“I was playing football with friends when a bomb exploded right under my feet. They took me to the hospital: both my legs and also the lower part of my left arm were amputated.”

Kaum was just 14 when in 2014 he fled the village of Bartalla, 20km east of Mosul, as the Islamic State group began its rampage across Iraq. For three years, he lived in a refugee camp in Iraqi Kurdistan. In December 2017, he finally returned home and his daily life was slowly returning to normality – when he accidentally detonated an explosive remnant.

His life was changed forever.

“I can’t go to school anymore because I am still traumatised. My friends are helping me, they always give me a ride to go out with them, but I know I will never be able to play football with them again.”

We met Kaum at the East Mosul rehabilitation centre. His story details an emergency inside the emergency. A year after its liberation, the area surrounding Iraq’s second largest city remains a ticking time-bomb.

According to UN Habitat, eight million tons of explosive remnants contaminate the city.

Thousands of people have been injured returning home from camps for the displaced.

“It is very difficult for those who return to rebuild their homes because under the rubble there are still many IEDs, explosive devices and remnants. IEDs were mainly home-made by [the Islamic State group] and for this reason they are even more dangerous,” says Hawar Mustafa, programme coordinator at Emergency, an Italian NGO.

Prosthetic clinics have teamed up after the maunfacturer’s factory was targeted [Laura Cappon]

Mustafa coordinates the emergency rehab centre in Sulemaniya, which coordinates with its partner in Mosul to provide prosthetic limbs after the local factory that produced them was hit, seriously compromising production.

The emergency center in Sulemaniya still receives a high number of patients from Mosul. Mahfouz is one.

He was walking with his son through the streets of Bab Sinjar’s old district in Mosul when an explosive device inside a nearby car detonated due to a small fire.

“Since I lost my leg, I can’t work anymore,” Mahfouz tells The New Arab. “I was a driver and now I can’t do anything anymore. I’m sitting home and my son is the only one providing an income for the family.

“Now with this prosthesis I feel better and I hope to be able to drive soon, perhaps with a car with special equipment, which would allow me to resume a sort-of normal life after years of war.”

Hundreds of displaced people are still living in camps and refuse to return to their homes because of the numbers of “victim-activated IEDs” and explosive remnants in the city.

“A couple of weeks ago, Iraqi soldiers found a grenade in a building beside my house. It was a former IS member’s house and now the authorities forbid us to enter in any building which was occupied by IS,” Nawal says.

She lives in Badush, northwestern Mosul. Her daughter is among 4,800 people who – according to to the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) – lost a limb during the war.

“There are still a lot of explosive devices in my area – and this is a huge problem. Our daily life is already difficult, we don’t have drinkable water; we have to boil it before use it. My daughter’s life was destroyed when she lost her leg and I don’t want it to happen again – to me or to anyone else of the family.”

In the same village, Jazm lost his legs in October 2017. He was playing football with his friends close to a concrete factory. He was only 11 years old at the time.

“After the amputation, I spent ten months without going to school. I was hospitalised for months and underwent surgery several times. My eyes were also damaged by the exposion,” he says.

“Now that I wear a prosthesis, I will try to return to school, because I want to go to college. I would like to study medicine in order to be able to help people in need as the doctors hepled me after the incident.”

The presence of anti-personnel mines and unexploded ordnance is not a new problem in northern Iraq. Three decades of fighting in Iraq’s northern governorates of Dohuk, Arbil and Sulaymaniyah left behind a huge number of landmines and bomblets. According to the United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS), these devices threaten an estimated 1,100 communities in northern Iraq and cause an average of 30 accidents per month.

New prosthetic limbs are crafted carefully and slowly, and demand is high [Laura Cappon]

The consequences have been felt by entire generations.

Naswan is from west Mosul. He lost his hand when he was only ten years old, picking up a grenade from the ground when he was playing in the outskirts of the city. Twenty-five years later, his cousin lost a leg when he accidentally detonated a mine in the rubble of his former family home.

“I can’t believe the same thing happened to my cousin,” Naswan says. “He returned to rebuild his partially destroyed house. As soon as he entered, a bomb went off, and his mother was also injured. I’m scared: the area is not properly cleared and I’m afraid not only for my three sons and my daughter but for everyone around.”

The work of securing the city of Mosul and the surrounding area is moving at a slow pace. According to the UN it could take another ten years, during which many more people will be victims of these hidden devices.


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Netanyahu’s Ceasefire Is Meant to Keep Gaza Imprisoned

November 20th, 2018 by Jonathan Cook

Palestinians in Gaza should have been able to breathe a sigh of relief last week, as precarious ceasefire talks survived a two-day-long, heavy exchange of strikes that threatened to unleash yet another large-scale military assault by Israel.

Late on Tuesday, after the most intense bout of violence in four years, Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Hamas, the Islamic movement that rules Gaza, approved a long-term truce brokered by Egypt.

Both are keen to avoid triggering an explosion of popular anger in Gaza, the consequences of which would be difficult to predict or contain.

The tiny enclave is on life support, having endured three devastating and sustained attacks by Israel, as well as a suffocating blockade, over the past decade. Thousands of homes are in ruins, the water supply is nearly undrinkable, electricity in short supply, and unemployment sky-high.

But as is so often the case, the enclave’s immediate fate rests in the hands of Israeli politicians desperate to cast themselves as Israel’s warmonger-in-chief and thereby reap an electoral dividend.

Elections now loom large after Avigdor Lieberman, Israel’s hawkish defence minister, resigned on Wednesday in the wake of the clashes. He accused Netanyahu of “capitulating to terror” in agreeing to the ceasefire.

Lieberman takes with him a handful of legislators, leaving the governing coalition with a razor-thin majority of one parliamentary seat. Rumours were rife over the weekend that another party, the ultra-nationalist Jewish Home, was on the brink of quitting the coalition.

In fact, Netanyahu recklessly triggered these events. He had smoothed the path to a truce earlier this month by easing the blockade. Fuel had been allowed into the enclave, as had $15 million in cash from Qatar to cover salaries owed to Gaza’s public-sector workers.

At this critical moment, Netanyahu agreed to a covert incursion by the Israeli army, deep into Gaza. When the soldiers were exposed, the ensuing firefight left seven Palestinians and an Israeli commander dead.

The two sides then upped the stakes: Hamas launched hundreds of rockets into Israel, while the Israeli military bombarded the enclave. The air strikes killed more than a dozen Palestinians.

Lieberman had reportedly expressed outrage over the transfer of Qatari money to Gaza, claiming it would be impossible to track how it was spent. The ceasefire proved the final straw.

Hamas leaders boasted that they had created a “political earthquake” with Lieberman’s resignation. But the shockwaves may not be so easily confined to Israel.

Strangely, Netanyahu now sounds like the most moderate voice in his cabinet. Fellow politicians are demanding Israel “restore its deterrence” – a euphemism for again laying waste to Gaza.

Naftali Bennett, the head of the settler Jewish Home party, denounced the ceasefire as “unacceptable” and demanded the vacant defence post.

There was flak, too, from Israel’s so-called left. The opposition Labour party leader Avi Gabbay called Netanyahu “weak”, while former prime minister Ehud Barak said he had “surrendered to Hamas under fire”.

Similar sentiments are shared by the public. Polls indicate 74 per cent of Israelis favour a tougher approach.

Sderot, close to Gaza and targeted by rockets, erupted into angry protests. Placards bearing the slogan “Bibi Go Home” – using Netanyahu’s nickname – were evident for the first time in his party’s heartland.

With this kind of goading, an election in the offing, and corruption indictments hanging over his head, Netanyahu may find it difficult to resist raising the temperature in Gaza once again.

But he also has strong incentives to calm things down and shore up Hamas’s rule.

The suggestion by some commentators that Netanyahu has turned a new leaf as a “man of peace” could not be more misguided. What distinguishes Netanyahu from his cabinet is not his moderation, but that he has a cooler head than his far-right rivals.

He believes there are better ways than lashing out to achieve his core political aim: the undermining of the Palestinian national project. This was what he meant on Wednesday when he attacked critics for missing “the overall picture of Israel’s security”.

On a practical level, Netanyahu has listened to his generals, who warn that, if Israel provokes war with Hamas, it may find itself ill-equipped to cope with the fallout on two other fronts, in Lebanon and Syria.

But Netanyahu has still deeper concerns. As veteran Israeli military analyst Ben Caspit observed: “The only thing more dangerous to Netanyahu than getting tangled up in war is getting tangled up in peace.”

The Israeli army has responded to months of largely non-violent mass protests at Gaza’s perimeter fence by killing more than 170 Palestinian demonstrators and maiming thousands more.

The protests could turn into an uprising. Palestinians storming the fence that imprisons them is an eventuality the Israeli army is entirely unprepared for. Its only response would be to slaughter Palestinians en masse, or reoccupy Gaza directly.

Netanyahu would rather bolster Hamas, so it can keep a lid on the protests than face an international backlash and demands that he negotiate with the Palestinians.

Further, a ceasefire that keeps Hamas in power in Gaza also ensures that Mahmoud Abbas and his Palestinian Authority, based in the West Bank, can be kept out.

That was in part why Netanyahu, against his normal instincts, allowed the transfer of the Qatari money, which had been opposed by the Palestinian Authority. It is not just a fillip for Hamas, it is a slap in the face to Abbas.

A disunited Palestine, divided territorially and ideologically, is in no position to exert pressure on Netanyahu – either through Europe or the United Nations – to begin peace talks or concede Palestinian statehood.

That is all the more pressing, given that the White House insists that President Trump’s long-delayed peace plan will be unveiled within the next two months.

Leaks suggest that the US may propose a separate “entity” in Gaza under Egyptian supervision and financed by Qatar. The ceasefire should be seen as a first step towards creating a pseudo-Palestinian state in Gaza along these lines.

Palestinians there are now caught between a rock and a hard place. Between vengeful hotheads such as Lieberman, who want more carnage in Gaza, and Netanyahu, who prefers to keep the Palestinians quiet and largely forgotten in their tiny prison.


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A version of this article first appeared in the National, Abu Dhabi.

Jonathan Cook won the Martha Gellhorn Special Prize for Journalism. His books include “Israel and the Clash of Civilisations: Iraq, Iran and the Plan to Remake the Middle East” (Pluto Press) and “Disappearing Palestine: Israel’s Experiments in Human Despair” (Zed Books). His website is www.jonathan-cook.net. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Fusão PPL-PCdoB: Orgia Política sem Limites no Brasil

November 19th, 2018 by Edu Montesanti

Como sempre contradizendo suas já pobres ideias, nanicaiada uma vez mais se evidencia tão golpista quanto as oligarquias, contra quem esperneia. Sistema falido: em nome dos interesses políticos dão razão aos que, mal-informados, votaram “contra tudo o que está aí” na podre política brasileira. Se ainda há saída ao País do carnaval, ela reside no protagonismo do povo brasileiro na historia do Brasil, deixando definitivamente de sapenas coadjuvante dela como sempre foi.

Nesta patética ressaca eleitoreira brasileira pós-berreiro de surdos, cuja raivosa arena de cobras venenosas acabou se transformando em mais um grande espetáculo da vergonha nacional para o mundo todo se assombrar ao mesmo tempo em que se tentava, a todo o custo em terras tupiniquins, vender uma falsa polarização direita-“esquerda” e em que a sociedade, no final e como sempre, foi a que mais perdeu – humilhou-se, apanhou e se literalmente se matou –, eis que descaradamente Partido Pátria Livre (PPL) e Partido Comunista do Brasil (PCdoB) anunciam desejo de se fundir.

O intuito é superar a cláusula de barreira, dispositivo que restringe ou impede a atuação parlamentar de um partido que não alcança 1,5% de votos em pelo menos nove estados. PCdoB consegue manter a estrutura partidária, direito à liderança no plenário e indicações para comissões na Câmara a partir do ano que vem.

Ora, vão se fundir!

Para quem ainda tinha alguma dúvida, também nanicos – e à “esquerda” – abrem mão da mínima vergonha na cara, sem nenhum constrangimento, e aplicam autogolpes como se nada tivesse acontecido: interesses político-partidarios, é claro, sempre imperam neste podre sistema político brasileiro, selvageria evidenciada na bem conhecida disputa pela vagabundagem de se conseguir, através da mediocridade, um orgíaco lugar ao sol dos holofotes públicos e dos privilégios, mamando nas tetas do Estado.

Eis a patologia do poder, em estagio desesperadamente avançado!

Não é de se surpreender no caso do PCdoB, velho balcão oportunista que já não possui ideologia clara há muito tempo cujo partideco, desde a primeira vitória presidencial de Luiz Inácio em 2002, aliou-se caninamente ao PT.

Durante todos esses longos anos, o Partido “Comunista” do Brasil acobertou e participou dos maiores atentados ao Estado brasileiro, como por exemplo apoiando o leilão do petrolífero Campo de Libra em 2013. Exatamente o que motivou o… PPL (!) a abandonar apoio à aliança PT-PCdoB e demais bandos do (des)governo Dilma Rousseff.

Desde então o mais novo nanico da politicagem canalha brasileira, que teve como candidato presidencial nas últimas eleições o excelente João Goulart filho, passou a fazer ferrenha (e justa, revelando-se agora oportunista para manter o “script” tupiniquim) oposição “a tudo o que está aí” na política nacional, especialmente em relação à pitoresca alianca mencionada.

Pois o neonanico fundado em 2009 cuja liderança, que até ontem mergulhada em falso moralismo travava qualquer tentativa de diálogo sobre o atual cenário do País em nome da raivosa briga pelo poder (agora, mais claro que nunca tal fato), sentimento que se aflorava no ódio antipetista e ao irmao siamês do PT – exatamente o PCdoB – acabou sendo mais um partido “trabalhista” e “nacionalista” a dar toda a razão aos milhões de eleitores que, mal-informados, acabaram votando em protesto no dia 28 de outubro em favor do ignorante Jair Bolsonaro “contra tudo o que está aí” na politicagem brasileira mais baixa.

Liderança do PPL em geral, claramente por ódio antipetista e com uma dose de “dor de cotovelo”, certamente dadas as vaidades da politica bem conhecidas de todos nós, tem descartado a “hipótese” de se estar em curso no Brasil um golpe contra a democracia, nega influência externa sobre isso, e mais: diz que acredita na ridícula “faxina ética” do juizeco Segio Moro!

A aversão ao PT (outro partido que nao possui nada de diferente dos demais), pois, não continha nada mais que a mesma essência dos atuais donos do poder: muleta politiqueira.

Eis que o hiponanico aparece em cena agora, com o pires na mão em busca de crescimento pelo caminho mais fácil, como de praxe no Brasil.

Nenhuma novidade: a nanicaiada incluindo “esquerda” em geral revelando-se, quando o amargo caldo em busca do poder engrossa, seu caráter tão golpista quanto o dos gigantes com pés de barro que, da maneira mais intensa da história, arremeteu-lhe o bico nos fundilhos recentemente sob inércia generalizada desses politiqueiros profissionais que usam a sociedade como fantoche, quando e como bem entendem.

Vão se meter a criticar o povo, despolitizado (absolutamente correto)? Com que moral? Ou mesmo o sistema politico, como sempre fizeram? Ora, vão se fundir!

O Brasil precisa de reforma politica, e mais que isso: enterrar de vez essa moribunda democracia de fachada que atende pelo bonitinho nome de “representativa”, pela democracia participativa com todo o poder devidamente ao povo, conforme reza a Constituição Federal.

Pela qual apenas o povo trabalhador, unido, farto de ser enganado e explorado, e em espírito de revolução permanente pode alcançar.

Povo que, no final das contas, acaba humilhado, espancado e morto, pegando-se por nada enquōanto esses canalhas, lambedores de botas, mexem os pauzinhos da politicagem descarada, em suas salas encarpetadas e com ares-condicionados, gozando de suas amantes morrendo de rir de quem lhes vota a cada quarto anos, moralmente “de quatro” como cãezinhos atrás de migalhas.

O povo precisa deixar de ser coadjuvante, para protagonizar a história deste falido País. Apenas esta é a via para a salvação do Brasil.

Edu Montesanti

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Forty Years After Jonestown, the People Still Refuse to Wake Up

November 19th, 2018 by David W. Mathisen

November 17 and 18 of this year (2018) bring us to the 40th anniversary of the mass-murder of 918 men, women, boys and girls at Jonestown in Guyana.

The details of what that mass-murder represented have been lied about for forty years, and to this day the massacre continues to be described as a “mass suicide.”

For example, here is a piece which aired on NPR’s “Fresh Air” this year, purporting to examine the Jonestown massacre. It begins by declaring:

This Sunday marks the fortieth anniversary of the Jonestown massacre, where cult leader Jim Jones convinced over 900 followers to commit mass suicide by drinking cyanide-laced punch.

However, as the above video makes abundantly clear, the story that continues to be pushed by controlled media outlets is demonstrably false, and the abundant evidence that it is false has been amply documented for decades.

To continue to push the blatant lie that the 918 men, women, boys and girls killed at Jonestown “committed mass suicide” constitutes an insult and an injustice to those who lost their lives in that massacre, as well as to the memory of Congressman Leo Ryan and members of his delegation (including two members of the press) who were killed when Congressman Ryan, who represented a congressional district from which many members of the “Peoples Temple” cult had been recruited (and who was also a former mayor of San Francisco, where the Peoples Temple had been headquartered before it moved to Guyana) visited Jonestown to investigate the allegations of abuse and enslavement that had come to his attention.

In addition, to continue to refer to Jim Jones as an “itinerant preacher” (as the above-linked NPR piece does in its second sentence, immediately following the first sentence which is quoted above) is to ignore the undeniable connections between Jones and very powerful patrons, many of them mentioned in the video documentary. Such a description is absurd.

In order to disabuse yourself of the lies and ongoing cover-up regarding the events of that fateful day, I would recommend carefully watching the above video in its entirety, perhaps several times. It is a segment of a 2006 documentary entitled Evidence of Revision: The Assassination of America.

You can also listen to a somewhat condensed, audio-only version of the same material by visiting the archive of Bonnie Faulkner’s long-running show, Guns and Butter. You can scroll down to episode #188, which aired on November 18, 2009, and which you can listen to online (or download to a mobile device) by following this link.

If you pay close attention, you will understand why the truth regarding the Jonestown massacre continues to be deliberately obfuscated to this day.

And, if you think about it, you will also perceive that the Jonestown massacre was not perpetrated by “the government.”

Congressman Leo Ryan of the House of Representatives was a representative of “the government” — which is to say, a representative of the lawful power of the people (in a democratic republic). The fact that he was murdered demonstrates a desire by those responsible for the things that were going on at Jonestown to prevent the details of what they were doing from becoming known to the government. The massacre followed his murder and the murder of some of those with him.

This point is extremely important to contemplate carefully. I am convinced that the best hope for the prevention of injustice, oppression, and everything associated with organized crime lies in the power of the people expressed through democratic government and its lawful organs of power.

The murder of Leo Ryan demonstrates that, despite their great power and obvious control over many who are in the government, the forces behind what was taking place at Jonestown in Guyana understand the potential threat posed by the representatives and institutions of a democratic government.

The continued repetition of egregiously, demonstrably false explanations of the Jonestown massacre as “mass suicide” demonstrates very much the same thing regarding the potential threat posed by the people themselves, should they ever wake up to what is going on.

Indeed, it is the power of the people themselves (should they ever become aware in large numbers of what is going on) which poses the greatest threat, because (as we have seen in the forty years since the perpetration of the massacre of more than 900 American men, women, boys and girls in Guyana), the representatives will not on their own do much of anything to confront the problem if the people themselves do not wake up and demand it.

Image on the right: Congressman Leo Ryan speaking with sign behind him, “Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” (Source: author)

On a personal note, Congresswoman Jackie Speier of the House of Representatives, who is seen in the video linked above and who was part of the delegation led by Congressman Leo Ryan to visit Jonestown forty years ago, is the currently-serving representative for the congressional district containing my hometown and the place where I was born.

She was a legal aide to Congressman Ryan at the time. She was elected to this office in a special election following the death of the late Congressman Tom Lantos in 2008. Tom Lantos is the Congressman who appointed me to West Point back in 1987.

Right a screenshot from the video documentary, showing Congressman Leo Ryan in Jonestown, on the night of November 17, 1978, the day before he was murdered. You can see this image at about the 0:49:49 mark in the video.

As the camera pans out, we see in the background a hand-painted sign, affixed to the wall of the building within the Peoples Temple compound where Congressman Ryan was speaking that day. It speaks to the danger we all face if we continue to refuse to wake up.


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Dangerous Levels of Mercury Found in Skin Creams

November 19th, 2018 by Melanie Benesh

Today, 51 environmental and public health groups, including EWG, called on Amazon and eBay to remove illegal skin care products containing dangerous levels of mercury. The products, purchased and tested by the Mercury Policy Project, in some cases contained as much as 30,000 parts per million, or ppm, of mercury – an astounding 30,000 times the legal limit of 1 ppm set by the Food and Drug Administration.

Mercury is a highly toxic heavy metal. Mercury exposure can cause kidney damage, skin rashes, skin discoloration and scarring, as well as a reduction in the skin’s resistance to infections. Other effects include anxiety, depression, psychosis and nerve damage that can result in pain or numbness in the hands, arms, legs and feet.

These health risks aren’t limited to people who use skin products containing mercury. Mercury vapors can get into the air and cause harm to other people and even pets. People can also be exposed by touching washcloths or skin that has come in contact with one of these products. Babies and children are especially at risk of harm because of their developing brain and nervous systems. Newborns can be exposed to mercury through breastmilk.

Mercury is used in cosmetics as a skin lightening agent and preservative. Cosmetics with mercury are often marketed as skin lightening creams and anti-aging treatments that remove age spots, freckles, blemishes and wrinkles. Adolescents sometimes use these products as acne treatments.

Manufacturers selling products that contain mercury often do not label their products. Companies that do may use any of the following names: mercury, Hg, mercuric iodide, mercurous chloride, ammoniated mercury, amide chloride of mercury, quicksilver, cinnabaris (mercury sulfide), hydrargyri oxydum rubrum (mercury oxide), or mercury iodide. Directions to avoid contact with silver, gold, rubber, aluminum, and jewelry could also indicate the presence of mercury. Marketers of these products tend to target the Asian, African, Latino and Middle Eastern communities.

The FDA banned the use of mercury in most cosmetics at levels higher than 1 ppm in 1973. The agency has investigated skin lightening creams and also created an import alert for skin whitening creams containing mercury, which allows FDA agents to detain certain products at the border.

In recent years, state and local authorities have also taken action against mercury in skin care products.

Despite these actions, skin care products that contain mercury remain on the market, readily accessible to many consumers. The Mercury Policy Project easily purchased the skin lightening creams it tested from the online retailers Amazon and eBay.

The FDA has limited resources and authority to regulate cosmetic imports, even illegal ones like mercury-containing skin creams. In a June 2017 letter to Rep. Frank Pallone, D-N.J. – who in January will become chair of the House committee that oversees the FDA – the agency acknowledged that it was able to inspect only a small fraction of the growing number of cosmetics imported each year. When the FDA does test imported products, it often finds contaminants or illegal ingredients like mercury, despite the import alert.

Both Amazon and eBay have restricted item policies. Amazon’s policy states that “Products offered for sale on Amazon must comply with all laws and regulations and with Amazon’s policies. The sale of illegal, unsafe, or other restricted products listed on these pages . . . is strictly prohibited.” Amazon also has categories of products that require its approval before being sold. By simply enforcing these policies, both companies could help protect the public from a significant health risk.

Outdated federal cosmetics policies must also be updated. The cosmetics section of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act has not been updated since 1938. The FDA lacks both the resources and authority to adequately regulate products like illegal mercury-containing skins creams and hundreds of other legal, but potentially harmful cosmetic ingredients.

Bipartisan legislation introduced by Sens. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., and Susan Collins, R-Maine, and by Rep. Frank Pallone D-N.J., would require the FDA to review the most dangerous chemicals in cosmetics, require companies to tell the FDA when contaminated products are in the marketplace and give the FDA the power to act to keep us safe.


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There have been sporadic, but regular reports of “mysterious helicopters” extracting ISIS militants from battlefields in the Middle East.

Most recently, on November 13th, Syria’s official news agency SANA cited an anonymous source claiming that US-led military helicopters conducted an operation in the village of al-Suwayda in Hasakah province near the border with Iraq. They reportedly rescued several members of ISIS and transported them to an unknown location.

Between November 10th and 11th, an alleged US-led aircraft landed in the outskirts of al-Susah in Deir Ezzor province and took away three ISIS members.

Earlier, on October 7th, SANA also cited residents of the town of al-Shaafah who claimed that American helicopters evacuated ISIS commanders from the Abu Kamal area of Deir Ezzor province to an undisclosed location.

SANA also reported that on September 22nd the US-led coalition carried out an air landing operation in the outskirts of al-Mrashde village located in the pocket where ISIS militants spread in the southeastern countryside of Deir Ezzor, transferring a number of ISIS commanders.

On August 23rd, TASS reported that Russia recorded flights of mysterious helicopters supplying weapons to ISIS units active in Afghanistan.

“We would like to once again point to the flights of unidentified helicopters in northern Afghanistan, which deliver weapons and ammunition to local ISIL units and Taliban members cooperating with the group. In particular, the Afghan media and local residents say that such helicopters were seen in the Sar-e Pol Province,” Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said.

On March 19th, SANA cited an anonymous source who claimed that three US military helicopters had evacuated suspected ISIS commanders from northeastern Syria. Reportedly the helicopters landed between the villages of al-Jissi and Kalu, 2 km south of the Tal Hamis township in the Qamishli District of al-Hasakah province.

In late February, Syrian media reported that US helicopters had transported ISIS commanders and their family members to Sabah al-Khair, about 20 km south of al-Hasakah, where US forces have been accused of establishing a terrorist training base.

According to SANA on December 29th, 2017 US helicopters evacuated the ISIS commanders from the Deir Ezzor province to al-Hasakah province in northeastern Syria. Sources say this is the second time the US evacuates ISIS terrorists.

In May 2017, anonymous local Syrian sources revealed that, US military helicopters evacuated a number of ISIS terrorist group commanders out of their stronghold in Syria’s Raqqa taking them to an undisclosed destination.

In May 2017, Mohammad Zahir Wahdat, governor of Afghanistan’s northern Sar-e Pol province also claimed that unmarked military helicopters had touched down briefly in a known militant stronghold. Stationed Afghan Security Forces could not take pictures because it happened at night.

The Pentagon has repeatedly denied this reports claiming that it is not cooperating with ISIS in any kind. However, the problem is that the US military also denies that it has reached any kind of deals with ISIS in Manbij and Raqqah, which is an obvious lie. So, as reports about US helicopters evacuating ISIS members or providing supplies to them continue to appear, the concern is growing that Washington is still using ISIS as a tool in its geopolitical standoff with other powers.


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The Only Regime Change That Is Needed Is in Washington

November 19th, 2018 by Philip Giraldi

One of the things to look forward to in the upcoming holiday season is the special treats that one is allowed to sample. Fruitcake and nuts are Thanksgiving and Christmas favorites. They usually come in tins or special packages but it seems that this season some of the nuts have escaped and have fled to obtain sanctuary from the Trump Administration.

Currently, there is certainly a wide range of nuts available on display in the West Wing. There is the delicate but hairy Bolton, which has recently received the coveted “Defender of Israel” award, and also the robust Pompeo, courageously bucking the trend to overeat during the holidays by telling the Iranian people that they should either surrender or starve to death. And then there is the always popular Haley, voting audaciously to give part of Syria to Israel as a holiday treat.

But my vote for the most magnificent nut in an Administration that is overflowing with such talent would be the esteemed United States Special Representative for Syria Engagement James Jeffrey. The accolade is in part due to the fact that Jeffrey started out relatively sane as a career diplomat with the State Department, holding ambassadorships in Iraq, Turkey, and Albania. He had to work hard to become as demented as he now is but was helped along the way by signing on as a visiting fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP), which is a spin-off of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC).

Jeffrey set the tone for his term of office shortly after being appointed back in August when he argued that the Syrian terrorists were “. . . not terrorists, but people fighting a civil war against a brutal dictator.” Jeffrey, who must have somehow missed a lot of the head chopping and rape going on, subsequently traveled to the Middle East and stopped off in Israel to meet Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. It has been suggested that Jeffrey received his marching orders during the visit.

James Jeffrey has been particularly active during this past month.  On November 7th he declared that he would like to see Russia maintain a “permissive approach” to allowing the Israelis to attack Iranian targets inside Syria.  Regarding Iran’s possible future role in Syria, he observed that “Iranians are part of the problem not part of the solution.”

What Jeffrey meant was that because Israel had been “allowed” to carry out hundreds of air attacks in Syria ostensibly directed against Iran-linked targets, the practice should be permitted to continue. Israel had suspended nearly all of its airstrikes in the wake of the shoot-down of a Russian aircraft in September, an incident which Moscow has blamed on Israel even though the missile that brought down the plane was fired by Syria. Fifteen Russian servicemen were killed. Israel reportedly was deliberately using the Russian plane to mask the presence of its own aircraft.

Russia responded to the incident by deploying advanced S-300 anti-aircraft systems to Syria, which can cover most of the more heavily developed areas of the country. Jeffrey was unhappy with that decision, saying “We are concerned very much about the S-300 system being deployed to Syria. The issue is at the detail level. Who will control it? what role will it play?” And he defended his own patently absurd urging that Russia, Syria’s ally, permit Israel to continue its air attacks by saying “We understand the existential interest and we support Israel” because the Israeli government has an “existential interest in blocking Iran from deploying long-range power projection systems such as surface-to-surface missiles.”

On November 15th James Jeffrey was at it again, declaring that U.S. troops will not leave Syria before guaranteeing the “enduring defeated” of ISIS, but he perversely put the onus on Syria and Iran, saying that “We also think that you cannot have an enduring defeat of ISIS until you have fundamental change in the Syrian regime and fundamental change in Iran’s role in Syria, which contributed greatly to the rise of ISIS in the first place in 2013, 2014.”

As virtually no one but Jeffrey and the Israeli government actually believes that Damascus and Tehran were responsible for creating ISIS, the ambassador elaborated, blaming President Bashar al-Assad for the cycle of violence in Syria that, he claimed, allowed the development of the terrorist group in both Syria and neighboring Iraq.

He said “The Syrian regime produced ISIS. The elements of ISIS in the hundreds, probably, saw an opportunity in the total breakdown of civil society and of the upsurge of violence as the population rose up against the Assad regime, and the Assad regime, rather than try to negotiate or try to find any kind of solution, unleashed massive violence against its own population.”

Jeffrey’s formula is just another recycling of the myth that the Syrian opposition consisted of good folks who wanted to establish democracy in the country. In reality, it incorporated terrorist elements right from the beginning and groups like ISIS and the al-Qaeda affiliates rapidly assumed control of the violence. That Jeffrey should be so ignorant or blinded by his own presumptions to be unaware of that is astonishing. It is also interesting to note that he makes no mention of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, knee-jerk support for Israel and the unrelenting pressure on Syria starting with the Syrian Accountability Act of 2003 and continuing with the embrace of the so-called Arab Spring. Most observers believe that those actions were major contributors to the rise of ISIS.

Jeffrey’s unflinching embrace of the Israeli and hardline Washington assessment of the Syrian crisis comes as no surprise given his pedigree, but in the same interview where he pounded Iran and Syria, he asserted oddly that “We’re not about regime change. We’re about a change in the behavior of a government and of a state.”

Actually, the only regime change that is needed is in Washington and it would include Jeffrey, Bolton, Haley, Pompeo, and Miller. And while we’re at it, get rid of son-in-law Jared Kushner and his claque of Orthodox Jews, Jason Greenblatt the “peace negotiator” and David Friedman the U.S. Ambassador in Israel. None of them are capable of acting to advance any American national interest, which they wouldn’t recognize even if it hit them in the butt. Once they are gone the U.S. can bid the Middle East goodbye and leave its constituent nations to sort out their own problems. Jeffrey’s ridiculous prescriptions for the Syrians and Russians are symptomatic of what one gets from a team of yes-men who have latched onto some dystopic ideas and pursued them relentlessly, blinded by what they believe to be American power. Someone should tell them that their antics have made that power a commodity that is dramatically depreciating in value, but it is clear that they are not listening.


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This article was originally published on The American Herald Tribune.

Philip M. Giraldi is a former CIA counter-terrorism specialist and military intelligence officer who served nineteen years overseas in Turkey, Italy, Germany, and Spain. He was the CIA Chief of Base for the Barcelona Olympics in 1992 and was one of the first Americans to enter Afghanistan in December 2001. Phil is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a Washington-based advocacy group that seeks to encourage and promote a U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East that is consistent with American values and interests. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: Secretary Pompeo officiates the Swearing-In Ceremony for Ambassador James F. Jeffrey. Image credit: U.S. Department of State/ flickr

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What people communicate is a matter of choice. But what can be more revealing are the issues they choose to avoid. There are certain prominent pro-GMO activists who describe themselves as ‘science communicators’. They hit out at those who question their views or who have valid criticisms of GM technology and then play the role of persecuted victim, believing that, as the self-appointed arbiters of righteousness, they are beyond reproach, although given their duplicity nothing could be further from the truth.

Instead of being open to questioning, they attempt to close down debate to push a flawed technology they have a vested (financial-career) interest in, while all the time appealing to their self-perceived authority, usually based on holding a PhD in molecular biology or a related discipline.

They relentlessly promote GM and industrial agriculture and unjustifiably cast critics as zealots who are in cahoots with Greenpeace or some other group they have a built-in dislike of. And they cynically raise or lower the bar of ‘credibility’ by ad hominem and misrepresentation so that studies, writers and scientists who agree with them are commended while those who don’t become subjected to smear campaigns.

Often with ties to neoliberal think tanks, pro-GMO lobbyists call for more deregulation and criticise elected governments or regulatory bodies which try to protect the public interest, especially where genetic engineering and associated chemical inputs (for instance, glyphosate) are concerned. The same people push the bogus idea that only GM agriculture can feed the world, while seeking to discredit and marginalise alternative models like agroecology and ignoring the structural violence and injustices brought about by global agricapital interests (from whom they receive funding) which help determine Codex, World Bank, IMF and WTO policies. By remaining silent or demonstrating wilful ignorance about the dynamics and injustices of the political economy of food and agriculture, they tacitly approve of its consequences.

They also frame the GMO debate as pro-science/pro-GMO vs anti-science/anti-GMO: an industry-promoted false dichotomy that has sought to close down any wider discussion that may lead the focus to fall on transnational agribusiness interests and their role in determining an exploitative global food regime and how GM fits in with this.

This is how ideologues act; not how open discourse and science is carried out or ‘communicated’.

Broadening the debate

A participant in any meaningful discussion about GM would soon appreciate that ethical, political, environmental and sociological considerations should determine the efficacy and relevance of this technology in conjunction with scientific considerations. Unfortunately, pro-GMO advocates want to depoliticise food and agriculture and focus on the ‘science’ of GM, yield-output reductionist notions of ‘productivity’ and little else, defining the ‘problem’ of food and agriculture solely as a narrow technocratic issue.

But to understand the global food regime, we must move beyond technology. Food and agriculture have become wedded to structures of power that have created food surplus and food deficit areas and which have restructured indigenous agriculture across the world and tied it to an international system of trade based on export-oriented mono-cropping, commodity production for a manipulated and volatile international market and indebtedness to global financial institutions.

More specifically, there are the deleterious impacts of the nexus between sovereign debt repayment and the ‘structural adjustment’ of regional agriculture; spiralling input costs for farmers who become dependent on proprietary seeds and technologies; ecocide, genocide and the destruction of food self-sufficiency; the fuelling of barbaric, industrial-scale death via animal-based (meat) agriculture and the colonisation of land to facilitate it; US/EU subsidies which mean farmers in developing countries cannot achieve prices to cover their costs of production; and degraded soils, polluted oceans and rising rates of illness, etc.

If any one country epitomises much of what is wrong with the global food regime, it is Argentina, where in an October 26th 2018 article (‘Soy destruction in Argentina leads straight to our dinner plates’) The Guardian newspaper’s analysis of (GM) soy cultivation highlighted many of the issues set out above.

Whether the impacts of the global food regime result from World Bank/IMF directives and geopolitical lending strategies, neoliberal plunder ‘ease-of-doing-business’ ideology,  undemocratic corporate-written trade deals or WTO rules, we are seeing the negative impacts on indigenous systems of food and agriculture across the world, not least in India, where a million farmers intend to march to Delhi and the national parliament between 28 and 30 November.

India’s manufactured ongoing agrarian crisis is adversely affecting the bulk of the country’s 840 million rural dwellers. And all for what? To run down and displace the existing system of peasant-farmer-based production with a discredited, ecologically unsustainable (GMO) model run along neoliberal ‘free’ market lines by global agribusiness, a model which is only profitable because it passes on its massive health, environmental and social costs to the public.

Neoliberal dogma

Tim Worstall of the Adam Smith Institute in London says of India’s agrarian crisis that Indian farmers should be left to go bust because they are uncompetitive and relatively unproductive. But even where farmers in India produce world record yields, they are still heavily indebted. So why can’t they compete?

Putting the huge external costs of the model of industrial agriculture which Worstall compares Indian agriculture to aside (which he conveniently ignores), the issue is clear: a heavily subsidised US/EU agriculture depresses prices for Indian farmers both at home and on the international market.

Policy analyst Devinder Sharma says that subsidies provided to US wheat and rice farmers are more than the market worth of these two crops. He also notes that, per day, each cow in Europe receives a subsidy worth more than an Indian farmer’s daily income. Hsuggests: let the US and EU do away with subsidies, relieving taxpayers of such a costly burden and let Indian farmers compete properly; then see that it is the Indian farmer who produces the cheapest food; and then imagine US consumers benefitting from this cheap food.

That is the ‘free’ market which could exist. A fair one not distorted by subsidies. Not the type of market that currently exists and which is ‘free’ only within the ideological parameters set by Worstall and others who promote it.

Proponents of the ‘free’ market and GMOs are big on ‘choice’: letting ‘the market’, the consumer or the farmer decide, without anyone imposing their agenda. This is little more than rhetoric which fails to stand up to scrutiny, given the strategically embedded influence of agricapital over policy makers. If anything encapsulates the nonsense and hypocrisy surrounding this notion of choice are reports about Monsanto and its cynical manipulation of agriculture in Punjab.

According to an article in Delhi’s Sunday Guardian in late 2017 (‘Monsanto’s profits, not Diwali, creating smoke in Delhi’), India’s surplus food grain supply is an uncomfortable fact for the pro-GMO lobby. The piece notes that in 2012 the then Punjab Chief Minister asked Monsanto to set up a research centre for creating maize and, due to fears over water shortages, announced plans to reduce the area under rice cultivation to around 45% to grow maize. Fear-mongering about rice cultivation was reaching fever pitch, stoked by an advertisement campaign from a group of scientists who appealed ‘Reduce the area under rice, save water, save Punjab’.

Conveniently, Monsanto (now Bayer) offers its GM maize as a solution that will increase the level of subsoil water, although that corporation’s inputs and Green Revolution practices led to problems in Punjab and elsewhere in the first place. For instance, fertilisers and pesticides have accumulated in the ground water (causing massive health issues) and their use has also led to poor water retention in soil, leading farmers to pump excessive amounts of ground water.

Punjab’s plan to reduce the area under rice cultivation (a staple food for large sections of the Indian population) with what will most likely be GM animal feed is part of a cynical tactic. Of course, any resulting gap between supply of and demand for food in India will be conveniently filled via global agribusiness and an influx of GMO produce from abroad or by growing it in India (have no doubt, the push is on for that too).

It is reminiscent of unscrupulous attempts to undermine India’s edible oils sector in the late 1990s and current attempts to break traditional cotton cultivation pathways in India to help usher in herbicide-tolerant seeds (which have now ‘miraculously’ appeared on the market – illegally). The ability of hugely powerful corporations to flex their financial muscle and exert their considerable political clout to manufacture ‘choice’ and manipulate policies is the reality of neoliberal capitalism.

Those pro-GMO ‘science communicators’ are silent on such matters and, as with their fellow neoliberal ideologues, have nothing of any substance to say on these types of ‘market-distorting’ power relations, which make a mockery of their ‘free’ choice and ‘free’ market creed.

Indeed, a recent report in The Guardian indicates that neoliberal ‘austerity’ in the UK has had little to do with economics, having failed in its objective of reducing the national debt, and much to do with social engineering. But this is the ideological basis of modern neoliberal capitalism: dogma masquerading as economics to help justify the engineering of the world in the image of undemocratic, unaccountable corporations.

Agroecology and food sovereignty

The industrial agriculture that Worstall compares Indian farmers’ productivity with is outperformed by smallholder-based agriculture in terms of, for example, diversity of food output, nutrition per acre and efficient water use. Imagine what could be achieved on a level playing field whereby smallholder farming receives the type of funding and political commitment currently given to industrial agriculture.

In fact, we do not have to imagine; in places where agroecology has been scaled up, we are beginning to see the benefits. The principles of agroecology include self-reliance, localisation and food sovereignty. This type of agriculture does not rely on top-down corporate ‘science’, corporate owned or controlled seeds or proprietary inputs. It is potentially more climate resilient, labour intensive (job creating), more profitable for farmers and can contribute to soil quality and nutrient-enhanced/diverse diets. Moreover, it could help reinvigorate rural India and its villages.

When the British controlled India, they set about breaking the self-reliance of the Indian village. In a 2009 article by Bhavdeep Kang (‘Can the Indian farmer withstand predatory international giants?’), it is stated:

“The British Raj initiated the destruction of the village communities, famously described by Lord Metcalfe as ‘little republics, having nearly everything they can want within themselves.’ India’s ability to endure, he wrote, derived from these village communities: ‘They seem to last where nothing else lasts. Dynasty after dynasty tumbles down but the village community remains the same. It is in a high degree conducive to their happiness, and to the enjoyment of a great portion of freedom and independence.’”

Metcalfe said this in 1830. However, since independence from the British, India’s rulers have further established ‘village India’s’ dependency on central government. And now a potential death knell for rural India is underway as India’s ruling elite, exhibiting a severe bout of ‘Stockholm syndrome’, sells out the nation to not only Western agribusiness but also to US finance and intelligence interests.

Whether it concerns India or elsewhere, to see the advantages of agroecology, there are those economists, political leaders and ‘science communicators’ who must remove the self-imposed blinkers. This would involve shifting their priorities away from promoting career-building technologies and facilitating neoliberal capitalism towards working for justice, equality, peace and genuine grass-root food sovereignty.

To do that, though, such figures would first have to begin to bite the hand that feeds them.


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Colin Todhunter is a frequent contributor to Asia-Pacific Research.


Seeds of Destruction: Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation

Author Name: F. William Engdahl
ISBN Number: 978-0-937147-2-2
Year: 2007
Pages: 341 pages with complete index

List Price: $25.95

Special Price: $18.00


This skilfully researched book focuses on how a small socio-political American elite seeks to establish control over the very basis of human survival: the provision of our daily bread. “Control the food and you control the people.”

This is no ordinary book about the perils of GMO. Engdahl takes the reader inside the corridors of power, into the backrooms of the science labs, behind closed doors in the corporate boardrooms.

The author cogently reveals a diabolical world of profit-driven political intrigue, government corruption and coercion, where genetic manipulation and the patenting of life forms are used to gain worldwide control over food production. If the book often reads as a crime story, that should come as no surprise. For that is what it is.

Charges Under Seal: US Prosecutors Get Busy with Julian Assange

November 19th, 2018 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

Those with a stake in the hustling racket of empire have little time for the contrariness that comes with exposing classified information.  Those who do are submitted to a strict liability regime of assessment and punishment: you had the information (lawfully obtained or otherwise) but you released it for public deliberation.  Ignorance remains a desensitising shield, keeping the citizenry in permanent darkness.

Critics indifferent to the plight of Julian Assange have seen his concerns for prosecution at the hands of US authorities as the disturbed meditations of a sexualised fantasist.  He should have surrendered to the British authorities and, in turn, to the Swedish authorities.  It was either insignificant or irrelevant that a Grand Jury had been convened to sniff around the activities of WikiLeaks to identify what, exactly, could be used against the organisation and its founder.

Cruelty and truth are often matters of excruciating banality, and now it is clearer than ever that the United States will, given the invaluable chance, net the Australian publisher and WikiLeaks founder to make an example of him.  This man, who dirtied the linen of state and exposed the ceremonial of diplomatic hypocrisy, was always an object of interest, notably in the United States.  “He was,” confirmed Andrea Kendall-Taylor, former deputy national intelligence officer for Russia under the director of national intelligence, “a loathed figure inside the government.”

Whether it was the Central Intelligence Agency, the US Department of Justice, or the specific army of investigators assembled by special counsel Robert Mueller III to weasel out material on the Trump-Russia connection, Assange remains a substantial figure who needs to be captured, sealed and disappeared.  Forget any such references to journalism and being a truth teller with obsessive tendencies; for these officials, Assange had become a calculating machine in the information market, a broker in state details and activities, trading and according value to subject matters of his choice.

A gnawing fascination for US authorities persists on whether Assange has a direct, cosy line to the Kremlin.  Fashioned as such, it can be used as a weapon against President Donald J. Trump, and a cover for Democratic villainy and incompetence.  In terms of scale and endeavour, WikiLeaks has been kitted out in the outfit of a guerrilla information organisation. This exceedingly flattering description may well have given Assange a flush of pride, but it assumes a measure of disproportionate influence.  It also ignores the vital issue of how public discussion, which may well translate into voting patterns, can alter policy.  (This, it should be added, remains the big hypothetical: does such information induce an altered approach, or simply reaffirm prejudice and predisposition?  The flat-earth theorist is hardly going to be moved by anything that would conflict or challenge.)

Both the New York Times and Washington Post revealed last Friday that prosecutors had inadvertently let a rather sizeable cat out of the security bag. (That feline escapee was noted by Seamus Hughes, a terrorism expert at the Program on Extremism at George Washington University.) As with so much with  matters of secrecy, errors made lead to information gained.  In the filing of a case unrelated to Assange, Assistant US Attorney General Kellen S. Dwyer informed the relevant judge to keep the matter at stake sealed, claiming that “due to the sophistication of the defendant and the publicity surrounding the case, no other procedure is likely to keep confidential the fact that Assange has been charged.”

Dwyer, whose remit also includes investigating WikiLeaks, had bungled.

“The court filing,” claimed a meek Joshua Stueve of the US attorney’s office in the Eastern District of Virginia, “was made in error.  This was not the intended name for this filing.”

What is not known is the nature of the charges and what events they might cover.  Do they date back to the days of Cablegate or feature updates with the Vault 7 revelations showing the range of cyber tools deployed by the CIA to penetrate mobile devices and computers?  Or do they feature the trove of hacked Democratic emails which constitute a feature of the Mueller investigation?  Charges might well centre on using 18 USC §641, which makes it unlawful for a person to receive any record or thing of value of the United States with intent to convert it to his use or gain, knowing that it was stolen.  But even there, the issue of press protections would apply.

Prosecutors have previously flirted with conspiracy, theft of government authority and purported violations of the Espionage Act, but the Obama administration, for all its enthusiasm in nabbing Assange kept coming up against that irritating bulwark of liberty, some would say impediment, known as the First Amendment.  Prosecute Assange, and you would be effectively prosecuting the battlers of the Fourth Estate, however withered they might be.

The free speech amendment, however, does not trouble current Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who, as CIA director, claimed that,

“We have to recognize that we can no longer allow Assange and his colleagues the latitude to use free speech values against us.”

A niggling concern here lies in Justice Department regulations, as amended by Eric Holder in 2015, which cover the obtaining of information and records from, making arrests of, and bringing charges against members of the press.  As Susan Hennessey, Quinta Jurecic, Matthew Kahn and Benjamin Wittes point out in Lawfare, one exception stands out with sore attention: “The protections of the policy do not extent to any individual or entity where there are reasonable grounds to believe that the individual entity is … [a] foreign power or an agent of a foreign power”, so defined in the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.  The mania in packaging, ribbon and all, of Assange with those in the Kremlin becomes clear. To make  him a foreign threat takes him outside the scope of press protection, at least when it comes to those desperately drafted regulations.

Since US voters cannot be trusted by the country’s corporate owners and the parties of business to act with any degree of maturity and intelligence, it has been assumed by the political classes that they must have been swayed and manipulated by a foreign power.  Or fake news.  Or news.  That assessment obviates any issue as to whether the Clinton machinery within the Democratic Party did its fair share of manipulation and swaying – but then again, quibbles can’t be had, nor hairs split on this point.  Keeping it local, and attacking the Great Bear fused with Satan that is Russia, frosted with new Cold War credentials, remains the low-grade, convenient alibi to justify why the backed horse did not make it to the finishing line.  To Assange would be small though consoling compensation.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He lectures at RMIT University, Melbourne. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research. Email: [email protected]

Trump declined to attend the November 17 – 18 Papua New Guinea Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit.

Nor did he attend the November 11 Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) summit in Singapore. Mike Pence and John Bolton attended in his place.

According to Singaporean diplomat Tommy Koh, “(t)o Asians, turning up for a meeting is significant,” adding major Sino/US disagreements on trade and other issues are unsettling for Asia/Pacific leaders.

The just concluded APEC summit focused heavily on major Sino/US differences on trade, investments, and security issues.

Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad criticized regional globalization-fueled inequality, saying:

“The benefits of free and fair trade and economic integration have been ruptured, exemplified by Brexit and trade wars between major economies,” adding:

“The trade war between the US and China has amplified further the disruption to our trade and commerce.”

Other APEC leaders slammed harmful America first protectionism. Washington’s idea of free trade isn’t fair.

For the first time, APEC leaders failed to agree on a joint communique, senior Chinese diplomat Zhang Xiaolong saying:

“The leaders agreed that instead of a traditional leaders’ declaration, they would leave it to the hands of PNG as the chair to issue a chair statement on behalf of all the members to capture the consensus” – omitting controversial issues, largely major Sino/US disagreements.

Beijing denied accusations that its officials tried to pressure summit leaders to issue a final communique according to what China wanted said.

According to host country leader Peter O’Neill, insistence by the US to have consensus in the final statement, calling for WTO reform (suiting US interests) was the main bone of contention – why a “chair’s statement” substituted for a customary final communique agreed on by all leaders.

Trump earlier threatened to pull out of the WTO, falsely claiming it unfairly favors China. O’Neill explained that APEC leaders have no say over WTO operations.

According to an unnamed APEC diplomat, last minute talks were “very tense…(W)e couldn’t come to an agreement on certain trade issues. The gulf was too big. The US and China could not see eye to eye.”

Pence vowed to maintain US pressure on China, saying bilateral differences “begin with trade practices, with tariffs and quotas, forced technology transfers, the theft of intellectual property. It goes beyond that to freedom of navigation in the seas (and) concerns about human rights.”

On all of the above, the US, far and away, is the leading global offender. No other nation comes close to matching its abusive practices, demanding all other nations bend to its will, waging endless wars of aggression to force other nations to be submissive to US interests.

Its geopolitical toughness alienates countries. On Saturday, Pence demanded China change its ways, saying

“(w)e put tariffs on $250 billion in Chinese goods, and we could more than double that number.”

China’s Xi Jinping said

“(a)ttempts to erect barriers and cut close economic ties work against the laws of economics and the trends of history. This is a short-sighted approach and it is doomed to failure,” adding:

“We should say no to protectionism and unilateralism. History has shown that confrontation – whether in the form of a cold war, hot war or trade war – will produce no winners.”

Other APEC leaders criticized Trump’s America first agenda, including unacceptable illegal sanctions as a way to try forcing other nations to bow to US demands – a failed tactic every time tried.

China’s Global Times slammed Pence’s hostile remarks, saying they offered “nothing new,” adding:

“He repeated the US’ hardline approach in its trade conflicts with China, reiterated the US’ determination of freedom of navigation, and criticized China’s foreign aid and cooperation with other countries.”

He lied saying

“(w)e don’t coerce, corrupt, or compromise your independence. The United States deals openly and fairly.”

Hardline/self-serving US geopolitical policies are polar opposite what Pence claimed, wanting other nations transformed into US vassal states, serving its interests at their expense – how Washington operates globally.


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Award-winning author Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com.

Featured image is from Channel NewsAsia

Don’t believe the “experts” – Trump sent Pence to the APEC Summit not because he could care less about the Asia-Pacific, but precisely because he cares so much about the region that he wanted to insult its rising hegemon by dispatching his subordinate to issue an ultimatum to Chinese President Xi instead of doing so himself, thereby inflicting a tremendous loss of “face” that embarrassed Beijing to no end and set the stage for what’s bound to be an unforgettable G20 gathering at the end of the month. 

The Mainstream and even Alternative Medias are engaged in a coordinated campaign of “damage control” after Trump severely insulted President Xi by sending Vice President Pence to the APEC Summit instead of going there himself. The prevailing narrative is that the American leader apparently couldn’t care less about the Asia-Pacific region and therefore decided to blow it off and disrespect all of his counterparts who attended, but this is absolutely untrue since Trump has done more than any US President in history when it comes to “containing” China. Understanding the East Asian mindset, his administration knew that it would get under the Chinese’s skin if he dispatched his subordinate to the same event that the President of the People’s Republic would be attending, and worse still, to have Pence deliver the ultimatum that the US is ready to wage an “all-out cold war” against China if Beijing doesn’t bow to Washington’s demands. 

Proverbially putting his money where his mouth his, Trump also had Pence announce that the US will be partnering with Australia and using its ally’s forthcoming base in Papua New Guinea’s northern island of Manus, which is doubly provocative because this country hosted the APEC Summit and is one of China’s main partners in the South Pacific. Without a doubt, Trump calculated that his deliberately disrespectful actions would lead to China losing so much “face” that it might either surrender to his government’s demands and agree to a euphemistic so-called “truce” before the G20 gathering at the end of this month or double down on its current course of action and possibly overextend itself to the US’ long-term strategic benefit. The Chinese have a rigid social decorum that mandates that certain categories of people be treated with the utmost respect, but Trump did away with all of that by sending Pence to APEC. 

The Vice President’s attendance at the event was meant to convey a few subtle messages to Xi, the first of which is that Trump is dead serious about reaching a deal to end the “trade war” in America’s favor as soon as possible and isn’t afraid to humiliate his Chinese counterpart on the world stage in his pursuit of doing so. Secondly, Trump is naturally very angry at Xi for not caving into the US’ demands, hence why he decided to throw his purported friendship with the Chinese leader away by dispatching Pence to insult him in a manner that would lead to him tremendously losing “face”. Trump was basically signaling that he regards Xi as a regional leader from the Asia-Pacific and not a global one worthy of his time, let alone his respect since he didn’t deign to issue the “all-out cold war” ultimatum to him himself. 

In response to this unprecedented series of insults, China’s allies in the Mainstream and Alternative Medias raced to concoct a “face-saving” narrative to protect Xi’s reputation by alleging that the American leader abandoned the Asia-Pacific region because his country simply can’t compete with China there, ergo why the President didn’t think that it was worth his while to attend the APEC Summit. Such a simplistic storyline overlooks the Quad’s evolution into the Hex (which includes Vietnam and France) and the US’ newly promulgated “BUILD Act” that aims to form the basis for all of its partners to multilaterally compete with the New Silk Road. While not all that impressive in and of itself, this act of legislation can bring together the participants of the joint Indo-Japanese “Asia-Africa Growth Corridor” and have a major knock-off effect in attracting much-needed private investment. Paired with infowar techniques, it might yet prove itself formidable in the long run. 

Despite their best efforts, China’s international media allies can only change their audience’s perception of reality and not the way that reality objectively exists, meaning that they’re unable to do anything to tangibly give China an edge in its possibly impending “all-out cold war” with the US apart from counteracting some of its infowar attacks. Sometimes, however, it can be a disservice to their audience to alter the way that reality is perceived to such an extent that it becomes unrecognizable to the real thing, such as pretending that Pence’s attendance at the APEC Summit in place of Trump was somehow a sign of weakness on America’s part instead of the serious insult that it was to Xi and his country on so many levels. This set the backdrop for the upcoming G20 gathering, where Trump will either patch things up with Xi like he did with Kim earlier this year or go all out in trying to “contain” China. 


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This article was originally published on Eurasia Future.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Politico

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Pentagon Fails First Audit, Neocons Demand More Spending!

November 19th, 2018 by Rep. Ron Paul

The Pentagon has finally completed its first ever audit and the results are as many of us expected. After spending nearly a billion dollars to find out what has happened to trillions in unaccounted-for spending, the long look through the books has concluded that only ten percent of all Pentagon agencies pass muster. I am surprised any of them did.

Even the Pentagon is not surprised by the failure of the audit.

“We failed the audit. But we never expected to pass it,” said Deputy Secretary of Defense Patrick Shanahan.

Can we imagine any large US company subject to the prying eyes of the IRS being so unfazed by the discovery that its books have been so mis-handled?

As with all government programs, but especially when it comes to military spending, the failure of a program never leads to calls for funding reductions. The Pentagon’s failure to properly account for the trillions of taxpayer dollars shoveled in year after year only means, they say, that we need to send more money! Already they are claiming that with more resources – meaning money – they can fix some of the problems identified by the audit.

If you subsidize something you get much more of it, and in this case we are subsidizing Pentagon incompetence. Expect much more of it.

Outgoing chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, Rep. Mac Thornberry, warned against concluding that this mis-handling trillions of dollars should make us hesitant to continue sending trillions more to the Pentagon.

The failed audit “should not be used as an excuse for arbitrary cuts that reverse the progress we have begun on rebuilding our strength and readiness,” he said.

The neocons concur. Writing in the Free Beacon, editor Matthew Continetti (who happens to be Bill Kristol’s son-in-law) warns that now is “the wrong time to cut defense.”

But I agree with the young neoconservative Continetti. I would never support cutting a penny of defense. However the Pentagon’s lost trillions have nothing to do with defense. That is money propping up the high lifestyles of those connected to the military-industrial complex.

Continetti and the neocons love to throw out bogeymen like China and Russia as excuses for more military spending, but in fact they are hardly objective observers. Look at how much the military contractors spend funding the neocon publications and neocon think tanks telling us that we need more military spending! All this money is stolen from the productive economy and diverted to enrich neocon cheerleaders at our expense.

Of course the real problem with the Pentagon and military spending in general is not waste, fraud, and abuse. It is not ten thousand dollar toilet seats or coffee mugs. The problem with military spending is the philosophy that drives it. If the US strategy is to maintain a global military empire, there will never be enough spending. Because there is never enough to control every corner of the globe. But if we are to return to a well-defended republic, military spending could easily be reduced by 75 percent while keeping us completely safe. The choice is ours!


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Afghanistan Takes Center Stage in the New Great Game

November 19th, 2018 by Pepe Escobar

In the “graveyard of empires,” Afghanistan never ceases to deliver geopolitical and historical twists. Last week in Moscow, another crucial chapter in this epic story was written when Russia pledged to use its diplomatic muscle to spur peace efforts in the war-torn country.

Flanked by Afghan representatives and their Taliban rivals, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov talked about “working together with Afghanistan’s regional partners and friends who have gathered at this table.”

“I am counting on you holding a serious and constructive conversation that will justify the hopes of the Afghan people,” he said.

Back in the 1980s, the Soviet Union launched a disastrous war in the country. Thirty years later, Russia is now taking the lead role of mediator in this 21st-century version of the Great Game.

The line-up in Moscow was diverse.

Four members of the High Peace Council, which is responsible for attempting a dialogue with the Taliban, took part in the talks. Yet the Afghan foreign ministry went the extra mile to stress that the council does not represent the Afghan government.

Kabul and former Northern Alliance members, who form a sort of “protective” circle around President Ashraf Ghani, in fact refuse any dialogue with the Taliban, who were their mortal enemies up to 2001.

The Taliban for their part sent a delegation of five, although spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid was adamant there wouldn’t be “any sort of negotiations” with Kabul. This was “about finding a peaceful solution to the issue of Afghanistan.”

Diplomats in Pakistan confirm the Taliban will only negotiate on substantial matters after a deal is reached with the United States on a timetable for complete withdrawal.

Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova stressed this was the first time a Taliban delegation had attended such a high-level international meeting. The fact that the Taliban is classified by Moscow as a “terrorist organization” makes it even more stunning.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, left, listens during the second round of talks on an Afghan settlement, in Moscow, on November 9, 2018. Photo: AFP/ Vladimir Astapkovich / Sputnik

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, left, listens during the second round of talks on an Afghan settlement, in Moscow, on November 9, 2018. Photo: AFP/ Vladimir Astapkovich / Sputnik

Moscow also invited China, Pakistan, India, Iran, the five Central Asian “stans” and the US. Washington sent just a diplomat from the American Embassy in Moscow, as an observer. The new US special envoy for peace in Afghanistan, Zalmay Khalilzad, widely known in the recent past as “Bush’s Afghan”, has not exactly made much progress in his meetings with Taliban officials in Qatar in the past few months.

India – not exactly keen on a Pakistan-encouraged “Afghan-led peace” process – sent an envoy at a “non-official level” and received a dressing down from Lavrov, along the lines of  ‘Don’t moan, be constructive’. 

Still, this was just the beginning. There will be a follow-up – although no date has been set.

Enduring so much freedom

Since the US bombing campaign and invasion of what was then Taliban-controlled Afghanistan 17 years ago, peace has proved elusive. The Taliban still has a major presence in the country and is essentially on a roll. 

Diplomats in Islamabad confirm Kabul may exercise power over roughly 60% of the population, but the key fact is that only 55% of Afghanistan’s 407 districts, and perhaps even less, submit to Kabul. The Taliban are on the ascendancy in the northeast, the southwest and the southeast.

It took a long time for a new head of US and NATO operations, General Austin Scott Miller, to admit the absolutely obvious.

“This is not going to be won militarily … This is going to a political solution,” he said.

The world’s most formidable military force simply cannot win the war.

Still, after no less than 100,000 US and NATO troops plus 250,000 US-trained Afghan army and police failing over the years to prevent the Taliban from ruling over whole provinces, Washington seems determined to blame Islamabad for this military quagmire. 

The US believes Pakistan’s covert “support” for the Taliban has inflamed the situation and destabilized the Kabul government.

No wonder the Russian presidential envoy for Afghanistan, Zamir Kabulov, went straight to the jugular.

“The West has lost the war in Afghanistan … the presence of the US and North Atlantic Treaty Organization [NATO] hasn’t only failed to solve the problem, but exacerbated it.”

Lavrov, for his part, is quite concerned by the expansion of Daesh, known regionally as ISIS-Khorasan. He warned, correctly, that “foreign sponsors” are allowing ISIS-K to “turn Afghanistan into a springboard for its expansion in Central Asia”. Beijing agrees.

A grand plan by China-Russia

It’s no secret to all the major players that Washington won’t abdicate from its privileged Afghan base in the intersection of Central and South Asia for a number of reasons, especially monitoring and surveillance of strategic “threats” such as Russia and China.   

In parallel, the eternal “Pakistan plays a double game” narrative simply won’t vanish – even as Islamabad has shown in detail how the Pakistani Taliban have been consistently offered safe-havens in eastern Afghanistan by RAW (Indian intelligence) operatives.

That does not alter the fact that Islamabad has a serious Afghan problem. Military doctrine rules that Pakistan cannot manage the South Asian geopolitical chessboard and project power as an equal of India without controlling Afghanistan in “strategic depth.”

Add to it the absolutely intractable problem of the Durand Line, established in 1893 to separate Afghanistan and the British India empire. A hundred years later, Islamabad totally rejected Kabul’s appeal to renegotiate the Durand line, according to a provision in the original treaty. For Islamabad, the Durand line shall remain in perpetuity as a valid international border.

By the mid-1990s, the powers in Islamabad believed that by supporting the Taliban they would end up recognizing the Durand line and on top of it essentially dissolve the impetus of Pashtun nationalism and the call for a “Pashtunistan”.

Islamabad was always supposed to drive the narrative. History, though, turned it completely upside down. In fact, it was Pashtun nationalism plus hardcore Islamism of the Deobandi variety that ended up contaminating Pakistani Pashtuns.

Yet Pashtuns may not be the major actors in the, perhaps, final season of this Hindu Kush spectacular. That may turn out to be China.

What matters most for China is Afghanistan becoming part of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). That’s exactly what Chinese envoy Yao Jing told the opening session of the 4th Trilateral Dialogue in Islamabad earlier this week between China, Pakistan and Afghanistan.

 “Kabul can act as a bridge to help expand connectivity between East, South and Central Asian regions,” Jing said.

Pakistani Senator Mushahid Hussain Sayed said:

“The Greater South Asia has emerged as a geo-economic concept, driven by economy and energy, roads and railways and ports and pipelines, and Pakistan is the hub of this connectivity due to CPEC.”

For Beijing, CPEC can only deliver its enormous potential if Pakistan and India relations are normalized. And that road goes right through Afghanistan. China has been aiming for an opening for years. Chinese intel operatives have met the Taliban everywhere from Xinjiang to Karachi and from Peshawar to Doha.

The China card is immensely alluring. Beijing is the only player capable of getting along with all the other major actors: Kabul, the Taliban, the former Northern Alliance, Iran, Russia, Central Asia, the US, the EU, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and – last but not least – “all-weather” brothers Pakistan.

The only problem is India. But now, inside the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), they are all on the same table – with Iran and Afghanistan itself as observers.  Everyone knows that an Afghan Pax Sinica would involve tons of investment, connectivity and trade integration. What’s not to like?

So this is the ultimate goal of the ongoing Moscow peace talks. It’s part of a concerted SCO strategy that has been discussed for years. The long and winding road is just starting. A Russia-China-driven peace process, Taliban included. Stable Afghanistan. Islamabad as guarantor. All-Asian solution. No Western invaders welcome.


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Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan will host his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in İstanbul on Monday for a ceremony marking the completion of the sea section of the TurkStream natural gas pipeline.

The two leaders are expected to meet later today to discuss regional affairs and economic relations between Russia and Turkey.

Monday’s meeting between Putin and Erdogan will be the third time the two leaders have met this month.

TurkStream, when completed, will consist of two lines and have the capacity to transport 31.5 billion cubic metres worth of gas from Russia. The first line will carry 15.75 billion cubic metres of gas to Turkey and the second line will transfer Russian gas to Europe via Turkey.

The pipeline will go to Europe either through Bulgaria and Serbia or through Greece and Italy and become operational by the end of 2019.

Mehmet Ogutcu, head of Bosphorus Energy Club, told Middle East Eye it is a great success to finish the Turkstream’s sea portion, despite US efforts to block the project.

 “This project will cement military and trade relations between Turkey and Russia because it is creating a mutual interdependence,” said Ogutcu.

“It might also help Turkey to fulfil its aim of being an energy hub, but it depends on how and under which conditions the pipeline will reach Europe.

“This project will play a key role in Turkey’s energy security and carry gas directly to Turkey and decrease the risks of transit gas.”

Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak on Sunday praised the Turkstream project and described it as a “landmark project” between the two countries.

“Turkey has become a natural gas bridge for Southeastern Europe with the TurkStream project,” Novak told Anadolu Agency in an exclusive interview.

The minister added that the Turkstream project will be the basis of long-term cooperation between the two countries. Other energy projects on the cards include the Akkuyu Nuclear Power Station on Turkey’s Mediterranean coast.

The $20bn project will be financed and built by Russia’s state-owned Rosatom, one of the biggest international projects undertaken by the Russian nuclear energy firm.

Despite Moscow and Ankara increasing its cooperation in the Middle East, they are also trying to boost their trade relations.

Turkey is hoping to resume visa-free travel between the two countries after it was stopped following a Russian jet being downed by Turkish armed forces after Russia violated Turkey’s border with Syria.

Idlib deal

In September 2018, Erdogan and Putin agreed on a roadmap to clear Idlib of the former al-Qaeda affiliate Hayat Tahrir al-Sham without the need for military intervention.

According to the roadmap, both countries would create a 15-20 kilometre demilitarised zone between rebels in Idlib and Syrian government forces by mid-October. All fighters in the zone are expected to hand over their heavy weapons. The deal has come under pressure as sporadic clashes between rebel groups and Syrian government forces continue to persist.

The two countries have also grown closer in a bid to carve out a political solution to the Syrian issue.

In October, Turkey hosted a summit with France, Germany, and Russia to discuss the Syria situation. The summit pushed for a committee to draft Syria’s post-war constitution before the end of the year.

Moscow has also shared Turkey’s concern over US backing of the pro-Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) in Syria. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov last month said that the US is illegally seeking to establish a quasi-state in Syria through their allies.

The US has long claimed the YPG – who operate as part of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) – are an essential ally in the fight against the Islamic State (IS) group in Syria. Turkey, however, considers it an extension of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) which is designated a terrorist group by Turkey, the US and the European Union.

However, as tensions between Turkey and the US continue over US support for the YPG, last weekend US President Donald Trump and his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan spoke in Paris and underlined their “determination” to try to rebuild ties.

In June, the US Senate approved a bill that would block or delay the sale of F-35 fighter jets to Turkey, and earlier this month, US President Trump delayed the delivery of US-made jets to Turkey for at least 90 days.


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The Canadian Peace Congress will convene its 2018 Convention on November 24-25 in Toronto, and invites “all those concerned war, peace, and the fate of our planet to join us!”

The announcement notes that

“While aggression and war are nothing new, the rapid deterioration in international relations, increasing tensions, and the intentions of the Trump Administration to launch a whole new round of the arms race are alarming developments indeed…

“Imperialist wars of aggression on Syria and Yemen continue to rage. Despite international condemnation, Israel is tightening its siege of Gaza and its advancing its annexationist plans for the whole of the Occupied Palestinian Territories. ‘Regime change’ operations against Venezuela, Nicaragua and other progressive governments are intensifying. The hopeful signs of a peaceful resolution to the conflict on the Korean peninsula are being threatened by ultra-right hawks in Washington and the forces of the military-industrial complex. At the international level, the active cultivation of Russo-phobia and Sino-phobia is creating a chilling ‘cold war’ atmosphere which the world has not experienced for decades. Add to this the U.S. decision to cancel the Iran nuclear deal (JCPOA), the INF Treaty, and its threat to cancel new START treaty talks to reduce nuclear arsenals.”

Meanwhile, the Trudeau Government in Ottawa “has become one of the most bellicose voices promoting the drive to militarism, aggression and war.”

The Peace Congress convention will bring together delegates from across Canada, including from several recently-formed local chapters. For more information, readers can email the Congress[email protected].


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The above article is from the November 16-30, 2018, issue of People’s Voice, Canada’s leading socialist newspaper.

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Workers Rights, America’s Only Hope: One Big Union

November 19th, 2018 by Philip A Farruggio

When the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW AKA The Wobblies) was established in 1905, their goal was to see ‘One Big Union’ formed in the USA. The Wobblies came from the socialist Western Federation of Miners organization led by William D Haywood. Up to that point the major union organization at the time was the AFL (American Federation of Labor) which was a gaggle of many autonomous unions. Sadly, the AFL and its member unions only represented high skilled and high paid workers. They refused to encompass the majority of American working stiffs, who happened to be low paid and low or unskilled laborers. One could only imagine if the AFL would have ‘opened its doors’ to the majority. It didn’t, for many reasons, one being that it was allowed by the super rich who ran industry to ‘sit at their table’. There was also much discrimination by the AFL towards lower classes of immigrants. They wanted to curtail immigration, even advocating a literacy test for all immigrants… and this was a labor union!  Remember, this was over 100 years ago. Sounds familiar?

Claude Berri’s 1993 blockbuster French film Germinal was based on an Emile Zola novel concerning French coal miner strikes in the 1860s. In the film one can see what a feudal world looked like. As with John Sayles’s 1987 film Matawan, about a 1920 coal miners’ strike in West Virginia, the  miners lived in company owned rental properties and shopped in company owned stores… in both instances paying high prices for what they received. As it has always been with non union workplaces (duh, like Florida’s ‘Right to work’ laws making it more difficult for union organizing) the working stiffs always got the short end of the stick. Both of these films, depicting real life events mostly, ended with the strikers ultimately failing to get what they wanted. One scene in Germinal captured the feudal nature of things, and the mindset it established. The French miners finally organize a bit and send a small committee to meet with the mine owner (an actual replica of a ‘Lord of the Manor’) at his majestic home. They are ushered into his drawing room, with him seated behind his lavish desk. The small group of them then take off  their caps and hats and actually bow their heads a bit, as they stood in front of him… but never too close.

What helped to instigate failure by the striking miners in both films was the appearance of those good old scabs. In Matawan they were poor Italian immigrants and poor unemployed Blacks sent in by train; in Germinal they came mostly from within their own ranks. Now imagine if you would if there was a situation of having ‘One Big Union’ in both of these cases. Imagine if all the coal miners and all paid labor in the entire region around the mines belonged to ‘One Big Union’. There is no way that the owners could ever conceive of ending those strikes without first engaging in open and fair negotiations. Period! Of course, we know from historical labor study that the owners had resorted to using police and hired thug violence to quell strikes. Even then, this writer soundly believes that the presence of ‘One Big Union’ would quell such tactics. When an overwhelming number of people stand together  under the banner of one common cause…cooler heads by the bosses may just have to prevail. Perhaps I am too naive… perhaps not.


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Philip A Farruggio is a son and grandson of Brooklyn, NYC longshoremen. He has been a free lance columnist since 2001, with over 400 of his work posted on sites like Global Research, Greanville Post, Off Guardian, Consortium News, Information Clearing House, Nation of Change, World News Trust, Op Ed News, Dissident Voice, Activist Post, Sleuth Journal, Truthout and many others. His blog can be read in full on World News Trust, whereupon he writes a great deal on the need to cut military spending drastically and send the savings back to save our cities. Philip has a internet interview show, ‘It’s the Empire… Stupid’ with producer Chuck Gregory, and can be reached at [email protected]

The Earth Is Eating Its Own Oceans. The Deep Water Cycle

November 19th, 2018 by Stephanie Pappas

As Earth’s tectonic plates dive beneath one another, they drag three times as much water into the planet’s interior as previously thought.

Those are the results of a new paper published today (Nov. 14) in the journal Nature. Using the natural seismic rumblings of the earthquake-prone subduction zone at the Marianas trench, where the Pacific plate is sliding beneath the Philippine plate, researchers were able to estimate how much water gets incorporated into the rocks that dive deep below the surface.

The find has major ramifications for understanding Earth’s deep water cycle, wrote  marine geology and geophysics researcher Donna Shillington of the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory at Columbia University in an op-ed accompanying the new paper. Water beneath the surface of the Earth can contribute to the development of magma and can lubricate faults, making earthquakes more likely, wrote Shillington, who was not involved in the new research.

Water is stored in the crystalline structure of minerals, Shillington wrote. The liquid gets incorporated into the Earth’s crust both when brand-new, piping-hot oceanic plates form and when the same plates bend and crack as they grind under their neighbors. This latter process, called subduction, is the only way water penetrates deep into the crust and mantle, but little is known about how much water moves during the process, study leader Chen Cai of Washington University in St. Louis and his colleagues wrote in their new paper.

“Before we did this study, every researcher knew that water must be carried down by the subducting slab,” Cai told Live Science. “But they just didn’t know how much water.”

The researchers used data picked up by a network of seismic sensors positioned around the central Marianas Trench in the western Pacific Ocean. The deepest part of the trench is nearly 7 miles (11 kilometers) below sea level. The sensors detect earthquakes and the echoes of earthquakes ringing through Earth’s crust like a bell. Cai and his team tracked how fast those temblors traveled: A slowdown in velocity, he said, would indicate water-filled fractures in rocks and “hydrated” minerals that lock up water within their crystals.

The researchers observed such slowdowns deep into the crust, some 18 miles (30 km) below the surface, Cai said. Using the measured velocities, along with the known temperatures and pressures found there, the team calculated that the subduction zones pull 3 billion teragrams of water into the crust every million years (a teragram is a billion kilograms).

Seawater is heavy; a cube of this water 1 meter (3.3 feet) long on each side would weigh 1,024 kilograms (2,250 lbs.). But still, the amount pulled down by subduction zones is mind-boggling. It’s also three times as much water as subduction zones were previously estimated to take in, Cai said.

And that raises some questions: The water that goes down must come up, usually in the contents of volcanic eruptions. The new estimate of how much water is going down is larger than estimates of how much is being emitted by volcanos, meaning scientists are missing something in their estimates, the researchers said.  There is no missing water in the oceans, Cai said. That means the amount of water dragged down into the crust and the amount spouted back out should be about equal. The fact that they aren’t suggests that there’s something about how water moves through the interior of Earth that scientists don’t yet understand.

“Many more studies need to be focused on this aspect,” Cai said.


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One of the key characteristics of the 2008-09 crash and its aftermath (i.e. chronic slow recovery in US and double and triple dip recessions in Europe and Japan) was a significant deflation in prices of global oil. After attaining well over $100 a barrel in 2007-08, crude oil prices plummeted, hitting a low of only $27 a barrel in January 2016. They slowly but steadily rose again in 2016-17 and peaked at about $80 a barrel this past summer 2018. Now the retreat has started once again, falling to a low of $55 in October and remain around $56 today, likely to fall further in 2019 now that Japan and Europe appear entering yet another recession and US growth almost certainly slowing significantly in 2019. With the potential for a US recession rising in late 2019 oil price deflation may continue into the near future. What will this mean for the global and US economies?

The critical question is what is the relationship between global oil price deflation, financial instability and crises, and recession–something mainstream economists don’t understand very well? Is the current rapid retreat of oil prices since August 2018 an indicator of more fundamental forces underway in the global and US economy? Will oil price deflation exacerbate, or even accelerate, the drift toward recession globally now underway? What about financial asset markets stability in general? What can be learned from the 2008 through 2015 experience?

In my 2016 book, ‘Systemic Fragility in the Global Economy’ and its chapter on deflation’s role in crises, I explained that oil is not just a commodity but, since the 1990s, has functioned as an important financial asset whose price affects other forms of financial assets (stocks, bonds, derivatives, currencies, etc.). Financial asset price volatility in general (bubbles and deflation) have a greater impact on the real economy than mainstream economists, who generally don’t understand financial markets and cycles, think. Hence they don’t understand how financial cycles interact with real business cycles. This applies as well to their understanding of oil prices as financial asset prices, not just commodity prices.

Oil Price Deflation Revisited 2018

Oil is a commodity whose price is determined by the interaction of supply and demand; but it is also a financial asset the price of which is determined by global finance capitalists’ speculation in oil futures markets and the competition between various forms of financial assets globally. For the new global finance capital elite (also addressed in the book) look at the returns on investment (e.g. profits) from financial asset investing globally—choosing between oil futures, stocks, bonds, derivatives, currencies, real estate on a worldwide basis.

The price of crude oil futures drives the price of crude oil in the short and medium term, as a commodity as speculators bet on oil supply and demand; and the relative price of other types of financial assets in part also determine the demand of oil speculators for oil futures.

What this means is that simply applying supply and demand analysis to determine the direction of crude oil prices globally is not sufficient. Neither supply nor demand has changed since August 2018 by 30% to explain the 30% drop in crude oil to its current mid-$50s range; nor will it explain where oil prices will go in 2019. Nevertheless, that’s what we hear from economists today trying to explain the recent drop or predict the trajectory of global oil price deflation in 2019.

What Mainstream Economists Don’t Understand

Mainstream economists are indoctrinated in the idea that only supply and demand determine prices. It harkens back to the influence of classical economics of the 18th century and Adam Smith. Supply and demand are the appearance of price determination. What matters are the forces behind, beneath and below that cause the changes in supply and demand. Those forces are the real determinants. But mainstream economists typically deal at the surface of appearances, which is why their forecasts of economic directions in the medium and longer term are so poor.

Looking at recent explanations and analyses by mainstream economists, and their echo in the business media, we get the following view:

First, it is clear that there are three major sources of oil supply globally today: US production driven by technology and the shale fracking revolution. Second, Russian production. Third, OPEC, within which Saudi Arabia and its allies, UAE, Kuwait, etc. Each produce about 10-11 million barrels per day, or bpd.

Since this summer, US fracking has resulted in roughly an additional 670,000 barrels a day by October compared to last July 2018. Both Saudi and Russian production has added roughly 700,000 more, each respectively. Offsetting the supply increase, in part, has been a reduction in output by Venezuela and Iran—both driven by US sanctions and, in the case of Venezuela, US longer term efforts to prevent the upgrading and maintenance of Venezuelan production.

The more than 2 million bpd increase in global crude oil supply by the global oil troika of US- Russia-Saudi has, on the surface, appeared as a collapse in global oil prices from $80 to $55, or about 30% in just a few months. Projections are supply increases will drive global oil prices still lower in 2019: US forecasts for 2019 are for an average of 12.06 million bpd; for Russia an average of 11.4 million bpd; and for Saudi an average of 10.6 million bpd. (Sources: EIA and OPEC secretariat).

Demand & Supply as Mere Appearance

So the appearance is that supply will drive global oil prices still lower in 2019. But what about demand? Will the forces behind it drive oil price deflation even further? And what about other financial asset markets’ price deflation? Will declines in stock, bond, derivatives, and currencies prices result in financial capitalist investors increasing their demand for oil futures as they shift investing from the collapse of values in those financial markets to oil? Or will it reduce their investing in oil futures as other financial asset markets prices deflate, as a psychological contagion effect spreads across financial asset markets in general, oil futures included?

While mainstreamers focus on and argue that pure supply considerations will predict the price of oil, my analysis insists that a deeper consideration of forces are necessary. What’s driving, and will continue to drive, oil prices are Politics, other financial markets’ price deflation, and Demand that will be driven by renewed recessions in the major advanced economies (Europe, Japan, then US, and continued GDP slowdown in China).

As global economic growth slows, now clearly underway, more than half of the world’s oil producers will increase oil production. Russia, Venezuela, Iraq, smaller African and Asia producers, are dependent on oil sales to finance much of their government budgets. As real growth slows, and recessions appear or worsen, deficits will rise further requiring more government revenues from oil sales. What these countries can’t generate in revenues from prices they will attempt to generate from more sales volume. Even Saudi Arabia has entered this group, as it seeks to generate more revenue to finance the development of its non-energy based economy plans.

So Russia and much of OPEC for political reasons will increase supply because of slowing economies—i.e. because of Demand originally and Supply only secondarily. As the global economy continues to slow Demand forces trump those of Supply. But the two are clearly mutually determined. It’s just that Demand has now become more determining and will remain so into 2019.

Debt as a Driver of Global Oil Deflation

But what’s ultimately behind the Demand forces at work? In the US it’s technology, the fracking revolution, driving down the cost of oil production and thus its price. It’s also corporate debt, often of the junk quality, that has financed the investment behind the oil production output rise. Drillers are loaded with junk bond debt, often short term, that they must pay for, or soon roll over now at a higher interest rate in 2019 and beyond. They must produce and sell more oil to pay for the new technology driven investment of recent years. And as the price falls they must produce and sell still more to generate the revenue to pay the interest and principal on that debt.

So is it really Supply, or is it more fundamentally the debt and technology that’s driving US shale output, that in turn is adding to downward global price pressures? Is it Supply or is it the way that Supply has been financed by capitalist markets?

Similarly, in the case of Russia and much of OPEC, is it Supply or is it the need of those countries to finance their government growing debt loads (and budgets in general) by generating more sales revenue from more oil output, even as the price of oil falls and thereby threatens that oil revenue stream?

Whether at the corporate or government level, the acceleration of debt in recent years is behind the forces driving excess oil production and Supply that appears the cause of the emerging oil price deflation.

Politics as a Driver of Global Oil Deflation

Domestic and global politics is another related force in some cases. Clearly, Russia is engaged in an increase in its military research and other military-related government expenditures. Its governing elite is convinced the US is preparing to challenge its political independence: NATO penetration of the Baltics and Poland, the US-encouraged coup in the Ukraine, past US ventures in Georgia, etc. has led to Russian acceleration of its military expenditures. To continue its investment as the US attempts to impose further sanctions (designed to cut Russia connections with Europe in particular), and as Russia’s economy slows as it raises its domestic interest rates in order to protect its currency, Russia must produce and sell more oil globally. It thus generates more demand for its oil competitively by lowering its price. Demand for Russian oil increases—but not due to natural economic causes as the world economy slows. It increases because it shifts oil demand from other producers to itself.

Saudi politics are also in part behind its planned production increase. It has stepped up its military expenditures as well, both for its war in Yemen and its plans for a future conflict with Iran. The Saudi government investment in domestic infrastructure also requires it to generate more oil revenue in the short term.

The recent Russian-Saudi(OPEC) agreement to reduce or hold oil production steady has been a phony agreement, as actual and planned oil production numbers clearly reveal.

Not least, there’s the question of global financial asset markets’ in decline with falling asset prices and how that impacts the oil commodity futures financial asset market. Once again, changes in oil supply and demand simply do not fluctuate by 30% in just a couple months. The driver of oil prices since July 2018 must be financial speculation in oil futures.

Here it may be argued that investors are factoring in the slowing global economy, especially in Europe and Japan, in coming months. They may be shifting investment out of oil futures as a speculative price play, and into US currency and even stocks and bonds. Or into financial asset markets in China. Or speculating on returns in select emerging market currencies and stocks that have stabilized in the short term and may rise in value, producing a nice speculative gain in the short run. The new global finance capital elite looks at competitive returns globally, in all financial asset markets. It moves its money around quickly, from one asset play to another, enabled by technology, past removal of controls on global money capital flows, easy borrowing, and ability to move quickly in and out of what is a complex network of highly liquid financial asset markets worldwide. As it sees global demand and politics playing important short term roles in global oil price declines, it shifts investment out of oil futures and into other forms of financial assets elsewhere in the global economy. Less supply of money capital for investing in oil futures reduces the demand for oil futures, which in turn reduces demand for oil and crude oil prices in general.


What this foregoing discussion and analysis suggests is the following:

  • Looking at oil supply solely or even primarily is to look at appearances only
  • But Supply & Demand analyses of oil prices are also superficial analyses of appearances. They are intermediate causal factors at best.
  • What matters are real forces that more fundamentally determine supply and demand
  • Politics, technology, and debt financing are more fundamental forces driving supply and demand in the intermediate and longer run.
  • Oil is not just a commodity, since the 1990s especially; it has become a financial asset whose price is determined in the short run increasingly by speculative investing shifts by global finance capital elites.
  • As financial assets, oil prices are determined in the short run globally by the relative price of other competing financial assets and their prices
  • The structure of the global economy in the 21st century is such that a new global finance capital elite has arisen, betting on a wide choice of financial assets available in highly liquid financial asset markets, across which the elite moves investments quickly and easily due to new enabling technologies and past deregulation of cross-country money capital flows

To summarize, as it appears increasingly that politics (domestic budgets and revenue needs, US sanctions, rising military expenditures, trade wars, etc.) and a slowing global economy are causing downward pressure on oil demand and thus oil prices; this price pressure is exacerbated by a corresponding increase in production and supply as a result of rising corporate and government debt and debt-servicing needs. However, in the very short run of weekly and monthly price change, it is global oil speculators betting on further oil price deflation and shifting asset investment returns elsewhere that is the primary driver of global oil deflation.

Global oil prices are in determined by other financial asset market price deflation underway in the short term, and in turn determine in part price deflation in other financial asset markets. Global oil prices cannot be understood apart from understanding what’s happening with other financial asset markets and prices.

Understanding and predicting oil prices is thus not simply an exercise in superficial supply and demand analysis, and even less so an exercise primarily in forecasting announcements of production output plans by the big three troika of US-Russia-Saudi.


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This article was originally published on the author’s blog site: Jack Rasmus.

Jack Rasmus is author of the forthcoming 2019 book, ‘The Scourge of Neoliberalism: US Policy from Reagan to Trump’, Clarity Press, and the recently published ‘Central Bankers at the End of Their Ropes: Monetary Policy and the Coming Depression’, Clarity 2017. He hosts the Alternative Visions radio show on the Progressive Radio Network. His twitter handle is @drjackrasmus and his website, http://kyklosproductions.com. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

This article was first published on August 19, 2018


Central banks in several regions of the World are building up their gold reserves.

A large part of these Central Bank purchases of gold bullion are not disclosed. They are undertaken through third party contracting companies, with utmost discretion. 

The evidence amply suggests that US dollar holdings and US dollar denominated debt instruments are being traded in for gold, which in turn puts pressure on the US dollar.  

In the course of the last ten years, both China and Russia have boosted domestic production of gold, a large share of  which is being purchased by their central banks.

In the current context, these initiatives on the part of China and Russia are intended to challenge US dollar hegemony. There is an obvious strategic objective associated with the accumulation of gold reserves.

The objective of China and Russia is to build their national currencies under the gold standard, whereby the value of the yuan and the ruble would be linked to the price of gold. Both countries are dumping dollar denominated Treasuries. China is using its extensive treasury dollar reserves to finance large scale investments.

Dominance in physical gold reserves, however, does not necessarily ensure national sovereignty with regard to monetary policy (devoid of dollar hegemony) nor does it ensure control of the international gold market.

The price of gold is notoriously unstable. US financial institutions can act against Russia and China without actually possessing physical gold. They are able to influence the gold and foreign exchange markets through various speculative instruments including naked short-selling.

The gold market is not limited to the trade in physical gold. It is characterised by numerous paper instruments, gold index funds, gold certificates, OTC gold derivatives (including options, swaps and forwards), which play a strong role, particularly in short-term movement of gold prices. These instruments are routinely used to manipulate the market in physical gold.

It’s financial warfare: Those same speculative instruments are also available to Chinese and Russian financial operators including their central banks. Needless to say, they are acutely aware of the instability and manipulative environment which characterizes the gold market.

China: Largest Gold Producer

China is currently the World’s largest gold producer followed by Australia and Russia. “It has long been assumed that China is surreptitiously building up its gold reserves through buying local production”. But it is also investing in several gold producing countries.

Chinese companies are investing in gold mining in different regions of the World (including South Africa and Australia), largely with a view to establishing a global hegemony on the supply side. While China’s domestic production is high, its reserves are significantly lower than those of Australia, Russia and the U.S.

  • Major Chinese firms will ramp up investment in foreign gold mines, ….
  • Chinese firm Shandong Gold purchase of a 50% stake in the Veladero mine in Argentina from Barrick Gold for USD960mn. …
  • state-owned China National Gold Group’s USD300mn purchase of the Jinfeng gold mine from Eldorado Gold and Indonesian firm PT Amman Mineral International’s USD1.3bn purchase of Newmont Mining’s Indonesian assets, …
  •  In 2015, China set up a new USD16.0bn mining fund to develop gold mining projects along the planned Silk Road infrastructure route. (See Fitch Solutions)

China and Russia are also collaborating in terms of joint ventures in gold mining

Graph for 2017: Wikipedia, quoting “Where Have All the Gold Mines Gone?” and “U.S. Geological Survey, Mineral Commodity Summaries” (PDF). USGS. 2017.

China’ Central Bank Reserves

China’s central bank gold reserves have increased from 600 tons in 2003 to 1054 tons in 2009. If we go by official statements, China’s gold reserves have tripled since 2003. They currently stand at 1842 metric tons (July 2018)


The Russian Central bank purchases gold from a Russian state company “Gokhran, which is the marketing arm and central repository for the country’s mined gold production”. Mineweb. Recent reports (April 2018) confirm that Russia purchased 300,000 troy ounces of  gold in March 2018, i.e. 18.66 metric tons.

Russia’s Central bank holdings were in excess of 20 million troy ounces or 622 tons (January 2010). The latest figures (July 2018) confirm that gold reserves of the Russian Federation have more than tripled since 2010. They currently stand (July 2018) at 1909.8 tons. (see diagram below).

Turkey’s Gold Holdings  

There has been an upward trend since January 2017. Turkish media Yeni Safak suggests that the Erdogan government had ordered in 2017 the repatriation of “all of its gold stored in the U.S. Federal Reserve” i.e. 220 metric tons. it would appear that the run on the Turkish Lira in 2018 has been conducive to a major collapse in Turkey’s Central Bank reserves.


The published World Gold Council figure for July 2018 remained to be fully corroborated.

Gold Prices

As mentioned earlier, the sale and purchase of physical gold are not the only factor in explaining the movement of gold prices. The gold market is marked by organized speculation by large scale financial institutions.


The price of gold is an instrument of financial warfare. In the present context, Wall Street is intent upon manipulating the gold market.

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William Blum of ‘Anti-Empire Report’ Needs Help

November 18th, 2018 by Theodore Sayeed

William Blum is a powerful voice. His analysis of US imperialism reaches out to thousands of readers. He has contributed to Global Research for more than ten years. To consult his writings click here


The historian and critic of US foreign policy William Blum has been in failing health for some time. 85 years old, he suffers from kidney failure and is on dialysis. Over two weeks ago he sustained a serious fall at his apartment in the Washington, D.C., area and was rushed to the hospital after a friend discovered him still lying where he fell two days after his injury.

Below is a letter from family notifying readers of his newsletter, the Anti-Empire Report, by email why it has missed publication this month and detailing the extent of his medical injuries:

I’m writing to you in place of William Blum.

I’m his friend, his ex-wife, and the mother of his son, who lives in Germany.

He will not be able to write his Anti-Empire Report.

He had a very bad fall in his apartment. There he lay for many hours, maybe up to two days, unable to move, until a friend found him.

He was taken to the ICU. He is no longer in critical condition, but he is still confused, extremely weak, and can’t move his right arm.

He has been in the hospital for more than two weeks now, and it is impossible to say how much longer he has to stay there, and he will certainly need long-term care.

As you may guess, he does not have the best of insurances. Which means: he needs your help!

If you wish, you can donate to Bill using the button below:


Adelheid Zöfel
Literary Translator
Freiburg, Germany
Email: [email protected]

Last year Blum wrote about his deteriorating physical state:

My kidneys are gone and I’m on (rather unpleasant) dialysis for the rest of my life. My separated-from German wife is in Germany and can’t fly because of the danger of blood clots forming and lodging in her lungs or heart. I’m an avid reader of medical news and almost every day I get choked-up and depressed by the never-ending heart-breaking stories of incurable pain and suffering of the old and the young.

So far the dialysis does not seem to have helped, at least not with my two main symptoms: deep-seated sleepiness at home, resulting in repeated naps, making my writing difficult; and getting out-of-breath and having to stop and rest after a very short and slow walk outdoors.

Blum is the author of five books, most notably Rogue State: A Guide To The World’s Only Superpower, an encyclopedia of US meddling around the world, and Killing Hope: US Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II, widely considered to be the single most exhaustive treatment of all post-war US bombing campaigns and coups.

He will need long term care. His medical bills are mounting and, in light of the fact he gave up a well paying career in the US State Department over the Vietnam War to be a dissident writer, and given he was blacklisted from lecturing at colleges, his health insurance is not sufficient to cover his expenses. If you want to help, please consider making a contribution to this appeal by visiting his website, scrolling down to the bottom, and clicking the “donate button”.


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The following article is by Janice Kortkamp, a honest and courageous American citizen who visited Syria on several occasions.


I was offered the opportunity to interview this man and was thankful for it because this gets into the very heart of the conflict here. The “moderate rebels”, the “freedom fighters” … those armed groups that have been directly supported by my government.

It is ironic perhaps that the group this guy was in is Ahrar al Sham (an Al Qaeda affiliated group). On my first trip in May 2016, I was heading from a village near Homs to the city. The road at that time was quite dangerous and ‘hot’ because the whole plain from the hills where I’d been to Homs was scattered with ISIS, al Qaeda and many other groups who controlled different villages in the area.

We passed right by a power station on the road and just beyond it is/was an Alawite village called al Zara that was pointed out to me. That morning the people of al Zara were going about a typical day. I remember I waved towards it and said “hello al Zara” for some reason.

We got to Homs. Next day that village was attacked by Ahrar al Sham and al Nusra together. A massacre. Men and women and children slaughtered. One report from someone I consider credible and who has proven accurate always, said the terrorists hung some children up after they had witnessed their parents being killed. They burned them to death.

On another trip, while in Aleppo, was scheduled to go to a refugee center to meet with people coming from eastern Aleppo. The day before we went, Ahrar al Sham and al Nusra bombed buses of Shiite villagers leaving the terrorist-beseiged villages of Kefraya and Foua in Idlib as a prisoner swap deal. 5,000 people were being transported but as a final gesture by the “rebel” terrorists who love “freedom and democracy” they arranged bombs to target some of the buses. They killed over 100 – mostly children. The survivors were brought to the refugee center we were visiting and we got to speak to them. Vanessa Beeley was also there and did important interviews and articles about it.

So all that to say, I personally know something of the character of the group Ahrar al Sham. Again, it’s a group directly supported by the US, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey as “moderates” who received money, weapons including advanced weaponry, intelligence support, etc. The US has refused throughout the war to designate it as a terrorist group.

Now about Adnan.

He has five children and is from al Waer unlike many of the fighters who were in that suburb who came from all over Syria and some from other countries. As we approached him he was busy welding some decorations onto a door. No eye protection and smoking, he seemed content and even jovial, very willing to talk though somewhat manic. We went into a room next door and began.

Adnan is walking free in al Waer because he accepted reconciliation from the government.  As Homs city was being liberated from the many armed groups that had terrorized it for years, fighters moved into al Waer and it became a stronghold that was not fully liberated until 2017 – not entirely via military victory but through this process called “reconciliation”.

Basically the offer was that fighters willing to lay down their arms and re-enter civil society or fight for the Syrian Army could do so. Or they could take their families and personal possessions including rifles to Idlib or Jarablus. Most civilians chose to stay and some of the fighters like Adnan as well. Idlib in particular is now populated by tens of thousands of fighters and their families who refused to stop fighting against the government. Many were misled by the terrorist leaders into thinking they would be killed by the Syrian Army if they stayed. Nothing of the sort happened of course which I’ll elaborate on in a future post.

According to all the first hand testimonies I’ve heard, including those in al Waer, as armed groups took over areas the civilized society of Syria was replaced with their violence and rule by sharia law. Minorities were driven out or executed.

You might ask how any rational person would choose to stay in such situations like the civilians who have stayed in terrorist held areas.

How to try to explain this in ways Americans can understand? This is the best I can come up with: imagine you’re a white American and the white supremacist movement has gained  momentum thanks to external support from other countries who want to destroy America. These other countries use non stop propaganda to fuel fears among whites that the government and minority groups want all the whites dead.

Those other countries bring in massive numbers of weapons and huge stacks of cash to white supremacist leaders and fanatics over the borders of Canada and Mexico. Many whites buy into the whole charade out of fear or feelings of hatred towards minorities. Getting sucked into the mob mentality they begin to view their minority neighbors, even former friends, with distrust and prejudice. The groups take over key cities and ‘purify’ them of minorities. Most whites in the US see this is happening and resist it all but others accept it and stay in their cities and just survive through it because while they don’t like the way the white supremacists are treating them they at least can live and work. Yes, similar to the Nazi ideology.

Replace Sunni supremacists with white supremacists and you get the idea of what happened here. Whether political, racist or religious, extremism leads to violence and chaos.

It is absolutely essential to understand that most Sunnis in Syria do NOT support this ideology or these “rebel” terrorists. Although Sunnis are the great majority here only a minority of them went against their government. In fact the majority of the army and government are Sunnis as is President Assad’s wife, the First Lady Asma.

So back again to Adnan.

As the groups took over al Waer they got men and youths to join them using many different means. First, the family of any man or son that joined the cause was well treated. They got food for example and medical care. Families whose fathers and sons did not fight went starving and were persecuted. This was the motivation of Adnan according to him. Is he telling the truth? Only God knows.

Others were lured by the high pay offered thanks to the deep pockets of the Persian Gulf states particularly Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Fighters for “rebel” groups typically were paid ten times what soldiers in the Syrian Army are paid. They also got perks like women and drugs, especially captagon, which I describe as like crystal meth. It makes you oblivious to pain, fear and fatigue for days. Also makes you crazy.

Of course there are those who are truly brainwashed and support the idea of Syria becoming a religious fundamentalist sharia law based state. This is anathema to the great majority of Syrians of all faiths and backgrounds. The harmony and mutual respect among religious groups, the empowerment of women, the personal freedoms and safety here are precious and protected. The brainwashed ones teach their children to hate and kill as they do. In fact, “rebel” terrorist groups used even children as snipers, fighters and suicide bombers. One sniper was only nine years old in eastern Aleppo. Of course the western governments and media never talk of this or the constant atrocities of their pet “rebels”. They don’t care about the children being raised up to be the next generation of ISIS and al Qaeda.

So whatever his reason truly was, Adnan became a sniper for Ahrar al Sham, one of strongest of many groups in al Waer. He and others like him were stationed in the high rises of the neighborhood. From their vantage points they could shoot people on the streets or soldiers far outside the area to instill terror in the people of Homs.

On the edge of al Waer is the busy road from Homs to Tartous. Most people in Syria travel on buses both large and small from place to place. The terrorists in al Waer had checkpoints set up on the road in addition to the snipers. They would stop the buses. Alawites, Christians and Shiites would be separated. Many were executed outright; others were kidnapped and held for ransom. If the ransom was not paid the victims would often be chopped into pieces and laid out on busy streets as a warning of what would happen if demands weren’t met.

These kinds of crimes were literally 100% non existent in Syria before Obama and Hillary and McCain and Graham and Rubio etc started arming and supporting the terrorist “freedom fighters”. Syria was the 5th safest country in the world according to Gallup polls.

I asked Adnan about foreign fighters, particularly commanders. He said the commanders were always behind the scenes and the regular fighters never dealt with them, only their local lieutenants. Every fighter was given a new name – they and the commanders never used their real names.

Another question I had was this … many fighters and their supporters claim this ‘revolution’ was against the government because they were not allowed to criticize the President/government and they were fighting for that freedom. In my personal experience talking with Syrians many seem quite open and express serious concerns about many issues actually but it is well known that security is tight here. Over the war people have learned how deadly Syria’s enemies are and this explains some of why this is so. Also Syria  before Hafez al Assad had suffered through many coups (usually assisted by outside governments like the US) that destabilized the country. Anyway, that’s a topic for another article. My question to Adnan was – while people living under the rule of the armed groups were able to criticize President Assad all day long and cheered on doing it, were they allowed to criticize their “rebel” rulers? Of course not was the answer. Severe punishment, even execution were the penalties for such crimes.

Adnan, for all his wild eyed, semi-manic mannerisms struck me as pragmatic, not fanatical. I deliberately held out my hand to shake his to see if he would touch a woman and he did without hesitation. Perhaps he really does want to just move on or maybe he is a crouching tiger, a ticking time bomb; I can’t judge that.

At the end I asked him what his advice was to the “rebels” holding Idlib. His response, if I’m understanding it correctly, was “the train will keep moving but dogs stay behind” by which I think he meant that their defeat is inevitable but many will stubbornly keep fighting out of spite and stupidity.

Adnan, while I’m sure he is being closely observed, is free now to decide his future –  unlike the innocent Syrians he killed. The reconciliation program is highly controversial. Many Syrians will never forgive or trust those who took up arms against their country and their neighbors. Others see it as a successful strategy for ending the violence in many areas.  Only time will tell. This is something for Syrians alone to debate and decide. The pain and suffering are theirs alone. Their future is too.


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Order Mark Taliano’s Book “Voices from Syria” directly from Global Research.

Mark Taliano combines years of research with on-the-ground observations to present an informed and well-documented analysis that refutes  the mainstream media narratives on Syria. 

Voices from Syria 

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-1-6

Author: Mark Taliano

Year: 2017

Pages: 128 (Expanded edition: 1 new chapter)

List Price: $17.95

Special Price: $9.95 

Click to order

Post-WW II US-orchestrated new world order transformed sovereign Western European countries into virtual US colonies.

Their status remains unchanged today, their sovereign independence more myth than reality – serving Washington’s geopolitical interests, even when harming their own.

Since the Trump regime’s May 8 withdrawal from the JCPOA, followed by multiple rounds of stiff illegal sanctions on Iran, lofty EU rhetoric hasn’t been followed by firm policy decisions, strongly supported by all member states, denouncing US actions, refusing to go along with them.

It’s how the EU virtually always operates, yielding its sovereignty to a higher power headquartered in Washington, the shame of all member states.

They’re allied with endless illegal US wars of aggression, preemptively smashing one country after another, seeking dominance of planet earth, its member states, resources, and populations.

They’ve gone along with illegal US sanctions on Russia, Iran, Venezuela, and other countries, flagrant breaches of international law.

Their promises to continue normal relations with Iran, including purchases of its oil and related promises, appear more unfulfilled lofty rhetoric than firm policy.

US temporary waivers granted to 10 nations lets them continue buying Iranian energy until next May – EU states not included among countries exempted from observing US sanctions on Iranian oil and gas.

SWIFT disconnected Iranian banks from its international financial transactions system, bowing to Washington’s will.

Brussels’ pledge to create a “special purpose (financial transactions) vehicle (SPV) for European companies to circumvent SWIFT in dealings with Iran to bypass US financial sanctions failed to get support from any EU member state, killing the initiative, one unnamed European diplomat saying:

“No one has come forward at this stage. If we don’t have a host country, we have a very big problem. So much is riding on this that some way will need (to be found) for someone to host this. There is a lot of nervousness about what hosting an SPV means.”

Another unnamed EU diplomat was quoted, saying

“Austria…refused. It’s not dead, but it’s not going in the right direction. We are going to try again with Luxembourg, but we’re under no illusions.”

Fearing US punitive measures against them isn’t good enough. If major EU nations Britain, France, Germany and others refuse to go along with hostile US actions against Iran or any other countries, Washington is powerless to do anything about it.

EU/NATO nations are its most important allies. Punishing them for failure to obey its will would weaken US control over them – something even Trump regime hardliners aren’t likely to risk.

The way to counter US hegemonic aims is by refusal of key nations to go along with policies harming their own interests – clearly the case with US sanctions on Iran, Russia and other countries.

So far, Brussels and EU member states lack backbone enough to challenge Washington. As long as its subservience continues, the bloc will be allied with Washington against Iran.

Based on what’s happened since May 8 when Trump withdrew from the JCPOA, European Justice Commissioner Vera Jourova’s pledge to find a solution for continuing normal relations with Iran sounded like more of the same rhetoric without responsible follow-through, saying:

“We Europeans cannot accept that a foreign power, not even our closest friend and ally, takes decisions over our legitimate trade with another country,” adding:

The bloc won’t be cowed by US threats. Its months of stalling tactics indicate otherwise. It’s up to Russia, China, India, and other nations to lead in refusing to go along with US interests harming their own.

Until and unless proved otherwise, EU/NATO nations are US vassal states, obeying orders from Washington, abandoning their own sovereign rights – the way it’s been post WW II.


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Award-winning author Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com.

Featured image is from Strategic Culture Foundation

Extreme Poverty and Human Rights in the United Kingdom

November 18th, 2018 by Philip Alston

The UK is the world’s fifth largest economy, it contains many areas of immense wealth, its capital is a leading centre of global finance, its entrepreneurs are innovative and agile, and despite the current political turmoil, it has a system of government that rightly remains the envy of much of the world. It thus seems patently unjust and contrary to British values that so many people are living in poverty. This is obvious to anyone who opens their eyes to see the immense growth in foodbanks and the queues waiting outside them, the people sleeping rough in the streets, the growth of homelessness, the sense of deep despair that leads even the Government to appoint a Minister for suicide prevention and civil society to report in depth on unheard of levels of loneliness and isolation. And local authorities, especially in England, which perform vital roles in providing a real social safety net have been gutted by a series of government policies. Libraries have closed in record numbers, community and youth centers have been shrunk and underfunded, public spaces and buildings including parks and recreation centers have been sold off. While the labour and housing markets provide the crucial backdrop, the focus of this report is on the contribution made by social security and related policies.

The results? 14 million people, a fifth of the population, live in poverty.

Four million of these are more than 50% below the poverty line,[1] and 1.5 million are destitute, unable to afford basic essentials.[2]

The widely respected Institute for Fiscal Studies predicts a 7% rise in child poverty between 2015 and 2022, and various sources predict child poverty rates of as high as 40%.3 For almost one in every two children to be poor in twenty-first century Britain is not just a disgrace, but a social calamity and an economic disaster, all rolled into one.

But the full picture of low-income well-being in the UK cannot be captured by statistics alone. Its manifestations are clear for all to see. The country’s most respected charitable groups, its leading think tanks, its parliamentary committees, independent authorities like the National Audit Office, and many others, have all drawn attention to the dramatic decline in the fortunes of the least well off in this country. But through it all, one actor has stubbornly resisted seeing the situation for what it is. The Government has remained determinedly in a state of denial. Even while devolved authorities in Scotland and Northern Ireland are frantically trying to devise ways to ‘mitigate’, or in other words counteract, at least the worst features of the Government’s benefits policy, Ministers insisted to me that all is well and running according to plan. Some tweaks to basic policy have reluctantly been made, but there has been a determined resistance to change in response to the many problems which so many people at all levels have brought to my attention. The good news is that many of the problems could readily be solved if the Government were to acknowledge the problems and consider some of the recommendations below.

In my travels across England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland I met with people living in poverty, whether old, young, disabled, in work or not. I talked with civil society, front line workers, work coaches, and officials from local, devolved, and UK governments; and visited community organizations, social housing, a Jobcentre, a food bank, an advice center, a library, and a primary school. I also met a range of Ministers in the central government and in Wales, as well as with the First Minister in Scotland. I spoke at length with politicians from all of the major political parties.

In the past two weeks I have talked with people who depend on food banks and charities for their next meal, who are sleeping on friends’ couches because they are homeless and don’t have a safe place for their children to sleep, who have sold sex for money or shelter, children who are growing up in poverty unsure of their future, young people who feel gangs are the only way out of destitution, and people with disabilities who are being told they need to go back to work or lose support, against their doctor’s orders.

I have also seen tremendous resilience, strength, and generosity, with neighbors supporting one another, councils seeking creative solutions, and charities stepping in to fill holes in government services. I also heard stories of deeply compassionate work coaches and of a regional Jobcenter director who had transformed the ethos in the relevant offices.

Although the provision of social security to those in need is a public service and a vital anchor to prevent people being pulled into poverty, the policies put in place since 2010 are usually discussed under the rubric of austerity. But this framing leads the inquiry in the wrong direction. In the area of poverty-related policy, the evidence points to the conclusion that the driving force has not been economic but rather a commitment to achieving radical social re-engineering. Successive governments have brought revolutionary change in both the system for delivering minimum levels of fairness and social justice to the British people, and especially in the values underpinning it. Key elements of the post-war Beveridge social contract are being overturned. In the process, some good outcomes have certainly been achieved, but great misery has also been inflicted unnecessarily, especially on the working poor, on single mothers struggling against mighty odds, on people with disabilities who are already marginalized, and on millions of children who are being locked into a cycle of poverty from which most will have great difficulty escaping.

Most of the political debate around social well-being in the UK has focused only on the goals sought to be achieved. These goals are in many respects admirable, even though some have been controversial. They include a commitment to place employment at the heart of anti-poverty policy, a quest for greater efficiency and cost savings, a determination to simplify an excessively complicated and unwieldy benefits system, a desire to increase the uptake of benefits by those entitled, removing the ‘welfare cliff’ that deterred beneficiaries from seeking work, and a desire to provide more skills training.

But Universal Credit and the other far-reaching changes to the role of government in supporting people in distress are almost always ‘sold’ as being part of an unavoidable program of fiscal ‘austerity’, needed to save the country from bankruptcy. In fact, however, the reforms have almost certainly cost the country far more than their proponents will admit. The many billions advertised as having been extracted from the benefits system since 2010 have been offset by the additional resources required to fund emergency services by families and the community, by local government, by doctors and hospital accident and emergency centres, and even by the ever- shrinking and under-funded police force.

Leaving the economics of change to one side, it is the underlying values and the ethos shaping the design and implementation of specific measures that have generated the greatest problems. The government has made no secret of its determination to change the value system to focus more on individual responsibility, to place major limits on government support, and to pursue a single-minded, and some have claimed simple-minded, focus on getting people into employment at all costs. Many aspects of this program are legitimate matters for political contestation, but it is the mentality that has informed many of the reforms that has brought the most misery and wrought the most harm to the fabric of British society. British compassion for those who are suffering has been replaced by a punitive, mean-spirited, and often callous approach apparently designed to instill discipline where it is least useful, to impose a rigid order on the lives of those least capable of coping with today’s world, and elevating the goal of enforcing blind compliance over a genuine concern to improve the well-being of those at the lowest levels of British society. I provide various examples later in this statement.

To read the full statement, click here.


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Selected Articles: US-NATO Megalomania

November 18th, 2018 by Global Research News

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America’s Permanent-War Complex

By Gareth Porter, November 18, 2018

What President Dwight D. Eisenhower dubbed the “military-industrial complex” has been constantly evolving over the decades, adjusting to shifts in the economic and political system as well as international events.

More American Troops to Afghanistan, To Keep the Chinese Out? Lithium and the Battle for Afghanistan’s Mineral Riches

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, November 18, 2018

Unknown to the broader public, Afghanistan has significant oil, natural gas and strategic raw material resources, not to mention opium, a multibillion dollar industry which feeds America’s illegal heroin market.

Video: Italy: A Whole US/NATO Strategic Military Base, “Global NATO”

By Manlio Dinucci, November 17, 2018

Manlio Dinucci in this carefully documented Pandora TV production focuses on US-NATO military deployment in Italy and around the World in what might described as “Global NATO”.

Release of Top Secret CIA Document Reveals Deeper Medical Complicity in Torture Program

By Physicians for Human Rights, November 17, 2018

With the release of a previously top secret document – made public thanks to a legal victory by the ACLU – disclosing the role of the Office of Medical Services (OMS) in the CIA’s torture program, Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) reminds health professionals that torture, in all its forms, is one of the most serious human rights violations and is absolutely prohibited under U.S. and international law, and that any collusion in its implementation – from planning through monitoring – is a gross violation of professional ethics.

United States Budgetary Costs of the Post-9/11 Wars: $5.9 Trillion Spent and Obligated

By Prof. Neta C. Crawford, November 17, 2018

The United States has appropriated and is obligated to spend an estimated $5.9 trillion (in current dollars) on the war on terror through Fiscal Year 2019, including direct war and war-related spending and obligations for future spending on post-9/11 war veterans (see Table 1).

Here’s What You’ll Pay for Neocon Wars: $5,900,000,000,000

By Kurt Nimmo, November 16, 2018

More evidence the “war on terror,” now shifted over to a New Cold War against Russia and China, is nothing if not a money-maker for the merchants of death and the usury banksters. 


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The United States opposed on Friday for the first time an annual draft resolution at the United Nations calling on Israel to rescind its authority in the occupied Golan Heights, drawing praise from Israeli officials.

The Golan Heights, Syrian territory illegally occupied and subsequently annexed by Israel, forms a strategic plateau between Israel and Syria of about 1,200 square km.

It was part of Syria until Israel captured it in the 1967 Middle East War. Israel moved settlers into the area and annexed the territory in 1981 in a move not recognised internationally.

The United States has abstained in previous years on the “Occupied Syrian Golan” resolution, which declares Israel’s decision to impose its jurisdiction in the area “null and void,” but US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley said on Thursday that Washington would vote against the resolution.

“The United States will no longer abstain when the United Nations engages in its useless annual vote on the Golan Heights,” Haley, who will be leaving her post by the end of the year, said in a statement.

“The resolution is plainly biased against Israel. Further, the atrocities the Syrian regime continues to commit prove its lack of fitness to govern anyone,” her statement said.

Despite the US opposition, a UN General Assembly committee approved the draft resolution on Friday with 151 votes in favour and 14 abstentions. Only Israel joined the United States in voting no. The General Assembly is due to formally adopt the resolution next month.

The US ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, said in September he expects Israel to keep the Golan Heights in perpetuity.

Since early in Donald Trump’s presidency, Israel has lobbied for formal US endorsement of its control of the Golan.

Trump has recognised Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, breaking with other world powers, though his national security adviser, John Bolton, told Reuters in August that a similar Golan move was not under discussion.

Israel has repeatedly bombed military targets in Syria since the start of the civil war in 2011. Damascus also has accused the Israeli government of harbouring and supporting hardline rebels, whom it labels as terrorists, near the Golan Heights.

In the late 2000s, secret talks began between Syria and Israel that reportedly included the possibility Israel would return the area to Syria in exchange for a peace deal.

Negotiations collapsed when Israel launched its war in Gaza in 2009.

Hundreds of thousands of Syrians fled the Golan into other parts of Syria in the aftermath of the 1967 war. The population of the region is now a mix of Syrian Arabs and Israeli settlers.

Until 2012, the vast majority of Golan Syrians – who are mostly Druze – refused offers of Israeli citizenship. However, the Syrian civil war has led to many applying for citizenship.


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Featured image: Israel’s Merkava Tank in the Golan Heights. (By ChameleonsEye /Shutterstock)

The CIA has leaked against Jared Kushner and Trump that Mohammed Bin Salman (MBS), the Saudi crown prince, ordered the murder of Jamal Khashoggi at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul.

President Trump had asked the CIA to do an assessment of the murder. Apparently, from the leak to the US press, part of the evidence came from National Security Agency wiretaps of the Saudi Embassy in Washington, DC. They caught Khalid Bin Salman, the crown prince’s brother and Saudi ambassador to the US, telling Khashoggi that it would be fine for him to pick up the paperwork needed for his marriage to his Turkish fiancee from the Saudi consulate in Istanbul. Either Prince Khalid was in on the plot to murder Khashoggi, or he was duped by his brother to lull the dissident journalist into a false sense of security. He called Khashoggi on instructions from his brother, MBS.

Trump had asked for the report, but it is unlikely that he wanted it made public. The CIA is deliberately leaking it. Since the agency is aware that Mohammed Bin Salman is teflon inside Saudi Arabia, it seems probable that the target of the leak is in the US. The member of the administration closest to MBS is Jared Kushner, though Trump himself has admitted that he wants the sale of US arms to MBS more than he wants Khashoggi’s killer brought to justice. The CIA may be attempting to discredit Kushner and to detach Trump from his alliance with the crown prince.

The Saudi government has attempted to whitewash the murder. First it denied the killing. Then it blamed low-level rogue intelligence agents. Then it sentenced the latter to death so as to make sure they do not talk. The Saudis deny that Mohammed Bin Salman ordered that Khashoggi be whacked, which is laughable, since no one would dare do such a thing without his orders. It is an absolute monarchy, after all.


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Abolish US/NATO Military Bases

November 18th, 2018 by Nancy Price

The First International Conference Against US/NATO Military Bases will be held November 16-18, 2018, in Dublin, Ireland. The conference is jointly organized by the Peace and Neutrality Alliance (PANA), Ireland, and the Coalition Against US Foreign Military Bases, USA.

WILPF-US is one of the founding organizations of the Coalition Against US Foreign Military Bases, USA  that organized a conference in Baltimore, January 12-14, 2018, where a resolution was passed to organize an unprecedented and historic global conference.

An important article, “The Foundation For International Justice is Anti-Imperialism” makes clear why this global conference is so urgently urgently needed: it will provide the opportunity for peace groups from the many countries participating to present the situation in their country and region, and to join together to outline next steps toward global justice and peace. The list of Sponsoring Organizations from all corners of the world grows longer each day.

Here’s what you can do:

  1. Take a look at the basic outline and themes of the Conference Program. The program is under development, so please check back regularly for updated information on speakers and speaker biographies.
  2.  Please read the Global Unity Statement and endorse the Global Unity Statement. Please share with your friends on Facebook and Twitter.
  3. Please post the attached flyer at public places and forward to friends, colleagues, and organizations asking that they go to www.nousnatobases.org to read and sign the Global Unity Statement.
  4. Registration is now open. Here is registration information and the registration form.

A sliding registration fee has been set up in order to make it possible for people of different levels of income to participate.

As you can imagine, this conference is not only expensive to put on, but we want to raise sufficient funds to be able to offer scholarships and financial support to make it possible for those coming from a long distance or who have less financial resources to be a speaker or to attend. Since several hours on Day 2 are devoted to discussion and planning for “next steps,” it is crucial to have people attending from anti-war/anti-imperialism and peace groups from as many countries as possible.

Please consider making a generous tax-exempt donation to this unprecedented and historic global peace conference. Just go to www.nousnatobases.org and see the “Donate” button on the right-hand side of the homepage.


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Legendary Marlon Brando was interviewed on The Dick Cavett Show 6/12/1973 after he refused to accept the Oscar at 45th Academy Awards®, 1973 to protest the treatment of American Indians. Our kind of hero – should be a celebrity rule! Where are the actors like him in present day Hollywood?

“I think awards in this country at this time are inappropriate to be received or given until the condition of the American Indian is drastically altered. If we are not our brother’s keeper, at least let us not be his executioner.”  — Marlon Brando (1924 – 2004)

Marlon Brando was an extraordinary human being and one of the first actor-activists to march for Black American and American Indian rights. He spoke out against racism often and forcefully. He marched in demonstrations. And he gave money to civil rights groups.

For the 45th Annual Academy Awards® in 1973, Liv Ullmann and Roger Moore presented the award and inspiring Marlon Brando (April 3, 1924 – July 1, 2004) did not attend and refused to accept the Oscar for his performance in The Godfather. American Indian Apache Sacheen Littlefeather represented him at the ceremony.

She appeared in full Apache clothing and stated that owing to the “poor treatment of American Indians in the film industry”, Brando would not accept the award. –THAT IS HOW CELIBRITIES SHOULD SUPPORT!–

At this time, the 1973 standoff at Wounded Knee occurred, causing rising tensions between the government and American Indian activists. The event grabbed the attention of the US and the world media. This was considered a major event and victory for the movement by its supporters and participants.

Brando’s speech was written during the siege at Wounded Knee led by the American Indian Movement (which started in late February 1973), for delivery at the Oscar ceremonies. As mentioned above, Brando himself did not attend the event, and refused the Oscar. Sacheen Littlefeather, who attempted to deliver the speech, was able to read only a part of it (hence, the “unfinished” in the title below) before being booed from the stage.

We need more celebrities following Marlon Brando’s stand for social justice. An inspiring man who stood tall against injustice. Who is following that example today?


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Hell Hath No Fury Like Raging California Wildfires

November 18th, 2018 by Stephen Lendman

Months of unprecedented California wildfires keep raging – the most destructive and deadly in state history, so far around 1.7 million acres destroyed.

Through Saturday, 76 fatalities were reported, nearly 1,300 others missing – the number rising from 265 on Friday. Official numbers keep increasing. The death toll already likely exceeds 1,000. Countless bodies remain to be discovered.

As of November 11, an astonishing 7,579 fires are burning, according to the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection and the National Interagency Fire Center – costing around $3 billion in destruction and damage so far.

According to Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR), smoke and ash from wildfires likely spread radiological and chemical contamination already in soil and vegetation near the Santa Susana Field Laboratory, (SSFL) – a statement by Dr. Robert Dodge saying:

“We know what substances are on the site and how hazardous they are. We’re talking about incredibly dangerous radionuclides and toxic chemicals such a trichloroethylene, perchlorate, dioxins and heavy metals.”

“These toxic materials are in SSFL’s soil and vegetation, and when it burns and becomes airborne in smoke and ash, there is a real possibility of heightened exposure for area residents.”

California’s Department of Toxic Substance Control said it found no evidence of radioactive or other hazardous materials in affected areas.

PSR slammed the statement, calling it “irresponsible to claim that SSFL contamination was not spread further by the fire(s).”

SSFL was involved in testing rocket engines and nuclear energy research. In 1959, one of its nuclear reactors had a partial meltdown.

Communities nears its facilities have battled for decontamination, residents blaming serious illnesses on contamination from SSFL operations.

Dense smoke called “the dirtiest air in the world” threatens areas near raging blazes, a major potential health hazard if contaminants spread over parts of the state.

Santa Ana winds up to 50 MPH keep spreading flames while firefighters battle them, “a disheartening situation,” said Butte County sheriff Kory Honea.

Blazes affect areas north of Sacramento and southern parts of the state in Los Angeles and Ventura counties.

According to the Union of Concerned Scientists,

“(t)he effects of global warming on temperature, precipitation levels, and soil moisture are turning many of our forests into kindling during wildfire season,” adding:

“As the climate warms, moisture and precipitation levels are changing, with wet areas becoming wetter and dry areas becoming drier.”

“Higher spring and summer temperatures and earlier spring snowmelt typically cause soils to be drier for longer, increasing the likelihood of drought and a longer wildfire season, particularly in the western United States.”

“(H)ot dry conditions also increase the likelihood that wildfires will be more intense and long-burning once they are started by lightning strikes or human error.”

“The costs of wildfires, in terms of risks to human life and health, property damage, and state and federal dollars, are devastating, and they are only likely to increase unless we better address the risks of wildfires and reduce our activities that lead to further climate change.”

Since the 1980s, the frequency and duration of wildfires increased. Further climate change ahead elevates the potential for more devastating blazes in US western areas and in other countries.

“As the world warms, we can expect more wildfires,” the UCS stressed. In California alone, millions of homes in coastal and inland areas are potentially threatened.

Environmental and health costs threaten affected areas and their residents, increasing the risk of widespread respiratory and other diseases.

Loss of vegetation increases the chance for destructive flash floods in low-lying areas during rainy season.

Human activity is largely responsible for what’s going on. If environmentally destructive behavior continues, things ahead will likely be much worse than already.

It’s why government-mandated changes are vital, including the shift from fossil fuels and nuclear energy producing greenhouse gases to clean renewable green sources.

Asked about whether climate change bears responsibility for California wildfires, Trump said devastation he saw hasn’t changed his view on the issue, adding:

“Things are changing. And I think, most importantly, we’re doing things about. We’re going to make it better. We’re going to make it a lot better. And it’s going to happen as quickly as it can possibly happen.”

He blames “a lot of factors” for California blazes, earlier blaming poor state forest management is for continuing wildfires, adding:

“With proper forest management, we can stop the devastation constantly going on in California.” He failed to explain that around 60% of state forest areas are federally managed.

International Association of Fire Fighters president Harold Schaitberger slammed Trump, calling his remarks “reckless and insulting to the firefighters and people being affected.”

As long as he and many others in Washington are dismissive of climate change and other environmental factors affecting wildfires and other natural disasters, they’ll continue and likely worsen.


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Award-winning author Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com.

Featured image is from Earther – Gizmodo

Manlio Dinucci in this carefully documented Pandora TV production focuses on US-NATO military deployment in Italy and around the World in what might described as “Global NATO”.

Manlio Dinucci, distinguished Italian author, geopolitical analyst and geographer is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization CRG).




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Happy ThanksGetting Day. Poverty and Social Inequality in America

November 17th, 2018 by Philip A Farruggio

Yes, we need to finally absolve ourselves, as Amerikans, from the con job concerning Thanksgiving Day. All the ‘pomp and circumstance’ revolving around this holiday is just that, to quote Ebenezer Scrooge (one month early): Humbug!

Of course, even the southern Colonial slaves and Northern ‘indentured servants’ of that era would be thankful to just have a roof over their heads and enough to eat each day. Yet, it was only the slave masters and owners of property and capital who could kneel in their churches or bow in reflected prayer at their lavish dinner tables in true thanksgiving.

Amerika 2018 consists of well over 100 million of our citizens who are lucky just to stay head above water financially… perhaps a few paychecks from being out on the street… literally!

How many families who live next door to me and to YOU (or maybe YOU yourself the reader) who have to have two (or more?)  wage earners full time to just be able to function? How many single parents of even just one child need to live with their parents (if lucky to be able to) in order to function properly?

What about a single mom all on her own? Do the math: How can a single Mom with let us say just one child, who works a blue or even white collar full time job on one salary, be able to stay head above water on let us say the USA median salary for a woman ($ 39,900)? She most likely pays rent, and in my area of North Central Florida even a small two bedroom apt. goes for on average $ 1200 a month in a somewhat ‘safe’ low crime neighborhood.

With her take home pay of $ 725 plus her health insurance contribution (usually 50%) of $ 80 a week, the figure is now $ 645. She would most likely need a car to get around (my area is mostly ‘car driven’ with not the greatest mass transit) and let us say that for even a low end car her payments would be $ 225 monthly for a new car loan, bringing her take home figure to now $ 420. Factor in her car insurance of $ 100 a month, and her take home figure is now $ 320 a week. She and her child need some sort of cable television, and even the low end cable is going to be at least $ 50 a month… and her take home figure is now $ 270 a week. Her phone/internet cost, even at the low end, would have to be at least $ 80 a month, bringing her figure down to $ 190 a week. Then you have food costs for her and her child, clothing costs, gas for her car, and God forbid one of them gets sick, or needs dental work, which is not covered….

The CEOs of all the companies that this single mom pays her hard earned money to earn in excess of a minimum of $ 20 million a year. Some earn double that figure! Within their own companies these CEOs earn in excess of 300 times the pay of their average workers. These folks have lots to be thankful of next Thursday! Mind you: Where is the outrage?

Where is the outcry of millions of working stiffs to say ‘Something is wrong here!?’ This column is just about one tiny example of the unfairness of this current corporate/ capitalist system. Those CEOS and top execs  of Amerikan capitalism, who are even much less than what many label The ONE PERCENT, are paying federal taxes of a top rate of 37%. Now that is before their accountants cut it down to much lower figure than that. Mitt Romney, now a Senator from Utah, admitted a few years ago that he, as a mega mega millionaire, only paid at a rate of perhaps 15%. Please remember that when JFK was president, in 1961, the top tax bracket was at 90%.

Again, with a good accountant, those mega rich may have paid at a rate of maybe 50%. Yet, my late uncle, who was in the 81% bracket then, earning $ 140k a year, still was able to enjoy  two brand new twin Cadillacs for he and my aunt, his exclusive country club membership and a new home in the burbs.

Folks, for this Thanksgiving it is time for we hundreds of millions of working stiffs to begin to accept the need for Socialism. It may just be the only way for our great nation to turn the corner economically and morally. Reread some of the scriptures, for all of you who adhere (as this writer does) to the teachings of Jesus, and see what he said about the mega rich: Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.”


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Philip A Farruggio is a son and grandson of Brooklyn, NYC longshoremen. He has been a free lance columnist since 2001, with over 400 of his work posted on sites like Global Research, Greanville Post, Off Guardian, Consortium News, Information Clearing House, Nation of Change, World News Trust, Op Ed News, Dissident Voice, Activist Post, Sleuth Journal, Truthout and many others. His blog can be read in full on World News Trust, whereupon he writes a great deal on the need to cut military spending drastically and send the savings back to save our cities. Philip has a internet interview show, ‘It’s the Empire… Stupid’ with producer Chuck Gregory, and can be reached at [email protected].

Featured image is from Crazy Bald Guy

The Legacy of Néstor García Iturbe, Cuban Intellectual

November 17th, 2018 by Arnold August

[Note from the author: Néstor García Iturbe, born in Havana, earned his BA in Political Science from the University of Havana and then his PhD in Science of History. In his long career, among other responsibilities, Iturbe was a member of the Scientific Council of the Higher Institute of International Relations Raúl Roa García (ISRI), Director of International Relations at the University of Havana and Advisor to the Cuban Mission at the United Nations in New York. He received numerous awards and wrote up to 10 books, mainly on Cuba–US relations. This obituary note was first published in La Jiribilla magazine (Cuba) on November 14, 2018.]

It is quite customary to say that when writers and intellectuals pass away, such as Néstor García Iturbe, their work remains with us. This is particularly true for Iturbe, whose career underlines this even further, even though it may not be acknowledged by everyone.

I have been reading his work for many years in the form of articles. His writing has always fascinated me, especially with regards to his specialties of Cuba–US relations and the political system in the US. We communicated through email and I appreciated him as being among revolutionary Cubans who do not carry illusions about US imperialism and its long-term objectives, whether in the form of Bush, Obama (with his “smooth tactics”) and Trump. 

Thus, when my book Cuba and Its Neighbours: Democracy in Motion was being presented at the Cuban Institute for Friendship with the Peoples (ICAP) on November 18, 2015, I took a chance and invited Iturbe, even though I was sure he had more important things to do. To my surprise and delight, he showed up. What an honour for me! After the formal part, we exchanged signed books, his, entitled Estados Unidos, de Raíz (“United States, from the Roots”), and mine.

Not long after my next book on Cuba–US relations was published, in 2017, an important article titled “Money from Uncle Obama” was published, thanks to Iroel Sánchez and his unorthodox blog La pupila insomne (translated from the original Spanish by W.T. Whitney Jr.). It consisted of an excerpt from ISRI university thesis work by Aileén Carmenaty Sánchez, whose mentors were Iturbe and Gerardo Hernández Nordelo, Hero of the Republic Cuba and Vice-rector of ISRI. I was so pleased to read this and to contribute to its publication in English and Spanish. The article hit me for a couple of reasons. The first was admittedly “selfish,” because it confirmed one of the main theses of my latest book. And second, most importantly, it was crucial that this reality of Cuba–US relations under Obama get out to the public in Cuba and the rest of the world. It was published at a time when it was not (and indeed it is still not) that “politically correct” to say anything negative about Obama. But, then again, Iturbe preferred principles to being “politically correct.”

Now, at the very time of his passing, this work – as well as his others – is more relevant than ever. Why? It is quite clear to me that the next president of the United States will be Barack Obama, though, of course, not formally. The favourite Democratic candidates looking for nomination and to almost surely defeat Trump in 2020 are Michelle Obama, Jo Biden, Elizabeth Warren and many others. Whichever it may be, my investigation has shown that Barack Obama will be the de facto president, with its relatively good side to Cuba–US relations, but also the dangerous aspect of subverting Cuba from within: seduction to replace aggression once again.

Let us use the work of Iturbe now to make sure naiveté does not further take root. I am quite sure he, his family, his colleagues in Cuba and his many admirers outside the Island would appreciate this.


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This article was originally published on CounterPunch. Translated from Spanish.

Arnold August, a Canadian journalist and lecturer, is the author of Democracy in Cuba and the 1997–98 Elections and, more recently, Cuba and Its Neighbours: Democracy in Motion. Cuba’s neighbours under consideration are the U.S., Venezuela, Bolivia and Ecuador. Arnold can be followed on Twitter @Arnold_August.


Saudi sports diplomacy is proving to be a mirror image of the kingdom’s challenged domestic, regional and foreign policies.

Overlorded by sports czar Turki al-Sheikh, Saudi sports diplomacy, like the kingdom’s broader policies, has produced at best mixed results, suggesting that financial muscle coupled with varying degrees of coercion does not guarantee success.

Mr. Al-Sheikh, a 37-year old brash and often blunt former honorary president of Saudi soccer club Al Taawoun based in Buraidah, a stronghold of religious ultra-conservatism, and a former bodyguard of crown prince Mohammed bin Salman, is together with Saud al-Qahtani among the king-in-waiting’s closest associates.

Prince al-Waleed bin Talal, one of the kingdom’s wealthiest investors, acknowledged Mr. Al-Sheikh’s ranking in the Saudi hierarchy when he made a donation of more than a half-million dollars to Saudi soccer club Al Hilal FC weeks after having been released from detention.

Prince al-Waleed was one of the more recalcitrant detainees among the scores of members of the ruling family, prominent businessmen and senior officials who were detained a year ago in Riyadh’s Ritz Carlton Hotel as part of Prince Mohammed’s power and asset grab.

Prince Al-Waleed said on Twitter at the time that he was “responding to the invitation of my brother Turki al-Sheikh.”

Mr. Al-Qahtani, who was recently fired as Prince Mohammed’s menacing information czar in connection with the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, was banned this week from travelling outside the kingdom. Mr. Al-Sheikh has not been linked to the Khashoggi murder.

Nevertheless, his sports diplomacy, exhibiting some of the brashness that has characterized Prince Mohammed as well as Mr Al-Qahtani’s approach, has largely failed to achieve its goals. If anything, it appears to have contributed to the kingdom’s growing list of setbacks.

Those goals included establishing Saudi Arabia as a powerhouse in regional and global soccer governance; countering Qatari sports diplomacy crowned by its hosting of the 2022 World Cup; projecting the kingdom in a more favourable light by hosting international sporting events; becoming a powerhouse in soccer-crazy Egypt, the Arab world’s most populous nation; and using the competition for the 2026 World Cup hosting rights to bully Morocco into supporting the Saudi-United Arab Emirates-led boycott of Qatar.

To be sure, with the exception of a cancelled tennis exhibition match in Jeddah between stars Rafa Nadal and Novak Djokovic, most scheduled sporting events, including this season’s opening Formula E race in December and the Italian Supercoppa between Juventus and AC Milan in January, are going ahead as planned despite a six-week old crisis sparked by the killing of Mr. Khashoggi.

Yet, if last month’s friendly soccer match in Jeddah between Brazil and Argentina and this month’s World Wrestling Entertainment’s (WWE) Crown Jewel showpiece are anything to go by, major sporting events are doing little to polish the kingdom’s image tarnished not only by the Khashoggi killing but also the war in Yemen that has sparked the world’s worst humanitarian crisis since World War Two. The sports events have so far failed to push Mr. Khashoggi and Yemen out of the headlines of major independent media.

Mainstream media coverage of Saudi sports has, moreover, focussed primarily on Saudi sports diplomacy’s struggle to make its mark internationally. One focus been the fact that Gianni Infantino, president of world soccer body FIFA, has run into opposition from the group’s European affiliate, UEFA, to his plan to endorse a US$25 billion plan for a new club tournament funded by the Saudi and UAE-backed Japanese conglomerate SoftBank.

If adopted, the plan would enhance Saudi and Emirati influence in global soccer governance to the potential detriment of Qatar, the host of the 2022 World Cup. Saudi Arabia and the UAE spearhead a 17-month old economic and diplomatic boycott of Qatar designed to force it to surrender its right to chart an independent course rather than align its policies with those of its Gulf brothers.

Saudi Arabia and the UAE have sought to engineer a situation in which Qatar is either deprived of its hosting rights or forced to share them with other states in the region, a possibility Mr. Infantino has said he was exploring.

Mr. Infantino has also said he was looking into implementing an expansion of the World Cup from 32 to 48 teams already in 2022 rather than only in 2026. An expansion of the Qatari World Cup would probably involve including others in the Gulf as hosts of the tournament. Qatari officials have all but ruled out sharing their hosting rights.

Another media focus has been alleged Saudi piracy aimed at undermining Qatar-owned BeIN Corp, the world’s biggest sports rights holder, including the rights to broadcast last summer’s Russia World Cup in the Arab world.

Mr. Al-Qahtani reportedly played a key role in the sudden emergence of BeoutQ, a bootleg operation beamed from Riyadh-based Arabsat that ripped live events from BeIN’s feed and broadcast the games without paying for rights. The Saudi government has denied any relationship to the pirate network.

The piracy has sparked international lawsuits, including international arbitration in which BeIN is seeking US1 billion in damages from Saudi Arabia. The company has also filed a case with the World Trade Organization.

FIFA has said it has taken steps to prepare for legal action in Saudi Arabia and is working alongside other sports rights owners that have been affected to protect their interests.

Mr. Al-Sheikh’s effort to create with funds widely believed to have been provided by Prince Mohammed an international Saudi sports portfolio that would project the kingdom as a regional power broker collapsed with fans, players and club executives in Egypt furious at the Saudi officials buying influence and using it to benefit Saudi rather than Egyptian clubs.

“No one, no one at all — with all due respect to Turki or no Turki … will be allowed to interfere in the club’s affairs,” said Mahmoud el-Khatib, chairman of Egyptian club Al Ahli SC, one of the Middle East’s most popular clubs with an estimated 50 million fans. Mr. Al-Sheikh had unsuccessfully tried to use his recently acquired honorary chairmanship of Al Ahli to take control of the club.

Al Ahli’s rejection of his power grab persuaded Mr. Al-Sheikh to resign in May and instead bankroll Al Ahli rival Pyramid FC. He invested US$33 million to acquire three top Brazilian players and launch a sports channel dedicated to the team.

The club’s fans, like their Al Ahli counterparts, nonetheless, denounced Mr. Al-Sheikh and the kingdom and insulted the Saudi official’s mother in crass terms during a match in September. Mr. Al-Sheikh decided to abandon his Egyptian adventure after President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi ignored his request to intervene. “Strange attacks from everywhere, and a new story every day. Why the headache?” Mr Al-Sheikh said on Facebook.

Mr. Al-Sheikh’s attempt to form a regional powerbase by creating a breakaway group of South Asian and Middle Eastern soccer federations beyond the confines of FIFA and the Asian Football Confederation (AFC) collapsed five months after the formation of the South-West Asian Football Federation (SWAFF) when seven South Asian nations pulled out with immediate effect.

The collapse of SWAFF and Mr. Al-Sheikh’s withdrawal from Egypt were preceded by his backing of the US-Canadian-Mexican bid for the 2026 World Cup against Morocco after he failed to bully the North Africans into supporting the boycott of Qatar.

Adopting a Saudi Arabia First approach, Mr. Al-Sheikh noted that the United States “is our biggest and strongest ally.” He recalled that when the World Cup was played in 1994 in nine American cities, the US “was one of our favourites. The fans were numerous, and the Saudi team achieved good results.”

That was Mr. Al-Sheikh’s position six months ago. Today, men like Prince Mohammed and Messrs. Al-Sheikh and Al-Qahtani are seething. US President Donald J. Trump is proving to be an unreliable ally. Not only is he pressuring the kingdom to come up with a credible explanation for Mr. Khashoggis’ killing, Mr. Trump is also seemingly backtracking on his promise to bring Iran to its knees by imposing crippling economic sanctions.

Saudi distrust is fuelled by the fact that Mr. Trump first asked the kingdom to raise oil production to compensate for lower crude exports from Iran and then without informing it made a 180-degree turn by offering buyers generous waivers that keep Iranian crude in the market instead of drive exports from Riyadh’s arch-rival down to zero.

Seemingly cut from the same cloth as Prince Mohammed, Mr. Al-Sheikh, drew his pro-American definition of Saudi Arabia First from the crown prince’s focus on the United States. Prince Mohammed, Mr. Al-Sheikh and other senior Saudi officials may be considering whether putting the kingdom’s eggs primarily in one basket remains the best strategy.

Whatever the case, Mr. Al-Sheikh’s sweep through regional and global sports has left Saudi leaders with little to leverage in the kingdom’s bid to pick up the pieces and improve its image tarnished first and foremost by Mr. Khashoggi’s killing but also by the trail the sports czar has left behind.


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This article was originally published on the author’s blog site: The Turbulent World of Middle East Soccer.

Dr. James M. Dorsey is a senior fellow at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, co-director of the University of Würzburg’s Institute for Fan Culture, and co-host of the New Books in Middle Eastern Studies podcast. James is the author of The Turbulent World of Middle East Soccer blog, a book with the same title and a co-authored volume, Comparative Political Transitions between Southeast Asia and the Middle East and North Africa as well as Shifting Sands, Essays on Sports and Politics in the Middle East and North Africa and just published China and the Middle East: Venturing into the Maelstrom. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from the author

With the release of a previously top secret document – made public thanks to a legal victory by the ACLU – disclosing the role of the Office of Medical Services (OMS) in the CIA’s torture program, Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) reminds health professionals that torture, in all its forms, is one of the most serious human rights violations and is absolutely prohibited under U.S. and international law, and that any collusion in its implementation – from planning through monitoring – is a gross violation of professional ethics.

The 90-page document provides a chilling account of how CIA health professionals willingly participated in torture. The “Summary and Reflections” of an unnamed chief of CIA Medical Services narrates the decision-making process that led to health professionals signing off on, and participating in, interrogation and detention practices that clearly constituted torture. The document provides a cascade of self-justification and minimization of the risks and harm to detainees.

“While much of the information in this document was already known, the step-by-step internal process it details shows how health professionals continually acceded to the demands of those running the interrogation regime, relied on flawed legal interpretations of torture definitions,  and failed to live up to their duty to ‘do no harm,’” said Scott Allen, MD, FACP, professor emeritus at University of California Riverside School of Medicine and PHR medical advisor.

The document further describes how certain techniques, such as confinement in a coffin-sized box, forced nakedness, near-hypothermia, prolonged sleep deprivation, and waterboarding were not considered to be torture because they were deemed not to cause “prolonged (mental) harm lasting months or years.”  It is now clear that these determinations were based on the Office of Legal Counsel’s faulty interpretation of torture that elevated physical and mental pain thresholds and the condition of specific intent to cause such pain.

“The document makes the claim that OMS personnel served to protect detainees and ensure safe, legal, and effective interrogations, but provides no evidence that detainees were evaluated appropriately. In fact, it states that psychological assessments did not include the possibility of post-traumatic stress disorder, the most common psychological condition following torture. The document also fails to mention the OMS practice of forced rectal feeding, for which there is no medical indication and which represents a form of sexual assault” said PHR Senior Medical Advisor Vincent Iacopino, MD, PhD.

In addition, the document’s conclusion that the interrogation techniques did not cause long-lasting harm has been proven wrong. Some detainees subjected to these torture techniques who are still held in the Guantánamo Bay detention facility remain severely traumatized, according to PHR medical experts who have examined them. Detainees who have been evaluated after their release from Guantánamo, and elsewhere, also continue to show long-lasting harm, as described in reports such as PHR’s Broken Laws, Broken Lives.

The document refers to OMS practices being in compliance with American Psychological Association (APA) policies, but fails to acknowledge collusion between the APA, the CIA, and the Department of Defense in establishing those policies. These policies have since been abandoned. The document also attempts to defend against criticism of breaches of medical ethics by indicating that OMS participation was voluntary, that its practices were considered “legal” by the U.S. Department of Justice at the time, and that actionable intelligence was obtained and lives were saved. The author of the document rejects international medical ethical principles of “do no harm” as well as legal prohibitions against participation in torture by asserting that “saving lives” takes priority over respect for human dignity. We have learned since, from a 2014 Senate Select Committee on Intelligence report, that no actionable intelligence was ever obtained using “enhanced interrogation” techniques that could not otherwise have been gathered.

This document is a revealing self-indictment of U.S. torture practices and the critical role of CIA OMS personnel in participating in and concealing torture. It shows health professionals’ disregard for core ethical principles, including the World Medical Association’s Declaration of Tokyo, requiring that they remove themselves from all forms of participation in torture or ill-treatment.

“This document shows that within the CIA OMS culture in the post-9/11 years, there was a lack of understanding of the moral and ethical issues involved in the presence and cooperation of health professionals in interrogations and their willingness to preside over the deliberate infliction of pain on detainees,” Iacopino said. “The author of the document expresses continual concern for the physical safety of detainees, but he shows no qualms about OMS personnel participating in the interrogations that caused great pain and suffering to the detainees. This was an improper role for health professionals and OMS shows that it was blind or indifferent to ethical concerns raised by their participation,” he added.

Based on the new details in this document, PHR renews its call on the U.S. government, especially all CIA medical professionals, to take immediate action to make structural and procedural reforms to ensure that such human rights abuses – including the collusion and cover up of health professionals, in violation of their professional ethics – never happen again. As an organization of health professionals, PHR looks forward to those in positions of authority recognizing the important role played by doctors, psychologists, therapists, and others who practice medicine to ensure that torture tactics are never enabled by professionals whose primary obligation is to their patients, and that all agency operations respect the right to dignity and care for the individual.

Torture is absolutely prohibited under U.S. and international law at all times, and preventing the torture of those in custody is integral to the ethical duties and culture of health professionals. Torture violates everything that health professionals stand for and PHR will continue to advocate to ensure the U.S. government never engages in torture again.


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Brazil Will Miss Cuban Doctors

November 17th, 2018 by Granma

The National Council of Municipal Health Secretaries and the National Front of Brazilian Mayors warned rightwing President-elect Jair Bolsonaro of the imminent, irreparable damage to the population’s health, as a consequence of Cuba leaving the More Doctors program.

In a joint statement, the two organizations lamented the suspension of the agreement between the Pan American Health organization and the Cuban government which allowed for the work of some 8,500 doctors from the island in Brazil.

Estimates indicate that 29 million Brazilians will be left without medical assistance after the partnership’s interruption. Thus, these bodies have requested a revision of the position taken by the new government, which has announced its intention to make drastic changes to the program’s regulations. The mayors and healthcare authorities called for maintaining current contract conditions, which were approved in 2016 by the Michel Temer administration and confirmed by the Supreme Federal Court in 2017.

“The abrupt cancelation of the current contracts implies a cruel impact on the entire population, especially the poorest. We cannot renounce the constitutional principle of making the right to health universal, or agree with this setback,” the statement indicated.

Cubans currently represent more than half of the doctors in the program, and the cancellation of their contracts would lead to a situation described by these organizations as disastrous, in at least 3,243 municipalities. Of the country’s 5,570 municipalities, 3,228 (79.5%) only have doctors provided by the program, and 90% of the services available to the indigenous population are provided by Cuban professionals.

The statement also notes that the More Doctors program is broadly supported by those served, indicating,

“Eighty-five percent say that health care has improved with the program. In the municipalities, it is also possible to verify the greater permanence of these professionals on the family health teams and their integration within the locales where they are assigned.”

The program was won by Brazilian municipalities, developed in response to the “Where is the doctor?” campaign led by the Mayors Front in 2013. At that time, local officials made clear the difficulties they faced in contracting and placing professionals in the country’s interior, and in poor communities on the outskirts of large cities.

The text notes that the abrupt interruption of cooperation with the Cuban government, focused on prevention at the primary level, will negatively impact the health system, increasing demands for doctors’ appointments at higher level institutions, and additionally aggravate regional inequalities.

“For the designated G100 (a group of cities with large vulnerable populations) the situation is even more devastating. With the goal of reducing the shortage of basic services in these cities, the G100 has been targeted and prioritized for the reception of these professionals.”

Dilma Rousseff stated,

“For the poor, this will be an irreparable loss.

“The end of the agreement was caused by the intemperate statements of President-elect Jair Bolsonaro, who ignores the diplomatic dimension that must prevail in relations between two countries,” continued the former President who launched the More Doctors program.

For the poorest, the end of the program will be a great loss in the short and long run. Tens of millions of Brazilians across the entire country will be without primary care, Rousseff stated, describing Bolsonaro’s decision as unilateral and disrespectful, “criticizing on Twitter the terms of the agreement signed during my administration and renewed, without modifications, by the government of President Temer,” she noted.

“He disregarded, with absolute arrogance, the diplomatic postures required in relations between countries The most serious, therefore, is that all of this has occurred without consulting the signatories of the agreement, the PAHO (Pan American Health Organization) and the Cuban Ministry of Public Health. His rash, authoritarian statements could even disturb doctors from other countries, participating to a lesser degree in the More Doctors Program.”

Rousseff recalled the President-elect’s statements that he would impose individual contracts on foreign participants in the program, require exams and the validation of credentials, and pay professionals directly, ignoring the Cuban government’s guarantee of a full salary for doctors.

“The demand to subject foreign doctors to an exam in Brazil can only be seen as a gesture of disrespect, xenophobia, and arrogance, directed toward health professionals from other countries. Especially since the (Cuban) Ministries of Public Health and Education supervise the work of all doctors and evaluate their performance,” she continued.

According to Rousseff, Bolsonaro’s affront to Cuban doctors, and those from other countries working in the program, is an attack on the Brazilian people, who will lose access to valuable, highly-skilled professionals providing primary care to the poorest sectors of the population.

“Moreover, this is an authoritarian attitude. It reveals incompetence, unilaterally breaking an agreement signed by a respected, internationally recognized health organization.

“The Brazilian population has benefited from the generous competence of Cuban doctors, who the Brazilian government should recognize for their fraternal solidarity. I convey a tribute to them, my gratitude. The work of these dedicated, generous professionals will be missed by Brazilians,” she concluded.


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One has to admire the Canadian government’s manipulation of the media regarding its relationship with Saudi Arabia. Despite being partners with the Kingdom’s international crimes, the Liberals have managed to convince some gullible folks they are challenging Riyadh’s rights abuses.

By downplaying Ottawa’s support for violence in Yemen while amplifying Saudi reaction to an innocuous tweet the dominant media has wildly distorted the Trudeau government’s relationship to the monarchy.

In a story headlined “Trudeau says Canada has heard Turkish tape of Khashoggi murder”, Guardian diplomatic editor Patrick Wintour affirmed that “Canada has taken a tough line on Saudi Arabia’s human rights record for months.” Hogwash. Justin Trudeau’s government has okayed massive arms sales to the monarchy and largely ignored the Saudi’s devastating war in Yemen, which has left up to 80,000 dead, millions hungry and sparked a terrible cholera epidemic.

While Ottawa recently called for a ceasefire, the Liberals only direct condemnation  of the Saudi bombing in Yemen was an October 2016 statement. It noted, “the Saudi-led coalition must move forward now on its commitment to investigate this incident” after two airstrikes killed over 150  and wounded 500 during a funeral in Sana’a.

By contrast when the first person was killed from a rocket launched into the Saudi capital seven months ago, Chrystia Freeland stated,

Canada strongly condemns the ballistic missile attacks launched by Houthi rebels on Sunday, against four towns and cities in Saudi Arabia, including Riyadh’s international airport. The deliberate targeting of civilians is unacceptable.”

In her release Canada’s foreign minister also accepted the monarchy’s justification for waging war.

“There is a real risk of escalation if these kinds of attacks by Houthi rebels continue and if Iran keeps supplying weapons to the Houthis”, Freeland added.

Ottawa has also aligned itself with Riyadh’s war aims on other occasions. With the $15 billion LAV sale to the monarchy under a court challenge in late 2016, federal government lawyers described Saudi Arabia as “a key military ally who backs efforts of the international community to fight the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria and the instability in Yemen. The acquisition of these next-generation vehicles will help in those efforts, which are compatible with Canadian defence interests.” The Canadian Embassy’s website currently claims “the Saudi government plays an important role in promoting regional peace and stability.”

In recent years the Saudis have been the second biggest recipients of Canadian weaponry, which are frequently used in Yemen. As Anthony Fenton has documented in painstaking detail, hundreds of armoured vehicles made by Canadian company Streit Group in the UAE have been videoed in Yemen.Equipment from three other Canadian armoured vehicle makers – Terradyne, IAG Guardian and General Dynamics Land Systems Canada– was found with Saudi-backed forces in Yemen. Between May and July Canada exported $758.6 million worth of “tanks and other armored fighting vehicles” to the Saudis.

The Saudi coalition used Canadian-made rifles as well.“Canada helped fuel the war in Yemen by exporting more rifles to Saudi Arabia than it did to the U.S. ($7.15 million vs. $4.98 million)”, tweeted Fenton regarding export figures from July and August.

Some Saudi pilots that bombed Yemen were likely trained in Alberta and Saskatchewan. In recent years Saudi pilots have trained  with NATO’s Flying Training in Canada, which is run by the Canadian Forces and CAE. The Montreal-based flight simulator company also trained Royal Saudi Air Force pilots in the Middle East.

Training and arming the monarchy’s military while refusing to condemn its brutal war in Yemen shouldn’t be called a “tough line on Saudi Arabia’s human rights record.” Rather, Canada’s role should be understood for what it is: War profiteer and enabler of massive human rights abuses.


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There never was any doubt about it all along. No one dares circumvent Saudi crown prince Mohammad bin Salman’s (MBS) authority over most everyone. 

Doing it risks ending up like Khashoggi.

MBS is de facto Saudi ruler. What he says goes on virtually all affairs of state, including decisions on life and death.

So-called Saudi courts do his bidding. So do all others in the kingdom except for his father king Salman – in poor health, why he effectively abdicated authority to his favorite son.

A previous article suggested MBS is damaged goods, too incompetent to succeed his father as king, perhaps unacceptable to the West – given repeated policy blunders, Khashoggi’s murder the latest example.

Since appointed crown prince in June 2017, MBS consolidated power by eliminating potential rivals, solidifying control over kingdom domestic and geopolitical affairs – including its economy, foreign relations, military, interior ministry, and intelligence/security apparatus.

Did his power grab overstep? Did it destabilize the kingdom? Was Khashoggi’s abduction and murder a glaring example of incompetence? Will it be his undoing?

It created an international uproar, continuing nearly seven weeks after the October 2 incident.

His elevation to power displaced Mohammad bin Nayef as heir to the Saudi throne, a Western intelligence favorite.

Some of Riyadh’s closest allies believe he’s too reckless and untrustworthy to lead the kingdom. The CIA and Britain’s MI6 may want him replaced.

With international guarantees for his safety, dissident prince Ahmad bin Abdulaziz, king Salman’s younger brother, returned to the kingdom from London.

Was it to challenge MBS as crown prince with CIA/MI6 support? Was it because both spy agencies want him replaced?

Will Abdulaziz succeed him as crown prince or be involved in selecting someone else to become future Saudi king?

According to the neocon/CIA-connected Washington Post, the NYT, Wall Street Journal, Reuters, and other major media, Langley concluded with high confidence, after examining relevant evidence, that MBS bears full responsibility for ordering Khashoggi’s elimination.

Claims by Saudi foreign minister Jubeir and other regime officials, absolving MBS for the murder, are fabricated like all other kingdom versions of what happened to Khashoggi.

It’s significant that the CIA refuted the White House and Riyadh in its conclusion about his murder, a major development.

Since the October 2 incident, Riyadh shifted from one phony explanation about his murder to another, clear evidence that nothing the regime says is credible.

The Wall Street Journal said the CIA’s conclusion about Khashoggi’s murder “may endanger President Trump’s efforts to protect ties with Prince Mohammed,” adding:

US officials familiar with the issue stress that Khashoggi’s murder “would not and could not have happened” without MBS’ involvement and authorization.

A statement by a spokesperson in Riyadh’s Washington embassy denied the CIA’s conclusion, saying “(t)he claims in this purported assessment are false. We have and continue to hear various theories without seeing the primary basis for these speculations.”

Langley, Trump’s spokeswoman, and the State Department declined to comment. Reuters said the CIA briefed briefed the White House and Congress on its assessment of what happened to Khashoggi.

Its conclusion is the most damning one so far, linking MBS directly to Khashoggi’s murder – what Trump, EU leaders, and others have gone all-out to prevent, wanting nothing interfering in dirty business as usual with the kingdom.

Damning intelligence comes from Turkish obtained audio recordings of what happened to Khashoggi inside Riyadh’s Istanbul consulate, along with Ankara’s forensic evidence.

Reports drip-fed what’s known to Turkish and international media almost daily since the killing, refuting fabricated Saudi explanations about the incident.

Over two weeks elapsed after Khashoggi’s October 2 disappearance before Riyadh admitted his elimination, one fabricated version of what happened after another.

None are credible – from an interrogation gone wrong to premeditated murder to killing him after failing to persuade him to return to the kingdom to saying he died from a lethal injection.

Turkish audio and forensic evidence refute all of the above – indicating Khashoggi was murdered straightaway after entering the Istanbul consulate, his body believed dismembered and dissolved in hydrofluoric acid.

He was suffocated to death by a bag over his head to cut off air. His final words were “I’m suffocating. Take this bag off my head.”

How Trump and other world leaders intend dealing with the CIA’s conclusion remains to be seen.

One thing is clear. The world community won’t let Khashoggi’s murder change longstanding relations with Riyadh – not as long as the kingdom is oil-rich and super-wealthy.


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Award-winning author Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com.

The United States has appropriated and is obligated to spend an estimated $5.9 trillion (in current dollars) on the war on terror through Fiscal Year 2019, including direct war and war-related spending and obligations for future spending on post-9/11 war veterans (see Table 1).

This number differs substantially from the Pentagon’s estimates of the costs of the post-9/11 wars because it includes not only war appropriations made to the Department of Defense – spending in the war zones of Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and in other places the government designates as sites of “overseas contingency operations,” – but also includes spending across the federal government that is a consequence of these wars. Specifically, this is war-related spending by the Department of State, past and obligated spending for war veterans’ care, interest on the debt incurred to pay for the wars, and the prevention of and response to terrorism by the Department of Homeland Security.

If the US continues on its current path, war spending will continue to grow. The Pentagon currently projects $80 billion in Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) spending through FY2023. Even if the wars are ended by 2023, the US would still be on track to spend an additional $808 billion (see Table 2) to total at least $6.7 trillion, not including future interest costs. Moreover, the costs of war will likely be greater than this because, unless the US immediately ends its deployments, the number of veterans associated with the post-9/11 wars will also grow. Veterans benefits and disability spending, and the cost of interest on borrowing to pay for the wars, will comprise an increasingly large share of the costs of the US post-9/11 wars.

Table 1, below, summarizes the direct war costs – the OCO budget – and war-related costs through FY2019. These include war-related increases in overall military spending, care for veterans, Homeland Security spending, and interest payments on borrowing for the wars. Including the other areas of war-related spending, the estimate for total US war-related spending allocated through FY2019 is $4.9 trillion.[3] But because the US is contractually and morally obligated to pay for the care of the post-9/11 veterans through their lifetimes, it is prudent to include the costs of care for existing post-9/11 veterans through the next several decades. This means that the US has spent or is obligated to spend $5.9 trillion in current dollars through FY2019.[4] Table 1 represents this bottom-line breakdown for spent and obligated costs.

Table 1. Summary of War Related Spending, in Billions of Current Dollars, Rounded to the Nearest Billion, FY2001- FY2019[5]

Figure 1. US Costs of War: $5.9 Billions of Current Dollars Spent and Obligated, through FY2019[10]

Further, the US military has no plans to end the post-9/11 wars in this fiscal year or the next. Rather, as the inclusion of future years spending estimates in the Pentagon’s budget indicates, the DOD anticipates military operations in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq and Syria necessitating funding through at least FY2023. Thus, including anticipated OCO and other war-related spending, and the fact that the post-9/11 veterans will require care for the next several decades, I estimate that through FY2023, the US will spend and take on obligations to spend more than $6.7 trillion.

To read the full PDF report by Professor Neta C. Crawford, click here.


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NBC News maintains that four sources in US government agencies (probably the FBI and the State Department) told its reporters that the Trump White House is seeking ways to expel Turkish religious leader Fethullah Gulen. But the kicker is that Trump apparently is exploring the extradition as a bribe to shut Turkish president Tayyip Erdogan up about the murder of dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi on the orders of crown prince Mohammed Bin Salman. The Saudis are now trying to pin the blame on lower-level operatives, whom they have sentenced to death. But Erdogan has been like a bulldog, insisting that Bin Salman ordered the hit (which is the only logical).

NBC says that career officials were absolutely furious when they figured out what was behind the White House requests. It is of course the ultimate in shamelessness for Trump to have a US green card holder sent to the gallows in Turkey in order to cover up the murder of another US green card holder murdered in the Saudi consulate.

Turkey maintains that Gulen’s Hizmet Movement is a front for terrorist activities and was behind the failed 2016 military coup attempt against Tayyip Erdogan. I think there is evidence that the group is a cult and that it did attempt to infiltrate key Turkish government institutions, in the way of the old Stalinist covert cells. But that all Gulenists are terrorists is pretty hard to believe; the group runs schools and universities and those institutions haven’t been violent (they have been shut down in Turkey proper). That the upper echelons of the leadership have been involved in shady goings-on is plausible (just as it is possible with regard to the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, which is being treated by the al-Sisi government the way Ankara is now treating the Gulenists).

The US government has repeatedly denied such Turkish requests, and disputes that the evidence the Turkish government has provided to the FBI is sufficient to warrant Gulen’s extradition. (This datum in the NBC reporting is itself significant, since it means that Turkey has not been able to provide convincing documentation on the origins of the 2016 coup to US authorities.)

Erdogan’s campaign to unseat the crown prince has been extremely inconvenient for Trump. Trump has said that Saudi purchases of billions in US weaponry cannot be put in jeopardy over Khashoggi’s murder. Bin Salman is also the linchpin of the Trump administration’s anti-Iran coalition, and to the extent that he is permanently weakened by the fallout over Khashoggi, Iran is strengthened. Bin Salman only had part of the Gulf Cooperation Council (Kuwait, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates) with him on boycotting Iran. Oman and Qatar have refused to join in, and even Kuwait is soft on this issue. Egypt, Jordan and Morocco were aboard, but offered little practical support, and both Egypt and Jordan want improved relations with the pro-Iran government of Bashar al-Assad in Syria. With Bin Salman being ridiculed as “The Sawman” (Abu Minshar), like a cartoon villain, it is hard to see how he can lead a charge against Iran.

In fact, the strategy of flooding the market with extra oil has already backfired, harming the Saudi and other Arab producers’ bottom line, and Saudi Arabia has announced cutbacks for next month (cutbacks that will help Iran withstand the boycott, since it may sell less oil but get more per barrel).

Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon are pro-Iran and Qatar has correct relations with Tehran, plus Russia and China are with Iran. The European Union is trying to protect Iran and keep the 2015 nuclear deal. The US-backed Bin Salman’s success in the anti-Iran push was already in doubt before the murder of Khashoggi. Now it is in severe doubt.

Hence Trump’s desperate ploy, finally to shut Erdogan up about the crown prince and let the whole controversy die down if possible, so as to preserve Bin Salman as quarterback of the White House Middle East game.

A stronger phrase than abject shamelessness needs to be coined in order fully to characterize the cheapness of what the White House is apparently considering. (Note that the White House denies the NBC story; but four sources are pretty damning).


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Juan Cole is the founder and chief editor of Informed Comment and Richard P. Mitchell Professor of History at the University of Michigan. He is author of, among many other books, Muhammad: Prophet of Peace amid the Clash of Empires. Follow him at @jricole.

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Empire’s Currency: The Lie

November 17th, 2018 by Mark Taliano

Empire’s currency is the Lie, which is why the Truth sounds bizarre to all but the well-informed. 

Largely unelected policymakers make the decisions in the West’s non-democracies, while fabricated narratives are amplified by politicians and colonial media.  

The transnational ruling class of oligarchs propagate diseconomies, dystopia, permanent war and terrorism.

Whereas Canada, for example, supports ISIS, al Qaeda, neo-Nazis[1], and criminal wars of aggression, most Canadians have been programmed to think that Canada is progressive. The Lie transcends and obliterates simple truths. Some Canadians and Americans would be horrified if they were confronted with the Truth. 

Consider, for example, ISIS. Whereas ISIS is thought to be the enemy, NATO policymakers have actually created what ISIS terrorists now call an “Islamic State” east of the Euphrates. This oil-rich “Islamic State”[2] has been on the NATO drawing boards for years. The blueprint takes the form of Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) document 14-L-0552.[3]

Some of the more salient points, as reported by Brad Hoff, are as follows:

  • Al-Qaeda drives the opposition in Syria
  • The West identifies with the opposition
  • The establishment of a “Salafist Principality” in Eastern Syria is “exactly” what the external powers supporting the opposition want (identified as “the West, Gulf Countries, and Turkey”) in order to weaken the Assad government

More graphically, the Western/ISIS created “Islamic State” looks like this.

NATO policymakers must be exuberant.

But this is only a partial success story.  NATO’s destruction of Libya[4] was an unblemished success story. Libya’s debt-free economy was destroyed and plundered, and now it will be beholden to International Financial Institutions and IMF (neoliberal) “economic medicine” which will privatize, enslave and further impoverish the country.  Big Finance, a hidden driver behind imperialism and NATO invasions, will profit immensely from Libya’s destruction.  

Globalized war and poverty is what the ruling classes have in store for all of us, beneath veils of lies. 


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Mark Taliano is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG) and the author of Voices from Syria, Global Research Publishers, 2017.


1. Max Blumenthal, “Blowback: An Inside Look at How US-Funded Fascists in Ukraine Mentor US White Supremacists.” Mint Press News, 15 November, 2018.( https://www.mintpressnews.com/us-backed-fascist-azov-battalion-in-ukraine-is-training-and-radicalizing-american-white-supremacists/251951/ ) Accessed 16 November, 2018.

2. Facebook message from Lilly Martin to Mark Taliano, November, 2018.

3. Brad Hoff, “2012 Defense Intelligence Agency document: West will facilitate rise of Islamic State ‘in order to isolate the Syrian regime.’ “ Levant Report. 19 May, 2015. (https://levantreport.com/2015/05/19/2012-defense-intelligence-agency-document-west-will-facilitate-rise-of-islamic-state-in-order-to-isolate-the-syrian-regime/) Accessed 16 November, 2018.

 4. Prof. Michel Chossudovsky, “Destroying a Country’s Standard of Living: What Libya Had Achieved, What has been Destroyed.” Global Research. 14 November, 2018, 20 September 2011. (https://www.globalresearch.ca/destroying-a-country-s-standard-of-living-what-libya-had-achieved-what-has-been-destroyed/26686) Accessed 16 November, 2018.

Order Mark Taliano’s Book “Voices from Syria” directly from Global Research.

Mark Taliano combines years of research with on-the-ground observations to present an informed and well-documented analysis that refutes  the mainstream media narratives on Syria. 

Voices from Syria 

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-1-6

Author: Mark Taliano

Year: 2017

Pages: 128 (Expanded edition: 1 new chapter)

List Price: $17.95

Special Price: $9.95 

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Os destruidores da Líbia, agora «pela Líbia»

November 17th, 2018 by Manlio Dinucci

Um crescente (símbolo do islamismo) representado como um hemisfério estilizado que, ladeado por uma estrela e as palavras «for/with Libya» (para/com a Líbia), representa “um mundo que quer colocar-se ao lado da Líbia”: é o logotipo da “Conferência para a Líbia”, promovida pelo governo italiano, como mostra o tricolor na parte inferior do crescente/hemisfério. A Conferência Internacional desenrola-se nos dias 12 e 13 de Novembro, em Palermo, naquela Sicília que, há sete anos, foi a principal base de lançamento para a guerra com a qual a NATO, sob comando USA, demoliu o Estado líbio. Ela foi iniciada, financiando e armando na Líbia, sectores tribais e grupos islâmicos hostis ao governo de Trípoli e infiltrando no país, forças especiais, incluindo milhares de comandos catarianos, disfarçados de “rebeldes líbios”.

Era assim lançado, em Março de 2011, o ataque aéreo USA/NATO que durou 7 meses. A aviação realizou 30 mil missões, das quais 10 mil de ataque, empregando mais de 40 mil bombas e mísseis. A Itália, por vontade de um vasto arco político, da direita à esquerda, participava na guerra não só com a sua própria aviação e marinha, mas colocava à disposição das forças USA/NATO, 7 bases aéreas: Trapani, Sigonella, Pantelleria, Gioia del Colle, Amendola, Decimomannu e Aviano. Com a guerra de 2011, a NATO arrasava aquele Estado que, na margem sul do Mediterrâneo, em frente à Itália, tinha alcançado, embora com consideráveis ​​disparidades internas, “altos níveis de crescimento económico e desenvolvimento humano” (como documentava, em 2010, o Banco Mundial), superiores aos de outros países africanos. Testemunhavam-no, o facto de que tinham encontrado trabalho na Líbia, cerca de dois milhões de imigrantes, a maior parte, africanos. Ao mesmo tempo, a Líbia teria possibilitado, com os seus fundos soberanos, o nascimento, em África, de organismos económicos independentes e uma moeda africana. USA e França – provam-no os emails da Secretária de Estado, Hillary Clinton – concordaram em bloquear, antes de tudo, o plano de Gaddafi de criar uma moeda africana, em alternativa ao dólar e ao franco CFA, imposto pela França às suas 14 antigas colónias africanas.

Derrubado o Estado e Gaddafi assassinado, na situação caótica que se seguiu, iniciou-se, no plano internacional e interno, uma luta feroz para a divisão de um espólio enorme: as reservas petrolíferas (as maiores de África) e de gás natural; o imenso lençol freático núbio de água fóssil, o ouro branco em perspectiva mais precioso do que o ouro negro; o próprio território líbio, de primordial  importância geoestratégica; os fundos soberanos, cerca de 150 biliões de dólares investidos no exterior pelo Estado líbio, “congelados”, em 2011, nos principais bancos europeus e dos EUA. Por outras palavras, roubados. Por exemplo, dos 16 biliões de euros de fundos líbios “congelados”  no Euroclear Bank, na Bélgica e em Luxemburgo, apareceram apenas 10. “A partir de 2013 – documenta a RTBF (Rádio  TV francófona belga) – centenas de milhões de euros, provenientes desses fundos, foram enviados para a Líbia a fim de financiar a guerra civil que causou uma grave crise migratória”. Muitos imigrantes africanos, na Líbia, foram presos e torturados por milícias islâmicas. A Líbia tornou-se a principal rota de trânsito, nas mãos dos traficantes e dos  manipuladores internacionais, de um fluxo caótico migratório que, desde então no Mediterrâneo, tem provocado a cada ano, mais vítimas das bombas da NATO, lançadas em 2011.

Não podemos calar, como também fizeram os organizadores da anti-Cimeira de Palermo que, na origem desta tragédia humana, está a guerra USA/NATO que há sete anos desmantelou em África, um Estado na sua totalidade.

Manlio Dinucci

il manifesto, 13 de Novembro de 2018

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VIDEO: I distruttori della Libia ora «per la Libia»

November 17th, 2018 by Manlio Dinucci

Una mezzaluna (simbolo dell’islamismo) raffigurata come uno stilizzato emisfero che, affiancato da una stella e le parole «for/with Libya» (per/con la Libia), rappresenta «un mondo che vuole porsi dalla parte della Libia»: è il logo della «Conferenza per la Libia» promossa dal governo italiano, come evidenzia il tricolore nella parte inferiore della mezzaluna/emisfero. La Conferenza internazionale si svolge il 12-13 novembre a Palermo, in quella Sicilia che sette anni fa è stata la principale base di lancio della guerra con cui la NATO sotto comando USA ha demolito lo Stato libico. Essa veniva iniziata finanziando e armando in Libia settori tribali e gruppi islamici ostili al governo di Tripoli e infiltrando nel paese forze speciali, tra cui migliaia di commandos qatariani camuffati da «ribelli libici».

Veniva quindi lanciato, nel marzo 2011, l’attacco aeronavale USA/NATO durato 7 mesi.  L’aviazione effettuava 30 mila missioni, di cui 10 mila di attacco, con impiego di oltre 40 mila bombe e missili. L’Italia, per volontà di un vasto arco politico dalla destra alla sinistra, partecipava alla guerra non solo con la propria aeronautica e marina, ma mettendo a disposizione delle forze USA/NATO 7 basi aeree: Trapani, Sigonella, Pantelleria, Gioia del Colle, Amendola, Decimomannu e Aviano. Con la guerra del 2011 la NATO demoliva  quello Stato che, sulla sponda sud del Mediterraneo di fronte all’Italia, aveva raggiunto, pur con notevoli disparità interne, «alti livelli di crescita economica e sviluppo umano» (come documentava nel 2010 la stessa Banca Mondiale), superiori a quelli degli altri paesi africani. Lo testimoniava il fatto che avevano trovato lavoro in Libia circa due milioni di immigrati, per lo più africani. Allo stesso tempo la Libia avrebbe reso possibile, con i suoi fondi sovrani, la nascita in Africa di organismi economici indipendenti e di una moneta africana. USA e Francia – provano le mail della segretaria di Stato Hillary Clinton – si erano accordati per bloccare anzitutto il piano di Gheddafi di creare una moneta africana, in alternativa al dollaro e al franco CFA imposto dalla Francia a 14 ex colonie africane.

Demolito lo Stato e assassinato Gheddafi, nella situazione caotica che ne è seguita è iniziata, sul piano internazionale e interno, una lotta al coltello per la spartizione di un enorme bottino: le riserve petrolifere, le maggiori dell’Africa, e di gas naturale; l’immensa falda nubiana di acqua fossile, l’oro bianco in prospettiva più prezioso dell’oro nero; lo stesso territorio libico di primaria importanza geostrategica; i fondi sovrani, circa 150 miliardi di dollari investiti all’estero dallo Stato libico, «congelati» nel 2011 nelle maggiori banche europee e statunitensi, in altre parole rapinati. Ad esempio, dei 16 miliardi di euro di fondi libici, bloccati nella Euroclear Bank in Belgio e Lussemburgo, ne sono spariti oltre 10. «Dal 2013 – documenta la RTBF (radiotelevisione francofona belga) – centinaia di milioni di euro, provenienti di tali fondi, sono stati inviati in Libia per finanziare la guerra civile che ha provocato una grave crisi migratoria». Molti immigrati africani in Libia sono stati imprigionati e torturati dalle milizie islamiche. La Libia è divenuta la principale via di transito, in mano a trafficanti e manovratori internazionali, di un caotico flusso migratorio che nel Mediterraneo ha provocato ogni anno più vittime delle bombe NATO del 2011.

Non si può tacere, come hanno fatto perfino gli organizzatori del controvertice di Palermo, che all’origine di questa tragedia umana c’è la guerra USA/NATO che sette anni fa ha demolito in Africa un intero Stato.

Manlio Dinucci

il manifesto, 13 novembre 2018

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VIDEO: Die Zerstörer Libyens sind jetzt „für Libyen“

November 17th, 2018 by Manlio Dinucci

Ein Halbmond (ein Symbol des Islamismus), der wie eine stilisierte Erdhalbkugel gestaltet ist, die, flankiert von einem Stern und den Worten “für/mit Libyen”, eine Welt darstellt, die „auf der Seite Libyens sein will“ – das ist das Logo der von der italienischen Regierung organisierten „Konferenz für Libyen“, was durch die dreifarbige Flagge im unteren Teil des Halbmonds/der Halbkugel veranschaulicht wird.

Die Internationale Konferenz findet vom 12. bis 13. November in Palermo auf der Insel Sizilien statt, die noch vor sieben Jahren die wichtigste Basis war, von der aus die NATO unter dem Kommando der USA ihren Krieg zur Zerstörung des Staates Libyen begann. Der Krieg wurde vorbereitet, indem bestimmte Stammessektoren und islamistische Gruppen in Libyen finanziert und bewaffnet wurden, die der Regierung von Tripolis feindlich gesinnt waren, und indem Spezialeinheiten in das Land infiltriert wurden, darunter Tausende von katarischen Kommandos, die als „libysche Rebellen“ getarnt waren. Im März 2011 wurde dann der Luftwaffenangriff der USA und der NATO gestartet – er dauerte sieben Monate. Die Fliegertruppe flog 30.000 Einsätze, davon 10.000 Angriffe, und setzte mehr als 40.000 Bomben und Raketen ein.

Auf Wunsch einer großen politischen Gruppe, die sich von links nach rechts erstreckt, nahm auch Italien an dem Krieg teil, nicht nur durch den Einsatz seiner Fliegertruppe und seiner Marine, sondern auch durch das Angebot an die USA und die NATO, sieben Luftwaffenstützpunkte – Trapani, Sigonella, Pantelleria, Gioia del Colle, Amendola, Decimomannu und Aviano – zu nutzen.

Mit diesem Krieg im Jahr 2011 zerstörte die NATO den Staat Libyen, der sich am Südufer des Mittelmeeres gegenüber Italien befindet, einem Staat, der – zugegebenermaßen mit einigen bemerkenswerten internen Unterschieden – ein „hohes Maß an Wirtschaftswachstum und menschlicher Entwicklung“ erreicht hatte (wie die Weltbank selbst 2010 erklärte), „das dem der anderen afrikanischen Länder überlegen war“. Der Beweis dafür ist, dass fast zwei Millionen Einwanderer, die meisten davon Afrikaner, in Libyen Arbeit gefunden hatten. Gleichzeitig hatte Libyen mit seiner eigenen Staatskasse die Entwicklung unabhängiger Wirtschaftsorganisationen und einer afrikanischen Währung in Afrika ermöglicht.

Wie die E-Mails von [Ex-]Außenministerin Hillary Clinton beweisen, haben sich die USA und Frankreich darauf geeinigt, den Plan von Kadhafi, eine afrikanische Währung, eine Alternative zum Dollar und den CFA-Franc, den Frankreich 14 afrikanischen Ex-Kolonien auferlegt hat, um jeden Preis zu blockieren.

Nach der Zerstörung des Staates und der Ermordung von Mouamar Kadhafi begann in der darauf folgenden chaotischen Situation ein brutaler Kampf, sowohl intern als auch international, um die Beute – die riesigen Öl- und Erdgasreserven, die riesigen nubischen unterirdischen fossilen Wasserreserven – zu verteilen; dieses weiße Gold, aus einem Blickwinkel wertvoller als das schwarze Gold; das libysche Territorium selbst, von vorrangiger geostrategischer Bedeutung; der souveräne Staatsschatz, etwa 150 Milliarden Dollar, die vom libyschen Staat im Ausland investiert und 2011 bei den wichtigsten europäischen und US-amerikanischen Banken „eingefroren“ wurden oder mit anderen Worten – gestohlen. So sind beispielsweise von den 16 Milliarden Euro, die von der Euroclear Bank in Belgien und Luxemburg für libysche Vermögenswerte gesperrt wurden, mehr als 10 Milliarden verschwunden. „Seit 2013“, so der RTBF (RadioTelevision Francophone Belge), „wurden Hunderte von Millionen Euro aus diesem Vermögen nach Libyen geschickt, um den Bürgerkrieg zu finanzieren, der eine schwere Migrantenkrise auslöste“.

Viele afrikanische Einwanderer in Libyen wurden von islamischen Milizen gefangen genommen und gefoltert. Libyen, das sich nun in den Händen von Menschenhändlern und internationalen Manipulatoren befindet, wurde zum wichtigsten Transitland für eine chaotische Migrationsflut, die jedes Jahr im Mittelmeer mehr Opfer forderte als NATO-Bomben im Jahr 2011.

Wir können nicht schweigen, wie es selbst die Organisatoren des Gegengipfels in Palermo getan haben – die Wahrheit ist, dass der Ursprung dieser menschlichen Tragödie in den Kriegen der USA und der NATO liegt, die vor sieben Jahren einen ganzen Staat in Afrika zerstört haben.

Manlio Dinucci

Übersetzung: K.R.

il manifesto, 13.November 2018



Manlio Dinucci

Geograph und Geopolitiker. Letztes veröffentliche Werk: Laboratorio di geografia, Zanichelli 2014 ; Diario di viaggio, Zanichelli 2017 ; L’arte della guerra / Annali della strategia Usa/Nato 1990-2016, Zambon 2016, Guerra Nucleare. Il Giorno Prima 2017; Diario di guerra Asterios Editores 2018

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House Members Block Resolution to End Yemen War

November 16th, 2018 by Stephen Lendman

The US led war in Yemen has been ongoing almost as long as the one in Afghanistan – because both Republicans and Democrats oppose resolution in all US war theaters.

On November 14 House Republicans blocked a resolution to end war in Yemen by ending US military support for Saudi Arabia and the UAE.

Yemen is America’s war, launched by Bush/Cheney, supported by Obama for eight years, by Trump for nearly two years.

The resolution called “Manage Our Wolves Act” included a Dem provision on Yemen, solely for political reasons, a grandstanding stunt, not one of conviction.

Dems are as pro-war on humanity as Republicans, unconcerned about the human cost, civilians harmed most in all war theaters – notably in Yemen, famine stalking millions because of endless war and blockade.

Dem Rep. Ro Khanna invoked the 1973 War Powers Act. Enacted to check presidential power to wage war without congressional approval – except under “national emergency (conditions) by attack upon the United States, its territories or possessions, or its armed forces” it hasn’t worked as intended.

It’s supposed to require presidents to notify Congress within 48 hours of committing armed forces to military action, forbidding them from remaining for more than 60 days in combat, a further 30-day withdrawal period granted – no longer without congressional authorization.

Since enacted into law, the measure was repeatedly violated by presidents, ignored by Congress, notably during the rape of Yugoslavia and endless post-9/11 wars of aggression against nations threatening no one.

Invoking the War Powers Act on Wednesday gave the Yemen resolution “privileged” status, allowing it to bypass the process involving legislation passing through committees before reaching the House and Senate floor.

Republicans stripped the resolution of status. Khanna was over the top calling the action “unprecedented in American history,” adding:

“What the majority is saying is that if the president of the United States and the speaker believe we should be in war, we should be at war.”

It’s how it’s largely been since WW II – with overwhelming bipartisan support. Both right wings of America’s one-party state support endless wars of aggression – including in Yemen for over 17 years.

The notion that Dems are concerned about Yemeni suffering and deaths flies in the face of their abhorrence of peace and stability anywhere – the same as Republicans.

The last US president against war, wanting all US forces out of Vietnam, was assassinated by the CIA. Jack Kennedy’s transformation from warrior to peacemaker cost him his life.

It’s a lesson not lost on successors. Go along with imperial wars or end up like JFK.

They all supported and continue to support endless US wars of aggression against nations threatening no one.

Khanna represents the strongly Dem California 17th congressional district – elected in November 2016, reelected on November 6, earlier serving as Obama’s deputy assistant Commerce Department secretary, supporting his regime’s imperial agenda.

It included terror-bombing seven countries, including Yemen. Khanna’s call for ending war in Yemen belies his earlier support – including for US naked aggression in multiple other theaters, likely supporting them now.

The vast majority of congressional members back Washington’s imperial agenda – why there’s no prospect of ending US wars.

Khanna was less than candid, saying

“(t)here’s not a single American who wouldn’t want the violence to end,” adding:

“I plead with my Republican colleagues. Please vote no on this resolution. Let’s have a debate. Let’s have a debate about the starvation and the killing going on there and do the right thing for our Constitution and our world.”

Most Americans are ignorant about US wars, where they’re waged and why. Virtually no anti-war movement exists.

On cable television where most Americans get no news/news, there’s practically no coverage of US imperial wars. When there is, it’s all propaganda all the time, leaving viewers disinformed and unaware of what’s going on.

Khanna’s alleged concern about what’s going on in Yemen rings disturbingly hollow.

What about the starving, suffering people in all other nations Washington continues to rape and destroy!

What about long-suffering Palestinians, especially terror-bombed Gazan, longstanding victims of Israeli apartheid viciousness!

What about lawless US sanctions on Russia, China, Iran, Venezuela, Syria and other countries!

What about bipartisan congressional support for wanting virtually all sovereign independent governments forcefully replaced by pro-Western puppet rule!

What about undeclared homeland war against unwanted aliens, Muslims, and America’s most vulnerable citizens by punishing neoliberal harshness and raging inner city battlegrounds – claiming over 100,000 lives annually.

America’s agenda in Yemen is one similar others in many other countries.

The key issue virtually no one in Congress will touch is ending all US wars of aggression, not one alone, even figures like Khanna have no credibility urging because of his support for Washington’s imperial agenda.


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Award-winning author Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com.

Featured image is from The Course Correction

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More evidence the “war on terror,” now shifted over to a New Cold War against Russia and China, is nothing if not a money-maker for the merchants of death and the usury banksters. 

According to a study produced by Brown University, since the attacks of 9/11 the US has spent $5.9 trillion on wars designed to last indefinitely, or at least until the empire implodes. 

The Pentagon has lied to us for years, grossly underestimating the cost of its military operations against enemies largely manufactured by intelligence agencies. 

“That sort of vast expenditure is only the costs and obligations of the wars so far, and with little sign of them ending, they are only going to grow. In particular, a generation of wars is going to further add to the medical costs for veterans’ being consistently deployed abroad,” writes Jason Ditz. 

The report summarizes what many of us have known for quite some time—the wars are designed to last forever and represent an open-ended feeding trough for the “defense” industry. The authors note

there is no strategy for ending the wars. The fact that the US keeps spending huge sums for wars that, at least in Afghanistan, are in a stalemate, and in Iraq and Syria, are unresolved, is a long-term budgetary problem which will affect future generations. The government’s pattern of reporting only DOD war spending obscures the magnitude of spending since 9/11. The comprehensive analysis of post-9/11 federal war and war related spending conducted by the Costs of War Project is only one part of a greater assessment of the impact of these wars. The US economy will, in the long run, find it difficult to sustain this level of military and war-related spending and the deficits it produces.

Endless war and a financial scam worthy of a RICO investigation and perpetuated on the American people by the Federal Reserve and its cartel banks will not stop until the system collapses, an event that is far closer than many believe, that is to say the relatively small number of people aware of and warning about this eventuality. 

Trump has kept the Pentagon charade alive, acting as an international death merchant salesman of the month. His MAGA crowd apparently believes spending billions on redundant and often broken military hardware will make America something again, certainly not great. 


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This article was originally published on the author’s blog site: Another Day in the Empire.

Kurt Nimmo is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

The USSR’s Christmas 1979 intervention into Afghanistan was foreseen as a swift, near-costless and necessary conflict. Days after the military move, Soviet president Leonid Brezhnev assured his diplomat Anatoly Dobrynin that, “we will end this war in three or four weeks”. It continued for almost a decade in fact, outlasting by over six years Brezhnev himself, who died in November 1982.

A long war in Afghanistan quickened the USSR’s demise, a state of unparalleled vastness gradually deteriorating before the conflict, under years of Brezhnev’s detached leadership (1964-1982). The Soviet Union would crumble in 1991 without a shot being fired, such was the level of fragility that had set in.

Brezhnev’s prediction, that the Soviet-Afghan war would be over within a month, stood as another ill-judged estimation from a world leader. Many hundreds of thousands perished in the time following the Soviet invasion – of which Western and Arab oil dictator countries shared culpability – while millions more Afghan civilians fled the country.

Yet in some mitigation to the Soviets, Afghanistan was a nation situated at its very borders, sharing frontiers with the Soviet republics of Turkmen, Uzbek and Tajik, in central Asia. Brezhnev and his followers were concerned about growing American influence in one of the planet’s most important localities (Central Asia), laden with natural resources from oil and natural gas to uranium and iron ore.

By sending ground forces to Afghanistan, the Soviet leadership sought to provide backing for communists who claimed power in late April 1978, via a coup d’état. It was a calamitous decision by Brezhnev. There was not the support in Afghanistan to sustain communism, nor would there ever be – the Afghan community is deeply diverse and complex, comprising 14 ethnic groups in a mostly tribal society.

Inevitably, the Soviet intervention became a prolonged war, partially due to other foreign influence led by the United States. For large parts of the 1980s, Soviet armies were battling nationalists and terrorists sponsored not just by America and Britain, but supported too by West Germany, Pakistan and even China. The extremists were known as the Mujahideen, in which the Saudi-born Osama bin Laden was a member. America and Saudi Arabia gave the Mujahideen billions in aid, which was gratefully accepted.

Zbigniew Brzezinski, the fervently anti-Russian US National Security Advisor, has often been credited with luring the Soviets into a trap, handing them “its Vietnam War”. With president Jimmy Carter’s assistance, Brzezinski was indeed a guiding force in offering assistance to opponents of the pro-Soviet Afghan cabinet, intending to elicit a response from Moscow.

Brzezinski’s efforts would have come to nothing, had an ill Brezhnev possessed the wisdom to avoid interfering in Afghanistan, so complicated as that nation is. The Soviets irrationally feared a Western-leaning leadership taking hold at its borders – but a legitimate Afghan government will never be truly sympathetic towards America or Russia – as its population has not the cultural basis, or inclination, to be supportive of either.

Throughout the 21st century, America has embroiled herself in a seemingly endless conflict in Afghanistan, that it also surely cannot win. While Afghanistan was located in the USSR’s backyard so to speak, America is situated almost 7,000 miles from Afghan territory.

Washington has retained its involvement due to Afghanistan being an extremely resource-rich state, and positioned in a pivotal landmass. The Pentagon estimates there are hundreds of billions worth of untapped minerals there.

However, successive US administrations have failed to heed the lessons dealt to Russia a generation before. Conflicts like this based on grand ignorance and without righteous aims are destined to fail. US forces, which have committed war crimes on Afghan lands, will not be accepted by local peoples who favor even Taliban insurgents above them.

After 1945, all the land invasions America pursued have unfolded very different to how they were anticipated. During the Second World War, American units displayed strong fighting qualities against the formidable legions of Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany – despite Hitler asserting the American soldier was weak, decadent and would be flung back into the Atlantic Ocean.

Across the elapsing decades, major advancements in US military technology have impacted upon the psychological mindset of American troops. Where once the common soldier relied primarily upon the traditional rifle and bayonet, his post-1945 equivalent has increasingly been weighed down with all sorts of futuristic equipment and weaponry, far more destructive than before. The old-fashioned soldierly aim of attacking the enemy in the field, and thereby leaving civilians largely unharmed, is from a bygone age.

The moral decline induced by this so-called technological progression, is encapsulated by one of the more cowardly methods one can conceive: That of drone warfare. Through this process unsuspecting targets, perhaps innocent, are wiped out at the push of a button – those within a certain radius are also killed or wounded. The local population is left fearful and embittered, be it in Yemen, Pakistan and so on.

As early as the Korean and Vietnam wars, significant US military developments were on clear display; for instance with regard the mass introduction of the helicopter. During America’s assault on Vietnam especially, helicopters were used by the many thousands mostly through “counterinsurgency” operations.

The deployment of helicopters, like the Bell UH-1 Iroquois, was an indication of the technological fever besetting US political and military figures. Such was the immense noise a single helicopter produced, let alone a fleet, enemy soldiers for miles around had prior warning of the Americans’ arrival, and so could lie in wait. By war’s end, more than 5,000 US helicopters would be destroyed by North Vietnamese and National Liberation Front (NLF) forces, a major success for them.

Vietnam, situated in south-east Asia, lies in another critical domain and astride the lucrative South China Sea. The Americans feared Vietnam’s entire takeover by communism would precipitate a domino effect, that may have extended to the Philippines and Malaysia, leading to grave loss of control. After the US failed to prop up autocrats in South Vietnam like Ngo Dinh Diem, by mid-February 1965 president Lyndon B. Johnson approved plans to dramatically escalate the conflict; it included bombing raids on North Vietnam, soon followed by employment of much bigger numbers of foot soldiers.

Kennedy and McNamara (Source: Public Domain)

These decisions were also taken in part to maintain US credibility and prestige, an important but understated factor. In April 1965, US Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara said the war in Vietnam “would take more than six months, perhaps a year or two”. McNamara would be a strong advocate of the helicopter in somehow helping to subdue opposition forces. The American attack on Vietnam, and later neighboring Cambodia and Laos (Indochina), became the most severe aggression witnessed since Hitler’s invasion of the USSR. By the early 1970s, millions in this section of Indochina were killed, and countless others were either wounded or deformed.

America’s military released great quantities of poisonous chemicals across the region (between 1961 and 1971), affecting civilians by far the most, but also US soldiers. America drew inspiration from Britain in this regard. Again under Winston Churchill as prime minister, the British had initiated extensive chemical attacks during the early 1950s in Malaya, which were later covered up.

The absence of ethics relating to this form of warfare is difficult to behold. In Vietnam mainly, deaths and physical defects still occur because of the herbicides’ lingering contamination. The US’s early use of chemical warfare in South Vietnam immediately undermined their regional standing, ensuring leaders favorable to the West had little firm support.

As the war proceeded and spread, America would also unload 15 million tons of munitions altogether, over twice the total they consumed during World War II. Many bombs today remain unexploded unless they are stepped on. The US military further erected greatly expensive innovations in Indochina, like computer-coordinated electronic battlefields, and other mind-boggling inventions. To what end one can but guess; it ended in acrimonious failure.

At the cessation of hostilities, America’s global reputation was damaged, and would never completely recover. Yet the attack on Vietnam was not an outright defeat for the US. The threat of communism or nationalism stretching outward had been restricted; it was previously stymied by a covert and blood-soaked coup directed by the US and Britain in Indonesia further south.

The lessons, both ethical and emotional from these conflicts, were eventually forgotten and the “Vietnam Syndrome” overcome. Under George W. Bush as leader the US first attacked Afghanistan and, less than two years later, Iraq in March 2003. The land invasion of Iraq was another operation based on great naivety and myopia – an incursion into a separate faraway country which US leaders knew little about.

The principal reasons for assaulting Iraq included regaining full control over the nation’s massive oil reserves, while reasserting American hegemony and military power.

After Saddam Hussein was freshly ousted, in early May 2003 president Bush committed a major blunder when conducting a speech under a banner that read, “Mission Accomplished”. It transmitted a message that was manna to heaven for those bitterly against American occupation. As too was Bush’s insistence at the beginning of his oration that, “Major combat operations have ended. In the battle of Iraq, the United States and our allies have prevailed”.

As with almost all wars the US occupation of Iraq went terribly awry, as its forces became bogged down thousands of miles from Washington. The Iraqi people were once more the victims, with hundreds of thousands dying in the following years, and its civil society splintered. Iraq is broken into various sects that are likely irreconcilable, most recently revealed by the country’s fractured elections in May this year.


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Shane Quinn obtained an honors journalism degree. He is interested in writing primarily on foreign affairs, having been inspired by authors like Noam Chomsky. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from NEO

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Jerusalem, deemed a holy city, and seen as trade item, bargaining chip and bartering tool over the centuries.  Sought by the major faiths, despoiled at stages by various empires, revived and chalice of poison in international law.  Australia’s Scott Morrison, charmless in his ignorance, has come to realise the problems of relocating the Australian embassy from Tel Aviv Jerusalem.   

International law, feeble as it is, sees the city as contested and for that reason, the subject of resolution only between the relevant parties in dispute.  As international law is a creature shunned and derided in Washington (unilateralism is in vogue), the Trump administration has made true a principle accepted by the US congress since 1995: that Israel’s capital be officially acknowledged as such. That the US embassy has taken root on land expropriated by Palestinian landholders is fittingly dark. 

Thousands of miles away, however, and Australia’s backwater, opportunity shop politicians were making a similar play prior to the by-election in the federal seat of Wentworth.  That particular bit of political real estate had been vacated by the former, and very much deposed Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull.  Suddenly, Jerusalem, or to be more precise, the interests of Jewry, mattered. (A large Jewish vote was potentially at stake in the affluent Sydney electorate.)  If Wentworth could be held, the cannibalising Liberal-National Coalition could still claim to have a barely breathing majority.  It was not to be. 

During the barnyard scuffles over whether the Australian embassy would be moved to Jerusalem, Morrison suggested he was more than open to the idea.  Then came loud voices of demurral from Australia’s neighbours, most notably Indonesia.  There was trade to worry about, not to mention the finalisation of a free trade agreement. 

As Senator Simon Birmingham, the minister tasked with the trade portfolio, noted in a press release at the end of August,

“Australia and Indonesia have successfully concluded negotiations on the Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IA-CEPA), deepening our economic and security cooperation with one of our major trading partners.” The only thing missing was the inked signature. 

The Jerusalem ploy by Morrison risked, if not scuppering the arrangement, then certainly delaying it.  Birmingham, showing the subtle awareness of a blunt, rude instrument, saw few problems.  (The Birmingham-Morrison double act is inoculated against the more nuanced signals of diplomacy.)  The agreement with Jakarta remained “on track for finalisation this year.” 

Morrison, betraying a similar obliviousness, saw little in the way of trouble.

“The Indonesian trade minister has made it clear on the public record.”

That clarity, based on remarks by Enggartiasto Lukita, was cautious but open-ended – that the agreement would be signed later this year. 

This self-interested reading was preferred to the sharper take by Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi, who had made it clear that,

“Indonesia encourages Australia and other nations to continue to support the peace process and not conduct any action that could undermine the peace process and global security.”   

The leak of WhatsApp messages between Marsudi and her Australian counterpart, Senator Marise Payne, put pay to any suggestion that Jakarta was going to be mild mannered about the whole affair.  (Money may have no smell, but politics often reeks.)  One particular note of sourness on Marsudi’s part had been the timing of Morrison’s Jerusalem change of heart: Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki was visiting Indonesia at the time.

Morrison, finding himself for the first time in the big league at an international meet in Singapore, has had to smooth things over, less with a fine comb than a jagged rake.  The reason was simple: Lukita had become more expressive on Jakarta’s position regarding the embassy move.  The deal “can be signed at any time but when you will sign it… depends on Australia’s position [on the embassy],” came the words to Indonesian media in Singapore on Tuesday.  Lukita also reminded reporters of Marsudi’s own warning: “if Australia insists on moving its embassy to Jerusalem, the signing will be delayed.”   

The meeting with Indonesian president Joko Widodo on the side of the East Asia Summit saw Morrison’s attempt to split the issue: the trade deal and embassy review could be considered separable.  “They were not conflated, they were not raised together in the meeting yesterday”.  Further conversations with Widodo and Marsudi had “been warm and very receptive.”  Nor did Morrison feel that his position contradicted the two-state policy. 

Some of Morrison’s inner circle seem to be cracking on the subject.  Signals of reassurance have been relayed.  Defence Industry Minister Steve Ciobo decided to reduce the issue of the embassy move to a matter of improbability.  In a conversation between Ciobo and Lukita at a recent defence event held in Indonesia, Ciobo came up with his assessment:

“About the possibility, I cannot say 100 percent we will move, but, I guess, the possibility is less than 5 percent.” 

When asked on Ciobo’s mathematically predictive remarks, Morrison dismissed them as not reflecting the government’s position.  “I am not aware of him even having said that.” The preferable method was dealing with the matter through “a Cabinet submission process”, a review that would be concluded by Christmas. Australia remained “sovereign in determining its foreign policy.” (Marvellous that someone believes that.) 

The line on asserting some fictional Australian sovereignty can also be found amongst other government members.  The way to Jerusalem is the way to affirm independence.  Senator Eric Abetz, chair of the parliamentary foreign affairs, defence and trade committee, has views typical of members who hail from the White Tribe of Asia. 

“If Indonesia really wants to dictate Aus [sic] foreign policy on the middle east,” he tweeted, “should we rethink the $360 million each year we give them in aid?  Instead, how about we calmly finalise this FTA which will lift many Indonesians out of poverty and assist Australian farmers and jobs.” 

Another meeting, this time with one of the region’s wiliest and at times ruthless leaders, was even more colourful than that with Widodo.  Morrison, Australia’s main bargain basement politician, received a schooling from Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad.  The nonagenarian, whose international credits include rebuffing the International Monetary Fund, mocking US presidents and occasional attacks of anti-Semitic rage, warned of violence.  Understand the causes of terrorism, he said sagely.  “Adding to the cause of terrorism is not going to be helpful.  I pointed that out.”  The Australian account of the meeting is similarly bereft of context to those of Indonesian officials: Mahathir surely did not mean Jerusalem and the embassy in his conversation.  Or did he?  

Morrison’s tangle is knotted and inextricable.  He has jettisoned decades of a bipartisan policy.  To now not go through with recognition will anger the Israelis and show him to be opportunistic and weak.  To also change midstream would suggest that Australian foreign policy is made in Jakarta, a true scoff at any notion that Canberra was sovereign in any meaningful sense.  Either way, Morrison is for turning. 


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He lectures at RMIT University, Melbourne. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research. Email: [email protected]

Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra), the Turkistan Islamic Party, Jaish al-Izza and other so-called “opposition groups” continue to exploit the ceasefire in the Idlib de-escalation zone to launch attacks on the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies.

On November 14, they carried out two attacks on SAA positions in northern Hama from the direction of al-Lataminah. Both attacks were repelled and then described by pro-militant sources as an example of the ceasefire violations by the SAA.

On November 15, reports appeared that militants are gathering their sabotage-reconnaissance groups in hills near al-Lataminah to launch more attacks on the SAA. The security situation also remains complicated in northern Lattakia and southwestern Aleppo.

As the demilitarized zone agreement is not making progress as regards its full implementation, a military action is slowly appearing to be the only feasible measure, which can put an end to the ceasefire violations.

Reports on “mysterious helicopters” evacuating ISIS militants or providing them with supplies in Syria and Afghanistan continue to appear in various sources. Most recently, on November 13, the Syrian state news agency SANA claimed that US-led coalition helicopters evacuated several ISIS members in the village of al-Suwayda in Hasakah province near the border with Iraq and transported them to an unknown location.

Since 2017, such reports have repeatedly appeared in Syria and Afghanistan causing significant concern among local powers that the US and its allies cooperate with ISIS and are preparing to use the terrorist group as a tool against its regional and global competitors. The Pentagon rejects these accusations claiming that the US-led coalition makes no deals with ISIS.

On November 14, Avigdor Lieberman announced his resignation describing the Egyptian-mediated ceasefire with Hamas in the Gaza Strip as “a capitulation to terror”. Lieberman added that he fiercely objected to Israel’s allowing Qatar to deliver $15m in aid to Gaza last week.

Hamas called Lieberman’s resignation a “political victory for Gaza.” Hamas spokesperson Sami Abu Zuhri said that this development marked “recognition of defeat and failure to confront the Palestinian resistance”, adding that “Gaza’s steadfastness sent a political shockwave” through Israel.

It should be noted that Lieberman had been among those Israeli top officials, who had threatened to destroy S-300 air defense systems should Russia decide to supply them to the Syrian military. S-300 launchers and radars as well as other equipment to boost the capabilities of the Syrian Air Defense Forces (SADF) were supplied by Russia in early October. However, none of the Israeli threats have turned into reality so far. On the other hand, the Israeli Air Force has halted its airstrikes on targets in Syria, at least till now.

The recent setbacks in the conflicts in Gaza and Syria have put the Netanyahu government on the edge of a new political crisis. The unconditional support of any Israeli actions by the current US administration as well as Washington’s attempts to pressure the Palestinians and Iran to accept a de-facto surrender in favor of Tel Aviv only escalated the situation in the region. This escalation contributes neither to the security of Israeli citizens nor to the security of the region in general.


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November 1918: Red Revolution in Strasbourg

November 16th, 2018 by Dr. Jacques R. Pauwels

In the context of the revolution that erupted in Germany as the country suffered defeat in November 1918, a revolutionary situation also arose in Strasbourg, capital of Alsace, a province that still belonged to the Reich at that time.

Inspired by the proclamation of a “free and socialist republic” in Berlin by Karl Liebknecht on the 9th of that month — and the proclamation, on November 8, of a Bavarian soviet republic (Räterepublik) in Munich, mutinous soldiers as well as civilians seeking radical political and social changes, mostly workers, established a Russian-style revolutionary council or “soviet” in the Alsatian capital and immediately introduced all sorts of radical democratic reforms, including abolition of censorship, wage increases, improved working conditions, the right to strike and to demonstrate, etc.

In addition, the revolutionaries declared that they wanted “nothing to do with the capitalist states” and desired to be neither German nor French but aspired to be able to live, thanks to the “triumph of the red flag,” in a “Republic of Alsace-Lorraine” (Republik Elsaß-Lothringen) that would be free, democratic and linguistically tolerant. A red flag fluttered from the lofty spire of the Alsatian capital, but the democratic project launched there resonated throughout the province: revolutionary movements simultaneously emerged in many other towns of the province, including Colmar, Mulhouse, Haguenau, Molsheim, Neuf-Brisach, Ribeauvillé, Saverne, and Sélestat. Red flags also appeared in the city of Metz, major city of the northern part of Alsace’s neighbouring province, Lorraine, likewise still part of the German Reich in 1918, though not for much longer.

In Strasbourg, the local bourgeoisie, overwhelmingly German-speaking, as well as the local social-democratic leaders, were horrified and decided that they preferred to be “French rather than red.” They appealed to the French army to “rush to Strasbourg as soon as possible” in order to put and end to “red rule” in the city. French troops entered Strasbourg a few days earlier than planned, namely on November 22, overthrew the soviet and cancelled all the democratic measures it had fathered. Strasbourg and the rest of Alsace (and the north of Lorraine) were unilaterally and unceremoniously annexed by France and subjected to a draconian process of “re-francisation”, including a prohibition of the use of the German and even Alsatian languages in education and in the public administration, the demotion of persons of insufficiently French origin to the status of second-class citizens, and the expulsion or ostracism of anyone suspected of disloyalty to France; the famous Doctor Albert Schweitzer was one of the victims of this sort of treatment. After their “liberation”, the Alsatians were less free than before and were no longer allowed to speak their own language, and many of them were (mis)treated as aliens in their own land. 

Meeting of the Strasbourg soviet on November 15, 1918(Bibliothèque nationale et universitaire de Strasbourg 686107, CC BY 2.0, c/o Wikimedia Commons)

The case of Alsace illustrates the sad fact that, contrary to conventional wisdom, the Great War was not a “war for democracy” at all. Even the arguably most democratic of all belligerent powers, France, clearly did not fight for ideals such as democracy, justice, and the Wilsonian principles of self-determination; its victory represented the triumph of a fanatical and intolerant version of nationalism, a consolidation of authoritarian rule, and a setback for democracy.  


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Jacques R. Pauwels is historian and political scientist, author of ‘The Myth of the Good War: America in the Second World War’ (James Lorimer, Toronto, 2002). His book is published in different languages: in English, Dutch, German, Spanish, Italian and French. Together with personalities like Ramsey Clark, Michael Parenti, William Blum, Robert Weil, Michel Collon, Peter Franssen and many others… he signed “The International Appeal against US-War”.

Featured image: Proclamation of the republic in Strasbourg on November 10, 1918 (Bibliothèque nationale et universitaire de Strasbourg 686071, c/o Wikimedia Commons)

China: A New Philosophy of Economics

November 16th, 2018 by Peter Koenig

China’s economic philosophy is a far cry from that of the west. 

The west consistently seeks to undermine the interests of their partners, be it for trade or political agreements; be it partners from the west, their smaller and weaker brothers; or from the east; or from the south – there is always an element of exploitation, of “one-upmanship”, of outdoing a partner, of domination. Equality and fairness are unknown by the west.

Or, when the concept was once known, at least by some countries and some people, it has been erased by indoctrinated neoliberal thinking – egocentricity, “me first”, and the sheer, all-permeating doctrine of “maximizing profits”; short-term thinking, instant gratification – or more extreme, making a killing today for a gamble or deal that takes place tomorrow. Futures trading – the epitome of manipulating economic values. Only in the capitalist world.

This has become a key feature of western commerce and trading. It’s manipulation and exploitation over ethics; it’s Profits Über Alles! – Doesn’t it sound like fascism? – Well it is. And if the partner doesn’t fall for the ruse, coercion becomes the name of the game – and if that doesn’t work the western military move in with bombs and tanks, seeking regime change – destroying the very country the west wants to dominate. That’s western brutal economics – full hegemony. No sharing.

China’s approach is quite different. It’s one of sharing, of participating, of mutual benefits. China invests trillions of dollars equivalent in developing countries – Asia, especially India and now also Pakistan, Africa, South America, largely for infrastructure projects, as well as mining of natural resources. Unlike the gains from western investments, the benefits of China’s investments are shared. China’s investment and mining concessions are not coerced, but fairly negotiated. China’s investment relationship with a partner country remains peaceful and is not ‘invasive’ and abusive, as are most of those of the west – which uses threats and guns to get what they want.

Of course, the west complains about Chinese investments, lying how abusive they are, when in reality the west is upset about Chinese competition in Africa and South America – Continents that are still considered part of the western domain, as they were colonized for about thousand years by western powers and empires – and as of today, African and Latin-American countries are neo-colonized, no longer (for now) with brute military force, but with even more ferocious financial strangulation, through sanctions, boycotts and embargos; all highly illegal by any international standards. But there aren’t any international laws that are upheld. International courts and judges are coerced to obey Washington’s dictates, or else… literally “or else”; and these are serious threats.

Take the case of West and Central Africa, former French colonies. The French West African zone includes eight countries: Benin, Burkina Faso, Guinea Bissau, Ivory Coast, Mali, Niger, Senegal, Togo; and the French Central African area comprises six countries – Cameroon, the Central African Republic, Chad, Republic of the Congo, Equatorial Guinea and Gabon. All 14 countries have a common currency, the CFA franc (CFA = Communauté financière africaine – African Financial Community). 

They are two separate currencies, though always at parity and therefore interchangeable. The Western and Central African monetary union have separate central banks, the Banque Centrale des États de l’Afrique de l’Ouest, BCEAO, headquartered in Dakar, Senegal; and the Banque des États de l’Afrique Centrale, BEAC, in Yaoundé, Cameroun. Both currencies are guaranteed by the French treasury. This means in fact, that the economy of these 14 countries not only depends on France, but setting the value of the currency (at present one € = 655 CFA francs) is entirely the prerogative of the Banque de France (French Central Bank). This ultra-complicated setup between the two groups of former and new French colonies is not only a matter of French accounting, but foremost a means to confuse and distract the mostly innocent observer from a flagrant abusive reality.

With the French control over the West- and Central African currencies, the foreign trading capacity of these countries is reduced to what France will allow. France has a de facto monopoly on these countries’ production. Should France stop buying their “former-new” colonies goods, the countries go broke, as they have been unable to develop alternative markets under the French yoke. Thus, they are always at the mercy of France, the IMF, World Bank and the African Development Bank. – From labor slaves up to the early 1960s, they have become debt slaves of the neoliberal age. 

In addition, to back this French Treasury guarantee, 85% of the countries’ foreign exchange reserves are blocked by the French Central Bank and may only be used by the respective counties against specific permission – and – as a loan. – Imagine! – The “former” French colonies have to borrow their own money from the French Central Bank. Similar debt enslaving is going on in former British and Portuguese colonies, though, none of them is as abjectly abusive as are the French. 

Big wonder that Chinese investors are highly welcome in Africa. And knowing western manipulating and deranged mindsets, no wonder that China is demonized by the west as exploiting Africa to the bones, when exactly the contrary is the case. But almighty western lie-propaganda media has the brainwashed western populace believe China is stealing African natural resources. Chinese fairness is indeed tough competition against the usual western trickery and deceit.

In Africa, China is not only focusing on buying and trading natural resources, but on training and using local African brainpower to convert Africa from a western slave into an equal partner. For example, to boost African autonomy, China is using an approach, Ghadaffy intended to apply – entering the wireless phone system, conquering some of the market with efficient batteries, and providing cheaper and more efficient services than the west, hence directly competing with the western exploited African telephone market. Chinese phones also come with their own browsers, so that internet may eventually be accessed in the remotest places of Africa, providing a top tool for education. Challenging the EU and US dominated multi-billion-dollar market, is just one of the reasons Ghadaffy was miserably murdered by French-led NATO forces. Of course, China’s presence is a bit more difficult to kick than was Ghadaffy’s. 

This is just one more signal that China is in Africa – and Asia and Latin America – not just for the legendary American Quick Buck, but for genuine investments in long-term economic development which involves developing transportation networks, efficient and independent financial systems which may escape the western SWIFT and FED / Wall Street banking system through which US sanctions are imposed. This may involve the creation of government controlled blockchain currencies – see also Venezuela’s hydrocarbon-backed Petro – and linking African currencies to the Yuan and the eastern SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organization) monetary system – freeing Africa from the dollar hegemony. With the help of China and Russia, Africa may, in fact, become the forerunner of crypto-currencies – and, in the case of west-and central Africa, the 14 countries would be able to gain financial autonomy, and to the chagrin of the French Central Bank, manage their own financial resources, breaking loose from under the little-talked about French yoke. It is quite conceivable that with Chinese development assistance Africa will become an important trading partner for the east, leaving western exploiting and abusing business and banking magnates behind in the dust.

The Overseas Private Investment Cooperation (OPIC), a US private lending as well as investment guarantee agency – is upset about US investors losing out to Chinese and wants US corporations to compete more aggressively – which is precisely what Africa rejects, America’s violent bombing approach to impose her trade and concession rules with the coercing help of the IMF and the World Bank. Africa is seeking – finally – sovereignty, deciding over her own financial and political destiny. This includes choosing investors and trading partners of their liking.

Many African and South American countries prefer China’s yuan-investments, rather than Washington’s US-dollar investments. Its ‘softer’ money coming from the Chinese. For China it’s also a way of diverting the world from the US-dollar, providing incentives for countries to divest their dollar reserves into yuan reserves. That’s is already happening at accelerating speed. 

China’s outlook at home and abroad is nothing less than spectacular. On the home front, they are building cutting-edge technology transport infrastructure, such as high-speed railways, for example, connecting Shanghai and Hangzhou, cutting travel time from one and a half hour in half. China’s high-speed bullet train connects for the first time Hong Kong with the mainland, cutting travel time Hong Kong to Beijing from 24 hours to 9 hours.

In October 2018, after nine years construction, President Xi Jinping opened the world’s longest sea crossing bridge, linking Hong Kong to Macau and the mainland Chinese city of Zhuhai. The bridge is 55 km long – about 20 times the length of San Francisco’s Golden Gate bridge. In urban development, existing and new multi-million people cities are planned, expanded and stamped out of the ground in less than a generation.

China has just built a US$ 2.1 billion AI (Artificial Intelligence) industrial park, and is not sleeping either on the environmental protection and development front, investing billions in research and development of alternative clean energies, especially solar power and its storage potential, next generation beyond lithium batteries, ranging from lithium solid state to electrolyte materials to graphene batteries and eventually to copper foam substrate. And that’s not the end of the line. Each battery technology offers increased capacity, safety and charging and discharging speed.  

On the domestic and international front, the Belt and Road (B and R) Initiative – the New Silk Road – is China’s President Xi’s phenomenal geo-economic initiative to connect the world from China with several transport routes and develop in a first step Western China, Eastern Russia, Central Asia and Eastern Europe – all the way to the frontiers of western Europe. This massive economic development program includes industrial parks, trade and cultural interchanges, research and development through existing universities and new science and learning centers. Maritime routes are also foreseen entering Africa through Kenya and Southern Europe and the Middle East via the Greek port of Piraeus and Iran – a southern route is also planned to enter the southern cone of Latin America.  

The endeavor is so huge, it has recently been inscribed into the Chinese Constitution. It will mobilize in the coming decades and possibly century trillions of yuan and dollar-equivalent of investments, mostly from China, Russia, the other SCO countries, as well as European partners  – and foremost the Beijing-based AIIB (Asian Infrastructure and Investment Bank) which has already 70 member countries, among them Australia, Canada, Western European nations and close to 20 prospective new countries; but not the United States of America.

This giant project, is of course, not without challenges. While the need for proof of “credit worthiness” by being tied to the IMF and World Bank of the eighties and nineties had since long faded into oblivion, China is still bound to the IMF and WB. – Why? – In my opinion it proves two things, The People’s Bank of China – the Chinese Central Bank – is still controlled by the FED and BIS (Bank for International Settlement, alias, central bank of all central banks), and a strong Fifth Column that doesn’t yield an inch of their power. The Chinese leadership could implement the necessary changes towards full financial sovereignty – but, why is that not happening? – Western threats and their secret services have become ever more sophisticated abduction and “neutralizing” machines over the past 70 years. 

The next question is what’s the Chinese lending limit to countries who have already or will subscribe to the Belt and Road Initiative to help them repay western debt and integrate into the new eastern economic model and monetary system? The question is relevant, because China’s money supply is based on China’s economic output; unlike western currencies which are purely fiat money (hot air). 

Also, how will ownership of foreign assets, i.e. infrastructure funded and perhaps built, dealt with? – Will they become Chinese property, increasing China’s capital base and flow of money? – Or would they be negotiated as long-term concessions, after which a country may repay to acquire sovereign ownership, or transfer part or all of the assets to China as a shareholder. These are relevant considerations, especially with regard to the huge B&R investments foreseen in the coming years. These decisions should be made autonomously by Chinese leadership, totally outside the influence of western monetary czars, like IMF and WB. 

Another issue which is steadily and increasingly cropping up in the west, of course to demonize China and discourage “western civilized” (sic) countries to associate themselves with socialist China – is China’s concept of “Social Credits”. It is largely based on what the west calls a dictatorial, freedom-robbing surveillance state – with cameras and face-recognition everywhere. Of course, totally ignoring the western own Orwellian Big Brother Surveillance and lie apparatus which calls itself democracy – and in fact is a democracy for then the elite of the plutocrats, gradually and by heavy propaganda brainwashing converting what’s left of ‘democracy’ into outright fascism – we, in the west, are almost there. And this, to the detriment of the “Silent Lambs” – as per Rainer Mausfeld’s latest book, in German, “Why are Lambs Silent” (German Westend-Verlag). Yes, that’s what we have become: “Silent Lambs”.

It is too easy to demonize China for attempting to create a more harmonious, cohesive and peaceful society. Granted, this surveillance in China as in the west, demolishes to a large extent individualism, individual thinking, thereby limiting human creativeness and freedom. This is a topic which the Chinese socialist government, independent of western critique, may have to address soon to keep precisely one of the key principles of Chinese society alive – ‘social cohesiveness’ and a sense of equality and freedom. 

What is the “Social Credit” system? – It is a digital footprint of everything the Chinese do, as private citizens, as corporate managers in production as well as banking, workers, food sellers, in order to basically create an ambiance of full transparency (that’s the goal – far from having been reached), so as to establish citizens’ and corporations’ “creditworthiness”, in financial terms, but also assessing crime elements, political inclinations, radicalism, to prevent potential terror acts (interestingly, in the case of most western terror acts, officials say the ‘terrorists’ were known to the police – which simply leaves you to conclude that they acted in connivance with the forces of order); and to enhance food safety in restaurants and by other food sellers. 

In other words, the aim is to establish corporate and individual “score cards” which will work as a rewards and punishment system, a “carrot and stick” approach. Depending on the crime or deviation from the rule, you may be reprimanded and get ‘debits’ – which you may wipe out by changing your behavior. Living under the spell of debits may limit, for example, your access to comfortable or speedy travel, better and speedier trains, air tickets, certain cultural events and more.

Yes, the idea of creating a stable domestic society has its drawbacks – surveillance – demolition of much of individualism, creativity, by implanting conformity. The government’s axiom is “we want a society where people don’t desire to break the rules, but the earliest stage is that they are afraid to break the rules.”  

In the end, the question is, will the “Social Credits” approach to societal living, meaning a total surveillance state with every data recorded into a network of total control, be beneficial or detrimental for the Chinese goal to push ahead with her extraordinary and mostly egalitarian economic development approach, transport and industrial infrastructure, scientific research and cultural exchange – called Belt and Road, alias the New Silk Road? – Only the future will tell; but the Chinese are not alone. They have solid partners in the SCO – and long-term economic development endeavors never work in linear values, but with the unknown of dynamics to which humans are uniquely adapted to adjust. 


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Peter Koenig is an economist and geopolitical analyst. He is also a water resources and environmental specialist. He worked for over 30 years with the World Bank and the World Health Organizationaround the world in the fields of environment and water. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for Global Research; ICH; RT; Sputnik; PressTV; The 21st Century; TeleSUR; The Vineyard of The Saker Blog, the New Eastern Outlook (NEO); and other internet sites. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed – fiction based on facts and on 30 years of World Bank experience around the globe. He is also a co-author of The World Order and Revolution! – Essays from the Resistance. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization.

Featured image is from NEO

The Cost of American Militarism and an Absence of Debate

November 16th, 2018 by Adeyinka Makinde

A recent report by Brown University’s Watson Institute of International and Public Affairs on the cost of America’s wars in the aftermath of 9/11 estimates a sum totalling $5.9 Trillion. It is a figure virtually identical to the $6 Trillion figure projected by Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government in 2013 to be the eventual cost of waging wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Yet, as with the case of the increased danger of a nuclear war that could be the fruit of strained relations developed over the past decade with the Russian Federation, there has been no public debate in the United States about why America embarked on a programme of militarism predicated on the waging of a so-called War on Terror.

Such debate would necessarily have to centre on the three following areas:

1. The “hijacking” (to use the term chosen by retired US Four Star General Wesley Clark) of American foreign policy in the aftermath of the September attacks by a group of neoconservatives operating within the administration of President George W. Bush who drew up a ‘hit-list’ of seven countries intended to be destroyed over a five year period.

It would have been expected that all such countries earmarked for destruction would have had a connection to the planning of the September attacks, or, at least, have been sympathetic to the values guiding the alleged perpetrators of the deadliest attack on American soil since Pearl Harbor in 1941. Yet Iraq, Libya and Syria were all secular Arab states implacably opposed to the Sunni Islamist ideology of al-Qaeda, and Iran is a Shia nation. The common denominator among these states including Lebanon, or more accurately, Hezbollah, the Iranian-backed Lebanese Shia militia, was an enmity with the State of Israel.

As Clark stated during a speech given in October 2007 at the Commonwealth Club of California in San Francisco, there was never a public debate on a policy which commenced with the invasion of Iraq and was intended to be completed with an attack on Iran.

2. The unchanging policy from the administrations led by Bush Jr to Barack Obama and now Donald Trump due to ‘Deep State’ actors wielding power outside of the separated organs of government. In a scholarly paper-turned-book entitled National Security and Double Government Michael J. Glennon, a professor of international law at Tufts University, has referred to the power usurping “Trumanite” institutions in contrast to the troika of “Madisonian” institutions of state, which he persuasively argues are no longer accountable in the way people think they are.

3. The corporate welfare culture surrounding the military industry as composed of the Pentagon and corporations such as Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Raytheon and others. The exorbitant costs involved with the development of the F-35 fighter plane which according to a number of US generals is pretty much “useless”, is emblematic of the inefficient weapons development regime that is more concerned with lining the pockets of corporations than with efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

The aforementioned, of course, do not mention the human cost: that of innocent civilian lives destroyed by military invasions, drone attacks and covert wars initiated by the United States. It also does not include the number of US service personnel killed, maimed and suffering from mental traumas.

All need to be factored into a comprehensive debate on why America’s sovereign debt has spiralled to uncontrollable levels, and also, why the moral standing of the United States among the international community of nations has been brought down to an all-time low.


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This article was originally published on the author’s blog site: Adeyinka Makinde.

Adeyinka Makinde is a writer based in London, England. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from the author

New Israeli Military Escalation in the Gaza Strip: Israeli warplanes carried out dozens of airstrikes, launching 197 missiles at civilian buildings and military sites belonging to Palestinian Armed Groups.

2 Palestinian civilians were killed and 20 others were wounded, including 5 children and 4 women. Many civilian facilities, residential houses, and security sites were targeted and completely destroyed.


During the reporting period, Israeli forces killed 4 Palestinian civilians, including 2 killed during their participation in the Great March of Return and Breaking the Siege Protests while the 2 others were killed during the escalation the Gaza Strip witnessed in the middle of the week.  Moreover, the Israeli forces wounded 172 civilians, including 27 children, 15 women and 4 paramedics.  In the West Bank, a person wounded succumbed to his wounds while Israeli forces wounded 17 Palestinian civilians, including 9 children and a paramedic.

The Gaza Strip has witnessed a military escalation, where the Israeli forces have unprecedentedly used warplanes and artillery shells since the 2014 offensive on the Gaza Strip.  This escalation has started after an Israeli special undercover unit “Mista’arvim” infiltrated the day before yesterday, 11 November 2018, Khan Younis in the Southern Gaza Strip and killed 7 members of the Palestinian armed groups, mainly a commander in al-Qassam Brigades from Khan Younis, creating a state of maximum alter among the Palestinian armed groups and tension among the Palestinian civilians.  This undercover operation was followed by barrages of rockets launched deep into the Israeli towns adjacent to the Gaza Strip.  Since Monday afternoon, 12 November 2018, and until the reporting period, upon a decision by the highest Israeli military and political echelons, the Israeli forces carried out intense airstrikes against many civilian facilities and residential houses in addition to sites belonging to the security services and others to the Palestinian armed groups, launching at least 40 missiles.  The Israeli artillery shelling also targeted the areas adjacent to the border fence with Israel.  Due to the hostilities, 2 civilians were killed and 20 others were wounded, including 5 children and 4 women in addition to the destruction and severe damage in many residential houses, other civilian facilities and security sites.

As part of using excessive force against the peaceful protests along the Gaza Strip borders, on 08 November 2018, the Israeli forces killed Mohammed Abu Sharbin (20) from Rafah City after wounding him with a bullet that hit his upper chest and exited his back during his participation in the Great March of Return and Breaking the Siege protests in eastern al-Maghazi in the central Gaza Strip.  On 09 November 2018, the Israeli forces killed Rami Qahman (28) while participating in the Great March of Return and Breaking the Siege protests in al-Shawkah village, east of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip after being wounded with a bullet to the neck.

In the same context, during the reporting period, the Israeli forces wounded 152 civilians, including 22 children, 11 women, and 4 paramedics.  Three of those wounded sustained serious injuries.

Injuries in the Gaza Strip between 08 and 13 November 2018 in Each City

As part of the Israeli airstrikes, the Israeli forces fired artillery shells at sites belonging to the Palestinian armed groups along the border fence between the Gaza Strip and Israel.

As part of targeting the Palestinian fishermen in the sea, the Israeli forces continued to escalate their attacks against the Palestinian fishermen, indicating the on-going Israeli policy to target their livelihoods.

In the West Bank, medical sources at al-Istishari Specialist Hospital in al-Rihan Suburb declared the death of Mohammed Shreiteh (28) from al-Mazra’ah al-Gharbiyah, northwest of Ramallah, as he succumbed to wounds he sustained during his participation in the peaceful protests against settlements on 26 October 2018.  The above-mentioned had been wounded with a bullet to the front side of the head, fragmenting part of his brain.

in the same context, during the reporting period, the Israeli forces wounded 17 Palestinian civilians, including 9 children and a paramedic, in separate shooting incidents.


During the reporting period, Israeli forces conducted at least 65 military incursions into Palestinian communities in the West Bank. During those incursions, Israeli forces arrested at least 18 Palestinians, including 4 children.

Israeli Forces continued to create a Jewish Majority in occupied East Jerusalem:

As part of the Israeli house demolitions and notices, on 08 November 2018, the Israeli forces demolished a 200-square-meter residential house belonging to the family of ‘Ali al-Ja’bah in al-Za’im village, east of occupied East Jerusalem.  Moreover, they demolished a room and surrounding fence belonging to ‘Ali Abu Jom’ah in addition to removing the foundations of an under-construction house belonging to the family of Mohammed al-‘Omari.

Israeli Forces continued their settlement activities, and the settlers continued their attacks against Palestinian civilians and their property

As part of the Israeli settlers’ attacks against the Palestinians civilians and their property, PCHR’s fieldworkers in the West Bank documented 2 attacks carried out by settlers, in Salfit and Nablus.  The settlers wrote hostile slogans against Arabs on the walls and vehicles in addition to slashing tires of 17 vehicles in Kafr al-Deek village, west of Salfit.

Use of Force against Demonstrations in Protest against the U.S. President’s Decision to Recognize Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel:

Israeli forces continued its excessive use of lethal force against peaceful demonstration organized by Palestinian civilians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, and it was named as “The Great March of Return and Breaking Siege.” The demonstration was in protest against the U.S. President Donald Trump’s declaration to move the U.S. Embassy to it. According to PCHR fieldworkers’ observations, the border area witnessed large participation by Palestinian civilians as the Israeli forces continued to use upon highest military and political echelons excessive force against the peaceful demonstrators, though the demonstration were fully peaceful. The demonstration was as follows during the reporting period:

Gaza Strip:

In the Thirty-third week of the March of Return and Breaking Siege activities, Israeli forces killed 2 civilians and wounded 152 civilians, including 22 children, , 11 women and 4 paramedics. Doctors classified 3 civilian’s injuries as serious. The incidents were as follows:

  • The Central Gaza Strip: at approximately 16:30 on Thursday, 98 November 2018, Israeli soldiers stationed along the border fence between the Gaza Strip and Israel, east of al-Maghazi in the central Gaza Strip, opened fire at a group of Palestinian young men, who approached the border fence. As a result, Mohammed ‘Ala’a Mahmoud Abu Sharbin (20), from Rafah, was killed after he was hit with a live bullet that penetrated the upper side of chest and exited the back. Mohammed was transferred via a PRCS ambulance after it received coordination to a hospital where he arrived dead. The Israeli shooting and firing tear gas canisters, which continued until approximately 18:00, resulted in the injury of 21 civilians, including 6 children and 3 women. Sixteen of them were hit with live bullets and their shrapnel and 5 were hit with tear gas canisters.
  • The Northern Gaza Strip: 31 civilians, including 11 children, 2 women, a deaf young man and 3 paramedics, were wounded. Twenty four of them were hit with live bullets and their shrapnel, 1 was hit with a rubber bullet and 9 were hit with tear gas canisters. Doctors classified2 civilians’ injuries as serious. The wounded paramedics were identified as:
  1. Karem Mahmoud Rashed al-Dalow (37), a paramedic at the Palestinian Civil Defense from al-Remal neighborhood in Gaza City, was hit with a live bullet shrapnel to the neck;
  2. Saleh Faraj Saleh al-Remahi (27), a volunteer paramedic at the Palestinian Ministry of Health from Jabalia, was hit with a tear gas canister to the face; and
  3. Hutheifah Mahmoud Hasan Abu ‘Aitah (27), from Jabalia, was hit with a tear gas canister to the back.
  • In Gaza City: 55 civilians, including 5 women, were wounded. Twenty two of them were hit with live bullets and their shrapnel, 33 were hit with rubber bullets.
  • Khan Younis: Israeli forces’ shooting at demonstrators, which continued 18:00, resulted in the injury of 43 civilians, including 4 children and a paramedic. Twenty one of them were hit with live bullets and their shrapnel, 17 were hit with tear gas canisters and 5 were hit with rubber bullets. The wounded paramedic was identified as Falasteen Khalid Qdaih (21), a volunteer paramedic at Youth Pioneer of Peace medical Team, was hit with a live bullet to the left leg.
  • Rafah City: Israeli forces’ shooting, which continued until 17:00, resulted in the injury of 2 civilians, including a child, with live bullets. Medical sources at Gaza European Hospital in Khan Younis declared the death of one of them namely Rami Wa’el Eshaq Qahman (28), who succumbed to his wounds he sustained after being hit with a live bullet to the neck.
  • At approximately 11 November 2018, a Palestinian civilian was hit with a live bullet shrapnel to the head during his participation on the March of Return activities, east of al-Buraij refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip.

West Bank:

  • Following the Friday prayer on 09 November 2018, dozens of Palestinian civilians and international human rights defenders gathered on agricultural lands of “al-Resan” Mount area, west of Ras Karkar village, west of Ramallah in protest against the Israeli settlers’ attempt to seize and confiscate the land. When the civilians arrived at the abovementioned area, the Israeli soldiers fired live and rubber bullets, sound bombs and tear gas canisters at the protestors. As a result, Feras Samarah (33), a paramedic at Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS), was hit with glass shrapnel of an ambulance where she was present after Israeli forces opened fire at the ambulance. The Israeli soldiers arrested Fares al-Sayed Nasser (30) and Mohammed Manthoum Abu ‘Ayash (23) after chasing and attacking them with their rifles.
  • At approximately 13:30 on Friday afternoon, 09November 2018, a group of Palestinian civilians moved from the center of Kufor Qadoum village, northeast of Qalqiliyah, into the eastern entrance to the village, which has been closed for 15 years in favor of the entrance to “Kedumim” settlement established on the village lands. The protestors chanted national slogans in the anniversary of the death of the late President, Yasser Arafat demanding end of occupation, condemning the Israeli forces’ crimes against Palestinian protestors along the eastern border of the Gaza Strip within “The Great March of Return and Breaking the Siege” activities. Minister Walid Assaf, head of the National Committee to Resist the Wall and Settlements, participated in the demonstration. The protestors threw stones at Israeli forces stationed behind sand barriers. The Israeli forces fired rubber bullets, sound bombs and tear gas canisters at them. They also raided and searched houses belonging to Jamal Saleh Jom’ah, Zhdi, Ahmed Shtaiwi and Khaldoun Abu Khalid ‘Obaid. The soldiers then topped the houses’ roofs and used them as watchtowers to monitor the protestors and fire rubber bullets and sound bombs. As a result, 4 civilians, were wounded, including child Sari Abdullah ‘Ali (10) who was hit with a rubber bullet to the right hand.

Civilian Succumbed to his Wounds:

  • At approximately 17:30 on Saturday, 10 November 2018, medical sources at the Istishari Arab Hospital in al-Raihan Suburb in the northern Gaza Strip, announced the death of Mohammed Ibrahim Shraiteh (28), succumbing to wounds he sustained during his participation in the peaceful demonstration against the Israeli forces on Friday, 26 October 2018, in al-Mazra’ah eastern village, northwest of the city. Mohammed was hit with a live bullet to front side of the forehead, causing a fragmentation to a part of the brain. Mohammed underwent 4 surgical operations in the abovementioned and he stayed in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) in a deep coma until his death.

Settlement activities and attacks by settlers against Palestinian civilians and property

Israeli forces’ attack:

  • At approximately 08:00 on Thursday, 08 November 2018, Israeli forces accompanied with a military vehicle and a vehicle of the Israeli Civil Administration moved into Kherbit al-Mofaqarrah, east of Yatta, south of Hebron. The Israeli Civil Administration officer handed Ahmed Mahmoud al-Hamamdah (45) a notice to evacuate his 5-dunum land under the pretext of State lands within 45 days. It should be noted that Kherbit al-Mofaqarrah is a residential compound.

Israeli settlers’ attack: 

  • At approximately 03:00 on Friday, 09 November 2018, a group of Israeli settlers moved into Kafur al-Deek village, west of Salfit, and then wrote hatred slogans against Arabs on walls and vehicles. They also punctured the tires of 17 vehicles. PCHR keeps the names of persons whose vehicles were damaged.
  • On Sunday, 11 November 2018, dozens of Israeli settlers with the Israeli forces’ protection moved into the Antiquities area in Sibistia village, northwest of Nablus. The village’s Council said that around 150 Israeli settlers accompanied with Israeli forces moved into the antiquities area in Sibistia village and stayed there for few hours before leaving. It should be noted that the Antiquities area in Sibistia village was under the Israeli incursions several times.

Recommendations to the International Community:

  1. PCHR calls upon the international community to respect the Security Council’s Resolution No. 2334 and to ensure that Israel respects it as well, in particular point 5 which obliges Israel not to deal with settlements as if they were part of Israel.
  2. PCHR calls upon the ICC to continue to investigate the Israeli crimes committed in the oPt, particularly the settlement crimes and grave violations in the Gaza Strip.
  3. PCHR Calls upon the European Union (EU) and all international bodies to boycott settlements and ban working and investing in them in application of their obligations according to international human rights law and international humanitarian law considering settlements as a war crime.
  4. PCHR calls upon the international community to use all available means to allow the Palestinian people to enjoy their right to self-determination through the establishment of the Palestinian State, which was recognized by the UN General Assembly with a vast majority, using all international legal mechanisms, including sanctions to end the occupation of the State of Palestine.
  5. PCHR calls upon the international community and United Nations to take all necessary measures to stop Israeli policies aimed at creating a Jewish demographic majority in Jerusalem and at voiding Palestine from its original inhabitants through deportations and house demolitions as a collective punishment, which violates international humanitarian law, amounting to a crime against humanity.
  6. PCHR calls upon the States Parties to the Rome Statute of the ICC to work hard to hold Israeli war criminals accountable.
  7. PCHR calls upon the High Contracting Parties to the Geneva Conventions to fulfill their obligations under article (1) of the Convention to ensure respect for the Conventions under all circumstances, and under articles (146) and (147) to search for and prosecute those responsible for committing grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions to ensure justice and remedy for Palestinian victims, especially in light of the almost complete denial of justice for them before the Israeli judiciary.
  8. PCHR calls for a prompt intervention to compel the Israeli authorities to lift the closure that obstructs the freedom of movement of goods and 1.8 million civilians that experience unprecedented economic, social, political and cultural hardships due to collective punishment policies and retaliatory action against civilians.
  9. PCHR calls upon the European Union to apply human rights standards embedded in the EU-Israel Association Agreement and to respect its obligations under the European Convention on Human Rights when dealing with Israel.
  10. PCHR calls upon the parties to international human rights instruments, especially the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), to pressurize Israel to comply with its provisions in the oPt and to compel it to incorporate the human rights situation in the oPt in its reports submitted to the relevant committees.
  11. PCHR calls upon the EU and international human rights bodies to pressurize the Israeli forces to stop their attacks against Palestinian fishermen and farmers, mainly in the border area.


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Will they cancel the contract or won’t they? In order to understand Ottawa’s decision making process regarding General Dynamics’ massive arms deal with Saudi Arabia one must look closely at industry lobbyists.

While the Trudeau government is under substantial public pressure to rescind the $15 billion Light Armoured Vehicle sale, to do so would challenge the company and the broader corporate lobby.

Last week a senior analyst with the GD-financed Canadian Global Affairs Institute boldly defended the LAV sale.

There has been no behaviour by the Saudis to warrant cancelling this contract”, said David Perry to the London Free Press.

Perry must have missed the Kingdom’s violence in Yemen, repression in eastern Saudi Arabia and consulate murder in Istanbul.

Two weeks ago Perry told another interviewer that any move to reverse the LAV sale would have dire consequences.

There would be geopolitical implications. There would be a huge number of economic implications, both immediately and in the wider economy… cancelling this, I think, would be a big step because as far as I understand the way that we look at arms exports, it would effectively mean that we’ve changed the rules of the game.”

Amidst an earlier wave of criticism towards GD’s LAV sale, the Canadian Global Affairs Institute published a paper titled “Canada and Saudi Arabia: A Deeply Flawed but Necessary Partnership” that defended the $15-billion deal. At the time of its 2016 publication at least four of the institute’s “fellows” wrote columns justifying the sale, including an opinion piece by Perry published in the Globe and Mail Report on Business that was headlined “Without foreign sales, Canada’s defence industry would not survive.”

Probably Canada’s most prominent foreign policy think tank, Canadian Global Affairs Institute is a recipient of GD’s “generous” donations. Both GD Land Systems and GD Mission Systems are listed among its “supporters” in recent annual reports, but the exact sum they’ve given the institute isn’t public.

The Conference of Defence Associations Institute also openly supports GD’s LAV sale. Representatives of the Ottawa-based lobby/think tank have written commentaries justifying the LAV sale and a2016 analysis concluded that “our own Canadian national interests, economic and strategic, dictate that maintaining profitable political and trade relations with ‘friendly’ countries like Saudi Arabia, including arms sales, is the most rational option in a world of unpleasant choices.” Of course, the Conference of Defence Associations Institute also received GD money and its advisory board includes GD Canada’s senior director of strategy and government relations Kelly Williams.

Representing 150 top CEOs, the Business Council of Canada (formerly Canadian Council of Chief Executives) promoted a similar position.In a 2016 iPolitics column titled “We can’t always sell weapons to people we like” the corporate lobby group’s head, John Manley, wrote that LAVs are not “used in torture or persecution of women. We are selling military vehicles — basically fancy trucks.”

Another corporate lobby group applauded GD’s Saudi sale. In 2014 Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters president Jayson Myers labeled the LAV sale “an Olympic win for Canada and for Canadian manufacturers … All Canadians should be proud of this record achievement.”

The armament industry’s primary lobby group also backed GD’s sale to the Saudis. In 2014 Canadian Association of Defence and Security Industries president Tim Page celebrated the LAV sale as a “good day for Canada” and two years later its new president, Christyn Cianfarani, defended the deal from criticism, telling the press “we certainly don’t take positions on the judicial practices of other nations.” GD is a member of CADSI and GD Land Systems Vice President, Danny Deep, chairs its board. With an office near Parliament, CADSI lobbyists have likely spoken to government officials about reversing the Saudi LAV sale.

For its part, GD has been lobbying decision makers aggressively. According to an October 24 iPolitics article “General Dynamics Land Systems-Canada has filed almost a dozen communications requests with government officials in the last week.” Like other military companies, the London, Ontario, armoured vehicle maker maintains an Ottawa office to access government officials.

GD has contracted former military officials to lobby on its behalf and offered retired Canadian Forces leaders senior positions. Before becoming Defence Minister, Gordon O’Connor, a former Brigadier-General, represented GD as a lobbyist while GD Canada hired former Navy commodore Kelly Williams as senior director of strategy and government relations in 2012.

GD also advertises at events and in areas of the nation’s capital frequented by government officials. Similarly, it promotes its brand in publications read by Ottawa insiders.

If the government does not cancel the Saudi LAV sale it will be further proof of the corporate lobby’s political influence.


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The Pentagon’s decision to downscale its footprint in Africa makes Russia’s military efforts there more important than ever. 

A Pentagon spokeswoman announced that the US will withdraw hundreds of troops from Africa in the next few years in order to focus more on directly challenging Russia and China, taking care to explain that this supposedly won’t impact the effectiveness of the US’ counter-terrorist operations on the continent. According to the official, the US will continue to advise and assist its African allies, meaning that not much will probably change on the ground as it relates to America’s ongoing activities there. 

That said, the withdrawal of hundreds of American troops from Africa could create the perception in some of the host countries that the US is downscaling its anti-terrorist commitments to them, thereby opening up the opportunity for Russia to continue flexing its military muscles there as it seeks to become a cost-effective security provider following the model that its pioneering in the Central African Republic. To concisely summarize a complex campaign, private military contractors (PMCs, or “mercenaries”) are operating in the war-torn country per UNSC approval and are aiding the national military in exchange for what some speculate might be profitable resource and reconstruction contracts that could turn Russia into a serious player in the Central African region and beyond. 

Coupled with its export of military equipment, Moscow’s “mercenary services” and post-war development plans form the basis of a new strategy of engagement with the continent, one which is greatly advanced by the notion that the country is a neutral “balancer” with no desire to compel its counterparts into any political concessions like the US and France are known for doing. Importantly, this makes Russia an exceptionally attractive partner for African states and their Chinese ally alike seeing as how the latter is in dire need of reliable security solutions to safeguard its Silk Road investments, albeit ones that avoid the trap of “mission creep” and don’t inadvertently feed into the US’ infowar narrative that some of Beijing’s global connectivity projects have secret military motivations behind them. 

For its part, Russia not only has an interest in replacing the US in Africa and exporting its Syrian-tested stabilization and “balancing” models there (though in this case through much more indirect and low-scale commitments), but it might also have more ambitious plans of partnering with China’s Silk Road all throughout the “Global South” via the security-related services that it could possibly provide to Beijing in exchange for obtaining a share  of its host countries’ markets in the spheres that Chinese companies already dominate. Should that be the strategy at play and it actually turns out to be successful, then Russia would be masterfully exploiting the US’ “Lead From Behind”strategy in Africa to pragmatically “Lead From the Front” in support of China there, which could potentially represent a game-changing twist in the way that the New Cold War unfolds in the “Global South”.


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This article was originally published on Eurasia Future.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from US Army Africa / CC BY 2.0

Official ISIS documents, which have been obtained by the Russian RT TV, reveal that the terrorist group has financially motivated its fighters conducting attacks with chemical weapons.

According to the documents, many ISIS fighters received gold, silver and even cars for carrying out terrorist attacks. One of the documents reveals that this award program was created to encourage the terrorist group’s fighters to “fight the enemies.”

Head of the military documentation department of the Iraqi military intelligence department,  Lt. Col. Jaber Asaad, told RT’s correspondent that these documents are a clear evidence that ISIS used chemical weapons in Iraq.

“All this confirms that the group possessed chemical weapons that are banned throughout the world,” RT quoted the Iraqi officer as saying.

Lt. Col. Jaber Asaad also revealed that his department does have other ISIS documents, which contain full information about the terrorist group’s fighters in the city of Mosul, including personal details, when they joined the group, all of their movements and when and how they died.

Since 2014, many reports have accused the terrorist group of manufacturing and using chemical weapons, mainly mustard gas. The lethal chemical agent was reportedly used by the terrorists group during battles in the cities of Taza, Fallujah and Tikrit.

The U.S. and its allies rushed to accuse the Damascus government of carrying out every alleged chemical attack in Syria. However, they never called for an investigation into the chemical acitvities of ISIS, which raise many questions about their real goals.


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Featured image: Russian military inspect suspected chemical weapons workshop in Aleppo, November 14, 2016 © / Ruptly

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Julian Assange is an investigative journalist/whistleblower, publishing material supplied by sources believed to be credible, unidentified for their protection. 

WikiLeaks is not an intelligence operation. Nor is it connected to Russia or any other country. Claims otherwise are fabricated.

Assange earlier explained that WikiLeaks has the right “to publish newsworthy content. Consistent with the US Constitution, we publish material that we can confirm to be true…”

Notably since the Bush/Cheney regime, the US has been at war with individuals revealing dirty secrets about the imperial state.

Obama prosecuted more whistleblowers doing their job honorably than all his predecessors combined.

Trump considers leaking vital information everyone has a right to know a threat to national security.

He had senior White House staff members sign lifetime nondisclosure agreements, barring them from ever revealing so-called confidential information about their government service – violating their fundamental First Amendment rights, especially when it comes to revealing state-sponsored wrongdoing.

Since the 1970s, Congress repeatedly affirmed the right of civil servants to report what they believe are abuses of power, government corruption, rule of law violations, dangers to public health and safety, as well as other wrongdoing.

Journalism the way it should be is protected by the First Amendment. It’s the most important freedom. Without it all others are threatened.

Truth-telling in America today is endangered. Exposing government wrongdoing is courageous and essential. Obama waged war on press freedom and whistleblowing. Trump continues his outrageous practices.

When governments consider truth-telling independent journalists and whistleblowers threats to national security, tyranny replaces freedom.

In 2012, the Obama regime declared Julian Assange an enemy of the state, forcing him to take refuge in Ecuador’s London embassy to avoid unjust arrest, extradition to America, prosecution, and imprisonment to silence him – for the crime of truth-telling.

At the same time, a secret grand jury reportedly convened. A sealed indictment followed, allegedly accusing Assange of spying under the long ago outdated 1917 Espionage Act, enacted shortly after America’s entry into WW I.

It prohibited anyone from interfering with US military operations, supporting the nation’s enemies, promoting insubordination in the ranks, or obstructing military recruitment.

It remains the law of the land, used to charge, prosecute, convict and imprison Chelsea Manning unjustly, along with other unjust charges against her.

Assange faces the same fate if extradited to America. Anyone exposing US high crimes and/or other dirty secrets Washington wants suppressed is vulnerable.

Before elected president, Trump called Assange’s WikiLeaks “disgraceful,” saying the “death penalty” would be OK against its actions.

President-elect Trump said information published by WikiLeaks “had absolutely no effect on the outcome of the election.”

John Bolton once said Edward Snowden “should swing from a tall oak tree.” He urged waging cyberwar on WikiLeaks.

Mike Pompeo earlier blasted Assange, calling WikiLeaks “a non-state hostile intelligence service often abetted by state actors like Russia,” adding:

“We have to recognize that we can no longer allow Assange and his colleagues the latitude to use free speech values against us” – a flagrant constitutional violation against anyone if enforced.

Trump’s Justice Department reportedly updated charges against Assange early last year. At the time, WikiLeaks tweeted the

“US admits it has charges to arrest Assange according to CNN.”

On Friday, US media reported that a sealed indictment charged Assange with undisclosed criminal offenses – even though no evidence suggests he committed any.

Assistant US Justice Department Attorney Kellen S. Dwyer revealed the indictment, saying it’s sealed “due to the sophistication of the defendant and the publicity surrounding the case,” adding:

“No other procedure is likely to keep confidential the fact that Assange has been charged.” The indictment “need(s) to remain sealed until Assange is arrested.”

US Attorney’s office in Eastern District of Virginia spokesman Joshua Stueve said

“(t)he court filing was made in error. That was not the intended name for this filing.”

FBI and special council Mueller spokespersons declined to comment on the issue. Precise charges are unknown, most likely similar to some against Chelsea Manning, including violations of the outdated 1917 Espionage Act, possibly aiding the enemy, a charge Manning avoided.

According to the Wall Street Journal, the Trump regime may intend using charges to get Ecuador to expel Assange from its London embassy.

His lawyer Carlos Poveda believes a deal may have been struck between Ecuadorian President Lenin Moreno and the Trump and Theresa May regimes to extradite Assange to the US, saying:

“There has been a rapprochement between the United Kingdom, the United States and Ecuador,” adding:

“I believe that (the US and UK) have reached some agreement, and that is exactly why the special protocol (on home rules) was introduced, which is to justify Julian’s withdrawal (from the Ecuadorian embassy) to accelerate the process of ending his asylum and hand him over to the UK authorities” – for extradition to America.

Major unjust charges await him, Poveda saying “(i)t will not be a death penalty, but he may get a life sentence” – maybe without the possibility of parole.

Horrific US mistreatment of Chelsea Manning, other whistleblowers, and countless others wrongfully charged in America show the imperial state wants everyone in its crosshairs denied constitutionally and international law protected due process and equal protection.

Due process is constitutionally guaranteed by the Fifth Amendment, stating: “No person shall…be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.”

Equal protection applies to government at all levels, as required by the Fifth Amendment due process guarantee.

The protection applies to everyone within the borders of America. Presidents, Congress, state and local authorities cannot legally deny these rights to anyone.

Yet breaches of fundamental US and international law happen with disturbing regularity.

Assange committed no crimes. Yet he may end up another victim of egregious US injustice – the way all totalitarian states operate.


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Award-winning author Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com.

The British Prime Minister Theresa May presented the draft of the so-called Brexit deal with the EU to the House of Commons. The three-hour long confrontation showed that she would never get this deal approved, not even by her party. The MPs robbed the agreement like a dead body. Nevertheless, she insisted multiple times, “to see it through” because it would serve British national interests. Although May’s presentation in parliament was a disaster, she kept very coolly and resilient.   

Close inspections reveal that this deal is a Greek gift to Great Britain and the British people. This deal will tie the UK forever and ever to the European Union. It’s absolute surrender to this anti-democratic European Union. Britain can’t negotiate individual trade agreements with any country, not even the United States. Such agreements stay an absolute prerogative of the EU! It’s precisely the opposite of what the British people have voted for on 23 June 2016. It’s not a complete reclamation of sovereignty but will degenerate the United Kingdom to a vassal state of the EU Commission. One has to ask, how Theresa May and her government could have approved such a horrible deal?

Many ministers and deputies resigned, the most famous one was the Brexit negotiator Dominic Raab. The latest opinion poll shows that less than 20 percent of the people back it. The EU got everything they ask for by May. The EU did not negotiate in good faith with the UK government. They stonewalled in every aspect of the process. The main aim of the EU was to demonstrate to the rest of the member states what comes up to a country that dares to leave this club.

This deal has no chance to get approved by the British parliament on 10 December. It’s dead in the water. May will face a no-confidence vote in her party. Neither the British people nor the conservative MPs have confidence in May anymore. She should be replaced by a Prime Minister who stands for a true Brexit and stands up to the EU Commission and its anti-democratic policy. The UK should get its full sovereignty and self-determination back and set an example to other countries who want to leave the EU. If the EU doesn’t make further elementary concessions, the UK should leave this crumbling European Union without a deal.

A separation from the EU would not lead to a disaster such as the German economic class wants the public to believe. They cry wolf to keep their financial and economic domination over Europe intact. The Brits can get along without the EU comfortably. Their exports amount into the EU only to seven percent of the total. Germany is much more dependent on the British market than vice versa. The British government could make good for the temporary dent in the export industry by stopping their amount to the EU. 

“Brexit means Brexit. Britain won’t remain half in, half out” of the EU, once Theresa May said. On this promise, May has still to deliver.


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Dr. Ludwig Watzal is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Selected Articles: People Fight for Peace

November 16th, 2018 by Global Research News

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Midterm Elections Generate Further Polarization in the United States

By Abayomi Azikiwe, November 15, 2018

Trump played down the loss of the House and emphasized that the Senate would remain under Republican control. Nonetheless, there is a major shake-up in the cabinet of the Trump administration with the immediate departure of Attorney General Jeff Sessions with more ousters being imminent. 

America Has No Peace Movement – Blame the ‘White Supremacists’

By Philip Giraldi, November 15, 2018

The United States of America has no peace movement even though the country has been mired in unwinnable wars since 2001 and opinion polls suggest that there is only lukewarm support among the public for what is taking place in Afghanistan and Syria.

US Has Killed More Than 20 Million People in 37 “Victim Nations” Since World War II

By James A. Lucas, November 15, 2018

The largest WWII casualties  were China and the Soviet Union, 26 million in the Soviet Union,  China estimates its losses at approximately 20,000,000 deaths. Ironically, these two countries (allies of the US during WWII) which lost a large share of their population during WWII are now categorized as enemies of America, which are threatening the Western World.  A so-called preemptive war against China and Russia is currently contemplated. 

The Moral Fiber of Justin Trudeau. Palestine and the BDS Movement

By Kim Petersen, November 15, 2018

On 7 November, Trudeau stood in the House of Commons and railed against anti-Semitism and rightly so. Anti-Semitism, as with any form of racism or hatred expressed against any grouping, is anathema.

US Intel. Will Bring Assange to US in Chains

By Ann Garrison, November 15, 2018

WikiLeaks put government, corporations and even the Pentagon, the FBI, the CIA and other intel agencies on notice that they could no longer count on operating in secret.

Destroying a Country’s Standard of Living: What Libya Had Achieved, What has been Destroyed

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, November 14, 2018

Today, Libya as a country and a nation state has been destroyed. Under Nuremberg, the leaders of the NATO member states involved in the war on Libya are war criminals.


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Cold war with Russia and China could turning hot. The risk of unthinkable war between nuclear armed states is real.

According to the Washington Post,

“(i)f  China wants to avoid an all-out cold war with the United States and its partners, it must fundamentally change its behavior,” citing Mike Pence as the source of the view expressed.

It’s a policy position Beijing strongly rejects, wanting cooperative relations with all other nations, but unwilling to bow to unacceptable demands of any – especially nothing compromising its fundamental sovereign rights.

Pence is representing the Trump regime in Singapore at the November 11 – 15 Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) summit.

Major Sino/US political, economic, financial, trade and military differences persist, resolving them unlikely any time soon.

China’s Xi Jinping reportedly won’t meet Pence at the ASEAN summit. He’s scheduled to meet with Trump on the sidelines of the November 30/December 1 G20 summit in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Prospects for a deal between both leaders, resolving longstanding differences are virtually nil. China rejects unacceptable US demands.

According to Pence, if Xi refuses to accept them, Washington will escalate political, economic, and perhaps military pressure on the country.

Washington’s Indo/Pacific strategy is all about seeking regional dominance by whatever it takes to achieve its aims – not an encouraging sign going forward.

According to a Washington prepared US-China Economic and Security Review Commission (USCC) report to Congress, China’s growing political, economic and military power “risk(s) the national security and economic interests of the United States, its allies, and its partners.”

It “risks” Washington’s ability to dominate the Indo/Pacific region unchallenged, wanting Russia and China marginalized, weakened, contained and isolated – a strategy doomed to fail.

The USCC report to be presented to Congress on Wednesday reportedly says China’s Belt and Road objectives include “bolstering energy security, expanding China’s military reach, and advancing its geopolitical influence by moving China to the center of the global order,” adding:

Beijing “will be quick to cast any pushback or legitimate criticism as fear, nationalism, protectionism, and racism against the Chinese people.”

China gains allies with carrots, not sticks, a winning strategy longterm:

In late October, Mike Pompeo threatened to “oppose” China economically, politically, militarily, and in bilateral trade, saying:

“Whether that’s a risk through the stealing of intellectual property or trade rules that are unfair or activity in the South China Sea or their continued expansion in space, and their efforts to develop their military, each of those actions has been met with a strong and vigorous response from the (US) and we’ll continue to do so,” adding:

Beijing’s strategy “presents risks to American interests, and we intend to oppose them at every turn.”

US policy involves pressuring other nations to deal with America, not China or Russia, economically, warning them against accepting investments from China and Russia in their countries, nor normalized trade relations, the same true for Iran.

Pompeo lied saying

“(w)hen China comes calling, it’s not always to the good of your citizens.”

Unlike one-way US investments, exploiting trading partners, Chinese investments benefit both sides equitably, why its gaining economic partners worldwide at Washington’s expense.

US efforts to undermine China, Russia, Iran, and other independent countries economically and in other ways are counterproductive. They haven’t worked before and won’t ahead. They make more enemies than allies longterm.

They’ll damage bilateral relations more than already, risking possible confrontation.


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Award-winning author Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com.