typical worker. The concentration of wealth among elites was also enabling them to manipulate the political structures to their advantage.

In 2022 there were more than 12,500 registered lobbyists in the US, groups who try to influence government policy, whereas in 1971 a modest 171 lobbyists were in existence. Economics expert Nouriel Roubini, who is based in New York, said in January 2015 that it would be very difficult for the US to remedy its huge problems with inequality because the country’s political system was centred on “legalized corruption”.

The US is recognised to have the world’s largest economy, but living standards in Russia have improved much more so by comparison to America over the past two decades. In 1998 the number of Russians living below the poverty line was at more than 35%, mainly because of the USSR’s collapse and implementation in the 1990s of neoliberal policies endorsed by the West. This century under president Vladimir Putin’s government by 2013 the poverty rate in Russia was reduced to 11.2%, and in 2022 only 9.8% of Russians were impoverished. In addition, the average yearly wage of a Russian citizen by 2017 was almost twice larger than what it had been during 2005.

In America in 2002 the poverty rate stood at 12.1%, and by 2022 it was slightly higher at 12.4%, revealing that there are more poor people in America than in Russia. The poverty rate in Russia is also lower than in EU states like France, where 14.6% of the population was living in poverty in 2020. Relating to China it is predicted that its economy could become the world’s biggest before long; but consistently in recent years the average yearly income of a Russian adult has been quite close to double that of a Chinese adult, as outlined by annual UN human development reports.

Russia belongs to the very high human development category while China is placed a bit lower down, in high human development. In recent decades China has undoubtedly achieved significant social advances and wealth, but the country still has some way to go. Extensive media coverage has been given to China’s neighbour, India, often pertaining to the continued expansion of India’s economy over the past generation. Yet a Russian citizen earns on average per year almost four times more than an Indian citizen.

From the early 1980s under the neoconservative Reagan administration, inequality levels grew dramatically in America, and also to a slightly lesser extent in European nations. President Ronald Reagan’s economic policies went a long way to wiping out middle-income families in the US, while the most telling legacy of his British counterpart during the 1980s, Margaret Thatcher, was in the record levels of inequality that occurred in England when she was prime minister.

The lobbying groups in Washington have helped to craft legislation with the cash they give to politicians. Those with the financial means have a prominent role in dictating policy, as opposed to those who lack resources, which means the US is “not a true democracy, it’s a plutocracy”, Roubini noted.

Across much of America, factories were shut down and jobs shifted to cheaper sources overseas, resulting in deindustrialisation and urban decay. The two political parties, the Democrats and Republicans, have increasingly relied on the same sources of funding such as from Wall Street, the military-industrial complex, Israeli-linked groups, along with cash from energy and mining companies and agribusiness.

The system for funding elections in the US makes political candidates favourable to those with the biggest purses. Between 2007 and 2008, Barack Obama’s election campaign received millions of dollars from major banks and corporations like Goldman Sachs, Microsoft, JP Morgan Chase, and Citigroup.

The campaign of Obama’s rival, John McCain, received less funding from the same companies because they distrusted backing another Republican politician due to the unpopularity of the outgoing president George W. Bush, himself a Republican.

On 1 May 2008 an opinion poll by CNN/Opinion Research Corp stated that 71% of Americans disapproved of Bush’s performance, and that he ranked as the least popular president in modern American history. By mid-January 2009 Bush’s approval rating was at 22%.

Political and ideological differences between parties in the West have mostly disappeared since the 1980s, with many social democrat and communist parties having either fragmented or vanished altogether. The ideology that has persisted most of all in Western countries, liberalism, and which has become more entrenched with each passing year, is borne out by “movements” like lgbt, same-sex marriage, wokism, etc.

These activities have gained substantial public support in nations such as America and Britain, encouraged by the mass media and liberal philanthropists like George Soros. He has provided particularly big funding down the years for the above actions.

The general public is pressured into supporting lgbt and same-sex rights, which takes their attention away from important issues like unemployment, declines in biodiversity, and so on. A person’s sexual orientation should of course not be advertised like a company slogan but should be strictly a private affair.

Western leaders are fond of boasting about the supposed freedom and openness of their societies, but there are in fact severe and growing restrictions for example on freedom of speech. Any public figure who has the temerity to criticise lgbt organisations is likely to be condemned and isolated.

The spread of liberalism in the West has coincided with a sharp decline in church membership and support for Christianity. Thousands of churches permanently close every year in the most powerful Western nation, the US, and less than half of Americans say they now belong to a house of worship.

From 2010 to 2020, between 3,850 to 7,700 places of worship were estimated to have closed each year in the US, amounting to between 75 to 150 congregations disappearing per week. In 1937 US church membership stood at 73%. The figure was still as high as 70% in 1999 before falling to 46% by 2022. This downward trend is expected to continue.

There is a steep fall too in the number of Americans who regard themselves as Christians; in the early 1990s around 90% of Americans identified as Christians, in 2007 it was down to 78%, and by 2020 the figure had dropped to 64%. The declining influence of WASPs (white Anglo-Saxon protestants) in America, those who had traditionally run the country, seemed to be summarised by the 2008 presidential election victory of Obama, an African-American.

A considerable number of Americans belonging to the WASP category, and who may have had racist prejudices, struggled to cope in their minds with an African-American as the country’s leader. This was a key factor in the formation in 2009 of the hardline Tea Party phenomenon within the Republican Party.

Obama’s predecessor, Bush, enjoyed critical support from white evangelical Christians which helped him to win the presidency in 2000 and to be re-elected in 2004. Bush received 68% of the white evangelical vote in 2000, rising to 78% four years later. Karl Rove, the senior adviser to Bush, believed that the backing of white Christians was decisive in Bush’s election successes.

Racism has long influenced the opinions of some white Americans and a study conducted in 2011, with input from Stanford University and the University of Michigan, outlined that 51% of Americans had prejudices towards black people. This was an increase from 48% in 2008 when Obama was set to win the presidency.

The black community accounts for about 13% of the total American population, whereas three-quarters of the population is classed as white. Despite the disparity, black people in America are sent to prison at five times the rate of white Americans and by 2019 nearly a third of all inmates in US prisons were African-Americans; while the number of black people living in poverty in America is much higher than the poverty level of whites.

Regarding US imprisonment practices abroad, in 2006 president Bush signed the Military Commissions Act while the US Congress approved the National Defense Authorization Act, which effectively legitimised human rights violations including the imprisonment of “suspected terrorists” captured after the 2001 US-led invasion of Afghanistan.

Already between 2002 and 2004, dozens of prisoners under the age of 18 were held in the US-run Guantanamo Bay military prison in south-eastern Cuba. By 2008 an estimated 21 children were still kept as prisoners in Guantanamo which has a notorious record concerning human rights.

Cuba itself had come under US control in 1898, when the Americans invaded Cuba on the pretext of freeing the island from Spanish colonialism. Washington’s aim consisted of assuming full authority over Cuba as part of its imperialist foreign policy. There were no historical or cultural links between the US and Cuba, as prior to 1898 Cuba had been under Spanish rule for around four centuries.

After the victory of the Cuban revolution in 1959 the US has to present times retained control over Guantanamo Bay, where the Americans have had a naval base since 1903. Continued US military occupation of Guantanamo is intended to undermine the Cuban economy, and to prevent Cuba’s government from developing that part of the island.

An American presence in Guantanamo is part of Washington’s encirclement strategy of Cuba and punishment of the country for its “successful defiance” of US hegemony over the Western hemisphere.

The US Supreme Court has stated that it can’t rule on the rights of prisoners held at Guantanamo, because the area does not fall under American jurisdiction as it is not part of the territory of America. The Bush administration and the US Congress had in effect said that Guantanamo is not under international law, so it has been a convenient place to send prisoners to.

Along with Guantanamo, the Americans established prisons in European nations such as Romania, Lithuania and Poland, and in parts of Asia and North Africa. The CIA extradited alleged terrorists to states like Pakistan, Thailand and Morocco, allowing the local security forces to interrogate the prisoners and in some cases inflict physical abuses on them.


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This article was originally published on Geopolitica.RU.

Shane Quinn obtained an honors journalism degree and he writes primarily on foreign affairs and historical subjects. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).


“Do you happen to be a member of a church or a synagogue? Church membership among Americans 1992-2022”, Statista, 2 June 2023

Luiz Alberto Moniz Bandeira, The Second Cold War: Geopolitics and the Strategic Dimensions of the USA (Springer; 1st edition, 23 June 2017)

“George Floyd: How are African-Americans treated under the law?”, BBC, 21 April 2021

Keith Bolender, Cuba under Siege (Palgrave Macmillan, 5 December 2012)

John Pilger, The New Rulers Of The World (Verso Books, 20 February 2003)

Luiz Alberto Moniz Bandeira, The World Disorder: US Hegemony, Proxy Wars, Terrorism and Humanitarian Catastrophes (Springer; 1st edition, 4 February 2019)

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Dec. 28, 2023 – Archbald, PA – Amy Costanzo was diagnosed with Stage 3C Ovarian cancer. She has had to have extensive “debulking surgery” which included removal of all female reproductive organs and her omentum layer.

Dec. 24, 2023 – UK – 23 year old Caitlin Tomlinson Button is fighting a rare advanced ovarian cancer. “Up until June 2023 I was living a very normal life, looking after the elderly enabling them to stay in their own homes.”

Dec. 15, 2023 – Bradenton, FL – 31 year old Alyson Bermudez, a softball coach at New College of Florida and pitching instructor, was diagnosed with a 20cm ovarian tumor on right ovary and 13cm tumor attached to her left ovary. She also has cancer on “several surfaces of her abdomen”.

Dec. 14, 2023 – Hamilton City, CA – Gaby Chavez was diagnosed with Stage 4 Ovarian cancer 3 weeks prior to her death on Dec. 14, 2023.

Dec. 11, 2023 – Johnson City, TN – 32 year old Porschea Elswick was diagnosed with a 30cm Ovarian Cancer (Mucinous Adenocarcinoma) in August 2023.

Dec. 9, 2023 – Tennis Star Chris Evert diagnosed with ovarian cancer for a second time. “Her cancer has returned.”

Dec. 9, 2023 – Great Falls, MT – Amber McAvoy was diagnosed with Ovarian cancer in July 2023. The cancer has already spread.

Dec. 8, 2023 – Avondale, AZ – 31 year old Ashlie Edwards was diagnosed with Stage 3C Ovarian Cancer on Aug. 17, 2023. One mass was the size of a basketball on her left ovary, another mass was on her kidney.

Nov. 11, 2023 – Bolivar, MO – 60 year old nurse Bobbi Nash was diagnosed with Stage 3 Ovarian Cancer end of Sep. 2023 and died one month later on Nov. 11, 2023.

Nov. 8, 2023 – 21 year old Destinee was diagnosed with a 32 by 15cm ovarian cancerous tumor in Jan. 2022.

Oct. 30, 2023 – Dayton, OH – 52 year old LAPD Police Officer Tara Kessop was diagnosed with Stage 4 Ovarian Cancer in May 2023.

Oct. 21, 2023 – TURBO CANCER – 34 year old Colombian actress & model Alejandra Villafane Osorio died from a very rare cancer Oct. 21, 2023. She fought months against ovarian germ cell tumor (& also breast tumors).



Oct. 20, 2023 – Pompano Beach, FL – Jessica Christie died from Stage 4 Ovarian Cancer.

Oct. 12, 2023 – Calista had a family member develop a large Ovarian Turbo Cancer in 3 months after receiving a COVID-19 Vaccine.

Oct. 12, 2023 – Plainland, QLD, Australia – Tanya Arthur was diagnosed with Advanced Stage Ovarian Cancer.

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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

Featured image is from COVID Intel

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

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“2023 has been a challenge for Global Research, but we know 2024 will be no different. That’s why we need your support. Will you make a New Year donation to help us continue with our work?”


Not many people have the opportunity to provide an oral and written statement to the United Nations Security Council. I had my chance on December 11, 2023, when I was asked as a retired U.S. Army colonel and a former U.S. diplomat to speak on weapons transfers in the Russia-Ukraine war.

I introduced myself as a U.S. taxpayer who was fed up with my tax money being used by the powerful and wealthy U.S. arms industry authorized by the U.S. government for sale to countries that are killing innocent civilians.

My statement to the Security Council was simple. Wars will never end as long as weapons transfers into the conflict area continue. I noted, as the Security Council well knows, that civilians will be the primary victims of the transfer of weapons.

I cited the two wars to which the U.S. is providing weapons: Russia-Ukraine and Israel-Gaza.

I took the opportunity to look across the horseshoe U.N. Security Council table and say to the Alternate Representative of the U.S. for Special Political Affairs in the U.N. and Alternate Representative of the U.S. for Special Political Affairs in the Sessions of the General Assembly of the U.N. Robert Wood that I was horrified by “shameful” U.S. veto of the cease-fire resolution for Gaza the previous Friday, December 8, 2023. At that point over 18,000 Palestinians had been killed by massive Israeli bombing using U.S.-provided 2,000-pound bombs, U.S. hellfire missiles, and other U.S.-provided weapons.

Two weeks later, on December 22, 2023, after five days of wrangling with the U.S. on the wording of another resolution, the U.N. Security Council adopted a watered-down resolution that calls for immediately speeding up aid deliveries to starving civilians in Gaza. The United States refused to agree to a tougher demand for an “urgent suspension of hostilities” between Israel and Hamas. It abstained in the vote, as did Russia, which wanted the stronger language. The resolution was the first on the war to make it through the council after the U.S. vetoed two earlier ones calling for humanitarian pauses and a full cease-fire.

The U.S. has provided Israel $317 billion in military aid, making it the largest recipient of U.S. foreign assistance since World War II. The U.S. gives Israel $3.3 billion annually. The Biden administration wants to send another $10 billion to Israel.

As of late October, two months ago, the U.S. had delivered 36,000 rounds of 30-millimeter cannon ammunition, 1,800 M141 bunker-buster munitions, at least 3,500 night-vision devices, ammunition for AH-64 Apache helicopter gunships including about 2,000 Hellfire Laser Guided missiles, 57,000 155-millimeter High Explosive artillery shells, 20,000 M4A1 rifles, 5,000 PVS-14 night vision devices, 3,000 M141 hand-held bunker-buster munitions, 400 120- millimeter mortars, 75 of the Army and Marine Corps’ new Joint Light Tactical Vehicles, and 312 Tamir missile interceptors for the Iron Dome.

On the issue of the profitability of weapons transfers particularly in the Ukraine-Russia war, the topic I had been invited to speak on, I reminded the Security Council that in a December 7, 2023, press conference with the new U.K. Foreign Secretary David Cameron, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said that over the last two years, the United States has provided $70 billion to support Ukraine and European allies have provided more than $110 billion.

Blinken also said,

“If you look at the investments that we’ve made in Ukraine’s defense to deal with this aggression, 90% of the security assistance we’ve provided has actually been spent here in the United States with our manufacturers, with our production, and that’s produced more American jobs, more growth in our own economy. So, this has also been a win-win that we need to continue.”

I reminded the Security Council that the win-win is not for civilians in conflict areas. The win-win is for the military industrial complex and the politicians and retired government officials who are offered senior positions in companies immediately after their retirements!

And it’s certainly not a win-win for the innocent civilians who are killed in these conflicts.

At the end of my statement, I appealed to countries to not torpedo peace talks as the U.S. and the U.K. have done to efforts by Germany, Turkey, and Israel to bring the Ukraine-Russia war to an end.

In closing, I read part of a poem that describes how some parents in Gaza have resorted to writing their children’s names on their legs to help identify them should either they, the parents, or the children be killed in Israeli bombing.

It was written for the children of Gaza but is applicable to children in all conflict areas—in Ukraine, in Russia, in Israel, in Yemen:

Write My Name on My Leg, Mama.
By Zeina Azzam
Write my name on my leg, Mama
Use the black permanent marker
with the ink that doesn’t bleed
if it gets wet…
Write my name on my leg, Mama
and on the legs of my sisters and brothers.
This way we will belong together
This way we will be known
as your children.
Write my name on my leg, Mama
When the bomb hits our house
When the walls crush our skulls and bones
our legs will tell our story, how
there was nowhere for us to run.

On behalf of the people of the world who want to live in peace and safety, I said to the U. N. Security Council: “Stop the Killings! Cease-fires now!”

After the statement I gave in the U.N. Security Council, I doubt that I will be invited back to give another, as I feel quite certain the U.S. would Veto the invitation.

[From Common Dreams: Our work is licensed under Creative Commons (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0). Feel free to republish and share widely.]


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Ann Wright is a 29 year US Army/Army Reserves veteran who retired as a Colonel and a former US diplomat who resigned in March 2003 in opposition to the war on Iraq. She served in Nicaragua, Grenada, Somalia, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Sierra Leone, Micronesia and Mongolia. In December 2001 she was on the small team that reopened the US Embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan. She is the co-author of the book “Dissent: Voices of Conscience.”

Featured image: A screengrab shows Retired Army Colonel Ann Wright speaking at the U.N. Security Council on December 11, 2023. (Photo: U.N./Screengrab via CodePink)

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“2023 has been a challenge for Global Research, but we know 2024 will be no different. That’s why we need your support. Will you make a New Year donation to help us continue with our work?”


Senior Israeli leaders, including Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, are again publicly advocating the ethnic cleansing of the Gaza Strip. Their proposals are being presented as voluntary emigration schemes, in which Israel is merely playing the role of Good Samaritan, selflessly mediating with foreign governments to find new homes for destitute and desperate Palestinians. But it is ethnic cleansing all the same.

Alarm bells should have started ringing in early November when U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and other Western politicians began insisting there could be “no forcible displacement of Palestinians from Gaza.” Rather than rejecting any mass removal of Palestinians, Blinken and colleagues objected only to optically challenging expulsions at gunpoint. The option of “voluntary” displacement by leaving residents of the Gaza Strip with no choice but departure was pointedly left open. 

Ethnic cleansing, or “transfer” as it is known in Israeli parlance, has a long pedigree that goes back to the late-nineteenth-century beginnings of the Zionist movement. While the early Zionists adopted the slogan, “A Land Without a People for a People Without a Land,” the evidence demonstrates that, from the very outset, their leaders knew better. More to the point, they clearly understood that the Palestinians formed the main obstacle to the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine. This is for the simple reason that, to them, a “Jewish state” denotes one in which its Jewish population acquires and maintains unchallenged demographic, territorial, and political supremacy. 

Enter “transfer.” As early as 1895, Theodor Herzl, the founder of the contemporary Zionist movement, identified the necessity of removing the inhabitants of Palestine in the following terms: “We shall try to spirit the penniless population across the border by procuring employment for it in the transit countries, while denying it any employment in our own country … expropriation and the removal of the poor must be carried out discreetly and circumspectly.” David Ben-Gurion (née Grün), Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Jewish Agency for Palestine, and later Israel’s first prime minister, was more blunt. In a 1937 letter to his son, he wrote: “We must expel the Arabs and take their place.” 

Writing in his diary in 1940, Yosef Weitz, a senior Jewish National Fund official who chaired the influential Transfer Committee before and during the Nakba (“Catastrophe”), and became known as the Architect of Transfer, put it thus: “The only solution is a Land of Israel devoid of Arabs. There is no room here for compromise. They must all be moved. Not one village, not one tribe, can remain. Only through this transfer of the Arabs living in the Land of Israel will redemption come.” His diaries are littered with similar sentiments. 

The point of the above is not to demonstrate that individual Zionist leaders held such views, but that the senior leadership of the Zionist movement consistently considered the ethnic cleansing of Palestine an objective and priority. Initiatives such as the Transfer Committee, and Plan Dalet, initially formulated in 1944 and described by the pre-eminent Palestinian historian Walid Khalidi as the “Master Plan for the Conquest of Palestine,” additionally demonstrate that the Zionist movement actively planned for it. The 1948 Nakba, during which more than four-fifths of Palestinians residing in territory that came under Israeli rule were ethnically cleansed, should, therefore, be seen as the fulfillment of a longstanding ambition and implementation of a key policy. A product of design, not of war (historical Christmas footnote: the Palestinian town of Nazareth was spared a similar fate only because the commander of Israeli forces that seized the city, a Canadian Jew named Ben Dunkelman, disobeyed orders to expel the population, and was relieved of his command the following day).

That the Nakba was a product of design is further substantiated by the Transfer Committee’s terms of reference. These comprised not only proposals for the expulsion of the Palestinians but, just as importantly, active measures to prevent their return, destroy their homes and villages, expropriate their property, and resettle those territories with Jewish immigrants. Weitz, together with fellow Committee members Eliahu Sassoon and Ezra Danin, on June 5, 1948, presented a three-page blueprint, entitled “Scheme for the Solution of the Arab Problem in the State of Israel,” to Prime Minister Ben-Gurion to achieve these goals. According to leading Israeli historian Benny Morris, “there is no doubt Ben-Gurion agreed to Weitz’s scheme,” which included “what amounted to an enormous project of destruction” that saw more than 450 Palestinian villages razed to the ground.

The understandable focus on the expulsions of 1948 often overlooks the fact that ethnic cleansing remains incomplete unless its victims are barred from returning to their homes by a combination of armed force and legislation, and thereafter replaced by others. It is Israel’s determination to make Palestinian dispossession permanent that distinguishes Palestinian refugees from many other war refugees. 

After 1948, Israel put out a whole series of fabrications to shift responsibility for the transformation of the Palestinians into dispossessed and stateless refugees onto the Arab states and the refugees themselves. These included claims that the refugees voluntarily left (they were either expelled or fled in justified terror); that Arab radio broadcasts ordered the Palestinians to flee (in fact, they were encouraged to stay put); that Israel conducted a population exchange with Arab states (there was nothing of the sort); and the bizarre argument that because they’re Arabs, Palestinians had numerous other states while Jews have only Israel (by the same logic, Sikhs would be entitled to seize British Columbia and deport its population to either the rest of Canada or the United States). More importantly, even if uniformly substantiated, none of these pretexts entitles Israel to prohibit the right of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes at the conclusion of hostilities. It is, furthermore, a right that was consecrated in United Nations General Assembly resolution 194 of December 11, 1948, which has been reaffirmed repeatedly since.

Ethnic Cleansing After 1967

In 1967, Israel seized the remaining 22 percent of Mandatory Palestine — the West Bank (including East Jerusalem) and the Gaza Strip. Depopulation in these territories operated differently than in 1948. Most importantly, Israel, in addition to prohibiting the return of Palestinians who fled hostilities during the 1967 June War, and encouraging others to leave (by, for example, providing a daily bus service from Gaza City to the Allenby Bridge connecting the West Bank to Jordan), conducted a census during the summer of 1967 . Any resident who was not present during the census was ineligible for an Israeli identity document and automatically lost their right of residency. 

As a result, the population of these territories declined by more than twenty percent overnight. Many of those thus displaced were already refugees from 1948. Aqbat Jabr Refugee Camp near Jericho, for example — until 1967, the West Bank’s largest — became a virtual ghost town after almost all its inhabitants became refugees once again in Jordan. So many Palestinians from the Gaza Strip ended up in Jordan that a new refugee camp, Gaza Camp, was established on the outskirts of Jerash. The occupied Palestinian territories would not recover their 1967 population levels until the early 1980s.

Within the West Bank, there were also cases of mass expulsion. These included the town of Qalqilya, which was additionally slated for demolition but to which its residents were later permitted to return. Those of ‘Imwas (the Biblical Emmaus), Bayt Nuba, and Yalu in Jerusalem’s Latrun salient were less fortunate. They were summarily expelled (many today live in Ramallah’s Qaddura Refugee Camp), their villages demolished and annexed to Israel, and replaced by Canada Park, so named because the project was completed with donations from the Canadian Jewish community. Within Jerusalem’s Old City, the historic Mughrabi Quarter, abutting the Haram al-Sharif, was summarily razed to make way for a plaza astride the Wailing Wall. With many residents given only minutes to evacuate their homes, several were killed when the bulldozers went to work. According to Eitan Ben-Moshe, an engineer who oversaw the atrocity, “We threw out the wreckage of houses together with the Arab corpses.”

Depopulation Through Administrative Rule

In subsequent years, Israel employed all kinds of administrative shenanigans to further reduce the Palestinian population of the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Until the 1993 Oslo Accords, for example, an exit permit from Israel’s military government was required to leave the occupied territory. It was valid for only three years and thereafter renewable annually for a maximum of three additional years (for a fee) at an Israeli consulate. If a Palestinian lost an exit permit or failed to renew an exit permit prior to its expiration for any reason (including bureaucratic foot-dragging), or couldn’t pay the renewal fee, or failed to return to Palestine prior to its expiration, that Palestinian automatically lost residency rights. Separately, Israel, over the years, deported numerous activists and community leaders, primarily to Jordan and Lebanon. During the late 1960s and 1970s, it also exiled Gaza Palestinians accused of resisting the occupation, along with their families, to prison camps in the occupied Sinai Peninsula. Among those who spent time there was the iconic Palestinian leader Haidar Abdel-Shafi.

A particularly notable case of administrative deportations occurred in 1992 after Israeli special forces botched an operation to rescue an Israeli soldier who had been seized by Hamas to exchange him for their imprisoned leader, Shaikh Ahmad Yasin. Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin ordered the summary deportation of approximately 400 Palestinians, many of them prisoners affiliated with Hamas and Islamic Jihad (PIJ), none accused of involvement in the incident that led to Rabin’s frenzied rage. 

In contrast to previous deportations, which were considered permanent, these were for one- and two-year terms. In its rush to carry out the deportations under cover of night, Israel expelled a number of Palestinians who were not on its list and left behind others who were. Needless to say, the mass expulsion was, as always in such matters, approved by Israel’s High Court of Justice after minor modifications. It ruled, among other things, that this was not a collective deportation but rather a collection of individual deportations. Perhaps more significantly, the deportees were stuck in an inhospitable no-man’s land, Marj al-Zuhur, because Lebanon refused to facilitate the deportations by receiving them. During their involuntary residence in Marj al-Zuhur, assistance came primarily from Hezbollah, and it was during this period that relations between Hamas, PIJ, and Hezbollah were solidified.

Israel’s Strategies to ‘Thin’ Gaza’s Population

With the focus in recent years on the intensified campaigns of ethnic cleansing in the West Bank, it is often forgotten that, for decades, the primary target for depopulation was the Gaza Strip, particularly its refugee population, which accounts for approximately three-quarters of the territory’s residents. Even before it occupied Gaza in 1967, Israel regularly promoted initiatives to achieve the “thinning” of its refugee population, with destinations as far afield as Libya and Iraq. Not without reason, Israel’s leaders felt uncomfortable with the presence of so many ethnically cleansed Palestinians within walking distance of their former homes. After 1967, it encouraged Palestinian emigration from the Gaza Strip to not only foreign countries but also the West Bank. 

In 1969, Israel even devised a scheme to send 60,000 Palestinians from the Gaza Strip to Paraguay with offers of lucrative employment. The plan was negotiated between Paraguay’s military dictator Alfredo Stroessner and Mossad, the Israeli foreign intelligence agency. It was, of course, purely coincidental that, shortly thereafter, Mossad discovered it no longer had the resources to hunt Nazi fugitives in Paraguay, which had been one of their destinations of choice. The scheme was discontinued when several of its victims, upon realizing the promise of a new life of comfort was all a sham, shot up the Israeli embassy in Asuncion, killing one of its staff. 

‘Transfer’ and Gaza Today

In the decades since, “transfer,” often presented as the encouragement of voluntary emigration either by providing material incentives or making the conditions of life impossible, has become increasingly mainstreamed in Israeli political life. In 2019, for example, a “senior government official,” quoted in the Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz, expressed a willingness to help Palestinians emigrate from the Gaza Strip. 

Mass expulsion has been gaining its share of adherents as well, and it is a position that is today represented within Israel’s coalition government. As has the idea that “transfer” should include Palestinian citizens of Israel — Avigdor Lieberman, for example, who was Israel’s Minister of Defense several years ago, is an advocate of not only emptying the West Bank and Gaza Strip of Palestinians but of getting rid of Palestinian citizens of Israel as well. As one might expect from a minister who was in charge of the Israeli military, he is also an advocate of “beheading” disloyal Palestinian citizens of Israel with “an axe.”

Against this background, Israel saw the attacks of October 7 as not only a threat but also as an opportunity. Fortified with unconditional U.S. and European support, Israeli political and military leaders immediately began promoting the transfer of Gaza’s Palestinian population to the Sinai desert. The proposal was enthusiastically embraced by the United States and by Secretary of State Antony Blinken in particular. Hopelessly out of his depth when it comes to the Middle East, as ever, he appears to have genuinely believed he could recruit or pressure Washington’s Arab client regimes to make Israel’s wish a reality. Given Egyptian strongman Abdelfattah al-Sisi’s economic troubles, the fallout of the Menendez scandal, and the looming Egyptian presidential elections, it was suggested to him by the Washington echo chamber that it would take only an IMF loan, debt relief, and a promise to file away Menendez to bring Cairo on board. As so often when it comes to the Middle East, Blinken, armed only with Israel’s latest wish list, didn’t have a clue his indecent proposal would be categorically rejected, first and foremost by Egypt.  

‘Transfer’ as ‘Voluntary Emigration’

The fallback position is opposition to “forcible displacement” at the point of a gun, while anything else is fair game. This includes reducing the Gaza Strip to rubble in what may well be the most intensive bombing campaign in history; a genocidal assault on an entire society that has killed civilians at an unprecedentedly rapid pace; the deliberate destruction of an entire civilian infrastructure, including the targeted obliteration of its health and education sectors; the highest proportion of households in hunger crisis ever recorded globally and the real prospect of pre-meditated famine; severance of the water and electricity supply leading to acute thirst, widespread consumption of non-potable water, and termination of sewage treatment; and promotion of a sharp rise in infectious disease. One Israeli soldier has already died of a fungal infection resulting from the collapse in sanitation he helped bring about in the Gaza Strip. How many Palestinians have been consumed by similar illnesses, we do not know, but it is reasonable to assume that children and the elderly are hit particularly hard.

In other words, if desperate Palestinians seek to flee this seventh circle of hell to save their skins, that’s considered voluntary emigration — their choice. If they cannot remain in the Gaza Strip because Israel has made it unfit for human habitation with U.S. weapons, that is a voluntary choice that will be respected. And the U.S. and Israel are only here to help, like Mother Theresa, determined to assist every last one of them whether they like it or not.

Danny Danon, a member of parliament who was previously Israel’s envoy to the United Nations (the guy who sounds like Elmer Fudd), recently held up the mass displacement of Syrians to multiple shores during the past decade as an example to be emulated. “Even if each country receives ten thousand, twenty thousand Gazans, this is significant.”

Asked about Danon’s proposal at a Likud meeting on Christmas Day, Netanyahu responded, “We are working on it. Our problem is [finding] the countries that are willing to absorb [them].”

As an editorial in the Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz put it on December 27: “Israeli lawmakers keep pushing for transfer under the guise of humanitarian aid.”

Not to be outdone by the politicians, the Jerusalem Post ran an opinion piece entitled “Why Moving to the Sinai Peninsula is The Solution for Gaza’s Palestinians.”

“Sinai,” its author Joel Roskin enthused, “comprises one of the most suitable places on Earth to provide the people of Gaza with hope and a peaceful future.”

Not individual Gazans, but “the people of Gaza.” Notably, such proposals consistently take it as a given that those departing will never return. One waits with bated breath, for the European Union is expected to respond to these calls for mass expulsion with further investigations of Palestinian textbooks.

While ethnic cleansing has been intrinsic to Zionist/Israeli ideology and practice from the very outset, it also has a flip side: the 1948 expulsion of the Palestinians expanded what had been a conflict between the Zionist movement and the Palestinians into a regional, Arab-Israeli one. The second Nakba Israel is currently inflicting on the Gaza Strip similarly appears well on its way to instigating the renewal of hostilities across the Middle East. 

As importantly, the 1948 Nakba did not defeat the Palestinians, who initiated their struggle from the camps of exile, those in the Gaza Strip most prominently among them. It would take a Blinken level of foolishness to assume the expulsion of Palestinians from the Gaza Strip would produce a different outcome.


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Featured image: Yosef Weitz (center right), “the architect of transfer,” with Yitzhak Rabin and Haim Laskov in the Yakir forest in the Naqab area. (Photo: Wikimedia Commons)

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“2023 has been a challenge for Global Research, but we know 2024 will be no different. That’s why we need your support. Will you make a New Year donation to help us continue with our work?”


The number of journalists killed in Gaza by Israel since the outbreak of war has reached 105, according to the government media office in the strip.

Among them are Mohammad Khair al-Din and Ahmed Khair al-Din who were killed by “Israeli treachery” in Gaza, the office was cited as saying by Turkish news agency Anadolu.

It means more than one journalist has been killed a day on average since the launch of Israel’s war on the strip.

Israel’s relentless military campaign has killed more than 21,300 people in Gaza, with over 55,600 others injured.

Places of worship, residential buildings, ambulances, and hospitals have come under attack.

Israeli forces also detained Diaa al-Kahlout, the Gaza bureau chief for ­The New Arab’s Arabic-language edition, earlier in December.

The senior al-Araby al-Jadeed journalist was rounded up alongside hundreds of other Palestinian men, including his brothers and other relatives, in the town of Beit Lahia in northern Gaza.

The newspaper called for his freedom in a statement posted to social media on Tuesday.

“We in the al-Araby al-Jadeed family demand the immediate release of our colleague Diaa al-Kahlout, correspondent and bureau chief for the al-Araby al-Jadeed website and newspaper in Gaza, who has been detained by the [Israeli] occupation army since 7 December 2023,” the pan-Arab daily said.

“We also condemn and deplore the assassination, arrest, abuse, and torture journalists are being subjected to as they carry out their duty to convey the truth about the war crimes and genocide the occupation is committing in the Gaza Strip.”

On Sunday, The New Arab reported that a young Palestinian recently released from Beersehba Prison had said he saw al-Kahlout in the Israeli detention facility.


The reporter may be transferred to Jerusalem like other Palestinians held in Beersheba.

Al-Kahlout was arrested at gunpoint, then stripped and beaten by Israeli forces.

He was forced to abandon his seven-year-old daughter, who has special needs.


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Featured image: Funeral for Palestine TV journalist Mohammad Abu Hattab. Credit: X/@MuhammadSmiry

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On December 19, the Colorado Supreme Court banned former president Donald Trump from running for presidency under the pretext that he led the so-called “January 6 insurrection”. Despite the fact that Trump was never formally charged (let alone convicted) for that highly controversial event, the Court made its decision based precisely on that premise. However, what the DNC-aligned judges probably didn’t expect is that this obviously partisan decision would open up a political “Pandora’s box” that is now spreading like wildfire, threatening to consume the entire country. Namely, in response to the ruling, Lieutenant Governor of Texas Dan Patrick suggested taking President Joe Biden off the ballot in Texas due to his disastrous immigration policies.

Obviously, the Democrats are completely incapable of using basic common sense, so they probably never expected the “red states” to respond in kind. The “woke” extremist ultra-liberal ideology that the DNC subscribes to prevents them from seeing their political rivals as equal. The Democrats simply feel that they are the “indispensable party”, just like they think the United States is an “indispensable nation”. The boomerang effect of their dangerous delusions is already there, as three more states are now seriously contemplating the possibility of banning Biden’s presidential bid. Namely, congressmen Aaron Bernstine of Pennsylvania, Cory McGarr of Arizona and congresswoman Charlice Byrd of Georgia released a joint statement about this initiative.

“I am joining with PA Rep. Aaron Bernstine and AZ Rep. Cory McGarr to introduce legislation to remove Joe Biden from the ballot in response to the absurd ruling by radical Democrat judges in Colorado, removing Donald Trump from their ballot,” congresswoman Byrd posted on Twitter (now known as X).

Judging from their other statements, Republican lawmakers are trying to get ahead of the Democrats who are aiming to push other “blue states” to follow Colorado’s example.

“Today, we are joining forces to introduce legislation to remove Joe Biden from the ballot in Georgia, Arizona, and Pennsylvania,” they said in a joint statement, adding: “The absurdity of radical Democrat judges removing Donald Trump from the ballot in Colorado will be a stain on the American political system for decades. By their very own interpretation of the law, Joe Biden is 100 percent not eligible to run for political office.”

“Democrats’ insane justification to remove Trump can just as easily be applied to Joe Biden for his insurrection at the southern border and his corrupt family business dealings with China. Colorado radicals just changed the game, and we are not going to sit quietly while they destroy our Republic,” the statement reads, further adding: “To be clear, our objective is to showcase the absurdity of Colorado’s decision and allow ALL candidates to be on the ballot in all states. To do that, we must fight back as Republicans against the communists currently running our great country.”

Trump himself is claiming that the Democrats are “destroying America”. While the statement may seem highly politicized, particularly in the context of the most intensive part of the 2024 presidential election campaign, the consequences of the Colorado Supreme Court’s decision can surely lead to such an outcome. With “blue” and “red states” diverging along all lines, the functioning of the country is certainly at stake. The DNC controls most federal institutions, including the State Department and the Senate, while the mainstream propaganda machine and the so-called “Big Tech” are firmly on their side. Still, the GOP dominates in the House of Representatives and has already made decisions that have spoiled the plans of the troubled Biden administration.

Since the so-called “Russiagate” conspiracy theory that has been the main go-to scapegoat for the countless internal and foreign policy failures of the DNC, be it the 2016 presidential or 2018 midterm elections, American politics has become more disastrous than ever before. The Democrats have pushed the country into an escalating confrontation with Russia, based on an entirely fabricated premise of Trump’s long-debunked “collusion with Moscow”. For well over half a decade, the mainstream propaganda machine has been parroting the supposed “Russian election meddling” narrative. And yet, things took a turn for the worse in recent months. Apart from the highly politicized prosecution of Trump, both the 2016 and 2020 elections have been marred with controversy, as evidenced by the latest findings.

However, the poll proving that 20% of mail-in voters effectively committed fraud during the 2020 presidential election isn’t the end of America’s political troubles. Namely, President Biden is now faced with an impeachment inquiry in connection to his son’s criminal activities. The White House has been trying to torpedo Congressional subpoenas and demands for transcribed interviews with Biden family members since they were launched back in September. This was based on the grounds that the existing impeachment probe was invalid because the House didn’t vote to authorize it. However, with a 221-212 vote in favor of the inquiry, the Biden administration can’t use this pretext anymore. House Speaker Mike Johnson even directly accused the White House of impeding the investigation.

Coupled with the shameless weaponization of the Justice Department, FBI and other federal institutions that are supposed to be entirely impartial, what is actually going on is the effective dismantling of the said institutions, now even on the level of individual states. If these aggressive policies aren’t kept in check, they will inevitably result in further polarization along ideological and political grounds. The DNC-dominated federal center will try to impose its ultra-liberal extremism on everyone simply because it’s politically beneficial.

Logically, the GOP will respond, resulting in a sort of blockade of both federal and state institutions. This leads to the same path the former USSR took in the late 1980s. And indeed, the US is increasingly reminiscent of it in that regard. In the meantime, American leaders keep looking for ways to launch new wars and coups, particularly in an attempt to slow down or even prevent the expansion of BRICS+. Terrified by the advent of multipolarity, they’re either sweeping mounting problems under the rug or outright ignoring them.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Drago Bosnic is an independent geopolitical and military analyst. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

Biden’s America Surrenders to War Criminal Netanyahu

December 29th, 2023 by Philip Giraldi

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“2023 has been a challenge for Global Research, but we know 2024 will be no different. That’s why we need your support. Will you make a New Year donation to help us continue with our work?”


I don’t have anyone whom I would consider a friend who supports the genocide being carried out by Israel in Gaza. But my occasional interaction with the psychopaths who infest the US government and media and who are intimately connected by virtue of their political instincts as well as their personal interests in campaign donations and/or elevated salaries derived from Israel and its powerful lobby have plenty of sound bites to throw out to demonstrate their love of the Jewish state in all its manifestations.

They mouth the Pelosi-Schumer-Biden assertion that “Israel has a right to defend itself” and that Israel is “America’s closest ally” and “best friend,” all of which can readily be exposed as a series of self-serving lies and deliberate misinterpretations of international law. Beyond that, they inevitably cite their view that critics of Israel are fully responsible for what they choose to refer to as the ultimate evil of “surging anti-semitism.” In so doing they conveniently ignore the obvious fact that anger towards Jews collectively speaking is nearly always derived from the crimes against humanity committed by the Zionist political entity that now legally defines itself as Jewish.

I sometimes ask the friends of Israel what interest the United States has that would warrant our country becoming complicit in committing war crimes that, collectively speaking, amount to precursors for the complete expulsion or killing of millions of Palestinians from what remains of their homes. They try to weasel word their way avoiding the implications of that question by observing that the United States is not directly engaged in the conflict, an evasion that I belittle by pointing out that Washington is providing funding, arming and political cover for the more powerful and lethal party engaged in the conflict while also blocking attempts to bring about a ceasefire to comply with orders from that same party, which sure looks like direct involvement to me. I also point out that Israel is working hard to get the US military engaged against Hezbollah in Lebanon and also against Iran and is likely to be able to maneuver the stoneheads in and around the White House to do its bidding vis-à-vis both objectives.

So the big question has to be “Why does the United States engage in a conflict that inter alia has utterly ruined our country’s reputation worldwide and for which there is no real compelling national interest?” The answer is, of course unpalatable to many, but has to be that the US government is in many respects and vis-à-vis some of its designated national policies completely under the control of Israel and its powerful domestic as well as international lobby. This habitual bowing to force majeure has warped the thinking of the ambitious scallywags who seem to be present wherever one turns in places like Washington. How else does one explain the infamous and quite frankly ridiculous comment delivered at the 2018 Israeli American Council meeting by leading politician Nancy Pelosi, who said that

“I have said to people when they ask me if this Capitol crumbled to the ground, the one thing that would remain is our commitment to our aid…and I don’t even call it aid…our cooperation with Israel. That’s fundamental to who we are.”

The delusional Pelosi, who appears to have no “fundamental” attachment to the interests of the American people whom she represents, is unfortunately not unique in the halls of Congress, even less so in the Joe Biden White House, which might be regarded as the illustration of what happens when you appoint Zionists to nearly all key positions running your foreign, economic and national security policies. The degree of direct Zionist/Israeli control over the hapless Biden can best be illustrated by reviewing the course of the recent redrafting of a UN Security Council resolution authored by the United Arab Emirates that sought to bring about a suspension of the fighting and the urgent resumption of humanitarian supplies for Gaza. The US forced the revisions after coordination with Israel to permit the Israelis to continue to attack civilian targets and avoid entering into anything like a ceasefire, changing the word “suspension” in the original draft to the less demanding creation of “conditions for a sustainable cessation of hostilities.” Language authorizing the lead UN role in monitoring and delivering the assistance to the Gazans was also expunged leaving to belligerent Israel the task of completely controlling the distribution of any supplies allowed entry into the areas inside Gaza, which it is also simultaneously continuing to bomb, thereby slowing the stream of urgently needed supplies to a trickle while also killing hundreds more civilians.

To be sure, it was the United States blindly supporting Israel that rendered what was a promising proposal to put an end to the multiplying civilian deaths toothless. Israel demonstrated just how high it regarded Joe Biden when it contradicted what the president said about the US being able to moderate some Israeli offensive action in Gaza. Netanyahu denied that, saying that he and his war cabinet were continuing to make all relevant decisions based on Israel’s own interests. Israel Defense Force (IDF) Chief of the General Staff General Herzi Halevi followed on with his own assessment that finishing the job in Gaza, i.e. totally destroying Hamas by whatever means it requires, will take “many more months.” The Israeli military has indeed visibly increased its efforts by opening up new “battle zones” inside Gaza, to include directly targeting the crowded and starving refugee camps outside the cities. The civilians are paying the price while a grinning Joe Biden is spending his New Year’s holiday in the American Virgin Islands.

Allowing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, a known liar and habitual war criminal to tell the US government what to do is about as low as it gets, Mr. Biden! You should not only be ashamed, but more than that, humiliated, compelled to do ghastly things in support of your own fear of possible Jewish/Israeli reaction if you do not bow down before King Netanyahu. He and the band of inhuman monsters he has assembled in his cabinet have made no secret of their intention to remove the Palestinians from Palestine, either by forced emigration or by killing them if necessary. On Christmas Day, Prime Minister Netanyahu told a meeting of his Likud bloc “that he was still working on the ‘voluntary’ immigration of Gaza’s inhabitants to other countries.” His associates Itamar Ben-Gvir and Bezalel Smotrich have made it clear that the ethnic cleansing process will proceed even if it is not in any way voluntary. As Israel is the occupying power in the former Palestine, what is taking place is, as defined by the Geneva Conventions, the Genocide Convention and the UN Charter, a crime against humanity and the United States is completely complicit in it not to mention actually enabling the slaughter through its supplying of arms and money to the Israelis. It has recently been reported in the Israeli media that the United States has delivered an astonishing “10,000 tons of armaments and military equipment on 244 cargo planes and 20 ships” to sustain the Israeli homicidal assault against the people of Gaza. And to demonstrate its gratitude for the flood of weapons, America’s “best friend” and “closest ally” Israel has nevertheless complained “about a delay in the delivery of munitions.”

The total support of the Israeli genocide of the Palestinians by Washington and the media is not only shameful, it is lacking any context for a crime against humanity that has been going on with US connivance for the past 76 years. Under international law, an occupied people has a right to use force to resist occupation, but even given that, the majority of Israeli deaths on October 7th should probably be attributed to so-called “friendly fire” from the Israeli army not from Hamas. The occupied and woefully abused Palestinians rising-up and seeking both freedom and sovereignty in the land that was once completely theirs is fully justified and should be respected. Israel’s killing women and children through deliberate starvation or even by execution style is indisputably a war crime. Bombing hospitals or leaving newborn incubator babies abandoned to die is a crime against humanity. Arresting innocent Palestinians before parading them naked and even desecrating their dead bodies by harvesting organs that you then sell is unspeakable and almost unimaginable evil as is deliberately targeting and bombing schools and churches where people are trying to find shelter.

The genocide and destruction in Gaza is the worst crime committed in modern history and the man who could have stopped it, Joe Biden, sits on his hands and grins. No one should remain silent when confronted by this horror but the silence and the deliberate distortion of what is taking place is a tribute to Jewish power in America and elsewhere. I am including some recent commentary from the illustrious Australian Journalist Caitlin Johnstone which demonstrates perfectly the hypocrisy and inhumanity of both Biden and the leaders of Britain, France, Canada, and Germany: “Sometimes Israel’s crimes are so horrific that at first you don’t even understand what you’re looking at. You just stare at it trying to make sense of what you’re seeing for a bit, like you would if you suddenly saw a space alien or a leprechaun or something… It’s so incredibly obvious what we’re looking at here. The only thing putting a wobble on people’s perception is the immense amount of propaganda distortion the media is churning out on this issue, plus the fact that the demographics look a bit different from what history has conditioned people to watch out for. If there were two million Jewish people trapped by Christians in a giant concentration camp and placed under total siege, being told that half of them had 24 hours to relocate into the other half or be killed, nobody would have any confusion about what they were witnessing.”

And a leading American journalist Daniel Larison must have the last word of advice from his site on Eunomia: “We are witnessing one of the gravest crimes of our time. Our government is aiding and abetting the perpetrators. It is up to people in this country to make our government cut off all support for this war and to press for an end to the war itself.” Amen, Daniel!


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This article was originally published on The Unz Review.

Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a 501(c)3 tax deductible educational foundation (Federal ID Number #52-1739023) that seeks a more interests-based U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Website is, address is P.O. Box 2157, Purcellville VA 20134 and its email is [email protected].

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Right-Wing Extremism and the Cold War Go Hand-In-Hand

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Right-Wing Extremism and the Cold War Go Hand-In-Hand

December 28th, 2023 by Cale Holmes

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U.S. “ironclad” support for militarism undercuts attempts to curb right-wing terrorism. From white supremacist violence in the West Bank to gendered violence in Olongapo, we can’t defeat at home what we export abroad.

In his first month as secretary of defense with the J6 Capitol riots fresh in memory, Lloyd Austin rolled out training requirements to combat right-wing extremism in the ranks of the U.S. military. 

Extremism has indeed been a problem for quite some time, dating back to early American history when George Washington’s army committed violence against the Iroquois and recaptured enslaved Africans who had fled from plantations. In 1919, W.E.B. Du Bois found evidence of widespread racism in the ranks of the U.S. army. All-too-common slurs against Asian Americans originate from U.S. troops fighting the Korean War.

In occupied Guam, activist Naek Flores shared a harrowing incident with CODEPINK during our recent webinar, Beyond the Cold War: A Feminist Foreign Policy for the Asia-Pacific. An air force member reportedly vandalized two buildings, with the message: “Stop racism against white Americans. Our tax dollars pay for your entire government, your paychecks. Without us, you are nothing.” Flores linked the racist vandalism to similar incidents at the hand of Israeli troops in Gaza.

But Austin’s initiatives, while focused on a very real problem, have not addressed that link – the one between extremism and U.S. imperialism. Austin’s policies have in fact solidified this link, by invoking military alliances with settler colonialist states and former colonies of the U.S. as a pretext for “defending” national security. From supporting Israel’s aggression to provoking China, Austin’s “ironclad” commitment to militarism threatens human security, and leaves no room for peace and protecting communities most vulnerable to extremism.

Despite more attention needed on rooting out right-wing extremism from Chicago to Salt Lake City, Austin’s priorities have been focused on targeting the countries of origin of those victimized at home. Since October, he’s repeatedly expressed support for Israel’s genocidal bombardment of Palestine, despite 153 countries – the majority of the world – supporting a ceasefire at the United Nations. 

On December 18, he tweeted on his way to Tel Aviv that he was traveling to reiterate the U.S.’ “ironclad commitment to Israel” and discuss ways to topple Gaza’s government. It comes as the U.S. is sending warships to Yemen (where a U.S.-backed siege has killed at least hundreds of thousands) to reopen the Red Sea for Israeli commerce.

Even as Austin has raised concerns about Israel’s conduct, he’s stubbornly backing it, despite the Palestinian people and the entire world demanding peace, all while bringing more, not less conflict, to war-torn Yemen. The rules-based order is definitely not a diplomacy-based order or a humanity-based order. And it reveals why the South China Sea and Korean peninsula are also on the brink of war.

Austin has used his favorite word – “ironclad” – to embrace Japan’s remilitarization. While the U.S. fought Japan just 80 years ago, most of Japan’s wartime atrocities mostly targeted the Asia-Pacific region from Beijing to Bataan. In fact, Japanese expansionism during the 20th century was enabled by Western politicians who supported Japan’s colonization of Korea in the Taft-Katsura Agreement, as well as the Chinese coastal city of Qingdao after Germany’s defeat in World War I. In October, days before Israel escalated its 75-year-long occupation, Austin said Article V of the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty affirms an “ironclad” commitment to defend Japan’s claim to the Senkaku or Diaoyu Islands – territory disputed by China.

Aside from the danger of affirming a military alliance instead of seeking ways to de-escalate between a former colonizer and the country it once colonized, Austin’s ironclad commitment also potentially makes the Japanese people casualties of a would-be war with China.

Signed in 1960, eight years after the U.S. ended its occupation of Japan, the treaty was protested by 6.4 million workers. In Okinawa, occupied by the U.S. until 1972, residents have continued to oppose the treaty’s authorization of American military bases. As New Diplomacy Initiative director Sayo Saurta highlighted in an interview with CODEPINK back in August, Okinawans are still standing up to environmental and human rights abuses perpetrated by U.S. forces.

Austin’s ironclad commitment to our military alliance with South Korea also exposes how little he’s worried about resuming the Korean War. As President Biden met with President Xi in San Francisco, Austin’s visit to Seoul was an alarming reminder that U.S. nuclear threats in Asia did not end with President Trump. Austin said the U.S. commitment includes “the full range of nuclear, conventional, and missile defense capabilities.” Instead of breaking with our ugly history of nuclear blackmail, Austin’s policies are effectively doubling down and blocking chances for peaceful mediation.

North Korea, of course, has a military alliance with China. As Joseph Gerson wrote in a letter to the Boston Globe in September, “Common security negotiations today between the United States and China, focused on Taiwan, the Korean Peninsula, and South China Sea, can resolve the security dilemma and prevent ‘avoidable’ and catastrophic war.”

If Austin really cares about security, as well as stopping extremism, it’s time he expresses ironclad commitment to negotiations, which would decrease abuses of power by military personnel and promote mutual understanding between our supposed adversaries. We can also finally begin our path to decolonization.

From decades of deforestation to the 2014 transphobic murder of Jennifer Laude, our military footprint has increased violence and exploitation. Just like with Japan and South Korea, the Philippines is also in danger of becoming a battleground in a world war. In April, Austin announced four new U.S. military bases in the northern region of Luzon. Some analysts fear President Bongbong Marcos is poised to join a U.S. contingency in nearby Taiwan if war breaks out.

Austin said the U.S.’ support for the Mutual Defense Treaty with the Philippines also remains ironclad, echoing numerous statements of the kind made since the summer as maritime tensions between Beijing and Manila have flared up. Based on a then-secret agreement, hosting U.S. military bases was a condition for the Philippines’ independence, granted in 1946. This was despite the widespread racist abuse by U.S. forces. In 1951, the Mutual Defense Treaty was signed. It has allowed for the continuation of American abuses perpetrated against Filipinos going back to the Spanish-American War. 

From West to East Asia, Austin’s commitment to military alliances is getting in the way of his stated goal of stamping out right-wing extremism. We can’t defeat at home what we are exporting abroad, from white supremacist settler aggression in the West Bank to gendered violence in Olongapo. His ironclad commitments keep no one safe and only secure the legacies of colonization and nuclear terrorism. To truly build peace and root out extremism in the ranks, Austin must embrace common-sense diplomacy and human-centered security. 


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Cale Holmes is CODEPINK’s China Is Not Our Enemy Campaign Coordinator. Cale is an international relations analyst, writer, and environmentalist who has lived in Beijing. He serves as CODEPINK’s China Is Not Our Enemy Campaign Coordinator.

Featured image: US Flag Around the Earth — Image by ©

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Wright Mills, in his book “The Power Elite” (1.956), indicates that the key to understanding the American concern would be in the over-organization of his society.

Thus, the establishment would be “the elite group formed by the union of the political, military, economic, university and mass media sub-elites of the United States”, lobbies that would be interconnected by “a restless alliance based on their community of interests and led by military metaphysics” a concept based on a military definition of reality that would have transformed the economy into a permanent economic war and whose paradigm would be the Rockefellers by participating in financial lobbying, military and industry and one of whose members, David would be the driver of “Trilateral Commission” (TC) or Trilateral (1973).

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was created in 1947 by Harry S. Truman, replacing the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) to investigate administrative and fiscal files without judicial authorization and with the initial philosophy of providing the President with a second point of view drawn up by civilians compared to that provided by the military of the National Security Agency (NSA).

Until Eisenhower, the CIA was only the central intelligence organization for the United States government and was behind multiple insurgent training tasks and destabilizing governments contrary to Pentagon policies, but the military and financial lobbies (both fagged by the Zionist lobby) could not resist the temptation to create a de facto government that manipulated the intricacies of power, leading to the emergence of a new entity: the military-industrial complex, in Eisenhower’s words and the control of the United States Congress and Senate.

Eisenhower himself, a year before the end of his term, delivered a premonitory speech of the subsequent mutation of the initial “Campus” until the shadow government that guards American democracy today and from which all democratically elected presidents are held hostage:

“In government councils, we must be attentive to the acquisition of an illegitimate influence, whether or not projected by the military-industrial complex. The risk of the development of a usurped power exists and will persist. We will never allow the weight of this conjunction to threaten our freedoms or democratic processes”.

For his part, Kennedy, in a speech at Columbia University on November 14, 1963, admits that

“there is strong pressure from US power groups to turn the office of President into something merely figurative”

and so, on November 21, 1963, he was forced to sign executive order 11490, “which allows in an emergency to provide the government with exceptional measures, even for any dictatorship” and shortly before leaving for Dallas commented to his intimate advisors: “We have to face the CIA…” while secretly preparing a meeting with Fidel Castro.

All this implied a clear plea to the CIA, a true shadow power-bearer and deeply entrenched in all the US power apparatus.

Thus, its leaders proceeded to the gestation of an endogenous plot that dealt with the Coup de Mano against the democratic legality of the American political system and culminated in the Assassination of Kennedy (Dallas, 1.963). Such a plot would be a work of labyrinthine engineering that would have as brains the aforementioned unofficial CIA and as necessary collaborators to the anti-Castro exile in Miami and its connections with the Mafia and the FBI of Hoover, Lee Harvey Oswald as a scapegoat and distraction exercise to deceive the hounds and as collateral damage the birth of a political system protected by the Fourth Power, remaining since then as hostages all successive US Presidents-elect.

At present, the military-industrial complex would have been transformed into the so-called Department of Homeland Security (Homeland Security) and the primitive hydra-CIA would have born 17 new heads in the form of intelligence agencies that would integrate the US Intelligence Community (the Fourth Branch of Government according to Tom Engelhardt), pathogens of a totalitarian nature and turned into a parallel state and real power in the shadow. This would make the prophetic words of the so-called “Father of the Constitution” James Madison, who in number 47 of the Federalist essay, says

“the accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judicial, in the same hands and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, can be equated with the same definition of tyranny.”

Given the current division of American society into two symmetrical and irreconcilable halves, presumably the Fourth Branch of Government uses its resources to get the next President of the US to implant an Orwellian government that will drink from the sources of paternalism of soft dictatorships and be characterized by the cult of the leader, the use of disinformation and Orwellian surveillance of the non-white population and political dissent, which would de facto be an autocratic government or kind of invisible dictatorship supported by solid strategies of cohesion (mass manipulation and leader worship).


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Germán Gorraiz López is a political analyst. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

The Middle East: Home of the Earliest Civilizations in World History

December 28th, 2023 by Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović

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The Middle East was the home of the earliest civilizations in the world’s history. The first urbanizations and literacy started there.

The region of the Middle East usually covers the territories from the eastern littoral of the Mediterranean Sea up to India in the East. In a broader sense, geographically, the region encompasses territories of the East Mediterranean and Central Asia but many Americans followed by other Western academicians, politicians, and journalists regard as a single region the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). 

The majority of the inhabitants of MENA have many things in common like the Arab language and culture, confession of Islam, etc., but on the other, different ethnic minorities exist in each of those regional countries while the Islamic religion is divided into two factions: the Sunni (majority) and the Shia (minority). 

All states of the region of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) can be selected into four ethnic-geographic sub-regions (groups): 

1) The North African states; 

2) The Persian Gulf States; 

3) The Central Arab states; and 

4) Iran and Israel. 

The combined number of inhabitants of all of those states is more than 250 million (for the matter of comparison, in the EU 28, i.e. with the UK, there were some 500 million people).

The region itself is experiencing culture and civilization back some 6000 years but the majority of the present-day nations are relatively new.

In other words, except for Iran and Egypt, all other regional states appeared in their present form only in the last century, largely after WWI, but some of them even after WWII (Israel).

The number of states in MENA can be fixed by taking into account at least three criteria:

1) The historical period;

2) Political conditions; and

3) Geopolitical perspective.

Today usually is applied that there are 24 states (with Palestine) in the region of MENA (but with Turkey and Sudan 26).

However, the state of Palestine is still not generally and formally recognized as independent, as it was expected to appear as such taking into consideration the results of the Israeli-PLO negotiations (Roadmap for Peace). 

It is worth noticing that the first modern Arab country became Egypt of Muhammad Ali in the first half of the 19th century when due to the French (Napoleonic) occupation Egypt became familiar with some features of the “European progress”.

Muhammad Ali started certain modernization reforms of the society like the creation of a modern and more effective governance organization, rational economic system, and a modern army restructured and reorganized according to West European principles of warfare at that time. It was established in Cairo as the first Western-type institute, the Egyptian Institute, in the Arab world with the crucial function of spreading out Western European (mainly the French) philosophers’ writings (like Russo and Volter).  

The majority of the regional populations are Arabs and Muslims. Pan-Arabism is one of the focal political issues in MENA in the 20th and 21st centuries.

In recent times, leadership within the Pan-Arab movement, however, initially passed to the hands of the Christian Arabs in Lebanon and Syria. Nevertheless, all political attempts to form some kind of United Arab Republic failed but there are successful stories of macro-regional economic integration, for instance, the economic integration of six states of the Persian Gulf as they created a Gulf Cooperation Council.

Nonetheless, instead of the United Arab Republic existing an Arab League (est. 1945 with 22 member states today) which promotes better communication systems for the region using the Arabic language and the ARABSAT (the Arab Regional Satellite System). 

Oil discovery and production are probably the focal special features of MENA (but particularly of the Middle East) in contemporary history.

The economic and social development of all oil-rich Gulf countries depends almost totally on the policy of oil export and, therefore, for better mutual economic cooperation, Middle Eastern oil-producing nations established their Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (the OAPEC) that is the regional variant of global OPEC (the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries). In fact, some 65−70% of global petroleum reserves are located in the territory of the Middle East. Oil extraction and refining play a significant role in both regional and world economies, and, therefore, have a significant impact on the welfare and politics of the majority of Western (post-industrial) countries (especially of G7).

A lack of a full type of Western “liberal democracy” is another crucial feature of MENA as today, regional forms of governance are ranging from pure authoritarianism (Saudi Arabia) to some forms of democratic experiments based on the Western pattern (Lebanon or Israel) which are followed by Muslim regimes governed by religious leaders (Iran after 1979). Out of 22 Arab League’s states today, 8 of them are republics (including the Islamic Republic of Mauritania and the Baath Socialist Republic of Syria), 7 are monarchies, 4 have a one-party rule, the UAE is a political federation of sheikdoms, Somalia that is, in fact, lacking functioning governance, and finally, Palestine with not clear governmental type and even statehood. In general, regarding politics, the region is still in evolutionary transition as a result of modernization, Westernization, and globalization including references to economic and educational development with current tendencies of the radicalization of Islam as anti-colonial ideology against the post-industrial Western imperialism and the Zionist Israeli (backed by the USA) policy of apartheid (segregation and discrimination) and ethnic cleansing.   

An ancient conflict between two Islamic factions – the Sunni and the Shia Muslims – is another feature of the division of the region of the Middle East and North Africa. The first division within Islam was born soon after the death of his Prophet Muhammad in 632 A.D. when the Islamic world of Arabs became divided between those who had the pretensions to inherit the religious power after the death of the Prophet. They created two principal factions with different claims. The Sunni faction claimed that the religious power of the Caliph after 632 A.D. passed to Abu Bakr – Muhammad’s father-in-law, while the Shia faction (“Followers of Ali”) claimed the religious power to the cousin and son-in-law of the Prophet – Ali ibn Abi Talib. The assassination of the third Caliph, Uthman ibn Affan in 656, and the election of Ali ibn Abi Talib fueled the first armed conflict (civil war) among the Muslims which ended with the Battle of the Camel on November 7th, 656 in present-day Iraq in Basra between Aisha’s supporters (widow of the Prophet) and Ali ibn Abi Talib’s supporters (the fourth Caliph and son-in-law of the Prophet) who won the battle against Aisha. However, it was only after the murder of Ali, and a few years later, of his son Hussein ibn Ali in the Battle of Karbala on October 10th, 680 in present-day Iraq, that Islam went to a dogmatic and political split. The Shia Muslims reject the legitimacy of the first three Caliphs whom, however, the Sunni Muslims follow, having at the same time some doctrinal and political differences with the Sunnis. The biggest percentage of Shia Muslims today in the Middle East is in Iran (90−95%), Bahrain (65−75%), Iraq (60−70%), Lebanon (45−55%), and Yemen (30−40%).

The last important feature of the Middle East is the sectarian violence and its impact in some regional states. Several cases are going to be mentioned below:

  1. The Saudi government is composed of Sunnis and the monarchy itself in power belongs exclusively to the Sunni faction which is in constant competition with the Shia Iran. The government of Saudi Arabia fears that the Shia theocratic Islamic Republic of Iran could create serious unrest within both the Saudi and the Gulf’s Shia communities. However, both Iran and Saudi Arabia, in fact, are pretending to become the leading power in the region.
  2. The majority of Bahrain’s population is the Shia believers but there is a ruling Sunni monarchy. Inspired by the Arab Spring in 2011, the Shia believers started to demonstrate their political rights but without support from the US administration. The Bahraini Sunni governmental authorities and its allies, including Saudi Arabia, have violently cracked down on protests, killing hundreds of civilians.
  3. In Iraq, for a long time, the country’s Shia majority had been oppressed by the Sunni regime in Baghdad. We have to keep in mind that in Iraq exist the most sacred religious sites for the Shia Muslims. After the fall of Saddam Hussein in 2003, they came to power and the Shia population began to target the Sunni community. The Sunni believers have been persecuted and tortured by the Shia death squads and in response to the increasing violence against them, Iraqi Sunnis have committed several suicide attacks and bombings. As a consequence, the Shia-Sunni religious sectarianism in Iraq exacerbated the nationalistic and fundamentalistic attitudes of the Shia Muslims in power and has contributed to the strengthening of the Sunni support to ISIS (ISIL, DAESH).   
  4. For Iran, the most important thing is to protect its regional interests among them the rights of the Shia population abroad. For instance, after the Iranian Islamic revolution of 1979 that brought the Shia government to power in Tehran, Iran began to fund and encourage the Shia revolts in the eastern region of Saudi Arabia which is rich in oil reserves. The Iranian government is also supporting the government of Alawite (a branch of Shia Islam) Assad in Syria, which bridges with Lebanon.
  5. In Yemen, the Houthi rebels, located predominantly in the northern part of the country, are Shia Muslims and represent about 1/3 of the total population. The Houthis were able to force the resignation of President Hadi, recognized by the international community. Regardless of the fact that during the revolt in 2014−2015, Shia rebels took political control, the majority of Sunni tribes in South Yemen do not recognize the Shia authority. In 2015 it was formed a coalition of Arab states under the leadership of Saudi Arabia to support former President Hadi against the Houthi rebels, who are pro-Iranian. Large parts of the territory of Yemen are also under the control of the Sunni militant group al-Qaeda which is opposed to both Shia Houthi and the ex-government of Hadi. The Sunni al-Qaeda in Yemen has been several years targeted by the controversial US drone campaign inside of the country.
  6. Finally, behind the Syrian civil war which started in 2011 is, in essence, sectarian violence. Syrian President al-Assad belongs to the minority of Alawite Muslims who are a branch of the Shia sect. The Alawites take their name from Ali ibn Abi Talib who was a cousin, son-in-law, and the first male follower of the Prophet Muhammad (Alawite = “Follower of Ali”). The protests against Assad’s rule started in March 2011 and have been violently repressed. Nevertheless, the Syrian civil war has in part contributed to exacerbating the feelings of hatred and resentment between the Shia and the Sunni communities in the country. During the conflict, Shia Iran and the Shia Hezbollah from South Lebanon, in the moment of greatest difficulty for Assad’s regime, have flocked to the side of President Assad to prevent the deposition. However, similarly, the Sunni fighters from Jabhat al-Nusra Front and the Sunni ISIS are fighting in Syria against Assad. We have to keep in mind that Jabhat al-Nusra is the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda and that the Sunni monarchies of the Persian Gulf and Sunni Turkey are financially and militarily supporting the Sunni opposition fighters in Syria.

The region of the Middle East and North Africa is an area where geography and history are important factors in the contemporary lives of the people.

There are many native peoples of the region for whom MENA is considered as the Arab homeland. It refers to those lands in which the Arabic language (with all dialects) is spoken. It is, basically, a unique region in the world regarding geography, geopolitics, and geostrategy as here three continents are meeting each other (Europe, Africa, and Asia) and as the region which was a focal point of the development of the first civilizations.

Geologically, its topography was transformed after the Ice Age from a climate that supported the grasslands and waterways into vast steppes and deserts. Around 2000 B.C., the pastoral people of Aryans, or called as well as Indo-Iranians migrated into India and West as well as Central Asia, including today’s Iran (Persia) and surrounding countries. Strategically, MENA was considered all the time to be an extremely valuable geostrategic territory as being a crossroad for trade, faith, conflicts, or cultural development.

In principle, the crucial mark of the region is the predominant Arab culture with some contrasts in the cultural habits between, for instance, Saudi Arabia and Egypt. Besides, the cultural features of several other ethnic and confessional groups of MENA give a more comprehensive picture of the region’s peoples and challenges.


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Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović is a former university professor in Vilnius, Lithuania. He is a Research Fellow at the Center for Geostrategic Studies. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Israel’s Crimes and Atrocities Committed in Gaza

December 28th, 2023 by Peter Koenig

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Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says the Gaza war has exacted a “very heavy price” on the regime.

Netanyahu said Israel has no choice but to keep fighting to achieve its goals, including the elimination of Hamas and returning of its hostages. He made the comments after the Israeli army confirmed that 14 troops were killed in Gaza since Friday. It said 153 Israeli troops have been killed and nearly 500 others wounded since the beginning of Israel’s ground invasion in Gaza. Hamas says the number of Israeli army casualties is much higher.


PressTV: Israel has committed enormous crimes against humanity, causing more than 21,000 Palestinian casualties, since Netanyahu ordered a ground invasion in Gaza.

Please give us your views on these crimes and their consequences.

Peter Koenig (PK): Where to begin is the question. There is an abundance of crimes being committed as we speak

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) are wantonly targeting civilian populations.

Of the estimated more than 21,000 killed since October 7, at least two-thirds are women and children.

Coincidence? Of course not, there are no coincidences. Children are the future generation of Palestine, and women are the bearers of future generations. Eliminating them is an Israeli strategy.

More than 80% of all housing is destroyed, not to speak of infrastructure.

Israel is withholding emergency shipments of food and water – literally attempting to starve Palestinians to death.

Israel is selectively cutting off electricity and means of communication – internet, telephone, television….

But these are just “statistics”, right?

Nevertheless, think about it, when you are celebrating New Year with friends and have good times — you may, of course. It is your right. 

But please, DO NOT forget Gaza and Palestine.

Remember, that most likely your government – especially when you are in the US or European Union – your government supports or rather encourages the Israeli slaughter of Palestinians.

And I have not even mentioned yet: the execution-style killings; a few days ago IDF soldiers separated a group of men from women then they shot point blank the men – about a dozen – in front of their wives and children.

Organ stealing – totally illegal, Israel has always been one of the leaders in human organ trading, if not THE leader – now they are stealing killed Palestinians, remove their organs for their illicit organ trade.

Stripping civilians, mostly men, by the hundreds, having them sitting in rows in full sight of everybody – a shameful humiliation. 

And more, much more – the list goes on and on, Israeli crimes have no end.

Nobody should ever talk about the Holocaust inflicted by Nazi Germany on the Jews. Nobody.

What Zionists are doing to Palestinians is at least in the same category or worse. 

And it has lasted for 75 years, for the entire existence of Israel, the apartheid system has prevailed – and killed countless Palestinians indiscriminately, year after year; silenced by the mainstream media, most of which are under Zionist control.

In addition to all the atrocities mentioned before, there is the human suffering that cannot be accounted for, not in money, not in numbers.

But the price Israel is most likely paying for their indiscriminate and well-thought-out genocide of an entire population is high – it may be Israel herself. 

Netanyahu, Zionist-in-chief, is wiping Israel off the map.

Once this is over – and one day it will be over, namely as soon as the money and weapons flow stops, pretty much like the Ukraine – then, the war will stop.

Israel cannot survive without Western money – with war or without war. 

Israel’s regular budget, in normal times, depends to about one-third on “subsidies” from the US – compliments of US tax-payers.

The price for these atrocities and suffering Israel is inflicting on Palestine will be steep.

PEACE is what We, the Western People – forget our corrupted governments – wish upon Palestine.

Our thoughts, our positive vibes, shall help bring PEACE to Palestine.


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Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for online journals and is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.

Featured image: Bad Moon Rising – by Mr. Fish

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Почели су масовни протести у Београду. Опозиционари и њихове присталице, који се не слажу са резултатима недавних парламентарних избора, изашли су на улице, блокирајући путеве и нападајући зграде владе. Органи за спровођење закона реагују покушавајући да обуздају немире. Ситуација се захуктава.

По мишљењу стручњака, у Србији се могуће организује државни удар по узору на украјински Мајдан 2014. Већина стручњака сматра да акције српске опозиције координирају Брисел и Вашингтон.

Да ли је могућа политичка револуција у Србији?

Директорка Центра за геостратешка истраживања Драгана Трифковић изнела је руском Јавном сервису своје мишљење о овом питању:

Ко прави протесте у Београду и какви су њихови захтеви?

У Србији су одржани 17. децембра ванредни парламентарни, београдски и локални избори. По мом мишљењу, циљ организовања ванредних избора је био легитимизација политике владајућег режима, посебно у вези са Косовом и Метохијом.

Подсетићу да је владајући режим потписао Бриселски споразум 2013. године и Вашингтонски споразум 2020. године, којим се Србија практично одриче суверенитета и пристаје на одлуке албанских сепаратиста подржаних Вашингтоном. Такође у фебруару ове године је усмено усвојен Француско-немачки план у Охриду, којим се признаје суверенитет, територијални интегритет и национални симболи независног Косова. САД сматрају да је усмени пристанак председника Србије Александра Вучића довољан за легитимизацију независног Косова. Истовремено председник Србије понавља како никада неће признати косовску независност, али не поништава већ потписане договоре и усмени пристанак.

За САД је важно да након избора заврше пројекат косовске независности и у том циљу они координишу деловање и власти и опозиције. То је потребно имати у виду приликом оцене тренутне ситуације у Србији, где су протести и политичка нестабилност само део једног ширег плана.

Постоје индиције да се Вучић сагласио са захтевом амбасадора САД Кристофера Хила да власт у Београду пређе у руке про-западне опозиције, али је очигледно да он жели да задржи власт у Београду. Апсолутно не подржавам мешање страног фактора у Србији, као ни насилне протесте. Међутим чињеница је да и власт и опозиција имају исти политички програм, а то је безалтернативне интеграције Србије у ЕУ. Недавно је ЕУ укључила у процес европинтеграција обавезу Србије да призна косовску независност.

Да закључим, протесте у Србији организује опозција због изборних нерегуларности, али они нису претња по режим осим ако не добију пуну подршку Запада, што сада није случај. Дакле прозападна опозиција користи америчком амбасадору као контролни фактор ка власти, како би власт испунила све потписане уговоре у вези са Косовом.

Да ли је могуће у Србији очекивати државни преврат?

Након ванредних избора режим Александра Вучића је добио већину у Парламенту и фактички се учврстио на власти. То говори о томе да он има и даље велику подршку са Запада. Са једне стране српски режим покшава да одугловачи са потписаним и сагласованим обавезама око Косова, а са друге стране САД желе да пре избора у Америци реализују у потпуности пројекат косовске независности. Дакле ако поредимо ситуацију у Србији са ситуацијом у Украјини до Мајадана, јер има доста таквих поређења, морамо да будемо свесни кључне разлике. То је да је Јанукович одложио потписивање договора са ЕУ, а Вучић за сада ништа није одложио и даље заступа идеју безалтернативних интеграција Србије у ЕУ. Из тог разлога сматрам да не постоји никаква опасност да дође до државног преврата у Србији. Летос смо имали далеко озбиљније демонстрације у Србији где је на улицама било преко 100 хиљаде људи, али након што се про-западна опозција инсталирала на чело тих протеста, они су угушени. Треба и истаћи то да незадовољство грађана у Србији евидентно постоји, и да су они подједнако незадовољни и влашћу и опозицијим, односно комплетном политичком сценом Србије. Фактички у Србији не постоји алтернатива безалтернативном путу у ЕУ нити озбиљне политичке структуре које би могле да задобију поверење грађана. Из тог разлога је нејасно чиме може да резултира нарастајуће незадовољство грађана.


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Why Is the Corporate State Media Turning on Netanyahu?

December 28th, 2023 by Ben Bartee

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Over the past several decades, until very recently, you would have been hard-pressed to locate a single word of criticism in the corporate state media leveled at literally anything the Israeli state does. The uniparty’s pawns in elected government — and, more to the point, the national security state that actually runs foreign policy — have unanimously, full-throatedly embraced Zionism without reservation.

The few over the years who have strayed from the company line, like Pat Buchanan, have been met with the full force of the Israel lobby and its media attack dogs at the Anti-Defamation League, which intentionally, disgustingly conflate criticism of Israel with antisemitism, a common tactic to silence the Israeli state’s political opponents.

Via ADL:

“Buchanan makes no attempt to hide his anti-Semitic and anti-Israel views, which have become more virulent in recent years…

Buchanan also turned his attention to Israel in his columns in 2010. In a June 2010 article, ‘Lift the Siege of Gaza,’ about the Israeli offensive in Gaza, Buchanan wrote that it “’was the inevitable result of Israel doing what it always seems to do: going beyond what is essential to her security, to impose collective punishment upon any and all it regards as hostile to Israel.’ In a May 2010 column, ‘Poodle Biden Gets Kicked,’ about Vice President Joe Biden’s visit to Israel, Buchanan cited Biden’s comment that ‘there is no space between the United States and Israel when it comes to Israel’s security.’ Buchanan then claimed that Biden ‘was played for a fool’ when Israel decided it would build new homes in disputed areas. Buchanan called Americans “grovelers” when it comes to dealing with Israel and claimed that the U.S. responded like a ‘battered spouse to Israel’s ’public slap across the face.’

Buchanan went on to criticize those who believe his views are anti-Semitic… ‘They charge us with anti-Semitism… The truth is, those hurling these charges harbor a ‘passionate attachment’ to a nation not our own that causes them to subordinate the interests of their own country and to act on an assumption that, somehow, what’s good for Israel is good for America.’“

Where’s the lie, ADL? They present Buchanan’s claims with no rebuttal as if they are self-evidently a.) incorrect and b.) somehow antisemitic even though in all cited examples Buchanan is explicitly discussing U.S. foreign policy vis-a-vis Israel — nothing about Jews or Judaism.

Anyway, in recent weeks, a new phenomenon has unfolded: the knives have come out against the government of Bibi Netanyahu (not the Israeli state per se) in the corporate state media — even in its epicenter, which is Morning Joe and his sidepiece, Mika “Deep State Nepo-Baby” Brzeziński. Whatever line Joe and Mika are parroting is, invariably, the current approved narrative; it doesn’t get more establishment.

What gives?

There might be an amalgam of explanations, as most geopolitical issues are multifactorial. But here’s what I think is going on:

Netanyahu, as head of the Likud party and of a governing coalition including even more dogmatic parties, represents the highly religious, nationalistic faction of Israeli politics that is most likely to resist a full takeover by the multinational corporate state. Their vision of an explicitly Jewish state conflicts with the monocultural global technocracy’s ambition to turn the world into a consolidated techno-fiefdom.

What sold me on this theory was a trend that began earlier this year, when I saw a symphony of top technocrats, led by the WEF lieutenant himself, Yuval Noah Harari, who is no critic of Israel per se as a geopolitical beachhead in the Middle East as such, publicly turn on Netanyahu.

Via Times of Israel, March 2023:

“The Israeli historian, philosopher, and best-selling author Yuval Noah Harari said Thursday that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu may go down in history as the man who destroyed Israel.

Harari, who has been vocal about his opposition to a proposed judicial overhaul by Netanyahu’s right-wing government, said the long-serving prime minister has divided the country to preserve his political longevity.

This has caused rifts that will be difficult to heal, Harari said.

‘If Netanyahu had retired after two terms in office or after, say, eight years. I think even though I didn’t like many of the things he did, I think he would have retired as one of the great leaders of Israel,’ Harari said during an interview with The Associated Press in Tel Aviv.

‘Now, his legacy is he is certainly the divider of Israel, the person who divided the Israeli nation against itself. And I hope … we don’t get there,’ he said. ‘But he could go down in history as the person who destroyed the state of Israel.’…

Harari said Netanyahu, who is in a coalition with ultra-Orthodox and ultranationalist parties affiliated with the West Bank settlement movement, could move toward a dictatorship if the [judicial reform] plan is passed, and sounded the alarm for Israel’s Western backers.

If this kind of power falls into the hands of an autocratic regime, which is also a fundamentalist religious regime with expansionist aims and with this belief in Jewish supremacy, it will set the whole Middle East on fire,’ Harari said.”

The likes of Harari view Israel as a necessary asset of the Western corporate state in a region otherwise dominated by Muslim caliphates, even the most closely-held of which, like Saudi Arabia, are only on board for the oil money and the weapons/military assistance. Even given that the leaderships of these countries are nominally in on the globalist project, they sit atop a barely-contained ticking time bomb of Islamic fundamentalism, waiting for any opening to make a mess of things. Imagine ISIS but backed by the vast oil wealth currently controlled by the Saudi royal family and their analogs in the other Gulf States. This makes them unreliable allies at best, to the extent they could be considered allies at all and not mercenaries. Israel is an indispensable asset in the region.

Religious Israeli hardliners, therefore, represent the chief ideological adversaries of creatures such as Harari, as do nationalists of all stripes — be they secular or sectarian in nature, or ethnocentric or multicultural. It is no coincidence that, since the latter half of the 20th century, “nationalism” has become a dirty word in polite neoliberal society, analogized to Nazism.

Israel, but for the Zionist ultra-nationalists in the way, is very nearly a fully captured state. The most glaring evidence for this is its government’s full-throated embrace of the COVID shots as “the first country on Earth to fully vaccinate a majority of its citizens against COVID-19” and its offering of the Israeli population as the de facto global guinea pigs for the pharmaceutical companies.

There are self-interested geopolitical reasons, of course, for Israel to give itself over to the multinational corporate state; it is surrounded on all sides, except the one occupied by a sea, by its enemies. It depends wholly on the financial, diplomatic, and military support of the United States, which at the top is itself nearly fully captured.

I have previously argued, which I stand by, that October 7 was not an “intelligence failure.” However, I am open to the possibility that Netanyahu himself did not see the attack coming and that the Israeli national security/intelligence apparatus hid pertinent information from him so as to achieve a pretext to finally get rid of him. If that is the case, putting the puzzle pieces together as to why American corporate state media has turned on Bibi becomes easier. 


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This article was originally published on the author’s Substack, Armageddon Prose.

Ben Bartee, author of Broken English Teacher: Notes From Exile, is an independent Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.