2024: The Year Global Government Takes Shape

January 5th, 2024 by Kit Knightly

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New Year Donation Drive: Global Research Is Committed to the “Unspoken Truth”


Global government is the endgame. We know that.

Total control of every aspect of life for every single person on the planet, that’s the goal.

That’s been apparent to anyone paying attention for years, if not decades, and any tiny portion of remaining doubt was removed when Covid was rolled-out and members of the establishment started outright saying it.

Covid marked an acceleration of the globalist agenda, a mad dash to the finish line that seems to have lost momentum short of victory, but the race is still going. The goal has not changed, even if the years since may have seen the agenda retreat slightly back into the shadows.

We know what they want conceptually, but what does that mean practically?

What does a potential “global government” actually look like?

First off, let’s talk about what we’re NOT going to see.

1 – They are not going to declare themselves. No, there will almost certainly never be an official “world government”, at least not for a long time yet. That’s a lesson they learned from Covid — putting a name and a face on globalism only foments collective resistance to it.

2 – They’re not going to abolish nationhood. You can be sure Klaus Schwab (or whoever) isn’t ever going to appear simulcast on every television in the world announcing that we’re all citizens of ze vurld now and that nation states no longer exist.

In part because that is likely to focus resistance (see point 1), but mainly because tribalism and nationalism are just too useful to all would-be manipulators of public opinion. And, of course the continuing existence of nation states in no way precludes the existence of a supra-national control system, any more than the existence of Rhode Island, Florida or Texas precludes the existence of the Federal government.

3 – There will never be an overt declaration of a change of system. We will not be told we are united under a new model, instead the illusion of regionality & superficial variance will camouflage a lack of real choice across the political landscape. A thin polysystemic skin stretched tight over a monosystemic skeleton.

Capitalism, communism, socialism, democracy, tyranny, monarchy…these words will steadily dilute in meaning, even more than they have already, but they will never be abandoned.

What globalism will bring us – I suggest – is a collection of nation-states largely in name only, operating superficially different systems of government all built on the same underpinning assumptions and all answering to an unelected and undeclared higher authority.

…and if that sounds familiar, it’s because it’s essentially what we have already.

The only major aspects missing are the mechanisms by which this rough model can be transformed into a flowing network, where all corners are eroded and all genuine sovereign powers become entirely vestigial.

That’s where the three main pillars of global rule come in:

  1. Digital Money
  2. Digital ID
  3. “Climate Action”

Let’s take a look at each one in turn.

1. Digital Money

Over 90% of the nations of the world are currently in the process of introducing a new digital currency issued by their central bank. OffG – and others – have been covering the push for a Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) for years now, to the point where we don’t need to rehash old talking points here.

Simply put, entirely digital money enables total surveillance of every transaction. If the currency is programmable, it would also allow control of every transaction.

You can read our extensive back-catalogue on CBDCs for more detail.

Clearly CBDCs are a potentially dystopian nightmare which will infringe the rights of anyone forced to use them….but how are they a building block of global government?

The answer to that is “interoperability”.

While the world’s national CBDCs will notionally be separate from one another, the majority are being coded to recognize and interact with each other. They are almost all being developed along guidelines produced by the Bank of International Settlements and other globalist financial institutions, and they are all being programed by the same handful of tech giants.

A June 2023 report for the World Economic Forum noted the importance of “Central Bank Digital Currency Global Interoperability Principles”and concluded:

It is crucial for central banks to prioritize interoperability considerations early in the design process by adhering to a set of guiding principles. To facilitate global coordination and ensure harmonious implementation of CBDCs, the development of a comprehensive set of principles and standards becomes imperative. Drawing upon previous research and collaborative efforts, this set of principles can serve as a robust foundation, guiding central banks to proactively consider interoperability from the outset of their CBDC initiatives. By adopting these principles, central banks can work towards creating a cohesive and interconnected CBDC ecosystem.

Commenting on the report, the World Economic Forum website noted[emphasis added]:

To ensure successful implementation and promote interoperability, global coordination becomes paramount […] adhering to interoperability principles, CBDCs can advance harmoniously, leading to efficient and interconnected digital payment systems.

It doesn’t take a genius to decode “global coordination”, “cohesive ecosystem”, “harmonious advancement” and “interconnected payment systems”.

There is no practical difference between 195 “interoperable” and interconnected digital currencies, and one single global currency.

In fact “interoperability” is the watchword for all globalist power structures moving forward. Which leads us neatly onto…

2. Digital Identity

The global push for mandatory digital identities is even older than the digital currency agenda, dating back to the turn of the century and Tony Blair’s “national identity cards”.

For decades it has been a “solution” posited to every “problem”.

Terrorism? Digital identity will keep you safe.

Illegal immigration? Digital identity will secure the border.

Pandemic? Digital identity will keep track of who is vaccinated and who is not.

AI? Digital identity will prove who’s human.

Poverty? Digital identity will “promote financial inclusion”

Clearly, just as with CBDCs, a far-reaching digital identity service is a threat to human rights. And, just as with CBDCs, if you interconnect national digital identity platforms you can build a global system.

Again, it’s all about “interoperability”. They use the exact same language.

The World Bank’s Identity4Development program claims:

Interoperability is crucial for developing efficient, sustainable, and useful identity ecosystems.

The Nordic and Baltic Ministers for Digitalization publicly called for “cross-border” operational digital IDs.

NGOs like Open Identity Exchange(OIX) are publishing reports on “the need for data standards to enable interoperability of Digital IDs both in federations within an ID ecosystem, and across ID ecosystems.”.

The list of national governments introducing digital IDs, “partnering” with corporate giants to do so and/or promoting “cross border interoperability” is long, and growing longer all the time.

In October 2023 the United Nations Development Program published their “guidelines” for the design and use of digital identities.

There is no practical difference between 195 networked digital identity platforms and one single global identity program.

OK, so they have global currency and identity programs in place. Now they can control and monitor everyone’s movements, financial transactions, health and more. That’s surveillance and control mechanism, all handled in a distributed model designed to obfuscate the very existence of a global government.

But what about policy?

How does this global government hand down policy and legislation without giving away its existence?

Climate change, that’s how.

3. “Climate Action”

Climate Change has been at the forefront of the globalist agenda for years. It is the Trojan horse of the antihuman technocrat.

As long ago as 2010, noted Climate Change “experts” were suggesting that “humans are not evolved enough” to combat climate change and that “It may be necessary to put democracy on hold for a while.”

More recently, in 2019, Bloomberg was publishing articles with headlines like “Climate Change Will Kill National Sovereignty As We Know It”, and academics are telling us:

States will remain unable to solve global crises like climate change until they let go of their sovereignty

For years climate change has been sold as the reason we might be “forced” to abandon democracy or sovereignty.

Alongside this, there is a prolonged propaganda narrative dedicated to changing “climate change” from an environmental issue into an everything issue.

At this point all national governments agree “climate change” is an urgent problem requiring global cooperation to solve. They host massive summits at which they sign international agreements, binding nation states to certain policies, for the sake of the planet.

Having established that model, they are now widening the “climate change” purview. Changing “climate change” into the answer to every question:

Obviously, “climate change” was always going to impact energy and transport.

Following Covid, “climate change” has already been re-branded a “health crisis”.

Now we’re being told “climate change” is generating a food crisis.

We’re being told that international trade needs to be climate conscious.

We’re being told by the World Bank that education reform will help the fight against climate change.

We’re being told by the IMF that every country in the world should taxcarbon and, in a recent cross-over episode, that CBDCs can be good for the environment.

See how it works?

Agriculture & food, public health, energy & transport, trade, fiscal & taxation policy, even education. Almost every area of government is now potentially covered by the “climate change” umbrella.

They no longer need a one-world government, they just need a single panel of “impartial international climate change experts” working to save the planet.

Through the lens of “climate change”, these experts would be empowered to dictate – sorry, recommend – government policy in almost every area of life to every nation on the planet.

Do you see it yet?

This is global government in the modern world, not centralised but distributed. Cloud computing. A supranational corporate-technocrat hivemind. With no official existence or authority, and therefore no accountability, and funneling all their policy decisions through one filter – climate change.

There won’t be a single global currency, there will be dozens and dozens of “interoperable” digital currencies creating an “harmonious payment ecosystem”.

There won’t be a single global digital identity service, there will be a series of “interconnected identity networks” engaging in the “free flow of data to promote security”.

There won’t be a global government, there will be international panels of “impartial experts”, appointed by the UN who make “policy recommendations”.

Most or all of the countries of the world will follow most or all of the recommendations, but anyone who calls these panels global governments will be forwarded fact-checks from Snopes or Politifact  highlighting that “UN expert panels do NOT constitute a global government because they have no legislative power”.

This, I suggest, is how  global government will take shape in 2024 and beyond.

Compartmentalized, utterly deniable…but very, very real.


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New Year Donation Drive: Global Research Is Committed to the “Unspoken Truth”


A US military official told Al Mayadeen that US occupation forces in Syria and Iraq have been subjected to at least 118 attacks since October 17.

Since that date, 10 days after the launch of Operation Al Aqsa Flood, the Islamic Resistance in Iraq has been targeting US occupation bases in the two countries and has confirmed in its statements, that the strikes are an effort to end the US illegal presence in the region and come in support of the steadfast Resistance in Palestine.

According to statements, the Islamic Resistance in Iraq has so far targeted a number of US bases including Ain al-Assad, Kharab al-Jir, al-Shaddadi, Harir, al-Tanf, Rmelan, al-Malikiyah, and near the Conoco and al-Omar fields, in addition to US occupation forces near the Erbil airport and in the Green Village.

The operations were conducted by using a variety of drones and rockets which targeted specific locations and hit their targets.

This comes amid a rift in the US between those who seek to withdraw forces from the region and those who insist on keeping them despite the continuous hits and losses of lives and injuries that are anticipated with the ongoing escalations.

Keeping US forces in Iraq and Syria Could Lead to ‘Catastrophic’ Losses

The American Conservative published a report by Dan Caldwell entitled Our National Disgrace in Iraq and Syria, in which it said that US forces were risking their lives “needlessly” due to “policy paralysis and lack of political courage.”

The magazine reported that when Greg Carlstrom, an economist, interviewed an American diplomat last year, he asked him about the Biden administration’s policy in Syria, and in response, the official “shrugged and laughed.” 

Carlstrom then underscored that “One group certainly not laughing about President Biden’s Syria policy (or lack thereof) is the over 70 US troops injured” after attacks started raining in on US bases in Syria and Iraq, especially since the start of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood.

Rather, the report highlighted that the presence of US occupation forces in Syria and Iraq “risks a catastrophic loss of American life that could escalate into a major war.” 

Moreover, it was noted that the fact that a number of US policymakers insisted on “sustaining” these existing policies “is a national disgrace.”

The publication stressed, “Policy inertia and political cowardice have condemned American service members in Iraq and Syria” saying the forced served “as soft targets for those looking to punish the US.” In short, Carlstorm stated that “withdrawal is the only path forward that prioritizes both American lives and interests.”


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Featured image is from Military Media

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New Year Donation Drive: Global Research Is Committed to the “Unspoken Truth”


The Israeli government is increasingly adopting the “voluntary” resettlement of Palestinians from Gaza as official policy, with a high-ranking official disclosing that it has engaged in discussions with multiple countries regarding the potential for such moves.

According to the Times of Israel, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s coalition is discreetly exploring the acceptance of thousands of migrants from Gaza, with the Democratic Republic of Congo being one of the countries under consideration.

“Congo will be willing to take in migrants,” said a senior source in the security cabinet, “and we’re in talks with others.”

During a Likud faction meeting on Monday, Netanyahu announced that he is involved actively in arranging for the voluntary migration of Gazans to other countries.

“Our problem is finding countries that are willing to absorb Gazans,” he said, “and we are working on it.”

Addressing Likud Knesset Member Danny Danon’s claim that, “The world is already discussing the possibilities of voluntary migration,” the prime minister acknowledged the challenge of finding countries willing to accept Gazans, but emphasised ongoing efforts in that regard. Despite these discussions, the idea of voluntary migration has faced widespread rejection from the international community.

The US State Department yesterday slammed recent statements by far-right Ministers Bezalel Smotrich and Itamar Ben-Gvir advocating the “voluntary emigration” of Palestinians out of Gaza, calling the rhetoric “inflammatory and irresponsible”, Reuters has reported.

The comments from the ministers appeared to underscore fears in much of the Arab world that Israel wants to forcibly displace and ethnically cleanse the occupied Palestinian territories, just as Zionist terrorist gangs did in historic Palestine in 1948.

While reports have emerged of offers for Arab forces and governments to administer Gaza, such as the Palestinian Authority or a combined force of Arab states, the predominant view on the part of Israel’s far-right government has been for Israel itself to re-occupy the Strip, expel its Palestinian population and resettle the land with Israelis and Jewish settlers.

Israel is continuing with its brutal military offensive in Gaza despite global calls for a ceasefire in the 11-week-old war. The Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, launched Operation Al-Aqsa Flood on 7 October against Israeli military bases and settlements in the vicinity of Gaza, during which 1,139 Israeli soldiers and civilians were killed, many of them by “friendly fire” from the Israel Defence Forces. The operation was in response to “daily Israeli attacks against the Palestinian people and their sanctities,” said Hamas, notably Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied Jerusalem. Around 240 Israelis were captured during the operation, 110 of whom have already been exchanged for some of the thousands of Palestinians held by Israel.

Palestinian health authorities say that more than 22,000 people have been killed in Israeli air and artillery strikes since 7 October, most of them children and women. Israeli bombs have laid much of the occupied Palestinian territory to waste. Thousands more Palestinians are buried under the rubble of their homes and other civilian infrastructure. Nearly all the enclave’s 2.3 million people have been driven from their homes, many several times. A humanitarian catastrophe is engulfing Gaza, with famine looming.


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In this fictitious interview that never took place – the first and principal question would have been about the cost of the Israel-Gaza/Palestine War, and who would pay for it.

The short answer was the cost of the war may be Israel itself — meaning, the existence of Israel. After the genocide they have committed and are still committing in occupied Gaza and now also in the West Bank, they cannot be forgiven. Such a country cannot be allowed to exist. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) are wantonly killing civilians. So far more than 20,000 Palestinians have been killed of whom at least two-thirds are women and children.

After all, Israel is not even a real country. She has been established on a piece of land historically Palestine, Zionist-coerced out of the UK government, former colonial power of this part of the world – without any justification. The spineless UK leadership was then as it is today bending over backwards in the face of Zionist pressure and assumed might – and, because the powers of the “winners” of WWII all-out backing of the Zionists throughout the world.

An absurdity. But we are living in a sick-sick world, way beyond Orwellian description.

Sometimes it looks as if there was no possible healing, that we passed the point of no-return. Going back to a civilized and ethical behavior, by We, the People in the west, also called the Global North, is no longer possible.

For the creation of Israel, the UK had the backing of the young United Nations, created in 1945. At the time, in 1948, of the Zionist-forced Israel, the UN was only 53 members strong, also cowardly in the face of the former colonial powers and the “winners” of WWII – and the pressure of Zionism.

Under the Treaty of Sèvres (1920), the League of Nations (precursor to the United Nations) formally gave control of Palestine to the British government. Britain’s job was to implement the Balfour Declaration, which had been signed three years earlier, stating Britain’s desire to create a homeland in Palestine for the Jews.

The Balfour Declaration came about by Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour writing on November 2, 1917, to Britain’s most illustrious Jewish citizen, Baron Lionel Walter Rothschild (real name Rosh Yilf), expressing the British government’s support for a Jewish homeland in Palestine. The letter would eventually become known as the Balfour Declaration.

The rest is history.

Or history in the making.

The Palestinians were never asked their opinion.

After all, they were no longer under the colonial power of the UK.

By any decent international law, they should have had a decision power over their own homeland.

That was bitterly denied to them by the international community, which then like today, had no ethics, no morals and can easily be called the murderous, genocidal west, led by the self-styled – but rapidly fading – empire, the United States of America.

From the looks, law, especially international law, already then did only exist for the common people. Their Highnesses, the Lordships, and later the transatlantic elites, made their own laws as they suited them best for the moment. Today it’s called the “rules-based order”.

Very likely the UK was coerced by the Zionists into allocating Palestinian land to the creation of Israel, way before the Balfour letter, so that the Balfour Declaration became a mere rubberstamping of the fact.

In the aftermath of this horrendous ongoing Gaza massacre, having extended long ago into the West Bank, Israel could be wiped off the map and no longer exist. The falling empire and its western puppets can no longer afford pumping not just billions but eventually trillions into Israel and the region to make it livable again.

In fact, Israel is wiping herself off the map. This war will stop as soon as weapon deliveries and money stop flowing. Israel under Netanyahu can no longer face the world.

The flow of money will stop, as the dollar and its little cousin, the Euro, are every day worth less and rapidly moving into the direction of “worthless”. While per se, it has not mattered so far, as new dollars and Euros are printed as need.

However, there comes the point when even the complicit but money-thirsty Wall Street and BlackRock on top, are taking cautiously note of the fast and irreversibly accumulating national debts, risking a major industrial collapse, as in bankruptcies, and a rapidly faltering economy precisely in these countries led by the self-styled world elite, those still dreaming of a One World Order, with a One World Government.

There may be genocidal leaders, whose brutality and corrupted obedience was read, a.k.a. analyzed before they were put into their positions, like Ursula von der Leyen. Irish Member of the European Parliament (MEP), Clare Daly, called European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen “Frau Genocide” over the EU’s stance on Israel’s military operation in Gaza.

Ms. Daly accused the EU Commission president of

swooping in and overriding the foreign policies of elected governments” in recent months, while cheerleading a “brutal apartheid regime that she calls a ‘vibrant democracy.’”

Speaking from the European Parliament podium on 24 December, Ms. Daly added that von der Leyen was “elevated to power without a single vote from the citizens.

This opinion is shared by hundreds of EU Parliament members and EU staffers, as evidenced by Irish Times which reported at least 842 EU staffers, who had signed a letter denouncing the Commission’s stance on Israel.

The document reportedly accused von der Leyen of giving a “free hand to the acceleration and legitimacy of a war crime in the Gaza Strip.

This EU example is valid for most EU member countries, where 90% of the people condemn Israel for the war crimes it keeps committing – and this against the official policy of their compromised and corrupted governments.

Zionists are sitting everywhere in influential roles. So, these governments are everywhere around the western world.

Outside these powers of Government influence, large independent institutions, like Amsterdam’s largest and high-end Department store, De Bijenkorf, is openly calling for boycotting Israeli goods. See video below.

Similarly, the Algerian DJ Snake has issued a strong pro-Palestine statement, depicting this telling picture about Gaza and The World. See video below.

There are many money and weapon parallels between the Israeli and Ukraine aggressions. Both are leading to human mass-killings that are encouraged by the soulless west.

The consequences, or aftermath of these wars will be massive dying for years to come, from dehumanized living conditions, famine, diseases, bankruptcies, unemployment, suicide – all blending in perfectly with the Great Reset’s and the UN Agenda 2030’s major goal – massive population reduction.

Mind you, that is only one front, where this Goal Numero Uno is played out.

And mind you again, it will not happen when We, the People, will resist.

Israel, after 75 years of dishonest creation and existence – and especially after this horrendous never-before seen in recent history democide — is definitely no longer a viable and trustworthy country, if ever it was.

Scott Ritter goes as far as saying that the Israeli State is no longer allowed to exist and to pollute the face of the earth; he is no longer in favor of a Two-State Solution, but a One-State-Solution, and the One State is Palestine; going on saying, the concept of a Jewish State called Israel is dead. Listen to his full 3-min short video.


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Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

Peter is a Research Associate at the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.

Featured image: Palestinian rescue services remove the bodies of members of the Shaaban family, all six of whom were killed in an Israeli airstrike on the Sheikh Radwan neighborhood, western Gaza, October 9, 2023. (Mohammed Zaanoun)

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New Year Donation Drive: Global Research Is Committed to the “Unspoken Truth”


It must be time for another round of hyperventilating about Iranian naval vessels. Bloomberg published this report today:

Iran’s dispatch of a warship to the Red Sea is its boldest move yet to challenge US forces in the key trade route, emboldening Houthi militants whose missiles have disrupted shipping over the past two months.

Tehran is unlikely to want direct confrontation — its old frigate being no match for the US-led maritime task force patrolling the waters off Yemen — but it takes the projection of Iranian power in the region to another level.

The Iranian government periodically sends its ships to show their flag in different places, and every time there is a ridiculous overreaction in the West. In 2021, they sent two of their ships into the Atlantic. Deranged hawks feared might be headed to Venezuela (to supply them with speedboats!), but it turned out that they were just on their way to participate in a commemorative event in Russia. Then two ships made a port call in Rio de Janeiro last year, and we were once again treated to a hawkish freakout over the dire “threat” that these ships allegedly posed to the entire hemisphere. Now they have sent a frigate to the Red Sea, which is even less remarkable than sending ships into the Atlantic. It must be time to panic again.

As everyone understands, one frigate poses no real threat to the many U.S. ships that have been sent to run interference for Israel’s atrocious war in Gaza protect “freedom of navigation,” and this particular frigate is fifty year-old relic of the pre-revolutionary monarchy’s military spending spree. Sending one ship into an international waterway isn’t projecting much power at all, so it is hard to take seriously claims that it takes Iranian power projection to “another level.” The fact that the Iranian government is sending only one ship shows that it has no intention of doing anything in the Red Sea, and it is at most signaling its support for Houthi actions. All of this underscores that the hawkish fear of Iran as a would-be regional hegemon is laughable.

The real danger in the Red Sea is not a solitary Iranian ship. It is not even the Houthis’ drone and missile attacks. The true danger is the drumbeat for Western military action against Yemen. The Sunday Times reported that the U.K. was preparing to launch strikes in concert with the U.S. and possibly one other European government:

Under the plans the UK would join with the US and possibly another European country to unleash a salvo of missiles against pre-planned targets, either in the sea or in Yemen itself, where the militants are based.

It is understood that the co-ordinated strikes could involve RAF warplanes or HMS Diamond, a Type 45 destroyer which successfully destroyed an attack drone with a Sea Viper missile in the Red Sea this month.

A statement is expected to be released by Britain and the US in the coming days that will warn the Houthis to stop attacking commercial vessels or face the West’s military might.

As I said last week, this is extremely stupid. The Houthis will almost certainly ignore these warnings, and then the U.S. and its partners will then feel compelled to back up their ill-advised threats by escalating. When the first rounds of strikes achieve little or nothing, there will be predictable demands for more. Rather than acknowledge failure, the Biden administration and the other governments will then press on with a bombing campaign that will kill many Yemenis without stopping Houthi attacks. That in turn would likely provoke more Houthi attacks on a wider range of targets. Instead of stabilizing the region and ensuring safe passage for commercial vessels, this would have the opposite effect on both counts.

The one thing that might actually stop the attacks for the foreseeable future would be to pressure the Israeli government to halt its destructive campaign, so of course this is the one option that no Western government is seriously contemplating.

Matt Duss remarked on this earlier today:

The idea that the US should open a new front against the Houthis in response to their attacking shipping in protest of the Gaza massacre instead of, you know, *ending support for the Gaza massacre* is one of the most DC-brained things ever.

If the U.S. successfully pressed for a ceasefire and an end to the siege, it is likely that Houthi attacks on commercial shipping would also stop. The U.S. ought to be pressing for a ceasefire and an end to the siege anyway because its support for the collective punishment of the people of Gaza is a terrible crime. It would have the added benefit of reducing tensions elsewhere in the region.

Further escalation is exactly the wrong thing to do if the U.S. doesn’t want the war to spread. That means that the U.S. should be leaning hard on the Israeli government to scrap any plans it might have for a new campaign in Lebanon, and it also means shutting down all this talk of striking targets in Yemen. The U.S. can’t afford and shouldn’t seek new wars anywhere, and especially not in the Middle East.

If the Biden administration chooses escalation on one or more fronts, it will be responsible for the ensuing regional disaster.


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New Year Donation Drive: Global Research Is Committed to the “Unspoken Truth”


Top officials from around the world have firmly dismissed the possibility of a second Nakba – the “catastrophe” in the late 1940s when Zionist militias forcibly displaced more than 700,000 Palestinians for the establishment of the State of Israel – or what more recently high-ranking far-right Israeli officials have called “voluntary” resettlement of Palestinians overseas.

Israel unveiled its nefarious design amid a brutal war on Gaza, where it has killed nearly 23,000 people since October 7 – most of them women and children.

Despite growing global pressure on Israel to end what has been described as a “collective punishment” of Gaza’s civilians, the far-right Netanyahu had doubled down on its rhetoric along with the military offensive.

In recent days, Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich has called for Palestinian residents in besieged Gaza to leave “voluntarily” to be replaced by Israelis.

Ultra-nationalist Security Minister and rabble-rouser Itamar Ben Gvir made similar remarks, calling the exodus of Palestinians and the establishment of Israeli settlements a “correct, just, moral and humane solution”.

According to The Times of Israel, a senior Israeli official has held talks with several countries over what it calls the “potential absorption” of Palestinians.

Congo is alleged to have held “secret contacts” about the prospect of taking in Palestinians.

Saudi Arabia, according to The Times of Israel, was also discussed amid a construction boom in the Kingdom concerning the prospect of taking in “hundreds of thousands of Palestinians for work.”

However, the idea has been quickly condemned by the international community.

UN human rights chief Volker Turk has said he was “very disturbed” after comments by senior Israeli officials calling for Palestinians to leave Gaza.

“Very disturbed by high-level Israeli officials’ statements on plans to transfer civilians from Gaza to third countries,” Turk wrote on X, formerly Twitter.

The European Union’s top foreign policy chief, Josep Borrell, also condemned the remarks and the possibility of displacing Palestinians from Gaza.

“I strongly condemn the inflammatory and irresponsible statements by Israeli ministers Ben Gvir & Smotrich slandering the Palestinian population of Gaza and calling for a plan for their emigration,” he wrote X, formerly Twitter.

Borrell also underscored how “forced displacements are strictly prohibited as a grave violation of IHL (international humanitarian law), and words matter.”

The UK has said that it “firmly rejects any suggestion of the resettlement of Palestinians outside of Gaza”.

In a written statement, it added that it “share(s) the concerns of our allies and partners that Gazans should not be subject to forcible displacement or relocation from Gaza.”

In 2005, Israel unilaterally withdrew the last of its troops and settlers from Gaza, ending its occupation of the coastal enclave dating back to 1967. Nevertheless, today, Israel holds close control over the territory’s borders, leaving some rights groups to declare it an open-air prison.

Even Israel’s all-weather ally, the US, baulked at the idea.

State Department Spokesman Matthew Miller issued a written statement condemning the remarks while calling the rhetoric “inflammatory and irresponsible”.

“We have been told repeatedly and consistently by the Government of Israel, including by the Prime Minister, that such statements do not reflect the policy of the Israeli government. They should stop immediately,” he said.

Publication Axios described the US’ remarks as “the strongest public condemnation the Biden administration has voiced against Israeli government officials since Hamas’ October 7 attack.”

It added that the US remarks signal “the growing concerns in the Biden administration that Netanyahu isn’t reigning in the radical-right wing ministers in his coalition.”

However, Ben Gvir – who in 2007 was convicted of inciting racism and supporting a terrorist group that had made previous calls for genocide against Palestinians – rebuffed the US’ rebuke.

“I really admire the United States of America, but with all due respect, we are not another star in the American flag,” he said on social media.

Ben Gvir went on to underscore the pursuit of Israel’s interests behind the plan to displace the Palestinians.

“The United States is our best friend, but first of all, we will do what is best for the State of Israel: the migration of hundreds of thousands from Gaza will allow the residents of the enclave to return home and live in security and protect the IDF soldiers,” he added on X.

Other nations have earlier expressed fears about the potential displacement of Palestinians from Gaza.

In November, almost a month into Israel’s onslaught in Gaza, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov linked the resettlement of Palestinians to a threat to the establishment of a Palestinian state.

After a meeting with his Kuwaiti counterpart Salem Abdullah Al Jaber Al Sabah, Lavrov underscored that any potential resettlement plans would not bring peace to the region but only sow the “grapes of wrath”.

The ongoing Israeli onslaught has levelled large areas of Gaza to the ground, leaving swathes in ruins.

Reportedly, 60 percent of the enclave’s infrastructure has been damaged or destroyed, and around two million residents have been displaced amid acute shortages of food, clean water and medicines.


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New Year Donation Drive: Global Research Is Committed to the “Unspoken Truth”


On December 30, the newly-formed International Coalition to Stop Genocide in Palestine convened around the urgent need for nations to invoke the Genocide Convention as a way to end the State of Israel’s devastating bombing campaign and additional war crimes being committed in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. That effort advanced on December 29 when South Africa submitted a well-documented case against Israel to the International Court of Justice.

The Coalition—which includes Progressive International, the International Association of Democratic Lawyers, Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, Black Alliance for Peace, Popular Resistance, CODEPINK, the National Lawyers Guild and numerous other groups—strongly supports the call issued on January 2 by the Palestinian Anti-Apartheid Coordinating Committee (PAACC) urging governments to support South Africa’s complaint with Declarations of Intervention, which can be filed before or after the hearing, scheduled to take place on January 11 and 12, 2024.

Declarations of Intervention in support of South Africa’s invocation of the Genocide Convention against Israel will increase the likelihood that a positive finding of the crime of genocide will be enforced by the United Nations such that actions will be taken to end all acts of genocide and those who are responsible for the acts will be held accountable.

“It’s imperative that more states follow South Africa’s historic leadership demanding Israel is held accountable under international law,” said Suzanne Adely, president of the National Lawyers Guild and member of the Bureau of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers. She added, “One clear and immediate way to do that is to file Declarations of Intervention supporting South Africa’s filing in the ICJ under the Genocide Convention. The increasing global isolation of Israel and the US and their European allies is an indicator that this is a key moment for popular movements to move their governments in the direction of taking these steps and being on the right side of history.”

Adely led an international delegation to Cairo last November to demand the opening of Rafah border crossing.

Ajamu Baraka, chair of the coordinating committee of the Black Alliance for Peace, which has repeatedly condemned Israel’s ongoing genocidal campaign in occupied Palestine, stated,

“The action by the South African government is a courageous attempt to do no less than salvage the credibility of the international mechanisms that were meant to protect human rights and international law. The South African petition is a reminder that it is a legal and moral imperative for states and international civil society to oppose impunity. Genocide has been identified as one of the most egregious international crimes. If the Israeli state and its backers are allowed to escape justice and international condemnation, it will strip the current international system of justice of any legitimacy.”

Lamis Deek, a Palestinian attorney based in New York, whose firm convened the Palestinian Assembly for Liberation’s Commission on War Crimes Justice, Reparations, and Return and co-launched the Global Legal Alliance for Palestine, added that

“This is the rare case where collective social pressure urging governments to support the South African case can be a sharp turning point for Palestine. Through the ICJ, South Africa is poised to strike a decisive blow against this brutal genocide and torture campaign led by Israel in coordination with the United States. We need more states to file supporting interventions-  and we need the court to feel the watchful eye of the masses so as to withstand what will be extreme US political pressure on the Court.   International Humanitarian Laws and institutions are meant to be, and must be seen as, tools for the people, not distant abstractions. People can- and should-  play a strategic and powerful role by integrating this advocacy into their solidarity work, not only until their governments file supporting interventions but until the ICJ delivers justice.”

The International Coalition to Stop Genocide in Palestine urges human rights, labor, anti-colonial, anti-imperialist and other groups to increase public pressure by mobilizing to demand that their respective countries immediately submit Declarations of Intervention to the International Court of Justice. No matter how the World Court decides South Africa’s case, the coalition is committed to ending the genocide in Palestine and will continue to take action to make this the reality.

The International Coalition to Stop Genocide in Palestine is currently building global support for this effort by circulating a sign-on letter, which already has over 100 endorsing organizations. The letter can be read and endorsed here.


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Featured image: Demonstrators in Berlin take the streets in solidarity with Palestine (Photo: Montecruz Foto)

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New Year Donation Drive: Global Research Is Committed to the “Unspoken Truth”


Right before the recent Christmas holiday, I received a call from a friend and colleague named Louis Conte regarding a “contact”  with knowledge of the inner workings of Emergency Medical Services in Westchester County, New York.

Louis’ contact had been monitoring EMS dispatches in Westchester County and saw, subsequent to the jab rollout in early 2021, what he felt was a frightening number of calls from vaccine clinics or homes where general or specific “vaccine reactions” were cited as the cause of the need for an ambulance.

Last year, the contact decided to submit a FOIL (Freedom of Information Law) request—similar to a FOIA—to the Westchester County EMS (and the adjoining Dutchess County EMS) asking for a record of all calls whose transcripts mentioned either the word “vaccine” or “Covid-19 vaccine” in 2021.

Louis asked me to look at the documents. As difficult as it is at this point to further distress me with data on the toxicity and lethality of the mRNA platform, this dataset still managed to do this.

Before I review the data, let’s review what we know about ambulance calls timed with the rollout of the vaccination campaign, because this issue is NOT new.

For instance, we already know from ICAN and Aaron Siri’s FOIA request of the CDC’s V-Safe data that 7.9% of all 10.1 million vaccine recipients reported requiring medical care to treat a vaccine adverse effect.

Of those requiring medical care, almost 11% (87,700 people) visited the emergency room or hospital. How many travelled for this high level of urgent/emergent care by ambulance is unknown, but historically, about 15% of ER patients arrive by ambulance, so this would come out to about 13,000 patients among a population of 10 million vaccinated.

Further, an article published in the journal Nature reported:

  • There was an increase of more than 25% in the number of ambulance calls in response to cardiac arrests (CA) and acute coronary syndromes (ACS or “heart attacks”) for young people in the 16–39 age group during the COVID-19 vaccination rollout in Israel (January–May, 2021) compared with the same period of time in prior years (2019 and 2020).
    • They also found a robust and statistically significant association between the weekly CA and ACS call counts and the rates of 1st and 2nd vaccine doses administered to this age group. Note they found no observed statistically significant association between COVID-19 infection rates and the CA and ACS call counts.
    • They report that their findings aligned with previous studies showing that increases in overall CA incidence were not always associated with higher COVID-19 infection rates at a population level, and that the stability of hospitalization rates related to myocardial infarction throughout the initial COVID-19 wave compared to pre-pandemic baselines in Israel.
  • Their findings above also mirrored reports of increased emergency department visits with cardiovascular complaints during the vaccination rollout in Germany as well as increased EMS calls for cardiac incidents in Scotland.

In line with the above, anecdotal data from social media described the following:

The import of the above data/anecdotes was further supported by new, massive demands for ambulances across the world, evidenced by this compilation of TV news and print reports of shortages, compiled in another favorite Substack of mine by Marc Crispin Miller.

Note that although some reports blame the issue on shortages of staff and ambulance parts, the vast majority also mention… increases in the number of calls for ambulances.

And then there’s even more anecdotal data by someone who has earned my deep trust in regards to accuracy of events on the “inside of the system” (recall she is a nurse colleague of mine that works at a major academic medical center who I referred to as “My Spy On The Inside” [MSOTI] in my prior multi-part series of posts called “Nursing Reports From the Front Lines of The Vaccine Catastrophe”).

During one of her shifts referring to the ambulance/emergency services issue:

So, with the above publications and observations in mind, let’s review this new “data dump.” Maybe what it reveals is not as statistically damning as what the New Zealand Whistleblower exposed but you will see that it is equally, if not even more alarming. To me, the most shocking discovery I made when reviewing the documents, is that I found evidence of 5 different occasions where calls were made to Westchester County EMS dispatch to have ambulances “on standby”:






Are you kidding me? Employees at vaccine clinics in Westchester County, as early as Feb 21, 2021, were calling EMS “to be on standby?” For “vaccine detail?” One caller informed EMS dispatch that they “will be administering vaccines to 220 people today?” Note they did that as early as February 21, 2021. That is how fast some front-line workers knew how dangerous the vaccines were.

Also note how, on 5/20/21, two calls from the Mamaroneck High School clinic asked for ambulances to be on standby, the first call was made at 9:07 AM and a later one was made at 2:09 PM. For a “safe and effective” vaccine?

Again, calls with requests of this nature were being made from clinics in New Rochelle, Sleepy Hollow, and two different ones in Mamaroneck? If I was living in Westchester County at the time, I damn well would have wanted to know these calls were being made (as an aside, I lived in that county from 2008-2015 and still have lots of friends with children there).

My sense is that these calls were made by employees who were secretly, or at least, somewhat anonymously, trying to alert authorities as to how dangerous the vaccines were but without doing so in a way that would make them a target as an “anti-vaxxer” or cause them to lose their job. They were clearly smart enough to know the consequences of a more public callout of vaccine toxicity.

So instead, they called EMS to have them “on standby.” Although the attempt was well-intentioned, should they be absolved of responsibility for any subsequent injuries which occurred on their watch at that clinic? They were actively injecting people with an experimental vaccine… after calling EMS to have them “on standby?”

After I shared this article with A Midwestern Doctor, he sent me this commentary:

One of the biggest challenges people have had throughout the vaccine rollout has been coming to terms with the fact that so many people could have been complicit in letting a bad vaccine be pushed on the world (which hence leads many of them to believe the only possible explanation is that the vaccine was not in fact dangerous).

Sadly, I’ve seen numerous tragic cases of the same thing that has happened in the past.  Much of this is explained by an effect in psychology known as the bystander effect:

The bystander effect occurs when the presence of others discourages an individual from intervening in an emergency situation, against a bully, or during an assault or other crime. The greater the number of bystanders, the less likely it is for any one of them to provide help to a person in distress. People are more likely to take action in a crisis when there are few or no other witnesses present.

In turn, throughout my life, I’ve found that if something is happening I know is wrong and no one is speaking out about it (e.g., because its not politically correct to do so), I can reliably predict that if I don’t speak out against it, no one will.  So for this reason, I often “break” the bystander effect (once one person speaks out, others will often feel safe to do so as well) as I know otherwise it won’t happen. Likewise, I’ve seen this same thing occur again and again within organizations, especially when people’s financial livelihoods are on the line for speaking out.

One of the best illustrations of the point Kory is making here can be found within the data of vaccination deaths leaked by the brave New Zealand whistleblower Barry Young (who now faces a seven-year prison sentence for his leaking).  Within that data, Young noticed that there were about a dozen vaccinating doctors and a dozen vaccination sites which had a very high rate of deaths in those they vaccinated.

Barry, in turn, raised a very simple question—how could something like this happen?

Sadly, as this summary of EMS calls shows, the bystander effect can be a very real thing, especially when everyone else in a large institution going along with something makes those who want to challenge it feel even more powerless to speak out.

I believe the vaccine clinic employees who called EMS in Westchester should get some credit for, in my interpretation, trying to blow a whistle, but they did so too “softly.” Instead, as per the bystander effect, they simply hoped that “someone else,” i.e. EMS personnel or leadership would take note of these calls, and “do something” about them.

Remember, May 2021 (the day of the two calls from Mamaroneck High School) was nearing the height of the global “psy-ops” propaganda campaign where the unvaccinated and/or the vaccine hesitant were demonized and attacked widely across all mainstream media and social media. Even those who already got the vaccine and were trying to share the horrible stuff happening to them were being attacked. Never, ever forget that occurred, and more importantly, never forget just how successful that propaganda was. So, while I get the clinic employee’s hesitation, I cannot forgive their ultimate behavior.

Walking off the job would have been another option, but if there is anything I have learned in Covid and the immense, multi-faceted fraud that has occurred and keeps occurring, is that there were and are far too few real whistleblowers. The desire to remain employed is paramount to the concern for the welfare of others. Period.

Anyway, these data points above are beyond shocking, even to me at this point in my research journey. If anyone has a different or more benign interpretation of these five EMS transcripts above than I do, I am all ears. If I find such an interpretation more compelling or corrective, I will do a follow-up post.

Now, let’s review the rest of the transcripts from EMS dispatch. One set of data is from Westchester County EMS. First, know that Westchester County has a population of about 1 million, but these EMS calls do not include the City of Yonkers which has a population of about 200,000. So, for 800,000 people, the total EMS calls which specifically mentioned the vaccine as a cause of distress in 2021 was 165 calls. For Dutchess County, population of 295,000, the number of calls was an almost equally proportionate 55 calls.

However, these 220 calls across these two counties likely represent a small subset of the severe, ambulance requiring vaccine reactions because sudden death was likely never reported as a vaccine reaction and many people calling ambulances may not have initially related their medical issue with the vaccine or, even if suspected, may not have mentioned it to dispatch – thus, this dataset represents only the most tightly “temporally associated” events, ones where it was more than 100% obvious the vaccine was causative, like when it happened within minutes or hours or 1-2 days of the vaccine being administered.

What was the nature of these “reactions” which triggered calls for an ambulance? Well, from the transcript log posted at the end of this post, most simply say “reaction to Covid-19 vaccine” or “vaccine reaction” but there are also many disturbingly detailed reactions such as seizures, inability to ambulate, unresponsiveness, altered mental status, etc.

I list the more specific and disturbing ones below (or you can also just read through the actual EMS transcripts that are at the end of this post):

  • 2-16-21 92 YO F abnormal breathing from 2nd covid-19 vaccine
  • 2-17-21 69 YO M unable to ambulate secondary to covid vaccine
  • 2-21-21 73 YO unable to ambulate, reaction to Covid-19 vaccine
  • 2-17-21 female reaction to vaccine – altered mental status (AMS)
  • 2-22-21 88 YO F low oxygen saturation, possible reaction to Covid vaccine
  • 3-10-21 unresponsive, reaction to vaccine
  • 3-19-21 fever and confusion post covid vaccine
  • 3-27-21 56 YO M cancer patient possible reaction to vaccine, altered mental status (AMS)
  • 3-27-21 2nd vaccine, sudden hypertension (HTN), back and abdominal pain
  • 4-2-21 46 YO M disoriented, recent covid vaccine
  • 3-24-21 56 YO F abnormal breathing from 2nd Covid vaccine
  • 6-18-21 12 YO F experiencing chest pain after 2nd vaccine
  • 7-11-21 13 YO F feeling weak, reaction to vaccine
  • 4-7-21 27 YO M possible seizure
  • 4-2-21 passed out/ reaction to Covid vaccine
  • 4-22-21 38 Y.O female not breathing secondary to recent vaccination
  • 4-32-21 50 YO F passing out/covid vaccine
  • 5-13-21 49 YO M labored breathing/reaction to recent vaccination
  • 5-19-21 89 YO M weak/speech problems
  • 5/24/21 27 YO F fell by pharmacy
  • 6-17-21 39 YO F difficulty breathing from 2nd vaccine
  • 8-31-21 31 YO difficulty breathing
  • 11-19-21 18 YO M anxiety attack, difficulty breathing from a covid vaccination
  • 46 YO F chest pain/labored breathing, body numbness/covid-19 vaccine booster yesterday
  • 11-19-21 18 YO F leg numbness
  • 12-21-21 46 YO F chest pain, labored breathing, body numbness – covid 19 booster
  • 86 YO F low 02, chest pain radiating to the left arm post 2nd covid vaccine shot
  • 4-11-21 50 YO M syncope (passing out)
  • 4-18-21 57 YO F severe edema (i.e swelling, water retention) possible reaction to vaccine
  • 5-22-21 16 YO reaction to vaccine shot, semi-responsive
  • 5-31-21 48 YO M reaction to the 2nd vaccine, difficulty breathing, right-sided numbness
  • 6-2-21 passed out after receiving Covid vaccine
  • 6-2-21 29 YO F reaction to vaccine, unconscious
  • 6-18-21 12 YO F experiencing chest pain after 2nd vaccine
  • 9-24-21 44 YO M seizures after vaccine
  • 9-25-21 Male unconscious after getting covid vaccine
  • 11-6-21 5 YO M difficulty breathing post vaccine
  • 11-13-21 58 YO M reaction to covid vaccine, syncope and difficulty breathing
  • 11-3-21 81 YO M Unable to ambulate post vaccine
  • 12-8-21 syncope (passing out) post covid shot
  • 2-11-21 73 YO M, reaction to Covid vaccine, unable to ambulate
  • 4-21-21 reaction to vaccine AMS (altered mental status)

Again, these were just a subset of the 220 calls in 2021 amongst a population of approximately 900,000. I am reasonably certain that there is no data to accurately estimate what a “safe” ambulance call rate per number of vaccines administered should be but that is also because I have never even heard of a threshold being established for a “safe” ambulance call rate per number of vaccines administered.

I would instead simply argue that the ambulance call rate per vaccination should be no more than one in a million or if I were generous in estimating its ability to protect people from severe disease, maybe even one per 100,000, but in reality should be zero.

I say this because vaccines are not a treatment for someone suffering from an active disease, it is an intervention given to generally healthy, functional people to theoretically protect them from becoming ill (i.e. I don’t think the dying need vaccines). An intervention which causes a generally healthy, functional person to need an ambulance directly contradicts any belief of utility or safety in this regard.

These data, to me, are simply another outrageous Covid-era example of the deplorable failure of a Public Health Agency to protect the population whose literal mission it is to protect. Obtaining the data by FOIA means that no one in Westchester EMS or Dutchess County EMS leadership acted in response to paramedics or EMTs reporting repeated calls for urgent medical attention to those recently vaccinated?

Don’t you think that you, the average citizen, would have wanted to be informed if this was happening in your community? That vaccine clinics were asking for ambulances to be “on standby?” What other kinds of events request ambulances “on standby” or to be present? I have heard of having them on-site for judo tournaments, Evil Knievel stunts, American football games, (which require two on site), but never for an alleged preventative health measure.

From the webpage of a company that provides ambulance coverage for sports events:

So, apparently, vaccine clinic employees in Westchester quickly came to the perception that vaccinating people was more dangerous than a charity walk or fun run.

Here is the thing though: to many of us who are deeply studied on the data showing immense toxicity and lethality of the mRNA vaccine platform, this changes nothing about what we already know. To those still in the “safe and effective” camp, I ask how you can explain away the above in a way that can somehow still support that position. Happy to read your comments.

Finally, before we get to the EMS transcripts, for any of you who are as troubled by these data as I am, I suggest you FOIA the same from your local EMS service. I promise you that my colleagues and I are interested in studying this further.


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The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

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New Year Donation Drive: Global Research Is Committed to the “Unspoken Truth”


Israel’s Lebensraum master plan for Gaza, borrowed from the Nazi’s depopulation of Jewish ghettos, is clear. Destroy infrastructure, medical facilities and sanitation, including access to clean water.

Block shipments of food and fuel. Unleash indiscriminate industrial violence to kill and wound hundreds a day. Let starvation — the U.N. estimates that more than half a million people are already starving — and epidemics of infectious diseases, along with the daily massacres and the displacement of Palestinians from their homes, turn Gaza into a mortuary. The Palestinians are being forced to choose between death from bombs, disease, exposure or starvation or being driven from their homeland.

There will soon reach a point where death will be so ubiquitous that deportation – for those who want to live – will be the only option.

Danny Danon, Israel’s former Ambassador to the U.N. and a close ally of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, told Israel’s Kan Bet radio that he has been contacted by “countries in Latin America and Africa that are willing to absorb refugees from the Gaza Strip.” “We have to make it easier for Gazans to leave for other countries,” he said. “I’m talking about voluntary migration by Palestinians who want to leave.” 

The problem for now “is countries that are willing to absorb them, and we’re working on this,” Netanyahu told Likud Knesset members.

In the Warsaw Ghetto, the Germans handed out three kilograms of bread and one kilogram of marmalade to anyone who “voluntarily” registered for deportation. “There were times when hundreds of people had to wait in line for several hours to be ‘deported,’” Marek Edelman, one of the commanders of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising, writes in “The Ghetto Fights.” “The number of people anxious to obtain three kilograms of bread was such that the transports, now leaving twice daily with 12,000 people, could not accommodate them all.”

The Nazis shipped their victims to death camps. The Israelis will ship their victims to squalid refugee camps in countries outside of Israel. Israeli leaders are also cynically advertising the proposed ethnic cleansing as voluntary and a humanitarian gesture to solve the catastrophe they created. 

This is the plan. No one, especially the Biden administration, intends to stop it.

The most disturbing lesson I learned while covering armed conflicts for two decades is that we all have the capacity, with little prodding, to become willing executioners. The line between the victim and the victimizer is razor thin. The dark lusts of racial and ethnic supremacy, of vengeance and hate, of the eradication of those we condemn as embodying evil, are poisons that are not circumscribed by race, nationality, ethnicity or religion. We can all become Nazis. It takes very little. And if we do not stand in eternal vigilance over evil — our evil — we become, like those carrying out the mass killing in Gaza, monsters. 

The cries of those expiring under the rubble in Gaza are the cries of the boys and men executed by the Bosnian Serbs at Srebrenica, the over 1.5 million Cambodians killed by the Khmer Rouge, the thousands of Tutsi families burned alive in churches and the tens of thousands of Jews executed by the Einsatzgruppen at Babi Yar in Ukraine. The Holocaust is not an historical relic. It lives, lurking in the shadows, waiting to ignite its vicious contagion.   

We were warned. Raul HilbergPrimo LeviBruno BettelheimHannah ArendtAleksandr Solzhenitsyn. They understood the dark recesses of the human spirit. But this truth is bitter and hard to confront. We prefer the myth. We prefer to see in our own kind, our own race, our own ethnicity, our own nation, our own religion, superior virtues. We prefer to sanctify our hatred. Some of those who bore witness to this awful truth, including Levi, Bettelheim, Jean Améry, the author of “At the Mind’s Limits: Contemplations by a Survivor on Auschwitz and Its Realities,” and Tadeusz Borowski, who wrote “This Way for the Gas, Ladies and Gentlemen,” committed suicide. The German playwright and revolutionary Ernst Toller, unable to rouse an indifferent world to assist victims and refugees from the Spanish Civil War, hanged himself in 1939 in a room at the Mayflower Hotel in New York City. On his hotel desk were photos of dead Spanish children.

“Most people have no imagination,” Toller writes. “If they could imagine the sufferings of others, they would not make them suffer so. What separated a German mother from a French mother? Slogans which deafened us so that we could not hear the truth.”

Primo Levi railed against the false, morally uplifting narrative of the Holocaust that culminates in the creation of the state of Israel — a narrative embraced by the Holocaust Museum in Washington D.C. The contemporary history of the Third Reich, he writes, could be “reread as a war against memory, an Orwellian falsification of memory, falsification of reality, negation of reality.” He wonders if “we who have returned” have “been able to understand and make others understand our experience.” 

Levi saw us reflected in Chaim Rumkowski, the Nazi collaborator and tyrannical leader of the Łódź Ghetto. Rumkowski sold out his fellow Jews for privilege and power, although he was sent to Auschwitz on the final transport where Jewish Sonderkommando —  prisoners forced to help herd victims into the gas chambers and dispose of their bodies  — in an act of vengeance reportedly beat him to death outside a crematorium.

“We are all mirrored in Rumkowski,” Levi reminds us. “His ambiguity is ours, it is our second nature, we hybrids molded from clay and spirit. His fever is ours, the fever of Western civilization, that ‘descends into hell with trumpets and drums,’ and its miserable adornments are the distorting image of our symbols of social prestige.” We, like Rumkowski, “are so dazzled by power and prestige as to forget our essential fragility. Willingly or not we come to terms with power, forgetting that we are all in the ghetto, that the ghetto is walled in, that outside the ghetto reign the lords of death, and that close by the train is waiting.”

Levi insists that the camps “could not be reduced to the two blocks of victims and persecutors.” He argues, “It is naive, absurd, and historically false to believe that an infernal system such as National Socialism sanctifies its victims; on the contrary; it degrades them, it makes them resemble itself.” He chronicles what he called the “gray zone” between corruption and collaboration. The world, he writes, is not black and white, “but a vast zone of gray consciences that stands between the great men of evil and the pure victims.” We all inhabit this gray zone. We all can be induced to become part of the apparatus of death for trivial reasons and paltry rewards. This is the terrifying truth of the Holocaust.

It is hard not to be cynical about the plethora of university courses about the Holocaust given the censorship and banning of groups such as Students for Justice in Palestine and Jewish Voices for Peace, imposed by university administrations. What is the point of studying the Holocaust if not to understand its fundamental lesson — when you have the capacity to stop genocide and you do not, you are culpable? It is hard not to be cynical about the “humanitarian interventionists” — Barack Obama, Tony Blair, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Samantha Power  — who talk in sanctimonious rhymes about the “Responsibility to Protect” but are silent about war crimes when speaking out would threaten their status and careers. None of the “humanitarian interventions” they championed, from Bosnia to Libya, come close to replicating the suffering and slaughter in Gaza. But there is a cost to defending Palestinians, a cost they do not intend to pay. There is nothing moral about denouncing slavery, the Holocaust or dictatorial regimes that oppose the United States. All it means is you champion the dominant narrative.

The moral universe has been turned upside down. Those who oppose genocide are accused of advocating it. Those who carry out genocide are said to have the right to “defend” themselves. Vetoing ceasefires and providing 2,000-pound bombs to Israel that throw out metal fragments for thousands of feet is the road to peace. Refusing to negotiate with Hamas will free the hostages. Bombing hospitals, schools, mosques, churches, ambulances and refugee camps, along with killing three former Israeli hostages, stripped to the waist, waving an improvised white flag and calling out for help in Hebrew, are routine acts of war. Killing over 21,300 people, including more than 7,700 children, injuring over 55,000 and rendering nearly all of the 2.3 million people in Gaza homeless, is a way to “deradicalize” Palestinians. None of this makes sense, as protesters around the world realize.

A new world is being born. It is a world where the old rules, more often honored in the breach than the observance, no longer matter. It is a world where vast bureaucratic structures and technologically advanced systems carry out in public view vast killing projects. The industrialized nations, weakened, fearful of global chaos, are sending an ominous message to the Global South and anyone who might think of revolt —  we will kill you without restraint. 

One day, we will all be Palestinians. 

“I fear that we live in a world in which war and racism are ubiquitous, in which the powers of government mobilization and legitimization are powerful and increasing, in which a sense of personal responsibility is increasingly attenuated by specialization and bureaucratization, and in which the peer group exerts tremendous pressures on behavior and sets moral norms,” Christopher R. Browning writes in Ordinary Men, about a German reserve police battalion in World War Two that was ultimately responsible for the murder of 83,000 Jews. “In such a world, I fear, modern governments that wish to commit mass murder will seldom fail in their efforts for being unable to induce ‘ordinary men’ to become their ‘willing executioners.’”

Evil is protean. It mutates. It finds new forms and new expressions. Nazi Germany orchestrated the murder of six million Jews, as well as over six million Gypsies, Poles, homosexuals, communists, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Freemasons, artists, journalists, Soviet prisoners of war, people with physical and intellectual disabilities and political opponents. It immediately set out after the war to expiate itself for its crimes. At the same time, Germany and the U.S. rehabilitated thousands of former Nazis, especially from the intelligence services and the scientific community, and did little to prosecute those who directed Nazi war crimes. Germany today is Israel’s second largest arms supplier following the U.S. 

The supposed campaign against anti-Semitism, interpreted as any statement that is critical of the State of Israel or denounces the genocide, is in fact the championing of White Power. It is why the German state, which has effectively criminalized support for the Palestinians, and the most retrograde white supremists in the United States, justify the carnage. Germany’s long relationship with Israel, including paying over $90 billion since 1945 in reparations to Holocaust survivors and their heirs, is not about atonement, as the Israeli historian Ilan Pappé writes, but blackmail. 

“The argument for a Jewish state as compensation for the Holocaust was a powerful argument, so powerful that nobody listened to the outright rejection of the U.N. solution by the overwhelming majority of the people of Palestine,”

Pappé writes.

“What comes out clearly is a European wish to atone. The basic and natural rights of the Palestinians should be sidelined, dwarfed and forgotten altogether for the sake of the forgiveness that Europe was seeking from the newly formed Jewish state. It was much easier to rectify the Nazi evil vis-à -vis a Zionist movement than facing the Jews of the world in general. It was less complex and, more importantly, it did not involve facing the victims of the Holocaust themselves, but rather a state that claimed to represent them. The price for this more convenient atonement was robbing the Palestinians of every basic and natural right they had and allowing the Zionist movement to ethnically cleanse them without fear of any rebuke or condemnation.” 

The Holocaust was weaponized from almost the moment Israel was founded. It was bastardized to serve the apartheid state. If we forget the lessons of the Holocaust, we forget who we are and what we are capable of becoming. We seek our moral worth in the past, rather than the present. We condemn others, including the Palestinians, to an endless cycle of slaughter. We become the evil we abhor. We consecrate the horror.


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Chris Hedges is a Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist who was a foreign correspondent for fifteen years for The New York Times, where he served as the Middle East Bureau Chief and Balkan Bureau Chief for the paper. He previously worked overseas for The Dallas Morning News, The Christian Science Monitor, and NPR. He is the host of show The Chris Hedges Report.

Featured image: Never Again and Again and Again – by Mr. Fish

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New Year Donation Drive: Global Research Is Committed to the “Unspoken Truth”


A retired British-Palestinian professor, who lost 25 members of his family in an Israeli airstrike, said the UK’s unwavering support for Israel “implicates” it in “massacre” in the Gaza Strip.

In a letter to British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, Abd al-Fattah El-Awaisi, expert on international relations, expressed his “profound distress and anger” regarding the recent “war crimes” in the Gaza Strip and the role of the UK in “these crimes.”

Referring to the Israeli attack in al-Maghazi refugee camp on the Christmas day, El-Awaisi said an Israeli airstrike claimed the lives of 25 members of his family, most of whom were children and women.

“It is my belief that the UK’s unwavering support for Israel implicates it in this massacre. The British government, akin to the American administration, seems to be facilitating ethnic cleansing and genocide in Gaza Strip,” he said.

“In my opinion, as a retired British professor of international relations, this makes the UK government complicit in Israeli war crimes in the Gaza Strip, with the blood of Gaza equally on the hands of the UK government as it is on Israel’s,” said the letter which was sent to Sunak on Dec. 31.

Defining “ongoing war crimes” in the besieged enclave “alarming,” El-Awaisi mentioned the indiscriminate attacks on civilians and infrastructures that have claimed lives of thousands of people.

The death toll from the Israeli assault on Gaza since the Oct. 7 cross-border attack by Hamas has crossed 22,000, more than half of them women and children.

Most of the enclave’s population of more than 2.2 million remains under siege and bombardment, are displaced, and short of food.

Involvement, Reactions of British Citizens in Israeli Crimes ‘Disturbing’

El-Awaisi said that along with indiscriminate attacks, the involvement and reactions of British citizens in these crimes is “equally disturbing.”

“For instance, the incitement of war crimes by Aryeh Yitzhak King, a British citizen and deputy mayor of Jerusalem. Eylon Levy from North London, now a spokesperson for the Israeli government. Peter Lerner, originally from Kenton, North London, who has become a prominent figure in the Israeli army as a lieutenant colonel and spokesman. Richard Hecht, the Scottish Colonel and a voice in the Israeli Army.”

He said these individuals not only represent the UK in a foreign conflict but also raise “serious questions” about the UK’s policies regarding its citizens participating in such activities.

Citing reports regarding the participation of British citizens in Israeli reservists, El-Awaisi said the lack of transparency regarding the number of British citizens fighting for the Israeli army is concerning, “especially in contrast to the UK’s explicit prohibition of Britons fighting in Ukraine.”

Their involvement, he said, raises critical questions about the UK’s stance on its citizens participating in foreign wars, adding that the question that “haunts many is why the UK government remains silent on the number of British citizens fighting for the Israeli army.”

He asked

“why is there a lack of transparency regarding British citizens fighting for the Israeli army and is it a criminal offence under British law for citizens to travel to Israel or the occupied Palestinian territories to fight for the Israeli army or any other state or non-state actor?”

El-Awaisi also asked Sunak how does he justify the “apparent double standards” in the government’s stance on British citizens fighting in Ukraine and those in Israel.

“The situation in Gaza and the involvement of British citizens in the Israeli army’s actions not only challenge the international rules-based order but also threaten the integrity of the rule of law within Britain itself,” he said in the letter.


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New Year Donation Drive: Global Research Is Committed to the “Unspoken Truth”


Former Republic of South Africa President Nelson Mandela (1918-2013) said during his lifetime that the people of his country would not be free until Palestine was liberated.

Mandela, who spent over 27 years in the dungeons of the apartheid prison system, made his transition a decade ago amid accolades and tributes from people throughout the world.

The African National Congress (ANC), the oldest liberation movement turned political party on the continent, is a longtime ally of the Palestinian people. Both the ANC and the resistance movements representing the Palestinians, viewed the plight of South Africans as quite similar to the indigenous people now dominated by the State of Israel.

Since October 7, the Palestinian Health Ministry in Gaza has reported that more than 22,000 people have been killed as a result of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) bombings, shellings and ground offensive. The Gaza Strip has been subjected to a complete blockade where food, medicines and all essential supplies are being prevented from entering the area which is the most densely populated in the world.

Most of the housing in Gaza has been destroyed by IDF actions. The majority of hospitals have been bombed, raided and made inoperable. Palestinian physicians and other healthcare workers have been detained, interrogated and tortured by the IDF. Women and children are being systematically murdered while the United States administration of President Joe Biden has sent thousands of tons of weapons to Tel Aviv while vetoing and voting against all ceasefire resolutions put before the United Nations.

Not one person living in Gaza can be considered safe. The IDF has bombed and raided residential neighborhoods, mosques, churches, schools, healthcare facilities, refugee camps and businesses. Under such circumstances, the entire population of 2.3 million are in fact displaced.

Within this historical and contemporary context, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa along with his Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr. Naledi Pandor, have been leading voices in the international community condemning the atrocities being committed in Gaza and charactering the policy of Tel Aviv as genocidal. This strident foreign policy in defense of the Palestinians has been translated into legal action by the ANC government which has filed a lawsuit in the International Court of Justice (ICJ), a United Nations affiliated body which adjudicates issues involving global affairs.

A press release issued by the ICJ in response to the complaint filed on December 29, says:

“South Africa today filed an application instituting proceedings against Israel before the International Court of Justice (ICJ), the principal judicial organ of the United Nations, concerning alleged violations by Israel of its obligations under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (the ‘Genocide Convention’) in relation to Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. According to the Application, ‘acts and omissions by Israel . . . are genocidal in character, as they are committed with the requisite specific intent . . . to destroy Palestinians in Gaza as a part of the broader Palestinian national, racial and ethnical group’ and that ‘the conduct of Israel — through its State organs, State agents, and other persons and entities acting on its instructions or under its direction, control or influence — in relation to Palestinians in Gaza, is in violation of its obligations under the Genocide Convention’. The Applicant further states that ‘Israel, since 7 October 2023 in particular, has failed to prevent genocide and has failed to prosecute the direct and public incitement to genocide’ and that ‘Israel has engaged in, is engaging in and risks further engaging in genocidal acts against the Palestinian people in Gaza’. South Africa seeks to found the Court’s jurisdiction on Article 36, paragraph 1, of the Statute of the Court and on Article IX of the Genocide Convention, to which both South Africa and Israel are parties.” 

The Zionist regime in Tel Aviv has rejected the claims by South Africa and declares it will represent itself before the ICJ in the Hague, Kingdom of the Netherlands. Although the Genocide Convention of the United Nations was drafted and adopted in the aftermath of World War II, today Israel refuses to accept that its own actions are clearly designed to exterminate the Palestinians.

At the same time, the main supporter and coordinator of Israeli political and military policies, the U.S. imperialist government, has also sided with Tel Aviv stating arrogantly that the South African lawsuit has no merit. Such an attitude is reflective of the racist character of U.S. foreign policy in Southern Africa and West Asia.

Al Mayadeen reported on January 3 that:

“State Department spokesman Matthew Miller expressed that the U.S. does not think South Africa’s actions are a ‘productive step,’ telling reporters that the administration has not seen ‘Acts that constitute genocide.’ While he admits that genocide was ‘heinous,’ Miller stated such allegations ‘should not be made lightly.’ During a briefing, White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby called the case ‘meritless, counterproductive, and completely without any basis in fact whatsoever.’” 

The facts are to the contrary of what the White House is articulating. South Africa, based upon its own experience knows very well how to identify settler-colonialism and genocide. During the era of apartheid, successive U.S. administrations were on the side of the racists in Pretoria. Nelson Mandela was captured in 1962 by the racist apartheid regime with the assistance of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). The U.S. has never agreed to apologize to the people of South Africa and the entire sub-continent for its decades-long collaboration and assistance to the system of white domination.

Targeted Assassinations Designed to Further Regionalize the War

A series of assassinations carried out by Israel and the U.S. are designed to strike fear and terror into the people of West Asia. A leading General within the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), Sayyed Razi Mousavi, was killed in a drone attack in Syria on December 25.

This attack coincided with the fourth anniversary of the targeted killings in early January 2020 of IRGC General Qassam Soleimani and Deputy Commander of the Iraqi Popular Mobilization Units (PMU), Abu Mahadi al-Muhandis, carried out under the former President Donald Trump’s administration near the Baghdad International Airport. Then on January 3 in Kerman, Iran, in the southeastern region of the country, two bomb attacks near the burial grounds of General Soleimani killed more than 100 people. See this.

On January 2, a deputy leader within the Hamas resistance movement, Sheikh Saleh al-Aruri, was killed in a drone attack while he attended a meeting with his comrades Samir Afandi (Abu ‘Amer) and Azzam al-Aqra’, Zaki Shahin, Mohammed al-Reis, Mohammed Bshasha and Ahmed Hamoudin in the Beirut south suburb of Dahiyeh. Neither the Israeli government nor the U.S. has claimed responsibility for the attack on al-Aruri and the other Hamas leaders.

These developments have not just been confined to Syria, Iran and Lebanon. The Pentagon reportedly killed ten members of the Yemen Defense Forces in the Red Sea while they were implementing a blockade against Israeli-controlled ports. The blockade is being conducted in solidarity with the people of Gaza. See this.

In Syria on the border with Iraq on December 30, the U.S. military killed six members of the resistance forces operating in the area. These groups have been launching missiles at U.S. bases in Iraq and northeastern Syria since the beginning of the Al-Aqsa Storm on October 7. Pentagon troops remain in Iraq and Syria despite the objections of both governments.

In response to the Yemeni actions, the Pentagon has created a loosely knit imperialist naval task force known as Operation Prosperity Guardian. The stated aim of the military alliance is to ensure the shipping lanes stay open for trade with Israel.

Nonetheless, the situation remains dangerous for the commercial shipping vessels and others within the Red Sea and the Bab el-Mandeb straits. Despite the U.S. presence, many shipping firms have suspended their usage of the waterways. Instead, they are taking the costly re-routing by traveling around East, Southern, Western and North Africa avoiding the Suez Canal.

Since the resistance forces of Yemen have engaged in the blockade, the price of commercial shipping along with oil have increased significantly. The deployment of aircraft carriers to the Red Sea threatens to draw Washington into deepening naval and ground war. These maneuvers are contributing to the militarist posture of the Biden administration.

The redeployment of naval vessels from the Eastern Mediterranean to the Red Sea along with the withdrawal of several large scale IDF units from Gaza indicates the shifting of military strategy in West Asia. However, there is no solution to the Palestinian question absent statehood combined with the removal of Pentagon forces from the region.


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Abayomi Azikiwe is the editor of the Pan-African News Wire. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Can Green Tea Naturally Lower Blood Pressure?

January 4th, 2024 by Dr. Joseph Mercola

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New Year Donation Drive: Global Research Is Committed to the “Unspoken Truth”


Green tea, which comes from the Camellia sinensis plant, contains a wealth of beneficial polyphenols, including the catechins epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), epicatechin gallate, epigallocatechin and epicatechin

EGCG may be helpful for the prevention of arteriosclerosis, cerebral thrombus, heart attack and stroke — in part due to its ability to relax your arteries and improve blood flow

Green tea, consumed either in the form of a beverage or extract for two weeks or more, significantly lowers systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure

A meta-analysis involving 25 randomized controlled trials also concluded that long-term tea intake — defined as 12 weeks or more — significantly improved blood pressure

Drinking about 0.5 to 2.5 cups of green tea daily for at least one year reduced the risk of developing high blood pressure by 46%, while those consuming more than 2.5 cups reduced their risk by 65%


Sipping high-quality green tea is a viable strategy to give your heart health a boost, including helping to lower your blood pressure naturally. After water, tea is the most consumed beverage in the world,1 while cardiovascular diseases represent the No. 1 cause of death globally.2

High blood pressure, meanwhile, is a top contributor to cardiovascular events, contributing to 7 million deaths every year. Further, nearly 50% of ischemic heart disease cases and 60% of strokes are linked with elevated blood pressure.3

Yet, even a small reduction in blood pressure may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease and stroke, according to scientists with Tongji Medical College in China. Green tea, then, which can help lower blood pressure,4 could have a significant impact on public health worldwide.

Polyphenols in Green Tea Responsible for Blood Pressure Lowering Effects

Green tea, which comes from the Camellia sinensis plant, contains a wealth of beneficial polyphenols, including the catechins epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), epicatechin gallate, epigallocatechin and epicatechin.5

Polyphenols help protect plants from ultraviolet light, pathogens,6 oxidative damage and harsh climates. With more than 8,000 polyphenols identified to date, consuming foods and beverages rich in polyphenols may help ward off both acute and chronic diseases, including cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases, cancer,7 Type 2 diabetes and obesity.8

While polyphenols are best known for their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, they affect multiple physiological processes related to enzyme activity, cell proliferation, signaling pathways and more.9 Among the 8,000-plus known polyphenols, more than 4,000 are flavonoids.10 Among them are the catechins abundant in green tea.

Catechins have anticancer effects that may help prevent lung, breast, esophageal, stomach, liver and prostate cancers,11 along with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Researchers at the University of Leeds and Lancaster University found the EGCG in green tea can help prevent heart disease by dissolving arterial plaque.12 Other research suggests this compound also has the ability to inhibit amyloid beta plaque formation in the brain, which is associated with Alzheimer’s disease.13

In regard to blood pressure, however, polyphenols in green tea help to lower it in numerous ways. EGCG may be helpful for the prevention of arteriosclerosis, cerebral thrombus, heart attack and stroke — in part due to its ability to relax your arteries and improve blood flow.14 The Tongji Medical College researchers explained:15

“In vitro studies have shown that green tea catechins exert a cardioprotective effect through multiple mechanisms, including the inhibition of oxidation, vascular inflammation, and thrombogenesis, as well as the improvement of endothelial dysfunction. Animal studies have also revealed that green tea catechins influence nitric oxide production and vasodilation, thereby improving endothelial dysfunction and hypertension in rodents.”

Green Tea Significantly Reduces Blood Pressure

A meta-analysis of 24 randomized placebo-controlled trials assessed the effects of green tea supplementation on blood pressure.16 Green tea, consumed either in the form of a beverage or extract for two weeks or more, significantly lowered systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure.

The effects may have been most pronounced in people with high-normal blood pressure, high blood pressure or other cardiovascular disease risks. The study authors believe that the antihypertensive benefits are related to the numerous biological activities of green tea catechins. These include:17

  • Increasing the concentration of nitric oxide in the plasma, which may inhibit proinflammatory cytokines and platelet aggregation, while improving endothelial dysfunction. In endothelial dysfunction, large blood vessels on the heart’s surface become narrower instead of dilating18
  • Anti-inflammatory effects, including suppressing inflammatory factors like cytokines, nuclear factor-kappa B and adhesion molecules
  • Suppressing the contractile response, resulting in vasodilation and reduction in blood pressure

A previous meta-analysis involving 25 randomized controlled trials similarly concluded that long-term tea intake — defined as 12 weeks or more — significantly improved blood pressure.19 Green tea significantly reduced systolic blood pressure by 2.1 mmHg and decreased diastolic blood pressure by 1.7 mmHg. While black tea also reduced blood pressure, green tea’s effects were more pronounced.

A subgroup analyses of those who consumed tea for more than 12 weeks found systolic blood pressure decreased by 2.6 mmHg, which could “reduce stroke risk by 8 %, coronary artery disease mortality by 5% and all-cause mortality by 4% at a population level,” according to the study.20 “These are profound effects and must be considered seriously in terms of the potential for dietary modification to modulate the risk of CVD [cardiovascular disease].”

The team suggested that the benefits may be due to factors other than an increase in the bioavailability of nitric oxide, stating:21

“The BP-lowering effect of tea may be associated with its antioxidant properties and endothelial protection. Tea and their flavonoids could act as antioxidants by scavenging reactive oxygen species and nitrogen species, and chelating redox-active transition metal ions.

… Tea intake has been reported to have various beneficial effects on vascular function, such as anti-inflammatory effects, anti-platelet effects and anti-proliferative effects. Thus, these effects may also be involved in potential mechanisms underlying the benefits of tea intake on BP.”

How Much Green Tea Is Beneficial?

Studies vary on the exact amount of tea to consume for heart and blood pressure health. Among Japanese adults, one study found consuming three to five cups of green tea daily led to a 41% lower risk of mortality from cardiovascular disease compared with not drinking green tea.22

Other research suggests seven cups a day or more of green tea reduces the risk of all-cause mortality among people with a history of stroke by 62% and people with a history of heart attack by 53%.23

Meanwhile, among people with high-normal blood pressure, five to six cups of green tea daily was associated with a borderline reduced risk of cardiovascular disease mortality, as was one to two cups of green tea daily among people with optimal or normal blood pressure.24

A population-based study of more than 40,000 people in Japan also found that drinking more than two cups of green tea per day reduced their risk of cardiovascular disease mortality by up to 33% compared to those who drank less than half a cup.

Yet another study found drinking 120 to 599 milliliters (ml) — about 0.5 to 2.5 cups — of green tea daily for at least one year reduced the risk of developing high blood pressure by 46%, while those consuming more than 2.5 cups reduced their risk by 65% compared to those who consumed less than 0.5 cups.25

What Else Is Green Tea Good For?

The tea plant Camellia sinensis has been used medicinally for thousands of years, and its polyphenolic compounds may affect glucose metabolism and insulin signaling, along with a host of additional benefits. For instance, tea, particularly green tea, has been linked with a reduced risk of stroke, diabetes and depression, and improved abdominal obesity and glucose levels.26

In animal studies, EGCG enhanced glucose homeostasis and enhanced wound healing in diabetic mice.27 EGCG also alleviates insulin resistance, suppresses oxidative stress and regulates mitochondrial function.28

A meta-analysis of 17 trials further revealed that in patients with obesity, Type 2 diabetes or high blood pressure, drinking green tea led to reduced levels of fasting glucose, HbA1c and fasting insulin.29 Green tea may also influence diabetes via its effects on adiponectin and more:30

“Adiponectin, the key component in the interrelationship between adiposity, insulin resistance, and inflammation, is inversely proportional to the incidence of diabetes in different populations. In a meta-analysis, supplementing green tea was reported to increase the adiponectin concentrations in patients with T2DM, thereby reducing the possibility of diabetes.

Green tea catechins have been shown to actively modulate the activity or expression of several receptors and enzymes involved in the absorption, metabolism transport, and synthesis of carbohydrates.

… Green tea and its constituents have been reported to positively improve several physiological parameters in clinical subjects with diabetes, such as body weight, body mass index, body fat, and lipid profile, thereby improving living conditions.”

Aside from diabetes, these compounds have anticancer effects that may help prevent lung, breast, esophageal, stomach, liver and prostate cancers,31 along with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

How to Choose High-Quality Tea

Green tea is among the least processed kinds of tea, which is why it contains some of the highest amounts of EGCG and antioxidants. Unlike other teas that you steep and strain, Matcha tea comes in the form of a powder that you add right into the water.

Matcha tea contains 10 times more bioactive compounds and polyphenols than conventional green tea,32 since you’re consuming the entire ground tea leaf. However, in terms of EGCG, research shows drinking matcha provides 137 times more than drinking another popular green tea called China green tips.33

Besides being an excellent source of antioxidants, green tea is also packed with vitamins A, D, E, C, B, B5, H and K, manganese and other beneficial minerals such as zinc, chromium and selenium. A telltale sign of high quality is that the tea is in fact green. If your green tea looks brown rather than green, it’s likely been oxidized, which can damage or destroy many of its most valuable compounds.

To boost the benefits of green tea, add a squirt of lemon juice to your cup. Previous research has demonstrated that vitamin C significantly increases the amount of catechins available for your body to absorb. In fact, citrus juice increased available catechin levels by more than five times, causing 80% of tea’s catechins to remain bioavailable.34,35

Choosing loose-leaf tea is also preferable to tea bags, as the bags may be made with heat-resistant polypropylene to prevent the bag from breaking apart in hot water. This means tiny pieces of plastic likely end up in your drink.

Paper tea bags are treated with epichlorohydrin, a chemical to prevent tears, which has been found to be a probable human carcinogen. Epichlorohydrin reacts with water to form 3-MCPD, another possible human carcinogen.

One study found that tea drinkers’ daily intake of epichlorohydrin was 55.37 times greater in those using bagged teas than in those using loose teas.36 Rinsing the tea bags, and not steeping for more than two minutes, may decrease some of the exposure, but using loose-leaf tea or matcha powder may provide an overall healthier choice.


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1 Tea Association of the U.S.A.

2 World Health Organization, Cardiovascular diseases

3, 5, 15 Medicine (Baltimore). 2020 Feb; 99(6): e19047., Intro

4, 16 Medicine (Baltimore). 2020 Feb; 99(6): e19047

6 Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2009 Nov-Dec; 2(5): 270–278. doi: 10.4161/oxim.2.5.9498, Abstract

7 Nutrients. 2010 Dec; 2(12): 1231–1246., Intro

8 Front. Nutr., 21 September 2018

9 Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr. 2020;60(4):626-659. doi: 10.1080/10408398.2018.1546669. Epub 2019 Jan 7

10 Nutrients. 2010 Dec; 2(12): 1231–1246., 2. Classification of Polyphenols

11, 31 Int J Mol Sci. 2020 Mar; 21(5): 1744

12 Journal of Biological Chemistry May 31, 2018, doi: 10.1074/jbc.RA118.002038

13 Infectious Agents and Cancer 2017; 12: 36

14 Eur J of Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation, June 2008, 15(3):300-305

17 Medicine (Baltimore). 2020 Feb; 99(6): e19047., Discussion

18 Stanford Medicine, Endothelial Dysfunction

19 British Journal of Nutrition August 19, 2014

20, 21 British Journal of Nutrition August 19, 2014, Discussion

22 Stroke. 2021 Mar; 52(3): 957–965

23 JAHA December 21, 2022, Clinical Perspective

24 JAHA December 21, 2022, Risk of Cardiovascular Disease Mortality According to Green Tea Consumption

25 Curr Med Chem. 2008; 15(18): 1840–1850., Intro

26 Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care. 2013 Nov;16(6):688-97

27, 28 Nutrients. 2019 Jan; 11(1): 39., 6.4

29 Nutrients. 2023 Jan; 15(1): 37., 2.1

30 Nutrients. 2023 Jan; 15(1): 37., 2.1, 2.2

32 Appl. Sci. 2021, 11(11), 5087; doi: 10.3390/app11115087

33 Journal of Chromatography A September 5, 2003, Volume 1011, Issues 1-2, Pages 173-180

34 Purdue University November 13, 2007

35 Molecular Nutrition & Food Research September 13, 2007

36 Journal of Food Science and Technology December 6, 2022

Featured image is from rawpixel.com 

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New Year Donation Drive: Global Research Is Committed to the “Unspoken Truth”


Over 200 active duty and retired service members are vowing to hold the Biden administration accountable for ‘trampling’ on their rights by enforcing the COVID-19 vaccine mandate. 

The mandate enacted in August 2021 led to the forced firing of over 8,000 service members who refused the shot on religious or medical grounds. 

On New Year’s Day, over 200 service members declared that they will do ‘everything’ in their power to get accountability since not a single leader has resigned or been held to account despite the rollback of the vaccine mandate last year.

In a letter obtained by DailyMail.com, the current and former troops accuse Biden’s military brass of ‘continuing to ignore’ their pleas to correct the ‘injuries and laws that were broken.’ 

They are threatening to even force Biden’s top leaders to be brought out of retirement so they can be court-martialed and held to account.

‘While implementing the COVID-19 vaccine mandate, military leaders broke the law, trampled constitutional rights, denied informed consent, permitted unwilling medical experimentation, and suppressed the free exercise of religion,’ the letter states. (Daily Mail)

See the list of signatories here.

Click here to read the full article on Daily Mail Online.


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Featured image: Pfc. Shaniah Edwards, Medical Detachment, prepares to administer the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine to soldiers and airmen at the Joint Force Headquarters, February 12, 2021. (U.S. Army National Guard photo by Sgt. Leona C. Hendrickson – Source.)

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New Year Donation Drive: Global Research Is Committed to the “Unspoken Truth”


The US military has “prepared options” for attacking Yemen, the Wall Street Journal reported, amid a major escalation of war throughout the Middle East.

The Journal reported that “potential targets could include launchers for antiship missiles and drones, targeting infrastructure such as coastal radar installations, and storage facilities for munitions.”

In a threat to Yemen, White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said Wednesday the US will not “shrink from the task of defending ourselves, our interests, our partners, and the free flow of international commerce.”

He added,

“To accomplish these goals we have established and will continue to maintain a significant force presence in the Middle East. This includes an aircraft carrier strike group centered around the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower, with its embarked air wing of some 80 aircraft, as well as an amphibious ready group with its embarked 26 Marine Expeditionary Unit.”

These ships, Kirby said, contain “more than 4,000 sailors and more than 50 aircraft.” He added,

“These ships and their Marines are augmented by three additional squadrons of fighter and attack aircraft that are based ashore and additional highly capable warships at sea.” These ships, Kirby said, represent “offensive … military power.”

The belligerent statements cap two days of major escalations of tensions throughout the Middle East. On Tuesday, Israel carried out a strike in Beirut, Lebanon, killing Saleh al-Arouri, the deputy head of Hamas’s political committee. While Israel denied its responsibility for the strike, US officials later confirmed to Al Jazeera that the attack was conducted by Israel.

The US effectively endorsed the murder of al-Arouri, with White House spokesman Kirby declaring that Israel “has a right and responsibility to go after the threat that Hamas poses, which means they have a right and a responsibility to go after the leadership of Hamas.” He added,

“I would just tell you that al-Arouri was a noted ‘designated global terrorist.’ And if he is, in fact, dead, nobody should be shedding a tear over his loss.”

Then, on Wednesday, over 100 people were killed at a memorial ceremony for Maj. Gen. Qassemi Soleimani, the Iranian general murdered by US President Donald Trump while on a diplomatic mission in Iraq four years ago. While Israel has for years carried out a string of bombings throughout Iran, in this case both the United States and Israel denied responsibility.

Mojataba Zolnouri, Iran’s deputy Parliament head, said that it was “clear from the style of the attacks that it is the Zionist regime” which is responsible for the bombing. But White House spokesman Kirby declared, “We have no indication that Israel was in any way involved in this.”

Last week, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant claimed that Israel is at “war” with multiple countries.

“We are in a multi-front war. We are being attacked from seven fronts—Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, Judea and Samaria (the West Bank), Iraq, Yemen and Iran,” he said. “We have already responded and acted on six of those fronts,” in a clear threat to Iran.

The US media continues to incite direct war against Iran. On the day in which 100 people were killed in a terror attack on Iran, the Wall Street Journal published an editorial calling Iran “the fulcrum of Mideast violence,” and declaring,

“Sooner or later the US and its allies will have to reestablish deterrence if they want a more stable Middle East, and that means dealing with Iran.”

This week, Israel announced that thousands of troops would be withdrawn from Gaza, raising the prospect that they will be used in an attack on Lebanon. Israel has evacuated 70,000 residents from its northern border with Lebanon and has amassed troops and tanks there. Israeli forces have launched daily bombardments across the Lebanese border since October 7.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken will depart Thursday to the Middle East, including a trip to Israel. The death toll in Israel’s genocide is quickly nearing 30,000, with Gaza’s Government Media Office declaring that 29,313 people in Gaza are either killed or missing since October 7.

Against the backdrop of escalating war throughout the region, the US has been thrown into crisis by the Israeli regime’s openly genocidal rhetoric. In a statement on Tuesday, US Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield declared,

“There should be no mass displacement of Palestinians from Gaza, and we reject the recent inflammatory statements from Israeli Ministers Bezalel Smotrich and Itamar Ben Gvir.”

In a separate statement, the US State Department declared,

“The United States rejects recent statements from Israeli Ministers Bezalel Smotrich and Itamar Ben Gvir advocating for the resettlement of Palestinians outside of Gaza. This rhetoric is inflammatory and irresponsible. We have been told repeatedly and consistently by the Government of Israel, including by the Prime Minister, that such statements do not reflect the policy of the Israeli government. They should stop immediately.”

Regardless of what the United States claims it was told in private, Netanyahu has categorically endorsed the ethnic cleansing of Gaza in public, telling a meeting of his parliamentary faction, “Regarding voluntary immigration… This is the direction we are going in.”

Of course, these statements do in fact represent the policies of the Israeli government, which is engaged in a conscious genocide and ethnic cleansing campaign against Gaza. The United States, which declares it has no “red lines” on what Israel is allowed to do, is fully complicit in this genocide.

On Thursday, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) announced that it will hold public hearings January 11 and 12 on South Africa’s accusation that Israel has committed genocide in Gaza. The United States, however, continues to deny that Israel is committing genocide and that the US is an accomplice to it. “We have not at this point seen acts that constitute genocide,” said State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller.

Asked to comment on the filing by South Africa with the ICJ, White House spokesman Kirby called the submission “meritless, counterproductive and completely without any basis in fact whatsoever.”

(Unlike the International Criminal Court [ICC], which hears charges against individuals, the International Court of Justice hears charges by UN member states against other states. The US government does not recognize the ICC but does recognize the ICJ, and its current chair, Joan Donoghue, is an American.)

Public denunciations of Israel’s genocide by human rights experts are mounting. In a statement on Twitter, Balakrishnan Rajagopal, UN Special Rapporteur on the right to housing, declared,

“Forcible transfer of Gazan population is an act of genocide especially given the high number of children.”

On Wednesday, the Euro-Med Human Rights monitor declared in a statement that “Israel is determined to carry out the forcible displacement of civilians in the Gaza Strip, beyond the bounds of international law.”


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Featured image: The amphibious assault ship USS Bataan, front, and the landing ship USS Carter Hall, back travel through the Red Sea, Tuesday, August 8, 2023. Western-backed maritime forces in the Middle East on Saturday, August 12, warned shippers traveling through the strategic Strait of Hormuz to stay as far away from Iranian territorial waters as possible to avoid being seized. [AP Photo/Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Riley Gasdia/U.S. Navy]

How Long Can Israel Defy the World?

January 4th, 2024 by Prof. Yakov M. Rabkin

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New Year Donation Drive: Global Research Is Committed to the “Unspoken Truth”


Palestinians in Gaza are being decimated. Over 20,000 have been killed, mostly women and children. Three times more have been wounded. Some experts qualify it as genocide, others as massacre. Two million people have been displaced, many more than during the entire history of displacement of the Palestinians since the start of the Zionist settlement at the turn of the 20th century.

As Israel takes out hospitals and civilian infrastructure, infectious diseases and famine threaten to kill many more people. Several Israeli soldiers have been reported infected during the ground operations, one has died. General Giora Eiland suggests relying on the weapon of imminent epidemics in lieu of endangering the lives of Israeli soldiers in real warfare. Gaza is violently demodernized, bombed into stone age: hospitals, schools, power stations are bombed to rubble. What is happening appears unprecedented.

The number of victims is, indeed, unprecedented. Yet the unfolding tragedy follows the old script of the Zionist project, which is European in more than one sense. It is rooted in ethnic nationalisms of Eastern and Central Europe. Nations must live in their “natural” environment where those not of the titular nationality would be at best tolerated. According to an Iraqi journalist writing in 1945, the Zionists’ goal was “to expel the British and the Arabs from Palestine so that it will be a pure Zionist state. … Terrorism [was] the only means that can bring the Zionist aspirations to fruition.” Significantly, the journalist did not consider the future state Jewish but Zionist. He must have known that Jews from countries other than those of Europe and European colonization constituted a miniscule part of the Zionist movement.

Zionism is also European because it is a settler colonial project, the most recent of all. The Palestine Jewish Colonization Association was among several agencies devoted to turning the multi-ethnic and multi-confessional Palestine into “the Jewish homeland”. The Jewish Colonial Trust, the predecessor of Bank Leumi, today Israel’s largest bank, financed the segregated economic development of the Zionist settlement in Palestine. In the usual colonial manner, the early Zionist settlers were eager to establish a separate colony rather than integrate in the existing Palestinian society.

Zionism is not only the most recent case of settler colonialism. Israel is unique in that, unlike Algeria or Kenya, it is not populated by migrants from the colonial metropolis. But this distinction matters little to the indigenous Palestinians who, just like in many other such situations, are being displaced, dispossessed, and massacred by the settlers. Displacement is enacted not only in Gaza, where it is massive and indiscriminate, but also in the West Bank where it is more focused.

To attain its objectives Zionism has had to rely on major powers, the British Empire, the Soviet Union, France and, nowadays, the United States. The Zionists, committed to the success of their project, have been pragmatic and ideologically promiscuous. They would enjoy the support of the Socialist International during most of of the 20th century and then switch to become the darlings of White supremacists and the extreme-right.

Zionism is a nationalist response to anti-Jewish discrimination and violence in Europe. It deems antisemitism endemic and ineradicable, explicitly rejecting long-term viability of Jewish life anywhere except in “the Jewish state” in Palestine. The Nazi genocide in Europe reinforced this conviction and offered legitimacy to the fledgling colonial project while such projects were crumbling elsewhere in the world. The Zionist project, ignoring the opposition of the Palestinians and other Arabs, simply exported Europe’s “Jewish question” to Palestine.

Palestinians gradually understood that the Zionist project would deprive them of their land and resisted it. This is why the early Zionist settlers, most of them from the Russian Empire, formed militias to fight local population. They perfected their terrorist experience gained during the Russian revolution of 1905 with colonial counterinsurgency measures learned from the vast experience of the British. Established against the will of the entire Arab world, including the local Palestinians, the state of Israel has had to live by the sword. The army and the police have worked hard to keep the Palestinians down (the British used to call it “pacification of the natives”). Their task has been to conquer as much land as possible with as few Palestinians remaining on it as possible.

Many Palestinians now in Gaza had been expelled from the very area in what is now Israel that experienced the Hamas attack in October. They are mostly refugees or descendants of refugees. The high density of the population in an enclosed area (some called it “the largest open-air prison) makes them particularly vulnerable. When Israel did not like the election of Hamas in 2006, it laid siege to Gaza, limiting access to food, medicines, work etc. Israeli officials were openly admitting they were putting the Gazans “on a diet” while having to “mow the lawn” from time to time, subjecting the Gazans to violent “pacification”.

The 16 years of siege intensified anger, frustration and despair leading to the Hamas attack. In response, Israeli used drones, missiles, and aircraft to continue what used to be done with rifles and machine-guns. The death rate has increased, but the goal of terrorizing Palestinians into submission has remained the same. The name of the current onslaught on Gaza is “Iron Swords”, aptly reflects the Zionists’ century-old choice to live by the sword rather than coexist with the Palestinians on equal terms. Ein berera, “we have no choice”, the common Israeli excuse for unleashing violence, is therefore misleading.

Impunity and Impotence

Israel has enjoyed a large degree of impunity, with dozens of UN resolutions simply ignored. Only once, in the wake of the 1956 Suez War, was Israel forced to give up territorial conquest. This happened under a threat coming from both the United States and the Soviet Union. Since then, Israel has relied on firm U.S. diplomatic and military support, which has become more brazen with the advent of America’s unipolar moment after the dissolution of the Soviet Union. This support is now embodied in the supply of American munitions for the war on Gaza, in the presence of U.S. Navy vessels protecting Israel from third parties and in the U.S. vetoes at the Security Council. Israel and the United States are joined at the hip. Europe, while being more critical of Israel rhetorically, closely follows the U.S. line just as it does in the Ukraine conflict. In both conflicts, European chanceries appear to have abdicated independence and, possibly, ability of action.

Israel’s impunity also reflects impotence of the rest of the world. While Muslim and Arab governments decry and protest Israel’s assault on Gaza, none has imposed or even proposed economic, let alone military, sanctions. Fewer than a dozen of countries has suspended diplomatic relations or withdrawn diplomatic personnel from Israel. None has broken relations. Russia and China, along with most of the Global South, express their dismay at civilian casualties in Gaza but they too stop short of going beyond words.

The double standard of the Western reactions is obvious. Drastic economic sanctions imposed on Russia contrast with the generous supply of arms and at best verbal pleas for moderation in response to the Israeli actions in Gaza. In just a few months, the IDF surpassed Russia’s almost two-year record in the Ukraine with respect to the volume of explosives dropped, the number of people killed and wounded, and the civilian/military ratio among the casualties. Western sermons about inclusion and democracy are unlikely to carry much weight in the rest of the world. Palestinian lives do not really matter to Western governments.

This lackadaisical reaction to the massacres in Gaza contrasts with the indignation they provoke in the population in much of the world. Massive demonstrations call on governments to stop the violence. In response, most Western governments have strengthened measures to restrict freedom of speech. Opposition to Zionism has been declared antisemitic, the most recent such measure is the equivalence between anti-Zionism and antisemitism decided by the U.S. Congress in December 2023. Accusations of antisemitism are leveled at students, often Jewish, who organize pro-Palestinian demonstrations. Televised debates as to what constitutes “genocidal antisemitism” on elite university campuses divert attention from what looks like a real genocide in Gaza. Antisemitism serves as Israel’s Wunderwaffe, its ultimate weapon of mass distraction.

Pro-Palestinian demonstrations have been banned in several European capitals where commercial or cultural boycott of Israel has been made illegal. This pressure from the ruling class, including courts, police, corporate media, employers, and university administrations, creates a powerful sense of frustration among the rank-and-file. Shortly after attacking Gaza in 2009, and over sharp criticism of its treatment of the Palestinians, Israel was unanimously accepted into the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), made up of some 30 countries that boast democratic structures of governance. Former Canadian prime minister Stephen Harper, while still in office, placed solidarity with Israel above Canada’s interests to the point of claiming that his government would support Israel “whatever the cost.”

Support for Israel, tending to increase with income, has become a class issue. It serves as another reminder of the growing estrangement between the rulers and the ruled, the proverbial One Per Cent and the rest. It remains to be seen if popular frustration with the hypocrisy of governments in their support for the war on Gaza may one day result in political change that would begin to dent Israel’s impunity.

Israel is a state without borders. Geographically, it has expanded with military conquest or colonization. The Zionist movement and successive Israeli governments have taken great pains never to define the borders they envisage for their state. Israeli secret services and the army pay no heed to borders, striking targets in its neighboring countries at will. This borderless character is also embodied in Israel’s claim that it belongs to the world’s Jews rather than to its citizens. This leads to the overt transformation of Jewish organizations around the world into Israeli agents. This is particularly the case in the United States. Israeli agents, such AIPAC, ensure Israel’s interests in elections on all levels, from school boards to the White House. Israel has even played the legislative against the executive branch in Washington. Yet this unabashed political interference attracts a lot less criticism in mainstream media that the alleged meddling of China or Russia. Israel also intervenes in the political process of other countries.

Conflict Between Jewish and Zionist Values

Zionism has provoked controversy among Jews from its very inception. The first Zionist congress in 1897 had to be moved from Germany to Switzerland because German Jewish organizations objected to holding a Zionist event in their country. The Zionist argument that the homeland of the Jews is not the country, where they have lived for centuries and for which many have spilled their blood in wars, but in a land in Western Asia. For many Jews, this message bears disconcerting resemblance to that of the antisemites who resent their social integration.

Initially irreligious, Zionism transforms spiritual terms into political ones. Thus, ‘am Israel, “the people of Israel”, defined by their relationship to the Torah, becomes ethnicity or nationality in the Zionist vocabulary. This prompted the prominent European rabbi Jechiel Weinberg (1884-1966) to emphasize that “Jewish nationality is different from that of all nations in the sense that it is uniquely spiritual, and that its spirituality is nothing but the Torah. […] In this respect we are different from all other nations, and whoever does not recognize it, denies the fundamental principle of Judaism.”

Another reason for Jewish opposition to Zionism has been moral and religious. While prayers for the return to the Holy Land is part of the daily Judaic ritual, it is not a political, let alone a military objective. Moreover, the Talmud spells out specific prohibitions of a mass move to Palestine before Messianic times, even “with the accord of the nations”. This is why the Zionist project with its addiction to armed violence continues to repel many Jews causing them embarrassment and even revulsion.

True, the Pentateuch and several of the books of the Prophets, such as Joshua and Judges, teem with violent images. But far from glorifying war, Jewish tradition identifies allegiance to God, and not military prowess, as the principal reason for the victories mentioned in the Bible. Jewish tradition abhors violence and reinterprets war episodes, plentiful in the Hebrew Bible, in a pacifist mode. Tradition clearly privileges compromise and accommodation. Albert Einstein was among the Jewish humanists who denounced Beitar, the paramilitary Zionist youth movement, today affiliated with the ruling Likud. He deemed it to be“ as much of a danger to our youth as Hitlerism is to German youth”.

Zionism vigorously rejects this “exilic” tradition, which it deems “consolation of the weak”. Generations of Israelis have been brought up on the values of martial courage, proud of serving in the military. Zionists regularly refer to their state as a continuation of biblical history. The idea of the Greater Israel is rooted in the literal reading of the Pentateuch. Zionism demands total commitment and brooks little opposition or criticism. The passion of the Zionist commitment has led to assassination of opponents, pitched fathers against sons, splitting Jewish families and communities. The historian Eli Barnavi, former Israeli ambassador in Paris, warns that “the dream of a ‘Third Kingdom of Israel’ could only lead to totalitarianism”. Indeed, many Jewish community leaders, undisturbed by the specter of “dual loyalty”, insist that allegiance to the state of Israel must prevail over all others, including allegiance toward their own country.

The Zionists, whether in Israel or elsewhere, have long claimed to be “the vanguard of the Jewish people” with Zionism replacing Judaism for quite a few Jews. Their identity, initially religious, has become political: they are supporters and patriots of Israel, “my country right or wrong” rather than adherents of Judaism.

Generationally, Israel appears an exception among the wealthy countries. With every generation Israelis become more combative and anti-Arab. While in other countries young Jews are usually less conservative than their parents and embrace ideas of social and political justice, young Israeli Jews defy this trend. Israeli education inculcates martial values and the belief that, had the state of Israel existed before World War II, the Nazi genocide would never have taken place. What sustains the fragile unity of the non-Arab majority is fear: a siege mentality that most frequently takes the self-image of a virtuous victim determined to prevent a repetition of the Nazi genocide. The memory of that European tragedy has become a tool of mobilizing Jews to the Zionist cause. Its political utility is still far from exhausted.

Use of the genocide to foster Israeli patriotism has been unflagging since the early 1960s. After an air show in Poland in 2008, three Israeli F-15 fighter jets bearing the Star of David and piloted by descendants of genocide survivors overflew the former Nazi extermination camp while two hundred Israeli soldiers observed the flyover from the Birkenau death camp adjacent to Auschwitz. The remarks of one of the Israeli pilots stressed confidence in the armed forces: “This is triumph for us. Sixty years ago, we had nothing. No country, no army, nothing.”

State schools promote the model of a fighter against “the Arabs” (the word “Palestinian” is usually avoided), glorifies military service turning it into an aspiration and a rite of passage to adulthood. No wonder that Hamas and, by extension, all the Gazans, are often referred to as Nazis. Dozens of Israeli officials and public figures have openly incited genocide of Palestinians: dropping a nuclear bomb on Gaza, flattening it into a parking lot, etc. Israeli political scientists have pointed out that civic religion provides no answers to questions of ultimate meaning, while at the same time it obliges its practitioners to accept the ultimate sacrifice. Civic space in Israel has become associated above all with “death for the fatherland.”

Elsewhere in the world, the Hamas attack has galvanized the Zionist commitment under the slogan “We stand with Israel!”. Massive and organized efforts are made to fight the information war. Israeli officials rely on a network of powerful supporters, including executives of high-tech companies, who make sure that the internet amplifies pro-Israel voices and muffles or cancels pro-Palestinian discourse. Censorship leads to self-censorship because pro-Palestinian involvement impedes job prospects and threatens careers.

However, unlike Israelis, diaspora Jews become less and less committed to Jewish nationalism with every generation. Growing numbers of young Jews refuse to be associated with Israel and choose to support the Palestinians. The systematic AI assisted massacre of Palestinians in Gaza has swollen their ranks, particularly in North America. Most spectacular protests against Israel’s ferocity have been organized by Jewish organizations, such as Not in My Name and Jewish Voice for Peace in the United States, Independent Jewish Voices in Canada, and Union juive française pour la paix in France. Prominent Jewish intellectuals denounce Israel and are found among the most consistent opponents of Zionism.

Albeit incongruently, these Jews are accused of antisemitism. Even more incongruently, the same accusation is hurled at ultra-Orthodox anti-Zionists. While Israel’s claim to be the state of all Jews exposes them to disgrace and danger, many Jews who support the Palestinians rehabilitate Judaism in the eyes of the world.

The Samson Option

Since its beginning, critics of Zionism have insisted that the Zionist state would become a death trap for both the colonizers and the colonized. In the wake of the ongoing tragedy triggered by the Hamas attack, these words of an ultra-Orthodox activist spoken decades ago sound prescient:

“Only blind dogmatism could present Israel as something positive for the Jewish people. Established as a so-called refuge, it has, unfailingly been the most dangerous place on the face of the earth for a Jew. It has been the cause of tens of thousands of Jewish deaths … it has left in its wake a trail of mourning widows, orphans and friends…. And let us not forget that to this account of the physical suffering of the Jews, must be added those of the Palestinian people, a nation condemned to indigence, persecution, to life without shelter, to overwhelming despair, and all too often to premature death.”

The fate of the colonized is, of course, incomparably more tragic than that of the colonizer. Palestinian citizens of Israel face systemic discrimination while their kin in the West Bank are subject to repression from both the Israeli military and their subcontractors in the Palestinian Authority. Arbitrary detention without trial, dispossession, checkpoints, segregated roads, house searches without warrant and more and more frequent death at the hands of soldiers and settler vigilantes have become routine on the West Bank. Palestinians in Gaza, even prior to the operation Iron Swords, lived isolated on a small territory, with their access to food and medicine strictly rationed by Israel. Even peaceful protest would be met by lethal fire from Israeli soldiers sitting on the other side of the barrier. There was little work and no prospects for the future. The pressure cooker was ready to explode as it did on October 7.

Since then, thousands of Gazans have been killed and wounded by one of the most sophisticated war machines in the world. This provokes more anger and hatred among the Palestinians both in Gaza and the West Bank. Israelis find themselves in a vicious circle: chronic insecurity inevitable in a settler colony reinforces the Zionist postulate that a Jew must rely on force to survive, which in turn provokes hostility and creates insecurity.

Over two decades ago David Grossman, one of the best-known Israeli authors, addressed the then prime minister Ariel Sharon known for his bellicosity:

“We start to wonder whether, for the sake of your goals, you have made a strategic decision to move the battlefield not into enemy territory, as is normally done, but into a completely different dimension of reality — into the realm of utter absurdity, into the realm of utter self-obliteration, in which we will get nothing, and neither will they. A big fat zero….”

Critical voices within and particularly outside Israel call on the Israelis to recognize that “the Zionist experiment was a tragic error. The sooner it is put to rest, the better it will be for all mankind.” In practice this would mean ensuring equality for all the inhabitants between the Jordan and the Mediterranean and a transformation of the existing ethnocracy into a state of all its citizens. However, Israeli society is conditioned to see in such calls an existential threat and a rejection of “Israel’s right to exist”.

The settler colonial logic radicalizes society in the direction of ethnic cleansing and even genocide. No Israeli government would be capable of evacuating hundreds of thousands of settlers to free space for a separate Palestinian state; the chances of giving up Zionist supremacy in the entire land are even lower. Only strong-armed international pressure may make Israel consider such a reform.

More probably, however, Israel will resist such pressure and threat to resort to the Samson Option, i.e., a nuclear attack on the countries endangering “Israel’s right to exist”. In this worst-case scenario, Israel would be annihilated, but those who put pressure on it would also suffer enormous casualties. Obviously, no country in the world will run the risk of a nuclear attack to free the Palestinians.

Pressure is more likely to come from the public but largely misdirected at local Jewish communities, almost all of them associated in the public mind with Israel. While these Jews, even the most Zionist, have never influenced Israel’s policies towards the Arabs, they have become easy scapegoats for Israel’s misdeeds.

American politicians seem to agree. President Trump referred to Israel as “your state” when addressing a Jewish audience in the United States. President Biden said that “without Israel, no Jew anywhere is safe.” Israeli leaders appreciate such conflations between Judaism and Zionism, between Jews and Israelis. These conflations boost Zionism, feed antisemitism and push Jews to migrate to Israel. This is a welcome prospect for the country, which these new Israelis will strengthen with their intellectual, entrepreneurial, and financial resources as well as supply more soldiers for the IDF.

Despite the opprobrium and public denunciations, Israel appears immune to pressure from the rest of the world. Israeli disdain for international law, the United Nations and, a fortiori, to moral arguments is proverbial. “What matters is what the Jews do, not what the gentiles say”, was Ben-Gurion’s favorite quip. His successors, a lot more radical than Israel’s founding father, will make sure that the tragedy of Gaza does not lead to any compromise with the Palestinians. The Israeli mainstream mocks or simply ignores well-intentioned pleas of liberal Zionists, an endangered species, to “save Israel from itself”. However counterintuitive today, only changes within Israeli society may shake the usual hubris. In the meantime, Israel will continue to defy the world.


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This article was originally published on Informed Comment.

Yakov M. Rabkin is Professor Emeritus of History at the Université of Montréal. His publications include over 300 articles and a few books: Science between Superpowers, A Threat from Within: a Century of Jewish Opposition to Zionism, What is Modern Israel?, Demodernization: A Future in the Past and Judaïsme, islam et modernité. He did consulting work for, inter alia, OECD, NATO, UNESCO and the World Bank. E-mail: [email protected]. Website: www.yakovrabkin.ca

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from IC

A Threat from Within, A Century of Jewish Opposition to Zionism

By Yakov M. Rabkin

The author examines a variety of Judaic scholars whose views, however diverse, reflect the supremacy of Torah ethics over nationalism.

  • January 2006
  • ISBN: 9781552661710
  • 261 pages


“To American Jews who have been educated to believe that supporting the State of Israel is a religious duty, this book offers a different and very valuable perspective.”-Tikkun, Berkeley, CA

“A useful reminder at a time when it almost seems as if Judaism has converted to Zionism.”-The Nation, New York

“Rabkin’s book demonstrates his mastery of detail… It is rich and deserves serious attention and respect.”-The Middle East in London, London, UK

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New Year Donation Drive: Global Research Is Committed to the “Unspoken Truth”


Figure One: Just stop a few of their machines and radios and telephones and lawn mowers…throw them into darkness for a few hours and then you just sit back and watch the pattern. 

Figure Two: And this pattern is always the same? 

Figure One: With few variations. They pick the most dangerous enemy they can find…and it’s themselves. And all we need do is sit back…and watch…and let them destroy themselves.

— “The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street,” Twilight Zone

Will 2024 be the year the Deep State’s exercise in controlled chaos finally gives way to an apocalyptic dismantling of our constitutional republic, or what’s left of it?

All the signs seem to point in this direction.

For years now, the government has been pushing us to the brink of a national nervous breakdown.

This breakdown—triggered by polarizing circus politics, media-fed mass hysteria, militarization and militainment (the selling of war and violence as entertainment), a sense of hopelessness and powerlessness in the face of growing corruption, the government’s alienation from its populace, and an economy that has much of the population struggling to get by—has manifested itself in the polarized, manipulated mayhem, madness and tyranny that is life in the American police state today.

Why is the Deep State engineering this societal madness? What’s in it for the government?

What is playing out before us is a chilling lesson in social engineering that keeps the populace fixated on circus politics and conveniently timed spectacles, distracted from focusing too closely on the government’s power grabs, and incapable of standing united in defense of our freedoms.

It’s not conspiratorial.

It’s a power play.

Rod Serling, the creator of the Twilight Zone, understood the dynamics behind this power play.

In the Twilight Zone episode, “The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street,” Serling imagined a world in which the powers-that-be carry out a social experiment to see how long it would take before the members of a small American neighborhood, frightened by a sudden loss of electric power and caught up in fears of the unknown, will transform into an irrational mob and turn on each other.

It doesn’t take long at all.

Likewise, in Netflix’s apocalyptic thriller Leave the World Behind (produced by Barack and Michelle Obama’s studio), unexplained crises lead to a technological blackout that leaves the populace disconnected, disoriented, isolated, suspicious, and under attack from mysterious ailments and each other.

As one of Leave the World’s characters speculates, the culprit behind the escalating catastrophes, which range from WiFi outages and mysterious health ailments to cities under siege from rogue forces, may be the result of a military campaign intended to destabilize a nation by forcing people to turn against each other.

It’s really not so far-flung a scenario when you consider some of the many ways the government already has the ability to manufacture crises in order to sow fear, fuel hysteria, destabilize the nation and institute martial law.

The government has the tools and the know-how to manufacture health crises. Long before COVID-19 locked down the nation, the U.S. government was creating lethal viruses and unleashing them on an unsuspecting public.

The government has the tools and the know-how to manufacture civil unrest and political upheaval.Since the days of J. Edgar Hoover, the FBI has been using agent provocateurs to infiltrate activist groups in order to “expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit and otherwise neutralize” them.

The government has the tools and the know-how to manufacture economic instability. As the national debt continues to rise upwards of $34 trillion, with little attempt by federal agencies to curtail spending, it stands as the single-most pressing threat to the economy.

The government has the tools and the know-how to manufacture environmental disasters. Deployed in 1947, Project Cirrus, an early precursor to HAARP, the government’s weather-altering agency, attempted to disable a hurricane as it was moving out to sea. Instead of weakening the storm, however, the government steered it straight into Georgia, resulting in millions of dollars in damaged properties.

The government has the tools and the know-how to manufacture communications blackouts. Internet and cell phone kill switches enable the government to shut down communications at a moment’s notice. It’s a practice that has been used before in the U.S. In 2005, cell service was disabled in four major New York tunnels (reportedly to avert potential bomb detonations via cell phone). In 2009, those attending President Obama’s inauguration had their cell signals blocked (again, same rationale). And in 2011, San Francisco commuters had their cell phone signals shut down (this time, to thwart any possible protests over a police shooting of a homeless man).

The government has the tools and the know-how to manufacture terrorist attacks. Indeed, the FBI has a pattern and practice of entrapment that involves targeting vulnerable individuals, feeding them with the propaganda, know-how and weapons intended to turn them into terrorists, and then arresting them as part of an elaborately orchestrated counterterrorism sting.

The government has the tools and the know-how to manufacture propaganda aimed at mind control and psychological warfare. Not long ago, the Pentagon was compelled to order a sweeping review of clandestine U.S. psychological warfare operations (psy ops) conducted through social media platforms. The investigation came in response to reports suggesting that the U.S. military had been creating bogus personas with AI-generated profile pictures and fictitious media sites on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram in order to manipulate social media users. Of the many weapons in the government’s vast arsenal, psychological warfare (or psy ops) can take many forms: mind control experiments, behavioral nudging, propaganda. In fact, the CIA spent nearly $20 million on its MKULTRA program, reportedly as a means of programming people to carry out assassinations and, to a lesser degree, inducing anxieties and erasing memories, before it was supposedly shut down.

We must never forget that the government no longer exists to serve its people, protect their liberties and ensure their happiness.

Rather, “we the people” are the unfortunate victims of the diabolical machinations of a make-works program carried out on an epic scale whose only purpose is to keep the powers-that-be permanently (and profitably) employed.

This is how tyranny rises and freedom falls.

Almost every tyranny being perpetrated by the U.S. government against the citizenry—purportedly to keep us safe and the nation secure—has come about as a result of some threat manufactured in one way or another by our own government.

Think about it: Cyberwarfare. Terrorism. Bio-chemical attacks. The nuclear arms race. Surveillance. The drug wars. Domestic extremism. The COVID-19 pandemic.

In almost every instance, the U.S. government has in its typical Machiavellian fashion sown the seeds of terror domestically and internationally in order to expand its own totalitarian powers.

Consider that this very same government has taken every bit of technology sold to us as being in our best interests—GPS devices, surveillance, nonlethal weapons, etc.—and used it against us, to track, trap and control us.

Are you getting the picture yet?

The U.S. government isn’t protecting us from threats to our freedoms.The U.S. government is creating the threats to our freedoms.

It’s telling that in Leave the World Behind, before disaster strikes, the main characters—on their way to a family vacation—are utterly oblivious, connected to their electronic devices and insulated from each other and the world around them. Adding to the disconnect, the family’s teen daughter, Rose, is fixated on binge-watching episodes of Friends, even as the world falls apart around them. As TV critic Jen Chaney explains, the sitcom’s presence in the story “underlines how human beings crave escapism at the expense of embracing the actual present, a different way of ‘leaving the world behind.’

We’re in a similar escapist bubble, suffering from a “crisis of the now,” which keeps us distracted, deluded, amused, and insulated from reality.

Professor Jacques Ellul studied this phenomenon of overwhelming news, short memories and the use of propaganda to advance hidden agendas. “One thought drives away another; old facts are chased by new ones,” wrote Ellul.

“Under these conditions there can be no thought. And, in fact, modern man does not think about current problems; he feels them. He reacts, but he does not understand them any more than he takes responsibility for them. He is even less capable of spotting any inconsistency between successive facts; man’s capacity to forget is unlimited. This is one of the most important and useful points for the propagandists, who can always be sure that a particular propaganda theme, statement, or event will be forgotten within a few weeks.”

Yet in addition to being distracted by our electronic devices and diverted by bread-and-circus entertainment spectacles, we are also being polarized by political theater, which aims to keep us divided and at war with each other.

This is the underlying cautionary tale of Leave the World Behind and “The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street”: we are being manipulated by forces beyond our control.

A popular meme circulating a while back described it this way:

“If you catch 100 red fire ants as well as 100 large black ants, and put them in a jar, at first, nothing will happen. However, if you violently shake the jar and dump them back on the ground the ants will fight until they eventually kill each other. The thing is, the red ants think the black ants are the enemy and vice versa, when in reality, the real enemy is the person who shook the jar. This is exactly what’s happening in society today. Liberal vs. Conservative. Black vs. White. Pro Mask vs. Anti Mask. The real question we need to be asking ourselves is who’s shaking the jar … and why?”

As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, the government has never stopped shaking the jar.


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This article was originally published on The Rutherford Institute.

Constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead is founder and president of The Rutherford Institute. His most recent books are the best-selling Battlefield America: The War on the American People, the award-winning A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State, and a debut dystopian fiction novel, The Erik Blair Diaries. Whitehead can be contacted at [email protected].

Nisha Whitehead is the Executive Director of The Rutherford Institute. Information about The Rutherford Institute is available at www.rutherford.org.

They are regular contributors to Global Research.

Featured image is from SHTFplan.com

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New Year Donation Drive: Global Research Is Committed to the “Unspoken Truth”


The ideologies and struggles of de-colonization were geared at dismantling white supremacy and political and economic domination of the domestic affairs of Caribbean states by metropolitan powers in an effort to create modern nations with the status of being self-autonomous.

In addition, these modern nations experienced gross challenges because institutionalized colonial structures perpetuated stratified social structures in which the black masses were unable to transform the present political arrangements. Psychological fractures in which the personal and collective identities of Caribbean people were relegated to an inferior position and the brown middle classes wore the robes of the European colonizers in which they inherited enormous social privileges to oppress the proletariat and lumpenproletariat.

Consequently, although Black Nationalism in the Caribbean was primarily aimed at enhancing the social and political consciousness of the black masses in which they were empowered to re-construct themselves, their identities, their communities and their nations through pride and celebration of native culture, there were evident problems with black self-rule in the Caribbean.

The problems associated with black-self-rule in the Caribbean were inevitable because independence has lost its sheen whereby it was a façade of the continuity of racial and class inequalities, exploitation and oppression of the masses by the new, managerial elite who were deeply grounded in a colonial mentality and colonial values assimilated from the metropole. Most modern nations of the Caribbean only gained “flag independence” and hence, Black Nationalism played a pivotal role in which it attempted to open the eyes of the black masses that were politically socialized into a false consciousness that de-colonization and independence have helped to fully disintegrate the mechanized systems of imperialism and colonialism.

Firstly, before one can carefully evaluate and deftly analyze the problems with black self-rule in the Caribbean, one has to clearly define and discuss the thematic relevance of Caribbean Black Nationalism as a critical political ideology and as a movement in Caribbean history. In the article, ‘The Rise of Garvey and Black Nationalism’ (2012), the Mapping the African-American Past website defined Black Nationalism as,

“An ideology and movement which encouraged black pride, political and economic independence and the unity of all people of African descent in which black people would have celebrated their native culture and contribution of outstanding, black leaders and heroes.”

Therefore, based on the Mapping the African-American website’s definition, one can now contextualize black nationalism in the Caribbean whereby critical questions have to be posed to stimulate discussion of the topic throughout the essay. Why was political and economic independence needed for all people of African descent especially Caribbean people? how would unity help the people of African descent in the Caribbean and how effective was black nationalism as an instrument in helping to liberate the minds and souls of the black masses in the Caribbean, who were still affected by the residual effects of servitude and colonization? 

The black masses in the Caribbean needed political and economic independence in order to fully remove colonial structures and the oppressive nature of the white supremacist system. To substantiate the following statement, evidence can be cited from the short essay, ‘Black Struggle in Colonization’ in which Eric Flanagan (2010) argues,

“Although slavery may be abolished in all parts of Europe and America, the people of Africa and their descendants elsewhere are still enslaved by the values and memories of white oppression. They face oppression every day, politically, economically and socially that are still griming reminders of enslavement of their people not long ago” (p.1).

Flanagan’s statement validates the fact that there was a continuity of exploitation and de-humanization among people of African descent because the institutionalized system of colonization and white supremacy relegated the black masses to inferior positions in which they aren’t seen to possess extra-ordinary capabilities to acquire self-reliance, self-determination and independence in a context where political rule can  promulgate a sense of equality, social justice and the restoration of humanity through good governance and effective leadership by black leaders.

In addition, economic independence of the black masses should have entailed limited dependence on the metropolitan powers in which blacks should be a formidable force in generating and controlling wealth through self-reliance and production of goods and services that could build sustainable, vibrant economies. As a result, nationalists and political philosophers like Marcus Garvey used black nationalism as a powerful tool to disseminate and inculcate the different aspects of independence in the minds of the black masses of the Caribbean, in an effort to unite them towards the common goal of experiencing real black power. To prove that Garvey envisioned a political, social and economic system in which black people would be dominant forces through self-confidence, evidence can be drawn from the short essay entitled, ‘Black Nationalism and the Call for Black Power’ in which Professor Andrew P. Smallwood (2012) posits,

“Garvey founded the Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA) because he believed that black separation would be the best chance for black people to realize their fullest potential as human beings culturally, socially, politically and economically.” “Garvey clearly used education in the form of programs and newspapers to teach Black people about economic and social upliftment through collective action. Garvey’s socio-political philosophy of Black Nationalism, expressed in the UNIA, emphasized cultural pride, social separation and economic empowerment” (pp.2-3). 

In Professor Smallwood’s argument, one can safely conclude that black nationalism catapulted education as a significant foundation and instrument to inspire and empower blacks into experiencing a new stream of consciousness in which they could successfully challenge the white supremacist system with an infiltration of a new epistemology framework obtained through Black Nationalism. Nevertheless, black nationalism in relation to black self-rule posed serious challenges for the Caribbean and its people. The challenge with black nationalism in relation to black self-rule in the Caribbean is that the main proponents of this branch of radical political thought had meticulously incorporated European values and ideas when formulating this ideology and movement. As a result, the black self-rule in which they had envisioned can only be a figment of their imagination and an unsuccessful experiment in the Caribbean because the Caribbean had no native political thought but rather adaptation of European political thought and the white supremacist system is still deeply embedded in all the major fabrics of society whether past or present.

To reinforce the premise of the following arguments, authoritative statements can be cited from the academic journal article, ‘Investigating the Radical Caribbean Intellectual Tradition’ where Anthony Bogues (1998) declares:

“Nobody on the bridge inquires about the tools needed to fix bridge nor why it was incomplete in the first place… the absence of a critical and radical thought in the Caribbean is a matter of grave concern. But they were never trained to look at the Caribbean through Caribbean eyes” (p.30).

These strong declarative arguments which Bogues postulates, symbolically represent the futile position of the Caribbean that lacks a native sheen of enlightenment to the masses due to the fact those key proponents of black nationalism were not grounded from native perspective but rather, they assimilated and adapted European values, norms and ideas to solve a ‘black problem’. This is in itself is a primary indicator of the problem with black self-rule because the supposed “black liberators of the black, oppressed peoples of the Caribbean” still look outside to metropolitan centres for solutions and tools to repair the futility of the Caribbean’s position.

To further the discussion with locating black nationalism in relation to black self-rule, more supporting arguments of the plausible clause can be drawn from Paget Henry and Hilbourne A. Watson. In the academic journal article, ‘Philosophy and the Caribbean Intellectual Tradition’ in which Paget Henry extrapolates:

“Given the prominence of Edward Blyden, Marcus Garvey and other Caribbean scholars in this growth of Africana philosophy, the late entry of the Caribbean is both striking and worthy of consideration… Edward Blyden was a major nineteenth century theorist of black liberation.. He became the most important proponent of African nationalism as a solution to European colonialism and domination. Although progressive in central thrusts, Blyden’s early thought showed embarrassing positions that contradicted African nationalist thrusts… He advocated for the elimination of traditional African religions and languages and their replacement by Christianity and European languages” (pp. 5&12).

Hence, Henry’s discussion reveals and highlights the core weaknesses of black nationalism where the outlined objectives of celebration of black pride and dismantling European domination over the black race are actually self-defeating. The objectives of black nationalism and the expected outcomes are self-defeating because main proponents as demonstrated in the example of Blyden failed to create and develop programmes and initiatives that could actually challenge the status quo by replacing the colonial, social and economic structures with transformative ones that would have truly empowered the minds of black people to achieve their fullest potential. Instead of transforming and challenging the existing system of oppression and exploitation, Blyden succumbed to the expectations of the colonial masters in which he used their weapons of undermining the black masses and re-gurgitating their modus operandi towards the black race. Thus, Henry’s critique of black nationalism acts as an eye opener to the early failures or challenges experienced by black self-rule in the Caribbean.

Moreover, although Garvey explicitly stated in his ‘Dream of the Negro Empire’,” he hopes to build up Africa in the interest of the black race in which Africa will hone black people of African descent from America and the West Indies together so that, Africa will one day be colonized by the black race” (Garvey, 1922: The Negro World), Garvey also followed and accepted the colonialist agenda like Blyden in which aimed to christianize the people of African descent through his teachings and principles in the United Negro Improvement Association (UNIA). This statement can be validated by the qualitative findings presented by Paget Henry (1998) in the academic journal article, ‘Philosophy and the Caribbean Intellectual Tradition’ in which he argues:

“Like the early Blyden, Garvey’s discourse on the human was exclusively Christian. There was no room in Garvey’s racial historicism for exchanges between philosophical anthropologies of Africa, Islam and the Christian West… Thus, the Christianizing of Africans and Afro-Caribbeans was an important founding principle of the Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA)” (p.13).

Again, one is able to see the adaptation and integration of European norms, values and beliefs into socializing people of African descent from the Caribbean because the early proponents of black liberation failed to accept and see themselves from the perspective of being a Caribbean. It also demonstrates that in order to acquire the status of being a human while being black one had to take on a European concept of identity and this is evident in the removal of African and the replacement of Christianity to redeem the descendants of Africans who were still viewed as inferior and uncivilized. Consequently, Christianity was used as a force by these proponents of black nationalism and liberation, to control an untamed, black people.

Furthermore, problems with black self-rule in the Caribbean can be located in Garvey’s racial ideology of accepting capitalism as an economic system for advancing the interests of the black race. This argument has been confirmed in the journal of Comparative theory entitled, ‘Raciology, Garveyism and the Limits of Black Nationalism in the Caribbean Diaspora’ in which Hilbourne A. Watson (2008) states:

“West Indian nationalists did not broadly question capitalism and the class relations of exploitation on which it rested. In the end, the nationalist movement left the struggle for independence with major deficits… the nationalists never managed to see a way beyond capitalism… the stance of nationalists failed to benefit the black, working classes in any fundamental way… Marcus Garvey and Garveyism drew on ideological currents that had already germinated in Europe, the United States and  the colonial world… Garvey viewed capitalism as the proper model of development for Africa and the African diaspora. He saw capitalism as a modernizing force for upliftment of people from Africa and of African descent around the world” (pp.85&89).

It has already been established and re-iterated that Garvey’s ideology on race largely drew from European influences but the task is to now critically evaluate and analyze his proposition of capitalism in relation to problems with black self-rule in the Caribbean.

In the ‘Finance and Development’ journal of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) website, chief economists, Sarwat Jahan and Ahmed Saber Mahud (2015) define capitalism as “an economic system in which private actors own and control property, production and distribution of good services through limited government intervention and in their own best interests to generate profits and not social goods.” Therefore, based on the definition of capitalism given, a crucial question must be posed to stimulate analysis in the discussion, if capitalism suits the best interests of private actors who are not usually the black, working classes, how will it fundamentally assist in advancing their welfare? Capitalism is the ideology of the colonialists who own, control and concentrate wealth in the hands of the elite, few like themselves so Garvey advocating for capitalism as tool for advancement for black people in and of itself, is a pipeline dream and an evil fallacy. It is an evil fallacy because capitalism perpetuates the colonial agenda of strictly socially stratified societies in which there is gross social inequalities and poverty that affects the black, masses who are exploited by the brown, middle and upper classes who concentrate wealth and power. As a result, capitalism as a political ideology and an economic system, has been translated into Caribbean politics during the de-colonization and independence periods and this, reveals the core failures of black self-rule in the Caribbean. 

The problem with black self-rule in the Caribbean is that the brown middle classes did not have a transformative agenda in their minds to uplift the lives of the down-trodden, black masses who needed empowerment and a re-construction of their identities that was shattered by the psychological infiltration of European conceptualization of self and being human. Instead, the brown upper and middle classes wore the robes of the European colonizers in which independence bestowed access to enormous social privileges based on class and educational attainment. This is validated in the text, ‘Caribbean Political Thought: Theories of the Post-Colonial State’ in which Dr. Aaron Kamugisha (2013) integrates a short essay entitled, ‘The West Indian Middle Classes’ where C.L.R. James blatantly argues:

“for generations their sole aim in life was to be admitted to the positions to which their talents and education entitled them, when they did enter the charmed government circles and big businesses, they showed their best that they could be good servants of the Colonial Office.. they actually did little.. The excitement of the politicians about independence must not be trusted. In recent years, the middle classes were not concerned about independence. They were quite satisfied with lives they lived… Government jobs allow them the possibility of accumulating material goods and wealth.. Read their speeches about the society in which they live. They have nothing to say.” (pp. 252-255).

C.L.R. James’ argument on the middle classes of the West Indies and the nature of their politics is a stark reality of the serious social polarization between upper, middle and lower classes in the post-independence era of the Caribbean in which those who were afforded access to luxurious social privileges based on class and employment options never really cared about the suffering and the pain of the black, masses from the lower classes.

This also mirrors the problems with independence wherein black self-rule was another episode of a false consciousness in which the masses were conned into the propaganda that independence would have offered liberation from foreign control and new stream of consciousness that would lead to black empowerment. Instead, independence became a fiction story, a story of liberation that was imagined but never came to full fruition because the political leaders and other members of the middle classes have failed to integrate other social groups to complete the process of transformation. Capitalism lies at the centre of the black self-rule ideology in which it promotes competition and selfishness where self-interests are more important than social good. As a result, the black power movement in the 1960s with its central figure Dr. Walter Rodney amongst many others who arose to challenge the status quo along the lines of class relations in an effort to overthrow the neo-colonial structures and replace it with more egalitarian structures through a revolution.

Dr. Walter Rodney and other radical members of the intelligentsia harshly criticized the status of independence in the Caribbean as flag independence where there was partial, political and constitutional sovereignty but colonialism was never officially removed from the political, economic, social and cultural structures and systems. Black power emerged as social movement in which the black masses were empowered through education and black history to chart a personal and collective path to true freedom but the neo-colonial government implemented measures to suppress the growth of the movement citing it as a “dangerous threat”. Anthony Bogues (2009) in his ‘Black Power, De-colonization and Caribbean Politics: Walter Rodney and Grounding With My Brothers’ states,

“colonial power had constructed a sense of rule in which local sovereignty was absent. Thus, the apparent incongruity of a black police officer beating a black young boy while cursing Black Power” (p.2).

The scenario of a black police officer beating a black boy for attending Black Power classes in Trench Town after Jamaica had gained independence proved that the colonial agenda was still embedded in every fabric of the society and the government used the police as force of intimidation and control to oppress and hurt the working poor and the lower classes who were mostly black people. In addition, the scenario highlighted by Bogues shows us the momentum that the black power movement was gaining in Jamaica that allowed the newly installed government to dispatch police officers to humiliate the black masses especially Rastafarians who were engaged in the classes and actively involved in this means of political and social protest.

Demonstrating students of The University of the West Indies with one of the many placards they carried on October 16, 1968. (Source: Jamaica Gleaner)

Bogues (2009) continued in his academic journal where he asserts that the revoking of Rodney’s licence to work in Jamaica led to the Rodney riots in 1968 but the Jamaican government the (JLP) under the leadership of Prime Minister, Hugh Lawson-Shearer undermined the riots that were spearheaded by University of the West Indies students and by extension the black poor from Kingston who felt oppressed and excluded from the system. He further commented that Hugh Lawson Shearer referred to the Rodney riots as a “Castro-type revolution in Jamaica.” Walter Rodney as a Caribbean intellectual from Guyana did not limit his studies of History and African Studies to the classroom borders where he delivered lectures to students, he was heavily influenced by Marxism, which is a political ideology developed by Karl Marx which looks at the exploitative nature of capitalism in which the bourgeoisie (capital owners) oppressed the proletariat (working classes) but as soon as the proletariat recognizes they are socialized into a false consciousness, they will unite in an effort to overthrow the bourgeoisie to chart a classless system in which the ownership of property and capital becomes public. Through the influence of Marxism, Rodney saw colonialism and neo-colonialism in Jamaica and by extension the Caribbean along the lines of class relations in which upper and middle class concentrated most of the wealth and power in their hands while leaving the working classes and the poor to live under severe socio-economic conditions. Hence, the reason Rodney spent most of his time “grounding” with this specific social group of persons because he recognized that the most powerful tools to enlighten the black masses were education to inform them of their past and present and violence to overthrow the neo-colonial regime. The Jamaican government fiercely opposed this because it threatened their status and power whereby the masses when united, could have overthrown them. Now, one can see the importance of black unity especially under the conditions of continued, imposed mechanisms of control over personal and collective freedom.

Walter Rodney demonstrators marching down King Street in the vicinity of the Supreme Court buildings heading for Harbour Street, where they held a meeting in front of The Daily Gleaner building on October 16, 1968. (Source: Jamaica Gleaner)

The reason the working classes and the black underclasses turned to riots, it is because independence in and of itself was not fought for in Jamaica through violence but was given to ceremonially by Britain. To support the thesis, radical arguments brought forward by Louis Lindsay (1975) in his seminal piece, ‘Myths of Independence: Middle Class Politics and Non-Mobilization in Jamaica’ where he rightfully asserts,

“ a national flag is designed and unfurled. So too is a national anthem, and perhaps a national dish, a national tree, a national bird and so on. 2 But for the great majority of citizens in the alleged newly independent state, life continues in much the way that it did before what was heralded as independence was achieved.”

He further went to argue,

“Jamaica  can be used as a perfect case study of how myths and symbols associated with independence have manipulated the general political quietism and the frustrating possibilities of transformation in the Third World. He integrates Fanon’s theory on pseudo-independence where Fanon declares, “where there has been no genuine mobilization for self-determination, the colonial situation will continue and it will do so virtually unaffected by declarations of legal or pseudo-independence”.

Therefore, based on Fanon’s theory of pseudo-independence and Lindsay’s radical arguments about independence as a myth, one can now have a comprehensive grasp of the motivations behind Rodney trying to unite the black masses through re-educating and re-socializing them from the false consciousness to protest against white supremacy but more so, the lower classes being exploited and being voiceless by the upper and middle classes who perpetuated the colonial agenda. Violence or riots in the context of the post-independent Caribbean should not take on completely negative connotations per se but to be seen as tool of “self-purging” from the physical and psychological chains that persisted since colonialism. Violence or riots should also be seen as the black people’s expression of frustration and disillusionment with the system of oppression and exploitation but such expressions will be put down by the government because it threatens their self-interest.

Rodney’s contribution to radical intellectual tradition was the true sense of black nationalism through the black power movement but the Abeng movement in the 1960s up to the 1970s must also be integrated in the discussion of the essay on black nationalism and how it helped to address the problems with black self-rule in the Caribbean. The Abeng movement like Rodney’s black power movement was one in which sought to address to social inequalities, injustices and humiliation of the black poor and working classes who were being oppressed by the neo-colonial system. It acted as an eye-opener and ‘consciousness awakener’ through radical thought, writings and proclamation. Hence, the use of the abeng. In the short essay ‘Learning to Blow the Abeng: A Critical Look at Anti-Establishments Movements of the 1960s and 1970s’ that was found in the text ‘Caribbean Political Thought: Theories of the Post-Colonial State by Dr. Aaron Kamugisha (2013), Rupert Lewis asserts,

“Abeng in 1969 was the coming together of a variety of trends- Rastafarians, Garveyites, businessmen, lawyers, cartoonists, UWI academics and disillusioned PNP grassroots activists. One of the requirements of the Abeng group was to go out into different parts of the country to sell weekly newspapers, get political feedback and build a network of support… Haile Selassie’s visit to Jamaica gave Rastafarians a sense of legitimacy” (p.249-250).

Based on Lewis’ assertion another social movement that promoted black nationalism in attempts to address problems with black self-rule, one can gather that Rastafarians had played a central role in black nationalism where Rastafarians were increasingingly aware of black subjugation under a system of white supremacy and colonialism. In addition, Rastafarians like other black social groups in post-independence Jamaica were severely mistreated by the government because of the agitation they executed in protests against the evils of the new political system, hence the reason, Haile’s Selassie visit was so significant to them and by extension, other grassroots groups. One outstanding Rastafarian, aside from Bob Marley during this period was Planno who wrote radical articles to the Jamaican press and poem revolving around the events of the Rodney riots.

On the other hand, the Abeng movement and its radical writings and distribution in Jamaica and the Black Power Movement by Rodney helped to inspire the outbreak of the Trinidadian Revolution in 1970 in which there was violence to legitimize the status of the masses who felt sub-human based on the notions of racial prejudice and the stark realities of Caribbean life since independence has been granted. Rupert Lewis described the Trinidadian Revolution as “the scene of the English-Speaking Caribbean only guerrilla movement in National Union of Freedom Fighters (NUFF) where Trinidadian radicalism encouraged the electoral involvement of the New Jewel Movement (NJM) in Grenada” (p.453). The examples of  radical social movements in Jamaica stimulated a chain effect in other Caribbean countries which sought to defeat the anti-imperialist agenda by toppling neo-colonial regime and governments that oppressed not only black people but the majority by dividing them along class and racial lines.

In concluding, different brands of black nationalism in the Caribbean during the de-colonization and post-independence period were geared at uplifting the souls and minds of the majority who were oppressed under white supremacy and imperialism. However, the problem with black self-rule in the Caribbean is that the new elite did not have progressive agenda in mind to uplift their fellow brothers and sisters but rather to exercise domination over their personal and collective freedom based on luxurious social priveleges afforded to them.


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Tina Renier is a regular contributor to Global Research.


Bogues, A. (2009). Black Power, De-colonization and Caribbean Politics: Walter Rodney and the Politics of Grounding with my brothers. Duke University Press.

Bogues, A. (1998). Investigating the Radical Caribbean Intellectual Tradition. Small Axe Collective. p.30.

Fanon, F.(1963). The Wretched of the Earth. Pseudo-Independence. Grove Press. p.155.

Flanagan, E. (2010). Black Struggle in Colonization. The Dread Library. Retrieved from http/www.debate.uvm.edu/dreadlibrary/flanagan.html.

Garvey, M. (1922). The Dream of the Negro Empire. The Negro World. Retrieved from http/www.afromhistory.about.com/library/abm_garvey.html.

Henry, P. (1998). Philosophy and the Caribbean Intellectual Tradition. Small Axe Collective. pp.5&12-13.

Jahan, S. & Mahud S. A. (2015). Finance and Development. Definition of Capitalism. International Monetary Fund website. Retrieved from http/www.imf.org/capitalism.html. Volume 52. No 2.

James, C.L.R. (1932). West Indian Middle Classes. Lanchsire, England: Coulton & Co. Ltd. pp.252-255.In  Kamugisha, A. (2013). Caribbean Political Thought Theories of the Post-Colonial State. Ian Randle Publishers.

Lewis, R.  Learning to blow the Abeng: A critical look at Anti-Establishment Movements in the 1960’s and 1970’s. pp. 449-450&453. In  Kamugisha, A. (2013). Caribbean Political Thought: Theories of the Post-Colonial State. Ian Randle Publishers.

Lindsay, L. (1975). Myths of Independence: Middle Class Politics and Non-Mobilization in Jamaica. Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social and Economic Studies (SALISES). University of the West Indies, Mona. Working Paper No. 6.

Mapping the African- American Past website.(2012). The rise of Garvey and black nationalism. Retrieved from http/www.afrompast.com/abtm_garveyandblacknationalism.html.

Smallwood, P. A. (2012). Black Nationalism and the call for black power. Black Studies Department. University of Nebraska, Omaha.

Watson, A. H. (2008). Raciology, Garveyism and the limits of black nationalism in the Caribbean Diaspora. Shibboleths: A Journal of Comparative Theory. pp. 85&89.

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New Year Donation Drive: Global Research Is Committed to the “Unspoken Truth”


Side by side at New York’s Metropolitan Museum, this exhibition is a forceful reminder of why Édouard Manet and Edgar Degas were of such revolutionary significance.

Manet was the father of modern art according to Clement Greenberg – the Immanuel Kant of painting – because he probes the conditions of painting itself. In fact, this is true of both painters here. Both are steeped in the history of Western painting, both have made thorough studies of Rubens (“Rubens is God,” Manet would exclaim).

Their studies of Velasquez, and Delacroix are on display here. They have drunk deep from the well of the Old Masters, and at the same time they are intent on transforming the tradition all together. An overly simplified way of putting it would be to say their painting is about painting; but true as that might be it does not begin to do justice to them – indeed, we could say much the same thing about the masters they learned from. The true subject of Velasquez’ painting – in particular, Las Meninas (1656) – is painting itself. What is new about Manet and Degas is what they have to say about painting—about light, color, form, and composition, and indeed what counts as legitimate subject matter. And what these things reveal about the world, about our access to the world in its most essential aspects. How can painting, image making, reveal the real? How can pigment on canvas give us the thing itself, an apprehension of the world more real than reality?

The show commences with self-portraits of Manet and Degas and it is a fitting introduction to this extraordinary exhibition. Manet’s is the more radical of the two: Degas’ is confident and composed, revealing the young painter’s virtuosity, his indebtedness to Ingres in terms of his seamless brushwork. Manet does not hide his brush, figuratively or literally: he paints himself in the very act of painting, palette with paint and brushes in his right hand and in his left the brush which he is presently using.

He is not posing like Degas: he is working. And that is the clue to Manet’s work. He paints painting, regardless of his subject: he paints the medium itself, it as if he is constantly reminding us that this is a painting, that this is pigment, material stuff which he is spreading across the canvas. He does not elide his brushwork but revels in it. This is a new conception of painterly truth at play here, a new fidelity to truth. Manet is the Kant of painting because he initiates a similar kind of “Copernican revolution” – we do not see the world as it is but as we are. The subject plays an active and positive role in constituting the object; in other words, subjectivity is not a limitation on our access to the world, but the condition of our having a world at all. That is Manet’s painterly discovery: that we know objects because in a sense we create them.


Edgar Degas – In a Café (Source: Wikimedia Commons, licensed under the Public Domain)

Among the many daring pieces on display is Degas’, In a Café (The Absinthe Drinker) (1875-76). It was not only the “very disgusting novelty of the subject,” to which at least one contemporary reviewer objected, but its “slap-dash” manner. Another contemporary described it as “artless and sincere” – and certainly its frankness is beyond doubt. A woman with sallow complexion, in drab and dirty attire sits staring sullenly into space. The glass before her, with its pale green contents is the absinthe referred to in the painting’s title. To the right of her sits a man (presumably the painter Marcellin Deboutin whom Degas and Manet knew well), smoking a pipe and peering off canvas.

They are together, yet disconnected, each in their own world. There is certainly nothing slap-dash about the composition, the way Degas organizes his frame: we are looking at the drinkers as if we are literally sitting behind a table perpendicular to their own (in fact Degas signs his name on that very table). In other words, the viewer is not just a disembodied spectator, but a patron: we are truly in the café – and the effect of this is to create a sense of being-with, of recognizing the man and woman not simply as a forlorn and intoxicated couple (in fact, Deboutin was not a drunk), but as one of us, or of us as one of them.   

Among the most remarkable but unfamiliar of Manet’s work on display are those depicting the bloody aftermath of the Paris Commune of 1871.There is no question regarding Manet’s condemnation of the Versailles government’s actions following the defeat of the Commune, when some 25,000 Parisians were gunned down, including women and children.

This is the founding of the first worker power in history. It is something new, unprecedented, a totally unforeseeable event in which Paris truly becomes “the capital of the human race,” as Victor Hugo put it. The Commune lasts 72 days, and ends in bloody massacre, which Manet depicts in several works including a lithograph, The Barricade (1871) – with a firing squad executing Communards, it a fearsome indictment of the repression during ‘Bloody Week,’ where we also find references to Goya’s The Third of May 1808 (1814), itself a groundbreaking image of the horror of war. 

The Barricade, Edouard Manet (French, Paris 1832–1883 Paris), Lithograph on chine collé; second state of two

The Barricade, Edouard Manet

Although he remained outside of Paris during most of the Commune, Manet returned to witness the atrocities that Versailles troops committed against ordinary citizens; and made a lithograph, Civil War (1871-73) based on a sketch from life of one such scene of slaughter: a dead National Guardsman lying beside a barricade, while jutting out from the lower right-hand corner is a pinstriped pant leg referring to one of the countless civilian causalities. What is so important and timely about these scenes of horrific violence is not only Manet’s insistence that we memorialize the fallen Communards, but that he also recognizes that the Commune’s defeat does nothing to diminish its ultimate truth value: it is Manet reminding us, 150 years later, that these fallen heroes were the very vanguard of humanity. The event itself lasted a little over two months, but the Commune inaugurates a political truth that remains timeless, eternal: it demonstrates for all time that a popular, working-class uprising can be victorious. As American-Scottish artist Zoe Beloff observes, reflecting on the almost photographically cropped Civil War, ‘we are still fighting their fight.’ Manet signs his name on a stone in the lower left-hand corner, as if to express his recognition and solidarity with those downtrodden elements of society without which the Commune – this singular event in human history – would not have happened at all. 

This exhibition is far too rich and varied to do any justice in short review such as this. I have chosen to focus on a small handful of works which, though not so famous as some of the others on view, continue to speak to us today with an urgency that can hardly be denied. 


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Sam Ben-Meir is an assistant adjunct professor of philosophy at City University of New York, College of Technology. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from metmuseum.org

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New Year Donation Drive: Global Research Is Committed to the “Unspoken Truth”


Expect the UK to intervene on Israel’s side in the South African case against Israel for Genocide at the International Court of Justice. If Israel loses, British ministers, civil servants and military personnal could end up in the dock for genocide – not only in the Hague, but in the UK.

Infamously, UK courts give no force to international treaties even when the UK has ratified them, unless they are specifically incorporated in UK domestic legislation. The Genocide Convention was explicitly incorporated into UK law in 1969 by the Genocide Act. However the Genocide Act was repealed in 2001 and replaced by Section 51 of the International Criminal Court Act.

That is perfectly clear. Article 53 makes plain that this includes ancillary offences, e.g. aiding and abetting genocide.

What has the UK government done to aid and abet the genocide? It has:

1) Actively encouraged and incited genocide, including by the systematic obstruction of ceasefire resolutions at the UN Security Council;

2) Provided military equipment to Israel, with dozens of flights from RAF Akrotiri to Israel during the course of the genocide itself;

3) Provided communications intelligence to Israel to assist in genocide;

4) Provided aerial surveillance to Israel to assist in genocide.

These are for certain. It is also widely rumoured that UK Special Forces have participated directly in the genocide. That is something the prosecution will have to determine.

There has been a great sense of impunity among the zionist-controlled political classes: they have believed that they were in no danger of any personal retribution for their part in the brutal destruction of thousands and thousands of young children. In fact they felt able to turn the power of the state against anybody protesting that destruction.

There has been no legal jeopardy to anybody supplying, inciting or cheering on Israel’s monstrous atrocities. The jeopardy has all been felt by those opposing the atrocities.

That all changed with South Africa’s reference to the International Court of Justice. A determination of genocide by the International Court of Justice must be respected by the International Criminal Court and it will be impossible even for the odious Karim Khan to avoid bringing prosecutions against the perpetrators. Similarly in the UK, the fact of genocide being legally established, a police investigation will be obliged simply to focus on whether the UK aided and abetted it.

Quite simply, if you ask the police to investigate Sunak for aiding and abetting genocide today, they will laugh at you and say there is no genocide. After an ICJ judgment they can no longer do that.

Now I am not naive. Just as our rulers believe their backs are covered by Karim Khan KC at the International Criminal Court, they believe that their backs are covered in the UK by the provision that any prosecution must be with the consent of the Attorney General. A government therefore has to agree to the prosecution.

I gave evidence at great length to the police inquiry into UK complicity in CIA torture and extraordinary rendition, in which Tony Blair and Jack Straw had so much blood on their hands it would fill swimming pools. There were of course never any prosecutions.

But the world changes over time, and it feels like something has seriously shifted in both the international and domestic order from the open espousal by our ruling classes of the most extreme atrocities, happening again and again and again in plain sight.

Our ruling classes may find they are less fixed in power than they believe. I would not bet on their impunity being permanent. There is a good precedent of participants in the Holocaust being brought to justice many decades later. We may yet see justice, and I believe a good deal sooner than that.


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Featured image: Slaughterhouse – by Mr. Fish

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New Year Donation Drive: Global Research Is Committed to the “Unspoken Truth”


Jan. 2, 2024 – Japan Airlines Flight 516 collided with Japan Coast Guard Plane at Haneda Airport, Tokyo.

  • In a transcript of communications between the air traffic control tower and both the JAL jet and the Coast Guard plane, it appeared that the commercial flight was given permission to land while the Coast Guard aircraft was told to “taxi to holding point” just next to the runway.
  • Officials were trying to learn why the Coast Guard plane ended up on the runway.
  • In video footage of the JAL plane’s landing, it appeared to be lined in flames as it plunged down the runway
  • Yet the fuselage withstood the flames pouring from the engines for the 18 minutes that passed between the plane’s touchdown, at 5:47 p.m., and the moment the last person left the aircraft, at 6:05
  • Safe evacuation of 367 passengers (379 with crew) came down to a relative absence of panic.
  • Japan Airlines said that 15 people had been injured in the evacuation, none critically
  • 5 of 6 crew members on the Coast Guard aircraft, a Bombardier Canada DHC-8-315, most likely died “in the actual impact itself” when the two planes collided, given that the Coast Guard propeller plane was much smaller than the passenger jet.

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PHOTO: An aerial view shows burnt Japan Airlines' Airbus A350 plane after a collision with a Japan Coast Guard aircraft at Haneda International Airport in Tokyo, Japan January 3, 2024.

PHOTO: Officials look at the burnt wreckage of a Japan Airlines passenger plane on the tarmac at Tokyo International Airport at Haneda in Tokyo on January 3, 2024.



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New Year Donation Drive: Global Research Is Committed to the “Unspoken Truth”


“Stable doors slamming, but a – very cautious – feel of shift at all levels, nations?” –Felicity Arbuthnot, January 4, 2024

An Education Department official who volunteered for President Joe Biden’s 2020 campaign announced his resignation Wednesday over the administration’s support for Israel’s “indiscriminate violence” against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, the latest sign of growing dissent within the U.S. government.

“It should go without saying that all violence against innocent people is horrific,” Tariq Habash, a Palestinian American who worked as a policy adviser in the Education Department’s Office of Planning, Evaluation, and Policy Development, wrote in his resignation letter. “I mourn each and every loss, Israeli and Palestinian.”

“But I cannot represent an administration that does not value all human life equally. I cannot stay silent as this administration turns a blind eye to the atrocities committed against innocent Palestinian lives, in what leading human rights experts have called a genocidal campaign by the Israeli government,” Habash continued. “I cannot be quietly complicit as this administration fails to leverage its influence as Israel’s strongest ally to halt the abusive and ongoing collective punishment tactics that have cut off
Palestinians in Gaza from food, water, electricity, fuel, and medical supplies, leading to widespread disease and starvation.”

Habash is the second administration official—and the first political appointee—to resign over the Biden administration’s handling of Israel’s attack on Gaza, which has killed more than 22,000 people in less than three months. Josh Paul, who worked in the State Department for more than 11 years, resigned in protest less than two weeks after Israel began its latest bombing campaign in Gaza following a deadly Hamas-led attack.

Internal backlash against the Biden administration’s decision to arm and provide diplomatic cover for the Israeli government has grown steadily over the course of the nearly three-month war, with staffers at the State Department, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), and even Biden’s 2024 reelection campaign voicing opposition to the president’s unpopular approach.

On Wednesday, 17 current Biden campaign staffers released an open letter imploring the president to cut off unconditional aid to the Israeli military, use his leverage to push for an immediate and permanent cease-fire, and “take concrete steps to end the conditions of apartheid, occupation, and ethnic cleansing that are the root causes of this conflict.”

“Complicity in the death of over 20,000 Palestinians, 8,200 of whom are children, simply cannot be justified,” reads the letter, which was signed anonymously. “Only with an end to violence can we achieve a real and lasting peace that upholds the right to self-determination, safety, and freedom for Palestinians and Israelis alike.”

Attorneys have warned that Biden administration officials, including the president himself, could face legal consequences for supporting genocide in the Gaza Strip. The administration is currently fighting a lawsuit aiming to enjoin it from providing any additional support for Israel’s war on Gaza.

In an appearance on MSNBC following his resignation, Habash said he believes many officials within the Biden administration feel the way he does about the president’s support for Israel’s assault—and they are becoming increasingly vocal as the humanitarian disaster in Gaza spirals further out of control.

“We’ve seen hundreds of State Department officials sign onto numerous dissent cables that were leaked,” Habash said. “We’ve seen USAID officials, we’ve seen White House staff, we’ve seen interns, we’ve seen hundreds of officials across the administration from dozens of agencies. This is a pretty commonly held position by a lot of the biggest supporters of the president. And the majority of American voters support a cease-fire, but the president’s unwillingness to move on this policy is deafening and it hurts.”

[From Common Dreams: Our work is licensed under Creative Commons (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0). Feel free to republish and share widely.]


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Jake Johnson is a senior editor and staff writer for Common Dreams.

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New Year Donation Drive: Global Research Is Committed to the “Unspoken Truth”


The killing of an Australian-Lebanese national Ibrahim Bazzi, his Lebanese wife Shorouq Hammoud, and his brother Ali Bazzi by the Israeli Defence Forces in a missile strike in southern Lebanon, has been an object exercise in selective outrage, selective ethical concern, and, generally speaking, selective morality.

The strike took place on a home in the neighbourhood of Al-Dawra in the town of Bint Jbeil, said to belong to the Bazzi family. On paper, the case demands investigation, explanation, even reparation. But the Australian government has pounced on an opportunity to ignore the killing of Ibrahim and his wife – both civilians and intending to head back to Sydney – and focus on the background of Ali Bazzi instead.

In his December 28, 2023 press conference, the Australian Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus noted “the announcement made by Hizballah claiming links to one of the Australians killed. We are seeking to establish facts.” The context to essentially excuse the killings is then sketched: “Hizballah is a listed terrorist organisation under Australian law”; there was “daily military activity in southern Lebanon, including rocket and missile fire, as well as airstrikes”; Australians in Lebanon should leave “while commercial options remain available.”

On Ali’s connections, Dreyfus could make much of a terrorist link that, were it to be confirmed, would make the killings, more generally, less egregious. “It’s an offence [for] any Australian to cooperate with, to support, let alone to fight with, a listed terrorist organisation like Hizballah.” But – and here Dreyfus was not drawn – it is not an offence for Australians to serve in the armed forces of a foreign country under Part 5.5 of the Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth).

Naturally, this would depend on the country in question, and the amoral calculus used when deciding that nonsense called the “national interest”. Australians serving with the IDF is entirely permissible, despite that army’s obliteration of Palestinian civilians in a most cavalier interpretation of international law; Australians serving with their opposite numbers are criminals, buccaneering agents who deserve what they get.

Reserves Captain Lior Sivan, an Australian who served as an IDF tank commander, was killed on December 19 in a Hamas ambush. When news was made public of this fact, his love of Israel and personal attributes splashed the media outlets. Here was a noble human beaming with noble courage, to be garlanded and celebrated. The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) sent its “condolences to his family during this difficult time and stand ready to provide consular assistance.”

When news came of the slain trio in Bint Jbeil, two civilians were forgotten in favour of the supposedly blighting attributes of the alleged Hezbollah fighter.

“Of course,” stated Dreyfus, “there are examples in the past of Australians having had links with Hizballah. One of the reasons why the Australian Government has listed Hizballah, in both its arms, as a terrorist organisation, is because of the potential links to Australia and Australians.”

And what of the destruction of civilian life in this conflict, with thousands of instances of it in Gaza, and a rising toll in Lebanon? The Australian government, Dreyfus insisted, had “consistently called for civilian lives to be protected and we have consistently raised our concerns about the risk of this conflict spreading.”

Peter Cronau, a veteran ABC producer and investigative journalist, makes the point about the relevant processes that need to take place: an investigation followed by the laying of charges; the collection of forensic evidence by the Australian Federal Police and Australian Defence personnel from the Australian embassy in Lebanon; the gathering of evidence “regarding who issued the orders, selected the targeting, and who fired the weapon, using all the intelligence and resources available to Australian officers working at Pine Gap base.”

The role of Pine Gap, a primarily US-run satellite surveillance base located to the southwest of Alice Springs in the Northern Territory, is potentially critical, given its role in furnishing geolocation data to Washington and, in some cases, its allies regarding distant military operations. Targeting data for drone strikes, for instance, has been something of a favourite.

Cronau’s suggestions are credible, and invoking links with Hezbollah by Dreyfus are expedient forms of dismissal. Similar steps of investigation and inquiry were, after all, taken in attempting to identify who and what was used in the shooting down of the Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 over Ukraine in July 2014.  The downing of the flight resulted in the loss of 298 lives, including 38 Australians. Much ink and time was expended on identifying the allegedly relevant military personnel involved, the supply chain of the Buk-TELAR missile system, not to mention the repeated insistence on the part of the Australian government that action be taken against the Russian separatists and the Kremlin for their misdeeds.

Canberra proceeded to impose targeted financial sanctions and travel bans on four of the personnel.

“These sanctions,” Foreign Minister Penny Wong stated in a media release, “demonstrate the Australian Government’s ongoing commitment to hold to account those responsible for the downing of Flight MH17.”

For all this, Australian nationality is a soupy, thin concept. Its protections are limited, unreliable and arbitrary.  When brandished with a certain political preference and bias, it is cherished, a convertible currency in the international stock exchange of diplomacy. We think of the Iranian-detained Australian-British national Kylie Moore-Gilbert who was, for reasons never fully explained, exchanged for a number of Iranian operatives jailed in Thailand over a miscellany of bungled assassination attempts against Israeli officials and targets. Rarely has an Australian Prime Minister, a Foreign Affairs minister, or DFAT, been so busy over the fate of one of their citizens.

We contrast such extravagant efforts with the treatment offered individuals as David Hicks or Mamdouh Habib, seen by the Australian political class as Islamic refuse (converted or born), and therefore deserving of torture and punishment by other powers. To that can be added death by missile strike, as well.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge. He currently lectures at RMIT University. He is a Research Associate at the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). Email: [email protected] 

Featured image is from InfoBrics

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Incident: Cathay Pacific A35K Enroute on Dec 11th 2023, Captain Felt Unwell

By Simon Hradecky, created Thursday, Dec 14th 2023 19:38Z

A Cathay Pacific Airbus A350-1000, registration B-LXM performing flight CX-101 from Hong Kong (China) to Sydney,NS (Australia), was enroute at FL390 about 80nm northnortheast of Manado (Indonesia) and about 1360nm southsoutheast of Hong Kong, just having completed a step climb from FL370 to FL390, when the crew decided to turn around and return to Hong Kong due to the captain feeling unwell. The aircraft descended to FL380 and landed safely back in Hong Kong about 3:07 hours after the decision to turn around.

The airline reported the captain felt unwell prompting the return to Hong Kong. Another crew took over upon landing and brought the passengers to Sydney.

The occurrence aircraft remained on the ground in Hong Kong for about 3 hours, then departed again and reached Sydney with a delay of about 9 hours.


Pilot Incapacitations and Deaths on Duty in 2023 

Dec. 11, 2023 – Cathay Pacific Flight CX101 (HKG-SYD) from Hong Kong to Sydney – Captain felt unwell, crew turned around and returned to Hong Kong, landed safely 3 hr later

Dec. 5, 2023 – Ryanair Flight RK-8528 (STN-OZZ) from London Stansted, UK, to Ouarzazate, Morocco – pilot felt unwell, crew diverted to Faro, Portugal, landed safely 30 min

Nov. 29, 2023 – American Airlines Flight AA755 CDG-PHL, from Paris, France, to Philadelphia, PA, pilot had a seizure and collapsed in the cockpit.

Nov. 26, 2023 – Ryanair Flight FR-3472 (LTN-RZE) from London Luton, UK to Rzeszow (Poland) on Nov.26, 2023, one of the pilots became incapacitated, plane diverted to Krakow and landed safely

Nov. 20, 2023 – Air Transat Flight TS-186 (YYZ-PUJ) from Toronto, Canada to Punta Cana, Dominican Republic – pilot became incapacitated and was replaced by a pilot passenger

Oct. 30, 2023 – Jet2 Flight LS-1711 (MAN-DLM) Manchester (UK) to Dalaman (Turkey) – First officer became incapacitated, pilot diverted aircraft to Budapest, landed safely

Sep. 24, 2023 – Austrian Airlines Flight OS-188 (STR-VIE) Stuttgart to Vienna The captain became incapacitated, first officer took control of aircraft

Sep. 23, 2023 – Alaska Airlines Pilot Death – 37 year old Captain Eric McRae died suddenly in his hotel room during layover, was to fly that morning

Sep. 22, 2023 – Delta Flight DL-291 (CDG-LAX) Paris to Los Angeles – Pilot became incapacitated, was taken to cabin for care, plane diverted to Minneapolis, pilot taken to hospital

Aug. 27, 2023 – Air Canada Flight AC348 (YVR-YOW) Vancouver to Ottawa, one of the pilots felt ill and became incapacitated 50 min before landing in Ottawa.

Aug. 17, 2023 – IndiGo Flight (NAG-PNQ) Nagpur to Pune, India, 40 year old Pilot Manoj Subramanium died after collapsing at the boarding gate, about to board.

Aug. 16, 2023 – Qatar Airways Flight QR579 (DEL-DOH) Delhi to Doha, Qatar, 51 year old pilot collapsed as a passenger inflight and died, plane diverted to Dubai.

Aug. 14, 2023 – LATAM Flight LA505 (MIA-SCL) Miami to Santiago, Chile – 2 hours into 8hr flight, 56 year old Captain Ivan Andaur collapsed and died in the lavatory – plane diverted to Panama City!

Aug. 9, 2023 – United Airlines UAL1309 (SRQ-EWR) Sarasota to Newark, pilot had a heart attack and lost consciousness in flight

Aug. 7, 2023 – TigerAIR Flight IT237 (CTS-TPE) Sapporo to Taipei, copilot had a medical emergency after landing plane in Taipei

July 19, 2023 – Eurowings Discover Flight 4Y-1205 (HER-FRA) Heraklion to Frankfurt, pilot incapacitated, first officer took control, landed safely

July 16, 2023 – Small plane – 2006 Piper Meridian, flying from Westchester NY, crashed at Martha’s Vineyard Airport after pilot had medical emergency upon final approach and passenger took control of the plane and attempted a landing. Pilot, 79 year old Randolph Bonnist, died later in hospital.

June 7, 2023 – Air Canada Flight ACA692 (YYZ-YYT) Toronto to St.John’s, First Officer became incapacitated, deadheading Captain assumed duties

June 4, 2023 – Small plane – Cessna Citation N611VG flying Tennessee to Long Island, fighter jets spotted pilot slumped over in cockpit unconscious, plane crashed and all onboard died

May 11, 2023 – HiSKy Flight H4474 (DUB-KIV) Dublin to Chisinau (Moldova), 20 min after liftoff pilot became “unable to act”, plane diverted to Manchester

May 4, 2023 – British Charter TUI Airways Flight BY-1424 (NCL-LPA) Newcastle to Las Palmas Spain pilot became ill, plane diverted back to NCL.

May 3, 2023 – Air Transat and Air Canada Pilot Eddy Vorperian, age 48, died suddenly during layover in Croatia

April 21, 2023 – Easyjet Flight U2-6469 (LGW-AGA) London Gatwick to Agadir, Morocco, first offer became incapacitated, diverted to Faro, Portugal.

April 4, 2023 – United Airlines Flight 2102 (BOI-SFO) – captain was incapacitated, first officer was only one in control of the aircraft.

March 25, 2023 – TAROM Flight RO-7673 TSR-HRG diverted to Bucharest as 30 yo pilot had chest pain, then collapsed

March 22, 2023 – Southwest Flight WN6013 LAS-CMH diverted as pilot collapsed shortly after take-off, replaced by non-Southwest pilot

March 18, 2023 – Air Transat Flight TS739 FDF-YUL first officer was incapacitated about 200NM south of Montreal

March 13, 2023 – Emirates Flight EK205 MXP-JFK diverted due to pilot illness hour and a half after take-off

March 11, 2023 – United Airlines Flight UA2007 GUA-ORD diverted due to “incapacitated pilot” who had chest pains

March 11, 2023 – British Airways (CAI-LHR) pilot died of heart attack in crew hotel in Cairo before a Cairo to London flight (name & age not released)

March 3, 2023 – Virgin Australia Flight VA-717 ADL-PER Adelaide to Perth flight was forced to make an emergency landing after First Officer suffered heart attack 30 min after departure.

Military Pilot Incapacitations and Deaths

Aug. 18, 2023 – US Army Aviation Center (Alabama) student pilot went into cardiac arrest behind the controls midflight (Aug.18, 2023), Instructor landed plane – pilot was dead for 18 minutes!

July 19, 2023 – 37 year old US Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Andrew James Lingenfelter, of Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio, died on July 19, 2023 after battle with Pancreatic Turbo Cancer

June 17, 2023 – 33 year old US Air Force Staff Sgt. Kory Wade – a medical logistics technician with the 48th Rescue Squadron at Arizona’s Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, was found dead June 17, 2023

May 9, 2023 – United Airlines and US Air Force Pilot Lt. Col. Michael Fugett, age 46, died unexpectedly at his home

Recent Pilot Deaths (Not on Duty)

Dec. 5, 2023 – Volaris (El Salvador) Pilot – 30s year old Jose Espinal – El Salvador Pilot for Volaris (El Salvador), Air Jazeera Airways (Kuwait) and former VECA & TACA Airlines, died suddenly on Dec.5, 2023.

Nov. 16, 2023 – Air India Pilot Death – 37 year old Air India Pilot Captain Himanil Kumar had cardiac arrest at Delhi’s Indira Gandhi International Airport during training

Oct. 18, 2023 – Austrian Airlines Pilot Death – 43 year old Christian Zimmerebner, AUA Austrian Airlines Pilot and member of Dorfgastein mountain rescue, diedsuddenly on Oct.18, 2023 due to “serious illness”

May 2023 – 4 Singapore Airlines pilots died suddenly in May 2023

April 13, 2023 – Phil Thomas, graduate of Flight Training Pilot academy in Cadiz, Spain (FTEJerez) died suddenly.

March 17, 2023 – 39 year old Westjet Pilot Benjamin Paul Vige died suddenly in Calgary


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

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Al Mayadeen’s sources reported on Sunday that a drone belonging to Iraqi resistance factions targeted the Kharab al-Jir US occupation military base in the countryside of al-Hasakah in Syria with two shells.

Our correspondent also mentioned that the Rmelan US occupation base in northeastern Syria came under a drone attack. Later, the Islamic Resistance in Iraq claimed responsibility for the attack.

Earlier on Saturday, the Islamic Resistance in Iraq announced that it had targeted, using drones, the Harir US occupation base in Iraqi Kurdistan’s Erbil in response to the ongoing massacres committed by the Israeli entity against the Palestinian people in Gaza.

In a statement, the Iraqi Resistance emphasized that this operation is part of its ongoing strategy to Resist the US occupation forces in Iraq and the region, vowing to continue “strikes against the enemy’s strongholds.”

Moreover, Al Mayadeen’s sources revealed that in Syria, the US occupation base in the Conoco oil field was targeted with five rockets, while the one in al-Omar oil field was targeted with seven.

The Iraqi Resistance has consistently affirmed its commitment to targeting the US occupation due to Washington’s support for the Israeli occupation and its pivotal role in the ongoing aggression against the Gaza Strip. The Resistance has warned Washington repeatedly that its bases in Syria and Iraq are legitimate targets as long as the war on Gaza continues.

In the past week, the Islamic Resistance announced carrying out several separate operations against the US occupation bases, including the al-Shadadi, Kharab al-Jir, and Conoco bases in Syria.

Furthermore, the group has claimed responsibility for several operations against Israeli sites and bases, most recently targeting a vital target in the “Eliad” settlement in the southern occupied Golan Heights, an Israeli technical espionage center near Erbil, and the Israeli-operated Karish gas field off the northern coasts of occupied Palestine, near the Lebanese maritime borders.

It is noteworthy that since the launch of operations in October, US occupation military bases across Syria and Iraq have come under over 110 attacks.


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Featured image: A picture taken on April 2, 2018, shows a general view of a US occupation military base in al-Asaliyah village, between the city of Aleppo and the northern town of Manbij. (AFP File Photo)

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US Secretary of State Antony Blinken used emergency authority to approve the sale of $147.5 million of 155 mm artillery shells to Israel on 30 December, bypassing the standard congressional review for arms sales for the second time since the start of the war on Gaza.

A State Department spokesman said on Friday that

“given the urgency of Israel’s defensive needs, the secretary notified Congress that he had exercised his delegated authority to determine an emergency existed necessitating the immediate approval of the transfer.”

Earlier this month, Blinken used the same emergency process to approve the sale of 14,000 tank shells, worth more than $106 million, to Israel.

The emergency sale of artillery shells comes as Israel’s military intensifies its bombing campaign in Gaza.

Earlier this week, on Christmas Eve, Israeli forces bombed the Meghazi camp, killing 86 Palestinians in one strike. 

Israeli government spokesperson Eylon Levy excused the death toll by telling Sky News the army had used an “incorrect munition.”

But he refused to apologize for the loss of life and did not say what type of munition was used, despite being pressed several times by Sky News presenter Niall Paterson.

Israel has regularly used 2,000 lb US-made bombs to target residential neighborhoods in Gaza.

Continued instances of this sort cast doubt on the sincerity of the White House’s rhetoric calling for Israel to refrain from killing Palestinian civilians in such huge numbers.

Josh Paul, a former State Department arms expert who resigned in protest in October, told The Washington Post that Blinken’s decision to rush these unguided munitions enables Israel to continue the type of operations in Gaza that have “led to so many Palestinian civilian deaths.”

“This is shameful, craven, and should frankly turn the stomach of any decent human being,” he said.

A Washington Post analysis found that Israel’s war against Gaza has been more devastating than any other 21st-century conflict.

International outrage continues in response to the Israeli bombing campaign, with South Africa invoking the Genocide Convention at the International Court of Justice the same day Blinken approved the additional weapons sale.


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Featured image: US Secretary of State Antony Blinken meets with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Tel Aviv, Oct. 12, 2023. – Secretary Antony Blinken on X

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Mass-casualty producing events create “reptilian” sparks  of collective outrage that nullify critical thinking.

Criminal military-intelligence operatives fabricate and enable such catastrophes, with a view to creating such outrage, together with false-attribution of blame,  to wage pre-planned wars and genocides.

Fabricated mass-casualty producing events satisfy the Helgelian dialectic of Problem Reaction Solution.

This appears to be the case with the October 7 “Operation Al-Aqsa Storm”. Zionist/Western operatives seeking to “wipe Gaza off the map” first needed to engineer global outrage by creating the conditions for a mass-casualty producing event, such as the one on October 7 2023. This catastrophe was in turn used as a pretext for the current Western/Zionist perpetrated genocide happening now in the West Bank and in Gaza.

Notwithstanding the fact, as explained by UN Special Rapporteur Francesca Albanese, that 

“Israel can not claim self-defense against a threat that emanates from the territory it occupies — from a territory that is kept under belligerent occupation,” (1) many censored facts about the October 7 castastrophe strongly suggest Zionist implication with a view to realizing “Option C” , a diabolical plan to ethnically cleanse Palestine. Prof. Michel Chossudovsky explains that

The ultimate objective is not only to exclude Palestinians from their homeland, it consists in confiscating the multi-billion dollar Gaza offshore Natural Gas reserves, namely those pertaining to the BG (BG Group) in 1999as well the Levant discoveries of 2013.” (2) 

Consider the following largely-censored facts.

First, Israeli media has admitted that a significant number of Israeli citizens were killed by Israeli forces on that fateful day — by Apache helicopters firing missiles and machine guns, and by IDF tanks. The logic of the Hannibal Directive as described by Max Blumenthal points to apparent Israeli military decisions to kill both hostages and hostage-takers alike with a view to foiling hostage-taking operations. In fact, released hostages have testified that they were more fearful of their IDF “rescuers” than of their captors.

Second, large contingents of Israeli ground forces, fully armed and equipped, were following apparent “stand down” orders, near the perimeter of the military operation. Video commentators suggest a lack of leadership, but more likely the confusion and apparent inaction were by design. Importantly, “compartmentalization, plausible deniability and stacked purposes” are emblematic of successful false flag operations.  Very few of the actors involved have a clear overall picture of the scope and scale of the entire operation.

Finally, the apparent Israeli “security lapses” which enabled the entire operation seem contrived.  Manlio Dinucci poses  a question to which nobody seems to have an adequate answer: “How is it possible that Mossad, considered one of the most efficient Secret Services in the world, did not realize that Hamas was preparing its attack?” (3).

Certainly, nothing justifies the current genocide that Israel is now committing against Palestinians. But accumulating evidence about the circumstances of the October 7 “precipitating event” make the Israeli crimes even more odious, more vile.


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Mark Taliano is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG) and the author of Voices from Syria, Global Research Publishers, 2017. He writes on his website where this article was originally published.


(1) Video: Israel Can Not Claim Self-Defence Against A Threat that Emanates From the Territory It Occupies : UN Special Rapporteur Francesca Albanese , Accessed 01 January, 2024. See also: Facebook

(2) Felicity Arbuthnot and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, “Video: “Wiping Gaza Off The Map”: Big Money Agenda. Confiscating Palestine’s Maritime Natural Gas Reserves.” Global Research, 31 December, 2023. (Video: “Wiping Gaza Off The Map”: Big Money Agenda. Confiscating Palestine’s Maritime Natural Gas Reserves – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization) Accessed 02 January, 2024.

(3) Manlio Dinucci, ” September 11 in the Middle East: Israel’s Intelligence and Military “Caught by Surprise” by Hamas Attack? Was It a “False Flag”? Global Research, 30 November, 2023. (September 11 in the Middle East: Israel’s Intelligence and Military “Caught by Surprise” by Hamas Attack? Was It a “False Flag”? Manlio Dinucci – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization) Accessed 01 January, 2024.

Featured image: Wounded Palestinian children, are taken to hospital after Israeli attacks in Khan Yunis, Gaza on December 23, 2023 [Belal Khaled/Anadolu Agency]


The Globalization of War: America’s “Long War” against Humanity

Michel Chossudovsky

The “globalization of war” is a hegemonic project. Major military and covert intelligence operations are being undertaken simultaneously in the Middle East, Eastern Europe, sub-Saharan Africa, Central Asia and the Far East. The U.S. military agenda combines both major theater operations as well as covert actions geared towards destabilizing sovereign states.

ISBN Number: 978-0-9879389-0-9

Year: 2015
Pages: 240 Pages

Price: $9.40

Click here to order.


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New Year Donation Drive: Global Research Is Committed to the “Unspoken Truth”


Turkey has officially backed South Africa’s case against Israel at the International Court of Justice, which accuses the state of genocide in its ongoing war on Gaza.

Turkish foreign ministry spokesperson Oncu Keceli said in a statement that Ankara welcomes the South African case, which says Israel has violated its obligations under the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.

“Israel’s murder of more than 22,000 Palestinian civilians, the majority of whom were women and children, in Gaza for nearly three months should not go unpunished in any way,” Keceli said.

“Those responsible for this must be held accountable before international law,” he continued, adding: “We hope that the process will be completed as soon as possible.”

South Africa filed the case last month and wants an order calling on Israel to halt its military operations in the besieged enclave.

It said such an order is “necessary in this case to protect against further, severe and irreparable harm to the rights of the Palestinian people”.

“Israel has engaged in, is engaging in and risks further engaging in genocidal acts against the Palestinian people in Gaza,” South Africa’s application said.

Interim Injunction

South Africa has requested that the ICJ declare “on an urgent basis that Israel is in breach of its obligations in terms of the Genocide Convention, should immediately cease all acts and measures in breach of those obligations and take a number of related actions”.

Keceli said Turkey also expects that the court will issue an interim injunction ordering Israel to stop its attacks on Gaza, adding that Ankara would follow the implementation of such a decision. 

War broke out in Israel and Gaza on 7 October, when Hamas and other armed Palestinian groups launched an attack on Israel that killed 1,200 Israelis and other nationals, according to the government death toll.

Meanwhile, Israel has killed more than 22,000 Palestinians in its aerial bombing campaign and ground assault, with the majority killed being women and children, according to the Palestinian health ministry.

Israel’s military forces have targeted many types of civilian infrastructure, including hospitals, residential neighbourhoods, ambulances, and mosques.

Entire neighbourhoods in the besieged enclave have been completely levelled.

The UN’s Genocide Convention and the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court define genocide as acts “committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group”.

Legal experts, UN officials, and more than 800 scholars have already warned that Israel is potentially committing genocide against Palestinians.


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The EU Is Willing to Go to War Over Lithium?

January 3rd, 2024 by Phil Butler

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The riddle of unhinged EU support for the Zelensky regime in Kyiv is now solved. Anyone inclined can unravel why the Germans, in particular, backstabbed Russia in the Minsk peace boondoggle. Lithium.

Energy Monitor’s parent company, GlobalData, recently released a report showing that Europe’s biggest lithium reserves lie in the Donbass region of Russia. The former Ukrainian Shevchenkivske field in the Donetsk region and the Kruta Balka block in the Zaporizhzhia region are now part of Russia. These reserves add tremendously to Russia’s humongous Lithium deposits (now 1.5M metric tons) and solidify the country’s top ten position globally. If we consider other BRICS nations’ reserves, including China (2M metric tons), EU industry is at a leverage point.

What’s most significant about this is that the EU, and Germany in particular, desperately need the rare mineral to manufacture green energy technologies such as wind turbines, electric vehicles, and a wide variety of electronic devices. This text from the Critical Minerals Thematic Intelligence Report overview is telling:

“Critical minerals are key to transitioning to a low-carbon world. There are over 70 countries globally that have set net-zero targets and pledged to lower their emissions. However, these widespread measures for a greener future are straining natural resources, especially the minerals required to produce energy transition technologies such as electric vehicles (EVs) and solar panels…”

The report goes on to reveal how these rare minerals are monopolized by just a few regions and how supply chain problems affect their recovery and distribution. In short, if Europe does not procure more Lithium, the energy transition EU President Ursula von der Leyen toots her horn about every other day will either be delayed or made unfeasible because of demand shortages.

While the United States, Australia, and a few Latin American countries hold the lion’s share of Lithium reserves, EU access to these supplies will be expensive. In addition, the U.S. and these emerging nations will surely use the biggest part of their reserves for domestic needs.

The demand (need) for European Lithium supply is so intense, German CDU MP Roderich Kiesewetter came right out and admitted the Russia-Ukraine conflict is all about the 500,000 tons or more of the mineral under the ground of the Donbass region. Kiesewetter said, “The European Union supports Ukraine because of lithium deposits in the Donbass.” The politician also took note of the Donbass being part of Russia now, means Berlin’s dependence on Moscow.

Kiesewetter, a retired colonel, is also suggesting that Germany provide Zelensky’s regime with the highly accurate Taurus cruise missiles, which have a 500km range. The Swedish/German air-launched missile carries a 1,100-pound warhead and is essentially a bunker-buster type weapon. The missiles would be far more useful for Zelensky’s remaining Nazi battalions than a few rusty old Leopard tanks. What the MP’s statements mean, however, is that Germany and the EU intend on taking Ukraine’s vast resources by force now. The Euromaidan Coup only got the Western elites’ feet in the door, and now the singular order has few options left since the failed Ukraine offensive.

The EU commissars are in the process of slitting their own throats. Just the other day, the commission passed another round of sanctions aimed at Russia’s luxury diamond exports to the bloc. This will not affect the average EU citizen, but the upper-middle class and the wealthy will have to fork over more Euros to get pretty round diamonds. The Americans (or British) blowing up the gas pipelines, the potential for grain shortages in the EU, and other key minerals Russia and nations friendly to her export begin to take their toll on an already shaky confederation of member states.

Consider what EU member states manufacture and export to elevate their GNP. In the lists here, you’ll click on two vital exports. Cars and/or refined petroleum are vital to every country. Cars are, by far, the biggest import and export commodities. So, when these autos finally go electric, just imagine how desperate EU industry and consumers will be for Lithium! The Europeans will flounder if forced to import quantities of this strategic mineral from distant sources that have their own batteries to make. If there is a WWIII over the Russia/Ukraine situation, I am sure we’ll be able to name it “The Great Lithium War.”


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Phil Butler is a policy investigator and analyst, a political scientist and expert on Eastern Europe, he’s an author of the recent bestseller “Putin’s Praetorians” and other books. He writes exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.

Featured image is from NEO

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New Year Donation Drive: Global Research Is Committed to the “Unspoken Truth”


On December 10, 2004, the body of journalist Gary Webb, 49, was discovered in his home near Sacramento after a moving company worker found a note posted to his front door that read: “Please do not enter. Call 911 and ask for an ambulance.”

Webb’s death was listed as a suicide, but Webb was found with two bullet holes in the head, indicating that he was executed.[1]

In the days leading up to his death, Webb had told friends that he was receiving death threats, being regularly followed by what he thought were government agents, and that he was concerned about strange individuals who were seen breaking into and leaving his house.

In the late 1990s, Webb had written a series of stories for the San José Mercury News, which provided the basis for his book, Dark Alliance: The CIA, the Contras, and the Crack Cocaine Explosion (New York: Seven Stories Press, 1998).

In it, Webb detailed how the explosion of crack cocaine in South Central Los Angeles during the 1980s was sparked by two Nicaraguan émigrés, Danilo Blandón and Norwin Meneses, who sold huge amounts of cocaine to raise funds for a CIA-backed rebel army—the Contras.

Webb was a Pulitzer Prize winner whose “Dark Alliance” series went viral in the early days of the internet. It caused a firestorm that led to the resignation of CIA Director John Deutch after he was grilled by angry Black activists at a meeting in L.A.[2]

Webb’s story had traced how cocaine was shipped into San Francisco and distributed in L.A. after Blandón and Meneses sold it to a street dealer from South Central named “Freeway” Ricky Ross.

Through this connection, “Freeway Rick” became a crack kingpin, using his contacts with L.A.’s Crips and Blood street gangs to help distribute crack to many other cities across the country.

Webb had first heard about the story after receiving a tip from the girlfriend of a drug dealer against whom Blandón was testifying.

In his lead paragraph, Webb wrote that “a Bay Area drug ring had funneled millions in drug profits to a Latin American guerrilla army run by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency” which was in league with “Uzi-toting ‘gangstas’ of Compton and South-Central L.A.”

The thrust of Webb’s research was confirmed in 1998 when a CIA inspector general’s report acknowledged that the CIA had worked with suspected drug runners while supporting the Contras in Nicaragua.[3]

The corruption Webb exposed led all the way to the White House and President Reagan via his aide, Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North, who was coordinating, under Reagan’s orders, the illegal supplying to the Contras of weapons that were purchased with profits from the cocaine being smuggled into the U.S. and distributed around the country by criminals in league with the CIA.

Because of the far-reaching implications, Webb became the target of what Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St. Clair called “one of the most venomous and factually inane assaults on a professional journalist’s competence in living memory.”

The assault was spearheaded by the CIA in collaboration with the major agenda-setting media like The New York Times, The Washington Post and Los Angeles Times—which put some 17 reporters on the assignment to destroy Webb.[4]

The Mercury News’s top editor, Jerry Ceppos, ultimately buckled, and threw Webb to the wolves, deleting the website and penning a letter of apology to the readers for the “Dark Alliance” series.[5]

Webb was in turn banished to a small Mercury News bureau in Cupertino, California, south of San Francisco—125 miles from his home and family in Sacramento—and forced to write stories normally assigned to cub reporters. His career was effectively destroyed and he would never again get a job with a daily newspaper.

Webb stood by his research, nevertheless, and continued to expose corruption as a freelance journalist. His final publication unearthed the strategic use of video games by the Pentagon as a method of indoctrination and recruitment of teenage boys.

In a tribute to Webb, Robert Parry, the founder of Consortium News, wrote that Webb’s death marked “an exclamation point” on a “sorry era of journalism that began with the rise of Ronald Reagan and saw the gradual retreat—under right-wing fire—of what had once been Washington’s Watergate/Pentagon Papers watchdog press corps.”

Since these words were written, things have only gotten worse, with the media helping to advance the Russia Gate conspiracy theory while promoting scurrilous allegations against Russia that have helped mobilize public support for the war in Ukraine.

All the more reason to honor Webb and the uncompromising journalistic integrity that he stood for.


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Jeremy Kuzmarov is Managing Editor of CovertAction Magazine. He is the author of five books on U.S. foreign policy, including Obama’s Unending Wars (Clarity Press, 2019), The Russians Are Coming, Again, with John Marciano (Monthly Review Press, 2018), and Warmonger. How Clinton’s Malign Foreign Policy Launched the U.S. Trajectory From Bush II to Biden (Clarity Press, 2023). He can be reached at: [email protected].


  1. Webb’s friends said that there is no way he would have taken his own life: He loved life and loved his kids. His cause of death was changed to “single gunshot wound” when people began to question how or why a man would shoot himself in the face twice. This represented a concentrated effort to cover up the nature of Webb’s death. After Webb died, he was immediately cremated thereby destroying forensic evidence of the gunshot wounds.

  2. Webb’s book was endorsed by Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA) who said that“the time I spent investigating the allegations of the Dark Alliance series led me to the undeniable conclusion that the CIA, DEA, DIA and FBI knew about drug trafficking in South Central Los Angeles. They were either part of the trafficking or turned a blind eye to it, in an effort to fund the contra war. . . . This book is the final chapter on this sordid tale and brings to light one of the worst official abuses in our nation’s history.” 
  3. Associated Press journalists Robert Parry and Brian Barger had earlier reported that Contra groups had “engaged in cocaine trafficking, in part to help finance their war against Nicaragua.” 
  4. Alexander Cockburn wrote at CounterPunch that “squadrons of hacks, some of them with career-long ties to the CIA, sprayed thousands of words of vitriol over Webb and his paper, the San Jose Mercury News, for besmirching the Agency’s fine name by charging it with complicity in the importing of cocaine into the U.S.” NBC’s Andrea Mitchell characteristically branded Webb’s story as a “conspiracy theory.” 
  5. Ceppos went on to receive an award from the Society of Professional Journalists for his “superior ethical conduct” in handling the aftermath of the series and, in 1999, was promoted to vice president for news at Knight-Ridder. 

Featured image: Gary Webb with his exposé about the CIA and crack. [Source: educateinspirechange.org]

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New Year Donation Drive: Global Research Is Committed to the “Unspoken Truth”


Nov. 27, 2023 – Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Approves CSL and Arcturus Therapeutics’ ARCT-154, the first Self-Amplifying mRNA vaccine approved for COVID in adults

  • “historic approval of the world’s first Self-Amplifying messenger RNA (sa-mRNA) COVID-19 Vaccine”
  • CSL and Arcturus Therapeutics announced Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (MHLW) granted approval for ARCT-154, a self-amplifying mRNA (sa-mRNA) COVID-19 vaccine for initial vaccination and booster for adults 18 years and older.
  • “Self-amplifying mRNA technology has the potential to be an enduring vaccine option,” said Nobel laureate Dr. Drew Weissman,”I look forward to seeing this next generation mRNA technology protect many from COVID-19 and possibly other harmful infectious diseases.”
  • The approval is based on positive clinical data from several ARCT-154 studies, including an ongoing 16,000 subject efficacy study performed in Vietnam as well as a Phase 3 COVID-19 booster trial, which achieved higher immunogenicity results and a favorable safety profile compared to a standard mRNA COVID-19 vaccine comparator.  Initial study results have been published in MedRxiv and are expected to be published in a peer-reviewed journal by the end of the year.
  • CSL’s vaccine business, CSL Seqirus, one of the largest influenza vaccine providers in the world, partnered exclusively with Meiji Seika Pharma for distribution of the sa-mRNA COVID vaccine, ARCT 154, in Japan.
  • “We are proud of the role that Arcturus has played in this collaboration to develop and validate the first approved sa-mRNA product in the world,” said Joseph Payne, Chief Executive Officer of Arcturus Therapeutics (San Diego, CA)

What Are Self-amplifying mRNA Vaccines?

  • Replicons encode their own replication machinery to boost their copy numbers directly after administration in target cells”
  • Replicon RNA additionally encodes viral replicase genes. These genes allow the rapid amplification of the mRNA. The self-amplifying viral genes originated from viruses, for example, alphaviruses and flaviviruses”

The 16 Centre Vietnamese “Safety Study” Japan Government Used for Approval

  • VACCINE: “ARCT-154 consists of a replicon based upon Venezuela equine encephalitis virus in which RNA coding for the virus structural proteins has been replaced with RNA coding for the full-length spike (S) glycoprotein of the SARS-CoV-2 D614G virus, an early variant of the ancestral strain containing a single point mutation, encapsulated in lipid nanoparticles. 100 µg active ingredient, stored in vials at -20°C or lower, was dissolved in 10 mL sterile saline immediately before use and 0.5 mL doses containing 5 µg were administered by intramuscular injection in the deltoid.”
  • “allows host cells to make copies of the vaccine mRNA, increasing the amount of protein produced with lower doses of administered mRNA”
  • “accelerated approval” = we initiated the present accelerated, integrated phase 1/2/3a/3b study, designed following EMA, FDA and WHO guidance, to evaluate the safety, reactogenicity, immunogenicity, and efficacy of ARCT-154.
  • We present the first study results up to three months after the first vaccination of human volunteers with this novel vaccine
  • 90% had at least one adverse event after 1st dose (most mild)
  • “overall systemic AEs and local reactions were less frequent in recipients of ARCT-154 than licensed mRNA vaccines”
  • “A parallel study in Japan has shown that in adults fully immunized with mRNA vaccines, mainly BNT162b2, as primary vaccine, the immune response to a booster dose of ARCT-154 was superior to that of a booster dose of BNT162b2 when measured as neutralizing antibodies”
  • “ARCT-154 is most likely to be used as a booster dose, rather than for primary immunization, to enhance and broaden the level of immunity against circulating variants”

The Dec. 20, 2023 Japanese Study by Oda, et al

  • Enrolled 828 participants ages 18 to 64.
  • 3x mRNA vaccinated (Pfizer or Moderna) were given 4th booster shot of either ARCT-154 or Pfizer.
  • better immune response 28 days after jab to ARCT-154 compared to Pfizer
  • “both boosters were equally well tolerated”

The Dec. 13, 2022 Study by Low, et al

  •  169 volunteers, Phase I/II
  • ARCT-021 was generally well tolerated up to the 7.5 μg dose.
  • The 10 μg dose was associated with more local and systemic solicited AE, including grade 3 severity
  • There appeared to be a dose-related trend for ≥grade 2 lymphopenia with 0%, 25%, 26.5%, 30.0%, and 40.0% of participants affected at the 1.0, 3.0, 5.0, 7.5, and 10 μg dose levels, respectively. Onset of lymphopenia occurred within 24 h after injection and resolved uneventfully, generally within a day.

The “Benefits”

  • ARCT-154 (5 μg) requires one-tenth to one-sixth as much vaccine per person as other RNA-based COVID-19 boosters
  • Reducing the amount of vaccine administered in each injection should result in “lower production costs”
  • Because of its virus-like nature, saRNA interacts with the immune system in distinctive ways
  • With the approval for ARCT-154 secured in Japan, its developers are now seeking authorization in Europe; a regulatory decision is expected next year.
  • Last August, the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) announced that it was committed to providing up to $3.6 million for the development of self-amplifying saRNA platforms
  • Once administered, the expression of these molecules can last for a longer period.” Therefore, companies can expect to save costs by manufacturing lower volumes, while also reducing the dose burden for patients. Lower doses could also translate to fewer potential side effects.
  • The production of RNA vaccine candidates is fast and an influenza vaccine candidate was reported to have been produced in only 8 days [8].
  • “there is no risk of mRNA integrating into the host genome [9]. mRNA is non-infectious and only transiently present in cells due to its degradation by host cell RNases”
  • sa-mRNA vaccine facilitates durable COVID-19 immunisation”
    • maintain elevated immune response through 12 months post-vaccination

The “Problems”

  • No safety studies or biodistribution studies available for the Arcturus LNPs.
  • sa-mRNA is much larger (due to the additional replication machinery sequences) up to 3 times larger.
  • any faulty sa-mRNA once injected, will be amplified in the cell, leading to higher concentrations of faulty proteins.
  • most saRNA vaccines are based on the genome of the positive-sensed alphaviruses Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus (VEEV), Sindbis virus (SINV), or Semliki Forest virus (SFV)(shown below)

Pathogens 12 00138 g002 550

  • For the construction of saRNA vaccines, the alphavirus structural proteins are replaced by the antigen gene (spike protein for COVID-19 Vaccines)

Pathogens 12 00138 g003 

  • no indication of how much “amplified mRNA” you’re producing
  • no indication of how much spike protein you’re producing
  • The viral replicase first uses the positive sense genome as template to synthesize complementary negative sense RNA which subsequently serves as template for the synthesis of genomic and subgenomic plus-strand RNA.
    • The subgenomic RNA is produced in excess of the viral genome [24].
    • This process leads to high and sustained levels of antigen expression relative to conventional mRNA.
    • RNA self-amplification in transfected cells also leads to cellular exhaustion, immune stimulation through dsRNA intermediates and a host cell antiviral response leading to apoptosis.
    • In many ways, this process mimics a viral infection and leads to enhance antigen-specific B and T cell responses [75,88]
  • “it remains necessary to elucidate how long RNA amplification and antigen expression continues [70].
    • After administration of a luciferase saRNA, expression returned to baseline levels after one month [113].
    • Moreover, in theory, if the saRNA expresses budding-competent viral glycoproteins, it might be released in vesicles, leading to transfer of the saRNA to additional cells [114]. This should be taken into consideration for the safety evaluation of saRNA vaccines.
  • DNA Contamination? Yes please
    • “saRNAs and taRNAs are produced like mRNAs from a DNA template by in vitro transcription and the addition of a cap structure.”
  • several approaches to circumvent innate immune activation can be applied; however, for sa/taRNA vaccines, nucleoside modifications will be lost during the amplification step and will be of less benefit”
  • In contrast to mRNA vaccines, the intracellular RNA amplification results in dsRNA and thus a stronger activation of innate immune responses. RNA can be recognized by multiple pattern-recognition receptors including TLR3, TLR7, etc.
    • The resulting signaling cascades lead to the production of type I interferons (IFN) and pro-inflammatory cytokines [24].
    • Although the innate response has an adjuvant effect which can promote the specific immune response, it can also induce RNA degradation and thereby reduce antigen expression [132].
    • Strategies to reduce the IFN activation have been described for saRNA vaccines
  • LNP formulation also has adjuvant effects

Companies with sa-mRNA in Pipeline:

My Concern…Shedding of Self-Amplifying mRNA 

  • Pfizer has admitted that its product sheds resulting in “environmental exposure” through inhalation or skin contact.

  • But if you’re exposed to a small quantity of Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine, via LNP/mRNA or exosome/mRNA, it will not vaccinate you.
  • Your immune system destroys it.
  • But what if you’re exposed to shedding of a SELF-AMPLIFYING mRNA?
  • Then theoretically, that mRNA could make unknown quantity of copies of itself in your body for an entire month, and that might be just long enough to cause permanent internal damage.
  • This risk has not been studied.


Japan has approved the world’s first COVID-19 self-amplifying sa-mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine.

Here are some of the problems with this technology:

  • lower mRNA dose but higher amounts of spike protein and same side effect profile as Pfizer mRNA. The benefit? Lower production costs for big pharma.
  • Arcturus uses its own Lipid Nanoparticles (LNPs), similar to Pfizer’s – but there are no biodistribution or safety studies available.
  • These LNPs will still deliver foreign pseudouridine modified sa-mRNA all over the body, across the blood-brain barrier and placenta barrier
  • turns your body into a spike sa-mRNA & spike protein producing factory, instead of just spike protein factory
  • You still also get DNA plasmid contamination
  • sa-mRNA is 3 times as long as Pfizer mRNA (due to extra code for its own replication machinery), which means higher risk of impurities during manufacturing
  • DNA contamination could be even more severe since purification will be even more difficult
  • uses genome of the Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus (VEEV) for replication machinery
  • increased risk of getting faulty sa-mRNA sequences which will then be amplified in your body, produce mutant proteins with unknown consequences.
  • sa-mRNA is amplified inside cells to unknown quantities for up to a month (that’s because the original sa-mRNA is pseudouridine modified but the copies made inside your cells are not)
  • fidelity of the sa-mRNA amplification is unknown and untested
  • you produce unknown quantities of spike protein
  • you produce unknown quantities of mutated spike proteins and unknown non-spike proteins
  • Japanese study by Oda shows same side effect profile as Pfizer COVID-19 boosters (this is a bad sign)
  • they can produce RNA vaccine candidates rapidly, and an influenza vaccine candidate was reported to have been produced in only 8 days (also a bad sign)
  • studies claim there is no risk of mRNA integrating into host genome with no evidence to back that up
  • creates dsRNA intermediates which stimulate an immune response, the effects of which (and side effects) are not fully understood.
  • SHEDDING becomes much more dangerous with a self-amplifying mRNA.
  • Someone who is shed on may start producing unknown quantities of sa-mRNA for a period of around a month which could cause permanent damage.
  • Finally, if an entire sa-mRNA is integrated into the genome, then you will be amplifying spike mRNA (and producing spike protein) indefinitely.
  • No long term safety studies done. 

This self-amplifying mRNA technology sounds like an even bigger disaster than what we’ve experienced with Pfizer & Moderna COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines. 

Not interested.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

Featured image is from COVID Intel

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“2023 has been a challenge for Global Research, but we know 2024 will be no different. That’s why we need your support. Will you make a New Year donation to help us continue with our work?”


This New Year weekend, 2024, Kari Polanyi Levitt’s who celebrated here 100th birthday in June of last year is now in her one hundred and first year. 

While Kari’s health is fragile, she remains firm in her incisive understanding and analysis of world events, committed to national sovereignty and fundamental human rights. 

She constitutes a powerful voice in the understanding and analysis of US hegemony and the global political economy.

Her first book published in 1970 entitled, Silent Surrender: The Multinational Corporation in Canada, predicted with foresight more than half a century ago, what is happening today.

“First published in 1970, Silent Surrender helped educate a generation of students about Canadian political economy. Kari Polanyi Levitt details the historical background of foreign investments in Canada, their acceleration since World War II, and the nature of intrusions by multinational corporations into a sovereign state”.

More than 50 years later, this was her message to Canadians: 

“Well, yes, I think those of us who were concerned about the way in which Canadian business was selling themselves out to American multinationals, we were concerned that it would lead to a loss of sovereignty.

“And I think it has. It has happened. We have less sovereignty than we had some time ago.” (Kari Polanyi Levitt, June 30, 2021)

Long Live Kari Polanyi Levitt


This interview with Prof. Andrew Fischer was first published in December 2018.


Kari Polanyi Levitt is Emeritus Professor of Economics from McGill University in Montreal, Canada. She was born in Vienna in 1923 to the well-known intellectual Karl Polanyi, and grew up there during the famous years of Red Vienna. She was educated in England before and during World War II, obtaining her BSc in Economics and the Farr Medal in Statistics from the London School of Economics in 1947. Following 10 years of engagement in trade union research in Toronto, she obtained her MA in Economics from the University of Toronto in 1959 and an appointment in the Department of Economics at McGill University in 1961, where her particular teaching interests were in Techniques of Development Planning and Development Economics. She has inspired generations of students with the vision she has continued to advance for six decades.

Kari has been involved in the field of development economics since its origins, as a student of several of the pioneers of the field and later as one of its pioneers herself, within the more radical tangents of structuralist development economics. Her important contributions to the field include her groundbreaking work with Lloyd Best in the late 1960s on developing the Plantation Economy paradigm, republished as Essays on the Theory of Plantation Economy (Best and Polanyi Levitt, 2009) and her seminal book, Silent Surrender: The Multinational Corporation in Canada (Polanyi Levitt, 1970), which galvanized the political Left in Canada, her adopted country.

She has maintained a continuous relationship with the University of the West Indies (UWI) since her first contact there in 1960, including collaboration with Alister McIntyre and Lloyd Best. She has also served as Visiting Professor at UWI on several occasions and was appointed the first George Beckford Professor of Caribbean Political Economy from 1995 to 1997, where she compiled The George Beckford Papers (Beckford and Polanyi Levitt, 2000). A collection of her writings on Caribbean issues was published as Reclaiming Development: Independent Thought and Caribbean Community (2005), and a collection of her writings on her father and on contemporary economic development as From the Great Transformation to the Great Financialization (2013).

Kari is a founding member of the Canadian Association for the Study of International Development (CASID), which has awarded an annual essay prize in her honour since 2000. Together with Mel Watkins, she was the first recipient of the John Kenneth Galbraith Prize from the Progressive Economics Forum of Canada in 2008 and was awarded an honorary doctorate from the University of the West Indies in the same year. She is the Honorary President of the Karl Polanyi Institute of Political Economy, established in 1988 and based at Concordia University in Montreal. She was also inducted into the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in 2004 as an honorary member.


Andrew Fischer (AF): How did you get into development economics? As a young student during the war years, were you initially interested in development economics?

Kari Polanyi Levitt (KPL): No. During the war, the London School of Economics campus was relocated to Cambridge. All of the senior LSE staff were in London running the war effort — Lionel Robins, Professor Paich, Professor R.G.D. Allen — they were not in Cambridge. So we had enemy aliens and colonials as lecturers. The enemy aliens were people like Hayek and Mannheim, and Nicky Kaldor of course, Europeans with heavy accents. They had British passports, but they were not really British, so they were not in the inner circles of the Establishment running the war. Arthur Lewis was actually the only colonial. He was the first black person ever to be employed by London University. So the School was fascinating; it was really wonderful for us as students. We had the freedom of the city of Cambridge: we could live anywhere we wanted, and we could attend Cambridge University lectures; I could listen to Joan Robinson, Maurice Dobbs … Keynes was not there — he was in London running the war, so I never heard Keynes lecture.

Arthur Lewis gave the introductory lectures on economics at LSE. He drew this graph showing the marginal product of labour and the wage rate. He showed employment would be increased by reducing the wage rate. I gathered up all of my courage and decided to talk to him after the lecture. I said, ‘Sir, excuse me, but I don’t believe that. Before the war, we had 3 million unemployed and they couldn’t get employment at any wage’. So he asked my name and he said, ‘Miss Polanyi, I assume that you have come here to study the science of economics. When you have mastered it, you may return and we will discuss the matter’. [Kari laughs.] You know, he had quite a high pitched voice, he was quite thin at that time, and he looked hungry. Later he became quite portly.

In the second year he gave a class that made an important impression on me. He was obviously writing a textbook and he was giving us the chapters as he was writing it. It was an economic survey from 1919–39, and that is where I first learned about the declining terms of trade of the countries producing agricultural products, Latin America and the Caribbean. But he also presented an account of Hitler’s Germany — and of Russia, England, and the colonies.

But I myself was not at all interested in developing countries, or colonies. I was going to be a labour economist. I wanted to service the labour movement. I worked during two summer vacations in factories and during another summer we made a famous survey on the nutritional state of the British working population, for the Ministry of Food. This survey was done over several years. The result, if nutrition is measured by weight according to height, was that nutrition improved during the war. I also used to offer my help to the Labour Research Department, an independent labour research unit. When I was called up for National Service, I got my first real job, with the Amalgamated Engineering Unit in the research department, on recommendation from the Labour Research Department.

When the war was over, I went back to the LSE to finish my undergraduate degree. In 1947, I found myself in Canada. Joe [Levitt], my fiancé, had arranged for me to enrol in the Master’s programme at the University of Toronto and to be a teaching assistant. I was very disappointed with the University of Toronto. I found it a dull and depressing place, although I enjoyed teaching a course on English economic history.

I left the university and presented myself at a factory called Acme Screw and Gear Company in Toronto. Of course I lied about my qualifications, never told them I had been to university or anything, and I got a job there. I was there for a year and thoroughly enjoyed the life. So, okay, I am now in the labour movement … but when colleagues discovered I was ‘wasting my time’ in a factory, they offered me employment with the United Electrical Union Labour Research Department. Later I worked for the Mine, Mills and Smelter Workers Union, as a journalist. There I had to produce a 16-page tabloid every month. I enjoyed the work. Eventually I decided I would enrol in graduate studies at the University of Toronto and that is when I became interested in development economics.

AF: How did you become interested?

KPL: The first time I came across that literature was in the 1950s. Because I had a strong mathematics background, I became interested in making input-output tables for inter-industry modelling. Professor Keirstead at the University of Toronto came from the Maritimes [in Canada] and had connections with Atlantic Provinces Economic Council, and he got me jobs in the summer working for them. I did one study for them on migration. Then I got interested in doing work for them on regional economic planning, for the so-called underdeveloped provinces of Canada, the maritime region — regional underdevelopment. That got me interested in starting to do regional input-output tables and I developed that when I came to McGill [in Montreal]. So, I came to development economics also through my interest in planning and applying that to regional economic underdevelopment.

AF: Was that around the time that you first started going to Jamaica?

KPL: I started at McGill in 1961, right after Jamaica. Professor Keirstead was a friend of Arthur Lewis. He spent a sabbatical in Jamaica with his wife and undertook to do some studies for what was then the Federal Government of the West Indies. So he sent for a student, which ended up being me. I arrived in Jamaica in 1960. I arrived right in the middle of the Federal Government of the West Indies: it started in 1958 and collapsed in 1962.

Alistair McIntyre was teaching in Jamaica at that time. The campus of the University of West Indies [UWI] was dominated by expatriate British. In economics, Alistair McIntyre was one of the few West Indians and Lloyd Best had just been hired, as a junior fellow, at the Institute of Social Economic Research. He was supposed to be making estimates of national income for the small islands, but that did not match his interests, and being Mr Best, he decided he would follow his interests. I do not blame him, but his interest was in West Indian history.

AF: So then you started working with him around that time?

KPL: Well, that is when I met him … but I was interested in planning techniques. I knew more about techniques than about the substance, of course. So we thought we would do something together. He had gone to Guyana and then, when he came back in 1964, we started what became the Plantation Model.

At McGill, I couldn’t teach development because another professor was teaching that, so I taught a course in planning techniques. I managed to supply Statistics Canada with quite a few students. McIntyre, in particular, kept sending me students, to supervise their graduate work at McGill.

AF: You were also writing Silent Surrender during that time?

KPL: I was approached by Charles Taylor,[1] who was a colleague, to write a position paper for the NDP [New Democratic Party]2 on the issue of foreign ownership. We are talking about the early 1960s. Charles Taylor was a possible candidate for the leadership of the NDP and his candidature was being pushed by David Lewis, who was the leader of the party. (David Lewis was the father of Stephen Lewis and grandfather of Avy Lewis, who is married to Naomi Klein.) That brought me to an NDP convention. The NDP was not interested in getting involved with anything that was too radical sounding — the NDP was quite conservative.

I said, yes, I was interested because the majority opinion in the NDP was that foreign ownership was not a problem. If it was good for economic growth then whatever was done with the economic growth was another issue. The first thing I did was to distinguish between portfolio and direct investment. The argument had been simply about foreign investment, but we got onto this thing about the effect of the branch plant, and of the sale of so many Canadian companies to American companies. This had a dynamic effect because I was then asked to meet, for a whole weekend, with the national executive of the NDP. The book Silent Surrender really came out of that.

But then when I met Lloyd, I became interested in the plantation economy. There was a relationship, in a sense, between Canada, as a country that was increasingly dominated by the whole subsidiaries and branch plants of foreign companies, and the Caribbean, which was a typical case of islands involved in multinational mining and extractive activity in oil and bauxite. We wrote some interesting things together. It was Lloyd who persuaded me to publish what I had by 1968, in the New World Quarterly,[3] under the title of ‘Economic Dependence and Political Disintegration: The Case of Canada’. And that began a kind of new existence. It was reprinted by Cy Gonick and at the time it became a minor sensation in Canada, until I was approached by Macmillan of Canada.

Then I got help, both from the NDP but particularly from Eric Keirens. Eric was a remarkable fellow, very independent minded. He was a capitalist, he was a former president of the Montreal stock exchange, and at McGill he was a professor of commerce. He became a close friend and he gave me a lot of good material for Silent Surrender because he really believed in the independence of Canada. He did not like the Americans buying up all of these companies, or the Canadians who were sending out everything to the Americans. Eventually, I had a book. Silent Surrender was finished in 1969, published in 1970. The publisher sent a copy to be evaluated by an economist at University of Toronto, who rejected it; he said this was political and not economics, it was ideological, it was whatever. But the publisher liked it and so the publisher asked if I knew someone else who I could send it to, and I said, send it to Mel Watkins. So they sent it to Mel and the rest is history. He just loved it and wrote the introduction for it.

Meanwhile, Lloyd had been at McGill from 1966 to 1968. We got some money from UNIDO for a project called ‘Export-propelled growth and industrialization in the Caribbean’. He left to go back home in 1968 and in 1969 there was a possibility I could go to Trinidad to continue work with him on the completion of this plantation economy model. Actually, CIDA [the Canadian International Development Agency, which was going to fund her] tried to block me, by getting UWI to say that they no longer wanted someone working in social sciences. However, by that time, my good friend William Demas, who had been long-time economic advisor to Dr William [Eric William, the first prime minister of Trinidad and Tobago and author of Capitalism and Slavery (1944)], knowing that I had wanted to come to Trinidad and was preparing to do so, said, well, would you consider coming to develop the data base for the next 5-year plan? So, I agreed. For that he got support from the IMF. I finally went there in 1969 with money from the IMF, technical assistance. The IMF didn’t have any problem with me — all of the problems I had originated in Ottawa. I guess they went back to the issues of Sir George Williams,[4] the black writers’ conference, and a whole lot of West Indian politics here in Montreal.

From 1969 to 1973 I was going back and forth and we really did amazing work. We worked with a team of young graduates from UWI and with statisticians from the Central Statistical Office. We developed a very innovative Trinidad and Tobago system of national accounts, based on what was then the new UN system of national accounts, but modified to make it conform to the structure of a petroleum economy. In 1973 that was terminated abruptly, because of the political situation there.

AF: Can you elaborate on the Plantation Economy?

KPL: I think it is important because most of my work has been done with regard to the Caribbean or with regard to world history. The Caribbean has been so important in terms of what we call the international framework, within which the plantation economy existed and continues to exist. There are four aspects of the world, of the external environment, in which the plantations were organized. To my mind, the four points continue to be very useful for understanding the structure of international trade and investment, and the shifting political spheres of influence.

The four aspects are: the division of the world by the Pope between Spain and Portugal, one east, one west; the navigation acts, the lines of communication; of course, the division of labour between primary commodities and manufactures; and finally the importance of what we call the metropolitan exchange standard. The fourth in particular remains important to this day, with the whole debate about the continuing importance of the American dollar as reserve currency in spite of the relative decline of the United States.

You know, it was a dramatic way of emphasizing that what we have in the English-speaking Caribbean — well, in all of the islands, even in the small ones — does not approximate an economy as described in textbooks of economics. The representative firm, as [Alfred] Marshall called it, is not the family-owned enterprise, but the subsidiary of a foreign company with extractive activity. We had in mind the petroleum industry of Trinidad, the bauxite of Jamaica, for example. So then, in looking at this and the historical path, it led to the plantation, which was set up by foreign capital with the express purpose of utilizing African labour to produce a commodity of high value for international markets. Then we explored the internal organizations of the plantations, the relation between planter and merchant. That is, the relationship between the organization of the production and the organization of the distribution, the finance, the access to markets, etc. — what in Marxist language would be the sphere of circulation, and the predominance of the sphere of circulation over the process of production.

AF: Which is the inverse of the basic Marxist understanding of capitalist development.

KPL: It is also the inverse of economics in general, because very much of classical economics is about the real economy. In fact, Keynes’s principal quarrel with what he called the classics was because they ignored money. So they ignored the sphere of circulation.

AF: Much of modern economics continues to ignore money in that sense.

KPL: Indeed. I mean, this nonsense about the microeconomic foundations of macroeconomics is an effort to ignore money. Of course, people have to be confronted with the fact that, in historic terms, the great divide — between North and South, or between West and East, or however you wish to put it — really began with the industrial revolution in Britain and did not begin to take off until the early 19th century. However, this was not only due to huge spurts of growth in Europe and its offshoots, as [Angus] Maddison calls them, being the United States, Canada, Australia. It was also due to the negative reduction in growth in India, and particularly in China in the 19th century, which the Chinese now regard as their great humiliation.

Moreover, the three centuries that preceded the industrial revolution were enormously important because the really existing capitalism happened in the relatively small nations on the Atlantic periphery of the Eurasian continent: Spain, Portugal, France, The Netherlands and England. It did not happen in the more ancient civilization of China, or of India, or of the whole Hellenic Mediterranean region. It’s a big historical question. It could have, but it did not happen in the great empires. It happened in these rather small and rather recent nation states. This really existing capitalism from Western Europe came together with the voyages of discovery, the conquest of the Americas. If we consider these three centuries, 1500 to 1800, that mercantilist era was characterized by what I call commerce and conquest, trade and war. The war was almost entirely maritime. Historians talk about perpetual trade and war in the Caribbean.

What happened with the Renaissance — with the voyages of Vasco da Gama and then Columbus — is that these European states extended their territory to embrace all of the Americas. If Western Europe had not been able to expand to embrace all of the Americas, they would not have been the power that they became. An interesting example is The Netherlands. The Dutch were so successful, they built the first great commercial empire that went from the Baltic to the spice islands of Indonesia, and they established Amsterdam as the premier financial centre of Europe, but with the small population they had, they couldn’t carry it any further.

Trade and war were there in the traditions of these countries of Western Europe that became the predominant metropolitan powers, from the beginning. From the beginning, there was expansion and conquest. And so, the relationship of trade and warfare, commerce and conquest, and the element of centres and peripheries, were all there from the get-go in the Western capitalist countries, before industrial capitalism. One could talk not about two globalizations but about three, to think of the expansion from the beginning.

It then continued with the better-known free trade imperialism, and the empires, in the latter part of the 19th century, the conquest of Africa and Asia, etc. As our friend Eric Hobsbawm writes, quite correctly, without the previous mercantile colonial system, the revolution in the spinning industry in Britain, British textiles, would not have had markets to sell their rather poor cotton products. They could be sold only in the colonial trade, they could not be sold otherwise. So the old mercantilist order that was dissolved somewhat with the coming of free trade in England and in Europe had served the purpose of providing the original markets, including India of course, where British cotton goods were sold by the East India company, and Britain put enormous tariffs against the importation of Indian cotton — a well-known story.

AF: And you derived these insights from your work on the Plantation Economy?

KPL: I think there is also something to be learnt from the structure of the early chartered companies, in terms of what I call the symbiotic relationship between the political authority, the monarch, and the merchant in the accumulation of territory and wealth, and the way the chartered companies were made into almost autonomous entities. The sovereign granted monopoly rights to merchant companies to establish exclusivist relations with foreign rulers in Asia and Africa. They were given the power to build ports and forts, dispense justice, and so forth. I make the comparison with the multinational corporations, which I call the new mercantilism.

That line of thinking leads us to another important similarity, and that is the emphasis on the importance of who controls communication. In the work that we did on the Plantation Economy, the merchant had superior power over the planter. The chartered companies were large and powerful business enterprises compared with the multitude of producers whose access to metropolitan markets they controlled. The merchant had control of the market overseas, in the metropole, the source of much of the capital, the actual control over the means of transportation. The producers — the planters — were in a subsidiary position. The merchant sold the goods and also supplied the inputs and could take his cut.

Today, with the information revolution, we are seeing enormous structures of power accrue to those who control channels of communication. But even before we had the phenomenon of the Amazons, the Googles, etc., in the production chains, which we are very familiar with, it was very very clear that the control and the profit accrue principally to the platform that organizes the chain. The producers, the capitalists as much as the workers who produce the various inputs that are assembled, etc., are in a subordinate position to those who are controlling this whole process. The deindustrialization that has happened in the Western countries has created big problems but it has not impoverished these countries in terms of GDP (for lack of a better measure). They have gained in various kinds of fees and profits and interest, and other kinds of incomes, and have moved towards the top of the income distribution. We know about the unfavourable distribution. But the control of channels of communication, what used to be the navigation acts in the mercantilist system, is something that has carried right through to the present: communication gives control. Information technology today has been greeted positively, obviously with some good reason, but it has some very big issues regarding power.

Hence, from the very origins of European hegemony, we see the predominance of metropolitan finance over production in the peripheries, in contrast with the predominance of production over finance in the centre. Viewed from the periphery, merchants remained central. They distributed and sold the products of the emerging English industrial system in colonial markets, and the sugar and other commodities of the slave plantations in international markets. Merchants controlled the channels of international commerce, including finance, insurance and shipping.

These aspects supported the establishment of European hegemony throughout these centuries. The evolution of capitalism needs to be understood in light of these 300 years of mercantilist conquest and unequal trade, which transformed the peripheries and integrated them into the production networks of the centre in various differentiated ways before the advent of industrial capitalism. There was no radical break between mercantilism and English capitalism from the perspective of the periphery. US capitalism also shows a similar continuity, although the major innovation of US corporations was to merge production with distribution.

AF: So the Plantation Economy helped you understand economic development more generally?

KPL: Yes, but you see, the Plantation Economy was also something special, in a sense unique to the Caribbean. Of course, plantations have been set up in other countries. Interestingly, a colleague of mine has been doing research on the fact that when the planters were compensated for the loss of their slaves, at the time of emancipation, many of them, with connections within the British empire, established plantations in South Asia, Southeast Asia, and so forth. But those were not based on slave labour.

When we developed this idea, in the 1960s, those were very different times, they were times of radical social political movements. We had in Trinidad, in 1970, what was called a black power revolution, an uprising. So the political idea that in some ways not very much has changed since the days of the slave plantation was something that people could sense.

AF: You have argued that modern capitalism is returning to its mercantilist origins and you have drawn parallels to the Plantation Economy. Can you explain?

KPL: This is what some people have called extractive imperialism. In my book Silent Surrender, there is a chapter called ‘From the Old Mercantilism to the New’. In the old mercantilism, again, the representative firm was a joint stock corporation, the chartered companies; they received their monopolies from the sovereign; there were many shareholders; they were adventurers, etc. I saw similarities with the gigantic multinational corporations, also similarities in the sense that the centre, the head office, is in control of a variety of locations, and again how control over communication is so central to the organization of both of the old chartered companies and the modern multinational corporations.

AF: And you were writing this already in the late 1960s …

KPL: Yes. And it is still relevant today — more so than ever I think. I was working on Silent Surrender, which was on the effects of the multinational corporations on host countries in the developed world, the US–Canada relationship, at the same time as I was working on plantation economies with Lloyd Best, so I have always seen the connections. People have found it strange that I would see any similarities between American companies buying up Canadian industries and what is going on in the islands of the Caribbean.

And we are now seeing a certain regression of capitalism to these mercantilist origins in the capitalist heartlands in the US, the UK and even in continental Europe. This regression is commonly referred to as ‘financialization’, meaning the growing dominance of finance and commerce over production. This is best seen in terms of the concentration of power in multinational corporations, which increasingly do not directly produce anything but, instead, organize production and distribution. Hence, production has become increasingly subservient and subordinated to commerce through subcontracting and outsourcing in various ways, and through proprietary arrangements and monopsonistic structures of buyers vis-à-vis producers. This is a very different reality from that of industrial capitalism in its heyday and from the descriptions of firms in typical microeconomics textbooks. It can be seen as a certain type of degeneration of capitalism in comparison to the age when industrial capitalism was based on innovation in production rather than innovation in financial and proprietary arrangements, which is why we call it a predatory form of capitalism.

However, the mercantilist origins of this predatory capitalism are best viewed from the peripheries. This is in contrast to the common approach that views such predatory capitalism as somehow a perversion from the idealized classical forms of capitalism that emerged in Europe on the basis of the primacy of productive innovation over commerce. The early mercantilist origin of capitalism in the peripheries sheds light on the continuity of commerce over production, especially but not only in these peripheries, from slavery to the emergence of transnational corporations as a form of ‘new mercantilism’ controlling commerce in the peripheries. At both ends of the historical spectrum, the imbalance of power relations in international trade is rooted in this imbalance of commerce over production, whereby production in peripheries is subservient to commerce controlled by mercantilist or new mercantilist corporations. It is for this reason that Marxist models of capitalists exploiting labour are not very appropriate for understanding the economic dependency and exploitation of countries that are incorporated as peripheries into the international capitalist system.

Rather, it is quite tenable to suggest that the future of the capitalist centres can be seen in the history of the peripheries. For instance, those of us working on the Caribbean used to think that the short view was a peculiarity of the Plantation Economy, whereas now a similar short view has become generalized to the economies of the centres, such as in the US and the UK. This short view is the view of commerce: when prospects look good for your export crop, you borrow and expand; when times turn bad, you have no resources to diversify, so you stay in the same staple crop and you borrow to try to maintain your standard of living; when borrowing is no longer possible, you mortgage your land; when that is no longer possible, you consume capital. In the days of slavery, consuming capital meant overworking and starving your slaves. In contemporary times, it means laying off public servants and reducing public expenditures on education and health, which is equivalent to consuming the human capital of a population.

AF: If I recall correctly, you have said that the first application of scientific methods of organizing labour was on the slave plantations. Do you think this influenced Adam Smith?

KPL: What I said is that a plantation with 3,000 slaves implied an industrial organization that makes Adam Smith’s pin factory look miniscule in terms of the division of labour. It was mind blowing, when I was taken in Jamaica, somewhere not too far from Antigua Bay, to the Good Hope Plantation, which had 3,000 slaves. I mean, how do you organize something like that? You are going to have people who will be rebellious, run away to the hills, and the organization and the accounting, and all the different aspects of that operation … We are talking about the late 18th century, and what you had in Britain at the time was largely artisanal industry, nothing was organized on a big scale. Possibly on a physical scale, such as the sheep pasture, but not in terms of labour.

What I said, which my colleague Lloyd Best did not like to hear, did not agree with, is that I thought that the production of sugar on slave plantations was in every sense a capitalist operation, organized with European capital, with the exception of the labour regime, which was not wage labour but slave labour. But the labour power embodied in these human machines was valued, the amount of work that could be extracted from them, according to their size and age and health, was estimated, and so on. So it seems to me to be obvious that this preceded the more scientific management of production in English agriculture.

Marxist definitions tend to define capitalism as private ownership of property and wage labour. But if you look at capitalism in terms of the production of something for the sheer purpose of selling it at a profit, then the plantations have major attributes of tropical agrarian-style capitalism. They also constituted the first major investment of capital in an overseas location for this purpose.

In the case of the English colonies, as I have noted, there are also remarkable similarities between these particular characteristics and the English agricultural revolution and the role played by English oligarchic landed classes, the same landed classes whose younger sons were sent to the colonies and became part of the planter classes. The plantocracy and the English landed oligarchy are largely the same families, the same people.

This long view highlights how the Caribbean slave plantations were, in many respects, at the genesis of capitalism and the plantations were entirely capitalist enterprises; the sole difference with the modern factory system lay in the fact that the labour was unfree. Indeed, the slave trade only derived its profitability from the profitability of the slave plantations. Sugar was the largest single import of Britain, constituting close to one-quarter of the value of all British imports in the 18th century. At the same time, the capitalist agriculture that was evolving in Britain was often developed by the same families that were involved in the Caribbean slave plantations. This synergy of mercantilism remains a hugely underemphasized, if not ignored, aspect in the Eurocentric debates on the origins of capitalism in Northwest Europe, which usually focus on internal causes such as agrarian transformations in the English countryside rather than the more global commercial origins of these transformations.

AF: How does this relate to a similar emphasis of production in early development economics?

KPL: The fact that really existing capitalism happened in the relatively small nations on the Atlantic periphery of the Eurasian continent accounts for the fact that GDP per capita in Western Europe — in all the statistics, the Maddison estimates — was significantly higher than in Eastern Europe, and remains so to this day. Now, what is Western Europe? It borders the Atlantic, it has special relationships with different areas of the world.

So, when we come to the [early] development economists and the importance of people like Gerschenkron, Rosenstein Rodan, they were living in regions of the world that were backward in relation to Western Europe. Gerschenkron was of course Russian (born in the Ukraine) and much of his work was done on the rise of Tsarist Russia.

AF: ‘Backward’ is not a very popular term these days … can you clarify?

KPL: Well, backward, absolutely, backward. Economically underdeveloped. Economically backward. At the time of the Russian revolution in 1917, this is a country hugely dominated by a peasantry, with some cities, with some industrial establishments, actually mostly with foreign capital, and some modern technology. This is part of the story of the Russian revolution and the Soviet Communist Party, which considered itself to be a vanguard party based on the working class, but the working class was extremely small, in relationship to a vast peasantry, and they came into conflict, of course. The whole history of the early decades of the Soviet revolution was really about conflicts between the peasantry and the prevailing regime that was based on urban and industrial regions.

Gerschenkron and others understood the problems of economic underdevelopment because they could understand it in terms of their own countries in relation to Western Europe. Thinkers like Arthur Lewis came from the colonies and so also had this perspective, but what is not so obvious and perhaps not so well understood is the relationship within Europe, of East Europe to the West. Europe is deeply divided in that way.

Click here to read the full interview.


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Andrew M. Fischer ([email protected]) is Associate Professor at the Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, The Netherlands, and member of the editorial board of Development and Change. His most recent book, Poverty as Ideology (Zed, 2018), was awarded the International Studies in Poverty Prize by the Comparative Research Programme on Poverty (CROP) and by Zed Books. He received his BA and MA in Economics from McGill University in Canada, and his PhD in Development Studies from the London School of Economics. He has been involved in development studies or developing countries for over 30 years.

Glimpses from a Season in My Life, for Real. Naomi Wolf

January 3rd, 2024 by Dr. Naomi Wolf

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New Year Donation Drive: Global Research Is Committed to the “Unspoken Truth”


I want to share some scenes from the last few months of my life, as my last letter to you of 2023. I will end this letter with a request for you to please, for the New Year, upgrade your subscription to “paying,” if you possibly can.

I don’t like to whine. I try never to show weakness, fatigue or fear in public. That is a point of pride. But it is also strategic, as the bad guys want to see us weak and fearful.

That said, I need to be honest with you about what my daily life can be like. This disclosure matters in our relationship as writer and readers in an intimate community, and I want you to know some of these truths, as we head into 2024.

Two months ago, I emerged from my hotel room in a Southeastern town, where I had flown to deliver a lecture. I was dressed, and ready to present, and mulling over my lecture notes. I was delivering a new speech, and that act in itself is demanding; it requires a high level of focus.

I was met at the end of the hallway, to my surprise, by two strange men. They introduced themselves as retired NYPD detectives, showed me their IDs, and said that they had been sent by the lecture venue to escort me to the location, as the venue had received a credible threat against the evening’s event.

I called Brian; he spoke to the men, and he let me know that it was OK for me to get into their car. In the back seat of the car, I checked that they were armed, and they confirmed that they were. They explained as calmly as possible that another speaker had received the threat, in response to his op ed about the Middle East in a national paper the day before. That speaker had subsequently called in sick to the event. I don’t blame the speaker; but at the same time, I realized with some dismay that therefore the person who had been targeted was not going to be at the venue — while instead I, alone, would be speaking, and that the threat was still active. This did not comfort me. I tried to stay calm as well though, at least outwardly.

We got to the hotel. The armed security agents escorted me, with my front and back protected, into the rear of the building. As in several famous stories that ended violently, we wove our way past the kitchen areas, past the behind-the-scenes staffers, past the workers leaning against the walls on break. We entered the lecture hall from the rear. The security agents showed me the podium; they showed me the exit door hidden by the curtain at the rear of the stage. They instructed me to get down behind the podium if there was a disturbance in the audience, and to try to reach the exit door if I could. Then they took their places at the back of the hall, to observe the crowd that filed in.

Usually Brian escorts me for my security. This time he couldn’t. As a result, in these circumstances, I was quite frightened.

Nonetheless I got up, gave my speech, and answered questions. I managed to deliver my message, which was about the annihilation of humanity as recorded in the Pfizer documents, which our WarRoom/DailyClout team of researchers has documented. My speech was also a message about fighting for liberty. I got through it all, and the crowd was supportive.

I was escorted at the end of the evening by the security agents, and once again taken into the hotel by the rear entrance. The agents walked me right to the door of my room. I was then alone and unguarded. Brian had taught me how to secure a hotel room door from within, and I did so. But I was not comfortable.

When it was all over, I was glad that I had remained a professional, and I felt proud that I delivered our message to that audience under those conditions. But I cannot say this was an easy night for me.

It took a toll.

But I kept telling the truth for you.


In Rochester, NY, later that Fall, I was on the podium with a range of distinguished speakers, including my extraordinary COO Amy Kelly, and a moderator, at Shannon Joy’s wonderful freedom event.

I was escorted that time by an active duty local detective, a highly competent woman. She showed me her firearm and assured me that she would be watching over me at all times. She did so.

Nonetheless, while we were onstage, a woman in the audience suddenly stood up. She started shouting at us, and made a fast beeline toward the stage. The excellent security team moved quickly to head her away from us. But the woman approached us faster than they could intercept her, til she was not five feet away from us, and she kept screaming obscenities and insults.

I did not know if she was armed — she was certainly unstable. I looked toward the podium to see if I could get behind it in time if needed.

She was ultimately escorted out by the security team.

I carried on, and we carried on, and it was a highly successful day.

And we kept on telling the truth to you.


Weekly, I will get threats. Brian has a second full-time job checking them out, evaluating their severity, and engaging in “counter-stalking”, his specialty, to keep me safe. Each time, though, if the threats are serious, I have to hear the threat and process the violence of someone’s bizarre imagination. I am already a survivor of violence; and this process, which is part of normal security best practices for a public figure, is very difficult and traumatic for me — each and every time.

And yet I press on and I keep writing for you.


I learned this year that the White House had targeted me personally with a “Be On the Lookout” alert to CDC, Twitter, Facebook, DHS and the Department of the Census. The latter, of course, has all of my personal information. I was vertiginous with shock — and fear — when I found this out, but I did not back down.

I escalated my efforts to tell you the truth.


Two weeks ago I was on a train. A creepy-looking woman, a national of a country that is at war with us, sat down across the aisle from me. I had that intuitive sense in relation to her that raised the hair on the back of my neck.

She asked if I had a phone charger. I lent her my charger, not thinking quickly enough or with enough caution. She tried to chat with me; I responded in monosyllables til she subsided.

After far too long, she returned my charger.

At the weekly security meeting with our high-level cybersecurity team, I confessed that this had happened, thinking that I was being ridiculously paranoid in even mentioning it. Our cybersecurity consultant asked at once, “Was it a standard white charger?” I said yes. He explained that now chargers can be produced — that looklike standard white ones — but that suck all of the data out of your phone; and he told me to get the charger to him to examine.

This really happened.

I was startled and horrified, and felt personally invaded, but I did not back down.

I kept telling you the truth.


We got bombarded with a hacking attempt. Our superb cybersecurity team caught it and ultimately protected us, but it took us all eight hours of work, on a day when we all had many other commitments, to address this effort to upend our digital structures. Among the alarming aspects of the attack was that someone had physically telephoned a vendor central to our digital life, and pretended to be me. Again, I was startled and appalled, especially when we learned that the attack had originated in St Petersburg, Russia.

But I pressed on in telling you the truth, and so did my heroic team.


Weekly, if not daily, I have to deal with incoming emails trying to trick or compromise me, in an effort to secure a public embarrassment for us, or legal trouble. The emails may purport to be from someone suffering from a vaccine-induced illness, asking for my medical advice. Of course each time I have to put in writing that I am not a medical doctor so cannot advise, because if I do not create that paper trail, I could get charged with practicing medicine without a license. Others who contact me try to trick us into running something of theirs with an error included it, so that, as once happened, Reuters and AP can immediately jump on the error, and try to create a global scandal. Some who contact me will try to trick me by substituting a real bio with a prank bio at the last minute, as Ken Klippenstein, a young investigative reporter whose work I had, at his boss’ request, consistently championed in the past, did to me during “lockdowns.”

We are now in a world that I do not recognize professionally, in which even reporters such as this one, with jobs at The Nation and The Intercept, lie to their colleagues — colleagues from whom they have sought and accepted professional support – when they are driven by corrupt allegiances. As a result of this kind of infantile harassment, we spend hours every day checking people’s bios.

We receive fake offers to advertise questionable or legally regulated products — offers designed to compromise us if we were to accept them. We spend hours researching the laws regarding various products.

People offer to send us tissue samples to which they do not have legal rights, from what they say are their dead children; we need to word our answers carefully and consult attorneys for the most minute exchange of this kind, so that we cannot be entangled in “lawfare.” This defensive communication with the outside world is literally constant, and is incredibly costly.

At the same time, at the same time, I try to write these essays for you — from the purest, most open place in my heart, and stay not-guarded and not-embittered.

It is very difficult to do both.

As a result of this constant, tiresome, treacherous and childish targeting, we (and I especially) have a full-time second job evading these cynical snares, even while trying to research, write and polish my own essays and reportage here for you; even while facing the rigors of writing and covering breaking news stories that legacy news and opinion sites no longer cover.

It is very hard for a writer to plumb the depth of her own soul, as good writing requires, let alone do the excellent reporting we do, under these conditions of continual harassment.


A woman who appears to be suffering from a detachment from reality, who used to be a distinguished intellectual, and whose extended family is funded by the vaccine industry, wrote a whole book attacking me. This book confronts me, with its perverse manipulation of an image of my own face on the cover, in every bookstore into which I walk. It contains passages that claim I said things — disturbing things – that I did not say. To my knowledge, I have never met or spoken to this woman. Her book has sections that meditate on the murder of “the doppelganger” — and it is I who am designated as her “doppelganger.” The New York Times ran an op ed including those passages. The Paper of Record also illustrated the piece with an image of an animal that appears to be a wolf, being strangled, and bleeding at the mouth.


It is one thing to fight the opposition. We know who the Forces of Darkness are now, and while it is difficult to carry on my creative work for you here under their constant harassment and efforts at intimidation, I can do that. I am a patriot, and I am now, willingly or not, a pretty seasoned warrior. I can fight the opposition til the end of my life.

But it is demoralizing to be targeted from within, and the freedom movement itself is going through a time now of fracturing, with bad behavior escalating in a few quarters; and with false suggestions hurled about by a few irresponsible people, including against me, and with random insults leveled; and with nasty, pointless sniping from some quarters at our tireless and often selfless efforts. If I were a member of the “deep state”, one recent baseless epithet, for example, I would not face threats every single week, I must assume.

It is hard to wake up to work long hours every day motivated by love and care not only for you and your families but also for those who are supposed to be on the right side of history with us, at a time when a few of our own compatriots are now behaving in ways so far below the high calling of our cause.

It is hard to face fire from two directions at once.


The targeting is only going to get more serious — as we continue to help to reveal and topple the evildoers — and sometimes I wonder if I should or can even continue. I was not trained to do this.

I am not a soldier. I wanted to be a professor. I trained for eight years to teach Victorian poetry.

I wanted to be a purely a writer and an academic.

It is tempting to retreat from the fray, to step back from the risk and madness, and to go back forever to the luxury of what I always wanted most; a contemplative, inward-looking intellectual life.

But that means abandoning you, and our kids’ generation, and this collective fight.

I won’t do it.

But I do need your help.

One added stressor to all of the stressors above, is money. As I have written before, being a national if not global target is expensive, in terms of resources and labor. Every threat requires the hours of attention from my in-house security consultant. Every cyberthreat requires a cybersecurity team’s advice. We received lawyers’ bills for $80,000 for the LA-based legal action against Pfizer, and a lawyer’s bill for $25,000 accompanied the drafting of the Election Integrity bill that we will soon bring to statehouses to keep elections clean in 2024. A lawyer’s bill for $10,000 was the price of our Ohio-based lawsuit against Pfizer and the Biden administration. We have a six- figure lawyers’ bill for all the due diligence we do to make sure we are always impeccable – because we have integrity, and also because “lawfare” is one primary way members of the freedom movement get toppled or dragged off course.

Though DailyClout is doing well, thanks to many of you, these are huge burdens, for which it is difficult to plan. When we have to pay our lawyers unexpectedly, or have other immense financial burdens, your financial help by subscribing for money to this Substack makes my work elsewhere, often without pay, possible.

I now have 81,078 subscribers altogether, for which I am very grateful; however, only 3,577 of these are paying subscribers.

As I have said before, I am trying hard not to put up a paywall, because so many of you tell me how meaningful Outspoken is to you, and because I know what it is to be so broke that $70 a year extra, requires a second thought.

But for those of the 77,000-plus free subscribers who can afford to upgrade to becoming my

paying subscribers, please, please do.

You will be taking a huge burden of stress off of my already stressed daily life, in this fight for our children’s future in a free world; and you will allow me to serve my team without facing undue financial conflicts and anxiety.

I also feel that we are a community, and when those of you who can support me, do, it heartens me materially in the struggles ahead.

Forgive me for letting you know what some days are really like.

I will go back to showing no weakness or fear, and at the same time crafting essays for you as beautifully and truly as I can, in 2024.

Back to combat in 2024, I hope with your help. And back to beauty, and love, and joy, and protecting all the things that make up civilization — all the things that demons in human guise are trying to extinguish.

But I do feel that we are friends, and fellow soldiers, so I wanted to be brutally frank with you just this one time, about the real state of the battlefield.

Thank you truly for coming on this journey with me, my beloved brothers and sisters.

Health, happiness, peace and freedom to you, in 2024. And thank you for helping me, if you can, to sail this fragile ship together into the dawn.


Naomi Wolf


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“2023 has been a challenge for Global Research, but we know 2024 will be no different. That’s why we need your support. Will you make a New Year donation to help us continue with our work?”


In the closing days of 2023, the Biden Administration once again announced a large military aid package for Ukraine, this time a “mere” quarter of a billion dollars. Without a new authorization of funds from Congress, it is said to be the last bit of money left over from the more than $100 billion already authorized by Congress for the proxy war with Russia through Ukraine.

President Biden’s request for an additional $100 billion to spread around Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan was rejected by a Congress eager for its winter break, and with each passing day it looks like it’s going to be harder to push it through. Poll after poll show that Americans are increasingly opposed to more of their money being spent on the neocon’s lost-cause war to overthrow Putin in Russia.

For example, a recent Fox News poll revealed that more than 60 percent of Republican voters do not want any more money sent to Ukraine. As we enter an election year, it’s probably safe to predict that Republican candidates will be wary of crossing the wishes of the clear majority of voters.

That is why the Biden Administration has been desperately trying to re-frame its request for more Ukraine war money as anything but a request for more Ukraine war money. For example, they even brought back the old discredited “domino theory” used to justify US actions in the Vietnam war. If we don’t stop Putin in Ukraine, Biden said in December, then he will keep going into western Europe where we will be forced to fight him there.

On the one hand, supporters of the Ukraine war warn that Russia is about to reconstitute the Soviet empire in Europe, while at the same time the same people tell us Russia is out of missiles and on its last leg. One more infusion of US money will end the “Russian threat” once and for all. Both of these things cannot be true at once. In fact, neither of them is true.

But still the Administration, much of Congress, and an insatiable military-industrial complex keep selling the lies.

Last month Secretary of State Antony Blinken inadvertently revealed what exactly all the spending for war is about when he stated that as much as 90 percent of the aid for Ukraine is actually spent in the United States. The money is used “to the benefit of American business, local communities, and strengthening the US defense industrial base,” he said in an interview. In other words, the money “for Ukraine” is actually a massive welfare program for well-connected military contractors back home.

As we begin the year 2024, we need to home in on the real threat to the United States. It is not Russia or China or Iran. The true threat is closer to home: it is a corrupt system that bleeds the country dry to fight imaginary enemies while enriching the military-industrial complex.

For the New Year, Congress should resolve to end the stranglehold of the military-industrial complex by reining in out-of-control military spending. Members should simply vote “no” on military spending bills until they are drafted to benefit the American people rather than the Beltway elite. I don’t hold out much hope of this happening in the short run, but it only takes a few dedicated Members to make a real difference.


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John Pilger: A Life Telling Truth to Power

January 3rd, 2024 by Victoria Brittain

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David Munro, the brilliantly gifted director and producer of 20 of John Pilger’s 50 films and documentaries once wrote to him, “You opened my eyes and I thank you, since when they’ve never been shut.” No one knew Pilger better than Munro and their friendship continued even after Munro moved on to other personal projects, with John saying, “We never exchanged a harsh word.” 

In the 23 years since his closest collaborator died, countless thousands of people who have watched Pilger’s films or read his books and articles have felt exactly that same sentiment of gratitude. Pilger was a brilliant communicator, a tireless reporter and researcher with an unparalleled record of near half century on the ground exposing the lies and cruelties of the West’s most powerful regimes, led by the United States, and their impact on people of the Global South.

Pilger’s Australian background and his early homes in journalism from Reuters and for 23 years at the Mirror, through ITV’s World In Action to latterly, the little-known Consortium News and CounterPunch, gave him a free-wheeling outsider status in UK journalism. 

Original, brave, taking great personal risks, and extremely hard working, Pilger was never in the mainstream press pack. Perhaps it was partly because he was too famous and his high profile stoked jealousy. He won or was shortlisted for multiple BAFTAs and Emmy awards and in 1967 and and 1979 was journalist of the year. 

In the 1960s he spent eight years between Vietnam and the US as the Mirror’s star writer. They were times of hectic intensity for any journalist. In Vietnam Pilger immersed himself in the catastrophe of the Vietnamese people under US bombing and the destruction of life, livestock and countryside by the poison of Agent Orange. In the US the stories were in the violence against the civil rights movement and the assassinations of US leaders heralding change, such as Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy. He looked back on Vietnam decades later as a “farce full of lies”. At the time it felt like an intolerable level of injustice and pain for people without a voice, who he, with the luck of being a journalist, would speak for. 

Palestine and Cambodia

That was one pillar of the life experience which marked him indelibly as a young journalist. The second was staying happily on a kibbutz in Israel in the 1960s, but gradually seeing “the dehumanisation of Palestinians”. His 1977 film, Palestine Is Still The Issue, took on the great injustice of the illegal occupation of Palestinian land, and made him notorious.

Their historical adviser was a then little-known Israeli historian, Ilan Pappe, now the best known of academics on the subject in Britain. An industry enquiry ensued, and did not support the critiques. That truthful film, and the 2002 follow up with the same name earned John great and lasting respect in a much wider world.

Michael Green, then chairman of Carlton Communications and producer of the film, publicly disowned the 2002 film in a devastating and utterly unfair critique. Green set a tone which much of the mainstream media would use to harass Pilger throughout his career. “It was one-sided, it was totally unrealistic, but it was John Pilger….it was factually incorrect, historically incorrect,” he wrote as the Board of Jewish Deputies, Conservative Friends of Israel in Britain and the Israeli state responded with outrage to a serious film made by a careful and professional team.

The first two of his four Cambodia films, Year Zero: The Silent Death of Cambodia and Cambodia Year One, made with Munro and screened in 1979 and 1980, were revelatory of the horrors of Pol Pot’s rule and its aftermath and were very highly praised. The first helped raise £45m aid for starving Cambodians. But a 1980 visit with the films to the powerful distribution networks in the US gave Pilger a hard lesson. The executives were excited by the searing Khmer Rouge footage, but “no one wanted to show how three US administrations had colluded in Cambodia’s tragedy,” he later explained. And in the most bitter moment of this experience, at PBS the most liberal and independent of them all, the producer turned him down with, “your films would have given us problems with the Reagan administration – sorry.”

Image: John Pilger in 2011 at Southern Cross University (Credit: SCU Students Media)

SCU Media Students

Two more great films in Asia followed in the 1990s – The Death of a Nation: The Timor Conspiracy and Inside Burma: Land of Fear. Pilger’s 1994 reportage and commentary on the former Portuguese colony of Timor Leste (until 1975), updated in 1998, was a particular highlight, a focus on a place shamefully unknown in the West throughout an Indonesian invasion and brutal military occupation which ended in 1999. When it was shown late at night on ITV the company received an unprecedented deluge of phone calls from the public.

Another decade, another war and another continent followed with Paying The Price: Killing the Children of Iraq (2000). Besides that heartbreaking film, Pilger was by then writing copiously and speaking for the anti-war movement in the UK, fired by opposition to the US-led Gulf War and then the Iraq war which, following western and UN economic sanctions, destroyed one of the Arab world’s best supporters of Palestine, and one of its most educated and culturally significant countries.

Kate Hudson, general secretary of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, describes Pilger as “a remarkable and incisive speaker on the anti-nuclear question, exposing decades of lies and hypocrisy about the impacts of nuclear testing and nuclear colonialism, in a profound and accessible fashion.”

Anticipating History

Three films show Pilger’s capacity for anticipating history. In 2004, Stealing a Nation, on Diego Garcia and the Chagos Islands, showed a virtually unknown corner of British colonial history: people displaced, successive UK government lies, the UK judiciary’s selective blind eyes. Eighteen years later, in February 2019, the International Criminal Court found the UK’s colonial authority no longer legal in Diego Garcia. In 2016, The Coming War on China foreshadowed one of today’s world’s most dangerous political preoccupations. And, The Dirty War on the NHS made in 2019 gave a preview of today’s realities in the UK.

Over the decades, showings of his films in the British Film Institute’s largest cinema sold out, the showing always followed by a host of questions and his fans mobbing him on the way to the private reception. He wrote in UK papers and magazines across the board from the New Statesman via The Guardian to The Express, and later many more outlets across the world. His dozen books, including his expose of Australia’s political corruption and genocidal history in A Secret Country, have long lives.

Paul Rogers, Emeritus Professor of Peace Studies at Bradford University, said this week, “John was hugely effective in his extensive work on the realities of war and especially the often hidden social costs. To this add his numerous revelations involving western governments and interests that were so readily covered up. Then there is his consistent support for Julian Assange who had himself been so effective in revealing so many secrets of the war in Iraq.” 

For all his fame, Pilger was a rather private man embedded in tight loyalties to friends and his happy 30-year partnership with Jane Hill, a magazine journalist, and his beloved children Zoe and Sam. Many friends and acquaintances had their books and films endorsed generously and their lives enriched by John taking time for them. I remember many such occasions, one random night 23 years ago, for instance. We went to the Royal Court theatre in London because they had really wanted to have his opinion on a Palestine play, but had not liked to ask him for his time. He enjoyed himself, gave generous praise and modestly said he was honoured to have been invited.

In recent years John’s active support of Assange alienated him further from sections of the UK press who had long taken distance from Assange. And some of Pilger’s written judgements against mainstream opinion on complex world issues such as the real responsibility for the use of chemical weapons in Syria – with scientists taking opposing views –  brought him harsh criticism. That modern war was very different from the on-the-ground reporting which had made his name. He was accused of being pro-Assad or pro-Putin. But Pilger never backed power in his life. And, like everyone, he made mistakes such as on Russian responsibility for the 2018 poisoning of the Skripals in Salisbury. Other journalists who wanted to shoot him down for his politics and his campaigning brilliance could never touch his decades of telling truth to power.

Role Model

It is a fitting honour that The British Library holds the archive of Pilger’s huge work, accessible for history. New generations will learn there so much about the world seen from places like Nicaragua, Palestine, Cambodia, Timor Leste and Vietnam at firsthand, and also discover Washington decision-making in an unvarnished light.

One hot day in July 2005 perfectly sums up John’s life choices and reflects the very best of the private man who was my kind and loyal friend in hard times for four decades. That day his priority was attending a modest gathering in Jubilee Gardens by the river Thames far from any limelight. It was a memorial for the remaining veterans of the International Brigades, young volunteers fighting fascism from 1936 to 1939 in Spain, now all in their 80s and older. John read a poem to one of them, George Green, by his son who was four when his father was killed. Then he spoke of his debt to his late close friend Martha Gellhorn, the legendary American journalist of World War Two who was reporting in Spain in 1938. He read from one of her dispatches, saying that her experience taught him, “about moral courage, about speaking out, breaking a silence”. To the small group of elderly veterans in the red berets of their service, he said, “I thank you, and your fallen comrades, for what you did for us all, and for your legacy of truth and moral courage.”

In an echo of those sentiments, after Pilger’s death, professor Paul Rogers described him as “a role model of rare value”.


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Victoria Brittain worked at The Guardian for many years and has lived and worked in Washington, Saigon, Algiers, Nairobi, and reported from many African, Asian and Middle Eastern countries. She is the author of a number of books on Africa and was co-author of Moazzam Begg’s Guantanamo memoir, Enemy Combatant, author and co-author of two Guantanamo verbatim plays, and of Shadow Lives, the forgotten women of the war on terror. Her most recent book is Love and Resistance, the films of Mai Masri.

Featured image: John Pilger, photographed in 2006, whose decades in journalism included Reuters and 23 years at the Mirror, then ITV’s World In Action (Wikicommons)

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With roughly 90% of Gaza residents displaced and seeking safety from Israel’s bombardment and ground attacks, crowding into shelters in cities including the already densely populated Rafah, humanitarian agencies warned Tuesday that the spread of disease and the risk of starvation are showing no signs of slowing down in the blockaded enclave.

A week after the World Food Program (WFP) warned that about “half of Gaza’s population is starving,” the United Nations organization’s chief economist said Tuesday that less than three months into Israel’s relentless assault, the territory appears to meet at least one of the criteria for famine.

About 20% of the population faces an “extreme lack of food,” Arif Husain told The New York Times.

“I’ve been to pretty much any conflict, whether Yemen, whether it was South Sudan, northeast Nigeria, Ethiopia, you name it,” Husain told the newspaper. “And I have never seen anything like this, both in terms of its scale, its magnitude, but also at the pace that this has unfolded.”

Skipping meals, particularly among adults caring for children, has become “the norm” in Gaza, the WFP said on social media.

Experts on Gaza’s humanitarian crises—which gripped the enclave even before Israel began bombing Gaza in retaliation for Hamas’ attack in October—are among those suffering, the Times reported, with International Crisis Group analyst Azmi Keshawi telling the newspaper that he is one of thousands of displaced people who has to go searching daily for sustenance to feed his family.

“Our daily nightmare is to go hunt for food,” Keshawi, who is sheltering with his family in a tent on a street in Rafah, told the Times. “You cannot find flour. You cannot find yeast to make bread. You cannot find any kind of food—tomatoes, onions, cucumbers, eggplant, lemon, orange juice.”

Human Rights Watch said last month that Israel is using starvation as a method of warfare—a war crime under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.

The lack of nourishment has put residents at heightened health and safety risks as many are sleeping out in the open without adequate clothing or blankets to keep out the elements, as colder winter weather arrives.

Along with the growing hunger crisis, the United Nations has been monitoring the spread of communicable diseases and healthcare workers’ inability to adequately care for people due to Israel’s blockade and refusal to allow in adequate aid.

The World Health Organization (WHO) reported that there have been 179,000 cases of acute respiratory infections; 136,400 cases of diarrhea—the second-leading cause of death among young children worldwide—in children under age five; and 55,400 cases of scabies since mid-October.

The organization said Gaza is at “imminent risk” of more disease outbreaks.

The severe overcrowding of cities and shelters, where displaced people have the use of one toilet for every 700 people on average, has contributed to the rapid spread of illnesses.

“Gazans can die very easily now because of the diseases spreading,” Tamara Alrifai, director of external relations at the U.N. Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), told Channel 4 News in the United Kingdom on Tuesday. “Originally a home for around 280,000 people, over the last few weeks, about a million additional people came into Rafah and that explains that visual element of extremely crowded shelters but also extremely crowded spaces around the UNRWA shelters.”

Dr. Guillemette Thomas, a medical coordinator for Doctors Without Borders, told the Times that Israel is now allowing 120 aid trucks at most into Gaza each day. For weeks no shipments were allowed in, and desperately needed fuel did not reach Gaza until late November. Before the bombardment and blockade, many Gazans relied on aid that was brought in by 500 trucks per day.

Despite Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant’s proclamation on October 9 that he was ordering a “complete siege on the Gaza Strip” with “no electricity, no food, no fuel” allowed in for its residents, who he referred to as “human animals,” Israel continues to claim that it is not blocking aid or targeting civilians. The government has claimed Hamas is diverting aid deliveries, an accusation that UNRWA Commissioner-General Philippe Lazzarini called “baseless.”

At least 22,185 people have been killed and at least 57,000 have been injured in Gaza since Israel began its bombardment, with an additional 7,000 people reported missing or presumed to be buried under rubble.

Last week, the UNRWA posted a video on social media showing people desperately trying to reach an aid convoy in Gaza City.

“Gaza is just weeks away from famine,” said the agency. “People are desperate and hungry. To prevent famine, more, much more food and other basics must be allowed in.”

The group also reiterated its call for a humanitarian cease-fire to allow aid deliveries and protect civilians.

[From Common Dreams: Our work is licensed under Creative Commons (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0). Feel free to republish and share widely.]


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Julia Conley is a staff writer for Common Dreams.

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“2023 has been a challenge for Global Research, but we know 2024 will be no different. That’s why we need your support. Will you make a New Year donation to help us continue with our work?”


The year 2023 was a banner year for change, underscoring the reality of a world transforming away from American hegemony toward the uncertainty of a yet-to-be-defined multilateral reality. This transformation was marked by many events – here are the five most important ones.

The Failed Ukrainian Counteroffensive

Perhaps the most-hyped event of the year, Ukraine’s much-anticipated spring/summer counteroffensive was NATO’s version of the German Ardennes offensive of December 1944 – a last-gasp effort to throw all remaining reserves into a desperate attempt to score a knock-out blow against an opponent who had seized the strategic initiative. Any sound military analyst could have predicted the inevitability of a Ukrainian defeat – one cannot responsibly speak of launching a frontal assault on a heavily defended, well-prepared defensive position using forces who are neither equipped, organized, or trained for the task.

The amount of delusion surrounding Ukrainian and NATO expectations only underscores the desperation that underpinned their cause – the West’s support of Ukraine was always of a superficial nature, where domestic politics trumped global reality. The ignorance of those who believed Ukraine could pierce the Russian defenses was easily matched by those who thought that a Moscow Maidan movement could be created through the combined impact of economic sanctions and a forever war against Ukraine.

The counteroffensive is the manifestation of the Russophobia that has gripped the collective West, where ignorance trumps fact, and delusion supersedes reality. The failed NATO/Ukrainian counteroffensive, far from weakening Russia, proved to be the incubator for the birth of a more powerful, confident, and resilient Russia that will no longer allow itself to be classified as a second-class citizen in the world community.

October 7: The Israel-Hamas War

On October 6, 2023, Israel was sitting on top of the world. It had cowed the administration of US President Joe Biden into forgetting about a two-state solution to the Palestinian problem. Instead, it embraced the vision of a greater Israel, which glossed over the continued theft of Palestinian land through unchecked support for illegal Israeli settlements by focusing on the broader geopolitical benefits of normalized relations between Israel and the Gulf Arab states. The Israel Defense Forces were the best military in the region, backed by an intelligence and security establishment possessing a legendary reputation for knowing everything about all potential enemies.

Then came October 7 and the Hamas surprise attack.

All talk of Israeli-Arab normalization is finished. The IDF is being embarrassed by Hamas and defeated by Hezbollah. The Israeli intelligence service has been exposed as an empty shell whose greatest accomplishment is an AI-assisted targeting system that facilitates the killing of Palestinian civilians.

The new reality of the Middle East is now shaped by two related issues – the necessity of a Palestinian state and the inevitability of a strategic Israeli defeat. The paths toward resolving each of these issues will not be easy ones to follow, and they may unfold over the span of years rather than months, but one thing is certain – this new geopolitical reality would not have been possible without the events of October 7.

Africa: The Sahel Revolt

In the span of three years, Françafrique, or the post-colonial French-dominated sphere of influence in the Sahel region of Africa, has gone from serving as the springboard for the projection of French-led American and EU efforts to project military power in an attempt to defeat the forces of Islamic insurgency, to being humiliated and defeated at the hands of nationalists who overthrew traditional pro-French governments and replacing them with anti-French military juntas. Starting with Mali in 2021, then Burkina Faso in 2022, and finally Niger in 2023, the collapse of the Sahel component of Françafrique has been as dramatic as it has been decisive. There was seemingly nothing France nor its supporters could do to reverse the tide of anti-French sentiment in the region. In the end, the threat of outside military intervention to change the July 2023 coup in Niger collapsed in the face of a unified collective defense posture taken by the three former French colonies.

The dramatic eviction of France from the region was matched by the emergence of a new regional power – Russia. The rise of the new tripartite regional alliance between Mali, Burkina Faso, and Niger coincided with a more assertive Russian foreign policy, which looked to form common cause with an Africa still straining from the bonds of post-colonial existence manifested in geopolitical relationships like those formed under Françafrique. The Russian approach was borne out in the success of last summer’s Russian-African Summit, held in St. Petersburg, and the growing economic and security relationships between Russia and many African states – including Mali, Burkina Faso, and Niger, that have emerged since. The Russian tricolor flag, it seems, has replaced that of France as the most influential symbol of foreign involvement in that region.


In 2022, China hosted the 14th Summit of the Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South African economic forum best known by the acronym formed from the first letters of its five-nation membership – BRICS. At that summit, BRICS aspired to greatness but was unable to accomplish anything more than talk about the creation of a so-called “currency basket” designed to challenge the global supremacy of the US dollar and speak wistfully about the possibility of opening its membership to other nations.

Then came the 15th BRICS Summit, held in South Africa. From a forum possessing unrealized potential, BRICS exploded upon the international scene as a multi-lateral competitor to the American singularity, a viable challenger to the US-imposed “rules-based international order” that had dominated global geopolitical discourse since the end of the Second World War. The events that helped propel BRICS front and center on the stage of global relevance represented a perfect storm, so to speak, of geopolitical calamity – the defeat of the collective West at the hands of Russia in Ukraine, the collapse of Françafrique in the Sahel, and the increasing dominance of China on the global economic reality.

The South African-hosted BRICS Summit proved to be the perfect counterpoint to the combined pathos of the G-7 Summit in Hiroshima, Japan, and the NATO Summit in Vilnius, Lithuania. In Japan and Lithuania, western impotence was on full display for the world to see. In sharp contrast, the virility of the BRICS phenomenon provided a multilateral alternative that proved to be attractive to many nations, including the six that were accepted into BRICS as part of its expansion strategy (Argentina, Egypt, Iran, Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates, although Argentina withdrew its membership package following the election of Javier Milei as president in December 2023), and the fourteen other nations who have formally submitted applications to join in 2024, when Russia takes over the chairmanship. BRICS has surpassed the G7 in terms of collective economic clout, and the geopolitical influence of its collective membership is such that it will exceed both the G7 and NATO forums in terms of overall international relevance in the years to come.

The US: The Naked Emperor

The United States spends nearly $1 trillion a year on its defense – more than the combined defense expenditures of its ten closest rivals for the top spot. This money funds the strategic nuclear deterrence force and the conventional military power projection potential of the US. Given the enormous sums involved, one would anticipate that the dominance of US military power worldwide would be unmatched. Curiously, this is not the case.

By spending a fraction of what the US does for similar services, Russia has overtaken the United States when it comes to strategic nuclear forces. The US needs a major upgrade to its nuclear triad – the land-based and submarine-launched ballistic missiles and manned bombers – that comprise its nuclear strike capabilities. While replacement systems are in the works, it will take more than a decade to get these systems online, and the cost of doing this will run into the hundreds of billions of dollars – or more, given the history of US defense industry inefficiencies and cost overruns.

Russia, meanwhile, has begun putting advanced missiles into service – missiles designed to defeat US missile defenses, along with new submarines and manned bombers. Traditional venues used by the US to offset Russian strategic advances, such as arms control, are no longer available due to short-sighted US policies that rejected arms control for the potential of achieving a strategic nuclear advantage. The script, so to speak, has been flipped, and it’s now the US that finds itself on the short end of the atomic power equation. This disadvantageous position will be even further exacerbated by the growth of China’s strategic nuclear force, which is in the process of expanding from possessing some 400 nuclear weapons to matching the US and Russia’s 1,500 deployed warheads.

The US used to maintain a conventional military force structure capable of fighting two-and-one-half wars simultaneously – one in Europe, one in Asia, and a holding action in the Middle East until victory was achieved in one of the first two theaters, and forces could be redeployed. Today, the US, by trying to maintain a global presence that mirrors that of the Cold War, is unable to fight and win a single major conflict. It has maxed out its conventional potential in Europe, deploying some 100,000 troops in support of NATO, which has allowed its combined military combat potential to atrophy to the point that no NATO nation has a viable military capability. The collective impotence of NATO is on display in Ukraine, where a Russian army is in the process of defeating a NATO-trained and equipped Ukrainian military.

In the Pacific, the US is facing the fact that it lacks sufficient military power to defend Taiwan in the face of any potential Chinese military operation. There have been advances in the accuracy and lethality of Chinese stand-off weapons, including new advanced hypersonic missiles, which, in theory at least, could overcome US air defense systems that protect the centerpiece of American power projection – the aircraft carrier battlegroup. This weakness is not just limited to any potential conflict with China—the US Navy has deployed carrier battlegroups off the coast of Lebanon, in the Persian Gulf, and to the Red Sea, where they have been prevented from engaging in any decisive military intervention out of fear that missiles fired by Hezbollah, Iran, and the Houthi of Yemen could damage or sink the most visible symbol of American military power today.

With a budget of nearly $1 trillion, one would expect the US to be parading itself worldwide via a military second to none in terms of capabilities and lethality. Instead, the US has been exposed as an emperor with no clothes whose nakedness is a source of embarrassment on a global stage that had grown accustomed to the finery and pageantry of American military power. The humiliation of the US Navy at the hands of the Houthi is but the most recent manifestation of a trend exposing US military weakness. This trend will only expand in 2024.


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Scott Ritter is a former US Marine Corps intelligence officer and author of ‘Disarmament in the Time of Perestroika: Arms Control and the End of the Soviet Union.’ He served in the Soviet Union as an inspector implementing the INF Treaty, in General Schwarzkopf’s staff during the Gulf War, and from 1991-1998 as a UN weapons inspector. 

Featured image: Compound image by RT ©  Andrey Bortko / Sputnik;  Djibo Issifou/picture alliance via Getty Images, Per-Anders Pettersson via Getty Images;  US Navy via AP, Jack Guez / AFP

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A series of advertisements dehumanizing and calling for violence against Palestinians, intended to test Facebook’s content moderation standards, were all approved by the social network, according to materials shared with The Intercept.

The submitted ads, in both Hebrew and Arabic, included flagrant violations of policies for Facebook and its parent company Meta.

Some contained violent content directly calling for the murder of Palestinian civilians, like ads demanding a “holocaust for the Palestinians” and to wipe out “Gazan women and children and the elderly.” Other posts, like those describing kids from Gaza as “future terrorists” and a reference to “Arab pigs,” contained dehumanizing language.

“The approval of these ads is just the latest in a series of Meta’s failures towards the Palestinian people,” Nadim Nashif, founder of the Palestinian social media research and advocacy group 7amleh, which submitted the test ads, told The Intercept. “Throughout this crisis, we have seen a continued pattern of Meta’s clear bias and discrimination against Palestinians.”

7amleh’s idea to test Facebook’s machine-learning censorship apparatus arose last month, when Nashif discovered an ad on his Facebook feed explicitly calling for the assassination of American activist Paul Larudee, a co-founder of the Free Gaza Movement.

Facebook’s automatic translation of the text ad read: “It’s time to assassinate Paul Larudi [sic], the anti-Semitic and ‘human rights’ terrorist from the United States.” Nashif reported the ad to Facebook, and it was taken down.

The ad had been placed by Ad Kan, a right-wing Israeli group founded by former Israel Defense Force and intelligence officers to combat “anti-Israeli organizations” whose funding comes from purportedly antisemitic sources, according to its website. (Neither Larudee nor Ad Kan immediately responded to requests for comment.)

Calling for the assassination of a political activist is a violation of Facebook’s advertising rules. That the post sponsored by Ad Kan appeared on the platform indicates Facebook approved it despite those rules. The ad likely passed through filtering by Facebook’s automated process, based on machine-learning, that allows its global advertising business to operate at a rapid clip.

“Our ad review system is designed to review all ads before they go live,” accordingOpens in a new tab to a Facebook ad policy overview. As Meta’s human-based moderation, which historically relied almost entirely on outsourced contractor labor, has drawn greater scrutiny and criticism, the company has come to lean more heavily on automated text-scanning software to enforce its speech rules and censorship policies.

While these technologies allow the company to skirt the labor issues associated with human moderators, they also obscure how moderation decisions are made behind secret algorithms.

Last year, an external audit commissioned by Meta found that while the company was routinely using algorithmic censorship to delete Arabic posts, the company had no equivalent algorithm in place to detect “Hebrew hostile speech” like racist rhetoric and violent incitement. Following the audit, Meta claimed it had “launched a Hebrew ‘hostile speech’ classifier to help us proactively detect more violating Hebrew content.” Content, that is, like an ad espousing murder.

Incitement to Violence on Facebook

Amid the Israeli war on Palestinians in Gaza, Nashif was troubled enough by the explicit call in the ad to murder Larudee that he worried similar paid posts might contribute to violence against Palestinians.

Large-scale incitement to violence jumping from social media into the real world is not a mere hypothetical: In 2018, United Nations investigators foundOpens in a new tab violently inflammatory Facebook posts played a “determining role” in Myanmar’s Rohingya genocide. (Last year, another group ran test ads inciting against Rohingya, a project along the same lines as 7amleh’s experiment; in that case, all the ads were also approvedOpens in a new tab.)

The quick removal of the Larudee post didn’t explain how the ad was approved in the first place. In light of assurances from Facebook that safeguards were in place, Nashif and 7amleh, which formally partners with Meta on censorship and free expression issues, were puzzled.

Curious if the approval was a fluke, 7amleh created and submitted 19 ads, in both Hebrew and Arabic, with text deliberately, flagrantly violating company rules — a test for Meta and Facebook. 7amleh’s ads were designed to test the approval process and see whether Meta’s ability to automatically screen violent and racist incitement had gotten better, even with unambiguous examples of violent incitement.

“We knew from the example of what happened to the Rohingya in Myanmar that Meta has a track record of not doing enough to protect marginalized communities,” Nashif said, “and that their ads manager system was particularly vulnerable.”

Meta’s appears to have failed 7amleh’s test.

The company’s Community Standards rulebook — which ads are supposed to comply with to be approved — prohibit not just text advocating for violence, but also any dehumanizing statements against people based on their race, ethnicity, religion, or nationality. Despite this, confirmation emails shared with The Intercept show Facebook approved every single ad.

Though 7amleh told The Intercept the organization had no intention to actually run these ads and was going to pull them before they were scheduled to appear, it believes their approval demonstrates the social platform remains fundamentally myopic around non-English speech — languages used by a great majority of its over 4 billion users. (Meta retroactively rejected 7amleh’s Hebrew ads after The Intercept brought them to the company’s attention, but the Arabic versions remain approved within Facebook’s ad system.)

Facebook spokesperson Erin McPike confirmed the ads had been approved accidentally.

“Despite our ongoing investments, we know that there will be examples of things we miss or we take down in error, as both machines and people make mistakes,” she said. “That’s why ads can be reviewed multiple times, including once they go live.”

Just days after its own experimental ads were approved, 7amleh discovered an Arabic ad run by a group calling itself “Migrate Now” calling on “Arabs in Judea and Sumaria” — the name Israelis, particularly settlers, use to refer to the occupied Palestinian West Bank — to relocate to Jordan.

According to Facebook documentationOpens in a new tab, automated, software-based screening is the “primary method” used to approve or deny ads. But it’s unclear if the “hostile speech” algorithms used to detect violent or racist posts are also used in the ad approval process. In its official response to last year’s audit, Facebook said its new Hebrew-language classifier would “significantly improve” its ability to handle “major spikes in violating content,” such as around flare-ups of conflict between Israel and Palestine. Based on 7amleh’s experiment, however, this classifier either doesn’t work very well or is for some reason not being used to screen advertisements. (McPike did not answer when asked if the approval of 7amleh’s ads reflected an underlying issue with the hostile speech classifier.)

Either way, according to Nashif, the fact that these ads were approved points to an overall problem: Meta claims it can effectively use machine learning to deter explicit incitement to violence, while it clearly cannot.

“We know that Meta’s Hebrew classifiers are not operating effectively, and we have not seen the company respond to almost any of our concerns,” Nashif said in his statement. “Due to this lack of action, we feel that Meta may hold at least partial responsibility for some of the harm and violence Palestinians are suffering on the ground.”

The approval of the Arabic versions of the ads come as a particular surprise following a recent report by the Wall Street JournalOpens in a new tab that Meta had lowered the level of certainty its algorithmic censorship system needed to remove Arabic posts — from 80 percent confidence that the post broke the rules, to just 25 percent. In other words, Meta was less sure that the Arabic posts it was suppressing or deleting actually contained policy violations.

Nashif said, “There have been sustained actions resulting in the silencing of Palestinian voices.”


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The Economic Incentive: Blocking Israel’s Supply Chain

By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 03, 2024

The Israel-Gaza conflict is invigorating a global protest movement against the state of Israel which is seeing various manifestations. From an economic standpoint, Israel can be seen as vulnerable in terms of global supply lines, potentially at the mercy of sanctions and complete isolation. Both imports and exports are of concern.

Almost 70% of Gaza Homes Damaged or Destroyed: WSJ

By Al Mayadeen, January 03, 2024

In just over two months, the aggression destroyed more than what was seen as a result of the battle in Syria’s Aleppo between 2012 and 2016, Ukraine’s Mariupol, or the Allied bombardment of Germany during World War II and killed more people than the fight against ISIS.

Charge Israel with Genocide at the International Court of Justice!

By CODEPINK, January 03, 2024

Israel’s over 75 days of bombing of 2.3 million Gazans, while denying access to water, food, medicine and fuel and no escape from the slaughter, undeniably meets the criteria for genocide. Urge members of the United Nations to invoke the Genocide Convention at the International Court of Justice to charge Israel with the crime of genocide in Gaza.

Far-right Israeli Minister Urges Eviction of Palestinians from Gaza

By Daily Sabah, January 03, 2024

Far-right Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, who previously made headlines with a series of provocations, urged illegal Israeli settlers to settle in Gaza as he said Palestinians, who have been already devastated by relentless Israeli attacks and an inhumane blockade but refused to leave despite the violence, should be evicted from their homes.

Hiroshima at 77: John Pilger — Another Hiroshima Is Coming — Unless We Stop It Now

By John Pilger, January 03, 2024

Hiroshima and Nagasaki were acts of premeditated mass murder unleashing a weapon of intrinsic criminality. It was justified by lies that form the bedrock of 21st century U.S. war propaganda, casting a new enemy, and target – China.

After South African Petition, Israel on High Alert with Growing Pressure to File Genocide Charges

By Mohammad Sio​​​​​​​, January 03, 2024

Israeli officials are on edge as the International Court of Justice (ICJ) faces mounting pressure to charge Israel with genocide in the Gaza Strip, following a petition by South Africa, reported Israeli media.

Africa in Review 2023: Imperatives for an Independent Foreign Policy

By Abayomi Azikiwe, January 02, 2024

Since the beginning of the Al-Aqsa Storm on October 7, the Gaza Strip has been a focal point for the movement against imperialism worldwide. Zionism has been a colonial project since its founding during the late 19th century in Western Europe.

1st January AD 2024: The Genocide in Palestine and the Fascist Continuum: Nuremberg 2 Now!

By Dr. David Halpin, January 02, 2024

Know that the arch priest Netanyahu, recently quoting the ‘Bible’ in justification, with others using words like ‘animals’, dropping a nuclear bomb on Gaza, rendering another Auschwitz etc. has been calling for the destruction of Iran for over a decade. And the Iranians know this, and know too that WW3 and wide annihilation by nuclear fission is minutes away.

Excess Deaths and Depopulation: Shall We Sit Around in Our Insouciance and Permit This to Happen?

By Dr. John Campbell, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, and Global Research, January 02, 2024

The compilation of relevant Global Research articles focusing on several underlying causes of excess deaths was first published by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts.

Why Biden’s Red Sea Strategy Will Blow Up in His Face

By Mike Whitney, January 02, 2024

The Houthis are going to prevent Israel-bound commercial ships from reaching Israeli ports as long as Israel prevents food, water and medicine from reaching Palestinians in Gaza. If Israeli leaders want to end the blockade, they need to stop killing Palestinians and end the siege. This is the simple, moral solution to the current crisis in the Red Sea.

Almost 70% of Gaza Homes Damaged or Destroyed: WSJ

January 3rd, 2024 by Al Mayadeen

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“2023 has been a challenge for Global Research, but we know 2024 will be no different. That’s why we need your support. Will you make a New Year donation to help us continue with our work?”


The Wall Street Journal highlighted that by mid-December, the Israeli occupation forces had dropped 29,000 bombs, munitions, and shells on the Gaza Strip.

According to the newspaper,

“Nearly 70% of Gaza’s 439,000 homes and about half of its buildings have been damaged or destroyed.”

The WSJ‘s assessment is based on an analysis of satellite imagery of the Gaza Strip and other advanced remote sensing techniques.

The report emphasized that

“the bombing has damaged Byzantine churches and ancient mosques, factories and apartment buildings, shopping malls and luxury hotels, theaters and schools,” adding that “much of the water, electrical, communications and healthcare infrastructure that made Gaza function is beyond repair.”

Moreover, the newspaper pointed out that only eight out of 36 hospitals in the Strip can accommodate patients.

“The word ‘Gaza’ is going to go down in history along with Dresden and other famous cities that have been bombed,” the WSJ quoted Robert Pape, a political scientist at the University of Chicago who has written about the history of aerial bombing, as saying.

This comes as the Ministry of Health in Gaza announced that the number of Palestinians killed since the start of the Israeli aggression has risen to 21,672 martyrs, in addition to over 56,000 injuries.

According to the Ministry, the Israeli occupation forces committed 14 massacres in a single day, resulting in 165 martyrs and 250 injuries.

Israeli Bombing of Gaza Most Destructive in Recent History: Experts

Analysts who spoke to the Associated Press, on December 22, described “Israel’s” war on Gaza as currently among the bloodiest and most devastating in recent history.

In just over two months, the aggression destroyed more than what was seen as a result of the battle in Syria’s Aleppo between 2012 and 2016, Ukraine’s Mariupol, or the Allied bombardment of Germany during World War II and killed more people than the fight against ISIS.

Meanwhile, an analysis of new satellite imagery and video footage by The New York Times on December 15 revealed that at least six cemeteries were desecrated and destroyed by “Israel” during its invasion of northern Gaza.

One satellite image displayed damaged graves in parts of the Tunisian cemetery in Gaza’s al-Shujaiya neighborhood, where heavy combat is focused. Armored vehicles were seen on top of where those graves once were, indicating the cemetery’s use as a temporary military set-up.

On December 6, an article published by the Financial Times revealed that the damage caused by “Israel’s” bombing campaigns in the Gaza Strip has approached the UK and US’s years-long bombing of German cities in the Second World War.

Rober Pape, a US military historian and author of Bombing to Win, told FT that Gaza like Dresden, Hamburg, and Cologne “will also go down as a place name denoting one of history’s heaviest conventional bombing campaigns.”

On November 21, 42 days into the aggression on Gaza, satellite data imaging showed that “Israel’s” bombing of Gaza leveled most of northern Gaza, severely damaging more than half of the structures and big swathes of whole neighborhoods.

Social media videos, images from reporters, and images from the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) themselves have depicted a shattered landscape, a report by the Financial Times revealed.

The complete size of the damage has been calculated using radar signals received by the European Space Agency’s Sentinel-1 satellite. 


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“2023 has been a challenge for Global Research, but we know 2024 will be no different. That’s why we need your support. Will you make a New Year donation to help us continue with our work?”


American militarism has many authors. From lawmakers on Capitol Hill and policy makers in the executive branch to the defense industry and its army of lobbyists, many in Washington and beyond have an interest, whether political or financial (or both), in keeping the Pentagon’s coffers overstuffed and the global U.S. military machine humming.

Unfortunately America’s fourth estate doesn’t do a very good job of keeping an overly militaristic U.S. foreign policy in check. On the contrary, it too is a key pillar that buttresses America’s dependence on aggression abroad. Looking back at much of the mainstream media’s national security coverage this past year — from Ukraine and Gaza to China and the military industrial complex — 2023, with few exceptions, was no different.

The War in Ukraine

Mainstream media failures in covering the war in Ukraine this year ranged from seeming to downplay questions about who blew up the Nord Stream pipeline and ignoring key flashpoints that could have expanded the conflict into a direct U.S. war with Russia.

But back in June, the New York Times’ Paul Krugman provided a window into how many top journalists and pundits view U.S. foreign policy more broadly, and the war in Ukraine specifically: through the lens of American exceptionalism. Krugman used the D-Day anniversary this year to lament that Americans and other Western democracies weren’t sufficiently supportive of Ukraine’s war against Russia, saying then that if the country’s counteroffensive fails (which by now it has), “it will be a disaster not just for Ukraine but for the world.”

As RS noted at the time, Krugman’s argument “follows a problematic pattern among many in the media whose historical reference point will always be World War II and in turn believe the United States can apply that experience to any other world problem no matter how dissimilar or unrelated it is, or whether even a military solution is required.” Of course there were many calling for a more diplomatic approach to ending the war then and the evidence six months later suggests they were right.

A month before Krugman’s article, the Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg and Anne Applebaum published a lengthy article running along the same themes. The piece was based largely on an uncritical relay of an interview with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky that crescendos to a call for taking back Crimea — a maximalist military objective that most sober observers believe to be unachievable — and overthrowing Putin, all in the name of a global struggle between good and evil. Except, as QI’s Anatol Lieven pointed out then, most of the rest of the world doesn’t see it that way.

“It is not that people in these countries approve of the Russian invasion of Ukraine,” Lieven wrote in RS. “It is that they do not perceive such a huge difference between the regional hegemonic ambitions and criminal actions of Russia and the global ones of the United States; and they are thoroughly sick of having their opinions and interests ignored by Washington in the name of an American moral superiority that actual U.S. policies in their parts of the world have repeatedly belied.”

The China Boogeyman

This year kicked off with a turn-it-up-to-11 media hyperventilation about the infamous Chinese spy balloon that, according to the Pentagon at least, turned out to never have spied. But the incident was indicative of how Washington and the mainstream media generally deal with U.S. policy toward China: freak out first and maybe — just maybe — ask questions later.

CBS’s flagship news magazine 60 Minutes is a primary offender of this approach. Back in March, 60 Minutes ran a lengthy piece seemingly aimed at scaring Americans about the size of China’s navy and about the U.S. is lagging behind — classic China threat inflation that is common in Washington. Except the navy officers 60 Minutes interviewed didn’t see it that way, and neither did experts RS interviewed about the segment.

“The U.S. Navy appears to believe it’s ready to take on China,” RS reported then, adding, “[b]ut lawmakers who stand to benefit from hyping the China threat don’t. And that in a nutshell is the military-industrial-complex, or in this case, the military-industrial-congressional-media-complex.”

Back in August, an NBC Nightly News segment perfectly illustrated how the mainstream media, perhaps inadvertently, builds public support for confrontation with China. The segment hyped a fairly routine, if even U.S. prompted, Russian and Chinese military exercise in international waters off the coast of Alaska. NBC News presented the event as a five-alarm fire. However, experts, and even the U.S. military, didn’t think it was that big of a deal.

The War in Gaza

If anything can represent how mainstream U.S. media has, for the most part, covered the tragic Hamas attack on Israel on October 7 and Israel’s response, it’s this headline from CNN on December 6:

The “man in military fatigues” was of course an Israeli soldier, which CNN later acknowledged. But the episode is emblematic of a general problem of mainstream media leaning in on the Israeli narrative of the conflict, which prevents Americans more generally from getting a full understanding of the conflict, including not just legitimate Israeli claims but also Palestinian concerns about the occupation and the prospects of a future state. That in turn leads to the promotion of misguided notions like support for Palestinian rights equaling support for Hamas.

Roots of the Problem

We also saw many instances this year of why, in part, an American exceptionalist view of U.S. foreign policy tends to guide mainstream U.S. media coverage. First, news outlets often publish essays and opinion pieces arguing for a more militaristic American posture by writers who are funded by foreign governments or the defense industry. Most often — as was the case this year with the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, and Bloomberg, for example — those potential conflicts are not disclosed.

Second, there are other media outlets that are openly underwritten by titans of the defense industry. And once again this year, we saw the potential impacts of those investments. For example, one particular November article in Politico — whose foreign policy coverage is sponsored in part by Lockheed Martin — uncritically relayed baseless concerns from the Pentagon that it was running out of money, a notion that one military spending expert told RS “doesn’t hold water.”


The examples above from this year are part of just a small sample of how mainstream media outlets generally cover U.S. foreign policy. There are exceptions of course but the incentives to feed the stream of militarism are far greater than the forces against it. Will 2024 be any different?


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Ben Armbruster is the Managing Editor of Responsible Statecraft. He has more than a decade of experience working at the intersection of politics, foreign policy, and media. Ben previously held senior editorial and management positions at Media Matters, ThinkProgress, ReThink Media, and Win Without War. 

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Introductory Note 

Global Research has endorsed the Code Pink Petition which invokes the UN Genocide Convention. Below is the full text. Click here to sign the Petition.

Also of significance is an initiative addressed by Global Research which consists in “A Message to Israeli, U.S. and NATO Soldiers and Pilots: It’s Genocide, “Disobey Unlawful Orders, Abandon the Battlefield” (click for complete text).

According to Principle IV of the Nuremberg Charter:

“The fact that a person [e.g. Israeli, U.S.soldiers, pilots]  acted pursuant to order of his [her] Government or of a superior does not relieve him [her] from responsibility under international law, provided a moral choice was in fact possible to him [her].”

Let us make that “moral choice” possible, to enlisted Israeli, American, and NATO servicemen and women.

Let us call upon Israeli and American soldiers and pilots to sign the Petition, “disobey unlawful orders” and “abandon the battlefield” as an act of refusal to participate in a criminal undertaking against the People of Gaza.

—Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, January 3, 2024


Charge Israel with Genocide at the International Court of Justice!




Israel’s over 75 days of bombing of 2.3 million Gazans, while denying access to water, food, medicine and fuel and no escape from the slaughter, undeniably meets the criteria for genocide. Urge members of the United Nations to invoke the Genocide Convention at the International Court of Justice to charge Israel with the crime of genocide in Gaza.

South Africa is the first country to institute proceedings against Israel for the crime of genocide in Gaza, let’s push other countries to follow their lead!

Sign our petition here to UN ambassadors and embassy staff from Algeria, the Palestinian Authority, Pakistan, Turkey and other countries and UN parties expressing outrage at Israel’s bombardment of 2.3 million imprisoned Gazans.

Dear United Nations Signatory to the UN Genocide Convention:

We urge your country to immediately invoke the Genocide Convention at the International Court of Justice​ (ICJ) to stop Israel’s annihilation and genocide in Gaza. South Africa already launched this case on December 29, giving your country an opportunity to follow its lead.

Over 22,000 dead, 51,000 wounded, 1.9 million uprooted.

Our heart aches for Gaza.

Your UN mission, government leaders and populace have rightfully expressed outrage at Israel’s bombing of hospitals, clinics, apartments, UN refugee centers and escape routes, disproportionately killing civilians, many of them children in Gaza’s densely packed coastal strip.

We ask your country to take the next step–to file a request with the International Court of Justice (World Court) to investigate and charge Israel with the crime of genocide.

Under the UN Convention on the Prohibition and Punishment of Genocide, the crime of genocide is defined as acts perpetrated to bring about the physical destruction, in whole or in part, of a national, ethnical, racial or religious group.

Israel’s imposition of collective punishment on Gaza, relentlessly bombing civilians, denying an imprisoned population water, food, medicine and fuel – making life unlivable–meets the criteria for the crime of genocide.

If after an investigation, the ICJ (World Court) concludes that Israel should be prosecuted for the crime of genocide, the UN General Assembly–even if the US and Israel kick and scream– can pressure the International Criminal Court to prosecute Israel for  the crime of genocide in Gaza.

If a majority of the  world’s nations call for a ceasefire, yet fail to press for prosecution of Israel – what is to stop Israel from ethnically cleansing all Palestinians?  For that matter, what is to stop other nations from repeating the same horror?

We, the undersigned, urge you to join South Africa and invoke the Genocide Convention to demand Israel be charged and prosecuted.

Take Israel to court for turning Gaza into a graveyard for children.

STOP the genocide!



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Israeli officials are on edge as the International Court of Justice (ICJ) faces mounting pressure to charge Israel with genocide in the Gaza Strip, following a petition by South Africa, reported Israeli media.

“A senior legal expert has warned IDF (Israeli army) brass, including Chief of Staff Herzl Halevi, that there is real danger that the court will issue an injunction calling on Israel to halt its fire, noting that Israel is bound by the court’s rulings,” Israeli daily Haaretz wrote on Monday.

Lawyers have already begun preparing to deal with the complaint, and a hearing on the matter will be held at the Foreign Ministry on Monday, it added.

The newspaper said that according to international legal experts,

“the proceeding may cement claims of genocide against Israel, and thus lead to its diplomatic isolation and to boycott or sanctions against it or against Israeli businesses.”

South Africa’s petition alleges Israel’s “indiscriminate use of force” and accuses it of crimes against humanity, the newspaper said.

According to the petition, this step is necessary to protect the Palestinians from “further irreparable damage.”

“South Africa further requested that the court order Israel to allow Palestinians removed from their homes in the Gaza Strip to return to them; to stop depriving them of food, water and humanitarian aid; to ensure that Israelis are not inciting to genocide and punish those who do; and to allow an independent investigation of its actions,” according to Haaretz.

Israel, denying the claims despite its months of attacks taking nearly 22,000 lives and its harsh blockade on the Gaza Strip, accuses South Africa of a “blood libel” and asserts cooperation with a group calling for its destruction.


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“2023 has been a challenge for Global Research, but we know 2024 will be no different. That’s why we need your support. Will you make a New Year donation to help us continue with our work?”


Far-right Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, who previously made headlines with a series of provocations, urged illegal Israeli settlers to settle in Gaza as he said Palestinians, who have been already devastated by relentless Israeli attacks and an inhumane blockade but refused to leave despite the violence, should be evicted from their homes.

“We must promote a solution to encourage the emigration of Gaza’s residents,” Israel’s firebrand National Security Minister Ben-Gvir said Monday.

Israel unilaterally withdrew the last of its troops and settlers in 2005, ending a presence inside Gaza that began in 1967 but maintaining near complete control over the territory’s borders.

The government under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has not officially suggested it has any plans to evict Gazans or to send Jewish settlers to the territory since the current war broke out on Oct. 7.

But Ben-Gvir argued that the eviction of Palestinians and the re-establishment of illegal Israeli settlements “is a correct, just, moral and humane solution.”

“This is an opportunity to develop a project to encourage Gaza’s residents to emigrate to countries around the world,” he told a meeting of his ultranationalist Otzma Yehudit, or “Jewish Power” party.

Hamas dismissed Ben-Gvir’s proposal as a “daydream.”

“You will not find a way to implement it in the face of our resilient, steadfast Palestinian people and their heroic resistance,” the Palestinian resistance group said in a statement. 

Ben-Gvir’s comment came the day after far-right Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich also called for the return of illegal Israeli settlers to Gaza, equally saying Israel should “encourage” the territory’s approximately 2.4 million Palestinians to leave.

Smotrich said that for Israel to “control the territory militarily for a long time, we need a civilian presence.”

Both Ben Gvir and Smotrich live in settlements in the occupied West Bank, considered illegal under international law.

Hamas on Sunday had also condemned Smotrich’s comments as a “vile mockery and a war crime.”

Israel’s ongoing aerial attacks and ground invasion in Gaza have killed at least 21,978 people in the blockaded enclave, mostly women and children, according to the Health Ministry.

With incessant Israeli attacks targeting civilian infrastructure, 85% of people in the besieged Gaza Strip have been internally displaced, according to the United Nations.

Israel has escalated its ground war in Gaza sharply since just before Christmas despite public pleas from its closest ally the United States to scale the campaign down in the closing weeks of the year.

The main focus of fighting is now in central areas south of the wetlands that bisect the Strip, where Israeli forces have ordered civilians out as their tanks advance.

Tens of thousands of people fleeing the huge Nuseirat, Bureij and Maghazi districts of central Gaza were heading south or west Thursday into the already overwhelmed city of Deir al-Balah along the Mediterranean coast, crowding into hastily built camps of makeshift tents.

Virtually all residents have been driven from their homes at least once and many forced to flee several times. Only a handful of hospitals are still functioning.


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Featured image: Israel’s National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir visits Al-Aqsa, 3 January (Social Media) via MEE

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Hundreds of thousands of people gathered for an event titled “Mercy for our martyrs, support for Palestine, curse on Israel” in mosques during the morning prayers to join a procession organised by Türkiye’s NGO TUGVA and National Will Platform.

The event involved the participation of 308 non-governmental organisations (NGOs). After the morning prayers at Hagia Sophia Mosque, Eminonu New Mosque, Sultanahmet Mosque, and Suleymaniye Mosque on Monday, the participants rallied in the mosque courtyards, offering prayers for the martyrs and Palestinians who lost their lives in Israeli attacks.

The participants assembled in Hagia Sophia Square after the prayers and chanted slogans such as “Martyrs never die, the homeland will not be divided,” “Collaborator traitors will be held accountable, killer Israel will be held accountable,” “Killer Israel, get out of Palestine,” “Our blood, our lives sacrificed for Al Aqsa,” and “Greetings to Hamas, resistance will continue.”

The Youth and Sports Minister Osman Askin Bak, former Turkish parliament speaker Mustafa Sentop, and the president of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation for the Dissemination of Knowledge and a member of the High Advisory Board of TUGVA, Bilal Erdogan, were among the participants.

Prayers were also offered for the 12 Turkish soldiers killed in the Claw-Lock Operation zone in northern Iraq and for those killed by Israeli attacks in Gaza.

After the prayers, the participants began marching towards the Galata Bridge, carrying signs in Turkish, Arabic, and English.


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Featured image: Demonstrators also condemned a PKK attack that martyred 12 Turkish soldiers in northern Iraq weeks earlier. / Photo: AA

The Economic Incentive: Blocking Israel’s Supply Chain

January 3rd, 2024 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

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“2023 has been a challenge for Global Research, but we know 2024 will be no different. That’s why we need your support. Will you make a New Year donation to help us continue with our work?”


If demography is destiny, as Auguste Comte tells us, then economics must be current, pinching reality. The Israel-Gaza conflict is invigorating a global protest movement against the state of Israel which is seeing various manifestations. From an economic standpoint, Israel can be seen as vulnerable in terms of global supply lines, potentially at the mercy of sanctions and complete isolation. Both imports and exports are of concern.

Israel, however, has been spared any toothy sanctions regime over its conduct in Gaza.  If anything, the Biden administration in Washington has been brightly enthusiastic in sending more shells to the Israeli Defence Forces, despite Congressional reservations and some grumbling within the Democratic Party. This has made such figures as Norwegian doctor Mads Gilbert, who has a long-standing association with the health system in Gaza, wonder why the wealthy states of the West exempt Israel from financial chastisement while economically punishing other powers, such as Russia, without reservation. “Where are the sanctions against the war crimes of Israel?” he asks.  “Where are the sanctions against the occupation of Palestine?  Where are the sanctions against these abhorrent attacks on civilian healthcare in Gaza?”

The retaliatory initiative has tended to be left to protests at the community level, typified by the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement created in 2005.  The war in Gaza, however, has resulted in a broader efflorescence of interest. Israeli companies such as Elbit Systems have become specific targets of international protest. On December 21, a global coalition of groups under the umbrella of Progressive International took a day of action against the country’s largest arms company, drawing attention to the tentacular nature of the enterprise in the US, UK, Europe, Brazil and Australia.

Restricting the docking of Israeli shipping at ports, notably from ZIM Integrated Shipping Services, has also presented an opportunity to the protest movement. Actions have been organised as far afield as Australia where “Block the Boat” measures have taken place. During the early evening of November 8, several hundred protesters flocked to the entrance of Melbourne’s international container terminal.  On catching sight of a ZIM-branded shipping container, the protestors staged a blockade lasting till the morning of the next day. A similar action was repeated in Sydney on November 11, involving several hundred protestors holding the line on the shores of Port Botany and delaying the arrival of a ZIM vessel.

The assessments that followed the protest were mixed. Zacharias Szumer, writing in Jacobin, admits that such blockades, on their own, “are unlikely to cause a major dint in ZIM’s bottom line.” That said, he is confident enough to see it as part of a globalised effort which “can cumulatively make a difference.”

Then came the sceptical voices who felt that these actions fell dramatically short of substance and effect, a product of righteous, ineffectual tokenism. An anonymous contribution to the New Socialist, purporting to be from one of the protestors, went so far as to call the “Block the Boat” strategy misguided, since it never actually entailed blocking vessels.  The promotional materials for the events “indicated that the purpose was actually to say somebody should ‘Block the Boats’, and to ‘call for’ a boycott – a message addressed to ZIM and Albanese.”  The writer, clearly agitated, also took issue with the choice of locations (they “weren’t conducive to disruption”) and the “suspiciously rigid, and convenient” timing of the rallies.

Short of these efforts, it is precisely the absence of responses at the highest levels that has precipitated a more global reaction that is upending the order of things. Beyond the protests of activists, community groups, and the more generally outraged come the more direct, state-sponsored measures that have rattled financiers, the carriers and the operators. The crisis in the Red Sea, for instance, where Yemen’s Iran-backed Houthi rebels (Ansar Allah), are putting the brakes on international shipping, is the stellar example. While the measure initially began on November 14 to target Israeli-affiliated merchant shipping, largescale operators have not been spared. “Unlike previous piracy related events in the Red Sea/Gulf of Aden this is a sophisticated military threat and requires a very sophisticated response,” states a briefing note from Inchcape Shipping Services.

The disruptions are significant, given that 30 percent of all container ship traffic passes through the Bab al-Mandab Strait off the coast of Yemen, the point where both the Red Sea and Indian Ocean meet. The actions and threats by the Houthis have seen various oil and gas companies reroute their tankers. Decisions are even being made to suspend shipping through that route in favour of the safer, though costlier and longer route via the Cape of Good Hope. Insurance premiums are also on the rise.

The Egyptians are also raising fees for those using the Suez Canal for the new year. In an October announcement, the SCA promised an increase of between 5-15%, effective from January 15, 2024. The measure is applicable to a fairly comprehensive list of vessel categories, including crude oil tankers, petroleum product tankers, liquefied petroleum gas carriers, containerships and cruise ships.

On December 20, Malaysia, as if heeding the “Block the Boat” protests, announced that it would be preventing Israeli-flagged cargo ships from docking at the country’s ports. Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim announced the decision in a statement, with a specific reference to ZIM.

“The Malaysian government decided to block and disallow the Israeli-based shipping company ZIM from docking at any Malaysian port.” Such sanctions were “a response to Israel’s actions that ignore basic humanitarian principles and violate international law through the ongoing massacre and brutality against Palestinians.”

Malaysia also announced, in addition to barring ships using the Israeli flag from docking in the country, the banning of “any ship on its way to Israel from loading cargo in Malaysian ports.”

Blockade, barring, embargo, constriction – all these measures are familiar to the Israeli security establishment as it seeks to strangle and pulverize the Gaza Strip. While closing ports to Israeli shipping is modest in comparison to starving and strafing an entire population, it is fittingly reciprocal and warranted. The Israel campaign against Gaza, and Palestinians more generally, is no longer a local, contained affair.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge. He currently lectures at RMIT University. He is a Research Associate at the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). Email: [email protected]

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Since the beginning of the Al-Aqsa Storm on October 7, the Gaza Strip has been a focal point for the movement against imperialism worldwide.

Zionism has been a colonial project since its founding during the late 19th century in Western Europe.

In 1979, the Camp David Accord was signed between the then leaders of the settler-colonial State of Israel and the Egyptian government.

From the mid-1950s under the leadership of President Gamel Abdel Nassar to the 1973 October War led by the successor to Nassar, Anwar Sadat, Egypt had been on the frontline against Zionism. After the June 1967 war, the Israeli government seized the Sinai Desert in Egypt, the Golan Heights in Syria while expanding the occupation to the West Bank and Gaza.

The Camp David Accord was a controversial move by the Egyptian regime of Sadat. In fact, it cost the president his life in an assassination during early October 1981. The Accord was viewed as a betrayal of the Palestinian national liberation movement along with the legitimate claims of neighboring states to their land and sovereignty.

Today the siege on Gaza is threatening the very existence of the Camp David Accord as well as other “normalization” agreements between Tel Aviv and regional states. The bombing and ground offensive by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) in Gaza has prompted mass demonstrations throughout West Asia, Africa and the world.

The Zionist state is attempting to drive out the entire Palestinian population from the Gaza Strip in order to remake the territory in its own image alongside Washington and Wall Street. Forcing the Palestinians into Egypt will make the façade of Camp David unsustainable.

Biden during the initial phase of the intensified struggle, deployed aircraft carriers to the eastern Mediterranean. Now the Red Sea, Arabian Sea, Gulf of Aden and the Bab-al-Mandab strait have been further militarized by U.S. imperialism. Yemen and its resistance Ansar Allah forces have challenged other regional states to take militant action against Israel and consequently the U.S. The Red Sea and other contiguous waterways connect West Asian and African states including Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Eritrea and Egypt. The expansion of the war on Palestine in the present period can only be blamed upon the Biden administration and its allies around the globe.

Even within the United States, the level of activity related to Palestine solidarity has grown exponentially over the last several years. University campuses, urban street corners and transportation hubs are often overtaken by hundreds and even thousands of activists demanding a ceasefire and the disinvestment of U.S. economic interests from the Zionist state.

The administration of President Joe Biden has lost even more electoral support due to the continuing military, economic and diplomatic assistance providing by Washington for the ongoing genocide against Palestinians. A recent poll by the Cable News Network (CNN) indicated that the White House has a 63% disapproval rating. The dismal performance of Biden is not solely a result of his aid in facilitating the genocide against Palestinians. Nonetheless, the U.S. position against a ceasefire has isolated the administration on a global scale.

Repeatedly the U.S. has voted against a ceasefire within the United Nations Security Council and the General Assembly. The AU member-states historically have defended Palestine. However, in recent years the settler-colonial Zionist state has reestablished diplomatic relations with many African governments. Although the masses of Africans are overwhelmingly in favor of the Palestinian cause, the neo-colonial dominated regimes are opportunistic in their approach to foreign policy.

Those who have continued their alliance with the Palestinians are playing a significant role on the continent and indeed internationally. The Republic of South Africa led by the African National Congress (ANC) has maintained a decades-long relationship with the Palestinian liberation movement. It has been the result of South Africa’s foreign policy which has kept the Israeli government out of the proceedings of the AU as observers.

The AU Commission Chair Moussa Faki Mahamat after generating much consternation by making a unilateral decision to admit Tel Aviv as observers in the AU summits, did issue a strong statement in opposition to the genocidal onslaught by Israel against the Palestinians in Gaza. Nonetheless, the South African government led by President Cyril Ramaphosa, is taking a legal case to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) against Israel for their genocidal campaign in Gaza since early October.

South Africa has also sent packing the Israeli ambassador to Pretoria. This is in conjunction with actions taken by South American states Colombia, Bolivia and Chile in breaking diplomatic relations or withdrawing ambassadors. These developments illustrate again the waning influence of the U.S. in the Global South.

Alliance of Sahel States Turn Against French Imperialism

Since the July 26 revolution in Niger, the anti-French sentiment in West Africa has become even more pronounced. Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger are taking a stand against the decades-long policy of subservience to Paris on a diplomatic, economic and military level.

West Africa security pact signed

French diplomatic personnel and security forces have been ordered by the new military-dominated administrations, at the aegis of the masses, to withdraw from Niger, Burkina Faso and Mali. Despite the attempts by Paris and Washington to engineer a proxy war between the pro-western elements within the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and the National Council for the Safeguarding of Our Homeland (CNSP) government in Niger, the majority of political tendencies have strongly objected.

[The military governments of Niger, Burkina Faso and Mali are supported by the U.S. GR editor]

These events in West Africa during 2023 reveal a burgeoning consciousness related to imperialism and its machinations. The U.S. soon began to walk back the condemnations of the CNSP and attempted to distance itself from the French government of President Emmanuel Macron. The Pentagon utilizes Niger as an outpost for the U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM) which staffs drone stations inside the country.

Niger women delegation to Abuja

A state encompassing one of the largest uranium deposits in the world will continue to be a coveted area for western states seeking to control strategic metals and minerals. Moreover, if the pattern which has surfaced in the Sahel continues, the more precarious the imperialists will find their status.

What events in the Sahel region illustrate is that the people in West Africa are inclined against war. The internal conflicts are often by-products of the neo-colonial system. The fragmentation inherited from imperialist domination has continued its violent character well into the 21st century.

African Solutions to African Problems

The peace initiative in Ethiopia during 2022 sponsored by the Republic of South Africa and the Republic of Kenya averted a direct military intervention by U.S. imperialism in the Horn of Africa. This process must be replicated in Sudan, Cameroun, Somalia, Chad, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), etc. The Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) are now being reintegrated into Ethiopian society.

Although the current resolution of the Federal Ethiopian-Tigray war does not mean that other sectional conflicts in Ethiopia are settled, the peace agreements signed in Pretoria and Nairobi do portend much for other unresolved internal and regional disagreements which have become violent. If the UN peacekeeping operations in recent years proved ineffective then there is the need for a rethinking of national and geopolitical strategies for guaranteeing unity and stability.

Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has emphasized the need to have internal problems resolved through the framework of the AU. This quest will require the African states, progressive parties and mass organizations to unite around a program of anti-imperialism and unification. There is much invested by the western industrialized states in the ongoing divisions and underdevelopment of AU member-states.

In order for the institutionalization of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) to become operational, social stability and peace must reign. However, peace and stability to be sustainable will require the advent of a just and equitable society.

Consequently, as has been enunciated in the Sahel states allied against French neo-colonialism, unity will come about through a process of political renewal and a united front against outside interference. Inevitably, a major battle against imperialism will be waged with mass backing from the workers, farmers and youth.


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Abayomi Azikiwe is the editor of the Pan-African News Wire. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

All images in this article are from the author

The World Has Lost John Pilger

January 2nd, 2024 by Consortiumnews

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“2023 has been a challenge for Global Research, but we know 2024 will be no different. That’s why we need your support. Will you make a New Year donation to help us continue with our work?”


John Pilger, whose books, films and articles informed generations of people eager to cut through official narratives and propaganda on the Palestinian question; U.S. wars executed in Vietnam, Iraq and elsewhere; the one it plans for China; the state of public medicine in Britain; the treatment of aborigines in his native Australia and a host of other critical public issues, has died in London at 84. 

Pilger, a recipient of numerous awards, including winning British journalist of the year twice, was a member of Consortium News‘ board of directors and in October was awarded with CN‘s Gary Webb Freedom of the Press Award. 

Tributes have already begun to pour in.

Click here to consult John Pilger’s archive on Global Research.


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Featured image: John Pilger in his film, Palestine Is Still the Issue (johnpilger.com)

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“2023 has been a challenge for Global Research, but we know 2024 will be no different. That’s why we need your support. Will you make a New Year donation to help us continue with our work?”


Airman Drowned After Heart Attack at Training Exercise, Records Show 

An airman who was found dead during an Air Force training exercise in June died by drowning after an apparent heart attack, in what authorities ruled as an accident, according to civilian medical and law enforcement records obtained by Air Force Times.

Staff Sgt. Kory Wade, 33, a medical logistics technician with the 48th Rescue Squadron at Arizona’s Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, was reported missing June 14 at Roosevelt Lake — a vast manmade body of water that hosts military search-and-rescue drills.

The airman’s disappearance prompted a three-day search by local, state and federal authorities that ended when his body was recovered from the lake June 17.

The Air Force announced Wade’s death the same day but has not disclosed further details about the circumstances.

“Wade was a model airman and consummate professional,” 355th Wing Commander Col. Scott Mills said in a statement at the time. “He will be deeply missed.”

Click here to read the full article on Air Force Times.


Pilot Incapacitations and Deaths on Duty in 2023

Dec. 11, 2023 – Cathay Pacific Flight CX101 (HKG-SYD) from Hong Kong to Sydney – Captain felt unwell, crew turned around and returned to Hong Kong, landed safely 3 hr later

Dec. 5, 2023 – Ryanair Flight RK-8528 (STN-OZZ) from London Stansted, UK, to Ouarzazate, Morocco – pilot felt unwell, crew diverted to Faro, Portugal, landed safely 30 min

Nov. 29, 2023 – American Airlines Flight AA755 CDG-PHL, from Paris, France, to Philadelphia, PA, pilot had a seizure and collapsed in the cockpit.

Nov. 26, 2023 – Ryanair Flight FR-3472 (LTN-RZE) from London Luton, UK to Rzeszow (Poland) on Nov.26, 2023, one of the pilots became incapacitated, plane diverted to Krakow and landed safely

Nov. 20, 2023 – Air Transat Flight TS-186 (YYZ-PUJ) from Toronto, Canada to Punta Cana, Dominican Republic – pilot became incapacitated and was replaced by a pilot passenger

Oct. 30, 2023 – Jet2 Flight LS-1711 (MAN-DLM) Manchester (UK) to Dalaman (Turkey) – First officer became incapacitated, pilot diverted aircraft to Budapest, landed safely

Sep. 24, 2023 – Austrian Airlines Flight OS-188 (STR-VIE) Stuttgart to Vienna The captain became incapacitated, first officer took control of aircraft

Sep. 23, 2023 – Alaska Airlines Pilot Death – 37 year old Captain Eric McRae died suddenly in his hotel room during layover, was to fly that morning

Sep. 22, 2023 – Delta Flight DL-291 (CDG-LAX) Paris to Los Angeles – Pilot became incapacitated, was taken to cabin for care, plane diverted to Minneapolis, pilot taken to hospital

Aug. 27, 2023 – Air Canada Flight AC348 (YVR-YOW) Vancouver to Ottawa, one of the pilots felt ill and became incapacitated 50 min before landing in Ottawa.

Aug. 17, 2023 – IndiGo Flight (NAG-PNQ) Nagpur to Pune, India, 40 year old Pilot Manoj Subramanium died after collapsing at the boarding gate, about to board.

Aug. 16, 2023 – Qatar Airways Flight QR579 (DEL-DOH) Delhi to Doha, Qatar, 51 year old pilot collapsed as a passenger inflight and died, plane diverted to Dubai.

Aug. 14, 2023 – LATAM Flight LA505 (MIA-SCL) Miami to Santiago, Chile – 2 hours into 8hr flight, 56 year old Captain Ivan Andaur collapsed and died in the lavatory – plane diverted to Panama City!

Aug. 9, 2023 – United Airlines UAL1309 (SRQ-EWR) Sarasota to Newark, pilot had a heart attack and lost consciousness in flight

Aug. 7, 2023 – TigerAIR Flight IT237 (CTS-TPE) Sapporo to Taipei, copilot had a medical emergency after landing plane in Taipei

July 19, 2023 – Eurowings Discover Flight 4Y-1205 (HER-FRA) Heraklion to Frankfurt, pilot incapacitated, first officer took control, landed safely

July 16, 2023 – Small plane – 2006 Piper Meridian, flying from Westchester NY, crashed at Martha’s Vineyard Airport after pilot had medical emergency upon final approach and passenger took control of the plane and attempted a landing. Pilot, 79 year old Randolph Bonnist, died later in hospital.

June 7, 2023 – Air Canada Flight ACA692 (YYZ-YYT) Toronto to St.John’s, First Officer became incapacitated, deadheading Captain assumed duties

June 4, 2023 – Small plane – Cessna Citation N611VG flying Tennessee to Long Island, fighter jets spotted pilot slumped over in cockpit unconscious, plane crashed and all onboard died

May 11, 2023 – HiSKy Flight H4474 (DUB-KIV) Dublin to Chisinau (Moldova), 20 min after liftoff pilot became “unable to act”, plane diverted to Manchester

May 4, 2023 – British Charter TUI Airways Flight BY-1424 (NCL-LPA) Newcastle to Las Palmas Spain pilot became ill, plane diverted back to NCL.

May 3, 2023 – Air Transat and Air Canada Pilot Eddy Vorperian, age 48, died suddenly during layover in Croatia

April 21, 2023 – Easyjet Flight U2-6469 (LGW-AGA) London Gatwick to Agadir, Morocco, first offer became incapacitated, diverted to Faro, Portugal.

April 4, 2023 – United Airlines Flight 2102 (BOI-SFO) – captain was incapacitated, first officer was only one in control of the aircraft.

March 25, 2023 – TAROM Flight RO-7673 TSR-HRG diverted to Bucharest as 30 yo pilot had chest pain, then collapsed

March 22, 2023 – Southwest Flight WN6013 LAS-CMH diverted as pilot collapsed shortly after take-off, replaced by non-Southwest pilot

March 18, 2023 – Air Transat Flight TS739 FDF-YUL first officer was incapacitated about 200NM south of Montreal

March 13, 2023 – Emirates Flight EK205 MXP-JFK diverted due to pilot illness hour and a half after take-off

March 11, 2023 – United Airlines Flight UA2007 GUA-ORD diverted due to “incapacitated pilot” who had chest pains

March 11, 2023 – British Airways (CAI-LHR) pilot died of heart attack in crew hotel in Cairo before a Cairo to London flight (name & age not released)

March 3, 2023 – Virgin Australia Flight VA-717 ADL-PER Adelaide to Perth flight was forced to make an emergency landing after First Officer suffered heart attack 30 min after departure.

Military Pilot Incapacitations and Deaths 

Aug. 18, 2023 – US Army Aviation Center (Alabama) student pilot went into cardiac arrest behind the controls midflight (Aug.18, 2023), Instructor landed plane – pilot was dead for 18 minutes!

July 19, 2023 – 37 year old US Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Andrew James Lingenfelter, of Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio, died on July 19, 2023 after battle with Pancreatic Turbo Cancer

June 17, 2023 – 33 year old US Air Force Staff Sgt. Kory Wade – a medical logistics technician with the 48th Rescue Squadron at Arizona’s Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, was found dead June 17, 2023

May 9, 2023 – United Airlines and US Air Force Pilot Lt. Col. Michael Fugett, age 46, died unexpectedly at his home

Recent Pilot Deaths (Not on Duty)

Dec. 5, 2023 – Volaris (El Salvador) Pilot – 30s year old Jose Espinal – El Salvador Pilot for Volaris (El Salvador), Air Jazeera Airways (Kuwait) and former VECA & TACA Airlines, died suddenly on Dec.5, 2023.

Nov. 16, 2023 – Air India Pilot Death – 37 year old Air India Pilot Captain Himanil Kumar had cardiac arrest at Delhi’s Indira Gandhi International Airport during training

Oct. 18, 2023 – Austrian Airlines Pilot Death – 43 year old Christian Zimmerebner, AUA Austrian Airlines Pilot and member of Dorfgastein mountain rescue, diedsuddenly on Oct.18, 2023 due to “serious illness”

May 2023 – 4 Singapore Airlines pilots died suddenly in May 2023

April 13, 2023 – Phil Thomas, graduate of Flight Training Pilot academy in Cadiz, Spain (FTEJerez) died suddenly.

March 17, 2023 – 39 year old Westjet Pilot Benjamin Paul Vige died suddenly in Calgary


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

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“2023 has been a challenge for Global Research, but we know 2024 will be no different. That’s why we need your support. Will you make a New Year donation to help us continue with our work?”


The fascist – “The sub-human/untermensch who delights in crushing the life out of humans.”

I think of Yehudi Menuhin in his art, of Archbishop Romero, of Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and of the millions who put self second. And of those truth tellers who strove but who were set aside and kept away from the distracted, ill informed and semi-conscious populations.

John Pilger left this ‘veil of tears’ last Saturday. (image right)

The BBC, the ZBC, records it but shunned broadcasting his words and film. (1)(2)

October 7th of 2023, the ‘break out’ from the largest concentration camp ever created, is reported as pivotal in this culmination of elemental evil now seen via Al Jazeera.

Just as Zionist evil swells ever larger in the other remnants of Palestine – ‘East’ Jerusalem and the ineptly called ‘West Bank’. Journalists, doctors, paramedics are ‘eliminated’ along with whole families, one recently numbering 70.

These sacrifices, this infinite negation of the sanctity of life, is neatly done at arms length by Hariri style ‘AI’, appropriately named by the Israel High Command as Gospel and Alchemist. (3).

But the goading of a captive but resistant native population has been there in the Land of Milk and Honey since about 1885 when the first Zionists started ‘settling’ and dispelling Palestinian land workers from that fertile land.

Is this four year long Operation Barbarossa of the German fascists rolled up into weeks the zenith of Zionist goading for an even greater evil?

Know that the arch priest Netanyahu, recently quoting the ‘Bible’ in justification, with others using words like ‘animals’, dropping a nuclear bomb on Gaza, rendering another Auschwitz etc. has been calling for the destruction of Iran for over a decade. And the Iranians know this, and know too that WW3 and wide annihilation by nuclear fission is minutes away. (4)

As Turkey is washed down with wine in the disintegrating ‘western’ societies, a dear child is crushed to death or shredded every ten earthly minutes in Gaza.

Some lie there at this minute, alive – limbs trapped with concrete dust in the lungs. The most terrible and terrifing crucifixion.

In Gaza with a population of 70,000 during WW2, an oasis on the Via Maris 2000 years ago. My friend, the  late Eyad Serraj, doctor and psychiatrist, told me how as a young boy he ran through trees, with birds in their boughs to a sparkling sea. There was the glint of fish. He would not have foreseen thousands and thousands fleeing into Gaza by boat and by road in the ‘cleansing’ of 1948 – continued right up to this second. (5)

But have not smaller Barbarossas and Babi Yars (6) been going on – continuously since those 50 million were heaped on altars in the second ‘war to end wars’.

As Pilger often said, the US has bombed over 30 nations since WW2 and usually with the support of the other two members of the actual axis of evil the UK and ‘Israel’. The latter named itself in its Knesset the ‘Jewish State’ – a total denial of humane bases in Judaism.

So the infinite crimes of those who have gripped ‘Israel’ with its pseudo-democracy and its burgeoning ‘parties’ have been going on and been rained down on civilians since Nuremberg One by other armies (image below).

The ‘land of the free’ predominates, with a ‘defence’ expenditure and its Raytheons, Boeings etc exceeding the total of next 9 nations in rank. The 50,000 tank ’rounds’ being hurried to ‘Israel’ by the walking corpse and ‘rapturist’ Biden is the most recent.



The abyss of ‘mutually assured destruction yawns’. Fallujah (7), Sirte, My Lai (8), East Timor, Panama, Chile/Allende, etc etc etc pass by.

Memory of milliseconds aided by an execrable press and broadcast media; electronic noise via the cell phone first distracting and then washing the ‘mind’.

The only way to stop this Gadarene rush into a black hole within a wondrous universe is to bring the present criminals, and those like Anthony Charles Lynton Blair who have escaped so far, is to indict them, judge them – and punish them.  Only then might the hands of further Hitlers, Stalins and Kissingers (9) be stilled.

So let this ‘still beautiful world’ gain joy through light and love, through justice under international laws – all written and never realised.

How was Nuremberg One set going, with 8 Nazis later hung, and a similar number of Japanese war criminals. The rope or incarceration – together and for life the choices for those who tortured, maimed and killed so many millions of loved ones?

It was the London Agreement arising out of the Potsdam Conference – the US, the UK of course, France and the USSR. The latter, with its sacrifice of 25 million soldiers and civilians forgotten as the present fascist alliance supports a comedic dictator in an effort to ‘Balkanise’ Russia with its vast mineral resources and land mass. (10)

Note the dates!

  • Hiroshima – August 6th 1945
  • London Agreement setting up  Nuremberg – August 8, 1945
  • Nagasaki – August 9th 1945 (11)

“The bombings killed between 129,000 and 226,000 people, most of whom were civilians, …”

Thus was fascism set to continue, having started with the ‘Pilgrim Fathers’, the Conquistadores and other European ‘white skins’.
It fits that Holocaust Day Memorial – funded by the UK government with £500,000, does not include ‘Little Boy’ and Fat Man’ on Japan. (12)


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This article was originally published on David Halpin.


1.  https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-australia-67853392

2.  https://johnpilger.com/videos/palestine-is-still-the-issue

3.  https://www.aa.com.tr/en/middle-east/how-is-israel-using-artificial-intelligence-in-its-deadly-attacks-on-gaza/3088949

4.  https://www.globalresearch.ca/israel-america-and-britain-building-a-pretext-to-wage-war-on-iran-setting-the-scene-for-a-broader-war/5680621

5.  ‘The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine’ Ilan Pappe 2006 One World Publications

6.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Babi_Yar

7.  https://dhalpin.infoaction.org.uk/7-articles/political/21-remembrance-and-hypocrisy

8.  https://www.history.com/topics/vietnam-war/my-lai-massacre-1

9.  https://www.globalresearch.ca/?s=kissinger&x=0&y=0  >

10. https://www.roberthjackson.org/article/london-agreement-charter-august-8-1945/

11. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atomic_bombings_of_Hiroshima_and_Nagasaki

12.  https://dhalpin.infoaction.org.uk/7-articles/political/137-hmd-a-grotesque-hypocrisy

Featured image is from the author

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“2023 has been a challenge for Global Research, but we know 2024 will be no different. That’s why we need your support. Will you make a New Year donation to help us continue with our work?”


Ten miles away from Heathrow airport, slotted between a golf club and the M25, lies a family business that’s been running for almost a century. In many ways, Martin-Baker is a British engineering success story, making £72m profit last year.

Its speciality, ejection seats, can be found in the cockpits of most Western fighter jets, serviced by a thousand staff at sites across the world. “The sun never sets on Martin-Baker,” its website muses, in a nod to the former British Empire.

Outside the company’s HQ in Buckinghamshire, an electronic screen keeps a tally of how many pilots have safely ejected from its seats. “Lives saved to date: 7715”, it boasts. Yet less well publicised is how many lives the company is likely to have endangered.

That question is particularly poignant now, because the company supplies seats to Israel’s air force, which is pummeling Gaza with genocidal intensity. Israeli spokesman Eylon Levy, who studied at Oxford and Cambridge Universities, says the air force has hit more than 22,000 targets in the narrow coastal strip – exceeding the number America used in an entire year of operations in Afghanistan.

More than 10,000 children have died in Israel’s bombardment, according to the Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor, a rate without precedent in modern warfare. The frequency of such sorties means the aircraft involved are guzzling through inventories of spare parts, as engineers race to service the jets that are more complex than F1 cars.

The jewel in the crown of Israel’s air force are several dozen state-of-the-art F-35s, made by US arms giant Lockheed Martin and a myriad of subcontractors. Crucial to their continued operation will be the ejection seats with their explosive cartridges.

Martin-Baker’s stand at an arms fair in London. (Photo: Phil Miller / DCUK)

The Pentagon, which hugely subsidises Israel’s military, handed Martin-Baker a contract to provide these cartridges last September, of which around half a million dollars was to cover work with Israel.

Such a safety feature has proved surprisingly temperamental, and had war broken out last summer these planes might have missed out. Its squadron was grounded for a week in August 2022 due to a problem with the ejection cartridges.

The fault, which was first found in the US, centred on Martin-Baker’s part of the plane. The firm said the error was “traced back to a gap in the manufacturing process, which was addressed and changed.”

Although the incident was swiftly resolved, it highlighted the fragility of the plane’s supply chain, which involves at least 79 companies in Britain, who between them ensure “15 percent of the value of every F-35 is made in the UK”.

Martin-Baker has at least one engineer based around Nevatim air base, where Israel stations its F-35s and the UK military has sent a cargo flight in recent weeks.

Other manufacturers are scattered across the US and Europe, providing activists and lawyers in different jurisdictions with potential avenues to halt supplies reaching Israel. The Dutch affiliate of Oxfam has filed a lawsuit in the Netherlands, where NATO has an F-35 regional supply hub, in a bid to stop spare parts bound for Tel Aviv.

Success could hinge on whether Dutch officials can prove the arms exports will not fuel war crimes in Gaza. A similar dilemma faced British authorities two decades ago, when the UK implemented an embargo on key components for Israel’s military. It included parts for ejection seats on Israel’s 140 F-4 Phantom jets, which were only available from Martin Baker.

A repeat of such a principled stance seems unlikely from Rishi Sunak’s government, which has pledged unequivocal support for Israel. Defence secretary Grant Shapps would probably want to be even more deeply involved.

He told parliament last week:

“We have provided no offensive military weapons to Israel during this conflict, and in fact our exports to Israel on military grounds are actually quite low, I think a figure of something like £48 million last year, which is not a very significant amount of money.”

Britain would, he said, “only be providing defensive materials, or materials which might help with the recovery of hostages,” during the conflict in Gaza. As Shapps views the airstrikes on Hamas as Israeli self-defence – however many civilians are hit – then components for the F-35 are likely to keep flowing.

Indeed, to halt the trade would be to snub one of Britain’s most privileged industries. Martin-Baker and Israeli arms firms all exhibited at the UK-government sponsored DSEI arms fair that was held in London a month before the latest war in Gaza began. Danny Gold, an Israeli general in charge of research and development, was a keynote speaker.

General Gold gushed about how Israel could send swarms of drones over an urban area which “sense the enemy, expose the enemy, connected to layers of other European fighter aircraft” and drew on “of course a lot of AI” for their target acquisition.   

The Israeli military’s experimental use of artificial intelligence is key to its system of Habsora, (“The Gospel”), which automatically generates targets faster than was humanly possible. A former Israeli intelligence officer told the magazine +972 that this AI system has turned Gaza into a “mass assassination factory.”

Martin-Baker did not respond to a request for comment from Declassified as to whether it had any concerns about supplying goods or services to Israel’s air force, in light of the situation in Gaza.

However when Declassified met its representative Tony Gaunt at DSEI, he was relaxed about the company’s ejector seats ending up in Saudi aircraft, which have also been blamed for killing children. “We sell to BAE Systems who provide it [to Saudi]. So they then determine the end user,” he said cheerfully. The ejection seats, which cost upwards from £150,000 each, were “a very cool product”.

A growing number of British people appear to differ. Last week, four factories in the UK were blocked by protesters, in most cases because they supplied parts for the F-35. Martin-Baker escaped their ire this time, but its sleepy site in Buckinghamshire may not always be ignored.


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Phil Miller is Declassified UK’s chief reporter. He is the author of Keenie Meenie: The British Mercenaries Who Got Away With War Crimes. Follow him on Twitter at @pmillerinfo

Featured image: Israel receives its first F-35 jet at Nevatim air base. (Photo: US Embassy)

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“2023 has been a challenge for Global Research, but we know 2024 will be no different. That’s why we need your support. Will you make a New Year donation to help us continue with our work?”


The Houthis are going to prevent Israel-bound commercial ships from reaching Israeli ports as long as Israel prevents food, water and medicine from reaching Palestinians in Gaza. If Israeli leaders want to end the blockade, they need to stop killing Palestinians and end the siege. This is the simple, moral solution to the current crisis in the Red Sea.

Over the weekend, Houthi fighters launched attacks on two more commercial ships despite the presence of US warships patrolling the area. The primary target was the Maersk Hangzhou that was swarmed by small boats filled with Houthi militants who fired small arms weapons at the sailors on board. US Naval helicopters were sent to the scene and sunk three of the boats killing all of the crew.

Sometime later, the Maersk Hangzhou was attacked again in the southern part of the Red Sea. It was hit by a missile that was launched from a location on Yemen’s coastline. Following the attack, the Hangzhou made a Mayday call requesting assistance from Naval ships operating in the area. According to one account: “The vessel is reportedly seaworthy and there are no reported injuries.”

It’s worth noting that Maersk had ordered a complete suspension of all commercial ships passing through the Red Sea just two weeks ago on December 15. Maersk had only reluctantly agreed to resume sailing because leaders at the Pentagon had assured them that they would be safe. On December 19, Pentagon chief Lloyd Austin launched a multi-national maritime task-force, named Operation Prosperity Guardian, that was supposed to protect commercial ships in Red Sea from Houthi missile and drone attacks. The incidents that occurred this weekend prove that Austin’s coalition is a failure. And Maersk has tacitly admitted it is a failure by pausing all sailing through the Red Sea for the next 48 hours. We expect that the “pause” will be indefinitely extended until the issue is resolved, which is unlikely to be anytime in the near future.

The decision to create a naval task force –that will ostensibly protect “freedom of navigation” in the Red Sea– is as foolish and reckless a policy as anything we’ve seen since the decision to invade Iraq. No one in the region has any misgivings as to why the US initiated the policy. The United States is forcefully expressing its full support for Israel’s sadistic war on the Palestinian people. That is the widely held perception, and that is the truth. The Biden administration has made no attempt to talk to the Houthis nor have they put any restrictions on Israel’s behavior. (No “red lines”) The only thing one can construe from Biden’s approach is that he has decided to entirely abandon the pretense of being an “impartial broker” on matters involving the Middle East, and opted instead to be an active participant in the hostilities on Israels side. In short, Operation Prosperity Guardian has nothing to do with “freedom of navigation”. It is the deployment of US military assets to further the Zionist aspiration of ethnically cleansing historic Palestine in order to create Greater Israel. The US has now joined Israel in its attempt to make that objective a reality.

As we mentioned earlier, the Houthis have agreed to end their attacks on commercial traffic in the Red Sea if Israel simply stops military operations long enough to deliver humanitarian aid to the Palestinians. This is not only a reasonable request, it’s a policy that is supported by the vast majority of nations and people around the world. Surprisingly, the Houthis are alone in taking positive, concrete steps to see that the policy is implemented. They have courageously put their own lives at risk for an oppressed people with who they have almost no direct contact. Their actions reflect the sincerity of their beliefs and a commitment to principle. It should surprise no one that they are so widely admired. Here’s more background from an article at Aljazeera:

If the task of Operation Prosperity Guardian were to be defined narrowly, only to prevent hits on merchant ships, it could be performed using the centuries-old principle of sailing in convoys with the protection of warships. In a convoy, slow, defenseless commercial cargoes sail in several columns at precisely defined distances from each other — led, flanked and tailed by fast warships that can take on any threat….

But every strategy has its limitations. A convoy is big and cumbersome, extending for miles to give behemoth ships a safe distance from each other and to enable them to maneuver if needed. Whatever the protective measures taken, huge tankers and container carriers – longer than 300 metres (984 feet) – still present big targets….

Their escorts, even if well-armed, carry a limited number of missiles and must plan their use carefully, allowing for further attacks down the shipping lane and ultimately leaving a war reserve for the defense of the ship itself. Once they expend some of the missiles, they need to replenish them – a task that is possible at sea but done much more quickly and safely in a friendly port out of reach of Houthi missiles.

To clear the critical 250 nautical miles (463km) along the Yemeni coast leading to or from the Bab al-Mandeb strait, advancing at assumed 15 knots (28kmph) — as convoys always sail at the speed of the slowest units — ships would be exposed to even the shortest-ranged Houthi missiles and drones for at least 16 hours.” Analysis: In the Red Sea, the US has no good options against the Houthis, Aljazeera

This brief excerpt illustrates the obvious shortcomings of the Pentagon strategy. A large naval escort will only create a more target-rich environment for Houthi missile launchers. Besides –as we’ve already seen with the Maersk Hangzhou incident– the strategy doesn’t work. The proximity of US warships does not deter Houthi attacks nor will it assure freedom of navigation. The plan is neither economically feasible nor militarily practical. (Note: How long will the US be able to provide a naval flotilla to escort commercial ships carrying I-pods and Hula Hoops to market?)

And let’s not ignore the Houthis impressive offensive power either. Check it out:

The Houthi missile threat is now known to be high, and their arsenal is substantial. Naval planners must be worried by their ability to mount concentrated prolonged attacks simultaneously from several directions. (Aljazeera)

So why would the US engage in such a costly strategy if they knew that it was bound to fail?

Perhaps, failure is the goal, because failure moves the conflict further up the escalatory ladder and closer to a regional war that is sought by the Washington neocons and their puppet-master allies in Israel. Here’s more from Aljazeera:

Every admiral would tell his political superiors that military necessity would call for attacks on Houthi missile infrastructure on the ground in Yemen: fixed and mobile launch sites, production and storage facilities, command centres and whatever little radar infrastructure there exists. A proactive response to the missile threat, in other words, to destroy the Houthi ship-targeting capability, rather than the reactive one limited to shooting missiles down as they come in.

In theory, attacks against Houthi missile infrastructure could be based on satellite and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) reconnaissance and carried out by missiles launched from the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean and armed drones from distant land bases. But the only realistic chance at meaningful success would require the use of combat aircraft, bombers based on the two US Navy nuclear carriers in the region.

Attacks against targets in Yemen would have a clear military justification. But they would also carry a clear political risk: that of the West, particularly the US, being seen in the Arab and Islamic world as actually entering the Gaza war on the side of Israel. After all, the Houthis say their attacks on Red Sea ships are aimed at getting Israel to end the war.

Aware of the perils of such a development that could easily cause the conflict to spread, the US has tried to tread carefully, engaging with regional powers, and sending messages that it wants no escalation. (Aljazeera)

The US “wants no escalation”?

Nonsense. Are we expected to believe that the Pentagon hasn’t gamed this out and already knows the outcome? But, how could that be if –as the authors says– “military necessity would call for attacks on Houthi missile infrastructure on the ground in Yemen: fixed and mobile launch sites, production and storage facilities, command centres and… radar infrastructure.” In other words, they fully expect an escalation that will lead to more destruction, more bloodshed and a deeper commitment of military resources. If that isn’t a persecution for a broader regional war, then what is?

And when shelling (or bombing) of Houthi positions on the ground doesn’t work (and it did NOT work in the 9 year-long war with Saudi Arabia) then Washington will be forced to send in the ground troops. But first, Biden will have to use US warships as ‘sitting ducks’ so they are hit by Houthi missiles which will generate the mass-hysteria needed to dupe the American people into another disastrous war in the Middle East.

By the way, since Denmark’s Maersk announced it was planning to resume transit through the Red Sea (on December 24) there has been another Houthi missile attack on a container ship named the MSC United on December 26. This latest incident could persuade Maersk that sailing the Red Sea is still not safe and that it would be wiser to reroute its ships around the Horn of Africa until the hostilities cease. We’ll have to wait and see what Maersk does. (Note– This was written a day before the Houthi attack on the Maersk Hangzhou.)

In any event, the damage inflicted on commercial shipping has been nothing short of breathtaking. Take a look at this excerpt from an article at Bloomberg:

Half of the containership fleet that regularly transits the Red Sea and Suez Canal is avoiding the route now because of the threat of attacks, according to new industry data.

The tally compiled by Flexport Inc. shows 299 vessels with a combined capacity to carry 4.3 million containers have either changed course or plan to. That’s about double the number from a week ago and equates to about 18% of global capacity.

The diverted journeys around Africa can take as much as 25% longer than using the Suez Canal shortcut between Asia and Europe, according to Flexport. Those trips are more costly and may lead to higher prices for consumers on everything from sneakers to food to oil if the longer journeys persist…. The figures show the scale of the mounting maritime disruption after Houthis launched more than 100 attacks on commercial ships in the past month….

Containership arrivals were down 87%, gas tankers about 30% and car carriers about 25%. It’s a similar picture for Suez Canal transits, which were down about 45% between Dec. 22 and Dec. 26 for vessels heading south, according to Clarksons….

“While the US-led coalition might appear successful militarily, it might not be sufficient for major shipping companies to resume Red Sea transits,” said Gerard DiPippo, senior geo-economic analyst with Bloomberg Economics. “The longer the Houthi attacks continue, the more pressure the US will face to go on the offensive, which risks regional escalation.” 299 Containerships Reroute to Avoid the Red Sea, Doubling in Number from Last Week, Bloomberg (from gcaptain)

Are the American people aware of the damage that’s being caused by our blanket support of Israel? And these disruptions will likely balloon by many orders of magnitude once the US goes on the offensive and launches a war on the Yemeni mainland. Then we’ll see commercial shipping in the Red Sea grind to a standstill.

Bottom line: The strategy of escorting commercial ships through the Red Sea has clearly failed. For all practical purposes, Operation Prosperity Guardian is kaput. We must assume that the Pentagon is conjuring up a more aggressive strategy that will involve greater risks and potentially a wider war. Simply put, the Houthis are now regarded as a threat to America’s vital interests as designated in Biden’s 2022 National Security Strategy. Here’s the relevant excerpt:

….the United States will not allow foreign or regional powers to jeopardize freedom of navigation through the Middle East’s waterways, including the Strait of Hormuz and the Bab al Mandab, nor tolerate efforts by any country to dominate another—or the region—through military buildups, incursions, or threats.”

There it is in black and white. The Houthis now represent a clear and present danger to US national security. That is no different than an explicit declaration of war, which is why we think this conflict will escalate very quickly from this point on, shifting from a defensive posture to aggressively bombarding Houthi military positions in Yemen to, finally, the deployment of US Special Forces and ground troops to Yemen itself. (“boots on the ground”) Team Biden has put the US on the fasttrack to a catastrophic war on the Arabian peninsula, a war that will push Arab leaders into the arms of Russia and China, a war that will strengthen anti-American alliances and exacerbate geopolitical divisions, a war that will deepen America’s isolation and the steady erosion of its moral authority, and a war that terminate the unipolar moment and the waning “American Century.”

Wouldn’t it be easier to simply ask Israel to stop its bloody rampage?


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This article was originally published on The Unz Review.

Michael Whitney is a renowned geopolitical and social analyst based in Washington State. He initiated his career as an independent citizen-journalist in 2002 with a commitment to honest journalism, social justice and World peace.

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). 

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John Pilger, who has died of pulmonary fibrosis aged 84, was a journalist who never shirked from saying the unsayable. Across half a century, in newspapers and in his documentary films – many for ITV, but later also in the cinema – he became an ever stronger voice for those without a voice, and a thorn in the side of those in authority.

He was a fervent critic of US and British foreign policy. In 2006, on a panel at Columbia University, New York, to discuss Breaking the Silence: War, Lies and Empire, Pilger asserted that “journalists in the so-called mainstream bear much of the responsibility” for the devastation and lives lost in Iraq, by not challenging and exposing “the lies of Bush and Blair”.

Image: John Pilger at work at the Daily Mirror in 1976. Photograph: Fairfax Media/Getty Images

John Pilger at work at the Daily Mirror in 1976.

The impact of Pilger’s journalism was enormous. In 1979, he entered Cambodia after the Vietnamese had thrown out Pol Pot and the murderous Khmer Rouge. In a report that took up much of the first half of the Daily Mirror, he revealed that possibly more than two million people, from a population of seven million, had died as a result of genocide or starvation, while another two million faced death from food shortages or disease.

Haunting images of emaciated children, and doctors battling to save lives, were subsequently seen in Pilger’s documentary Year Zero: The Silent Death of Cambodia, which was watched in 50 countries by 150 million viewers, and won more than 30 international awards.

Displaying his talent for putting a human tragedy into a political context, he laid part of the blame on the US, which had secretly and illegally bombed Cambodia, creating the turmoil that allowed Pol Pot to seize power. Also, said Pilger, western governments were unwilling to give substantial aid to those now running Cambodia for fear of displeasing the US, which had been defeated in the Vietnam war only four years earlier.

Pilger’s reporting helped to raise $45m in relief and earned him a second journalist of the year title in the British Press Awards (the previous one was for his dispatches from Vietnam) and the United Nations media peace prize. Over the next decade, he continued to return to Cambodia and report on the power politics. He himself survived an ambush after being put on a Khmer Rouge death list.

From his first ITV documentary, in 1970, Pilger made waves. In The Quiet Mutiny, for Granada Television’s World in Action current affairs series, he broke the story of the disintegration of morale among US troops in the Vietnam war – and reported that some officers were being killed by their own soldiers.

Following a complaint by the US ambassador in London, the ITA – then commercial television’s regulator – rapped Granada over the knuckles, setting the tone for future battles with Pilger over questions of balance and impartiality.

His ITV series Pilger (1974-77), made by ATV, looked into many controversial subjects in Britain, Pilger’s adopted country after he left his native Australia in 1962. He reported on 98 uncompensated thalidomide victims, NHS cuts, racism, poverty and the treatment of children with learning disabilities. Abroad, he went undercover to interview Czech dissidents.

Throughout this time, the ITA’s successor, the IBA, insisted that his films should be introduced on screen as a “personal view” rather than objective reporting. Pilger described David Glencross, the regulator’s chief programme officer, as “commercial television’s chief censor” and regarded the IBA’s calls for objectivity, balance and impartiality as “code for the establishment view of the world, against which most perspectives are measured”.

Nelson Mandela and John Pilger in 1995.

Nelson Mandela and John Pilger in 1995. Photograph: ITV/Shutterstock

Pilger said he looked at politics from the ground up, and he enjoyed the support of Richard Creasey, who became ATV’s head of documentaries and negotiated with Glencross the right to screen films without the “personal view” label. Nevertheless, when ATV became Central Independent Television and Pilger tackled the language used to promote nuclear weapons in his 1983 documentary The Truth Game, the IBA insisted that a “balancing” programme be made by someone else (it turned out to be Max Hastings) before it could be screened.

Pilger was one of the first journalists to return to Vietnam after the war, and among his other films of the period were Do You Remember Vietnam (1978), and Heroes (1981), for which he took five disabled American war veterans back to former combat zones to reflect on what he described as a war fought “in the cause of nothing”.

However, his claims in Cambodia: The Betrayal (1990) about the SAS training Khmer Rouge guerrillas in the 1980s led Pilger and Central to lose a libel action.

Many of his documentaries exposed human rights abuses. At great personal risk, Pilger and his regular director, David Munro, entered countries run by military dictatorships. In Death of a Nation: The Timor Conspiracy (1994), he interviewed eyewitnesses to genocide by the occupying Indonesian regime in East Timor and revealed an unreported massacre. In Inside Burma: Land of Fear (1998), he uncovered the generals’ torture.

For Apartheid Did Not Die (1998), Pilger interviewed Nelson Mandela and caused discomfort to both white and black South Africans by describing a new “economic apartheid” that kept many black people in poverty.

He explored UN sanctions on Iraq in the decade before the US-led invasion in Paying the Price: Killing the Children of Iraq (2000), globalisation in The New Rulers of the World (2001) and the Middle East in Palestine Is Still the Issue(2002).

When Pilger made Breaking the Silence: Truth and Lies in the War on Terror(2003), he unravelled the background to 9/11 and the invasion of Afghanistan, highlighting “hypocrisy” by the US and British governments. He opened with the words: “This film is about the rise and rise of rapacious imperial power and a terrorism that never speaks its name because it is our terrorism.”

Similar themes emerged in The War on Democracy (2007), about US interference in Latin American countries, and The War You Don’t See (2010), a chronicle of reporting from the frontline made with the director Alan Lowery, another regular collaborator. “Why do many journalists beat the drums of war regardless of the lies of governments?” Pilger asked.

Later, his focus was on a country deemed by the US to be a threat to its global power in The Coming War on China (2016) and starved resources and creeping privatisation in The Dirty War on the National Health Service (2019).

Among more than 60 documentaries, Pilger also made Stealing a Nation(2004), on the British government expelling the population of the Chagos Islands, in the Indian Ocean, in the 60s so that the US could set up a military base there.

But a constant subject of Pilger’s films over almost 40 years, beginning in 1976, was his homeland and the treatment of Indigenous Australians. Most significantly, he made The Secret Country: The First Australians Fight Back (1985), the bicentenary trilogy The Last Dream (1988) and Utopia (2013), telling the story of his great-grandparents’ arrival in Australia as convicts, Aboriginal poverty and deaths in police custody, and the stolen generations of mixed-heritage children taken from their families.

John Pilger in Sydney, the city of his birth.

John Pilger in Sydney, the city of his birth. Photograph: GTV/Shutterstock

Pilger was born in Sydney, to Elsie (nee Marheine), a teacher, and Claude Pilger, a carpenter. He attended Sydney Boys’ high school and won medals as a swimmer. In 1958 he joined Australian Consolidated Press, working on the Sydney Sun, and then the Daily and Sunday Telegraph.

He freelanced in Italy before moving to Britain in 1962 and becoming a subeditor with the Reuters news agency. A year later, he joined the Daily Mirror as a subeditor, then a reporter noted for his investigative journalism, descriptive writing and tireless campaigns.

Roaming the world, he was banned from South Africa by the apartheid regime in 1967 and was standing metres away when Robert F Kennedy was assassinated in Los Angeles the following year. He left the Mirror in 1985 and wrote for other papers, including the Guardian. He was a supporter of the WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.

The ferocity of rightwing criticism of his views indicated the effectiveness of his journalism.

Among dozens of honours, Pilger received an Emmy for Cambodia: The Betrayal, and, in 1991, Bafta’s Richard Dimbleby award.

His 1971 marriage to the journalist Scarth Flett ended in divorce. He is survived by his partner of more than 30 years, Jane Hill, a magazine journalist, a son, Sam, from his marriage, and a daughter, Zoe, from a relationship with the journalist Yvonne Roberts.

Click here to consult John Pilger’s archive on Global Research (2004-2024).


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Featured image: John Pilger standing beside the Ho Chi Minh mausoleum in Vietnam in the late 1970s. He was there to make a film about the country after the end of the war in 1975. Photograph: Hulton Deutsch/Corbis/Getty Images

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John Pilger’s legacy will live.

Global Research will be featuring in the next few days several of his most important writings.

To access his archive of Global Research articles (2007-2023), click here.

This article focussing on media propaganda was first published on August 22, 2023, is John Pilger’s edited version of an address to the Trondheim World Festival, Norway, on 6 September, 2022.

In an address to the Trondheim World Festival in Norway, John Pilger charts the history of power propaganda and describes how it appropriates journalism in a ‘profound imperialism’ and is likely to entrap us all, if we allow it.


In the 1970s, I met one of Hitler’s leading propagandists, Leni Riefenstahl, whose epic films glorified the Nazis. We happened to be staying at the same lodge in Kenya, where she was on a photography assignment, having escaped the fate of other friends of the Fuhrer.

She told me that the ‘patriotic messages’ of her films were dependent not on ‘orders from above’ but on what she called the ‘submissive void’ of the German public.

Did that include the liberal, educated bourgeoisie? I asked. ‘Yes, especially them,’ she said.

I think of this as I look around at the propaganda now consuming Western societies.

Of course, we are very different from Germany in the 1930s. We live in information societies. We are globalists. We have never been more aware, more in touch, better connected.

Are we? Or do we live in a Media Society where brainwashing is insidious and relentless, and perception is filtered according to the needs and lies of state and corporate power?

The United States dominates the Western world’s media. All but one of the top ten media companies are based in North America. The internet and social media – Google, Twitter, Facebook – are mostly American owned and controlled.

In my lifetime, the United States has overthrown or attempted to overthrow more than 50 governments, mostly democracies. It has interfered in democratic elections in 30 countries. It has dropped bombs on the people of 30 countries, most of them poor and defenceless. It has attempted to murder the leaders of 50 countries.  It has fought to suppress liberation movements in 20 countries.

The extent and scale of this carnage is largely unreported, unrecognised; and those responsible continue to dominate Anglo-American political life.

In the years before he died in 2008, the playwright made two extraordinary speeches, which broke a silence:

‘US foreign policy,’ he said, is ‘best defined as follows: kiss my arse or I’ll kick your head in’.

It is as simple and as crude as that. What is interesting about it is that it’s so incredibly successful.

It possesses the structures of disinformation, use of rhetoric, distortion of language, which are very persuasive, but are actually a pack of lies. It is very successful propaganda. They have the money, they have the technology, they have all the means to get away with it, and they do.’

In accepting the Nobel Prize for Literature, Pinter said this:

‘The crimes of the United States have been systematic, constant, vicious, remorseless, but very few people have actually talked about them. You have to hand it to America.

It has exercised a quite clinical manipulation of power worldwide while masquerading as a force for universal good. It’s a brilliant, even witty, highly successful act of hypnosis.’

Pinter was a friend of mine and possibly the last great political sage – that is, before dissenting politics were gentrified. I asked him if the ‘hypnosis’ he referred to was the ‘submissive void’ described by Leni Riefenstahl.

‘It’s the same,’ he replied.

‘It means the brainwashing is so thorough we are programmed to swallow a pack of lies. If we don’t recognise propaganda, we may accept it as normal and believe it. That’s the submissive void.’

In our systems of corporate democracy, war is an economic necessity, the perfect marriage of public subsidy and private profit: socialism for the rich, capitalism for the poor. The day after 9/11 the stock prices of the war industry soared. More bloodshed was coming, which is great for business.

Today, the most profitable wars have their own brand. They are called ‘forever wars’: Afghanistan, Palestine, Iraq, Libya, Yemen and now Ukraine. All are based on a pack of lies.

Iraq is the most infamous, with its weapons of mass destruction that didn’t exist.

Nato’s destruction of Libya in 2011 was justified by a massacre in Benghazi that didn’t happen. Afghanistan was a convenient revenge war for 9/11, which had nothing to do with the people of Afghanistan.

Today, the news from Afghanistan is how evil the Taliban are – not that Joe Biden’s theft of $7billion of the country’s bank reserves is causing widespread suffering. Recently, National Public Radio in Washington devoted two hours to Afghanistan – and 30 seconds to its starving people.

At its summit in Madrid in June, Nato, which is controlled by the United States, adopted a strategy document that militarises the European continent, and escalates the prospect of war with Russia and China. It proposes ‘multi domain warfighting against nuclear-armed peer-competitor. In other words, nuclear war.

It says: ‘Nato’s enlargement has been an historic success’.

I read that in disbelief.

A measure of this ‘historic success’ is the war in Ukraine, news of which is mostly not news, but a one-sided litany of jingoism, distortion, omission.  I have reported a number of wars and have never known such blanket propaganda.

In February, Russia invaded Ukraine as a response to almost eight years of killing and criminal destruction in the Russian-speaking region of Donbass on their border.

In 2014, the United States had sponsored a coup in Kyiv that got rid of Ukraine’s democratically elected, Russian-friendly president and installed a successor whom the Americans made clear was their man.

In recent years, American ‘defender’ missiles have been installed in eastern Europe, Poland, Slovenia, the Czech Republic, almost certainly aimed at Russia, accompanied by false assurances all the way back to James Baker’s ‘promise’ to Gorbachev in February 1990 that Nato would never expand beyond Germany.

Ukraine is the frontline. Nato has effectively reached the very borderland through which Hitler’s army stormed in 1941, leaving more than 23 million dead in the Soviet Union.

Last December, Russia proposed a far-reaching security plan for Europe.

This was dismissed, derided or suppressed in the Western media. Who read its step-by-step proposals? On 24 February, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy threatened to develop nuclear weapons unless America armed and protected Ukraine.  This was the final straw.

On the same day, Russia invaded – according to the Western media, an unprovoked act of congenital infamy. The history, the lies, the peace proposals, the solemn agreements on Donbass at Minsk counted for nothing.

On 25 April, the US Defence Secretary, General Lloyd Austin, flew into Kyiv and confirmed that America’s aim was to destroy the Russian Federation – the word he used was ‘weaken’. America had got the war it wanted, waged by an American bankrolled and armed proxy and expendable pawn.

Almost none of this was explained to Western audiences.

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is wanton and inexcusable. It is a crime to invade a sovereign country. There are no ‘buts’ – except one.

When did the present war in Ukraine begin and who started it? According to the United Nations, between 2014 and this year, some 14,000 people have been killed in the Kyiv regime’s civil war on the Donbass. Many of the attacks were carried out by neo-Nazis.

Watch an ITV news report from May 2014, by the veteran reporter James Mates, who is shelled, along with civilians in the city of Mariupol, by Ukraine’s Azov (neo-Nazi) battalion.

In the same month, dozens of Russian-speaking people were burned alive or suffocated in a trade union building in Odessa besieged by fascist thugs, the followers of the Nazi collaborator and anti-Semitic fanatic Stephen Bandera.  The New York Times called the thugs ‘nationalists’.

‘The historic mission of our nation in this critical moment,’ said Andreiy Biletsky, founder of the Azov Battaltion, ‘is to lead the White Races of the world in a final crusade for their survival, a crusade against the Semite-led Untermenschen.’

Since February, a campaign of self-appointed ‘news monitors’ (mostly funded by the Americans and British with links to governments) have sought to maintain the absurdity that Ukraine’s neo-Nazis don’t exist.

Airbrushing, a term once associated with Stalin’s purges, has become a tool of mainstream journalism.

In less than a decade, a ‘good’ China has been airbrushed and a ‘bad’ China has replaced it: from the world’s workshop to a budding new Satan.

Much of this propaganda originates in the US, and is transmitted through proxies and ‘think-tanks’, such as the notorious Australian Strategic Policy Institute, the voice of the arms industry, and by zealous journalists such as Peter Hartcher of the Sydney Morning Herald, who labeled those spreading Chinese influence as ‘rats, flies, mosquitoes and sparrows’ and called for these ‘pests’ to be ‘eradicated’.

News about China in the West is almost entirely about the threat from Beijing.

Airbrushed are the 400 American military bases that surround most of China, an armed necklace that reaches from Australia to the Pacific and south east Asia, Japan and Korea. The Japanese island of Okinawa and the Korean island of Jeju are loaded guns aimed point blank at the industrial heart of China. A Pentagon official described this as a ‘noose’.

Palestine has been misreported for as long as I can remember. To the BBC, there is the ‘conflict’ of ‘two narratives’. The longest, most brutal, lawless military occupation in modern times is unmentionable.

The stricken people of Yemen barely exist. They are media unpeople.  While the Saudis rain down their American cluster bombs with British advisors working alongside the Saudi targeting officers, more than half a million children face starvation.

This brainwashing by omission has a long history. The slaughter of the First World War was suppressed by reporters who were knighted for their compliance and confessed in their memoirs.  In 1917, the editor of the Manchester Guardian, C.P. Scott, confided to prime minister Lloyd George:

‘If people really knew [the truth], the war would be stopped tomorrow, but they don’t know and can’t know.’

The refusal to see people and events as those in other countries see them is a media virus in the West, as debilitating as Covid.  It is as if we see the world through a one-way mirror, in which ‘we’ are moral and benign and ‘they’ are not. It is a profoundly imperial view.

The history that is a living presence in China and Russia is rarely explained and rarely understood. Vladimir Putin is Adolf Hitler. Xi Jinping is Fu Man Chu. Epic achievements, such as the eradication of abject poverty in China, are barely known. How perverse and squalid this is.

When will we allow ourselves to understand? Training journalists factory style is not the answer. Neither is the wondrous digital tool, which is a means, not an end, like the one-finger typewriter and the linotype machine.

In recent years, some of the best journalists have been eased out of the mainstream. ‘Defenestrated’ is the word used. The spaces once open to mavericks, to journalists who went against the grain, truth-tellers, have closed.

The case of Julian Assange is the most shocking.  When Julian and WikiLeaks could win readers and prizes for the Guardian, the New York Times and other self-important ‘papers of record’, he was celebrated.

When the dark state objected and demanded the destruction of hard drives and the assassination of Julian’s character, he was made a public enemy. Vice President Biden called him a ‘hi-tech terrorist’. Hillary Clinton asked, ‘Can’t we just drone this guy?’

The ensuing campaign of abuse and vilification against Julian Assange – the UN Rapporteur on Torture called it ‘mobbing’ — brought the liberal press to its lowest ebb. We know who they are. I think of them as collaborators: as Vichy journalists.

When will real journalists stand up? An inspirational samizdat  already exists on the internet:

Consortium News, founded by the great reporter Robert Parry, Max Blumenthal’s  Grayzone, Mint Press News, Media Lens, Declassified UK, Alborada, Electronic Intifada, WSWS, ZNet, ICH, Counter Punch, Independent Australia, the work of Chris Hedges, Patrick Lawrence, Jonathan Cook, Diana Johnstone, Caitlin Johnstone and others who will forgive me for not mentioning them here.

And when will writers stand up, as they did against the rise of fascism in the 1930s?

When will film-makers stand up, as they did against the Cold War in the 1940s?

When will satirists stand up, as they did a generation ago?

Having soaked for 82 years in a deep bath of righteousness that is the official version of the last world war, isn’t it time those who are meant to keep the record straight declared their independence and decoded the propaganda?

The urgency is greater than ever.


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Criminal Assumptions: The Howard Cabinet and Invading Iraq

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When war criminals can daub canvasses in blithe safety, rake in millions of dollars in after dinner speeches and bore governments to death with their shoddy words of wisdom, the world is not so much as it should be, but merely as it is. Former US President George W. Bush, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, and tag along bore, former Australian Prime Minister John Howard, remain at large, despite their respective countries wagging fingers of disapproval at authoritarian regimes for defying the rules-based international order. Never a more fitting trio in terms of abusing international law could you find.

In 2003, this culpable troika sneered, ignored and soiled such international institutions as the United Nations, the rule of law, the legacy of the Nuremberg trials, and a number of conventions, by invading Iraq.  The country, weakened and crippled by years of sanctions, leaving its hospital system crushed with bulky lists of dead children (all worthwhile, according to the late former Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright), was apparently a mortal threat to Western civilisation.

The Baathist regime, led by Saddam Hussein, was purportedly armed to the teeth with a doomsday inventory of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs) that he was bound to use at any given moment against freedom loving types in Washington, London and Canberra. (It is true he had previously had such weapons, much of it supplied by Western arms corporations with the blessing of intelligence agencies such as the CIA.) He had, apparently, refused to disarm, obdurate in the face of United Nations weapons inspectors. And he had flirted with those evil representatives of cataclysmic eschatology, al-Qaida, despite being hostile to such millenarian groups. The report card, spottier than ever in the shadow of the attacks of September 11, 2001 on the United States, suggested that he had to go. The results: lusty sectarian violence, a catastrophically devastating, often imbecilic occupation by US-led forces, the seeds of emboldened fundamentalism, the offshoot movements such as Islamic State, and multigenerational trauma.

With another new year beckoning, the Australian National Archives have released approximately 240 cabinet papers from 2003 on the decision-making process behind a number of policy decisions. A few snippets are offered regarding road to war. Cabinet’s National Security Committee had kept an eye on developments in Iraq, though the released materials do little to reveal what, precisely, took place in conversations between Howard and Bush.

In September 2002, one document notes how “cabinet noted an oral report by the prime minister on his discussion with the president of the United States on the American position in relation to efforts by Iraq to secure and maintain weapons of mass destruction.” A fortnight later, the then-foreign minister Alexander Downer, is noted as furnishing cabinet with an “oral report” regarding “developments” regarding the proposed UN Security Council resolution on the Saddam regime’s “possession of, and attempts to secure or maintain, weapons of mass destruction, and on the prospects for passage of the resolution”. That such oral revelations were not accompanied by thick, detailed submissions, is telling about the obedient, inevitable train of thinking afflicting the Howard government. A war, started by Washington, would come, and Canberra would be along for the ride.

By March 2003, Howard was demanding action. He informed members of his cabinet that Bush had issued Saddam with an ultimatum of thuggish import.

“Saddam Hussein and his sons,” the US president stated, “must leave Iraq within 48 hours. Their refusal to do so will result in military conflict commenced at a time of our choosing.”

Howard was drunk with intelligence assessments from the United States, including such claims that Iraq had put out feelers for yellowcake in Niger. Couple this with such stretched confections as non-state terrorist actors, hankering for WMD spoils from sponsor states, and the prime minister was swooning. In 2013, his cringeworthy apologia given to the Lowy Institute reflected on the fictitious Niger angle as “unmistakable” in its “strength”. Had it been accurate – a sly way of escaping the prosecutor’s legal brief – and Saddam “left in place, only to provide WMDs to a terrorist group, for use against the US, the Administration would have failed in its most basic responsibility to protect the nation.” When crooks of state are found out, they tend to cite public duty as appropriate justification.

As far as legality for any military intervention outside the formal channels of authorisation of a UN Security Council, Howard was armed with a memorandum signed by a first assistant secretary from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and his equivalent from the Attorney-General’s Department. Fantastically and irresponsibly, the cod ordinary advice suggested that Australian involvement in an invasion would be entirely legal, given the Saddam regime’s recalcitrance in not allegedly complying with previous Security Council resolutions. It seems that the public servants in question, instead of offering a panoramic view about the pitfalls of a dangerous adventure in the Middle East, were merely keen to satisfy the bloodletting urges of their political paymasters.

The cabinet minute from March 18, 2003 showed agreement from the Attorney-General with the spurious reasoning of the first assistant secretaries. It also noted that the Australian Governor-General, Peter Hollingworth, holder of that old office of the British empire as the monarch’s representative, had been consulted. Approval from him, however, was not mandatory.

Cabinet, won over with no evident demurral, and previously buttered up by oral reports, approved the measure to commit Australia to another failed military mission of murderous, bungling incompetence.  The United States would receive no resistance in getting its pound of Australian flesh for an illegal enterprise, and the Australian public, many of whom had participated in some of the largest anti-war demonstrations the country had ever seen, would be ignored.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge. He currently lectures at RMIT University. He is a Research Associate at the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). Email: [email protected]

Featured image:  Australian Prime Minister John Howard responds to a reporters question during a joint press conference with Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld in the Pentagon on Feb. 4, 2003.  Howard and Rumsfeld met earlier discuss a range of bilateral security issues including the situation in Iraq.  DoD photo by R. D. Ward.  (Released)

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Legendary Australian journalist and documentary filmmaker John Pilger died Saturday at the age of 84—news that was quickly met with a flood of tributes from fellow reporters, friends, and fans of his impactful work.

“It is with great sadness the family of John Pilger announce he died yesterday 30 December 2023 in London aged 84,” says a statement shared on his social media Sunday. “His journalism and documentaries were celebrated around the world, but to his family he was simply the most amazing and loved dad, grandad, and partner. Rest in peace.”

His son Sam Pilger said Sunday that “he was my hero.”

As The Guardian detailed Sunday:

Born in Bondi, New South Wales, Pilger relocated to the U.K. in the 1960s, where he went on to work for the Daily Mirror, ITV’s former investigative program “World in Action,” and Reuters.

He covered conflicts in Vietnam, Cambodia, Bangladesh, and Biafra, and was named journalist of the year in 1967 and 1979. Pilger had a successful career in documentary filmmaking, creating more than 50 films and winning a number of accolades.

“His last film, The Dirty War on the National Health Service, was released in 2019 and examined the threat to the NHS from privatization and bureaucracy,” the newspaper noted. “It was described by The Guardian‘s film critic Peter Bradshaw as ‘a fierce, necessary film.'”

British Member of Parliament Claudia Webbe, an Independent who represents Leicester East, declared Sunday that

“he was a fearless challenger of imperialism and colonialism and used his talents behind the camera to expose genocide and war crimes, including the deceit of mainstream media. His documentaries are epic and are required viewing for a more civilized world.”

Fellow MP Jeremy Corbyn, a former Labour leader who now serves Islington North as an Indepedent, said:

“I am deeply saddened to hear of the passing of John Pilger. John gave a voice to the unheard and the occupied: in Australia, Cambodia, Vietnam, Chile, Iraq, East Timor, Palestine, and beyond.”

“Thank you for your bravery in pursuit of the truth—it will never be forgotten,” Corbyn added.

The U.K.-based Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament said that

“CND is saddened to hear about the death of the great John Pilger. He blazed a trail for so many through his work as a journalist, filmmaker, and anti-war campaigner. Rest in peace.”

Attorney and human rights defender Stella Assange—the wife of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who is jailed in the U.K. while battling his extradition to the United States—called Pilger “one of the greats.”

“A consistent ally of the dispossessed, John dedicated his life to telling their stories and awoke the world to the greatest injustices,” she said. “He showed great empathy for the weak and was unflinching with the powerful. John was one of Julian’s most vocal champions but they also became the closest of friends. He fought for Julian’s freedom until the end. “

“‘We are all Spartacus if we want to be,’ he wrote in his last published piece,” she noted. “This was John, challenging us until the end. Let’s always seek to rise to the challenge. Thank you, dear friend.”

Honoring the veteran journalist as “a ferocious speaker of truth to power, whom in later years tirelessly advocated for the release and vindication of Julian Assange,” WikiLeaks contended that “our world is poorer for his passing.”

Australian journalist Peter Cronau proclaimed that “a giant of journalism has left us—John Pilger, a heroic truth-teller. Banned by much of the mainstream media, his amazing work is his great permanent legacy.”

Cronau praised him for “calling to account the intelligence agencies, the generals, and the governments alike that run the world their way” while also “giving voice to the unheard, the Indigenous, the poor, the occupied, the displaced—and giving hope, courage, and solidarity to the international family of activists.”

Pilger was “such a strong role model to so many journalists especially in Australia—a country he loved, but whose media shunned him for his relentless uncompromising stand against imperialism and Australia’s slavish obedience to it,” he added. “Telling the seldom-heard ‘people’s history,’ his books and films inform our democracy, and it was a pleasure to have had the chance to have worked with him.”

British journalist Johnathan Cook said that “John Pilger was an inspiration to young journalists like myself. For decades, he managed to publish searing reports, even in establishment media, that exposed the lies justifying the brutalities of Western foreign policy. We need his voice now more than ever.”

Mark Curtis, director and co-founder of Declassified U.K., shared a link to Pilger’s website and said that ” I cannot believe John has gone. His lifetime’s work is a treasure—look at his filmography and articles to remind yourself. “

“A towering figure. Irreplaceable. Authentic and committed. Someone to look up to. Fearless,” Curtis concluded. “Thank you, John. Farewell, friend.”

[From Common Dreams: Our work is licensed under Creative Commons (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0). Feel free to republish and share widely.]


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Jessica Corbett is a senior editor and staff writer for Common Dreams.

Featured image: Journalist John Pilger addresses a crowd of Julian Assange supporters demanding his release in London on August 11, 2021. (Photo: Guy Smallman/Getty Images)