Chevron, Corporations and the Law Versus Life and Lives

October 9th, 2018 by Harry Glasbeek

The decision in Yaiguaje v. Chevron Corporation by the Ontario Court of Appeal denied justice owed to some 30,000 Ecuadorian people grievously harmed by profiteering oil companies. The story is an example of how the routine application of formality in law, accompanied by the pulverization of the dispute’s setting, is designed to benefit the truly rich and astonishingly evil.

When a court pronounces on a dispute, we expect the parties to accept the decision because we believe it will have been made by independent judges who apply pre-existing principles and criteria in an even-handed manner. The pre-existing principles are deemed to reflect social norms, values and needs. But, all too often, this ideal picture of the justice system fails to hold true. It does so when the principles on which a court hinges its decision do not make sense. In the Chevron litigation, the principles of corporate law were treated as if they were holy script. They should not have been. The fraught nature of the justice system also stems, in part, from the peculiar methodology used by the judiciary. It takes disputes out of their political, social, economic and cultural settings. Law and justice fail as the process pulverizes reality and the social relations in which the controversy arises are ignored.

In a capitalist society, adherence to formalistic corporate law and the ignoring of its social context combine to privilege the status quo, that is, to favour capitalists.

The Hurts and Salient Facts

1. In 1964, a subsidiary of Texaco began petroleum extraction operations in Ecuador with government approval. The explorations continued until circa 1990.

2. The health and cultural effects of the Texaco operations on 30,000 people have been disastrous. Billions of gallons of waste have left 880 Olympic pool-sized pits filled with solid petro waste; 1500 kilometres of roads are covered with crude oil; 60 billion gallons of toxic waste were dumped into waterways and 650 thousand barrels of crude oil spilled into the jungle and onto farmland. The consequences are: unusable water resources and a sky high incidence of childhood leukemia, spontaneous miscarriages, and skin diseases; tribal people have lost their way of life. These are the claimed factual bases for the legal action commenced in 1993. The litigation began more than a quarter of a century after the contaminating operations began. The Ontario Court of Appeal decision, the latest in this prolonged litigation came in May 2018, 25 years after the litigation was initiated and 54 years after the contaminating operations commenced. And still no finality, still no justice.

Piaguage, a spokesperson for the injured people, said that “we felt rich, but the people [Texaco] who came to our Amazon were poor. Poor in thoughts, poor economically because they came to take away all our riches. Now we are poor. We don’t even have fish in the river or animals in the forest. We want justice, not money. We want to repair the damage” (emphasis added).

3. Philip Agee, the well-known former CIA operator, recorded how the CIA helped establish a military dictatorship in Ecuador and that, within months of that having been done, Texaco confidently set-up its oil extraction operations. When it ceased operations and a class action against it was launched, Texaco fought to have the case heard in what it deemed the friendly legal environs of Ecuador. It did not want to be sued in the U.S. where it felt a jury trial presented it with a greater risk of being held accountable than it would be by a tribunal of Ecuadorian judges appointed by, and drawn from, the ranks of a long-time business favouring elite. In 2001, years later, this jurisdictional fight was still going on. In that year, Texaco was absorbed by another U.S. giant, Chevron Corporation. It now was the entity on the hook for any left-over Texaco liabilities and it pursued the Texaco strategy. In 2002, Chevron succeeded in having the law suit against it moved to Ecuador.

Texaco-Chevron assumed that the political milieu in which courts make decisions matter. While the judges were drawn from, and linked to, governments that favoured corporations and were, at best, indifferent to the needs of indigenous peoples, the judiciary was regarded as an institution that should be accorded respect. Texaco-Chevron had to assert the propriety of that foreign judicial system when trying to evade the U.S. court system and implicitly had promised to honour any judgment rendered by an Ecuadorian court.

4. The Ecuadorian political situation changed when a government led by Rafael Correa took office in 2007. It was hostile to U.S. influence and committed to attack poverty. It had an anti-corporate bent. In this setting, perhaps not coincidentally, Texaco-Chevron lost in an Ecuadorian court. Eventually, an award of $9.5-billion was made in favour of the plaintiffs. Inevitably, Chevron appealed, alleging, among other matters, that the judicial award had been obtained by fraud and bribery. The National Supreme Court of Justice of Ecuador, confronted by this and other arguments, upheld the award in 2013.

By then, Texaco-Chevron had spirited away all its Ecuadorian assets. They were now resting in other sectors of the far-flung Chevron empire, available to Chevron Corporation, not to Ecuador. Given that Texaco-Chevron had accused its adversaries of playing dirty, it is pertinent to remember that Texaco-Chevron had made a promise to abide by Ecuadorian justice. Necessarily this meant that it implicitly was undertaking to meet any obligations that might be imposed on it. Yet, they had made sure that they would not be able do so if any were imposed. Corporate actors (and their legal advisors) are not easily embarrassed.

5. The plaintiffs now had to try to enforce the damages awarded in foreign jurisdictions, wherever they found Chevron Corporation to have sufficient assets. Initially, they succeeded in Argentina and Brazil but both those favourable decisions were overturned. In the meanwhile, in 2011, Chevron Corporation had opened another front in its fight-back. It argued that the original Ecuadorian award against it should not stand. It made this claim in the USA. Its main argument was that the plaintiffs’ American lawyer, Steven Donziger, had offended U.S. racketeering laws. Cleverly, Chevron Corporation did not sue Donziger for damages. This meant that his right to a jury did not arise. The original fear that a jury possessed of some of the facts about the catastrophic environmental despoilation would be too sympathetic to the plaintiffs still haunted Chevron Corporation. In the result, Lewis Kaplan, a judge sitting alone in a lowly New York court, ruled that the initial award of liability by a lower Ecuadorian court had been fatally tainted by Donziger’s attempted bribery and presentation of falsified evidence. On that basis, he decided that no one in Ecuador’s judiciary could be trusted to resolve the case against Texaco-Chevron objectively and fairly. Therefore, Kaplan decided, the existing Ecuador award should not be enforceable anywhere in the world. A Court of Appeals in New York upheld this ruling to the extent that the award could not be enforced in the USA.

The corporations’ cynicism is clear. The U.S. corporations had fought for 9 years to avoid the U.S. justice. They had miscalculated: the Ecuadorian courts held them to account. This could not be accepted and they turned back to the U.S. judicial system, the very system they had shunned. They succeeded precisely because they had the court avoid the central issue. They were allowed to attack the Ecuador award in a crab-like manner. The plaintiffs were not permitted to put any of the bases for complaints into evidence because the case was narrowed down to a determination whether Donziger had engaged in misconduct, not whether Texaco had polluted and killed.

6. In part, of course, Chevron Corporation was also helped by the rather curious view Kaplan took of the evidence presented to him. He relied, quite heavily (although his supporters try to dispute this) on the evidence of Guerra, a former Ecuadorian judge. Guerra was a former judge because he had been disbarred. He testified that Donziger and his allies had offered a bribe of $300,000. In a subsequent arbitration hearing he acknowledged that that testimony had been false. He had lied. This should throw some doubt on the way the U.S. rulings should be seen both in the court of public opinion and, indeed, in any Canadian court of law that becomes seized of this matter in the future. All the more so since it is known that former Judge Guerra received large gifts from Chevron to help him and his family relocate to the USA. One estimate is that he may have benefitted to the tune of as much as $2-million. If the Ecuador decisions are tainted, the U.S. ones do not look all that pure either.

7. The now seriously handcuffed plaintiffs had to find a jurisdiction in which Chevron Corporation has assets and that was willing to entertain the idea that those assets should made available to pay off the amounts owed under the Ecuador judgments. This is how they came to Canada. There is a Chevron Canada corporation and it has assets. Chevron Corporation, of course, immediately took the point that no Canadian court had jurisdiction to determine the dispute between it and the Ecuador plaintiffs. In 2015, the Supreme Court of Canada dismissed this Chevron Corporation claim, sending the issue as to whether the plaintiffs had a substantial case back to trial. But, it did fire a warning shot, observing that its decision did not mean that Chevron Canada’s assets must be made available to the plaintiffs. This was yet to be determined.

The Legal Arguments Listened-to in the Ontario Courts

8. It is three years later. We now have a trial and an appellate court decision in Ontario. Both decide that Chevron Canada’s assets are not to be used to compensate the Texaco-Chevron victims. Their argument is based on a rigid adherence to the formality of law. Law pretends that any properly registered corporation, such as Chevron Canada, is a totally distinct person, one that is a stranger to its creators, parents, siblings and operators. Chevron Canada, in legal terms, has nothing to do with Chevron Corporation. It and its assets cannot be made responsible for any debts or obligations incurred by Chevron.

This is rigidity on stilts. In an old television show, the Flip Wilson Show, a character used to excuse his bad behaviour by shouting: “The devil made me do it!” The Canadian judges are, in more sober tones to be sure, declaiming: “The law makes us do it.”

9. The Ontario judges were well aware that the U.S. parent company, Chevron Corporation, indirectly controls 100% of the shares in Chevron Canada. They were well aware, therefore, that the parent Chevron Corporation can, and intended, to benefit from its Canadian’s off-spring. It is true that, in a corporate law sense, provided it is narrowly interpreted, the decision made some sense. In legal, technical terms, shareholders do not own the assets of the corporation in which they invest; they have no right to come onto the corporation’s premises without permission; they have no right to enforce any contracts it has with others; they are not responsible for any debts the corporation owes; they cannot directly deploy the corporation’s assets. This set of rules underscores that shareholders are legally separated from the corporation in which they invest and thus it provided a basis for the legal ruling of the Ontario courts. But, there are other corporate law principles that counter this logic. In addition to the limitations on shareholders’ legal rights vis-à-vis the corporation, they also have legal powers that tie them intimately to the corporation in which they invest. They have a right to profits the corporation makes; they have, and do use, a right to have a say should the corporation want to merge with another or take-over another; they have, and do use, a right to withhold approval of a corporate decision to sell substantially all the assets it owns. They have, and do use, a right to vote on who should be directors and controlling decision-makers in the corporation; they can, and do, give the directors incentives to do what shareholders want them to do and have, and do use, the right to get rid of directors if they do not do this to the shareholders’ satisfaction.

Shareholders have ultimate control over the corporation and exercise it for their benefit.

Our purist judges know this. They know that the parent corporation with its 100 per cent control over all these matters may, and would not hesitate to, use that control to ensure that Chevron Canada delivers the goods for it. How can they keep a straight face when they say that Chevron Canada is too unconnected to its parent which controls its assets? Does it pass the pub test for them to hold that the Chevron Canada’s assets cannot possibly be treated as if they were the parent’s assets to do with them as it likes? They can only be so sanguine in their rejection of common sense and practices by being formalistic, by pretending that they have no choice, by pretending that to ignore reality is mandated by legal rationality. This should offend the public. And that is not the only pretence in which they indulge themselves.

10. The judges are aware that Chevron Canada is an integral part of a world-wide enterprise, commonly known as Chevron. They note that there are seven subsidiaries between the parent and Chevron Canada that allow the parent to own its shares in Chevron Canada indirectly, but firmly. They also know, but do not say, that there could have been no Chevron Canada if it had not been formed with the parent corporation’s consent. There would have been a legally valid objection to any truly independent corporation using the name Chevron as part of its brand. In fact, Chevron is like many, in fact most, large enterprises, a vast array of corporate entities, legally separate but functionally tightly linked.

Let us get it from the horse’s mouth. When the Ontario Court of Appeal ruled that Chevron Canada is legally totally separate from its U.S. parent and that, therefore, its assets cannot be used to pay its parent’s debt, a triumphant press release celebrating this success was issued by the parent’s head office in San Ramon, California. It began as follows: Chevron Corporation is one of the world’s leading integrated companies. Through its subsidiaries that conduct business worldwide, the company is involved in virtually every facet of the energy industry (emphasis added).

Chevron and its lawyers know and acknowledge (but not in court) that Chevron Canada is an essential part of Chevron Corporation and its integrated enterprises, including those in Ecuador. Their win is based on an omission, on the basis that this signal on-the-ground fact is to be ignored by law. Sober, independent and non-partisan judges agreed to this hocus pocus without a murmur. To them, economic reality did not matter; the letter of the law did. If this just happened to suit single-minded private profiteers, so be it. As President Trump might say, how sad, how very sad.

11. The judges, of course, claimed that they had no alternative. As part of their reasoning, they pointed out that the separate legal personality of a properly registered corporation was legislatively sanctified and that stakeholders rely on the maintenance of the corporation as a self-standing individual in law, There would be no certainty in commercial dealings if there was a sudden departure from this well-established position. Of course, this left the 30,000 Ecuadorian plaintiffs out in the cold. Their expectations that major corporate actors would meet their obligations could not be accommodated. The judges of the Ontario Court of Appeal recorded their empathy and their regrets:

“This is a tragic case. There can be no denying that, through no fault of their own, the appellants have suffered lasting damages to their lands, their health, and their way of life. Their frustration in obtaining justice is understandable. Notwithstanding those legitimate concerns, our courts must decide cases in a manner that is consistent with the common law as developed in our jurisprudence and the statutes enacted by our democratically elected legislatures.” Or:

“The devil made us do it!”

The Realities of Corporate Life Ignored

12. As the judges hang on to the idea that each corporation, whether part of a group or not, is a separate and distinct entity, no one else acts as if this is true. Large enterprises typically use the corporate group form in which the various parts of the business are carried on by a number of subsidiary companies whose shares are controlled by one or more holding companies. Often hundreds of subsidiaries are scattered around the world, pursuing the objectives of one enterprise. As seen, Chevron Corporation proudly proclaims the size and might of its interconnected web of corporations. Managerial and financial practices in these groups often cut across the established rules of corporate law that require discrete decision-making. This is necessary to make the organization work as a unit. Similarly, accountants and lawyers adapt their practices to give these complicated arrangements the tools they need to function as a unit. When policy-makers measure the level of competition they treat these organized groups as one. Thus, when two large groups, each constituted by numerous supposed independent corporations, Argus and Power, threatened to merge or take each other over, alarm bells rang around Canada. The ensuing commission of inquiry, The Bryce Commission, reported on the level of competition in Canada and found it wanting because of the dominance of each industry by a small number of corporate groups. The integration of many corporations allowed a few enterprises to exert great economic, political and cultural influence, way more than each of the corporations in such a group could have done if it was truly a single, separate entity. Oligopolies and near monopolies are a danger to our liberal market political economy. Eg., three groups, Kraft, Nestle and Pepsi, dominate world-wide food production; Airbus and Boeing control aircraft building; Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo hold sway over the video console market; six movie studios reap 87% of all motion picture revenues; four wireless firms control 89% of the cellular market and four companies control the U.S. airline industry (Bittle, Snider, Tombs, Whyte). This is how large business functions. The evidence that, functionally, legal separate corporations that are members of a group are not independent, is all around us. This is something that troubles policy-makers but, apparently, not judges.

For judges to hang on to the separate and self-standing status of a single corporation when it is a component of a large group created to serve the goals of a single enterprise is perverted. This is what the Ontario courts have done.

13. Some of the advantages of having supposedly separate corporations subjected to the needs of an overarching enterprise is that the separateness can be used to pretend to enter into transactions within the group as if they were transactions between strangers when, in fact, they are not. Prices, invoices, services, dividend allocations, and the like, can be adjusted with ease to allow cost systems and profit distributions that defeat market expectations and tax authorities’ objectives. Inevitably, the actual uses made of the corporate form when embedded in a group such as Chevron, have caused special practices and rules to be developed to deal with ‘related transactions’ and ‘tax minimization’ schemes in order to blunt their undesirable impacts. The courts know this and yet this had no impact in the Chevron litigation. As well, the judiciary’s insistence that there should be no challenge to the separate personhood of each corporation has permitted tax avoiders to hide their identity and their assets effectively from revenue agencies. The Luxemburg Papers, the Panama Papers, the Paradise Papers, are all exposes of the facility made available to the powerful and wealthy hiding behind the formalism of corporate law.

The insistence on not looking behind the artifice of corporate personality exhibited by the Ontario courts in the Chevron litigation, explains why Canada does very poorly when it comes to rating the countries willing to identify the beneficial owners of corporate instruments designed to hide ill-gotten gains or avoid tax payments. World-wide, Canada ranks 70th when it comes to give governments the capacity to get access to corporate information. It is not something of which we can be proud.

When the judges say, as the Ontario ones have done in the Chevron litigation, that harm would result should they treat members of a corporate group as being part of a whole and responsible for the whole, they are willing to ignore all the anti-social outcomes that their formalistic reading of the law inevitably produces. They are ignoring social reality and, in the case of Chevron, endorsing injustice.

Judges: Interpretation and Change

14. Of course, the judges should be seen as sincere when they act on these illogical premises. Their many years in practice where they acted as if each single corporation was a person separate from all others, including their creators, managers and investors, predispose them to believe that a departure from these norms would be catastrophic. More, their narrow training as lawyers likely tells them that it is not for judges to change the law. This should be left to elected politicians. Neither argument holds up. The first is countered by the arguments made above to the effect that, functionally, many makers and shakers in our economic world do not think of the corporation as a separate person, but as an instrument that can be bent to their will. The second, to the effect that judges should not make laws, is often claimed to be a truism at the same time mostly everyone knows that judges frequently make new laws. At the time of writing, the appointment of Judge Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court of the U.S. is controversial. Leaving aside all the tawdry facets of the dispute, one of the reasons for objection to this appointment is that this judge is known to favour fundamentalist views. It is thought that he might object to the right of a woman to demand an abortion. This right is the result of a prior judicial decision that reversed a previous judicial determination. That is, the fear is that Kavanaugh may use his judicial power to change a law that previous judges had created by changingthe law. Or: for a century or more, workers could not sue their employers when injured at work because they were said to have voluntarily agreed to assume the risk of injury. Then the courts changed their mind about this assumption which denied workers the right to sue. Or: for some 30 years after the embedment of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms into the Canadian Constitution, the judges had held that the freedom to associate did not include the right of workers to bargain collectively. Then they changed their mind, saying that the preceding judges’ statement of the law could no longer be taken seriously, that the law must be changed. Workers then thought that, following through on their own logic, the courts would favour the right to strike. But the courts have held that they do not do so, yet. Hopefully, they will soon change that finding. The point is they can, under the guise of being mere interpreters, change the law and set aside precedents. All they need to do is to want to do so; the rest is technical finessing. The proof is in the eating of the pudding.

Thus far, in the Ontario Chevron litigation, 3 judges have held that the assets of Chevron Canada cannot be used to settle Chevron Corporation’s obligation to the 30,000 Ecuadorian plaintiffs. Legal precedent is sacrosanct and cannot be tinkered with by mere judges, these three said. But, one judge in the Ontario Court of Appeal, Justice Nordheimer, as able as the others, steeped in the same lore as the others, thought there was wiggle room and found that it was appropriate to read the existing precedents so as to allow the use of a subsidiary’s assets to pay off the debts of a parent corporation. He was willing to read the law differently. He was willing to do justice to the plaintiffs even if it meant he had to depart from the formal reasoning his brethren on the bench strenuously defended.

It is all about political willingness. Those who insist on formality need to ignore the surrounding circumstances of the dispute before them. In general, and in this very case, this will favour corporate capitalists over anyone else. This is a political stance, whether it is consciously adopted or not. The pretence that ‘we are just applying the law’ or, ‘the devil makes us do it’, should not be allowed to obscure the political nature of judicial decision-making. The way this worked in the Chevron case brings the legal politics that privileges capitalism and capitalists into focus.

15. In the end,

(i) There is doubt about whether the verdict reached in Ecuador is deserving of respect, given the allegations of bribery and corruption that surround it;

(ii) There is doubt about the verdict reached in the U.S. courts about the unenforceability of the Ecuador verdict, given the allegations of bias and taint that accompany the proceedings against the plaintiffs’ legal team in the U.S.;

(iii) There is no doubt that terrible harm was done to the Amazonian environment and to the people who lived in it. Their physical well-being was assaulted and the fabric of their cherished way of life was ripped as if it was oily paper wrapped around a fish;

(iv) There is no doubt that these harms were inflicted by Texaco (with some help from a heedless Ecuador government);

(v) There is no doubt that Texaco behaved as it did to make money;

(vi) There is no doubt that Texaco, then Chevron, have used law as a battering ram to ensure that the creators of this catastrophe emerge unscathed. Neither their pockets are to be emptied, nor their behaviour stigmatized. Their victims are to bear the whole of the burden;

(vi) There is no doubt that Chevron sees all its subsidiaries as integrated component parts of its overall operations and uses them as such. Its removal of its assets from Ecuador to another Chevron haven when these Chevron assets momentarily held by Ecuadorian subsidiaries were under threat is but one example;

(vii) There is no doubt that the Ontario courts thus far have ignored the significance that Chevron itself attaches to its enterprise’s organization and functioning;

(viii) There is no doubt that these Ontario judges (a) believe they have no other option and (b) that the maintenance of legal irresponsibility of one corporation for the conduct of another one, no matter how intimately related, serves a worthy social function;

(ix) There is much doubt about both propositions: judges have choices; the economic welfare that the judges assume treatment of the corporation, whether a member of a group or not, as a sovereign independent person brings, is off-set by the way his idea can be manipulated by abusers of the legal system. Persons who control and benefit from anti-social behaviour (pollution, tax avoidance, failure to meet debts) can use the interposition of a corporation to shield themselves from personal responsibility. Incentives are given to people to pursue their greedy ambitions. If they know they will not be held to account for any fall-out, they will ignore the injuries they might cause. There is no doubt. The evidence is all around us;

(x) There is no doubt that, as noted above, Chevron Corporation through its 100 per cent shareholding in Chevron Canada was in a position to control, and benefit from, Chevron Canada’s activities. Similarly, inside Texaco, there were movers and shakers and investors who controlled its operations and profiteered from them. They are now hidden from view and sheltered from accountability by the law’s willingness to let them manipulate the corporate form and corporate groups. They built in the risks of engaging in profit-seeking activities and then profitted from them, largely at the expense of outsiders.

This is what the Ontario Court of Appeal acknowledged when it wrote: “This is a tragic case. There can be no denying that, through no fault of their own, the appellants have suffered lasting damages to their lands, their health, and their way of life” (emphasis added). This central function of the corporation, namely, risk shifting, is enabled by the law’s stubborn adherence to the fiction that each corporation is a person separate from all others in the universe. The impacts are gobsmacking. A United Nations report shows that one third of the profits of the leading 3000 companies in the world would be lost if they were forced to pay for the use, loss and damage to the environment they cause. Their profits – which go to flesh and blood and largely hidden controllers – come at the expense of the rest of us.

When the judges say that it is important to the logic of law and the good of the economy to consider the corporate form isolated from the way a corporate group uses it and distanced from the social and material operations of that corporate group, its expression of solicitude is Janus-like: it asks us to accept the hardship of faultless victims and to enjoy the bounty reaped by the avaricious.

It is not good enough. It is to be hoped that, if an appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada is lodged, that court will rise above the formalism of legal technique and abandon the pulverization of the social problem before it. Only in that way can it do justice for the Ecuadorian people and teach the greed-ridden corporate sectors a much-needed lesson in social responsibility.


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Harry Glasbeek is a Professor Emeritus and Senior Scholar, Osgoode Hall Law School, York University. His latest books are Class Privilege: How law shelters shareholders and coddles capitalism (2107) and the follow-up, Capitalism: a crime story (2018) both published by Between the Lines, Toronto.

All images in this article are from The Bullet.

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What Is the Best Solution to the Ukrainian Crisis?

October 9th, 2018 by Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović

The current Ukrainian crisis and, in fact, the civil war which started at the very end of 2013 are grounded in for decades lasting internal interregional antagonisms between the western and the eastern regions of Ukraine. The crisis is fully fueled by the Western governments which armed far-right “European” Kiev regime giving to it a comprehensive political, financial and diplomatic support for the policy of brutal Ukrainization and even Nazification of the whole country but primarily at the expense of the Russian-speaking population at Ukraine’s East. A similar example we experienced in “European” Croatia in the 1990s when the same Western establishment overwhelmingly supported and protected the Croatian policy of the Serbophobic Croatization and Nazification of Croatia.

The Ukrainian crisis is, however, spilled out into the Ukrainian-Russian relations on the international level including above all the “Crimean Question” as an apple of discord between these present-day two countries (ex-Soviet republics) from 1954 when Soviet establishment under the leadership of Ukrainian Nikita Khrushchev transferred Crimea from Russia to Ukraine. Nevertheless, as a matter of fact, the crisis came from Lithuania’s capital Vilnius where in November 2013 an Association Agreement between the EU and Ukraine had to be signed. Lithuania at that time (July 1st−December 31st, 2013) presided the European (Union) Council and formally had full political responsibility for the breaking out of the crisis as being the host of the event on which the EU blamed only Ukraine’s President V. Yanukovych for the failure of the agreement as he simply rejected to sign it for the very benefits of all Ukrainian citizens.

However, his decision was primarily based on the logic of realpolitik as he preferred a much more favorable economic-financial offer by Moscow (including, de facto, legalization of stealing of Russia’s gas to Europe that was transported via Ukraine) for the purpose to try to resolve inner economic, social and political crisis which was threatening a stability of the Ukrainian society and state from 1991. The official Kiev recognizes that for Ukraine (up to 2014) Russia was:

“…the largest trade partner and a huge market. In addition, many Ukrainians have family and friendly relations with the Russian people. In this connection, it should be noted that Europeans are actually interested in stable partnership between the two countries. Ukraine remains the major transit country for Russian natural gas transported to Europe, and it is very important for Kyiv to make sure that Europeans regard it as a reliable and predictable partner” [Ukraine. A Country of Opportunities, Kyiv: the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, 2010, 6].

It was obvious that such Yanukovych’s turn toward the Russian Federation would mean the closest political ties between Kiev and Moscow in future – a cardinal reason for the EU and USA to directly fuel a new color revolution in Ukraine for the purpose to overthrow Yanukovych and to install in power instead of him their own puppet regime which will drive the country to the direction of both the EU and the NATO (and probably to the war with Russia).

Independence Square during clashes between anti-government protesters and Interior Ministry members and riot police in central Kiev

An aerial view shows Independence Square during clashes between anti-government protesters and Interior Ministry members and riot police in central Kiev February 19, 2014. (Source: Oriental Review)

The Ukrainian 2013/2014 colored revolution was committed according to the model of the first CIA’s sponsored East European colored revolution that was organized in Serbia (Belgrade) at the beginning of October 2000 (the “2000 October 5th Revolution”). In the official literature and memoirs on this revolution, however, the essence of it that it was directly financed and sponsored by the CIA and the Western-financed NGOs is not mentioned at all. The protest of the “people” in Kiev in 2014 finally was ended by a classic street-style coup d’état like in Belgrade 14 years ago and the installation of as well as a classic (pro-USA/EU/NATO’s) marionette regime. As it is well known from an introductory course on democracy, any kind of coup d’état (putsch) is illegal and unconstitutional. As in the 2000 Belgrade Coup case, the 2014 Kiev Putsch case was formally justified as a “popular revolt” against the “dictator” who became ousted in February 2014.

In fact, however, unlawfully removed legally and legitimately elected head of state by the USA/EU’s sponsored and supported ultranationalistic and even a neo-Nazi colored political upheaval of the “Euromaidan” protesters in Kiev and some other bigger Western Ukrainian cities (like in Lvov) directly provoked a new popular colored revolution in the Russian-speaking provinces of East Ukraine and Crimea with a final consequence of a territorial secession of self-proclaimed Luhansk, Kharkov, and Donetsk People’s Republics and Crimea (according to Kosovo pattern from 2008).

The last Western sponsored attempt of color revolution happened on October 5th, 2018 in Banja Luka (the Republic of Srbska in Bosnia-Herzegovina) two days before the general elections in the whole country when around 40,000 people protested against the “dictator“ Milorad Dodik – a President of the Republic of Srpska. However, a great part of those protesters arrived at Banja Luka on the organized way in buses from Sarajevo and other towns populated by Croats and Bosnian Muslims including and the veterans from the Bosnian civil war in the 1990s who served in the Muslim-Jihad Army of Bosnia-Herzegovina and committing war crimes against Serbian civilians. The pattern of “2018 Banja Luka Colored Revolution“ is quite visible in the prototypes of both “2000 Belgrade Colored Revolution“ and “2014 Kiev Euromaidan Revolution“.

In regard to the 2014 Kiev Coup, according to Paul Craig Roberts, Washington used its funded NGOs ($5 billion according to Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland at the National Press Club in December 2013) to begin street protests when the elected Ukrainian Government turned down the offer to join the European Union. Similarly to the Ukrainian coup in 2014, the Guatemala coup in 1954, when democratically elected Government of Jacobo Arbenz became overthrown, was also carried out by the CIA.

Donetsk and Luhansk

Nonetheless, following R. Reagan’s logic used in the US-led military invasion of Grenada in 1983, the Russian President could send a regular army of the Russian Federation to occupy Ukraine for the security reasons of Russia’s citizens who were studying at the universities in Kiev, Odessa or Lvov. Similarly R. Reagan’s argument (to protect the US’ students in Grenada) was (mis)used, among others, and by Adolf Hitler in April 1941 to invade and occupy the Kingdom of Yugoslavia as, according to the German intelligence service, the German minority in Yugoslavia (the Volksdeutschers) were oppressed and terrorized by the new (pro-British) Government of General Dušan Simović after the coup in Belgrade committed on March 27th, 1941.

Nonetheless, a new anti-Russian government in Kiev launched a brutal linguistic and cultural policy of Ukrainization directly endangering the rights of ethnolinguistic Russians, who represent a clear majority of the population of the Luhansk and Donetsk regions of East Ukraine, Crimean Peninsula respectively but as well as and of other non-Ukrainian population who supported a pro-Russia’s course of the country.

Finally, in the near future, if Kiev continues its anti-Russian and pro-NATO/USA/EU’s political-military course, the joint republic of Luhansk and Donetsk regions (or more) will be declared as an independent state with a real possibility to join the Russian Federation as Crimea already did it in 2014. It can be probably the best solution to the current Ukrainian crisis at least from the perspective of the Russian-speakers in East Ukraine.


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Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović is Founder & Editor of POLICRATICUS-Electronic Magazine On Global Politics Since 2014 ( Contact: [email protected].

Featured image is from Fort Russ.

On October 21st there will be a Women’s March on the Pentagon hosted by the Global Women’s Peace Action. My wife and many of our friends will be going and even I will tag along in support in spite of my gender. We participate with some reservations as we have only demonstrated publicly twice since 9/11, once opposing the then about to start Iraq War and once against the annual meeting of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC).

All too often demonstrations morph into progressive exercises in flagellation of what are now referred to as “deplorable” values with little being accomplished either before, during or afterwards, apart from the piles of debris left behind to be cleaned up by the Park Service. And such events are rarely even covered by the media in Washington, where the Post generally adheres closely to a neocon foreign policy tactic, which means that if you ignore something distasteful it will eventually go away.

Hopefully on this occasion it will be different because the time for talking politics is rapidly being rendered irrelevant by the speed of and Americans of all political persuasions must begin to take to the streets to object to what their government is doing in their name. I am mildly optimistic that change is coming as I find it difficult to imagine that in spite of the relentless flood of mainstream media propaganda there is even a plurality of Americans that supports with any actual conviction what the United States is doing in Syria and what it intends to do in Iran. And apart from a desire to make voting in America safer and insofar as possible interference free, I also believe that most think that Russiagate is a load of hooey and would prefer to be friends with Moscow.

Why now? “Now” is a whole new ballgame, as the expression goes, because the utter insanity coming out of Washington could easily wind up killing most of us here in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave. Specifically, in a press conference on Tuesday, Kay Bailey Hutchison, a former Senator from Texas who is currently the United States’ ambassador to NATO, declared that Washington was prepared to launch a preemptive attack on Russian military installations as a response to alleged treaty violations on the part of Moscow. Note particularly what Hutchison actually said:

“At that point, we would be looking at the capability to take out a missile that could hit any of our countries. Counter measures would be to take out the missiles that are in development by Russia in violation of the treaty. They are on notice.”

And note further what she was implying, namely that Washington, acting on its own authority, has the right to attack a nuclear armed and powerful foreign country based on what are presumably negotiable definitions of what are acceptable weapons to base on one’s own soil. It would be an attack on a neighbor or competitor with whom one is not at war and which does not necessarily pose any active threat. By that standard, any country with a military capability can be described as threatening and one can attack anyone else based purely on one’s own assessment of what is acceptable or not.

It is quite remarkable how many countries in the world are now “on notice” for punishment when they do things that the United States objects to. United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley has warned that she will be “taking names” of those United Nations members that criticize U.S. policies in the Middle East. As increasing discomfort with U.S. initiatives there and elsewhere is a worldwide phenomenon, with only Israel, the Philippines, Nigeria and Kenya having a favorable view of Washington, Haley’s list is inevitably a long one. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and National Security Advisor John Bolton, when they are not fabricating intelligence and inflating threats, have likewise warned specific countries that they are being judged by Washington and will be punished at a level proportionate to their transgressions.

Hutchison is not known as a deep thinker, so one has to suspect that her expressed views were fed to her by someone in Washington. Her specific grievance against Russia relates to Moscow’s reported deployment of new land-based missiles that have a claimed range of more than 5,000 kilometers, which is enough to hit most targets in Europe. If true, the development would be in violation of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty of 1987 and would definitely pose a potential threat to the Europeans, but the more serious question has to be the rationale behind threatening a nuclear war through preemptive action over an issue that might be subject to renewed multilateral negotiation.

Hutchison and the State Department inevitably went into double-speak mode when concerns were expressed about possible preemption against Russia. She clarified her earlier comments with an almost incomprehensible “My point: Russia needs to return to INF Treaty compliance or we will need to match its capabilities to protect U.S. & NATO interests. The current situation, with Russia in blatant violation, is untenable.”

Spokesman Heather Nauert at State then chimed in

“What Ambassador Hutchison was talking about was improving overall defense and deterrence posture. The United States is committed to upholding its arms control obligations and expects Russia to do the very same thing.”

Both disclaimers were needed, even if lacking in clarity, but they did not dispel the ugly taste of the initial comment regarding starting a war of preemption. Russia took note of the back and forth, with a Foreign Ministry spokesman drily observing

“It seems that people who make such statements do not realize the level of their responsibility and the danger of aggressive rhetoric.”

Hutchison and Nauert also do not seem aware of the fact that Russia’s frequently stated defense doctrine is to use nuclear weapons if and when it is attacked by a superior force, which might well be Moscow’s assessment of the threat posed by U.S. led NATO.

The disconnect between the White House’s often expressed desire to improve relations with Russia and the bureaucracy’s tendency to send the opposite message is typical of what has been referred to as Trump’s “dual-track presidency”. Gareth Porter has recently observed how President Trump, for all his faults in so many ways, is indeed desirous of military disengagement in some areas but he is repeatedly being overruled or outmaneuvered by the permanent bureaucracies in government, most notably the Pentagon and intelligence services. Hutchison, Haley, Pompeo and Bolton speak and act for that constituency even when they appear to be agreeing with the president.

So given the danger of war based on what Washington itself says about the state of the world and America’s presumed role in it, it is time to take the gloves off and march. That a high-level official can even stand up and speak about preventive war with a major nuclear power is disgraceful. She should be fired immediately. That she has not been fired means that someone somewhere high up in the bureaucracy agrees with what she said. Nuclear war is not an option. It is an end of all options.


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This article was originally published on The Unz Review.

Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a 501(c)3 tax deductible educational foundation that seeks a more interests-based U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Website is, address is P.O. Box 2157, Purcellville VA 20134 and email [email protected]. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from The Unz Review.

Deepening US hostility toward China is all about wanting to curb its growing economic, financial, and military might.

It’s about Washington’s imperial aims, wanting dominance over all other nations, its opposition to mutual cooperation and multi-world polarity, its rage to colonize planet earth for unchallenged control over all countries, their resources and populations – endless wars its favored strategy in pursuing its hegemonic objectives.

Beijing was  accused of trying to undermine the Trump regime politically, economically, and over trade, along with interfering in America’s November midterm elections – no evidence cited by US officials because none exists.

On Monday, State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert discussed Pompeo’s visit to Beijing, saying he

“directly addressed ‎areas where the United States and China do not agree, including on the South China Sea and human rights,” adding:

“He also emphasized the importance of maintaining cross-Strait peace and stability” – saying nothing about Trump’s trade war and provocative US naval operations close to Chinese waters and territory.

A reported upcoming US Pacific Fleet show of force in the South China Sea and Taiwan Strait will further strain bilateral relations.

Pompeo wrongfully blamed China for deteriorated ties with the US. Following their meeting, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said:

“The US has…taken a series of actions regarding Taiwan and other matters and leveled groundless accusations against China’s domestic and foreign policy,” adding:

Its “actions have damaged our mutual trust, cast a shadow over the future of China-US relations, and go against the interests of the people of the two countries.”

“We demand that the US to immediately stop its misguided comments and actions. China and the US should stick to the right path of win-win cooperation and avoid straying into conflict and confrontation.”

Pompeo expressed what he called “great concerns about actions China has taken…”

Tensions during his Beijing visit further indicated deteriorating bilateral relations. Wang Yi’s public displeasure showed his government’s anger over unacceptable Trump regime policies.

Further proof was over President Xi Jinping’s refusal to meet with Pompeo unlike earlier in June.

China’s Global Times asked should Beijing endure US “insult(s) and back down? Surely not,” it stressed, adding:

“China must steadfastly safeguard its legitimate rights and interests ranging from trade to defense and take countermeasures against US provocations.”

“We cannot allow the conflict with the US to dominate China’s foreign relations or to direct where China’s governance will be heading.”

“China is not the Soviet Union. The US cannot deal with China as it did with the Soviet Union.”

It rejects the Trump regime’s “big stick” approach to bilateral relations, along with falsely claiming China threatens US national security.

According to former State Department official/Asia Society Policy Institute president Daniel Russel, Trump’s “confrontational approach… is far more likely to cause China to dig in than to give in.”

“It will reduce the likelihood that the Chinese will make common cause over North Korea policy.”

Washington and Beijing agree on Korean peninsula denuclearization. Their approach to achieving it differs markedly.

China favors a phased/drawn out reciprocal approach v. speedy, one-sided denuclearization the Trump regime demands – unwilling to make concessions until all its demands are met, a procedure Pyongyang rejects.

Beijing also expressed concerns about Washington wanting its influence in the DPRK increased at its expense, fearing as well that too rapid denuclearization could destabilize the country, including Kim’s leadership.

Wang and Pompeo’s failure to hold a joint news conference following talks was a clear sign of deepening bilateral friction.

An upcoming Kim Jong-un/Putin summit is planned. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said “possible dates, place, and format of such a visit are being worked out.”

Xi Jinping intends visiting Pyongyang ahead. According to South Korean President Moon Jae-in, a Kim/Japanese PM Shinzo Abe summit is “open. A new order is being created on the Korean peninsula.”

North Korean state media said meetings with China and Russia will be held. Kim’s visit to Beijing in March was his first foreign diplomatic trip as leader.

In upcoming meetings with Putin and Xi Jinping, he’s likely to get their support in dealings with Washington.


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Award-winning author Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”

Visit his blog site at

On October 2, prominent Saudi journalist/critic Khashoggi disappeared after entering the Saudi kingdom’s Istanbul, Turkey consulate, needing documents for his upcoming wedding, scheduled for this week.

He hasn’t been seen or heard from since, likely victimized by foul play. Turkish officials believe he was murdered by a Saudi hit squad sent from the kingdom to eliminate him.

According to Turkish police, 15 Saudis, including several officials, arrived in Istanbul on October 6. They entered the consulate when Khashoggi was believed alive inside.

On October 7, Turkish/Arab Media Association head Turan Kislakci cited unconfirmed reports that he was killed in the consulate, his body dismembered, then removed undetected.

Istanbul’s chief prosecutor initiated an investigation into what happened, including an examination of all video surveillance footage of consulate entrances, along with checking all inbound and outbound flights since Khashoggi’s disappearance.

On Monday, Turkey’s Foreign Ministry asked permission to conduct a forensic search of the consulate, after Saudi envoy to the country Waleed AM El-Hereiji was summoned to the ministry for the second time.

Last year, Khashoggi fled Saudi Arabia over harsh crackdowns on regime critics. Friction between him and its despotic ruling family surfaced after saying the kingdom should be “nervous about a Trump presidency.”

He opposed Saudi aggression in Yemen, its unacceptable policies toward Qatar, and harshness against critics.

Banned from writing and speaking out publicly, he self-exiled himself to America, saying

“I have left my home, my family and my job, and I am raising my voice,” adding:

“To do otherwise would betray those who languish in prison. I can speak when so many cannot.”

Earlier this year, he said Saudi intellectuals and journalists risk imprisonment for criticizing ruling family policies.

“(N)obody…dare(s) speak and criticize reforms” initiated by MBS. “I haven’t heard him make even the slightest inference that he would open the country for power-sharing, for democracy.”

The State Department was largely silent on Khashoggi’s disappearance, a statement saying it’s aware of reports and seeks more information.

Crown prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) is ruthlessly intolerant of regime criticism. If proved responsible for Khashoggi’s death, relations with Turkey will likely worsen.

They deteriorated markedly in recent years. Saudi consul-general Mohammad al-Otaiba claimed Khashoggi “is not at the consulate nor in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and the consulate and the embassy are working to search for him.”

His fiancee Hatice Cengiz waited for him outside the consulate. She disbelieves the regime’s explanation about his disappearance.

Kingdom assassins likely murdered him. Its ruling are authorities contemptuous of civil and human rights, along with disdaining the rule of law.

GOP Senators Bob Corker, Lindsey Graham, and Ben Cardin called for honest answers on what happened to Khashoggi, Graham tweeting:

“We agree that if there was any truth to the allegations of wrongdoing by the Saudi government it would be devastating to the US-Saudi relationship, and there will be a heavy price to be paid — economically and otherwise.”

Senator Chris Murphy said if reports about US resident Khashoggi’s murder by the kingdom is true,

“it should represent a fundamental break in our relationship with Saudi Arabia.”

Khashoggi is a Washington Post columnist. Commenting on his disappearance, its editorial page editor Fred Hiatt said

“(i)f the reports of (his) murder are true, it is a monstrous and unfathomable act.”

Separately the broadsheet accused kingdom authorities of unlawfully “carry(ing) out hundreds of arrests under the banner of national security, rounding up clerics, business executives and even women’s rights advocates.”

Khashoggi was likely abducted and murdered to silence his criticism. If proved, it’s unlikely to disrupt longterm bilateral relations America – notably strong since Franklin Roosevelt met with king Abdul Aziz in 1945.

Around the same time, the State Department called Middle East oil riches, mainly Saudi ones, “a stupendous source of strategic power, and one of the greatest material prizes in world history.”

The kingdom’s likely responsibility for whatever happened to Khashoggi isn’t likely to change longterm US/Saudi relations.


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Award-winning author Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”

Visit his blog site at

Tem dedo da CIA nas eleições do Brasil

October 9th, 2018 by Marcelo Zero

O crescimento do fascismo bolsonarista na reta final, turbinado por uma avalanche de fake news disseminadas pela internet, não chega a surpreender.

Trata-se de tática já antiga desenvolvida pelas agências americanas e britânicas de inteligência, com o intuito de manipular opinião pública e influir em processos políticos e eleições. Foi usada na Ucrânia, na “primavera árabe” e no Brasil de 2013.

Há ciência por trás dessa manipulação.

Alguns acham que as eleições são vencidas ou perdidas apenas em debates rigorosamente racionais, em torno de programas e propostas.

Não é bem assim.

Na realidade, como bem argumenta Drew Westen, professor de psicologia e psiquiatria da Universidade de Emory, no seu livro “O Cérebro Político: O Papel da Emoção na Decisão do Destino de uma Nação”, os sentimentos frequentemente são mais decisivos na definição do voto.

Westen argumenta, com base nos recentes estudos da neurociência sobre o tema, que, ao contrário do que dá a entender essa concepção, o cérebro humano toma decisões fundamentado principalmente em emoções. O cérebro político em particular, afirma Westen, é um cérebro emocional. Os eleitores fazem escolhas fortemente baseados em suas percepções emocionais sobre partidos e candidatos. Análises racionais e dados empíricos jogam, em geral, papel secundário nesse processo.

Aí é que entra o grande poder de manipulação pela produção de informações de forte conteúdo emocional e as fake news.

Os documentos revelados por Edward Snowden comprovaram que os serviços de inteligência dos EUA e do Reino Unido possuem unidades especializadas e sofisticadas que se dedicam a manipular as informações que circulam na internet e mudar os rumos da opinião pública.

Por exemplo, a unidade do Joint Threat Research Intelligence Group do Quartel-General de Comunicações do Governo (GCHQ), a agência de inteligência britânica, tem como missão e escopo incluir o uso de “truques sujos” para “destruir, negar, degradar e atrapalhar” os inimigos.

As táticas básicas incluem injetar material falso na Internet para destruir a reputação de alvos e manipular o discurso e o ativismo online. Assim, os métodos incluem postar material na Internet e atribuí-lo falsamente a outra pessoa, fingindo-se ser vítima do indivíduo cuja reputação está destinada a ser destruída, e postar “informações negativas” em vários fóruns que podem ser usados.

Em suma:

(1) injetar todo tipo de material falso na internet para destruir a reputação de seus alvos; e (2) usar as ciências sociais e outras técnicas psicossociais para manipular o discurso on-line e o ativismo, com o intuito de gerar resultados que considerados desejáveis.

Mas não se trata de qualquer informação. Não. As informações são escolhidas para causar grande impacto emocional; não para promover debates ou rebater informações concretas.

Uma das técnicas mais usadas tange à “manipulação de fotos e vídeos”, que tem efeito emocional forte e imediato e tendem a ser rapidamente “viralizadas”. A vice Manuela, por exemplo, tem sido alvo constante dessas manipulações. Também Haddad tem sido vítima usual de declarações absolutamente falsas e de manipulações de imagens e discursos.

A abjeta manipulação de imagens de “mamadeiras eróticas”, que estariam sendo distribuídas pelo PT, é uma amostra de quão baixa pode ser a campanha de “truques sujos” recomendada pelas agências de inteligência norte-americanas e britânicas.

Muito embora tais manipulações sejam muito baixas e, aos olhos de uma pessoal racional, inverossímeis, elas têm grande e forte penetração no cérebro político emocional de vastas camadas da população.

Nada é feito ao acaso. Antes de serem produzidas e disseminadas, tais manipulações grosseiras são estudadas de forma provocar o maior estrago possível. Elas são especificamente dirigidas a grupos da internet que, por terem baixo grau de discernimento e forte conservadorismo, tendem a se chocar e a acreditar nessas manipulações grotescas.

Na realidade, o que vem acontecendo hoje no Brasil revela um alto grau de sofisticação manipulativa, o que exige treinamento e vultosas somas de dinheiro. De onde vem tudo isso? Do capital nacional? Ou será que há recursos financeiros, técnicos e logísticos vindos também do exterior?

É óbvio que isso demandaria uma investigação séria, a qual, aparentemente, não acontecerá. Só haverá investigação se alguém da esquerda postar alguma informação duvidosa.

O capital financeiro internacional e nacional, bem como setores do empresariado produtivo, já fecharam com Bolsonaro, no segundo turno. Boa parte da mídia oligárquica também. O mal denominado “centro”, na verdade uma direita raivosa e golpista, ante a ameaça de desaparecimento político, começa, da mesma maneira, a aderir, em parte, ao fascismo tupiniquim, tentando sobreviver das migalhas políticas que poderiam obter, caso o Coiso e Mourão, o Ariano, ganhem.

Trata-se, evidentemente, do suicídio definitivo da democracia brasileira e de uma aposta no conflito, no confronto, no autoritarismo e no fascismo, o que levaria a economia e a política brasileiras ao profundo agravamento de suas crises.

Contudo, esse agravamento da crise político-institucional e econômica, que inevitavelmente seria acarretado pela vitória do protofascista Bolsonaro, poderá ser útil aos interesses daqueles que querem se apossar de recursos estratégicos do país e de empresas brasileiras.

O caos e a insegurança podem ser úteis, principalmente para quem está de fora. Vimos isso muitas vezes no Oriente Médio. No limite, o golpe poderá ser aprofundado por uma “solução de força”, bancada pelo Judiciário e pelos militares. Desse modo, seria aberta a porteira para retrocessos bem mais amplos que os conseguidos por Temer. Retrocessos principalmente do ponto de vista da soberania nacional.

Do ponto de vista geoestratégico, o prometido alinhamento automático de Bolsonaro a Trump, seria de grande interesse para os EUA na região. Como se sabe, a prioridade estratégica atual dos EUA é o “grande jogo de poder contra China e Rússia”, entre outros. Bolsonaro, que já prometeu doar Alcântara ao americanos e privatizar tudo, poderia ser a ponta de lança dos interesses dos EUA na região, intervindo na Venezuela e se contrapondo aos objetivos russos e chineses na América do Sul.

Por isso, parece-nos óbvio que há um dedo, ou mãos inteiras, de agências de inteligência estrangeiras, principalmente norte-americanas, na disputa eleitoral do Brasil. O modus operandi exibido nessa reta final é idêntico ao utilizado em outros países e demanda recursos técnicos e financeiros e um grau de sofisticação manipulativa que a campanha de Bolsonaro não parece dispor.

A CIA e outras agência estão aqui, atuando de forma extensa.

Cabe às forças progressistas se contrapor, de forma coordenada, a esse processo manipulativo. E a resposta não pode ser apenas contrapor racionalidade ao ódio manipulativo. A resposta, para a disputa do cérebro político, tem de ser também emocional.

O ódio anti-PT, antiesquerda, antidemocracia, antidireitos, anti-igualdade etc., que anima Bolsonaro e que foi criado pelo golpismo e sua mídia fake, tem desse ser combatido pela projeção de sentimentos antagônicos, como esperança, amor, solidariedade, alegria e felicidade.

Eles projetam um passado de exclusão, violência e sofrimentos. Nós temos de projetar um futuro de segurança e realizações.

Quanto à campanha sórdida de difamação e manipulação, orientada de fora, o nosso lema deve ser o mesmo de Adlai Stevenson, o grande político democrata dos EUA, que propôs ao republicanos: “Vocês parem de falar mentiras sobre os Democratas e eu pararei de falar a verdade sobre vocês”.

O Coiso, Mourão, o Ariano, e a “famiglia” Bolsonaro só falam aberrações chocantes, devidamente comprovadas. Não são fake news. Assim, basta expô-los a sua própria verdade. Derreterão como vampiros na luz do sol.

Marcelo Zero


Marcelo Zero : É sociólogo, especialista em Relações Internacionais e membro do Grupo de Reflexão sobre Relações Internacionais (GR-RI). É colunista do Brasil Debate

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VIDEO – O exército de insectos do pentágono

October 9th, 2018 by Manlio Dinucci

Enxames de insectos, que transportam vírus infecciosos geneticamente modificados, atacam as culturas de um país destruindo a sua produção alimentar: não é um cenário de ficção científica, mas é o que está a ser preparado pela Agência do Pentágono para projectos de pesquisa científica avançada (DARPA).

Revelam-no na Science, uma das revistas científicas de maior prestígio, cinco cientistas de duas universidades alemãs e de uma francesa. No seu editorial publicado em 5 de Outubro, eles questionam se o programa de pesquisa da DARPA, denominado “Insectos aliados”, tenha,  unicamente, o propósito declarado pela Agência: proteger a agricultura dos EUA de agentes patogénicos, usando insectos como transportadores de virus infecciosos geneticamente modificados que, transmitidos às plantas, modificam os cromossomas.”

Essa capacidade – dizem os cinco cientistas – parece “muito limitada”. Porém, há no mundo científico “a percepção generalizada de que o programa se destina a desenvolver agentes patogénicos e os seus transportadores para fins hostis” ou seja, “um novo sistema de armas biológicas”.

Isto viola a Convenção sobre Armas Biológicas, entrada em vigor em 1975, mas que permaneceu no papel, especialmente pela recusa dos EUA em aceitar inspecções aos seus laboratórios.

Os cinco cientistas especificam que “bastaria procedimentos fáceis para gerar uma nova classe de armas biológicas, armas que seriam extremamente transmissíveis a espécies agrícolas sensíveis, usando insectos como meio de transporte.

O cenário de um ataque às culturas alimentares da Rússia, da China e de outros países, efectuado pelo Pentágono com enxames de insectos que transportam vírus infeciosos geneticamente modificados, não é ficção científica.

O programa da DARPA não é o único sobre o uso de insectos com fins bélicos. O Laboratório de Pesquisa da US Navy, encomendou à Universidade Washington, em St. Louis, Missouri, uma pesquisa para transformar gafanhotos em drones biológicos. Através de um eléctrodo implantado no cérebro e de um pequeno transmissor no dorso do insecto, o operador no terreno pode compreender o que as antenas do gafanhato estão a captar.

Esses insectos têm uma capacidade olfactiva tal que percebem instantaneamente, os diversos tipos de produtos químicos no ar: o que permite a detectar depósitos de explosivos e outras instalações, para atingí-los com um ataque aéreo ou com mísseis.

Cenários ainda mais inquietantes surgem no editorial dos cinco cientistas na Science. O da DARPA – salientam – é o primeiro programa para o desenvolvimento de vírus geneticamente modificados para serem espalhados no ambiente, os quais poderiam infectar outros organismos “não só na agricultura”. Por outras palavras, entre os organismos a atingir com vírus infeciosos transportados por insectos poderiam estar também os humanos.

Sabe-se que, nos laboratórios dos EUA e noutros, durante a Guerra Fria, foram realizadas pesquisas sobre bactérias e vírus que, disseminados através de insectos (pulgas, moscas, carraças), podem desencadear epidemias no país inimigo. Entre estas, a bactéria Yersinia Pestis, causadora da peste bubónica (a temida “morte negra” da Idade Média) e o vírus Ebola, contagioso e letal.

Com as técnicas disponíveis hoje é possível produzir novos tipos de agentes patogénicos, disseminados por insectos, contra os quais a população a atingir não teria defesa.

As “pragas” que, na narrativa bíblica, se abateram no Egipto com imensos enxames de mosquitos, moscas e gafanhotos por vontade divina, hoje podem abater-se hoje, realmente,  no mundo inteiro pela vontade humana. Não o dizem os profetas, mas aqueles cientistas que permaneceram humanos.

Manlio Dinucci

il manifesto, 9 de Outubro de 2018

VIDEO (PandoraTV) em italiano com subtítulo em português

Artigo original em italiano :

L’esercito di insetti del pentagonoL’arte della guerra.


Tradução : Luisa Vasconcelos

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L’esercito di insetti del pentagono

October 9th, 2018 by Manlio Dinucci

Sciami di insetti, che trasportano virus infettivi geneticamente modificati, attaccano le colture di un paese distruggendo la sua produzione alimentare: non è uno scenario da fantascienza, ma quanto sta preparando l’Agenzia del Pentagono per i progetti di ricerca scientifica avanzata (Darpa). Lo rivelano su Science, una delle più prestigiose riviste scientiche, cinque scienziati di due università tedesche e di una francese. Nel loro editoriale pubblicato il 5 ottobre, mettono fortemente in dubbio che il programma di ricerca della Darpa, denominato «Alleati insetti», abbia unicamente lo scopo dichiarato dall’Agenzia: quello di proteggere l’agricoltura statunitense daglitrasmissibili a specie agricole sensibili, spargendo insetti quali mezzi di trasporto».

Lo scenario di un attacco alle colture alimentari di Russia, Cina e altri paesi, condotto dal Pentagono con sciami di insetti che trasportano virus infettivi geneticamente modificati, non è agenti patogeni, usando insetti quali vettori di virus infettivi geneticamente modificati che, trasmettendosi alle piante, ne modificano i cromosomi. Tale capacità – sostengono i cinque scienziati – appare «molto limitata».

Vi è invece nel mondo scientifico «la vasta percezione che il programma abbia lo scopo di sviluppare agenti patogeni e loro vettori per scopi ostili», ossia «un nuovo sistema di bioarmi». Ciò viola la Convenzione sulle armi biologiche, entrata in vigore nel 1975 ma restata sulla carta soprattutto per il rifiuto statunitense di accettare ispezioni nei propri laboratori.  I cinque scienziati specificano che «basterebbero facili semplificazioni per generare una nuova classe di armi biologiche, armi che sarebbero estremamente fantascientifico. Quello della Darpa non è l’unico programma sull’uso di insetti a scopo bellico. Il Laboratorio di ricerca della US Navy ha commissionato alla Washington University di St. Louis una ricerca per trasformare le locuste in droni biologici. Attraverso un elettrodo impiantato nel cervello e un minuscolo trasmettitore sul dorso dell’insetto, l’operatore a terra può capire ciò che le antenne della locusta stanno captando. Questi insetti hanno una capacità olfattiva tale da percepire istantaneamente diversi tipi di sostanze chimiche nell’aria: ciò permette  di individuare i depositi di esplosivi e altri impianti da colpire  con un attacco aereo o missilistico.

Scenari ancora più inquietanti emergono dall’editoriale dei cinque scienziati su Science. Quello della Darpa – sottolineano – è il primo programma per lo sviluppo di virus geneticamente modificati per essere diffusi nell’ambiente, i quali potrebbero infettare altri organismi «non solo nell’agricoltura». In altre parole, tra gli organismi bersaglio dei virus infettivi trasportati da insetti  potrebbe esservi anche quello umano. È noto che, nei laboratori statunitensi e in altri, sono state effettuate durante la guerra fredda ricerche su batteri e virus che, disseminati attraverso insetti (pulci, mosche, zecche), possono scatenare epidemie nel paese nemico. Tra questi il batterio Yersinia Pestis, causa della peste bubbonica (la temutissima «morte nera» del Medioevo) e il Virus Ebola, contagioso e letale. Con le tecniche oggi disponibili è possibile produrre nuovi tipi di agenti patogeni, disseminati da insetti, verso i quali la popolazione bersaglio non avrebbe difese.

Le «piaghe» che, nel racconto biblico, si abbatterono sull’Egitto con immensi sciami di zanzare, mosche e locuste per volontà divina, possono oggi abbattersi realmente sul mondo intero per volontà umana. Non ce lo dicono i profeti, ma quegli scienziati restati umani.

Manlio Dinucci 

il manifesto, 09 ottobre 2018

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Brazil’s presidential election will go to a run-off between far-right Jair Bolsonaro and Workers Party candidate Fernando Haddad on October 28.

Mr Bolsonaro came first in the first round yesterday, with 46 per cent of the vote — just four points short of the majority he needed to impose his draconian vision on Brazil.

An open supporter of the cold war-era dictatorship that arrested and tortured then guerrilla Dilma Rousseff — the Workers Party former president ousted in a constitutional coup in 2016 — Mr Bolsonaro has vowed to accelerate the unelected Michel Temer regime’s programme of spending cuts and privatisation.

He says he would “check” the growth of social movements campaigning for stronger rights for women, gay people and indigenous peoples, privatise state-run companies and give the police greater powers to kill suspected criminals — though they already kill thousands every year.

Source: Bloomberg

In 2016, the last year for which complete figures are available, 4,224 Brazilians were killed by police officers.

And he has pledged a closer alignment of Brazilian foreign policy with that of the United States and suggested creating camps on Brazilian soil to harbour Venezuelans keen on overthrowing the socialist government there.

Mr Haddad, who became the Workers Party candidate after frontrunner former president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva was barred from standing because of a trumped-up sleaze conviction, came second on 29 per cent and will face a tough fight to beat Mr Bolsonaro in the next round. Polls suggest the candidates will be neck and neck now that the others have been eliminated from the contest.


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Climate Alarm: ‘Most Important Years in History’

October 9th, 2018 by Karl Mathiesen

Warming beyond 1.5C will unleash a frightening set of consequences and scientists say only a global transformation, beginning now, can avoid it.

Only the remaking of the human world in a generation can now prevent serious, far reaching and once-avoidable climate change impacts, according to the global scientific community.

In a major report released on Monday, the UN’s climate science body found limiting warming to 1.5C, compared to 2C, would spare a vast sweep of people and life on earth from devastating impacts.

To hold warming to this limit, the scientists said unequivocally that carbon pollution must fall to ‘net zero’ in around three decades: a huge and immediate transformation, for which governments have shown little inclination so far.

Small island states

“The next few years are probably the most important in our history,” said Debra Roberts, co-chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) research into the impacts of warming.

The report from the IPCC is a compilation of existing scientific knowledge, distilled into a 33-page summary presented to governments. If and how policymakers respond to it will decide the future of vulnerable communities around the world.

“I have no doubt that historians will look back at these findings as one of the defining moments in the course of human affairs,” the lead climate negotiator for small island states Amjad Abdulla said. “I urge all civilised nations to take responsibility for it by dramatically increasing our efforts to cut the emissions responsible for the crisis.”


Abdulla is from the Maldives. It is estimated that half a billion people in countries like his rely on coral ecosystems for food and tourism. The difference between 1.5C and 2C is the difference between losing 70-90% of coral by 2100 and reefs disappearing completely, the report found.

Small island states were part of a coalition that forced the Paris Agreement to consider both a 1.5C and 2C target. Monday’s report is a response to that dual goal. Science had not clearly defined what would happen at each mark, nor what measures would be necessary to stay at 1.5C.

Absolute alarm

As the report was finalised, the UN secretary general’s special representative on sustainable energy Rachel Kyte praised those governments.

“They had the sense of urgency and moral clarity,” she said, adding that they knew “the lives that would hang in the balance between 2[C] and 1.5[C]”.

At 2C, stresses on water supplies and agricultural land, as well as increased exposure to extreme heat and floods, will increase, risking poverty for hundreds of millions, the authors said.

Thousands of plant and animal species would see their liveable habitat cut by more than half. Tropical storms will dump more rain from the Philippines to the Caribbean.

“Everybody heard of what happened to Dominica last year,” Ruenna Hayes, a delegate to the IPCC from St Kitts and Nevis, told Climate Home News. “I cannot describe the level of absolute alarm that this caused not only me personally, but everybody I know.”

Around 65 people died when Hurricane Maria hit the Caribbean island in September 2017, destroying much of it.

Food production

In laying out what needs to be done, the report described a transformed world that will have to be built before babies born today are middle aged. In that world 70-85% of electricity will be produced by renewables.

There will be more nuclear power than today. Gas, burned with carbon capture technology, will still decline steeply to supply just supply 8% of power. Coal plants will be no more. Electric cars will dominate and 35-65% of all transport will be low- or no-emissions.

To pay for this transformation, the world will have invested almost a trillion dollars a year, every year to 2050.

Our relationship to land will be transformed. To stabilise the climate, governments will have deployed vast programmes for sucking carbon from the air.

That will include protecting forests and planting new ones. It may also include growing fuel to be burned, captured and buried beneath the earth. Farms will be the new oil fields. Food production will be squeezed. Profoundly difficult choices will be made between feeding the world and fuelling it.


The report is clear that this world avoids risks compared to one that warms to 2C, but swerves judgement on the likelihood of bringing it into being. That will be for governments, citizens and businesses, not scientists, to decide.

During the next 12 months, two meetings will be held at which governments will be asked to confront the challenge in this report: this year’s UN climate talks in Poland and at a special summit held by UN secretary general Antonio Guterres in September 2019.

The report’s authors were non-committal about the prospects. Jim Skea, a co-chair at the IPCC, said:

“Limiting warming to 1.5C is possible within the laws of chemistry and physics but doing so would require unprecedented changes.”

Peter Frumhoff, director of science and policy at the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) and a former lead author of the IPCC, said:

“If this report doesn’t convince each and every nation that their prosperity and security requires making transformational scientific, technological, political, social and economic changes to reach this monumental goal of staving off some of the worst climate change impacts, then I don’t know what will.”

The scientist have offered a clear prescription: the only way to avoid breaching the 1.5C limit is for humanity to cut its CO2 emissions by 45% below 2010 levels by 2030 and reach ‘net-zero’ by around 2050. But global emissions are currently increasing, not falling.

Social change

The EU, one of the most climate progressive of all major economies, aims for a cut of around 30% by 2030 compared to its own 2010 pollution and 77-94% by 2050. It is currently reviewing both targets and says this report will inform the decisions.

If the EU sets a carbon neutral goal for 2050 it will join a growing group of governments seemingly in line with a mid-century end to carbon – including California (2045)Sweden (2045)UK (2050 target under consideration) and New Zealand (2050).

But a fundamental tenet of climate politics is that expectations on nations are defined by their development. If the richest, most progressive economies on earth set the bar at 2045-2050, where will China, India and Latin America end up? If the EU aims for 2050, the report concludes that Africa will need to have the same goal.

Some of the tools needed are available, they just need scaling up. Renewable deployment would need to be six times faster than it is today, said Adnan Z Amin, the director general of the International Renewable Energy Agency. That was “technically feasible and economically attractive”, he added.

Other aspects of the challenge require innovation and social change.

Made public

But just when the world needs to go faster, the political headwinds in some nations are growing. Brazil, home to the world’s largest rainforest, looks increasingly likely to elect the climate sceptic Jair Bolsonaro as president.

The world’s second-largest emitter – the US – immediately distanced itself from the report, issuing a statement that said its approval of the summary “should not be understood as US endorsement of all of the findings and key messages”. It said it still it intended to withdraw from the Paris Agreement.

The summary was adopted by all governments at a closed-door meeting between officials and scientists in Incheon, South Korea that finished on Saturday. The US sought and was granted various changes to the text. Sources said the interventions mostly helped to refine the report. But they also tracked key US interests – for example, a mention of nuclear energy was included.

Sources told CHN that Saudi Arabia fought hard to amend a passage that said investment in fossil fuel extraction would need to fall by 60% between 2015 and 2050. The clause does not appear in the final summary.

But still, according to three sources, the country has lodged a disclaimer with the report, which will not be made public for months. One delegate said it rejected “a very long list of paragraphs in the underlying report and the [summary]”.


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Three years ago, as Americans debated the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) agreement with the Islamic Republic of Iran—popularly known as “the Iran deal”—I highlighted a troubling media trend on (8/20/15): “For nearly all commentators, regardless of their position, war is the only alternative to that position.”

In the months since US President Donald Trump tore up the JCPOA agreement, his administration has been trying to make good on corporate media’s collective prediction. Last week, John Bolton (BBC,9/26/18), Trump’s national security advisor and chief warmonger, told Iran’s leaders and the world that there would be “hell to pay” if they dare to “cross us.”

That Bolton’s bellicose statements do not send shockwaves of pure horror across a debt-strapped and war-weary United States is thanks in large part to incessant priming for war, facilitated by corporate media across the entire political spectrum, with a particular focus on Iran.

Back in 2015, while current “resistance” stalwarts like the Washington Post(4/2/15) and Politico (8/11/15) warned us that war with Iran was the most likely alternative to the JCPOA, conservative standard-bearers such as Fox News (7/14/15) and the Washington Times (8/10/15) foretold that war with Iran was the agreement’s most likely outcome. Three years hence, this dynamic has not changed.

Image on the right: Cartoonist Patrick Chappatte (New York Times,5/10/18) presents Trump and Bolton’s “deal” for Iran.

To experience the full menu of US media’s single-mindedness about Iran, one need only buy a subscription to the New York Times. After Trump withdrew from the JCPOA, the Times’ editorial board (5/8/18) wrote that his move would “lay conditions for a possible wider war in the Middle East.” Susan Rice (New York Times, 5/8/18), President Barack Obama’s national security advisor, agreed: “We could face the choice of going to war or acquiescing to a nuclear-armed Iran,” she warned. Cartoonist Patrick Chappatte (New York Times, 5/10/18) was characteristically more direct, penning an image of Trump alongside Bolton, holding a fictitious new agreement featuring the singular, ultimate word: “WAR.”

On the other hand, calling Trump’s turn against JCPOA a “courageous decision,” Times columnist Bret Stephens (5/8/18) explained that the move was meant to force the Iranian government to make a choice: Either accede to US demands or “pursue their nuclear ambitions at the cost of economic ruin and possible war.” (Hardly courageous, when we all know there is no chance that Trump or Stephens would enlist should war materialize.)

Trump’s latest antics at the United Nations have spurred a wave of similar reaction across corporate media. Describing his threat to “totally destroy North Korea” at the UN General Assembly last year as “pointed and sharp,” Fox Newsanchor Eric Shawn (9/23/18) asked Bill Richardson, an Obama ally and President Bill Clinton’s ambassador to the UN, whether Trump would take the same approach toward Iran. “That aggressive policy we have with Iran is going to continue,” Richardson reassured the audience, “and I don’t think Iran is helping themselves.” In other words, if the United States starts a war with Iran, it’s totally Iran’s fault.

Politico (9/23/18), meanwhile, reported that Trump “is risking a potential war with Iran unless he engages the Islamist-led country using diplomacy.” In other words, if the United States starts a war with Iran, it’s totally Trump’s fault. Rice (New York Times, 9/26/18) reiterated her view that Trump’s rhetoric “presages the prospect of war in the Persian Gulf.” Whoever would be the responsible party is up for debate, but that war is in our future is apparently all but certain.

Politico’s article cited a statement signed by such esteemed US experts on war-making as Madeleine Albright, who presided over Clinton’s inhuman sanctionsagainst Iraq in the ’90s, and Ryan Crocker, former ambassador for presidents George W. Bush and Obama to some of America’s favorite killing fields: Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Syria.  James Clapper, Obama’s National Intelligence Director, who also signed the letter, played an important role in trumping up WMD evidence against Saddam Hussein before the United States invaded Iraq in 2003. When it comes to US aggression, they’re the experts.

Vanity Fair (9/26/18) interviewed John Glaser of the Cato Institute, who called Trump’s strategy “pathetic,” and also warned that it forebodes war. In an effort to “one-up Obama,” Glaser explained, Trump’s plan is “to apply extreme economic pressure and explicit threats of war in order to get Iran to capitulate.” Sound familiar? As Glaser implies, this was exactly Obama’s strategy, only then it wasn’t seen as “pathetic,” but rather reasonable, and the sole means for preventing the war that every US pundit and politician saw around the corner (The Hill, 8/9/15).

When everyone decides that war is the only other possibility, it starts to look like an inevitability. But even when they aren’t overtly stoking war fever against Iran, corporate media prime the militaristic pump in more subtle yet equally disturbing ways.

First among these is the near-complete erasure of Iranian voices from US airwaves (, 7/24/15). Rather than ask Iranians directly, national outlets like CNN (9/29/18) prefer to invite the prime minister of Israel, serial Iran alarmist and regional pariah Benjamin Netanyahu, to speak for them. During a jovial discussion this weekend over whether regime change and/or economic collapse is Iran’s most likely fate, Netanyahu explained to the audience that, either way, “The ones who will be happiest if that happens are the people of Iran.” No people of Iran were on hand to confirm or deny this assessment.

Bloomberg (9/30/18) similarly wanted to know, “What’s not to like about Trump’s Iran oil sanctions?” Julian Lee gleefully reported that “they are crippling exports from the Islamic Republic, at minimal cost to the US.” One might think the toll sanctions take on innocent Iranians would be something not to like, but Bloomberg merely worried that, notwithstanding the windfall for US refineries, “oil at $100 a barrel would be bad news for drivers everywhere—including those in the US.”

Another prized tactic is to whitewash Saudi Arabia, Iran’s chief geopolitical rival, whose genocidal destruction of Yemen is made possible by the United States, about which corporate media remain overwhelmingly silent (, 7/23/18). Iran’s involvement in Yemen, which both Trump and the New York Times(9/12/18) describe as “malign behavior,” is a principal justification for US support of Saudi Arabia, including the US-supplied bombs that recently ended the brief lives of over 40 Yemeni schoolchildren. Lockheed Martin’s stock is up 34 percentfrom Trump’s inauguration day.

Corporate media go beyond a simple coverup of Saudi crimes to evangelize their leadership as the liberal antidote to Iran’s “theocracy.” Who can forget Thomas Friedman’s revolting puff piece for the Saudi crown prince Mohammad bin Salman? Extensively quoting Salman (New York Times, 11/23/17), who refers to Iranian Ayatollah Ali Khamenei as “the new Hitler of the Middle East,” Friedman nevertheless remains pessimistic about whether “MBS and his team” can see their stand against Iran through, as “dysfunction and rivalries within the Sunni Arab world generally have prevented forming a unified front.” Oh well, every team needs cheerleaders, and Friedman isn’t just a fair-weather fan.

While Friedman (New York Times, 5/15/18) believes that Trump has drawn “some needed attention to Iran’s bad behavior,” for him pivotal questions remain unanswered, such as “who is going to take over in Tehran if the current Islamic regime collapses?” One immediate fix he proposed was to censure Iran’s metaphorical “occupation” of Syria, Iraq and Lebanon. Isn’t this ironic coming from an unapologetic propagandist for Washington’s decades-long, non-metaphorical occupation of the two countries to the east and west of Iran (, 12/9/15)?

In a surprising break from corporate media convention, USA Today (9/26/18) published a column on US/Iran relations written by an actual Iranian. Reflecting on the CIA-orchestrated coup against Iran’s elected government in 1953, Azadeh Shahshahani, who was born four days after the 1979 revolution there, wrote:

I often wonder what would have happened if that coup had not worked, if [Prime Minister] Mosaddeq had been allowed to govern, if democracy had been allowed to flourish.

“It is time for the US government to stop intervening in Iran and let the Iranian people determine their own destiny,” she beseeched readers.

Image below: Code Pink’s Medea Benjamin confronts the head of Trump’s “Iran Action Group” (Real News, 9/21/18).

Medea Benjamin confronts

Shahshahani’s call is supported by some who have rejected corporate media’s war propaganda and have gone to extreme lengths to have their perspectives heard. Anti-war activist and Code Pink  founder Medea Benjamin was recently forcibly removed after she upstaged Brian Hook, leader of Trump’s Iran Action Group, on live TV, calling his press conference “the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen” (Real News, 9/21/18). Benjamin implored the audience: “Let’s talk about Saudi Arabia. Is that who our allies are?”

“How dare you bring up the issue of Yemen,” admonished Benjamin as she was dragged from the room. “It’s the Saudi bombing that is killing most people in Yemen. So let’s get real. No more war! Peace with Iran!” Code Pink is currently petitioning the New York Times and Washington Post to stop propagandizing war.

Sadly, no matter whom you ask in corporate media, be they spokespeople for “Trump’s America” or “the resistance,” peace remains an elusive choice in the US political imagination. And while the public was focused last week on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s perjurious testimony, the Senate finalized a$674 billion “defense” budget. Every single Democrat in the chamber voted in favor of the bill, explicitly naming Iran as persona non grata in the United States’world-leading arms supply network, which has seen a 25 percent increase in exports since Obama took office in 2009.

The US government’s imperial ambitions are perhaps its only truly bipartisan project—what the New York Times euphemistically refers to as “globalism.” Nowhere was this on fuller display than at the funeral for Republican Sen. John McCain (, 9/11/18), where politicians of all stripes were tripping over themselves to produce the best accolades for a man who infamously sang“bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran” to the tune of a Beach Boys song.

McCain’s bloodlust was nothing new. Nearly a hundred years ago, after the West’s imperial competition culminated in the most destructive war the world had ever seen, the brilliant American sociologist and anti-colonial author WEB Du Bois wrote, “This is not Europe gone mad; this is not aberration nor insanity; this is Europe.”

Iranian leaders have repeatedly said they do not want war with the US (AP, 9/27/18), but US corporate media, despite frequently characterizing Trump as a “mad king” (, 6/13/18), continue to play an instrumental role in rationalizing a future war with Iran. Should such an intentional catastrophe come to pass, we can hardly say that this would be America gone mad; war is not aberration, it is always presented as the next sane choice. This is America.


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John C. O’Day is a graduate philosophy student at Texas A&M.

Featured image is from FAIR.

Benjamin Netanyahu Is No Friend to America

October 9th, 2018 by Scott Ritter

Benjamin Netanyahu is no stranger to the American spotlight. A career Israeli politician who attended school in the United States, he specializes in the kind of rhetoric that his American counterparts revel in—a kind of narcissism that’s more used car salesman than educator.

Netanyahu specializes in selling danger to the American people. This is an art he has practiced on numerous occasions, whether it be at the gatherings of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), his many appearances before the U.S. Congress, at televised events or during the general debate in the United Nations General Assembly, an annual gathering of global leaders and diplomats where each nation’s representative is provided the opportunity to address counterparts and the world on issues he or she deems to be of particular import.

Bibi (as he is known, affectionately or otherwise) delivered his latest address to the General Assembly on Sept. 27. Like others he had delivered previously, this one was a tour de force of angst, fear and anger with a nearly singular focus on the issue that has seized Netanyahu for more than two decades—Iran and its alleged nuclear weapons program.

In his 1995 campaign autobiography, “Fighting Terrorism,” Netanyahu, preparing to run for the office of prime minister of Israel, asserted that Iran was “three to five years” away from having a nuclear bomb. Bibi repeated this claim several times over the next 20-plus years, apparently unconcerned by the fact that his self-appointed timetable kept coming and going without the Iranian nuclear threat manifesting itself.

In September 2002, when he briefly found himself a private citizen, Netanyahu shifted his aim to Iraq, which he confidently asserted had a nuclear weapons program as he touted the benefits of removing Saddam Hussein from power—this during so-called “expert” testimony before the U.S. Congress. He was wrong on both counts, a fact that seems to slip the minds of those who continue to assign him a semblance of credibility given his proximity to Israel’s vaunted intelligence service.

As someone who spent four years (from 1994 to 1998) working closely with Israel’s intelligence service to uncover the truth about Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction programs, I can attest that Israeli intelligence is better than most at what it does, but far from perfect. For every good lead the Israelis delivered to the United Nations Special Commission (UNSCOM), for which I was working at the time, they provided a dozen or more that did not pan out. Their detailed analysis about the alleged organization and structure of Iraq’s covert nuclear program proved to be far removed from the truth. They got names wrong, affiliations wrong, locations wrong—in short, the Israelis made the exact same mistakes as any other intelligence service.

Iraq was a denied area, made less so by the presence of UNSCOM weapons inspectors like me who had unprecedented access to the most sensitive national security sites in the country. And still the Israelis got it wrong. They did so not because of “bad intelligence,” but because they, like the CIA and other intelligence agencies around the world, were privy to the vast amount of information and data collected by UNSCOM inspectors about the true state of Iraq’s proscribed weapons and related programs. They suffered from the same lack of imagination as did the others that postulated a nuclear-armed Iraq circa 2002, unwilling to consider the possibility that Saddam Hussein might be telling the truth about not having retained any weapons and related capabilities prohibited by the Security Council resolution. This same lack of imagination appears to fuel Netanyahu’s increasingly wild claims about Iran.

It is no secret that Netanyahu has opposed the Iran nuclear deal—officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Program of Action, or JCPOA—since the possibility of a negotiated solution to the stand-off between Iran and the rest of the world was put on the table by the Obama administration in 2012. He lobbied hard against the agreement, interjecting himself in American domestic politics in an unprecedented fashion to undermine the negotiations.

When Donald Trump won the 2016 U.S. presidential election, Netanyahu found a kindred spirit whose intellectual curiosity would not permit any effective challenge to the narrative constructed by the Israeli prime minister. And when Trump faced resistance from his secretary of state, Rex Tillerson, and his national security adviser, H.R. McMaster, he simply replaced them with more compliant persons, Mike Pompeo and John Bolton respectively.

Trump’s decision to withdraw from the JCPOA was facilitated not by any supporting brief from the U.S. intelligence community, which held fast to the assessment that Iran was fully compliant with its obligations under the JCPOA, but rather by intel provided by Israel that featured wild claims of an operation in the heart of Tehran; hundreds of thousands of documents purported to outline a nuclear program that Iran insisted did not exist. In April 2018, Bibi unveiled the existence of what he termed Iran’s “Atomic Archive” as he detailed some of its contents, allegedly recovered during an Israeli operation.

While Netanyahu’s dramatic presentation proved to be enough to help push Trump into withdrawing from the JCPOA the following month, it failed to convince the rest of the world that Iran was operating in bad faith when it came to declaring the totality of its nuclear program. One of the main reasons for this is that the tale put forward by Bibi simply didn’t add up. Documents he presented as being derived from the newly captured archive were recognized by officials from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)—which, along with supporting governments, is responsible for implementing the JCPOA—as matching those presented to the agency more than a decade ago. That cache of documents was allegedly recovered from a laptop computer sourced to an Iranian opposition group by Israeli intelligence.

At best, there is nothing new in these materials, and all the underlying issues alleged to have been “exposed” had already been discussed and rectified by the IAEA and Iran prior to the rectification of the JCPOA. At worst, Netanyahu was lying about the Israeli intelligence operation, and simply recycling old material—which may have been manufactured by Israel to begin with back in 2004—simply to provide political cover for Donald Trump.

Netanyahu spent much of his Sept. 27 address before the General Assembly detailing an alleged “Atomic Warehouse,” supposedly uncovered by Israeli intelligence in the heart of Tehran. As was the case with the “Atomic Archive” facility, Netanyahu made grand claims about Iranian malfeasance: The site contained “15 ship containers full of nuclear-related equipment and material,” along with “15 kilograms of radioactive material” that Iran allegedly evacuated from the site to evade detection. (Netanyahu seems to have overlooked the fact that the U.S. Department of Energy, prior to the JCPOA and in anticipation of such a scenario, “evacuated” nuclear material from one of its facilities during an exercise, only to have evidence of its existence uncovered by inspectors wielding the same detection capabilities as the IAEA.)

Netanyahu alleged that Iran was maintaining both an “Atomic Archive” and an “Atomic Warehouse” so that it could reconstitute its nuclear weapons program when the “time is right,” ostensibly when the sunset clauses of the JCPOA, which limit the number of centrifuges Iran can operate, expire. As with the “Atomic Archive” story, however, outside of Trump and his inner circle of anti-Iranian acolytes, informed American officials aren’t buying the Israeli leader’s tale, noting that Netanyahu has exaggerated the scope and scale of the warehouse in question. (These officials claim that the “material” being stored there is documentary in nature, a far cry from the “equipment” claimed by Netanyahu.)

Netanyahu bemoaned the fact that the world was promised “anywhere, anytime” inspections in Iran, and yet the IAEA has failed to take any steps to investigate the revelations provided by Israel. The reality is that the JCPOA promised no such thing. “Anywhere, anytime” was an artificial construct cobbled together by opponents of the deal by denigrating the investigatory capabilities of the IAEA. Moreover, the IAEA is intimately familiar with the quality of the intelligence information provided by Israel in the past, having spent months with Iran carefully deconstructing the claims contained within. The agency is hesitant to fall victim to Israeli exaggerations and falsifications again, and rightfully so.

More importantly, the JCPOA has a detailed mechanism in place to investigate claims such as those put forth by Israel. But by precipitously withdrawing from the JCPOA, the Trump administration has removed itself from that process. This means that Israel would need to turn to the Europeans, Russians or Chinese to plead its case. And the fact that neither France nor Germany nor the United Kingdom has picked up the mantle of Israel’s claims points to the inherent weakness of its intelligence. Netanyahu may be able to play siren to Trump’s Ulysses in order to crash America’s ship onto Iranian shoals, but the rest of the world is not following suit.

The American people should not tolerate this continued intrusion into their affairs by an outsider whose previous lies, prevarications and provocations helped get the United States entangled in one war, all the while advocating for our involvement in another. Bibi Netanyahu has a problem with telling the truth, and we give power to his words and deeds by not calling him out for what he truly is—a habitual liar with the blood of thousands of our fellow citizens on his hands. Netanyahu claims he is a friend of the American people. He is, in fact, the furthest thing from it.


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Scott Ritter is the author of “Dealbreaker: Donald Trump and the Unmaking of the Iran Nuclear Deal,” published by Clarity Press, October 2018.

Featured image is from the US State Department.

The persistent insistence of US President Donald Trump at the General Assembly of the United Nations when he stated that “all options are on the table” to solve the crisis in Venezuela has aroused alarm in political circles in Washington and throughout Latin America regarding potential US military action or, more probably, [action carried out] using Colombian or Brazilian troops.

Alarms were turned on after [Colombian] Senator Iván Cepeda Castro warned of the rising military tension between Colombia and Venezuela.

“The danger of war with Venezuela grows: the budget for anti-aircraft weapons, first-degree military cantonment, arrogant statements by US officials about ‘defending Colombia’ were meekly accepted by our government. We will have to mobilize against the war lunatics,” he said.

Meanwhile, very well equipped Brazilian troops are parked in Roraima, the border state with Venezuela, waiting for an order to attack. [Brazilian] presidential elections and military involvement in them delay any decision on the matter, analyst Joaquim Fernandes says. US bases in Colombia, Central America and the Caribbean, are still on a state of alert.

A question continues to gnaw analysts: what would happen the day after a hypothetical invasion? Who will rule the country? What will be the political cost that the US and its accomplices must pay? The opposition has failed, in 20 years, to present itself as an option for power, nor has it had a project which amounts to more than removing Nicolas Maduro’s government, as before they tried to do with Hugo Chavez.

Despite the permanent and terrorist media bombardment, the international front which was forged against Venezuela seems to have stalled, perhaps because its fundamental purpose ─ the overthrow of Maduro ─ has failed. Destabilization and terrorism have not weakened either military or electoral support [for Maduro]. The only option remaining for the warmongering alliance seems to be an armed intervention, which would generate a widespread repudiation across the region. Does Washington have a card up its sleeve?

The offensive against Venezuela is the number one topic. Through diplomatic channels [the US and its allies] achieved a majority in the Human Rights Council of the United Nations in Geneva, and five countries (Colombia, Peru, Paraguay, Argentina and Chile) joined Canada in demanding that the International Criminal Court (ICC) “investigate the possible commission of crimes against humanity in Venezuela.” [The ICC] always fails to take a look at what is happening in Mexico and Colombia, for example.

Perhaps it is for this reason that the UN named a lady who does not believe in human rights and has no knowledge of the area, as High Commissioner for Human Rights at the UN. Former Chilean President Michelle Bachelet, who after violating human rights in her country with repression of any protest and in particular of the Mapuche people, involved in military and financial scandals and widespread corruption, began her work to add to the attack on Venezuela.

Trump’s comments emerged after the reports of meetings of senior US officials and military with Venezuelan army officers who had joined plans to overthrow President Nicolas Maduro, as well as after suggestions by some regional presidents and diplomats that an invasion is being considered as an alternative.

Trump still threatens [Venezuela] with a military intervention because, unlike his other enemies such as North Korea, Cuba, Iran, or Syria, Venezuela looks weakened and vulnerable by erratic and inconsistent handling of the country. Venezuela’s former UN ambassador, Rafael Ramirez, who is now a critic of the government, says,

“The irresponsibility and inability of the government may stimulate an aggression.”

Nicolas Maduro Moros

The words of Nicolas Maduro at the UN were not as widely reported nor did they attract the same attention [as Trump’s], but he did tell how Venezuela has been harassed, assaulted, and blocked by the US government and how,

“Today the aggression is directed towards the political, economic, media and diplomatic areas.”

Many were surprised when he asked the FBI to come to Venezuela to investigate the [August terrorist drone] attack against him, forgetting the issue of sovereignty.

Dialogue and oil

As the popular saying goes, hope is the last thing you lose, and dialogue appears as a last hope, despite the fact that sectors of the opposition suggest that it is a sleazy maneuver to prevent the fall of the government. Former Vice President José Vicente Rangel says that every rejection [of dialogue] by the opposition has created a defeat for them, from the 2002 coup, the oil strike, the successive subversive near-misses, guarimbas, and economic war…

The wear and tear, as well as the discrediting of the opposition, are linked to their refusal to dialogue, since this attitude led, inevitably, to a dead-end of arrogant radicalization without regard for legality, Rangel adds. Polls confirm that internally the government has breathing space, while at the same time confirming the weakness of the opposition and the depletion of their leadership and the lack of a political and economic project.

Other analysts mention Maduro’s omission [at the UN] of the illegal operations of the transnational ExxonMobil in the territorial waters of the [disputed] Essequibo region of Guyana, and of the economic and financial embargo applied not only by the US but also by the Union European. The UN Assembly seemed to be the ideal setting for it.

Yet, Maduro has denounced the aggression, the aggressor and their reasons, one of which is because Venezuela is the country with largest certified oil reserves in the world, and “it is certifying the largest reserve of gold in the world and the fourth reserve of gas on the planet,” he says. For critics of the President, Maduro is trying to distract away from the handing over of natural resources (gold, oil and gas), and the privatization and sale by parts of the state oil company PDVSA, leaving the primary activities, which are constitutionally reserved to the state, in the hands of friendly companies.

Warmongering frustration

There is frustration in the face of the postponement of a rapid military action among warmongering US leaders, who say that it would put an end to the Bolivarian Revolution, which they have been unsuccessfully trying to do for nearly two decades.

Luis Almagro, secretary general of the Organisation of American States (OAS), continues to recite that one must not rule out any option “to reduce the suffering of Venezuela.” Numerous officials of the new Colombian government of ultra-conservative Iván Duque coincide with this view. This time, though, in light of the interventionist spiral launched from Washington, 12 countries rapidly issued a statement rejecting the use of force.

For some analysts, the exploration of non-peaceful means better reflects the frustration felt about the prospects of a peaceful democratic transition in Venezuela, faced with the reality of a dismembered political opposition which has shown itself to be incapable, ineffective and without ideas despite the enormous funding received from Washington, Bogota and Madrid.

US State Department officials have come to the conclusion that more sanctions or further diplomatic isolation for Venezuela will not mean a political transition, due to the absence of real domestic pressure on the government. The protests over the shortages of food, medicines, water and electricity have been limited to daily outbreaks, small-scale, and scattered regionally, which the opposition has failed to exploit.

In any case, the USA, Canada, the European Union, and South American countries aligned to Washington in the Lima Group have intensified diplomatic, media and economic pressure (limited credit, preventing financial transactions) on Maduro and Venezuela, but many of them are still waiting for the rebirth of gunship or military coup diplomacy backed by the United States.

The USA, Canada and European countries even froze the assets of dozens of senior military and civilian Venezuelans, while some Latin American governments have denounced the government for its “authoritarian practices” and the “humanitarian crisis,” asking that Venezuela be suspended from the OAS.

In recent days, Canada and five Latin American countries urged the International Criminal Court to investigate alleged crimes against humanity committed by the Venezuelan authorities, and the interventionist U.S. Senators Bob Menéndez and Marco Rubio presented a draft law to encourage US and regional pressure on the Venezuelan government, which failed to even create fissures within the government [in Caracas].

The oil embargo [which was rumored leading up to the UN General Assembly] didn’t make it beyond the inkwell on Trump’s desk. Oil represents 90% of the few exports from Venezuela, which is dramatically reducing its production.

So the question does not lose validity: what would happen the day after an invasion? Who will rule the country? Perhaps Luis Almagro will put himself forward as viceroy?

The internal and the military option

A Hinterlaces poll revealed that more than 64% of Venezuelans have an unfavorable opinion about the actions of rightwing leaders: 83% looked unfavorably upon Julio Borges, leader of the First Justice (PJ). Henry Ramos Allup, secretary general of Democratic Action (AD) rounded up 77% negative opinions, while Henrique Capriles Radonski is perceived negatively by 76% of those polled.

For his part, Henri Falcon, former presidential candidate and founder of the unitary platform, the Coordination Network for Change, has 73% negative opinions, Leopoldo López has 75% negative perception, and Maria Corina Machado, founder of the party Vente Venezuela, has 64% collective repudiation.

There is another fact that stands out in the poll: 62% of Venezuelans prefer President Maduro to solve the economic problems of the country, while 34% prefer an opposition government. 61% blame economic problems on agents external to the government such as the economic war, the fall of the price of oil, price speculation, and U.S. financial sanctions, while 37% attribute them to the economic policies implemented by the government.

The possible conspirators within the armed forces, meanwhile, have been detected and imprisoned, while the foreign media speak of other disgruntled soldiers who have deserted.

Foreign mainstream media outlets insist on imposing the military options on public opinion (even posting bizarre surveys), but opposition political leaders consider that this debate could feed expectations for an external saviour, which would go against reorganising efforts made by some [opposition] politicians.

Faced with this concern, Trump officials told the leaders of the [Venezuelan] opposition that, despite the comments of the president, the US has no plans to invade Venezuela.

Or does it? Of course some may push for intervention and try to make it a reality. It is not enough to have the backing of its “hawks” and their Latin American lackeys, but they may do it. We must not let our guard down.

So, entering the stage of speculation. Would Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Peru, Panama, including Colombia with their enduring internal problems and the strength of the opposition sectors and the weaknesses of their governments, remain united behind the aggression, or would they fear that the stability of their own governments would be threatened?

I do not think that the new government of Mexico would support a [military] intervention, nor the OAS despite the hysterical desperation of Almagro.

However, it is clear that the US hawks may push for intervention: we must not let our guard down.


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Oil Price Rally Boosts Electric Car Sales

October 9th, 2018 by Tsvetana Paraskova

Tesla’s competition is about to get more crowded next year with many legacy automakers and luxury brands launching a record number of battery electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids.  

All EV makers will have one common element that could help lift demand for battery vehicles—rising oil prices leading to fuel prices at four-year highs, which could turn consumers towards EVs.

To be sure, charging infrastructure and range are still key concerns in consumers’ minds regarding EVs, but utilities and major oil firms such as Shell and BP are already looking to expand the charging infrastructure, especially in Europe.

Battery pack prices have been dropping constantly this decade and are expected to continue to fall. In terms of cost comparison, some estimates point to battery pack costs becoming competitive with the internal combustion engine (ICE) cars by 2027.

Rallying oil prices, with Brent Crude topping $85 a barrel this week, come just as the number of global offerings of EVs next year is expected to rise by 20 percent to 216 models, research by Bloomberg NEF shows.

“The higher the price of oil the more tailwind we’re going to have behind electric cars,” Bloomberg quoted Carlos Ghosn, chairman of Renault and Nissan Motor, as saying at the Paris Motor Show this week.

Next year, Nissan will launch the sale of a longer-range model of its best-selling EV Leaf.

German carmakers are also jumping into the EV competition.

Mercedes-Benz unveiled last month its first all-electric model Mercedes-Benz EQC, which will be launched on the market in 2019. BMW is teasing the premiere of a new concept EV, BMW Vision iNEXT. Audi has started mass production of the Audi e-tron, the brand’s first all-electric SUV, and deliveries are scheduled to begin in the spring of 2019.

Ultra-luxury brands will also be offering electric vehicles. Aston Martin is building Rapide E with a target range of over 200 miles and projected top speed of 155 mph, with customer deliveries set for Q4 2019. Porsche is working on its first purely electric series, Taycan, and plans to invest more than US$6.9 billion (6 billion euro) in electromobility by 2022, doubling its initially planned expenditure.

While almost every carmaker out there is unveiling or planning EV models, gasoline prices are up and even after the end of the U.S. driving season, the national gas price average as of October 1 was $2.88 – a pump price not seen since mid-July.

“The last quarter of the year has kicked off with gas prices that feel more like summer than fall,” AAA spokesperson Jeanette Casselano said.

“This time of year, motorists are accustomed to seeing prices drop steadily, but due to continued global supply and demand concerns as well as very expensive summertime crude oil prices, motorists are not seeing relief at the pump.”

High fuel prices could be part of consumers’ motivation to buy more EVs.

Global cumulative EV sales are already 4 million, according to Bloomberg NEF, which notes that the time for reaching each of the million sales has been rapidly shrinking. The first million in sales, reached in Q4 2015, took around 60 months to achieve; the second million came in 17 months; the third million took 10 months; and the fourth million needed just six months. Bloomberg NEF expects the next million EVs to take just over 6 months and the five-millionth EV to be sold in March next year.

The EV share of the global car fleet is still miniscule, considering that the world’s stock of cars is 1.2 billion units. But battery costs and range are less and less the stumbling blocks in EV adoption, according to Wood Mackenzie. Battery is one third of the cost of an EV today. Yet, costs have already declined by 80 percent this decade and will fall further. Battery pack prices will drop below US$200/kWh this year and then fall by around 10 percent each year, WoodMac said in July.

“The critical threshold is US$100/kWh – that’s when EVs will compete on commercial terms with ICE vehicles. We think we’ll get there by 2027,” WoodMac says.

EVs will displace around 5 million bpd to 6 million bpd of oil demand by 2040—some 5 percent of total oil demand, the consultancy has estimated.

ICE cars are not going anywhere in the next decade or two, but the higher the price of oil, the more competition they’ll have from EVs and the more incentives consumers will get to pick an EV for their next new car.


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Idlib militants who refuse to lay down arms and continue attacks on government forces have to be arrested or eliminated, Russia’s Special Presidential Representative for the Middle East Mikhail Bogdanov told the country’s state-run news agency RIA Novosti on October 6.

He stated that Russia and its partners, including the internationally recognized government in Damascus, have repeatedly declared this position. The diplomat added that Russia continues contacts with Turkey on the situation in Idlib in the framework of the agreement reached by the sides in September.

Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra) and the Turkish-backed National Front for Liberation (NFL) appeared to be in the center of intra-militant tensions in western Aleppo during the last two weeks.

Initially, tensions between the sides erupted on September 26 when Hayat Tahrir al-Sham attacked the NLF in the town of Darat Izza. Following a series of clashes the sides reached the ceasefire. Nonetheless, on October 5, armed clashes erupted between the sides in Kafr Halab. On October 6, clashes were also reported in the towns Mizanaz and Kafr Nouran. According to various sources, up to 7 militants and about a dozen of civilians were killed or injured in these incidents.

Currently, the sides have once again reached a ceasefire. However, it appears that the tensions between the sides will grow further as the day of the demilitarized zone establishment, October 20, comes closer. Hayat Tahrir al-Sham as well as other al-Qaeda linked groups will be the key loosing side if the agreement is employed.

On October 6, reports already appeared that the Free Idlib Army and Faylaq al-Sham, which are a part of the NFL, have already started withdrawing its heavy weapons and equipment from the agreed demilitarized zone.

On October 7, Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that he and Russia’s President Vladimir Putin have agreed to meet soon to discuss the situation in Syria and further cooperation between the two states.

“We agreed to meet soon to continue the important security coordination between our armed forces,” Netanyahu stated at a cabinet meeting in Jerusalem.

During the same meeting, the Israeli prime minister once again repeated that Israel will continue to act against Iran and Hezbollah in Syria.

The Israeli leadership likely hopes that the upcoming meeting between Netanyahu and Putin will likely ease the tension between the states, which erupted after the IL-20 incident on September 17. Thus, Tel Aviv will be able to avoid further consequences of its recently demonstrated “hostile” approach towards Russia.

241 ISIS members and commanders have been killed in clashes with the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) since the start of the SDF operation in the area of Hajin in the province of Deir Ezzor, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) says. According to the SDF itself, the number of the killed ISIS members are even higher. Nonetheless, the situation in the area still remains complicated and SDF units have not been able to break the ISIS defense in Hajin so far.


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Orson Welles, Broadcasts and Fake News

October 9th, 2018 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

Orson Welles’ spectral return to the screen, ingeniously in posthumous mode, should have come as a comfort to the magicians skilled in the arts of trickery.  Beyond the grave, he seems to be exerting a continuing influence, with his film, The Other Side of the Wind making its debut after 48 torrid years at the Telluride Film Festival.  His delight for illusion and the magical manipulations of the camera would not have been out of place in the anxiety filled age mistakenly called the “post-truth” era. 

Starting momentously grand and at summit greatness in Citizen Kane, and heading low into financial difficulty and stuttering projects, his genius was as prodigious as his luck was absent.  His aptitude in mastering the brutish nature of the directing set was unquestioned – except in Hollywood.  Throughout he was plagued by the curse that money has over the genius of expression.  Power and control do not necessarily entail backing and profits – for Welles, it was the sheer sense of doing something, the need to run multiple projects that might never have seen the light of day.  His mind, and application, proved inscrutably errant. 

What Welles did master, to an extent, was the degree of fakery, creating a world of illusion that refuses to date.  The word “fake” has a certain pejorative quality, having been further stained by its users in the age of Donald J. Trump, often in connection with that other unreliable companion, “news”.  But Welles managed to give it a boost of respectable guile, a teasing sense of about how other realities might be seen. Now, to challenge such ways of seeing by claiming them to be fake would either make you a mental patient or a US president.  For Welles, it was a cinematic experiment or a broadcasting contrivance, an effort to alter the senses and entertain. 

Welles could hardly have been despondent about this age, he being the finest exponent of the values of fakery.  He would have gotten down to work, tyrannically engaged with his staff in producing a fine work on the odiously named “post-truth world” (since when was there a fully truthful world in any case, one pulsating with verity?). 

His most delightful ribbings would have now been subsumed under such tags as misinformation, crowned by the meaningless nature of fake news.  Could he have gotten away with the radio announcement made on October 30, 1938 that extra-terrestrials had, in fact, landed on earth and attacked it with single minded fury?  Any empanelled jury would have to ponder. 

The occasion is worth retelling. Grover’s Mill, New Jersey, and the Mercury Theatre group, featured, along with an updated version of H.G. Wells’ War of the Worlds.  National radio supplied the thrilling medium and the delivery.  “The Columbia Broadcasting System and its affiliated stations present Orson Welles and the Mercury Theatre on the air in the ‘War of the Worlds’ by H.G. Wells.”  A mild mannered, sensible start. 

Then came the Welles’ introduction, followed by a weather report.  The announcer duly took listeners to “the Meridian Room in the Hotel Park Plaza in downtown New York, where you will be entertained by the music of Ramon Raquello and his orchestra.” Cue the music, then a report that “Professor Farrell of the Mount Jennings Observatory, Chicago, Ill” had noted “explosions of incandescent gas, occurring at regular intervals on the planet Mars.”  Re-cue the music, then an interruption that a meteor had found its way into a farmer’s field in Grover’s Mill, New Jersey. 

The Martians had purportedly arrived.  Observers were on hand.  Emerging from a metallic cylinder was a creature “wriggling out of the shadow like a grey snake. Now here’s another one and another one and another one.”  There were unsettling notes of “wet leather”; the faces were “indescribable”. “The eyes are black and gleam like a serpent.”  Then the shooting commenced: “heat-ray” weapons trained on the humans at the site.  Some 7,000 National Guardsmen were vaporised. The US military were deployed.  Poisonous gas followed in retaliation. 

The hoax had seemingly had its dastardly effect, though the extent of it remains disputed.  Tim Crook, in his discussion on the psychological potency of radio, suggested that the newspapers had embellished the account, largely on account of the threat posed to their estate by the emergence of radio.  “It does not appear that anyone died as a result, but listeners were treated for shock, hysteria and heart attacks.” Welles came to a similar conclusion: paper headlines reporting lawsuits running into $12 million were a consequence of envy occasioned by threat posed by radio advertising.   

One myth speaks of thousands of New Yorkers speeding from their homes in deluded panic, their minds impregnated by the prospective deeds of extra-terrestrial terror.  Ben Gross of the New York Daily News recalled in his memoir a scene of New York’s streets: there was a state of near total desertion that October in 1938.   

The Federal Communications Commission, trapped between the remit of enforcing regulations ensuring proper use of the airways for such things as “promoting safety of life and property” yet also fostering “artistic, informational and cultural needs” conducted an investigation into the affair. It found the laws of the United States unbroken, regulations intact. This was a fine thing, given the famous assertion by US Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes in Schenck v United States (1919) that, “The most stringent protection of free speech should not protect a man in falsely shouting ‘fire’ in a theatre and causing panic.” 

The wily Welles, ever the tease, escaped ruination and duly went on to make Citizen Kane.  “We can only suppose,” he reflectedon being informed that the FCC would investigate the episode, “that the special nature of radio, which is often heard in fragments, or in parts disconnected from the whole, had led to this misunderstanding.”  And in this, we have the precursor to mass information and disconnection; between selected parts and the baffling whole; the Internet and social media dissemination; Trump tweeting at midnight and digital trolls roaming around the clock; the misinformation merchants and the mercenaries of trickery. 

At the release of The Other Side of the Wind, Peter Bogdanovich struck a melancholic note on the Palm Theatre stage. “It’s sad because Orson’s not here to see it.”  But then came a rueful qualifier.  “Or maybe he is.”


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He lectures at RMIT University, Melbourne. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research.  Email: [email protected]

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Video: Iran’s World Court Win Exposes U.S. as Rogue State

October 9th, 2018 by The Real News Network

After the International Court of Justice ruled in Iran’s favor on U.S. sanctions, the Trump administration pulled out of a 1955 treaty and announced a review of its relationship to the court.

Trita Parsi, author and founder of the National Iranian American Council, says that when it comes to Iran, the U.S. is acting like a rogue state.



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The Post-US Midterm Elections Bombshell

October 9th, 2018 by Dr. Jack Rasmus

Liberals and the left were shocked by the Kavanaugh confirmation this past weekend.  They may experience an even greater shock to their political consciousness should the Democrats fail to take the House in the upcoming midterm elections.

The traditional media has been promoting the message that a ‘blue wave’ will occur on November 6.  Polls as evidence are being published. The Democratic Party is pushing the same theme, to turn out the vote. But these are the same sources that in 2016, on the eve of that election, predicted Trump would get only 15% of the popular vote and experience the worse defeat ever in a presidential election! Should we believe their forecasting ability has somehow radically improved this time around?

Anecdotal examples, in New York City and elsewhere in deep Democrat constituencies, are not sufficient evidence of such a ‘wave’. Especially given the apparent successes underway of Republic-Right Wing efforts to suppress voter turnout elsewhere, where House seats must be ‘turned’ for Democrats to achieve a majority in the House once again. (See, for example, Greg Palast’s most recent revelation of voting roll purging going on in Georgia, which is no doubt replicated in many other locales).

Should the Democrats clearly win enough seats to take over control of the US House of Representatives on November 6, liberals and progressives may be further disappointed.  Democrat party leaders will most likely talk about impeachment, make some safe committee moves toward it, but do little to actually bring it about in the coming year.  What they want is to keep that pot boiling and leverage it for 2020 elections. Such prevarication and timidity, so typical of Democrat leadership in recent decades, will almost certainly have the opposite intended effect on liberal-left voter consciousness.  Voters will likely retreat from voting Democrat even more in 2020 should Democrat Party leaders merely ‘talk the talk’ but not walk.

Conversely, should the Dems fail to take the House a month from now, an even deeper awareness will settle in that the Democratic Party is incapable of winning again in 2020. Even fewer still may therefore turn out to vote next time, assisted by an even more aggressive Republican-Trump effort to deny the right to vote than already underway.

In short, a Democrat party failure to recover the US House of Representatives next month will have a debilitating effect on consciousness for the Democrat base that will no doubt reverberate down the road again. So too will a timid, token effort to proceed toward impeachment should the Democrats win next month.

But a takeover of the House by Democrats will result in an even greater, parallel consciousness bombshell—only this time on the right.  Bannon, Breitbart, and their billionaire money bags (Mercers et. al.) are already preparing to organize massive grass roots demonstrations and protests to scare the Democrats into inaction so far as impeachment proceedings are concerned. And it won’t take much to achieve that retreat by Democrat party leaders.

The recent Kavanaugh affair is right now being leveraged by Trump and the far right to launch a further attack on civil liberties and 1st amendment rights of assembly and protest. Trump tweets are providing the verbal ‘green light’ to go ahead.   Kavanaugh has become an organizational ‘cause celebre’ to mobilize the right to turn out their vote. The plans are then to take that mobilization one step further, however, after the midterm elections.

Plans are in the works for Bannon and friends for a mobilization of the right to continue post November 6, should the Dems take the House. They’re just warming up with the Kavanaugh affair.  Demonstrations celebrating Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court win are just a dress rehearsal—first to turn out the vote but then to defend Trump in the streets if the Democrats actually take the House.

The public protests and demonstrations on the right will aim to intimidate House Democrats, should they win, but will also serve as counter demonstrations to attack protestors demonstrating for impeachment.

Either way—should the Republicans retain the House or the Democrats take it—a sea change in US political consciousness will occur once again this November, as it did in November 2016. And should the Democrats take the House, political instability will almost certainly intensify in the US, as the developing political crisis will ‘move to the streets’.

The 2016 election and events of the past two years wrenched the consciousness  of many Americans about how the US system works. The myths have fallen by the wayside, one by one in the intervening two years.  The belief that somehow the sane leaders appointed to Trump’s initial cabinet would somehow control him or the Republicans in the Senate keep him check have both dissipated. Trump has purged them from his administration, or they have dropped out of running for Congress again as the well-financed, pro-Trump, right wing local machine has promoted right wing candidates to run against them.  Trump has been successfully reconstituting the Republican party increasingly in his far right image.  The myth that Trump will ‘tear up NAFTA’ and bring manufacturing jobs back is now debunked. Or that he will end the wars in the Middle East.  The list is long.

Democrats in the meantime have continued to show their strategic ineffectiveness and tactical ineptness in dealing with Trump.  Their party leaders have shown more concern, and success, in keeping Bernie Sanders and his supporters at bay, as witnessed by the recent Democrat Party measures that keep their ‘superdelegates’ barrier to party reform in place while giving the chair of the Democratic Party the power to veto any candidate to run on its ticket who may win a primary in the future. Nor have they adopted an effective program to win back the working class, the loss of which in key Midwestern states in 2016 cost them the 2016 election. The latter not surprising, given that the central committee of the party is composed of more than 100 corporate lobbyists and CEOs.  Promoting ‘identity politics’ has become the mantra—not programs to restore good jobs, ensure wages, protect retirement, defend union rights, push Medicare for All, and similar class-based demands.

Whether right or ‘left’ prevails in the upcoming November midterms, a few things are certain:

First, political consciousness, both right and left, will likely undergo another major shift, and perhaps on a scale close to that which occurred in 2016.

Second, the midterm elections will be used by the Bannons, Breitbarts, Mercers and others on the far right as an opportunity to mobilize the grass roots into a more centralized right wing movement. Initially for purposes of voter turnout, that organization, centralization, and mobilization will expand into the post-midterm US political landscape. More intimidation, more threats, and even now confrontations between left and right in the streets is a real possibility in the years to come in Trump’s remaining two years in office. (And the Republicans and the right will now own the police and the courts and will thus have a decided advantage in protests and demonstrations).

Increasingly, US intellectuals, artists, and even experienced old-guard politicians, who were once eye-witnesses in their early years, have begun to see parallels about what’s happening now in the US with past origins of fascist movements. Up to now, however, one especially important element of fascist politics has been missing in the US, although its ugly head has been peering above the horizon since 2016. That element is a grass roots movement of fascist-like supporters, activists and sympathizers, whose main task is to confront, intimidate, and violently discourage demonstrations and protests against their leader (Trump) personally, and in support of democratic rights under attack and the exercise of civil liberties in general.

The emergence of just such a right wing grass roots movement, better organized and well financed, and willing to engage in violent confrontations against other protestors and demonstrators in the streets, may soon be upon us.  Should the Democrats win in November and launch impeachment proceedings the phenomenon will quickly appear. But even if Democrats prevaricate (the more likely scenario), the right is preparing to mobilize nonetheless. Their response to the Kavanaugh affair shows how much they’re ‘itching’ to do so. And should the Democrats win the House, their development will become even more evident.


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This article was originally published on the author’s blog site: Jack Rasmus.

Jack Rasmus is author of the forthcoming book, ‘The Scourge of Neoliberalism: US Policy from Reagan to Trump’, Clarity Press, as well as ‘Central Bankers at the End of Their Ropes’, Clarity Press, August 2017. He blogs at and tweets at @drjackrasmus. His website is: He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

America Is on the Road to Becoming a Fascist State

October 9th, 2018 by Robert Scheer

In a compelling essay for The New York Review of Books this month, Christopher R. Browning, a leading historian of the Holocaust and Nazism, outlines the frightening parallels between the United States and the Weimar Republic. “No matter how and when the Trump presidency ends,” he writes, “the specter of illiberalism will continue to haunt American politics.”

Jason Stanley would agree. A professor of philosophy at Yale University and the author of “How Fascism Works,” he contends that failures of democratic governance have forged a society eerily reminiscent of pre-war Germany—one in which there’s a growing appetite for the kind of ultranationalism espoused by Donald Trump. Indeed, Attorney General Jeff Sessions has openly praised the Immigration Act of 1924, which not only created quotas and bans on certain immigrant communities but served as a model of sorts for Hitler’s “Mein Kampf.”

“The idea in fascism is to destroy economic politics,” Stanley tells Robert Scheer in the latest episode of “Scheer Intelligence.” “The corporatists side with politicians who use fascist tactics because they are trying to divert people’s attention from the real forces that cause the genuine anxiety they feel.”

This anxiety is not exclusively or even primarily economic. As Stanley is careful to point out, people of color have suffered far greater hardship, and yet they are increasingly drawn to progressive populism. Instead, he posits, Trump and his ilk are channeling a noxious strain of patriotism that creates a nostalgia for a past that never existed.

“When you see the dominant group made to feel like they’re the victims in the face of all the facts,” Stanley notes, “that’s when you know that fascist politics is taking grip.”

The episode also plumbs the phenomenon of fake news, both how it’s constructed and deployed. Stanley argues that many of our most cherished beliefs are based on mythologies, with the notion that we’re spreading democracy to the rest of the world perhaps the deadliest of all.

“America has never been great,” he concludes. “But the idea of America can be great. It’s a future thing, our greatness, not a past thing. The past is something we’re trying to overcome, and we’re trying to realize our greatness with certain ideals.”



Robert Scheer: Hi, I’m Robert Scheer, and this is another edition of Scheer Intelligence, where the intelligence comes from my guests. In this case, Jason Stanley, who has written a book called “How Fascism Works: The Politics of Us and Them,” published by Random House. And you teach at Yale, right? And you’ve written a number of interesting books about propaganda, and this fits in. The basic hook here is Trump, and people being frightened about the echoes of fascism, not only in this country but throughout the world. And your book attempts to examine the architecture of fascism, its origins and so forth.

Jason Stanley: Though I would say that though the hook is Trump I agree with President Obama that Trump is a symptom and not a cause.

RS: The interesting thing about your book is you really talk about society in disarray. There’s an emotional feeling behind this, that what happens when societies fall apart, and when authoritarian figures hold up a notion of law and order, and the proper nationalism. And basically what we’re talking about is mythology, and that’s the Trump connection; they develop a mythology about the past, and about when Germany was great; now we have when America was great. And they use that as a springboard for basically developing an us-them philosophy.  Is that not the basic architecture?

Image result for How Fascism Works

JS: That’s the basic architecture. In “How Fascism Works,” however, what I’m trying to do is I’m trying to sort of draw attention to the fact that there are familiar aspects of fascist politics that have always been here, and to which our country has always been vulnerable. One thing about coming from my Holocaust background—my parents are both survivors, were refugees; they weren’t in camps, but they were refugees—they were always attendant to these details. And even more so because my mother was a court stenographer in Manhattan district court, in criminal court, so she could see some of these features up front. And she would often note the similarities between what was happening with racism in the United States, and what faced Jewish people in Poland, which she experienced as a young child. She would note, you know, they’re targeting black Americans here. James Baldwin has a classic piece called “Negroes are Anti-Semitic Because They’re Anti-White.” And in it he says, “You think—addressing Jewish-Americans like myself—You think that you’re closer to us because of our shared history of oppression. But our shared history of oppression makes us dislike you more, because we know you’re glad not to be us. We know you understand what we face, and you’re glad not to be us.”

Our history of racism makes us especially vulnerable to certain elemental features of fascist politics. For example, fake news. I mean, fake news has always been directed against black Americans, from what Angela Davis calls “the myth of the black rapist,” the mad conspiracy theory underlying the horrors of lynching, that there was some epidemic of rape of white women by black men, to superpredator theory in the mid-1990s, which was promulgated at a time when violent crime was rapidly dropping, yet these theorists such as John DiIulio were saying that violent crime was going to rise because young black Americans were superpredators. So when you have this history of fake news, when you have political parties trafficking in coded racist messages, then you have an especially ripe background. People say oh, well, we’re not Germany; well, in some respects, we’re even better set up for this kind of politics. So when structures break down; when you have an Iraq War and a financial crisis; when, you know, you can legitimately blame the quote unquote elite for failures of democratic governance and to adhering to proper norms, when you have those failures and you have our past that in fact deeply influenced Nazi Germany, then you have real worry.

RS: Let’s begin with that, we are not Germany. Because we are. We are actually the society that is closest to what Germany was, and people forget that.  But the fact is, they were the people most like us, and people like Henry Ford, as you point out in your book, and others, had great admiration for Germany. It was the best educated, most scientific, highest level of music, big economy, and then it all started to fall apart. And the people that were most like us became the most evil barbarians in modern history. And it was very confusing to Americans, and you capture that in your book, that ambiguity about it.

JS: That’s right, because we have these two traditions. On the one hand, we do have a glorious tradition of liberal democracy that I cherish and venerate, and that is used—the civil rights movement used it, black intellectual leaders all the way back at least to Frederick Douglass, but even David Walker and Martin Delaney would appeal to our tradition of liberty and equality, to point out hypocrisies in American life. And Frederick Douglass used that, for example, in “What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?” his speech, to say look, you venerate liberty? Well, you know—so we have these ideals, but we also have a long history of incredible hypocrisy among these ideals. And we have a long history of, in addition to anti-black racism and the genocide of Native Americans, both of which deeply affected Hitler, the anti-immigrant laws and sentiment. “Mein Kampf”—“My Struggle”, Hitler’s main book—is about a call to create a national state, to tear down the state and replace it by a national state based around national ethnic identity, and not democratic norms, not citizenry that is multiethnic, but around the nation. And his model there is the United States. As he writes, “I know that this is unwelcome to hear, but anything crazier and less thought-out than our present laws of state citizenship is hardly possible to conceive.”

So he rails against Germany’s immigration laws. Very familiar vocabulary to us. “But there is at least one state in which feeble attempts to conceive a better arrangement are apparent. I of course do not mean our German republic, but rather the United States of America, where they are trying, partially at any rate, to include common sense in their councils. They refuse to allow immigration of elements which are bad from the health point of view, and absolutely forbid naturalization of certain defined races, and thus are making a modest start in the direction of something not unlike the conception of the national state.” So there, Hitler is praising the United States, and in particular the 1924 Immigration Act, which Jeff Sessions praised in October 2015, called for a return to; he praises it as a basis, he praises the United States anti-Immigration Act of 1924, and the United States, as a model for what he wants to create in Germany. Now, I think Hitler was wrong about our country; I think that subsequent history of our country showed that he was wrong. But we need to bear that in mind, that there are enough elements in our country that Hitler did take it, in “Mein Kampf,” as something of a model.

RS: Well, in your book, you make it pretty clear that we have—I mean, let’s not gloss over these similarities. You quote liberally from our tradition, in which “the other” was persecuted viciously. It wasn’t Donald Trump who is reminding—oh, we have to be great by excluding people, which is basically Hitler’s message, trying to find some mythic, pure German. We did that with the Chinese Exclusion Act; we rounded up the Japanese; before all that, we had killed the Native Americans. And I want to bring up, you know, we can talk all we want about our liberal tradition, but the thing that comes through in reading your book—and I highly recommend it; I’m talking to Jason Stanley, and it’s “How Fascism Works: The Politics of Us and Them”—“them” of immigrant-bashing, or incarceration of black people, which you have a whole chapter on. I mean, I was amazed at a statistic I haven’t seen, but then I did the math, and you’re absolutely right: black people, male and female, represent 13 percent of the American population; they’re well over 50 percent of the imprisoned population that is now two and a half million people. But they represent, as you mention in your book, nine percent of the imprisoned population of the entire world.

JS: If their representation in the world prison population reflected their world population, then the nation of black America should be the third largest nation on earth, behind China and India.

RS: I want to pick on one word in particular, patriotism. And in your architecture of fascism, patriotism, the pure German, make Germany great again—those exact words weren’t used in your book, but I mean, the fact of the matter is, Hitler’s message—and he was as odd a figure as Trump. Trump with his orange hair; well, there was Hitler with his funny little mustache, obviously was an unattractive, cartoonish figure, very much like Trump. But yet he invoked some idea of the perfect Aryan, blonde German, and a mythical history, and he’s doing this in a Germany that’s falling apart. The echo that I found there was this patriotism. You even mention people taking the knee at football games and so forth as a way of legitimately objecting to a kind of false patriotism. And patriotism was really the key to the whole fascist message, wasn’t it?

JS: I would say it’s ultranationalism. So a certain form of patriotism. Because my American patriotism takes the form of veneration of liberty and equality, which are two values which are abstract. And they’re not connected to a particular mountain range, they’re not connected to a particular past; they’re abstract, they’re liberal democracy. My venerate—you know, I’m patriotic about that.

RS: What does that mean? I mean, it goes back to the French, it goes back to the Greeks? I mean, we didn’t invent it. You raise a big challenge in this book. Where does the ultimate madness come from? And if you’re going to talk about Trump as a fascistic figure, he didn’t invent himself; he’s a product—yes, his father was from Germany, and so forth. But the fact of the matter is, Trump is a familiar figure in American life.

JS: That’s right. And I don’t want to deny the toxicity that certain forms of patriotism can take. It’s just that, as our own history teaches—for example, the civil rights movement, which did not take place in Vermont; it took place in Alabama in the early 1960s, a terrifying place to hold it. That happened here, and those were Americans who did it. And so I want to honor their legacy and what they did to struggle for advances that, although sometimes it’s hard to see those advances in the face of mass incarceration and the various forms of anti-black racism and oppression of all of us that occurred after the civil rights movement.

But we have things in our past that are worth celebrating, and they’re worth celebrating because they’re connected to certain virtuous ideals. On the other hand, when patriotism takes the form that we’re seeing it now—a nostalgia for a white past, a white Christian past—what fascism does, when fascist politics—what you do is you create a sense of aggrieved, intense victimization by the dominant group. Whenever you see the dominant group feeling, yearning for a past that never was, where they got the appreciation they deserved, and feeling that this was yanked away from them—that’s what fascism tries to do. It creates this mythic past so that the dominant group feels like they’re the world’s greatest victims. When you see white Christians in the United States saying they’re the most discriminated group, then you know that fascist politics has taken hold, that fascist politics is working the way it does.

That’s what Hitler did in Germany. He constantly railed against—Germans were the greatest victims of world history. He had Versailles to use, of course, but he blamed Versailles, bizarrely, on Jews. And he said, the Germans are the greatest victims. So when you see the dominant group being made to feel like they’re victims, that they’re terrible victims, in the face of all the facts, that’s when you know that fascist politics is taking grip. That’s what the function of this sort of bizarre, fake view of the past is supposed to be. It’s supposed to create this model, like, we once were victorious, we once ruled, and then foreigners, and foreigners came, and liberals made us share our power with foreign forces. Liberalism and cultural Marxism destroyed our supremacy and destroyed this wonderful past where we ruled and our cultural traditions were the ones that dominated. And then it militarizes the feeling of nostalgia. All the anxiety and loss that people feel in their lives, say from the loss of their health care, the loss of their pensions, the loss of their stability, then gets rerouted into a sense that the real enemy is liberalism, which led to the loss of this mythic past.

RS: Yeah, I get that. But I want to push back a little bit on patriotism. Because it’s this glorification of your nation’s history. And so when Trump said he wanted to make America great, Hillary Clinton one-upped him and said, we’ve always been great. So saying we’ve always been great means we were great when we enslaved people, we were great when we committed genocide against Native Americans, we were great when we treated the Chinese population as near slaves, and no fundamental human rights, and we were great when we rounded up innocent Japanese and put them in concentration camps. And I could go down the list; we were great when we had slavery and we were great when we had segregation. It’s an absurd notion, and you know, it was George Washington in his farewell address who warned us about the impostures of pretended patriotism.

This patriotic appeal is a menace. And the fact is, even reasonable people are afraid to say that. You know, we look at Hitler and we say, oh, they had issues; they got a bad deal after World War I, they could say we have foreign enemies, they had serious economic problems, right, of the kind that we have been experiencing. And patriotism becomes blaming the other, becomes scapegoating the other. And it’s interesting; in Germany, by the way, Hitler didn’t scapegoat BMW and Mercedes and the big German financiers and so forth. He scapegoated unions, he scapegoated people resisting, he scapegoated the Jews and handicapped people and homosexuals. He didn’t go after the big-shots. And in this country, that’s what Trump does. You know, blaming everybody except Wall Street for our problems.

JS: Right. Because the idea in fascism is to destroy economic politics. Because you want people to connect along racial lines, along ethnic lines. So that’s why you go after trade unions. You don’t mention the sort of actual economic forces, because you want to create a fictitious bond, both between you and your followers and between the followers along non-economic lines. Fascist movements always work in tandem with corporatists, and we’re seeing that here now with the connections between, for example, the Koch brothers and attendant interests, and the nationalist wing of the Republicans.

The nationalist wing of the Republicans is delivering the corporatist wing everything they’re ever desired; they’ve delivered them right-to-work laws in the Janus decision; they’re delivering them an endless string of Federalist-Society-approved judges. And this, history tells us, is always what happens; that the corporatists side with politicians who use fascist tactics because they’re trying to divert people’s attention from the real forces that cause the genuine anxiety they feel.

RS: Yes, and what happened in Germany is that the reasonable, responsible, even the best of people, many of them went over to Hitler.

JS: Absolutely. Because what you do in fascist politics is you paint the ordinary Democratic Party, the ordinary center-left party, as communists. And you create terror about that. Goebbels writes, in one essay or speech: The less Bolshevism threatens, the less Marxism threatens, the less the ordinary citizen cares about us. So what Goebbels is saying, and he says it at greater length in this piece called “The Radicalization of Socialism,” where he says what you want to do is you want to paint the center-left party as Marxists and as socialists, and that will drive—he says, you know: The middle class sees in Marxism not so much the subverter of national will, but mainly the thief of its property, the uncomfortable disturber of peace and quiet.

So in fascist politics, you paint the center-left as socialists, as communists, and then you say they’re coming for your property. And then you send all the property owners into your arms, because you create this false fear and panic by painting the ordinary center-left party as socialists. And then you promise the corporatists, you say, we’re against labor unions, we’re going to break their power. We’re against any mass movement that challenges our power.

And then, of course, as Arendt warned us, there’s the temptations of one-party rule. Arendt talks about “party over parties.” She says it’s a great danger when politicians start to feel loyalty for their political party rather than multi-party democracy. And we are already in a phase of party over parties, we’re already facing the threat of one-party states. A minority of Americans voted for this president, a minority of Americans voted for the Senate, and it looks like we’re going to have not just a right-wing Supreme Court, but a hard-right Supreme Court for generations to come.

RS: On that depressing note, it’s time for a break, and we’ll be back in a moment with Scheer Intelligence and our guest Jason Stanley, the author of the provocative, but—and unfortunately—highly relevant book, “How Fascism Works: The Politics of Us and Them,” Random House. [omission for station break] So let’s talk a little bit about how fascism works, not just in Nazi Germany, but how it may be working here. And clearly, Trump is a very frightening figure, and your book makes that clear; the rhetoric, the style, it’s all an echo of the us-them, scapegoat immigrants, scapegoat minorities, scapegoat labor unions, scapegoat anybody gets in the way. But I must say, I want to push back a little bit. I think you’re a little too kind on the people you call liberal Democrats. And I just want to give you two quotes from your book. You say, “A liberal Democrat does not pick makers against takers.” That’s a reference to Ryan and others, right?

JS: Yes. And Romney.

RS: “A generous social welfare state unites a community in mutual bonds of care.” That’s what liberals believe, in your view, OK. But it was all—

JS: Liberals ought to believe.

RS: Well, OK, thank you.

JS: [Laughs]

RS: Because reading your book, I thought, wait a second! It was Bill Clinton who said he would end welfare as we know it, and he did.

JS: What philosophers call liberal democracy, not the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party, Bill Clinton—you are absolutely right. Bill Clinton engaged in the most heinous and problematic racially coded messages. He took over the Republican strategy, the Republican Southern strategy, with his 1992 campaign to end welfare as we know it, thereby race-baiting with that vocabulary. So, yeah, I mean liberal democracy in the philosophical sense. What happened in the United States is both political parties—and I hold both political parties to blame—kept racism alive with these coded messages. And when you do that, you open yourself up to a politician who’s going to come and decode the messages. And by decoding the messages, by being explicitly racist, that politician is going to seem like a breath of fresh air. They’re going to seem non-hypocritical. They’re going to be welcomed—finally, someone telling it like it is, rather than ending welfare as we know it.

RS: Well, but Clinton did end the federal anti-poverty program, the main one, Aid to Families with Dependent Children. Thirty percent were mothers, and 70 percent were their children, and he ended it, and he turned it over to the tender mercies of the state. And when he was running Arkansas, that was not a great place to be poor, and certainly not to be black and poor. But the reason I’m pushing on that is, and it goes to a statement you made earlier, that President Obama made, that Trump is a symptom. And he’s building on a lot of hysteria, often about non-problems; we didn’t have an immigration problem, we had more people going back, you know, on the southern border than were coming over, because of the recession and so forth. It’s all largely, as was the Jewish problem in Germany, an invented—

JS: Absolutely, yeah, I was about to say, they’re all invented, yeah, they’re invented.

RS: Yeah, they’re all invented, and your book is very clear on that. But let’s be clear, also, that the Democrats helped invent it. And I want to get back to this—I found your book quite powerful in talking about how we’ve treated the other in this country. Because people think, well, we’re not Germany—oh, come on, we have a horrible record of treating the others.

JS: Horrible.

RS: But yet your figures in that one chapter you have on black people was startling to me, both—first of all, economically; you have a figure that for every hundred dollars of accumulated wealth that whites have, blacks have only five dollars. You talk about the Great Recession—I mean, after all, one reason why Trump is viable to voters is that they’re hurting economically. White workers are hurting economically; the white middle-class is being eroded. But the black and brown college graduates, Federal Reserve study of St. Louis said they lost 60, 70 percent of their wealth, accumulated family wealth, college graduates who are black and brown. And then when you get to the prison population, which I referred to before—you have a statistic in your book, you say if you’re a black male—if you’re a white male, you have a one in 17 chance ending up in the prison system. But if you’re a black male, you have a one in three chance.

JS: And our prison system is mind-boggling. Just a note on the whole white economic anxiety, it’s worth mentioning that although the Great Recession absolutely hammered black and brown populations, much more so than white populations, they didn’t turn to fascism. So the whole economic anxiety argument, that that’s behind Trump, is a little dubious. Because, you know, it’s not like black Americans moved en masse to a strong-man authoritarian to embrace after, despite their greater economic anxiety.

RS: No, but they did move to people who have a more progressive, populist message, as opposed to Hillary Clinton celebrate—talk about fake news and everything. Hillary Clinton, in those speeches she gave to Goldman Sachs and other bankers, she has not one sentence mentioning the crimes of these people, the damage they did to black, brown, and white people. But the fact is, in her speeches she said, I need you—we need you to come down to Washington and fix this problem. These are the people who created the problem.

JS: The financial crisis opened up our democratic system, which is flawed in the best of its moments, to charges of corruption. And I’m shocked by what was allowed to happen to us unpunished. Not that I’m for strict punishment, but that all this titanic wealth was given back to the very people who created the jobs—I’m furious about it. And what that did is it opened us up to a figure like Trump. Because what fascist politics does is it represents the system as corrupt, and when you represent the system as corrupt, then you can run against the system even if you are incredibly corrupt. Because you can, for example, say: Look, the fact that I’m corrupt makes me a good champion of the people, because I know how this corrupt system works. That’s why when Trump says, “I didn’t pay any taxes, that means I’m smart.”

So there’s some good research out of MIT, a paper called “The Authentic Appeal of the Lying Demagogue,” that shows that when people can be brought to believe that a system is corrupt, then they’ll think that the person who is lying when playing the game that they think is corrupt, is the more authentic person. So what our leaders, including Hillary Clinton, did is they opened up the system to legitimate charges of corruption and then allowed somebody to come and say: “That whole system is corrupt, I’ll be a strong-man, I’ll come in and bash it and tear it down, and I’ll run it from now on.”

RS: I want to get into this fake news. Because you’re an expert on propaganda. By your definition, and you have an actually brilliant analysis of propaganda, usually based on evoking a foreign enemy that’s attacking the virtues of a mythically beautiful German society going back thousands of years, et cetera, et cetera. And you have an idea of shared reality. Shared reality—that’s the basis of enlightened, rational society. And you defend mainstream media in that regard, that Trump attacks—we know, we accept certain logic, certain facts—well, we accepted an idea of the Cold War, that there was an international communist conspiracy with a timetable for the takeover of the world. And there was never an international communist movement. And this was a reality known to what David Halberstam called “the best and the brightest.” And they acted as if, you know, they told the Americans quite the opposite.

JS: I couldn’t agree more that our history, especially the military-industrial complex—the whole concept of empire is based on fake news. All of colonization is based on fake news. I mean, really? You know, we’re invading other people and killing hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people in order to free them? You don’t kill people by freeing them. The whole idea that we have the right to invade other countries, because we’re better, is based on mythology and based on—I mean, colonization doesn’t work unless you have this myth of being better. So whenever you find the massive military incursions justify, that clearly do terrible harm to other countries, you have done under the banner of, oh, we’re spreading democracy or spreading civilization or spreading Christianity, you’re going to have myth, you’re going to have fake news.

But I also want to emphasize in my work that, no, America has never been great. But the idea of America can be great. It’s a future thing, our greatness, not a past thing. The past is something we’re trying to overcome, and we’re trying to realize our greatness with certain ideals. But of course, our past is replete with fake news; we are an empire, we’re a military empire. Whenever you find a military empire, it’s going to justify its invasions on the basis of fake news. Think of the European invasion of the United States that resulted in the genocide of our native population. That was based on complete fakery, that the Native American population was somehow uncivilized, and the barbarian savages who were slaughtering them were civilized. When you have mass violence, it’s going to be based—because humans need this in order to justify mass violence—it’s going to be based on these deep myths and fake news. And so since we’re an empire, we have this long history of fake news.

And a particularly dangerous moment is when the empire starts to lose its status; when it starts to lose its status, then the myths are no longer so comforting, and a fascist leader can come and say, look how we used to be great, we used to be happy with our myths. So, that’s how the structure works. The structure wouldn’t work if you didn’t have an empire that was based on fake news. We had this past. And sometimes Trump shows his hand; so he said, you know, we’re not so great; look at the Iraq War. So he was very explicit about that. What you have happening with some of these figures is they want to say, well, let’s go back and not fake it; let’s just say we’ll invade people and take their oil, let’s not pretend. And so that’s seen as more authentic. Like any military empire, we’ve had a titanic amount of fake news. And what I’m hoping is that people can now recognize how dangerous that is. Because the danger is that then someone can come and say, the mainstream media? Really? Look at the Iraq War, look at all the lying we’ve done in the past. So insofar as elites care about even the simulacrum of democracy that we’ve had in the United States, even the sort of vague shadow of democracy that we’ve had in the United States, even keeping up the pretenses—they shouldn’t lie anymore.

RS: That summary was a very good point on which to end this. That’s it for “Scheer Intelligence,” and I want to thank my guest Jason Stanley. The book is “How Fascism Works: The Politics of Us and Them,” Random House. The producers for “Scheer Intelligence” are Josh Scheer and Isabel Carreon. Our engineers at KCRW are Kat Yore and Mario Diaz. And we want to thank Yale University Studios for bringing Jason Stanley to us. See you next week with another edition of “Scheer Intelligence.”


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Robert Scheer, editor in chief of Truthdig, has built a reputation for strong social and political writing over his 30 years as a journalist. His columns appear in newspapers across the country, and his in-depth interviews have made headlines. He conducted the famous Playboy magazine interview in which Jimmy Carter confessed to the lust in his heart and he went on to do many interviews for the Los Angeles Times with Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton and many other prominent political and cultural figures.

Featured image is from Flickr/Tabitha Kaylee Hawk.

How the Tentacles of the US Military Are Strangling the Planet

October 9th, 2018 by Prof. Vijay Prashad

In June this year in Itoman, a city in Okinawa prefecture, Japan, a 14-year-old girl named Rinko Sagara read out of a poem based on her great-grandmother’s experience of World War II. Rinko’s great-grandmother reminded her of the cruelty of war. She had seen her friends shot in front of her. It was ugly.

Okinawa, a small island on the edge of southern Japan, saw its share of war from April to June 1945.

“The blue skies were obscured by the iron rain,” wrote Rinko Sagara, channeling the memories of her great-grandmother.

The roar of the bombs overpowered the haunting melody from the sanshin, Okinawa’s snakeskin-covered three-string guitar.

“Cherish each day,” the poem goes, “for our future is just an extension of this moment. Now is our future.”

The United States has more than 50,000 troops in Japan as well as a very large contingent of ships and aircraft. Seventy percent of the US bases in Japan are on Okinawa island. Almost everyone in Okinawa wants the US military to go. Rape by American soldiers – including of young children – has long angered the Okinawans. Terrible environmental pollution – including the harsh noise from US military aircraft – rankles people. It was not difficult for Tamaki to run on an anti-US-base platform. It is the most basic demand of his constituents.

But the Japanese government does not accept the democratic views of the Okinawan people. Discrimination against the Okinawans plays a role here, but more fundamentally there is a lack of regard for the wishes of ordinary people when it comes to a US military base.

Yukio Hatoyama.jpg

In 2009, Yukio Hatoyama led the Democratic Party to victory in national elections on a wide-ranging platform that included shifting Japanese foreign policy from its US orientation to a more balanced approach with the rest of Asia. As prime minister, Hatoyama called for the United States and Japan to have a “close and equal” relationship, which meant that Japan would no longer be ordered around by Washington.

The test case for Hatoyama was the relocation of the Futenma Marine Corps Air Base to a less populated section of Okinawa. His party wanted all the US bases to be removed from the island.

Pressure on the Japanese state from Washington was intense. Hatoyama could not deliver on his promise. He resigned his post. It was impossible to go against US military policy and to rebalance Japan’s relationship with the rest of Asia. Japan, but more properly Okinawa, is in effect a US aircraft carrier.

Japan’s prostituted daughter

Hatoyama could not move an agenda at the national level; likewise, local politicians and activists have struggled to move an agenda in Okinawa. Tamaki’s predecessor Takeshi Onaga – who died in August – could not get rid of the US bases in Okinawa.

Yamashiro Hiroji, head of the Okinawa Peace Action Center, and his comrades regularly protest against the bases and in particular the transfer of the Futenma base. In October 2016, Hiroji was arrested when he cut a barbed-wire fence at the base. He was held in prison for five months and not allowed to see his family. In June 2017, Hiroji went before the United Nations Human Rights Council to say,

“The government of Japan dispatched a large police force in Okinawa to oppress and violently remove civilians.”

Protest is illegal. The Japanese forces are acting here on behalf of the US government.

Suzuyo Takazato, head of the organization Okinawa Women Act Against Military Violence, has called Okinawa “Japan’s prostituted daughter.” This is a stark characterization. Takazato’s group was formed in 1995 as part of the protest against the rape of a 12-year-old girl by three US servicemen based in Okinawa.

For decades now, Okinawans have complained about the creation of enclaves of their island that operate as places for the recreation of American soldiers. Photographer Mao Ishikawa has portrayed these places, the segregated bars where only US soldiers are allowed to go and meet Okinawan women (her book Red Flower: The Women of Okinawa collects many of these pictures from the 1970s).

There have been at least 120 reported rapes since 1972, the “tip of the iceberg,” says Takazato. Every year there is at least one incident that captures the imagination of the people – a terrible act of violence, a rape or a murder.

What the people want is for the bases to close, since they see the bases as the reason for these acts of violence. It is not enough to call for justice after the incidents; it is necessary, they say, to remove the cause of the incidents.

The Futenma base is to be relocated to Henoko in Nago City, Okinawa. A referendum in 1997 allowed the residents of Nago to vote against a base. A massive demonstration in 2004 reiterated their view, and it was this demonstration that halted construction of the new base in 2005.

Susumu Inamine, former mayor of Nago, is opposed to the construction of any base in his city; he lost a re-election bid this year to Taketoyo Toguchi, who did not raise the base issue, by a slim margin. Everyone knows that if there were a new referendum in Nago over a base, it would be roundly defeated. But democracy is meaningless when it comes to the US military base.

Fort Trump

The US military has a staggering 883 military bases in 183 countries. In contrast, Russia has 10 such bases – eight of them in the former USSR. China has one overseas military base. There is no country with a military footprint that replicates that of the United States. The bases in Japan are only a small part of the massive infrastructure that allows the US military to be hours away from armed action against any part of the planet.

There is no proposal to downsize the US military footprint. In fact, there are only plans to increase it. The United States has long sought to build a base in Poland, whose government now courts the White House with the proposal that it be named “Fort Trump.”

Currently, there are US-NATO military bases in Germany, Hungary and Bulgaria, with US-NATO troops deployments in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. The United States has increased its military presence in the Black Sea and in the Baltic Sea.

Attempts to deny Russia access to its only two warm-water ports in Sevastopol, Crimea, and Latakia, Syria, pushed Moscow to defend them with military interventions. A US base in Poland, on the doorstep of Belarus, would rattle the Russians as much as they were rattled by Ukraine’s pledge to join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and by the war in Syria.

These US-NATO bases provide instability and insecurity rather than peace. Tensions abound around them. Threats emanate from their presence.

A world without bases

In mid-November in Dublin, a coalition of organizations from around the world will hold the First International Conference Against US/NATO Military Bases. This conference is part of the newly formed Global Campaign Against US/NATO Military Bases.


Source: Global Campaign Against US/NATO Military Bases

The view of the organizers is that “none of us can stop this madness alone.” By “madness,” they refer to the belligerence of the bases and the wars that come as a result of them.

A decade ago, a US Central Intelligence Agency operative offered me the old chestnut, “If you have a hammer, then everything looks like a nail.” What this means is that the expansion of the US military – and its covert infrastructure – provides the incentive for the US political leadership to treat every conflict as a potential war. Diplomacy goes out of the window. Regional structures to manage conflict – such as the African Union and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization – are disregarded. The US hammer comes down hard on nails from one end of Asia to the other end of the Americas.

The poem by Rinko Sagara ends with an evocative line: “Now is our future.” But it is, sadly, not so. The future will need to be produced – a future that disentangles the massive global infrastructure of war erected by the United States and NATO.

It is to be hoped that the future will be made in Dublin and not in Warsaw; in Okinawa and not in Washington.

This article was produced by Globetrotter, a project of the Independent Media Institute, which provided it to Asia Times.


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Vijay Prashad is an Indian historian, editor and journalist. He is a writing fellow and chief correspondent at Globetrotter, a project of the Independent Media Institute. He is the chief editor of LeftWord Books and the director of Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research.

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If there’s one thing we’ve learned in the 17 years since Media Lens began, it’s that media professionals generally hate being challenged, critiqued or criticised. This fierce antipathetical belligerence underlies the corporate media’s total refusal to mention, far less discuss, a recent damning report on how the corporate media have been misreporting Labour and its supposed ‘problem’ with antisemitism.

The report was published last week by the Media Reform Coalition (MRC), set up in 2011 in the wake of the News International phone hacking scandal, to promote debate about the media and democracy. The MRC coordinates effective action by civil society groups, academics and media campaigners, and is currently chaired by Natalie Fenton, Professor of Communication and Media at Goldsmiths, University of London.

The urgent need for such a media initiative is highlighted by the disturbing reality that Britain has one of the most concentrated media environments in the world, with just three companies in control of 71% of national newspaper circulation and five companies running 81% of local newspaper titles.

In the careful MRC study, articles and news segments on Labour and antisemitism from the largest UK news providers, both online and television, were subjected to in-depth analysis. The research was undertaken by Dr Justin Schlosberg, Senior Lecturer in Journalism and Media at Birkbeck, University of London, together with Laura Laker, an experienced freelance journalist.

In their study, Schlosberg and Laker identified:

‘myriad inaccuracies and distortions in online and television news including marked skews in sourcing, omission of essential context or right of reply, misquotation, and false assertions made either by journalists themselves or sources whose contentious claims were neither challenged nor countered. Overall, our findings were consistent with a disinformation paradigm.’

In other words, the corporate media have been pumping out reams of ‘fake news’ promoting a narrative that Corbyn and Labour are mired in an ‘antisemitism crisis’.

Out of over 250 articles and news pieces examined by Schlosberg and Laker, fully 95 examples were found of misleading or inaccurate reporting. In particular, there were (our emphasis):

• 29 examples of false statements or claims, several of them made by news presenters or correspondents themselves, six of them on BBC television news programmes, and eight on the Guardian website.

• A further 66 clear instances of misleading or distorted coverage including misquotations, reliance on single -source accounts, omission of essential facts or right of reply, and repeated value-based assumptions made by broadcasters without evidence or qualification. In total, a quarter of the sample contained at least one documented inaccuracy or distortion.

Overwhelming source imbalance, especially on television news where voices critical of Labour’s code of conduct on antisemitism were regularly given an unchallenged and exclusive platform, outnumbering those defending Labour by nearly 4 to 1. Nearly half of Guardian reports on the controversy surrounding Labour’s code of conduct featured no quoted sources defending the party or leadership.

This is, to say the least, totally unacceptable from any supposedly responsible news outlet. It is even more galling when it comes from the Guardian and BBC News, both with large global audiences, who constantly proclaim their credentials for ‘honest and balanced reporting’.

Much recent corporate media coverage has focused on the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of ‘antisemitism’. Corporate media across the spectrum have argued that in refusing to accept the IHRA definition in total, with all of its accompanying examples, Corbyn has promoted antisemitism, alienated Britain’s Jewish community and divided his own party.

Philip Collins wrote in The Times of Corbyn (our emphasis):

‘He has, for some reason he cannot articulate, insisted that the Labour Party should be just about the only institution that does not accept the definition of antisemitism approved by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance.’

In July, a Times editorial stated of Labour’s National Executive Committee (our emphasis):

‘Instead of adopting a standard definition of antisemitism formulated by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, and endorsed by governments around the world, the NEC has amended it in unacceptable ways… Let there be no doubt: these are unconscionable and antisemitic accusations.’

In September, another Times leader opined (our emphasis):

‘Labour’s national executive committee will vote today on whether to adopt the internationally recognised definition of antisemitism. It is essential that it does. Governments and organisations worldwide have adopted the carefully worded textdeveloped by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance. Jeremy Corbyn’s hamfisted attempt to rewrite it, without consultation and with the apparent aim of protecting certain activists, shames his party.’

The Times added:

‘British Jews are well placed to define what constitutes racism towards them, just as any minority deserves the last word in the debate as it applies to them. Gordon Brown has called for Labour to “unanimously, unequivocally and immediately” adopt all the examples. Anything less would mark a dark day indeed for the party.’

Noting that three leading British Jewish newspapers had declared that a Corbyn-led government would pose ‘an existential threat to Jewish life in this country’, senior Guardian columnist and former comment editor Jonathan Freedland asked:

‘How on earth has it come to this?’

Part, but not all, of the problem, Freedland suggested, was (our emphasis):

‘Labour’s failure to adopt the full text of the near universally accepted International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s (IHRA) definition of antisemitism, including all its illustrative examples’.

He added:

‘When Jews hear that the IHRA is not good enough, they wonder: what exactly is it that Labour wants to say about us?’

And yet, as the MRC report [pdf] makes clear, although the IHRA is an international body with representatives from 31 countries, only six of those countries have, to date, formally adopted the definition themselves. Several high-profile bodies have rejected or distanced themselves from the working definition, including the EU’s Fundamental Rights Agency – a successor to the body that drafted the original wording on which the definition is based – and academic institutions including the London School of Economics and School of Oriental and African Studies. Moreover, academic and legal opinion has been overwhelmingly critical of the IHRA definition, including formal opinions produced by four leading UK barristers.

But, note Schlosberg and Laker:

‘Virtually none of this essential context found its way into news reports of the controversy. Instead, the Labour Party was routinely portrayed by both sources and correspondents as beyond the pale of conventional thinking on the IHRA definition.’

Nearly 50% of Guardian reports failed to include any quotes from those critiquing the IHRA definition or defending Labour’s code of conduct on antisemitism. In fact, media reporting (our emphasis):

‘effectively gave those attacking Labour’s revised code and championing the IHRA definition a virtually exclusive and unchallenged platform to air their views. By comparison, their detractors – including a number of Jewish organisations and representatives of other affected minorities – were systematically marginalized from the coverage. Furthermore, Labour MPs adopting even moderate positions defending the code were subjected to far more aggressive questioning from interviewers than those adopting extreme positions attacking it.

In a calm, methodical and rigorous manner, the MRC has exposed to public view the blatant anti-Corbyn bias of even the ‘best’ media outlets: the BBC and the Guardian.

Response To The Media Reform Coalition Report

Our searches using the ProQuest newspaper database reveal that there has not been a single news article or editorial published about the report. This is a remarkable symptom of the glaring tendency of the media to reject, or simply blank, reasoned, well-researched criticism.

When The Canary website published an article about the MRC report, they approached both the Guardian and the BBC for comment. The Guardian‘s response was boilerplate rhetoric – ‘The Guardianhas featured a wide range of voices in this debate’, etc – that failed to acknowledge the paper’s unambiguous distortions and omissions. The BBC did not even provide a comment.

The sole newspaper mention to date is a letter in the Guardian which may only have been published because Noam Chomsky is one of the signatories, along with high-profile figures such as Brian Eno, Yanis Varoufakis, Ken Loach and a number of media academics. They make a crucial point that relates to criticism of the Guardian itself (mentioned earlier):

‘In relation to the IHRA definition of antisemitism that was at the heart of the dispute, the research found evidence of “overwhelming source imbalance” in which critics of Labour’s code of conduct dominated coverage, with nearly 50% of Guardian reports, for example, failing to include any quotes from those defending the code or critiquing the IHRA definition.’

The letter also notes the MRC researchers’ conclusion that media distortions and inaccuracies:

‘were not occasional lapses in judgment but “systematic reporting failures” that served to weaken the Labour leadership and to bolster its opponents within and outside of the party.’

Chomsky and his co-signatories add:

‘In covering the allegations that Labour is now “institutionally antisemitic”, there have been inaccuracies, clear distortions and revealing omissions across our most popular media platforms. We believe that significant parts of the UK media have failed their audiences by producing flawed reports that have contributed to an undeserved witch-hunt against the Labour leader and misdirected public attention away from antisemitism elsewhere, including on the far right, which is ascendant in much of Europe.’

Given the Guardian‘s appalling record of boosting fake news of a Labour ‘antisemitism crisis’, and given its vehement opposition to Corbyn’s brand of moderate socialism, it is no wonder that #DumpTheGuardian and #BoycottTheGuardian were trending in the UK last Friday as part of a dedicated Twitter campaign.

Pro-Corbyn Labour MP Chris Williamson tweeted his support in response to the MRC report:

‘My reference to McCarthyism vindicated by this report. The Guardian newspaper’s deplorable contribution explains why so many people are saying #BoycottTheGuardian’

Last Wednesday, Jeremy Corbyn gave a speech to the Labour Party conference in which he dared to criticise the British corporate media who have been gunning for him ever since he became the party’s leader:

‘It turns out that the billionaires who own the bulk of the British press don’t like us one little bit.

‘Now it could be because we’re going to clamp down on tax dodging. Or it may be because we don’t fawn over them at white tie dinners and cocktail parties.’

He added:

‘We must, and we will, protect the freedom of the press to challenge unaccountable power.

‘Journalists from Turkey to Myanmar and Colombia are being imprisoned, harassed or sometimes killed by authoritarian governments and powerful corporate interests just for doing their job.

‘But here, a free press has far too often meant the freedom to spread lies and half-truths, and to smear the powerless, not take on the powerful.

‘You challenge their propaganda of privilege by using the mass media of the 21st century: social media.’

Pippa Crerar, Guardian deputy political editor, responded with the standard kneejerk conflation of Corbyn’s reasoned comments with the idiotic ‘fake news’ mantra of Trump. She tweeted:

‘Corbyn criticises some parts of British media, claiming they “smear the powerless, not take on the powerful”. As a journalist, makes me very uncomfortable to hear him leading attack on our free press. Dangerous, Trumpian territory.’

We responded:

‘Honest, rational criticism is not an “attack”, and it is not “dangerous”. A corporate press that refuses to listen or respond to this kind of reasonable criticism is itself dangerous. If anyone has a right to criticise media smears, it is @jeremycorbyn.’

The level of popular support for this view is indicated by the fact that our tweet has so far received 518 retweets and 1,222 likes; a massive response by our standards.

To her credit, Crerar did engage with us reasonably, unlike the vast majority of her media colleagues over many years:

‘Totally agree media has to reflect/listen. Not for a minute saying we’re perfect (some elements extremely *imperfect*). But orgs also do invaluable work eg Windrush, grooming scandal, MPs expenses so just not true to say we don’t hold power to account.’

We answered:

‘Thanks for replying, Pippa, very much appreciated. Glad you agree “media has to reflect/listen”. Doesn’t that mean taking Corbyn’s thoughtful, reasoned criticism seriously, rather than lumping it in with Trump’s awful tub-thumping? Corbyn and Milne really aren’t “dangerous”.’

Her follow-up:

‘I’ve sat back today & watched pile-on. I’d always rather engage but not when abusive. Like I said, media far from perfect, but I fear JC’s comments ignored excellent journalism that does exist & undermined journalists who produce it. Of course, nowhere near as extreme as Trump.’

And our reply:

‘Our response generated nearly 800 [now 1,700] likes and retweets – that gives an idea of the strength of feeling. Like other media, the Guardian’s smearing of Corbyn has gone way too far. It’s time to start listening to your readers @KathViner.’

To date, there has been no further exchange; and certainly not a peep out of Guardian editor, Katharine Viner; which is typical for this extraordinarily unresponsive media professional.

Justin Schlosberg, lead author of the MRC report, told The Canary:

‘Neither the Guardian nor the BBC have acknowledged or even directly responded to the myriad reporting failures highlighted in our research. It is completely inadequate to offer blanket dismissals or simply kick into the long grass of their respective complaints procedures.’

Schlosberg pointed out:

‘The failure to answer to these allegations is even more serious than the reporting failures themselves.’


As a further, related example of bias, consider the corporate media’s stunning indifference to the bomb threat that interrupted the screening of a new film, ‘The Political Lynching of Jackie Walker’, in Liverpool on September 25. Walker is a former Momentum Vice-Chair who was suspended from the Labour party as part of a propaganda blitz attempting to silence critics of Israel. The screening was organised by Jewish Voice for Labour which has been supportive of Jeremy Corbyn.

If the corporate media were genuinely motivated by concerns about alleged rising antisemitism, this shocking threat would have generated headline coverage. Instead it was met by a blanket of silence. A brief online Guardian piece was, to say the least, ambiguous in its narrative. Ex-Guardian journalist Jonathan Cook noted:

‘Another “fake news” master-class from the Guardian. A bomb hoax to stop Corbyn-supporting, Jewish Labour members screening a film about how Labour’s “anti-semitism crisis” has been manufactured is framed as *more* evidence of Jew hatred in the party!’

According to our ProQuest database search, the only mentions in the print press have been in the Liverpool Echo and The Times of Israel. Where are all the editorials and major comment pieces in the Guardian, The Times and elsewhere?

As for the Media Reform Coalition report itself, it is no surprise that the BBC, the Guardian and the rest of the corporate media should brush away detailed reasoned criticism of their biased reporting, or pretend such clear evidence does not exist. These media outlets sell themselves as publicly accountable; or, at least, as defenders of the public interest; a valiant fourth estate standing up for the truth and honest, neutral news coverage. And yet, when the alternative media makes a mistake, or says ‘the wrong thing’, there are angry howls and screaming mockery from the corporate commentariat. The hypocrisy is staggering, and, again, entirely predictable.


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The Coming Military Vision of State Censorship

October 9th, 2018 by True Publica

At TruePublica, we have continually warned that in Britain the government is becoming ever more authoritarian with its underhand attack on civil liberty and human rights. We have warned about the illegality of mass surveillance and state intrusion into the privacy of every citizen. We have warned about sweeping new police powers, the use of secret courts and new laws designed to protect the state and corporations from the scrutiny and criticisms of the people and we have warned that democracy in Britain is being eroded in favour of a political elite whose power they want entrenched. This is demonstrated no better than recent events in a meeting held in Austalia of new state censorship rules.

A key meeting of cabinet members from the US-led Five Eyes (UK,US, Aus, Can, NZ) global spying network was held in Australia in late August, which went totally unreported by the mainstream media, mainly because Britain’s representative used the cloak of Brexit to disguise it, ironically via social media.

Australian Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton hosted the summit. Leading the other delegations were US Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and UK Home Secretary Sajid Javid, along with Canada’s Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale and New Zealand Justice Minister Andrew Little.

On the agenda, these ‘Five-Eyes’ officials castigated the major tech transnationals for not meeting with them.  An accompanying “Joint Statement on Countering the Illicit Use of Online Spaces” demanded that these internet corporations toe the line and clamp down on social media and algorithms producing results, not in the state interest.

Threats were issued in their absence. Unless the tech companies cooperate, the five governments will now work together to force companies to allow law enforcement agencies to access private user data. “We may pursue technological, enforcement, legislative or other measures to achieve lawful access solutions.”

We already know that these governments are collaborating with social media and search engine companies to implement massive restrictions on internet access. But this is where the state and these particular corporations start to clash.

An attack on encryption by the state is coming. In Britain, open threats have already been issued by the government. At the meeting, a statement on combatting “ubiquitous encryption” declared the necessity to crack open “end-to-end encryption” tools allegedly used for “terrorist and criminal activities.” The state has become so paranoid it no longer has the appetite to argue for the importance of encryption for businesses, banking, online retail activities, cyber-security and the like.

The intended move of the Five-Eyes is to give intelligence and police forces new sweeping powers to compel any company, via a “Technical Capability Notice” to provide the information required by state agencies. In other words – they want backdoor capabilities irrespective of the consequences. In doing so, the reality is that encryption then becomes useless.

These powers will be far-reaching, potentially affecting any online activity and goes further than encryption. According to government ministers, they will apply to encrypted messaging services such as WhatsApp, Viber and Telegram – as well as “any entity operating a website.” Draconian measures of state censorship only ever really amount to one thing – authoritarian rule. This trajectory should alarm us all. It is certainly alarming privacy and human rights advocates.

Also unreported by the MSM was a meeting with UK Defence Secretary, Gavin Williamson, who delivered this speech to the Atlantic Council think-tank in Washington DC outlining the strength of the UK and US relationship. In part, he stated that:

As we seek to adapt and harness change and work together to seize the opportunities which change brings, we need that type of dynamic, creative thinking. Because I know many people in this city are nervous about the rapidly changing politics, the rise of new powers and the moving tectonic plates of global politics. My job, as Defence Secretary, is to make sure that we can develop, and if necessary deploy hard power which underpins the soft power of our global influence. But we also agree with the United States’ National Defense Strategy that: “By working together with allies and partners we amass the greatest possible strength for the long-term advancement of our interests.”

Below is another article that outlines the coming state architecture of censorship. Make no mistake, the British contingent attended.

Andre Damon In March, the United States Special Operations Command, the section of the Defense Department supervising the US Special Forces, held a conference on the theme of “Sovereignty in the Information Age.” The conference brought together Special Forces officers with domestic police forces, including officials from the New York Police Department, and representatives from technology companies such as Microsoft.

This meeting of top military, police and corporate representatives went unreported and unpublicized at the time. However, the Atlantic Council recently published a 21-page document summarizing the orientation of the proceedings. It is authored by John T. Watts, a former Australian Army officer and consultant to the US Department of Defense and Department of Homeland Security.

The Atlantic Council, a think tank with close ties to the highest levels of the state, has been a key partner in the social media companies’ censorship of left-wing views. Most notably, Facebook acted on a tip from the Atlantic Council when it shut down the official event page for an anti-fascist demonstration in Washington on the anniversary of last year’s neo-Nazi riot in Charlottesville.

Confident that none of the thousands of journalists in Washington will question, or even report, what he writes, Watts lays out, from the standpoint of the repressive apparatus of the state and the financial oligarchy it defends, why censorship is necessary.

The central theme of the report is “sovereignty,” or the state’s ability to impose its will upon the population. This “sovereignty,” Watts writes, faces “greater challenges now than it ever has in the past,” due to the confluence between growing political opposition to the state and the internet’s ability to quickly spread political dissent.

Watts cites the precedent of the invention of the printing press, which helped overthrow the feudal world order. In the Atlantic Council’s estimation, however, this was an overwhelmingly negative development, ushering in “decades, and arguably centuries, of conflict and disruption” and undermining the “sovereignty” of absolutist states. The “invention of the internet is similarly creating conflict and disruption,” Watts writes.

“Trust in Western society,” he warns, “is experiencing a crisis. The 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer has tracked this erosion, showing a 30 percent drop in trust in government over the last year in the United States.”

Watts notes that this collapse in support for the government cannot be explained merely by the rise of social media. This process began in the early 2000s, “at the dawn of the social media age but before it had become mainstream.” Left out are the major reasons for the collapse of popular support for government institutions: the stolen election of 2000, the Bush administration’s lies about weapons of mass destruction, unending war and the impact of the 2008 financial crisis.

However, while it is “hard to argue that the current loss of trust results solely from the emergence of social media,” Watts writes, there “can be little doubt that it acted as a critical amplifier of broader trends.”

He continues: “Technology has democratized the ability for sub-state groups and individuals to broadcast a narrative with limited resources and virtually unlimited scope.” By contrast, “In the past, the general public had limited sources of information, which were managed by professional gatekeepers.”

In other words, the rise of uncensored social media allowed small groups with ideas that correspond to those of the broader population to challenge the political narrative of vested interests on an equal footing, without the “professional gatekeepers” of the mainstream print and broadcast media, which publicizes only a pro-government narrative.

When “radical and extremist views” and “incorrect ideas” are “broadcast over social media, they can even influence the views of people who would not otherwise be sympathetic to that perspective,” Watts warns. “When forwarded by a close friend or relation, false information carries additional legitimacy; once accepted by an individual, this false information can be difficult to correct.”

People must be isolated, in other words, from the “incorrect” ideas of their friends and family, because such ideas are “difficult to correct” by the state once disseminated.

But how is this to be done? The growth of oppositional sentiment cannot be combatted with “facts” or the “truth,” because “facts themselves are not sufficient to combat disinformation.” The “truth” is “too complex, less interesting, and less meaningful to individuals.”

Nor can the growth of political opposition, for the time being, simply be solved by “eliminating” (i.e., killing or jailing) political dissidents, because this only lends legitimacy to the ideas of the victims. “Eliminating those individuals and organizations will not be sufficient to combat the narrative and may in fact help amplify it.” He adds, “This is also the case for censorship as those behind the narrative can use the attempt to repress the message as proof of its truth, importance, or authenticity.”

Enter the social media companies. The best mechanism for suppressing oppositional viewpoints and promoting pro-government narratives is the private sector, in particular, “technology giants, including Facebook, Google, YouTube, and Twitter,” which can “determine what people see and do not see.”

Watts adds, “Fortunately, shifts in the policies of social media platforms such as Facebook have had a significant impact on the type and quality of the content that is broadcast.”

The private sector, therefore, must do the dirty work of the government, because government propaganda is viewed with suspicion by the population.

“Business and the private sector may not naturally understand the role they play in combating disinformation, but theirs is one of the most important…. In the West at least, they have been thrust into a central role due to the general public’s increased trust in them as institutions.”

But this is only the beginning. Online newspapers should “consider disabling commentary systems—the function of allowing the general public to leave comments beneath a particular media item,” while social media companies should “use a grading system akin to that used to rate the cleanliness of restaurants” to rate their users’ political statements.

Strong-arm tactics still have a role, of course. Citing the example of WikiLeaks editor Julian Assange, Watts declares that “governments need to create consequences” for spreading “disinformation” similar to those meted out for “state espionage” – which can carry the death penalty.

What Watts outlines in his document is a vision of a totalitarian social order, where the government, the media, and technology companies are united in suppressing oppositional viewpoints.

The most striking element of the document, however, is that it is not describing the future, but contemporary reality. Everything is in the present tense. The machinery of mass censorship has already been built.

The Atlantic Council report, based on high-level discussions within the military and state, is a confirmation of everything the World Socialist Web Site has said about the purpose of changes in the algorithms of internet and social media companies over the past year-and-a-half.

On August 25, 2017, the WSWS published an open letter to Google alleging that the company is “manipulating its Internet searches to restrict public awareness of and access to socialist, anti-war and left-wing websites.” It added, “Censorship on this scale is political blacklisting.”

Over the subsequent year, key details of the open letter have been indisputably confirmed. At congressional hearings and in other public statements, leading US technology companies have explained that they reduced the propagation of political views and statements targeted by US intelligence agencies, and did so in secret because they feared a public outcry.

At the same time, they have explained the technical means by which they promoted pro-government, pro-war news outlets, such as the New York Timesand Washington Post.

But the Atlantic Council document presents the most clear, direct and unvarnished explanation of the regime of state censorship.

The struggle against censorship is the spearhead of the defense of all democratic rights.


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Selected Articles: 2018 Brazil Elections. Coup against Democracy

October 9th, 2018 by Global Research News

Dear Readers,

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MST Open Letter on Brazil Election

By MST – Landless Workers Movement of Brazil, October 08, 2018

This election is very special because it can mean the victory or defeat of the coup against democracy started in 2014, which continued with the impeachment of President Dilma Rousseff, extended into the illegitimate government of Michel Temer. For us, the coup is not just the moment of impeachment.


Brazil: Neoliberalism with a “Human Face”

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, October 07, 2018

Whatever the outcome of the October presidential elections, Neoliberalism and the Washington Consensus will in all likelihood prevail.  In this regard, it is important to reflect on how Brazil’s PT government was coopted from the very outset in 2003.

Brazil’s Non-Elections: A Crisis of Trust, a Failure of Democracy

By Asad Ismi, October 07, 2018

Brazil has been embroiled in socioeconomic crisis since the collapse of commodity prices in 2014 pushed the country into a deep recession. The dismissal of the last government in 2016 added political and judicial scandal to the mix when the PT administration of Dilma Rousseff, Lula’s protégé, was impeached in a parliamentary coup on trumped-up charges of financial illegality (not corruption).

Authoritarian Brazil Redux?

By Massimiliano Mollona, October 07, 2018

On Sunday 7th of October, the Brazilian people will go to the polls to elect their next president. There has never been such a dramatic election since January 15th 1985 when Brazil returned, the vote to the polls after twenty years of dictatorship (1964-1985) – although voting took place still within the electoral college system put in place during the dictatorship.

The CIA Finger in Brasil’s Elections?

By Marcelo Zero, October 06, 2018

The growth of Bolsonarian fascism in the final stretch of the election campaign, turbo charged by an avalanche of fake news disseminated on the internet, is not surprising. It is an old tactic developed by American and British intelligence agencies, with the goal of manipulating public opinion and influencing political processes and elections. It was used in the Ukraine, in the Arab Spring and in Brazil during 2013.

Rigged Brazilian Tribunal Bans Lula’s Legitimate Right to Run for President

By Stephen Lendman, September 01, 2018

In August, it ruled for former Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva’s right to run for reelection in October – even though he’s imprisoned on trumped up corruption charges he and his legal team strongly deny.

Today’s Most Popular Articles

October 9th, 2018 by Global Research News

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The US Senate on Saturday confirmed Brett Kavanaugh as associate justice of the Supreme Court in a near-party-line vote of 50 to 48. Kavanaugh was sworn in only a few hours later by Chief Justice John Roberts in a private ceremony with no press in attendance.

Kavanaugh will take his seat on the high court when it resumes work Monday, shifting the nine-member body even further to the right. With his elevation, there is a solid bloc of five extreme right justices—Roberts, Kavanaugh, Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito and Neil Gorsuch, President Donald Trump’s first nominee. All five were named by Republican presidents.

The four-member minority of conservative-to-moderate liberals consists of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan, all named by Democratic presidents. For the first time in modern US history, there will be no “swing” justice who oscillates to some extent between the two main factions.

The seat now occupied by Kavanaugh was held from 1971 to 1987 by Lewis Powell, a conservative pro-business jurist who voted with the majority in Roe v. Wade. It was then held from 1989 to 2018 by Anthony Kennedy, another pro-business conservative who wrote several key gay rights decisions and supported abortion rights. Kavanaugh, equally right-wing on corporate interests and police powers, is an ultra-conservative Catholic who upholds Church doctrine on both abortion and gay rights.

Besides being predisposed to provide the fifth vote to reverse the Roe v. Wadedecision and the Obergefell decision on gay marriage, Kavanaugh compiled a far-right record as an appeals court judge on such issues as police violence, government spying on the American people, executive authority versus the legislative and judicial branches, and democratic rights in general.

In one of his most notorious opinions, he backed the efforts of the Trump administration to deny an abortion to an undocumented teenager being held by the immigration authorities. The young girl, who had been raped, was able to obtain an abortion only because Kavanaugh was in the minority on a three-judge appeals court panel, and the young woman terminated her pregnancy before the Supreme Court overturned the lower court ruling.

Kavanaugh is a rabid Republican Party loyalist going back to his days as a top attorney in the Kenneth Starr investigation, which witch-hunted President Bill Clinton for a consensual sexual relationship and laid the basis for his impeachment by the Republican-controlled House of Representatives. Clinton was subsequently acquitted in a Senate trial.

The future Supreme Court justice joined another right-wing legal hit squad that was more successful—the team of lawyers who successfully appealed to the US Supreme Court to block the counting of votes in Florida after the 2000 presidential election, handing the state’s electoral votes and the presidency to Republican George W. Bush, who had lost the popular vote.

Kavanaugh was rewarded with a top job in the Bush White House, where he played a role in the drafting of legal permission for the CIA to torture detainees at secret overseas prisons, including Guantanamo Bay. Bush later nominated him to the US Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, the second-highest federal court, which he joined in 2006.

The margin of Kavanaugh’s confirmation, 50-48, was the narrowest for any Supreme Court justice in 137 years. Four of the five members of the right-wing bloc on the court have the four lowest total votes for Senate confirmation in modern history: Kavanaugh with 50, the bare minimum, Thomas with 52, Gorsuch with 54 and Alito with 58.

Until a procedural vote on Friday, the announced Senate votes on Kavanaugh were evenly split, 48 to 48, with four publicly undecided senators: Democrat Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Republicans Susan Collins of Maine, Jeff Flake of Arizona and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska.

They split 3-1 on the procedural vote, to limit debate on the nomination, which passed 51-49. The same lineup would have been in effect in Saturday’s confirmation vote, but the lone Republican opponent, Murkowski, abstained to offset the absence of a pro-Kavanaugh Republican, Steve Daines, producing the 50-48 result.

While Manchin did not make his intentions public until the procedural vote, he had conveyed his decision to support Kavanaugh to the Senate leadership and the White House on Thursday, according to a report in Politico. Flake had earlier sent a similar signal, while remaining publicly “undecided.” This means that well before the procedural vote and Collin’s much-publicized decision to vote for confirmation, the Democrat Manchin had made certain that Kavanaugh would receive at least the 50 votes he needed. Vice President Mike Pence would have broken a 50-50 tie by voting in favor of Kavanaugh, but that in the end proved unnecessary.

The final Senate debate confirmed the completely right-wing character of the Democratic Party’s nominal opposition to Kavanaugh, as senator after senator decried the nomination on the grounds of unproven sexual assault allegations against the judge, while remaining virtually silent on his ultra-right record as a political operative and jurist. Perhaps the low point came at 4 a.m. Saturday morning, when Democrat Jeff Merkley of Oregon devoted two hours to reading out the testimonies of more than 30 rape and sexual assault victims, none of them victims of Kavanaugh.

The Democrats’ single-minded focus on the unproven sexual assault allegations allowed Republican senators to posture as defenders of democratic principles such as the presumption of innocence, even though they regularly trample on them when it comes to immigrants, refugees, victims of police violence or anyone caught up in the dragnet of the US “war on terror.”

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell pontificated about the presumption of innocence in his speech on the Senate floor urging confirmation of Kavanaugh. At the same time, he boasted of the long-term effects of the court-packing being carried out under the Trump administration, putting right-wing judges in a position to flout popular opinion for decades to come. He described the two Supreme Court justices and 26 federal appeals court judges nominated by Trump and confirmed by the Senate as “the most important contribution we have made to the country that will last the longest.”

The leading pro-Democratic Party newspaper, the New York Times, suggested in its editorial that it would have readily backed a justice just as right-wing as Kavanaugh, if only without the sexual assault allegations, declaring regretfully, “while Mr. Trump had plenty of qualified, highly conservative lawyers to pick among, he chose to insist on Judge Kavanaugh.”

The Times then went on to lament that the conflict over Kavanaugh had weakened the Supreme Court as an institution. The editors warned:

“The Court has had a majority of Republican-appointed justices for nearly half a century, of course, and its credibility has endured, despite controversial decisions like Bush v. Gore, which handed the White House to a Republican president. But the elevation of Judge Kavanaugh represents something new.”

This is a concern shared by both capitalist parties. Longtime ultra-right pundit William Bennett—secretary of education in the Reagan administration—compared the current divisions in the United States to those in the period leading up to the Civil War. He told the Washington Post, “This is the second most divided time in our history, and I’m worried about the legitimacy of the court.”

What concerns spokesmen of all factions of the US ruling elite is that the Supreme Court is one of the pillars of class rule in the United States, long the bastion of the defense of property, wealth and the power of the military-intelligence apparatus against popular opposition. Like all the other institutions of bourgeois rule, it has been deeply discredited, not merely by the current political mudslinging over Kavanaugh, but by decades of reactionary, anti-democratic and thoroughly politicized decision-making, as in the notorious Bush v. Gore decision in 2000.

Their concern is that the working class increasingly regards the Supreme Court, like Congress, the presidency, Wall Street and the corporations as a whole, as illegitimate and anti-democratic, part of a political and economic system rigged to protect the interests of the super-rich.


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Most people are unaware of the fact that the annual opening of the United Nations General Assembly, which takes place in September, is actually a major audition opportunity for aspiring stand-up comedians. This year, American President Donald Trump was one of the pre-event favorites according to the Las Vegas betting line based on his hilarious tweets back in January explaining that he is “like, really smart,” before observing that he “would qualify as not smart, but genius….and a very stable genius at that!”

To be sure, when he addressed the assembly on September 25th and rambled on about how “In less than two years, my administration has accomplished more than almost any administration in the history of our country,” the audience was ready to share in the fun and laughed out loud at the absurdity of the notion. They were still giggling on the following day when U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley quipped with a straight face that the audience was actually laughing with Trump out of respect for him and what he was saying.

Netnyahu Bomb a4fdb

Trump’s tour de force seemed unbeatable but the wily Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had an ace up his sleeve. Bibi’s performance back in 2012 when he produced the by now infamous cartoon of an alleged Iranian nuclear bomb about to go off was still recalled by many in the audience as the ultimate stand-up joke U.N. style, a legendary performance. But the same creative thinking that produced the bomb with its lit fuse had come up with a different kind of delayed action joke that Bibi knew would confuse his audience before being revealed for what it was, trumping Trump’s attempt at humor, so to speak. Netanyahu produced a series of large photos taken near Tehran by Israeli intelligence showing a wall and a gate. He said it was an Iranian “secret atomic warehouse for storing massive amounts of equipment and material for Iran’s secret nuclear weapons program.”

Netanyahu Iran 31852

The audience gasped, clearly impressed by Bibi’s unexpected rollout of a hitherto unknown top secret installation, but the joke came the next day when it was revealed that the complex inside the wall actually contained a number of businesses, including a scrap metal dealership and a carpet cleaning service. Bibi likely reacted with his Gary Cooper grin, “Hey, the joke’s on you guys who are always whining about Israel’s nuclear stockpile.”  A U.S. intelligence official was also apparently in on the jape, commenting a day later that “What Netanyahu said last night was slightly misleading. We knew about the facility in Tehran and it’s a place full of file cabinets and documents, not aluminum pipes or centrifuges.”

So it was a weekend of fun for the Israeli delegation, including convivial friendly banter with the representatives of all Israel’s four or five friends in the General Assembly, but you can only generate so much excitement when talking to a dry stick like Nikki Haley or the ambassador from Micronesia. Fortunately, good news had come through late in the week, concerning how seven more demonstrating Gazans had been shot dead by Israeli snipers, and there was also an exciting new development in that the Israeli navy had now gotten into the game, shooting Gazans demonstrating on the beaches along their own seafront since Israel regards anyone who seeks to access the water as being a terrorist, transgressing against Israel’s modern-day Mare Nostrum. Ninety-three more Palestinians were injured, 37 of whom were wounded by gunfire.

There was also a lot of funny stuff going on in Washington, perhaps driven by a desire to outdo the frolicking taking place at the U.N. building in New York City. Congressmen got together and said, “Hey, let’s see what we can give to Israel without anyone in the media coming out with so much as a peep.” One Congressman, possibly Chuck Schumer or Ben Cardin or even Lindsay Graham, must have come up with the idea for a new law that would compel the White House to give to Israel a minimum of $3.8 billion dollars a year for the next ten years no matter what Israel does or says. Shoot Arabs, kick them out of their homes, or just simply treat them like shit, it will all be the same to Uncle Sam. If they want to bomb Peoria, be my guest. Written into the bill is the provision that the president cannot in any way reduce or delay the payment going from the U.S. Treasury to the Israeli Central Bank.

And $3.8 billion is only a minimum. Section 103 of the House bill removes all limitations on how much money Israel gets. Under the new act, instead of $38 billion being the cap, as stipulated in the 2016 memorandum of understanding, it will be a minimum payment until 2028. Constant lobbying by Israel and its friends in the Congress will inevitably mean that the amount might double or triple during that time period. This is a huge gift to Netanyahu, who is undoubtedly laughing all the way to the bank, as the expression goes.

Section 106 of the bill is another freebee, increasing Israel’s access to a U.S. provided war-reserve stockpile that is maintained in Israel by completely removing the limits on how many weapons can be “transferred,” without any payment or charge. The existing limit of $200 million worth of arms per annum charged against the aid package has now been eliminated, allowing the Israelis to take whatever they want.

And there’s more. Section 108 of the Act permits Israel to export arms it receives from the United States, even though that violates U.S. law. And it will also be allowed to use the American aid to buy weapons from its own defense industries, eliminating any benefit for U.S. domestic arms manufacturers.

In short, the comedy routine by the U.S. Congress vis-à-vis Israel has consisted of rolling over and playing dead while handing over the reins of American foreign policy to a foreign power. Netanyahu has scored a hat trick, defying U.S. interests while increasing both aid and concessions. The House bill that spells it all out in detail will now go back for Senate approval, and then to Trump to be signed into law.

The only ones not laughing at the comedy routines both at the U.N. and in Washington are the American taxpayers and those of us who want U.S. foreign policy to respect American values and interests. And by the way, the House has named the bill after Miami Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, a well-known Israel firster whose groveling before Netanyahu and Jewish groups has been notable even by the low standards of the House of Representatives. The bill is now officially the “Ileana Ros-Lehtinen United States-Israel Security Assistance Authorization Act of 2018.”


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This article was originally published on American Herald Tribune.

Philip M. Giraldi is a former CIA counter-terrorism specialist and military intelligence officer who served nineteen years overseas in Turkey, Italy, Germany, and Spain. He was the CIA Chief of Base for the Barcelona Olympics in 1992 and was one of the first Americans to enter Afghanistan in December 2001. Phil is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a Washington-based advocacy group that seeks to encourage and promote a U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East that is consistent with American values and interests. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

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Criticism of Israeli Policy Is Not Anti-Semitic

October 8th, 2018 by James J. Zogby

I was provoked to write this discussion of what is and what isn’t anti-Semitism by an article in Ha’aretz on the “controversy” created by the awarding of the 2018 Nobel Prize in Chemistry to George P. Smith. According to the reporting, Smith is not only a brilliant scientist whose work has helped lead to the creation of new drugs that can treat cancer and a range of autoimmune diseases, he is also an outspoken supporter of Palestinian rights and a critic of Israeli policies.

The Ha’aretz piece notes that Smith has long been “a target of pro-Israel groups” and is listed on “the controversial Canary Mission website”—used by supporters of Israel to harass and silence critics.

As I read through the article looking for evidence of Smith’s sins, I found quotes saying that he “wished ‘not for Israel’s Jewish population to be expelled’ but ‘an end to the discriminatory regime in Palestine.’” At another point, Ha’aretz quotes from an op-ed written by Smith condemning Israeli policies in Gaza which he concludes by expressing his support for the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement (BDS) calling it “Palestinian civil society’s call for the global community of conscience to ostracize Israeli businesses and institutions until Israel repudiates [their violence against Palestinians] and the Palestinian people, including the exiles, achieve full equality with the Jews in their shared homeland.”

I read all of this in the context of this worrisome campaign that is unfolding here in the United States to silence critics of Israel or the exclusivist vision of Political Zionism. It is a well-funded multi-pronged effort, one component of which is the shadowy Canary Mission website that publishes the names, photos, and backgrounds of pro-Palestinian students and professors—terming them anti-Semites or supporters of terrorism. It does so with the expressed purpose of harming their careers. The Canary Mission list is also used to taint and smear these activists to intimidate politicians from engaging with them. And the lists have been used by the Israeli government to deny entry to, in particular, Palestinian Americans or progressive Americans Jews seeking to see family, study, teach, or simply visit that country.

Although the Canary Mission has done its best to keep its operations, leadership, and funding secret, recent articles published in the Jewish press have revealed that the project has been financially supported by some mainstream American Jewish philanthropic entities.

In addition to the Canary Mission there is the campaign that seeks to criminalize support for BDS or to penalize supporters of the movement to hold Israel accountable for its systematic violations of Palestinian rights. This effort is massively funded by the likes of Sheldon Adelson and we now learn, also from a recent expose in a prominent American Jewish newspaper, by millions of dollars funneled to the campaign from the Government of Israel.

Then there is legislation currently pending in Congress designed to make boycotting Israel a crime, complementing the 25 states that have already passed laws denying salaries, contracts, or benefits to individuals who support BDS.

Finally, in a replay of the effort that pressed the UK’s Labour Party to define criticism of Israel as anti-Semitic, Trump’s appointment to lead the Civil Rights Office at the U.S. Department of Education has made clear his intent to investigate anti-Israel activism on college campuses as forms of anti-Semitism. And there is legislation pending in Congress—the Antisemitism Awareness Act. Both this bill and the action by Kenneth Marcus at the Education Department seek to extend the definition of anti-Semitism to include criticism of Israel.

In reflecting on these developments, there are several observations that should be made: anti-Semitism is real, ugly, and dangerous; criticism of Israel is not anti-Semitism; and the effort to conflate the two not only silences needed debate, it distracts from the effort to root out real anti-Semitism, a scourge that has created great pain and enormous suffering in human history.

Anti-Semitism is hatred toward Jews—individually and as a group. It is also the attribution of evil intent or negative qualities to individuals or a group just because they are Jews. On the other hand, criticism of Israeli policy is not anti-Semitic. When Smith has criticized Israel’s massacres at the Gaza border or its systematic denial of equal rights and justice to Palestinians, he is not attributing this behavior to their religion or even suggesting that this behavior is due to their being Jews. For example, he is not saying “Israel is oppressing Palestinians because that’s the way Jews behave.” Nor is he saying that all Jews, as a group, are responsible for these actions—this would be anti-Semitic.  He said no such thing. The only reason to target Smith and those, like him, who critique the policies of the state (that by the way are not supported by all Israelis or Jews, worldwide) is to silence their voices.

This idea that criticism of Israel is anti-Semitic (what is now called “the new anti-Semitism”) is decades old. It has received a push, in recent years, by the campaign to add to the definition of anti-Semitism any criticism that singles Israel out and doesn’t apply the same standard to other countries. This is, at best, a far-fetched effort to shield Israel. While it’s proponents claim that it targets only those who single out Israel for criticism, what they really seek to do is single out Israel as the one country that can’t be criticized.

It is also important to note that there is evidence that in, too many instances, the struggle to combat real anti-Semitism takes a back seat to the effort to shield Israel. For example, while some pro-Israel groups targeted Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership of the Labour Party charging him with tolerating anti-Semitism, they ignored the virulent anti-Semites operating on the right-wing of UK politics. This led many Labourites to conclude that the real target was Corbyn’s unrelenting support for Palestinian rights. Much the same could be implied from Benjamin Netanyahu’s embrace of far-right anti-Semitic European leaders, because they were strong supporters of his government.

The bottom line is that this entire effort is designed not to combat anti-Semitism but to silence criticism.  And in the process of doing so enormous damage is done to: legitimate, well-deserved and necessary criticism of Israeli policies; the reputations of individuals like Smith and student activists who speak out because they are outraged by the injustices visited upon Palestinians; and the struggle against the scourge of real anti-Semitism.


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James J. Zogby is the president of the Arab American Institute.

Featured image is from Shutterstock.

NAFTA 2.0: Free Trade or Central Planning?

October 8th, 2018 by Rep. Ron Paul

Last week the United States, Mexico, and Canada agreed to replace the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) with a new United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA). Sadly, instead of replacing NAFTA’s managed trade with true free trade, the new USMCA expands government’s control over trade.

For example, under the USMCA’s “rules of origin,” at least 75 percent of a car’s parts must be from the US, Canada, or Mexico in order to avoid tariffs. This is protectionism designed to raise prices of cars using materials from outside North America.

The USMCA also requires that 40 to 45 percent of an automobile’s content be made by workers earning at least 16 dollars per hour. Like all government-set wages, this requirement will increase prices and decrease employment.

The USMCA also requires Mexico to pass legislation recognizing the “right of collective bargaining.” In other words, this so-called free trade agreement forces Mexico to import US-style compulsory unionism. If the Mexican legislature does not comply, the US and Canada will impose tariffs on Mexican goods.

The USMCA also requires the three countries to abide by the International Labour Organization (ILO) standards for worker rights. So, if, for example, the bureaucrats at the ILO declared that Right to Work laws violate “international labor standards”’ because they weaken collective bargaining and give Right to Work states an unfair advantage over compulsory unionism states and countries, the federal government may have to nullify all state Right to Work laws.

The USMCA also obligates the three countries to work together to improve air quality. This sounds harmless but could be used as a backdoor way to impose costly new regulations and taxes, such as a cap-and-trade scheme, on America.

This agreement also forbids the use of currency devaluation as a means of attempting to gain a competitive advantage in international trade. Enforcement of this provision will be difficult if not impossible, as no central bank will ever admit it is devaluing currency to obtain a competitive advantage in international trade. Of course, given that the very act of creating money lowers its value, the only way to stop central banks from devaluing currency is to put them out of business. Sadly, I don’t think the drafters of the USMCA seek to restore free-market money.

The currency provision will likely be used to justify coordination of monetary policy between the Federal Reserve and the Mexican and Canadian central banks. This will lead to region-wide inflation and a global currency war as the US pressures Mexico and Canada to help the Fed counter other countries’ alleged currency manipulation and challenges to the dollar’s reserve currency status.

A true free trade deal would simply reduce or eliminate tariffs and other trade barriers. It would not dictate wages and labor standards, or require inter-governmental cooperation on environmental standards and monetary policy. A true free trade deal also would not, as the USMCA does, list acceptable names for types of cheeses.

Those of us who support real free trade must not let supporters of the USMCA get away with claiming the USMCA has anything to do with free trade. We must also fight the forces of protectionism that are threatening to start a destructive trade war. Also, we must work to stop the government from trying to control our economic activities through regulations, taxes, and (most importantly) control of the currency through central banking and legal tender laws.


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The Final Truth of Russia-gate

October 8th, 2018 by Justin Raimondo

The conspiracy to overthrow a sitting US President extends far beyond our own “Deep State.” As I’ve been saying in this space for quite some time, it’s been an international team effort from the beginning. Setting aside the British origins of the obscene “dossier” compiled by “ex”-MI6 agent Christopher Steele, we now have further confirmation of foreign involvement in President Trump’s decision to delay (perhaps indefinitely) the declassification of key Russia-gate documents. While US intelligence officials were expected to oppose the move, “Trump was also swayed by foreign allies, including Britain, in deciding to reverse course, these people said. It wasn’t immediately clear what other governments may have raised concerns to the White House.”

But of course the Washington Post knows perfectly well which other governments would have reason to raise “concerns” to the White House. It’s clear from the public record that the following “allies” have rendered the “Resistance” essential assistance at one time or another:

United Kingdom – This entire episode has Her Majesty’s Secret Service’s fingerprints all over it. Steele’s key role is plain enough: here was a British spook who was not only hired by the Clinton campaign to dig up dirt on Trump but was unusually passionate about his work – almost as if he’d have done it for free. And then there was the earliest approach to the Trump campaign, made by Cambridge professor and longtime spook Stefan Halper to Carter Page. And then there’s the mysterious alleged “link” to Russian intelligence, Professor Joseph Mifsud, whose murky British-based thinktank managed to operate openly despite later claims it was a Russian covert operation.

It was Mifsud who orchestrated the Russia-gate hoax, first suggesting that the Russians had Hillary Clinton’s emails, and then disappearing into thin air as soon as the story he had planted percolated into plain view. Some “Russian agent”!

Australia – Why would the former Australian High Commissioner to the UK seek out George Papadopoulos, a low-level semi-advisor to the Trump campaign, and milk him for information while getting him drunk?

Israel – So how did Papadopoulos find himself spilling his guts at a bar with a top Australian intelligence figure? The Times reports that “The meeting at the bar came about because of a series of connections, beginning with an Israeli Embassy official who introduced Mr. Papadopoulos to another Australian diplomat in London.”

Estonia – The Times and other outlets report that a “Baltic intelligence agency” was the first to relay “concerns” about Russian influence over the Trump team. I’m willing to bet it was the Estonians, who have always been the most actively anti-Russian actors in the region.

Ukraine – Democratic National Committee members actually met with Ukrainian government leaders in an attempt to uncover dirt on Trump. Working together with the DNC, Democratic official and Ukrainian lobbyist Alexandra Chalupa received active assistance from the Ukrainian embassy, which became a veritable locus of Clintonian campaign operations.

This is part of the price we pay for our vaunted “empire,” and the “liberal international order” the striped-pants set is so on about. As that grizzled old “isolationist” prophet, Garet Garrett, described the insignia of empire at the dawn of the cold war:

“There is yet another sign that defines itself gradually. When it is clearly defined it may be already too late to do anything about it. That is to say, a time comes when Empire finds itself –

“A prisoner of history.

“The history of a Republic is its own history…. A Republic may change its course, or reverse it, and that will be its own business., But the history of Empire is a world history, and belongs to many people.”

A Republic may restrain itself, wrote Garrett, but “Empire must put forth its power” – on whose behalf? There are many claimants whose wealth, position, and prestige depend on the Imperial largesse. When that claim is threatened, the “satellites” turn against their protector. This is what the Russia-gate covert action — carried out by coordinated action of our “allies” – is all about. We now have clear evidence of just how far our “client” states are willing go to ensure that the American gravy train of free goodies continues to flow.

Trump’s decision to walk back his announcement that the key Russia-gate intelligence would be declassified tells us almost as much as if he’d tweeted it out, unredacted. For what it tells us is that public knowledge of the contents would constitute a major break in relations with at least one key ally.

So here we have it at last, the final truth of Russia-gate: yes, there was indeed foreign collusion in the 2016 election, but it came from the opposite direction than the media are telling us. We weren’t attacked by Russia: a few thousand dollars in Facebook ads that nobody saw did not put Trump in the White House. Our democratic process was undermined, not by the supposedly omnipotent Vladimir Putin but by the intelligence agencies of some of our more beloved “allies.” We were attacked by a tag -team, both foreign and domestic, intent on ousting a democratically-elected President by any means necessary.

Here is the final irrefutable argument against America as the “world leader,” designated champion of the “liberal international order” – we become, as Garrett noted, a prisoner of history. Indeed, we are no longer entitled to write our own history, but must endure the lobbying and aggressive interventions of our ungrateful and spiteful “allies,” whose welfare states could not exist without generous US “defense” subsidies.

When those subsidies, subventions, and special privileges are threatened, as they are by the nationalist cheapskate Trump, who would gladly demolish the whole decrepit, dated, and dangerous cold war architecture with a wave of his hand. A US President who puts America first? They can’t allow it.

And that’s really the essence of the fight, the issue that will determine the woof and warp of American politics in the new millennium. The global Establishment has risen up against the People. There’s no telling what the outcome will be, but one thing I know for sure: I know what side I’m on. Do you?


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Justin Raimondo is editor-at-large at, and a senior fellow at the Randolph Bourne Institute. He is a contributing editor at The American Conservative, and writes a monthly column for Chronicles. He is the author of Reclaiming the American Right: The Lost Legacy of the Conservative Movement [Center for Libertarian Studies, 1993; Intercollegiate Studies Institute, 2000], and An Enemy of the State: The Life of Murray N. Rothbard[Prometheus Books, 2000].

No More Torture Says France

October 8th, 2018 by Eric Margolis

‘This is La Main Rouge,’ said the gruff voice on our home telephone in Geneva, Switzerland.. ‘Stop your activities on behalf of the FLN or we will kill you.’ The mysterious caller hung up.

I was petrified. La Main Rouge was killing supporters of free Algeria across Europe.

This was 1959 where I was studying at the International School of Geneva. The war to liberate Algeria from 130 years of French colonial was at its bloodiest and most intense.

As an idealistic student, I was outraged by the brutality of this struggle in which up to 1.5 million Algerians were killed by the French and by fellow Algerians. I organized demonstrations calling for free Algeria, penned articles and carried messages for the Algerian underground (Front de Liberation National, or FLN)’s branch in Paris.

The death threat was the first of many I would receive over my life, along with much other heavy intimidation and offers of bribes to alter my journalistic positions. But the bloody Algerian War of Independence, that ran from 1954-1962, still holds particular resonance for me even though I’ve covered 14 wars since then. The horrors of Algeria’s massacres and torture have stayed with me all these years.

La Main Rouge (Red Hand), we later learned, was a false flag operation mounted by French intelligence (SDECE) to kill or frighten off supporters of the Algerian cause, notably pro-Algerian leftwing intellectuals, and arms suppliers.

That’s why I was elated to see France’s new president, Emmanuel Macron, officially admit that France had indeed conducted systemic torture in Algeria that he called ‘a crime against humanity.’ Previous French governments had denied the crimes in Algeria and censored reports and books about it.

Torture, ‘disappearing’ and judicial executions would no longer be sanctioned in France, even in extreme cases. Macron called France’s repression in Algeria ‘a crime against humanity.’

The record of the war is ghastly. Tens of thousands of Algerian suspects were rounded up at night, thrown into prisons, and tortured – many to death – using electric generators attached to their genitals or lips with steel clips. Intense beatings and use of masked informers were common. Many FLN suspects were sent to the guillotine.

The superb film ‘Battle of Algiers’ recounts ferocious efforts by French elite paratroopers and security forces to crush the FLN network. `We far outdid the Nazi SS and Gestapo,’ boasted one particularly sadistic French general.

As a result of the Algerian War, torture spread to France’s metropolitan security services and even regular police. But this is always what happens when torture is used. It spreads like a virus.

Back in 1995, then President Jacques Chirac admitted that French police, not Germans, had rounded up 75,000 French Jews and sent them to German concentration camps. France’s right was outraged.

Now, France’s right is denouncing President Macron for finally telling the truth and opening France’s secret archives

Which raises the question of torture by US occupation forces in Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, and of similar crimes by its satraps Egypt, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and by Israel. Under President Donald Trump, the US is going in precisely the opposite direction as France. Trump and his cohorts have lauded the use and efficacy of torture and called for its wider and more intense use in America’s modern colonial wars. The CIA’s new chief led one part of the torture program in Southeast Asia.

France is now purging itself of the crimes against humanity committed during the Algerian War. Nations, like people, need to occasionally cleanse their spirit of foul deeds and crimes. But not so the United States where the White House and Congress have become cheerleaders for torture.

It will be hard for Washington to keep holding itself up to be the world champion of human rights when its torturers are hard at work inflicting unspeakable punishments on suspects. Let’s recall that the Bush-Cheney administration massively increased the use of torture to try to prove a fake link between Saddam’s Iraq and 9/11. America disgraced itself and never could manufacture the ‘evidence.’

America and France are sister democracies. President Macron has shown Washington how to deal with the crime of torture. We should listen.

Epilogue: Algeria gained independence in 1962 thanks to the wisdom of President Charles De Gaulle. But, as Danton famously stated, ‘the revolution devours its young.’ The FLN’s rival leaders began murdering one another. The once noble struggle for independence turned into a bloodbath. Algeria fell under military rule and suffered worse horrors than even the French inflicted.


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MST Open Letter on Brazil Election

October 8th, 2018 by MST - Landless Workers Movement of Brazil

Comrades and Friends of MST around the World,

We would like to share some of our views on this delicate moment of Brazilian politics in the last week of the election campaign:

1. This election is very special because it can mean the victory or defeat of the coup against democracy started in 2014, which continued with the impeachment of President Dilma Rousseff, extended into the illegitimate government of Michel Temer. For us, the coup is not just the moment of impeachment. The coup is the project that the elites and the financial capital did not have the strength to conquer in the elections and that needed to use the force and the illegality of other apparatuses like the media and the judiciary to execute. Thus, the coup is also the reforms of withdrawal of rights, the promotion of unemployment and, mainly, the political imprisonment of president Lula, without evidence and at a fast pace, to prevent that the favorite candidate of the population disputed the elections.

2. We further understand that the coup is a symptom of the profound economic, social and political crisis that affects not only Brazil, but the whole world, as a result of the hegemony of international financial capital and the accelerated destruction of natural assets, social rights and State around the world. It is important to have this understanding, because the elections will not solve this crisis and probably, even with the victory of the popular forces, we will have the continuity of the crisis and the confrontations that marked this period.

3. The Brazilian population understood that there was a coup and that it was necessary to defeat it. But it did not choose the path of the streets and mobilizations. With the exception of the victorious general strike that blocked the pension reform. In this way, the people chose in Lula’s candidacy the way to express its discontent and desire for change. The MST defended Lula’s candidacy as far as possible. We made a beautiful march to register his candidacy and with other popular movements we made a hunger strike that lasted 26 days and denounced the manipulations of the Judiciary System. And we have kept the Camp Lula Livre in front of the Federal Police’s jail in Curitiba as a living testimony of our conviction of the president’s innocence. Despite protests from the UN and a large civic movement by Lula Livre, the judiciary prevented President Lula from running for the elections. Faced with this, the Workers’ Party chose to launch the former Education Minister and former Sao Paulo mayor Fernando Hadadd as a candidate. And we, like the other democratic forces, decided to support his candidacy, because it represents the defeat of the coup, Lula’s freedom and the possibility of overcoming the serious economic and political crisis and resuming a path of development of the country.

4. On the other hand, in these four years of the coup, the Brazilian right has used numerous tools: fabricated social movements, active militancy of the judiciary and the media against democracy … One of the fronts of these attacks was the encouragement of leaders with fascist speech like Jair Bolsonaro, a federal deputy for three decades (but presenting himself as an anti-system), former army captain, defender of the military dictatorship and torture, and the withdrawal of countless social rights. Bolsonaro is advised by military and foreign-funded funds economists. Bolsonaro’s speech of violence, homophobia and radicalism grew with the support of the media, who hoped that in the polarization between him and the left, the traditional right might present itself as “moderate” or “center.” However, the population decided to punish the parties that carried out the coup, such as the PSDB of Fernando Henrique Cardoso and Aécio Neves (whose candidate Geraldo Alckmin is expected to be fourth or fifth) and Michel Temer’s MDB (whose candidate Henrique Meirelles should not be among the top six). And the creation fled from the control of the creators, taking the vows of the old right.

5. We understand, therefore, that in this election there is a clear dispute between two antagonistic projects: the continuity of the coup and its reforms, represented by its more radical and authoritarian version, Jair Bolsonaro, and the reconstruction of democracy and rights, represented by Fernando Haddad. It is, therefore, an election marked by the class struggle. For a project that combines the most conservative sectors of our society and international capital against the workers’ project.

6. From the point of view of foreign policy, this dispute of projects is represented on the one hand by Bolsonaro’s project, a more aligned U.S. policy, non-recognition of Palestine, and attacks on Venezuela and the progressive governments of Latin America. On the other hand, by Hadadd’s project, of resumption of Latin American integration and of strengthening relations with the countries of the Global South.

7. Therefore, this will be a difficult election, disputed both at the polls and on the streets, as demonstrated by the gigantic women’s movement #EleNão (#NotHim) this past weekend. We also know that the results of this election will decisively influence the direction of Latin America and can signal a new progressive offensive throughout the world. For our part, we will continue to fight for popular agrarian reform and for a popular project for Brazil, and we ask our friends on all continents to remain attentive to developments in Brazil and to denounce both the conservative offensive and the political imprisonment of President Lula.


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Published in July, this article by Dr. Marjorie Cohn reveals how the US Supreme Court routinely violates international law and the US Constitution


The Supreme Court’s opinion in Trump v. Hawaii, affirming Donald Trump’s Muslim ban, allows the United States to act in flagrant violation of international law.

Under the guise of deferring to the president on matters of national security, the 5-4 majority disregarded a litany of Trump’s anti-Muslim statements and held that the ban does not violate the First Amendment’s Establishment Clause, which forbids the government from preferring one religion over another. Neither the majority nor the dissenting opinions even mentions the US’s legal obligations under international human rights law.

The travel ban violates two treaties to which the United States is a party: the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, as well as the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. It also runs afoul of customary international law.

Both of these treaties and customary international law prohibit the government from discriminating on the basis of religion or national origin. Trump’s Muslim ban does both.

Trump v. Hawaii “signals strongly that international law in general, and international human rights law in particular, no longer binds the United States in federal courts,” Aaron Fellmeth, professor at Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law, wrote in an email. “Fortunately, it does not squarely hold that, but the effect may prove to be the same. For now, the Supreme Court appears determined to be complicit in U.S. human rights violations and cannot be relied upon as a check on the Executive Branch.”

The case that the Supreme Court ruled on this week involved the legality of Trump’s third travel ban. Issued by Trump in a “Proclamation” on September 24, 2017, the third iteration of the ban restricts travel by most citizens of Libya, Syria, Iran, Yemen, Chad, Somalia and North Korea. The ban forbids everyone from Syria and North Korea from obtaining visas. Nationals from the other six countries have to undergo additional security checks. Iranian students are exempted from the ban. The ban also forbids Venezuelan government officials and their families from traveling to the US.

More than 150 million people, roughly 95 percent of them Muslim, are affected by the ban.

Two prior iterations of the ban restricted travel of citizens from only Muslim-majority countries. After federal courts struck them down, Trump cosmetically added Venezuela and North Korea to avoid charges of religious discrimination.

Image on the right: Justice Sonya Sotomayor and Pres. Donald Trump

Image result for sonia sotomayor

As Justice Sonya Sotomayor, joined by Ruth Bader Ginsburg, wrote in her dissent, “it is of no moment” that Trump included “minor restrictions” on North Korea and Venezuela – two non-Muslim-majority countries. Travel by North Korean nationals was already restricted and the ban only bars travel by Venezuelan officials and their families.

Court Did Not Address International Law Claims

All of the justices on the Supreme Court ignored significant international law arguments in their majority and dissenting opinions in spite of an amicus brief signed by 81 international law scholars, including this writer, and a dozen non-governmental organizations. The amicus brief drew attention to the travel ban’s violation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, both of which the United States has ratified.

Ratification of a treaty not only makes the United States a party to that treaty, its provisions also become part of US domestic law under the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution, which says treaties “shall be the supreme law of the land.”

Customary international law arises from the general and consistent practice of states. It is part of federal common law and must be enforced in US courts, whether or not its provisions are enshrined in a ratified treaty. Courts have a duty to rein in federal executive action which conflicts with a ratified treaty.

In Trump v. Hawaii, the high court concluded that the ban did not violate the Immigration and Nationality Act. We argued in our amicus brief:

The Immigration and Nationality Act and other statutes must be read in harmony with these international legal obligations pursuant to the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution and long established principles of statutory construction requiring acts of Congress to be interpreted in a manner consistent with international law, whenever such a construction is reasonably possible.

But the Court did not construe the legality of the travel ban in light of US treaty obligations and customary international law.

The primary thrust of the ban is to prohibit Muslims from entering the United States and thus constitutes religious discrimination. By singling out specific countries for exclusion, the ban also makes a prohibited distinction on the basis of national origin.

Muslim Ban Violates International Covenant

The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights prohibits distinctions based on religion or national origin, which have “the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise by all persons, on an equal footing of human rights and fundamental freedoms,” the United Nation Human Rights Committee, which monitors compliance with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, has said.

Although the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights does not generally “recognize a right of aliens to enter or reside in the territory of a State party …  in certain circumstances an alien may enjoy the protection of the Covenant even in relation to entry or residence, for example, when considerations of non-discrimination, prohibition of inhuman treatment and respect for family life arise,” the Human Rights Committee opined.

The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights prohibits discrimination against the family. “The family is the natural and fundamental group of society and is entitled to protection by society and the State.” Immigrants and refugees flee their countries of origin and come to the United States to reunify with their families. The covenant protects them against discrimination based on religion or national origin. They need not be physically present in the United States to enjoy these protections.

The non-discrimination provisions of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights also constitute customary international law. In 1948, the United States approved the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which is part of customary international law. The declaration forbids discrimination based on religion or national origin, guarantees equal protection of the law, and shields family life against arbitrary interference.

Ban Violates Convention Against Discrimination

The International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination also prohibits discrimination based on religion or national origin and doesn’t confine its non-discrimination provisions to citizens or resident noncitizens. While the convention “does not speak specifically to restrictions on entry of nonresident aliens,” our amicus brief states, “the general language of [the Convention Against Racial Discrimination] expresses a clear intention to eliminate discrimination based on race or national origin from all areas of government activity.”

States parties to the convention “shall not permit public authorities or public institutions, national or local, to promote or incite racial discrimination.” Parties are required to outlaw speech that stigmatizes or stereotypes noncitizens, immigrants, refugees and people seeking asylum.

Evidence of the Discriminatory Nature of the Travel Ban

Even though the Supreme Court majority held that the ban did not violate the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment, much evidence exists to the contrary.

The Establishment Clause says, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” That means “one religious denomination cannot be officially preferred over another,” according to Supreme Court case law.

After quoting a few of Trump’s anti-Muslim statements, Roberts noted,

“the issue before us is not whether to denounce the statements” but rather “the significance of those statements in reviewing a Presidential directive, neutral on its face, addressing a matter within the core of executive responsibility.” Roberts added, “we must consider not only the statements of a particular President, but also the authority of the Presidency itself.”

Roberts wrote that the Court could consider the president’s statements “but will uphold the policy so long as it can reasonably be understood to result from a justification independent of unconstitutional grounds.” Courts must give great deference to the president in immigration matters and will uphold his policy if it has any legitimate purpose, Roberts noted.

“The entry suspension has a legitimate grounding in national security concerns, quite apart from any religious hostility.” The text doesn’t specifically mention religion, so Roberts wrote it was “neutral on its face.”

Sotomayor spent seven of the 28 pages of her dissent listing more than a dozen statements by Trump denigrating Muslims. She cited the policy’s initial purpose as a “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States,” in Trump’s words. But that policy “now masquerades behind a façade of national security concerns,” Sotomayor wrote.

She quoted a Trump adviser who said,

“When [Donald Trump] first announced it, he said, ‘Muslim ban.’” Sotomayor also listed Trump’s declarations that “Islam hates us,” “we’re having problems with Muslims coming into the country,” and “Muslims do not respect us at all.”

Trump said President Franklin D. Roosevelt “did the same thing” with his internment of Japanese Americans during World War II, Sotomayor noted. Trump told a story about General John J. Pershing killing a large group of Muslim insurgents in the Philippines with bullets dipped in pig’s blood. When he issued his first ban, Trump explained that Christians would be given preference for entry as refugees into the United States. He also retweeted three anti-Muslim videos.

“Taking all the relevant evidence together,” Sotomayor wrote, “a reasonable observer would conclude that the Proclamation was driven primarily by anti-Muslim animus, rather than by the Government’s asserted national security justifications.” The Proclamation, she added, “is nothing more than a ‘religious gerrymander.’”

Looking Ahead

There is hope that the most abhorrent effects of this case can be mitigated. Yale law professor Harold Hongju Koh wrote on Scotusblogthat transnational actors — including nation-states, international organizations, non-governmental organizations, multinational enterprises and private individuals — will invariably file litigation in international fora based on international law to lessen the impact of the ruling in Trump v. Hawaii:

[A]s they have done against other Trump policies, other transnational actors will invoke what I have called “transnational legal process” to contest and limit the impact of the court’s ruling. As they did after losing the Haitian interdiction case at the Supreme Court 25 years ago, litigants will surely seek out international fora to make arguments against the travel ban based on international law.

The Constitution’s Take Care Clause requires the president to “take care that the laws be faithfully executed.” Trump has a constitutional duty to comply with US legal obligations under both treaty and customary international law.

By enacting a travel ban aimed at excluding from the United States people from six Muslim-majority countries, Trump has violated both the Constitution and international law.


Copyright Truthout. Reprinted with permission.

Marjorie Cohn is professor emerita at Thomas Jefferson School of Law, former president of the National Lawyers Guild, deputy secretary general of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers and an advisory board member of Veterans for Peace. An updated edition of her book, Drones and Targeted Killing: Legal, Moral, and Geopolitical Issues, was recently published. Visit her website: She is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from ACLU.

Sino/US tensions risk boiling over into something much more serious than already.

Washington considers China’s significant political, economic, trade, and military strength as a threat to US national security.

Accusations by US officials against China, Russia, and other countries are all about wanting no nations compromising Washington’s hegemonic agenda – its aim for unchallenged control.

The Trump regime slammed what it called Beijing’s “unfair trade” and other practices, along with accusing the country of intellectual property theft, cyberwar, interfering in America’s electoral process, militarizing the South China Sea, and controlling offshore islands it claims belong to other regional countries.

The US also claims the right to conduct freedom of navigation operations close to Chinese waters its officials consider provocative.

Imagine the outcry by Washington if Chinese and/or Russian forces were deployed along America’s northern or southern borders – or if their warships  patrolled close to its Atlantic, Pacific, or Gulf of Mexico waters.

A September Pentagon report titled “Assessing and Strengthening the Manufacturing and Defense Industrial Base and Supply Chain Resiliency of the United States” claims “aggressive (Chinese) industry threatens US national security.”

Citing what it calls 300 US vulnerabilities, it claims “China represents a significant and growing risk to the supply of materials and technologies deemed strategic and critical to US national security.”

It says 90% of world circuit boards are produced in Asia, over half in China, enabling its leadership to cut off supplying vital materials to America.

The Pentagon “risks losing visibility into the manufacturing provenance of its products,” the report claims, naming five major challenges as follows:

  • uncertainty of government spending;
  • decline of critical markets and suppliers;
  • unintended consequences of US government acquisition behavior;
  • aggressive industrial policies of competitor nations, especially China; and
  • loss of vital domestic workforce skills.

“Combined, these challenges – or macro forces – erode the capabilities of the manufacturing and defense industrial base and threaten the Department of Defense’s ability to be ready for the ‘fight tonight,’ and to retool for great power competition,” the report states, adding:

“(S)ole source suppliers create (vulnerabilities and possible failure) within the industrial base, as well as fragile suppliers near bankruptcy and entire industries near domestic extinction.”

America lacks enough experienced technicians, engineers and scientists, it says. Shipbuilding and components for vessels largely shifted abroad.

The US has only six shipyards run by four companies. The report slammed China most of all for American vulnerabilities, saying:

Beijing “relies on both legal and illicit means, including foreign direct and venture investments, open source collection, human collectors, espionage, cyber operations, and the evasion of US export control restrictions to acquire intellectual property and critical technologies,” adding:

Its “actions seriously threaten other capabilities, including machine tools; the production and processing of advanced materials like biomaterials, ceramics and composites; and the production of printed circuit boards and semiconductors.”

America’s aircraft industry “is experiencing a shortage of workers with critical hardware and software design capabilities due to large retirement populations, limited platform knowledge transfer opportunities, and skyrocketing demand for software engineers outstripping supply in multiple product line sectors.”

The report is all about calling China a major strategic US threat, along with pushing Congress and the White House to increase bloated “defense” spending more than already at a time no real US enemies exist – only invented ones, notably Russia, China, and Iran.

America already spends as much or more on militarism as the rest of the world combined – with all categories included. Huge Pentagon and intelligence black budgets alone may total hundreds of billions of dollars annually.

Known total defense spending is more than double annual National Defense Authorization Act budgets – way exceeding $1.5 trillion each year.

China reportedly spends about $150 billion annually on defense, Russia around one-third this amount. Saudi Arabia spends more than the Kremlin.

Longstanding Pentagon operations reflect a black hole of enormous waste, fraud and abuse.

Earlier it was disclosed that the Pentagon can’t account for $6.5 trillion in spending. According to a 2017 Michigan State University study, a whopping $21 trillion has gone missing from the federal budget throughout the 1998 – 2015 period.

Most of it went for militarism, warmaking, so-called “homeland security,” espionage, and subversion – a monumental unaccountable black hole abuse of power.

The grandest of grand Pentagon theft amount is around 50 times Iran’s 2017 GDP, exceeding its combined GDP throughout its 39-year history.

Doctored Pentagon ledgers conceal massive waste, fraud and abuse. US military spending needs to be greatly slashed, not increased.

Above all, challenging and stopping its war on humanity is vital. Continuing it risks direct confrontation with Russia, China and Iran – possible nuclear war endangering life on earth.

A Final Comment

China’s Global Times (GT) responded to the Pentagon report, saying it “will have an exacerbating effect on the tension already in place between the two countries,” adding:

“It will also strengthen US misconceptions about China, fueling (greater) ‘strategic rival’ sentiment.”

“The issues…will eventually become part of a campaign platform led by US political elites, designed to harm, or even sever, China-US relations.”

Washington “restrict(s) high-tech exports to China to prevent military-related manufacturing.” It pressures allies to do the same thing.

Hostile US policies are “deteriorat(ing) what is arguably the most important global relationship of the modern era.”

China is greatly concerned about what’s happening, GT saying it must meet the challenge “with a peaceful mind.”


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Award-winning author Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”

Visit his blog site at

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This article was first published by The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives in early September. The article provides a historical overview. It does include recent developments pertaining to the election campaign following Lula’s  decision to drop out of the race and back another PT candidate for the presidency. 

Brazil has been embroiled in socioeconomic crisis since the collapse of commodity prices in 2014 pushed the country into a deep recession. The dismissal of the last government in 2016 added political and judicial scandal to the mix when the PT administration of Dilma Rousseff, Lula’s protégé, was impeached in a parliamentary coup on trumped-up charges of financial illegality (not corruption).

For the last two years, Brazil has been led by an unelected right-wing acting president who has also been charged with two cases of corruption. Michel Temer is widely hated for imposing harsh austerity measures in 2017, including highly unpopular pension reforms and deep cuts to government spending while raising salaries for legislators. With an ap- proval rating of only 3%, according to one recent poll, Temer is Brazil’s most unpopular president ever.

Lula, on the other hand, remains well-liked in the country. The two- time president (2002 — 2010) is widely credited with lifting tens of millions of Brazilians out of poverty through redistributive economic reforms (see my past articles for the Monitor at A concert in Rio de Janeiro at the end of July featuring Chico Buarque and other big Brazilian acts, who are calling for Lula’s release from prison, drew tens of thousands people into the street.

“The Brazilian people love Lula due to [his] achievements,” says João Feres Júnior, professor of political science at the State University of Rio, “but some Brazilians did not like this.”

Feres includes the country’s judiciary in the latter group. In our conversation about the upcoming elections, he tells me Lula’s jailing was “politically motivated,” engineered by “a combination of political forces and politicized judges who have violated many judicial procedures throughout the process,” which made it necessary to convict the former president.

Lula was accused and convicted of receiving a bribe from the con- struction firm OAS in the shape of a duplex seaside apartment worth US$1.1 million. The investigation was part of Operation Car Wash (Lava Jato), a massive corruption probe in which close to 100 Brazilian politicians and officials have been convicted. Lula denied the charge and denounced it as political persecution. In court, his lawyers argued that there is no proof that Lula owned the apartment and that his conviction is based on the testimony of OAS’s former chairman, who was himself convicted of corrup- tion and who hoped to get leniency in his case.

“There is no evidence that he owned the apartment,” Feres states. “The whole process is tainted.” As proof, he points to judges rejecting material presented by the defence, speeding up deadlines and denying access to all the evidence against Lula.

“Brazilian justice, in a heterodox interpretation, considered that it sufficed that Lula, as president, appointed [the state oil company] Petrobras’s administration, which engaged in illegal transactions with OAS, and OAS kept the apartment waiting for Lula to decide whether he would buy it or not, and he never bought it or used it,” explains Rubens Glezer, a constitutional law professor at Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV), a private university with multiple campuses in Brazil. “The conviction is sustained in a huge chain of inference, with several weak links.”

Glezer does not think that Lula’s conviction is politically motivated in a partisan sense, but notes the result was that “the most popular candidate for the presidency is having his political rights revoked by a highly contestable conviction.” Meanwhile, he adds, “several other politicians investigated for much more direct and classic cases of corruption, with recorded conversations about bribes or videos of people getting away with a bags full of money, have their political rights intact.”

There is a “combination of forces that wants a different type of Brazil where people stay in their place,” says Feres, referring to an alliance of right-wing political parties, certain judges and corporations united mainly by their desire to get rid of Lula and the PT. “This group does not want progressive change. It wants a Brazil where most people are poor, labour is dirt-cheap, and where it is not threatened by the rise of Black people.” (More than half of Brazilians define themselves as Black or of mixed race.)

While Lula remains popular, this right-wing alliance has managed to reduce public support for his Workers Party by tarnishing its image in the media.

“The media are mainly cen- tre-right politically and produce a type of journalism that is worse than the British tabloids,” says Feres. “Their bias against Lula is amazing.”

During Lula’s court hearings, big media outlets ran many unproven allegations against the former president that had been leaked by the judiciary.

Running second to Lula ahead of the October elections, at 17% public support in one July poll, is the neofascist, racist, misogynistic and homophobic congressman Jair Bolsonaro, who told a congresswoman in 2014 that “she isn’t worth” raping, “because she’s ugly.” In April, Brazil’s attorney general charged Bolsonaro with inciting hatred and discrimination against Blacks, Indig- enous communities, women and gays. He has condoned torture and praised military dictatorship, yet there is a decent chance he will win the next election, especially with Lula out of the running.

“The source of Bolsonaro’s popu- larity is his ability to channel a lot of different expectations. So definitely a part of his electorate is aligned with his anti-gay, anti-secular, anti-minorities, anti-human rights, pro-dictatorship, pro-gun speech. But a lot more seem to consider him a candidate who is not politics-as-usual, an outsider — despite his position in Congress since 1991 — and more importantly, with no corruption case against him,” says Glezer.

“Nobody knows what his presidency will be like. To say that it will be right- wing is, of course, an understatement.”

Behind Bolsonaro, at 13% public support, is former environment minister Marina Silva, who served under Lula from 2003 to 2010 before parting ways with the PT. She ran for president under two different political parties in 2010 and 2014, but did not make the second-round runoff in either. She is running this time on an anti-corrup- tion message aside from which her political positions are vague.

In third place is former legislator and ex-minister Ciro Gomes, leader of the small Democratic Workers Party, who was polling at 10% this summer. In Lula’s absence, Gomes would be considered the most leftist candidate given his support for raising taxes on the rich, reversing privatizations and nationalizing oilfields.

As shaky as Brazil’s economic recovery has been, Glezer sees the Brazilian crisis as mainly a political one, which he blames on “irresponsible or incompetent leadership that could not structure politics in a minimally ethical manner.” Brazil needs to “re- construct its political community and it may have to invent the institutions to do so,” he tells me.

Victor Marques, professor of phi- losophy at the Federal University of ABC in São Paulo, insists the country’s political crisis is far more profound than that. For him, Lula’s jailing means that Brazil is no longer a full democracy.

“Given how polemic and fast-tracked Lula ́s judicial process was, it is now common sense in Bra- zilian society that the main objective of his imprisonment was to block him from running as a presidential candi- date again because if he was allowed to run, he would win easily,” Marques tells me. This, and Roussef’s “divisive” impeachment, has “cast a dreadful shadow,” he adds.

“One way to put it is that Brazil is now a ‘tutored democracy,’ with both the judiciary and, even more worrisome, the armed forces acting as a kind of ‘moderate power’ with no constitutional provision for that. Some say that taking Lula out of the ballot is like a ‘preemptive impeach- ment.’ I would say it is an anticipated electoral fraud.”


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This article was originally published on the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (page 52).

Asad Ismi is an award-winning writer and radio documentary-maker. He covers international politics for the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives Monitor (CCPA Monitor), Canada’s biggest leftist magazine (by circulation) where this article was originally published. Asad has written on the politics of 64 countries and is a regular contributer to Global Research. For his publications visit

How could a country win her fight against Western imperialism, how could it become truly independent, if its people are fully conditioned, through the mass media and education, by the North American and European doctrines and world view?

Wherever I work and struggle in this world, I am always amazed, even shocked, by how powerful the Western tools of indoctrination are, how effective its propaganda is.

Even in such countries like Vietnam, where one would think, Communism won at a tremendous cost of millions of lives, people are now increasingly indoctrinated by the West. They are apathetic and progressively ignorant about the world. Yes, of course, officially the country is in solidarity with so many struggling and oppressed parts of the world, but ask common people on the streets of Hanoi what they know about the horrific things that are being done by multi-nationals in Africa or even in Indonesia; the great majority would say that they know close to nothing. And if you press harder, chances are that you will be told that they do not really care. It is because the Western official narrative has already infiltrated, entered everything here, from social media to NGOs. It also began influencing arts, television and education.

Ideological war is on, and it is real. It is tough, ruthless and often more destructive than a war fought by conventional weapons.

The victims of this war are human brains, human minds, culture, and sometimes entire political systems.

Your country loses an ‘ideological battle’, then another one, and soon you can find yourself living in a system which is totally foreign to you and to your people; to their history, traditions and desires.


I am writing this essay in the city of Puebla, in Mexico. You know, the people of Mexico just recently voted, and overwhelmingly, they elected the left-wing Presidential candidate, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.

For three weeks I travelled all around the country. I spoke to hundreds of people. Most of them were hopeful; most of them were instinctively longing for socialism. Usually, they do not call it ‘socialism’, because for decades they were told not to use this word in any positive context, but what they describe when they dream, is clearly a form of socialism, nevertheless.

But how can they define the position of their country in the world, or even their own position inside their country? You turn on the television set, and all you see is CNN in Spanish (‘Mexican edition’), or the extreme right-wing FOX, or some corporate-owned local TV station. Almost all international news in Mexican newspapers is taken from the Western press agencies.

Can socialism be built like this, based on the Western indoctrination, disinformation system?

Telesur is not even available on most of the cable television systems, so how?


Again, this is really nothing new. For instance, since the beginning of the Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela, the mainstream media outlets were firmly in the hands of the right-wing individuals, and big business. Not all, but definitely most of them.

It used to be truly grotesque, and it still is: while most of the journalists supported Chavez, and later Maduro, they were too scared to write anything positive about the government, fearing that they would lose their jobs.

The insults (and lies) they were paid to regurgitate against the revolutionary system, would easily land them in jail in the United States and definitely in the UK – a country with draconic defamation laws. In Venezuela, most of them were allowed to write – to write garbage and outright lies. The more uncensored the hostile outburst were, the more ‘unfree’ the West called the Venezuelan media environment. The usual stuff, the usual logic of the propaganda: black is white, and cats are rats. Repeat it thousand times, and millions will believe it.

Revolutionary Bolivia is facing the same problems, and so was Ecuador during the previous, socialist administration (now, there, it is ‘business as usual’, with the Western media openly operating in the country, almost unopposed).

Brazil is living through the aftermath of something that could be loosely described as a ‘constitutional coup’ perpetrated by the right-wing establishment, against Dilma and her highly successful PT (socialist) government. The coup was only possible, because the mass media of Brazil, fully backed and fueled from abroad, consistently smeared all the great achievements of the left-of-center administration, putting individuals under a microscope, while describing as ‘corruption’ things that would be absolutely acceptable in Europe or the United States, not to speak about the right-wing countries all over the Latin America.

The smear campaign against Cristina in Argentina, is another example of the right-wing madness ‘which pays.

But how would people know all this, if almost all sources of information are coming exclusively from one – right-wing – camp?

They feel something is happening – they feel it intuitively – but they find it extremely difficult to formulate what they feel precisely.

I witness this all-over Latin America, all over Africa, Asia Pacific, India and the Middle East.

It is a confusion, an unhealthy confusion, manufactured somewhere else, somewhere far away.


Let’s face it: this is a truly bizarre situation.

The Western public is ‘discovering’ new and powerful media outlets, which are coming from the non-Western countries. Many people in London or New York are now hooked on RT, CGTN, Press TV, or Telesur. Masses are reading magazines like NEO (New Eastern Outlook, edited in Russia), or Countercurrents (India).

But in those countries that are clearly victims of the Western interventions and brutal neo-colonialist policies, almost all information sources available come from the West – from the very centers of the present world order.


What can be done?

Lately there was plenty of ‘poor us’, or ‘they are after all of us’ statements in the alternative press, at least in the West.

Of course, they are!

Well, Comrades, war is war, even an ideological one!

What did you expect? That, after we start attacking the system that has been literally raping the planet for several centuries the system would quietly die, or go away? That is not realistic.

The news that is actually lately coming our way is very good:

Many powerful media outlets that are opposed to the official Western narrative are already in place, or emerging.

In the non-Western world, there are above mentioned RT, PressTV, CGTN, Al-Mayadeen, Telesur. There is New Eastern Outlook (NEO), Sputnik, TASS, Countercurrents, and hopefully soon, Prensa Latina will rejuvenate itself.

They are all on air, already running, fully functional and counting on some of the best writers and thinkers on this Planet, as their contributors.

So, what is next?

We have to, and this is absolutely essential, to reach people in the non-Western countries.

Some new media, even if it is totally anti-imperialist and in support of the oppressed world, is still using ‘old methods’, like interviewing almost exclusively people with either British or US accents, as if this would be giving them some enhanced credibility.

Also, there is too much accent on covering the West, and too little on covering what is happening in Africa, Latin America, Asia or the Middle East.

The people of Africa have had enough of Europeans and North Americans telling them ‘what they really are’, and what they should do. They have plenty to say about their own lives and their own countries. The same goes for the Asians.

In order to reach Africans, we have to talk to the African thinkers, revolutionaries, and of course, to their common people; to talk to them “on the record”, not to listen to ourselves preaching to them.

Our media outlets should be different – truly global but above all, ‘internationalist’.

Chinese CGTN has adopted precisely this philosophy, and it works wonders. People are watching – all over Africa and all over Asia. RT did a tremendous job through their Spanish language broadcast. NEO’s greatest strength is in its in-depth coverage of Asia – the biggest continent on Earth.

Above all, we have to reach as many people in the entire occupied and oppressed word. If some big television stations with substantial budgets (like RT or CGTV) can afford to advertise, they should. And if they cannot convince the cable or satellite providers in Latin America, Asia or Africa to carry their broadcasts, they should concentrate on convincing millions of individuals to watch their programs online, through the internet, as I am doing right now, in Mexico.


Things can be turned around, when there is dedication, enthusiasm and professionalism.

Russia, China and Iran are great examples. Soviet media during Gorbachev and Yeltsin eras was totally humiliated and forced into submission. For several dark years, all that the West was saying and writing was expected to be considered as pure gold by millions in both Russia and the former Soviet republics. But the West did not come to Russia with an olive branch. Dependency on the Western narrative was most likely one of the main reasons, why the Soviet Union, and then Russia itself, virtually collapsed. Western propaganda was aiming at bringing the Russian people to their knees. It was clearly a vehicle of hostility and destruction. 

But Russia soon regrouped. It got back to its feet. And its media has completely and brilliantly reinvented itself. Now, it is strong, brave and intellectually superb.

China also went through a period when ‘everyone educated’ was expected to parrot Western dogmas. Chinese universities and media outlets got infiltrated from abroad. Hostility towards Communism was steadily injected into Chinese students who were graduating from the European and North American universities. The main goal of the West has always been to derail the Chinese socialist system, and to make China subservient to the West. In the end, it did not happen. China quickly identified the subversion, and since then, has been taking appropriate measures. Its media, too, reformed. The once out-of-date CCTV changed into a sleek, attractive, informative one, a clearly left-wing CGTN. Its newspapers have improved as well.

Now Russian, Chinese, Venezuelan and Iranian international (and internationalist) media outlets are on the correct track. They are broadcasting in various languages, offering non-Western, anti-imperialist alternatives. The distribution of the messages is, however, still limping behind the quality of the news bulletins.

I am working all over the world, often in such ‘corners of the planet’ where hardly any journalist goes. And this is my friendly ‘warning’: our interpretation of events, our worldview, our coverage of the world events in not reaching many of the places, where such coverage is desperately needed.

Not everywhere, but often: the poorer the country, the more it is at the mercy of Western propaganda.

It is our obligation, our internationalist duty, to reach the people who are suffering the most.

We are slowly but surely winning the ideological war. Now let us reach out to our brothers and sisters in the poorest, most devastated, as well as the most indoctrinated parts of the world. If we don’t, then what are we fighting for? Therefore, we will.


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This article was originally published on New Eastern Outlook.

Andre Vltchek is a philosopher, novelist, filmmaker and investigative journalist. He has covered wars and conflicts in dozens of countries. Three of his latest books are Revolutionary Optimism, Western Nihilism, a revolutionary novel “Aurora” and a bestselling work of political non-fiction: Exposing Lies Of The Empire”. View his other books here. Watch Rwanda Gambit, his groundbreaking documentary about Rwanda and DRCongo and his film/dialogue with Noam Chomsky “On Western Terrorism”. Vltchek presently resides in East Asia and the Middle East, and continues to work around the world. He can be reached through his website and his Twitter.

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Trump at the United Nations

October 7th, 2018 by Carla Stea

Polar opposites were on glaring display during the United Nations Security Council meeting “Non-Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction,” on September 26, with the meeting chaired by President Donald Trump, representing the US Presidency of the Security Council for the month of September.

Trump had stated, during his General Assembly speech the previous day: 

“Virtually everywhere socialism or communism has been tried, it has produced suffering, corruption, and decay.  Socialism’s thirst for power leads to expansion, incursion, and oppression.  All the nations of the world should resist socialism and the misery that it brings to everyone.“  

The following day, at the September 26 Security Council meeting, President Obiang Nguema Mbasoso, of Equatorial Guinea gave a devastating description of the cost of capitalism, payment for which is extorted from the powerless citizens of capitalist behemoths: 

“The expenses incurred by the nuclear Powers to maintain and, in some cases, modernize their arsenals exceed the combined budgets of all the countries of the African Union and some other regions.” 

President Donald Trump’s opening statement at the September 26 Security Council meeting included a surprising accusation against China (Previously Russia was the whipping boy on which the result of US elections was blamed.): 

“Regrettably, we found that China has been attempting to interfere in our upcoming 2018 elections, to be held in November, against my Administration.  They do not want me, or us, to win because I am the first President ever to challenge China on trade, and we are winning on trade.  We are winning at every level.  We do not want them to meddle or interfere in our upcoming elections.” 

Within the same statement Trump declares that working with Chinese President Xi Jinping has been a “pleasure and an honor.”  Clearly the vaunted US democracy and the electoral system of the most powerful country in the world is pathetically incompetent, if it is so vulnerable to alleged interference, first by Russia, and almost immediately after, China.

Having denounced Socialism, and inadvertently revealed the cupidity and incompetence of capitalism, Trump was confronted by the extraordinary intellectual and moral authority of Evo Morales, President of Bolivia. President Morales’ scathing critique of the capitalist “paradise” of the United States was a documented and incontestable list of the most atrocious series of aggressions and crimes committed by capitalist countries throughout the past 75 years:

“We are convinced that it is essential to discuss not only the effects, but above all the structural causes of armed conflicts and the real motivations for breaches of international peace, security and justice.  One example of that is Iran, a country that has already been referred to this morning.  In 1953 the United States financed, organized and executed a coup d’etat against a democratically elected Government, that, in exercise of its sovereignty, nationalized its oil from the hands of an Anglo-American company.  Then, for several decades, it supported an authoritarian Government that allowed oil profits to benefit transnational corporations.  That was the situation until the 1979 revolution…Now that Iran has regained control of its resources, it is once again a victim of a United States siege…….I would also point to the region of the Middle East, rich in natural resources but disproportionately affected by invasions, wars and situations of unjustified aggression that continue to produce pain and mourning among its peoples.  That region has been the scene of the three greatest aggressions committed in the twenty-first century.  The first was the illegal invasion of Iraq, based on the lie that the country possessed weapons of mass destruction.  That invasion resulted in more than 1 million deaths.  The second aggression was the overthrow of the Libyan government, with tens of thousands of dead, on the pretext of humanitarian motivations.  The serious political instability and humanitarian crisis it unleashed in North Africa are ongoing.….Every time the United States invades a country, launches missiles or finances regime-change, it does so together with a propaganda campaign that reiterates that such action is in the name of justice, freedom, democracy, human rights or for humanitarian reasons.  I would like to inform the Council that the United States is not interested in democracy, for if that were so it would not have financed coups d’etat and supported dictators.  It would not threaten democratically elected Governments with military interventions, as it has done with Venezuela.  It is not interested in human rights or justice.  If so, it would sign and ratify international human rights treaties.  It would not encourage the use of torture or withdraw from the Human Rights Council.  It would not separate migrant children from their families or put them in cages.  The United States is not interested in multilateralism.  If so, it would not have withdrawn from the Paris Agreement or renounced the global compact on migration…..  ….Such contempt for multilateralism is motivated by its desire for geopolitical control and to appropriate national resources.”

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov raised one of the most terrible issues confronting the Security Council, an issue inextricably linked to the criminal failure to comply with the humanitarian exemptions in the resolutions against the DPRK:  Biological warfare.  Lavrov stated: 

“Washington’s desire to preserve a free hand has also been apparent when the Convention’s regime has encountered additional issues with regard to the spread of military medical and biological activity, including in the post-Soviet space.  We urge everyone to reject the militarization of health care.”

One of the most criminal examples of the weaponization of medical care, specifically by withholding medical aid, is the Global Fund to Combat Aids, Malaria and Tuberculosis’ recent decision to withhold funding for medical care to Tuberculosis patients in the DPRK.  Cutting medical care to Tuberculosis patients inevitably leads to development of multi-drug resistant strains of Tuberculosis, most often fatal, and resulting in an epidemic of MDRTB in the DPRK, with the potential to cause a pandemic.  This weaponization of medical care, by withholding aid, and thereby causing development of more deadly forms of the disease, killing huge number of people, must be described as a form of medical genocide of the people of the DPRK.


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Carla Stea is Global Research’s correspondent at the United Nations Headquarters, New York, N.Y.

Can you help us keep up the work we do? Namely, bring you the important news overlooked or censored by the mainstream media and fight the corporate and government propaganda, the purpose of which is, more than ever, to “fabricate consent” and advocate war for profit.

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This address was delivered at the Wayne State University Labor Studies Center Conference “Workers in Solidarity and Education (WISE)” held on Saturday October 6, 2018 at the Greektown Casino Hotel in downtown Detroit. 


One of the most important issues in the city of Detroit and throughout the United States is centered on what many progressive forces call the Housing Question.

This has been a major concern since the rise of industrial capitalism during the early decades of the 19th century. 

Frederich Engels wrote extensively on the problems of the working class under the early phase of industrialization during the period from the mid-1840s through the 1880s in both England and the U.S. (See this)

With the dispersal of peasants and farmers from large agricultural estates in Europe and later in the U.S., particularly in the aftermath of the Civil War during 1861-1865 where four million enslaved Africans were dislocated from the system of human bondage, a fundamental problem has been the stabilization of people through gainful employment and settlement in decent living quarters. In modern times in the 20th century when there was the advent of mass production of steel and automobiles after 1908, a larger crisis of migration into urban areas rendered many to the mercy of unscrupulous landlords and municipal administrations which oftentimes served the captains of industry and finance capital and not the workers, a situation which left millions in tenements and slums.

Detroit July 1967 Rebellion on Linwood at Hazelwood where the masses confronted the National Guard

It is important to consider what has been described as a “split labor market” in U.S. industry where in order to keep the proletariat divided institutional racism which grew out of the slave system was utilized to encourage the profitable functioning of the capitalist mode of production and social relations. In Detroit we saw the wave of housing patterns where the ruling class, which was exclusively European American, moving into an area, then followed by poor and working class populations of the same race, ending with African Americans.

After the deterioration and destruction of the inherited African American communities in the latter one-third of the 20th century, a direct result of federally-supported housing policy, we are today living with the reality of the suburbanization of urban areas and the further marginalization of the Black poor and working people in the city. Of course, in the second decade of the 21st century there is reversal of this process, where the wealthy and more affluent among the population, who are largely European American once again, are reclaiming some sections of the downtown and central city, where in effect the African Americans and working class in general are being once again dislocated. 

Origins of the Contemporary Crises of Housing, Water and Education

Many people are aware of the social movements of the 1950s and 1960s which led to the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. A coalition led by African Americans and supported by the labor movement was able to force these two major pieces of legislation through Congress. 

However, it is important to recognize that as early as 1866 there was the adoption by the U.S. Congress in the aftermath of Civil War and the demise of chattel slavery, a Civil Rights Act which provided for many of the same guarantees as the 1957 and 1964 legislation. In fact the Emancipation Proclamation had been issued by President Abraham Lincoln in 1863. Two years later the 13th Amendment to the Constitution was passed by Congress ostensibly ending involuntary servitude except for those incarcerated, which has been a major problem for African Americans since the period of the latter 19th century. 

There were additional Civil Rights Acts passed by Congress notwithstanding the 14th Amendment purportedly guaranteeing the right to citizenship in 1868 and the 15th Amendment upholding the right to vote after 1870. Finally there was the Civil Rights Act of 1875, the last of such legislation during the Reconstruction era, which was supposedly geared towards providing protection by the federal government to enforce existing Civil Rights legislation. 

This Civil Rights Act of 1875 signed into law by President Ulysses Grant, was largely rejected by the majority white population of the period. Only eightyears later, in the aftermath of the collapse of Federal Reconstruction, the law was overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court in an 8-1 ruling. One source described this ruling as following: “The Supreme Court, in an 8–1 decision, declared sections of the act unconstitutional in the Civil Rights Cases on October 15, 1883. Justice John Marshall Harlan provided the lone dissent. The Court held the Equal Protection Clause within the Fourteenth Amendment prohibits discrimination by the state and local government, but it does not give the federal government the power to prohibit discrimination by private individuals and organizations. The Court also held that the Thirteenth Amendment was meant to eliminate “the badge of slavery,” but not to prohibit racial discrimination in public accommodations. The Civil Rights Act of 1875 was the last federal civil rights bill signed into law until the Civil Rights Act of 1957, enacted during the Civil Rights Movement.” (See this)

The Civil Rights Cases ruling of 1883 was a response to African Americans who had brought suit in the federal courts demanding the prohibition of legalized segregation in public accommodations. Moreover, some thirteen years later, the Supreme Court in the infamous Plessy v. Ferguson Case, ruled that separate but equal was legal under the Constitution, therefore making segregation or Jim Crow the highest law of the land.

It seems ironic in a minimal sense that these same forms of legislation in the area of Civil Rights law needed re-passage again beginning in 1957 and ending in 1968. It is important to point out where the reversal was initiated in the 20th century being the failure of the Civil Rights Act of 1966 which was defeated by the Senate in an alliance of both Republican and Democratic politicians. 

According to the CQ Almanac, the Civil Rights Act of 1966 failed due to the reaction of the period to the pressure put forward by African Americans and their allies calling for the elimination of discrimination in housing policy. According to a summary of this legislative struggle:

“The Civil Rights Act of 1966 (HR 14765) was not a complicated measure, at least compared to its predecessors of 1964 and 1965. But in its Title IV–the open housing provision–lay the seeds of its own destruction. As introduced, Title IV barred racial discrimination in the sale and rental of all housing. The rest of the bill was far less controversial: as introduced, it barred racial discrimination in the selection of federal and state jurors, empowered the Attorney General to initiate desegregation suits and protected civil rights workers. The House added provisions empowering the Attorney General to enjoin actions depriving persons of their rights and prohibiting interstate travel for the purpose of inciting riot.” (See this)

The final portion of the above-mentioned clause reveals the underlying and obvious reason for its failure: the advent of urban rebellions in cities across the U.S. and increasing militancy on the part of the African American people. Although the Fair Housing Act of 1968 was passed in the days following the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in April of that year, the clause related to prohibiting interstate travel aimed at causing rebellion was embedded in the legislation.

Moreover, as it relates to the actual history of the U.S. over the 50 years since the martyrdom of Dr. King, the federal government has failed to enforce the Fair Housing Act based upon the character of the crisis in the 21st century. For it was the African American people who have since 2008 (the Great Recession) bore the brunt of the subprime mortgage debacle which led to millions of home foreclosures and the consequent theft of the majority of the limited wealth accrued by the Black people, i.e., home ownership. African Americans have not recovered from this bank-engineered collapse of the housing sector. We can see the residual effects of the housing crisis in Detroit with the de-population of the municipality and the destruction of communities the city.

Founding of the Moratorium NOW! Coalition to Stop Foreclosures and Evictions

Our organization was formed in the midst of the housing crisis of 2008. We had taken up this issues in 2007 under the banner of the Michigan Emergency Committee Against War & Injustice (MECAWI) when it was quite obvious that the city, state and federal governments were not willing to take on the banks for their systematic criminal conspiracies to make mega-profits at the expense of the working and poor masses.

Detroit Demonstration at Wayne County Treasurer on Sept. 5, 2017

The financial crisis in Detroit worsened after 2007 due to the state’s facilitation of the financial industry exploitative and racist policies. We demanded an immediate moratorium on foreclosures and evictions in order to keep people in their homes. If this measure had been adopted it would have gone a long way to preserving African American communities in Detroit and across the U.S. We cited that there was federal legal precedent for such action by municipal, state and federal governmental structures based upon the Supreme Court ruling Home Building and Loan v. Blaisdell of 1934 which originated in Minnesota which had adopted a Mortgage Moratorium Law to protect the rights of home owners and farmers during the Great Depression of the 1930s. 

Oyez website describes the historic character of the ruling as follows: “In an opinion authored by Justice Charles Hughes, the Court held that the law did not violate the Constitution. The court reasoned that there are limitations on the doctrine embedded in the Contracts Clause (Section 10 of Article I). There may be a public need to restrain private rights to further the public interest when there is an emergency. The Framers of the Constitution could not have foreseen all possible modern problems, so the Constitution should not be interpreted in too rigid a way to allow for responding to them. This statute met the relevant five-factor test because there was a genuine emergency, the legislation was designed to help the public in general, the relief was narrowly tailored to the problem, the mortgagor’s interests were not seriously undermined, and the legislation is temporary. Since the demands of the Great Depression were vital to all of the state’s citizens, the Court held the law was a legitimate use of Minnesota’s police power.” (See this) 

Since 2008, we have fought for the enforcement of this legal principle. However, the actual meaning of our work extends beyond legal precedent. We are challenging the notion of the inherent right of financial institutions to collect debt which they claim is owed by working people and the nationally oppressed. We begin with the premise that housing is a fundamental human and civil right irrespective of the interest of capital. This is a revolutionary idea within the capitalist system where the notion of private property for the ruling class is sacrosanct. Nevertheless, the “private property” of the workers and oppressed are not subject to this same principle under capitalism as evidenced by the loss of billions in real wealth by the African American people among others over the decades. 

This same contradiction was at the root of the imposition of emergency management and bankruptcy in Detroit, Flint, Inkster, Benton Harbor and other majority African American populated urban areas of Michigan in this present century. It was the public sector and its employees who were forced to compensate the wealthiest financial institutions in contravention to its own interests as a class. Today in the era of the “repurposing” of Detroit and other cities in Michigan, tax revenue which should go towards a second or perhaps third Reconstruction are funneled to the wealthiest in society for their prestige projects guaranteeing profitably and political power.

Alliance Building and Independent Self-Organization

Finally we are committed to building alliances around these important issues. We are willing to work with all honest forces in the struggle for genuine democracy, self-determination and full equality. 

Moreover, the Moratorium NOW! Coalition believes in self-reliance and independent organizational initiatives. We know that the ruling class and their agents are not going to finance our liberation struggle. Hence we have been far more successful in reaching our objectives than those who cannot conduct political work outside the framework of the parameters laid down by the ruling class and its surrogates in government.

Ultimately we want to transform society as a whole to reflect the interests of the majority of working and oppressive people. There must be guarantees related to housing, water rights, environmental justice, education and the right to organize.

Only under these conditions can there be the realization of a just existence for African Americans, people of color and the working class as a whole. 


Author’s Note: This address was delivered at the Wayne State University Labor Studies Center Conference “Workers in Solidarity and Education (WISE)” held on Saturday October 6, 2018 at the Greektown Casino Hotel in downtown Detroit. Azikiwe discussed the role of the Moratorium NOW! Coalition in response to the housing crisis in the city since the Great Recession of a decade ago and its lingering aftermath. The author reviewed the historical legacy of national oppression and class exploitation which are at the base of the crises of housing instability along with other structural issues plaguing municipalities throughout the United States. According to its website: “The Labor Studies Center at Wayne State University has created the WISE conference series that is committed to the teaching and learning of workers through innovative and advanced labor education programs. Our WISE educational events focus on empowering workers by strengthening highly sought after skills including leadership, communication and strategic planning.  WISE@Wayne conferences will also provide the space for workers from various industries, occupations, experiences and backgrounds to connect through common struggles and identify effective strategies that build solidarity and power in their workplaces, unions and communities.” The panel in which Azikiwe spoke was entitled: “Building Bridges: Advancing Social Justice Unionism Through Labor History and Civil Rights Education.”

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Abayomi Azikiwe is the editor of Pan-African News Wire. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

All images are from the author.

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A research arm of the U.S. military is exploring the possibility of deploying insects to make plants more resilient by altering their genes. Some experts say the work may be seen as a potential biological weapon.

In an opinion paper published Thursday in the journal Science, the authors say the U.S. needs to provide greater justification for the peace-time purpose of its Insect Allies project to avoid being perceived as hostile to other countries. Other experts expressed ethical and security concerns with the research, which seeks to transmit protective traits to crops already growing in the field.






WaPo Scan,  October 4, 2018

That would mark a departure from the current widely used procedure of genetically modifying seeds for crops such as corn and soy, before they grow into plants.

The military research agency says its goal is to protect the nation’s food supply from threats like drought, crop disease and bioterrorism by using insects to infect plants with viruses that protect against such dangers.

“Food security is national security,” said Blake Bextine, who heads the 2-year-old project at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA, an arm of the U.S. Department of Defense.

The State Department said the project is for peaceful purposes and does not violate the Biological Weapons Convention. The U.S. Department of Agriculture said its scientists are part of the research, which is being conducted in contained labs.

The technology could work in different ways. In the first phase, aphids—tiny bugs that feed by sucking sap from plants—infected plants with a virus that temporarily brought about a trait. But researchers are also trying to see if viruses can alter the plant’s genes themselves to be resistant to dangers throughout the plant’s life.

Still, the research is raising concerns.

“They’re talking about massive release of genetic modification by means of insects,” said Gregory Kaebnick, an ethicist at the Hastings Center bioethics research institute in Garrison, N.Y., who has studied genetic modification. He wasn’t part of the Science paper but said Insect Allies technology could end up being destructive.

Kaebnick questioned how well the viruses and insects carrying them could be controlled.

“When you are talking about very small things—insects and microbes—it might be impossible to remove them” once they are introduced into farmers’ fields, he said.

Dr. David Relman, a professor of medicine and microbiology at Stanford who has advised the Obama administration on bio-defense but is not part of the DARPA research, said the project could play into longstanding fears among countries that enemies might try to harm their crops.

Still, Relman said the technology could potentially help farmers fight a “bad plant virus moving across the plains” or protect crops from bioterrorism. Since insects often spread crop diseases, Relman said DARPA is trying to use the bugs’ own biology to “recruit them as allies” in spreading protective traits.

Though it’s not a household name, DARPA helped develop the Internet and its mission is to research potentially pivotal new technologies. The agency announced the Insect Allies project in 2016.

Guy Reeves, a co-author of the Science paper and a biologist at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology in Germany, says the technology is more feasible as a weapon—to kill plants—than as an agricultural tool. As a result, he said DARPA could be sending an alarming message regardless of its intentions.

“It’s really about how it’s perceived,” he said.

The papers’ European authors say the mere announcement of the program may have motivated other countries to develop their own capabilities in the arena. They say the project also underscores the need for greater discussion of the regulatory and ethical concerns of such developing technologies.

Todd Kuiken, a senior research scholar at North Carolina State University, said he doesn’t think the military intends to attack another country with insects. But he said it looks bad that DARPA is funding the project.

“The pure fact that this is a military program would naturally raise these sorts of questions,” said Kuiken, who last year raised concerns similar to those published in Science.

Tom Inglesby, a professor of environmental health and engineering at Johns Hopkins, said the technology is being developed specifically to protect crops. But he acknowledged it could be misused.

Concerns that a new technology could be weaponized are to be expected, even if that’s not the intention, said Paul Thompson, a professor of agriculture and ethics at Michigan State University who is on an advisory board for DARPA.

“Once you make those kinds of breakthroughs, you are in a new world. It’s a morally ambiguous place. You wonder, ‘Is this something that we should never do?'” he said.

Some experts have questioned whether the project’s ambitious goals are even achievable.

North Carolina State University entomologist Fred Gould, who chaired a National Academy of Sciences panel on genetically modified food and is not part of the DARPA research, said too many biological interactions would need to be perfectly manipulated, so the chance of it working is “pretty close to zero.”

It may not ever work, but Relman said that’s DARPA’s role: Exploring the “bleeding edge of challenging work” to anticipate future threats.


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With Brett Kavanaugh confirmed as Supreme Court Justice, it means that five of the nine Supreme Court justices are members of the Federalist Society, a network of right-wing conservative lawyers that has become one of the most powerful groups in America today.

The most enduring legacy of the Trump administration may be its remaking of the courts: in addition to two Supreme Court appointees (Trump’s other pick, the conservative Neil Gorsuch was appointed last January), Trump inherited 107 other judicial vacancies. According to New York Times figures, President Ronald Reagan inherited 35 unfilled judgeships and President Barack Obama had 54.

Trump has effectively outsourced the task of filling these seats to the Federalist Society, and in particular to its executive vice-president, an ultra-conservative, devout Catholic named Leonard Leo, who has helped transform the lawyers network into, as the New Yorker describes it, a “conservative pipeline to the Supreme Court”.

So how did the Society, which began as a students’ group, become so powerful – and what does it stand for?

The Federalist Society was started in 1982 by conservative law students at Yale and the University of Chicago who wanted to create a counterbalance to what they saw as the liberal orthodoxy of law faculties around the country. Its first faculty advisers were Robert H. Bork at Yale (who was a Reagan nominee to the Supreme Court but who was rejected by the Senate) and Antonin Scalia (who served on the Supreme Court from 1986-2016, having been appointed by Reagan).

The organisation rapidly spread to campuses across the country, spurred by funding from wealthy conservative donors such as the Koch brothers, and later sprung professional chapters too. Today the Federalist Society has 70,000 members and a presence on almost every university campus and in every major city. It organises regular talks and events for law students and practicing lawyers, which provide an opportunity for conservative lawyers to network and build reputations.

That the Federalist Society has such an active student and professional body makes it different from many other interest groups, which tend to be dominated by Washington staff, says Steven Teles, the author of Rise of the Conservative Legal Movement: The Battle for Control of the Law. It means that Leo has a very “dense intelligence network”, Teles told me when we spoke on the phone.

As well as building links between conservative lawyers, the Federalist Society’s talks and events have provided a way for it to spread and develop its ideas and approach to judicial philosophy. The Society grew up with its first student members, as they began taking up senior jobs in government and the judiciary, providing the Federalist Society with a network of like-minded lawyers that extends right up to the Supreme Court and the President (the White House lawyer Don McGahn is a member of the Federalist Society) and across campuses, companies and local courts around the country.

As well as being well-organised and well-funded, the Federalist Society’s ideological purity makes it a formidable political force, Teles argues. Its members are united by their judicial philosophy rather than any partisan affiliation to the Republican Party.

On its website it describes these principles as “that the state exists to preserve freedom, that the separation of governmental powers is central to our Constitution, and that it is emphatically the province and duty of the judiciary to say what the law is, not what it should be”, which entails “reordering priorities within the legal system to place a premium on individual liberty, traditional values, and the rule of law”.

As this abstract wording suggests, the range of opinions held by members of the Federalist Society is quite broad though they share a similar approach to the law. The main tension within the group is between those who believe their primary function should be constraining the federal judiciary and those who believe their role is to empower the federal judiciary to enforce what they see as America’s founding principles, Teles says.

“In general they promote these kinds of ideas: they are in favour of small government as opposed to big government, they oppose most government regulation of business and property, their core value is private property and the ability of a private property owner to do what he or she wants with their private property, they are strong believers in American exceptionalism and believe the US has a special role to play in the world and that people in the US are somehow a special kind of people, they would rather have things done by the state than federal government and they are strong on religious freedom but religious freedom of a sometimes extreme nature – arguing, for example, that religion is an excuse for not complying with anti-discrimination laws,” says Michael Avery, the co-author with Danielle McLaughlin of the book, The Federalist Society: How Conservatives Took the Law Back from Liberals.

The Federalist Society’s influence rose with the presidency of George W Bush – all the federal judges that were appointed by Bush were either members of the Federalist Society or were approved by the group – but it has never been more powerful than it is today. Not only does the large number of judicial vacancies present them with an unprecedented opportunity to remake the courts, but Trump has also given Leo more power than any previous president over judicial nominations.

At the Trump administration’s request, Leo drew up a list of 25 potential Supreme Court nominees for the president’s consideration, which included Kavanaugh. At the same time, the influence exerted by the Senate on the nomination process has decreased.

“It used to be that Republican Senators played a much more important role in judicial selection than they do now, so ordinary party patronage mechanisms used to be more important. But I think this ideological network that we associated with the Federalist Society has clawed away more and more power from that senatorial role over time,” says Teles. “And it’s clearly the case that Trump… has been willing to completely subcontract this over to these conservative judicial networks.”

This may be, as Avery suggests, because Trump is “lazy” and by outsourcing his work to the Federalist Society he can be sure they will put forward people who appeal to the president’s conservative base. Or it may be, as Teles suggests, that Trump realises that such a transactional relationship is his best way of keeping social conservatives on his side.

One of the most effective checks on Trump has been the US courts, who have challenged some of the administration’s most egregious policies, from the Muslim ban, to child separations, the rescindment of DACA and environmental deregulation. In addition to the threat to women’s reproductive rights and LGBT rights, a judicial system dominated by right-wing libertarians might have responded very differently to Trump’s executive orders.

“It’s important for all Americans to understand that the extreme right wing, the extreme conservatives, are much better organised, much better financed, and have a much better idea of what they’re about than the liberals or progressives do. The liberals or progressives need to wake up and take a look at what’s happening at the other end of the ideological spectrum and figure out a way to get their own house in order, because liberals and progressives have been losing ground now for the last almost 40 years, and even to this day they have not come with either an effective set of ideas or an effective organising principle that allows them to make this a fair contest,” Avery tells me.

In the absence of an effective liberal alternative to the Federalist Society, the best hope for liberals is that they will win back control of Congress at the Midterms, he says.

“If the left-wing and progressives can’t capture the legislative branch and turn the popular will into their way of thinking, we’re in for a rough ride for the next several years if not decades.”


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Sophie McBain is North America correspondent for the New Statesman. She was previously an assistant editor at the New Statesman.

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Israel to Use F-35 Stealth Warplanes Against Syria

October 7th, 2018 by Stephen Lendman

Installation of Russian S-300 air defense systems compromises Israel’s ability to continue waging naked aggression against Syrian targets.

Israeli officials claim the IDF is protecting the country’s security – despite no threat from Syria, Iran or any other countries.

It’s unclear whether F-35s are stealth enough to avoid being targeted. The 5th generation warplane is plagued with problems not so far overcome after over a decade of development.

According to the Pentagon last year, over 270 deficiencies remain to be overcome, including structural problems, perhaps the aircraft’s ability to operate undetected.

In simulated dogfights, the F-16 (in use since the 1970s) outclasses it. So far, the F-35 has been a multi-trillion dollar boondoggle, a white elephant if serious design flaws can’t be fixed.

Billions of dollars were wasted trying, cost overruns enormous. Depending on buyer specifications, each aircraft costs up to $300 million.

America’s war department plans call for producing over 2,400 F-35s for US use, hundreds more for foreign buyers.

While still in development, the plane is being produced, the US and Israel using them.

Unknown is whether Russian S-300s and/or S-400s can lock on to these planes and down them – the answer likely coming if Israel uses them to bomb Syrian targets as reported.

The Netanyahu regime reportedly bought 50 F-35s at a heavily discounted $125 million cost per plane, US taxpayer dollars making up the difference for producer Lockheed Martin.

Their money is spent on destructive militarism and warmaking, corporate handouts, and tax cuts for the rich – instead of for vital homeland needs, including fast-eroding social programs.

Eight F-35s were delivered to Israel so far, the rest scheduled to arrive in 2021.

According to IDF military intelligence-connected DEBKAfile, Trump “ordered additional F-35 stealth planes supplied forthwith to Israel in response to” S-300 air defense systems installed for Syrian use.

Will the aircraft’s design, software, radar, and other operational flaws make it vulnerable to S-300 detection and downing?

On Thursday, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Vershinin warned Israel against attacking the S-300s.

On Wednesday, Vladimir Putin accused Washington of operating in Syria illegally, breaching UN Charter principles.

Foreign forces can operate abroad only in two ways legally, he stressed – either by invitation of the host government or with Security Council authorization.

He wants all foreign forces to leave Syria eventually, including Russian personnel, saying

“(w)e should strive to have no forces of foreign, third countries on the territory of Syria at all. We need to move towards this.”

As long as uninvited hostile ones and their terrorist foot soldiers remain, along with continued US-led NATO and Israeli terror-bombing, conflict resolution will remain unattainable.

Transferring additional numbers of F-35s for Israeli use indicates the Trump regime’s determination to help the IDF continue terror-bombing Syrian targets and perpetuate endless war – even with enhanced Syrian and Russian air defense capabilities installed.

Israeli national security expert Tzachi Hanegbi believes F-35 stealth capabilities make these planes undetectable.

If one is downed in Syrian airspace, the IDF’s ability to continue terror-bombing the country will be greatly compromised.


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Award-winning author Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”

Visit his blog site at

Trump Has Venezuela in His Sights

October 7th, 2018 by Tim Young

President Trump has again raised the possibility of regime change in Venezuela, as talk of military intervention against its democratically elected government grows in the United States.

Speaking recently at the UN, he declared:

“It’s a regime that frankly could be toppled very quickly by the military, if the military decides to do that” and later added that “all options are on the table.”

This comes hot on the heels of Republican Senator Marco Rubio’s aggressive remarks in an interview in Miami, in August.

“For months and years, I wanted the solution in Venezuela to be a non-military and peaceful solution, simply to restore democracy,” Rubio argued, but he continued: “I believe that the armed forces of the United States are only used in the event of a threat to national security. I believe that there is a very strong argument that can be made at this time that Venezuela and the Maduro regime has become a threat to the region and even to the United States.”

Rubio is a longstanding opponent of the Venezuelan government.

In February this year, for example, he openly called for the military to overthrow President Maduro, saying:

“The world would support the armed forces in Venezuela if they decide to protect the people and restore democracy by removing a dictator.”

The US government, of course, is always willing to lend a hand to enable military coups to overthrow elected governments in Latin America and elsewhere. The New York Times (September 8 2018) has revealed that the Trump administration held a series of secret meetings with Venezuelan military officers to discuss a coup d’état.

Creating the right media backdrop for such a scenario is vital for its success in the court of world public opinion. Helping the narrative along, US ambassador to Colombia Kevin Whitaker said on September 16 that Colombia can count on US support in the event of “Venezuelan aggression against Colombia.”

Two days later, Colombia’s new ambassador to the US Francisco Santos, the brother of former president Santos, also said that “all options must be open to deal with the crisis in Venezuela.” This was tweeted approvingly by Senator Rubio.

In the previous week, at a rally held after a press conference in Cucuta, a Colombian town on the border with Venezuela, Organisation of American States (OAS) secretary general Luis Almagro said:

“With respect to a military intervention to overthrow Nicolas Maduro’s regime, I don’t think any option should be ruled out … Diplomatic action should be the first priority, but we shouldn’t rule out any action.”

This is effectively saying, supposedly on behalf of the organisation’s 35 member states, that the democratically elected government of President Nicolas Maduro should be overthrown, either by “diplomatic action” or “military intervention.”

Military intervention against a sovereign state would be illegal under international law without a UN security council mandate.

Mandate or not, such action would involve huge destruction and a massive loss of lives. For comparison, the illegal US invasion in 1989 of Panama, a country one-fifteenth the size of Venezuela led not only to the ousting of the government and enormous damage to infrastructure but to 3,000-5,000 civilians being killed.

Almagro’s statement is also shocking because calling for the violent overthrow of the government of an OAS member state violates key chapters of the OAS charter.

These all commit the OAS and its member states to the principles of respect for the territorial integrity of states, respect for national sovereignty, peaceful settlement of disputes, respect for the right to self-determination and non-interference in the internal affairs of sovereign states.

Almagro’s belligerent stance has been opposed by a group of 10 Latin American countries, which issued a statement rejecting violent regime change. This grouping represents the majority of the Lima Group, a set of Latin American and Caribbean nations, as well as Canada, convened in 2017 to put additional pressure on Venezuela.

Their statement was hailed by Bolivian President Evo Morales as a “defeat of Trump’s interventionism and a victory for dignity and courage of Venezuela and Latin America.”

Undeterred, the US has continued to ratchet up the pressure against Venezuela. The supposed threat by Venezuela to the US has been used again to justify yet more sanctions against the country. The new sanctions are to be enforced against four current or former officials of the Venezuelan government, including Vice President Delcy Rodriguez.

As a permanent observer to the OAS, the British government should condemn Almagro’s violation of international law and call for respect for the principles of OAS. Beyond that, opposition to US steps towards the violent overthrow of the elected government of President Maduro must be redoubled, if we wish not to see a repeat of the downfall of Allende’s Chile.


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Tim Young is a member of the Venezuela Solidarity Campaign executive committee. 

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On the 2nd October 2018, a young woman’s life was brought to a brutal end by a bullet from an ISIS executioner’s hand-gun. Mrs Thoraya Um Ammar was executed on video by the terrorist group more than two months after she and twenty five other women and children were kidnapped from the Sweida countryside, south of Damascus on July 25th 2018. 

[Note: Numbers of kidnap victims do vary. While in Shbeki, I was told 32 were originally kidnapped but that a number of them managed to escape their captors and return to their village]

The images circulating of this execution are extremely distressing and we will not be sharing them in this article. During my recent visit to Syria, I visited three of the seven villages that came under attack in the eastern countryside of Sweida City on that fateful day in July 2018. The grief and anger was still very raw but civilians spoke to me of the bloodshed that was a result of the meticulously planned ISIS attack, unhindered by the US Coalition forces camped in Al Tanf, 330km to the East. ISIS entered the villages from the east and traversed vast areas of exposed desert to do so, apparently undetected by those who claim to wage war on ISIS inside Syria.

The roads of Shrehi ran with blood” H Saab told me as we stood next to his family home in Shrehi where four of his relatives were murdered by the marauding ISIS gangs. He pointed to the still visible stains on the road in front of us and on the walls of the house and courtyard.

Road sign to Sweida. (Photo: Vanessa Beeley)

Our journey began in Damascus. We left early in the morning and headed due south before taking the road that brought us to the east of Sweida city and to the villages that form a chain north to south, only about 1km apart. As we entered the province of Sweida, we began to see the elaborate memorials to martyrs killed in Syria’s war against Western-sponsored terrorism. Our guide told us that these beautiful monuments are in honour of the soldiers who have given their lives in defence of their homeland. Many of these impressive structures are placed at the entrance to villages “so their names are remembered for eternity by all those who live because they died“.

We were told that some of these graves also date back to the 1925 ‘Great Syrian Revolt or ‘Great Druze Revolt’ against France. They are wonderful to behold, rising out of the dry desert plains, backdropped by the hills and trees that pepper the landscape stretching out in front of us.

Just one of the many stunning memorials to SAA martyrs from the Sweida region. (Photo: Vanessa Beeley)

On the drive down to the villlage of Shrehi, our guide H Saab told us that thirty-five members of his family had been killed in the ISIS attack that took place in the early hours of the 25th July 2018. I asked him what he believed to be behind this attack. He told me that he thought it was to reduce SAA pressure on the ISIS terrorists holding out in Yarmouk Basin at this time. Perhaps to give them an escape route to the US base at Al Tanf.

Leaving Shahba City by the East Gate. (Photo: Vanessa Beeley)

We entered Shahba City dating from Byzantine times and a city modelled on ancient Rome – “temples, triumphal arches, baths, a theatre, and a great wall surrounding the city were all built based on the plan of a typical Roman city”. We exited the ancient city through the remains of the East Gate and continued on to a number of towns and villages, some built during the Ottoman empire. H Saab told me that many of these village have labyrinths of caves that run underground beneath the houses.

At the entrance to Shrehi, one of the villages attacked by ISIS in July, we stopped the car to visit the poster that had been erected with the names of the martyrs killed during the attack. Young men, women, children, murdered by a terrorist group with a history of collusion with the US Coalition against Syria and the Syrian Arab Army. Acclaimed journalist, Elijah J. Magnier wrote at the time:

“ISIS knew it was possible for its convoy to drive under the eyes of a superpower state (the US) without being disturbed.” 

Video footage of entering Shrehi. Watch: 

We drove up to one of the highest points in the village of Shrehi to meet with the representatives of the village and the survivors of the attack. We entered the traditional “madafa”, the welcoming room in the Saab family home.

Steps leading down to the Madafa in Shrehi where I met with families of the martyrs and survivors of the attack. (Photo: Vanessa Beeley)

Once inside the Madafa the story of the attack was told by Khaled Saleh Saab.

“The terrorists entered the village at 4 am while most of us were still sleeping. We were awoken by the shooting and the cries of ‘Allah Akhbar’. They shot out the lights in the village and there was no moon that night so they worked under the cover of total darkness” 

On the way into Shrehi we had passed a house that had been one of the first to be targeted (see video), the mother, father and son were murdered by ISIS, the daughter was injured but survived. According to Khaled, 53 ISIS terrorists entered the village and all of them were eventually killed by the young men defending their families and their land:

“We defended our land and our homes because this land is mixed with the blood of generations of our people. We will not accept that people without morals or humanity can touch this land. We stay, we will stand and defend this land until we die. Our youth killed these terrorists even though they had very old weapons, very simple weapons. The ISIS fighters had modern, expensive equipment but we still defeated them.” said Khaled.

Khaled told us that the clashes continued from 4 am until 1pm. Between 4 and 5 am the ISIS fighters took advantage of the sleeping civilians and murdered many of them in their sleep before they had time to warn their neighbours.

“The attack was a well planned military operation. ISIS coordinated their attacks in order to paralyse all the villages. They positioned snipers around the villages and along the roads that connect the villages to prevent people moving between villages or coming to the help of neighbouring villages. They came from the south and moved north.” Khaled continued.

In one of the bloodiest massacres of the eight year war in Syria, 270 civilians were martyred during this attack, more than 300 injured.

“Many of our young men, women and children bled to death in the street. Nobody was able to get to them or to transport them to hospital. If they tried they would be sniped.” Khaled told us.

Khaled told us that, in his opinion, many of the ISIS fighters were on drugs, very likely to be Captagon. “We fired many bullets into them, but they kept fighting” he told us and this was confirmed by other family members in the madafa. In January 2017, “at least 137kg of Captagon, dubbed a “jihadist drug” and “the drug of the Syrian conflict,” was seized at Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport in a first for France, customs officials said, adding that half of the illicit cargo was destined for Saudi Arabia.” Captagon is a psychostimulant that is used as a performance enhancer by the extremist gangs that have invaded Syria since 2011.

“After we killed the ISIS terrorists, we checked their IDs. They were Chechen, Saudi, Iraqi, Palestinian, Egyptian, Somalian. One was wearing a suicide belt, nothing remained of him after he had detonated it.”

In Shrehi alone there were 37 civilians martyred. These included Khaled’s mother, father, brother and cousin who were killed in the home we were talking in.

“These groups, all of them, are supported by the UK, US and Gulf States to target and destroy our peaceful towns. Throughout history Syria has sacrificed martyrs and we are ready to sacrifice our souls for our land despite more than 120 countries attacking us with the terrorist groups as their instrument. They should know we will stand and fight to defend our land and our  people” 

Just one of the countless heroes from Sweida countryside – Khaled’s brother, Iskandar Saab had served in the 102 “Batch” of the Syrian Arab Army which had been decommissioned just two months before the ISIS attack on his home village of Shrehi on the 25th July 2018.

Iskandar came face to face with the crazed ISIS terrorists as he attempted to scale the hill leading up to his family’s house. He was shot in his right leg, his hand and his back. A local graduate of trade and economy and a math teacher, Mr Mahran Radi Saab saved Iskandar and managed to take him to his brother Khaled Saab. After rescuing Iskandar, Mahran was shot and killed by an ISIS sniper.

Despite his life-threatening wounds, Iskandar managed to get into his car and drive 300m under fire from the ISIS snipers who had lined the roads joining the three villages of Rami, Shrehi and Shebki.

“This land, this property belongs to our blood. It belongs to us. We will never allow any super-power to steal our land or to control our lives, our future” Khaled Saab reinforced this message several times during our talk.

Image on the left: Entering the home of Ziad Saab and greeted by his daughter Kinda. (Photo: Vanessa Beeley)

After the meeting we went to the home of Ziad Saab for breakfast, which in Syria translates into “banquet”.

Ziad’s brother in law lived in one of the houses at the entrance of the village, one of the first to be attacked. As soon as the attack happened, Ziad’s brother in law managed to relay a warning to Ziad who lives with his wife and children deeper inside the village. Ziad took his simple hunting rifle and went to help. As he neared his brother in law’s home, he saw many ISIS terrorists firing randomly and fierce clashes between the ISIS fighters and civilians. It was still dark at this point. Ziad made the decision to return home to protect his own wife and children and to take his family to a safer place.

Then Ziad tried to call his brother in law. An ISIS fighter answered the phone and told Ziad his brother in law was dead, he told Ziad to call an ambulance for his own family members – they would be killed also “there will be no escape”. The ISIS terrorists also attacked the brother in law’s two daughters and their mother – 10 year old Hela and 13 year old Hala.

As we were eating breakfast, a 6 month old baby was brought into the room. Her name is Ghala. Her father was murdered just 100 meters from Ziad’s house, by the ISIS terrorists. Watching Ghala playing in the arms of H Saab, it is painful to comprehend the scale of devastation and loss that these villages have experienced. A recent Facebook post by Syrian, Wissam Sliman puts it into perspective:

“Imagine that this were your village, or your neighborhood! Imagine that one of those were your house! Imagine that the same thing happened to you! Imagine that you lost a family member, or maybe two, or maybe more! Imagine that your mother, sister, daughter or son is still kidnapped and now in the hands of the worst terrorist group ever which is ISIS!

And above all imagine that it didn’t mean anything to half of your brothers and sisters in humanity in this world,just because they are still sleeping, daydreaming and refusing to wake up! What hurts you is that if they did wake up 7 years ago, you would have had many of your beloved ones around you now, but they didn’t, cause they are still refusing to wake up!

The truth is as clear as pure water on a virgin Island, there is only one difference in the case of Syria, the truth about Syria is very painful and heartbreaking while that water on that virgin island…” 

The media reports in the West were a cursory glance at the impacts of this ISIS attack upon this community, a skating over of detail and no mention of the potential connection to the US coaliton. As always, the true victims of this 8 year war will be brushed under the carpet while the focus remains upon the whitewashing of the perpertrators of the crimes against the Syrian people – the “rebel”-washing of the terrorist gangs who have been enabled to roam freely across Syria by the US Coalition and its Gulf State financiers of the sectarian ideologues described by the Colonial media as “moderates”.

During our conversations, Ziad gave a very simple message to people in the West, particularly in the UK. Watch: 


A car at the entrance to Shbeki village had been targeted by ISIS terrorists as it was attempting to ferry injured civilians to safety. (Photo: Vanessa Beeley)

A burned out car seemed fused to the earth at the entrance to Shbeki. The car, a Skoda, had once belonged to Bahjat Atallah Saab who tried to rescue Zahi Jadallah Saab and his wife and son, Assem Zahi Saab, a law student. The entire car was targeted when they tried to flee the ISIS attack on Shbeki that began at 4am on 25th July 2018. The car came under attack by the ISIS snipers before being targeted by an RPG which turned the car into a furnace from which the occupants did not escape. Martyr Bahgat Saab was working as an Arabic language teacher.

This house in Shbeki was taken over by ISIS early on and used as a sniper vantage point. (Photo: Vanessa Beeley) 

The horrific ISIS bloodbath continued in Shbeki, in fact it intensified. In this village, 60 civilians were martyred, many of them systematically picked off by ISIS snipers after they occupied one of the outlying homes set high up overlooking the buildings and streets that lay below. The house owner was in Lebanon when he heard news of the attack. He rushed home to find out what had happened to his family, he was shot and killed by the ISIS occupiers.

View from the roof of the house used by ISIS snipers to target civilians below. (Photo: Vanessa Beeley)

Video from the rooftop of the house taken over by ISIS snipers in Shbeki. WATCH: 

Hazem, a young student in his third year studying research science at Damascus University, received a call at 4.40 am on the 25th July 2018, when he was in Sweida city. He was told that his home town of Shbeki was under attack by ISIS fighters.

Hazem got in a car with five of his friends and tried to drive home, he was being guided by people inside the town who warned him which roads to avoid because ISIS had set up snipers along many of the entry roads into his village. Hazem entered from the south which was longer but safer. At 5.30 am he was still unable to enter because of the battles that were raging between the terrorists and the residents, determined to defend their families and land.

Hazem welcomed us in the traditional Sweida Madafa – the welcome room – of his family home. The sun poured through the glass onto the beautiful marble floor and chairs arranged around the sides of the room to provide a space to talk. Hazem recounted the appalling acts of violence committed by the ISIS terrorists who had entered the towns from the direction of the US base at Al Tanf, to the north-east of Shbeki, Shrehi and Rami..the villages I was able to visit.

Hazem’s testimony was shocking. He told us that his family was rounded up and taken to what he called the “bedouin house” at the outskirts of the village overlooking the plains and desert that stretch out towards the east and in the direction of the US military base at Al Tanf.

The Bedouin house on the outskirts of Shbeki overlooking the plains and desert to the East. (Photo: Vanessa Beeley)

There, the ISIS terrorists took all the men outside and executed them in cold blood. Among them were Hazem’s father, brothers, cousin and neighbour. The ISIS fighters then forced the women and children to come outside to see the bodies of their fathers, sons, husbands before they kidnapped them and headed north east with 28 kidnap victims towards Tilal Al Safa.

Hazem confirmed that 60 civilians were martyred in Shbeki, the majority from sniper bullets after ISIS fighters took control of houses placed high above the village which enabled them to assassinate the young men who flocked to defend their families, one by one. Most of these young men did not realise that their hometown was infested by ISIS snipers – just as in the other villages, ISIS had attacked at 4 am under complete darkness and while everyone was sleeping. As in Shrehi, they shot out all the village lights during their approach before entering homes and murdering civilians, including children, while they slept. Hazem told us that a disabled child was beheaded as he lay sleeping in his bed.

Hazem’s mother had been used as a human shield by the ISIS fighters who forced her to walk in front of them to prevent the civilians firing upon them. She was later among the kidnap victims although she and Hazem’s sister in law managed to escape and returned to the village at night. They were terrified that ISIS had taken over the village so they slept in an abandoned house just outside the village until dawn when they were able to recognise their neighbours and families who had survived and defended their village, preventing total occupation by the terrorist group.

While we were talking with Hazem, a young boy came in to the Madafa and lay on one of the chairs. His name was Ismail, 8 years old. His father was murdered by the ISIS fighters and he was among the kidnap victims. During the move north-east with ISIS, Ismail had managed to mingle with some Bedouin children and escape the ISIS groups, before finally making it back to his village.

Before we left, Hazem wanted to send a message about the remaining 25 kidnap victims, almost entirely women and children:

Hazem showed us the road that ISIS took with the kidnap victims.

“They took the women and children who were in the Bedouin house by this road. They gathered the other women at the same end of the town next to the graves. All the women were in one place around 8.30 in the morning but they waited a long time before moving them. They took this road to the north. They took them in the direction of the Tial Al Safa hills which you can see from the Bedouin house. We think they reached the Tilal Al Safa hills after five or six days.”

Direction that ISIS took towards Tilal Al Safa. (Photo: Vanessa Beeley)

I asked Hazem if he was worried about sleeper cells or further attacks from the ISIS members. He pointed to the closest SAA checkpoint about 30 km to the north east of the village. He told me:

“There are big gaps between the SAA checkpoints, around 5km, so yes, we are worried that they may try to come back. It is not considered safe here after dark at the moment. From 5pm onwards the young men of the villages man the checkpoints in readiness for any possible attacks. We will not allow another massacre.” 

SAA soldiers in Tilal Al Safa to the North East of Sweida where they have been waging a fierce campaign to defeat ISIS. 

The SAA have been making huge inroads in the area of Tilal Al Safa towards defeating the remnants of ISIS that have taken comfort in the shelter provided to them by the proximity of the US base in Al Tanf.

“ISIS benefitted from the US safety parameter around its military base at al-Tanaf, preventing Syrian and Iraqi armies from breaking into this parameter to pursue ISIS when needed. ISIS took advantage of the US measures and used the area to cross for the north where there is the bulk of its forces.” ~ Elijah J Magnier  

Today, 6th October 2018, Syrian Arab News Agency reported:

“Units of the Syrian Arab Army, in cooperation with the allied forces, on Saturday continued to tighten the noose around Daesh (ISIS) terrorists’ remnants in depth of the rocky cliffs surroundings Tilal al-Safa, the last stronghold for terrorists deep in Sweida eastern Badiya (desert). The army continues to advance in the depth of the rocky cliffs, comb the caves and the cav”erns in the recently liberated areas, seizing weapons and munitions left behind by the terrorists, the reporter indicated.”

One of the kidnap victims, Thoraya Um Ammar, has been executed by ISIS, the others await their fate, surely praying that the SAA will be able to reach them and to drive out and destroy their ISIS captors. The unity and resilience of the people of the Sweida countryside is what has enabled them to survive the ISIS attack and its traumatic aftermath.

As I walked away from the stone “Bedouin” house that had been witness to such bloodthirsty brutality and violence, I spotted a flower stubbornly clinging to the wall outside. This is the spirit that has borne Syria through this 8 year war with such dignity and honour. The desire to defend their roots, to live and to love life against all odds.


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Vanessa Beeley is an independent journalist, peace activist, photographer and associate editor at 21st Century Wire. Vanessa was a finalist for one of the most prestigious journalism awards – the 2017 Martha Gellhorn Prize for Journalism – whose winners have included the likes of Robert Parry in 2017, Patrick Cockburn, Robert Fisk, Nick Davies and the Bureau for Investigative Journalism team. Please support Vanessa at her Patreon Account.

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Food, Justice, Violence and Capitalism

October 7th, 2018 by Colin Todhunter

In 2015, India’s internal intelligence agency wrote a report that depicted various campaigners and groups as working against the national interest. The report singled out environmental activists and NGOs that had been protesting against state-corporate policies. Those largely undemocratic and unconstitutional policies were endangering rivers, forests and local ecologies, destroying and oppressing marginalised communities, entrenching the corporatisation of agriculture and usurping land rights.

These issues are not unique to India. Resistance against similar practices and injustices is happening across the world. And for their efforts, campaigners are being abused, incarcerated and murdered. Whether people are campaigning for the land rights of tribal communities in India or for the rights of peasant farmers in Latin America or are campaigning against the fracking industry in the UK or against pipelines in the US, there is a common thread: non-violent protest to help bring about a more just and environmentally sustainable world.

What is ultimately fuelling the push towards the relentless plunder of land, peoples and the environment is a strident globalised capitalism, euphemistically termed ‘globalisation’, which is underpinned by increasing state surveillance, paramilitary-type law enforcement and a US-backed push towards militarism.

The deregulation of international capital movement (financial liberalisation) effectively turned the world into a free-for-all for global capital. The ramping up of this militarism comes at the back end of a deregulating/pro-privatising neoliberal agenda that has sacked public budgets, depressed wages, expanded credit to consumers and to governments (to sustain spending and consumption) and unbridled financial speculation. In effect, spending on war is in part a desperate attempt to boost a stagnant US economy.

We may read the writings of the likes of John Perkins (economic hitmen), Michel Chossudovsky (the globalisation of poverty), Michael Hudson (treasury bond super-imperialism) or Paul Craig Roberts (the US’s descent into militarism and mass surveillance) to understand the machinations of billionaire capitalists and the economic system and massive levels of exploitation and suffering they preside over.

Food activists are very much part of the global pushback and the struggle for peace, equality and justice and in one form or another are campaigning against violence, corruption and cronyism. There is a determination to question and to hold to account those with wealth and power, namely transnational agribusiness corporations and their cronies who hold political office.

There is sufficient evidence for us to know that these companies lie and cover up truth. And we also know that their bought politicians, academics, journalists and right-wing neoliberal backers and front groups smear critics and attempt to marginalise alternative visions of food and agriculture.

They are first to man the barricades when their interests are threatened. Those interests are tied to corporate power, neoliberal capitalism and the roll out of food for profit. These companies and their cheerleaders would be the last to speak up about the human rights abuses faced by environmentalists in various places across the world. They have little to say about the injustices of a global food regime that creates and perpetuates food surpluses in rich countries and food deficits elsewhere, resulting in a billion people with insufficient food for their daily needs. Instead all they have to offer are clichés about the need for more corporate freedom and deregulation if we are to ‘feed the world’.

And they attempt to gloss over or just plain ignore the land grabs and the marginalisation of peasant farmers across the world, the agrarian crisis in India or the harm done by agrochemicals because it is all tied to the neoliberal globalisation agenda which fuels corporate profit, lavish salaries or research grants.

It is the type of globalisation that has in the UK led to deindustrialisation, massive inequalities, the erosion of the welfare state and an increasing reliance on food banks. In South America, there has been the colonisation of lands and farmers to feed richer countries’ unsustainable, environment-destroying appetite for meat. In effect what Helena Paul once described in The Ecologist as genocide and ecocide.  From India to Argentina, we have witnessed (are witnessing) the destruction of indigenous practices and cultures under the guise of ‘development’.

And from various bilateral trade agreements and WTO policies to IMF and World Bank directives, we have seen the influence of transnational agricapital shaping and benefitting from ‘ease of doing business’ and ‘structural adjustment’ type strategies.

We also see the globalisation of bad food and illness and the deleterious impacts of chemical-intensive industrial agriculture on health, rivers, soils and oceans. The global food regime thrives on the degradation of health, environment, labour and communities and the narrowing of the range of crops grown resulting in increasingly monolithic, nutrient-deficient diets.

Whether it includes any or all of the above or the hollowing out of regulatory agencies and the range of human rights abuses we saw documented during The Monsanto Tribunal, what we see is the tacit acceptance of neoliberal policies and the perpetuation of structural (economic, social and political) violence by mainstream politicians and agricapital and its cheerleaders.

At the same time, however, what we are also witnessing is a loosely defined food movement becoming increasingly aware of the connection between these issues.

Of course, to insinuate that those campaigning for the labelling of GM food, the right to healthy food or access to farmers markets in the West and peasant movements involved with wider issues pertaining to food sovereignty, corporate imperialism and development in the Global South form part of a unified ‘movement’ in terms of material conditions or ideological outlook would be stretching a point.

After all, if you campaign for, say, healthy organic food in your supermarket, while overlooking the fact that the food in question derives from a cash crop which displaced traditional cropping systems and its introduction effectively destroyed largely food self-sufficient communities and turned them into food importing basket cases three thousand miles away, where is the unity?

However, despite the provisos, among an increasing number of food activists the struggle for healthy food in the West, wider issues related to the impact of geopolitical IMF-World Bank lending strategies and WTO policies and the securing of local community ownership of ‘the commons’ (land, water, seeds, research, technology, etc) are understood as being interconnected.

There is an emerging unity of purpose within the food movement and the embracing of a vision for a better, more just food system that can only deliver genuine solutions by challenging and replacing capitalism and its international relations of production and consumption.


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Colin Todhunter is a frequent contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research.


Seeds of Destruction: Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation

Author Name: F. William Engdahl
ISBN Number: 978-0-937147-2-2
Year: 2007
Pages: 341 pages with complete index

List Price: $25.95

Special Price: $18.00


This skilfully researched book focuses on how a small socio-political American elite seeks to establish control over the very basis of human survival: the provision of our daily bread. “Control the food and you control the people.”

This is no ordinary book about the perils of GMO. Engdahl takes the reader inside the corridors of power, into the backrooms of the science labs, behind closed doors in the corporate boardrooms.

The author cogently reveals a diabolical world of profit-driven political intrigue, government corruption and coercion, where genetic manipulation and the patenting of life forms are used to gain worldwide control over food production. If the book often reads as a crime story, that should come as no surprise. For that is what it is.

Authoritarian Brazil Redux?

October 7th, 2018 by Massimiliano Mollona

On Sunday 7th of October, the Brazilian people will go to the polls to elect their next president. There has never been such a dramatic election since January 15th 1985 when Brazil returned, the vote to the polls after twenty years of dictatorship (1964-1985) – although voting took place still within the electoral college system put in place during the dictatorship. Following the impeachment of President Dilma Rousseff two years ago (which Saad-Filho described as a “coup”) and a chaotic interregnum led by the corrupted Michel Temer (PMDB) – who nonetheless was very effective in curbing workers’ rights by amending part of the famously pro-labour Labour Law (CLT), regularizing outsourcing and cutting workers’ pensions – the future of Brazilian democracy hangs in the balance. Much of it will be decided at the polls.

Thousand of people demonstrate against the Brazilian presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro in Sao Paulo, Brazil. (Source: The Bullet)

Leading with 32 per cent of vote intentions (Datafolha) is Jair Bolsonaro (PSL), a right-wing populist and evangelical Christian who is brilliantly taking advantage of the popular rage exploded against the political establishment after the Lava Jato (Car Wash) investigation which led to the imprisonment of the ex-leader of the PT Lula da Silva and the impeachment of Dilma, although on unrelated charges. Trailing behind him with 21% of is the candidate for the Workers’ Party (PT) Fernando Haddad.

The popularity of Bolsonaro is growing vertiginously despite or perhaps because, of his misogynist, homophobic and classist public outbursts – he famously said to prefer a dead son to a gay one and that people living in ex-slave settlements (quilombos) are fat and lazy. Running in parallel to Bolsonaro’s outbursts are those of General Hamilton Mourão (PRTB) (his vice-president candidate) who recently declared his intention to abolish the 13th month salary and scrap the 1988 Constitution (incidentally Haddad agrees with him on this) and famously described families without strong father figures “factories of outcasts.”

Bolsonaro – #NotHim

It’s easy to dismiss the Bolsonaro trend, as a form of “tropical Trumpism” (The Guardian, 6th of September) (recently Bolsonaro’s son boasted that Steve Bannon is their political consultant) and to point out the vast array of anti-Bolsonaro demonstrations sweeping across the country. Mirroring the anti-Trump women marches in the U.S. and abroad, millions of Brazilian women have joined an anti-Bolsonaro Facebook group and organized a very successful social media campaign, supported by Brazil’s top female singers, with the hashtag #EleNão (#NotHim).

But Bolsonaro’s new ground among poor constituencies is worrying. The big electoral swing in support of Bolsonaro happened only a few days ago, when the bishop of the ultra-powerful evangelical Universal Church of God, Edir Macedo, declared his support for him. Among the poorer evangelical constituencies Bolsonaro has 40% of intention of vote. A supporter of Cardoso in the 1998 elections, Macedo shifted his support to Lula in 2002, which allowed him to woo poor evangelical urban voters at the time suspicious of Lula’s left-wing liberalism – especially his take on abortion. This week Macedo and Jose Wellington Bazerra da Costa, the president of the Congregation of all Universal Church of God in Brazil openly declared their opposition to Haddad, exacerbated by the gathering momentum of the #EleNão (#NotHim) campaign. This development is pulling a big section of that vast Brazilian urban lumpen proletariat – the informal and illegal workers, unemployed or ‘criminals’ living in the shantytowns of big cities – away from the PT.

Lula da Silva, the self-declared ‘friend of the people” and “ex-poor”, had captured the loyalty of such marginal strata with generous programmes of poverty reduction, popular housing and the democratization of credit. Now the support among women and black – the grassroot force of evangelical churches) toward the PT is rapidly dwindling. For the first time in years, favelas are breeding their own right-wing candidates (Folha De Sao Paulo). It turns out that if middle-class women tend to back Haddad, the vast majority of women from poor background support Bolsonaro and on the whole more women than men support him (53% of women and 47% of men according to Valor Economico, 3rd October).

The second important form of empowerment for Bolsonaro came from the endorsement of Nabhan Garcia, the president of the Ruralist Democratic Union (Uniao Democratica Ruralista – UDR) and of the all-powerful Agro-pecuniary Parliamentary Front (Frente Parlamentar de Agropecuaria – FPA) that counts 261 MPs – 40% of the Congress. With Bolsonaro President and Garcia Minister of Agriculture, the government will pay homage to the powerful rural oligarchy and possibly also lure in Brazil’s rural masses which allowed Dilma to be re-elected with a strict margin in 2014 but were subsequently alienated by her austerity measures and the Car Wash corruption scandal. Bolsonaro is also making inroad into the bastions of rural support to Dilma in 2014 that is, into Brazil’s northern and north-eastern regions, where respectively 25.8% and 28.4% were recipient of the Bolsa Familia in 2017.

Such right-wing swing of marginal constituencies is worrying, especially in the light of Bolsonaro’s admiration for the dictatorship. He famously dedicated his vote to impeach Rousseff to the commander of a unit responsible for 500 cases of torture and 40 murders under the military regime and declared that his first measure as president will be to step up the war against “criminals” especially in favelas – a war that in 2016 led to more than 4000 killings by the police (The Economist, September 22nd.)

Bolsonaro and the Generals

If Bolsonaro becomes president, some Ministries will be run by generals. But his support in congress will be weak and he will not be able to impose any authoritarian rule. But there is a general feeling that at least on the cultural level, the dictatorship is coming back – whitewashed and bourgeoisified for popular consumption. And this is both ironical and tragic, in the light of the immense impact of the publication of a damming report on the atrocities committed under military rule in Brazil, back in 2014 when it was revealed that President Dilma herself had been persistently tortured. Signs of such comeback are all around. This week, the president of the supreme court (STF) Dias Toffoli, turned down the request by two journalists to interview the ex-president Lula da Silva in his cell in Curitiba, by appealing to a Press Law created in 1967 during dictatorship. On the 2th of October, at a symposium on the 1988 constitution organized by the prestigious Law Department of USP, lawyers and scholars were taken aback in hearing Toffoli describing the 1964 coup as a right-wing “social movement” coexisting with equally pernicious left-wing organizations.

The 150 eminent Brazilian artists and intellectuals who signed the Democraciasim “yes to democracy” collecting more than 180,000 signatures, are worried. In the manifesto it is said:

“It’s never too often to remember how throughout history and to this day fascist, Nazi leaders and many other autocratic regimes were first elected with the promise of rescuing the self-esteem and credibility of their nations, before submitting them to the most varied authoritarian excesses.”

Indeed, for the famous historian Boris Fausto – who survived Getulio Vargas’ Estado Novo and the military regime to become one of the world’s leading dependent development theorists – the other dark force lurking behind Bolsonaro’s authoritarianism is the authoritarianism of the Workers’ Party (PT), incarnated in the phenomenon of Lulismo. (Valor Economico, 2nd October).

What about the PT and Lulismo? What went wrong?

Soon after being elected president in 2002 Ignazio Lula da Silva, an ex-metalworker from the ABC industrial belt and leader of the Workers’ Party (PT), set up the massive programme of poverty reduction Bolsa Familiawhich today reaches 13 million families – one-quarter of the national population. As a result of the Bolsa Familia the population below the poverty line decreased from 36% in 2003 to 23% in 2008. With a buoyant global commodity market Lula managed to combine pro-labour policies – such as a stunning 50 per cent increase of the minimum wage; cheap credit and subsidized working-class housing – and exorbitant interest rates and currency overvaluation. Lula’s pro-labour and pro-finance policies alienated the industrialists, whom nonetheless had not enough political clout to catalyse anti-governmental forces.

In the second mandate, Lula cut welfare expenses and deregulated the labour market, which radically increased casualised work. Seeing their nominal wages increase, wage-workers turned to cheap credit to finance their new conspicuous consumption. With the end of the commodity boom the compass between financial profit and social redistribution became unsustainable. The industrialists and the financial and banking oligarchies now joined forces against the government. Advised by ministry of finance Joaquim Levy, a Chicago trained economist, Rousseff radically cut social spending and credit, privatized state assets and put together the proposal for Lei 4330, which if approved, will radically deregulate Brazil’s labour relations system. According to Perry Anderson (2016) the PT’s sudden fall from grace is due to the electorate feeling ‘cheated’ by Dilma suddenly embracing right-wing austerity policies.

On a basic level, Lulismo is simply the outcome of the charismatic leadership of Lula Da Silva, who was able to combine the diverse ‘moralities’ of grassroot catholic organizations, socialism and business-like pragmatism, and in so doing, capture diverse social constituencies – from the urban and rural poor to the financial and banking elites and the rural oligarchies – and in the process, alienating the grassroot constituencies that propelled the PT to power and the very base of the PT.

Or Lulismo can be seen be seen as part of a wider neo-extactivist consensus (Svampa, 2013) through which Latin-American left-wing parties in power combined financial speculation, commodity extraction and radical programmes of poverty reduction. Lulismo can also be interpreted as a failed “social neo-developmentalism” (Singer, 2016) whereby the Brazilian state morphed form being an agent of social redistribution to becoming the main force of capitalist expansion. Sociologist Ruy Braga describes Lulismo as the combination of the passive incorporation of the marginal working-class and the active incorporation of the top echelon of the trade-union strata who becoming pensions fund manager, “financialized themselves” and turned into a new state bourgeoisie. Besides, according to Braga, central to Lulismo is a schizophrenic attitude toward the working class, visible in the PT’s opposite economic policies of reduction of job precariousness and increase of formal employment for marginal constituencies especially poor black, young and women, and on the other hand, of mass tertiarization and flexibilization of productive activities leading to the massive increase labour turnover and work accidents and the sharp curtailment of social rights. (Braga 2016).

Or lastly, Lulismo can be seen as a variant of past presidentialist regimes, typically Vargas’ Estado Novo, whereby the failure of the bourgeois counter-revolution – the social contract between urban masses and urban bourgeoisie – (Fernandes) put democracy under constant threat by the dominant ancient oligarchies, and was kept alive through personal deals presidentes made across the political spectrum and with the logistical support of strong authoritarian bureaucracies.

Against the baroque equations of social neo-developmentalism, Paulo Guedes, Bolsonaro’s main economic adviser (who was educated at the University of Chicago) proposes simple recipes: free-market, extensive privatizations and further curbing of labour rights. Such Chicago style manifesto wooed the big capital and the financial sectors that, as the centrist candidate Geraldo Alckmin (PMDB) loses steam, are turning their support to Bolsonaro. But these recipes are unlikely to appeal to the urban precariat or the rural dispossessed or the unionized wage workers whom the election results ultimately rest on. Indeed, the 2013 June uprising – a series of anti-government which paralyzed the country – saw the re-articulation of the urban precariat and unionized workers around a newly radicalized Left, which included the Socialist Party (PSOL); the new trade union, the Homeless Movement (MTST) and a vast section of the radicalized youth.

In a famous book on the dictatorship Fernando Henrique Cardoso, at the time still a well-respected scholar of underdevelopment, argues that in Brazil the historical forces of authoritarianism never christallized into a political party, which meant that the interests of a restricted bourgeois and oligarchic elite had to be met through violence and political repression. Perhaps it is such lack of institutionalisation of authoritarianism that gives to the spectre of dictatorship its long-lasting aura. But Brazil’s unprecedented wave of grassroot mobilization will not necessarily be co-opted by another dictatorship or by yet another populist leader. It may be the case that instead of dictatorship redux, we will witness the coming together of a new revolutionary socialist coalition, one in which the role of women, the youth and the marginalized black population is central. The ascent to popularity of Marielle Franco, the feminist human-right activist (PSOL) who relentlessly campaigned against police brutality in the favelas in Rio de Janeiro – and her dramatic killing in March 2018, symbolizes both the enormous potential and the risks associated with this election.


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Massimiliano (Mao) Mollona is a writer, filmmaker and anthropologist. He is a Senior Lecturer at Goldsmiths College, University of London.

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In recent developments, New Delhi on Friday October 4, 2018,  “Russia’s President Putin and India’s Prime Minister Modi signed a $5.4 billion agreement to purchase five S-400 air defense systems, delivery scheduled for 2020 – ignoring the threat of possible US sanctions.


In the existing eventful world, the barely laying extremes of US foreign policies can be seen in its posture towards Turkey and India regarding the purchase of Russia’s S-400 defense system. India’s freedom to procure the defense system raises speculation over why Turkey is forbidden to do so. Despite being a NATO ally, Turkey is the latest and worst example for the US’s allies that self-interests know no border. But the US is not so tough on all its allies and India is one of them. Why?  

India is making gigantic strides in military and economic development. India’s dispute with China over territories as well as in the Indian Ocean are consistent with US interests in the region, including Washington’s “Pivot to Asia” and US-China relations.  Moreover, India and the US’s economic relationship has seen a tenfold increase in trade from US$ 5.6 billion in 1990 to US$ 140 billion in 2017 that cement its place in the eyes of the US lawmakers and policymakers.  “In 2016, India was the ninth largest trading partner of the US and one of the major countries with which America has had trade deficit of more than $30 billion.”

India has also warmed up to Israel and their leaders have inked multiple agreements to boost security cooperation. Moreover, India is challenging Chinese trade mainly in Africa.  

India purchases 60 percent of its military gear from Russia, or in other words, India is the largest purchaser of Russian arms. It has almost doubled the import of oil from heavily sanctioned Iran as well as another US adversary – Venezuela. In a joint press conference in May 2018 with Iranian foreign minister Jawad Zarif, Indian foreign minister Sushma Swaraj, in a reply to a journalist’s question regarding the US sanctions on Iranian exports, said that India doesn’t recognize the US’s sanctions and only support sanctions issued by the United Nations.  

On August 2, 2017, the US Congress passed the CAATSA bill that imposes sanctions on Iran, North Korea and Russia as main adversaries of the US. Under this law, other states are banned from dealing with these countries. The US Congressional representatives rushed to seek exemption for India. And now, India is negotiating the S-400 purchase deal with Russia despite US sanctions.  

Indian-Americans are the wealthiest ethnic group in the US. Although they make up just about 1 percent of the total American population, they are an influential group. With the professional success, financial resources and growing population, Indian-Americans launched lobbying through different networks and forums. Part of India’s efforts to influence the US Government has been inspired by its actions against Pakistan’s lobby group. 

A paramount force that pushes India to the heights in the US foreign policies and decision-making are the five Indian-Americans in the US Congress. Besides Senator-elect Harris, the Indian-American community now has four members of the US House of representatives. Ami Bera, Raja Krishnamurthi, Pramila Jayapal and Ro Khanna are Indian-American faces in the US legislature. 

These powerful figures have certainly used their influence in the amendment of CAATSA to include exceptional states like India. Just like Israeli lobbyists simply convincing the US officials to cut aid to Palestinians or changing the minds of the US officials towards regional issues in its favor, India too has gained weighty role in redirecting the US foreign policies. 

Looking for a silver bullet to ditch India of Russia’s S-400 defense system, the US said that it mulls over delivery of THAAD missiles for India, according to the Indian Economic Times report in June.  Currently, THAAD is deployed only in South Korea and Hawaii and the system is intended to be installed in Japan and Taiwan in the future. Saudi Arabia and the UAE have also reached a deal with the US to purchase the defense system. Reports say that Oman also offered to purchase THAAD, but received a red light. 

While the US is offering to equip India with THAAD, it is working to stop Turkey from possessing Russia’s S-400. 

After decades of proximity and closer cooperation during Syrian war, the two NATO-member states parted their ways particularly after mid-2016. After ISIS lost the ground to Russia-backed Syrian forces, the US decided to support the Syrian-Kurdish People’s Protections Unites (YPG), a militia with close ties to the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), a designated terrorist organization by Turkey and the US, as well as the European Union. 

Tensions between the US and Turkey over Syria climaxed in January 2018, as Turkey invaded the Afrin canton in northwestern Syria to remove the YPG. The Kurdish insurgent groups want separation from Turkey or create an independent Kurdistan to which Turkey is highly allergic. Turkey’s blocking of the US efforts to beef up YPG brought an end to viability of the conflict in Syria. The US might have YPG as the last resort option available for the time being to recover the loss in Syria, but Turkey’s opposition infuriated the US that opened fire at it which still rages.

More shocking events took place over this period of time. The coup attempt in July 15, 2016 in Turkey added further acrimony in the US-Turkey relationship. Andrei Karlov, the Russian ambassador to Turkey, was assassinated by a Turkish police officer in 19 December 2016. Turkey’s tourism industry was hit with a spate of bombings. All these were planned blow to Turkey.

The US waged an economic war on Turkey, allegedly for the detention of the American pastor in Turkey. Erdogan gave itself the right to avoid handover of the pastor to the US who has been held on charge of involvement in 2016 failed coup attempt, because the US did not listen to Turkey’s insistence on extraditing US-based Fethullah Gulen, the alleged mastermind of the coup.  

Turkey also stands hostile to Washington’s all-weather ally – Israel. It has repeatedly condemned Israel’s actions against Palestine. In May, Erdogan called the US Embassy move to Jerusalem a “huge mistake”. 

Intimacy to Russia, of course, worsened the mutual ties, but not to the extent to throw the entire weight behind it. 

As a consequence of Turkey-US strife, the Russia-Turkey rapprochement added up to the NATO members’ split. Whether for warming to Russia or abandoning the US “halfway” in Syrian war, Turkey was set to face a flurry of sanctions and shocks. In addition to lira crises, two Turkish senior officials have been sanctioned that led Turkey to take retaliatory action against two US officials. 

Turkey struck deals with Russia including construction of a new gas pipeline to Turkey and supply of S-400. Everyone was waiting to watch the US’s reaction at the latter deal. Although the US implied its discontentment with Turkey’s acquisition of Russian S-400, Ankara argued that the system is necessary to protect its airspace. Erdogan’s government also pointed out that Turkey originally approached the US to procure the Patriot missile defense system and only turned to Russia when it could not seal a deal. 

Moreover, Turkey contends that Greece, a NATO-member, purchased Russian S-300 defense system in 2015 that was not preceded or followed by any objection or outcry from other NATO members or the US. 

The US’s wrath at Turkey can also be seen in January 2018 when the presidents of two countries talked on telephone on the brink of Turkey’s military operation in Afrin in northwestern Syria controlled by YPG. According to reports, the White House released the transcript of the conversation, which asserted that Trump had expressed concern over escalating violence due to Turkey’s Afrin operation and about “destructive and false rhetoric coming from Turkey”. Turkish officials immediately claimed that the transcript did not reflect the true nature of the conversation. 

It indicates that Turkey’s military operation was a wholly unilateral move that stood in sharp contrast to the US’s agenda. 

The war of words will continue so long as either Turkey withdraw from NATO membership or appease the US with concession like allowing to support and arm YPG in a new Syrian war or turn its back to Russia. 

The decision to permit or prohibit a state from acquiring S-400 or issues of similar severity is taken based upon the level of expectation from a state due to its strategic location or other advantages. Greece or India might not have lived in a situation corresponding to Turkey’s. They are not under as much fire as Turkey for possessing a super offensive or defensive system.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan feared to lose the power to another contestant in June presidential election amid a meddlesome environment and frayed ties with the US and therefore availed every opportunity to rig the election in its favor. 

Turkey would go its way regardless of the US’s threats and install the defense system in the near future, as it has discovered that the US, especially after the recent row, will not agree to sell THAAD or Patriot Air-Defense system to it. 

In New Delhi on Friday October 4, 2018,  Russia’s President Putin and India’s Prime Minister Modi signed a $5.4 billion agreement to purchase five S-400 air defense systems, delivery scheduled for 2020 – ignoring the threat of possible US sanctions.

Asked if the deal was consummated, Putin spokesman Dmitry Peskov responded: “Yes, on the sidelines of the visit.”

Putin aide Yuri Ushakov said

“India will have a modern air defense system boasting parameters that surpass those of similar systems of other countries.”

During a Friday press conference, Modi said

“India and Russia believe that it is necessary to consolidate the multipolar world and multipolar relations,” adding:

between both countries and others.

Last July, Indian Defense Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said that New Delhi and Moscow reached the final stage in talks on the S-400 purchase.

It’s able to destroy multiple hostile aircraft, ballistic missiles, and other aerial targets up to 250 miles away. No other nations match the its capability.

The deal is one of more to come. India contracted with Russia to build six nuclear power plants, Russia’s Rosatom to construct the new facilities, a press release by the company saying:

“The parties plan…to develop the project on construction of six Russia-designed nuclear power plant units in India at the new site, to expand cooperation in third countries, and cooperate in new promising areas in the nuclear power industry.”

Rosatom CEO Aleksey Likhachev and Indian Atomic Energy Commission Chairman Kamlesh Nilkanth Vyas signed the deal on Friday – plants reportedly to be built in southeast India’s Andhra Pradesh.

Russia and India are key nuclear energy partners. In 1988, Soviet Union and New Delhi officials agreed to build the country’s largest nuclear power facility.

Construction began in 2002, completed in 2013, since then the plant expanded, further expansion planned.

On Friday, Putin said

“(w)e are ready to consider the possibility of cooperation in the framework of such programs as Far East LNG, Arctic LNG-2, as well as other projects for the development of natural resources of Siberia, Yamal and the continental shelf in the Russian Federation,” adding:

Both countries intend expanding trade to $30 billion by 2025, threefold the current level, Putin saying the following on Friday:

“We set out to boost trade turnover to $30 billion by 2025 and mutual investments to $15 billion some time ago.”

“In this regard, we were satisfied to note that last year mutual trade turnover went up by 21% exceeding $9 billion, and gained another 20% in seven months of this year.”

“If we continue at this pace, not only will we meet the targets but we’ll reach them earlier than expected and (will) continue onward.”

Documents signed on Friday are all about “longterm expansion of bilateral ties in various areas.”

On Thursday, India’s Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS) approved the purchase of four Russian-made frigates, costing around $2 billion – two built in Russia, two others in India.

On Wednesday, State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert “urg(ed) all of our allies and partners to forgo transactions with Russia that would trigger sanctions under CAATSA (Washington’s Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act).”

A New Delhi statement said it’s devising ways to circumvent potential US sanctions. It may trade with other countries in local currencies, avoiding dollar transactions, possibly trading Indian products for foreign ones purchased.

A Final Comment

On Thursday, Reuters reported that Indian purchases of US oil are “down 75 percent from a record high of 347,000 barrels in June,” adding:

Last month (September), “Indian buyers lifted purchases of Iranian crude to 502,000 bpd, up 111,000 bpd over August.”

The country is one of the two top buyers of Iranian crude. According to,

“India will buy a total of 9 million barrels of oil from Iran in November” – despite imposition of new US sanctions on the 4th, aiming to halt all Iranian oil exports, a scheme doomed to fail.

“India wants to keep importing oil from Iran, because Tehran offers some discounts and incentives for Indian buyers at a time when the Indian government is struggling with higher oil prices and a weakening local currency that additionally weighs on its oil import bill,” added.

It’s unclear how much Iranian oil India intends to keep buying. New Delhi is one of America’s largest trading partners, bilateral dealings totaling $140 billion in 2017.

Will the Trump regime jeopardize relations by imposing sanctions for the country’s trade with Russia and Iran?

Reportedly it’s considering waivers for India and other countries, likely including Japan and South Korea.

Last month, Pompeo said the US is “prepared to work with countries that are reducing their imports (from Iran and Russia) on a case-by-case basis.

On Thursday, Bolton stressed there’d be no waivers while admitting the aim to block all Iranian oil exports is unattainable. The same goes for Russian exports.


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Award-winning author Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected].

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”

Visit his blog site at

Stephen Lendman is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

Syria’s No-fly Zone

October 6th, 2018 by Askiah Adam

The Russian Defence Minister has announced that the promised S-300 air defence system has been delivered to Syria with the Karushka 4 radar systems jammer and other related military equipment, to boost the safety of Russia’s military personnel and facilities. The system will be in place by 20th October. Syrian Army personnel will, meanwhile, be brought up to speed in three months to operate the system which has the combined effect of effectively closing the Syrian airspace to unfriendly air crafts.

There is then no room for doubt that Russia’s promise to bolster the security of her interests in Syria is about accomplishing a no-fly zone over most of Syria, if not all of it.

Israel, on her part, even while sending condolences to Moscow, is remorselessly threatening to carry on attacking what Tel Aviv claims are Iranian targets in Syria, regardless of the S-300s and the jammers; there only because her fighter jets’ cynical manoeuvres resulted in the recent downing of Russia’s EW aircraft IL-20 shot by friendly fire killing all 15 crewmen on board. The Israeli fighters were attacking Latakia province at the time and the detailed data of the incident as captured by the S-400 on Russia’s Hmeymim air base proved this in no uncertain terms: Israeli jets were using the IL-20 as cover.

Russia’s Defence Minister’s anger left no room for speculation but President Putin appeared to be initially looking for a non-confrontational way out. In the end, irrespective of how one reads meanings into his words the outcome is, indisputably, a no-fly zone over Syria.

For Israel, this will mean a substantial crippling of her formerly undisputed air superiority over the region. However, even as is, without Russia’s forbearance — the deconfliction measures agreed to between her and Russia, as is true of the agreement between Russia and the US — the skies over Syria already invited caution because in place is a combination of Syria’s S-200, and Russia’s S-400 and S-300, the latter two to guarantee the safety of her air base, Hmeymim, and her naval base, Tartus. In short, it is fair to assume that had the deconfliction measures been in place the 200 attacks carried out by Israel on Syrian territory over the past year, which Tel Aviv recently boasted of, could not have been so easily achieved.

Thus far this triangular power configuration has been as if playing at war. The aim is to free Syria of terrorists. For as long as the deaths of civilians and damage to infrastructure caused by US allied bombings can be classified as necessary collateral damage there is very little Russia can do without escalating tensions between the major “players”. But the IL-20 tragedy is without doubt a pre-meditated move by Israel, which resulted in the loss of a valuable Russian military asset and 15 highly specialised airmen.

John Bolton, the White House National Security Advisor, has warned Moscow that this Russian move is considered an escalation. But of what? If at all there is a war it is with the terrorists. Is Washington admitting that these are not terrorists but rather mercenaries of an American proxy army?

Israel promises to keep attacking Syria. President Putin since intervening in Syria has, on many occasions, gone out of his way to prevent the outbreak of war with NATO that could bring the world to the brink. Unfortunately, this is perceived of as a weakness waiting to be exploited.

But much as Putin might want to avoid a war with another nuclear power whose  total disregard for civilian lives is beyond dispute, what pretext can there now be which will not appear to the Russian people as a betrayal of the 15 airmen, crew of the IL-20? Russian lives have been lost in what to many is a foreign war. 

Then, too, what about the prestige Russia has built over the recent years that helped restore her position as a superpower and, necessarily, the Cold War balance of terror that afforded the world a measure of security. And, what about the threatening and callous actions of the US and her allies, which makes discounting a nuclear war impossible. Subservience to Washington is, therefore, not an option.

That the US and her allies are pushing for war is difficult to ignore and Israel’s security is a good enough excuse for them. Placing Iran squarely in their cross-hairs to secure Israel’s safety facilitates this. But can they find a way of undermining the no-fly zone, militarily, now that Russia has lost all goodwill for compromises? Or, has Russia really lost all goodwill for her adversaries?

Apparently the deconfliction agreement is still operational. But are the gloves now irretrievably off such that one false step will witness “enemy” fighters dropping from the skies over Syria? Israel’s belligerence is unrelenting. Washington though, while no less so, is more circumspect.

Are the US and her allies, including the ever vacillating Turkey, virtually checkmated in Syria? Will a crushing defeat of the Jihadists in Idlib be possible without civilians being sacrificed? After all, without their backers the proxy army of assorted terrorists will be crippled as has been demonstrated time and time again.

Of course, this assumes that reason will prevail. But what if reason, already so elusive in certain quarters, cannot prevail? Can a surprise attack on Syria and her allies be on the cards and low yield nuclear weapons be used by the US in the belief that it is a feasible option in a first strike strategy? 

That is the clear and present danger which the world is now facing. To the neoconservatives and the Deep State this is the best opportunity they have for obliterating the challenger once and for all and global hegemony be achieved. Will they chance it?

Bearing in mind America’s Nuclear Doctrine of pre-emptive nuclear war this is not as far fetched as it may seem. And, while Russia is way ahead in terms of military capability has she the means to counter this suicidal desperation successfully? For, according to the experts in a nuclear war, no matter how limited, the one who makes the first strike cannot but be victorious. 

And then there is the theological doctrine that the goyims (non-Jews) are  dispensable when they serve no purpose. What more when they are obstacles. To the apartheid Jewish state this has serious political consequences. Therefore, most logically, a nuclear armed Israel gone rogue would be the biggest threat to the world.


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Askiah Adam is Executive Director of International Movement for a JUST World.

Police in America nearly always have virtual carte blanche authority to operate with impunity.

Chicago long ago earned a reputation as the police repression capital of America. A Gitmo-type operation on the city’s west side is Exhibit A – operating off-the-books in a nondescript Homan Square warehouse, the domestic equivalent of a CIA or Pentagon black site.

Inner city communities across America are battlegrounds. Blacks in Chicago and elsewhere nationwide are unlawfully arrested, detained, brutally treated, and too often lethally shot unaccountably – a shocking indictment of a racist society.

An Illinois Better Government Association study, covering the period 2010 – 2014, called Chicago tops among America’s largest cities in fatal shootings by police, most often targeting defenseless Black males.

The right-wing Chicago Tribune earlier said

“it’s common knowledge that Chicago’s system of investigating shootings by officers is flawed…at so many levels…by design…”

On October 14, 2014, Chicago police officer Jason Van Dyke lethally shot 17-year-old Laquan McDonald – even though he committed no crime and threatened no one.

He was shot twice in the back, another 14 times as he lay dying on the ground. Coverup and denial followed. Police authorities at first called the brutal execution justifiable self-defense.

In November 2015, a seven-minute dashcam video surfaced, showing Van Dyke extrajudicially executed McDonald. City authorities lost a 13-month Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit battle to prevent release of the video – indictable evidence of what happened.

A knife planted on McDonald’s body was exposed as a Big Lie. Video evidence showed him moving away from Van Dyke unarmed when lethally shot from behind.

Police chief Garry McCarthy was sacked over the incident. So was chief of detectives Dean Andrews. Three Chicago police officers were indicted for involvement in covering up McDonald’s murder.

They lied to investigators in the aftermath of the shooting, withheld damning information, filed false police reports, failed to interview eyewitnesses, and destroyed evidence.

America’s criminal justice system nationwide is shamefully racist. So is the nation’s gulag prison system. Two-thirds of inmates are Blacks and Latinos – mostly for nonviolent offenses, over half on illicit drug charges.

A badge in America is a license for anything goes, especially in exerting authority over people of color by any means. Jim Crow never died. It evolved to its present form.

Nearly always nationwide, when cops lethally shoot Blacks or Latinos, victims are blamed for state-sponsored criminality.

Rare exceptions prove the rule. On Friday October 4, after a month-long trial, justice delayed was served for McDonald’s family members.

Jurors convicted Van Dyke on 2nd degree murder and 16 aggravated battery counts for each shot fired. Damning video evidence proved guilt.

An overflow Cook County courtroom heard the verdict – after which Van Dyke was handcuffed and taken into custody, awaiting sentence by what one prominent Chicago attorney called “tough but fair” Judge Vincent Gaughan, saying he faces 15 – 30 years imprisonment.

The Chicago Tribune believes a six-year sentence is likely, calling court proceedings “one of the most closely watched trials in Chicago’s history.”

Downtown city streets were heavily patrolled before and after the verdict, continuing all night in case protests erupted and turned disruptive.

Van Dyke was the first city cop in half a century to be convicted of murder for an off-duty shooting. He was acquitted of a single count of official misconduct.

Juror speaking to reporters said they were split over whether to convict him for first or second-degree murder. After deliberating for over seven hours, they agreed on the latter verdict.

Once announced, crowds around City Hall cheered. City organizer Keena Carson said she was overwhelmed by emotion, adding:

“It just felt like all those years of work from the time the video came out was worth it. Like all the organizing and being out in the streets, it was worth it. It was worth it — for once.”

Prosecutor Joseph McMahon said Van Dyke “now stands before this court a convicted felon,” adding:

“This is a difficult day for Tina Hunter,” McDonald’s mother. “She has to continue to relive the worst moment of her life over and over…I don’t think Tina will ever heal from this wound.”

Sentencing is scheduled for October 31. Van Dyke’s lawyers said they’ll appeal over Judge Gaughan refusal to move the trial outside Cook County because of pre-trial publicity, adversely affecting Van Dyke.

The landmark case will long be remembered in city history, the final chapter yet to be written.


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Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected].

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”

Visit his blog site at

Tensions between the US and China are rising in the economic, diplomatic and military spheres. The economic policy of the administration of US President Donald Trump as well as the US strategy aimed at deterring growing Chinese military capabilities in the Asia-Pacific region and Chinese influence around the world in general have led to an open economic and diplomatic conflict between the two states.

Since the start of 2018, the US has imposed a series of tariffs on a wide range of Chinese goods and, according to President Trump, is ready to make further steps in order to defend US national interests.

On January 22, 2018, the US officially announced their decision to impose duties of as much as 30% on solar equipment made abroad, mostly in China. On July 6, the Trump administration kicked off 25% tariffs targeting $34 billion worth of Chinese goods. These tariffs affected water boilers, X-ray machine components, airplane tires and various other industrial parts. China immediately implemented retaliatory tariffs on its $34 billion list of US goods including soybeans, pork and electric vehicles. At that time, Beijing called the situation the “biggest trade war in economic history.” However, the situation continued to develop.

On August 23, the US imposed additional 25% tariffs on $16 billion worth of Chinese imports targeting such goods as electronic parts, plastics, chemicals, batteries, and railway cars. Beijing retaliated with its own fresh tariffs on $16 billion worth of additional imports from the US including fuel, steel products, cars and medical equipment.

On September 24, Washington imposed 10% tariffs on about $200 billion worth of imports from China, and threatened duties on about $257 billion more if China retaliated against the action. The Chinese Commerce Ministry answered that it had no choice but to retaliate against new US trade tariffs. Beijing hit back announcing 10% tariffs on $60 billion of US imports.

According to the Trump administration the tariffs are needed to protect US businesses, especially industry and intellectual property, and to reduce the trade deficit with China. Since the start of the “trade war”, US and Chinese top officials have held a series of meetings but have found no options to resolve the existing differences.

Furthermore, on September 20, the US sanctioned a Chinese defence agency and its director for purchasing Russian combat aircraft and S-400 surface-to-air missiles. On the same day, sanctions were imposed on 33 Russian individuals and entities. The State Department claimed that its actions weren’t intended to undermine the military capabilities or combat readiness of any country, but rather to punish Russia in response to its alleged interference in the US election process. In response, China’s Foreign Ministry said the action was unjustifiable and demanded the US withdraw the penalties or “bear the consequences.”

Thus, the conflict expanded into the military and political field. Speaking at a UN Security Council meeting on September 26, President Trump accused China of “attempting to interfere” in the upcoming 2018 election in the US against his administration. Nonetheless, the US president provided no evidence for his claims. Additionally, the Trump administration approved the sale of $330 million of military equipment to Taiwan. This move caused another round of tensions with China.

“We urge the US side … to immediately cancel this deal and cut off military ties with Taiwan to avoid doing serious damage to China-US relations, peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait and cooperation between the US and China in important areas,” Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Geng Shuang stated, commenting on the issue.

The Taiwan issue has been a focal point of US-Chinese tensions since the very start of the Trump presidency. For example, on December 2, 2016, shortly after his election win, Trump spoke with Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen by phone discussing politics, economy, and security in the Asia-Pacific region. This was the first time since 1979 that a US President or President-elect had directly spoken to his Taiwanese counterpart. Trump openly declared that his administration would use the Taiwan issue as a bargaining chip to get a better trade deal with Beijing. The idea that China and Taiwan are part of the same country also known as The One-China policy has been the basis of US-China dialogue concerning the island since the 1970s.

The balance of power in Asia Pacific in general and particularly in the South China Sea and East China Sea are also a hot point in US-China relations. The US is actively working to deter the growing Chinese influence on military and diplomatic levels. The US Armed Forces send warships and jets close to Chinese military facilities built on artificial islands, and hold drills near the contested area. The Chinese side is not going to abandon its South China Strategy and responds in a similar manner.

In late September the US sent its nuclear capable B-52 bombers to the South China Sea as well as to the East China Sea.

On September 26, the US consulate in Hong Kong stated that China had denied a request for a port call from the U.S. Navy’s amphibious assault ship the USS Wasp.

On September 30, the Arleigh Burke guided-missile destroyer USS Decatur had an encounter with a Chinese warship, with the two vessels being as close as 45 yards to each other, according to US Navy officials. The US warship was conducting freedom of navigation operations in the vicinity of Gaven Reef in the South China Sea when the incident occurred.

In early October, the New York Times reported, citing a US official that China had canceled an annual meeting with US Defense Secretary Jim Mattis planned for mid-October in Beijing.

The relations between the US and China appear to be tense and preconditions exist which may cause them to worsen in the near future. Currently, there are two main directions in which the current situation might develop: an escalation scenario and a deconfliction scenario.

In case of the escalation scenario, US-Chinese relations would deteriorate rapidly with the Trump administration taking further steps in the framework of its “trade war” against Beijing. If China were able to resist this pressure more or less successfully, the diplomatic and economic pressure imposed would give a boost to the further regionalization of the world. China, Russia and other powers affected would have to contribute additional effort to develop an economic model, which would allow them to counter pressure from the US. This system would actively rely on regional economic ties and trade in national currencies. China, Russia, the EU, Iran, Turkey are already actively working to develop such mechanisms. On September 24, the EU, Russia and China agreed with Iran on a new payment system to trade despite the US sanctions. The joint statement said that they were determined “to protect the freedom of their economic operators to pursue legitimate business with Iran.”

At the same time, Turkey, China, Russia and India have openly moved to make payments on key contracts, especially in the military industrial cooperation field, in their national currencies as well as boosting their regional cooperation. Thus, the US sanctions policy became a factor undermining the current global economic model guaranteeing its dominance.

If the increase of the US pressure on China were to succeed and Beijing and its key partner Moscow were isolated, this would deepen significantly the economic crisis in China, which is expected by some analysts in the upcoming years. Chinese economic development would be stopped or even thrown back. In turn, the US thanks to its industry and postindustrial sector of the economy would make a leap forward maintaining its economic hegemony.

Nevertheless, this scenario would be possible only if the Chinese-Russian economic, military and diplomatic cooperation were to be undermined as a result of the smart policy pursued by Washington or for some other reason. Symptoms of this US soft power policy designed to undermine Russia-China cooperation can be observed in the Russian and Chinese media sphere. Multiple Russian experts more or less affiliated with the US ideologically or economically, through grants and funding, promote the idea that Russia should limit its allegedly “unprofitable” cooperation with China and even put effort into deterring Chinese economic and diplomatic policy in the region. On the other hand, some Chinese experts promote an idea that Russia is a weak state and should not be seen as an equal partner.

It should be noted that China employing its foreign diplomatic and economic policies does not show any kind of altruism. In fact, it pursues its economic and political goals in the most profitable way. However, this approach is common for any world power defending its national interests. And currently, it’s in Chinese national interests to maintain a mutually beneficial co-operation with Russia and other independent powers.

The de-escalation scenario in US-Chinese relations is possible if the Trump administration were to reshape its policy towards Beijing and strike a new political economic deal with the Chinese leadership. So, Washington would have to lift a part, if not all, of the imposed restrictions and maybe soften its policy on China in some points. China would accept such a deal, but would not abandon its goal to dominate in the Asia-Pacific region and then become a superpower. Thus, Beijing would be using this deal to strengthen its economic and political positions in Eurasia and around the world.

In turn, the Washington establishment would seek to employ a divide and rule approach to undermine ties between Moscow and Beijing. If this approach were to succeed, the US would be able to deal with its key competitors one at a time.

In any of these scenarios, military, diplomatic and economic tensions would grow around the world. The main reason for this is the approach of the Washington establishment, which is steadily undermining the global order established after World War 2. On the other hand, the actions of the Trump administration have their own logic. It seeks to stop the economic development and to limit the influence of their key global and regional competitors, like China, Russia and Iran. In light of the existing mid and long term threats to US dominance, Washington seems to be determined to use the current complicated situation around the world to strengthen the US national economy, in particular its industry, to solve the social and economic problems caused by previous US administrations and to deal with its geopolitical opponents using all existing means and measures.


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The Afghan government has outlawed and denounced as ‘destructive and divisive’ a proposal by the founder of private military contractor Blackwater, to privatize the 17-year-old war in the Asian country.

Erik Prince promoted his proposal on Kabul last week for the government to allow foreign contractors to support Afghan forces in the fight against the Taliban, claiming it could end the war in “six months.”

“In no manner does the government of Afghanistan condone this destructive and divisive debate,” a statement from the Afghan Office of the National Security Council (NSC) said on Thursday.

The statement said the Afghan government and people would never “allow the counter-terrorism fight to become a private, for-profit business.”

It further said that the addition of “new foreign and unaccountable elements” would undermine the right to self-determination of the Afghan people.

“Afghan security and defense forces, under the framework of all applicable laws of the country, have the primary responsibility and authority for safeguarding the noble values of Islam, our national sovereignty, and the independence and territorial integrity of our beloved country and people,” the statement read.

Blackwater founder’s idea, which first surfaced last year during US President Donald Trump’s review of the Afghanistan strategy, has already raised ethical and security concerns among US military officials as well as key lawmakers in Congress and members of Trump’s national security team.

In August, US Defense Secretary James Mattis rejected the plan saying the move was not a “wise idea”.

However, the frustration of the US war in Afghanistan and the US president’s purported unhappiness about the 17-year-long battle is raising fears that he might finally agree with the plan.

Trump’s advisers are worried his unhappiness about the Afghanistan conflict would cause him to seriously consider proposals like Prince’s or abruptly order a complete US withdrawal, officials said.

On Tuesday, US-based Human Rights Watch warned against US efforts to outsource the war arguing that the move could endanger civilian lives.

“Prince’s company, Academi, formerly known as Blackwater, has been implicated in serious crimes in Iraq,” said HRW.

The employees of the notorious private military company had been charged with killing 14 Iraqi civilians and wounding 18 others using gunfire and grenades at a busy Baghdad intersection on September 16, 2007. An FBI agent once described the atrocity as the “My Lai massacre of Iraq.”

The United States now has about 16,000 troops based in Afghanistan.

The war in Afghanistan is the longest in US history with a cost of about $1 trillion. More than 2,400 Americans have died and another 20,000 have been wounded in the country since the invasion in 2001.

Afghanistan is still suffering from insecurity and violence years after the US and its allies invaded the country as part of Washington’s so-called war on terror. The military invasion removed the Taliban from power, but their militancy continues to this day.


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The CIA Finger in Brasil’s Elections?

October 6th, 2018 by Marcelo Zero

The growth of Bolsonarian fascism in the final stretch of the election campaign, turbo charged by an avalanche of fake news disseminated on the internet, is not surprising. It is an old tactic developed by American and British intelligence agencies, with the goal of manipulating public opinion and influencing political processes and elections. It was used in the Ukraine, in the Arab Spring and in Brazil during 2013.

There is science behind this manipulation.

Some people think that elections are won or lost only in rigorously rational debates about policies and proposals. But things don’t really work that way. In reality, as Emory University Psychology Professor Drew Weston says in his book “The Political Brain: The Role of Emotion in Deciding the Fate of the Nation”, feelings are commonly more decisive in defining the vote.

Weston says that, based on recent studies in neuroscience on the theme, contrary to what is commonly understood, The voters strongly base their choices on emotional perceptions about parties and candidates. Rational analysis and empirical data normally plays a secondary role in this process.

This is why there is great manipulative power in the production of information with strong emotional content and fake news.

The documents revealed by Edward Snowden suggest that the US and UK intelligence services have specialized and sophisticated departments that are dedicated to manipulating information that circulates on the internet to change the direction of public opinion. For example, the Joint Threat Research Intelligence Group of the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), a British intelligence agency, has a mission and scope that includes the use of “dirty tricks” to destroy, negate, degrade and run over its enemies.

The tactics are, in short:

1) To disseminate all kinds of false information on the internet to destroy the reputation of its targets; and

2) Use social sciences and other psycho-social techniques to manipulate the online discourse and activism, with the goal of generating desirable results.

But this isn’t just any type of information. The information is chosen to cause great emotional impact, not to promote debate or rebut concrete information. One of the most common techniques is the manipulation of photos and videos, which has a strong and immediate emotional effect and tends to quickly go viral. Vice Presidential candidate Manuela D’Àvila, for example, has been the constant target of these manipulations. Fernando Haddad has also been a constant victim of absolutely false declarations and manipulated images and discourse.

The abject manipulation of images of “erotic baby bottles” that were supposedly distributed to toddlers in the São Paulo public pre-school system by the PT, is an example of how low a campaign of the kind of dirty tricks recommended by the North American and British intelligence agencies can sink.

Although this manipulation can seem very low and, to the eyes of a rational person, unbelievable, its has a great and strong penetration of the emotional political brain of vast segments of the population.

Nothing is done by accident. Before they are produced and disseminated, these crude manipulations are studied in order to provoke the greatest damage possible. They are specifically directed to internet groups which, in having little or no fact checking apparatus and strong conservatism, tend to be shocked by and believe in these grotesque manipulations.

The truth is that what is happening in Brazil today reveals a sophisticated level of manipulation, which requires training and larges sums of money. Where did all of this come from? National capital? Or could there be financial, technical and logistical resources also coming from abroad?

It is obvious that this issue requires a serious investigation that will, apparently, not happen.

National and international financial capital, as well as sectors of the productive business class, have already sided with Bolsonaro in the second round. A large part of the media oligarchies have backed him as well. The poorly denominated “center”, which is, in truth, a group of angry, coup-mongering conservatives faced with the threat of political disappearance have also started to partially adhere to Brazilian fascism, trying to survive from the political crumbs it can obtain if Bolsonaro, or “the Thing” as he is known, and Mourão, the “Aryan”, win the election.

This can be viewed as the definitive suicide of Brazilian democracy and a bet on conflict, confrontation, authoritarianism and fascism, which will cause a profound deepening of the Brazilian political and economic crises.

However, the aggravation of the political-institutional and economic crisis, which will inevitably be brought about by the victory of the proto-fascist Bolsonaro, could be useful for those who want to take over Brazil’s strategic resources and companies.

Chaos and insurgency can be useful, mainly to those who are from the outside. We see this frequently in the Middle East. Taken to its farthest extension the coup can be deepened to a “solution of power”, supported by the military and the judiciary. In this manner the door will be opened for much greater rollbacks than those achieved by Michel Temer, mainly from the point of view of national sovereignty.

From the point of view of geopolitical strategy, the promoted automatic alignment between Bolsonaro and Trump would be of great interest to the USA in the region. As we know, one current strategic priority of the USA is a great power game against China and Russia. Bolsonaro, who has already promised to donate the Alacantara rocket launching base to the Americans and to privatize everything, could serve as a focal point of US interests in the region, intervening in Venezuela and countering Russian and Chinese interests in South America.

For this reason, it seems obvious that there is a finger – or an entire hand – of foreign intelligence agencies at work, mainly North American, in the Brazilian elections. The modus operandi shown in this final stretch is identical to that used in other countries and requires technical and financial resources and a level of manipulative sophistication that the Bolsonaro campaign does not seem to have on its own.

The CIA and other agencies are here, acting in an extensive manner.

The progressive forces have to now coordinate to counter this manipulative process. The response cannot merely be to use rational argument to counter manipulative hatred. The response in the dispute for the political brain has to also be emotional.

The anti-PT, anti-left, anti-democratic, anti-human rights, and anti-equality that drives Bolsonaro and was created by coup agents and their fake media, has to be fought through a project of antagonistic feelings like hope, love, solidarity and happiness.

They are projecting a past of exclusion, violence and suffering. We have to project a future of security and realization.

Faced with a sordid campaign of defamation and manipulation, guided from abroad, our strategy should be the same as Adlai Stevenson, the great Democratic politician of the US, who said to the Republicans, “you stop lying about the Democrats and I’ll stop telling the truth about you.”

Bolsonaro, his running mate and his followers communicate through shocking statements and hate speech. This is not fake news, its easy to confirm. Therefore, all we have to do is expose them for what they are and they will melt like vampires in sunlight.


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Marcelo Zero is a sociologist, international relations specialist and technical advisor to the PT Senatorial leadership.

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Jerusalem’s mayor has said he plans to remove a UN agency for Palestinian refugees from the city, accusing the body of operating illegally and promoting incitement against Israel.

Nir Barkat said on Thursday schools, clinics and sports centres, among other services operated by UNRWA in occupied East Jerusalem, will be transferred to Israeli authorities.

The municipality did not provide an exact timeline but it said schools serving 1,800 students would be closed by the end of the current school year, the AP news agency reported.

Barkat, who is set to step down following municipal elections at the end of the month, said the US decision at the end of August to cut $300 million in aid to the agency prompted the move.

Seen by the Palestinians and most of the international community as providing a valuable safety net, the European Union has called on Washington to reconsider its ending of funding to UNRWA.

“The US decision has created a rare opportunity to replace UNRWA’s services with services of the Jerusalem municipality,” Barkat said in a statement, claiming the schools and clinics were illegal and operate without an Israeli license.

“We are putting an end to the lie of the ‘Palestinian refugee problem’ and the attempts at creating a false sovereignty within a sovereignty.”

Jerusalem’s municipality said the move was coordinated with the Israeli government.

UNRWA did not immediately respond to a request for comment, AP said.

Founded in 1948, UNWRA was established to deal with the mass displacement of approximately 700,000 Palestinians, following the establishment of the state of Israel, to Jordan, Lebanon and Egypt.

Since then, the descendants of those Palestinians who continue to be displaced have benefited from several UNRWA initiatives, including educational facilities.

‘Political attack’

Last month, Israeli news outlet Channel Two reported that the Trump administration wanted to redefine the status of the agency, as well as the definition of Palestinian refugees, with the ultimate aim of eventually closing down the agency.

Officials familiar with the decision told the Washington Post that the new definition would exclude the descendants of those originally displaced, reducing the current five million figure to fewer than a tenth of that number.

Palestinian groups continue to demand the right of return for refugees and their descendents who were displaced since 1948.

In the absence of a solution, the UN General Assembly has repeatedly renewed UNRWA’s mandate.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said UNRWA should be abolished and its responsibilities taken over by the main UN refugee agency.

Last month, UNRWA spokesman Chris Gunness said the US funding cuts were a “political attack” on the Palestinian people and the agency, but that only the UN could change the status of refugees and UNWRA’s mandate.

“You cannot airbrush out of history 5.4 million people who belong to a UN-protected community, you cannot wish away their rights, their right to education, their rights to health and their rights to self determination,” he said.


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Oblivious to Our Military Industrial Empire

October 6th, 2018 by Philip A Farruggio

If one studies many of Alfred Hitchcock‘s films, there is a consistent observation by the director about the public in general. Whether it be in Foreign Correspondent (1940), Saboteur (1942), Shadow of a Doubt (1943), The Man Who Knew Too Much (1956) or North by North west (1959) to name but a few,

Hitchcock’s essential characters to the plot moved amidst a general public that seemed oblivious to what was going on. In reality, the majority of the public was engulfed in their own thing to be too aware of anything else around them. One scene that really resonates on this is a moment in the film Saboteur. The main two characters, played by Robert Cummings and Priscilla Lane, are on the run from a Nazi spy and sabotage ring working in the United States in 1941.

By that time, and this is pertinent to things, the American public already knew of the threat from the Nazis. War with Germany seemed imminent as Europe was already besieged by the German blitzkrieg. In this scene from Saboteur  Cummings and Lane are in a New York mansion owned by this Nazi front group while a fundraising party is ongoing.

Cummings is trying desperately to alert partygoers as to what is transpiring. He approaches a couple who are enjoying the swing music and really ‘into it’. He very seriously tells the man that “We’re right in the middle of the biggest bunch of Fifth Columnists.” The guy looks at him while snapping his fingers to the beat of the music and says “Are you kidding, what’s the gag?” The woman with the guy, also deep into the swing music says “Ah, he’s throwing ya a curve!”

As it was in films like Hitchcock’s, it seems that our general public has always been, to a great extent, oblivious to our Military Industrial Empire. The only time the majority of our fellow Americans seems to wake up from their self imposed slumber is when they feel threatened… personally threatened.

As Goebbels did so masterfully from the 1930s-early 40s in Germany, propaganda can and will coerce the masses to march along with the empire into battle. This has always been the case throughout history, as our US ‘foreign entanglements’ can surely attest to. The cement that keeps this the public in place is their oblivious nature to facts and outright truth. A con man can only be successful if his pigeons are not focused enough. When the overwhelming majority of the mainstream media falls in line with the empire, well, the lemmings follow.

The Soviet Union sacrificed 25+ million of its people to defeat the German onslaught and turn the tide of WW2, only to become our enemy in the Cold War not more than a year or two later. Think of how many of our citizens followed the drumbeat of this empire’s minions and believed ‘Better Dead than Red’. And it goes on and on through the Korean and Vietnam debacles that they called wars, right into Iraq Wars 1 and 2 and this Goebbels-like War on Terror….

This empire spends over half or your and my federal taxes on military spending, for close to two decades. How many out there care? Just shoot them up with the ‘legal narcotics’ of 24/7 sports, electronic gadgets and excessive consumerism, daily ‘breaking news’ on sex scandals, Republican vs. Democrat ‘food fights’, and the natives won’t get too restless. Meanwhile, the empire’s corporate sponsors suck out the very air from the lungs of we working stiffs…


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Philip A Farruggio is a son and grandson of Brooklyn , NYC longshoremen. He has been a free lance columnist since 2001, with over 400 of his work posted on sites like Global Research, Greanville Post, Off Guardian, Consortium News, Information Clearing House, Nation of Change, World News Trust, Op Ed News, Dissident Voice, Activist Post, Sleuth Journal, Truthout and many others. His blog can be read in full on World News Trust, whereupon he writes a great deal on the need to cut military spending drastically and send the savings back to save our cities. Philip has a internet interview show, ‘It’s the Empire… Stupid’ with producer Chuck Gregory, and can be reached at [email protected].

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“We must remember that in time of war what is said on the enemy’s side of the front is always propaganda, and what is said on our side of the front is truth and righteousness, the cause of humanity and a crusade for peace.”

-Walter Lippmann [1]


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Propaganda is an essential tool by which the elite factions within a society are able to capture the imaginations of the people and mesmerize the general public with messaging as to the essential goodness of a policy action for the nation.

When it comes to foreign policy, national myths are on the front line of that public relations battlefield.

The Americans, of course, have their ‘exceptionalist’ mythology, about its unique commitment to the ideals of democracy, liberty, personal freedom and individualism, and that it is America’s duty to export these exceptional qualities to less enlightened regions of the world. [2]

Most Canadians may regard with bemusement this self-aggrandizing legend of their geographic neighbours, however they would seem to be blissfully unaware of how an equally insidious mythology has penetrated their own national consciousness.

Canadians like to see themselves as a ‘force for good’ on the world stage, ‘peacekeepers not warriors’ and such. Canadian author Yves Engler has, for more than a decade, debunked that view as out of touch with reality. In several books and articles published over the last decade, Engler has diligently documented Canada’s historic role of upholding racism, exploitation and empire, from Haiti, to Congo, Palestine, Afghanistan, Libya, Ukraine, Syria, Venezuela, and the Global South generally. [3]

In a previous book, A Propaganda System — How Government, Corporations, Media and Academia Sell War and Exploitation, Engler examined the architecture of Canada’s public relations scheme which disguises the true role of Canada internationally, describing an interlocking network of academic institutions, government departments, think tanks, and media heavyweights which have worked to conceal the true nature of Canadian power.

His latest book Left, Right — Marching to the Beat of Imperial Canada, builds on this analysis, revealing how and why prominent left wing organizations who traditionally challenge corporate power domestically, including labour organizations, and the left of centre New Democratic Party (NDP) have apparently become complicit in reinfrcing this misleading portrait of Canada as ‘The Peaceable Kingdom.’

This week’s Global Research News Hour radio program devotes most of the hour to an overview of Engler’s thesis as he begins his cross-Canada book tour. (Tour dates can be found below.) This week’s special guest interviewer is Winnipeg-based videographer, citizen journalist and GRTV associate Paul Graham.

Yves Engler is a Montreal based political activist and writer specializing in dissident perspectives on Canadian foreign policy. He has been referred to as Canada’s Noam Chomsky, and has authored close to a dozen books over the last decade. His most recent book is Left, Right — Marching to the Beat of Imperial Canada. More of Engler’s articles and information about his 2018 cross-Canada book tour can be found at the site


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Global Research News Hour Episode 231

Book Tour Schedule:
Wednesday, Oct. 10, 2:30 pm
(A discussion on the Left’s role in dispossessing Palestinians)
University of Ottawa, Simard building, 429

Wednesday, Oct. 10, 7 pm
25 One Community, 251 Bank St (2nd floor)
Sponsor: Octopus Books—-marching-to-the-beat-of-imperial-canada-book-launch-with-yves-engler

Wednesday, Oct. 17, 2:30 pm
Menno Simons College, University of Winnipeg, 102-520 Portage Ave Room TBA

Wednesday, Oct. 17, 7 pm
Université de Saint-Boniface, 200 Avenue de la Cathedrale, Room 2322
Sponsor: Peace Alliance Winnipeg
Sponsor: Peace Alliance Winnipeg

Thursday, Oct. 18, 5 pm
Knox-Met United Church,
2340 Victoria Ave, Room 105
Sponsor: Regina Peace Council

Saturday, Oct. 20, 1 pm
Prince Albert
The Mann Art Gallery
Sponsor: Council of Canadians Prince Albert

Sunday,Oct. 21, 2 pm
615 Main Street
Sponsor: Turning the Tide Bookstore ( & Council of Canadians Saskatoon

Monday, Oct. 22, 7 pm
University of Alberta Education Centre South,
Room 158
Sponsor: Palestine Solidarity Network

Tuesday, Oct. 23, 7 pm
Community Wise Resource Centre (Old Y Building) 223 12 Ave SW
Sponsor: Justice for Palestinians

Wednesday, Oct. 24 7 pm
Mount Royal University Jenkins Theatre
(A debate on Canada’s Israel policy)
Sponsor: Rational Space

Thursday, Oct. 25
Location TBD
Sponsor: Mir Centre for Peace & Council of Canadians Nelson

Friday, Oct. 26
Okanagan College, 1000 K.L.O. Road
Sponsor: Kelowna Peace Group

Saturday, Oct. 27.12:30 pm
(A discussion of Canadian mining policy)
Location TBD

Tuesday, Oct. 30 6 pm
SFU Harbour Centre (515 West Hastings Street) room 7000
Sponsor: SFU Institute for the Humanities & Lawyers Rights Watch Canada

Thursday,Nov. 1, 7 pm
University of Victoria, Harry Hickman Bldg Room 105
Sponsor: Social Justice Studies & Victoria Peace Coalition

November 2
(A discussion of NDP Palestine policy)
Location TBD

Monday, Nov. 5, 6 pm
Library, 300 6th St

Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2:30 pm
Sponsor:  Vancouver Island University
Sponsor: Political Science Department

The Global Research News Hour airs every Friday at 1pm CT on CKUW 95.9FM in Winnipeg. The programme is also podcast at . Excerpts of the show have begun airing on Rabble Radio and appear as podcasts at

The Global Research News Hour now airs Fridays at 6pm PST, 8pm CST and 9pm EST on Alternative Current Radio (

Community Radio Stations carrying the Global Research News Hour:

CHLY 101.7fm in Nanaimo, B.C – Thursdays at 1pm PT

Boston College Radio WZBC 90.3FM NEWTONS  during the Truth and Justice Radio Programming slot -Sundays at 7am ET.

Port Perry Radio in Port Perry, Ontario –1  Thursdays at 1pm ET

Burnaby Radio Station CJSF out of Simon Fraser University. 90.1FM to most of Greater Vancouver, from Langley to Point Grey and from the North Shore to the US Border.

It is also available on 93.9 FM cable in the communities of SFU, Burnaby, New Westminister, Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam, Port Moody, Surrey and Delta, in British Columbia, Canada. – Tune in  at its new time – Wednesdays at 4pm PT.

Radio station CFUV 101.9FM based at the University of Victoria airs the Global Research News Hour every Sunday from 7 to 8am PT.

CORTES COMMUNITY RADIO CKTZ  89.5 out of Manson’s Landing, B.C airs the show Tuesday mornings at 10am Pacific time.

Cowichan Valley Community Radio CICV 98.7 FM serving the Cowichan Lake area of Vancouver Island, BC airs the program Thursdays at 6am pacific time.

Campus and community radio CFMH 107.3fm in  Saint John, N.B. airs the Global Research News Hour Fridays at 10am.

Caper Radio CJBU 107.3FM in Sydney, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia airs the Global Research News Hour starting Wednesday Morning from 8:00 to 9:00am. Find more details at

RIOT RADIO, the visual radio station based out of Durham College in Oshawa, Ontario has begun airing the Global Research News Hour on an occasional basis. Tune in at

Radio Fanshawe: Fanshawe’s 106.9 The X (CIXX-FM) out of London, Ontario airs the Global Research News Hour Sundays at 6am with an encore at 4pm.

Los Angeles, California based airs the Global Research News Hour every Monday from 6-7pm Pacific time. 


  1. Shah, Anup. “War and the Media”;
  2. Ridenour, Ron, “The Russian Peace Threat: Pentagon on Alert”, p. 489, Punto Press Publishing, Brewster, NY


Syrian Voices: Exploding the Lies For Truth and Peace

October 6th, 2018 by Mark Taliano

President Assad is not a “brutal dictator”.[1]  He never was. In fact Syrians have dubbed him “Mr. Soft Heart.”[2]

Western demonization campaigns against him are not and never were evidence-based.

Syrians themselves are not “stock” characters either.  Certainly, they can not accurately be defined according to religious or any other labels. Such “orientalist” projections serve imperial, “supremacist” agendas, but again, they are not reality-based.

Syrian voices are conspicuously absent from colonial media, since a realistic depiction of who they are and are not would necessarily frustrate the media’s criminal, warmongering agenda.

Syrian voices are important for Truth and Peace.

Camelia Dona has lived in Latakia, Syria, since 1989, where she worked as a pharmacist. Her story is particularly poignant since the pharmaceutical industry — like so many other industries in Syria — has resisted the invasive tentacles of Transnational Monopolies[3], and their pursuit of profits to the detriment of humanity.

Dona’s explanation is an indictment of Western imperialism in Syria:

“Many Syrians can tell you stories about the life before the war…before and after 2011… I’ll choose to speak about my profession, how good it was and how clever was the strategy in drug production and administration. 

I m a pharmacist and I came to Syria in 1989.There were only a few Syrian drugs, most of them were imported from other countries. Gradually things changed. Many drug factories were built and before 2011, Syria was almost independent in the production of the drugs … 95%or more of the drugs were made in Syria, meaning 1. jobs for Syrians 2. low prices for the drugs. Even insulin was produced in Aleppo (I visited that factory 10 years ago … destroyed by ISIS). In general, only infant formula milk and some hormones products were imported.

Many factories bought the license from international brands like Novartis, Pfizer… etc.

Many of these factories were destroyed…people who worked there were killed or kidnapped or jobless….and many of the drugs disappeared from the market…

Now, because it is much better in Aleppo and Damascus, many drug factories have been rebuilt. You know, between 1989 when I came to Syria and 2011 1$=5o Syrian pounds ( 48-51)…. Such stability was not pleasing to Syria’s enemies.”

Meanwhile, the testimony from the two Syrian ladies below explodes the “humanitarian” myth about Canada’s criminal foreign policies.  

Source: Vanessa Beeley

All Canadians should be asking the same questions of their elected “representatives”. Evidence-based information, rather than war propaganda, should be informing Canada’s foreign policy.


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Mark Taliano is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG) and the author of Voices from Syria, Global Research Publishers, 2017.


1. Prof. Tim Anderson, “Watchdogs to Attack Dogs: Western Liberal Media Failures on Syria.” Global Research, 25 March, 2016. ( Accessed 10 May, 2018. 

2. Prof. Tim Anderson, “Mr. Soft Heart or Brutal Tyrant? Anti-Assad Narrative Falls Apart at Seams.” Sputnik, 11 March, 2015.( Accessed 5 October, 2018.

3. Mark Taliano, “Permanent State Versus The People. The Regime Change War against Syria.” Global Research, 03 June, 2018. ( Accessed 5 October, 2018.

Order Mark Taliano’s Book “Voices from Syria” directly from Global Research.

Mark Taliano combines years of research with on-the-ground observations to present an informed and well-documented analysis that refutes  the mainstream media narratives on Syria. 

Voices from Syria 

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-1-6

Author: Mark Taliano

Year: 2017

Pages: 128 (Expanded edition: 1 new chapter)

List Price: $17.95

Special Price: $9.95 

Click to order

In recent months Western media and the Washington Administration have begun to raise a hue and cry over alleged mass internment camps in China’s northwestern Xinjiang where supposedly up to one million ethnic Uyghur Chinese are being detained and submitted to various forms of “re-education.” Several things about the charges are notable, not the least that all originate from Western media or “democracy” NGOs such as Human Rights Watch whose record for veracity leaves something to be desired.

In August Reuters published an article under the headline, “UN says it has credible reports that China holds million Uighurs in secret camps.” A closer look at the article reveals no official UN policy statement, but rather a quote from one American member of an independent committee that does not speak for the UN, a member with no background in China. The source of the claim it turns out is a UN independent advisory NGO called Committee on Elimination of Racial Discrimination. The sole person making the charge, American committee member Gay McDougall, stated she was “deeply concerned” about “credible reports.” McDougall cited no source for the dramatic charge.

Reuters in their article boosts its claim by citing a Washington DC based NGO, the Chinese Human Rights Defenders (CHRD). In an excellent background investigation, researchers at the Grayzone Project found that the CHRD gets hundreds of thousands of dollars from unnamed governments. The notorious US government NGO, National Endowment for Democracy, is high on the list of usual suspects. Notably, the CHRD official address is that of the Human Rights Watch which gets funds also from the Soros Open Society foundation.

The ‘Uyghur Problem’

The true state of affairs in China’s Xinjiang Province regarding Uyghurs is not possible to independently verify, whether such camps exist and if so who is there and under what conditions. What is known, however, is the fact that NATO intelligence agencies, including that of Turkey and of the US, along with Saudi Arabia, have been involved in recruiting and deploying thousands of Chinese Uyghur Muslims to join Al Qaeda and other terror groups in Syria in recent years. This side of the equation warrants a closer look, the side omitted by Reuters or UN Ambassador Haley.

According to Syrian media cited in, there are presently an estimated 18,000 ethnic Uyghurs in Syria most concentrated in a village on the Turkish border to Syria. Since 2013 such Uyghur soldiers have gone from combat alongside Al Qaeda in Syria and returned to China’s Xinjiang where they have carried out various terrorist acts. This is the tip of a nasty NATO-linked project to plant the seeds of terror and unrest in China. Xinjiang is a lynchpin of China’s Belt Road Initiative, the crossroads of strategic oil and gas pipelines from Kazakhstan, Russia and a prime target of CIA intrigue since decades.

Since at least 2011 at the start of the NATO war against Bashar al Assad’s Syria, Turkey had played a key role in facilitating the flow of Chinese Uyghur people to become Jihadists in Syria. I deliberately use “had” tense to give benefit of the doubt if it still is the case today or if it has become an embarrassment for Erdogan and Turkish intelligence. In any case it seems that thousands of Uyghurs are holed up in Syria, most around Idlib, the reported last outpost of anti-regime terrorists.

Washington and ETIM

In an excellent analysis of China’s Uyghur terror history, Steven Sahiounie, a Syrian journalist with 21st Century Wire, notes that a key organization behind the radicalization of Chinese Uyghur youth is the East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM) and its political front, the Turkestan Islamic Party (TIP), which is also known as “Katibat Turkistani.” He cites a speech in Istanbul in 1995 by Turkey’s Erdogan, then Mayor, who declared, “Eastern Turkestan is not only the home of the Turkic peoples but also the cradle of Turkic history, civilization and culture…” Eastern Turkestan is Xinjiang.

ETIM today is headed by Anwar Yusuf Turani, self-proclaimed Prime Minister of a government in exile which notably is based in Washington DC. ETIM moved to Washington at a time the US State Department listed it as a terrorist organization, curiously enough. According to a report in a Turkish investigative magazine, Turk Pulse, Turani’s organization’s “activities for the government in exile are based on a report entitled ‘The Xinjiang Project.’ That was written by former senior CIA officer Graham E. Fuller in 1998 for the Rand Corporation and revised in 2003 under the title ‘The Xinjiang Problem.’

I have written extensively in my book, The Lost Hegemon, about career senior CIA operative Graham Fuller. Former Istanbul CIA station chief, Fuller was one of the architects of the Reagan-Bush Iran-Contra affair, and a prime CIA sponsor or handler of Gülen who facilitated Gülen’s USA exile. He was also by his own admission, in Istanbul the night of the failed 2016 coup. In 1999 during the end of the Russian Yelstin era, Fuller declared,

“The policy of guiding the evolution of Islam and of helping them against our adversaries worked marvelously well in Afghanistan against the Russians. The same doctrines can still be used to destabilize what remains of Russian power, and especially to counter the Chinese influence in Central Asia.”

This is what the covert US weaponization of ETIM is aimed at. Like most radical Sunni Jihadist groups, Turani’s ETIM got funding as most radical Sunni Jihadist groups from Saudi Arabia.

In the late 1990s, Hasan Mahsum, also known as Abu-Muhammad al-Turkestani, founder of the East Turkestan Islamic Movement, moved ETIM’s headquarters to Kabul, taking shelter under Taliban-controlled Afghanistan. In Afghanistan, ETIM leaders met with Osama bin Laden and other leaders of the CIA-trained Al Qaeda, the Taliban, and the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan to coordinate actions across Central Asia. When the Pakistani military assassinated al-Turkestani in 2003 Turani became head of ETIM, and took his roadshow to Washington.

In his own study of Xinjiang, the CIA’s Graham E. Fuller noted that Saudi Arabian groups had disseminated extremist Wahhabi religious literature and possibly small arms through sympathizers in Xinjiang, and that young Turkic Muslims had been recruited to study at madrasas in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia. He adds that Uyghurs from Xinjiang also fought alongside Osama bin Laden’s Al Qaeda in Afghanistan in the 1980s.

Fuller noted,

“Uyghurs are indeed in touch with Muslim groups outside Xinjiang, some of them have been radicalized into broader jihadist politics in the process, a handful were earlier involved in guerrilla or terrorist training in Afghanistan, and some are in touch with international Muslim mujahideen struggling for Muslim causes of independence worldwide.”

The January 2018 Pentagon National Defense Strategy policy document explicitly named China along with Russia as main strategic “threats” to continued US supremacy. It states, “Inter-state strategic competition, not terrorism, is now the primary concern in US national security.”

Explicitly, and this is new, the Pentagon paper does not cite a military threat but an economic one. It states, “China and Russia are now undermining the international order from within the system by exploiting its benefits while simultaneously undercutting its principles and ‘rules of the road.’ The escalating trade war against China, threats of sanctions over allegations of Uyghur detention camps in Xinjiang, threats of sanctions if China buys Russian defense equipment, all is aimed at disruption of the sole emerging threat to a Washington global order, one that is not based on freedom or justice but rather on fear and tyranny. How China’s authorities are trying to deal with this full assault is another issue. The context of events in Xinjiang however needs to be made clear. The West and especially Washington is engaged in full-scale irregular war against the stability of China.


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F. William Engdahl is strategic risk consultant and lecturer, he holds a degree in politics from Princeton University and is a best-selling author on oil and geopolitics, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook” where this article was originally published. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from the author.


Seeds of Destruction: Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation

Author Name: F. William Engdahl
ISBN Number: 978-0-937147-2-2
Year: 2007
Pages: 341 pages with complete index

List Price: $25.95

Special Price: $18.00


This skilfully researched book focuses on how a small socio-political American elite seeks to establish control over the very basis of human survival: the provision of our daily bread. “Control the food and you control the people.”

This is no ordinary book about the perils of GMO. Engdahl takes the reader inside the corridors of power, into the backrooms of the science labs, behind closed doors in the corporate boardrooms.

The author cogently reveals a diabolical world of profit-driven political intrigue, government corruption and coercion, where genetic manipulation and the patenting of life forms are used to gain worldwide control over food production. If the book often reads as a crime story, that should come as no surprise. For that is what it is.

It’s not heavily emphasized within the text, but there are more than enough keywords and innuendo to conclude that the US’ National Strategy for Counterterrorism is very problematic for Pakistan because it’ll likely be wielded as a Hybrid War weapon for eventually sanctioning CPEC.

The US just unveiled its new National Strategy for Counterterrorism (NSCT), and while most news reports on this policy-guiding document tend to emphasize America’s claims that Iran is “the most prominent state sponsor of terrorism”, there are plenty of reasons why observers should pay attention to its relevant Pakistani component too.

Without summarizing the entire strategy and focusing solely on its pertinence to Pakistan, the US specifically calls out the Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan (TTP), Lashkar-e Tayyiba (LeT), and Babbar Khalsa International (BKI), which operate in Pakistan, Indian-occupied Kashmir, and the Sikh-inhabited regions of Indian Punjab respectively. The US has previously claimed (although importantly not within this document itself) that all three of them are linked to Pakistan in one way or another, with the country being either a victim or an accomplice of these organizations. By inference, this makes Pakistan the proverbial “elephant in the room” when talking about the US’ NSCT.

India is only talked about twice in the same sentence describing the BKI’s attacks against the country’s civilian population, but the part of the document describing the US’ intentions to partner with likeminded victims of terrorism strongly implies that the US-Indian Strategic Partnership could begin to be reframed through an “anti-terrorist” narrative.  Relatedly, the US might justify the intensification of its military relations with the country on an “anti-terrorist” basis, especially related to what the US and its newfound Indian partner regard as the “Pakistani-backed terrorist insurgency” in Indian-occupied Kashmir, in order to deflect from their true anti-Chinese and –Pakistani motivations for upsetting the delicate balance of power in South Asia. This is strongly hinted in the part where the authors write that America will “support (the) counterterrorism capabilities of key foreign partners”, with India being the US’ “Lead From Behind” partner in South Asia for dealing with two of the three mentioned groups.

The reason why none of this is as explicitly stated as the anti-Iranian passages are is because the US intends to employ its NSCT against Pakistan as a tool for pressuring its leadership into making “concessions” regarding the War on Afghanistan and CPEC. Even in the unlikely event that Pakistan cuts a clandestine deal with the US on either or both of these topics of grand strategic interest for America, it’s unlikely that Islamabad will save itself from Washington’s Hybrid War wrath because the US needs to scapegoat Pakistan for its failures in Afghanistan and ensure that China isn’t able to reliably use CPEC as its game-changing shortcut to the Afro-Asian Ocean. That’s why the most probable scenario is that the NSCT is weaponized in order to qualitatively enhance the effectiveness of the US’ ongoing fake news infowar campaign against Pakistan prior to imposing “anti-terrorist” sanctions against it that are really aimed against CPEC.

The whole point in doing so would be to decrease the international attractiveness of this corridor by scaring foreign investors away and increasing the odds that it becomes dominated solely by China, which would thus diminish its prospects for turning Pakistan into the Zipper of Eurasia and Convergence of Civilizations. That could also impede the project’s overall economic viability as well, especially if the US dares to carry out “anti-terrorist” drone strikes against targets along this route in order to reinforce the artificial narrative that conducting business with China through CPEC is “dangerous”. This “reverse-engineered” conclusion that the US is working to guide the global public towards is predicated on inflicting major strategic damage to China’s future economic interests and therefore improving the chances that it’ll enter into the desired “compromises” necessary for ending the so-called “trade war” in America’s favor. For these reasons, the US’ NSCT is just as much about South Asia and Pakistan as it is about the Mideast and Iran.


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This article was originally published on Eurasia Future.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

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VIDEO – O Poder político das armas

October 5th, 2018 by Manlio Dinucci

Os mercados e a União Europeia estão em alarme, a oposição está ao ataque, o apelo do Presidente da República à Constituição, tudo porque a anunciada manobra financeira do governo resultaria num déficit de cerca de 27 biliões de euros. No entanto, silêncio absoluto, tanto no governo como na oposição, sobre o facto de que a Itália gasta num ano uma quantia análoga para fins militares. A verba de 2018, é de cerca de 25 biliões de euros, à qual se junta outros elementos de carácter militar, elevando-a para mais de 27 biliões. São mais de 70 milhões de euros por dia, em expansão visto que a Itália se comprometeu com a NATO a elevar essa despesa até cerca de 100 milhões por dia.

Por que razão é que ninguém questiona a crescente despesa de dinheiro público com armas, com as forças armadas e com intervenções militares?

Porque isso significaria ficar contra os Estados Unidos, o “aliado privilegiado” (ou seja, dominante), que exige um aumento contínuo da despesa militar.

A despesa dos EUA para o ano fiscal de 2019 (iniciado em 1 de Outubro de 2018), ultrapassa 700 biliões de dólares, além de outros itens militares, incluindo quase 200 biliões para os militares aposentados. A despesa militar total dos Estados Unidos sobe para mais de 1 trilião de dólares por ano, ou um quarto da despesa federal. Um investimento progressivo na guerra, que permite aos Estados Unidos (segundo a motivação oficial do Pentágono) “permanecer a potência militar predominante no mundo, assegurar que as relações de poder permaneçam a nosso favor e fazer avançar uma ordem internacional que favoreça ao máximo, a nossa prosperidade”. No entanto, a despesa militar provocará um déficit de quase 1 trilião no orçamento federal, no ano fiscal de 2019.

Isso aumentará ainda mais a dívida do Governo Federal USA, que subiu para cerca de 21,5 triliões de dólares. Essa despesa incide no valor atribuído ao orçamento interno, com cortes nas despesas sociais e no orçamento externo, imprimindo dólares, usados como principal moeda das reservas globais e das quotizações das matérias primas. Mas há os que ganham com o aumento crescente da despesa militar. São os colossos da indústria bélica. Entre as dez maiores empresas fabricantes de armas do mundo, seis são americanas: Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Raytheon Company, Northrop Grumman, General Dynamics, L3 Technologies. Seguem-se: BAE Systems – britânica, Airbus – franco-holandesa, Leonardo (ex-Finmeccanica) – italiana que subiu para o nono lugar, e Thales – francesa.

Não são, apenas, empresas gigantescas de fabrico de armas. Elas formam o complexo militar-industrial, estreitamente integrado nas instituições e nos partidos, num extenso e profundo entrelaçamento de interesses. Isto cria um verdadeiro ‘establishment’ das armas, cujos lucros e poderes aumentam, à medida que se expandem as tensões e as guerras.

A Leonardo, que recebe 85% da sua faturação com a venda de armas, está integrada no complexo militar-industrial USA: fornece produtos e serviços não apenas às Forças Armadas e às empresas do Pentágono, mas também para as agências de serviços secretos (br. Inteligência), enquanto, na Itália, admninistra as instalações da Cameri, dos caças F-35 da Lockheed Martin. Em Setembro, a Leonardo foi escolhida pelo Pentágono, como a primeira empresa contratante da Boeing, para fornecer à Força Aérea dos EUA o helicóptero de ataque AW139. Em Agosto, a Fincantieri (controlada pela sociedade financeira do Ministério da Economia e Finanças) entregou à US Navy, com a Lockheed Martin, mais dois navios de combate costeiro.

Tudo isto deve estar presente quando se pergunta por que motivo, nos órgãos parlamentares e institucionais italianos, há um acordo multipartidário esmagador em relação a não cortar, mas para aumentar, a despesa militar.

Manlio Dinucci

Video por PandoraTV :

Tradução e subtitulo : Luisa Vasconcelos

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VIDEO : Die politische Macht der Waffen

October 5th, 2018 by Manlio Dinucci

Europäische Märkte und Union in Alarmbereitschaft, Opposition im Angriff, eine Erinnerung an die Verfassung durch den Präsidenten der Republik, all dies, weil das von der Regierung geplante und bereits angekündigte Finanzmanöver zu einem Defizit von etwa 27 Milliarden Euro führen würde. Auf der anderen Seite, absolutes Schweigen von Regierung und Opposition zu der Tatsache, dass Italien jedes Jahr einen vergleichbaren Betrag für seinen Militärhaushalt ausgibt.

Die Militärausgaben für 2018 belaufen sich auf rund 25 Milliarden Euro, zu denen noch weitere Posten mit militärischem Charakter hinzukommen müssen, so dass die Gesamtausgaben auf mehr als 27 Milliarden Euro steigen. Das bedeutet mehr als 70 Millionen Euro pro Tag, was noch mehr wird, da Italien der NATO versprochen hat, auf etwa 100 Millionen pro Tag zu erhöhen.

Warum spricht niemand von den steigenden Ausgaben öffentlicher Gelder für Waffen, Streitkräfte und militärische Interventionen? Denn das würde bedeuten, dass man sich den Vereinigten Staaten, dem “privilegierten Verbündeten” (“betont” gelesen), widersetzt, der eine kontinuierliche Erhöhung dieser Ausgaben verlangt.

Die Ausgaben der USA für ihre Streitkräfte im Geschäftsjahr 2019 (das am 1. Oktober 2018 begann) übersteigen 700 Milliarden Dollar, zu denen weitere militärische Kosten hinzukommen, darunter fast 200 Milliarden für pensioniertes Militärpersonal. Die gesamten Militärausgaben der Vereinigten Staaten sind damit auf mehr als 1.000 Milliarden Dollar jährlich angestiegen, ein Viertel aller Bundesausgaben. Eine zunehmende Investition in den Krieg, die es den Vereinigten Staaten (gemäß der offiziellen Zielsetzung des Pentagons) ermöglicht, “die führende Militärmacht in der Welt zu bleiben, um sicherzustellen, dass das Kräfteverhältnis zu unseren Gunsten bleibt, und um eine internationale Ordnung voranzubringen, die unseren Wohlstand auf das Maximum fördert”.

Aber im Geschäftsjahr 2019 werden die Militärausgaben ein Defizit von fast 1.000 Milliarden Dollar im Bundeshaushalt verursachen. Später wird dies zu einem Anstieg der Schulden der US-Regierung auf rund 21.500 Milliarden Dollar führen. Dies wird im Inneren durch Kürzungen der Sozialausgaben und im Außen durch den Druck von mehr Dollar absorbiert, die als Hauptwährung der Weltwährungsreserven und der Notierungen für Rohstoffe dienen.

Von den erhöhten Militärausgaben profitiert jedoch niemand. Wir haben es hier mit den Giganten der Rüstungsindustrie zu tun. Von den zehn größten Waffenherstellern der Welt sind sechs US-Unternehmen: Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Raytheon Company, Northrop Grumman, General Dynamics und L3 Technologies. Es folgen das britische Unternehmen BAE Systems, das französisch-niederländische Unternehmen Airbus, das italienische Unternehmen Leonardo (ex-Finmeccanica), das nun auf Platz neun liegt, und das französische Unternehmen Thales.

Das sind nicht nur riesige Fabriken, die Waffen produzieren. Zusammen bilden sie einen militärisch-industriellen Komplex, der eng mit Institutionen und Parteien verbunden ist und tiefe und weitreichende Auswirkungen hat. Dies schafft eine echte Rüstungsindustrie, deren Gewinne und Mächte mit zunehmender internationaler Spannung und Krieg zunehmen.

Leonardo, das 85 % seiner Gewinne aus Waffenverkäufen erzielt hat, ist in den militärisch-industriellen Komplex der USA integriert – es liefert Produkte und Dienstleistungen nicht nur an die Streitkräfte und Agenturen des Pentagons, sondern auch an US-Geheimdienste, während es in Italien den Standort Cameri für die F-35 von Lockheed Martin verwaltet.

Im September wurde Leonardo vom Pentagon mit Boeing als Hauptauftragnehmer ausgewählt, um die US-Luftwaffe mit AW139-Angriffshubschraubern zu versorgen. Im August lieferten Fincantieri (kontrolliert von der Finanzgesellschaft des Wirtschafts- und Finanzministers) und Lockheed Martin zwei weitere Küstenkampfschiffe an die US Navy.

All das müssen wir im Hinterkopf behalten, wenn wir uns fragen, warum es in den italienischen parlamentarischen Organisationen und Institutionen einen so überwältigenden, parteiübergreifenden Konsens gibt – nicht für die Kürzung des Haushalts, sondern für die Erhöhung der Militärausgaben.

Manlio Dinucci
Quelle : Il Manifesto (Italien)

Übersetzung: K.R.

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Who is Behind “Fake News”? Fake Videos and Images

October 5th, 2018 by Prof Michel Chossudovsky

While the independent and alternative media (including Global Research) are accused without evidence of publishing “fake news”, the routine publication of  “fake news” by the corporate media is invariably overlooked. 

While those who criticize the mainstream media are tagged as “conspiracy theorists”, the evidence amply confirms that the corporate media is involved in the publication of “fake images” and “fake video footage.”

And now the European Union is contemplating the adoption of laws which criminalize “fake news”: 

“Is criminalizing fake news the way forward? German lawmakers have called for legal action against the production and distribution of fake news. But digital rights groups warned of the harrowing effects it could have online, including censorship.” (Deutsche Welle, December 14, 2016)

This proposed legal action is largely intended to “go after” the independent online media and social media which is challenging mainstream media reports. 

In this article we will focus on the news coverage pertaining to a selection of important events including the March 2016 Brussels terror attacks in which fake videos and/or fake images were used by the corporate media with a view to deliberately misleading public opinion. 

1. The Brussels Terrorist Attacks, March 2016

The First Fake Surveillance Video Footage at Brussels Airport

The evidence amply confirms that the Belgian Media Used fake video footage with regard to both the morning terrorist bomb attack at Brussels airport as well as at the afternoon attack at the metro station

Brussels News media Dernière Heure at as well as La Libre reported on the terror attacks by providing a CC Camera Airport Surveillance Video of the terror attacks. 

The published video footage was fake as documented by a blog posting on Media Part

The video pertains to a terror attack at Moscow’s Domodedovo airport on 24 January 2011 (posted on youtube in November 2013).

The  report of on the Brussels airport attack used the video of the Moscow 2011 attack with the date of the Brussels attack: (22/03/2016) pasted onto the Russian video.

Below is the screenshot of DH’s report.

And the screenshot of  La Libre at,

And here is a screenshot of the January 2011 terror attack at Moscow’s Domodedova International Airport published on youtube in November 2013 followed by the full youtube video of the Moscow attack:

Our apologies says the VRT TV network (Dutch language) which broadcast the Moscow airport terror attack:

” Surveillance images circulating of attack Zaventem are old pictures. Our apologies.” (author’s Translation)

According to the BBC (January 24, 2011) report (which includes the video), the Moscow 2011 airport attack  resulted in 35 dead.

The Second Fake Surveillance Video at Brussels Maelbeek Metro Station 

The terror attack in the afternoon of March 22 at Brussels Maelbeek Metro station was reported by mainstream media including CNN.

In these reports, video footage from a 2011 terror attack in Minsk, Belarus was used by network TV and online media to describe what was happening in the metro station at the time of the attacks.

Comparisons: Brussels, 22 March 2016 versus Minsk, 11 April 2011. Same video footage

Here is a screenshot of  video footage broadcast on network TV and on the internet depicting the explosion in the Metro in Brussels, March 22, 2016

Here is the alleged video footage of the CCTV surveillance camera, Brussel Maelbeek Metro Station.  The CC surveillance camera is under control of the Metro security authorities.

Now Compare the above to the screenshot of  the Minsk April 2011 attacks followed by full-length video.

 Full video of the Minsk Attack

The Mainstream media’s response

According to the Independent:

CCTV footage that was shared after the Brussels attacks, believed to show video from inside Maelbeek Metro station, has been proven fake.

As news emerged of the third explosion in the Belgian capital, which targeted the station situated near EU offices, many began sharing what they believed to be footage of the bombing.

However it was soon discovered that the video in fact came from the Minsk Metro bombing of 2011 that killed 15 and injured over 200 people.

The Independent’s report is based on a fallacy.

It was the mainstream media that published the Moscow and Minsk video footages.

It was thanks to incisive social media blog reports that the use of fake videos by the mainstream media was revealed.

The more fundamental question: Two cases of fake videos on the same day. A coincidence? 

Can we trust the mainstream media reports concerning the Brussels terror attacks?

Read Complete article on Brussels Fake Videos

2. Coverage of Syria War: BBC Switches Images

According to Sifty News

“The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) has been slammed for mistakenly using a photo taken in Iraq in 2003 to illustrate the Syria 2012 massacre, in which over 100 people, including 32 children, were brutally killed.

The picture, taken on March 27, 2003, showed a young Iraqi child jumping over dozens of white body bags containing skeletons found in a desert south of Baghdad.

It was posted on the BBC news website under the heading “Syria massacre in Houla condemned as outrage grows”.

According to The Telegraph, the caption stated the photograph was provided by an activist and cannot be independently verified, but said it is “believed to show the bodies of children in Houla awaiting burial”.

Screenshot from the Telegraph, May 27, 2012

We’re Sorry Says the BBC (this is one among many cases of switched images and media manipulation (not to mention the white helmets) pertaining to the war in Syria.

A BBC spokesman said the image has now been removed from the website.

“We were aware of this image being widely circulated on the internet in the early hours of this morning following the most recent atrocities in Syria. We used it with a clear disclaimer saying it could not be independently verified,” the spokesman said.

Meanwhile, a professional photographer, Marco di Lauro, said he nearly “fell off his chair” when he saw the image being used, and said he was “astonished” at the failure of the corporation to check their sources.

“What I am really astonished by is that a news organization like the BBC doesn’t check the sources and it’s willing to publish any picture sent it by anyone activist, citizen journalist or whatever. That’s all,” the paper quoted him, as saying. ( Sifty News)

3. NATO’s “Liberation” of  Tripoli, September 2011

September 2011: The international community, we are told,  is waging a “humanitarian war”. And the people of Libya are rejoicing. “NATO has liberated Libya from the tyranny of Muammar Ghadaffi” 

Green Square Tripoli. Libyans are seen celebrating the victory of rebel forces (affiliated to Al Qaeda) over Ghadaffi in this BBC News Report (see below)

Examine the footage:.

It’s not Green Square and it’s not the King Idris Flag (red, black green) of the Rebels.  

Its the Indian flag (orange, white and green) and the people at the rally are Indians.

Perhaps you did not even notice it.

And if you did notice, “it was probably a mistake”.

Sloppy journalism at the BBC or outright Lies and Fabrications? Recognize the flags?

Indian Flag  (see right)

Libya’s Rebel Flag (King Idris)

This is not the first time images have been manipulated or switched.

In fact it seems to be a routine practice of the mainstream media

Terrorists “celebrating” in Green Square

There is no celebration. It is a NATO sponsored massacre which has resulted in several thousand deaths.

But the truth cannot be shown on network television. The impacts of NATO bombings have been obfuscated.

The rebels are heralded as “liberators”.

Screenshot of the above video

NATO bombing is intended to save civilian lives under The Alliance’s R2P mandate.  But the realities are otherwise: the civilian population is being terrorized by the NATO sponsored rebels.

The images must be switched to conform to the “NATO consensus”.

Death and destruction is replaced by fabricated images of celebration and liberation.

4. The Lhasa Riots, Tibet. March 14, 2008

On the day of the Lhasa Riots (March 14, 2008), the videotape presented by CNN in its News Report on the 14th of March (1.00pm EST) was manipulated.

The message to be conveyed is that Chinese cops were involved in brutally repressing a civilian protest movement including Budhist monks in Tibet’s capital city: Lhasa.

VIDEO: Tibet monks protest against Chinese rulers (CNN, March 14, 2008)

The video footage, which accompanied CNN’s John Vause’s report, had nothing to do with China.

The police were not Chinese, but Indian cops in khaki uniforms from the North-eastern State of Himachal Pradesh, India.

Viewers were led to believe that demonstrations inside China were peaceful and that people were being arrested and brutalised by Chinese cops.

Chinese Cops in Khaki Uniforms

1′.27-1′.44″ video footage of “Chinese cops” and demonstrators including Buddhist monks. Chinese cops are shown next to Tibetan monks.

Are these Chinese Cops from Gansu Province or Lhasa, the Tibetan capital, as suggested by CNN’s John Vause’s Report?


Alleged Chinese cops repressing Tibet demonstrators in China , CNN, March 14, 2008  1′.36”

Alleged Chinese cops in khaki uniforms repressing Tibet demonstrators in China, CNN, March 14, 2008  1’40”

Their khaki uniforms with berets seem to bear the imprint of the British colonial period.

Khaki colored uniforms were first introduced in the British cavalry in India in 1846.

Khaki means “dust” in Hindi and Persian.

Moreover, the cops with khaki uniforms and mustache do not look Chinese.

Look carefully.

They are Indian cops.

The videotape shown on March 14 by CNN is not from China (Gansu Province or Lhasa, Tibet’s Capital). The video was taken in the State of Himachal Pradesh, India. The videotape of the Tibet protest movement in India was used in the CNN report on the Tibet protest movement within China.

In a March 13 Report by CNN, demonstrators are being arrested by Indian police in khaki uniforms during a protest march at Dehra, about 50 km from Dharamsala in the northern state of Himachal Pradesh.

VIDEO; Tibet Protest movement in India, CNN, March 13, 2008

Indian police arrested around 100 Tibetans on Thursday, dragging them into waiting police vans, as they tried to march to the Chinese border to press claims for independence and protest the Beijing Olympics.” (REUTERS/Abhishek Madhukar (INDIA))

Below are images from the CNN’s report on March 13, on the protest movement in Himachal Pradesh, India:

Compare these images to those in the March 14 CNN report. Same cops, same uniforms, same Indian style moustache


Indian cops repressing Tibetan demonstrators in Himachal Pradesh, India CNN, March 13, 2008  0′.53″

Indian cops repressing Tibet demonstrators in Himachal Pradesh, India CNN, March 13, 2008  1′.02″

Indian cops repressing Tibet demonstrators in Himachal Pradesh, India CNN, March 13, 2008, 1′.18″

Indian cops repressing Tibetan demonstrators in Himachal Pradesh, India CNN, March 13, 2008  2.04″

The CNN’s March 14 report on the Tibet Protest movement in China shows Chinese cops in khaki uniforms, yellow lapels and berets.

While the videotape is not identical to that of March 13 in India , CNN’s coverage of the events in China on March 14 used a videotape taken from the coverage of the Tibet Protest movement in India on March 13, with Indian cops in khaki uniforms.

The protest movement in India on March 13 was “peaceful”. It was organised by the Dalai Lama’s “government in exile”. It took place within 50 km of the headquarters of the Dalai Lama in Dharamsala.

The Western media was invited in to film the event, and take pictures of Buddhist monks involved in a peaceful, nonviolent march. These are the pictures which circled the World.

So what has occurred is that CNN  has copied and pasted its own videotape of the Tibet Protest movement in India and has fabricated a Gansu Province/ Lhasa, China “peaceful” protest movement with Chinese cops in khaki British colonial style uniforms.

The Chinese never adopted the British style khaki uniform and beret.

The uniforms of the alleged (fake) Chinese cops displayed in the CNN report do not correspond to those used by the police in China. (See photograph below, real Chinese cops)

No khaki uniforms in China. These are the uniforms of China’s “Armed Police”.

The foregoing are selected illustrations of “fake news”, which we have been able to corroborate.

They are but the tip of the iceberg in the barrage of daily media disinformation, distortion and omission.

The evidence is compelling. Should the media be held accountable?

Please forward this article and post on social media.